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The New World Order Globalist Agenda

Part One:

01. The NWO Globalist Agenda
02. The Round Table
03. An Expose: The Council On Foreign Relations (CFR) & The Trilateral Commission
04. The Royal Institute Of International Affairs
05. The Club Of Rome
06. The True Story Of The Bilderberg Group
07. United Nations
08. The Committee Of 300
09. The Criminal Imposter: Liz Windsor Battenburg - AKA Queen Elizabeth II
10. Sinister Sites: The Georgia Guidestones
11. The Crown And The Cross

12. The New World Order - Global Union Maps and Governance Structure
13. Globalist Articles Documentaries & Videos

Part Two:

14. Holy Smoke And Mirrors - The Vatican Conspiracy
15. The House Of Rothschild
16. The House Of Rockefeller
17. The International Monetary Fund (IMF)
18. The World Bank
19. The Tavistock Institute
21. 1969: New World Order Insider Reveals Entire NWO Plan
22. The Venetian Black Nobility And The Concept Of Oligarchy
23. The British East India Company: The Drug Company Of The Venetian Black Nobility
24. The Bilderberg Group: An Offshoot Of The Venetian Black Nobility
25. Globalist Documentaries & Videos

Part Three:

26. Who Really Controls The World - The History You Have Not Been Told
27. Financial Feudalism & The Economics Of Control
28. The New World Order: The Founding Fathers

29. Lucis Trust, Alice Bailey, World Goodwill And Lucifer - The False Light Of The World
30. JFK Jr. Told The World Who Murdered His Father - But Nobody Was Paying Attention

31. The CIA And The Media: 50 Facts The World Needs To Know
32. Unexpected Blowback Now Revealing The Establishments Evil Agenda

Part Four:

33. Babylonian Money Magic & Modern "Commercial Law" Based On Ancient Babylonian Code
34. 10 Government Rulers Who Have Told Us A “Secret Government” Rules The Earth
35. Israel - A Nation Founded Upon A Monumental Lie
36. Professors & Politicians Gather To Warn Us About The New World Order (NWO)
37. The Treaty Of 1213 - The Beginning Of The Lie
38. Technocracy: A Scientific Dictatorship
39. Official Science: The Grand Illusion
40. Devil Music: A History Of The Occult In Rock & Roll
41. Combating The Elite Rulers Divide And Conquer Tactics + Beware Modern-Day Doublespeak
42. How A Secretive Elite Created The EU To Build A World Government

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The NWO Globalist Agenda

The New World Order Globalist Agenda represents a plan to bring all of Earth's human inhabitants under the control of a single, global state. There is a small, but powerful group of individuals who are the architects and instigators behind the formation and implementation of this "New World Order".

Using their influence through international organizations such as the IMF, World Bank, the Royal Institute of International Affairs (RIIA), the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR), the Trilateral Commission, the Bilderberg Group, the United Nations, NATO, and hundreds of other non-governmental organizations, the objective of these internationalists is nothing less than the subjugation of everyone on the planet as servants to a one world government (servants means slaves).

A government run by the same small group of elite that have ruled the masses for a very long time under various guises. These elite are the descendents of those that ruled for at least the past two centuries - kings and queens, bankers, robber barrons, priests, and assorted subservient oligarchs and media representatives.
Their desire for a return to a one world feudal state should come as no surprise to anyone who has read a little history.
It is their nature after all.

"In searching for a new enemy to unite us, we came up with the idea that pollution, the threat of global warming, water shortages, famine and the like would fit the bill."

- "The First Global Revolution", A Report by the Council of the Club of Rome by Alexander King and Bertrand Schneider 1991

It doesn't really matter whether you as an individual believe in the possibility or existence of the NWO adenda or not.

The undisputible fact remains that the people who are working towards it do, as evidenced by their own writings.

Read more from the source at: www.globalistagenda.org


EducateYourself.org is an excellent resource, see their overview of The New World Order here.

Click on the image below to see a high resolution version of the conspiracy supersystem.

Thanks to DisInfo.com for the following diagram.

Click on the image to view a high resolution version in another window

Updated Version

The chart below is a 2014 re-make of the original U.S. hand-drawn chart which has been online for some time (above)...

The origins of the original are seemingly unknown. Given the inclusion of the KGB and other time-stamped entities, it is likely that the original version surfaced at the earliest just prior to 1978 - and definitely no later than 1991 which is when the USSR dissolved.

The intention with this version was to make the chart easier to follow and to apply relevant colour coding for easier reference.

Click here for a high-resolution PDF of the above chart.

One common misconception is that the New World Order is a Jewish conspiracy. However, these people are simply hiding behind the Jewish religion as a front. While they may have a very similar history in some respects they are in actual fact satanist Khazarians / Zionists who often hide behind the Jewish, Christian and Muslim religions.

You can read this enlightening inteview with Harold Rosenthal from the government in Washington D.C.. Bear in mind that even Rosental himself, as a low level minion was not aware of the true allegiance of the agenda i.e. that of Nazi Satanists and not the Jewish people.

An exceptional exposay on the House of Rothschild may be found in The French Connection. This in-depth article goes into great historical detail from 1743 right up into the 21st Century and also provides access to an enormous Powerpoint presentation that may be downloaded.

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The Round Table
Key Sources: Bibliotecapleyades / Conspiracywiki

Around 1870, John Ruskin, an English professor, taught his apprentices that some people were superior to others, and that one superior man should rule the world. His lessons were embraced by a powerful man named Cecil Rhodes. He spent all his wealth (gained through diamonds and gold in South Africa) to achieve his lifelong dream of a World Government - a "New World Order".

One of the first parts of the Illuminati network that new researchers discover is the group of organizations which connect into the British-based secret society called The Round Table.

These include the Bilderberg Group, the Royal Institute of International Affairs, the Council on Foreign Relations, the Trilateral Commission, and the Club of Rome. This network is not the most powerful expression of the Illuminati.

There are many more elite groups within it's web, but these "Round Table" organizations are a key part of its day to day manipulation of politics, banking, business, the military (especially NATO), "education", and so on.

You can read about all this in great detail in my books [David Icke], And The Truth Shall Set You Free and The Biggest Secret. But briefly, the network was created to advance through the 20th century and beyond the Illuminati agenda for the centralized control of Planet Earth.

The Round Table was created in London (the Illuminati's operational centre) in the latter years of the 19th century. Its first official "leader" was Cecil Rhodes, the man who mercilessly manipulated Southern Africa and took those lands from the black peoples.

Although, in theory, black people are back in political control of Africa, the real decisions are still made by the European and American elites via their black puppet presidents and leaders. "Independence" is an illusion.

Rhodes played tribe against tribe until they destroyed each other in war, so allowing Rhodes and the British to take over. The same is happening today in the continuing wars in Africa, details of which you will find on this site.

The Round Table ties together the other related articles in this section, as indicated in the digram above. The directly related articles are: The Council on Foreign Relations, The Trilateral Commission, The Royal Institute of International Affairs, Club of Rome, Bilderberg Group and United Nations.

Rhodes said the goal of the Round Table was to create World Government controlled by Britain (the Illuminati based in Britain).

When he died in 1902, he left money in his will to fund "Rhodes Scholarships" in which overseas students had their expenses paid to study at Oxford University - the centre of the Illuminati's manipulation of "education". The ratio of these "Rhodes Scholars" who go back to their countries to enter positions of political, economic, and media power is enormous compared with the general student population.

They act as Illuminati agents. The most famous Rhodes Scholar in the world today is Bill Clinton, the two-times President of the United States. But while Rhodes was the official front man for the Round Table, the real controllers and funders were, and are, the House of Rothschild, the banking dynasty which is at the heart of so much of the global conspiracy.

This is not an anti-Jewish remark because the Rothschilds claim to be Jewish. The Rothschilds have manipulated Jewish people more than any other!! See "Was a Hitler a Rothschild".

Cecil Rhodes

Cecil Rhodes proposed the idea for the British Empire to reannex the United States of America and reform itself into an "Imperial Federation" to establish a superpower and lasting world peace. In 1877, at an age of 23, he wrote his first will in which he expressed his wish to create a Secret Society (known as the Society of the Elect) that would strive this goal.

International Bankers were involved in the society from the beginning. Lord Rothschild of England, a leading member of the powerful international House of Rothschild, was the financier of Rhodes’ Mining monopoly in Rhodesia (Rhodesia is named after Cecil Rhodes.), South Africa.

The Rothschild family became a trustee of the Rhodes’ fortune, and an inner initiate of the secret society.

In his last will, Rhodes formed the well known 'Rhodes Scholarship' through which young students from all over the world would receive higher education – and the indoctrination of one-worldism.

In 1902, after Rhodes death, one of his close friends, Lord Alfred Milner, who was another powerful British banker, became the leader of the group.

Lord Alfred Milner

Milner established Round Table Groups in many nations, including the United States. He attracted many young intellectuals, mostly from Oxford, who were given important positions in government and international finance. These people were used, as their successors, to propagandize on the need and glory of a world government, and to work for the creation of the New World Order.

Like the Illuminati, members are enticed with humanitarian ideals. They are shown the needs of the world, and are inspired to work for the solution of world problems. But only the well-proven and most suitable initiates are shown the real goal of the society world government.

The innermost members of these societies international bankers, professors and politicians have together become known as "Insiders".

Many groups have been established by the Round Table Group in the past century. In the United States, they established the Council on Foreign Relations; in the United Kingdom, the Royal Institute of International Affairs. On the international level, they have established the "Bilderberg Group".

This group consists of the most important bankers, politicians and Royal family members of the U.S. and Europe, which meet once every year. Their discussions and plans are never made public, but their purpose is clearly, the coordination of plans for the formation of a World Government.

Most people have never heard of these organizations, as they are extremely secretive, and little is published about them, which is not surprising seeing that much of the main news media is controlled by these same secret groups.

The inner elite of this Round Table in the US and UK were the key members of their government's war administrations before and during the First World War... As is provable with documentation, they worked together to engineer the circumstances that led to that global conflict. Through their technique of create-the-problem-then-offer-the-solution, they wanted to destroy the global status quo with that war and therefore have the opportunity to re-draw the world in their agenda's image when the conflict was over. This is precisely what they did.

Power in the world was in far fewer hands after the war than before, and this was advanced even further when they engineered the Second World War also. This has continued to this day and, indeed, is getting quicker all the time.

The Treaty of Versailles (French: Traité de Versailles) was one of the peace treaties at the end of World War I. It ended the state of war between Germany and the Allied Powers. It was signed on 28 June 1919, exactly five years after the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand.

In 1919, came the Versailles Peace Conference near Paris when the elite of the Round Table from Britain and the United States, people like Alfred Milner, Edward Mandel House, and Bernard Baruch, were appointed to represent their countries at the meetings which decided how the world would be changed as a result of the war these same people had created.

They decided to impose impossible reparations payments on Germany, so ensuring the collapse of the post-war Weimar Republic amid unbelievable economic collapse and thus create the very circumstances that brought Hitler (a Rothschild, see related article) to power.

Hotel Majestic, Paris

It was while in Paris that these Illuminati, Round Table, members met at the Hotel Majestic to begin the process of creating the Bilderberg-CFR-RIIA-Trilateral Commission network. They also decided at Versailles that they now all supported the creation of a Jewish homeland in Palestine. As I show in my books, EVERY ONE of them was either a Rothschild bloodline or was controlled by them.

Who do you think was making the decisions here?

As a result of their secret meetings at the Hotel Majestic, The Royal Institute of International Affairs was founded in London in 1920, the Council on Foreign Relations followed in 1921, and then came the Bilderberg Group (1954), the Club of Rome (1968) and the Trilateral Commission (1973).

These are dominated by the Rothschilds and Rockefellers, and major manipulators like Henry Kissinger, who, in turn, answer to higher powers in the Illuminati.

These organizations have among their number the top people in global politics, business, banking, military, media, "education" and so forth. These are the channels through which the same global policies are coordinated outside of public knowledge through apparently unconnected countries, political parties, and institutions.

The upper levels of secret societies like the Freemasons, Knights of Malta, etc., connect into this Round Table web also.

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An Expose: The Council On Foreign Relations (CFR) & The Trilateral Commission
Content sources include: TheForbiddenKnowledge By Melvin Sickler | G.Edward Griffin: www.realityzone.com |
The Council on Foreign Relations: www.cfr.org | The Trilateral Commission: www.trilateral.org

1.0 The Two Organizations That Run The United States [ And Further Afield ]

There are two groups of elite men and women in particular that most American [ and other equally affected ] people do not know about, but which are a clear threat and danger to the freedom of the [ sigh, it's not all just about ] American people.

They would be the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) and the Trilateral Commission.

Right now the United States [ and effectively as a result; the rest of the 'Western World' ] are [ by design ] completely under the control of those who run these two organizations (David Rockefeller in particular). It is therefore important to understand these organizations if we wish to understand what has been taking place in the United States [ et al ] since the early 1900’s.

The resource materials that we are using explain in depth what these two organizations are all about; written [ mostly ] by Jack Newell and Devvy Kidd ("Why A Bankrupt America?").

2.0 The Council On Foreign Relations


The Occult Meaning of the CFR logo

The White Horse: Revelations 6:2 says “And behold, a white horse, and he who sat on it had a bow. A crown was given to him, and he came forth conquering, and to conquer.”

The Phrase VBIQVE: A Latin word found on many ancient Roman coins meaning “everywhere.” Its English form is UBIQUE – the root word in English for “ubiquitous” which means present, or seeming to be present, everywhere at the same time, omnipresent.

The Salute: The sign of admiration of the sixth degree of the Masonic lodge, Napoleon Bonaparte is also depicted with the same gesture. It is also very similar to the “Seig Heil” gesture of the Nazis. The term means hail victory. Could victory be closely related to conquering as stated in revelations?

2.1 Edward Mandell House

The Council on Foreign Relations was founded in 1921 by Edward Mandell House, who had been the chief advisor of President Woodrow Wilson. Actually, he was more than just a prominent aide of the President; he dominated the President.

He was referred to as Wilson’s "alter ego" (other self), and was credited for being the most powerful individual in the United States during the Wilson Administration from 1913 until 1921.

"My second personality," President Woodrow Wilson called Colonel Edward Mandell House. Unpaid and answerable to nobody but the President, he became Wilson's most trusted roving diplomat and advisor - for a while. - From: Wilson, A Biography

House was a Marxist whose goal was to socialize the United States. In 1912, House wrote the book "Philip Dru: Administrator" in which he stated that he was working for "Socialism as dreamed of by Karl Marx."

In this book, House laid out a plan for the conquest of America, telling how both the Democratic and Republican Parties would be controlled, and be used as instruments in the creation of a socialistic government.

And he asked for the establishment of a state-controlled central bank, which were both proposed in "The Communist Manifesto".

And it was in 1913, during the very first year of the House-dominated Wilson Administration, that both of these proposals became law.

The Federal Reserve Act was passed, which brought into power a private central bank to create the money of the United States, taking this power away from the United States Congress. And the 16th Amendment to the United States Constitution, the graduated income tax as proposed by Karl Marx, was also ratified.

In 1921, House and his friends formed the Council on Foreign Relations whose purpose right from its conception was to destroy the freedom and independence of the United States, and to lead the country into a one-world government.

Right from its beginning, in 1921, the CFR began to attract men of power and influence. In the late 1920’s, important financing for the CFR came from the Rockefeller Foundation and the Carnegie Foundation. In 1940, at the invitation of President Roosevelt, members of the CFR gained domination over the State Department, and they have maintained this domination ever since.

2.2 The CFR: Its Intentions

The late Carroll Quigley (Bill Clinton’s mentor), Professor of History at Georgetown University, member of the CFR, stated in his book, "Tragedy & Hope":

"The CFR is the American Branch of a society which originated in England, and which believes that national boundaries should be obliterated, and a one-world rule established."

CFR New York Office - The Harold Pratt House, 58 East 68th Street, New York, NY 10065. This building was gifted to the CFR by the Rockefeller family in the 1930's

Rear Admiral Chester Ward, a former member of the CFR for 16 years, warned the American people of the organization’s intentions:

"The most powerful clique in these elitist groups have one objective in common - they want to bring about the surrender of the sovereingty of the national independence of the United States.

A second clique of international members in the CFR comprises the Wall Street international bankers and their key agents. Primarily, they want the world banking monopoly from whatever power ends up in the control of global government."

And Dan Smoot, a former member of the FBI Headquarters staff in Washington, D.C., summarized the organization’s purpose as follows:

"The ultimate aim of the CFR is to create a one-world socialist system, and to make the U.S. an official part of it."

In other words, the CFR’s activities are treasonous to the U.S. Constitution. Their goal is to put an end to the United States of America, and to make the country a part of their global government scheme.

2.3 The CFR: Its Influence

In 1944 and in 1948, the Republican candidate for President, Thomas Dewey, was a CFR member. In later years, Republicans Eisenhower and Nixon were members of the CFR, as were Democrats Stevenson, Kennedy, Humphrey, and McGovern.

(Note: We believe Kennedy became disloyal to the CFR prior to his assassination.") The American people [ and the residents of other 'free' / 'democratic' nations ] think that they have a choice when they vote for a President [ or Prime Sinister ], but the truth of the matter is, with few exceptions: Presidential candidates for decades have been CFR members. )

In one of the CFR’s annual reports, published in 1978, it listed a membership of 1878 members. Eleven of its members at this time were United States Senators, with even more Congressmen belonging to the organization. 284 of its members listed in this report were United States Government officials. And the Chairman of the Board of this immensely powerful pyramid was stated as being none other than David Rockefeller himself.

The CFR not only has its members in the United States Government, but its influence has also spead to other vital areas of American life. According to Newell: "Its members have run, or are running, NBC and CBS, ‘The New York Times’, ‘The Washington Post’, ‘The Des Moines Register’, and many other important newspapers.

The leaders of ‘Time’, ‘Newsweek’, ‘Fortune’, ‘Business Week’, and numerous other publications are CFR members. The organization’s members also dominate the academic world, top corporations, the huge tax-exempt foundations, labor unions, the military, and just about every segment of American life."

Barry Goldwater states in his book, "With No Apologies", on page 231:

Does it not seem strange to you that these men just happened to be CFR and just happened to be on the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve, that absolutely controls the money and interest rates of this great country without benefit of Congress?

A privately owned organization, the Federal Reserve, which has absolutely nothing to do with the United States of America!"

and Newell continues to write:

"Not every member of the CFR is fully committed to carrying out Edward Mandell House's conspiratorial plan. Many have been flattered by an invitation to join a study group, which is what the CFR calls itself.

Others go along because of personal benefits, such as a nice job and a new importance. But all are used to promote the destruction of U.S. sovereignty." 

2.4 All Aspects Of American Life Are Dominated

The members of the CFR dominate almost every aspect of American life, yet most Americans have never even heard of the Council on Foreign Relations.

One reason for this is probably because there are over 170 journalists, correspondents, and communications executives who are members of the CFR, and who do not write about the organization.

Also, it is an express condition of membership that no one is to disclose what goes on at CFR meetings.

Congressmen John R. Rarick had warned:

"The CFR, dedicated to one-world government, financed by a number of the largest tax-exempt foundations, and wielding such power and influence over our lives in the areas of finance, business, labor, military, education, and mass communication-media, should be familiar to every American concerned with good government, and with preserving and defending the U.S. Constitution and our free-enterprise system.

Yet, the nation’s right-to-know machinery, the news media, usually so aggressive in exposures to inform our people, remain conspicuously silent when it comes to the CFR, its members and their activities.

"The CFR is the establishment. Not only does it have influence and power in key decision-making positions at the highest levels of government to apply pressure from above, but it also finances and uses individuals and groups to bring pressure from below, to justify the high level decisions for converting the U.S. from a sovereign Constitution Republic into a servile member of a one-world dictatorship."

The CFR now has its main headquarters at the corner of park Avenue and 68th Street in New York City, in a building given to the organization by the Rockefeller family in 1929. Its main goal is still to create a one-world government by destroying the freedom and independence of all nations, especially the United States. And David Rockefeller continues to be its Chairman of the Board.

2.5 Notable CFR Members

So who are the members of the CFR?

Let’s start with the Presidents of the United States, including:

Herbert Hoover, Dwight Eisenhower, Richard Nixon,Gerald Ford, James Carter, George Bush Senior, and William Clinton. John F. Kennedy claimed he was a member, but his name does not appear on former membership lists. So there is confusion on that one, but he said he was a member. Incidentally, Kennedy was a graduate of the London School of Economics, which was founded by Sydney and Beatrice Webb to promote the ruling-class and collectivist concepts of the Fabians.

Former presidential candidate John Kerry is also a member as is former Vice President Richard Cheney. Barack Obama is not a member but, as a Senator, he was invited to speak at CFR meetings. This provided a platform for him to officially endorse CFR policies and itsignaled to the political world that he had CFR approval.

Obama campaigned for “change,” but all that changed were the names of some of the players. Major policies did not change at all. His appointments included Robert Gates (carried over from the Bush Administration) as Secretary of Defense, Timothy Geithner as Treasury Secretary; Janet Napolitano as head of Homeland Security; Eric Holder as Attorney General, Susan Rice as Ambassador to the UN, and Paul Volker as head of the newly created Economic Recovery Board. All of these were members of the CFR.

Secretaries of State who were CFR members include:

Robert Lansing, Frank Kellogg, Henry Stimpson, Cordell Hull, E.R. Stittinius, George Marshall, Dean Acheson, John Foster Dulles, Christian Herter, Dean Rusk, William Rogers, Henry Kissinger, Cyrus Vance, Edmund Muskie, Alexander Haig, George Schultz, James Baker, Lawrence Eagelberger, Warren Christopher, William Richardson, Madeleine Albright, Colin Powell, and Condoleezza Rice.

Secretaries of Defense who were members of the CFR include:

James Forrestal, George Marshall, Charles Wilson, Neil McElroy, Robert McNamara, Melvin Laird, Elliot Richardson, James Schlesinger, Harold Brown, Casper Weinberger, Frank Carlucci, Richard Cheney, Les Aspin, William Perry, William Cohen, Donald Rumsfeld, and Robert Gates. It is interesting that Rumsfeld has asked that his name be removed from the current list of CFR members. However, you will find his name on previous lists.

CIA Directors who were members of the CFR include:

Walter Smith, William Colby, Richard Helms, Allen Dulles, John McCone, James Schlesinger, George Bush, Sr., Stansfield Turner, William Casey, William Webster, Robert Gates, James Woolsey, John Deutch, William Studeman, George Tenet, and Porter Goss.

Some of the better known corporations controlled by past or present members of the CFR include:

The Atlantic Richfield Oil Co., AT&T, Avon Products, Bechtel Group, Boeing Company, Bristol-Myers Squibb, Chevron, Coca Cola and Pepsi Cola, Consolidated Edison of New York, EXXON, Dow Chemical, du Pont Chemical, Eastman Kodak, Enron (deceased), Estee Lauder, Ford Motor, General Electric, General Foods, Hewlett-Packard, Hughes Aircraft, IBM, International Paper, Johnson & Johnson, Levi Strauss & Co., Lockheed Aerospace, Lucent Technologies, Mobil Oil, Monsanto, Northrop, Pacific Gas & Electric, Phillips Petroleum, Procter & Gamble, Quaker Oats, Yahoo, Shell Oil, Smith Kline Beecham, Sprint Corp., Texaco, Santa Fe Southern-Pacific Railroad, Teledyne, TRW, Southern California Edison, Unocal, United Technologies, Verizon Communications, Warner Lambert, Weyerhauser and Xerox.

During the big bailout in the Spring of 2009 when taxpayers paid for the staggering business losses of financial institutions and manufacturing companies, the lion’s share – over a trillion dollars within the first few months of the year – went to corporate sponsors of the CFR.

That included:

American Express, Goldman Sachs Merrill Lynch, AIG, Citibank, Morgan Stanley, Bank of New York, Freddie Mac (deceased), Chrysler and JP Morgan Chase.

The man in charge of administering the bailouts was Treasury Secretary, Timothy Geithner, who is not only a member of the CFR but formerly employed on its staff.

