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“Collective Narcissism” And The “Dark Triad”: Those Who Protest Against The “Official” Covid-19 Narrative Are Categorized As “Psychopaths”: Is It A Witch Hunt? + Is The World Adopting The Ways Of Nazi Germany?
January 17 2022 | From: ProfessorMichelChossudovsky / GlobalResearch / Various

The legitimacy of Wall Street, the World Economic Forum (WEF), Big Pharma and the billionaire foundations which ordered the closure of the global economy on March 11, 2020 must be forcefully challenged.

And now we have entered a new phase. The “Vaccine Passport” is being imposed in a large number of countries. And those who refuse to get the “vaccine” are categorized as “anti-social psychopaths”. So-called peer reviewed “reports” are now categorizing those who refuse the face mask, social distancing, confinement and the vaccine of having “anti-social personality disorders”.

Related: The 2020-21 Worldwide Corona Crisis: Destroying Civil Society, Engineered Economic Depression, Global Coup d’État and the “Great Reset”

A diabolical process is underway which consists in “identifying” all those who are opposed to the governments’ management of the coronavirus pandemic. According to ongoing psychological studies, these opponents are categorized as anti-social psychopaths.

The unspoken objective is to shunt the emergence of an organized protest movement pertaining to social engineering and the decision taken Worldwide at a political level to close down the national economies of more than 150 members states of the United Nations.

Peer reviewed psychological “studies” are currently being carried in several countries using sample surveys.

Accept the “big Lie” and you are tagged as a “good person” with “empathy” who understands the feelings of others.

Protest against the official truth (“big lie”), criticize government guidelines, express reservations regarding the closing down of the global economy, social distancing and the wearing of the face mask, and you will be tagged (according to “scientific opinion”) as a “callous and deceitful psychopath”.

Related: Fake Science, Invalid Data: There Is No Such Thing As A “Confirmed Covid-19 Case” & Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.'s Highly Anticipated Book, “The Real Anthony Fauci”

Psychology: Empirical Studies

A so-called peer reviewed “empirical report” describes those who refuse to wear the face mask or abide by social distancing as having “anti-social personality disorders”.

Those who “do not adhere to measures to prevent the spread of COVID-19” are tagged as “anti-social”.

The findings of the Brazilian study involving a “sample” of 1578 adults was published in the journal Personality and Individual Differences. under the title:

COVID-19 Pandemic Over Time: Do Antisocial Traits Matter?

Related: What Are the Truly Verifiable Facts Surrounding COVID-19?

“Empathy” Versus “Anti-Social Traits”

The statistical “methodology” of this study is straightforward. It is intended to serve as a model.

It consists in categorizing a so-called sample of adults from all major regions of Brazil into two distinct groups. It examines:

"..the relationships between antisocial traits and compliance with COVID-19 containment measures. The sample consisted of 1578 Brazilian adults aged 18–73 years … and a questionnaire about compliance with containment measures.

Latent profile analyses indicated a 2-profile solution: the antisocial pattern profile which presented higher scores in Callousness, Deceitfulness, Hostility, Impulsivity, Irresponsibility, Manipulativeness, and Risk-taking, as well as lower scores in Affective resonance;

and the empathy pattern profile which presented higher scores in Affective resonance …

The antisocial and empathy groups showed significant differences. … Our findings indicated that antisocial traits, especially lower levels of empathy and higher levels of Callousness, Deceitfulness, and Risk-taking, are directly associated with lower compliance with containment measures.

These traits explain, at least partially, the reason why people continue not adhering to the containment measures
even with increasing numbers of cases and deaths."

The research methodology is built around 3 main questions:

 “Do you think it is necessary to avoid approaching people as much as possible until the coronavirus situation is controlled?” (social distancing),

“Do you think it is necessary to wash your hands and/or use alcohol gel as many times a day until the coronavirus situation is controlled?” (hygiene),

“Do you think it is necessary to use facemask (that protects nose and mouth) in Brazil?” (facemask).

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Answer Yes to these Three Questions:

You are categorized as having “Empathy” (i.e. the ability to understand and share the feelings of others).

Answer No to all Three Questions: 

You are categorized (according to the study) as having “higher levels of Callousness, Deceitfulness, Hostility, Impulsivity, Irresponsibility, Manipulativeness, and Risk-taking” (as quoted above).

It all sounds very scientific. The unspoken objective of these psycho-studies is to provide governments with a mandate to intimidate as well as to enforce compliance, while smearing the alleged psychopaths who refuse to conform to the official narrative, which is an outright lie.

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“The Dark Triad” and “Collective Narcissism” 

According to Eric W. Dolan  (PsyPost) the above study consisted in identifying “a measure of maladaptive personality traits… “.   Dolan also refers to a related study focussing on: “the “Dark Triad” of narcissism, psychopathy, and Machiavellianism associated with ignoring preventative COVID-19 measures.”. The study conducted in Poland is entitled: .

Adaptive and maladaptive behavior during the COVID-19 pandemic: The roles of Dark Triad traits, collective narcissism, and health beliefs

The study refers to the practice of “collective narcissism”, namely a common belief and practice by a so-called ‘In-Group” (aka protest movement, collective of dissident medical doctors, scientists) directed against the official corona virus “truth” (aka the Big Lie). Collective narcissism is embedded in what psychologists call the Dark Triad.

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The study is based on “a nationally representative sample from Poland (N = 755)”. It examines:

"the relationships between the Dark Triad traits (i.e., psychopathy, Machiavellianism, and narcissism) and collective narcissism (i.e., agentic and communal) … Participants characterized by the Dark Triad traits engaged less in prevention …  The results point to the utility of health beliefs in predicting behaviors during the pandemic, explaining (at least in part) problematic behaviors associated with the dark personalities (i.e., Dark Triad, collective narcissism). …

 The traits, such as the Dark Triad (i.e., narcissism, Machiavellianism, psychopathy) and collective narcissism … may have implications for how one copes with the virus…  For example, individuals characterized by the Dark Triad traits may be less likely to follow governmentally-enforced restrictions related to COVID-19.

The Term “Agentic” quoted above refers to “goal-achievement”.

And Here is the Methodology:

"We measured the Dark Triad traits (Wave 2) … [also with reference to] the Dark Triad Dirty Dozen scale (Jonason & Webster, 2010). The scale consists of four items assessing individual differences in psychopathy (e.g., “I tend to lack remorse”), narcissism (e.g., “I tend to seek prestige or status”), and Machiavellianism (e.g., “I tend to manipulate others to get my way”). Participants indicated their agreement with each item (1 = strongly disagree, 5 = strongly agree). We averaged responses to create indices of each trait.”

Sounds scientific. What are the conclusions?

"We advanced the scope of the model by illustrating the relevance of dark personality traits in predicting both adaptive and maladaptive behaviors in response to the pandemic by person-focused (i.e., the Dark Triad traits) and group-focused (i.e., collective narcissism) personality traits.” 

The read the full report click here

The psychological definition of Dark Triad Traits comprises the combined personality traits of narcissism, Machiavellianism, and psychopathy. “They are called “dark” because of their malevolent qualities.”

The Dark Triad Dirty Dozen (DTDD) consists of a broader “personality inventory” which assesses and measures the three personality components of the Dark Triad:

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In substance, what this “scientific report” confirms is that people who question the covid-19 official narrative have “malevolent personality disorders”. They are said to suffer from the Dirty Dozen “Dark Triad Traits” (DTDD). 

When they act contiguously within a In-Group or a Protest movement (E.g. The August Mass Rally in Berlin), they are tagged as applying “collective narcissism”.

The framework of the above study is also envisaged for other countries in partnership (with the Warsaw group). Another related study is entitled: “Who complies with the restrictions to reduce the spread of COVID-19?: Personality and perceptions of the COVID-19 situation”

Strong words. “Peer Reviewed”?

Psychology is being used in a pernicious way to provide legitimacy to a Police State with a mandate to “go after” those who allegedly have Dark Triad “malevolent personality disorders”.

It’s an inquisitorial doctrine, which could eventually evolve towards a digital witch hunt, far more sophisticated than the “Spanish Inquisition”.

"In contrast to the Spanish Inquisition, the contemporary inquisitorial system has almost unlimited capabilities of spying on and categorizing individuals.

People are tagged and labeled, their emails, telephones and faxes are monitored, detailed personal data is entered into giant Big Brother data banks. Once this cataloging has been completed, people are locked into watertight compartments. Their profiles are established and entered into a computerized system.

Law enforcement is systematic. The witch hunt is not only directed against presumed “terrorists” through ethnic profiling, etc., the various human rights, affirmative action, antiwar cohorts are themselves the object of the anti-terrorist legislation and so on.

Needless to say, converting or recanting by antiwar heretics is not permitted.

Meanwhile war criminals occupy positions of authority. The citizenry is galvanized into supporting rulers, “committed to their safety and well-being”, “who are going after the bad guys.”

- Michel Chossudovsky, The Spanish Inquisition, “Made in America”, Global Research, December 2004

Francisco Goya: The Spanish Inquisition (1812-1819) Real Academia de Bellas Artes de San Fernando, Madrid

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“Economic Genocide” 

We are living one of the most serious crises in modern history. People’s lives are being destroyed.

These empirical psychology studies are meant to be used against citizens who are opposed to the instructions of their respective governments. In turn these governments obey orders from higher up.

While ordinary citizens are tagged, what is increasingly obvious  is that the billionaires, “philanthropists”, corrupt politicians, et al., who are the unspoken architects of the global economic lockdown are psychopaths in their own right.

While their personality traits are not the motive of scientific investigation, the corrupt billionaires who are behind the corona lockdown and closure of the global economy are mentally deranged. Money and enrichment is the driving force.

However, tagging politicians and financiers as “psychopaths” is in an understatement.  What is a stake is an outright crime against humanity. Calling for the simultaneous closing down of the national economies of 193 member states of the UN is an act of economic genocide.

Related: Fake Science, Invalid Data: There Is No Such Thing As A “Confirmed Covid-19 Case” & Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.'s Highly Anticipated Book, “The Real Anthony Fauci”

Economic and social decision-making is criminalized. The legitimacy of  Wall Street, the World Economic Forum (WEF), Big Pharma and the billionaire foundations which ordered the closure of the global economy on March 11, 2020 must be forcefully addressed. Social distancing has devastating consequences.

At this juncture it is being used to justify the closure of schools, colleges and universities, which deliberately derogate the right to education.

Wearing the face mask is detrimental to a person’s health. It’s known and documented. Enforcing the wearing of the face mask using fake science as a justification is an illegal and criminal act. Fauci confirmed it two months ago. He is lying to himself when ordering that the wearing of the mask be applied “universally”. 

Now he says exactly the opposite. The future of humanity is at stake. 

Millions of people have been impoverished as a result of the closure of the real economy. Spread the word.

Those who have been coerced into being 'vaccinated' believe that the 'unvaccinated' are a somehow a threat.

There exists a blatantly obvious logical paradox here.

If one is suposedly 'vaccinated' then they should have no logical issue with 'unvaccinated' people, who excercised their own free will and legal choice.

'Vaccinated' people who take issue with 'unvaccinated' people

1. They actually do not believe that the 'vaccine' works.

2. They have actually become propagandised to the point where logical function has been compromised.

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Is The World Adopting The Ways Of Nazi Germany?

When it comes to resisting any form of tyranny, a common assertion is that if you make any comparisons to Nazi Germany you lose the argument. Really?

Consider this: On August 25, 2021 “We For Humanity,” an international association of doctors, scientists, lawyers, journalists, and other professionals, wrote a letter to government agencies in Europe, Australia, New Zealand, and Canada condemning COVID-19 mass vaccination programs on behalf of Holocaust survivors, their children, and grandchildren.

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This is part of what the letter says:

"We, the survivors of the atrocities committed against humanity during the Second World War, feel bound to follow our conscience and write this letter.

It is obvious to us that another holocaust of  greater magnitude is taking place before our eyes. The majority of the world’s populace do not yet realize what is happening, for magnitude of an organized crime such as this is beyond their scope of experience.

We, however, know. We remember…We call upon you to stop this ungodly medical experiment on humankind immediately.”

The letter goes on to point out that the vaccines have proven to be “more dangerous” than COVID-19, denounces them as “a blasphemic encroachment into nature,” denounces “ostracism of the unvaccinated” as the Jews “were demonized as spreaders of infectious diseases” and goes on to say:

"Never before has immunization of the entire planet been accomplished by delivering a synthetic mRNA into the human body. It is a medical experiment to which the Nuremberg Code must be applied …

Allegedly around 52% of the world population has received at least one shot. Honest disclosure of the true number of “vaccine” injured, terminally injured as well as deceased worldwide is long overdue…

Provide us with the true numbers of Covid vaccine casualties now.”

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The letter concludes:

“How many will be enough to awaken your conscience?”

Apparently, not enough yet. On September 15, 2021 the EMA (European Medicines Agency) which is part of the EU (European Union) replied:

"As an introductory remark EMA finds the comparisons you make both inaccurate and inappropriate. Indeed, it might be perceived as demeaning the suffering and dignity of those who experienced the terrible events of the holocaust…

For a medicine to be authorized in the EU through EMA, the Agency’s human medicines committee (CHMP), composed of scientific experts from all EU member states, must conclude that the medicine’s quality, safety and efficacy are properly and sufficiently demonstrated.”

Can you believe the arrogance and hubris of the EMA? They are actually telling people who lived through the Holocaust that they are demeaning the suffering and dignity of people who were in the Holocaust. Can it get any more ridiculous than that?

The EMA is also overlooking the fact that governments throughout history have engaged in mass murder.

He Who Forgets His History is Doomed to Repeat It


JEWS are forbidden to visit all public institutions and to participate in public rallies from the following list:

1. Restaurants
2. Bars
3. Theatres
4. Cinemas
5. Concerts
6. Music venues
7. Public telephone booths
8. Markets
9. Swimming pools
10. Museums
11. Libraries
12. Public exhibitions
13. Castles and historical monuments
14. Sporting events, either as participant or spectator.
15. Racecourses
16. Campsites
17. Parks

In Nazi Germany it was the government and other institutions of official authority who promoted the race theory and authorized the mass murder of people in hospitals and Concentration Camps.

Throughout the Middle Ages and beyond governments and churches were authorized to burn people at the stake for heresy and witchcraft usually after severely torturing them.

Naturally, these sadistic idiots thought what they were doing was virtuous and necessary. Just because official government authority and experts authorize something doesn’t make it holy, right, or true.

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It Can Happen Here

On November 21, 1945 the International Military Tribunal in Nuremberg Germany began. Surviving German leaders and other prominent Nazis including doctors who carried out inhumane experiments on innocent people were put on trial for the Holocaust and other war crimes. U.S. Supreme Court Justice

Robert H. Jackson (1892-1954), one of the four Chief Prosecutors, made this opening statement:

"The privilege of opening the first trial in history for crimes against the peace of the world imposes a grave responsibility. The wrongs we seek to condemn and punish have been so calculated, so malignant, and so devastating, that civilization cannot tolerate their being ignored, because it cannot survive their being repeated.”

So, Justice Jackson knew that Nazi atrocities could happen again.

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Dr. Wilhelm Reich MD (1897-1957) also knew and stated it very clearly in his Book “The Mass Psychology of Fascism.”

Page 320:

"As bitter as it may be, the fact remains: It is the irresponsibleness of masses of people that lies at the basis of Fascism of all countries, nations, and races, etc…It is not a character trait that is confined specifically to the Germans or Italians. It is manifest in every single individual of the world.”

What Reich and Jackson said doesn’t necessarily mean that some country will adopt the swastika, have their soldiers do the old goose step, and declare Adolph Hitler (1889-1945) their patron saint.

It means that the same genocidal and propaganda tactics that the Nazis used can be used again. It doesn’t matter what form this kind of evil takes or how it’s packaged so heed their words because it is happening now.

And it is happening all over the world. This is why in 1947 the Nuremberg Code was created.

In a 1997 article, the New England Journal of Medicine explained that “The Nuremberg Code’ is the most important document in the history of the ethics of medical research.”

The article goes on to explain that “Informed consent, the core of the Nuremberg Code, has rightly been viewed as the protection of subjects’ human rights” and that “the subject” has “as much authority as the physician-researcher to end the experiment before its conclusion.”

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Unfortunately, the article points out that “The Nuremberg Code has not been officially adopted in its entirety as law by any nation or as ethics by any major medical association” and that attempting to do so will be a “critical challenge.”

But in spite of this, “it’s basic requirement of informed consent, for example, has been universally accepted and is articulated in international law in Article 7 of the United Nations International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights.

This covenant has been binding on my country, the US, via ratified treaty since 1992 which under Article VI of our Constitution makes it, like all ratified treaties,“the supreme Law of the Land.”

The article also makes the following crucial statement:

"…researchers must refuse to conduct experiments on human beings when ordered by the state in order ‘to save lives, because in such cases subjects would not be volunteers…there is no justification in killing five people in order to save the lives of five hundred.”

Principle 1 of the Nuremberg Code states that “The voluntary consent of the human subject is absolutely essential… without the intervention of any element of force, fraud, deceit, duress, over-reaching, or other ulterior form of constraint or coercion."

This clearly and emphatically shows that all forms of forced vaccinations over the years, not just for COVID-19, are unethical, immoral, and illegal. It doesn’t matter whether or not they are fully approved because forcing any kind of medication on people - especially if they aren’t even sick is experimenting on them.

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The FDA website declares that “no medical product is 100 percent safe or effective” while the CDC website says that:

"Any vaccine can cause side effects” and repeatedly states when clicking on the side effects under Regularly Recommended Vaccines: “As with any medicine, there is a very remote chance of a vaccine causing a severe allergic reaction, other serious injury, or death.”

This CDC web page lists some of the dangerous side effects that COVID-19 vaccines can cause: anaphlaxis, a severe allergic reaction that can cause shock, and in some cases death; TTS (thrombosis with thrombocytopenia syndrome) which causes blood clots along with serious long-term disability and death; Guillain-Barre syndrom causes the body’s immune system to attack the nerves and could eventually paralyze the whole body; myocarditis, inflammation of the heart muscle which can lead to heart attack and stroke.

In addition to insisting that adverse vaccine events are very rare, The CDC along with other COVID apologists try to downplay the 19,886 US COVID-19 vaccination deaths and 32,644 permanently disabled listed on the VAERS (Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System) website as of December 3, 2021.

This in spite of the fact that a 2007-2010 study by Harvard Pilgrim Health Care Institue showed that vaccine injuries and deaths are grossly under-reported.

Jacinda - Stop Gene Jabbing Our Children


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But even if severe vaccine injuries and deaths were rare, which they aren’t (see interview with Physicians Assistant Deborah Conrad), the lets vaccinate everybody fanatics argument that sacrificing a few to save the many is justified is still wrong as stated in the 1997 New England Journal of Medicine article that I quoted previously.

Naturally, governments and other supporters of forced vaccination are denying that they are violating the Nuremberg Code.

A common assertion in my country is that once a vaccine is under an EUA (Emergency Use Authorization) it’s no longer experimental as asserted in an August 2021 USA Today article.

“The code does not apply to COVID-19 vaccines because they are not ‘experimental.’ All COVID-19 vaccines have gone through clinical trials and emergency use authorization process.”

The FDA (Food and Drug Administration) and NIH (National Institute of Allergies and Infectious Diseases) on their own websites clearly show that this is a blatant bold-faced lie.

Related: The Vaccine Passport: An Instrument of Social Control. The Rise of “Utilitarian Extremism”, and How to Recognize It

FDA website: “An investigational drug can also be called an experimental drug and is being studied to see if your disease or medical condition improves while taking it.”

NIH website: “The issuance of an EUA is different than an FDA approval (licensure) of a vaccine. A vaccine available under emergency use authorization is still considered investigational.” (click on Will placebo-controlled trials of other COVID-19 candidates continue once the Moderna and Pfizer vaccines receive EUA? Will new placebo-controlled trials begin?).

So, USA Today indirectly admitted that COVID-19 vaccine mandates are violating the Nuremberg Code because the vaccines are indeed experimental. “Investigational,” as stated on the FDA website, is another word for “experimental.”

The FDA website also states that under an EUA people “have the option to accept or refuse the vaccine.” And under the Nuremberg Code refuse without fear of any kind of punishment or discrimination.

Holocaust survivor and medical patients’ rights activist Vera Sharav issued this warning:

"As a child survivor of the Nazi reign of terror I learned indelible lessons about the nature of evil…

Academic science, the military, industry, and clinical medicine were tightly interwoven as they are now. The Nazi system destroyed a social conscience in the name of public health…

Nazi propaganda used fear of infectious epidemics to demonize Jews as spreaders of disease, as a menace to public health…

Medical mandates today are a major step backward toward a fascist dictatorship and genocide… these undermine our dignity as well as our freedom.

First it was vaccination mandates for children. Now it’s for adults. The stark lesson of the Holocaust is that whenever doctors join forces with government and deviate from their personal professional clinical commitment to do no harm to the individual, medicine can then be perverted from a healing humanitarian profession to a murderous apparatus…

What sets the Holocaust apart from all other other mass genocides is the pivotal role played by the medical establishment…

Medical doctors and prestigious medical societies and institutions lent the veneer of legitimacy to infanticide, mass murder of civilians.”

A 2018 article in the American Journal of Public Health echoed Vera Sharav’s words:

"Physicians became Nazified more thoroughly and much sooner than any other profession, and as Nazis they did more in service of the nefarious regime than any of their extraprofessional peers.”

Open Letter Concerning the Police Enforcement of Ongoing BS-19 Restrictions

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The I’m Not a Nazi Polka

Make no mistake. Those who are going along with this horrible COVID-19 agenda get red hot flaming mad when they are compared to Nazis.

It sticks in their craw and they will immediately start doing the I’m Not a Nazi Polka, a dance of deceit that attempts to provide all sorts of rationalizations and excuses as to why what’s going on today shouldn’t be compared to what the Nazis did.

And they will lash out and attack with a vengeance anyone who dares to make such comparisons as these articles show here and here. But the truth must be told no matter how unpleasant and no matter how much it hurts.

Please understand, I’m not saying to call every person you encounter who tries to enforce a mask or a vaccine mandate a Nazi.

Especially don’t use it to shut down a conversation in the same way someone might try to shut down a conversation by calling you an antivaxxer or a conspiracy theorist.

You want to be able to discuss things with people calmly and rationally. In some cases a hardline approach is warranted. In some cases it’s appropriate to say to doctors and nurses who are administering COVID vaccines that they are participating in murder.

Related: Ten Current Trends Of Operation Coronavirus As Of August 2021 & Vaccine Mandates And The "Great Reset"

But do it calmly and firmly. Don’t act like a raving lunatic. But how you approach a given person or act will depend on the situation and the decision will be yours. My advice is when in doubt be nice. But never lose sight of the evil you are up against.

What really irks me is that while some Holocaust survivors are trying to warn the world that oppressive COVID-19 policies is Nazi history repeating itself, other Holocaust survivors and Jewish groups are angry and deeply offended by such comparisons as this March 2021 article in the Pittsburgh Jewish Chronicle demonstrates:

Anti-Defamation League CEO Jonathan Greenblatt: “To compare COVID-19 rules to the slaughter of millions in the Holocaust is disgusting, wrong and has no place in our society.”

Last July, ABC News reported how offended Holocaust survivors and government officials in France were because people in the massive protests against masks, vaccine passports, and other repressive COVID-19 measures that have been taking place there wore yellow stars and made comparisons to Concentration Camps like Auschwitz.

The article quoted the International League against Racism and Anti-Semitism who accused the protesters of “mocking victims of the ‘Holocaust’ and minimizing crimes against humanity committed during World War II.”

Related: Fauci Knew About HCQ In 2005 - Nobody Needed To Die & Criminal Big Pharma Put In Charge Of COVID-19 Vaccine

The fact that some people can be so blind is truly astounding. But it’s human nature. Some people just can’t see patterns and connections. Or as the old saying goes, they can’t see the forest through the trees. In their minds if tyrants don’t call themselves Nazis and if they denounce Nazis then they can’t be committing atrocities similar to what the Nazis did.

Two quotes from the ABC news article says it all.

Former Nazi hunter Serge Klarsfeld:

"The yellow star was a symbol of death that excluded Jews from society and marked them for extermination, while vaccines, on the other hand, save lives.’ To equate the two, he told the associated press, is an ‘odious’ comparison that serves to trivialize the yellow star.”

Klarsfeld went on to demean the protester’s demands for “liberty” and their statements that France’s health measures were dictatorial asserting that dictatorships act in their own selfish interests while republics act for the good of all. “What freedom is it they seek? The freedom to be contagious?”

In other words, it’s okay for governments to rob us of our freedom and oppress us because, after all, we’re in a pandemic. Utter that magic word and we’re all supposed to go brain-dead stupid. All rational and critical thinking must cease.

Related: CDC, FDA Faked “COVID” Testing Protocol: PCR Merely Detects The Common Cold & Former Pfizer Employee Confirms Graphene Oxide In COVID “Vaccine” + The mRNA COVID Vaccine Is Not A Vaccine

What naive people like Klarsfeld fail to realize is that their underlying premises are false. The corruption of governments and medical science by corporate interests and the wealthy has been well documented in the scientific literature for years as shown here and here and there is no COVID-19 pandemic. Those are the plain facts.

Consider this:

On average, 56 million people die every year worldwide. The first COVID-19 cases were reported in December 2019. In just under two years out of a global population of over 7.9 billion a little over 5 million people worldwide have died of COVID-19.

A nothing amount. Where’s the pandemic? And let’s not forget, the CDC'(Centers for Disease Control and Prevention) website (see Comorbidities and other conditions) reports that less than 6% of all deaths were due to COVID-19 alone.

All the others had multiple comorbidities - other diseases that killed them. So that pathetically small five million death number is grossly exaggerated. Again, where I ask is the pandemic?

Oh, I forgot. The WHO (World Health Organization) changed the definition of pandemic back in 2009. Originally, a pandemic was defined as

“…several simultaneous epidemics worldwide with enormous numbers of deaths and illness.” But the deaths and illness parts are no longer there and since 2010 the WHO website declares that “A pandemic is the worldwide spread of a new disease.”

Related: The Top Four Reasons Why Many People, Doctors And Scientists Refuse To Take The COVID Vaccine & A New Zealand Doctor Speaks Out Against COVID Policies

A May 2009 CNN article summed it up quite nicely:

"The word pandemic refers to how widely dispersed a disease is, not to how severe the disease is…you can have a pandemic without a large number of deaths.”

Simple common sense folks, what’s the point in declaring a pandemic without enormous numbers of illness and death? It’s like diving into a pool without any water in it and claim that you went swimming.

COVID-19 isn’t a disease or a pandemic. It is a mass delusion, a sick twisted insanity that has gripped the whole planet. Even Noam Chomsky, great intellectual that he is, has gone COVID goofy.

He recently called for segregation of the unvaccinated, saying they should have “the decency to remove themselves from the community” and how they will manage to get food is “their problem.”

This is the kind of hatred and bigotry that Nazi Germany ginned up against the Jewish people. This is why the Nazi comparison is the argument that must be made. It must be the Mark of Cain upon the forehead of any government official, medical professional, or business owner who supports medical genocide.

Related: A Primer For The Propagandized: Fear Is The Mind-Killer & Whistleblower: Newspaper Industry Chiefs Criminally Negligent Over Covid Scaremongering

Your Papers Please

Naomi Wolf, author, tech company CEO, and former political consultant to the election campaigns of Bill Clinton and Al Gore has been speaking out against COVID-19 policies.

Related: The Rise And Fall Of CNN: The Most Busted Name In News

In a recent Fox News interview she explained how dangerous vaccine passports are:

"I cannot say this forcefully enough: this is literally the end of human liberty in the West…’Vaccine passport’ sounds like a fine thing if you don’t understand what these platforms can do…

It is not about the vaccine or the virus, it is about your data…any other functionality can be loaded onto that platform… it geolocates you wherever you go. All of your medical history can be included - this has already happened in Israel.

And six months later, we’re hearing from activists that it is a two-tiered society and basically activists are ostracized and surveiled continually. It is the end of civil society and they are trying to roll it out around the world.

It is absolutely so much more than a vaccine pass… it has the power to turn off your life, or to turn on your life, to let you engage in society or be marginalized.”

In another video Naomi Wolf further explained:

"The vaccine passport platform is the same platform as a social credit system like in China…it means that when you act like a good citizen you get a boost and when you act like a bad citizen opportunities get closed to you. Maybe your child doesn’t get into college or get into prep school.

Maybe you don’t get that job, you don’t get that promotion. The vaccine passport that is being proposed in the rest of the West is the same platform… There’s no coming back from this…

There won’t be capitalism, there won’t be free assembly, there won’t be privacy, there won’t be choice in anything you want to do in your life, and there will be no escape.”

Business Insider ran a May 2021 article describing the nightmarish social credit system in China: “Like private credit scores, a person’s social score can move up or down depending on their behavior” resulting in punishments like “travel bans, slow internet, and being banned from higher education.”

Missing out on good jobs, not only for the offender, but for their children as well even if they did nothing wrong, not being able to obtain credit cards or stay in the best hotels, and public shaming are among some of the other punishments.

Good behavior, on the other hand, is rewarded with discounts on energy bills, better interest rates at banks, profile boosts on dating sites, and overall better service.

Related: “Herd Stupidity”: The Manufactured Covid Crisis, The Gene-based mRNA “Vaccine” And “The Pinnacles Of Wealth And Power” + Information Security Expert On Revealed Pfizer Agreements: ‘There’s Good Reason Pfizer Fought To Hide The Details Of These Contracts’

Behavior that can lower your social credit score is a laundry list of petty nonsense that includes frivolous purchases, buying too many video games, spending too long playing video games, posting fake news online, posting on social media, loitering, not paying bills on time just to name some.

Even dog owners can get their pets taken away from them for not having them on a leash or if they cause too much of a public disturbance. To get them back they “had to take a test on regulations required for pet ownership.”

And even though Human Rights Watch called the Chinese social credit system “chilling,” Sadly, not to mention stupidly, a percentage of the population has no problem with this fascist baloney - asserting that “it’s making them better people already,” and that “people’s behavior has gotten better and better” and that at first they were worried about “losing points, but now we got used to it.”

Is this the kind of world you want to live in folks? I sure don’t.

What We’re Up Against

There are 195 countries in the world today. 193 of those countries are member states of the United Nations and 194 are members of the WHO (World Health Organization).

None of these countries could ever agree on anything. Yet all of them marched in lockstep to the COVID-19 fear narrative. This means that there are two possibilities: either COVID-19 is a real and deadly pandemic or they are under the control of some outside force and COVID-19 is a gigantic colossal lie.

The Ivermectin Story

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The only way to know for sure is to look at the science–the actual research, the hard evidence, not what people in white lab coats, government officials, and talking heads on TV are saying, and see if there is any truth to the claims being made.

After spending a couple of thousand hours looking at the actual science as well as the massive corruption, I have come to the inescapable conclusion that we are being lied to. A global coup has taken place by a small cabal of billionaires and corporations.

I don’t know exactly what it is and who or what runs it - maybe no one does. But one thing is certain: it’s real, it’s ugly, it’s evil, and it is hell-bent on destroying and enslaving all of us.

A major player in this global shadow government appears to be The WEF (Word Economic Forum) also referred to as Davos. In reality, Davos is the Alpine resort town in Switzerland where the WEF holds its annual meetings. World leaders, billionaires, and other elites flock there to make speeches, hobnob, and who knows what else.

WEF was founded in 1971 by Klaus Schwab. Ironically, Schwab was born in Nazi Germany in 1938. Obviously: not a crime, place of birth isn’t his fault. But it is nonetheless ironic because he appears to be, in my opinion, among those very responsible for the COVID mess we are in today.

Related: The One’s Proclamation: It Won’t End Well For The World Economic Forum – A NWO Worldwide Wipeout!

And as this video shows, they are determined to make sure that this nightmare will never end. In no uncertain terms the WEF and the WHO are telling us that there will be no return to normal.

The WEF’s COVID-19 agenda is stated on their website:

"The spread of COVID-19 demands global cooperation among governments, international organizations and the business community. This multistakeholder cooperation is at the centre of the World Economic Forum’s mission as the International Organization for Public-Private cooperation.”

No matter how much they try to sugarcoat it, What they are advocating in my opinion is fascism as defined by Italian philosopher and politician Giovanni Gentile (1875-1944) and incorrectly attributed to Dictator Benito Mussolini (1883-1945):

"Fascism should more appropriately be called corporatism because it is a merger of state and corporate power.”

Two subgroups of the WEF is Global Leaders for Tomorrow created in 1993 and a group called The Forum of Young Global Leaders established in 2004. Their members include politicians, corporate CEOs, university professors, journalists, actors, etc.

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Among the Young Global Leaders members are: Rajiv Shah, President of the Rockefeller Foundation, Emmanuel Macron, President of France, Angela Merkel, Chancellor of Germany, Larry Page and Sergey Brin, Founders of Google, Mark Zuckerberg, CEO of Facebook, Gavin Newsom,Governor of California, Leana Wen, Sanjay Gupta, Pete Buttigieg, and Anderson Cooper.

The Young Global Leaders website describes its members as “a dynamic community of exceptional people with the vision, courage, and influence to drive positive change in the world…we seek to drive public-private co-operation in the global public interest.”

If “positive change in the world” means supporting lockdowns, wearing masks, and forced vaccinations then there is nothing positive about the Forum of Young Global Leaders. In reality, they are like Arnold Schwarzenegger’s character The Terminator.

In the original 1984 film, Reese, played by Michael Biehn, explained that the Terminator is an “infiltration unit” (a robot that looks like a human being) and it’s sole purpose is to kill. In the same way, these characters infiltrate governments and other positions of power and work to terminate freedom and democracy.

In other words, they are Manchurian candidates and the way I see it, “the global public interest” doesn’t mean we the public, but wealthy globalists.

Related: What The New Acceptability Of The Lab Leak Origin Tells Us About Media Outlets & COVID-19 – The Real Truth

What Globalists like the WEF appear to have created is a world empire that on the surface looks like the old Soviet Union, but is fascist rather than communist/socialist in nature.

Like the old USSR, individual nations remain, but their governments are puppets who’s strings are pulled by a billionaire class of corporate elites rather than by an imperial government. What they are trying to take us back to is a medieval feudal system where we will own nothing and they will own everything.

And that’s not all. This will be a high-tech feudal system which has been called “The Great Reset” and “The Fourth Industrial Revolution.” I prefer to call it The Fourth Reich because Nazi Germany was called the Third Reich.

Under this system, Schwab declared that it “will lead to a fusion of our physical, our digital, and our biological identities.” In another 2016 interview Schwab explained that in about 10 years chips will eventually be implanted in our brains or in our skin enabling direct communication between our brain and the digital world.

In other words, anything can be downloaded directly into your brain: feelings, thoughts even false memories. Hackers could also potentially do this.

You will be in a computer-generated dream world from which you will never wake up. This cannot, this must not be allowed to happen.

The people behind this vile agenda and the people who are supporting them are traitors and mass murders who must be brought to justice. Thesewhite collar terrorists must pay for the death and economic upheaval they are causing.

If You’ve Had COVID You’re Likely Protected for Life

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Honestly folks, do you really want to be on the side of history that did nothing? How can you live with yourselves? How can you look your children in the eye if you allow this to happen? Find the courage to stand up and resist if not for yourselves then for your families and for future generations.

The medical police state is here. And every police state gets progressively worse until the people have had enough. Have you had enough? Or are you willing to let them do whatever they like with your body?

Will you just keep lining up like cattle for the next vaccine they roll out, and the next, and the next? Just remember that if you act like cattle then you will be treated like cattle.

And do you know what eventually happens to cattle?

They get slaughtered and eaten.

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Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi
How To Stay Calm & Present Throughout The Day
January 16 2022 | From: CollectiveEvolution / Various

Do you notice yourself feeling tense shoulders? A cleansed jaw? Perhaps you’re holding your breath in some ways and you don’t even know it?

Maybe you feel a clenched tummy from time to time and have tricky digestion.

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You might notice yourself rushing through life, tasks, wanting to get to the next thing. You may not be paying full attention to your life and everything feels like autopilot.

If this is the case, you’re not alone.

In Brief:

The Facts:
A simple process to bring you back to presence and freedom throughout the day.

Reflect On: Can we expect our world to change if we don't change our inner states of everyday being?

This is a very calm state of being for most people in highly developed countries who are living the ‘average everyday life.’

You wake up, go to your job, work all day, come home and then either veg out or spend time with family and go to sleep. This is the ‘modern life’ that we have accepted as ‘ a good life’ and yet almost every aspect of it presents a challenge to our health and well being.

But, at this time, money is required to live our lives, and so we must play within this system in some way or another as we actively change it.

The good news is, you have ultimate freedom within yourself to perceive your reality as you wish to perceive it. When we are unconscious, or allowing our programmed states of being to run our lives, we typically move through life on autopilot, moving from one habit to another

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However, when we begin to gain presence, and pull ourselves out of all these unconscious habits, we begin to gain some freedom back. This builds over time.

Before we get to the exercise, I want to add that for those that pay a lot of attention to the news and media side of our work here at CE, using these practices to gain more presence and self-awareness in your life will play deeply into the CE Protocol which is designed to help us gain more clarity on what’s happening in the world, and be an active part of changing it.

Skipping the personal transformation end of our journeys only holds us in our current state of being and understanding.

A Simple Process

One powerful thing you can do to begin seeing the subtleties in life, noticing the magic and incredible beauty around you and within you at all times is going back to the breath.

Combine that with a few processes in releasing tension and getting into your heart, and you’ll truly begin waking up to who you truly are on a daily basis. The best part is, this muscle grows with time, the more you practice, the more present you become, and the more your monkey mind goes into the passenger seat instead of the driver seat.

Related: Stress Hijacks Your Immune System Making You Physically Ill: Study

Approx Time Needed: 5 Minutes

1. There are two ways to initiate the exercise, either you do it when you notice yourself tense or not present, or you set an alarm that goes off about 6 times per day. If you choose the first method, you want to know that your awareness already catches yourself about 6 times a day so you can make sure you are doing this enough.

2. When the alarm goes off, or when you notice yourself, stop what you are doing and take a couple of deep breaths. In through the nose and out through the mouth. Do this slowly and controlled. Nothing too fast and nothing too out of control.

3. After about 2 to 5 breaths, allow yourself to breathe normally, making sure it is still through the nose. Begin to say within yourself. ‘I am releasing all tension in my head, my neck, my shoulders, my jaw, my stomach, my fists, and my legs.” This is like a mini mantra if you will, but don’t take it too seriously in that it has to be said any particular way. You’re simply noticing and instructing the body to relax.

4. After you have gone through the releasing, and you notice your body is more relaxed and your breathing has brought you back to the moment. Sense yourself in your chair or where you stand. Feel the air around you, notice any breezes on your skin or any scents that you smell. Notice all the various sounds around you, not focusing on anyone or feeling any as a distraction, but noticing them and allowing them to be. This is presence, while in this state. Noticing.

