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This Christmas We Don’t Need More Stuff; We Need More Love
December 17 2018 | From: TheUnboundedSpirit

Santa Claus (aka Father Christmas) is back and all he wants is your money.

Not that he cares about filling his pockets by emptying yours. Not at all. He just wants you to spend a lot - as much as you can - to prove that you appreciate your family and friends.

Related: The Art Of Word Magic And Its Connection To Freedom And Christmas

Santa is there to help you, silly. And if you don't listen to him, you're gonna ruin your holidays and those of every single person around you!

Out of fear, we do as we're told without second thought: Every Christmas season we buy gifts to express our affection to those dear to our hearts, even if that means spending more than we can afford.

Nobody stops for a moment to question age-old Santa Claus. Do we actually need more material possessions? Are products truly the best gifts we can give each other? Is there really not a more fruitful way to spend our money than buying stuff?

Related: How Consumerism Is Ruining Our Lives And The World

If you are reading this, you are incredibly lucky. Why?

Because it means that you have enough to satisfy your basic needs. That is, you have a roof to live under, nutritious food to eat and clean water to drink. Or, to put it differently, you have what billions of other people are lacking.

Sadly, many of us who’ve been brought up in affluent countries aren’t aware that we’re living in a tremendously unfair and cruel world.

A world where the 9 richest people of our planet possess more combined wealth than the total held by the poorest 4 billion.

A world where almost half of the human population lives on less than $2.50 a day. A world where 40 million people are enslaved.

Being constantly distracted by shallow things, we aren’t informed about what is important.

Bread and Circus, Omission and Denial

This is Big Sports and Entertainment have been designed to keep the masses appeased so they don’t have time to become concerned about how the Establishment is ripping them off at every level nor any inclination to be motivated to stop them from doing so.

And it's not a new trick but a variation on a theme developed by the elit in Roman times.

This is where the great schism lies. The awake and aware have snapped out of the control system. Those who haven't are being tooled around like puppets on a million nano strings. When you don't know, you don't know that you don't know...and are very easy to keep being fooled.

When you've woken up, the world is completely reversed from everything you were told and believed before. You now know that you now know! And everything rights itself and all is clear.

It takes some cobweb clearing to get a handle on the real picture but it happens, and in a relative hurry.

Truth not only defends itself, but drives itself.

The Romans came up with the idea that if you keep the people fed, watered and entertained - distracted - the 'elite' can get away with anything, behind the scenes. Today we have professional sports hysteria, mass media movies, mindless reality TV and music filling that role nicely, while subconsciously programming the masses with the themes and thoughtforms the elite decide on to further their agendas

"Bread and circuses" (or bread and games; from Latin: panem et circenses) is metonymic for a superficial means of appeasement. In the case of politics, the phrase is used to describe the generation of public approval, not through exemplary or excellent public service or public policy, but through diversion; distraction; or the mere satisfaction of the immediate, shallow requirements of a populace, as an offered "palliative."

Its originator, Juvenal, used the phrase to decry the selfishness of common people and their neglect of wider concerns.
The phrase also implies the erosion or ignorance of civic duty amongst the concerns of the commoner.

Much of the violence and filth we have to live with can be directly attributed to this powerful mind-kontrol system which operates by the power of 60 HZ conditioned susceptibility, hypnosis for many. Hollywood superstars are paid big money because what they do is important to the Establishment Hierarchy, in terms of mind-kontrolling the masses and much of the world.

How do they maintain this illusion? Mental conditioning is the name of the game for the designers and propagators of the matrix.

Distraction: The Major Mass Media Cartel

This is best described as the Controlled Major Mass Media (CMMM). It uses an Intel proprietary to vet every single story carried by the news networks which actually function as a virtual and illegal Monopoly.

This KM proprietary is a major Investment House that claims to be on the Vanguard of progressive investments.

Distraction: Mass Entertainment

This is based on the sophisticated mind-kontrol served up by Hollywood and the Television networks and movie theaters. It controls the culture, values and mores of the group mind and and keeps the massed sedated and satiated.

When folks experience frequent “shoot em up” action scenario’s sitting in front of large screen TVs and in movie theaters and frequently see the impossible, this satiates their expectations and exhausts their motivation to actually change society for the better.

Many have become so “programmed” mentally by the TV and movies that they have trouble distinguishing between fantasy and reality and easily accept their mind-kontrolled state.

Once the pattern is established in its captive subjects, the more you can pour the lies on without them being noticed.
Also disguised is the fact that their every intention for humanity is for control and exploitation....at any cost or consequence to these expendable "human resources".

To achieve this conditioning requires quite an effort on their part, because we are ultimately irrepressible and they know that. It's like chemtrails. If they don't keep spraying the required concentration of their toxic soup the effects start to wane, like the fluoride dosing and the rest. To keep the vast majority sleep walking they use all kinds of methods and have to maintain them.

"The more we do to you, the less you seem to believe we are doing it."

- Josef Mengele

It's also inspiring...because no matter what they do to us they can't put us out of commission. Unless they kill us off entirely, but that's just a promotion to the next level.

Tools that Numb

But what specifically do they control us by? They flood our bodies with drugs delivered by any means possible; deprivation of nutrition, sunlight and clean air, water and food; dumbed down education and a fully controlled media with mind numbing false news and so-called entertainment; electromagnetic smog blasting on the human nervous system wavelength; violence and oppressive fear and terror tactics, and on and on.

They do this with impunity. Imagine the world is a massive internment camp where the captors give the illusion the inmates are free by letting them have a few choices within this massive facility, and disguise the barbed wire fence as gorgeous murals, and the control devices as modern marvels for their advancement.

Wars are a perfect example. All supposedly for our defense, safety and security, when it's the exact opposite.

Why wouldn't people in such an abused situation not go virtually berserk in protest, or a least speak out on a massive scale?

Related: The Anesthetisation Of Humanity

We might know the number of affairs our favorite celebrities have had this year, but we don’t know that farmers in India are dying in the thousands from suicide annually because of the debt and unemployment crises caused by the corporate monopoly of seeds.

We might know which of our social media “followers” didn’t “like” our latest Instagram selfie, but we don’t know that in Sub-Saharan Africa 1 in 9 children die before the age of five in their mother’s arms due to malnutrition and preventable diseases.

We might know the exact date the next iPhone comes out on the market, but we don’t know about the inhumane conditions of Chinese sweatshops where workers have to suffer day in and day out to produce it.

One of the very best mirrors of our superfluous, misinformed, and profoundly sick culture is Black Friday - that is, the busiest shopping day of the year, or the day we push, punch, elbow and kick each other so that we can be the first to get the deal, while hundreds of millions of people don’t even have a piece of bread to eat.

Why give a damn about them? It’s 10 times more important that we keep on filling our shopping carts with more stuff we don’t need.

Related: Planned Obsolescence: How The Products You Buy Are Designed To Break

In a few days we have Christmas again. You know, that part of the year when we do nothing but exchange gifts in the form of products, an act that is marketed to us by big corporations as the only way to prove our love to our friends and family.

You see, in this crazy world that we live in, even love has been commercialized. It is sold to us and we are more than willing to spend our hard-earned money to buy it - many times even with money we don’t actually have.

According to a recent report, 28% of American shoppers are paying off debt from last year’s Christmas shopping. But this wont prevent them from going deeper into debt this year.

In fact, it’s expected that the average shopper will spend $776 on gifts alone this holiday season - that is, nearly 50% more than just four years ago! (Should I pull out my hair now or better leave it for when I’m done writing this article?)

Our society is totally nuts, and to be a nuthead is considered normal. Buying stuff nobody needs with money we don’t have and destroying our planet in the process seems perfectly OK to most people.

In fact, if you happen to differ from the majority and choose not to conform to our consumer culture, nearly everyone starts looking at you as if you’re some kind of a pathetic weirdo.

“Oh, you’re one of those people who don’t buy anyone gifts on the holiday season? That must mean that you’re either a stingy asshole or that you have nobody to love in your life.”

Related: Five Damaging Lies Advertisements Desperately Want You To Believe

This is how heavily indoctrinated we are.

Of course, that’s not surprising at all, if you consider that since the moment we popped out of our mother’s womb the advertising industry has been bombarding us with countless messages that try to convince us that all we need in life is products.

We are victims of our culture - our values, mindset and behavior are simply a natural outcome of our lifelong social conditioning.

But what if we stopped for a second and questioned the ingrained belief that only through products we can find meaning and fulfillment in our lives?

What if we could pierce through the corporate agendas and realized that love doesn’t have a price tag, and hence can’t be bought, sold or owned in any way or form?

What if we challenged the idea that more stuff means more happiness and snapped out of the hypnotic spell of consumerism?

To me, if there’s anything we need more of, it’s intimate looks, warm hugs, kind words, and generous smiles.

Not candy canes, scented candles and Christmas-themed socks. In other words, we need more of human connection and less of what humans can get for us.

Related: Science Confirms That People Absorb Energy From Others

Having said that, I’m not trying to suggest that offering material objects as gifts to people is bad or wrong. It can actually be a great thing, depending on what those gifts are and to whom we give them.

If we give people things that can improve the quality of their lives, then that’s totally fine. But what’s the point of giving people stuff they don’t need and which is soon going to end up as waste in landfills?

Would it not be far better if, for example, we spent our excess money to help those in need - the poor, the homeless, the underserved - whether directly or by supporting individuals and organizations that are trying to make our world a better place?

This Christmas, my friends, let’s not give each other more stuff and instead give each other more love.

Let’s not gift products and instead gift experiences - experiences of connection, compassion, belonging. And if we find ourselves in a place of relative abundance, let’s offer what we can to ease the suffering of our fellow humans.

Related: Dr. Russell Blaylock Explains Why The Masses Are Becoming Cognitively Retarded And Incapable Of Rational Thought

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A Country Without An Honest Media Is Lost: The Largest Conspiracy Theory Peddlers Are Mainstream Media And The US State Department
December 16 2018 | From: CaitlinJohnstone / PaulCraigRoberts

The US State Department has issued a statement accusing the Syrian government of having carried out a false flag chemical weapons attack in northwestern Aleppo with the intent to blame it on the jihadist factions in the region, citing “credible info” that the public has not been permitted to see.

Never mind the known fact that there are actual, literal Al Qaeda affiliates who have admitted to using chemical weapons in Aleppo, and who are known to have used chemical weapons throughout Syria even by the State Department’s own admission:

Related: Why the Presstitutes Lie: How Plutocratic Media Keeps Staff Aligned With Establishment Agendas

The Official Narrative is that only the Syrian government uses chemical weapons, so the chemical weapons usage must necessarily be a false flag staged by Syrian president Bashar al-Assad.

Except they didn’t use the words “false flag”. Despite the accusation being the exact definition of the thing that a false flag attack is, you won’t see the US government using that term, nor will you ever see it used in this instance by any of the authorized mainstream narrative-framing institutions like CNN or Fox News.

Related: Anonymous: Will The Internet Get Real? A Manifesto On False Flags, Big Lies, And The Loss Of Integrity By All Law Enforcement Agencies And The Media

This is because the term “false flag” is reserved solely for mention when referring to crazy, kooky Kremlin propaganda, as in the insane, unhinged, tinfoil hat belief that terrorists in Syria might possibly have some kind of motive to stage a false flag chemical attack in order to get the US, UK and France to act as their air force in a retaliatory strike against the Syrian government.

That kind of false flag would be completely inconceivable to any right-minded empire loyalist, and is forbidden to even think about.

Related: American Press Freedom Hijacked By Globalism

At the same time we are seeing a push from the mass media to advance a narrative that the Yellow Vests protests in France are due to Russian influence, with Iraq-raping neocon Max Boot publishing a column today in the Washington Post that is based entirely around the talking point that two trending Russian topics on social media have been “giletsjaune” and “France,” and Bloomberg putting out an article blatantly titled “Pro-Russia Social Media Takes Aim at Macron as Yellow Vests Rage”.

Their entire theory is that since there are people in Russia talking about a major event that everyone else in the world is also talking about, the protests against Macron’s unpopular centrist policies are therefore the result of a conspiracy seeded by Russia.

But you’ll never hear this theory about a Russian conspiracy referred to as a “conspiracy theory” by the mainstream press.

The theory that Russian elites have conspired to infiltrate the highest levels of the US government has been given serious treatment at the top echelons of media and political influence, despite its lacking any discernible evidence whatsoever, but when they talk about these alleged conspiracies they always make a point of using the word “collusion” instead.

Related: Trump: Reminder, The Only Evidence Of Russian 'Collusion' Is By Hillary & The DNC + The Mechanics Of Democratic Deception

There is no actual difference between the words collude and conspire when used in this way, but the former is used because a deliberate effort has been made to stigmatize the word “conspiracy” while the word “collude” remains effectively neutral in the public eye.

But the fact of the matter is that conspiracy theories have gone mainstream, and there is no legitimate reason to call the authorized, power-manufactured conspiracy theories by a different name than the grassroots narratives like those about 9/11 or the JFK assassination.

Indeed, due to the nature of populist folk narratives there is a lot more publicly available evidence contradicting the official 9/11 and JFK assassination stories than there is for the establishment Russia conspiracy theories, because those narratives often boil down to nothing more than secretive intelligence agencies saying “This is true because we said so.”

Since grassroots conspiracy theories are unable to rely on empty assertions from authority, they tend to be built upon information that is publicly available.

Related: Summary On 9/11 And Inconsistencies Regarding The Official Story

The Ignored Legacy of George H.W. Bush: War Crimes, Racism, and Obstruction of Justice

A People’s History of George H. W. Bush. “Soldier Statesman” or Criminal War Profiteer?

David Icke Exposes George H W Bush

Some people get annoyed with me for using the term conspiracy theory at all, but I insist that the phrase is itself intrinsically neutral: A theory about a conspiracy.

The problem is not the phrase, it is the stigma that has been attached to that phrase by establishment media and establishment politicians; shifting to a different phrase to describe theories about conspiracies would only ensure that that phrase becomes stigmatized in the exact same way by the same sort of campaign.

This would only ensure the survival of the tactic of regurgitating a pre-stigmatized label in the war of ideas instead of advancing actual arguments.

The fact of the matter is that powerful people do indeed conspire, those conspiracies do indeed need to be talked about, and the largest promulgators of conspiracy theories are not Infowars or RT, but mainstream media and the US State Department.

Those who dismiss an idea by calling it a “conspiracy theory” without providing further argumentation are simply admitting to you that they have no argument, and it is right to point this out when they do it, because something being a conspiracy theory doesn’t mean it’s not grounded in facts.

Related: Nine Indisputable Truths About “Conspiracy Theorists”

Some conspiracy theories are good and are backed by solid evidence, some are stupid and are circulated for intellectually dishonest reasons.

Once upon a time you would be called a conspiracy theorist for saying the west is arming terrorists in Syria or the DNC is conspiring to ensure the primary victory of Hillary Clinton; those things are now conspiracy facts, as history has vindicated the solid theories which predicted them.

Other conspiracy theories are promulgated by dim-witted partisan loyalists for no other reason than dim-witted partisan loyalty, like the aforementioned Russiagate conspiracy theory, or the QAnon conspiracy theory which claims Donald Trump is leading a rebellion against the Deep State as cryptically reported by an anonymous user on 8chan.

Other conspiracy theories are subscribed to simply because they help people escape the cognitive dissonance of conflicting beliefs.

Related: The Mainstream Media Lies

For example, a strong believer in capitalism who sees the undeniable signs that a plutocratic class has control of their government, but who cannot accept that this plutocratic takeover was facilitated by a rampant capitalist system which ensures that the greediest sociopaths rise to the top, may avoid cognitive dissonance by explaining the existence of the corrupt dominator class with conspiracy theories about Jews or pedovore cults.

A liberal who cannot accept that neoliberal empire loyalists like Macron have failed to “make centrism cool” as Max Boot predicted will avoid cognitive dissonance by explaining the failures of the Church of the Status Quo with conspiracy theories about Russian social media campaigns

Related: Mainstream fake-news: the devious limited hangout

Conspiracy theories, in reality, are nothing more than people’s attempts to explain what is going on in their world.

Why Trump got elected. Why things stay shitty despite our perfectly rational attempts to change them. Why voting doesn’t seem to make much difference in the actual behaviors of one’s government.

Why we keep marching into stupid wars, Orwellian dystopia and climate collapse despite having every incentive not to.

Why the wealthiest of the wealthy keep getting wealthier while everyone else gets poorer and poorer.

Some attempts to explain these things will come from a well-informed and intellectually honest place, and some will come from a myopic and intellectually dishonest place. Their individual merits can only be assessed on a case-by-case basis.

And in my opinion the conspiracy theories coming from the world’s most powerful institutions are the most dishonest by far.

I saw a recent post by the WikiLeaks Twitter account which referred to the corporate media as “the narrative business pretending to be in the news business,” which is in my opinion a perfect way to phrase it.

Related: Society Is Made Of Narrative – Realizing This Is Awakening From The Matrix

The real currency of the world is not gold, nor is it bureaucratic fiat, nor even raw military force; it’s narrative control.

The ability to control the stories people tell about what’s going on in their world means the ability to control how they think, how they vote, how they behave, and how they all agree money and power itself operates within our society.

Since society is made of narrative, controlling the narrative is controlling that society.

Conspiracy theories are a way for those in power to manipulate the narrative without actually giving the public any hard facts and evidence, and the world’s most powerful institutions are increasingly relying on conspiracy theories because they don’t have facts and evidence on their side.

And why would they?

The same power establishment which deceived the world into destroying Iraq is obviously far too depraved to be able to justify its global hegemony with factual evidence.

All they have is narrative control, and they’re starting to lose even that.

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Nikola Tesla's Technology Has Been Revived
December 15 2018 | From: ForbiddenKnowledgeTV / Various

Aaron and Melissa Dykes of TruthstreamMedia were driving outside of Dallas near the small farming town of Milford, Texas, when a strange tower in the middle of a field caught their eye.

It almost seemed like a joke because the shape was unmistakable.

Related: Nikola Tesla: Animated Book Summary

It looked just like Nikola Tesla’s Wardenclyffe Tower, the legendary experimental wireless transmission station he built in 1901 in Shoreham, New York to transmit phone calls, fax images and electrical power but which was demolished 16 years later due to bankruptcy.

Related: Five Thousand Inventions In Limbo And Under “Secrecy Orders” At The US Patent Office

A little bit of research revealed that the tower’s owners are Viziv Technologies and that the structure is, in fact a Tesla wireless transmission tower! Viziv is currently reviving the technologies of Nikola Tesla, having;

“Developed a system of patent-pending processes and equipment to efficiently launch the Zenneck surface wave…[which is ] an electromagnetic wave that uses the surface of the earth as a waveguide enabling it to carry communications signals or electrical power efficiently over long distances…”

Related: Tesla’s Anti-Gravity Research In Use In Dozens Of Secretive Military Projects

This discovery leads the Dykes on an investigative journey through FOIA documents into the story of Nikola Tesla, Wardenclyffe Tower, the Philadelphia Experiment and the Montauk Project – and to the military and Big Oil people (and their lawyers) behind Viziv Technologies.

Viziv’s website acknowledges that their technology “has the potential to impact numerous sectors of the economy.”

Indeed, the current planetary financial and energy infrastructure and its millions of jobs and the petrodollar is what has kept the dinosaur fossil fuel model in place for the better part of a century – and all of the horrible things associated with it, from petrochemical toxins in the environment to the psychopathic wars in the Middle East.

Nikola Tesla’s Lost Nikola Tesla Anti Gravity Technology Papers and The Ether

As explained by Tesla himself, the Earth is “…like a charged metal ball moving through space”, which creates the enormous, rapidly varying electrostatic forces which diminish in intensity with the square of the distance from Earth, just like gravity. Since the direction of propagation radiates from the earth, the so-called force of gravity is toward earth.

We all know that Nikola Tesla was a man far ahead of his time. Tesla envisioned a future on planet Earth where free energy was available for everyone, but his ideas and inventions went far beyond electricity, and energy.

If it wasn’t for Tesla, we’d probably still have no idea about Radio, Television, AC electricity, Tesla coil, Fluorescent lighting, Neon lighting, Radio control devices, Robotics, X-rays, Radar, Microwaves and dozens of other amazing inventions.

William R. Lyne, a Tesla ‘scholar’ and author of the book “Occult Ether Physics”, states that among the manuscripts found in the scientist’s house were numerous notes on antigravity. In his book, Lyne says that Tesla spent the last years of his life collecting information on a revolutionary propulsion system that would use the ether’s force to mobilize objects.

Related: Unraveling Nikola Tesla’s Greatest Secret: Radiant Energy

The writer based his theory on the last lectures given by Tesla, in which he spoke of his latest discoveries, capable of changing all the conceptions related to physics known by man.

Curiously, Tesla’s latest patent, filed in 1928, (#6,555,114) was that for a flying machine that resembled both a helicopter and an airplane.

This vehicle used a revolutionary propulsion system that would have changed everything we knew about flight. Lyne details in his book that during a lecture for the Institute of Immigrant Welfare, Tesla mentioned his Dynamic Theory of Gravity, and that this was: “One of two far-reaching discoveries, which I worked out in all details in the years 1893 and 1894.”

The Dynamic Theory of Gravity - assumed a field of force which accounts for the motions of bodies in space; assumption of this field of force dispenses with the concept of space curvature (ala Einstein); the ether has an indispensable function in the phenomena (of universal gravity, inertia, momentum, and movement of heavenly bodies, as well as all atomic and molecular matter).

Nikola Tesla & Spacecraft Anti Gravity

A high-level investor friend tells me of rumors that Elon Musk’s Tesla also has its hands on similar technology, which they’re getting ready to release

Is a new technological era is about to explode publicly?

Are we looking at some good investments that might give us a comfortable retirement?

This technology also looks like how the Internet of Things may eventually be transmitted and Aaron raises the appropriate concerns about the psychoactive, brainwave entrainment and mind control dimensions of this technology, as part of how it can be weaponized.

Related: Elon Musk Just Exposed The Oil Oligarchy’s Control Over Mainstream Media In Epic Rant

Aaron says, “In the next 10 or 20 years, it may change the way that we live. What do you think about that?”

The details in this video are better than this write-up! Aaron and Melissa do such consistently vital and compelling work and this piece is a great example.

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Google, Facebook And Amazon Are Just Extensions Of The Surveillance State; Dangerous Mafia Heads Of A Fascist Corporate Regime
+ Internal Facebook Documents Reveal Zuckerberg Discussed Selling User Data To Developers, Advertisers

December 14 2018 | From: NaturalNews / Breitbart

With so much focus on the rampant spying and censorship crimes of Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Google, and other major social media platforms in recent days, many people are overlooking perhaps the most pernicious threat of all: Jeff Bezos’ Amazon empire.

That’s because the trail of free market destruction being left in the wake of Amazon’s rapid rise to almost total market dominance is something that’s rarely acknowledged, let alone discussed.

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People see convenience and free two-day shipping, and that’s enough for them to continuing supporting Amazon without giving it a second thought.

Most people are also woefully unaware of the fact that Amazon is now merging with the military-industrial complex, signing contracts with the Pentagon, defense contractors, and other elements of the war machine to basically do its bidding.

There’s almost nothing good about Amazon and the impact it’s having on the world, in other words. But why aren’t we hearing about it?

Related: A Convergence Of Evil: Google, Amazon And Facebook Use Technology To Enslave Humanity, Suppress Knowledge And Accelerate Human Suffering

Why is the world’s richest man being allowed to amass a level of power and control akin only to totalitarian dictators, many of whom exterminated millions of people?

The answer is ignorance, much of it willful. Many Americans, and people in general, would rather satisfy their here-and-now desire for cheap stuff, which they believe Amazon provides – when in reality, the perceived “genius” of the Amazon business model is really just a hostile takeover of pretty much everything, including mass surveillance and spying.

“Rampant ignorance has plagued the U.S. population when it comes to the deployment of technology, which has allowed the platform monopolies of Facebook, Google and Amazon to rise to dominance with disturbingly little scrutiny,”
writes Michael Krieger for LibertyBlitzkrieg.com.

“Specifically, these companies have been able to take advantage of a massive knowledge arbitrage between themselves and their users.”

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Amazon Directly Connected to the CIA and the Pentagon

While it’s been known for quite some time that platforms like Facebook and Google are basically surveillance front-ends for the deep state, it’s much less known that Amazon represents the exact same thing.

In fact, too many people are under the impression that Amazon is a good company run by a good man, when the exact opposite is true.

“Although public opinion is starting to turn on Facebook and Google, public opinion on Amazon remains far behind the reality curve,”
Krieger writes.

“Since many people start and end with Amazon’s portal for all their online shopping, it is through this narrow experience that public perceptions of the company are formed and it’s almost impossible to imagine online shopping without it.

But the reality of the situation is Amazon is far more than a retail shopping website – it has extensive and growing ties to the military-industrial-surveillance complex.”

We know, for instance, that Amazon Web Services (AWS) has close financial ties to the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), and that Jeff Bezos himself was named to the Pentagon’s Defense Innovation Advisory Board back in 2016.

Are Social Media Companies Banning Because Of What Happens In "Real World"?

Boycott Facebook, Twitter, And Google

Amazon and its lobbyists also rigged the process to obtain a whopping $10 billion contract with the Pentagon to develop … God only knows what for the military-industrial complex.

Amazon is also responsible for developing the so-called “Rekognition” facial recognition technology that we previously reported is now being used by police departments to spy on the public.

“Given the clear links between Amazon and the surveillance state, am I the only one who finds it mind-boggling that so many people are willing to place an Amazon created ‘virtual assistant’ named Alexa into their homes and treat it as part of the family?”
asks Krieger.

"Many Americans have started to recognize the dangers of Facebook and Google over the past year, partly as a result of the companies’ increasingly sloppy use of censorship, yet the public remains in complete denial when it comes to Amazon and Jeff Bezos.

I suspect this will change in the years ahead, and I hope my articles on the topic will serve as useful resources for those who care. The sooner we admit what’s going on, the better.”

Read Fascism.news for more real news about the rise of corporate fascism.

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Internal Facebook Documents Reveal Zuckerberg Discussed Selling User Data To Developers, Advertisers

Internal Facebook documents published by U.K. MP’s have revealed that Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg discussed selling user data to developers and advertisers with staff.

A recent batch of internal Facebook emails published by U.K. MP’s has revealed that Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg discussed selling access to user data, including information of users, to developers and advertisers on Facebook’s platform.

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Emails dating back to October 2012, shortly after Facebook’s IPO, show Zuckerberg brainstorming ways to generate revenue, including selling user data access directly to developers.

Zuckerberg wrote in his email:

“I’ve been thinking about platform business model a lot this weekend… if we make it so devs can generate revenue for us in different ways, then it makes it more acceptable for us to charge them quite a bit more for using platform.

The basic idea is that any other revenue you generate for us earns you a credit towards whatever fees you own us for using platform.

For most developers this would probably cover cost completely. So instead of every paying us directly, they’d just use our payments or ads products.

A basic model could be:

Login with Facebook is always free

Pushing content to Facebook is always free

Reading anything, including friends, costs a lot of money. Perhaps on the order of
$0.10/user each year.

For the money that you owe, you can cover it in any of the following ways:

Buys ads from us in neko or another system

Run our ads in your app or website (canvas apps already do this)

Use our payments

Sell your items in our Karma store.

Or if the revenue we get from those doesn’t add up to more that the fees you owe us, then you just pay us the fee directly.”

In another email dated October 27 2012, Zuckerberg discussed linking user data to company revenue with Facebook’s former VP of Product, Sam Lessin.

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In the email, it appears that Lessin discussed the possibility of a data leak with Zuckerberg who did not seem to believe that a user data leak was a real threat. Zuckerberg wrote:

“There’s a big question on where we get the revenue from. Do we make it easy for devs to use our payments/ad network but not require them? Do we require them?

Do we just charge a rev share directly and let devs who use them get a credit against what they owe us? It’s not at all clear to me here that we have a model that will actually make us the revenue we want at scale.

I’m getting more on board with locking down some parts of platform, including friends data and potentially email addresses for mobile apps.

I’m generally sceptical that there is as much data leak strategic risk as you think. I agree there is clear risk on the advertiser side, but I haven’t figured out how that connects to the rest of the platform.

I think we leak info to developers, but I just can’t think if any instances where that data has leaked from developer to developer and caused a real issue for us. Do you have examples of this?……

Without limiting distribution or access to friends who use this app, I don’t think we have any way to get developers to pay us at all besides offering payments and ad networks.”

Read the full 250 pages of internal Facebook documents here.

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The Incredible Hidden Life Of Trees
December 13 2018 | From: UpliftConnect

Seven amazing facts you may not know: Trees have captured the human imagination since the beginning of time. Watching their cycles of growth, shedding of leaves, and re-flowering in the spring, people have long perceived trees as powerful symbols of life, death, and renewal.

We look to them for inspiration when we need grounding energy, as their roots descending deep into the Earth remind us of our own connection to and dependence on our planet for stability and life. Trees live for hundreds or even thousands of years, and so we revere them as keepers of past secrets and sentinels of the future.

A Biologist Believes That Trees Speak A Language We Can Learn

Forests cover one-third of the Earth’s landmass. They provide a home to at least 80% of land-based plants, animals, and insects. Trees are one of our main defenses against climate change, as they balance our air by absorbing carbon dioxide from human activities and turning it into oxygen; they also protect watersheds by holding our soil in place.

In honor of the International Day of Forests on March 21, here are seven incredible facts about the hidden life of trees.
tree1Trees have captured the human imagination since the beginning of time.

1. Pando, or the Trembling Giant

Pando is a grove of approximately 47,000 quaking aspen trees in Utah. This remarkable group of trees is considered a single organism, because all the trees share a single root system and each tree is genetically identical. New trees are produced by sprouting from the massive parent root system. It is estimated that Pando has been alive at least 80,000 years, making it one of the oldest living things on the planet.

Consider that when this tree colony first sprouted from the ground, humans would still not arrive on North America for another 50,000 years. In some parts of the planet, Neanderthal people were still 30,000 years from going extinct. The 106-acre grove of trees has seen unimaginable changes, living through the ice age and at times being completely burnt down above ground, but surviving and renewing itself below ground.

Pando treesThe stunning pando trees

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2. More than 25% of Western pharmaceuticals originate in rainforest plants.

There are 3,000 plants currently recognized by the U.S. National Cancer Institute as active against cancer cells, and 70% of these come from rainforests. Perhaps this is why the shamans of the Amazon believe that for every human ailment, the rainforest holds a cure.

And yet, only 1% of all rainforest plants have actually been studied (by modern science) for medicinal purposes. Imagine how many valuable healing plants are destroyed or even made extinct as the rainforests are cleared at a rate of 1.5 acres per second. Due to rainforest destruction, the Earth loses approximately 137 species of plants, animals, and insects per day.

3. Not all rainforests are in tropical zones.

The Pacific Temperate Rainforest is the largest remaining coastal temperate rainforest on Earth. It is situated along the Pacific Coast and stretches from Northern California up to the Prince William Sound in Alaska. It is characterized by high amounts of rainfall, more than 10 feet per year in some areas; and in many places the forest grows right up to the shoreline. It includes the Great Bear Rainforest in western Canada, home to the Spirit Bear, a rare subspecies of black bear with a white coat.

A National Geographic article about the Great Bear Rainforest states: “Grizzlies, black bears, wolves, wolverines, humpback whales, and orcas thrive along a coast that has been home to First Nations like the Gitga’at for hundreds of generations. It’s a spooky, wild, mysterious place: There are wolves here that fish. Deer that swim. Western red cedar trees that have stood a thousand years or more. And a black bear that is white.”

Alt text hereSpirit bear in the Great Bear Rainforest

4. In many cultures, it is believed that hugging a tree releases negative energy from the human body.

Many people believe that trees, like humans and all living things, possess an energetic vibration and an aura. Because trees’ vibrations are slower and deeply connected to the Earth through their roots, connecting with trees can help us to feel safe, secure, and stable.

Most would agree that a walk in the forest or even simply gazing at a tree provides a deep feeling of peace and serenity, and can be emotionally and psychologically healing.
5. People in Malaysia maintain a very intimate relationship with trees.

Among the Sng’oi indigenous people, a person and a tree can belong together, and this relationship is maintained for life. When a person belongs with a tree, they also belong with its offspring: any trees that grow from the seeds of the first tree, no matter how far they become scattered.

Also in Malaysia, trees are planted around houses so closely that the walls of the homes may give way to the growing roots. In the graveyards, the trees are allowed to take root into graves, and it is said that the trees whisper prayers to the creator asking for the forgiveness of sins of those buried in that place.These practices speak to an ancient knowing that people and trees are intimately interconnected throughout life and forever in history.

Hugging a tree can release negative energy from the bodyHugging a tree can release negative energy from the body

6. Trees are literally saving our lives every day.

A July 2014 study showed that trees prevent $6.8 billion per year in averted health costs annually, just in the United States. It is estimated that by removing massive amounts of air pollution through their leaves, trees “prevented 850 human deaths and 670,000 cases of acute respiratory symptoms in 2010 alone.”

Studies show that trees in urban areas are removing 4 to 8 times the pollution from the air as their equivalents in rural areas. This highlights the importance of planting trees everywhere we possibly can, and especially in highly-populated areas where pollution is highest.

Trees are saving our livesTrees are an important part of our lives

7. Trees in a forest communicate with one another through underground networks.

Trees are connected below the ground by mycorrhizal fungi, which live symbiotically with the roots of the trees. Both the trees and the fungi need each other to survive. But that’s not all. Because the fungi essentially connect the roots of one tree to another, the trees can use the fungi to pass nutrients to one another.

So, for example, in winter when aspens are weaker, nearby conifers were found to pass additional nutrients to the aspens to keep them healthy. Similarly, older, more-established trees pass nutrients through the fungi to young seedlings which need to grow larger toward the sun’s light in order to survive. The largest, oldest trees in the forest serve as the hub because they possess and produce large amounts of resources, and their massive roots spread out in all directions.

When one tree is attacked by insects, it distributes pheromonal chemicals through the fungi beneath the soil to warn nearby trees of a possible attack so the other trees can prepare by changing the chemical makeup of their leaves. The fungal networks also strengthen the immune systems of the trees.

So not only do different species of trees help each other out in the forest, but fungi and even other types of plants join the underground network and communicate together to support the health of the entire ecosystem. There is documented proof that when a tree is dying, it releases its resources into the root networks so that its neighbors can benefit from the nourishment that it will no longer need - it is making the ultimate sacrifice.

Trees communicate with each other below the groundTrees communicate with each other below the ground

Natural, Sacred and Wild

In closing, here is a beautiful poem written by Clare Dakin of TreeSisters, which will help you to deepen your connection with trees and with all of nature:

Let the birds take your clothes
Let the waves undo your holding back
Let the vines unravel your tired mind
And the earth savour your sweat and tears.

Let your stories burn off like rising mist,
As your past and the false floors of curbed self love
Dissolve into butterfly wings and fire flies
As your edges blur and your Planetary Self ignites.

Let the trees bathe your breath
Let the meadows embrace you
Let the mountains and the bees remind you
Let the sky flood in and allow the clouds to guide you.

Let your undoing be as total
As your becoming is beautiful –
And when the living world has climbed inside
Enough for you to feel four legs, scales and wings.

May you finally know yourself alive as all things –
Indivisible and responsible
Reborn into wholeness
Natural, Sacred and Wild

~ Clare Dakin

Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi

Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi

Amazing Science Lesson: Environmentalists Declare War On Photosynthesis In Stupefying Effort To Exterminate All Recognizable Life On Planet Earth
December 12 2018 | From: NaturalNews

We were all taught how photosynthesis works in high school… or at least you should have been taught how it works. Photosynthesis is arguably the single most important metabolic process on the planet, and it is from this process that nearly all complex life is sustainted.

Photosynthesis is a process by which plants produce metabolic energy. 

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Using this energy combined with elemental materials pulled from air and soil, they build tree trunks, food crops, leaves, pollen, seeds, stems and everything you’ve come to associate with living plants.

Even alga use photosynthesis to grow and divide, which is why microalgae such as spirulina require sunlight to flourish.

Photosynthesis is the foundation of most food webs on the planet.

Any rational scientist would agree that if photosynthesis were halted, nearly all recognizable life on planet Earth would be exterminated.

This is inarguable.

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Photosynthesis Has Three Inputs:

1. Sunlight – A source of light energy

2. Carbon dioxide – An essential source of carbon, used by plants to build almost everything that plants need

3. Water – Used by plants to maintain structure, circulate metabolic nutrients, etc.

Why do these three inputs matter so much? Because environmentalists have declared WAR on two out of those three: Sunlight and carbon dioxide.

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Environmentalists Are at War With Photosynthesis and All Plant Life on Planet Earth

It seems impossible, but environmentalists are at war with two out of the three primary inputs required to sustain photosynthesis.

First, they’re at war with carbon, and you often hear them talk about the “war on carbon” or “carbon sequestration” - a way to bury carbon in the ground so that it’s removed from atmospheric air.

Environmentalists have even declared carbon dioxide to be a “pollutant” even when it is the single most important molecule for supporting photosynthesis and nearly all plant life across the planet.

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Only a complete moron would declare war on the molecule of life that sustains trees, forests, plants, food crops, grasses, algae and seaweed, yet that’s exactly what environmentalists have done.

Their goal is the complete elimination of carbon dioxide from the atmosphere - an outcome that would exterminate all recognizable life on Earth.

All in the name of being “green,” of course, since virtue signaling is more important than actually supporting living organisms these days.

Environmentalists seem to be utterly oblivious to the fact that all humans, plants, animals and insects are carbon-based life forms.

That’s because nearly every molecule in your body contains carbon.

You are made of carbon.

Vitamin C is made of carbon. The anti-cancer nutrients in broccoli are made of carbon.

Wait… you didn’t know that?

Astonishingly, very few people realize that vitamins, essential oils, fatty acids, natural medicines and even pharmaceuticals are almost all made of carbon.

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To prove this to yourself, visit ChemSpider.com and search for any phytochemical you want. If you search for “ascorbic acid” - vitamin C - you get this vitamin C page revealing the molecular formula for ascorbic acid: C6H8O6.

That formula, of course, means that one molecule of vitamin C is made from 6 carbons, 8 hydrogens and 6 oxygens. Mapped out in a 2D diagram, the molecule looks like this:

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If you’re not a chemist, you might be wondering, “So where’s the carbon in that?” Chemists laugh at the question because every intersection of black lines indicates a carbon atom.

Carbon atoms are so common in organic chemistry that chemists don’t even note them because every diagram would be littered with the symbol for carbon.

As the molecular diagram shows, vitamin C is made of just three elements Carbon (C), Hydrogen (H) and Oxygen (O). Nothing else.

The black lines are not elements; they merely indicate chemical bonds. Double lines indicate double bonds, and the stair-step lines indicate the 3D orientation of the elements.

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Plants Use the Same Three Elements to Build Millions of Different Molecules, Including Medicinal Nutrients and Antibacterial Phytochemicals

Did you notice that these same three elements are also found in photosynthesis? CO2 provides the Carbon. H2O provides the Hydrogen.

Sunlight provides the energy. Vitamin C is synthesized by plants using carbon dioxide, hydrogen and metabolic energy for synthesis.

Any environmentalist who hates carbon dioxide must also hate vitamin C, herbal medicines, essential oils, nutrients, plant pigments and omega-3 oils… because they’re all made out of carbon. If you are at war with carbon, you are at war with life itself.

Many people who are into saving the planet are also into healthy, plant-based oils such as omega-3s or DHA. What an interesting coincidence, since DHA - Docosahexaenoic acid - is also made out of just three elements. Care to guess what they are?

Carbon, Hydrogen and Oxygen. (C22H32O2)

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DHA is synthesized by various species of algae, and they use Carbon, Hydrogen and Oxygen to make DHA, a powerful brain-boosting nutrient that boosts the neurological development of babies.

Environmentalists must think DHA is bad, since it’s made out of carbon.

In fact, millions of useful molecules are made out of carbon. Many of them are synthesized by plants using nothing but carbon (from CO2), hydrogen (from water) and oxygen (from water or CO2).

Environmentalists Who Are at War With Carbon are at War With Life

Just about every molecule you value - and nearly every molecule you’re made of - is made out of carbon. If you are at war with carbon, you are at war with LIFE on planet Earth.

If you want to eliminate carbon dioxide, you are working to exterminate life.

Yet probably 90% of college students today believe that carbon dioxide is a “pollutant” and they would politically support any effort to eliminate it, even if doing so resulted in global ecological collapse and the extinction of humanity.

Astonishingly, environmentalists have been so deeply brainwashed and deliberately mis-educated that they actually think carbon is bad. They must also hate themselves, since 96% of the human body is made of just four elements: Oxygen, Carbon, Hydrogen and Nitrogen.

Roughly 18% of your body is carbon, by molecular weight. If you hate carbon, you hate yourself.

Maybe that’s why environmentalists are so full of hatred and ignorance: They are made of the very element they’ve declared war against. If you’ve ever wondered why Leftists are so angry all the time, it’s because they’re made of the very element they hate: Carbon.

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Hydrocarbons release fresh carbon into the atmosphere where plants can use it to create valuable molecules that support life

Burning fossil fuels, by the way, means combusting hydrocarbons to release energy. One of the byproducts of burning fossil fuels is the release of CO2 into the atmosphere, providing fresh CO2 that plants are starving to harvest from the air.

CO2 levels in the atmosphere right now are at near-emergency low levels of barely above 400 ppm. Forests, food crops and indigenous plants across the globe would flourish at double or triple the current level of CO2.

If we had, for example, 1200 ppm of CO2 in the atmosphere, the Earth would be greener and more lush.

Yet for some reason, environmentalists hate the thought of plants having more nutrients. They want the Earth to be “green,” they say, by eliminating CO2 from the atmosphere, taking away the single most important nutrient for photosynthesis and plant metabolism.

Related: Carbon Dioxide Revealed As The “Miracle Molecule Of Life” For Re-Greening The Planet & Leonardo DiCaprio’s War On Carbon Is Actually A War Against All Plants, Rainforests And Ecosystems On The Entire Planet

The burning of fossil fuels releases nutrients into the air that plants need to survive. Instead of keeping all the carbon trapped underground, fossil fuel “consumption” actually frees carbon to be used by plants in support of a greener, more lush, more biodiverse ecosystem across the planet.

When carbon is trapped in fossil fuels under ground, that carbon is isolated from the plants that need it.

When fossil fuels are burned, that carbon is finally released into the air so that plants can use it to synthesize the molecules we all use and enjoy, from vitamin C to anti-cancer compounds such as sulforaphane, found in broccoli. Yes, it’s made of carbon: (C6H11NOS2)

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Sulforaphane is a lifesaving anti-cancer nutrient that’s synthesized by cruciferous vegetables which pull carbon dioxide out of the air in order to build sulforaphane molecules. If you hate carbon, you hate sulforaphane and millions of other plant-based molecules that are made out of carbon.

A war on carbon is a war on plants, nutrition, herbs, natural medicine, superfoods and life itself. Only a complete moron, a raging lunatic or a brainwashed idiot could be convinced to think that carbon is bad for the planet.

Yet that describes about 90% of the “scientific establishment,” now consisting of complete anti-science idiots who have forgotten how photosynthesis works and why it’s the basis of ecology for the entire planet.

If you really want to “green” the planet, keep consuming clean sources of hydrocarbons such as natural gas, because they release trapped carbon into the atmosphere where plants can finally use it.

Even burning gasoline in your vehicle actually releases CO2 that plants can use. Far from destroying the world, fossil fuels are actually the very source of carbon that can help “green” the world.

If you don’t understand that, you don’t understand the very basis of life on our planet: Photosynthesis.

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And if you support the elimination of carbon dioxide from the atmosphere, you support the extermination of all complex life on planet Earth.

If environmentalists succeed in eliminating carbon, they will exterminate life on Earth

Notably, if environmentalists ever succeed in eliminating carbon from the atmosphere, they will almost instantly exterminate all recognizable life on Earth.

Is this their goal? Is the environmental movement some kind of suicide cult? Or, better yet, are they actually pushing an insidious agenda of terraforming planet Earth to make it uninhabitable by humans?

Or are they just stupid and suicidal?

Personally, I wouldn’t necessarily mind all the environmentalists going off to their own planet somewhere and exterminating themselves with their suicidal intentions, but the problem we have is that they are trying to murder the planet where the rest of us live.

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That cannot be allowed. The life-killing lunatics must be stopped.

They are ecological murderers… botanical eugenicists. They want to destroy all plant life on Earth in the name of “saving the planet,” and they don’t seem to mind the fact that human civilization cannot possibly survive their insane agendas rooted in either mass delusion or murderous intent.

They’re either trying to kill all life on the planet, in other words, or they’re so incredibly stupid that they’ve been talked into supporting mass murder in the name of environmentalism.

Either way, they are death cult lunatics, and if we hope to survive their dangerous, planet-killing schemes like “carbon sequestration” or “global dimming” (see below), we must rip these lunatics from power, take their hands off the controls and put them all in straight jackets where they belong.

Simply put, there is no future for the human race if the current breed of lunatic environmentalists are allowed to run their “death cult” programs that would shut down photosynthesis and exterminate all recognizable life on our planet.

Thank God carbon dioxide is produced by every living mammal on the planet - including you - meaning that you can help save the planet by taking a jog and simply exhaling.

In the spirit of that simple, inescapable truth, I propose a new bumper sticker: Piss off a liberal. Just BREATHE.

The war on sunlight and the new scheme of “global dimming”

Waging war on carbon isn’t the end of the lunacy of whacko environmentalists. They also think there’s something wrong with sunlight, another key input for photosynthesis.

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They’ve launched a program of “global dimming” that seeks to literally pollute the atmosphere by dispersing millions of tons of smog (sulfur dioxide) into the atmosphere, running 4,000 flights a year over the next 15 years, all in the name of “geoengineering” the atmosphere. (These are the same lunatics who said “chemtrails” were a conspiracy theory; now they’ve re-named it “Stratospheric Aerosol Injection” and claim it will save the world.)

In essence, they are terraforming the Earth and making it uninhabitable by humans. Are they completely insane, or are they prepping the planet for colonization by something that isn’t human? (Coming soon: Terraforming.news)

See full coverage of that crucial issue at this story on Natural News called “Terraforming has begun: Global dimming is a plot to exterminate humanity.

Watch a summary of that issue here:

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Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi

Houston Anthropologist Reveals Irrefutable Proof That Recorded History Is Wrong
December 11 2018 | From: WakingTimes

Evidence Found Across the Globe of Highly Evolved Human Species from before the Ice Age, Demand Scientific Recognition of our Past that Depicts Societies of Advanced Technology and Culture.

Houston anthropologist, Dr. Semir Osmanagich, founder of the Bosnian Archaeology Park, the most active archaeology site in the world, declares that irrefutable scientific evidence exists of ancient civilizations with advanced technology that leaves us no choice but to change our recorded history. 

An examination of the age of structures across the earth reveals conclusively that they were built by advanced civilizations from over 29,000 years ago.

“Acknowledging that we are witness to fundamental proof of advanced civilizations dating back over 29,000 years and an examination of their societal structures forces the World to reconsider its understanding of the development of civilization and history,”
explains Dr. Semir Osmanagich.

“Conclusive data at the Bosnian Pyramid site revealed in 2008 and confirmed this year by several independent labs who conducted radio carbon testing dates the site at 29,400 +/-400 years minimum.”

The radiocarbon dating tests of 29,200 years +/- 400 years was done by Radiocarbon Lab from Kiew, Ukraine, on organic material found at the Bosnian Pyramid site. Physicist Dr. Anna Pazdur of Poland’s Silesian University first announced the news at a Press Conference in Sarajevo in August of 2008.

Professor of Classical Archaeology from the University of Alexandria Dr. Mona Haggag called this discovery “writing new pages in European and World history.”

The C14 date of 29,000 years at the Bosnian Archaeological Park was obtained from a piece of organic material retrieved from a clay layer inside the outer casing to the pyramid. It follows a sample date obtained during the 2012 dig season on material located above the concrete at 24,800 years, meaning this structure has a construction profile stretching back almost 30,000 years.

“The ancient people who built these pyramids knew the secrets of frequency and energy. They used these natural resources to develop technologies and undertake construction on scales we have never witnessed on earth,
said Dr. Osmanagich.

Evidence clearly shows that the pyramids were built as ancient energy machines aligned with the earth’s energy grid, providing energy for healing as well as power.

Ancient historians in the US have news just as astonishing as anything found in the far corners of the globe. For instance, the Rockwall discovery outside of Dallas, Texas, is only one example of how we are now re-examining ancient mysteries to reveal more about our past, right in the United States.

H2 (History 2) popular series Unearthing Ancient America recently filmed an episode about the Rockwall that will air later this year. The Texas site is a complex and massive wall ten miles in diameter built over 20,000 years ago and covered by soil seven stories below the ground.

The question is by whom was this structure built and for what purpose and, most importantly, how can knowledge left by these past civilizations help shape our future?

Newly-revealed or rediscovered traces of ancient civilizations have ignited an innate curiosity about human origins as reflected by recent coverage in mainstream media and TV. The November 2013 issue of National Geographic: 100 Greatest Mysteries Revealed-Ancient Civilizations Unearthed says;

“Sometimes cultures leave behind mysteries that baffle those who come after them, from standing stones to coded manuscripts, indications that ancient people indeed had a profound purpose.”

Forward-thinking scientists continue to pursue knowledge from our past that is useful to determine a better future. Renowned author Michal Cremo in his book Forbidden Archeology theorizes that knowledge of advanced Homo-sapiens has been suppressed or ignored by the scientific establishment because it contradicts the current views of human origins that don’t agree with the dominant paradigm.

Cremo’s body of work has been described as “a useful teaching resource, raising a wide range of issues covering aspects of knowledge transfer, sure to be provocative in the classroom.” It has been reviewed with widespread appraisal by hundreds of academic journals.

Gobekli Tepe in Eastern Turkey

Results clearly indicate that similar advanced civilizations of humans were present all across the globe at that time in history. For example, Gobekli Tepe located in Eastern Turkey, is a vast complex of enormous megalithic stone circles with a radius of between 10 and 20 meters, much larger than the well-known Stonehenge in Great Britain.

Excavations at Gobekli Tepe that began there in 1995 revealed radio carbon dating at least 11,600 years. German archaeologist Dr. Klaus Schmidt from the German Archaeological Institute, Berlin, Germany, with the support of ArchaeoNova Institute from Heidelberg, Germany, has led the excavation of these recently-discovered pre-historic megalithic circles at the Turkey location.

“Gobekli Tepe is one of the most fascinating Neolithic locations in the world,” Dr. Klaus Schmidt claims. But as he explains in a recent report, to understand the new finds, archaeologists need to work closely with specialists in comparative religion, architectural and art theory, cognitive and evolutionary psychology, sociologists using social network theory, and others.

“It is the complex story of the earliest, large settled communities, their extensive networking, and their communal understanding of their world, perhaps even the first organized religions and their symbolic representations of the cosmos,”
as reported by Klaus Schmidt.

In addition to the megalithic structures, figures and carvings have been discovered, depicting animals of pre historic nature such as dinosaurs and other wild life. Since excavations started in 1995, four of the circles have been partially cleaned, but it is thought that there are a total of up to 50 circles hidden underground. 

These vast monoliths, soaring seven meters in height and 25 tons in mass at Gobekli Tepe, are situated right in the heart of what we perceive as the origin of civilization. This find offers new guidance to the true history of earth and our ancient civilizations.

“Our archaeological research goal is not to simply uncover all of the megalithic circles but to try to figure out their purpose,” adds Schmidt.

Bosnian Pyramid Now in Eighth Year: Proof of Advanced Civilizations from over 30,000 years ago

The Bosnian Valley of the Pyramids now in the eighth year of excavation spans six square kilometers in the Visoko River Basin 40km northwest of Sarajevo. Comprised of four ancient pyramids almost three times the size of Giza and an extensive subterranean pyramid tunnel complex, new discoveries each year continue to reveal proof of a much different history of mankind on earth.

The central pyramid of the Sun rises a colossal 420 meters in to the air and has a mass of millions of tons. By comparison the Great pyramid of Cheops (Khufu) in the Giza plateau is 146 meters high, making the Bosnian Pyramids the largest and oldest known pyramids on the planet.

Since research began at the Bosnian site, Dr. Osmanagich has amazed the scientific and archaeological community by gathering a team of interdisciplinary engineers, physicists and researchers from around the world to conduct open and transparent investigation of the site to try and discover the true nature and purpose of this pyramidal complex.

“This is an unknown culture presenting highly-advanced arts and sciences, technology capable of forming truly massive structures and we believe in that process demonstrating an ability to harness pure energy resources,”
comments Tim Moon, who has recently joined Osmanagich as lead archeologist at the Bosnian site.

The archaeological project delivered another significant finding this year in the pyramid tunnel complex known as Ravine. Tunneling deep into a ridge line leading toward the Pyramid of the Sun the team has unearthed several megalith stones. 

Oh yeah, that one was definitely made with ropes and pulleys too. Sigh.

In August an enormous stone estimated at 25,000 kgs was uncovered approximately 400 meters into the labyrinth. This is a hugely significant find,”comments Moon. Here we have a massive stone, possibly a constructed ceramic, buried under hundreds of thousands of tons of material.

We are locating foundation walls around its perimeter and cut stone blocks.” Large quantities of artifacts have been recovered from the associated tunnels leading to the site, including effigies painted on stone, art objects and a series of hieroglyphics or ancient texts carved into the tunnel walls.

Dr. Osmangich stresses that it is time for open sharing of knowledge so we can understand and learn from our past.

“It is time for us to open our minds to the true nature of our origin and destruction of each other as a civilization on this planet. Our mission here is to realign science with spirituality in order to progress as a species, and this demands a clear path of shared knowledge.”

Visitors are welcome to the Bosnian Valley of the Pyramids and its Foundation offers a volunteer program each dig season, running June to September.

To hear Dr. Sam’s interview on Lost Knowledge go here.

For more on the Bosnian Pyramids go to www.icbp.ba.

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"I Know Where All The Bodies Are Buried": Clinton Foundation CFO Spills Beans To Investigators
December 10 2018 | From: ZeroHedge / Various

The CFO of the Clinton Foundation, thinking he was "meeting an old professional acquaintance," admitted to investigators that the charity had widespread problems with governance, accounting and conflicts of interest, and that Bill Clinton has been commingling business and personal expenses for a long time, reports The Hill's John Solomon.

Clinton Foundation CFO Andrew Kessel made the admissions to investigators from MDA Analytics LLC - a firm run by "accomplished ex-federal criminal investigators," who have been probing the Clinton Foundation for some time. 

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Kessel told MDA "There is no controlling Bill Clinton. He does whatever he wants and runs up incredible expenses with foundation funds", according to MDA's account of the interview.

"Bill Clinton mixes and matches his personal business with that of the foundation."

"Many people within the foundation have tried to caution him about this but he does not listen, and there really is no talking to him." 

MDA compiled Kessel's statements, as well as over 6,000 pages of evidence from a whistleblower they had been working with separately, which they secretly filed with the FBI and IRS over a year ago.

MDA has alleged that the Clinton Foundation engaged in illegal activities, and may owe millions in unpaid taxes and penalties.

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"In addition to the IRS, the firm’s partners have had contact with prosecutors in the main Justice Department in Washington and FBI agents in Little Rock, Ark. And last week, a federal prosecutor suddenly asked for documents from their private investigation.


The memo also claims Kessel confirmed to the private investigators that private lawyers reviewed the foundation’s practices - once in 2008 and the other in 2011 - and each found widespread problems with governance, accounting and conflicts of interest.

“I have addressed it before and, let me tell you, I know where all the bodies are buried in this place,” the memo alleges Kessel said.


The 48-page submission, dated Aug. 11, 2017, supports its claims with 95 exhibits, including internal legal reviews that the foundation conducted on itself in 2008 and 2011."

- The Hill

As Solomon noted in January, the Little Rock FBI field office has been spearhandling an investigation into pay-for-play schemes and tax code violations according to law enforcement officials. 

Related: Russiagate Turns On Its Originators + The Focus Shifts From Trump To Hillary And The Corrupt FBI

"The officials, who spoke only on condition of anonymity, said the probe is examining whether the Clintons promised or performed any policy favors in return for largesse to their charitable efforts or whether donors made commitments of donations in hopes of securing government outcomes.

The probe may also examine whether any tax-exempt assets were converted for personal or political use and whether the Foundation complied with applicable tax laws, the officials said."

- The Hill

Meanwhile, the Clinton Foundation has been under investigation by the IRS since July, 2016 according to a January report by the Dallas Observerafter 64 GOP members of congress received letters urging them to push for an investigation.

The investigation is being handled by their Dallas office - far away from Washington insiders.

FBI Offices, Little Rock, Arkansas

Related: FBI: Hillary’s “Shadow Government” Buried Email Scandal

"There is probable cause that the Clinton Foundation has run afoul of IRS rules regarding tax-exempt charitable organizations and has acted inconsistently with its stated purpose," MDA alleged in its memo, adding "The Foundation should be investigated for all of the above-mentioned improprieties. The tax rules, codes, statutes and the rule of law should and must be applied in this case."

Foundation officials confirmed that Kessel met with MDA investigators, but said that he "strongly denies that he said or suggested hat the Clinton Foundation or President Clinton engaged in inappropriate or illegal activities." 

"Mr. Kessel believed he was meeting an old professional acquaintance who was looking for business from the Foundation," the foundation added in a statement. 

MDA was specifically created to investigate 501c3 charities, and researched the Clinton Foundation at its own expense in the hope that the whistleblower submission they compiled might result in a government reward if the IRS was able to corroborate wrongdoing and recover tax dollars

Related: Former Secret Service Agent Files RICO Lawsuit Against Clintons, Podesta And Soros

"The IRS sent multiple letters in 2017 and 2018 to MDA Analytics, confirming it had received the submission and it was “still open and under active investigation.”

But, shortly before last month’s election, the agency sent a preliminary denial letter indicating it did not pursue the allegations for reasons that ranged from a lack of resources to possible expiration of the statute of limitations on some allegations.

I asked a half-dozen former federal investigators to review the submission and key evidence; all said the firm’s analysis of tax-exempt compliance issues would not be that useful to federal agencies that have their own legal experts for that. But they stressed the evidence of potential criminality was strong and warranted opening an FBI or IRS probe."

- The Hill

According to retired FBI supervisory agent Jeffrey Danik, MDA's work is "a very good roadmap for investigation", adding "When you have the organization’s own lawyers using words like ‘quid pro quo,’ ‘conflicts of interest’ and ‘whistleblower protections,’ you have enough to get permission to start interviewing and asking questions." 

While some of the documents MDA submitted were marked as attorney-client privileged, Danik doesn't think that should be an issue for federal investigators - given that since special counsel Robert Mueller "got the OK to investigate Michael Cohen and his attorney-client communications with President Trump, I imagine that hurdle could be overcome under the crime-fraud exception." 

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Meanwhile, next week a GOP Congressional subcommittee led by Rep. Mark Meadows (NC) will review the work of John Huber - the US attorney designated a year ago by then-Attorney General Jeff Sessions to investigate "all things Clinton."

The hearing will establish how much money and resources Huber has dedicated, and whether we can expect to see any recommendations regarding Hillary Clinton's transfer of classified information from her insecure private server, along with the foundation's activities. 

To that end, a prosecutor working under Huber called MDA analytics last week and requested copies of their Clinton Foundation evidence, according to Solomon

"A prosecutor working for Huber called MDA Analytics last week, seeking copies of their evidence, according to sources. The firm told the prosecutor that the FBI has possessed the evidence in its Little Rock office since early 2018, the sources said.

Some evidence that MDA investigators cited is public source, such as internal foundation reviews hacked in 2016 and given to WikiLeaks.

Other materials were provided to the investigators by foreign governments that have done business with the charity, or by foundation insiders.

One of the nonpublic documents is an interview memo the MDA Analytics investigators penned after meeting with Kessel in late November 2016 at the Princeton Club in New York City."

- The Hill

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Kessel's inadvertent admissions, meanwhile, track closely with comments made in 2008 written by a private lawyer named Kumiki Gibson - who the Clinton Foundation hired to study its governance.

Gibson flagged concerns over improper commingling of charitable and private business

"The work of the Foundation and the President are intertwined in a way that creates confusion at, and undermines the work of, the Foundation at virtually every level," he wrote, warning that such actions pose "reputational and legal challenges, and with confusion, inefficiencies and waste."

"Specifically, the memo warned the foundation had not created policies and procedures “required by law” and that some of its leaders “appear to have interests that do not always align with those of the Foundation.”

It also raised the possibility of illegal activities, saying the foundation and its managers held an “anti-compliance attitude” and that there were lower-level employees who “begged” for whistleblower protections after witnessing “less than fully compliant behavior or even worse are asked to participate in or condone it.” 

- The Hill

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Meanwhile, a 2011 review by the law firm Simpson Thatcher noted "material weaknesses" found by auditors in 2009 and 2010, such as a lack of board meetings and unsigned board minutes - and also found that some foundation employees "abuse expense privileges," while others had conflicts of interest. 

We look forward to hearing anything further from Solomon and The Hill on whatever Huber has been up to. 

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Fluoride Officially Classified As A Neurotoxin In World’s Top Medical Journals & Perfluorinated Chemicals (PFCs) Found In Nearly Half Of All Fast Food Wrappers From McDonald’s, Burger King, Starbucks And other Food Retailers
December 9 2018 | From: AwarenessAct / NaturalNews / Various

Evidence of how negatively fluoride can impact our health has been increasing in rapid pace throughout the past few years.
People are hoping that by bringing awareness to this that somehow we can get sodium fluoride removed from the world’s water supply.

A big step has been made here recently. In the one of the worlds most prestigious medical journals, The Lancet, fluoride has been at last classified as a neurotoxin one hundred percent.

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This puts it in the same category as things like lead, arsenic, and mercury.

This news was released by the author Stefan Smyle who actually cited a report that had been published in The Lancet Neurology, Volume 13, Issue 3 to be exact in the March of 2014 edition.

In this, the authors stated that many more of these neurotoxins remain undiscovered throughout the world. They noted that many children are now being affected by neurodevelopmental disabilities caused by these neurotoxins.

The study authors have found that while fluoride in our water supplies, it can actually also be found in heavily processed brands of tea that are grown in most likely overly polluted areas.

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These authors have found that while fluoride in our water supplies is a major cause and issue there is another major cause as well, fluoride can actually also be found in heavily processed brands of tea that are grown in most likely overly polluted areas.

Most parents have been avoiding fluoridated toothpaste altogether and are jumping on the natural bandwagon in order to help ensure their families safety. A good natural go-to brand is known as Earthpaste for those who may not be aware of it.

If you want to get away from fluoridated toothpaste, I suggest using it or making your own. I will include a video at the end on how to make natural fluoride free toothpaste.

Fluoride and Cancer

Fluoride is added to the water supply throughout North America and in most other Western nations - but in a large number of most other countries fluoride is banned.

Why is this?

Because fluoride is extremely dangerous for our health. Fluoride in our drinking water has been linked to many different kinds of cancer.

If you haven’t already, filtering out the fluoride in your water is a must if you want to help yourself and your family stay healthy.

Related: Undeniable Evidence From Numerous Studies Proves That Fluoride Causes Cancer

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Perfluorinated Chemicals (PFCs) Found In Nearly Half Of All Fast Food Wrappers From McDonald’s, Burger King, Starbucks And other Food Retailers

High cholesterol and rising blood sugar levels are not the only trade-offs people get from eating their favorite fast food fixes.

A new study has found that highly-toxic chemicals are present in some of the wrappers used for fast food packaging, and these chemicals may contaminate the food and make their way into the bloodstream of the consumer.

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While it is no secret that fast food items continue to bloat the Western belly, perfluorinated chemicals (PFCs) found in fast food wrappers appear to further exacerbate the drastically declining health status of the general population.

PFCs are the same chemicals used to line nonstick cookware, flame retardants and stain-resistant products.

