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The Climate Change Industry And The Hoax Of Global Warming
August 5 2023 | From: FreedomOutpost / Various

If you ask the environmentalists, it is global warming. If it snows, it is global warming. If it's hot, it is global warming. Everything is global warming and must be redressed immediately or the earth will perish.

This is not just Amerika - but worldwide. Hundreds of billions have already been spent around the globe on a deliberately manufactured panic.

Related: Green Gestapo Says You're Mentally Ill If You Challenge Climate Change + Over 30,000 Scientists Say 'Catastrophic Man-Made Global Warming' Is A Complete Hoax And Science Lie

I am not sure who coined the term "climate change industry," but it is an apt description of the snake oil salesmen who have become billionaires on the unfounded and irrational fear of debunked global warming and of climate change based on manufactured consensus science.

The climate has been changing for millennia in cyclical periods dominated by either unusually cold or unusually hot temperatures.

It is convenient to the promoters of the climate change industry to purposefully confound weather events with climate.

Having declared that the "science is settled," the global warming scaremongering environmentalists are moving on to the next target of limiting our property rights and freedoms via carbon footprint and draconian, coal-industry destructive EPA regulations.

After all, the number one threat to national security has been declared to be climate change.

Related: Discovery Of Massive Volcanic CO2 Emissions Puts Damper On Global Warming Theory & Climate Change Hoax Collapses As New Science Finds Human Activity Has Virtually Zero Impact On Global Temperatures

It is not the crushing, out-of-control debt; it is not the planned and unchecked flood of immigrants into countries around the world, changing the demographics and eliminating sovereignty to the benefit of global elitist control; it is not ISIS beheading Christians and occupying the formerly liberated towns and provinces in Iraq; and it is not Iran, with its nuclear bomb program, threatening to wipe Israel off the map - Israel, our ally, and the only sane patch of reality in the Middle East.

The climate change industry has admitted through a Freudian slip that their agenda of climate change is "disrupting national economies, costing us dearly today and even more tomorrow."

Of course, climate has been changing, and we are in a cooling period now, but truth cannot impede the liberal political advocates' agenda of taxing rich countries more, spreading the wealth, and destroying our economy in the name of protecting the Earth.

Related: Climate Change Hoax Collapses As Michael Mann’s Bogus “Hockey Stick” Graph Defamation Lawsuit Dismissed By The Supreme Court Of British Columbia

The climate change industry has managed to transform a natural phenomenon of climate change into a global disaster that needs to be addressed by bureaucrats through fundamentally changing how we live, what we own, how our economies are run, by carbon footprint taxation, Smart Growth, Green Growth state and local programs around the world, and through weather modification spraying of chemicals into the atmosphere.

This spraying of chemicals (chemtrails) is really affecting the weather and the growing season for agriculture, reducing yield. The climate change industry has become such a religion of environmentalism gone berserk that they are now trying to ban farming.

Electricity costs are going up, smart meters that catch on fire have been installed everywhere in order to control people's energy consumption and in-home ambient temperature, and many electricity generation plants are scheduled to be closed due to draconian EPA regulations.

The government's all-out assault to redress climate change through regulatory planning and financial control is having a serious impact on our economy, the coal industry, the oil industry, and on everybody's lives.

Related: ClimateChangeGate: The Hidden Agenda Behind The Huge Hoax And Global Criminal Conspiracy & Climate Change Hoax Collapses As New Science Finds Human Activity Has Virtually Zero Impact On Global Temperatures

The hypothesis that rich nations caused climate change by burning fossil fuels to produce energy has never been proven by IPCC's computer modeling.

The fact that now the hypothesis changed its name from global warming to climate change in the face of obvious 18 years of global cooling is enough evidence that the purveyors of the industry of climate change are desperate but are not giving up.

There is never a shortage of young, idealistic rioters-for-hire who, for a nominal fee will demonstrate anywhere against global warming, even in Quebec in the snow. Fleecing rich countries with carbon taxes is too lucrative a scam to give up the agenda.

Related: Amazing Science Lesson: Environmentalists Declare War On Photosynthesis In Stupefying Effort To Exterminate All RecognizableLife On Planet Earth

The real reason behind the global warming scare and why the United Nations' alarmists have been driving us into forced submission of environmentalist stewardship is that they want capitalism destroyed and replaced with their vision of a utopian communist economy that has never worked across the centuries.

These progressives have a problem with the Industrial Revolution, with "fossil fuels" (They are not so fossil, since the earth keeps producing them), with the only successful economic model that has provided generous income to all these hot-air spewing, idle bureaucrats, who have nothing better to do than meet in exotic locales planning the destruction of the goose that lays the golden eggs that feed their exorbitant lifestyles, salaries, bonuses, and pensions.

Christina Figueres, Executive Secretary of U.N.'s Convention on Climate Change, disclosed the real reason for the climate change industry when she told us that they are not interested in saving the world from global warming Armageddon, but they want to destroy capitalism:

"This is the first time in the history of mankind that we are setting ourselves the task of intentionally, within a period of time, to change the economic development model that has been reigning for at least 150 years, since the Industrial Revolution."

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Why The Powers That Be Are Pushing A Cashless Society
August 4 2023 | From: ZeroHedge / Various

We can't reign-in the banks if we cannot pull our money out of them - awareness is required;

Click here to watch 'Evolution of a Cashless Society (1:49)

Related: The “Great Reset” Elite Coup: Taking Control By Destroying Cash - Reshaping The Human “Individual”

Martin Armstrong summarizes the headway being made to ban cash, and argues that the goal of those pushing a cashless society is to prevent bank runs ... and increase their control:

"The central banks are ... planning drastic restrictions on cash itself. They see moving to electronic money will first eliminate the underground economy, but secondly, they believe it will even prevent a banking crisis.

This idea of eliminating cash was first floated as the normal trial balloon to see how the people take it. It was first launched by Kenneth Rogoff of Harvard University and Willem Buiter, the chief economist at Citigroup. Their claims have been widely hailed and their papers are now the foundation for the new age of Economic Totalitarianism that confronts us.

Rogoff and Buiter have laid the ground work for the end of much of our freedom and will one day will be considered the new Marx with hindsight. They sit in their lofty offices but do not have real world practical experience beyond theory.

Considerations of their arguments have shown how governments can seize all economic power are destroy cash in the process eliminating all rights. Physical paper money provides the check against negative interest rates for if they become too great, people will simply withdraw their funds and hoard cash.

Furthermore, paper currency allows for bank runs. Eliminate paper currency and what you end up with is the elimination of the ability to demand to withdraw funds from a bank.


In many nations, specific measures have already been taken demonstrating that the Rogoff-Buiter world of Economic Totalitarianism is indeed upon us. This is the death of Capitalism.

Of course the socialists hate Capitalism and see other people’s money should be theirs. What they cannot see is that Capitalism is freedom from government totalitarianism. The freedom to pursue the field you desire without filling the state needs that supersede your own.

There have been test runs of this Rogoff-Buiter Economic Totalitarianism to see if the idea works. I reported on June 21, 2014 that Britain was doing a test run. A shopping street in Manchester banned cash as part of an experiment to see if Brits would accept a cashless society.

London buses ended accepting cash payments from July 2014. Meanwhile, Currency Exchange dealers began offering debt cards instead of cash that they market as being safer to travel with. The Chorlton, South Manchester experiment was touted to test customers and business reaction to the idea for physical currency will disappear inside 20 years.

France passed another Draconian new law that from the police parissummer of 2015 it will now impose cash requirements dramatically trying to eliminate cash by force. French citizens and tourists will then only be allowed a limited amount of physical money.

They have financial police searching people on trains just passing through France to see if they are transporting cash, which they will now seize. Meanwhile, the new French Elite are moving in this very same direction. Piketty wants to just take everyone’s money who has more than he does. Nobody stands on the side of freedom or on restraining the corruption within government.

The problem always turns against the people for we are the cause of the fiscal mismanagement of government that never has enough for themselves.

In Greece a drastic reduction in cash is also being discussed in light of the economic crisis. Now any bill over €70 should be payable only by check or credit card – it will be illegal to pay in cash. The German Baader Bank founded in Munich expects formally to abolish the cash to enforce negative interest rates on accounts that is really taxation on whatever money you still have left after taxes.


Complete abolition of cash threatens our very freedom and rights of citizens in so many areas.


Paper currency is indeed the check against negative interest rates. We need only look to Switzerland to prove that theory. Any attempt to impose say a 5% negative interest rates (tax) would lead to an unimaginably massive flight into cash.

This was already demonstrated recently by the example of Swiss pension funds, which withdrew their money from the bank in a big way and now store it in vaults in cash in order to escape the financial repression. People will act in their own self-interest and negative interest rates are likely to reduce the sales of government bonds and set off a bank run as long as paper money exists.

Obviously, government and bankers are not stupid. The only way to prevent such a global bank run would be the total prohibition of paper money. This is unlikely, both in Switzerland and in the United States because the economies are dominated there by a certain “liberalism” to some extent but also because their currencies also circulate outside their domestic economies.

The fact that but the question of the cash ban in the context of a global conference with the participation of the major central banks of the US and the ECB will be discussed, demonstrates by itself that the problem is not a regional problem.

Nevertheless, there is a growing assumption that the negative interest rate world (tax on cash) is likely to increase dramatically in Europe in particular since it is socialism that is collapsing. Government in Brussels is unlikely to yield power and their line of thinking cannot lead to any solution.

The negative interest rate concept is making its way into the United States at J.P. Morgan where they will charge a fee on excess cash on deposit starting May 1st, 2015. Asset holdings of cash with a tax or a fee in the amount of the negative interest rate seems to be underway even in Switzerland.


The movement toward electronic money is moving at high speed and this says a lot about the state of the financial system. The track record of the major financial institutions is nearly perfect – they are always caught on the wrong side when a crisis breaks, which requires their bailouts.

The fact that we have already seen test runs with theory-balloons flying, the major financial institutions are in no shape to withstand another economic decline.

For depositors, this means they really need to grasp what is going on here for unless they are vigilant, there is a serious risk of losing everything. We must understand that these measures will be implemented overnight in the middle of a banking crisis after 2015.75. The balloons have taken off and the discussions are underway.

The trend in taxation and reduction of cash seems to be unstoppable. Government is not prepared to reform for that would require a new way of thinking and a loss of power. That is not a consideration. They only see one direction and that is to take us into the new promised-land of economic totalitarianism."

People can’t pull cash out of their bank accounts – for political reasons, because they’ve lost confidence in the bank, or because “bail-ins” are enacted – if cash is banned.

Related: The Khazarian Bankster Cult That Hijacked The World & Worthless Pieces Of Paper - Interest On Fake Money Is Confiscating Your Freedom

The Financial Times argued last year that central banks would be the real winners from a cashless society:

"Central bankers, after all, have had an explicit interest in introducing e-money from the moment the global financial crisis began…


The introduction of a cashless society empowers central banks greatly. A cashless society, after all, not only makes things like negative interest rates possible, it transfers absolute control of the money supply to the central bank, mostly by turning it into a universal banker that competes directly with private banks for public deposits. All digital deposits become base money."

The Government Can Manipulate Digital Accounts More Easily than Cash

Moreover, an official White House panel on spying has implied that the government is manipulating the amount in people’s financial accounts.

If all money becomes digital, it would be much easier for the government to manipulate our accounts.

Indeed, numerous high-level NSA whistleblowers say that NSA spying is about crushing dissent and blackmailing opponentsnot stopping terrorism.

Related: The Three Varieties Of Money

This may sound over-the-top … but remember, the government sometimes labels its critics as “terrorists“. If the government claims the power to indefinitely detain – or even assassinate – citizens at the whim of the executive, don’t you think that government people would be willing to shut down, or withdraw a stiff “penalty” from a dissenter’s bank account?

If society becomes cashless, dissenters can’t hide cash. All of their financial holdings would be vulnerable to an attack by the government.

This would be the ultimate form of control. Because – without access to money – people couldn’t resist, couldn’t hide and couldn’t escape.

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A Totalitarian Society Has Totalitarian Science
August 3 2023 | From: JonRappoport / Various

And vice versa. Totalitarian science lets you know you’re living in a totalitarian society

The totalitarian party principles from George Orwell's "1984"

The government, the press, the mega-corporations, the prestigious foundations, the academic institutions, the “humanitarian” organizations say:

Related: The Darkening Clouds Of Totalitarianism

"This is the disease. This is its name. This is what causes it. This is the drug that treats it. This is the vaccine that prevents it."

“This is how accurate diagnosis is done. These are the tests. These are the possible results and what they mean."

“Here are the genes. This is what they do. This is how they can be changed and substituted and manipulated. These are the outcomes."

“These are the data and the statistics. They are correct. There can be no argument about them.

“This is life. These are the components of life. All change and improvement result from our management of the components."

“This is the path. It is governed by truth which science reveals. Walk the path. We will inform you when you stray. We will report new improvements."

“This is the end. You can go no farther. You must give up the ghost. We will remember you.”

We are now witnessing the acceleration of Official Science. Of course, that term is an internal contradiction. But the State shrugs and moves forward.

The notion that the State can put its seal on favored science, enforce it, and punish its competitors, is anathema to a free society.

For example: Declaring that psychiatrists can appear in court as expert witnesses, when none of the so-called mental disorders listed in the psychiatric literature are diagnosed by laboratory tests.

For example: Sstating that vaccination is mandatory, in order to protect the vaccinated (who are supposed to be immune) from the unvaccinated. An absurdity on its face.

For example: Announcing that the science of climate change is “settled,” when there are, in fact, huge numbers of researchers who disagree. And then, drafting legislation and issuing executive orders based on the decidedly unsettled science.

For example: Officially approving the release and sale of medical drugs (“safe and effective”) which go on to kill, at a conservative estimate, 100,000 Americans every year. And then refusing to investigate or punish the purveyors of these drug approvals (the FDA).

For example: Permitting the widespread use of genetically modified food crops, based on no long-term studies of their impact on human health. And then, arbitrarily announcing that the herbicide, Roundup, for which many of these crops are specifically designed, is non-toxic.

For example: Declaring and promoting the existence of various epidemics, when the viruses purportedly causing them are not proven to exist and/or not proven to cause human illness (Ebola, SARS, West Nile, Swine Flu, etc.)

A Slippery Slide To Totalitarianism

A few of you reading this have been with me since 1988, when I published my first book, AIDS INC., Scandal of the Century. Among other conclusions, I pointed out that HIV had never been shown to cause human illness; the front-line drug given to AIDS patients, AZT, was overwhelmingly toxic; and what was being called AIDS was actually a diverse number immune-suppressing conditions.

Others of you have found my work more recently, since I started this site in 2001. I always return to the subject of false science, because it is the most powerful long-term instrument for repression, political control, and destruction of human life.

As I’ve stated on many occasions, medical science is ideal for mounting and launching covert ops aimed at populations - because it appears to be politically neutral, without any allegiance to State interests.

Unfortunately, medical science, on many fronts, has been hijacked and taken over. The profit motive is one objective, but beyond that, there is a more embracing goal:

Totalitarian control.

It aims to replace your freedom, consciousness, and intelligence with its own synthetic versions.

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Have You Ever Felt Like The Government Doesn’t Really Care What You Think?
August 2 2023 | From:RepresentUs / Various

Professors Martin Gilens (Princeton University) and Benjamin I. Page (Northwestern University) looked at more than 20 years worth of data to answer a simple question: Does the government represent the people?

Their study [which took place in the US but which is equally applicable to all other western countries] took data from nearly 2000 public opinion surveys and compared it to the policies that ended up becoming law.

Related: Everywhere In The Western World, Government Is A Conspiracy Against The People & Cartels That Run The World

In other words, they compared what the public wanted to what the government actually did. What they found was extremely unsettling: The opinions of 90% of Americans has essentially no impact at all.

This video gives a quick rundown of their findings - it all boils down to one simple graph: 

Read more at: RepresentUs

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Demons Behind The Music Industry (Ex Illuminati Explains) & Illuminati - The Music Industry Exposed
August 1 2023 | From: JohnTodd / Various

John Todd, former member of the Illuminati and music industry insider speaks out, plus a truly excellent documentary on what really goes on within the music industry.

I made an interesting discovery which may back up my video Demons Behind The Music Industry.

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In the video John Todd mentions the album Destroyer by KISS. If you look on the cover of the album you can see the KISS members standing on rocks (or coals) above what looks like a lake of fire with smoke in the background, and it has a dark sky.

The Bible says in Revelation 9:2 -

"And he opened the bottomless pit; and there arose a smoke out of the pit, as the smoke of a great furnace; and the sun and the air were darkened by reason of the smoke of the pit."

In verses 7 and 8 it goes on to say that the faces of the locusts that came out of the pit had faces of men and hair as the hair of women. If you look at the KISS album cover Destroyer they have faces of men and long hair like women.

The king of these locusts from the pit is called Apollyon.

Now if you check the name Apollyon in the dictionary guess what it means? It means the DESTROYER which is the title of KISS's album. Coincidence? You decide.

Demons Behind The Music Industry (Ex Illuminati Explains)

Illuminati - The Music Industry Exposed

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Two Major Psy Ops Documents You Must Read
July 31 2023 | From: TruthStreamMedia / Various

These psychological operations are being used on you.The Amerikan and global populace have no conception of the level of advanced, high-tech psychological operations they are under. The field of psy ops, which used to be a tool of governments and military strategists against rival nations has now been turned upon the masses by the emerging global government.

 For the last century, thousands of think tanks have perfected the use of propaganda through fields like advertising, neurological research, psychology, etc.  The father of modern advertising and Defense Department brain Edward Bernays, opened his classic Propaganda in 1928 with the following:

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"The conscious and intelligent manipulation of the organized habits and opinions of the masses is an important element in democratic society. Those who manipulate this unseen mechanism of society constitute an invisible government which is the true ruling power of our country. 

One of the ironies of propaganda to work is that its population must be educated. Ellul argues that the university education forms the next generation of propagandist to manipulate its society.

In other words, the more highly educated you are, the more integrated you are in this propaganda and its dissemination.

Remember Ellul is not talking about the obvious Nazi or Communist propaganda during the Second World War which was for a short-term campaign using a vertical process (top down approach easily countered by a competing top down approach).

No, Ellul is talking about the horizontal process similar to how viruses infect adjoining people around them.

Imagine an intellectual virus which spreads itself similar to a biological virus, through contact and multiply this with mass media technology as a delivery system.
We are governed, our minds are molded, our tastes formed, our ideas suggested, largely by men we have never heard of.
This is a logical result of the way in which our democratic society is organized. Vast numbers of human beings must cooperate in this manner if they are to live together as a smoothly functioning society. Our invisible governors are, in many cases, unaware of the identity of their fellow members in the inner cabinet.

They govern us by their qualities of natural leadership, their ability to supply needed ideas and by their key position in the social structure.

Whatever attitude one chooses to take toward this condition, it remains a fact that in almost every act of our daily lives, whether in the sphere of politics or business, in our social conduct or our ethical thinking, we are dominated by the relatively small number of persons - a trifling fraction of our hundred and twenty million - who understand the mental processes and social patterns of the masses.

It is they who pull the wires which control the public mind, who harness old social forces and contrive new ways to bind and guide the world.”

It is crucial to consider that the US is not a democracy, but as it was socially engineered from a republic to a so-called “democracy,” the normal state of a “democracy” is shown to be an oligarchy.

 Bernays is explaining that very fact – a nation of enforced egalitarian democracy ends up being an oligarchy run by billionaire manipulators and con artists.  

Related: Propaganda Is The Art Of Overwhelming Logic

Those that rule end up being the best as swaying mass man by appealing constantly to his baser desires. In this system, the only telos is to constantly drive any and all of society towards those base desire to increase material consumption and production.

The system itself has no end, other than the propagation of the parasitical system.  

Modern psy ops has only refined this technique. Retired Major Ed Rouse writes of modern psychological operations:

“Another part of the answer to this question lies in the attitude of people towards psychological operations. To some, it produces images of government controlled communications/mass media, telling the people only what the government wants them to hear.

To others, it raises the horrid specter of Joseph Goebbels, Hitler’s Propaganda Minister, practicing the technique of the “big lie” which has incorrectly become synonymous with “propaganda”. Still to others, the mere mention of “psychological” operations or warfare invokes visions of “mind control” through some mysterious means of brainwashing.

It should be clear that modern psychological operations, or PSYOP, is none of those things. On the contrary PSYOP is not unlike the public advertising that we are all exposed to wherever we go, every day, through all kinds of mass media. However the negative connotation that some people attach to the word psychological” prevents many people from recognizing the simple truth.

Everyone knows that if you do not have a good product to sell, people will not continue buying it, no matter how much you advertise. The same applies to the points of view advertised through the use of psychological operations. Thus we have no reason to fear PSYOP, but we do have ample reason to respect it for what it can do.”

There is no reason to fear Psy Ops, we are told, because it is a humane weapon. Infowar has ever been the major focus of warfare, back to Sun Tzu, who wrote that warfare’s goal was to change the enemy’s mind, not destroy his army.

If the target could be changed in his thought pattern, what use in expending tremendous effort and resources on fighting a physical battle?  

Related: Total Individual Control Technology – Insider Exposes How You And Your DNA Are Being Targeted & Psychotechnology: How Artificial Intelligence Is Designed To Change Humanity

But that was an older time, when nations and tribes battled one another for regional dominance and natural resources.

While this still goes on today, the top players are different: Major power blocs are battling for control of the new world order. The dominant power bloc in our world today is the Anglo banking empire, and their method of control is largely through mass media, which, as we’ve seen from the quotes above, is the same as mass advertising.  

This is why the “news” has a uniform presentation globally. The governing structure above the “government” level is that of international corporations, themselves governed by the major banking houses. Thus, the government / corporate “news” is always the same, all the way down to the local affiliate broadcasting the same laughable tabloid and warm fuzzy pieces about local kitten shelters and pharmaceutical salvation.

This was recently illustrated in a masterful way by Conan’s late night show, where pieces of local news stations were clipped together, from supposedly different stations, reading from the exact same script, nationwide. These scripts are written and sent out to the news agencies by the Pentagon and corporate central think tanks to engineer the populace into mindless abandon. 

“You don’t need us to tell you gas prices are back on the rise!”

Noted propaganda analyst Jacques Ellul posited that democratic societies even use a more sophisticated form of propaganda than authoritarian ones. A reviewer of Ellul’s famous Propaganda: The Formation of Men’s Attitudes elucidates this point:

“Ellul argues that authoritarian governments never really need propaganda as much as democratic societies do and when the authoritarian governments of the past (communist and fascist) used propaganda, it was an obvious type.

One could insinuate that it would be amateurish level and much easier to spot. Nonetheless many people in the past fell prey to this propaganda as much as people today fall prey to advertising campaigns.

A democratic society uses a more sophisticated form of propaganda, one which is long-term in process and result; again one could insinuate that this would be of a professional level and much more difficult to spot.

One of the ironies of propaganda to work is that its population must be educated. Ellul argues that the university education forms the next generation of propagandist to manipulate its society.

In other words, the more highly educated you are, the more integrated you are in this propaganda and its dissemination.

Remember Ellul is not talking about the obvious Nazi or Communist propaganda during the Second World War which was for a short-term campaign using a vertical process (top down approach easily countered by a competing top down approach).

No, Ellul is talking about the horizontal process similar to how viruses infect adjoining people around them.

Imagine an intellectual virus which spreads itself similar to a biological virus, through contact and multiply this with mass media technology as a delivery system.
One of the ironies of propaganda to work is that its population must be educated. Ellul argues that the university education forms the next generation of propagandist to manipulate its society. In other words, the more highly educated you are, the more integrated you are in this propaganda and its dissemination.

Remember Ellul is not talking about the obvious Nazi or Communist propaganda during the Second World War which was for a short-term campaign using a vertical process (top down approach easily countered by a competing top down approach). No, Ellul is talking about the horizontal process similar to how viruses infect adjoining people around them.

Imagine an intellectual virus which spreads itself similar to a biological virus, through contact and multiply this with mass media technology as a delivery system.

So the more educated you become, the less aware you are that you are a victim of propaganda and the more you are ready to spread your ideology to others who will in turn reinforce you and be reinforced by you in a horizontal process.

Leaders aren’t telling you what to think (directly), you are being told by your peers what to think and you pass along this information to others to inform them what to think.

Then when this ideology has reached a substantial portion of the population, you demand the leaders to comply and they reluctantly do so (which was their intention 30 to 40 years previously, but they won’t tell you this). This is the essence of what Ellul says in his Propaganda book.”

As you watch the snooze, er, “news,” notice the psychological tricks that are being foisted upon you. Why is the focus something mundane and irrelevant, like a celebrity’s nipple or a litter of kittens being born?  

Why are the newscasters talking to you like you’re a 5th grader? Why is the netwscast about depression followed by an ad for the pharmaceutical pill that will magickally make you happy?  

Why is the een sexting piece followed by an ad for the latest smartphone and sex app? All of this is a scientific tactic of psychological manipulation. This is why the Pentagon places Psy Ops soldiers at local news stations.

The Infowar is the war on the public’s mind:

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FBI Document Confirms Hitler Fled To Argentina In 1945
July 30 2023 | From: Geopolitics / Various

Hidden in plain sight at FBI.gov, a document confirming the whereabouts of Adolf Hitler at the closing of World War 2 can be downloaded there.

He’s been roaming the entire United States until the ripe age of 92…

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Click here to view this on the FBI website. Click here to download a PDF copy of the FBI document.

From the above document:

“January 12, 1945 – I received a visit from X, a well known German Agent. He hinted at the possibility of German defeat and gave me a period of two days to think of the most suitable spot in South America as a refuge for Hitler and a group of German Scientists and officers, in case the latter should find it necessary to “disappear from the world scene” temporarily.

January 13, 1945 – I wracked my brain trying to decide what spot would provide the greatest security. I decided to recommend Colombia, my own country.”

– 149, FBI document above

“After having made all the necessary arrangements, which required well over a month and a half, during which period I was constantly in contact with Germany and the “Hitler Group”…, the landing was made in Bahiahonda on July 19, 1945, at dawn.”

“For six days Hitler and his followers travelled on horseback , only at night, from Bahiahonda to the “La Loma” landing field. At the agreed hour of meeting three contact men and I waited at the rendezvous.

We had succeeded in acquiring three small four-passenger Stinson planes, to begin the trip from there to Narino. Then, I was suddenly informed by a high-ranking German officer that Hitler had changed his mind and he had decided not to hide on my property.”

– p 150, FBI document above

Newly declassified FBI documents prove that the government knew Hitler was alive and well, and living in the Andes Mountains long after World War II.

On April 30 1945, Adolf Hitler committed suicide in his underground bunker. His body was later discovered and identified by the Soviets before being rushed back to Russia. Is it really possible that the Soviets have been lying all this time, and that history has purposely been rewritten?

No one thought so until the release of the FBI documents. It seems that it is possible that the most hated man in history escaped war torn Germany and lived a bucolic and peaceful life in the beautiful foothills of the Andes Mountains.

Related: Were Hitler & Nazism Zionist Creations?

The Intelligence Community Knew

FBI documents are beginning to show that not only was Hitler and Eva Braun’s suicide faked, the infamous pair might have had help from the director of the OSS himself, Allen Dulles.

In one FBI document from Los Angles, it is revealed that the agency was well aware of a mysterious submarine making its way up the Argentinian coast dropping off high level Nazi officials. What is even more astonishing is the fact that the FBI knew he was in fact living in the foothills of the Andes.

Who is the Mysterious Informant?

In a Los Angeles letter to the Bureau in August of 1945, an unidentified informant agreed to exchange information for political asylum. What he told agents was stunning.

The informant not only knew Hitler was in Argentina, he was one of the confirmed four men who had met the German submarine. Apparently, two submarines had landed on the Argentinian coast, and Hitler with Eva Braun was on board the second.

The Argentinian government not only welcomed the former German dictator, but also aided in his hiding. The informant went on to not only give detailed directions to the villages that Hitler and his party had passed through, but also credible physical details concerning Hitler.

While for obvious reasons the informant is never named in the FBI papers, he was credible enough to be believed by some agents.

Related: Exposed: The Nazi Roots Of The European Union

The FBI Tried to Hide Hitler’s Whereabouts

Even with a detailed physical description and directions the FBI still did not follow up on these new leads. Even with evidence placing the German sub U-530 on the Argentinian coast shortly before finally surrounding, and plenty of eye witness accounts of German official being dropped off, no one investigated.

Information has emerged which indicates that the current Chancellor of Germany, Angela Merkel is either the daughter or grand daughter of Adolf Hitler and that she is the leader of the Fourth Reich. It is suggested that this photo is of the two.

Even More Evidence is Found:

Along with the FBI documents detailing an eye witness account of Hitler’s whereabouts in Argentina, more evidence is coming to light to help prove that Adolf Hitler and Eva Braun did not die in that bunker.

In 1945, the Naval Attaché in Buenos Aires informed Washington there was a high probability that Hitler and Eva Braun had just arrived in Argentina.

This coincides with the sightings of the submarine U-530. Added proof comes in the form of newspaper articles detailing the construction of a Bavarian styled mansion in the foothills of the Andes Mountains.

Further proof comes in the form of architect Alejandro Bustillo who wrote about his design and construction of Hitler’s new home which was financed by earlier wealthy German immigrants.

Irrefutable Evidence that Hitler Escaped:

Perhaps the most damming evidence that Hitler did survive the fall of Germany lies in Russia. With the Soviet occupation of Germany, Hitler’s supposed remains were quickly hidden and sent off to Russia, never to be seen again.

That is until 2009, when an archeologist from Connecticut State, Nicholas Bellatoni was allowed to perform DNA testing on one of the skull fragments recovered.

What he discovered set off a reaction through the intelligence and scholarly communities. Not only did the DNA not match any recorded samples thought to be Hitler’s, they did not match Eva Braun’s familiar DNA either. So the question is, what did the Soviets discover in the bunker, and where is Hitler?

Even former general and President Dwight D. Eisenhower wrote to Washington

It was not only General Eisenhower who was concerned over Hitler’s compete disappearance, Stalin also expressed his concerns. In 1945, the Stars and Stripes newspaper quoted then General Eisenhower as believing that the real possibility existed of Hitler living safely and comfortably in Argentina.

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Is it Possible?

With all of the evidence coming to light, it is possible and even likely that not only did Hitler escape from Germany; he had the help of the international intelligence community. Released FBI documents prove that they were not only aware of Hitler’s presence in Argentina; they were also helping to cover it up.

It would not be the first time the OSS helped a high ranking Nazi official to escape punishment and capture. Look at the story of Adolf Eichmann who was located in Argentina in the 1960’s.

Did Hitler escape to Argentina? The answer is yes.

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‘The Black Spider Memos': Prince Charles, Secrecy And The British Government
July 29 2023 | From: 21stCenturyWire / Various

A little known but potentially significant bundle of letters written by Prince Charles could alter the public perception, and ultimately the course of a fragile British monarchy in the 21st century.

Why are these letters so important? Aren’t the monarchs in Britain just ‘figureheads’? These letter expose the monarchy’s ability to privately lobby government on matters concerning themselves, and to micro-manage any affairs pertaining to themselves.

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“In 2006, the former deputy private secretary and press adviser to the Prince of Wales, Mark Bolland, said that the Prince had referred to himself as a “dissident” who worked against the prevailing political consensus.[6]

Concerning Charles’s views, Bolland said that he “…routinely meddled in political issues and wrote sometimes in extreme terms to ministers, MP’s and others in positions of political power and influence…

The prince used all the means of communication at his disposal, including meetings with ministers and others, speeches and correspondence with leaders in all walks of life and politicians. He was never party-political, but to argue that he was not political was difficult…

These letters were not merely routine and non-controversial…but written at times in extreme terms…containing his views on political matters and individual politicians at home and abroad and on international issues…

I remember on many occasions seeing in these day files letters which, for example, denounced the elected leaders of other countries in extreme terms, and other such highly politically sensitive correspondence.”[7]
(Source: Wiki)

As a ‘privy counsellor’, Prince Charles gives himself the right to communicate confidentially with British cabinet ministers about “matters that concern him.”[6]

Special privileges for those who believe they are the rightful rulers of this planetary fiefdom. Here, here…

Over this month, British officials, with enormous reluctance, will relinquish the contents of 27 letters by Prince Charles to the press termed the “black spider memos” spanning the period between September 2004 and April 2005. 

A better view into the idiosyncratic views of the prolific letter writing prince might be offered, though it is unlikely to be spectacular.  The Royals, notably the British ones, have tended to be fairly open about their antediluvian prancing in a world that has somehow left them behind.

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But that was not the point of The Guardian newspaper’s ten year challenge, which yielded rewards last month with a 5 to 2 Supreme Court ruling rejecting the attempt by former Attorney-General Dominic Grieve to veto publication.  The veto had been directed against the decision of the freedom of information tribunal which rejected Grieve’s efforts to keep the lid on the correspondence.

In 2012, Grieve argued that the correspondence contained the “most deeply held personal views and beliefs” that effectively constituted his training to be a monarch. The tribunal found, however, that it was:

“in the overall public interest for there to be transparency as to how and when Prince Charles seeks to influence government.”

The rather vague constitutional justifications for secrecy again demonstrate how woolly logic has a habit of finding its ways into the highest departments of supposed constitutional democracy. 

Should the public be interested in what the Prince [now "King"] and future heir to the throne is considering in letters to the ministers of the crown?  Perhaps less than the efforts of government to suppress the contents of such correspondence.

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Amendments made to the Freedom of Information Act in 2010 suggest that knowing one’s royals – at least in terms of thoughts, however threadbare – is not something governments wants the public to know. 

The persisting addling of British thinking on this score is that transparency is only good in modest doses, and is not something necessarily required over large swathes of government.  Communications from a monarch, heir, and second in line are exempt for 20 years, or five years after the individuals death.

Then comes the government veto, which was overridden by the UK Supreme Court. In the words of Lord Neuberger, President of the court;

“There is no clear or specific suggestion anywhere in the [FOI Act] that it is intended that [a veto] should enable a member of the executive to over-ride a judicial decision.”

The argument fired from the secrecy advocates was always one of protecting Charles – most probably from himself.  You can’t spill the beans on the future monarch – to do so risks harming his ability to perform his duties, certainly on his ascension to the throne, should his enduring mother ever decide to leave this world.

A mystifying line taken by those mucking in for Charles is that of compromising political neutrality.  It is evidently not in the public interest to know that the heir is, in fact, politically compromised.  Keep that reality at bay. 

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Advocates of privacy for Charles’ correspondence suggest that his correspondence be protected, notwithstanding it was with government ministers and officials.  It is precisely for this reason that such correspondence can have value.

To what extent the royal understands his constitutional role in the structure of Westminster is not entirely clear.  In such cases, presumption means little, and some politicians are wondering whether Charles should be leapfrogged. 

“If there are serious questions about the suitability of Prince Charles as a monarch,” ponders Labour member Paul Flynn MP, “there could be a question in the public mind about whether to skip a generation.”

Prime Minister David Cameron is aggrieved at the whole business, finding fault with the view that senior members of the royal family have a direct, yet confidential line with the government of the day. Cameron;

“thinks that’s a principle we should uphold. So while we have taken steps in this parliament to strengthen the ability to do that through the FOI act, if there needs to be more done to make that clear, then the prime minister is clear those steps should happen in the next parliament.”

The imposition of further secrecy is something to look forward to.

The move on the part of republicans is to show Charles to be a significant meddler in the affairs of elected government.  The demarcation between monarch and government is a fine one, managed by steady, sagacious heads.  Charles’ mother, Queen Elizabeth II, may well have that; the republicans wonder whether the son sports a similar approach. 

Campaign group Republic are awaiting to see if the letters reveal the prince to be “a serious political force rather than […] apolitical and harmless.”

Certainly, republicans might get a fillip from all of this, though it will hardly matter much.  First comes the issue of what will be released.  Heavy redaction may be expected.  In Cameron’s own ominous words, “we will now consider how to release these letters.”

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The second issue is how revealing the contents of such correspondence will actually be. The prince may well inhabit a twilight role of assumed powers and relevance, patched over by various causes and efforts at activism. 

But however eccentric, bizarre or simply dull in modesty, the privacy of such figures has to yield to a general understanding of public duty. 

And that duty remains particularly onerous when faced with the dictates of Westminster democracy and parliamentary supremacy.

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Game Over: GMO Science Fraud Shattered By Stunning Investigative Book Worthy Of Nobel Prize - Altered Genes, Twisted Truth
July 28 2023 | From: NaturalNews
/ Various [Historical]

The science fraud game is over for the biotech mafia. After years of running its corporate con that pushed dangerous poisons into the food supply and the fragile environment, the biotech industry's lies are now exposed and meticulously deconstructed in an exhaustively researched new book launching March 20.

The title of the book? Altered Genes, Twisted Truth - How the Venture to Genetically Engineer Our Food Has Subverted Science, Corrupted Government, and Systematically Deceived the Public by Steven Druker.

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The Foreword of the book was authored by one of the most celebrated living scientists in the world: Jane Goodall, PhD, DBE and UN Messenger of Peace. The derogatory "anti-science" slur used by biotech operatives (such as discredited biotech shill Jon Entine) against other scientists won't work against Jane Goodall. Her legacy of science is irrefutably extraordinary, and she has received more science awards and accolades than almost any other scientist living today.

What does Jane Goodall have to say about the total science fraud of GMOs and the corrupt biotech industry?

In her own words, Altered Genes, Twisted Truth is "...without doubt one of the most important books of the last 50 years."

She goes on to reveal the stunning truth about the outright corruption, fraud and disinformation that now characterizes the biotech industry and the collusion of the FDA:

Altered Genes, Twisted Truth is the most chilling thing I've ever read. It's about the huge conspiracy by the big companies who do genetic modification to keep the public from knowing the truth, to subvert the course of justice.

[GMOs are a] shocking corruption of the life forms of the planet.

...the huge conspiracy by the big companies who do genetic modification to keep the public from knowing the truth, to subvert the course of justice.

...the general public and government decision makers have been hoodwinked by the clever and methodical twisting of the facts and the propagation of many myths.

...a number of respected scientific institutions, as well as many eminent scientists, were complicit in this relentless spreading of disinformation.

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Steven Druker is a hero. He deserves at least a Nobel Prize.

...the commercialization of GE foods occurred through the unbelievably poor judgment -- if not downright corruption -- of the US Food and Drug Administration (the FDA)... it apparently ignored (and covered up) the concerns of its own scientists and then violated a federal statute and its own regulations by permitting GE foods to be marketed without any testing whatsoever.

The evidence further shows how the agency assured consumers that GE foods are just as safe as naturally produced ones -- and that their safety has been confirmed by solid scientific evidence -- despite the fact it knew that no such evidence existed.

...it was this fraud that truly enabled the GE food venture to take off. And he asserts that the fraud continues to deceive the public and Congress, despite the fact that the lawsuit he initiated thoroughly exposed it.

...the mainstream media have been highly selective in what they report -- and have consistently failed to convey information that would cause concern about these engineered products. Moreover, Druker demonstrates that the policies imposed by the media magnates have been, in his words, 'not merely selective, but suppressive.'

...he relates several dramatic incidents in which journalists who tried to bring unsettling facts to light had their stories altered or totally quashed by higher level executives.

...it appears that such publications are downright deceptive, not only portraying genetic engineering in a misleading manner, but even misrepresenting some basic features of biology.

...even if these products did not entail higher risks, it's doubtful they could significantly reduce malnutrition or solve any major problems of agriculture.

I want Natural News readers to help make this book a national bestseller

Related: Transgenic Wars - How GMOs Impact Livestock And Human Health Around The Globe

Let's help make this a bestseller! Pre-order the book now: Altered Genes, Twisted Truth - How the Venture to Genetically Engineer Our Food Has Subverted Science, Corrupted Government, and Systematically Deceived the Public

Additional Quotes About the Book From Other Scientists

"Steven Druker has written one of the few books I have encountered, in my many years of public interest work, with the capacity to drive major change in a major issue. What Ralph Nader's Unsafe at Any Speed was to the auto industry and what Rachel Carson's Silent Spring was to synthetic pesticides, Altered Genes, Twisted Truth will be to genetically engineered food.

It is profoundly penetrating, illuminating, and compelling, and it could stimulate a monumental and beneficial shift in our system of food production." - Joan Levin, JD, MPH

"Altered Genes, Twisted Truth is a remarkable work that may well change the public conversation on one of the most important issues of our day. If the numerous revelations it contains become widely known, the arguments being used to defend genetically engineered foods will be untenable." - Frederick Kirschenmann, Phd Distinguished Fellow, Leopold Center for Sustainable Agriculture, Iowa State University, Author of Cultivating an Ecological Conscience

"Druker's brilliant exposé catches the promoters of GE food red-handed: falsifying data, corrupting regulators, lying to Congress. He thoroughly demonstrates how distortions and deceptions have been piled one on top of another, year after year, producing a global industry that teeters on a foundation of fraud and denial. This book is sure to send shock waves around the world." - Jeffrey M. Smith, international bestselling author of Seeds of Deception & Genetic Roulette

"Altered Genes, Twisted Truth is very readable, thorough, logical and thought-provoking. Steven Druker exposes shenanigans employed to promote genetic engineering that will surprise even those who have followed the ag-biotech industry closely for years. I strongly recommend his book." -- Belinda Martineau, Ph.D., a co-developer of the first genetically engineered whole food and author of First Fruit: The Creation of the Flavr Savr Tomato and the Birth of Biotech Foods

"Altered Genes, Twisted Truth reveals how the inception of molecular biotechnology ignited a battle between those committed to scientific accuracy and the public interest and those who saw genetic engineering's commercial potential.

Steven Druker's meticulously researched book pieces together the deeply disturbing and tremendously important history of the intertwined science and politics of GMOs. Understanding this ongoing struggle is a key to understanding science in the modern world." - Allison Wilson, PhD molecular geneticist, Science Director, The Bioscience Resource Project

Steven Druker's investigation into the history of fraud and deceipt that ushered in the era of GMOs deserves serious consideration before we take actions that will irreversibly alter the European food supply." -- Pat Thomas of Beyond GM

Through its masterful marshalling of facts, it dispels the cloud of disinformation that has misled people into believing that GE foods have been adequately tested and don't entail abnormal risk." --David Schubert, Ph.D. molecular biologist and Head of Cellular Neurobiology, Salk Institute for Biological Studies

"As a former New York City prosecutor, I was shocked to discover how the FDA illegally exempted GE foods from the rigorous testing mandated by federal statute. And as the mother of three young kids, I was outraged to learn how America's children are being callously exposed to experimental foods that were deemed abnormally risky by the FDA's own experts." - Tara-Cook Littman, J.D.

"The evidence is comprehensive, clear, and compelling; and its credibility is irrefutable. No one has documented other cases of irresponsible behavior by government regulators and the scientific establishment nearly as well as Druker documents this one. His book should be widely read and thoroughly heeded." -- John Ikerd, Ph.D. Professor Emeritus of Agricultural and Applied Economics, University of Missouri -- Columbia

"Altered Genes, Twisted Truth will stand as a landmark. It should be required reading in every university biology course." -- Joseph Cummins, Ph.D. Professor Emeritus of Genetics, Western University, London, Ontario

"Steven Druker's meticulously documented, well-crafted, and spellbinding narrative should serve as a clarion call to all of us. In particular, his chapter detailing the deadly epidemic of 1989-90 that was linked with a genetically engineered food supplement is especially significant.

I and my Mayo Clinic colleagues were active participants in the attempt to identify the cause of this epidemic. Druker provides a comprehensive analysis of all the evidence and also presents new findings from our work.

Overall his discussion of this tragic event, as well as its ominous implications, is the most comprehensive, evenly balanced and accurate account that I have read." - Stephen Naylor, PhD CEO and Chairman of MaiHealth Inc., Professor of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, & Pharmacology Mayo Clinic (1991-2001)

"Based on over 30 years of teaching computer science at universities and on extensive experience as a programmer in private industry, I can state that Steven Druker has done an excellent job of demonstrating the recklessness of the current practices of genetic engineering in comparison to the established practices of software engineering.

His book presents a striking contrast between the two fields, showing how software engineers progressively developed greater awareness of the inherent risks of altering complex information systems – and accordingly developed more rigorous procedures for managing them – while genetic technicians have largely failed to do either, despite the fact that the information systems they alter are far more complex, and far less comprehended, than any human-made system." - Ralph Bunker, Phd

Publisher's Description

This book uncovers the biggest scientific fraud of our age.

It tells the fascinating and frequently astounding story of how the massive enterprise to restructure the genetic core of the world's food supply came into being, how it advanced by consistently violating the protocols of science, and how for more than three decades, hundreds of eminent biologists and esteemed institutions have systematically contorted the truth in order to conceal the unique risks of its products - and get them onto our dinner plates.

Altered Genes, Twisted Truth provides a graphic account of how this elaborate fraud was crafted and how it not only deceived the general public, but Bill Clinton, Bill Gates, Barack Obama and a host of other astute and influential individuals as well.

Related: Genetics Are The New Eugenics: How GMO’s Reduce The Human Population & This Major Report On GMO Safety Has Just One Small Problem: Undisclosed Conflicts Of Interest

The book also exposes how the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) was induced to become a key accomplice -- and how it has broken the law and repeatedly lied in order to usher genetically engineered foods onto the market without the safety testing that's required by federal statute.

As a result, for fifteen years America's families have been regularly ingesting a group of novel products that the FDA's own scientific staff had previously determined to be unduly hazardous to human health.

By the time this gripping story comes to a close, it will be clear that the degradation of science it documents has not only been unsavory but unprecedented - and that in no other instance have so many scientists so seriously subverted the standards they were trained to uphold, misled so many people, and imposed such magnitude of risk on both human health and the health of the environment.

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Ten George Orwell Quotes That Predicted The World Today
July 27 2023 | From: TheAntimedia / Various

“If you want a picture of the future, imagine a boot stamping on a human face - forever.”

George Orwell, author of 1984, had tremendous insight on how the global elite would dominate society, and he predicted the current political climate in America today as you’ll see from this list by Justin King of the Anti-Media:

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George Orwell ranks among the most profound social critics of the modern era.

Some of his quotations, more than a half a century old, show the depth of understanding an enlightened mind can have about the future.

1. “In our age there is no such thing as ‘keeping out of politics.’ All issues are political issues, and politics itself is a mass of lies, evasions, folly, hatred and schizophrenia.”

Though many in the modern age have the will to bury their head in the sand when it comes to political matters, nobody can only concern themselves with the proverbial pebble in their shoe. If one is successful in avoiding politics, at some point the effects of the political decisions they abstained from participating in will reach their front door.

More often than not, by that time the person has already lost whatever whisper of a voice the government has allowed them.

2. “All the war-propaganda, all the screaming and lies and hatred, comes invariably from people who are not fighting.”

Examining the nightly news in the run up to almost any military intervention will find scores of talking heads crying for blood to flow in the streets of some city the name of which they just learned to pronounce. Once the bullets start flying, those that clamored for war will still be safely on set bringing you up-to-the-minute coverage of the carnage while their stock in Raytheon climbs.

Related: The Dystopian Western World

3. “War against a foreign country only happens when the moneyed classes think they are going to profit from it.”

It’s pretty self-explanatory and while it may be hard to swallow, it’s certainly true. All it takes is a quick look at who benefited from the recent wars waged by the United States to see Orwell’s quip take life.

4. “The very concept of objective truth is fading out of the world. Lies will pass into history.”

My most prized books are a collection of history books from around the world. I have an Iraqi book that recounts the glory of Saddam Hussein’s victory over the United States in 1991. I have books from three different nations claiming that one of their citizens was the first to fly.

As some of the most powerful nations in the world agree to let certain facts be “forgotten,” the trend will only get worse. History is written by the victor, and the victor will never be asked if he told the truth.

5. “In a time of deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act.”

Even without commentary, the reader is probably picturing Edward Snowden or Chelsea Manning.

The revolutions of the future will not be fought with bullets and explosives, but with little bits of data traveling around the world destroying the false narratives with which governments shackle their citizens.

Related: Orwell’s 1984 No Longer Reads Like Fiction - It’s The Reality Of Our Times & The Propaganda Ministry Known As “The Free Press”

6. “Journalism is printing what someone else does not want printed: everything else is public relations.”

Make no mistake about it; if an article does not anger someone, it is nothing more than a public relations piece. Most of what passes for news today is little more than an official sounding advertisement for a product, service, or belief.

7.“In real life it is always the anvil that breaks the hammer…”

In every conflict, it is not the side that can inflict the most damage, but the side that can sustain the most damage that ultimately prevails. History is full of situations in which a military “won the battles but lost the war.”

8.“The nationalist not only does not disapprove of atrocities committed by his own side, but he has a remarkable capacity for not even hearing about them.”

Haditha. Panjwai. Maywand District. Mahmudiyah. These names probably don’t ring a bell, but it is almost a certainty that the reader is aware of the brutality that occurred in Benghazi.

The main difference is that in the first four incidents, those committing the acts of brutality were wearing an American flag on their shoulder.

Related: The Emergence Of Orwellian Newspeak And The Death Of Free Speech

9. “Threats to freedom of speech, writing and action, though often trivial in isolation, are cumulative in their effect and, unless checked, lead to a general disrespect for the rights of the citizen.”

Every day there is a new form of censorship or a new method of forcing people into self-censorship, and the people shrug it off because it only relates to a small minority.

By the time the people realize their ability to express disapproval has been completely restricted, it may be too late. That brings us to Orwell’s most haunting quote.

10. “If you want a picture of the future, imagine a boot stamping on a human face - forever.”

Once the people are indoctrinated with nationalistic beliefs, and the infrastructure to protect them from some constantly-changing and ever-expanding definition of an enemy is in place, there is no ability for the people to regain liberty.

By the time all of the pieces are in place, not only is opportunity to regain freedom lost, but the will to achieve freedom has also evaporated. The reader will truly love Big Brother.

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Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi
The Conspiracy To Rule The World: #58. The Trilateral Commission
July 26 2023 | From: WakeUpKiwi / Various

Occult Meaning of the Trilateral Commission logo: The logo for the Trilateral Commission (Zionist entity of the New World Order) is said to contain the number 666.

Each arrow when separated from the logo represents a 6, making 666. The arrows also form a pyramid in the centre.

Related: The Conspiracy To Rule The World - An Interactive History


Unfortunately, the Council on Foreign Relations is not the only group proposing an end to the sovereignty of the United States. In 1973, The Trilateral Commission was founded to work for the same goal: a one-world government.

The Trilateral Commission's roots stem from the book, "Between Two Ages", written by Zbigniew Brzezinski in 1970. In this book, Brzezinski praised Marxism, thought of the United States as obsolete, and praised the formation of a one-world government. His thinking closely parallels that of CFR founder Edward Mandell house.


On page 72, Brzezinski writes: "Marxism is simultaneously a victory of the external, active man over the inner, passive man and a victory of reason over belief."

On page 83, he states: "Marxism disseminated on the popular level in the form of Communism, represented a major advance in man's ability to conceptualize his relationship to his world."

On page 123, we find: "Marxism supplied the best available insight into contemporary reality."

What Mr. Brzezinski fails to tell his readers is that approximately 100 million human beings have been murdered under Marxism "in the form of Communism" just in this Twentieth Century.

It has enslaved a billion more, and has been responsible for those who live in Communist-dominated countries. There is nothing like being brainwashed!

For World Government

Zbigniew Brzezinski's "Between Two Ages" was published in 1970 while he was a professor in New York City. David Rockefeller read the book and, in 1973, launched the new Trilateral Commission, whose purposes include linking North America, Western Europe, and Japan "in their economic relations, their political and defense relations, their relations with developing countries, and their relations with Communist countries."

As Newell writes:

"The original literature of The Trilateral Commission also states, exactly as Brzezinski's book had proposed, that the more advanced Communist States could become partners in the alliance leading to world government.

In short, David Rockefeller implemented Brzezinski's proposal."

Rockefeller appointed Zbigniew Brzezinski to be the Director of The Trilateral Commission.

David Rockefeller

Zbigniew Brzezinski

Jimmy Carter

In 1973, Jimmy Carter became a student of Brzezinski, and a founding member of the Trilateral Commission.

On March 21, 1978, "The New York Times" featured an article about Zbigniew Brzezinski's close relationship with the President. In part, it reads:

"The two men met for the first time four years ago when mr. Brzezinski was executive director of The Trilateral Commission… and had the foresight to ask the then obscure former Governor of Georgia to join its distinguished ranks. Their initial teacher-student relationship blossomed during the campaign, and appears to have grown closer still."

To think that the teacher in this relationship praised Marxism, and wanted to form a one-world government. And the student was to become ghe President of the united States.

During the 1976 political campaign, Carter repeatedly told the nation that he was going to get rid of the Establishment Insiders if he became president. But when he took office, he promptly filled his Administration with members of the Council on Foreign Relations (284 to be exact) and The Trilateral Commission, the two most prominent insider organizations in America.

Included in this list of members of The Trilateral Commission were Walter Mondale and Dr. Henry Kissinger.

The Trilateral Commission Office of The North American Group - 1156 Fifteenth Street, NW, Washington, DC 20005

Beginning with Jimmy Carter, all the recent presidents, including president Clinton, have promptly filled their administrations with members of the Council on Foreign relations and The Trilateral Commission.

Trilateral Commission Membership

When the Trilateral Commission was first launched, the plan was for an equal number of members from each of the three regions. The numbers soon began to grow, and ceilings were imposed about 1980. These ceilings have been raised somewhat since then as new countries came to be represented in the groups.

The European Group includes members from Austria, Belgium/Luxembourg, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, the Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, the Netherlands, and the United Kingdom.

It now has a ceiling of 170 members which is divided into national quotas. Germany has a quota of 20; France, Italy, and the United Kingdom each have a quota of 18; and Spain has a quota of 12. The remaining national quotas range from 6 to 1.

Related: When The Rockefeller Trilateral Commission Exposed Its Own Secret

The ceiling for the North American Group is 120, including 24 Canadian members, 13 Mexican members and 90 U.S. members.

The Japanese Group of 85 members expanded in 2000 to become the Pacific Asian Group and now includes over 100 members from Japan, Korea, Australia, New Zealand, the original five ASEAN countries (Indonesia, Malaysia, the Philippines, Singapore and Thailand), India, and the People's Republic of China. Triennium Participants from Hong Kong and Taiwan have also participated. This group changed its name to Asia Pacific Group in 2012.

To help preserve the Commission’s unofficial character, members who take up positions in their national administration give up Trilateral Commission membership. New members are chosen on a national basis. The procedures used for rotation off and for invitation of new members vary from national group to national group.

Three chairmen (one from each region), deputy chairmen, and directors constitute the leadership of the Trilateral Commission, along with an Executive Committee including 36 other members.

Membership in The Trilateral Commission is by invitation only.

Global Regions of the Trilateral Commission:

Click here to download the Trilateral Commission Membership List

The Effects

The common everyday American citizen does not need to be told that there is a controlled government running the United States.

But when we understand exactly what the Council on Foreign Relations and The Trilateral Commission are, and how its members hold key positions in the Government, it becomes all the more clear.

As Newell writes:

"The effects of the Council on Foreign Relation and The Trilateral Commission on the affaires of our nation is easy to see. Our own Government no longer acts in its own interest, we no longer win any wars we fight, and we constantly tie ourselves to international agreements, pacts, and conventions.

And, our leaders have developed blatant preferences for Communist U.S.S.R., Communist Cuba, and Communist China, while they continue to work for world government, which has always been the goal of Communism…

"The real goal of our own Government’s leaders is to make the United States into a carbon copy of a Communist state, and then to merge all nations into a one-world system run by a powerful few."

Barry Goldwater once stated on this subject:

"The Trilateral Commission is international, and it is intended to be the vehicle for multinational consolidation of the commercial and banking interests by seizing control of the political government of the United States.

The Trilateral Commission represents a skillful, coordinated effort to seize control and consolidate the four centers of power – political, monetary, intellectual, and ecclesiastical."

As with the CFR, not all the members of The Trilateral Commission are fully committed to the destruction of the United States. Some just go along for the ride, to obtain fame, comfortable living, and constatn flattery.

But some, of course, really do run things and some, of course, really do run things and work against the independence of the united States.

Related: NWO: Totalitarianism And The Five Stages Of Dehumanization + Why 2022 Is 1973: Klaus Schwab Is Zbigniew Brzezinski

In Conclusion

The American [Western] people may think that they live in a free country when, in reality, things could not be more controlled. The American public must be made aware of what is really taking place in the united States.

The key to obtain our freedom, to have a true independence, is to free ourselves from the yoke of International Finance. How true it is to state that those who control the money of a country control everything in that country.

The first step is prayer: to kneel down before Almighty God and to ask Him to save America, to shower His blessings on this great land.

Related: The Conspiracy To Rule The World: #07. The House of Rockefeller

And second; to educate the population. Every citizen of the United States should become informed about these inside organizations, and make it a point not to vote nor to promote those, who are members for these organizations.

And to demand a reform of the financial laws of the country, especially to repeal the Federal Reserve Act of 1913 [ which has now expired, seeing the Fed and IRS merge into the Treasury Department - which of course has never been officially announced ], and to implement the philosophy of Social Credit into the laws of the country.

Make it a point to subscribe as many people as possible to the "Michael" Journal so they could become educated as to how the financial system of the United States could actually be corrected.

Then the United States Government would no longer be under the control of the Bankers, but would become a servant of the American people.

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Clive de Carle: How You Can Restore Your Health And Enable Your Body To Self-Repair From Virtually Any Disease Or Affliction
July 25 2023 | From: WakeUpKiwi / ClivedeCarle / Various

This article contains the key points from two interviews with Clive de Carle on the Cosmic Voice channel on Blogtalk Radio, from November 9 and November 30, 2014.

Clive has many informative videos on Youtube and his website may be found at www.ancientpurity.com.
He encourages people to make contact with him and he may be reached at clivedecarle@gmail.com.
Clive also recommends The Institute for Optimal Nutrition at www.ion.ac.uk.

Related: In Defense Of Homeopathy

The notes below were taken from the two Blogtalk radio shows featuring Clive which may be streamed online or downloaded from here.

About Clive

Clive de Carle is an acclaimed speaker in the field of natural health and longevity. A former organic farmer, for over 20 years he has worked in health performance optimisation, providing cutting edge dietary consultancy and enabling thousands of clients to reverse the signs of illness and regain optimum health. 

Clive now holds his own events, speaks at many natural health and innovative events. He hosted The Health Revolution Show and interviews Health and Healing experts from around the world.

Clive's passion for natural health was triggered initially by a major health crisis in 1986.

A healthy man of 33, Clive was prescribed a course of antibiotics by his doctor for a skin condition, which left him hospitalised with Type 1 diabetes and advanced rheumatoid arthritis with no hope of a cure. With the doctors unable to help, Clive sought out a cure himself using nutrition and within one year Clive found he had completely reversed the arthritis.

Clives passion is helping people regain their health naturally, he see's clients whenever he can, in person or via skype. If you'd like a consultation with Clive or you'd like to come to one of his events please contact him.

Related: The Truth About MMS (Chlorine Dioxide) That They Don’t Want You To Know

Some Truths About Disease

The flu is caused by a lack of vitamin D in Winter. There is no such thing a 'flu season' - that is marketing hype.

The human brain is made from water, fat and cholesterol. Low fat / low cholesterol / low salt diets are deliberately misleading, hey will harm you and will eventually cause Alzheimers. Six tablespoons of coconut oil a day will cure Alzheimers as the fats allow the body to repair the brain.

There is no such thing as good cholesterol and bad cholesterol - this is disinformation. Your brain is largely made of cholesterol and this also is used by your body as a bandage for arteries.

Poisoning from Glyphosate (Roundup) can be reversed by taking brewers yeast.

A Russian scientist has proven that using frequency, GMO seeds can be reverted to their original non-GMO form.

People are told that their family history and genes determine whether they are susceptible to heart attacks or certain diseases - but much of this is programming. Any gene-based type of disorder can be eliminated by ensuring optimal health as described here.

90% of pharmaceutical drugs do not work on 60% of people - and this data came directly from an industry insider.

If Doctors know a cure for something they are under no legal obligation to tell you. 80% of Doctors would not take chemo, but they must recommend it to you for if they do not they will be struck off.

The 'normal' Doctors job is not to save your life but to put you on a treatment.

Related: Glyphosate Worse Than We Could Imagine: “It’s Everywhere” & Monsanto / Bayer Keeps Riding A Path Of Corruption

There are only 3 reasons why the human body becomes ill:

1. Physical damage, such as a car crash

2. Toxic poisoning

3. Nutrient deficiency

Nobody gets ill from a lack of pharmaceutical drugs, so how can these drugs ever be the answer?
(other than in a few cases).

Emergency Room (ER) medicine is very different from 'normal' medicine. 'Normal' Doctors can offer you drugs, surgery or radiation. They cannot give you nutritional advice and their training is shaped in such a way as to avoid anything that will really work. Their study only includes half a day on nutrition.

If you go into an ER, their job is to save your life. The ER Doctor uses Magnesium Sulphate (Epsom Salts) injections to stop heart attacks and strokes. ER Doctors know this trick but normal Doctors are not taught this, because a patient cured is a customer lost.

Ask a Chiropractor or an Osteopath: Can you cure Arthritis? If they say no they are useless.If they say yes they might be useful. Ask them if they do post-surgery cases as these are the most difficult ones. The nervous system is most often ignored by the mainstream medical apparatus.

Related: The Medical Cartel Is King In A Globalist World

Various Diseases & Cancer

If you are having problems with allergies you are most likely low in vitamins and minerals - you might be low in what is termed as "normality'. If you take fulvic minerals you might find this takes care of the issue alone.But it also could be the processed nature of the food that you are used to, it could also be the pasteurisation of dairy foods that you are used to.

It has been proven that many viruses may be defeated by high doses of Vitamin C alone. Add to that Colloidal Silver, Selenium, MMS and Iodine, if you start piling one thing on top of another you could walk through a Leper colony kissing and hugging people and be fine.

If the germ theory were true Doctors would be dropping like flies. It is about how healthy you are, not about the viruses.

The founder of German New Medicine was an Oncologist who canvassed his 20,000 patients to come to the conclusion that there are reasons why certain people develop cancers in certain parts of their bodies and it is quite often linked to a life trauma. He also noted that there are some parts of the body that just do not get cancer, such as the heart.

3BP: 3 Bromopyrovate - Goes into the cancer cells and turns the Mitochondria off which is the energy system of the cells and so cancer cells die 100% of the time.

And so it's not "is there a cure for cancer", because there are hundreds of them, it's "which one?"

But, in the first week after a cancer diagnosis the chances of the person dying of a heart attack go up 25% because of the shock.

All of the charities that are begging for money to find a cure for cancer, they are not looking for a cure, they are looking to further line the pockets of the Pharmaceutical industry - and they are looking for a treatment, a drug that makes you feel a bit better while you die.

High doses of Vitamin C have cured cancer.

We are interested in health; and health by definition means that you are not ill.

Must-watch interview: Oncology nurse quits after discovering nutrition heals cancer

Related: Cancer Industry Not Looking For A Cure; They’re Too Busy Making Money & Same Amazon.Com That Banned Cancer Cure Documentaries Now All In With Big Pharma’s Toxic Cancer “Treatments” Via Its New “Go Gold” Astroturfing Campaign

Restoring Health

What Clive recommends is that people learn how to be healthy again, because everybody is a self repairing unit.

Looking at a flock of birds or school of fish, and assuming that all the food they need is there - you can't tell the young from the old. They all move at the same speed, and Human Beings left in the wild could also achieve that. If you put wild animals in captivity and change their food, they get the same diseases that humans get. If you cut your finger and you are very healthy it will heal much faster than if you are not well.

To get your health back you need about 100 vitamins, minerals, essential fats, amino acids, sunshine and proper water. Seventy of them are in one product alone, which is real [celtic] sea salt.

Many people who have a problem with fat, especially around the belly find that when they take these supplements that because they are de-toxing and re-mineralising that the fat just drops off because the body no longer has to store toxins in fat anymore.

Anybody who is not feeling 100% has to look at whether they are physically damaged, toxically poisoned or nutritionally deficient. Most people will be able to answer yes to the last two.

Related: World’s Elite Try To Wipe Out All Knowledge And Use Of Natural Cures, While They Privately Use Them For Their Own Longevity


They call it Celtic salt, it is the natural grey wet stuff that amongst many other things normalises blood pressure. It is a very good starting point for restoring health as it contains many helpful minerals and trace elements.

Supermarket table salt is bleached and is no good for you. Rock salts are nowhere near as good for you as Celtic salt.

Your body is self regulating, you know exactly how much salt you want on your food. Forget everything you have been told about salt, they were probably lying or ignorant.

Salt is good for you and you can put a pinch of it in water to make it softer, easier to drink and much more hydrating to the cells, as the salt changes the structure of water.


Magnesium is like the opposite of Calcium, and is very good for arthritis. Magnesium spray used on sore or inflexible joints will work in 5 minutes. Magnesium carries oxygen to all of your cells.

A deficiency in Magnesium by be notes by symptoms such as muscle cramps, restless leg syndrome, eye twitches, and anxiety, hiccups, panic attacks, heart attacks, cancer and strokes.

A stressed person burns up 3 times more Magnesium and Vitamin C that an unstressed person.

Magnesium is not best taken internally because too much will move the bowels - and so a Magnesium deficiency will cause constipation.

Calcium cause muscles to contract which Magnesium causes muscles to relax. Magnesium helps over 300 emzyme processes in the human body and it also relaxes you. Magnesium Chloride baths help with getting good sleep. People taking a Calcium supplement may want to consider stopping this as they may be getting too much Calcium.

Related: The Criminalization Of Science Whistleblowers + The Connection Between Sudden Infant Death, Vaccines And Vitamin C

Vitamins & Minerals

Vitamin C is the answer to every virus because no virus can survive a high enough dosage of Vitamin C. It has been tested on everything from Anthrax, to TB, to Smallpox to Pneumonia, Mumps, Measles, Scarlet Fever and Dyptheria.

Everything they give you a vaccine for can be overcome with Vitamin C. This as been known for about 60 years and has been deliberately obscured and not taught to Doctors. This knowledge would be very bad for business.

High doses of Vitamin C have also cured cancer and helped to repair eyesight. With the prevalence of pharmaceutical drugs in recent decades, pretty drug reps with clever sales pitches have fooled Doctors (who know no better) into pushing drugs that cause more harm than good in most cases.

You should also take a good Multivitamin which contans Selenium and Zinc, along with a good multi-mineral. Minerals are just as important as vitamins.

If you are buying vitamins from the supermarket then you are pretty much wasting your time and money as they will be synthetic.


Doctors once had a much higher success rate using easily accessible, cheap materials. About 100 years ago Iodine was used as the great cure-all. Iodine is all about intelligence, IQ, proper hormonal balance, adrenals and glands.

A lack of Iodine causes thyroid issues and in pregnant mothers, will reduce the IQ of the baby. Many people who have brain fog find that Iodine helps this lift.

Iodine is a great protector against radiation.

Related: Iodine - Suppressed Knowledge That Can Change Your Life

Organic Sulphur / Methylsulphonyl Methane (MSM)

Organic Sulphur (Sulfur) is another essential that is missing from out food chain because of chemical fertilisers.

Among many other things Sulphur is helpful in tumour reduction because it binds with heavy metal toxins and allows the body to expel them.

Sulphur helps a range of things including eyesite, erectile dysfunction and the healing of scar tissue.

Onions, garlic, brocolli and cauliflower are good food-based sources of sulphur but in low quantities

Fulvic Minerals

On top of everything else we need soil-based plant-derived minerals and the best way to get these are by way of Fulvic minerals. These come from the earth and a few drops taken in water will make you feel years younger when you wake up the next day. People have reported many positive benefits from taking Fulvic minerals, including the elimination of morning sickness.

If you are craving sugar or chocolate, it is most probably because you are low in chromium. The Fulvic minerals give you the trace elements that are missing from processed foods and that have been filtered out of water because you can't mix Chlorine with these minerals and Chlorine is present in tap water.

People who take the Multiminerals and Fulvic minerals notice that apart from having more energy that their apetite normalises.

Related: The Health & Healing Benefits Of Organic Sulphur (Sulfur): MSM (Methylsulfonylmethane)

Other Recommendations

Probiotics are also important because of the damaged gut we all have from chlorine in water and the use of antibiotics - which have also made their way into the water supply.

The best way is to fix the gut, because many people have a flora issue because of taking Pharmaceutical drugs or from too much Chlorine from tap water, and they have damaged their gut lining. This can be fixed by giving their stomach a rest from these things for a while and by using probiotics to restore their stomach lining to normal.

If you are over 40 then digestive enzymes are good to take as well because as we get older we tend not to digest food so well. These are taken just before meals.

People are enjoying incredible results in restoring their health, for example there is a product made from two types of egg plant that cured 96% of skin cancers in 85,000 people tested in Europe.

gcMAF is one of the most important revelations - it was discovered 24 years ago. It is a substance that is manufactured in the liver and it has been determined that if a person has a disease such as cance that it wipes out gcMAF.

European clinics that are using the gcMAF treatment are getting 84% success rates in reversing stage 4 cancer in patients, with an average tumor size reduction of 25% - 40% in one week. It is taken as a probiotic supplement and also by way of intramuscuar injection and sepository.

gcMAF re-starts the immune system and allows the body to heal itself. The treatment is also bringing 25% of Autistic children out of Autism, and so combined with other Autistic protocols there is much hope for these children to recover.

gcMAF is also helping with a range of other ailments including Alzheimers and Arthritis. The reason it works with so many ailments is because it is not about the illness, but the patients lack of health. gcMAF 'switches health back on again'. gcMAF is expensive but it is very powerful and very fast acting.

30 years ago the Russians began experimenting with Peptides and in many cases people have actually been able to re-grow limbs that were cut off, including fingers with the nail.

Related: The Remedy For True Health & The True Origin Of Vaccines


Eating something with an 'organic' sticker slapped on the side of it doesn't mean a thing. Clive notes that he was an organic farmer for 9 years and what he saw going on was terrible. That label was virtually meaningless. The definition of 'Organic' has been diluted to such a degree that the farmer can get away with most things and you are not going to know about it.

Crops can be grown organically in ground that is completely devoid of minerals, so the plant may look alright and not have been sprayed with chemicals but are you going to get any nutritional benefit from it?

With all of the hybridisation that has gone on we are eating unbalanced food. So many fruits and vegetables sold now are seedless - how can they possibly be any good for you?


In some places the water supply comes from recycled sewage and this should be avoided. Each year the remnants of prescription drugs that cannot be removed from the water are cycling around and around and getting stronger over time.

Distilled water is very good but it is unbalanced and so you should at least put a pinch of Celtic salt into it, as while the additives and impurities are removed - on an energetic level the water is dead.

Reverse osmosis treatment has the same issue as distillation although the RO process is quieter and less expensive to run than distillation.

The 'Miracule' system is excellent but it is very expensive. In addition to cleansing the water it also provides powerful Homeopathic advantages.

An interesting test was carried out on Homeopathy in Cuba where two million people were given a Homeopathic treatment for a disease that is common in the rainy season. They proved beyond a doubt that Homeopathy works as hardly anybody who had been treated as a preventative got the disease.

Related: Transgenic Wars - How GMOs Impact Livestock And Human Health Around The Globe

Bad Food

The fast food industry and cat / dog food industry have known for decades that if they remove minerals from food, the body on a subconscious level says "that food was empty, I must have another one". The moment the minerals are back the cravings end.

The cheese used in fast food burgers has been formulated to such a degree that they have manipulated the Cacine so that it is as powerful from an addictive perspective as heroin.

Many people have left fast food out for months or years and it still looks the same. Bacteria and fungus won't attack it because it's not real food. It simply won't decompose.

The problem with modern grains and carbohydrates is not to do with gluten so much but the fact that the farmers are under so much pressure to produce the cheapest bread ingredients no matter what, that they are spraying Glyphosate (Roundup) onto the crops about a week before harvest. This kills the wheat and forces the remaining nutrients into the seeds - along with the toxic chemicals.

The modern grains are not healthy and are very addictive. It's not fat that makes you fat but carbs that make you fat.

Gluten is not really the problem. Our ancestors were not allergic to Gluten and so it is a new thing. It's not the Gluten but what is being done to the wheat. The Gluten free thing is just a con and they have probably used some nasty method to get rid of the Gluten - and so there is no guarantee that it is even going to help.

In bars they provide peanuts because they make you thirsty and so you drink more. In restaurants they give you bread because they know it will give you a raging hunger. There is nothing good in the bread and so your stomach tells you that you need more food.

Cut out the breads and the biscuits and the pies and the rice and pizza and the pasta for a while and see how your weight responds.

Related: GE Food Venture: Chronically Dependent On Deception


The Nobel prize was won by Otto Warburg in 1931 for showing the cause of cancer. He showed that if you take a normal cell and deprive it of oxygen, it becomes cancerous. It changes from breathing oxygen (being aerobic) to utilising, metabolising glucose (which is anaerobic).

Of course, this is not taught in medical school. Neither do they teach the revelations about Magnesium or Iodine - because that wouldn't be good for business. Of course talking about reversing or curing cancer is illegal.

The average patient cost for Allelopathic (mainstream medicine) treatment is about $US300,000.

Everyone has cancerous cells in their body and cancer occurs in every person about 6 times in a lifetime. So in going to get tested for cancer, there is a pretty good chance they will find it. But would you have died from it? Many people will have had cancer a number of times and survived it without even knowing they had it.

Everything we have been told about cancer is wrong. Which is more clever? Your body that handles about 4,000 quadrillion actions each second, or a Doctor?

The Doctor tells you your body has gone wrong - "we know better than your body and we are going to override your body's natural systems" effectively.

When your body develops a cancer, is it a bad thing or is it protecting you from something worse?

The Doctors, in saying they are going to remove a lump is like taking your car to the garage and the mechanic saying "we have found the problem, it is a red light on the dashboard and we are going to remove the red warning light from the dashboard". Now the cancer is cured?

They are assuming that the body did not know what it was doing. You might have some very dangerous toxins in your body which could have come from vaccines, food, air etc. The body can't excrete them because they are modern chemicals and the body has no pathways to get rid of them. What's it going to do?

Well what would an Oyster do? If an Oyster has a grain of sand in it, so they say, it coats the grain of sand in a Pearl so that its not an irritant anymore.

What if the body locks up the toxins in a tumour and parks it away somewhere. If you carry on taking on more and more toxins, then that tumour is going to grow. If you get rid of the toxins that tumour will have a chance to shrink.

But the Doctors know better and they want to do a biopsy, which involves rupturing the tumour with a large needle. This is madness, because this action spreads the very toxins that the body was trying to encapsulate. So the Doctor says "we have to cut it out", and they give you poisonous drugs and irradiate you - everything will be fine.

The medical establishment have waged war on cancer - they have declared war on your body. This is NOT the way to heal any body - to cut it, burn it, poison it - declare war on it.

You need to nurture your body back to becoming well again, and this is why detoxification is so incredibly important. You have to assume that your body would not go wrong on you or let you down, it's doing the best it can in order to survive.

By putting the minerals, vitamins, essential fats and essential amino acids in (which are the sum total of what we need to have perfect nutrition and therefore perfect health) you can love cancer away.

There may be people that say, oh but cancer can be caused by a virus, or a fungus or a bacteria and these observations are also true. But to understand the nature of healthy you need to understand it from the cellular level.

Related: How Baking Soda Became A Cancer Treatment + Oncologists Don’t Like Baking Soda Cancer Treatment Because It’s Too Effective And Too Cheap


Candida is a fungus and a fungus survives by consuming dead things. Without Candida you would be dead, we need it as an integral part of our system. When the natural gut flora are damaged by toxins the Candida begin to take over and so balance needs to be restored.

If you have too much Candida it is happening for a reason. A Doctor will say "you have too much Candida, lets knock it out". But if you have a lot of Candid there must be a lot of dead stuff for it to eat, some inflammation is going on leading to cell death. Also, if you are eating too much sugar or too many carbohydrates, processed foods; the Candida is going to be having a field day and you are going to feel ill. There is a huge link between Candida and cancer.

A tell tale sign that you have too much Candida is if you have a white or yellow coating on your tounge.

There are many things that can cause Candida overgrowth - but they all mean you are toxic. It can be as simple as a mercury filling. With mercury present, Candida levels can be 6 times normal and so it can be a sign of heavy metal poisoning.

Candida overgrowth can also be caused by the body being low on minerals and vitamins and so your body's detox pathways can't function properly. It can also be caused by a lack of exercise and sweating which is another way the body gets toxins out. A lot of people are being poisoned because they are not getting enough exercise and their lymph system is not moving.

Related: Everything You Need To Know About Candida Overgrowth

Health Restoration Packages

The reason Clive started a supplement company is that he had investigated the raw materials that most vitamin companies were using and found that about 98% of these companies were using the cheapest ingredients, as opposed to the best ingredients. The products that Clive sells are of the highest quality, which also makes his job easier as people don't come back and complain.

Clive has formularised all of these supplements and in addition to many individual products, has two packages available via his website www.ancientpurity.com. They are the 'Health In A Month Pack' and 'The Essentials Pack'.

Everyone who takes either of these packages will notice a difference in one month, more energy, clearer thinking, no colds or flu. Once you remember what it is like to feel properly healthy again, you will be hooked!

With these combinations you are giving your body everything it needs to self-repair again. 'The Essentials Pack' is more expensive as it contains more products.

Related: Why Nutritional Psychiatry Is The Future Of Mental Health Treatment + Depression Is A Symptom Of Nutrient Deficiency; Treating It With Drugs Is Not Only Ineffective But Dangerous

About Ancient Purity

Ancient Purity was founded in England in 2010 following years of working in health and well-being. Our products are supplied worldwide. Born out of their passion for natural health and wellbeing, we have researched and sourced the highest quality organic Superfoods,

Supplements & Cutting Edge Health Products from around the world that will enable you to optimise your development and regain your health. Ancient Purity products are sourced from the highest quality and most reliable producers in the world today.

Purposely avoiding products that are deficient in active ingredients or containing GMO’s like so many supplements available on the market. We present natural, real health in superfood and super-nutrient form along with health technology that encourages the body's healing capacity. It's your body that does the healing, supplements and devices simply provide the correct fuel the body requires to make this possible.

We spend much of our time investigating the latest health discoveries as well as searching for the lost health secrets of the past. Our goal is to educate and guide you to understand how to return to health or how to optimise it naturally and effectively.

We aim to promote the use of natural health across the world as the first step to promoting health and recovering from a lack of it. We pride ourselves on our reputation of providing a personal, friendly service and exceptional health products.
We hope you will join us in choosing to live a healthy, abundant, happy life and put your health first.

See: www.ancientpurity.com

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Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi
The Dumbing Down Of Mainstream Media & The Agendas Driving It
July 24 2023 | From: Jack / Various

The mainstream media is deliberately broken news. I watched TV3 6 o’clock News last night and the second item on it was “a grass fire on about 2 acres in Canterbury! This is the second leading news feature they can come up with on “Prime Time” national news! The whole news on both radio, TV and newspapers had now been deliberately reduced down to “trivialities” like this, while the true, more important events taking place around the world are by and large totally censored by these lying mongrels.

The reason for is that the bankers that now own the world’s media companies, and the higher executives in these multinationals that control the media, and therefore set the policies of the presenters and programs, have a vested financial and political interest in keeping the masses continuously dumbed down and mind-controlled like this so that ordinary people don’t ever wake up and truly understand how the world is being taken over by this handful of corrupt oligarchical misfits at the top in the City of London Corporation.

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For nearly a thousand years the filthy white monkey in the Vatican and his un-Holy See and band of deviants, cardinal thieves and black Jesuits ingeniously controlled most of the world’s tangible riches and land, censored the Bible from ordinary people, enforced a list of Forbidden Books, to keep the working classes and peasants totally ignorant and subservient under their wicked control, torturing and burning everyone at the stake who disagreed with them or wouldn’t comply.

But Henry 8th changed all that in the early 16th century when he broke with Rome, which has now grown into a particularly nasty Fascist gang of apostate Protestants, headed by the Queen [now King] and the “King’s Jews” bankers in the city of London Corporation taking over the assets and wealth world, repeating the same sins as the Vatican, but on a much greater scale and with much ingenuity and cunning, using the United Nations as the vehicle to usurp and wrest political control from nation states.

British control of the media (and global intelligence agencies that are allied to it) goes back hundreds of years, but really accelerated from the beginning of WW1.

Unfortunately, though, they are having teething problems getting the Russian bear to jump into line, and may I say, “good job,” and great to see someone’s got the guts to put their foot down!

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The employees in these organisations already know they would lose their jobs if they publish anything that they know is out of line.

You will note, Newstalk ZB and Radio Live, the two prime talkback shows in New Zealand, have degenerated into talkback formats now where they pre-advise the subject they want callers to talk about which is always trivialities, and limit the timespan of all calls so anyone who really does have something serious or important to say is suppressed by time restraints.

Most people have difficulty in understanding that Queen Elizabeth II is in actual fact a modern NAZI, no different than Hitler and his FASCIST Third Reich. Google: “Gold State Coach – photos” and you will see that on the rear of the coach are two statues of the sons of Neptune, carrying the old Roman FASCES (a bundle of rods bound with the helve of an axe) which was the symbol of the Emperor’s dictatorial power to decapitate and rule in ancient Fascist Rome.

The Nazi Fascist Third Reich based its form of National Socialism on the FASCES and so to now the United States of America, where the two fasces on the Queen’s Gold State Coach have been replicated and mounted on the rear wall behind the Speaker’s Rostrum in the US House of Representatives in the US Capitol!

This specially includes university professors, doctors and the very wealthy or leading businessmen, who most of the time know very little other than what they have been indoctrinated with through convention.

Related: After Decades Of Brainwashing, MSM & Governments Are Losing Control Of The People

And the truth is, if the world keeps on its current, conventional course , without some major new ideas or change in navigation in the near future – we are all doomed!

So one must conclude, that any profound change will only come in the future from the non-conformists. Not the university-educated mainstream or orthodox view. All those people out there who would be protesters, or those who have alternate views other than the mainstream, even if we don’t necessarily all agree with them.

They are the ones who will save us. But certainly not the unethical band of sewer rats we currently have running the show now!

If you write to politicians or the media, don’t threaten them or defame them. But do use the truth, be forceful, with strong language and send copies of your letter personally to a few of them, so they can’t individually screw it up so no body else knows they are in fact deliberately prostituting themselves to mammon.

Many years ago, when I was secretary of a national childcare organisation involved with submissions on new childcare regulations in NZ - we were sending letters to the appropriate Government Minister without any success, other than “thank you for your letter” or a short letter not even addressing the issue raised.

Later we found out that the minister was so incompetent and unethical, the letters were all read by his secretary who more often than not simply screwed them up and threw them into the wastepaper basket, or replied to them himself.

Related: Brave New World And Individual Power & How The Elite Dominate The World: They Buy Politicians, And Incumbents Almost Always Win

But after we discovered this, I thought well, let’s send our letters to the Minister as we always had done, but also to the Prime Minister, Deputy Prime Minister and all leaders of the Opposition. My, my, what a DRAMATIC change in response from these parasites!

I received a personal telephone call immediately from the Minister, inviting me to fly to Wellington, all expenses paid, with other executives to quietly discuss the matters personally with him. I could write a book about how inept and unethical most politicians really are.

I remember a leading bureaucrat once told me;

'“We run the show, not these common pick-pockets and political bed-bugs who often jump from one party to the other, who are usually only in power for a short time and preoccupied with the next election, while we are not.

Ask a politician a question and you will get a politician’s answer, and invariably it will be a lie aimed at helping them win the next election.”

Mind you, we shouldn’t be surprised. This charade has been going on for hundreds of years! Sad, I know, but there you are!

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Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi
Sixteen Signs That You’re A Slave To The Cabal Control Matrix
July 23 2023 | From: TheMindUnleashed / Various

Today’s world is a strange place. We are inundated with signals from early on in life, encouraging each of us to walk a particular path, establishing blinders on us along the way to discourage us from looking for alternatives to what the herd is doing or thinking.

Life is so complex that overtime, if we are paying attention, we realize that there are an infinite number of possibilities to what the human experience could be, and we come see that the world is on fire because individuals all too infrequently question why things are the way they are, failing to notice that their mindset or behavior needs adjustment in favor of more intelligent, common sensical, or sustainable patterns of existence.

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Not meant to be overtly critical of anyone’s lifestyle choices or personal situation, the following 16 signs that you’re a slave to the matrix are meant purely as an observational approach to helping you identify the areas of your life where you may be missing an opportunity to liberate yourself from someone else’s self-destructive design for your life.

Read on, and please take a moment to comment below with anything you’d like to add to the list or object to.

1. You pay taxes to people you’d like to see locked up in jail

This is perhaps the biggest indicator that we are slaves to the matrix. The traditional notion of slavery conjures up images of people in shackles forced to work on plantations to support rich plantation owners.

The modern day version of this is forced taxation, where our incomes are automatically docked before we ever see the money, regardless of whether or not we approve of how the money is spent.

2. You go to the doctor, but you’re still sick

Modern medical care, for all of it’s scientific progress, has sadly become sick care, where we are rarely advised to eat well and tend to our mental and physical health, but instead are routinely advised to consume expensive medications and procedures that are pushed by the for-profit healthcare matrix.

3. You’ve picked Team Democrat or Team Republican [Red party / Blue party - see any Western country for that relentless sham-gag] and argue with your friends, family and co-workers about politics

This is what the control strategy of divide and conquer looks like in our society. Both of the major parties are corrupt through and through, and independent candidates are not even allowed to participate in public debates.

By believing in one of these parties and burning your personal energy on arguing with other ordinary people you are turning over your soul the matrix, and doing your share in making sure that ‘we the people’ will never be united against corruption.

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4. You work hard doing something you hate to earn fiat dollars 

Work is important and money does pay the bills, however, so many people lose the best years of their lives doing things they hate, just for money. The truth about money today is that we do not have money, but instead, inflationary fiat currency that is privately owned and manipulated.

Since it is still necessary to get by in this world, it is best that you get more value for your time by doing something you enjoy or by working with people you do not despise. It is easier than you may think to live on less money than we believe we need, we just have to be willing to go against the grain realize this.

5. You’re willing to accrue personal debt to fund the acquisition of a consumer oriented lifestyle

Each time a credit card is swiped it creates digits on the balance sheets of the banks that are most involved with the financial looting of the world today. These digits are then multiplied electronically by the fractional reserve system, which exponentially increases the power of these institutions.

To participate in this, and by agreeing to pay this fake money back with interest, in order to maintain a certain lifestyle, is a strong indication that you are bound by one of the main tenets of the matrix – consumerism.

6. You converse with real people about the ongoing happenings of TV shows

TV is the most potent tool used for mind control, and the ‘programming’ that is available, while certainly cool, fun, or entertaining is geared to reinforce certain behaviors amongst the masses.

Dramatizing the ego’s importance, over sexualizing everything, glorifying violence, and teaching submissiveness to phony authority are the main features of modern TV.

By taking what is happening onscreen and making it a part of your real life, you are doing your job of supporting the matrix’s desire to confuse us about the nature of reality, proving that something doesn’t have to actually happen in order for it to feel real to people.

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7. You don’t have anything to hide from total surveillance

If it does not bother you that someone, somewhere, working for somebody is watching you, listening to your conversations, and monitoring your movements, then, you are a good slave to the matrix.

Invisible surveillance is an insidious form of thought control, and by using the logic of, ‘I have nothing to hide, therefore, it will do me no harm to be surveilled,’ then you are mindlessly admitting that you have an earthly master and are not of sovereign mind and body.

8. You think the world would be safer if only governments had guns

This is a violent world, and criminals engage in criminality against honest people at every level of society, including from within the government.

Sure, in a perfect world, weapons wouldn’t be necessary for anyone but, sadly, our world is anything but perfect, and firearms are indeed a very effective form of protection against common criminals and abusive governments alike.

The willingness to forego your right to self-defense is a sign that you’ve relegated personal responsibility to someone else. Having the masses abdicate personal responsibility is one of the most important aspects of controlling them. Welcome to the matrix.

9. You knowingly drink fluoridated water

Of all the health debates taking place today, the topic of fluoridated water is the easiest to understand, for it is a toxic by-product of an industrial process… poison.

Water is supposedly fluoridated to aid in dental health, which is debatable in itself, but if this were so, then the involuntary fluoridation of public water is a medication without your consent… a form of slavery.

Knowing this and continuing to drink fluoridated water is a sign that you’re content with your slavery to the matrix.

Related: The Dark History Behind Fluoride (That The Media Refuses To Report)

10. You knowingly consume toxic poisons like MSG and Aspartame

These two chemicals are widely known to be toxic to the human body. Knowing this and continuing to poison yourself with tasty, but chemical-laden processed foods is a sign that the matrix has programmed you to place less value on your health and future than on your immediate gratification.

11. You depend on the pharmaceutical industrial complex for the management of your own mental health

The use of psychotropic medicines is rising rapidly in our society because people have been convinced that mental and emotional states can be classified as diseases, while the truth about natural mental health has been obfuscated by corporate media and a for-profit medical establishment.

If you’re taking psychotropic medications, then you are under one of the most potent forms of mind control available. Part of this control is to convince you that you have no authority over your own mind.

This is perhaps the matrix’s most terrible lie, and by willingly taking these psychotropic medications you are conforming to the worst kind of slavery, and inhibiting your natural mental and emotional responses to the life stressors that are signaling to you that you need to change your behavior and habits.

12. You haven’t yet stopped watching your local and national news programming

The mainstream news media is a tool of control and manipulation, and by continuing to support their ideas and world views by giving them your attention you are volunteering to be a slave to this not-so-subtle form of mental programming.

Even the local news is scripted at the national level by agents of the handful of corporations tasked with shaping our opinions of events.

Related: Escaping The Matrix: 10 Ways To Deprogram Yourself

13. You’re more concerned with televised sports or other mindless distractions than you are with the quality of your natural environment

The Deepwater Horizon, Alberta Tar Sands, the rise of Fracking, the sacrifice of the Amazon, and Fukushima are all life-changing events that will severely impact our future on planet earth.

To be unconcerned with all of this while tuning into a never-ending stream of sports trivia and distraction-based living is a sign that your sense of self-preservation has been stolen and replaced with an impulsive tendency for triviality and escapism.

14. You’re skeptical of any area of life that hasn’t been ‘proven’ or validated by modern science

The very essence of science is the inquiry into the unknown, implying that until science can grasp something, it is unexplainable.

By discrediting or ridiculing experiences that other people have, which yet evade scientific understanding, like near-death experiences, acupuncture, or the life changing effects of Ayahuasca, then you are slavishly reducing your understanding of the world to a narrow range of possibilities.

The matrix is made possible by the efforts of volunteer gatekeepers who are unwilling to think outside of the box.

15. You’ve never questioned the popularized version of ancient history and the origins of our civilization

There are many unanswered questions about the origins of the human race that point to a different version of human history than what is taught in school.

Read 20 history questions they refuse to answer in school to discover some of the many ways in which our history has been hijacked.

By never questioning what we’ve been told about our origin we are acquiescing to many of the imposed belief systems and narrow-banded views of human potential that the matrix promotes.

Related: Cycles Of History Ignored - Canceling History

16. You haven’t yet realized that you are a spiritual being living a human experience

If you can relate to any of the items on this list, then the matrix has you, and it is now your duty to engage more deeply in your liberation.

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Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi

Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi
How The CIA Made Google
July 22 2023 | From: Medium / Various

Insurge Intelligence, a crowd-funded investigative journalism project, breaks the exclusive story of how the United States intelligence community funded, nurtured and incubated Google as part of a drive to dominate the world through control of information.

Seed-funded by the NSA and CIA, Google was merely the first among a plethora of private sector start-ups co-opted by US intelligence to retain ‘information superiority.’

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The origins of this ingenious strategy trace back to a secret Pentagon-sponsored group, that for the last two decades has functioned as a bridge between the US government and elites across the business, industry, finance, corporate, and media sectors.

The group has allowed some of the most powerful special interests in corporate America to systematically circumvent democratic accountability and the rule of law to influence government policies, as well as public opinion in the US and around the world.

The results have been catastrophic: NSA mass surveillance, a permanent state of global war, and a new initiative to transform the US military into Skynet.

In the wake of the Charlie Hebdo attacks in Paris, western governments are moving fast to legitimize expanded powers of mass surveillance and controls on the internet, all in the name of fighting terrorism.US and European politicians have called to protect NSA-style snooping, and to advance the capacity to intrude on internet privacy by outlawing encryption.

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One idea is to establish a telecoms partnership that would unilaterally delete content deemed to “fuel hatred and violence” in situations considered “appropriate.” Heated discussions are going on at government and parliamentary level to explore cracking down on lawyer-client confidentiality.

What any of this would have done to prevent the Charlie Hebdo attacks remains a mystery, especially given that we already know the terrorists were on the radar of French intelligence for up to a decade.

There is little new in this story. The 9/11 atrocity was the first of many terrorist attacks, each succeeded by the dramatic extension of draconian state powers at the expense of civil liberties, backed up with the projection of military force in regions identified as hotspots harbouring terrorists.

Yet there is little indication that this tried and tested formula has done anything to reduce the danger. If anything, we appear to be locked into a deepening cycle of violence with no clear end in sight.

As our governments push to increase their powers, Insurge Intelligence can now reveal the vast extent to which the US intelligence community is implicated in nurturing the web platforms we know today, for the precise purpose of utilizing the technology as a mechanism to fight global ‘information war’ - a war to legitimize the power of the few over the rest of us.

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The lynchpin of this story is the corporation that in many ways defines the 21st century with its unobtrusive omnipresence: Google.

Google styles itself as a friendly, funky, user-friendly tech firm that rose to prominence through a combination of skill, luck, and genuine innovation. This is true. But it is a mere fragment of the story.

In reality, Google is a smokescreen behind which lurks the US military-industrial complex.

The inside story of Google’s rise, revealed here for the first time, opens a can of worms that goes far beyond Google, unexpectedly shining a light on the existence of a parasitical network driving the evolution of the US national security apparatus, and profiting obscenely from its operation.

The Shadow Network

For the last two decades, US foreign and intelligence strategies have resulted in a global ‘war on terror’ consisting of prolonged military invasions in the Muslim world and comprehensive surveillance of civilian populations. These strategies have been incubated, if not dictated, by a secret network inside and beyond the Pentagon.

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Established under the Clinton administration, consolidated under Bush, and firmly entrenched under Obama, this bipartisan network of mostly neoconservative ideologues sealed its dominion inside the US Department of Defense (DoD) by the dawn of 2015, through the operation of an obscure corporate entity outside the Pentagon, but run by the Pentagon.

In 1999, the CIA created its own venture capital investment firm, In-Q-Tel, to fund promising start-ups that might create technologies useful for intelligence agencies. But the inspiration for In-Q-Tel came earlier, when the Pentagon set up its own private sector outfit.

Known as the ‘Highlands Forum,’ this private network has operated as a bridge between the Pentagon and powerful American elites outside the military since the mid-1990s. Despite changes in civilian administrations, the network around the Highlands Forum has become increasingly successful in dominating US defense policy.

Giant defense contractors like Booz Allen Hamilton and Science Applications International Corporation are sometimes referred to as the ‘shadow intelligence community’ due to the revolving doors between them and government, and their capacity to simultaneously influence and profit from defense policy.

But while these contractors compete for power and money, they also collaborate where it counts. The Highlands Forum has for 20 years provided an off the record space for some of the most prominent members of the shadow intelligence community to convene with senior US government officials, alongside other leaders in relevant industries.

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I first stumbled upon the existence of this network in November 2014, when I reported for VICE’s Motherboard that US defense secretary Chuck Hagel’s newly announced ‘Defense Innovation Initiative’ was really about building Skynet  -  or something like it, essentially to dominate an emerging era of automated robotic warfare.

That story was based on a little-known Pentagon-funded ‘white paper’ published two months earlier by the National Defense University (NDU) in Washington DC, a leading US military-run institution that, among other things, generates research to develop US defense policy at the highest levels.