If you happen to have any rampant thoughts or feelings of stress arise during this at any point, simply notice it and say within yourself “OK stress or OK task I have to complete, I see you, I will take care of you momentarily” and allow it to pass.

Related: Meditation For Beginners: A Guide To Inner Tranquility

5. Once in presence, turn your attention to the area of your sternum, the heart centre. You may put your hand or fingers on this area, and simply focus your attention on this space. See your awareness moving into this space as if you yourself are moving from your mind to your heart. However that looks or feels to you is OK. It doesn’t have to be anything mystical. This is a common mistake of overcomplicating simple methods.

6. Finally, allow yourself to be in that space for as long as you like. 1 min, 10 mins, whatever works. Usually I say this exercise is meant to be done as a check-in for about 5 mins.

Repeat this each time your alarm goes off or when you notice yourself tense. Through this, you are gaining more awareness of self more regularly. You are also beginning to realize you have a lot more control over your state of being than once thought.

This is a key step to emotional freedom. In this space, your mind does not run you, nor do your emotions.

Bonus: As an extended tip, once you gain a sense of what that short meditation felt like. Even if you notice yourself for a moment 20 or 30 minutes later being tense, just take one deep breath and recall the energy and feeling of your meditation.

Related: Overcoming Anxiety By Embracing Uncertainty

The Takeaway

When will things like full disclosure happen, or big changes in our world?

When people focus deeply enough on personal transformation that our consciousness becomes ready to hear what’s being hidden and becomes ready for a world that is grounded in a state of peace, love, and freedom as opposed to monkey mind behavior.

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Secret Societies Revisited
January 15 2022 | From: NoMoreFakeNews

As many of my readers know, I wrote a book called The Secret Behind Secret Societies. This article adds a few pieces to the puzzle.

Bilderberg Group, CFR, Trilateral Commission - I called these and other such groups Architects of Reality. Among their actions, they try to build our perception of the world.

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What is that perception? It’s an endless string of crises and half-hearted resolutions - that’s how we’re supposed to see things. We’re not supposed to see what actually works about the world.

Because what works is freedom and everything that flows from that.

In other words, secret societies are trying to bury the idea of freedom under an ongoing process of manufacturing desperate situations that can only be dealt with by large organizations - governments and so-called public interest groups.

“The group will solve everything.”

“The individual is too weak.”

“Freedom of the individual is passe, because only large groups can influence the course of events.”

With an estimated 40-60 million people in the US taking tranquilizers every year, it appears this program is working.

One chronic user frankly told me, “I can’t deal with reality anymore. Unless it’s a chemical reality.”

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Over the years, I’ve spoken with a number of teachers in the US. They tell me the areas variously known as Civics, Social Studies, and Government no longer place emphasis on the individual or individual freedom. Instead, it’s all about “group rights” and “victims.”

So again, the agenda of burying freedom is working.

In 1776, the Illuminati was announced as an operating society in Europe. The most important political tenet of this group was the abolition of private property - and that principle can be historically traced all the way down to the formation of the USSR.

And beyond.

These days, private property is under attack, albeit in a “softer” manner. It, too, is a concept no longer given emphasis in our schools - and when you de-link private property from the individual, you are attacking a significant aspect of what freedom translates into, in everyday life.

An American Studies professor at a prominent Northeastern university told me, off the record, because he was afraid he might lose his job if he went public;

“Political and economic crises are being manufactured all the time.

It’s basically psychological warfare, because one feels these endless crises can’t be solved. People just give up. And when they do, who do they turn to? Government.

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Government will handle things. That’s a sign that freedom is no longer a priority. It’s going into the dustbin of history.”

He was suggesting that, in wider and wider circles, freedom is no longer considered a solution to any serious problem. And since we seem to be awash in a sea of problems, freedom goes on the shelf.

As I’ve been writing for years, creative power of the individual is the prow of the ship of our society. Great innovators are the people who keep us moving into the future.

Well, if the legs are being cut out from under freedom, we will be seeing fewer and fewer of these innovators. As has been pointed out, we will be “naturally selecting” away from those people and toward groups.

This is no accident. This is an agenda. To say the loss of freedom is simply a trend overlooks the keynote of coming global government and management it is groups, not individuals, who have access to larger and larger structures that run our affairs.

One small example: 90 years ago, the rise of labor unions was achieved through legislation passed by the federal government. In other words, government would protect the right of employees to organize and bargain with management.

Related: Governments: The Enemy Of Freedom & Globalists Interviewed: They Admitted They Controlled The Government

But now we have public unions - government employees who bargain with “themselves.” It’s an absurdity. The real purpose is to expand the size of government by making its jobs more attractive and intractable.

In our schools, children are being taught to think of themselves in terms of a group identity. To what group do you belong? What are the problems of your group? What are your group’s grievances? How is your group being mistreated? What does your group need?

Is this development an accident? Did it happen by chance?

It’s on the agenda of legislated equality, which replaces the idea of equal opportunity to succeed. Legislated equality supposes that, instead of freedom, we will have group rights and group privileges.

This leads to the development of “positioning” - a hierarchy of groups who have assigned degrees of power - in hopes that the notion of the individual will disappear.

The individual will be placed in a context, will be given what he “deserves,” will occupy a place in life that is suitable for the benefit of overall society.

Related: The Individual Versus Globalism

Adam Weishaupt, the founder of the Illuminati, stated: “It was the full conviction of this, and what could be done, if every man were placed in the office for which he was fitted by nature and a proper education, which first suggested to me the plan of Illumination.”

Earlier, in 1755, a Frenchman known only as Morelly (possibly a pseudonym), wrote a treatise called Code of Nature. In it, he spells out what “fitting into society” means for those who oppose individual freedom:

I. Nothing in society will belong to anyone, either as a personal possession or as capital goods, except the things for which the person has immediate use, for either his needs, his pleasures, or his daily work.

II. Every citizen will be a public man, sustained by, supported by, and occupied at the public expense.

III. Every citizen will make his particular contribution to the activities of the community according to his capacity, his talent and his age; it is on this basis that his duties will be determined, in conformity with the distributive laws.

Today, we are moving in this direction. A pseudo “share-and-care” philosophy, that claims to be the ultimate in humane concern, wants to “distribute” individuals within the fabric of society, in order to achieve “a better world for all."

These days, instead of brusquely elevating society beyond the scope of the individual, the agenda works by tapping into empathic and sympathetic emotions - using others’ suffering as the tool by which people can be turned to “help everyone.”

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But what slips under the radar of this program is the institutionalizing of aid out along broad political and economic platforms that change the nature of society in its official functions.

Society, in other words, in the person (or non-person) of government, takes in order to give. Takes more to give more. A great leveling, which in essence ranks the free individual at the bottom of the ladder.

Nothing appears to be lost in this effort, if people have already forgotten what the free individual means and is.

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GE Food Venture: Chronically Dependent On Deception
January 14 2022 | From: Uncensored / Various

Although it purports to be based on solid science and the open flow of information on which science depends, the massive venture to reconfigure the genetic core of the world’s food supply has substantially relied on the propagation of falsehoods.

Its advancement and very survival have been crucially and chronically dependent on the misrepresentation of reality – to the extent that more than thirty years after the creation of the first genetically engineered plant, the vast majority of people the world-over (including most government officials, journalists, and even scientists) continue to be misled about the important facts.

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Moreover, contrary to what people would expect, the biotechnology industry has not been the main source of the deceptions.Instead, the chief misrepresentations have been issued by respected government agencies and eminent scientists and scientific institutions.

The following paragraphs describe several of the key deceptions and delinquencies that have been essential in enabling the genetically engineered (GE) food venture to advance – all of which are more thoroughly documented in my book: Altered Genes, Twisted Truth.

The Disaster Caused by GE’s First Edible Product Was Obfuscated

The genetic engineering venture received an alarming jolt when its first ingestible product caused an epidemic that killed dozens of Americans and seriously sickened thousands, permanently disabling many of them.

The product was a food supplement of the essential amino acid L-tryptophan that had been derived from genetically altered bacteria. Although it met the standards for pharmacological purity, like all other tryptophan supplements it contained minute amounts of impurities.

However, unlike the conventionally produced supplements, one or more of its accidental additions was highly toxic, even at extremely low levels.

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Because none of the tryptophan supplements produced via non-engineered bacteria had ever been linked to disease, and because genetic engineering can create unintended disruptions within the altered organisms, there were legitimate reasons to suspect that the process had induced the formation of the extraordinarily toxic substance that caused the calamity.

Consequently, the proponents of genetic engineering, including the United States Food and Drug Administration (the FDA), which admits it has a policy “to foster” biotechnology, strove to convince the public that the technology was blameless.

But to do so, they had to issue a string of deceptive statements. Those deceptions have been highly successful. Consequently, despite the fact the evidence points to genetic engineering as the most likely cause of the toxic contamination, most people who know of this tragedy are under the illusion that the technology has been exonerated.

Worse, because GE proponents routinely claim that none of its products has ever been linked to a health problem, most people aren’t even aware that such a catastrophe happened.

The Problems Linked to the First GE Whole Food Were Also Covered Up

The first whole food produced via genetic engineering (Calgene’s “Flavr Savr” tomato) was also problematic. Calgene voluntarily conducted feeding studies, and the FDA scientists who reviewed them expressed concern about a pattern of stomach lesions that raised a safety issue.

The Pathology Branch concluded that safety had not been demonstrated, and other FDA experts concurred. One wrote that the data:

“Raise a question of safety”
– and that they “fall short” of satisfactorily resolving it. Another agreed that “. . . unresolved questions still remain.”

Nevertheless, the FDA claimed that its scientists had determined that all safety questions had been resolved – and that the tomato had been demonstrated to be just as safe as other tomatoes. And because the FDA kept a lid on its scientists’ memos, no one outside the agency was aware of the fraud.

The memos only came to light four years later (in 1998) when my organization, the Alliance for Bio-Integrity, led a lawsuit that compelled the FDA to hand over more than 44,000 pages of its internal files.

However, because the mainstream media has failed to adequately report what those documents reveal, most people are still unaware of the FDA’s misbehavior.

GE Foods Reached the Market Through Governmental Fraud

If the actual facts about the toxic tryptophan and the troubling tomato had been disclosed, the GE food venture might well have been brought to a halt – and at minimum would have been slowed and subjected to more rigorous testing. A similar effect would have resulted if concerns that other FDA experts had expressed about GE foods in general had been publicized.

Those concerns appeared in memos written a few years before the GE tomato entered the market, and they reveal that the agency’s scientists didn’t agree with the biotech proponents’ claims that GE is substantially the same as conventional breeding.

For example, an FDA microbiologist stated:

“There is a profound difference between the types of unexpected effects from traditional breeding and genetic engineering.”
He added that GE “. . . may be more hazardous . . .”

A toxicologist warned that GE plants could contain unexpected new toxins.

The Director of FDA’s Center for Veterinary Medicine (CVM) stated:

“… CVM believes that animal feeds derived from genetically modified plants present unique animal and food safety concerns.”

He explained that residues of unexpected substances could make meat and milk products harmful to humans.

The pervasiveness of the concerns is attested by an FDA official who studied the expert input and declared:

“The processes of genetic engineering and traditional breeding are different, and according to the technical experts in the agency, they lead to different risks.”

In light of the unique risks, those experts called for GE foods to undergo careful testing capable of detecting unexpected side effects.

Moreover, the FDA’s Biotechnology Coordinator acknowledged there was not a consensus about safety in the scientific community at large. He also admitted that the allergenic potential of some GE foods “is particularly difficult to predict.”

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Nonetheless, in May 1992 the FDA claimed that:

“The agency is not aware of any information showing that foods derived by these new methods differ from other foods in any meaningful or uniform way.”

It also asserted that there is overwhelming consensus among scientists that GE foods are so safe they don’t require any testing. Accordingly, the agency doesn’t require a smidgen of testing and allows GE foods to enter the market without any.

If the FDA had told the truth and disclosed the extensive concerns of its own experts, the subsequent history of the GE venture would have surely been very different – and might well have been quite short. At the least, any GE foods that did reach market would have been subjected to much more rigorous testing than regulators anywhere have required.

The State of the Research and the Degree of Expert Consensus Have Been Misrepresented

Like the FDA, other GE proponents habitually claim there’s an overwhelming expert consensus that GE foods are safe. And the American Association for the Advancement of Science has declared that “every respected organization” that examined the evidence has determined they’re “no riskier” than conventional ones.

But this is flat-out false. For instance, in 2001 the Royal Society of Canada issued a report concluding that:

A ) it is “scientifically unjustifiable” to presume that GE foods are safe.

B) the “default prediction” for each should be that the genetic alteration has induced unintended and potentially harmful side effects.

Moreover, the British Medical Association, the Public Health Association of Australia, and the editors of The Lancet (a premier medical journal) have all expressed concerns about the risks;and in 2015 a peer-reviewed journal published a statement signed by more than 300 scientists asserting that there is not a consensus about the safety of GE foods and that their safety has not been adequately demonstrated.

GE proponents also falsely profess that the safety of GE foods has been thoroughly demonstrated when in reality many well-conducted studies published in peer-reviewed journals have detected harm to the animals that ate GE food.

In fact, a systematic review of the toxicological studies on GE foods published in 2009 concluded that the results of “most” of them indicate that the products:

“May cause hepatic, pancreatic, renal, and reproductive effects and may alter hematological, biochemical, and immunologic parameters the significance of which remains unknown.”

It also noted that further studies were clearly needed.

Related: Genetics Are The New Eugenics: How GMO’s Reduce The Human Population & This Major Report On GMO Safety Has Just One Small Problem: Undisclosed Conflicts Of Interest

Another review that encompassed the additional studies that had been published up until August 2010 also provided cause for caution. It concluded that there was an “equilibrium” between the research groups;

“Suggesting” that GE crops are as safe as their non-GE counterparts and “those raising still serious concerns.”

Between 2008 and 2014 eight such research reviews were published, and although some interpreted the data in favor of GE crops, as a whole, they provide no grounds for unequivocally proclaiming safety. As Sheldon Krimsky, a professor at Tufts University, observed in a comprehensive examination that itself was published in a peer-reviewed journal:

“One cannot read these systematic reviews and conclude that the science on health effects of GMOs has been resolved within the scientific community.”

Yet, GMO proponents routinely proclaim that it has been conclusively resolved – and that safety is a certitude.

Two Compelling – and Disturbing – Conclusions

Thus, even from this brief summary, it’s clear that the GE food venture has been chronically dependent on twisting the truth; and this dependence can be readily detected in virtually every statement that’s been issued in support of its products.

A striking example is the guide to GE crops published by the UK’s Royal Society in May 2016.Although it professes to provide accurate, science-based information, analysis reveals that its case for the safety of these crops is based on multiple misrepresentations.

So if the world’s oldest and most respected scientific institution cannot argue for the safety of GE foods without systematically distorting the facts, it indicates that such distortion is essential to the argument.

Moreover, when the multitude of distortions and deceptions that have been issued on behalf of these products over the last thirty-five years are compiled and irrefutably documented (as in my book), the conclusion that the GE food venture could not have survived without them becomes virtually inescapable.

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And another conclusion is equally obvious. The incontestable fact that the evidence has been methodically misrepresented is in itself compelling evidence of how strongly the aggregate evidence raises reasonable doubts about the safety of these foods – because if it was as favorable as the proponents claim, there would have been no need to distort it.


All references available in source article.

[i] Druker, Steven, Altered Genes, Twisted Truth: How the Venture to Genetically Engineer Our Food Has Subverted Science, Corrupted Government, and Systematically Deceived the Public (Clear River Press 2015)

[ii] The agency’s promotional policy was acknowledged in “Genetically Engineered Foods,” FDA Consumer, Jan.-Feb. 1993, p.14.

[iii] The demonstrably false statements that have been issued in order to deflect suspicion from the GE process, as well as other deceptive tactics that have been employed, are described in Chapter 3 of Altered Genes, Twisted Truth. That chapter also comprehensively examines the evidence, including important evidence produced by researchers at the Mayo Clinic that had not been previously made public.

[iv] Document #15, p. 3 at: http://biointegrity.org/24-fda-documents. NOTE: If the URL specified for this endnote (which is also the URL for numbers 5 through 10) is temporarily inactive, the documents can be accessed at: http://www.biointegrity.org/list.htm

[v] Document #16 at: http://biointegrity.org/24-fda-documents.

[vi] Document #4 at: http://biointegrity.org/24-fda-documents.

[vii] Document #2 at: http://biointegrity.org/24-fda-documents.

[viii] Document #10 at: http://biointegrity.org/24-fda-documents.

[ix] Document #1 at: http://biointegrity.org/24-fda-documents.

[x] Document #8 at: http://biointegrity.org/24-fda-documents.

[xi] Statement of Policy: Foods Derived From New Plant Varieties, May 29, 1992, Federal Register vol. 57, No. 104   at 22991

[xii]Elements of Precaution: Recommendations for the Regulation of Food Biotechnology in Canada.” The Royal Society of Canada, January 2001.  This report has never been withdrawn or revised.

[xiii] The British Medical Association has clearly expressed reservations about the safety of these novel products. As described in the British Medical Journal, the Association released a 2004 report stating that:

“More research is needed to show that genetically modified (GM) food crops and ingredients are safe for people and the environment and that they offer real benefits over traditionally grown foods.” (Kmietowicz, Z. “GM Foods Should Be Submitted to Further Studies, says BMA,”

- British Medical Journal, 2004 March 13; 328(7440): 602)

The Public Health Association of Australia has likewise (and more recently) indicated its opinion that the safety of genetically modified foods has not been adequately demonstrated. Its policy statement on genetically modified (GM) foods adopted in 2013 states:

“Thorough, independent research into the effects of GM foods on agronomy, health, society, the environment and the economy should be undertaken, and until this work is completed, all governments in Australia should impose an immediate and indefinite freeze on: the growing of GM crops for commercial purposes; the importation of GM foods and food components; and the patenting of genetic resources for food.”    

- www.phaa.net.au/documents/item/235

The Lancet criticized the presumption that genetically engineered foods entail no greater risks of unexpected effects than conventional foods, stating that there are “good reasons to believe that specific risks may exist” and that “governments should never have allowed these products into the food chain without insisting on rigorous testing for effects on health.” (The Lancet, Vol. 353, Issue 9167, p. 1811, 29 May 1999.)

[xiv] Hilbeck et al. Environmental Sciences Europe (2015) 27:4. http://www.enveurope.com/content/pdf/s12302-014-0034-1.pdf

[xv] Dona, A., and I. S. Arvanitouannis. 2009. ‘‘Health Risks of Genetically Modified Foods.’’ Critical Reviews in Food Science and Nutrition 49 (2): 164-75.

[xvi] Domingo, J. L., and J. G. Bordonaba. 2011. ‘‘A Literature Review on the Safety Assessment of Genetically Modified Plants.’’ Environment International 37 (4): 734-42

[xvii] Krimsky, S., “An Illusory Consensus Behind GMO Health Assessment,” Science, Technology & Human Values, November 2015; vol. 40, 6: pp. 883-914., first published on August 7, 2015.

[xviii] “GM plants: Questions and answers.” The Royal Society, May 2016.

[xix] For a documentation of the major misrepresentations, see my article published in The Ecologist: http://bit.ly/29NN8dk

Steven M. Druker is a public interest attorney and the executive director of the Alliance for Bio-Integrity. He is the author of Altered Genes, Twisted Truth: How the Venture to Genetically Engineer Our Food Has Subverted Science, Corrupted Government, and Systematically Deceived the Public, which was released in 2015 with a foreword by Jane Goodall hailing it as “without doubt one of the most important books of the last 50 years.

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A Discourse On The Little-Known History Of The Global Banking System
January 13 2022 | From: GroupK / Various

There are things that happen that could change the world.

Here you will learn the truth about some publicly unknown (until now) historical incidents; offers that could have greatly assisted the United States of America – and the World.

Related: Footsteps Of The Amanah

These could have led to a major financial and economic recovery, BUT the offers were declined.

Few people in the entire financial world have a grasp of what really is the foundation of global wealth,  and even fewer know who are the people actually controlling this. 

Neil lays it on the line, naming the Rothschild corporate financial empire of Khazarian, Cabal, Deep State operatives whose objective is the annihilation of 90% of humanity through economic chaos and destruction as planned in Agenda 21 & 30 – and being currently implemented through a fake pandemic.

Most people are confused by the Western fraud-based financial system where money is created out of thin air with NO ASSET BACKING. 

This creates valueless FIAT colored paper of all denominations that are sold into rigged casino markets. 

They think that the FED, BIS, IMF and World Bank control the supply of money through DEBT and the major international commercial banks and their financial subsidiaries simply roll over new money 100 – 1,000 times before letting some of it enter the real economy.  

Related: The Connection Between 9/11, JFK And The Global Collateral Accounts

That is what most people see and think, but there is a much higher level that is unseen.

First, a brief historical background understanding is necessary. Traditionally and until the 20th Century MONEY was based on GOLD, precious metals and other real tangible assets.

Over centuries of trade, most of the gold made its way via the silk road to Asia and ultimately under the control of the Golden Dragon Family, a group of ancient Asian family representatives that few know about and even fewer ever meet.

The West’s gold is limited to a bit more held in Rothschilds’ Central Banks and is limited to a “recognized” 800,000+ metric tons and that is supposed to support the trillions in markeplace colored paper.

Now watch Neil’s interview closely and you will see him show on camera one of several authentic 1928 “gold coin” certificates that the Golden Dragon Family has placed in holding with the US Treasury


Think about that for a minute…

This and more was offered to President Obama and VP Biden and others in 2009 to stimulate the American automotive, airline and infrastructure industries.

This was DECLINED.

Instead the Obama / Biden Administration set about an 8-year campaign to destroy American industries, the Military and the Healthcare industry.

It should be understood that this relatively small group of Golden Dragon Family elite members essentially hold the fundamental collateral backing for the entire global financial system.

Their resources are enormous. It is estimated that 85% of the West’s (Rothschilds’) Global Collateral Accounts are actually owned by the Golden Dragon Family and their depositors. 

And that is only a small portion of their secured asset holdings.

It should also be seen that the Golden Dragon Family is dedicated to supporting global growth and humanitarian projects.

They are constantly monitoring national governments and offering assistance when and where necessary. This is now Neil’s job as The AMANAH.

The funding of the Global Collateral Accounts after WWII and the continued support of Western financial institutions and major economic developments can clearly be seen even though Western financial fraudsters have illegally abused and usurped their authority.

The Cabal-backed Crime Families controlling the US Corporate Government, of course, rejected the 2009 offer as this would financially and economically strengthen the US, which was counter to their agenda.

So it is now obvious that the Rosy Boys Gang fronted by Soros, The Bush / Clinton / Obama crime syndicate and all their bought-and-paid-for politicians, corporate heads and bankster buddies – certainly don’t want to let the cat out of the bag. Ooops! Neil just did that – again!

Watch and see him pull a few more nasty scratching cats out of his bag of tricks too!

See for yourselves how diabolical their plans have been and will continue to be if WE THE PEOPLE allow this.

Related: Ghost Money, Burnt Money And Dead Money

Neil is running in parallel to President Donald Trump in unrelenting efforts to CLEAN THE SWAMP.

He strongly supports the Trump Administration and behooves all who can vote to vote for the MAN.

The humanitarian offer presented to the former US President was made by Mr. Neil F. Keenan and Mr. Yamaguchi, for and on behalf of the Golden Dragon Family. 

The offer was made to Corporate Government of the US and was in fact quite an easy transaction to deal with seeing the FEDs held many of the notes. 

Despite the need to take care of said problems immediately, they neglected the offer and stated that they did not want to fix the problems and that they wanted the US to fall apart so they could ride their horses into the center of it all and make claim to a new era. 

The coming of their NEW WORLD ORDER. 

If so, then we are all dead and to avoid all this we must get out immediately and vote for our President Donald Trump. 

There are no more tomorrows if in any manner shape or form he loses. 

It is a must-win for we the people of this planet. 

Neil Keenan has battled the Cabal for over twelve years and knows them quite well. They also know him.

There are no tomorrows only todays at this point in time and you best get out and vote and be thinking of your loved ones when doing so.

If not then we cannot cry when our loved ones are taken from us by the New World Order never to be seen again. Remember 90 percent of the populace will be eliminated and know they will do this.

They have been doing it to us all along.


Your lives depend on it.

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Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi

Cancer Industry Not Looking For A Cure; They’re Too Busy Making Money & Same Amazon.Com That Banned Cancer Cure Documentaries Now All In With Big Pharma’s Toxic Cancer “Treatments” Via Its New “Go Gold” Astroturfing Campaign
January 12 2022 | From: NaturalNews / CancerNews / Various

It may sound ridiculously cynical to some, but there are many who believe that cancer is too big a business (meaning too lucrative) to ever actually cure.

And they say the proof is in the numbers.

Related: Families seek answers for US rise in childhood cancers

If any of the existing low-cost, natural and alternative cancer treatments were ever to be approved, then the healthcare industry’s cornerstone revenue producer would vanish within months.

And Big Pharma isn’t about to let that happen. The industry is what is keeping us from a real cancer cure.

Consider how big a business cancer has become. In the 1940s, before all of the technology and innovation we see today, just one out of every 16 people was stricken with cancer; by the 1970s, that ratio fell to one in 10.

Today, one in two males are at risk of developing some form of cancer, and for women that ratio is one in three.

Related: The Man Who Discovered The Cause Of Cancer Wrote A Book On Curing It

Adds Health Impact, “We have lost the war on cancer.” The site notes further:

"The cancer industry is probably the most prosperous business in the United States. In 2014, an estimated 1,665,540 new cancer cases diagnosed and 585,720 cancer deaths in the US. 

$6 billion of tax-payer funds are cycled through various federal agencies for cancer research, such as the National Cancer Institute (NCI).

The NCI states that the medical costs of cancer care are $125 billion, with a projected 39 percent increase to $173 billion by 2020."

The belief among skeptics is that treating cancer has become an industry in and of itself, employing too many people while producing far too much income to permit a cure to be found (or approved).

Indeed, the current research on cancer medications is based on the presumption that the disease will grow (as will the market), not get smaller.

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A 2010 documentary entitled, Cut Poison Burn, by filmmaker Wayne Chesler, presented a number of powerful facts regarding corruption in the business of conventional treatments for cancer (surgery, chemotherapy and radiation) in the U.S.

Here are a number of quotes taken from the documentary that reveal why we’re no closer today than ever to a cancer cure:

"From 1920 to the present time, we have made little progress in the treatment of adult cancers. So, a person who gets prostate cancer or breast cancer today will live as long as a person who got it in 1920."

- Charles B. Simone, M.MS., M.D., Founder, Simone Protective Cancer Center

"Why are people terrified when they hear the word cancer? Because they know it [conventional cancer treatment] doesn’t work.”

- Dr. Julian Whitaker, M.D. Founder, Whitaker Wellness Institute

“Everyone should know that most cancer research is largely a fraud.”

- Dr. Linus Pauling 1986, Nobel Laureate

There are more, including the U.S. government’s own admission in patenting someone else’s potential cancer cure, that current treatments “are themselves carcinogenic” and may actually promote recurrences of cancer.

But you get the point: There is no real incentive to cure something that generates so much employment and profit; just imagine all of the cancer treatment specialists and their staff members who would be out of a job if this disease was ever cured.

Related: The 20 Biggest Cancer Lies You've Been Brainwashed To Believe By The For-Profit Cancer Industry + Cancer Cures Exposed: Natural Medicine Revealed As The Answer

As Natural News founder Mike Adams, the Health Ranger, has said, there is nothing in “modern” cancer treatment that results in true healing. The law and public policy have been established to prevent cures:

“Treating cancer with anything that actually works has been entirely outlawed in the United States, where ‘healing has become a crime,’ say independent observers. The conventional cancer industry isn’t interested in curing the disease; it’s interested in profiting from its continuation.”

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Same Amazon.Com That Banned Cancer Cure Documentaries Now All In With Big Pharma’s Toxic Cancer “Treatments” Via Its New “Go Gold” Astroturfing Campaign

Jeff Bezos has launched a new propaganda campaign called “Amazon Goes Gold” that blatantly pushes the Big Pharma lie that chemotherapy is some kind of universal cure for childhood cancer.

Exploiting the heartbreaking story of a Texas girl who underwent chemo for stage 4 non-Hodgkin’s T-cell Lymphoma, The Amazon blog makes the suggestion that, even though chemo routinely harms and kills people, it’s still the best option for adults and children who are diagnosed with cancer.

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At the very same time that Amazon is banning all content about natural healing alternatives, Amazon Goes Gold is aggressively trying to indoctrinate its patrons into accepting the one-size-fits-all “remedies” offered by the multi-billion dollar cancer industry.

Plagiarizing the infamous “pink ribbon” campaign long promoted by the Susan G. Komen Foundation for breast cancer “awareness,” Amazon’s Goes Gold campaign shipped out gold ribbons with all Amazon orders during the month of September.

Amazon is also donating $4 million to the American Childhood Cancer Organization, Children’s Oncology Group, Seattle Children’s Hospital, the European Society for Pediatric Oncology, and St. Jude Children-s Research Hospital – all groups and organizations that reject natural alternatives to chemotherapy for treating cancer.

Amazonians across the globe will show their support by wearing pajamas to work in solidarity with children who often spend years living in their pajamas during treatment and recovery from cancer,” The Amazon blog‘s Dave Quigg explains.

For more cancer-related news, be sure to check out CancerSolutions.news.

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Head of American Childhood Cancer Organization Used to Work at Pfizer

It probably won’t come as a surprise to learn that the head of the American Childhood Cancer Organization (ACCO), the first group mentioned as one of Amazon’s new allies, is a guy named Ken Wegner who used to be a lead scientist at drug giant Pfizer.

Wegner worked directly on “pharmaceutical product development,” according to his LinkedIn profile. He also worked as a scientist at Hospira, a global pharmaceutical and medical device company with operations similar to Pfizer’s.

What this suggests is that Wegner’s approach to childhood cancer as the current head of ACCO centers entirely around conventional “treatments” like chemotherapy and radiation that destroy children’s bodies by pumping them up with poison.

Children’s Oncology Group is similarly run by pharma-mongers like Peter C. Adamson of The Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia. Adamson is buddies with Paul Offit, a Big Pharma hack who believes that children can safely be injected with up to 10,000 vaccines at once and live to tell about it.

These and other Amazon Goes Gold partners, in essence, represent a who’s who list of some of Big Pharma’s biggest propagandists.

More important to them than actual healing is keeping the public under the delusion that chemotherapy is somehow a legitimate form of medicine that helps to fight cancer.

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And Amazon is further doing its part to keep the ruse going by shipping all Amazon orders in “custom packaging” with a little gold ribbon to remind customers that they should immediately turn to chemotherapy the minute they or a loved one is diagnosed with cancer.

By couching this crafty little campaign in terms of good will and creating “awareness,” Amazon and the cancer industry are basically marketing conventional cancer “therapy” to the masses, which are increasingly waking up to safer and more effective alternatives that don’t cause potentially lifelong harm or even death.

Amazon: Chemotherapy is Expensive, So Get Out There and Fundraise to Help Pay for it!

Recognizing that chemotherapy is an excessively costly regimen that patients without insurance have gone bankrupt trying to pay for, Amazon is also reminding the public to fork over their hard-earned cash to help people pay for it as an act of charity.

Rather than advise its customers about cheaper, safer alternatives that might work without breaking the bank, Amazon is instead trying to raise more money to keep the conventional cancer industry fully funded, regardless of the harm it causes to many patients.

I had an allergic reaction to a chemo medicine that I was getting,” the young girl whom Amazon references in the blog article is quoted as saying about how chemotherapy harmed her. “It gave me pancreatitis. Then I became septic and went into multi-system organ failure.”

Several of the cancer documentaries that Amazon banned from its website and Prime services discuss alternatives that might have helped this poor girl without destroying her vital organs.

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But rather than allow this helpful information to spread, Amazon has instead restricted all access to these resources, and is instead encouraging other children diagnosed with cancer to go down the same path – to their own demise.

“… some of the drugs and the chemo that they use are very, very harsh,” the girl’s father is quoted as saying about what his daughter endured.

“I just don’t think there’s enough research into how it affects kids – because they’re little, and they’re going to have the health effects of these heavy treatments for the rest of their life. As a parent going through all that, it’s frustrating because you don’t want them to deviate from the protocol, but this stuff makes your kid so sick.”

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Exposing The Bogus "97% Consensus" Claim Over Climate Change 'Science' & Top-Level Climate Modeler Spills The Beans On The ‘Nonsense’ Of ‘Global Warming Crisis’
January 11 2022 | From: MisesInstitute / Quadrant / Various

One of the popular rhetorical moves in the climate change debate is for advocates of aggressive government intervention to claim that “97% of scientists” agree with their position, and so therefore any critics must be unscientific “deniers.”

Now these claims have been dubious from the start; people like David Friedman have demonstrated that the “97% consensus” assertion became a talking point only through a biased procedure that mischaracterized how journal articles were rated, and thereby inflating the estimate.

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But beyond that, a review in The New Republic of a book critical of mainstream economics uses the exact same degree of consensus in order to cast aspersions on the science of economics.

In other words, when it comes to the nearly unanimous rejection of rent control or tariffs among professional economists, at least some progressive leftists conclude that there must be group-think involved.

The one consistent thread in both cases - that of the climate scientists and that of the economists - is that The New Republic takes the side that will expand the scope of government power, a central tenet since its birth by Herbert Croly a century ago.

The Dubious “97% Consensus” Claim Regarding Climate Science

Back in 2014, David Friedman worked through the original paper that kicked off the “97% consensus” talking point.

What the original authors, Cook et al., actually found in their 2013 paper was that 97.1% of the relevant articles agreed that humans contribute to global warming.

But notice that that is not at all the same thing as saying that humans are the main contributors to observed global warming (since the Industrial Revolution).

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This is a huge distinction. For example, I co-authored a Cato study with climate scientists Pat Michaels and Chip Knappenberger, in which we strongly opposed a U.S. carbon tax.

Yet both Michaels and Knappenberger would be climate scientists who were part of the “97% consensus” according to Cook et al. That is, Michaels and Knappenberger both agree that, other things equal, human activity that emits carbon dioxide will make the world warmer than it otherwise would be.

That observation by itself does not mean there is a crisis nor does it justify a large carbon tax.

Incidentally, when it comes down to what Cook et al. actually found, economist David R. Henderson noticed that it was even less impressive than what Friedman had reported. Here’s Henderson:

“[Cook et al.] got their 97 percent by considering only those abstracts that expressed a position on anthropogenic global warming (AGW). 

I find it interesting that 2/3 of the abstracts did not take a position. 

So, taking into account David Friedman’s criticism above, and mine, Cook and Bedford, in summarizing their findings, should have said, “Of the approximately one-third of climate scientists writing on global warming who stated a position on the role of humans, 97% thought humans contribute somewhat to global warming.”

That doesn’t quite have the same ring, does it? [David R. Henderson, bold added.]

So to sum up: The casual statements in the corporate media and in online arguments would lead the average person to believe that 97% of scientists who have published on climate change think that humans are the main drivers of global warming.

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And yet, at least if we review the original Cook et al. (2013) paper that kicked off the talking point, what they actually found was that of the sampled papers on climate change, only one-third of them expressed a view about its causes, and then of that subset, 97% agreed that humans were at least one cause of climate change.

This would be truth-in-advertising, something foreign in the political discussion to which all AGW issues now seem to descend.

The New Republic’s Differing Attitudes Towards Consensus

The journal The New Republic was founded in 1914. Its website states: “For over 100 years, we have championed progressive ideas and challenged popular opinion….The New Republic promotes novel solutions for today’s most critical issues.”

With that context, it’s not surprising that The New Republic uses the alleged 97% consensus in climate science the way other progressive outlets typically do.

Here’s an excerpt from a 2015 article (by Rebecca Leber) in which Republicans were excoriated for their anti-science stance on climate change:

“Two years ago, a group of international researchers led by University of Queensland’s John Cook surveyed 12,000 abstracts of peer-reviewed papers on climate change since the 1990s.

Out of the 4,000 papers that took a position one way or another on the causes of global warming, 97 percent of them were in agreement: Humans are the primary cause

By putting a number on the scientific consensus, the study provided everyone from President Barack Obama to comedian John Oliver with a tidy talking point.

Notice already that Leber is helping to perpetuate a falsehood, though she can be forgiven - part of David Friedman’s blog post was to show that Cook himself was responsible (Friedman calls it an outright lie) for the confusion regarding what he and his co-authors actually found.

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And notice that Leber confirms what I have claimed in this post, namely that it was the Cook et al. (2013) paper that originally provided the “talking point” (her term) about so-called consensus.

The point of Leber’s essay is to then denounce Ted Cruz and certain other Republicans for ignoring this consensus among climate scientists:

“All this debate over one statistic might seem silly, but it’s important that Americans understand there is overwhelming agreement about human-caused global warming.

Deniers have managed to undermine how the public views climate science, which in turn makes voters less likely to support climate action.

Now here’s what’s really interesting. A colleague sent me a recent review in The New Republic of a new book by Binyan Appelbaum that is critical of the economics profession.

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The reviewer, Robin Kaiser-Schatzlein, quoted with approval Appelbaum’s low view of consensus in economics:

“Appelbaum shows the strangely high degree of consensus in the field of economics, including a 1979 survey of economists that “found 98 percent opposed rent controls, 97 percent opposed tariffs, 95 percent favored floating exchange rates, and 90 percent opposed minimum wage laws.”

And in a moment of impish humor he notes that “Although nature tends toward entropy, they shared a confidence that economies tend toward equilibrium.” 

Economists shared a creepy lack of doubt about how the world worked.

Isn’t that amazing?

Rather than hunting down and demonizing Democratic politicians who dare to oppose the expert consensus on items like rent control - which Bernie Sanders has recently promoted - the reaction here is to guffaw at the hubris and “creepy lack of doubt about how the world [works].”


From the beginning, the “97% consensus” claim about climate change has been dubious, with supporters claiming that it represented much more than it really did.

Furthermore, a recent book review in The New Republic shows that when it comes to economic science, 97% consensus means nothing, if it doesn’t support progressive politics.

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Top-Level Climate Modeler Spills The Beans On The ‘Nonsense’ Of ‘Global Warming Crisis’

There’s a top-level oceanographer and meteorologist who is prepared to cry “Nonsense!”on the “global warming crisis” evident to climate modellers but not in the real world. He’s as well or better qualified than the modellers he criticises - the ones whose Year 2100 forebodings of 4degC warming have set the world to spending $US1.5 trillion a year to combat CO2 emissions.

The iconoclast is Dr. Mototaka Nakamura. In June he put out a small book in Japanese on “the sorry state of climate science”.