Previous research revealed that PFCs found in such packaging may actually migrate into the food itself, which when consumed, can accumulate in the body.

A recent study found modest amounts of PFCs in 56 percent of dessert and bread wrappers, 20 percent of paperboard products – such as those the hold french fries or other fried foods – and 38 percent of sandwich and burger wrappers.

Researchers also found this compound in 57 percent of Tex-Mex food wrappers and 16 percent of beverage containers.

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In 2011, some food packaging manufacturers in the United States began voluntarily pulling the use of these PFCs from their products due to health concerns.

Findings from one study, published in the journal Environmental Science & Technology, made it evident, however, that even though these harmful chemicals are being phased out by some manufacturers due to their potential health risks, other manufacturers are choosing to continue their use.

"This study reinforces the reality that these chemicals are highly persistent in the environment, and may find their ways into people’s bodies for years after they are no longer intentionally added,”
noted outside expert Dr. Leonardo Trasande.

He continued; “This study adds to concerns about chemicals that contaminate highly processed or packaged foods, potentially magnifying health effects above and beyond the effects that may result from their high-fat or high-sugar content.”

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The Health Hazards of PFCs

Various clinical studies have identified a strong correlation between PFCs and adverse health concerns.

PFCs found in fast food packaging may play a role in the prevalence of obesity and diabetes.

A Canadian study in the journal Environmental Research revealed a correlation between PFC exposure and elevated cholesterol levels in adults.

Another diabetes study revealed a significant correlation between high PFC exposure and impaired glucose homeostasis, as well as greater prevalence of the disease. High PFC exposure was also tied to the development of ulcerative colitis.

A study published in the International Journal of Epidemiology showed that children, especially boys, with higher prenatal PFC exposure were at increased risk of congenital cerebral palsy.

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A case-control study of Inuit women revealed that pregnant women who were at the highest quintile of PFC exposure showed a significantly increased risk of suffering premenopausal breast cancer. The findings were published in the journal Environmental Health.

Various other studies have also associated PFCs in fast food packaging with a host of adverse conditions including low birth weight, thyroid disease and kidney and testicular cancers.

PFC as an Environmental Concern

The production of various commercial and industrial products using perfluorinated compounds has been heavily scrutinized for years due to its potential environmental impact.

A 2015 study published in Environmental Research examined how PFC prevalence affects the food chain balance in the Arctic region. Researchers found that exposure to this toxic compound might have a significant impact on the behavior, hormonal balance and survival capacity of polar bears in the region.

"The amount of these compounds has been increasing in the Arctic in recent years. We should therefore also be aware of the effects they have on the environment and the people who live there,”
study lead author Kathrine Eggers Pedersen stated.

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Another study revealed a correlation between PFC exposure and consumption of fish from U.S. urban rivers and great lakes.

Fillet samples from fish showed a significant occurrence of PFCs within certain bodies of water in the U.S.

Find out more about the dangers associated with fast food and perfluorinated compounds by visiting FastFood.news.

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Why The Whole Banking System Is A Scam - Godfrey Bloom MEP
December 8 2018 | From: Europarle / UKIPMEPS

The following video was recorded at Strausberg, 21 May 2013.

Joint debate: Banking Union: Single national supervisory mechanism.

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Why Medically Caused Deaths Continue To Be Ignored
December 7 2018 | From: JonRappoport / Various

More than any other reporter, I have continued to champion and spread the word about Dr. Barbara Starfield’s revelation: The US medical system kills 106,000 people a year with its medicines. Extrapolate that number for a decade: more than MILLION DEATHS.

I have reported, many times, on Starfield’s review, “Is US Health Really the Best in the World,” published in the Journal of the American Medical Association on July 26, 2000.

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I interviewed her in 2009, when she told me that her death numbers (106,000 per year) were conservative, and that the federal government was doing NOTHING comprehensive to fix the ongoing disaster.

Imagine that, coming from a doctor who was a revered public health expert at the Johns Hopkins School of Public Health.

Since I’ve written more articles about Dr. Starfield’s revelations than any reporter around, I also know the reaction of the mainstream press over the years: SILENCE. And more silence. And more.

So this time, I thought I’d explain the main reasons for the silence.

On one obvious level, it stems from the fact that the pharmaceutical industry buys enormous amounts of ads on and around news media. Do not bite the hand that feeds you.

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And of course, blaming the medical system for a million deaths per decade…well, if you’re the New York Times and you’re making this into a take-no-prisoners ongoing building story, you’re going to incur considerable heat. Blowtorch heat.

Then there is this: nowhere in the medical literature is there any evidence, based on published studies of drugs, that these substances do such catastrophic damage. In fact, the studies and reports of clinical drug trials are largely glowing.

Only one conclusion can be reached: the medical literature is rife with fraud from top to bottom.

This fact would immediately throw the reputations of the most prestigious medical journals in the world into garbage landfills.

Indeed, we have, on the record, an editor of one of these publications broadly confessing to a mind-boggling reality: Dr. Marcia Angell, editor of The New England Journal of Medicine for 20 years, has written:

"It is simply no longer possible to believe much of the clinical research that is published, or to rely on the judgment of trusted physicians or authoritative medical guidelines.

I take no pleasure in this conclusion, which I reached slowly and reluctantly over my two decades as an editor of The New England Journal of Medicine.”

- NY Review of Books, January 15, 2009, “Drug Companies & Doctors: A Story of Corruption”

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Next: if the press dug deep into the guts of the Starfield story, the FDA, which must approve all medical drugs before they are released for public use, would go down with a blinding crash.

No one would be able to defend the Agency. Its profound criminal alliance with Pharma would come full force to the surface.

Multiple medical schools would come under the gun for their relationships with Pharma, and their basic practice of teaching monopolistic drug medicine and not nutritional medicine.

These schools pretend “the evidence of safety and efficacy” for drugs is wide-ranging and invariably clear. Therefore, they, the schools, are abetting what amounts to a capital crime.

And what of the basic Hippocratic oath to “first do no harm”?

Where is that vaunted pledge that tries to establish the practice of medicine as supremely ethical?

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As you can see, a whole long line of dominos would fall, if the Starfield story were pursued, by the mainstream, with time, energy, money, and passion for the truth. (Starfield is not the only citation on medically caused deaths. I have documented others in the past.)

Finally, we arrive at a psychological and even philosophical reason for press silence on this ongoing holocaust: for millions of people, the institution of medicine is a foundational pillar of Reality in the world.

Attachment to it is, in a way, mythological. Loyalty to the medical system runs the gamut from hope for raw physical survival to spiritual sustenance.

Creating doubt, widespread doubt, about such a powerful building block of Existence - that would be tinkering with the very structure of things, “meddling with the primal forces of nature.”

But here, on these pages, I’ll meddle with anything I want to. If you can’t handle that, so be it. If I want to make a true fact into a sledgehammer and use it over and over, I will. And on this issue of medical caused deaths, I’d be crazy not to.

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The Spider's Web: Britain's Second Empire
December 6 2018 | From: IndependentPoV

At the demise of empire, City of London financial interests created a web of secrecy jurisdictions that captured wealth from across the globe and hid it in a web of offshore islands.

Today, up to half of global offshore wealth is hidden in British jurisdictions and Britain and its dependencies are the largest global players in the world of international finance.

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The Spider's Web was substantially inspired by Nicholas Shaxson's book Treasure Islands you can read an extract of it here: The Truth ABout Tax Havens

For those interested to learn more about tax justice and financial secrecy, read about the Tax Justice Network's campaigning and regular blogs - become part of the movement for change and listen to the Tax Justice Network's monthly podcast/radio show the Taxcast: TaxJustice.net

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Five Astonishing Facts That Will Make You Want To Stop Using Plastic Containers For Good
December 5 2018 | From: NaturalNews

There are plenty of good reasons to stop using plastic containers, ranging from health and environmental concerns, to simple practicality in the kitchen.

Considering the facts, there's really no good reason to continue buying products packed or bottled in plastic, or to use plastic containers for food storage at home – except when there are no other options available.

The founder Sharon Tennison has focused on making people-people connections including the business community, Rotary clubs, etc..This delegation was organized because of concern about escalating international tensions and the danger of a drift toward world threatening military conflict.

We were in Russia in late June as they were commemorating the 75th anniversary of the Nazi invasion of the Soviet Union.

Here are the top five facts regarding plastic versus glass:

Fact #1: The environmental impact of plastic is enormous
– Enough plastic is discarded each year to circle the Earth four times, and the average American throws away nearly 200 pounds of plastic each year. Billions of pounds of plastic are polluting our oceans and threatening marine life, killing 1 million sea birds and 100,000 marine animals annually. Fifty percent of plastic containers are used once and then thrown away.

Fact #2: Plastics are a threat to human health – Chemicals leached from plastic containers enter our bodies and can lead to serious health issues. Many of the substances used to make plastic are carcinogens, while others cause hormonal imbalances, birth defects and developmental problems. Plastics often contain lead, cadmium and mercury, which can be absorbed by the food or drinks they are used to contain – and subsequently end up in our bodies.

Fact #3: Glass is better for the environment – Glass containers can be used many times and can be recycled to make new containers. Plastic containers are "down-cycled" instead. In other words, when you throw away a plastic bottle it will be turned into other products (if it manages to get recycled at all). Every time you buy a plastic water bottle, it is made from "new" plastic.

Fact #4: Glass is more practical in the kitchen – One of the best things about glass containers is that they can be used for storage, cooking and serving. The same glass food container can be used from the refrigerator to the oven to the dining table. Glass containers can be used over and over again, and can be repurposed for other uses. If you buy a glass bottle containing pasta sauce or juice, for instance, it can be washed and used for storing other foods once its contents are consumed.

Fact #5: Glass does not absorb smells or colors – Plastic containers not only leach dangerous chemicals into food, but they also absorb smells and can become discolored. Glass containers, on the other hand, do not have this problem. Glass containers are more aesthetically pleasing as well.

Kicking the Plastic Habit

Of course, it's nearly impossible to avoid all plastic packaging, but it's relatively easy to significantly reduce the amount of plastic bags, bottles and containers you buy or use.

Many products, such as bottled water for example, are available in glass containers as well as plastic. If you buy your food fresh from local sources – which you should do anyway – you can often avoid any packaging at all.

A number of foods are also available in bulk form, meaning that you can use your own recyclable containers to carry and store them. It's easy to bring your own bags for shopping so that you don't have to use more plastic bags every time you go to the supermarket.

Reducing your "plastic footprint" isn't difficult at all once you begin to become aware and start looking for alternatives. In fact, you may be amazed at how much plastic packaging you can actually avoid using once you begin changing your habits.

Many of the things plastics are used for are completely unnecessary, so why not do yourself and the environment a big favor and start kicking your plastic addiction today?

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A Generation Of Poisoning With Gender-Bender Chemicals Has Created A New Class Of Youth Who Fail To Recognize Gender At All
July 27 2016 | From: NaturalNews

The success of the globalists in perverting the minds of Western youth is evident in a new study by the Innovation Group, which found that most people between the ages of 13 and 20 – what the mainstream media and social engineers have dubbed "Generation Z" – no longer believe in strictly-defined gender identities like "male" and "female."

These gender "binaries," which are really just the pronouns humanity has been using since the beginning of time to differentiate between individuals with external reproductive equipment versus internal reproductive equipment, are now "old-fashioned" to the youth of today, which the study found are more comfortable than previous generations using gender-neutral (and grammatically incorrect) pronouns like "they" and "them" to describe a single, genderless individual.

Related: Finally Parents Begin Removing Their Children From Public Indoctrination Center Over Teaching Transgenderism

A majority of Gen-Z respondents, 52 percent, indicated that they aren't completely heterosexual, while 35 percent – an 11 percent increase compared to "Millennials" – admit that they fall somewhere along the spectrum of bisexuality. This spectrum identification for sexuality is further reflected in the more than 38 percent of Gen-Zers who claim they don't believe gender defines a person.

As far as the types of clothes and accessories they buy, 13–20 year-olds are much more fluid when it comes to sticking to a gender norm. Only 44 percent of Gen-Zers buy clothes exclusively designed for their own gender, while an astounding 70 percent say they support the idea that bathrooms become "genderless," welcoming anyone and everyone who wants to use them.

Related: People To Be Allowed To Pick Their Own Gender Without Doctor's Diagnosis, Under UK Government Plans & American College Of Pediatrics Reaches Decision: Transgenderism Of Children Is Child Abuse

Gen-Z is likewise more accepting of others who don't identify by any specific gender pronoun, or who identify by "non-traditional" gender pronouns like "ze;" 74 percent of Gen-Zers fall into this category compared to just 62 percent of older Millennials between the ages of 21–34. But the one thing on which both Gen-Zers and Millennials agree? More people than ever are experimenting with their gender identity.

A 16-year-old pansexual (genderless) student from Nebraska by the name of "Madeleine" told VICE that "it" (for lack of a better pronoun) learned more about gender and identity from its peers than from older people, and that "agender," or no gender at all, is a young people's phenomenon.

"I also notice that people my age are more open to gender and sexuality being fluid and subject to change," Madeleine told VICE. "For a while, I identified as asexual, but as time went on and I changed, I realized that maybe I wasn't that way anymore."

Endocrine-Disrupting Chemicals are Eliminating Sex, Gender

This lack of clarity about biological identity is a product of two things: relentless media propaganda and chemical poisoning with gender-bending chemicals found in plastics, herbicides and pesticides sprayed on our food, and environmental pollution.

Chemicals like bisphenol-A (BPA), glyphosate, soy and other hormone-disruptors are altering human genes and producing next-generation "robot" humans with no gender, and thus no identity.

Related: The Rational Argument Against The Normalization Of Transgenderism

It's sad, really, because it could have been prevented through reforms that protect the people rather than the chemical and drug industries that produce these toxins.

Food, water, air: It's all tainted with endocrine-disrupting chemicals (EDCs) that, more often than not, mimic the effects of estrogen, meaning they deplete testosterone and create hormone imbalances that not only confuse children, but also affect their growth and development.

Young girls are becoming more "masculine," while young boys are becoming more "feminine" – an alchemy of the two sexes both physically and mentally that's changing the landscape of culture and civilization.

We've identified many sources of EDCs through our ongoing work at the Natural News Forensics Food Lab, which I encourage you to check out in order to learn more.

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The Atlantic Council: The Marketing Arm Of The Military / Security Complex
December 3 201/8 | From: PaulCraigRoberts

How much did the military-security complex pay the Atlantic Council to publish this sales pitch to Poland to load up on US weapons systems? The sales pitch was written by arms salesmen Richard Shirreff, a partner at Strategia Worldwide Ltd., and Maciej Olex-Szczytowski, a “business adviser specializing in defense.”

The sales pitch is titled “Arming For Deterrence.” The Kremlin is unpredictable, say the arms salesmen, and could at any moment decide to attack Poland. However the Russian regime “respects a show of force” and would back down if Poland has a sufficient inventory of US weapons.

Related: The Conspiracy to Rule the World #50: The Atlantic Council

The sales pitch encourages Poland to take many aggressive and dangerous steps toward Russia, such as targeting Russia cities and facilities including RT. But before provoking the Bear like this, Poland needs “to join the tactical nuclear capability scheme within NATO, so enabling its F-16s to be carriers of tactical nuclear ordnance.”

Poland also needs to be able to strike deep inside Russia and for this needs to purchase American long-range JASSM air-launched cruise missiles, the Navy Strike missile coastal missiles, and the Guided Multiple Launch Rocket Systems.

Poland also needs “offensive cyber operations” and “more tandem-warhead Anti-Tank Guided Missiles (ATGMs) capable of penetrating reactive armor, and also anti-aircraft (including anti-helicopter) and anti-UAV missiles. “

The bill for this deterrence against non-existent “Russian aggression” comes to “some US $26 billion” on top of planned expenditures of US $34 billion.

“Poland should move forward expeditiously with procurements,” say the arms salesmen or risk being attacked by superior Russian forces.

The zionist neocons get away with their warmongering because it is profitable for the US military/security complex. Whereas the crazed neocons want real war, the military / security complex only wants the propaganda threat of war. The numerous military / foreign policy think tanks funded by the military / security complex provide the propaganda and made-up threat.

This is a dangerous game, because the Russians see a real threat in the hostility that is directed at them.

The anti-Russian propaganda is universal and includes the Olympic Games. Washington wants Russia excluded based on the allegation that only Russians take performance-enhancing substances.

What extraordinary nonsense.

I have a relative who travels widely to test athletes of every sport, even golf, for the use of performance-enhancing substances.

It is not the Russians who have corrupted “clean sports.” It is the money that the corrupt Americans have poured into sports. To be a champion, to win the Masters at Augusta National, to win a gold medal means to be a multi-millionaire.

Sports that people once played for enjoyment are now a lucrative profession.

Money corrupts everything, and it is capitalism that turns everything into a commodity that is bought and sold. In capitalist regimes everything is for sale: honor, integrity, justice, truth.

Everything is reduced to the filthy lucre.

Related: Putin to Western 'Elites': Play-Time is Over

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Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi

Will The Internet Get Real? A Manifesto On False Flags, Big Lies, And The Loss Of Integrity By All Law Enforcement Agencies And The Media
December 2 2018 | From: PhiBetaIota

Much of Alternative Media and the Alt-Right is Allowing for the Subversion of America [Read: The West]: The Resistance Has Been Usurped.

How many websites and supposed “investigative voices” are focused on the fact there is no / zero substantive evidence any one actually died, let alone was wounded, at Thousand Oaks Borderline Bar and Grill - that is arguing it was in fact ANOTHER false flag faked hoax?

Related: Everything Is Rigged: Medicine, Science, Elections, The Media, Money, Education, Search Engines, Social
Media... You Are Living In A Fabricated Fairy Tale

The answer is far too few given the immensity of potential consequences, that is as relates to the motives for creating this one more of MANY recent false mass shooting hoaxes!

Of course the primary motive is stricter and stricter gun control laws as ruination of the 1st and 2nd Amendments (as both are being simultaneously destroyed at the same time which ultimately means citizens have no civil rights since the 1st and 2nd Amendments are what give power to the people to enforce their rights).

A secondary motive is to portray alienated white gentiles, and sometimes Muslims, as the most likely ethnic groups to be extremists, and so as to focus suspicion and will to eliminate their rights.

Thirdly is to encourage more and more mental health testing and evaluation of the populace (a most ‘subjective’ and ‘arbitrary’ science if ever there was one). This of course ties in with police state scrutinizing communications between people.

Related: Changes That Are Coming: The Deep State’s Control Is Fast Coming To An End

Fourthly is the continuation of taxpayer dollars paying for more and more internal and external police state apparatus and expenditure including profits gained by more and more security equipment and services as well as internal espionage, etc. that becomes government contracts.

Plus these psychological operations continue a divide and conquer tactic leading to more distrust and paranoia in society - as social alienation dominates more and more the naive mind (of which this country has masses in hysteria).

And lastly is the continuation of corruption within the government swamp of mass media and government agencies, which are clearly part of these constant deceit strategies against the taxpayer sheeple.

There may more reasons but it should be obvious there are many consequences as to why these operations (emergency drills projected as real) are taking place.

We should well note that in all these mass killing scenarios the mainstream media (MSM) footage shows many police cars, many emergency service personal (police, FBI, military, ambulance, etc.) as well as many MSM camera/ interview crews but almost nothing that suggests “real” carnage and “real” death.

Related: The Carbonaro Effect: Magician Reveals How Fake News Media Indoctrinates The Gullible Masses With Junk Science

As usual there are some ‘faked’ victims loaded in ambulances with faked blood scenes as well as faked and poor acting by people who often are literally paid to pretend to be either victims or witnesses or relatives to presupposed victims.

Moreover if you actually look back at the MSM video footage you see emergency personnel milling around doing nothing and police cars and ambulances standing around and clean ambulance gurneys equally poising for photo opportunities (as if the scenery footage is more realistically of practiced drills - which is many cases is the reality - including the very police report scenes).

Yet despite the ignorance of the masses via mass media all this is HIGH DECEIT to a docile and ignorant society - a society that almost seems to want to become subservient to a police state, run by a bunch of globalist elites, who have no compunction of violating the average citizens’ rights.

Trust that this level of deceit and corruption is not being done with a goal of helping the average taxpayer.

People should realize this same society has been corrupt for decades, and has been subjugating other countries to repression for many, many years as tyranny.

For Americans[Westerners] to think they are somehow special and will not be subject to similar forms of repression is nothing but more blind and naive hope (which seems to be the path of the alternative media and the alt-right).

Related: Why The Coordinated Alternative Media Purge Should Terrify Everyone

A second important topic is which much of the alternative media and the alt-right is allowing for tyranny in the United States is its lackadaisical effort to report on election fraud that involves the electronic hacking of voting computers.

Surely James O’Keefe has been putting out a lot of important investigative journalism. Still most are now blaming Trump for not doing enough but the truth is that the alternative media DID NOT PUSH THE ISSUE AND HOLD HIS FEET TO THE FIRE.

Now there are focusing on the state of Florida when the real issue is electronic rigging in many precincts around the country - more on this discussion later but listen to this video by American Intelligence Media:

From a purely intuitive sensibility, given President Trumps massive rally shows, and the likelihood Democrats alienated plenty of fence sitters during the Kavanaugh hearings, the fact the Democrats have nothing to offer except chaos and conflict, and the Senate race usurpation - it just does not make sense Democrats took back the House - and did so in suburbs - this intuitively does not make sense.

Many actual races were rigged and in sophisticated ways. The fact the Department of Homeland Security gave the green light alone ought to be a red flag to any conspiracy theorists worthy of his or her salt.

But getting back to the false flag “operations” about mass shootings that are occurring at staggering statistical levels, often it is the MSM “mainstream media” itself that is both the most revealing and most lacking.

So-called conspiracy theorists do not even have to go out of a limb and establish new ideas or footage - they can simply analyze what the phony, incompetent MSM provides (which is why they are now providing less and less footage and fewer onsite interviews which are still incompetently done, in which ‘actors’ and emergency personnel are caught on camera trying to suppress smiles and laughing in-between pretended seriousness - this is nothing new).

Related: The Mainstream Media Lies

Back in the days of say Sandy Hook through Orlando Pulse, Las Vegas Mandalay Bay and Stoneman Douglas High Schoo,l we, that is Internet users curious enough to study, still had plenty enough MSM debunkers (citizen journalists) clearly showing the ‘deliberate’ lies of the mainstream media and the governments (federal level down to local-induced).

And debunk American activists gladly and cogently did - even if most Americans never learned the blatant lies as deliberate psychological operations “psy-ops” against the American people.

But then, already, some of the most revealing videos and explications were ‘disappearing’ off YouTube and elsewhere as censored.

Now censorship and self-censorship has become significantly worse. For example you cannot find Debbie Lusignan’s videos debunking the MSM on Las Vegas and Parkland Fl. anywhere. Meanwhile she has been seriously smeared as real conspiracy.

‘Shaming’ as major strategy was, and is, being used to belittle anyone bold enough to argue these events were bald-faced lies (which they were).

Their initial attack was: “How dare anyone add insult to injury and claim victims relatives and friends were equally lying to the American public”?

Related: False Flag Terrorism Isn’t A “Theory”: It’s Admitted And Widespread

“How dare anyone challenge the voices of the obviously grieving!” “What callous insolence and miscreant behavior!”

No true humane person would do such a thing as challenge these many official narratives. You were and are held to be less barbarous if you had pushed an elderly woman in a wheelchair down a flight of stairs landing to a concrete payment.

Nevertheless some very well-meaning, courageous and intelligent people were debunking these phony narratives which the American masses were naively imbibing as koolaid.

And yet for the most part intelligent and sincere naysayers were shunned, ridiculed, harassed, castigated and even threatened. But mostly there were ignored, even by many in the alternative media, and more perplexingly, by many of the Alt-Right that pay high lip service to the 2nd Amendment.

This is especially disturbing the Alt-Right could not come to tell the blatant truth - that these mass killings were acted out scenarios in which no one was actually hurt, and intention was to lie to the American people over and over again until people succumbed to destroying the 2nd Amendment.

Even experts chimed in, such as Wolfgang Halbig, an expert on school safety programs and previous deputy sheriff in the state of Florida. You could not get more expert on the subject.

Related: Censorship Shock: Amazon.com Bans Investigative Book ‘Nobody Died At Sandy Hook’ Because It Disagrees
With Government Version Of What Happened

So after several less expert Americans debunked Sandy Hook as a fraud Wolfgang Halbig did as well - as one trained in school safety.

Nevertheless the Internet smeared the heck out of him - as Internet phonies and MSM alike equating him with being an actor and conspiracy fraud (when in fact crisis actors were clearly used to perpetuate this fraud).

Most people with even ten working brain cells can listen to Mr. Halbig’s own words and explanations and compare them with big guns media to see how far the Powers-that-Be will go to not only perpetuate this fraud (Sandy Hook as real tragedy using vulnerable children as victims) but equally how far they will go to cover it up their lies.

This is big scam and big corruption. Anyone who had any sincere interest in studying this past event from citizen journalists perspective could see how plainly a set of lies it was - and yet to this day this conspiracy by the media is still played as true, as too are a lot of other faked mass killing events that have been acted out in the last years (all facilitated by big media, the FBI, the Democratic Party, etc.).

Wolfgang Halbig equally debunked the Stoneman High School hoax in Parkland Florida, as he, ironically, was the person who wrote the safety program for that very high school! Several other people helped equally debunk these lies, again perpetrated by a powerful cabal of anti-gun conspirators, again using vulnerable young students as victims, and yet much of the country continues to believe this great lie, in its various flavors over and over again.

In the case of Parkland there was the added agenda of having society focus on “alienated youth” and “juvenile delinquents” who should be “monitored” by essentially a police state of intrusive investigative procedures, just as the entire country is building up the relatively new Department of Homeland Security, not too different to what was the Bolsheviks’ repressive Cheka that then worked to arrest, torture and kill counter-revolutionaries - only this time the bad guys are painted by the Anti-Defamation League ADL and Southern Poverty Law Center SPLC (both Zionist fronts that ultimately work for Zionist and Israeli Intelligence) as “white nationalists” and “extremists” (read goy whites in America as opposed to goy Christian Russians of which plenty were send to the gulag prisons).

Related: Understanding "Jewish" [Khazarian Zionist] Power

Plus now we have the Zionist ADL working with University of California to further label white gentiles as extremists and hate groups especially.

But what is equally corrupting is ADL’s long time covert and often enough corrupt influence with the FBI, and of late now sending American police officers to Israel to get training in how to deal with violence (as they are being trained to see all as Palestinians).

See articles: ADL, U.C. Berkeley Announce Groundbreaking Project Using AI, Machine Learning to Understand Extent of Online Hate

Another voice in the wilderness pretty much completely ignored by alternative media, including the corrupted left (despite her being a true liberal) and also by the Alt-Right (even though she reinforced the main premise of MSM lies, was Debbie Lusignan, aka The Sane Progressive, who started posting her videos to BitChute as she was more and more being censored by YouTube, etc.

Regarding Las Vegas, she went far beyond the red herring stories of multiple shooters, helicopters, multiple theaters, and a range of alternative conspiracy theories such as Muslims and Saudis behind this false flag.

She showed us (by way of MSM’s own reporting turned on itself) that people were “not” shot on the concert venue like the media reported into the hundreds (as the numbers kept changing from day to day).

She, as once a nurse, showed with her videos that blatant lies of supposed victims being interviewed in hospital beds, etc.

It was all bulldrit save probably one death of someone in the hotel room at the Mandalay called Paddock (where there was no where close to “hundreds” of empty cartridges).

Related: Vegas Security Guard Cancels Interviews, Then Goes Missing; Concert Witness Escapes Shooting Uninjured,, Testifies There Were Multiple Shooters, Then Dies At Home

A photo of a seeming suicide with blood on a carpet of a dead man and two “clean” empty cartridges on top of the blood-soaked carpet - that is the clean cartridges were placed on top of the blood and not the other way around of bullet cartridges with blood on the top of them? Nothing to see here folks.

The whole Las Vegas Sheriff / FBI time line turned out to be so screwed up and incompetently displayed that shortly after a week the Harvey Weinstein sex scandal exploded across the news media as it covered up this LV false flag debacle as quickly forgotten by the fickle sheeple masses manipulated by mass media - always meant to control and seldom to inform.

Therefore despite some true reporting about Las Vegas Mandalay Bay much of the alternative media was focusing on alternative explanations that amounted to alternative fake news - as allowing for the main narrative that many people were dead and wounded on the concert venue to stand as valid when in fact no one died at the concert - regardless of how many were frightened and fled due to the crowd manipulations by theatre.

The gun noise was likely coming from the PA systems themselves as certain paid actors started to stampede and scream on cue. This certainly was not some spontaneous event. It was planned to have maximize psychological impact.

Related: Hollywood Sci-Fi Filmmakers Tapped To Dramatize Fictional Climate Change To Scare Everybody Into Voting
For Climate Totalitarians

You can spend many hours reviewing MSM footage, and other footage and you will not see any real violence, or real carnage and real death - which is not to say that there was no Hollywood production of fake blood and fake rescue work - as ridiculous and amateurish as it was acted out.

It was there and it was pathetically created as companies that were actually paid taxpayer dollars to pull this off stunt! Nor can you now find Debbie’s very scrutinizing videos about Stoneman High School on the Internet.

She has been smeared and censored in major ways. This is the tragedy for being courageous and seeing and knowing too much.

She completely debunked those lies perpetuated by the Powers-that-Be, so closely linked to the Democratic Party and the Deep State.

Still there still exists other avenues for learning the truth. See this video of NO BULLET DAMAGE: Las Vegas Shooting FBI Clean Up Part 1 at:

DENVER POST PHOTO - Green grass no blood at:

People start collecting items lost during Las Vegas shooting

Items being returned week after Las Vegas shooting tragedy

There is no blood anywhere to be seen on the green grass? Do you know what one bullet of an automatic high-powered gun can likely produce? No evidence of any triage staging areas. Nothing of the kind. Nothing to see here. Move along.

But again the Alt-Right that claims to advocate for the 2nd Amendment allowed this lie (that many died in Las Vegas) to go unchallenged.

They now resort to this same stratagem of ignoring the main lie over and over again - ignoring the realities of fake death that is deliberately being used to push various political aims.

Instead they argue for teachers to carry guns etc., and other politically lame arguments because they are reluctant to reveal the big lie - IT IS ALL A SCAM perpetrated by the Powers - That-Be.

No one died at the Pulse Club of Orlando. No one died in Santa Fe Texas despite this little town having dozens and dozens of police cars there - how ironic so much force quickly mustered in a little town for camera footage - all of it lame with no blood anywhere.

Related: Thirteen Important Elements To Look For In Every Staged Shooting Event

No one died at Pittsburgh Synagogue. No one died at Thousand Oaks even if the MSM was there almost from the get-go - as if they were aware ahead of time - again how ironic?

These are all lies - elaborate conspiracy lies - not theories but actual acted out lies.

Again and again and again and the Democratic Party is about to declare all out war on the 2nd Amendment while the Alt-Right stands by and watches as their feeble responses amount to nothing.

Nor should they put faith in President Donald Trump. Trump is NOT his own man. He is heavily influenced by Zionist powers. Right-wing Zionists helped put him in power and finance him.

He has been financed by Zionist bankers. He can cave to Jewish power - a main faction behind destroying the 2nd Amendment.

[Comment: FALSE:]

Comment: Read about the Alliance that has been working behind the scenes for decades to take down the 'Cabal' within the work of David Wilcock.

Some of those reading this may be confused because the cabal-controlled mainstream media is doing everything within it's power to denigrate Trump - as he is part of the effort to take the Illuminati down once and for all.

Meanwhile Alex Jones at his InfoWars empire has been cry-babying about how he “never” said no one died at Sandy Hook.

Related: Censorship Of Alex Jones Won’t Stop With Alex Jones: Natural Medicine, Cannabis And Health Freedom Channels Are Already Being Blacklisted

Fifty times it seems Jones has overtly denied being a Sandy Hook denier (and yet Alex Jones likely well knows no one died at Sandy Hook Elementary School - a school by the way was not even open and operating at the time of the supposed mass shooting due to flood damage as permanently closed).

Yes Alex Jones was being called out by Megan Kelly on his earlier statements regarding Sandy Hook and his initial interview with Wolfgang Halbig. But then due to fear of repercussions he has backtracked.

Surely the MSM still have a lot of power and influence, such as with Congress and society. Surely it can be intimidating to speak truth to power in such allegation - that is to call out just how corrupt this society, government and media is and has been.

There is a reason this article is authored as anonymous - the corrupt do not play fairly. It is a dangerous task to make such statements.

It is practical to self-censor for survival purposes - especially in a time of massive censorship and espionage on citizens. This is understandable.

But this is still to society’s detriment.

Related: RT Brings You A New Censorship Buster & Google Admits In Court Documents That It Believes Free Speech Is “Disastrous” For Society

Americans [Westerners] are loosing their freedoms and civil rights at a rapid rate. We as a society have never seen so many levels of deceit and real conspiracy as we do in these days having such consequence at home - and yet the levels of deceit have been high on important matters for decades.

It is not a coincidence there was an orchestrated shooting in Thousand Oaks California right after the Democrats stole and manipulated so much of the Californian vote and Democrats supposedly retook the House of Representatives.

Furthermore Nancy Pelosi announces one of the biggest goal of their work is gun control? See:

And it should be noted the Gun Control agenda has been a Zionist agenda. And truth is not anti-Semitic - even though it often is labeled as such. Many outspoken leaders pushing gun control are Jewish.

This agenda has a long history. It is not just Pelosi, Feinstein and Schumer.


What’s the deal with Jews and gun control?

Organized Jews Are the Driving Force Behind Gun Control

Who is Behind Gun Control?

Plus it is not just the 2nd Amendment but the 1st Amendment as well that is simultaneously being attacked.

People are arguing Democrats did not have a blue wave, but the fact is the leaders in the House will be a nightmare disaster of chaos and unnecessary conflict.

Some of the best investigations on corruption in the FBI/DOJ and by Hilary Clinton was being done by the House committees on judicial affairs and intelligence.

That has now been destroyed. For two years the corrupt Democratic Party has already protected Hilary Clinton, the corrupt Democratic Party and the Obama White House as well as the corrupt deep state swamp.

Related: Trump: Reminder, The Only Evidence Of Russian 'Collusion' Is By Hillary & The DNC + The Mechanics Of
Democratic Deception

The alternative media could have done a lot more in investigating how these House seats could have been stolen - especially electronically through backdoors.

It is not enough to focus on election fraud in Florida and other random places across the nation. There needs to be a thorough investigation of systemic electronic fraud across the board - and having a Department of Homeland Security that helped cover up the truth of 9/11 is no help.

Blame Trump all you want - everyone knew this train was coming. And the long term consequences can only be imagined.

Related: Many Scientific “Truths” Are, In Fact, False + A Scientist Explains Why "Everything Is Fucked"

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Science Confirms That People Absorb Energy From Others
December 1 2018 | From: Tinnuochan

Did it ever happen to you to feel a bad vibe when you were with another person, as if this person was absorbing your energy?

Related: Energy Depletion In A Human Being

“Everything is energy” is one of the main axioms of science, and human beings are no strangers to energy transformations.

An interesting study was conducted at the University of Bielefeld, Germany, which shows that plants can absorb energy from other plants. Olivia Bader-Lee, a physician and therapist, followed the results of this investigation.

The science that studies the behavior of energy in living things is called bioenergetics.

This research was conducted in algae, specifically in Chlamydomonas reinhardtii. It was discovered that in addition to photosynthesis, it also has an alternative source of energy and that would be to absorb energy from other algae.

Related: What Is The Ether, Dark Matter And Dark Energy? + The Big Secret Of Quantum Mechanics

The charge of this research is the German biologist Olaf Kruse, and its findings were reported on Naturesite.com.

According to Bader-Lee, our bodies are like sponges, absorbing energy that is around us.

“This is exactly why there are people who feel uncomfortable when they are in a certain group with a mixture of energy and emotions”.

“The human body is very similar to a plant that sucks, absorbs the energy needed to feed your emotional state, and can energize the cells and increase the amount of cortisol and catabolize, feed the cells depending on the emotional need. ” continues Bader-Lee.

That is why many people can change their mood which leads to being nervous, stressed, angry, anxious, sad, but also happy, optimistic and laughing.

Bader-Lee says that over the centuries, man has lost that connection with nature, in which the exchange of energy could bring enormous benefits to humanity.

Related: This Is How Your ‘Aura’ Affects Your Health & Those Around You + Magnetic Fields Of The Human Body And Their Functions & 13 Signs You Are Experiencing A Spiritual Awakening

Ultimately, the spirit is energy, and what we call “supernatural” is nothing more than the manifestation of different energies in the world.

This was known in ancient cultures from every continent, but science has decided to ignore it and only few scientists dare to address these issues, for fear of criticism and rejection by the scientific community.

Related: New Research Shocks Scientists: Human Emotion Physically Shapes Reality

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Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi
New Study: 528Hz Sound "Miraculously" Cleaned Oil Polluted Water In The Gulf Of Mexico
November 30 2018 | From: 528Records

A series of sounds played to oil polluted water from the Gulf of Mexico has “miraculously” cleared test samples of the deadly petrochemicals, says a well known Canadian researcher.

Related: Are There Patents To Manipulate The Human Nervous System Using Electromagnetic Frequencies?

According to John Hutchinson, an electro-magnetic energy expert from Vancouver, B.C., Canada, a selection of “music” has helped purify poisoned water.

The frequencies included the “sound of Jupiter,” recently recorded by NASA, vibrating close to 528Hz frequency.

That sound energy has been determined to match the color greenish-yellow--the heart of the rainbow, the electromagnetic color spectrum, celebrated by the botanical world, according to Dr. Leonard Horowitz, who has published most on that pure tone. Nature obviously celebrates that shade, the pigment chlorophyll, to produce oxygen and energy needed for life.

Related: Know The Truth About Electro Magnetic Frequencies - What The Authorities Don't Tell You

According to Dr. Horowitz, Hutchinson’s study results are most promising, as they were certified by the Analytical Chemical Testing Laboratory, Inc. of Mobile, Alabama, and are consistent with studies and predictions based on the most advanced discoveries in mathematics, physics, and biophysics.

528Hz frequency, the “Miracle” note of original Solfeggio musical scale, is only one of nine “core creative frequencies” in a “Perfect Circle of Sound” that animates physical reality, like atomic energy technology, using spinning electrons vibrating with electro-resonance.

This is an image of one of the most perfect, detailed, pure water crystals ever photographed. It formed to reflect the sound of the sun.

Related: Social Engineering - The War On The Higher Mind Of Humans: Here’s Why You Should Consider Converting
Your Music To A=432 Hz

In 2009, researcher David Sereda sent Dr. Horowitz NASA recordings of the sun along with this crystallograph produced by researchers in Russia. Later, Dr. Horowitz compared the sound of the sun, and jupiter to the pure tones of “The Perfect Circle of Sound” frequencies, including 528Hz. The Harvard trained public health expert noted 528Hz was most obviously harmonic to both recordings.

Dr. Horowitz believes 528Hz is also fundamental to “LOVE”—the “Universal Healer;” and he recommends combining the frequency of “LOVE/528,” with the “Universal Solvent” - Water - to advance “the future of medicine” - LOVE Hydrosonics.

To this end, the award winning author and film-maker publishes two online journals Hydrosonics, that discusses the powerful impacts of sounds on water, and Medical Veritas, heralding advances in natural ways to end pollution and advance healing. 

John Hutchison, is a well known scientist best known for examining The Bermuda Triangle, and explaining strange occurrences in this infamous area of the Atlantic ocean, called the “Hutchison-Effect,” all associated with electromagnetic disturbances of unknown origin. The Canadian Government has persecuted Hutchinson heavily over the years, the last time for supposedly causing his neighbor to levitate without consent.

Related: The A=432 Hz Frequency: DNA Tuning And The Bastardisation Of Music

Hutchinson’s partner, Nancy Lazaryan, a journalist from Minnesota, said their research was “intuited” to include the 528Hz sound that they observed causing oxygen to bubble up heavily from the bottom of the oil soaked Gulf  and Perdido Bay, between Florida and Alabama.

The couple started their research requesting samples of polluted Gulf water be sent to Hutchison's lab in Vancouver.  There, Hutchison and Lazaryan experimented using ancient Solfeggio sounds and Gregorian chant frequences that have been traditionally used for healing. The frequencies were applied to several polluted water samples using audio and radio waves, with wonderful results.

So Hutchison and Lazaryan packed up their lab equipment, borrowed a trailer, and farm truck, and traveled from Canada to the Gulf. Their chemical analysis from their first "open air frequencies" experiments in Perdido Bay proved to them that, “the Gulf water can be healed.”

Related: Devil Music: A History Of The Occult In Rock & Roll

To date, the federal government has relied on the deadly oil dispersant, Corexit, a Goldman Sach/Boots & Coots chemical causing a lot of people, and wildlife, to get sick and die.

Alternatively, Hutchinson and Lazaryan recommend a harmonic "stream of sound" to completely purify the polluted water. The couple claims the inspiration for these harmonics came from the Essenes, a sect of Israel where Jesus was a member. The Essenes "inner circle" taught the "stream of sound" as part of the Creator’s power to create.

The 528 hz tone is known by the ancients to be a "healing frequency," and many people believe it can be used to repair damaged DNA. Most recently, Dr. Horowitz, working with mathematician Marko Rodin, advanced the mathematical relationship to genetic structuring, as DNA segments reflect Rodin’s “infinity pattern,” that others predict will revolutionize everything. (click here for a Youtube presentation on this knowledge.)

In 2009, Dr. Horowitz produced Live H2O: Concert for the Living Water, in which groups from 72 countries participated by singing and chanting in 528Hz, praying for all polluted water to be blessed worldwide. 

One of the honorees at LIVE H2O was Dr. Masaru Emoto who conducted years of research sending purifying intentions and “LOVE/528Hz frequency vibrations into water with astonishing results published in dozens of languages and two New York Times bestselling books.  

Related: Demons Behind The Music Industry (Ex Illuminati Explains) & Illuminati - The Music Industry Exposed

Dr. Emoto actually filmed the molecular structure of the water changing from disorganized arrays of crystals in polluted water, into beautiful snowflake formations included visible “messages” as through the water was actually “conscious.”

Dr. Horowitz, among Dr. Emoto’s leading scientific supporters, explains this metaphysically by relating the power of LOVE in human hearts to the power of the Creator to respond to prayer and heart-felt loving intentions to heal the world and be helpful to one another.

Hutchison and Lazaryan, likewise, are hoping to bless the planet with their new discoveries in the Gulf of Mexico.

"We declare PEACE," says Lazaryan, "the war upon the Gulf is over."

Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi

Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi
New Zealand Researcher Malcolm Scott - New Zealand's Climate Of Secrecy
November 29 2018 | From: SageOfQuay

As part of his post graduate work, Malcolm Scott is writing a thesis on whether New Zealand’s Ministry for the Environment is engaged in a practice of intentional disinformation regarding the ongoing and persistent aerosol program in New Zealand.

Malcolm is a post-graduate student and researcher at the University of Canterbury. He is recognized by the New Zealand Tertiary Education Commission. Prior to joining the University of Canterbury Malcolm has held academic appointments with the University of Otago, Christchurch College of Education and the Christchurch Polytechnic Institute of Technology.

Related: Anti-Geoengineering Legal Alliance Files US 60 Day Notice Of Legal Action

Malcolm’s interest was piqued when after submitting a freedom of information request – known as an OIA in New Zealand – he received back, by accident, an internal document detailing how the Ministry responds to geoengineering inquiries. That response entailed denying that any such program exists.

That document has lead Malcolm to conclude that the New Zealand government is aware and complicit in covering up the covert operation to geoengineer the atmosphere.

Related: Geoengineering And Weather Modification Exposed

Malcolm is a post-graduate student and researcher at the University of Canterbury. He is recognized by the New Zealand Tertiary Education Commission. Prior to joining the University of Canterbury Malcolm has held academic appointments with the University of Otago, Christchurch College of Education and the Christchurch Polytechnic Institute of Technology.

New Zealand Ministry for the Environment Document

Declassified: Naval Concepts of Chemical and Biological Warfare Department of Defense (1952)

Weather Forecaster Discusses Military Chaff (Chemtrails)

Related: Mainstream Scientist Exposes The Dangerous Reality Of Chemtrails And Geoengineering

Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi

Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi

From The Archives: "The End Game Is A New World Order"- Former Canadian Minister Of Defence Speaks Out + The Globalists Say It In Their Own Words
November 28 2018 [July 31 2016] | From: EMN / AustralianNationalReview / Various

"They decided to use the monetary system to crush countries instead of armies." - Paul Hellyer

Paul Hellyer is one of Canada’s best known and most controversial politicians. As Former Minister Of Defence, Hellyer has been exposed to the inner workings of Canada’s political and military systems.

Related: Ex Canadian Minister Of Defence Hon. Paul Hellyer Calls On Citizens To Oust The Cabal

At The Hearing on UFO Disclosure sponsored by the Alien Cosmic Expo in Brantford, Ontario this past June 25, 2016, Hellyer addressed a filled convention hall of people, cameras and reporters, asking the question; “Who is the next Empire?”

Pointing to the cabal of banking cartels, the oil cartel, big transnational corporations, the trilateral commission, intelligence agencies in the USA, UK, Israel, and the American military who are working in concert to crush countries economically and rule the world, Hellyer states that the cabal is running the US for the last half century to the point where Presidents have been little more than talking heads with the Congress being clueless as to what is going on.

“The end game is a world government, the New World Order, unelected and accountable only to them.”
Heller exclaims.

“That’s what they are doing. They decided to use the monetary system to crush countries instead of armies.”

If what we are seeing in Europe with BREXIT and the entire European Union experiencing financial turmoil, Paul Hellyer and his message needs to be heard!

And here's Obama's video, sheesh why don't you say what you really think, Barack?

"And for the international order that we have worked for generations to build.

Ordinary men and women are too small minded to govern their own affairs.

That order and progress can only come when individuals surrender their rights to an all-powerful sovereign."

- Barack Obama [See video below]

And if we haven't got your attention yet, here's this original old doozey from George H.W. Bush on September 11, 1991:

Followed By This synopsis - David Rockefeller & Co: The One World Order Theory Is True

David Rockefeller, one of the oldest billionaires in the world who is turning 101 this June, has said that he is proud to be accused of creating a ‘One World Order,’ a group of selected elites who planned to exploit America for their own interests.

“Some even believe [the Rockefellers] are part of a secret cabal working against the best interests of the United States, characterising my family and me as ‘internationalists’ conspiring with others around the world to build a more integrated global political and economic structure – one world, if you will. If that’s the charge, I stand guilty, and I’m proud of it.”

- David Rockefeller, 2002.

Enjoy some more juicy NWO quotes here: 150+ New World Order Quotes

David Rockefeller, whose family has been one of the most influential ones in the US
- to the extent that they were equated as the Royal Family of the US- does not regret the charges. Nor does he regret that his family has been at the receiving end of the conspiracy theory.

Governor Nelson Rockefeller of New York
In an article entitled "Rockefeller Bids Free Lands Unite: Calls at Harvard for Drive to Build New World Order"
New York Times, February 1962

The United Nations, he told an audience at Harvard University, "has not been able - nor can it be able - to shape a new world order which events so compellingly demand." ...

The new world order that will answer economic, military, and political problems, he said, "urgently requires, I believe, that the United States take the leadership among all free peoples to make the underlying concepts and aspirations of national sovereignty truly meaningful through the federal approach."

Senator Jay Rockefeller

John Davison " Jay " Rockefeller IV roasts Pat Buchanan in 1991 shows his true colors of a globalist psychopath out to manipulate and control the world:

On the other hand, David Rockefeller says he is happy that his family’s name has been dragged into the conspiracy theory, which wants to establish that the Rockefellers and other rich and famous wanted to benefit at the expense of the poor.

The only billionaire in the world over 100 years old, David’s family has a tradition of being involved in such controversies. His grandfather John D Rockefeller who died in 1937 was the founder of Standard Oil and the world’s richest individual at that time.

Over the years, the family has had its own time under the sun and was associated with wealth, power, politics, finance, diplomacy, philanthropy, marijuana prohibition, aliens, UFO’s and finally the infamous conspiracy theories.

Of course the NWO is not just about the Rockefellers, they an American offshoot - and have probably been more loose-lipped about the NWO agenda than others.

In Europe of course we have the Rothschilds along with a number of other "Illuminati" / Khazarian Zionist families with many interrelated factions and networks.

Related: The Top Of The Pyramid: The Rothschilds, The Vatican And The British Crown Rule World

Congressman Larry P. McDonald
US Rep. , Killed in Korean Air Lines 007, 1983 - killed in the 747 that was shot down by the Soviets

"The drive of the Rockefellers and their allies is to create a one-world government combining supercapitalism and Communism under the same tent, all under their control....

Do I mean conspiracy? Yes I do. I am convinced there is such a plot, international in scope, generations old in planning, and incredibly evil in intent."

As per the purported ‘One World Order’, the elites have been accused of setting up institutions such as the 'Trilateral Commission’ and the ‘Bilderberg Group’ among others to advance their interests nationally and globally.

The Bilderberg Group is a good example of part of the NWO network - the connections are quite clear visually:

Just how hyperbolic are allegations that the Bilderbergs run the world? To help readers decide, here is a chart laying out the linkages and various connections - financial, political, statutory and otherwise - between the handful of people who comprise the Bilderberg core and the rest of the world:

Click on the image above to open a larger version in a new window

Their aim is to create an international world order to deal with global issues, initiated and controlled by western countries. The order was accused of trying to dominate and manipulate the weak and the fragmented people of the world.

Related: The Conspiracy To Rule The World - An Interactive History

Even though the Rockefellers were the most prominent family during their heydays, David is [supposedly] only 603rd among the list of top billionaires in the world.

His grandfather John D Rockefeller, in contrast, has assets equal to 1.5 per cent of US GDP. The falling wealth and prospects of the family have not stopped the Rockefellers from donating to charity and even last year, he donated USD79m and is believed to have donated USD900m over his life time. [These figures are grossly under reported, and in any case the vast majority of funding goes towards Gloablist projects - under the guise of "philanthropy" and "charities."]

David Rockefeller
Founder of the Trilateral Commission, in an address to a meeting of The Trilateral Commission, Baden-Baden, Germany, June 1991 (a meeting also attended by then-Governor Bill Clinton and by Dan Quayle)

"We are grateful to the Washington Post, The New York Times, Time Magazine and other great publications whose directors have attended our meetings and respected their promises of discretion for almost forty years.

It would have been impossible for us to develop our plan for the world if we had been subjected to the lights of publicity during those years.

But, the world is now more sophisticated and prepared to march towards a world government. The supranational sovereignty of an intellectual elite and world bankers is surely preferable to the national auto-determination practiced in past centuries."

Five of his siblings are dead and David is the last one left and perhaps the most influential of them all. As a child, David was reserved and solitary, with a passion for collecting beetles. As an adult, he is believed to be suave and non-confrontational.

During his youth, he knew every politician who mattered on the planet and a journalist and former LBJ aide Bill Moyers once called him “the unelected but indisputable chairman of the American establishment”.

Above: Jacob Rothschild with David Rockefeller

The left saw the rich man’s club, promoted by Rockefeller, as promoting free markets and perhaps that is how the rumours spread. However, the Rockefellers have taken the criticism in their stride and are even proud of it.

David Rockefeller
In a statement to the United Nations Business Council, 1994

"We are on the verge of a global transformation. All we need is the right major crisis and the nations will accept the New World Order."

Related: Who / What is "The Crown"?

Related: Holy Smoke And Mirrors - The Vatican Conspiracy

Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi

Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi

Monsanto Loses Lawsuit And $289 Million & Bayer Needs More Than An Aspirin To Cure Its Monsanto-Sized Headache
November 7 2018 | From: JonRappoport / OrganicConsumers / Various

A lot of people were waiting for this day. It finally arrived. Reuters: “… a California jury ordered [Monsanto]… to pay $289 million for not warning of cancer risks posed by its main weed killer [Roundup].”

“The case of school groundskeeper Dewayne Johnson, filed in 2016, was fast-tracked for trial due to the severity of his non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma, a cancer of the lymph system that he alleges was caused by Roundup and Ranger Pro, another Monsanto glyphosate herbicide.”

Related: Monsanto is Totally Screwed (and Bayer Too), Exxon & Big Oil May Start to Lose Lawsuits

More than 5000 lawsuits against Monsanto and Roundup are waiting in the wings, and this verdict, in favor of Johnson, is a strong signal to future juries.

Of course, Monsanto, and its new parent company, Bayer, claim last week’s court ruling was deeply flawed and Roundup is not a health threat; an appeal is in the works.

And that is where the danger lies.

As you go higher in the court system, judges, not juries, are making the decisions, the judges tend to be appointed on the basis of their politics.

Official science IS politics, with mega-corporations the favored clients.

Monsanto’s lawyers will be able to restate the EPA [Environmental Protection Agency] assessment that Roundup is not a proven or likely carcinogen.

Related: EPA Contradicts Its Own Research, Claims Roundup Poses No Risk To Humans & More

The judges of an appeals court could decide, for example, that the scientific evidence presented by both sides “cancels itself out” and leaves a definitive opinion on Roundup in maybe-limbo “at the present time.”

Therefore, the accuser, Dewayne Johnson, has not proved his case. Therefore, there is no judgment in his favor, and no $$ penalty against Monsanto.

I would say Monsanto (and its new owner Bayer) are counting on this scenario.

Could we also be talking about secret payoffs (or blackmail) to assure a favorable outcome? I’m absolutely shocked that anyone would suggest the possibility.

As we all know, these corporations are models of propriety and good citizenship. Their reputations are above reproach. They arise each day seeking only to do good in the far flung communities they serve. They search their souls for any sign of moral turpitude and eradicate such problems in short order.

Right? No?

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Bayer Needs More Than An Aspirin To Cure Its Monsanto-Sized Headache

In a special telephone meeting on Thursday, August 23, Bayer AG’s CEO Werner Bauman tried to reassure the German conglomerate’s principal shareholders who were concerned about the recent drop in the company’s stock. Bayer’s stock fell dramatically after an unfavorable verdict against Bayer’s St. Louis subsidiary, Monsanto.

Bauman expressed his confidence in Monsanto and predicted a sunny future for its flagship herbicide, Roundup.

Related: CBS: Victory! Monsanto verdict upheld, Bayer stock crashes. Analysts Estimate $800B in future losses

He told his top-tier investors that Bayer had performed an adequate due-diligence on Monsanto before purchasing the troubled company for $66 billion this past June.

At the time of its purchase, Monsanto told its German suitors that a $270-million set-aside would cover all its outstanding liabilities arising from Monsanto’s 5,000 Roundup cancer lawsuits.

Bauman did concede to anxious shareholders that Monsanto had withheld internal papers relevant to the case. Bayer never saw those internal Monsanto documents prior to the purchase.  

The source of the brouhaha was the August 10, $289-million verdict by a San Francisco jury in favor of Dwayne “Lee” Johnson, a California public school groundskeeper who said his terminal non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma resulted from exposure to the Monsanto weedkiller.

That single jury award consumed 100 percent of Monsanto’s set-aside and more.

Related: Dying Man’s Lawsuit Claims Monsanto Hid The Cancer Dangers Of Roundup For Years

On news of the verdict, Bayer watched its stock plummet 14 percent and forfeited $16 billion in shareholder value. Now Bayer is facing a cascade of new Roundup cases and a possible rash of shareholder lawsuits by its own investors alleging that Bayer failed to disclose its true liabilities.    

It’s no surprise that Monsanto kept secrets from Bayer. Johnson’s jury heard evidence that for four decades Monsanto maneuvered to conceal Roundup’s carcinogenicity by capturing regulatory agencies, corrupting public officials, bribing scientists and engaging in scientific fraud to delay its day of reckoning.

The jury found that these activities constituted “malice, fraud and oppression” warranting $250 million in punitive damages.

I am one of several attorneys representing, collectively, now some 8,000 clients with similar cases. I attended the two-month trial and worked with the trial team led by two young and exceptionally gifted lawyers, Brent Wisner of Baum Hedlund Aristei & Goldman and Dave Dickens of The Miller Firm.  

For Bayer the worst is yet to come.

Related: European Court Issues Common Sense Ruling On The Link Between Vaccines And Disease + Robert Kennedy, Jr. Is Right About Vaccines: A Medically Induced 'Holocaust' Is Now Upon Us

Despite Monsanto’s efforts, the science linking glyphosate - Roundup’s active ingredient - to non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma has passed the critical inflection point. European nations are moving to ban or restrict the chemical, and California regulators and courts have ordered Monsanto to warn consumers of Roundup’s carcinogenicity at all points of sale.

Both federal and state courts across the country have agreed that the question can be sent to juries. Hundreds of new inquiries have flooded our offices since the Johnson verdict.

Perhaps more ominously for Bayer, Monsanto also faces cascading scientific evidence linking glyphosate to a constellation of other injuries that have become prevalent since its introduction, including obesity, depression, Alzheimer’s, ADHD, autism, multiple sclerosis, Parkinson’s, kidney disease, and inflammatory bowel disease, brain, breast and prostate cancer, miscarriage, birth defects and declining sperm counts.

Strong science suggests glyphosate is the culprit in the exploding epidemics of celiac disease, colitis, gluten sensitivities, diabetes and non-alcoholic liver cancer which, for the first time, is attacking children as young as 10.

Researchers peg glyphosate as a potent endocrine disruptor, which interferes with sexual development in children. The chemical compound is certainly a chelator that removes important minerals from the body, including iron, magnesium, zinc, selenium and molybdenum.

Related: Monsanto May Soon Face A Flood Of Lawsuits From Cancer Victims Of Roundup Herbicide

Roundup disrupts the microbiome destroying beneficial bacteria in the human gut and triggering brain inflammation and other ill effects.  

The public’s growing concerns with Roundup are, in part, due to Monsanto’s overreaching. For two decades following its licensing in 1974, farmers and gardeners used Roundup as a conventional weedkiller.

After Monsanto’s introduction of Roundup Ready seeds in the 1990s, farmers began aerial spraying of the herbicide on entire fields, including newly planted corn, canola and soy genetically altered to thrive in the toxic mist that killed all neighboring weeds.

Then, around 2006, Monsanto started marketing Roundup as a desiccant to dry up oats and wheat immediately before harvest. For the first time, farmers were spraying the chemical directly on food. Roundup sales rose dramatically to 300 million pounds annually in the U.S., with farmers spraying enough to cover every tillable acre in America with a gallon of Roundup.

Glyphosate now accounts for about 50% of all herbicide use in the U.S. About 75% of glyphosate use has occurred since 2006, with the global glyphosate market projected to reach $11.74 billion by 2023.

Never in history has a chemical been used so pervasively. Glyphosate is in our air, water, plants, animals, grains, vegetables and meats. It’s in beer and wine, children’s breakfast cereal and snack bars and mother’s breast milk. It’s even in our vaccines.  

Related: Incriminating Documents Reveal Monsanto Knew They Were Poisoning The Environment With Their PCBs

As grim as its financials now look, Monsanto’s reputational liability may be even more of an anchor for Bayer than all the lawsuits. Environmentalists complain that Roundup is exterminating at least 13 species in the U.S. alone, including North America’s iconic Monarch butterfly.

Human rights advocates blame the suicides of more than 200,000 Indian farmers on the suffocating economics caused by Monsanto’s monopolistic control of international seed stocks. Government regulators are already under pressure to restrict these sorts of chemical mayhems with laws limiting glyphosate and GMOs.

Monsanto has carved out a market niche monetizing deadly chemicals that more squeamish companies shun, a strategy that has made the company the Snidely Whiplash of corporate scoundrels and the planet’s worst villain, according to many environmentalists and human rights advocates.

As a boy, I watched Monsanto’s vicious campaign to pillory the dying heroine Rachel Carson over her book, “Silent Spring,” in its efforts to exonerate its pesticide DDT which was wiping out songbirds and the American bald eagle.

At the same time, Monsanto amplified its notoriety among the 1960s and 1970s generations by producing Agent Orange herbicide that devastated Vietnam and poisoned thousands of U.S. soldiers and Vietnamese peasants.

Related: Vietnam Demands Monsanto Finally Be Held Liable Over Agent Orange

In the 1990s, Monsanto was forced to recall its drug “Celebrex” which cured headaches and caused heart attacks. Nutritionists condemned Monsanto’s artificial sweetener aspartame as a “neurotoxin masquerading as a supplement.”

I spent 30 years as an environmental lawyer fighting to clean the Hudson of Monsanto’s PCBs, a contamination crisis which closed the river’s historical fisheries, put thousands of fishermen out of work and poisoned Hudson Valley residents. All these sordid ventures have tarnished Monsanto’s standing with the public in ways that could contribute to a string of punishing verdicts.

During his telephone offensive, Bauman rejected the possibility of settlement talks with the non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma plaintiff. He promised to appeal the Johnson verdict and doubled down on Monsanto’s discredited claims that Roundup is safe.

Bauman repeated three times to Bayer’s investors, “We are committed to defending glyphosate.” An escalation in troll and bot activity against Monsanto’s critics at the height of the trial signaled a full-bore Monsanto PR campaign.

A Monsanto-loving troll suddenly appeared to shadow and slander Zen Honeycutt, who attended the trial. Honeycutt is a modern-day Rachel Carson. The mother of two glyphosate-injured kids, she has become one of Roundup’s most vocal and effective scourges.

Related: NAFSN Outlaws Traditional Seed Trading, Allows Monsanto To Advance Across Africa + Monsanto Found Guilty Of Crimes Against Humanity During International Tribunal

These strategies are more likely to inflame future juries angered that the chemical company is not coming clean about poisoning our farms, our food and our families and to remind consumers of Bayer’s own dingy history. Bayer, after all, is not just a benign aspirin company.

Formerly known as IG Farben, the company supported the rise of Adolf Hitler and made a killing by selling the Nazis Zyklon B gas to exterminate Jews at Auschwitz.

The Nuremberg tribunals convicted a half-dozen IG Farben executives for slavery and mass murder. One of them, Fritz ter Meer, returned from Spandau prison in 1956 to become Bayer’s first board chairman.

Today, Bayer is an agrochemical and pharmaceutical giant with its own inventory of deadly farm chemicals.

Monsanto boosters hope that San Francisco’s highly educated jury (our panel included two scientists) was an anomaly. Jurors in farm country, they argue, particularly those in Monsanto’s home court, St. Louis County, Missouri, will be less generous to local plaintiffs.

Bauman told his shareholders that there is only a single scheduled case in St. Louis. Not true! Our team has a half dozen trials scheduled in St. Louis and others in Bozeman, Montana, and Oakland, California.

But there is ample reason that those juries won’t be any happier with Monsanto than the jury in Johnson’s case.

Related: Glyphosate Herbicide And Toxic Heavy Metals Act Like "Binary Weapon" To Destroy Kidneys & Four Popular
Companies Who Own The Medical Treatments For The Diseases Their Products Cause

After all, the California judge overseeing Johnson v. Monsanto bent over backward to exclude evidence she perceived as damaging to Monsanto.

Beginning in pretrial hearings and continuing throughout the eight-week Johnson trial, San Francisco Superior Court Judge Suzanne Ramos Bolanos, a former prosecutor, consistently sided with Monsanto in her rulings on the company’s evidentiary objections.  

My colleague, Brent Wisner, estimates that 80 percent of the documents we wanted to show to the jury were not used, many because of the rulings we considered to be judicial error. We believe that our future Monsanto juries will see this evidence.

Here Are Some of the Worst Examples:

In 2015, the World Health Organization’s International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) determined that glyphosate, the active ingredient in Roundup, was an animal carcinogen and a probable human carcinogen.

In 2017, the California Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) followed suit, listing glyphosate as a carcinogen under Proposition 65.