The white paper clarified the thinking behind the new initiative, and the revolutionary scientific and technological developments it hoped to capitalize on.

The Highlands Forum

The co-author of that NDU white paper is Linton Wells, a 51-year veteran US defense official who served in the Bush administration as the Pentagon’s chief information officer, overseeing the National Security Agency (NSA) and other spy agencies.

He still holds active top-secret security clearances, and according to a report by Government Executive magazine in 2006 he chaired the ‘Highlands Forum’, founded by the Pentagon in 1994.

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New Scientist magazine (paywall) has compared the Highlands Forum to elite meetings like “Davos, Ditchley and Aspen,” describing it as “far less well known, yet… arguably just as influential a talking shop.”

Regular Forum meetings bring together “innovative people to consider interactions between policy and technology. Its biggest successes have been in the development of high-tech network-based warfare.”

Linton Wells II (right) former Pentagon chief information officer and assistant secretary of defense for networks, at a recent Pentagon Highlands Forum session. Rosemary Wenchel, a senior official in the US Department of Homeland Security, is sitting next to him

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Given Wells’ role in such a Forum, perhaps it was not surprising that his defense transformation white paper was able to have such a profound impact on actual Pentagon policy. But if that was the case, why had no one noticed?

Despite being sponsored by the Pentagon, I could find no official page on the DoD website about the Forum. Active and former US military and intelligence sources had never heard of it, and neither did national security journalists. I was baffled.

The Pentagon’s Intellectual Capital Venture Firm

In the prologue to his 2007 book, A Crowd of One: The Future of Individual Identity, John Clippinger, an MIT scientist of the Media Lab Human Dynamics Group, described how he participated in a “Highlands Forum” gathering, an “invitation-only meeting funded by the Department of Defense and chaired by the assistant for networks and information integration.”

This was a senior DoD post overseeing operations and policies for the Pentagon’s most powerful spy agencies including the NSA, the Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA), among others. Starting from 2003, the position was transitioned into what is now the undersecretary of defense for intelligence.

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The Highlands Forum, Clippinger wrote, was founded by a retired US Navy captain named Dick O’Neill. Delegates include senior US military officials across numerous agencies and divisions  -  “captains, rear admirals, generals, colonels, majors and commanders” as well as “members of the DoD leadership.”

What at first appeared to be the Forum’s main website described Highlands as “an informal cross-disciplinary network sponsored by Federal Government,” focusing on “information, science and technology.” Explanation is sparse, beyond a single ‘Department of Defense’ logo.

But Highlands also had another website describing itself as an “intellectual capital venture firm” with “extensive experience assisting corporations, organizations, and government leaders.”

The firm provided a “wide range of services, including: strategic planning, scenario creation and gaming for expanding global markets,” as well as “working with clients to build strategies for execution.” ‘The Highlands Group Inc.,’ the website says, organizes a whole range of Forums on these issue.

For instance, in addition to the Highlands Forum, since 9/11 the Group runs the ‘Island Forum,’ an international event held in association with Singapore’s Ministry of Defense, which O’Neill oversees as “lead consultant.” The Singapore Ministry of Defense website describes the Island Forum as “patterned after the Highlands Forum organized for the US Department of Defense.”

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Documents leaked by NSA whistleblower Edward Snowden confirmed that Singapore played a key role in permitting the US and Australia to tap undersea cables to spy on Asian powers like Indonesia and Malaysia.

The Highlands Group website also revealed that Highlands is partnered with one of the most powerful defense contractors in the United States. Highlands is “supported by a network of companies and independent researchers,” including “our Highlands Forum partners for the past ten years at SAIC; and the vast Highlands network of participants in the Highlands Forum.”

SAIC stands for the US defense firm, Science Applications International Corporation, which changed its name to Leidos in 2013, operating SAIC as a subsidiary. SAIC/Leidos is among the top 10 largest defense contractors in the US, and works closely with the US intelligence community, especially the NSA.

According to investigative journalist Tim Shorrock, the first to disclose the vast extent of the privatization of US intelligence with his seminal book Spies for Hire, SAIC has a “symbiotic relationship with the NSA: the agency is the company’s largest single customer and SAIC is the NSA’s largest contractor.”

Reat the full story at: Medium

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How The Dairy Industry Tricked Humans Into Believing They Need Milk
July 21 2023 | From: TrueActivist / Various

Despite the fact that one can get their daily recommendation of calcium, potassium, and protein from fruits and vegetables, the dairy industry has spent billions of dollars to convince consumers otherwise.

Got Milk? We sure hope not. Despite being a somewhat tasty addition to coffee, tea, and delectable treats, the ingredient – when pasteurized – is highly toxic to the human body.

Related: Milk Wars Battle On: Farmer’s Raw Milk Versus Big Dairy's Pasteurized

In fact, physicians such as Dr. Willet, who has conducted many studies and reviewed the research on the topic, believe milk to be more of a detriment to the human body than an aid.

This is because despite popular belief, the food has never been shown to reduce fracture risk. In fact, according to the Nurses’ Health Study, dairy may increase risk of fractures by 50%!

This concerning finding is supported by the fact that countries with lowest rates of dairy and calcium consumption (like those in Africa and Asia) have the lowest rates of osteoporosis.

Related: Top 10 Food And Medicine Myths You Probably Fell For At Some Point + How The Mind Treats “Impossible Things That Couldn’t Be Happening”

Considering that approximately 3/4 of the world’s population is unable to digest milk and other dairy products, it seems clear the food is not an ideal substance for consumption.

However, the average consumer doesn’t know this.

From celebrity endorsements to advertisements by the dairy industry, most have been taught to believe that dairy is an ideal food for optimum health.

Because there’s so much misinformation surrounding the subject, Vox recently created a video which illustrates the facade of the dairy industry.

One of the points made is that despite the fact that consumers can get the daily recommendation of calcium, potassium, and protein from [properly organic] fruits and vegetables, the dairy industry has spent billions of dollars to convince the populace otherwise.

If you were taught that one must drink milk to grow up “big and strong,” you’re not alone. However, now is the time to get educated on the facts.

Related: 10 Reasons To Drink Your Milk Raw

Because milk is very mucus-forming in the human body, it is believed to contribute to allergies, ear infections, Type 1 diabetes, anemia, and even constipation. In addition, the food may contribute to various types of cancers as consumption of the product increases the body’s level of insulin-like growth factor-1 (IGF-1).

The good news is that there are plenty of tasty, creamy dairy alternatives that are not only easy-to-make, they’re affordable.

‘Milks’ from rice, almonds, cashew, hemp, and even coconut can be found in most grocery stores, and some companies even sell dairy-free ice cream – such as Ben & Jerry’s!

In fact, the non-dairy milk market has surged within the past few years. Almond milk sales, in particular, have increased by 250 percent from 2000-2015 to almost $895 million. [Avoid Soy milk as it is not good for you and often GMO].

Is it time to ditch dairy?

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The Medical Cartel Is King In A Globalist World
July 20 2023 | From: JonRappoport / Various

“Elites who invent reality need an unimpeachable operation, headed up by people who are relentlessly promoted as the sanest, most intelligent, competent, and caring representatives of the human race. Guess who that would be?” (The Magician Awakes, Jon Rappoport)

In 1976, the great critic of 20th-century society, Ivan Illich, wrote: “Modern medicine is a negation of health. It isn’t organized to serve human health, but only itself, an institution. It makes more people sick than it heals.”

The Hypnotic Symbols Of Modern Medicine

The medical cartel is the answer to the question: What do you with the population of Earth once they are living under a globalist oligarchy?

It’s all about managing lives, from womb to grave, and no institution serves that management better than Medicine.

First of all, you have a system that dispenses toxic drugs in an endless stream, killing in the US alone, by conservative estimate, 100,000 people per year. On top of that, medical drugs cause anywhere from two to four millions severe adverse effects annually.

Beyond this straight-out destruction, there is the turmoil, suffering, grieving, and confusion that extends in ripples, from each one of the deaths and injuries, to families, friends, and co-workers. The overall effect?

Demoralization and the inability to see and think past the emotional pain - which is exactly what you want if you are a psychopath running a planet.

Related: Why Medically Caused Deaths Continue To Be Ignored

The medical cartel (drug companies, public health agencies, medical schools, doctors) wants to assure cradle-to-grave treatment of every person. This means 30 or 40 diagnoses of illnesses and mental disorders during a lifetime, and treatment with toxic drugs.

It also means medical issues are at the forefront of every person’s mind as he/she wends through life, believing that Disease is the most important aspect of living.

People become proud, yes, proud of their diagnoses and treatment. They wear the diagnoses like badges of honor, and every social communication is an occasion for displaying badges and discussing treatments and comparing notes.

"You know, at first my doctor thought it was ADHD, but then he did one of those new brain scans, and realized it was Bipolar with a trace of genetically inherited Oppositional Defiance Disorder. Once he had the ODD under control with a major tranquilizer, he could go after the Bipolar. But then I developed tremors. So he implanted a chip…”

It’s not only a sick society, it’s a society about sickness.

Medical care is free, if by free one means: paid for by extraordinary levels of taxation.

Related: Three Questions You’re Not Supposed To Ask About Life In A Sick Society

The basic collectivist slogan, “We’re all in this together,” achieves its most fervent support from the axiom that Disease is our primary opportunity to help each other by accepting awesome tax burdens.

Of course, huge segments of the world population won’t be able to participate in modern, up-to-date, cutting-edge “care.” For them, there are several solutions. The first is vaccines seeded with chemicals and genes that reduce fertility and potency.

As birth rates gradually decline, cover stories are invented to explain the phenomenon: stress; rising employment rates; the social effects of urbanization; the dissolution of the nuclear family.

The second solution is epidemics that purportedly kill off large numbers of people.

These epidemics are routine frauds, based on concocted science. In the poverty-stricken Third World, announced epidemics are nothing more than cover stories; people aren’t dying because of germs; they’re dying because their water is contaminated, because of overcrowding, lack of basic sanitation, generation-to-generation starvation.

Related: Cover Stories Are Used To Control Explanations & Medical Propaganda Headlines For Gullible Minds

They’re dying because their fertile growing lands have been stolen. While medical experts crow about attacking the germ of the moment with (toxic) drugs and vaccines, these actual causes of death can be ignored and even enhanced.

Meanwhile, in industrialized technological sectors of the planet, psychiatry ascends to new heights of control over the educated classes. Although no so-called mental disorder has ever been diagnosed by a real laboratory test, the experts who dominate the field continue to invent new disorders at the drop of a hat.

Psychiatric patients believe they have brain conditions that must be treated with (highly toxic) drugs. The patients also believe their own aspirations are limited by their disorders, and so they acquiesce to a psychiatric model that circumscribes their lives.

At the top-end of society, new medical inventions are applied to the wealthy. Genetic enhancement is the most highly touted of these.

Related: The Corruption Of Evidence Based Medicine - Killing For Profit

Despite the fact that, as yet, there are no genetic treatments for any disease that work across the board, experiments will be done to extend life, to seed the unborn with special talents, to cure a wide variety of illnesses.

There will be efforts to substitute technological components for biological nature. Limbs, organs, whole body systems, brains.

The workability of high-tech pieces is not really the issue. The aim is simply to involve the rich in the entire grand experiment, thereby swallowing them up as well in a medical paradigm of existence.

At the front door of medical cartel operations, a person will be enrolled in the system while in utero, and a path will be laid out that extends all the way to the grave.

Once he is on record with a medical ID package, he will be tracked and treated and tweaked without let-up.

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Scientific Study: 'Conspiracy Theorists' Are The Sanest Of All
July 19 2023 | From: HumansAreFree / Various

I was so happy to finally see a study done on the psychology of conspiracy beliefs. It goes through the importance of belief systems in the acceptance or rejection of ‘conspiracy theories.’

If you consider yourself awakened and seeking the truth – especially in government matters, people are quick to label you a crazy conspiracy theorist just so they can validate themselves.

Related: The Conspiracy To Rule The World - An Interactive History

In this study, a large group of commenters were examined on a news website, surrounding the topic of 9/11. Out of the 2,174 comments collected, 1,459 were coded as conspiracist and 715 as conventionalist. Right away its evident more people are thinking critically about ‘conspiracies’ rather than just disputing them.

What they found was that conspiracist commenters were more likely to argue against the opposing interpretation and less likely to argue in favor of their own interpretation, while the opposite was true of conventionalist commenters.

In other words, the anti-conspiracy commenters we’re pushing on their own interpretations of the situation rather than focusing on what really happened.

The conspiracists were more likely to express mistrust and made more positive and fewer negative references.

They focused more on the points of what happened, rather than putting the other people down.

Related: Five So-Called “Conspiracy Theories” That Are Actually Supported By Mainstream Science

The data also indicated that conspiracists were largely unwilling to apply the “conspiracy theory” label to their own beliefs.

They realized that label carries a negative social stigma and there is no need to plaster on these labels when trying to decode the truth.

The most important part of this study found that the conventionalist arguments tended to be much more hostile. This is apparent all over the internet, people who are trying to spread truth and awareness usually aren’t mean about it.

When people refute these ideas, it seems to always be much more aggressive. They want to push their conventional mentality so they don’t have to broaden their minds.

People who want you to truly open your mind to new possibilities do it in a way that isn’t forceful and demanding.

Seeking truth happens on your own means so people who are labelled as conspiracy theorists are just trying to help awaken our world. Being considered a ‘conspiracy theorist’ is truly a noble thing.

Related: Why ‘Conspiracy Theories’ & Spirituality Are Intimately Connected

You are pushing through the barriers of existing belief systems in order to make room for broader, more accepting beliefs.

People are still very afraid and want to defend the old paradigm.

If anyone has ever invalidated your attempts to uncover the truth – keep going, it’s a brave and necessary act as our world raises it’s consciousness.

Read more about the study here.

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A Tangible Maths Lesson – Four Types Of Institutional Lies
July 18 2023 | From: WakeUpWorld / Various

Despite the constraints of our educational systems, there are some excellent teachers. And there are some not so excellent instructors. We learn a lot in school, but it is also important to learn outside of school as well. Some of the most valuable lessons are not found in the teacher’s answer book, and yet some teachers operate by the book, at right angles, making no adjustments for the humanity of their students.

Not surprising given that the school system itself is geared toward creating two things: employment and expectation.

Related: Unschooling: Radical Education That Produces Free Human Beings Instead Of Slaves

Like most people who are interested in history I dreaded math and algebra, and may actually have found my interest in history out of my disdain and fear of division and multiplication.

What I didn’t realize then was how much addition and subtraction is actually involved in writing our history.

I remember the first time I learned how to add. I thought I had tackled the math thing then and there. I also remember the first time I was frozen in front of the class, unable to do long division on the chalkboard. And yet the mathematical lesson I have used the most since its revelation to me, and the one I remember most distinctly, turned out to be more than just a mathematical lesson.

A Tangible Maths Lesson

An elder grew up in a country where government lies and propaganda were commonplace. One day, when I was a child, he was grilling a friend and I on our multiplication tables. After a while he paused and said,

“Let me think of a hard one - alright, what is eight times seven?”

My friend and I deliberated and answered “fifty-six”.

“Wrong. Think again.”

Well we checked and double checked our arithmetic.



“It’s fifty-six, I think.”

“You’re wrong, it’s fifty-eight.”

“I think it’s fifty-six.”

“Wrong it’s fifty-eight.”

We held our guns, but because he was the authority figure, finally capitulated to his insistence that he held the correct answer.

“Ok fifty-eight.”

After we gave in, he explained the lesson.

Never submit to the half-truths, distortions and lies of authorities, particularly when you already know the answer.

Related: Lies, Damn Lies And Statistics

Idiots and Elitists

The reality is, authorities are bound to distribute lies and half-truths in support of their own ends and agenda.

This lesson is huge part of George Orwell’s novels 1984 and Animal Farm. The removal and replacement of whole segments of language by those in control is a key part of the dystopian backdrop of 1984. Over time, the state dictionary shrinks, while events are changed or removed altogether from “history”.

In Animal Farm, the agreed social rules of the farm, posted in public for all to see, are progressively altered in both word and in spirit by an emerging power faction, who argue linguistic technicality while insisting that everything is unchanged and enforcing the altered “rules” to their own ends.

Orwell’s works were an eerily accurate exploration of the inherent potential for corruption in our heavily institutionalized society. The real world is full of similar such occurrences.

Elitists often censor, suppress and obscure the truth, while information is removed, falsely discredited, even replaced or entirely conjured.

Related: Orwell’s 1984 No Longer Reads Like Fiction - It’s The Reality Of Our Times & The Propaganda Ministry Known As “The Free Press”

Meanwhile, euphemisms are inserted into the wider vocabulary to steer not only people’s perceptions and decision making, but the very subjects they will reasonably consider.

“Idiots don’t question relevance and act on ignorance. Zealots question limitedly, in accordance to preconceptions. Elitists question in order to advance power and do not share information.

Patriots question and share information openly.”

from The Matrix of Four.

In accordance with the Matrix of Four, there are four types of lie, all of them involving some nugget of truth. For the sake of this discussion, let’s look to the nuclear experimentation industry for examples.

The first type of lie is the addition of information. Sometimes the addition of a small bit of information can change the story entirely. For example: yes the ailing Fukushima reactor is still spewing radioactive pollution… but did you know, according to nuclear industry supporters, low level exposure to radiation is actually good for you?

The second type of lie is the subtraction of information. The removal of small key components can result in entirely different meaning. For example: with the nuclear site in Miami operating dangerous above standard ‘safety’ limits, the regulator temporarily increased the limit, averting an “emergency” by subtraction.

The third type of lie is multiplication of information. Exaggerations of situations connected with the story as well as exaggerations of extraneous information are included in the presentation to dilute it.

The fourth type of lie is division of information. The facts are interlaced with disconnects and the significance of information is separated or underplayed. To exemplify the third and fourth types: nuclear industry advocates claim nuclear energy to be ‘clean’ and ‘safe’. To support this belief (not fact), they exaggerate the relevance of nuclear’s low carbon emissions in comparison to other energy systems while ignoring or downplaying the permanent environmental destruction their nuclear waste causes and discrediting the science that clearly proves radiation exposure = cancer and death.

Related: A Masterclass In Propaganda & Transgressing The Logic Of The New Tyrannical Normal

The problem for the ‘powers that were’ is, we each have a mind that can compute math tricks as well as self-serving political gimmicks – both of which are constants in today’s institutional operations.

Sure, this mixed up mathematics, irregular logic, circular reasoning and ill rhetoric is sometimes just due to a lack of information, combined with an unreasonable unwillingness to admit one doesn’t know everything.

But given how extensive and common such twisted representations are in modern politics, one can only assume that, more often than not, we are witnessing a web of implicit agendas running counter to the assumed program of community governance.

And we all know it.

So what is still sustaining a system we know is failing? Fear and hate.

Fear, Hate and Truth

Hate is the ultimate control mechanism. It prevents us from seeing the brotherhood in humanity. It enables institutions to promote (very profitable) war and killing.

It creates closed-mindedness and closes the heart to spiritual healing. In is endemic to a war mentality, where both sides rationalize violent acts in the name of peace, liberty and freedom, all the while hating the evil “others” who are invariably demonized or dehumanized by the intentional rhetoric of war.

Related: Fear Is Contagious And Used To Control You & The Fascist Scale Revisited

Fear is toxic and debilitating, and worst of all, much like ignorance – it is contagious. It’s no secret, most people don’t like change – particularly large scale change. Fear is by definition, an emotional response to the unknown, to a change that has not yet happened or something that does not yet exist.

And today, our institutions are designed to combat change of all kinds; we’re equipped for war, not peace. We’re busy fighting “climate change” instead of building sustainability. We have built entire institutions around such fears, constantly bracing against a perceived and mysterious threat to our future peace and security.

Ironically, it is by institutionalizing war and this culture of fear that we embed conflict, lack and separation into our collective consciousness. And it is from this point that acts of militarism and invasion become normalized in our minds.

[For a deeper look at the institutionalization of war, check out my previous article Where are the Peacemakers? Our Institutions are Designed for War]

The intentional seeding of fear and ignorance into our social psyche holds us back as a collective, limiting our knowledge of our actual (not perceived) world, our expectations and ultimately, how we manifest our future reality. Initiating a ‘flight or fight’ response, at a primal level, our self-protective impulses can propel us to take aggressive (re)actions, which in turn seed more hate and fear in those around us.

And when that fear relates to the question of social programming or collusion, the deep sense of trust and security that is embedded in our relationship with “society” and “the system” causes many to close their minds, fearful of even questioning such fundamental beliefs, and hateful toward those who do.

Related: A Primer For The Propagandized: Fear Is The Mind-Killer & Whistleblower: Newspaper Industry Chiefs Criminally Negligent Over Covid Scaremongering

Truth, the antithesis of evil, exists without fear – of outsiders, of alternative perspectives, of other lifestyles, of what may be seen heard or spoken, of what may come next, of losing control, of truth itself.

In our ongoing search for truth, we invariably encounter both ignorance and pro-institutional propaganda. So, when encountering those who espouse the relative merits of our corrupted, failing structures (while often also mocking alternative views), it can very be difficult to understand which people are in fact idiots and which are entangled with elitist philosophies and institutions.

Do they ignore the facts because of fear, imparted ignorance and mental numbness? Or do they perpetuate ignorance intentionally, in order to disempower – a common tactic in executing covert agenda.

The best mathematical lesson I ever learned taught me to question the deductions and answers of “authority” of all kinds.

Where authority exists, so too does an imbalance of power, and from a point of imbalance, the truth is easily corrupted – by addition, subtraction, multiplication and division.

When you encounter un-truths, you may wonder – are they idiots, zealots or elitists? Don’t waste your energy. Your best weapon is truth.

True patriots question and share information openly, free of fear and agenda. Be a patriot.

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The Water Crisis Hoax: "Peak Water" - The New "Peak Oil" Myth
July 17 2023 | From: PrimaryWaterInstitute / NewScientist / ScientificAmerican / StopTheCrime

The Primary Water Institute: More scientific evidence that water Is renewable; Following on from the discovery that the earth creates oil in an ongoing process that does not take billions of years, it appears that the same is also true for water.

Click here to view a larger version of this diagram in a new window

Of course the myths of scarcity are used by the elite as tools to maintain control. In fact, we do not need to burn oil and oil derivatives at all, but by supressing free-energy alternatives and restricting us to the use of so-called "Scarce" resources we are kept in indebted serviture to the cabal. However this only work as long as the masses are uneducated as to the truth...

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A recent study documented the presence of vast quantities of water locked far beneath the earth’s surface. That study confirmed:

"That there is a very, very large amount of water that's trapped in a really distinct layer in the deep Earth… approaching the sort of mass of water that's present in all the world's ocean"

- Scientific American

More scientific evidence emerges that water is renewable; that the Earth makes water deep within and that we can easily access it, but that we have been tricked by the powers that be into thinking water is scarce and we are running out.

We have not been told the truth. The Earth makes water continually, within.

A New Perspective On The Source Of The Post-Napa Quake Water

As Solano County enjoys an incredible new flow of water in local creeks after the recent Napa earthquake, experts are speculating what might be the source of this “bonus from nature”.

Officials report that at least 200,000 gallons of water per day are flowing from Wild Horse Creek, with many other areas reporting similar phenomena. Water quality tests performed by local public works officials confirm that the new water is pure enough to drink.

This new water is being added to municipal drinking water supplies which is a great blessing to local residents.
Although federal government geologists report that the new flow of water is likely “shallow groundwater" suddenly released from opening of fractures, other theories exist that offer great hope for a thirsty world.

During a recent interview, Pal Pauer, a respected American hydrologist, stated that this post-earthquake release is an excellent example of “primary water”, which comes not from rain-fed, shallow aquifers, but rather from very deep sources, far below typical aquifer levels.

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Primary water sources are independent of rainfall, and appear to be virtually unlimited. Although the science of primary water is not widely known, there is much evidence to support its existence.

In fact, a recent study reported in the Scientifc American documented the presence of vast quantities of water locked far beneath the earth’s surface. That study confirmed "that there is a very, very large amount of water that's trapped in a really distinct layer in the deep Earth approaching the sort of mass of water that's present in all the world's ocean":

Although primary water originates from geological processes deep within the earth, Pauer said it can be tapped (and has been tapped) for use at or near the surface of the earth. This is because primary water naturally pushes up through fracture zones in the earth’s crust, as illustrated in the diagram above.

High pressures in the earth’s mantle make this upward movement of primary water possible and inevitable. It is not necessary to drill hundreds of miles deep in order to access this abundant [and valuable] resource. In some cases, primary water can be found at the surface of the earth, as demonstrated by many natural springs.

Primary water can also be accessed by drilling near the surface (less than 200 feet). In other cases, earthquakes, such as the recent one in Napa, can remove blockages and open channels for primary water. This can facilitate sudden release of this great gift from below.

Related: Christchurch Earthquake: Remember September?

Pauer points out that there are other indications that the new-found water in Solano County is, indeed, primary water. For example, there were no major reports of sinkholes or subsidence associated with the release.

If this massive volume of water had been released from a shallow aquifer an equivalent volume of water would have had to replace the volume withdrawn so rapidly (over 1,000 gallons/minute, which is over 10 times the pre-quake flow).

Otherwise, massive sinkholes / subsidence would have appeared. The lack of sinkholes or subsidence indicates that the source of these new waters must not be shallow aquifers, but must be primary in origin, from much deeper, prolific sources. These primary water sources, in fact, were so prolific, they were able to sustain surface stability even as massive volumes of water were released.

In situations such as this, as depleted aquifers are replenished by primary water, variations in flow may be expected until equilibrium is reached.

After many decades of successful primary water studies and drilling projects, Pauer has proven that we can access this abundant source and supplement our current water supply. Primary water may be tapped directly, or may be found commingled with secondary water (e.g. aquifers) fed from atmospheric sources above.

As more people become aware of this little-known science, perhaps the Napa earthquake will be remembered for helping us look "down" instead of "up" for solutions to our current, epic drought crisis.

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The Real Inconvenient Truth & A Call For Critical Thinking By The 99%
July 16 2023 | From: BerkeleyDailyPlanet / Various

A person might be stoned for heresy in Berkeley if they were to question belief in global warming. But, as a decades long, left leaning, KPFA listening and sponsoring, commuter bike riding, composting, plastic avoiding, bring your own cloth grocery bag environmental activist, I am seeing too much hypocrisy and closed minded smugness, and a lack of critical thinking on the part of those who I have always thought of as my people.

I have come to the conclusion that those with liberal roots like me, have been sent on a fools errand, sucked into an unquestioning group-think and religiosity by a well-funded corporatised environmental establishment, that is scaring us into accepting top-down, pre-prescribed faux solutions that have never had public input and are designed to enrich bankers, diminish the rights of ordinary people, and funnel us into a controlled technocratic society.

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We hear plenty of talk about lowering parts per million of carbon while basic principles of environmentalism are violated, such as, don’t pollute, do no harm, local control, conservation, recycle, reuse, live simply, less technology, not more.

The Democratic left has been hijacked and infiltrated, our ideals and beliefs distorted and twisted into a disciplinary social agenda, which demonises rank and file humanity, and deflects responsibility away from the real perpetrators of the destruction of our natural world.

Al Gore, the man charged with popularising the global warming theory, uses 20 times the energy of the average person in just one of his multi-million dollar homes, yet his ”carbon footprint” is never put under a spot light.

Few remember how as Vice President he used his “Earth in the Balance” environmental cred to stump for passage of NAFTA and Free Trade policies, which started the environmental race to the bottom and the wholesale giving away of local power over land and laws to multinational corporations.

Now Gore is investing with partners like Goldman Sachs in carbon trading schemes, espousing the self-enriching solution to a problem he defines. It would seem subscribers to the theory of global warming never question the designation of CO2, as the root of our environmental problems and its convenient, consequent value as a global taxable trading currency founded on the commodification of nature and a newly invented “right to pollute”.

This unverifiable system run by bankers will accelerate, not slow, the pillaging of the planet.

Related: Anna von Reitz: The Banking System Including Specifics On The World Bank And Karen Hudes

It is my observation that all aspects of the left alternative media from the progressive weeklies to KPFA radio, are conducting the environmental wing of the global war on terror, never missing an opportunity to frighten and guilt trip us that we will cause “game over for the planet” if we don’t vote for “climate change legislation”, aka, carbon taxes and carbon trading, and support “smart growth” policies.

We are schooled that only crazy right-wingers could possibly question the “settled science” and the “settled” remedies.

The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) is always cited as the trusted go-to body of expertise, even though their integrity was discredited with the “Climategate” scandal based on leaked emails, in which head scientists at the IPCC, Michael Mann of Penn State and Phil Jones of East Anglia University discussed doctoring the data on the “hockey stick” graph created by Mann, and punishing scientists and scientific journals that print contradictory evidence to the theory of global warming.

So many are now feeding at the trough of climate change disaster capitalism that a rational open debate is almost impossible. City councils throughout the land are curiously all subscribing to the same developer, banker- enriching, land-grabbing policies of “smart growth”.

Unelected, unaccountable regional boards, made up of selected local officials, along with corporations and non governmental organizations are drawing up dictatorial regional plans for growth that supercede city governments, depriving citizens of the right to affect their own local land use policy.

In the name of climate change remediation, we are told we must pack more people into smaller areas of land, as our towns are being transformed into mega Manhattanized cities with tall multi-unit apartment buildings that take our sunlight, and ultimately our connection to the land and nature.

Related: Six Issues That Are Agenda 21 & Myth Busters: Introducing Agenda 2030

Old buildings, neighborhoods, and communities are wastefully being torn down and made over to fit the vision of elite ideologue urban planners. In the upheaval, small local independent businesses are lost and replaced with national chains.

This is not protection of nature, but a transfer of wealth, power, property ownership, and autonomy of cities, towns and rural areas, away from ordinary citizens.

Today’s "environmentalists" are working towards increased government and corporate control and surveillance over our lives through bio-hazardous technology, ie. smart grid and smart meters, with no regard for thousands of independent scientific studies proving that digital microwave radiation damages biology.

Instead of a call to decentralise, simplify and conserve, citizens worldwide are being forced to apply “smart” meters to their homes, even as they are complaining of heart palpitations, extreme fatigue, mental confusion, sleeplessness, headaches, ear ringing, dizziness and more.

A technology is neither “green” nor “sustainable” if it’s byproduct harms humans, insects, plants and animals. This unseen pollution from smart meters and smart grid infrastructure is increasing exponentially with no objections from official environmentalists.

Unlike the old meters, smart meters use energy to power themselves 24/7. They are only advantageous to a centralized corporate model of energy control.

Most shockingly, the left, who claim to have the corner on environmental stewardship, are the ones giving credence to geoengineering-solar radiation management, (the spraying of chemical nanoparticle pollution, such as aluminum oxide and sulphur dioxide via jet aircraft into the atmosphere in order to block the sun), as a solution for global warming.

Related: Do You Know What We Are Breathing In From Weather Geoengineering Efforts?

On May 9, 2013, the Earth Island Institute sponsored a debate cavalierly dubbed, “Hack the Sky?” at the Brower Center in Berkeley CA. The purported adversaries were Stanford geoengineer, Ken Caldiera, and so called “ethicist”, Clive Hamilton, who belongs to the same geoengineering promoting, Solar Radiation Management Governance Group with Caldiera and other geoengineers. That very morning the two “debaters” made an appearance on liberal KALW’s “Your Call”.

A few months later the apprentices on Progressive radio KPFA”s “Full Circle” hosted the same performance duo. Why are environmental groups and left media putting on rigged debates legitimising and normalising a preposterous technology, which poisons and desecrates nature, and can only cause irreparable harm, when they should be screaming warnings from the rafters that scientists are recklessly playing God with our world.

These left media outlets are unconscionably frightening their following into accepting what amounts to nothing less than the corporate scientific intervention into our natural weather and climate systems.

The environmental establishment chooses to ignore a whole area of inquiry relevant and crucial to the climate change equation; that of scientific, military, university, and governmental, (NASA and NOAA) experimentation with our atmosphere and weather, which has been going on for many decades.

The book “Angels Don’t Play This HAARP” by Nick Begich and Jeanne Manning, documents the history of military experimentation with the earth’s atmosphere, and chronicles the development (including twelve patents) of the High Frequency Active Auroral Research Project, (HAARP), a field of giant antennas which can boil the upper atmosphere with a focused steerable billion watt electromagnetic beam, sending electromagnetic waves back onto a target on earth, causing changes in the jet stream and weather.

Related: Good Hearts, Fooled Minds: Four Fallacies Of The (Hijacked) Environmental Movement

The Department of Defense and their military contractors operate outside of all laws that protect the environment.

Ironically, the climate change activists of today are listening to and trusting the very moneyed, powerful entities who have brought us to the brink of ecological collapse and forced us into fossil fuel dependency, for diagnosis and treatment of our environmental calamities.

The Rockefellers, one of the biggest funders and grant givers to the current environmental “movement”, have throughout the decades, used their wealth and influence derived from BIG OIL to remain in control of energy.

They financed Prohibition in the 1920s and '30s to keep farmers from making their own alcohol fuel, and worked to criminalize hemp, from which fuel was made. They killed the electric car and the municipal electric railways and influenced our government to suppress more than 5000 energy technology patents, which have potential to end our energy crisis.

The rhetoric we hear of creating economic and environmental equity among people and nations, rings hollow when you realize that the environmental establishment is being bought and commandeered by the richest fat cats in the world, who have the inordinate means to create equity overnight, and to stop their destructive environmental practices, if that were their true purpose.

Instead they are financing and manufacturing a phony grassroots campaign to pin the blame for environmental devastation on the “everyman” who is living in a world choreographed by the corporate financial elite.

Related: Is The Globalist "Reset" Failing? The Elites May Have Overplayed Their Hand

Their message is that the future of the planet is impossible unless we the little people submit to the measures outlined by them. They have frightened, panicked, and demoralized the very people who would be fighting them with every breath into being the enforcement arm for their vision of our future.

Fear of climate change is being manipulated to get the left to aid in the stealing of citizen rights and the corporatization of our local government, land, business, nature and weather.

While the environmentalists are stuck on climate change, the nuclear accidents, toxic spills, pesticide contamination, deep sea oil drilling, fracking, tree cutting, electromagnetic radiation, introduction into the ecosystem of new dangerous technological compounds and organisms like GMOS, synthetic biology, nanoparticles, the geoengineering of our skies, destructive war and weapons, and much more, continue unabated.

Now left wing pundits like The Nation’s, Mark Hertsgaard, tell us to be impressed, that the big time financial fleecers and scammers, “Hank” Paulsen, hedgefund billionaire, Tom Steyer and Michael Bloomberg have come on board with climate change, as if they haven’t always been.

The War On Climate Change has gone publicly mainstream as the likes of BP, Goldman Sachs, J.P. Morgan, Dow Chemical bankrolled the “Peoples” climate march in New York City in Sept. 2014.

No. It is way past time for the left to question where blind belief in billionaire, banker funded environmentalism is taking us.

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Amazing Science Lesson: Environmentalists Declare War On Photosynthesis In Stupefying Effort To Exterminate All Recognizable Life On Planet Earth

“Order Out Of Chaos”: How The Elite’s Plans Were Foretold In Popular Culture

Let's Review 50 Years Of Dire Climate Forecasts And What Actually Happened & New Zealand Climate Commission’s Radical Plan

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Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi

The Dissolution Of Contrived Civilization
July 15 2023 | From: ZenGardner / Various

Despite the furious efforts of the world’s Machiavellian destroyers, humanity is waking up. In our current paradigm, we’re seeing significant progress in exposing the ongoing brutal Ukraine and Gaza exterminations and furtive Syria incursion, the mass revelation of chemtrails and other neo-scientific programs, the disastrous effects of EMFs of every source, GMO food manipulation, tectronic surveillance and monitoring, and the front and center clearly induced global war and the militarisation of society.

We’re in the thick of it now. But it’s revealing itself as we speak. Don’t let these events and seeming contests of ideology throw you. There’s nothing level about this playing field, and the mass narrative is strong propaganda. Don’t even listen to it. Rely on your heart and alternative sources. Their only weapon is our consent by yielding to their lies and adopting their mindset.

Related: Reaching People & Shifting Attitudes: Do’s And Don’ts In Conversation Regarding Waking Up

Disinformation serves several purposes, the most insidious of which is to introduce doubt to your heartfelt convictions regarding the reality of what is obviously before you. Keeping the mass mind at bay is imperative to their program.

Why? If we woke up to the truth we’d stop our participation and rise up and overthrow them. And they know that.

Now factor in the genetic modification from every source, the pharmaceutical / vaccination onslaught especially on our children, the toxification of our skies, water and food, and the transhuman robotic assault – and you start to get the picture.

But we are many, they are few…never ever, ever forget that.

Major Signs of Awakening

As mentioned above, there are many manifestations that the Truth is flooding in to human consciousness. What we collectively do with this information is one thing; what we individually do with it is the key. We either activate, or we don’t.

The more who do, the greater the mass awakening. With or without the masses, the awakening is coming to pass anyway, come what may. That’s the wonderfully exciting reality.

What the naysayers and foot draggers do with it is their business, as well as their demise if they choose wrongly to ignore what is more obvious by the minute.

The onus is on humanity. And the alternative is becoming crystal clear.

Related: Dealing With “Waking Up.” How To Handle Discovering More Than Just The Tip Of the Iceberg

The List Continues

If you need further encouragement, get involved. You’ll see signs of it everywhere. Major inroads of Truth are being made by the minute as these disgusting forces continue to attempt to forge their desired goal of a subservient, complacent and even happily servile work force. Damn them, and do it with gusto.

Don’t be deceived, it’s all a wicked charade. A ploy, a scam: a counterfeit civilization they’re trying to construct that true
conscious humanity is dissolving by the hour.

Disconnect – disobey – and de-enlist. Break your unconscious and conscious agreements. The parasites will shrivel up and disappear.

The time is now. It’s ours for the taking. And receiving.

Related Articles:

The Great Awakening Has Begun

Why Do We Condemn Others For Being ‘Less Awake’ Or ‘Less Conscious?’

Poll Shows Americans Waking Up, Majority Now Suspects Unelected Shadow Government In Charge [2018]

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Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi
Ten Signs The Global Elite Are Losing Control
July 14 2023 | From: ActivistPost / Various

[ This is not a new article, however the observations remain correct and true today ]
Karma is coming for the elite in a big way. As the Powers That Be head toward a devastating defeat in their war plans for Syria, signs are emerging that their rule over humanity is rapidly diminishing.

Over the last decade the global elite have been on a mad dash to consolidate power over the world. It's always been their plan like some evil villain in a comic book, but after 9/11 the plan went into overdrive and then turbo charged during the financial crisis of 2008.

Related: Is The Globalist "Reset" Failing? The Elites May Have Overplayed Their Hand

Yet it's doomed to fail because humans are meant to be guided by their own free will, not controlled like livestock. The more the elite try to control humanity, the more entropy occurs. Entropy, for those who don't know, is the lack of order or predictability; a gradual decline into disorder.

Although the elite still enjoy a huge wealth advantage over the masses, they are now resigned to behaving like tyrants to maintain control. This, in turn, exposes their dark side which has been cleverly concealed for ages. Not anymore.

People are waking up in droves, at least as fast as the elite can build their full-spectrum prison matrix. Let them try. To paraphrase Victor Hugo, "No army can stop an idea whose time has come."

Here are ten signs that the elite are losing control over the people:

1. Official lies no longer effective: The lies they tell simply don't work anymore. There was a time when official lies, especially about war and peace, were believed. Because, after all, how evil would it be to lie about such things? Generally people want to believe they are being told the truth when life and death is at stake. The boy who cried wolf has cried one too many times. Even if they told the truth at this point, very few would believe them.

2. No confidence in politics: US politicians have a paltry approval rating. The trust in government is at all-time lows here and around the world. Mainstream polls show only 10% of the public has confidence in Congress. In other words, 90% don't believe in them to be competent to govern.

3. No confidence in media: The most recent polls show that 77% of the population no longer trusts corporate TV news. Is it any wonder why the establishment media failed to sell the lies about the alleged Syria chemical event? With all their monopoly might over the airwaves, they can no longer claim that black is white simply because officialdom says so.

Related: “Order Out Of Chaos”: How The Elite’s Plans Were Foretold In Popular Culture

4. Bankers rejected: Hungary recently became the first country to follow Iceland's lead by shedding international bankers ( IMF ) and is considering pursuing prosecution of past prime ministers who enslaved the people with debt.
Look for this trend to continue even if nations decide to default to break free.

5. Vatican abruptly cleaning up its act: Under the previous Pope, Pope Benedict, scandals erupted from the Vatican ranging from covering up pedophile priests to money laundering and fraud. Benedict, in an unprecedented move, abruptly retired to make way for a seemingly much more likable Pope Francis. Pope Francis by all measures is working furiously to reclaim the church's peaceful and humble reputation. Whether this is genuine or a PR move, it's telling that the church was forced into such a drastic turnaround to save itself from losing all credibility.

6. Mutiny among soldiers: Finally. Soldiers, who are outlawed from making political statements, are steadily speaking out against US military adventurism. As Einstein famously said "The pioneers of a warless world are the young men (and women) who refuse military service."

7. Militarized police state: One of the darkest signs that the elite are losing their grip on power is the construction of the militarized police state specifically trained to combat domestic civil unrest. Local cops with tanks and other combat gear are working with Feds at Fusion centers, active Army units are on American soil for the first time in history, the NSA spy grid is being used by the IRS and DEA , and the elimination of due process for Americans under the NDAA are just some of the tyrannical moves made to secure the elite criminals from public backlash.

They're clearly scared, and they should be given what they've done to the American people and the Constitution.

8. Serious secession movements everywhere: A state seceding from a larger political entity used to be an ultra-fringe concept, until now. In America, secession movements are winning over the public in parts of Colorado and California. In Europe, serious secession movements are happening in Spain and Scotland , as well as several EU nations flirting with the idea of dropping out of the euro. Decentralization = Entropy!

9. GMO food being rejected everywhere: Control the food and you control the people. True in theory, but much more difficult in practice. GMO leaders like Monsanto are being exposed .

All of their economic and political strength cannot defeat the spread of knowledge about the dangers of pesticide-soaked Frankenfoods. GMO fields are being burned in protest in America and around the world , informed nations continue to reject their products , and labeling laws are gaining traction.

10. Cannabis liberation: Many reading this will think marijuana legalization is a superficial development. However, it is a major signpost that the elite's grip is fading. Enormous resources have been spent to keep cannabis illegal.

Cannabis has been a powerful medicine for physical, mental, and spiritual health throughout the ages. This single plant represents a huge threat to the power structures and their industries, hence its seemingly senseless illegality. The approaching global reversal of the tyrannical policy of prohibition is the first of many concessions to come.

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Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi
The Hypnotic Power Of Germ Propaganda
July 13 2023 | From: JonRappoport / Various

When perverse elites are building a false matrix for the masses, it’s always wise to find the elites’ most basic assumption and question it.

Time and time again, over the years, we hear about new germs and old germs and “mystery germs” that are afflicting people, suddenly, in various parts of the world.

And this news is met with nearly universal faith. Yes, there must be a germ. It must be what’s making people ill. When researchers speak about the germ, they are correct and truthful.

Related: The Flawed Germ Theory; Unfortunately The Basis Of Modern Medicine

Really? Why? Who said so?

I took my first serious germ-foray, when I was writing my book, AIDS Inc., in 1987. To my shock, I discovered that, even by the conventional rules of disease-causation, there was no reason to infer that something called HIV was causing something called AIDS.

Going a step further, I investigated every so-called high-risk group and found non-germ causes that accounted for all the symptoms of what was being called AIDS.

Without HIV as the lynchpin welding all these risk-groups together, “AIDS” was immune-system failure resulting from a variety of causes. Not one cause.

For example: T-cells are significant troops in the immune-system army. The biggest reason for T-cell depletion on the planet? Malnutrition.

The last time I looked, malnutrition is not a germ.

Related: Nutrition And Mental Health + ADHD Is A Fabricated Disease, Says Reputed Neurologist

AIDS Inc. is replete with illustrations of germ-touting that turn out to be irrelevant.

But people are fascinated by germ-stories. They love them, they fear them, they add their own wrinkles, they behave as if they’re in a theater watching a horror movie.

When the dreaded SARS epidemic made global headlines in 2003, the germ was the “coronavirus.” Of course, SARS turned out to be a dud. As a horror movie, it didn’t deliver. Too few people died.

Frank Plummer, a Canadian microbiologist working for the World Health Organization, achieved a few moments of honesty when he told reporters that, strangely enough, he was seeing fewer people with SARS who “had the coronavirus.” Eventually, Plummer said, almost none of the people being diagnosed with SARS had the coronavirus.

Which is exactly like saying, “They’re all suffering from disease X, except none of them have what causes disease X.”

A contradiction. Garble. Gibberish.

Six years later, in 2009, there was the fabled Swine Flu H1N1 pandemic, another dud.

Sharyl Attkisson, writing for CBS, and Peter Doshi, writing at BMJ Online, exposed the Swine Flu fraud: most people across the US who were “likely Swine Flu cases” didn’t have the H1N1 virus. That’s what lab tests revealed.

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Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi
CAFR (Comprehensive Annual Financial Report) Collateral Accounts:
Taxes And Government Fraud Against Citizens Around The World
July 12 2023 | From: CAFR1 / Various

The Comprehensive Annual Financial Report (CAFR) Swindle - The Biggest Game In Town

Taxes are no longer necessary. This video exposes a deliberate and massive swindle that is perpetrated by every government agency from your local school district all the way up to the State / Federal / National governments.

Related: Republic Or Democracy And Self-Governance

This brief video does an excellent job of exposing how the 'budget' scheme actually operates and how local and national government has been systematically screwing us all since - forever. Warning: this will make you furious!

Below the video is an earlier article re-posted with more information. It is so critical that the public are aware of this information - the governments and their sellout politicians know what they are doing and must be held accountable.

A key agenda behind the CAFR swindle is ensuring that communities and countries never make any real progress and in fact degrade over time. It's all part of the Agenda 21 / NWO grand plan.

Unmasking The CAFR Scam In Your Country / City / Town / Council
August 11 2014 | From: Rense / RealityBlogger | See Update Below

It is perhaps not widely known that governments and councils use complicated accounting practices to hide their wealth from the people, providing 'justification' for rates hikes and other methods of wealth extraction.

In a world where council rates and infrastructure costs are conitinually on the increase, in most places the CAFR (Comprehensive Annual Financial Report) Accounting system is used, which hides wealth and provides the 'powers that be' with more reason to financially rape and pillage the people.

While much of the content below pertains to the US, the principles in play with CAFR Accounting are used in most countries.

Examples include: [And you might ask why many of these have been pulled?]

New Zealand Treasury Annual Report

Australia Treasury Annual Report

Melbourne City Annual Report

Australia Government - Department of Finance and De-regulation

Australia Future Funds ($100 billion) and “Nation Building Fund

Government of Canada (Annual Financial Report)

Montreal, Canada (Annual Financial Report)

Ireland National Pension Reserve Fund scheme

Belfast City Council Annual Financial Report

The British Monarchy

City of London Police Department

Welsh Government

Japan Finance Corporation

What Are CAFRs?

First, what is a CAFR? A CAFR (Comprehensive Annual Financial Report) is government's complete accounting of "Net Worth".

It has been reported that trillions of collective dollars not shown in government Budget reports are shown through Government CAFR reports and they are virtually never openly-discussed by the syndicated NEWS media, both the Democratic and Republican Party members, the House, Senate, and organized public education.

With, and being that the CAFR is "the" accounting document for every local government, and with it being effectively "BLACKED OUT" for open mention over the last 60 years, that this fact of intentional omission of coverage is the biggest conspiracy that has ever taken effect in the United States. Read more at: Rense

As more and more cities, counties, districts, and states across America falsely declare their near - insolubility, bankruptcy warnings, fiscal deficits, and budgetary quandaries, I am left with the sinking feeling that “the people” just can’t wrap their heads around how to point out these misleading and downright fallacious claims made by their councils, mayors, and professional con-men in places of public trust.

Related: After Decades Of Brainwashing, MSM & Governments Are Losing Control Of The People

So today I want to share with you a simple way to factually stand before your local or state political “leaders” and give indisputable proof that, when stating the “facts” about their own budget shortfalls, limited choices, and necessary raising of your hard-earned monies as taxation (revenue) to “balance the budget”, your own little criminal syndicate of elected mayors and council men and women are lying bold-faced to the entire citizenry through the act of subterfuge and omission.

This little factoid is uniform throughout the entirety of the financial structure of government, as reported in the audited Comprehensive Annual Financial Report and required by Federal and State laws. It is always reported in the same fashion and under the same heading as all other governments (municipal corporations).

The figures are not disputable. The truth is unshakable. And yet the doublespeak will never end… For even as you present this one simple line item to the scoundrels themselves behind their raised and protective pedestals, they will still attempt to deny what is undeniable, be it in ignorance or in deceit; usually a mix of both.

Read the full story at: RealityBlogger

Update: How The New Zealand [And Other Western Countries] Government Hides Billions (Trillions) In Slush Funds
October 9 2014 | From Narkive

C.A.F.R. (Comprehensive Annual Financial Report) Hidden / Stolen 'Cream' - Trillions In Surplus

Globally, The Biggest Financial Scandal In History / Annals Of Mankind

Playing in the derivitives market John Key was selected to become NZ PM / US Federal Reserve Bank / Israeli operative

Billions (Trillions) in profitable investments

Convincing you that the government is financially in trouble when the government has trillions of dollars in slush funds

Budget reports: Only need to show what is necessary to meet obligations

Transactions for local governments are missing

Total investment revenue is missing

Total income figures are missing

Total worth is missing

Surplus cream ($) is not mentioned [exposure of manufactured debt = loss of control]

United Nations (1946) created CAFR to take over and steal wealth

Only shows shortfall of budgetary revenue versus annual operating costs for the year, never shows 'cream'

45% of revenues invested internationally best rate of return

Free trade agreements (NAFTA / GATT / TPPA) ultimate purpose: Governments investing in foreign corporations extending their profits with slaves in China

Government agencies are lying to you when they say there is a need for taxation to pay for services already provided for

The New Zealand people NEVER profit from the investments - massive hidden surpluses

United States Statistics

Local and federal US Government owns approximately 70% of stock market listed companies

70% of Dow Jones (30) owned by composite government funds

Prison industry (Correctional Corporation of America) is the #1 industry in America. New Zealand Prime Minister John Key moves towards that end in New Zealand

US Federal $30 Trillion cream at top not reported

Total non-signatory to the 1740 Waitangi Treaty (with amusing numerous versions), this Tainui Kiingitanga warrior demands from the New Zealand government [the following]:

1. What Is The Total Cash Gross Receipts Income ?

2. What Are The Total Investments ?

3. What Is The Net Worth ?

4. What Is The Investment Growth ? 5, 10, 25 Years In The Future ?

5. What Are The Liquid Assets ? (Billions / Trillions)

We Know Know That The Constant Cries For More Taxation Are Entirely Bogus:

New Zealand CAFR (Comprehensive Annual Financial Report) where literally hundreds of Billions of dollars are hidden or not listed / discussed by the same banker controlled media.

Not Readily Listed:

Taxation and selling of government assets is the massive conspiracy, when the hidden surplus of Trillions of dollars
is not discussed by the bankers and government controlled media

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Four Words: Weapons Of Media Lies & When Corporate Power Is Your Real Government, Corporate Media Is State Media

$2.3M For A Banker’s Advice On Selling State Houses? See What Else Your Government (Corporation) Has Spent Your Tax Money On Kiwis

New Zealand Government Has Pledged Millions Of Dollars Worth Of Taxpayer Funds To The Corrupt Clinton Foundation & Clinton Health Access Initiatives

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Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi
CIA Records: Epidemic Fabrication And Assassinations - They Wanted To Kill, Using Chemical And Biological Substances
July 11 2023 | From: JonRappoport / Various

"The application would be fairly simple. Covertly inject a few people with a germ - and later identify those people as "patient zeroes" or "carriers.

By analyzing CIA documents from earlier days, we can understand the programs of the Agency and its government cousins.

Related: Former High Ranking CIA Agent Gives A Break Down On What The US Deep State And Shadow Government Is Comprised Of

Given the fact that the CIA’s umbrella research program, MKULTRA, went completely dark in 1962, and given the technological advances that have been made in the intervening years, we can draw inferences about present-day covert ops.

Document: May 20, 1975; sent by CIA Inspector General, Donald F. Chamberlain, to the Director of Central Intelligence, William Colby.

Subject: CIA activities at Fort Detrick, Maryland [in the 1952 period.

Fort Detrick was the center of US government chem / bio warfare research.

Here is the opening quote from the document:

“In early 1952, CIA effected an agreement with the Army Chemical Corp for the performance of certain research and development work by the Army Chemical Corp at the laboratory facilities of Special Operations Division, Army Biological Laboratories, Frederick, Maryland.”

And here is a key quote about a research project:

“Adaptation and testing of a non-discernible microbioinoculator (device for clandestine inoculation with BW/CW [biowarfare/chemicalwarfare] agents) to determine compatibility with various materials to assure that the microbioinoculator cannot be identified structurally or easily detected upon a detailed autopsy…”

Translation: The CIA would test a tiny device for injecting chemical and biological agents into people, killing them - and the fact of an injection would be difficult to prove during subsequent autopsy of the victims.

Death would appear to be from other causes or vectors.

Related: Are You A Mind-Controlled CIA Stooge? + The Term “Conspiracy Theory” Was Invented By The CIA In Order To Prevent Disbelief Of Official Government Stories

Aside from the obvious use of this method for assassinations, there is the further possibility of “epidemic fabrication.”

The application would be fairly simple. Covertly inject a few people with a germ - and later identify those people as “patient zeroes” or “carriers.”

From there, through the use of propaganda, initiate the idea that the disease is rapidly spreading.

By falsifying diagnostic tests on others - a simple matter since routine tests register many false positives - and claiming a list of common symptoms are indicators of the epidemic-disease (cough, fever, muscle ache, weakness, fatigue), the appearance of a pandemic can be created. (re: “many false positives”,… see, for example, The Massive Fraud Behind HIV Tests)

From that follow the usual steps: the government is rushing a vaccine into production; everyone should be vaccinated; people should avoid large gatherings; suspected carriers can be quarantined.

Staged Reality

The mass-vaccination campaign “against the rising epidemic” inflicts harm. Chemicals (e.g., aluminum, formaldehyde, mercury) and germs ordinarily found in vaccines are toxic and destructive.

So without even covertly placing “unusual” materials in vaccines, people are going to suffer consequences.

Power Outside the Matrix

You might ask, what about using the CIA method to cause a real epidemic? It’s possible, but the amount of injected (or aerosolized) virus would have to be quite large, for each person, in order to create illness. (For “virus concentration”, see the discussion on “titer” in this article).

Secret ops like this one are funded, go underground, morph, are sometimes shifted to other departments, and develop, over the years.

The public does not hear of them, and does not suspect that its government is devising ways to inflict damage abroad and at home.

Related Articles:

American Pravda: How The CIA Invented "Conspiracy Theories"

Bilderberg On Steroids - Meet The Secret CIA-Funded Group Behind The ‘War On Terror’

Mainstream Media Confirm Dalai Lama Is A CIA Asset

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Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi

Fraudcast News: You Will Believe What the Media Tells You To
July 10 2023 | From: TruthStreamMedia / Various

Did you know that when Obama signed the 2013 NDAA, it effectively made government propaganda LEGAL for the first time since 1948 when the Smith-Mundt Act was passed (not that they weren't doing it anyway, but...ya know... the gloves are officially off).

Related: Mind Control Theories And Techniques Used By Mass Media

"The people will believe what the media tells them they believe."

- George Orwell

"All news is lies and all propaganda is disguised as news."

- Willy Munzenberg (Stalin's propaganda chief)

"The Central Intelligence Agency owns everyone of any significance in the major media."

- William Colby, former CIA director

"The media is a Counter-Intelligence organisation. The media backs every war. The role of the media and embedded historians is to surround the truth with a bodyguard of lies. "

- Greg Hallett

"The media tries to put a sad face on these things, painting them up as great human tragedies; but we all know the function of the media has never been to eliminate the evils of the world, no! Their job is to persuade us to accept those evils and get used to living with them. The powers that be want us to be passive observers."

- Burning Man, "Waking Life"

"Think of the press as a great keyboard on which the government can play."

- Joseph Goebbels, Nazi propaganda minister

"Newscasters who want to keep their careers afloat learn the fine art of evasion. We should never accuse them of doing a poor and sloppy job of reporting. If anything, with great skill they skirt around the most important points of a story. With much finesse they say a lot about very little, serving up heaps of junk news filled with so many empty calories and so few nutrients. Thus do they avoid offending those who wield politico-economic power. It is enough to take your breath away."

- Dr. Michael Parenti

"No one outside America any longer believes the US media or the US government... You can't believe a word the American media says. If they say anything correct, it's just an accident."

- Paul Craig Roberts

"Newspeak was the official language ... The purpose of Newspeak was not only to provide a medium of expression for the world-view and mental habits ... but to make all other modes of thought impossible. It was intended that when Newspeak had been adopted once and for all and Oldspeak forgotten, a heretical thought should be literally unthinkable."

- George Orwell

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WiFi Radiation – New Device Makes It Visible At Last
July 9 2023 | From: ElectricSense / Various

Luis Hernan has produced a series of photographs that show the strength of wireless signals according to color.

He’s also produced an app that can be downloaded to a smart phone which can act as a very basic EMF detector. The app is free.

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I spoke to Luis about his device and how he produced these photos. Here is the color code Luis used so you can understand his photos:

Blue – Denotes the weakest signal
Violet – Slightly stronger
Green – Slightly stronger
Yellow – Slightly stronger
Red – Strongest signal

Cell phone in WiFi mode – the red swirls above the phone show that the strongest signal is found nearest the phone

Cell phone in WiFi mode – the signal close to the phone appears weaker on this image than the previous one, probably because of the variable nature of the WiFi signal

Cell phone in WiFi mode – although the majority of weak signals are found furthest away from the phone there are some weak signals quite close

WiFi radiation on a domestic staircase – not surprisingly the WiFi router is in the cupboard on the left under the telephone

Wifi radiation at building entrance – interesting to see about halfway up the steps there is less WiFi radiation than further away from the building and then the radiation gets stronger as you go nearer to the entrance

WiFi radiation on an office staircase – the distribution of the colors suggest the WiFi router is situated on the next level

Cell phone in wireless mode under a metal step ladder – interesting to see how the metal step ladder impacts the distribution of the WiFi signal

Wifi radiation in a lounge environment – the distribution of the colors suggest there are multiple sources of WiFi radiation

WiFi radiation signals in a coffee bar – the router is situated near the window

Smart phones with Luis’s Kirlian app activated – the phones are suspended showing that the WiFi radiation strength varies in different parts of the room

How These Images Were Created

Luis used a DSLR camera mounted on a tripod. He took these pictures using long exposure photography. So he left the aperture open for about 5 minutes. Then he used what he calls an “Arduino based Kirlian device”. This is essentially a WiFi sensor connected to a simple processor connected to an LED strip. It's the LED strip that makes the colors.

These pictures were created by Luis moving his device through the whilst taking the photo. Luis wore dark clothes to avoid being included in the photo.

What These Photos Don't Mean

These images don't show all the wireless signals in a given area. There are several things to understand here:

  1. They only show the radiation where Luis moves his device around. So there is possibly/probably radiation present in the other areas on these photos which we cannot see.
  2. These images don't indicate how WiFi moves. The swirls we can see are caused by Luis moving his device through the air.
  3. These images don't show cell phone radiation. For the purpose of these pictures the device was calibrated to 2.4 Ghz. The only radiation shown is that in the 2.4 GHz

What These Photos Show

These photos show:

  1. That wireless is all around us.
  2. That this radiation reacts in a very unpredictable manner, its affected both by the furniture in the environment and by people.
  3. WiFi does not respect 100% the “proximity to the source” rule.

As Luis says, even just walking around the house will interfere with the propagation and strength of the field. Closing a wrong door, and a room can become a hotspot or a dead spot for wireless.

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Free App

Luis has also created a free app for Android devices called the Kirlian Device Android app , which allows people to see the Wi-Fi on their smart phone. The app also emits sound, the more radiation present the higher the pitch.

The app can be downloaded here.

Can This App Replace An EMF Meter?

At the moment this app can only detect radiation in the 2.4 GHz range. Luis intends to create a future version which will detect cellular networks also. But even then this remains a crude way of measuring radiation.

This app doesn't replace an RF meter but if you've already got a smart phone it does allow you to detect radiation for free. If you've got kids with smart phones it can be a good way to make them aware of their exposures.

Luis is a student at Newcastle University in the UK.  These images are part of his Digital Ethereal project which aims to make the invisible visible.

Hat's off to Luis for undertaking this project and sharing these images. But as pretty as these images are let's not forget that these swirling colors let us see pulsed digital radiation (a.k.a electromagnetic fields) which thousands of studies link to adverse biological effects and a myriad of diseases and illnesses including cancer, brain tumors, infertility, DNA damage, suppression of the immune system and much more.

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Putin Inspires Terror In New World Order: Dr. Barrett
July 8 2023 | From: PressTV / Various

[From 2014 - Historical but highly relevant] Russian President Vladimir Putin is standing up against West’s aggression aimed at completely destroying traditional nations and values and creating a New World Order global dictatorship, an analyst says.

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Ongoing Western attempts to destabilize Ukraine, Syria and Iran as well as other countries are the “most recent examples of a decade-old pattern of aggression” which the Russian president is countering, Kevin Barrett, a professor of Islamic and Middle Eastern Studies, wrote in an article for Press TV website.

“In short, the New World Order – a shadowy group of global banking oligarchs bent on establishing a one-world dictatorship – is trying to overthrow every leader on earth who resists. Russian President Putin is resisting. That is why the Western propaganda machine is calling him names,” Barrett said.

He noted that Russia and Iran are both successfully resisting a New World Order dictatorship.

The commentator noted that the establishment of the Islamic Republic of Iran was a landmark event signaling an end to the “20th-century wave of militant secularism and atheism – and a revival of traditional religion.”

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He said the Russian president enjoys overwhelming popularity in his country for his defense of traditional religious values.

“Putin is stopping New World Order ‘creative destruction’ in Syria and Ukraine. He is part of a growing coalition opposing the NWO – not just religious traditionalists, but also progressive anti-globalization forces, including [late Venezuelan President] Hugo Chavez inspired anti-imperialists in Latin America,” Barrett pointed out.

He added that the world today is facing an epic struggle between those who espouse sacred values such as justice and decency and those who desire to destroy all values.

Barrett expressed hope that God would bless Putin, “who is putting the fear of God into the New World Order.”

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The Relationship Between Compulsory Vaccination, Suicide & Euthanasia
July 7 2023 | From: TheContrail / Various

The corrupt medical profession and inherent dangers of vaccines: The issues of vaccines - suicide - euthanasia are all inseparable in terms of Nazi philosophy.

That is why the media all around the world at present are pushing propaganda articles about the need to pass new laws to legalize “youth suicide and euthanasia” as “free choice” but take away the “informed choice” for anti-vaccinations groups, because vaccines are going to be used as an integral method to kill off millions of targeted groups soon.

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Remember, in Nazi Germany it involved not only killing off undesirable groups of people by lethal injection and gassing, but mass sterilizing others so that they could not reproduce.

I have a younger sister who, like myself, is a retired physician in Holland who has worked in Belgium also so I am very well informed what is happening there now. Although I live in NZ and am elderly, I still keep myself well informed.

As one who was brought up under the Nazis during WWII,  I can assure you that your description calling most modern medical doctors ‘neo-Nazis’ although I hate to admit it, is absolutely true in every respect.

In fact, modern doctors in The Netherlands and Belgium now are much worse than the Nazi doctors ever were, and what has already happened in Belgium is spreading out across the whole western world including here in New Zealand at present.

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The problem is when you tell the average uninformed person the full truth like this claiming that these physicians are “Nazis,” which they really are, most people just pull back, because they simply  cannot comprehend their supposedly ‘friendly family doctor’ could possibly be such a devil. But he or she is.

This was the case in Nazi Germany also, as the masses historically have always had a sort of ‘blind faith’ in physicians going back to Plato.

According to the End-of-Life Choice Voluntary Euthanasia Society Of New Zealand Inc. the Horizon Poll conducted in May 16-23 2017 on 1274 people from the public aged 18 and over, 75% supported euthanasia and 11% were opposed.

This is very much worse than would have been the case under Hitler.

When you’ve got 75% of brainless morons like this in New Zealand already supporting politicians to pass new laws to engineer their own euthanasia, (which  includes their own children if these pea brains only knew it) then you have almost an entire nation remarkably voting for their own premature death.

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I note you included in your previous email some YouTube clips illustrating what is going on in Belgium right now. But may I say it is much worse than that.

Already, doctors are euthanizing not only the elderly, but young people with even very slight mental problems, or for example girls or women who have been raped and say they psychologically can’t cope, or any young person who is suffering depression or is unemployed and disillusioned.

This is MUCH WORSE THAN THE NAZIS EVER DID in the Final Solution! It is only beginning to escalate in Europe presently, yet is in the process of expanding worldwide.

Now if the euthanasia of these people itself is not bad enough, do you know that already in about half of the cases these people are being murdered without their consent.

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Yes that is right. People are getting admitted into hospital claiming they are suffering from  such and such, depression, mental instability or dizzy spells – and they don’t come home.

So you see what you perceptively said about compulsory vaccination relative to the Nuremberg Code, why informed voluntary consent is so vitally important, and if it is removed, it is really the “last straw” and the last step before this medical tyranny is implemented worldwide.

I mean to say, it is not far away from anyone who criticizes the government being classified as mentally unstable, then being arrested and given a lethal injection without his or her consent and sent on their way – to paradise or hell as the case may be.

Here are some more YouTube clips about it which you may not have seen which I’ve gleaned. If people will not get the message after watching these in a strange way they all deserve what’s coming – because the video clips here are simply irrefutable – stunning:

1. “The Case of Tom Mortier”  - The Euthanasia Deception Promo
2. Why a rape Victim Was Euthanized 

3. The Euthanasia Deception – Documentary Promo 
4. Belgian woman approved for euthanasia says she lives in ‘extremes’ 

5. Hugh Scher, Euthanasia Prevention Coalition, Parliamentary C-14 Hearing   

6. 17-year-old becomes first minor to die by euthanasia in Belgium 

7. Allow Me To Die: Euthanasia in Belgium   

8. Assisted Suicide My Own Choice Science Documentary   

9. 24 & ready to die 

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No Evidence Of A Human - Induced Sea Level Increase: Dr. Sterling H. Burnett
July 6 2023 | From: BreakingViews / Various

Environmental activists, mainstream media outlets, and many scientists routinely claim governments must take drastic action to transform the world’s economic system, including ending the use of fossil fuels
, or island nations will disappear beneath the seas and low-lying coastal cities will be swamped, forcing a great migration of populations inland..

To back up their claims, they cite statements from the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) asserting it is "very likely" sea level rise has accelerated since the middle of the twentieth century in response to warming caused by rising greenhouse gas emissions.

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The IPCC, however, bases its claim on computer model projections instead of measured, real-life data.

Data lend little support to the claim seas are rising at a historically unusual or increasingly rapid rate. Global sea levels have risen by approximately 400 feet since the beginning of the end of the most recent ice age (approximately 20,000 years ago), with the sea level rise slowing and increasing over periods of tens, hundreds, and thousands of years over the past 20,000 years, having nothing whatsoever to do with human activities.

Research shows most of the islands making up nations such as Tuvalu and the Maldives are gaining land and mass, not losing it.

A peer-reviewed study that examined 600 coral reef islands in the Pacific and Indian Oceans reported approximately 40 percent of those islands remained stable and 40 percent grew.

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More evidence they and coastal areas in Florida and Hawaii, for instance, aren’t sinking beneath the waves can be inferred from the fact that the populations on these island nations and the coastal United States are increasing instead of fleeing, and they are putting up new, expensive buildings and associated infrastructure daily.

A 2019 report by Drs. Craig Idso, David Legates, and the late S. Fred Singer confirms sea levels have not been rising at an unusual rate in recent years.

After examining long-term data from tidal gauges and other sources, Idso, Legates, and Singer write;

"The highest quality coastal tide gauges from around the world show no evidence of acceleration since the 1920s."

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The difference between data recorded by the global tidal gauge system and projections made by various purported climate authorities is because "[l]ike ice melting, sea-level rise is a research area that has recently come to be dominated by computer models," the authors write.

"Whereas researchers working with datasets built from long-term coastal tide gauges typically report a slow linear rate of sea-level rise, computer modelers assume a significant anthropogenic forcing and tune their models to find or predict an acceleration of the rate of rise."

Human actions, such as the construction of barriers, channeling of rivers, conversion of coastal wetlands into densely populated metropolitan areas, and draining of coastal aquifers for human consumption (which causes land subsidence) have undoubtedly made some coastal regions and populations more vulnerable to rising seas.

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Nonetheless, there is little evidence increased greenhouse gas emissions are contributing to ocean rise.

In a 2017 Heartland Institute study, geophysicist Dennis Hedke analyzed data from 10 coastal cities with relatively long and reliable sea-level records and found there was no correlation between changes in sea levels at these locations and rising carbon dioxide levels.

For some cities, the rate of sea level rise has remained virtually constant, neither increasing nor declining appreciably from the rates experienced before humans began adding substantial amounts of greenhouse gases to the atmosphere.

Other cities, such as Ceuta, Spain, have experienced very little sea level rise over the past century, exhibiting almost a flat trend line well below the historic rate of global sea level rise of approximately seven inches per century.

Other cities, such as Sitka, Alaska, have experienced falling sea levels. Still others, such as Atlantic City, New Jersey, have experienced a large, rapid increase in sea levels.

The point is different areas around the world are having different experiences with sea levels, with differences in the rate of sea level rise being a result of localized conditions, not global climate change.

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Some alarmists have recently tried to respond to observation that claims of accelerating rates of sea level rise are based on computer models alone, not hard data, by citing satellite-reported sea-level data collected by University of Colorado researchers.

Their dataset indicates seas are rising by approximately 3.3 mm per year, much higher than the annual rise of approximately one to two mm recorded at tidal stations, a rate that has changed little over the century or so for which we have adequate records.

The rate of rise claimed by the University of Colorado researchers is a result of statistical sleight of hand, produced by mixing data from four different satellites: combining data from two earlier satellites and two later satellites that record significantly higher rates of sea-level rise than the earlier two satellites.

As meteorologist Anthony Watts points out, the earlier dataset shows a much smaller trend of sea level rise than the latter two satellites:

Neither set of the satellite record shows any accelerating trend. The UC scientists simply combined the two dissimilar data sets, plotted a new trend showing acceleration, and didn’t mention the difference.

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This is either incompetent or dishonest, and certainly not up to even the simplest of basic science principles. Virtually any high school or college student who presented such work for a class would get called out on it by their instructor for showing a false trend.

Our knowledge of previous interglacial cycles indicates seas will continue rising unless and until the next ice age comes, notwithstanding any efforts humanity may make to stem the tides.

It makes sense to prepare for rising seas by hardening coastal areas, discouraging ill-advised coastal development, and making people living along coasts aware investments made there could be swallowed by rising water.

Ending the use of fossil fuels and giving ever-larger governments increasing power over peoples’ lives will not stop the seas from rising and will only make people poorer and less free.

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A Masterclass In Propaganda & Transgressing The Logic Of The New Tyrannical Normal
July 5 2023 | From: NZPCR / OffGuardian / Various

“It is true that you may fool all of the people some of the time; you can even fool some of the people all of the time; but you can’t fool all of the people all of the time.” - President Abraham Lincoln

When Jacinda Ardern took office in 2017, she promised her government would be the most open and transparent New Zealand had seen.

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In her first formal speech to Parliament she pledged:

"This government will foster a more open and democratic society. It will strengthen transparency around official information.”

Since that time, the Government’s “iron grip” on the control of information has tightened and it is harder now than ever to get information.

This is the view of one of New Zealand’s most experienced political journalists, Stuff’s Andrea Vance, who last weekend explained:

"In my 20-year plus time as a journalist, this Government is one of the most thin-skinned and secretive I have experienced. Many of my colleagues say the same…

It’s now very difficult for journalists to get to the heart and the truth of a story. We are up against an army of well-paid spin doctors.

At every level, the Government manipulates the flow of information…

Even squeezing basic facts out of an agency is a frustrating, torturous and often futile exercise.”

She explains that since “the current Government took office, the number of communications specialists have ballooned. Each minister has at least two press secretaries. Ardern has four.”

The team assisting the Prime Minister to shape her public image is headed by her chief press secretary, Andrew Campbell, with former Stuff business editor Ellen Read as his deputy.

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Essentially, they handle incoming questions for the prime minister, help with speech writing, set up interviews and press conferences, and accompany the PM through media engagements.

In addition, the prime minister’s office not only controls what other members of the Cabinet are saying, but they go to great lengths to “make sure their audience is captured, starting the week and cementing the agenda with a conference call with political editors”.

It is not just politicians that have press secretaries – so too do government departments, and under our PR-savvy Prime Minister, the number is skyrocketing.

In the year Labour took office, the Ministry for the Environment had 10 PR staff – they now have 18. The Ministry for Foreign Affairs and Trade more than doubled their staff – up to 25.

MBIE blew out from 48 staff to 64, with the New Zealand Transport Agency, which had 26 communications staff five years ago, now employing a staggering 72!

With this PR army promoting an image of government benevolence and attempting to block unwanted scrutiny, even basic requests for information are now being denied.

Andrea Vance describes how attempts by two senior journalists to interview Foreign Minister Nanaia Mahuta, at a time of intense interest in the China-Australia-New-Zealand relationship, were refused – not because of geo-political sensitivities, nor a diary clash, but because “the paranoid and hyper-sensitive minister objected to taking questions from two journalists at once.”

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That same Minister, with her local government hat on, had released radical proposals for ‘three waters’ reforms that would essentially centralise the management of drinking water, wastewater, and storm water operations from local councils to mega-agencies, with 50 percent control allocated to private sector tribal corporations.

Yet, she “refused to answer detailed questions about the proposed changes”, agreeing to only one interview – with a ‘friendly’ state broadcaster. The whole debacle represented “a serious blow to accountability”.

It turns out that journalists who ask hard questions and challenge the Government’s spin are increasingly being side lined – refused interviews, excluded from press conferences, and ignored at media stand-ups.

Government departments are also being obstructive, refusing to answer Official Information Requests unless ordered to do so by the Ombudsman.

As a result, queries that should have been responded to within 20 working days are taking months to answer with much of the information, when it is eventually released, heavily redacted.

These are not the actions of the open and transparent government promised by Jacinda Ardern, but of an increasingly totalitarian regime.

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In her article Andrea Vance asks why the difficulties faced by journalists should matter to the public: “Why should you care?”

She then explains:

"Because the public’s impression of this government is the very opposite. They see a prime minister that has captivated the world with her ‘authentic’ communication style, intimate social media postings, daily Covid briefings and proactive releases of Cabinet papers.

It is an artfully-crafted mirage, because the reality is very different. This is a Government that is only generous with the information that it chooses to share.”

Jacinda Ardern is, of course, a public relations graduate, with a Bachelor of Communication Studies in Public Relations and Political Science from Waikato University.

As a result, when faced with a pandemic and an election in 2020, Prime Minister Ardern’s confidence in the power of PR led her to employ an army of communications experts to help her win the Covid-PR war and the election.

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As George Orwell said, if you control the language, you can control the mind, and that is certainly how it all played out. Using carefully crafted lines like “the team of 5 million”, Jacinda Ardern was able to persuade the nation that she was saving lives – and deserved to be re-elected

Official information revealed that by the end of May 2020, the cost of the PM’s public relations campaign – which had built a formidable propaganda machine involving 28 advertising, marketing and communications contractors – was a staggering $16 million dollars:

"The majority was to two firms who are listed as communications directors by the Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet.

Clemenger BBDO was paid $3m for its role, which involved the clear and concise messaging such as ‘stay home, save lives’.

But the biggest earner OMD, a multinational advertising firm… was paid $12m for its role in the response.”

It turns out that everything from “go hard, go early” to the “be kind to each other” messaging was carefully planned, tested, and executed by experts.

At the time, Newstalk ZB’s Mike Hosking was scathing that so much money was being spent on ‘spin’:

“Extraordinary, isn’t it? It shows just how much we got played by a government that was as desperate to score points as it was to actually address a health crisis.

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Is communication important? Of course. But do you need to pay $16 million for it?

No. This wasn’t simple instruction that any government can come up with, this was clearly a highly planned, seriously worked over piece of strategy designed for maximum political impact.

And the irony is, from the advertising agencies point of view, it worked. We got sucked in, followed orders and came out hailing the Prime Minister with a 59 percent share in a poll. Value for money then?

Or a master piece of fantastically expensive spin? Again, we were played like a fiddle.

Stuff’s Political Editor Luke Malpass agreed:

"The Ardern Government has been delivering a masterclass in propaganda since Covid began.

It has presented the plan that it formulated as the only feasible option, set up rules and language to prosecute that agenda and rhetorically crushed all opposition.

That was buttressed over the months by the fact that the Government’s plan was sound, effectively carried out and delivered comparatively very good results. Labour won a crushing election victory off the back of it.”

Indeed, the $16 million of taxpayers’ money bought Labour a masterly election campaign – by keeping the country’s focus on the virus, and constantly repeating the mantra that it was our team of 5 million that defeated it, they communicated a powerful party line: by sticking together we won the Covid battle and by staying with Labour we will win the battle to rebuild our nation.

Labour’s regular election year focus group polling would have told them that to win over ‘soft’ National voters they needed to shift into the political centre ground and temper their socialist ambitions.

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As a result, Labour based their election manifesto on their 2017 agenda, and used conservative slogans such as a ‘strong and stable’ government and a ‘steady pair of hands’.

Their PR machine was evident on the campaign trail as political commentator Richard Harman explained at the time:

"On the road with Ardern, they had a much more experienced and substantial team. They had two press secretaries with the Prime Minister; National had one.

Labour had a professional video crew for social media; National had a staffer with an iPhone. Labour had its former party president and Minister, Ruth Dyson, as its advance person carefully setting up events that Ardern was going to and checking them out to avoid pitfalls.

There was little evidence of any advance work [by National].”

After the election, Jacinda Ardern acknowledged that her support had come from across the political spectrum,

"To those amongst you who may not have supported Labour before… I say thank you. We will not take your support for granted. And I can promise you, we will be a party that governs for every New Zealander.”

In a media conference the next day, she specifically reassured New Zealanders about the agenda she intended to roll out, saying, “None of it will be new, because we laid the foundations for these next three years in the previous three years.”

But the truth is that much of what Jacinda Ardern has done since the election is new to the public.

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Not only was her He Puapua report – which provides a blueprint for Maori sovereignty over New Zealand by 2040 – not disclosed to the voters during the campaign, but it’s public release was deliberately delayed until after the election.

It is in this politically-charged environment, that this week’s NZCPR Guest Commentator, journalist Graham Adams outlines the difficulties in holding a Prime Minister to account, who is PR-driven and, it seems, is prepared to ‘bend the truth beyond breaking point’:

"Jacinda Ardern has offered herself as a hostage to fortune by repeatedly denying that the doctrine of ‘white privilege’ is being taught in schools, or that the teaching curriculum mentions it anywhere, or that it is part of her ‘government’s agenda’.

“She has conceded that white privilege… might have been taught by a teacher somewhere at some time in some school but insists it isn’t official policy.

In denying that discussing white privilege is an approved part of teaching in schools, evidence shows she may have been bending the truth beyond breaking point.

The official education document Te Hurihanganui mentions ‘white privilege’ in its opening paragraphs. The government has funded the programme to the tune of $42 million.

Launched in October 2020, it has now been established in numerous schools in Nelson, Te Puke, Porirua and Southland, with more to come.”

Graham points out:

"For someone who prides herself on mastering the details of her government’s policies, it’s impossible to believe Ardern is simply ill informed or forgetful about Te Hurihanganui’s existence or what it recommends.”

He wonders whether the motivation for the PM’s repeated denials – that leave her open to charges of lying – could be that Labour’s polling is showing a high degree of public disquiet over anti-racism programmes in schools and the imposition of the He Puapua plan for tribal rule.

Perhaps this means the Ardern Government’s “artfully-crafted mirage” that Andrea Vance so eloquently describes, is finally starting to fracture.

Related: The Historical & Current Situations In Aotearoa New Zealand

Certainly, the fact that the Government is rolling out the radical He Puapua in secret, instead of openly, indicates that even Labour supporters are becoming concerned.

If they really understood the truth – the serious threat to democracy that the PM’s separatist agenda represents and the deeply divided society it would create – their opposition and sense of betrayal would intensify.

On this issue, we the majority have the mandate – Jacinda Ardern does not.

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An Essay on the Struggle for Reason and Freedom.

Scholars have speculated that Shirley Jackson’s timeless story The Lottery (1948) was a contemplation of and attempt to make sense of the ghastly forms of rationalization at work in Nazi death camps uncovered during the postwar Nuremberg trials.

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While the major theme of Jackson’s story, man’s general inhumanity toward humankind, continues to reverberate, the development of a certain character within the tale speaks even more profoundly to the present.

Old Man Warner and his unblinking obedience to strange abstractions embody a banality of evil that appears in many of his fellow townsfolk and the codes of behavior and speech they are goaded by bizarre norms to embrace.

Questioning these abstractions and the traditions that animate them comes at a substantial price, however.

“Every man has his price” (Walpole, 1734) - an utterance on the lips of both despots and saints, past and present, eager to embrace or repel tyranny. The observation has the ring both of a universal truth and a hasty generalization.

In Jackson’s story, the price for the old man, intent to guard the prevailing socioeconomic order, was his own humanity.

In the present, the saying resonates with those whose minds have been effectively dazzled by the global Pavlovian project observable in state-corporate propaganda which claims that a virus with a 99.8% survival rate spells certain doom for the world.

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They who demand that every living creature obey, without question, the unscientific irrational contradictory plans of the unfolding state-corporate global medical hegemony.

The competitively compliant masses, armed with faculties of reason effectively effaced, are all too happy to publicly signal their subservience and submit their civil and human rights to a technocratic global lordship consolidating the kind of control and power that will remain, forevermore, impervious to any challenge.

How observable facts such as these elude the notice of so many people today is covered, most notably, in a popular university course in propaganda at New York University.

Mark Crispin Miller, world-renowned professor of media, culture and communication, has given Mass Persuasion and Propaganda for decades.

In these times, however, of state-sanctioned “woke totalitarianism” enforced by its global big tech guardians, the course and its most famous professor was bound to become a target for cancellation.

The operation against Professor Miller began in earnest last year when a disgruntled student falsely claimed that her teacher was nurturing a student-led mutiny against the NYU administration for its masking policies.

The latest and most baffling attack on Miller has emerged, however, with the publication of a hit piece titled “The Professor of Paranoia” in the Chronicle of Higher Education - a rank illustration of the truths we might see in the aphorism that every man can be bought.

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Inexplicably, its author Mark Dery marks out his territorial criticism of Miller by explicitly signaling his own ideological presuppositions - a liberal pose that can only pretend to be progressive, open-minded, balanced and enlightened by an unflagging pursuit of unvarnished truth.

What profits the man who gives up his intellectual integrity for an ideology demanding all empirical knowledge pass through the politically correct filters set by the Federal Ministry of Truth

Dery muses over decades past, reading Miller’s classic 1988 volume, Boxed In: The Culture of TV and cites our mutually favorite chapter, “Big Brother Is You, Watching.”

He references a salient passage that (in his mind apparently) should serve to chasten Miller for his contemporary transgressions:

"TV ‘reduces all of its proponents to blind spectators of their own annihilation’”

- Boxed In: The Culture of TV, 1988, p. 331.

Dery proceeds to call up a host of Miller’s supposed offenses against all accepted expressions of scholarly integrity - uninvestigated 9/11 intrigue, stolen elections, CIA-backed psychological operations against domestic populations, and now the new social and economic “Normal” promulgated by a transnational network of elite Davos movers and shakers.

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Scoffing, as he does, at the very idea of addressing such pressing issues comes at the cost of one’s own intellect, a mental annihilation akin to that bizarre period of public discourse in the wake of 9/11 when FOX News was the unrivalled PR arm of the GOP.

The passage from Boxed In that Dery selected as a weapon against Miller serves as the most glaring example of irony.

The very examples Dery cites in his critique show that only those weaned on TV have not yet sampled the solid foods of scholarship - the disinterested science that political institutions have tried for years to marginalize, ignore, or erase.

What does Mark Dery receive beyond keeping up perverse social appearances like those erected in years past by likes of Bill O’Reilly and Sean Hannity - major cheerleaders for the annihilation of countless souls in the post-9/11 regime-change wars?

Today, is it any wonder to academics who steadfastly refuse to betray the call of their vocation, no matter the cost, that such a criticism of Miller would be featured in a journal advocating for higher education?

For anyone in the education field who has witnessed larger forces of the corporate-state complex prevail upon academe and reengineer institutions over the past number of decades, it is impossible not to see the sort of friendly fascism that Bertram Gross had warned about in 1980 when he saw an emerging new order in which:

"More concentrated, unscrupulous, repressive, and militaristic control by a Big Business-Big Government partnership preserve[s] the privileges of the ultra-rich, the corporate overseers, and the brass in the military and civilian order"

Friendly Fascism (Gross, 1980) p. 167).

Gross showed plainly how public discourse controlled by the gatekeepers helps centers of power frame the reengineering of the social world as “reasonable” and inexorable because it is overtly friendly - to business - and, thus, integral to the logic of an efficient and free market.

The problem for public intellectuals like Miller who work tirelessly to preserve natural and civil rights is disarming the dissemblers and blind servants of power who come with a wink and a smile trying to reassure the masses to trust the plan.

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Since 9/11, the ethos of business as usual has been focused on normalizing the tyrannical demands of security as asserted by the transnational partnerships among “the corporate overseers and the brass in the military and civilian order” (Gross, 1980, p. 167).

Old Man Warner would be proud to see so many of his heirs today maintaining the lottery and asserting the need to follow hideous traditions no matter where they lead. Dery notes that:

"Extreme disbelief - a skepticism so radical it dismisses nearly every official narrative as propaganda - can make for strange bedfellows.”

In a sane world, this could not be any truer.

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The Twenty One Goals Of The Illuminati And The Committee Of 300 + The Sides Are Being Drawn Up Now
July 4 2023 | From: EducateYourself / Farouk

From: 'Conspirators' Hierachy: The Story of The Committee of 300' [Historical but relevant articles]

By Dr. John Coleman.(Written circa 1993)

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1. To establish a One World Government/New World Order with a unified church and monetary system under their direction. The One World Government began to set up its church in the 1920:s and 30:s, for they realized the need for a religious belief inherent in mankind must have an outlet and, therefore, set up a "church" body to channel that belief in the direction they desired.

2. To bring about the utter destruction of all national identity and national pride, which was a primary consideration if the concept of a One World Government was to work.

3. To engineer and bring about the destruction of religion, and more especially, the Christian Religion, with the one exception, their own creation, as mentioned above.

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4. To establish the ability to control of each and every person through means of mind control and what Zbignew Brzezinski called techonotronics, which would create human-like robots and a system of terror which would make Felix Dzerzinhski's Red Terror look like children at play.

5. To bring about the end to all industrialization and to end the production of nuclear generated electric power in what they call "the post-industrial zero-growth society". Excepted are the computer- and service industries. US industries that remain will be exported to countries such as Mexico where abundant slave labor is available.

As we saw in 1993, this has become a fact through the passage of the North American Free Trade Agreement, known as NAFTA.

Unemployables in the US, in the wake of industrial destruction, will either become opium-heroin and/or cocaine addicts, or become statistics in the elimination of the "excess population" process we know of today as Global 2000.

6. To encourage, and eventually legalize the use of drugs and make pornography an "art-form", which will be widely accepted and, eventually, become quite commonplace.

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7. To bring about depopulation of large cities according to the trial run carried out by the Pol Pot regime in Cambodia. It is interesting to note that Pol Pot's genocidal plans were drawn up in the US by one of the Club of Rome's research foundations, and overseen by Thomas Enders, a high-ranking State Department official. It is also interesting that the committee is currently seeking to reinstate the Pol Pot butchers in Cambodia.

8. To suppress all scientific development except for those deemed beneficial by the Illuminati. Especially targeted is nuclear energy for peaceful purposes. Particularly hated are the fusion experiments currently being scorned and ridiculed by the Illuminati and its jackals of the press.

Development of the fusion torch would blow the Illuminati's conception of "limited natural resources" right out of the window. A fusion torch, properly used, could create unlimited and as yet untapped natural resources, even from the most ordinary substances.

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Fusion torch uses are legion, and would benefit mankind in a manner which, as yet, is not even remotely comprehended by the public.

9. To cause. by means of A) limited wars in the advanced countries, B) by means of starvation and diseases in the Third World countries, the death of three billion people by the year 2050, people they call "useless eaters". The Committee of 300 (Illuminati) commissioned Cyrus Vance to write a paper on this subject of how to bring about such genocide.

The paper was produced under the title "Global 2000 Report" and was accepted and approved for action by former President James Earl Carter, and Edwin Muskie, then Secretary of States, for and on behalf of the US Government. Under the terms of the Global 2000 Report, the population of the US is to be reduced by 100 million by the year of 2050.

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10. To weaken the moral fiber of the nation and to demoralize workers in the labor class by creating mass unemployment. As jobs dwindle due to the post industrial zero growth policies introduced by the Club of Rome, the report envisages demoralized and discouraged workers resorting to alcohol and drugs.

The youth of the land will be encouraged by means of rock music and drugs to rebel against the status quo, thus undermining and eventually destroying the family unit. In this regard, the Committee commissioned Tavistock Institute to prepare a blueprint as to how this could be achieved.

Tavistock directed Stanford Research to undertake the work under the direction of Professor Willis Harmon. This work later became known as the "Aquarian Conspiracy".

11. To keep people everywhere from deciding their own destinies by means of one created crisis after another and then "managing" such crises.

Related: 1924 Newspaper Article Outlines Six Goals Of The Illuminati

This will confuse and demoralize the population to the extent where faced with too many choices, apathy on a massive scale will result. In the case of the US, an agency for Crisis Management is already in place. It is called the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), whose existence I first enclosed in 1980.

12. To introduce new cults and continue to boost those already functioning which include rock music gangsters such as the Rolling Stones (a gangster group much favored by European Black Nobility), and all of the Tavistock-created rock groups which began with the Beatles.

13. To continue to build up the cult of Christian Fundamentalism begun by the British East India Company's servant Darby, which will be misused to strengthen the Zionist State of Israel by identifying with the Jews through the myth of "God's chosen people", and by donating very substantial amounts of money to what they mistakenly believe is a religious cause in the furtherance of Christianity.

14. To press for the spread of religious cults such as the Moslem Brotherhood, Moslem Fundamentalism, the Sikhs, and to carry out mind control experiments of the Jim Jones and "Son of Sam" type.

Related: The Committee of 300 | The Conspiracy to Rule the World

It is worth noting that the late Khomeini was a creation of British Military Intelligence Div. 6, MI6. This detailed work spelled out the step-by-step process which the US Government implemented to put Khomeini in power.

15. To export "religious liberation" ideas around the world so as to undermine all existing religions, but more especially the Christian religion. This began with the "Jesuit Liberation Theology", that brought an end to the Somoza Family rule in Nicaragua, and which today is destroying El Salvador, now 25 years into a "civil war".

Costa Rica and Honduras are also embroiled in revolutionary activities, instigated by the Jesuits. One very active entity engaged in the so-called liberation theology, is the Communist-oriented Mary Knoll Mission. This accounts for the extensive media attention to the murder of four of Mary Knoll's so-called nuns in El Salvador a few years ago.

The four nuns were Communist subversive agents and their activities were widely documented by the Government of El Salvador. The US press and the new media refused to give any space or coverage to the mass of documentation possessed by the Salvadorian Government, which proved what the Mary Knoll Mission nuns were doing in the country.

Mary Knoll is in service in many countries, and placed a leading role in bringing Communism to Rhodesia, Moçambique, Angola and South Africa.

16. To cause a total collapse of the world's economies and engender total political chaos.

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17. To take control of all foreign and domestic policies of the US.

18. To give the fullest support to supranational institutions such as the United Nations, the International Monetary Fund (IMF), the Bank of International Settlements, the World Court and, as far as possible, make local institutions less effective, by gradually phasing them out or bringing them under the mantle of the UN.

19. To penetrate and subvert all governments, and work from within them to destroy the sovereign integrity of the nations represented by them.

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20. To organize a world-wide terrorist apparatus [Al-queda, ISIS, ISIL, etc.] and to negotiate with terrorists whenever terrorist activities take place. It will be recalled that it was Bettino Craxi, who persuaded the Italian and US Governments to negotiate with the Red Brigades kidnapers of Prime Minister Moro and General Dozier.

As an aside, Dozier was placed under strict orders not to talk what happened to him. Should he ever break that silence, he will no doubt be made "a horrible example of", in the manner in which Henry Kissinger dealt with Aldo Moro, Ali Bhutto and General Zia ul Haq.

21. To take control of education in America with the intent and purpose of utterly and completely destroying it.

Related: Unschooling: Radical Education That Produces Free Human Beings Instead Of Slaves

By 1993, the full force effect of this policy is becoming apparent, and will be even more destructive as primary and secondary schools begin to teach "Outcome Based Education" (OBE).

The Sides Are Being Drawn Up Now

Team A has USA-Trump, Russia-Putin and China-Xi (plus the Golden Dragons). Team B consists of the Poop (Pope), Committee of 300 Gang and the old Fiat Wealth held by Rothschilds’ Banksters and European old Royalty (?) Families.

Team A has the winning game plans as they have the largest global economies and the BIGGEST ARMIES.

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The 2017 G20 Meeting cleared the air on these sides. The Putin-Trump meeting sealed it. Eye contact and handshakes cemented relationships.

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Much more to come. There are earthquakes all over the Western financial world as a result. It is now G3 plus 17 wannabe’s who had better get their acts together.

Of course the head Fraudster, the Pontiff, immediately called for a “One World Government” that must rope in The United States as “America has a distorted vision of the World” and that Americans must be ruled by a world government, as soon as possible, “for their own good”.

And so Yellin’ Yellen immediately comes out stating that the FED is going to continue raising rates and removing Dollar liquidity from the global markets (a stooge move “for America’s own good”?).

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Of course the Poop’s vision of the World is for him (not HIM) and his (NOT HIS) Church to be the defacto ruler of the whole World through the fraudulent and fallacious enslavement of all mankind through limited liability corporations and their minions controlling fiat financial institutions, governments and all major industries.

The “Trifuckya” of the US, Russia and China clearly derails this old philosophy and control system and all that cling to it. This Old Guard has been exposed and much, much more is to come.

So what is going to happen next?

I anticipate that there will be more financial turmoil. The Europeans see the writing on the wall concerning the EU and EURO and the immigration mess disrupting their economies.

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All of that is coming “un-done”. Pumping more fiat Euros to plug the dikes will not work as liberal socialism has already proven. Germany cannot hold it all together any more.

The Swiss and City of London banks have no more gold. And anyone with any sense (cents) is packing their bugout bags for their new homes in South America or New Zealand and moving their money to Dubai.

Financially the fiat money system is faced with an inevitable “re-valuation”. The question is whether this will be a “free fall disaster”, a “one off adjustment” or a “soft landing”?

Then there is the REAL option of the United States returning to its dejure “united States Republic” which is under genuine legal reaffirmations NOW and will redefine global finances and expose the frauds that have been perpetrated.

My feeling is that there will be an abrupt change as orchestrated by the US, Russia and China most likely through the AIIB and CHIPS system. This will be done in a series of steps.