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It’s titled Confessions of a climate scientist: the global warming hypothesis is an unproven hypothesis, and he is very much qualified to take a stand. From 1990 to 2014 he worked on cloud dynamics and forces mixing atmospheric and ocean flows on medium to planetary scales.

His bases were MIT (for a Doctor of Science in meteorology), Georgia Institute of Technology, Goddard Space Flight Centre, Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Duke and Hawaii Universities and the Japan Agency for Marine-Earth Science and Technology. He’s published about 20 climate papers on fluid dynamics.

Today’s vast panoply of “global warming science” is like an upside down pyramid built on the work of a few score of serious climate modellers.

They claim to have demonstrated human-derived CO2 emissions as the cause of recent global warming and project that warming forward. Every orthodox climate researcher takes such output from the modellers’ black boxes as a given. 

A fine example is from the Australian Academy of Science’s explanatory booklet of 2015. It claims, absurdly, that the models’ outputs are “compelling evidence” for human-caused warming.

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Specifically, it refers to model runs with and without human emissions and finds the “with” variety better matches the 150-year temperature record (which itself is a highly dubious construct). Thus satisfied, the Academy then propagates to the public and politicians the models’ forecasts for disastrous warming this century.

Now for Dr Nakamura’s expert demolition of the modelling.

There was no English edition of his book in June and only a few bits were translated and circulated. But Dr Nakamura last week offered via a free Kindle version his own version in English. It’s not a translation but a fresh essay leading back to his original conclusions.

The temperature forecasting models trying to deal with the intractable complexities of the climate are no  better than “toys” or “Mickey Mouse mockeries” of the real world, he says.

This is not actually a radical idea. The IPCC in its third report (2001) conceded (emphasis added),

In climate research and modelling, we should recognize that we are dealing with a coupled non-linear chaotic system, and therefore that the long-term prediction of future climate states is not possible."

(Chapter 14, Section )

Somehow that official warning was deep-sixed by the alarmists.

Now Nakamura has found it again, further accusing the orthodox scientists of “data falsification” by adjusting previous temperature data to increase apparent warming “The global surface mean temperature-change data no longer have any scientific value and are nothing except a propaganda tool to the public,” he writes.

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The climate models are useful tools for academic studies, he says.

However, “the models just become useless pieces of junk or worse (worse in a sense that they can produce gravely misleading output) when they are used for climate forecasting."

The reason:

"These models completely lack some critically important  climate processes and feedbacks, and represent some other critically important climate processes and feedbacks in grossly distorted manners to the extent that makes these models totally useless for any meaningful climate prediction.

I myself used to use climate simulation models for scientific studies, not for predictions, and learned about their problems and limitations in the process."

Nakamura and colleagues even tried to patch up some of the models’ crudeness;

…so I know the workings of these models very well …

For better or worse I have more or less lost interest in the climate science and am not thrilled to spend so much of my time and energy in this kind of writing beyond the point that satisfies my own sense of obligation to the US and Japanese taxpayers who financially supported my higher education and spontaneous and free research activity. So please expect this to be the only writing of this sort coming from me.

I am confident that some honest and courageous, true climate scientists will continue to publicly point out the fraudulent claims made by the mainstream climate science community in English.

I regret to say this but I am also confident that docile and/or incompetent Japanese climate researchers will remain silent until the ’mainstream climate science community’ changes its tone, if ever.

He projects warming from CO2 doubling, “according to the true experts”, to be only 0.5degC. He says he doesn’t dispute the possibility of either catastrophic warming or severe glaciation since the climate system’s myriad non-linear processes swamp “the toys” used for climate predictions.

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Climate forecasting is simply impossible, if only because future changes in solar energy output are unknowable. 

As to the impacts of human-caused CO2, they can’t be judged “with the knowledge and technology we currently possess.”

Other gross model simplifications include:

Ignorance about large and small-scale ocean dynamics

A complete lack of meaningful representations of aerosol changes that generate clouds.

Lack of understanding of drivers of ice-albedo (reflectivity) feedbacks: “Without a reasonably accurate representation, it is impossible to make any meaningful predictions of climate variations and changes in the middle and high latitudes and thus the entire planet.”

Inability to deal with water vapor elements

Arbitrary “tunings” (fudges) of key parameters that are not understood

Concerning CO2 changes he says:

I want to point out a simple fact that it is impossible to correctly predict even the sense or direction of a change of a system when the prediction tool lacks and/or grossly distorts important non-linear processes, feedbacks in particular, that are present in the actual system …

… The real or realistically-simulated climate system is far more complex than an absurdly simple system simulated by the toys that have been used for climate predictions to date, and will be insurmountably difficult for those naïve climate researchers who have zero or very limited understanding of geophysical fluid dynamics.

I understand geophysical fluid dynamics just a little, but enough to realize that the dynamics of the atmosphere and oceans are absolutely critical facets of the climate system if one hopes to ever make any meaningful prediction of climate variation.

Solar input, absurdly, is modelled as a “never changing quantity”. He says, “It has only been several decades since we acquired  an ability to accurately monitor the incoming solar energy.

In these several decades only, it has varied by one to two watts per square metre. Is it reasonable to assume that it will not vary any more than that in the next hundred years or longer for forecasting purposes?

I would say, No.”

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Good modelling of oceans is crucial, as the slow ocean currents are transporting vast amounts of heat around the globe, making the minor atmospheric heat storage changes almost irrelevant.

For example, the Gulf Stream has kept western Eurasia warm for centuries. On time scales of more than a few years, it plays a far more important role on climate than atmospheric changes.

“It is absolutely vital for any meaningful climate prediction to be made with a reasonably accurate representation of the state and actions of the oceans.”

In real oceans rather than modelled ones, just like in the atmosphere, the smaller-scale flows often tend to counteract the effects of the larger-scale flows.

Nakamura spent hundreds of hours vainly trying to remedy the flaws he observed, concluding that the models “result in a grotesque distortion of the mixing and transport of momentum, heat and salt, thereby making the behaviour of the climate simulation models utterly unrealistic."

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Proper ocean modelling would require a tenfold improvement in spatial resolution and a vast increase in computing power, probably requiring quantum computers. If or when quantum computers can reproduce the small-scale interactions, the researchers will remain out of their depth because of their traditional simplifying of conditions.

Key model elements are replete with “tunings” i.e. fudges. Nakamura explains how that trick works:

“The models are ‘tuned’ by tinkering around with values of various parameters until the best compromise is obtained.

I used to do it myself. It is a necessary and unavoidable procedure and not a problem so long as the user is aware of its ramifications and is honest about it.

But it is a serious and fatal flaw if it is used for climate forecasting/prediction purposes."

One set of fudges involves clouds.

“Ad hoc representation of clouds may be the greatest source of uncertainty in climate prediction. A profound fact is that only a very small change, so small that it cannot be measured accurately…

in the global cloud characteristics can completely offset the warming effect of the doubled atmospheric CO2.”

Two such characteristics are an increase in cloud area and  a decrease in the average size of cloud particles.

“Accurate simulation of cloud is simply impossible in climate models since it requires calculations of processes at scales smaller than 1mm.

Instead, the modellers put in their own cloud parameters. Anyone studying real cloud formation and then the treatment in climate models would be “flabbergasted by the perfunctory treatment of clouds in the models..”"

Nakamura describes as “moronic” the claims that “tuned” ocean models are good enough for climate predictions.

That’s because, in tuning some parameters, other aspects of the model have to become extremely distorted.

He says a large part of the forecast global warming is attributed to water vapor changes, not CO2 changes.

“But the fact is this: all climate simulation models perform poorly in reproducing the atmospheric water vapor and its radiative forcing observed in the current climate…

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They have only a few parameters that can be used to ‘tune’ the performance of the models and (are) utterly unrealistic.”

Positive water vapor feedbacks from CO2 increases are artificially enforced by the modelers.

They neglect other reverse feedbacks in the real world, and hence they exaggerate forecast warming.

The supposed measuring of global average temperatures from 1890 has been based on thermometer readouts barely covering 5 per cent of the globe until the satellite era began 40-50 years ago.

“We do not know how global climate has changed in the past century, all we know is some limited regional climate changes, such as in Europe, North America and parts of Asia.”

This makes meaningless the Paris targets of 1.5degC or 2degC above pre-industrial levels.

He is contemptuous of claims about models being “validated”, saying the modellers are merely “trying to construct narratives that justify the use of these models for climate predictions."

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And he concludes;

The take-home message is (that) all climate simulation models, even those with the best parametric representation scheme for convective motions and clouds, suffer from a very large degree of arbitrariness in the representation of processes that determine the atmospheric water vapor and cloud fields.

Since the climate models are tuned arbitrarily …there is no reason to trust their predictions / forecasts.

With values of parameters that are supposed to represent many complex processes being held constant, many nonlinear processes in the real climate system are absent or grossly distorted in the models.

It is a delusion to believe that simulation models that lack important nonlinear processes in the real climate system can predict (even) the sense or direction of the climate change correctly.

I was distracted from his message because the mix of Japanese and English scripts in the book kept crashing my Kindle software.

Still, I persevered. I recommend you do too. There’s at least $US30 trillion ($US30,000, 000,000,000) hanging on this bunfight.

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The Man Who “Hacked” NASA & The AFSPC Gives A New Interview Describing What He Found
January 10 2022 | From: CollectiveEvolution / Various

The field of UFOlogy has long been muddled with disinformation campaigns and bad journalism, and sometimes this journalism includes infiltration efforts by intelligence agencies themselves.

This is clear given the fact that intelligence agencies have a direct relationship with journalists and mainstream media outlets, as there are declassified documents showing so. 

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Operation mockingbird is a great example, not to mention all of the mainstream media journalists who have come out and said that mainstream media is directly influenced by intelligence agencies, governments and corporations.

In Brief:

The Facts: Nearly two decades ago, Gary Mckinnon of the UK accesses nearly 100 NASA and Department of Defence, including the US Air Force Space command. He faced extradition for 10 years after finding a picture of a UFO and a list of "non terrestrial officers."

Reflect On: How sheltered are we from certain information? Has 'national security' simply become an excuse to keep information concealed from the public to protect corporate and government interests?

When it comes to UFOs, we know that they’re real, but we also know that along with that reality there has been “an official campaign of ridicule and secrecy.” (Ex-CIA Director Roscoe Hillenkoetter)

Perhaps this ridicule campaign carries on today through some rather ghastly, unbelievable claims, but let’s not let that mask the fact that this phenomenon is indeed real, and there are a plethora of credible sources including documents, data, physical evidence, and more suggesting we’re not alone, and that we probably are being visited and have been visited by intelligent extraterrestrial beings from other worlds and possibly other dimensions.

Related: Former High Ranking CIA Agent Gives A Break Down On What The US Deep State And Shadow Government Is Comprised Of

A lot of this evidence has come from UFOlogist Richard Dolan, who has always been a key resource for me with regards to accessing credible information about the UFO phenomenon.

I find that it’s important to seek out proper researchers who share information in a credible and verifiable way, especially about a subject that can so easily be ridiculed when you are trying to reach the masses who don’t have much knowledge about it, but are genuinely curious.

I also feel that my generation of UFO researchers lack proper research and investigative skills, are easily influenced and swayed, and in the age of social media are simply trying to share whatever they can, no matter how credible, to simply ‘stay relevant,’ instead of doing it for the love and genuine desire to share important, truthful information.

Like I said, there are some rather ‘outside the box claims’ out there that have absolutely no credibility behind them, and to share those actually does more disservice to the movement, in my opinion.

Related: US Navy Confirms UFOs Are Real Using Two Videos of Mysterious Objects

On the other hand, there are some very outside the box claims and information that do indeed have tremendous amounts of credibility behind them, and these are the ones we should be paying attention to. One example comes from the case of Garry McKinnon, who for 10 years was in great danger of extradition to the United States for accessing nearly 100 NASA and military computers including the United States Space Command.

This was the real deal, and here is a clip of Obama and the UK Prime Minister at the time fielding a question about Garry, this breach made headlines new.

Garry was able to access these computers in real time and view files on them.

He found some startling pictures, one in particular was of a large cylindrical shaped UFO hovering in space, in addition to a strange spreadsheet document with a list of “non-terrestrial officers,” presumably belonging to a publicly unacknowledged branch of the United States military operating in space, as well as “fleet to fleet” transfers of materials, whatever that means.

I’ll let you listen to the interview below for more details straight from Garry McKinnon’s mouth, via Dolan’s Youtube Channel, where he also describes a high-resolution photograph, taken from space, of a smooth, cigar-shaped craft.

The Real Secret Space Program

Is there a secret space program, and have clandestine groups been reverse engineering ET technology?

Dr. David Clarke is an investigative journalist, reader and lecturer at Sheffield Hallam University in England.

Related: Scientific American admits: Extraterrestrials likely to be far more intelligent than humans… and we’re stupid to deny their existence

He was also the curator for The National Archives UFO project from 2008–2013, and regularly comments in national and international media on UFOs.

These documents reveal how the RAF expressed great interest in finding UFOs.

Dr. Clarke told The Daily Mail;

Even though they have been partly censored they can’t conceal the fact the UK military were interested in capturing UFO technology or what they coyly refer to as ‘novel weapon technology’…

And the files reveal they were desperate to capture this technology – wherever it came from – before the Russians or the Chinese got hold of it first….

Although this was 1997, Russia was still regarded as an undefeated enemy with a weapons programme regarded as a threat to the West.

The question is: Did they get one? More on that later…

“The military personnel who are encountering these phenomena tell remarkable stories.

In one example, over the course of two weeks in November 2004, the USS Princeton, a guided-missile cruiser operating advanced naval radar, repeatedly detected unidentified aircraft operating in and around the Nimitz carrier battle group, which it was guarding off the coast of San Diego.

In some cases, according to incident reports and interviews with military personnel, these vehicles descended from altitudes higher than 60,000 feet at supersonic speeds, only to suddenly stop and hover as low as 50 feet above the ocean."

Christopher Mellon, former Assistant Secretary of Defence.

We don’t know the answer to these questions, but we do know that the United States has a history of government agencies existing in secrecy for years. The National Security Agency (NSA) was founded in 1952, and its existence was hidden until the mid 1960s.

Even more secretive is the National Reconnaissance Office, which was founded in 1960 but remained a secret for 30 years.

We are talking about Special Access Programs (SAP). From these we have unacknowledged and waived SAPs. These programs do not exist publicly, but they do indeed exist.

Related: DECLAS, Disclosure And New Ascension Film Incoming

They are better known as ‘deep black programs.’ A 1997 US Senate report described them as “so sensitive that they are exempt from standard reporting requirements to the Congress.”  (Source)

We also know that there is a black budget to fund these programs.

Here is another great discussion with Dolan titled “Secret Space Program, Real Evidence.”

Are These Objects Extraterrestrial?

There are literally hundreds of people with extensive academic, political and military backgrounds, all the way to astronauts, who have been blowing the whistle for a very long time. 

Many scientific publications have also been made throughout the years describing strange and radar confirmed military sightings by military pilots. You can see some evidence and documentation from this article I wrote regarding the Chilean Air Force.

According to Herman Oberth, one of the founding fathers of rocketry and astronautics, “flying saucers are real and . . . they are space ships from another solar system.

Related: Whether You Know It Or Not, You’re Being Prepared For Contact With Extraterrestrials

I think that they possibly are manned by intelligent observers who are members of a race that may have been investigating our Earth for centuries.” (Oberth, Hermann: “Flying Saucers Come from a Distant World,” The American Weekly, October 24, 1954)  (Source 1) (Source 2)

“We have, indeed, been contacted - perhaps even visited - by extraterrestrial beings, and the US government, in collusion with the other national powers of the Earth, is determined to keep this information from the general public.”

- Victor Marchetti (Second Look, Volume 1, No 7, Washington, DC, May, 1979)

Another great quote:

“There are objects in our atmosphere which are technically miles in advance of anything we can deploy… we have no means of stopping them from coming here… there is a serious possibility that we are being visited and have been visited for many years by people from outer space, from other civilizations…

This should be the subject of rigorous scientific investigation and not the subject of ‘rubbishing’ by tabloid newspapers.”

Lord Admiral Hill-Norton, former Chief of Defence Staff, 5 Star Admiral of the Royal Navy, Chairman of the NATO Military Committee

The point is, if you believe some of these objects are indeed extraterrestrial, you are not alone. Couple these statements with the claims of thousands of individuals who have had contactee and abduction experiences who’ve shared remarkably consistent stories, it’s definitely a plausible hypothesis for the UFO phenomenon.

The Takeaway

What are the implications of extraterrestrial contact? Humanity will always go through paradigm shifting realizations that will jolt human consciousness.

Related: Joe Rogan “Pushed Over The Edge” About UFOs After His Recent Podcast With Bob Lazar

Right now, we have a lot of work to do here on Earth, and we should be focusing on cleaning up our planet and ridding it of greed, destruction, war, etc.

I feel that the ET reality is somehow connected to that realization, and the need and urgency that many of us feel regarding the planet and service to others.

What about you?

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Four Words: Weapons Of Media Lies & When Corporate Power Is Your Real Government, Corporate Media Is State Media
January 9 2022 | From: FreedomForum / CaitlinJohnstone / Various

Tyrants and dictators have long understood that control of public information is essential to maintain power. 

Historically, news was spread by word of mouth, public oration by the town crier, or the posting of printed notices in the town square.

Related: People’s Skepticism About Covid-19 Is The Fault Of The Lying Mass Media & A Personal Take On Covid-19 “Conspiracy Theories”

In our time, the speed and reach of all communication has been enormously increased by a large variety of devices that are part of the digital Internet and social media information platform. 

What has never changed, however, is the Machiavellian manipulation of words and phrases to obscure and even conceal the truth. 

The purpose is not to educate, notify, or stimulate logical thought, but to restrict the thought process, limit debate, and thereby dominate the philosophy and actions of individuals and groups.  It is a deceitful process by which individual freedom is stolen by tyrants using the power of the ignorant majority.

Without actually telling a lie, the ultimate prize is to convince a large audience that something you know to be false is absolutely true

Once the successful word formula is devised, minimal phrase changes create multiple different accusations. The ruse is so artful that mesmerized people accept the result as confirmed fact. 

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This device has been used repeatedly in an attempt to destroy President Trump’s credibility with susceptible voting blocs on key issues. 

The word formula consists of three parts:

1. Allegation by confidential anonymous sources

2. Qualifying phrase

3. Indictment

In practice, the formula looks like this:

1. Anonymous sources have told us that Trump did / said..

2. If this is true...

3. Trump is guilty of...

The use of “confidential sources” is the media’s tool to prevent verification of the allegations. The allegation leads directly to the indictment, because the qualifying phrase, “if this is true”, is usually overlooked, ignored, or quickly forgotten. 

As a result, large groups of voters believe that President Trump colluded with Russia to win the election in 2016 and that he is responsible for thousands of deaths by his mishandling of the Covid-19 pandemic. 

Neither is true.

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To be fair and unbiased, the media would have to report the news only after verifying the accuracy of the facts used. 

In America [read: the Western world] today, of course, that just will not happen. 

So, we will have to do their job for them.

"Anonymous sources have told us that Joe Biden’s Brain MRI shows extensive loss of substance in the cerebral cortex consistent with advanced Alzheimers Disease.

If this is true . . . the Democrat plan is for Biden to resign immediately after his inauguration so that Kamala Harris and the ultra-liberal socialists can take over control of the executive branch.  In fact, both Biden and Harris have publicly referred to themselves as the “Harris-Biden” ticket.”

"Anonymous sources in a secret memo have told us that Joe Biden and his son Hunter are receiving millions of campaign dollars from the Communist government of China in return for promises to send advanced military technology to the Chinese Communist regime. 

If this is true . . . Biden and his son are guilty of high treason against the United States.”

"Anonymous sources have told us that George Soros, through numerous shell corporations and with the knowledge of Joe Biden and his campaign leaders, are funding and directing the violent actions of Antifa and Black Lives Matter to destroy American cities. 

If this is true . . . Soros and Biden are guilty of operating an illegal racketeering network and are subject to arrest and asset seizure under the RICO laws.”

In the First Amendment to the US Constitution, our founders prohibited government from abridging “the freedom of speech, or of the press” to ensure full access to honest and reliable information by the public.

It was, in fact, expected that The Press, the “Media” today, be the “gold standard” of truth above all other sources of gossip and misinformation. 

When the Media is no longer the independent purveyor of fact, it is viewed with contempt as a caricature of fiction. 

Or worse, in the hands of tyrants, it becomes the tool of oppression.

Resist Tyranny!

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Fake news media now issuing claims of “CONFIRMED” for utterly fabricated, false stories (usually ones designed to hurt Trump)

When Corporate Power Is Your Real Government, Corporate Media Is State Media

The New York Times published an astonishingly horrible article the other day titled “Latin America Is Facing a ‘Decline of Democracy’ Under the Pandemic” accusing governments like Venezuela and Nicaragua of exploiting Covid-19 to quash opposition and oppress democracy.

The article sources its jarringly propagandistic claims in multiple US government-funded narrative management operations like the Wilson Center and the National Endowment for Democracy-sponsored Freedom House, the extensively plutocrat-funded Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, and the United States Naval Academy.

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The crown jewel of this piece of State Department stenography reads as follows:

“Adding to these challenges, democracy in Latin America has also lost a champion in the United States, which had played an important role in promoting democracy after the end of the Cold War by financing good governance programs and calling out authoritarian abuses.”

Whoa, nelly.

The fact that America’s most widely regarded newspaper feels perfectly comfortable making such a spectacularly in-your-face lie on behalf of the US government tells you everything you need to know about what the mass media in America really are and what they do.

The United States has never at any time been a champion of democracy in Latin America, before or since the Cold War.

It has intervened hundreds of times in the continent’s affairs throughout history with everything from murderous corporate colonialism to deadly CIA regime change operations to overt military invasions.

It is currently trying to orchestrate a coup in Venezuela after failing to stage one during the Bush administration, it’s pushing regime change in Nicaragua, and The New York Times itself admitted this year that it was wrong to promote the false US government narrative of electoral shenanigans in Bolivia’s presidential race last year, a narrative which facilitated a bloody fascist coup.

This is propaganda. There is no other word for it. And yet the only time western politicians and news reporters use that word is to talk about nations like Russia and China.

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Why is propaganda used in an ostensibly free democracy with an ostensibly free media? Why are its news media outlets so consistently in alignment with every foreign policy objective of US government agencies no matter how destructive and inexcusable?

If the media and the government are two separate institutions, why do they so consistently function as though they are not separate?

Well, that’s easy. It’s because they aren’t separate. The only thing keeping this from being seen is the fact that America’s real government isn’t located where people think it is.

Corruption is Legal in America


In a corporatist system of government, where no hard lines are drawn between corporate/financial power and state power, corporate media is state media.

Since bribery is legal in the US political system in the form of corporate lobbying and campaign donations, America’s elected government is controlled by wealthy elites who have money to burn and who benefit from maintaining a specific status quo arrangement.

The fact that this same plutocratic class also owns America’s media, which is now so consolidated that it’s almost entirely run by just six corporations, means that the people who run the government also run the media.

This allows America’s true rulers to set up a system which promotes narratives that are favorable to their desired status quo.

Which means that the US has state propaganda. They just don’t call it that themselves.

Related: A Country Without An Honest Media Is Lost: The Largest Conspiracy Theory Peddlers Are Mainstream Media And The US State Department

Strip away the phony two-handed sock puppet show of US electoral politics and look at how power actually moves in that country, and you just see one more tyrannical regime which propagandizes its citizens, brutally cracks down on protesters, deliberately keeps its populace impoverished so they don’t get powerful enough to change things, and attacks any nation which dares to disobey its dictates.

Beneath the thin layer of narrative overlay about freedom and democracy, the US is just one more despotic, bloodthirsty empire. It’s no better than any of the other despotic, bloodthirsty empires throughout history. It just has good PR.

Plutocrats not only exert control over America’s media and politics, they also form alliances with the secretive government agencies whose operators remain amid the comings and goings of the official elected government.

We see examples of this in the way new money tech plutocrats like Jeff Bezos, Peter Thiel and Pierre Omidyar have direct relationships with the CIA and its proxies.

We also see it in the sexual blackmail operation which was facilitated by the late Jeffrey Epstein in connection with billionaire Leslie Wexner and Israeli intelligence, along with potentially the FBI and/or other US intelligence agencies.

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Today the internet is abuzz as newly unsealed court documents relating to Epstein and his co-conspirator Ghislaine Maxwell reveal witness testimony regarding underage sex trafficking, with such high-profile names appearing in the documents as Alan Dershowitz, Bill Clinton, and Prince Andrew.

The Overton window of acceptable political discourse has been shrunk into such a narrow spectrum of debate that talking about even well-known and extensively documented facts involving the real nature of America’s government and media will get you laughingly dismissed as a conspiracy theorist, which is itself a symptom of tight narrative control by a ruling class which much prefers Americans thinking they live in a free democracy whose government they control with their votes.

The End of Kings

In the old days you used to be able to tell who your rulers were because they’d sit on thrones and wear golden crowns and make you bow before them.

Human consciousness eventually evolved beyond the acceptability of such brazen indignities, so it became necessary for rulers to take on more of a background role while the citizenry clap and cheer for the illusory puppet show of electoral politics.

But the kings are still among us, just as cruel and tyrannical as ever. They’ve just figured out how to mask their tyranny behind the facade of freedom.

But 2020 has been a year of revelations, a trend which seems likely to continue accelerating.

Truth cannot stay hidden forever

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CNN Admits The Health Ranger Has Been Right All Along: Sunscreen Chemicals Are Absorbed Into Your Bloodstream Where They Can Promote Cancer
January 8 2022 | From: NaturalNews / Various

The Center for Drug Evaluation and Research (CDER), a branch of the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA), has published the results of a pilot study looking at the safety of many common sunscreen products – and what was discovered is that sunscreen chemicals absorb into the bloodstream via the skin in a matter of hours.

As reported by CNN and others, the results of the study, which were published in the Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA), reveal that, rather than evaporate or wash off, sunscreen chemicals persist and accumulate in people’s bodies through their skin, which is the body’s largest organ.

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CDER looked at four common chemicals used in conventional sunscreen products: avobenzone, oxybenzone, ecamsule, and octocrylene.

What the agency found is that concentrations of three of them continue to rise inside the body with each subsequent application, and persist there for at least 24 hours after sunscreen use has ceased.

According to the FDA, these four chemicals, as well as eight others that are also commonly used in many sunscreen products, need to be better researched by manufacturers before they can receive the FDA’s coveted designation of being “generally regarded as safe and effective.”

“It’s not news that things that you put on your skin are absorbed into the body,”
says Scott Faber, senior vice president for government affairs at the Environmental Working Group (EWG), a consumer advocacy group.

This study is the FDA’s way of showing sunscreen manufacturers they need to do the studies to see if chemical absorption poses health risks.

Related: Sunscreen Causes Cancer? What You May Not Know About Sunscreen

For related news about the FDA, be sure to visit FDA.news.

Natural News Has Been Warning About Dangerous Sunscreen Chemicals for More Than a Decade

As the FDA catches up with the times, it’s important to note that Natural News has been warning the public about the dangers and ineffectiveness of conventional sunscreen products for well over a decade.

As you may recall from back in 2007, we published The Sunscreen Myth, a comprehensive paper and CounterThink cartoon that goes into great detail about why the entire concept behind sunscreen supposedly protecting the skin against cancer is a myth – and the fact that many sunscreen products actually cause cancer.

The Sunscreen Myth also explains how sunscreen chemicals absorb directly through the skin and immediately enter the bloodstream, loading people’s bodies with all sorts of synthetic compounds that may or may not get effectively detoxified and excreted by the liver and other cleansing organs.

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Like cigarette advertising from the past that claimed doctors favored smoking, the sunscreen hysteria of today is based on little more than fear-mongering and pseudoscience.

Truth be told, our bodies need sunlight in order to generate immune-supportive vitamin D – a pro-hormone nutrient that’s effectively blocked by sunscreen.

"There is no need for sunscreen, but the cancer industry and sunscreen manufacturers have created a fictitious need through a campaign of fear and disinformation, hypnotizing practically the entire population into believing one of the most ridiculous ideas in the universe: that sunlight is bad for human health,"
explains The Sunscreen Myth.

“They didn’t run and hide from the sun, they used it as nourishment to generate a crucial vitamin that supports human health in a multitude of ways. The idea that “the sun is bad for you” makes about as much sense as ‘water is bad for you’ or ‘the Earth is flat,'” it adds.

It is also recommended that readers check out “The Trouble with Ingredients in Sunscreen,” put out by EWG as a public educational resource.

To learn more about the vital importance of vitamin D for optimal health, be sure to check out VitaminD.news.

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The Court That Rules The World
January 7 2022 | From: Buzzfeed / Various

A parallel legal universe, open only to corporations and largely invisible to everyone else, helps executives convicted of crimes escape punishment.

Part one of a BuzzFeed News investigation - Read the whole series here.

Imagine a private, global super court that empowers corporations to bend countries to their will.

Say a nation tries to prosecute a corrupt CEO or ban dangerous pollution. Imagine that a company could turn to this super court and sue the whole country for daring to interfere with its profits, demanding hundreds of millions or even billions of dollars as retribution.

Imagine that this court is so powerful that nations often must heed its rulings as if they came from their own supreme courts, with no meaningful way to appeal.

That it operates unconstrained by precedent or any significant public oversight, often keeping its proceedings and sometimes even its decisions secret.

That the people who decide its cases are largely elite Western corporate attorneys who have a vested interest in expanding the court’s authority because they profit from it directly, arguing cases one day and then sitting in judgment another.

That some of them half-jokingly refer to themselves as “The Club” or “The Mafia.

And imagine that the penalties this court has imposed have been so crushing - and its decisions so unpredictable - that some nations dare not risk a trial, responding to the mere threat of a lawsuit by offering vast concessions, such as rolling back their own laws or even wiping away the punishments of convicted criminals.

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This system is already in place, operating behind closed doors in office buildings and conference rooms in cities around the world.

Known as investor-state dispute settlement, or ISDS, it is written into a vast network of treaties that govern international trade and investment, including NAFTA and the Trans-Pacific Partnership, which Congress must soon decide whether to ratify.

These trade pacts have become a flashpoint in the US presidential campaign. But an 18-month BuzzFeed News investigation, spanning three continents and involving more than 200 interviews and tens of thousands of documents, many of them previously confidential, has exposed an obscure but immensely consequential feature of these trade treaties, the secret operations of these tribunals, and the ways that business has co-opted them to bring sovereign nations to heel.

The BuzzFeed News investigation explores four different aspects of ISDS. In coming days, it will show how the mere threat of an ISDS case can intimidate a nation into gutting its own laws, how some financial firms have transformed what was intended to be a system of justice into an engine of profit, and how America is surprisingly vulnerable to suits from foreign companies.

The series starts today with perhaps the least known and most jarring revelation:

Companies and executives accused or even convicted of crimes have escaped punishment by turning to this special forum. Based on exclusive reporting from the Middle East, Central America, and Asia, BuzzFeed News has found the following:

A Dubai real estate mogul and former business partner of Donald Trump [not that that means anything, he's had hundreds of business partners] was sentenced to prison for collaborating on a deal that would swindle the Egyptian people out of millions of dollars - but then he turned to ISDS and got his prison sentence wiped away.

In El Salvador, a court found that a factory had poisoned a village - including dozens of children - with lead, failing for years to take government-ordered steps to prevent the toxic metal from seeping out. But the factory owners’ lawyers used ISDS to help the company dodge a criminal conviction and the responsibility for cleaning up the area and providing needed medical care.

Two financiers convicted of embezzling more than $300 million from an Indonesian bank used an ISDS finding to fend off Interpol, shield their assets, and effectively nullify their punishment.

[Historical] When the US Congress votes on whether to give final approval to the sprawling Trans-Pacific Partnership, which President Barack Obama staunchly supports, it will be deciding on a massive expansion of ISDS. Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton oppose the overall treaty, but they have focused mainly on what they say would be the loss of American jobs.

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Clinton’s running mate, Tim Kaine, has voiced concern about ISDS in particular, and Sen. Elizabeth Warren has lambasted it. Last year, members of both houses of Congress tried to keep it out of the Pacific trade deal. They failed.

ISDS is basically binding arbitration on a global scale, designed to settle disputes between countries and foreign companies that do business within their borders. Different treaties can mandate slightly different rules, but the system is broadly the same.

When companies sue, their cases are usually heard in front of a tribunal of three arbitrators, often private attorneys. The business appoints one arbitrator and the country another, then both sides usually decide on the third together.

Conceived of in the 1950s, the system was intended to benefit both developing nations and the foreign companies that sought to invest in them.

The companies would gain a fair, neutral referee if a rogue regime seized their property or discriminated against them in favor of domestic companies. And the countries would gain the roads or hospitals or industries that those foreign corporations would, as a result, feel confident building.

“It works,”
said Charles Brower, a longtime ISDS arbitrator. “Like any system of law, there will be disappointments; you’re dealing with human systems. But this system fundamentally produces as good justice as the federal courts of the United States.” [Not a benchmarch which should be aspired to.]

Charles Brower

He defended the lawyers who often serve as arbitrators, saying they:

"Are very aware of their responsibilities. Unlike politicians, we are up for election every minute of every day - somewhere in the world, somebody is trying to figure out whom to appoint in a case. We’re only as good as our reputations.”

As proof that ISDS delivers justice, Brower pointed to a wave of nationalizations by the Venezuelan government, many while Hugo Chávez was in charge, that led to:

"Huge awards against them for uncompensated expropriation.”

ISDS has not only put rapacious leaders on notice, its defenders say, but it has also encouraged investment, especially in poor countries, helping to raise overall economic development.

Some even say that it helps avoid gunboat diplomacy and tense international showdowns because countries have agreed on a forum where they can resolve disputes involving major investments.

But over the last two decades, ISDS has morphed from a rarely used last resort, designed for egregious cases of state theft or blatant discrimination, into a powerful tool that corporations brandish ever more frequently, often against broad public policies that they claim crimp profits.

Because the system is so secretive, it is not possible to know the total number of ISDS cases, but lawyers in the field say it is skyrocketing. Indeed, of the almost 700 publicly known cases across the last half century, more than a tenth were filed just last year.

Driving this expansion are the lawyers themselves. They have devised new and creative ways to deploy ISDS, and in the process bill millions to both the businesses and the governments they represent. At posh locales around the globe, members of The Club meet to swap strategies and drum up potential clients, some of which are household names, such as ExxonMobil or Eli Lilly, but many more of which are much lower profile.

In specialty publications, the lawyers suggest novel ways to use ISDS as leverage against governments. It’s a sort of sophisticated, international version of the plaintiff’s attorney TV ad or billboard: Has your business been harmed by an increase in mining royalties in Mali? Our experienced team of lawyers may be able to help.

A few of their ideas: Sue Libya for failing to protect an oil facility during a civil war. Sue Spain for reducing solar energy incentives as a severe recession forced the government to make budget cuts. Sue India for allowing a generic drug company to make a cheaper version of a cancer drug.

In a little-noticed 2014 dissent, US Chief Justice John Roberts warned that ISDS arbitration panels hold the alarming power to review a nation’s laws and “effectively annul the authoritative acts of its legislature, executive, and judiciary.” ISDS arbitrators, he continued, “can meet literally anywhere in the world” and “sit in judgment” on a nation’s “sovereign acts.”

That fate has not yet befallen the United States - but largely because of sheer luck, former government lawyers said.

In theory, ISDS arbitrators must follow the rules laid down in trade pacts.

But in practice, they have interpreted the vague language of many treaties as enshrining broad, unwritten rights far beyond protections against property seizures and blatant discrimination - even finding, in one case, a right to a “reasonable rate of return.”

Some entrepreneurial lawyers scout for ways to make money from ISDS.

Selvyn Seidel
, an attorney who represented clients in ISDS suits, now runs a specialty firm, one that finds investors willing to fund promising suits for a cut of the eventual award.

Some lawyers, he said, monitor governments around the world in search of proposed laws and regulations that might spark objections from foreign companies.

"Huge awards against them for uncompensated expropriation.”

“You know it’s coming down the road,”
he said, “so, in that year before it’s actually changed, you can line up the right claimants and the right law firms to bring a number of cases.”

The US officials who negotiated the Trans-Pacific Partnership have argued that it contains new ISDS safeguards, including opening up hearings and legal filings to the public.

The changes, however, have loopholes, and lawyers at some big firms are already advising clients how they might use the new deal to their benefit.

Opposition to ISDS is spreading across the political spectrum, with groups on the left and right attacking the system.

Around the world, a growing number of countries are pushing for reforms or pulling out entirely.

But most of the alarm has been focused on the potential use of ISDS by corporations to roll back public-interest laws, such as those banning the use of hazardous chemicals or raising the minimum wage.

The system’s usefulness as a shield for the criminal and the corrupt has remained virtually unknown.

Reviewing publicly available information for about 300 claims filed during the past five years, BuzzFeed News found more than 35 cases in which the company or executive seeking protection in ISDS was accused of criminal activity, including money laundering, embezzlement, stock manipulation, bribery, war profiteering, and fraud.

Among them: a bank in Cyprus that the US government accused of financing terrorism and organized crime, an oil company executive accused of embezzling millions from the impoverished African nation of Burundi, and the Russian oligarch known as “the Kremlin’s banker.”

Some are at the center of notorious scandals, from the billionaire accused of orchestrating a massive Ponzi scheme in Mauritius to multiple telecommunications tycoons charged in the ever-widening “2G scam” in India, which made it into Time magazine’s top 10 abuses of power, alongside Watergate.

The companies or executives involved in these cases either denied wrongdoing or did not respond to requests for comment.

Related: WaterGate Was PedoGate; 70% Of Top US Officials Compromised

Most of the 35-plus cases are still ongoing. But in at least eight of the cases, bringing an ISDS claim got results for the accused wrongdoers, including a multimillion-dollar award, a dropped criminal investigation, and dropped criminal charges. In another, the tribunal has directed the government to halt a criminal case while the arbitration is pending.

Of course, there are governments that don’t have clean hands themselves, and some claims by businesses have been justified. The legal systems of some countries are flagrantly unfair or riddled with corruption.

Moreover, authoritarian or kleptocratic regimes sometimes do use their justice systems as political weapons. For example, arbitrators ordered Russia to pay compensation after finding that Vladimir Putin and his administration had used criminal and tax proceedings to destroy his political rival Mikhail Khodorkovsky’s oil company.

Lawyers say that some governments, faced with a legitimate ISDS claim, will even trump up a criminal charge to deflect from their own wrongdoing. For example, arbitrators found there was evidence suggesting that Bolivia had launched a fraud case against mining-company executives as a ploy to get the company’s ISDS claim thrown out.

But even some members of The Club said they were concerned by how often credible allegations of criminality arise. Many ISDS lawyers say that the system helps promote the rule of law around the world.