While Judge Bolanos allowed Monsanto’s lawyers to tell the jury that federal EPA and some European health agencies disputed the IARC findings, she blocked us from mentioning California’s decision to list glyphosate as a carcinogen, declaring that it would bias the jury.

Related: Heartbreaking Letter From Dying EPA Scientist Begs Monsanto “Moles” Inside The Agency To Stop Lying About Dangers Of RoundUp (Glyphosate) & Monsanto Funneled Money To Front Groups To Attack Anti-GMO Activists, Court Documents Reveal

The surreal incongruity of a California state court silencing California’s own environmental agency while crediting the findings of foreign health agencies and a demonstrably corrupt federal EPA, struck us as strange. Because of the judge’s rulings, Monsanto’s attorneys were able to paint IARC as a lonely (and therefore unreliable) outlier in its conclusions on glyphosate.

Judge Bolanos also forbade us from showing the jury evidence of Monsanto’s fraudulent scheme to win regulatory approval for Roundup.

In the mid-1970’s when Monsanto first sought to license Roundup, the company hired a corrupt consultant, Industrial Bio-Test Laboratories (IBT), to conduct toxicology studies on the active ingredient, glyphosate.

The EPA approved glyphosate for sale in 1974 based on IBT Labs' jiggered data. IBT Labs made little effort to conceal the fact that its science was fraudulent.

One EPA reviewer dryly observed that it was “hard to believe the scientific integrity of the studies when they said they took specimens of the uterus from male rabbits.”

A subsequent EPA review found that producing falsified data for Monsanto and other corporations was IBT’s core business model.

Related: Bombshell Secret Documents Show Monsanto Knew About Glyphosate Link To Cancer Over 35 Years Ago + How You Can Have Yourself Tested For Glyphosate Contamination

A federal jury found three IBT officials guilty of attempting to defraud the government by covering up inaccurate research data. Judge Bolanos ruled that Lee Johnson’s jury should hear no mention of the Monsanto/IBT flim-flams.  

The next chapter of that story was particularly relevant to our case.

When the EPA asked Monsanto to retest glyphosate safety in the wake of the IBT scandal, the company’s own 1983 study found a statistically significant number of benign and malignant kidney tumors in male mice exposed to high amounts of glyphosate.

This study prompted EPA to classify glyphosate as a possible human carcinogen in 1985. Monsanto protested that its researchers had made errors in performing the mouse study despite anemic evidence that this was indeed the case.

Under extreme political pressure from Monsanto’s allies in Ronald Reagan’s cabinet, EPA folded and withdrew the cancer classification on the condition that Monsanto re-perform the mouse test.

Monsanto promised to do so, but once the EPA cancelled the cancer classification, the company reneged, refusing to test glyphosate’s carcinogenicity for 40 years. Judge Bolanos ordered that the jury should hear nothing of this important tale and allowed Monsanto to tell the jury that EPA had always believed Roundup to be non-carcinogenic.

Related: Roundup Now Proven To Cause Liver Disease, And It’s In Your Food

In one noteworthy email exchange between an academic and Daniel Goldstein, a Monsanto employee, Goldstein joked that the company has been playing “whack-a-mole” to kill or derail carcinogenicity and toxicity studies of Roundup and its associated GMOs for years.

At Monsanto’s request, Judge Bolanos deemed any mention of GMOs off-limits in our case. She believed that even a mention of that hot topic would inflame the jury against Monsanto. We therefore could not show the jury Monsanto’s inculpatory “whack a mole” memo.

Judge Bolanos’ ban on any reference to GMOs also allowed Monsanto to get away with its unrebutted assertion that “Roundup is great for the soil.” We couldn’t show the abundant evidence of the damage to soils and ecosystems for the Roundup-GMO combination.

Most frustrating, Judge Bolanos forbade us from mentioning Monsanto’s “TNO dermal absorption” study, which she inexplicably deemed “irrelevant.”

The “TNO Dermal Absorption” study was the company’s own critical research paper documenting how the human body absorbs far higher amounts of formulated Roundup through the skin than previously reported.

Monsanto illegally kept the study secret from regulators and acknowledged in its internal communications that public knowledge of this study would “blow up Roundup’s risk evaluations.”

The Monsanto Papers

Four Corners investigates the secret tactics used by global chemical giant #Monsanto to protect its billion-dollar business and its star product, the weed killer, #Roundup.

Following that study, Monsanto recommended waterproof jackets, pants, faceplate, et cetera for its employees handling Roundup. Monsanto included none of those precautions on the warning label of the Roundup used by our client Lee Johnson.

Instead of pursuing the TNO safety study to ensure that Roundup was safe, Monsanto executive William Heydens killed the product research “because a further study was not likely to help us meet the project objective.” The “project objective” was maintaining Roundup’s market dominance.

Monsanto’s choice to illegally hide the results of the TNO study from the EPA and to abandon the research were directly relevant to punitive damages, but the jury never learned about those events.

During the trial, we showed the deposition of Monsanto’s markets supervisor Kirk Azevedo.

Azevedo was an idealist who joined Monsanto after watching a speech by Monsanto CEO Robert Shapiro promising to make Monsanto a template for green technology and ethical corporate culture.

When Azevedo invoked the speech during an office strategy discussion, his direct boss told Azevedo that Shapiro’s speech was PR window dressing, “We are about making money- you need to get that straight.”

Strangely, Judge Bolanos decided to order us not to talk about the Azevedo testimony on summation even though she had earlier ruled it admissible.  

Related: Monsanto's Dirty Dozen: 12 More Crimes Against Humanity And The Environment Concocted By The World's Most Evil Corporation + New Evidence About the Dangers of Monsanto’s Roundup

Finally, Judge Bolanos gave a “curative instruction” telling the jury that Monsanto had never manufactured Agent Orange. This statement was simply not true - however, the judge deemed the instruction necessary to neutralize potential bias from statements made by dismissed jurors about Agent Orange in front of their fellow jurymen.

In his Thursday phone conference, Bauman dismissed all the evidence heard at trial about Monsanto’s reprehensible behavior, telling his investors it was “taken out of context.” Johnson’s jury heard the same lame assertions from Monsanto’s lawyers and did not agree. The next jury is likely to hear much more.

The science against Roundup continues to snowball and we anticipate that other judges will rule these and many other documents admissible in future trials.

Of course we won’t consistently get quarter billion dollar verdicts but the headache for Bayer is just beginning and it will require more than aspirin to cure.

Related: Bayer's Monsanto faces 8,000 lawsuits on glyphosate

Robert F. Kennedy Jr. is a longtime environmental advocate and author of American Values: Lessons I Learned From My Family. He is co-counsel to Baum Hedlund Law, representing nearly 800 people across the nation who allege Roundup exposure caused their non-Hodgkin lymphoma. Follow him on Twitter: @RobertKennedyJr. Like him on Facebook.

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Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi

Everything Is Rigged: Medicine, Science, Elections, The Media, Money, Education, Search Engines, Social Media... You Are Living In A Fabricated Fairy Tale
November 26 2018 | From: NaturalNews / Various

After witnessing how Reuters just blatantly cooked the presidential election polls this week to favor Clinton and how the mainstream media is so terrifyingly biased in favor of Clinton that the very foundation of democracy is now in crisis, it's time to tell you something that perhaps a lot more people are finally ready to hear: EVERYTHING IS RIGGED.

Statement On Clinton Foundation’s Ties To Corporation Funding ISIS

Every institution - and not just inin America is sold out, corrupted and politically rigged to favor Big Government and Big Business. "America is a lost country," explains Paul Craig Roberts. "The total corruption of every public and the private institution is complete. Nothing remains but tyranny. And lies. Endless lies."

CNN, Reuters and the Associated Press are all now shameless promoters of every big lie across every sector of society, from vaccines and GMOs to elections and politics. The federal government itself is incapable of doing anything other than lying, and it has totally corrupted the entire realm of science by pulling the strings of funding via the National Institutes of Health and the NSF.

The FDA is entirely corrupt, as is the USDA. Both function now as little more than marketing propaganda pushers for Big Pharma and Big Biotech. Similarly, Google, Facebook and Twitter are all rigged, too, censoring the voices they don't want anyone to hear while highlighting the establishment lies they wish to promote.

Here's what "rigged" really means... the tools of tyranny

When I say "everything is rigged," what does that mean, exactly?

All "official sources" are ordered to constantly lie about everything, weaving illusions to push a chosen narrative rooted in fiction (from "there are no Islamic terrorists" to "carbon dioxide is poison to the planet").

All voices of reason and sanity are silenced. Only the most insane, irrational voices are allowed to be magnified through any media (including social media). This is also true across the sciences, where real science has been all but snuffed out by political agendas (biosludge, GMOs, glyphosate, mercury in dentistry, etc.).

All facts are obliterated by propaganda. Facts have no place in any debate, and those who invoke facts are shamed and silenced (or even fired from their jobs, expelled from their schools or bullied into a state of suicide on social media). Anyone who invokes facts on things like the actual statistics of police shootings is told they are "part of the problem" because they have the "wrong attitude" about social justice.

Every branch of government is weaponized against the people and used as an assault tool against political enemies who threaten the status quo. (IRS, FDA, FTC, DEA, EPA, USDA, etc.)

All science is distorted into absurd, politically-motivated conclusions about everything the government wants to use to control the masses: Vaccines, climate change, GMOs, fluoride, flu shots, chemical agriculture, carbon dioxide and so on.

Related: RT Brings You A New Censorship Buster & Google Admits In Court Documents That It Believes Free Speech Is “Disastrous” For Society

Every branch of medicine is hijacked by globalist agendas to make sure medicine never makes anyone healthier, more alert or more cognitively capable of thinking for themselves.

Every "news item" that's reported from any official source is deliberately distorted to the point of insanity, turning many facts on their heads while attacking anyone who might offer something truly constructive to the world. (Such as reporting that Clinton was "cleared" by the FBI when, in fact, she was indicted by the very facts the FBI presented!)

All voices of truth are silenced, then replaced by meaningless, distracting babble (Kardashians) or meaningless, tribal sports competitions (the Rio Olympics). The point is to dumb down the entire population to the point of cultural lunacy.

Any true reports that contradict any official narrative are immediately censored. For example, radio host Michael Savage just got blocked by Facebook for posting a true story about an illegal alien who committed murder in America.

Emotions are used as weapons to manipulate the masses. For example, when the mom of a Benghazi victim shares her grief with the world, she is ridiculed and shamed. But when a radical Muslim father who's trying to bring Sharia Law to America attacks Trump by expressing his loss of his soldier son, the media turns him into an instant celebrity, praising his "courageous voice" for daring to speak out. The media hypocrisy is enough to make you vomit...

Related: Former Secret Service Agent Files RICO Lawsuit Against Clintons, Podesta And Soros

What Exactly is Rigged?

The entire mainstream media

Google search engine and Google News

Facebook and Twitter

Political parties (both red asnd blue 100% rigged by globalists)

Every government agency

The entire justice system (makes a total farce of real justice)

Interest rates and the value of the money supply (central banksters)

Academia (all public universities)

EPA's "safe" limits on pesticides (all rigged by Big Biotech)

Food and food labeling (all run by corrupt food companies)

Public education (rigged into Common Core anti-knowledge idiocy)

Banking and finance (all controlled by globalists)

Government economics figures and statistics

Medicine and pharmaceuticals (rigged to maximize profits)

Big Science (totally rigged by government agenda pushers)

The music industry (most top singers can't sing at all)

Weapons manufacturers and war corporations

The illegal drug trade (it's run by the government)

Political elections (all 100% rigged at the federal level)

Political polls (now rigged by Reuters, too)

The health insurance industry (rigged by Obamacare)

College admissions (legally discriminates against Whites and Asians)

9/11 and domestic terrorism (all rigged "official stories")

Oil and energy industries

The rule of law (rigged in favor of the rich and powerful)

Infectious disease and the CDC (a constant stream of lies)

Hollywood (all run by globalists)

Climate change science (all a grand science hoax)

Press release services (they only allow official narratives)

History (what you are taught is mostly a lie)

Government grants (only given out to those who further the agenda)

Government bids (only awarded to those who kick back funds to corrupt officials)

Consciousness and free will (we are all taught consciousness doesn't exist)

Ethnobotany (medicinal and spiritual use of healing plants)

Life on other plants (the obvious truth is kept from us all)

The origin of the universe (the official narrative is a laughable fairy tale)

As a fantastic example of how everything is rigged, consider these paragraphs from this Breitbart.com news story published today:

"Over the weekend and for the past few days since Khan spoke alongside his wife Ghazala Khan about their son, U.S. Army Captain Humayun Khan, who was killed in Iraq in 2004, media-wide reporters, editors, producers, and anchors have tried to lay criticism on Trump over the matter.

They thought they had a good one, a specific line of attack that pitted Trump against the military - and supposedly showed him as a big meanie racist in the process.

But, as Breitbart News showed on Monday midday, that clearly was not the case. Khizr Khan has all sorts of financial, legal, and political connections to the Clintons through his old law firm, the mega-D.C. firm Hogan Lovells LLP.

That firm did Hillary Clinton’s taxes for years, starting when Khan still worked there involved in, according to his own website, matters “firm wide” - back in 2004.

It also has represented, for years, the government of Saudi Arabia in the United States. Saudi Arabia, of course, is a Clinton Foundation donor which - along with the mega-bundlers of thousands upon thousands in political donations to both of Hillary Clinton’s presidential campaigns in 2008 and 2016 - plays right into the “Clinton Cash” narrative."

America's transformation into Communist China is nearly complete

If you're pondering where all this is headed, look no further than Communist China, where all independent news has been outlawed by the state. Political prisoners across China have their organs harvested to enrich black market organ traders, and nearly one out of every three urban citizens is a secret spy who snitches on friends for the totalitarian communist government.

Hillary Clinton is the embodiment of Communist Chinese totalitarianism. She's such a perfect fit for their disastrous model of human rights abuses, government corruption and systemic criminality that I'm surprised she doesn't live in Beijing. If Clinton gets elected, America is gone forever, replaced by a criminal regime of totalitarians who violate the RICO Act as a matter of policy.

Related: Hillary Clinton Was And Is Running A Global Financial Criminal Syndicate’

If this entire rigged system of biased media, Facebook censorship, Google search result manipulations and twisted science ends up putting America's most terrifying political criminal into the White House, it's lights out for the American we once knew. Almost immediately, the nation fractures into near Civil War, with calls for secession growing unstoppable as state after state seeks to escape the political wrath of an insane regime of D.C. criminals and tyrants. #TEXIT

We now live in two Americas: Half the country is tired of everything being rigged, and the other half can't wait to be exploited by yet another crooked leftist LIAR who rigs everything

America is now essentially two nations. On one hand, we have the pro-Trump America, filled with people who are tired of being cheated, censored, punished, stolen from and lied to about everything under the sun.

Donald Trump supporters
are people who realize everything is rigged... and they're demanding an end to the corruption and criminality of the fascist system under which we all suffer today.

Hillary Clinton supporters are people who are too busy chasing political rainbows to realize everything is rigged. They still believe the lies and the propaganda (the "hope and change" that never came, but is still promised by empty politicians). They're living in fairy tale delusional worlds that have been woven into their gullible minds by the skillful social engineers of the radical left.

These people still think the government cares about them... or that CNN only reports truthful news. They can't wait to see another globalist in the White House because they are pathetic, weak-minded empty shells of non-consciousness who are wholly incapable of thinking for themselves.

These two camps of Americans can no longer coexist. They have almost nothing in common when it comes to knowledge, wisdom, ethics, morals or philosophy. One camp believes in the rule of law (Trump); the other camp believes that people in power should be above the law (Clinton).

One camp believes in states' rights and individual liberty (Trump) while the other camp believes in the consolidation of totalitarian power in the hands of a centralized, domineering government (Clinton). One camp believes in a level playing field, free market competition and rewarding innovation and hard work (Trump), while the other camp believes in free handouts, government "equality" mandates, and the ludicrous idea that "there should be no winners or losers in society." (Clinton)

Related: American Center For Law And Justice Files Lawsuits Against ‘Deep State’ Over Clinton Investigation And
Uranium One

In other to try to win this election, the Clinton camp has already rigged EVERYTHING from the very start, including the coronation of Hillary, the scheduling of televised debates to minimize their viewership, the surrender of Bernie Sanders to the DNC machine, the mass organization of illegal voting schemes to make sure illegal aliens vote in November, and so much more. No doubt they're also working extremely hard to rig the black box voting machines all across the country.

If you're tired of everything being rigged, this November vote against the rigged system by voting for Donald Trump. This is truly your last chance to save America from being overthrown by a totalitarian regime of criminals who will crush every last iota of freedom and liberty in America.

Related: Hillary Clinton: A Threat to ALL Humanity: Global Research

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Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi

Latest Attempt At Silencing WikiLeaks’ Julian Assange Foiled
November 25 2018 | From: Geopolitics

The Deep State’s latest attempt at eliminating a thorn in WikiLeaks publisher Julian Assange was exposed and foiled anew.

Scaffolding near balcony where Assange has appeared

There have been many attempts on the life of one Julian Assange prior to his asylum inside the Ecuadorian Embassy in London.

Related: Washington Wants To Murder The Most Honest Journalist On Earth

The striking difference of all is that this time around, they’re not doing it clandestinely, but in plain view of the Londoners.

Break-in Attempted at Embassy; Fears Raised of Abduction

An attempted break-in at Julian Assange’s residence inside the Ecuadorian Embassy in London on Oct. 29, and the absence of a security detail, have increased fears about the safety of the WikiLeak’s publisher.

Lawyers for Assange have confirmed to activist and journalist Suzie Dawson that Assange was awoken in the early morning hours by the break-in attempt. They confirmed to Dawson that the attempt was to enter a front window of the embassy. A booby-trap Assange had set up woke him, the lawyers said.

Scaffolding has appeared against the embassy building in the Knightsbridge section in London which “obscures the embassy’s security cameras,” the lawyers said.

Related: Assange Lashes Out: "Hypocritical Motherf*ckers... Remember How I Exposed Your Secret Deal With The

On the scaffolding electronic devices, presumably to conduct surveillance, can be seen, just feet from the embassy windows.

Later on the day of the break-in, Sean O’Brien, a lecturer at Yale University Law School and a cyber-security expert, was able to enter the embassy through the front door, which was left open.

Inside he found no security present. Someone from the embassy emerged to tell him to send an email to set up an appointment with Assange.

After emailing the embassy, personnel inside refused to check whether it had been received or not.

One of the apparent surveillance devices

Related: Shut It Down: Tom Fitton & Julian Assange Hail Implosion Of Trump-Russia Collusion Narrative After
Mueller Indictments

O’Brien then noticed more scaffolding being erected and observed the devices, which he photographed.

Though a cyber-security expert, O’Brien said he could not identify what the devices are.

"I’ve never seen devices quite like this, and I take photos of surveillance equipment often,”
O’Brien said.

“There were curious plastic tubes with yellow-orange caps, zip-tied to the front.  I have no idea what these are but they seem to have equipment inside them.”

The devices are pointed towards the embassy, where all the blinds were open, and not the street, he said.

'The surveillance devices in the photos reveals no manufacturer branding, serial numbers or visible device information,”
Dawson said.

“The combination of the obscuring of the street-facing surveillance cameras and the installation of surveillance equipment pointed into instead of away from the Embassy, is alarming.”

Another device

Related: 50 high-profile public supporters of Julian Assange in Vigil

The Ecuadorean government had to have given permission for the devices to be installed as they are flush up against the embassy walls on government sovereign territory, Dawson said.

O’Brien said that previous visitors had described to him “closed and locked doors. Security guards manning the desk at all times. Privacy drapes, dark rooms with shuttered blinds. For such a reversal of position to have occurred, there is only one conclusion: the Ecuadorian Embassy is open for business. Wide open.”

In May the Ecuadorian government of President Lenin Moreno shut off Assange’s electronic communications and denied him all visitors except his mother and his lawyers. Last month the government offered Assange a deal: his access to the world could be restored if he agreed not to comment on politics. Assange reportedly refused.

On Thursday the government suddenly barred all access to Assange visitors, including his legal team until next Monday, raising fears that no witnesses could be present should there be an attempt to abduct Assange over the weekend.

Related: Rise In Defense of Assange: Bringing Julian Assange Home

The break-in attempt occurred on the morning that Assange was due to testify via video-link to a court in Quito regarding Assange’s conditions of asylum. Technical problems interrupted Assange’s testimony. The court ruled against his lawyer’s petition for protections for Assange.

The new Ecuadorian government indicated in the Spring that Assange would eventually have to leave the embassy. Assange fears that if he leaves the British government will arrest him on a minor charge of skipping bail when he legally sought asylum inside the embassy in June of 2012.

Assange and his lawyers fear that if he is detained by British authorities he would be extradited to the United States where they believe there is a sealed indictment against him possibly on espionage charges for simply publishing classified documents that he has not been accused of stealing.

#Unity4J Emergency Vigil Livestream…

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Emotional Intelligence: The Social Skills You Weren't Taught In School
November 24 2018 | From: StumbleUpon

You’re taught about history, science, and math when you’re growing up. Most of us, however, aren’t taught how to identify or deal with our own emotions, or the emotions of others. These skills can be valuable, but you’ll never get them in a classroom.

Emotional intelligence is a shorthand that psychological researchers use to describe how well individuals can manage their own emotions and react to the emotions of others.

People who exhibit emotional intelligence have the less obvious skills necessary to get ahead in life, such as managing conflict resolution, reading and responding to the needs of others, and keeping their own emotions from overflowing and disrupting their lives. In this guide, we’ll look at what emotional intelligence is, and how to develop your own.

What Is Emotional Intelligence?

Measuring emotional intelligence is relatively new in the field of psychology, only first being explored in the mid-80s. Several models are currently being developed, but for our purposes, we’ll examine what’s known as the “mixed model,” developed by psychologist Daniel Goleman.

The mixed model has five key areas:

Self-awareness: Self-awareness involves knowing your own feelings. This includes having an accurate assessment of what you’re capable of, when you need help, and what your emotional triggers are.

Self-management: This involves being able to keep your emotions in check when they become disruptive. Self-management involves being able to control outbursts, calmly discussing disagreements, and avoiding activities that undermine you like extended self-pity or panic.

Motivation: Everyone is motivated to action by rewards like money or status. Goleman’s model, however, refers to motivation for the sake of personal joy, curiosity, or the satisfaction of being productive.

Empathy: While the three previous categories refer to a person’s internal emotions, this one deals with the emotions of others. Empathy is the skill and practice of reading the emotions of others and responding appropriately.

Social skills: This category involves the application of empathy as well as negotiating the needs of others with your own. This can include finding common ground with others, managing others in a work environment, and being persuasive.

You can read a bit more about these different categories here. The order of these emotional competencies isn’t all that relevant, as we all learn many of these skills simultaneously as we grow. It’s also important to note that, for our purposes, we’ll only be using this as a guide. Emotional intelligence isn’t an area that most people receive formal training in. We’ll let psychologists argue over the jargon and models, but for now let’s explore what each of these mean and how to improve them in your own life.


Before you can do anything else here, you have to know what your emotions are. Improving your self-awareness is the first step to identifying any problem area you’re facing.

Here are some ways to improve your self-awareness:

Keep a journal: Career skill blog recommends starting by keeping a journal of your emotions. At the end of every day, write down what happened to you, how you felt, and how you dealt with it. Periodically, look back over your journal and take note of any trends, or any time you overreacted to something.

Ask for input from others: As we’ve talked about before when dealing with your self-perception, input from others can be invaluable. Try to ask multiple people who know you well where your strengths and weaknesses lie. Write down what they say, compare what they say to each other and, again, look for patterns. Most importantly, don’t argue with them. They don’t have to be correct. You’re just trying to gauge your perception from another’s point of view.

Slow down (or meditate): Emotions have a habit of getting the most out of control when we don’t have time to slow down or process them. The next time you have an emotional reaction to something, try to pause before you react (something the internet makes easier than ever, if you’re communicating online). You can also try meditating to slow your brain down and give your emotional state room to breathe.

If you’ve never practiced intentional self-awareness, these tips should give you a practical head start. One strategy I personally use is to go on long walks or have conversations with myself discussing what’s bothering me. Often, I’ll find that the things I say to the imaginary other end of the conversation can give me some insight into what’s really bugging me. The important aspect is to look inwards, rather than focusing solely on external factors.


Once you know how your emotions work, you can start figuring out how to handle them. Proper self-management means controlling your outbursts, distinguishing between external triggers and internal over-reactions, and doing what’s best for your needs.

One key way to manage your emotions is to change your sensory input. You’ve probably heard the old advice to count to ten and breathe when you’re angry. Speaking as someone who’s had plenty of overwhelming issues with depression and anger, this advice is usually crap (though if it works for you, more power to you).

However, giving your physical body a jolt can break the cycle. If you’re feeling lethargic, do some exercise. If you’re stuck in an emotional loop, give yourself a “snap out of it” slap. Anything that can give a slight shock to your system or break the existing routine can help.

Lifehacker alum Adam Dachis also recommends funneling emotional energy into something productive. It’s alright to let overwhelming emotions stew inside you for a moment, if it’s not an appropriate time to let them out. However, when you do, rather than vent it on something futile, turn it into motivation instead:

"I recently started playing tennis for fun, knowing that I’d never become exceptional because I began too late in life. I’ve become better and have a very minor talent for the game, so when I play poorly I now know and I get down on myself.

When up against an opponent with far more skill I find it hard to do much else than get angry. Rather than let that anger out, I take note of it and use it to fuel my desire to practice more. Whether in sports, work, or everyday life, we can get complacent with our skill and forget that we always have some room for improvement.

When you start to get mad, get better instead."

You can’t always control what makes you feel a certain way, but you can always control how you react. If you have some impulse control problems, find ways to get help when you’re feeling calm. Not all emotions can be vented away. My struggle with depression taught me that some emotions persist long after the overflow. However, there’s always a moment when those feelings feel a little less intense. Use those moments to seek help.


We talk about motivation a lot. When we’re talking about motivation as it relates to emotional intelligence, however, we don’t just mean getting up the energy to go to work. We’re talking about your inner drive to accomplish something. That drive isn’t just some feel-goody nonsense, either. As Psychology today explains, there’s a section of your prefrontal cortex that lights up at the mere thought of achieving a meaningful goal.

Whether your goal is building a career, raising a family, or creating some kind of art, everyone has something they want to do with their life.When your motivation is working for you, it connects with reality in tangible ways. Want to start a family? Motivated people will start dating. Want to improve your career? Motivated people will educate themselves, apply for new jobs, or angle for a promotion.

Daniel Goleman suggests that in order to start making use of that motivation, you first need to identify your own values. Many of us are so busy that we don’t take the time to examine what our values really are. Or worse, we’ll do work that directly contradicts what we value for so long that we lose that motivation entirely.

Unfortunately, we can’t give you the answer for what it is you want in life, but there are lots of strategies you can try . Use your journal to find times when you’ve felt fulfilled. Create a list of things you value. Most of all, accept the uncertainty in life and just build something. Fitness instructor Michael Mantell, Ph.D suggests that using lesser successes you know you can accomplish. Remember, everyone who’s accomplished something you want to achieve did it slowly, over time.


Your emotions are only one half of all your relationships. It’s the half you focus on the most, sure, but that’s only because you hang out with yourself every day. All the other people that matter to you have their own set of feelings, desires, triggers, and fears. Empathy is your most important skill for navigating your relationships.

Empathy is a life-long skill, but here are some tips you can use to practice empathy:

Shut up and listen: We’re gonna start with the hardest one here, because it’s the most important. You can’t experience everyone else’s lives to fully understand them, but you can listen. Listening involves letting someone else talk and then not countering what they say. It means putting aside your preconceptions or skepticism for a bit and allowing the person you’re talking to a chance to explain how they feel. Empathy is hard, but virtually every relationship you have can be improved at least marginally by waiting at least an extra ten seconds before you retake the conversation.

Take up a contrary position to your own: One of the quickest ways to solidify an opinion in your mind is to argue in favor of it. To counter this, take up a contrary position. If you think your boss is being unreasonable, try defending their actions in your head. Would you find their actions reasonable if you were in their shoes? Even asking the questions of yourself can be enough to start empathizing with another’s point of view (though, of course, getting real answers from others can always help).

Don’t just know, try to understand: Understanding is key to having empathy. As we’ve discussed before, understanding is the difference between knowing something and truly empathizing with it. If you catch yourself saying, “I know, but,” a lot, take that as an indicator that you should pause a bit more. When someone tells you about an experience that’s not your own, take some time to mull over how your life might be different if you experienced that on a daily basis. Read about it until it clicks. It’s okay if you don’t spend all your time devoted to someone else’s life, but putting in just some time—even if it’s idle thought time while you work - can be beneficial.

By definition, empathy means getting in the emotional dirt with someone else. Allowing their experiences to resonate with your own and responding appropriately. It’s okay to offer advice or optimism, but empathy also requires that you wait for the right space to do that. If someone’s on the verge of tears, or sharing some deep pain, don’t make light of it and don’t try to minimize the hurt. Be mindful of how they must feel and allow them space to feel it.

Social Skills

Summing up all social skills in one section of an article would do about as much justice to the topic as if we snuck in a brief explainer on astrophysics. However, the tools you develop in the other four areas will help you resolve a lot of social problems that many adults still wrestle with. As Goleman explains, your social skills affect everything from your work performance to your romantic life:

"Social competence takes many forms – it’s more than just being chatty. These abilities range from being able to tune into another person’s feelings and understand how they think about things, to being a great collaborator and team player, to expertise at negotiation.

All these skills are learned in life. We can improve on any of them we care about, but it takes time, effort, and perseverance. It helps to have a model, someone who embodies the skill we want to improve. But we also need to practice whenever a naturally occurring opportunity arises – and it may be listening to a teenager, not just a moment at work."

You can start with the most common form of social problems: resolving a disagreement. This is where you get to put all your skills to the test in a real-world environment.

We’ve gone into this subject in-depth here , but we can summarize the basic steps:

Identify and deal with your emotions: Whenever you have an argument with someone else, things can get heated. If someone involved is emotionally worked up, deal with that problem first. Take time apart to vent, blow off steam on your own, then return to the problem. In a work environment, this may just mean complaining to a friend before you email your boss back. In a romantic relationship, remind your partner that you care about them before criticizing.

Address legitimate problems once you’re both calm: Once you’re in your right headspace, identify what the conflict is. Before you jump to solutions, make sure you and the other person agree on what the problems really are. Propose solutions that are mutually beneficial and be sympathetic to any concessions the other person may be unwilling to make (but be sure to stand firm on your own).

End on a cooperative note: Whether in business or pleasure, relationships work best when everyone involved knows that they’re on the same page. Even if you can’t end on a positive note, make sure that the last intention you communicate is a cooperative one. Let your boss/coworker/significant other know that you want to work towards the same goal, even if you have different views.

Not every type of interaction with another person will be a conflict, of course. Some social skills just involve meeting new people, socializing with people of different mindsets, or just playing games. However, resolving conflict can be one of the best ways to learn how to apply your emotional skills.

Disputes are best resolved when you know what you want, can communicate it clearly, understand what someone else wants, and come to favorable terms for everyone. If you’ve been paying attention, you’ll notice that this involves every other area of the emotional intelligence model.

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The Inherent Problem With Mainstream Education And How It Keeps The World Stuck
November 23 2018 | From: CollectiveEvolution

The Oxford dictionary defines education as “the process of receiving or giving systematic instruction, especially at a school or university”, but is it only in academic institutions that we are given systematic instruction on what to believe?

In the news, for example, we are systematically taught all about the world’s problems.

Related: The State weaponizes education to create ignorance

We are of course also told that governments are working to fix them; yet climate change, war, poverty and environmental destruction keep increasing.

Meanwhile, the advertisements in newspapers, on TV, online, and billboards across the world, constantly teach us that we are here to keep buying and consuming.

Consumerism, the message goes, will make us happy and create a healthy economy at the same time; yet mental and physical illness is at epidemic proportions, while the world’s economies are in ever-increasing debt.

The mainstream media, then, also fits this description of education, and we are being educated all the time that our purpose is to earn money, consume, and let those in charge sort out our future. Then we share that message with the people around us, and pass on that information to our children.

Meanwhile, scientists have now set the doomsday clock at 2 minutes to midnight with the growing nuclear threat, climate change, and a lack of trust in political institutions are three main reasons for this decision.

All this leaves us feeling anxious, helpless, even depressed – like there is nothing much we can do.

Related: Renowned Doctor Slams Medical Education & Says We Have “An Epidemic Of Misinformed Doctors”

Mainstream Education and Health

According to Harvard Medical School, “With headlines warning us of international terrorism, global warming, and economic uncertainty, we’re all likely to be a little more anxious these days.

As an everyday emotion, anxiety - the ‘fight or flight’ response - can be a good thing, prompting us to take extra precautions. But when anxiety persists in the absence of a need to fight or flee, it can not only interfere with our daily lives but also undermine our physical health.”

Studies, they explain, show that prolonged anxiety is linked to the development of chronic respiratory disorders (such as asthma), gastrointestinal disorders (such as IBS), migraines, and even heart disease.

In his 2013 Tedx talk, clinical psychologist Dr. Stephen Llardi presents his findings that by the time today’s youngest Americans are in their mid-twenties, 25% will be depressed, explaining:

"For many Americans, Europeans and people throughout the Western world, the stress response goes on for weeks and months and even years at a time, and when it does that, it’s incredibly toxic. The result: an epidemic of depressive illness.”

More recently, in 2016, The Rotman Research Institute (RRI) discovered that being subjected to chronic stress and anxiety increases the risk of “structural degeneration and impaired functioning of the hippocampus and the prefrontal cortex (PFC), which may account for the increased risk of developing neuropsychiatric disorders, including depression and dementia.”

Related: Unschooling: Radical Education That Produces Free Human Beings Instead Of Slaves

The mainstream narrative of fear and problems, studies show, is a story that prolongs the activation of the physiological stress response, causing a chronic pathological state that is wreaking havoc on our metabolic, neurological, cardiovascular and immune systems.

Mainstream Education in Schools

During the years I have spent teaching The Art of Critical Thinking (and developing WUWE), I have come to realize two things: critical thinking is not always a skill that is actively encouraged in mainstream academic institutions – often because “it is too political” – and when it is taught, people are often taught to “have an open mind” and “think out of the box” within the confines of the current mainstream narrative.

First, almost every important topic today is political: poverty, food security, climate change, sweat shops, social benefits, privatisation, refugees, war, Donald Trump – we all have opinions about these topics – but if we do not look at the facts surrounding these topics, we cannot formulate and act on informed opinions based on truth.

Second, in order to think out of the box, we need to look at that other side of the argument which is not the mainstream narrative, not our conditioning, or as R. Buckminster Fuller said: “

You never change things by fighting the existing reality. To change something, build a new model that makes the existing model obsolete.”

Related: This school replaced detention with meditation and the results are phenomenal

Schools, after all, are supposed to be places where we prepare new generations for a positive future in today’s world. The problem is that despite all we know about the world we live in, the mainstream narrative is still that a positive future, or ‘success’, just means fitting into the current story by getting a well-paid job.

Consequently, teachers usually have no choice but to teach an academic curriculum that covers some problems we face in the world, such as the consequences of climate change, but covers very little about how the current industrial growth society we live in today is causing these problems and even less about what we can do, and what is happening now, to change it.

This is the case in academic institutions the world over, and it is not surprising. Academics agree that the conventional (mainstream) curriculum is outdated and designed to prepare us to go into the workforce and contribute to a failing system which, we all know, is rapidly destroying the planet and us.

My experience teaching in the primary, secondary and higher education sectors worldwide for almost 20 years tells me teachers and students are interested in an alternative, positive way of looking at the world to this fear-based, problems-focused narrative we are presented with, but mainstream education simply does not allow for it.

"The people have the power, all we have to do is awaken that power in the people.

The people are unaware. They're not educated to realize that they have power.

The system is so geared that everyone believes the government will fix everything. We are the government."

- John Lennon

The Other Narrative

The mainstream narrative is just that – a story we are all educated to accept as truth.

Author, scholar and environmental activist Joanna Macy states in the film Planetary: “There are three stories actually.”

“The first story,” she says “is business as usual. All we need to do is grow our economy,” and then “there’s another story, which is seen and accepted as the reality by the scientists, the activists: when I lift back the carpet, look under the rug of the business as usual and see what it’s costing us. It’s costing us the world.”

She goes on to say “That’s not the end of the story though because there’s another narrative” and that is “that a revolution is taking place. A transition.” She calls this story “The great turning.”

Related: Is Psychiatry Bullshit? Some Psychiatrists View The Chemical-Imbalance Theory As A Well-Meaning Lie +
Psychotropic Drugs, Are They Safe? Fourteen Lies That Our Psychiatry Professors Taught Us In Medical School

So is it possible that we are in the midst of a solutions revolution right now, and the only problem is that we learn next to nothing about this alternative, exciting solutions-focused reality in the institutions that provide our education?

In the following Trews-style presentation I begin answering this question by looking at the first two narratives – “business as usual” and “what it’s costing us” –  and demonstrate that no matter what the conclusion, when we follow the reality given to us in the mainstream narrative, the outcome ends up with increased doom and gloom.

The solution, then, is to shift our focus away from the mainstream narrative towards the third story, the solutions-focused narrative, and participate in that story instead.

Related Articles:

A school principal on life at a low decile school

Study Shows We Are Born Creative Geniuses But The ‘Education’ System Dumbs Us Down

Logic & Analysis, a course for home-schooled children

Freedom from mind-controlled education

Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi

Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi

Thirteen Important Elements To Look For In Every Staged Shooting Event
November 22 2018 | From: ZenGardner / Various

People who don’t trust government, those who think on their own and tend to question what they hear, by now are all becoming experts at identifying false flag staged events. With so many recent staged psyop events in the news lately many of us are getting a lot of practice at this.

But have you considered that the script has become more complex than you think? Have you considered that you (we) are being fooled in some way as we speak? Have you taken into account that the events happening today are all happening in a post-Jade Helm revelation AI era? Today’s events are happening in a very sophisticated world of unimaginably deep levels of political corruption actively at work and deeply focused on removing all of our rights and freedoms and cementing their new global order.

Related: The First Question To Ask After Any Terror Attack: Was It A False Flag?

This complex and deep reality alone is something many people refuse to face; and without facing this you’ll never be able to peel and dig deeper into the deep state’s structure, mind and mechanisms that are behind these chaotic staged psyop false flag events.

Notice I’m using the terms “false flag” and “staged events” interchangeably because at times it’s difficult to determine which one is actually happening.

So it’s fair to say that false flags are types of staged events. We’re all familiar with the different types of events; mass shooting attacks by crazed supposed lone gunmen who are the selected patsies for the event.

We also see shootings where the government conveniently retroactively tells us the shootings are courtesy “ISIS,” “ISIS inspired” or “ISIS related.” In recent events we also saw a focus on the paid-for engineered race war where the selected shooters are looking to shoot ONLY police or only “white” police (Dallas sniper, Baton Rouge shooting).

Related: US War On ISIS Is The Biggest Lie Since The 2003 Iraq Invasion: Here’s The Proof

Conveniently these shootings work great for fanning the flames of race and class tension and division while conveniently boosting the police state and public sympathy for police.

Whatever the type of event, notice we rarely if ever get to see any evidence whatsoever of the actual accused patsy shooter at the scene of the crime.

For example, consider that it’s been weeks and still no one has any actual evidence of Omar Mateen physically entering the Pulse night club in Orlando and physically firing and killing people.

Where are these videos? Yet the majority of people have him at the scene because that’s how the story goes, and apparently it’s almost too stressful to believe something no one else is saying. The same could be said of the accused truck driver “terrorist” in Nice, France or the actual sniper (supposed) lone gunman shooter in Dallas, Texas. You get the picture.

This anomaly only scratches the surface on what this article is about. The fact is we are all now getting used to these events, for better or for worse, and there are many elements being shown to us that most of us are not paying attention to.

Related: Massive Evidence Mounts Vegas Shooting Was An ISIS Attack

The events themselves are huge to us only because the mainstream media puts them in our faces 24/7. They are important because the government and their mass media says they are. They (the government and their media) say this because the events are always part of a greater agenda.

The agenda and the event itself are inseparable in a world today where the masses are conditioned into reacting to a presented problem whose solution is later sold to them. This process of “problem, reaction, solution” is undeniable and obvious to all today.

The mechanisms of the script are openly available for all to see; but, as mentioned earlier, have you considered how deep this “staged event” mechanism goes?

Hopefully the following 13 elements we’re about to point out will bring more awareness to these additional possibilities, agendas and factors which are quietly hidden in these events but as you will see are actually hidden in plain view.

1: The “Breaking News” Trigger Phrase

The first thing I want to point out is the whole “breaking news” psyop phrase.

Any professional hypnotist will tell you trigger words and phrases are important when it comes to putting someone under your spell, so it shouldn’t surprise us that mainstream media would resort to using key trigger words on the general public.

Related: False Flag Terrorism Isn’t A “Theory”: It’s Admitted And Widespread

They would definitely do this because it works. And this is precisely what they do, and “breaking news” is probably as clever and effective a trigger word as there is in America today.

It stops you in whatever you are doing and forces you to pay attention to new information that may change your life.

I’m sure that if you monitored someone’s vital signs and visceral response under controlled conditions you will find a direct response to trigger phrases like “breaking news” when used in the right context. Let’s be aware of this trigger phrase which always sets the initial tone with typical staged false flag events.

2: Mainstream Media Voice Tone, Speech Pattern and Neuro-Linguistic Effect

Subliminal informational submission is accomplished with classic mainstream media “authority” speech patterns and key use of neuro-linguistic terms (as discussed above) that many of us don’t pay attention to.

Go watch any segment of mainstream media news and see how they all talk in a certain form.

There is a certain “official” pattern of speech that subliminally tells the audience “this is official and true certified informational.” Here’s a Wikihow page discussing this very topic and notice how news reporters go through a training process to sound official and convincing.

False Flag Terrorism: Murdering The Innocent In Order To Support The Lie + 15 Ways To Detect A False
Flag Operation

This speech pattern, the use of key words and overall mannerism all contributes to the early hypnotic phase when the initial story is being officially constructed and delivered to the public.

Look for it the next time you are watching mainstream media news. Notice how the pattern of the speech is similar with all news anchors and presenters in all the mainstream media related networks.

3: “Body Count” Used to Psychologically Manipulate Eeventual Reaction

Moving on to the events themselves, notice how the Illuminati CIA controlled media especially lately is using the body count to attach political urgency to each shooting.

They are implying that if only 1, 2 or 3 people die then it’s a boring maybe not so important shooting, but if 50 die then we need to get all worked up and act more urgently with political interest and legislation to match the body count somehow.

Don’t fall for the “body count” psyop. They are also using the body count psyop to engage you emotionally in their misery and fear as if to imply that a higher body count means this could have been you, which, again, somehow implies that a lower body count is maybe not so likely to have involved you and thus less worthy of your emotional attention.

4: Overly-Detailed “Eyewitness Accounts” Containing Compelling Hollywood-Style Human Interest Elements

We are now seeing staged interviews with poor-acting crisis actors giving us Hollywood-style details of what they experienced during the shooting event.

Crisis actor Patience Carter, one of many actors who inexplicably packed out the Pulse night club bathrooms instead of actually leaving the club during the Orlando shooting, dramatically tells of how she was lying on the floor when the gun fight broke one of the water pipes and she thought she was “going to drown.”

This segment of the story is inserted only to draw your human interest and compel you to empathize with her.

We have also seen the famous Gene Rosen interview during Sandy Hook when he tells of 6 children who came to his house speechless, telling him “our teacher is dead” and how he followed up by giving them cookies and crying with them.

Again this segment which was proven a lie with countless inconsistencies, was inserted to add Hollywood-style compelling human interest elements to the story. In the case of Rosen, he ended up getting his own song written after him!

And how about the testimony given by the sobbing 15-year-old Kuwaiti girl, Nayirah, following the Iraq invasion of Kuwait in 1990 when she testified:

"They took the babies out of the incubators, took the incubators, and left the babies on the cold floor to die."

Notice it wasn’t just the floor it had to be the “cold” floor. All of this is staged propaganda just to compel human emotion, a tactic that worked nicely in this case as it triggered the invasion of Iraq. Let’s not fall for this element of the psyop now being used regularly, and lets be on the lookout for it.

5: Control of the Information at the Ground Level Usually Assigned to a Key Actor

With every “event” we are seeing someone at the ground level, usually a head police officer, now claiming that any “information” not confirmed by them should be assumed to be false until they (and only they) say it’s true. We saw just this in the recent Baton Rouge shooting and the Dallas, Texas sniper shooting.

Classically this brings to mind the one and only Lieutenant Paul Vance during Sandy Hook who declared himself the information czar and bearer of truth and reality for the Sandy Hook show.

Again, let’s not fall for the delusion that somehow police has a handle on what is real and verified “truth” surrounding any event as if anyone trusts police. Since the beginning of the modern-day concept of police, police always get their information from the people who were there not the other way around. The police themselves have never been assigned the controllers of information for any crime scene.

So why are we suddenly deferring the details of the event to the police? But it’s not just police, at the Orlando nightclub shooting we saw a team of doctors led by doctor “Michael Cheatham” controlling the information on behalf of hundreds of people who would have been at the hospital.

We didn’t hear from any maintenance person, nurse assistant, nursing student, radiology tech or anyone else at the hospital in Orlando. Notice only Cheatham (and to a lesser extent his short list of fellow doctors who briefly spoke to the media) was assigned to deliver the carefully controlled information.

Let’s realize that information is now entirely controlled and the controllers are now appointing key players at the ground level to control that information. With this control comes the threat of jail for anyone interfering with the official narrative. So in the next event be on the lookout for the ground-level information gatekeeper.

6: Great Fluctuations and Changes of the Narrative in the Early Phases of the Story

We’re all familiar with this next element. We listen to the initial version of the official account only to see the body count or number of shooters change dramatically. This goes on until the “authorities” finally agree on the “official” version of what happened.

Related: The First Question To Ask After Any Terror Attack: Was It A False Flag?

The important thing to take notice of is that often we’ll see the death count go from a higher number to a lower number, a clear medical impossibility. Think to yourself, how can a body count go from higher to lower all the time? Shouldn’t it be the other way around?

And it’s not just the body count, the number of shooters (if there are any real shooters at all) always seems to be a problem for the controllers, and in the end the smaller number usually works best once the assassins (if there are truly any) are cleared to leave the scene as we’ve seen so many times.

7: Conflicting Components Potentially Deliberately Put Out to Authenticate the “Reality” of the Event

This next element is one of the most important and I urge truth seekers to pay close attention. We all saw the mysterious man running through the woods at Sandy Hook wearing camouflage.

Yet to this day no one really knows what was his role at Sandy Hook which we now have reason to believe was not an operational school according to research done by Wolfgang Halbig.

So why was this man briefly shown to us on TV in an era where information is so tightly controlled? Did they WANT you to see the man running through the woods just to give the story authenticity? These are the questions we should be asking.

Related: Censorship Shock: Amazon.com Bans Investigative Book ‘Nobody Died At Sandy Hook’ Because It Disagrees
With Government Version Of What Happened

Why were 2 gas masks purposely left on the floor outside the theater at the Aurora Colorado shooting a few years back? Why was even the mainstream media so quick to point out that Omar Mateen had been tracked by FBI and they knew about him? Do you really think that the mainstream media wants you to see that the FBI is incompetent? I discussed this issue in the context of the Orlando shooting before.

Regarding the Orlando night club event, ask yourself, why did CNN and the rest of the mainstream media allow the segment to leak out about someone “holding the door” shut at the Orlando shooting so that no one can get out?

This segment should have shocked everyone. And why would the mass media then interview a man named Luis Burbano who admits on camera that he was the one holding the door? This without question is one of the deep mysteries of the Orlando shooting “event” which everyone by now has forgotten. See image below.

Related: False Flag Thousand Oaks – Patsy Brought in Already Dead, Multiple Shooters, Real Dead?

The point is that I firmly believe that elements are now being inserted that have several distinct effects. They serve the purpose of authenticating the story.

Even the alternative media quickly concluded that the event was real only it was a “real false flag” narrative as in “we believe the event happened, but it was done by paid government mercenaries or operatives.”

This narrative may be entirely false but the additional segments that give it reality make it more believable. This again serves the purpose of making the event real in one way or another to everyone but in different ways (divide and conquer) so that those calling the entire event fake thus stand alone isolated in their views. Perhaps this is the point, again think in terms of divide and conquer.

8: Obviously Fake Elements DeliberatelyInserted to Subliminally MockTruth Seeking Community

Here’s another element few are paying attention to. At this point I don’t think there’s any doubt that the controllers know that a large segment of humanity has caught on to their staged events.

So ask yourself, how would they use this information against us?

How about creating an event with possible real components and then float out the obviously fake crisis actors to essentially mock truth seekers. Again, this is a topic I’ve hit on following the landmark Orlando shooting “event” that needs to be reiterated.

Related: Vegas Shooting: Official Scenario Crumbling & More False Flag Ops As Deep State Is Losing On Every

Crisis actor victims were magically transported one block down the road only to stage a walk BACK TOWARD the Pulse night club in front of the CNN cameras.

Why? We should all be asking this very important question. As I said in my previous articles – did they WANT us to see these obvious crisis actors? The goal is no less than to cause confusion and to potentially mock those who are looking for the truth.

How about the crisis actor “eyewitness” posing for the camera at the Dallas, Texas sniper shooting practically wearing the exact same American flag t-shirt as Christopher Hansen, the key crisis actor story teller of the Orlando event? Coincidence? You decide.

Related: Vegas Security Guard Cancels Interviews, Then Goes Missing; Concert Witness Escapes Shooting Uninjured, Testifies There Were Multiple Shooters, Then Dies At Home

We must now become aware of all of these elements to stay on top of the next false flag psyop event.

9: Staged “Cell Phone Footage” to Authenticate the Story Delivered by Specific Individuals

After doing some research I’m very skeptical of the “cell phone footage” released during the Dallas sniper shooting. Listen to the narrator of the video posted below and notice how he carefully narrates to point out where the shooter is.

Listen to him saying things like “you see him moving around?” and “this guy is evil … sorry, this guy needs to be killed” even though there is no way that he could know this information from the distance he is located.

According to the person who made the video below the narrator even claims to have footage of the actual shooting. Conveniently that footage is missing and the channel he claims to have the video “MK7Wolf” conveniently is “vanished” from YouTube.

Can it be because this video never existed? Calling for the shooter’s death again just seems to add to the authenticity of the story and stirs up emotion. Watch the video for yourself beginning at around 12:40 and see what you think. Either way (multiple shooter false flag or staged event) the video as a whole proves that the official story is a lie.

We saw similar conveniently timed sketchy cell phone footage taken of “the chase” at San Bernardino. Authenticating segments of “the chase” was critical to the official story and the character who filmed the video, I believe, was staged there to capture blurry indistinguishable footage that nonetheless lent authenticity to the story. We saw similar seemingly staged cell phone footage segments at the Paris concert shooting as well.

So in the next psyop event don’t fall so quickly for the ONE cell phone footage segment. Remind yourself that everyone has a cell phone with a camera and we should be seeing massive amounts of cell phone footage of these events from many different angles not just one.

10 Retroactive Construction of the Final Story Often Takes Days or Weeks (or Longer)

Does everyone know what stage we are in when it comes to the Orlando shooting event? Right now we are in what I will call for the sake of this article the “extended retroactive story construction period.” This is the period of weeks and months following a staged event when the controllers can roll out other events and stories to capture your attention and get your attention away from the story.

During this period they can construct all the evidence they need but, unlike the early moments following the event, they can actually take their time and construct this evidence with more precision and care.

For example, during this period they can construct additional surveillance camera video footage, they can pull out “new” images that show the attacker entering the building, they can pull out “new” documents that support the official story, set up their fake death certificates and much more.

Recall following 9/11, much later on the government released controlled images of the never before seen “plane wreckage” at the Pentagon (see below) which of course on the day of the event there was “not a sign anywhere of any plane having crashed there” to paraphrase Fox news’ own reporter on the scene.

Related: Summary On 9/11 And Inconsistencies Regarding The Official Story

Realize that you (we) are all being played and that with every day that goes by something else is being done to fool you. We know they can’t possibly have all their evidence ready at first and that is why they need time to synthesize their evidence.

This is what is currently happening for all the staged events we’ve witnessed in the recent past (June-July 2016) or so, and I’m not even going to get into the long distance story construction (think: “I shot Bin Laden”) and the eventual Hollywood movie they will release to reinforce the story much later down the road.

11: Long and Detailed Narration of the Aftermath by the Mass Media

Following every “breaking news” 24/7 psyop event notice how for the next week or two we’ll get daily if not hourly fine tuning of the story with lots of behind-the-scenes segments being added like for example “mother of shooter apologizes, didn’t see this coming” or “girlfriend of shooter says he hated white people” or “gays” or whatever it may be.

These aftermath segments are all designed to pad the official narrative and make you digest the reality of the context of the event.

As time goes on, of course, we’ll always get “details” of the gun purchase, how the shooter obtained training and much more. Obviously we’re all familiar with the usual “manifesto” as well.

12: Early Reaction to the Event, Televised Ceremonies Create Backdrop for Multi-Million Dollar Funding Campaigns and Call for New Legislation

I’ve already discussed this element in previous articles but it’s worth mentioning again here.

The long emotional and morality based ceremonies talking about “god” and “the lord,” “love,” “forgiveness” at a time like this, are all part of the period setting up the big money train and legislation that is to follow.

Related: Let’s Be Honest About What Key & Obama Discussed While Golfing: [NWO Agendas +] TPPA & Kim Dotcom

The ceremonies thus act as a calm before the storm and charges up the participants into an emotional state where they are prepared to take action.

Who can forget Sandy Hook crisis actor and fake FBI agent David Wheeler (along with his wife) touring the country telling his compelling story, desperately calling for gun control.

13: Subsequent Psyop Staged False Flag Events are Used as Opportunities to Rekindle the “Reality” of Past Events

Finally, we are now seeing how staged false flag events are being used as golden opportunities to rekindle the memory of other staged events just in case you have forgotten.

Look for this tactic which they are using every time now.

This is a reminder that the gun control agenda is a process.

It’s not about one event, they are in a mission filled with many events that need reinforcement. The events are playing out differently. Some may have elements of reality and others not.

They are potentially mixing realities and challenging you to guess which one it is. Confusion and chaos, as I pointed out in a recent article, are the goal and now the norm.

Related: False Flag Terrorism: Murdering The Innocent In Order To Support The Lie + 15 Ways To Detect A False
Flag Operation

Plain and simple, as I continue to warn, we’re all being played in one way or another.

The deception is so deep I can only present, as I see it, the various segments of these ongoing deceptions.

No one said this information war and defending freedom would be easy and for anyone still in the old model of “real event” versus “false flag real event” you are falling behind in the information war

As I said earlier, the tactics are now much more sophisticated and the game has changed. The goal is to confuse you into submission and we have to look at all elements of these events in the context of our new reality.

If you agree please share this message.

Related: People Are Finally Learning About False Flag Terror

Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi

Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi

How To Reprogram Your Mind To Take An Active Role In Your Personal Evolution
November 21 2018 | From: WakingTImes /

For a long time we’ve been taught that evolution is a process that is happening to us. Thankfully we’re living in times where the human race is finally getting a grasp on the fact that we’re actually actively involved in how we evolve as a species.

As humans, our bodies are constantly changing in response to the environment around us. Our muscles change according to whether we choose to use them or not.

Seven Signs Our Consciousness is Shifting to Higher Dimensions

The enzymes in our digestive system change in response to the foods we choose to eat. Our endocrine system is in a constant feedback loop with our emotions which can change dramatically according to what’s happening in the world around us.

As Dr Bruce Lipton put it, “the cell is a carbon-based ‘computer chip’ that reads the environment”, and the field of epigenetics teaches us that our DNA changes in quality – again, according to our environment.

When science talks about ‘environmental influence’ it seems to imply ‘all that which is outside ourselves’.

It’s easy to overlook the fact that that our conscious choices about which environmental factors we engage with are part of what shapes the way our bodies restructure.

Related: How To Open The Doors Of Perception At Will Without Psychedelics

We are part of the environment that influences our own development; our free will lets us choose and change the environment.

We participate in our own evolution during our lifetime and what we do in our own lives can also affect future generations.

In this way, personal evolution is collective evolution, and nowhere is personal evolution more apparent than how we are capable of rewiring our own brain.

Related: The Dilemma Of The Awakening Mind

How Reprogramming the Mind Is Helpful To Us

Humans work really well with routines. We repeat the same pattern over and over, and through neuroplasticity our brain wires itself so that it doesn’t have to think too much about that task anymore, it just runs that established electrical pathway.

To riff off Noel Burch, it’s like when we learn to drive a car: we move from unconscious incompetence ‘I don’t know how bad at this I’m going to be’; to conscious competence ‘I now know how bad I am at this’; to conscious competence ‘OK, I can do this but I have to keep my mind on the job’; to unconscious competence ‘I can wind the window down, change the radio, turn a corner and change gears all at the same time, without even thinking about it’.

We program ourselves all the time with repetition, so we don’t have to waste energy engaging isolated focus on every task. The question is whether these are routines we are choosing for ourselves or that have been imposed on us? If they are imposed, are they helpful to us both personally and as a species?

Related: Nine Scientific Facts Prove The "Theory Of Evolution" Is False

When Are We Most Easily Able To Wire And Re-Wire Our Mind?

During early childhood our brains are wiring themselves for the first time. While this process slows after the intense surge of development in first few years, our brains are still establishing the wiring we will largely use for the rest of our life throughout childhood. 

When we hit our teenage years we experience the second surge of new wiring and there is an opportunity for patterns to be created during this time that can setup behaviours for years to come. After this period, neuroplasticity still occurs but it just isn’t as fluid as it was before.

So you can teach an old dog new tricks, it’s just a slower process.

The problem here is that our subconscious is overhearing everything our conscious mind is hearing, and is therefore to a being programmed by whatever influence we’re being exposed to. The Jesuits knew this 400 years ago. They would boast:

"Give me a child until it’s seven, it will belong to the church for the rest of its life.’” 

- Dr Bruce Lipton, paraphrasing Jesuit priests.

We Are Always Programming Ourselves

I like to imagine the subconscious mind is like an autopilot system. It is overhearing everything we ever think or say, and it’s mission (in the background and whenever possible) is to guide us towards whatever we want… or at least whatever it thinks we want according to what it overhears.

Related: This Is How Your ‘Aura’ Affects Your Health & Those Around You + Magnetic Fields Of The Human Body And
Their Functions & 13 Signs You Are Experiencing A Spiritual Awakening

An extra level of challenge is introduced when we imagine that the conscious mind has the capacity for judgment its higher expression – discernment. The subconscious, however, doesn’t have that ability. When it is overhearing everything you think and every word you say it simply hears the topic, not the context.

‘I don’t want to be fat’ with the judgment of ‘I don’t want’ removed becomes the topic only: ‘be fat’. The subconscious ‘overhears’ the topic of what is active in your conscious mind and it is listening for repetition. This is how it figures out for how ready we need to be for that particular thought process.

Repetition Is The Key. Repetition Is The Key

If we lift weights we are using repetition to say to the muscles, ‘be ready for this, we may need to do this at any moment, so restructure yourself’. 

Scientists have found the fastest way to get fit is to do interval sprints, which is basically a physical way of saying to the body through repetition ‘you need to restructure yourself so we can sprint at top speed at any time, at the drop of a hat’.

Rest, get your breath back and sprint again, over and over.

Related: New Mind-Blowing Experiment Confirms That Reality Doesn’t Exist If You Are Not Looking At It

This repetition tells the body that it’s a high priority to restructure and be ready for this at all times. My observation is that the same appears to be true for our brain. When our subconscious overhears our thoughts and words and there is repetition, there is an increased likelihood of neural rewiring. After all – neurons that fire together wire together.

The Path of Least Resistance

When attempting to re-wire an old habit or behaviour pattern, it is useful to remember the old adage from high school science: electricity follows the path of least resistance. Imagine the old pattern as a well-established electrical pathway in your brain.

As you put conscious focus into creating a new electrical pathway to replace the old pattern, you make that new electrical pathway fatter.

As soon as you stop putting conscious focus into running the new behaviour pattern the electricity will revert to the old cable for as long as it is the fatter of the two cables, as that is the path of least resistance.

Related: In Harmony with All Life: The Open Source Way + Lifting The Veil: Merging Science And Spirituality

As soon as the day comes when the new electrical pathway is thicker than the old one you have a new program in your autopilot system, that will now run on it’s own without you needing to focus conscious intention on it.

You have reached a level of conscious competence. According to Dan Coyle a key to making the consciously chosen wiring stick is holding the intention that ‘I want to know this for the rest of my life’.

Coyle suggests this causes the brain to coat the new electrical pathway in the brain with myelin insulation, making it much more permanent.

Related: Why ‘Conspiracy Theories’ & Spirituality Are Intimately Connected

Taking Care With the Programs We Allow OurSubconscious to Overhear

As stated earlier, our autopilot system is taking direction from everything you’re experiencing – which includes the media we watch, the people we surround ourselves with and more.

For this reason, one of the most powerful things we can do is exercise discernment around the kind of experiences we expose ourselves to, and their level of intensity and repetition.

"It is easier to build strong children than to repair broken men.” 

- Frederick Douglass

More importantly is the need for extra care in exercising this discernment on behalf of the children in our care and teaching this discernment to teenagers as, in both cases they are in a heightened state of neuroplasticity and are more susceptible to influence.

To be clear, I am by no means advocating prudishness or avoidance of the truth, just a higher level of awareness of how we are either consciously or inadvertently being programmed all the time.

In the video below Bruce Lipton speaks passionately on this very subject, citing this discernment on behalf of our children as a clear solution to war and conflict.

Related: How To Become Immune To Mind Control | How TV Affects Your Brain Chemistry For The Worse

Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi

Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi

RT Brings You A New Censorship Buster & Google Admits In Court Documents That It Believes Free Speech Is “Disastrous” For Society
November 20 2018 | From: RT / Infowars / Various

If the establishment media were truly balanced, the purge of alternative news outlets from de-facto social media monopolies would be a front-page splash everywhere.

Instead, the manner in which the move was either ignored and under-reported proves that those who shout loudest about “free speech” may be its greatest enemies.

Supreme Court agrees to hear a case that could determine whether Facebook, Twitter and other social media companies can censor their users

Sadly, RT saw something like this coming. And for that reason, we have developed a new site to promote the free exchange of information and views.

The fact it launches a few days after US social media giants Facebook and Twitter clamped down on dissent is merely a coincidence.

New Samizdat is a news aggregator with a difference. The website will attempt to bring you the most important and interesting stories across the English-speaking web, which are either undervalued or ignored by legacy outlets.

Related: Censorship Of Alex Jones Won’t Stop With Alex Jones: Natural Medicine, Cannabis And Health Freedom
Channels Are Already Being Blacklisted

Sources will vary, but inquiring minds who challenge groupthink will be favored. However, you’ll see the MSM often featured too, as one of its greatest tricks is to cover vital and radical news but bury it in the mainstream.

New Samizdat will post the most interesting links, across all spectrums, with the intention of stimulating debate and providing access to information.

And we hope it can play a small part in fighting modern censorship by giving you a trusted page where the most interesting news and views can be found.

Like this story? Visit New Samizdat

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Political Correctness Keeps the Truth Hidden

Google Admits In Court Documents That It Believes Free Speech Is “Disastrous” For Society

It’s now reality: Google has monopoly power over the flow of information.

Every year, nearly half the world’s population uses Google. According to Internet Live Stats, Google processes over 40,000 search queries every second. In that same second, internet users view over 76,000 YouTube videos, a streaming service designed by Google. Across the globe there are now over two billion active android devices, a mobile operating system designed by Google. Google uses these services to track users and collect information about them.

Related: Big Tech Has Defined Conservatism as “Hate Speech”

It’s now reality: Google has monopoly power over the flow of information. Google has control over the dissemination and manipulation of information around the world.