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Trump will have to close the FED, foreclose on the bankrupt United States of America, Inc. and USA, Inc. which in turn will re-establish the Republic while at the same time cause the shut down the IMF, World Bank, UN and BIS (all of which will have to undergo serious restructuring if they are to survive).

The gold and silver backed US Treasury Dollar, the Remimbi and Ruble will be the defacto global currencies. Every other country will then peg their currencies to these reserve currencies. The Yen, Euro and Pound will no longer be reserve currencies.

To cut the Poop’s umbilical cord of global slavery will require countries to pass legislation that removes the “limited liability” of corporations, trusts, LLC’s and all such derivations. Without “limited liability immunity” everyone in a company (and incorporated country, state, county or city) will be fully liable and accountable and responsible.

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No more hiding behind the “corporate veil” and the fraud that it permits.

Shifting from the “SEA” to “LAND” jurisdiction is what IS HAPPENING. This process is speeding up and will have profound impact on all global societies.

Educate yourself in this transitioning as you will be moving out of “strawman slavery” to your real freeman freedom and liberty (in every country!).

This transitioning will not be easy as unraveling centuries of fraud is a complex task. Re-educating whole populations that have been brainwashed and dumbed-down by repeated lies and battered by enforcement officers, will take time and patience. The Creator has willed it. So be it.

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Overcoming The Fear Of Intimacy: Helpful Advice For The Wounded Heart
July 3 2023 | From: TheUnboundedSpirit / Various

What we all deep down long for is a sense of connection with our fellow human beings. We need to feel that we belong to a greater whole - a community.

Whether consciously or unconsciously, we deeply desire to love and to be loved. We crave to share our being with one another - to give and receive from the heart.

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It is connection that truly makes us feel fulfilled and content. Yet, in our world connection is almost nowhere to be found. It has been lost, and people have forgotten all about it. They don’t feel part of a community - rather, they feel separated and alienated.

They feel alone in a crowd that is indifferent and cold towards them. They don’t feel that they belong to the world - they just happened to be placed there but it doesn’t feel like home at all.

It’s not surprising that most of us feel this way, considering the world we’ve been brought up into. Our world is full of competition, with everyone fighting against everyone else, each for their own individual interest.

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They all try their best to maximize their personal gain at the expense of others.

Naturally, when you’re living in a world that is inimical to you, how can you feel at home with it? And how can you open up your heart and share your being with those around you, if you sense that their intentions are negative towards you?

It’s extremely difficult, and so you choose to close yourself off to them. You retreat, you become distant, you build walls around your heart, so thick and tall that nobody can penetrate them. By doing so, you feel protected, safe, secure, but at the same time you’re throwing your very happiness away.

Intimacy and Vulnerability

Look around you and you’ll see almost everywhere people wearing social masks to hide their psyche from others, because that’s the best way to not allow another person to come close to themselves.

When you pretend to be someone you are not, others cannot understand who you truly are, and you can’t understand them. This way any possibility of genuine communication between you and them is lost. And when there’s lack of understanding between people, how can there be connection? It’s impossible.

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Connection needs intimacy, and intimacy needs openness, honesty. Therefore, in order to be intimate with another, you need to tear off your worn-out masks and expose your naked self under the sun.

Then people will be able to look at you in the eye and experience the depths of your being.

To be open and honest, however, means to put yourself in a state of vulnerability. In that state, you can be easily wounded (the word vulnerability is derived from the Latin vulnerare, which means “to wound”, so vulnerability is our susceptibility to be wounded) and this is what most people are afraid of. Having been wounded time and time again in the past, they don’t want to be wounded again, so they avoid opening up their hearts and exposing themselves.

Love and Intimacy

Even partners who claim to be deeply in love aren’t that intimate. They deceive one another with all sorts of tricks so as not to risk experiencing emotional vulnerability.

But when there’s no intimacy, there can’t be love. When you are afraid to open up yourself to another, how can you allow yourself to be loved by another? And how can you love another, if you don’t feel at ease with him or her?

Love is the most intimate connection, yet the most dreaded one. But I am asking you: what’s the point of living without love? There’s none. Without love, life becomes meaningless and utterly empty. Without love, there can’t be any true sense of fulfillment.

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So if we’d like to find meaning and fulfillment, we need to realize that the walls between us humans have to be broken down - with our very hands. And instead of building walls that separate us, we need to build bridges that bring us together, help us to overcome our fear of intimacy and re-connect with one another.

Of course, to the separate ego, this might look like a very risky thing to do, considering the emotional vulnerability that goes hand-in-hand with close, intimate relationships.

The ego will resist and do anything it can to cling to the old known past, but we shouldn’t pay attention to it - instead, we should work on what we know in our hearts to be good and act from that loving space for the benefit of ourselves and all humankind.

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Everything Is Fake: Top 40 Pieces Of Fakery In Our World
July 2 2023 | From: WakeUpWorld / Various

Everything is fake in our society today – or at least a great many things are. Our world is filled with an extraordinary amount of lies, deception, disinformation, misinformation, fakery, fraud, facades, mirages, propaganda and brainwashing.

The good thing though is that once you awaken to the deception, you can use it as a tool for raising your consciousness. The idea that virtually everything is fake can be empowering rather than depressing.

Related: Exposing The Mainstream Consensus Reality Complex

Sure, we’ve all felt overwhelmed, sad, angry and impotent at times when we’ve seen just how easily our (mis)leaders can fool the masses with sophistry and empty rhetoric, but they’ve all been placed there to challenge us to wake up more quickly and fully, and reclaim our world.

Here’s my list of the top 40 pieces of fakery in our world today:

1. Fake News

Let’s begin with the MSM (Mainstream Media), better called the lamestream media, and their “news”, which is essentially corporate infotainment. The MSM waters down the news and makes it entertaining to further distract people from things of real significance.

There is nothing balanced, impartial or fair about MSM news. In the US, Australia and many other Western nations, the news is dominated by a handful of for-profit corporations who are legally bound to provide a return on investment to their shareholders.

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This means running “news” pieces which either promote the agenda of the corporate owners (especially the military agenda) or censoring stories which would hurt political allies and advertisers (like Big Pharma, who is the biggest contributor of funds for advertising on MSM according to former US Senator Robert Kennedy Jr.).

Additionally, the news is literally fake – remember the CNN green screen stunt where they pretended they were being bombed in Saudi Arabia but were really in a studio? What about lying news anchos like Brian Williams and Bill O’Reilly (Bill O’Leilly)?

2. Fake Journalism

Alongside fake news, of course, comes equally fake journalism. MSM journalists today are not the true investigative reporters of yore.

There are exceptions such as journalists who used to work for the MSM Big 6 and are now working independently (either leaving of their own volition or having been fired) such as Ben Swann and Sharyl Attkisson.

However, they are few and far between. Most journalists function as little more than parrots repeating the corporate party line, and are too scared to rock the boat for fear of losing their jobs.

Related: Mainstream Media Insults The Public's Intelligence On Vaccines & Vaccinated Vs. Unvaccinated Pilot Study: Early Vaccination Sees Exponential Increase In Chronic Disorders + Lies, Vaccines And The New Zealand Media

The White House strictly controls who has “access” to the President and other officials. In general, if you want more access, you have to toe the line and ask easy, softball questions that make politicians look good.

Additionally, the Government admitted it made video news releases or prepackaged news for the MSM, which then broadcast these releases as “news” without disclosing to its viewers that the pieces were premade by the Government!

3. Fake Entertainment

On the topic of media, let’s turn our attention to Hollywood and the entertainment industry.

If you’re looking for fakery and superficiality, look no further, because Hollywood and certain parts of southern California are about as shallow as it gets.

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The dominating culture there dictates that it’s more important what you look like than who you are; more important who you hang out with (and are seen with) than what you know; and more important how big your Botox lips or silicone breasts are than how big your heart is; and more important what you own and what’s in your bank account than what gifts you’ve given to the world.

Hollywood’s film and music industries are imbued with Satanism. This is easily seen with its influence on heavy metal, rock, hip hop and these days even pop (take a look at the Illuminati symbology in the music and videos of Madonna or Katy Perry).

Actresses such as Rosanne Barr and many other Hollywood insiders have exposed how mind control, prostitution (turning up-and-coming stars into prostitutes or forcing them to have sex to “make” it) and pedophilia are rife throughout Hollywood.

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Michael Jackson suffered from mind control and attempted to tell the world before he was killed. Many others such as Mariah Carey and Britney Spears show obvious signs of mind control.

4. Fake Corporate PR and Advertising

Another aspect of visual media (TV) that makes you sick are these generic “we care” fake feel-good commercials made by slick marketing departments of the corporatocracy, trying to get you to associate them with happiness, caring, giving, equality or any other value they choose from a list. They use marketing as a kind of weaponized psychology.

Did you ever wonder why Big Pharma always shows beautiful models, happy retired people, bouncing dogs or smiling babies to peddle its poisonous, side-effect laden drugs?

Related: Is Subliminal Advertising Legit?

Corporations are soulless entities and legal persons – the epitome of fakery in many ways since they are fake persons with the rights of people and the responsibilities of none.

5. Fake Medicine

Big Pharma is the force behind Western Medicine, and Rockefeller is the force behind both of them.

With its smorgasbord of synthetic drugs, vaccines, surgery, chemotherapy and radiation, Western medicine or allopathy has earned the dubious honor of killing hundreds of thousands of people every year.

A 2000 study by Dr. Barbara Starfield, MD, found that allopathy kills 225,000 per year in the US, while a 2003 study by Dr. Gary Null, MD and others, found that allopathy kills 783,000 per year in the US.

Starfield concluded that Western Medicine in America causes:

12,000 deaths from unnecessary surgeries;

7,000 deaths from medication errors in hospitals;

20,000 deaths from other errors in hospitals;

80,000 deaths from infections acquired in hospitals; and

106,000 deaths from FDA-approved correctly prescribed medicines.

Related: Faking Medical Reality

Null et al concluded that Western Medicine causes:

37,136 deaths from unnecessary procedures;

32,000 deaths related to surgery;

98,000 deaths from medical error;

115,000 deaths from bedsores;

88,000 deaths from infection;

108,800 deaths from malnutrition;

199,000 deaths related to outpatients; and

106,000 deaths from adverse drug reactions.

Now, with its antibiotic drugs becoming more useless in the face of rising super bugs, you have to really question whether an entire medical system that is based on masking symptoms, “managing” illness, and getting patients on a hamster wheel of pill after pill after pill, can really constitute true healing – or whether it’s just more fakery.

6. Fake Scientific Research

Backing the Rockefeller’s Western medical Big Pharma cartel is a massive pile of fake scientific research.

Like anything fake, the veneer looks shiny and leads you to believe what lies inside is trustworthy and reputable, when in reality it’s reams of biased and concocted research with a peer-reviewed stamp on it.

Related: Peer Reviewed 'Science' Losing Credibility Due To Fraudulent Research & Manufacturing Consent In Science: The Diabolical Twist

Former Big Pharma reps, esteemed medical journal editors and even insider governmental scientists have all confessed the shocking truth that a large amount of the published scientific data out there is fraudulent and simply can’t be trusted. Check out the top 10 tricks used by corporate junk science.

7. Fake Acquired Immunity

Another piece of fakery is the idea that vaccine-induced immunity or acquired immunity could possibly be identical to natural immunity, which one receives after having successfully warded off a disease (e.g. like chickenpox).

Vaccine proponents even go so far as to insist that the unvaccinated are endangering the vaccinated by not getting their shots (the herd immunity argument) – which defies logic, since if vaccines really worked, there would be no need for the vaccinated to worry about catching anything from the unvaccinated.

In my article Herd Immunity vs. Viral Shedding: Who’s Infecting Whom? I discuss how the human immune system is vastly more complex and sophisticated than we understand, and is made up of specific and non-specific parts.

Related: A Quick Review Of Fake Medical Diagnostic Tests + Author Exposes The “Vaccine Deep State”- A Massive Criminal Fraud And Embezzlement Ring Inside The CDC

A vaccine does not closely resemble natural immunity in many ways, including only engendering a specific response, having a completely different point of entry, not conferring lifelong immunity, etc.

Besides, vaccines are full of toxins and carcinogens, including fetal tissue. The elite have admitted vaccines are being used for depopulation.

Related: Bill Gates Admits Vaccines Are Used for Human Depopulation

The real issue is not herd immunity but rather viral shedding, whereby the vaccinated are infecting the unvaccinated. Vaccines are yet another example of supreme fakery in today’s fake world.

8. Fake Food

True immunity is derived from lifestyle and diet, including what quality of exercise, sleep and nutrition you get.

This brings us to the topic of food. Our food today has become so processed and packaged, so full of preservatives and plastics, that it has become fake food. It gets churned out of a factory rather than grown on a farm or field.

Click on the image above to view a larger version in a new window

Related: An Invisible Form Of Oppression: Our Food System

It’s full of artificial flavors and synthetic tastes – some of them even derived from aborted fetal tissue as Pepsi was forced to admit. Some of it is so refined and over-cooked it barely has more nutrition inside of it than a piece of cardboard.

When you add the monstrosity of GMOs (Genetically Modified Organisms) into the mix, you get a final product that Dr. Rima Laibow calls “phude” rather than “food”, because the final engineered, processed product is so far removed from what our ancestors knew as real food.

By the way, GMOs, in case you hadn’t heard, can lead to organ failure, infertility and cancer, and are genetically modifying you as GM proteins bypass digestion and go directly into your blood (as is theirultimate purpose).

Related: GE Food Venture: Chronically Dependent On Deception

GMOs by their very nature are engineered to withstand massive doses of chemical and hazardous pesticides. GMOs are basically a way for chemical companies like Monsanto and Dow to sell more chemicals, because people need them to grow Big Biotech’s fake food. The WHO recently declared Monsanto’s glyphosate and Dow’s 2-4,D pesticides as probably and possibly carcinogenic, respectively.

9. Fake Water

Just as we have fake food, we also have fake water. Real water is flowing and alive, as you can find in a river or mountain stream.

Unfortunately, most of our drinking water today is dead, having passed through 90° right angles in a pipe, having been treated with chlorine and fluoride (both toxins), and containing remnants of antibiotics, glyphosate and Big Pharma drugs. It may do just enough to keep us alive, but it’s not allowing us to thrive.

Water has memory and carries past information, as the pioneering research of Masaru Emoto showed. It absorbs what you are thinking and feeling, and changes its structure accordingly.

Related: Lawsuit Could End Water Fluoridation Once And For All By Demonstrating Its Neurotoxicity

If we as a society keep using synthetic drugs and flushing them down the waterways, the water will remember that, and future drinkers of it will get the “memory information” of drugs in their system, regardless of whether they actually take pharmaceuticals or not.

Not all water is equal. How beneficial it is depends on how it is structured. It is heartening to see people promoting structured water, which returns the buoyancy to the hydrogen and oxygen atoms making up the water molecule. We are water.

Whatever we do to our water we do to ourselves. One way out of the deception and conspiracy is to take control of your water, and find a pure source, or ensure you both filter and structure your water to make it as life-giving as possible.

Related: Experiment Proves That Thoughts & Intentions Can Alter Physical Reality

10. Fake Choice

The US (and other Western nations) like to pride themselves on being free, open and offering so much choice to the average citizen. But do they really?

What kind of choice is it when you can choose from over 1000 channels on cable TV and 25 flavors of frozen yoghurt, but when it comes to running society, all the major candidates for political office have identical policies on the things that count?

All the western countries have a red party and a blue party, the illusion of choice

Related: Ardern Intent On Smashing Free Speech

Is there any real choice when one US politician is slightly tougher on immigration, but both support the current parasitic monetary system (privately owned Rothschild central banks like the Federal Reserve), the continuation and expansion of the US Empire through constant war and military base acquisition, and crony capitalism where politicians reward corporations at the expense of ordinary people?

Real choice is the power to have a say in the direction of society, not what material variety you have as a consumer.

11. Fake Money

A nation can never truly prosper as a free, fair and egalitarian society as long as it has a rigged monetary system. Today’s money is a privately-controlled creation.

The controllers, who own a government-sanctioned central bank in almost every country on earth, long ago convinced the government to adopt their funny money and rule that it be made legal tender.

This funny money is fake money, because it carries no intrinsic value. It’s just pieces of paper with ink – and now, increasingly, just digits typed into a computer. It’s fiat currency.

The word fiat means “by Government decree”, so funny money gets its value just because the Government says it does!

The founder of the Rothschild empire, Mayer Amschel Rothschild, once said:

“Give me control of a nation’s money and I care not who makes its laws”.

His son, Nathan Rothschild, said:

Related: The Rothschild’s Global Crime Syndicate And How It Works

“I care not what puppet is placed on the throne of England to rule the Empire. The man who controls Britain’s money supply controls the British Empire and I control the British money supply.”

Our world is unlikely to change until people realize the power of money creation, and demand to have it restored to public control, either under the Government or in another more decentralized way. The first step in all of this is for people to realize how fake our money is.

12. Fake Economy

Don’t you love the way political leaders get up in their public addresses and claim with a straight face that the state of the union and the economy are strong?

Anyone who has looked at the rapid and almost hyperbolic rise of governmental debt and borrowing in the last 10 years knows the west is in deep trouble.

Related: The World’s Best Economist

The USG owes a staggering $18 trillion, and many other nations worldwide (like the UK, Spain, Italy) are also in debt to the international banking cartel. What kind of economy relies on constantly borrowing money from tomorrow just to stay afloat today?

I’ll tell you – a completely fake economy that is bound to crash sooner or later when the debt gets called in.

13. Fake Free Markets

The NWO elite love to talk about the importance of free markets – when it suits them, of course.

By free markets they actually mean markets where they are unfettered by governmental regulation to exploit whomever and whatever they want, or conversely where they rely upon the Government to enforce something that ordinarily people would not choose.

Take for example California’s recent ruling of mandatory vaccinations, and the US Federal Government’s refusal to restrict GMOs or even allow GMO labeling.

The Government willingly destroys free markets around healthcare (Obamacare) and vaccines to benefit its Big Pharma masters, while simultaneously refusing to protect the public against the dangers it was created to guard against. We have convenient and fake free markets, not true ones.

14. Fake Free Trade Agreements

Another aspect of fake free markets is the spate of “free trade” agreements which is more Orwellian doublespeak for restricted trade agreements – that is, restricted to anyone except giant corporations.

Just look at the fallout from NAFTA, CAFTA and other free trade agreements which outsourced middle class jobs to China, India mad other developing nations and destroyed many American jobs. The latest round of secret treaties (the TPP, TTIP and TISA) will be more of the same.

As I documented in “How the TPP is Going to Affect You“, the TPP, if passed, will result in consequences like the weakening of the minimum wage, more censorship, more copyright, less freedom of expression, private corporate courts like the ISDS which supplant national sovereignty, stronger patents, more control for Big Pharma and less environmental protection.

15. Fake Accounting

Underpinning the fake economy is fake accounting. Remember on September 10th, 2001, when then Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld (the same guy who gave the sweet killer aspartame to the world) announced that $2.3 trillion was missing and unaccounted for.

That’s right – he couldn’t find $2.3 trillion! The public has a short memory, and the very next day (conveniently) we were hit with the mass ritual and false flag attack of 9/11, so it all got swept under the carpet.

Even that figure, as preposterously large as it is, doesn’t compare to the $9 trillion allegedly “missing”, as explored here by Alan Grayson, one of the few US Congressmen with any principle or backbone.

Of course, the digitalization of money allows for every greater amounts of fakery than just fiat paper currency … and massive amounts of money are being siphoned off for black military operations (black ops) and the Secret Space Program.

16. Fake Welfare

The elite owners of multinational corporations, many of whom are millionaires if not billionaires, like to complain about the US welfare system and programs like SNAP or food stamps as it is colloquially called.

Meanwhile, corporate welfare is rakes in billions of dollars in governmental contracts, subsidies and tax cuts due to the corrupt and indue influence they wield (chiefly through lobbying). The point of welfare is to help the poorest and neediest – not the wealthiest.

The preponderance of corporate welfare and the power of corporatocracy is another sign that the US is a fascist society – fascist in Mussolini’s sense that the ruling class control affairs through the merging of State and Corporate power.

17. Fake Government

The figurehead of all this fakery is Government, so it’s no surprise that Government itself is also an entirely fake creation.

In the US, many legal documents such as the State Constitution of Arizona state that Government only exists ”… to protect the rights of the governed”, while documents such as the Declaration of Independence affirm that a Government only derives its powers with the consent of the governed.

Related: A Constitutional Timebomb: Is New Zealand’s Government And Court System Unlawful?

Current Governments around the world are fake – they exist to exploit rather than protect the public. Governments are not de jure entities but are rather de facto. They secretly incorporated (such as the US Government incorporating itself in 1871) and are now, legally, corporations whose sole purpose is to maximize profit.

Appropriately, the fake Government is headed by fake leaders or rather misleaders, who with the exception of a rare few, are puppets whose souls have been bought and paid for by the true ruling force behind the scenes.

18. Fake Republic

The US was set up to be a Republic, not a Democracy. What’s the difference?

The difference is that a republic contains protections of individual and minority rights, so that no mater who is in power, these basic rights can never be infringed, while a democracy runs on majority opinion, so that if a majority (whose emotions can easily be swayed by controllers who own the media and understand psychology) votes to impose its rule on the minority, that’s how it goes.

The US has been deliberately turned from a constitutional republic into a corporate democracy. It is a fake republic now.

19. Fake Democracy

The above points about republics and democracies was talking about the technical or legal definition of those terms.

In the broader sense, however, people use the word “democracy” to mean a system where the common people have a fair say in public affairs.

The US loves to boast how it is delivering democracy to the world, but most invaded countries see – and it’s a long list of aggression from the end of World War 2 until today, from Iran to Guatemala to Cuba to Chile to Panama to Kuwait to Libya to Iraq and many more – is not democracy but rather tanks, fighter jets, missiles and bombs.

Related: Republic Or Democracy And Self-Governance

True democracy has nothing to do with invading other sovereign nations and stealing their resources to please corporate puppeteers.

20. Fake Elections

Elections in many societies have become a farce with the introduction of rigged electronic voting machines that leave no paper trail.

If you can’t trust that your vote will be counted properly, how can you possibly think an average person could have any say at all in public affairs?

Related: DHS Sting Operation Rumors Of Massive Voting Fraud + Intelligence Expert Steve Pieczenik Claims 2020 Election Was A “Sophisticated Sting Operation” That Has Trapped The Democrats In The Most Massive Criminal Election Fraud In History

Stalin is rumored to have said that:

“The people who cast the votes decide nothing. The people who count the votes decide everything.”

The situation has become so absurd that in the 2012 US presidential race, it was candidate Mitt Romney’s company who actually purchased voting machines!

The film Uncounted did a great job exposing how rigged and dysfunctional the Diebold voting machines are.

In addition to rigged voting machines, consider how the fake debates we get shown on MSM TV, where elite-favored candidates are fed softball questions while anyone challenging the establishment is sidelined, given less air time and hit with personal attacks, unfounded accusations or hard questions.

21. Fake National Security

National security is the favorite justificatory term invoked by the elite to hide their documents and actions under the cloak of secrecy, while invading other sovereign nations abroad and taking away people’s rights domestically.

However, national security has nothing to do with making you more secure; it’s about making the elite more secure (by entrenching military secrecy and contracts) and you more insecure (by taking  your rights and liberties away).

Think of the immense amount of information kept classified and under lock and key – everything from UFOs to ETs to cancer cures to free energy devices – which the public deserves to know and has the right to know, yet fake national security is preventing them from accessing it.

22. Fake Defense

In the US and Australia it’s the Department of Defense/Defence. In NZ and the UK it’s the Ministry of Defence. In Canada it’s the Department of National Defence. Israel has its IDF (Israeli Defense Force).

Pick your country, it doesn’t matter: the war departments always adopt the PR language of defense, since it’s so much easier to justify than attack. Yet take a close look at what these nations do. They routinely attack other nations on the flimiest of pretexts to gain more geopolitical influence, install puppet dictators, steal land and pillage natural resources.

Israel loves to talk about its right to defend itself, but when has Israel ever been under a real threat of attack – apart from in their own imagination? Perhaps they were worried that a few Palestinians with rocks and sticks might be able to penetrate their billion-dollar defenses, generously donated by US taxpayers.

When has the US ever been in real danger of being attacked? Never. Pearl Harbor was an inside job– they knew it was coming. It was an excuse to get the US into WW2.

Since then (and even before then too), the US military has always been about unbridled aggression, preemptive strikes and attack, thanks to the out-of-control military-industrial-intelligence complex. There’s nothing defensive about it.

Since then (and even before then too), the US military has always been about unbridled aggression, preemptive strikes and attack, thanks to the out-of-control military-industrial-intelligence complex. There’s nothing defensive about it.

23. Fake Education

True education is the drawing out of the inherent beauty and talent inside of us.

This makes sense, since etymologically, it is derived from the Latin words “e” or “ex” meaning “out of”, and “ducare” meaning to lead or draw. True education stands in stark contrast to indoctrination, which as the word suggests is all about putting dogma, belief systems or doctrines into someone’s mind.

Unfortunately, our education system today is one of fake education or indoctrination, having been set up the elite in the early 20th century.

Related: Unschooling: Radical Education That Produces Free Human Beings Instead Of Slaves

They in turn based it on the earlier Prussian industrial school model which was designed to produce obedient citizens, workers and soldiers – not creative free thinkers who would challenge the system.

Many people such as Norman Dodd have exposed how powerful tax-exempt organizations, such as the Rockefeller, Carnegie and Ford Foundations, have hijacked the US Republic.

They especially focused their efforts on influencing the curriculum and using it to mold the minds of the impressionable young. John D. Rockefeller is widely quoted as saying, “I don’t want a nation of thinkers, I want a nation of workers.”

24. Fake Law

Just like many other aspects of our society, we are also surrounded by an entire system of fake law. Our legal system has been overtaken by admiralty jurisdiction or maritime jurisdiction, which was formerly used as the main commercial jurisdiction to adjudicate disputes among merchants sailing with goods on the seas between ports and countries.

However, the average man or woman is at a big disadvantage walking into commercial jurisdiction (rather than common law jurisdiction) where many rights don’t apply, because things are run on contract.

Related: Lawful And Legal: Why You Need To Know What They Mean & It Is All A Word Game: Why “Persons” Are Not Real

Much of today’s “law” is not true law but fake law: statutes, regulations, rules, policy, by-laws and codes. These are all commercial terms which only apply to commercial entities – such as your legal person or strawman, the capital letters name/version of yourself, which functions as the joinder or bridge to cross over from common law into commercial law.

The Government and Law Society rely upon deception to trick you into accepting their presumptions of law as facts of law. These presumptions become unrebutted facts unless you challenge them.

The truth is that all of these statutes do not apply to you unless you agree to be part of some society or organization, and this includes unwittingly admitting you are a citizen or resident of a country, which legally means you are a member / employee / franchisee of the United States Inc. or any other privately-incorporated Government.

The same goes when you admit you a “taxpayer” to the IRS.

You can learn more about how to escape all of this trickery by educating yourself with sovereignty resources.

25. Fake Rights

We are all born free. We are all born with real, natural, unalienable, God-given, inherent human rights – choose whatever word you want to describe them – regardless of where you were born geographically.

Yet instead of honoring these inherent rights, governments like to give us fake rights instead, which are really just privileges in disguise.

The thing about privileges, of course, is that they can be revoked at any time by the governing authority. As I discussed in the article “We All Have Inherent Rights – Regardless of Whether a Nation’s “Authority” Recognizes It“, we have been given “civil rights” and UN “human rights” which are not the same thing as stand alone, inherent rights.

These fake rights have the effect of making us more like servant-slave, rather than master-creator, in relation to Government.

26. Fake Consent

Just as we have been tricked with fake law and fake rights, we have also been tricked with fake consent.

Many of the contracts we sign with Government or the big corporations are adhesion contracts, meaning a contract where one side is heavily favored by the terms and where the other party is severely restricted.

These include but are not limited to contracts with the DMV (driver’s licenses), IRS and SSA, as well as those concerning voter registration, bank accounts and credit cards.

By law, to have a valid contract, all parties must enter knowingly, willfully, and voluntarily, with full disclosure of all of the terms; if not, then the contract is considered unconscionable and an act of fraud.

There are ways of revoking adhesion contracts, but most people don’t even realize they unwittingly gave consent in the first place.

27. Fake Morality

I have already covered how utterly fake the MSM is. Yet, for all their fakery, they love to claim the high moral ground and pretend they are being ethical and proper, all the while deliberately deceiving you and lying to your face.

The MSM will happily condone the bombing of 3rd world countries and paint war in a good light at the behest of its military-corpoate owners, but will act all outraged because someone walked around naked or said the word “f*ck”.

It then goes to great lengths to censor certain words like this – f*ck – while going on it merry way, e.g. supporting the Zionist Israeli destruction of Palestine by pretending that Israel is not the aggressor or is in serious danger.

28. Fake Spirituality

True spirituality, which is the awareness of one’s own divine nature and one’s own connection to the Infinite, has been usurped by organized religion, which has inserted its own set of middlemen (priests, pastors, rabbis, imams, etc.) between you and the Infinite, and started to charge you a fee for “divine translation services”.

Related: The Opiate Of The Masses: When Religion Becomes An Addiction

From one perspective you can say that all religions contain a kernel of truth, and that is true; however, from another perspective, you can say that all religions have become bogged down in dogma, doctrine, fantasy and ridiculous belief, are recycled Sun and Saturn worship, and are selling people down the garden path with a mixture of disempowering beliefs and Satanic elements.

David Icke, Jordan Maxwell and others have highlighted how religions have borrowed and stolen elements from previous versions, how the Middle East is a religion factory (see embedded video above) and how religion has ultimately been given to us to deceive us.

29. Fake Clouds

As the geoengineering agenda races onward unabated, people are still in denial about the existence of chemtrails, preferring instead to believe the fake argument that they are contrails – despite the fact that experienced pilots have confirmed that contrails disappear in 10-12 seconds, while chemtrails linger for hours.

These days geoengineering has changed its name multiple times (including SRM [Solar Radiation Management] and Climate Remediation), probably in an attempt to confuse people and cover up the horrific reality of its activities.

Sadly, today as you gaze up into the sky, there is no guarantee any more that you are seeing real clouds. With the intense amount of aerosol spraying and cloud seeding going on, there is always a good chance you are seeing the fake clouds of geoengineering, which continues to spray toxic sulfates and iodides of barium, strontium, aluminum, iron and silver.

Geoengineeing has been implicated in the decline of the bee population. Meanwhile, Big Biotech owns the patents on aluminum-resistant GMO crops – which I’m sure is just a coincidence. Nothing to worry about; move along please!

Related: The United Nations Exposes Chemtrails 100% Proof We Are Being Poisoned 

30. Fake War on Terror

When it comes to fakery, the utterly fake War on Terror is close to the top of the list. As Aussie comedian Steve Hughes says, how can you have a war on something which is the consequence of war?

Terror is a consequence of war. Terrorism is one of the most deceptive and effective tools of the NWO (New World Order) to trick people into allowing centralization of control, and allowing Government to pass laws, encroach upon rights and grab power when it otherwise would not have been able to do so.

Related: Israeli Defense Minister Confirms Israel Backing Of ISIS In Syria

Look at the Patriot Act another horrendous pieces of legislation which gutted the Bill of Rights, passed in haste because scared politicians wouldn’t stop to read it, and a scared population went along with it.

However, we were warned about fake terrorism. Recall Aaron Russo’s account of his meeting with Nick Rockefeller, who was trying to bring him in to the inner folds of the NWO, and revealed to him that the elite were planning false flag attacks and a global war on terror way before 9/11 occurred.

Recall also Carol Rosin’s account, who learnt from Nazi/NASA insider Werner von Braun who predicted that the game plan was to fool people with fake communism, fake terrorism, fake asteroids and a fake alien invasion.

31. Fake Lone Nutter Killers

This is another favorite tactic of the elite – kill game-changing activists and public figures who have the power to change the world (JFK, Bobby Kennedy, MLK, John Lennon, etc.) with mind-controlled patsies.

Related: False Flag Terrorism: Murdering The Innocent In Order To Support The Lie + 15 Ways To Detect A False Flag Operation

Then, control the MSM so that you can paint a false narrative about a random, unconnected, lone nutter who just happened to have a personal vengeance against the victim or was out of his mind. Lee Harvey Oswald, Sirhan Sirhan, James Earl Ray and Mark Chapman have all been exposed as innocent patsies and expendable victims who were unwittingly part of a grander conspiracy.

32. Fake Boogeymen

Finally, on a similar note to above, just as the elite controllers give us fake lone nutters to take the fall, they also provide us with fake boogeymen to scare us.

Some of these boogeymen have really scary beards and turbans, and are able to overcome the most advanced air defense (NORAD) of the most militarily sophisticated nation on Earth (the USA) from a cave in Afghanistan.

Related: Reflecting On The Truth Of 9/11 - What Will Be The Straw That Breaks The Camel's Back?

Cue Osama Bin Laden, close friend of the Bushes, one of America’s grandest criminal families.

Thanks to Prescott Bush (who traded with the Nazis), George Bush Sr. (former CIA head and US President involved in JFK’s death, serial rapist and pedophile, member of the Carlyle Group), George Bush Jr. (mentally impaired US President who presided over 9/11 and the fake War on Terror) and now candidate Jeb Bush, CIA-trained and funded Osama is in great company.

I suppose it’s just a coincidence that the Bin Ladens were having lunch with the Bushes the day before 9/11 occurred:

“According to the Washington Post, the Carlyle Group met at the Ritz Carlton Hotel in NYC one day before 9/11. In attendance at this meeting were former president George H. W. Bush and  Shafiq bin Laden, the brother of Osama …”

33. Fake False Flag Events

The rate of staged false flag operations, whether they be false flag shootings or false flag bombings, has been increasing. It almost seems like there’s one that goes by somewhere every month.

It’s Another Day, Another False Flag. Maybe this is due to how effectively the elite can fool the general population, and scare them into giving up their rights and supporting the centralization of power.

It was clearly a missile that hit the Pentagon on 9/11 and not an airliner...

Related: JFK To 911: Everything Is A Rich Man's Trick

Yet, at the same time, there is also a growing awareness of a critical mass of people who see right through these events. After all, we have been exposed to a lot of them.

In the last 15 years, here is a brief and incomplete list of 21st century false flag ops:

9/11 of 2001

The Bali bombings in Indonesia of 2002

7/7 of 2005

The Norway shooting of 2011

The fake Sandy Hook (Sandy Hoax) shooting of 2012

The Boston Marathon bombing of 2013

The LAX shooting of 2013

The Santa Barbara shooting of 2014

The Malaysian Flight 17 of 2014 (falsely blamed on Russia)

The “Sydney Siege” in Australia of 2014

The French Charlie Hebdo shooting of 2015

The Tunisia shooting of 2015

The Charleston shooing of 2015

and so on. There are many more that didn’t make that list. Paul Watson of InfoWars pointed out a few years ago how even the military term false flag had begun to permeate in the mass consciousness and had cropped up way more as a search term online.

Remember how InfoWars reporter Dan Bidondi asked a Boston official, on live TV just as it was unfolding, whether the Boston Marathon bombing was a false flag event?

It would appear with the rising consciousness that the elite are going to be hard pressed to keep using false flag operations – unless they take it to a whole new level with perfect, undetectable holograms.

You can read concrete evidence about False Flags by following this link.

34. Fake Crisis Actors

Related to the fakery of false flag operations are the fake crisis actors used by the MSM to attempt to deceive you.

Related: People Are Finally Learning About False Flag Terror

The alternative media has done a great job exposing the extent of fakery here, including exposing crisis actors at Sandy Hook, the Boston Marathon, the Charleston shooting and many other events.

On several occasions, the lying MSM even used the same crisis actors (see here and here) for different false flag events!

35. Fake Pandemics

While the threat of bioweapons, including those that are constructed to target certain ethnicities, races or segments of society, is quite appealing to an elite cabal bent on depopulation, the fact remains that the recent pandemics we have witnessed, especially the ebola pandemic, are exaggerated and fake.

Kudos to Len Horowitz for his years of research in documenting the rise of bioweapons and fake pandemics, and also to Jon Rappoport who kept a cool head and questioned every aspect of the ebola psy-op, while many others were taken in by the propaganda.

Deconstructing The Ebola Agenda & Is the Bilderberg Group Behind Ebola? + The Effective Treatment For The Bioweapon That Is Ebola

Wasn’t it telling and almost surreal the way the ebola phenomenon just suddenly dropped off the map, after the US Government allegedly gave the order to the MSM to stop reporting on it?

36. Fake Moon Landing

The moon landing is another stunning piece of fakery that has gone down in the official history books as fact. Perhaps the best pieces on the issue are Jay Weinder’s analysis, Secrets of The Shining: Or How Faking the Moon Landings Nearly Cost Stanley Kubrick his Marriage and his Life and also in this interview.

Weidner presents a compelling argument that the elite convinced Stanley Kubrick to fake the moon landing in exchange for secrecy and future film budgeting.

Kubrick himself was very well acquainted with the Satanic underbelly of the New World Order, and produced one of the most striking films which ever exposed it (Eyes Wide Shut), with its famous scene of a Satanic ritual orgy and sacrifice in a mansion of the elite.

A consensus seems to now indicate that in fact some of the moon landings were real, and some were faked

Related: Secret Space Program Disclosure: Founders Of Solar Warden SSP With William Tompkins

Kubrick died from a heart attack before the release of the film despite being reported to have been in good health with a strong heart – just another coincidence, I’m sure.

It is quite possible we went to the moon – just not in the way we were told. If you study the origins of NASA, you will realize it came out of the JPL (Jet Propulsion Laboratory) of Jack Parson, black magician and follower of Aleister Crowley.

Later, Nazi scientists joined NASA who were smuggled into the US under Operation Paperclip. Additionally, there are many Freemasons at NASA, including many of the astronauts on the 1960s and 1970s missions.

37. Fake International Space Station and Fake Space Walks

The fakery about space is not limited to the moon landing. There are numerous videos regarding the ISS (International Space Station) which look obviously faked, including one where one of the astronaut Chris Cassidy slips up and admits they are shooting the video in a US town on the ground.

The Chinese also released a very suspect “space walk” where a bubble can be seen going past the astronauts’s head! There is another video showing someone with scuba gear aboard a supposed space craft. So what’s really going on in space? It’s hard to know, but these examples of fakery are easy to spot.

38. Fake History

It has been said many times that history is written by the victors. If these victors have an agenda to dominate or set up a system of control with their newly won power to ensure they remain at the helm for many years to come, they can easily rewrite history or give us fake history in order to legitimize themselves.

George Orwell wisely observed that:

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“Who controls the present controls the past; who controls the past controls the future.”

What he meant by that is that if you are currently in power, you have the means to censor information (e.g. internet firewalls, data deletion, book burning, etc.), and then, by controlling what people thought happened, you can shape the past in a favorable way so as to ensure you remain in power for the future.

An obvious example is the way the Zionist-dominated press reported on World War 2 and the events leading up to it.

This is why revisionist history is so important; we need people to actively reexamine our past and work out what happened, so we can see the patterns and learn from our mistakes. As George Santayana said, “those who cannot learn from history are doomed to repeat it”.

39. Fake Authority

An overarching theme of all the fakery I have listed is that humanity has given it power all to fake authority. We have been tricked into giving over unquestioning obedience to authority, without stopping to think critically, question sources and biases, and make decisions for ourselves.

It’s all too easy for someone to don a black robe, white jacket or shiny badge and appear to be somehow above you.

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Yes, some people have gone through a lot of hard work and training to become a judge, priest, scientist, doctor or cop, but they are still human. They still don’t know everything.

What if they just memorized a lot of facts and procedures themselves without ever truly questioning it or understanding it, then just repeated and parroted it over to you?

40. Fake Universe

Finally, it seems the very universe in which we live is, also, not exactly “real”. The recent upsurge and popularity of the flat earth movement (who have highlighted many interesting anomalies that can’t be explained by the globe earth model) shows that we still have some investigation to do in determining exactly what kind of place we live on.

On a more fundamental level, however, we live in a fake universe in the sense that it’s a giant hologram or simulated reality.

People from all walks of life have hinted at this deep truth, whether it be ancient Hindu teachings that the world is maya (illusion), researchers such as the late Michael Talbot who wrote the great book The Holographic Universe, or cutting edge scientific studies trying to prove that the holographic model of reality fits the data better than the standard models of physics.

Let There Be Light: First Individual Particle Of Light Ever Seen + The Birth Of Quantum Holography - Making Holograms Of Single Light Particles

These days there are many Western scientists putting their energy into cracking the code of our holographic reality. Mainstream media outlets are exploring the fake universe topic too. Take a look at the following:

A study by Nick Bostrom in 2003 which proposed “at least one of the following propositions is true: (1) the human species is very likely to go extinct before reaching a “posthuman” stage; (2) any posthuman civilization is extremely unlikely to run a significant number of simulations of their evolutionary history (or variations thereof); (3) we are almost certainly living in a computer simulation.

It follows that the belief that there is a significant chance that we will one day become posthumans who run ancestor-simulations is false, unless we are currently living in a simulation.”

A study by theoretical physicist Juan Maldacena in 1997 proposed that “an audacious model of the Universe in which gravity arises from infinitesimally thin, vibrating strings could be reinterpreted in terms of well-established physics.

The mathematically intricate world of strings, which exist in nine dimensions of space plus one of time, would be merely a hologram: the real action would play out in a simpler, flatter cosmos where there is no gravity.”

A study by Daniel Grumiller et al in 2014 proposing the holographic model of the Universe: “These field theories are the putative holographic duals to theories of gravity in three-dimensional asymptotically flat space times”

Everything is Fake!

Everything is fake! The sooner you wake up to the deception, the better.

Above all, remember that you can be real and true in the midst of all this. Don’t let it get you down; let it be a challenge to help you rise to your potential.

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Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi

The Fraudulent Monetary System & The Occult Meanings Of Mortgage: Why A Mortgage Is A Pledge To The Dead
July 1 2023 | From: FinalWakeupCall / Omnithought / Various

Real money limits the ability of governments to tax, borrow, and spend, which also limits the size of the inevitable debt problem.

Fake money is easier for governments to get their hands on, and easier to promise; especially if you can “print” it yourself.

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That’s why national governments can dig themselves into much deeper debt holes, and it is also why, it can never be a model of financial integrity. Anything short of genuine major reform won’t help, the world needs an authentic transformational reform.

The problems are not taxes, not Russia, not ISIS; the problem is real money, because the average citizen has too little of it, while, The Deep State insiders have too much of it. Today’s money is a fraud, make money honest and allow the free market to set the interest rate.

Link gold to money at today’s free market price. Fire all Central Banksters. Open a gold window at the Treasury department, and exchange gold for the local paper currency at a pre-set fixed rate.

Bring the military home, stop all wars, and ban budget deficits. Every government should be expected to live within their means, without any exception. The result: No debt.

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Expect that it will be like the dawn of a dead country when easy money falls away. The cronies and zombies will rise up. It would be preferable to eliminate these beforehand through the Shoot To Kill practice by the freedom alliance fighters.

To better understand the financial troubles the world is in, read on to learn who has created this mess in the first place.

Perpetual Debt Spiral:

The Illuminati invented and implemented the perpetually growing debt spiral, but now something has changed. A big change of this sort is enormous as it signals the trend to get out of debt. Deleveraging by paying down debt. That is, of course, a contraction. Contraction means depression.

The world is going into a depression and it’s going to get very nastyThe end result will be; nations’ governments are going to have to revalue gold because that is the only thing they will have left.

They will have to resort to that to keep trade going. No country is completely independent economically. All nations need things that others produce. In order to keep the world trade going, there is no other solution than going back to gold.

For at least one hundred years the financial system has been manipulated to the hilt, bringing the world to its knees through the financial engineering of the elite, which should have been alarming enough for every well-educated expert.

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But the majority has been masterfully kept in the dark about the hidden agenda, not taking heed of the bells ringing loud and clear. In-depth analyses reveal that the whole monetary system is – unintentionally – in its final stage of self-destruction.

The excessive currency printing of debt-money has arrived in its final ‘reflation’ stage of self-destruction. Because the debt in the world has grown so excessively, the credit-system has gone into reverse mode, as result of the invention of the perpetual debt spiral.

By not issuing the money for interest payment, an absurd situation occurs in that not enough liquidity is created to repay all debt. And even more ludicrous, when all debt is paid there is no currency left in circulation.

Reflation is no longer possible anymore and the deflationists are being proven to have been correct all along. They are correct in regards to a credit system working in reverse with a negative feedback loop stoking a deflationary death spiral.

Debt Reflation in Reverse is Like Shooting Without Ammunition:

Reflation is a fiscal or monetary policy, designed to expand a country’s output and curb the effects of deflation. This now is going in reverse, changing in the opposite direction. In fact, debt reflation is deflation of debt, making the economic situation worse, leading to contraction, propelling the economy into a collapse.

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Clearly the Khazarian mafia is getting scared and running out of ammunition. The fact that the Khazarian mob controlled Bank of Japan, like the ECB in Europe was forced to resort to negative interest rates, proves their fake fiat monies are worth less than nothing. The US Federal Reserve Board will be forced to do the same thing.

The more people put money in their banks, the more that money is vanishing.

It’s a remarkable time right now. This is all taking place before we are able to identify what the world is going through or where it is headed. People who are AWAKE have long seen this coming, and now we’re in the middle of it.

There are really two converging worlds – the vibrational changes from beyond are attacking the Khazarian Mafia-controllers that block these positive energies, and jam the beneficial signals bestowed on the people by instilling fear and insecurity, meanwhile bombarding us with a toxic cocktail of electromagnetic, chemical, genetic, nuclear and techno-trans humanist influences.

There is just one small problem, what will happen to the currencies of these central bank issuers including and especially those of The Fed, who also are caught up in the negative feedback loop?

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These will vanish as result of their own intentional mistake of not putting enough money into circulation to pay back all the outstanding loans plus interest payments.
Currency survival:

This is the main and most pressing financial question people ever have faced in their lifetimes. Will the currencies survive and thrive in the deflation period or will they be seen for what they are, IOU’s of bankrupt issuers at the very centre of the credit crisis quagmire? If you answer this question incorrectly, you have finished your own financial life.

The key question is, against what assets will the currencies “deflate”? The answer of course is as it has always has been, “gold”.

While the pundits will have you believegold was devalued against the dollar in 1934", this for sure was quite the opposite. And while certain experts now will have you believe the “dollar” was the best investment in the 1930’s, for sure they are wrong!

The Importance of Gold:

Dollars then were “derivatives” – derived from – of gold. At that time, dollars were freely interchangeable at banks until 1933, then the dollar was devalued from $20.67 to $35 dollars that was necessary to purchase one ounce of gold.

In other words, it took nearly 75% more dollars to purchase an ounce of gold – end of story, gold was King during the last and only deflation since then, dollars and all other currencies now will be devalued versus gold again.

The two most important aspects of gold are; it cannot go “bankrupt” nor can it be freely “printed”. Those who say the U.S. can never “go bankrupt” because the debt is in dollars and they will just print more, are 100% correct but horribly wrong!

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Correct, the U.S. can print any amount of dollars necessary to pay off debt. This still doesn’t mean they do not “default”. In other words:

If McDonalds fails to give you a promised hamburger next Tuesday but instead promises you a hamburger every Tuesday for the rest of your life, where’s the beef? It never ever comes, just as there will be zero value to any dollar bill should the U.S. or any other central banker decide to print the Zillions needed to avoid default.

This falls under the category SUPPLY versus DEMAND! In case you don’t understand what is said, “old” dollars will become worthless as they become over-printed to avoid “default” – but devaluation is default in its own right.


In the meantime, wait for the currency event termed “hyperinflation” that is bound to happen; as debtors must navigate a deflationary environment where credit is drying up everywhere they look.

It should amaze everyonethat the world is facing a liquidity crisis after all the trillions of digital currency units added to the system since 2008 – it seems almost impossible to have a lack of liquidity doesn’t it?

As explained above, under debt reflation in reverse; this is the fact debtors face globally and that threatens to shut the system down, because of no liquidity!

Taking this two steps further than the deflationists, what exactly will happen once credit does collapse and the spigot gets shut off? In the case of the U.S., they most likely will “print” to the point of full – rather than the current partial monetization of all the debt.

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This printing will be done by a bankrupt entity with more IOU’s around the globe than humanity can count. How will the massive supply of dollars issued by a bankrupt and fraudulent issuer possibly be a “good thing” for the value of dollars? There is none!

This process, no matter how simple it seems to be, is two-steps too far for the deflationists! The real result of credit freezing up will amount to a national and probably a global famine. It is incredible that the aspect of credit is almost never connected to “distribution”. Forget about actual farming or production needing credit to function, how will products make it to store shelves without credit even if it does “grow”?

Fight The New World Order with Global Non Compliance:

Understand your enemy, and understand the weapons they use. Then use those same weapons against them. The money system is the head of the snake. Cut the head off the snake and the rest of it will whither and die.

There need be No violence, no guns, no banners, no slogans, no group think, just a united act of global non compliance.

Remember, that it is much easier to fight for principles than to live up to them and it takes a far braver man to stand up for what is right and spit in the face of authority than it does to blindly follow orders due to fear of the consequences. Understand that we are all one and the key to real change and unity in this world lies with love.

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It is time for the people of the world to stop and realise that the divisions that supposedly exist amongst us are an illusion. There is no division and its time for everyone to understand the truth of this.

It is through the constantly promoted illusion of division that the system is able to function but in order for it to do so, it needs public compliance.

Its time for us all to collectively stand together and address the root cause of the problems, which lies in the fraudulent monetary system.

Stop complying with it, and you will shut down the monetary system.

Fight The New World Order with Global Non Compliance

The Occult Meanings Of Mortgage: Why A Mortgage Is A Pledge To The Dead

Owning a nice home is a dream that most people have. Deep down, nearly everyone wants to live in a nice home. One of the main obstacles that prevents most people from owning a home of their dream is the high cost.

Depending where people live today, a regular house can cost a few hundred thousand dollars. Because houses are so expensive, most people need to get a specific type of loan from a bank to pay for the house they want to live in. This type of loan is called a mortgage.

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What most people do not know about a mortgage is that it is designed to enslave them with fictitious debt, allowing the banksters to collect money from them and give it to their masters (the Dark Magicians). The main purpose of this deception is to trick people to give some of their life force energy to the Dark Magicians through the magical medium called paper currency.

To learn how the Dark Magicians and their minions are able to trick you to give some of your life force energy to them, you need to find the occult (hidden) meaning of the words mortgage and currency and study them until you innerstand what they mean on a deeper level.

Once you really innerstand the hidden meaning of the words mortgage and currency, you should know that a mortgage is a pledge to the DEAD.

The Occult Meaning of Mortgage

One of the overt definitions of the word mortgage is “a conveyance of an interest in property as security for the repayment of money borrowed.”

defines the word mortgage using these exact words: “A legal agreement by which a bank or other creditor lends money at interest in exchange for taking title of the debtor's property, with the condition that the conveyance of title becomes void upon the payment of the debt.”

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Black's Law Dictionary 6th edition defines the word mortgage using these exact words: "A mortgage is an interest in land created by a written instrument providing security for the performance of a duty or the payment of a debt."

The three definitions of the word mortgage in the previous paragraph only define what a mortgage is at the surface level. To find the occult (hidden) meaning of the word mortgage, you need to use an etymology dictionary to help you find the origins of the word mortgage. You also need to split the word mortgage into two words, transforming it into the term "mort-gage".

The word mortgage/mort-gage originated from two Old French words, which are mort and gage. In Old French, mort means dead and gage means pledge. The word pledge comes from Old French plegier, meaning “to promise” or “to solemnly promise or guarantee”.

Dictionary.com defines pledge as “a solemn promise or agreement to do or refrain from doing something”.

Webster's Complete Dictionary of the English Language (1886) defines the word pledge using these exact words: "Any thing given or considered as a security for the performance of an act; as, a man gives his word or makes a promise to another, which is received as a pledge for fulfillment; the mutual affection of husband and wife is a pledge for the faithful performance of the marriage covenant; mutual interest is the best pledge for the performance of treaties.

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"Their liveliest pledge of hope."" It also defines the word pledge using these exact words: "A surety; a hostage." Merriam-Webster.com defines the word hostage as "a person held by one party in a conflict as a pledge pending the fulfillment of an agreement" or "a person taken by force to secure the taker's demands".

To connect the dots, when you take out a mortgage, you unknowingly make a pledge (promise) to the dead, and therefore you agree to be a hostage of the dead. This is one of the occult definitions of the word mortgage. So, what is the dead?

The dead represents the Dark Forces (groups of demons) and their corporations (corpses or dead bodies).

As described in my book titled Word Magic: The Powers & Occult Definitions of Words:

“A corporation is a “corp-o-ration” or “corpse-o-ration”. The plural form of the word corporation can be written as corps. Phonetically, the word corps sounds similar to the word corpse, which is defined as “a dead body, usually of a human being”.

The legal system sees you as a corpse to be used as a ration to feed the Matrix of the Dark Forces. Hence, the word corporation/corp-o-ration/corpse-o-ration.

Do you remember what I said in Chapter 2 about why the government sees you as a legally dead person, because you are considered lost at sea or dead at sea?

The word mortgage also has a strong connection to the words morgue and mortuary. This is why the place where dead bodies are stored is called a morgue. Mortgages are created in a way that makes them hard to pay off, so that when people get a mortgage (a pledge to the dead), they have to work most of their lives to pay it off.

This allows the debt-based monetary system to drain their energy to charge the dead with currency; the currency that people make from many hours of working at a corporation (dead body).

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The word currency and the medium currency are two of the most effective things that the Dark Forces like to use to drain your life force energy.

Below is another excerpt from my book titled Word Magic: The Powers & Occult Definitions of Words. This excerpt reveals how currency is used to trick you to allow the Dark Forces to drain your life force energy.

“As for the word currency, its hidden definition is the “flow of energy”. This is why the stored energy in a battery is called electric current or the currency of electricity. The word currency originated from the Latin word currens, the present participle of currere, which means “to run”.

Now, why would they based the word currency on a Latin word that does not have much to do with paper money or coin? Because it is not really about the paper money or coin. Instead, it is about harnessing the energy of humanity!

To innerstand why currency has a strong relation to energy, you need to find the occult meaning of the word currency. To do this, you need to use phonetics and separate the word currency into two words. When spoken out loud, the word currency sounds similar to the term “current-sea”.

What does a current do in a river? It flows or runs to the sea! Keep in mind that the Latin word currens means “to run”.

The word current can also mean “a flowing; flow, as of a river” or “something that flows, as a stream”. The flowing movement of currents is what causes the freshwater in the river to flow to the sea. Once the freshwater is in the sea, its current is now part of the “current-sea” or the “current of the sea”. Hence, the word currency/current-sea. ...

The word currency also sounds similar to the term “current chi”. In Chinese, the word chi (also known as qi) means natural energy, “life force”, or “energy flow”. Be aware that the Chinese word chi is pronounced somewhat similar to the English word sea. Based on these occult definitions, currency means the “flow of life force energy”.

When you really think about it, currency is a medium for exchanging or transferring life force energy, which is why the Dark Forces are obsessed with using currency to drain your life force energy.”

At the deeper level, when people get a mortgage, they basically agree to sign their life away to the dead. They also agree to make a promise to the dead to charge it with their energy, so that the dead can stay alive. In other words, they agree to make a solemn pledge to the dead to ensure that the dead will be paid and charged with life force energy.

Phonetically, the word dead sounds similar to the word debt. A word that has a strong connection to the words dead and debt is mortgage.

When you pay a mortgage/debt/dead, you basically commit sin. If you want evidence of this, go to Merriam-Webster.com and search for the definition of debt and you should see the word sin as one of its definitions.

The word sin originated from Old English synn, meaning “moral wrongdoing, injury, mischief, enmity, feud, guilt, crime, offense against God, misdeed”.

The reason why you commit sin when you pay a debt is because you basically help the Dark Forces to enslave the human race. The debt system is controlled by the Dark Forces and they are using it to drain the energy of humanity and harm nature.

Using the debt system to harm living beings and nature is against Natural Law (God’s Law)

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Maybe this is why the Bible verse Romans 6:23 says, “For the wages of sin is death”. Sin is debt/dead/death.

By now you should know how the words mortgage, debt, dead, currency, corporation and battery are all related to the process of harnessing the energy of humanity.

This drama is all about tricking humanity to consent to be a “battery“, so that the Dark Forces and their minions can use our life force energy to charge their dead matrix system.

To learn what this matrix is, read my empowering article titled The Artificial Matrix and the Hidden Agenda of Cryptocurrency and study the information in my sixth seminar titled The Matrix Decoded: Decoding the Occult Messages in The Matrix.

What Can You Do to Free Yourself From a Mortgage

By now you should know why you should never get a mortgage. Taking out a mortgage is like asking for a death sentence. If you have a mortgage and want to know how to free yourself from it, you need to first know how to defend your natural rights.

You also need to learn how the legal system really works. My book Word Magic: The Powers & Occult Definitions of Words is a great source of knowledge that teaches you how the legal system works from behind the scenes.

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Former Satanic Priest Exposes The Four Main Tenets Of Satanic Ideology & Are You A Satanist? You Could Be And Not Even Know It + Ask An Ex-Satanist Anything - Katy Perry Super Bowl Ritual
June 30 2023 | From: Sitshow / MarkPassio / Various

In January of 2015, Mark Passio, former Satanic priest, gave a clear and on point, explanation of the ideology of the church of Satan. His knowledge comes from his experience as a former priest in the church of Satan, a branch of the Dark Occult.

Now Passio has changed his personal ideology 180 degrees and helps to expose the insidious precepts of Satanism. Earlier this year, Mark Passio joined Lee Ann McAdoo from Alex Jones' InfoWars for an online interview wherein he discussed the "4 main tenets of Satanism."

Related: How The Term “Satan” Originated And How Satanism Controls Entities & The Djinn (Jinn) And Their
Connection To The Shadow People

Mark's website, is www.whatonearthishappening.com. He was a speaker at a conference in Philadelphia, PA on April 10-12, 2015, advertised on his website, which sought to establish a much more inclusive and caring world view than what he previously believed in.

As Passio explains he was dissatisfied with religion and over time became angry and and gravitated towards the branch of Satanism called the Dark Occult.

His writing and music was recognized by a Satanic church figure, the late Anton LaVey and LaVey asked him to become a priest in the church and to take on the role of converting others to the Satanic counter-religion.

While he does not explain why he left the church of Satan, Passio does explain that his associates within the group were completely unconcerned with him leaving, as they felt confident that nothing he could do could affect them or their power.

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Is it harmful for society to associate the word Satanism solely with human and animal sacrifices and sexual crimes? Could it be that such a definition allows the more sensitive and insidious aspects of the ideology to continue on and become accepted or institutionalized?

What is very interesting about the "Satanic ideology" that Mark Passio describes is that the precepts are not specifically racism or bigotry, the kinds of hatred we frequently associate with criminal acts.

The "4 main tenets of Satanism" as he explains are:

1. Self Preservation

2. Moral Relativism

3. Social Darwinism

4. Eugenics

These concepts [detailed further below] exist on a sliding scale and it is not clear to what degree they are actually practiced by Satanists.

The individuals who practice such a selfish philosophy unbalanced by love or compassion for others would seem like sociopaths among us, perhaps free of criminal records, but who take no risk or responsibility to improve the lives of less fortunate people in society.

As Passio explains, Self Preservation is among the highest Satanic principles, and not in the acceptable sense of being defensive.

Related: The Fight to Save America From Satan's Subliminal Rock Messages

We may know many people in our lives who we consider harmless individuals, without criminal records, who indeed show philosophical traits in common with Satanism, however we would never think of calling them Satanic because we associate that offensive word with human and animal sacrifices, which is a deception that conceals the nature of Satanism as the inverse of Christianity.

For example where Christianity might practice forgiveness and freedom from dogma, Satanism prefers the tools of mercilessness and oppression.

If more corporate businesses than not identify with the ideology of Satanism in their business practices, then are we living in a pre-dominantly Satanic world?

If so, then it is only individuals, practicing self preservation balanced with Jesus' fruits of the Spirit such as compassion to other human beings, that make the world unevil. 

Today Passio  is using his knowledge not to create converts but to expose the Satanic ideology in an effort to reveal how harmful it is.

If it goes un-identified, then it will continue to overwhelm our technological society, in the businesses and sciences, and allow the elite to be dangerously misguided.

We make the world how we create it to be. We are free to create new and better systems of business based on morally objective ideology to overcome old and inferior systems of enslavement.

Despite the aesthetic symbols seen in the background of his recording location, Passio speaks powerfully and knowledgeably against Satanic tools used to oppress massive numbers of people.

He shows that he has re-wired himself in favor of love. On his website the footer reads: All is Love. Which is clearly not the belief of a Satanist.

Former Satanist Exposes Occult Secrets

De-mystifying the occult with Mark Passio. Passio, an independent researcher, public speaker, radio talk show host, conference organizer and freedom activist from Philadelphia, PA., has undertaken the task of assembling vast amounts of research in the areas of metaphysics, occultism, spirituality, symbology and consciousness studies.

Partial Transcript from "Former Satanist Exposes Occult Secrets"

7:41 -

“It has nothing to do with the Christian notion of the devil. Satanism has 4 main tenets or overarching principles of belief.

And that is that self-preservation is the highest goal. And you should do whatever you can to advance your personal power and influence in the world no matter who you really have to walk all over, step on, or hurt to get what you want.

That's really the number one tenet and if you look at society most of society is stuck in that cut-throat, dog-eat-dog, mentality."


"Moral relativism is the second major tenet which is that there is really no such thing as objective standards of right and wrong behavior. That we as human beings can get to decide upon our whims what right and wrong are and base our actions accordingly.

And if you look at most of society I would say more people than not are moral relativists than moral objectivists who think that there is an objective standard of right and wrong behavior. So that's also very pervasive in society."

8:02 -

"The Third major tenet is social darwinism, the idea that the most ruthless in society have some sort of a predetermined idea or pre-destined right to basically rule over everybody else in society because their genetics got them there, and made them fit for rulership.

And many people will actually think like that and think that that's ok, that that's just the natural order or the way things are. You know, and so that's also very pervasive in our society."

8:33 -

"And finally the 4th main pillar of Satanism is eugenics, the idea that those who are socially fit to rule, and they're the fittest in society and therefore they've come out on top and they're ruling the roost, well they can get to decide who basically propagates their genes and who does not, or in other words, who gets to live and who dies.

Who must die."

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This is an interview with a former priest of the Church of Satan, Mark Passio, discussing how the Satanism normally thought of in the world today (the Worship of a "devil" by confused and misguided people) is far more insidious than we could have possibly imagined. 

Instead of small gatherings, acting as individuals (usually we think of satanists as crazy unbalanced teens or psychopaths), Passio describes Satanism is actually a recruiting mechanism for a far darker agenda. Lawyers, Doctors and nearly every other high ranking figure in society was in attendance during his time with them.

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They revealed to him that their efforts are global in scale and have been operating for thousands of years in a cohesive unified effort under the banner of Christianity, Islam, Judaism and nearly every other major institution of thought including Science, Law and Government.

Satanism is not wholly what the official Church of Satan offers in it's writings, it is actually an organization which incorporates organize crime, and fits the profile described by Gordon Duff in his work on the OCC (Organized Crime Cabal); the "illuminati" as they are popularly known.

Goal of Occulted Satanism

Their aim is simple: to push Satanic belief systems on to the masses causing self destructive tendencies; divide and conquer.

People spend most of their lives trying to fight for their egocentric desires, destroying themselves and society in the process, "requiring authorities" at all levels to keep the ignorant masses under control.

The Cabal, or Dark Occultists, position themselves in power to be that controlling force - bringing "order to chaos".

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Occulted Satanism is more a philosophy, a set of beliefs and ideas, pushed on the masses under many guises; nearly all of which are accepted unconsciously.

Materialism, Corporatism, Narcissism, Atheism and nearly all world religions (as they are practiced) - can be thought of as Satanic in this context. (read this wikipedia article on Satanism to provide a context for the popularly known version vs the Occulted version discussed by Passio).

One shocking revelation offered by Passio, and confirmed for oneself by honest investigation, is that the world at large is in a state of consciousness which could be thought of as Satanic.

Related: Vladimir Putin: The New World Order Worships Satan

Stated more simply, humanity is being indoctrinated into Satanic belief systems, modes of thought, and do not realize it because they have a false version of Satanism pushed by the media.

We think Satanism involves "the devil" and sacrificing animals by a few 'bad apples' that are not connected in anyway, but in truth this is not actually the case.

Within the definitions of Satanism provided by Mark, we have the following Tenants (I drafted these in my own words listening to the show):

1. Narcissism

"Me and my needs are the only thing that matters, even at the cost of everyone else". Survival of the self, is most important. "No one else and their personal suffering, matters unless I am affected."

Compassion for others is weakness. (Narcissistic personality disorder, also known as NPD, is a disorder in which the individual has a distorted self image, unstable and intense emotions, is overly preoccupied with vanity, prestige, power and personal adequacy, lacks empathy, and has an exaggerated sense of superiority; balancing their low self image.

NPD is closely associated with egocentrism - a personality characteristic in which people see themselves and their interests and opinions as the only ones that really matter).

2. Moral Relativism

"There is no such thing as truth, I make up what right and wrong are based on what I want. If I can get away with it, then it's "right" and I should; its only wrong, if I get caught."

The belief that objective morality doesn't exist and neither does Truth. This is Solipsism, the belief that there is no truth because we can not know it with absolute certainty; "the view or theory that the self is all that can be known to exist" - Wikipedia.

As such, "what I believe is the only thing that matters, and if I don't believe it - it doesn't exist." New Age Doctrine of - "Ignore the negative, and it will magically go away."

Related: Lucis Trust, Alice Bailey, World Goodwill And Lucifer - The False Light Of The World

3. Social Darwinism

"I focus on my survival and personal needs only; by any means necessary. What gets the job done, whatever I need to do to survive, is the only thing that matters. If someone else can't do the same, they are weak and deserve what they get."

4. Eugenics

"I get to decide who lives and dies, what their value is only in relation to my own self interest. If your not with me your against me. I am superior you are inferior."

Here the aim is to cull the masses, keep the population at a 'workable level'. In the past this was done more directly (i.e. the Holocaust) but today Eugenics is unfolding in an Epi-eugenic way. People, by their own beliefs and actions, eat food that kills them off, and kill each other off in unnecessary conflicts.

Related: Eugenics and the Depopulation Agenda

Other Points

"Humans are just animals - morality, compassion and empathy are just human inventions - only might is right."

There is no God, no organizing force in the Universe; only Entropy - Scientific Atheism is Satanic within this context.

Are you a Satanist?

That question usually offends us so much we never ask ourselves honestly. Let me cast the limelight on myself for the moment. 

The 'Cremation of Care' ritual cermony held annually by the elite in the US at Bohemian Grove, CA.

During my late teens and early 20's, I was a major drug addict. I stole from my family, friends and stores regularly to sustain my addiction.

Doing anything I could to stave off the dope sickness, I always felt the moral wrongness of my actions.

Eventually I made the choice to get clean and moved away from the situations that tempted me. Finally I healed the true cause of the addiction within myself, and now even if I had heroin within my grasp I wouldn't find value in the experience of taking it.

The point is, that I justified my actions, despite having a conscious awareness of how wrong they are, and as such, I was acting as a Satanist.

All my justifications and rationalizing won't change my Satanic behavior, because at the end of the day what I chose to do, was in harmony with the plans of the Dark Occultists.

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Anyone who acts in this way is for all intents and purposes an Agent of the Cabal.

Using this very strict definition, we can easily see that nearly everyone in our modern world is acting out the plans of the Cabal unconsciously.

I know this can be a sobering realization, but can be empowering once we accept it, because we realize that we can personally take action to change.

Why is This Important?

Once we begin to realize that our world views, beliefs and ideals are indoctrinated into us subliminally, we can begin to empower ourselves to take our lives back by reviewing it consciously.

The PRIMARY reason why most people are not Moral, and adhere to passivity in their lives is because of a low self image, which was developed early on in life, and supported by many hidden belief systems pushed by our modern world.

This realization, coupled with a deep drive to rediscover who we really are and undo the years of unconscious programming, slowly heals us.

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Eventually we not only feel better on a daily basis, but we begin to realize that only through ourselves, the personal work of gaining true knowledge and acting in that knowledge, will undo the horrors of this world. 

Humanity as a whole has been conditioned to be dark and materialistic, doomed to self destruction, unless we look in the mirror and realize it is all our collective behaviors and beliefs which maintain the status quo.

Ultimately, we can acknowledge this is happening "to us" and realize only we can do something about it.

Authorities can not 'save us' because blind faith in authorities are the root of the problem. We must become our own guru's and rediscover who we really are, which will naturally undo the years of Satanic programing, and embolden us to act morally in the future. 

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The Violence-Inducing Effects Of Psychiatric Medication & The Psychiatric Agenda Destroys Creative Children
June 29 2023 | From: KellyBroganMD / JonRappoport / Various

On May 17, 2017, we learned that Chris Cornell of Soundgarden had reportedly committed suicide by hanging.

His family reports knowing a different Chris than one who would make this fatal decision, and suspect his anti-anxiety prescription in the altered state he was witnessed to be in the night he died.

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Perhaps an “addict turned psychiatric patient”, like so many, Chris Cornell seemed to have left the frying pan of substance abuse for the fire of psychiatric medication risks.

For reasons that remain mysterious, those under the influence of psychiatric medication often specifically choose to hang themselves in their moment of peak impulsivity.

Some, like Kim’s husband Woody who was never depressed a day in his life but prescribed Zoloft by his internist, even verbalize a felt experience of his head coming apart from his body in the days before he was found hanged in his garage.

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Then there’s 14 year old Naika, a foster child in Florida who hanged herself on a FB livestream after being treated with 50mg of Vyvanse, a drug treatment for ADHD that leads to a domino effect of diagnoses and psychiatric meds including a 13 fold increase in likelihood of being prescribed an antipsychotic medication and 4 fold increase in antidepressant medications than controls.

Are these just rare anecdotes? Is this just the cost of treatment that is helpful for most? Are we blaming medication for what might have been severe mental illness that was undertreated and/or undiagnosed?

Informed Consent: the Premise of Ethical Medicine

I believe first and foremost in informed consent. If you are informed of the risks, benefits, and alternatives to a given treatment, you will be empowered to make the best decision for yourself based on your personal, family, philosophical, and religious life context.

But the truth is that prescribers are not in a position to share the known risks of medications because we learn only of their purported benefits with a short-tagline of dismissively rare risks that are thought to be invariably outweighed by the presenting clinical concern.

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But what about serious risks – including impulsive suicide and homicide – surely we are informing patients of that possibility, right?


In fact, the FDA and the pharmaceutical industry have gone to great lengths to conceal multiple signals of harm so we certainly can’t expect your average prescriber to have done the investigative work required to get at the truth.

In fact, from 1999-2013, US psychiatric medication prescriptions have increased by a whopping 117% concurrent with a 240% increase in death rates from these medications.

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So let’s review some of the evidence that suggests that it may not be in your best interest or the best interest of those around you for you to travel the path of medication-based psychiatry.

Because, after all, if we don’t screen for risk factors – if we don’t know who will become the next victim of psych-med-induced violence – then how can we justify a single prescription?

Are we at a point in the history of medicine where random acts of personal and public violence are defensible risks of treatment for stress, anxiety, depression, inattention, psychosocial distress, irritable bowel syndrome, chronic fatigue, and even stress incontinence?

Let the Science Speak


Prescribed specifically to “prevent” suicide, antidepressants now come with a black box warning label of suicide risk since 2010.

Multi-billion dollar lawsuits like the settlement of Study 329 have been necessary to unlock the cabinet drawers of an industry that cares more about profit than human lives.

A reanalysis of study 329 which initially served as a landmark study in 2001 supporting the prescription of antidepressants to children, has now demonstrated that these medications are ineffective in this population and play a causal role in suicidal behavior.

Concealing and manipulating data that shows this signal of harm, including a doubling of risk of suicide with antidepressant treatment, has generated seeming confusion around this incomprehensibly unacceptable risk profile.

In fact, a reanalysis of an influential US National Institute of Mental Health 2007 study, revealed a four-fold increase in suicide despite the fact that the initial publication claimed no increased risk relative to placebo.

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According to available data – 3 large meta-analyses – more psychiatric treatment means more suicide. Well, that might seem a hazard of the field, right? Where blaming medications for suicide would be like saying that umbrellas cause the rain.

That’s why studies in non-suicidal subjects and even healthy volunteers who went on to experience suicidality after taking antidepressants are so compelling.

Benzodiazepines (like what Cornell was taking) and hypnotics (sleep and anxiety medications) also have a documented potential to increase risk of completed and attempted suicide and have been implicated in impulsive self-harm including self-inflicted stab wounds during changes to dosage.

We also find the documented possibility that suicidality could emerge in patients who are treated with this class of medications even when they are not suicidal with recent research stating:

“Benzodiazepine receptor agonist hypnotics can cause parasomnias, which in rare cases may lead to suicidal ideation or suicidal behavior in persons who were not known to be suicidal”.

And, of course, these medications themselves provide the means and the method with a known lethal poisoning profile.


Clearly murderers are mentally ill, right? What if I told you that the science supports the concern that we are medicating innocent civilians into states of murderous impulsivity?

When Andrew Thibault began to research the safety of a stimulant drug recommended to his son, he entered a rabbit hole he has yet to emerge from.

After literally teaching himself code to decrypt the data on the FDA Adverse Event Reporting System website, he was able to cull 2,000 pediatric fatalities from psychotropic medications, and 700 homicides.

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A Freedom of Information Act and a lawsuit later, he continues to struggle with redacted and suppressed information around 24 homicides directly connected to the use of psychotropics including the homicide by a 10 year old treated with Vyvanse of an infant.

Another case, ultimately recovered, involved statements from a 35 year old perpetrator / patient, who murdered her own daughter, as directly implicating as:

“When I took nortriptyline, I immediately wanted to kill myself. I’d never had thoughts like that before”.

To begin to scientifically explore the risk of violence induced by psychotropic medication, a study sample needs to be representative, the reason for taking the drug needs to be taken into consideration, the effect needs to be controlled for, as do any other intoxicants.

Professor Jari Tiihonen’s research group analysed the use of prescription drugs of 959 persons convicted of a homicide in Finland and found that pre-crime prescription of benzodiazepines and opiates resulted in the highest risk (223% increase) of committing homicide.

Relatedly, eleven antidepressants, six sedative/hypnotics and three drugs for attention deficit hyperactivity disorder represented the bulk of 31 medications associated with violence reported to the FDA.

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Now an international problem, a Swedish registry study identified a statistically significant increase in violence in males and females under 25 years old prescribed antidepressants.

Implicated in school shootings, stabbings, and even the Germanwings flight crash, prescribing of psychotropics prior to these incidences has been catalogued on ssristories.org leading me to suspect psychiatric prescribing as the most likely cause in any and all reports of unusually violent behavior in the public sphere.

Is Association Really Causation?

Beyond the cases where violence to self or others was induced in a non-violent, non-depressed, non-psychotic individual, what other evidence is there that speaks to how this could possibly be happening?

The most seminal paper in this regard, in my opinion, was published in 2011 by Lucire and Crotty. Ten cases of extreme violence were committed by patients who were prescribed antidepressants – not for major mental illness or even for depression – but for psychosocial distress (i.e. work stress, dog died, divorce).

Related: The Shocking Truth About Antidepressant Drug Studies + Peter Breggin MD: How Do Psychiatric Drugs Really Work?

What these authors identified was that these ten subjects had variants to liver enzymes responsible for drug metabolism exacerbated by co-administration of other drugs and substances including herbs. All returned to their baseline personalities when the antidepressant was discontinued.

Now referred to as akathisia-induced impulsivity, the genetic risk factors for this Russian Roulette of violence are not screened for prior to psychotropic prescribing.

Akathisia is a state of severe restlessness associated with thoughts of suicide and homicide.

Many patients describe it as a feeling-less state of apathy – and what I would describe as a disconnection from their own souls, their own experience of human connection, and any measure of self-reflection.

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The genetic underpinnings of this kind of medication-induced vulnerability are just beginning to be explored with identification of precursor symptoms to violence including severe agitation.

In a randomized, placebo-controlled trial, healthy volunteers exhibited an almost 2 fold increased risk of symptoms that can lead to violence.

A 4-5 fold increased risk was noted in patients prescribed a generic version of the antidepressant Cymbalta, off-label, for stress urinary incontinence (a non-psychiatric indication).

There is Another Way

Perhaps it’s as if we are offering the blade edge of a knife to those falling off the cliff of struggle and suffering. Because the idea of managing a chemical imbalance with chemicals seems to make sense.

But at what cost?

The laundry list of acute and chronic adverse effects is growing, and the unpredictable risk of medication-induced violence should lead to an urgent cessation of all psychotropics.

Because it takes 17 years for physician practice to reflect published science, we need grassroots level information sharing. We need to inform ourselves before we consent to engage a system that regards you as an impersonal statistic.

We live in a cultural context that makes no room for the relevance, meaning, and significance of symptoms – symptoms are simply bad and scary and they must be managed. We don’t make room for patients to ask why they are not ok.

Related: 7 Facts About Depression That Will Blow You Away

If you knew that your symptoms were reversible, healable, transformable, you might consider walking that path instead of assuming this level of risk for placebo-level efficacy of psychotropic medication. We would only euthanize a “mental patient” if we felt their condition was lifelong and unremitting.

In fact, every woman I have ever tapered off of psychiatric drugs into experiences of total vitality once believed that she would be a medicated psychiatric patient for life.

If you knew that radical self-healing potential lies within each and every one of us, if you only knew that was possible, you might start that journey today. It’s side effect free…

The Psychiatric Agenda Destroys Creative Children

“Take a child who wants to invent something out of thin air, and instead of saying no, tell him he has a problem with his brain, and then stand back and watch what happens. In particular, watch what happens when you give him a toxic drug to fix his brain. You have to be a certain kind of person to do that to a child. You have to be, for various reasons, crazy and a career criminal.” - The Underground, Jon Rappoport

First, here are a few facts that should give you pause:

Related: When your child is a psychopath

According to NAMI (National Alliance on Mental Illness);

“More than 25 percent of [US] college students have been diagnosed or treated by a professional for a mental health condition within the past year.”

NAMI: “One in four young adults between the ages of 18 and 24 have [we claim] a diagnosable mental illness.”

According to healthline.com, 6.4 million American children between the ages of 4 and 17 have been diagnosed with ADHD. The average age for the child’s diagnosis is 7.

BMJ 2016;352:i1457: “The number of UK children and adolescents treated with antidepressants rose by over 50% from 2005 to 2012, a study of five Western countries published in European Neuropsychopharmacology has found.”

Getting the picture?

Related: Harvard Research Finds Link Between Fluoridated Water, ADHD & Mental Disorders

Children are being diagnosed and dosed with toxic drugs at a staggering rate. But, as I have shown in many past articles, NO so-called mental disorder is based on a lab test.

No blood, saliva, genetic, brain test. ALL 300 or so official mental disorders are defined by menus of behaviors concocted by committees of psychiatrists.

On that foundation, the diagnoses and the drugs are handed out.

Let’s look at just one of the drugs: Ritalin (or any similar ADHD medicine). After a creative child is seen fidgeting in class, looking bored, studying what he wants to study, ignoring classroom assignments, focusing on what interests him, he is diagnosed with ADHD. Then comes the drug.

In 1986, The International Journal of the Addictions published an important literature review by Richard Scarnati. It was called “An Outline of Hazardous Side Effects of Ritalin (Methylphenidate)” [v.21, pp. 837-841].

Related: Before His Death, Father Of ADHD Admitted It Was A Fictitious Disease

Scarnati listed a large number of adverse effects of Ritalin and cited published journal articles which reported each of these symptoms.

For every one of the following (selected and quoted verbatim) Ritalin effects, there is at least one confirming source in the medical literature:

Paranoid delusions

Paranoid psychosis

Hypomanic and manic symptoms, amphetamine-like psychosis

Activation of psychotic symptoms

Toxic psychosis

Visual hallucinations

Auditory hallucinations

Can surpass LSD in producing bizarre experiences

Effects pathological thought processes

Extreme withdrawal

Terrified affect

Started screaming



Since Ritalin is considered an amphetamine-type drug, expect amphetamine-like effects

Psychic dependence

High-abuse potential DEA Schedule II Drug

Decreased REM sleep

When used with antidepressants one may see dangerous reactions including hypertension, seizures and hypothermia


Brain damage may be seen with amphetamine abuse.

Under this chemical assault on the brain, what are the chances that a creative child will go on in life to become an innovator, rather than a victim of psychiatric drugging?

Make a list of your favorite innovators. Imagine them as bored distracted children sitting in classrooms… and then diagnosed, and then hammered with drugs prescribed by a doctor.

This is happening now. The institution of psychiatry is making it happen. What about the consequences of diagnosing clinical depression in larger numbers of young children? What about the antidepressant drugs?

Related: The Science And Pseudoscience Of Children’s Mental Health + Creating ADHD Is The New Education

Here is just a sprinkling of information about antidepressants, from a huge body of literature:

Psychiatrist Peter Breggin: February 1990 American Journal of Psychiatry (Teicher et al, v.147:207-210) reports on:

“Six depressed patients, previously free of recent suicidal ideation, who developed `intense, violent suicidal preoccupations after 2-7 weeks of fluoxetine [Prozac] treatment.'

The suicidal preoccupations lasted from three days to three months after termination of the treatment. The report estimates that 3.5 percent of Prozac users were at risk.

While denying the validity of the study, Dista Products, a division of Eli Lilly, put out a brochure for doctors dated August 31, 1990, stating that it was adding `suicidal ideation’ to the adverse events section of its Prozac product information.”

An earlier study, from the September 1989 Journal of Clinical Psychiatry, by Joseph Lipiniski, Jr., indicates that in five examined cases people on Prozac developed what is called akathesia.

Symptoms include intense anxiety, inability to sleep, the “jerking of extremities,” and “bicycling in bed or just turning around and around.”

Related: The Roots Of Mental Health - Maybe They’re Not In Our Heads + Rising Rates Of Suicide: Are Pills The Problem?

Dr. Peter Breggin comments that akathesia:

"May also contribute to the drug’s tendency to cause self-destructive or violent tendencies … Akathesia can become the equivalent of biochemical torture and could possibly tip someone over the edge into self-destructive or violent behavior.

The June 1990 Health Newsletter, produced by the Public Citizen Research Group, reports, ‘Akathesia, or symptoms of restlessness, constant pacing, and purposeless movements of the feet and legs,
may occur in 10-25 percent of patients on Prozac.’”

The well-known publication, California Lawyer, in a December 1998 article called “Protecting Prozac,” details some of the suspect maneuvers of Eli Lilly in its handling of suits against Prozac.

California Lawyer also mentions other highly qualified critics of the drug:

"David Healy, MD, an internationally renowned psychopharmacologist, has stated in sworn deposition that `contrary to Lilly’s view, there is a plausible cause-and-effect relationship between Prozac’ and suicidal-homicidal events.

An epidemiological study published in 1995 by the British Medical Journal also links Prozac to increased suicide risk.”

When pressed, proponents of these SSRI antidepressant drugs (Prozac, Zoloft, Paxil, etc.) sometimes say, “Well, the benefits for the general population far outweigh the risk.”

But the issue of benefits will not go away on that basis.

Related: Why Nutritional Psychiatry Is The Future Of Mental Health Treatment + Depression Is A Symptom Of Nutrient Deficiency; Treating It With Drugs Is Not Only Ineffective But Dangerous

A shocking review-study published in The Journal of Nervous and Mental Diseases (1996, v.184, no.2), written by Rhoda L. Fisher and Seymour Fisher, called “Antidepressants for Children,” concludes:

“Despite unanimous literature of double-blind studies indicating that antidepressants are no more effective than placebos in treating depression in children and adolescents, such medications continue to be in wide use.”

In wide use. This despite such contrary information and the negative, dangerous effects of these drugs.

There are other studies: “Emergence of self-destructive phenomena in children and adolescents during fluoxetine treatment,” published in the Journal of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry (1991, vol.30), written by RA King, RA Riddle, et al.

It reports self-destructive phenomena in 14% (6/42) of children and adolescents (10-17 years old) who had treatment with fluoxetine (Prozac) for obsessive-compulsive disorder.

July, 1991. Journal of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry. Hisako Koizumi, MD, describes a thirteen-year-old boy who was on Prozac: “full of energy,” “hyperactive,” “clown-like.”

All this devolved into sudden violent actions which were “totally unlike him.”

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September, 1991. The Journal of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry. Author Laurence Jerome reports the case of a ten-year old who moves with his family to a new location. Becoming depressed, the boy is put on Prozac by a doctor.

The boy is then “hyperactive, agitated … irritable.” He makes a “somewhat grandiose assessment of his own abilities.”

Then he calls a stranger on the phone and says he is going to kill him. The Prozac is stopped, and the symptoms disappear.

For money, for profit, for status, for control, there exists a professional class called psychiatrists. They approach children - particularly creative children who refuse to fall into lock-step with a regimented program of learning - as outliers, as ill, as strange, as maladjusted, as threats to the system.

Related: The Cult Of 'Scientism' Explained: How Scientific Claims Behind Cancer, Vaccines, Psychiatric Drugs And GMOs Are Nothing More Than Corporate-Funded Science Fraud

And this professional class takes action. Diagnose the children, drug them, bring them back into line, make them “normal,” reduce their curiosity and independence and drive and will power.

Instead of using overt physical force, they use relatively invisible chemical force.

Under the banner of caring, they perform, on the young, a scientific ritual of sacrifice, a rite of passage into the dead world where they, the elite rulers, exist.

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The Truth About Electro Magnetic Frequencies - What The Authorities Don't Tell You
June 28 2023 | From: StillnessInTheStorm / Various

A Clinical Trial: In early 1934, Johnson rented premises in San Diego for Royal Rife to begin clinical treatments.

Under his instructions, the University of Southern California arranged formal clinical trials of the Rife Beam Ray device.

Related: Royal Rife’s Energy Machine: Why It Was Really Silenced

They appointed a special committee of top doctors to oversee the project including, apart from Johnson and Kendall:

Dr Rufus Klein-Schmidt (President, University of Southern California)
Dr Edward Kopps (Metabolic Clinic, La Jolla, California)
Dr George Fisher (Children's Hospital, NY)
Dr Kad Meyer (Hooper Foundation, San Francisco, California)
Dr Whalen Morrison (Chief Surgeon, Santa Fe Railway)
Dr George Dock
Dr Alvin G. Foard, a pathologist

Sixteen cancer patients from the Pasadena County Hospital volunteered to be treated with the machine. The brief was for the patients to be treated at Rife's clinic in San Diego and after three months the doctors would perform an in-depth examination of any of the surviving patients at that time.

Rife reportedly treated the patients with three minute exposures to the beam ray device at file career frequencies once every three days.

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Initial daily treatments were suspended due to extreme Jansch-Herxreimer reactions. At the end of three months, however, all the patients were still alive and were examined.

The doctors were amazed to pronounce that 14 of the 16 showed no signs of cancer and were pronounced clinically cured. The remaining two went for further treatments.

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Rife reasoned that maybe they were infected with a mutated form of the cancer virus and made some slight frequency adjustments. Four weeks later the remaining two patients were examined and also pronounced clinically cured The results were stunning, it was a major breakthrough

There is some discrepancy in the accounts of what happened next, but the most likely explanation is that the members agreed to do further work before publicizing the results.

Conflict Begins

Johnson then introduced Rife to Dr Mildred Schram of the International Cancer Foundation in Philadelphia.

However, on hearing of the work Schram allegedly made demands for experiments that Rife insisted would not and could not work Following much argument; he eventually refused to have anything further to do with the foundation Schram supposedly admitted years later that Rife had been right.

In the meantime (1935) Johnson had set up a clinic in Los Angeles to beat people using the beam ray device and Kendall and others were continuing experiments and treating people with it.

Related: Microwave frequency electromagnetic fields (EMFs) produce widespread neuropsychiatric effects including depression

In 1937, the medical committee who oversaw the clinical trials ended up arguing over when and how they should release the results with no actual decision ever being reacted.

By now they had plenty of evidence to support Rife's claims but they found themselves pressured by the medical authorities and feared that they would not be believed

A press release went ahead however, and on Friday 6 May 1938, the San Diego Evening Tribune published a front page article entitled "Dread Disease Germs Destroyed by Rays, Claim of S.D. Scientist".

However, the clinical trials were rot mentioned and Rife was cautious not to claim that the device represented an absolute cure for cancer.

Many Electromagnetic Hyper Sensitivity conditions develop slowly and silently over many years while the person is not presenting with any symptoms or complaints:

"People suffering from Electromagnetic Hyper Sensitivity (EHS) should not be treated as simply unfortunate individuals who cannot enjoy the benefits of wireless technology and electrical power like the rest. They should be treated as the "canary in the coal mine" serving as an early warning for the rest of humanity.

For those not familiar with the term "canary in the coal mine" - it originated when miners used to take caged canaries down to the coal mine with them. They positioned the cages on the ground. If dangerous gases (e.g. methane or carbon monoxide) leaked into the mine tunnels, these gases would cause the death of the canaries serving as a warning signal to exit the mine tunnels immediately.

The morbid bio-effects of EMF described in the 2012 Bio-initiative Report may trigger a range of disorders including neurological conditions, infertility, birth defects and cancer. Many of the conditions develop slowly and silently over many years while the person is not presenting with any symptoms or complaints.

And that is why we should treat the Electro-Hyper Sensitivity (EHS) syndrome and EHS sufferers - as a stark warning, alarm bells and sirens going off, that we should all heed to even if we still cannot see or feel the fire (YET)". 

- Dr. Jonathan Halpern, PhD | Electromagnetic Survival Radiation Guide

Related: Electromagnetic Hypersensitivity From Microwave Technology Finally Medically Proven

Conspiracy Theory

During fids time, a new player emerged. Dr Morris Fishbein was editor of the Journal of the American Medical Association between 1924 and 1949.

However, Fishbein was a very rich and powerful man who by that time owned all the stock of the AMA and had extremely powerful political connections. Fishbein approached Rife with an offer to buy the exclusive rights to the beam ray technology.

Rife refused. The details of the offer are unknown but Fishbein had made similar offers to other inventors of medical technologies claimed to cure cancer.

In ore case Fishbein made an offer to the creator of a herbal cancer cure called Harry Hoxey in which Fishbein would receive all profits from the invention for nine years and thereafter, at Fishbein's discretion, he would pay 10 per cent of future profits to Hoxey.

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When Hoxey refused, Fishbein effectively destroyed him Hoxey was allegedly arrested 125 times in 16 months at Fishbein's instigation The charges never stuck but Hoxey was ruined

Fishbein then did the same to Rife. AMA officials started visiting doctors who were using Rife's machines and informed them they would be struck from the medical register if they did not stop immediately.

Many gave in and surrendered the machines to AMA investigators or allowed the machines to be destroyed. Others held out aid refused Marty were arrested or had equipment and notes seized and destroyed by FDA (Federal Food and Drug Administration) agents.

Fishbein refused to allow publication of any reference to Rife's work in the AMA journals and also supposedly pressured other medical journals insisting that they should not publish anything about Rife's work because it was all a fraud. A number of doctors actively opposed fids, including Johnson.

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But many of the doctors who had attended Johnson's banquet for Rife in 1931, fearing the loss of their medical licenses, started denying that they had ever heard of Rife, even though marry had been photographed with him at the banquet.

Today's Scientists on Dr Royal Rife

Another doctor and scientist, whose research has been buried for some time but has managed to resurface due to the work of avid supporters, is Dr Royal Raymond Rife M.D, who developed a frequency generator in the late 1920’s. In brief, Rife successfully treated 1,000 patients diagnosed with incurable cancer in the 1930’s. He was honoured with 14 awards and an honorary doctorate.

After the unsuccessful attempt by pharmaceutical companies to buy out his research and equipment, his office was ransacked, his research paperwork was stolen and the machine that healed all those 1,000 “incurable” cancer patients was destroyed.

In 1934, before this destruction occurred, the University of Southern California appointed a Special Medical Research Committee to bring terminal cancer patients from Pasadena County Hospital to Rife's San Diego Laboratory and clinic for treatment.

The team included doctors and pathologists assigned to examine the patients - if still alive - in 90 days. After the 90 days of treatment, the Committee concluded that 86.5% of the patients had been completely cured.

The treatment was then adjusted and the remaining 13.5% of the patients also responded within the next four weeks. The total recovery rate using Rife's technology was 100%.

What Rife had developed was a 100% effective cure for many forms of cancer. So why do we not know about this and why are there so many cancer research foundations in existence?

Put simply, it is due to the economic motives of the orthodox medical community, which relies on funding for cancer research - such funding often coming from pharmaceutical companies - and whose fortunes would be damaged if a cure for cancer was found. (That is, it’s OK to search for a cure but don’t really find one!)

This is a story that illustrates yet another grand attempt by the mainstream medical community to control the lives - and deaths - of so many millions of people today."

“In every culture and in every medical tradition before ours, healing was accomplished by moving energy."

- Albert Szent-Gyorgyi, Nobel Laureate in Medicine (1937) What Rife proved is that every health disorder has a frequency, which in turn responds (resonates) to a specific (optimal) frequency for its dissolving/healing in the body.

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Don't mistake Electro Magnetic Frequencies (EMF) as Pulsed Electro Magnetic Frequencies (PEMF). They are absolute opposites. One can kill you! The other can save you. Has anyone ever wondered why no one has ever had cancer of the heart?

I will tell you why. It is because the heart uses Pulsed Electro Magnetic Frequencies that oxygenate and keep a balanced PH. Electro Magnetic Frequencies are harmful and dangerous to every living organism! 

Pulsed Electro Magnetic Frequencies, however, are the counterbalance to this man-made scourge that has now created a prolific smog that covers the entire earth, from microwaves to electronic warfare that readily exists. 

We can't escape it.  

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The object you hold against your head every day is one of the worst offenders. It is called the mobile phone. Apart from aging you rapidly, it can kill you. 

Brain Cancer has increased 10 percent in the last ten years. Imagine 100 years from now! 

Dr Alan Back, a Naturopath from the USA who worked on electronic warfare for the US army, used his skills to invent a counter measure system to combat the Electro Magnetic Frequency problem that has now enveloped the earth.  

The worst part about it is that your own home is the very place that can make you sick.

Introduction / Overview: The ‘Healing Computer’ Technology

I have been a Naturopath for 36 years and every year - and particularly this last year - 83% of people presenting to me for medical scanning have chronic adrenal fatigue symptoms which relate to neurological physical.

Over 95% present with EMF symptoms and clumped Red Blood Cell symptoms, which affect the entire circulatory system as well as the immune system. 

This is happening right now and is certainly not a passing fad.

EMF Can Harm and Can Heal Using PEMF ( Pulsating Electromagnetic Field Therapy)

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World Of Naked Lies
June 27 2023 | From: DrSircus / AllGovernmentsLie / Various

Lying seems to be the foundation of human intelligence and civilization. Robert Fisk writes, “We do not live in a “post-truth” world, neither in the Middle East nor in the West – nor in Russia, for that matter. We live in a world of lies. And we always have lived in a world of lies.”

Anyone alive today that believes we are living in a world of truth, justice and love needs to have their heads examined.

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We live in a world of lies and half-truths, which are really the same or worse than outright lies, because they confuse the human mind. Lies cause unmeasurable amounts of human suffering and lead people to early graves.

We lie and we never stop lying, even to ourselves. Governments lie and they want us to believe in their lies. The press lies pretending to represent the truth but that is understandable because they are wholly owned by elite masters who tell them what to publish. Historians lie but not all of them.

Egyptologists lie because they do not want to know anything besides what they have already thought of as the truth of Egypt’s ancient past.

Certainly, bankers lie about their honesty and doctor’s lie about the dangers of their drugs and surgery done without supplementing with magnesium.