In the Media there are past or present members of the CFR holding key management or control positions – not just working down the line – but in top management and control positions of power:

Atlantic magazine, The Army Times, American Publishers, American Spectator, Atlanta Journal-Constitution, Associated Press, Association of American Publishers, Boston Globe, Business Week, Christian-Science Monitor, Dallas Morning News, Detroit Free Press, Detroit News, Dow Jones News Service, Farm Journal, Financial Times, Financial World, Forbes, Foreign Affairs, Foreign Policy, Harper’s, Industry Week, Insight, London Times, Los Angeles Times, Medical Tribune, MySpace, National Geographic, National Review, Naval War College Review, New Republic, New York Post, New York Times, New Yorker, New York Review of Books, Newsday, News Max,Newsweek, Pittsburgh Post-Gazette, The Progressive, Political Science Quarterly, Public Interest, Random House, Reader’s Digest, Rolling Stone, Rupert Murdoch News Corp, San Diego Union-Tribune, Scientific American, Time, Times Mirror, Time-Warner, U.S. News & World Report, USA Today, Wall Street Journal, Warner Books, Washington Post, Washington Times, The Washingtonian, Weekly Standard, World Policy Journal, Worldwatch, W.W. Norton & Co., ABC, CBS, CNN, Fox News, NBC, PBS, RCA, and the Walt Disney Company.

Media personalities include:

David Brinkley, Tom Brokaw, William Buckley, Katie Couric, Peter Jennings (deceased), Kathryn Pilgrim, Dan Rather, Diane Sawyer, Leslie Stahl, Barbara Walters, Brian Williams, Judy Woodruff, Paula Zahn, and Andrea Mitchell, wife of Alan Greenspan, former Chairman FRS, also a member of the CFR.

In the universities, the number of past or present CFR members who are professors, department chairman, presidents, or members of the board of directors is 563.

In financial institutions, such as banks, the Federal Reserve System, the stock exchanges, and brokerage houses the total number of CFR members in controlling positions is 284.

In tax exempt foundations and think tanks, the number of CFR members in controlling positions is 443. Some of the better known names are:

The American Civil Liberties Union, Aspen Institute, Atlantic Council, Bilderberg Group, Brookings Institute, Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, Carnegie Foundation, Ford Foundation, Guggenheim Foundation, Hudson Institute, John D. & Catherine T. MacArther Foundation, Mellon Foundation, RAND Corp., Rhodes Scholarship Selection Commission, Sloan and Kettering Foundations, Rockefeller Foundation and Rockefeller Brothers Fund, Trilateral Commission, and the UN Association.

And finally, the labor unions that are dominated by past or present members of the CFR include the AFL-CIO, United Steel Workers of America, United Auto Workers, American Federation of Teachers, Bricklayers and Allied Craft, Communications Workers of America, Union of Needle Trades, and Amalgamated Clothing and Textile Workers.

Please understand that this is just a sampling of the list. The total membership is about four thousand people. There are many churches in your community that have that many members or more. What would you think if it were discovered that members of just one church in your community held controlling positions in 80% of the power centers of America? Wouldn’t you be curious? First of all you would have to find out about it, which would not be easy if those same people controlled the avenues of information that you rely on to learn of such things.

We should emphasize that most of these people are not part of a secret society. The CFR calls itself a semi -secret organization, which, indeed, it is. It is not the secret society. It is at least two rings out from that. Most members are not aware that they are controlled by an inner Round Table Group.

Most of them are merely opportunists who view this organization as a high-level employment agency. They know that, if they are invited to join, their names will appear on a prestigious list, and collectivists seeking to consolidate global control will draw upon that list for important jobs. However, even though they may not be conscious agents of a secret society, they all have been carefully screened for suitability.

Only collectivists are invited, and so they have the necessary mindset to be good functionaries within the New World Order.

And in terms of collectivists, enter the Rhodes Scholars - however this is an entirely different paper.

3.0 The Trilateral Commission


Occult Meaning of the Trilateral Commission logo

The logo for the Trilateral Commission (Zionist entity of the New World Order) is said to contain the number 666. Each arrow when separated from the logo represents a 6, making 666. The arrows also form a pyramid in the centre.

Unfortunately, the Council on Foreign Relations is not the only group proposing an end to the sovereignty of the United States. In 1973, The Trilateral Commission was founded to work for the same goal: a one-world government.

The Trilateral Commission's roots stem from the book, "Between Two Ages", written by Zbigniew Brzezinski in 1970. In this book, Brzezinski praised Marxism, thought of the United States as obsolete, and praised the formation of a one-world government. His thinking closely parallels that of CFR founder Edward Mandell house.

3.1 Marxism

On page 72, Brzezinski writes: "Marxism is simultaneously a victory of the external, active man over the inner, passive man and a victory of reason over belief."

On page 83, he states: "Marxism disseminated on the popular level in the form of Communism, represented a major advance in man's ability to conceptualize his relationship to his world."

On page 123, we find: "Marxism supplied the best available insight into contemporary reality."

What Mr. Brzezinski fails to tell his readers is that approximately 100 million human beings have been murdered under Marxism "in the form of Communism" just in this Twentieth Century. It has enslaved a billion more, and has been responsible for those who live in Communist-dominated countries. There is nothing like being brainwashed!

3.2 For World Government

Zbigniew Brzezinski's "Between Two Ages" was published in 1970 while he was a professor in New York City. David Rockefeller read the book and, in 1973, launched the new Trilateral Commission, whose purposes include linking North America, Western Europe, and Japan "in their economic relations, their political and defense relations, their relations with developing countries, and their relations with Communist countries."

As Newell writes:

"The original literature of The Trilateral Commission also states, exactly as Brzezinski's book had proposed, that the more advanced Communist States could become partners in the alliance leading to world government. In short, David Rockefeller implemented Brzezinski's proposal."

Rockefeller appointed Zbigniew Brzezinski to be the Director of The Trilateral Commission.

David Rockefeller

Zbigniew Brzezinski

3.3 Jimmy Carter

In 1973, Jimmy Carter became a student of Brzezinski, and a founding member of the Trilateral Commission.

On March 21, 1978, "The New York Times" featured an article about Zbigniew Brzezinski's close relationship with the President. In part, it reads:

"The two men met for the first time four years ago when mr. Brzezinski was executive director of The Trilateral Commission… and had the foresight to ask the then obscure former Governor of Georgia to join its distinguished ranks. Their initial teacher-student relationship blossomed during the campaign, and appears to have grown closer still."

To think that the teacher in this relationship praised Marxism, and wanted to form a one-world government. And the student was to become ghe President of the united States.

During the 1976 political campaign, Carter repeatedly told the nation that he was going to get rid of the Establishment Insiders if he became president. But when he took office, he promptly filled his Administration with members of the Council on Foreign Relations (284 to be exact) and The Trilateral Commission, the two most prominent insider organizations in America. Included in this list of members of The Trilateral Commission were Walter Mondale and Dr. Henry Kissinger.

The Trilateral Commission Office of The North American Group - 1156 Fifteenth Street, NW, Washington, DC 20005

Beginning with Jimmy Carter, all the recent presidents, including president Clinton, have promptly filled their administrations with members of the Council on Foreign relations and The Trilateral Commission.

3.4 Trilateral Commission Membership

When the Trilateral Commission was first launched, the plan was for an equal number of members from each of the three regions. The numbers soon began to grow, and ceilings were imposed about 1980. These ceilings have been raised somewhat since then as new countries came to be represented in the groups.

The European Group includes members from Austria, Belgium/Luxembourg, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, the Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, the Netherlands, and the United Kingdom. It now has a ceiling of 170 members which is divided into national quotas. Germany has a quota of 20; France, Italy, and the United Kingdom each have a quota of 18; and Spain has a quota of 12. The remaining national quotas range from 6 to 1.

The ceiling for the North American Group is 120, including 24 Canadian members, 13 Mexican members and 90 U.S. members.

The Japanese Group of 85 members expanded in 2000 to become the Pacific Asian Group and now includes over 100 members from Japan, Korea, Australia, New Zealand, the original five ASEAN countries (Indonesia, Malaysia, the Philippines, Singapore and Thailand), India, and the People's Republic of China. Triennium Participants from Hong Kong and Taiwan have also participated. This group changed its name to Asia Pacific Group in 2012.

To help preserve the Commission’s unofficial character, members who take up positions in their national administration give up Trilateral Commission membership. New members are chosen on a national basis. The procedures used for rotation off and for invitation of new members vary from national group to national group. Three chairmen (one from each region), deputy chairmen, and directors constitute the leadership of the Trilateral Commission, along with an Executive Committee including 36 other members.

Membership in The Trilateral Commission is by invitation only.

Global Regions of the Trilateral Commission:

Click here to download the Trilateral Commission Membership List

3.5 The Effects

The common everyday American citizen does not need to be told that there is a controlled government running the United States. But when we understand exactly what the Council on Foreign Relations and The Trilateral Commission are, and how its members hold key positions in the Government, it becomes all the more clear.

As Newell writes:

"The effects of the Council on Foreign Relation and The Trilateral Commission on the affaires of our nation is easy to see. Our own Government no longer acts in its own interest, we no longer win any wars we fight, and we constantly tie ourselves to international agreements, pacts, and conventions. And, our leaders have developed blatant preferences for Communist U.S.S.R., Communist Cuba, and Communist China, while they continue to work for world government, which has always been the goal of Communism…

"The real goal of our own Government’s leaders is to make the United States into a carbon copy of a Communist state, and then to merge all nations into a one-world system run by a powerful few."

Barry Goldwater once stated on this subject:

"The Trilateral Commission is international, and it is intended to be the vehicle for multinational consolidation of the commercial and banking interests by seizing control of the political government of the United States.

The Trilateral Commission represents a skillful, coordinated effort to seize control and consolidate the four centers of power – political, monetary, intellectual, and ecclesiastical."

As with the CFR, not all the members of The Trilateral Commission are fully committed to the destruction of the United States. Some just go along for the ride, to obtain fame, comfortable living, and constatn flattery. But some, of course, really do run things and some, of course, really do run things and work against the independence of the united States.

4.0 In Conclusion

The American people may think that they live in a free country when, in reality, things could not be more controlled. The American public must be made aware of what is really taking place in the united States.

The key to obtain our freedom, to have a true independence, is to free ourselves from the yoke of International Finance. How true it is to state that those who control the money of a country control everything in that country.

The first step is prayer: to kneel down before Almighty God and to ask Him to save America, to shower His blessings on this great land [ if that is your thing ].

And second; to educate the population. Every citizen of the United States should become informed about these inside organizations, and make it a point not to vote nor to promote those, who are members for these organizations. And to demand a reform of the financial laws of the country, especially to repeal the Federal Reserve Act of 1913 [ which has now expired, seeing the Fed and IRS merge into the Treasury Department - which of course has never been officially announced ], and to implement the philosophy of Social Credit into the laws of the country.

Make it a point to subscribe as many people as possible to the "Michael" Journal so they could become educated as to how the financial system of the United States could actually be corrected.

Then the United States Government would no longer be under the control of the Bankers, but would become a servant of the American people.

Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi

Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi

The Royal Institute Of International Affairs
April 23 2014 | Key Source: BiblioTecaPleyades

The Royal Institute of International Affairs (RIIA or Chatham House) is nothing but the Milner Group “writ large.”

It was founded by "the Group", has been consistently controlled by "the Group", and to this day is the Milner Group in its widest aspect. It is the legitimate child of the Round Table organization, just as the latter was the legitimate child of the “Closer Union” movement organized in South Africa in 1907.

All three of these organizations were formed by the same small group of persons, all three received their initial financial backing from Sir Abe Bailey, and all three used the same methods for working out and propagating their ideas (the so-called Round Table method of discussion groups plus a journal). This similarity is not an accident.

The new organization was intended to be a wider aspect of the Milner Group, the plan being to influence the leaders of thought through The Round Table and to influence a wider group through the RIIA.

The real founder of the Institute was Lionel Curtis, although this fact was concealed for many years and he was presented to the public as merely one among a number of founders.

In more recent years, however, the fact that Curtis was the real founder of the Institute has been publicly stated by members of the Institute and by the Institute itself on many occasions, and never denied.

One example will suffice. In the Annual Report of the Institute for 1942-1943 we read the following sentence:

“When the Institute was founded through the inspiration of Mr. Lionel Curtis during the Peace Conference of Paris in 1919, those associated with him in laying the foundations were a group of comparatively young men and women.”

The Institute was organized at a joint conference of British and American experts at the Hotel Majestic on 30 May 1919.

At the suggestion of Lord Robert Cecil, the chair was given to General Tasker Bliss of the American delegation. We have already indicated that the experts of the British delegation at the Peace Conference were almost exclusively from
the Milner Group and Cecil Bloc.

The Royal Institute of International Affairs, Chatham House, 10 St James's Square, London SW1Y 4LE

The American group of experts, “the Inquiry,” was manned almost as completely by persons from institutions (including universities) dominated by J.P. Morgan and Company. This was not an accident. Moreover, the Milner Group has always had very close relationships with the associates of J.P. Morgan and with the various branches of the Carnegie Trust.

These relationships, which are merely examples of the closely knit ramifications of international financial capitalism, were probably based on the financial holdings controlled by the Milner Group through the Rhodes Trust. The term “international financier” can be applied with full justice to several members of the Milner Group inner circle, such as Brand, Hichens, and above all, Milner himself.

At the meeting at the Hotel Majestic, the British group included:

Lionel Curtis
Philip Kerr
Lord Robert Cecil
Lord Eustace Percy
Sir Eyre Crowe
Sir Cecil Hurst
J.W. Headlam-Morley
Geoffrey Dawson
Harold Temperley
G.M. Gathorne-Hardy.

It was decided to found a permanent organization for the study of international affairs and to begin by writing a history of the Peace Conference.

A committee was set up to supervise the writing of this work. It had Lord Meston as chairman, Lionel Curtis as secretary, and was financed by a gift of £,2000 from Thomas W. Lamont of J.P. Morgan and Company. This group picked Harold Temperley as editor of the work. It appeared in six large volumes in the years 1920-1924, under the auspices of the RIIA.

The British organization was set up by a committee of which Lord Robert Cecil was chairman, Lionel Curtis was honorary secretary and the following were members:

Lord Eustace Percy
J.A.C. (later Sir John) Tilley
Philip Noel-Baker
Clement Jones
Harold Temperley
A.L. Smith (classmate of Milner and Master of Balliol)
George W. Prothero
Geoffrey Dawson.

This group drew up a constitution and made a list of prospective members. Lionel Curtis and Gathorne-Hardy drew up the by-laws.

The above description is based on the official history of the RIIA published by the Institute itself in 1937 and written by Stephen King-Hall. It does not agree in its details (committees and names) with information from other sources, equally authoritative, such as the journal of the Institute or the preface to Temperley's History of the Peace Conference. The latter, for example, says that the members were chosen by a committee consisting of Lord Robert Cecil, Sir Valentine Chirol, and Sir Cecil Hurst.

Head of the United States Library of Congress Archibald MacLeish and British Ambassador Lord Lothian posing in front of the Magna Carta, Washington, DC, United States, 28 Nov 1939 - Note the Masonic handshake

As a matter of fact, all of these differing accounts are correct, for the Institute was formed in such an informal fashion, as among friends, that membership on committees and lines of authority between committees were not very important. As an example, Mr. King-Hall says that he was invited to join the Institute in 1919 by Philip Kerr (Lord Lothian), although this name is not to be found on any membership committee.

At any rate, one thing is clear:

The Institute was formed by the Cecil Bloc and the Milner Group, acting together, and the real decisions were being made by members of the latter.

As organized, the Institute consisted of a council with a chairman and two honorary secretaries, and a small group of paid employees. Among these latter, A.J. Toynbee, nephew of Milner's old friend at Balliol, was the most important. There were about 300 members in 1920, 714 in 1922, 1707 in 1929, and 2414 in 1936.

There have been three chairmen of the council:

1. Lord Meston in 1920-1926
2. Major-General Sir Neill Malcolm in 1926-1935
3. Lord Astor from 1935 to the present

All of these are members of the Milner Group, although General Malcolm is not yet familiar to us.

General Malcolm, from Eton and Sandhurst, married the sister of Dougal Malcolm of Milner's Kindergarten in 1907, when he was a captain in the British Army. By 1916 he was a lieutenant colonel and two years later a major general. He was with the British Military Mission in Berlin in 1919-1921 and General Officer Commanding in Malaya in 1921-1924, retiring in 1924.

He was High Commissioner for German Refugees (a project in which the Milner Group was deeply involved) in 1936-1938 and has been associated with a number of industrial and commercial firms, including the British North Borneo Company, of which he is president and Dougal Malcolm is vice-president.

It must not be assumed that General Malcolm won advancement in the world because of his connections with the Milner Group, for his older brother, Sir Ian Malcolm was an important member of the Cecil Bloc long before Sir Neill joined the Milner Group.

Sir Ian, who went to Eton and New College, was assistant private secretary to Lord Salisbury in 1895-1900,

was parliamentary private secretary to the Chief Secretary for Ireland (George Wyndham) in 1901-1903, and was private secretary to Balfour in the United States in 1917 and at the Peace Conference in 1919. He wrote the sketch of Walter Long of the Cecil Bloc (Lord Long of Wraxall) in the Dictionary of National Biography.

From the beginning, the two honorary secretaries of the Institute were Lionel Curtis and G.M. Gathorne-Hardy. These two, especially the latter, did much of the active work of running the organization.

In 1926 the Report of the Council of the RIIA said:

“It is not too much to say that the very existence of the Institute is due to those who have served as Honorary Officers.”

The burden of work was so great on Curtis and Gathorne-Hardy by 1926 that Sir Otto Beit, of the Rhodes Trust, Milner Group, and British South Africa Company, gave £1000 for 1926 and 1927 for secretarial assistance.

F.B. Bourdillon assumed the task of providing this assistance in March 1926. He had been secretary to Feetham on the Irish Boundary Commission in 1924-1925 and a member of the British delegation to the Peace Conference in 1919. He has been in the Research Department of the Foreign Office since 1943.

Cecil Rhodes (for whom Rhodesia was named) was an extremely wealthy collectivist who left his entire fortune to his trust, which funds a whole new round of collectivists each and every year. You will definitely see names you recognise on the Sholar lists at www.rhodeshouse.ox.ac.uk

The active governing body of the Institute is the council, originally called the executive committee. Under the more recent name, it generally had twenty-five to thirty members, of whom slightly less than half were usually of the Milner Group. In 1923, five members were elected, including Lord Meston, Headlam-Morley, and Mrs. Alfred Lyttelton. The following year, seven were elected, including Wilson Harris, Philip Kerr, and Sir Neill Malcolm. And so it went. In 1936, at least eleven out of twenty-six members of the council were of the Milner Group.

These included:

Lord Astor (chairman)
L. Curtis
G.M. Gathorne-Hardy
Lord Hailey
H.D. Henderson
Stephen King-Hall
Mrs. Alfred Lyttelton
Sir Neill Malcolm
Lord Meston
Sir Arthur Salter
J.W. Wheeler-Bennett
E.L. Woodward
Sir Alfred Zimmern.

Among the others were:

A.V. Alexander
Sir John Power
Sir Norman Angell
Clement Jones
Lord Lytton
Harold Nicolson
Lord Snell
C.K. Webster.

Others who were on the council at various times were:

E.H. Carr
Harold Butler
G.N. Clark
Geoffrey Crowther
H.V. Hodson
Hugh Wyndham
G.W.A. Ormsley-Gore
Walter Layton
Austen Chamberlain
Malcolm MacDonald (elected 1933)
and many other members of the Group...

The chief activities of the RIIA were the holding of discussion meetings, the organization of study groups, the sponsoring of research, and the publication of information and materials based on these.

At the first meeting, Sir Maurice Hankey read a paper on “Diplomacy by Conference,” showing how the League of Nations grew out of the Imperial Conferences. This was published in The Round Table.

The League of Nations was a failed forerunner to the United Nations

No complete record exists of the meetings before the fall of 1921, but, beginning then, the principal speech at each meeting and resumes of the comments from the floor were published in the Journal:

1. At the first of these recorded meetings, D.G. Hogarth spoke on “The Arab States,” with Lord Chelmsford in the chair. Stanley Reed, Chirol, and Meston spoke from the floor.

2.Two weeks later, H.A.L. Fisher spoke on “The Second Assembly of the League of Nations,” with Lord Robert Cecil in the chair. Temperley and Wilson Harris also spoke.

3.In November, Philip Kerr was the chief figure for two evenings on “Pacific Problems as They Would Be submitted to the Washington Conference.”

4. At the end of the same month, A.J. Toynbee spoke on “The Greco-Turkish Question,” with Sir Arthur Evans in the chair,

5. Early in December his father-in-law, Gilbert Murray, spoke on “Self-Determination,” with Lord Sumner in the chair.

6. In January 1922, Chaim Weizmann spoke on “Zionism”;

7. In February, Chirol spoke on “Egypt”;

8. In April, Walter T. Layton spoke on “The Financial Achievement of the League of Nations,” with Lord Robert Cecil in the chair.

9. In June, Wilson Harris spoke on “The Genoa Conference,” with Robert H. Brand in the chair.

10. In October, Ormsby-Gore spoke on “Mandates,” with Lord Lugard in the chair.

11. Two weeks later, Sir Arthur Steel-Maitland spoke on “The League of Nations,” with H.A.L. Fisher in the chair.

12. In March 1923, Harold Butler spoke on the “International Labour Office,” with G.N. Barnes in the chair.

13. Two weeks later, Philip Kerr spoke on “The Political Situation in the United States,” with Arthur Balfour in the chair.

14. In October 1923, Edward F.L. Wood (Lord Halifax) spoke on “The League of Nations,” with H.A.L. Fisher in the chair.

15. In November 1924, E.R. Peacock (Parkin's protege) spoke on “Mexico,” with Lord Eustace Percy in the chair.

16. In October 1925, Leopold Amery spoke on “The League of Nations,” with Robert Cecil as chairman,

17. In May 1926, H.A.L. Fisher spoke on the same subject, with Neill Malcolm as chairman.

18. In November 1925, Paul Mantoux spoke on “The Procedure of the League,” with Brand as chairman.

19. In June 1923, Edward Grigg spoke on “Egypt,” with D.G. Hogarth in the chair.

In the season of 1933-1934 the speakers included Ormsby-Gore, Oliver Lyttelton, Edward Grigg, Donald Somervell, Toynbee, Zimmern, R.W. Seton-Watson, and Lord Lothian.

In the season of 1938-1939 the list contains the names of Wilson Harris, C.A. Macartney, Toynbee, Lord Hailey, A.G.B. Fisher, Harold Butler, Curtis, Lord Lothian, Zimmern, Lionel Hichens, and Lord Halifax.

These rather scattered observations will show how the meetings were peppered by members of the Milner Group. This does not mean that the Group monopolized the meetings, or even spoke at a majority of them.

The Milner Group

The Milner Group and the Fabian Society are two related organizations set up in the late 1800s by banking and industrial interests for the purpose of subverting the existing order and establishing a Socialist World Government controlled by themselves.

The Milner-Fabian Conspiracy documents the historical background, creation, development, interaction and global impact of the two organizations and their international network of power and influence.

The book also shows that the above interests have been the string-pullers behind major events like the Russian Communist Revolution and the two World Wars as well as behind international front organizations like the Council on Foreign Relations and its sister organization Chatham House (RIIA), the United Nations, the European Union and the Mediterranean Union.\

The same interests have also been the puppeteers behind world leaders from Winston Churchill and Clement Attlee to F D Roosevelt, Bill Clinton, Barack Obama and many others.

According to Carroll Quigley’s work The Anglo-American Establishment published in 1981, three New Zealanders have been involved with The Milner Group: Sir James Allen, William Downie Stewart and Arthur R. Atkinson.

The meetings generally took place once a week from October to June of each year, and probably members of the Group spoke or presided at no more than a quarter of them. This, however, represents far more than their due proportion, for when the Institute had 2500, members of the Milner Group amounted to no more than 100.

The proceedings of the meetings were generally printed in abbreviated form in the Journal of the Institute. Until January 1927, this periodical was available only to members, but since that date it has been open to public subscription. The first issue was as anonymous as the first issue of The Round Table: no list of editors, no address, and no signature to the opening editorial introducing the new journal.

The articles, however, had the names of the speakers indicated. When it went on public sale in January 1927, the name of the Institute was added to the cover. In time it took the name International Affairs. The first editor, we learn from a later issue, was Gathorne-Hardy. In January 1932 an editorial board was placed in charge of the publication. It consisted of Meston, Gathorne-Hardy, and Zimmern.

This same board remained in control until war forced suspension of publication at the end of 1939. When publication was resumed in 1944 in Canada, the editorial board consisted of Hugh Wyndham, Geoffrey Crowther, and H.A.R. Gibb. Wyndham is still chairman of the board, but since the war the membership of the board has changed somewhat.

In 1948 it had six members, of whom three are employees of the Institute, one is the son-in-law of an employee, the fifth is Professor of Arabic at Oxford, and the last is the chairman, Hugh Wyndham. In 1949 Adam Marris was added.