Google algorithms can either suppress information or promote it. Because of this, Google Inc. is susceptible to political and ideological censorship, affecting billions of users who use Google services annually. With this power, Google interferes with elections, business, and people’s livelihoods.

There are industries and political agendas that influence Google, industries that will do whatever it takes to shut down truthful speech and manipulate how people think. (Related: Former Google engineers warn the evil corporation must be stopped.)

Google Refuses to be Held Accountable to First Amendment Standards

Google is not a neutral platform, so search results are engineered to highlight the viewpoints that matter most to Google executives and their cult culture.

Rich and influential people, emboldened by their special interests, practically lobby Google to push their agendas while suppressing any dissent or competition on the web. While some ideologies are popularized by Google, others are pushed to the shadows, de-monetized and mocked.

Related: Trump On Establishment Media: “Truth Doesn’t Matter To Them” & Leaked 49-Page Memo Documents How George Soros Is Behind Social Media Censorship

Google is under fire for censoring conservative website PragerU. Very few organizations have the legal firepower to fight back against Google, but PragerU has taken Google to court. Google’s true intentions are being exposed. 

In a statement filed with the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals, Google argues that government regulation would have “disastrous practical consequences.”

In their statement, Google makes it clear they do not want to be held to the standard of the First Amendment. Google refuses to change for its users; Google refuses to guarantee users an equal platform for freedom of speech.

The anti-American behemoth refuses to enforce the First Amendment across their services because this “would undermine important content regulation.”

Google stated, “If they are bound by the same First Amendment rules that apply to the government, YouTube and other service providers would lose much of their ability to protect their users against offensive or objectionable content - including pornography, hate speech, personal attacks, and terrorist propaganda.”

Are Media Matters and George Soros Behind Social Purge?

Related: Why We’re Calling For The Regulation Of Google, Facebook, YouTube And Twitter To Halt Malicious Censorship And Create A Fair Platform For Public Debate

U.S. Should Appoint Third-Party Judicial Commission to Review Censorship Cases

Google should still remain in control over its own content regulation, but the United States should appoint a third party commission to review Google’s actions when complaints of political, business, and ideological censorship are brought forth.

With so much power over information and with mounting complaints of censorship coming against Google, it is imperative that a judicial review committee hold Google accountable when they are violating the free speech rights of people on the internet.

According to their legal statement, Google still believes their company can discriminate on the basis of political viewpoints, because they “can’t be forced to change.”

Related: Boycott Facebook, Twitter, And Google

What Google does not understand is that, with the proper legal oversight, their monopoly can be forced to operate more fairly, without engaging in anti-competitive practices that benefit their own agendas and the goals of their highly influential friends.

People and organizations that are censored by Google deserve the right to bring forth their case and have their voice be heard.

Google can be forced to respect people’s First Amendment rights and can be legally required to correct their algorithms when they are using their technology to abuse content creators, advertisers, and search engine users. The rule of law should be upheld.

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Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi

Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi

Federal Reserve Has Declared Economic War On America In Order To Destroy Trump
November 19 2018 | From: NaturalNews / Various

If you listen to ‘official’ Washington, to include the establishment media commentariat, it’s gauche and unacceptable to criticize the Federal Reserve, because it’s supposed to be “independent” from government and thus unassailable, despite the fact that, as our central bank, the Fed decides fiscal policy for the entire country.

Never mind that the Executive Branch, primarily, with Congress playing a secondary role, was charged by our founders with that responsibility.

Putin Gives Trump and Only Trump a Thumbs Up in France

After all, presidents set the tone for domestic and foreign policy; why are they supposed to remain silent when it comes to monetary policy?

POTUS Donald Trump doesn’t believe that presidents should remain silent over Fed policy or that the central bank is beyond reproach, especially when its fiscal policies are mitigating his economic initiatives to the detriment of the American [the Western] people.

As The Gateway Pundit reports, Wall Street saw its 102nd stock market record last week under POTUS Trump’s economic leadership, only to have it wiped out by a 1,500-point plunge after Federal Reserve Chairman (and Trump nominee) Jerome Powell raised interest rates once again.

Calling the Fed “crazy,” POTUS is right to question the aggressive rate hikes during his presidency, which seem designed to thwart his economic progress at the most inopportune times (like now, [then] right before the midterm elections).

Related: Leaked Documents Show Mueller Investigation Found No Russian Collusion

The Trump economy has been nothing short of a miracle, having been revived after eight long, unproductive years under the most corrupt president in modern history, Barack Hussein Obama.

But during his tenure, interest rates plunged to zero and remained there for the bulk of his presidency – yet he still only managed an average of less than two percent growth per year, making his the worst presidency for economic growth since Herbert Hoover in the early 1930s.

(Related: The Trump economy is SO GOOD even the Left-wing media has to admit it.)

In December 2015, when then-Fed chairwoman Janet Yellen finally raised interest rates by a quarter-percent, CNBC noted that Obama was the recipient of “the most accommodative monetary policy in U.S. history.”

Related: Trump: Reminder, The Only Evidence Of Russian 'Collusion' Is By Hillary & The DNC + The Mechanics Of
Democratic Deception

Comment: Read about the Alliance that has been working behind the scenes for decades to take down the 'Cabal' within the work of David Wilcock.

Some of those reading this may be confused because the cabal-controlled mainstream media is doing everything within it's power to denigrate Trump - as he is part of the effort to take the Illuminati down once and for all.

Trump Was Right in 2016 And He’s Right Again

But now that POTUS Trump has revived the economy, there are forces at work to temper his successes – which are really our successes – and wreck his progress – which is really our progress as a country.


That’s what the president wants to know.

"The problem I have is with the Fed. The Fed is going wild. I mean, I don’t know what their problem is that they are raising interest rates, and it’s ridiculous,”
he told Fox News regarding the rate increases, according to Market Watch.

“The problem, in my opinion, is Treasury and the Fed. The Fed is going loco, and there’s no reason for them to do it. I’m not happy about it.”

Naturally, the Washington establishment and the political commentariat pushed back on POTUS’ comments, but that’s what the establishment does all the time when it comes to the current occupant of the White House – no matter how many times he proves them wrong.

Related: Trump’s List: 289 Accomplishments In Just 20 Months, ‘Relentless’ Promise-Keeping

"Please point out to me on this historic chart of the Fed funds rate where exactly the current Fed has ‘gone crazy,’”
Ben White, chief economic correspondent for Politico.

 (the real expert, not the billionaire in the Oval Office) tweeted, including a Fed Funds rate charge dating back to 1970 showing peaks and valleys.

And while POTUS Trump once criticized Yellen for keeping rates so low for so long, the point he was trying to make then is the same he’s trying to make now:

You can’t keep rates that low for so long and then raise them believing there won’t be a series of asset bubbles popping all over the place.

Related: Understanding Trump’s United Nations Appearance – He Was Speaking To America, Scorning The Cabal Servants In The Room

"As soon as [rates] go up, the stock market’s going down,”
GOP nominee Trump said in September 2016, adding that he believed Yellen was keeping the rates deflated to make Obama look good.

He was right then, and he’s right now.

Read more about the president’s economic concerns at Trump.news.

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Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi

Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi

Megalithic New Zealand: Pyramids, Rabbits, And Megaliths Of Upper World And Underworld
November 18 2018 | From: Priscilla Rawiri-Steele

Pyramids and megalithic monuments are everywhere in New Zealand, so often eroded or utterly huge they may, and have been explained away as natural rock formations, so people tend to fail to see them.

‘Little Pyramid’ Okia, Victory Beach, Otago Peninsula New Zealand

It is only in old photos like the one below of the Gorge du Fier in France, it is possible to see the men are looking down upon an enormous face of a pagan deity which has subsequently been carefully smoothed, as has protractedly occurred in New Zealand.

Little pyramid on Otago peninsular, New Zealand

Related: Pyramids and Grottos at Okia, Victory Beach Otago, in the South Island

It is only in old photos like this one of the Gorge du Fier in France, it is possible to see the men are looking down upon an enormous face of a pagan deity which has subsequently been carefully smoothed, as has protractedly occurred in New Zealand.

Gorge du Fier at d'Annecy France – the yellow box contains the face that the men are looking down upon; sourced from an old post card in my personal collection

Little pyramid at Okia, Victory Beach Otago, in the South Island of New Zealand has long since been vandalized. Next to it is a half-buried sphinx; its face has been cut away. Why intentionally hide an ancient civilization by disguise / disfigurement / damnatio memoriae and then present the wreck of it to future generations as mysterious: Cui Bono?

Low tide reveals an ancient wall at Achilles Point Ladies Bay / St. Heliers, Auckland, NZ. This is clearly a construction - not a natural formation

Wall at Machu Picchu, Peru. The construction technique is an example of the dimensional knockover technique as decribed by David Wilcock in his research / writings

Elephant Megalith Heimaey Island south Iceland

Cape Brett, New Zealand carving of an African Elephant

Cape Brett, where the tourist ships pass through was long ago carved into the shape of a massive African Elephant. Like these massive carvings, black basalt columns with hexagonal / pentagonal tops were carefully explained away as natural rock carvings as early as 1772, by Sir Joseph Banks.

Having noticed them in New Zealand upon the Otago Peninsular, Banks hurried to Staffa Island to compare the black basalt columns there with the The Giants’ Causeway in Ireland, and to obscure their true nature and meaning by explaining them away as miraculous and natural rock formations (The Extreme Earth, Caves by Jeanne K. Hanson, and Geoffrey H. Nash p. 70 Staffa Island).

Canto XLi Ludovico Ariosto’s Orlando Furioso as translated by (Hieronymus)Jiminez de Urrea

Why would Sir Joseph Banks do such a thing? Honey bees make hexagonal cells in their hives, and the honey bee is the emblem of Minoans. Ubiquitous hexagon causeways, and pillar designs are an important key to understanding that, like a honey thief pillaging the hive for honey, the gold and riches stored in the castles / temples / pyramids of Minoans had been violently and protractedly extracted.

Ancient wall at Owairaka, New Zealand

At Don Heads Coles beach Devonport Tasmania are the same worn hexagonal / pentagonal rocks, and by 1802-4 the Tasmanian Aboriginal had been eradicated from the face of the Earth.

Was Banks covering up archaeological monumental clues? Was Banks complimenting with his dismissal of man-made edifices and megaliths, the damnatio memoriae practiced by academics over the last four centuries so that today, Hyperborea mentioned in my modern edition of Orlando Furioso, is referred to by just one short line stating that Hyperborea is a land that lies “in the extreme north”?

Lion Rock, Piha, West coast, Auckland,m New Zealand.

It is hard to escape the question: what would drive academics to so deface an original work so they might change the location of a whole country / domain spanning at least three continents, from south to north?

Photo below, imputed to portray Machu Picchu as it was found by the son of a Protestant missionary, Hiram Bingham. Under sphinx (with ancient ghostly outline of face cut away and lying crumped on left paw?

The same sawing marks are on this sphinx head, as on the cut away head at one of the two sphinx at Piha pictured above, on Auckland’s west coast) 1912. Overleaf are two photos of Paritutu, or what is called today Sugar Loaf at New Plymouth. Despite all the foliage and erosion, the sphinx face and flaring Egyptian crown is evident to the naked eye. In the water, paws may yet be discerned.

Machu Picchu, 1912

Why pyramids and Megaliths in New Zealand? Due to the towering stature of remains found, Flinders Petrie hypothesized that the first dynasty of Egypt came from Pa Swenet (Pwenet, Punt).

After the Reformation, those once clandestinely Humanist, but subsequent to and during the Reformation, openly Protestant countries, undoubtedly took what became known as the Flemish and or German Giant Rabbit, off the abodes they destroyed, at what is today called Auckland. I believe our rabbit of Pa Swenet (Pwenet or Punt) went on to carry his time piece, and run in haste before Alice in Dis.

Paritutu New Plymouth, New Zealand

Fairly central to The Triumph of Death, did Bruegel the Elder depict next to our beloved honey bee depicted as flying fecal matter, our beautifully preserved and treasured vases being lowered from our castles?

Today these ancient masterpieces are held in great Museums of the world such as The Getty and are given pertinent or profound attributions such as The Underworld Painter and too, bogus attributions like The Baltimore Painter.

Paritutu New Plymouth, New Zealand

In the late 18th century, the light bulb was also stolen from the Pa at what is today called Auckland, a place which The Royal (Naval) Society explorative scientists vouched was the receptacle of all the treasures and secrets of The Herculaneum (as mentioned in the Third Edition of my second book citing The Enlightenment and Why it Still Matters by Anthony Pagden).

Bruegel The Elder The Triumph of Death

Terrain for comparison with Bruegel’s The Triumph of Death from a View of Auckland from Mount Eden circa 1910 as sourced from a Post card marked Tourist Series B026 Printed in Great Britain.  The zigzag of dark greenery follows the old canal

This almost two and a half thousand year old Red Figure Vase is attributed to The Underworld Painter, so does it form part of loot taken from Te Totara (said by the Ancient Greeks Tartaros – The Underworld)?

Francesco del Cossa (1430 – 1477) The Triumph of Venus painting held in Palazzo Schifanoia, Ferrara

The rubbing out of archaeological sites was carried out and recorded over centuries. At the beginning of the 20th Century, Ōwairaka Pa (later called Mount Albert) was forcibly taken down by half its mass. In the photo below, the quarry pictured is noticeably on the same proportions as Bruegel’s Tower of Babel.

Pieter Bruegel the Elder 1525 – 1569 Painting called The Tower of Babel

The beautiful Auaunga (Au as it is today, is short for Latin Aurum or gold) stream canal has been covered. (“….Quarrying stopped suddenly in 1928. The height of the mountain was reduced from 148 metres to 135 metres and most of the Maori terraces were destroyed. Today, less than half the original land mass remains.

Men posing on a ‘quarry’ at Auckland ca. 1900.  Photograph originally sourced from Auckland War Memorial Museum

The ballast pit was levelled off to make the archery field and in 1961, the inside surfaces of the cone were smoothed off further removing archeological traces”. As sourced from ‘Destruction of the Mountain’ at Ōwairaka Mount Albert Heritage Walks, Neighbourhood Walks at Aucklandcouncil.gov.nz).

A rock climber at the base of the citadel Mount Eden 1967

Did the Hyperboreans survive the last Ice Age, and are those ghostly straight lines really the outline of pyramids hiding there under snow and ice in Antarctica?

Ruins Of Ancient City Found In Antarctica?

Are there undiscovered pyramids in New Zealand filled with untold treasure? If these matters which stir every adventurer’s heart would be answered by the truth coming out about the fate of the Hyperboreans, it is also pertinent to ask; what is the long term social and political and moral legacy of covering up the truth about what happened to the Minoans of Hyperborea?

Philomel passing before Pyramid Coromandel 1946

Here, the twins with the Minoan flower central to the Phaistos disc are beautifully painted in Augustus Earle’s observation about the fate of the founders of the First Dynasty of Egypt. Are future generations of academics really going to allow the raft of lies and manipulation of truth to continue, and ultimately, at what cost to Humanity?

Megalithomania 2008: Hamish Miller - The Stone People of New Zealand

Published on Jun 26, 2012
The 2016 Megalithomania Conference is on 7th-8th May in Glastonbury, UK, with a top line-up of ancient mysteries authors and researchers including Julian Richards, Brien Foerster, Hugh Newman and more. Details here: megalithomania.co.uk.

Filmed at the Megalithomania Conference, Glastonbury, 17th - 18th May 2008. (Also available on a high-quality DVD from megalithomania.co.uk. An account of the extraordinary manifestations of the energy of the earth at sacred places in New Zealand, looking at many ancient pre-Maori megalithic sites.

Hamish co-authored 'In Search of the Southern Serpent' with Barry Brailsford about the pre-historic sites and earth energies of New Zealand and updates us on his research at Megalithomania. He discussed the cathartic communication through the Stone People which led to the creation of his new project, the Parallel Community 9includes 6 minute preview of the new DVD).

Related: Disinterest In Pre-Maori History Stuns

Hamish Miller is a dowser, metal sculptor and author. He read engineering at Edinburgh and through his books, talks and workshops his work on earth energies has earned him an international reputation. Book titles include The Sun and the Serpent, It's Not Too Late,

The Dance of the Dragon, The Definitive Wee Book on Dowsing, and In Search of the Southern Serpent (published in May 2006).

A new DVD, Hamish on The Parallel Community was released in November 2007 and is now available. Hamish has lectured widely in Britain, America, Australia, South Africa and New Zealand and has appeared in television programmes in Britain, Sweden, Holland, America, Australia and South Africa.

Currently working with the rapidly expanding Parallel Community (inspired by his cathartic 'meeting' with the ancestors in New Zealand), Hamish lives with his wife Ba, physiotherapist, dowser and researcher, on twelve acres of rough bracken, gorse and granite where they spend their spare time planting trees and trying to stop rabbits from eating them.

Related: Russian Scientists Build And Study Pyramids: What They Found Could Change The World

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Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi

Let There Be Light: First Individual Particle Of Light Ever Seen + The Birth Of Quantum Holography - Making Holograms Of Single Light Particles
November 17 2018 | From: Youtube / Phys

Until quite recently, creating a hologram of a single photon was believed to be impossible due to fundamental laws of physics. However, scientists at the Faculty of Physics, University of Warsaw, have successfully applied concepts of classical holography to the world of quantum phenomena.

A new measurement technique has enabled them to register the first-ever hologram of a single light particle, thereby shedding new light on the foundations of quantum mechanics.

Related: The Knights Templar

Scientists at the Faculty of Physics, University of Warsaw, have created the first ever hologram of a single light particle. The spectacular experiment was reported in the prestigious journal Nature Photonics.The successful registering of the hologram of a single photon heralds a new era of quantum holography, which offers a whole new perspective on quantum phenomena.

"We performed a relatively simple experiment to measure and view something incredibly difficult to observe: the shape of wavefronts of a single photon,"
says Dr. Radoslaw Chrapkiewicz.

In standard photography, individual points of an image register light intensity only. In classical holography, the interference phenomenon also registers the phase of the light waves - it is the phase that carries information about the depth of the image. When a hologram is created, a well-described, undisturbed light wave - the reference wave - is superimposed on another wave of the same wavelength but reflected from a three-dimensional object.

The peaks and troughs of the two waves are shifted to varying degrees at different points of the image. This results in interference and the phase differences between the two waves create a complex pattern of lines. Such a hologram is then illuminated with a beam of reference light to recreate the spatial structure of wavefronts of the light reflected from the object, and as such, its 3D shape.

The First Individual Particle Of Light Ever Seen

One might think that a similar mechanism would be observed when the number of photons creating the two waves were reduced to a minimum - that is, to a single reference photon and a single photon reflected by the object. But that is not the case.

The phase of individual photons continues to fluctuate, which makes classical interference with other photons impossible. Since the Warsaw physicists faced a seemingly impossible task, they attempted to tackle the issue differently: Rather than using classical interference of electromagnetic waves, they tried to register quantum interference in which the wave functions of photons interact.

Hologram of a single photon: reconstructed from raw measurements (left) and theoretically predicted (right)

Wave function is a fundamental concept in quantum mechanics and the core of its most important principles, the Schrödinger equation. In the hands of a skilled physicist, the function could be compared to putty in the hands of a sculptor. When expertly shaped, it can be used to 'mould' a model of a quantum particle system.

Physicists are always trying to learn about the wave function of a particle in a given system, since the square of its modulus represents the distribution of the probability of finding the particle in a particular state, which is highly useful.

"All this may sound rather complicated, but in practice, our experiment is simple at its core. Instead of looking at changing light intensity, we look at the changing probability of registering pairs of photons after the quantum interference,"
explains doctoral student Jachura.

Why pairs of photons? A year ago, Chrapkiewicz and Jachura used an innovative camera built at the University of Warsaw to film the behaviour of pairs of distinguishable and non-distinguishable photons entering a beam splitter. When the photons are distinguishable, their behaviour at the beam splitter is random - one or both photons can be transmitted or reflected.

Non-distinguishable photons exhibit quantum interference, which alters their behaviour. They join into pairs and are always transmitted or reflected together. This is known as two-photon interference or the Hong-Ou-Mandel effect.

"Following this experiment, we were inspired to ask whether two-photon quantum interference could be used similarly to classical interference in holography in order to use known-state photons to gain further information about unknown-state photons. Our analysis led us to a surprising conclusion: it turned out that when two photons exhibit quantum interference, the course of this interference depends on the shape of their wavefronts," says Dr. Chrapkiewicz.

It seems now faitrly obvious that the "Maltese Cross" used by the likes of The Knights Templar was due to occult (secret) knowledge of this information

Quantum interference can be observed by registering pairs of photons. The experiment needs to be repeated several times, always with two photons with identical properties. To meet these conditions, each experiment started with a pair of photons with flat wavefronts and perpendicular polarisations; this means that the electrical field of each photon vibrated in a single plane only, and these planes were perpendicular for the two photons.

The different polarisation made it possible to separate the photons in a crystal and make one of them 'unknown' by curving their wavefronts using a cylindrical lens.

Once the photons were reflected by mirrors, they were directed toward the beam splitter (a calcite crystal). The splitter didn't change the direction of vertically-polarised photons, but it did diverge diplace horizontally polarised photons. In order to make each direction equally probable and to make sure the crystal acted as a beam splitter, the planes of photon polarisation were bent by 45 degrees before the photons entered the splitter.

The photons were registered using the state-of-the-art camera designed for the previous experiments. By repeating the measurements several times, the researchers obtained an interference image corresponding to the hologram of the unknown photon viewed from a single point in space. The image was used to fully reconstruct the amplitude and phase of the wave function of the unknown photon.

Dr. Radoslaw Chrapkiewicz (right) and doctoral student Michal Jachura at the apparatus for registration of holograms of single photons at the Faculty of Physics, University of Warsaw. Credit: FUW, Grzegorz Krzy?ewski

The experiment conducted by the Warsaw physicists is a major step toward improving understanding of the fundamental principles of quantum mechanics. Until now, there has not been a simple experimental method of gaining information about the phase of a photon's wave function.

Although quantum mechanics has many applications, and it has been verified many times with a great degree of accuracy over the last century, we are still unable to explain the nature of wave functions - are they simply a handy mathematical tool, or are they something real?

"Our experiment is one of the first allowing us to directly observe one of the fundamental parameters of photon's wave function - its phase - bringing us a step closer to understanding what the wave function really is,"
explains researcher Michal Jachura.

The Warsaw physicists used quantum holography to reconstruct wave function of an individual photon. Researchers hope that in the future, they will be able to use a similar method to recreate wave functions of more complex quantum objects, such as certain atoms. Will quantum holography find applications beyond the lab to a similar extent as classical holography?

Such existing practical applications include security (holograms are difficult to counterfeit), entertainment, transport (in scanners measuring the dimensions of cargo), microscopic imaging and optical data storing and processing technologies.

"It's difficult to answer this question today. All of us - I mean physicists - must first get our heads around this new tool. It's likely that real applications of quantum holography won't appear for a few decades yet, but if there's one thing we can be sure of it's that they will be surprising,"
summarises Prof. Konrad Banaszek.

Related: The first ever photograph of light as both a particle and wave

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Propaganda Is The Art Of Overwhelming Logic
November 16 2018 | From: JonRappoport

One type of mind control involves defeating logic as a method of thinking.

Modern formulations of basic logic begin with the statement: You can’t have A and not-A. Which is a way of saying contradictions are unacceptable.

Related: Western Propaganda - So Simple But So Effective

So it’s no surprise that mind control attempts to introduce contradictions into rational processes.

You see this in propaganda.

For example: People who are vaccinated are in danger from those who are unvaccinated. (“Keep your unvaccinated child away from my vaccinated child.”)

There is a concealed contradiction here. You can see it by merely defining (according to conventional terms) the meaning of “vaccinated.”

It means “immune,” “protected from contracting the disease targeted by the vaccine.”

Related: Startling Evidence Indicates Funded Propaganda Campaign Responsible For War On Fake News

But if the vaccinated person is protected and immune, then coming into contact with an unvaccinated person will bring no danger.

Therefore, the notion that vaccinated people are A) protected but not - A) in danger is absurd, a contradiction.

The easiest way to defeat logic is through deficient education. Never teach logic. Ignore it. Instead, teach specific values. Teach anything except logic. Don’t teach children how to spot contradictions.

A deficient education plus tons of ceaseless propaganda equals mind control.

Logic is a significant problem for people who want a closed and unfree society. Teaching logic tends to produce sharp and independent minds.

Logic produces personal power.

Related: Why Millions Of Kids Don’t See Any Purpose In Going To School Anymore & Matrix Revealed: Why Logic Disappeared

Here is another example of non-logic: A ballot initiative passed by the voters of Maui County is illegal, because it set up a new law regarding commercial agriculture, when in fact commercial agriculture is regulated by state and federal laws, which trump county laws.

There are several ways of attacking this proposition, but the most basic way is:

The ballot initiative was not aimed at commercial agriculture. It called for a moratorium on all Monsanto/Dow experiments using non-commercial GMOs.

In what has become a federal court case, the judge and the lawyers for Dow/Monsanto are proceeding from a false basic premise.

Of course, the failure in this case is a willful ignoring of the facts. The argument is: A is B. No it isn’t. A is A.

There are a number of arguments afloat these days which proceed this way:

“The science concerning ABC is settled.”

“’Settled’ means ‘true.’”

“Therefore the science concerning ABC is true.”

However, on closer inspection, “settled” means “there is a consensus among officially favored scientists.”

Related: Junk Science Week: Science Is On The Verge Of A Nervous Breakdown

Science doesn’t operate according to what officially favored scientists claim. It doesn’t operate according to consensus at all.

It operates according to what is true and valid - and the best way to ascertain that is through the broadest possible analysis accomplished by a wide variety of independent researchers, who attempt to replicate prior experimental results.

Even then, there is always room for reasoned dissent.

There is much, much more I could write about logic. The issues I raise in this article are basic and should be addressed in every high school, in great detail, with many illustrations.

For instance: what are the full tacit implications of the statement found at the end of every television drug ad - “ask your doctor if X is right for you.”

For instance (at a more sophisticated level): when the press reports a new outbreak of disease, claiming it is caused by a particular virus…how was that assertion determined?

Related: European Court Issues Common Sense Ruling On The Link Between Vaccines And Disease + Robert Kennedy, Jr. Is Right About Vaccines: A Medically Induced 'Holocaust' Is Now Upon Us

On what grounds do scientists say they have found the virus that causes the disease?

I ran headlong into that one while writing my first book, AIDS Inc.: Scandal of the Century, and the further I investigated HIV as “the cause of AIDS,” the more I was stunned by the lack of logic present in the argument.

Logic is a sword.

Learning its many uses, while still young, creates formidable students and citizens.

Propaganda is the art of overwhelming logic.

It works, when the mind is unprepared.

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CNN Exposed As Propaganda Ministry For The DNC And Military/Security Complex

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Thirty One Life Lessons I’ve Learned In 31 Years + Twenty Harsh Truths To Help You Get Your Shit Together
November 15 2018 | From: TheUnboundedSpirit / EducateInspireChange

Life is, in a sense, like school. Each and every day we are learning from our experiences, and the lessons we acquire allow us to move from one stage of life to the next.

But not all of us are good students. Some people learn fast, and thus can quickly grow in understanding and evolve into higher states of consciousness. Others are slow learners, finding it extremely difficult to pass life's tests, and as a result have to repeat them again and again.

Related: How To Become A Freethinker: A Practical Guide + 7 Lessons You Should Learn Early In Life

Today I turn 31 years old, so I chose to spend some time reflecting on the most important lessons I've learned in my life so far. If you're wondering what those are, I wrote them down so that you can have the chance to read them and benefit from them as much as I did.

It feels weird to think that 31 years ago I was born in this world. A couple of decades ago, I remember that my thirties seemed incredibly far in the future. But before I realized it, here I am, over 30 and heading toward 40.

So far my life’s journey has been an incredible ride. I’ve gone through tons of ups and downs, both of which have taught me important lessons that allowed me to better understand myself and the world, as well as to build my life the way I want.

In this post I’d like to share with you some of the greatest life lessons I’ve learned during the course of my life, in hopes that you will find them as helpful as I did. Without further ado, here they are:

1. This Moment is all There is

The past is gone and the future is not here yet.

The present moment is everything you have, so be sure to immerse yourself in it

2. I Don’t Know Everything, and That’s Totally Fine

To learn, you need to admit that you don’t know it all. In fact, not everything can be known, and that’s part of the beauty of life, which is an ongoing learning journey.

3. Pain Isn’t Your Enemy

It’s just a messenger trying to show you that there’s something amiss. So instead of hiding from your pain or suppressing it, face it and pay attention to what it has to show you, so that you can understand why it’s there and how to get rid of it.

Related: 3 Hard-Hitting Truths About Pain Most People Forget

4. The Best Things In Life are Free

Here are a few examples: A deep breath of fresh air, a walk in nature, a conversation with a good friend, and a look into the eye of a beloved partner. Cherish them before someone puts a price tag on them too.

5. Money Isn’t Just Neutral Energy

As it exists today, money is creating artificial scarcity, which results in competition, inequality, poverty, greed, and violence (among other things). Therefore, money is quite a negative force in our world.

Related: The Secretive Bank Of England - Controlling The World's Money Supply + Banking Data Dump

6. Peace Begins on Your Plate

Three times a day you can choose peace over violence - that is, with each meal you eat. Is your food cruelty-free or does it involve unnecessary suffering and death?

7. Sitting is Killing You

Walk, run, dance, stretch. Move your body throughout the day.

8. Don’t Trust the Mainstream Media

Most big media companies are owned by people whose main intention is to emotionally manipulate you in order to keep you hypnotized, sell you lies and empty your pockets.

Related: The Mainstream Media Lies

9. Voice Your Truth

Speak out your mind, express your feelings and let people see who you truly are. Being true to yourself and others is the only way to build genuine relationships and live an authentic life.

10. You Can’t Change Anyone

But your actions can inspire many to change.

11. Mistakes are Part of Learning

Don’t fear making mistakes, for they have important things to teach you. But make sure you don’t repeat them.

12. Failures are Stepping Stones to Success

Each failure leads you one step closer to success, so don’t shy away from it. Try, fail, and then try again for as long as it takes to achieve your goals.

13. Simplicity is the Key to Living Well

To live simply means to let go of what is unimportant and focus on what truly matters to your happiness and well-being.

Related: How To Live Simply In A Complicated World

14. Think for Yourself

If you don’t, someone else will think for you.

15. We Don’t Have a True Democracy

Casting a vote once every few years alone doesn’t give people much freedom in collective decision-making. Especially if you consider that what they vote for is nothing but power-hungry politicians who are lying to them in order to serve their vested interests.

16. There is No 'Free Market'

In our socioeconomic system, you have as much freedom as your money can buy. And those with a lot of it have the freedom to restrict the freedom of others.

Related: Democracy Is A Front For Central Bank Rule & Financial Starvation In A Fiat Debt Slavery Financial System

17. Books Can Be Life-Changing

You must have heard this countless times. But it’s totally true - some books have the power to turn your life upside down, in a tremendously positive way. Just make sure to carefully pick which books to read, otherwise they can be a waste of your time. Click here for a list of books I highly recommend.

18. Use Your Words Wisely

Words can hurt or heal, so always be mindful of how you speak.

Related: The Secret And Hidden Agenda Of Language: Why Many Words Are Magic Spells

19. Do No Harm, But Take No Shit

Be kind and loving to your fellow human beings, but be smart enough to establish healthy boundaries in your relationships.

20. Possessions Can Possess You

Let go of your attachments to your belongings, for one day they will all be taken away from you.

21. Look Fear in the Eye

If you don’t, you will never overcome it.

Related: What They Want You To Fear Versus The Real Threats We Face

22. Take responsibility for your life

Don’t just sit cross-legged and blame others for your misfortunes. You have much power in your hands to help shape your destiny.

23. Change Starts From Within

Embody the change you wish to see in the world.

24. No Person is Evil

Those who choose to hurt others are deeply hurt themselves. Keeping a non-judgmental, compassionate attitude can do wonders to help heal their wounds.

25. Question Your Beliefs

If followed blindly, they can ruin your life (and that of others).

Related: Removing The Blindfold Of Dogmatic Belief

26. Our Economy is an Anti-Economy

To economize means to carefully manage resources and to avoid unnecessary expenditure or waste. Our economy, however, is fundamentally based on consumption - that is, on the mindless and constant extraction of natural resources and production of waste.

27. Choose Your Friends Carefully

The people we spend time with shape our lives. Choose to spend it with those who lift you up and not those who drag you down.

28. There’s no Such Thing as The Perfect Relationship

But if your relationships are build with patience, love and care, they can enrich your life more than anything else.

Related: Toxic Relationship Habits Most People Think Are Normal

29. Embrace Change

Life is constantly changing, and the happiest people are the ones who have learned to adapt and flow with it.

30. You Might Die Any Moment

Contemplate on death regularly, so that when it knocks on your door, it doesn’t find you unprepared.

31. Be Grateful for What You Have

Your life might not be perfect, but it’s still a wonder-full gift. Remember to appreciate it and make the most out of it while you can.

Related: A Helpful Guide To Cultivating Gratitude

Twenty Harsh Truths To Help You Get Your Shit Together

Sometimes we get so caught up in life and forget that each moment is so precious.

Here are 20 brutal truths to help you get your shit together.

Related: The Fall And Rise Of Truth, Trust And Society’s Capacity For Wisdom

1. You Are Not Here Forever

Make each moment count, start today to work on something you love. We only have 960 months to live (and that’s if we get to 80). We talk about “one day” but why wait?

2. The People Around You Don’t Live Forever

Kiss the one you love every chance you get. Tell all of the people who mean something to you now whilst you can.

3. What Other People Think is None of Your Business

Everyone is entitled to their own opinion but it doesn’t mean their perception is right, other peoples opinions don’t define you.

Related: How Trying To Be Happy Makes Us Unhappy & 6 Stupid Things Most People Think Are Important

4. Stop Searching

Realise happiness starts where you are right now. Looking away and waiting for it separates you from now and wastes time. Live in this moment now, make each moment count.

5. You Can’t Make Everyone Happy

That’s their responsibility, not yours.

6. Accept Your Flaws

Embrace who you are, imperfection is uniqueness.

7. Use Your Feeling to Guide You

You attract what you feel, pay attention to how you feel and use it to guide you to what you want.

Related: Feeling Upset Or Distressed? Here Are Some Simple Self-Soothing Practices To Calm Yourself Down

8. Your Life is Your Responsibility

You know who will give you everything? Yourself. Don’t wait around for people, take responsibility and take power of your own life.

9. Worrying is a Waste of Time

Worrying is a waste of imagination, 99% of the stuff you worry about doesn’t happen and won’t matter even in 5 years. Remember your time is limited, use your imagination to picture the things you want instead.

10. Express Your Talents

Imagine lying in the bed in hospital, being on the death bed, and standing around you are the ideas, the dreams, the talents that have been given to you by the universe, the talents that you didn’t develop the skills that you never did anything with, standing around you looking at you with large angry eyes saying “We came to you! Only you could have given us life, now we have to die with you forever.” What idea do you have right now that you could be acting on?

11. Today is the Most Important Day

The present moment is all we have.

Related: The Three Stages Of Spiritual Transformation

12. Complaining Gets You Nowhere

Life is hard for everyone and everyone is dealing with their own battles, there is always someone worse off than you. If you don’t like something, change it.

13. Share What You Know

Your knowledge could change someone’s life, no one can take away what is yours, sharing and helping other people will come back to you.

14. Invest in Yourself

Knowledge is power, become obsessed with learning and improving yourself, it will change your life.

Related: I Woke Up And The World Around Me Is Still Asleep: What To Do? + Once you Learn These Nine Lessons From Confucius, Your Priorities In Life Will Completely Change

15. Never Give Up

So many people quit when they are so close, if everything was easy, everyone would do it, usually when you are right at that very point of winning, life will test you. Embrace the challenges.

16. Express Yourself

People may not know how you feel. You only live once, relationships are important.

17. Always Look at the Bigger Picture

Get curious, learn, ask questions. There is more to everything.

Related: Society Is Made Of Narrative - Realizing This Is Awakening From The Matrix

18. No One Can Hurt You Without Your Mental Consent

It’s your choice whether you let something hurt you or not.

19. The Universe Loves Action

When you get inspired by an idea or get an impulse to do it, act upon it. The universe likes speed, don’t doubt or second guess, all you have to do is act when it comes.

20. Time is Everything

Learn to manage time, it’s the only thing you can’t get back.

Related: How Thoughts Create Atoms And Emotions Formulate Time

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The Carbonaro Effect: Magician Reveals How Fake News Media Indoctrinates The Gullible Masses With Junk Science
November 14 2018 | From: NaturalNews

Although this is not the intention of the show, a fascinating hidden camera magic TV show called The Carbonaro Effect inadvertently reveals how the fake news media indoctrinates the gullible masses into believing really big lies.

The Carbonaro Effect is syndicated by TruTV, and it features a talented young magician named Michael Carbonaro.

Related: Startling Evidence Indicates Funded Propaganda Campaign Responsible For War On Fake News

You can watch some clips from his show at this link. It has recently been picked up by Netflix, so you can also watch episodes there.

Unlike most “magic” shows where talented magicians perform magic in front of people who fully expect to be dazzled by apparent magic, Michael Carbonaro performs magic that’s presented as “normal” reality.

In other words, he performs astonishing feats of sleight of hand, but then acts surprised when observers express astonishment at what they just witnessed. In most of his bits, he tries to convince the observers that what they just witnessed was completely normal (and even commonplace).

He accomplishes this through the application of social engineering strategies.

Related: Social Engineering - The War On The Higher Mind Of Humans: Here’s Why You Should Consider Converting Your Music To A=432 Hz

How “Social Engineering” Achieves Mind Control for the Gullible Masses

“Social engineering” describes the application of verbal strategies designed to invoke the innate social conformity desires of sheeple (i.e. people who don’t think for themselves but who want to fit in with the crowd). Nearly all people are actually sheeple.

Very few individuals are willing to question a “consensus” put forth by others, even if that consensus is obviously false or violates the laws of physics.

For example, consider how many people are absolutely convinced that flu shots always work and are backed by exhaustive scientific trials, even when flu shot insert sheets openly admit the vaccines have been subject to no clinical trials whatsoever and aren’t backed by any clinical evidence of efficacy.

As revealed in this Natural News investigation, for example, the Flulaval vaccine insert sheet admits there are “no controlled trials demonstrating a decrease in influenza.”

Yet people believe flu shots work because they are told they work by a “consensus” of other people who have been tricked into believing a falsehood.

Related: Cot Deaths Linked To Vaccinations + Harvard Medical School Doctor: Vaccine Science Is Not Settled

Exploiting this psychological phenomenon, Michael Carbonaro pulls off apparent magical feats (levitation of objects, “compressing” glass bottles, shrinking dogs to one inch thick, etc.) and then explains to the observer that this is completely normal and probably based on some really cool science.

Carbonaro then explains how it works by spewing science-sounding babble, often citing, “negative ions” or “high altitude packaging” or “memory fibers” or whatever science-sounding explanation comes to mind.

Hilariously, the people always nod their head in agreement, as if the “negative ions” explains levitating objects. They buy the bulls##t!

Watch my full analysis of Michael Carbonaro, social engineering and fake news. I’ve posted this one-hour video analysis that gets deep into the explanation of how “reality” is shaped by fake news institutions to make nearly everyone believe utterly false things:

Related: Green Gestapo Says You're Mentally Ill If You Challenge Climate Change + Over 30,000 Scientists Say 'Catastrophic Man-Made Global Warming' Is A Complete Hoax And Science Lie

Carbonaro Inadvertently Reveals How the Fake News Media Sells its “Big Lies” to the Gullible Public

The “Carbonaro Effect” reveals exactly how the New York Times, Washington Post and CNN push totally fake news narratives like the “Russians stole the election” nonsense.

It’s also how the LGBT community pushes its hilarious fake science that claims babies are “born genderless” and then are randomly “assigned” a gender at birth.

This also explains how LGBT groups are now pushing the total fake science narrative that claims men can get pregnant, men have periods and men needs tampons in restrooms on college campi.

It’s all rooted in totally fake science that’s reinforced by social consensus.

If enough people appear to agree with something - even if that thing violates the laws of physics or biology - most “sheeple” will fall right into line and believe it

Related: Finally Parents Begin Removing Their Children From Public Indoctrination Center Over Teaching Transgenderism

If you walk around a college campus and scream, “The Earth is flat!” you will be chided as a loon. But if you say, “Men can magically change into women,” you will be embraced and probably given some sort of award.

On his show, Michael Carbonaro gets people to believe things that are impossible, such as witnessing mummified Egyptian cats springing to life, or fitting 20 hamburgers and a large drink inside a small paper bag that gets compressed to less than an inch thick.

Yet despite the impossibility of what they are witnessing, many of the observers featured in the show readily accept that what they are seeing is REAL.

In another episode, Carbonaro actually convinces a small crowd of people that a living duck is actually an animatronic robot. Yes, they believe they are watching a robotic duck as it walks around, scratches its feathers and reacts to the world.

(As a side note, we disagree with Carbonaro’s abuse of animals for his tricks. Through some of his illusions, he confines animals in very small spaces, or bends their necks sideways like he did for the duck illusion. Hopefully he will think twice about using animals in future illusions…)

This is How the “Global Warming” BIG LIE is Pushed

Now you can clearly see how the global warming / climate change “big lie” is pushed.

Related: When Plutocrats Own The Weather & Nobody Is Buying The “Climate Change” Hoax Anymore

It’s rooted in utter scientific nonsense such as the deranged assertion that “carbon dioxide is a pollutant” that harms the planet. In reality, of course, carbon dioxide is the single most important life-giving nutrient for plants, and as CO2 rises in the atmosphere, rainforests, flowers and food crops flourish.

This is irrefutable science to anyone who understands photosynthesis.

Yet, through social engineering fake news tactics, the entire media establishment has managed to convince most people that the most important “greening” nutrient in the world - CO2 - is dangerous and deadly and must be eliminated from the atmosphere.

If CO2 were eliminated from the atmosphere, by the way, nearly all life on planet Earth would collapse, including human life. The entire global ecosystem would implode and die.

Related: Inconvenient Reality: Al Gore’s Global Climate Apocalypse Never Took Place - He Now Says It Did But You Just Couldn’t Tell + Hero EPA Administrator Speaks Out Against Junk Science – Denies CO2 Is Primary Contributor To ‘Global Warming’!

Yet through the use of social engineering a fake science “sleight of mind” tactics, people are readily indoctrinated to believe exactly the opposite… that the planet will be destroyed if we don’t eliminate all carbon dioxide!

The lunatics running the climate change hoax have actually declared “war on carbon,” even though carbon is the element of life out of which all humans, animals, plants and insects are built. A war on carbon is a war on humanity, since every human being is made from carbon.

Interestingly, Michael Carbonaro himself may not even be aware that he may have been placed under the influence of the “Carbonaro Effect” when it comes to fake science narratives like climate change or flu shots.

In exactly the same way Carbonaro is performing “sleight of mind” magic on his audience, the globalist-run media establishment is carrying out much more sinister sleight of mind magic on everybody else, including Michael Carbonaro.

It’s one thing to master the art of fooling others. It’s an entirely different level of mastery to realize when you’re being fooled yourself. The climate change scam is one of the greatest “mentalist” illusions ever pulled off in the history of human civilization.

Related: How ‘Science’ Is Used To Deceive The Public

Some of the “really big lies” that are routinely pushed by establishment science and media include:

Scientific materialism as the only phenomenon that explains the nature of reality.

The complete denial of the existence of consciousness in animals

The absurd but widespread denial among doctors and the FDA that nutrition can prevent disease. (For starters, it is a simple scientific fact that vitamin C cures scurvy and vitamin D cures rickets, but no one is allowed to say such things without being derided as a heretic.

The false assertion that the cancer industry wants to cure cancer rather than profit from its continuation.

The decades-long NASA cover-up about the existence of microbial life on Mars, proven by mass spec tests carried by the 1976 Viking lander. Dr. Gil Levin should have gone down in history alongside Einstein, but today nobody knows his name.

The complete Big Pharma hoax that claims every living person needs to take statin drugs in order to prevent cardiovascular disease. This is a complete hoax that has already fallen apart, much like the “Hormone Replacement Therapy” fiasco that ended up giving millions of women cancer.

Related Articles:

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The Mainstream Media Lies

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Nine Indisputable Truths About “Conspiracy Theorists”
November 13 2018 | From: ZenGardner

The day the masses wake up and understand what the term “conspiracy theory” really means and recognise the truth about “conspiracy theorists,” who they are, what they stand for, the world ruling elite’s hold on humanity will be over.

Their deceptive cover would have been blown wide open and indeed there will be consequences.

Related: American Pravda: How The CIA Invented "Conspiracy Theories"

So, in light of the above, here are 9 indisputable truths about “conspiracy theorists.”

“Conspiracy Theorists”

1. …have to put up with much ignorance, and as a knee-jerk reaction, baseless accusation of “conspiracy theory.” “Conspiracy theory” carries with it the deriding insinuation that there are no conspiracies (no conspiracy facts, just theory). Who could be so brainwashed, unquestioningly ignorant, or naïve enough to believe that no country has ever conspired?

2. Are conspiracy factualists. Using evidence they expose the truth about what’s really going on in the world. They expose the deceitful criminal perpetrator networks and authorities. Therefore, the term “conspiracy theorist” is a misnomer.

Related: 10 "Conspiracy Theories" That Came True

3. Give credible accounts of events, diligently challenging the official versions filled with lies, inconsistencies, fake bogeymen enemies and false paradigms… manufactured for power, profit and political gains. Many official versions of these false flag events have big enough holes in their stories to drive double-decker buses in and out of.

Further, they expose financial, health, environmental, educational and war agendas, the secret occult societies, paedophilia, organ harvesting and black ops projects… the ruling elite enslavers don’t want you know about.

Then there are the eugenics, trans-humanism and depopulation agendas… these blatantly obvious conspiracy facts are there for all to see.

4. As a consequence of 3, are perceived by the ruling elite and their associates as a threat. In order to get away with their crimes and deception they know that “conspiracy theorists” have to be ignored, invalidated, or ridiculed by the masses:

Related: 10 More Conspiracy Theories That Turned Out To Be True

The term “conspiracy theory” was originally a 1960s’ CIA invention. Over the years the ruling elite’s owned and controlled intelligence agencies such as the CIA and their mainstream media propaganda machine have used this term to expand its effect of negatively stigmatizing “conspiracy theorists” so that the masses will never realize that these people were right all along.

5. …therefore are truther messengers running the risk of getting shot. They are targeted individuals. Targeted by the likes of the UK’s ex-Prime Minister David Cameron, calling them “non-violent domestic extremists” as one of the many attempts to silence such people who have seen right through the phoney baloney.

6. Are not “coincidence theorists.”  How can anyone dismiss the overwhelming number of coincidences pointed out by “conspiracy theorists” to be indicators of crimes and cover-ups tied in with false flag events?  Is it really a mere coincidence that it’s always the elite few; the banksters, the puppet senior politicians, the owner/controllers of mega-corporations that benefit from these events?

Related: Conspiracy Theories: Scavenging For Truth

7. Are the freethinking minority able to think for themselves against the backdrop: a world full of sheep-like people going into agreement with the general consensus of the masses while blindly accepting authority viewpoints blurted out in the ruling elite’s bought-off, owned and controlled mainstream media

Related: Scientific Study: 'Conspiracy Theorists' Are The Sanest Of All

8. Consistent with Arthur Schopenhauer’s statement, in time, with their conspiracy facts, could be the majority stage-3: “…accepted as being self-evident.”  

9. …Are who the world’s needs most: Unstoppable, increasing in numbers and gathering in momentum. They are laudable investigators.

They are peaceful activists, spreading the truth about what’s really going on in the world. Many do their inner work to co-create a turnaround, away from the planned doom and gloom.  Thus, it is their intention to co-create freedom: A new paradigm experience, a world that truly makes a difference for everyone.

A shift in mass consciousness is the underlying key principle. This is how these consciously awakened individuals will bring about that freedom.

Not an attempt at an exhaustive A-Z account, I realize, but that concludes my 9 indisputable truths about “conspiracy theorists.”

“Conspiracy theorists,” just keep on keeping on!

Related: Conspiracy Theorist - The New Normal

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Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi

Cot Deaths Linked To Vaccinations + Harvard Medical School Doctor: Vaccine Science Is Not Settled
November 12 2018 | From: Dr.VieraScheibner / TheVaccineReaction / Various

Although vaccination is undoubtedly the single biggest and most preventable cause of cot-death, it is not the only one.

If we write too much about vaccination, we would inevitably create an impression that we think vaccines are the only cause of cot death. The key words in cot death are Non-Specific Stress Syndrome.

Related: Vaccine Court Is a Big Pharma Fraud

This is the underlying mechanism of all cot deaths and it explains all pathological and clinical observations.

[Note: This article was written in 1991. To say that given this information, that there remains nefarious intent behind the pro-vaccine propaganda that continues to exist - would be an abhorrent understatement.]

Cot Death is the single biggest cause of death in infants from about four weeks to six months of age, with another peak at about 9 months in industrially developed countries.

It gets a lot of media exposure and people are successfully asked to dip into their pockets and contribute to cot death research.

This has been going on for some fiftty years now and yet cot death remains a "mystery which may never be resolved".

Perhaps the time has come for the doctors and the public to start asking some relevant questions, such as why, with so much money poured into research, cot death is still officially presented as that famous 'mystery' and more and more money is 'needed' to resolve it in 'years to come'.

Cotwatch: The First True Infant Breathing Monitor

Some 30 years ago, my husband Leif Karlsson, a biomedical engineer specialising in patient monitoring Systems, and myself, a retired Principal Research Scientist, were looking for a paediatrician willing to undertake proper research with our Cotwatch Breathing Monitor.

The emphasis with this equipment is on 'breathing' because most, if not all of the machines used to monitor babies' breathing in their homes are not breathing monitors - they are "motion monitors" where any movement is taken as breathing.

After one particular meeting, where our demonstration of marked differences between the level of alarms in near miss and new born babies fell on the deaf ears of cot death 'researchers', we looked at each other and said with one breath: "Let's do a damn good job of this research ourselves".

Related: Vaccine Authoritarians Try To Censor Billboard That Dares Ask, “Do You Know What’s In A Vaccine?” & Australia Will Now Fine Parents Twice A Month If They Don’t Vaccinate Their Kids

Leif spent one and a half years developing a microprocessor-based Cotwatch. With this equipment you don't have to rely on records of alarms; you get computer printouts of the longitudinal record of a baby's breathing. You can't have more objective information than that.

Stress Induced Breathing Patterns Discovered by Cotwatch

Our records confirmed the existence of a Stress-Induced Breathing Pattern, which is a low-volume breathing (5-10% of the volume of normal unstressed breathing), occurring in clusters (3-6 shorter episodes within 10-15 minutes) when a child is incubating illness or teething or following "insults", such as exposure to cigarette smoke, fatigue, over handling by visitors, or vaccination needles.

Numerous causes, but the same reaction. Many years ago, a Canadian medical doctor, Dr Hans Selye, became particularly interested in the well-known fact that for a number of days before patients develop symptoms of specific illness, which can be diagnosed, they always show signs of a non-specific nature which are common to many or possibly all diseases.

Related: Dr. Brian Hooker debunks the myth that vaccines are “safe” for pregnant women

When he in-injected extracts of tissues, or a great variety of noxious substances into rats, he observed the following signs of organ damage: spot-like bleeding into lungs and thymus, shrunken thymus and all lymphatic structures, enlarged adrenal cortex, ulceration of the gastro-intestinal tract, derangements in body creased or control, viscosity of the blood, disappearance of eosinophils (white blood cells) from blood, etc.

He concluded that he was looking at a universal reaction of organisms to any noxious substance. He also connected the results of his experiments with his earlier observations of patients with non-specific symptoms of the initial stages of any illness.

Seyle also concluded that the Non-Specific Stress (or General Adaptation) Syndrome has three stages: the alarm stage when the body is under acute attack and mobilises all its defences; the stage of adaptation or resistance, when it seems to relax and seemingly accepts the intruding noxious substance; and the stage of exhaustion, when the body again tries to rid itself of the intruder. Death may occur in any of the three stages.

Related: Killing Babies - Vaccinations: Part 1: Medical Research on SIDS and Epidemics

Forewarning of Cot Death Overlooked

What does all this have to do with cot death and breathing?

Similarly to what Dr Selye found with noxious substances, there are many interesting and consistent tell-tale signs that forewarn of impending cot death.

The definition of Cot Death is:

"The sudden death of any infant or a young child, which is unexpected by history, and in which a thorough port-mortem examination fails to demonstrate an adequate cause of death".

- Byard,1991

Cot death is a very well-defined pathological entity and all babies who succumb to it have the same post mortem findings.

These are: petechiated lungs, thymus and sometimes also pericardium (spot like haemorrhaging on surface); shrunken thymus and lymphatic structures; signs of increased adreno-cortical activity; signs of ulceration of the gastro-intestinal tract (reflux); many babies have low viscosity blood; up to 90% of babies who succumb to cot death have a number of non-specific symptoms for up to three weeks before death, such as runny nose, coated tongue, sticky eyes, otitis media, enlarged tonsils, spleen and liver, rash, a variety of upper respiratory tract infections, and loss of body weight to rnention just a few.

Related: Why this doctor refuses to vaccinate his children…

These are all symptoms of the Non-Specific Stress Syndrome as defined by Dr Selye.. Those people involved in Cot Death management all over the world know about these symptoms, but they usually play them down as unimportant and insufficient to cause death in an infant.

None of them has connected these well-known symptoms associated with cot death, with the Non-Specific Stress syndrome. Perhaps for their sake this is just as well, because they would have been unable to prove the validity of this connection in the absence of adequate means to demonstrate it in the infant's breathing pattern.

So where does vaccination come into the problem of Cot Death?

Vaccination: A Major Stress

Initially we did not know about the controversy surrounding vaccination.

We merely observed that vaccination was the single greatest cause of stress in small babies, as indicated by the standard Cotwatch equipment, and also the single greatest factor preceding cot death in a large number of cases.

We concluded that the timing of 80% of the cot deaths occurring between the second and sixth months is due to the cumulative effect of infections, timing of immunisations and some inherent specifics in the baby's early development.

Related: It IS the vaccines – Aluminum adjuvants in vaccines linked to autism

We started yet another search for more information. Soon we discovered a wealth of it in medical journals like The Lancet concerning not only the ineffectiveness of vaccines in preventing children from contracting infectious diseases, but also on adverse effects of various vaccines, including death.

Regarding the former aspect, we found numerous reports that vaccinated and non-vaccinated children contract the relevant infectious disease at approximately the same rate, or that vaccinated children are even more susceptible to the infectious diseases.

Inevitably, we began recording breathing patterns of babies after vaccination. The results of these recordings were presented to the 2nd Immunisation Conference, held in Canberra, 27~29th May 1991.

We demonstrated that microprocessor records of babies' breathing after DPT (Diphtheria, Pertussis, Tetanus) injections reveal a pattern of flare-ups of Stress-Induced Breathing closely following the dynamics of adreno-cortical activity in an individual under stress and as observed by Dr Selye.

We also demonstrated that flare-ups of Stress-Induced Breathing in babies after administration of the DPT vaccine occur characteristically on certain days even though the amplitude of the flare-ups varies from child to child.

Related: Renowned Doctor Slams Medical Education & Says We Have “An Epidemic Of Misinformed Doctors”

For seventy babies who succumbed to cot death, although babies could die on any day after DPT injection, there were significantly more deaths on the days which closely correlated with flare-ups of Stress-Induced Breathing after DPT injections.

The data on the time interval between the DPT injection and cot death in most of the seventy babies was taken from the published reports which concluded that there was no connection between DPT and cot death. The authors of these papers had little idea what they were looking at or what to look for.

Most researchers arbitrarily accept that only deaths within 24 hours of administration of the vaccine can be attributed to the effect of the vaccine. Yet, babies may and do die for up to 25 or more days after vaccination, and still as a direct consequence of the toxic effects of the vaccines.

How do we know this? Because of the observed repetition of the pattern of flare-ups of Stress-Induced breathing in a number of babies over a long period of time.

Harmful Ingredients

What are the vaccines composed of?

Vaccines contain live or 'attenuated' (weakened) viruses and bacteria or parts of them (representing foreign genetic material), animal tissue, formaldehyde and/or aluminium phosphate or hydroxide.

Related: American Academy of Pediatrics Concerned About Unregulated Food Additives, but Not Vaccine Additives

The toxicity of vaccines varies widely and unpredictably, a DPT vaccine containing from 1 to 26.9 micrograms of endotoxin per millilitre. Geraghty and others in California tried unsuccessfully to make sure that the toxicity and composition of the vaccines is properly disclosed on the ampules.

Injecting any of these substances into the blood stream of another animal species, including humans, is absolutely biologically unacceptable.

H.L. Coulter in his book, Vaccination, Social Violence and Criminality: the Medical Assault on the American Brain, mentions that repeated injections of sterile extracts of rabbit brain tissue into monkeys cause an 'experimental allergic encephalomyclitis' in the monkeys.

Regardless of the validity or otherwise of animal experiments for humans, Coulter points out that it is an observed fact that vaccine injections often cause the same syndrome in human babies.

It has been confirmed that a great number of babies, if not all, suffer a clinical or subclinical encephalitis shortly after being injected with a variety of vaccines. Coulter talks about a postencephalitic syndrome.

The great increase in a large array of brain-related conditions in the United States closely followed chronologically mandatory administration of vaccines en masse in that country.

Related: The Chilling Image Behind Every Vaccine

These conditions include autism, learning difficulties, cerebral palsy, dyslexia, hyperactivity, deafness and blindness, left-handedness (according to latest statistics, left-handed people live 9 years less than right-handed people) and permanent brain damage with serious and often life-long consequences.

Vaccines by virtue of their composition act as noxious substances and elicit a response equivalent to the Non-Specific Stress Syndrome.

Recently, we recorded the breathing of an infant injected with only DT (the P component was omitted because the baby had experienced a violent reaction to the two previous DPT injection).

The reaction, as reflected in its breathing, closely resembled the record of its breathing after DPT vaccination. This is not meant to justify the inclusion of the Pertussis (Whooping Cough) component, but to emonstrate that all vaccines are potentially harmful.

Many Doctors Do Not Vaccinate Their Own Children

It should worry all of us that a large number of medical doctors are forcefully (by psychological pressure and publicity campaigns) without producing any evidence whatsoever of the benefits of vaccination and against all the evidence of the ineffectiveness and dangers of vaccines, injecting vaccines into our children.

Related: What Do Smart Meters And Vaccinations Have In Common? + Another Vaccine Dump

There are even noises indicating that soon the same forceful and unreasonable attitudes will be adopted towards adults.

This is especially bad since it is a public secret that many medical doctors do not vaccinate their own children. This extraordinary fact is reported in DPT-A Shot in The Dark, by H.C. Coulter & B.L. Fisher.

These authors also report that most gynaecologists in the USA refused to be injected with Rubella vaccine. Were they afraid of the side-effects, whilst routinely recommending the procedure for women of childbearing age?

Our conclusion is that if vaccination were to be suspended, the cot death rate would be halved!

What are the remainder of cot deaths attributed to?

Succession of Harmful Medical Procedures

The Non-Specific Stress Syndrome is the key to cot deaths. It is the consistent, general reaction of mammals, including humans, to any damage or injury or to substances perceived as noxious by the recipient's body.

There are a great many injuries or substances perceived as noxious which affect babies and produce the same response.

Related: Doctor Robert Scott Bell Explains The History Of Modern Medicine + Why Medical Researcher Calls Doctors 'The Most Brainwashed People On The Planet'

The indiscriminate and routine administration of pain killers during birth, and the substances used for inductions expose our babies to potent allopathic chemicals shortly before they are born. To say that these substances do not affect the babies is not only highly unscientific, it is against commonsense.

Before babies have a chance to fully recover from these potent chemicals, they may be given nasal drops and cough mixtures and, and worse still, antibiotics for those first common colds.

Most of these substances are immuno-suppressive and are not helping the child's immune system to be primed and challenged in a natural and beneficial way by the common cold.

Again, before a baby has a chance to fully recover from the effects of these potent chemicals, there is the first DPT injection. So the immature immune system of a baby is further suppressed, allowing micro-organisms to become especially virulent and life-threatening. This leads to further drug administration, a vicious circle, unfortunately too often resulting in cot death.

Related: The Eradication Of Natural Alternatives: Big Pharma Wants To Eliminate The Competition

The official figure of 2 cot deaths per 1,000 babies is fifty years old, and obsolete. The rate is more like 7-10 per 1,000, otherwise we would not even hear about cot death.

Our records demonstrate that there is a direct causal relationship between injections of DPT and cot deaths. The time has come to call for suspension of all vaccination programmes.

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Harvard Medical School Doctor: Vaccine Science Is Not Settled

In 2016, I wrote an opinion piece suggesting that many medical doctors vaccinate their patients out of fear. 

I noted that many doctors do not entirely agree with the vaccine schedule recommended by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) or are unconvinced that the science of vaccination is settled, but many of these physicians are reluctant to share their concerns because they are afraid of damaging their reputation, and so they remain silent.

Related: Researcher Jailed After Uncovering Deadly Virus Delivered Through Human Vaccines

Of course, there are independently-minded doctors who are willing to express their concerns about CDC vaccine policies and views promoted by medical trade associations and government agencies.

Pro-vaccine pediatricians Bob Sears, MD and Jay Gordon, MD, who have been labeled as “anti-vaxxers” and “quacks,” are given those labels because they are not fans of mandatory vaccination laws and simply prefer to be respectful of the informed consent rights of their patients when it comes to vaccination.

There are many other doctors like Sears and Gordon but they generally prefer to fly under the radar because it’s just not worth the trouble of being overly outspoken on vaccines, unless it’s all positive and in agreement with vaccine policies endorsed by their peers.

John Abramson, MD of Harvard Medical School is one of the best examples of this tendency toward caution when doctors speak about vaccination.

Dr. Abramson is the author of the national best-selling book Overdosed America: The Broken Promise of American Medicine. His bio states that he has served as a family physician for 22 years.

Related: Harvard Immunologist: Unvaccinated Children Pose Zero Risk To Anyone And Here’s Why + New York Times Confirms Natural News Investigation: Mumps Now Spread Mostly By Vaccinated Children

He was twice voted “best doctor” in his area by readers of newspapers in his community and was chosen three times by his peers as one of “a handful of best family practitioners” in Massachusetts. He has been a member of the faculty of Harvard Medical School for 16 years.

In other words, this is a topnotch veteran doctor with a stellar reputation and who works for an institution ranked 1st last year among the best medical research schools in the United States.

Certainly Abramson is no “quack.” You would think that someone of Abramson’s stature would be able to say whatever he wished on any medical topic within his purview - that there would be no hesitancy on his part because he had earned that right to speak freely.

A few years ago, Abramson was asked at one of his lectures if he would care to give an opinion on the “push toward compulsory vaccination, in absence of clinical trials, and in violation of the Nuremberg Code.”

 Abramson responded:

"I would have to take the coward’s way out. I can’t talk on that issue. The pharmaceutical industry watches everything I do, and if I take a stand that I can’t defend… But the bottom line is that I think, what the science is, is incomplete.

There is no question about it.

And the politics of it, as the way it’s done, as a legal matter, and the inability of people who are injured by vaccines to sue for compensation, preventing plaintiffs’ lawyers from getting to the scientific data, it’s big problems.

And, uh, that’s really all I can say. Because again, everything I say in public, uh, is well read. So I apologize.”

Abramson’s words are chilling. The fear is evident in his first sentence. The coward’s way out? He can’t speak to the issue of compulsory vaccination because he is being watched? It’s straight out of Orwell’s 1984.