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They even lie about heart attacks never saying people who go into cardiac arrest are actually dying of magnesium deficiencies. Dentists of course lie about fluoride and their use of the highly toxic neurological poison mercury.

Therefore, we lie and our institutions are built on pyramids of lies. So why do we trust liars? How can anyone be arrogant about realities of lies when there is no truth left? What is truth if we have nothing but lies?

What is amazing is that these past years they have even been lying about the weather. Imagine the weatherman telling people in New York that it is sunny and warm but when you step outside it is cold and raining. It is that bad.

I have written for nine years on global cooling probably publishing over 70 essays on the subject. Do a Google search on, Record high temperature and Record low temperature and see what comes up. I just got 9,460,000 results (0.55 seconds) for high temperatures and 78,100,000 results (0.58 seconds) for cold temperatures.

Not that the google search means much but it does suggest one start reading about what is going down on our planet if one is interested in surviving the future.

Record Cold USA During Summer in Dakotas & Great Lakes, Media Ignores

We have become accustomed to white lies in our everyday lives and have become accustomed to not believing everything we hear. Whether it is someone’s description on a dating app or a resume for work, we take what we listen to with a grain of salt.

Some people fiercely filter information for fabrications, exaggerations, plagiarism, white lies, and most of all: deception. However, as one study suggests, we are on average only able to catch 54% of lies.

Strikingly, in the same study, trained police officers, judges, and FBI agents were not that much better than the average person was.

All forms of information have lost their integrity. All institutions - from the academy to commerce to governance to non-profits - have lost their integrity.

Worse perhaps, than secret agencies telling lies with no evidence and the mainstream media telling lies on command from its financial masters, is an all-out war on truth.

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“There are facts, there are opinions, and there are lies,” says historian Deborah Lipstadt who encourages us all to go on the offensive against those who assault the truth and facts. “Truth is not relative,” she says. Therefore, we really have no choice but to question and challenge everything.

What is the truth of the liberal mind? What is their greatest wet dream? They want the whole world to be one big happy family, where borders are meaningless, people can freely move from one country to the next, and no society is inherently better than another is.

They preach diversity, but they want the world to be blended into one drab monoculture that falls in line with their beliefs and violently oppose others, who believe in quaint ideas of nationalism for example.

Today nationalists and patriots are evil people in the eyes of liberals and progressives who forget the truth of what these words mean. According to the Merriam-Webster dictionary, nationalism simply means “love for or devotion to one’s country.” According to thefreedictionary.com, a patriot is “a person who loves, supports, and defends his or her country and its interests.”

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So for sure they lied about 9-11, what started the Second World War and about how the world is doing with global debt now hitting $217 trillion, which is 327% Of GDP. We could go on forever listing lies.

Religions lie. We know that because if that were not the truth then only one religion is a true one and the rest bull because they all contradict each other.

In a world of lies one has to wonder the truth about everything, even what happened in Germany during WWII?

Come on, they even lie about iodine in salt, as if it would do anyone any good because once put on the table the iodine evaporates quickly. Most people have no idea what truth is or the process of finding it.

The truth is as unpopular today as it has always been. If you are a person of truth and you hear the truth, it rather excites you. The truth, if we are not living it, is almost unbearable to hear.

The sounds of silence are the sounds of lies, omissions of fact and reality so large it is more than manipulation.

Did you know that one’s silence could be deadly? One can actually do mass murder with silence by deliberately holding back information that can be lifesaving.

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Tell that to your doctor for he is the one who most needs to know this. What is going on in Fukushima is perhaps the greatest silent lie. Things are so bad there we hear nothing about it.

Perhaps the most dangerous lies today center around Russia. Sick politicians in both American and Europe are risking all of our lives in a nuclear war with their lies. Crimea is Russian. All the people there speak Russian. Almost every one of them voted to rejoin Russia.

The West is completely irrational, not only about Islam but also about just about everything.

It is inviting its own destruction.

The West is completely separated from reality says Paul Craig Roberts.

Conclusion – A Little Bit of Truth

The heart can only stand the truth but our minds can wonder all over the universe of lies without problem.

We said in the beginning that lies hurt people. Powerful people everywhere routinely make decisions that hurt others. The old saying is right: Power really does corrupt.

No one is honest about their corruption so they have to lie. Therefore, the lies that permeate civilization start at the top among the most powerful.

Recent psychological research suggests that powerful people behave remarkably like traumatic brain injury victims. Controlled experiments show that, given power over others, people often become impulsive and less sensitive to risk.

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Most important, test subjects often lose empathy, that is, the ability to understand and share the feelings of others. Said another way they lose their hearts, the intelligence of the heart, their own organs of truth so in a sense they become stupid.

Rich in money and possessions but without hearts leaves the most powerful without the kind of vulnerability that leads to love so actually they are poor in spirit, poor in their ability to feel but strong in their ability to abuse.

They also lose their capacity to mirror and listen to others.

All Governments Lie

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Now That You’ve Awakened, How Do You Help Awaken Others?
June 26 2032 | From: WakeUpWorld / Various

So you see the ‘big picture.’ You’ve awakened to the realization that the planet has been hijacked - You know about their agenda - You know humanity can rise above it - You want to do something positive about it.

So, you start spreading the word to awaken others, telling them what’s really happening in the world.

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The greater the number of awakened individuals spreading the word, the quicker we as a race can reach that critical mass of consciously awakened individuals needed to prevent the doom and gloom and co-create a turnaround for planetary transformation.

And this change in mass consciousness for planetary transformation has to be done, especially with a sense of urgency - it’s a do-or-die-situation for humanity.

However, learning how to effectively spread the word to the un-awakened can be quite a difficult task at times, and is a subject, I feel, that is not addressed enough in the alternative media community. Over the years, I have learnt a number of effective ways to do it that avoid many pitfalls. Here are some of those ways to help spread the word and play your part in our mass awakening and planetary change:

Keep it Simple

Share your revelations on an increasingly steady gradient over time (don’t get heavy), so that people will grasp more easily where you’re coming from and be more accepting of what you say along the way.

Distinguish the Nay-Sayers

No matter how eloquent you may be, how knowledgeable, good at communication, dealing with people’s idiosyncrasies etc., there are some people who just won’t get it and I doubt if they ever will.

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These people will invalidate you without ever investigating your claims.
The sooner you can distinguish these Nay-Sayers, limited by their self-imposed bubble of existence and belief, the sooner you can move on to spread the word to others who are more open-minded and receptive.

‘Gauge the Person’

If you want to make a difference then try to ‘gauge the person.’ That is, find out if they are open to what you have to say, and establish where they are at with their own awakening (if this is the case). Then you can speak to them on a level that they will gain further understanding.

Pick an Area

Many people began their awakening in a particular area of understanding. For example, my awakening began with health. If you can share a common ground with someone who somehow feels that things are not right in a particular subject area, then this indeed is the subject to discuss with them. 

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Do you have a specialist area of knowledge you could share?

Set an Example

As the saying goes, be that change you want to see in the world. Express your individuality. Walk the walk, talk the talk. For instance, if you’re campaigning for health then practice what you preach by living healthily. Be authentic. Others will follow.

Be Courageous… But Do it Lovingly!

You may well have something worth saying. However, if you come across somewhat angrily or in a huff, then the person / persons listening may not hear what you’re saying, not matter how well you justified it. They will only get angry with your anger or huffy with your huffiness. So, basically, do indeed be courageous if needed, but try to spread the word lovingly.

Remember, You Haven’t Anything to Sell…

For me, the way I see it is like this. I haven’t got anything to sell: I’m not out to change the world. I couldn’t change one person if I tried. People don’t change people.

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All we can ever do is present an opportunity to someone. It is up to that person to take and make something out of that opportunity and then change them self.

Sow a seed in their mind. Too much information for someone unprepared for it will only push them away and alienate you. Ask a question. Don't you find it strange that...

Questions Are Answers

One way of spreading the word, getting someone interested and aware is to give them questions. Giving someone questions not only encourages inquiry but also avoids confrontation. Instead of you being head-on confronted, the person is more likely to confront the question. Thus, questions indirectly serve as answers.

Know Thy Stuff!

Be prepared to give knowledgeable responses when challenged! A good knowledgeable response breeds confidence and courage. (Conversely, it can be counterproductive to talk about topics you don’t really understand. - Editor.)

Spread the Written Word

There are many free or cheap and easy-to-run blog sites you can use for spreading the word. There are also many excellent free article submission websites to get your voice heard.

Related: Manifesto Of The Awakened

Or how about creating an email list or setting up a social media page? Or you could give a slide-show presentation to your family and friends…  Can you think of other ways?

Final Thoughts…

That concludes some of the many ways we can help to awaken others. I hope that this has encouraged and inspired you!

And remember: Know that you can make a difference. Insignificance is an illusion.

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Delusions About Private Property And The Fantasy Of Equality
June 25 2023 | From: JonRappoport / Various

“Once private property is abolished, the advocates for utopia win. They build their heaven on earth, which means they can take what they want and run civilization, top-down. They can keep saying nobody owns anything, but in fact they own it all. They execute this squeeze play as if they were messiahs eradicating the prime evil: private ownership. This is such a preposterous stage play that, in a sane society, it would close down after one night.” - The Underground, Jon Rappoport

Newsflash: There is a difference between an idea and the way that idea is applied in practice.

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For example, certain groups will take the idea of freedom and interpret it to mean:

"We have the freedom to steal everything we can.”

Based on this practice, many people will claim freedom was always a failed and corrupt idea at the core. This is wrong, absurd, and dim. Very dim.

In the same way, the idea of private property can certainly be twisted to mean;

“I will steal what you have, make it my own, and then declare it is my property, over which I have control.”

But the idea of private property remains independent of what people will do to distort it. A child used to be able to see this.

Centuries of struggle resulted in a shift from monarchs and priest classes owning all available land, to individuals having the right to own land. Once that principle was firmly established, groups immediately tried to modify the principle to their advantage.

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In 1776, a group called the Illuminati declared its existence in Bavaria. One of its guiding ideas was: the abolition of all private property. That concept traveled down to Karl Marx and the Communist agenda.

Private property was called an inherent crime. Instead, the people/everybody would own all property.

This garbled incoherent pronouncement would be backed up by the ruling government, who would act as stewards for the masses - meaning the government would take control of all property until such time as the people evolved to the point where the State was unnecessary.

As a straight con, it was very weak. A two-bit hustler on a street corner with a folding table and three cards could see through it in a second. The people evolving? The State withering away on its own? Equality defined as everybody owning everything?

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Of course, if people injected their own utopian fantasies into the mix, if people assumed the government was a beneficent force for good, if people assumed there was an “everybody” operating unanimously, if people fantasized about a history of tribes (who fought wars against each other) gracefully abdicating the whole notion of individual property…well then, yes, the abolition of private property became a marvelous proposition.

In the light of day, however, with a clear mind, the idea was terrible. It was quite insane. It signaled a transfer of property from the individual to power-mad lunatics. Needless to say, this idea of no-private-property is alive and well on planet Earth today. We are in another round of fantasy-drenched propaganda.

In a nutshell, the threat of pure private property is: it establishes individual rights that stand against the unchecked force of the government-corporate-banking nexus. It implies the individual is free, independent, and the ruler of what he owns.

To which the addled mind replies:

“But suppose a person is polluting his land and the poison is running beyond his borders and endangering others?”

Well, that is called a crime. It should be prosecuted. It should be stopped.

The fact that it is often ignored doesn’t negate the whole assumption of private property. It points to the corruption of public officials who refuse to prosecute the offender.

Here is utopia laid bare: the government and its partners, who are doing everything they can to limit, squash, and outlaw the individual right to own property, are the same force that is acting as the wondrous representative of all the people; surrender to this force; give it power to appropriate all property and hold it in trust, for that day when the population has risen to enlightenment, when the open sharing of “everything” is a natural impulse. Then victory will be ours.

Not the iron fist. The open helping hand. Not the hammer. The smiling guide. Not the monarch. The servant of humanity. If you buy that one, I have waterfront condos for sale on Jupiter’s four moons. No terms. Cash up front. Construction begins in 2058. Promise.

Related: Dying Of Thirst: Privatization Of Water As An Owned Commodity Rather Than A Universal Human Right

The Homeowners Association actually owns the condos and the land. They are a subsidiary of the Jupiter Government Authority. There are rules. No flags of any kind flying from porches. No privately owned electricity generators. No growing of vegetables or fruit on the land. No weapons.

Domiciles must be shared with migrants arriving from Earth. The migrants are given beds, meals, and clothing. Possessions are shared. The prime directive: everything belongs to everybody. Power to the people.

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The ‘Great Reset’: A Technocratic Agenda That Waited Years For A Global Crisis To Exploit & Globalists Will Need Another Crisis In As Their Reset Agenda Fails
June 24 2023 | From: Sociable / AltMarket / Various

How the ‘great reset’ ideology of un-elected bureaucrats would steer society towards massive surveillance & control.

In the face of a global pandemic, an un-elected body of global bureaucrats based in Davos, Switzerland has asked the world to trust its vision of a technocratic “great reset,” knowing full well the public would never go for such a request had it not been for the golden opportunity they’d all been waiting for.

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When the head of the World Economic Forum (WEF), Klaus Schwab, announced in June that “Now is the time for a great reset,” it wasn’t the first time he called for it.

In fact, he called on the WEF to start the great reset over five years ago (see video below), but this year he’s saying that COVID-19 is the most urgent reason to restructure all of society and the global economy.

WEF Chairman Hopes Forum Will Help Push "Reset" Button on World Economy

Related: ID2020

The great reset agenda was already in place long before the coronavirus pandemic, and the WEF was just waiting for a crisis to exploit it.

Prior to this year, implementing worldwide lockdowns that destroy businesses, wreck the economy, and leave people destitute and stripped of their constitutional rights while trying to enact invasive contact tracing, immunity passports, and otherwise massive bio-electronic surveillance apparatuses would never have been accepted by the citizens of a free society.

The so-called great reset is an old ideology touted for decades by globalists like Henry Kissinger, who opined in 2014, “Never before has a new world order had to be assembled from so many different perceptions, or on so global a scale.”

Related: “What Is The Great Reset?”: A Blatant Propaganda Video By The World Economic Forum

The great reset is the proposed mechanism for setting in motion a new global order, but it wouldn’t be possible to bring forth such a bold plan without a global crisis, be it manufactured or of unfortunate happenstance, that shocks society to its core.

"The pandemic represents a rare but narrow window of opportunity to reflect, reimagine, and reset our world to create a healthier, more equitable, and more prosperous future.”

- Klaus Schwab, WEF

In this story, I will attempt to dissect:

What types of invasive surveillance technologies will be required by the great reset

Why the great reset is being re-branded and pushed in 2020

How the Davos crowd is trying to sell the great reset Utopia

Who will be asked to give up their privacy for the common good

When humans become hackable

Where you have the power to choose 

With the arrival of the coronavirus pandemic, the WEF has the perfect excuse to quickly enact its vision for steering society towards a more invasive and intrusive, technocratic future in the name of serving the common good.

The un-elected architects of the great reset envision a Utopian world of inclusivity, equality, and sustainability that will require trust in emerging technologies like AI, 5G, Blockchain, and robotics, in order to usher in their golden dawn.

Click on the image above to view a larger version in a new window

Related: The Global Takeover Is Underway & A Skeptical Look At The ‘Great Reset’: A Technocratic Agenda That Waited Years For A Global Crisis To Exploit

Great Reset Will Require Trust in Invasive Surveillance Tech: WEF Promotes Health Passports & Contact Tracing

In order to bring about the great reset, it will require trust in the technology, and to be more specific, the WEF would like to have greater trust in “crisis-relevant tech,” which includes developing digital health passports and contact tracing, under a new form of internet governance.

“The use of digital technology during the COVID-19 crisis offers clear lessons […] Target mistrust broadly to enable specific crisis-relevant tech”

- Daniel Dobrygowski, WEF

“The Great Reset will require new institutions and business models, and new digital technologies to build them,” wrote the WEF Head of Corporate Governance and Trust, Daniel Dobrygowski, in a blog post. “The necessary collaboration, however, is only possible if we solve the digital trust problem,” he added.

According to the Dobrygowski, “The use of digital technology during the COVID-19 crisis offers clear lessons,” one of those being, “Target mistrust broadly to enable specific crisis-relevant tech.”

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The WEF openly supports the development of so-called “crisis-relevant tech” as evidenced by its backing the development of health passports, which act as digital records of your health status to determine whether or not you are free to travel or even go outside.

Earlier this year the WEF announced it was supporting the development and launch of CommonPass - a platform whose mission is “to develop and launch a standard global model to enable people to securely document and present their COVID-19 status (either as test results or an eventual vaccination status) to facilitate international travel and border crossing while keeping their health information private.”

"Contact tracing apps can be powerful weapons against the virus – but they can also be tools for state surveillance."

- WEF report

The WEF also lent its support to another health passport initiative called CovidPass, which was built by one of the WEF’s own “Young Global Leaders,” Mustapha Mokass, who used to be an advisor at the World Bank.

CovidPass “uses blockchain technology to store encrypted data from individual blood tests, allowing users to prove that they have tested negative for COVID-19.”

In supporting both CommonPass and CovidPass, the Davos elite have made it clear they want “crisis-relevant tech” like health passports to be part of the great reset solution.

Ask yourself, would the idea of being forced to electronically prove your current health status in order to travel or even leave your own home have been acceptable 10 months ago?

Why is this happening now?

The die was cast years ago, but only now do the Davos elite see a shrinking, yet golden opportunity, to create a new world order out of the coronavirus chaos.

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COVID Presents a ‘Shrinking, Golden Opportunity’, Great Reset Is Not a Response to the Coronavirus

In June Prince Charles praised the great reset agenda for its potential to “make people more receptive to big visions of change” after having suffered through “unprecedented schockwaves.”

“We have a golden opportunity to seize something good from this crisis - its unprecedented shockwaves may well make people more receptive to big visions of change,” the prince told the WEF.

Would the idea of being forced to electronically prove your current health status in order to travel or even leave your own home have been acceptable 10 months ago?

Prince Charles may have let on more than he cared to share, or thought you would notice. Again, he’s telling you that the great reset was always the plan.

COVID-19 is the excuse.

In other words, the coronavirus crisis presents a golden opportunity for the global establishment to further its agenda upon a frightful and angry population that has been so beaten down by the pandemic and subsequent lockdowns that they will have become more susceptible to giving over their freedoms to the idea of greater centralized power and control.

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Prince Charles went on, “As we move from rescue to recovery, we have a unique but rapidly shrinking window of opportunity to learn lessons and reset ourselves on a more sustainable path. It is an opportunity we have never had before and may never have again.”

“We have a golden opportunity to seize something good from this crisis — its unprecedented shockwaves may well make people more receptive to big visions of change.”

- Prince Charles

The British royal’s words echo those of WEF Director Schwab, who said, “The pandemic represents a rare but narrow window of opportunity to reflect, reimagine, and reset our world to create a healthier, more equitable, and more prosperous future.”

Again, why is the window of opportunity so narrow? Could the seeds of their grand strategy only flower while the world was distracted and divided amidst the chaos?

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The Lure of Utopia Has Many Hooks: Giving Up Privacy & Freedom for the Common Good

Prior to this year, implementing worldwide lockdowns that destroy businesses, wreck the economy, and leave people destitute and stripped of their constitutional rights while trying to enact invasive contact tracing, immunity passports, and otherwise massive bio-electronic surveillance apparatuses would never have been accepted by the citizens of a free society.

But the coronavirus pandemic has opened a “narrow window” for a “golden opportunity,” and once this crisis is over, the Davos club fears that the window may be shut forever.

The WEF admits in its own contact tracing governance framework that “Contact tracing apps can be powerful weapons against the virus – but they can also be tools for state surveillance.”

Yet, the WEF believes that people should balance certain freedoms to serve the common good. It is a global vision without a clear end, and it is one that flies in the face of constitutional republics that protect certain unalienable rights.

“This new mindset would balance concerns over privacy and other issues with the potential to create value and improve lives.”

- WEF report

According to the WEF framework, enacting contact tracing technology would “not be easy and will require a new social consensus that embraces the use of technology to resolve problems for the good of all.”

Additionally, “This new mindset would balance concerns over privacy and other issues with the potential to create value and improve lives.”

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In order to enact invasive technologies upon the population, citizens of the world will have to realize that it’s for the greater good and that they should change their mindsets to be less concerned about “privacy and other issues” and more excited about “the potential to create value and improve lives.”

“The great reset “will require stronger and more effective governments […] and it will demand private-sector engagement every step of the way”

- Klaus Schwab, WEF

Just about every proponent of contact tracing and health passports, including the WEF, all declare that technology should be used and governed ethically, but you hardly see any mention of winning the consent of the people.

Instead, they lobby stakeholders and policymakers to carry the torch in imparting the global vision from the top of the capstone and on-down.

“As we move from rescue to recovery, we have a unique but rapidly shrinking window of opportunity to learn lessons and reset ourselves on a more sustainable path. It is an opportunity we have never had before and may never have again”

- Prince Charles

If the coronavirus were to disappear from the earth today, would the WEF have to wait for a new global crisis, or would it push-on with the same reset agenda, regardless?

According to the WEF director, the great reset “will require stronger and more effective governments […] and it will demand private-sector engagement every step of the way.”

“The world must act jointly and swiftly to revamp all aspects of our societies and economies, from education to social contracts and working conditions,” he added. “We must build entirely new foundations for our economic and social systems.”

Related: Resetting Politics And The Media

In creating order out of the coronavirus chaos, the great reset promises to bring about “a more secure, more equal, and more stable world.”

Is that how they plan to win our trust? By promising us a Utopia if we just go along with it?

Bio-Electronic Surveillance and Hackable Humans

We haven’t even gotten into how the great reset would affect the world’s money system and the role of blockchain and digital payments, but when you look at digital health passports and contact tracing apps, you are looking at sophisticated form of bio-electronic surveillance that the world has never been seen before.

“We are no longer mysterious souls; we are now hackable animals.”

- Yuval Harari, WEF

When you combine biological data with advanced computing power, what you get is the ability to hack humans.

Speaking in Davos over the past few years, historian Yuval Harari has stated that “organisms are algorithms” and that “new technologies will soon give some corporations and governments the ability to hack human beings.”

How to Survive the 21st Century

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“The power to hack human beings can of course be used for good purposes like provided much better healthcare,” said Harari, adding, “but if this power falls into the hands of a 21st Century Stalin, the result will be the worst totalitarian regime in human history, and we already have a number of applicants for the job of 21st Century Stalin.”

“In Stalin’s USSR the State monitored members of the Communist elite more than anyone else. The same will be true of future total surveillance regimes.”

The great reset calls to restructure every aspect of society, and it can only do so if people trust the increasingly invasive, bio-electronic surveillance technology they wish to deploy.

“In Stalin’s USSR the State monitored members of the Communist elite more than anyone else. The same will be true of future total surveillance regimes”

- Yuval Harari, WEF

The more people know that someone is watching them, the more they will change their behavior. Just being aware that someone is monitoring your every digital transaction, will cause you to conform to certain norms.

As a population grows-up under massive surveillance, it will adapt its behavior to appear normal to society but compliant to authority. Over time, the citizens will police themselves out of fear.

Take a look at Communist China’s surveillance state, and you will see what I mean.

Related: The World Economic Forum Talks About “Mind Control Using Sound Waves” & Total Individual Control Technology – Insider Exposes How You And Your DNA Are Being Targeted

The WEF Wants to Win Your Trust, You Have a Choice

Tyranny arrives in subtle stages. It’s slow at first, but before you realize it even exists, it has already won.

That is what I see happening with the unholy merger of “the great reset” with “the new normal.”

Those who pull the strings have been begging for a global crisis to unleash their worldwide restructuring of society and the economy.

This year, in the face of a global pandemic, an un-elected body of global lobbyists based in Davos, Switzerland has asked you to have faith in their vision of a technocratic Utopia, knowing full well they could never issue such a request had it not been for the golden opportunity they had all been waiting for.

And that is where your power lies, dear reader. It’s your choice.

You can believe the WEF vision shared by some of the world’s most influential bureaucrats, or you can be skeptical of the whole establishment agenda that asks you to just trust the plan.

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Globalists Will Need Another Crisis In As Their Reset Agenda Fails

It might sound like “US exceptionalism” to point this out (…and how very dare I), but even if the globalist Reset is successful in every other nation on Earth, the globalists are still failures if they can’t secure and subjugate the American people.

As I’ve noted many times in the past, most of the world has been sufficiently disarmed, and even though we are seeing resistance in multiple European nations against forced vaccination legislation and medical tyranny, it is unlikely that they will have the ability to actually repel a full on march into totalitarianism.

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Most of Asia, India, New Zealand and Australia are already well under control. Africa is almost an afterthought , considering Africa is where many suspect vaccines are tested.

America represents the only significant obstacle to the agenda.

Conservative Americans in particular have been a thorn in the side of the globalists for generations, and it really comes down to a simple matter of mutual exclusion:

You cannot have an openly globalist society and conservative ideals at the same time in the same place. It is impossible.

Conservatives believe in limited government, true free markets, individual liberty, the value of life, freedom of speech, private property rights, the right to self defense, the right to self determination, freedom of religion, and the non-aggression principle (we won’t harm you unless you try to harm us).

None of these ideals can exist in a globalist world because globalism is at its core the pursuit of a fully centralized tyranny.

There are people on this planet that are not satisfied to merely live their lives, take care of their families and make their mark peacefully.

They crave power over all else.

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They desperately want control over you, over me, over everything, and they will use any means at their disposal to get it. I would compare it to a kind of drug addiction; globalists are like crack addicts, they can never get enough power, there is always something more to take.

They tell themselves and others that they are “philanthropists”, that “they know what is best” for the rest of us. They believe themselves superior and therefore it is their “destiny” to dictate and micro-manage society for the “greater good” of us all.

But really, when we witness their methods it becomes clear that they have no noble aspirations. They have no empathy or honor.

They don’t care about the average human being, or the environment, or the economy or society in general. They only care about themselves and their delusions of grandeur. These people are a cancer on the rest of civilization.

They seem to be particularly obsessed with deconstructing and sabotaging America in the pursuit of their global Reset. Real philanthropists would not have a problem if someone didn’t want to accept their “charity”, but psychopaths cannot abide a group of people rejecting them and their ideology.

You are not allowed to walk away from them. You are not allowed to do things your own way. You must be forced to comply. The agenda only works if EVERYONE submits.

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Unfortunately for the globalists, the Reset is not working out for them everywhere. In the US, the agenda is failing miserably compared to Asia and parts of Europe.

As the head of the World Economic Forum, Klaus Schwab, is so fond of reminding us, the Covid pandemic is the “perfect opportunity” to push forward the globalist plans for a total Reset of human economy and society.

To the globalists, the crisis is a panacea, a doorway to their version of a better world. They love the pandemic, they are not distressed by it.

The problem is, it’s not doing enough damage or terrifying enough people.

Consider the Event 201 coronavirus pandemic simulation - It was held by the World Economic Forum and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation only two months before the real thing “coincidentally” happened in early 2020.

The pandemic war game was less about saving lives and more about how the elites planned to keep the public under control. The suppression of alternative media and censorship in social media was discussed at great length. Dissenting voices need to be silenced if the Reset is going to prevail.

One factor within the Event 201 simulation that never played out, though, was the WEF projections on deaths. The war game suggested at least 65 million initial deaths due to the pandemic.

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Early projections on the death rate suggested 2% to 3% of the population or more. The same projections were repeated by the UN’s World Health Organization when the real pandemic was first revealed to the public.

Instead, Covid-19 has been a letdown for the globalists, with a tiny death rate of around 0.26% outside of nursing homes. Meaning, 99.7% of the population has nothing to worry about from covid. Millions of Americans are becoming savvy to the situation and are refusing to comply with mandates over a virus that is a non-threat.

Instead of backing off of the Reset scheme, the globalists are continuing to double down. Why? Because they have no other choice. They let the cat out of the bag and bloviating big-mouths like Klaus Schwab told the world exactly what the plan is.

If they retreat now, they might NEVER get another chance to implement a world centralization plan; a massive grift which requires medical tyranny in order to prevent rebellion.

You see, if the death rate had been dramatically higher than 0.26% and covid represented a legitimate threat, then maybe a larger portion of the US population would have been on board with longer term restrictions and medical passports.

Maybe not. The fact remains that 40% of deaths have been in nursing homes among patients with preexisting illnesses, the death rate outside of these facilities is minimal, the mask mandates have been proven completely ineffective and the states that have remained open and removed mask mandates have FALLING death and infection rates when compared to states that are enforcing lockdowns.

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The fear narrative is falling apart. States across the US are opening and are refusing to implement useless mandates. In my home state of Montana, legislators and the governor are passing laws that forbid the enforcement of medical passports. Even major corporations are not allowed to demand vaccine passports from customers or employees.

On top of that, 40% to 50% of the US population in polls are refusing to comply with the vaccine rollout or medical passports. Why take a vaccine for a virus that 99.7% of the population is unaffected by anyway?

The jig is up. The globalists are going to need another crisis if they hope to enforce further lockdowns in the US, along with medical passports and disarmament.

Do not be surprised if there is more engineered chaos going into the summer months. But what will the next crisis look like? I think we are already seeing the signs…

Covid Mutations

The mainstream media is pushing a non-stop narrative of covid mutation hype.

We hear about UK and Brazilian variants on a weekly basis, and the assertion has been that surely, these variants will be more infectious and more deadly that the original virus.

There is still no proof whatsoever to confirm this, but the globalists only care about planting the idea in people’s heads.

They only care about reigniting the fear.

My feeling is that this strategy is going to fail, at least in the US. Too many Americans [Westerners] are aware of the con game, and a new virus threat is not going to have the same effect as Covid-19 did in the early months of the pandemic.

None of us really knew what we were facing back then, and caution was a practical response.

Today, we know for a fact that covid is not a concern for the vast majority of the public. Media attempts to amp up the threat will be ineffective, but they will of course still try.

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BLM Riots

This is the next obvious tactic on the part of the establishment. Numerous state officials are openly supporting renewed riots across the country due to a recent police shooting in Minnesota.

The shooting itself was accidental, with the suspect violently resisting arrest and leaping into his car. A female officer grabbed her pistol in a panic instead of her taser and fired.

This event had nothing to do with racism, and nothing to do with police brutality. But, that’s not stopping Marxist groups like BLM from taking advantage and making it all about “white supremacy”. The real danger of unrest, however, will arrive at the closing of the Derek Chauvin trial.

With the trial coming to an end, evidence has been revealed that George Floyd was involved in heavy drug use and the medical examiner indicated that this along with heart disease were contributing factors to Floyd’s death.

A “speed ball” containing Fentanyl was also discovered in the back of the police cruiser in which Floyd was originally restrained.

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So, even if Derek Chauvin’s knee to the neck tactic helped kill Floyd, it is unlikely that a jury will convict him of 1st or 2nd degree murder based on the evidence. Any lesser charges will undoubtedly trigger more BLM riots.

Conveniently, these powderkeg events are taking place at the onset of the warm spring and summer months, which is prime time for riots.

My concern is that civil unrest will be allowed to spread and fester in the US until regular citizens start taking matters into their own hands.

And, of course, any community that tries to defend itself against looting and destruction will be accused of “racist aggression” - At which time the Biden "Administration" will then try to assert the authority to institute martial law measures in various regions. This combined with renewed attempts at covid lockdowns is a highly likely scenario.

Cyber Polygon

Just as the Event 201 simulation of a coronavirus pandemic preceded the real thing by only two months, there are concerns that the next World Economic Forum simulation event will also be a precursor to another crisis.

Cyber Polygon is a war game being held by the WEF this July which is meant to simulate a major cyber attack on the global supply chain and the economic system. There has been endless discussion in the media the past year building up fears of cyber attacks by Russia, China, Iran and even North Korea.

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In terms of supply chain threats, I’m not sure exactly how a cyber attack could do much to disrupt global shipping, unless we are talking about another blockage in a major shipping route like the Suez Canal.

But, a successful attack on stock exchanges in places like Wall Street could be devastating. I suggest watching this event carefully as it may be designed to precede a real cyber attack sometime this year.

Global War Tensions

The media and the Biden Administration are very busy trying to create tensions with Russia over Ukraine. There are renewed tensions between Iran and Israel and continued destabilization by the West in Syria. And, a rising danger of confrontation with China over Taiwan.

War could be the goal, or, the goal could merely be economic conflict. After all, China has already been dumping dollars and US treasuries the past year, and it would not take much to cause damage to the dollar’s world reserve status if China and Russia both diversified into a basket of currencies for global trade.

Beyond that, there are many advantages for globalists in creating regional wars and drawing Americans into pointless conflicts. For example, the threat of war could be used to institute a new draft.

What better way to keep American men in particular busy and stop them from rebellion against the Reset than to draft them so they can die in a meaningless war overseas?

There is also a narrative advantage to global tensions; when presented with a foreign threat, are Americans more likely to reject notions of rebellion against government trespasses?

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I have no doubt that the establishment will try to claim the liberty movement is not a movement for freedom, but an “astro-turf” movement created by the Russians to destabilize America.

This has been the leftist media propaganda strategy for years now; so why would they stop?

The bottom line is this: America is the primary target of the globalists because we are one of the only countries with the means and the numbers to stop them and the Reset.

Until they are removed from the equation they will continue to throw crisis after crisis at us in order to wear us down and force us to accept totalitarianism.

Do not get too comfortable in the fact that the pandemic agenda is failing here; stay alert and continue to organize your communities.

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Moving Beyond Concentrated State Power
June 23 2023 | From: Geopolitics / Various

Capitalism is at the precipice of what it is capable of, and what is possible with it. Nevertheless, its proponents are perpetually swearing that it spurred tremendous development, yet we also know that it is the cause of so much industrial waste, and environmental destruction.

We are also aware that so much wealth of scientific knowledge have been purposely suppressed with the cooperation of the government for the purpose of preserving the need to consume and produce more, just to sustain commerce and capitalism, and its compatible patronage politics.

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Both share the same motivation to profit and rule. However, the people need not be ruled. What we all need is learn about deep thinking to make way for enlightenment, vision and wisdom. That’s the only way that the people will eventually learn to govern themselves.

In contrast, the present control system run by the State is grossly inefficient and spiritually destructive.

For how long should we allow the regressive system to continue?

The New Socialism: Moving Beyond Concentrated State Power

[Comment: Let it be clear that this article is shared here NOT in a pro-socialist effort, however it does raise some interesting ideas in how we can begin to fix our world moving forward.]

Capitalism as a system is now increasingly challenged. Critics proliferate and steadily deepen their opposition (alongside, of course, the persistence of capitalism’s defenders). Yet capitalism’s traditional “other” - namely, socialism - has also been widely devalued. It has lost its position as the goal (however variously interpreted) for anti-capitalist social movements.

When not simply ignored, socialism (and even more its derivative “communism”) is often treated as utterly passé. When taken seriously, it is mostly a vague rhetorical gesture expressing criticism of the capitalist status quo, not advocacy of a concrete alternative.

Socialist parties now mainly support capitalism but with a human face - i.e. with the social supports and safety nets that their “conservative” counterparts disdain.

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Sometimes the advocacy of socialism expresses a systemic rejection of, or opposition to, capitalism.

But even then, the current use of the term “socialism” lacks a clear, concrete definition of what genuinely new economic system it entails. What exactly differentiates it from and renders it superior both to capitalism and to what “old” socialism used to mean?

To enrich and strengthen anti-capitalism by giving it such a new, definitive goal, we need to revision socialism. On the one hand that means shedding accumulated historical baggage that now undermines and prevents socialism from being a prominent goal of social change.

On the other hand, a revised socialism requires new content that can inspire and motivate. That is now available.

Old socialism’s drawn-out demise since the 1970's helped give birth to a new 21st century socialism whose basic contours we can now contrast with old socialism.

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The old socialism that evolved across the 19th and 20th centuries eventually settled its many, rich debates by largely agreeing on two basic ways to distinguish itself from capitalism.

Capitalism entailed:

1. Private enterprises to produce goods and services

2. Markets as the means to distribute resources and products among enterprises and individuals (workers and consumers).

In contrast, socialism entailed government-owned-and-operated enterprises and government central planning as the distribution system. Both devotees of capitalism and socialism accepted this set of differentiating definitions.

Debates and struggles over capitalism versus socialism then swirled around the relative virtues and flaws of private versus state enterprises and of markets versus planning.

The practice of socialism combined criticism of private enterprise and markets with celebration of state enterprise and central planning.

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Once socialists had captured state power in the USSR, the People’s Republic of China (PRC) and elsewhere, the demands of managing actual economies tilted socialism’s focus ever further toward state enterprises and central planning mechanisms.

In perfectly parallel fashion, attacks upon socialism from devotees of capitalism stressed the failures and excesses of state enterprises and planning.

Many of those debates and struggles seemed to be resolved by the collapse of the USSR in 1989 and subsequent changes in Eastern Europe, the PRC and elsewhere. History, the devotees of capitalism crowed, had “proven” the non-viability of socialism, the superiority of capitalism.

They rarely grasped that what had failed was one version of socialism, an early experiment in what it might mean to construct a system beyond capitalism.

Their eagerness to claim that “socialism/communism had failed” conveniently forgot the many similarly “failed” efforts, centuries earlier, to construct capitalism out of a declining European feudalism.

Only after many such failures did changed social conditions enable a general system change to modern capitalism. Why would the same not apply to socialism qua successor to capitalism?

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A major task for socialists has been honestly to admit and contend with the limits and failures of the old 19th and 20th century socialism: chiefly, excesses of over-concentrated state power and inadequately transformed production systems.

Old socialism’s achievements - especially rapid industrial development and the remarkable provision of social safety nets - might be preserved and built upon if its limits and failures were also recognized and overcome.

One emerging and promising new socialism for the 21st century focuses on worker co-ops. Socialism becomes the campaign to establish and build a sizable worker co-op sector within contemporary capitalism. In worker co-op enterprises, all workers are equal members of a democratically run production operation.

They debate and decide what, how and where to produce and how to utilize the net revenues. Worker co-op enterprises exist alongside traditional capitalist enterprises.

They are eligible for and must obtain tax considerations, subsidies and state supports comparable to what capitalist enterprises received throughout capitalism’s history.

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Indeed, in their initial, emergent phase, worker co-ops deserve extra government support so that the worker co-op sector quickly achieves a significant role in the economy. Until that role is established, people will remain unable to evaluate, compare and weigh in on what mix of capitalist and worker co-op enterprises they wish for their society.

The worker co-op sector of an economy will have to decide what mix of market and planning mechanisms to utilize for the distribution of its resources and products (much as capitalist enterprises always did). The relationships - both competitive and cooperative - between the two sectors of each economy (capitalist and worker co-op) will have to be determined by negotiations between them.

The third member of those negotiations will be the populace as a whole weighing in on what kind of economic system it wants as the partner for its political system.

With a significant worker co-op sector, the state’s dependence on enterprises will no longer mean a dependence on a small minority: shareholders and boards of directors who control capitalist enterprises.

Instead it will mean, at least in part, the state’s dependence on masses of workers who democratically control worker co-ops. Under such a system, the prospects for genuine (as opposed to merely formal) political democracy are much enhanced over their sorry state today.

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Mass working class support made 19th and 20th century socialism - with its programs of revolutionary or evolutionary / parliamentary seizures of state power - historically important. We cannot now expect to mobilize again any equivalent support for a revival of the old socialism.

That is because of its limits and failures and also because of the massive, sustained campaigns against it by capitalism’s supporters.

However, a new socialism built upon the best achievements of the old plus a new focus on the democratic transformation of the workplace can mobilize mass support now. It is already doing so.

A new socialism for the 21st century would address as well all those in the population who are not in the workforce because of family, age, education, illness, disability or other comparable causes.

Systematic supports for them - qua relatives, friends and neighbors of workforce member - are as central to a new and better society as is the democratization of the workplace. Indeed, the latter and the former can and would be mutually supportive.

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Old socialist parties are mostly fading or imploding, yet at the same time capitalism’s deepening difficulties, especially since the global crash of 2008, are everywhere increasing mass opposition to capitalism.

What that opposition needs is a new socialism with attractive, basic transformative goals.

What is not wanted is social change that gives power to some far-away government apparatus.

The point is rather and finally to transfer power into the hands of the change-making workers themselves. Power here refers to more than politics. It refers to the social power at the economic base of society, in the workplaces producing the goods and services upon which social life depends.

The French Revolution’s slogan - liberty, equality, fraternity - was linked to its economic project of displacing feudalism in favor of capitalism.

While its economic project succeeded, it failed to realize that slogan. It turned out, as Marx noted, that capitalism’s class division (between employer and employee) blocked that realization.

Overcoming such class divisions - something a worker co-op can do - is required to take the next great historical step toward liberty, equality and fraternity.

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The establishment of worker co-ops is one idea for a transition to a resource-based economy.

This should make way for the full implementation of automation that will be according to an Open Source design and under the full control of the people, and not by the Corporatocracy.

Everyone must benefit from our collective scientific and technological advancements.

We can’t make our economic and political freedom happen if we continue relying on politicians and priests for directiom.

It’s time to wave and follow our own batons.

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Your Brain Is Not A Computer
June 22 2023 | From: Sott / Various

No matter how hard they try, brain scientists and cognitive psychologists will never find a copy of Beethoven’s 5th Symphony in the brain – or copies of words, pictures, grammatical rules or any other kinds of environmental stimuli.

The human brain isn’t really empty, of course. But it does not contain most of the things people think it does – not even simple things such as ‘memories’.

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Our shoddy thinking about the brain has deep historical roots, but the invention of computers in the 1940's got us especially confused. For more than half a century now, psychologists, linguists, neuroscientists and other experts on human behaviour have been asserting that the human brain works like a computer.

[Comment: This article takes into account the currently held mainstream of what a 'computer' is - it does not take into account black project technologies that are far more advanced.]

To see how vacuous this idea is, consider the brains of babies. Thanks to evolution, human neonates, like the newborns of all other mammalian species, enter the world prepared to interact with it effectively.

A baby's vision is blurry, but it pays special attention to faces, and is quickly able to identify its mother's. It prefers the sound of voices to non-speech sounds, and can distinguish one basic speech sound from another. We are, without doubt, built to make social connections.

A healthy newborn is also equipped with more than a dozen reflexes - ready-made reactions to certain stimuli that are important for its survival. It turns its head in the direction of something that brushes its cheek and then sucks whatever enters its mouth. It holds its breath when submerged in water.

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It grasps things placed in its hands so strongly it can nearly support its own weight. Perhaps most important, newborns come equipped with powerful learning mechanisms that allow them to change rapidly so they can interact increasingly effectively with their world, even if that world is unlike the one their distant ancestors faced.

Senses, reflexes and learning mechanisms - this is what we start with, and it is quite a lot, when you think about it. If we lacked any of these capabilities at birth, we would probably have trouble surviving.

But here is what we are not born with: information, data, rules, software, knowledge, lexicons, representations, algorithms, programs, models, memories, images, processors, subroutines, encoders, decoders, symbols, or buffers - design elements that allow digital computers to behave somewhat intelligently. Not only are we not born with such things, we also don't develop them - ever.

We don't store words or the rules that tell us how to manipulate them. We don't create representations of visual stimuli, store them in a short-term memory buffer, and then transfer the representation into a long-term memory device. We don't retrieve information or images or words from memory registers. Computers do all of these things, but organisms do not.

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Computers, quite literally, process information - numbers, letters, words, formulas, images. The information first has to be encoded into a format computers can use, which means patterns of ones and zeroes ('bits') organised into small chunks ('bytes').

On my computer, each byte contains 64 bits, and a certain pattern of those bits stands for the letter d, another for the letter o, and another for the letter g. Side by side, those three bytes form the word dog.

One single image - say, the photograph of my cat Henry on my desktop - is represented by a very specific pattern of a million of these bytes ('one megabyte'), surrounded by some special characters that tell the computer to expect an image, not a word.

Computers, quite literally, move these patterns from place to place in different physical storage areas etched into electronic components. Sometimes they also copy the patterns, and sometimes they transform them in various ways - say, when we are correcting errors in a manuscript or when we are touching up a photograph.

The rules computers follow for moving, copying and operating on these arrays of data are also stored inside the computer. Together, a set of rules is called a 'program' or an 'algorithm'. A group of algorithms that work together to help us do something (like buy stocks or find a date online) is called an 'application' - what most people now call an 'app'.

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Forgive me for this introduction to computing, but I need to be clear: computers really do operate on symbolic representations of the world. They really store and retrieve. They really process. They really have physical memories. They really are guided in everything they do, without exception, by algorithms.

Humans, on the other hand, do not - never did, never will. Given this reality, why do so many scientists talk about our mental life as if we were computers?

In his book In Our Own Image (2015), the artificial intelligence expert George Zarkadakis describes six different metaphors people have employed over the past 2,000 years to try to explain human intelligence.

In the earliest one, eventually preserved in the Bible, humans were formed from clay or dirt, which an intelligent god then infused with its spirit. That spirit 'explained' our intelligence - grammatically, at least.

The invention of hydraulic engineering in the 3rd century BCE led to the popularity of a hydraulic model of human intelligence, the idea that the flow of different fluids in the body - the 'humours' - accounted for both our physical and mental functioning. The hydraulic metaphor persisted for more than 1,600 years, handicapping medical practice all the while.

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By the 1500s, automata powered by springs and gears had been devised, eventually inspiring leading thinkers such as René Descartes to assert that humans are complex machines. In the 1600s, the British philosopher Thomas Hobbes suggested that thinking arose from small mechanical motions in the brain.

By the 1700s, discoveries about electricity and chemistry led to new theories of human intelligence - again, largely metaphorical in nature. In the mid-1800s, inspired by recent advances in communications, the German physicist Hermann von Helmholtz compared the brain to a telegraph.

The mathematician John von Neumann stated flatly that the function of the human nervous system is 'prima facie digital', drawing parallel after parallel between the components of the computing machines of the day and the components of the human brain

Each metaphor reflected the most advanced thinking of the era that spawned it. Predictably, just a few years after the dawn of computer technology in the 1940s, the brain was said to operate like a computer, with the role of physical hardware played by the brain itself and our thoughts serving as software.

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The landmark event that launched what is now broadly called 'cognitive science' was the publication of Language and Communication (1951) by the psychologist George Miller. Miller proposed that the mental world could be studied rigorously using concepts from information theory, computation and linguistics.

This kind of thinking was taken to its ultimate expression in the short book The Computer and the Brain (1958), in which the mathematician John von Neumann stated flatly that the function of the human nervous system is 'prima facie digital'.

Although he acknowledged that little was actually known about the role the brain played in human reasoning and memory, he drew parallel after parallel between the components of the computing machines of the day and the components of the human brain.

Propelled by subsequent advances in both computer technology and brain research, an ambitious multidisciplinary effort to understand human intelligence gradually developed, firmly rooted in the idea that humans are, like computers, information processors.

This effort now involves thousands of researchers, consumes billions of dollars in funding, and has generated a vast literature consisting of both technical and mainstream articles and books.

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Ray Kurzweil's book How to Create a Mind: The Secret of Human Thought Revealed (2013), exemplifies this perspective, speculating about the 'algorithms' of the brain, how the brain 'processes data', and even how it superficially resembles integrated circuits in its structure.

The information processing (IP) metaphor of human intelligence now dominates human thinking, both on the street and in the sciences.

There is virtually no form of discourse about intelligent human behaviour that proceeds without employing this metaphor, just as no form of discourse about intelligent human behaviour could proceed in certain eras and cultures without reference to a spirit or deity. The validity of the IP metaphor in today's world is generally assumed without question.

But the IP metaphor is, after all, just another metaphor - a story we tell to make sense of something we don't actually understand. And like all the metaphors that preceded it, it will certainly be cast aside at some point - either replaced by another metaphor or, in the end, replaced by actual knowledge.

Upon a visit to one of the world's most prestigious research institutes, I challenged researchers there to account for intelligent human behaviour without reference to any aspect of the IP metaphor. They couldn't do it, and when I politely raised the issue in subsequent email communications, they still had nothing to offer months later.

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They saw the problem. They didn't dismiss the challenge as trivial. But they couldn't offer an alternative. In other words, the IP metaphor is 'sticky'. It encumbers our thinking with language and ideas that are so powerful we have trouble thinking around them.

The faulty logic of the IP metaphor is easy enough to state. It is based on a faulty syllogism - one with two reasonable premises and a faulty conclusion.

Reasonable Premise #1: All computers are capable of behaving intelligently

Reasonable Premise #2: All computers are information processors

Faulty Conclusion: All entities that are capable of behaving intelligently are information processors

Setting aside the formal language, the idea that humans must be information processors just because computers are information processors is just plain silly, and when, some day, the IP metaphor is finally abandoned, it will almost certainly be seen that way by historians, just as we now view the hydraulic and mechanical metaphors to be silly.

If the IP metaphor is so silly, why is it so sticky? What is stopping us from brushing it aside, just as we might brush aside a branch that was blocking our path? Is there a way to understand human intelligence without leaning on a flimsy intellectual crutch?

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And what price have we paid for leaning so heavily on this particular crutch for so long? The IP metaphor, after all, has been guiding the writing and thinking of a large number of researchers in multiple fields for decades. At what cost?

In a classroom exercise I have conducted many times over the years, I begin by recruiting a student to draw a detailed picture of a dollar bill - 'as detailed as possible', I say - on the blackboard in front of the room.

When the student has finished, I cover the drawing with a sheet of paper, remove a dollar bill from my wallet, tape it to the board, and ask the student to repeat the task. When he or she is done, I remove the cover from the first drawing, and the class comments on the differences.

Because you might never have seen a demonstration like this, or because you might have trouble imagining the outcome, I have asked Jinny Hyun, one of the student interns at the institute where I conduct my research, to make the two drawings. Here is her drawing 'from memory' (notice the metaphor):

And here is the drawing she subsequently made with a dollar bill present:

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Jinny was as surprised by the outcome as you probably are, but it is typical. As you can see, the drawing made in the absence of the dollar bill is horrible compared with the drawing made from an exemplar, even though Jinny has seen a dollar bill thousands of times.

What is the problem? Don't we have a 'representation' of the dollar bill 'stored' in a 'memory register' in our brains? Can't we just 'retrieve' it and use it to make our drawing?

Obviously not, and a thousand years of neuroscience will never locate a representation of a dollar bill stored inside the human brain for the simple reason that it is not there to be found.

A wealth of brain studies tells us, in fact, that multiple and sometimes large areas of the brain are often involved in even the most mundane memory tasks.

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In a 2016 study of survivors of a plane crash by the University of Toronto neuropsychologist Brian Levine and others, recalling the crash increased neural activity in 'the amygdala, medial temporal lobe, anterior and posterior midline, and visual cortex' of the passengers.

The idea, advanced by several scientists, that specific memories are somehow stored in individual neurons is preposterous; if anything, that assertion just pushes the problem of memory to an even more challenging level: how and where, after all, is the memory stored in the cell?

So what is occurring when Jinny draws the dollar bill in its absence? If Jinny had never seen a dollar bill before, her first drawing would probably have not resembled the second drawing at all. Having seen dollar bills before, she was changed in some way.

Specifically, her brain was changed in a way that allowed her to visualise a dollar bill - that is, to re-experience seeing a dollar bill, at least to some extent.

The difference between the two diagrams reminds us that visualising something (that is, seeing something in its absence) is far less accurate than seeing something in its presence. This is why we're much better at recognising than recalling.

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When we re-member something (from the Latin re, 'again', and memorari, 'be mindful of'), we have to try to relive an experience; but when we recognise something, we must merely be conscious of the fact that we have had this perceptual experience before.

Perhaps you will object to this demonstration. Jinny had seen dollar bills before, but she hadn't made a deliberate effort to 'memorise' the details. Had she done so, you might argue, she could presumably have drawn the second image without the bill being present.

Even in this case, though, no image of the dollar bill has in any sense been 'stored' in Jinny's brain. She has simply become better prepared to draw it accurately, just as, through practice, a pianist becomes more skilled in playing a concerto without somehow inhaling a copy of the sheet music.

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From this simple exercise, we can begin to build the framework of a metaphor-free theory of intelligent human behaviour - one in which the brain isn't completely empty, but is at least empty of the baggage of the IP metaphor.

As we navigate through the world, we are changed by a variety of experiences. Of special note are experiences of three types:

1. We observe what is happening around us (other people behaving, sounds of music, instructions directed at us, words on pages, images on screens)

2. We are exposed to the pairing of unimportant stimuli (such as sirens) with important stimuli (such as the appearance of police cars);

3. We are punished or rewarded for behaving in certain ways.

We become more effective in our lives if we change in ways that are consistent with these experiences - if we can now recite a poem or sing a song, if we are able to follow the instructions we are given, if we respond to the unimportant stimuli more like we do to the important stimuli, if we refrain from behaving in ways that were punished, if we behave more frequently in ways that were rewarded.

Misleading headlines notwithstanding, no one really has the slightest idea how the brain changes after we have learned to sing a song or recite a poem. But neither the song nor the poem has been 'stored' in it. The brain has simply changed in an orderly way that now allows us to sing the song or recite the poem under certain conditions.

When called on to perform, neither the song nor the poem is in any sense 'retrieved' from anywhere in the brain, any more than my finger movements are 'retrieved' when I tap my finger on my desk. We simply sing or recite - no retrieval necessary.

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A few years ago, I asked the neuroscientist Eric Kandel of Columbia University - winner of a Nobel Prize for identifying some of the chemical changes that take place in the neuronal synapses of the Aplysia (a marine snail) after it learns something - how long he thought it would take us to understand how human memory works.

He quickly replied: 'A hundred years.' I didn't think to ask him whether he thought the IP metaphor was slowing down neuroscience, but some neuroscientists are indeed beginning to think the unthinkable - that the metaphor is not indispensable.

A few cognitive scientists - notably Anthony Chemero of the University of Cincinnati, the author of Radical Embodied Cognitive Science (2009) - now completely reject the view that the human brain works like a computer.

The mainstream view is that we, like computers, make sense of the world by performing computations on mental representations of it, but Chemero and others describe another way of understanding intelligent behaviour - as a direct interaction between organisms and their world.

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My favourite example of the dramatic difference between the IP perspective and what some now call the 'anti-representational' view of human functioning involves two different ways of explaining how a baseball player manages to catch a fly ball - beautifully explicated by Michael McBeath, now at Arizona State University, and his colleagues in a 1995 paper in Science.

The IP perspective requires the player to formulate an estimate of various initial conditions of the ball's flight - the force of the impact, the angle of the trajectory, that kind of thing - then to create and analyse an internal model of the path along which the ball will likely move, then to use that model to guide and adjust motor movements continuously in time in order to intercept the ball.

That is all well and good if we functioned as computers do, but McBeath and his colleagues gave a simpler account: to catch the ball, the player simply needs to keep moving in a way that keeps the ball in a constant visual relationship with respect to home plate and the surrounding scenery (technically, in a 'linear optical trajectory').

This might sound complicated, but it is actually incredibly simple, and completely free of computations, representations and algorithms.

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Two determined psychology professors at Leeds Beckett University in the UK - Andrew Wilson and Sabrina Golonka - include the baseball example among many others that can be looked at simply and sensibly outside the IP framework.

They have been blogging for years about what they call a 'more coherent, naturalised approach to the scientific study of human behaviour... at odds with the dominant cognitive neuroscience approach'.

This is far from a movement, however; the mainstream cognitive sciences continue to wallow uncritically in the IP metaphor, and some of the world's most influential thinkers have made grand predictions about humanity's future that depend on the validity of the metaphor.

One prediction - made by the futurist Kurzweil, the physicist Stephen Hawking and the neuroscientist Randal Koene, among others - is that, because human consciousness is supposedly like computer software, it will soon be possible to download human minds to a computer, in the circuits of which we will become immensely powerful intellectually and, quite possibly, immortal.

This concept drove the plot of the dystopian movie Transcendence (2014) starring Johnny Depp as the Kurzweil-like scientist whose mind was downloaded to the internet - with disastrous results for humanity.

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Fortunately, because the IP metaphor is not even slightly valid, we will never have to worry about a human mind going amok in cyberspace; alas, we will also never achieve immortality through downloading.

This is not only because of the absence of consciousness software in the brain; there is a deeper problem here - let's call it the uniqueness problem - which is both inspirational and depressing.

Because neither 'memory banks' nor 'representations' of stimuli exist in the brain, and because all that is required for us to function in the world is for the brain to change in an orderly way as a result of our experiences, there is no reason to believe that any two of us are changed the same way by the same experience.

If you and I attend the same concert, the changes that occur in my brain when I listen to Beethoven's 5th will almost certainly be completely different from the changes that occur in your brain. Those changes, whatever they are, are built on the unique neural structure that already exists, each structure having developed over a lifetime of unique experiences.

This is why, as Sir Frederic Bartlett demonstrated in his book Remembering (1932), no two people will repeat a story they have heard the same way and why, over time, their recitations of the story will diverge more and more.

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No 'copy' of the story is ever made; rather, each individual, upon hearing the story, changes to some extent - enough so that when asked about the story later (in some cases, days, months or even years after Bartlett first read them the story) - they can re-experience hearing the story to some extent, although not very well (see the first drawing of the dollar bill, above).

This is inspirational, I suppose, because it means that each of us is truly unique, not just in our genetic makeup, but even in the way our brains change over time. It is also depressing, because it makes the task of the neuroscientist daunting almost beyond imagination. For any given experience, orderly change could involve a thousand neurons, a million neurons or even the entire brain, with the pattern of change different in every brain.

Worse still, even if we had the ability to take a snapshot of all of the brain's 86 billion neurons and then to simulate the state of those neurons in a computer, that vast pattern would mean nothing outside the body of the brain that produced it.

This is perhaps the most egregious way in which the IP metaphor has distorted our thinking about human functioning. Whereas computers do store exact copies of data - copies that can persist unchanged for long periods of time, even if the power has been turned off - the brain maintains our intellect only as long as it remains alive.

There is no on-off switch. Either the brain keeps functioning, or we disappear. What's more, as the neurobiologist Steven Rose pointed out in The Future of the Brain (2005), a snapshot of the brain's current state might also be meaningless unless we knew the entire life history of that brain's owner - perhaps even about the social context in which he or she was raised.

Related: Civil servant missing most of his brain, still conscious: Your brain is not your mind!

Think how difficult this problem is. To understand even the basics of how the brain maintains the human intellect, we might need to know not just the current state of all 86 billion neurons and their 100 trillion interconnections, not just the varying strengths with which they are connected, and not just the states of more than 1,000 proteins that exist at each connection point, but how the moment-to-moment activity of the brain contributes to the integrity of the system.

Add to this the uniqueness of each brain, brought about in part because of the uniqueness of each person's life history, and Kandel's prediction starts to sound overly optimistic. (In a The New York Times op-ed, the neuroscientist Kenneth Miller suggested it will take 'centuries' just to figure out basic neuronal connectivity.)

Meanwhile, vast sums of money are being raised for brain research, based in some cases on faulty ideas and promises that cannot be kept. The most blatant instance of neuroscience gone awry, documented in a report in Scientific American, concerns the $1.3 billion Human Brain Project launched by the European Union in 2013.

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Convinced by the charismatic Henry Markram that he could create a simulation of the entire human brain on a supercomputer by the year 2023, and that such a model would revolutionise the treatment of Alzheimer's disease and other disorders, EU officials funded his project with virtually no restrictions.

Less than two years into it, the project turned into a 'brain wreck', and Markram was asked to step down.

We are organisms, not computers. Get over it. Let's get on with the business of trying to understand ourselves, but without being encumbered by unnecessary intellectual baggage. The IP metaphor has had a half-century run, producing few, if any, insights along the way. The time has come to hit the DELETE key.

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Nineteen Ways To Question Your Reality
June 21 2023 | From: TheSleuthJournal / Various

To question your reality in today’s world is a sure sign of sanity. In an ever delusional world where lying newsmen tell fake news, where mendacious politicians spin every event, where mass murder is conducted under the guise of a fake war on terror, where mass-produced food poisons and where medicine kills, it is a sign of great strength of character to challenge the supposed authority figures around you.

It is a sign of something pure and special if you can preserve your open mind and curiosity in the midst of so much propaganda.

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It is a sign of courage to ask the tough questions that mainstream journalists fear to touch. Here are 20 ways to question your reality:

1. If the point of water fluoridation is not mass medication of the population, and really to help people’s teeth, why is fluoride added to baby nursery water when young babies have no teeth?

2. Why is fluoride, which is really a combination of hydrofluorosilicic acid, sodium fluorosilicate, and sodium fluoride, pure and healthy enough to put in municipal water, yet is an unpurified industrial byproduct considered a toxic hazard by the EPA and used in rat poison, pesticides and Big Pharma antidepressant drugs like Prozac and Paxil?

3. If vaccines are safe, why do they contain known carcinogens such as mercury, aluminum, formaldehyde and MSG, and why do they contain so many toxic and dangerous adjuvants, such as acetone (solvent used in fingernail polish remover), ammonium sulfate, glycerol, phenoxyethanol (antifreeze), polysorbate 80, tri(n)butylphosphate (a neurotoxin) and squalene?

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4. If vaccines are great medicine, why do they contain human diploid cells, i.e. aborted fetal tissue?

5. Speaking of cannibalism and the forced ingestion of aborted fetal tissue, why do huge corporations like Pepsi use aborted fetal tissue in testing (and possibly making) their sugary drinks?

6. If vaccines are so effective, why did the scientific journal The Lancet publish a study that found that flu vaccines were only 1.5% effective, i.e. they only worked on 1.5 people out of 100?

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7. If vaccines are so safe and effective, why does the Government grant legal immunity to Big Pharma companies that produce vaccines, so there is no way you can properly sue them for damages when vaccines produce horrific side effects?

8. If GMOs are “substantially equivalent” to non-GM food, why do they cause organ disruption and organ failure as found by 19 studies?

9. If glyphosate (the main ingredient of Monsanto’s RoundUp) is perfectly safe for humans, why did the IARC (International Agency for Research on Cancer) of the WHO (World Health Organization) recently categorize it as a class 2a carcinogen, i.e. a probable carcinogen?

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10. If the ultimate purpose of GMOs is not to genetically modify humanity itself, why do GMOs lead to horizontal gene transfer, where the modified genes in GM food jump to bacteria in the human gut and change their DNA structure?

11. If our “leaders” really care for us and represent us, why do some of them (e.g. John Kerry, George Bush Sr. and Jr.) belong to Secret Societies like the Skull ‘n’ Bones, and why do they practice mock ritual sacrifice to demonic owl gods at Bohemian Grove?

12. If cancer were really a terminal disease, why have so many people completely cured themselves using natural methods such as Vitamin B17 (laetrile), DCA, the Gerson Therapy, the Budwig Diet and others?

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13. If the point of all the draconian laws passed since 9/11, including the Patriot Act and other means of mass surveillance, is to keep you safe from terrorism, why are almost all of the FBI’s “successes” in capturing “terrorists” the result of sting operations the FBI engineered itself?

14. If so many of your rights and freedom are being taken away under the guise of saving you from terrorism, why are you 58 times more likely in the US to die from a policeman shooting you than a terrorist?

15. If the mass surveillance grid being set up is really to keep you secure, then why has the NSA failed to foil a single terrorist plot, despite having access to every electronic transaction (call, text, email, etc.) made by everyone?

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16. If false flag events like 9/11, 7/7, Sandy Hook and the Boston marathon bombing were really carried out by bogeymen like “Islamic terrorists” and “lone nutter” shooters, why do they all share the common thread of occurring alongside a government-executed drill – at the exact same time, at the exact same place, for the exact same purpose?

17. If the world really were undergoing manmade global warming, why did so many scientists fudge, conceal and distort the data as exposed in the ClimateGate emails?

18. If you are crazy to question your reality and not believe everything the Government tells you, then why did scientific studies like this one reveal that those who actively question their reality (dubbed conspiracy theorists) are less hostile and more fact-based than conventional believers?

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19. If all the main things that happen in the world are really by chance (coincidence theory) as opposed to being planned (conspiracy theory), then how can we explain the existence of many New World Order accounts and documents (click here for the 3 most chilling) which have laid out the plan for world domination, in astonishingly accurate detail, 30 to 50 to 100 years ago?

Question your reality. It’s the solution to the global conspiracy. If enough of us keep doing it, we will grow in awareness in unstoppable numbers, and the conspiracy will collapse like the house of cards that it truly is.

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Seven Signs You May Be Experiencing A Dark Night Of The Soul
June 20 2023 | From: FractalEnlightenment / Various

“There is scarcely any passion without struggle.” - Albert Camus. When we are on the verge of uniting with the infinite wavelength of eternal vibration, our old frequency can sometimes go through a crisis of stasis.

It buckles and bends trying to adjust itself and tune into the cosmic orchestra. We tend to doubt everything we’ve known to be true. In worst (best) case scenarios we tend to fall into an existential crisis, or Dark Night of the Soul.

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But, if we are able to make it through this dark time, and shed that which has weighed us down, then we will open up once again, and even wider than before. This can happen many times on our spiritual journey, and each time we tend to gain new levels of wisdom.

Here are seven signs you may be experiencing a dark night of the soul.

1. You’re Experiencing, or Have Experienced, Ego Death

“I couldn’t live with myself any longer. And in this a question arose without an answer: who is the ‘I’ that cannot live with the self?

What is the self?I felt drawn into a void. I didn’t know at the time that what really happened was the mind-made self, with its heaviness, its problems, that lives between the unsatisfying past and the fearful future, collapsed. It dissolved.”

- Eckhart Tolle

Your sense of reality, or worldview, has been shattered. You have come to understand the illusory aspects of the ego and are in the process of letting attachment go.

You are experiencing a re-organization, a reidentification, and a reinterpretation of the boundaries between self and cosmos.

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Like Stanislav Grof wrote;

“Ego death means an irreversible end to one’s philosophical identification with what Alan Watts called skin-encapsulated ego.”

Also referred to as the Night of Pan: the mystical state where one’s ego goes to die a small death in order to be reborn as a Soul. In mythological terms it’s a journey into the Underworld, where difficult trials must be completed before the hero can return back to the “real” world.

2. It is Only When You’re Alone, that You Realize You’re Never Alone

“The capacity to be alone is the capacity to love. It may look paradoxical to you, but it’s not. It is an existential truth: only those people who are capable of being alone are capable of love, of sharing, of going into the deepest core of another person - without possessing the other, without becoming dependent on the other, without reducing the other to a thing, and without becoming addicted to the other.

They allow the other absolute freedom, because they know that if the other leaves, they will be as happy as they are now. Their happiness cannot be taken by the other, because it is not given by the other.”

- Osho

You feel alone and isolated in the world at times, but you find that it is actually in your alone time that things become clearer and more connected. You realize the utmost importance of solitude and meditation.

You’re coming to find that being alone and silent is a very important part of individuating the ego and actualizing the soul.

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We are each a microcosm within a macrocosm, tiny stars within a greater universe, drops of water in a mighty cosmic ocean. This is the great lesson of loneliness: we can no more separate the micro from the macro than we can the human from the natural.

Both are needed to put the whole into holistic. It’s the astonishing ache of loneliness that causes us to feel, as Kafka wrote:

“This tremendous world I have inside of me. How to free myself, and this world, without tearing myself to pieces. And rather tear myself to a thousand pieces than be buried with this world within me.”

3. You Have a New-Found Appreciation of Your Mortality

“Thanks to impermanence everything is possible.” - Thich Nhat Hanh

You have become exceedingly introspective. The weight of time is like a giant sitting on your shoulders. But you are beginning to learn how to reverse that dynamic, becoming someone who has the ability to stand on the shoulders of the giants instead.

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You appreciate more the passing of time: the reminiscence of times past, the contemplative present, and the forbearance of things future. It’s all a giant telescopic projection of your third eye focused on the intrinsic value of mortality, and how it brings meaning in ways immortality simply cannot.

4. The Purpose of Your Life Has Taken on New Meaning

“Don’t ask what the world needs. Ask what makes you come alive and go do it. Because what this world needs are people who have come alive.”

- Howard Thurman

You realize that the meaning of life is whatever you want your life to mean. But this is a huge responsibility, tantamount to an existential crisis.

Your breath catches in your throat, and is then dragged out of you. You are now suddenly duty-bound to bring meaning to an otherwise meaningless universe.

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It’s up to you, and you alone, to be the hero of your own story. It’s up to you, and you alone, to get beyond the artificial division you’ve created between yourself and the world.

The mountain of meaningless you’ve been standing on hitherto, awaits the flag of your own unique meaning to be stabbed into it.

The path to your own meaning is daunting, but it is a path that only you can walk

5. You’re More Aware of the Importance of Your Freedom

“Every time you are tempted to react in the same old way, ask if you want to be a prisoner of the past or a pioneer of the future.”

- Deepak Chopra

You understand that freedom is paramount. But willing yourself free is not easy. Freedom is something you do, not something you are. It is not a given. It takes effort, courage, and determination, usually in the face of those who would force you to live their way.

You see how the inert, civilized human has escaped the anguish of freedom only to fall into a state of preoccupation and paranoia.

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You see how the inert lifestyle can lead to nihilism and tyranny (extremism). You see how acting courageous in the face of that inertia is a powerful way to thwart the would-be tyrant within.

You’re slowly becoming a freedom unto yourself, and though it hurts like hell, you realize that it’s better to be an unsatisfied free man than a satisfied slave.

6. You’re Experiencing Anomie and Cognitive Dissonance

“It is a happy faculty of the mind to slough that which conscience refuses to assimilate.”

- William Faulkner

Anomie is a term popularized by French sociologist Émile Durkheim. It is a nurtured condition that arises from the lack of morality and social ethics in one’s culture.

You’ve experienced the pain of this condition and you are in the process of embracing it and letting it go in order to discover your own sense of values.

Related: The Strawman Is The Ego: The Parasite Cleanse Begins At Home

Similarly, your old worldview has been trumped by the new worldview brought about by the individuation of your ego and the actualization of your soul.

This is known as cognitive dissonance. It’s an unsettling feeling to have two worldviews clashing inside you, but you are working through it and will be better for the struggle in the end.

7. You Realize that the Ability to Fall Apart and Coming Back Together Again is Real Strength

“Suddenly you’re ripped into being alive. And life is pain, and life is suffering, and life is horror, but my god you’re alive and it’s spectacular.”

- Joseph Campbell

You realize that healthy annihilation is possible, and necessary. Like the Hindu Goddess of Never Not Broken, you’re learning to embody the ability to come together and fall apart, over and over again.

Indeed, you’re discovering that your strength comes precisely from your ability to experience a dark night of the soul and come out of it with scars blazing like badges of honor.

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You are constantly in the throes of metanoia. You’ve been fire-tested. You’ve been verified by vicissitude.

Your strength comes from your ability to adapt and overcome to falling apart and coming back together again, from wholeness to brokenness and back to a stronger form.

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Four Things Globalists Think You’re Too Stupid To Understand
June 19 2023 | From: NWOReport / Various

An in-depth look at 'psyche' of globalists.

Most Americans / Westerners by now have read or heard Infowars warn about the dangers of globalists, and the “new world order,” but the sheer amount of information can be overwhelming - and it’s easy just to throw out the information, or trust someone else to take action.

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We Will Approach “Globalism” a Different Way

Instead of just examining the raw facts (he said, she said, time, place, date) and then hoping people connect the dots (often a maze that would make a minotaur dizzy), Infowars will provide an in-depth look at the “psyche” of globalists.

And, we will endeavor to probe the basic assumptions that guide their daily lives - rather than hem and haw at the objectively horrible things they do and say.

After reading our exposé, any Infowarrior will understand for themselves “why” globalists do what they do.

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Four Things the Globalists Believe

1. Enlightened (We Know Better):

Globalists have one central goal in life: To eliminate nation-states and replace them with global institutions run remotely, without the consent of average citizens, usually by themselves.

Don’t take my word for it. Consider the remarks of David Rockefeller, preeminent globalist and master of the universe, until his death in March, 2017:

“We are grateful to The Washington Post, The New York Times, Time Magazine and other great publications …

“It would have been impossible for us to develop our plan for the world if we had been subject to the bright lights of publicity during those years. But, the world is now much more sophisticated and prepared to march towards a world government.

The supranational sovereignty of an intellectual elite and world bankers is surely preferable to the national auto-determination practiced in past centuries.”

That does not sound very democratic, does it?

Globalists usually have a God-complex, believing they know what is best for approximately 9 billion people - or worse, believing the 9 billion people are irrelevant. In that sense, globalists will often “break it to rebuild it” along the lines of their worldview.

Example: Globalists want a global currency, and historically, they admit as much. So they require every nation to install a central bank, de-link their currencies from gold, and then accept hyper-inflated worthless paper as “money” until all the bubbles have popped, the world economy is vaporized and a globally-controlled monetary system replaces it.

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“Order out of chaos,” or “Ordo ab chao,” is the motto of Thirty-third Degree Freemasons. America’s political ruling class is dominated by Thirty-Third Degree Freemasons, men who believe they see the “light” and are the “light-bearers” to the rest of humanity.

Chaos is where globalists think they are in control.

Maurice Strong definitely supported chaos during his life. Strong was the former chairman of the World Economic Forum (WEF), the CEO of Petro-Canada and briefly president of the U.N. Conference on Environment and Development. Strong is responsible for Agenda 21.

Strong told people 30 years ago:

"Each year, the World Economic Forum convenes in Davos, Switzerland … What if a  small group of these world leaders were to conclude that the principal risk to the Earth comes from the actions of the rich countries? … Isn’t the only hope … that the industrialized civilizations collapse?  Isn’t it our responsibility to bring that about?”

Scary? And he was in a position to do it. Globalists often work slowly and over many decades, so the switch could go at any moment.

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Mega-billionaire Hungarian Nazi war criminal George Soros made similar predictions (more like his “to-do list”) in 2012.

Warning of “riots” and “brutal clampdowns,” Soros said:

“We are facing an extremely difficult time, comparable in many ways to the 1930s, the Great Depression … The worst-case scenario is a collapse of the financial system. …

It will be an excuse for cracking down and using strong-arm tactics to maintain law and order, …a society where individual liberty is much more constrained, which would be a break with the tradition of the United States.”

The challenge as globalists see it, is for the rest of us to get out of our own way and accept their benevolent, enlightened guidance.

It may not be for a lack of effort, but most people faced with the apocalypse are usually more concerned about losing their house, food, electricity and healthcare - all of which are put in the crosshairs by stated globalist goals.

2. Heaven is a Place on Earth

Globalists believe that, irrespective of the facts, nations are the cause of all the war, famine and economic inequality in the world. It is a religious belief.

Without a basic assumption that nations are bad, everything else globalists believe is impossible. “The grass is always greener,” basically.

Conversely, “Utopia” is real to globalists; it isn’t something achieved in death (as with Christians, Jews or Muslims). Utopia is the result of things done in a certain mathematical order, in a certain way - hence, the globalist obsession with “fairness” and equal distribution of resources among nations.

Example: The Paris Agreement, the Kyoto Protocol, Copenhagen - all “climate” agreements packaged and marketed to the great unwashed only several years apart from each other. America said “Hell no” to all three of these agreements, even if a president’s pen got overeager.

Related: Agenda 21: Awareness And Activism + UN 2030 Agenda Decoded: Blueprint For The Global Enslavement Of Humanity Under Corporate Masters

Every one of these alleged attempts to “fight climate change” have two things in common: First, the U.S. is the only country who is expected to take things seriously, and second, the content of the agreements has nothing whatsoever to do with climate change.

Hidden in each “climate agreement” are “taxes,” or “reparations,” and surprise, America is expected to transfer up to half its total wealth (estimates range from $300 billion to $9 trillion) to the other signatories.

“It’s the economy, stupid,” to paraphrase a raging network liberal pundit.

Copenhagen demanded America repay “adaptation debt.” This is not optional for ratifying countries. And unlike previous climate agreements, Copenhagen empowers a new U.N. council to compel rich nations to comply.

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Kyoto wanted to regulate how much fuel the U.S. military could burn.

The globalists must redistribute America’s wealth to satisfy their utopian OCD. It is a zero-sum game in their minds. Making money takes money from somewhere else.

Climate changeis economic terrorism by any other name.

3. The Ends Justify the Means

Globalists do not typically (with very few exceptions) value human life. They will use staged military conflicts and kill millions to validate their belief in world government.

Example: The “police action” in Korea was the first time American soldiers were placed under “United Nations” command, which included Soviet generals. President Truman gave Soviet military leaders copies of U.S. troop movements, and the Soviets predictably informed the North Koreans and Chinese - who slaughtered many brave young American soldiers. To what did they owe their blood and tragic end?

Truman’s Secretary of State Dean Acheson later recalled:

“The only reason I told the President to fight in Korea was to validate NATO.”

General Lin Piao, commander of the Chinese forces, would later comment:

“I never would have made the attack and risked my men and my military reputation if I had not been assured that Washington would restrain General MacArthur. …”

And war is not the only time human life is sacrificed to promote the geographical consolidation favored by globalists.

Related: Governments: The Enemy Of Freedom & Globalists Interviewed: They Admitted They Controlled The Government

Pandemics, mass refugee migrations, and terrorist attacks targeting a nation’s collective psyche are also valuable, because they undermine the sense of safety previously associated with a national space.

Prof. Robert Pastor, “Father of the North American Union,”

“The 9/11 crisis made Canada and the United States redefine the protection of their borders. …What I’m saying is that a crisis is an event which can force democratic governments … to create a North American Community.”

The nation no longer acts as a “house” in the mind of citizens, is no longer a shelter. Something bigger must replace the inadequate, outdated nation-state, and guess who is waiting in the wings to offer a new vision? That’s right: globalists.

Example: Muslim terrorist attacks are a perfect example of globalist “crisis” politics. Governments are known to have advance knowledge of many of these attacks, and yet nothing is done to prevent them from occurring. How can this be? We find our answer in the many “global” solutions to “terrorism” heard often the day after the newest tragedy, sold in a package worthy of a used car salesman.

After the London bridge attack, Prime Minister Theresa May immediately began calling for global control of the Internet to fight terrorism. The government knew; they did nothing. Now they want to control the Internet. See how it works?

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Example: In the U.S., former President Obama’s own intelligence czar warned that his refugee policies were allowing ISIS to gain entry.

Then, Hillary Clinton handed over our refugee vetting authority to the U.N. and told the U.N. it needed to pressure countries to take in more refugees.

In short, globalists generally support anything that invalidates national borders and overwhelms public infrastructure - even if totally manufactured - in order to justify greater surrender of national control to bigger and more geographically expansive entities.

4. Bite-Sized Elephants:

“If you’re going to eat an elephant, eat it one bite at a time,” goes an old adage.

It’s definitely about the destination, not the journey, for globalists. Globalists believe in multiple paths to the finish line, as long as nations are destroyed, and an enlightened elite - presumably them - will be in charge.

Example: For this reason, globalists will even pay to create an enemy, and the former Soviet Union was the best enemy money could buy.

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American banks loaned the Bolsheviks millions after the revolution, built a refinery, and were responsible for two-thirds of Soviet Russia’s industrial capacity. The “red menace.” was made-to-order.

Lincoln P. Bloomfield, recently Assistant Secretary of State for Political-Military Affairs in 2005 from a State Department paper he wrote in 1962:

“…If the communist dynamic were greatly abated, the West might lose whatever incentive it has for world government … If there were no communist menace, would anyone be worrying about the need for such a revolution in political arrangements?”

Example: In addition to manufacturing threats, globalists have an even craftier way to attack nation-states: regionalisation.

This is where entire groups of countries are convinced to share more and more with their neighboring countries, until a single economy, single set of institutions and shared identity replace old national identities.

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Zbigniew Brzezinski, former National Security Advisor in 1995:

“We cannot leap into world govt. in one quick step… The precondition… is progressive regionalization, because thereby we can move toward larger, more stable, more cooperative units.”

Bite-sized countries.

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Exposed: The Nazi Roots Of The European Union
June 18 2023 | From: JonRappoport / Various

This is an intelligence briefing. Here I present the bare bones of what has been happening before our eyes… if we would see it.

Once upon a time, there was an industrial combine in Nazi Germany called IG Farben. It was the largest chemical/pharmaceutical octopus in the world. It owned companies, and it had favorable business agreements with companies from England to Central America to Japan.

Related: 2016 - How The Nazi’s Won WWII And Are Running The USA

The author of The Devil’s Chemists, Josiah DuBois, traveled to Guatemala, on a fact-finding mission, in the early days of World War 2, and returned with the comment that, as far as he could tell, Guatemala was “a wholly owned subsidiary of Farben.”

The pharmaceutical empire was and is one of the major forces behind the European Union (EU). It is no accident that these drug corporations wield such power. They aren’t only involved in controlling the medical cartel; they are political planners.

This is how and why Big Pharma fits so closely with what is loosely referred to as the New World Order. The aim of enrolling every human in a cradle-to-grave system of disease diagnosis and toxic drug treatment has a larger purpose: to debilitate, to weaken populations.

This is a political goal. It facilitates control.

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IG Farben’s main component companies, at the outbreak of World War 2, were Bayer, BASF, and Hoechst. They were chemical and drug companies. Farben put Hitler over the top in Germany as head of State, and the war was designed to lead to a united Europe that would be dominated by the Farben nexus.

The loss of the war didn’t derail that plan. It was shifted into an economic blueprint, which became, eventually, the European Union.

The European Commission’s first president was Walter Hallstein, the Nazi lawyer who, during the war, had been in charge of post-war legal planning for the new Europe.

As the Rath Foundation reports: In 1939, on the brink of the war, Hallstein had stated, “The creation of the New Law [of the Nazis] is ONLY the task of the law-makers!”

Related: European Union In Decay & More

In 1957, with his reputation sanitized, Hallstein spoke the words in this manner: “The European Commission has full and unlimited power for all decisions related to the architecture of this European community.”

Post-war, IG Farben was broken up into separate companies, but those companies (Bayer, Hoechst, and BASF) came roaring back, attaining new profit highs.

I refer you to the explosive book, The Nazi Roots of the Brussels EU, by Paul Anthony Taylor, Aleksandra Niedzwiecki, Dr. Matthias Rath, and August Kowalczyk. You can also read it at relay-of-life.com. It is a dagger in the heart of the EU.

At the Rath Foundation, you can also read Joseph Borkin’s classic, “The Crime and Punishment of IG Farben.”

In 1992, I was deeply engaged in researching the specific devastating effects of medical drugs. Eventually, I concluded that, at the highest levels of power, these drugs weren’t destructive by accident. They were intended to cause harm.

Related: How Rockefeller Founded Big Pharma And Waged War On Natural Cures

This was covert chemical warfare against the population of the planet. The Rockefeller-Standard Oil-Farben connection was a primary piece of the puzzle.

It was, of course, Rockefeller (and Carnegie) power that had forced the birth of pharmaceutical medicine in America, with the publication of the 1910 Flexner Report.

The Report was used to excoriate and marginalize Chiropractic, Homeopathy, Naturopathy, and other forms of traditional natural practice, in favor of what would become the modern juggernaut of drug-based treatment.

Related: Five Historical Vaccine Scandals Suppressed By The Establishment & FDA Admits Vaccines Contaminated With Serious Viruses Including Cancer + Measles Vaccination Is Not Protecting Against Measles

In an article about the FDA, “Medical Murder in the Matrix,” I point out the fact that this federal agency has permitted at least 100,000 deaths of Americans, per year, from the direct effects of drugs it, the FDA, has certified as safe. (See, for example, JAMA, July 26, 2000, ‘Is US Health Really the Best in the World,’ Dr. Barbara Starfield.)

The FDA knows these death figures. “Unintended” and “accidental” can no longer be applied to this ongoing holocaust.

The pharmaceutical industry itself also knows those death figures.

To understand the dimensions and history of the ongoing chemical warfare against the population, in the form of medical drugs (and of course pesticides), one must factor in the original octopus, IG Farben.

World War 2 never ended. It simply shifted its strategies.

Related: Were Hitler & Nazism Zionist Creations?

In any fascist system, the bulk of the people working inside the system, including scientists, refuse to believe the evidence of what is happening before their own eyes. They insist they are doing good.

They believe they are on the right side. They see greater top-down control as necessary and correct. They adduce “reasonable” explanations for inflicted harm and death.

World War 2 is still underway. The battleground has been changed, and the means are far cleverer.

Sun Tzu wrote: “Hence to fight and conquer in all your battles is not supreme excellence; supreme excellence consists in breaking the enemy’s resistance without fighting… The best victory is when the opponent surrenders of its own accord before there are any actual hostilities…It is best to win without fighting.”

This is what has been happening: invisible warfare.

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The Vision Of Technocracy
June 17 2023 | From: JonRappoport / Various

“Well, boys, we’ve got this strange thing called THE INDIVIDUAL. Could somebody tell me what he is? He’s not conforming to our algorithms. He’s all over the place. And while we’re at it, what the hell is this IMAGINATION? It keeps slipping out of our grasp, it doesn’t fit the plan…”

Technocrats say they want to wipe out poverty, war, and inequality. But in order to achieve these lofty goals (or pretend to), they need to re-program humans.

Related: Globalism, Socialism, Technocracy: Three Names For The Same Thing

Technocracy is the basic agenda and plan for ruling global society from above, so we need to understand it from several angles.

Consider a group of enthusiastic forward-looking engineers in the early 20th century. They work for a company that has a contract to manufacture a locomotive. This is a highly complex piece of equipment.

On one level, workers are required to make the components to spec. Then they must put them all together. These tasks are formidable. On another level, various departments of the company must coordinate their efforts. This is also viewed as a technological job. Organizing is considered a technology.

When the locomotive is finished and delivered, and when it runs on its tracks and pulls a train, a great and inspiring victory is won.

And then… the engineers begin to think about the implications. Suppose the locomotive was society itself? Suppose society was the finished product? Couldn’t society be put together in a coordinated fashion? And couldn’t the “technology of organizing things” be utilized for the job?

Related: A Deeper Understanding Of Technocracy & Seven Things I Would Do If I Wanted To Keep Poor People Poor

Why bother with endlessly arguing and lying politicians? Why should they be in charge? Isn’t that an obvious losing proposition? Of course it is.

Engineers could lay out and build a future society that would benefit all people. Disease and poverty could be wiped out. Eliminating them would be part of the blueprint.

This “insight” hit engineers and technicians like a ton of bricks. Of course! All societies had been failures for the same reason: The wrong people were in charge.

Armed with this new understanding, engineers of every stripe began to see what was needed. A revolution in thinking about societal organization. Science was the new king. And science would rule.

Of course, for an engineered world to work, certain decisions would have to be made about the role of the individual. Every individual. You couldn’t have an air-tight plan if every human were free to pursue his own objectives. Too many variables. Too much confusion. Too much conflict.

Well, that problem could be solved. The individual’s actions would be tailored to fit the coordinated operations of the planned society.

The individual would be “one of the components of the locomotive.” His life would be connected to other lives to produce an exemplary shape.

Related: Technocracy: A Scientific Dictatorship

Yes, this could imply a few problems, but those problems could be worked out. They would have to be worked out, because the overriding goal was the forming of a world organization. What would you do if one bolt (an individual human) in one wheel of a locomotive was the wrong size? You would go back and correct the error. You would re-make the bolt.

Among technocrats, the overall vision superseded the glaring need to “remake” individuals who would fit in. It was perfectly all right to re-program the individual.

Other people entered the game. High-echelon Globalists saw technocracy as a system they could use to control the population. Essentially, an already-misguided vision of a future technocratic utopia was hijacked. Something bad was made much worse.

In a nutshell, this is the history of technocracy. A locomotive is a society? No. That was the first fatally flawed idea. Everything that followed was increasingly bizarre.

Unfortunately, many people in our world believe in Globalism, if you could call a partial vague view a legitimate belief.

They dreamily float on all the propaganda cover stories - greatest good for the greatest number of people; no more poverty; equality of sharing; reducing the carbon footprint; a green economy; “sustainable development”; international cooperation; engineering production and consumption of goods and services for the betterment of everyone; and all of this delivered from a central platform of altruistic guidance.

If you track down the specifics that sit under these cover stories, you discover a warped system of planning that expresses control over the global population. The collective utopia turns out to be a sham. Waking up is hard to do? Breaking up is hard to do? They must be done.

A workable technological fix is a very nice achievement when the project is a machine. But transferring that glow of victory to the whole of society is an illusion. Anything that calls itself education would tackle the illusion as the first order of business.

Related: Mind Control Theories And Techniques Used By Mass Media

Engineering society requires engineering humans. That is the fatal flaw. It’s called mind control. Any genuine artist, any builder of communities, any sane activist, any honorable visionary stands outside technocracy, and is not part of this program. Instead, his thrust is toward more individual freedom and a more open society with greater decentralization of power.

Decentralization is the key.

The use of technology does not imply living inside its control. The use of technology does not imply that society should be laid out like a giant machine with fitted parts.

Those futurists who have offered “overall plans” for the disposition of society generally ignore or sidestep the issue of who is going to administer the plan. To say this is an error is a vast understatement.

Where is one far-reaching center of power in our world that would run society with a primary concern for the freedom of the individual?

We are looking at an inherent contradiction. All such centers of power are, first and foremost, dedicated to their own survival. And after that, they are dedicated to control of the territory they believe they own.

THE INDIVIDUAL is a messy thing that needs to be sidelined or dealt with as a disruptive element.

Related: The Transhumanist Agenda And The [Attempted] Future Of Humanity

I speak to those people who understand that the idea of the free, independent, powerful, and creative individual is being delined, shelved, sent down the memory hole. This is no accident. This isn’t just a devolutionary trend. Technocrats see this as a necessary action, in order to “clean up” their equation for the civilization they’re building.

The individual is a slippery variable that throws a monkey wrench into formulas.

Imagination never dies. It belongs to the individual. It isn’t property of the group. It enables solutions that eradicate problems and get out ahead of problems before they raise their heads.

Time and time again, the individual, as he wends his way through life, encounters persons and organizations that consider imagination a negative. In the clearly defined shapes of society, imagination must take a back seat to planning.

Is the individual resistant to such manipulations, or does he give in? This is the key question.

Does the individual view society as an operation that can potentially lift up individuals and empower them? Or does he give in to the idea that society should create more and more dependent people?

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The individual can be a source of spreading freedom, or he can defend the notion that there are an endless number of “entitlements” that must be honored.

Technocracy promotes entitlements as a doorway into the future. Its ultimate entitlement goes this way: you have the right to be re-programmed to believe you have a slot in the future world; we will make this slot as attractive as possible; you will serve the overall good as we engineer it.

That is the fundamental justification for the Welfare State. It’s the justification for a future technocratic policy which will assign citizens energy quotas. A citizen would be permitted to consume a set amount of energy in a given time period. (So-called smart meters are a step in that direction. The meters enable more specific measurements of energy consumption.)

This is how technocracy imagines the future…

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Three Questions You’re Not Supposed To Ask About Life In A Sick Society
June 16 2023 | From: WakingTimes / Various

“It is no measure of health to be well adjusted to a profoundly sick society.” - J. Krishnamurti

Society is directed by a never-ending mainstream narrative which is always evolving, and always reaching new dramatic peaks in sensationalism and hype. They fill your mind with topics they select, they keep your attention on these topics, and they invite and encourage you to argue amongst each other about these topics.

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In this way our collective attention is permanently commandeered, preventing us from diving too deeply into matters which have more than a superficial impact on day-today life.

Free-thinking is the ability and willingness to explore of ideas and areas of the mind which are yet undiscovered or are off-limits.

It is a vanishing art that is deliberately being stamped out by a control system which demands conformity, acquiescence and obedience of body, mind, and spirit.

For your consideration, here are three questions you’re not supposed to ask about life in our profoundly sick society.

1. Who Owns the Money Supply, and the World’s Debt?

Pretty much the entire world is in financial debt, an insidious form of slavery which enables the exploitation of human beings and of all things in nature. It’s maddening when you think about it. The United States alone supposedly owes some $20 trillion, while the world at large owes a shocking $215 trillion?

But to whom, precisely?

Related: Why Do We Allow Private Banks & Families To Control The World’s Money? +The Truth Is Out: "Money" Is Just An IOU, And The Banks Are Rolling In It

Money is just a medium of exchange which facilitates transactions between people. In and of itself it has no intrinsic value as we could just as easily use sea shells instead of dollar bills and still be able to get things done.

But today’s money is the property of private third-parties who rent it out to national governments, who then use the labor of their citizens as collateral against these loans. This is a highly refined form of slavery, which has already put future unborn generations of human beings in debt.

But who, exactly does the human race owe? Who are our debt-slave masters?

2. Who Owns Your Body?

Ownership means having the explicit right to use, control and dispose of something in the manner of your choosing.

The one thing you are born with that you take with you to your death is your own body, but do you own it? If not you, then who does own your body?

If this question were already settled in our society then there wouldn’t be ever-increasing pressure on those who choose to refuse vaccines.

Children battling cancer and other serious illnesses wouldn’t be forced to take chemo and radiation under penalty of law and under threat of being taken from their parents.

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Water wouldn’t be fluoridated without our consent. Natural medicines wouldn’t be outlawed under threat of fines and prison time.

We are rapidly approaching a time when people will be required by law to take psychotropic medications as citizens were in Aldous Huxley’s dystopian classic, Brave New World.

Do you own your body, or does it belong to the state?

3.  Why is the Exploration of Consciousness Restricted and Illegal?

The most effective prisons are not material, but are constructed inside the mind. Perception, opinion and understanding are all dynamic concepts, not at all static.

These can all change in the blink of an eye just because a new idea or experience resonates with you in a special way. Our evolution depends on our ability to expand the frontiers of what’s possible, and when the mind is held in confinement by an entrenched system and powerful cultural paradigm, progress, even happiness, is stunted.

Related: How Science Arrived At The Doorstep Of Spirituality

In this societal trap you are given free rein to debase your consciousness and your spirit with alcohol, dangerous drugs, pharmaceuticals, television, pornography, theatrical violence, and then some, yet many natural medicines which elevate consciousness and provide a window into the soul are illegal.

"This is the way freedom is hijacked - not all at once, out in the open, but stealthily, little by little, behind closed doors, and with our own agreement.

How will we be able to resist when so many of us have already willingly handed over the keys to our own consciousness to the state and accepted without protest that it is OK to be told what we may and may not do, what we may and may not explore, even what we may and may not experience, with this most precious, sapient, unique, and individual part of ourselves?

If we are willing to accept that then we can be persuaded to accept anything.”

- Graham Hancock

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Cover Stories Are Used To Control Explanations & Medical Propaganda Headlines For Gullible Minds
July 15 2023 | From: PaulCraigRoberts / JonRappoport / Various

Years ago James Jesus Angleton left me with the impression that when an intelligence agency, such as the CIA, pulls off an assassination, bombing, or any event with which the agency does not wish to be associated, the agency uses the media to control the explanation by quickly putting into place a cover story that, along with several others, has been prepared in advance.

I suggested that the new story that “the Saudis did 9/11” was put into play to take the place of the worn and battered first cover story: Is the Saudi 9/11 Story Part Of The Deception?

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When the Oswald cover story for JFK’s assassination came under heavy suspicion, other cover stories appeared in the media. One was that the Mafia killed JFK, because he was having affairs with their molls.

The fact that it made no sense did not stop many from believing it. It did not occur to people more gullible than thoughtful that a gangster would simply get another woman and not take the risk of assassinating the US president over a woman.

The last thing the Mafia would want would be for Attorney General Robert Kennedy to bring the law down on the Mafia like a ton of bricks.

Another cover story was that Castro did it. This made even less sense. JFK had nixed the Joint Chiefs/CIA plan to invade Cuba, and he had refused air cover to the CIA’s Bay of Pigs invasion. JFK would certainly not be on Castro’s hit list.

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Another cover story was that Lyndon Johnson was behind Kennedy’s assassination. As I wrote, there is no doubt that LBJ covered up the Joint Chiefs / CIA / Secret Service plot against JFK, as any president would have done, because the alternative was to destroy the American people’s confidence in the US military and security agencies.