In addition to the History of the Peace Conference and the journal International Affairs, the Institute publishes the annual Survey of International Affairs. This is written either by members of the Group or by employees of the Institute. The chief writers have been Toynbee; his second wife, V.M. Boulter; Robert J. Stopford, who appears to be one of R.H. Brand's men and who wrote the reparations section each year;* H.V. Hodson, who did the economic sections from 1930-1938; and A.G.B. Fisher, who has done the economic sections since Hodson.

Until 1928 the Survey had an appendix of documents, but since that year these have been published in a separate volume, usually edited by J.W. Wheeler-Bennett. Mr. Wheeler-Bennett became a member of the Milner Group and the Institute by a process of amalgamation.

In 1924 he had founded a document service, which he called Information Service on International Affairs, and in the years following 1924 he published a number of valuable digests of documents and other information on disarmament, security, the World Court, reparations, etc., as well as a periodical called the Bulletin of International News.

In 1927 he became Honorary Information Secretary of the RIIA, and in 1930 the Institute bought out all his information services for £3500 and made them into the Information Department of the Institute, still in charge of Mr. Wheeler-Bennett.

Since the annual Documents on International Affairs resumed publication in 1944, it has been in charge of Monica Curtis (who may be related to Lionel Curtis), while Mr. Wheeler-Bennett has been busy elsewhere.

In 1938-1939 he was Visiting Professor of International Relations at the University of Virginia: in 1939-1944 he was in the United States in various propaganda positions with the British Library of Information and for two years as Head of the British Political Warfare Mission in New York. Since 1946, he has been engaged in editing, from the British side, an edition of about twenty volumes of the captured documents of the German Foreign Ministry. He has also lectured on international affairs at New College, a connection obviously made through the Milner Group.

Arnold Joseph Toynbee CH (14 April 1889 – 22 October 1975) was a British historian, philosopher of history, research professor of International History at the London School of Economics and the University of London and author of numerous books. Toynbee in the 1918–1950 period was a leading specialist on international affairs.

The Survey of International Affairs has been financed since 1925 by an endowment of £20,000 given by Sir Daniel Stevenson for this purpose and also to provide a Research Chair of International History at the University of London. Arnold J. Toynbee has held both the professorship and the editorship since their establishment. He has also been remunerated by other grants from the Institute.

When the first major volume of the Survey, covering the years 1920-1923, was published, a round-table discussion was held at Chatham House, 17 November 1925, to criticize it.

Headlam-Morley was chairman, and the chief speakers were Curtis, Wyndham, Gathorne-Hardy, Gilbert Murray, and Toynbee himself.

Since the Survey did not cover British Commonwealth affairs, except in a general fashion, a project was established for a parallel Survey of British Commonwealth Relations.

This was financed by a grant of money from the Carnegie Corporation of New York. The task was entrusted to W.K. Hancock, a member of All Souls since 1924 and Chichele Professor of Economic History residing at All Souls since 1944.

He produced three substantial volumes of the Survey in 1940-1942, with a supplementary legal chapter in volume I by R.T.E. Latham of All Souls and the Milner Group.

The establishment of the Stevenson Chair of International History at London, controlled by the RIIA, gave the Group the idea of establishing similar endowed chairs in other subjects and in other places. In 1936, Sir Henry Price gave £20,000 to endow for seven years a Chair of International Economics at Chatham House. This was filled by Allan G.B. Fisher of Australia.

In 1947 another chair was established at Chatham House: the Abe Bailey Professorship of Commonwealth Relations. This was filled by Nicholas Mansergh, who had previously written a few articles on Irish affairs and has since published a small volume on Commonwealth affairs.

By the terms of the foundation, the Institute had a voice in the election of professors to the Wilson Chair of International Politics at the University College of Wales, Aberystwyth. As a result, this chair has been occupied by close associates of the Group from its foundation.

The following list of incumbents is significant:

A.E. Zimmern, 1919-1921
C.K. Webster, 1922-1932
J.D. Greene, 1932-1934
J.F. Vranek, (Acting), 1934-1936
E.H. Carr, 1936 to now (1949)

Three of these names are familiar.

Of the others, Jiri Vranek was secretary to the International Institute of Intellectual Cooperation (to be discussed in a moment). Jerome Greene was an international banker close to the Milner Group. Originally Mr. Greene had been a close associate of J.D. Rockefeller, but in 1917 he shifted to the international banking firm Lee, Higginson, and Company of Boston.

In 1918 he was American secretary to the Allied Maritime Transport Council in London (of which Arthur Salter was general secretary).

He became a resident of Toynbee Hall and established a relationship with the Milner Group. In 1919 he was secretary to the Reparations Commission of the Peace Conference (a past in which his successor was Arthur Salter in 1920-1922). He was chairman of the Pacific Council of the Institute of Pacific Relations in 1929-1932. This last point will be discussed in a moment.

Mr. Greene was a trustee and secretary of the Rockefeller Foundation in 1913-1917, and was a trustee of the Rockefeller Institute and of the Rockefeller General Education Board in 1912-1939.

The study groups of the RIIA are direct descendants of the roundtable meetings of the Round Table Group.

They have been defined by Stephen King-Hall as:

“unofficial Royal Commissions charged by the Council of Chatham House with the investigation of specific problems.”

These study groups are generally made up of persons who are not members of the Milner Group, and their reports are frequently published by the Institute. In 1932 the Rockefeller Foundation gave the Institute a grant of £8000 a year for five years to advance the study-group method of research.

This was extended for five years more in 1937.

In 1923, Lionel Curtis got a Canadian, Colonel R.W. Leonard, so interested in the work of the Institute that he bought Lord Kinnaird's house at 10 St. James Square as a home for the Institute. Since William Pitt had once lived in the building, it was named “Chatham House”, a designation which is now generally applied to the Institute itself.

The only condition of the grant was that the Institute should raise an endowment to yield at least £10,000 a year for upkeep.

Since the building had no adequate assembly hall, Sir John Power, the honorary treasurer, gave £10,000 to build one on the rear. The building itself was renovated and furnished under the care of Mrs. Alfred Lyttelton, who, like her late husband but unlike her son, Oliver, was a member of the Milner Group.

Chatham House is formally known as The Royal Institute of International Affairs but both names are used interchangeably

The assumption of the title to Chatham House brought up a major crisis within the Institute when a group led by Professor A.F. Pollard (Fellow of All Souls but not a member of the Milner Group) opposed the acceptance of the gift because of the financial commitment involved. Curtis put on an organized drive to mobilize the Group and put the opposition to flight. The episode is mentioned in a letter from John Dove to Brand, dated 9 October 1923.

This episode opens up the whole question of the financial resources available to the Institute and to the Milner Group in general. Unfortunately, we cannot examine the subject here, but it should be obvious that a group with such connections as the Milner Group would not find it difficult to finance the RIIA.

In general, the funds came from the various endowments, banks, and industrial concerns with which the Milner Group had relationships. The original money in 1919, only £200, came from Abe Bailey. In later years he added to this, and in 1928 gave £5000 a year in perpetuity on the condition that the Institute never accept members who were not British subjects.

When Sir Abe died in 1940, the annual Report of the Council said:

With the passing of Sir Bailey the Council and all the members of Chatham House mourn the loss of their most munificent Founder.”

Sir Abe had paid various other expenses during the years. For example, when the Institute in November 1935 gave a dinner to General Smuts, Sir Abe paid the cost.

All of this was done as a disciple of Lord Milner, for whose principles of imperial policy Bailey always had complete devotion.

Among the other benefactors of the Institute, we might mention the following. In 1926 the Carnegie United Kingdom Trustees (Hichens and Dame Janet Courtney) gave £3000 for books; the Bank of England gave £600; J.D. Rockefeller gave £3000.

In 1929 pledges were obtained from about a score of important banks and corporations, promising annual grants to the Institute. Most of these had one or more members of the Milner Group on their boards of directors.

Included in the group were:

1. Anglo-Iranian Oil Company
2. Bank of England
3. Barclay's Bank
4. Baring Brothers
5. British American Tobacco Company
6. British South Africa Company
7. Central Mining and Investment Corporation
8. Erlangers, Ltd
9. Ford Motor Company
10. Hambros' Bank
11. Imperial Chemical Industries (ICI)
12. Lazard Brothers
13. Lever Brothers
14. Lloyd's
15. Lloyd's Bank
16. Mercantile and General Insurance Company
17. Midland Bank
18. Reuters
19. Rothschild and Sons
20. Stern Brothers
21. Vickers-Armstrong
22. Westminster Bank
23. Whitehall Securities Corporation

Since 1939 the chief benefactors of the Institute have been the Astor family and Sir Henry Price.

In 1942 the latter gave £50,000 to buy the house next door to Chatham House for an expansion of the library (of which E.L. Woodward was supervisor).

In the same year Lord Astor, who had been giving £2000 a year since 1937, promised £3000 a year for seven years to form a Lord Lothian Memorial Fund to promote good relations between the United States and Britain. At the same time, each of Lord Astor's four sons promised £1000 a year for seven years to the general fund of the Institute.

Chatham House had close institutional relations with a number of other similar organizations, especially in the Dominions. It also has a parallel organization, which was regarded as a branch, in New York.

This latter, the Council on Foreign Relations, was not founded by the American group that attended the meeting at the Hotel Majestic in 1919, but was taken over almost entirely by that group immediately after its founding in 1919.

This group was made up of the experts on the American delegation to the Peace Conference who were most closely associated with J.P. Morgan and Company.

William Downie Stewart (lawyer, politician, writer, president of the Royal Institute of International Affairs (NZ Chapter) from 1935) was born in Dunedin, New Zealand, on 29 July 1878. He was the fifth child of the lawyer and MHR William Downie Stewart and his wife, Rachel Hepburn, daughter of George Hepburn, an early merchant, politician and elder of Knox Church.

The Morgan bank has never made any real effort to conceal its position in regard to the Council on Foreign Relations.

The list of officers and board of directors are printed in every issue of Foreign Affairs and have always been loaded with partners, associates, and employees of J.P. Morgan and Company.

According to Stephen King-Hall, the RIIA agreed to regard the Council on Foreign Relations as its American branch.

The relationship between the two has always been very close.

For example, the publications of one are available at reduced prices to the members of the other; they frequently sent gifts of books to each other (the Council, for example, giving the Institute a seventy-five-volume set of the Foreign Relations of the United States in 1933); and there is considerable personal contact between the officers of the two (Toynbee, for example, left the manuscript of Volumes 7-9 of A Study of History in the Council's vault during the recent war).

Chatham House established branch institutes in the various Dominions, but it was a slow process.

In each case the Dominion Institute was formed about a core consisting of the Round Table Group's members in that Dominion.

The earliest were set up in Canada and Australia in 1927. The problem was discussed in 1933 at the first unofficial British Commonwealth relations conference (Toronto), and the decision made to extend the system to New Zealand, South Africa, India, and Newfoundland.

The last-named was established by Zimmern on a visit there the same year. The others were set up in 1934-1936.

As we have said, the members of the Dominion Institutes of International Affairs were the members of the Milner Group and their close associates.

In Canada, for example:

Robert L. Borden was the first president (1927-1931)
N.W. Rowell was the second president
Sir Joseph Flavelle and Vincent Massey were vice-presidents
Glazebrook was honorary secretary
Percy Corbett was one of the most important members

Of these, the first three were close associates of the Milner Group (especially of Brand) in the period of the First World War; the last four were members of the Group itself.

When the Indian Institute was set up in 1936, it was done at the Viceroy's house at a meeting convened by Lord Willingdon (Brand's cousin).

Robert Cecil sent a message, which was read by Stephen King-Hall.
Sir Maurice Gwyer of All Souls became a member of the council.
In South Africa, B.K. Long of the Kindergarten was one of the most important members.
In the Australian Institute, Sir Thomas Bavin was president in 1934-1941, while F.W. Eggleston was one of its principal founders and vice-president for many years.
In New Zealand, W. Downie Stewart was president of the Institute of International Affairs from 1935 on.

Naturally, the Milner Group did not monopolize the membership or the official positions in these new institutes any more than they did in London, for this would have weakened the chief aim of the Group in setting them up, namely to extend their influence to wider areas.

Closely associated with the various Institutes of International Affairs were the various branches of the Institute of Pacific Relations. This was originally founded at Atlantic City in September 1924 as a private organization to study the problems of the Pacific Basin. It has representatives from eight countries with interests in the area. The representatives from the United Kingdom and the three British Dominions were closely associated with the Milner Group.

Originally each country had its national unit, but by 1939, in the four British areas, the local Institute of Pacific Relations had merged with the local Institute of International Affairs. Even before this, the two Institutes in each country had practically interchangeable officers, dominated by the Milner Group. In the United States, the Institute of Pacific Relations never merged with the Council on Foreign Relations, but the influence of the associates of J.P. Morgan and other international bankers remained strong on both.

The chief figure in the Institute of Pacific Relations of the United States was, for many years, Jerome D. Greene, Boston banker close to both Rockefeller and Morgan and for many years secretary to Harvard University.

The Institutes of Pacific Relations held joint meetings, similar to those of the unofficial conferences on British Commonwealth relations and with a similar group of delegates from the British member organizations.

These meetings met every two years at first, beginning at Honolulu in 1925 and then assembling at Honolulu again (1927), at Kyoto (1929), at Shanghai (1931), at Banff (1933), and at Yosemite Park (1936). F.W. Eggleston, of Australia and the Milner Group, presided over most of the early meetings. Between meetings, the central organization, set up in 1927, was the Pacific Council, a self-perpetuating body.

In 1930, at least five of its seven members were from the Milner Group, as can be seen from the following list:


Jerome D. Greene of the United States
F.W. Eggleston of Australia
N.W. Rowell of Canada
D.Z.T. Yui of China
Lionel Curtis of the United Kingdom
I. Nitobe of Japan
Sir James Allen of New Zealand

The close relationships among all these organizations can be seen from a tour of inspection which Lionel Curtis and Ivison S. Macadam (secretary of Chatham House, in succession to F.B. Bourdillon, since 1929) made in 1938.
They not only visited the Institutes of International Affairs of Australia, New Zealand, and Canada but attended the Princeton meeting of the Pacific Council of the IPR. Then they separated, Curtis going to New York to address the dinner of the Council on Foreign Relations and visit the Carnegie Foundation, while Macadam went to Washington to visit the Carnegie Endowment and the Brookings Institution.

Through the League of Nations, where the influence of the Milner Group was very great, the RIIA was able to extend its intellectual influence into countries outside the Commonwealth. This was done, for example, through the Intellectual Cooperation Organization of the League of Nations.

This Organization consisted of two chief parts:

(a) The International Committee on Intellectual Cooperation, an advisory body
(b) The International Institute of Intellectual Cooperation, an executive organ of the Committee, with headquarters in Paris

The International Committee had about twenty members from various countries; Gilbert Murray was its chief founder and was chairman from 1928 to its disbandment in 1945.

The International Institute was established by the French government and handed over to the League of Nations (1926). Its director was always a Frenchman, but its deputy director and guiding spirit was Alfred Zimmern from 1926 to 1930. It also had a board of directors of six persons; Gilbert Murray was one of these from 1926.

It is interesting to note that from 1931 to 1939 the Indian representative on the International Committee on Intellectual Cooperation was Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan. In 1931 he was George V Professor of Philosophy at Calcutta University. His subsequent career is interesting. He was knighted in 1931, became Spalding Professor of Eastern Religions and Ethics at Oxford in 1936, and became a Fellow of All Souls in 1944.

Beginning in 1928 at Berlin, Professor Zimmern organized annual round-table discussion meetings under the auspices of the International Institute of Intellectual Cooperation.

These were called the International Studies Conferences and devoted themselves to an effort to obtain different national points of view on international problems. The members of the Studies Conferences were twenty-five organizations. Twenty of these were Coordinating Committees created for the purpose in twenty different countries.

The other five were the following international organizations:

1. The Academy of International Law at The Hague
2. The European Center of the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace
3. The Geneva School of International Studies
4. The Graduate Institute of International Studies at Geneva
5. The Institute of Pacific Relations

In two of these five, the influence of the Milner Group and its close allies was preponderant.

In addition, the influence of the Group was decisive in the Coordinating Committees within the British Commonwealth, especially in the British Coordinating Committee for International Studies. The members of this committee were named by four agencies, three of which were controlled by the Milner Group.

They were:

1. the RIIA
2. the London School of Economics and Political Science
3. the Department of International Politics at University College of Wales, Aberystwyth
4. the Montague Burton Chair of International Relations at Oxford

We have already indicated that the Montague Burton Chair was largely controlled by the Milner Group, since the Group always had a preponderance on the board of electors to that chair. This was apparently not assured by the original structure of this board, and it was changed in the middle 1930s.

After the change, the board had seven electors:

1. the Vice-Chancellor of Oxford, ex officio
2. the Master of Balliol, ex officio
3. Viscount Cecil of Chelwood
4. Gilbert Murray, for life
5. B.H. Sumner
6. Sir Arthur Salter
7. Sir J. Fischer Williams of New College

Thus, at least four of this board were members of the Group. In 1947 the electoral board to the Montague Burton Professorship consisted of:

R.M. Barrington-Ward (editor of The Times)
Miss Agnes Headlam-Morley (daughter of Sir James Headlam-Morley of the Group)
Sir Arthur Salter
R.C.K. Ensor
and one vacancy, to be filled by Balliol College

It was this board, apparently, that named Miss Headlam-Morley to the Montague Burton Professorship when E.L. Woodward resigned in 1947. As can be seen, the Milner Group influence was predominant, with only one member out of five (Ensor) clearly not of the Group.

The RIIA had the right to name three persons to the Coordinating Committee. Two of these were usually of the Milner Group. In 1933, for example, the three were Lord Meston, Clement Jones, and Toynbee.

The meetings of the International Studies Conferences were organized in a fashion identical with that used in other meetings controlled by the Milner Group-for example, in the unofficial conferences on British Commonwealth relations-and the proceedings were published by the Institute of Intellectual Cooperation in a similar way to those of the unofficial conferences just mentioned, except that the various speakers were identified by name.

As examples of the work which the International Studies Conferences handled, we might mention that:

at the fourth and fifth sessions (Copenhagen in 1931 and Milan in 1932), they examined the problem of “The State and Economic Life”
at the seventh and eighth session (Paris in 1934 and London in 1935), they examined the problem of “Collective Security”
at the ninth and tenth sessions (Madrid in 1936 and Paris 1937) they examined the problem of “University Teaching of International Relations”

In all of these conferences the Milner Group played a certain part.

They could have monopolized the British delegations at these meetings if they had wished, but, with typical Milner Group modesty they made no effort to do so. Their influence appeared most clearly at the London meeting of 1935. Thirty-nine delegates from fourteen countries assembled at Chatham House to discuss the problem of collective security.

Great Britain had ten delegates. They were:

1. Dr. Hugh Dalton
2. Professor H. Lauterpacht
3. Captain Liddell Hart
4. Lord Lytton
5. Professor A.D. McNair
6. Professor C.A.W. Manning
7. Dr. David Mitrany
8. Rear Admiral H.G. Thursfield
9. Arnold J. Toynbee
10. Professor C.K. Webster

In addition, the Geneva School of International Studies sent two delegates: J.H. Richardson and A.E. Zimmern.

The British delegation presented three memoranda to the conference:

The first, a study of “Sanctions,” was prepared by the RIIA and has been published since.
The second, a study of “British Opinion on Collective Security,” was prepared by the British Coordinating Committee.
The third, a collection of “British Views on Collective Security,” was prepared by the delegates.

It had an introduction by Meston and nine articles, of which one was by G.M. Gathorne-Hardy and one by H.V. Hodson. Zimmern also presented a memorandum on behalf of the Geneva School.

Opening speeches were made by Austen Chamberlain, Allen W. Dulles (of the Council on Foreign Relations), and Louis Eisenmann of the University of Paris. Closing speeches were made by Lord Meston, Allen Dulles, and Gilbert Murray. Meston acted as president of the conference, and Dulles as chairman of the study meetings. The proceedings were edited and published by a committee of two Frenchmen and A.J. Toynbee.

At the sessions on “Peaceful Change” in 1936-37, Australia presented one memorandum (“The Growth of Australian Population”). It was written by F.W. Eggleston and G. Packer. The United Kingdom presented fifteen memoranda. Eight of these were prepared by the RIIA, and seven by individuals. Of the seven individual works, two were written by members of All Souls who were also members of the Milner Group (C.A. Macartney and C.R.M.F. Cruttwell).

The other five were written by experts who were not members of the Group (A.M. Carr-Saunders, A.B. Keith, D. Harwood, H. Lauterpacht, and R. Kuczynski).

In the middle 1930s the Milner Group began to take an interest in the problem of refugees and stateless persons, as a result of the persecutions of Hitler and the approaching closing of the Nansen Office of the League of Nations. Sir Neill Malcolm was made High Commissioner for German Refugees in 1936. The following year the RIIA began a research program in the problem.

This resulted in a massive report, edited by Sir John Hope Simpson who was not a member of the Group and was notoriously unsympathetic to Zionism (1939). In 1938 Roger M. Makins was made secretary to the British delegation to the Evian Conference on Refugees. Mr. Makins' full career will be examined later. At this point it is merely necessary to note that he was educated at Winchester School and at Christ Church, Oxford, and was elected to a Fellowship at All Souls in 1925, when only twenty-one years old.

After the Evian Conference (where the British, for strategic reasons, left all the responsible positions to the Americans), Mr. Makins was made secretary to the Intergovernmental Committee on Refugees. He was British Minister in Washington from 1945 to 1947 and is now Assistant Under Secretary in the Foreign Office.

Before leaving the subject of refugees, we might mention that the chief British agent for Czechoslovakian refugees in 1938-1939 was R.J. Stopford, an associate of the Milner Group already mentioned.

At the time of the Czechoslovak crisis in September 1938, the RIIA began to act in an unofficial fashion as an adviser to the Foreign Office. When war began a year later, this was made formal, and Chatham House became, for all practical purposes, the research section of the Foreign Office.

A special organization was established in the Institute, in charge of A.J. Toynbee, with Lionel Curtis as his chief support acting “as the permanent representative of the chairman of the Council, Lord Astor.”

The organization consisted of the press-clipping collection, the information department, and much of the library. These were moved to Oxford and set up in Balliol, All Souls, and Rhodes House. The project was financed by the Treasury, All Souls, Balliol, and Chatham House jointly. Within a brief time, the organization became known as the Foreign Research and Press Service (FRPS).

It answered all questions on international affairs from government departments, prepared a weekly summary of the foreign press, and prepared special research projects. When Anthony Eden was asked a question in the House of Commons on 23 July 1941, regarding the expense of this project, he said that the Foreign Office had given it £,53,000 in the fiscal year 1940-1941.

Rhodes House is part of the University of Oxford in England. It is located on the south of South Parks Road in central Oxford, and was built in memory of Cecil Rhodes, an alumnus of the university and a major benefactor. Note Chemtrails

During the winter of 1939-1940 the general meetings of the Institute were held in Rhodes House, Oxford, with Hugh Wyndham generally presiding. The periodical International Affairs suspended publication, but the Bulletin of International News continued, under the care of Hugh Latimer and A.J. Brown. The latter had been an undergraduate at Oxford in 1933-1936, was elected a Fellow of All Souls in 1938, and obtained a D.Phil. in 1939.

The former may be Alfred Hugh Latimer, who was an undergraduate at Merton from 1938 to 1946 and was elected to the foundation of the same college in 1946.

As the work of the FRPS grew too heavy for Curtis to supervise alone, he was given a committee of four assistants. They were G.N. Clark, H.J. Paton, C.K. Webster, and A.E. Zimmern. About the same time, the London School of Economics established a quarterly journal devoted to the subject of postwar reconstruction. It was called Agenda, and G.N. Clark was editor.

Clark had been a member of All Souls since 1912 and was Chichele Professor of Economic History from 1931 to 1943. Since 1943 he has been Regius Professor of Modern History at Cambridge. Not a member of the Milner Group, he is close to it and was a member of the council of Chatham House during the recent war.

At the end of 1942 the Foreign Secretary (Eden) wrote to Lord Astor that the government wished to take the FRPS over completely. This was done in April 1943. The existing Political Intelligence Department of the Foreign Office was merged with it to make the new Research Department of the Ministry. Of this new department Toynbee was director and Zimmern deputy director.

This brief sketch of the Royal Institute of International Affairs does not by any means indicate the very considerable influence which the organization exerts in English-speaking countries in the sphere to which it is devoted. The extent of that influence must be obvious. The purpose of this chapter has been something else: to show that the Milner Group controls the Institute.

Once that is established, the picture changes.

The influence of Chatham House appears in its true perspective, not as the influence of an autonomous body but as merely one of many instruments in the arsenal of another power. When the influence which the Institute wields is combined with that controlled by the Milner Group in other fields - in education, in administration, in newspapers and periodicals - a really terrifying picture begins to emerge.