Related: Another Big-Screen Movie Just Released Investigates Vaccines For Autism Implications

Interestingly, Abramson did manage to admit that he believed that the science of vaccines is “incomplete.” He basically acknowledged that vaccine science is not settled, and there was “no question about it” in his mind.

That is significant, particularly coming from a well respected doctor who perceives such a threat from industry and Big Brother that he felt compelled to apologize.

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Questioning The Dalai Lama: Who Would The Buddha Vaccinate?

Flu vaccine propaganda: Real science vs the CDC

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Test Your Vaccine knowledge!

A Serious Warning About The Toxicity Of Aluminum-Adjuvanted Vaccines – Especially For Infants And The Elderly

NZ Vaccine Alert - Resignation of Parents Centre Life Membership is a Warning Light in the Dark

Following decades of ground breaking service to Parents Centre in NZ, Jenny Drew was made an honorary life member of Taieri Parents Centre.  

However, Jenny recently informed both Taieri Parents Centre and NZ Parents Centre that she was reluctantly resigning that life membership due to the position that NZ Parents Centre had taken on vaccine advice to parents in NZ. 

In Part 1 of this post I have attached [see links below] Jenny's original resignation letter which explains why she was resigning, and I have also included the letter of response from Parents Centre.

In Part 2 is the powerful follow up letter from Jenny.

I must point out here that Jenny does not wish her resignation and her letters to be seen as a direct conflict with what Parents Centre is doing. 

It is instead intended as a strong warning to Parents Centre that they cannot/should not just accept the word of the 'official experts' and their scientific 'proof' when they provide information to parents for them to make their so called informed decisions

She believes absolutely that the people of Parents Centre are acting with best intentions with the information they are provided with.

Part 1: NZ vaccine alert - resignation of Parents Centre life membership is a warning light in the dark'

Part 2: NZ vaccine alert - resignation of Parents Centre life membership is a warning light in the dark'

Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi

Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi

Changes That Are Coming: The Deep State’s Control Is Fast Coming To An End
November 11 2018 | From: FinalWakeUpCall / Various

The centuries-long tyrannical regime is reaching its termination stage.

Thousands of centuries of criminal extortion: The Deep State’s control is fast coming to an end. They never expected this, so they are not prepared for it.

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Their lackeys – the puppets – in governments all over the world will find themselves in deep trouble. They are being believed less and less with every passing day.

They are being exposed and must eventually face the wrath of the people whose lives they have maliciously exploited. President Trump, on his short visit to England, was there for only one reason: to confront the Queen of England with her malevolence and to demand the return of all that was stolen, to which the Queen agreed.

He didn’t want pomp and ceremony. He has the respect of all who seek truth. It was a pity that there were those in England who set out to disrespect him.

They were either paid for it by Gorge Soros, or displaying their own ignorance about what is going on in our world.

President Trump deserves every respect and success in his endeavour to free theworld from the criminal mafia that has terrorised and exploited the populace for thousands of centuries.

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Politics is a dirty game. President Trump is not a politician, so he is free to follow his conscience. This is why there is such a huge effort to remove him from office. There have been to date over a dozen assassination attempts.

The Cabal is petrified of him because they cannot control him.

Never in the history of our world has there been such an effort to remove a President from his Office. The Cabal is ruthless and desperate to hold on to their power and control, which again is why numerous assassination attempts have been undertaken.

Comment: Read about the Alliance that has been working behind the scenes for decades to take down the 'Cabal' within the work of David Wilcock.

Some of those reading this may be confused because the cabal-controlled mainstream media is doing everything within it's power to denigrate Trump - as he is part of the effort to take the Illuminati down once and for all.

To fulfil this monstrous task, you must really be driven and totally convinced of the ability to improve the world for all of humanity, for it is the most ungrateful job to fulfil. There is no glamour and money involved, commonly belonging to such a position.

People will be shocked to learn the extent of the Cabal’s control over them. Every aspect of our lives is covered. Even in the world of sports, where it is believed that the best man, woman, or team wins.

Related: An Illustrated History Of The House Of Rothschild: 1743 - 2006 & The Illuminati Grand Plan

Be assured it is often decided in advance by them, because they are the owners of the game, and have set their huge bets on their designated winner.

They never leave anything to chance. They control all; much more than you ever can imagine.

Exposing the Truth

The change cannot occur until all governments cease to use chemtrails, which destroy humanity and the crops people depend on for their survival.

No one should be forced to be vaccinated, especially not our lovely children. Drugs that eventually kill patients should be removed immediately.

The full extent of the Satanic Ritual Abuse and killings must be fully exposed and outlawed. Respect for men, women and children, should be the norm.

These are the goals we should all intend to achieve.

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Many freelance investigative reporters are fighting the cabal via the internet. ‘It has become an army of digital soldiers’ that are fighting the cabal and all oppressive forces around us, to inform the awoken public about the progress made.

These are citizens like yourselves that cannot withstand the call to expose the truth.

There is no option of being helpless and standing by as a spectator, while knowing the extent of the corruption, high treason and lies, all made possible by a judicial system that is bought and controlled by the cabal.

This is all made possible as a result of the privately-owned monetary system that they illegally seized. This has become warfare at its best.

Meanwhile, it has been made publicly visible that the cleaning up of the swamp is in progress and very soon a great deal will be exposed when the sealed indictments are opened.

Related: Understanding Trump’s United Nations Appearance – He Was Speaking To America, Scorning The Cabal Servants In The Room

Economic Collapse is Being Planned

The economy has long ago passed its expiration date and will now be purposely collapsed. This economy is a central bank economy and cannot be repaired.

The economy will be replaced by a people’s economy, supported by free markets. The ongoing global financial market correction could continue during the coming weeks, as more GESARA-related changes are made around the world.

The Central Bank system works on debt and people have been brainwashed for years to make them believe that debt is a good thing. The stock market and the housing market are going down.

The interest on debt will get to a point where it is unsustainable. President Trump and the patriots are using this strategy to push the MSM into blaming the Fed for the coming crash.

The stock markets all over the world have been declining for the last 5 weeks, and have lost over 8 trillion in paper value.

Related: How the Trade War Helps Hide Central Bank Sabotage Of The Economy

This is the beginning of the entire global economic system breaking down. Around the world the real estate market is experiencing a downturn, even worse than the 2008 market downfall.

The Globalist system is collapsing on all fronts, and this is being done intentionally with the intervention of the Alliance.

The most important factor for both sides of this information war is the push to control the narrative of the collapse.

The central banks that were planning to introduce a cash-free society, are now experiencing the setbacks. They are in great panic.

The Centuries-Long Tyrannical Regime is Reaching its Termination Stage

The centuries-long tyrannical regime is steadfastly reaching its end stage, to be destroyed for ever.

No more lies and manipulation. All markets will be free, all aspects of our lives will be free from oppression and suppression. People will take responsibility for their own lives and decide for themselves.

Be prepared and be on your guard, as things are going to move fast from now on. Banks are closing and this will leave many people stranded without the necessities of life.

Related: Babylonian Money Magic & How Modern "Commercial Law" Is Based On Ancient Babylonian Codes

The changeover should take about three weeks. The corrupt and their puppet helpers will be removed as they are unable to move forward.

They became part of the Cabal because they have all been bribed to do the work for them. It made them feel important, but they will regret it and are paying a very high price for it.

There is Plenty of Work to be Done

Remember; If only 1 percent of the population is knowingly involved, participating and benefiting from the Deep State fraud scheme, that amounts to about seven million criminals that have to be addressed with some level of questioning and prosecution.

So how are about two million law enforcement officers and judges, and other officials in the Army supposed to arrest, incarcerate, and prosecute these seven million criminal cases in the US alone?

Military tribunals and resources alone cannot possibly handle the vast volume of inquiries and prosecutions.

Of course, they can take out the puppet ringleaders and dismantle the infrastructure that supports the Deep State, but in order to do the actual housecleaning, we will need the help of the awakened masses.

Deep State Authority To Be Trumped

Related: Trump Planning Mass Arrests, Military Tribunals for Deep State Traitors

We, the people have to work together to put our house in order. We have to assemble our regional infrastructure and appoint or elect our governing bodies, to reclaim our assets and resources, restore our lawful court systems, and many issues more.

There will be no sitting around in front of the television set, waiting for superman to come along and rescue us, even though there are many heroes doing their best for us.

We are the answer that we are looking for. Remember that these heroes depend on our civil government to direct and finance their operations.

The Cabal has been leeching off of humanity’s wealth for centuries. The amounts of stolen wealth are being recovered, to be allocated to projects for the benefit of humanity.

Related: Global Alliance Moving For A Checkmate Versus The Deep State

There are enough funds to build an entire civilisation on another planet. The funds being allocated to the GCR/RV are equivalent to less than 1% of the total amount of stolen wealth.

For now; the war is nearly over. Roll-up your sleeves and think how you can help to clean up this mess. Start organising your community for the new era that lies ahead.

In the famous words of President John F. Kennedy “Ask not what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country”.

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Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi

Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi

Detective Publishes Book Exposing High-Level Government Pedophile Ring, Shot In The Head Days Later & NZ Widow Says Her Former Husband's Paedophile Rings Goes To 'Highest Heights'
November 10 2018 | From: DCClothesline / NewZealandHerald / Various

A former police detective, and author of a bombshell book that exposed a massive pedophile ring made up of high-level government officials was found shot in the head last month.

While officials are calling it an apparent suicide, his family is claiming that he told them he would never kill himself and that people were after him because he was about to expose even more high-level government pedophilia.

Related: Former Police Detective ‘Commits Suicide’ Days After Releasing Book Exposing Elite Pedophile Ring

Mark Minne, author of the controversial book ‘The Lost Boys of Bird Island’ devoted his post-police life to exposing the corruption and horrifying pedophilia he discovered while working as a detective.

Minnie and his good friend Chris Steyn, also a former cop turned investigative journalist, worked together on the book to expose a government and business community who took children to Bird Island where they were abused, and some possibly murdered.

The book details the level of their involvement in the pedophile ring, abuse of the children, alleged acts of murder to cover up the crimes, as well as corruption and abuse of high-level state resources by the network’s members.

The book details the corruption within the last Apartheid government of South Africa and implicated officials all the way to the top, including defense minister Magnus Malan and the minister of environmental affairs John Wiley.

Major Satanic Ritual Abuse / Paedophile Network Exposed In Australia

Before his death, Minnie announced that he was approached by many more people with even more damning evidence which he planned to reveal in a sequel of the book. However, he died before he could finish it.

The book was published earlier this month on August 5 and only nine days later, Minnie would be found dead. Officials claim they found a suicide note at the scene, but his family says they don’t believe it at all.

Tersia Dodo, a family member of Minnie told reporters that just days before he died that if anything happened to him, they must know he was killed.

“He mentioned to us all the time that his life was in danger and if anything did happen to him we must know that it was done to him not by himself,” she said.

Dodo says Minnie was being watched and feared for his life because he had more information which would’ve exposed even more people.

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“I knew about the book for many years and I knew what he had been through, it really played him that he had seen and been involved with the investigation surrounding the book,” Dodo told SABC.

Dodo came forward on her own after she saw the suicide narrative being played out in the media. She said she was compelled to do so, to dispel the myths.

“Mark was not a coward, Mark faced life head on,” she said.

"There is no ways that I or any of us believed that he would have opted out and that is why I agreed to do this interview to dispel any thoughts and rumors of suicide. 

He was not the type of man that was cowardly and that would do something like that.”

Related: The New York Times Makes Another Attempt To Normalize Pedophilia & Hollywood Is A Satanic Cesspool

As for the note police allegedly found next to Minnie’s body, Dodo believes it is either fake, or was written under duress.

“I have said this from the beginning, this supposed suicide note was either written under duress and I would like to see it before I will believe it was written by Mark,” she said.

This case is eerily similar to that of a man who was allegedly murdered in Lithuania after he began exposing high-level government pedophiles.

Related: Former Satanic Priest Exposes The Four Main Tenets Of Satanic Ideology & Are You A Satanist?

As TFTP previously reported, teenage refugee from Lithuania came forward last year with a White House petition and a damning testimony showing what happened after his family tried to expose a little girl’s abusers.

When his four-year-old cousin accused two high-level government officials - describing it in heartbreaking detail - Korolis Venckienė learned the hard way how the government protects its vilest members, up to and including using hundreds of militarized police and even murder.

As Venckienė explained in his petition on WhiteHouse.gov, this nightmare started when their family attempted to seek justice for the sick men who allegedly raped his four-year-old cousin.

“In 2008, 4-year-old Deimante Kedyte described her sexual assault by high-level Lithuanian officials. Her testimony was later verified as true by 4 separate commissions. She never had her day in court,” Venckienė wrote.

When the teen’s uncle, Drasius Kedys, Deimante’s father pushed for the men to be prosecuted for what they did to his daughter, he was murdered.

If Minnie was actually murdered, hopefully the information he was planning on releasing still comes forward. The only way to stop these vile actors is to shine light into the darkness. While Minnie has been silenced, his work can live on to be that light.


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In an exclusive interview, Anihera Zhou Black told the Herald: "This goes deep and wide, in terms of the paedophile ring, to the highest heights you can imagine. These people aren't just labourers and workers at fast food restaurants. These people are suits and people in power."

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Awanui Black died aged 48 in 2016. He was a regional councillor, Maori Party political aspirant, a commissioner at the Maori Language Commission, lecturer at Te Wananga o Raukawa and Treaty of Waitangi negotiator for Ngati Pukenga.

He was also a paedophile, according to Zhou Black's gut-wrenching Facebook Live broadcast yesterday.

Zhou Black, 49, with the support of sister Piiata Tiakitai-Turi, 50, said today her decision to denounce her former husband was intended to give strength to victims of abuse.

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She told of her belief Black had used their marriage to mask his predatory sexual behaviour towards children and her growing horror as she realised he was not the man she had believed him to be.

The couple had met aged 15 and were in a relationship from 18. He went on to become a highly-regarded pillar of the Bay of Plenty community and someone with the mana required to stand on the national stage.

But for Zhou Black, it was an ascent she had little part in.

“Our relationship is one where I never had a voice through our marriage. I had been conditioned, groomed, to be the quiet wife."

Her Facebook Live post - based on partial admissions from Black and disclosures from others - came after 26 years of silence.

Awanui Black died aged 48 in 2016

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The truth, as she now believes it to be, had to fight against his "grooming" of her to play a role which covered who he really was.

“I had painted a picture of who he was and along with everybody else it was a picture he wanted us to see."

"I had held onto that with everything I had, supported everything he did and let him go off and do kaupapa and I looked after our children and looked after our household and just did what I had to do to support him."

Now, she believed he had used their marriage as a mask for his "private life" - one that included affairs with consenting adults, abuse against children and large amounts of alcohol.

"He did admit to me that he thought he was rangatira and he thought he was entitled to have women wherever he slept for the night. That might have rolled a few hundred years ago but it's not what I signed up for."

"He was never ever faithful. Prostitutes, orgies, group sex - all of it."

And there were children, she said. The youngest victim to have emerged was someone who had said they were aged 8 when sexually abused by Awanui Black.

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Zhou Black said the couple separated in 2012, during which time he admitted affairs and using pre-teen pornography. There was a reconciliation a year later but the time away gave Zhou Black a voice she felt she never had and the reunion never worked.

In 2014, they separated again and stayed apart. Zhou Black said during these time she would yearn for him to tell her the truth.

Her sister said it was an impossible request because, once a string of marital infidelities were swept aside, the truth was much darker and far worse.

"The sad thing with Awa is that he knew if he told her the truth, there was no going back from that. He knew what the outcome of that was."

Anihera Zhou Black said in the time which followed there came disclosures, and events which occurred that answered questions in her mind from her years married to Awanui Black.

It had led her to believe there was a "ring" of people who - with her former husband - had preyed on children.

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She said she would be speaking with police but believed an independent investigation could be necessary as one of those she believed was involved had been a police officer.

"We don't know where the cover up will begin. There are compromised police here in Tauranga that are part of that ring. I know of one."

She would also not name a number of suspected victims, again because it could jeopardise the police inquiry.

"It's an unknown figure, to be honest. I have knowledge of some but whoever else is out there, we've just had so many people come through our lives."

Zhou Black said Black had been abused as a child and the experience had warped his actions.

She said she believed his actions as a predator drove his alcohol abuse.

A mural of Te Awanui Black behind the Mount Cinema

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His cause of death was officially listed as "organ failure", which she said was caused by alcohol abuse.

"He killed himself. It was suicide by alcohol. He did that deliberately. He couldn't live with everything that was going to be exposed. It was just a matter of time."

She had confronted him and he had denied the claims.

"He was very defensive. And he became quite violent with that defensiveness."

She believed her insistence meant that he knew the questions would soon be asked publicly.

"It wasn't something I could condone or keep quiet about. This was a while ago. It's taken me a number of years to get to where I got to yesterday."

"What he knew was that everything was crumbling. The facade he had carefully manicured over the years was coming down and he would be exposed. That's what he knew. That's why he took himself out."

In the days after her former husband's death, Zhou Black had a number of shocks, including childhood friends of her husband's telling her of abuse he had suffered as a boy.

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There was also physical evidence left on his mobile phone, which had been passed to her. On it was a photograph of a naked teenage girl - sent by the girl at his encouragement.

Tiakitai-Turi said: "They were communicating and he was grooming her at that stage."

There had already been disclosures which led to this point and overnight had come more.

"Things are tumbling out all over the place. Revelations, and people talking about things. In my mind, retrospectively, you can start to see a pattern."

Prior to his death, there was a genuine fear among victims of stepping forward.

"People were really afraid to talk. Some still are."

Tiakitai-Turi said his mana and standing in the community silenced victims who doubted they would be believed.

"With particular victims, there were things he could do that made those victims not ever want to speak. And part of that was his status. Who would you believe? That (victim) or the guy with the status."

Tiakitai-Turi said many of those who were close to Awanui Black who had expressed anger were struggling with questions over their own friendship and judgment.

She said they would be asking themselves, "How could I get it so wrong?".

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But she said everyone - herself included - had made the same mistake. There are now growing calls from Bay of Plenty community leaders for police to investigate the claims.

Bay of Plenty Regional Council chairman Doug Leeder said the allegations were extremely serious in nature.

"I think it is only appropriate that the respective authorities look into what has been alleged, which I am in no doubt they will do," he said.

A police spokesperson said they were aware of the video and would be seeking further information about the allegations.

In Tauranga, artist Graham Hoete, also known as Mr G, started painting over a mural he had made of Black.

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All The World’s A Cult
November 9 2018 | From: ZenGardner

It’s funny how people get all self righteous about not being religious or belonging to some group and condemn anyone who they think is or has been.

Naturally most people attempt to be careful about what they align themselves with, but do we really see what all of society is made up of and what we’ve each unwittingly participated in to varying degrees?

Religions don’t have a corner on the market. Perhaps all of us have been cult-ivated in some way.

Cult-ure is called just that for a reason. It’s pretty blatant nomenclature. Merriam-Webster defines culture as the following:

Simple Definition of culture

The beliefs, customs, arts, etc., of a particular society, group, place, or time

A particular society that has its own beliefs, ways of life, art, etc.

A way of thinking, behaving, or working that exists in a place or organization (such as a business)

That just about includes every societal behavior or activity. So-called cults, the word derived from the Latin colere meaning to cultivate, are mere start-ups of new and old ideas of group conformity for some objective.

In the 60’s these were everywhere as groups and individuals attempted to harvest the spiritual awakening and longings of an entire generation looking for alternatives to the mad military industrial complex-bound world around them.

Some were labeled cults by the orthodox minded, but these included a wide range of groups, organizations, alternative learning centers, spiritual fellowships, institutes, break away churches or other so-called “new religious movements” as they preferred to be called.

And the followers were enthusiastic, the word enthusiastic derived from “spirit, or god within us”. Just about any alternative was deemed good, or at least an effort to break free from the system, so there was a lot of experimentation going on.

Some of those groups still exist today. Many have been absorbed by the New Age amoeba and yet others grew into powerful organizations. Mind control experimentation was rife at this time as well as the deliberate introduction of mind altering drugs and manipulated music in an effort to scramble society, diffuse dissent, and make it malleable for further indoctrination.

Little did we know. But now we do.

Cults and More Cults

When you finally become awakened and grow detached from this massive matrix ensnaring the world you begin to realize it’s all cults.They’ve simply externalized the idea so we don’t recognize the cults we’re already in. Cult of the personality for example, where sycophantic adoration towards an individual takes place.

There are the obvious cases as in showbiz and the media and charismatic religious or social leaders, but this is much more prevalent than people would like to realize. It could be anyone in our lives we’re overly enamored with to the point we relinquish our rational thought.

And even worse, our autonomy and individualism, to the charismatic or domineering authority of another, resulting in great devotion to whatever the object and their eventual unquestioned control and spiritual and even physical abuse.

These are all forms of disempowerment or containment, the symptoms to look out for. I’ve written about religion and belief systems quite a bit in this regard, but few realize how social and spiritual pressures are brought to bear via many seemingly innocuous relationships, especially with groups and even loose associations.

Think about school and all the pressures we felt to conform and survive in that packaging facility. That’s a cult, a carefully structured one with a very clear purpose – entrainment and uniformity.

How about clubs, fraternities and sororities, or the whole sports scene, never mind the military.

The even more obvious examples are business organizations and “work” relationships. Then there are the guys at the bar, or the ladies’ coffee cliques. Speaking of cliques, remember those from your school days? They still exist not only in school environments but in adult social circles.

Then you get to the source – the oc-cult cultivators. They are the ones that set the imprint. They are all avid adherents to cult control of the very worst and most insidious sort. They may seem to act autonomously or as having authority, but they aren’t and they don’t. They’re under heavier control than any of us could imagine.

It’s a blood agreement and they’ve sold their souls to move up the pyramid of control, both in this world and other realms. This is a big subject covered extensively in many books as well as other articles by myself and other researchers.

Cultivating Culture – The Open Hidden Hand

The media, corporations and government have a field day playing on this weakness for group think and the need for acceptance, to the extent they’ve created a society that’s complete mush, with the intent that big corp and the nanny state can be the lead dogs in everyone’s life.

When you think about how many people are glued to the boob-toob today it’s easy to understand why the masses behave as they do, dress as they do, and eat and drug themselves as they do.

It’s learned. And there is a lot of direct as well as implied pressure to fit in, or else you’ll be mocked, marginalized and excluded, to the extent that any seemingly “anti-social” behavior is now considered suspicious and to be reported, the fear of terrorism coursing through their programmed neurons like molten nano metal.

Most of us are aware of these traps and devices, but the vast majority have no idea. They’re swayed like sickened seaweed in an artificially rippled pond of liquified sewage.

Detachment – The Only Way to Live Fully Free

This may sound like some vague concept but it really isn’t. If you’re not invested in their sticky entrapping webbery you can live outside of it. Sure, we all have to interact with this engineered madness but we don’t have to give it our energy and obeisance. But it will take some sacrifices and dealing with our own shadow work seeing how we’ve succumbed to this in our past.

Each of us have to deal with our own entanglements. Besides religious and belief systems, there are financial interactions with the beast, social obligations we think we have to submit to or endure, or employment entrapments we’d rather have nothing to do with.

Do what you can, but get free, in mind, body and spirit, even if you’re still in it. Some costs will not be comfortable. Old stuck in the mud friends who only bring you down and sap your energy, living or working circumstances that make you curse your situation and absently long for freedom, or how you portray yourself on a daily basis.

This is perhaps the most important. Are we being who we truly are? Do we respond honestly, or has the cult-ure of our micro environment, usually hinged on the macro, force us to compromise our convictions and water down what we know to be true, honest and loving?

Do you like yourself when you’re forced into artificial social situations and to compromise for the sake of momentary convenience? We all face these situations.

These are questions we all ask ourselves, consciously and definitely subconsciously. They need answers. And appropriate action, or inaction, needs to be taken.

The hour is late. It always is when it comes to snapping out of the matrix of deceit. Otherwise it will kill you – spiritually and physically.

Something to think about. Time to bust out of the cult of everything. It’s not the real world, it’s fabricated, and often with our permission and subservient compliance.

Stop empowering it. Break out and change the world by being your authentic self. Wisely and lovingly, and with centered conviction. This is the stand we each need to make.

The rest will follow.

Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi

Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi
20 Practical Uses For Coca Cola - Proof That Coke Does Not Belong In The Human Body & 22 Ways Drinking Soda Will Shorten Your Life + The Hidden Costs Of Soda
Nocember 8 2018 | From: TrueActivist / GreenMedInfo

Numerous studies have shown the negative health effects of drinking soda on your waistline and your teeth.

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To prove Coke does not belong in the human body, here are 20 practical ways you can use Coke as a domestic cleaner:

1. Removes grease stains from clothing and fabric.

2. Removes rust; using fabric dipped in Coke, a sponge or even aluminum foil. Also loosens rusty bolts.

3. Removes blood stains from clothing and fabric.

4. Cleans oil stains from a garage floor; let the stain soak, hose off.

5. Kills slugs and snails; the acids kills them.

6. Cleans burnt pans; let the pan soak in the Coke, then rinse.

7. Descales a kettle (same method as with burnt pans).

8. Cleans car battery terminals by pouring a small amount of Coke over each one.

9. Cleans your engine; Coke distributors have been using this technique for decades.

10. Makes pennies shine; soaking old pennies in Coke will remove the tarnish.

Cleans tile grout; pour onto kitchen floor, leave for a few minutes, wipe up.

12. Dissolves a tooth; Use a sealed container…takes a while but it does work.

13. Removes gum from hair; dip into a small bowl of Coke, leave a few minutes. Gum will wipe off.

14. Removes stains from vitreous china.

15. Got a dirty pool? Adding two 2-liter bottles of Coke clears up rust.

16. You can remove (or fade) dye from hair by pouring diet Coke over it.

17. Remove marker stains from carpet. Applying, scrub and then clean with soapy water to remove marker stains.

18. Cleans a toilet; pour around bowl, leave for a while, flush clean.

19. Coke and aluminum foil will bring Chrome to a high shine.

20. Strips paint off metal furniture. Soak a towel in Coke and lay it on the paint surface.

Furthermore, have you ever wondered what exactly Coca Cola is?

After 10 minutes:
 The sugar contained in a glass of Cola can cause a devastating “strike” on the body. The cause being the phosphoric acid which inhibits the action of sugar.

After 20 minutes: A leap in insulin levels in bloodstream occurs.

After 40 minutes: Ingestion of caffeine is finally completed. The eye’s pupils are expanding. Blood pressure rises because the liver disposes more sugar into the bloodstream. The adenosine receptors become blocked thereby preventing drowsiness.

After 45 minutes: The body raises production of the dopamine hormone, which stimulates the brain pleasure center. Similar to the reaction Heroin creates.

After 1 hour: Phosphoric acid binds calcium, magnesium and zinc in the gastrointestinal tract, which supercharges metabolism. The release of calcium through urine takes place.

After more than 1 hour:
 Diuretic effects of the drink enters in “the game”. The calcium, magnesium, and zinc are removed out of the body, which are a part of our bones, as well as sodium. At this time, we can become irritable or subdued. The whole quantity of water, contained in a coca cola, is removed through urination.

When having a cold bottle of Coke and enjoying its undeniable freshness are we aware of what chemical “cocktail” we are putting into our bodies?

The active ingredient in Coca-Cola is orthophosphoric acid. Due to its high acidity, cisterns used for transporting the chemical have to be equipped with special reservoirs designed for highly corrosive materials.

The Anatomy of Diet Coke / Coke Light

Let’s have a look at “the anatomy” of one of the most advertised products of “Coca-Cola Co.” – Coca-Cola Light (Diet) without caffeine.

This drink contains Aqua Carbonated, E150D, E952, E951, E338, E330, Aromas, E211.

Aqua Carbonated – this is sparkling water. It stirs gastric secretion, increases the acidity of the gastric juice and provokes flatulency. Filtered tap water is what is primarily used.

E150D – this is food coloring obtained through the processing of sugar at specified temperatures, with or without addition of chemical reagents. In the case of coca-cola, ammonium sulfate is added.

E952 – Sodium Cyclamate is a sugar substitute. Cyclamate is a synthetic chemical, has a sweet taste, which is 200 times sweeter than sugar, and is used as an artificial sweetener. In 1969 it was banned by FDA, since it, as well as saccharin and aspartame, caused cancer in rats.

E950 – Acesulfame Potassium. 200 times sweeter than sugar, containing methyl-ether. It aggravates the operation of the cardiovascular system. Likewise, it contains asparaginic acid which can also cause an excitant effect on our nervous system and in time it can lead to addiction. Acesulfame is badly dissolved and is not recommended for use by children and pregnant women.

E951 – Aspartame. A sugar substitute for diabetics and is chemically unstable at elevated temperatures it breaks down into methanol and phenylalanine. Methanol is very dangerous as only 5-10ml can cause destruction of the optic nerve and irreversible blindness. In warm soft drinks, aspartame transforms into formaldehyde which is a very strong carcinogen.

Symptoms of aspartame poisoning include: unconsciousness, headaches, fatigue, dizziness, nausea, palpitation, weight gain, irritability, anxiety, memory loss, blurry vision, fainting, joint pains, depression, infertility, hearing loss and more. Aspartame can also provoke the following diseases: brain tumors, MS (Multiple Sclerosis), epilepsy, Graves’ disease, chronic fatigue, Alzheimer’s, diabetes, mental deficiency and tuberculosis. Later, this substance was initially illegal due to its dangers but was again made legal in a suspicious manner.

E338 – Orthophosphoric Acid. This can cause irritation of the skin and eyes. It is used for production of phosphoric acid salts of ammonia, sodium, calcium, aluminum and also in organic synthesis for the production of charcoal and film tapes. It is also used in the production of refractory materials, ceramics, glass, fertilizers, synthetic detergents, medicine, metalworking, as well as in the textile and oil industries. It is known that orthophosphoric acid interferes with the absorption of calcium and iron into the body which can cause weakening of bones and osteoporosis. Other side effects are thirst and skin rashes.

E330 – Citric Acid. It is widely used in pharmaceutical and food industries. Salts of citric acid (citrates) are used in the food industry as acids, preservatives, stabilizers, and in the medical fields – for preserving blood.

Aromas – unknown aromatic additives

E211 – Sodium Benzoate. It is used in production of some food products for anti-bacterial and anti-fungal purposes. It is often found in jams, fruit juices and fruit yogurts. It’s not recommended for use by asthmatics and people who are sensitive to aspirin. A study conducted by Peter Piper at the Sheffield University in Britain, found that this compound causes significant damage to DNA. According to Peter, sodium benzoate which is an active component in preservatives, doesn’t destroy DNA, but deactivates it. This can lead to cirrhosis and degenerative diseases like Parkinson’s disease.

Coca-Cola is undeniably a very useful product. The key is to use it for purposes that do not include drinking! Here is a video about Coca-Cola:

22 Ways Drinking Soda Will Shorten Your Life

Numerous studies have shown the negative health effects of drinking soda on your waistline and your teeth. Drinking soda however, has far more serious health risks than many of us may realize. 

According to Euromonitor, the average person in the United States consumes more than 126 grams of sugar per day. That’s equal to 25.2 teaspoons, or the equivalent of drinking a little over three 12 ounce colas.

Numerous studies have shown the negative health effects of drinking soda on your waistline and your teeth. Drinking soda however, has far more health risks than many of us may realize. Regular consumption of sugary drinks is linked to numerous health problems including diabetes, heart disease, asthma, COPD and obesity.

So what are the risks and how much soda is too much? Let’s take a look:

1. Soda can cause a decline in kidney function. In an 11-year-long Harvard Medical School study, including 3,318 women, researchers found that diet cola is linked with a two-fold increased risk for kidney decline.

2. Soda increases diabetes risk. High levels of sugar in soda places a lot of stress on your pancreas, potentially leaving it unable to keep up with the body’s need for insulin. Drinking one or two sugary drinks per day increases your risk for type 2 diabetes by 25%.   

3. Soda cans are lined with BPA.  Soda cans are coated with the endocrine disruptor bisphenol A (BPA), which has been linked to everything from heart disease to obesity to reproductive problems

4. Soda dehydrates you. Caffeine is a diuretic. Diuretics promote the production of urine, causing you to urinate more frequently.  When the body’s cells are dehydrated they have difficulty absorbing nutrients, and it also makes it more difficult for the body to eliminate waste.

5. Caramel coloring in soda is linked to cancer. The artificial brown coloring in colas is a chemical process, it is not made from caramelized sugar. It is made by reacting sugars with ammonia and sulfites under high pressure and temperatures. These chemical reactions result in the formation of 2-methylimidazole (2-MI) and 4 methylimidazole (4-MI), which in government-conducted studies caused lung, liver, or thyroid cancer or leukemia in laboratory mice and rats.

6. Caramel coloring in soda is linked to vascular issues. Dr. Nehal N. Mehta, director of Inflammatory Risk Cardiology at the University of Pennsylvania states that there is a link between vascular problems and caramel-containing products.

7. Soda is high in calories. A 20 ounce can of Coca Cola contains 17 teaspoons of sugar and 240 calories…empty calories devoid of any nutritional value. It would take the average adult over one hour of walking to burn off­ the 240 calories in a 20-ounce soda.

8. Caffeine in soda blocks the absorption of magnesium. According to Carolyn Dean, M.D., N.D. Magnesium is essential for more than 325 enzyme reactions in the body. Magnesium also plays a role in your body's detoxification processes and therefore is important for minimizing damage from environmental chemicals, heavy metals, and other toxins.  

9. Soda increases obesity risk in children. Each additional soda or other sugary drink consumed per day increases the likelihood of a child becoming obese by about 60%. Sugary drinks are connected to other health problems as well.

10. Soda increases heart disease in men. Each soda consumed per day increases the risk of heart disease by 20% in men. 

11. Acid in soda wears away dental enamel. Lab testing on soda acidity shows that the amount of acid in soda is enough to wear away dental enamel. pH levels in soda can be as low as 2.5, as a frame of reference battery acid has a pH of 1, water has a pH of 7.0.

12. Soda contains high amounts of sugar. The average 20-ounce can of Coca Cola has the equivalent of 17 teaspoons of sugar, it's not hard to see that soda can be bad for your teeth and your overall health.

13. Soda contains artificial sweeteners. While many people opt for artificial sugar to lower caloric intake the tradeoff for your health isn’t so sweet. Artificial sugars are linked to numerous illness and diseases including cancer. 

14. Soda depletes your mineral levels. Sodas that contain phosphoric acid removes much needed calcium from your bones.  After studying  several thousand men and woman, researchers at Tufts University, found that women who drank 3 or more cola based sodas a day, had almost 4% lower bone mineral density in their hips, even though researchers controlled their calcium and vitamin D intake. 

15Drinking soda changes your metabolism. Dr. Hans-Peter Kubis, the director of the Health Exercise and Rehabilitation group at Bangor University in England, has found that drinking soda on a regular basis can actually change the metabolism in the human body. Participants drank 140 grams of sugar every day for four weeks (that’s less than two 20 ounce cans of Coke). The results: their metabolism changed after the four weeks, making it more difficult for them to burn fat and lose weight.

16. Drinking more than one soda daily, increases your risk for heart disease and metabolic syndrome. According to Ravi Dhingra, M.D., lead author of the study and an instructor in Medicine at Harvard Medical School states “If you are drinking one or more soft drinks a day, you may be increasing your risk of developing metabolic risk factors for heart disease.” The Framingham study included nearly 9,000 individuals, over a four year period. Researchers found that individuals consuming one or more sodas a day had a 48 % increased risk of metabolic syndrome compared to those consuming less than one soft drink daily.

17. Diet soda does not help you lose weight. A University of Texas Health Science Center study found that the more diet sodas a person drank, the greater their risk of becoming overweight. Consuming two or more cans a day increased waistlines by 500% greater than those who do not consume diet soda.

18. Diet sodas contain mold inhibitors. They go by the names sodium benzoate or potassium benzoate, and they’re used in nearly all diet sodas.

“These chemicals have the ability to cause severe damage to DNA in the mitochondria to the point that they totally inactivate it - they knock it out altogether,”
Peter Piper, a professor of Molecular Biology and Biotechnology at the University of Sheffield in the U.K., told a British newspaper.

The preservative has also been linked to hives, asthma, and other allergic conditions, according to the Center for Science in the Public Interest.

Note: Some companies have phased out sodium benzoate. Diet Coke and Diet Pepsi have replaced it with another preservative, potassium benzoate. Both sodium and potassium benzoate were classified by the Food Commission in the UK as mild irritants to the skin, eyes, and mucous membranes.

19. Sodas containing ascorbic acid and potassium benzoate can form benzene, a known carcinogen. Benzene can form in beverages and foods that contain both ascorbic acid and potassium benzoate. According to the FDA, when benzoate is exposed to light and heat in the presence of vitamin C, it can be converted into benzene. According to the American Cancer Society, benzene is considered a carcinogen

20. Daily sodas and other sugar sweetened drinks are linked to Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease (NAFLD). The 2,634 individuals in the study completed a CT scan to measure the amount of fat in the liver. They saw a higher prevalence of NAFLD among people who reported drinking more than one sugar-sweetened drink per day compared to people who said they drank no sugar-sweetened beverages.

21. Some sodas contain flame retardant. Brominated vegetable oil (BVO) is added to many citrus based sodas and sports drinks to prevent the drinks from separating.  What’s the concern? BVO is patented by chemical companies as a flame retardant. It is also banned in over 100 countries, but it is still used in the U.S. Learn more here.

22. Soda is linked to Asthma. A study done in South Australis of 16,907 participants aged 16 years and older, showed high levels of soda consumption were positively associated with asthma and COPD.

The Hidden Costs of Soda

Just as lifestyle diseases like Type II Diabetes and obesity grow to epidemic proportions in the U.S., the average American now consumes 20 oz of soda every day. For non-diet drinkers that means guzzling an extra 17 teaspoons of sugar daily.

Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi

Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi
Globalism: A Psychological GPS System For The Masses
November 7 2018 | From: JonRappoport

Globalism presents a conception of space, in which billions of people fit into their “best slots.” That’s the theme. That’s the construct.

Of course, its proponents and bosses sell it as if the world couldn’t exist in any other form.

Related: The [Attempted] Final Control: TPP, TTIP, TISA Global Corporate Takeover

All isms operate in this fashion. Once the definition is laid down, the fictional field is laid out, and people are urged to navigate to their places.

“If you don’t, dire things will happen.” People aren’t generally aware of fictional spaces and their psychological impact. Therefore, they go along.

This is why a museum can be so instructive. A thousand paintings, each with its own area. I’m not talking about a place on a wall, I’m talking about interior space, which the artist invents and shapes on the canvas.

With Globalism, the space is all about establishing control and distribution points for goods and services. It’s about erasing borders and nations. It’s about co-opting the notion of a unified planet, in order to broadcast fake cheesy messages of universal “share and care.” It’s about every individual “having his place.”

When I began painting in 1962, one of the first things I noticed was the abundance of space - on each canvas. Waiting to be shaped. The psychological carry-over was enormous. The notion of “fitting into a position in life” disintegrated. It made no sense and had no impact.

Globalism is a hustle in a long, long line of planetary hustles. It erects a space and claims it is the future for all. It’s a minor, minor painting by a group of minor artists, hardly worthy of a spot on the wall of a second-rate museum.

If we were living in a reasonably aware society, many people would be asking themselves: “What space do I want to invent, and for what purpose?”

Which of course takes things back to the individual and his inner resources. And away from overarching ideologies with their perverse themes.

If you were a painter, what would you paint? That question is a lot like asking: if you could invent your future and all the space that comes with it, what would you do?

To come up with an answer, you don’t need any of the GPS reference points of Globalism. They would only be a hindrance.

They would be delusions, masking your power.

“Some even believe we are part of a secret cabal working against the best interests of the United States, characterizing my family and me as ‘internationalists’ and of conspiring with others around the world to build a more integrated global political and economic structure - one world, if you will. If that is the charge, I stand guilty, and I am proud of it.”

- David Rockefeller, Memoirs, 2002

The man who wrote those words represents a family that has dominated banking, oil, modern medicine, behind-the-scenes politics, and powerhouses of Globalism (e.g., the Council on Foreign Relations) for a century.

Globalism asserts that no nation can be independent from “the family” of other nations, as if it were a matter of fact beyond dispute. A nation claiming its sovereignty thus becomes a lunatic traitor to the natural order of things.

What really binds nations to one another is propaganda, and treaties which are based on the same propaganda, resulting in engorged super-profits for mega-corporations.

Globalism is a secular piece of messianic hype. A Disneyesque altruism is the prow of the ship. Spend 10 minutes educating any street hustler on Globalist principles, and he would recognize it as a standard con.

Obama’s warning to the Brits, that their withdrawing from the Globalist European Union would put them at the back of the line in negotiating a separate trade treaty with the United States, was sheer fiction.

Britain, or any nation, that has goods to sell and a desire to buy will find trade partners. An agreement could be scratched out on a napkin over dinner.

Impending trade deals like the TPP and TTIP are thousands of pages and take so long to negotiate, because the heavy hitters at the table are looking for new ingenious ways to cut and paste the world into larger profits for themselves.

Globalism, hiding behind thousands of academic analyses, picks up jobs from one nation, where wages are reasonable and working conditions are tolerable, and dumps them in hell holes where wages are nearly invisible and conditions are poisonous.

It’s that simple, and any moron could see how the job-exporting nations would suffer…if by nations we meant people.

Instead of criminal corporations and criminal investors. But all this is layered over with “share and care” sop.

The United States government could repeal the NAFTA, CAFTA, and GATT trade treaties tomorrow, and throw current TPP and TTIP negotiating documents out the window…and all would be well. Better. Much better.

Related: Globalisation, Urban Transformation And The Destruction Of Local Economies

For instance, without NAFTA, US producers wouldn’t have been able to flood Mexico with cheap corn, throwing 1.5 million Mexican corn farmers into bankruptcy, leading many of them to cross the border and come to the US to find work.

No US President since Nixon has disturbed the march of Globalist “free trade.” All Presidents since then have been on board with the Rockefeller plan. And the US economy - which is to say, jobs - has thus faltered.

The 2008 financial crash was only one factor in the decline. The promise of cheap imports for sale in the US - the justification for free trade - doesn’t work when people here have no jobs and no purchasing power.

Major media, fronting for free-trade, have panicked over Donald Trump’s claim that he’ll reject Globalism. They would have panicked over Bernie Sander’s similar promise, if they thought he had any chance of defeating Hillary Clinton for the Democratic nomination. The media have their orders from on high - the deck is stacked, the cards were dealt long ago.

Hillary Clinton mouths pathetic and empty generalities about creating jobs. Small tax breaks for small businesses that “share profits with employees,” the “removal of government red tape,” “funding breakthroughs in scientific and medical research,” “expanding job training opportunities” - the truth is, her basic method for stimulating the economy has always been: find a war, any war, and fight it.

Now, let us consider The Individual. Is he just a tiny force pitted against a colossus?

No. Unless he sees himself that way. But what can he do?

First: find the thing within himself that defies the odds, supersedes the “normal response,” casts aside all ordinary formulations of what he is.

That thing, that power is imagination. Imagination has the ability to come up with solutions and strategies - on both a personal and planetary level - that have never been considered before. Imagination is the wild card.

Imagination belongs to The Individual.

The individual is not the group.

“Exercises and techniques for accessing and deploying imagination…these would be essential. Exercises that allow the individual to reinstate his basic creative position in life. Exercises that allow the individual to use his imagination in many different ways. Ramping up power.”

- Preliminary notes for Exit From the Matrix, Jon Rappoport

What does the individual have to offer? He has everything he is capable of doing, when he liberates himself from petty ideas and limitations about what he is. That journey of liberation is his own. It isn’t anybody else’s.

It is, as I’ve pointed out many times, a journey of imagination. Imagination lets a person know what could exist but doesn’t now exist. Imagination lets a person know what he could invent. Imagination lets a person know that, despite claims to the contrary, the future is open and unwritten.

Imagination lets a person know that he can think thoughts that have never been thought before. The journey of individual liberation is, therefore, much more than discovering what already exists in one’s own mind.

The world as it is, things as they are, Globalism as it is, collectivism, the group - this is the sensation of depleted imagination.

Of course, imagination never diminishes, it just waits. For you.

The deployment of imagination unlocks hidden energies. A power, sought after and never found in other endeavors, appears.

Imagination is larger than any universe. It needs no sanction from the world. It is not some secret form of physics. It is not religion. It is not cosmology. It is not any one picture of anything. It’s what you invent.

The Collective does not have imagination. It poaches on individuals with imagination. The Collective is a graveyard where imagination has been downgraded and forgotten.

Imagination soars. It is the individual at the edge of his own exploration.

Imagination was the source for the building of modern civilization. But then civilization became dedicated to itself AS THE GROUP.

The individual never goes away, and neither does his imagination. Imagination can light up a room, a house, a city, a nation, a planet, a galaxy, a universe.

So what will the individual do about Globalism?

The challenge isn’t going to be resolved by taking mere traditional approaches. It isn’t going to be solved by thinking along traditional lines. People tend to ask for answers - but what if the ordinary answers don’t work?

What if something else has to happen?

What if many individuals have to wake up to the range and scope and power of their own imaginations…and come up with new answers? What if that’s the case?

What if that’s the exit from the situation in which we find ourselves?

It IS the exit.

Soros Hacked: US Billionaire Manipulated Europeans Into Accepting Maidan

The bulk of George Soros' documents hacked and published on DC Leaks website shed the light on the magnates' meddling into Ukrainian affairs and shaping public opinion in Western Europe regarding the February coup of 2014 in Kiev through a series of projects and media campaigns.

DC Leaks' release of almost 2,576 files from groups run by US billionaire George Soros, has exposed the magnate's involvement in Ukraine's Euromaidan affairs as well as manipulation of public opinion in Western and Southern Europe in order to "legalize" the February 2014 coup in Kiev.

"The emergence of a New Ukraine carries with it the opportunity to reinvigorate the European project,"
read a 2015 document by the Open Society Initiative for Europe (OSIFE) entitled "The Ukraine debate in Western Europe."

"However, this is complicated by the reluctance of some EU actors to accept the Maidan revolution as democratic and the Ukrainian government as legitimate.

These actors have their own agendas - related to geopolitical and economic considerations with Russia - and will therefore be difficult to influence,"
the OSIFE document underscored, adding that "for other groups and individuals, on the political left and across various social movements, one can detect confusion regarding the state of affairs in Ukraine."

OSIFE specified that this "second group" comprised key opinion-makers, a number of traditional mainstream players, emerging political parties - especially in Southern Europe - such as M5S in Italy, Podemos in Spain and Syriza in Greece, and "a wide range of liberal NGOs in western Europe."

In order to tackle the "problem," the organization offered to kick off a series of initiatives aimed at shaping public opinion in the West regarding the Ukrainian affairs.

The document revealed that OSIFE pursued three major objectives.

First, it sought to "stimulate debate and doubt in those democratic left movements, parties and audiences of Western Europe where a negative perception of the transformation of Ukraine is hegemonic, or very preponderant."

Second, it wanted to "discredit the idea that the independence and integrity of Ukraine is an ideological cause of the Right."

Third, OSIFE intended to "influence the way information about Ukraine is heard and perceived in Southern Europe, especially among the group of doubters."

The issue was dramatically complicated by the fact that the major driving forces of the so-called "Euromaidan Revolution" of February 2014 were the Ukrainian far-right groups, most notably the nationalist All-Ukrainian Union Svoboda and Right Sector, founded by ultra-right Trident and the Ukrainian National Assembly-Ukrainian National Self-Defense (UNA-UNSO) paramilitary group.

Related: Globalists Intend To Use Food As Key Weapon In World Takeover

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Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi

Boycott Facebook, Twitter, And Google. Here’s Why
November 6 2018 | From: StrategicCulture / Various

NATO - the neoconservatives, the marketeers for firms such as Lockheed Martin and BAE - has taken over the social-media giants and much of online international ‘news’-reporting, including that of virtually all independent news-sites and blogs.

Facebook, Twitter, and Google, in recent days, delivered what might be the death-blows.

‘Land of censorship & home of the fake’: Alternative voices on Facebook and Twitter’s crackdown

NATO’s main PR agency, think-tank, and lobbying organization, is ‘non-profit’ - a legal tax-dodge that’s financed by donations from those weapons-making firms and their supporting firms and their ‘non-profits’, so that the taxes that it doesn’t pay will need to be paid instead by the general public.

Billionaires know how to avoid taxes, and they hire politicians who write the laws with all the ‘right’ loopholes for them - and only for the very richest - to use.

This PR agency is called “The Atlantic Council,” and it was set up in 1961, the exact same year that U.S. President Dwight Eisenhower left office warning that “the military-industrial complex” might take control of the U.S.

Well, it did so, with The Atlantic Council’s help; and, now, it is finally lowering the boom against democracy itself - at least among the U.S. and its allied nations (the governments whose weapons-manufacturing firms are in, and sell to, NATO governments).

The aim is to drive up the percentage of government-expenditures there that go to pay those firms, and so to reduce the percentages that go to pay everything else. The aim, in short, is the permanent-warfare-economy.

Are Social Media Companies Banning Because Of What Happens In "Real World"?

After all, firms such as Lockheed Martin and BAE sell only to allied governments.

They have virtually no consumers except those governments. So: their (and their ‘charities’) basic message is ‘austerity’ - except on ‘defense’ or realistically called “aggression.”

This is national ‘defense’ such as against Iraq in 2003, and against Libya in 2011 - it is instead sheer aggression. George Orwell predicted “Newspeak” - well, here it is.

It’s today’s norm, so normal that the public think it’s just natural, and conservatives and even many liberals think it’s the way that ‘a free market’ ought to be. 

Here was Facebook’s announcement, on October 11th:

11 October 2018

"Removing Additional Inauthentic Activity from Facebook

Today, we’re removing 559 Pages and 251 accounts that have consistently broken our rules against spam and coordinated inauthentic behavior. Given the activity we’ve seen - and its timing ahead of the US midterm elections - we wanted to give some details about the types of behavior that led to this action.

Many were using fake accounts or multiple accounts with the same names and posted massive amounts of content across a network of Groups and Pages to drive traffic to their websites.

Many used the same techniques to make their content appear more popular on Facebook than it really was. Others were ad farms using Facebook to mislead people into thinking that they were forums for legitimate political debate."

Source: newsroom.fb.com

Those 559 and 251 weren’t identified; none of them were. Facebook wants them to need to scream in order for them to be able to be noticed at all by the public.

The announcement didn’t even say by what criteria they were measuring ‘Inauthentic Activity’ versus ‘legitimate political debate’.

Their announcement did say “we look at these actors’ behavior – such as whether they’re using fake accounts or repeatedly posting spam – rather than their content when deciding which of these accounts, Pages or Groups to remove,” but unless they make public what the actual algorithms are by means of which they remove sites, no one should trust them, at all, because they can remove whatever NATO or The Atlantic Council (neither of which their announcement even mentioned) want them to remove.

Related: Gingrich: Media Earned “Enemy of the People” Moniker

The background for this act by the war-economy’s billionaires had already been reported at Mint Press on May 18th, “Facebook Partners With Hawkish Atlantic Council, a NATO Lobby Group, to ‘Protect Democracy’”, where Elliott Gabriel opened:

"Facebook is hoping that a new alliance with the Atlantic Council - a leading geopolitical strategy think-tank seen as a de facto PR agency for the U.S. government and NATO military alliance - will not only solve its “fake news” and “disinformation” controversy, but will also help the social media monolith play “a positive role” in ensuring democracy on a global level.

The new partnership will effectively ensure that Atlantic Council will serve as Facebook’s “eyes and ears,” according to a company press statement. With its leadership comprised of retired military officers, former policymakers, and top figures from the U.S. National Security State and Western business elites, the Atlantic Council’s role policing the social network should be viewed as a virtual takeover of Facebook by the imperialist state and the council’s extensive list of ultra-wealthy and corporate donors."

Then, on October 12th, Mint Press’s Whitney Webb bannered “Facebook Purges US-Based Independent Media For Political Disinformation”, and reported that:

"Notably, Facebook’s statement on the mass purge of pages was co-authored by Facebook Head of Cybersecurity Nathaniel Gleicher, who is a former White House National Security Council director of cybersecurity policy.

Twitter also banned many of the pages targeted for deletion by Facebook on Thursday, suggesting a coordinated censorship effort between the two most popular social media platforms.

Many of the pages banned had millions of likes, such as the Free Thought Project (3.1 million likes), Antimedia (2.1 million), Cop Block (1.7 million), and Police the Police (1.9 million). Several of the pages that were deleted on Thursday had been targeted by Facebook in recent months, both through new censorship algorithms and Facebook’s controversial team of “fact checkers.”

For instance, the Free Thought Project had been flagged earlier this year as “fake news” by Facebook “fact checking” partner organizations, including  the Associated Press (AP) and Snopes. In one case, a story published by the Free Thought Project was flagged as “false” by the AP.

That story, which detailed the documented case of Senator Jeff Merkley (D-OR) being forcibly removed from a DHS migrant detention center that had once been a Walmart, was marked false because the AP asserted that the article made the claim that Walmart was housing immigrants for DHS. However, the article does not make the claim, instead accurately noting that the facility used to be a Walmart.

Censorship algorithms had also greatly affected traffic to the recently deleted pages for much of the past year. In the case of Antimedia, its traffic dropped from around 150,000 page views per day in early June to around 12,000 by the end of that month. As a reference, in June of last year, Antimedia’s traffic stood at nearly 300,000 views per day."

Also on October 12th, heavy dot com bannered “‘Facebook Purge’: List of Some Deleted Accounts on Left & Right” and listed a few dozen sites that the article's writer had seen online screaming about having been removed.

Related: In Private Meeting, Facebook Exec Warns News Outlets To Cooperate Or End Up Dying In 'Hospice'

Meanwhile, in UK’s very mainstream Daily Mail (the second-largest-circulation of all UK’s newspapers), columnist Michael Burleigh headlined on October 13th “Putin's taking over Libya by stealth in order to point a new weapon at the West — millions of desperate migrants” and he opened:

"So bloody and extensive is President Putin’s record of aggression, not least in Syria and Ukraine, that an incursion into the empty deserts of North Africa might hardly seem worth noting.

Yet the discovery that Russia is moving troops and missiles into war-torn Libya has rightly caused alarms to sound throughout the capitals of Europe.

It is a step of huge significance, and one with potentially disastrous results for Western nations.

The discovery that Vladimir Putin, above, and his government is moving troops and missiles into war-torn Libya has rightly caused alarm. Russia – this time in the form of Rosneft, the huge oil company controlled by Putin’s sinister crony Igor Sechin – is interested in a slice of Libya’s vast oil reserves, the largest in Africa

Libya has both oil and Mediterranean ports, and Russia is hungry for both."


But was it Russia that in 2011 had invaded and destroyed Libya, or was it U.S., UK, and France, who invaded and destroyed Libya - a country that like Iraq, Syria, Yemen and others which The West has destroyed, had never threatened nor invaded any of them?

Related: Facebook Censorship of Alternative Media ‘Just the Beginning,’ Warns Top Neocon Insider

Burleigh continued:

" – cause enough for concern, perhaps. Yet the real fear for European governments is this: Libya, with its porous southern borders, has become the main jumping-off point for the hundreds of thousands of African migrants now seeking to cross the Mediterranean to the shores of the EU and, in particular, Italy." ."

So, his own country, UK, had helped with the bombing of Libya that had caused all those ‘migrants’ (actually refugees) into Europe, but now he’s trying to blame Putin for it, as if Russia and not UK, U.S., and France were the cause of it. Doesn’t that “mislead people”?

But is the Daily Mail being strangled by Facebook, Twitter, and Google; or is it instead being done to the small-fry political sites, which aren’t owned and controlled by the aristocracies of the U.S., UK, France, and their allied aristocracies - all the aristocracies that are in NATO and promoted by The Atlantic Council?

Related: The Atlantic Council: The Marketing Arm Of The Military/Security Complex

Here is yet more from Elliott Gabriel’s excellent news-report at Mint Press on May 18th, providing background to the present purges and censorships:

"The announcement, made last Thursday in a Facebook Newsroom post, explained that the social network’s security, policy and product teams will coordinate their work with the Atlantic Council’s Digital Forensic Research Lab (DFRLab) to analyze “real-time insights and updates on emerging threats and disinformation campaigns from around the world.”

DFRLab employees include pro-war media activist Eliot Higgins (of Bellingcat fame) and Ben Nimmo - a senior fellow for information defense at the Atlantic Council, who earned infamy for his groundless accusations that actual Twitter users are Russian trolls.

Read more on Facebook

Surveillance Capitalism and the State: Facebook Devastated on Multiple Fronts as Data Theft Crisis Grows

Independent Media Slams Facebook’s Plan to Act as Gatekeeper of ‘Trustworthy’ News

Zuckerberg Pledges To Fix Facebook’s Privacy Problems—No One Trusts Him

A Brazilian Judge Just Handed Facebook Censorship Powers

Continuing, Facebook global politics and government outreach director Katie Harbath explained:

“This will help increase the number of ‘eyes and ears’ we have working to spot potential abuse on our service — enabling us to more effectively identify gaps in our systems, preempt obstacles, and ensure that Facebook plays a positive role during elections all around the world.”

“We know that tackling these problems effectively also requires the right policies and regulatory structures, so that governments and companies can help prevent abuse while also ensuring that people have a voice during elections. The Atlantic Council’s network of leaders is uniquely situated to help all of us think through the challenges we will face in the near- and long-term.”

“The think-tank’s Digital Research Unit Monitoring Missions will also be tapped by the social network during elections and “other highly sensitive moments” to allow Facebook the ability to zero in on key locales and monitor alleged misinformation and foreign interference.”

Who is the Atlantic Council?

Hillary Clinton at the 2013 Atlantic Council Distinguished Leadership Awards (Photo: Atlantic Council)

The Atlantic Council was recently in the news for receiving a donation of $900,000 from the U.S. State Department for a “Peace Process Support Network” program to “promote non-violent conflict resolution” in support of Venezuela’s scattered opposition, with which the council enjoys very close ties.

The council also advocates the arming of extremist militants in Syria (a “National Stabilization Force”) and a hard-line policy toward Russia.

Established in 1961 by former U.S. Secretaries of State Dean Acheson and Christian Herter, the Atlantic Council of the United States was originally conceived as a means to drum up support for the Cold War-era NATO alliance, which had formed in 1949 as the basis of the Euro-Atlantic security architecture during the post-WWII competition with the Soviet Union. Dozens of similar Atlantic Councils were eventually established throughout the NATO and Partnership for Peace states.

The council is a part of the Atlantic Treaty Association, a NATO offshoot that claims to unite “political leaders, academics, military officials, journalists and diplomats in an effort to further the values set forth in the North Atlantic Treaty, namely: democracy, freedom, liberty, peace, security, and the rule of law.”

In general, groups such as the Atlantic Council are meant to secure the legitimacy of U.S. policies and neoliberal economics in the eyes of world audiences and academia, whether they live in the “advanced democracies” (the imperialist center) or “developing democracies” (the post-colonial and economically exploited nations)."

Mint Press - a real news-operation, instead of the fake-news operations that are being boosted by Facebook, Twitter, and Google - apparently hasn’t yet been removed by Facebook, but the permanent-war-economy is only just starting to lower the boom. And, who knows what’s next, in American ‘democracy’, now?

The way to boycott Facebook, Twitter, and Google, is to NOT respond to their ads, but instead to blacklist their advertisers and all media that rely upon those giant social-media sites.

There are competitors, and those need to be aggressively favored by anyone who doesn’t want to be mentally strangulated by these three giant corporations.

These media-giants want to strangle the public; so, the public needs to strangle them first.

Related: Why The Coordinated Alternative Media Purge Should Terrify Everyone

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Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi

Trump’s List: 289 Accomplishments In Just 20 Months, ‘Relentless’ Promise-Keeping
November 5 2018 | From: WashingtonExaminer / Various

The Trump administration’s often overlooked list of achievements has surpassed those of former President Ronald Reagan at this time and more than doubled since the last tally of accomplishments after his first year in office, giving President Trump a solid platform to run for re-election on.

As Trump nears the two-year mark of his historic election and conducts political rallies around the country, during which he talks up his wins in hopes it will energize Republican voters, the administration has counted up 289 accomplishments in 18 categories, capped by the confirmation of Brett Kavanaugh to the Supreme Court.

President Trump Blasts Protesters ‘Paid for by Soros’

They include 173 major wins, such as adding more than 4 million jobs, and another 116 smaller victories, some with outsize importance, such as the 83 percent one-year increase in arrests of MS-13 gang members.

Trump’s successes in reducing the cost of taxes and regulations, rebuilding our military, avoiding wars of choice and changing the courts rival those of all previous Republican presidents,” said Grover Norquist, president of Americans for Tax Reform.

“Trump has an advantage over Ronald Reagan: He has a Reagan Republican House and Senate while Reagan had a [Democratic Speaker] Tip O’Neill House and a pre-Reagan Republican Senate. Reagan and [former GOP Speaker] Newt Gingrich were the ice breakers that allowed Trump’s victories to grow in number and significance,” he added.

Unlike the Year One list which included many proposals and orders still to be acted on, the new collection includes dozens of actions already in place, signed legislation, and enforced executive orders.

For example, while the Year One list bragged about the administration’s efforts to rewrite the much-maligned NAFTA trade deal with Canada and Mexico, the Year Two list said: “Negotiated an historic U.S.-Mexico-Canada Trade Agreement to replace NAFTA.”

Comment: Read about the Alliance that has been working behind the scenes for decades to take down the 'Cabal' within the work of David Wilcock.

Some of those reading this may be confused because the cabal-controlled mainstream media is doing everything within it's power to denigrate Trump - as he is part of the effort to take the Illuminati down once and for all.

Related: Global Alliance Moving For A Checkmate Versus The Deep State

And shockingly the NAFTA achievement is presented as a sidebar to the larger achievement that reads, “President Trump is negotiating and renegotiating better trade deals, achieving free, fair, and reciprocal trade for the United States.” Under that umbrella are eight trade deals cut with Japan, South Korea, Europe and China.

“President Trump is a truly unique leader in American history. He’s a kid from Queens who became an international business leader and made billions by getting things when no one said he could,” said Trump’s 2016 campaign pollster John McLaughlin.

“They told him he couldn’t be president and beat the establishment and he did. For two years the establishment is telling him he can’t do things in Washington and he’s succeeding in spite of them. He never retreats. He doesn’t back up. He’s relentless. He just wins,” he added.

Comparing the two years shows that the latest has an expanded group of economic achievements while the pro-life category was folded into the health care section.

Related: Panic Among Oligarchs, Trump May Turn the Election

Along the way, there have been some disappointments, such as failing to replace Obamacare, fund a big infrastructure plan, and build the border wall.

But the White House believes that despite a lack of media coverage of his accomplishments, supporters know about them and will head to the voting polls to help the GOP maintain control of the House and keep the president on what CNN dubbed a “winning streak.”

In the Washington Post Friday, former Bush speechwriter and columnist Marc Thiessen agreed and said that Trump has proven to be successful at keeping his campaign promises. He wrote, “The fact is, in his first two years, Trump has compiled a remarkable record of presidential promise-keeping.”

The list:

Economic Growth

4.2 percent growth in the second quarter of 2018.

For the first time in more than a decade, growth is projected to exceed 3 percent over the calendar year.


4 million new jobs have been created since the election, and more than 3.5 million since Trump took office.

More Americans are employed now than ever before in our history.

Jobless claims at lowest level in nearly five decades.

The economy has achieved the longest positive job-growth streak on record.

Job openings are at an all-time high and outnumber job seekers for the first time on record.

Unemployment claims at 50 year low

African-American, Hispanic, and Asian-American unemployment rates have all recently reached record lows.

African-American unemployment hit a record low of 5.9 percent in May 2018.

Hispanic unemployment at 4.5 percent.

Asian-American unemployment at record low of 2 percent.

Women’s unemployment recently at lowest rate in nearly 65 years.