The Chief Justice of the Supreme Court also covered up the plot, as did the Warren Commission, the media, and the Congress.

The “Johnson did it” story is the most preposterous of all. The Joint Chiefs, CIA, Secret Service, Chief Justice, Congress, and Media are not going to participate in the murder of a President and its coverup just for the sake of the VP’s personal ambition. The idea that so many strong institutions would permit a VP to murder a President for no reason other than the personal ambition of the VP is beyond absurdity.

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Speaking of cover stories, I wonder if that is what we are witnessing in the leaked information to the New York Times about the Manchester Bombing. The only point of the leak is to set the story in place. The British complaints about the leaked information serve to disguise the leak’s purpose.

Setting a story in place early crowds out other explanations. Remember, the government claims to have had no warning of 9/11 but knew instantly who did it and set the story in place. The same for the Paris events, the Nice event, the Boston Marathon bombing, and I think all the others.

Authorities quickly come up with a story and names of those responsible.

The alleged perpetrators or patsies, take your choice, are always dead and, thereby, unable to deny that they did it or say who put them up to it. The only exception that comes to mind is the younger brother who has been associated with the Boston Marathon bombing.

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Despite two police attempts to shoot him to death, he inconveniently survived, but has never been seen or heard from. At his orchestrated trial, his court appointed attorney confessed for him, and the jury convicted on her confession.

Remember, Oswald was shot dead by Jack Ruby before Oswald was questioned by police.

There is no explanation for an armed private citizen being inside the jail with Oswald and positioned to shoot him at close range. Clearly, Oswald was not to be permitted to give his story. And no patsy since has either.

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Medical Propaganda Headlines For Gullible Minds

Warning: don’t use common sense in judging medical pronouncements. You’ll lapse from The Holy Order of Mystical Research.

Medical public-relations people keep a steady stream of stories flowing to the press, day after day.

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Aside from filling space, their main function is to assure the public that “advances are always being made” and “good things are right around the corner.” It’s much better, for example, than, “Well, this month we didn’t discover a single important datum. Here’s hoping for better luck in July.”

A brief examination of medical-story headlines reveals that these stories are lacking in a little thing called reality; or they announce something so obvious it hardly merits mention, much less a full-blown study to establish what any person with a few working brain cells already knows.

Here are a few such headlines from a popular medical site (medicalnewstoday). They represent a mere few days’ worth of vital…baloney:


Well, poor sleep makes it harder to concentrate the next day. End of study. Thanks. We’re newly enlightened. Where’s my check?

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Another stunning revelation. The boy is lonely. He doesn’t sleep well. We never would have imagined such a connection without a meticulous study.


The insights keep coming. A person already in a state of chronic pain reacts more severely to new pain than a person who isn’t suffering from chronic pain. Give the researchers a Nobel and a trip to Disneyland.


Someone with respiratory disease could experience trouble when breathing diesel fumes. Wow. A mind-bending correlation. And we need to know the exact mechanism of the flare-up because…?

Researchers are going to develop a drug that will eliminate the problem? “Do you have TB? Now you can walk through diesel fumes without a reaction.” Sure. The drug is called Thorazine. You’ll still have a severe reaction, but you won’t know it. Or anything else.

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Here are two related headlines:



I love stories about “breakthroughs” in gene research. First of all, try to find one version of gene therapy for any disease that works across the board. Good luck.

But you can find thousands of articles about “advances” in the research. They hint at glorious innovations coming to your neighborhood soon.

So let me know when this genetic discovery about heart disease results in a treatment that actually reverses the condition.

And as for genes associated with intelligence, it’s easy as pie to make claims, as long as you don’t have to try to increase IQ with an injection.

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Getting the point? Researchers can obtain all sorts of money to do studies that then posit some correlation between a condition and various gaggles of genes - as long as they don’t have come up with an actual gene therapy that works. It’s a great con. Nice work if they can get it, and they can.


Yes, it may. Or it may not. Who can say? We’ll have to wait and see. Give the researchers another decade. Meanwhile, read about lots of “maybes.”

It’s possible that a steady diet of “maybe” articles will increase your intelligence, help you sleep better at night, reverse heart disease, and decrease your reaction to diesel fumes.

It’s also possible the articles will turn you into a creature with the IQ of a tree-dwelling sloth.

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Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi

Mind Control Theories And Techniques Used By Mass Media
June 14 2023 | From: WorldTruth / Various

Mass media is the most powerful tool used by the ruling class to manipulate the masses. It shapes and molds opinions and attitudes and defines what is normal and acceptable.

TThis article looks at the workings of mass media through the theories of its major thinkers, its power structure and the techniques it uses, in order to understand its true role in society.

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A number of articles on this site discuss occult symbolism found in objects of popular culture. From these articles arise many legitimate questions relating to the purpose of those symbols and the motivations of those who place them there, but it is impossible for me to provide satisfactory answers to these questions without mentioning many other concepts and facts.

I’ve therefore decided to write this article to supply the theoretical and methodological background of the analyzes presented on this site as well as introducing the main scholars of the field of mass communications.

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Some people read my articles and think I’m saying “Lady Gaga wants to control our minds”. That is not the case. She is simply a small part of the huge system that is the mass media.

Programming Through Mass Media

Mass media are media forms designed to reach the largest audience possible. They include television, movies, radio, newspapers, magazines, books, records, video games and the internet.

Many studies have been conducted in the past century to measure the effects of mass media on the population in order to discover the best techniques to influence it.

From those studies emerged the science of Communications, which is used in marketing, public relations and politics.

Related: Hidden Truths About The Mainstream News Media

Mass communication is a necessary tool to insure the functionality of a large democracy; it is also a necessary tool for a dictatorship. It all depends on its usage.

In the 1958 preface for A Brave New World, Aldous Huxley paints a rather grim portrait of society. He believes it is controlled by an “impersonal force”, a ruling elite, which manipulates the population using various methods.

"Impersonal forces over which we have almost no control seem to be pushing us all in the direction of the Brave New Worldian nightmare; and this impersonal pushing is being consciously accelerated by representatives of commercial and political organizations who have developed a number of new techniques for manipulating, in the interest of some minority, the thoughts and feelings of the masses.”

- Aldous Huxley, Preface to A Brave New World

His bleak outlook is not a simple hypothesis or a paranoid delusion. It is a documented fact, present in the world’s most important studies on mass media. Here are some of them:

Elite Thinkers

Walter Lippmann

Related: Brave New World And Individual Power & How The Elite Dominate The World: They Buy Politicians, And Incumbents Almost Always Win

Walter Lippmann, an American intellectual, writer and two-time Pulitzer Prize winner brought forth one of the first works concerning the usage of mass media in America. 

In Public Opinion (1922), Lippmann compared the masses to a “great beast” and a “bewildered herd” that needed to be guided by a governing class. He described the ruling elite as “a specialized class whose interests reach beyond the locality.

This class is composed of experts, specialists and bureaucrats. According to Lippmann, the experts, who often are referred to as “elites,” are to be a machinery of knowledge that circumvents the primary defect of democracy, the impossible ideal of the “omnicompetent citizen."

The trampling and roaring “bewildered herd” has its function: to be “the interested spectators of action,” i.e. not participants. Participation is the duty of “the responsible man”, which is not the regular citizen.

Related: Television Mind Control Exposed

Mass media and propaganda are therefore tools that must be used by the elite to rule the public without physical coercion. One important concept presented by Lippmann is the “manufacture of consent”, which is, in short, the manipulation of public opinion to accept the elite’s agenda.

It is Lippmann’s opinion that the general public is not qualified to reason and to decide on important issues. It is therefore important for the elite to decide ”for its own good” and then sell those decisions to the masses.

“That the manufacture of consent is capable of great refinements no one, I think, denies.

The process by which public opinions arise is certainly no less intricate than it has appeared in these pages, and the opportunities for manipulation open to anyone who understands the process are plain enough. . . . as a result of psychological research, coupled with the modern means of communication, the practice of democracy has turned a corner.

A revolution is taking place, infinitely more significant than any shifting of economic power. . . . Under the impact of propaganda, not necessarily in the sinister meaning of the word alone, the old constants of our thinking have become variables.

It is no longer possible, for example, to believe in the original dogma of democracy; that the knowledge needed for the management of human affairs comes up spontaneously from the human heart.

Where we act on that theory we expose ourselves to self-deception, and to forms of persuasion that we cannot verify. It has been demonstrated that we cannot rely upon intuition, conscience, or the accidents of casual opinion if we are to deal with the world beyond our reach.”

–Walter Lippmann, Public Opinion 

It might be interesting to note that Lippmann is one of the founding fathers of the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR), the most influential foreign policy think tank in the world.

Related: The Council on Foreign Relations

This fact should give you a small hint of the mind state of the elite concerning the usage of media.

“Political and economic power in the United States is concentrated in the hands of a “ruling elite” that controls most of U.S.-based multinational corporations, major communication media, the most influential foundations, major private universities and most public utilities.

Founded in 1921, the Council of Foreign Relations is the key link between the large corporations and the federal government. It has been called a “school for statesmen” and “comes close to being an organ of what C. Wright Mills has called the Power Elite – a group of men, similar in interest and outlook shaping events from invulnerable positions behind the scenes.

The creation of the United Nations was a Council project, as well as the International Monetary Fund and the World Bank.”

– Steve Jacobson, Mind Control in the United States

Some current members of the CFR include David Rockefeller, Dick Cheney, Barack Obama, Hilary Clinton, mega-church pastor Rick Warren and the CEOs of major corporations such as CBSNike,Coca-Cola and Visa.

Carl Jung

Related: Monarch Mind Control & The MK-Ultra Program

Carl Jung is the founder of analytical psychology (also known an Jungian psychology), which emphasizes understanding the psyche by exploring dreams, art, mythology, religion, symbols and philosophy.

The Swiss therapist is at the origin of many psychological concepts used today such as the Archetype, the Complex, the Persona, the Introvert/Extrovert and Synchronicity. He was highly influenced by the occult background of his family.

Carl Gustav, his grandfather, was an avid Freemason (he was Grand Master) and Jung himself discovered that some of his ancestors were Rosicrucians.

Related: The Rosicrucians

This might explain his great interest in Eastern and Western philosophy, alchemy, astrology and symbolism. One of  his most important (and misunderstood) concept was theCollective Unconscious.

"My thesis, then, is as follows: In addition to our immediate consciousness, which is of a thoroughly personal nature and which we believe to be the only empirical psyche (even if we tack on the personal unconscious as an appendix), there exists a second psychic system of a collective, universal, and impersonal nature which is identical in all individuals.

This collective unconscious does not develop individually but is inherited. It consists of pre-existent forms, the archetypes, which can only become conscious secondarily and which give definite form to certain psychic contents.”

– Carl Jung, The Concept of the Collective Unconscious

The collective unconscious transpires through the existence of similar symbols and mythological figures in different civilizations. 

Archetypal symbols 
seem to be embedded in our collective subconscious, and, when exposed to them, we demonstrate natural attraction and fascination.

Occult symbols can therefore exert a great impact on people, even if many individuals were never personally introduced to the symbol’s esoteric meaning. Mass media thinkers, such as Edward D. Bernays, found in this concept a great way to manipulate the public’s personal and collective unconscious.

1955 Time Magazine cover featuring Carl Jung. Looks a little like Avatar, doesn’t it?

Edward  Bernays

Edward Bernays is considered to be the “father of public relations” and used concepts discovered by his uncle Sigmund Freud to manipulate the public using the subconscious.

He shared Walter Lippmann’s view of the general population by considering it irrational and subject to the “herd instinct”. In his opinion, the masses need to be manipulated by an invisible government to insure the survival of democracy.

“The conscious and intelligent manipulation of the organized habits and opinions of the masses is an important element in democratic society. Those who manipulate this unseen mechanism of society constitute an invisible government which is the true ruling power of our country.

We are governed, our minds are molded, our tastes formed, our ideas suggested, largely by men we have never heard of. This is a logical result of the way in which our democratic society is organized. Vast numbers of human beings must cooperate in this manner if they are to live together as a smoothly functioning society.

Our invisible governors are, in many cases, unaware of the identity of their fellow members in the inner cabinet.”

– Edward Bernays, Propaganda

Bernay’s trailblazing marketing campaigns profoundly changed the functioning of American society.

He basically created “consumerism” by creating a culture wherein Americans bought for pleasure instead of buying for survival. For this reason, he was considered by Life Magazine to be in the Top 100 most influential Americans of the 20th century.

Harold Lasswell

In 1939-1940, the University of Chicago was the host of a series of secret seminars on communications. These think tanks were funded by the Rockefeller foundation and involved the most prominent researchers in the fields of communications and sociological studies.

One of these scholars was Harold Lasswell, a leading American political scientist and communications theorist, specializing in the analysis of propaganda.

He was also of the opinion that a democracy, a government ruled by the people, could not sustain itself without a specialized elite shaping and molding public opinion through propaganda.

In his Encyclopaedia of the Social Sciences, Lasswell explained that when elites lack the requisite force to compel obedience, social managers must turn to “a whole new technique of control, largely through propaganda.”

He added the conventional justification: We must recognize the:

“Ignorance and stupidity [of] … the masses and not succumb to democratic dogmatisms about men being the best judges of their own interests.”

Lasswell extensively studied the field of content analysis in order to understand the effectiveness of different types of propaganda.  In his essay Contents of Communication, Lasswell explained that, in order to understand the meaning of a message (i.e. a movie, a speech, a book, etc.), one should take into account the frequency with which certain symbols appear in the message, the direction in which the symbols try to persuade the audience’s opinion, and the intensity of the symbols used.

Lasswell was famous for his media analysis model based on: Who (says) What (to) Whom (in) What Channel (with) What Effect

By this model, Lasswell indicates that in order to properly analyze a media product, one must look at who produced the product (the people who ordered its creation),  who was it aimed at (the target audience) and what were the desired effects of this product (to inform, to convince, to sell, etc.) on the audience.

Related: Was Michael Jackson’s Neverland Ranch A Mind-Control Programming Site?

Using a Rihanna video as an example, the analysis would be as follows: WHO PRODUCED: Vivendi Universal; WHAT: pop artist Rihanna; TO WHOM: consumers between the ages of 9 and 25; WHAT CHANNEL: music video; and WHAT EFFECT: selling the artist, her song, her image and her message.

The analyzes of videos and movies on The Vigilant Citizen place a great importance on the “who is behind” the messages communicated to the public. The term “Illuminati” is often used to describe this small elite group covertly ruling the masses.

Although the term sounds quite caricatured and conspiratorial, it aptly describes the elite’s affinities with secret societies and occult knowledge.

Related: Nine Indisputable Truths About “Conspiracy Theorists”

However, I personally detest using the term “conspiracy theory” to describe what is happening in the mass media. If all the facts concerning the elitist nature of the industry are readily available to the public, can it still be considered a  “conspiracy theory”?

There used to be a variety of viewpoints, ideas and opinions in popular culture. The consolidation of media corporations has, however, produced a standardization of the cultural industry. Ever wondered why all recent music sounds the same and all recent movies look the same? The following is part of the answer:

Media Ownership

As depicted in the graph above, the number of corporations owning the majority of U.S. media outlets went from 50 to 5 in less than 20 years. Here are the top corporations evolving around the world and the assets they own.

“A list of the properties controlled by AOL Time Warner takes ten typed pages listing 292 separate companies and subsidiaries. Of these, twenty-two are joint ventures with other major corporations involved in varying degrees with media operations.

These partners include 3Com, eBay, Hewlett-Packard, Citigroup, Ticketmaster, American Express, Homestore, Sony, Viva, Bertelsmann, Polygram, and Amazon.com.

Some of the more familiar fully owned properties of Time Warner include Book-of-the-Month Club; Little, Brown publishers; HBO, with its seven channels; CNN; seven specialized and foreign-language channels; Road Runner; Warner Brothers Studios; Weight Watchers; Popular Science; and fifty-two different record labels.”

– Ben Bagdikan, The New Media Monopoly

AOL Time Warner owns:

64 magazines, including Time, Life, People, MAD Magazine and DC Comics
Warner Bros, New Line and Fine Line Features in cinema
More than 40 music labels including Warner Bros, Atlantic and Elektra
Many television networks such as WB Networks, HBO, Cinemax, TNT, Cartoon Network andCNN
Madonna, Sean Paul, The White Stripes

Viacom owns:

CBS, MTV, MTV2, UPN, VH1, Showtime, Nickelodeon, Comedy Central, TNN, CMT and BET Paramount Pictures, Nickelodeon Movies, MTV Films Blockbuster Videos 1800 screens in theaters through Famous Players

"Disney ownership of a hockey team called The Mighty Ducks of Anaheim does not begin to describe the vastness of the kingdom. Hollywood is still its symbolic heart, with eight movie production studios and distributors:

Walt Disney Pictures, Touchstone Pictures, Miramax, Buena Vista Home Video, Buena Vista Home Entertainment, Buena Vista International, Hollywood Pictures, and Caravan Pictures.
The Walt Disney Company controls eight book house imprints under Walt Disney Company Book Publishing and ABC Publishing Group; seventeen magazines; the ABC Television Network, with ten owned and operated stations of its own including in the five top markets; thirty radio stations, including all the major markets; eleven cable channels, including Disney, ESPN (jointly), A&E, and the History Channel; thirteen international broadcast channels stretching from Australia to Brazil; seven production and sports units around the world; and seventeen Internet sites, including the ABC group, ESPN.sportszone, NFL.com, NBAZ.com, and NASCAR.com.

Its five music groups include the Buena Vista, Lyric Street, and Walt Disney labels, and live theater productions growing out of the movies The Lion King, Beauty and the Beast, and King David.”

– Ibid

The Walt Disney Company owns:

ABC, Disney Channel, ESPN, A&E, History Channel
Walt Disney Pictures, Touchstone Pictures, Hollywood Pictures, Miramax Film Corp., Dimensionand Buena Vista InternationalMiley Cyrus/ Hannah Montana, Selena Gomez, Jonas Brothers

Vivendi Universal owns:

27% of US music sales, labels include: Interscope, Geffen, A&M, Island, Def Jam, MCA, Mercury, Motown and Universal Universal Studios, Studio Canal, Polygram Films, Canal +Numerous internet and cell phone companies Lady Gaga, The Black Eyed Peas, Lil Wayne, Rihanna, Mariah Carey, Jay-Z

Sony owns:

Columbia Pictures, Screen Gems, Sony Pictures Classics
15% of US Music sales, labels include Columbia, Epic, Sony, Arista, Jive and RCA Records
Beyonce, Shakira, Michael Jackson, Alicia Keys, Christina Aguilera
A limited number of actors in the cultural industry means a limited amount of viewpoints and ideas making their way to the general public.

It also means that a single message can easily saturate all forms of media to generate consent (i.e. “there are weapons of mass destruction in Iraq”).  

The Standardization of Human Thought

The merger of media companies in the last decades generated a small oligarchy of media conglomerates. The TV shows we follow, the music we listen to, the movies we watch and the newspapers we read are all produced by FIVE corporations.

The owners of those conglomerates have close ties with the world’s elite and, in many ways, they ARE the elite. By owning all of the possible outlets having the potential to reach the masses, these conglomerates have the power to create in the minds of the people a single and cohesive world view, engendering a “standardization of human thought”.

Even movements or styles that are considered marginal are, in fact, extensions of mainstream thinking. Mass medias produce their own rebels who definitely look the part but are still part of the establishment and do not question any of it.

Related: The New Mind Control: “Subliminal Stimulation”; Controlling People Without Their Knowledge

Artists, creations and ideas that do not fit the mainstream way of thinking are mercilessly rejected and forgotten by the conglomerates, which in turn makes them virtually disappear from society itself.

However, ideas that are deemed to be valid and desirable to be accepted by society are skillfully marketed to the masses in order to make them become self-evident norm.   In 1928, Edward Bernays already saw the immense potential of motion pictures to standardize thought:

"The American motion picture is the greatest unconscious carrier of propaganda in the world today. It is a great distributor for ideas and opinions. The motion picture can standardize the ideas and habits of a nation.

Because pictures are made to meet market demands, they reflect, emphasize and even exaggerate broad popular tendencies, rather than stimulate new ideas and opinions.

The motion picture avails itself only of ideas and facts which are in vogue. As the newspaper seeks to purvey news, it seeks to purvey entertainment.”

– Edward Bernays, Propaganda

These facts were flagged as dangers to human freedom in the 1930?s by thinkers of the school of Frankfurt such as Theodor Adorno and Herbert Marcuse. They identified three main problems with the cultural industry.

The Industry Can:

1. Reduce human beings to the state of mass by hindering the development of emancipated individuals, who are capable of making rational decisions;

2. Replace the legitimate drive for autonomy and self-awareness by the safe laziness of conformism and passivity; and

3. Validate the idea that men actually seek to escape the absurd and cruel world in which they live by losing themselves in a hypnotic state self-satisfaction.

The notion of escapism is even more relevant today with advent of online video games, 3D movies and home theaters.

The masses, constantly seeking state-of-the-art entertainment, will resort to high-budget products that can only be produced by the biggest media corporations of the world.

These products contain carefully calculated messages and symbols which are nothing more and nothing less than entertaining propaganda. The public have been trained to LOVE its propaganda to the extent that it spends its hard-earned money to be exposed to it.

Related: A Masterclass In Propaganda & Transgressing The Logic Of The New Tyrannical Normal

Propaganda (used in both political, cultural and commercial sense) is no longer the coercive or authoritative communication form found in dictatorships: It has become the synonym of entertainment and pleasure.

"In regard to propaganda the early advocates of universal literacy and a free press envisaged only two possibilities: the propaganda might be true, or it might be false.

They did not foresee what in fact has happened, above all in our Western capitalist democracies - the development of a vast mass communications industry, concerned in the main neither with the true nor the false, but with the unreal, the more or less totally irrelevant. In a word, they failed to take into account man’s almost infinite appetite for distractions.”

– Aldous Huxley, Preface to A Brave New World

A single piece of media often does not have a lasting effect on the human psyche. Mass media, however, by its omnipresent nature, creates a living environment we evolve in on a daily basis. It defines the norm and excludes the undesirable.

The same way carriage horses wear blinders so they can only see what is right in front of them, the masses can only see where they are supposed to go.

“It is the emergence of mass media which makes possible the use of propaganda techniques on a societal scale.

The orchestration of press, radio and television to create a continuous, lasting and total environment renders the influence of propaganda virtually unnoticed precisely because it creates a constant environment. Mass media provides the essential link between the individual and the demands of the technological society.”

– Jacques Ellul

One of the reasons mass media successfully influences society is due to the extensive amount of research on cognitive sciences and human nature that has been applied to it.  

Manipulation Techniques

"Publicity is the deliberate attempt to manage the public’s perception of a subject. The subjects of publicity include people (for example, politicians and performing artists), goods and services, organizations of all kinds, and works of art or entertainment.”

The drive to sell products and ideas to the masses has lead to an unprecedented amount of research on human behavior and on the human psyche.

Related: Five Damaging Lies Advertisements Desperately Want You To Believe

Cognitive sciences, psychology, sociology, semiotics, linguistics and other related fields were and still are extensively researched through well-funded studies.

“No group of sociologists can approximate the ad teams in the gathering and processing of exploitable social data. The ad teams have billions to spend annually on research and testing of reactions, and their products are magnificent accumulations of material about the shared experience and feelings of the entire community.”

– Marshal McLuhan, The Extensions of Man

The results of those studies are applied to advertisements, movies, music videos and other media in order to make them as influential as possible.

The art of marketing is highly calculated and scientific because it must reach both the individual and the collective consciousness.

Related: The Ten Most Dangerous Threats To Humanity That Must Be Defeated For Us To Live As Free, Conscious Beings

In high-budget cultural products, a video is never “just a video,” Images, symbols and meanings are strategically placed in order to generate a desired effect.

"It is with knowledge of the human being, his tendencies, his desires, his needs, his psychic mechanisms, his automatisms as well as knowledge of social psychology and analytical psychology that propaganda refines its techniques.”

– Propagandes, Jacques Ellul (free translation)

Today’s propaganda almost never uses rational or logical arguments. It directly taps into a human’s most primal needs and instincts in order to generate an emotional and irrational response.

. If we always thought rationally, we probably wouldn’t buy 50% of what we own.

Babies and children are constantly found in advertisements targeting women for a specific reason: studies have shown that images of children trigger in women an instinctual need to nurture, to care and to protect, ultimately leading to a sympathetic bias towards the advertisement.

Sex is ubiquitous in mass media, as it draws and keeps the viewer’s attention. It directly connects to our animal need to breed and to reproduce, and, when triggered, this instinct can instantly overshadow any other rational thoughts in our brain.

Subliminal Perception

What if the messages described above were able to reach directly the viewers’ subconscious mind, without the viewers even realizing what is happening? That is the goal of subliminal perception.

Related: Former CNN Host Piers Morgan Blasts The Crazy Left: “Liberals Have Become Unbearable” Which Is Why Trump Populism “Is Rising” + Subliminal Messages In Advertising: How They Affect Your Mind

The phrase subliminal advertising was coined in 1957 by the US market researcher James Vicary, who said he could get moviegoers to “drink Coca-Cola” and “eat popcorn” by flashing those messages onscreen for such a short time that viewers were unaware.

"Subliminal perception is a deliberate process created by communications technicians, by which you receive and respond to information and instructions without being consciously aware of the instructions”

– Steve Jacobson, Mind Control in the United States

This technique is often used in marketing and we all know that sex sells.

Although some sources claim that subliminal advertising is ineffective or even an urban myth, the documented usage of this technique in mass media proves that creators believe in its powers.

Recent studies have also proven its effectiveness, especially when the message is negative.

”A team from University College London, funded by the Wellcome Trust, found that it [subliminal perception] was particularly good at instilling negative thoughts.

There has been much speculation about whether people can process emotional information unconsciously, for example pictures, faces and words,” said Professor Nilli Lavie, who led the research.

We have shown that people can perceive the emotional value of subliminal messages and have demonstrated conclusively that people are much more attuned to negative words.”

A famous example of subliminal messaging in political communications is in George Bush’s advertisement against Al Gore in 2000.

Right after the name of Gore is mentioned, the ending of the word “bureaucrats” – “rats” – flashes on the screen for a split second.

The discovery of this trickery caused quite a stir and, even if there are no laws against subliminal messaging in the U.S., the advertisement was taken off the air.

As seen in many articles on The Vigilant Citizen, subliminal and semi-subliminal messages are often used in movies and music videos to communicate messages and ideas to the viewers.


In the past, when changes were imposed on populations, they would take to the streets, protest and even riot. The main reason for this clash was due to the fact that the change was clearly announced by the rulers and understood by the population. It was sudden and its effects could clearly be analyzed and evaluated.

Today, when the elite needs a part of its agenda to be accepted by the public, it is done through desensitization.

The agenda, which might go against the public best interests,  is slowly, gradually and repetitively introduced to the world through movies (by involving it within the plot), music videos (who make it cool and sexy) or the news (who present it as a solution to today’s problems).

Related: How Mnemonic Is Used To Program And Control Your Mind

After several years of exposing the masses to a particular agenda, the elite openly presents the concept the world and, due to mental programming, it is greeted with general indifference and is passively accepted. This technique originates from psychotherapy.

"The techniques of psychotherapy, widely practiced and accepted as a means of curing psychological disorders, are also methods of controlling people.

They can be used systematically to influence attitudes and behavior. Systematic desensitization is a method used to dissolve anxiety so the the patient (public) is no longer troubled by a specific fear, a fear of violence for example. […]

People adapt to frightening situations if they are exposed to them enough”.

– Steven Jacobson, Mind Control in the United States

Predictive programming is often found in the science fiction genre. It presents a specific image of the future – the one that is desired by the elite – and ultimately becomes in the minds of men an inevitability.

A decade ago, the public was being desensitized to war against the Arab world. Today, the population is gradually being exposed to the existence of mind control, of transhumanism and of an Illuminati elite.

Related: How To Become Immune To Mind Control | How TV Affects Your Brain Chemistry For The Worse

Emerging from the shadows, those concepts are now everywhere in popular culture. This is what Alice Bailey describes as the “externalization of the hierarchy”: the hidden rulers slowly revealing themselves.

Occult Symbolism in Pop Culture

Metropolis – a movie by the elite, for the elite?

Related: “Order Out Of Chaos”: How The Elite’s Plans Were Foretold In Popular Culture

Contrarily to the information presented above, documentation on occult symbolism is rather hard to find. This should not come as a surprise as the term “occult”, literally means “hidden".

It also means “reserved to those in the know” as it is only communicated to those who are deemed worthy of the knowledge. It is not taught in schools nor is it discussed in the media. It is thus considered marginal or even ridiculous by the general population.

Occult knowledge is NOT, however, considered ridiculous in occult circles. It is considered timeless and sacred. There is a long tradition of hermetic and occult knowledge being taught through secret societies originating from ancient Egyptians, to Eastern Mystics, to the Knights Templar to modern day Freemasons.

Related: We Are Surrounded By Masonic Symbols: How Modern Logos Are Linked To Secret Societies

Even if the nature and the depth of this knowledge was most probably modified and altered throughout the centuries, mystery schools kept their main features, which are highly symbolicritualistic and metaphysical

Those characteristics, which were an intricate part of ancient civilizations, have totally been evacuated from modern society to be replaced by pragmatic materialism. For this reason, there lies an important gap of understanding between the pragmatic average person and the ritualistic establishment.

"If this inner doctrine were always concealed from the masses, for whom a simpler code had been devised, is it not highly probable that the exponents of every aspect of modern civilization – philosophic, ethical, religious, and scientific-are ignorant of the true meaning of the very theories and tenets on which their beliefs are founded?

Do the arts and sciences that the race has inherited from older nations conceal beneath their fair exterior a mystery so great that only the most illumined intellect can grasp its import? Such is undoubtedly the case.”

– Manly P. Hall, Secret Teachings of All Ages

The “simpler code” devised for the masses used to be organized religions. It is now becoming the Temple of the Mass Media and it preaches on a daily basis extreme materialism, spiritual vacuosity and a self-centered, individualistic existence.

Related: Social Engineering - The War On The Higher Mind Of Humans: Here’s Why You Should Consider Converting Your Music To A=432 Hz

This is exactly the opposite of the attributes required to become a truly free individual, as taught by all great philosophical schools of thought. Is a dumbed-down population easier to deceive and to manipulate?

“These blind slaves are told they are “free” and “highly educated” even as they march behind signs that would cause any medieval peasant to run screaming away from them in panic-stricken terror.

The symbols that modern man embraces with the naive trust of an infant would be tantamount to billboards reading, ‘This way to your death and enslavement,’ to the understanding of the traditional peasant of antiquity”

– Michael A. Hoffman II, Secret Societies and Psychological Warfare

This article examined the major thinkers in the field of mass media, the media power structure and the techniques used to manipulate the masses.  The  “mass population” versus “ruling class” dichotomy described in many articles is not a “conspiracy theory” (again, I hate that term), but a reality that has been clearly stated in the works of some of the 20th century’s most influential men.

Lippmann, Bernays and Lasswell have all declared that the public are not fit to decide their own fate, which is the inherent goal of democracy. Instead, they called for a cryptocracy, a hidden government, a ruling class in charge of the “bewildered herd.”

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As their ideas continue to be applied to society, it is increasingly apparent that an ignorant population is not an obstacle that the rulers must deal with: It is something that is DESIRABLE and, indeed, necessary, to insure total leadership.

An ignorant population does not know its rights, does not seek a greater understanding of issues and does not question authorities.

It simply follows trends. Popular culture caters to and nurtures ignorance by continually serving up brain-numbing entertainment and spotlighting degenerate celebrities to be idolized.

Related: The War On Reality: How Globalists Occupy Your Mind To Control Everything

Many people ask me: “Is there a way to stop this?”


"If a nation expects to be ignorant and free, it expects what never was and never will be.”

– Thomas Jefferson

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Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi

Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi

Carbon Dioxide Revealed As The “Miracle Molecule Of Life” For Re-Greening The Planet & Leonardo DiCaprio’s War On Carbon Is Actually A War Against All Plants, Rainforests And Ecosystems On The Entire Planet
June 13 2023 | From: NaturalNews / Various

The “War on Carbon” is rooted in the most outrageously dangerous, dishonest and degenerate anti-science bunk that’s ever been shoveled into the minds of the masses. Far from being a “pollutant,” carbon dioxide is the “Miracle Molecule of Life” for re-greening the planet through reforestation.

This essential molecule supports the entire web of life on our planet, and without it, all plants, animals and humans would die.

Related: Inconvenient Reality: Al Gore’s Global Climate Apocalypse Never Took Place - He Now Says It Did But You Just Couldn’t Tell + Hero EPA Administrator Speaks Out Against Junk Science – Denies CO2 Is Primary Contributor To ‘Global Warming’!

Yet, despise this undeniable scientific fact, nearly all climate change activists and “environmentalists” have been brainwashed into believing that carbon dioxide is an evil gas that will destroy the planet.

They have been brainwashed into believing exactly the opposite of what is true.

That’s the power of the dishonest media, corrupted science and government-run science myths and depopulation narratives that function as not just a war on facts, but even a war on logic and reason.

Related: Monster snowstorm in Colorado forces postponement of climate change & global warming rally

Quite literally, environmentalists across the world now think the very molecule that all plant life depends on is evil and destructive. They want to eliminate it from the planet. Yet if they succeed, they will murder us all, and there won’t be a single human left alive on the entire planet. Is that what they want?

Climate Change Cultists Are Working to Destroy All Plant, Animal and Human life On the Entire Planet

If the CO2 slanderers get their way, they will drive CO2 toward zero and end up killing all plant life and human life on the planet, which seems to be part of the actual hidden goal of the globalists who openly talk about depopulation of the planet. (Yes, they hate humanity that much.)

These dangerous climate change cultists threaten all life on the planet, yet they ridiculously claim to be protecting life while complaining that there are “billions too many” humans living today.

Related: Al Gore Asks For 15 Trillion Dollars As “Global Warming” Protest Cancelled Due To Blizzards!

Scientifically stated, climate change alarmists are “photosynthesis deniers” who deny the role of CO2 in supporting virtually all known plant life on the planet. Without CO2, nearly all plants die in less than 24 hours. All forests would be dead. All food crops dead. All wetlands dead. A “mass extinction event,” courtesy of the idiotic mind of Al Gore.

Sadly, these people are scientifically illiterate on the subject of CO2, and this includes Bill Nye, Neil DeGrasse Tyson, Barack Obama, Al Gore and all the rest of the climate change alarmists who have no scientific background whatsoever in climatology or atmospheric chemistry.

Far from being science proponents, they are actually science clowns whose alarmist predictions of apocalypse and mass death actually describe what would happen if they eliminate CO2 from the atmosphere. If anything, our planet needs more carbon dioxide, not less, to support rainforests, food products and the re-greening of deserts and semi-arid regions. (See the full video below for details.)

The North Western Courier 1951 - www.weathermodificationhistory.com

Related: Geo-engineering Smoking Gun From 1951

For my own credentials as a scientist, I’m known as the Health Ranger, author of the #1 bestselling Amazon.com science book Food Forensics, as well as the founder and lab science director of CWC Labs, an internationally accredited (ISO-17025) analytical science lab that’s steeped in both organic and inorganic chemistry.

I’m the founder of the Natural Science Journal which has published scientific results for hundreds of water samples collected from across the USA, identifying heavy metals pollution (lead, copper, etc.), and I’m the recipient of two U.S. patents on science innovations, including this invention of “Cesium Eliminator” which removes radionuclides from the body following a nuclear accident.

Related: The CIA, Weather Warfare, and Climate Terrorism

More importantly, unlike Bill Nye and Neil DeGrasse Tyson, I’m not a sellout prostitute to the twisted science narratives of the delusional status quo. As an independent thinker, I’m a real scientist, unlike the climate change cultists who are little more than obedient conformists (which, by definition, is anti-science behavior).

Watch this new video on carbon dioxide to educate yourself about the reality of why CO2 is the “green” molecule for our planet:

Leonardo DiCaprio’s War On Carbon Is Actually A War Against All Plants, Rainforests And Ecosystems On The Entire Planet

When you hear the word carbon dioxide or CO2, what’s the first thought that springs to mind? If you are like most people, the answer will be “a pollutant.” For years scientists, the United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), and the mainstream media have reported that the leading cause of climate change is heightened levels of CO2 in the atmosphere.

We have been told that CO2 is the villain wreaking havoc on all life on earth. Some climate alarmists such as Al Gore and Leonardo DiCaprio even started a war on CO2 to make the world a better, greener place. Though we have been told that the science is clear and the climate debate is over, scientific proof of this hypothesis in non-existent.

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To the contrary, a world without CO2 is a goner. CO2 is partially made from carbon. Without carbon, life doesn’t exist. Our body, vitamins, and hormones are made of carbon.

The health-promoting cannabidiols (CBDs) in your hemp extract are made of carbon. Furthermore, plants need CO2 for their photosynthesis. While the list goes on, you get the gist. Carbon is essential to ALL life.

If we let climate change advocates have their way, we should eliminate all CO2, which would mean the end of civilization.

Even though these people call for a better world, what these scientists are really asking for is the suffocation and murder of all life on earth.

Related: BBC shunned me for denying climate change

If CO2 levels were to drop to zero, then the world would be a desolate place. Today, L.A. and other major metropoles around the world are thriving with life. These cities are packed with people, trees, grass, plants, animals, and insects.

Take away CO2, and you’ll take away life.

Have We Been Brainwashed and Tricked Into Believing the Opposite of What’s True?

As stated by Adams, climate change alarmists are not only scientifically wrong and illiterate, they are insane. In the past, when our world was flourishing, CO2 levels were 15 times higher.

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These “environmentalists,” however, claim that today’s carbon dioxide levels are at a record high. Although today our world is coping with the 410 part per million CO2 in the atmosphere, double the amount and the world would be more lush and green since plants are starving for CO2.

“Yet, despise this undeniable scientific fact, nearly all climate change activists and “environmentalists” have been brainwashed into believing that carbon dioxide is an evil gas that will destroy the planet.

They have been brainwashed into believing exactly the opposite of what is true.

That’s the power of the dishonest media, corrupted science and government-run science myths and depopulation narratives that function as not just a war on facts, but even a war on logic and reason,”
Adams wrote in a recent article.

Imagine a world where deserts could grow forests, fresh foods become more abundant and affordable, and jungles flourishing with life. You get it, right? CO2 is far from a pollutant; it is the “miracle molecule of life."

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Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi

Republic Or Democracy And Self-Governance
June 12 2023 | From: Omnithought / Various

What exactly is a Republic? Have you ever even asked this question, or anything close to it?

Did you know that a Republic indicates that a Republican form of government is how the government is organized, and from that it is recognized and commonly accepted that the people are Self-Governing in a Republic and thus are, “Free from Things Public,” (Libera Res Publica, or Republic as stated in the Latin). In such a Republic the people are IN their private capacity going about their private business.

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Comment: This article is very American and Christian in nature. However, it should be noted though that Western law is actually based largely upon Bibllical principles and references.

Republic Governance

A Republican form of government supports and protects the unalienable common rights of the people, who by the way, are the people that make up that very same government. For in a True Republic it is the People who ARE the government, not the people serving in government offices.

This is what is truly meant when it is said, a Government of the people, by the people, and for the people.

So then, government is OF the people, and not OF the “Duly Elected” Public Servants that serve in the Public Offices as Servants of the People. These very same Public Servants have been INTRUSTED with the authority and ordination of the People by Oath to carry out the Will of the People.

In no other way is this possible much less, and more importantly Lawful! Therefore, Public Servants are Agents and Servants FOR the Government and are not the Government!

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So then, not out of disrespect for the sacrifices that one makes to serve in a Public capacity, all Public Servants should never be referred to as “The Government” or being OF Government, or, Government anything.

Wherefore, this directly implies that they still in their Private Capacity whilst serving in a Public Office and are using their Private capacity in a Public Office, which is an absolute no-no.

If such a thing were done, then this clearly is an indictable offense for conflict of interest at the very least as, “No man can serve two masters,” applies flawlessly to expose any criminal activities being kept hidden from the All Seeing Eye of the Public.

Can you see from this how Public and Private things are not to be commingled? When one is in and of the PUBLIC then they are to be in and of the PUBLIC only. Their private capacity is to be completely and totally separated from their PUBLIC capacity.

Again, they are the Servants and Agents FOR the People in a PUBLIC capacity ONLY, and the Private People ARE always the Government, never the agents and servants.

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It is most unfortunate that this knowledge and under standing has become greatly confused in these modern times. The distinction between these two capacities is immeasurably important.

I hope that IF you do not see and under stand this very important fact-of-life, which is the way things are intended to work properly, that you will come to see and under stand this very important fact-of-life, its intent, and its purpose, and how it relates to government of the people, by the people and for the people.

For, “To Govern,” means CONTROL, and “Ment,” means MIND. In other words, to govern oneself is to, “Control [your] mind” and not have your mind controlled by others, or anything foreign to what you have naturally been created and born to do.

Related: The Rise And Rise Of Control-Freak Government

To have your mind be or become subject to the will and control of any other who is intended to be your equal directly violates, “We hold these truths to be SELF-EVIDENT that all men are created equal.” Equals are never intended to rule over equals, else how are they equals, for this very literally violates your unalienable right to, “Life, liberty and pursuit of happiness.”

Furthermore, and just as important, neither are you to have your mind be controlled by the desires of your own body made of flesh. This is the untaught meaning for, “Subdue the Earth and all that is in it,” which is referring to your body made of flesh and all of your thoughts and desires, which is the sum of who you truly are.

In other words, “Subdue your Body by taking every thought into capacity unto the obedience of Christ as a Joint Heir with Christ the Heir of ALL things, for God makes the Heir, not man.”

In other words, control your thoughts and you will be GOVERNING your mind in honor of the mandate to be SELF-GOVERNING.

Related: Governments: The Enemy Of Freedom & Globalists Interviewed: They Admitted They Controlled The Government

This is only possible when you do not allow your thoughts to control, manipulate and drive your mind and desires by the passions and powers of the flesh and its five husbands, your five senses.

For if one cannot, or is unwilling to self-govern, then this is when one is in need of outside governance and administration just as Teddy Roosevelt said and warned the people.

For if one is going to truly ascend into all of the duties, obligations and responsibilities of Self-Governing, then how can this be accomplished without one being in control of their own mind?

I cannot count the number of times when I have heard people speaking of government in a disparaging manner, inferring that government is an evil group of people who are seeking to control them, their property, and their mind. How cowardly an accusation is this?

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Let me explain just how cowardly this is in light of it is much easier to blame others, or something else, rather than take ownership of the folly, mistakes and gross errors that one has made.

What about your-own God-given responsibility to control your own mind? Do you think that does not exist? Well, have you ever considered these so-called out-of-control Public Servants are in places of power as a result of our lack of control of our own minds with the gifts that we have already been given and have received?

What gifts?! So, you claim you have not received any such gifts, and that they are a figment of one’s imagination… okay, then fine. Be a perpetual slave then, but cease and desist from complaining about your choice, because that is the decision you have made by the denial of the gifts you have already received.

For if you wish to deny and be in denial of, “You have already been given everything you need for Life and Godliness,” then who can possibly show and/or convince you that you do have these things by virtue of the mere fact of you being Born?

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There are certain gifts that were indeed gifted to you the day you were born, and they are all WITHIN you. So then, it is up to you to discover them, as only you can discover them and no one else can show them to you, much less reveal them to you if you refuse to do your own investigation in to the matter for the sake of your-own benefit and peace.

Is it not the lack of recognizing our duties and responsibilities for Self-Governance that are indeed upon our shoulders as Joint Heirs WITH Christ the very key to all things that appear to be wrong in the world? The government is upon the shoulders of Christ is it not? “Christ is all and in all,” is He not?

Is it possible and most likely that the purpose of the so-called out-of-control Public Servants is to teach the hard facts-of-life pertaining to what it means to fail at self-governance? Since it is true that the power for one to govern themselves is WITHIN, and Christ in you is your only hope of manifesting that glory, then who is responsible?

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Who is at fault? Who is negligent? Who is making the mistake of looking for a source and/or people to blame outside of them, when they should be looking directly into the eyes of their reflection in the mirror saying, “YOU! YOU HAVE DONE THIS TO ME AND NO ONE ELSE!”

Do you have the guts to really fess up to that level of responsibility, or are you going to choose to avoid it and bury your head in the latest and greatest distraction to keep from thinking and considering the indictment that I have just expressed herein?

Have you ever considered that government officials can only be doing what you are failing to do for yourself, because you have allowed for a void to exist by your-own lack of Self-Governance? I should not have to quote the awesome example for this very thing spoken of in the 21st paragraph of former President Theodore “Teddy” Roosevelt’s, Jamestown Exposition speech given April 26, of 1907.

It is one of my most favorites of all time as its meaning is most precious and very revealing. Again, this paragraph sums up this exact point, precisely and without need of negotiation. Nevertheless, I have digressed far enough into this connecting point.

A pure Republic allows and perpetuates the people’s God-given unalienable rights and power of choice with full disclosure of what the consequences and information is for each choice. In other words, no knowledge is withheld, or kept hidden.

All knowledge and consequences are in plain sight! And, as of this posting, that reality is still a dream, unfortunately, as the people have never fully come into the knowledge and under standing of what a Republic and Republican form of government is truly about.

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Nevertheless, the people of a Republic can and do retain their right to choose, or they can honorably waive it for what ever reason they deem to be most profitable for their own sake, and if also necessary, for the sake of others. For the gain of one in their life is also a gain to all lives that pass-through and/or enter into their sphere of influence of that one life.

Democractic Governance

Now, what about Democracy? How does self-governance fit into DEMOCRACY? Are you aware that Democracy is the next thing to “Socialism” which is another form of “Communism?”

Well, this might be a shock to some of you, but such forms of government do not support Self-Governance, and they never can. That means any form of government that is not a Republican form of government can never  have all the liberties of a Republican form of government present and still remain functional, even at the most minuscule level.

Unfortunately, many people in these modern times of ours confuse the two forms of government quite often, because of grave misunderstandings due to the purposeful misinformation taught and perpetuated by Public education facilities and the major News Media, but more importantly resulting from the lack of desire for the people to want to know the truth no matter what the cost is to them personally, and then to dedicate themselves to living by that truth.

Related: Open Source Government: True Government Of The People, By The People And For The People

This is why knowledge and consequences for choices and decisions appear to be being withheld.

The ugly truth is… we have all chosen to allow ourselves to become distracted from our natural God-given duties and responsibilities to be self-governing.

So then, no matter what the reason, for fickleness, or for folly, we have not taken our duties and responsibilities with all the passion and fire necessary to maintain a Republican form of government…..of Control of our-own Minds.

Rather, we have all chosen to allow ourselves to be susceptible to any outside source of governance, manipulation and/or coercion.

No wonder at the close of the Constitutional Convention in Philadelphia on September 18, 1787, Benjamin Franklin’s reply to Mrs. Powel’s question of, “Well, Doctor, what have we got, a Republic, or a Monarchy?” was, “A Republic IF YOU CAN KEEP IT!”

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Based upon historical fact and the current conditions that are now present with the United States, I hereby firmly conclude that Benjamin Franklin knew full well the pitfalls and challenges that the people were facing and most importantly their willful lack FOR self-governance.

Therefore, it is very clear to me that Doctor Franklin’s opinion of the people overcoming the needed flaws of character and shortcomings to maintain the great American Republic was unlikely, and less than favorable to its success. Hence, this is why Doctor Franklin used the key challenging words, “IF YOU CAN KEEP IT,” to give notice and warning to the people in the most ominous of natures.

Literally, I firmly think that Doctor Franklin was saying, “I dare you to prove me wrong.” 

Well, so far, we, as a people, have not succeeded at that now, have we? Who here can honestly speak that such insight was in error, or grossly negligent of understanding the condition and character of the people? But, do not get me wrong about Benjamin Franklin.

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He did not say this to bate and provoke us to anger, but to inspire and encourage us to meet the challenge head on by facing who and what we truly are!

He knew then as some know now, this is the only way that true liberty can ever be experienced in this physical form. Therefore, Benjamin Franklin would not be more pleased than the people proving him wrong by their acts and deeds in support of maintaining and perpetuating the greatest of all Republics ever known to Mankind.

Did you know that, “Democracy,” means “Priest rule,” or, “Ruled by the Priest?” Priest? Huh? What Priests? Since when are politicians, judges and bureaucrats priest? Perhaps a better question is, “Who could these Priests possibly be in this modern present moment?”

The class of priest that is being referred to here should be well-known to many of you by now. However, due to the plethora of distractions all around us each and everyday, it is very possible that you may not know, even though I have made an issue of this very point in past writings.

Let me put it to you this way, “Woe, to you lawyers, For you have taken away the key to knowledge.” (How many of you have ever questioned what this key to knowledge is, much less sought after it to find and discover it for yourselves?)

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“You did not enter in yourselves, and those who were entering in you hindered.”
In other words, the people who have discovered who and what your kind of priesthood actually is, and its devilish purpose, you go after them directly…lying and manufacturing fabrications in order to maintain your lies and deceits for fear of being exposed.

Yes, folks, in to-days modern world these very priests bare the title of, “ESQUIRE” as members of the Court of Saint James of the Middle Temple BAR of the Knights Templar.

This is part of the reason why the original 13th amendment of the Constitution FOR the united States of America outlawed any one who held a title of nobility from being able to serve the people in a Public Office.

Esquire is indeed a title of nobility. They were fully aware that these pious-pukers were of a priesthood that is foreign to the Law and Commandments of the Most High God, which are fully supported by the Law of the Air, as well as the Law of the Land; not by the Law of the Sea.

In other words, to-day’s ATTORNEY’S, with the exception of Title-42 Lawyers, are exactly the same as the Pharisee’s of old. After all, “There is nothing new under the sun,” is there?

Only the names, terms and words have been changed in order to repackage and deploy the exact same tactics to different generations that have not remembered, or been taught their history.

That is part of the diabolical plan of confusion and misdirection that is at the heart of those that wish to, “Kill the Heir,” (Joint Heirs with Christ) so that the inheritance may become THEIRS.

If you get my underlying point with this connection, then you must also see that this is at the heart of the Spiritual Warfare that has been taking place on this planet ever since mankind found himself domiciled and inhabited on this Earth.

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But, you still think that Democracy is not a bad thing, eh? Well, consider that Noah Webster said Democracy is, “Often the most tyrannical government on earth.” With the recent history of the United States, how can anyone deny this and remain with honor much less look at themselves in the mirror?

The Legislative Democracy of the United States has become totally and entirely imperialistic. Who among us cannot see this to be true? More importantly, how is it that anyone cannot see this?

Furthermore, it is very clear that the Forefathers of the great American Republic cherished liberty, N-O-T Democracy! Despite any such beliefs to the contrary, there is no liberty under a Democracy.

Karl Marx even said, “Democracy is the road to socialism.” YIKES!

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So then, from Democracy that masquerades AS Government things can only go in one direction, or do you still say otherwise? For all of the facts support irrevocably it is all downhill from a Democracy just as we have witnessed with this nation since the War of Aggression by the North.

Moreover, Plato even postulated, “Dictatorship naturally arises out of democracy.”

This very quote in consideration of the power of the Executive Order that the Command-in-Chief of the Military [Dictatorship] wields should enable you to connect the dots without a problem.

I should not have to ask the question what is the difference between the two of these and how they are connected, because there is no difference. The only question remaining to be answered is, do you see this, or not?

So then, Democracy is made to look like a Republican form of Government, but it is actually a “Mob Rule” form of government giving the impression of representation and rule by it’s citizens.

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This is why you get to cast a vote that does not count, resulting in the fact that you never actually do lawfully “Elect” a Public Servant anymore.

Mark my words, this is one of the most deceptive means of hidden rule that ought to be plainly known and common knowledge by now, because all of the history that one can self-educate themselves with reveals these facts to everyone so they can clearly see and know the difference.

In this regard, there is no one without excuse for not knowing and under standing the difference between these two forms of government.

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Removing The Blindfold Of Dogmatic Belief
June 11 2023 | From: TheUnbouondedSpirit / Various

A little less than fifteen years ago, when I was a teenage school student, I had a teacher who was teaching a religion class. She was a Christian, and she fervently believed in the teachings of Jesus.

She used to quote sayings from the New Testament on love and the importance of spreading kindness and compassion in our unkind and cruel world. She often spoke about the urgent need of humanity to unite and work together for a brighter future, and explained how people’s alienation from one another is at the root of the troubling times we currently live in.

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When she was teaching Christianity, she seemed overflown with joy. Her job, however, wasn’t just to teach Christianity, but the world’s major religions, including Islam, Hinduism, and Buddhism, which she didn’t seem to enjoy that much. Whenever she taught religious traditions other than Christianity, she would be very dismissive of them.

In her mind, Christianity was the ideologically superior religion, and she wouldn’t encourage us students to objectively study the rest of world’s religions. On the contrary, she would try to persuade us in any way possible to believe that all religions except Christianity are not to be taken seriously.

She even claimed that all other religions are evil and made use of fear-mongering tactics to make us stay away from them. For example, she would tell us that those who don’t abide by the dogma of Christianity will end up in hell - a dogmatic belief that is common among fundamental Christians.

Related: Retired American Bishop Explains How The Church Invented Hell & What Religion Is Really Used For

No matter how much she tried, however, I couldn’t be convinced a bit, unlike most of my classmates. Was it because I was raised by non-religious parents, or was there something terribly wrong with me? I wasn’t sure, but one thing is certain: no claims of her concerning the superiority of Christianity made any sense to me.

As a teenager, I had a curious mind and an inquiring spirit. The only problem was that I also had a loud mouth and I would voice my opinions, even when they were contradicting those of authority. I remember one day during the religion class, I presented some of what I sincerely considered solid logical arguments against the Christian dogma.

Instead of presenting her counter-arguments, my teacher responded by saying that I was not mature enough to understand the essence of Christianity, and that reason can’t fathom its essence since it’s a faith-based religion. Of course, I didn’t consider this as legitimate answer, and so I kept on bringing up my arguments.

To my surprise, her face turned red, she started yelling at me and eventually expelled me from class, because, as she later told me, she felt offended by my “anti-Christian” attitude.

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On that day, I wondered: Is this the same person who previously taught about the power of love and unity? How can a person preach such lofty ideals and practice quite the opposite? I was utterly perplexed, and it wasn’t until years later that I realized that this is a much more common behavior among people than I had first thought.

In my 29 years of life, I’ve had the luck to travel to over thirty countries, and during my trips around the world I had the chance to meet people from various religious traditions. An interesting thing that I always came to experience was that the people who were believing the most in a religious dogma were also the ones who behaved in the most paradoxical way.

On the one hand, they would preach love, compassion, unity - the core teachings of most religions - but, on the other hand, they would behave in a very hateful, competitive, non-humane way, especially to those who don’t espouse their beliefs. In other words, they were the ones less likely to practice what they preached.

But why is that so? What could be the possible explanation for this strange psychological phenomenon?

To my understanding, this is an inevitable outcome of being attached to an ideology, whether that is religious or not. When you accept a particular ideology as the sole truth, and you have so much faith in it that you support it and follow it wholeheartedly no matter what - even when facts contradict your beliefs - then your mental capacity to think reasonably and act responsibly is nowhere to be found.

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In that fanatic, blinded state of mind, you identify yourself so much with a belief system that, if someone is opposed to it, you feel threatened by that person, since you’re under the impression that when your ideology is attacked, you yourself are being attacked. Then, as a psychological defense mechanism, you are ready to do just about anything to protect your ideology and hence yourself.

When existential fear is coupled with irrationality, the result can’t be anything but nonsensical and damaging. Take, for example, the suicide attacks of Jihadists who blow themselves up injuring and killing so many people in the name of God.

Or think of the times in India where the Hindu custom of Sati used to be practiced, where Hindu widows would jump into their husband’s funeral pyre shortly after their husbands’ death, believing that this way they would prove to God and society how good and devoted wives they were.

Or, contemplate on the witch-hunt of Early Modern Europe when so-called Christians tortured, burned or hanged tens of thousands of women because they thought them to be servants of the Devil. Such fanatic religious people sincerely believe that they are serving God through such violent actions and that this way they are contributing to the betterment of humanity and the world.

In the case of my religion school teacher, her behavior towards me was obviously not as destructive, but it was essentially of the same nature. Her firm belief that the religious ideology she was advocating was the only absolute truth prevented her from conversing in a constructive dialogue concerning Christianity.

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In order to avoid her ideology being attacked, she would discourage her students to raise arguments against it, and, if they did, she would try to silence them by telling them that they have no idea what they are talking about, or, at worst, by expelling them from class.

Regardless of how hatefully at times she behaved, in her mind she was doing the right thing for the rest of her students and for the religion she believed in - she was acting out of “love.” Trapped in her dogmatic belief system, she could neither realize the extent of her cognitive dissonance nor the true consequences of her actions.

What this and the aforementioned examples can teach us is that it’s not a good idea to base our opinions on how ethical a person is according to their words, beliefs and ideals - on the contrary, we need to pay attention to their actions and derive our conclusions about who they are from there. No matter how highly one talks of god, love, compassion, and so on, it is their actions and attitude that ultimately reveal what they are made of.

I read somewhere a quote that struck a chord in my heart: “Sometimes, the nicest people you meet are covered in tattoos and sometimes the most judgmental people you meet go to church on Sundays.” How true that statement is!

Many times, those who seem “bad” according to society’s standards have the warmest hearts and those who appear to perfectly conform to the prevailing cultural idea of what it means to be a “good” person are often the ones having the most inflated egos and a very judgmental attitude towards their fellow human beings.

Unfortunately, many people are quick to put labels on others and judge them based on their prejudices.

"“hey are non-believers, therefore they must be immoral, evil individuals,”
 I’ve heard theists talk about atheists. I’ve also heard atheists talk in a similar fashion towards theists: “They are believing in God, therefore they must be ignorant morons.”

 To me, it doesn’t matter whether you call yourself Atheist, Christian, Muslim, Capitalist, Communist, Libertarian, Conservative, or anything else - what matters to me is how the ideology you hold in dear faith is affecting your thought-patterns and in turn your day-to-day behavior.

Related: Spiritual Leap Of Faith

Does it help improve your quality of life and the well-being of the world you’re living in? If so, that’s fine. If not, you better reconsider it. Of course, the sad truth is that the more attached one is to an ideology, the less one can objectively assess the consequences of their dogmatic beliefs.

Personally, I’ve chosen to not identify myself with any particular religious, philosophical, political, or any other kind of ideology. The reason for doing so isn’t a lack of interest in acquiring knowledge - on the contrary, I’m so enthusiastic about developing a spherical understanding of reality that I find a single ideology can only limit my perspective of life.

Reality is multi-sided and attachment to an ideology or set of beliefs focuses our attention only to a tiny part of it, thus making us neglect the larger view. Therefore, the more open we are to diverse opinions and beliefs, the more able we’ll be to increase our intelligence and grow in our understanding. So why would I want to confine my mind to any particular ideology?

Of course, when I say being open I don’t mean blindly accepting what others present you as truth. What I mean is paying attention to different ideas than the ones you’ve been conditioned to have, while using critical thinking in order to reach your own conclusions about them from your own empirical, evidence-based understanding.

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Although I enjoy studying and learning from all kinds of schools of thought, I don’t accept anything on belief alone. I always make sure to use my reasoning, and I only keep in my mind and heart the ideas that resonate with me and help me to lead a better life, while I discard those that don’t contribute to my well-being, regardless of the ideology they are derived from.

For example, I’ve found pearls of wisdom in all of the major religious scriptures, but I’ve also discovered disturbing and nonsensical teachings in them that I would never embrace or practice just because they are considered holy by certain groups of people.

In addition, being aware that actions speak louder than words, I don’t try to impose my own opinions on others. Instead, I live by example, knowing that only this way I can truly influence those around me. I’m trying to be as conscious of my actions as I can and I take full responsibility for their consequences.

I don’t conform to the unconscious herd mentality, I don’t obey to authority, and whenever others are trying to mold my life into a certain form, I rebel against them in order to reclaim my freedom.

Sometimes I imagine a world where people don’t judge one another based on their beliefs, and instead embrace each other no matter their cultural background. A world where people don’t fight one another just because they hold different opinions, and instead are willing to peacefully exchange ideas so they can learn from each other.

A world where people seek to develop their understanding and expand their consciousness, instead of accepting and blindly following all the narrow-minded ideological burden that was handed down to them by tradition. A world where people are willing to doubt their beliefs and raise new questions, instead of letting others tell them what is right and true.

A world where people are unafraid to listen to their inner voice and follow what their heart is dictating them, instead of following a predetermined path that was forced upon them by authority figures.

Wouldn’t such a world be much more beautiful?

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Research Shocks Scientists: Human Emotion Physically Shapes Reality
June 10 2023 | From: LifeCoachCode / Various

Three different studies, done by different teams of scientists proved something really extraordinary.

But when a new research connected these 3 discoveries, something shocking was realized, something hiding in plain sight.

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Human emotion literally shapes the world around us. Not just our perception of the world, but reality itself.

In the first experiment, human DNA, isolated in a sealed container, was placed near a test subject. Scientists gave the donor emotional stimulus and fascinatingly enough, the emotions affected their DNA in the other room.

In the presence of negative emotions the DNA tightened. In the presence of positive emotions the coils of the DNA relaxed.

The scientists concluded that “Human emotion produces effects which defy conventional laws of physics.”

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In the second, similar but unrelated experiment, different group of scientists extracted Leukocytes (white blood cells) from donors and placed into chambers so they could measure electrical changes.

In this experiment, the donor was placed in one room and subjected to “emotional stimulation” consisting of video clips, which generated different emotions in the donor.

The DNA was placed in a different room in the same building. Both the donor and his DNA were monitored and as the donor exhibited emotional peaks or valleys (measured by electrical responses), the DNA exhibited the IDENTICAL RESPONSES AT THE EXACT SAME TIME.

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There was no lag time, no transmission time. The DNA peaks and valleys EXACTLY MATCHED the peaks and valleys of the donor in time.

The scientists wanted to see how far away they could separate the donor from his DNA and still get this effect. They stopped testing after they separated the DNA and the donor by 50 miles and STILL had the SAME result. No lag time; no transmission time.

The DNA and the donor had the same identical responses in time. The conclusion was that the donor and the DNA can communicate beyond space and time.

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The third experiment proved something pretty shocking! Scientists observed the effect of DNA on our physical world.

Light photons, which make up the world around us, were observed inside a vacuum. Their natural locations were completely random.

Human DNA was then inserted into the vacuum. Shockingly the photons were no longer acting random. They precisely followed the geometry of the DNA.

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Scientists who were studying this, described the photons behaving “surprisingly and counter-intuitively”. They went on to say that “We are forced to accept the possibility of some new field of energy!”

They concluded that human DNA literally shape the behavior of light photons that make up the world around us!

So when a new research was done, and all of these 3 scientific claims were connected together, scientists were shocked.

They came to a stunning realization that if our emotions affect our DNA and our DNA shapes the world around us, than our emotions physically change the world around us.

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And not just that, we are connected to our DNA beyond space and time. We create our reality by choosing it with our feelings.

Science has already proven some pretty mindblowing facts about The Universe we live in. All we have to do is connect the dots.

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Ten Sure-Fire Ways To Live A Stressful Life
June 9 2023 | From: TheUnboundedSpirit / Various

Observe people around you and you’ll see that most of them are stressed out.

Stress in the modern world is a normal, everyday phenomenon, and only a few manage to overcome it and find inner peace and clarity.

Having Depression And Anxiety Means Having A Brain Constantly At War With Itself

If you feel that stress is missing from your life, and you’d like to change that so that you can better fit in with society and be considered by your fellow human beings as a normal, unhealthy person, here are some powerful, sure-fire ways to live a stressful life:

1. Compare Yourself to Others

You are a uniquely beautiful individual who has special gifts to contribute to the world. If you learn to accept yourself as you are and spontaneously express your mind and heart, you’ll feel content and complete.

But that’s not what you want. What you want is to be stressed, and what’s the best way to achieve that other than focusing on your flaws and comparing yourself to others, such as celebrities and internet personas, who always look shiny, beautiful, and happy?

Most people have learned from early childhood to compare themselves to others and this way they manage to always keep their stress levels high. Learn from their example and you’ll soon start hating yourself, which will definitely make you experience unbearable suffering.

2. Follow Orders

Another great way to attract stress into your life is to stop paying attention to your inner voice. Instead, listen only to the voices of others and obey to what they tell you.

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No matter what people are trying to impose on you, just passively accept it, and of course don’t forget to be thankful to them. Don’t think for yourself or make decisions of your own - let others do the thinking for you and decide for your destiny.

This way you’ll throw your freedom away, and before you realize it you’ll have no control over your life, which will do wonders to help fill your psyche with anguish that will torment you each and every moment of your life.

3. Eat Crap

We need to have a healthy body to experience life to the fullest. The basic way to keep your body healthy is to eat nutritious food. However, health and stress don’t go hand-in-hand, so be sure to not eat well, no matter what, and you’ll see your stress levels rise slowly yet steadily.

There are two main dietary steps that you need to take in order to ruin your health. First, be sure to consume processed foods as well as increase your animal protein and sugar intake. Then, to make things worse, restrict your intake of organic, whole, nutrient-packed foods, such as grains, legumes, seeds, nuts, fruits and vegetables as much as you can - if possible, don’t eat any of them!

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By filling your body with toxins and depriving it of vital nutrients, it won’t take long until you’ll start experiencing the tremendous consequences that this simple yet easy strategy can have on your health - it will immensely complicate your life, bringing you more suffering than you could have ever imagined!

4. Sit All Day Long

Eating unhealthy is perhaps the best way to mess up with your physical organism, but if you’d like that extra push that will make your life even worse pretty quickly, I have another great suggestion for you: move your body as less as possible.

This is an easy thing to achieve, if you are determined to do so - just sit, a lot. When a friend asks you to go for a walk together, find an excuse not to join him or her. When you feel like working out, don’t do it, for exercise is stress relieving, and you don’t want to waste your precious stressful energy.

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Helpful tip: To make your sitting time effortless, stay rooted on your couch in front of a TV screen and let yourself be hypnotized by Television’s superficial, nonsensical audiovisual content. Believe it or not, this simple tactic will tremendously help to keep you seated for hours upon hours without you even realizing it!

5. Undersleep

Another sure-fire way to live a stressful life is to not sleep as much as your body needs to relax and recharge its batteries. Sleep less - as less as possible - so that you’ll feel physically and mentally weak. This will keep you constantly tired, agitated and confused.

By undersleeping, you’ll play havoc with your body and mind, which will make your life extremely complicated, so that you won’t be able to function properly in your everyday life and you’ll have to waste most of your time and energy trying to cope with all sorts of psychosomatic health issues.

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If you find it difficult to undersleep, I’d highly recommend you to spend every couple of days partying and getting wasted, or, if you’re not so much into partying and alcoholic drinks, just spend much of your night time in front of an electronic screen, absorbing the blue light that it emanates, which will undoubtedly mess up with your organism’s circadian rhythm.

6. Be Judgmental

Stress is to a great extent the result of how we view the world around us. For example, if we perceive the people we come in contact with as enemies, then we’re bound to feel much more stressful when we socially interact with others than if we perceived them as friends.

A powerful yet oftentimes neglected tactic to make the world seem like a hellish experience is to develop a judgmental attitude towards people.

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So from today, be sure to judge people harshly, call them names, gossip about them, and argue against them as much as you can to prove your egoistic superiority over them.

Being judgmental will not only complicate your relationships, but will fill your psyche with so much toxic energy that will transform you into a super-stressed person who won’t be able to stay calm and relaxed around people and who certainly won’t be kind and loving towards them.

7. Keep Yourself Busy

Many people complain that the modern way of living is unbelievably stressful and they are trying their best to simplify their lives, so that they can have more peace of mind as well as more time to pursue their passions.

These people, however, are not like you at all, and you shouldn’t pay any attention to them. You want stress, and the fast-paced, chaotic modern way of living is something to make the most of!

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From now on, keep yourself continuously busy, by overworking and being distracted by things that don’t contribute to your well-being. Never let your mind chill and be quiet - no, you don’t want this!

Overthink, especially about the future, so that you’re anxious about what will come next, and you’ll be unable to focus on the present and enjoy the simple yet precious things that life brings on your way. By doing so, I assure you that stress will become your middle name.

8. Hide Behind a Social Mask

To be honest means to feel confident with who you are and to be able to communicate your sincere thoughts and emotions to other people. But honesty has a serious side-effect that you need to avoid at all costs: a relaxed state of mind.

People who are honest tend to be less fearful and are able to form better, more genuine relationships with others, both of which lead to improved well-being.

Since what you want to achieve is the exact opposite, be sure to hide who you are from others as best as you can. This way, you’ll be chronically stressed, out of fear that people might get a glimpse of your inner world.

In addition, people won’t like to spend any time with you, realizing that you are not open to a heart-to-heart communication. The result will be that you’ll feel alienated in a seemingly cold world, which will make you more stressed than you’ve ever been before!

9. Complain, Complain, Complain

In life, we’re regularly faced with problems and challenges that we need to deal with, if we wish to grow and mature into wiser individuals. Indeed, those who use critical thinking to find solutions to their problems and take concrete action to overcome whatever obstacles they are facing, are usually the ones who ultimately manage to live a fulfilled life.

You, however, need problems, because problems equal stress. So why use critical thinking and try to make a positive change in your life? It’s utterly pointless.

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Do none of these! Instead, just complain to those around you for the messed up life you’re living, and even blame them for that.

Whether others are truly to blame or not doesn’t matter - what matters is that you passively accept all suffering and react to it just by complaining, which ultimately won’t do anything to help you overcome any problems that you might be facing. The result? A flood of stress running through your veins.

10. Fill Your Space With Clutter

Over the last few years the minimalism movement has been growing dramatically, because more and more people realize the importance of owning less material stuff in living simply and stress-free. But you shouldn’t care about those minimalists! Differentiate yourself by increasing your possessions and hence complicating your life!

Starting today, do your best to collect as much unimportant stuff as you can, both in your house and work space, and remember not to give away or throw out stuff that you don’t need anymore. Trust me, this easy yet often neglected way will immerse yourself in stress in just a few days!

Remember: Don’t hide your possessions - place them right in front of your eyes, so that you can’t avoid being distracted by them all the time.

By doing so, you’ll soon start feeling overwhelmed by stress, without realizing how much of it is actually caused by all the clutter that you’ve gathered around you.

This guide is guaranteed to fill you with a constant mental stream of worries and concerns. Re-read it until you fully grasp all the ideas contained in it, and be sure to diligently implement them in your everyday life to see optimal results.

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The Large Families That Rule The World
June 8 2023 | From: PravdaReport / Various

Some people have started realizing that there are large financial groups that dominate the world. Forget the political intrigues, conflicts, revolutions and wars. It is not pure chance. Everything has been planned for a long time.

Some call it "conspiracy theories" or New World Order. Anyway, the key to understanding the current political and economic events is a restricted core of families who have accumulated more wealth and power.

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We are speaking of 6, 8 or maybe 12 families who truly dominate the world. Know that it is a mystery difficult to unravel.

We will not be far from the truth by citing Goldman Sachs, Rockefellers, Loebs Kuh and Lehmans in New York, the Rothschilds of Paris and London, the Warburgs of Hamburg, Paris and Lazards Israel Moses Seifs Rome.

Many people have heard of the Bilderberg Group, Illuminati or the Trilateral Commission. But what are the names of the families who run the world and have control of states and international organizations like the UN, NATO or the IMF?

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To try to answer this question, we can start with the easiest: inventory, the world's largest banks, and see who the shareholders are and who make the decisions.

The world's largest companies are now: Bank of America, JP Morgan, Citigroup, Wells Fargo, Goldman Sachs and Morgan Stanley.

Let us now review who their shareholders are.

Bank of America:

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State Street Corporation, Vanguard Group, BlackRock, FMR (Fidelity), Paulson, JP Morgan, T. Rowe, Capital World Investors, AXA, Bank of NY, Mellon.

JP Morgan:

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State Street Corp., Vanguard Group, FMR, BlackRock, T. Rowe, AXA, Capital World Investor, Capital Research Global Investor, Northern Trust Corp. and Bank of Mellon.


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State Street Corporation, Vanguard Group, BlackRock, Paulson, FMR, Capital World Investor, JP Morgan, Northern Trust Corporation, Fairhome Capital Mgmt and Bank of NY Mellon.

Wells Fargo:

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Berkshire Hathaway, FMR, State Street, Vanguard Group, Capital World Investors, BlackRock, Wellington Mgmt, AXA, T. Rowe and Davis Selected Advisers.

We can see that now there appears to be a nucleus present in all banks: State Street Corporation, Vanguard Group, BlackRock and FMR (Fidelity). To avoid repeating them, we will now call them the "big four"

Goldman Sachs:

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"The big four," Wellington, Capital World Investors, AXA, Massachusetts Financial Service and T. Rowe.

Morgan Stanley:

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"The big four," Mitsubishi UFJ, Franklin Resources, AXA, T. Rowe, Bank of NY Mellon e Jennison Associates. Rowe, Bank of NY Mellon and Jennison Associates.

We can just about always verify the names of major shareholders. To go further, we can now try to find out the shareholders of these companies and shareholders of major banks worldwide.

Bank of NY Mellon:

Davis Selected, Massachusetts Financial Services, Capital Research Global Investor, Dodge, Cox, Southeatern Asset Mgmt. and ... "The big four."

State Street Corporation:

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(One of the "big four")

Massachusetts Financial Services, Capital Research Global Investor, Barrow Hanley, GE, Putnam Investment and ... The "big four" (shareholders themselves!).


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(Another One of the "big four")

PNC, Barclays e CIC. Who is behind the PNC? FMR (Fidelity), BlackRock, State Street, etc. And behind Barclays? BlackRock.

And we could go on for hours, passing by tax havens in the Cayman Islands, Monaco or the legal domicile of Shell companies in Liechtenstein. A network where companies are always the same, but never a name of a family.

In short: the eight largest U.S. financial companies (JP Morgan, Wells Fargo, Bank of America, Citigroup, Goldman Sachs, U.S. Bancorp, Bank of New York Mellon and Morgan Stanley) are 100% controlled by ten shareholders and we have four companies always present in all decisions: BlackRock, State Street, Vanguard and Fidelity.

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In addition, the Federal Reserve is comprised of 12 banks, represented by a board of seven people, which comprises representatives of the "big four," which in turn are present in all other entities.

In short, the Federal Reserve is controlled by four large private companies: BlackRock, State Street, Vanguard and Fidelity. These companies control U.S. monetary policy (and world) without any control or "democratic" choice. These companies launched and participated in the current worldwide economic crisis and managed to become even more enriched.

To finish, a look at some of the companies controlled by this "big four" group:

Alcoa Inc.

Altria Group Inc.

American International Group Inc.

AT&T Inc.

Boeing Co.

Caterpillar Inc.

Coca-Cola Co.

DuPont & Co.

Exxon Mobil Corp.

General Electric Co.

General Motors Corporation

Hewlett-Packard Co.

Home Depot Inc.

Honeywell International Inc.

Intel Corp.

International Business Machines Corp

Johnson & Johnson

JP Morgan Chase & Co.

McDonald's Corp.

Merck & Co. Inc.

Microsoft Corp.

3M Co.

Pfizer Inc.

Procter & Gamble Co.

United Technologies Corp.

Verizon Communications Inc.

Wal-Mart Stores Inc.

Time Warner

Walt Disney


Rupert Murdoch's News Corporation

CBS Corporation

NBC Universal

The same "big four" control the vast majority of European companies counted on the stock exchange.

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In addition, all these people run the large financial institutions, such as the IMF, the European Central Bank or the World Bank, and were "trained" and remain "employees" of the "big four" that formed them.

The names of the families that control the "big four", never appear.

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Pythagoras’ Theorem Has Been Upgraded To 3D And Now Requires A 120 Page Proof
June 7 2023 | From: WonderfulEngineering / Various

The one theorem that almost anyone who has ever studied Mathematics remembers is the Pythagoras’ theorem.

It is the most well-known theorem for about 2,500 years now and has allowed the mankind to evolve in a myriad of ways.

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Its applications are limitless and range from construction to even evaluating the atomic structure of a crystal. However, up until now, it was bound to 2D only.

For the last 5 years, an aerospace and aeronautics engineer Luis Teia has been on a quest to understand the Pythagoras’ theorem in 3D. Using his paper, “Pythagoras triples explained via central squares” that was published in the 2015 edition of Australian Senior Mathematics Journal, he has derived the proof.

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Okay, sounds amazing but what on Earth does it really mean? Before we jump into the details, the 2D proof of the theorem required about half a page, right? For the 3D proof, a book of 120 pages is required – that’s how complex it is.

The geometrical part was drawn by making use of CAD and the algebra covers the 2/3rd of the book. Both, 2D and 3D, proofs are interconnected and the 3D proof is, in fact, built using the 2D one in a particular way.

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The right-hand side of the theorem is rotated by 90 degrees and the blue square transforms into a blue octahedron. For those who do not know, an octahedron is the 3D equivalent of a square.

This implies that while the 2D proof is based on squares, the 3D proof relies on octahedrons. One can spot the presence of 2D theorem by understanding that right-angle triangle (shaded) is present.

The 3D variables are in fact governed by the 2D. The detailed explanations can be found in Teia’s book,  X3+Y3=Z3: The Proof

The benefits of this? This recent understanding can help us in reaching an enhanced 3D version of our current geometry and would help mankind embark on our technological leap similar to the one that Pythagoras helped achieved about 2.5 millennia ago.

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Ten Myths Told By COVID Experts - And Now Debunked & How Far Down The Road To Tyranny Have We Come And Why Are We Still Travelling Along It?
June 6 2023 | From: NewYorkPost / HatchardReport / Various

In the past few weeks, a series of analyses published by highly respected researchers have exposed a truth about public health officials during COVID:

Much of the time, they were wrong.

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To be clear, public health officials were not wrong for making recommendations based on what was known at the time.That’s understandable. You go with the data you have.

No, they were wrong because they refused to change their directives in the face of new evidence.

When a study did not support their policies, they dismissed it and censored opposing opinions.

At the same time, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention weaponized research itself by putting out its own flawed studies in its own non-peer-reviewed medical journal, MMWR.

In the final analysis, public health officials actively propagated misinformation that ruined lives and forever damaged public trust in the medical profession.

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Here are 10 ways they misled the World:

Misinformation #1: Natural Immunity Offers Little Protection Compared to Vaccinated Immunity

A Lancet study looked at 65 major studies in 19 countries on natural immunity. The researchers concluded that natural immunity was at least as effective as the primary COVID vaccine series.

In fact, the scientific data was there all along - from 160 studies, despite the findings of these studies violating Facebook’s “misinformation” policy.

Since the Athenian plague of 430 BC, it has been observed that those who recovered after infection were protected against severe disease if reinfected.

That was also the observation of nearly every practicing physician during the first 18 months of the COVID pandemic.

Most who were fired for not having the COVID vaccine already had antibodies that effectively neutralized the virus, but they were antibodies that the government did not recognize.

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Misinformation #2: Masks Prevent COVID Transmission

Cochran Reviews are considered the most authoritative and independent assessment of the evidence in medicine.

And one published last month by a highly respected Oxford research team found that masks had no significant impact on COVID transmission.

When asked about this definitive review, CDC Director Dr. Rochelle Walensky downplayed it, arguing that it was flawed because it focused on randomized controlled studies.

But that was the greatest strength of the review! Randomized studies are considered the gold standard of medical evidence.

If all the energy used by public health officials to mask toddlers could have been channeled to reduce child obesity by encouraging outdoor activities, we would be better off.

Kary Mullis, Nobel Prize Winning Inventor of PCR “Test”. Died in August 2019

A brilliant scientist and inventor, Kary Mullis, died just before the outbreak of the Covid-19 HOAX. His PCR duplication / amplification process (intended as a research tool only), earned him the Nobel Prize in Chemistry.

PCR was again recently misused to wrongly diagnose Covid and boost the fear. Mullis warned us about this misuse of his PCR, and about Anthony Fauci while he was alive.

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Misinformation #3: School Closures Reduce COVID Transmission

The CDC ignored the European experience of keeping schools open, most without mask mandates.

Transmission rates were no different, evidenced by studies conducted in Spain and Sweden.

Misinformation #4: Myocarditis From the Vaccine is Less Common Than From the Infection

Public health officials downplayed concerns about vaccine-induced myocarditis - or inflammation of the heart muscle.

They cited poorly designed studies that under-captured complication rates.

A flurry of well-designed studies said the opposite.

We now know that myocarditis is six to 28 times more common after the COVID vaccine than after the infection among 16- to 24-year-old males.

Tens of thousands of children likely got myocarditis, mostly subclinical, from a COVID vaccine they did not need because they were entirely healthy or because they already had COVID.

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Misinformation #5: Young People Benefit From a Vaccine Booster

Boosters reduced hospitalizations in older, high-risk Americans. But the evidence was never there that they lower COVID mortality in young, healthy people.

That’s probably why the CDC chose not to publish its data on hospitalization rates among boosted Americans under 50, when it published the same rates for those over 50.

Ultimately, White House pressure to recommend boosters for all was so intense that the FDA’s two top vaccine experts left the agency in protest, writing scathing articles on how the data did not support boosters for young people.

Related: PfizerGate: Official UK Government Reports Prove Hundreds Of Thousands Of People Are Dying Every Single Week Due To COVID-19 "Vaccination" & The COVID-19 Power Grab: “Our Governments Are Working To Harm Us”

Misinformation #6: Vaccine Mandates Increased Vaccination Rates

President Biden and other officials demanded that unvaccinated workers, regardless of their risk or natural immunity, be fired. They demanded that soldiers be dishonorably discharged and nurses be laid off in the middle of a staffing crisis.

The mandate was based on the theory that vaccination reduced transmission rates - a notion later proven to be false.

But after the broad recognition that vaccination does not reduce transmission, the mandates persisted, and still do to this day.

A recent study from George Mason University details how vaccine mandates in nine major US cities had no impact on vaccination rates.

They also had no impact on COVID transmission rates.

Related: On the Path to Truth : Why Can’t the Questions Be Answered if the Science is Settled?

Misinformation #7: COVID Originating From the Wuhan Lab is a Conspiracy Theory

Google admitted to suppressing searches of “lab leak” during the pandemic.

Dr. Francis Collins, head of the National Institutes of Health, claimed (and still does) he didn’t believe the virus came from a lab.

Ultimately, overwhelming circumstantial evidence points to a lab leak origin - the same origin suggested to Dr. Anthony Fauci by two very prominent virologists in a January 2020 meeting he assembled at the beginning of the pandemic.

According to documents obtained by Bret Baier of Fox News, they told Fauci and Collins that the virus may have been manipulated and originated in the lab, but then suddenly changed their tune in public comments days after meeting with the NIH officials.

The virologists were later awarded nearly $9 million from Fauci’s agency.

FDA Says Telling People Not to Take Ivermectin for COVID-19 Was Just a Recommendation

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration’s (FDA) guidance for people to “stop” taking ivermectin for COVID-19 was informal and just a recommendation, government lawyers argued during a recent hearing.

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Misinformation #8: It Was Important to Get the Second Vaccine Dose Three or Four Weeks After the First Dose

Data were clear in the spring of 2021, just months after the vaccine rollout, that spacing the vaccine out by three months reduces complication rates and increases immunity.

Spacing out vaccines would have also saved more lives when Americans were rationing a limited vaccine supply at the height of the epidemic.

Misinformation #9: Data on the Bivalent Vaccine is ‘Crystal Clear’

Dr. Ashish Jha famously said this, despite the bivalent vaccine being approved using data from eight mice.

To date, there has never been a randomized controlled trial of the bivalent vaccine.

In my opinion, the data are crystal clear that young people should not get the bivalent vaccine.

It would have also spared many children myocarditis.

The Covid “Killer Vaccine”. People Are Dying All Over the World. It’s A Criminal Undertaking

We are being accused of “spreading disinformation” regarding the Covid-19 vaccine.

The Reuters and AP media “trackers” and “fact checkers” will be out to smear the testimonies of parents who have lost their children.

“Once the Lie becomes the Truth, there is no moving backwards. Insanity prevails. The world is turned upside down.”

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Until Proven Otherwise

Newly Released Figures Demonstrate That mRNA Boosters Have Had a Deadly Impact, Increasing All Cause Mortality

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Misinformation #10: One in Five People Get Long COVID

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention claims that 20% of COVID infections can result in long COVID.

But a UK study found that only 3% of COVID patients had residual symptoms lasting 12 weeks. What explains the disparity?

It’s often normal to experience mild fatigue or weakness for weeks after being sick and inactive and not eating well.

Calling these cases long COVID is the medicalization of ordinary life.

What’s most amazing about all the misinformation conveyed by CDC and public health officials is that there have been no apologies for holding on to their recommendations for so long after the data became apparent that they were dead wrong.

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Public health officials said “you must” when the correct answer should have been “we’re not sure.”

Early on, in the absence of good data, public health officials chose a path of stern paternalism.

Today, they are in denial of a mountain of strong studies showing that they were wrong.

t minimum, the CDC should come clean and the FDA should add a warning label to COVID vaccines, clearly stating what is now known.

A mea culpa by those who led us astray would be a first step to rebuilding trust.

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How Far Down The Road To Tyranny Have We Come And Why Are We Still Travelling Along It

An emotionally moving short film released this week, “Silent No More,” documents attempts by Covid vaccine-injured people in New Zealand to obtain recognition of their injuries, treatment, compensation, and a halt to the mRNA vaccine rollout.

This factual and simple documentary of personal experiences was banned by YouTube before it was even released. Why?

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This is a deep question that encompasses what is so challenging about the pandemic response around the world:

Why has scientific debate been censored and cancelled by the media sources that the general public view?

Why have scientists asking questions been cancelled?

Why are so many concerned professionals still remaining silent?

The evidence of harm is piling up: unprecedented record excess all cause death rates in highly vaccinated nations, low birth rates, high incidence of cancers, cardiac events, strokes, and neurological conditions. In total, millions of people have registered their vaccine injuries on government databases around the world, many have died unacknowledged. So why the silence?

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History Can Teach Us Some Important Lessons

In 1961, during his trial, holocaust perpetrator Adolf Eichman argued in his defence that he was simply acting under orders and was, therefore, innocent of wrongdoing.

Yale psychologist Dr. Stanley Milgram decided to test the power of authority to free perpetrators from guilt and empathy toward their victims. He set up an experiment where students were instructed to administer increasingly powerful electric shocks to subjects behind a glass window.

The subjects were in on the deception. They were not, in fact, receiving electrical shocks. They were pretending. They were instructed to appear to be in agony, severely injured, beating on the window for relief, and even to collapse suddenly. Incredibly many of the perpetrators were unmoved by the suffering of the subjects they witnessed.

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Reassured that they were simply following the research protocol and instructions of the project leader, they were able to finish the experiment and return home with an untroubled conscience.

Milgram, and others since, believed his experiment demonstrated a psychological characteristic - people are remarkably receptive to new rules in a new setting. They are surprisingly willing to overlook the harming and even killing of others in the service of some higher purpose that had the sanction of authority.

Timothy Snyder, in his highly regarded 2017 book “0n Tyranny” warns that offering your unquestioning obedience to authority is a road to an oppressive government.

Snyder argues that anticipatory obedience (giving your consent in advance of the outcome) initiates a vicious cycle, whereby those in authority discover they have more influence than they at first realised, leading them to make more oppressive demands.

This happened in Nazi Germany, where the excessive enthusiasm of those carrying out pogroms against Jews and intellectuals during the invasion of Russia, emboldened Hitler and others to design larger programmes of mass murder known as the Final Solution.

So is some similar psychological process at the root of the rejection of vaccine injury and the escalation to coercive vaccine mandates?

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Are officials and leaders like Ardern and Trudeau, doctors, media, and others sticking to the false ‘safe and effective’ narrative in the face of overwhelming evidence to the contrary because they have obediently adopted the PR propaganda of a safe healthy biotech future as their own?

In fact, Milgram’s experimental results have been widely questioned. Some commentators have labelled his conclusions controversial and inconsistent with his findings.

Others believe that perpetrators of violence must, in their own right, be violent by nature and enjoy it. Modern experiments, however, confirm Milgram’s general view. A 2016 study reported in Scientific American concludes:

"…people actually feel disconnected from their actions when they comply with orders, even though they’re the ones committing the act.”

Milgram’s hypothesis might in fact offer an explanation for the behaviour of those designing and administering the pandemic response - a sort of detachment. Patrick Haggard of University College, London, co-author of the study reported by Scientific American, writes:

"This suggests a reduced sense of agency[a psychological term that refers to one’s awareness of causing some external outcome], as if the participants’ actions under coercion began to feel more passive [uninvolved]…rather than fully voluntary.”

Te Whatu Ora Are Hiding the Alarming Figures - a Tsunami of Illness

An anonymous source has sent me some internal data from the health department. I am feeling as if stuck in the first few chapters of a dystopian novel. People are mysteriously falling sick and dying in large numbers.

Everyone is looking over their shoulders and wondering if they are next in line. Slowly the realisation dawns that perhaps the authorities themselves have a dark secret they are trying to hide.

Excess deaths have been running at unprecedented levels for well over a year, hospital admissions are also at record levels, and the health service is overwhelmed. Read more...

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Adverse events following immunisation with COVID-19 vaccines: Safety Report #46 – 30 November 2022

Medsafe advises people NOT to make any decisions about vaccination based on information contained in this report. If you have questions or concerns about receiving a vaccine, please speak to a health care professional.

And within 21st day of 1st jab 1114 died, within 21days of 2nd jab 1147 died and within 21st day of third jab 972 died!
But nothing to see there as these are less than the expected deaths! And don't forget to check the table of " adverse events of special interest (AESI) up to and including 30 November 2022" All this to just avoid a 3 day cold/flu?!

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Why and How Has This Affected Billions of Innocent Vaccinated People?

Milgram’s ideas don’t really explain how billions of people around the world, the subjects of a biotech experiment rather than the perpetrators, unthinkingly became mRNA enthusiasts almost overnight to the extent that they labelled the vaccine injured scam artists and blamed the unvaccinated for the pandemic.

An early study of attitudes found that many people would rather have a terrorist in the family than an unvaccinated member.

There doesn’t seem to be any precedent for such an instantaneous transformation of public opinion. Historical examples of misplaced allegiance mostly seem to have developed over long periods of time. Hitler rose to power and executed his ideas over two decades, after 1933 with the advantage of near total control of the media.

Moreover, Hitler had to first eliminate the political opposition, mRNA vaccination with few stand outs has largely enjoyed the compliance of all parties, left and right.

Are there other explanations? Certainly, there are multiple factors at work. Does one answer lie in a fundamental omission of modern science? Scientific disciplines have been largely isolated from each other and the role of the observer (or consciousness) excluded from discussion of genetics. How would its inclusion affect our understanding?

Former President of Australian Medical Association Speaks On COVID-19 Vaccine Injuries

Dr. Kerryn Phelps, an advisory board member and, and the first woman elected president of the Australian Medical Association (AMA) was right when she said that "Vaccine injury is a subject that few in the medical profession have wanted to talk about." conjoint professor at the NICM Health Research Institute

She did so in a testimony investigating long COVID and incidents of people who have had repeated COVID Infections. She presented it to the Australian Parliament and addressed the serious side effects she and her spouse had suffered from COVID vaccines. She also spoke out about censorship related to this topic.

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In particular, do introduced genetic sequences affect human psychology and behaviour? Genetic sequences are highly mobile in any given population, a recognised phenomenon known as shedding, but do they also contain and propagate information relevant to the genesis of distinct psychological and behavioural traits?

Physical health is not separate from mental health. We can consider their overall relationship in terms of balance. This balance is mediated or controlled by our genes which are thought to design our physical structure and support our consciousness.

There are 37 trillion cells in the human body each containing DNA, but there is only one person involved. We can say the whole is more than the sum of the parts, the individual physiology is more than the sum of all the cells of the body. Our identity is dependent on our DNA, but also transcends it.

There is another point here of vital importance, summed up by the expression the whole is contained in every point. If we drill down to the ultimate physical reality at the smallest time and distance scales available at every point in the physiology, the entire unified power of natural law is operating.

Put these two expressions together and you learn something vitally important about genetic command and control, it depends on both the availability of the particular genetic intelligence in every cell and its expression as a field of bio-intelligence.

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Part and whole, cell and physiology, gene and gene network, form an inseparable self-referral net of intelligent operation. Alter any one part, then you can both damage the whole physiology and disconnect it from its source in the unified intelligence of natural law.

Genetic intelligence is highly specific and sequential. The precise sequential unfoldment of the physiology from conception is paired with the gradual emergence of developmental stages of mental ability which are mediated by social and environmental circumstances, experiences, and opportunities.

Therefore it could be anticipated that if mRNA inoculations have mental effects these would involve specific characteristics identifiable in multiple subjects. If this is the case, these could be exhibited by whole populations as a collective psychological profile and shared behavioural tendencies.

Does redirection of genetic traits through mass inoculation disrupt not just the health of individuals, but the health of society in specific and measurable ways? This could indeed be the case and may point to a facilitating role of mRNA vaccination in the pandemic disruption of social stability and integration.

In other words, has mRNA vaccination induced a form of mass psychosis?

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The Times They Are a Changing

This discussion has taken us a long way from our starting point. People are injured and dying as a result of a medical intervention.

Authorities and the media appear determined to ignore the mounting evidence of harm. In the normal course of events, as the history of harmful medical drugs indicates, we would expect the product to be withdrawn and the commercial interests brought to account.

This has not happened. In fact the reverse has gained momentum. Some governments including ours are currently investigating vaccine hesitancy as a form of terrorism. Treaties are being drafted to ensure future mandatory compliance with medical interventions. This is not following prior patterns.

Yet it is evident that some people are more affected than others, which is normal. It is also clear that some people have changed their minds on the basis of evidence.

Therefore should we describe the psychological effect of mRNA vaccination as a temporary impairment affecting some people? Do we discern a tendency for those affected to fall back on more primitive and less independent responses to circumstances and challenges?

WHO’s Worldwide Power Grab: Beware of the New International Health Regulation and Pandemic Treaty, a Health Tyranny Never Heard of Before in Human History

Mr. Andrew Bridgen, Member UK Parliament, slams the new WHO International Health Regulation (IHR) and Pandemic Treaty as an unheard-of Power Grab – robbing all 194 WHO, member countries, the entire world, of their sovereignty over national health issues.

The new IHR and the Pandemic Treaty would be transferring the authority to decide what is a pandemic and what deserves the status of a Public Health Emergency of International Concern (PHEIC), and literally how any matters of health ought to be treated – a limitless mandate of dictates – to the Director General of the World Health Organization (WHO).

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Rejecting Monopoly Power Over Public Health: A World Council for Health Report

Less independent responses similar to those described by Milgram - a loss of a sense of individual agency and empathy. It is a subject that deserves thorough investigation.

Fortunately, the film ‘Silent No More’ is not an isolated attempt to restore a measure of balanced assessment to pandemic policy. In the UK, Doctors For Patients has released a film on Vimeo in which numerous working NHS doctors and specialists call for an end to and review of government support for mRNA vaccination.

Even some highly vocal vaccine advocates who led the charge calling for restrictive mandates early this year are bowing to the inevitable and admitting errors were made, such Dr. Leana Wen, who has a US media profile similar to our Professor Michael Baker and had extreme pro-vaccine mandate views like Ardern’s.

Recently in a press conference she said:

The CDC has determined that “vaccinated people who never had Covid were at least three times as likely to be infected as unvaccinated people with prior infection and a Lancet study found that those who were vaccinated but never had Covid were four times as likely to have severe illness resulting in hospitalisation or death compared to the unvaccinated who recovered from it.”

As most New Zealanders have by now had Covid, you can draw your own conclusion about whether you should get boosted again, take the bivalent vaccine, or inoculate your baby, as our government is still advising.

Related: The Last Ditch Deceptions Aimed at Saving the Doomed and Deadly Covid Vaccines

 A study from the prestigious Cleveland Clinic published last week found that each successive vaccination against Covid increases your risk of infection.