This picture is called terrifying not because the power of the Milner Group was used for evil ends. It was not. On the contrary, it was generally used with the best intentions in the world - even if those intentions were so idealistic as to be almost academic. The picture is terrifying because such power, whatever the goals at which it may be directed, is too much to be entrusted safely to any group.

No country that values its safety should allow what the Milner Group accomplished in Britain - that is, that a small number of men should be able to wield such power in administration and politics, should be given almost complete control over the publication of the documents relating to their actions, should be able to exercise such influence over the avenues of information that create public opinion, and should be able to monopolize so completely the writing and the teaching of the history of their own period.

Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi

Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi
Club Of Rome
Key Sources: TheForbiddenKnowledge | ClubOfRome

(Committee of 300 subversive body)

This group was organized in 1968 by the Morgenthau Group for the purpose of accelerating the plans to have the New World Order in place by the year 2000. The Club of Rome developed a plan to divide the world into ten regions or kingdoms.

The Club of Rome meeting in Salzburg in 1972. "The Club of Rome, the prestigious think tank founded in 1968, is for the first time meeting in the Dutch capital Amsterdam. Key guest is former Russian President Mikhail Gorbachov, who is to speak on Monday. Other guests include Queen Beatrix, former Dutch Prime Minister Ruud Lubbers and Environment Minister Jacqueline Cramer.The think tank, which comprises economists, scientists, politicians and business people, meets once a year to discuss environmental pollution, the depletion of natural resources and the growth of the world population." As pointed out by an astute reader, the man fifth from the left is the Prime Minister of Canada - Joseph Philippe Pierre Yves Elliot Trudeau.

In 1976, the United States Association of the Club of Rome (USACOR) was formed for the purpose of shutting down the U.S. economy gradually.

The Technetronic Era Henry Kissinger was then, and still is, an important agent in the service of the Royal Institute for International Affairs, a member of the Club of Rome and the Council on Foreign Relations.

Kissinger's role in destabilizing the United States by means of three wars, the Middle East, Korea and Vietnam, is well known, as is his role in the Gulf War, in which the U.S. Army acted as mercenaries for the Committee of 300 in bringing Kuwait back under its control and at the same time making an example out of Iraq so that other small nations would not be tempted to work out their own destiny.

The Club of Rome, acting on Committee of 300 orders to eliminate General ul Haq, had no compunction in sacrificing the lives of a number of U.S. servicemen on board the flight, including a U.S. Army Defense Intelligence Agency group headed by Brigadier General Herber Wassom.

General ul Haq had been warned by the Turkish Secret Service not to travel by plane, as he was targeted for a mid-air bombing. With this in mind, ul Haq took the United States team with him as "an insurance policy," as he commented to his inner circle advisors.

Club of Rome and its financiers under the title of the German Marshall Fund were two highly-organized conspiratorial bodies operating under cover of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) and that the majority of Club of Rome executives were drawn from NATO. The Club of Rome formulated all of what NATO claimed as its policies and, through the activities of Committee of 300 member Lord Carrington, was able to split NATO into two factions, a political (left wing) power group and its former military alliance.

The Club of Rome is still one of the most important foreign policy arms of the Committee of 300, and the other being the Bilderbergers. It was put together in 1968 from hard-core members of the original Morgenthau group on the basis of a telephone call made by the late Aurellio Peccei for a new and urgent drive to speed up the plans of the One World Government now called the New World Order. Peccei's call was answered by the most subversive "future planners" drawn from the United States, France, Sweden, Britain, Switzerland and Japan that could be mustered.

During the period 1968-1972, The Club of Rome became a cohesive entity of new-science scientists, Globalist, future planners and inter- nationalists of every stripe. As one delegate put it, "We became Joseph's Coat of Many Colors." Peccei's book "Human Quality" formed the basis of the doctrine adopted by NATO's political wing.

2009: "The Club of Rome has opened a two-day conference in Amsterdam today. Among the speakers are honorary members former Russian president Mikhail Gorbachev, former Dutch prime minister Ruud Lubbers and Queen Beatrix of the Netherlands."

Peccei headed the Atlantic Institute's Economic Council for three decades while he was the Chief Executive Officer for Giovanni Agnellis' Fiat Motor Company. Agnelli, a member of an ancient Italian Black Nobility family of the same name, is one of the most important members of the Committee of 300. He played a leading role in development projects in the Soviet Union.

The Club of Rome is a conspiratorial umbrella organization, a marriage between Anglo-American financiers and the old Black Nobility families of Europe, particularly the so-called "nobility" of London, Venice and Genoa.

The key to the successful control of the world is their ability to create and manage savage economic recessions and eventual depressions. The Committee of 300 looks to social convulsions on a global scale, followed by depressions, as a softening-up technique for bigger things to come, as its principal method of creating masses of people all over the world who will become its "welfare" recipients of the future.

The committee appears to base much of its important decisions affecting mankind on the philosophy of Polish aristocrat, Felix Dzerzinski, who regarded mankind as being slightly above the level of cattle.

International Centre of the Club of Rome, Lagerhausstrasse 9, 8400 Winterthur, Switzerland

As a close friend of British intelligence agent Sydney Reilly (Reilly was actually Dzerzinski's controller during the Bolshevik Revolution's formative years), he often confided in Reilly during his drinking bouts. Dzerzinski was, of course, the beast who ran the Red Terror apparatus. He once told Reilly, while the two were on a drinking binge, that "Man is of no importance. Look at what happens when you starve him. He begins to eat his dead companions to stay alive. Man is only interested in his own survival. That is all that counts.

All the Spinoza stuff is a lot of rubbish." With regard to the Third World, the Club of Rome's Harland Cleveland prepared a report which was the height of cynicism. At the time, Cleveland was United States Ambassador to NATO. Essentially, the paper said it would be up to Third World nations to decide among themselves which populations should be eliminated.

As Peccei later wrote (based on the Cleveland Report): "Damaged by conflicting policies of three major countries and blocs, roughly patched up here and there, the existing international economic order is visibly coming apart at the seams....The prospect of the necessity of the recourse to triage deciding who must be saved is a very grim one indeed. But, if lamentably, events should come to such a pass, the right to make such decisions cannot be left to just a few nations because it would lend themselves to ominous power over life of the world's hungry."

The Technetronic Era

The Club of Rome commissioned Zbigniew Brzezinski, Carters National Security Advisor, (who also with David Rockefeller formed The Trilateral Commission in 1973), to write The Technetronic Era. This is a post-industrial zero growth plan designed in part to cripple U.S. industry in order to prepare us for the New World Order.

NATO-Club of Rome officials charged with urgent anti-NASA action were Harland Cleveland, Joseph Slater, Claiborne K. Pell, Walter J. Levy, George McGhee, William Watts, Robert Strausz-Hupe (U.S. ambassador to NATO) and Donald Lesh.

In May 1967 a meeting was organized by the Scientific and Technological Committee of the North Atlantic Assembly and the Foreign Policy Research Institute. It was called "Conference on Transatlantic Imbalance and Collabora-tion" and it was held at Queen Elizabeth's palatial property in Deauville, France.

The basic purpose and intent of the conference at Deauville was to end U.S. technological and industrial progress. Out of the conference came two books, one of which is mentioned herein, Brzezinski's "Technotronic Era." The other was written by conference chairman, Aurellio Peccei, entitled "The Chasm Ahead." Peccei largely agreed with Brzezinski, but added that there world be chaos in a future world NOT RULED BY A ONE WORLD GOVERNMENT.

“We have a network in place of cothinkers in the government," said the OPA case officer. "We keep going, no matter who is in the White House."

But Ferguson reports that the "White House" does not really understand what they are saying and that the President

"thinks that population policy means how do we speed up population increase. "As long as no one says differently," said Ferguson, "we will continue to do our jobs. "

Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi

Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi

The True Story Of The Bilderberg Group
April 19 2014 | From: GlobalResearch

Also See: The Bilderberg Group: An Offshoot of the Venetian Black Nobility

For over 14 years, Daniel Estulin has investigated and researched the Bilderberg Group’s far-reaching influence on business and finance, global politics, war and peace, and control of the world’s resources and its money.

His book, “The True Story of the Bilderberg Group,” was published in 2005 and is now updated in a new 2009 edition. He states that in 1954, “the most powerful men in the world met for the first time” in Oosterbeek, Netherlands, “debated the future of the world,” and decided to meet annually in secret.

They called themselves the Bilderberg Group with a membership representing a who’s who of world power elites, mostly from America, Canada, and Western Europe with familiar names like:

David Rockefeller, Henry Kissinger, Bill Clinton, Gordon Brown, Angela Merkel, Alan Greenspan, Ben Bernanke, Larry Summers, Tim Geithner, Lloyd Blankfein, George Soros, Donald Rumsfeld, Rupert Murdoch, other heads of state, influential senators, congressmen and parliamentarians, Pentagon and NATO brass, members of European royalty, selected media figures, and invited others – some quietly by some accounts like Barack Obama and many of his top officials.

Always well represented are top figures from the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR), IMF, World Bank, Trilateral Commission, EU, and powerful central bankers from the Federal Reserve, the ECB’s Jean-Claude Trichet, and Bank of England’s Mervyn King.

For over half a century, no agenda or discussion topics became public nor is any press coverage allowed. The few invited fourth estate attendees and their bosses are sworn to secrecy. Nonetheless, Estulin undertook “an investigative journey” that became his life’s work. He states:

“Slowly, one by one, I have penetrated the layers of secrecy surrounding the Bilderberg Group, but I could not have done this withot help of ‘conscientious objectors’ from inside, as well as outside, the Group’s membership.” As a result, he keeps their names confidential.

Whatever its early mission, the Group is now “a shadow world government….threaten(ing) to take away our right to direct our own destinies (by creating) a disturbing reality” very much harming the public’s welfare. In short, Bilderbergers want to supplant individual nation-state sovereignty with an all-powerful global government, corporate controlled, and check-mated by militarized enforcement.

“Imagine a private club where presidents, prime ministers, international bankers and generals rub shoulders, where gracious royal chaperones ensure everyone gets along, and where the people running the wars, markets, and Europe (and America) say what they never dare say in public.”

The Bilderberg Group Network

The Bilderberg Group Network (click the image to view a high resolution version in a new window)

Early in its history, Bilderbergers decided “to create an ‘Aristocracy of purpose’ between Europe and the United States (to reach consensus to rule the world on matters of) policy, economics, and (overall) strategy.” NATO was essential for their plans – to ensure “perpetual war (and) nuclear blackmail” to be used as necessary. Then proceed to loot the planet, achieve fabulous wealth and power, and crush all challengers to keep it.

Along with military dominance, controlling the world’s money is crucial for with it comes absolute control as the powerful 19th century Rothschild family understood. As the patriarch Amschel Rothschild once said: “Give me control of a nation’s money and I care not who makes its laws.”

Bilderbergers comprise the world’s most exclusive club. No one buys their way in. Only the Group’s Steering Committee decides whom to invite, and in all cases participants are adherents to One World Order governance run by top power elites.

According to Steering Committee rules:

"The invited guests must come alone; no wives, girlfriends, husbands or boyfriends. Personal assistants (meaning security, bodyguards, CIA or other secret service protectors) cannot attend the conference and must eat in a separate hall. (Also) The guests are explicitly forbidden from giving interviews to journalists” or divulge anything that goes on in meetings.

Host governments provide overall security to keep away outsiders. One-third of attendees are political figures. The others are from industry, finance, academia, labor and communications.

Meeting procedure is by Chatham House Rules letting attendees freely express their views in a relaxed atmosphere knowing nothing said will be quoted or revealed to the public. Meetings “are always frank, but do not always conclude with consensus.”

Membership consists of annual attendees (around 80 of the world’s most powerful) and others only invited occasionally because of their knowledge or involvement in relevant topics. Those most valued are asked back, and some first-timers are chosen for their possible later usefulness.

Arkansas governor Bill Clinton, for example, who attended in 1991. “There, David Rockefeller told (him) why the North American Free Trade Agreement….was a Bilderberg priority and that the group needed him to support it. The next year, Clinton was elected president,” and on January 1, 1994 NAFTA took effect. Numerous other examples are similar, including who gets chosen for powerful government, military and other key positions.

To see a full list of the 2013 Bilderberg Conference attendees, click here.

To see a list of Bilderberg 2014 attendees click here.

Bilderberg Objectives

The Group’s grand design is for “a One World Government (World Company) with a single, global marketplace, policed by one world army, and financially regulated by one ‘World (Central) Bank’ using one global currency.”

Their “wish list” includes:

“One international identify (observing) one set of universal values;”

Centralized control of world populations by “mind control;” in other words, controlling world public opinion;

A New World Order with no middle class, only “rulers and servants (serfs),” and, of course, no democracy;

“A zero-growth society” without prosperity or progress, only greater wealth and power for the rulers;

Manufactured crises and perpetual wars;

Absolute control of education to program the public mind and train those chosen for various roles;

“Centralized control of all foreign and domestic policies;” one size fits all globally;

Using the UN as a de facto world government imposing a UN tax on “world citizens;”

Expanding NAFTA and WTO globally;

Making NATO a world military;

Imposing a universal legal system; and

A global “welfare state where obedient slaves will be rewarded and non-conformists targeted for extermination.”

Secret Bilderberg Partners

In the US, the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) is dominant. One of its 1921 founders, Edward Mandell House, was Woodrow Wilson’s chief advisor and rumored at the time to be the nation’s real power from 1913 – 1921.

On his watch, the Federal Reserve Act passed in December 1913 giving money creation power to bankers, and the 16th Amendment was ratified in February creating the federal income tax to provide a revenue stream to pay for government debt service.

Henry Kissinger arrives at the Bilderberger conference in 2012

From its beginnings, CFR was committed to “a one-world government based on a centralized global financing system….” Today, CFR has thousands of influential members (including important ones in the corporate media) but keeps a low public profile, especially regarding its real agenda.

Historian Arthur Schlesinger, Jr. called it a “front organization (for) the heart of the American Establishment.” It meets privately and only publishes what it wishes the public to know. Its members are only Americans.

The Trilateral Commission (discussed below) is a similar group that “brings together global power brokers.” Founded by David Rockefeller, he’s also a leading Bilderberger and CFR Chairman Emeritus, organizations he continues to finance and support.

Their past and current members reflect their power:

Nearly all presidential candidates of both parties;

Leading senators and congressmen;

Key members of the fourth estate and their bosses; and

Top officials of the FBI, CIA, NSA, defense establishment, and other leading government agencies, including state, commerce, the judiciary and treasury.

For its part, “CFR has served as a virtual employment agency for the federal government under both Democrats and Republicans.” Whoever occupies the White House, “CFR’s power and agenda” have been unchanged since its 1921 founding.

It advocates a global superstate with America and other nations sacrificing their sovereignty to a central power. CFR founder Paul Warburg was a member of Roosevelt’s “brain trust.” In 1950, his son, James, told the Senate Foreign Relations Committee: “We shall have world government whether or not you like it – by conquest or consent.”

Later at the 1992 Bilderberg Group meeting, Henry Kissinger said:

“Today, Americans would be outraged if UN troops entered Los Angeles to restore order; tomorrow, they will be grateful. This is especially true if they were told there was an outside threat from beyond, whether real or promulgated, that threatened our very existence.

It is then that all people of the world will plead with world leaders to deliver them from this evil….individual rights will be willingly relinquished for the guarantee of their well-being granted to them by their world government.”

CFR planned a New World Order before 1942, and the “UN began with a group of CFR members called the Informal Agenda Group.” They drafted the original UN proposal, presented it to Franklin Roosevelt who announced it publicly the next day. At its 1945 founding, CFR members comprised over 40 of the US delegates.

According to Professor G. William Domhoff, author of Who Rules America, the CFR operates in “small groups of about twenty-five, who bring together leaders from the six conspirator categories (industrialists, financiers, ideologues, military, professional specialists – lawyers, medical doctors, etc. – and organized labor) for detailed discussions of specific topics in the area of foreign affairs.” Domhoff added:

“The Council on Foreign Relations, while not financed by government, works so closely with it that it is difficult to distinguish Council action stimulated by government from autonomous actions. (Its) most important sources of income are leading corporations and major foundations.” The Rockefeller, Carnegie, and Ford Foundations to name three, and they’re directed by key corporate officials.

Dominant Media Partners

Former CBS News president Richard Salant (1961 – 64 and 1966 – 79) explained the major media’s role: “Our job is to give people not what they want, but what we decide they ought to have.”

CBS and other media giants control everything we see, hear and read – through television, radio, newspapers, magazines, books, films, and large portions of the Internet. Their top officials and some journalists attend Bilderberg meetings – on condition they report nothing.

Craig J. Mundie, Chief Research and Strategy Officer, Microsoft Corporation arrives at the Bilderberger converence in Spain, 2010

The Rockefeller family wields enormous power, even though its reigning patriarch, David, will be 94 on June 12 and surely near the end of his dominance. However, for years “the Rockefellers (led by David) gained great influence over the media. (With it) the family gained sway over public opinion. With the pulse of public opinion, they gained deep influence in politics. And with this politics of subtle corruption, they are taking control of the nation” and now aim for total world domination.

The Bilderberger-Rockefeller scheme is to make their views “so appealing (by camouflaging them) that they become public policy (and can) pressure world leaders into submitting to the ‘needs of the Masters of the Universe.’ ” The “free world press” is their instrument to disseminate “agreed-upon propaganda.”

CFR (Council on Foreign Relations) Cabinet Control

The National Security Act of 1947 established the office of Secretary of Defense.” Since then, 14 DOD secretaries have been CFR members.

For further information on The Council on Foreign Relations click here.

Since 1940, every Secretary of State, except James Byrnes, has been a CFR member and/or Trilateral Commission (TC) one.

For the past 80 years, Virtually every key US National Security and Foreign Policy Advisor has been a CFR member.

Nearly all top generals and admirals have been CFR members.

Many presidential candidates were/are CFR members, including Herbert Hoover, Adlai Stevenson, Dwight Eisenhower, John Kennedy, Richard Nixon, Gerald Ford, Jimmy Carter (also a charter TC member), George HW Bush, Bill Clinton, John Kerry, and John McCain.

Numerous CIA directors were/are CFR members, including Richard Helmes, James Schlesinger, William Casey, William Webster, Robert Gates, James Woolsey, John Deutsch, George Tenet, Porter Goss, Michael Hayden, and Leon Panetta.

Many Treasury Secretaries were/are CFR members, including Douglas Dillon, George Schultz, William Simon, James Baker, Nicholas Brady, Lloyd Bentsen, Robert Rubin, Henry Paulson, and Tim Geithner.

When presidents nominate Supreme Court candidates, the CFR’s “Special Group, Secret Team” or advisors vet them for acceptability. Presidents, in fact, are told who to appoint, including designees to the High Court and most lower ones.

Programming the Public Mind

According to sociologist Hadley Cantril in his 1967 book, The Human Dimension – Experiences in Policy Research:

Government “Psycho-political operations are propaganda campaigns designed to create perpetual tension and to manipulate different groups of people to accept the particular climate of opinion the CFR seeks to achieve in the world.”

Canadian writer Ken Adachi (1929 – 1989) added:

“What most Americans believe to be ‘Public Opinion’ is in reality carefully crafted and scripted propaganda designed to elicit a desired behavioral response from the public.”

And noted Australian academic and activist Alex Carey (1922 – 1988) explained the three most important 20th century developments – “The growth of democracy, the growth of corporate power, and the growth of corporate propaganda as a means of protecting corporate power against democracy.”

Web of Control

Numerous think tanks, foundations, the major media, and other key organizations are staffed with CFR members. Most of its life-members also belong to the TC and Bilderberg Group, operate secretly, and wield enormous power over US and world affairs.

For further information on The Rockefeller-Founded Trilateral Commission (TC) click here.

On page 405 of his Memoirs, David Rockfeller wrote:

“Some even believe we are part of a secret cabal working against the best interests of the United States characterizing my family and me as ‘internationalists’ and conspiring with others around the world to build a more integrated global political and economic structure – one world, if you will. If that’s the charge, I stand guilty, and I am proud of it.”

In alliance with Bilderbergers, the TC also “plays a vital role in the New World Order’s scheme to use wealth, concentrated in the hands of the few, to exert world control.” TC members share common views and all relate to total unchallengeable global dominance.

Founded in 1973 and headquartered in Washington, its powerful US, EU and East Asian members seek its operative founding goal – a “New International Economic Order,” now simply a “New World Order” run by global elites from these three parts of the world with lesser members admitted from other countries.

According to TC’s web site, “each regional group has a chairman and deputy chairman, who all together constitute the leadership of the Committee. The Executive Committee draws together a further 36 individuals from the wider membership,” proportionately representing the US, EU, and East Asia in its early years, now enlarged to be broadly global.

Committee members meet several times annually to discuss and coordinate their work. The Executive Committee chooses members, and at any time around 350 belong for a three-year renewable period. Everyone is a consummate insider with expertise in business, finance, politics, the military, or the media, including past presidents, secretaries of state, international bankers, think tank and foundation executives, university presidents and selected academics, and former senators and congressmen, among others.

Although its annual reports are available for purchase, its inner workings, current goals, and operations are secret – with good reason. Its objectives harm the public so mustn’t be revealed.

Trilaterals over Washington author Antony Sutton wrote:

“this group of private citizens is precisely organized in a manner that ensures its collective views have significant impact on public policy.”

In her book, Trilateralism: The Trilateral Commission and Elite Planning for World Management, Holly Sklar wrote:

Powerful figures in America, Europe, and East Asia let “the rich….safeguard the interests of Western capitalism in an explosive world – probably by discouraging protectionism, nationalism, or any response that would pit the elites of one against the elites of another,” in their common quest for global dominance.

Trilateralist Zbigniew Brzezinski (TC's co-founder) wrote in his Between Two Ages – America's Role in the Technotronic Era:

“people, governments and economies of all nations must serve the needs of multinational banks and corporations. (The Constitution is) inadequate….the old framework of international politics, with their sphere of influence….the fiction of sovereignty….is clearly no longer compatible with reality….”

TC today is now global with members from countries as diverse as Argentina, Ukraine, Israel, Jordan, Brazil, Turkey, China and Russia. In his Trilaterals Over America, Antony Sutton believes that TC’s aim is to collaborate with Bilderbergers and CFR in “establishing public policy objectives to be implemented by governments worldwide.” He added that “Trilateralists have rejected the US Constitution and the democratic political process.” In fact, TC was established to counter a “crisis in democracy” – too much of it that had to be contained.

An official TC report was fearful about “the increased popular participation in and control over established social, political, and economic institutions and especially a reaction against the concentration of power of Congress and of state and local government.”

To address this, media control was essential to exert “restraint on what newspapers may publish (and TV and radio broadcast).” Then according to Richard Gardner in the July 1974 issue of Foreign Affairs (a CFR publication):

CFR’s leadership must make “an end run around national sovereignty, eroding it piece by piece,” until the very notion disappears from public discourse.

Bilderberg / CFR / Trilateralist success depends on finding “a way to get us to surrender our liberties in the name of some common threat or crisis. The foundations, educational institutions, and research think tanks supported by (these organizations) oblige by financing so-called ‘studies’ which are then used to justify their every excess. The excuses vary, but the target is always individual liberty. Our liberty” and much more.

Bilderbergers, Trilateralists and CFR members want “an all-encompassing monopoly” – over government, money, industry, and property that’s “self-perpetuating and eternal.” In Confessions of a Monopolist (1906), Frederick C. Howe explained its workings in practice:

“The rules of big business: Get a monopoly; let Society work for you. So long as we see all international revolutionaries and all international capitalists as implacable enemies of one another, then we miss a crucial point….a partnership between international monopoly capitalism and international revolutionary socialism is for their mutual benefit.”

In the Rockefeller File, Gary Allen wrote:

“By the late nineteenth century, the inner sanctums of Wall Street understood that the most efficient way to gain a monopoly was to say it was for the ‘public good’ and ‘public interest.’ “

David Rockefeller learned the same thing from his father, John D., Jr. who learned it from his father, John D. Sr. They hated competition and relentlessly strove to eliminate it – for David on a global scale through a New World Order.
In the 1970s and 1980s, Trilateralists and CFR members collaborated on the latter’s “1980 Project,” the largest ever CFR initiative to steer world events “toward a particular desirable future outcome (involving) the utter disintegration of the economy.” Why so is the question?

Because by the 1950s and 1960s, worldwide industrial growth meant more competition. It was also a model to be followed, and “had to be strangled in the cradle” or at least greatly contained. In America as well beginning in the 1980s. The result has been a transfer of wealth from the poor to the rich, shrinkage of the middle class, and plan for its eventual demise.