If ISDS is seen as protecting criminals, they fear, it could delegitimize a system that is working well for many others.

One lawyer who regularly represents governments said he’s seen evidence of corporate criminality that he “couldn’t believe.

Speaking on the condition that he not be named because he’s currently handling ISDS cases, he said;

“You have a lot of scuzzy sort-of thieves for whom this is a way to hit the jackpot.”

Read the full accounts of what happened in the cases of Egypt, El Salvador and Indonesia at: Buzzfeed

Be advised: If the TPPA / TTIP et al were ratified, it would be these pricks coming to rape our countries.

Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi

Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi

Dealing With “Waking Up.” How To Handle Discovering More Than Just The Tip Of the Iceberg
January 6 2022 | From: CollectiveEvolution / Various

A look at our current world might bring about emotions or observations linked to feelings of chaos.

With the incredible divide happening in the US due to the upcoming presidential elections, the manufactured gender, race and sexual orientation divides taking place all over, it’s easy to feel like there are ‘bad’ things happening all the time.

Related: The Great Awakening Has Begun

People often look at the media and say it’s there to ruin or shift your perception of the world negatively, and I would partly agree with this for sure.

In Brief:

The Facts: An evolution in the way we view our world and the systems within it is necessary to create meaningful change at this stage in humanity's journey. This starts with an evolution in media.

Reflect On: Can we truly change our world if we don't know where we are truly at? Can we expect to see change in our world if we don't change ourselves?

After all, that’s what inspired me to create a news source that took a different approach. But the reality is, we’re in a time where we have to look at some of the tough things going on in our world in order to understand why they are happening, where we are at and how we can shift.

The difference in the way we like to do that here at CE is, we might talk about some of the ‘darker’ stuff, but we’ll always help in moving through it vs leaving a reader hanging.

This is done through an important process I built called The CE Protocol. This is partly how we have been creating an evolution in media for the past 10 years.

My feeling is that we must combine an observation of what we are actively creating in our world with personal transformation so that we can truly change the challenges we face at the core, versus simply throwing bandaids at the situation.

Related: Loneliness – The Dilemma Of The Awakening Mind

For example, we might want people to unite and be more peaceful with one another, yet we’ll actively attack, mischaracterize others and divide ourselves simply based on something like political orientation.

Why do we do that? Because we don’t know who we are deep down, and we actively get caught up in the illusion of politics that has been manufactured to prey on our programmings.

Therefore, the more we wake up and see the illusion that politics is by consuming different media, the more we begin to see truth and are inspired to make new choices.

This turns us inward where we make changes within ourselves and this then leads us to interact within our world differently because now we are operating from a different state of consciousness.

Many people feel we can simply change our world by working only on ourselves, without having to see the truth of our world.

Often times that changes a person slightly, but they will still support the systems in our world because they still believe in them, thus things don’t change.

Related: I Woke Up And The World Around Me Is Still Asleep: What To Do? + Once You Learn These Nine Lessons From Confucius, Your Priorities In Life Will Completely Change

Here’s How It Can Be Done

In the four short videos below, I will guide you by explaining exactly what this protocol is and how it encompasses the totality of what’s needed to create a shift in inward consciousness and our physical world.

The basic steps are: 1. Breaking The Illusion 2. Awakening Neutrality 3. Deprogramming Limits 4. Living Aligned

1: Breaking The Illusion

2: Awakening Neutrality

3: Deprogramming Limits

4. Living Aligned


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Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi

Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi
A Textbook Case Of Treason + Trump: A Threat To The Deep State
January 5 2022 [Archival from: October 18 2020] | From: Zerohedge / TranceFormation / Various

“A nation can survive its fools, and even the ambitious. But it cannot survive treason from within. An enemy at the gates is less formidable, for he is known and carries his banner openly.

But the traitor moves amongst those within the gate freely, his sly whispers rustling through all the alleys, heard in the very halls of government itself.” - Marcus Tullius Cicero

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The Transition Integrity Project (TIP) is a shadowy group of government, military and media elites who have concocted a plan to spread mayhem and disinformation following the November 3 presidential elections.

The strategy takes advantage of the presumed delay in determining the winner of the upcoming election, (due to the deluge of mail-in votes.)

The interim period is expected to intensify partisan warfare creating the perfect environment for disseminating propaganda and inciting street violence.

The leaders of TIP believe that a mass mobilization will help them to achieve what Russiagate could not, that is, the removal Donald Trump via an illicit coup conjured up by behind-the-scenes powerbrokers and their Democrat allies.

Here’s a little more background from an article by Chris Farrell at the Gatestone Institute:

"In one of the greatest public disinformation campaigns in American history - the Left and their NeverTrumper allies (under the nom de guerre: “Transition Integrity Project”) released a 22-page report in August 2020 “war gaming” four election crisis scenarios:...

The outcome of each TIP scenario results in street violence and political impasse.

... Is it possible that the leadership of the American Left, along with their NeverTrumper allies, are busy talking themselves into advocating and promoting street violence as a response to a presidential election?

The answer is: Yes…. expect violence in the aftermath of the election, because now that is the new ‘normal.”

Farrell is right. As we can see from the many articles that have recently popped up in the media, the American people are being prepared for a contested election that will fuel public anxiety and revolt.

This all fits with the overall strategy of the TIP.

Selected journalists will be used to provide bits of information that serve the interests of the group while the people will be told to expect a long and drawn-out constitutional crisis.

Judicial Watch Statement on the Acquittal of President Donald Trump

(Washington, DC) – Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton made the following statement regarding the Senate’s vote to acquit President Donald Trump:

"Congratulations to President Trump on the overwhelming vote by the U.S. Senate to acquit him and reject the baseless impeachment charges against him.

Thankfully, the U.S. Senate rejected this act of tyranny by the Pelosi-Schiff coup cabal that controls the House of Representatives. Today is “Vindication Day” for the President, the rule of law and the Constitution.

Senate Majority Leader McConnell and the President’s defense team deserve thanks for limiting the damage to our Republic by successfully combating efforts to expand the trial to further abuse President Trump and the rule of law.

There must be accountability for this unprecedented abuse of power that targeted not only President Trump, but the Constitution. We have little doubt the President’s opponents will corruptly continue to abuse and harass him.

That’s why Judicial Watch will continue to investigate and pursue its dozens of lawsuits on the Biden-Ukraine scandal, details about Schiff’s misconduct as well the illegal spying on President Trump and other innocent Americans.”

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Meanwhile, the media, the Democrat leadership, trusted elites and elements in the Intelligence Community will put pressure on Trump to step down while firing up their political base to take to the streets.

TIP’s 22-page manifesto makes it clear that mass mobilization will be key to any electoral victory. Here’s an excerpt from the text:

“A show of numbers in the streets-and actions in the streets-may be decisive factors in determining what the public perceives as a just and legitimate outcome.” 

- (“Preventing a Disrupted Presidential Election and Transition” - The Transition Integrity Project)

In other words, the authors fully support demonstrations and political upheaval to achieve their goal of removing Trump.

Clearly, this scorched earth approach did not originate with Joe Biden, but with the cynical and bloodthirsty puppetmasters who operate behind the curtain and who will do anything to advance their agenda.

This is a full-blown color revolution authored and supported by the same oligarchs and deep-state honchoes that have opposed Trump from the very beginning.

They’re not going to back down or call off the dogs until the job is done and Trump is gone. And when the dust settles, Trump will [NOT] likely be charged, tried, sentenced and imprisoned.

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His fortune will be seized, his family will be financially ruined, and his closest advisors and allies will be prosecuted on fabricated charges.

There’s not going to be a “graceful transition” of power if Trump loses. He will face the full wrath of the scheming mandarins he has frustrated for the last 4 years.

These are the men who applauded when Saddam and Ghaddafi were savagely butchered. Will Trump face the same fate as them?

Trump has less than one month to rally his supporters, draw attention to the conspiracy that has is presently underway, and figure out a way to defend himself against the coup plotters. If he is unable to derail the impending junta, his goose is cooked.

It’s worth noting, that the Transition Integrity Project (TIP) has no legal authority to meddle in the upcoming election.

They were not appointed by any congressional committee nor did any government entity approve their intrusive activities.

This is entirely a “lone wolf” operation designed to exploit loopholes in campaign laws in order to undermine public confidence in our elections and to express their unbridled hostility towards Donald Trump.

American Comeback

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That said, their analysis will probably influence those who share their views. In the first page of their “Executive Summary” they say:

"We assess with a high degree of likelihood that November’s elections will be marked by a chaotic legal and political landscape. 

We also assess that the President Trump is likely to contest the result by both legal and extra-legal means, in an attempt to hold onto power.

- (Ibid)

This short statement provides the basic justification for the group’s existence.

It presents the participants as impartial observers performing their civic duty by objectively analyzing exercises (war games?) that indicate that Trump will challenge the election results in a desperate attempt to hold on to power.

Not surprisingly, the group provides no evidence that the president would react the way they think he would.

In fact, their hypothesis seems extremely far-fetched given the fact that Trump has no militia, no private army, and very few allies among the political class, the Intelligence Community, the FBI, the military or the deep state.

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Who exactly does the group think would help Trump hold on to power: Bill Barr, Larry Kudlow, Melania?

There is nothing “impartial” about this analysis. It is partisan gibberish aimed at discrediting Trump while creating a pretext for launching a coup against him. Here is another sample of TIP’s “objective analysis” from page 1 of the manuscript:

"The Transition Integrity Project (TIP) was launched in late 2019 out of concern that the Trump Administration may seek to manipulate, ignore, undermine or disrupt the 2020 presidential election and transition process. 

TIP takes no position on how Americans should cast their votes, 
or on the likely winner of the upcoming election; either major party candidate could prevail at the polls in November without resorting to “dirty tricks.”

However, the administration of President Donald Trump has steadily undermined core norms of democracy and the rule of law and embraced numerous corrupt and authoritarian practices. 

This presents a profound challenge for those –from either party –who are committed to ensuring free and fair elections, peaceful transitions of power, and stable administrative continuity in the United States.” 

- (Ibid)

Got that? In other words (to paraphrase) “Trump is a corrupt dictator who hates democracy and the rule of law, but that is just our unbiased opinion. Please, don’t let that influence your vote. We just want to make sure the election goes smoothly.”

As we noted, the hatred for Trump permeates the entire 22-page document and that, in turn, undermines the credibility of the author to portray his project as an impartial examination of potential problems in the upcoming election.

There is nothing evenhanded in the approach to these issues or in the remedies that are recommended. This is a partisan project concocted by malicious elites who despise Trump and who plan to remove him from office by hook or crook.

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So, do we know who the leaders of this (TIP) group are?

Well, we know who their two main spokesmen are: Rosa Brooks - Georgetown law professor and co-founder of the Transition Integrity Project, and Ret. Col. Lawrence Wilkerson, Distinguished Adjunct Professor of Government and Public Policy at the College of William & Mary, and chief of staff to former Secretary of State Colin Powell.

According to an article by Whitney Webb:

"(Rosa) Brooks… was an advisor to the Pentagon and the Hillary Clinton-led State Department during the Obama administration. 

She was also previously the general counsel to the President of the Open Society Institute, part of the Open Society Foundations (OSF), a controversial organization funded by billionaire George Soros. Zoe Hudson, who is TIP’s director, is also a former top figure at OSF, serving as senior policy analyst and liaison between the foundations and the U.S. government for 11 years.

OSF ties to the TIP are a red flag for a number of reasons, namely due to the fact that OSF and other Soros-funded organizations played a critical role in fomenting so-called “color revolutions” to overthrow non-aligned governments, particularly during the Obama administration. Examples of OSF’s ties to these manufactured “revolutions” include Ukraine in 2014 and the “Arab Spring”...

In addition to her ties to the Obama administration and OSF, Brooks is currently a scholar at West Point’s Modern War Institute, where she focuses on “the relationship between the military and domestic policing” and also Georgetown’s Innovative Policing Program. 

She is a currently a key player in the documented OSF-led push to “capitalize” off of legitimate calls for police reform to justify the creation of a federalized police force under the guise of defunding and/or eliminating local police departments.

Brooks’ interest in the “blurring line” between military and police is notable given her past advocacy of a military coup to remove Trump from office and the TIP’s subsequent conclusion that the military “may” have to step in if Trump manages to win the 2020 election, per the group’s “war games” described above.

Brooks is also a senior fellow at the think tank New America. New America’s mission statement notes that the organization is focused on “honestly confronting the challenges caused by rapid technological and social change, and seizing the opportunities those changes create.” 

It is largely funded by Silicon Valley billionaires, including Bill Gates (Microsoft), Eric Schmidt (Google), Reid Hoffman (LinkedIn), Jeffrey Skoll and Pierre Omidyar (eBay).

In addition, it has received millions directly from the U.S. State Department to research “ranking digital rights.” Notably, of these funders, Reid Hoffman was caught “meddling” in the most recent Democratic primary to undercut Bernie Sanders’ candidacy during the Iowa caucus and while others, such as Eric Schmidt and Pierre Omidyar, are known for their cozy ties to the Clinton family and even ties to Hillary Clinton’s 2016 campaign.”

- (““Bipartisan” Washington Insiders Reveal Their Plan for Chaos if Trump Wins the Election“, Unlimited Hangout)

Is it safe to say that Rosa Brooks is a Soros stooge overseeing a color revolution in the United States aimed at toppling Trump and replacing him with a dementia-addled, meat-puppet named Joe Biden?

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Political analyst Paul Craig Roberts seems to think so. Here’s what he said in a recent post at his website:

“I have provided evidence that the military/security complex, using the media and the Democrats, intends to turn the November election into a color revolution

The evidence of a color revolution in the works is abundantly supplied by CNN, MSNBC, New York Times, NPR, Washington Post and numerous Internet sites funded by the CIA and the foundations and corporations through which it operates...

All of these media organizations are establishing the story in the mind of Americans that Trump will not leave office when he loses or steals the election and must be driven out.

…With Antifa and Black Lives Matter now experienced in violent protests, they will be unleashed anew on American cities when there is news of a Trump election victory.

The media will explain the violence as necessary to free us from a tyrant and egg on the violence, as will the Democrat Party. The CIA will be certain that the violence is well funded….

… What is a reelected President Trump going to do when the Secret Service refuses to repel Antifa and Black Lives Matter when they breach White House Security? …

American Democracy is on the verge of being ended for all times, and the world media will herald the event as the successful overthrowing of a tyrant.”

 (“America’s Color Revolution” - Paul Craig Roberts)

Another of the leading spokesmen for TIP is Retired Colonel Lawrence Wilkerson who made this revealing statement in a recent interview:

“Let me just say some of the things that we’re putting out there. Among those things, one that is very important is the media, particularly the mainstream media.

They cannot act as they usually act with regard to elections. They have to play a coup on election night.

They can’t be declaring some state like Pennsylvania for one candidate or the other. When Pennsylvania probably has thousands upon thousands of votes yet to come in and count.

the media has to get its act in order and it has to act very differently than it normally does.”

(NOTE: In other words, Wilkerson does not want the media to follow the normal protocols for covering an election, but to adjust their reporting to accommodate the aims of the coup-plotters.

Does that sound like someone who is committed to evenhanded coverage of events, or someone who wants reporters to shape the news to meet the specifications of his own particular agenda? Here’s more from Wilkerson:

“Second, ...we also have learned that poll workers have to be younger. And we’ve started a movement all across the country to train young people. And we’ve had really good luck with the volunteers to do so, to be poll workers.

Because we found out in Wisconsin, for example, poll workers are mostly over 60. And many of them didn’t show up because they were afraid of COVID-19.

And so Wisconsin went from about one 188 polling places, to about 15. That’s disastrous.” (“
This ‘War Game’ Maps out what happens if the President contests the Election” - WBUR)

Why is Wilkerson so encouraged by the young people he’s trained to act as poll workers?

Anna von Reitz: Accomplishments by President Trump

While the Media Schmucks have been standing around snarking and stuffing people’s heads full of lies, omissions, deceits, and nonsense - this is just a partial list sent by a friend of what Donald Trump and his Administration has accomplished while you slept.

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Doesn’t that sound a bit fishy, especially from a dyed-in-the-wool partisan who’s mixed up with a group whose sole aim is to beat Trump? And why are the authors of the TIP manifesto so eager to reveal their true intentions.

Take a look:

“There will likely not be an “election night” this year; unprecedented numbers of voters are expected to use mail-in ballots, which will almost certainly delay the certified result for days or weeks. 

A delay provides a window for campaigns, the media, and others to cast doubt on the integrity of the process and for escalating tensions between competing camps.

As a legal matter, a candidate unwilling to concede can contest the election into January.

- (Ibid)

So, that’s the GamePlan, eh?

The coup plotters want a contested election that drags on for weeks, deepens divisions among the population, undermines confidence in the electoral system, instigates ferocious street fighting in cities across the country, and gives the Biden camp time to mobilize its political resources in Congress to mount a Constitutional attack on Trump.

Can we at least call this treachery by its proper name: Treason - “The crime of betraying one’s country by trying to overthrow the government?”

If the shoe fits...

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Trump: A Threat To The Deep State

“Trump is not one of us,” my MK Ultra handler Alex Houston warned as he dropped me off inside the doors of Atlantic City’s most opulent casino.

It was 1985, and I was under robotic MK Ultra mind control orders to meet Reagan’s attaché Philip Habib as detailed in TRANCE Formation of America.

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Saying someone is ‘not one of us’ was common trigger phraseology that forbid I should have ‘any contact any time anywhere with anyone’ outside the cabal of New World Order Deep State perpeTraitors.

A Threat To The Deep State

Donald Trump was of deep concern to those shadow government criminals in control of my mind, our media, information, education, and justice system.

I had no ability to question or reason under mind control, or I would have wondered what it was about Trump that intimidated them so much that he was ‘forbidden’.

Maybe they feared he had eyes to see, ears to hear, and soul to know that their criminal activity was draining our country and, in turn, was fully capable of draining their Wash DC swamp.

Today, people often ask me what I knew about Trump. Having never met him, perpeTraitors’ deep stated fear that ‘he’s not one of us’ says it all.

Listen to Trump: He Is Telling You the Truth

He is the only person brave enough to call out The Establishment which is every bit as evil and against you as Trump says.  

You can elect Trump or The Establishment. Trump is our last chance. If he goes down, there will never ever again be another challenger to The Establishment.  

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Like everyone else, I am experiencing our President and his Administration’s accomplishments as we live through these pivotal times in history.

I never thought I’d live to see the deeply entrenched swamp being drained, exposing the vast array of swamp creatures lurking in the murk.

Mark and I often pondered how dismantling the New World Order could possibly be accomplished and realized it would have to be a concerted effort on local, state, federal, and global levels.

This would require a Great Awakening of biblical proportions since awareness is the first step toward positive necessary change.

Analyze Reality

People also ask if I support Trump. Mark’s retort to such questions was always, “It’s not important who I support, it is who supports me that matters.”

In view of healing from my past, I know who to trust because I know how to trust, which means I scrutinize political actions, integrity of promises kept, and support positive changes on their own merits.

Controlled media, contrived polls, and rigged elections have finally been exposed, which empowers u.s. to vigilantly maintain free thought integrity of elections we reclaimed in 2016.

I’ve blown the whistle on global education for 30 years, and now I’m seeing this Administration address the issue on a federal level while empowering we-the-people to reclaim our local schools.

Related: Trump - Existential Threat To New World Order

Parents weary of seeing their precious children schooled and programmed to embrace socialism and gender confusion are demanding free choice in education, and it, too, has been granted.

Our criminal justice system is being restored to uphold our sacred Constitution through the appointment of Judges, while awareness empowers communities to secure justice on local levels. 

Wisdom out-thinks a criminal mind every time, and we are witnessing and participating in the greatest display of good triumphing over evil in history.

What I Think of Trump

People who still wonder what I think of Trump need only to read my testimony in TRANCE for their own answers and insight into the magnitude of what is being accomplished today.

Human trafficking is now being effectively addressed rather than sanctioned on federal levels, while we-the-people are empowered to take vigilant action in our own communities.

Related: Putin And Trump Versus The New World Order: The Final Battle

What my daughter and I endured under White House/Pentagon level MK Ultra mind control must never be allowed to happen to anyone ever again.

Awareness is key, and positive actions being taken today feel like univerSOUL justice to me.

Indeed, New World Order/Deep State perpeTraitors said it all when they claimed that Trump is not one of them… which, in turn, makes him one of US.

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How ‘Science’ Is Used To Deceive The Public
January 4 2022 | From: NexusNewsFeed

Did you know that there was a shocking study published in the Public Library of Science Journal, that found“up to 72%” of scientists admitted their colleagues were engaged in “questionable research practices,” and that just over 14% of them were engaged in outright “falsification”?

If that’s not bad enough, between 1977 and 1990 the FDA found scientific flaws in 10–20% of all the studies they audited.

Related: Scientific American Writer Exposes The Tribal Cultist Arrogance And Dogmatic Lunacy Of Science 'Skeptics'

But it gets even worse; scientists at the Thousand Oaks biotech firm Amgen, set out to double-check the results of 53 peer reviewed landmark published studies in their fields of cancer research and blood biology.

What they found was shocking; only 6 of the 53 studies could be proven valid. That means almost 90% were flawed, yet passed off to the public as fact. [3]

In other words, there’s a lot of scientific bullshit floating around my friends.

This becomes especially concerning when we consider how “science” seems to have replaced organized religion as the new authority that should blindly be obeyed in many ways.

Related: The Cult Of 'Scientism' Explained: How Scientific Claims Behind Cancer, Vaccines, Psychiatric Drugs And GMOs Are Nothing More Than Corporate-Funded Science Fraud

People speak of it as if it is infallible, and anyone who questions the high priests of science are generally attacked, degraded, and dismissed as modern day heretics.

But science, just like any religion, is not a god that only speaks unadulterated Truth.

It is far from being infallible and is constantly in need of being updated, upgraded, challenged, revised, and changed, for the simple fact that science is subject to the narrow confines of mankind’s tiny flawed human perception; which is forever growing and expanding - and easily skewed by things like prejudice, pride, and corruption.

In and of itself, science is obviously inanimate and can do neither good nor bad because it has no mind of its own.

It is not a person, so we need to stop talking about science like it is a super hero. It is simply a vehicle that requires a driver, and the destination obviously differs from one driver to the next.

Related: The Criminalization Of Science Whistleblowers + The Connection Between Sudden Infant Death, Vaccines And Vitamin C

While some may have the earnest pursuit of objective Truth in mind, most can be corrupted by the pursuit of money (such as Iowa State University professor Dong-Pyou Han who is now sitting in jail for his AIDS vaccine fraud), the want of fame, or simply personal prejudice and egotistical pride.

Pioneering anesthesiologist Scott Reuben, who helped revolutionize orthopedic surgery, faked data in more than 20 studies, and German physicist Jan Hendrik Schön, who won multiple awards for his work, falsified his research as well.

These individuals were able to pass what common folks often consider to be the “foolproof” test of peer review, and that’s because it is not actually foolproof.

Related: Science Is Broken, And The Peer-Review Process Produces “Utter Bulls##t” Parading Around As Real Science

In fact, a blogger submitted a satirical paper about “Midi Chlorians” from the science fiction story Star Wars and 4 scientific journals published it!

In an effort to help remind people why they should not blindly trust “science” - or any other body of purported knowledge for that matter - I decided to write this short article on how scientific bullshit has been used throughout history to manipulate our perceptions and beliefs.

Big Tobacco & The Sugar Industry

More than half a century ago, big tobacco used science as a weapon to convince the naive and gullible about the safety of their cigarettes.

Notice the key phrase, “Scientific Evidence”

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A number of different medical organizations and journals, including the New England Journal of Medicine and the Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA)were indeed on the payroll of Big Tobacco and helped to promote their agenda through the promotion of flawed “science”.

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Notice the key persuading phrase in the above advertisement;

…the final results, published in authoritative medical journals, proved conclusively that when smokers changed to Philip Morris, every case of irritation cleared completely or definitely improved.”

Similarly, the sugar industry hired a group of Harvard scientists to hide the link between sugar and heart disease in the 1960s, and the International Sugar Research Foundation (ISRF) suppressed a study that showed sugar could potentially increase the risk of bladder cancer.

Related: Here’s How Industry-Funded “Research” Is Making Us Sick And Fat + Like Tobacco And Big Pharma, The Sugar Industry Has Manipulated Research For 50 Years

This is something we all need to understand my friends; our global society is run as a business, not as a non profit organization that values human life.

And this means that any line of profession can easily be corrupted by money. Unfortunately our problems are systemic and have their roots in this painfully flawed paradigm.

The Manipulation of Science Still Continues Today

In more recent history, the Bush Administration got caught manipulating science to conform to their agenda. Big oil has likewise bribed scientists to parrot their narrative.

Similarly, biotech giant Monsanto and the United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) have also been caught engaging in this unethical practice together.

This is not the first time Monsanto has been caught acting in this manner either. In Canada, a group of scientists testified that the GMO giant offered them a bribe of $1-2 million, and in Indonesia they were fined for engaging in bribery of a government official as well.

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Another biotech giant, Syngenta, hired scientists to discredit professor Tyrone Hayes, who conducted research that found out their herbicide Atrazine posed health risks to the population.

Merck was taken to court by two scientists that claimed the Big Pharma giant manipulated tests concerning their mumps vaccine’s efficacy.

Coca Cola was also caught paying scientists (to the tune of $132.8 million) to downplay the severity of consuming their sugary drinks, and other unhealthy products. In fact, corporations do this all the time.

A perfect example, is a study conducted by the University of Colorado that claimed that diet soda was better at promoting healthy weight loss than water.

Unsurprisingly, this study was funded by the soda industry.

Related: Western Food Science Is Broken + We’re All Guinea Pigs In A Failed Decades-Long Diet Experiment

Another study claimed that children who ate candy weigh less than children who don’t, and are less likely to be obese.

This, unsurprisingly again, was funded by a trade association representing candy giants Butterfingers, Hershey and Skittles.

Related: The Ten Most Evil People In The World Today Who Lie About Science, Pharmaceuticals And GMOs


Today, a number of questionable practices in the name of science continue. Sadly, the manipulation (or incompetence) of science is something that most likely will never be truly eliminated from society because it is rooted in human fallibility and corruption.

In fact, Richard Hortin, the editor in chief of the medical journal The Lancet, has gone on record as stating that, “much of the scientific literature, perhaps half, may simply be untrue.”

This is not to say that the concept of science does not serve an important purpose, because it certainly does; I personally use scientific methods and principles daily in my life, and even relied on scientific research to highlight corruption within the scientific community in this blog.

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But this was written specifically to remind us all that “science” can be used to deceive us - has been used to deceive us - and should always be questioned as a result.

Scientists obviously need money to conduct their research, and corporations who place material profit above human life have plenty of it. The hand that gives usually controls the hand that takes.

Until we design a system that promotes unadulterated education, more than it does propaganda and ignorance; and rewards integrity more than the willingness to do anything for “money,” this type of pathetic human behavior will persist for obvious reasons.


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They Live, We Sleep: Beware The Growing Evil In Our Midst
January 3 2022 | From: TheRutherfordInstitute / Various

“You see them on the street. You watch them on TV. You might even vote for one this fall. You think they’re people just like you. You’re wrong. Dead wrong.” - They Live

We’re living in two worlds, you and I.

Related: It's Official: This Is Straight Out Of Orwell's 1984...

There’s the world we see (or are made to see) and then there’s the one we sense (and occasionally catch a glimpse of), the latter of which is a far cry from the propaganda-driven reality manufactured by the government and its corporate sponsors, including the media.

Indeed, what most Westerners perceive as life in America - privileged, progressive and free - is a far cry from reality, where economic inequality is growing, real agendas and real power are buried beneath layers of Orwellian doublespeak and corporate obfuscation, and “freedom,” such that it is, is meted out in small, legalistic doses by militarized police armed to the teeth.

All is not as it seems.

This is the premise of John Carpenter’s film They Live, which was released more than 30 years ago, and remains unnervingly, chillingly appropriate for our modern age.

Best known for his horror film Halloween, which assumes that there is a form of evil so dark that it can’t be killed, Carpenter’s larger body of work is infused with a strong anti-authoritarian, anti-establishment, laconic bent that speaks to the filmmaker’s concerns about the unraveling of our society, particularly our government.

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Time and again, Carpenter portrays the government working against its own citizens, a populace out of touch with reality, technology run amok, and a future more horrific than any horror film.

In Escape from New York, Carpenter presents fascism as the future of America. In The Thing, a remake of the 1951 sci-fi classic of the same name, Carpenter presupposes that increasingly we are all becoming dehumanized.

In Christine, the film adaptation of Stephen King’s novel about a demon-possessed car, technology exhibits a will and consciousness of its own and goes on a murderous rampage.

In In the Mouth of Madness, Carpenter notes that evil grows when people lose “the ability to know the difference between reality and fantasy.”

And then there is Carpenter’s They Live, in which two migrant workers discover that the world is not as it seems.

In fact, the population is actually being controlled and exploited by aliens working in partnership with an oligarchic elite.

All the while, the populace - blissfully unaware of the real agenda at work in their lives - has been lulled into complacency, indoctrinated into compliance, bombarded with media distractions, and hypnotized by subliminal messages beamed out of television and various electronic devices, billboards and the like.

Related: Network: Howard Beale, The Last Sane Man In The World: Television As A Form Of Knowledge In The New Age

It is only when homeless drifter John Nada (played to the hilt by the late Roddy Piper) discovers a pair of doctored sunglasses - Hoffman lenses - that Nada sees what lies beneath the elite’s fabricated reality: control and bondage.

When viewed through the lens of truth, the elite, who appear human until stripped of their disguises, are shown to be monsters who have enslaved the citizenry in order to prey on them.

Likewise, billboards blare out hidden, authoritative messages: a bikini-clad woman in one ad is actually ordering viewers to “MARRY AND REPRODUCE.” Magazine racks scream “CONSUME” and “OBEY.” A wad of dollar bills in a vendor’s hand proclaims, “THIS IS YOUR GOD.”

When viewed through Nada’s Hoffman lenses, some of the other hidden messages being drummed into the people’s subconscious include: NO INDEPENDENT THOUGHT, CONFORM, SUBMIT, STAY ASLEEP, BUY, WATCH TV, NO IMAGINATION, and DO NOT QUESTION AUTHORITY.

This indoctrination campaign engineered by the elite in They Live is painfully familiar to anyone who has studied the decline of American [ Western ] culture.

A citizenry that does not think for themselves, obeys without question, is submissive, does not challenge authority, does not think outside the box, and is content to sit back and be entertained is a citizenry that can be easily controlled.

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In this way, the subtle message of They Live provides an apt analogy of our own distorted vision of life in the American police state, what philosopher Slavoj Žižek refers to as dictatorship in democracy, “the invisible order which sustains your apparent freedom.”

We’re being fed a series of carefully contrived fictions that bear no resemblance to reality.

The powers-that-be want us to feel threatened by forces beyond our control (terrorists, shooters, bombers).

They want us afraid and dependent on the government and its militarized armies for our safety and well-being.

They want us distrustful of each other, divided by our prejudices, and at each other’s throats.

Most of all, they want us to continue to march in lockstep with their dictates.

Tune out the government’s attempts to distract, divert and befuddle us and tune into what’s really going on in this country, and you’ll run headlong into an unmistakable, unpalatable truth: the moneyed elite who rule us view us as expendable resources to be used, abused and discarded.

Related: Combating The Elite Rulers Divide And Conquer Tactics

In fact, a study conducted by Princeton and Northwestern University concluded that the U.S. government does not represent the majority of American citizens.

Instead, the study found that the government is ruled by the rich and powerful, or the so-called “economic elite.” Moreover, the researchers concluded that policies enacted by this governmental elite nearly always favor special interests and lobbying groups.

In other words, we are being ruled by an oligarchy disguised as a democracy, and arguably on our way towards fascism - a form of government where private corporate interests rule, money calls the shots, and the people are seen as mere subjects to be controlled.

Not only do you have to be rich - or beholden to the rich - to get elected these days, but getting elected is also a surefire way to get rich.

As CBS News reports, “Once in office, members of Congress enjoy access to connections and information they can use to increase their wealth, in ways that are unparalleled in the private sector. And once politicians leave office, their connections allow them to profit even further.”

Related: Brave New World And Individual Power & How The Elite Dominate The World: They Buy Politicians, And
Incumbents Almost Always Win

In denouncing this blatant corruption of America’s political system, former president Jimmy Carter blasted the process of getting elected - to the White House, governor’s mansion, Congress or state legislatures - as;

Unlimited political bribery… a subversion of our political system as a payoff to major contributors, who want and expect, and sometimes get, favors for themselves after the election is over.”

Rest assured that when and if fascism finally takes hold in America, the basic forms of government will remain: Fascism will appear to be friendly. The legislators will be in session.

There will be elections, and the news media will continue to cover the entertainment and political trivia. Consent of the governed, however, will no longer apply. Actual control will have finally passed to the oligarchic elite controlling the government behind the scenes.

Sound familiar?

Clearly, we are now ruled by an oligarchic elite of governmental and corporate interests.

We have moved into “corporatism” (favored by Benito Mussolini), which is a halfway point on the road to full-blown fascism.

Related: The Global Fascist State: Physical Control Of The Global Population Is Impossible

Corporatism is where the few moneyed interests - not elected by the citizenry - rule over the many. In this way, it is not a democracy or a republican form of government, which is what the American government was established to be.

It is a top-down form of government and one which has a terrifying history typified by the developments that occurred in totalitarian regimes of the past: police states where everyone is watched and spied on, rounded up for minor infractions by government agents, placed under police control, and placed in detention (a.k.a. concentration) camps.

Additional: Read about the Alliance that has been working behind the scenes for decades to take down the 'Cabal' within the work of David Wilcock.

Must Watch: "The Plan" to Defeat the Illuminati

Some of those reading this may be confused because the cabal-controlled mainstream media is doing everything within it's power to denigrate
Trump - as he is part of the effort to take the Illuminati down once and for all.

And the Alliance effort operates beyond the bounds of countries - out of neccessity; as that is how the Luciferian Cabal does.

Do you think you can trust the mainstream media? Look at whom they target. One must wonder why 'they' also do not like

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For the final hammer of fascism to fall, it will require the most crucial ingredient: the majority of the people will have to agree that it’s not only expedient but necessary.

But why would a people agree to such an oppressive regime?

The answer is the same in every age: Fear.

Fear makes people stupid.

Fear is the method most often used by politicians to increase the power of government. And, as most social commentators recognize, an atmosphere of fear permeates modern America: fear of terrorism, fear of the police, fear of our neighbors and so on.

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The propaganda of fear has been used quite effectively by those who want to gain control, and it is working on the American populace.

Despite the fact that we are 17,600 times more likely to die from heart disease than from a terrorist attack; 11,000 times more likely to die from an airplane accident than from a terrorist plot involving an airplane; 1,048 times more likely to die from a car accident than a terrorist attack, and 8 times more likely to be killed by a police officer than by a terrorist , we have handed over control of our lives to government officials who treat us as a means to an end—the source of money and power.

As the Bearded Man in They Live warns, “They are dismantling the sleeping middle class. More and more people are becoming poor. We are their cattle. We are being bred for slavery.”

In this regard, we’re not so different from the oppressed citizens in They Live.

From the moment we are born until we die, we are indoctrinated into believing that those who rule us do it for our own good. The truth is far different.

Despite the truth staring us in the face, we have allowed ourselves to become fearful, controlled, pacified zombies.

Related: Agenda 21: Awareness And Activism + UN 2030 Agenda Decoded: Blueprint For The Global Enslavement Of
Humanity Under Corporate Masters

We live in a perpetual state of denial, insulated from the painful reality of the American police state by wall-to-wall entertainment news and screen devices.

Most everyone keeps their heads down these days while staring zombie-like into an electronic screen, even when they’re crossing the street. Families sit in restaurants with their heads down, separated by their screen devices and unaware of what’s going on around them.

Young people especially seem dominated by the devices they hold in their hands, oblivious to the fact that they can simply push a button, turn the thing off and walk away.

Indeed, there is no larger group activity than that connected with those who watch screens—that is, television, lap tops, personal computers, cell phones and so on. In fact, a Nielsen study reports that American screen viewing is at an all-time high. For example, the average American watches approximately 151 hours of television per month.

The question, of course, is what effect does such screen consumption have on one’s mind?

Psychologically it is similar to drug addiction. Researchers found that “almost immediately after turning on the TV, subjects reported feeling more relaxed, and because this occurs so quickly and the tension returns so rapidly after the TV is turned off, people are conditioned to associate TV viewing with a lack of tension.”

Related: Television Mind Control Exposed

Research also shows that regardless of the programming, viewers’ brain waves slow down, thus transforming them into a more passive, nonresistant state.

Historically, television has been used by those in authority to quiet discontent and pacify disruptive people. “Faced with severe overcrowding and limited budgets for rehabilitation and counseling, more and more prison officials are using TV to keep inmates quiet,” according to Newsweek.

Given that the majority of what Westerners watch on television is provided through channels controlled by six mega corporations, what we watch is now controlled by a corporate elite and, if that elite needs to foster a particular viewpoint or pacify its viewers, it can do so on a large scale.

If we’re watching, we’re not doing.

The powers-that-be understand this. As television journalist Edward R. Murrow warned in a 1958 speech:

We are currently wealthy, fat, comfortable and complacent. We have currently a built-in allergy to unpleasant or disturbing information. Our mass media reflect this.

But unless we get up off our fat surpluses and recognize that television in the main is being used to distract, delude, amuse, and insulate us, then television and those who finance it, those who look at it, and those who work at it, may see a totally different picture too late.”

This brings me back to They Live, in which the real zombies are not the aliens calling the shots but the populace who are content to remain controlled.

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When all is said and done, the world of They Live is not so different from our own. As one of the characters points out:

“The poor and the underclass are growing.

Racial justice and human rights are nonexistent. They have created a repressive society and we are their unwitting accomplices. Their intention to rule rests with the annihilation of consciousness. We have been lulled into a trance.

They have made us indifferent to ourselves, to others. We are focused only on our own gain.”

We, too, are focused only on our own pleasures, prejudices and gains. Our poor and underclasses are also growing. Racial injustice is growing. Human rights is nearly nonexistent. We too have been lulled into a trance, indifferent to others.

Oblivious to what lies ahead, we’ve been manipulated into believing that if we continue to consume, obey, and have faith, things will work out. But that’s never been true of emerging regimes. And by the time we feel the hammer coming down upon us, it will be too late.

So where does that leave us?

The characters who populate Carpenter’s films provide some insight.

Underneath their machismo, they still believe in the ideals of liberty and equal opportunity. Their beliefs place them in constant opposition with the law and the establishment, but they are nonetheless freedom fighters.

When, for example, John Nada destroys the alien hyno-transmitter in They Live, he restores hope by delivering America a wake-up call for freedom.