Just remember Dr. Wen is not an anti vaxxer, she is following the evidence and you should too. If you have formed fixed opinions about unvaccinated family members or colleagues, these need to be revised based on current published evidence.

If you think the vaccine injured are scammers or grifters, step back from your unsubstantiated prejudice and regain your capacity for empathy. These good people trusted the government and were harmed as a result. It could have been you.

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What Is Globalism And Where Is It Going?
June 5 2023 | From: JonRappoport / Various

“Above all, the Globalist elite considers the human being is nothing more than a biological machine - a machine that is badly programmed, desperately in need of a complete overhaul and restructuring at the level of mind.” - The Underground, Jon Rappoport

Over the years, I have written much about Globalism. During the 2016 US presidential election, Donald Trump spoke of it often, and in derogatory terms.

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He brought back, for the public, the concept, which had receded from press coverage. You could say he let the cat out of the bag.

So here I thought I would publish, in a series, some of the important material I’ve written on the subject. People need to be aware of the elite movement called Globalism and its aims and strategies.

1. “Over the weekend, thousands of protesters across multiple countries condemned impending [Globalist] trade deals promoted by governments and their corporate partners.

Though the protests received little coverage from mainstream media, they stretched from Paris to Warsaw.” (Carey Wedler, Blacklisted News, 10/19/16)

Now that the election is over, it’s important to review a few facts about Globalism. It was a centerpiece of controversy during the run-up to the vote.

Related: The Individual Versus Globalism

Globalism isn’t just an abstract word or idea. It gives survival to some, and tries to take it away from others. It lights on populations like a storm of locusts. It undermines jobs and work. It steals. It is designed to make chaos.

Globalism is based on the elite conviction that “the best people” should rule over everyone else for the greater good. “We’re not trying to do harm. We’re spreading the wealth.”

We can find the seeds of Globalism in Plato and his ancient dialogue called The Republic. Plato made his final philosophic stand on that work. Step by step, he establishes that The Good, which is highest concept in the universe, which exists in a realm of “pure ideas” apart from the daily round of existence, must be accessed and understood, if society is to meet up with its best destiny.

But, naturally, not all people are able to fathom The Good or translate it into action here in this human realm. Only the few can grasp it - and they must rise to the top and rule.

So, in the end, there is a fascist paradise. It rebuffs all attempts at dilution.

This is how Plato, the humane philosopher, the champion of the individual and freedom and independent thought, painted himself into a terrible corner. But never mind. Down through the centuries, “the wisest of men” have taken their cue from him and built nations and civilizations based on their (self-serving) version of The Good.

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And in the process, they have used propagandists to convince populations that rule from above is only carried out as altruistic service…

When a system has been devised, planned, launched, and maintained by criminals to undermine a nation, they are naturally going to defend it by saying:


In exactly the same way, a massive prison housing nothing but innocent people would superficially look like “chaos,” if the airtight security system were turned off.

The truth about the Globalist prison is simple. The underlying operation takes jobs away from America, in this instance, and sends them to Third World hell holes, where the same products are manufactured by the same companies, for pennies, using slave workers who labor in toxic environmental conditions that destroy their health.

Isn’t that easy to understand?

The American companies in those hell holes then sell the products back to Americans without paying taxes, tariffs, or penalties of any kind. The defenders of Globalism claim selling back the products cheaply is good for the American consumer. This is a lie, because many of those consumers no longer have jobs. Or they work at much lower wages than they used to, because the companies they worked for left America and went to the hell holes.

Related: Globalism: A Psychological GPS System For The Masses

All in all, this arrangement is obviously designed to torpedo the national economy. It’s not an accident. It’s not an unintended consequence. The Globalists may be criminals, but they aren’t stupid criminals.

But what about the US companies who left America and set up shop overseas? Can’t they read the handwriting on the wall? Can’t they realize their base of consumers in the US is shrinking?

The companies are, in fact, stupid. They’re betting on short-term success vs. long-term collapse, and they’re going to lose. They plunge ahead with their eyes closed - because they can’t bring themselves to believe that the system they’re part of could have been fashioned with ultimate failure in mind.

The anti-Globalism movement is MUCH bigger than Trump, so no matter what you think of him, whether you believe in his honesty or not, the ideas he is bringing forward are having an immense impact on the populace - because the populace has figured out the Globalist game. They see and feel the destruction. They see and feel what is happening to jobs. Their jobs. They see the brutal reality, and they want no part of it.

They want America to endure. They want America to prosper. They want a free market. They don’t want their country reduced to Third World status.

All the politically correct humanitarian lingo in the universe is not going to change these basic realities. Globalism - the export of jobs, the rapid expansion of the Welfare State, the launching of senseless wars to pave the way for corporate plunder, the immigrant-flood through open borders - is a nation killer. It’s built to be a killer.

Decimating nations is an intentional precursor to ruling the planet from above by the Globalists-in-charge. “What we destroy we will resurrect on our own terms.”

No nation on Earth has a pure and clean history. But no nation deserves to be leveled and destroyed. The founding ideas of the original American Republic were and are the best ideas about government ever forwarded in human history. They imply:

Severely limited federal power. Free individuals. Independent individuals. Individuals who choose their own dreams and destinies. Individuals who work to achieve those dreams.

The so-called liberal press, and the academic institutions of America, have sold out completely. They are on board with what they can see of the Globalist agenda. The press will never challenge that agenda. They are grotesque cowards of the first order.

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I have met some of them during my 30-plus years of working as a reporter. Behind their perfumed fronts, they give off a stench.

America is America. For the most part, its people are decent. Their leaders have betrayed them time and time again, without a second thought, without a shred of remorse.

The so-called populist movement which is growing by leaps and bounds, which got its legs under it with Ron Paul, must not come to a halt, no matter who sits in the White House, not matter what he does.

The future is now.

2. Globalist corporations are blind in the face of doom.

People don’t fully appreciate the capacity of mega-corporations. The 300 largest companies account for roughly 25% of all international trade.

And, even more startling, these behemoths are operating their production lines at half-strength. Why? Because only 1.5 billion people in the world have enough money to rate as true consumers.

So these corporations, which are the leading lights of the Globalist agenda, are looking and hoping for many more customers.

Meanwhile, Rockefeller Globalists are hyping the pseudoscience of manmade warming, in order to convince nations to cut their energy production. That plan, of course, would further erode the ability of mega-corporations to find new consumers. Indeed, Globalists are all for wrecking economies and deepening poverty - aims which infect the lifeblood of corporations.

Related: The Khazarian Bankster Cult That Hijacked The World & Worthless Pieces Of Paper - Interest On Fake Money Is Confiscating Your Freedom

We are looking at a huge crack - a contradiction - in the very foundation of the Globalism.

And if you want to take this farther, the notion of radical depopulation across the planet would do even graver harm to corporate dreams and ambitions. Far fewer consumers.

There are wild and woolly solutions. For example, provide a basic income to every human on Earth; or make governments the sole payer to corporations for their products, which are then dispensed to the population in a mad universal welfare scheme. In either case, you would have a new currency system.

Governments would openly and blandly create money out of thin air, as needed, to fund these harebrained schemes. Governments already invent money, but this would be occurring on a far larger scale, and without any pretense of legitimacy.

Given the propensity of governments to run their programs according to dizzyingly incompetent guidelines, I see no way the mega-corporations would welcome these “innovations.”

Related: The Globalists Are Openly Admitting To Their Population Control Agenda - And That's A Bad Sign

In short, the corporations are buying a pie-in-the-sky con. They insist on believing the favors and concocted advantages the Globalists are offering them in the marketplace are wonderful; but in fact, the long-term situation is a no-win. It’s a narrowing road, and a crack-up is coming.

Globalists are shrinking the worldwide consumer base. They want a chaos-ridden dystopia, which they will control with an iron hand. In that scenario, the mega-corporations will also shrink to shadows of their former selves. Their usefulness will rapidly decay.

Memo to CEOs: why don’t you try waking up? Your whole elite movement is a walking contradiction, and you’re on the downside.

Why don’t these CEOs awaken? Because their short-term greed exceeds their long-term vision. For them, it’s an easier way to live. Take the money and run.

3. "Some even believe we are part of a secret cabal working against the best interests of the United States, characterizing my family and me as ‘internationalists’ and of conspiring with others around the world to build a more integrated global political and economic structure - one world, if you will. If that is the charge, I stand guilty, and I am proud of it.” David Rockefeller, Memoirs, 2003

Related: When The Rockefeller Trilateral Commission Exposed Its Own Secret

The man who wrote those words represents a family that has dominated banking, oil, modern medicine, behind-the-scenes politics, and powerhouses of Globalism (e.g., the Council on Foreign Relations) for a century.

Globalism asserts that no nation can be independent from “the family” of other nations, as if it were a matter of fact beyond dispute. A nation claiming its sovereignty thus becomes a lunatic traitor to the natural order of things.

What really binds nations to one another is propaganda, and treaties which are based on the same propaganda, resulting in (temporary) engorged super-profits for mega-corporations.

Globalism is a secular piece of messianic hype. A Disneyesque altruism is the prow of the ship. Spend 10 minutes educating any street hustler on Globalist principles, and he would recognize it as a standard con.

Obama’s warning to the Brits, that their withdrawing from the Globalist European Union would put them at the back of the line in negotiating a separate trade treaty with the United States, was sheer fiction.

Related: Is Brexit The First Domino To Fall In The Liberation Of The Planet?

Britain, or any nation, that has goods to sell and a desire to buy will find trade partners. An agreement could be scratched out on a napkin over dinner.

Impending trade deals like the TPP and TTIP are thousands of pages and take so long to negotiate, because the heavy hitters at the table are looking for new ingenious ways to cut and paste the world into larger profits for themselves.

Globalism, hiding behind thousands of academic analyses, picks up jobs from one nation, where wages are reasonable and working conditions are tolerable, and dumps them in hell holes where wages are nearly invisible and conditions are poisonous. It’s that simple, and any moron could see how the industrial nations like the US would suffer…if by nations we meant people.

Instead of criminal corporations and criminal investors. But all this is layered over with “share and care” sop.

The United States government could repeal the NAFTA, CAFTA, and GATT trade treaties tomorrow, and throw current TPP and TTIP negotiating documents out the window…and all would be well. Better. Much better.

For instance, without NAFTA, US producers wouldn’t have been able to flood Mexico with cheap corn, throwing 1.5 million Mexican corn farmers into bankruptcy, leading many of them to cross the border and come to the US to find work.

No US President since Nixon has disturbed the march of Globalist “free trade.” All Presidents since then have been on board with the Rockefeller plan. And the US economy - which is to say, jobs - has thus faltered.

The 2008 financial crash was only one factor in the decline. The promise of cheap imports for sale in the US - the justification for free trade - doesn’t work when people here have no jobs and no purchasing power.

Major media, fronting for free-trade, have panicked over Donald Trump’s claim that he’ll reject Globalism.

They would have panicked over Bernie Sander’s similar promise, if they thought he had any chance of defeating Hillary Clinton for the Democratic nomination. The media have their orders from on high - the deck is stacked, the cards were dealt long ago.

Hillary Clinton’s pathetic promises about creating jobs reveal nothing of substance. Small tax breaks for small businesses that “share profits with employees,” the “removal of government red tape,” “funding breakthroughs in scientific and medical research,” “expanding job training opportunities”- the truth is, her basic method for stimulating the economy has always been: find a war, any war, and fight it.

4. From GlobalisationGuide.org: “What does globalization mean to Australia?”

“Australian corporations participate in the oppression of workers and peasants in poor countries in Asia. Australian mining and forestry companies are involved in extracting wealth from countries such as Papua New Guinea, Irian Jaya and Indonesia, sometimes relying on military support to suppress local opposition.”

“The Australian support for trade liberalisation, particularly in agriculture, has been used to open up markets in poor countries where Australia’s commodity exports put local subsistence farmers out of work.”

“Australia has opened its own markets to goods made in countries that allow child labour, or forbid the formation of free trade unions.”

“The Australian government has opposed efforts to include environmental and labour protection clauses in World Trade Organisation agreements.”

“Australia should support reform of the WTO to make it more equitable for poor nations of the world.”

“Australia places few restrictions on the operations of transnational organisations, which take wealth from…[our] country, and are not managed in the interests of Australia.”

5. This is a bombshell. It’s a crucial piece of history that has been ignored by mass media.

I’ve published this interview before. Here I want to make new comments.

First of all, David Rockefeller’s Trilateral Commission was born in 1973, in part because the Globalist plan to ensure “free trade” (no tariffs paid by predatory mega-corporations) had run into a glitch.

That glitch was President Richard Nixon. He began laying tariffs on certain goods imported into the US, in order to level the playing field and protect American companies. Nixon, a substantial crook in other respects, went off-script in this case and actually started a movement to reject the Globalist vision.

After Nixon’s ouster from the White House, Gerald Ford became president, and he chose David’s brother, Nelson Rockefeller as his vice-president. It was a sign Globalism and free trade were back on track.

But David Rockefeller and his sidekick, Brzezinski, wanted more. They wanted a man in the White House whom they’d created from scratch. That man was a peanut farmer no one had ever heard of: Jimmy Carter.

Through their media connections, David and Brzezinski vaulted Carter into the spotlight. He won the Democratic nomination (1976), spread a syrupy message of love and coming together after the Watergate debacle, and soon he was ensconced in the Oval Office.

Flash forward to 1978, the second year of Carter’s presidency. An interview took place.

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It’s a close-up snap shot of a remarkable moment. It’s a through-the-looking-glass secret - in the form of a conversation between a reporter, Jeremiah Novak, and two Trilateral Commission members, Karl Kaiser and Richard Cooper.

The interview concerned the issue of who exactly, during President Carter’s administration, was formulating and controlling US economic and political policy.

The careless and off-hand attitude of Trilateralists Kaiser and Cooper is astonishing. It’s as if they’re saying, “What we’re revealing is already out in the open, it’s too late to do anything about it, why are you so worked up, we’ve already won…”

NOVAK (the reporter): Is it true that a private [Trilateral committee] led by Henry Owen of the US and made up of [Trilateral] representatives of the US, UK, West Germany, Japan, France and the EEC is coordinating the economic and political policies of the Trilateral countries [which would include the US]?

COOPER: Yes, they have met three times.

NOVAK: Yet, in your recent paper you state that this committee should remain informal because to formalize ‘this function might well prove offensive to some of the Trilateral and other countries which do not take part.’ Who are you afraid of?

KAISER: Many countries in Europe would resent the dominant role that West Germany plays at these [Trilateral] meetings.

COOPER: Many people still live in a world of separate nations [!], and they would resent such coordination [of policy].

NOVAK: But this [Trilateral] committee is essential to your whole policy. How can you keep it a secret or fail to try to get popular support [for its decisions on how Trilateral member nations will conduct their economic and political policies]?

COOPER: Well, I guess it’s the press’ job to publicize it.

NOVAK: Yes, but why doesn’t President Carter come out with it and tell the American people that [US] economic and political power is being coordinated by a [Trilateral] committee made up of Henry Owen and six others? After all, if [US] policy is being made on a multinational level, the people should know.

COOPER: President Carter and Secretary of State Vance have constantly alluded to this in their speeches.

KAISER: It just hasn’t become an issue.

SOURCE: “Trilateralism: The Trilateral Commission and Elite Planning for World Management,” ed. by Holly Sklar, 1980. South End Press, Boston. Pages 192-3.

Of course, although Kaiser and Cooper claimed everything being manipulated by the Trilateral Commission committee was already out in the open, it wasn’t.

Their interview slipped under the mainstream media radar, which is to say, it was ignored and buried. It didn’t become a scandal on the level of, say, Watergate, although its essence was far larger than Watergate.

US economic and political policy run by a Globalist committee of the Trilateral Commission - the Commission had been created in 1973 as an “informal discussion group” by David Rockefeller and his sidekick, Brzezinski, who would become Jimmy Carter’s National Security Advisor.

Shortly after Carter won the presidential election, his aide, Hamilton Jordan, said that if after the inauguration, Cy Vance and Brzezinski came on board as secretary of state and national security adviser, “We have lost. And I will quit.”

Lost - because both men were powerful members of the Trilateral Commission and their appointment to key positions would signal a surrender of White House control to the Commission.

Related: NWO: Totalitarianism And The Five Stages Of Dehumanization + Why 2022 Is 1973: Klaus Schwab Is Zbigniew Brzezinski

Vance and Brzezinski were appointed secretary of state and national security adviser, as Jordan feared. But he didn’t quit. He became Carter’s chief of staff.

Flash forward again, to the Obama administration.

In the run-up to his inauguration after the 2008 presidential election, Obama was tutored by the Globalist co-founder of the Trilateral Commission, Zbigniew Brzezinski.

Four years before birthing the Commission with his boss of bosses, David Rockefeller, Brzezinski wrote:

“[The] nation state as a fundamental unit of man’s organized life has ceased to be the principal creative force. International banks and multinational corporations are acting and planning in terms that are far in advance of the political concepts of the nation state.”

Goodbye, separate nations. Hello, global government.

Any doubt on the question of Trialteral goals is answered by David Rockefeller himself, in his Memoirs (2003): “Some even believe we are part of a secret cabal working against the best interests of the United States, characterizing my family and me as ‘internationalists’ and of conspiring with others around the world to build a more integrated global political and economic structure - one world, if you will. If that is the charge, I stand guilty, and I am proud of it.”

Patrick Wood, author of Trilaterals Over Washington and Technocracy Rising, points out there are only 87 members of the Trilateral Commission who live in America.

Obama appointed eleven of them to posts in his administration. For example:

Tim Geithner, Treasury Secretary;

James Jones, National Security Advisor;

Paul Volker, Chairman, Economic Recovery Committee;

Dennis Blair, Director of National Intelligence.

Here is the payoff. The US Trade Representative (appointed by Obama in 2013), who was responsible for negotiating the Globalist TPP (Trans-Pacific Partnership) treaty with 11 other nations, was Michael Froman, a former member of the Trilateral Commission.

Related: The Transatlantic Trade & Investment Partnership (TTIP) Is Dead + Earthquakes

Don’t let the word “former” fool you. Commission members resign when they take positions in the Executive Branch of government. And when they serve in vital positions, such as US Trade Representative, they aren’t there by accident. They’re operatives with a specific agenda.

Flash forward one more time. Trump, who squashed the Globalist TPP treaty as soon as he was inaugurated, has been busy making staff appointments. Patrick Wood writes (2/6/17):

“According to a White House press release, the first member of the Trilateral Commission has entered the Trump administration as the Deputy Assistant to the President for International Economic Affairs, where he will sit on the National Security Council:

Kenneth I. Juster will serve as Deputy Assistant to the President for International Economic Affairs. He will coordinate the Administration’s international economic policy and integrate it with national security and foreign policy. He will also be the President’s representative and lead U.S. negotiator (“Sherpa”) for the annual G-7, G-20, and APEC Summits.”

Juster’s duties will take him into the heart of high-level negotiations with foreign governments on economic policy.

Keep your eye on Mr. Juster. Will he take actions in line with Trump’s avowed anti-Globalist stance? Or will Juster work as one more Globalist Trilateral operative in the center of American decision-making?

If the answer is “operative,” does Trump know this? Does he condone what Mr. Juster will do? Or is this a case of secret infiltration, on behalf of the most powerful Globalist group in the world, the Trilateral Commission?

6. Globalized media. It’s nice plan. Let’s examine it.

The new technocratic media is based on profiling users. There is no impactful news unless each member of the audience is surveilled and analyzed on the basis of what he already likes and wants.

Shocking? It’s to be expected. How else would technocrats parlay the untold hours they’ve spent sizing up their consumers/users? Several years ago, I wrote:

“Tech blather has already begun, since Jeff Bezos, CEO of Amazon, bought the Washington Post at a fire sale. Jeff Genius will invent new ways to transmit the news to ‘people on the go’ and make the Post a smashing success. Mobile devices. Multiple platforms. Digital taking over from print. Ads customized to fit readers’ interests (profiling). News stories customized to fit readers’ interests (more profiling).”

In other words, non-news. If you thought media were irrelevant and deceptive before, you haven’t seen anything. The “new news” will create millions of virtual bubbles in which profiled users can float contentedly, under the cozy cottage roofs of their favorite little separate paradigms.

Reated: Responding To The “Nothing To Hide” Argument In Support Of Mass Surveillance + We Are All Targeted Individuals Now with Dr. Katherine Horton

The tech giant Apple has waded into this territory with an app that will deliver news to users.


“Apple News, part of the upcoming iOS 9 operating system, aims to be the primary news source for users of the iPhone and iPad… Apple says its news app ‘follows over a million topics and pulls relevant stories based on your specific interests’…

Joshua Benton of the Nieman Journalism Lab said the app will be important because ‘through the awesome power of default, Apple distribution puts it in an entirely other league. This [news] app will be on hundreds of millions of devices within 24 hours of its debut’.”

Translation: Profiling their users down to their toenails, Apple will present them with virtual bubbles of news they want to see and read.

Not just one overall presentation for all; no, different “news outlets” for Apple’s audiences.

This introduces a whole new layer of mind control.

“You’re an Obama fan? Here are stories confirming your belief in the Prophet.”

“You want neo-con on the rocks with a conservative Republican twist? Here’s some war footage that’ll warm your heart.”

“Do you believe ‘government gridlock’ is our biggest concern? Congress can’t get anything done? We’ve got headlines for that from here to the moon.”

“Tuned into celeb gossip? Here’s your world in three minutes.”

The idea: convince users, one day at a time, that what they already believe is important IS the news of the day.

It’s Decentralized Centralization. One media giant carving its global audience up into little pieces and delivering them a whole host of different algorithmically appropriate lies and fluff and no-context psyops.

And for “fringe users?” “You’re doubtful about GMOs? Well, look at what Whole Foods is planning for their healthier produce section. Cheer up.”

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Nothing about Maui voters declaring a temporary ban on devastatingly toxic Monsanto/Dow experiments or the dangers of Roundup. “You’re anti-vaccine? Sorry, you don’t count. You’re not a recognized demographic. But here’s a piece about a little unvaccinated boy who was involved in car crash on the I5.”

Does this sound like science fiction? It isn’t. It’s the mainstream look of the near-future (if they could get away with it). Search engines are already “personalizing” your inquiries. US ABC national news is climbing in the ratings because it’s giving viewers “lighter stories,” and spending less time on thorny issues like the Middle East.

The mainstream news business is desperately looking for audience; and treating every “user” as a profiled social-construct-bundle of superficial preferences is their answer.

“Mr. X, we’ve studied the little virtual bubble you live in, and now we can sell you your own special brand of truth.”

“Hello, audience. We’re going to pitch you on becoming full-fledged obsessed consumers, as if there is no other worthy goal in life - and then we’re going to profile you from top to bottom, to find out exactly what kind of obsessed consumer you are, so we can hit you and trigger you with information that uniquely stimulates your adrenal glands…”

The one-two punch.

Any actual event occurring in the world would be pre-digested by robot media editors and profilers, and then split up into variously programmed bits of information for different audiences.

Who cares what really happened? In the new world, there is no ‘what really happened’. That’s a gross misnomer. A faulty idea. A metaphysical error. No, there is only a multi-forked media tongue that simultaneously spits out a dozen or a hundred variations of the same event…because different viewers want and expect different realities.

In 1984, Orwell’s Big Brother was issuing a single voice into the homes of the population. That was old-school. That was primitive technology. That was achieving unity by hammering unity into people’s skulls. This, now, is the frontier of unity through diversity.

“We want to make all of you into androids, through basic PR and propaganda and a pathetic excuse for education. However, we recognize you’ll become different varieties of androids, and we’ll serve that outcome with technological sophistication. Trust us. We care about what you prefer.”

User A: “Wow, did you see the coverage of the border war in Chula Vista?”

User B: “War? They had a fantastic exhibit of drones down there. At least a hundred different types. And then I watched an old WW2 movie about aerial combat.”

User C: “Chula Vista? They had a great food show. This woman made a lemon pie. I could practically taste it.”

User D: “That wasn’t a border war. It was a drill. And then afterwards, these cops gave a demonstration of all their gear. Vests, shields, communication devices, flash-bangs, auto rifles with silencers, batons. I watch drills all over the country. Love them.”

User E: “Chula Vista? The only thing I saw on the news was ‘sunny and mild’ this week. I watch all the weather channels. I love them.”

BUT when a Big One comes along, like the 2016 national election in the US, the separate tunes come together and ring as one. Then the overriding need to extend Globalism’s goals (in the person of Hillary Clinton) blot out every other priority. Then the major media twist whatever they need to twist. Then it’s the same bubble for everyone.

One problem, though. Major media have been lanced thousands of times by alt news sites, and by Wikileaks and Project Veritas. This attack has exposed the truth and the Clinton crimes.

And alt news reflects the growing interest of the public in what’s actually happening on many fronts.

Related: The Carbonaro Effect: Magician Reveals How Fake News Media Indoctrinates The Gullible Masses With Junk Science

The technocratic plan for the news is failing. It was a nice plan, but…It’s turning out to be a dud.

Alt media are forcing public awareness of one giant scandal after another: Hillary/Obama support for ISIS; pro-vaccine liars; the collapse of Obamacare; the GMO hustle; pesticide damage…on and on and on.

The result? Major media are being backed into a corner, where they must defend lies and build the same monolithic lies for EVERYONE all the time. The idea of creating separate news for each profiled user is ALREADY collapsing.

Major media are playing defense against the rest of the world.

It’s quite a party. And it has no expiration date.

A final note: Trump, Wikileaks, Project Veritas, Drudge, and many alt news sites created a perfect storm in 2016, raining down on major media. It was and is unprecedented. The mainstream press has been exposed down to its roots, as never before.

The lying, the collusion, the arrogant sense of entitlement, the desperation, the corruption - it’s all there to see, for anyone who has eyes and a few working brain cells. Expect more to come, regardless of the outcome of the election. The train has really left the station…

7. Zbigniew Brzezinski wrote, four years before birthing the TC with his godfather, David Rockefeller:

“[The] nation state as a fundamental unit of man’s organized life has ceased to be the principal creative force. International banks and multinational corporations are acting and planning in terms that are far in advance of the political concepts of the nation state.”

Several other noteworthy Trilateral members: George HW Bush; Bill Clinton; Dick Cheney; Al Gore. The first three men helped sink the US further into debt by fomenting wars abroad; and Gore’s cap and trade blueprint would destroy industrial economies, while vastly increasing the numbers of people in Third World countries who have no access to modern sources of energy.

Does all this offer a clue as to why the US economy has failed to recover from the Wall Street debacle of 2008, why the federal bailout was a handout to super-rich criminals, and why Obama took actions which prevented a recovery?

A closer look at Tim Geithner’s circle of economic advisers reveals the chilling Trilateral effect: Paul Volker; Alan Greenspan; E. Gerald Corrigan (director, Goldman Sachs); and Peter G Peterson (former CEO, Lehman Brothers, former chairman of the Council on Foreign Relations). These men are all Trilateral members.

How many foxes in the hen house do we need, before we realize their Globalist Trilateral agenda is controlling the direction of our economy?

The TC has no interest in building up the American economy. They want to torpedo it, as part of the end-game of creating a new international currency, ushering in a de facto Globalist management system for the whole planet.

8. Now consider the vast propaganda efforts of the past 40 years, on so many levels, to install the idea that all nations and peoples of the world are a single Collective.

From a very high level of political and economic power, this propaganda op has had the objective of grooming the population for a planet that is one coagulated mass, run and managed by one force. A central engine of that force is the Trilateral Commission.

How does a shadowy group like the TC accomplish its goal? One basic strategy is: destabilize nations; ruin their economies; ratify trade treaties that effectively send millions and millions of manufacturing jobs off to places where virtual slave labor does the work; adding insult to injury, export the cheap products of those slave-factories back to the nations who lost the jobs and undercut their domestic manufacturers, forcing them to close their doors and fire still more employees.

And then solve that economic chaos by bringing order. What kind of order?

Eventually, one planet, with national borders erased, under one management system, with a planned global economy, “to restore stability,” “for the good of all, for lasting harmony.”

The top Trilateral players, in 2008, had their man in the White House, another formerly obscure individual like Jimmy Carter: Barack Obama. They had new trade treaties on the planning table.

Obama was tasked with doing whatever was necessary to bring those treaties, like the TPP, home. To get them passed. To get them ratified. No excuses.

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That’s why, over a year ago, when anti-TPP criticism and rhetoric were reaching a crescendo, when Obama was seeking Congressional fast-track authority for the treaty, he was in a sweat and a panic. He and his cabinet were on the phones night and day, scrambling and scraping for votes in Congress. This was the Big One. This was why he was the President. To make this happen.

His Trilateral bosses were watching. These men run US policy, when and where it counts. They don’t like failure.

This is also why, after Obama was inaugurated for his first term, he shocked and astonished his own advisors, who expected him, as the first order of business, to address the unemployment issue in America. He shocked them by ignoring the number-one concern of Americans, and instead decided to opt for his disastrous national health insurance policy - Obamacare.

Obama never had any intention of trying to dig America out of the crash of 2008. That wasn’t why he was put in the Oval Office.

He could, and would, pretend to bring back the economy, with fudged numbers and distorted standards. But really and truly, create good-paying jobs for many, many Americans? Not on the TC agenda. Not in the cards.

It was counter-productive to the TC plan: torpedo the economy further.

Obama is on the move. He’s traveling to far-flung places, trying to shore up global consensus on the TPP treaty. His people are working around the clock to round up the necessary votes for TPP ratification in Congress. Obama plans to sneak through the treaty during Congress’ lame-duck session after the November election, before newly elected Congressional members take office.

Pushing through Globalist trade treaties: this is why he was put in the White House. This is his appointed task. This is his real job. His bosses are watching.

“I pledge allegiance to the Trilateral Commission, and to the domination for which it stands, one planet, indivisible, with tyranny and poverty and top-down order for all…”

[Update: the TPP was dead on arrival, after Trump was elected].

9. "Technocratic human beings are spiritually dead. They are capable of anything, no matter how heinous, because they do not reflect upon or question the ultimate goal.” - Chris Hedges

“River and ocean turbines for electricity; hydrogen power; urban farms; massive water desalination—these are just a few of the means for making an abundant non-technocratic future. By any rational standard, technocratic idiocy is already obsolete.”

- The Underground, Jon Rappoport

Again, thanks to Patrick Wood and his book, Technocracy Rising, for expanding my insight into these areas.

Related: A Deeper Understanding Of Technocracy & Seven Things I Would Do If I Wanted To Keep Poor People Poor

Consider the term “scientific humanism.” The Oxford Dictionary offers this definition:

“A form of humanist theory and practice that is based on the principles and methods of science; specifically the doctrine that human beings should employ scientific methods in studying human life and behaviour, in order to direct the welfare and future of mankind in a rational and beneficial manner…Origin mid-19th century.”

That definition gives you a good general meaning for “technocracy.”

Understanding the mindset of Globalist technocrats is necessary; they believe that since they can plan the shape of society, they should plan the shape of society.

Politicians are outmoded along this new evolutionary path. They will fade into extinction. Instead, engineers will take their place.

Human beings (all eight billion) will be accounted for. They will receive energy quotas. Because a master map exists for the amount of global energy available at any moment, every human will be permitted to consume just so much energy during a defined time period.

This is the technocratic “big picture.”

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Wherever you see the Surveillance State, you see technocracy. The claim that surveillance is being utilized to prevent terror attacks is a cover story. In fact, there can be no all-embracing technocracy without real-time tracking of every citizen’s energy consumption.

But technocracy goes much farther than this. Humans are viewed as mis-programmed biological machines in need of basic corrections. Their tendency to engage in conflict needs to be curbed. Whatever they do, say, or think that runs counter to the tight organizing of “peaceful and harmonious” society from above is, a priori, irrational and must be eradicated at the level of Mind.

The necessary reprogramming would be achieved through genetic, electronic, and chemical means. Though never admitting it publicly, dyed in the wool technocrats see no reason to maintain the human population at its current level. Elimination of large numbers of “biological machines” would make their job easier.

Heraldic fairy tales about “transhuman” transformation are used to put a wondrous face on technocracy. For example, we’re told that soon it will be possible to connect a human brain with a super-computer and download “spiritual wisdom, knowledge, and talents” directly to the human.

Technocratic premise: society itself is a game board, and someone has to be in charge; who better than engineers with an overall plan?

So-called “advances” in human life will begin by stating the basic “rights” people are entitled to. For example, “an optimum state of social existence.” What this really means is “pegs in holes.” People will be fitted into slots that yield up the “largest amount of possible collective happiness.”

Click on the image above to open a larger versioon in a new window

Related: The Transhumanist Agenda And The [Attempted] Future Of Humanity

It’s all about The Plan. Freedom? Freedom to choose? Never heard of it. Instead, what the individual is given from above is satisfactory to him because he has been engineered to believe it is. That’s the plan.

Smart-grid, sustainable development, green economy, land use, community planning, climate change, education in values, and other campaigns are signals and steps toward the far shore of technocracy. They all point to putting “pegs in holes.” They all ultimately involve quotas for energy consumption.

They all involve the assumption that, since there is only so much to go around, a higher authority must decide who gets what. Food, water, shelter, jobs, luxuries, energy…

Clue: scientists and engineers can arbitrarily say what science is, and therefore they can say The Plan is “scientific.”

If you say, “Well, look, there are genuine ways to vastly increase the amount of available water and energy and clean food,” you would be running against the technocratic blueprint.

Opting for abundance is not welcomed. Abundance cuts the chords of The Plan. Scarcity must rule and it must be promoted. The lack of all essentials must be cited as the reason for imposing technocratic answers. There is no way around it.

The irony is, when you talk to really hard-core environmentalists about the means for achieving abundance through alternative technologies, they balk and grow angry.

They don’t want technological solutions - and yet, the powers behind them, where the big money is, are, in fact, all about technology - technology of a certain kind, which is based on planning out a society in which permanent and growing scarcity is MAINTAINED AND PROMOTED as the immutable reality.

It’s quite mad, quite insane. But when has that ever stopped the men who are quite sure they should sit on thrones?

Vast abundance is more than a vision. It is a reachable possibility. The history of actual science and technology confirms that both essential materials and available human innovation were always downplayed as shortages - until some individual came along and demonstrated that a new way of doing things would break through the shortage.

Corporations, governments, think-thanks, and universities try to limit, curb, and bury inventions that open up the future to abundance. Technocrats are in a race to “plan society” before those inventions leak out into the public and make them, the technocrats, obsolete.

But they are obsolete. They just haven’t figured it out yet.

But we can figure it out.

10. Elites who invent reality need an unimpeachable operation, headed up by people who are relentlessly promoted as the sanest, most intelligent, competent, and caring representatives of the human race. Guess who that would be?” (The Magician Awakes, Jon Rappoport)

In 1976, the great critic of 20th-century society, Ivan Illich, wrote:

“Modern medicine is a negation of health. It isn’t organized to serve human health, but only itself, an institution. It makes more people sick than it heals.”

The medical cartel is the answer to the question: what do you with the population of Earth once they are living under a Globalist oligarchy?

It’s all about managing lives, from womb to grave, and no institution serves that management better than Medicine.

First of all, you have a system that dispenses toxic drugs in an endless stream, killing in the US alone, by conservative estimate, 100,000 people per year. On top of that, medical drugs cause anywhere from two to four millions severe adverse effects annually.

Beyond this straight-out destruction, there is the turmoil, suffering, grieving, and confusion that extends in ripples, from each one of the deaths and injuries, to families, friends, and co-workers. The overall effect? Demoralization and the inability to see and think past the emotional pain - which is exactly what you want if you are a psychopath running a planet.

The medical cartel (drug companies, public health agencies, medical schools, doctors) wants to assure cradle-to-grave treatment of every person.

This means 30 or 40 diagnoses of illnesses and mental disorders during a lifetime, and treatment with toxic drugs. It also means medical issues are at the forefront of every person’s mind as he/she wends through life, believing that Disease is the most important aspect of living.

People become proud, yes, proud of their diagnoses and treatment. They wear the diagnoses like badges of honor, and every social communication is an occasion for displaying badges and discussing treatments and comparing notes.

“You know, at first my doctor thought it was ADHD, but then he did one of those new brain scans, and realized it was Bipolar with a trace of genetically inherited Oppositional Defiance Disorder. Once he had the ODD under control with a major tranquilizer, he could go after the Bipolar. But then I developed tremors. So he implanted a chip…”

It’s not only a sick society, it’s a society about sickness.

Related: A Quick Review Of Fake Medical Diagnostic Tests + Author Exposes The “Vaccine Deep State”- A Massive Criminal Fraud And Embezzlement Ring Inside The CDC

Medical care is free, if by free one means: paid for by extraordinary levels of taxation.

The basic collectivist slogan, “We’re all in this together,” achieves its most fervent support from the axiom that Disease is our primary opportunity to help each other by accepting awesome tax burdens.

Of course, huge segments of the world population won’t be able to participate in modern, up-to-date, cutting-edge “care.” For them, there are several solutions.

The first is vaccines seeded with chemicals and genes that reduce fertility and potency. As birth rates gradually decline, cover stories are invented to explain the phenomenon: stress; rising employment rates; the social effects of urbanization; the dissolution of the nuclear family.

The second solution is epidemics that purportedly kill off large numbers of people. These epidemics are routine frauds, based on concocted science.

In the poverty-stricken Third World, announced epidemics are nothing more than cover stories; people aren’t dying because of germs; they’re dying because their water is contaminated, because of overcrowding, lack of basic sanitation, generation-to-generation starvation.

They’re dying because their fertile growing lands have been stolen. While medical experts crow about attacking the germ of the moment with (toxic) drugs and vaccines, these actual causes of death can be ignored and even enhanced.

Meanwhile, in industrialized technological sectors of the planet, psychiatry ascends to new heights of control over the educated classes. Although no so-called mental disorder has ever been diagnosed by a real laboratory test, the experts who dominate the field continue to invent new disorders at the drop of a hat.

Psychiatric patients believe they have brain conditions that must be treated with (highly toxic) drugs. The patients also believe their own aspirations are limited by their disorders, and so they acquiesce to a psychiatric model that circumscribes their lives.

At the top-end of society, new medical inventions are applied to the wealthy. Genetic enhancement is the most highly touted of these. Despite the fact that, as yet, there are no genetic treatments for any disease that work across the board, experiments will be done to extend life, to seed the unborn with special talents, to cure a wide variety of illnesses.

There will be efforts to substitute technological components for biological nature. Limbs, organs, whole body systems, brains.

The workability of high-tech pieces is not really the issue. The aim is simply to involve the rich in the entire grand experiment, thereby swallowing them up as well in a medical paradigm of existence.

At the front door of medical cartel operations, a person will be enrolled in the system while in utero, and a path will be laid out that extends all the way to the grave. Once he is on record with a medical ID package, he will be tracked and treated and tweaked without let-up.

Finally, the inevitable proposal and program will come into view. Why risk natural birth, which is already considered a medical event? Why not create birth in a laboratory?

And if, at any point in life, a person experiences doubts and regrets about his membership in the universal medical control apparatus, he can obtain a prescription for drugs that target “pleasure centers,” and then check out of his worries and anxieties.

Huxley’s Brave New World would move in like a wave on a beach.

Related: Brave New World And Individual Power & How The Elite Dominate The World: They Buy Politicians, And Incumbents Almost Always Win

At every way-stop toward that day, sophistication, elegance, assurance, and concern will be the watchwords of the practicing doctor, the secular priest in this drama of human dismantling.

And yet, for those who remember, who know what the Individual is, who know what freedom is, who know what imagination and creative power are, the rigging and distorting and flattening and collectivizing will look like nothing more than a horrible cartoon.

And these people who remember will lead a revolution like no revolution ever seen before.

Or we can defect from, and withdraw our consent to, this mad matrix now.

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It’s Time to Take The Gaia Hypothesis Seriously
June 4 2023 | From: Nautilus / Various

Can a planet be alive? Lynn Margulis, a giant of late 20th-century biology, who had an incandescent intellect that veered toward the unorthodox, thought so. She and chemist James Lovelock together theorized that life must be a planet-altering phenomenon and the distinction between the “living” and “nonliving” parts of Earth is not as clear-cut as we think.

Many members of the scientific community derided their theory, called the Gaia hypothesis, as pseudoscience, and questioned their scientific integrity.

But now Margulis and Lovelock may have their revenge. Recent scientific discoveries are giving us reason to take this hypothesis more seriously. At its core is an insight about the relationship between planets and life that has changed our understanding of both, and is shaping how we look for life on other worlds.

Studying Earth’s global biosphere together, Margulis and Lovelock realized that it has some of the properties of a life form. It seems to display “homeostasis,” or self‐regulation. Many of Earth’s life‐sustaining qualities exhibit remarkable stability.

The temperature range of the climate; the oxygen content of the atmosphere; the pH, chemistry, and salinity of the ocean - all these are biologically mediated.

All have, for hundreds of millions of years, stayed within a range where life can thrive. Lovelock and Margulis surmised that the totality of life is interacting with its environments in ways that regulate these global qualities. They recognized that Earth is, in a sense, a living organism. Lovelock named this creature Gaia.

“Life and Earth have been co-evolving in a continuing dance."

Margulis and Lovelock showed that the Darwinian picture of biological evolution is incomplete. Darwin identified the mechanism by which life adapts due to changes in the environment, and thus allowed us to see that all life on Earth is a continuum, a proliferation, a genetic diaspora from a common root.

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In the Darwinian view, Earth was essentially a stage with a series of changing backdrops to which life had to adjust. Yet, what or who was changing the sets?

Margulis and Lovelock proposed that the drama of life does not unfold on the stage of a dead Earth, but that, rather, the stage itself is animated, part of a larger living entity, Gaia, composed of the biosphere together with the “nonliving” components that shape, respond to, and cycle through the biota of Earth.

Yes, life adapts to environmental change, shaping itself through natural selection. Yet life also pushes back and changes the environment, alters the planet.

This is now as obvious as the air you are breathing, which has been oxygenated by life. So evolution is not a series of adaptations to inanimate events, but a system of feedbacks, an exchange.

Life has not simply molded itself to the shifting contours of a dynamic Earth. Rather, life and Earth have shaped each other as they’ve co-evolved.

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When you start looking at the planet in this way, then you see coral reefs, limestone cliffs, deltas, bogs, and islands of bat guano as parts of this larger animated entity. You realize that the entire skin of Earth, and its depths as well, are indeed alive.

The acceptance of the Gaia hypothesis was, and remains, slow, halting, and incomplete. There are several reasons for this. One is just the usual inertia, the standard conservative reluctance to accept new ways of thinking. Yet Gaia was also accused of being vague and shifting.

Some complained that the “Gaians” had failed to present an original, well‐defined, testable scientific proposition. How can you evaluate, oppose, or embrace an idea that is not clearly stated, or that seems to mean different things to different people? There was certainly some truth to this.

Gaia has been stated many different ways. Also, it didn’t help that Margulis and Lovelock were more than willing to mix science with philosophy and poetry, and they didn’t mind controversy; in fact, I’d say they enjoyed and courted it.

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The truth is, despite its widespread moniker, Gaia is not really a hypothesis. It’s a perspective, an approach from within which to pursue the science of life on a planet, a living planet, which is not the same as a planet with life on it - that’s really the point, simple but profound.

Because life is not a minor afterthought on an already functioning Earth, but an integral part of the planet’s evolution and behavior.

Over the last few decades, the Gaians have pretty much won the battle. The opposition never actually surrendered or admitted defeat, but mainstream earth science has dropped its disciplinary shields and joined forces with chemistry, climatology, theoretical biology, and several other “‐ologies” and renamed itself “earth system science.”

The Gaia approach, prompted by the space-age comparison of Earth with its apparently lifeless neighbors, has led to a deepening realization of how thoroughly altered our planet is by its inhabitants.

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When we compare the life story of Earth to that of its siblings, we see that very early on in its development, as soon as the sterilizing impact rain subsided so that life could get a toehold, Earth started down a different path. Ever since that juncture, life and Earth have been co-evolving in a continuing dance.

As we’ve studied Earth with space-age tools, seen her whole from a distance, drilled the depths of the ocean floor, and, with the magic glasses of multispectral imaging, mapped the global biogeochemical cycles of elements, nutrients, and energy, we’ve learned that life’s influence is more profound and pervasive than we ever suspected.

All this oxygen we take for granted is the byproduct of life intervening in our planet’s geochemical cycles: harvesting solar energy to split water molecules, keeping the hydrogen atoms and reacting them with CO2 to make organic food and body parts, but spitting the oxygen back out.

In Earth’s upper atmosphere some of this oxygen, under the influence of ultraviolet light, is transformed into ozone, O3, which shields Earth’s surface from deadly ultraviolet, making the land surface habitable.

When it appeared, this shield allowed life to leave the ocean and the continents to become green with forests. That’s right: It was life that rendered the once deadly continents habitable for life.

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The more we look through a Gaian lens, the more we see that nearly every aspect of our planet has been biologically distorted beyond recognition. Earth’s rocks contain more than 4,000 different minerals (the crystalline molecules that make up rocks).

This is a much more varied smorgasbord of mineral types than we have seen on any other world. Geochemists studying the mineral history of Earth have concluded that by far the majority of these would not exist without the presence of life on our planet.

So, on Earth’s life‐altered surface, the very rocks themselves are biological byproducts. A big leap in this mineral diversity occurred after life oxygenated Earth’s atmosphere, leading to a plethora of new oxidized minerals that sprinkled colorful rocks throughout Earth’s sediments.

Observed on a distant planet, such vast and varied mineral diversity could be a sign of a living world, so this is a potential biosignature (or Gaiasignature) we can add to the more commonly cited Lovelock criterion of searching for atmospheric gases that have been knocked out of equilibrium by life.

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In fact, minerals and life seem to have fed off each other going all the way back to the beginning. Evidence has increased that minerals were vital catalysts and physical substrates for the origin of life on Earth. Is it really a huge leap, then, to regard the mineral surface of Earth as part of a global living system, part of the body of Gaia?

What about plate tectonics and the dynamics of Earth’s deep interior? At first glance this seems like a giant mechanical system - a heat engine - that does not depend upon biology, but rather (lucky for life), supports it.

Also, although we’re probably still largely ignorant about the deeply buried parts of Earth’s biosphere, it’s unlikely there are any living organisms deeper than a couple of miles down in the crust, where it gets too hot for organic molecules.

Yet, just as we’ve found that life’s sway has extended into the upper atmosphere, creating the ozone layer that allowed the biosphere to envelop the continents, more and more we see that life has also influenced these deeper subterranean realms.

Over its long life, Gaia has altered not just the skin but also the guts of Earth, pulling carbon from the mantle and piling it on the surface in sedimentary rocks, and sequestering massive amounts of nitrogen from the air into ammonia stored inside the crystals of mantle rocks.

“Life itself, once it gets started, can make or keep a planet habitable."

By controlling the chemical state of the atmosphere, life has also altered the rocks it comes into contact with, and so oxygenated the crust and mantle of Earth. This changes the material properties of the rocks, how they bend and break, squish, fold, and melt under various forces and conditions.

All the clay minerals produced by Earth’s biosphere soften Earth’s crust - the crust of a lifeless planet is harder - helping to lubricate the plate tectonic engine.

The wetness of Earth seems to explain why plate tectonics has persisted on Earth and not on its dry twin, Venus.

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One of the more extreme claims of the Gaia camp, at present neither proven nor refuted, is that the influence of life over the eons has helped Earth hold on to her life‐giving water, while Venus and Mars, lifeless through most of their existence, lost theirs.

If so, then life may indeed be responsible for Earth’s plate tectonics. One of the original architects of plate tectonic theory, Norm Sleep from Stanford, has become thoroughly convinced that life is deeply implicated in the overall physical dynamics of Earth, including the “nonliving” interior domain.

In describing the cumulative, long-term influence of life on geology, continent building, and plate tectonics, he wrote, “The net effect is Gaian. That is, life has modified Earth to its advantage.” The more we study Earth, the more we see this. Life has got Earth in its clutches. Earth is a biologically modulated planet through and through. In a nontrivial way, it is a living planet.

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Now, 40 years after Viking landed on Mars, we’ve learned that planets are common, including those similar in size to Earth and at the right distance from their stars to allow oceans of liquid water.

Also, Lovelock’s radical idea to pay attention to the atmosphere and look for drastic departures from the expected mixture of gases now forms the cornerstone of our life‐detection strategies.

Gaian thinking has crept into our ideas about evolution and the habitability of exoplanets, revising notions of the “habitable zone.” We’re realizing that it is not enough to determine basic physical properties of a planet, its size and distance from a star, in order to determine its habitability.

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Life itself, once it gets started, can make or keep a planet habitable. Perhaps, in some instances, life can also destroy the habitability of a planet, as it almost did on Earth during the Great Oxygenation Event (sometimes called the oxygen catastrophe) of 2.1 billion years ago.

As my colleague Colin Goldblatt, a sharp young climate modeler from the University of Victoria, once said, “The defining characteristic of Earth is planetary scale life. Earth teaches us that habitability and inhabitance are inseparable.”

In my 2003 book Lonely Planets, I described what I call the “Living Worlds hypothesis,” which is Gaian thinking applied to astrobiology. Perhaps life everywhere is intrinsically a planetary‐scale phenomenon with a cosmological life span - that is, a life expectancy measured in billions of years, the timescale that defines the lives of planets, stars, and the universe.

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Organisms and species do not have cosmological life spans. Gaia does, and this is perhaps a general property of living worlds. Influenced greatly by Lovelock and Margulis, I’ve argued that we are unlikely to find surface life on a planet that has not severely and flagrantly altered its own atmosphere.

According to this idea, a planet cannot be “slightly alive” any more than a person can (at least not for long), and an aged planet such as Mars, if it is not obviously, conspicuously alive like Earth, is probably completely dead. 

If the little whiffs of methane recently reported by the Curiosity rover turn out to be the signs of pockets of Martian life on an otherwise generally dead world, this would prove that my Living Worlds hypothesis is wrong, and that life can take on very non-Gaia-like forms elsewhere.

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But a living world may require more than temporary little pockets of water and energy as surely exist underground on Mars. It may require continuous and vigorous internally driven geological activity. I believe that only a planet that is “alive” in the geological sense is likely to be “alive” in the biological sense.

Without plate tectonics, without deep, robust global biogeochemical cycles which life could feed off and, eventually, entrain itself within, life may never have been able to establish itself as a permanent feature of Mars, as it did on Earth.

As far as we can tell, around the time when life was starting on Earth, both Venus and Mars shared the same characteristics that enabled life to get going here: They were wet, they were rocky, they had thick atmospheres and vigorous geologic activity.

Comparative planetology seems to be telling us that the conditions needed for the origin of life might be the norm for rocky worlds. One real possibility is that Mars or Venus also had an origin of life, but that life did not stick, couldn’t persist, on either of these worlds.

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It was not able to take root and become embedded as a permanent planetary feature, as it did on Earth. This may be a common outcome: planets that have an origin of life, perhaps even several, but that never develop a robust and self‐sustaining global biosphere.

What is really rare and unusual about Earth is that beneficial conditions for life have persisted over billions of years. This may have been more than luck.

When we stop thinking of planets as merely objects or places where living beings may or may not be present, but rather as themselves living or nonliving entities, it can color the way we think about the origin of life. Perhaps life is something that happens not on a planet but to a planet: It is something that a planet becomes.

Think of life as analogous to a fire. If you’ve ever tried to start a campfire, you know it’s easy to ignite some sparks and a little flicker of flame, but then it’s hard to keep these initial flames going. At first you have to tend to the fire, blowing until you’re faint, to supply more oxygen, or it will just die out.

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That’s always the tricky part: keeping it burning before it has really caught on. Then it reaches a critical point, where the fire is really roaring. It’s got a bed of hot coals and its heat is generating its own circulation pattern, sucking in oxygen, fanning its own flames. At that point it becomes self-sustaining, and you can go grab a beer and watch for shooting stars.

I wonder if the first life on a planet isn’t like those first sparks and those unsteady little flames.

The earliest stages of life may be extremely vulnerable, and there may be a point where, once life becomes a planetary phenomenon, enmeshed in the global flows that support and fuel it, it feeds back on itself and becomes more like a self‐sustaining fire, one that not only draws in its own air supply, but turns itself over and replenishes its own fuel. A mature biosphere seems to create the conditions for life to continue and flourish.

“Life is something that happens not on a planet, but to a planet.."

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A “living worlds” perspective implies that after billions of years, life will either be absent from a planet or, as on Earth, have thoroughly taken over and become an integral part of all global processes. Signs of life will be everywhere.

Once life has taken hold of a planet, once it has become a planetary‐scale entity (a global organism, if you will), it may be very hard to kill.

Certainly life has seen Earth through many huge changes, some quite traumatic. Life here is remarkably robust and persistent. It seems to have a kind of immortality. Call it quasi‐immortality, because the planet won’t be around forever, and it may not be habitable for its entire lifetime. Individuals are here for but an instant.

Whole species come and go, usually in timescales barely long enough to get the planet’s attention. Yet life as a whole persists. This gives us a different way to think about ourselves.

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The scientific revolution has revealed us, as individuals, to be incredibly tiny and ephemeral, and our entire existence, not just as individuals but even as a species, to be brief and insubstantial against the larger temporal backdrop of cosmic evolution.

If, however, we choose to identify with the biosphere, then we, Gaia, have been here for quite some time, for perhaps 3 billion years in a universe that seems to be about 13 billion years old. We’ve been alive for a quarter of all time. That’s something.

The origin of life on Earth was not just the beginning of the evolution of species, the fount of diversity that eventually begat algae blooms, aspen groves, barrier reefs, walrus huddles, and gorilla troops.

From a planetary evolution perspective, this development was a major branching point that opened up a gateway to a fundamentally different future. Then, when life went global, and went deep, planet Earth headed irreversibly down the path not taken by its siblings.

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Now, very recently, out of this biologically altered Earth, another kind of change has suddenly emerged and is rewriting the rules of planetary evolution. On the nightside of Earth, the lights are switching on, indicating that something new is happening and someone new is home. Has another gateway opened? Could the planet be at a new branching point?

The view from space sheds light on the multitude of rapid changes inscribed on our planet by our industrial society. The orbital technology enabling this observation is itself one of the strange and striking aspects of the transition now gripping Earth.

If up to now the defining characteristic of Earth has been planetary‐scale life, then what about these planetary‐scale lights? Might this spreading, luminous net be part of a new defining characteristic?


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Chemicals Are Making Us Sterile And Dumb
June 3 2023 | From: Sott / Various

Over the last seventy-five years, men have seen a sharp reduction in reproductive capacity, and evidence suggests that commonly found chemicals are to blame.

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If that news isn't stark enough for the future of humankind, these chemicals are also making us dumber.
A recent piece in the New York Times drew attention to an important issue: endocrine-disrupting chemicals in everyday consumer products are killing or disabling sperm and making men sterile.

The numbers are extremely troubling. Scientists say that approximately 90% of sperm in a typical young man are misshapen, meaning they are unable to swim correctly. Additionally, sperm counts have decreased sharply over the last seventy-five years. As one researcher bluntly stated, "Not everyone who wants to reproduce will be able to."

Our grandfathers may not have been able to understand our smart phones, but their ability to produce offspring vastly outpaced our own.

There's a great deal of evidence to suggest endocrine-disrupting chemicals are the major cause of this problem. They're found in plastics, pesticides, and many other products. Quite simply, these chemicals disrupt the proper functioning of hormones.

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One study by Canadian scientists found that adding endocrine disruptors to Lake Ontario turned male fathead minnows into intersexual fish (fish with both male and female characteristics), which are unable to reproduce. Unfortunately, it is far from the only study positing a link between chemicals and infertility.

The mayhem caused by these chemicals appears to happen in utero, when endocrine disruptors mimic certain hormones and confuse the biological process that turns a fetus into a male.

Chemical exposure, unfortunately, affects far more than just reproductive health. A recent study discussed in The Atlantic details the damage that certain environmental contaminants - including endocrine disruptors, but also lead, ethanol, mercury, arsenic, and more - can have on the brain. These effects include lower IQs, ADHD, autism spectrum disorder, and more.

"Our very great concern," the authors of the new study write, "is that children worldwide are being exposed to unrecognized toxic chemicals that are silently eroding intelligence, disrupting behaviors, truncating future achievements, and damaging societies."

The authors also note that genetic factors account for only 30 to 40% of all cases of brain development disorders. They suggest that environmental exposures to industrial chemicals are causing a "silent pandemic of neurodevelopmental toxicity."

Comment: Protecting children from the "global, silent pandemic of neurodevelopmental toxicity"

What are federal regulators doing to deal with the rise in infertility and this "silent pandemic" of brain disorders? Not much. Humans have made, found, or used over 50 million unique chemicals, yet federal regulators have tested only 200. And only five of those were deemed harmful enough to be subject to new regulations.

This isn't simply a case of federal agencies being asleep at the wheel. Sometimes it's plain old corruption, as we'll see in the next piece in this week's Pulse of Natural Health.

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The Darkening Clouds Of Totalitarianism
June 2 2023 | From: NZPCR / Various

“Totalitarianism: form of government that theoretically permits no individual freedom and that seeks to subordinate all aspects of individual life to the authority of the state.”
- Encyclopaedia Britannica

Under Jacinda Ardern’s stewardship, New Zealand is becoming a totalitarian state.

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Another giant leap down that path was announced last week in the form of a Cabinet paper outlining plans to criminalise free speech.

But before we examine the detail, let’s remind ourselves of two other significant expansions of State authority that are already underway.

The first involves State control of the entire economy under the guise of ‘climate change’.

As a result of the Prime Minister imposing the harshest carbon restrictions in the world onto New Zealand, the Climate Commission is foreshadowing the need for central planning on a grand scale, if the country is to meet our obligations under the United Nations Paris Agreement.

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But the question is, why is our Prime Minister sacrificing our economy and living standards, when most other countries are doing nothing? Surely it can’t just be to look good when standing before the United Nations – or can it?

Shouldn’t the PM be held accountable, not to the UN, but to New Zealanders, for the economic damage she is inflicting onto our country?

The second area of totalitarian control involves the undermining of democracy itself.

The Ardern Government has already abolished our democratic right to prevent local councils from introducing Maori wards. Now they are replacing democracy with separatist rule.

According to their He Puapua report, the UN’s Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples will be enacted by 2040.

To achieve that goal, our constitution will be replaced with one that elevates the Treaty of Waitangi into supreme law, Maori tikanga will replace the common law, and the country will be governed through a 50:50 Crown-Maori ‘partnership’.

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Under what will, in effect, be a tribal dictatorship, democracy will cease to exist.

It’s time to say “No”! To defend democracy and equal rights we have launched a “Declaration of Equality” – to find out more, please click

The Prime Minister is now embarking on an even more threatening assault on our freedom – this time on our freedom of speech.

New Zealanders’ right to free speech is enshrined in section 14 of the 1990 Bill of Rights Act:

"Everyone has the right to freedom of expression, including the freedom to seek, receive, and impart information and opinions of any kind in any form.”

That freedom is limited by the 1993 Human Rights Act. Section 61 makes it a civil offence to express:

"Threatening, abusive, or insulting” opinions that are likely “to excite hostility against or bring into contempt any group of persons… on the ground of colour, race, or ethnic or national origins.”

Under Section 131 intentionally inciting hostility is a criminal offence that can result in imprisonment of up to three months or a fine of up to $7,000.

However, as a public safeguard, such prosecutions need the approval of the Attorney-General.

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According to the Human Rights Commission New Zealanders’ right to make controversial or offensive remarks is not undermined by these laws – they only restrict those who are inciting serious ethnic tension or unrest:

"Only where there is the potential for significant detriment to society can the right to freedom of expression be limited.”

While prosecutions have been rare, many other constraints on free speech also exist.

The regulators dealing with complaints about published material are the Broadcasting Standards Authority, the Advertising Standards Authority, and the New Zealand Press Council.

Counter Spin Media: ANZAC Launch Day: Episode 1

A must watch for Kiwis. Exposing the CCP and the agenda of Arderns handlers.

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The Harmful Digital Communications Act covers complaints about texts, emails, social media, and website content, with offenders facing up to two years in prison or fines of up to $50,000.

Threats of physical violence or harm are covered by the Crimes Act. Section 307A stipulates that threats made against people or property that cause:

"Significant disruption of the activities of the civilian population”
are an offence with a penalty of up to seven years in prison.

In 2019, following the Christchurch tragedy, then Minister of Justice Andrew Little announced a review “to examine whether our laws properly balance the issues of freedom of speech and hate speech.

The process should not be rushed, and I expect a report for public comment towards the end of the year…

Protecting our crucially important right to freedom of speech, while testing whether the balance is right regarding ‘hate speech’, needs a robust public discussion from all quarters.

This way we will ensure that all of our citizens’ rights are protected, and every person can express their humanity without fear.”

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The promised public consultation never eventuated. Instead of an open and transparent process, secret discussions were held with groups campaigning for harsher laws.

The Ministry of Justice chief executive Andrew Kibblewhite claimed hate speech was a “tricky thing” to navigate.

They wanted to keep discussions “away from the political fray”, to prevent them being “derailed” and to “avoid protests”.

In the end, New Zealand First refused to support any restrictions of New Zealanders’ right to free speech.

As a result, Labour promised a law change in their 2020 election manifesto:

"Labour will extend legal protections for groups that experience hate speech, including for reasons of religion, gender, disability or sexual orientation, by ensuring that we prohibit speech that is likely to incite others to feel hostility or contempt towards these groups under the Human Rights Act.”

Their plan was to use the Human Rights Act to provide statutory protection to groups based not only on ‘race’, but on religion, gender, disability and sexual orientation as well.

Just after the election, the Royal Commission into the Christchurch shootings released its report including proposals to strengthen hate speech laws.

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They recommended criminalising anyone deliberately inciting hostility by inserting section 131 of the Human Rights Act into the Crimes Act, increasing the penalties from three months in jail to at least two years, including ‘religion’ as a protected characteristic alongside ‘race’, and broadening the scope of ‘hate speech’ from an intent to ‘incite’ hostility to an intent to ‘stir’ it up.

But this week’s NZCPR Guest Contributor political commentator Chris Trotter is questioning the Government’s plan to enact Royal Commission recommendations to restrict our freedom, when nothing could have stopped the ‘lone wolf’ attack:

"Though bitterly contested by those firmly convinced that the Christchurch Mosque Shootings represent something more than the crime of a Lone Wolf terrorist, the Royal Commission’s finding that no state agency could have prevented Tarrant from carrying out his deadly intent – except by chance – is correct.

He understood that, for his ‘mission’ to succeed, he must do nothing to draw the attention of the authorities – and, God help us all, he didn’t.

Against such careful and pitiless premeditation, all the laws on our statute books are powerless.

The state can punish Lone Wolves, but it cannot stop them. In attempting to minimise the terrorist threat, however, the state can eliminate our freedoms."

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Chris warns:

"When Governments extend the state’s power to monitor their citizens’ ideas and activities, we should all be on our guard.

Even when such extensions are introduced in response to a terrorist atrocity, we need to ask ourselves: would these new powers have prevented it?”

And that’s precisely what should be in our mind as we examine the proposed restrictions on free speech outlined by the new Minister of Justice Kris Faafoi in his Cabinet paper.

First of all, he wants all free speech breaches criminalised – not just the deliberate calls to incite hostility recommended by the Royal Commission, but the unintentional ones as well.

Second, he wants to adopt the Royal Commission’s proposal for the law to be widened to include an intent to “stir up” hatred.

Third, he wants the penalties strengthened from three months in jail to three years – even though the Royal Commission recommended two years – with fines increased from $7,000 to $50,000.

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Fourth, while the Royal Commission recommended increasing the legal protection from groups based on ‘race’ to include ‘religion’ as well, the Minister wants it expanded to include “all groups listed under the prohibited grounds of discrimination in section 21 of the Human Rights Act”.

That means that under Jacinda Ardern’s Labour Government, you will not only have to mind your Ps and Qs when it comes to discussing race and religion, but also sex, marital status, ethical belief, disability, age, political opinion, employment status, family status, and sexual orientation as well.

In fact, it seems the only group that will not be protected by Minister Faafoi’s new law will be white able-bodied working age males!

But it gets worse.

It appears the Ardern Government is planning on using these law changes to massively expand the concept of ‘incitement to discriminate’.

The Minister explained his intention as follows:

"Examples of inciting discrimination of a group include encouraging their exclusion or unfavourable treatment in the provision of goods and services, rental housing, or employment.

In my view, as it is unlawful to discriminate against population groups, it should also be unlawful to incite others to discriminate against these groups.”

Landlords and employers should beware – if someone alleges unfavourable treatment it appears the Police may well come knocking!

Many other changes are proposed by Minister Faafoi, including some that are being withheld from the public.

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One in particular deals with the complaints process – paragraph 51 of the Cabinet paper ends with, “Groups spoken with also expressed their desire to address discrimination and hate speech in society more broadly than just through the incitement process”; but how that is to be put into effect in paragraph 52, is fully redacted.

With the chilling effect these proposed changes would have on society plain to see, and George Orwell’s warning;

"If you control the language, you control the mind”
ringing out loud and clear, is paragraph 52 proposing a new department of Thought Police?

In Jacinda Ardern’s totalitarian State, few New Zealanders will speak their mind for fear of a criminal prosecution.

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It will be a very ominous day for New Zealand when the Police are given the power to become the enforcement unit of politicians and activists against those expressing contrary opinions.

Through the imposition of State authority over the economy using carbon regulations, over democracy through separatist rule, and over free speech using hate speech laws, New Zealand is well on its way to becoming a shadow of the vibrant, free society that we all love.

Let’s be absolutely clear – these changes herald the most dramatic expansion of the influence of government in New Zealand’s history, and it’s happening at an extraordinary pace while Jacinda Ardern’s socialist government has a three year window of unbridled control.

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It is also happening with very limited scrutiny given the lack of independence in the media and a lack of transparency from the government itself.

While all of these changes are seismic, the threat to the freedom of expression is the most ominous.

Free speech is essence of a free society

It is the very oxygen of a democracy and individuality. Free speech is how knowledge is developed and shared, and it remains the most effective bulwark against tyranny.

As the former Minister of Justice Andrew Little explained;

"Protecting freedom of speech is vital to hold those in authority to account, challenge the socially and culturally dominant, and enable society to progress.

Freedom of speech can give force to new ideas, but also cause discomfort and offence. It is usually the first right to be lost under oppressive regimes, and among the first to be restored, at least in name, after revolutionary change.”

With these proposals having been approved by Cabinet, it is clear that under Jacinda Ardern’s controlling regime, she is planning to not only take away our right to criticise others, but also our right to criticise her and her Party.

Including ‘political opinion’ as a protected characteristic in hate speech laws puts New Zealand on a course to become the North Korea of Oceania

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Hollywood Sci-Fi Filmmakers Tapped To Dramatize Fictional Climate Change To Scare Everybody Into Voting For Climate Totalitarians

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Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi

Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi

A Quick Review Of Fake Medical Diagnostic Tests + Author Exposes The “Vaccine Deep State”- A Massive Criminal Fraud And Embezzlement Ring Inside The CDC
June 1 2023 | From: JonRappoport / NaturalNews

Over the years, during my investigations of deep medical fraud, I’ve uncovered diagnostic tests that are wrong-headed, misleading, and fallacious.

1: Antibody test. This is given to detect the presence of a specific germ in a human. However, prior to 1985, a positive test was generally taken as a sign of good health: the patient’s immune system detected the germ and defeated it.

Related: Scandal: MRI Brain-Imaging Completely Unreliable

However, after 1985, public health agencies and doctors reversed field. They claimed a positive test showed the person was ill or was going to become ill. No true science backed up this claim.

In fact, a vaccine purportedly produces antibodies and, therefore, is said to confer immunity - but the very same antibodies, generated naturally by the body, signal illness. This is absurd.

2: The PCR test. The Polymerase Chain Reaction tests for the presence of virus in a patient. It takes a tiny sample, which technicians assume is a genetic piece of a virus far too small to observe, and amplifies it many times, so it can be identified.

Related: Faking Medical Reality

But in order to cause disease in a human, a huge quantity of virus (easily observed without the PCR) needs to be present. Therefore, a PCR test-result indicates nothing about disease - except that medical personnel couldn’t find enough virus in a person, to begin with, to assume the person was ill or would become ill.

3: MRI brain imaging. As I reported this morning, a significant bug in the software had been discovered in 2015. The software, not medical personnel, is responsible for creating the brain images. Therefore, 40,000 published papers relying on MRI results have been invalidated.

4: All tests resulting in a diagnosis of any of the 300 officially certified mental disorders. There are no definitive tests. No blood, saliva, hair tests. No genetic assays. No brain scans. All so-called mental disorders are diagnosed on the basis of consulting menus of behaviors. This is pseudoscience.

5: All tests designed to assess the effectiveness of vaccines. The only marker is: does the vaccine produce antibodies in a human. But antibodies are only one aspect of the immune system. They aren’t the whole picture. There are numerous studies that reveal vaccinated persons coming down with the disease against which they were supposedly protected.

Related: Doctors Who Discovered Cancer Enzymes In Vaccines All Found Murdered

Food for thought: “Publications by the World Health Organization show that diphtheria is steadily declining in most European countries, including those in which there has been no immunization. The decline began long before vaccination was developed.

There is certainly no guarantee that vaccination will protect a child against the disease; in fact, over 30,000 cases of diphtheria have been recorded in the United Kingdom in fully immunized children.” (Leon Chaitow, Vaccination and Immunization, p. 58.)”

6: Unsupported claims from public health officials. No tests at all. For example, at the height of the so-called Swine Flu epidemic, in the fall of 2009, the CDC secretly stopped counting cases in America.

Why? Because the overwhelming percentage of blood samples taken from the most likely Swine Flu patients, sent to labs, were coming back with no trace of Swine Flu or any other kind of flu.

Related: Renowned Doctor Slams Medical Education & Says We Have “An Epidemic Of Misinformed Doctors”

In other words, the epidemic was a dud and a hoax. Based on this vacuum of evidence, the CDC went on to estimate that, in America, there were 22 MILLION cases of Swine Flu.

But don’t worry, be happy. Keep your mouth shut and obey all doctors’ orders.

Author Exposes The “Vaccine Deep State”- A Massive Criminal Fraud And Embezzlement Ring Inside The CDC

One of the most explosive books you’ll ever read that documents the shocking criminal enterprise known as the CDC - including details of fraud, cover-ups and embezzlement - is called Master Manipulator - The Explosive True Story of Fraud Embezzlement and Government Betrayal at the CDC by James Ottar Grundvig. You can find the book at this Barnes & Noble link.

The book is published by Skyhorse Publishing, which I consistently find to be the single most courageous publisher of truth books in America. Time and time again, so many of the best titles exposing fraud, corruption and criminality inside the “status quo” are published by Skyhorse.

Related: Australia Now Refuses To Treat Unvaccinated - Fast Tracking Fascism

The foreward for Master Manipulator is written by none other than Sharyl Attkisson, and the introduction is penned by Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. who states:

This is a story of how CDC used a con man to gull the public and ended up getting conned itself! Poul Thorsen is a world-class villain whose manipulation of health data gave CDC and big pharma what they wanted: a report clearing thimerosal of any possible role in the autism crisis.

His story merits a book length expose because the fraud he casually helped orchestrate has had a monumental impact on the health of millions of children globally.

Master Manipulator is a must-read for anyone hoping to be truly informed about the depths of criminality and fraud inside the CDC, “science” and the vaccine industry. One section in particular is especially noteworthy.

It’s called the “Vaccine Deep State.” I’m reprinting part of that section of the book below. Buy the book yourself at Barnes & Noble to read more. (RELATED: Follow more news about the deep state at DeepState.news.)

The Vaccine Deep State

The monolith of the CDC-FDA-NIH is supposed to be separated by a divide with the big pharma vaccine producers. But since the NIH rejected the Swedish scientist’s brief that all thimerosal should be removed from vaccines in 1992, there has been little to no separation of powers, policies, messaging, or enforcement between government oversight and industry manufacturers.

Related: “National Call-In Day” Announced for Vaccine Safety and Reform: March 30th

The separation of church and state doesn’t exist anymore in the vaccine industry, not with Vaccine Court squashing all comers, the Dick Armey “Lilly Rider” slipped into the 2002 Homeland Security Act, and the FDA’s approval to double the doses of aluminum adjuvants in several vaccines.

Vaccines today are part of a program rife with ROT and deception.

In a September 2007 hearing by the Committee on Health, Education, Labor and Pensions for “Thimerosal and Autism Spectrum Disorders: Alleged Misconduct - this was a case of one hand washing the other.

It read: While the five studies in question may have varying connections to the CDC and/or vaccine manufacturers, their value to consideration of an alleged link between vaccines and autism is a matter for the experts of the ISR Committee, and not for Congress.

What the findings got wrong by one half of the government to keep Congress in its place, since they were not qualified to review scientific data, as good as the “experts” that false assertion was nothing more than a ruse, a smokescreen.

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What Congress needs to do is evaluate the human side of this tragedy and ongoing fraud. It has nothing to do with science - no scientific expertise is required, just the nose to follow the money.

It has everything to do with corruption, cover-up, relentless greed, pulling the ripcords on golden parachutes, shielding vaccine makers from harm, all while exposing millions of babies, children, and people around the world to great harm.

Congress needs only to examine agendas, follow the email trails, and begin to pull the weeds that have infested the CDC, FDA, and NIH lawn, removing all of the ROT as they should have done in 1990 with the Agent Orange finding.

Had they done that, then maybe Coleen Boyle would have become a librarian instead of the director of NCBDDD, and Diana Schendel would have done good collaborative studies instead of the studies that had a fixed objective to show no association, and maybe Poul Thorsen wouldn’t have been invited to come to the CDC as a visiting professor or been able to secure funding for the cooperative agreements because the “hunt for good data” never would have taken place.

Why is it so hard for mainstream media, independent journalists, and government officials on both sides of the aisle to grasp the dangers of micro small toxins?

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If they believe that the unseen greenhouse gas particulates and molecules can superheat the world and change climate, why is it so hard to believe that traces of mercury and aluminum in vaccines have harmed so many once promising, healthy children for the past two decades?

If a grown man can die from a tiny amount of venom in a bee sting, then why is it so hard to believe that trace amounts of metals in babies who weight from seven to twenty-five pounds can have adverse reactions to being injected with toxins, especially when all of their bodies - from the central nervous and immune systems to the brain and lungs - are under development?

Related: The Top Four Reasons Why Many People, Doctors And Scientists Refuse To Take The COVID Vaccine & A New Zealand Doctor Speaks Out Against COVID Policies

“Less is more” is a motto that our politicians need to take up with the Vaccine Deep State and rein it in. If they cannot do it, don’t have the will to do it, don’t have the balls to do it, or won’t expend the political capital to do it, a tipping point will soon one day force there hand.

When will that occur? When 1 in 40 babies are born on the spectrum? One in 25 babies born? How about 1 in 10?

Will the rate of autism incidence have to soar to that sky high number for our government to react and belatedly realize that the autism epidemic has been real all along, and its long-over due to do something about it?

The next generation, who will be born over the next decade, is awaiting your call to action. Will you act?

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Let's Review 50 Years Of Dire Climate Forecasts And What Actually Happened & New Zealand Climate Commission’s Radical Plan
May 31 2023 | From: MishTalk / NZCPR / Various

Here are 21 headlines from various news sources regarding dire climate predictions over the last 50 years.

Many of the predictions are outrageously funny.

Related: Climate Alarmism Versus the Scientific Method

Climate Forecast Headline Predictions

1. 1967 Salt Lake Tribune: Dire Famine Forecast by 1975, Already Too Late

2. 1969 NYT: “Unless we are extremely lucky, everyone will disappear in a cloud of blue steam in 20 years. The situation will get worse unless we change our behavior.

3. 1970 Boston Globe: Scientist Predicts New Ice Age by 21st Century said James P. Lodge, a scientist at the National Center for Atmospheric Research. 

4. 1971 Washington Post: Disastrous New Ice Age Coming says S.I. Rasool at NASA. 

5. 1972 Brown University Letter to President Nixon: Warning on Global Cooling |

6. 1974 The Guardian: Space Satellites Show Ice Age Coming Fast

7. 1974 Time Magazine: Another Ice Age “Telling signs everywhere.  Since the 1940s mean global temperatures have dropped 2.7 degrees F.”

8. 1974 “Ozone Depletion a Great Peril to Life” University of Michigan Scientist

Related: Head Of World Meteorological Organization Slams Climate Extremists, In Unprecedented Move & NASA Admits That Climate Change Occurs Because Of Changes In Earth’s Solar Orbit, And Not Because Of SUVs And Fossil Fuels

9. 1976 NYT The Cooling: University of Wisconsin climatologist Stephen Schneider laments about the “deaf ear his warnings received.”

10. 1988 Agence France Press: Maldives will be Completely Under Water in 30 Years. 

11. 1989 Associated Press: UN Official Says Rising Seas to ‘Obliterate Nations’ by 2000.

12. 1989 Salon: New York City’s West Side Highway underwater by 2019 said Jim Hansen the scientist who lectured Congress in 1988 about the greenhouse effect.

13. 2000 The Independent: “Snowfalls are a thing of the past. Our children will not know what snow is,” says senior climate researcher.

14. 2004 The Guardian:  The Pentagon Tells Bush Climate Change Will Destroy Us. “Britain will be Siberian in less than 20 years,” the Pentagon told Bush.

15. 2008 Associate Press: NASA Scientist says “We’re Toast. In 5-10 years the Arctic will be Ice Free”

16. 2008 Al Gore: Al Gore warns of ice-free Arctic by 2013.

17. 2009 The Independent: Prince Charles says Just 96 Months to Save the World. “The price of capitalism is too high.”

18. 2009 The Independent: Gordon Brown says “We have fewer than 50 days  to save our planet from catastrophe.”

Related: What You’re Not Being Told About The Paris Climate Agreement

19. 2013 The Guardian: The Arctic will be Ice Free in Two Years. “The release of a 50 gigaton of methane pulse” will destabilize the planet.

20. 2013 The Guardian: US Navy Predicts Ice Free Arctic by 2016. “The US Navy’s department of Oceanography uses complex modeling to makes its forecast more accurate than others.

21. 2014 John Kerry: “We have 500 days to Avoid Climate Chaos” discussed Sec of State John Kerry and French Foreign Minister Laurent Fabious at a joint meeting.

The above items are thanks to 50 Years of Failed Eco-pocalyptic Predictions.

The article has actual news clips and links to everyone of the above stories.

What Happened to the Glaciers?

On January 17, 2020 Montana Public Radio reported Scientists Predicted Glacier Park’s Glaciers Would Be Gone By Now. What Happened?

"Last week, Glacier National Park announced that it will be changing signs warning that its signature glaciers would disappear by 2020. The park says the signs, put in more than a decade ago, were based on the best available predictions at the time.

In terms of the predictions, the latest that I’ve seen actually comes from a group of Swiss researchers. So I would have to look at their results in more detail than is possible from looking at the paper they published to be able to say definitively when all the glaciers are are hosed and no longer present, but certainly by 2100.”

New Predictions and Stories 

February 2021: “It’s long past time for the Senate to take a leading role in combating the existential threat of our time: climate,” said Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer.

January 2019: Ocasio-Cortez Says World Will End in 12 Years: Here’s What to Do About It.

Ocasio-Cortez called the fight to mitigate the effects of climate change her generation’s “World War II.” 

“Millennials and Gen Z and all these folks that come after us are looking up, and we’re like, ‘The world is going to end in 12 years if we don’t address climate change, and your biggest issue is how are we gonna pay for it?’ ” she said.

OAC then blasted the GOP for taking her doomsday prediction literally. 

We have had 50 years of this kind of BS and yes, many people do take it literally.

Related: "The UN's 'Woke' Climate Change Propaganda Is An Insult To Science" + “What They Haven’t Told You About Climate Change.” – According To The Co-Founder of Greenpeace

On February 7 2020, she unleashed her Stunningly Absurd “New Green Deal” that suggests she was serious.

1. Upgrade all existing buildings in the US

2. 100% clean power

3. Support family farms

4. Universal access to healthy food

5. Zero-emission vehicle infrastructure

6. Remove greenhouse gasses form the atmosphere

7. Eliminate unfair competition

8. Affordable access to electricity

9. Create high-quality union jobs that pay prevailing wages

10. Guaranteeing a job with a family sustaining wage, adequate family and medical leave, paid vacations, and retirement security to all people of the United States

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More $90 Trillion Solutions

In 2015, Business Insider noted A Plan Is Floating Around Davos To Spend $90 Trillion Redesigning All The Cities So They Don’t Need Cars.

"The $90 trillion proposal came from former US vice president Al Gore, former president of Mexico Felipe Calderon, and their colleagues on The Global Commission on the Economy and Climate.

Where is the CO2 Coming From?

Related: Who profits from "Climate Change"

CO2 Stats

Please note that the US reduced its carbon footprint from 6.13 billion tons in 2007 to 5.28 billion tons in 2019.

Meanwhile, China increased its footprint from 6.86 billion tons in 2019 to 10.17 billion tons in 2019.

In the same timeframe, global output rose from 31.29 billion tons to 36.44 billion tons.

In 2007, the US accounted for 19.6% of the total global carbon footprint.

In 2019, the US accounted for only 14.5% of the total global footprint.

Key Questions

1. How much money are we willing to spend to reduce our 14.5% and falling percentage of carbon emissions?

2. What would it cost to cut that by half in 10 years?

3. Assuming we could cut that in half in 10 years, what would it do to total carbon output?

4. By what force do we get China, India, and all the developing economies in the Mideast and Africa to reduce their carbon output?

5. Assuming we achieve number 4 peacefully by some sort of economic buyout like cap-and-trade what is the cost to the US?

6. What about inflation?

7. Sure, China is producing goods for the US and EU but do we want that to stop? When? Why? How? Cost?

8. Does not China, India, Africa, etc., have the right to improve their standards of living.

9. What do the above points imply about the US standard of living?

10. How the hell do we pay for this?

Looking ahead over the next 100 years, the US is a minor part of the carbon problem.

Related: Meet Naomi Seibt - The 19-Year-Old, Blond Antidote To Greta Thunberg & NZ Government Begins National Climate Indoctrination Of Children

Bonus Geopolitical Q&A

Q: What happened when Merkel went along with the Greens and did away with nuclear?

A: Germany imports more coal-based energy from neighboring states and is more dependent on Russia for natural gas.

Q: Is wind and solar ever going to make a serious dent in China’s growing energy demands.

A: No

Q: What happened in France when Macron pushed through a gas tax to support the Green movement?

A: How quick we forget the Yellow-Vest Revolt that went on for months.

I have yet to see AOC, John Kerry, any Mish reader, or anyone else address any of the above questions in detail.

Final Questions to All Those Demanding Government Do Something

What the hell are you doing?

The #1 thing someone can proactively do eliminate their carbon footprint is to stop breathing.

Since that seems a bit impractical, the #2 thing someone can do is not have kids.

Instead, most demand the government do something. What?

Until someone can put a realistic price on this while addressing my questions, forgive me for not agreeing that a total rise in the ocean of 3 inches in the last 20 years is the existential threat of our time.

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Politicians Will Not Solve the Problem

Clean Energy

I am a big fan of natural gas and believe it is clean energy. The byproduct of burning natural gas is carbon dioxide and water.

Neither is a pollutant in any way shape or form. Plants even need carbon dioxide to survive.

Coal is another matter.

Burning coal releases SO2 and NOx pollutants that cause Acid Rain, huge respiratory problems and will devastate forests.

"If the atmosphere is polluted with sulfur dioxide (SO2) or nitrogen oxides (NOx), rain becomes oxidized by ozone (O3) or hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) to form H2SO4 or HNO3 before falling to the ground.

They are known respectively as sulfuric and nitric acid.

Acid rain will dissolve panty hose on the spot.

There is a huge difference between burning coal and burning natural gas.

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Anti-Coal, Pro-Natural Gas

For environmental reasons, I am anti-coal but very much in favor of Natural Gas. And that has been my position forever. 

I am totally fine with eliminating coal for environmental reasons but to expect China to be 100% wind and solar is nonsense. 

There is no reason for Germany to abandon nuclear power and the results have been anything but green.

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Libertarian Philosophy

Many of my readers blame me and Libertarians in general. They understand neither.

As noted above I am anti-coal. Why? It pollutes with SO2 and NOx causing acid, respiratory illnesses, and it kills fish.  

I have seen too many environmental cleanups. I have never commented on this before but my degree at the University of Illinois was in Environmental Engineering.

I have bashed China’s air and water pollution consistently for decades. I have bashed Germany’s diesel industry consistently too. Doing nothing about actual poison and doing nothing about CO2 are two very different things. 

There is nothing Libertarian about letting companies pollute then walk away in bankruptcy. One clever reader researched my coal and water pollution stance and noted I said the same things in 2006. Indeed I did. 

My position has been consistent.

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Don’t Accept 100% of the Climate Change Story and You Get Labeled a Racist

There we numerous global cooling warnings in the 60s and 70s and that is what we were taught in school. I did not believe the hype then, and I do not believe the hype now.

Point any of this out and guess what happens: You Get Labeled a Racist, as I did.

I am grateful that 50 years of sensational headline now look laughable, but they keep coming and coming.

Why should anyone take these models seriously? 

No Wonder People Don’t Believe the Hype

How many times did we hear the arctic ice would all be gone by now? That Miami if not all of Florida would be underwater? 

Flashback 2010: The glaciers will all disappear by 2020. Now the best estimate is another 80 years. 

Flashback 1989: UN Official Says Rising Seas to ‘Obliterate Nations’ by 2000. What a hoot.

Flashback 2009: Gordon Brown UK Chancellor of the Exchequer says “We have fewer than 50 days to save our planet from catastrophe.” Hmm. Have 50 days passed? 

Flashback 1969: “Everyone will disappear in a cloud of blue steam in 20 years. The situation will get worse unless we change our behavior.

That’s my favorite.

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A Word About Predictions and Urgency

Believe in man-made climate change all you want. There is some truth to it although the models have not been remotely accurate to say the least.

After 50 years of nonsense hype, it’s no wonder anyone with a modicum of common sense is more than a bit skeptical of these dire predictions and the alleged urgency to do something immediately about them.

If after all these now laughable headlines, you still have faith in the predictions, why? 

And if you don’t believe the predictions, then do you still want to spend $90 trillion to solve the alleged problem?

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Climate Commission’s Radical Plan

New Zealand Climate Commission’s Radical Plan

Earlier this year the Climate Commission released their draft report to the Government. It is so extreme that even typically conservative economists are expressing alarm.

Without any exaggeration, if implemented, the Commission’s plan would radically transform New Zealand, from a country which is still founded on free market principles, to a bureaucratically controlled and centrally planned economy.

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Before we look into the detail, let’s remind ourselves of New Zealand’s climate policy journey.

As a good global citizen reliant on international trade, successive governments supported the United Nations’ emerging climate agenda that led to Helen Clark’s Labour Government signing the Kyoto Protocol in 2002.

The decision was controversial, since the focus of global concern was on man-made greenhouse gases produced by industrialisation, whereas half of New Zealand’s emissions are produced naturally by cows and sheep.

The situation was exacerbated when the Clark Government introduced an Emissions Trading Scheme (ETS), which again was a mechanism used primarily to regulate emissions produced by industrial societies, not rural ones.

John Key’s National Government strengthened the ETS but left out agriculture since the only way to reduce ruminant emissions is through reducing stock numbers, which would decimate our export sector and economic wellbeing.

Despite contributing only 0.16 percent of global man-made greenhouse gas emissions, New Zealand signed the Paris Climate Agreement in 2016, setting an international target of reducing emissions by 30 percent below 2005 levels by 2030.

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In 2017, Labour’s new leader, Jacinda Ardern, claimed climate change was her generation’s “nuclear-free moment”. Once elected, the Prime Minister wasted no time in eliminating the oil and gas sector to demonstrate to the global community that she was leading the fight against climate disaster.

In 2019, the ETS was strengthened through the introduction of a cap on emissions.

The Zero Carbon Act was passed, setting the harshest domestic targets in the world – reducing emissions of long-lived gases to net zero by 2050 and methane emissions by 24-47 percent by 2050 – and establishing the Climate Commission.

The Commission’s key role is to advise the Government on how to best meet New Zealand’s Paris targets, as well as to review the scientific evidence on methane emissions.

Their members are: Chairman Dr Rod Carr, a former University of Canterbury vice-chancellor; Deputy Ngai Tahu’s Lisa Tumahai; Dr Harry Clark, head of New Zealand’s Agricultural Research Centre; Victoria University Professor James Renwick and Dr Judith Lawrence, both former IPCC lead authors; Massey University Professor Nicola Shadbolt, a former Fonterra director; and Motu economist Catherine Leining, who was trained as a climate leader by Al Gore.

It should be remembered, that in spite of claims by climate activists to the contrary, New Zealand is comparatively clean and green. We have relatively little heavy industry, more than 80 percent of our electricity already comes from renewable sources, and half of our emissions are naturally produced by animals.

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Our geography and low population density, however, means that since public transport and urban cycle ways cannot be used by many families, cars will need to remain an essential part of the Kiwi way of life.

So, what is the Climate Commission recommending?

Their report, which refers to “Aotearoa” 635 times and the country “New Zealand” only twice, represents central planning on steroids. They propose changing the way New Zealanders live and they urge the Government to do more:

“The Government must pick up the pace. Aotearoa will not meet its targets without strong and decisive action now to drive low emissions technologies and behaviour change across all sectors.”

Race-based rights and the Treaty ‘partnership’ fabrication are central to their plan:

"Care should be taken to make sure climate related policies do not further compound historic grievances for Maori.

To give effect to the Treaty Partnership, central and local government need to acknowledge iwi / Maori rights to exercise rangatiratanga and kaitiakitanga in a joint plan to reduce emissions.”

Comment: Oh for fucks sake. This is leftist PR horse shit - for starters.

Related: The Historical & Current Situations In Aotearoa New Zealand

They promote urban intensification, even though the virus pandemic has clearly shown that lower density living is safer and provides a better quality of life than “the more compact pedestrian-oriented cities typical of Europe and many parts of Asia” that they favour.

They want to force us into electric cars with “no further internal combustion engine light vehicles imported after 2032”, as well as requiring “more walking, cycling and public transport”.

Related: UN IPCC Scientist Blows Whistle On Lies About Climate, Sea Level

They would close “aluminium and methanol production” and “switch away from coal, diesel and gas to electricity”. This would mean “No further natural gas connections to the grid, or bottled LPG”, which would force “restaurants, cafes and bars . . . to move away from natural gas”.

In their socialist utopia, not only would there be no backyards for BBQs, there would be no gas to fuel them either.

When it comes to farming, the Commission is ruthless: “our path would see dairy and sheep and beef animal numbers each reduced by around 15% from 2018 levels by 2030. This compares with an 8 - 10% reduction projected under current policies.”

This dashes the hopes of farmers that the Commission would examine the science and recognise that as a short-lived component of a natural cycle that sees greenhouse gases sequestered by farmland forests, grasslands and soil, methane should be excluded from emissions reduction goals.

Instead, the Commission recommends harsher targets: “We advise that the reductions in emissions of biogenic methane… could be between 49% and 60% below 2017 levels by 2100.”

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Since this would dramatically force up the cost of all dairy foods and meat, it represents a serious contravention of the UN’s requirement that government policy to reduce emissions must not compromise food production.

This week’s NZCPR Guest Commentator, former Science and Technology Minister Barry Brill, the Chairman of the New Zealand Climate Science Coalition, is scathing about the Commission’s plan:

"The Climate Commission’s first report is a huge disappointment. It is little more than a well-polished propaganda vehicle. With its woke-word-smithed style, it could just as easily have been published by Greenpeace… 

The report leaves almost all the key questions unanswered… is dominated by subjective value judgments, biased assumptions and activist-speak.

It is cliched, jargon-ridden and has no novel ideas. It produces no new insights or data and offers no quantified cost-benefit analysis for any one of its many pain inducing recommendations.”

The Climate Commission regards the United Nation’s Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) as an authority, except, it seems, when it comes the role of our ETS. The Commission states: “The Emissions Trading Scheme alone won’t get us to where we need to be. Action is needed across all sectors of the economy.”

Yet advice from the IPCC contradicts that claim – once a country has an ETS in place, no other policy interventions are necessary: “if a cap and trade system has a sufficiently stringent cap to affect emission‐related decisions, then other policies have no further impact on reducing emissions”.

Since New Zealand already has a fully functioning ETS in place, it seems other policy recommendations are superfluous!

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So how does our ETS work?

The ETS is a cap-and-trade system that requires businesses to purchase emissions units from the Government for every tonne of carbon dioxide they produce. A sinking cap means that over time the price of those units increases, creating an incentive for businesses to reduce emissions.

To see how it works, let’s consider an economy made up of just two companies – a dairy farm and a greenhouse tomato grower, each producing 2,000 tonnes of emissions a year and each needing to purchase 2,000 emission units under the ETS.

If the Government then reduces the ETS emissions cap from 4,000 tonnes to 3,000, each company receives 1,500 units and will need to reduce their emissions by 500 tonnes.

However, because the dairy farmer doesn’t want to kill any cows he will be 500 units short, while the tomato grower, who is planning to install a more efficient boiler that would halve his emissions to 1,000 tonnes, will have 500 units spare.

So, they do a deal. The dairy farmer leaves his emissions unchanged at 2,000 tons by buying the 500 spare units from the tomato grower to cover his excess.

The money assists the grower to install his new boiler and halve emissions to 1,000 tonnes. Between them they achieve the 3,000 tonne cap – the dairy farmer still produces 2,000 tonnes while the tomato grower produces 1,000.

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This is how the ETS works – it enables emissions to be reduced at the lowest cost to the economy. If the Government intervenes with taxpayer-funded subsidies, while that would assist individual businesses, it can’t reduce emissions, because that is controlled by the cap.

Over time, if the Government continues to reduce the emissions cap and force prices high enough, then, for example, the ETS levy on the price of petrol, which at the present carbon price of $39 a tonne is around 11 cents a litre, will drive pump prices so high that more Kiwis will consider switching to electric cars.

This can be done without the need for government subsidies or import restrictions.

Furthermore, since greenhouse gas emissions are a global problem, and reducing one tonne of carbon from the atmosphere in New Zealand is the same as reducing it from any other country, the ETS should be opened so Kiwi companies can deal with others around the world to reduce emissions at a lower cost. 

Dr Oliver Hartwich, the Executive Director of the New Zealand Initiative, points out the benefits:

"A recent paper in the American Economic Review reported that a forest conservation project in Uganda managed to sequester carbon for a cost of $US1 per tonne.

Previously, we found projects in the Brazilian Amazon rainforest achieving a carbon offset for $US2 a tonne. But even at a conservatively-high $10 a tonne, New Zealand could offset all its net emissions for an annual cost of under $600 million.

Imagine that: If New Zealand entered a partnership with countries like Brazil and Uganda we would become net carbon neutral tomorrow – not in 2050.

Such a deal has a precedent. Switzerland and Peru recently announced a carbon offsets deal. Peru will receive funding for sustainable development, and Switzerland will receive credits for lower emissions.

The deal is recognised under the Paris climate agreement, to which New Zealand is a signatory.”

By opening up the ETS so New Zealand can use Paris Agreement rules to meet its international obligations at the lowest possible cost – as Switzerland is clearly doing – the immense economic disruption and suffering the Climate Commission is recommending could be avoided.

Unless inflicting pain and suffering is Jacinda Ardern’s goal, that is exactly what her Government should be doing.

During 2020, the global pandemic essentially forced much of the world’s economy to shut down, dramatically reducing emissions of man-made carbon dioxide.

Yet, contrary to climate model expectations, there has been no decrease in CO2 in the atmosphere.

Does this mean the models are wrong – that the human impact on the climate is too insignificant to register and that, contrary to the claims of extremists, it is nature, not mankind, that controls the climate?