The North American Union (NAU)

The idea emerged during the Reagan administration in the early 1980s. David Rockefeller, George Schultz and Paul Volker told the president that Canada and America could be politically and economically merged over the next 15 years except for one problem – French-speaking Quebec. Their solution – elect a Bilderberg-friendly prime minister, separate Quebec from the other provinces, then make Canada America’s 51st state. It almost worked, but not quite when a 1995 secession referendum was defeated – 50.56% to 49.44%, but not the idea of merger.

Federal Reserve System Chariman Ben Bernanke arrives at Bilderberger

At a March 23, 2005 Waco, Texas meeting, attended by George Bush, Mexico’s Vincente Fox, and Canada’s Paul Martin, the Security and and Prosperity Partnership (SPP) was launched, also known as the North American Union (NAU).

It was a secretive Independent Task Force of North America agreement – a group organized by the Canadian Council of Chief Executives (CCCE), the Mexican Council on Foreign Relations, and CFR with the following aims:

Circumventing the legislatures of three countries and their constitutions;

Suppressing public knowledge or consideration; and

Proposing greater US, Canadian and Mexican economic, political, social, and security integration with secretive working groups formed to devise non-debatable, not voted on agreements to be binding and unchangeable.

In short – a corporate coup d’etat against the sovereignty of three nations enforced by hard line militarization to suppress opposition.

If enacted, it will create a borderless North America, corporate controlled, without barriers to trade or capital flows for business giants, mainly US ones and much more – America’s access to vital resources, especially oil and Canada’s fresh water.

Secretly, over 300 SPP initiatives were crafted to harmonize the continent’s policies on energy, food, drugs, security, immigration, manufacturing, the environment, and public health along with militarizing three nations for enforcement.

SPP represents another step toward the Bilderberg / Trilateralist / CFR goal for World Government, taking it one step at a time.

A “United Europe” was another, the result of various treaties and economic agreements:

The December 1951 six-nation European Coal and Steel Community (ECSC);

the March 1957 six-nation Treaty of Rome establishing the European Economic Community (EEC);

Also the European Atomic Energy Commission (EAEC) by a second Treaty of Rome;

The October 1957 European Court of Justice to settle regional trade disputes;

The May 1960 seven-nation European Free Trade Association (EFTA);

The July 1967 European Economic Community (EEC) merging the ECSC, EAEC and EEC together in one organization;

The 1968 European Customs Union to abolish duties and establish uniform imports taxing among EEC nations;

The 1978 European Currency Unit (ECU);

The February 1986 Single European Act revision of the 1957 Treaty of Rome; it established the objective of forming a Common Market by December 31, 1992;

The February 1992 Maastricht Treaty creating the EU on November 1, 1993; and

The name euro was adopted in December 1995; it was introduced in January 1999 replacing the European Currency Unit (ECU); euros began circulating on January 2002; they’re now the official currency of 16 of the 27 EU states.

Over half a century, the above steps cost EU members their sovereignty “as some 70 to 80 per cent of the laws passed in Europe involve just rubber stamping of regulations already written by nameless bureaucrats in ‘working groups’ in Brussels or Luxembourg.”

The EU and NAU share common features:

Advocacy from a influential spokesperson;

An economic and later political union;

Hard line security, and for Europe, ending wars on the continent between EU member states;

Establishment of a collective consciousness in place of nationalism;

The blurring of borders and creation of a “supra-government,” a superstate;

Secretive arrangements to mask real objectives; and

The creation of a common currency and eventual global one.

Steps Toward a North American Union:

The October 4, 1988 Free Trade Agreement (FTA) between the US and Canada, finalized the previous year;

At the 1991 Bilderberg meeting, David Rockefeller got governor Bill Clinton’s support for NAFTA if he became president;

On January 1, 1994, with no debate under “fast-track” rules, Congress approved WTO legislation;

In December 1994 at the first Summit of the Americas, 34 Hemispheric leaders committed their nations to a Free Trade of the Americas agreement (FTAA) by 2005 – so far unachieved;

On July 4, 2000, Mexican president Vincente Fox called for a North American common market in 20 years;

On February 2001, the White House published a joint statement from George Bush and Vincente Fox called the “Guanajuato Proposal;” it was for a US-Canada-Mexico prosperity partnership (aka North American Union);

In September 2001, Bush and Fox agreed to a “Partnership for Prosperity Initiative;”

The September 11, 2001 attack gave cover to including “security” as part of a future partnership;

On October 7, 2001, a CFA meeting highlighted “The Future of North American Integration in the Wake of Terrorist Attacks; for the first time, “security” became part of a future “partnership for prosperity;” also, Canada was to be included in a “North American” agreement;

In 2002, the North American Forum on Integration (NAFI) was established in Montreal “to address the issues raised by North American integration as well as identify new ideas and strategies to reinforce the North American region;”

In January 2003, the Canadian Council of Chief Executives (CCCE – composed of 150 top CEOs) launched the “North American Security and Prosperity Initiative” calling for continental integration;

In April 2004, Canadian prime minister Paul Martin announced the nation’s first ever national security policy called Securing an Open Society;

On October 15, 2004, CFR established an Independent Task Force on the Future of North America – for a future continental union;

In March 2005, a CFR report titled Creating a North American Community called for continental integration by 2010 “to enhance, prosperity, and opportunity for all North Americans;” and

On March 23, 2005 in Waco, Texas, America, Canada and Mexico leaders launched the Security and Prosperity Partnership (SPP) – aka North American Union (NAU).

Secretive negotiations continue. Legislative debate is excluded, and public inclusion and debate are off the table. In May 2005, the CFR Independent Task Force on the Future of North America published a follow-up report titled Building a North American Community – proposing a borderless three-nation union by 2010.

The location of the Bilderberg conference in 2010 was Stiges, Spain (3-6 June)

In June and July 2005, the Dominican Republic – Central America Free Trade Agreement (DR-CAFTA) passed the Senate and House establishing corporate-approved trade rules to further impoverish the region and move a step closer to continental integration.

In March 2006, the North American Competitiveness Council (NACC) was created at the second SPP summit in Cancun, Mexico. Composed of 30 top North American CEOs, it serves as an official trilateral SPP working group.

Secret business and government meetings continue so there’s no way to confirm SPP’s current status or if Barack Obama is seamlessly continuing George Bush’s agenda. In an earlier article, this writer said:

SPP efforts paused during the Bush to Obama transition, but “deep integration” plans remain. Canada’s Fraser Institute proposed renaming the initiative the North American Standards and Regulatory Area (NASRA) to disguise its real purpose. It said the “SPP brand” is tarnished so re-branding is essential – to fool the public until it’s too late to matter.

Bilderbergers, Trilaterists, and CFR leaders back it as another step toward global integration and won’t “stop until the entire world is unified under the auspices and the political umbrella of a One World Company, a nightmarish borderless world run by the world’s most powerful clique” – comprised of key elitist members of these dominant organizations.

In April 2007, the Transatlantic Economic Council was established between America and the EU to:

Create an “official international governmental body – by executive fiat;

Harmonize economic and regulatory objectives;

Move toward a Transatlantic Common Market; and

A step closer to One World Government run by the world’s most powerful corporate interests.

Insights into the 2009 Bilderberg Group Meeting

From May 14 – 17, Bilderbergers held their annual meeting in Vouliagmeni, Greece, and according to Daniel Estulin have dire plans for global economies.

According to his pre-meeting sources, they’re divided on two alternatives:

“Either a prolonged, agonizing depression that dooms the world to decades of stagnation, decline and poverty (or) an intense but shorter depression that paves the way for a new sustainable world order, with less sovereignty but more efficiency.”

Other agenda items included:

"The future of the US dollar and US economy;”

Continued deception about green shoots signaling an end to recession and improving economy later in the year;

Suppressing the fact that bank stress tests were a sham and were designed for deception, not an accurate assessment of major banks’ health;

Projecting headlined US unemployment to hit 14% by year end – way above current forecasts and meaning the true number will be double, at minimum, with all uncounted categories included; and

A final push to get the Lisbon Treaty passed for pan-European (EU) adoption of neoliberal rules, including greater privatizations, fewer worker rights and social benefits, open border trade favoring developed over emerging states, and greater militarization to suppress civil liberties and human rights.

After the meeting, Estulin got a 73-page report on what was discussed. He noted that “One of Bilderberg’s primary concerns….is the danger that their zeal to reshape the world by engineering chaos (toward) their long term agenda could cause the situation to spiral out of control and eventually lead to a scenario where Bilderberg and the global elite in general are overwhelmed by events and end up losing their control over the planet.”

Queen Beatrice of The Netherlands arrives at Bilderberger - her father Prince Bernhard was one of the founding Bilderbergers

Estulin also noted some considerable disagreement between “hardliners” wanting a “dramatic decline and a severe, short-term depression (versus others) who think that things have gone too far” so that “the fallout from the global economic cataclysm” can’t be known, may be greater than anticipated, and may harm Bilderberger interests. Also, “some European bankers (expressed great alarm over their own fate and called the current) high wire act ‘unsustainable.’ ”

There was a combination of agreement and fear that the situation remains dire and the worst of the crisis lies ahead, mainly because of America’s extreme debt level that must be resolved to produce a healthy, sustainable recovery.

Topics also included:

Establishing a Global Treasury Department and Global Central Bank, possibly partnered with or as part of the IMF;

A global currency;

Destruction of the dollar through what longtime market analyst Bob Chapman calls “a stealth default on (US) debt by continuing to issue massive amounts of money and credit and in the process devaluing the dollar,” a process he calls “fraud;”

A global legal system;

Exploiting the Swine Flu scare to create a WHO global department of health; and

The overall goal of a global government and the end of national sovereignty.

In the past, Estulin’s sources proved accurate. Earlier, he predicted the housing crash and 2007 – 2008 financial market decline, preceded by the kind of financial crisis triggered by the Lehman Brothers collapse. Watch for further updates from him as new information leaks out on what the world’s power elites have planned going forward.

The 2014 meeting of the Bilderberg Group will take place in Denmark at the end of May.

Two of the best people to follow in terms of news and developments who have proven over and over again that they are ahead of the game in what is coming next are Max Keiser and Gerald Celente.

Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi

Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi
United Nations
Key Source: Bibliotecapleyades

1.0 A Brief History of the UN

The "idea" for creating the United Nations was born a few years before the First World War. The idea was named "League of Nations" and came from a book of fiction called "Phillip Dru: Administrator". The author was Woodrow Wilson’s socialist right hand man, Colonel House. House later admitted the book was fact presented as fiction.

Flag of the League of Nations (failed precursor to the UN)

Flag of the United Nations

President Wilson’s biographer, George Sylvester Viereck said:

“The Wilson Administration transferred the Colonel’s ideas from the pages of fiction to the pages of history"..

In his novel, published anonymously two years before the First World War had even begun, he proposed "...a League of Nations". The United Nations was founded on October 24 1945.

After the war, despite enormous influence and money backing, the idea came to naught because the United States would not support it. But not to worry, the socialist backing for the League already had its sights on a successor, the United Nations.

All that was needed to coerce the "sheep" into the fold was another BIG war. This was not to be a problem because the seeds for this war were already planted at Versalles.

Following Germany’s surrender, two committees were established to administer details of post-war policies. Woodrow Wilson appointed Bernard Baruch to represent the US on the economic committee and Thomas W. Lamont of J.P. Morgan spoke for US (US banks, that is) interests on the financial committee.

The UN Headquarters in New York (there's also a headquarters in Geneva) is built on land originally donated by the Rockefeller family, or by their foundation. Like all diplomatic, consular and international organisation property, it remains under host-country (local) sovereignty regardless of ownership. Is that a chemtrail?

Baruch’s group decided that Germany would pay $12 billion in reparations and, together with other limitations on the German economy, the new German republic (The Weimar Republic) was doomed to fail. In doing so, social conditions would ripen for the rise to power of Adolph Hitler.

Once the banksters were assured that Hitler was their man, rivers of money flowed out of the Federal Reserve to build Germany’s infrastructure and Adolph’s war machine. This all occurred during "the Great Depression" while the people of the United States were losing their farms, homes and jobs because there "wasn’t enough money".

Similar actions were occurring in the Pacific to bring Japan towards war and eventually the Second World War became history with the loss of millions of lives. The banks made uncountable profits along with the industrial powers. For some, WWII was another successful venture.

The same people who made profit from these wars now resurrected the League of Nations under a new banner, The United Nations. For a complete look at the history of the United Nations, read David Icke’s book "....and the truth shall set you free".

The above is just a thumbnail history of the UN. By visiting the Official United Nations website, you will find even less history.

"The United Nations is the greatest fraud in history. It's purpose is to destroy the United States."

- John E. Rankin, a U.S. Congressman

"The age of nations must end. The governments of nations have decided to order their separate sovereignties into one government to which they will surrender their arms."

- U.N. World Constitution

The first president of the United Nations General Assembly, Paul-Henri Spaak, who was also a prime minister of Belgium and one of the early planners of the European Common Market, as well as a secretary-general of NATO, affirmed:

"We do not want another committee, we have too many already. What we want is a man of sufficient stature to hold the allegiance of all the people and to lift us up out of the economic morass into which we are sinking. Send us such a man, and whether he be God or devil, we will receive him."

"No one will enter the New World Order unless he or she will make a pledge to worship Lucifer. No one will enter the New Age unless he will take a LUCIFERIAN Initiation."

- David Spangler, Director of Planetary Initiative, United Nations

1.1 A Top Secret Document

A copy of a top secret document was smuggled out of the Executive Office Building in Washington DC.

Parts of it read as follows:

"On transfer of sovereignty to the United Nations, those who do not conform to United Nations authority will be considered RESISTERS and declared ENEMIES OF THE GOVERNMENT. Public statements in support of the old ways and favoring continued United States nationalism will be considered ENEMY DOCTRINE.

The PURPOSE for the build up of World Wars was to create a NEED for PEACE so that a UNITED NATIONS may be needed and then created as a SOLUTION for establishing peace between nations.

A WORLD body of GOVERNMENT with a WORLD COURT and a WORLD POLICE to keep nations in place and to concentrate power into a few people's hands. Who's hands? William Howard Taft, Skull and Bones graduate of 1878, helped found the American Society for the Judicial Settlement of International Disputes in 1920.

This soon became the League to Enforce the Peace, then the League of Nations and then finally The United Nations. If you look at things from a historical perspective, the U.N. today has implemented or is in the process of implementing all the planks of Adam Weishaupt's Manifesto. (In 1848, Karl Marx wrote the 10 planks of the Communist Manifesto, which he copied from an article written by Adam Weishaupt in 1797."

This article was named "How to change a Republic into a Democracy." It is the foundation of what communist ideology is all about.

2.0 United Nations Agenda 21

"Effective execution of Agenda 21 will require a profound reorientation of all human society, unlike anything the world has ever experienced a major shift in the priorities of both governments and individuals and an unprecedented redeployment of human and financial resources. This shift will demand that a concern for the environmental consequences of every human action be integrated into individual and collective decision-making at every level. "

- excerpt, UN Agenda 21

2.1 The History and Origins of Agenda 21

Agenda 21 was the main outcome of the United Nation's Earth Summit held in Rio de Janeiro in 1992. Agenda 21 outlines, in detail, the UN's vision for a centrally managed global society.

This contract binds governments around the world to the United Nation's plan for controlling the way we live, eat, learn, move and communicate - all under the noble banner of saving the earth. If fully implemented, Agenda 21 would have the government involved in every aspect of life of every human on earth.

Interestingly, in April 1991, fourteen months before Earth Summit, Prince Charles held a private two day international conference aboard the royal yacht Britannia, moored off the coast of Brazil.

You can download a PDF copy of Agenda 21 directly fron the United Nations website here.

His goal was to bring together key international figures in an attempt to achieve a degree of harmony between the various countries that would gather at the Summit . Al Gore was present, along with senior officials from the United Nations and the World Bank.

At the summit 179 nations officially signed Agenda 21 and many more have followed since. Nearly 12,000 local and federal authorities have legally committed themselves to the Agenda. In practice this means that all their plans and policies must begin with an assessment of how the plan or policy meets the requirements of Agenda 21, and no plans or policies are allowed to contradict any part of the Agenda.

Former Prime Minister of New Zealand, Helen Clark - administrator of the United Nations Development Programme. She is effectively 3rd in charge of the UN and has been identified as possibly the next Secretary-General, to replace Ban Ki-moon

Local authorities are audited by UN inspectors and the results of the audits are placed on the UN website.

You can see how many local authorities in your country were bound by Agenda 21 in 2001 here. The number has increased significantly since then.

It is easy to overlook local government since people are saturated with too much information in the internet age.

Compounding this is the fact that Agenda 21 is a dull topic, and it becomes understandable how it has been able to fly mostly under the radar since 1992, slowly working its way into our cities and counties.

Agenda 21, which reportedly means an agenda for the 21st century, is a United Nations program launched in 1992 for the vague purpose of achieving global "sustainable development."

(Interestingly, the United States Congress never approved Agenda 21, although Presidents Obama, Clinton and George H.W. Bush have all signed Executive Orders implementing it. 178 other world leaders agreed to it in 1992 at the Rio Summit.

Since then, the U.N. has mostly bypassed national governments, using Agenda 21's International Council of Local Environmental Initiatives (“ICLEI”) to make agreements directly with local governments. ICLEI's U.S. presence has grown to include agreements with over 600 cities, towns and counties here, which are now copying the land use plans prescribed in Agenda 21.)

"Some conservatives are trying to attract attention to Agenda 21 by labelling it a secret conspiracy to create a one world government. While that will wake some people up, it will turn off others.

It does not matter whether it is a conspiracy or not. There are people on the left side of the political spectrum - who may even believe they have good intentions - working together to spread their vision for society worldwide.

Whether they meet in dark rooms or openly in public meetings is irrelevant; they are having great success convincing local governments in the U.S. to adopt their socialist and extreme environmentalist programs under the guise of feel-good buzz words.

Left wing billionaire George Soros's Open Society has provided $2,147,415 to ICLEI. Van Jones' Green for All and the Tides Foundations' Apollo Alliance are also reportedly ICLEI contributors.

Agenda 21 ostensibly seeks to promote "sustainability" (the latest revisionist word for "environmentalism," since Americans have learned too many negative things about environmentalism). "Sustainability" is an amorphous concept that can be interpreted to an extreme degree that would regulate and restrict many parts of our lives.

When will the level of carbon emissions be low enough? How much must we reduce our consumption of fossil fuels? Preserving the environment is a dubious science, and what steps are really necessary to protect the environment are anyone's guess.

Agenda 21 promotes European socialist goals that will erode our freedoms and liberties. Most of its vague, lofty sounding phrases cause the average person's eyes to glaze over, making it easier to sneak into our communities. The environmentalist goals include atmospheric protection, combating pollution, protecting fragile environments, and conserving biological diversity.

Agenda 21 goes well beyond environmentalism. Other broad goals include combating poverty, changing consumption patterns, promoting health, and reducing private property ownership, single-family homes, private car ownership, and privately owned farms. It seeks to cram people into small livable areas and institute population control. There is a plan for “social justice” that will redistribute wealth.

In the process of implementing Sustainable Development;

You will be required to surrender your individual rights.

You must give up all private ownership of land.

The ‘environment' will be used simply as the means to promote a political agenda.

Restructuring of governmental systems of the world's nations so that all the people of the world will be the subjects of a global collective.

Powerful behaviour control techniques and peer pressure used to make developing children question their individual worth and values, designed to disrupt parental oversight in the upbringing of their children.

Control of our food and water as well as natural seeds to grow our own food.

Once these vague, overly broad goals are adopted, they are being interpreted to allow massive amounts of new, overreaching regulations. Joyce Morrison from Eco-logic Powerhouse says Agenda 21 is so broad it will affect the way we "live, eat, learn and communicate."

Berit Kjos, author of Brave New Schools, warns that Agenda 21 "regulation would severely limit water, electricity, and transportation - even deny human access to our most treasured wilderness areas, it would monitor all lands and people.

No one would be free from the watchful eye of the new global tracking and information system." Even one of the authors of Agenda 21 has admitted that it "…calls for specific changes in the activities of all people…" These steps are already being enacted little by little at the local levels.

Since the U.S. is one of the wealthiest countries in the world, and uses more energy than any other country, it stands to lose the most from environmental regulations. The goal of "sustainability," which comes down to using government to heavy-handedly accomplish vague goals of caring for the earth, goes contrary to our free market capitalism.

Even more unfair, struggling third world countries and communist countries that cannot financially afford to comply with the onerous environmental regulations will continue their high levels of fossil fuel consumption, and the U.S. will be forced by U.N. regulators to conserve even more to make up for those countries.

3.0 The UN in Summary

Since the mid 1940's, people have been deceived into thinking that the United Nations is a peace organization, committed to solving conflicts before they start, and using legislation instead of war to solve international disputes.

In actuality, the UN is one of the greatest threats to our liberty and freedom.

In a pamphlet put out by the John Birch Society, there is listed 12 grievances against the UN:

1) The UN's philosophy is both anti-American and pro-totalitarian

They completely ignore our founding documents, such as The Declaration of Independence, and the Constitution.

2) The UN was founded by communists whose goal was a socialist global government.

Alger Hiss, one of the most prominant person's responsible for the UN, was a known communist. And he wasn't the only one. Along with the communists there were other groups at work to establish a socialistic world government.

3) There have only been socialists or communists who have been Secretary-General of the UN

The Soviet spy Hiss was the first Secretary-General, and his successors have followed in his footsteps, in ideology.

4) The UN seeks power to control the world, by using environmental, population, and children's issues

What they don't tell you is that many of these issues are either fabricated or completely twisted around.

5) The UN Charter paves the way for world tyranny

They may use any force neccesary, whether by land, sea, or air, to solve world conflicts, although they have no right to be there.

6) The UN is building its own army to enforce what the UN wants

Amazingly, the majority of soldiers in this army are Americans. Not only is this organization anti-American, it is using our people to enforce its will.

7) The UN has never settled a dispute-it has made them worse

We easily could have won in Korea, but UN regulations then and now say we aren't allowed to engage an enemy, and if they fire at us, we aren't allowed to fire back.

8) The UN praises communist countries while condemning free ones

Examples of this are when Nelson Mandela achieved power in the 1990's. He was a self-proclaimed communist and terrorist, yet the UN granted him power.

9) The UN embraces Communist China-one of history's most notorious regimes

This has been most evident in recent years, as the un-human atrocities that the Chinese do goes unchecked, while good countries such as Taiwan are being harassed.

10) The UN is a moral cesspool of perverts and fat cats

The UN supports child molestation groups such as the North American Man/Boy Love Association and the Dutch group Vereniging Martijn. And the relief fund for children UNICEF actually is handed over to terrorist groups.

11) Monies supplied to the UN by the United States goes in support of anti-American regimes and other enemies of ours

Funds such as those going for the World bamk actually are supplied to Marxist regimes who are intent on destroying the United States. Without these funds, such governments would not be able to exist.

12) The UN is a war organization, not one that promotes peace

Governments embracing tyranny have defined peace as the absence of all opposition. This is what the UN does. It uses any force neccesarry to make sure tyrannists come to power while the good people left suffer.

Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi

Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi
Committee of 300
Key Source: TheForbiddenKnowledge

This committee of 300 is modeled after the British East India Company's Council of 300, founded by the British aristocracy in 1727. Most of its immense wealth arose out of the opium trade with China. This group is responsible for the phony drug wars here in the U.S. These phony drug wars were to get us to give away our constitutional rights.

The British East India Trading Company / East India Company - One of the oldest and most diabolically rapacious corporations on Earth

Asset forfeiture is a prime example, where huge assets can be seized without trail and no proof of guilt needed. Also the Committee of 300 long ago decreed that there shall be a smaller-much smaller-and better world, that is, their idea of what constitutes a better world.

The Committee of 300 is an international council which determines the political, economical, banking, media, and the military policy for centralized global efforts. The committee is part of the Round Table Group, and is superior to groups such as Club of Rome and the Trilateral Commission. The Committee of 300 evolved out of the British East India Company which was established in 1727 by the British elite, the group is also known as the Olympians. The number 300 is derived from the 1909 article Geschäftlicher Nachwuchs by Walter Rathenau of General Electric.

The myriads of useless eaters consuming scarce natural resources were to be culled. Industrial progress supports population growth. Therefore the command to multiply and subdue the earth found in Genesis had to be subverted.

This called for an attack upon Christianity; the slow but sure disintegration of industrial nation states; the destruction of hundreds of millions of people, referred to by the Committee of 300 as "surplus population, " and the removal of any leader who dared to stand in the way of the Committee's global planning to reach the foregoing objectives. Not that the U.S. government didn't know, but as it was part of the conspiracy, it helped to keep the lid on information rather than let the truth be known. Queen, Elizabeth II, is the head of the Committee of 300.