That’s the key right there: We need to wake up.

Related: Network News Monkeys

Stop allowing yourselves to be easily distracted by pointless political spectacles and pay attention to what’s really going on in the West.

The real battle for control of this nation is not being waged between Republicans and Democrats in the ballot box.

As I make clear in my book Battlefield America: The War on the American People, the real battle for control of this nation is taking place on roadsides, in police cars, on witness stands, over phone lines, in government offices, in corporate offices, in public school hallways and classrooms, in parks and city council meetings, and in towns and cities across this country.

The real battle between freedom and tyranny is taking place right in front of our eyes, if we would only open them.

All the trappings of the American [Western] police state are now in plain sight.

Wake up, Western World.

If they live (the tyrants, the oppressors, the invaders, the overlords), it is only because “we the people” sleep.

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The Three Trigger Terms Being Used To Stop Critical Thinking
January 2 2022 | From: WakingTimes

It’s a strange world of newspeak we live in. What was once a society devoted to logic and progress is now being herded in echo chambers of thought control and anti-critical thinking.

Without the ability to examine an issue impartially and completely there is little hope of maintaining liberty and freedom, as history repeatedly demonstrated.

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Today, we find that thinking is a diminishing art, and in its place, sound bites and stop-thought terms are used to put the brakes on the mind. These terms are widely used as signals to prevent minds from looking too deeply at a topic or issue.

""Thinking critically means making reasoned judgments that are logical and well thought out. It is a way of thinking in which one doesn’t simply accept all arguments and conclusions to which one is exposed without questioning the arguments and conclusions.

It requires curiosity, skepticism and humility. People who use critical thinking are the ones who say things such as, “How do you know that?”

“Is this conclusion based on evidence or gut feelings?” and “Are there alternative possibilities when given new pieces of information?"" 

- Source

The three terms most widely used today to this avail are detailed below.

1. Conspiracy Theorist

This term is so overused that it really is devoid of any practical meaning.

If you were to examine it at face value, though, it describes a person who is looking to understand injustices in our world and is willing to look at uncomfortable facts in search of negative influence… of which there is plenty in our world today.

However, ‘conspiracy theorist’ has literally become a derogatory term that is attributed to anyone who refuses to accept mainstream narratives at face value.

Related: American Pravda: How The CIA Invented "Conspiracy Theories"

It doesn’t matter that there is overwhelming evidence to indicate that mainstream media does not value objectivity or report on important issues thoroughly or truthfully.

Now we find this term applied as a prefix to well-known journalists and media personalities, almost as we use the term Doctor.

It’s an adjective that precedes them everywhere, so that before you even know what issue is being discussed, you know that the issue is coming from someone considered to be fringe and unacceptable.

2. Alt

We see the label ‘alt’ being applied more and more frequently as an adjective for sentiments that supposedly do not fit in with the accepted status quo. Ideas outside of the box.

Alt-Media. Alt-Right. Alt-Left. Alt-News. Alt-Health. And so on.

The signal here is that the mainstream is the safe space, and that any segment of ideas or thought given this prefix is outside of that mainstream, and therefore not something ordinary people would want to associate with.

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It takes complex ideas and sensitive issues and benches them, so that when the hive mind stumbles upon something ‘alt’ they immediately react with fear, disdain and feigned outrage.

There is no ‘alt’ in our world. We are one, and any faction of ideas is really just a spinoff of the shared reality we all live in.

If segments of this shared space are off-limits and labeled as so, we all lose.

3. Hate Speech

This term is one of the all-time favorites of politicians and tyrants. After all, what could more dangerous than hate?

Newsflash: Hate speech is not the same thing as a hate crime.

Speech is just that, speech. It is literally vibrating air moving through space, and unless we’re talking about and LRAD crowd control cannon, sound really can’t cause people physical harm.

It is fascinating to watch how people use this term so freely as if speech itself can be criminal.

American [Western] society is founded on the idea of freedom of speech and self-expression, which at its core is the recognition that as human beings we do not and never will all see the world in the same way.

Related: Tyranny And Free Speech

It is an acknowledgement of the fact that different people have different ideas about how the world is and should be. That these differences shouldn’t be used as a basis for discrimination.

The term hate speech is one of the most loaded and ambiguous terms in the political lexicon. Beware.

Final Thoughts

Next time you see or hear these terms being used, ask yourself what it is about the story that you’re not supposed to think too deeply about.

Allow both sides of the argument to share equal time in your mind, and honor the independent, sovereign being within yourself that deserves a chance to make up its own mind about how it wishes to view the world.

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Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi

Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi

The Great Awakening Has Begun
January 1 2022 | From: FinalWakeUpCall / Various

Mass Awakening is the Cabal’s greatest Fear. The awakening is erupting. Being awake comes with a price.

It may have been difficult and painful going through the stages of awakening, but convincing others by challenging circumstances and conditions to open the eyes and minds of others is even more difficult. It has become a struggle against time when awake and one sees all the injustices that could have easily been avoided.

Related: Society Is Made Of Narrative – Realizing This Is Awakening From The Matrix

It’s very sad to see unawakened people being tossed to and fro, without having a clue as to what is really going on. But even that is an “engineered” shake-up designed by the Deep State.

Nevertheless, that should help every one of us to come to our senses and surpass this false reality.

Millions are flocking to alternative news sources to try to make sense of what’s going on, stumbling across realities they never considered possible, or could have ever imagined before.

If the truth be known, the awake are responsible for sharing it ardently, but also for doing it with a passion. Not always pleasant, but a duty that must be done.

The hour is late and the timeframe we are living in is terrible, the necessity brings forth optimal awareness and swift action. There’s no alternative left.

Related: Once We Awaken

The world is bankrupt financially, economically, and morally, but through manipulation and deceit, people are led to believe that all is well.

It’s absolutely absurd that all the bubble assets are at such astronomical highs, while wealth-preservation assets like gold and silver have been totally annihilated through manipulation.

The elite and the media continuously fool the people regarding the state of the world.

Anger, Hatred, Aggression and Fear Are the Food Source of the Archons

The tactics employed are comprised of manipulating economies, trade and the masses through fear: fear of war, fear of starvation, fear of economic collapse, imprisonment and death.

This state of mind has directed and shaped global events for centuries and has become the standard operating procedure.

This process of enslaving civilisations is contrary to the survival drive of humanity and suppresses the natural instinct of all humans to do good and be kind to each other.

Do not view all this madness from a foundation of fear; this will just make you angry and aggressive, which in turn will lead to violence and a perpetuation of this madness.

It is hard to remain calm when faced with the hard truth, but it’s what must be done, in order to safely get through this. Anger, hatred, aggression and fear are the sort of emotions that have led to this madness and it is the food source of the Archons.

Related: Agenda 21: Awareness And Activism + UN 2030 Agenda Decoded: Blueprint For The Global Enslavement Of
Humanity Under Corporate Masters

Stop feeding them and help to change our world view completely. In this way, we will change everything for the better, by changing our way of thinking.

Bear in mind; the real purpose of government is, always and everywhere, to enable the few to exploit the many.

The credit money system is a clever way of doing so. The bureaucracy will continue to churn out laws, statutes, codes and regulations that reinforce its powers and value systems and those of the police state and its corporate allies, rendering the rest of us petty criminals.

The average citizen unknowingly commits three felonies a day, thanks to this overabundance of vague laws that render otherwise innocent activity illegal. As an example, small farmers who dare to make unpasteurised goat cheese and share it with members of their community will continue to have their farms raided.

The Mainstream Media, the Last Bastion of the “Deep State”

The Mainstream Media is the last bastion of the “Deep State” organised crime network that, over the years in the past, has infiltrated and hijacked most, if not all institutions.

But, their days are numbered and the ensuing collapse will most likely be violent and shocking to all those unaware of what is unfolding.

The principal source of the Deep State’s power is their control of the process of creating and distributing money, i.e. their ownership of almost all of the world’s central banks, and multinationals.

They have used this money-power to bribe, blackmail and assassinate people at top levels of power in order to enforce their control.

Related: Six Ways To Break The Hypnotic Spell Of The Mainstream Media

They also control the corporate media and have been using every propaganda tool at their disposal to rig society and markets where necessary.

Fortunately, trust in the mainstream media has fallen to an all-time low and continues to plummet.

Much of this has to do with an increasingly aware and disgruntled public: More and more people are able to discern a mainstream media totally lacking integrity, thanks to the rising popularity of the independent / alternative media, exposing the dishonesty.

People are increasingly seeing right through the various media sources with their dogmatic, unhealthy sceptics, shills, trolls, pseudo-debunkers, controlled opposition agents, biasing, filtering and in-your-face lies; intended to sell us the spin of disinformation to keep people ignorant, deceived and helplessly anaesthetised in the world’s matrix controlling system.

The Real Question is How Do We Become Conscious?  

Our overwhelming, uncontrollable mass awakening is what the world’s ruling elite fear the most. Since we greatly outnumber them and their associates, they wouldn’t know how to deal with our vast numbers, even with their advanced technology.

As a result, the real question is how do we become conscious?

Since ancient times, under the ruling thumb of the world’s Black Nobility or dark overlords, humanity has been hacked, stymied, suppressed and coerced into submission through mind controlling, soul destroying atrocities.

The Wisdom of Bruce Lee

Other than the martial arts badass that he was, Bruce Lee was also a philosophy badass.

In my newest video I'm sharing some of Bruce Lee's most profound philosophical insights that can inspire you to live a more empowered life. It's 17 minutes long and took me weeks to create, so I hope you'll enjoy it.

Spiritual Leap Of Faith

Those unable to see that just about every matter under the sun is a deception, that their family and friends are affected in every way imaginable; those who don’t yet realise the extent to which the dark overlords have us tightly stitched up, are indeed about to experience the shock of a lifetime when this entire fraudulent system comes crashing down.

What they have clung to as a reality will soon sink into the abyss of Grand Deceptions.

Simply, become conscious by choosing it. By acting on those synchronicities better known as meaningful coincidences. By acting on that which calls, moves and inspires us.

Taking action through listening to our inner voice, coming from our inner being; paying attention to our gut feelings and basic instincts.

Choosing to become conscious means detaching one’s self from the mind control programming; escaping the effects of the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual prison matrix woven around us by the Globalist’s oppression.

Breaking free from the mind programming and the imposition of others, with multidimensional consciousness, escaping the dualistic confinements of matter, energy and space-time, anything is possible, and the Truth will be revealed. 

Related: You Are Being Programmed: Five Ways Your Thoughts Are Being Driven Against Your Own Self-Interest

Creating a driving desire to find out more about the truth regarding what is going on in our world. Seeing that the world is in a mess and we are all plodding along, business as usual, expecting someone else to sort it all out.

Most of us are too busy earning money and surviving, as surviving, by design, takes up all our time. Most people cannot seem to see beyond that and that is why we are in this mess in the first place.

We have all been manipulated and played. We have all been mesmerised, hypnotised and turned into consumer-driven slaves.

Making money for the large corporations and the 0.1% rich of the world is the name of the game, or so we have been programmed.

Each day they get richer and richer, finding new ways, like global warming and CO2 emission taxes, to force us to part with our hard-earned money; they are very clever at it.

They know how to manipulate the human mind, they know how to get us to spend our money and we don’t even realise it is happening.

Related: How To Realise Your True Calling & The 5 Stages Of Awakening: Are Demons Walking Among Us?

Governments extract far too much money from us, and we use almost all of our time on Earth working for this money.

They leave every family with a small amount to spare, while the really wealthy manage to avoid paying their taxes through carefully engineered loopholes.

The real purpose of government is, always and everywhere, to enable the few to exploit the many. The money system is a clever way of doing so.

We All are Slaves to the System

The modern world of industry, commerce, and investment works on win-win software.

Only governments with their conflicts, wars, taxes, tariffs, ‘do-this laws’, and ‘don’t-do-that prohibitions’, continue to operate on pre-civilised programming. It is a relic, an institution with a ‘grab whatever we can grab’ mentality.

A trade war is just as phony as a war on drugs, a war on crime, or a war on terror.

None are worth fighting for. And none are winnable. It is meant to reward the elite at others’ expense. Nothing more, nothing less.

Think of it, we are all, quite simply, slaves to the system! The people at the bottom are paying for the people at the top to keep their lavish life styles. We pay our taxes and any money that is left over is coveted by major corporations.

Related: Google, Facebook And Amazon Are Just Extensions Of The Surveillance State; Dangerous Mafia Heads Of A
Fascist Corporate Regime + Internal Facebook Documents Reveal Zuckerberg Discussed Selling User Data To Developers, Advertisers

We are bombarded with adverts continuously, telling us to buy more stuff we don’t need. We are encouraged to spend, spend and then spend some more. We replace everything, even when it doesn’t need replacing. We need to get out of this mentality.

We need to re-cycle, re-use and make do with what we have. We have all been brainwashed into this consumerism insanity. It’s all been smoke and mirrors, mind-games, played out on the world stage, aiming to keep us all in a state of awe and fear.

We All Want to be Free, Healthy, Educated, and Live in a Peaceful Society

Our subconscious minds have been conditioned to see only what differentiates us, rather the things that bind us. Believe it or not, we’re extremely similar in all aspects.

We may come from different backgrounds or different cultures, but we all have the same basic values in life. We all want to be free, healthy, educated, to live in a peaceful society and to have access to the basic necessities for survival.

That’s about it. Wherever we live in the world. Basically, all we really want is to be happy and healthy.

Instead, we have wars, hunger, insecurity, homelessness, and many around the world don’t have access to clean water and food. And it’s all by design because, people who are constantly “on the edge” don’t have time for self-education, introspection and eventually spiritual awakening.

We all are the victims of mass propaganda and brainwashing.

Related: CBS Reporter Calls Mainstream Press ‘Political Activists,’ ‘Propagandists’ + Max Blumental Proves
Western Media A Propagandist For War Criminals

It has reached the point where families choose to believe the media and the governments of the world, rather than members of their own family and friends who have woken up to the truth and are attempting to warn them and awaken them.

The truth can be frightening and that is why people want to avoid it. They would rather stick their heads in the sand like an ostrich, believing that as long as they choose not to look at it, it will not exist.

Unfortunately for them, Truth has a way of existing, even in the face of ridicule and denial. It does not need the approval of a counterparty to become legitimate.

Truth simply Is. Once you know the truth, you can never go back, even if you want to. The truth cannot be unseen; once seen, the truth stays with you forever. In any event, be assured, the truth will come out in the end, as it always does.

The truth comes at a cost – it will end all the lies and the illusions that people previously based their entire lives on. And that is an on-going process. Many feel lost and afraid right now all across the spectrum of humanity.

This deliberate creation of chaos is designed to do just that. However, parallel and simultaneous to their psychotic designs, a massive arousal of the human spirit is occurring, spurred on by an arising of conscious awareness and a deep sense of growing personal realisation and empowerment.

Related: NWO Control System Vs. The Awakening - Which Will Win?

Most may not recognise these rising, seemingly confusing energetic changes, as being the creative process at work, but it is, The Great Awakening. First, preceding this creativity is a destructive process, eliminating everything that is unreal and inhibitive of personal development and progress.

These two dynamics work alongside each other.

The "Elite" see us as their slaves, our sole purpose being to provide them with our energy money, so that they can follow their master plan, bringing about the New World Order.

We have procreated very well and are now, in their view, overrunning the planet, so they now want to cull a large number of us. Hence GMO’s, fluoride, chemtrails, vaccinations and the endless wars; all these things lower our immunity for whatever they have planned for us.

They want us to be in a state of eternal slumber, hypnotised and brainwashed by their omnipresent propaganda and most of us have unwittingly complied with their wishes.

But, we are more powerful than them and they know it, which is why they have been so patient. Humanity is waking up, slowly but surely.

Related: Now That You’ve Awakened, How Do You Help Awaken Others?

One of the reasons humanity cannot grasp what is going on, is because these creatures are so evil, that it’s hard to believe just how vile they are. And people are actually right in their disbelief of these atrocities: human beings cannot be this cruel!

Humans are not at the pinnacle of this diabolical plan, it is a Reptilian agenda, and Reptilians cannot experience positive emotions. They are simply unable to care for others or to experience noble emotions, such as love or empathy.

They are driven by fear, hate, rivalry and competition. The truth is far stranger and more incredible than we can imagine, say whistle-blowers like Corey Goode.

Will our mass awakening to the deception produce a turnaround, into a world that makes a difference for everyone?

A world where there are no predators, no controlling hierarchy, no blood-sucking vampires, slave-drivers at the top, ruling the enslaved at the bottom. No more fighting for self-sufficiency, because we will achieve everything in the communities we live in.

It is up to all of us to contribute our part.

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Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi

Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi

The 5G Electromagnetic “Mad Zone” Poised To Self-Destruct: The 5G “Dementors” Meet The 4G “Zombie Apocalypse” & 5G Wireless: A Ridiculous Front For Global Control
December 31 2021 | From: GlobalResearch / NoMoreFakeNews / Various

Incisive research and carefully documented analysis of the impacts of 5G Electromagnetic Radiation by Claire Edwards.

The entities rolling out 5G are tormenting humanity and sucking their humanity from them by taking their minds and their health, while on the other side, you have the zombie apocalypse of all the people with their 4G cell phones, blindly going about destroying the world.

Related: Health Concerns Have Stopped 5G Rollout in Australia

The 4G zombie apocalypse lot have to wake up. "They" need to wake up now before it is too late and time is of the essence. 

It is time we asked a crucial question. How did we come to be in this 5G mad zone, poised to self-destruct? How on earth did we get here?

It appears that every expansion of the use of electricity since the 19th century correlates with drastic rises in all the modern diseases of civilization, but this information has been kept from the public in order not to impede commercial profit, military expansion and universal convenience.

Since 100+ years of quantum physics has had little to no impact on the way we live our lives or how we perceive reality, we in the West still labour under the illusion that our bodies are made up of lumps of discrete matter that can be conveniently excised by a surgeon’s knife when they go wrong, this having been established in the 19th century by a grave-robbing spree to collect corpses for surgical experiments.

Related: The Urgency To Educate On The Dangers Of 5G Technology, Especially With Mothers & “With 5G, We Are Guinea Pigs” - Media Reports 5G Injuries From Swiss Experiments In Geneva

Since no one seems to have considered the possibility that a living body might differ significantly from a dead one, this crude experimentation formed the foundation for the system that we now call Western medicine

All traditional and ancient healing wisdom based on a holistic view of a living body was outlawed by enforcing membership of a “professional body”.

In an inversion typical of our Western thinking, natural healing methods dating back thousands of years could then be termed not “traditional”, but “alternative” and “backward”.

Taking advantage of this – let us charitably call it an induced misconception – our militaries discovered that microwave weapons could be deployed silently and secretly to “defend us” from alleged enemies or perhaps for some more sinister purpose.

They gleefully amassed compendia of thousands of studies, many done in the Soviet bloc, in order to solidify their knowledge of the many and varied types of biological damage that these weapons could inflict on human beings at very little cost or inconvenience to those deploying them.

Related: Microwave EMF Science: Deliberate Claptrap Misinformation? + ElectroSensitivity - A Case Study

There was even a symposium organized by the World Health Organization in 1973 to discuss The Biologic Effects and Health Hazards of Microwave Radiation, but the participants must have subsequently decided not to share this information with the public in view of their intelligent propensity to suspect that one day microwave weapons might be turned on them.

Instead of informing the public that their bodies were, in fact, not solid at all but entirely electrical, these military and industrial entities kept secret all their thousands of studies on the biological effects of microwaves.

They established regulatory bodies with grand names intended to impress the public, filled them with industry and military stooges, and set electromagnetic radiation (EMR) exposure limits so high that it would be impossible to exceed them, similar to setting car speed limits at a million miles / kilometres per hour.

Russia’s public exposure standards are 100 times
 more stringent than those in the US.

The self-proclaimed international commission on non-ionizing radiation protection (icnirp), which is an NGO with no international or official status that appoints its own members with no oversight or transparency and protects no one from anything, while disclaiming all liability on its website for any of its pronouncements, sets non-legally enforceable and astronomically high exposure guidelines that are time-averaged over 6 minutes to avoid taking peak pulsations into account and thereby falsify exposure calculations.

Related: The Truth About Mobile Phone And Wireless Radiation: What We Know, What We Need To Find Out, And What You Can Do Now

What a pity no one told Jackie Kennedy about the 6-minute average when that magic bullet changed her life! How different history might have been!

These implausible guidelines are embraced enthusiastically by the WHO and the International Telecommunication Union, both UN bodies, and most of the world’s governments, with no basis in law.

4G uses 2.45 GHz, which has been shown in more than 100 studies to cause a wide variety of severe damage to the body and nature at levels below the so-called safety guidelines of icnirp.

They have published pictures of plastic mannequin heads filled with gel that they put probes inside to demonstrate the heating effect.

“Look at our wonderful science!”, they seem to say, “The mannequin head has suffered no ill-effects!  Why should you worry?”

Of course, there were people who spent a lot of time exposed to EMR through computer screens or other devices, who started to complain of illnesses.

Related: 5G Technology Is The "Stupidest Idea In The History Of The World" Says Washington State Science Professor & Lloyds Of London And Other Insurers Refuse To Cover Health Claims Caused By 5G Wireless Technologies

This was not good because it could affect the sales of electrical products and impede the military developing ever more sophisticated weapons, so the corrupt WHO just called these people mad: on its website, it claimed that the EMR-related symptoms experienced by millions of people worldwide;

“May be due to pre-existing psychiatric conditions as well as stress reactions as a result of worrying about EMF health effects, rather than the EMF exposure itself”.

Any apparent rise in cancer rates is rapidly attributed to improved diagnostic techniques rather than the more obvious true cause of exposure to an environmental toxin.

This was a good solution, for such people could not use machines to communicate to anyone else that they were experiencing health problems, and in fact even more conveniently, they became societal outcasts because many of them became homeless, living in cars in the woods where there was no EMR.

And thus it was that almost no one learned that there was any problem.

As you would expect, there were a few scientists who didn’t care for the idea of  getting paid lots of money to tell lies that kill people and they started to try to advertise the truth, but it’s not difficult to arrange for them to lose their jobs or their study funding to silence them.

All you need do then is simply buy up the media and pay journalists to dismiss tens of thousands of awkward scientific studies on the basis that they do not provide “solid”, “real”, “proven”, ”credible”, “convincing”, ”conclusive”, “valid” or “established” evidence.

5G: Directed, Targeted & Dangerous to Life & Liberty

5G technology will monitor your location and ultimately impede your freedom of movement.

Related: T-Mobile Cancels 5G installation Nationwide. Anonymous Employee Blames 15 States’ Lawsuits Against Sprint Merger

And you employ pliable scientists to “war-game” the science by producing studies that show inconclusive results.

As time went on, the military wanted industry to develop better weapons for them, but this was expensive, and frankly it was becoming quite difficult to convince the public that there were that many enemies that they needed to be protected from.

A lot of effort was put into creating and funding so-called terrorists, but it didn’t do much good because the public didn’t need to make much effort to realise that they were way less likely to be killed by a terrorist than by a lightning bolt, which is pretty unlikely in the first place.

So the military and industry had a brilliant idea. What about commercialising this weapons technology as a communications technology that they could sell to the public, and then the public would pay for all the research and development of new and improved weapons?

Even better, they knew that cell phones would be addictive so everyone would want a phone.[xxvii] And they would be able to control people’s minds and tell them what to think, what to do and what to buy.

You could have complete physical surveillance inside and outside people’s homes. How perfect!

Related: 5G: The Big Picture & Brussels Becomes First Major City To Halt 5G Due To Health Effects

You could have a completely orderly society, with no one complaining about how eight people had accumulated wealth equal to that possessed by half the population of the planet.

And if one in two children become autistic, they will make really efficient, robotic workers, will always be happy and never make trouble! We see endless articles saying it makes good business sense.

After the kleptocracy of neoliberal economics,during which everything that could be stolen was stolen, all that is left is to consume the consumer him - or herself. 

Companies like Facebook are designed to do just that and Zuckerberg regards consumers as “dumb fucks” for giving away their information for free.

Already in 1981, icnirp’s predecessor organization, irpa, acknowledged that general population exposure from man-made sources of microwave and radiofrequency (RF) radiation exceeded that from natural sources by many orders of magnitude.

 In 1999, Dr. George L. Carlo warned that the occurrence of brain cancer and certain types of tumours among cellular phone users was twice that of non-users so that consumers could make an “informed judgment about how much of this unknown risk they wish to assume in their use of wireless phones”.

His evidence was suppressed.

Why Kiwis Can't Say No to Cell Phone Towers in NZ

Why is it that in New Zealand telcos like 2degrees, Spark, and Vodafone can install mobile phone towers just meters from our homes and schools, and we have no legal recourse to object?

This is a question that was succinctly answered by Russel Norman back in 2010, and the reason will probably shock you! In this video we share the pertinent parts from Russel Norman's 2010 blog post which has since been removed (but archived link is below).

He discusses the conflicts of interest surrounding New Zealand's National Environmental Standards which enabled telcos to install cell sites without the need for community consultation, or council approval.

Related: 5G Network Being Pushed On The Public With Zero Concern For Safety

Work done by Russian and Ukrainian researchers published in a US review in 2001 established that, during the previous 50 years, the round-the-clock power of radio emissions had increased by a factor of more than 50,000.

The same paper discussed the development of psychic disturbances under EMR exposure showing effects ranging from changes in mood to nonsensical ideas and aural and visual hallucinations, and disturbances in behaviour all the way to attempts at suicide.

While people’s minds are disturbed by their exposure to EMR, the mainstream media plies them with blanket coverage of Greta Thunberg fear-porning about an unsubstantiated 12 years until doomsday from non-existent anthropogenic climate change in order to persuade them that they need a totalitarian, world government that can guarantee their safety in uncertain times.

Populations have been discombobulated by 25 years of cell phone use, 12 of them under intense “smart” phone attack.

Parents are so fascinated by their phones that their children drown in swimming pools right in front of them.

More and more people walk out into the road when a car is coming or fall over or down something while peering into “smart’ phones.

We hear of adverse effects on learning, attention, and behaviour. Children are being exposed to magnetic fields from cell phones that breach WHO’s recommended 0.3μT safety limit by a factor of 20,000.

Related: Los Alamos Research Explains How 5G Terahertz Waves Tear Apart DNA & Why We Must Stop The 5G Wireless Network

Meanwhile, insurance companies, which presumably have to protect their existence by keeping a grip on reality, refuse to insure against EMF injuries or damage.

The deployment of 5G is presented by militaries, governments and commercial entities as a race in which the winner takes all. Why should such a dangerous and completely untested technology have to be rolled out so quickly?

Could it be that the Internet is empowering people who are increasingly impoverished to open their eyes about the kleptocrats who plunder the planet?

Could it be that the true health effects of 25 years of cell phone use cannot much longer be hidden?

Whatever the reason, Eisenhower’s military-industrial complex has revealed itself in the 5G project, showing its hand clearly in the crossover between the two, including in the regulatory agencies (see image below showing affiliations of Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) meeting participants).

The limited frequencies available have to be shared among commercial and military entities.

Thus 25 years of diminishing mental capacity among populations due to irradiation facilitated by the lie of the thermal hypothesis, combined with the apparent urgency to protect ill-gotten gains and prevent populations awakening to the truth and flexing their muscles to redress the power balance have conspired to produce a mad free-for-all – a licence to irradiate without constraint from every corner of the planet and from above our heads.

Related: Why Is The Minister Of Health Taking Advice About The Health Effects Of 5G From A Committee Influenced By
People With Ties To The Telecommunications Industry?

Technicians have been given free rein to dream up ways of attacking populations: from under manhole covers; from cabinets on the street; from lamp posts that blast blue light with no more diffusers, as well as 5G EMR in laser-like beams; from adhesive strips of tiny but powerful antennas hidden under carpets; on the street; in trains; in planes; in cars; in buses; blasting through the walls of our homes; from our television sets; from fridges, hairdryers, milk cartons, babies’ diapers, baby monitors, “smart” phones, “smart” meters, and soon from the billions of devices that are planned to be connected to the Internet of Things.

This is not to mention the plethora of “wearables” and cell phone apps that purport to help you monitor your health status while seriously undermining it.

The plan is to beam 5G down to Earth from satellites in the Earth orbits, from networked civil aircraft, from pseudosatellites in the stratosphere …

In other words, from everywhere.

The stated plan and the word trumpeted in the 5G literature is to “blanket” every inch of the Earth, with no escape for any of the approximately 100 million people worldwide already made sick by the toxic environment supplied courtesy of the first to fourth generations of WiFi, to which 5G will be additional.

There will also be no escape for the treeswhich have to go as they block the 5G signals and risk interrupting the continuous signals essential for self-driving vehicles, nor for the birdsthe insects or the food chain

Former President Of Microsoft Canada Frank Clegg: On Safety & 5G / Wireless Technologies

Related: 5G Network Uses Same EMF Waves As Pentagon Crowd Control System + NZ 5G Update

Any remnants of a sane, balanced, calm and quiet life will be wiped out by 5G, 4G, 3G, or any other G of wireless technology. We are complicit in our own destruction and, worse, in the wanton destruction of all life on this Earth.

Greed, fear, stupidity and hubris have brought us to this point, complemented by inanity, laziness, complacency and unconsciousness.

The 5G Dementors are closing In for the kill. The question is whether the people choosing to play out the 4G Zombie Apocalypse on their “smart” phones can tear themselves away long enough to care. 

If they can, or if at least some of them can, they need to understand certain realities:

1. There is no safe limit for artificial EMR. It is alien to our biology.

2. Cell phones were never tested for health or safety and we should not be using them.[lvi] They destroy us, our children,[lvii] our fertility, our minds and our planetary home. Convenient they may be, but they have to go.

3. WiFi was never tested for health or safety and we should not be using it. It destroys us, our children, our fertility, our minds and our planetary home. Convenient it may be, but it has to go.

4. The problem with cell phones and WiFi has nothing to do with power levels. Wireless technology cannot be made safe by reducing the power. There are effects at near-zero power, and for some effects, there is an inverse power relationship, i.e. the lower the power, the worse the harm.

Related: 5G And IoT: A Trojan Horse + Wifi Linked To Cancer And DNA Damage, Says New Report: Here’s What To Do

5. Electricity has been killing us slowly since its introduction. We need to constrain its use, not expand it. Fibre-optic cable enables 5G. If you don’t want 5G because it’s dangerous, don’t build the infrastructure that it depends on.

6. Our bodies function on biophotons. Blue light from car headlamps and street lights – both of which for some unexplained reason suddenly are no longer fitted with diffusers[lviii] - is blinding and then killing us and the biosphere. Modulating light for LiFi would kill us faster and possibly even more effectively than 5G.[lix]

7. There is one solution only to the problems of WiFi, cell phones and 5G: STOP USING THEM. All the time you pretend to ask the telcos to stop building this infrastructure while you pay them to do so, you are sending the wrong message.

8. Wake up! Choose life! Choose love!  Choose the Earth!

Smash your phone. Get a landline. Cable your computer - or you could keep your portable not-smart-at-all computer, just as long as it is never connected to WiFi and not killing life on this planet.

It’s not rocket science. 

It’s just simple common sense.

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5G Wireless: A Ridiculous Front For Global Control

First, a few quotes to give a bit of background.

5G speed, for people who must download a whole season of their favorite show in two seconds:

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“It’s the next (fifth) generation of cellular technology which promises to greatly enhance the speed, coverage and responsiveness of wireless networks.

How fast are we talking about? Think 10 to 100 times speedier than your typical cellular connection, and even faster than anything you can get with a physical fiber-optic cable going into your house. (You’ll be able to download a season’s worth of ‘Stranger Things’ in seconds.)”

- CNET.com

Lunatic 5G installation of small transmitters packed close together every few hundred feet:

“The next big thing in cellular technology, 5G, will bring lightning-fast wireless Internet - and thousands of antenna-topped poles to many neighborhoods where cell towers have long been banned.”

"Wireless companies are asking Congress and state lawmakers to make it easier to install the poles by preempting local zoning laws that often restrict them, particularly near homes.

The lobbying efforts have alarmed local officials across the country. They say they need to ensure that their communities do not end up with unsightly poles cluttering sidewalks, roadsides and the edges of front yards.”

They also are hearing from residents worried about possible long-term health risks. Until now, much of the cell equipment that emits radio-frequency energy has been housed on large towers typically kept hundreds of feet from homes [also harmful to health].

The new ‘small cell’ technology uses far more antennas and transmitters that are smaller and lower-powered, but clustered closer together and lower to the ground.”

- The Washington Post

I keep hammering on this 5G issue, because it contains the blueprint of a future only elite madmen want.

For the rest of us, it’s a catastrophe in the making.

I’ve covered the extreme health dangers of 5G in another article. Here, I want to flesh out the hidden agenda.

A few decades ago, a movement was started to create an interconnected power grid for the whole planet. We were told this would be the only way to avoid wasting huge amounts of electricity and, voila, bring all nations and all people into a modern 21st century.

Related: 5G Wireless Technology Is War against Humanity & 5G - The Global Human Experiment Without Consent

But now, it’s a different story, a classic bait and switch. The bait was the promise of One Grid for all. The switch is what 5G will bring us:

100 billion or more NEW devices online, all connected to the Internet and the Cloud. What could be more wasteful? What could be more ridiculous? This is the opposite of sane energy use.

Who really cares whether his 5G-connected refrigerator keeps track of the food items inside it and orders new items when the supply dwindles?

Who has to have a 5G driverless car that takes him to work? Who must have a 5G stove that senses what is being cooked and sets the temperature for four minutes?

Who lives and who dies if a washing machine doesn’t measure how much soap is stored inside and doesn’t order new soap? Who is demanding a hundred devices in his home that spy on him and record his actions?

With 5G, the ultimate goal is: every device in every home that uses energy will be “its own computer,” and the planetary grid will connect ALL these devices to a monitoring and regulating Energy Authority.

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As Patrick Wood details in his classic, Technocracy Rising, that worldwide Energy Authority was the dream of the men who launched the Technocracy movement, in America, in the 1930s.

They set out the key requirements - which weren’t technically possible then, but are quite doable now: continuous real-time measuring of both energy production and energy use from one end of the planet to the other…

So that both energy production and energy consumption could be controlled. “For the good of all,” of course.

5G is the technology for making this happen. The Globalists:

We’re promising a stunning long-range future of ‘automatic homes’, where everything is done for you. But really, that’s the cover story.

Ultimately, we want to be able to measure every unit of energy used by every device in every home - and through AI, regulate how much energy we will let every individual consume, moment to moment.

We control energy. We are the energy masters. If you want to run and operate and dominate the world, you control its energy.”

Terms and projects like smart grid, smart meters, sustainability, Agenda 21, smart cities, climate change - all this is Technocratic planning and justification for Rule through Energy.

The beginning of an actual rational plan for energy would start this way: DUMP 5G.

Dump the whole plan of installing small transmitter-cells on buildings and homes and trees and lampposts and fences all over the planet. Forget it. Don’t bring 100 billion new devices online.

Aside from the extreme health dangers, it’s ridiculously expensive. It’s on the order of saying we need thousand-foot robots standing on sidewalks washing the windows of office buildings.

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If some movie star wants to install 30 generators on his property and have engineers build him an automatic home, where he can sit back, flip a switch, and have three androids carry him into his bathtub and wash him and dry him, fine.

But planning a smart city? Who voted for that? Who gave informed consent? Nobody.

A global Energy Authority, of course, is going to decide that a small African country needs to be given much more energy, while Germany or France or the US will have to sacrifice energy for the cause of social justice.

But this is yet another con, because you won’t see government cleaning up the contaminated water supplies of that small African country, or installing modern sanitation, or curtailing the forced movement of populations into poverty-stricken cities, or reclaiming vast farm land stolen by mega-corporations and giving that land back to local farmers.

The whole hidden purpose of an Energy Authority is control.

And because the Authority is Globalist and Technocratic, it aims to lower energy use in industrial nations and help wreck their economies, making it much easier to move in and take over those countries.

Related: A Deeper Understanding Of Technocracy & Seven Things I Would Do If I Wanted To Keep Poor People Poor

Who in his right mind would propose a wireless system that relies on many, many, many cells / transmitters placed closely to each other, all over the world?

This system would be far more vulnerable to physical disruption than the present 4G.

You can find many articles that claim the US military must have 5G for their most advanced planes - and for their developing AI-controlled weapons.

How does that work? Where will all the transmitter / cells be placed on the ground and in the air? Something is missing here.

Is there another version of 5G we’re not being told about? Is geoengineering of the atmosphere the means for tuning up space so 5G signals can be passed along without cells / transmitters?

Part of the US obsession to bring 5G online quickly stems from competition with China, which at the moment is in the lead on developing and exporting the technology. “If China has it, we have to have it sooner and better.”

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This attitude sidesteps the issue of why we must have 5G in the first place.

And now there are reports that the US government is considering a plan to build the whole 5G network itself - rather than leaving the job to corporations.

Of course, a few favored companies (like Google) would be chosen by the government in a non-bid situation to provide VERY significant help.

If such a plan were to launch, we would have a very tight club at the top of the communications and energy pyramid. And that club would maximize 5G to expand already-saturated surveillance of populations.

Wouldn’t you - if you had nothing better to do than control the world?

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How To Communicate In A Polarized World
December 30 2021 | From: TheUnboundedSpirit / Various

"The single biggest problem in communication is the illusion that it has taken place.” - George Bernard Shaw.

We’re living in a polarized world. Just look at the comment sections on social media platforms and you’ll understand exactly what I mean: Individuals holding opposing views are verbally fighting against one another to prove themselves right and others wrong.

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Here are a few examples: capitalists vs socialists, theists vs atheists, climate alarmists vs climate deniers, fruitarians vs carnivores, pro-life vs pro-choice.

Their goal is to hurt, belittle and win over those belonging to the opposing group. But the result is always the same: nobody wins, and everyone loses.

People waste their time spilling hate over others, only to find themselves further enraged and misunderstood, which leads to more hate-spilling. Constantly adding fuel to fire, the heated debate never ends.

In this article, I’d like to shed some light on the core reasons behind the polarizing conversations that are all over the place, and offer some insights on how to effectively communicate without resorting to hate and the war mentality that so many of us are accustomed to.

The Trap of Being Right

Most fights in conversations start when we label ourselves as right and others as wrong. In other words, they start from judgment.

When we judge others, we can’t see them as they truly are. To be more precise, we see them as less than they are.

Related: Developing A Non-Judgmental Attitude

That’s because by judging them we dehumanize them, and so we lose or considerably reduce our empathy towards them. As a result, we find no problem attacking them. Yet in reality we only attack a projection of our own minds.

The need to prove others wrong usually comes from the egoistic desire to feel that we’re on the right side of things (and hence “better” than others). This desire arises from a deep-seated fear: that we might be on the wrong side of things (and hence “worse” than others). In other words, it arises from self-judgment.