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Instead of investigating this significant anomaly, the Climate Commission ignored it, claiming, “The climate science is clear, the direction of climate policy is laid out and the time for accelerated climate action is now.”

In 2015, Christiana Figueres, the Executive Secretary of United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change, revealed that the objective of environmental activism is not to save the planet from ecological calamity but to destroy the free market economic system:

"This is the first time in the history of mankind that we are setting ourselves the task of intentionally, within a defined period of time, to change the economic development model that has been reigning for at least 150 years, since the Industrial Revolution.”

Is that the real agenda of New Zealand’s Climate Commission – and the Government?

Barry Brill has provided a submission that can be viewed here, and a second article that can be viewed here.

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Helen Clark, Don McKinnon Front NZ Chapter Of US Think-Tank: Aspen Institute
& The Mundane Reality Of Think Tanks [Archival But Relevant]

May 30 2023 | From: Scoop / AustralianInstituteOfInternationalAffairs / Various

Former Prime Minister Helen Clark and former Secretary-General for the Commonwealth, Sir Don McKinnon, are throwing their political capital and global profile behind the establishment of the New Zealand chapter of a respected US-based think tank, the Aspen Institute.

Another globalist machination appears in New Zealand

"Based in Queenstown, Aspen Institute NZ is a non-partisan and non-ideological organisation focused on education and policy," said inaugural director, Christine Maiden Sharp.

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"Its mission is to foster leadership to contribute to the development of both New Zealand society and globally".

Headquartered in Washington DC and chaired by the Clinton-era US Secretary of State, Madeleine Albright, the institute claims 11 locations globally and operations in 14 countries, of which New Zealand is the latest. Each branch is self-funding but the identities of key donors are not disclosed.

A clue to the calibre of its backing, however, is the presence of NBR Rich Lister and Dunedin commercial big-foot Sir Eion Edgar on the nine-member Aspen Institute NZ board.

Maiden Sharp's LinkedIn profile also carries endorsements from Marc Holtzman, a politically connected, Hong Kong-based American banker who owns property in the Gibbston Valley.

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The institute intends to run a programme of "forums to encourage constructive dialogue on critical issues that matter to New Zealanders and for all New Zealanders”, Maiden Sharp said in a statement.

It ran an inaugural seminar for key supporters in Queenstown this week on artificial intelligence. It was moderated by globally recognised AI and robotics expert, Neil Jacobstein, who is joining the board.

"Aspen Institute NZ’s top priority is encouraging young New Zealanders and individuals from diverse backgrounds to participate in and shape meaningful dialogue.

We plan to focus on climate change, technology, and inequality / intolerance in our first three years.

That will include people from all walks of life, as well as New Zealand and international topic experts.”

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Clark, who recently started her own New Zealand-focused policy think tank, the Helen Clark Foundation, said Aspen's local chapter will:

"Help raise the standard of debate on issues that matter most to New Zealanders, provide access to an extraordinary global network and enable current and future leaders to contribute to new ideas on key issues on a world stage".

McKinnon said "there is no forum like it for long-term policy discussions".

"The international name Aspen is a draw card and New Zealand is a well-respected democratic society. This will be a step up for New Zealand’s international engagement."

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In the statement, Albright welcomed the New Zealand chapter to the Aspen fold, saying the country had "inspired us all by showing resilience and a commitment to democratic values in the face of hate", in a clear reference to the March 15 terrorist attacks on mosques in Christchurch.

McKinnon will chair the nine-member board, of which his co-patron, Clark, is not a member.

Other board members include Sir Maarten Wevers, former head of the Office of the Prime Minister and Cabinet during the Clark and Key eras, Federated Farmers chair Katie Milne, Lisa Tumahai, kaiwhakahaere - chair- of the South Island's Ngai Tahu iwi, Sport NZ chair Bill Moran, and Jane Taylor, a barrister and professional director who chairs Christchurch electricity network Orion NZ, the Predator Free 2050 initiative, government science agency Manaaki Whenua Landcare Research, and is deputy chair of Radio New Zealand.

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The Mundane Reality Of Think Tanks

Think tanks are a source of fascination for scholars and the media. The reality of influencing policymaking is far more prosaic and think tanks have had to evolve with changing political landscapes and technology.

The term think tank often conjures images of groups of individuals who have secret meetings with governments, organisations that act as secret support or recruitment bases for political parties or those who receive funding from dubious sources to push a certain agenda.

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The activities of right wing British think tanks such as the Adam Smith Institute and Institute of Economic Affairs have come under scrutiny in the past few years; they have been accused of colluding with the media and government to spread a neoliberal agenda.

There are elements of truth in these perceptions about think tanks and what they do but the reality is less cloak-and-dagger and far more transparent.

Comment: Read the links in this article about specific think tanks and quite a different picture emerges

Also see: The Conspiracy to Rule the World

Since the 1960s, think tanks have evolved to adapt to the changing political landscapes around them and to make use of new technology, first with the emergence of the 24-hour news cycle and more recently with the rise of social media.

Scholars have divided think tanks in the Anglophone world into two waves: the first being described by scholars as the old guard institutes or “Universities without Students” and the second wave as being advocacy think tanks or “New Partisans”.

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First Wave

The first wave of think tanks were a progression in a longer intellectual tradition that dated back to the 16th and 17th century France where academic groups would assist monarchs with creating and implementing new legislation and policies.

The Fabian Society is considered to be one of the oldest think tanks in the English-speaking world. It began as an organisation in the United Kingdom that advocated for political change through more gradual reforms; its strategies to influence governments lay in publishing pamphlets and holding meetings with intellectuals and members of government.

The first American think tank to emerge was the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace (CEIP) in 1907. Like the Fabian Society, the CEIP held events and published pamphlets to try to influence policymaking

The activities of the Fabian Society and the CEIP would pave the way for a number of other think tanks such as the Brookings Institute, the RAND Corporation and the Institute of Economic Affairs (IEA).

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These think tanks had broad policy agendas and tended to have structures that have been described as resembling universities without students because their staffers tended to have academic backgrounds and favoured longitudinal research published in journal articles or books.

They were elite focused: they produced work that was meant for academics, the civil service and governments. Often their work debated big ideas, such as economic theory, rather than providing specific and instructional policy suggestions.

The first wave of think tanks avoided expressing political biases or aligning themselves with particular political parties.

The creation of the IEA in 1955 signalled an evolution in the development of think tanks. While the IEA favoured academic-style publications that contributed to theoretical debates - and aimed this work at elites in government and academia - unlike its predecessors, the IEA had a very clear ideological bias towards economic liberalisation and free markets.

Its founder, Antony Seldon, set up the think tank to promote neoliberalism as an alternative to the then-dominant Keynesian economic discourse in the UK. The IEA was separate to the Conservative Party, but due to its views found itself closely aligned with the Conservatives.

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Second Wave

The second wave of think tanks began to emerge in the 1960s, starting with the Heritage Foundation in the US.

These think tanks were aware of the obstacles faced by their predecessors; although engaging in academic debates may have had some benefits, the reality was that if these think tanks wanted to make greater impacts in policy debates, they needed to broaden their scope.

The emergence of the 24 hour news cycle also had a significant impact on the work of think tanks; think tanks now had to move away from producing longer, academic-style publications and had to start developing work that could be produced quickly, was accessible to a wide audience and could be broken down into soundbites.

Think tanks began to realise that in utilising the media they could save both time and money and also reach a much wider audience.

The second-wave think tank model accepted that direct influence over governments was not possible and, in doing so, created strategies that were designed to generate policy debates in public forums such as television, newspapers and events such as debates and lectures.

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The success of the early second-wave think tanks such as the Heritage Foundation lead to a proliferation of think tanks across the Anglophone world, including left-wing think tanks such as Demos and the Institute for Public Policy Research (IPPR) in Britain.

Think tanks play an important role in democracies; they provide the information and ideas that create and contribute to public policy debates. Removed from governments and the civil service, these organisations have the ability to propose ideas that are not hampered by party partisanship and can be radical.

With the rise of social media, think tanks now do not have to rely solely on the media to disseminate their work and ideas; they can do it themselves in a way that has the potential to reach a wider global audience.

While the term “think tank” may create misconceptions about their reach and influence over governments, the reality is that think tanks have had to change their strategies to create public and indirect policy debates with governments as the opportunities to directly influence them in private were limited or non-existent.

This is now especially true as think tanks have to compete with many others, both within their political systems and globally.

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Your “Shadow Self”: How To Face It, Bring It To Light & Transcend It
May 29 2023 | From: CollectiveEvolution / Various

“What you most need will be found where you least want to look, but you have to look purposefully. If it chases you, then you’re the prey; if you confront it, you can transcend it.” - Jordan Peterson

There is a lot written about shadow and what it is. The direction is clear. Shadow is something we repress and hide from others, and in most cases, from ourselves.

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Where does it originate and what can we do to integrate or heal it?

Let’s begin by asking ‘why we have a shadow?’ Is it because we carry darkness at our core or does the shadow take shape over our lifetime as residue of fear, rage, shame and guilt, and their avoidance?

I’d say a little bit of both. On the human collective level, we carry trauma related to suffering and aggression of our ancestors.

But for the most part, our shadow develops during this lifetime in the form of a complex and sophisticated personality, that keeps us with a sense of control.

Deep Down We Feel Vulnerable But Try to Hide It

Our inner world is complex and for some, unbearable. We continuously face and fear exposure of our contradictory complexity, towards ourselves and others.

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Instead of delving into the depth of our psyche and inviting more consciousness, we would rather guard ourselves. The more conscious we are, the more responsible we become for our actions.

One of the reasons we so meticulously hide our shadow is because we don’t want to carry the consequence of our actions. And so, our vulnerability and shadow are closely linked.

There are many effective ways not to feel vulnerable and retain a sense of innocence.

Abiding by a strict morality, adhering to ideologies, be they social, political or spiritual, or relying on religious dogma, all achieve exactly that protection.

The kind of protection in which we cradle ourselves in feelings of righteousness and innocence. This is not to imply we shouldn’t seek for our actions to be moral or avoid believing but to become aware when they are used in service of feeling superior over others. Interestingly enough, our wish to remain innocent is a big shadow in and of itself.

So, while we’re busy repressing and controlling, the shadow feeds and grows with every attempt to fight off rejection, humiliation or punishment, as well as situations that leave us feeling guilty and ashamed

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Here are some examples of how our shadow hides our vulnerability. Let’s say we want to be recognized for something we’ve done. Instead of asking for acknowledgment, we hide it through false humility and become resentful for not getting the attention we feel we deserve.

Another example is our need to belong and be important to others. But again, instead of communicating this need, which makes us vulnerable to rejection, we make others feel important in the hope of being praised for our actions.

Over time we’ve developed innumerable sophisticated ways to sugarcoat our shadows and feel in control.

Shadow Integration Begins With an Honesty That Seeks Nothing in Return

We can see, that most shadow has to do with survival attempts of some kind. This happens when we try to control our environments by behaving as victims, gaining respect through false humility, moral superiority and other forms of manipulation.

When we talk about shadow integration, it’s crucial we are precise as to what the facets of our shadow are. We want to, for example, be able to say, while refraining from any judgment, that ‘I smile at others, in order not to be attacked’ or ‘I control my partner by making him or her feel guilty’.

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Any judgment of what we discover in ourselves is a hidden attempt at victimizing ourselves and finding excuses.

The ‘why’ is of secondary importance here, because the list of reasons is endless and the absolute source is difficult to pinpoint, but the urge to limit our vulnerability is still there.

This may be a good moment to say, that shadow integration is not about redemption, but about understanding the inner workings of vulnerability and protection, which are closely linked to our sense of survival, both physical and emotional.

Furthermore, we want to face our shadows, not to feel better or lighter in the future, but in order to become more integrated within ourselves and lessen the sense of separation that the shadow produces.

We want to return integrity that comes with the responsibility of belonging to a history and culture that experiences a great deal of suffering and is greater than our individual selves.

Integrating our shadow implies allowing the darkness to be part of us, without the desire to surpass it.

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Drop the Hope For a Pain-Free Life

When we face our shadow, we want to fully own the aggression, fear, selfishness or greed living inside us. We want to clarify first and foremost to ourselves how we play power games and seek control.

This acknowledgment doesn’t necessarily reduce the hurt to ourselves or others or enable us to change. There is no certain outcome from shadow integration and that’s a tough pill to swallow.

What we’re ‘simply’ doing, is bringing something hidden to light, without the attempt to make it more or less significant or dramatic, but rather see it as it is, thereby becoming more aware.

The more emotionality we induce into the characterization of our shadow, the less integration takes place.

Shadow integration should be a non-dramatic act, surrounded by a hint of coolness, where we observe who we’ve become.

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We will feel the pain of lies, betrayal and hurt to others during this observation. And in the process of doing so, holding back judgment, positive or negative, is truly challenging.

How is it possible ‘not to comment’ on what we regard as a personal experience? We need to understand that any commentary also contains the attempt to change the experience, be it freeing or punishing to us.

Healing the Shadow is a Magical Process in Which We Are the Participant, Not the Director

The great challenge in shadow integration is to grow our capacity to be with or hold an experience without having the ability to change it. What has been done is in the past and can’t be undone; it can only be held and by holding it patiently, more facets can emerge and be seen.

Like when a child injures itself, we can only hold them to share the pain of waiting for healing to take place, but the magic of healing has its own mysterious timeline.

When we own our shadow, it puts us in a helpless and humbling place. It shows us our limitations and that is something we don’t want to feel. Maximizing our potential for our own feelings of greatness is just another shadow.

Acknowledging the limitation of our potential, without minimizing our strength or exercising false humility, allows us to share our light.

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Life comes with a lot of limitations and the shadow tries to interfere with life itself. Facing our shadow is a spiritual act as we embrace and allow a little more of our human totality to be included.

Through this experience, we can get in touch with a humility and simplicity, that can often touch something at our core, which is mystically meaningful and expanding.

Integration comes from a place that is non-dramatic, because drama always takes sides, and it makes us miss the simplicity lying in the acknowledgment of human complexity.

Shadow integration is a lifelong and even a magical process. It happens when we are completely truthful, giving up all deals with God or fate, and surrendering to what we essentially are: vulnerable. We want to invite feeling the pain our shadow reveals to us without seeking redemption.

In a way, every time we say yes to a shadow part in us, we agree to re-enter continuous vulnerability of being human.

This is where integration begins.

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Victimless Crimes Make Everyone A Victim
May 28 2023 | From: DrDan / Various

Crime and punishment have been a fundamental concern for human beings since the beginning of civilization. 

Similar struggles are also found in animal groups usually related to food, dominance, and procreation. [This article pertains to the US but it is relevant to the West in general.]

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Man’s ability to communicate, act with motivation, and plan for the future adds significant additional layers of complexity. 

In most ancient civilizations, rulers were usually considered to be “gods” themselves or to rule as a messenger of the “gods” with their permission. 

Moral codes were a combination of religious beliefs and edicts of the monarch. 

The moral foundation for contemporary western society is considered to be The Ten Commandments or the Law of Moses. 

The first five commandments specify the religious requirements to be followed by Man in relationship to God. 

The second five commandments are a code of conduct for human beings designed to promote a peaceful and cohesive society. 

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America’s founders considered a person’s private property to consist of his home and land, his possessions, the work of his hands, the ideas of his brain, and his life. 

In this context, the second five commandments establish property rights as the basis for security, justice, and individual freedom.

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights, that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. That, to secure these rights, governments are instituted among men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed.

The Ten Commandments are often referred to as the basis for our judicial system along with the related concept of Natural Law Rights. 

Natural Law Rights are basic human rights, granted by God to each of us at birth and, as such, cannot be abolished by man or by a moral government

These are the “inalienable rights” referred to in the Declaration of Independence and also guaranteed to each of us by The Bill of Rights

Most importantly, they are human rights that belong to each individual person, and they are concepts that establish the foundation of our legal system. 

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Our entire legal system is based on the concept that a crime, by definition, requires a perpetrator and a victim.  A crime occurs when a perpetrator takes in some manner property from another. 

Our founders’ definition of private property and the prohibitions of The Ten Commandments are a generalized list of basic crimes. 

One function of government is to codify specific acts as criminal, decide on levels of severity, and design a system of punishment that punishes perpetrators and compensates the victims. 

As participants and stakeholders, we are protected from abuse by provisions in The Bill of Rights that guarantee our right to an attorney, habeas corpus, trial by jury, evidentiary integrity, and warrants for searches to name a few.

As long as the government sticks to this basic and legally required plan, the system generally functions satisfactorily. 

Problems arise, however, when the government attempts to use the crime and punishment model to alter social behavior and establish morality. 

Neither “government” nor “society” is a person and, therefore, neither can realistically have individual or Natural Law Rights or be designated a victim of a crime. 

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Government essentially creates the fiction of damage to a non-person for which there can be no actual compensation.  The result is a “victimless crime” – that is, a fabricated criminal act for which no true victim exists.

Neal Boortz, a former syndicated and popular talk show host in Atlanta would use prostitution as an example.  He would say:

Prostitution involves two actions:  sex and the free market exchange of goods and services.  Which one are you against?

Victimless crimes are expensive. 

They cost taxpayers millions of dollars for law enforcement, legal services, judges, and jail. This is money that should be used to protect the public by pursuing the perpetrators of real crime and removing them from society.

When statues and laws create victimless crimes that violate our civil and constitutional liberties, it is a much more serious issue. Government can never be allowed to limit, diminish, or abolish our individual rights enumerated in The Bill of Rights. 

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When laws, rules, and regulations violate those rights, it puts law enforcement in a precarious predicament. 

Most law enforcement officers, understanding the provisions in the Bill of Rights, recognize they are on shaky ground when the state requires them violate civil liberties. 

Law enforcement personnel swear to uphold the Constitution and should never be placed in that untenable position of choosing their job over our rights.

Seventy Five years ago, during the Nuremberg Trials of Nazi war criminals who murdered millions of persons, the “I was only following orders” defense was easily cast aside.    

Ultimately, victimless crimes destroy confidence in law enforcement personnel and turn us all into victims.   

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World’s Elite Try To Wipe Out All Knowledge And Use Of Natural Cures, While They Privately Use Them For Their Own Longevity
May 27 2023 | From: NaturalNews / Various

The dark side of Western medicine has been erased from U.S. history books and from Google search results, along with any trace of truth about the success of natural cures and homeopathic medicine.

Any doctors or scientists who attempt to “peer review” natural remedies are stripped of their medical license or research funding by the corrupt American Medical Association (AMA) and Big Pharma.

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In fact, at least half of all clinical “trials” have never been reported, because when natural cures are proven to work, the results are removed or skewed in favor of chemical medicine.

The American healthcare system is set up to profit from illness, and those in charge are making sure that never changes.

It all started when oil tycoon J.D. Rockefeller decided to control modern medicine by empowering the pharmaceutical industry while crippling the highly successful practices of naturopathy and homeopathy.

How did Rockefeller accomplish this? He funded bogus research by a man named Andrew Flexner, who then authored the infamous Flexner Report of 1910.

Flexner used the money to visit every U.S. medical school, and with the backing of the AMA, reduced the number of physicians while limiting “authorization” of any new medical school licenses to doctors who supported only chemical medicine

Related: How Rockefeller Founded Big Pharma And Waged War On Natural Cures

The Rockefeller family waged war on natural cures and holistic healing, while privately using them for his own health.

Today’s mainstream medicine is nothing but sick care management, where chemical pills are dished out to quell symptoms of deep-rooted illnesses, and surgery, radiation and chemotherapy are used to only temporarily stave off organ failure, heart attacks, and cancer.

Most of the richest Americans know better than to eat GMOs, drink tap water, get flu shots, or ever even consider chemotherapy for cancer.

These elitists eat organic food daily, they take organic supplements, and they visit naturopathic physicians when they get sick. The only time they visit hospitals is for emergencies when they incur a deep cut or broken bones.

John Davison Rockefeller, Sr. was America’s first billionaire. He lived to be 97 years old, thanks to a strict food and medicine regime that did not involve eating the chemicals he found in his petroleum, coal, gasoline, and oil industries.

Related: The Eradication Of Natural Alternatives: Big Pharma Wants To Eliminate The Competition

Today, artificial food coloring comes from petroleum, and many processed oils contain hexane, a vapor constituent of gasoline. Today, tap water and vaccines contain chemicals you would never consume, if you only knew.

Rockefeller led a double life as the ultimate hypocrite. He was a business bully who cheated on his wife and tried to bury natural cures (while he used them himself), but ironically he suffered from anxiety and died of pneumonia.

Rockefeller Jr. became the Post WWII industrial “emperor” of chemical agriculture and chemical medicine.

After the U.S. helped Great Britain defeat the Nazis, U.S. politicians and business magnates built a chemical “empire” of their own in America. Hitler had used his own “Big Pharma” (I.G. Pharben) to create chemicals for warfare and the gas chambers.

Now, America would use many of those same chemists and chemicals to manufacture U.S. food and medicine, all part of a huge scheme (invented and funded by the Rockefellers) to make a fortune off the sickened masses, who would never believe their amazing country was turned so evil by monopolists.

Related: MMS - One Of The Biggest "F You's" to The Medical Establishment

Most people these days who get cancer think it’s hereditary. They think it’s genetic. That’s how bad the system has them fooled.

They believe every word that comes out of their doctor’s mouth – the same doctor who would never take chemo himself, and who graduated from a school sponsored, funded, and controlled by Big Pharma and the Rockefellers.

Today, nearly all conventional food is covered and smothered in chemical pesticides. Today, nearly all conventional food contains genetically engineered pesticides that continue spreading in the human gut, fueling immune disorders and cancer cell development.

Today, nearly all conventional medicine contains deadly chemicals that cause the body to remain acidic, breeding more disease and disorder. It’s a wicked formula that the elitists know and avoid at all costs.

Related: Introduction / Overview: The ‘Healing Computer’ Technology

Tune into NaturalCures.news for more information on superfoods that have not been banned by the likes of Rockefeller and Big Pharma, so you can not only survive, but thrive.

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Fear: False Evidence Appearing Real
May 26 2023 | From: TheEpochTimes / Various

When our thoughts scare us and we need to make them stop.

I took a deep dive into fear after someone I love dearly, a close family member, began experiencing a physical symptom.

Related: Fear-Based Manipulation: How Politicians, Marketers And The Media Create Panic To Control The Masses

We’ve been unable to get to the bottom of it; the doctors have not been particularly concerned, and so we’ve resorted to just managing the symptom best we can.

I haven’t been particularly worried, assuming it was just one of the umpteen physical symptoms that come for seemingly no reason and then go for seemingly no reason, without our ever really knowing why or what it was all about.

On a recent Friday afternoon, I was having a conversation with this person, and she casually mentioned another symptom that she experiences. She had never brought this to my attention because she just assumed everybody felt the same thing.

In that moment, I was slightly alarmed by the symptom she mentioned as it was definitely not a sensation most people have and certainly not one that people get on a regular basis.

It was also, I knew, a symptom associated with some pretty terrible things. I said nothing about my concern but calmly inquired more into her experience, like when does she get this sensation and what if anything brings it on.

Related: Thousands Of Medical Studies Found To Be Useless + Medical-Drug Destruction Of Life, By The Numbers & Herd Immunity Used For Fear And Guilt

On the outside, I probably appeared quite nonchalant, but on the inside, a small tsunami was forming in my chest.

Immediately following our conversation, I made a beeline to search the internet. I feverishly punched in her symptoms. What I found was, not surprisingly, both horrifying and terrifying.

Her symptoms happened to be the first two on every list for one, particularly dreadful and life-destroying condition.

Within three hours of our initial conversation, I was paralyzed with information. I had three symptoms to work with now, three symptoms that were the first three on every list describing the early signs of one particular horrifying fate.

Fear had taken me hostage.

The more afraid I became, the more frantically I researched the internet, reading everything available on the condition I had diagnosed, looking for anything that would give me a different list of symptoms or at least a list where her symptoms were further down from the top.

I read about treatments, now and future, trial studies, ways that people self-care once diagnosed, the psychological effects of the disease, how early one should start taking the medication, and what the final stages look like.

Related: Faking Medical Reality

I read testimonials from people living with the disease, everything I could get my hands on. By Sunday night, I had five doctorates in this condition.

I was in a state of panic, heartbroken, and truly unable to get OK. If a moment of serenity appeared, I would remember the shock of what I knew, that this person I love beyond anything, beyond everything, had no future.

I would remember that I could never be happy again. Each moment I spent with my family member that weekend felt like the last, weighted with melancholy and finality.

I was living a narrative of fear and despair I had written in less than 48 hours. I was sure the worst thing I could ever imagine happening was happening.

I wondered how it was possible that I had spent my whole life working on accepting reality as it is, and yet here I was screaming, “No, this reality is the one reality that’s not OK! This reality, I cannot bear.”

I was in a thought-constructed hell, which felt real, inarguable, and true.

Related: How Thoughts Create Atoms And Emotions Formulate Time

I was the only one who knew that she had all three symptoms. Other family members knew of one or another, but I was the keeper of the full truth, the only one who knew the whole of it.

When I did finally break and tell another family member, he dismissed my fears as ridiculous, irritating, a case of bad hypochondria. I was to blame for my fear. His impatience felt like an abandonment of sorts.

I felt terrified and deeply alone in my fear. I couldn’t share my fears with the person whom they were about because I didn’t want to frighten her; I couldn’t speak with anyone else in the family because they were angered by my fear; I couldn’t speak with her doctor about it because I didn’t want to set off further testing and thus speed the road to the eventual diagnosis.

I was totally isolated; my thoughts had built a bubble of terror in which I was trapped and alone.

And then something miraculous happened, perhaps because I couldn’t bear another moment of being so afraid, or perhaps just because. Grace appeared and I heard the following: 

Your mind is inflicting violence on you! And what followed from there was simply, Stop! Stop! Stop! 

Something in me stood up for me.

I knew that probability was still on my side and the fear I was living might well be false evidence appearing as real.

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With this realization, I was able to halt my mind’s projections into the future and reexperiencing a reality that didn’t and might never exist.

I recognized that I knew nothing other than three facts and didn’t need to go one day or even five minutes into the future. I could decide to live right here, now, and construct no storyline at all.

Discomfort remained, mild anxiety, but without the narrative connecting the dots, I was remarkably OK. With the sudden awareness of how I was torturing myself, believing my thoughts, I was able to disembark from my mind’s terror train.

I refused to participate in terrifying myself; I chose the freedom and self-compassion that comes with saying, and believing, “I simply don’t know. That’s the truth.”

For organizing and generating ideas, there’s no match for the human mind. And simultaneously, for whipping up fear and creating frightening storylines that appear indisputable, there’s also no match for the human mind.

The tragic part is that by creating its narratives of terror, the mind is at some level trying to calm us down, to understand the unknown.

The mind tries to protect us from the fear of what could happen by creating a certainty of what will happen, which paradoxically can feel less frightening.

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In this recent episode, my mind was desperately searching to find proof for its wrongness, evidence that showed its thoughts were mistaken. And yet, the more my imagined storyline was confirmed, the more frantically I searched to find something else to explain the unknown.

Our mind is often the perpetrator of unimaginable violence - on ourselves. Our thoughts are the great instigator of terror, yelling fire over and over again when a hint of smoke is detected.

At some point, the suffering that we self-inflict can become too much and an act of grace or self-compassion occurs, when we say: “Stop, stop torturing me. Stop creating stories of terror. The truth is I don’t know, that’s all.”

Related: What You Pay Attention To Ends Up Controlling Your Life

Life is challenging enough without adding any of our own terrifying storylines to it. We can, in fact, choose to live in the questions, to not know, and not fill in the blanks.

When we leave the dots not connected and sit with the fear that may or may not exist with what is, we feel a great relief.

Not only relief from the self-inflicted violence of the terrifying storyline, but also from the need to close up reality and know - everything - even if it’s nothing we want to know.

Nancy Colier is a psychotherapist, interfaith minister, author, public speaker, and workshop leader. For more information, visit NancyColier.com

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It's Official: This Is Straight Out Of Orwell's 1984...
May 25 2023 | From: TruthstreamMedia

Google is actually stepping into the role of 1984's 'Ministry of Truth'.

New internal guidelines to filter search results of web pages - based upon "well established historical and scientific facts".

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In other words, any website offering any information that contradicts the "official line" will be demoted in sear rankings.

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Everywhere In The Western World, Government Is A Conspiracy Against The People
& Cartels That Run The World

May 24 2023 | From: PaulCraigRoberts / JonRappoport

In the West “conspiracy theory” is the name given to explanations that differ from those that serve the ruling oligarchy, the establishment or whatever we want to call those who set and control the agendas and the explanations that support the agendas.

The explanations imposed on us by the ruling class are themselves conspiracy theories. Moreover, they are conspiracy theories designed to hide the real conspiracy that our rulers are operating.

Related: Yesterday’s Conspiracy Theory Is Today’s News + Spies Tell Lies, Spying Is Lying & Wikileaks Says Less Than 1% Of Vault 7 Released

For example, the official explanation of 9/11 is a conspiracy theory. Some Muslims, mainly Saudi Arabians, delivered the greatest humiliation to a superpower since David slew Goliath.

They outsmarted all 17 US intelligence agencies and those of NATO and Israel, the National Security Council, the Transportation Safety Administration, Air Traffic Control, and Dick Cheney, hijacked four US airliners on one morning, brought down three World Trade Center skyscrapers, destroyed that part of the Pentagon where research was underway into the missing $2.3 trillion, and caused the morons in Washington to blame Afghanistan instead of Saudi Arabia.

Clearly, the Saudia Arabians who humiliated Ameria were involved in a conspiracy to do so. Is it a believable conspiracy?

Related: The Tide Is Turning: The Official Story Is Now The Conspiracy Theory + A Conference To Clear The Mind Of The 9/11 Brainwashing

The ability of a few young Muslim men to pull off such a feat is unbelievable. Such total failure of the US National Security State means that America was blindly vulnerable throughout the decades of Cold War with the Soviet Union. If such total failure of the National Security State had really occurred, the White House and Congress would have been screaming for an investigation.

People would have been held accountable for the long chain of security failures that allowed the plot to succeed. Instead, no one was even reprimanded, and the White House resisted all efforts for an investigation for a year. Finally, to shut up the 9/11 families, a 9/11 Commission was convened. The commission duly wrote down the government’s story and that was the “investigation.”

Moreover, there is no evidence to support the official conspiracy theory of 9/11. Indeed, all known evidence contradicts the official conspiracy theory.

For example, it is a proven fact that Building 7 came down at freefall acceleration, which means it was wired for demolition. Why was it wired for demolition? There is no official answer to this question.

It is the known evidence provided by scientists, architects, engineers, pilots, and the first responders who were in the twin towers and personally experienced the numerous explosions that brough down the towers that is described as a conspiracy theory.

Related: American Pravda: How The CIA Invented "Conspiracy Theories"

The CIA introduced the term “conspiracy theory” into public discourse as part of its action plan to discredit skeptics of the Warren Commission report on the assassination of President John F. Kennedy.

Any explanation other than the one handed down, which is contradicted by all known evidence, was debunked as a conspiracy theory.

Conspiracy theories are the backbone of US foreign policy. For example, the George W. Bush regime was active in a conspiracy against Iraq and Saddam Hussein.

The Bush regime created fake evidence of Iraqi “weapons of mass destruction,” sold the false story to a gullible world and used it to destroy Iraq and murder its leader. Similarly, Gaddafi was a victim of an Obama/Hillary conspiracy to destroy Libya and murder Gaddafi. Assad of Syria and Iran were slated for the same treatment until the Russians intervened.

Currently, Washington is engaged in conspiracies against Russia, China, and Venezuela. Proclaiming a non-existant “Iranian threat,” Washington put US missiles on Russia’s border and used the “North Korean threat” to put missiles on China’s border.

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The democratically elected leader of Venezuela is said by Washington to be a dictator, and sanctions have been put on Venezuela to help the small Spanish elite through whom Washington has traditionally ruled South American countries pull off a coup and reestablish US control over Venezuela.

Everyone is a threat: Venezuela, Yemen, Syria, Iran, Iraq, Aghanistan, tribes in Pakistan, Libya, Russia, China, North Korea, but never Washington. The greatest conspiracy theory of our time is that Americans are surrounded by foreign threats. We are not even safe from Venezuela,

The New York Times, the Washington Post, CNN, NPR, and the rest of the presstitutes are quick to debunk as conspiracy theories all explanations that differ from the explanations of the ruling interests that the presstitutes serve.

Related: 9 Indisputable Truths About “Conspiracy Theorists”

Yet, as I write and for some nine months to date, the presstitute media has itself been promoting the conspiracy theory that Donald Trump was involved in a conspiracy with the president of Russia and Russian intelligence services to hack the US presidential election and place Trump, a Russian agent, in the White House.

This conspiracy theory has no evidence whatsoever. It doesn’t need evidence, because it serves the interests of the military/security complex, the Democratic Party, the neoconservatives, and permits the presstitutes to show lavish devotion to their masters. By endless repetition a lie becomes truth.

There is a conspiracy, and it is against the Western people. Their jobs have been offshored in order to enrich the already rich. They have been forced into debt in a futile effort to maintain their living standards. Their effort to stem their decline by electing leaders who spoke for them is being subverted before their eyes by an utterly corrupt media and ruling class.

Sooner or later it will dawn on them that there is nothing they can do but violently revolt. Most likely, by the time they reach this conclusion it will be too late. Westerners are very slow to escape from the false reality in which they live. Westerners are a thoroughly brainwashed people who hold tightly to their false life within The Matrix.

Related: Escaping The Matrix: 10 Ways To Deprogram Yourself

For the gullible and naive who have been brainwashed into believing that any explanation that differs from the officially-blessed one is a conspiracy theory, there are available online long lists of government conspiracies that succeeded in deceiving the people in order that the governments could achieve agendas that the people would have rejected.

If liberty continues to exist on earth, it will not be in the Western world. It will be in Russia and China, countries that emerged out of the opposite and know the value of liberty, and it will be in those South American countries, such as Venezuela, Ecuador, and Bolivia that fight for their sovereignty against American oppression.

Indeed, as historians unconcerned with their careers are beginning to write, the primary lesson in history is that governments deceive their peoples.

Everywhere in the Western world, government is a conspiracy against the people.

Cartels That Run The World

The following information comes from insider interviews with Ellis Medavoy and Richard Bell, two people I interview extensively in my collection, The Matrix Revealed. This is just a brief taste of what they have to say…

Major institutions on this planet that control Military, Money, Energy, Government, Medical, Corporate, Media, and Education are becoming, more and more, global cartels, horizontally integrated across national borders.

Related: The Federal Reserve Cartel: The Eight Families + 7 Not-So-Secret Homes Of Super Secret Societies

This is more than a top-down command process. It’s organically evolving. Three steps forward, two steps back. There is a great deal of competition among the components of a given cartel, but there is also cooperation. And in the long run, the see-saw is tipping in the direction of cooperation, as these entities realize they may well have more to gain that way.

I can’t stress too strongly this EVOLVING process. All attempts to merely assume twelve men in a room run the planet fall woefully short.

Instead, over time, people who lead a powerful institution (like Energy, for example) look out and recognize more major players, and in this recognition there is an impulse to compete and win and destroy, but there is also an impulse to build commonality and therefore monopolize the entire territory.

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During one conversation with retired master propagandist Ellis Medavoy, I asked him about the extent of mutual cooperation in his given field, psychological warfare. He responded:

“Twenty years ago, I would have said we were all operating separately and jealously. Each of us was mining his own contacts and building his false pictures of reality for the masses. But then things began to change. Globally. First of all, more of us were pushing the same holograms.

And because communication and travel were speeding up so rapidly, we were working a lot of the same venues. We would run into each other more often. We began to share information. I mean, it was cautious. We weren’t gushing with unbridled love, I assure you. The competitive factor was still strong. And we had fights.

But through all that, we began to see through the fog, so to speak. We began to understand the effectiveness of cooperating. We would test each other with privileged information, to see if we could trust each other to keep it private. A tidbit here, a tidbit there.

And you see, behind us, other groups were finding commonality, too. For example, in the area of medical propaganda, where I operated a lot of the time. And these groups saw they could join together for specific operations, on an international scale.

They could push enormous lies globally, and everyone of their class would profit and gain wider control. So I would find myself working with a psy warfare guy from, say, France, or Germany in a joint venture. We would rub elbows. We’d be feeding from the same basic money trough.

We’d both be briefed by a team of intelligence experts, and those experts would be of several nationalities. Slowly, I saw a new kind of umbrella structure emerging.

See, suppose during the secret lead-up to a planned economic crisis [money cartel], you can distract everybody with a phony epidemic [medical cartel]. Do you see? Leaders perceive a reason to cooperate. Planners become more intelligent and clever. They reach across lines they never would have reached across before…

You begin to see the outlines of a much more inclusive future structure. This is multi-front warfare.”

Related: The Khazarian Mafia’s System Of Cartels

Richard Bell, another former insider, said to me:

“People like to assume that money is everything. If you can limit the amount of money the public has, eventually they weaken and cave in and they’re easier to control. And this is certainly true.

But on the other hand, as mega-corporations gain more power and range and markets, you have a clash, because those corporations, which are now cooperating in ways they never have, as a cartel in some respects, want customers for their products.

They don’t want abject poverty across the board. People have to be able to buy their products.

“So there is a heavy conflict. It’s a conflict between elite bankers [money cartel] and mega-corporations [corporation cartel]. It needs to be resolved through advance planning, over the long term.

So now you have these powerful men sitting down and talking in a new way. Other big-time players get involved, too [government, media, energy cartels, for example].”

This is just the beginning of what these people have to say about the Matrix in their interviews and how it really works.

Related: America Collapses Into A Pharma State; Just Like A “Narco State” But Run By Prescription Drug Cartels

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Loneliness More Hazardous To Your Health Than Obesity Or Smoking
May 23 2023 | From: Mercola / Various

Loneliness doesn't just affect your mind; it can also cause a number of health problems.

For example, previous research shows feeling lonely can raise your blood pressure up to 14 points, with greater increases the longer loneliness persists. With that, the risk for heart disease and dementia also increases.

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More recently, researchers concluded social isolation and loneliness may have more severe consequences than obesity and smoking. Other recent research reveals the brain-related changes associated with feelings of loneliness start to take place after as little as 24 hours of isolation.

Loneliness More Hazardous to Your Health Than Obesity

Negative emotions will invariably impact your physical well-being, and feeling lonely is no different. According to two meta analyses presented at the 2017 Annual Convention of the American Psychological Association, loneliness and social isolation - which are similar but not identical - pose greater threats to public health than obesity, raising your risk for premature death by as much as 50 percent. As reported by Medical News Today:

"While loneliness and social isolation are often used interchangeably, there are notable differences between the two. Social isolation is defined as a lack of contact with other individuals, while loneliness is the feeling that one is emotionally disconnected from others.

In essence, a person can be in the presence of others and still feel lonely.

According to a 2016 Harris Poll of more than 2,000 adults in the U.S., around 72 percent reported having felt lonely at some point in their lives. Of these adults, around 31 percent reported feeling lonely at least once a week."

The first analysis, which looked at 148 studies involving more than 300,000 adults, found social isolation increased the risk of premature death by 50 percent.

The second, which evaluated 70 studies that included more than 3.4 million individuals, found social isolation, loneliness and living alone correlated with a 29 percent, 26 percent and 32 percent increased risk of mortality respectively.

Related: How To Effectively Manage Social Anxiety

Overall, this is comparable to the risk of premature death associated with obesity and other well-established risk factors for mortality, including the risks associated with smoking 15 cigarettes a day.

Other Health Risks Associated With Loneliness

According to the American Osteopathic Association, which commissioned the Harris Poll cited above, loneliness plays a role in many chronic health conditions, including pain, drug or alcohol abuse and depression. Recent studies have linked loneliness to an increased risk for Alzheimer's disease, heart attack and stroke, and lower survival rates for breast cancer patients.

Studies have also shown that people who are lonely are more likely to experience:

Higher levels of stress

Poor sleep

Increased inflammation

Reduced immune function

Related: How Trying To Be Happy Makes Us Unhappy & 6 Stupid Things Most People Think Are Important

Epidemic of Loneliness and Social Isolation Looms Large

According to a 2010 study on loneliness conducted by the AARP, an estimated 42.6 million Americans over the age of 45 suffer from chronic loneliness, and census data reveals more than 25 percent of the U.S. population live alone. Why is loneliness becoming an increasingly prevalent experience?

According to researchers, common reasons include:

Long work hours

Use of social media surpassing face-to-face interaction

Frequent travel for work

Living far from family

Delaying and/or forgoing marriage

Commenting on the Harris Poll on loneliness, Dr. Jennifer Caudle, assistant professor of family medicine at Rowan University School of Osteopathic Medicine noted:

"Loneliness is an invisible epidemic masked by our online personas, which are rarely representative of our real emotions. It's important for patients to understand how their mental and emotional well-being directly affects the body …

Face-to-face communication is critical for emotional and mental health. Seeking out meaningful human interactions makes patients happier and, ultimately, healthier overall."

In light of a growing population of seniors and the rising prevalence of social isolation in general, Julianne Holt-Lunstad, Ph.D., a professor of psychology who led the two meta-analyses, suggests we need to tackle loneliness both on an individual basis and as a society.

To do this, she suggests devoting resources to:

Social skills training for school-aged children

Training doctors to incorporate social connectedness evaluations into their medical screening

Seniors are also advised to prepare for the social implications of retirement, as many adults have few if any social networks outside of the workplace

The Mind-Body Connection

It truly is amazing how your mindset can influence your physical health. It's a powerful force that can either bolster or undermine your physical and mental health.

One reason for this has to do with epigenetics, which centers on the notion that environmental factors such as stress and diet influence your genetic expression.

It is the expression of your genes - not the genes themselves - that dictates whether you develop certain diseases or age prematurely.

Related: The Quantum Theory On Mind-Body Connection + Morphic Resonance: The Science Of Interconnectedness

Your epigenome is readily influenced by physical and emotional stresses - how you respond to everything that happens in your environment, from final exams to childhood abuse. So, if you are chronically lonely, this negative emotion will influence the expression of your genes and thus impact your risk of developing disease.

This also explains why, as Dawson Church cites in his book "The Genie in Your Genes: Epigenetic Medicine and the New Biology of Intention," heart surgery patients who have a strong social support network and spiritual practice have one-seventh the mortality rate of those who don't!

Strategies to Address Loneliness

Related: Science Explains Why Highly Intelligent People Prefer To Be Alone

If you struggle with loneliness, you're certainly not alone. The question is what to do about it. Following are a number of suggestions and strategies pulled from a variety of sources that can help address loneliness

Join a Club

Proactive approaches to meeting others include joining a club and planning get-togethers with family, friends or neighbors, Meetup.com is an online source where you can locate a vast array of local clubs and get-togethers. Despite the evils of Facebook, it is a place where you can find local community interest groups.

Many communities also have community gardens where you can benefit from the outdoors while mingling with your neighbors.

Learn a New Skill

Consider enrolling in a class or taking an educational course. Even learn a new language - begin with a free app like Duolingo and maybe consider taking classes as well.

Related: Emotional Intelligence: The Social Skills You Weren't Taught In School

Create Rituals of Connection

As described by Baya Voce in the TED Talk above, rituals are a powerful means for reducing loneliness. Examples include having weekly talk sessions with your girlfriends and/or making meal time a special time to connect with your family without rushing.

Consider a Digital Cleanse

If your digital life has overtaken face-to-face interactions, consider taking a break from social media while taking proactive steps to meet people in person. Recent research shows Facebook may be more harmful than helpful to your emotional well-being, raising your risk of depression - especially if your contacts' posts elicit envy.

Related: A New, More Rigorous Study Confirms: The More You Use Facebook, The Worse You Feel

In one recent study, Facebook users who took a one-week break from the site reported significantly higher levels of life satisfaction and a significantly improved emotional life.

Make Good Use of Digital Media

For others, a phone call or text message can be a much-needed lifeline. As noted by Will Wright in his TED Talk, "digitizing empathy" can be a powerful way to help each other.

Examples of this include sending encouraging text messages to people who are struggling with loneliness, offering support and help to live healthier lives and follow through on healthy lifestyle changes.

In the U.K., seniors can call the Silver Line, a help line for older people where they can speak to a live person for as long as they wish. The help line is open 24 hours a day, year-round. The service receives an average of 10,000 calls per week.

Related: Why So Many Of Us Feel Lonely These Days

Exercise with Others

Joining a gym or signing up with a fitness-directed club or team sport will create opportunities to meet people while improving your physical fitness at the same time.

Shop Locally

Routinely frequenting local shops, coffee shops or farmers markets will help you develop a sense of community and encourage the formation of relationships.

Talk to Strangers

Talking to strangers in the store, in your neighborhood or on your daily commute is often a challenge, but can have many valuable benefits, including alleviating loneliness (your own and others'). Talking to strangers builds bridges between ordinary people who may not otherwise forge a connection.

People of the opposite gender, different walks of life or different cultures hold a key to opening up to new ideas or making connections with old ones. In this short video, reporter for The Atlantic, Dr. James Hamblin, demonstrates techniques for learning how to talk with strangers.

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Volunteering is another way to increase your social interactions and pave the way for new relationships. When you are feeling sad, lonely and / or depressed, often helping others not only takes your mind off your problems - but can give you a sense of accomplishment in helping others.

Adopt a Companion Pet

A dog or cat can provide unconditional love and comfort, and studies show that owning a pet can help protect against loneliness, depression and anxiety.

The bond that forms between a person and a companion pet can be incredibly fulfilling and serves, in many ways, as an important and rewarding relationship. The research on this is really quite profound.

Related: Toxic Relationship Habits Most People Think Are Normal

For instance, having a dog as a companion could add years to your life, as studies have shown that owning a dog played a significant role on survival rates in heart attack victims. Studies have also revealed that people on Medicaid or Medicare who own a pet make fewer visits to the doctor.

The unconditional acceptance and love an animal gives to their owner positively impacts their owner's emotional health in ways such as:

Boosting self-confidence and self-esteem

Helping to meet new friends and promoting communication between elderly residents and neighbors

Helping you cope with illness, loss and depression

Reducing stress levels

Providing a source of touch and affiliation

If you're looking for a furry friend, check out your local animal shelter. Most are filled with cats and dogs looking for someone to love. Petfinder.com is another excellent resource for finding a pet companion.

Move and / or Change Jobs

While the most drastic of all options, it may be part of the answer for some.

To make it worthwhile, be sure to identify the environment or culture that would fit your personality best and consider proximity to longtime friends and family.

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Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi

Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi
China’s Massive Amount Of Immunotoxic 5G Networking And The Wuhan Coronavirus: The Emperor’s New Virus
May 22 2023 | From: DuluthReader / Various

Could there be a link between the Coronavirus and 5G? Researcher and building biologist Paul Doyon has just spent the last 18 months in China. He’s written a brilliant article laying out the evidence. And how you can protect yourself - an EMF based protection strategy.

This is a heavy science-based article with nearly 100 references to studies [see source article] - neither Paul or myself want to be accused of fear-mongering. My heart goes out to China and to all its people who have suffered so much due to this new “novel” Wuhan coronavirus outbreak (COVID-19).

Related: 5G Wireless Electromagnetic Radiation - The Largest Unethical Medical Experiment in History - Including Coronavirus Aspect

However, as someone who had become very sick and had his immune system break down and was sick for six months looking for answers before even suspecting that living in close vicinity to several cell phone towers was actually what was causing the problem and making him sick - I feel I cannot in good conscience remain silent, and I strongly suspect that China and the rest of the world are looking under the wrong stone for what is actually the problem here.

At the moment, with 10,000 recently installed 5G antennas plastering its city, Wuhan is probably one of the most 5G-electro-polluted cities on the planet.

Electrosmog Warnings from Scientists for Over 40 Years
Respected scientists, researchers, doctors, and activists have been - for over forty years - warning us about the dangers of wireless radiation and electromagnetic fields.

In 1977, the reporter Paul Brodeur published a book called The Zapping of America; in 1985, the late Dr. Robert O. Becker (twice nominated for the Nobel Prize in Medicine for his work on cellular dedifferentiation and re-differentiation in the healing process) wrote The Body Electric, and later published Cross Currents: The Perils of Electropollution, The Promise of Electromedicine.

Related: Microwave EMF Science: Deliberate Claptrap Misinformation? + ElectroSensitivity - A Case Study

In 1990; in 1995 (and again later in 2007), B. Blake Levitt, author and researcher, published Electromagnetic Fields: A Consumer’s Guide to the Issues and How to Protect Ourselves.

Since then there have been a slew of other books and documentary movies put out on the subject. And the list goes on and on.
Dr. Leif Stafford, Swedish neuro-oncologist, has called this wireless rollout “the largest biological experiment ever.” 1
And Dr. Robert O. Becker wrote in 1985:

"The dangers of electropollution are real and well documented. It changes, often pathologically, every biological system [emphasis added].

What we don`t know is exactly how serious these changes are, for how many people. The longer we as a society, put off a search for that knowledge, the greater the damage is likely to be and the harder it will be to correct."

And finally, Dr. Martin Pall, PhD, and Professor Emeritus of Biochemistry and Basic Medical Sciences at Washington State University has stated recently that:

“Putting in tens of millions of 5G antennae without a single biological test of safety has got to be about the stupidest idea anyone has had in the history of the world.

What has not been apparent in the news reports is the fact that China in its rush to take the lead in the 5G race, had by the end of 2019 (and mostly within the last several months leading up to the COVID-19 outbreak) installed 130,000 5G antennas throughout the country, with at least 10,000 antennas installed in Wuhan alone.  
(As a comparison, the USA only has approximately 10,000 5G antennas presently installed throughout the whole country.)

Wuhan City, the capital of Hubei, is expected to have 10,000 5G base stations by the end of 2019…” 
According to previous reports, the three operators were expecting to operate nearly 130,000 5G base stations by the end of 2019."

At least 10,000 5G Antennas Installed in Wuhan Alone

Related: Can EMF Make Us More Susceptible To Coronavirus Infection? & FCC Chair Commits To Enhancing WiFi/5G During Pandemic Despite Warnings From Experts + The First Report Of 5G Injury & Health Advocate Urges Nelson City Council To Halt 5G Roll-Out

Wuhan: One of the Initial Cities Trialing 5G
In fact, Wuhan was one of the initial 16 cities selected to trial 5G back in 2018.
China Unicom will begin testing 5G network in 16 cities including Beijing, Tianjin, Qingdao, Hangzhou, Nanjing, Wuhan, Guiyang, Chengdu, Shenzhen, Fuzhou, Zhengzhou, and Shenyang.
China Mobile will conduct external field test and set up more than a hundred 5G base stations in each of the following five cities: Hangzhou, Shanghai, Guangzhou, Suzhou, and Wuhan. 34
From the article, “Wuhan 5G Industry Development: Five-Chain Coordination, Three-Wheel Drive,” (武汉5G产业发展:五链统筹 三轮驱动), (written in Chinese) published October 11th, 2019, it becomes clear that Wuhan was in a race with other Chinese cities to position itself at the forefront of 5G technology, and with approximately 10,000 5G antennas, is probably one of - if not the most - 5G-radiated city in China:

"At present, Wuhan is seizing major developmental opportunities in 5G commercialization, with the construction of a national first-class 5G network as a guide, with the development of a national first-class 5G industry as the main body….
…Wuhan City has fully implemented the “Wuhan 5G Base Station Planning and Construction Implementation Plan,” with an extraordinary policy effort, to guide and support basic telecommunications companies and China Tower Corporation to accelerate the construction of 5G networks.

This year and next, Wuhan will build more than 20,000 5G base stations
, form a 5G basic network with leading scale, first-class quality, and strong demonstration to ensure full coverage of the 5G network in the city and be at the leading level among similar cities in the country."

Finally, it was stated in an article titled “5G network coming to Wuhan,” (April 16, 2018), that “3,000 macro base stations and 27,000 micro base stations” would soon be constructed, and that by 2020, the “5G network will cover every corner of the city and be available at an affordable price.”

This means that there may in fact be a lot more than just 10,000 antennas in Wuhan, though 10,000 alone would make Wuhan one of the most 5G concentrated cities in the world.

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5G Systems Deployed in Hospitals
What is also concerning here is that China has, since about November of 2019, been installing 5G systems in its hospitals

Key Chinese hospitals, leading telecom carriers and Huawei Wednesday launched a project to establish standards for 5G-based networks in hospitals.” 

China released a pioneering standard for its 5G hospital networks, following a joint drafting and verification process between the medical and telecommunication industries.” 

5G Systems Installed at Wuhan Coronavirus Hospitals
And to seemingly add insult to injury here, Huawei was very quick to install 5G systems in the new coronavirus hospitals - Wuhan Volcan Mountain Hospital and Thunder Mountain Hospital - the two hospitals known for only being built in just over a week. 

The two articles cited here are ironically titled, (1) “Huawei installs 5G in China Hospital to fight Coronavirus,” and (2) “Huawei builds 5G in Wuhan Hospital, aims to indirectly fight the Coronavirus” as this might very well be the complete opposite of what they are indeed intending to do here.

There is also an interesting video on YouTube entitled “Chinese hospitals deploy robots to help medical staff fight coronavirus outbreak,” demonstrating this in action.

Video: How 5G Alters Blood Cell Permeability, Amplifying Coronavirus Fatalities

Related: Is 5G Safe or Dangerous? – Get the Facts


Chinese Telecoms Started Offering 5G Commercially in Nov, 2019
The Chinese telecom companies started to offer commercial 5G services to its customers on the first of November last year.
China’s three major wireless carriers - China Mobile, China Unicom , and China Telecom - will begin selling 5G services to consumers on Friday, November 1st in 50 major cities, including Beijing and Shanghai, said Chen Zhaoxiong, vice minister of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology on Thursday October 31st at a Beijing conference...

The Chinese government has made building 5G a national priority, clearing red tape and reducing costs so the three wireless providers introduce the new technology as swiftly as possible. 

They’ve made this a national priority. It’s part of the [Communist] Party‘s ability to show that it’s delivering the goods,
said Paul Triolo, head of geo-technology at the Eurasia Group consultancy.

And in the middle of the trade dispute and the actions against Huawei, it’s even more important for China to show that they are continuing to move forward despite all these challenges,
he added….

China’s central government wants 5G coverage extended to cover all of Beijing, Shanghai, Hangzhou and Guangzhou by the end of the year. The country’s largest carrier, China Mobile, which has 900 million cellphone subscribers, says it will be able to offer 5G services in more than 50 cities this year….

Approximately 13,000 5G base stations have been installed in Beijing, the communications administration said this week. About 10,000 are already operating. China already has a total of more than 80,000 5G macro base stations,typically cellular towers with antennas and other hardware that beam wireless signals over wide areas, government officials said. See this article on 5G towers.

They said China will end the year with about 130,000, while Bernstein Research estimates South Korea will be in second place with 75,000, followed by the U.S. with 10,000.

Piper Jaffray estimated that of the 600,000 5G base stations expected to be rolled out worldwide next year, half will be in China.
This basically means that China had suddenly turned on the 5G switch, just less than two months before the COVID-19 outbreak, suddenly blanketing many cities with this 5G wireless radiation. And as of this writing, South Korea’s numbers of COVID-19 cases are also starting to skyrocket. 

Related: UK moves to Drop Huawei as 5G Vendor, Citing China Coronavirus Transparency
As we can see from the above article, South Korea has the second highest number of 5G antennas with 75,000.That is a lot for a country its size. 

Is there a connection? I think there is with at present (Feb. 29, 2020) also the highest number of coronavirus cases (3150) and one of the highest number of death rates (17) outside of China.

Electromagnetic Fields (EMFs) and the Immune System
Wireless radiation from 1G to 5G have all emitted modulated “Radiofrequency (RF) electromagnetic fields (EMFs)” and there are literally thousands of studies showing biological effects from exposures to man-made electromagnetic waves, and out of these, hundreds showing biological effects on the immune system.

To give just one example, research by Kolomytseva, et al. (2002) described in the paper, Suppression of nonspecific resistance of the body under the effect of extremely high frequency electromagnetic radiation of low intensity, found that with whole-body exposure of healthy mice to low-intensity extremely-high-frequency electromagnetic radiation (EHF EMR, 42.0 GHz, 0.15 mW/cm2, 20 min daily)… phagocytic activity of peripheral blood neutrophils was suppressed by about 50% (p < 0.01 as compared with the sham-exposed control) in 2-3 h after the single exposure to EHF EMR and that this effect persisted for 1 day after the exposure, and then the phagocytic activity of neutrophils returned to the norm within 3 days.

And furthermore, a significant modification of the leukocyte blood profile in mice exposed to EHF EMR for 5 days was observed after the cessation of exposures: the number of leukocytes increased by 44% (p < 0.05 as compared with sham-exposed animals), mostly due to an increase in the lymphocyte content.

They concluded that, the results indicated that the whole-body exposure of healthy mice to low-intensity EHF EMR has a profound effect on the indices of nonspecific immunity.

Related: Experts Insist All Sources Of Wireless Radiation Be Classified Carcinogenic – Not “Possibly Carcinogenic”
In a paper (written by myself along with Prof. Olle Johansson of the Karolinska Institute) - which I believe offers the most solid hypothesis to date on the main mechanisms by which EMFs do in fact disable the immune system - a number of these related to immune system effects can be found listed in the citations.

Johansson (2012) further details, in Section 8 of the BioInitiative, “Evidence for EMF Effects on the Immune System,” numerous studies demonstrating those effects, especially with regards to how radiofrequency EMFs alter the immune system.
In the previously mentioned Aljazeera article, it is stated that a study published in the medical journal, The Lancet, on January 24th, found what it called a “cytokine storm” in infected patients who were severely ill. The condition is a severe immune reaction in which the body produces immune cells and proteins that can destroy other organs.
Hence, it should be noted here that there are, in fact, numerous research studies showing an EMF effect on cytokines: A PubMed search, for example, produced 119 search results.
Back in 1998, a biologist named Roger Coghill conducted an experiment where he “took white blood cells, known as lymphocytes, from a donor,” and kept them alive via the use of nutrients while exposing them to either cell phone radiation or the natural electromagnetic field of the human body. 
He discovered that of the immune cells exposed to cell phone radiation, only 13% remained undamaged and able to function properly; whereas, of cells exposed only to body’s natural electromagnetic field, 70% remained undamaged and able to function properly.

Naturally, while his research did provide insight, he was attacked and criticized by the wireless industry for being “unscientific.”

Related: The Urgency To Educate On The Dangers Of 5G Technology, Especially With Mothers & “With 5G, We Are Guinea Pigs” - Media Reports 5G Injuries From Swiss Experiments In Geneva
Dr. Robert O. Becker (1985) wrote of how the immune system is weakened by manmade electromagnetic fields via the induction of “subliminal stress”:
Initially, the stress activates the hormonal and/or immune systems to a higher than normal level, enabling the animal to escape danger and combat disease. If the stress continues, hormone levels and immune reactivity gradually decline to normal. If you stop your experiment at this point, you’re apparently justified in saying, “The animal has adapted; the stress is doing no harm.” 

Nevertheless, if the stressful conditions persist, hormone and immune levels decline further, well below normal. In medical terms, stress decompensation has set in, and now the animal is now more susceptible to other stressors, including malignant growth and infectious diseases.
One aspect of the syndrome was very puzzling. When undergoing these hormonal changes, an animal would normally be aware that its body was under attack, yet, as far as we could tell, the rabbits were not.

They showed no outward signs of fear, agitation, or illness. Most humans certainly wouldn’t be able to detect a 100-gauss magnetic field, at least not consciously. Only several years after Friedman’s work did anyone find out how this is happening.

In 1976 a group under J. J. Noval at the Naval Aerospace Medical Research Laboratory at Pensacola, Florida, found the slow response in rats from very weak electric fields, as low as five thousandths of a volt per centimeter.

They discovered that when such fields vibrated in the ELF range, the increased levels of the neurotransmitter acetylcholine in the brainstem, apparently in a way that activated a distress signal subliminally, without the animal’s becoming aware of it.

Related: The 5G Electromagnetic “Mad Zone” Poised To Self-Destruct: The 5G “Dementors” Meet The 4G “Zombie Apocalypse” & 5G Wireless: A Ridiculous Front For Global Control

The scariest part was that the fields Noval used were well within the background levels of a typical office, with its overhead lighting, typewriters, computers, and other equipment.

Workers in such an environment are exposed to electric fields between a hundredth and a tenth of a volt per centimeter and magnetic fields between a hundredth and a tenth of a gauss.

5G Is Much More Powerful and Dangerous Than Its Predecessors
The 5G rollout - either the trialing stage or implementation stage - has already started in most major developed countries of the world, with majority of the rest seemingly preparing for its debut.
The European Commission has asked each member state to select one city to be 5G-ready by 2020 as part of the EU’s 5G Action Plan for a Digital Single Market.

The European Commission has asked EU member countries to start trialing 5G in at least one city making it 5G ready by 2020 under its “5G Action Plan for a Digital Single Market.”

Belgium refused - even the trialing phase, not to mention the implementation phase - due to the higher radiation levels that the 5G would bring, which was way above what its radiation standards permitted.

Switzerland started with both trials and implementation, but put a halt to further rollout, due to all the complaints about the health effects it was getting.

Other countries seemingly just lowered their standards probably because they could not resist the next best thing to Ben & Jerry’s Chunky Monkey Ice Cream.

And the USA and China have seemingly been in a 5G race to blanket their countries in this 5G radiation (and most likely inadvertently the coronavirus), with China now seemingly winning on both those fronts.

Related: Why Vodafone’s Claims That 5G Is Safe Are Not Credible & Lawyer Presents Strong Case Against 5G

5G has been divided into low, mid, and high bandwidths. The low-to-mid-bandwidth frequencies “are contiguous and range from 600 MHz to 6 GHz,” 66 and have been used for 1G-4G for the past forty years. On the other hand, the higher-frequency millimeter wave bandwidths are new frequencies starting at approximately 24 GHz (in the US anyway) and have not been used for commercial cell phone service in in the USA until recently with the advent of these commercial 5G services.

For the most part, at present, most 5G is now in the low to mid bandwidth range, with limited high millimeter wave coverage, though that will probably change as the technology develops and is implemented.

Also, 5G technology is being implemented alongside with and piggybacking on already-in-place 4G technology. The 5G technology brings with it both larger macro-base stations and smaller micro-base stations installed between the larger macro-base stations.

And because these micro-base stations are often closer to people’s homes in residential areas, according to Building Biology Certified Electromagnetic Radiation Specialist (EMRS), Oram Miller,mwe are now measuring higher RF levels in client’s homes, especially in second story bedrooms, up to tens to hundreds of thousands of microWatts / meter squared (uW / m2) from these new antennas, whereas, the building biology profession and EMF experts around the world say 10 micro-Watts per meter squared or less is safe for sleeping areas (actually, 0.1 uW/m2 is our “No Anomaly” level for sleeping areas). 

Furthermore, as we have gone up the spectrum from 1G to 5G, with each new generation there has been increased modulation, and increased modulation means increased biological effects and biological harm for all life on this planet. 5G is no exception. 

Related: Advertising Watchdog Partially Upholds 5G Advertisement Claiming Wireless Tech Is Harmful & Wifi, 5G And EMF Pollution Can Cause Psychiatric Effects In Humans, Plus Spontaneous Abortions, Infertility And Cellular DNA Damage
All of these advanced technologies push more cell signals into the same airspace at faster speeds with far more modulation than current 4G cell technologies.
And this modulation of cell signals transmitted in the low and mid bands from new 5G and 4G LTE-Advanced small cell radios and antennas popping up everywhere probably accounts for the majority of people living near these antennas who report the onset of health symptoms not experienced previously.
Dr. Martin Pall, Ph.D. (Professor Emeritus of Biochemistry and Basic Medical Sciences, Washington State University), - who brought the world’s attention to the fact that EMFs cause biological harm via the opening up voltage-gated calcium channels (VGCC), allowing for excessive flow of calcium ions inside the cell and the prompting of nitric oxide (N.O.) production via the stimulation of the enzyme nitric oxide synthase to form a host of reactive oxygen species via downstream effects - has warned that the rollout of 5G will have massive deleterious effects on the world’s population, not to mention all life forms.

He believes that 5G will be much more dangerous for the following reasons:
1. The extraordinary high numbers of antennae that are planned.

2. The very high energy outputs which will be used to ensure penetration.

3. The extraordinary high pulsation levels.

4. The apparent high-level interactions of the 5G frequency on charged groups presumably including the voltage sensor charged groups. 

Related: What Parents Should Know About EMFs and WiFi & 5G Is An International Health Crisis In The Making
In a recent paper of his titled “Massive Predicted Effects of 5G,” (Dec. 17, 2019)  Pall states that “given the high pulsation level for 5G radiation, even short exposures may well produce severe biological effects,” not to mention the power densities of up to 30 times higher than previous systems of 1G to 4G and with penetration being enhanced via the magnetic component.

He is predicting that with the full-fledged turning on of 5G (versus just its trial phase, where there is little communication yet happening with the 5G), that we will be seeing:

1. Decreased human reproduction.

2. Lowered collective brain function.

3. Very early-onset Alzheimer’s.

4. Increased autism and ADHD.
5. Deterioration of the human gene pool.
6. Massive increases in cardiac arrests.

While following the rollout of 5G, he has tracked numerous signs of its biological effects.

Related: The 5G War - Technology Versus Humanity & Letter To The FCC From Dr. Yael Stein MD In Opposition To 5G Spectrum Frontiers

For example, he has outlined increases in neuropsychiatric effects, cardiac effects, and electromagnetic hypersensitivity, taken from Swiss online articles, as what we are already starting to see with the advent of this technology:

Increases in insomnia, tinnitus, headaches, inability to concentrate, and fatigue.

Increases in electromagnetic hypersensitivity (EHS).

Increases in cardiac arrhythmias.
He reports that while these effects had been reported before with occupational exposure studies and smart meter studies,
the effects appear to be much more severe following [the rollout of] 5G” with “even more severe apparent [yet to be published] 5G neuropsychiatric effects [appearing] in Southern California, with their own recent massive rollout of 5G.
Furthermore, he states that:

We have every reason to believe that any full-fledged 5G system, communicating with the ‘internet of things (IoT)’ will produce still vastly greater effects than any of these initial findings.” 

This might very well be what we are seeing in the city of Wenzhou City, Zhejiang Province, in China - which has already implemented this technology along with the 5G - with extraordinary high rates of the coronavirus, and who knows what other increases in health effects (e.g. increases in heart problems, blindness, electromagnetic hypersensitivity, etc.) there have been that have not been made public.

He goes onto further outline - in correlation with 5G testing - UK 5G ambulance service suicides, cases of panic in cattle in the Netherlands, and bizarre, aggressive behavior in cattle and sheep in Germany, birth defects in Germany and France, and hundreds of birds dropping from the sky due to sudden cardiac arrest during three days of 5G testing in a park near Rotterdam, and the list goes on and on to also include insect death and increases in fires in South Korea.


China is a great country with an amazing populace who have made astounding advancements creating a very sophisticated modern country in the last ten years, surpassing many other modern countries in many ways.

However, given the facts that:
1. We have real data that shows indeed that wireless radiation impacts the immune system;

2. We have numerous patients outside of the 5G zone showing no or only mild symptoms,

3. There have recently been 10,000 5G antennas installed and turned on in Wuhan, not to mention 130,000 5G antennas installed throughout greater China;

4. There have recently been 5G systems installed in numerous hospitals in China, not to mention the new COVID-19 hospitals;

5. We are seeing higher numbers of COVID-19 infections in places like Hangzhou and Wenzhou, not to mention South Korea, etc. where they have also recently installed numerous 5G antennas; and

6. There has been no testing done to find out the biological implications of exposing life forms to this radiation;

We can conclude that the real problem here may very well in fact be with the 5G electromagnetic radiation weakening people’s immune systems, not to mention possibly making the virus itself more virulent. 
And if this is true and if China does not change course, 5G might very well become its - and the rest of the world’s - Titanic with the COVID-19 (and others like it) its icebergs.
Maybe this is what people really need to start worrying about and perhaps it is time for the Chinese government, as well as governments throughout the world to seriously investigate and address 5G possible health effects and put a halt to the premature rollout of 5G technology until they can prove that it is safe (which I doubt they can) and until, safer alternatives can be developed.

Related: 5G Wireless Technology Is War against Humanity & 5G – The Global Human Experiment Without Consent

The government in Belgium never implemented it and there was talk of the government of Switzerland putting a halt on the 5G rollout, but they now seem to be going ahead with it. 

 And it seems like, unless people wake up to this, China will certainly be following a similar path.

I am sorry to have to rain on your electromagnetic parade here, but it might actually very well be your 5G that is contributing to making everybody sick.
The only people angry at you for speaking the Truth, are those living a lie. Keep on speaking it.”

- Unknown

All truth passes through three stages: First, it is ridiculed. Second, it is violently opposed. Third, it is accepted as self-evident.

- Arthur Schopenhauer

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Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi

Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi
The Superiority Of Multipolar World Order Is Now Undeniable
May 21 2023 | From: Geopolitics / Various

We’ve been told that there must only be a singular force that will guide and set humanity’s path towards the future, or we all perish.

The concept of exceptionalism, in parallel with unregulated monopoly, has run its natural course and look how backward we still are.

Related: Understand the Philippines, and You Understand the New Multipolar World Order

In contrast, the rapid expansion of railway transport systems across Eurasia has significantly changed the tribal mindset of the population there, so much so that they are now looking up to how and what products they could sell the global market with, rather than be forever stuck in the limited potential of their own domestic patrons.

The free access to information, and the free flowing conversation in social networks, have brought down the exceptionalist narrative that “white is good and colored is bad.”

Now, the Western population is beginning to appreciate the different cultures in Asia and realize how much they all share the same aspirations and dreams for a better world.

Those same aspirations that run counter to their own governments’ foreign and domestic policies.

No One Trusts the US Government, Not Even the American People

By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts | Global Research, February 24, 2019

Atlantic Bridge, a German front organization set up by Washington to propagandize Germans to serve Washington, has failed in the job. 

The latest survey conducted by the front group shows that 85% of Germans are alienated from the US.  The front group’s chairman acknowledged “the great lost of trust in the United States.” 

By a margin of two to one, Germans see China as a more reliable partner for Germany than the US.

Americans have come to the same conclusion about the US government as have Germans.  The latest Gallup Poll reveals that Americans regard America’s top problem to be the US government. 

Twice as many respondents regard the US government to be the top problem than regard immigration, and Americans see Washington to be six times the problem that health care is.

As many have concluded, the United States is not a democracy. It is an oligarchy ruled by monied private interest groups(See this)

There has clearly been a revolution in America.  An aristocracy has overthrown the people. Democracy is dead.  We live in the Oligarchy United Against the People.”

This article was originally published on the author’s blog site: Paul Craig Roberts Institute for Political Economy.

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The deteriorating influence of Western diplomacy is not being observed only in countries like Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya, and other countries in the Middle East that were all recipients of the “War of Terror,” but also in India and Pakistan, two neighbors that are being pushed to war once again by the merchants of death solely for profit in arms sales and subsequent exploitation of their natural resources, because 50 tons of Syrian gold is simply not enough.

Russia Officially Returns to South Asia by Offering to Host Indo-Pak Peace Talks

By Andrew Korybko | Global Research, March 01, 2019

Russia’s 21st-century grand strategy of becoming the supreme “balancing” force in Afro-Eurasia is one major step closer to fruition after Foreign Minister Lavrov offered to host peace talks between India and Pakistan, proving that Russia’s refusal to take sides between its decades-long and newfound partners is part and parcel of President Putin’s pragmatic approach to regional affairs.

Russian Foreign Minister Lavrov sent shockwaves through South Asia on Thursday by announcing his country’s intent to host peace talks between India and Pakistan if they wish for it to do so, thereby heralding Russia’s return to the region and putting it one major step closer towards fulfilling its 21st-century grand strategy of becoming the supreme “balancing” force in Afro-Eurasia…

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All told, it’s nothing short of a game-changing geopolitical development that Russia would offer to host peace talks between India and Pakistan because it proves just how wildly successful President Putin’s “balancing” strategy has been thus far, considering how confident Moscow is that it can constructively apply this model to the two nuclear-armed Great Powers in South Asia.

Russia has truly returned to the region and is poised to play an even larger role in it over the coming years, which will enable Moscow to more assertively counter the US’ plans to destabilize South Asia and therefore ensure the success of the emerging Multipolar World Order."

This article was originally published on Eurasia Future.

Andrew Korybko is an American Moscow-based political analyst specializing in the relationship between the US strategy in Afro-Eurasia, China’s One Belt One Road global vision of New Silk Road connectivity, and Hybrid Warfare.

It’s no wonder that the Foreign Minister of Venezuela, Jorge Arreaza has been using the UN platform to voice the truth on the ground and destroy the black propaganda coming from the Western media.

The UN General Assembly itself is now headed by a reformist.

Hailed as the “best Prime Minister for 30 years” by his own people, Portuguese UN Sec. Gen. Antonio Guterres made it a point early on to “Let us resolve to put peace first,” in 2017.

Related: Understanding Trump’s United Nations Appearance – He Was Speaking To America, Scorning The Cabal Servants In The Room

Guterres was elected to the position at “the first time candidates for Secretary-General had to present their platform in public hearings in the UN General Assembly, a process during which Guterres emerged as a much stronger candidate than had been initially expected, given that he fit the bill on neither the gender nor the geographic scores.”

The prevailing pragmatic mindset in the US leadership is working positively for Venezuela…

Venezuela’s Foreign Minister Arreaza Holds UN Marathon for Peace: Usurper Guaido Urges Military Intervention and War

By Carla Stea Global Research, March 01, 2019

In a herculean effort to prevent war, and protect the integrity of his country, Venezuelan Foreign Minister Jorge Arreaza held a breathtaking schedule of events at the United Nations, including a meeting with the Secretary-General, consultations with the envoys of 60 member states supporting Venezuela’s sovereignty,  a press conference the evening of February 22, speaking at a Security Council meeting February 26,  and presenting an address at the UN Human Rights Council in Geneva on February 27.

Arreaza’s encyclopedic knowledge of history is one of his powerful assets, as he patiently clarified to reporters, at last Friday’s press conference, the reality of US instigated economic warfare underlying Venezuela’s current crisis. 

At one bizarre moment, a European reporter, asked, Mussolini-style, about a report that Venezuelan armed forces shot an unarmed indigenous person, and compared the incident to “what happened in China.” Arreaza asked whether the reporter had seen the incident, and, evading Arreaza’s question the reporter continued: 

“Is your government giving specific orders to shoot unarmed people, and what will happen to those who refuse to comply with these orders?” 

The stupefying question, less a query, and more unsubstantiated innuendo, was asked with such arrogance and grandiosity that Arreaza, fully aware of the insinuation intended, replied:

“Your question is full of venom and very poisonous. The army of Bolivar has never had orders to fire on the civilian population, and you should be the first to assess the reliability of false ‘reports,’ and false flag operations. It is your responsibility as a reporter to be smart, astute, and delve into the truth, and recognize propaganda.”

What was unmistakable, throughout last week, and at yesterday’s Security Council meeting, is Arreaza’s passionate effort to prevent the bloodbath of military confrontation, reiterating the historic context of the Venezuelan crisis to reporters and diplomats who may have a stunted recognition of  the barbarous – but often ingenious – methods used by Washington to impose domination and de facto slavery on nations in Latin America. 

Related: CBS Reporter Calls Mainstream Press ‘Political Activists,’ ‘Propagandists’ + Max Blumental Proves
Western Media A Propagandist For War Criminals

Theirs is virtually a scientific formula – economic destabilization, a relentless media disinformation campaign, and if the current target – in this case Venezuela – does not submit to domination, ultimately military force will be decisive in inflicting regime change, installing a docile, subservient puppet.  The horrific example of the overthrow of Allende in Chile is merely one example.

… The Wall Street Journal on February 25, 2019 headlined: “Maduro’s Opposition Urges Military Force in Venezuela,” making inescapable that the Venezuelan opposition is either lobotomized, or heedless of the bloodbath military action will culminate in.  The New York Times on February 25, page 4, has a large photograph of “innocent, unarmed” protesters preparing Molotov cocktails on Sunday along the Venezuela-Colombia border.

The Security Council meeting Monday, February 25, was preceded by an asinine lineup of eight members of the European Union, demanding that Venezuela immediately call elections. 

Evidently ignorant of the fact that former U.S. President Jimmy Carter characterized the Venezuelan electoral process as “one of the best in the world,” and the US electoral process as “one of the worst,”  these European proxies were better suited to comic parody in a Mozart opera than to intervention in matters of war and peace. 

And, of course, who is to determine that, even if new elections are called, they will be either free or fair.  Obviously, the result will be as Washington directs its European colonies to approve.

It would not be possible to avoid reference to Marco Rubio’s gruesome tweet, threatening Maduro, and not incidentally Kim Jong Un, with hideous death by torture, including sodomization with bayonets before his murder. 

These horrific actions were committed by those “vulnerable, peaceful Libyans” for whom the UN Security Council, enacting Resolution 1973 and “Responsibity to Protect,” in the unforgettable words of Indian Ambassador Puri, were authorized to “bomb the hell out of Libya.” 

Related: Clinton’s Leaked Emails Confirm Libya Plunder By Killing Qaddafi + Libya: From Africa’s Richest State Under Gaddafi, To Failed State After NATO Intervention

It is very likely that the Venezuelan opposition, especially those thugs,  photographed by The New York Times on February 23 preparing Molotov cocktails, are the same breed as those Libyan monsters who, among other tortures, sodomized President Khadaffi with a bayonet before murdering him. 

No doubt Kim Jong Un will duly note this threat, and perhaps Maduro will ponder Khadafi’s mistake in surrendering his nuclear program.

Today’s Security Council meeting, with the failure of both the US and Russian drafts, included Elliot Abrams regurgitating the same dangerous and deadly platitudes as always. The double veto of the US draft, by both China and Russia, saved the Security Council from endorsing another catastrophic military intervention."

Carla Stea is Global Research’s correspondent at United Nations Headquarters, New York, N.Y.

All of the above are reasons to be hopeful about our shared future.

This planet is not losing all its Good Men yet. But we have to do our part to appreciate what they’ve done so far, and to continue exposing the Deep State high crimes everywhere, so we can proactively prevent new ones from occurring.

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Bio-Resonant Therapy And Telecommunication Frequencies
May 20 2023 | From: ThomasKramer / Various

This paper is meant to be a layman’s understanding of “frequencies” and how they can be beneficial or harmful to humans and all other living things.

It is a little bit technical but this is necessary for understanding of how the pieces fit together.

Related: Are There Patents To Manipulate The Human Nervous System Using Electromagnetic Frequencies?

This is basically showing how the Bio-Resonance Resonance Therapies and telecommunication broadcasts work to influence healing or to intentionally create “dis-ease”.

A Little History

“In the Beginning was the Word"... a frequency vibration.

All of Creation is frequency based. Everything vibrates to its own unique drummer.

There are 9 fundamental frequencies in our universe.

74Hz 285Hz 396Hz 417Hz 528Hz 639Hz 741Hz 852Hz 936Hz

These are based on the Solfaggio scale and the numbers 3, 6 and 9.

528 Hz is the only frequency that corresponds to both a sound and the color green.

Together these audible frequencies form a perfect circle.

What is a Frequency?

It is the length of a wave over a period of time, most commonly viewed as the length of a sine wave from peak to peak measured in meters (or cm, mm, etc.) or in Hertz (Hz (m), KiloHz(cm), MegaHz (mm), GigaHz, TeraHz, etc. as the wave spacing becomes progressively shorter) as a number of cycles per second.

Related: Microwave EMF Science: Deliberate Claptrap Misinformation? + ElectroSensitivity - A Case Study

1 Hz = 29,979,245.8 meter wave length

Human brain waves are in ELF frequencies of 1 -20+ Hz

Human audible range is 20 Hz to 20 KHz

Test Yourself: 20Hz to 20kHz (Human Audio Spectrum)

Radio. TV, Radar, Telecoms are in KHz – THz bands

TeraHz frequencies are infrared (cooking) bands

Most people think that frequency vibrations are sinusoidal waves, but the correct visualization is more like a slinky toy spring and anybody who studies radio waves or radar will tell you that there are “side bands” that can be tapped into like at 90°, 180° or 270° and other degrees.

This means that the wave form is actual a “spiral”. More on this later.


“The frequencies of the various harmonics are multiples of the frequency of the first harmonic. Each harmonic frequency (fn) is given by the equation fn = n • f1 where n is the harmonic number and f1 is the frequency of the first harmonic.”
- Wikipewia

Simply, the frequency note you start with times a whole number will give you the harmonic of that note.

This is used in music in “three part harmonies” to make some beautiful music and vocals, but in radio / TV transmission “harmonic interference” is why there are gaps between broadcasting frequencies from channel to channel and this appears as “static noise” which is a “dis-harmony”.

432Hz & 440 Hz:

There is also an on-going debate as to how to base tune instruments to either the natural 432 Hz or the 440 Hz frequency that was established as the “international standard” in 1939 by the Rockefeller Group (that should make you wonder “why?”).

Using cymatic technology or simply placing a metal plate on top of a speaker and sprinkling sand on it and then tuning to both of these frequencies, you can easily SEE which frequency creates more harmonious shapes (432 Hz) and thus feels better to listen to.

All living cells, individually and in groupings, all vibrate in harmony with each other in a healthy entity. When there is “dis-harmony” (440 Hz) there evolves “Dis-ease”.

Water which makes up 87% of our bodies also reacts negatively to 440 Hz but very positively to other harmonious scale tuned notes that form beautiful patterns in the body when played.

The 11th Harmonic

The 11th harmonic of 48 Hz (11 times 48 = 528 Hz) but when played together is known to shatter all biological life!

If you don’t believe me, just listen to this.

I told you so... but you did it anyway.

The importance of this knowledge is that once you know the frequency of a pathogen, virus, bacteria, fungi or other specific harmful invader, you can use the 11th harmonic to kill it. This also applies to cancer cells and other tissues that are not operating at their normal frequencies.

And the good news is that in the past few decades, scientists have successfully mapped out millions of these cellular frequencies and are developing Bio-Resonance Therapy devices to counteract the dis-eases and dis-harmonies encountered.

528 Hz + 741 Hz

There are 9 Prime Frequencies in nature that when played in sequence create a perfect circle. These Prime Frequencies are:

174Hz, 285Hz, 396Hz, 417Hz, 528Hz, 639Hz, 741Hz, 852Hz, 963Hz

And the harmonies of these repeat throughout nature.

It should also be noted that the combination of the two prime frequencies of 528 Hz plus 741 Hz also creates dis-harmonies and can be extremely harmful to all life.

Played separately they are beneficial but together or hidden as a “side band” frequency on a “carrier wave” being broadcast, they can be very harmful.

Related: New Study: 528Hz Sound "Miraculously" Cleaned Oil Polluted Water In The Gulf Of Mexico

Simply, be aware when you hear things that are “OUT OF TUNE” or with a lot of “static”.

This is how THEY have weaponized frequencies that can cause fear, anger, confusion, lethargy, psychotic seizures and even heart attacks and death.

What may be more disturbing is that modern telecommunication cell towers use “
signal triangulation” to pinpoint your location down to 1-foot and then use extremely directional beam forming technology to target you wherever you are.

Add sideband harmful frequencies and THEY have the ultimate silent killer.

This is a wake-up call. Take heed and understand.

The Bio-Resonance Therapy Healing Computer – Counter Strike

The BRT Healing Computer is a highly precise frequency scanner and transmitter generator that first identifies “dis-harmonies” or frequencies that cause “dis-ease” and then automatically generates frequencies that nullify the “dis-harmonies” by using jamming techniques like the 11th harmonics or amplitude increases (essentially increase the volume) of the correct frequencies to bring cell functions back into harmony.

A healing session begins with a full body frequency scan of all the organs, chakras and aura.

This results in a comprehensive diagnostic report that details the baseline conditions prior to treatment. Based on the scan results, the computer algorithms then program a series of specific treatment frequencies transmitted into the body to treat the specific problem areas.

Related: Introduction / Overview: The ‘Healing Computer’ Technology

Typically the treatment frequencies also include frequency ranges that stimulate immune systems, as well as, frequencies that attack common known pathogens.

This healing session takes 15-20 minutes only per session and is followed by another full body scan which is then compared to the initial scan together with the detailed diagnostic results.

Fifth Generation Telecommunication (G5) Frequencies and Health

Currently there are very serious debates going on concerning the roll-out of advanced high-speed telecommunication networks and their health effects. This is addressed in this section but first some fundamental understandings.

Firstly, 1G, 2G, 3G, 4G, 5G, 6G all refer to a technical generation and not to a specific frequency but usually to frequency bandwidths that telecommunication transmitters and receivers function. Generally the shorter the wave length, the closer you can tune transmitter/receivers and the more bandwidth that can be dedicated to the data that you can transmit.

But there is an inherent problem with higher frequencies called “attenuation” or the rate of “absorption” in the atmosphere and in any objects in the way of the transmitting frequency beam. This means that cell towers for 5G or 6G have to be very close together as trees, buildings, rain or fog and anything solid like human beings tend to absorb the signals.

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Water (H2O) and Oxygen (O2) are the primary factors in all life forms on the surface of the Earth. Any alteration to their vibration frequencies and harmonics thereof, will have potentially serious effects on all life, particularly if specific frequencies effect in their bonding capabilities.

Dr. Andrija (Henry) Puharich

Dr. Puharich is an unsung hero in the frequency field. After WWII he went back to college and got his doctorate and then developed and patented a device that delivered sound waves direct to the skull of deaf individuals that allowed them to hear again.

This caught the eyes of the CIA, DOD and other Agencies that were interested in the effects of “radiation” (atomic fallout), so they grabbed him and set him up with his own private lab. This resulted in a number of important inventions and over 50 patents, but what is interesting here is his work with WATER DISSOCIATION (splitting water into Hydrogen and Oxygen).

Dr. Puharich’s patent U.S. Patent 4,394,230 in 1983 for a "Method and Apparatus for Splitting Water Molecules" which he developed and practically tested in his RV in the early 1970’s. This patent is a wellspring of technical information concerning frequencies that can cause water bonding to function various ways.

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Summarizing what Dr. Puharich did in order to split water began with his frequency generator that he set to attenuate (turn on and off) at a ramping up to full-on then down to full-off every 3 seconds.

This is like turning the volume to maximum and then off repeatedly. This caused pulsing of the atomic nucleus of both Hydrogen and Oxygen resulting in an expansion and contraction of both fields.

He then generated specific frequencies that affected the Hydrogen-Oxygen bonds. This is seen in these diagrams and accompanying frequencies below.

160 mm = 1.87 GHz 220 mm = 1.36 GHz

290 mm = 1.03 GHz 80 mm = 3.74 GHz

1200mm = 0.25 GHz 1750mm = 0.71 GHz 3000mm = 0.09 GHz

These frequencies and their harmonics cause the Hydrogen-Oxygen bonds to stretch, pull apart, come closer together, twist and even create an umbrella effect and the nuclear ballooning pulse adds to the eventual dissociation splitting of the water molecules.

What do you think would happen if you added an 11th harmonic as a sideband? Splitting water inside a body would be no fun. Notice that these are all in the low GigaHz transmission range and are very close to the microwave oven frequency of 2.45 GHz that rapidly heats water and causes a reverse atomic flipping.

This is another harmful frequency to avoid unless you like being cooked. Then you can add 443.9MHz, 5.8 GHz, 34.125 GHz and commercial oven frequencies of 915 MHz to the list of frequencies that cause dielectric polar heating of water.

And now you should begin to understand that there are plenty of ways to cook humans at a distance.
Or any other life forms.

Microwave Ovens and WiFi Controversy

Microwave ovens operate at a variety of bandwidths peaking around 2.450 GHz. This frequency range causes “polarized” molecules to “flip” and align with the peak or trough of this wave form.

It is this rapid flipping that essentially results in friction and heat. This is basically the same as rapidly bending a wire till it heats up and breaks.

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WATER being a polarized molecule is the principle molecule that does this flipping but it is not the only bipolar molecules that polar flip and thus heat up at this and nearby frequencies. The important understanding here is that this happens in a broader band around the 2.45 GHz.

This graph shows how the absorption levels ramp up around the microwave oven set bandwidth.

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These graphs show 4 different microwave ovens from the same manufacturer and model but having significant variations in magnetron emissions.

This is normal and is caused by a number of factors including slight variances in manufacturing tolerances, voltage or wattage output changes, and so on.

Typically microwave ovens operate at
600-1200 Watts but these frequencies are confined inside a steel box and are tested to see if no more than 5 milliwatts can be detected only 2 inches from the oven to prevent any serious harm to anyone nearby.

5G WiFi routers in your home operate at 0.1 – 40 Watts using omni-directional transmitters also in the 2.4 GHz bandwidth... but without shielding. Most WiFi routers operate in the milliwatt output ranges unless a larger range is required.

Also, since this is a narrow operating bandwidth, there is often “interference” between nearby routers causing potential “disharmonies” and “dis-ease”.

Generally any transmitters operating in the 2.4 GHz bandwidth can be dangerous, even at very low wattages. The atomic “flipping” of bi-polar molecules will occur in this range. And YOUR DNA is a di-pole antenna array. Understand? This can cause DNA damage.

High Band Transmitters (20 GHz to 300 GHz)

This is where things get real nasty. Take a close look at the “absorption rates” of microwave frequencies in this range for WATER AND OXYGEN.

Related: Do You Really Understand The Health Risks From Microwave Technology? + The Health Effects Of Microwave Radiation Spelled Out

Note the clear ramping up and down of these peaks.

What is important to SEE is that this “absorption” occurs over a broad frequency range and Oxygen alone or in H2O is energetically altered as a result of this electromagnetic broadcasted stimulation.

This is different than the 2.45 GHz flipping that changes the spin structure of water as it is more like an atom expansion. This is akin to blowing up a balloon and then trying to fit it back through a small hole that the empty balloon could fit through.

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Note how the absorption (attenuation) steadily climbs in this frequency range with Oxygen peaking at nearly 100% at 60 GHz and again at 40% at 118 GHz and Water following and peaking at near 100% at 183 GHz.

Actually you have consider the full ranges of ramping up and down as this is where frequency absorption is the greatest and presents the biggest threat to life. Looking at the graphs again you can see that the dangerous bands are in the 40 GHz-80 GHz and 100 GHz – 200+ GHz bandwidths.

The reasons that telecommunication companies want to use this High Band technology is:

1. It allows for broader bandwidth transmissions which increases data rates and

2. Decreases harmonic interference and

3. Allows for precise directional targeting of microwaves to pinpoint individual users

4. By using advanced triangulation and beam forming technologies

Simply put, it allows them to track you and send a high frequency microwave beam directly at YOU.

This all sounds great in that you will get higher speeds for down loading games or watching movies, but there is a very dangerous downside that THEY DO NOT TELL YOU ABOUT.

Watch this: 5G Dangers & Reality: Beamforming & Triangulation. Water Molecules & Microwave

Mentioned above were discussions about “harmful harmonics”, “side bands” and “amplitude modulation” (pulsing every 3 seconds) and these open the door to potential ABUSE when using High Band microwaves, especially at frequencies that are absorbed by WATER or OXYGEN.

Related: Know The Truth About Electro Magnetic Frequencies - What The Authorities Don't Tell You

Take for example the known Oxygen maximum absorption being at 60 GHz. Is that not the same as the 2nd harmonic of 30 GHz, or 10th harmonic of 6 GHz, or 20th harmonic of 3 GHz????? So broadcast frequencies can be different and achieve the same results.

And a similar effect can also be achieved at 50 GHz, or 72 GHz, or almost any frequency in the primary absorption ranges. It is not just one single bad frequency or harmonic thereof. There are “MANY” to chose from that will achieve the same results.

And What is the Result of 60 GHz Transmissions?

The result is that Oxygen in the air and in Water becomes more energized and simply swells up like a balloon making it less reactive in a normal way with the iron carrier in the hemoglobin in the blood cells throughout the blood stream. With no Oxygen being absorbed by the blood YOU DIE.

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And the hardest places hit with the recent pandemic/scamdemic were those areas where advanced G5 transmission towers were installed and TURNED ON. Is this a coincidence?

Now a Look at Our Future

The Federal Communications Commission (FCC) is paving the way for 6G and beyond.

“On Friday [3 April 2020], the agency unanimously voted to open up “terahertz wave” spectrum that could one day be used for 6G services. The spectrum, which falls in the 95 gigahertz (GHz) to 3 terahertz (THz) range, will be open for experimental use to let engineers dreaming of the next generation of wireless begin their work.

The spectrum, once thought of as useless, could offer super high speed internet service for data intensive applications, such as super high resolution imaging and sensing applications.

Related: The A=432 Hz Frequency: DNA Tuning And The Bastardisation Of Music

But this spectrum isn’t without its challenges. Like millimeter waves, which are used for 5G, this terahertz spectrum has propagation characteristics that require very short transmission distances and line-of-sight transmission.

This means signals won’t be able to penetrate obstacles, like walls, and would be subject to interference from things like trees or changes in weather [or living human beings].

FCC Commissioner Jessica Rosenworcel said, “there is something undeniably cool about putting these stratospheric frequencies to use and converting their propagation challenges into opportunity.”

FCC gives access to 5.9GHz spectrum for rural wireless broadband amid coronavirus pandemic.”

Isn’t the 10th harmonic of 5.9 GHz equal to 59 GHz? That is in the peak range for Oxygen absorption, so it looks like the FCC is intent to cover “rural” farmers in Oxygen deprivation too. How nice.

Now take a look at this frequency graph, particularly in the 100 GHz to 95 THz range.

Related: Los Alamos Research Explains How 5G Terahertz Waves Tear Apart DNA & Why We Must Stop The 5G Wireless Network

Almost the entire sub-millimeter range has HUGE WATER frequency absorption rates and that continues into the infrared mid-range (infrared frequencies are what we use in electric stoves, ovens and heaters and is the prime bandwidth for solar radiation).

So the FCC has happily done a “cool” thing by opening up frequencies that cook the water in your body and then put you on a heater. How can that be “cool”?

By now you should have a basic understanding of how telecommunication systems work and can easily be abused. The question now is “how do we ensure these systems are NOT ABUSED?”

It should be apparent to YOU by now that we need to have safeguards in place to protect all life on Mother Earth. We simply cannot allow the use of specific frequencies that are obviously harmful to all life to be transmitted.

Life has been under intentional attack by those (like those in the FCC) whose intent or directed actions all lead to depopulation, disharmony and dis-eases.


Here are some fundamental solutions that should be considered. Add your own too.

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1. Frequency Test Every Transmitting Equipment and Certify Prior to Installation

Frequency testing is easily done with automatic frequency scanners and this can cover the carrier frequencies, harmonious and sideband frequencies which can automatically identify harmful or abusive frequencies.

2. Test Every Operating Program Before Certification

Harmful frequencies can easily be hidden in computer software coding. Transparency and cooperation with manufacturers and their programmers is thus mandatory.

3. Make All Transmission Equipment Manufacturers, Installers and Operators Fully Liable

Full legal liability is a primary deterrent if applied to companies and their shareholders, management and employees if any harm does occur.


Spread this knowledge to others and actively protest until real public safeguards are in place and properly independently monitored. The telecommunication industry will not comply unless broadly and publicly exposed, so do your part.

It has been the Elite’s stated objective to decimate global populations thus it is critically important to remove one of their most secretive and potentially harmful weapons against all humanity, as well as, all life on this planet.

Please awaken to this reality and know that you may already be microwave beam targeted wherever you go.


The Beach Boys got it right over 50 years ago. Our turn now.

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The Power Of Words And Why Words Can Manifest Life
May 19 2023 | From: EsotericKnowledge / Various

To innerstand how powerful words are, we need to know what the term word means on an esoteric and spiritual level. Before we explore its esoteric and spiritual meaning, it is important that we study its common definitions and investigate other words related to it.)