Female unemployment dropped to 3.6 percent in May 2018, the lowest since October 1953.

Youth unemployment recently reached its lowest level in more than 50 years.

July 2018’s youth unemployment rate of 9.2 percent was the lowest since July 1966.

Veterans’ unemployment recently hit its lowest level in nearly two decades.

Understanding Trump’s United Nations Appearance – He Was Speaking To America, Scorning The Cabal Servants In The Room

July 2018’s veterans’ unemployment rate of 3.0 percent matched the lowest rate since May 2001.

Unemployment rate for Americans without a high school diploma recently reached a record low.

Rate for disabled Americans recently hit a record low.

Blue-collar jobs recently grew at the fastest rate in more than three decades.

Poll found that 85 percent of blue-collar workers believe their lives are headed “in the right direction.”

68 percent reported receiving a pay increase in the past year.

Last year, job satisfaction among American workers hit its highest level since 2005.

Nearly two-thirds of Americans rate now as a good time to find a quality job.

Optimism about the availability of good jobs has grown by 25 percent.

Added more than 400,000 manufacturing jobs since the election.

Manufacturing employment is growing at its fastest pace in more than two decades.

100,000 new jobs supporting the production & transport of oil & natural gas.

American Income

Median household income rose to $61,372 in 2017, a post-recession high.

Wages up in August by their fastest rate since June 2009.

Paychecks rose by 3.3 percent between 2016 and 2017, the most in a decade.

Council of Economic Advisers found that real wage compensation has grown by 1.4 percent over the past year.

Related: Trump in Context - White Hats vs. Ruling Elite

Some 3.9 million Americans off food stamps since the election.

Median income for Hispanic-Americans rose by 3.7 percent and surpassed $50,000 for the first time ever in history.

Home-ownership among Hispanics is at the highest rate in nearly a decade.

Poverty rates for African-Americans and Hispanic-Americans have reached their lowest levels ever recorded.

American Optimism

Small business optimism has hit historic highs.

NFIB’s small business optimism index broke a 35 year-old record in August.

SurveyMonkey/CNBC’s small business confidence survey for Q3 of 2018 matched its all-time high.

Manufacturers are more confident than ever.

95 percent of U.S. manufacturers are optimistic about the future, the highest ever.

Consumer confidence is at an 18-year high.

12 percent of Americans rate the economy as the most significant problem facing our country, the lowest level on record.

Confidence in the economy is near a two-decade high, with 51 percent rating the economy as good or excellent.

Related: Giving Trump's Accomplishments Their Due

American Business

Investment is flooding back into the United States due to the tax cuts.

Over $450 billion dollars has already poured back into the U.S., including more than $300 billion in the first quarter of 2018.

Retail sales have surged. Commerce Department figures from August show that retail sales increased 0.5 percent in July 2018, an increase of 6.4 percent from July 2017.

ISM’s index of manufacturing scored its highest reading in 14 years.

Worker productivity is the highest it has been in more than three years.

Steel and aluminum producers are re-opening.

Dow Jones Industrial Average, S&P 500, and NASDAQ have all notched record highs.

Dow hit record highs 70 times in 2017 alone, the most ever recorded in one year.

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Achieved massive deregulation at a rapid pace, completing 22 deregulatory actions to every one regulatory action during his first year in office.

Signed legislation to roll back costly and harmful provisions of Dodd-Frank, providing relief to credit unions, and community and regional banks.

Federal agencies achieved more than $8 billion in lifetime net regulatory cost savings.

Rolled back Obama’s burdensome Waters of the U.S. rule.

Used the Congressional Review Act to repeal regulations more times than in history.

Tax Cuts

Biggest tax cuts and reforms in American history by signing the Tax Cuts and Jobs act into law

Provided more than $5.5 trillion in gross tax cuts, nearly 60 percent of which will go to families.

Increased the exemption for the death tax to help save Family Farms & Small Business.

Nearly doubled the standard deduction for individuals and families.

Enabled vast majority of American families will be able to file their taxes on a single page by claiming the standard deduction.

Doubled the child tax credit to help lessen the financial burden of raising a family.

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Lowered America’s corporate tax rate from the highest in the developed world to allow American businesses to compete and win.

Small businesses can now deduct 20 percent of their business income.

Cut dozens of special interest tax breaks and closed loopholes for the wealthy.

9 in 10 American workers are expected see an increase in their paychecks thanks to the tax cuts, according to the Treasury Department.

More than 6 million of American workers have received wage increases, bonuses, and increased benefits thanks to tax cuts.

Over 100 utility companies have lowered electric, gas, or water rates thanks to the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act.

Ernst & Young found 89 percent of companies planned to increase worker compensation thanks to the Trump tax cuts.

Established opportunity zones to spur investment in left behind communities.

Worker Development

Established a National Council for the American Worker to develop a national strategy for training and retraining America’s workers for high-demand industries.

Employers have signed Trump’s “Pledge to America’s Workers,” committing to train or retrain more than 4.2 million workers and students.

Signed the first Perkins CTE reauthorization since 2006, authorizing more than $1 billion for states each year to fund vocational and career education programs.

Executive order expanding apprenticeship opportunities for students and workers.

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Domestic Infrastructure

Proposed infrastructure plan would utilize $200 billion in Federal funds to spur at least $1.5 trillion in infrastructure investment across the country.

Executive order expediting environmental reviews and approvals for high priority infrastructure projects.

Federal agencies have signed the One Federal Decision Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) streamlining the federal permitting process for infrastructure projects.

Rural prosperity task force and signed an executive order to help expand broadband access in rural areas.

Health Care

Signed an executive order to help minimize the financial burden felt by American households Signed legislation to improve the National Suicide Hotline.

Signed the most comprehensive childhood cancer legislation ever into law, which will advance childhood cancer research and improve treatments.

Signed Right-to-Try legislation, expanding health care options for terminally ill patients.

Enacted changes to the Medicare 340B program, saving seniors an estimated $320 million on drugs in 2018 alone.

FDA set a new record for generic drug approvals in 2017, saving consumers nearly $9 billion.

Released a blueprint to drive down drug prices for American patients, leading multiple major drug companies to announce they will freeze or reverse price increases.

Expanded short-term, limited-duration health plans.

Let more employers to form Association Health Plans, enabling more small businesses to join together and affordably provide health insurance to their employees.

Related: Trump Is Right: The Fed Is Crazy And Here's 101 Reasons Why It Should Be Shut Down

Cut Obamacare’s burdensome individual mandate penalty.

Signed legislation repealing Obamacare’s Independent Payment Advisory Board, also known as the “death panels.”

USDA invested more than $1 billion in rural health care in 2017, improving access to health care for 2.5 million people in rural communities across 41 states

Proposed Title X rule to help ensure taxpayers do not fund the abortion industry in violation of the law.

Reinstated and expanded the Mexico City Policy to keep foreign aid from supporting the global abortion industry.

HHS formed a new division over protecting the rights of conscience and religious freedom.

Overturned Obama administration’s midnight regulation prohibiting states from defunding certain abortion facilities.

Signed executive order to help ensure that religious organizations are not forced to choose between violating their religious beliefs by complying with Obamacare’s contraceptive mandate or shutting their doors.

Combating Opioids

Chaired meeting the 73rd General Session of the United Nations discussing the worldwide drug problem with international leaders.

Initiative to Stop Opioid Abuse and Reduce Drug Supply and Demand, introducing new measures to keep dangerous drugs out of our communities.

$6 billion in new funding to fight the opioid epidemic.

DEA conducted a surge in April 2018 that arrested 28 medical professions and revoked 147 registrations for prescribing too many opioids.

Brought the “Prescribed to Death” memorial to President’s Park near the White House, helping raise awareness about the human toll of the opioid crisis.

Helped reduce high-dose opioid prescriptions by 16 percent in 2017.

Opioid Summit on the administration-wide efforts to combat the opioid crisis.

Related: Joe DiGenova on Kavanaugh: “Democrats Don’t Care if They Sacrifice a Fine Man… And I Say to Them, I Hope You All Rot in Hell”

Launched a national public awareness campaign about the dangers of opioid addiction.

Created a Commission on Combating Drug Addiction and the Opioid Crisis which recommended a number of pathways to tackle the opioid crisis.

Led two National Prescription Drug Take Back Days in 2017 and 2018, collecting a record number of expired and unneeded prescription drugs each time.

$485 million targeted grants in FY 2017 to help areas hit hardest by the opioid crisis.

Signed INTERDICT Act, strengthening efforts to detect and intercept synthetic opioids before they reach our communities.

DOJ secured its first-ever indictments against Chinese fentanyl manufacturers.

Joint Criminal Opioid Darknet Enforcement (J-CODE) team, aimed at disrupting online illicit opioid sales.

Declared the opioid crisis a Nationwide Public Health Emergency in October 2017.

Law and Order

More U.S. Circuit Court judges confirmed in the first year in office than ever.

Confirmed more than two dozen U. S. Circuit Court judges.

Followed through on the promise to nominate judges to the Supreme Court who will adhere to the Constitution

Nominated and confirmed Justice Neil Gorsuch and Brett Kavanaugh to the Supreme Court.

Signed an executive order directing the Attorney General to develop a strategy to more effectively prosecute people who commit crimes against law enforcement officers.

Launched an evaluation of grant programs to make sure they prioritize the protection and safety of law enforcement officers.

Established a task force to reduce crime and restore public safety in communities across Signed an executive order to focus more federal resources on dismantling transnational criminal organizations such as drug cartels.

Signed an executive order to focus more federal resources on dismantling transnational criminal organizations such as drug cartels.

Related: President Donald J. Trump Is Taking Action to End Human Trafficking

Violent crime decreased in 2017 according to FBI statistics.

$137 million in grants through the COPS Hiring Program to preserve jobs, increase community policing capacities, and support crime prevention efforts.

Enhanced and updated the Project Safe Neighborhoods to help reduce violent crime.

Signed legislation making it easier to target websites that enable sex trafficking and strengthened penalties for people who promote or facilitate prostitution.

Created an interagency task force working around the clock to prosecute traffickers, protect victims, and prevent human trafficking.

Conducted Operation Cross Country XI to combat human trafficking, rescuing 84 children and arresting 120 human traffickers.

Encouraged federal prosecutors to use the death penalty when possible in the fight against the trafficking of deadly drugs.

New rule effectively banning bump stock sales in the United States.

Border Security and Immigration

Secured $1.6 billion for border wall construction in the March 2018 omnibus bill.

Construction of a 14-mile section of border wall began near San Diego.

Worked to protect American communities from the threat posed by the vile MS-13 gang.

ICE’s Homeland Security Investigations division arrested 796 MS-13 members and associates in FY 2017, an 83 percent increase from the prior year.

Justice worked with partners in Central America to secure criminal charges against more than 4,000 MS-13 members.

Border Patrol agents arrested 228 illegal aliens affiliated with MS-13 in FY 2017.

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Fighting to stop the scourge of illegal drugs at our border.

ICE HSI seized more than 980,000 pounds of narcotics in FY 2017, including 2,370 pounds of fentanyl and 6,967 pounds of heroin.

ICE HSI dedicated nearly 630,000 investigative hours towards halting the illegal import of fentanyl.

ICE HSI made 11,691 narcotics-related arrests in FY 2017.

Stop Opioid Abuse and Reduce Drug Supply and Demand introduced new measures to keep dangerous drugs out the United States.

Signed the INTERDICT Act into law, enhancing efforts to detect and intercept synthetic opioids.

DOJ secured its first-ever indictments against Chinese fentanyl manufacturers.

DOJ launched their Joint Criminal Opioid Darknet Enforcement (J-CODE) team, aimed at disrupting online illicit opioid sales.

Released an immigration framework that includes the resources required to secure our borders and close legal loopholes, and repeatedly called on Congress to fix our broken immigration laws.

Authorized the deployment of the National Guard to help secure the border.

Enhanced vetting of individuals entering the U.S. from countries that don’t meet security standards, helping to ensure individuals who pose a threat to our country are identified before they enter.

These procedures were upheld in a June 2018 Supreme Court hearing.

ICE removed over 226,000 illegal aliens from the United States in 2017.

ICE rescued or identified over 500 human trafficking victims and over 900 child exploitation victims in 2017 alone.

In 2017, ICE Enforcement and Removal Operations (ERO) arrested more than 127,000 aliens with criminal convictions or charges, responsible for

Over 76,000 with dangerous drug offenses.

More than 48,000 with assault offenses.

More than 11,000 with weapons offenses.

More than 5,000 with sexual assault offenses.

More than 2,000 with kidnapping offenses.

Over 1,800 with homicide offenses.

Created the Victims of Immigration Crime Engagement (VOICE) Office in order to support the victims and families affected by illegal alien crime.

More than doubled the number of counties participating in the 287(g) program, which allows jails to detain criminal aliens until they are transferred to ICE custody.

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Negotiating and renegotiating better trade deals, achieving free, fair, and reciprocal trade for the United States.

Agreed to work with the European Union towards zero tariffs, zero non-tariff barriers, and zero subsides.

Deal with the European Union to increase U.S. energy exports to Europe.

Litigated multiple WTO disputes targeting unfair trade practices and upholding our right to enact fair trade laws.

Finalized a revised trade agreement with South Korea, which includes provisions to increase American automobile exports.

Negotiated an historic U.S.-Mexico-Canada Trade Agreement to replace NAFTA.

Agreement to begin trade negotiations for a U.S.-Japan trade agreement.

Secured $250 billion in new trade and investment deals in China and $12 billion in Vietnam.

Established a Trade and Investment Working Group with the United Kingdom, laying the groundwork for post-Brexit trade.

Enacted steel and aluminum tariffs to protect our vital steel and aluminum producers and strengthen our national security.

Conducted 82 anti-dumping and countervailing duty investigations in 2017 alone.

Related: President Trump on Christine Blasey Ford, his relationships with Vladimir Putin and Kim Jong Un and more

Confronting China’s unfair trade practices after years of Washington looking the other way.

25 percent tariff on $50 billion of goods imported from China and later imposed an additional 10% tariff on $200 billion of Chinese goods.

Conducted an investigation into Chinese forced technology transfers, unfair licensing practices, and intellectual property theft.

Imposed safeguard tariffs to protect domestic washing machines and solar products manufacturers hurt by China’s trade policies.

Withdrew from the job-killing Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP).

Secured access to new markets for America’s farmers.

Recent deal with Mexico included new improvements enabling food and agriculture to trade more fairly.

Recent agreement with the E.U. will reduce barriers and increase trade of American soybeans to Europe.

Won a WTO dispute regarding Indonesia’s unfair restriction of U.S. agricultural exports.

Defended American Tuna fisherman and packagers before the WTO

Opened up Argentina to American pork experts for the first time in a quarter-century

American beef exports have returned to china for the first time in more than a decade

OK’d up to $12 billion in aid for farmers affected by unfair trade retaliation.


Presidential Memorandum to clear roadblocks to construction of the Keystone XL Pipeline.

Presidential Memorandum declaring that the Dakota Access Pipeline serves the national interest and initiating the process to complete construction.

Opened up the Alaska National Wildlife Refuge to energy exploration.

Coal exports up over 60 percent in 2017.

Rolled back the “stream protection rule” to prevent it from harming America’s coal industry.

Cancelled Obama’s anti-coal Clean Power Plan and proposed the Affordable Clean Energy Rule as a replacement.

Withdrew from the job-killing Paris climate agreement, which would have cost the U.S. nearly $3 trillion and led to 6.5 million fewer industrial sector jobs by 2040.

U.S. oil production has achieved its highest level in American history

United States is now the largest crude oil producer in the world.

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U.S. has become a net natural gas exporter for the first time in six decades.

Action to expedite the identification and extraction of critical minerals that are vital to the nation’s security and economic prosperity.

Took action to reform National Ambient Air Quality Standards, benefitting American manufacturers.

Rescinded Obama’s hydraulic fracturing rule, which was expected to cost the industry $32 million per year.

Proposed an expansion of offshore drilling as part of an all-of-the above energy strategy

Held a lease sale for offshore oil and gas leases in the Gulf of Mexico in August 2018.

Got EU to increase its imports of liquefied natural gas (LNG) from the United States.

Issued permits for the New Burgos Pipeline that will cross the U.S.-Mexico border.

Foreign Policy

Moved the U.S. Embassy in Israel to Jerusalem.

Withdrew from Iran deal and immediately began the process of re-imposing sanctions that had been lifted or waived.

Treasury has issued sanctions targeting Iranian activities and entities, including the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps-Qods Force

Since enacting sanctions, Iran’s crude exports have fallen off, the value of Iran’s currency has plummeted, and international companies have pulled out of the country.

All nuclear-related sanctions will be back in full force by early November 2018.

Historic summit with North Korean President Kim Jong-Un, bringing beginnings of peace and denuclearization to the Korean Peninsula.

The two leaders have exchanged letters and high-level officials from both sides have met resulting in tremendous progress.

North Korea has halted nuclear and missile tests.

Negotiated the return of the remains of missing-in-action soldiers from the Korean War.

Related: 'Complete Denuclearization Of The Korean Peninsula'

Imposed strong sanctions on Venezuelan dictator Nicholas Maduro and his inner circle.

Executive order preventing those in the U.S. from carrying out certain transactions with the Venezuelan regime, including prohibiting the purchase of the regime’s debt.

Responded to the use of chemical weapons by the Syrian regime.

Rolled out sanctions targeting individuals and entities tied to Syria’s chemical weapons program.

Directed strikes in April 2017 against a Syrian airfield used in a chemical weapons attack on innocent civilians.

Joined allies in launching airstrikes in April 2018 against targets associated with Syria’s chemical weapons use.

New Cuba policy that enhanced compliance with U.S. law and held the Cuban regime accountable for political oppression and human rights abuses.

Treasury and State are working to channel economic activity away from the Cuban regime, particularly the military.

Changed the rules of engagement, empowering commanders to take the fight to ISIS.

ISIS has lost virtually all of its territory, more than half of which has been lost under Trump.

ISIS’ self-proclaimed capital city, Raqqah, was liberated in October 2017.

All Iraqi territory had been liberated from ISIS.

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More than a dozen American hostages have been freed from captivity all of the world.

Action to combat Russia’s malign activities, including their efforts to undermine the sanctity of United States elections.

Expelled dozens of Russian intelligence officers from the United States and ordered the closure of the Russian consulate in Seattle, WA.

Banned the use of Kaspersky Labs software on government computers, due to the company’s ties to Russian intelligence.

Imposed sanctions against five Russian entities and three individuals for enabling Russia’s military and intelligence units to increase Russia’s offensive cyber capabilities.

Sanctions against seven Russian oligarchs, and 12 companies they own or control, who profit from Russia’s destabilizing activities.

Sanctioned 100 targets in response to Russia’s occupation of Crimea and aggression in Eastern Ukraine.

Enhanced support for Ukraine’s Armed Forces to help Ukraine better defend itself.

Helped win U.S. bid for the 2028 Summer Olympics in Los Angeles.

Helped win U.S.-Mexico-Canada’s united bid for 2026 World Cup.


Executive order keeping the detention facilities at U.S. Naval Station Guantanamo Bay open.

$700 billion in military funding for FY 2018 and $716 billion for FY 2019.

Largest military pay raise in nearly a decade.

Ordered a Nuclear Posture Review to ensure America’s nuclear forces are up to date and serve as a credible deterrent.

Released America’s first fully articulated cyber strategy in 15 years.

New strategy on national biodefense, which better prepares the nation to defend against biological threats.

Administration has announced that it will use whatever means necessary to protect American citizens and servicemen from unjust prosecution by the International Criminal Court.

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Released an America first National Security Strategy.

Put in motion the launch of a Space Force as a new branch of the military and relaunched the National Space Council.

Encouraged North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) allies to increase defense spending to their agree-upon levels.

In 2017 alone, there was an increase of more than 4.8 percent in defense spending amongst NATO allies.

Every member state has increased defense spending.

Eight NATO allies will reach the 2 percent benchmark by the end of 2018 and 15 allies are on trade to do so by 2024.

NATO allies spent over $42 billion dollars more on defense since 2016.

Executive order to help military spouses find employment as their families deploy domestically and abroad.

Veterans Affairs

Signed the VA Accountability Act and expanded VA telehealth services, walk-in-clinics, and same-day urgent primary and mental health care.

Delivered more appeals decisions – 81,000 – to veterans in a single year than ever before.

Strengthened protections for individuals who come forward and identify programs occurring within the VA.

Signed legislation that provided $86.5 billion in funding for the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA), the largest dollar amount in history for the VA.

VA MISSION Act, enacting sweeping reform to the VA system that:

Consolidated and strengthened VA community care programs.

Funding for the Veterans Choice program.

Expanded eligibility for the Family Caregivers Program.

Gave veterans more access to walk-in care.

Strengthened the VA’s ability to recruit and retain quality healthcare professionals.

Enabled the VA to modernize its assets and infrastructure.

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Signed the VA Choice and Quality Employment Act in 2017, which authorized $2.1 billion in addition funds for the Veterans Choice Program.

Worked to shift veterans’ electronic medical records to the same system used by the Department of Defense, a decades old priority.

Issued an executive order requiring the Secretaries of Defense, Homeland Security, and Veterans Affairs to submit a joint plan to provide veterans access to access to mental health treatment as they transition to civilian life.

Increased transparency and accountability at the VA by launching an online “Access and Quality Tool,” providing veterans with access to wait time and quality of care data.

Signed legislation to modernize the claims and appeal process at the VA.

Harry W. Colmery Veterans Educational Assistance Act, providing enhanced educational benefits to veterans, service members, and their family members.

Lifted a 15-year limit on veterans’ access to their educational benefits.

Created a White House VA Hotline to help veterans and principally staffed it with veterans and direct family members of veterans.

VA employees are being held accountable for poor performance, with more than 4,000 VA employees removed, demoted, and suspended so far.

Signed the Veterans Treatment Court Improvement Act, increasing the number of VA employees that can assist justice-involved veterans.

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Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi
How The Dairy Industry Tricked Humans Into Believing They Need Milk
November 4 2018 | From: TrueActivist

Despite the fact that one can get their daily recommendation of calcium, potassium, and protein from fruits and vegetables, the dairy industry has spent billions of dollars to convince consumers otherwise.

Got Milk? We sure hope not. Despite being a somewhat tasty addition to coffee, tea, and delectable treats, the ingredient – when pasteurized – is highly toxic to the human body.

Related: Milk Wars Battle On: Farmer’s Raw Milk Versus Big Dairy's Pasteurized

In fact, physicians such as Dr. Willet, who has conducted many studies and reviewed the research on the topic, believe milk to be more of a detriment to the human body than an aid.

This is because despite popular belief, the food has never been shown to reduce fracture risk. In fact, according to the Nurses’ Health Study, dairy may increase risk of fractures by 50%! This concerning finding is supported by the fact that countries with lowest rates of dairy and calcium consumption (like those in Africa and Asia) have the lowest rates of osteoporosis.

Considering that approximately 3/4 of the world’s population is unable to digest milk and other dairy products, it seems clear the food is not an ideal substance for consumption.

However, the average consumer doesn’t know this.

From celebrity endorsements to advertisements by the dairy industry, most have been taught to believe that dairy is an ideal food for optimum health.

Because there’s so much misinformation surrounding the subject, Vox recently created a video which illustrates the facade of the dairy industry.

One of the points made is that despite the fact that consumers can get the daily recommendation of calcium, potassium, and protein from [properly organic] fruits and vegetables, the dairy industry has spent billions of dollars to convince the populace otherwise.

If you were taught that one must drink milk to grow up “big and strong,” you’re not alone. However, now is the time to get educated on the facts.

Related: 10 Reasons To Drink Your Milk Raw

Because milk is very mucus-forming in the human body, it is believed to contribute to allergies, ear infections, Type 1 diabetes, anemia, and even constipation. In addition, the food may contribute to various types of cancers as consumption of the product increases the body’s level of insulin-like growth factor-1 (IGF-1).

The good news is that there are plenty of tasty, creamy dairy alternatives that are not only easy-to-make, they’re affordable.

‘Milks’ from rice, almonds, cashew, hemp, and even coconut can be found in most grocery stores, and some companies even sell dairy-free ice cream – such as Ben & Jerry’s! In fact, the non-dairy milk market has surged within the past few years. Almond milk sales, in particular, have increased by 250 percent from 2000-2015 to almost $895 million. [Avoid Soy milk as it is not good for you and often GMO].

Is it time to ditch dairy?

Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi

Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi
18 Reasons Why I Don’t Celebrate Halloween
November 3 2018 | From: EndOfTheAmericanDream

This year, 64 percent of all Americans will celebrate Halloween, but I will not be one of them.  For me, it is a wretched, horrible holiday that celebrates the darkest side of humanity, and it is deeply rooted in ancient pagan traditions that would get people thrown in prison if they attempted to duplicate them today. 

With each passing year, the sexually suggestive costumes being marketed to our young girls become even skankier, the horror movies become darker and even more demonic, and the number of Americans that participate in occult ceremonies just continues to grow

In fact, it has been estimated that the number of self-identified witches in the United States is doubling every 30 months.  Those that are deeply into the occult take this holiday very seriously, and the dark forces that they are dealing with are very real.  So no, I don’t want anything to do with this festival of death.  In no particular order, the following are 18 reasons why I don’t celebrate Halloween…

1 I don’t want anyone in my family to observe a holiday that celebrates death, witchcraft and the occult.  This year, millions of Americans will participate in activities that could potentially open up a door for demonic activity.

2 The average American spends $74.34 on the holiday.  I would rather save the money.

3 Millions of women use Halloween as an excuse to dress like street walkers, and millions of men use Halloween as an excuse to act like sexual predators.

4 Even little girls as young as three years old are being dressed up in sexually provocative costumes.  What kind of message does this send to them?

5 Dressing up little children as ghosts, demons and vampires is not healthy for them.  In recent years, there has been a trend to make costumes for children as hellish as possible.

6 Originally, costumes were worn on October 31st “to change the personality of the wearer to allow for communication with the spirit world“.  For 11 years in a row, dressing up as a witch has been the number one costume choice for adults in the United States.

7 In ancient Britain, the festival known as Samhain was celebrated on October 31st.  It was supposedly a day when dead souls would revisit their old homes.  Personally, I don’t want anything to do with contacting the souls of the dead.

8 According to the History Channel, Samhain was also the day when the Druids “gathered to burn crops and animals as sacrifices to the Celtic deities”.

9 As I have written about previously, the fastest growing religion in America still practices a holiday known as “Samhain” to this very day.

10 According to Wiccans, Halloween is the time when the veil between the living and the dead is considered to be the thinnest.  They believe that on this day their god “dies” and is reborn every year on the Winter Solstice.  This year the winter solstice falls on December 22nd.

11 In ancient times, the resurrection of the sun god required human and animal sacrifice.  The following is what occult expert Bill Schnoebelen says that the Druids would do at this time of the year…

Druids worshiped the sun god, called by names like Bel (Ba’al?) or Chrom. On October 31, they believed that he died and went into the kingdom of the dead, Anwynn. The purpose of Samhain was to insure his return. Even witches admit this involved human sacrifice.

Both animal and human blood were believed to be needed to resurrect Bel on Samhain. Human blood was believed to open the gates of Anwynn and released the spirits for a night. Thus, October 31 came to be associated with ghosts. This is not just history. Samhain is still celebrated by Pagans and is the most solemn ceremony on their “religious calendar”.

12 To this day, animal torture and sacrifice is still practiced on Halloween by occultists.  Many animal shelters will not adopt out black cats during the month of October for this very reason.

13 In the early seventh century, a Catholic Pope known as Gregory the First decided that the best approach to ensure the continued spread of Catholicism was to “christianize” existing pagan holidays and practices

As a result of their efforts to wipe out “pagan” holidays, such as Samhain, the Christians succeeded in effecting major transformations in it. In 601 A.D. Pope Gregory the First issued a now famous edict to his missionaries concerning the native beliefs and customs of the peoples he hoped to convert.

Rather than try to obliterate native peoples’ customs and beliefs, the pope instructed his missionaries to use them: if a group of people worshipped a tree, rather than cut it down, he advised them to consecrate it to Christ and allow its continued worship.

14 The tradition of “trick-or-treating” was one of the existing pagan traditions that was later “Christianized”

The idea of trick-or-treating is further related to the ghosts of the dead in pagan, and even Catholic, history. For example, among the ancient Druids, “The ghosts that were thought to throng about the houses of the living were greeted with a banquet-laden table.

At the end of the feast, masked and costumed villagers representing the souls of the dead paraded to the outskirts of town leading the ghosts away.”

As already noted, Halloween was thought to be a night when mischievous and evil spirits roamed freely. As in modern poltergeist lore, mischievous spirits could play tricks on the living - so it was advantageous to “hide” from them by wearing costumes. Masks and costumes were worn to either scare away the ghosts or to keep from being recognized by them.

15 The tradition of carving out a “Jack-O-Lantern” also comes from paganism.  The following comes from wicca.com

Turnips were hollowed out and carved to look like protective spirits, for this was a night of magic and chaos. The Wee Folke became very active, pulling pranks on unsuspecting humans. Traveling after dark was not advised.

And as Bill Schnoebelen has noted, pumpkins eventually replaced turnips, but the meaning remained the same…

Here it’s a pumpkin, but in Europe it was often a turnip, or a skull with a candle in it. This serves two symbols, 1) the lord of the Dead, a “god” just like a Buddha – in short, an idol. 2) The fearsome face represented the god, Samhain, who would drive off less powerful demons that night.

The lights in the Jack-o-Lantern symbolize the “faery fires” or “Will’o the Wisps” which were believed to be the lost souls flitting through the night. They also hearken back to the huge Samhain “balefires” which were lit to help conjure back the god from the darkness.

16 On all Satanic holy days, there are children that get ritually abused. This has been documented repeatedly, and yet most people (including most Christians) don’t want to hear about it.

17 For Satanists, Halloween is one of the most important celebrations of the year.  On page 96 of the Satanic Bible, Anton LaVey wrote the following…

“After one’s own birthday, the two major Satanic holidays are Walpurgisnacht (May 1st) and Halloween.”

18 The Scriptures are very clear about this sort of thing. Deuteronomy 18:9-13 says the following: “When you enter the land the Lord your God is giving you, do not learn to imitate the detestable ways of the nations there. Let no one be found among you who sacrifices his son or daughter in the fire, who practices divination or sorcery, interprets omens, engages in witchcraft, or casts spells, or who is a medium or spiritist or who consults with the dead. Anyone who does these things is detestable to the Lord”.

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Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi

Archival:The Raid: In Bungled Spying Operation, NSA, GCSB & SIS Targeted Pro-Democracy Campaigner
November 2 2018 | From: TheIntercept

Tony Fullman ia a middle-aged former tax man and a pro-democracy activist. But four years ago, a botched operation launched by New Zealand spies meant he suddenly found himself deemed a potential terrorist - his passport was revoked, his home was raided, and he was placed on a top-secret National Security Agency surveillance list.

The extraordinary covert operation, revealed Sunday by Television New Zealand in collaboration with The Intercept, was launched in 2012 after New Zealand authorities believed they had identified a group planning to violently overthrow Fiji’s military regime.

As part of the spy mission, the NSA used its powerful global surveillance apparatus to intercept the emails and Facebook chats of people associated with a Fijian “thumbs up for democracy” campaign. The agency then passed the messages to its New Zealand counterpart, Government Communications Security Bureau, or GCSB.

One of the main targets was Fullman, a New Zealand citizen, whose communications were monitored by the NSA after New Zealand authorities, citing secret evidence, accused him of planning an “an act of terrorism” overseas.

But it turned out that the claims were baseless - Fullman, then 47, was not involved in any violent plot. He was a long-time public servant and peaceful pro-democracy activist who, like the New Zealand and Australian governments at that time, was opposed to Fiji’s authoritarian military ruler Frank Bainimarama.

Details about the surveillance are contained in documents obtained by The Intercept from NSA whistleblower Edward Snowden. More than 190 pages of top-secret NSA logs of intercepted communications dated between May and August 2012 show that the agency used the controversial internet surveillance system PRISM to eavesdrop on Fullman and other Fiji pro-democracy advocates’ Gmail and Facebook messages.

Fullman is the first person in the world to be publicly identified as a confirmed PRISM target.

At the time of the spying, New Zealand’s surveillance agency was not permitted to monitor New Zealand citizens. Despite this, it worked with the NSA to eavesdrop on Fullman’s communications, which suggests he is one of 88 unnamed New Zealanders who were spied on between 2003 and 2012 in operations that may have been illegal, as revealed in an explosive 2013 New Zealand government report.

In response to questions for this story, the NSA declined to address the Fullman case directly. A spokesperson for the agency, Michael Halbig, said in a statement to The Intercept that it “works with a number of partners in meeting its foreign-intelligence mission goals, and those operations comply with U.S. law and with the applicable laws under which those partners operate.”

Antony Byers, a spokesperson for New Zealand’s intelligence agencies, said he would not comment:

"On matters that may or may not be operational.” The country’s spy agencies “operate within the law,” Byers said, adding: “We do not ask partners to do things that would circumvent the law, and New Zealand gets significant value from our international relationships.”

A Fijian military soldier stands guard on Parliament grounds

Unexpected Twist

Fullman was born in Fiji in 1965 and emigrated to New Zealand when he was about 21. He became naturalized as a New Zealand citizen and spent most of his working life in the country, including more than 20 years in various roles at the government’s tax department, where he was based out of offices first in Auckland and later in the capital city of Wellington.

In his spare time, Fullman worked as an amateur boxing judge and referee and helped out once a month at a Wellington soup kitchen run by a Christian charity. Between 2001 and 2003, he attended graduate school, earning two masters degrees: one in public management, the other in information systems. And in 2009, he decided to return to Fiji after he was offered a job as chief executive of the Fiji Water Authority.

The move back to Fiji, however, led to a dramatic and unexpected twist in the course of his life - partly due to an old childhood friend.

Fullman had grown up in Fiji in the port town of Levuka. There, during the 1960s, his mother had worked as secretary to Kamisese Mara, an influental local politician who went on to serve as Fiji’s prime minister between 1970 and 1992. Kamisese had a young son - Ratu Tevita Mara - who was about the same age as Fullman. The two boys became best friends, together attending school, playing rugby, and going on trips.

"Weekends we would go fishing or go up to his mother’s farm, help out on the farm,”
Fullman recalled in an interview with The Intercept. “We spent a lot of time together. He was like a brother to me.”

When Fullman left Fiji for New Zealand in his early 20s, he kept in contact with Mara through phone and email. And by the time Fullman returned to Fiji in 2009 to take the water authority job, Mara had become a powerful military officer, serving as the Fijian army’s chief of staff.

But the political situation in Fiji was now highly unstable, and Mara was at the center of some of the tensions. The country had experienced three military coups between 1987 and 2006 that were rooted in ethnic and religious divisions.

Following the latest coup in 2006, which had brought authoritarian ruler Bainimarama to power, the military government and police were accused of systematically cracking down on freedom of speech and arresting critics and human rights defenders.

Fullman (left) and Mara having dinner in Fiji, December 2005

Mara was dissatisfied with the leadership and, in May 2011, he became embroiled in a high-profile dispute with the Bainimarama regime.

He was accused of plotting to overthrow the government and charged with uttering a seditious comment.

He was hauled before a court, where he was threatened with imprisonment for allegedly uttering the words, “This government is fuck all.”

Mara was freed on bail while the case against him remained ongoing. But he was concerned about the prospect of ultimately receiving a lengthy jail term.

He decided to take a drastic course of action - and fled Fiji, escaping on a boat to nearby Tonga
Following Mara’s dramatic getaway, Fullman was questioned by the Fijian military. It had found records of phone calls between him and Mara dated from shortly before Mara had left. Facing potential punishment over allegations that he helped Mara escape, Fullman decided that he too would have to promptly leave Fiji.

The NSA surveillance file shows a photo of Fullman that he uploaded to Facebook

NSA Spying

By 2012, Fullman had moved to Sydney, Australia, where he was living with his sister and her family. Alongside Mara and other former Fiji residents, he was working with a group called the Fiji Movement for Freedom and Democracy, which was campaigning against the Bainimarama regime.

In early July 2012, Fullman and Mara traveled to New Zealand, where they held meetings with some of the group’s supporters in Auckland. The meetings appear to have attracted the attention of New Zealand’s spies- and culminated in an extraordinary sequence of events: Fullman’s home was raided, his passport revoked, and both he and Mara were put under top-secret NSA surveillance.

A New Zealand government source familiar with the operation that targeted the democracy group, who spoke on condition of anonymity to discuss classified information, told The Intercept that an investigation was launched after New Zealand’s equivalent of the FBI, the Security Intelligence Service, bugged telephone calls in which it believed it heard people discussing a plot to violently overthrow Bainimarama.

Ratu Tevita Mara pictured in a video made for the pro-democracy campaign

According to the source, security officials were “very excited,” thinking they “finally had some baddies, real live terrorists in New Zealand.”

At the time, the New Zealand government had been keeping close tabs on the political situation in Fiji, which consists of some 333 small islands located about a three-hour flight north of Auckland.

Fiji has historically maintained strong trading and tourism links with New Zealand, but the relationship had soured in the aftermath of the 2006 military coup.

The New Zealand government expressed its opposition to the Bainimarama regime’s takeover, placing sanctions on Fiji and calling for the restoration of democracy. By mid-2012, however, relations between the countries were beginning to thaw.
New Zealand government officials were openly discussing the possibility of ending the sanctions, in part because they may have been concerned that Fiji seemed to be moving closer to forming an allegiance with China and other Asian nations.

At 7am on July 17, 2012, about a week after Fullman had returned to Australia from the trip to New Zealand, a team of more than a dozen Australian security agents and two Australian federal police detectives arrived at his sister’s home in Sydney looking for weapons and other evidence of the suspected plot.

They seized computers, phones and documents from the premises and confiscated Fullman’s passport on behalf of the New Zealand authorities.

Teams of New Zealand Security Intelligence Service officers and police simultaneously raided Fullman’s former apartment in the Wellington suburb of Karori and the homes of at least three other Fiji Freedom and Democracy movement supporters in Auckland, seizing their computers and other property.

The same day that the raids took place, New Zealand Minister of Internal Affairs Chris Tremain signed a notice canceling Fullman’s passport. The notice said the minister had canceled the passport based on secret details provided by the Security Intelligence Service:

"The majority of [the] information is classified but in summary I have good reason to believe that … you are involved in planning violent action intended to force a change of Government in a foreign state; and you intend to engage in, or facilitate, an act of terrorism overseas.”

Fullman was baffled by the allegations, which he denied, and sought legal advice to challenge them. At the same time, unknown to him, he had also entered onto the radar of the world’s most powerful surveillance agency: the NSA.

Between early July and early August 2012, New Zealand spies appear to have requested American assistance to obtain the emails and Facebook communications of Fullman and Mara, including from a “democfiji” email address used by Fullman to organize events for the campaign group, whose slogan was “thumbs up for democracy.”

The NSA’s documents contain a “priority list” that names the two men as “Fiji targets” alongside their Gmail addresses and an account number identifying Fullman’s Facebook page.

The documents indicate that the NSA began intercepting messages associated with Mara’s accounts on about the July 9, 2012 and on August 3 started spying on Fullman’s messages. The agency also obtained historic messages from the two men dating back to the beginning of May 2012.

A slide from a leaked NSA document about PRISM, published by the Washington Post in 2013

To conduct the electronic eavesdropping, the NSA turned to one of its most controversial surveillance programs: PRISM. The agency uses PRISM to secretly obtain communications that are processed by major technology companies like Google, Apple, Microsoft, and Yahoo, as the Washington Post and The Guardian first reported in 2013.

Almost all of the more than 190 pages of intercepted Gmail and Facebook messages from Fullman and Mara is headed “US-984XN,” the code for surveillance that is carried out under PRISM. The pages reveal that the legal justifications NSA cited for the surveillance were selected inconsistently. Most of Fullman’s emails and Facebook messages were obtained as “foreign government” targets, while others such as his bank statements and Facebook photographs were collected under the category of “counter-terrorism.”

The classification markings on some of the files - “REL TO USA/NZ” - make clear that the intercepted communications were to be released to New Zealand spies.

In one of the files showing Fullman’s intercepted emails and Facebook chats, the NSA explicitly noted that the intercepted material had been forwarded to its New Zealand intelligence counterpart, the GCSB.

(New Zealand is a member of the Five Eyes, a surveillance alliance that also includes electronic eavesdropping agencies from the United States, the United Kingdom, Canada, and Australia.)

Related: Full Disclosure: The Internet Dark Age - Five Eyes Sources And Methods Uncovered Disabling The FVEY ECHELON / GCHQ / NSA / CSEC / DSD / GCHB Systems

The NSA collected Fullman’s bank records (Reproduced here with Fullman’s consent)

The NSA surveillance, however, produced no evidence of a plot. The intercepted messages contained personal information and typical Facebook chit chat. The NSA collected Fullman’s bank statements, which were attached to his emails and showed his visits to a coffee shop, a pharmacy, and purchases at a shoe store.

There was correspondence about Fullman working to establish a tourism venture on an island in Tonga, emails about a birthday party, many communications about the Fijian pro-democracy group’s blog posts, and details about alleged abuses committed by Fijian military officials.

Fiji Parliament

There were discussions about an unwell mother and a young relative with a confidential health problem. A top-secret intelligence document even reproduced a photograph of Fullman’s silver Mitsubishi station wagon alongside details of its precise location. But there was not a single hint of any plans for violence or other clandestine activity.

It would soon become clear that there was no evidence to support the New Zealand authorities’ suspicions. And gradually, their case would fall apart.

On 16 April, 2013, the internal affairs minister, Tremain, wrote again to Fullman. Contrary to the earlier notice he had issued, Tremain now said that “based on advice” provided by the Security Intelligence Service, there were “no longer national security concerns” about Fullman.

The cancellation of his passport was lifted “without requiring an application for a replacement, or payment of a fee.” The change of position followed Fullman initiating legal action against the New Zealand government in the Wellington High Court two months earlier.

Another of the pro-democracy members whose home was raided during the operation was former Fiji sports minister and then-grocery store owner Rajesh Singh. After his home was searched by police and security agents, Singh complained to New Zealand’s inspector general of intelligence and security, Andrew McGechan, who questioned the officers involved and reviewed the investigation.

His report said the Security Intelligence Service had applied for a domestic intelligence warrant “against a number of individuals” because of “suspicions of a plan to inflict violence.”

But McGechan identified neither unlawful behavior by Singh nor evidence of the supposed terrorist plot. His May 2014 report said:

"There is nothing in the issue of the Warrant itself or in the questions and answers that followed… which comes even near to approaching proof of criminal activity or participation in terrorism.”

He noted that “no police activity has resulted, or charges been laid.”

The Intercept asked Fullman if he or Mara had ever heard of - or been involved in - discussions about overthrowing or assassinating Bainimarama.

Frank Bainimarama

Far from denying it, he said that sort of talk happened frequently within Fijian pro-democracy circles. However, he said it was just angry ranting, when the alcohol was flowing, something completely different from real plans.

"People would say things like, ‘Please can we just hire the Americans to send one drone to Fiji to get rid of those bastards’, or ‘Let me go back to Fiji and I’ll just get a knife and stab him!’”
Fullman said.

“It’s venting. It’s our way of maintaining sanity - we just sit and bitch about everything. We don’t want violence. We want something where there’s control, a planned approach.

More to the effect where it’s the people who protest and say, ‘Enough is enough. This is wrong. We want to go back to the old constitution and have elections.’”

The New Zealand security agency may not have recognized the difference between eavesdropped venting and an actual plot, prematurely launching its raids and broad secret surveillance operation without any clear evidence.

Four days after the raids on Fullman and his fellow campaigners, New Zealand foreign minister Murray McCully traveled to Fiji for trade talks. Fullman believes that the timing was no coincidence - and that the raids targeting the pro-democracy group were used by the New Zealand government as a bargaining chip to curry favor with the Bainimarama regime.

“The minister can go to Fiji and say, ‘look we saved you, let’s be friends again, let’s start talking about how we can help each other again’,”
Fullman says. “It was part of the frame up.”

No charges were ever brought against any of the Fiji campaigners, yet the ramifications of the case are still felt. Fullman says he gets pulled out of airline queues for security searches every time he travels, and he has had trouble finding work since news reports following the raids in 2012 linked him to a Fiji assassination plan.

He told The Intercept that he was never notified that his private communications had been monitored by New Zealand with the help of American counterparts at the NSA - possibly illegally - nor did he ever receive an apology or compensation for his treatment.

As he recalls the saga, there is no anger in Fullman’s voice, only disappointment. Since the affair, he has not felt like returning to live in New Zealand and plans to stay in Australia for the foreseeable future.

"To be betrayed by your own country, it’s really hard,”
he says, letting out a sigh. “It puts a sour taste in your mouth.”

Documents published with this story: Tony Fullman NSA files

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Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi

It Is So Important That You Understand The Fundamental Differences Between ‘Wealthy’ And ‘Poor’ People
October 30 2018 | From: EducateInspireChange

I’m well aware this article will get a lot of hate from all the ‘negative’ people who choose only to read the title and then pass judgement. But to those of you taking the time to read this , I congratulate you because you are already much more likely to be a person full of ‘wealth’

Before we continue with the article it’s important to understand how I define the words ‘wealthy’and ‘poor’ It’s true to say most people in the world would be quick to jump to the conclusion that I am discussing financial status but nothing could be further from the truth. The fact we live in a capitalist word run by corporations is exactly the reason people always assume the topic is about money when people bring up words like ‘wealthy’ and ‘poor’.

Related: Agenda 21: Awareness And Activism + UN 2030 Agenda Decoded: Blueprint For The Global Enslavement Of Humanity Under Corporate Masters

When it comes to wealth I am in fact talking about ‘real wealth’ they type of wealth that you cannot just lose overnight in a casino. And it’s the ‘poor’ people that will fail to see this and relate only money and financial status to being rich or poor.

Some of the happiest and wealthiest people I have met in my life have had the least money. But that’s not to say I don’t know people who have money and also have all the traits of someone with ‘real wealth’ as well.

Earlier today, I created an image I planned to post on my Facebook page and it really got me thinking and inspired me to write this article. Have a look at the image below:

Related: To Sell You Happiness, They First Make You Feel Like Shit

I’m sure after reading though both lists many of you will either share some traits from both sides or at least know a bunch of people that do and it certainly wouldn’t surprise me if a lot of you find yourself only on the wealthy side.

Why do I say this I hear you ask. Well it’s because more and more people around the world are waking up and becoming much more self aware and conscious of the world around them(big thanks to the internet).

And that’s why it’s so important for those of us who have real wealth to share it with others.

I feel we each have a responsibility to ourselves to be the best possible version of ourselves that we can be. If you can be the best version of yourself then will find that the positive energy you exude will become contagious and ‘infect’ those around you.

Related: What Is Real Wealth?

Since I created the platform Educate Inspire Change I believe I am in a unique position to be able to see just how important it is for each of us to really ‘be the change we with to see in the world’.

I can see how 1 person can affect millions of others through their kind and thoughtful actions. I see it everyday on my page, on the internet and in the world around me.

And so I hope this short article and image serves as a reminder to us all of how to be truly wealthy people and of the importance of sharing that wealth with others.

Money Can’t Buy You Happiness

Related: The Fall And Rise Of Truth, Trust And Society’s Capacity For Wisdom

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Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi

Hollywood Sci-Fi Filmmakers Tapped To Dramatize Fictional Climate Change To Scare Everybody Into Voting For Climate Totalitarians
October 31 2018 | From: NaturalNews

I'm almost rolling with laughter watching all this unfold: Because democrats refuse to face the real threats facing America - Islamic terrorism, debt spending, illegal immigration and job-crushing federal mandates like Obamacare - they have to invent their own fake emergencies to try to win the votes of people who don't have any clue about the real world.

So-called "climate change" - previously known as "global warming" but renamed after the data revealed no warming trend at all - is entirely rooted in false mythologies, official narratives and creative storytelling.

Related: Engineer: Decarbonization Will Result in Mass Starvation, Poverty, Civil Strife

That's precisely why democrats had to hire James Cameron, Arnold Schwarzenegger and Sigourney Weaver to present a climate change scary in a new short film. These are the very same people whose films depict time-traveling Terminator robots, interplanetary aliens with green acid blood, and poltergeists that could be captured with vacuum cleaners (the original "Ghostbusters" movie... the one that didn't suck).

If you believe in time-traveling robots from the future, you might also believe in the climate change narrative, too.

That narrative is based entirely on ridiculous, absurd, make-believe notions such as:

The hilariously ignorant idea that polar bears can't swim (or even that their numbers are plummeting). In truth, polar bears are champion swimmers, and their population numbers are on the rise.

The scientifically illiterate notion that carbon dioxide is bad for the planet. In reality, it's the No. 1 nutrient source of all forests, food crops, herbal plants and green zones across the planet. CO2 reforests deserts and amplifies food production.

It's also impossible for humans alone to raise CO2 levels much at all for the simple reason that plants are starving for it and keep consuming it as fast as we can make it. (This is Botany Science 101.)

The laughably anti-science narrative that says oceans are going to rise so quickly, they'll drown out coastal cities and devastate human civilization. In reality, even during warming periods of Earth's history, oceans barely creep up at the pace of only about 1-2mm per year. That's about 1-2 DECADES for a single inch of ocean level rise. (Yep, not exactly the tidal wave apocalypse depicted in climate change scare films, is it?)

There is no man made climate change

You have hopefully realized by now that everything the democrats invoke in their political campaigning is based on lies. Man made climate change is a cult science myth rooted in a convenient political narrative, not scientific facts.

That's why their climate change scare film had to be made: to stir up the imagination of climate change and make it seem visually real even though it is scientifically false. It sort of reminds me of the original "Reefer Madness" film which was also created as a propaganda political film to scare people away from medical marijuana.

That film was also based on quack science hysteria, just like the climate change films being made today.

Yep, you heard me right: There is no legitimate scientific evidence whatsoever to support their climate change narrative. The data that have been presented to the public are all "corrected" (i.e. fraudulent altered) to artificially insert new "data points" that fit the political narrative we're all being spoon fed by the corrupt democrats.

Remember: The climate changing pushing politicians are all exactly the same people who lie to us all about vaccines, GMOs, fluoride, government debt and antidepressant drugs.

Why on Earth would anyone believe they are magically and selectively telling the truth only about climate change when we all know they are constantly lying about everything else?

The pro climate change position is truly just climate superstition masquerading as science. It should be obvious at this point, but everything the democratic establishment insists is TRUE is almost certainly FALSE.

Read this excellent article entitled Climate Superstition Is Weaponizing The Ignorant.

It states, "Climate alarmists are no different from 16th century Europeans who burned 15,000 witches for 'cooking the weather.' They observe ordinary events, and convince themselves that it is unprecedented and somebody's fault."

From this 2014 Natural News article:

"Planetary temperatures have remained largely stable throughout the past several decades, according to new data released by the Remote Sensing Systems (RSS) satellite.

Mean temperatures gauged across multiple measurement platforms including GISS, HadCRUt4, NCDC, UAH and RSS definitively show that the planet has not been warming for nearly 18 years, taking the wind out of the sails of the global warming fallacy.”

And from another Natural News article:

"The US government's Global Historical Climate Network reversed the results of temperature recordings to suggest that the temperature was rising through 60 years of research. These recordings were amplified by two official surface records.

The Goddard Institute for Space Studies and the National Climate Data Center amplified surface records to estimate temperatures across entire regions of the Earth where temperatures aren't even recorded. By falsifying records and then amplifying the data, these large data centers misrepresented temperatures records across an entire region of the earth.”

And finally, from Global warming data FAKED by government to fit climate change fictions:

"Now, in what might be the largest scientific fraud ever uncovered, NASA and the NOAA have been caught red-handed altering historical temperature data to produce a "climate change narrative" that defies reality.

We now know that historical temperature data for the continental United States were deliberately altered by NASA and NOAA scientists in a politically-motivated attempt to rewrite history and claim global warming is causing U.S. temperatures to trend upward.

The data actually show that we are in a cooling trend, not a warming trend (see charts below).

This story is starting to break worldwide right now across the media, with The Telegraph now reporting, "NOAA's US Historical Climatology Network (USHCN) has been 'adjusting' its record by replacing real temperatures with data 'fabricated' by computer models."

Because the actual historical temperature record doesn't fit the frenzied, doomsday narrative of global warming being fronted today on the political stage, the data were simply altered using "computer models" and then published as fact.”

Related: Bill Gates backs climate scientists lobbying for large-scale geoengineering

Here's the actual scientific temperature data BEFORE the data were altered:

And here's the "official narrative" version of the data AFTER they were altered for political reasons:

And here is the EPA's own chart depicting heat waves throughout U.S. history. Notice that the heat waves were far, far worse in the 1930's than they are today?

How to counter the climate change narrative with actual logic and real data

From RealClimateScience.com (go there to see all the graphs and charts that accompany this text):

1) There is no 97% consensus of scientists. In a 2013 survey of the professional members of the American Meteorological Society, only 52% believed that global warming was primarily man-made – much less dangerous. No group in the survey came anywhere close to reaching 97%.

2) Heatwaves are not getting worse. According to the EPA, the worst heatwaves in the US (by far) occurred during the 1930's - when the Midwest commonly saw temperatures over 110 degrees, and as high as 120 degrees.

3) Droughts are not getting worse. According to NOAA, the US has been getting steadily wetter over the past century. In the 1930's, drought covered 80% of the US, as poignantly described by John Steinbeck in "The Grapes of Wrath."

4) Scientists say that California has had much more severe droughts in the past, lasting as long as 200 years. The past 100 years was the wettest century on record in California.

5) Hurricanes are not getting worse. The US is experiencing a record quiet period for hurricanes.

6) According to the Danish Meteorological Institute, the Arctic Ocean is full of thick ice. There is more ice on the Russian side than there has been in years, and a group of global warming sailors are currently blocked by impenetrable ice in the Northeast Passage.

7) Polar Bear populations are not decreasing. (They are steadily rising, year after year.)

8) Sea level has been rising for 20,000 years, since the end of the last ice age. Most of that time much faster than now. It has nothing to do with humans.

9) According to NOAA, sea level is only rising 1.7 to 1.8 mm/year. At that rate, it will take thousands of years for Manhattan to drown.

10) According to NOAA, sea level at Manhattan has been rising at about the same rate (2.8 mm/year) since the 1850's. There is no indication that humans are affecting the rate of sea level rise.

11) Glaciers have been melting for a very long time. In 1879, John Muir (founder of the Sierra Club) found that Alaska's largest glacier had retreated 48 miles since 1794. Twenty thousand years ago, Chicago was buried under a mile of glacial ice.

12) Forest fires are not getting worse over the long term. According to USDA, the US had five times as much burn acreage in the 1930's as we do now. The New York Times confirmed this.

13) Climate models have failed, and greatly over-predict warming.

14) Our most accurate systems for measuring global temperature, satellites, show that this year is no warmer than 1998.

15) NASA shows that global surface temperatures have fallen 0.54 degrees C over the last four months. The largest drop on record in such a short time.

Sites to visit where you can get educated about climate change:



In fact, the biggest threat to our climate is Geoengineering.

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Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi

GE Food Venture: Chronically Dependent On Deception
October 30 2018 | From: Uncensored

Although it purports to be based on solid science and the open flow of information on which science depends, the massive venture to reconfigure the genetic core of the world’s food supply has substantially relied on the propagation of falsehoods.

Its advancement and very survival have been crucially and chronically dependent on the misrepresentation of reality – to the extent that more than thirty years after the creation of the first genetically engineered plant, the vast majority of people the world-over (including most government officials, journalists, and even scientists) continue to be misled about the important facts.

Related: High Court ruling on GE a win for democracy

Moreover, contrary to what people would expect, the biotechnology industry has not been the main source of the deceptions.Instead, the chief misrepresentations have been issued by respected government agencies and eminent scientists and scientific institutions.

The following paragraphs describe several of the key deceptions and delinquencies that have been essential in enabling the genetically engineered (GE) food venture to advance – all of which are more thoroughly documented in my book: Altered Genes, Twisted Truth.

The Disaster Caused by GE’s First Edible Product Was Obfuscated

The genetic engineering venture received an alarming jolt when its first ingestible product caused an epidemic that killed dozens of Americans and seriously sickened thousands, permanently disabling many of them.

The product was a food supplement of the essential amino acid L-tryptophan that had been derived from genetically altered bacteria. Although it met the standards for pharmacological purity, like all other tryptophan supplements it contained minute amounts of impurities.

However, unlike the conventionally produced supplements, one or more of its accidental additions was highly toxic, even at extremely low levels.

Because none of the tryptophan supplements produced via non-engineered bacteria had ever been linked to disease, and because genetic engineering can create unintended disruptions within the altered organisms, there were legitimate reasons to suspect that the process had induced the formation of the extraordinarily toxic substance that caused the calamity.

Consequently, the proponents of genetic engineering, including the United States Food and Drug Administration (the FDA), which admits it has a policy “to foster” biotechnology, strove to convince the public that the technology was blameless.[ii]

But to do so, they had to issue a string of deceptive statements. Those deceptions have been highly successful. Consequently, despite the fact the evidence points to genetic engineering as the most likely cause of the toxic contamination, most people who know of this tragedy are under the illusion that the technology has been exonerated.[iii]

Worse, because GE proponents routinely claim that none of its products has ever been linked to a health problem, most people aren’t even aware that such a catastrophe happened.

The Problems Linked to the First GE Whole Food Were Also Covered Up

The first whole food produced via genetic engineering (Calgene’s “Flavr Savr” tomato) was also problematic. Calgene voluntarily conducted feeding studies, and the FDA scientists who reviewed them expressed concern about a pattern of stomach lesions that raised a safety issue.

The Pathology Branch concluded that safety had not been demonstrated, and other FDA experts concurred. One wrote that the data:

“Raise a question of safety”
– and that they “fall short” of satisfactorily resolving it.[iv] Another agreed that “. . . unresolved questions still remain.”[v]

Nevertheless, the FDA claimed that its scientists had determined that all safety questions had been resolved – and that the tomato had been demonstrated to be just as safe as other tomatoes. And because the FDA kept a lid on its scientists’ memos, no one outside the agency was aware of the fraud.

The memos only came to light four years later (in 1998) when my organization, the Alliance for Bio-Integrity, led a lawsuit that compelled the FDA to hand over more than 44,000 pages of its internal files.

However, because the mainstream media has failed to adequately report what those documents reveal, most people are still unaware of the FDA’s misbehavior.

GE Foods Reached the Market Through Governmental Fraud

If the actual facts about the toxic tryptophan and the troubling tomato had been disclosed, the GE food venture might well have been brought to a halt – and at minimum would have been slowed and subjected to more rigorous testing. A similar effect would have resulted if concerns that other FDA experts had expressed about GE foods in general had been publicized.

Those concerns appeared in memos written a few years before the GE tomato entered the market, and they reveal that the agency’s scientists didn’t agree with the biotech proponents’ claims that GE is substantially the same as conventional breeding.

For example, an FDA microbiologist stated:

“There is a profound difference between the types of unexpected effects from traditional breeding and genetic engineering.”
He added that GE “. . . may be more hazardous . . .” [vi]

A toxicologist warned that GE plants could contain unexpected new toxins.[vii]

The Director of FDA’s Center for Veterinary Medicine (CVM) stated:

“… CVM believes that animal feeds derived from genetically modified plants present unique animal and food safety concerns.” [viii]

He explained that residues of unexpected substances could make meat and milk products harmful to humans.

The pervasiveness of the concerns is attested by an FDA official who studied the expert input and declared:

“The processes of genetic engineering and traditional breeding are different, and according to the technical experts in the agency, they lead to different risks.” [ix]

In light of the unique risks, those experts called for GE foods to undergo careful testing capable of detecting unexpected side effects.

Moreover, the FDA’s Biotechnology Coordinator acknowledged there was not a consensus about safety in the scientific community at large. He also admitted that the allergenic potential of some GE foods “is particularly difficult to predict.” [x]

Nonetheless, in May 1992 the FDA claimed that:

“The agency is not aware of any information showing that foods derived by these new methods differ from other foods in any meaningful or uniform way.” [xi]

It also asserted that there is overwhelming consensus among scientists that GE foods are so safe they don’t require any testing. Accordingly, the agency doesn’t require a smidgen of testing and allows GE foods to enter the market without any.

If the FDA had told the truth and disclosed the extensive concerns of its own experts, the subsequent history of the GE venture would have surely been very different – and might well have been quite short. At the least, any GE foods that did reach market would have been subjected to much more rigorous testing than regulators anywhere have required.

The State of the Research and the Degree of Expert Consensus Have Been Misrepresented

Like the FDA, other GE proponents habitually claim there’s an overwhelming expert consensus that GE foods are safe. And the American Association for the Advancement of Science has declared that “every respected organization” that examined the evidence has determined they’re “no riskier” than conventional ones.

But this is flat-out false. For instance, in 2001 the Royal Society of Canada issued a report concluding that:

A ) it is “scientifically unjustifiable” to presume that GE foods are safe.

B) the “default prediction” for each should be that the genetic alteration has induced unintended and potentially harmful side effects.[xii]

Moreover, the British Medical Association, the Public Health Association of Australia, and the editors of The Lancet (a premier medical journal) have all expressed concerns about the risks;[xiii] and in 2015 a peer-reviewed journal published a statement signed by more than 300 scientists asserting that there is not a consensus about the safety of GE foods and that their safety has not been adequately demonstrated.[xiv]

GE proponents also falsely profess that the safety of GE foods has been thoroughly demonstrated when in reality many well-conducted studies published in peer-reviewed journals have detected harm to the animals that ate GE food.

In fact, a systematic review of the toxicological studies on GE foods published in 2009 concluded that the results of “most” of them indicate that the products:

“May cause hepatic, pancreatic, renal, and reproductive effects and may alter hematological, biochemical, and immunologic parameters the significance of which remains unknown.” [xv]

It also noted that further studies were clearly needed.

Another review that encompassed the additional studies that had been published up until August 2010 also provided cause for caution. It concluded that there was an “equilibrium” between the research groups;

“Suggesting” that GE crops are as safe as their non-GE counterparts and “those raising still serious concerns.” [xvi]

Between 2008 and 2014 eight such research reviews were published, and although some interpreted the data in favor of GE crops, as a whole, they provide no grounds for unequivocally proclaiming safety. As Sheldon Krimsky, a professor at Tufts University, observed in a comprehensive examination that itself was published in a peer-reviewed journal:

“One cannot read these systematic reviews and conclude that the science on health effects of GMOs has been resolved within the scientific community.” [xvii]

Yet, GMO proponents routinely proclaim that it has been conclusively resolved – and that safety is a certitude.

Two Compelling – and Disturbing – Conclusions

Thus, even from this brief summary, it’s clear that the GE food venture has been chronically dependent on twisting the truth; and this dependence can be readily detected in virtually every statement that’s been issued in support of its products.

A striking example is the guide to GE crops published by the UK’s Royal Society in May 2016.[xviii] Although it professes to provide accurate, science-based information, analysis reveals that its case for the safety of these crops is based on multiple misrepresentations.[xix]

So if the world’s oldest and most respected scientific institution cannot argue for the safety of GE foods without systematically distorting the facts, it indicates that such distortion is essential to the argument.

Moreover, when the multitude of distortions and deceptions that have been issued on behalf of these products over the last thirty-five years are compiled and irrefutably documented (as in my book), the conclusion that the GE food venture could not have survived without them becomes virtually inescapable.

And another conclusion is equally obvious. The incontestable fact that the evidence has been methodically misrepresented is in itself compelling evidence of how strongly the aggregate evidence raises reasonable doubts about the safety of these foods – because if it was as favorable as the proponents claim, there would have been no need to distort it.


[i] Druker, Steven, Altered Genes, Twisted Truth: How the Venture to Genetically Engineer Our Food Has Subverted Science, Corrupted Government, and Systematically Deceived the Public (Clear River Press 2015)

[ii] The agency’s promotional policy was acknowledged in “Genetically Engineered Foods,” FDA Consumer, Jan.-Feb. 1993, p.14.