The headquarters for the Committee of 300 is the Aspen Institute, 1000 North Third Street Aspen, Colorado 81611 - Visitors are welcome we are sure

They called themselves the Bilderberg Group with a membership representing a who’s who of world power elites, mostly from America, Canada, and Western Europe with familiar names like:

David Rockefeller, Henry Kissinger, Bill Clinton, Gordon Brown, Angela Merkel, Alan Greenspan, Ben Bernanke, Larry Summers, Tim Geithner, Lloyd Blankfein, George Soros, Donald Rumsfeld, Rupert Murdoch, other heads of state, influential senators, congressmen and parliamentarians, Pentagon and NATO brass, members of European royalty, selected media figures, and invited others – some quietly by some accounts like Barack Obama and many of his top officials.

The Committee of 300 looks to social convulsions on a global scale, followed by depressions, as a softening-up technique for bigger things to come, as its principal method of creating masses of people all over the world who will become its "welfare" recipients of the future.

The committee appears to base much of its important decisions affecting mankind on the philosophy of Polish aristocrat, Felix Dzerzinski, who regarded mankind as being slightly above the level of cattle.

As a close friend of British intelligence agent Sydney Reilly (Reilly was actually Dzerzinski's controller during the Bolshevik Revolution's formative years), he often confided in Reilly during his drinking bouts.

“Dzerzinski was, of course, the beast who ran the Red Terror apparatus. He once told Reilly, while the two were on a drinking binge, that:

"Man is of no importance. Look at what happens when you starve him. He begins to eat his dead companions to stay alive. Man is only interested in his own survival. That is all that counts. All the Spinoza stuff is a lot of rubbish."

- Dr. John Coleman

The most notable members of the committee are / were:

The British royal family
Dutch royal family
House of Hapsburg
Lord Halifax
Winston Churchill
Cecil Rhodes
George Bush
Aldous Huxley
Henry Kissinger
David Rockefeller
Giuseppe Mazzini
H.G. Wells

The Committee of Three Hundred
Dr John Coleman

Dr. John Coleman, being a historian in the intelligence community, has researched in full scope the sinister forces behind the New World Order movement. This video lecture represents a culmination of his findings about secret societies which form the global movement and how it came into existence.

Wake Up Kiwi
Wake Up Kiwi
Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi
Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi
Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi

Wake Up Kiwi
Wake Up Kiwi
Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi

Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi
The Criminal Imposter: Liz Windsor Battenburg - AKA Queen Elizabeth II
From: Leuren Moret / sxolsout

"The Sovereign can do no wrong and no laws can be brought against her"

- But only in her own courts

- Lord Halsbury "The Laws of England"

The Civil List Loot

The Civil List provides lavish expenditure for the monarch to spend on Palace entertaining. Queen Victoria stole most of this annual gift from public funds and banked it in the royal maze of off-shore banks. As did her descendants until 1992.

Since 1992 when a few Labour MP’s demanded a closer look at Palace expenditure; the present Queen, Elizabeth II, has been unable to steal as much as her ancestors. In 1993 it came to light the Queen had a ‘Civil List Surplus’ of £35 Million.

A half decent Head Of State would have returned that money to the Treasury for use in our schools and hospitals. Elizabeth II held on it for 'shortfalls'.

Were it not for the book Royal Fortune, which led to more palace scrutiny, nobody would have known about the Queen's Civil List 'surplus'.

The £35 Million would have followed centuries of Civil List surpluses into the royals Swiss accounts.

August 2009. We now know Elizabeth II had the insolence to designate the Civil List 'surplus' (the £35 Million she stole) as "the Queen's reserve".

Which she now insists is all but spent and therefore, she says, she needs another £6 Million added to her annual Civil List of £7.9 Million!

Between 1952 and 1992 the Queen stole another £30 Million by illegally avoiding tax. The stolen money was salted away in Swiss banks where it would have realized £300 Million by now. Anyone who thinks this woman has any love for Britain and the British has no real knowledge of the so-called "royal family."

From the start of her reign the Queen has had to plan for the possibility of Great Britain becoming a nuclear desert. The British public have never for one moment entered those plans.

Should Chernobyl happen at Sellafield or Sizewell the royals have escape planes standing by 24/7, private Pacific islands to go to and billions in foreign banks. In case of a nuclear disaster the evacuation of the Queen's family and ministers is reviewed and rehearsed every year - sometimes twice a year. The Queen's subjects will be abandoned without so much as a royal wave.

The Uranium Queen

Once upon a time we were told nuclear power stations would provide electricity 'too cheap to meter.' We then learned that when the Queen opened her first uranium (nuclear) power station it had had nothing to do with providing electricity. Nuclear power stations are built to produce nuclear weapons material for Her Majesty's Government.

Whoopsie daisy

One must be apoplectic

From the very beginning of nuclear power Her Majesty's Government planned and plotted to hide the horrendous cost of running nuclear power stations with massive subsidies, of the taxpayers money, distributed under the cloak of Her Majesty's Official Secret Act.

The Queen's Uranium Mines

The Queen owns mines in America, Canada and Africa. The uranium mining company Rio Tinto Mines was formed for the British Royal Family in the late 1950's by the Queen's "Africa adviser" Roland Walter Fuhrhop. Described by a fellow German as "an ardent supporter of Hitler and an arrogant, nasty piece of work to boot."

The Queen's adviser (better known as "Tiny" Rowland) had been a passionate member of the Nazi youth movement.

Rowland became Africa's most ruthless businessman. Africa being a prime source of the uranium used in the Queen's nuclear reactors.

Between 1957 and 1976 British reactors produced enough nuclear waste/weapons material to suit our Defence Requirements for the next 200 years. By which time nuclear weapons will be obsolete.

Although we had more nuclear weapons material than we could ever use, without choking on our own nuclear fallout, the Queen's cartel had no intention of giving-up their obscene profits from their nuclear power and waste companies, funded by the stroke of the royal pen with an endless supply of the taxpayers billions.

When Electricité de France announced the new European Pressurized Reactor (EPR) would be more efficient than the old Chernobyl type reactor they were, for once, actually telling the truth. The EPR will “overcook” nuclear fuel. This will produce between five and fifteen times more eternally fatal High Level Nuclear Waste for the taxpayer to pay for. Forever and ever.

An accident, like Chernobyl, in an EPR will release much higher levels of fatal radiation causing five to fifteen times the human misery Chernobyl has. How’s that for nuclear efficiency!

The remains of Reactor #4 at Chernobyl and the city of Pripyat, where 49,000 residents left overnight on the 26th of April 1986, never to return

May 2009: The Queen granted her French collaborators permission to build two of these foreign Doomsday Machines in Somerset and another two in Suffolk. No doubt Al Qeada are already writing letters of thanks to Her Majesty in anticipation of these dream Targets of Nuclear Mass Destruction.

The Crown Prerogative dictates there can be no questions in Her Majesty's Parliament probing Her Majesty's control of the Energy Market. Members of Parliament are not even allowed to think of how much the royals are making every single minute from their oil, gas and nuclear investments. Which gives you some idea how patently impotent Members of Her Majesty's Parliament really are.

The British Head of State, Elizabeth II, presides over a weekly meeting of the Joint Intelligence Committee, (JIC) where she - and not the passing prime minister - is fully briefed on the activities of all of the British secret services. The Queen alone appoints military commanders. No British agents, or British troops, carry out a single act, overt or covert, without direct orders signed by the British Head Of State.

With Rothschilds acting as her principle-nominee-bankers Queen Elizabeth II has [supposedly - she is not even at the top of the pile] become the wealthiest woman in the world. In financial circles the Queen is known as the world's "ultimate insider trader.''

Not only is she advised by the world's richest financiers she also has full access to all British State Secrets, through the daily Red Boxes.

The Queen has 455 military advisers in 30 countries. If the Queen learns that some country, lets say Nigeria, is about to be destabilized, she can immediately sell her Nigerian oil shares and invest that money in Arms sales to Nigeria. The only people who know the murky details of royal insider dealing are those on the same gravy train.

It would prove impossible, for anyone (especially a royal banker), to press charges of insider trading and conflict of interest against the Queen in her own courts.

Sovereign Rules

Congress can discuss royal family business but it is forbidden for Her Majesty's Parliament to discuss the family business, or the royals offshore fortune, or the fact that Her Majesty has illegally used her Law Lords to keep her obscene wealth a secret. The Queen's holdings in Rio Tinto Zinc (RTZ) was first brought to public attention by a leak from a source at the Bank of England to Andrew Morton, who wrote the authorized biography of Diana.

Philip Beresford, author of The Book of the British Rich, written in conjunction with the Sunday Times of London, found the Queen tends to invest in "blue chip'' stocks, including Rio Tinto Zinc, General Electric Company of Great Britain, Imperial Chemical Industries, Royal Dutch Shell, and British Petroleum. Among those acting as royal cut-outs and nominees are S.G. Warburg's subsidiary Rowe & Pitman, Barings and Cazanove.

Forbes magazine also reported the Queen is a major RTZ shareholder, as is the Bank of England. Charles Higham, co-author of Elizabeth and Philip, also states the Queen is a major stockholder in RTZ, which, with her old friends at Anglo-American, controls 12% of the world's precious, strategic, and base metals and minerals.

In 1976, the U.S. Senate Foreign Relations Committee found that an international cartel, of which RTZ was a major partner, had been formed in 1971 to fix the world's uranium prices. A federal grand jury found corroborating evidence of RTZ's role.

To protect RTZ's directors and their richest shareholder, the Queen, Lord Denning and the Law Lords quashed Westinghouse's ability to take depositions in the United Kingdom. On June 16, 1976, in hearings in the U.S. House Interstate and Foreign Commerce Subcommittee Jerry McAfee, chairman of Gulf Oil admitted that the cartel in which RTZ was his partner had criminally conspired to falsely increase the price of uranium on world markets.

When the Tennessee Valley Authority tried to sue RTZ for price fixing the U.S. Attorney General again demanded testimony from RTZ executives. However, the directors of RTZ and their boss the Queen were once again protected by the Law Lords, who claimed RTZ directors did not have to appear before an American court, as this was "an unacceptable invasion of British sovereignty.''

RTZ was in on developing North Sea oil from the beginning. Writes Higham. "The Queen undoubtedly approved the heavy investment, which would enrich her in the immediate future.''

Starting in June 1975, RTZ and Texaco were spearheading shipments from the North Sea Argyll Field, to the refineries of British Petroleum, (BP) in which the royal family have a massive stake dating back to the Anglo Persian Oil Company set-up by George V and his bankers to rape the Iranian oil-fields. Anglo Persian evolved into into BP.

Colluding with the Queen the Bank of England established a highly illegal nominee company, the Bank of England Nominees Ltd. (BoEN), to hide the Queen's investments as well as the investments of those Heads Of State the Queen personally recommends.

The Sultan of Brunei, King Bhumibhol Adulayadej of Thailand, the Kuwaiti royal family, King Fahd of Saudi Arabia and his then friend Saddam Hussein all became clients of "Queen Lizzy's private bank." BoEN is only one of the many cut-outs used by the Queen to hide her obscene arms, oil and nuclear profits.

About RTZ

Rio Tinto is a leading international mining group headquartered in the UK, combining Rio Tinto plc, a London and NYSE listed company, and Rio Tinto Limited, which is listed on the Australian Securities Exchange.

Rio Tinto's business is finding, mining, and processing mineral resources. Major products are aluminium, copper, diamonds, energy (coal and uranium), gold, industrial minerals (borax, titanium dioxide, salt, talc) and iron ore. Activities span the world but are strongly represented in Australia and North America with significant businesses in South America, Asia, Europe and South Africa. more

The British monarch became the ultimate insider-trader in the reign of "The Mad King" George III, 1769-1815. King George III was perfectly sane when he gave some of the Crown Lands to Parliament in exchange for extravagant annual payments, of taxpayers money, to fund the monarchy and their palace-pampered-lifestyle of offensive luxury.

These payments are called The Civil List. The royals annual Civil List became an endless supply of money-for-nothing to be used for warmongering-for-profit and Empire money-grubbing-speculation. By 1936 when the Queen's grandfather, George V, died the royals private (offshore) fortune was estimated at one billion Sterling.

A small part of the present Queen's massive disposable wealth is the tens of billions amassed tax free between her Coronation in 1953 until the public demanded she pay tax in 1992. The Queen calls 1992 her "Annus Horribilis." This was the year of the Windsor Castle fire.

Widespread public outrage erupted when the taxpayers were arbitrarily told they would have to pay approximately £30 Million for the fire! The outcome was a "memorandum of understanding" that the Queen would pay some taxes - at her pleasure. Although, the Queen can ignore this "memorandum of understanding" any time she pleases.

In 2002 it pleased the Queen to refuse to pay tax on the known £70 Million the Queen Mum left to the Queen. Prior to her death the Queen Mum was always said to be broke. It transpired that eight years before she died the Queen Mum had put £140 Million into Swiss Trusts for her grandchildren.

Little Lizzy's little House

During the 1930's Depression when a third of British children suffered growth defects caused by constant hunger (Rickets). "Little Lizzy", the present Queen, had her own child size six-roomed thatched house in the garden's of Royal odge, Royal Windsor Great Park (three mile south of Windsor Castle).

The Times reported. ‘The Small House is fully furnished with running water electric light, and a wireless.’

Architect John Nash rebuilt Royal Lodge for the depraved Priny (George 4th). It became one of the Queen Mum’s many homes. She died there, aged 101, pickled in the finest gin other peoples money can buy.

Part of the Queen's known wealth consists of her private collection of castles, jewelry, works of art and a portfolio of blue chip stocks and bonds and real estate investments around the world.

In 1991 the Financial Times estimated Her Majesty's investment portfolio - spare cash to play with - was worth at least £3 Billion.

Her total wealth - thousands of £billions - is divided into many parts. One known part is the Venetian-style Fondo (trust), that must be passed on to her heir - free from inheritance tax.

The Queen's great grandfather King Edward VII, left, better known as Dirty Bertie, inherited the royals love of money-for-nothing.

One of Edward VII's Jewish advisers was the Hungarian banker Baron Hirsch.

When Baron Hirsch died in 1896, his position as leading adviser passed on to another Jewish banker, Ernest Cassel, whose daughter and heiress, Edwina, married Lord Louis Mountbatten, a chief influence on Prince Philip and Prince Charles.

The ultra-unctuous Jewish bankers Rothschilds, the scheming American financiers J.P. Morgan and E.H. Harriman and the Sassoons were all friends of King Edward VII.

There has always been an incestuous relationship between the British monarch and the global-money-grubbing-oligarchy, especially with Barings Bank, dating back before the Opium Wars. In today's money Edward VII amassed a fortune of at least £50 Million.

Edward VII hated his cousin the Kaiser. His policies would lead Britain into The Cousins War.

St. Morizt was a favourite venue of war profiteers and their agents / nominees. After WW1 the royals resumed their usual lifestyle. Entertaining German cousins with the usual gold plate banquets after hunting on their various estates. Racing their yachts at Cowes, their horses at Ascot. Fashion shopping in Paris in the spring. Cruising the sunspots in the summer and, of course, the usual winter bash in the Alps - paid for by their bankers.

Edward VII's heir, George V, below, continued the "philo-bankerism'' of his father. George V's private financial adviser from 1929 onward was Sir Edward Peacock of Barings merchant bank. Peacock was also a director of The Bank Of England. In 1934, for his services to the royals Swiss accounts, Peacock was knighted and given a Grand Cross of the Royal Victorian Order, which is part of the "Sovereign's Gifts'' that does not require consulting the monarch's prime mouthpiece (the passing Prime Minister.)

George V hugely enjoyed the incestuous relationship with "the City'' he selected Lord Cromer as his Lord Chamberlain. Cromer was a director of Barings Bank and a director of several Establishment companies. When George V died in 1936 he left at least £80 Million. Tens of millions of which went directly into Swiss trusts for his ten-year-old granddaughter, below, who he adored.

The Depression - while decent kids were starving "Little Lizzy" never missed her morning ride in the heavily guarded Windsor Royal Park.By the way, Lizzy and her sister "Dizzy" had to be brought into world by artificial insemination. Had it not been for the royals team of gynaecologists the monarchy would have ended naturally. i.e. as God intended.

"The Backward King" George VI (1936-52), who ascended the throne when his brother Edward VIII abdicated in 1936, inherited about half their father's fortune. He also inherited the advice of Sir Edward Peacock - who continued to advise the monarchy well into Elizabeth II's reign.

In 1952 Elizabeth II inherited the lions share of King George VI's offshore fortune, at least £50 Million, to invest and reinvest - completely tax free. Normal investment of a £50 Million portfolio in 1952 - without the Queen's unique "insider knowledge" - would now be worth at least £3 Billion.

Photo left, 1934. Albert, Duke of York and Lady Elizabeth Bowes Lyons, the debutant who perpetuated the phony monarchy by having herself artificially inseminated.

Lizzy Bowes Lyons was one of many totally self-centered-filthy-rich-bitches who set out to marry the handsome, Edward, Prince Of Wales. She ended-up with the thickest of his backward brothers Albert, Duke of York.

Months after the Prince of Wales became King he abdicated and the throne went to Albert - who - changed his name to become King George VI.

When he drank himself to death Lizzy Bowes Lyons insisted on being known as the "Queen Mother".

The Queen's American Business: Fleecing US Taxpayers

In 1968 Senator Thomas J. McIntyre (D-N.H) and Representative Silvio O. Conte (R-Mass) confirmed Elizabeth II holds a major share in Courtaulds Textile. Courtaulds came to their attention when the Queen used the company as her nominee to hide her ownership of the largest plantation in Mississippi - on the banks of the Mississippi River near the border with Arkansas. The Queen also uses Courtaulds as a nominee for the purchase of US stocks.

What really upset the congressmen was the wealthiest woman in the world was getting agricultural subsidies to run a plantation in the United States.

The Congressional Record shows how the Queen obtained one of the world's largest plantations complete with sharecroppers in Scott, Mississippi, from Courtaulds. Previously known at The Delta and Pine Land Company, "the Queen's Farm" has 38,000 acres of rich soil, a factory and a mill. Between 1968 - 1970 "the Queen's Farm" received $1.5 Million from the U.S. Department of Agriculture.

At the time, the plantation was worth $44.5 Million. It employed hundreds of African-American laborers at minimal wages. On April 16, 1970, Senator McIntyre, while introducing a bill on farm payments, said. "We paid the Queen $120,000 for not planting cotton on the farmland she owns in Mississippi.'' The Queen owns many plots of American land including a stud farm in Kentucky where she entertained one of her many boyfriends - the head lad of the royal stables and father of Prince Andrew.

The Queen's EU Business

The British Head Of State, Elizabeth II, alone has the power to declare war and conclude treaties. Including the infamous Maastricht Treaty which gave British law making powers to the Queen's bankers running the EU.

Cartoon The Sun 27 July 2004

The Queen sent Peter "Svengali" Mandleson to Brussels to impose the Lisbon Treaty on the uneducated. Some uneducated people believe Mandleson's apprentice Tony Blair ordered the illegal wars on Afghanistan and Iraq. This was never true. History will recall Blair as just another palace bagman. Passing Prime Ministers do NOT take Britain to war. Only the Head of State can do that.

Trident Subs: Embedded Royal Profits

With tens-of-billions in Swiss Trusts invested in uranium mines, and tens-of-billions in American Trusts invested in uranium weapons production, BAE Systems Martin Lockheed ect., and tens-of-billions invested in foreign "nuclear new build" companies, Areva, Westinghouse, Halliburton-Bechtel and the like the Queen puts her obscene profits first, second, third and last.

It was a labour Prime Mouthpiece who announced (albeit in different words) the British taxpayer would pay billions per-year to rent American-nuclear-submarine-missile-systems made by companies partly owned by the royal family. Every Prime Mouthpiece since Jim Callaghan has assured the British public only the British can fire these American made weapons.

The Queen expects her simple subjects to believe the Yanks are daft enough to rent-out nuclear weapons that could be fired back at them!

The Queen's Fondo (Trust) and Royal Private Property

The Queen has over 300 residences. Most of which are part of the Fondo to be passed on to her heir (tax free). Most are "grace and favour houses'' ostensibly for family members and palace flunkies.

Included in the Fondo are five castles: Buckingham Palace, Windsor Castle, Holyroodhouse in Edinburgh, Kensington Palace once occupied by the late Princess Diana, and St. James Palace occupied by (the allegedly alive) Prince Charles.

Two other castles, Balmoral and Sandringham, are said to be "private property", but they were bought with taxpayers money from Queen Victoria's scandalously generous Civil List of £600,000 per-year for her sixty-four-year reign. All royal residences are maintained by the British taxpayer through Her Majesty's Department of the Environment.

Most of Victoria's Civil List loot was quietly banked abroad. right, Prince Albert bagging gold Sovereigns for the royals German bank accounts. (£600,000 per year, money-for-nothing, then is equivalent to being given over £6 Million per year, money-for-nothing, now.

Prince Albert, Victoria's first cousin and husband set-up many offshore accounts to receive not only millions stolen from the Civil List but the royals massive Empire profits)

As part of the Fondo to be handed down to the worthless heir the present Queen created the Royal Collection Trust; to which she transferred all the 7,000 paintings, 20,000 Old Master drawings, and various antiques amassed before Queen Victoria's reign.

The Queen has personally acquired a large collection of art works ranging from Renaissance masterpieces, such as Leonardo da Vinci's notebooks, to examples of modern "art." The British taxpayer gets the bill for guarding, cleaning and maintaining the royals art collections.

The Duchy of Lancaster is also part of the ever growing Fondo (trust). The duchy is comprised of properties stolen in the 13th Century from the rebel Simon de Monfort, who tried to create an honest Parliament in 1265, only to have his land and life taken by Edmund Crouchback, youngest son of Henry III.


In 1987, the Duchy of Lancaster was 36,456 acres, mainly agricultural land; within the duchy, the freehold of 2.25 acres in the Strand area of London (lying between the Savoy Hotel and Somerset House) is so valuable, that the Queen had The Duchy of Lancaster Act of 1988 steered through Parliament allowing her to develop and sell this area - mainly to her mega-rich oily Arab pals.

Charles, The Worthless Prince of Wales, banks the income of the second royal family duchy, the Duchy of Cornwall, which has 50,000 acres , including another posh section of London.

The Crown Jewels, which are kept in the Tower of London, except for major events such as State Visits and Coronations, are another part of the Aladdin's Fondo the next monarch will inherit.

Apart from the Crown Jewels, the Queen inherited the largest private collection of jewels in the world. The history of the collection shows the incestuous relationship between the Crown and the City of London. When the British East India Company Army defeated the Maharajah of the Punjab, in 1851, the company stole and later presented Queen Victoria with what was then the world's largest diamond, the Koh-in-noor.

Queen Victoria took sadistic pleasure in displaying the Koh-in-noor to the defeated Maharajah on his visit to Buckingham Palace. He left the palace muttering, "Mrs. Fagin.''

At the conclusion of the Boer War the peace offering to the monarch included the largest uncut diamond in the world, the Cullinan Diamond, weighing 3,106 carats. Two cut stones from the Cullinan Diamond went to adorn the Crown Jewels, and the Queen today possesses a brooch that consists of the third and fourth largest stones (94.4 and 63.6 carats) cut from the Cullinan Diamond.

in Empire Days monarchs were regularly showered with jewels by propitiatory princes of India, and, as that largesse ran out, they received similar gifts from Anglo-American diamond finds in South Africa. For example, shortly after World War II, Mary Oppenheimer presented Princess Elizabeth with a 6-carat, blue-white diamond for helping to advertise Anglo-American's diamond monopoly at a time when diamond prices were depressed.

Later, Princess Anne, the Queen's oldest daughter, on her 21st birthday, received a necklace of colored diamonds. Today, an adulatory group of oil-rich sheikhs and emirs adds to the Queen's private collection.

A Little History: Civil List Loot: King George III

Erskine May. Civil List of King George III. Chapter IV.

While the King was engaged in increasing subserviency of the court (Tory) party. Parliamentary support was purchased with pensions and pecuniary corruption.

In February 1769 the arrears of the Civil List amounted to £513,511; and his Majesty applied to Parliament to discharge them.

This demand was made when the people were exasperated by the persecution of John Wilkes,- when the policy of the court was odious, and the King unpopular. But if the country was discontented, Parliament was held in safe subjection.

Inquiry was demanded into the causes of the debt, and explanatory accounts were sought: but all investigation being resisted by ministers, the amount was granted without information. In the following year Lord Chatham avowed his conviction that the Civil List revenues were expended in corrupting members of Parliament.