The term word is defined by TheFreeDictionary.com as, "A sound or a combination of sounds, or its representation in writing or printing, that symbolizes and communicates a meaning and may consist of a single morpheme or of a combination of morphemes."

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According to OxfordDictionaries.com, the term word means, "A single distinct meaningful element of speech or writing, used with others (or sometimes alone) to form a sentence and typically shown with a space on either side when written or printed." When you think about it, words are symbols that transmit information.

"In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God." (John 1:1 (KJV))

The Word was in the beginning because the Word was the Spiritual Seed, also known as the Source. The evidence that words are "seeds" can be found in the Bible verse Luke 8:11 (NKJV): "Now the parable is this: The seed is the word of God."

A seed (word) is a nucleus of a thing or being, and therefore is the beginning or source of that thing or being. Hence, the biblical saying, "In the beginning was the Word."

Within the Word or Spiritual Seed is the source of vibration. The word vibration is phonetically "verbration." Vibration allows the creation of sacred geometry, one of the foundations of the universe.

The word verb in "verbration"/vibration comes from Latin verbum which means "word" in English. Verb is defined by Dictionary.com as, "any member of a class of words that function as the main elements of predicates, that typically express action, state, or a relation between two things, and that may be inflected for tense, aspect, voice, mood, and to show agreement with their subject or object." (Bold emphasis added)

It is important to know that verbs express actions which rely on verbration/vibration to act. In other words, the verbal word created vibration. This verbration/vibration allows the creation of motion and light.

"Then God said, "Let there be light"; and there was light." (Genesis 1:3)

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Light is also known as photon. In physics, a photon is usually indicated by the symbol γ (gamma). The uppercase of γ (gamma) is this Greek symbol Γ.

The Greek symbol gamma has a strong connection to the English word grammar. According to EtymOnline.com, gamma (the third letter of the Greek alphabet) comes from Phoenician gimel (gimmel) which is the origin of the English letters C and G. Keep in mind that the first letter of the English word grammar is G/g.

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The letter G is also the first letter of the word God. Many esoteric, occult, and religious teachings have said that God is Light! Remember, light is also known as photon and the symbol for photon is γ (gamma).

A term that has a strong connection to the word photon is gamma ray. Dictionary.com defines the term gamma ray as, "a photon of penetrating electromagnetic radiation (gamma radiation) emitted from an atomic nucleus." (Bold emphases added)

Remember, the Greek word gamma has a strong connection to the English word grammar. According to Dictionary.com, grammar means "the study of the way the sentences of a language are constructed; morphology and syntax." In simple terms, it is the study of how words are put together in order to make sentences to express thought.

"Grammar is the art of inventing symbols and combining them to express thought; logic is the art of thinking; and rhetoric is the art of communicating thought from one mind to another; the adaptation of language to circumstance."

- Source

One of the origins of the word grammar is the Old French word gramaire. As described on EtymOnline.com:

"Late 14c., “Latin grammar, rules of Latin,” from Old French gramaire “grammar; learning,” especially Latin and philology, also “(magic) incantation, spells, mumbo-jumbo” (12c., Modern French grammaire), an “irregular semi-popular adoption” [OED] of Latin grammatica “grammar, philology,” perhaps via an unrecorded Medieval Latin form *grammaria.

The classical Latin word is from Greek grammatike (tekhne) "(art) of letters," referring both to philology and to literature in the broadest sense, fem. of grammatikos (adj.) "pertaining to or versed in letters or learning," from gramma "letter" (see -gram). An Old English gloss of it was stæfcræft (see staff (n.))."
[Bold emphasis added]

The Old French word gramaire has a strong connection to the English word grimoire. Dictionary.com defines grimoire using these exact words: "a manual of magic or witchcraft used by witches and sorcerers." (Bold emphasis added)

To innerstand what words are on a deeper level, we need to investigate the Greek word λόγος (logos). Many people pronounce it as "low goes," however, many linguists pronounce it as "law gahs."

Related: Lawful And Legal: Why You Need To Know What They Mean & It Is All A Word Game: Why “Persons” Are Not Real

According to NewWorldEncyclopedia.org, logos "is often translated into English as "Word," but can also mean thought, speech, meaning, reason, proportions, principle, standard, or logic, among other things. In religious contexts, it can indicate the divine Word, wisdom, or truth."

Britannica.com defines logos as, "the divine reason implicit in the cosmos, ordering it and giving it form and meaning." (Bold emphasis added) Did you notice that the first syllable of logos, which is "lah," sounds like "law"? The Laws of Nature are the natural laws that give order to the universe. Hence, the word logos ("law gahs").

The word logos is defined by YourDictionary.com as, "… the source that controls the universe, the written word or inspiration of God, or a logic and rational argument." (Emphasis added)

To innerstand the terms word and logos on a spiritual level, we need to turn our attention back to the Book of John. In the Bible verse John 1:1 (NKJV) it says, "In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God."

According to many biblical scholars, the Book of John was originally written in Greek. Remember, the term Word means "Logos" in Greek and Logos means "… the source that controls the universe, the written word or inspiration of God, or a logic and rational argument."

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In other words, “In the beginning was the Source.” The Source of what? The Source of the codes of reality. These codes made up of letters and numbers were written by God and He wrote them into the fabric of space. Some of these letters can be found in DNA. Today, scientists often refer to them as genetic letters.

The letters and numbers of God have the power to create words, codes, and formulas, which can be used to express the Laws of Nature. These Divine Laws give order to the universe, making it possible for life to exist. This is why words have the power to manifest worlds and life.

An important fact about words is that they are symbols. Because words are symbols, and grammar is a magic art of inventing symbols to express thought, when you use the art of grammar to write words, you are playing with sigils and magic.

According to Merriam-Webster.com, the word sigil means "a sign, word, or device held to have occult power in astrology or magic." (Bold emphasis added) In other words, writing words is an art of magic. This is why words can be used to cast magic SPELLs. Keep in mind that the forming of words from letters is called SPELLing.

Near the beginning of this video, I said that words are "seeds." Because they are seeds, when they are deeply planted in the mind, they can grow and produce ideas. With enough energetic nourishment or programming, these ideas can manifest into reality. Depending on what the ideas are based on, they can heal or harm the mind and body.

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An important fact about words is that they are codes. This is why a man who only speaks English cannot understand a man who only speaks Chinese. All languages of mankind operate similar to computer languages.

Computers can only read languages that they have been programmed to process. The human brain operates like a computer, therefore can only interpret languages that it has been programmed to process.

Because words have the magic power to program the mind, they are heavily used by corporations, the religious system, the legal system, and the education system to hypnotize your mind and control you.

In fact, the legal system is one of the biggest practitioners of word magic, which is "the art of communication using sacred sounds and symbols to direct and control energy to produce certain desired effects."

Look at the term words carefully and pay attention to its letters. Did you notice that the term words is an anagram for the term sword? Move the letter "s" in the term words to the left of the letter "w" and it transforms into the term sword.

Words are like swords because they can be used to energetically cut you. In many ways, words are more powerful than swords because they can cut you at the deepest level of your soul and spirit.

"For the word of God is living and powerful, and sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing even to the division of soul and spirit, and of joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart. [Hebrews 4:12 (NKJV)]

Because words are powerful, please use words wisely.

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CBS Reporter Calls Mainstream Press ‘Political Activists,’ ‘Propagandists’ +
Max Blumental Proves Western Media A Propagandist For War Criminals
May 18 2023 | From: BigLeaguePolitics / PaulCraigRoberts / RT / Various

Lara Logan gives her honest opinion about the leftwing media.

A mainstream press reported admitted what conservatives already knew in a Friday podcast interview – that the corporate news media is not journalism, but leftist political hackery.

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"Although the media has historically always been left-leaning, we’ve abandoned our pretense - or at least the effort - to be objective, today. … We’ve become political activists, and some could argue propagandists, and there’s some merit to that,”
CBS’s Lara Logan said on the “Mike Drop” podcast with Mike Ritland.

Logan encouraged people to seek out alternative viewpoints from conservative outlets like Breitbart

She went on to describe the sheer volume of left-leaning news vs. conservative news using an analogy of the Wailing Wall in Israel:

"Visually, anyone who’s ever been to Israel and been to the Wailing Wall has seen that the women have this tiny little spot in front of the wall to pray, and the rest of the wall is for the men.

To me, that’s a great representation of the American media, is that in this tiny little corner where the women pray you’ve got Breitbart and Fox News and a few others, and from there on, you have CBS, ABC, NBC, Huffington Post, Politico, whatever, right?

All of them. And that’s a problem for me, because even if it was reversed, if it was vastly mostly on the right, that would also be a problem for me."

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She also bashed the press for its so obvious hatred of President Donald J. Trump.

"How do you know you’re being lied to? How do you know you’re being manipulated? How do you know there’s something not right with the coverage?

When they simplify it all [and] there’s no grey. It’s all one way. Well, life isn’t like that. If it doesn’t match real life, it’s probably not. Something’s wrong. 

For example, all the coverage on Trump all the time is negative. … That’s a distortion of the way things go in real life.”

Logan even spoke of the dangers of only one ideology or set of ideas prevailing, while the rest are shunned by major institutions in society.

"One ideological perspective on everything never leads to an open free diverse tolerant society. The more opinions and views … of everything that you have, the better off we all are.

So creating one ideological position on everything throughout your universities, throughout academia, in school and college, in media, and everywhere else, that’s what concerns me. I don’t have to agree with everybody.”

The full interview was three and a half hours.

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Max Blumental Proves Western Media A Propagandist For War Criminals

There is not an ounce of integrity anywhere in the Western print and TV media.

“Grocery shelves lie empty as food becomes increasingly scarce” in Venezuela, the UK Independent weeps.

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The country’s shops remain open but “sparsely stocked,” The Guardian laments. Even “basic commodities” such as toothbrushes aren’t available for purchase, CNN bemoans. “Hungry” Venezuelans must choose between “torture or starvation,” Bloomberg grimly concludes

Mainstream media coverage of Venezuela gives the impression that President Nicolas Maduro is slowly starving his own people – a narrative which, as journalist Max Blumenthal found after surveying a massive supermarket in Caracas, is wildly deceptive.

Read the story and watch the video of Blumenthal in the Caracas supermarket jammed with all the allegedly unobtainable foods and products.

The reason Washington wants to shut down the English language Russian news organizations is that, unlike the US, UK, and European media, the Russian news organizations report truthfully, thus undermining Washington’s attempt to control all explantions.  

The dumbshit Westerners who rely on the Western presstitutes are brainwashed to the point that they are useless for the cause of freedom and democracy.  Indeed, they are dangerous to freedom and democracy.

Where Are The ‘Empty Shelves’? Max Blumenthal Tours Caracas Supermarket

Corporate media grieve for the barren shelves and empty bellies in Venezuela, but are the alleged food shortages real?

After touring a supermarket in Caracas, Max Blumenthal found plenty to buy – even craft beer.

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“Grocery shelves lie empty as food becomes increasingly scarce” in Venezuela, the UK Independent weeps. The country’s shops remain open but “sparsely stocked,” The Guardian laments. Even “basic commodities” such as toothbrushes aren’t available for purchase, CNN bemoans.

“Hungry” Venezuelans must choose between “torture or starvation,” Bloomberg grimly concludes.

Mainstream media coverage of Venezuela gives the impression that President Nicolas Maduro is slowly starving his own people – a narrative which, as journalist Max Blumenthal found after surveying a massive supermarket in Caracas, is wildly deceptive.

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The store offered a wide selection of meat, produce, and dairy (although no low-fat Greek yogurt, an indignity which is likely the result of Maduro’s tyrannical ways, Blumenthal jokingly hypothesizes).

Most importantly, craft beer – a hallmark of heroic consumerism – could be found in the supermarket’s alcohol aisle.

Blumenthal also marveled at the store’s huge variety of scented toilet paper, shampoo and toiletries – the “basic commodities” which, according to CNN, are nowhere to be found in Venezuela.

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"There isn’t an issue here with food distribution or food scarcity,”
Blumenthal concludes.

“The issue is the buying power of Venezuelans has been completely destroyed because their currency has been so badly weakened by hyperinflation, speculation and the flood of dollars that the government can’t control here, as well as hoarding by private capitalist elements that support the opposition.”

The amusing bit of on-the-ground reporting comes amid a tense stand-off over US attempts to deliver what Washington describes as humanitarian aid into Venezuela, in defiance of the wishes of its government.

Juan Guaido, the US-backed, self-declared “interim president” of Venezuela, said on Thursday that he will personally go to the border with Colombia to get the shipment from the US, urging drivers to go with him and defy the border guards ordered to prevent the delivery.

Humanitarian organizations have distanced themselves from the alleged aid package, amid accusations that the “humanitarian aid” could contain military equipment, or be used for political purposes.

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A Slippery Slide To Totalitarianism
May 17 2023 | From: NZCPR / Various

"There is no right in the world not to be offended. That right simply doesn’t exist. In a free society, an open society, people have strong opinions, and these opinions very often clash. In a democracy, we have to learn to deal with this.”

- Sir Salman Rushdie, the British author, had a fatwa calling for his death issued against him by Muslim fanatics in 1989 following the publication of his book ‘The Satanic Verses’.

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To mark the two-year anniversary of the dreadful assault on two Christchurch mosques by the deranged Australian extremist Brenton Tarrant, the Minister in charge of the Government’s Royal Commission response, Andrew Little, reaffirmed that all 44 recommendations have been accepted in principle:

"The Government intends to ensure that its progress towards implementing the recommendations is transparent, and that it regularly communicates with communities on what is happening, and how it is listening and responding to feedback that it is receiving.”

The Minister outlined some of the suggestions received during 33 meetings held with Muslim communities in January and February.

They included concerns about “the cultural competency of teachers and principals” with calls for more “training”; the incorporation of “religious and cultural education programmes into school curriculums”; “disappointment and distress in the media’s portrayal of Muslims in New Zealand” and the need for “the government to intervene”; calls for “the Government to work in partnership to effect true change… and co-design policies”. 

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If some of these suggestions sound familiar it is because they essentially mirror controversial policies already implemented by successive governments to appease Maori sovereignty activists. 

Attendees at the meetings also called for “the reform of hate speech legislation”.

At the present time, New Zealanders’ right to free speech is enshrined in section 14 of the 1990 Bill of Rights Act:

"Everyone has the right to freedom of expression, including the freedom to seek, receive, and impart information and opinions of any kind in any form.”

Under existing laws, those rights are limited by the 1993 Human Rights Act: Section 61 makes it an offence to express ‘threatening, abusive, or insulting’ opinions likely to ‘excite hostility’ or ‘bring into contempt’ any group of persons on the grounds of ‘colour, race, or ethnic or national origins’.

Under Section 131, anyone breaching the law by inciting hostility, ill-will, contempt, or ridicule, on the grounds of ‘colour, race, or ethnic or national origins’, could face imprisonment of up to 3 months or a fine of up to $7,000.
Section 132, however, provides a “safeguard” – prosecutions need the approval of the Attorney-General.

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The Human Rights Commission has stressed that our right to make controversial or offensive remarks is not undermined by these laws – they only restrict those who are inciting serious ethnic tension or unrest:

"Only where there is the potential for significant detriment to society can the right to freedom of expression be limited”.

A wide range of other remedies are also available to anyone taking offense at someone’s remarks.

If the offending material has been published, complaints can be made to the publisher or broadcaster, as well as the Broadcasting Standards Authority, the Advertising Standards Authority, or the New Zealand Press Council. Social media platforms now have a myriad of channels for lodging complaints about content.

If the offence relates to the workplace, concerns can be raised with employers, since most have codes of conduct that do not tolerate racially offensive comments.

While protest action remains lawful in New Zealand – since that too represents free expression – it is unlawful for protestors to threaten violence or harm.

Threats made against people or property that cause “significant disruption of the activities of the civilian population” are an offence under section 307A of the Crimes Act, with a penalty of up to 7 years in prison.

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For on-line threats, offenders can face up to two years in prison or a fine of up to $50,000, under section 22 of the Harmful Digital Communications Act.

It is in this context that Labour’s 2020 election manifesto stated:

"Labour will extend legal protections for groups that experience hate speech, including for reasons of religion, gender, disability or sexual orientation, by ensuring that we prohibit speech that is likely to incite others to feel hostility or contempt towards these groups under the Human Rights Act 1993.”

So, while Labour proposed including “religion, gender, disability and sexual orientation” as categories to be protected alongside “race” in the existing legislation, the Royal Commission is recommending the far more punitive approach of criminalising people for saying the wrong thing.

They want new categories of “hate-motivated” offences to be created in the Crimes Act and Summary Offences Act, with frontline Police trained to identify “bias indicators” so they can categorise misdemeanours as “hate-motivated”.

In addition, they want to repeal section 131 of the Human Rights Act and insert it into the Crimes Act, to include ‘religion’ as a protected characteristic, to increase the penalties from 3 months in jail to at least two years, and to broaden the scope of what constitutes ‘hate speech’ from an intent to ‘incite’ hostility to an intent to ‘stir’ it up.

If Jacinda Ardern decides to combine the Royal Commission’s draconian plan to criminalise free speech with her proposal to protect not just race and religion, but gender, disability and sexual orientation as well, New Zealanders should be very afraid.

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If those speaking out against such radicalism as religious fundamentalism, feminist extremism, or Maori supremacy are muzzled for their efforts and thrown in jail, New Zealand really would be on a slippery slide to totalitarianism.

The point is that expressing opinions, no matter how undiplomatic or clumsy, is the essence of a free society and the very reason why free speech is protected in law.

The freedom of expression epitomised by Barry Crump, Bill T James and other Kiwi heroes, has always been a bedrock New Zealand value. It is the lifeblood of democracy and the cornerstone of a free and liberal society.

The very last thing this country needs is the chilling effect of hate speech police monitoring our every utterance, telling us which words we can and cannot use. As George Orwell warned, ‘If you control the language you control the mind.’

With so many constraints already existing to restrict speech which is deemed to be objectionable, there is no justification for introducing more punitive law changes – unless, of course, the underlying objective is to use free speech regulations for political advantage.

In reality, the censoring of free expression in this country is already well underway without any need for new laws.

Just last month Magic Talk’s John Banks was essentially sacked because he referred to Maori as a Stone Age culture. The truth that they were a Stone Age culture before Europeans arrived with their metal tools, utensils, and weapons, did not appear to matter!

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Magic Talk presenter Sean Plunket, who expressed support for John Banks’ right to free expression, also left the station – before he too was removed.

Peter Williams, the only surviving high-profile conservative host at Magic Talk, is also coming under pressure – he is being undermined by the Deputy Prime Minister Grant Robertson, who is now refusing to continue his weekly interview slot, after being asked whether the Government intended supporting the “Great Reset”.

Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern has now also joined in, cancelling her weekly interview slot with Newstalk ZB’s Mike Hosking, another conservative host, supposedly for rescheduling reasons, but more likely because she does not like tough questions.

Many newspapers have already banned commentary challenging United Nations’ climate change socialism, even though their doomsday predictions are so totally inaccurate that their only purpose must be to scare the public into compliance.

Stuff, astonishingly, is now also refusing to publish anything that challenges Maori sovereignty, preferring to promote their radical agenda to control our country, instead of the truth.

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Earlier this month, the Herald also caved in, cancelling historian and former Labour cabinet minister Michael Bassett, by publishing then removing a column of his from their website that outlined how a Maori cultural takeover of New Zealand is underway.

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It is in this environment that the Minister for Broadcasting Kris Faafoi has announced that a further $55 million of taxpayers’ money will be given to the media – on top of the $50 million they received last year during the Covid downturn.

While the Minister claims the additional money is to ensure the viability of “public interest journalism”, it would be naive to imagine it will not be used for influence.

Opinion is divided on how far Jacinda Ardern will go in criminalising free speech.

Some, like journalist Graham Adams, believe a free speech crackdown “risks igniting a firestorm that could engulf her and her government”, and he suggests Jacinda Ardern may back off to avoid controversy:

"She is no stranger to backing away from promises made on the campaign trail if fulfilling them might harm her preferred prime minister ratings.

Others, however, are of a view that the PM will use her majority to bulldoze through the changes under the pretext of preventing another Christchurch attack.

At times like this it is important to realise that other countries are working on strengthening free speech, rather than undermining it

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This week’s NZCPR Guest Commentator is from the UK – Dr Arif Ahmed, a Cambridge University philosophy scholar, led a successful campaign to reverse the free speech restrictions that were threatening academic freedom.

He explains what happened:

"In March 2020 Cambridge University Council proposed a new ‘free speech policy’ featuring this passage:

"In exercising their right to freedom of expression, the University expects its staff, students and visitors to be respectful of the differing opinions of others, in line with the University’s core value of freedom of expression. The University also expects its staff, students and visitors to be respectful of the diverse identities of others, in line with the University’s core value of freedom from discrimination."

I found this wording completely unacceptable.

First, its plain meaning was directly repressive. ‘Respect’ implies appreciation or admiration; it rules out giving offence. But lecturers, students etc. should not respect patently false opinions concerning e.g. vaccination or climate change.

Nor should the University demand respect for all political or religious identities, from white nationalism to Islamic fundamentalism.

I therefore proposed amendments which among other things replaced ‘respect’ with ‘tolerance’. ‘Tolerance’ is more sharp-edged. It means willingness to accept behaviour and beliefs that are different from your own even if you disagree with them.

The amendments therefore placed no limits at all (beyond the law) on what staff and students could say or write, or on what beliefs they might assert, propose or question, or on the terms in which they might do these things.”  

Since the University Council rejected his proposal, Dr Ahmed gathered sufficient signatures to force a ballot of all senior academic staff.

His amendments – which also replaced restrictions being used to ban speakers from the University campus with a commitment to allow anyone to speak, so long as they do not break the law, libel or harass anyone – won by a landslide with 1,300 votes in favour compared with 162 opposed.

What this shows is that those extremists pushing for restrictions on free speech are in a minority.

But, as the Cambridge University example shows, they will succeed unless the majority are prepared to stand up and oppose them.

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And this is a lesson we Kiwis need to take on board if we are to save this country.

Those pushing extreme socialism, whether it is climate change or Maori sovereignty, are a vocal minority.

If the public are prepared to stand together to oppose them, their dangerous ideologies, which are undermining our democracy and our way of life, will be defeated.

I will leave the last word on the crucial importance of free speech to the Rt Hon Gavin Williamson MP, the UK Secretary for Education, who is proposing new legislation to counter the disproportionate influence that a minority of students and academics are having in censoring free expression in the UK:

"Throughout history, free speech has been a constant sword against tyranny, injustice and oppression…

Ideas in themselves are not worthy of respect, only tolerance – and to thrive they must prove themselves in the arena of evidence and debate.

But in amongst the oddball, incorrect, challenging or downright offensive ideas will be found those that will transform our society and revolutionise our worldviews.

By their very nature we cannot know which these are in advance.

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We Have Been Criminalized By An Overabundance Of Laws
May 16 2023 | From: PaulCraigRoberts / Various

“Order may be nothing more than evidence of tyranny. Order may be nothing more than the prohibitions on freedom, the elimination of rights and the suppression of liberty. You are just as unsafe when things are too orderly as when they are disorderly.” - Jerry Day

Governments have learned that laws can be used as revenue and control measures by criminalizing more and more of human activity.

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Indeed, in many instances the term “criminal” is now meaningless as law enforcement has become a greater threat to ordinary people than actual criminals.

At an accelerating rate, western governments are criminalizing victimless trivialities for profit and control of the masses.

In Denmark, the laws governing unemployment benefits are more than 36,000 pages and grow by almost seven pages daily on average.

A massive 20,000 laws have been formulated to control ownership and use of guns in the US. The taxfoundation.org has shown that in order to understand and comply with US tax laws one must go through about 80,000 pages.

Civil libertarians protest that prosecutors can charge any American with several crimes every day of the year because there are so many laws and regulations.

See, for example, Harvey A. Silverglate, Three Felonies a Day: How the Feds Target the Innocent.

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As it is impossible for a person to peruse all the required pages in order to comply with the laws, we are all probable criminals. Thus, the word “criminal” has effectively lost its meaning.

Governments not only criminalize behavior for revenue purposes and in order to create a slave prison population to be exploited by private industries.

Governments also legalize crimes, such as gambling for which government prosecuted private interests, and turn them into government sponsored lotteries. There is also evidence that the US government is actively involved in illegal drug trade.

San Jose Mercury investigative reporter Gary Webb found evidence of the CIA’s involvement in the drug trade.

The Mercury published it. The CIA then used its media assets, such as the Washington Post, to carry on a campaign against Webb to discredit him.

Investigative reporters got the message and have not looked into the CIA’s presence in the Afghan opium drug trade despite the massive growth under US occupation of Afghanistan’s opium share of the world market.

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The Cabal

The Taliban had suppressed the opium trade, but under US occupation the percentage of the world market supplied by Afghanistan rose from 6% in 2001 to 93% in 2007.

An explosion in drug laws and incarcerations saw the light of the day after President Nixon launched the US War on Drugs in 1971. After 50 years of stable incarceration rates, the number of US prisoners went from 161 per 100,000 population in 1972 to 767 per 100,000 in 2007, almost a fivefold increase.

In 2007, federal and state prisons and local jails held nearly 2.3 million inmates (over 20% of the world’s prisoners), but if parolees and probationers are included, the total US correctional population exceeded 7 million.

Prisoners have become integrated into the corporate world as privately owned prisons and forced labor have become big businesses. Corporations who owe their low labor cost to prison labor have a vested interest in harsh sentences and expansion of the already seemingly infinite number of laws.

Prohibition of drugs does not deter people from using them. If harsh drug laws deterred people from drugs, not many offenders would be found in correctional facilities with a drug offense on their rap sheet.

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If we consider the 2015 statistics for people on probation and parole, 25% and 31% respectively had a drug charge as their most serious offense, a total of 1,217,305 people. In 2016, 47% and 15% respectively of federal and state prisoners were in prison for drug violations, their most serious offense.

In 2017, federal agents and state police made 1,632,921 arrests for drugs violations of which 85.4% of these arrests were for possession.

These numbers clearly show that harsher sentences do not deter people from drugs. This was also echoed in a study by the Pew Research Center which showed that drug use, drug arrest, and overdose death had no statistically significant relationship with drug imprisonment.

That is, higher incarceration rates did not deter people from drugs. Drug laws also result in the murders of many people by police in violation of due process.

As police are seldom held accountable for their crimes, the legal and constitutional protections of citizens are being lost.

Moreover, prohibition leads to secondary crimes as indicated by a study that showed “17% of state and 18% of federal prisoners committed their crimes to obtain money for drugs.”

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If cigarettes, alcohol and chocolate were outlawed tomorrow, prices would rise, vicious syndicates would appear and people would commit real crimes, including robbery and theft in order to get their preferred stimulant. Prohibition of alcohol in the US and elsewhere produced a new class of criminal activity.

It should come as no surprise that a study by Coyne et al concluded that:

"Prohibition is not only ineffective, but counterproductive, at achieving the goals of policymakers both domestically and abroad … the domestic War on Drugs has contributed to an increase in drug overdoses and fostered and sustained the creation of powerful drug cartels.”

Getting access to drug war expenditures is notoriously difficult, but a 2010 estimate showed that one trillion dollars in tax revenue have been spent on the War on Drugs since 1971.

Nevertheless a multiyear study, published in the British Medical Journal by Werb et al, concluded that “expanding efforts at controlling the global illegal drug market through law enforcement are failing.”

It appears that the US War on Drugs has been a disaster for the average American, but has enriched certain powerful organizations.

Some governments not only participate in the illegal drug trade, but also approve the production and sale of addictive drugs by private businesses.

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Many of the drugs that can be purchased on the street from your average drug dealer have been approved by the FDA, including amphetamines, MDMA, opioids, psilocybin and methamphetamine.

One of these drugs is called Adzenys which is a formulation of amphetamine (yes, it is the same drug sold by street dealers), has been approved by the FDA for children.

This amphetamine drug comes in “great-tasting” fruit and candy flavors for children who do not like taking pills. Possible side effects include addiction, heart attack, and death.

Large pharmaceutical corporations which have deep financial ties to policymakers produce and distribute these drugs on a grand scale. The US government cashes in on the drugs via taxation and through campaign contributions from these multibillion dollar industries.

Transparency International concludes:

"Pharmaceutical companies can unduly influence national political systems through their large spending power. Pharmaceutical companies often fund candidates that support their position on key issues.

Outside of elections, the pharmaceutical industry spends vast sums of money lobbying.”

Professor Peter Gøtzsche, former director of the independent Nordic Cochrane Centre, shows in his book, Lethal Medicine and Organized Crime, that legalized drugs kill at least 200,000 Americans and also 200,000 Europeans every year.

Half of those people take their drugs as prescribed, the other half die because of contraindications and accidental overdoses.

Data from the CDC show that in 2017, heroin and cocaine killed 15,482 and 13,942 Americans respectively. However, 88,000 died from alcohol related causes, over 480,000 from tobacco, but zero died from a cannabis overdose.

There are innumerable examples of how laws turn citizens into criminals. On June 1, 2012, in Denmark, anyone without a permit could purchase an air gun with a caliber in excess of 4.5 millimeters.

However, on June 2 such possession brought a prison sentence. Every day governments define the word “criminal” more and more broadly. Eventually, by existence alone we will all be criminals.

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Why Anti-Authoritarians Are Diagnosed As Mentally Ill
May 15 2023 | From: MadInAmerica

In my career as a psychologist, I have talked with hundreds of people previously diagnosed by other professionals with oppositional defiant disorder, attention deficit hyperactive disorder, anxiety disorder and other psychiatric illnesses, and I am struck by (1) how many of those diagnosed are essentially anti-authoritarians, and (2) how those professionals who have diagnosed them are not.

Anti-authoritarians question whether an authority is a legitimate one before taking that authority seriously.

Related: Anti-Authoritarians and Schizophrenia: Do Rebels Who Defy Treatment Do Better?

Evaluating the legitimacy of authorities includes assessing whether or not authorities actually know what they are talking about, are honest, and care about those people who are respecting their authority.

And when anti-authoritarians assess an authority to be illegitimate, they challenge and resist that authority - sometimes aggressively and sometimes passive-aggressively, sometimes wisely and sometimes not.

Some activists lament how few anti-authoritarians there appear to be in the United States. One reason could be that many natural anti-authoritarians are now psychopathologized and medicated before they achieve political consciousness of society’s most oppressive authorities.

Why Mental Health Professionals Diagnose Anti-Authoritarians with Mental Illness

Gaining acceptance into graduate school or medical school and achieving a PhD or MD and becoming a psychologist or psychiatrist means jumping through many hoops, all of which require much behavioral and attentional compliance to authorities, even to those authorities that one lacks respect for.

Related: Before His Death, Father Of ADHD Admitted It Was A Fictitious Disease

The selection and socialization of mental health professionals tends to breed out many anti-authoritarians. Having steered the higher-education terrain for a decade of my life, I know that degrees and credentials are primarily badges of compliance.

Those with extended schooling have lived for many years in a world where one routinely conforms to the demands of authorities. Thus for many MDs and PhDs, people different from them who reject this attentional and behavioral compliance appear to be from another world - a diagnosable one.

I have found that most psychologists, psychiatrists, and other mental health professionals are not only extraordinarily compliant with authorities but also unaware of the magnitude of their obedience.

And it also has become clear to me that the anti-authoritarianism of their patients creates enormous anxiety for these professionals, and their anxiety fuels diagnoses and treatments.

In graduate school, I discovered that all it took to be labeled as having “issues with authority” was to not kiss up to a director of clinical training whose personality was a combination of Donald Trump, Newt Gingrich, and Howard Cosell.

When I was told by some faculty that I had “issues with authority,” I had mixed feelings about being so labeled. On the one hand, I found it quite amusing, because among the working-class kids whom I had grown up with, I was considered relatively compliant with authorities.

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After all, I had done my homework, studied, and received good grades. However, while my new “issues with authority” label made me grin because I was now being seen as a “bad boy,” it also very much concerned me about just what kind of a profession that I had entered.

Specifically, if somebody such as myself was being labeled with “issues with authority,” what were they calling the kids I grew up with who paid attention to many things that they cared about but didn’t care enough about school to comply there? Well, the answer soon became clear.

Mental Illness Diagnoses for Anti-Authoritarians

A 2009 Psychiatric Times article titled “ADHD & ODD: Confronting the Challenges of Disruptive Behavior” reports that “disruptive disorders,” which include attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) and opposition defiant disorder (ODD), are the most common mental health problem of children and teenagers.

ADHD is defined by poor attention and distractibility, poor self-control and impulsivity, and hyperactivity. ODD is defined as a “a pattern of negativistic, hostile, and defiant behavior without the more serious violations of the basic rights of others that are seen in conduct disorder”; and ODD symptoms include “often actively defies or refuses to comply with adult requests or rules” and “often argues with adults.”

Related: The Science And Pseudoscience Of Children’s Mental Health + Creating ADHD Is The New Education

Psychologist Russell Barkley, one of mainstream mental health’s leading authorities on ADHD, says that those afflicted with ADHD have deficits in what he calls “rule-governed behavior,” as they are less responsive to rules of established authorities and less sensitive to positive or negative consequences.

ODD young people, according to mainstream mental health authorities, also have these so-called deficits in rule-governed behavior, and so it is extremely common for young people to have a “duel diagnosis” of AHDH and ODD.

Do we really want to diagnose and medicate everyone with “deficits in rule-governed behavior”?

Albert Einstein, as a youth, would have likely received an ADHD diagnosis, and maybe an ODD one as well. Albert didn’t pay attention to his teachers, failed his college entrance examinations twice, and had difficulty holding jobs.

However, Einstein biographer Ronald Clark (Einstein: The Life and Times) asserts that Albert’s problems did not stem from attention deficits but rather from his hatred of authoritarian, Prussian discipline in his schools.

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Psychotropic Drugs, Are They Safe? Fourteen Lies That Our Psychiatry Professors Taught Us In Medical School

Einstein said, “The teachers in the elementary school appeared to me like sergeants and in the Gymnasium the teachers were like lieutenants.”

At age 13, Einstein read Kant’s difficult Critique of Pure Reason - because Albert was interested in it. Clark also tells us Einstein refused to prepare himself for his college admissions as a rebellion against his father’s “unbearable” path of a “practical profession.”

After he did enter college, one professor told Einstein, “You have one fault; one can’t tell you anything.” The very characteristics of Einstein that upset authorities so much were exactly the ones that allowed him to excel.

By today’s standards, Saul Alinsky, the legendary organizer and author of Reveille for Radicals and Rules for Radicals, would have certainly been diagnosed with one or more disruptive disorders.

Recalling his childhood, Alinsky said, “I never thought of walking on the grass until I saw a sign saying ‘Keep off the grass.’ Then I would stomp all over it.” Alinsky also recalls a time when he was ten or eleven and his rabbi was tutoring him in Hebrew:

"One particular day I read three pages in a row without any errors in pronunciation, and suddenly a penny fell onto the Bible . . .

Then the next day the rabbi turned up and he told me to start reading. And I wouldn’t; I just sat there in silence, refusing to read. He asked me why I was so quiet, and I said, “This time it’s a nickel or nothing.”

He threw back his arm and slammed me across the room."

Many people with severe anxiety and/or depression are also anti-authoritarians.

Often a major pain of their lives that fuels their anxiety and/or depression is fear that their contempt for illegitimate authorities will cause them to be financially and socially marginalized; but they fear that compliance with such illegitimate authorities will cause them existential death.

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I have also spent a great deal of time with people who had at one time in their lives had thoughts and behavior that were so bizarre that they were extremely frightening for their families and even themselves; they were diagnosed with schizophrenia and other psychoses, but have fully recovered and have been, for many years, leading productive lives.

Among this population, I have not met one person whom I would not consider a major anti-authoritarian. Once recovered, they have learned to channel their anti-authoritarianism into more constructive political ends, including reforming mental health treatment.

Many anti-authoritarians who earlier in their lives were diagnosed with mental illness tell me that once they were labeled with a psychiatric diagnosis, they got caught in a dilemma.

Authoritarians, by definition, demand unquestioning obedience, and so any resistance to their diagnosis and treatment created enormous anxiety for authoritarian mental health professionals; and professionals, feeling out of control, labeled them “noncompliant with treatment,” increased the severity of their diagnosis, and jacked up their medications.

This was enraging for these anti-authoritarians, sometimes so much so that they reacted in ways that made them appear even more frightening to their families.

Related: 4 Facts About ADHD That Teachers & Doctors Never Tell Parents

There are anti-authoritarians who use psychiatric drugs to help them function, but they often reject psychiatric authorities’ explanations for why they have difficulty functioning.

So, for example, they may take Adderall (an amphetamine prescribed for ADHD), but they know that their attentional problem is not a result of a biochemical brain imbalance but rather caused by a boring job.

And similarly, many anti-authoritarians in highly stressful environments will occasionally take prescribed benzodiazepines such as Xanax even though they believe it would be safer to occasionally use marijuana but can’t because of drug testing on their job

It has been my experience that many anti-authoritarians labeled with psychiatric diagnoses usually don’t reject all authorities, simply those they’ve assessed to be illegitimate ones, which just happens to be a great deal of society’s authorities.

Maintaining the Societal Status Quo

Americans [Westerners] have been increasingly socialized to equate inattention, anger, anxiety, and immobilizing despair with a medical condition, and to seek medical treatment rather than political remedies. 

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Deficiency; Treating It With Drugs Is Not Only Ineffective But Dangerous

What better way to maintain the status quo than to view inattention, anger, anxiety, and depression as biochemical problems of those who are mentally ill rather than normal reactions to an increasingly authoritarian society.

The reality is that depression is highly associated with societal and financial pains. One is much more likely to be depressed if one is unemployed, underemployed, on public assistance, or in debt (for documentation, see “400% Rise in Anti-Depressant Pill Use”).

And ADHD labeled kids do pay attention when they are getting paid, or when an activity is novel, interests them, or is chosen by them (documented in my book Commonsense Rebellion).

In an earlier dark age, authoritarian monarchies partnered with authoritarian religious institutions. When the world exited from this dark age and entered the Enlightenment, there was a burst of energy.

Much of this revitalization had to do with risking skepticism about authoritarian and corrupt institutions and regaining confidence in one’s own mind.

Related: Researcher Uncovers What May Be The Real Cause Of Depression

We are now in another dark age, only the institutions have changed. Americans [Westerners] desperately need anti-authoritarians to question, challenge, and resist new illegitimate authorities and regain confidence in their own common sense.

In every generation there will be authoritarians and anti-authoritarians. While it is unusual in American history for anti-authoritarians to take the kind of effective action that inspires others to successfully revolt, every once in a while a Tom Paine, Crazy Horse, or Malcolm X come along.

So authoritarians financially marginalize those who buck the system, they criminalize anti-authoritarianism, they psychopathologize anti-authoritarians, and they market drugs for their “cure.”

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Why So Many “Experts” Make Such Disastrous Errors
May 14 2023 | From: MelaniePhillips / Various

If you want to discover why so many of our experts are getting things so terribly wrong, Giles Fraser’s interview on Unherd’s “Confessions” with the former Bank of England governor, Lord King, is essential listening.

King asks what it means to be rational in an age of deep uncertainty. Many experts, he says, have come to believe that mathematical calculations and computer modelling provide us with an authoritative representation of reality.

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This is hopelessly wrong because such calculations can never encompass the uncertainties that help form human behaviour. Yet these experts have come to believe that everything can be thus quantified and explained.

So anything that can’t be quantified is therefore useless; and anyone who challenges the quantification model is somehow suspect and is disregarded or even disrespected.

The belief that we can quantify everything and suppress whatever we don’t understand, says King, is part of the belief that humans can control everything.

But these experts don’t factor in any understanding of how human beings behave – which may be very different from what such mathematical calculations and computers are telling them.

Human beings, says King, are good at dealing with ambiguity, mysteries and complexity.

Behavioural economics, however, and its fashionable offshoot “nudge theory” (which has its own unit in Whitehall!) is based on the certainty that human beings will always maximise and optimise their opportunities – and if they don’t behave in this way, well, that must be explained by “bias”, more than 100 types of which economists now feed into their calculations.

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But it’s the economists’ models that are themselves biased – against reality. As King says, they assume individuals operate only as individuals. In fact, people usually take decisions by talking to others. We tend to act collectively.

These experts make reductive assumptions in a world which is much more complicated than can be explained away by this balance-sheet mentality. As an example, King cites the Brexit debate which partisans on both sides reduced to a “bogus” row about numbers.

Remainers claimed to know exactly how much the public would lose by leaving the EU; Brexiteers claimed to know exactly how much would be available to spend on the NHS.

In fact, says King, the NHS figure omitted the amount of spending on other projects which would be cut back; and, as many said, Remainers couldn’t possibly know how much worse off people would be.

What was missed altogether by this argument over numbers, he says, was that the Brexit issue was actually a debate about values, about sovereignty and how the EU was developing.

King says he’s been on a personal intellectual journey. He was first introduced to computer modelling of the economy when he was an undergraduate at Cambridge.

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Now he realises you can’t solve a problem by numbers. He came to understand that inflation couldn’t easily be measured. What we think will happen to the economy might not be what actually happens.

Economics, he says, used to be defined by problems; now it’s defined by techniques and mathematical methods, which means every problem has to be fitted into the mathematical model.

So if this model can’t explain what’s going on in the world, it’s assumed there must be something wrong with the world.

King is speaking principally about economics.

What he says, however, is also applicable to other issues where so many scientific experts have got things so terribly wrong - such as the devastating errors made by some of them over coronavirus, not to mention the global madness over climate change (to which he refers in passing as characterised by “quite a lot of uncertainty”).

Rather than look at what was undeniably true about Covid-19 – that the combination of its exponential rate of infectivity and serious or fatal effects in a minority of cases meant any health care system would quickly become overwhelmed - mindlessly mathematical modellers fed inadequate abstract information into their computers and got disastrously false results.

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One of the clearest and most dramatic examples was the study by Professor Tom Pike of Imperial college, London who predicted that at the height of the Covid-19 outbreak Britain would have 260 deaths a day.

Just a few days later, Britain’s daily virus death rate reached 260 and Pike was forced to eat his words and admit he had seriously underestimated the problem.

He had based his false calculation on the assumption that the outbreak in Britain would follow a similar trajectory to what had been seen in Wuhan, China.

Among many aspects of reality that this failed to take into consideration was surely that the Chinese statistics are almost certainly a gross under-estimate.

Pike’s critics got it right.

"Alan McNally, from the University of Birmingham, said that it showed the perils of looking at numbers in isolation, without considering what we know of the virus. ‘Modelling and projections are fantastic tools but really all we need to do is look at the hard numbers we are seeing in other countries just a few weeks ahead of us. We properly introduced social distancing last week,’ he said.

‘Therefore fatalities will continue to double every three days for another two weeks at least given the lag time between infection and death.’

“Jonathan Ball, professor of virology at the University of Nottingham, added: ‘Models are based on major assumptions and often these assumptions are wrong.

Until we do on-the-ground research - go out into the community and test exactly how many people have been infected with this virus - we will have no idea of the rate of severe disease or what proportion of infected people die.’”


And the same point can be made about the apocalyptic predictions of global catastrophe through “climate change”, previously known as anthropogenic global warming (AGW).

Related: "The UN's 'Woke' Climate Change Propaganda Is An Insult To Science" + “What They Haven’t Told You About Climate Change.” – According To The Co-Founder of Greenpeace

Right from the start, the problem has been that these predictions have been based on computer modelling.

This is wholly inadequate to the task, since the climate is one of the most complex, non-linear and chaotic systems in existence. No computer model can adequately deal with this.

The information fed into these models is therefore by definition inadequate – which means that what comes out the other end is next to worthless.

And that’s before you factor in the biases and outright frauds of some of the AGW ideologues who occupy scientific positions – and all of whom who, just as Lord King says, assume that their computer models (and indeed, their whole framework of assumptions) constitute unchallengeable reality.

So anyone who dares point out the factual evidence that contradicts the model is a “denier” who must be suppressed.

Experts are often very quick to claim that any critic who doesn’t belong to their particular discipline can be discounted as ignorant.

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Evidence, reality and reason, however, defy the attempted constraints of any discipline.

The key point, articulated by Lord King about economics but with far wider application, is that both the social and physical sciences are now dominated by people who have redefined evidence, reality and reason into nothing less than their formulaic antithesis.

The evidence is all around us.

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Lies, Damn Lies And Statistics
May 13 2023 | From: BreakingViews / A / Various
Nineteenth century British Prime Minister Benjamin Disraeli once said “There are three types of lies – lies, damn lies, and statistics.” 

Studies are meant to foster informed decision-making, sound judgments and actions based on evidence, not hearsay - often termed anecdotal - or assumptions.

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Do they?

Well it depends.

You see statistics can be notorious for their ability and potential to be manipulated so as to be misleading and give a false perception. It depends on the way they are presented.

Misleading statistics can be the result of deliberate or accidental use of numerical data. The results then give a distorted or completely opposite conclusion to the receiver, in most cases the public.

Mona Lebied writing in Data Analysis, Aug 8th 2018, said:

"Numbers don’t lie, they can in-fact be used to mislead with half-truths. This is known as the misuse of statistics.

It is often assumed that the misuse of statistics is limited to those individuals or companies seeking to gain profit from distorting the truth, be it economics, education or mass media.”

But it’s not only profit-making agencies that manipulate statistics.

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Fiddling Data

A 2009 investigative survey by Dr. Daniele Fanelli from The University of Edinburgh found that just under 34 percent of scientists surveyed admitted to “tampering” data “including modifying results to improve outcomes, subjective data interpretation, withholding analytical details and dropping observations because of gut feelings.”

Mona Lebied wrote:

"Numbers don’t always have to be fabricated or misleading, it is clear that even societies most trusted numerical gatekeepers are not immune to the carelessness and bias that can arise with statistical interpretation processes.”

It’s important to understand misuse of statistics can be accidental or purposeful.            

Polls of public opinion can be biassed by the way in which questions are framed. These can be termed “loaded questions,” designed to encourage a response in a certain direction.

It’s a good idea to view poll questions with a degree of analysis to see if you can discern any “loading.”

Related: The Road Toll Statistics They Tried To Bury

Statistics Can Be Misleading

Of course politicians as one of the most untrustworthy of “professions”, are most likely to misuse data to suit their agendas.

An example is the current covid 19 pandemic. Deaths are listed as due to Covid19 - end of story. 

But there appears no breakdown as to how many of those who died, already had severe health problems and were going to die then or at least soon.

I quickly add, I’m not saying we shouldn’t be worried and acting in the face of a pandemic. 

I’m asking give us the true picture. 

In this case I’d like to see a breakdown of covid related deaths, with an explanation how many had underlying severe health issues.

Related: Fear-Based Manipulation: How Politicians, Marketers And The Media Create Panic To Control The Masses

Global Warming

Another example which in my opinion, has suspect data is that around global warming or climate change.

There is one big flaw in the raging opposing extremes of today’s global warming debate.

In basic mathematics terms, the equation is represented by Natural Climate Change + or - Human Induced Climate Change =  Actual Climate Change.

Plus or minus.

Natural climate change has been going on for millions of years.

In Marlborough, several million years ago, when the climate had cooled, a glacier existed down to the confluence of the Branch, Goulter and the parent Wairau River.

When it retreated the climate warmed. Today the glacier has gone.

The cooling that preceded the glacier’s downstream advance and then the warming as it retreated, was just part of the normal dynamic cyclic nature of the earth’s climate.

Related: Serious Errors Found In Widely Cited Global Warming Study

Central Otago and in particular the St Bathans area is another case in point.

Reading scientist George Gibbs’ comprehensive and fascinating book “Ghosts of Gondwana” (published 2016) there is the astonishing tale that about 15 to 20 million years ago, there was a large freshwater lake ecosystem which by evidence of fossils, had crocodiles, turtles, eucalyptus trees and other warm species. 

"Their presence is indicative of a sub-tropical dry climate,” wrote George Gibbs.

The climate must have warmed to allow sub-tropical species to not only exist but thrive. Then it cooled to its present day climate of cool winters and hot summers - again proof of the dynamics of climate change.

In the frantic debate that currently ensues the factor of “natural climate change” is mostly missing. 

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Even scientists disagree on the human factor. For politicians it’s a populous bandwagon to hitch a ride on to popularity and power. Mixed up is hypocrisy.

New Zealand exports coal but conveniently for government, details are difficult to find. 

However googling I got a brief admission from a government site - “Most of New Zealand’s premium bituminous coal is exported.” That’s it. It’s almost a gloss-over. 

Like “getting blood out of a stone” I then eventually found a newspaper article stating NZ’s “biggest markets for coal are Japan, India, China and Australia” where it’s often used in coal-fired power stations.

Then there is the issue of jet planes, which the significant emissions are exempt from calculations. And obligations.

New Zealand is a long way from the world’s large continents and most major population centres. So people fly by jet planes. 

A Victoria University 2019 Working Paper:

"Can We Keep Flying? Decarbonising New Zealand’s Domestic and International Aviation” by Wallace Rae and Paul Calliste” said “for New Zealanders a single economy class return trip to Europe elevates one person’s carbon footprint by an estimated 6 tonnes, 5 according to one carbon calculator, 8 tonnes 6 by another and over 11 tonnes 7 by a third.

Given our place in the world, it should be no surprise that domestic aviation emissions are swamped by emissions from international flights in and out of New Zealand.” 

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Denial of Reality

The authors said “Rather than trying to comfort politicians in their utopias, scientists should instead help them to get out of the denial of reality.”

Much of the New Zealand political discussion has centred on measures the farming community should be taking to reduce methane emissions. There has been less discussion on the role of our transport fuels for a zero carbon 2050 vision.

In particular, in New Zealand there is a dearth of published research on ways to decarbonise aviation. We urgently need discussion and debate on this topic. More anomalies appear. 

In the Emissions Trading Scheme (ETS) it only accepts "a forest species capable of reaching five metres in height” - somewhat illogical and bizarre. That means vegetation under five metres in height is not considered in carbon sequestering calculations.


Five metres is double the height of a normal housing ceiling.  Bureaucrats setting such rules, should in their centrally heated cocoon, look at the ceiling and ponder at the absurdity.

A good number of native trees and shrubs are under five metres for example many of the coprosmas (58 species) , pittsporums (200 species), hebes, (80 species) and others and of course tall species such a rimu, beech, totara being slow growing, are less than 5 metres in height for a considerable number of years.

Surely even pasture grasses have some carbon sequestering value? Which raises the question why have a height limit on vegetation?

It appears the dice is loaded against the rural community and in particular farmers.     

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People Factor

There should be a clear distinction between the natural trend and the human induced trend in climate change.

Incidentally in the debate on global warming, I have seen no reference to part of the solution being managing human numbers, i.e. population planning. 

People drive cars which belch emissions and fly regularly on jet planes that fart “gases and particles  -- which contribute to climate change.” Humans demand resources, flush toilets, use chemicals and throw away garbage. 

The more people, the greater demand for resources, more cars and planes, more sewers, more rubbish and more emissions.

Climate change through ice ages and warm periods, has always been.

To reiterate what is the climate change induced by humans?

Government departments can be very adept at manipulating data or research to suit their policies. In some cases the department’s bureaucrats via spin doctors, only tell half the story.

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1080 Poison

One area I’m familiar with is the Department of Conservation’s programme on aerial 1080 poison based on exterminating by 2050, within New Zealand, predators such as rats, stoats and  possums.

The inclusion of possums as a “predator” is rather bizarre. The possum is a herbivore.

But DOC and extreme groups like Forest and Bird paint the possum as a “predator.” One Landcare Research scientist even did publicly.

The department aerially spreads 1080 poison over mostly public lands. It also supports and sanctions the use of aerial 1080 by OSPRI, funded partly by taxpayer, partly by farmer levies. OSPRI’s role is devoted to ridding the country’s cattle and deer herds of bovine tuberculosis (Tb).

Sometimes manipulation of data is so simple as to not mention a statistic!

The conveniently forgotten statistic of OSPRI’s was revealed on Scoop News in September 2016, by a conservationist the late Bill Benfield.

“New Zealand is Tb free by world yardsticks but even today OSPRI spins the line about the bovine Tb threat,” he said.

Bill Benfield explained the world standard for a country to declare “Tb free” is 0.2% for Tb infected herds and 0.1% for infected cattle.

"Recent information (2016) obtained by NZ First MP Richard Prosser in Parliament showed New Zealand rates of Tb infection in cattle were slight, i.e. 0.0019% average over the last nine years.

It is so far below that required by world standards for a Tb free declaration – that New Zealand must be one of the world’s most Tb free countries.”

Related: 1080 Was Added To Water Supplies By Germany In WW2 As A Chemical Weapon Says A US Manufacturer – But The New Zealand Authorities Are Dropping It Aerially Into Our Waterways

Rat Plagues

The Department of Conservation claims 1080 kills most rats. That is quite correct.

In fact it knocks out about 80 percent of rats. Great news!

But it’s only half the story and the department knows it too.

The truth is in a Landcare Research study in 2008 (Wendy Ruscoe, “Interaction of Mammalian Pest Populations Following Control”. While DOC’s 1080 drop has wiped out the greater majority of rats, there are the 10, 15 or 20 percent survivors.

What DOC failed to explain was that rats are remarkably efficient breeders. The consequences are dire.

In 2011 Landcare Research scientist Wendy Ruscoe publicly said about her 2008 research "In our study it took one year for rat populations to come back to pre-poisoning levels. By the second year rat numbers were higher than before the operation.”

Rats are similarly efficient multipliers. They breed year-round capable of several litters a year and reach breeding age within just several weeks. About three weeks after getting pregnant, a female rat will give birth to a litter of 3 to 14 pups.

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Rodent and Stoat Explosion

The research found that within three to four years, rat numbers will be three to four times pre-poisoning levels - an increase of 300 to 400 percent.

Other studies have confirmed the remarkable bounce-back of rats following 1080 poison.

The effect does not end there.

The principal prey for stoats is rats. With rat numbers high and a resultant increased availability of food, stoat numbers increase quickly. They similarly explode.

The problem for science is that it is subject to pressures, which can undermine its integrity and accuracy. DOC commissions agencies such as Landcare Rsearch to carry out studies.

This raises the question as to the integrity of the “paid “science.

In 2007 two retired US scientists Quinn and Pat Whiting-O’Keefe, originally from Stanford Research Institute and University of California, with a considerable knowledge in chemistry and an expertise in statistical inference in complex systems” appeared before a government review of 1080. They had spent eight months analysing pro-1080 studies. 

Related: Why Are People So Concerned About 1080?

The Truth?

In the “NZ Herald” the pair stated:

"There is now a familiar litany of scientifically insupportable claims about what great things aerial 1080, a universal poison, is doing for our forest ecosystems. The people of New Zealand have a right to know the truth about what the scientific evidence shows." 

The pair audited Department of Conservation scientific research and produced an 88-page monograph reviewing more than 100 scientific papers. 

"The results are startling and belie most of the department's claims. First, there is no credible scientific evidence showing that any species of native bird benefits from the dropping of tonnes of 1080 into our forest ecosystems, as claimed by the department - there is certainly no evidence of net ecosystem benefit.”

Related: The Director General Of DoC Claims 1080 Doesn’t Kill Non-Target Species Whilst DoC’s Own Studies Show It Does & “Hidden Agenda” Of 1080 Poisoners Needs Scrutiny

Dollar Factor

The problem is in the commercialisation of science where a scientist is commissioned by a client to examine a subject. 

Consider the dilemma for the scientist. If he or she wants continuing work from the client, then obviously the research’s conclusions should be compatible with the client’s policy.

Science and scientists have been placed in an invidious position.

The late Bill Benfield in his 2015 book “At War with Nature” (Tross Publishing) spelt it out.

"Bully boy tactics and other forms of coercion have been used in New Zealand to ensure that science supports the state’s policies.”

He agreed “it is still possible that robust science with professional integrity can happen” but “science subject to the power of political pressure and the cheque book is junk science.”

Just beware - as Benjamin Disraeli said “There are three types of lies – lies, damn lies, and statistics.”

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The Rise Of The Western Spy Assclown
May 12 2023 | From: AMGreatness / Various

As with any sclerotic bureaucracy whose mission is lost to circumstances, America’s former Cold War espionage apparatus has grown sloppy. But using Western spies to fabricate political dirt crosses a big line.

There was once a time when Washington needed spies with the power to operate clandestinely in a free society. Soviet Communism was an evil ideology that spread its error by revolutionary movements through what was then called “the domino theory.”

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Sometime in the early 1990s, though, Russia ceased to embody an ideology and became a nation again. Alexander Solzhenitsyn moved back, and Russians stopped caring so much whether their little girl gymnasts got perfect 10s on the balance beam.

That left an entire apparatus in the West built to fend off Russian intrigue. None of it was dismantled. Instead, intrusive devices meant to prevent World War III wound up in the hands of EU bureaucrats and wannabee sophisticates of the American spy ranks. 

Together, they set out to invent Russian intrigue of the sort that let them use their cool gadgets. 

Chief among the spy assclowns was a Brit by the name of Christopher Steele. He built a big-shot life for himself by blaming Russia for stuff. It was Steele, as a member of MI6, who determined that Alexander Litvinenko’s poisoning was a Russian state hit.

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Nobody has seen the evidence that says Russia poisoned Litvinenko.

We have to rely on Steele, and he can’t tell us how he knows Putin did it because then he’d have to kill us. But, not to worry, the venerable author of the infamous Steele dossier would never just make stuff up, right?

By such shadowy machinations, “Putin is a thug” replaced the domino theory as the raison d’etre of the lucrative Western spy apparatus. 

How Putin poisoning political enemies justifies complex intelligence gathering and military bases originally designed to prevent Soviet incursions into Western Europe is not something you were supposed to ponder. A priori, “Putin is a thug” means he wants to attack France. 

Some really smart people have been suckered by this circular reasoning. To take but one example, Pope John Paul II’s biographer, George Weigel, is staunchly on the side of preventing Putin’s inevitable march to Luxembourg and beyond. 

It is a peculiar feature of the American plutocracy that even papal biographers become paid pundits lending religious zeal in support of military measures to stop the spread of Soviet Communism that ended on its own back in 1991. 

Weigel is joined in his views by former Republican standard-bearers Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan, their strange bedfellows Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama, and all of NeverTrump. Russia-bad is something the entire Washington elite can agree upon.

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Politico let the cat out of the bag back in 2015 when it reported:

The United States still maintains nearly 800 military bases in more than 70 countries and territories abroad . . . Britain, France and Russia, by contrast, have about 30 foreign bases combined.”

The great funding pipeline that makes Washington, D.C. the wealthiest region in America feeds mostly on military spending which still, nearly 30 years removed from the Cold War, requires a Russian enemy.

President Eisenhower - the furthest thing from a conspiracy theorist America has ever produced - famously warned in his farewell address to beware “the military-industrial complex.”

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Unconventional candidate Donald Trump rattled Washington to its core in March 2016 when he wondered about NATO’s continued relevance and questioned America’s foreign policy in Ukraine. That’s when this “Putin’s candidate” stuff started among both Republicans and Democrats.

There is nothing illegal about paying people like George Weigel to evoke Russian enemies. His reasons for siding with the godless EU against a country that asks the Patriarch of the Church to pass on all legislation is between him and his maker.

Using Western spies to fabricate political dirt crosses a line, though. That is criminal.

As happens with any sclerotic bureaucracy whose mission is lost to circumstance - see, for example, your local post office - the former Cold War spy apparatus has grown sloppy. 

It serves political ends without sufficiently hiding its nefarious intentions. Even its spy arcana has become as ill-fitting as the vintage striped shorts letter carriers wear on hot days.

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Last week, Hillary Clinton stupidly accused Tulsi Gabbard and Jill Stein of being Russian assets. If spies are willing to deliver anything that has a 55-cent stamp, she might as well send some junk mail. 

The great fun will come next. John Brennan, James Comey, James Clapper, Andrew McCabe, Peter Strzok, and the rest thought they were kings in their world of make-believe, playing James Bond against the evil Trump.

Really, though, they were mailmen in ridiculous shorts, reliving past glories of the Sears Catalog day, while stuck hopelessly in a world of internet ordering and drone delivery.

A federal prosecutor is now asking questions. U.S. Attorney John Durham has Mifsud’s phones. This is going to get interesting, and soon. 

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Unless, of course, the citadel holds, and the prosecution stops short of toppling Washington’s most strongly held conceit: that the $1.2 million McMansions in McClean, Virginia are necessary to stop Putin.

Even if that happens, the people are wiser from this ridiculousness. Washington will never return to that place where heroes like Pierre Delecto save the world from pretend Russian threats.

The swamp is draining.

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The Mystery Of Rennes-le-Chateau
May 11 2023 | From: FinalWakeUpCall / Various

Secret Societies: Was the Priory of Sion involved with the Unification of Europe?

If recent claims by various authors are correct, the Priory of Sion may be the oldest and most powerful secret society in history.

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It is said that they are the driving force behind the Knights Templar, and documents show that former leaders include names such as Leonardo da Vinci, Robert Fludd, Sir Isaac Newton, Victor Hugo, and the artist Jean Cocteau. This group was not known to the public until the mid-twentieth century.

The mystery surrounding the Priory of Sion takes place around the abbey of Rennes-le-Chateau in the Languedoc in southern France, where the Cathars were established in the 10th century.

They were the ancestors of the Scottish Carbonari, who had a lot of influence on the illuminati.

The Cathar Society was a humanitarian order who believed that their religious views were purer than those of the Catholic Church. They were followers of the former Gnostics, who devoted themselves more to spiritual matters than to material wealth.

Catharians and Catharism

The name Cathar means ‘the pure’. They were bloodily slaughtered between 1208 and 1244 at the religious command of Pope Innocent III by his papal army. Tens of thousands of men were sent by the Vatican to the province of Languedoc in France.

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Rennes-le-Chateau became, many years later, the home of the Templars who from their early years had maintained warm relations with the Catharians.

They were more Cathar than Catholic. The Catharians, many of whom were wealthy, had a considerable secret cache of gold and silver and important writings. Researchers report that these treasures were smuggled away three months before their slaughter, after which this hoard was lost forever.

The Mystery of Rennes-le-Chateau

Caught up in the mystery of Rennes-le-Chateau in 1885, was a Catholic priest by the name of François Berenger Saunière. He took the initiative of restoring the city church that in 1059 was dedicated to Mary Magdalene and stood on West Gothic ruins, dating back to the sixth century.

While he was at work in the church in 1891, he removed an altar stone and discovered that one of the supports was hollow and contained four parchment papers; two pieces with pedigrees from 1244 and 1644 and two missives written between 1780 and 1790 by a former parish priest, the abbot Antoine Bigou.

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The texts were unusual and seemed to have been written in code, some of which were incredibly complex. Saunière was referred to Paris by his superior and met the director general of the seminar, Saint Sulpice. Later it became known that this seminary was probably a cover for the Priory of Sion.

What the documents contained is still a secret to this day, but it was a big turning point in the life of Saunière. His visit to Paris not only earned him new friends in high circles, but also great wealth.

Before his sudden death in 1917, he spent many millions on new constructions and renovations in his town.

Shortly before his death, he discovered a small crypt underneath the church, which allegedly contained skeletons. He also discovered that the treasure he found belonged to King Dagobert II and to Sion, where he ultimately died.


This dark mixture of conspiracies clearly points to a level of reality that does not come to light in the MSM.

Researchers have found irrefutable evidence of involvement of an organised and coherent framework active behind the scenes, sometimes facilitated by using other organisations as a façade, aiming at the involvement of the Priory of Sion in the ‘dark underworld of European issues’ – where the mafia partially mergers with secret societies and intelligence services.

The big business world plays cosy hand clapping with the Vatican, where huge amounts of money are used for clandestine purposes, where the dividing lines between politics, religion, espionage, the banking world and organised crime fade and become negligible.

It is a turbid sphere of influence where European Christian Democratic parties, and various societies are committed to the European unity. It is a realm in which those in royal circles, neo-knight orders, masonic sects, the CIA, Mossad, the Maltese Knights and the Vatican are driven together, to temporarily join forces for a common purpose.

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However, as far as is known, no researcher has been able to get a firm grip on the Priory of Sion and its surrounding secret societies and groups. All is faded away and obfuscated by false documents, contradictory statements and smokescreens.

Moreover, yet other researchers are of the opinion that the Priory of Sion represents the summit of the current power pyramid and that the Priory of Sion recruits freemasons for its society through the Rosicrucians.

The European Union now seems to be a meticulous copy of the united Europe as envisaged by the leaders of the New World Order and the Priory of Sion.

Related: The Rosicrucians

Secret Societies

It is believed that secret societies are inter connected with the CIA, Mossad, the CFR, Bilderbergers, Round tables and Freemasonry, and even further back in history to the Illuminati, the Templars, the Maltese Knights and the Priory of Sion.

With their continuing agenda to discredit both national and ecclesiastical authorities in their attempt to first forge a united Europe and to then unite the rest of the world, i.e. to realise the NWO.

Instead of taking part in ecumenical studies to determine which traditions are most accurate, the Roman Church has attempted to eradicate everything that defied their authority with particularly violent and murderous means.

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One of the most prominent and powerful threats of ecclesiastical dogma came from the Templars. This order, originally a small secret group of knights, was formed to protect pilgrims after the first crusade was successfully completed, after having conquered the city of Jerusalem.

The Knights Templar really did not spend much time patrolling the roads. Instead, this group of knights, who had good connections with the most powerful European families, made excavations deep below where once Solomon’s Temple had stood in Jerusalem.

Whatever they found there, was all taken to Europe and was apparently hidden in the south of France in the village of Rennes-le-Chateau.

While nobody seems to know anything with absolute certainty about the particularities of these treasures of the Knights Templar, most researchers have come to the conclusion that in addition to a literal treasure of gold and silver, they most probably found old documents and works of art that could have been used to challenge and ultimately destroy ecclesiastical traditions.

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A group whose beliefs were possibly strengthened by the Templars’ discovery, was the Catharians, who were mainly based in the Languedoc region.

Merovingian Dynasty

The authorities of the Roman church felt threatened by the power of the Merovingian bloodline and they arranged the murder of King Dagobert II, through their influence over his stewards, after which they organised their own principality.

When the peace-loving Catharians condemned such abuse of power by the Church in 1209, Pope Innocent III began to take military steps against them too.

It is the strong suspicion that the treasures found in Jerusalem by the Knights Templar confirmed the Catharians’ faith. In fact, many Cathars were kept out of the hands of the papal army through the support of the Templars.

The Templars

Meanwhile the Knights Templar succeeded in intimidating the Roman Catholic Church so that the Church grantedspecial rights and favours to their order, through which they became one of the most powerful multinational organisations in the world.

Nonetheless, in 1307 the Templars themselves became victims of the wrath of the Vatican. In that year, all Templars in France were arrested and tortured by King Philip IV of France, who was commissioned by the Pope and the Vatican to perpetrate this slaughter.

Related: The Knights Templar

Philip IV had previously been dismissed as a member of the Templars because of his great debts to them. Most of Templars fled the country with a large fleet of boats that was stationed in La Rochelle on the Atlantic coast. It is assumed that they took the treasures with them.

Abroad, the Templars simply continued in various countries, albeit under different secret societies and orders, such as the Knights of Christ, Hospital Knights, and the Knights of the Teutonic Order.

In this way, their unorthodox ideas were spread throughout Europe and converged in the Masonic lodge of the Strict Observation where the “illuminated” Freemasonry arose.

It is assumed that among the hidden treasures, were genealogical documents that made the connections of the descendants of Jesus through the Merovingian royal family to individuals of our time.

Possibly, these repressed royals may have had their hand in the movement for the creation of a united Europe, in order to restore the old Holy Roman Empire.

It is thought that this group consisted not only of members belonging to the Habsburg dynasty, but also of personalities who have connections to the intelligence services of both England and America.

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Research into the movement for the unification of Europe and the Priory of Sion reveals connections between many of the modern secret societies, including freemasonry, intelligence services and the Vatican.

This underworld of intrigues was briefly in the news when in the eighties of the last century, the scandal of the P2 lodge in Italy erupted.

The hidden knowledge of the past contains secrets from our very distant history that have provided the basis for the theologies of secret societies.

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These secrets garner the attention of high-ranking members of secret societies and even secret services. It was precisely these secrets that formed the link between modern conspiratorial societies and ancient mysteries.

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The Money Changers
May 10 2023 | From: FinalWakeUpCall / Various

Money made on the backs of the populace.

Boom and bust cycles are made to happen.

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History and Origin of Our Debt Slavery

The union, in 2000 BC, between Babylonian religions, Babylonian banking and Babylonian law has put the world into serfdom.

Shortly before the birth of Jesus Christ also named Yeshua Messiah; The Romans set-up a “Puppet Regime” in Israel, so-as-to more effectively mask the harsh reality that the Israelites were a Conquered Folk.

And, because “Law” was frequently administered by a “Priesthood” in these ancient cultures, a group of priests known as “Pharisees” among them joint with the Romans to Deceive, Confuse, Plunder, and Enslave the common Israelite People.

Jesus Christ,
who stormed the Temple with righteous anger, overturning the money changers’ tables and whipping them severely about the head and shoulders to remove them out of the Temple, stating; “make not my Father’s house a house of merchandise.”

As reaction these same money changers called for His death days later. Because, Jesus was a threat to their oppressive and tyrannical financial system.

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Subsequently, the two special-interest-groups, the Romans and the Pharisees, united to have Jesus Christ nailed to the Cross a few days later, in 30 AC.

The fact, that never has been recorded that the religion of the Pharisees as become extinct, indicates that they and their slavery practices continue on to exist to this very day.

In their own literature, the modern practitioners of “Rabbinical Judaism” admit quietly that they are decedents from those ancient Pharisees. Jesus Christ and his followers were Crucified for speaking out boldly against these Evils of the Romans and their False-Israelite Pharisee Puppets.

The Romans were already followers of those same Babylonian Slave-Trading Codes. This indicates that the connection between the Roman Slave-Traders and the Pharisees was more than a mere coincidence.

This indicates that at some point in ancient history; the Roman Slave-Traders and the Phariseers of Israel were of Common Cultural Ancestry.

This shows that the modern “magic” of creating money out of nothing had its roots in the ancient city of Babylon. More exactly, some 600 years before the birth of Jesus Christ.

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Practitioners of the craft were known historically as “money changers”, to be more specific, “change your money from your hand into mine.”

Already about 1000 BC were money changers active as they even before that date had discovered that control over a fraudulent money supply not only gave them control over the assets of the people, but in a very real way, control over the government of the people.

Around 50 B.C. Julius Caesar took control of the monetary system of the kingdom by minting coins to be used in daily commerce. With a plentiful supply of real money, the kingdom prospered, business flourished and everyone benefited.

Everyone except the money changers, whose livelihood was turned upside down as their control over the nation’s finance was stripped away from them.

Their power would not lie long dormant however. They set about scheming to retake control, and Caesar was assassinated shortly thereafter.

It didn’t take long before corruption returned, taxes increased and the money supply was reduced by 90%, causing businesses to fail, people lost their homes and lands, and poverty became the norm. Sounds familiar?

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The reign of King Henry I 1100 – 1135, brings a new form of money that stripped the money changers of their sinful power over people and nations that at time had lasted for over 700 years.

He created a currency called a tally stick. It was a stick of polished wood with notches cut along one side, the number of which indicated the denomination of the amount of money represented by the stick.

The stick called ‘Tally’ was split lengthwise with each half bearing identical notches. One half went into circulation; the other half was kept by the king. It made counterfeiting impossible.

The system was a huge success, as the King’s taxes were to be paid by , which increased circulation and assured its acceptance as a legitimate form of money.

Most important, it kept the money changers from gaining control of the money supply. Which didn’t sit well with them for a very long time. Meanwhile for the people, the world was a much happier place. After the King died, the money changers returned.

In 1791, Alexander Hamilton, the secretary of the treasury had created the first central bank, under the name the First Bank of the United States, although there were only four other bank in the whole country at that time.

Its charter expired in 1811. In 1816 they tried again setting up the Second Bank of the United States, which charter expired in 1836 and was not renewed by Andrew Jackson, the 7th president 1829 to 1837 of the United States, who once again removed the money changers’ central bank system.

Related: A Central Banker’s Plan For Your Money

After he died in 1845, the criminal money changers returned. They created the banking crisis of 1907, to undertake their third attack to obtain control over the money system.

In 1913 by bribing the Woodrow Wilson Government they re-established their power under the flag of the Federal Reserve Bank, that neither Federal nor a Bank is.

It was in 1963 that President John F. Kennedy 1961 – 1963, made an attempt to have these criminal money changers removed, for which he was murdered in Dallas, Texas in November 1963.

In 2012, after the second term election of Barack Obama, three patriots formed a secret group of ten very rich, intelligent and powerful billionaires. They were worried about losing America to foreign regimes through fascist forces.

That is why they formed a secret alliance, loyal to the flag and constitution of America. They were all personally acquainted with members of the Deep State and obtained first-hand knowledge on their plans. Supported by their powerful, secret alliance, they reached out to trusted associates, motivated by the same reason as to why the Deep State had always handpicked their Presidents; the assurance of a smooth implementation of their plans.

Additional: Read about the Alliance that has been working behind the scenes for decades to take down the 'Cabal' within the work of David Wilcock.

Must Watch: "The Plan" to Defeat the Illuminati

Some of those reading this may be confused because the cabal-controlled mainstream media is doing everything within it's power to denigrate
Trump - as he is part of the effort to take the Illuminati down once and for all.

And the Alliance effort operates beyond the bounds of countries - out of neccessity; as that is how the Luciferian Cabal does.

Do you think you can trust the mainstream media? Look at whom they target. One must wonder why 'they' also do not like

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Henceforth, they decided to beat the Deep State at their own game, without letting them know they were in the same match as a competitor.

Their first step was to select the person they thought would be most suitable to fulfil the job of POTUS.

They listed these criteria for their candidate; must be charismatic, rich, powerful, self-made, motivated to put America first, proud, thick-skinned, a constitutionalist, outspoken, a non-politician but rather, entrepreneurial and must believe in the high probability attaining success in this position.

They selected seven qualified candidates. One of them was Donald Trump. If he would turn down their request, there would quite likely have been an overt coup in an attempt to remove the cabal, as a fallback fail-safe plan.

President Donald Trump was read-in and a key part of his rolw is to expose the Deep State cabal at every turn; the “dark” criminal people who are doing everything possible to keep humanity from waking up.

The cabal are desperate and they are pulling out all the stops to prevent the change into a better world for all of us.

The Deep State hate humanity because they fear humanity as they know what humanity’s true capabilities are and that’s why they’ve gone all out to destroy the populace through Big Pharma’s poisoning pills; so-called “Health care”; applying obstructive methods to healing; toxic fluoridated water; processed foods with poisoning chemicals; soft drinks with dangerous sugars and sweeteners; chemtrails destroying the environment; an education system full of lies, to name just a few facts.

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The Deep State want bribed followers, not independent leaders.

Thanks to the well-organised Q-structure, President Trump and the Patriots are becoming successful and meanwhile have manoeuvred the Deep State in the defence.

Their main tool of "money changing" by the central banks has been ruined. Their worldwide Rothschild run banking system and central bank economy has become totally dysfunctional, as may can observe and is proven by the insane daily money printing in quantities of trillions.

The printing of trillions of money units, with negative interest rates, unlimited quantitative easing QE –other form of money printing – is committed to buying trillions in Treasury Bonds and mortgage backed securities, municipal bond, junk bond, etc. is doubtless the death warrant for the central bank economy. 

This is the transition into the people’s economy on which Trump Team is working since being in office.

The outbreak of the China-Virus is a Deep State Cabal initiated operation to reducing the world population according Agenda 2030.

Is cleverly used by the Trump Team to remove worldwide the Deep State from their illegally obtained money changing power.

Related: Ghost Money, Burnt Money And Dead Money

President Trump and the patriots knew already far in advance, actually from its inception, about this evil operation and has turned this crisis in an opportunity to start worldwide the implementation of GESARA, and ending the Rothschild Central Bank system.

Money Made on the Backs of the Populace

Since the brutal murder of President Kennedy the Deep State became the predominant structure of power over every government.

The money changers had long ago discovered that control over a fraudulent money supply not only gave them control over the assets of the people, but in a very real way, control over the government of the people.

They learned to make money on the backs of the people with the sanction of their own government: They extended their control by applying the sequence of easy money / tight money cycles.

By making money easy to borrow, the amount of money in circulation is increased. When the money changers were satisfied that enough suckers had taken the bait, they sprung the trap.

Related: The Khazarian Bankster Cult That Hijacked The World & Worthless Pieces Of Paper - Interest On Fake Money Is Confiscating Your Freedom

Money is “created” in a debt-based monetary system. Money only comes into being when credit is established. You walk into a bank, borrow $250,000 for a new house; a mark is made on the bank’s ledger, and voila! $250,000 is instantly made, as it didn’t exist before.

Simply by virtue of the fact you signed your name on a piece of paper promising to pay back that sum of money, while the bank receives as security for this fake loan, your real asset, your house, that they will confiscate the moment you are caught in their trap.

Boom and Bust Cycles Are Made to Happen

Suddenly money supply is tightened. Then they make loans difficult or impossible to get, which results in a decrease of the amount of money in circulation.

With the result, that a percentage of the people will not be able to repay their loans whereas being unable to make new loans, they go bankrupt.

These home owners now are forced to transfer their assets to the lenders for peanuts on the loan. While they most likely remain in debt for the rest of their life.

This trick is frequently applied to suck the financial life blood out of the people and keep these as their debt slaves in line.

Their basic strategies are: destabilising nations; ruin their economies; send millions of manufacturing jobs off to places where virtual slave labour does the work, like in China; adding insult to grievance, export the cheap products of those slave-factories back to the nations who lost the jobs, to be sold to consumers without money on cheap credit, buying most of these things they really don’t need in the first place, to further undercut domestic manufacturers, forcing them to close their doors and firing still more employees, to deliberately increase unemployment figures and lowering job quality.

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Then the send in the World Bank or the IMF, to solve the economic chaos by bringing order, lending money and talking away the real assets of the country a security for the emitted loans, based on fake money. 

Question; What kind of problems do they solve? Of course The New World Order.

That eventually, creates one world, without national borders, under one management system, with a planned global economy, to restore stability, deceptively promised ‘for the good of all’, and lasting for ever, after in the process 90% of the world population has been culled.

This process is in sophisticated words called “boom and bust”, “the business cycle”, “inflation”, “recession”, “depression” and it keeps you and me confused and blind to their dark magic.

The language has changed, but the fraud is the same as it always has been. And the world is indeed a much less happy place as time goes forward.

More on the money changers in a future essay, which will deal more specifically with a certain Mr. Amschel Mayer Bauer, alias Rothschild, and his offspring.

There is no reason for anyone to ever suffer from any deficiency. There is no reason for anyone to ever be charged for taxation. The banks use every trick in their books to hold assets that depositors have left with them in good faith – under false claims of ‘abandonment’.

Related: The Bankers’ Scam - The Power Of Money: Beat The Bankers Through Debt Termination & Commonwealth Bank Of Australia: One Of The Largest Banks In The World Just Accused Of Laundering Millions For Drug Cartels

Do not worry; We, the people, have the power to restore our own national government, reclaim our political status from our birth right, and restore our land jurisdiction.

Our countries – without legal personality of their own – are still standing and operating and can be restored to their original legal status by requiring that all property owed by the nations and people be returned.

The clock is ticking. Billions of people worldwide must wake up and recover their stolen belongings and identity.

The corrupt politicians, the church leaders, the military leaders, the banks – all of them must publicly suffer their shame for what has happened all over the world for centuries.

Be vigilant and determined with the exposure of these corrupt people who take every opportunity to undermine their destruction, do not be fooled by these rats.

Be pleased to know that President Trump and his patriots are working with the Alliance and the help of Q and Anons, supported by many volunteer workers, to end our debt slavery and drain the swamp.

Where one goes, we go all! Be convinced that we humans will win the fight against the Deep State.

When everything is given back to the populace, and people themselves are in charge, planet Earth becomes as our Lord originally had envisioned for us.

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We humans now have an obligation to take the necessary measures to ensure that all generations to come know what we have been through as debt slaves, so that no one or group will ever stand up again and take control of our money, as has been the case many times in the past. That is clearly explained in this essay.

Make sure, that everyone who takes his/her responsibility seriously, is informed in detail about the sheer scale and depth of the committed fraud, injustice, murder and treason.

All future generations and their children must be informed so similar evils do not happen to them again. Only continued civil vigilance can prevent the return of money changers.

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Washington DC’s Role Behind The Scenes In Hollywood Goes Deeper Than You Think
May 9 2023 | From: Independent | Various

On television, we found more than 1,100 titles received Pentagon backing – 900 of them since 2005, from 'Flight 93' to 'Ice Road Truckers' and 'Army Wives.'

Federal agencies in the US have sponsored thousands of hours’ worth of entertainment time, including individual episodes of ‘24’

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The US government and Hollywood have always been close. Washington DC has long been a source of intriguing plots for filmmakers and LA has been a generous provider of glamour and glitz to the political class.

But just how dependant are these two centres of American influence? Scrutiny of previously hidden documents reveals that the answer is: very. We can now show that the relationship between US national security and Hollywood is much deeper and more political than anyone has ever acknowledged.

It is a matter of public record that the Pentagon has had an entertainment liaison office since 1948. The Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) established a similar position in 1996.

Although it was known that they sometimes request script changes in exchange for advice, permission to use locations, and equipment such as aircraft carriers, each appeared to have passive, and largely apolitical roles.

Files we obtained, mainly through the US Freedom of Information Act, show that between 1911 and 2017, more than 800 feature films received support from the US Government’s Department of Defence (DoD), a significantly higher figure than previous estimates indicate. These included blockbuster franchises such as TransformersIron Man, and The Terminator.

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On television, we found over 1,100 titles received Pentagon backing – 900 of them since 2005, from Flight 93 to Ice Road Truckers to Army Wives.

When we include individual episodes for long running shows like 24Homeland, and NCIS, as well as the influence of other major organisations like the FBI and White House, we can establish unequivocally for the first time that the national security state has supported thousands of hours of entertainment.

For its part, the CIA has assisted in 60 film and television shows since its formation in 1947. This is a much lower figure than the DoD’s but its role has nonetheless been significant.

The CIA put considerable effort into dissuading representations of its very existence throughout the 1940s and 1950s. This meant it was entirely absent from cinematic and televisual culture until a fleeting image of a partially obscured plaque in Alfred Hitchcock’s North By Northwest in 1959, as historian Simon Willmetts revealed last year.

The CIA soon endured an erosion of public support, while Hollywood cast the agency as villain in paranoid pictures like Three Days of the Condor and The Parallax View in the 1970s and into the 1980s.

When the CIA established an entertainment liaison office in 1996, it made up for lost time, most emphatically on the Al Pacino film The Recruit and the Osama bin Laden assassination movie Zero Dark Thirty.

Leaked private memos published by our colleague Tricia Jenkins in 2016, and other memos published in 2013 by the mainstream media, indicate that each of these productions was heavily influenced by government officials. Both heightened or inflated real-world threats and dampened down government malfeasance.

One of the most surprising alterations, though, we found in an unpublished interview regarding the comedy Meet the Parents. The CIA admitted it had asked that Robert De Niro’s character not possess an intimidating array of agency torture manuals.

Nor should we see the clandestine services as simply passive, naive or ineffectual during the counterculture years or its aftermath. They were still able to derail a Marlon Brando picture about the Iran-Contra scandal (in which the US illegally sold arms to Iran) by establishing a front company run by Colonel Oliver North to outbid Brando for the rights, journalist Nicholas Shou recently claimed.

The (CIA) Director’s Cut

The national security state has a profound, sometimes petty, impact on what Hollywood conveys politically. On Hulk, the DoD requested “pretty radical” script alterations, according to script notes we obtained through Freedom of Information.

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These included disassociating the military from the gruesome laboratories that created “a monster” and changing the codename of the operation to capture the Hulk from “ranch hand” to “angry man”. Ranch Hand had been the name of a real chemical warfare programme during the Vietnam war.

In making the alien movie Contact, the Pentagon “negotiated civilianisation of almost all military parts”, according to the database we acquired.

It removed a scene in the original script where the military worries that an alien civilisation will destroy Earth with a “doomsday machine”, a view dismissed by Jodie Foster’s character as “paranoia right out of the Cold War”.

The role of the national security state in shaping screen entertainment has been underestimated and its examination long concentrated in remarkably few hands. The trickle of recent books has pushed back but only fractionally and tentatively.

An earlier breakthrough occurred at the turn of the century, when historians identified successful attempts in the 1950s by a senior individual at the Paramount film studio to promote narratives favourable to a CIA contact known only as “Owen”.

The new FOI documents give a much better sense of the sheer scale of state activities in the entertainment industry, which we present alongside dozens of fresh cases studies. But we still do not know the specific impact of the government on a substantial portion of films and shows.

The American Navy’s Marine Corps alone admitted to us that there are 90 boxes of relevant material in its archive. The government has seemed especially careful to avoid writing down details of actual changes made to scripts in the 21st century.

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State officials have described Washington DC and Hollywood as being “sprung from the same DNA” and the capital as being “Hollywood for ugly people”.

That ugly DNA has embedded far and wide. It seems the two cities on opposite sides of the United States are closer than we ever thought.

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“Order Out Of Chaos”: How The Elite’s Plans Were Foretold In Popular Culture
May 8 2023 | From: VigilantCitizen / Various

The core philosophy of the occult elite and its plans for humanity are hidden in plain sight. From famous landmarks to blockbuster movies, it is all laid out for those who have “eyes to see”.
At the center of it all, one motto: Order Out of Chaos.

Since late 2008, The Vigilant Citizen has been analyzing popular culture to highlight patterns of messages and symbolism.

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And, since the very first articles published on this site, one major theme keeps resurfacing all across popular culture:

The “welcoming” of a global crisis that causes massive chaos and death which allows the ushering in of a new era. In other words: Order Out of Chaos.

This theme can be found all over popular culture, especially in products funded and commissioned by the occult elite. Why is that? Because, since the 19th century, the official motto of the occult elite is Ordo Ab Chao, Latin for Order Out of Chaos.

This an insignia representing the 33rd degree in Freemasonry (the highest degree attainable). At the top, the degree’s official motto: Ordo Ab Chao

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As in everything else in Freemasonry, the motto Order Out of Chaos has several meanings, ranging from nebulous metaphysical deeds to concrete social engineering.

On a wider scale, this motto is the ultimate recipe for a drastic change in society:

1. An event causes chaos and panic

2. A solution surfaces which also happens to advance the agenda of the elite 3) Society changes without resistance.

In this day and age, the ultimate goal of the elite is to create a global government that controls the world’s resources while keeping the masses subdued and monitored through police-state tactics. The “solutions” to the current virus crisis represent big steps in that direction.

This is why they welcome these moments of chaos. They are opportunities. While the masses suffer and weaken, the elite gains power and control.

And, since symbols rule the world, Order Out of Chaos is celebrated all over popular culture through symbolism. Here are some examples in chronological order.

Georgia Guidestones

Since their unveiling in 1980, the enigmatic Georgia Guidestones have baffled people with their ominous messages.

Indeed, inscribed on gigantic slabs of stone are “10 Commandments” for a new era. And the first one says: Maintain humanity under 500 million. In order to satisfy this monument, the current world population needs to be reduced by at least 90%.

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As explained in Sinister Sites – The Georgia Guidestones, everything about this monument is in line with the agenda of the occult elite.

From a world government to population control, it is all here. Here are the ten “commandments”:

1. Maintain humanity under 500,000,000 in perpetual balance with nature.

2. Guide reproduction wisely – improving fitness and diversity.

3. Unite humanity with a living new language.

4. Rule passion – faith – tradition – and all things with tempered reason.

5. Protect people and nations with fair laws and just courts.

6. Let all nations rule internally resolving external disputes in a world court.

7. Avoid petty laws and useless officials.

8. Balance personal rights with social duties.

9. Prize truth – beauty – love – seeking harmony with the infinite.

10. Be not a cancer on the earth – Leave room for nature – Leave room for nature.

This current crisis is pushing us towards these commandments.

For instance, a world in confinement is clearly an exercise of “balancing personal rights with social duties”. Also, we are definitely “leaving room for nature”.

An NZ Herald headline about the environmental “benefits” of this crisis

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In short, the Georgia Guidestones “look forward” to a massive, apocalyptic event to bring forth specific changes to the world. And it is not the only landmark to communicate this specific message in the United States.

Denver International Airport Murals

As explained in the article Sinister Sites – Denver International Airport, there’s a bunch of strange things going on at the DIA.

At the center of it all is a 4-panel mural displaying death and chaos, followed by the creation of a new world.  As my 2009 article states:

“When you analyze the symbolism of the murals, you realize that they tell a terrifying story of future events about to happen, as if it was some sort of prophecy.

There are specific social and political references and other occult details that basically turn those paintings into a New World Order manifesto.

At the risk of causing you nightmares tonight, here’s one of the murals.

A massive militaristic figure wearing a gas mask pokes a dove in the butt. An infinite line of mothers cry while holding dead babies. Is this what you want to see before boarding a plane?

Related: ‘Welcome to Illuminati Headquarters’: Gargoyle ‘Debunks Conspiracies’ at Denver Airport

For some reason, I always found the rainbow at the top of this mural extremely unsettling. Even more so in today’s context.

Amid pandemic lockdown, a global trend emerged of plastering rainbows on windows and public places

Related: Something is rotten in the Denver airport

I won’t analyze all four murals here, but there’s a happy ending.

After death and devastation: Rebirth of a new world that is united around some sort of glowing plant

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Once again, an artwork placed in a public space tells the story of massive chaos followed by the rebirth of a new world that unites all nations.

Bank of America Murals

The enigmatic murals on display at the Bank of America corporate center in Charlotte, North Carolina revolve around the same general theme as the sinister sites above.

The three murals on display at the Bank of America headquarters

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As thoroughly explained in my article The Occult Symbolism Found on the Bank of America Murals, there’s a wealth of symbolism going on here. At the center of it all: Order Out of Chaos.

The mural on the right is called “Planning / Knowledge” and it is replete with occult and Masonic symbolism. It basically tells us that those who are “planning” the world have occult “knowledge”.

The center mural is called “Chaos / Creativity”. It depicts a period of transition characterized by turmoil and oppression.

There is civil unrest, military figures on the streets and barb wires all over the place.

There is also this guy:

Amongst the chaos is a person wearing a hazmat suit. Not unlike the DIA mural, the period of chaos appears to be linked with some kind of biological threat

Flash forward to right now.

This is all we see in the news:

People in hazmat suits are all over the news right now

The Movie 2012

Disaster movies attract audiences with big visual effects … to then indoctrinate them with messages.

Released in 2009, the movie 2012 depicted the end of the world as predicted by the Mayans or whatever.

Beyond the specular scenes of famous monuments being destroyed, the movie conveyed one single message: Only the elite would survive a period of chaos.

The slogan of the movie: “We were warned”. The image on the poster: The Brazilian monument “Christ the Redeemer” monument falling down: Symbolic

As explained in my article The Hidden Symbolic Meaning of the Movie “2012”, the story is less about the end of the world and more about the world elite surviving a major crisis.

Indeed, in the movie, the elite knew that a cataclysm was coming years in advance and they hid it from the masses.

They used that time to prepare for a new era while the rest of the world population was left to die.

In the movie, the elite mandates China to build massive ships that would keep the “chosen ones” safe as the world gets wiped out.

The price of a ticket to enter these ships: 1 billion Euros per person.

The Queen of England boards the ship in China

In the end, the chosen ones survived the cataclysm while the rest of the world died.

Their ships landed in Africa and the elite started a new civilization in place they’ve called Cape Hope. Once again, we’re seeing echoes of this today.

While 2012 is not about a deadly virus, it symbolically depicts the elite’s core philosophy: Order Out of Chaos.

The Economist Magazine

For years, The Economist has been creeping out people for years with strange, enigmatic magazine covers that appear to make grim predictions.

While some might say “who cares”, there’s a reason why this magazine should be taken seriously: The Economist is directly linked to the world elite - those who make these predictions a reality.

As I wrote in the article The Economist 2015 Cover is Filled With Cryptic Symbols and Dire Predictions:

“I wouldn’t normally dedicate an entire article analyzing the cover of a publication, but this isn’t any publication. It is The Economist and it is directly related to the world elite.

It is partly owned by the Rothschild banking family of England and its editor-in-chief, John Micklethwait, attended several times to the Bilderberg Conference – the secretive meeting where the world’s most powerful figures from the world of politics, finance business and media discuss global policies.

The outcome of those meetings is totally secret. It is therefore safe to say that the people at The Economist know things that most people don’t.

With that being said, here’s The Economist cover titled “The World in 2019”:

The Economist’s “The World in 2019” Cover

Related: Secrets Of The Rothschild “The World In 2016” Economist Cover Decoded

I won’t analyze everything here (read my full article about it here), but here are some details that relevant in today’s context.

The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse. One of them is wearing a mask

The Book of Revelation describes the Horseman as harbingers of the Last Judgement.

The White Horse is said to symbolize Conquest, Pestilence and the coming of the Anti-Christ; The Red Horse represents War; the Black Horse is associated with Famine, and the Pale Horse brings Death.

In today’s context, one could say that the current crisis simultaneously brought some forms of conquest, pestilence, famine, and death.

Here’s another weird element found on the cover.

At the bottom left of the cover is a pangolin

Although there are several theories floating around regarding the origins of the virus, there is one that keeps popping up in mass media: It was transmitted to humans by a pangolin.

A headline from the NY Times

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A headline from The Conversation

The cover contains other details that are more relevant now than ever:

A stork carrying a baby with a barcode (Bill Gates’ wants to create a “digital ID” through vaccination at birth); The “Vitruvian man” holding a QR Code (China now requires people to show a QR code on their phones to move around).

Now, here’s the cover of the latest issue of The Economist:

The hand of the elite keeps the masses “on a leash”. Like a dog. That’s what they want

Order Out of Chaos.

Madonna Eurovision Performance

About a year ago, I analyzed the grand finale of the Eurovision contest which is one of the most-watched non-sporting events in the world.

The show culminated with a disturbing and deeply occult performance by Madonna which seems to foretell things to come.

After partaking into some kind of occult ritual, a bunch of people wearing gas masks surrounded Madonna.

Madonna wearing a crown (corona) surrounded by people in gas masks

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As Madonna performed the song Future, she sang:

Not everyone is coming to the future
Not everyone is learning from the past
Not everyone can come into the future
Not everyone that’s here is gonna last

Then, Madonna blows a wind of death on the masked people and everybody dies. Also, in the background, the Statue of Liberty is broken. Today, our liberties are broken as well

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Fast-forward to today, Madonna is saying weird things about the virus. In a recent video posted on her social media account, Madonna said this about the pandemic:

“It’s the great equalizer, and what’s terrible about it is what’s great about it. What’s terrible about it is it’s made us all equal in many ways - and what’s wonderful about it is it’s made us all equal in many ways.”

I personally wouldn’t use the word “wonderful” anywhere near this virus.

But I’m not an elite-connected psychopath. Speaking of which, Madonna also partnered up with those who want to turn this crisis into an Orwellian nightmare.

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In Conclusion

Although this article looked at items that are widely different, they have a few points in common.

First, they’re were funded and commissioned by the elite.

Second, they are all part of popular culture, which defines and “colors” our society.

Third, they all tell a similar story: The “welcoming” of a major crisis to usher in a New World Order.

One could ask: “Why are these messages even there? Wouldn’t they want to keep their plans secret?”

No. The plans need to be hidden in plain sight, for several reasons.

First, the concept of predictive programming tells us that, once the masses are exposed to a shocking idea, they are less shocked and more accepting when it actually happens.

Second, the elite believes in karmic laws. If the masses are properly warned and if they willingly accept what is happening, the elite is relieved from karmic “revenge”.

Finally, symbols rule the world. Throughout history, the symbolism of those in power was always plastered all over society.

Those who rule the world right now want a New World Order. But, before this can happen, there needs to be chaos.

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