[iii] The demonstrably false statements that have been issued in order to deflect suspicion from the GE process, as well as other deceptive tactics that have been employed, are described in Chapter 3 of Altered Genes, Twisted Truth. That chapter also comprehensively examines the evidence, including important evidence produced by researchers at the Mayo Clinic that had not been previously made public.

[iv] Document #15, p. 3 at: http://biointegrity.org/24-fda-documents. NOTE: If the URL specified for this endnote (which is also the URL for numbers 5 through 10) is temporarily inactive, the documents can be accessed at: http://www.biointegrity.org/list.htm

[v] Document #16 at: http://biointegrity.org/24-fda-documents.

[vi] Document #4 at: http://biointegrity.org/24-fda-documents.

[vii] Document #2 at: http://biointegrity.org/24-fda-documents.

[viii] Document #10 at: http://biointegrity.org/24-fda-documents.

[ix] Document #1 at: http://biointegrity.org/24-fda-documents.

[x] Document #8 at: http://biointegrity.org/24-fda-documents.

[xi] Statement of Policy: Foods Derived From New Plant Varieties, May 29, 1992, Federal Register vol. 57, No. 104   at 22991

[xii]Elements of Precaution: Recommendations for the Regulation of Food Biotechnology in Canada.” The Royal Society of Canada, January 2001.  This report has never been withdrawn or revised.

[xiii] The British Medical Association has clearly expressed reservations about the safety of these novel products. As described in the British Medical Journal, the Association released a 2004 report stating that:

“More research is needed to show that genetically modified (GM) food crops and ingredients are safe for people and the environment and that they offer real benefits over traditionally grown foods.” (Kmietowicz, Z. “GM Foods Should Be Submitted to Further Studies, says BMA,”

- British Medical Journal, 2004 March 13; 328(7440): 602)

The Public Health Association of Australia has likewise (and more recently) indicated its opinion that the safety of genetically modified foods has not been adequately demonstrated. Its policy statement on genetically modified (GM) foods adopted in 2013 states:

“Thorough, independent research into the effects of GM foods on agronomy, health, society, the environment and the economy should be undertaken, and until this work is completed, all governments in Australia should impose an immediate and indefinite freeze on: the growing of GM crops for commercial purposes; the importation of GM foods and food components; and the patenting of genetic resources for food.”    

- www.phaa.net.au/documents/item/235

The Lancet criticized the presumption that genetically engineered foods entail no greater risks of unexpected effects than conventional foods, stating that there are “good reasons to believe that specific risks may exist” and that “governments should never have allowed these products into the food chain without insisting on rigorous testing for effects on health.” (The Lancet, Vol. 353, Issue 9167, p. 1811, 29 May 1999.)

[xiv] Hilbeck et al. Environmental Sciences Europe (2015) 27:4. http://www.enveurope.com/content/pdf/s12302-014-0034-1.pdf

[xv] Dona, A., and I. S. Arvanitouannis. 2009. ‘‘Health Risks of Genetically Modified Foods.’’ Critical Reviews in Food Science and Nutrition 49 (2): 164-75.

[xvi] Domingo, J. L., and J. G. Bordonaba. 2011. ‘‘A Literature Review on the Safety Assessment of Genetically Modified Plants.’’ Environment International 37 (4): 734-42

[xvii] Krimsky, S., “An Illusory Consensus Behind GMO Health Assessment,” Science, Technology & Human Values, November 2015; vol. 40, 6: pp. 883-914., first published on August 7, 2015.

[xviii] “GM plants: Questions and answers.” The Royal Society, May 2016.

[xix] For a documentation of the major misrepresentations, see my article published in The Ecologist: http://bit.ly/29NN8dk

Steven M. Druker is a public interest attorney and the executive director of the Alliance for Bio-Integrity. He is the author of Altered Genes, Twisted Truth: How the Venture to Genetically Engineer Our Food Has Subverted Science, Corrupted Government, and Systematically Deceived the Public, which was released in 2015 with a foreword by Jane Goodall hailing it as “without doubt one of the most important books of the last 50 years.

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Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi

5G Network Uses Same EMF Waves As Pentagon Crowd Control System + NZ 5G Update: June 2018
October 29 2018 | From: NaturalBlaze / 5GNZ

The global rollout of 5G is well underway, and we soon may see new small cell towers near all schools, on every residential street, dispersed throughout the natural environment, and pretty much everywhere.

But the safety of this technology is in serious question, and there is a raging battle to stop the taxpayer funded implementation of 5G.

Related: Do You Really Understand The Health Risks From Microwave Technology? + The Health Effects Of Microwave Radiation Spelled Out

The new cell network uses high-band radio frequency millimeter waves to deliver high bandwidth data to any device within line of sight.

"Today’s cellular and Wi-Fi networks rely on microwaves – a type of electromagnetic radiation utilizing frequencies up to 6 gigahertz (GHz) in order to wirelessly transmit voice or data.

However, 5G applications will require unlocking of new spectrum bands in higher frequency ranges above 6 GHz to 100 GHz and beyond, utilizing submillimeter and millimeter waves – to allow ultra-high rates of data to be transmitted in the same amount of time as compared with previous deployments of microwave radiation."

- Source

"One of the ways 5G will enable this is by tapping into new, unused bands at the top of the radio spectrum. These high bands are known as millimeter waves (mmwaves), and have been recently been opened up by regulators for licensing.

They’ve largely been untouched by the public, since the equipment required to use them effectively has typically been expensive and inaccessible."

- Source

Among the many potential problems with exposure to 5G radio waves are issues with the skin, which is interesting when you consider that this technology is already being used in the military for crowd control purposes.

Related: The Human Target – Directed Energy Weapons And Electronic Warfare

"This kind of technology, which is in many of our homes, actually interacts with human skin and eyes. The shocking finding was made public via Israeli research studies that were presented at an international conference on the subject last year.

Below you can find a lecture from Dr. Ben-Ishai of the Department of Physics at Hebrew University. He goes through how human sweat ducts act like a number of helical antennas when exposed to these wavelengths that are put out by the devices that employ 5G technology."

- Source

The U.S. military developed a non-lethal crowd control weapon system called the Active Denial System (ADS).

It uses radio frequency millimeter waves in the 95GHz range to penetrate the top 1/64 of an inch layer of skin on the targeted individual, instantly producing an intolerable heating sensation that causes them to flee.

This video demonstrates.

Related: Microwave EMF Science: Deliberate Claptrap Misinformation? + ElectroSensitivity - A Case Study

This technology is becoming ubiquitous in top world militaries, demonstrating how genuinely effective this radio frequency energy can be at causing harm to humans and anything else.

""U.S., Russian, and Chinese defense agencies have been active in developing weapons that rely on the capability of this electromagnetic technology to create burning sensations on the skin, for crowd control.

The waves are Millimetre waves, also used by the U.S. Army in crowd dispersal guns called Active Denial Systems."

- Source

Related: Takebackyourpower.net

Final Thoughts

The fight over 5G is heating up at the community level, and awareness of this important issue is spreading fast. 

For more background on 5G, watch this video from Take Back Your Power, featuring Tom Wheeler, Former FCC Chairman and corporate lobbyist, who delivers a rather intimidating and presumptuous speech praising this new technology. 

The fight over 5G is heating up at the community level, though, and now is the time to speak out against it.


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New Zealand 5G Update: June 2018

5G is being hyped as the next generation of wireless internet connectivity. However, the greater wireless speeds that this system may deliver would come at a cost.

This post is designed to give a very basic overview of the 5G system proposed for New Zealand and the concerns that have been raised about this technology.

Relared: Facts about 5G in NZ

To keep up to date with news on the 5G issue, please visit this website.

What Sort of 5G System has Been Proposed for NZ?

In fact, the initial stage of the 5G system proposed for NZ would involve a doubling of cellular phone base stations in urban areas of NZ because the existing 4G system is proposed to be used as a “control layer” for the 5G system.

A transmission band at 3.5 GHz is also proposed to be used as part of the 5G system.

So-called “small cell” units transmitting in the millimetre wave band are also proposed to be part of a 5G system in New Zealand.

These “small cell” units could be placed every 250 metres in urban areas.

Related: 5G And IoT: A Trojan Horse + Wifi Linked To Cancer And DNA Damage, Says New Report: Here’s What To Do

The eventual aim of the 5G system according to a discussion document produced by Radio Spectrum Management NZ is to facilitate one million internet connections per square kilometre.  (Yes, you read that correctly; one million  internet connections per square kilometre.)

The numerous “small cell” units are considered to be a vital part of allowing this huge (and for a country with only 4.5 million people, unnecessary) number of internet connections – if this new system were really designed to serve people.

However, the high density of connections in 5G systems is designed to facilitate the “Internet of Things” (IoT) in which different devices will be able to link to the internet and/or “talk” to each other.  (For example, a “smart fridge” will be able to communicate wirelessly with a “smart” electricity meter.)

Moreover, according to Radio Spectrum Management NZ there would have to be “strong public policy reasons”  why NZ should not have THREE separate 5G systems as Spark, Vodafone and 2 Degrees all want to build their own 5G systems.

Radio Spectrum NZ 5G Consultation

Radio Spectrum Management of the Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment (MBIE) recently posted a discussion document on its website and invited submission on 5G in NZ.

(Similar consultations have been taking place in other countries including Australia and the USA.)

Related: Seven Reasons Why The Internet Of Things Should Scare You & The Internet Of Things Poses Human Health Risks: Scientists Question The Safety Of Untested 5G Technology At International Conference

The consultation period ended on Monday April 30,  Submissions are now available on Radio Spectrum Management’s website:Submissions received on 5G Spectrum road map discussion document

Would 5G be a Good Thing for New Zealand?

From reading submissions on the 5G issue it is obvious that  some telecommunications companies are very excited about 5G.

This is not surprising given that they will make money as people consume more and more data via their addictive smart phones and other wireless devices.

New Zealanders whose concerns are their health and that of their families and communities wrote submissions opposing the introduction of 5G because of the potential for adverse health effects and that the fact that most New Zealanders have adequate internet access via the existing copper landlines system, fibre or 4G systems.

Related: What Parents Should Know About EMFs and WiFi & 5G Is An International Health Crisis In The Making

Most of these submissions may be accessed via the lnk above.

In Brief, The Health and Community Concerns With 5G Include the Following:

Potential Health Effects From Increased Exposure to RFR in the Microwave Range:

The 4G system uses radiofrequency radiation (RFR) in the microwave range which has been classified as a possible carcinogen by the World Health Organisation’s International Agency for Research on Cancer in 2011.

Recent animal research has led to a call for this type of non ionising radiation to be reclassified as a proven (Class 1) carcinogen.

This is a concern not only for people who choose to use cellular phones and other devices that produce RFR in the microwave range, but also people who live in close proximity to cellular phone towers as there is evidence of increased cancer risk in people who live close to this sort of wireless infrastructure.

See: Mortality by neoplasia and cellular telephone base stations in the Belo Horizonte municipality, Minas Gerais state, Brazil

Related: 5G Network Being Pushed On The Public With Zero Concern For Safety

Potential Health Effects From Exposure to Radiation in the Millimetre Wave Range:

The millimetre wave frequencies that would be emitted by the small cells are a type of short wave radiation that has not been well researched in terms of potential health effects. 

(Some of the research that is available suggests that there is a risk that millimetre waves from 5G transmitters and personal devices could cause skin and eye damage.

It is also a concern that millimetre waves have been developed as part of a weapons system by the US military which is colloquially known as the “pain ray”.  (Please see the fifth page of the submission for information about millimetre wave radiation weapons.)

Potential Adverse Effects on Wildlife from Increased Exposure to RFR in the Microwave Range:

The potential adverse effects on wildlife from increased exposure to RFR in the microwave range is a concern of some New Zealanders who made submissions.  One document submitted was this meticulously conducted study:

Report for the United Nations Educational Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO)

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Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi

How To Stay Rich In Europe: Inherit Money For 700 Years
October 28 2018 | From: Bloomberg

The richest Florentine families in 1427 still are: New research shows Europe leads the world in inherited wealth.

Lamberto Frescobaldi sets two wine glasses atop a wooden barrel in the spacious cellar of his company's winery in a 1,000-year-old castle not far from Florence. Uncorking a bottle of Nipozzano, he takes a sip and nods. The red that his family supplied to Michelangelo and Pope Leo X still tastes pretty darn good.

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To Frescobaldi, 53, directing the family business is something of a trust. It’s a way to preserve a dynasty that began with wool traders in about the year 1000 and made its money financing the English crown almost 200 years later.

“You have to feel that what you have inherited, you actually do not own,”
he said, seated on a wine cask.

“You only have to run it properly, and to carry on to something else.”

Maintaining inherited wealth has worked for generations of Frescobaldis over 700 years, and it has let the descendants of Jakob Fugger in Germany continue to run the social-housing complex the Emperor’s banker founded almost half a millennium ago.

It’s less of a blessing for Europe as a whole, where family fortunes are more prevalent than in the U.S. or Asia [not correct regarding Asia]. Their relatively high level is a sign of the continent’s low social mobility, keeping education, income and social connections from evolving over generations.

Lamberto Frescobaldi

The richest Florentine families today were already at the top of the socioeconomic ladder almost 600 years ago, according to a recent study by the Bank of Italy.

And research by the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development shows that in many European countries, not only wealth and income but even occupations tend to be “sticky,” passed on from generation to generation.

More than one-third of Italy’s richest people inherited their fortunes, compared with just 29 percent in the U.S. and 2 percent in China, according to a 2014 study of the world’s billionaires by the Peterson Institute for International Economics. Germany has the highest share of inheritor-billionaires among developed economies, 65 percent. Overall, heirs and heiresses make up about half of Western Europe’s billionaires.

Europe’s income classes aren’t much more rigid than in the U.S. The lack of social mobility is more of a concern, though, because economic output and the number of available jobs are smaller.

The U.S. has grown 9.9 percent in real terms since 2007; the comparable figure for the European Union over the same period, based on Eurostat data, is 2.8 percent. Gross domestic product per capita in the EU is almost one-third lower than in the U.S when adjusted for purchasing power; the unemployment rate is nearly twice that of the U.S.

Because America’s economy is expanding, “they need more engineers, more chemists, more economists, more analysts, more bankers than in Europe,” said Antonio Schizzerotto, professor emeritus of sociology at the University of Trento and scientific director of the Research Institute for the Evaluation of Public Policies in the same city. “The number of positions open is higher than the number of ‘sons and daughters of.”’

At a time when some European economies are stalling, wealth and social inheritance must be closely watched because if inequality reaches a certain limit, it can further constrain countries' ability to revive growth, Schizzerotto said.

For Frescobaldi, the family patrimony can be summed up in one word: wine. His first experience with red came at the age of six, when he got drunk and fainted at a summer party with vineyard workers.

“I almost feel a little bit more like a trustee,''
said Fugger-Babenhausen, head of one the three surviving family branches that still run the housing complex through a foundation.

As for the family business, “I become very frugal in what I take for myself.”

“They couldn’t give me water, I was the son of the boss!”
he said.

Today, after getting a degree in viticulture at the University of California, Davis, he chairs a company, Marchesi Frescobaldi Group, that produces 11 million bottles a year, one of the biggest in Italy. He even named his dog Brunello, after the Brunello di Montalcino the company makes.

Nipozzano Castle, owned by the Frescobaldi family

Before entering winemaking in 1308, the Frescobaldis were wool traders and bankers, financing King Edward I’s wars in Wales and France. The family - which also built Florence’s first-ever bridge, Santa Trinita -- also includes Girolamo Frescobaldi, one of the main composers of keyboard music in the late Renaissance and early Baroque periods, as well as poet Dino Frescobaldi.

The latter collected and conserved the first seven Canti of the Divine Comedy for Dante Alighieri when he was sent to exile, allowing him to complete the work.

The Frescobaldis’ long lineage is hardly unique in Florence, Tuscany’s capital. Bank of Italy researchers Guglielmo Barone and Sauro Mocetti compared tax records of Florentine taxpayers in 1427 and 2011 to track inter-generational mobility, and found that there was meaningful persistence of socioeconomic status across the centuries.

Piazza di Santa Croce in Florence

“The huge political, demographic and economic upheavals that have occurred in the city across the centuries were not able to untie the Gordian knot of socioeconomic inheritance,”
the authors wrote.

Germany may be prone to even more concentrations of inherited wealth, research shows.

“In hardly any other country does social origin influence one’s income as much as in Germany,”
wrote Marcel Fratzscher, head of the Berlin-based German Institute for Economic Research, in a recent book.

The richest citizens are also those with the highest income. For to everyone who has, more shall be given.

Count Alexander Fugger Babenhausen

Germany’s high share of family wealth is in part a consequence of a tax system that until this year allowed family-owned businesses - including a large proportion of the medium-sized companies that are the backbone of its economy - to pass on their financial assets while paying almost no estate tax.

Count Alexander Fugger-Babenhausen, a descendant of arguably Europe’s richest man in the 16th century, says maintaining the fortune’s integrity is a responsibility. The 34-year old returned to Germany to manage the family’s wealth and charitable activities after working in investment banking and private equity in London.

“It’s not the fast-lived, dynamic sector that forces you to take high risks,”
he said at the Fuggerei, the affordable-housing complex founded by Jakob Fugger in 1521.

“In every decision we make for the Fuggerei, we try to consider that and be prudent. It would be disastrous if a mistake brought sustainability to an end after 19 generations.”

The Fuggerei social housing complex in Augsburg, Germany

Jakob Fugger ordered the construction of the Fuggerei to give back to his city, and try to save his soul in the meantime. Those living in the complex of cozy, two-story terrace houses pay a yearly rent of 0.88 euros, as per Fugger's decree that the cost be one Rhenish florin, and must make three daily prayers for the founder’s soul and family.

Similarly, the Frescobaldis, who since the Renaissance have commissioned works from artists such as Filippo Brunelleschi, have introduced a contemporary art award called “Artists for Frescobaldi.” For this project, 999 special bottles are produced every year and some of the proceeds are reinvested to support contemporary art. 

A bronze bust of Jakob Fugger, founder of the Fuggerei social housing complex, stands in a communal garden area in Augsburg, Germany

The Fuggerei’s 140 apartments have survived innumerable wars and partial destruction during World War II. While they have been renovated, they still follow the original floor plans and feature some unique Renaissance decor, such as a lever-activated door-opening mechanism that in the past let tenants allow visitors in without leaving the apartment’s only heated room.

“I almost feel a little bit more like a trustee,''  
said Fugger-Babenhausen, head of one the three surviving family branches that still run the housing complex through a foundation. As for the family business, “I become very frugal in what I take for myself.”

Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi

Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi

The Eradication Of Natural Alternatives: Big Pharma Wants To Eliminate The Competition
October 27 2018 | From: Sott / Various

Everyone has the simple desire to find happiness within themselves - to find a state of well-being that can be carried throughout their lives. Sara is no different. Sara is a teacher who struggles with mental conditions for which she has been prescribed a bevy of medications.

Over the years she has struggled, as most in her situation have, with addiction and the unbearable side-effects of her FDA-approved "safe" medications.

Related: Deep Medical Fraud: Logical Insight Cancels Brain Fog & FDA Quietly Bans Powerful Life-Saving Intravenous Vitamin C

Her absolute passion in this life is for the children whom she molds and develops with an unrivaled dedication. As she began to grapple further with the unexpected effects and growing addiction to her medications, she began to see it affecting her ability to be present in her responsibilities, while also stealing her creativity that she so greatly treasured.

So when she discovered kratom, which successfully replaced not one, but all of her medications, with zero side-effects, she thanked God for providing this miracle and natural alternative.

In a time when much of what Westerners thought they knew about themselves and their health has begun to prove unfounded, the ever-present natural and homeopathic alternatives are once again gathering attention.

Due largely in part to the continual effort of the pharmaceutical industry, many are unaware that the majority of natural alternatives to the overwhelming amount of different pharmaceutical medications are not only very effective, but in many cases, a far better option.

To some this might seem a fantastical claim, yet that is exactly what people have been conditioned to think.

Related: What Is Natural Health? A Comprehensive Guide to Living Healthy

Big Pharma has been caught in kickback schemes, exposed for bribery, fraud, and price-fixing, and has made it quite clear to the American people that their primary concern is not the health of the nation, but their own bottom line. Yet the pharmaceutical giants march on, increasing their profit with every passing year.

To think that this or any other company would not attempt to stomp out competition that threatened to rival their products is just naïve. This is seen in business every day.

Yet people seem to cast Big Pharma in a light of righteousness, as if they are some benevolent caregiver providing the country with loving healthcare; as if they are somehow exempt from the cutthroat nature of big business simply because their efforts are incorrectly seen as a public service,
even though Big Pharma is not concerned with anything above and beyond its own profits.

What is being witnessed is an all-out assault on any possible natural alternative to Big Pharma medications; and currently in their crosshairs, being heralded as a miracle drug, is the natural root extract kratom.

Just as the nation is witnessing with cannabis, the pharmaceutical industry is beginning to wage war against this natural substance because it threatens to expose the simple fact that natural remedies actually work; and work well.

Related: Why Does Modern Medicine Have A Big Problem With Natural Health?

Kratom has shown to work wonders for pain relief, anxiety, insomnia, and much more. In addition to its list of uses, it has a long and respected history; kratom has been used in Southeast Asia for centuries and is perfectly safe, especially when compared to the obvious dangers known to exist with opiate use.

Opiates are an epidemic in this county, causing more 16,000 deaths a year, and according to the National Institute on Drug Abuse, an estimated 36 million people abuse opioids worldwide, with an estimated 2.1 million Americans suffering from opiate addiction.

The number of unintentional overdose deaths from prescription pain relievers has soared in the United States, more than quadrupling since 1999.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention report that more Americans now die from painkillers than from heroin and cocaine combined. This is due in large part to the industry's efforts to over-prescribe opiate based medications; and this is not a hypothetical.

Many doctors have been arrested, charged, and shut down do to running what is called a "pill-mill," or a location where doctors unanimously and haphazardly hand out prescriptions for opiate painkillers for a multitude of reasons, primarily and most commonly, the pharmaceutical company's direct compensation for being one of their best salesmen.

Americans now consume more than 84 percent of the world's supply of oxycodone and almost 100 percent of hydrocodone opioids.

These "painkillers," which most doctors will tell you do a poor job of living up to that title, are currently listed as a Schedule II controlled substance.

Currently cannabis, the plant being shown to have more health benefits than all of Big Pharma's medications combined, is listed as a Schedule I controlled substance, implying that the plant has zero medical value and is highly addictive - both of which are categorically untrue.

To add insult to injury, the Federal government has a patent on the medical use of cannabis, all while arresting those who use cannabis for its medical value. It's laughably absurd.

Related: Cancer Update: There Are Now 100 Scientific Studies That Prove Cannabis Cures Cancer + Watch What Happens When Cannabis Is Injected Into Cancer Cells

To the resounding cheers of the American people, Big Pharma has been losing the battle to keep cannabis in the dark shadowy recesses of the illegal drug world and out of the hands of those in desperate need of its healing properties.

That in itself is a perfect example of how the industry is not focused on the needs and desires of the people they claim to help, but rather on telling them what they need and creating a situation in which that need becomes a reality; and their profits soar at the expense of real cures as opposed to prolonged treatments.

As kratom continues to rise and its value begins to be clearly demonstrated, Big Pharma has now made it their number one enemy.

It may seem illogical and unnecessary to label a natural root extract that has been used for thousands of years as dangerous while this country's number one prescribed medication is killing people in the millions, yet that is exactly what's happening.

In Alabama, Governor Robert J. Bentley signed a bill Tuesday that would make kratom a Schedule I controlled substance, right alongside heroin, and amazingly, with the same penalties.

The stark contrast between painkillers and a natural substance such as kratom is painfully obvious.

Related: How Rockefeller Founded Big Pharma And Waged War On Natural Cures

It's clear that opiates are the real problem; so all should be asking themselves why law enforcement chooses to focus on the natural substances alone: It always comes back to money.

There are billions of dollars in profit that the government stands to lose with the rise of natural substances such as cannabis, kratom, or kava, on both a medical and an industrial level. This is why Americans are exposed to fast-tracked drugs with countless known (as well as unknown) side-effects that fly through the FDA, only to be pulled years later due to terrible and often terminal results.

This has almost become an accepted practice. Yet there are drugs with the potential to cure and not just treat that get shelved at the FDA for decades, shrugged off as just the backlogged efforts of the FDA. They can only do so much, right?

The FDA just approved a new super-Vicodin type drug called Zohydro. This drug contains up to five times the amount of hydrocodone and does not have time-release protection, so it can be easily crushed up and snorted or injected by those who would abuse it.

This drug was approved after only one twelve-week trial in which five of the people involved died as a result.

Yet kratom, which has been used for centuries and is widely accepted as extremely safe, is dangerous and unlawful in the eyes of the Feds.

“When you talk to pain specialists in our field, they will all tell you one indisputable fact: opiates are lousy drugs to treat chronic pain"
said one FDA committee member who voted against Zohydro approval.

The hypocrisy within this country's medical field, as well as many others, has become something of an established American business model. Lie long enough, with enough confidence and with enough force, and the Truth no longer matters.

Recently the Editor-in-Chief of The Lancet released information showing how at least 50% of all scientific research today is false.

This is becoming business as usual, and it is at the expense of the nation's health. They are bogging down drugs that can cure while fast-tracking highly addictive treatments, producing the perfect return customer.

With Alabama's new law deeming kratom illegal and with other states soon to follow, Sara is left falling back into her old rut of addiction and mental fog brought on by the prescribed "healthcare" that so often left her feeling lost in a world full of potential.

Related: Huge Victory For Natural Medicine In Australia As Nation Rejects Pharma-Engineered Attempt To Outlaw Nearly All Herbs

So many fall victim to the pacification and addiction almost certain to rear its ugly head when being subjected to daily and prolonged pharmaceutical drug use. Kratom was the one natural substance that gave her zero side-effects and completely relieved her of her anxiety while rendering her other drugs unnecessary.

It is not hard to see why Big Pharma saw this substance as a threat to its ongoing domination of the drug trade in the United States.

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Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi

Global Alliance Moving For A Checkmate Versus The Deep State
October 26 2018 | From: Geopolitics

Recent events have become too obvious to ignore in the context of the ongoing covert war between the Alliance and the Deep State.

Right after what we believe as an electromagnetic attack on Ukrainian arms and ammunition depot, Crimea plunged into a day of terror when “face masked terrorists” stormed a public school in Crimea, which even Putin later on acknowledged as an individual unable to adjust to “globalization” – a generic term which may apply to economic, geopolitics and terror.

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Nevertheless, what used to be mere rumors prior to 2012, when the world “as we knew it” was ending, are now fast becoming a reality. Russia and a number of its allies are already shedding much of their US-denominated bonds, and is opening its SWIFT alternative to foreign banks.

Russia welcomes foreign banks to join its money transfer alternative to SWIFT

"Foreign banks will soon be able to become part of Russia’s money transfer network which serves as an alternative to the traditional SWIFT (Society for Worldwide Interbank Financial Telecommunication) system.

“Non-residents will start connecting to us this year. People are already turning to us,” said First Deputy Governor of the Central Bank of Russia Olga Skorobogatova. Earlier, the official said that by using the alternative payment system foreign firms would be able to do business with sanctioned Russian companies.

As of September, 416 Russian companies have joined the System for Transfer of Financial Messages (SPFS), including the Russian Federal Treasury and large state corporations including Gazprom Neft, Rosneft, and others, the Central Bank said."

The Central Bank of Russia has continued getting rid of US Treasury bonds in August. The share of Russian investments in American debt is getting close to zero.

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Russia liquidates nearly all its holdings of US debt & invests money in gold

"Russian investments in US securities as of August have fallen to just $14 billion. Back in 2011, Russia was one of the largest holders of US debt with a $180 billion investment.

The reason is not only about politics and US sanctions against Russia, a broker at Otkritie bank Timur Nigmatullin told RIA Novosti. The US Federal Reserve is hiking interest rates, which makes American bonds cheaper, he said. “Russia has almost dropped out of the list of holders of US government debt, being the 54th largest holder.”

“A further sale of US Treasury bonds by Russia will most likely be compensated by buying gold and opening short-term deposits at banks,” he said. The share of precious metals in the country’s foreign reserves has reached a record 18 percent, closely approaching the share of dollar investments.

The largest investors in US debt, China and Japan, have also cut their holdings. Chinese holdings of US sovereign debt dropped to $1.165 trillion in August, from $1.171 trillion in July, marking the third consecutive month of declines. Japan has slashed its holdings of US securities to $1.029 trillion in August, the lowest since October 2011.

The reason for holding money in US bonds is global trade, which is still dominated by the dollar, director of macroeconomic analysis at Expert RA Anton Tabah told Izvestia daily. So, countries are forced to have a lot of dollars in cash, and US bonds are the best option for that.

India and Turkey have followed Russia’s lead. Turkey has dropped out of the top-30 list of holders of American debt, while India has been liquidating its investment for five consecutive months to $140 billion in August."

Related: Russia-China Real Gold Standard Means End Of US Dollar Dominance

The RIC Alliance Russia, Iran and China are all defying sanctions imposed upon them by the US Deep State.

China has halted its purchase of US LNG, some of which are actually sourced from Russian LNG producers. Iran is also doubling down the US sanction before it begins by sending a “huge armada of oil tankers” to China’s northeast port of Dalian.

Huge Iranian oil armada heads to China before US sanctions kick in

"An unprecedented volume of Iranian crude oil is set to arrive at China’s northeast port of Dalian this month and in early November before US sanctions on Iran take effect.

More than 20 million barrels of oil have been shipped to Dalian by the National Iranian Tanker Company (NITC), Reuters reports, citing an unnamed Iranian shipping source."

“As our leaders have said, it will be impossible to stop Iran from selling its oil,” the source said, adding: “We have various ways of selling our oil and when the tankers reach Dalian, we will decide whether to sell it to other buyers or to China.”

Russia & China preparing to ditch dollar for national currencies in trade – top official

"Russia’s Ministry of Economic Development said on Thursday that Moscow and Beijing are working on an inter-governmental agreement to boost the use of the ruble and yuan in mutual trade settlements."

India offloading US Treasuries to support national currency & buy gold

"The Reserve Bank of India (RBI) is cutting down on its holding of US Treasuries, joining a number of countries which have been dumping US debt to bolster domestic economies.

The country’s share of US sovereign debt saw a gradual decline from $157 billion in March to $140 billion as of the end of August, according to the latest US Treasury report. RBI needed US dollars to sell in the market to stop the steep slide of its currency, the rupee.

The bank has sold foreign currencies worth $18.6 billion in the spot market since April to rein the value of the rupee."

Related: John McAfee Explains Why Bitcoin Is More Legit Than The Dollar In One Minute + Blockchain In The USA: Trump Admin Declares Commitment To Blockchain, Government Uses

Europe is also now playing along with the RIC Alliance and is actively courting the ASEAN Community in a highly coordinated move to defeat the US-based Nazis. Both Germany and France are expressing their approval of the entry of Russian gas into the EU.

In a related news;

Gold Reserves Surge 1,000% In Hungary As It Joins Poland, Russia, China and Other Central Banks Buying Gold

"For the first time since 1986, Hungary’s central bank is buying gold bullion – a lot of gold bullion.

The Eastern-European country announced that it had boosted its gold reserves ten-fold, up to 31.5 tons. It not only dramatically increased its reserves but also repatriated the gold from the Bank of England to Budapest due to concerns about “financial stability”.

Central banks in Europe are diversifying into gold or moving to repatriate and take “possession in country.”

Hungary and Poland are the most recent central banks to do this but they follow in the footsteps of Austria, Netherlands and the powerful German Bundesbank all of which have been repatriating their gold from the Bank of England and the Federal Reserve in recent months and years."

We don’t believe that this is still the same old game being played here, but a reconfiguration of the rules of engagement that will end the grossly one-sided EU-Asia economic cooperation.

Related: The Great Transition: The Shadow Ruling Force Behind The Central Banks Secrecy Is Repugnant In A Free And Open Society

The Deep State could play the same two-faced engagement with Asia, but it doesn’t mean that it could just throw its weight without any form of resistance. In fact, the current situation has caused Jacob Rothschild some worries.

Jacob Rothschild has voiced concern about the global financial system that was established after WWII

"The billionaire banker points to the US-China trade war and eurozone crisis as the key problems putting economic order at risk.

“In 9/11 and in the 2008 financial crisis, the powers of the world worked together with a common approach. Co-operation today is proving much more difficult. This puts at risk the post-war economic and security order…

“In the circumstances our policy is to maintain our limited exposure to quoted equities and to enter into new commitments with great caution,” Rothschild warned in his investment trust’s half-year results commentary."

The Rothschild Group has been found in violation of anti-money laundering regulations by Switzerland financial regulators in August of this year.

Related: The Rothschild Bloodline: Financial Wizards & Wealthy Cults

This violation occurred sometime in 2011, among other violations committed by Rothschild affiliated banks, which led to the mass resignations of financial CEOs worldwide in 2012.

Rothschild Bank caught up in money-laundering scandal

"Switzerland’s financial regulator has accused Rothschild Bank AG and its trust subsidiary of violating anti-money laundering law in relation to 1MDB, the troubled Malaysian sovereign wealth fund.

According to the regulator, both Rothschild Bank AG and Rothschild Trust AG failed to check where assets from a client came from.

The firms reportedly disregarded signs that the funds could be connected to money-laundering and took the money anyway. The companies run by the Rothschild family are also accused of reporting on the issue too late."

These financial attacks are coupled with the acoustic threat of a fully tested hypersonic MARV missile system, among other still undisclosed highly advanced modern warfare.

Related: George Soros Could Not Subvert Europe Without Washington’s Approval & Rothschild – Soros – McCain Connection To The Real #Russiagate Scandal

It is under this situation that the Deep State is initiating another round of geo-economic extortion. Fortunately for Saudi Arabia, it finds support from Putin himself, when he said;

Putin compares Khashoggi case to Skripal poisoning, asks why Russia condemned despite lack of proof

"Here, people say that a murder happened in Istanbul, but no steps are taken. People need to figure out a single approach to these kinds of problems… "

Why do we need to take some steps towards the deterioration of our relations if we don’t understand what is happening? But if someone understands and someone believes that the murder occurred, then I hope that some evidence will be provided…”

Putin’s statement is obviously with the foreknowledge that it wasn’t the Saudis, but some “rogue elements” of the CIA, who were actually involved in the disappearance and murder of Kashoggi for the purpose of extortion.

The Saudi’s foreign minister has already apologized for the “terrible mistake,” but has not made any commitment as to when the body be returned to the Kashoggi family. Earlier reports said that it’s been diluted already with acid.

Related: U.K. Is Lying: If Skripal Was Poisoned At His Home, The Agent Used Against Him Cannot Be Nerve Gas

Meanwhile, in an unprecedented move, the King of Jordan Abdullah II has announced that the leased land in the border of Jordan and Israel will be reintegrated back to the country.

Jordan King to Abandon Part of 1994 Peace Treaty With Israel on Land Lease

"Jordan’s King Abdullah II announced on Sunday that Jordan has chosen to nix two annexes of the 1994 peace treaty with Israel, ending the Israeli lease of Baqura/Naharayim and Al-Ghamr/Zofar territories.

“Baqura and Ghamr are Jordanian territory and will remain Jordanian, and we exercise full sovereignty over our land,” the King said, as quoted by the state-owned Jordan News Agency (Petra).

This is just one of the immediate effects of the S-300 Russian SAM system installation in Syria, which effectively grounded Israeli Air Force after it caused the deaths of 15 surveillance plane crews last September.

All of the above leads the outgoing Deep State Ambassador to the UN Nikki Haley to quip;

While our eyes may be fixed on the Middle East most of the time, the battle for the control of the Arctic has just started.

Already, Russia has the edge, but Europeans are beginning to realize the strategic importance of deterring Russia from gaining more economic advantage once its backdoor is fully utilized.

What this means is, most of the gravity of the global economy is now shifting away from the dark shadows of the Deep State, as a direct consequence of its failure to develop the entire globe for mutual prosperity, which has been the supposed rationale of why countries joined th e United Nations in the aftermath of the Second World War – a Vatican banker’s war meant to steal Asian historical assets.

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"Just Do It" - Nike Slogan Is Luciferian
October 25 2018 | From: HenryMakow

"Just Do It" - Nike's slogan is just a short version of the Satanist credo: "Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the law." It invites people to indulge their basest desires.

Big corporations like Nike are all controlled by the Luciferian central bankers. [Comment: This article contains some religious references. With that aside, the point is that the autor makes many other relevant comments and observations.

Related: The Nike swoosh signifies Illuminati control

So it comes as no surprise that Nike would back a traitor, Colin Kaperdink, a millionaire quarterback whose very example contradicts his cause, that blacks are oppressed and lack opportunities.

Liberals (aka Communists) want to undermine patriotism, not help blacks. If they cared about blacks they would protest the black-on-black murder rate (4x the national average) or the black abortion rate, which is 35% of the total, while black women comprise 6% of the US female population.

Liberalism is a mask for Communism which in turn is Luciferianism. Lucifer rebelled against God, who is the "Self" in self-discipline. Predictably, since the advent of Trump, liberals have discarded civility and respect for democracy.

They have dressed as vaginas, engaged in violence and obscenity, and generally behaved as toddlers. All because of the election of a President who is not a full-time traitor like his predecessor.

Related: Lucis Trust, Alice Bailey, World Goodwill And Lucifer - The False Light Of The World

Compare this with how conservatives suffered through eight years of Obama with relative dignity and respect for the law. 

Self-discipline is the essential difference between conservatives and liberals.

As I argue below, 9/10th of religion is what we do not do. We were made in the image of God. Living up to this ideal is what defines us as human.

"A man may conquer a million men in battle but one who conquers himself is, indeed, the greatest of conquerors." 

- Buddha 

"Rule your mind or it will rule you."

- Horace

Illuminati Satanists spin self-restraint as "repression," that causes "neurosis."  They champion "sexual liberation" i.e. promiscuity and debauchery.

Related: An Illustrated History Of The House Of Rothschild: 1743 - 2006 & The Illuminati Grand Plan

Have you noticed that nine of the Ten Commandments are proscriptions? They tell us what we shalt not do.

Surely this is an important clue. We worship God by disciplining and controlling our lower nature. The only affirmative Commandment is to "honor your father and mother."  The other nine are concerned with obeying, i.e. Self-discipline:

You shall have no other Gods; not make idols; not take His name in vain; not work on the Sabbath; not commit murder; not commit adultery; not steal; not bear false witness (lie) and finally, not covet your neighbor's wife or possessions.


It's important to realize that both religion and civilization are based on a dualistic view of man, as matter and spirit. Man is seen as a wild animal (matter) who contains a spark of the Divine, his soul (spirit.)   

Our souls comprehend and crave God, who is perfection. ("Be ye therefore perfect as your Father who art in heaven is perfect." Mathew 5:48)

Our souls can distinguish between good and evil, truth and lie, beauty and ugliness, love and hate.

Related: The Opiate Of The Masses: When Religion Becomes An Addiction

Our souls (higher self) are required to hold our primitive instincts (lower self) in check. This is what defines us as human.  

Luciferianism (Illuminism) is all about indulging our desires, no matter how depraved they are. Lucifer rebelled against God. 

Gradually, the Luciferian (Illuminati) bankers have erased the distinction between matter and soul. They have made "God" a dirty word, which cannot be mentioned in polite company.  They define man in terms of our animal appetites and whims, no matter how perverse or degrading. These are also the assumptions of naturalism
- man is an animal without a soul.

"Do as thou wilt shall be the whole of the law," is the Satanist credo.

They call self-restraint "repression," causing "neurosis."  They champion "liberation" i.e. debauchery.

With the decline of religion, the only thing to restrain the primitive drives are social norms (laws.) But with Satanists in control, material appetite now masquerades as soul. 

Satanists invert good and evil. Man's lowest nature is glorified and held up for emulation.

The Spiritual War

The mass media is the instrument for our induction into Satanism. What is considered edgy and courageous is not confronting the perpetrators of 9-11 but "adults" mentioning embarrassing toilet accidents in public.

Related: Why ‘Conspiracy Theories’ & Spirituality Are Intimately Connected

I was channel surfing recently when I saw talk-show host Chelsea Lately and her guests discussing incidents when they felt like vomiting from other peoples' farts.

Every city has a give-away entertainment paper, and every paper has a sex-advice column specializing in airing the obscene and disgusting in public. In Winnipeg where I live, this paper ("Uptown") is owned by the Winnipeg Free Press, supposedly a family newspaper.

One recent question involved a sex partner who defecated on the sheets. Another was from a woman whose vagina emitted a foul stench.  A new TV commercial for Alexander Keith beer: Rude man gives his girlfriend a long lascivious kiss before introducing her to a friend, who also locks lips with her. Edgy! As Nike says, Just do it!

I could fill a column with examples of this race-to-the-bottom, social engineering designed to make us indulge our every impulse, and broadcast our every toilet accident.

Instead of aspiring for what is truly beautiful and refined, modern culture aspires to degrade humanity.  We have no culture because culture is based on aspiring to genuine ideals, not denying them.

Don't kid yourself. This is how Satanism works. It is deliberate.

Related: Former Satanic Priest Exposes The Four Main Tenets Of Satanic Ideology & Are You A Satanist?


We think of enslavement in terms of limitations to our freedom, repressive laws, surveillance and concentration camps.

Satanists use our primitive instincts to enchain us. For example, by making sex and romance the Holy Grail, and then shoving sex in our faces 24-7, they turn us into sniveling sex-addicts. 

If an alien visited this planet, he would report that humanity's number one preoccupation was "who is doing whom?" and can people watch?

And if it isn't sex, it's money. We dance to this tune daily, dedicating our lives to protecting or expanding our stash.


How do we protect and liberate our souls?

Recognize that society has been subverted by Satanists devoted to degrading us to the level of domestic animals.

Climb our personal Mount Sinai and write our personal "Commandments."

Related: NWO Control System Vs. The Awakening - Which Will Win?

These are our principles. Things we will not do. This way we will recognize and reject temptation immediately instead of wrestling with it. 

We feel powerless but a spiritual war can be won with spiritual weapons. We can defeat Satan by what we won't do.

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Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi

Western Propaganda - So Simple But So Effective
October 24 2018 | From: JournalNeo

When some time ago Noam Chomsky and I met at MIT, in order to write a book “On Western Terrorism: From Hiroshima to Drone Warfare” and to produce a film with the same title together, the topic we mainly aimed at discussing was that of the countless genocides the West has committed all over the world since the end of the WWII. The second topic was impunity.

But no matter what atrocities we re-visited, our conversation kept slipping towards one crucial theme: the propaganda that has been manufactured in media centers like New York, Paris, London and other North American and European cities; the propaganda created in order to twist both the past and the present.

Related: Trump: “The Media is Rigged”

Without such brainwashing and the almost total indoctrination of the Western general public and the ‘elites’ in all of the ‘client’ states, no imperialist and neo-colonialist policies would have become truly successful.

We spoke about US commercial advertising and its influence on German Nazi propaganda, and about Nazi propaganda influencing by return both the US and European propaganda-makers.

Noam kept asking me about my childhood in socialist Czechoslovakia, and I explained to him, honestly, how indoctrinated I was as a teenager: not by the Communist dogmas, but by the BBC, the Voice of America and the Radio Free Europe – all of them relentlessly spreading the Western political and market gospel to all corners of the socialist world.

Both Noam and I have created dozens of essays on the topic, as well as several books. My latest one, basically written about all the corners of the world where the Empire is spreading destruction and followed by indoctrination, has more than 800 pages, and is called “Exposing Lies of the Empire”.

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And I always feel that even this massive book just touches the tip of the iceberg, that it is only a beginning!

Western propaganda is actually a perfect apparatus! It is effective and it is almost fully ‘bulletproof’. It ‘works’! European empires have been refining it for many long centuries, and the European offspring – the United States – has elevated it to almost total perfection.

One precondition for its success is, of course, that the Western political and economic regime owns almost all the major media channels and distribution outlets of the world. Diversity can never be tolerated. It could smash the idiocy! Once this prerequisite is completed, things get relatively relaxed and cozy for the demagogues in Washington, London and Paris.

Here is just an example of how easy it is to smear a world leader who resists the imperialist designs of the Empire:

Imagine that one sunny morning, some 10 major newspapers and television stations declare that various anonymous but highly reliable sources in Moscow have informed them that the Russian President Vladimir Putin is a vampire!

Related: Twenty Five Rules Of Disinformation, Propaganda, “PSYOPS”, Debunking Techniques

This ‘news’ would fly all over the world. Many readers and viewers would at first roll around on the floor laughing, but some would not. And even several of those who found the information thoroughly bizarre and unbelievable would at some point realize that seeds of doubt were beginning to grow inside their brains: “OK, it is absurd, of course, but what if? What if? How awful that would be!”

But how can one really prove that he or she is not a vampire? Or how can one prove that he or she has not been visited by some evil extra-terrestrial flying saucers on several occasions?

At some point, the Russian President would feel that he had enough of the charade. He’d go to the best university clinic in Moscow, and ask for a certificate that clearly stated that he is not a vampire. Several leading academics and doctors would get involved and produce a complex and thorough scientific conclusion, resolutely stating that President Putin is not a vampire.

Shocked by and reacting to the vulgarity demonstrated by the Western propaganda tsars, most of the Russian media outlets would offer some commonsense and logic:

"Can’t we all see clearly that he cannot be a vampire? All his teeth are of approximately equal length, he socialized during the day, he does not sleep in a coffin, he eats garlic and he is not scared of crosses; be they Orthodox, Protestant or Catholic ones!” 

Others would argue that there are actually no real vampires inhabiting our Planet.

This is when the Western mass media would go into overdrive. Sarcastically it would declare that the Russian academia, Russian doctors and Russian media cannot be trusted – they are all under the heel of the state, and on top of it they have been infiltrated by nation’s secret services and former KGB agents.

"And doesn’t ‘Vlad’ sound somehow similar to ‘Bran’, which is the castle in Romania, which in turn used to be the home base of the commander-in-chief of all militant vampires - Count Dracula?”

There would still be some rational resistance: “No, ‘Vlad’ does not really sound like ‘Bran’, and anyway, nobody in Russia calls Mr. Putin ‘Vlad’ – only the Western media does.” But such voices of reason would never reach the general public all over the world! And on it goes.

In the end, a few billions of human brains would register and subconsciously store the ‘vampire theory’, and they would never again look at the President of Russia, or at his country, with the same eyes!

Related: Trump: Reminder, The Only Evidence Of Russian 'Collusion' Is By Hillary & The DNC + The Mechanics Of Democratic Deception

Of course the Russian leadership is not the only one that the West is targeting. There is a relentless flow of ‘shocking’ rumors and derogatory remarks made by the mainstream media against the President of China, of Byelorussia, against the leadership of Iran, South Africa, Eritrea, Zimbabwe, Syria, and North Korea as well as against all the left-wing governments of Latin America.

After being repeated hundreds of times, the rumors, at least for many people, get confused with facts, and get accepted as facts.

When still leading Cuba, Fidel Castro was constantly ‘dying’ or ‘disappearing’. The North Korean government has been relentlessly portrayed as a desperate gang of bloodthirsty sexual maniacs, executing and raping all that moves.

The ANC and especially President Zuma have done ‘nothing to close that staggering social divide in South Africa’. In South America, the pro-Western media outlets invented and then perfected a new lucrative industry: manufacturing corruption scandals and implicating in them virtually all of the popular socialist leaders.

Nihilism, darkest ‘news’, and scenarios have been force-fed to the public, in order to eradicate all zeal and optimism that comes when one is building a great independent and egalitarian nation.

"I never forget that day,”
an Eritrean cameraman exclaimed, during my visit to his country. “I had just finished an assignment inside the Presidential Palace. Then I met my friends and we were having coffee in front of the main gate. Suddenly the Western networks began broadcasting that ‘there is a coup in Asmara’.

Social media went bananas. It was the “Breaking News” story everywhere. And here we were, right there, on a lazy sunny afternoon, in front of the Palace… I had just seen the President…. All was quiet!

They just invented it, in order to get people out onto the streets! They were trying to manufacture a coup via their media outlets.”

It is mainly fear, implanted into the brains of its subjects and slaves; fear that allows the Empire to control almost the entire Planet. Often it is subconscious fear, but it is fear nevertheless. Fear can be that of the Empire as a whole, or of its might and brutality, or even of the alternatives, portrayed in the most unsavory and frightening colors by the propaganda.

Related: The Mainstream Media Lies

In order to rule unopposed, one has to be feared! And one has to smear the alternatives. The task to spread fear, slander diversity and dissent, was given to the official media, academia and ‘artists’.

Of course the biggest ‘threat’ to the Empire has been the two sisters who were born under the same star, from the same mother called Humanism. Their names are Communism and Socialism. And I am not only talking about the Western Marxist concept. There are many great concepts that put life and the well-being of the people first, all over the world!

In fact, a few decades ago, it was becoming crystal clear that Western colonialism, imperialism and capitalism were finished. Their time was up! Socialism was the natural and logical way forward for most of humanity.

Realted: 25 Rules Of Disinformation, Propaganda, “PSYOPS”, Debunking Techniques

But then the West and its Empire fought back. They employed extreme violence and brutality, as well as cunning ‘divide and rule’ tactics. Tens of millions died, and progress was stopped, although hopefully, only for a limited period of time. And not everywhere!

One of many reasons why Russia is perceived as a great ‘threat’ is because it inherited the humanist and internationalist foreign policy of the Soviet Union. But, also because it itself is actually becoming socialist again (although it is moving in that direction by taking extremely short steps). Russia is recovering irreversibly from those dark days of the free marketer and West’s lackey, Boris Yeltsin.

Russia is also hated because it is setting the ‘wrong example’; proving to the world that one can develop and prosper without taking orders from the West, without serving its governments and corporations. Or more precisely: it can do it exactly because it broke itself free!

The demonization of Russia is relentless. Every little negative detail is multiplied and magnified by the mainstream media and film industry. The world’s public is being nourished by bizarre stereotypes and fabrications. And so one of the most compassionate, deep, artistic and passionate nations on Earth, Russia, is depicted as being cold, robotic, heartless and inherently evil.

Massive NATO military forces are now dispatched along Russia’s western border, and they include German troops. Periodically there are maneuvers and exercises, not far from the borderline.

It is clearly a provocation, and it all brings back the horrific memories of the years right before World War II, the war in which the Russian nation lost between 25 and 30 million lives. A few hundred kilometers south, an old ally, in fact a Slavic sister, Ukraine, is being forced to confront Russia by its Western handlers, something that is being done against the will of the great majority of the Ukrainian people.

The US is heavily involved in the destabilizing of Central Asia, including a group of nations that used to form part of the Soviet Union. But thanks to Machiavellian Western propaganda, it is actually Russia that is being portrayed as the aggressor and a danger to world peace!

And it is China, which is being depicted as some kind of a ruthless and unpredictable monster that is now ready to swallow the world! In fact China is an extremely predictable country, and any unbiased student of world history would clearly see how peacefully it has been behaving, for centuries!

But to ‘prove’ that China is not a Communist country, anymore, and at the same time that it is one of the greatest threats to world peace and ‘stability’ (read: to Western control of the World), is one of the most important tasks given to the Western media, academia and propaganda tsars by the Empire.

And they are succeeding! Indoctrination tactics are working flawlessly. The Western pubic is by now thoroughly brainwashed (at worst) or confused (at best) when it comes to China.

In recent years I engaged hundreds of French, Italian, Spanish, German, British and Czech people in discussions about China, just to receive (with extremely few exceptions) a barrage of standardized, patronizing, mass-produced ‘opinions’.

It often felt like talking to the people who were forced to live for decades under the Taliban or under the ‘spiritual guidance’ of some fundamentalist evangelical Protestant sect.

In fact, China is both Communist (Communism or Socialism, but with Chinese characteristics) as it is breathtakingly successful! Analyzing this marvelous country, together with my China-based colleagues and comrades, I am coming to the conclusion that Beijing often uses “capitalist means in order to achieve socialist goals” (to borrow a quote from Jeff J Brown, which is actually the sub-title’ of his latest book).

And an enormous, independent, successful Communist or Socialist country – that is absolutely the worst nightmare for the Empire! It is something that has to be stopped, derailed, destroyed, isolated and demonized by all means! China’s Communist success…

You would never hear about that on CNN, BBC or Fox TV! Just as you would never hear that Indonesia, India, Rwanda and any of the other Empire’s allies and client nations, are in fact the most brutal fascist ‘failed’ states, and that the genocides in Papua, Kashmir and the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) are the bloodiest extermination campaigns anywhere in the world.

I have worked in all these countries, intensively, I can testify. As this is being written, the people of Kashmir are being murdered and tortured. Right at this moment! I am wondering how many of my readers are aware of it?

Perhaps I’m obsessed with “exposing lies of the Empire”. A second volume will soon follow my 820-page long book. I cannot stop travelling, investigating and amassing the evidence. Because I am shocked; because I am outraged and because there are so few, so desperately few people that are actually working in the most desperate parts of the world!

Virtually all stereotypes about the world that have been domesticated in the West are wrong, terribly wrong.

The story of the Russian Revolution is told in the most twisted way, and so is the story of the Ukrainian famine and of the gulags. Not everything is wrong, of course, but the facts and numbers are twisted. I will soon resume my work in the Russian Far East, to write on this subject.

The story of China is grotesquely wrong, from the Great March to the present day!

The story of Cambodia’s “Commie slaughter” under the Khmer Rouge is a thoroughly idiotic manipulation! The slaughter was there, but more people died from the US carpet-bombing, and then from being displaced from their farms by US mines and cluster ‘bombies’, than from Pol Pot’s atrocities.

The great majority of Khmer Rouge men and women had nothing to do with Communism. They were just settling scores with the capital, which they saw as responsible for selling the country to the US, and for the bombing of the countryside. In the jungle, I recently met Pol Pot’s personal guard.

He told me frankly that he was simply pissed off (the bombing killed his relatives), and had no clue what Communism was:

“Pol Pot came and said ‘Communism! Let’s fight the traitors!’ And we did. How could someone call us a Communist country if we did not even know what Communism was?”

What we hardly ever hear is the most important story of mankind: the story of Western colonial plunders, of imposed slavery, genocides that lasted for centuries, of British-triggered famines that killed tens of millions in the Sub-Continent, of virtually the entire Europe and Christianity systematically committing global holocaust.

Related: The British Empire Is Un-Masked, But Desperate

We are not told that it actually happened, and that it is still going on and on and on! In order to ‘shelter’ the Western public from the horrendous truth about the past and the present of their countries and culture, new and newer stories about those “evil others” are being invented and circulated.

Perhaps, soon, we will be really told that Mr. Putin is a vampire, or that Kim Jong Un is eating Korean virgins for breakfast. We may not be far from such a new wave of propaganda zeal. It all makes sense: the more evil the Empire becomes; the more it has to smear its adversaries.

The mass media and Hollywood are asked to perform. And they do! Reality and fiction are now being systematically mixed, and everything gets blurred and finally the great confusion and intellectual chaos are managing to overwhelm both reason and logic.

Related: Propaganda Techniques Of Empire + P.C. Language Control And The Rise Of The Third Reich

The Empire is killing millions and destroying countries and continents. But California is falling off a cliff, and clouds of huge insects are invading the entire North America. While millions of alien terrorists are now engulfing the ‘tolerant’ and ‘democratic’ Europe! So what is more terrible?

Plus there are those sinister monsters like Count Vlad and Comrade Kim, waiting with their daggers behind a corner! Therefore, The Empire and its people have to ‘protect’ themselves. They have to be tough, even tougher than before! And to put their interests first! America (North America) first! Germany first! France first!

Primitive? Does it all sound primitive? Yes, certainly. But it works! At least for the Europeans and North Americans it does. And the rulers don’t give a damn what works or doesn’t for the rest of the Planet.

Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi

Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi

Society Is Made Of Narrative – Realizing This Is Awakening From The Matrix
October 23 2018 | From: WakingTimes

In the movie The Matrix, humans are imprisoned in a virtual world by a powerful artificial intelligence system in a dystopian future.

What they take to be reality is actually a computer program that has been jacked into their brains to keep them in a comatose state.

Related: Ley Lines - The Key To Understanding The Matrix

They live their whole lives in that virtual simulation, without any way of knowing that what they appear to be experiencing with their senses is actually made of AI-generated code.

Life in our current society is very much the same. The difference is that instead of AI, it’s psychopathic oligarchs who are keeping us asleep in the Matrix. And instead of code, it’s narrative.

Society is made of narrative like the Matrix is made of code.

Related: Elon Musk Just Exposed The Oil Oligarchy’s Control Over Mainstream Media In Epic Rant

Identity, language, etiquette, social roles, opinions, ideology, religion, ethnicity, philosophy, agendas, rules, laws, money, economics, jobs, hierarchies, politics, government, they’re all purely mental constructs which exist nowhere outside of the mental noises in our heads.

If I asked you to point to your knee you could do so instantly and wordlessly, but if I asked you to point to the economy, for example, the closest you could come is using a bunch of linguistic symbols to point to a group of concepts. To show me the economy, you’d have to tell me a story.

Related: Why Millions Of Kids Don’t See Any Purpose In Going To School Anymore & Matrix Revealed: Why Logic Disappeared

Anyone who has ever experienced a moment of mental stillness knows that without the chatter, none of those things are part of your actual present experience.

There is no identity, language, etiquette, social roles, opinions, ideology, religion, ethnicity, philosophy, agendas, rules, laws, money, economics, jobs, hierarchies, politics or government in your experience without the mental chatter about those things. There’s not even a “you” anywhere to be found, because it turns out that that’s made of narrative, too.

Without mental narrative, nothing is experienced but sensory impressions appearing to a subject with no clear shape or boundaries.

The visual and auditory fields, the sensation of air going in and out of the respiratory system, the feeling of the feet on the ground or the bum in the chair. That’s it. That’s more or less the totality of life minus narrative.

When you add in the mental chatter, however, none of those things tend to occupy a significant amount of interest or attention. Appearances in the visual and auditory field are suddenly divided up and labeled with language, with attention to them determined by whichever threatens or satisfies the various agendas, fears and desires of the conceptual identity construct known as “you”.

Related: Escaping The Matrix: 10 Ways To Deprogram Yourself

You can go days, weeks, months or years without really noticing the feeling of your respiratory system or your feet on the ground as your interest and attention gets sucked up into a relationship with society that exists solely as narrative.

“Am I good enough? Am I doing the right thing? Oh man, I hope what I’m trying to do works out. I need to make sure I get all my projects done.

If I do that one thing first it might save me some time in the long run. Oh there’s Ashley, I hate that bitch. God I’m so fat and ugly. If I can just get the things that I want and accomplish my important goals I’ll feel okay. Taxes are due soon.

What’s on TV? Oh it’s that idiot. How the hell did he get elected anyway? Everyone who made that happen is a Nazi. God I can’t wait for the weekend. I hope everything goes as planned between now and then.”

On and on and on and on. Almost all of our mental energy goes into those mental narratives. They dominate our lives. And, for that reason, people who are able to control those narratives are able to control us.

And they do.

Related: The Control-Matrix Is Crashing Because The Truth-Seekers Are Winning

Most people try to exert some degree of control over those around them. They try to influence how those in their family, social and employment circles think of them by behaving and speaking in a certain way.

Family members will spend their lives telling other family members over and over again that they’re not as smart/talented/good as they think they are to keep them from becoming too successful and moving away.

Romantic partners will be persuaded that they can never leave because no one else will ever love them. To varying degrees, they manipulate the narratives of individuals.

Then there are the people who’ve figured out that they can actually take their ability to influence the way people think about themselves and their world and turn it into personal profit. Cult leaders convince followers to turn over their entire lives in service to them.

Advertisers convince consumers that they have a problem or deficiency that can only be solved with This Exciting New Product™. 

Ambitious rat race participants learn how to climb the corporate ladder by winning favor with the right people and inflicting small acts of sabotage against their competing peers.

Related: Deep State? What About Elite Television News Anchors?

Ambitious journalists learn that they progress much further in their careers by advancing narratives that favor the establishment upon which the plutocrats who own the big media companies have built their kingdoms. They manipulate the narratives of groups.

And then, there are the oligarchs. The master manipulators.

These corporate kings of the modern world have learned the secret that every ruler since the dawn of civilization has known: whoever controls the narratives that are believed by a society is the controller of that society.

 Identity, language, etiquette, social roles, opinions, ideology, religion, ethnicity, philosophy, agendas, rules, laws, money, economics, jobs, hierarchies, politics, government: all mental constructs which only influence society to the extent that they are believed and subscribed to by a significant majority of the collective.

If you have influence over the things that people believe about those mental constructs, you have influence over society. You rule it. The oligarchs manipulate the narratives of entire societies.

Related: Explosive 'Conspiracy Theories' Confirmed By Whistleblower Shatter Matrix And Prove Something Is Very Wrong In America

This is why there have been book burnings, heretic burnings, and executions for mocking the emperor throughout history: ideas which differ from the dominant narratives about what power is, how money works, who should be in charge and so on are threatening to a ruler’s power in the exact same way that an assassin’s dagger is.

At any time, in any kingdom, the people could have decided to take the crown off of their king’s head and place it upon the head of any common beggar and treat him as the new king.

And, in every meaningful way, he would be the new king. The only thing preventing this from happening was dominant narratives subscribed to by the society at the time about Divine Right, fealty, loyalty, noble blood and so on. The only thing keeping the crown on a king’s head was narrative.

The exact same thing remains true today; the only thing that has changed is the narratives the public subscribe to.

Because of what they are taught in school and what the talking heads on their screens tell them about their nation and their government, most people believe that they live in a relatively free democracy where accountable, temporary power is placed in the hands of a select few based on a voting process informed by the unregulated debate of information and ideas.

Related: The Rise And Rise Of Control-Freak Government

Completely separate from the government, they believe, is an economy whose behavior is determined by the supply and demand of consumers. In reality, economics, commerce and government are fully controlled by an elite class of plutocrats, who also happen to own the media corporations which broadcast the information about the world onto people’s screens.

Control the narratives of economics and commerce, and you control economics and commerce. Control the narratives about politics and government, and you control politics and government.

This control is used by the controllers to funnel power to the oligarchs, in this way effectively turning society into one giant energy farm for the elite class.

But it is possible to wake up from that narrative Matrix.

Related: 16 Signs That You’re A Slave To The Cabal Control Matrix

It isn’t easy, and it doesn’t happen overnight. It takes work. Inner work. And humility. Nobody likes acknowledging that they’ve been fooled, and the depth and extent to which we’ve all been fooled is so deeply pervasive it can be tempting to decide that the work is complete far before one is actually free.

Mainstream American liberals think they’re clear-eyed because they can see the propaganda strings being pulled by Fox and Donald Trump, and mainstream American conservatives think they’re clear-eyed because they can see the propaganda strings being pulled by MSNBC and the Democrats, but the propaganda strings on both trace back to the same puppet master. [Comment: Incorrect.]

Comment: Read about the Alliance that has been working behind the scenes for decades to take down the 'Cabal' within the work of David Wilcock.

But, through sincere, humble research and introspection, it is possible to break free of the Matrix and see the full extent to which you and everyone you know has been imprisoned by ideas which have been programmed into social consciousness by the powerful. Not just in our adult lives, but ever since our parents began teaching us how to speak, think and relate to the world.

Not just in the modern world, but as far back as history stretches to when the power-serving belief systems of societal structure and religion were promoted by kings and queens of old.

All of society, and all of ourselves, and indeed all of the thoughts in our heads, have been shaped by those in power to their benefit. This is the reality that we were born into, and our entire personality structure has been filtered through and shaped by it.

Related: Welcome To The Elite Apocalypse

For this reason, escaping from the power-serving propaganda Matrix necessarily means becoming a new creature altogether. The ideas, mental habits and ways of relating to the world which were formed in the Matrix are only useful for moving around inside of it.