To admit the possibility of being wrong would be an anathema to our insecure ego that feeds on the idea of being right: It would lead to tremendous emotional distress due to the psychological discord that would surface in our consciousness.

To avoid that, we use all sorts of defense mechanisms to cover up for our personal insecurities, such as trying to win over others in conversations. But this creates two serious problems.

Firstly, when our goal in conversations is to prove that we’re right, we exclude any possibility of learning, for learning requires the admittance that we don’t know everything.

It requites paying attention to new information - even that which is conflicting to our beliefs - and being available to change our minds when presented with it. It requires suspending the ego, and being open to the idea that others might have more knowledge or insight on a topic than us.

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Secondly, we don’t really understand the person we’re conversing with. We’re so focused on winning that we don’t care to hear another’s perspective and put ourselves in their shoes.

Or perhaps we hear, but we don’t really listen. And if we listen, we only listen in order to find an opportunity to talk back. Therefore, we fail to truly communicate with them. Rather, we’re exchanging verbal punches with a ghost of our own creation that entirely misses the point of communication: To connect with others.

The Art of Listening

To effectively communicate, we need to learn to truly listen (and not just hear). But to listen, we need to be willing to understand those we’re conversing with. And to understand them, it is important that we let go of our judgmental attitude towards them, for judgementality blocks our empathy - that is, our capacity to “feel with” another.

When we listen, we can see where others are coming from. We can see that they have their reasons for believing and saying what they do. We can see that when they hold opinions that are arguably wrong, that doesn’t mean that they themselves are wrong.

And we can also see that, when they disagree with us, that doesn’t mean they’re our enemies - it just means that they have a different way of thinking than ours.

Related: Listen Up Truth-Seekers: We’re On The Same Team

When we listen, we don’t want to harm anyone. We understand that those who verbally fight against us are suffering from their own psychological discord, and so we respond with compassion instead of fighting them back.

We provide them with loving space in order to nourish their deep need for self-acceptance, which sometimes is enough to change their attitude towards us.

But even if their attitude doesn’t change, and they continue their fight, we simply disengage, careful not to add fuel to the fire of hatred and rage.

To listen, we also need to let go of the idea that we’re always right. We need to understand that no one is perfect or knows everything.

Learning is an ongoing journey, and part of that journey are the people we interact with. Everyone we meet can teach us important lessons, if we stop and pay attention to them. Even those we disagree with know some things that we don’t.

Once we realize that, and are willing to expand our knowledge and understanding, we’ll stop getting defensive when conversing with others.

On the contrary, we’ll start listening closely to what they have to say, and be open to question our beliefs when provided with new information that doesn’t fit in with them.

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The Purpose of Communication

As I mentioned earlier, communication has one purpose: To connect us with others. By exchanging our feelings, thoughts and perspective, communication allows us to know each other better; hence it brings us closer to each other. And when communication brings us further apart, that’s a clear sign it has failed to take place.

Once we see that the goal of communication is connection, we’ll no longer fight with others. Of course, that doesn’t mean that no disagreement or conflict will ever arise from our conversations.

To some extent both are inevitable, yet not necessarily bad. In fact, they can be very beneficial: Disagreements can help us to reconsider our way of thinking and enrich our knowledge, and conflicts can help our relationships become healthier and more resilient.

But that’s the case only if they’re dealt with the right way - that is, with compassion, a genuine desire for understanding and the intention to heal our inner psychological discord from which our outer conflicts sprout.

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Communication can be a bridge between ourselves and others. But when used the wrong way, it can create thick walls between our hearts.

Every word we utter has the power to connect or separate us, to create the conditions for conflict or the conditions for peace, to nourish our psyche or deprive us of what we need the most: Intimacy, love, connection.

So let’s use our words wisely, and harness their power for the benefit of ourselves and those we converse with.

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Satanists Are Gaslighting Us
December 29 2021 | From: HenryMakow / Various

Have you ever asked yourself, "Am I crazy?" If you have, you're not crazy. You're most likely being gaslighted.

Gaslighting is a form of psychological abuse aimed at controlling a person by altering reality to the point where the person will doubt his own sanity.

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A good example is pretending the common flu is a deadly pandemic in order to enslave humanity by destroying human rights and livelihoods.

The term "gaslighting" comes from a 1930s play called Gas Light. The main character in the play literally tries to drive his wife crazy by gradually dimming the gas-powered lights in their home.

When she notices the lights dimming, her husband not only denies that the lights are dimming, he convinces her that she is imagining it to the point where she questions her own sanity.

We are now living in a perpetual state of gaslighting. The "reality" that we are being sold by the media is at complete odds with what we are actually seeing with our own two eyes.

And when we question the false reality that we are being presented, or we claim that what we see is the actual reality, we are vilified as racist or bigoted or just plain crazy.

You're not racist. You're not crazy. You're being gaslighted.

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New York State has twice as many deaths from COVID-19 as any other state, and New York has accounted for one-fifth of all Covid-19 deaths, but we are told that New York Governor Andrew Cuomo has handled the pandemic better than any other governor.

But if we support policies of Governors whose states had only a fraction of the infections and deaths as New York, we're called anti-science and want people to die. So, we ask ourselves, am I crazy? No, you're being gaslighted.

We see mobs of people looting stores, smashing windows, setting cars on fire, and burning down buildings, but we are told that these demonstrations are peaceful protests. And when we call this destruction of our cities what it obviously is - riots - we are called racists. So, we ask ourselves, am I crazy? No, you're being gaslighted.

We see that the major problem destroying many inner cities is crime - murder, gang violence, drug dealing, drive-by shootings, armed robbery - yet we are told that it is not crime, but the police, that is the problem.

We are told we must defund the police and remove law enforcement from crime-riddled cities to make them safer. But if we advocate for more policing in cities overrun by crime, we are accused of being white supremacists and racists.

So, we ask ourselves, am I crazy? No, you're being gaslighted.

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The United States of America accepts more immigrants than any other country in the world. The vast majority of the immigrants are "people of color", and these immigrants are enjoying the freedom and economic opportunity not available to them in their country of origin, but we are told that the United States is the most racist and oppressive country on the planet, and if we disagree, we are called racist and xenophobic.

So, we ask ourselves, am I crazy? No, you're being gaslighted.

Capitalist countries are the most prosperous countries in the world. The standard of living is the highest in countries that practice capitalism.

We see more poor people move up the economic ladder to the middle and even the wealthy class through their effort and ability in capitalist countries than any other economic system in the world, but we are told capitalism is an oppressive system designed to keep people down.

So, we ask ourselves, am I crazy? No, you're being gaslighted.

Communist countries killed over 100 million people in the 20th century. Communist countries strip their citizens of basic human rights, dictate every aspect of their lives, treat their citizens as slaves, and drive their economies into the ground, but we are told that Communism is the fairest, most equitable, freest and most prosperous economic system in the world.

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So, we ask ourselves, am I crazy? No, you're being gaslighted.

The most egregious example of gaslighting is the concept of "white fragility". You spend your life trying to be a good person, trying to treat people fairly and with respect.

You disavow racism and bigotry in all its forms. You judge people solely on the content of their character and not by the color of their skin. You don't discriminate based on race or ethnicity.

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But you are told you are a racist, not because of something you did or said, but solely because of the color of your skin.

You know instinctively that charging someone with racism because of their skin color is itself racist.

You know that you are not racist, so you defend yourself and your character, but you are told that the very act of defending yourself is proof of your racism. So, we ask ourselves, am I crazy? No, you're being gaslighted.

Gaslighting has become one of the most pervasive and destructive tactics in American [Western] politics. It is the exact opposite of what our political system was meant to be.

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It deals in lies and psychological coercion rather than truth and intellectual discourse. If you ever ask yourself if you're crazy, you are not.

Crazy people aren't sane enough to ask themselves if they're crazy.

So, trust yourself, believe what's in your heart. Trust your eyes over what you are told. Never listen to the people who tell you that you are crazy, because you are not. You're being gaslighted.

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The Origins Of Political Correctness
December 28 2021 | From: Academia / Various

Where does all this stuff that you’ve heard about this morning – the victim feminism, the gay rights movement, the invented statistics, the rewritten history, the lies, the demands, all the rest of it – where does it come from?

For the first time in our history, westerners have to be fearful of what they say, of what they write, and of what they think. They have to be afraid of using the wrong word, a word denounced as offensive or insensitive, or racist, sexist, or homophobic

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We have seen other countries, particularly in this century, where this has been the case. And we have always regarded them with a mixture of pity, and to be truthful, some amusement, because it has struck us as so strange that people would allow a situation to develop where they would be afraid of what words they used.

But we now have this situation in this country. We have it primarily on college campuses, but it is spreading throughout the whole society. Were does it come from? What is it?

We call it “Political Correctness.” The name originated as something of a joke, literally in a comic strip, and we tend still to think of it as only half-serious. In fact, it’s deadly serious.

It is the great disease of our century, the disease that has left tens of millions of people dead in Europe, in Russia, in China, indeed around the world. It is the disease of ideology. PC is not funny. PC is deadly serious.

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If we look at it analytically, if we look at it historically, we quickly find out exactly what it is. Political Correctness is cultural Marxism. It is Marxism translated from economic into cultural terms.

It is an effort that goes back not to the 1960s and the hippies and the peace movement, but back to World War I. If we compare the basic tenets of Political Correctness with classical Marxism the parallels are very obvious.

First of all, both are totalitarian ideologies.

The totalitarian nature of Political Correctness is revealed nowhere more clearly than on college campuses, many of which at this point are small ivy covered North Koreas, where the student or faculty member who dares to cross any of the lines set up by the gender feminist or the homosexual-rights activists, or the local black or Hispanic group, or any of the other sainted “victims” groups that PC revolves around, quickly find themselves in judicial trouble.

Within the small legal system of the college, they face formal charges – some star-chamber proceeding – and punishment. That is a little look into the future that Political Correctness intends for the nation as a whole.

Indeed, all ideologies are totalitarian because the essence of an ideology (I would note that conservatism correctly understood is not an ideology) is to take some philosophy and say on the basis of this philosophy certain things must be true – such as the whole of the history of our culture is the history of the oppression of women.

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Since reality contradicts that, reality must be forbidden. It must become forbidden to acknowledge the reality of our history.

People must be forced to live a lie, and since people are naturally reluctant to live a lie, they naturally use their ears and eyes to look out and say, “Wait a minute. This isn’t true. I can see it isn’t true,” the power of the state must be put behind the demand to live a lie.

That is why ideology invariably creates a totalitarian state.

Second, the cultural Marxism of Political Correctness, like economic Marxism, has a single factor explanation of history. Economic Marxism says that all of history is determined by ownership of means of production.

Cultural Marxism, or Political Correctness, says that all history is determined by power, by which groups defined in terms of race, sex, etc., have power over which other groups. Nothing else matters. All literature, indeed, is about that. Everything in the past is about that one thing.

Third, just as in classical economic Marxism certain groups, i.e. workers and peasants, are a priori good, and other groups, i.e., the bourgeoisie and capital owners, are evil. In the cultural Marxism of Political Correctness certain groups are good – feminist women, (only feminist women, non-feminist women are deemed not to exist) blacks, Hispanics, homosexuals.

These groups are determined to be “victims,” and therefore automatically good regardless of what any of them do. Similarly, white males are determined automatically to be evil, thereby becoming the equivalent of the bourgeoisie in economic Marxism.

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Social Conformity

Fourth, both economic and cultural Marxism rely on expropriation. When the classical Marxists, the communists, took over a country like Russia, they expropriated the bourgeoisie, they took away their property. Similarly, when the cultural Marxists take over a university campus, they expropriate through things like quotas for admissions.

When a white student with superior qualifications is denied admittance to a college in favor of a black or Hispanic who isn’t as well qualified, the white student is expropriated. And indeed, affirmative action, in our whole society today, is a system of expropriation.

White owned companies don’t get a contract because the contract is reserved for a company owned by, say, Hispanics or women. So expropriation is a principle tool for both forms of Marxism.

And finally, both have a method of analysis that automatically gives the answers they want. For the classical Marxist, it’s Marxist economics. For the cultural Marxist, it’s deconstruction.

Deconstruction essentially takes any text, removes all meaning from it and re-inserts any meaning desired. So we find, for example, that all of Shakespeare is about the suppression of women, or the Bible is really about race and gender.

All of these texts simply become grist for the mill, which proves that “all history is about which groups have power over which other groups.”

So the parallels are very evident between the classical Marxism that we’re familiar with in the old Soviet Union and the cultural Marxism that we see today as Political Correctness.

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But the parallels are not accidents. The parallels did not come from nothing. The fact of the matter is that Political Correctness has a history, a history that is much longer than many people are aware of outside a small group of academics who have studied this.

And the history goes back, as I said, to World War I, as do so many of the pathologies that are today bringing our society, and indeed our culture, down.

Marxist theory said that when the general European war came (as it did come in Europe in 1914), the working class throughout Europe would rise up and overthrow their governments – the bourgeois governments – because the workers had more in common with each other across the national boundaries than they had in common with the bourgeoisie and the ruling class in their own country. Well, 1914 came and it didn’t happen.

Throughout Europe, workers rallied to their flag and happily marched off to fight each other. The Kaiser shook hands with the leaders of the Marxist Social Democratic Party in Germany and said there are no parties now, there are only Germans. And this happened in every country in Europe. So something was wrong.

Marxists knew by definition it couldn’t be the theory. In 1917, they finally got a Marxist coup in Russia and it looked like the theory was working, but it stalled again.

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It didn’t spread and when attempts were made to spread immediately after the war, with the Spartacist uprising in Berlin, with the Bela Kun government in Hungary, with the Munich Soviet, the workers didn’t support them.

So the Marxists’ had a problem. And two Marxist theorists went to work on it: Antonio Gramsci in Italy and Georg Lukacs in Hungary.

Gramsci said the workers will never see their true class interests, as defined by Marxism, until they are freed from Western culture, and particularly from the Christian religion – that they are blinded by culture and religion to their true class interests.

Lukacs, who was considered the most brilliant Marxist theorist since Marx himself, said in 1919, “Who will save us from Western Civilization?” He also theorized that the great obstacle to the creation of a Marxist paradise was the culture: Western civilization itself.

Lukacs gets a chance to put his ideas into practice, because when the home grown Bolshevik Bela Kun government is established in Hungary in 1919, he becomes deputy commissar for culture, and the first thing he did was introduce sex education into the Hungarian schools.

This ensured that the workers would not support the Bela Kun government, because the Hungarian people looked at this aghast, workers as well as everyone else. But he had already made the connection that today many of us are still surprised by, that we would consider the “latest thing.”

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In 1923 in Germany, a think-tank is established that takes on the role of translating Marxism from economic into cultural terms, that creates Political Correctness as we know it today, and essentially it has created the basis for it by the end of the 1930s.

This comes about because the very wealthy young son of a millionaire German trader by the name of Felix Weil has become a Marxist and has lots of money to spend. He is disturbed by the divisions among the Marxists, so he sponsors something called the First Marxist Work Week, where he brings Lukacs and many of the key German thinkers together for a week, working on the differences of Marxism.

And he says, “What we need is a think-tank.” Washington is full of think tanks and we think of them as very modern. In fact they go back quite a ways.

He endows an institute, associated with Frankfurt University, established in 1923, that was originally supposed to be known as the Institute for Marxism.

But the people behind it decided at the beginning that it was not to their advantage to be openly identified as Marxist. The last thing Political Correctness wants is for people to figure out it’s a form of Marxism. So instead they decide to name it the Institute for Social Research.

Weil is very clear about his goals. In 1917, he wrote to Martin Jay the author of a principle book on the Frankfurt School, as the Institute for Social Research soon becomes known informally, and he said, “I wanted the institute to become known, perhaps famous, due to its contributions to Marxism.”

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Well, he was successful. The first director of the Institute, Carl Grunberg, an Austrian economist, concluded his opening address, according to Martin Jay, “by clearly stating his personal allegiance to Marxism as a scientific methodology.” Marxism, he said, would be the ruling principle at the Institute, and that never changed.

The initial work at the Institute was rather conventional, but in 1930 it acquired a new director named Max Horkheimer, and Horkheimer’s views were very different. He was very much a Marxist renegade. The people who create and form the Frankfurt School are renegade Marxists.

They’re still very much Marxist in their thinking, but they’re effectively run out of the party. Moscow looks at what they are doing and says, “Hey, this isn’t us, and we’re not going to bless this.”

Horkheimer’s initial heresy is that he is very interested in Freud, and the key to making the translation of Marxism from economic into cultural terms is essentially that he combined it with Freudism.

Again, Martin Jay writes:

“If it can be said that in the early years of its history, the Institute concerned itself primarily with an analysis of bourgeois society’s socio-economic sub-structure,” – and I point out that Jay is very sympathetic to the Frankfurt School, I’m not reading from a critic here – “in the years after 1930 its primary interests lay in its cultural superstructure.

Indeed the traditional Marxist formula regarding the relationship between the two was brought into question by Critical Theory.

The stuff we’ve been hearing about – the radical feminism, the women’s studies departments, the gay studies departments, the black studies departments – all these things are branches of Critical Theory.

Related: How The Frankfurt School Changed American / Western Culture

What the Frankfurt School essentially does is draw on both Marx and Freud in the 1930s to create this theory called Critical Theory. The term is ingenious because you’re tempted to ask, “What is the theory?” The theory is to criticize.

The theory is that the way to bring down Western culture and the capitalist order is not to lay down an alternative. They explicitly refuse to do that. They say it can’t be done, that we can’t imagine what a free society would look like (their definition of a free society).

As long as we’re living under repression – the repression of a capitalistic economic order which creates (in their theory) the Freudian condition, the conditions that Freud describes in individuals of repression – we can’t even imagine it.

What Critical Theory is about is simply criticizing. It calls for the most destructive criticism possible, in every possible way, designed to bring the current order down.

And, of course, when we hear from the feminists that the whole of society is just out to get women and so on, that kind of criticism is a derivative of Critical Theory. It is all coming from the 1930s, not the 1960s.

Other key members who join up around this time are Theodore Adorno, and, most importantly, Erich Fromm and Herbert Marcuse.

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Fromm and Marcuse introduce an element which is central to Political Correctness, and that’s the sexual element. And particularly Marcuse, who in his own writings calls for a society of “polymorphous perversity,” that is his definition of the future of the world that they want to create.

Marcuse in particular by the 1930s is writing some very extreme stuff on the need for sexual liberation, but this runs through the whole Institute. So do most of the themes we see in Political Correctness, again in the early 30s. In Fromm’s view, masculinity and femininity were not reflections of ‘essential’ sexual differences, as the Romantics had thought.

They were derived instead from differences in life functions, which were in part socially determined. Sex is a construct; sexual differences are a construct.

Another example is the emphasis we now see on environmentalism.

“Materialism as far back as Hobbes had led to a manipulative dominating attitude toward nature.” That was Horkhemier writing in 1933 in Materialismus und Moral.

“The theme of man’s domination of nature,” according to Jay, ” was to become a central concern of the Frankfurt School in subsequent years.”

“Horkheimer’s antagonism to the fetishization of labor, (here’s were they’re obviously departing from Marxist orthodoxy) expressed another dimension of his materialism, the demand for human, sensual happiness.”

In one of his most trenchant essays, Egoism and the Movement for Emancipation, written in 1936, Horkeimer “discussed the hostility to personal gratification inherent in bourgeois culture.”

And he specifically referred to the Marquis de Sade, favorably, for his “protest…against asceticism in the name of a higher morality.”

How does all of this stuff flood in here? How does it flood into our universities, and indeed into our lives today?

The members of the Frankfurt School are Marxist, they are also, to a man, Jewish. In 1933 the Nazis came to power in Germany, and not surprisingly they shut down the Institute for Social Research. And its members fled.

KGB Defector Yuri Bezmenov's Warning to America

29 years ago, Soviet defector and KGB operative Yuri Bezmenov, specializing in the fields of Marxist-Leninist propaganda and ideological subversion; warned us about the silent war being waged against America as part of a long term plan to take over and destroy the American system and way of life.

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Watch this clip in amazement as you realize he is describing exactly what's happening in America today, where by Obama and his gang of Marxist usurpers [this part is historical, obviously] who now have control of your government are just the culmination of a very long term plan, but are the ones who are about to bring it into fruition.

Bezmenov was born in 1939 in Mytishchi, near Moscow to a high ranking Soviet Army officer. At the age of seventeen, he entered the Institute of Oriental Languages, a part of the Moscow State University which was under the direct control of the KGB and the Communist Central Committee. In addition to languages, he studied history, literature, and music, and became an expert on Indian culture.

During his second year, Bezmenov sought to look like a person from India; his teachers encouraged this because graduates of the school were employed as diplomats, foreign journalists, or spies.

As a Soviet student, he was also required to take compulsory military training in which he was taught how to play "strategic war games" using the maps of foreign countries, as well as how to interrogate prisoners of war

They fled to New York City, and the Institute was reestablished there in 1933 with help from Columbia University. And the members of the Institute, gradually through the 1930s, though many of them remained writing in German, shift their focus from Critical Theory about German society, destructive criticism about every aspect of that society, to Critical Theory directed toward American society.

There is another very important transition when the war comes. Some of them go to work for the government, including Herbert Marcuse, who became a key figure in the OSS (the predecessor to the CIA), and some, including Horkheimer and Adorno, move to Hollywood.

These origins of Political Correctness would probably not mean too much to us today except for two subsequent events. The first was the student rebellion in the mid-1960s, which was driven largely by resistance to the draft and the Vietnam War.

But the student rebels needed theory of some sort. They couldn’t just get out there and say, “Hell no we won’t go,” they had to have some theoretical explanation behind it. Very few of them were interested in wading through Das Kapital.

Classical, economic Marxism is not light, and most of the radicals of the 60s were not deep. Fortunately for them, and unfortunately for our country today, and not just in the university, Herbert Marcuse remained in America when the Frankfurt School relocated back to Frankfurt after the war.

And whereas Mr. Adorno in Germany is appalled by the student rebellion when it breaks out there – when the student rebels come into Adorno’s classroom, he calls the police and has them arrested – Herbert Marcuse, who remained here, saw the 60s student rebellion as the great chance.

Related: What Happens When You Rebel Against The Herd

He saw the opportunity to take the work of the Frankfurt School and make it the theory of the New Left in the United States.

One of Marcuse’s books was the key book. It virtually became the bible of the SDS and the student rebels of the 60s. That book was Eros and Civilization. Marcuse argues that under a capitalistic order (he downplays the Marxism very strongly here, it is subtitled, A Philosophical Inquiry into Freud, but the framework is Marxist), repression is the essence of that order and that gives us the person Freud describes – the person with all the hang-ups, the neuroses, because his sexual instincts are repressed.

We can envision a future, if we can only destroy this existing oppressive order, in which we liberate eros, we liberate libido, in which we have a world of “polymorphous perversity,” in which you can “do you own thing.” And by the way, in that world there will no longer be work, only play.

What a wonderful message for the radicals of the mid-60s! They’re students, they’re baby-boomers, and they’ve grown up never having to worry about anything except eventually having to get a job.

And here is a guy writing in a way they can easily follow. He doesn’t require them to read a lot of heavy Marxism and tells them everything they want to hear which is essentially, “Do your own thing,” “If it feels good do it,” and “You never have to go to work.”

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By the way, Marcuse is also the man who creates the phrase, “Make love, not war.”

Coming back to the situation people face on campus, Marcuse defines “liberating tolerance” as intolerance for anything coming from the Right and tolerance for anything coming from the Left. Marcuse joined the Frankfurt School, in 1932 (if I remember right). So, all of this goes back to the 1930s.

In conclusion, America [the West] today is in the throes of the greatest and direst transformation in its history. We are becoming an ideological state, a country with an official state ideology enforced by the power of the state.

In “hate crimes” we now have people serving jail sentences for political thoughts.

And the Congress is now moving to expand that category ever further. Affirmative action is part of it.

The terror against anyone who dissents from Political Correctness on campus is part of it. It’s exactly what we have seen happen in Russia, in Germany, in Italy, in China, and now it’s coming here.

And we don’t recognize it because we call it Political Correctness and laugh it off.

My message today is that it’s not funny, it’s here, it’s growing and it will eventually destroy, as it seeks to destroy, everything that we have ever defined as our freedom and our culture.

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The Best News Of Our Time: Materialism Is A Busted Philosophy
December 27 2021 | From: ThePulse / Various

Scientific materialism posits that the physical universe exists independently of consciousness, and that minds emerge through an accidental process of physical and biological evolution.

Materialism - or physicalism - has been the dominant ideology of the last two centuries, pervasively inflecting every aspect of our society.

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Idealism proposes, instead, that consciousness is the fundamental reality or the “ontological primitive.”

The apparition of the physical universe arises out of this foundational ground of consciousness, like a vast turbulent dream.

In Why Materialism is Baloney and The Idea of the World, philosopher Bernardo Kastrup makes a great case for idealism.

"The physical properties of the world exist only insofar as they are perceptually experienced,” he writes.

“There is no ontological ground outside mind where these properties could otherwise reside before being represented in mind.”

As individuals, we are dissociated “alters” of this unbounded, instinctive consciousness.

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Physics experiments have, he notes:

"Confirmed that, unlike what one would expect if the world were separate or distinct from mind, the observed properties of the world indeed cannot be said to exist prior to being observed.”

He quotes the physicist Anton Zeilinger: “There is no sense in assuming that what we do not measure [that is, observe] about a system has [an independent] reality.”

In The Idea of the World, Kastrup surveys various counter-arguments against idealism, one by one, and refutes them.

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He considers the means by which ideologies take root in society and become entrenched as the norm, despite their fallacies, and how to supersede them:

"We are all immersed in myriad unexamined cultural assumptions and conventional patterns of thought.

It is the unavoidable task of the idealist to patiently identify and expose these hidden assumptions and faulty thought patterns, one by one, whilst persisting in repeated elucidations of his or her argument.

Only in this manner can the logic behind the idealist’s argument eventually pierce through the cultural shield.”

I completely agree with Kastrup. I feel we need something like an army of intellectually rigorous idealists, attacking this from many angles. I know this still seems far-fetched to many, but I believe that the paradigm shift from materialism to idealism is both crucial and inevitable.

The question, for me, is how and when we get there. It is inevitable because idealism is true while materialism is false (or, as Kastrup puts it, “baloney”).

This has been demonstrated again and again, scientifically, and it becomes increasingly sensible as we develop better ways to talk and think about it.

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Many other thinkers and scientists have reached this perspective, including the physicist Amit Goswami, author of Physics of the Soul, and biologist Robert Lanza, who coined the term, “biocentrism.”

Investigating the nature of reality, many of the great physicists of the 20th Century discovered that the universe to be a “great thought,” made from “mind stuff” rather than matter.

Their discoveries accorded with the basic tenets of Eastern mysticism. However, it must be said that, in the past, false ideologies and bad ideas often prevailed over true ones. The triumph of idealism is, therefore, not completely certain.

The paradigm shift from materialism to idealism has tremendous implications, on many levels. It is profoundly important for the future of our world

I consider it a necessary evolutionary leap. It is the paradigm shift we have been waiting for. It is the game changer. In upcoming essays, I will paraphrase parts of Kastrup’s philosophical argument for idealism.

I will then consider the implications of idealism in a number of different areas, ranging from the personal quandary of what it means to live a meaningful life, to the collective - social and political - question of how we reinvent civilization to address wealth inequality, technological control, and ecological catastrophe.

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Analytic Idealism gives us the answer to Capitalist Realism, Neoliberalism, and Transhumanism. It has the potential to reshape our relationships each other and with the world as a whole.

As idealism becomes our interpretive framework, humanity’s attention will turn in a new direction, rescuing us from the abyss of quantification, control, and nihilism in which the vast mass of humanity are currently lost.

Idealism also allows us to fully understand indigenous animism and other ancient cosmologies, integrating them into a comprehensive, integral worldview.

The shift to idealism restores meaning and purpose to the world. Under materialism, the world has no intrinsic meaning. Humanity wanders hopelessly in a wasteland:

"Our culture believes that the semantic value of the world is simply an artifact of human minds. The world doesn’t have a story to tell, a suggestion to make or an insight to convey. It isn’t saying anything.

There is nothing meaningful to be gleaned from the world, just utilitarian predictions to be made about its behavior,”
Kastrup writes

But if the world is actually the projection of a universal, instinctive consciousness, then it begs for interpretation and analysis:

“If the world is mental, it points to something beyond its face-value appearances and is amenable to interpretation, just as ordinary dreams. In this case, the project of a Hermeneutic of Everything is metaphysically justifiable.”

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If consciousness is the fundamental reality, then, as conscious beings, our ongoing activity of interpreting, understanding, and giving creative expression to the world is not contingent, accidental, or meaningless.

It must be seen as an essential aspect of the world-process, of reality in its unfolding, of the “worlding” of the world.

William Blake turns out to be phenomenologically precise when he wrote, “The imagination is not a state: It is the human existence itself.”

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The Birth And Death Of Privacy: 3,000 Years Of History Told Through 46 Images
December 26 2021 | From: Medium

Privacy, as we understand it, is only about 150 years old.

Humans do have an instinctual desire for privacy. However, for 3,000 years, cultures have nearly always prioritized convenience and wealth over privacy.

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A 2-Minute Summary

Section II will show how cutting edge health technology will force people to choose between an early, costly death and a world without any semblance of privacy. Given historical trends, the most likely outcome is that we will forgo privacy and return to our traditional, transparent existence.

*This post is part of an online book about Silicon Valley’s Political endgame. See all available chapters here.

Section I: How Privacy Was Invented Slowly Over 3,000 years

“Privacy may actually be an anomaly.”

- Vinton Cerf, Co-creator of the military’s early Internet prototype and Google executive.

Cerf suffered a torrent of criticism in the media for suggesting that privacy is unnatural. Though he was simply opining on what he believed was an under-the-radar gathering at the Federal Trade Commission in 2013, historically speaking, Cerf is right.

Privacy, as it is conventionally understood, is only about 150 years old. Most humans living throughout history had little concept of privacy in their tiny communities. Sex, breastfeeding, and bathing were shamelessly performed in front of friends and family.

The lesson from 3,000 years of history is that privacy has almost always been a back-burner priority. Humans invariably choose money, prestige or convenience when it has conflicted with a desire for solitude.

This chapter takes a look at how technology shaped desires for privacy over the major epochs of human history.

Tribal Life (~200,000 B.C. to 6,000 B.C)

“Because hunter-gatherer children sleep with their parents, either in the same bed or in the same hut, there is no privacy. Children see their parents having sex. In the Trobriand Islands, Malinowski was told that parents took no special precautions to prevent their children from watching them having sex: they just scolded the child and told it to cover its head with a mat”

- UCLA Anthropologist, Jared Diamond

While extremely rare in tribal societies, privacy may, in fact, be instinctive. Evidence from tribal societies suggests that humans prefer to make love in solitude (In 9 of 12 societies where homes have separate bedrooms for parents, people prefer to have sex indoors. In those cultures without homes with separate rooms, sex is more often preferred outdoors).

However, in practice, the need for survival often eclipses the desire for privacy. For instance, among the modern North American Utku’s, a desire for solitude can seem profoundly rude:

“It dawned on me how forlorn I would be in the wildness if they forsook me. Far, far better to suffer loss of privacy”

- Anthropologist Jean Briggs, on being ostracized by her host Utku family, after daring to explore the wilderness alone for a day.

The big question: if privacy isn’t the norm, where did it start? Let’s start from the first cities:

Ancient Cities (6th Century B.C. - 4th Century AD)

Roman citizens engaged in conversation in a public restroom. Credit: A Day In The Life Of Ancient Rome

Like their tribal ancestors, the Greeks displayed some preference for privacy. And, unlike their primitive ancestors, the Greeks had the means to do something about it. University of Leicester’ Samantha Burke found that the Greeks used their sophisticated understanding of geometry to create housing with the mathematically minimum exposure to public view while maximizing available light.

Sightline analysis of maximum viewable space from the street. Burke (2000)

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However, Athenians penchant for solitude was not without its influential critics:

“For where men conceal their ways from one another in darkness rather than light, there no man will ever rightly gain either his due honour or office or the justice that is befitting”


Athenian philosophy proved far more popular than their architecture. In Greece’s far less egalitarian successor, Rome, the landed gentry built their homes with wide open gardens. Turning one’s house into a public museum was an ostentatious display of wealth. Though, the rich seemed self-aware of their unfortunate trade-off:

“Great fortune has this characteristic, that it allows nothing to be concealed, nothing hidden; it opens up the homes of princes, and not only that but their bedrooms and intimate retreats, and it opens up and exposes to talk all the arcane secrets”

- Pliny the Elder, ‘The Natural History’, circa 77 A.D.

The majority of Romans lived in crowded apartments, with walls thin enough to hear every noise. “Think of Ancient Rome as a giant campground,” writes Angela Alberto in A Day in the life of Ancient Rome.

And, thanks to the Rome’s embrace of public sex, there was less of a motivation to make it taboo - especially considering the benefits.

Sex art, Pompeii

Related: The Truth About Sexuality In Ancient Greece And Rome

“Baths, drink and sex corrupt our bodies, but baths, drink and sex make life worth living”

- Graffi - Roman bath

Early Middle Ages (4th century AD-1,200 AD): Privacy As Isolation

Early Christian saints pioneered the modern concept of privacy: seclusion. The Christian Bible popularized the idea that morality was not just the outcome of an evil deed, but the intent to cause harm; this novel coupling of intent and morality led the most devout followers (monks) to remove themselves from society and focus obsessively on battling their inner demons free from the distractions of civilization.

“Just as fish die if they stay too long out of water, so the monks who loiter outside their cells or pass their time with men of the world lose the intensity of inner peace. So like a fish going towards the sea, we must hurry to reach our cell, for fear that if we delay outside we will lost our interior watchfulness”

- St Antony of Egypt

It is rumored that on the island monastery of Nitria, a monk died and was found 4 days later. Monks meditated in isolation in stone cubicles, known as “Beehive” huts.

Even before the collapse of ancient Rome in 4th century A.D., humanity was mostly a rural species

A stylized blueprint of the Lord Of The Rings-looking shire longhouses, which were popular for 1000 years, shows animals and humans sleeping under the same room - because, there was only one room.

“There was no classical or medieval latin word equivalent to ‘privacy’. privatio meant ‘a taking away’”

- Georges Duby, author, ‘A History Of Private Life: Revelations of the Medieval World’

Late Medieval / Early Renaissance (1300–1600)  -  The Foundation Of Privacy Is Built

“Privacy — the ultimate achievement of the renaissance”

- Historian Peter Smith

In 1215, the influential Fourth Council Of Lateran (the “Great Council”) declared that confessions should be mandatory for the masses. This mighty stroke of Catholic power instantly extended the concept of internal morality to much of Europe.

“The apparatus of moral governance was shifted inward, to a private space that no longer had anything to do with the community,” explained religious author, Peter Loy. Solitude had a powerful ally.

Fortunately for the church, some new technology would make quiet contemplation much less expensive: Guttenberg’s printing press.

Thanks to the printing presses invention after the Great Counsel’s decree, personal reading supercharged European individualism. Poets, artists, and theologians were encouraged in their pursuits of “abandoning the world in order to turn one’s heart with greater intensity toward God,” so recommended the influential canon of The Brethren of the Common Life.

To be sure, up until the 18th century, public readings were still commonplace, a tradition that extended until universal book ownership. Quiet study was an elite luxury for many centuries.

Citizens enjoy a public reading

The Architecture Of Privacy

Individual beds are a modern invention. As one of the most expensive items in the home, a single large bed became a place for social gatherings, where guests were invited to sleep with the entire family and some servants.

But, the uncleanness of urbanized life quickly caught up with the Europeans, when infectious diseases wiped out large swaths of newly crowded cities. The Black Death, alone, killed over 100 million people.

This profoundly changed hygiene attitudes, especially in hospitals, where it was once common for patients to sleep as close together as houseguests were accustomed to.

“Little children, both girls and boys, together in dangerous beds, upon which other patients died of contagious diseases, because there is no order and no private bed for the children, [who must] sleep six, eight, nine, ten, and twelve to a bed, at both head and foot”

- Notes of a nurse (circa 1500), lamenting the lack of modern medical procedures

Though, just because individual beds in hospitals were coming into vogue, it did not mean that sex was any more private. Witnessing the consummation of marriage was common for both spiritual and logistical reasons:

“Newlyweds climbed into bed before the eyes of family and friends and the next day exhibit the sheets as proof that the marriage had been consummated”

- Georges Duby, Editor, ‘A History of Private Life’

Few people demanded privacy while they slept because even separate beds wouldn’t have afforded them the luxury. Most homes only had one room. Architectural historians trace the origins of internal walls to the more basic human desire to be warm.

Below, in the video, is a Hollywood re-enactment of couples sleeping around the burning embers of a central fire pit, from the film, Beowulf. It’s a solid illustration of the grand hall open architecture that was pervasive before the popularization of internal walls circa 1,400 A.D.

Couples sleep around the warmth of a fire (clip from Beowulf)

“Firstly, I propose that there be a room common to all in the middle, and at its centre there shall be a fire, so that many more people can get round it and everyone can see the others faces when engaging in their amusements and storytelling” 

-  15th century Italian Architect, Sebastian Serlio

To disperse heat more efficiently without choking houseguests to death, fire-resistant chimney-like structures were built around central fire pits to reroute smoke outside. Below is an image of a “transitional” house during the 16th century period when back-to-back fireplaces broke up the traditional open hall architecture.

Housing Culture: Traditional Architecture In An English Landscape

“A profound change in the very blueprint of the living space”

- Historian Sarti Raffaella, on the introduction of the chimney.

Pre-Industrial Revolution (1600–1840)  -  The Home Becomes Private, Which Isn’t Very Private

The first recorded daily diary was composed by Lady Margaret Hoby, who lived just passed the 16th century. On February 4th, 1600, she writes that she retired “to my Closit, wher I praid and Writt some thinge for mine owne priuat Conscience’s”.

Cardinal Albrecht of Brandenburg in his study

By the renaissance, it was quite common for at least the wealthy to shelter themselves away in the home. Yet, even for those who could afford separate spaces, it was more logistically convenient to live in close quarters with servants and family.

“Having served in the capacity of manservant to his Excellency Marquis Francesco Albergati for the period of about eleven years, that I can say and give account that on three or four occasions I saw the said marquis getting out of bed with a perfect erection of the male organ”

- 1751, Servant of Albergati Capacelli, testifying in court that his master did not suffer from incontinence, thus rebutting his wife’s legal suit for annulment.


It was just prior to the industrial revolution that citizens, for the first time, demanded that the law begin to keep pace with the evolving need for secret activities.

In this early handwritten note on August 20th, 1770, revolutionist and future President of the United States, John Adams, voiced his support for the concept of privacy.