King Gerorge III. Yawn

But the same causes of excessive expenditure continued without a check; and eight years later the King again applied to Parliament, not only to discharge a debt of £618,340, but to increase his annual Civil List to £900,000 a year.

The large amount of secret-service money, and the increased pension list were noticed,- and insinuations made of corruption. But Parliament acceded to the demands of the King. Erskine May. Civil List of King George III. Chapter IV.

The Speaker, Sir Fletcher Norton, commented. "The Commons have not only granted to your Majesty a large present supply, but also a very great additional revenue; great beyond example; great beyond your Majesty's highest expense." George 3 had Speaker Norton fired. Norton was the last Speaker to criticize the Civil List. The last Speaker of Her Majesty's House Of Commons, Michael Martin, is a typical royal arse licker.

Public opinion demanded Martin was fired for his part in stealing tens of millions from the taxpayer in false claims for expenses. Not surprisingly the Queen immediately elevated Martin to Her Majesty's House of Lords.

Royal Notes 1947

The idiot Archbishop of Canterbury declared the wedding ceremony for Princess Elizabeth was 'exactly the same as it would be for any cottager who might be married in some small country church' ...

The differences: the twelve wedding cakes at the royal reception, including one nine feet high that Philip cut with his sword, 2,666 wedding presents, including a Thoroughbred horse, a mink coat, a 54-four carat pink diamond said to be one of its kind in the world, and a plantation and a hunting lodge in Kenya."

In his day, Philip, the Duke of Edinburgh better known as “Phil The Greek” was well regarded in filthy-rich homosexual circles. He complained to his gay friends about Elizabeth’s sexual insatiability on their honeymoon.

As his wife reverted to her stable of palace flunkies for her pleasure Phil the Greek had affairs with anything with a hole in it.
The Queen Mother and “Phil The Greek” hated each other from the gitgo. She because he was a very minor “royal” with no money.

He because the Queen’s sainted mother was actually the illegitimate daughter of the Earl of Strathmore and a common serving wench on one of his estates.

The Queen Mother's offspring Elizabeth and Margaret were both produced by artificial insemination. Whose semen is not stated.

MEMO. The Crown Prerogative dictates there can be no questions in Her Majesty's Parliament probing Her Majesty's control of the Energy Market.

Members of Parliament are not even allowed to think of how much the royals are making every single minute from their oil, gas and nuclear investments. Which gives you some idea how patently impotent Members of Her Majesty's Parliament really are.

To be Continued...

Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi

Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi

Sinister Sites: The Georgia Guidestones
From: VigilantCitizen

The Georgia Guidestones is a mysterious monument on which are carved ten “commandments” for a “New Age of Reason”. The first commandment? Maintaining the world population under 500 million people.

Another sinister fact: the authors of what we now call the American Stonehenge are still a “mystery”… except for those in the know. We will look at the numerous features of this monument, its message calling for a New World Order and explain how it is the work of an occult secret society. Also see the article (following this one) on the July 2022 destruction of the Georgia Guidestones.

Related: Mysterious Georgia Guidestones Get Strange 2014 Update

Note: One of the first articles I [ Vigilant Citizen ] ever wrote on this site, back in late 2008, was about the Georgia Guidestones. I removed the article about a year ago, however, when I came across some vital information: the explanation of the rules written by the hidden authors themselves as well as other documents. So if you are a long-time reader of this site, please keep reading as I’ve re-written the entire article.

The Georgia Guidestones is an enigmatic granite monument situated in Elbert County, Georgia. Also known as the American Stonehenge, the gigantic structure is almost 20 feet high and is made of six granite slabs, weighing in total 240,000 pounds.

The most astonishing detail of the monument is however not its size but the message engraved into it: Ten rules for an “Age of Reason”. These guides touch upon subjects that are associated with the “New World Order”, including massive depopulation, a single world government, the introduction of a new type of spirituality, etc.

The authors of those rules have requested to remain totally anonymous and, until now, their anonymity has been duly preserved. However, this mysterious group left a text explaining the reasoning behind the rules, a text that was not discussed online before.

With this new information, the purpose behind the Guidestones become very clear, leaving little room for hypotheses. The Guidestones describe the ideal world, as envisioned by occult Secret Societies. The monument is therefore proof of an existing link between secret societies, the world elite and the push for a New World Order.

1.0 The Monument

Quietly standing in Elberton county, the Guidestones will probably gain in relevancy in the next years

Made of Pyramid blue granite, the Georgia Guidestones are meant to withstand the test of time and to communicate knowledge on several levels: philosophically, politically, astronomically, etc. It consists of four major stone blocks, which contain ten guides for living in eight languages: English, Spanish, Swahili, Hindi, Hebrew, Arabic, Chinese, and Russian.

A shorter message is inscribed at the top of the structure in four ancient languages’ scripts: Babylonian, Classical Greek, Sanskrit, and Egyptian hieroglyphs. It is important to note that those last four ancient languages are of a great importance in the teachings of occult mystery schools, such as the Freemasons and the Rosicrucians, organizations I will discuss later.

The four major stones are arranged in a giant “paddlewheel” configuration which are oriented to the limits of the migration of the sun during the course of the year and also show the extreme positions of the rising and setting of the sun in its 18.6 year cycle. The center stone has two special features: first, the North Star is always visible through a special hole drilled from the South to the North side of the center stone; second, another slot aligns with the positions of the rising sun at the time of the summer and winter solstices and at the equinox.

Source: Wired

At the base of the Guidestones lies an explanatory tablet listing some of the details of the structure. It also mentions a time capsule buried underneath it. The contents of this time capsule (if it exists) are a total mystery.

The explanatory tablet (left) explains some of the features of the monuments and its authors (more on them later).

The opening date of the time capsule has been left blank.

Astronomical features are of a great importance in the design of the Guidestones.

In a relatively “new” nation such as the United States, monuments that are aligned with celestial bodies are often the work of secret societies, such as the Freemasons.

Drawing their teachings from the Mystery schools of Ancient Egypt, Greece or the Druidic Celts, they are known for embedding into monuments some of their “sacred knowledge”.

2.0 The 10 Commandments

The English version of the Guidelines

The ten guides for a new Age of Reason are as follows:

1. Maintain humanity under 500,000,000 in perpetual balance with nature.
2. Guide reproduction wisely – improving fitness and diversity.
3. Unite humanity with a living new language.
4. Rule passion – faith – tradition – and all things with tempered reason.
5. Protect people and nations with fair laws and just courts.
6. Let all nations rule internally resolving external disputes in a world court.
7. Avoid petty laws and useless officials.
8. Balance personal rights with social duties.
9. Prize truth – beauty – love – seeking harmony with the infinite.
10. Be not a cancer on the earth – Leave room for nature – Leave room for nature.

As you can see, the guidelines call for a drastic reduction of the world population, the adoption of new a world language, the creation of a world court and a vague allusions to eugenics. In other words, a blueprint for a New World Order.

3.0 Depopulation, Planned Parenthood and Eugenics

The first “commandment” is particularly shocking, since it basically stipulates that 12 out of 13 people on Earth should not exist; basically, that would mean everybody in the world would disappear except half of India. If today’s world population is 6,7 billion, then that is a 92.54% surplus. To consider these figures is mind-boggling. But then, how many people survived in the movie 2012? Not many. Who were they? The earth’s wealthiest people. Is this predictive programming?

The last rule of the Guidestones, “Be not a cancer on the earth – leave room for nature – leave room for nature” is particularly disturbing as it compares human life to cancer on earth. With this state of mind, it is easy to rationalize the extinction of nearly all of the world’s population.

Massive depopulation is an admitted goal of the world’s elite and many important people have openly called for it:

In 1988, Britain’s Prince Philip expressed the wish that, should he be reincarnated, he would want to be “a deadly virus” that would reduce world population. More recently, Bill Gates said “The world today has 6.8 billion people … that’s headed up to about 9 billion. Now if we do a really great job on new vaccines, health care, reproductive health services, we could lower that by perhaps 10 or 15 percent.” Along with tax-deductible donations of enormous amounts of money to help the depopulation cause, “secret meetings” of the world’s elite have been taking place to discuss those issues:

“Some of America’s leading billionaires have met secretly to consider how their wealth could be used to slow the growth of the world’s population and speed up improvements in health and education.

The philanthropists who attended a summit convened on the initiative of Bill Gates, the Microsoft co-founder, discussed joining forces to overcome political and religious obstacles to change.

Described as the Good Club by one insider it included David Rockefeller Jr, the patriarch of America’s wealthiest dynasty, Warren Buffett and George Soros, the financiers, Michael Bloomberg, the mayor of New York, and the media moguls Ted Turner and Oprah Winfrey.”

- The Sunday Times, May 24th 2009

The second rule (“Guide reproduction wisely – improving diversity and fitness”) basically calls for the inference of lawmakers into the management of family units. If we read between the lines, it requires to creation of laws structuring the number of children per family. Furthermore, “improving diversity and fitness” can be obtained with “selective breeding” or the sterilization of undesirable members of society. This used to be called “eugenics”, until it became politically incorrect because of the Nazis.

4.0 One World Government

“Some even believe we are part of a secret cabal working against the best interests of the United States, characterizing my family and me as ‘internationalists’ and of conspiring with others around the world to build a more integrated global political and economic structure – one world, if you will. If that’s the charge, I stand guilty, and I am proud of it.”

- David Rockefeller, “Memoirs of David Rockefeller” p.405

Most of the other rules of the Guidestones basically call for the creation of a world government, ruled by an “enlightened few”, who would regulate all aspects of human life, including faith, social duties, economy, etc. This idea is far from new, as it has been entertained by Mystery schools for centuries. Manly P. Hall wrote in 1917:

“When the mob governs, man is ruled by ignorance; when the church governs, he is ruled by superstition; and when the state governs, he is ruled by fear. Before men can live together in harmony and understanding, ignorance must be transmuted into wisdom, superstition into an illumined faith, and fear into love.

Despite statements to the contrary, Masonry is a religion seeking to unite God and man by elevating its initiates to that level of consciousness whereon they can behold with clarified vision the workings of the Great Architect of the Universe.

From age to age the vision of a perfect civilization is preserved as the ideal for mankind. In the midst of that civilization shall stand a mighty university wherein both the sacred and secular sciences concerning the mysteries of life will be freely taught to all who will assume the philosophic life.

Here creed and dogma will have no place; the superficial will be removed and only the essential be preserved. The world will be ruled by its most illumined minds, and each will occupy the position for which he is most admirably fitted.”

- Manly P. Hall, The Secret Teachings of All Ages

In “The Secret Destiny of America”, Hall explains the ancient dream of a world government, as entertained by Secret Societies:

“World democracy was the secret dream of the great classical philosophers. Toward the accomplishment of this greatest of all human ends they outlined programs of education, religion, and social conduct directed to the ultimate achievement of a practical and universal brotherhood.

And in order to accomplish their purposes more effectively, these ancient scholars bound themselves with certain mystic ties into a broad confraternity. In Egypt, Greece, India, and China, the State Mysteries came into existence. Orders of initiated priest-philosophers were formed as a sovereign body to instruct, advise, and direct the rulers of the States.”

- Manly P. Hall, The Secret Destiny of America

5.0 Explanations Directly from the Anonymous Authors

Since the monument’s erection on March 22, 1980, numerous authors and researchers have attempted to interpret the rationale behind these ten guidelines. Do they truly consist of a blueprint for a New World Order? Are they simply rules to apply in case of a major catastrophe?

The best place to get an accurate answer is to ask the authors of the rules themselves. However, since they have chosen to remain anonymous, it is impossible to do so.

They did, however, leave an all-important statement, which has been overlooked by nearly all researchers of the Guidestones.

This astonishing text, which describes their motives in great detail, can only be found in The Georgia Guidestone Guidebook, a pamphlet produced by the Granite Company, which produced the monument.

Right from the start, it is obvious that the authors of the monument do seek the creation of a New World Order. This is not a “conspiracy theory” or hypothesis.

It is written in clear and unequivocal terms. So here is, directly from the pen of the secret authors, the explanation of the 10 rules of the Guidestones (parts in bold have been highlighted by myself, to emphasize noteworthy parts).

“It is very probable that humanity now possesses the knowledge needed to establish an effective world government. In some way that knowledge must he widely seeded in the consciousness of all mankind. Very soon the hearts of our human family must be touched and warmed so we will welcome a global rule of reason.

‘The group consciousness of our race is blind, perverse, and easily distracted by trivia when it should be focused on fundamentals. We are entering a critical era. Population pressures will soon create political and economic crisis throughout the world. These will make more difficult and at the same time more needed the building of a rational world society.

“A first step will be to convince a doubting world that such a society is now possible. Let us keep in view enduring appeals to the collective reason of humanity. Let us draw attention to the basic problems. Let us establish proper priorities. We must order our home here on earth before we reach for the stars.

“Human reason is now awakening to its strength. It is the most powerful agency yet released in the unfolding of life on our planet. We must make humanity aware that acceptance of compassionate, enlightened reason will let us control our destiny within the limits inherent in our nature.

“It is difficult to seed wisdom in closed human minds. Cultural inertias are not easily overcome. Unfolding world events and the sad record of our race dramatize the shortcomings of traditional agencies in governing human affairs. The approaching crisis may make mankind willing to accept a system of world law which will stress the responsibility of individual nations in regulating internal affairs, and which will assist them in the peaceful management of international frictions.

‘With such a system we could eliminate war, We could provide every person an opportunity to seek a life of purpose and fulfillment.

“There are alternatives to Armageddon. They are attainable. But they will not happen without coordinated efforts by millions of dedicated people in all nations of the earth.

“We, the sponsors of The Georgia Guidestones®, are a small group of Americans who wish to focus attention on problems central to the present quandary of humanity. We have a simple message for other human beings, now and in the future. We believe it contains self-evident truths, and we intend no bias for a particular creed or philosophy. Yet our message is in some areas controversial. We have chosen to remain anonymous in order to avoid debate and contention which might confuse our meaning, and which might delay a considered review of our thoughts. We believe that our precepts are sound. They must stand on their own merits.

“Stonehenge and other vestiges of ancient human thoughts arouse our curiosity but carry no message for our guidance. To convey our ideas across time to other human beings, we erected a monument — a cluster of graven stones. These silent stones will display our ideas now and when we have gone. We hope that they will merit increasing acceptance and that through their silent persistence they will hasten in a small degree the coming age of reason.


“We believe that each human being has purpose. Every one of us is a small but significant bit of the infinite. The celestial alignments of the stones symbolize the need for humanity to be square with External principles which are manifest in our own nature, and in the universe around us. We must live in harmony with the infinite.

‘Four large stones in the central cluster are inscribed with ten precepts, each stone carrying the same text in two languages. In the English version the message totals fewer than one hundred words. The languages have been selected for their historical significance and for their impact on people now living. Since there are three thousand living languages, not all could he chosen.

“We envision a later phase in the development of the Georgia Guidestones®. It is hoped that other stones can be erected in outer circles to mark the migrations of the sun and perhaps certain other celestial phenomena. These stones would carry our words in the languages of other individuals who share our beliefs and will raise similar stones at international boundaries in the languages of friendly neighbors. They would serve as reminders of the difficulties which all humanity must face together, and would encourage mutual efforts to deal with them rationally and with justice.

“We profess no divine inspiration beyond that which can be found in all human minds. Our thoughts reflect our analysis of the problems confronting humanity in this dawning of the atomic age. They outline in general terms certain basic steps which must be taken to establish for humanity a benevolent and enduring equilibrium with the universe.

“Human beings are special creatures. We are shepherds for all earthly life. In this world, we play a central role in an eternal struggle between good and evil–between the forces which build and those which would destroy. The Infinite envelops all that exists, even struggle, conflict and change, which may reflect turmoils in the very soul of God.

“We humans have been gifted with a small capacity to know and to act– for good or for evil. We must strive to optimize our existence, not only for ourselves but for those who come after us. And we must not be unmindful of the welfare of all other living things whose destinies have been placed in our trust.

“We are the major agency through which good and evil qualities of the spirit become actors in our world. Without us there is very little of love, mercy, or compassion. Yet we can also be agents of hate, and cruelty and cold indifference. Only we can consciously work to improve this imperfect world. It is not enough for us to merely drift with the current. The rational world of tomorrow lies ever upstream.

“In 1980, as these stones were being raised, the most pressing world problem was the need to control human numbers. In recent centuries technology and abundant fuels have made possible a multiplication of humanity far beyond what is prudent or long sustainable. Now we can foresee the impending exhaustion of those energy sources and the depletion of world reserves of many vital raw materials.

“Controlling our reproduction is urgently needed. It will require major changes in our attitudes and customs. Unfortunately, the inertia of human custom can be extreme. This is especially true when those for whom custom is a dominant force are uninformed of the need for change.

“Nearly every nation is now overpopulated in terms of a perpetual balance with nature. We are like a fleet of overcrowded lifeboats confronted with an approaching tempest. In the United States of America we are seriously overtaxing our resources to maintain our present population in the existing state of prosperity. We are destroying our farmland and we have grown dangerously dependent upon external sources for oil, metals and other nonrenewable resources. Nations such as Japan, Holland and Haiti are even more seriously overpopulated and, therefore, in greater jeopardy.

“In these circumstances, reproduction is no longer exclusively a personal matter. Society must have a voice and some power of direction in regulating this vital function. The wishes of human couples are important, but not paramount. The interests of present society and the welfare of future generations must be given increasing consideration as we develop mechanisms to bring rational control to our childbearing.


“Irresponsible childbearing must be discouraged by legal and social pressures. Couples who cannot provide a decent income and support for a child should not produce children to be a burden for their neighbors. Bringing unneeded children into an overcrowded lifeboat is evil. It is unjust to those children. It is harmful for the other occupants and all living things. Society should not encourage or subsidize such behavior.

“Knowledge and techniques for regulating human reproduction are now in existence. Moral and political leaders throughout the world have a grave responsibility to make this knowledge and these techniques generally available.

This could be done with a fraction of the funds which the world now devotes to military purpose. In the long run, diverting funds into this channel could do more than anything else to reduce the tensions which lead to war.

“A diverse and prosperous world population in perpetual balance with global resources will be the cornerstone for a rational world order. People of good will in all nations must work to establish that balance.


“With the completion of the central cluster of The Georgia Guidestones our small sponsoring group has disbanded. We leave the monument in the safekeeping of the people of Elbert County, Georgia.

“If our inscribed words are dimmed by the wear of wind and sun and time, we ask that you will cut them deeper. If the stones should fall, or if they be scattered by people of little understanding. we ask that you will raise them up again.

‘We invite our fellow human beings in all nations to reflect on our simple message. When these goals are some day sought by the generality of mankind, a rational world order can be achieved for all.

6.0 Who Are the Authors?

So who was is this “small group of Americans who seek the Age of Reason”? Although their identity is secret, they have left some telling clues to the initiates, unmistakably pointing towards the occult nature of their group. For starters, the text above bares the unmistakable mark of western occultism.

We can find references to “As Above, So Below” (The celestial alignments of the stones symbolize the need for humanity to be square with External principles which are manifest in our own nature, and in the universe around us) and to duality (We are the major agency through which good and evil qualities of the spirit become actors in our world. Without us there is very little of love, mercy, or compassion.

Yet we can also be agents of hate, and cruelty and cold indifference). I believe this text alone provides enough proof to conclude that the authors are either Freemasons, Rosicrucians or another hermetic Secret Society. There are however even more obvious clues pointing to the esoteric leanings of the authors, starting with R.C. Christian, the mysterious man who ordered the monument.

R.C. Christian

The unveiling of the Georgia Guidestones. Could one of these people be the mysterious R.C. Christian?

Here is the story of the ordering of the Guidestones as told by the official guidebook:

“What started out as a usual Friday afternoon in mid-summer has ended in the production and erection of one of the world’s most unusual monuments, produced under the most unusual conditions. Joe Fendley, president of Elbert Granite Finishing Company, Inc. in Elberton, Georgia,was spending this Friday afternoon in June 1979 like he spends most Friday afternoons … studying his weekly reports and generally closing up shop for a weekend … and then it all started.

A neatly dressed man walked into Fendley’s Tate Street office and said he wanted to buy a monument. Since everyone else in the office was busy, Fendley decided to talk to the stranger himself and explained that his company does not sell directly to the public, but only on a wholesale basis.

Not to be discouraged, the middle-aged man who identified himself only as Mr. Robert C. Christian, said he wanted to know the cost of building a monument to the conservation of mankind and began telling Fendley what type of monument he wanted. With this he outlined the size in metric measurements.

Fendley admitted that his first reaction to Mr. Christian was not very good, but after listening for about 20 minutes and learning the massive size of the monument he wished to purchase and have erected, Fendley decided he should take this man seriously.”

- Ibid.

The name of R.C. Christian on the explanatory tablet with a nice typo in “pseudonyn”)

If the name R.C. Christian was simply a meaningless pseudonym, why would it engraved on to the monument for posterity? Could the name be of any significance? Well, it is. R.C. Christian is a clear reference to Christian Rosenkreuz whose English name is Christian Rose Cross, the legendary founder of the Rosicrucian Order.

Some might say that the resemblance between R.C. Christian and
Christian Rose Cross is the result of an odd coincidence. As we will see, it is however only one of the MANY references to Rosicrucianism associated with the monument. This is only one piece of the puzzle, but an important piece nonetheless.

7.0 The Rosicrucians

Seeking entry into the Rosicrucian mysteries (left).

Notice the candidate is showing the hand sign of secrecy. Also notice the letters “RC”, as in R.C. Christian.

The Rosicrucians are known for publishing three Manifestos, published at the beginning of the 17th century:

Fama Fraternitatis Rosae Crucis, Confessio Fraternitatis and Chymical Wedding of Christian Rosenkreutz.

These anonymous works, surrounded by mystery, cryptically introduced the general public to the Rosicrucian philosophy, while announcing a great transformation of the political and intellectual landscape of Europe.

The Age of Enlightenment soon followed, accompanied with the fall of feudal Monarchies.

The Georgia Guidestones seem to accomplish the same functions as the Rosicrucian manifestos, by calling for an important world transformations and maintaining a climate of mystery.

The Age of Reason

Does “Age of Reason” refer to Thomas Paine, a prominent Rosicrucian? There are numerous references to the concept of “Age of Reason” within the Guidestones. Could they be a reference to the classic work of Thomas Paine entitled … Age of Reason ?

he Age of Reason: Being an Investigation of True and Fabulous Theology, is a deistic treatise written by eighteenth-century British radical and American revolutionary Thomas Paine. The work critiques institutionalized religion and challenges the inerrancy of the Bible. Its tenets advocate reason in place of revelation, a viewpoint that is obviously shared by the authors of the Guidestones.

It is a known fact that Thomas Paine was a leading member of the Rosicrucian Fraternity in America.

“The Rosicrucian Fraternity existed in America prior to the First American Revolution. In 1774, the great Council of Three (the Fraternity’s ultimate governing body) was composed of Benjamin Franklin, George Clymer and Thomas Paine.”

- The Fraternitas Rosae Crucis, soul.org

In "The Secret Destiny of America", Manly P. Hall describes Thomas Paine as an important crusader for the march towards an ideal world government.

“Of Thomas Paine it has been said that he did more to win the independence of the colonies with his pen than George Washington accomplished with his sword, Only complete reorganization of government, religion, and education would bring us even today to the perfectionist state Tom Paine envisioned”.

- Manly P. Hall, The Secret Destiny of America

This thinly veiled to Thomas Paine is another piece of the Rosicrucian puzzle, which leads me to believe that the authors were either Freemasons (who have incorporated Rosicrucian teachings into their degrees) or members of the Rosicrucian fraternity.

Furthermore, as if to make things more obvious, the Georgia Guidestone booklet mentions that Joe H. Fendley Sr., the president of Elberton Granite, as well as many other people involved with the building of the monument, were Masons. Was this the reason of the selection of these men by the anonymous sponsors of the monuments?

“Fendley is also involved in fraternal activities. Raised a Master Mason in 1958, he is now a member of Philomathea Masonic Lodge #25 in Elberton, is a York Rite and Scottish Rite 32° Mason, and was admitted in the Yaarab Shrine Temple in Atlanta in 1969. He was President of the Savannah Valley Shrine Club from 1972 through 1973. The Potentate of the Yaarah Shrine Temple awarded Fendley the “Divan Degree of Distinction” in 1973, and appointed Ambassador in 1975.”

- The Georgia Guidestones Guidebook

8.0 In Conclusion

The Georgia Guidestones are a modern day Rosicrucian manifesto calling for (or announcing) a drastic change in the way the world is managed. The monument is of a great importance in the understanding of the forces covertly shaping today and tomorrow’s world. It materializes into stone the crucial link between secret societies, the world elite and the agenda for a New World Order.