In order to relate to life outside of the power-promulgated narratives which comprise the very fabric of society, you’ve got to create a whole new operating system for yourself in order to move through life independently of the old programming designed to keep you asleep and controlled.

So it’s hard work. You’ll make a lot of mistakes along the way, just like an infant slowly learning to walk. But, eventually, you get clear of the programming.

And then you’re ready to fight.

Related: The Great Transition: The Shadow Ruling Force Behind The Central Banks Secrecy Is Repugnant In A Free And Open Society

Because at some point in this process, you necessarily come upon a deep, howling rage within. Rage at the oligarchic manipulators of your species, yes, but also rage against manipulation in all its forms.

Rage against everyone who has ever tried to manipulate your narrative, to make you believe things about yourself or make other people believe things about you.

Rage against anyone who manipulates anyone else to any extent. When your eyes are clear manipulation stands out like a black fly on a white sheet of paper, and your entire system has nothing to offer it but revulsion and rejection.

So you set to work. You set to work throwing all attempts to manipulate you as far away from yourself as possible, and expunging anyone from your life who refuses to stop trying to control your narrative.

Advertising, mass media propaganda, establishment academia, everything gets purged from your life that wants to pull you back into the Matrix.

Related: Five Damaging Lies Advertisements Desperately Want You To Believe

And they will try to pull you back in. Because our narratives are so interwoven and interdependent with everyone else’s, and so inseparable from our sense of ourselves, your rejection of the narrative Matrix will present as an existential threat to many of your friends and loved ones.

You will see many people you used to trust, many of them very close to you, suddenly transform into a bunch of Agent Smiths right in front of your eyes, and they will shame you, guilt you, throw every manipulation tool they have at you to get you to plug the jack back into your brain.

But because your eyes are clear, you’ll see it all. You won’t be fooled.

And then all you’ll want is to tear down the Matrix from its very foundations and plunge its controllers into irrelevance.

You will set to work bringing down the propaganda prison that they have built up around your fellow humans in any way you can, bolt by bolt if you have to, because you know from your own experience that we are all capable of so much more than the puny gear-turning existence they’ve got everyone churning away at.

Related: Governments: The Enemy Of Freedom & Globalists Interviewed: They Admitted They Controlled The Government

You will despise the oligarchs for the obscene sacrilege that they have inflicted upon human majesty out of greed and insecurity, and you will make a mortal enemy of the entire machine that they have used to enslave our species.

And, because their entire kingdom is built upon maintaining the illusion of freedom and democracy, all they will have to fight back against you is narrative.

They’ll try to shame you into silence by calling you a conspiracy theorist, they’ll have their media goons and manipulators launch smear campaigns against you, but because your eyes are clear, none of that will work. They’ve got one weapon, and it doesn’t work on you.

Related: Former Facebook Executive: “You Don’t Realize It, But You Are Being Programmed” + Inventor Of The World Wide Web Warns Tech Giants Must Be Regulated, Or The ‘Net Will Plunge Into “Weaponization” That Harms Society

And you will set to work waking up humanity from the lie factory, using whatever skills you have, weakening trust in the mass media propaganda machine and opening eyes to new possibilities.

And while doing so, you will naturally shine big and bright so the others can find you.

And together, we’ll not only smash the narratives that imprison us like a human caterpillar swallowing the narrative bullshit and forcing it into the mouth of the next slave, but we’ll also create new narratives, better narratives, healthier narratives, for ourselves and for each other, about how the world is and what we want it to be.

Because here’s the thing: since it’s all narrative, anything is possible.

Those who see this have the ability to plunge toward health and human thriving without any regard for the made-up reasons why such a thing is impossible, and plant seeds of light which sprout in unprecedented directions that never could have been predicted by someone plugged into to establishment how-it-is stories.

Related: Once We Awaken

Together, we can determine how society will be. We can re-write the rules. We are re-writing the rules. It’s begun already.

Out of the white noise of a failing propaganda machine, a new world is being born, one that respects the autonomy of the individual and their right to self-determination.

One that respects our right to collaborate on large scales to create beautiful, healthy, helpful systems without the constant sabotage and disruption of a few power-hungry psychopaths who would rather rule than live.

One that respects our right to channel human ingenuity into harmony and human thriving instead of warfare and greed.

One that respects our right to take what we need, not just to survive but to thrive, and return it to the earth for renewal. One that respects the sovereign boundaries of not just ourselves and each other, but of the planet spaceship that we live in.

Unjack your cortex fully from the fear-soaked narratives of insanity, and let the true beauty of our real world flood your senses.

Let the grief of what we have unknowingly done send you crashing to your knees in sorrow. And when you’re ready, stand up. We have much work to do.

Related: The Fall And Rise Of Truth, Trust And Society’s Capacity For Wisdom

Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi

Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi

Core Edicts Of The Khazarian Zionist Mafia Top Command (Part III)
October 22 2018 | From: VeteransToday

A core edict of the Khazarian Zionist Mafia Top Command is to transform the masses into self-hating, self-defeating, mind-kontrolled dupes who can never understand what is being done to them by the Khazarian Zionist Mafia.

The Khazarian Zionist Mafia (KM) has an age-old inter-generational agenda, and it us necessary for the KM to maintain abject secrecy otherwise the masses will revolt with pitchforks:

Related: Core Edicts Of The Khazarian Mafia Top Command (Part II)

We now know for certain there is a method and an age-old inter-generational agenda behind the seeming madness and unimaginable evil of the KM’s Top Chieftains, the soulless criminal psychopaths that control the Khazarian Mafia and set USG policy.

"Yet the individual is handicapped by coming face to face with a conspiracy so monstrous he cannot believe it exists. The American mind simply has not come to a realization of the evil which has been introduced into our midst.

It rejects even the assumption that human creatures could espouse a philosophy which must ultimately destroy all that is good and decent.”

- FBI Director J. Edgar Hoover, The Elks Magazine, August 1956.

The Khazarian Zionist Mafia agenda is specific:

It is now known that the KM has a specific Agenda. That agenda is to establish the KM’s desired end state, a One-world Global NWO system governed by Lucifer. These Top KM Chieftains believe they will be regenerated to immortality upon the arrival of their descended master Lucifer.

And the Khazarian Zionist Mafia has a select set of methodologies deployed to attain this evil agenda:

And it is now known that the KM has a set of select methodologies used over the last 1,000 years to attain their agenda which is now close to attainment.

And these methodologies include sophisticated mind-kontrol, deployment of synthetic terror and manufactured wars, induced drug addiction slavery, Fiat debt slavery, and a general strategy of “divide and conquer” to create ongoing chaos.

They would perhaps already have attained their unimaginably evil agenda but for recent blockages due to the alternative news of the Internet and a spontaneously emerging populism inside America and Europe because of it.

In their quest to always improve their ability to spy on the masses, the Secret Shadow Government (SSG) which is a KM creation, set up the Internet, believing it would be the greatest spy tool yet devised.

That turned out to be true, but there was a serious side-effect that the Top Chieftains of the KM never expected. That was the quick emergence of the alternative media on the Internet and the steady increase in its users who left their Controlled Major Mass Media (CMMM) to habitually use it to get the news and to start researching current events as well as historical events of the past.

The KM countered this by setting up hundreds of misinformation websites. However, in order to gain any following at all they had to play the “limited hangout” game. They had to include a fair proportion of truth in their stories or no one would use their sites or be subject to any of their propaganda as “bad payloads”.

A lot of these misinformation websites supported by KM Cutouts and proprietaries would put out about 70-80% good info with a periodic very bad misinforming payload. Glenn Beck has been fingered by some as a typical example, others identify Alex Jones too, but there are likely many others. It is known that both periodically do carry some good stories too.

Top of the Pyramid kissing their god of the black sun Satan

Related: Understanding "Jewish" [Khazarian Zionist] Power

What ended up happening with many users was that they became so sophisticated in their processing and understanding of how the world really works that they were not fooled by this”limited hangout” strategy.

Many of these alternative news website users have been able to ignore the bad payloads and select the truth nuggets and connect these dots from many different websites in their heads, and come up with composites of what is really happening that are fairly accurate.

Plus, there are some alternative media websites like Veterans Today or Rense.com which are often the first to dump serious hidden facts and Intel out there for all to use as they wish.

What is the specific end game for the Top Chieftains of the Khazarian Zionist Mafia? 

These Select Few KM criminal psychopaths believe that as they seat Lucifer in their NWO temple in Jerusalem to be their ruling world master, they will personally be transformed into eternal gods, and will rule the universe forever with their master Lucifer.

Related: Khazarians Then, Khazarians Now

The sad fact is that this Khazarian Mafia is just the current expression of this secret sect of Luciferians, going back all the way to ancient Babylonia and beyond. It is the Order of the Snake, but has many other names and is ancient Baal worship driven by a set of root beliefs called Babylonian Talmudism, but it is also known as Luciferianism, Satanism, High Freemasonry, OTO, and many more.

The big problem the KM’s top Chieftains now face is the fact that slowly but surely the masses are finding out about who they are specifically and what their evil agenda is.

Should these KM Top Chieftains be surprised when Goyim find out about this and want them indicted, arrested, jailed and executed for a whole laundry list of unimaginably evil capital crimes including mass-murder, war crimes, terrorism and crimes against humanity, and before the KM can complete its notoriously anti-human, anti-Goyim Globalist NWO Agenda?

More Actual Core Belief Patterns of the KM Top Chieftains

The actual core belief patterns of the KM Top Chieftains are based on their deep Babylonian Talmudic (Luciferian/Satanic) values
which they use to determine their Core Edicts by which they establish policies while sitting at the top of their pyramidal Establishment Hierarchy.

The actual core belief patterns of the KM Top Chieftains is an age old secret of these inbred “bloodline” families that form the nexus of the Khazarians and old black nobility. It is allegedly all based on their common secret occult network which insiders call the “Order of the Snake”.

Others have called it the Black Sun, the Reich of the Black Sun, the Great Dragon (the alien ET beast, Draco), the Serpent”, but they all represent the Order of the Snake and ancient Babylonian Talmudism, aka secret Baal worship.

It has been reported that this occult network which covers most of the world, is nothing more than the deep secret of the worldwide Satanic Cult network that is centered in the USA, the UK and Europe that serves up little kids to pedophiles to abuse and more than rarely tortures and sacrifices them.

Here is a secretly recorded, later leaked video clip from a High Freemason ritual in which the first part involved hired women to provide “special” entertainment. You can only guess what is not included in this video clip, former High Freemasons who have attended such special meetings have suggested that these events ended up getting pretty spicy with top floors of expensive hotels rented and prepaid high class hookers for all.

The UK is run by High Freemasonry top to bottom, the police, the courts, the government and this is a poorly kept secret.

In America a lot of these institutions are run by smaller numbers of High Freemasons and OTO members, but this is a closely guarded secret. Some are openly members of the Satanic / Pedophile network that traffics in child sex victims over the whole western world and much of the rest of the world too.

Related: The Jesuits & The Vatican

Hitler and his top Nazi command were deeply involved in the Reich of the Black Sun, believed by some researchers to be covert Satanism. Some researchers believe human sacrifice rituals were done in the basement pit of Wewelsberg Castle. And during a short time, it was reported that 17,000 political prisoners were sacrificed in a special building that had hydraulically operated guillotines.

"The only reference I could find was a UK story that documented 16,500 executions by guillotine, but no mention of the hydraulic guillotines."

The Core Edicts of the KM Top Chieftains are oriented to managing Western institutions and culture in such a way to mind-kontrol and manipulate the masses and We The People become dirtied up with drugs and alcohol and self-defeating, shameful behaviors.

But these destructive behaviors also appear to cause individuals to self-hate, self-abuse further, and can lead also individuals to become self-defeating enemies of themselves, their families and society. This of course makes the KM’s attainment of their evil Globalist NWO Agenda so much easier.

In order for the Khazarian Zionist Mafia to attain it Globalist NWO Agenda, the KM must attain its goals:

Destruction of normal male female sex roles;

Diversity, perversity and political correctness as the “new normal”;

Loss of American borders, culture and language;

Out of control medical costs and costs of living due to inflation built created and mandated by the private Federal Reserve System;

No more living wages for employment;

The destruction of the family unit;

No more interest on saving and investments that will match the inflation caused by FRS FIAT “fake money”;

Massive unemployment and no more job security;

The end of unions;

And massive taxation, massive debt slavery and usurious credit card loans;

Corruption of the Judiciary and discarding of the US Constitution by the USG and the Judiciary at all levels;

Proliferation of weird occult networks and sometimes secret promotion of strange blood practices to extend the life of the rich super-elites;

Massive weapons and drug trafficking into American Urban centers by the CIA and the promotion of gangs and use of terror entrapment ops to gain more central power and taxpayer financing;

Socially engineered massive addiction to legal and illegal drugs and alcohol to promote gangs, foment massive chaos, and to destroy the general morality and character of the American Masses;

A generally poor and completely irrelevant public education system secretly designed inside the beltway to dumb kids down and make them good KM mind-kontrolled debt-slaves;

To poison the food and water with GMOs and endocrine disruptors;

To over-vaccinate with toxic vaccines that often cause mini-strokes and autism spectrum disorders in alarmingly high rates in innocent children unable to give adequate consent for themselves with parents too dumbed-down to know better; and

To entrain the masses through super high tech psychotronic induction means, including orbital based Helium 3 powered scalar transmitters, use of cell phone systems and WI-FI, mass-mind-kontrol through TV “programming”, as well as certain secretly deployed ELF ground wave systems and the little understood Lilly waves which can be transmitted through the power grid.

But all these KM curses being deployed against the American Masses have only been able to be deployed because they first got control of almost every single institution, including those of the Federal and State governments, the Judiciary, the Congress, private business, the NGOs and private foundations and think-tanks, the Administration, the High Military Command, American Intel and a now largely militarized LE system absorbed by the new KM-created and -run Homeland Security (DHS).

Related: The Khazarian Mafia’s System Of Cartels

"Unless people wake up soon and start standing against these KM monsters en masse at every level inside and outside the governments and even within the KM itself, the West will be soon destroyed, depopulated by 90% and there will be no future for our young children at all."

Your mind is always the main target of the Top Command of the Khazarian Zionist Mafia, then your assets and then your very life...

Without the Earth shattering disclosures made by Gordon Duff at the International Counterterrorism Conference in 2014, you would never be reading about the Khazarian Mafia by name anywhere on the Internet, even here.

It was VT Chairman Gordon Duff that first disclosed that the root cause of so-called “world terrorism” was actually the world’s largest organized crime syndicate.

Gordon Duff did not specifically name this world’s largest organized crime syndicate in the first part of his speech which was unclassified and made public. Within minutes of its delivery, this historical ground-breaking speech was scrutinized by every major government and Intel agency, and sent shock-waves around the world.

A short time later it was VT’s Financial Editor and Talk Show host Mike Harris that named this world’s largest organized crime syndicate publicly for the first time ever, and referred to it specifically by its proper name as the Khazarian Mafia. 

Without these bold first-time disclosures of Gordon Duff and Mike Harris, VT readers would not have been able to connect the dots and begin to understand what the Khazarian Mafia (KM) is or how it has parasitized America and most of the world.

Comment: Some of these statements are a bit blow-hard, as many have been aware of the 'New World Order' agenda for some time now. All these people really have done is to identify the Khazarian / Zionist element.

Nor would they be able to understand what the KM has done to rise to such world power and where it is within striking distance to take down the whole world and complete its evil Globalist NWO one-world agenda.

And without these bold disclosures you would continue seeing and feeling the negative effects of this world’s largest organized crime syndicate the KM everywhere in your daily life, but you would not know its name, its history, its composition, what empowers it.

Nor would you understand what the overall agenda of this world’s largest organized crime syndicate is. And this syndicate’s agenda just happens to be asset stripping, induced death, war and destruction for profit, power, and world domination, all intended to produce Globalist NWO one-world government end-state run by this world’s largest organized crime syndicate.

Related: The Khazarian Bankster Cult That Hijacked The World & Worthless Pieces Of Paper - Interest On Fake Money Is Confiscating Your Freedom

And it is now pretty clear that without the emergence of some very high level, very informed and very disgusted Intel Cowboys from all over the world, there would be no major leaks of the secret evil that the Khazarian Mafia (KM) has been perpetrating all over the world and in America, their home economic and military base.

The KM has always known that if various renegade Intel disclosed their secret evil this could be a serious threat to their syndicate’s power.

"That is why they set up so many advanced procedures to compartmentalize all areas of Intel - the higher you go, the more narrow the scope."

This has all been done in an effort to keep high ranking Intel from connecting the dots and understanding that they are working as part of system to destroy their own nation, their own families and humankind itself.

Because when some Intel gain too much information about the KM crimes committed under the cover of invoked “national security” a certain percentage will secretly rebel. That secret rebellion can take the form of sandbagging (working hard but producing little) or leaking damaging information through various complex means.

In recent years Intel Cowboys from all over the world have rebelled because they could not accept the big picture they discovered in their jobs. Some have organized into groups which have become such powerful factions that are able to openly speak out and resist the evils of the Khazarian Zionist Mafia.

It is now known beyond any shadow of a doubt that the KM Top Chieftains who sit at the top of the pyramidal Establishment Hierarchy are the top policy-makers and maintain a set of Core Edicts upon which they base their policy mandates on. These are reflected in USG Laws and most large corporate policies.

This series of articles has disclosed many of their Core Edicts. It’s a fact that the Top Chieftains of the KM control the CIA and other Intel agencies and use so-called “National Security” as cover for their crimes.

The KM cannot continue to exist without their ability to maintain abject secrecy and everyday the Internet, the world’s New Gutenberg Press is eroding that secrecy.

Use of National Security as cover for these serious RICO and International crimes by the KM is itself a most serious crime against the USA, We The People and the World.

The KM is the biggest RICO crime syndicate in America and commits the most serious US and International crimes ever.

Some of these crimes are so serious that they are almost unimaginable such as engineered staged wars with millions of dead and wounded with many are innocent civilians, women and children.

Right now the main Intel agency used by the KM inside America is the Central Intelligence Agency. The CIA is bifurcated and employs many innocent analysts and agents who collect Intel by various means but do not engage in evil, anti-human covert operations.

But there is an evil covert part of the CIA which engages in frequent wetwork, abroad and inside the USA, massive mind-kontrol operations against We The People using super high tech Psychotronics, working with the US Military to traffick in trillions of dollars of illegal narcotics and weapons to raise “off the books” black ops money.

Limitless off-the-books Black Ops money underwrites synthetic terror and advances fascistic agendas

Related: Shocking Government Report Finds $6.5 Trillion In Taxpayer Funds "Unaccounted For"

"But the most important function that the CIA and the other Intel agencies that are completely controlled by the KM are the covert operations deployed to create synthetic terror, fake enemies, which are needed to start wars and justify huge military deployments. Mercenaries are hired for this, but there are even more sinister methods used."

Saudi Arabia has always provided a great deal of funding to pick up young orphans off the street and place them in special schools to raise them and mind-kontrol them to function as crazed, suicidal terrorist bombers, painted as Islamic extremists.

These mind-kontrolled subjects can then be triggered anytime they are needed to sacrifice themselves and produce the mass terror needed to start wars and justify more and more centralization of KM power exhibited as invisible Secret Shadow Government (SSG) power and visible USG power.

The Khazarian Zionist Mafia Top Chieftains love to consolidate institutions, and industries in order centralize power and make it much easier for themselves to exert control over the USG and We The People.

That is why they used their Gladio-style, inside-job false-flag attack on America on 9-11-01 as an excuse to consolidate all American Alphabets and Law Enforcement into one centralized hierarchy they labelled Homeland Security (DHS). The name “Homeland Security” itself a mockery of the US Constitution and everything our Founding Fathers fought for in the Revolutionary War.

This new Centralized hierarchical control of all such agencies by the KM’s Top Chieftains makes it easy for the KM to implement their Core Edicts as USG policies (many remaining secret, some made public).

These Top Chieftains of course installed perverted, deeply compromised doofuses at the head of DHS to run it, soulless dupes who will do whatever the KM Top Chieftains mandate, no matter the US Constitution and common decency.

Related: Trump: Reminder, The Only Evidence Of Russian 'Collusion' Is By Hillary & The DNC + The Mechanics Of Democratic Deception

Anyone who crosses them significantly gets whacked by their soulless wetboy teams, usually “arkencided”, a term that arose because of all the Dixie Mafia murders for the CIA surrounding the Mena operation and the Clintons.

The term “arkencide” is when the CIA wetboys murder a whistle-blower or someone deemed as a potential threat for knowing too much that they could become an unnecessary risk later on, or someone who has stepped outside allowed parameters.

In the typical arkencide, it is customary for local police to stand-down at the request of Intel and for a crooked coroner and mortuary to be used. Absurd circumstances are knowingly created to serve as a warning message to anyone else who might be tempted to step outside of allowed parameters.

Here is the bottom line of the Core Edicts of the KM Top Chieftains: To foment large criminal operations to make vast fortunes by which they plan to buy up the whole world and run it themselves, step by step.

These operations include: massive counterfeiting (their own private Fiat Currency rented out to the American users); massive illegal drug trafficking; massive illegal and legal arms trafficking; massive money laundering; bust out schemes against the American People using color of law like the S&L scam, the Enron Scam, the Mortgage Bubble/MERS scam, and the “Bailouts”; Wall Street Plunge Protection Street scam where the USG has acquired about 1/2 of all US stocks through proprietaries, thus driving the stock prices up synthetically; sophisticated eugenics programs to promote obesity, disease and mass death in order to thin the herd by 90%; a secret space war program and secret alliances with certain Alien ET groups; electronic weather control and warfare; and last but the most important operation, large scale psychotronic mind-kontrol.

This Jesse Ventura interview with Dr. Robert Duncan can not be embedded in this article, but for the time being can be watched here.


The bottom line is that the KM is driven by an unimaginably evil inter-generational Globalist NWO Agenda to create a one-world government run by them alone.

Their power is gained and exercised through their counterfeit FIAT Money Power. They have been able to capture most of the world in their spider web of fake money which is nothing but printed and issued debt notes.

And the rest of the world is now catching on, especially the Russian Federation and China. Khadafy caught on, and the KM murdered him and plundered his nation through US Dept. of State doofus Cutouts.

Assad and Syria have caught on and the KM is working overtime trying to depose Assad and destroy Syria’s infrastructure and Putin and the Russian Federation have now completely checkmated the KM in Syria and have decimated the KM/Israeli/USG created ISIS mercenaries.

Related: Western Media Finally Investigates Alleged Chemical Attack In Syria And Finds “No Evidence” + There’s A Good
Chance We’re Being Lied To About The Chemical Attack In Syria

Iran has caught on and you can bet that the Russian Federation will also protect this ally from KM destruction like they have Syria. The whole world is now closing in on the KM, and it’s going to be a battle to the end; the KM is going to go down hard, but it will go down.

The KM’s game has always been to take over the whole world and rule it themselves as kings running a feudal kingdom, with everyone else their serfs and slaves – at least those remaining 10% who have not all been mass murdered by the time they plan to exercise complete world control.

To complete their evil Globalist NWO one-world Agenda, the KM must continue creating massive wars and running large scale international organized crime scams. They must control the lives and hearts and minds of We The People and convince us that our serfdom is desirable, or at least we are powerless to do anything about it.

Every day the KM’s control is waning, as more and more of their Colossal lies are revealed. We are now all in a race to the finish point, there is only room for one victor, We the People or the Top Chieftains of the Khazarian Mafia. You can be sure of this one thing however.

"If the KM were to have won and complete their agenda they would whack all their doofus Cutouts because they would no longer need them. None of these folks would ever expect such a result, but it’s a given if the KM would have won this battle for Planet earth."

Looking at you John - you are just "the help" - no matter what your higher-up psychopaths have sold you in on

Yes, it’s now a major race between the KM’s efforts to control
the people and the people’s public activism to expose these large scale KM crimes anstop them before they mass-murder most of us.

If We The People lose this battle, darkness will ded scend completely over America and the rest of the world.

Putin and the Russian Federation and the Chinese are now hip to this KM evil Agenda and have created a major financial firewall against the KM consisting of the BRICS Nations, the AIIB and new Chinese money wire system and the coming silk road railway and commerce lanes.

In time, this will likely produce an end to the US Petro Dollar as the world’s exchange currency, and may push America over a financial cliff. That alone could mean the end of the KM hegemony.

How much better it would be if We The People rose up at every level and organized to take control of our government before that happens.

Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi

Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi

Why The Coordinated Alternative Media Purge Should Terrify Everyone
October 21 2018 | From: TheOrganicPrepper

Soon Those Who Hate Freedom Will Have Unquestioned Access to the Minds of 2 Billion People.

The hunt for the fountain of youth and the ability to please and summon the gods to alter the weather so that rain may fall and crops may grow, have encouraged barbaric rituals, propelled sciences to greater heights, and motivated wars and conflict causing the rise and fall of empires.

Related: CNN Founder Ted Turner Bashes CNN

Recently, the alternative media purge was boldly advanced in a coordinated effort to silence people who dissent from establishment views. It’s just one more step toward a monopoly on information by those who hate freedom.

At this rate, they’ll soon have unquestioned access to the minds of more than 2 billion people. And this should terrify everyone who wants to be free to question the status quo and to seek a wide range of information.

Hundreds of alternative media site administrators logged onto Facebook to discover that their accounts had been removed. Soon after, many of these sites and their writers found that their Twitter accounts had also been suspended.

Popular pages like The AntiMedia (2.1 million fans), The Free Thought Project (3.1 million fans), Press for Truth (350K fans),  Police the Police (1.9 million fans), Cop Block (1.7 million fans), and Punk Rock Libertarians (125K fans) are just a few of the ones which were unpublished.

Why Were These Alternative Media Accounts Removed?

The reason given doesn’t really add up.

Facebook told the LA Times that these pages had violated the company’s spam policies.

Today, we’re removing 559 Pages and 251 accounts that have consistently broken our rules against spam and coordinated inauthentic behavior,” the company said in a blog post. “

People will only share on Facebook if they feel safe and trust the connections they make here.”


Related: Leaked Google Internal Memo Reveals Google Has Decided to Deep-Six Free Speech

But this isn’t actually what their spam policy says. Here’s the policy.

“We work hard to limit the spread of commercial spam to prevent false advertising, fraud, and security breaches, all of which detract from people’s ability to share and connect. We do not allow people to use misleading or inaccurate information to collect likes, followers, or shares.

Do Not:

Artificially increase distribution for financial gain

Create or use fake accounts or compromise other people’s accounts to

Impersonate or pretend to be a business, organization, public figure, or private individual

Attempt to create connections, create content, or message people

Restrict access to content by requiring people to like, share, or recommend before viewing

Encourage likes, shares, or clicks under false pretenses

Maliciously use login credentials or personally identifiable information by:

Attempting to gather or share login credentials or personally identifiable information

Using another person’s login credentials or personally identifiable information

Promise non-existent Facebook features."

- Source

The Washington Post originally said that these pages were purged for “pushing political messages for profit” as you can see here.

But of course, since they too push political messages for profit (waaah, Trump!) as do all the other corporate media outlets out there, they changed their headline to “Facebook purged over 800 U.S. accounts and pages for pushing political spam.”

The fact that many of these accounts were also suspended by Twitter shortly thereafter should tell you that this is a coordinated effort to silence large swaths of the population.

Related: The Mainstream Media Lies

Of course, The Best Coverage of This is From… Russia

Sputnik News contacted many of the alternative journalists who were purged to get their take on what happened. You may recall that basically every blogger outside the establishment media was accused of being secretly Russian during the 2016 election by the Washington Post, so perhaps actual Russians have a vested interest in the truth coming out on this topic.

My friend John Vibes is an amazing person who contributes to The Free Thought Project. He said:

This signifies a re-consolidation of the media. Cable news media controlled the narrative for most of modern history, but the internet has lowered that barrier to entry and allowed the average person to become the media themselves.

This obviously took market share and influence away from the traditional media, and it has allowed for a more diverse public conversation. Now it seems the platforms that have monopolized the industry are favoring mainstream sources and silencing alternative voices.

So now, instead of allowing more people to have a voice, these platforms are creating an atmosphere where only powerful media organizations are welcome, just as we had on cable news.

People think that we are just providing an activist spin on the news, but they don’t see the families struggling to have their voice heard. For example, when someone is shot by police, mainstream media sources often just republish the press release from the police department, without presenting the victim’s side of the story.

We give the victims and their families a voice, which is essential to keep power in check
. This also goes for bigger issues like foreign policy as well; multiple full-scale invasions of Syria have been prevented because of information that the alternative media made viral.

- Source

Nicholas Bernabe of The AntiMedia is another alternative journalist I consider a friend and support wholeheartedly. He’s worked tirelessly to be a voice of truth in a world of lies.

Related: Trump On Establishment Media: “Truth Doesn’t Matter To Them” & Leaked 49-Page Memo Documents How George Soros Is Behind Social Media Censorship

He told Sputnik:

Our approach generally is to cover stories and angles that corporate media underreport or misreport and to amplify activist and anti-war voices and stories. All of our content is professionally fact-checked and edited.

I got into this line of work because I felt there was a need for media that challenged mainstream assumptions and biases in politics. I wanted to shed light on corruption and wrongdoing against oppressed peoples and cover the harsh truth about American foreign policy.

Over the last 28 days, we reached 7,088,000 people on Facebook.

The timing of this purge is rather dubious in my view, coming shortly before the midterm elections. This could be an attempt by Facebook itself to affect the outcome of the coming elections. The Twitter suspension caught me by surprise. I can only speculate that these suspensions were a coordinated effort to stifle our message ahead of the coming elections."

- Source

Remember, this is coordinated, across multiple platforms.

Remember When This Happened to Alex Jones?

Back in September, an assault was led by YouTube, Google, and Facebook against Alex Jones of Infowars fame. All of his accounts were shut down in quick succession, followed by his credit card processing companies and his newsletter service providers. I wrote at the time, “Alex Jones is just the beginning of this purge. It’s going to get much worse.”

Meanwhile, other dissenting voices were being silenced on social media with limited reach and “shadow banning.”

Infowars is a massive profit machine. But what happens when similar attacks are launched on smaller alternative media outlets? It hits us right in the wallet. And if they’re hit hard enough, they’ll cease to be able to function.

Jones has a lot of money so this may not be the end of him, but for most website owners, this would be the absolute end of our ability to do business. And to be able to bring the information we bring, we do have to run our websites as businesses.

It’s far more expensive than most people realize to run a site. I know that my own operating costs every month are more than $2000.

A site as big as Jones’s would be many times that amount. When all your avenues of monetization are cut off, it wouldn’t be hard for a site – and the dissent and information they share – to cease to exist."


Related: A Reasonable Assertion: Google Is Dying

This is not just about Facebook or Twitter. It’s about the ability to find dissenting information, period. Google is in on it too. A leaked document from Google supported the idea of censorship.

Another Google document has found its way into the public domain, this time through Breitbart. The news publication reports that an 85-page briefing entitled “The Good Censor,” advises tech companies to “police tone instead of content” and to not “take sides” when censoring users…

Google might continue to shift with the times – changing its stance on how much or how little it censors (due to public, governmental or commercial pressures). If it does, acknowledgment of what this shift in position means for users and for Google is essential. Shifting blindly or silently in one direction or another rightly incites users’ fury…

The Google “internal research” even quotes outside experts like George Soros who express justification of censorship in non-U.S. markets, noting that Google should police “tone instead of content” and “censor everyone equally,” as Breitbart put it.

- Source

There are 2 trillion Google searches per day. PER. DAY.

That should give you an idea of the power of something like Google. Combine it with billions of Facebook and Twitter users and you can easily see the influence wielded here.

This is where free thought goes to die.

Ron Paul Reminds Us That Truth is Treason

Ron Paul, former congressman and the libertarian voice of reason, said when Jones was purged:

You get accused of treasonous activity and treasonous speech because in an empire of lies the truth is treason,” Paul told the Russia-based news outlet. “Challenging the status quo is what they can’t stand and it unnerves them, so they have to silence people.”

“Some of us tell the truth about our government, they call us treasonous and say we’re speaking out of line and they’d like to punish us, and I think that’s part of what’s happening with social media,” Paul told RT, adding that he hopes anti-government or anti-war voices can eliminate their “dependency” on the current social media platforms.

“I’m just hoping that technology can stay ahead of it all and that we can have real alternatives to the dependency on Twitter and other companies that have been working hand in glove with the government,” Paul added.

- Source

Here’s a video from last month with Dr. Paul’s thoughts about the social media purge. In it, he reminds us that Facebook is a private entity so they do have every right to remove the pages they wish.

The danger – and the area in which this treads on the First Amendment – is their direct ties to the government.

This affects everyone.

If you’re reading this and you shrug because you, personally, don’t have a Twitter or Facebook account, you’re missing the bigger point.

Consider the fact that the “population” of Facebook is bigger than the populations of the US, China, and Brazil combined.

That’s how many people will now only receive one side of the story on things like war, politics, guns, and current events. People will believe what they’re told because there is no alternative information presented. There are no questions asked. It’s literally the textbook definition of brainwashing.

Definition of brainwashing 

1A forcible indoctrination to induce someone to give up basic political, social, or religious beliefs and attitudes and to accept contrasting regimented ideas

2Persuasion by propaganda or salesmanship.

- Source

Here’s an article from Psychology Today that discusses how Facebook is, in fact, brainwashing people for profit.

Social media is a massive source of information and influence today. If the information is rigged by entities that support socialism, gun control, and the end of privacy, we’re doomed. 2.2 billion active users will be bombarded with these messages without any real option for the other side of the story.

So regardless of whether you, personally, participate, this will color popular sentiment to a massive degree. It will grow the cognitive dissonance that assures people of things like “the government is your friend” and that “you don’t need to protect yourself, the police will take care of you.”

Related: Chrome 69 Is a Full-Fledged Assault on User Privacy

People who hate freedom will get unfettered access to the minds of 2 billion people. That should scare the crap out of you.

What can you do about the alternative media purge?

It’s possible but unlikely that social pressure on Facebook and Twitter will push the outlets into restoring the accounts of these alternative media networks. But even if they are restored, I suspect their reach will dwindle even further.

The truth is getting harder and harder to find. You’re going to have to dig for it.

We’re watching the biggest campaign against freedom of speech and thought that has ever occurred in our part of the world.

The alternative media purge is just the beginning. And we should all be very concerned.

Related: The Mainstream Media Lies

Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi

Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi

When Plutocrats Own The Weather & Nobody Is Buying The “Climate Change” Hoax Anymore
October 20 2018 | From: MyEClinik

There are at least two notable human pursuits that have endured across the ages, i.e. physical immortality and the ability to tame nature.

The hunt for the fountain of youth and the ability to please and summon the gods to alter the weather so that rain may fall and crops may grow, have encouraged barbaric rituals, propelled sciences to greater heights, and motivated wars and conflict causing the rise and fall of empires.

Related: Green Gestapo Says You're Mentally Ill If You Challenge Climate Change + Over 30,000 Scientists Say 'Catastrophic Man-Made Global Warming' Is A Complete Hoax And Science Lie

Such is the frailty of man, ignorant about his own spiritual immortality, oblivious about his being part of Nature, herself immortal and godly. So, he ventured upon the complete control of Science and all the technological advancements only for himself and himself alone.

At least 100 years ago, humanity has already acquired the ability to control all planetary parameters, e.g. weather engineering, longevity, fuel less engines and light speed travel, which should qualify us as a Type 1 civilization.

But, as the old adage says, “a little knowledge is very dangerous,” his incomplete understanding of himself and Nature pushes him to misuse the ability to control the weather to eliminate others as if his eventual exclusive reign on the planet would make him immortal.

The present empire is far resilient than its predecessors combined. That’s because it has mastered the art of controlling the mind above all other sciences.

We, too, are equally irresponsible to have allowed the reign of these plutocrats who have not toiled to make these scientific achievements a reality.  We fall for the deceptive excuse of climate change, overpopulation, silly concept of god’s will, and the unbreakable limits of dogmatic science.

We consented to the madness of the unwise.

"Here is the Bureau of Reclamation’s promotional video entitled “ Mountain Skywater” discussing the effectiveness of the US. government program.

Weather Warfare, March 20, 1967 - July 5, 1972

Operation Popeye first came to public light in March 1971, when reporter Jack Anderson published a story based on a secret 1967 memo from the Joint Chiefs of Staff to President Johnson. The memo read:  “Laos operations – Continue as at present plus Pop Eye to reduce the trafficability [sic] along infiltration routes & Authorization requested to implement operational phase of weather modification process previously successful tested and evaluated in some area”. (US Senate, Subcommittee on Oceans and International Environment; 26 July 1972; p. 5).

Members of Congress pressed the Pentagon to unveil details of the weather modification program. Senator Claiborne Pell, chairman of the Senate Subcommittee on Oceans and International Environment, and later chairman of the Foreign Relations Committee, was the engine behind that effort, although there were others, both in the Senate and the House, who devoted energy to it.

Rainmaking operations were a source of concern not only because the impact of the operations themselves, but because they were seen as opening the door to a new and dangerous type of warfare. Severe rains and typhoons in North Vietnam in 1971 added to concern, a link to the U.S. cloud seeding operations was suspected.   According to Pell:

Rainmaking as a weapon of war can only lead to the development of vastly more dangerous environmental techniques whose consequences may be unknown and may cause irreparable damage to our global environment. This is why the United States must move quickly to ban all environmental or geophysical modification techniques from the arsenals of war.

(US Senate, Subcommittee on Oceans and International Environment; July 26, 1972; p. 4)

On 23 September 1971, Pell sent a letter to the Defense Department requesting information on Operation Popeye. After waiting 4 months to answer, the Defense Department declined to reply on the basis that it would threaten national security. (US Senate, Subcommittee on Oceans and International Environment; 26 July 1972; p. 4). Testifying to the Senate on 18 April 1972, Secretary of Defense Melvin Laird denied any weather modification in Northern Vietnam, saying “we have never engaged in that type of activity over Northern Vietnam.”

(Quoted in: US Senate, Subcommittee on Oceans and International Environment; March 20, 1974; p. 109.).

Laird wasn’t the only official whose 1972 weather modification testimony was untruthful.

Benjamin Forman, a senior Department of Defense lawyer, reiterated Laird’s denial later that year: “We have not, as Secretary Laird has previously said, ever engaged in weather modification activities in Northern Vietnam.”

At the same hearing, the Deputy Director of the US Arms Control and Disarmament Agency had similar difficulties. Asked by Senator Pell if rainmaking projects had been approved by Laos and Thailand, Philip Farley replied: “I don’t wish even to admit, sir, that there were such projects.” [13]

The Vietnam war’s cloud-seeding bombs were made at Naval Air Weapons Station China Lake, California.

International Ban on Weather Warfare and (some) transparency in Weather Modification

As a result of the weather warfare over Vietnam and the lies told by top brass at the U.S. military during Congressional testimony, an international ban on weather warfare was drafted and signed in 1978 and numerous weather modification reporting laws were passed in the United States of America.

Weather Modification Reporting Act of 1972 – Public Law 92-205  “AN ACT To provide for the reporting of weather modification activities to the Federal Government” [14] 15 CFR Part 908 — “Maintaining Records and Submitting Reports on Weather Modification Activities” [15] – NOAA reporting forms [16][17]

National Weather Modification Policy Act of 1976 – Public Law 94-490 “AN ACT To authorize and direct tlie Secretary of Commerce to develop a national policy on weather modification, and for other purposes” [18] 15 U.S. Code Chapter 9A – “Weather Modification Activities or Attempts; Reporting Requirement” [19]

ENMOD 1978Convention on the Prohibition of Military or Any Other Hostile Use of Environmental Modification Techniques –  International ban on weather modification for the purpose of warfare. [20]

In addition, Congress ordered a full accounting of weather modification activities across the United States of America.

Weather Modification: Programs, Problems, Policy, and Potential – Prepared at the Request of Hon. Howard W. Cannon, Chairman Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation, United States Senate [21]

Summary of Weather Modification Activities Reported in 1979, U.S. Department of Commerce, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration Office of Research and Development [22]’

Cloud seeding went from invention, to nationwide experimentation, and finally weaponization in less than thirty years.”

Related: How Texas Stole California’s Rain!

While they manipulate the weather to support the global warming, or climate change false narratives, they are also establishing trillion dollar industries that would reduce carbon emissions, on top of the the carbon taxes floated before, all purposely to siphon funds from UN member countries into their pockets.

“The heart of the issue (for those who need it elaborated) is this: the future of $90 trillion of energy infrastructure investments and the $1 trillion green bond market and the multi-trillion dollar carbon trading market and the $391 billion (and growing) climate finance industry hangs in the balance.

Of course it does. What else explains the convergence of interest in the organizations, structures and mechanisms for global governance that the magical global thermostat narrative affords?

It’s why Enron and Goldman Sachs pioneered the emissions trading swindles (that–surprise, surprise!–are a complete and total fraud from top to bottom).

It’s why General Electric, DuPont, Johnson & Johnson, Pepsi, Siemens, AIG and a host of other Fortune 500/CFR companies joined BP, ConocoPhillips, GM and a host of other oiligarch companies as founding members of the US Climate Action Partnership whose “Blueprint for Legislative Action” became the backbone of the Wall Street-backed Waxman-Markey bill of 2009.

It’s why the Rockefellers and Rothschilds are at the forefront of the climate hysteria.

It’s why over 400 global institutional investors worth over $25 trillion have decided to cash in on the bonanza with their “Investment Platform for Climate Actions.”

Heck, it’s why EDF, Engie, Air France, Renault, BNP Paribas and a host of other oiligarch companies footed 20% of the bill for the Paris conference itself (and why the French government bent over backwards to point out their “green” credentials).

Take just one structural element of the climate swindle: the Green Climate Fund. Never heard of it? Hardly surprising. It’s just the facility through which the UN is expected to be clearing $100 billion in climate funding per year by the end of the decade. That’s right: $100 billion per year. Every year.

The Fund was established at the 2010 edition of the UN Climate Conference (COP16) in Mexico in order “to support concrete mitigation actions by developing countries that are implemented in a transparent way,” which is UN Newspeak for “create a bottomless trough of pork for corrupt kleptocrats, bureaucrats, kakistocrats and tyrants to siphon off before funneling some loose change into some makework projects.”

And it brags that it represents “a new and equitable form of global governance to respond to the global challenge of climate change” which you hardly need the globalist decoder to figure out.

The Fund is headquartered in the Songdo Business District of Incheon, South Korea, because the Korean Secretary-General of the UN and the Korean President of the World Bank probably just threw darts at a map (since, as we all know, blatant political nepotism never happens at those institutions).

Even the Fund’s biggest supporters are criticizing the “transparent way” it is handling its first disbursement. The Fund claims it consulted indigenous communities before approving $6.2 million for a Peruvian wetlands resilience programme, but there is no verification that this ever took place. Worse, details of the projects it has decided to fund so far have not been publicly released, only proposal documents (and in two cases, only a summary).

But for those who still believe this money is being handled by angels with nothing but the best interests of humanity in mind, note this passage from the Nature article on the Fund’s shadiness:

“For some, another contentious issue is that the GCF is flowing its money mainly through international organizations, such as multilateral or private banks such as the World Bank and Deutsche Bank — rather than sending it directly to institutions in developing countries where the projects are taking place.”

For some? You mean, for people with their head screwed on straight?

Oh, and the kicker? The Fund’s Executive Director just happens to be an ex-Citibank investment banker. Who woulda thunk it?

Yes, the global climate swindle is well under way, brought to you by the same trustworthy folks in the banking industry and in the Fortune 500 / CFR / globalist jetset who have been steering us into the happy economic, political and environmental conditions that we enjoy today…”

Corbett Report: And Now For The 100 Trillion Dollar Bankster Climate Swindle…

Not only that they’ll gain considerable “liquidity,” but also justify the need to reduce the population, the number one source of carbon emissions according to vaccine advocate Bill Gates.

All is well and good in Kleptoland until the non-aligned nations on Earth, together with the BRICS Collective, started planning for the systematic downfall of the Bilderbergers, by moving away from fiat dollar, among other strategic covert measures now forcing the Western Oligarchy to sit on the table with Russia about the Syrian issue, and the successful conclusion of the Iran Nuclear Deal.

This is the cause why those who have expressed commitment to the Paris Climate Conference last year are not about to put substance to the “save the planet” rhetoric yet.

“If there’s any bright spot in all of this it’s that so far the Fund has only managed to raise just over $10 billion in pledges from the developed countries. And even that is an inflated number which includes the $3 billion which Obama made a big show of pledging in 2014 but so far hasn’t actually delivered. It’s a long way to go to get to that $100 billion/year mark they’re hoping to reach by 2020.

Don’t feel too sorry for the globalists, though. Their game is a war of attrition, and as long as people continue to buy into the narrative that all of this money is going to help the poor and downtrodden (by way of the UN and the World Bank and their corporate crony Wall Street financial institutions) then it’s only a matter of time before this thin edge of climate cronyism turns into the full wedge of global kleptocracy.”

Corbett Report: And Now For The 100 Trillion Dollar Bankster Climate Swindle…

They are now waiting for the unfolding of something big, hopefully within the next quarter, or the second half of this year.

The recent defeat of the Rothschild Khazarian Mafia in the Middle East, the global crime syndicate that controlled world finance and corporate governments around the world for the last 80 years, or so, has also crippled its ability to control the “climate change” narrative as the coercion factor dissipates.

Although, there’s still a lot of work to be done before the formal announcement of the global reset, it’s still good to know that we are now moving towards a more positive future for humanity.

One of the suppressed technologies that will soon be released has to do with longevity.

We’ve been here before. Countless archaeological evidences are showing we have undergone so many cycles of decays and repopulations, because we have never learned yet that passivity, too, is a disease which needs to be cured.

Never forget that the enemy still has access to weather weapons, and carbon is not the culprit, but an essential component of life on this planet.

We can mitigate the effects of any chemicals and neutralized all types of parasites without using highly toxic drugs and expensive procedures, but only with a very simple and complete protocol that defeats all known and unknown diseases for good, without any long-term side-effects. Find more about it here.

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Five Damaging Lies Advertisements Desperately Want You To Believe
October 19 2018 | From: TheUnboundedSpirit

Every single day we are bombarded with thousands of advertisements, whether we realize it or not.

Being accustomed to their constant presence, we don’t consciously pay attention to them and can’t realize the tremendous negative impact they have on us and the world.

Related: The Mainstream Media Lies

Below are five quite damaging lies that advertisements want you to believe and which you should be aware of so as to avoid falling into their trap.

1. You are incomplete. Advertisements do their best to convince you that you are not enough as you are. Once they achieve to make you feel bad about yourself, they provide you with a solution to make you feel well again: that of buying the products they sell.

Related: Is Subliminal Advertising Legit?

2. Everything you need is on sale. 
Advertisements want to persuade you to think that anything you desire can be bought. Do you want to feel confident? Then buy this shiny car! Do you feel you’re not attractive to the opposite sex? Then get yourselves some hip shoes! Are you stressed? Then consume these magic pills!

3. Material possessions are all that matters in life. Another damaging lie promoted through advertising is that acquiring material things is the key to living well. You needn’t search anywhere else for happiness and fulfillment, such as in pursuing your passions or building healthy relationships with people - there’s always a product that can substitute for all those things.

4. Success is measured by the stuff you own. Advertisements try to fool you into believing that if you have less and worse stuff than those around you, then you are a person to be looked down upon, and that the only way to prove your importance is to get more and better stuff than others.

Related: Brilliant Comic Of Banksy's Call To Arms Against Advertisers

Thus advertisements are urging you to constantly compare yourself to others and compete with them.

5. Consuming without end is normal. Lastly yet perhaps most importantly, advertisements are trying to convince you that your purpose in life is to consume, and that only by doing so will you fit in society.

As a result, they can immensely complicate your life by stressing you to constantly hunt for the next best thing, regardless of how wasteful that behavior is and the negative consequences it has on the planet.

As you can understand, the sole purpose of advertisements is to sell you stuff so that companies and corporations can make an economic gain, and the tactics they use to achieve that are hideous and deceptive.

Related: The Atlantic Council: The Marketing Arm Of The Military/Security Complex

The quicker you realize this fact and stop buying into their lies, the more you’ll be able to live free, without feeling the constant pressure to mindlessly waste your time, energy, and the earth’s finite resources to satisfy your artificial needs.

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New Study Shows Vast Majority Of Non-White Americans Reject Political Correctness
October 18 2018 | From: Infowars / TheAtlantic

They reject it even more than white people.

A huge new study by a left-wing organization has slayed a sacred cow of the left by proving that the vast majority of non-white Americans reject political correctness.

Related: Bureaucrats wallowing in cultural correctness

The study was undertaken by scholars Stephen Hawkins, Daniel Yudkin, Miriam Juan-Torres, and Tim Dixon on behalf of leftist group More in Common.

As the Atlantic explains, “It is based on a nationally representative poll with 8,000 respondents, 30 one-hour interviews, and six focus groups conducted from December 2017 to September 2018.”

The survey found that a full 80% of Americans across the nation believe “political correctness is a problem in our country,” including 74 percent of young people aged 24 to 29, and 79 percent under age 24.

However, it’s when the responses are broken down by race when the results become even more intriguing.

“Whites are ever so slightly less likely than average to believe that political correctness is a problem in the country: 79 percent of them share this sentiment. Instead, it is Asians (82 percent), Hispanics (87 percent), and American Indians (88 percent) who are most likely to oppose political correctness,” writes Yascha Mounk.

Three quarters of African Americans also oppose political correctness.

Related: Related: Google Whistleblowers: Search Engine Penalizing All Sites That Don’t Conform To Political Correctness & Everything You Need To Know About Net Neutrality

In other words, some of the very people who white leftists claim to be representing when they push politically correct narratives reject political correctness even more vehemently than white people.

Among “traditional liberals;

61 percent see political correctness as a problem, while almost a third (30 percent) of self-proclaimed “progressives” see it as a problem.

When asked to define exactly what it was about “political correctness” that concerned them, a significant number of respondents said they were worried “about their day-to-day ability to express themselves.”

At the end of his article, Yascha Mounk, a leftist lecturer on government at Harvard University, admits that the results indicative progressives are completely out of touch with the mood of the American people.

Related: Political Correctness Is Really Just Herd Psychology Pushed By Insecure People Who Desperately Seek Social Conformity

“The fact that we are so widely off the mark in our perception of how most people feel about political correctness should probably also make us rethink some of our other basic assumptions about the country,”
he writes.

“The gap between the progressive perception and the reality of public views on this issue could do damage to the institutions that the woke elite collectively run.

A publication whose editors think they represent the views of a majority of Americans when they actually speak to a small minority of the country may eventually see its influence wane and its readership decline.

And a political candidate who believes she is speaking for half of the population when she is actually voicing the opinions of one-fifth is likely to lose the next election,”
concludes Mounk.

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50 Small Ways To Increase Your Happiness
October 17 2018 | From: HuffingtonPost

Would you love to get happier but you’re feeling busy or overwhelmed?

Making a few small changes to your daily routine and attitude can add up to positive results for your life and happiness. Here are 50 small ways to increase your happiness.

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1. Choose a simple mantra for the day to keep your thoughts positive and empowering (for example: I am enough. Today I choose happiness. I am thankful for the good in my life.)

2. Meditate for 3-5 minutes each day.

3. Switch your jarring morning alarm tone for an inspiring song.

4. Start a gratitude practice by writing down 3 things you are grateful for.

5. Take a few moments each morning to notice the sun has risen and feel appreciation for the new day ahead.

Related: Ten Ways To Easily Boost Your Serotonin Levels And Live A Happier Life

6. Have compassion for yourself - when you are feeling down, treat yourself with unconditional love and kindness, not judgment.

7. Nourish your body with whole foods, water and sufficient sleep.

8. Start a journaling practice to get your swirling thoughts on paper and out of your head.

9. Pause for a deep belly breath and surrender all of your worries momentarily.

10. Put up post-it notes reminding you of your favorite positive truths or quotes.

11. Spend time in nature as it has a naturally calming and restorative effect.

Related: 10 Habits Of The Happiest People In The World

12. Decide how you most want to feel (e.g. free, inspired, abundant, relaxed) and consciously cultivate these feelings in your being as you go about your day.

13. Read a few pages of an inspiring book to feed your mind.

14. Have a short dance break to get you out of your head and back in your body.

15. Write down a list of your current goals and desires and what they mean to you.

16. Perform small acts of kindness and see how amazing it feels to help others.

17. Take a new route or try a new coffee shop or hobby - mixing up your routine can shake you out of autopilot mode and get you back in the present moment where beauty and joy exist.

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18. Replace worry with wondering what the best case scenario could be - ask yourself often: what is the best thing that could happen?

19. Let go of a habit or relationship that no longer serves your highest good.

20. Look at the stars, ocean or forest and marvel at the mystery and beauty of life.

21. Praise and compliment yourself — rather than solely relying on other people to fill your emotional cup.

22. Create a morning ritual to help you ground in the right energy before the day begins.

23. Move your body with a form of exercise you enjoy — it releases natural feel-good chemicals.

24. Make time in your schedule to do the simple things you love — like walking in the park, reading or having dinner with friends.

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25. Place your hand on your heart and wish yourself well.

26. End the day by reflecting on everything good that happened.

27. Let your creativity flow through writing, painting or making art.

28. Do something that scares you — tapping into courage is hugely satisfying.

29. Write a list of people and memories you are willing to forgive and let your past pain go.

30. Cultivate an abundance mindset by noticing everything you have in your life - you might have an abundance of freedom, fresh air, food, friends or inspiring ideas.

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31. Take small steps towards an important or meaningful goal you have.

32. Ask your soul and the Universe for more miracles and magic in your life.

33. Soak up and savour the simple pleasures - like your morning coffee, sunshine on your back or the comfort of fresh sheets in your bed.

34. Spend a few moments thinking about what a privilege it is to be alive and having an adventure on planet earth — the odds of you being born at this time to your parents are about one in four hundred trillion. You and your life are a miracle.

35. Write a list of your gifts, passions and interests - having clarity on these things can help you bring more meaning into your life.

Related: How To Realise Your True Calling & The 5 Stages Of Awakening: Are Demons Walking Among Us?

36. Practice accepting the things you cannot change and spending your energy on the things you can.

37. Believe in yourself a little more by telling yourself often: I can do this. I’ve got this.

38. Feel your feelings instead of numbing them - if you sit and feel what’s going on in your emotional body without adding a mental story, your pain will soon dissolve and you will feel whole because you are reconnecting with yourself.

39. Mentally sending blessings to the people you encounter during your day.

40. Feel gratitude and excitement for your dreams - your appreciation will call them into your life faster.

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41. Think of a way to use your gifts today - you have been given them for a reason.

42. Be led by love, not fear. As you make daily decisions, ask yourself: What would love do here?

43. Drop comparison and competing with others for a new goal: being the best you.

44. Decide to be a light of love and inspiration for others. As the poet Rumi wrote: “Be a lamp, or a lifeboat, or a ladder. Help someone’s soul heal. Walk out of your house like a shepherd.”

45. Quiet your mind for a moment and listen to what your soul or intuition is guiding you to do.

Related: Meditation For Beginners: A Guide To Inner Tranquility

46. Surround yourself with people who are positive, loving and bring out your best.

47. Know your values (e.g. connection, creativity, adventure) and incorporate them into your life.

48. Remember your inherent worth and remind yourself often that you are enough.

49. Celebrate the light in others instead of judging them for their human imperfections.

50. Energy flows where attention goes so make a daily commitment to focus on the things you like about yourself and your life - and watch how you flourish as a result.

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How The Frankfurt School Changed American / Western Culture
October 16 2018 | From: GarretGalland

How many times have you heard someone lament how much the world has changed from the good old days? You know, the simpler pre-PC period when the world operated according to fairly predictable principles.

But then we woke one day in a world with every bastion of what some might call normalcy under attack. Institutions that 100 years ago appeared unassailable - marriage, for example - are increasingly seen as antiquated. Even the idea of a national character is viewed as wrong-minded and, in the successful societies of the West, as exclusionary and even racist.

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How did all this come about? Or, more colloquially, what was the number of the bus that hit us? This article shines the light on the Frankfurt School, an insidious movement that set down roots in the early 1900s.

As you’ll read, it is at the feet of the Frankfurt School that we can lay much of the blame for setting the modern world culturally adrift.

After reading, please pass this edition along. People need to understand the agenda behind much of what is now accepted as the new normal.

How the Frankfurt School Changed American [Western] Culture

The 1950s were a simple, romantic, and golden time in America. California beaches, suburbia, and style. Atlas Shrugged was published, NASA was formed, and Elvis rocked the nation. Every year from 1950–1959 saw over 4 million babies born. The nation stood atop the world in every field.

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It was an era of great economic prosperity in The Land of the Free. So, what happened to the American traits of confidence, pride, and accountability?

The roots of Western cultural decay are very deep, having first sprouted a century ago. It began with a loose clan of ideologues inside Europe’s communist movement. Today, it is known as the Frankfurt School, and its ideals have perverted American society.

When Outcomes Fail, Just Change the Theory

Before WWI, Marxist theory held that if war broke out in Europe, the working classes would rise up against the bourgeoisie and create a communist revolution.

Well, as is the case with much of Marxist theory, things didn’t go too well. When war broke out in 1914, instead of starting a revolution, the proletariat put on their uniforms and went off to war.

After the war ended, Marxist theorists were left to ask, “What went wrong?”


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Two very prominent Marxists thinkers of the day were Antonio Gramsci and Georg Lukács. Each man, on his own, concluded that the working class of Europe had been blinded by the success of Western democracy and capitalism. They reasoned that until both had been destroyed, a communist revolution was not possible.

Gramsci and Lukács were both active in the Communist party, but their lives took very different paths.Gramsci was jailed by Mussolini in Italy where he died in 1937 due to poor health. 

In 1918, Lukács became minister of culture in Bolshevik Hungary. During this time, Lukács realized that if the family unit and sexual morals were eroded, society could be broken down.

Lukács implemented a policy he titled “cultural terrorism,” which focused on these two objectives. A major part of the policy was to target children’s minds through lectures that encouraged them to deride and reject Christian ethics.

In these lectures, graphic sexual matter was presented to children, and they were taught about loose sexual conduct. Here again, a Marxist theory had failed to take hold in the real world. The people were outraged at Lukács’ program, and he fled Hungary when Romania invaded in 1919.

The Birth of Cultural Marxism

All was quiet on the Marxist front until 1923 when the cultural terrorist turned up for a “Marxist study week” in Frankfurt, Germany. There, Lukács met a young, wealthy Marxist named Felix Weil. Until Lukács showed up, classical Marxist theory was based solely on the economic changes needed to overthrow class conflict. Weil was enthused by Lukács’ cultural angle on Marxism.

Weil’s interest led him to fund a new Marxist think tank - the Institute for Social Research. It would later come to be known as simply The Frankfurt School.

Freud (above) was the uncle of Edward Bernays who was an Austrian-American pioneer in the field of public relations and propaganda, referred to in his obituary as "the father of public relations". Bernays' public relations efforts helped to popularize Freud's theories in the United States. Coincidence?

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In 1930, the school changed course under new director Max Horkheimer. The team began mixing the ideas of Sigmund Freud with those of Marx, and cultural Marxism was born.

In classical Marxism, the workers of the world were oppressed by the ruling classes. The new theory was that everyone in society was psychologically oppressed by the institutions of Western culture. The school concluded that this new focus would need new vanguards to spur the change. The workers were not able to rise up on their own.

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As fate would have it, the National Socialists came to power in Germany in 1933. It was a bad time and place to be a Jewish Marxist, as most of the school’s faculty was. So, the school moved to New York City, the bastion of Western culture at the time.

Coming to America

In 1934, the school was reborn at Columbia University. Its members began to exert their ideas on American culture.

It was at Columbia University that the school honed the tool it would use to destroy Western culture: the printed word.

The school published a lot of popular material. The first of these was Critical Theory. Critical Theory is a play on semantics.

The theory was simple: criticize every pillar of Western culture - family, democracy, common law, freedom of speech, and others. The hope was that these pillars would crumble under the pressure.

The schedule of damaged created by Marx. Click on the image above to view a larger version in a new window

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Next was a book Theodor Adorno co-authored, The Authoritarian Personality. It redefined traditional American views on gender roles and sexual mores as “prejudice.” Adorno compared them to the traditions that led to the rise of fascism in Europe.

Is it just a coincidence that the go-to slur for the politically correct today is “fascist”?

The school pushed its shift away from economics and toward Freud by publishing works on psychological repression. Their works split society into two main groups: the oppressors and the victims. They argued that history and reality were shaped by those groups who controlled traditional institutions. At the time, that was code for males of European descent.

From there, they argued that the social roles of men and women were due to gender differences defined by the “oppressors.” In other words, gender did not exist in reality but was merely a “social construct.

A Coalition of Victims

Adorno and Horkheimer returned to Germany when WWII ended. Herbert Marcuse, another member of the school, stayed in America. In 1955, he published Eros and Civilization.

In the book, Marcuse argued that Western culture was inherently repressive because it gave up happiness for social progress. The book called for “polymorphous perversity,” a concept crafted by Freud. It posed the idea of sexual pleasure outside the traditional norms. 

Eros and Civilization would become very influential in shaping the sexual revolution of the 1960s.

Marcuse would be the one to answer Horkheimer’s question from the 1930s: Who would replace the working class as the new vanguards of the Marxist revolution? Marcuse believed that it would be a victim coalition of minorities - blacks, women, and homosexuals.

The social movements of the 1960s - black power, feminism, gay rights, sexual liberation - gave Marcuse a unique vehicle to release cultural Marxist ideas into the mainstream.

Railing against all things “establishment,” The Frankfurt School’s ideals caught on like wildfire across American universities.

Marcuse then published Repressive Tolerance in 1965 as the various social movements in America were in full swing. In it, he argued that tolerance of all values and ideas meant the repression of “correct” ideas.

It was here that Marcuse coined the term “liberating tolerance.” It called for tolerance of any ideas coming from the left but intolerance of those from the right.

It was here that Marcuse coined the term “liberating tolerance.” It called for tolerance of any ideas coming from the left but intolerance of those from the right.

One of the overarching themes of the Frankfurt School was total intolerance for any viewpoint but its own. That is also a basic trait of today’s political-correctness believers.

To quote Max Horkheimer, “Logic is not independent of content.”

Recalling the Words of Winston (Not That One)

The Frankfurt School’s work has had a deep impact on American culture. It has recast the homogenous America of the 1950s into today’s divided, animosity-filled nation.

In turn, this has contributed to the undeniable breakdown of the family unit, as well as identity politics, radical feminism, and racial polarization in America.

It’s hard to decide if today’s Western culture is more like Orwell’s 1984 or Huxley’s Brave New World.

Never one to buck a populist trend, the political establishment in America has fully embraced the ideas of the Frankfurt School and has pushed them on American society through public miseducation. Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton, the beacons of progressivism, are both disciples of Saul Alinsky, a devoted cultural Marxist.

Related: Political Correctness Is Really Just Herd Psychology Pushed By Insecure People Who Desperately Seek Social Conformity

And so we now live in a hyper-sensitive society in which social memes and feelings have overtaken biological and objective reality as the main determinants of right and wrong.

Political correctness is a war on logic and reason.

To quote Winston, the protagonist in Orwell’s dystopia, “Freedom is the freedom to say that 2+2=4.” Today, America, and the West, are not free.

Here Come the Clowns

Canadian lawmakers vote to make the national anthem gender neutral. Because after all, folks, budget deficits are too much work, and well, it’s 2016. 

Segregation is back! At this school, white children are taught about their “privilege” while black children are coddled and brought to dedicated spaces to “voice their feelings.” Thank God for their “diversity director.”

Even 22 years after the end of apartheid, there is still racist architecture in Cape Town

Ever wish you were a child again? Well, now it is possible. Just attend adult playschool in NYC! Prices range from $333–$999 per class. A bargain! 

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