“I am under no moral or other Obligation…to publish to the World how much my Expences or my Incomes amount to yearly.”

Despite some high-profile opposition, the first American Census was posted publicly, for logistics reasons, more than anything else.

Transparency was the best way to ensure every citizen could inspect it for accuracy.

Privacy-conscious citizen did find more traction with what would become perhaps America’s first privacy law, the 1710 Post Office Act, which banned sorting through the mail by postal employees.

“I’ll say no more on this head, but When I have the Pleasure to See you again, shall Inform you of many Things too tedious for a Letter and which perhaps may fall into Ill hands, for I know there are many at Boston who dont Scruple to Open any Persons letters, but they are well known here.”

- Dr. Oliver Noyes, lamenting the well-known fact that mail was often read.

This fact did not stop the mail’s popularity

Gilded Age: 1840–1950  - Privacy Becomes The Expectation

“Privacy is a distinctly modern product”

- E.L. Godkin, 1890

“In The Mirror, 1890” by Auguste Toulmouche

By the time the industrial revolution began serving up material wealth to the masses, officials began recognizing privacy as the default setting of human life.

“The material and moral well-being of workers depend, the health of the public, and the security of society depend on each family’s living in a separate, healthy, and convenient home, which it may purchase”

- Speaker at 1876 international hygiene congress in Brussels

For the poor, however, life was still very much on display. The famous 20th-century existentialist philosopher Jean Paul-Satre observed the poor streets of Naples:

Crowded apartment dwellers spill on to the streets

“The ground floor of every building contains a host of tiny rooms that open directly onto the street and each of these tiny rooms contains a family…

they drag tables and chairs out into the street or leave them on the threshold, half outside, half inside…outside is organically linked to inside…

yesterday i saw a mother and a father dining outdoors, while their baby slept in a crib next to the parents’ bed and an older daughter did her homework at another table by the light of a kerosene lantern…

if a woman falls ill and stays in bed all day, it’s open knowledge and everyone can see her.”

Insides of houses were no less cramped:

The “Right To Privacy“ Is Born

While architecture failed to keep up with society, it was during the Gilded Age that privacy was officially acknowledged as a political right.

“The intensity and complexity of life, attendant upon advancing civilization, have rendered necessary some retreat from the world, and man, under the refining influence of culture, has become more sensitive to publicity, so that solitude and privacy have become more essential to the individual; but modern enterprise and invention have, through invasions upon his privacy, subjected him to mental pain and distress, far greater than could be inflicted by mere bodily injury.”

- “The Right To Privacy” - December 15, 1890, Harvard Law Review

Interestingly enough, the right to privacy was justified on the very grounds for which it is now so popular: technology’s encroachment on personal information.

However, the father of the right to privacy and future Supreme Court Justice, Louis Brandeis, was ahead of his time. His seminal article did not get much press - and the press it did get wasn’t all that glowing.

"The feelings of these thin-skinned Americans are doubtless at the bottom of an article in the December number of the Harvard Law Review, in which two members of the Boston bar have recorded the results of certain researches into the question whether Americans do not possess a common-law right of privacy which can be successfully defended in the courts."

- Galveston Daily News on ‘The Right To Privacy’

Privacy had not helped America up to this point in history. Brazen invasions into the public’s personal communications had been instrumental in winning the Civil War.

A request For Wiretapping

This is a letter from the Secretary of War, Edwin Stanton, requesting broad authority over telegraph lines; Lincoln simply scribbled on the back “The Secretary of War has my authority to exercise his discretion in the matter within mentioned. A. LINCOLN.”

It wasn’t until the industry provoked the ire of a different president that information privacy was codified into law. President Grover Cleveland had a wife who was easy on the eyes. And, easy access to her face made it ideal for commercial purposes.

Related: Five Damaging Lies Advertisements Desperately Want You To Believe

The rampant use of President Grover Cleveland’s wife, Frances, on product advertisements, eventually led to the one of the nation’s first privacy laws. The New York legislature made it a penalty to use someone’s unauthorized likeness for commercial purposes in 1903, for a fine of up to $1,000.

Indeed, for most of the 19th century, privacy was practically upheld as a way of maintaining a man’s ownership over his wife’s public and private life  -  including physical abuse.

"We will not inflict upon society the greater evil of raising the curtain upon domestic privacy, to punish the lesser evil of trifling violence”

- 1868, State V. Rhodes, wherein the court decided the social costs of invading privacy was not greater than that of wife beating.

The Technology Of Individualism

The first 150 years of American life saw an explosion of information technology, from the postcard to the telephone. As each new communication method gave a chance to peek at the private lives of strangers and neighbors, Americans often (reluctantly) chose whichever technology was either cheaper or more convenient.

Privacy was a secondary concern.

"There is a lady who conducts her entire correspondence through this channel. She reveals secrets supposed to be the most pro- found, relates misdemeanors and indiscretions with a reckless disregard of the consequences. Her confidence is unbounded in the integrity of postmen and bell-boys, while the latter may be seen any morning, sitting on the doorsteps of apartment houses, making merry over the post-card correspondence.”

- Editor, the Atlantic Monthly, on Americas of love of postcards, 1905

Even though postcards were far less private, they were convenient. More than 200,000 postcards were ordered in the first two hours they were offered in New York City, on May 15, 1873.

The next big advance in information technology, the telephone, was a wild success in the early 20th century. However, individual telephone lines were prohibitively expensive; instead, neighbors shared one line, known as “party lines.” Commercial ads urged neighbors to use the shared technology with “courtesy”.

But, as this comic shows, it was common to eavesdrop.

Related: The Surveillance State: How To Disappear & It’s Why Big Tech Is Watching You: How You Spend Your Money Reveals Parts Of Your Personality, And Vice Versa

“Party lines could destroy relationships…if you were dating someone on the party line and got a call from another girl, well, the jig was up.

Five minutes after you hung up, everybody in the neighborho -  including your girlfriend  -  knew about the call. In fact, there were times when the girlfriend butted in and chewed both the caller and the callee out. Watch what you say.”

- Author, Donnie Johnson

Where convenience and privacy found a happy co-existence, individualized gadgets flourished. Listening was not always an individual act. The sheer fact that audio was a form of broadcast made listening to conversations and music a social activity.

This all changed with the invention of the headphone.

“The triumph of headphones is that they create, in a public space, an oasis of privacy”~ The Atlantic’s libertarian columnist, Derek Thompson.

Related: It's Official: This Is Straight Out Of Orwell's 1984...

Late 20th Century  - Fear Of A World Without Privacy

By the 60's, individualized phones, rooms, and homes became the norm. 100 years earlier, when Lincoln tapped all telegraph lines, few raised any questions. In the new century, invasive surveillance would bring down Lincoln’s distant successor, even though his spying was far less pervasive.

Upon entering office, the former Vice-President assured the American people that their privacy was safe.

“As Vice President, I addressed myself to the individual rights of Americans in the area of privacy…

There will be no illegal tappings, eavesdropping, bugging, or break-ins in my administration.

There will be hot pursuit of tough laws to prevent illegal invasions of privacy in both government and private activities.”

- Gerald Ford

Justice Brandeis Had Finally Won

2,000 A.D. And Beyond  - A Grand Reversal

In the early 2,000s, young consumers were willing to purchase a location tracking feature that was once the stuff of 1984 nightmares.

“The magic age is people born after 1981…

That’s the cut-off for us where we see a big change in privacy settings and user acceptance.”

- Loopt Co-Founder Sam Altman, who pioneered paid geo-location features.


The older generations’ fear of transparency became a subject of mockery.

“My grandma always reminds me to turn my GPS off a few blocks before I get home “so that the man giving me directions doesn’t know where I live.”

- A letter to the editor of College Humor’s “Parents Just Don’t Understand” series.

Increased urban density and skyrocketing rents in the major cities has put pressure on communal living.

A co-living space in San Francisco / Source: Sarah Buhr, TechCrunch

“We’re seeing a shift in consciousness from hyper-individualistic to more cooperative spaces…

We have a vision to raise our families together.”

- Jordan Aleja Grader, San Francisco resident

At the more extreme ends, a new crop of so-called “life bloggers” publicize intimate details about their days:

Blogger Robert Scoble takes A picture with Google Glass in the shower

At the edges of transparency and pornography, anonymous exhibitionism finds a home on the web, at the wildly popular content aggregator, Reddit, in the aptly titled community “Gone Wild”.

Section II: How Privacy Will Again Fade Away

For 3,000 years, most people have been perfectly willing to trade privacy for convenience, wealth or fame. It appears this is still true today.

AT&T recently rolled out a discounted broadband internet service, where customers could pay a mere $30 more a month to not have their browsing behavior tracked online for ad targeting.

“Since we began offering the service more than a year ago the vast majority have elected to opt-in to the ad-supported model.”

- AT&T spokeswoman Gretchen Schultz (personal communication)

Performance artist Risa Puno managed to get almost half the attendees at an Brooklyn arts festival to trade their private data (image, fingerprints, or social security number) for a delicious cinnamon cookie. Some even proudly tweeted it out.

Tourists on Hollywood Blvd willing gave away their passwords to on live TV for a split-second of TV fame on Jimmy Kimmel Live.

Even for holdouts, the costs of privacy may be too great to bear. With the advance of cutting-edge health technologies, withholding sensitive data may mean a painful, early death.

For instance, researchers have already discovered that if patients of the deadly Vioxx drug had shared their health information publicly, statisticians could have detected the side effects earlier enough to save 25,000 lives.

As a result, Google’s Larry Page has embarked on a project to get more users to share their private health information with the academic research community. While Page told a crowd at the TED conference in 2013 that he believe such information can remain anonymous, statisticians are doubtful.

“We have been pretending that by removing enough information from databases that we can make people anonymous. We have been promising privacy, and this paper demonstrates that for a certain percent of a population, those promises are empty.”

- John Wilbanks of Sage Bionetworks, on a new academic paper that identified anonymous donors to a genetics database, based on public information

Speaking as a statistician, it is quite easy to identify people in anonymous datasets. There are only so many 5'4" jews living in San Francisco with chronic back pain. Every bit of information we reveal about ourselves will be one more disease that we can track, and another life saved.

If I want to know whether I will suffer a heart attack, I will have to release my data for public research. In the end, privacy will be an early death sentence.

Already, health insurers are beginning to offer discounts for people who wear health trackers and let others analyze their personal movements. Many, if not most, consumers in the next generation will choose cash and a longer life in exchange for publicizing their most intimate details.

What can we tell with basic health information, such as calories burned throughout the day? Pretty much everything.

With a rudimentary step and calorie counter, I was able to distinguish whether I was having sex or at the gym, since the minute-by-minute calorie burn profile of sex is quite distinct (the image below from my health tracker shows lots of energy expended at the beginning and end, with few steps taken. Few activities besides sex have this distinct shape)

My late-night horizontal romp, as measured by calories burned per minute

More advanced health monitors used by insurers are coming, like embedded sensors in skin and clothes that detect stress and concentration. The markers of an early heart attack or dementia will be the same that correspond to an argument with a spouse or if an employee is dozing off at work.

No behavior will escape categorization - which will give us unprecedented superpowers to extend healthy life. Opting out of this tracking - if it is even possib - will mean an early death and extremely pricey health insurance for many.

If history is a guide, the costs and convenience of radical transparency will once again take us back to our roots as a species that could not even conceive of a world with privacy.

Related: The Transhumanist Agenda And The [Attempted] Future Of Humanity

Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi

Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi
The Occult Origins Of Christmas
December 25 2021 | From: OmniThought

What most people do not know about Christmas is that it is a ritual contract created by the Dark Forces to trick people to give them their consent.

What you need to know about rituals is that they have energetic binding forces attached to them.

Related: Occult Holidays And Sabbats: Why Holidays Are Satanic Rituals

These binding forces are not dependent upon personal knowledge or beliefs. By simply taking the ACTION to perform the ritual, the effects and results are achieved, and therefore the people who performed the ritual are bound to whatever the ritual is designed to do.

Christmas is saturated with occult symbolism linked to dark magic that is designed to bind you to the Christmas contract. This contract is used by the Dark Forces to drain your energy and enslave your soul.

However, when you become aware of it and remove your consent and stop performing the ritual known as Christmas, the magic spells of the Christmas contract cannot harm you anymore. Be aware that magic can be used for good or evil purposes.

If you have a hard time believing that magic is real, read my informative article titled How Words Can Be Used as Magic Spells. This article gives you a short introduction to how magic works. If you plan to celebrate Christmas, it would be wise to mediate before doing so.

During meditation, tell the Universe that you refuse to give your consent to the Dark Forces. Furthermore, tell the Universe that you are getting together on December 25th to spend time with your family and friends, not to celebrate Christmas.

When you say these things, your mind generates energy signatures and then projects them out into the Universe. These energy signatures tell the Dark Forces that you are aware of their Christmas contract and refuse to give them your consent.

If the Dark Forces do not honor your decision and harm you, they would violate your free will and therefore would have to face the consequences for their actions. All thoughts, intentions, and actions are known by the Universe and there is no escaping its laws.

I will be writing my own article about the hidden secrets of Christmas in about a week, so if you are interested in the occult version of Christmas, keep an eye out for it. - PL Chang

Is Christmas really magic mushroom, sun and Saturn worship in disguise?

Christmas has come around again, and as we all scurry about hanging lights and stars everywhere, and adorning our trees with red and white ornaments, how many of us reflect on the occult origins of Christmas? How many of us realize that this merry festival has roots, in fact, in ancient traditions of magic mushrooms, Saturn worship and sun worship?

Jesus again pictured in religious artwork with magic mushrooms [beneath his feet]

Related: Noel! Noel! An Occult Code

Today’s Christmas is truly a hodgepodge of ancient rituals and celebrations, with roots as far back as 4000 years to the Mesopotamians. This is not surprising, for Christianity itself is a borrowed religion, built on top of previous Coptic (Egyptian), Mesopotamian and Babylonian religions.

Christmas really has nothing to do with the alleged historical birthday of a human called Jesus. Let’s take a look at some of the traditions which have formed Christmas, so we can gain a deeper understanding of its symbolism.

The Christmas-Magic Mushroom Connection

John Allegro was a free-thinking Dead Sea Scrolls scholar and archeologist. In 1970 he wrote a fascinating and highly controversial book entitled The Sacred Mushroom and the Cross, whose subtitle was A Study of the Nature and Origins of Christianity within the Fertility Cults of the Ancient Near East. In it he put forth the unique idea that Christianity was an expression of an ancient cult which worshipped sex and mushrooms.

To straight-laced scholars and prim-and-proper Christian apologists, this idea was simply too much for them to contemplate, but Allegro (left) provided an impressive amount of evidence to back his claims.

He showed how the mushroom – specifically the red-and-white magic mushroom Amanita muscaria – came up again and again in Christian art.

He explained how the Eucharist – where Christians believe the bread wafer is transformed into the body of Christ – is a re-enactment of the sacred ceremony of ingesting the flesh of the Amanita magic mushroom.

Allegro argued that the entire story of the Jesus in the Gospels was a code for the ancient journey of conscious self-exploration, the hallucinogenic “trip”.

You can imagine how the majority of people reacted to his “sex-and-mushroom cult” theory in 1970 in England!

Yet his ideas have merit. James Arthur and others after Allegro further developed the idea of the Christmas-magic mushroom connection. 

Amanitas are also linked to fertility and sex; they have a sexual appearance, representing both the male and female. At different stages of their growth life cycle, they resemble a phallus, breast and yoni.

It is interesting to note that Jesus pictured in religious artwork with amanita mushrooms around him. Is the red-and-white Santa Claus or St. Nicholas a modern representation of the village shaman who had the knowledge of pharmacopeia? Is the holy grail actually the mature Amanita with its edges curled up? 

Is the Amanita magic mushroom the fabled Holy Grail?

Related: The Occult Symbolism Of The Vatican’s 2020 Nativity Scene

Were Amanitas the source of power and insight for the old ruling class of priests? And perhaps most importantly, what part does the Amanita play in humanity’s origins and the extraterrestrial Annunaki who were mining for “gold”? These are interesting questions to ponder as you decorate your tree in red-and-white with mushroom ornaments this year.

Note: Masonic and other insider have stated that the 'Holy Grail' actually has nothing to do with a cup or grail, that it is a veiled reference to the 'Royal Bloodlines'.

The Christmas-Sun Worship Connection

Thanks to groundbreaking research of investigators like Jordan Maxwell (whose work was the basis of one major segment of the hit movie Zeitgeist), people have begun to become aware of the link between Christmas and sun worship.

At its core, the Illuminati and secret societies that run the world are deeply into black magic, which, defined, is the use of mostly unseen and unknown forces to gain power and control over others. The Illuminati are black magicians.

They utilize certain powers and then, through their control of the media and academia, put out disinformation and lies to prevent people from believing in and accessing those very powers, lest their power base be eroded.

A typical Christian art interpretation of Jesus. Note the sun cross at the back

Related: The Unwrapping of Christmas

Christmas is all about the birth of the “son”. But what if it is actually the birth or rebirth of the “sun”? A sun that goes through a “spring”, ascends to a height (summer solstice), then goes through a “fall” (autumn)? Christianity tells us that Jesus the son is our savior. Yet literally speaking the “sun” is our savior; without the sun there would be little or no life on Earth.

So it is only natural that sun worship was practiced by early cultures all over the world, especially in the keys days following the winter solstice, when the sun disappears over the horizon in northern latitudes for 3 days. Jesus was dead for the 3 days. Is this the symbolic “death” of the sun?

Related: Christmas Is NOT Cancelled: My 2021 Holiday Message

December 25th is the first day when the son or sun makes his triumphant return. Many people make fun of early religions and brand them as primitive, without actually realizing that Christianity itself has either stolen or built upon (depending on your viewpoint) these exact traditions.

Is it purely a coincidence that the date of Christmas is always December 25th every year, exactly 3 days after the 22nd (or night of the 21st), the date of winter solstice? Is it another coincidence that Jesus is pictured everywhere throughout Christian art on top of a sun cross, showing the sun’s journey through the 4 seasons every year? Is Christmas an elaborate ritual to lure back the “prodigal sun” from death?

The Christmas-Saturn Worship Connection

Finally, we come to the Saturn connection. The Christmas-Saturn connection is far from the only connection Saturn has with many modern (dark) activities. Saturn is the ancient roman god of time, harvest, law, tyranny and death. In the ancient Greek pantheon he was Chronos, meaning time, and from which we get words like chronological.

Saturnalia was an ancient Roman festival in honour of the deity Saturn, held on 17 December of the Julian calendar and later expanded with festivities through to 23 December. The holiday was celebrated with a sacrifice at the Temple of Saturn, in the Roman Forum, and a public banquet, followed by private gift-giving, continual partying, and a carnival atmosphere that overturned Roman social norms: gambling was permitted, and masters provided table service for their slaves.[1] The poet Catullus called it "the best of days."

For those investigating the global conspiracy, Saturn has particular significance. Why? Because Saturn – and what it represents – is the object of worship of some of the secret societies that are running the planet today. Indeed, the worship of Saturn is a theme running through the priest, the lawyer and the academic classes, as can be seen by the use of gowns and square mortarboards in the color of black – Saturn’s color.

To quote Jordan Maxwell:

“When you graduate from high school you come out processionally with a black robe … and wear the square mortarboard on top of your head. The square mortarboards are, of course, used by the Freemasons for their plaster, so that is why you wear a square mortarboard when you graduate, ultimately becoming an Alumni. It all has to do with Freemasonry; it all has to do with the control of education in this country.”

In the early first centuries A.D., Saturn had a very strong presence in the most powerful city in the world: Rome. Every year from December 17th to 25th, there was a wild, licentious festival in his honor, named Saturnalia.

For these 8 days of the year, people would cut loose in a period of utter lawlessness; Roman courts were closed and Roman law dictated that no one could be punished for damaging property or injuring people during the festival. 

There was widespread intoxication, people running around naked, rape and orgies. There was even human sacrifice – a theme that continues to underly some of the strange, dark rituals practiced by today’s ruling elite at places like Bohemian Grove.

Related: Occult Origins Of Santa Claus

According to some sources, Christmas was invented to compete with the pagan celebrations like Saturnalia, because it was just so popular. It was a successful strategy. Over time, the Church adopted many pagan rituals in their attempt to make Christianity more attractive to converts.

What Does Christmas Mean to You?

Ultimately, we all imbue our lives and activities with our own sense of meaning. You can decide what Christmas means to you.

However, it is always good to be aware of the occult origins and hidden symbolism of traditions and events, for as Confucius said, the world is ruled by signs and symbols, not words or law. Symbols communicate directly with our subconscious and guide our lives from behind the scenes, so choose consciously to which things you give your attention and energy.

Related: This Christmas We Don’t Need More Stuff; We Need More Love

Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi

Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi
Conspireality: Is It Time For A Serious Conversation?
December 24 2021 | From: ConsciousEvolution / Various

One thing I’m noticing now more than ever before in my experience as a journalist and researcher, and as a human in general, is that people are hungry for information that is deeper than what they are getting through the mainstream media.

It feels as though people are beginning to recognize that there is a degree of corruption involved in our world and that politicians and traditional media outlets have been compromised in the process.

Related: The Business Of Journalists Is To Destroy The Truth & Americans Think The Media Is More Destructive Than Banks & Corporations + The Normals vs. Conspiracy Theorists

How can you weed through the confusion? What media can I trust? What is the truth? These are all big questions many are now having.

In Brief:

The Facts: The mainstream and traditional media seem to be failing to have important conversations that are controversial, while at the same time perhaps there isn't enough rigor and critical thinking in alternative media communities.

Reflect On: Given we are deeply feeling the need to make sense of our world, is it time we begin to look at developing the inner faculties necessary to move beyond ideology, limited thinking patterns and truly begin looking at what evidence around us says?

Further, there is a lack of trust in many professional or societal experts due to a felt sense that they have been compromised as well. In an attempt to get answers to these questions, people have been looking for alternative information or perspectives about many current events in an attempt to make sense of the world.

I’ve worked 11 years in independent media now. I founded Collective Evolution in 2009 for the purposes of having conversations I felt were important but perhaps not widely available.

Initially beginning as a platform for exploring consciousness awakening, CE ventured into current events, as I felt they often reflect the inner aspect of who we are as people – and as a collective.

That said, for most of the time CE has been around, we’ve covered some sort of alternative perspective on current events as part of our job.

Related: American Pravda: How The CIA Invented "Conspiracy Theories"

Our commitment was to do this in a way that was as open, transparent, and unbiased as possible. Improving in our style and quality over the years, we often get feedback from a wide audience feeling that we do a pretty good job of staying neutral and open to various possibilities, while still covering what might be considered controversial subjects.

Things people call ‘conspiracies.’

Calling these sometimes controversial subjects ‘conspiracy theories’ is a bit unfortunate as it’s a loaded term that brings about many connotations and a general lack of clarity.

Does ‘conspiracy theory’ mean there is no evidence? It is not probable? It is not to be believed? Only crazy people who don’t think critically look at them? Was the fact that the NSA spied on US citizens illegally a conspiracy theory before Edward Snowden revealed the truth about that to the world? It was.

The idea that ‘big brother’ is watching was considered a paranoid delusion by many, yet they were in fact watching and recording almost everything people in the US did.

Thus, the title of this piece includes the term ‘conspireality’ as it is my feeling that some things we often call conspiracy theories are in fact true, we just don’t know it yet or haven’t accepted it.

Related: A Country Without An Honest Media Is Lost: The Largest Conspiracy Theory Peddlers Are Mainstream Media And The US State Department

In that same token, there is an observation I’m seeing within the space of ‘conspiracies’ that is truly important to discuss and reflect on.

Note: much of what I want to share will be written here, more will be in the video at the bottom.

The Rise of The Alternative

For decades people have felt that there is more to mainstream media narratives when it comes to current events. The JFK assassination, UFOs, MK Ultra, the real cause of wars, powerful people who control aspects of society, etc.

Typically, much of these conversations remained on the fringe and were had on late night radio shows or unpopular books few knew about.

But the advent of the internet and it’s subsequent popularity birthed an opportunity for these ideas and conversations to spread more easily. As time went on, people began to feel ‘alternative’ history or facts about events that happen in our world are increasingly important.

Related: JFK: Dylan Strikes Again & Diana Mystery Solved: White Fiat Uno Driver Breaks His Silence - Why He Won’t Talk To Police

While it might be common to chalk this up to some form of mental illness or misstep in thought, there is actually a large number of intelligent and well-read people who are actively exploring very credible information that tells a different, and credible, story about widely accepted mainstream narratives.

A recent podcast on The Joe Rogan Experience with guest Tom O’Neil is a perfect example. Tom has spent the last 20 years of his life investigating and writing a book called Chaos: Charles Manson, the CIA, and the Secret History of the Sixties which was published by Little, Brown in the summer of 2019.

As the description of his book reads:

“Twenty years ago, when journalist Tom O’Neill was reporting a magazine piece about the murders, he worried there was nothing new to say.

Then he unearthed shocking evidence of a cover-up behind the “official” story, including police carelessness, legal misconduct, and potential surveillance by intelligence agents.

When a tense interview with Vincent Bugliosi - prosecutor of the Manson Family and author of Helter Skelter - turned a friendly source into a nemesis, O’Neill knew he was onto something. But every discovery brought more questions.

O’Neill’s quest for the truth led him from reclusive celebrities to seasoned spies, from San Francisco’s summer of love to the shadowy sites of the CIA’s mind-control experiments, on a trail rife with shady cover-ups and suspicious coincidences.

The product of two decades of reporting, hundreds of new interviews, and dozens of never-before-seen documents from the LAPD, the FBI, and the CIA, Chaos mounts an argument that could be, according to Los Angeles Deputy District Attorney Steven Kay, strong enough to overturn the verdicts on the Manson murders. This is a book that overturns our understanding of a pivotal time in American history.”

As I listened to the podcast episode, many of the subjects discussed, including the United State’s government mind control program MK Ultra, and the JFK Assassination were explored with undeniable evidence and important lines of questioning.

Contrary to the belief that many of these subjects are mere conspiracy theories brought on by people who only deal in circumstantial evidence and who believe anything that sounds like an entertaining theory, we’re seeing some real truth here.

Truth that would completely change the public’s perspective on government and the intelligence community. The implications are huge when you really start to look at it and what the evidence clearly indicates.

This is not the only event that evidently shows coverups. Recent admissions by the US Navy has clearly indicated that government and intelligence communities have been keeping the public in the dark about UFOs for a long time.

Looking at government documents and whistleblowers that have been available for decades, you can find out very quickly that much more is going on behind the scenes than people realize, and the discussion of UFOs is really nothing to be gawked at as it often is.

Related: The US Space Force Just Swore In Its First “Chief Of Space Operations” + Navy Patents UFO-Like Compact Nuclear Fusion Reactor And Hybrid Space / Sea Crafts

Before public admission of the reality of UFOs, the media and many academics made fun of people who believed in UFOs as if they were crazy. Now that same media is telling you they’re real.

While they aren’t necessarily saying who is manning these UFOs, the conversation is quickly turning towards admitting to so many of the things ‘conspiracy theorists’ have discussed.

One could say that UFOs as a conspiracy theory became reality when the NAVY admitted to the validity of the video evidence that emerged. Do we know exactly what is going on? No, but we know a lot more.

Likewise with the NSA’s ‘big brother spying’ program – it’s no longer a conspiracy theory thanks to Edward Snowden. In that sense, you can see where I’m getting my ‘conspireality’ term from – conspiracies that have become reality.

The question now is, how do we have conversations about remaining ‘conspiracies’ seriously? Where we look at the evidence with an open mind and truly see what it says.

Alternative media has been covering these topics for years prior to mainstream media even opening up to the idea. Alt media has been filling a void in media that aligns with a correct intuition people have that there is more to what we’re being told – and it involves some highly controversial topics.

Hence the rise in alternative media. Popularity grew because it was feeding something deep within people that they felt but could not get from the mainstream.

In return, the mainstream culture seems to have taken issue with the rise of alternative media as it represents a loss of having a monopoly on narratives.

Related: Mainstream Media Is Trying Hard To Convince Us That “Plandemic” Is A “Conspiracy Theory” + The New Normal

Time For A Serious Conversation?

Before I continue I want to be clear that this is a complex and nuanced conversation, and the themes I’m going to discuss don’t apply to all people, but seem to be a big part of ‘alternative’ thinking culture.

As mainstream or traditional media continues to fail to ask the right questions about what is going on in our world (whether it was due to a lack of interest in the part of journalists, direction from media directors, or perhaps a gag order from someone ‘higher up’), it can be said that alternative media may not always carry the necessary standards in reporting and conversation to be taken seriously.

Yet these emerging conversations are incredibly important and needed.

One other aspect of this I want to mention, that can be founding both mainstream/traditional media and some alternative media, is the lack of ‘spiritual’ context within current events.

Meaning, there are deeper questions about who we are, why we’re here and what life is about that many who are ‘waking up’ are asking and feeling – processing even, yet mainstream media doesn’t have the context to understand this nor empathetically report on it.

It can be said that some of alternative media fits in this boat as well.

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Lately, I’ve been grappling with this difficult topic, and I sometimes find it a bit tough to even put into words. It is something I’ve loosely discussed for years now, but am now really moving to open up a dialogue about it as I believe we’ve reached an absolutely critical juncture in time where we must begin to explore themes I’m about to present.

Themes that involve anything from free speech to societal decline, division, and our potential to create a world where we can thrive. I believe much of what we’ll discuss here is critical to all that and more.

The topic I’ve struggled with lately is that I feel many people in the ‘alternative’ or ‘conspiracy’ community, defined contextually for this article as those who are often well-intended in seeking alternative narratives the mainstream does not offer, seem to have become very ideological, absolute, and extreme about their positions.

The conversations being had often jump to conclusions even without evidence, and attack anyone who doesn’t agree with them as being ‘sheeple’ or brain dead. It’s creating huge divides, yet very few want to admit it.

Most importantly, it’s making it very hard to have these important conversations about controversial topics that need to be had at this moment. Further, and as I foresaw years ago, it’s also inviting censorship.

Let’s get clear here. You might see a meme that shows a picture with Bill Gates and Jeffrey Epstein, and thus it automatically means we now have proof Gates is a pedophile.

Related: The Silent War On "Q" Continues

‘The Deep State mass arrests are coming any day now.’ Just as they have been for the last 10 years. Yet still, if you don’t understand that these mass arrests are coming, you’re asleep.

The key distinction here is the sense of certainty, the sense that it’s all so obvious, even when it’s not. The use of poor evidence, circumstantial evidence, or none at all, to ‘prove’ what’s going on has overtaken critical thinking.

It almost seems like people have become more interested in the entertainment value of this controversial information as opposed to how true it actually might be or how much evidence there truly is.

Take the X22 report for example. He pulls together a ton of circumstantial evidence, matches it with Q posts and then offers an analysis. Many believe his work clearly shows facts in drawing conclusions, but in reality, it’s mere speculation.

This is perfectly fine, but people are getting lost in seeing this as unequivocal fact, as opposed to mere speculation. X22 has suggested for example that Julian Assange is safe and sound and his arrest is nothing but ‘part of the plan’ by the Q patriots to save America from the Deep State.

In his video, you can follow all of the evidence he proposes, why Assange had a book in his hand, what that book meant, and how it was a code for people to look deeper.

This, while those close to Assange, including independent reporters and family, have been saying he is being tortured and suffering deeply in prison. So on one hand you have ‘truthers’ saying he’s fine, don’t worry, part of the plan.

Related: Julian Assange On The War On Free Speech: “Everyone Else Must Take My Place” & Julian Assange Is Guilty Only Of Revealing The Evil Soul Of US Imperialism

And then you have those who actually know him and have access to him saying the situation is bad and people need to help do something about it. Those same truthers have then said “don’t worry, those reporters and family are part of the plan too… it’s all optics.” You can see the issue here.

What I’m getting at is many popular voices in alternative media approach ‘conspiracy theories’ in a way that turns circumstantial evidence into unquestionable truth. Delivered with a sense of certainty or sweeping generalizations.

They can often lack critical thinking because they match their circumstantial evidence with the overarching story they have chosen to believe as fact. In turn, many viewers of alternative media seem to have begun believing these ideas as pure truth, without applying the same critical thinking rigor to alt narratives as they would have to mainstream narratives.

This by no means is everyone who watches alternative media. In fact, I have often stated and observed that many who do view alternative media do so because they have developed great critical thinking skills and have realized that there is not much value these days out in watching mainstream or traditional media.

That said, there is still a large group of presenters and viewers who make up a culture within the alternative space that does contribute to undermining these conversations.

Take Jeffrey Epstein for example. A huge case that began to connect underage sex/pedophile rings to powerful people in the world. An idea that has been around for a long time thanks to survivors and whistleblowers who have told their story.

Related: Bill Clinton Poses With Epstein’s ‘Pimp’ Ghislaine Maxwell And A Sex Slave On Board Private Jet The ‘Lolita Express’

The mainstream media has never done a good job of covering this, and traditional journalists have often shied away from it. Now though, this conversation is huge and ready to be had – people are listening.

Then comes the part I’m trying to raise awareness about here: some people in the alternative community will undermine these conversations by aggressively positing that every politician pictured with Epstein is automatically a pedophile and involved.

This among other assertions that are easy to debunk of course. This makes it easy for mainstream media or fact-checkers to begin easily debunking ‘conspiracy theories’ related to Jeffrey Epstein as bogus – and in a lot of cases, they are right.

Yet, there is actually a meaningful conversation to be had here, there is truth to explore, but if people are not more careful, these conversations won’t be had because their lack of critical thinking and completely certain positions close the door for other onlookers and make it easy to bury this information as unfounded and delusional conspiracies.

After all, a quick Google search will return plenty of mainstream media positions analyzing the psychological nature of ‘those who believe in conspiracy theories’ as if there is no real truth to any of them, and that people are just ‘out of their minds’ of sorts.

For myself personally in doing this work for the last 11 years, it is extremely common to have our work lumped in all other “baseless conspiracy theories” due to the fact that we’re often covering the same topics that are considered baseless conspiracy theories because they were covered poorly by others or simply because they sound similar.

Related: New Study Reveals Surprising Truths About Conspiracy Theories

We become guilty by association and part of a culture of people who seem to simply believe everything without any real evidence, this, regardless of the fact that we approach these important conversations with evidence and rigor.

Perhaps you’ve had the experience where you suggest in conversation “I don’t feel Jeffrey Epstein killed himself.” And right away a friend says “oh, you sound like a conspiracy theorist.”

One might assume it’s because that friend is not open-minded or was convinced by mainstream media it’s all a conspiracy, when in reality that friend may have witnessed a ton of laughable and paranoid content with weak evidence and harshly stated ‘facts’ that when researched, returned no real results.

Thus the question becomes, is the ‘conspiracy’ community actually digging their own grave and just blaming mainstream media for why people don’t listen?

How Can We Adjust?

11 years ago I had a vision of creating media that approaches understanding our world in a different way. As our About Us page on CE states:

“We live in a time where virtually every aspect of our society is changing or crumbling. Power is shifting and old ways of looking at and understanding our world are no longer working. New voices and ideas are emerging that encourage us to look more deeply at why our world is the way it is, and what about us creates it to be this way.

Collective Evolution is a news-media and education company that creates content to explore how humanity can shift our consciousness and way of being to evolve beyond the personal and global challenges we face.

We help encourage the development of inner faculties to explore more about how we can arrive at truth as opposed to just saying what truth is. Our work encourages a greater connection to self, an increase of self-awareness and being aware of what’s around us. We encourage others to let information be as opposed to it defining who we are and developing ideology. 

What do our current events say about how we operate as people? What do our societal structures and common issues say about our level of thinking (consciousness) and what type of ideas we’re bringing to the table? What if the solution to the many challenges we feel we face today is actually in changing how we think, relate to one another, and even relate to our world?

We feel this is one of the key missing factors in mainstream media, alternative media and traditional societal discussions today, and therefore we create our content to inspire personal transformation and the expansion of collective consciousness through two key avenues: news media and personal transformation content."

We’ve always felt that bringing the inner work, inner transformation aspect into making sense of our world was key as it is empowering and actually allows each person to take responsibility for what they are creating in their life and in the world. By developing inner faculties like critical thinking, presence, self-awareness, and intuition, we can better understand our world and why it is the way it is.

We can also begin to become aware of an expanded state of who we are, which may choose to create society from a completely different mindset than simply believing we are a cog in the wheel with beliefs and ideologies that are outdated and don’t resonate with us.

Thus I’m putting forth a call here, firstly, perhaps it’s time we move on from this whole idea of calling things a “conspiracy theory.” We have learned by now that if we apply critical thinking and proper journalism to many of these controversial ideas, what’s worth exploring further becomes clear quickly.

I discuss these ideas much more deeply in a video I produced on this subject in relation to a few early statements made by David Icke during a London Real interview about COVID-19. David assertively states that “COVID-19 does not exist” and then proceeds to make a strong link between COVID-19 and 5G.

I’m not saying David is a bad researcher or anything of that fashion, on the contrary, I believe some of his work is solid, and asks some great questions.

Related: China’s Massive Amount Of Immunotoxic 5G Networking And The Wuhan Coronavirus: The Emperor’s New Virus

But what I’m saying is, if you look at the aftermath of that conversation, whereby assertions are made that are certainly nothing more than speculation but not presented as such, we can clearly see what shifts need to be made in how these conversations are approached so we can do a better job of having them seriously and uniting people.

5G as a conversation was deeply undermined as mainstream media had an easy time stating there is no evidence linking 5G to COVID, and now those who look into 5G safety might be highly skeptical because the ‘crazy conspiracy’ was that 5G created COVID.

Further, there are serious discussions to be had around the origins of COVID-19 and whether or not the authoritarian measures are truly necessary, yet how can we easily have those conversations when such a large portion of the community is simply saying COVID is a hoax and that it doesn’t exist?

This isn’t to say that these ideas should not be explored, this is the piece many seem to miss. They want it to be a black and white conversation – who are the good guys? Who are the bad guys? Should I do this, or that?

When in reality, this is a conversation about making sense of a situation that is extremely complex, and if we try and put forth one all-encompassing theory that is certain about what’s going on right now, we can’t possibly be accurate in that as we simply don’t know everything.

So why assert it as such?  It is virtually impossible. Yet those who don’t agree with this all-encompassing and obvious agenda... asleep.

This is the issue I want to talk about more in the video below. I also offer what I feel are some solutions and realizations people could reflect on to see how they feel for them.

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FBI Document Adds “Fringe” Conspiracy Theories As Next Big Domestic Terror Threat & CIA, Climate And Conspiracy: More Notes From The Edge Of The Narrative Matrix

Microsoft Now Conspiring With Pro-Monsanto Front Group “NewsGuard” To Censor All Anti-GMO News On Mobile Devices

Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi

Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi
How Much Of This Junk Are You Exposed To?
December 23 2021 | From: Inquisitr / Sott / NaturalNews / GreenMedInfo

We all know about toxins and poisons in the environment - the slow kill. Keep the populace sick while the globalist corporatocracy bleeds us dry of money for power whilst they get off on their depopulation Eugenics agenda.