The push for a world government, population control and environmentalism are issues that are today discussed on a daily basis in current events. They were not in 1981, when the Guidestones were erected. Can we say that great progress was made?

Many of the rules of the Guidestones do make sense for the preserving of Earth on a long-term basis. But between the idealistic words of the Guidestone’s authors and the actual way these policies would be applied on the masses – by power-hungry and greedy politicians – there is a world of difference.

Reading between the lines, the Guidestones require from the masses the loss of many personal liberties and to submit to heightened governmental control on many social issues … not to mention the death of 92.5% of the population…and probably not those of the “elite”.

Is the concept of a democracy “by and for the people”, as idealized by the Founding Fathers a mere illusion, a temporary solution until the introduction of socialist world government? Why are the world’s citizens not being consulted in a democratic matter? I guess it is easier for the elites to manufacture consent through mass medias. But maybe it won’t work on everybody…

Discover more Sinister Sites at: Vigilant Citizen

Related: Explaining The Methods (And Insane Reasoning) Behind The Depopulation Agenda

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The Georgia Guidestones Completely Demolished Following Explosion
July 9 2022 | From: VigilantCitizen / Various

The Georgia Guidestones are no more. The massive structure was completely torn down following a massive explosion. Here’s a look at the legacy of this controversial landmark.

Dubbed “America’s Stonehenge”, the Georgia Guidestones formed a mysterious landmark in Elberton, Ga.

Related: Georgia Guidestones Go Boom

Made of four massive slabs of granite, the Guidestones contained ten “commandments” for a new “age of reason”. My 2010 article [see below] explained in great detail the meaning of these commandments and the occult clues left behind by its anonymous authors.

The ten guides were engraved in eight different languages and alluded to several topics dear to the world elite such as a world court, a world language, and the guiding of human reproduction.

However, it was the very first guide that made the Guidestones so controversial:

"Maintain humanity under 500,000,000 in perpetual balance with nature.”

In order to obtain a population of less than 500 million, humanity needs to be reduced by about 93%. For this reason, the Guidestones were believed to be concrete proof of the elite’s fixation with massive depopulation.

Throughout the years, the landmark attracted lots of attention from those who revered it and those who hated it alike. Indeed, the monument was the site of strange rituals and gatherings of pagan and occult groups – often on dates with astronomical significance.

It was also the target of acts of vandalism as satanic symbols and messages against the NWO (New World Order) were spraypainted on the structure on numerous occasions.

With that being said, the Guidestones are now history.

Related: Sinister Sites: The Georgia Guidestones

To the Ground

On July 6th, at around 4 am, an explosive device was detonated by “unknown individuals”. Here’s CCTV footage of the detonation.

The blast reduced one of the slabs to rubble and severely damaged the capstone.

After the detonation, a car was filmed leaving the scene. The Georgia Bureau of Investigation said in a statement that it is investigating the explosion together with the Elbert County Sheriff’s Office.

The Guidestones after the blast

Related: There is Way More to the Story of Destroyed Georgia Guidestones…

A few hours later, the structure was completely demolished due to “safety reasons”. Here’s a video of the Guidestones being torn to the ground.

The remains of the Guidestones

The Legacy

When I first wrote about the Guidestones over 12 years ago, I never thought I would ever witness this massive structure being completely demolished. While the real Stonehenge is still standing after 5000 years, America’s Stonehenge barely lasted 40 years.

Some might say that the complete demolition of the Guidestones will only add to its mystery as the identity of the man who ordered it will be forgotten forever.

In 2013, Wyatt Martin, the man who helped broker the arrangement for the monument said:

"I made an oath to that man, and I can’t break that. No one will ever know”.

With that being said, as stated in my original article about the Guidestones, there never a was a “mystery” about the authors.

It was always hidden in plain sight.

The explanatory tablet of the Guidestones

The pseudonym of this mysterious man was R.C. Christian.

This is a rather blatant reference to Christian Rosenkreuz, the legendary founder of the Rosicrucian Order, also known as the Order of the Rose Cross (R.C.) – a secret society that greatly influenced world events for centuries.

Everything about this monument pointed directly to the occult elite and the secret societies that fuel its philosophy. Although the monument is gone, the ideals behind it are not.

They’ve existed for centuries. However, in the 21st century, things have changed. While the masses used to be completely oblivious about these things, the information age caused a mass awakening.

Now, the plans of the occult elite are met with increasing resistance and pushback.

Related: Mysterious Georgia Guidestones Get Strange 2014 Update

Therefore, those behind the Guidestones might actually be relieved to see the monument disappear.

In an age of misleading and confusing propaganda, the Guidestones were too clear, too concise, and too damning. The elite’s true intentions were literally etched in stone, for all to witness.

They don’t want that anymore. Nowadays, they’re looking to hide their true intentions behind several layers of drivel, hogwash, and nonsense in order to push the masses back to the dark, where they belong.

While the monument is gone, sources like The Vigilant Citizen will keep documenting its core message. Through these ten guides, one can understand the true agenda behind most world events.

In the end, in a strangely ironic twist, the Guidestones themselves fulfilled their tenth and final commandment:

"Be not a cancer on the earth – Leave room for nature – Leave room for nature.”

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The Crown And The Cross
April 15 2014 | From: ZenGardener

The Black Nobility

The Black Nobility are the crowned heads of the world, the blue bloods…the true bloods. They are reptilian hybrids who were given “the divine right to rule” and enslave the peoples of earth, by the reptoid sons of God described in The Book of Enoch.

The points of the crown upon their heads, symbolise the horns protruding from the skulls of the aristocratic ruling House of Draco. They are the snake in the garden of Eden and have their crooked fingers in every polluting pie going on the planet. The Black Nobility worship the black sun, they are heart rippers, blood drinkers and rulers of the world–and architects of the satanic New World Order.

The Earth groans with the slaughter, slavery, misery and the suffering that these ‘colonisers’ ‘civilisers’ these beasts in sheep’s clothing have wrought upon all the nations of the world. They are the monsters of Grimm’s fairy tales, and Tolkien’s Sauron, so sure of victory because they run the show.

The Black Church

Hand in hand with the Black Nobility is the Black Church. The doctrines of the Catholic Church and their brutal enforcers the Jesuits have been responsible for the burning, torturing, drowning, and rape of millions, plus all the other souls who perished in their holy wars.

Women in the Black Church are second class citizens and being barred from contraceptives are chattels of their husbands and doomed to be permanently pregnant. The Eucharist, the taking of Communion, is nothing more than a symbol of blood drinking and cannibalism dressed up in a faerie story.

Rape and sodomy are the order of the day in the Black Church, the brutality and molestation of children is epidemic amongst priests, nuns, bishops, cardinals, ad nauseum… and every day, there’s another shocking revelation, as shit gets missed by the carpet brush and scum rises to the surface.

Hate of Animals

There is nothing more satanic and monstrous than the Black Church’s doctrine concerning animals and other life forms. By asserting that animals have no souls, Catholic dogma totally contradicts that of Genesis 1.24-25

The Rev. J. Todd Ferrier in his book ‘On behalf of the creatures’ quotes Joseph Rickaby, writer of the Catholic Treatise, Moral Philosophy.

‘There is no shadow of evil resting on the practice of causing pain to ‘brutes’ in sport, where the pain is not in the sport itself, but an incidental concomitant of it. Much more in all that conduces to the sustenance of man may we give pain to ‘brutes’ as also in the pursuit of Science. Nor are we bound to any anxious care to make this pain as little as may be. ‘Brutes’ are things in our regard.’

It would be difficult to find a more striking example of callousness towards animal suffering. The Black Church’s arrogant, satanic doctrine that animals have no souls has created a holocaust of torment for all creation.

So, why are millions pandering to these posing sycophants—and why are they still ruling by ‘the divine right of devils’?

The Planetary Grid

The Black Nobility and the Black Church have hoarded the wealth, sacred books, scrolls and texts from the nations they destroyed.

They know about the Earth’s magnetic grid and, how to programme it to control every living being on the planet.

The idea of a planetary grid is not pseudo-science as the mouthpieces of disinformation would have us believe.

The concept dates back to Plato and the ancient world. According to Plato’s theory, the electromagnetic grids around the planet were comprised of the five platonic solids.

These geometrics form a vibrating matrix [sound] that holds the planet together. If there was no energetic counterpart, the earth would not exist.

Ley Lines

The grids or ley lines as they are called, intersect at various points around the planet forming an energetic matrix. This is the planetary equivalent to the meridians and acupuncture points in the human body.

Where the grid lines intersect, the power is amplified and becomes a hot spot of power. Any injection of energy at these special places affects the overall frequency of the geometric matrix of the grid.

Many believe that the stone circles and monolithic structures found on the intersections of the planetary grid are man-made, but primitive man did not have the knowledge or technology to build huge structures in the cross-hairs of the subtle energies of earth’s magnetic grid.

Where the leys connect there are portals containing both a negative and positive charge. One charge allows energetic possession of the human mind by demonic entities, and the other, allows inter-dimensional beings to physically manifest in this reality.

Some portals on the ley-crossings are temporary power points, and can only be activated at special times. These ‘moments’ of charge are calculated by precise mathematical measurements, and favourable aspects of astrological significance for the summoning of devils.

Other portals like the Chateau Des Amerois, the Mothers of Darkness castle in Belgium are permanent. Pyramids, ziggurats, stone circles, sun temples, castles, chateaus, chapels and the stately homes of the Black Nobility are built on lines of power—and are all connected by ‘unholy’ resonance. Child sacrifice, sadistic sex and satanic rituals have been carried out at these ‘charged’ points for centuries. Babies and small children are preferred as sacrifices because their soul essence is nearer to the true creator and is more potent in the summoning of demonic entities.

Manipulating the Frequency of the Grid

The frequency of the grid affects our living earth and all who sail on her. The cumulative energetic effect of terror, massive child sacrifice, torture and debauchery, being pumped into our energetic matrix affects our moods and feelings, making us sick, apathetic, depressed and fearful.

For it is true: whoever rules the energetic grid—rules the world.

Satanic Cover-ups

The extent of the crimes against mankind carried out by the paedophilic Black twins of crown and cross have been carefully covered up for hundreds, if not thousands of years.

A great illustration of the Black Nobility perverting the course of justice is illustrated in the Marc Dutroux Affair that took place in Belgium in the nineties.

Chateau Des Amerois and the Marc Dutroux Affair

According to Wiki: Marc Dutroux was born 6 November 1956 and is a Belgian serial killer and child molester. He was convicted of having kidnapped, tortured and sexually abused six girls from 1995 to 1996, ranging in age from 8-19, four of whom he murdered. After a few years in prison, he was released and the kidnappings began again.

Writing in Crime Library, Rachael Bell had this to say: ‘The Dutroux case gained worldwide attention, not only because of the horrific nature of his crimes, but also the gross negligence and amateurism of police and government officials involved in the investigation.
The Dutroux case caused such upset amongst Belgium’s citizens, that it prompted one of the largest peacetime demonstrations since World War II and a shake-up of the Belgian government, causing the resignation and dismissal of several government officials.

In Fritz Springmeier ‘Bloodlines of the illuminati’, he mentions a secret castle located near the village of Muno in Belgium.

This castle was according to him, a centre of the occult, satanic ceremonies, monarch mind control and human sacrifice.

This castle is referred to as the’ Mothers-of-Darkness castle’ or ’Castle of Kings’.

Jean Nicolas and Frédéric Lavachery also mention the Amerois castle in their book ‘Dossier pedophile. Le scandale de l’affaire Dutroux .

Pedophilia File: The scandal of the Dutroux affair. The Mother of Darkness castle was a place where satanic ritual parties and child sacrifice allegedly took place.

‘The Mothers of Darkness Castle in Belgium was commissioned by the Illuminati house of Saxe-Coburg-Gotha, the British Royal family who changed their name to Windsor in 1917. The castle was subsequently bought by other members of the Black Nobility.

We have been spelled and indoctrinated by deception. Everything we have been taught is benevolent: the ‘royals of wherever’ and the fawning priests of this ‘doctrine or that’, are all life haters.

Our spiritual evolution is being blocked by a frequency that masquerades as human, when in fact, it is a vile predator. The Black Twins of crown and cross are the root cause of the problems in this world and are the physical and spiritual servants of the Demiurge.

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The New World Order - Global Union Maps and Governance Structure

There are a few versions of the New World Order map, which range from four "Unions" to ten. These unions represent a world that has been broken from nation states, into simply - regions.

The agenda for dissolving all nation states has been in play for decades. Partly, this has been brought into action by immigration policies imposed upon nations by the IMF (International Monetary Fund) which is the statutory management (receivership) arm of the World Bank. See The Opal File for further detail on this.

Many countries, including New Zealand were very productive and wealthy up intil the 1960's. Four our part, our Prime Minister at the time, Robert Muldoon, sold out to the globalists by taking loans from the World Bank. These loans were never intended to be repaid and indeed their very terms ensured that they could not be.

Much like the current scenario whereby the countries of the world have been coerced into eight times more debt than can mathematically ever be repaid, by fradulent financial instrument such as derivitives, a global financial crash is inevitable. (However, this can be mitigated by those who have woken up to the situation and who are prepared to do take positive action.)

Once the countries which were heavied into taking World Bank loans defaulted on their debts, the IMF statutory management cronies began to invoke the clauses that were built into these loans agreements. Such clauses included forcing legislation and required policy implementations including immigration agendas (spread the races and religious beliefs around the world in order to create dissention and friction) and state owned asset sales. Remember Rogernomics anyone?

The fact is that although there is a New World Order / One World Government agenda, we are dealing with multiple internal factions who are all part of the same general agenda - but who are each vying to be the actual power structure of this established globalist plan.

A precursor and earlier attempt at establishing a world government was the League of Nations which failed around the time of WW2. The United Nations is the second such attempt in terms of setting up the infrastructure for global governance and has been far more successful. The UN has spawned many dark offshoot organisations and among the sell-out converts is our own ex-Prime Sinister, Helen Clarke.

The Envisaged but Ultimately Failed Global Governance Structure:

- A Global Government (divided into sectors as shown below)
- A World Central Bank
- A Global Currency
- A Centralised Religion
- A Microchipped Population (of mind-controlled-slaves; less than one billion)

European Union - Evolved from EEC (European Economic Community)

American Union - Evolved from NAFTA (North American Free Trade Agreement)

Pacific Union - Evolved from APED (Asia Pacific Free Trade Agreement / TPPA)

African Union - Evolved from AU (The African Union)

The Ten 'Unionised' World Regions which were Planned:

Region 1-NAU: Canada, United States of America, Mexico

Region 2-EU: Western Europe, British Isles, Norway, Sweden, Finland, Turkey

Region 3: Japan, Pacific Islands

Region 4: Australia, New Zealand, South Africa

Region 5: Eastern Europe, Russia, Siberia, Mongolia, Korea

Region 6: Central America, South America, Carribean Islands

Region 7: Egypt, Lybia, Tunisia, Algeria, Morrocco, Saudi Penisula, Jordan, Syria, Iraq, Iran, Afghanistan, Pakistan

Region 8:
AU: Africa, Madagascar

Region 9: India, South East Asia

Region 10: China

Further reading on this farce may be found here.

The Map Below Shows the Global US Military Command Theatre Areas

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Four Horsemen: Feature Documentary - Official Version
October 23 2014 | From: RenegadeEconomist

Published on Sep 13, 2013 Four Horsemen is an award winning independent feature documentary which lifts the lid on how the world really works.

As we will never return to 'business as usual' 23 international thinkers, government advisors and Wall Street money-men break their silence and explain how to establish a moral and just society.

Four Horsemen is free from mainstream media propaganda -- the film doesn't bash bankers, criticise politicians or get involved in conspiracy theories. It ignites the debate about how to usher a new economic paradigm into the world which would dramatically improve the quality of life for billions.

"It's Inside Job with bells on, and a frequently compelling thesis thanks to Ashcroft's crack team of talking heads -- economists, whistleblowers and Noam Chomsky, all talking with candour and clarity."

- Total Film

"Four Horsemen is a breathtakingly composed jeremiad against the folly of Neo-classical economics and the threats it represents to all we should hold dear."

- Harold Crooks, The Corporation (Co-Director) Surviving Progress (Co-Director/Co-Writer)

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Wake Up Call: Conspiracy Documentary - New World Order

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Max Igan - Signs Of The Times
December 20 2013 | TheCrowhouse | ThePeoplesVoice | TheAmericanVoice

Surviving The Matrix: Episode Four

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The New World Order: A 6,000 Year History

October 20 2013

A detailed and complete 6,000 year history of the New World Order and the Illuminati. Includes the history of the Secret Societies, Ancient Beliefs and the Matrix of Control that has shaped human history for thousands of years. Also includes for the first time, a documented history of the true birth of the Illuminati and finally, its affect on the world today.

For more information visit: UFOTV

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October 15 2013

Shade exposes the true power structure embedded in our global reality, showing the true controllers their plans to Geo-engineer our planet and control the populace.

Visit www.shadethemotionpicture.com to order a DVD, rent or download the film.

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9/11 False Flag Conspiracy - Finally Solved (Names, Connections, Motives)
December 27 2012

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U.S. Economy On Schedule To Crash March 4, 2014
October 25 2012 | WashingtonPost

Those wild and crazy Mayans put down their marker that the end of the world would occur on Dec. 21, 2012 — about two months from now. There is, of course, some small chance that they might be right. On the other hand, there is a very large probability that the real end of the world will occur around March 4, 2014.

The doomsday clock will ring then because the U.S. economy may fully crash around that date, which will, in turn, bring down all world economies and all hope of any recovery for the foreseeable future — certainly over the course of most of our lifetimes.

Interest rates will skyrocket, businesses will fail, unemployment will go to record levels, material and food shortages will be rampant, and there could be major social unrest.

Any wishful thinking that America is in a “recovery” and that “things are getting better” is an illusion.

The problem is not Medicare, which won’t quit on us for another six or seven years. Nor is it Social Security, which will not be fully bankrupt for another 15 years or so. The crisis is much more immediate and much more serious.

The central problem is that America is the bank of the world. What this means, simply, is that the dollar is the world’s currency (often termed the “reserve currency”).

Throughout the world, nearly all traded goods, oil, major commodities, real estate, etc., are denominated in dollars.

The world needs dollars, and the U.S. provides them and provides confidence that the dollar is the “safest” currency in the world. Countries get dollars by trading with us on attractive terms, which enables Americans to live very well.

Countries support this system and cover their risk by investing in dollars through T-bill auctions and other mechanisms, which enables us to run budget deficits — up to a point.

The central issue is confidence in America, and the world is losing confidence quickly.

At a certain point, soon, the United States will reach a level of deficit spending and debt at which the countries of the world will lose faith in America and begin to withdraw their investments.

Many leading economists and bankers think another trillion dollars or so may do it. A run on the bank will start suddenly, build quickly and snowball.

At that point, we will need to finance our own deficit, and we will not be able to do so. We will raise bond rates to re-attract foreign investment, interest rates will go up, and businesses will fail. Unemployment will skyrocket.

The rest of the world will fully crash along with us. Europe will continue to decline, and the euro will not replace the dollar. Russia will see a collapse in oil prices as market demand softens, and Russia will collapse along with it.

China will find nowhere to export and also will collapse. The Russian and Chinese governments, which see all this coming and have been stockpiling gold to hedge against such a dollar collapse, will find that you cannot eat gold.

There will be uprisings — think of the streets in Spain and Greece today — everywhere. Technological advances that traditionally drive productivity increases and economic growth will not be able to keep up with this collapse.

When might this all happen? Paul Volker indicates we might face a mess like this in the next year and a half.

David Walker, former U.S. comptroller, i.e., the former chief accountant of the U.S. government, has suggested similar time frames for economic catastrophe.

Most agree that the budget sequestration approach won’t work from either economic or political perspectives, and mindless across-the-board cuts in spending will only exacerbate a mess.

The Federal Reserve’s third round of quantitative easing, in which we print money to buy our own bonds in order to goose economic and employment numbers, means we are floating our own debt, a good formula for sudden hyperinflation.

The next president will have about six months to fix this problem before it is too late. He must be fully prepared, able and willing to work with Congress and move quickly and decisively.

During the election, the most important question to ask is, who understands all this and is prepared to prevent it? Everything else is noise.

Grady Means is a businessman, former assistant to Vice President Nelson Rockefeller and former economist at the U.S. Department of Health, Education and Welfare.

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Your Birth Certificate Is A Stock On The New York Stock Exchange
July 8 2010

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Invisible Empire: A New World Order Defined
From InfoWars.com

Jason Bermas presents: Invisible Empire: A New World Order Defined
Produced by Alex Jones.

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From InfoWars.com

For the New World Order, a world government is just the beginning. Once in place they can engage their plan to exterminate 80% of the world's population, while enabling the "elites" to live forever with the aid of advanced technology.

For the first time, crusading filmmaker ALEX JONES reveals their secret plan for humanity's extermination: Operation ENDGAME.

Jones chronicles the history of the global elite's bloody rise to power and reveals how they have funded dictators and financed the bloodiest wars—creating order out of chaos to pave the way for the first true world empire.

Watch as Jones and his team track the elusive Bilderberg Group to Ottawa and Istanbul to document their secret summits, allowing you to witness global kingpins setting the world's agenda and instigating World War III.

Learn about the formation of the North America transportation control grid, which will end U.S. sovereignty forever.

Discover how the practitioners of the pseudo-science eugenics have taken control of governments worldwide as a means to carry out depopulation.

View the progress of the coming collapse of the United States and the formation of the North American Union.

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Fall Of The Republic
From InfoWars.com

Fall Of The Republic documents how an offshore corporate cartel is bankrupting the US economy by design. Leaders are now declaring that world government has arrived and that the dollar will be replaced by a new global currency.

President Obama has brazenly violated Article 1 Section 9 of the US Constitution by seating himself at the head of United Nations' Security Council, thus becoming the first US president to chair the world body.

A scientific dictatorship is in its final stages of completion, and laws protecting basic human rights are being abolished worldwide; an iron curtain of high-tech tyranny is now descending over the planet.

A worldwide regime controlled by an unelected corporate elite is implementing a planetary carbon tax system that will dominate all human activity and establish a system of neo-feudal slavery.

The image makers have carefully packaged Obama as the world's savior; he is the Trojan Horse manufactured to pacify the people just long enough for the globalists to complete their master plan.

This film reveals the architecture of the New World Order and what the power elite have in store for humanity. More importantly it communicates how We The People can retake control of our government, turn the criminal tide and bring the tyrants to justice.

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The Obama Deception
From InfoWars.com

The Obama Deception is a hard-hitting film that completely destroys the myth that Barack Obama is working for the best interests of the American people.

The Obama phenomenon is a hoax carefully crafted by the captains of the New World Order. He is being pushed as savior in an attempt to con the American people into accepting global slavery.

We have reached a critical juncture in the New World Order's plans. It's not about Left or Right: it's about a One World Government. The international banks plan to loot the people of the United States and turn them into slaves on a Global Plantation.

Covered in this film: who Obama works for, what lies he has told, and his real agenda. If you want to know the facts and cut through all the hype, this is the film for you.

Watch the Obama Deception and learn how:

- Obama is continuing the process of transforming America into something that resembles Nazi Germany, with forced National Service, domestic civilian spies, warrantless wiretaps, the destruction of the Second Amendment, FEMA camps and Martial Law.

- Obama's handlers are openly announcing the creation of a new Bank of the World that will dominate every nation on earth through carbon taxes and military force.

- International bankers purposefully engineered the worldwide financial meltdown to bankrupt the nations of the planet and bring in World Government.

- Obama plans to loot the middle class, destroy pensions and federalize the states so that the population is completely dependent on the Central Government.

- The Elite are using Obama to pacify the public so they can usher in the North American Union by stealth, launch a new Cold War and continue the occupation of Iraq and Afghanistan.

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The Committee of Three Hundred
Dr John Coleman

Dr. John Coleman, being a historian in the intelligence community, has researched in full scope the sinister forces behind the New World Order movement. This video lecture represents a culmination of his findings about secret societies which form the global movement and how it came into existence.

For further infomation you can visit the website of Dr John Coleman.

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Rockefeller Reveals 9/11 FRAUD to Aaron Russo
Director of Planetary Initiative, United Nations

"No one will enter the New World Order unless he or she will make a pledge to worship Lucifer. No one will enter the New Age unless he will take a Luciferian Initiation."

Aaron Russo (February 14, 1943 - August 24, 2007) was an American entertainment businessman, movie producer and director, and political activist. He was best-known for producing such blockbuster movies as Trading Places, Wise Guys, and The Rose. Later in life, he created various Libertarian-leaning political documentaries including Mad as Hell and America: Freedom to Fascism. After a six-year battle with bladder cancer, Russo died on August 24, 2007.

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