Awareness of 'environmental toxins' that are literally all around us helps you keep some of the crap out of your system...

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Antibacterial Soap Banned By FDA, Commonly Used Chemicals May Do More Harm Than Good

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has banned antibacterial soap sales in the United States, and the reason why is incredibly disturbing.

Many people have turned to antibacterial soap for years, believing them to be a safe and effective way to remove dirt and germs from the body and hands, and more effective than traditional soap and water. However, when the FDA banned the popular soaps, they informed the public that they might not be so effective after all.

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What’s more and infinitely more disturbing, according to the FDA, the chemicals most commonly used in antibacterial soaps may not even be safe.

A total of 19 chemicals often used in antibacterial soaps have been targeted by the FDA, and the agency has given manufacturers only a year to remove them all from the products they are selling (and marketing as safe and effective) to the public.

As The New York Times reports, while nearly 20 chemicals were involved in the decision that led to the antibacterial soap being banned by the FDA, two are the primary culprits. Triclosan and triclocarban are used in both bar and liquid antibacterial soap, and they are almost everywhere.

When the FDA banned antibacterial soap this week based on the risks of using the product often outweighing the benefits, they didn’t ban the questionable chemicals from all products.

Reportedly, at least one toothpaste uses a now-banned chemical, but according to the FDA, in that product it’s risks are less than the benefits it provides to consumers.

While the news that antibacterial soap has been banned by the FDA may be shocking and sudden to some, the truth of the matter is that there have been questions about its safety for years and years.

As Smithsonian Magazine reports, the FDA has been threatening to ban antibacterial soap for years. In the article, published in 2014, cited questions that the FDA had about the safety and effectiveness of antibacterial soap.

Even then, the FDA warned that antibacterial soap would be banned if manufacturers didn’t prove that it was both safe and more effective than using soap and water.

Apparently, the industry was unable to prove that antibacterial soap is safe or provides a public benefit that outweighs the potential risk of exposure of the chemicals used in the product.

At the time of the Smithsonian Magazine article, triclosan (with is banned as part of the FDA’s sweeping decision on antibacterial soap) was used in roughly 30 percent of all bar soap and 75 percent of liquid antibacterial soap. In 2014, the antibacterial soap industry, now banned by the FDA, was worth about $1 billion.

In 2014, the antibacterial soap industry was put on notice by the FDA. They were told to prove the safety of their product by 2016 or see their product banned. Despite the fact that manufacturers had turned antibacterial soap into a $1 billion industry and were given two years, they chose not to put together the required proof that they were selling a product that is safe and effective.

And plenty of people are speculating that the reason that the antibacterial soap industry didn’t prove to the FDA that their product is safe is that they know that it isn’t.

Related: An Invisible Form Of Oppression: Our Food System

But rather than simply removing it from the market themselves (or demonstrate its safety), the antibacterial soap industry continued to use the questionable chemicals and sell personal hygiene products that may not be safe until the FDA announced that the products were banned.

Even now, antibacterial soap can be legally sold, despite questions about its safety.

In the aftermath of the announcement that the FDA had banned antibacterial soap, public health professionals have overwhelmingly supported the decision, adding that the chemicals in antibacterial soap can alter the hormones of children and even contribute to the problem of antibiotic-resistant superbugs.

“It has boggled my mind why we were clinging to these compounds, and now that they are gone I feel liberated They had absolutely no benefit but we kept them buzzing around us everywhere. They are in breast milk, in urine, in blood, in babies just born, in dust, in water.”

Recent studies into the chemicals found in antibacterial soap products have resulted in some very disturbing discoveries regarding the harm they can do to animals and likely to humans, too.

Among the problems caused by the now-banned products include severe abnormalities having to do with metabolism and reproduction. According to the CDC, the chemicals found in FDA banned antibacterial soap have been found in the bodily waste of 75 percent of U.S. residents.

Related: Why Touching Receipts Can Harm Your Health

Kinder and Lindt Chocolate Bars Revealed to Contain Cancer-Causing Carcinogens

Tests carried out by a German watchdog revealed Kinder chocolate bars and two other brands tested positive for a hazardous cancer-causing substance.


Foodwatch called for Ferrero's Kinder Riegel, Lindt's Fioretto Nougat Minis, and Sun Rice Classic Schokohappen by Rübezahl to be taken off the shelves on Monday after tests found "possible carcinogens."

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The sweet treats had been contaminated with "so-called aromatic mineral oils (MOAH)," says Foodwatch, but the manufacturers are allegedly reluctant to recall their products.

"The manufacturer is guilty of gross negligence. Instead of clearing the dangerous candy from the shelves and alerting consumers, they [postulate]... that everything was undertaken legally," said Foodwatch's John Heeg.

Foodwatch tested more than 20 different kinds of potato chips and chocolate snacks and found saturated mineral oils (MOSH) which it warned can "accumulate in the human body and [cause] long term damage to organs" with children particularly at risk.

"There is no acceptable levels of mineral oils in food for consumption," Heeg told the German edition of The Local, citing the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) who he says considers MOAHs "likely carcinogenic and mutagenic."

"You can't see it, you can't taste it, but it's in there," warned Hegg. "We recommend not purchasing these products because the levels are simply unacceptable for consumption."

Kinder Riegel, "one of the best-selling chocolate bars in Germany," had the worst MOSH and MOAH values. The chemicals are usually transferred to foods through recycled packaging that previously had been printed with inks which may contain oils.

Foodwatch is calling for strict limits on saturated mineral oils (MOSH) in food and a zero tolerance for aromatic mineral oils (MOAH).

Brain Damaging Heavy Metal Mercury Found in Grocery Products Made With High Fructose Corn Syrup (HFCS)

HFCS is ubiquitous in the modern processed food supply. It's added to pizza sauce, salad dressings, ketchup and "whole wheat" breads. Did you know it's often contaminated with the toxic heavy metal mercury?

The following excerpt is from my new book Food Forensics, available now for preorder on Amazon.com or Barnes & Noble.

Related: Newly Published Retrospective Study Nails Aluminum In Vaccines As Unsafe + Mercury In Vaccines May Be Up To 50 Times More Toxic To The Brain Than Mercury In Fish

Watch the video trailer for Food Forensics at this link. What follows is extracted from a near-final manuscript of the book:

HFCS and Mercury Contamination

High-fructose corn syrup (HFCS) is a highly processed sweetener made primarily from corn and found in a plethora of food and beverages on grocery store shelves.

The U.S. Department of Agriculture's Economic Research Service estimated in 2011 that the average consumer per capita consumes nearly 42 pounds of high fructose corn syrup per year. Not one, but two studies in 2009 found that HFCS commercially produced in America and American-bought HFCS products were tainted with mercury.

The first study published in the peer-reviewed journal Environmental Health found that, of twenty samples collected and analyzed from three different manufacturers, nine, or 45 percent, came back tainted with mercury.

Related: GE Food Venture: Chronically Dependent On Deception

The second study by watchdog group Institute for Agriculture and Trade Policy (IATP) purchased fifty-five food items from popular brands off grocery store shelves in the fall of 2008 -- items in which HFCS was the first or second principal ingredient -- and detected mercury in nearly a third of them.

The contamination may have been due to the fact that mercury cells are still used in the production of caustic soda, an ingredient used to make HFCS.

The HFCS mercury plot thickens, however. Online news outlet Grist reported that the lead researcher in the Environmental Health study, Renee Dufault, previously worked as an FDA researcher.

Dufault had apparently turned over the information contained in her HFCS mercury study to the agency back in 2005, but the FDA reportedly sat on it and did nothing, so Dufault went public with it after she retired in 2008.

How Big Food Cornered the Market with a Liquid Sweetener

Initial attempts to get corn syrup widely dispersed into the U.S. food supply in the 1970s didn't really take off because sugar was so cheap and abundant at the time. However, this changed, as U.S.- imposed tariffs decreased sugar imports throughout the 1970s and early 1980s, making sugar significantly more expensive in America than in other parts of the world.

The surface explanation for these tariffs was to protect American sugar farmers; behind the scenes, however, Big Agra interests had lobbied for the policy to promote what would become a new source of sugar - derived from corn - which soon emerged as a popular commodity that was sold at a price significantly cheaper than cane sugar or beet sugar.

Archer Daniels Midland opened the first large-scale plant in 1978 (before they acquired the Clinton Corn Processing Company) to produce 90 percent HFCS and 55 percent HFCS. By January 1980, Coca-Cola began allowing high fructose corn syrup to be used as a sweetener at 50 percent levels with regular sugar; Pepsi Cola followed suit by 1983.

By November 1984, both major soft drink brands had approved full sweetening with HFCS, and HFCS quickly captured 42 percent of the sweetener market. The rising dominance of HFCS allowed it to maintain commercial prices similar to sugar until the 1990s.

Government Money Subsidizing Corn Syrup

For the past several decades, the U.S. government has paid subsidies to American farmers to grow tons of corn (much of which -- nearly 90 percent -- is genetically modified) and shifted domestic agricultural policy to maximize corn crops. This made high-fructose corn syrup and other corn-derived processed ingredients much cheaper for industrial food manufacturers to use.

Today, HFCS is nearly ubiquitous on American grocery store shelves. It can be found in a wide range of items, including candy, ice cream, bread, chips, snacks, soups, soft drinks, fruit drinks and other beverages, condiments, jellies, deli meats, and much, much more.

Overall, Americans consume about fifty to sixty pounds of high fructose corn syrup per capita – an insane amount. HFCS has been linked in scientific research to obesity, diabetes, heart disease, fatty liver and other contributors of bad health and early death.

As the biggest dietary source of fructose, HFCS also promotes insulin resistance and increasing uric acid levels, which contribute to metabolic dysfunction and type 2 diabetes. Further, researchers in 2008 found a correlation between high fructose consumption and liver scarring in non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD), which is present in nearly a third of American adults.

Corn Refiners Association Attempts to Hoodwink Consumers

On top of lobbying efforts, the Corn Refiners Association, an industry organization of which Archer Daniels Midland a is a key member, launched the website sweetsurprise.com as a media relations ploy to debunk "myths" about HFCS and clarify "The Facts about High Fructose Corn Syrup."

It also ran well-funded TV advertising starting in 2008 sticking up for the industry's favorite sweetener and asserting that "sugar is sugar," which prompted a lawsuit by sugar producers claiming false advertising in 2011. The FDA also demanded the corn industry stop using the term "corn sugar" without approval.

In 2012, the FDA rejected a petition filed by the Corn Refiners Association in 2010 to change the name of high-fructose corn syrup to "corn sugar" for the purposes of food labeling and advertising. The Corn Refiners Association claims that it wanted the name change to "educate consumers," the majority of whom are "confused about HFCS."

To keep reading, get my new book Food Forensics, available now for pre-order everywhere books are sold.

How Sucralose (Splenda) Affects Health [Artificial Sweeteners in General]

The emergence of sucralose came from the fight against obesity, but did we trade one problem for another?

This video was originally published on NutritionFacts.org and republished with permission.

In the United States, sucralose (the sweet tasting chemical in Splenda brand artificial sweeteners) was approved for use by the FDA in 1998. It was deemed safe, but we no have over a decade’s worth of research to prove that sucralose affects health in a very negative and very unique way.

The only effect they thought it would have on health was that it could potentially trigger migraines in a small percentage of people.

This, they decided, was a small enough issue that the FDA allowed the substance into the marketplace, citing obesity as a more pressing issue. They could not have been more wrong.

One of the major complications that can come from obesity is diabetes, where the body no longer responds to insulin properly. Originally meant to combat issues like obesity-caused diabetes, lab tests show that insulin resistance increases by as much as 20% after ingesting the sugar substitute.

Related: Here’s How Industry-Funded “Research” Is Making Us Sick And Fat + Like Tobacco And Big Pharma, The Sugar Industry Has Manipulated Research For 50 Years

The cause can be traced back to gut bacteria and how sucralose and other artificial sweeteners can alter their environments. For example; Aspartame is another type of artificial sweetener which studies have shown is metabolized in the body as formaldehydea known carcinogen.

Furthermore, alterations in gut bacteria are also very likely the culprit behind the rise in inflammatory bowel diseases like Crohn’s disease.

In every part of the world where sucralose has been approved, inflammatory bowel disease has increased. Clearly, there is a causal link between this substance and the health of our gut.

Though the alternative to sugar was created in an effort to combat obesity, with all of the complications and damage it can cause, it’s clear that how sucralose affects health – negatively. This just further proves that we can all do ourselves a service by sticking to natural foods whose benefits don’t have to be decided on by a committee.

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Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi
How To Become Immune To Mind Control | How TV Affects Your Brain Chemistry For The Worse
December 22 2021 | From: StillnessInTheStorm / Various

Television has been used as a medium for dispensing news, entertainment and information for over 90 years at this point.

The effects of this nearly pandemic device are little acknowledge by mainstream society, but within a growing population of inquisitive individuals the mind altering attributes of this seemingly benign device are well understood. 

Related: The New Mind Control: “Subliminal Stimulation”; Controlling People Without Their Knowledge

They call it tell-a-vision for a reason, because our minds at a certain level of consciousness, are unable to distinguish between the images on screen and reality itself. Additionally the unconscious mind becomes stimulated via focused attention on the items presented, generating a wealth of internal insights, ideas, and concepts.

Related: Government Accidentally Sends Files On “Remote Mind Control” To Journalist

If these are left unprocessed, if we do not analyze the internal generated products as a result of watching TV, they settle into our being, altering our perception and distorting our values.

And so, TV, like all things can be a powerful tool for expanding consciousness or it can create chaos and strife if the powers of our discernment are never used. 

The All Seeing Attributes of the Unconscious Mind

In the below linked article on A.I. Robots, we discuss mirror neuron's and how they suggest a biological component to empathy; the basis of morality. This part of the brain receives information as if observed events are happening to us directly, in other words we are hard wired for empathy.

Related: Colonizing The Western Mind

The unconscious mind is hardwired to receive all information from within and without, storing it as memories that alter our conscious mind's processes.

In other words there is an aspect of us that is literally all seeing, which provides us a wealth of data that can be consciously analyzed and distilled, eventually allowing us to gain knowledge of all things in our experience; if we but do the inner work of philosophy, contemplation and discernment. 

Here is an excerpt from the article:

“Enter the AI drone or soldier debate. The military industrial complex has long desired a highly obedient yet adaptable soldier, able to execute commands without question and anticipate needs so as to change tactics of battle real time.

Human beings are programable, but human nature allows us to change, providing an unending source of risk and error for military activities.

For example, in the Civil War, 50% of soldiers froze when aiming at a living target, and in some cases instinctually missed. This was despite standard training and practice shooting. What was the problem? - empathy.  

"Lt. Col. Dave Grossman, a psychologist and professor of military science, looked at this evidence and concluded “that there is within most men an intense resistance to killing their fellow man. A resistance so strong that, in many circumstances, soldiers on the battlefield will die before they can overcome it.”

In some ways this isn’t all that surprising. Very few people would seek out an opportunity to kill others. At the same time, you may find it hard to believe that it is sometimes impossible for soldiers to kill others even when their own lives are at risk."
The Psychology of Killing and the Origins of War 

Empathy is 'hardwired' into living organisms, with increasing levels of actualization in higher order life. Modern science has acknowledged this in discovering the so called mirror neurons, which fires when an action is taken by an organism or when it is observed.

This is why when we watch another getting hurt we react as if we have been hurt. This subconscious and unavoidable process is the foundation for empathy processing, which concordantly is the basis for morality."

The brain is profoundly affected by what we experience, even if it comes from TV. As the below article discusses, the brainwave patterns of movie goers actually synchronizes from the hypnotic effects of watching images and sound on film. 

Related: TV Side Effects | 12 Little-Known Ways That Television Stifles Spiritual Awakening [and the Mind]

Does this mean all video, film and movies are bad?

Related: NY Times Reporter Found Murdered After Exposing MKUltra?

In my view, the programing of one's mind using TV is due to lack of conscious processing. Often the worldviews, ideals and opinions offered are not questioned or contemplated, we do not engage in philosophy as a civilization any longer; thats what TV is for!

This also applies to any other source of information, such as school, literature, advertising and even mild conversation.

Anytime an idea enters the mind and it is not contemplated and reconciled with our knowledge base, it settles into the unconscious as is

The Technique For Dispelling Suggestion and Mind Control

The mind has two primary modes of expression, conscious thought and unconscious absorption. The conscious mind is where two or more ideas can be compared, revealing patterns and inconsistencies.

The unconscious mind is a powerful observer, able to receive and store all information streaming in as insight and intuition (random thoughts), and without as sensory data.

Science has proven that even though we may not notice something consciously, the unconscious mind does, settling into the total consciousness; effecting our behavior. 

Brainwashed: The Goal Of The Media Is To Poison The Minds Of The Masses With Toxic Hatred And Engineered “Thought Loops”

Therefore, the key to undoing any form of mind control (unconsciously accepted suggestions) is through the conscious mind. Essentially a subliminal suggestion is an illusion or magic trick, it only fools us into thinking it's real so long as we never investigate it.

But once we know how the trick is done, we see the whole truth more clearly, and now we are conscious of the subtle suggestion, able to dismiss it with ease.

Ignorance is the foundation upon which all forms of mind control and subtle suggestion work, therefore dispelling it with knowledge - the conscious act of seeking the truth - is the primary tool for gaining freedom.

In my own experience, after researching these topics in earnest over the past five years, it is now clear how many suggestions are spread liberally into almost all media. For example, often in police dramas the cops show up at the door of a suspect or witness needing to conduct a search or look for someone inside.

When answering the door, rarely if ever do the police have a warrant. The person answering the door usually just lets the police in without a word of question; never asking to see a warrant.

This fictional story sends a subtle suggestion to the watcher, that most people don't ask for warrants.

Related: Television Mind Control Exposed

And since the vast majority of people base their behavior on what everyone else does, they are effectively being programed to never ask for a warrant. Even if they do have the notion to ask for one, the social pressure from this suggestion will require a major act of will to overcome. 

But all of this can only work on an unconscious mind; an unawake person. Once the sleeper has awakened, and we begin to consciously investigate the mind control all around us, it becomes very easy to spot subliminal suggestion when encountered.

Just like it can become easy to tell when someone is lying to us after we've passed through the initiative experience of being lied to, in this way, the efforts of our would-be masters to control the masses actually provides us with the information we need to become immune to such forms of control. 

Related: Orwell’s Dystopian CCTV Surveillance State Comes To Life In China – Who’s Next?

The solution to external control, therefore, is to become conscious, awaken and active. To use the power of philosophy - the exploration of meanings, to analyze and discern the suggestions constantly pouring into our minds.

A deception, illusion or fraud, once recognized, is forever dissolved by the now wise and discerning mind.

And these skills of self mastery and sovereignty can now be shared with others. In essence each of us who accepts the mission of facing these forms of control, can now become a force to counter them, an epicenter of awakened and active consciousness. 

Related: Corporate Mass Media Controls Your Mind

In my view, reviewing mainstream TV, especially news, is an essential part of training discernment and strengthening mental discipline. We can literally watch TV looking for suggestions. Try doing this with scenes in your favorite show, attempt to observe the events of the story and what they are implying about the characters in it.

Often there are flagrant examples of suggestion such as symbols or words flashed on the screen at a point in the story that when put together creates a subtle suggestion.

In any popular TV series or film there are many layers of suggestion to discover and gain mastery over by exercising these skills of internal discernment. 

One final point on TV is the actual technology used. In our modern age Cathode Ray Tube televisions have been almost completely phased out. These devices produce an extremely intense electromagnetic field that disrupts the bodies delicate organic field.

Related: Deep State? What About Elite Television News Anchors?

These fields govern a huge amount of processes within our bodies and minds. It has been demonstrated that the minds ability to create a stable image or thought is significantly reduced after exposure to older TV's. But this effect also happens when viewing any imagery for prolonged periods of time, without also exercising the imagination using discernment. 

Imagination Is Essential

It is during philosophy, contemplation, investigation, insight and meditation that these innate imaginative powers are exercised and honed.

The imagination is an essential aspect of our beingness, the foundation of holistic intelligence, balanced emotional states and even psi-abilities.

Any adverse affects of TV on the mind, by way of implantation of thought forms, belief systems and values, can be almost totally reversed by a dedicated and active process of mental activity. 

Related: Study Shows Kids Are Born Creative Geniuses But The Education System Destroys Imagination

We must think about what we're watching, sift through meanings and reveal insights, develop an appreciation for symbolism and the power of consciousness to explore ideas.

In this way TV becomes a powerful tool for expanding consciousness, so long as we learn to use the discerning powers of the mind and healing energy of the heart. 

As I often like to say: "learn to use your mind, or someone else will."

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The Federal Reserve Cartel: The Eight Families + 7 Not-So-Secret Homes Of Super Secret Societies
December 21 2021 | From: GlobalResearch / AtlasObscura

The Four Horsemen of Banking (Bank of America, JP Morgan Chase, Citigroup and Wells Fargo) own the Four Horsemen of Oil (Exxon Mobil, Royal Dutch/Shell, BP and Chevron Texaco); in tandem with Deutsche Bank, BNP, Barclays and other European old money behemoths. But their monopoly over the global economy does not end at the edge of the oil patch.

According to company 10K filings to the SEC, the Four Horsemen of Banking are among the top ten stock holders of virtually every Fortune 500 corporation.

Related: Central Banking and The Federal Reserve System

So who then are the stockholders in these money center banks?

This information is guarded much more closely. My queries to bank regulatory agencies regarding stock ownership in the top 25 US bank holding companies were given Freedom of Information Act status, before being denied on “national security” grounds. This is rather ironic, since many of the bank’s stockholders reside in Europe.

One important repository for the wealth of the global oligarchy that owns these bank holding companies is US Trust Corporation – founded in 1853 and now owned by Bank of America.

A recent US Trust Corporate Director and Honorary Trustee was Walter Rothschild. Other directors included Daniel Davison of JP Morgan Chase, Richard Tucker of Exxon Mobil, Daniel Roberts of Citigroup and Marshall Schwartz of Morgan Stanley.

J. W. McCallister, an oil industry insider with House of Saud connections, wrote in The Grim Reaper that information he acquired from Saudi bankers cited 80% ownership of the New York Federal Reserve Bank- by far the most powerful Fed branch - by just eight families, four of which reside in the US.

Related: The House of Rothschild

Jacob Rothschild and David Rockefeller kicking it

They are the Goldman Sachs, Rockefellers, Lehmans and Kuhn Loebs of New York; the Rothschilds of Paris and London; the Warburgs of Hamburg; the Lazards of Paris; and the Israel Moses Seifs of Rome.

CPA Thomas D. Schauf corroborates McCallister’s claims, adding that ten banks control all twelve Federal Reserve Bank branches.

He names N.M. Rothschild of London, Rothschild Bank of Berlin, Warburg Bank of Hamburg, Warburg Bank of Amsterdam, Lehman Brothers of New York, Lazard Brothers of Paris, Kuhn Loeb Bank of New York, Israel Moses Seif Bank of Italy, Goldman Sachs of New York and JP Morgan Chase Bank of New York.

Schauf lists William Rockefeller, Paul Warburg, Jacob Schiff and James Stillman as individuals who own large shares of the Fed. The Schiffs are insiders at Kuhn Loeb. The Stillmans are Citigroup insiders, who married into the Rockefeller clan at the turn of the century.

The Federal Reserve Board 1913

Eustace Mullins came to the same conclusions in his book The Secrets of the Federal Reserve, in which he displays charts connecting the Fed and its member banks to the families of Rothschild, Warburg, Rockefeller and the others.

The control that these banking families exert over the global economy cannot be overstated and is quite intentionally shrouded in secrecy. Their corporate media arm is quick to discredit any information exposing this private central banking cartel as “conspiracy theory”. Yet the facts remain.

The House of Morgan

The Federal Reserve Bank was born in 1913, the same year US banking scion J. Pierpont Morgan died and the Rockefeller Foundation was formed. The House of Morgan presided over American finance from the corner of Wall Street and Broad, acting as quasi-US central bank since 1838, when George Peabody founded it in London.

J.P. Morgan

Peabody was a business associate of the Rothschilds. In 1952 Fed researcher Eustace Mullins put forth the supposition that the Morgans were nothing more than Rothschild agents. Mullins wrote that the Rothschilds;

“…preferred to operate anonymously in the US behind the facade of J.P. Morgan & Company”.

Author Gabriel Kolko stated; “Morgan’s activities in 1895-1896 in selling US gold bonds in Europe were based on an alliance with the House of Rothschild.”

The Morgan financial octopus wrapped its tentacles quickly around the globe. Morgan Grenfell operated in London. Morgan et Ce ruled Paris. The Rothschild’s Lambert cousins set up Drexel & Company in Philadelphia.

The House of Morgan catered to the Astors, DuPonts, Guggenheims, Vanderbilts and Rockefellers. It financed the launch of AT&T, General Motors, General Electric and DuPont. Like the London-based Rothschild and Barings banks, Morgan became part of the power structure in many countries.

By 1890 the House of Morgan was lending to Egypt’s central bank, financing Russian railroads, floating Brazilian provincial government bonds and funding Argentine public works projects. A recession in 1893 enhanced Morgan’s power. That year Morgan saved the US government from a bank panic, forming a syndicate to prop up government reserves with a shipment of $62 million worth of Rothschild gold.

It's a little known fact the the Monopoly man was based on J.P. Morgan

Morgan was the driving force behind Western expansion in the US, financing and controlling West-bound railroads through voting trusts. In 1879 Cornelius Vanderbilt’s Morgan-financed New York Central Railroad gave preferential shipping rates to John D. Rockefeller’s budding Standard Oil monopoly, cementing the Rockefeller/Morgan relationship.

The House of Morgan now fell under Rothschild and Rockefeller family control. A New York Herald headline read, “Railroad Kings Form Gigantic Trust”. J. Pierpont Morgan, who once stated;

“Competition is a sin”, now opined gleefully, “Think of it. All competing railroad traffic west of St. Louis placed in the control of about thirty men."

Morgan and Edward Harriman’s banker Kuhn Loeb held a monopoly over the railroads, while banking dynasties Lehman, Goldman Sachs and Lazard joined the Rockefellers in controlling the US industrial base.

In 1903 Banker’s Trust was set up by the Eight Families. Benjamin Strong of Banker’s Trust was the first Governor of the New York Federal Reserve Bank.

The 1913 creation of the Fed fused the power of the Eight Families to the military and diplomatic might of the US government. If their overseas loans went unpaid, the oligarchs could now deploy US Marines to collect the debts. Morgan, Chase and Citibank formed an international lending syndicate.

The House of Morgan was cozy with the British House of Windsor and the Italian House of Savoy. The Kuhn Loebs, Warburgs, Lehmans, Lazards, Israel Moses Seifs and Goldman Sachs also had close ties to European royalty. By 1895 Morgan controlled the flow of gold in and out of the US.

The first American wave of mergers was in its infancy and was being promoted by the bankers. In 1897 there were sixty-nine industrial mergers. By 1899 there were twelve-hundred. In 1904 John Moody – founder of Moody’s Investor Services – said it was impossible to talk of Rockefeller and Morgan interests as separate.

Public distrust of the combine spread. Many considered them traitors working for European old money. Rockefeller’s Standard Oil, Andrew Carnegie’s US Steel and Edward Harriman’s railroads were all financed by banker Jacob Schiff at Kuhn Loeb, who worked closely with the European Rothschilds.

Several Western states banned the bankers. Populist preacher William Jennings Bryan was thrice the Democratic nominee for President from 1896 -1908. The central theme of his anti-imperialist campaign was that America was falling into a trap of “financial servitude to British capital”.

Teddy Roosevelt defeated Bryan in 1908, but was forced by this spreading populist wildfire to enact the Sherman Anti-Trust Act. He then went after the Standard Oil Trust.

In 1912 the Pujo hearings were held, addressing concentration of power on Wall Street. That same year Mrs. Edward Harriman sold her substantial shares in New York’s Guaranty Trust Bank to J.P. Morgan, creating Morgan Guaranty Trust. Judge Louis Brandeis convinced President Woodrow Wilson to call for an end to interlocking board directorates. In 1914 the Clayton Anti-Trust Act was passed.

Jack Morgan – J. Pierpont’s son and successor – responded by calling on Morgan clients Remington and Winchester to increase arms production. He argued that the US needed to enter WWI. Goaded by the Carnegie Foundation and other oligarchy fronts, Wilson accommodated.

As Charles Tansill wrote in America Goes to War;

“Even before the clash of arms, the French firm of Rothschild Freres cabled to Morgan & Company in New York suggesting the flotation of a loan of $100 million, a substantial part of which was to be left in the US to pay for French purchases of American goods.”

The House of Morgan financed half the US war effort, while receiving commissions for lining up contractors like GE, Du Pont, US Steel, Kennecott and ASARCO. All were Morgan clients.

Related: The Teflon Toxin - DuPont And The Chemistry Of Deception

Morgan also financed the British Boer War in South Africa and the Franco-Prussian War. The 1919 Paris Peace Conference was presided over by Morgan, which led both German and Allied reconstruction efforts.

In the 1930’s populism resurfaced in America after Goldman Sachs, Lehman Bank and others profited from the Crash of 1929. House Banking Committee Chairman Louis McFadden (D-NY) said of the Great Depression;,

“It was no accident. It was a carefully contrived occurrence…The international bankers sought to bring about a condition of despair here so they might emerge as rulers of us all”.

Sen. Gerald Nye (D-ND) chaired a munitions investigation in 1936. Nye concluded that the House of Morgan had plunged the US into WWI to protect loans and create a booming arms industry. Nye later produced a document titled The Next War, which cynically referred to “the old goddess of democracy trick”, through which Japan could be used to lure the US into WWII.

In 1937 Interior Secretary Harold Ickes warned of the influence of “America’s 60 Families”. Historian Ferdinand Lundberg later penned a book of the exact same title. Supreme Court Justice William O. Douglas decried;

“Morgan influence…the most pernicious one in industry and finance today.”

Related: America's 60 Families

Jack Morgan responded by nudging the US towards WWII. Morgan had close relations with the Iwasaki and Dan families – Japan’s two wealthiest clans – who have owned Mitsubishi and Mitsui, respectively, since the companies emerged from 17th Century shogunates.

When Japan invaded Manchuria, slaughtering Chinese peasants at Nanking, Morgan downplayed the incident. Morgan also had close relations with Italian fascist Benito Mussolini, while German Nazi Dr. Hjalmer Schacht was a Morgan Bank liaison during WWII. After the war Morgan representatives met with Schacht at the Bank of International Settlements (BIS) in Basel, Switzerland.

The House of Rockefeller

BIS is the most powerful bank in the world, a global central bank for the Eight Families who control the private central banks of almost all Western and developing nations. The first President of BIS was Rockefeller banker Gates McGarrah - an official at Chase Manhattan and the Federal Reserve.

McGarrah was the grandfather of former CIA director Richard Helms. The Rockefellers - like the Morgans - had close ties to London. David Icke writes in Children of the Matrix, that the Rockefellers and Morgans were just “gofers” for the European Rothschilds.

John D. Rockefeller

Related: How Rockefeller Founded Big Pharma And Waged War On Natural Cures

BIS is owned by the Federal Reserve, Bank of England, Bank of Italy, Bank of Canada, Swiss National Bank, Nederlandsche Bank, Bundesbank and Bank of France.

Historian Carroll Quigley wrote in his epic book Tragedy and Hope that BIS was part of a plan;

“to create a world system of financial control in private hands able to dominate the political system of each country and the economy of the world as a whole…to be controlled in a feudalistic fashion by the central banks of the world acting in concert by secret agreements.”

The US government had a historical distrust of BIS, lobbying unsuccessfully for its demise at the 1944 post-WWII Bretton Woods Conference. Instead the Eight Families’ power was exacerbated, with the Bretton Woods creation of the IMF and the World Bank. The US Federal Reserve only took shares in BIS in September 1994.

BIS holds at least 10% of monetary reserves for at least 80 of the world’s central banks, the IMF and other multilateral institutions. It serves as financial agent for international agreements, collects information on the global economy and serves as lender of last resort to prevent global financial collapse.

BIS promotes an agenda of monopoly capitalist fascism. It gave a bridge loan to Hungary in the 1990’s to ensure privatization of that country’s economy. It served as conduit for Eight Families funding of Adolf Hitler- led by the Warburg’s J. Henry Schroeder and Mendelsohn Bank of Amsterdam. Many researchers assert that BIS is at the nadir of global drug money laundering.

The Bank for International Settlements is the Mac Daddy at the top of the Worldwide Reserve Banking System, not just the US Federal Reserve

Related: Meet The Secretive Group That Runs The World: The Bank For International Settlements

It is no coincidence that BIS is headquartered in Switzerland, favorite hiding place for the wealth of the global aristocracy and headquarters for the P-2 Italian Freemason’s Alpina Lodge and Nazi International. Other institutions which the Eight Families control include the World Economic Forum, the International Monetary Conference and the World Trade Organization.

Bretton Woods was a boon to the Eight Families. The IMF and World Bank were central to this “new world order”. In 1944 the first World Bank bonds were floated by Morgan Stanley and First Boston.

The French Lazard family became more involved in House of Morgan interests. Lazard Freres - France’s biggest investment bank- is owned by the Lazard and David-Weill families - old Genoese banking scions represented by Michelle Davive. A recent Chairman and CEO of Citigroup was Sanford Weill.

In 1968 Morgan Guaranty launched Euro-Clear, a Brussels-based bank clearing system for Eurodollar securities. It was the first such automated endeavor. Some took to calling Euro-Clear “The Beast”. Brussels serves as headquarters for the new European Central Bank and for NATO.

In 1973 Morgan officials met secretly in Bermuda to illegally resurrect the old House of Morgan, twenty years before Glass Steagal Act was repealed. Morgan and the Rockefellers provided the financial backing for Merrill Lynch, boosting it into the Big 5 of US investment banking. Merrill is now part of Bank of America.

John D. Rockefeller used his oil wealth to acquire Equitable Trust, which had gobbled up several large banks and corporations by the 1920’s.

The Great Depression helped consolidate Rockefeller’s power. His Chase Bank merged with Kuhn Loeb’s Manhattan Bank to form Chase Manhattan, cementing a long-time family relationship.

The Kuhn-Loeb’s had financed – along with Rothschilds – Rockefeller’s quest to become king of the oil patch. National City Bank of Cleveland provided John D. with the money needed to embark upon his monopolization of the US oil industry.

The bank was identified in Congressional hearings as being one of three Rothschild-owned banks in the US during the 1870’s, when Rockefeller first incorporated as Standard Oil of Ohio.

Related: When The Rockefeller Trilateral Commission Exposed Its Own Secret

One Rockefeller Standard Oil partner was Edward Harkness, whose family came to control Chemical Bank. Another was James Stillman, whose family controlled Manufacturers Hanover Trust.

Both banks have merged under the JP Morgan Chase umbrella. Two of James Stillman’s daughters married two of William Rockefeller’s sons. The two families control a big chunk of Citigroup as well.

In the insurance business, the Rockefellers control Metropolitan Life, Equitable Life, Prudential and New York Life. Rockefeller banks control 25% of all assets of the 50 largest US commercial banks and 30% of all assets of the 50 largest insurance companies.

Insurance companies - the first in the US was launched by Freemasons through their Woodman’s of America - play a key role in the Bermuda drug money shuffle.

Companies under Rockefeller control include Exxon Mobil, Chevron Texaco, BP Amoco, Marathon Oil, Freeport McMoran, Quaker Oats, ASARCO, United, Delta, Northwest, ITT, International Harvester, Xerox, Boeing, Westinghouse, Hewlett-Packard, Honeywell, International Paper, Pfizer, Motorola, Monsanto, Union Carbide and General Foods.

The Rockefeller Foundation has close financial ties to both Ford and Carnegie Foundations. Other family philanthropic endeavors include Rockefeller Brothers Fund, Rockefeller Institute for Medical Research, General Education Board, Rockefeller University and the University of Chicago - which churns out a steady stream of far right economists as apologists for international capital, including Milton Friedman.

The family owns 30 Rockefeller Plaza, where the national Christmas tree is lighted every year, and Rockefeller Center.

David Rockefeller was instrumental in the construction of the World Trade Center towers. The main Rockefeller family home is a hulking complex in upstate New York known as Pocantico Hills.

They also own a 32-room 5th Avenue duplex in Manhattan, a mansion in Washington, DC, Monte Sacro Ranch in Venezuela, coffee plantations in Ecuador, several farms in Brazil, an estate at Seal Harbor, Maine and resorts in the Caribbean, Hawaii and Puerto Rico.

Allen Dulles

The Dulles and Rockefeller families are cousins. Allen Dulles created the CIA, assisted the Nazis, covered up the Kennedy hit from his Warren Commission perch and struck a deal with the Muslim Brotherhood to create mind-controlled assassins.

Brother John Foster Dulles presided over the phony Goldman Sachs trusts before the 1929 stock market crash and helped his brother overthrow governments in Iran and Guatemala.

Both were Skull & Bones, Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) insiders and 33rd Degree Masons.

The Rockefellers were instrumental in forming the depopulation-oriented Club of Rome at their family estate in Bellagio, Italy.

Their Pocantico Hills estate gave birth to the Trilateral Commission. The family is a major funder of the eugenics movement which spawned Hitler, human cloning and the current DNA obsession in US scientific circles.

John Rockefeller Jr. headed the Population Council until his death. His namesake son is a Senator from West Virginia. Brother Winthrop Rockefeller was Lieutenant Governor of Arkansas and remains the most powerful man in that state.

In an October 1975 interview with Playboy magazine, Vice-President Nelson Rockefeller- who was also Governor of New York- articulated his family’s patronizing worldview;

“I am a great believer in planning- economic, social, political, military, total world planning.”

But of all the Rockefeller brothers, it is Trilateral Commission (TC) founder and Chase Manhattan Chairman David who has spearheaded the family’s fascist agenda on a global scale. He defended the Shah of Iran, the South African apartheid regime and the Chilean Pinochet junta.

He was the biggest financier of the CFR, the TC and (during the Vietnam War) the Committee for an Effective and Durable Peace in Asia- a contract bonanza for those who made their living off the conflict.

Nixon asked him to be Secretary of Treasury, but Rockefeller declined the job, knowing his power was much greater at the helm of the Chase. Author Gary Allen writes in The Rockefeller File that in 1973;

“David Rockefeller met with twenty-seven heads of state, including the rulers of Russia and Red China.”

Following the 1975 Nugan Hand Bank/CIA coup against Australian Prime Minister Gough Whitlam, his British Crown-appointed successor Malcolm Fraser sped to the US, where he met with President Gerald Ford after conferring with David Rockefeller.

7 Not-So-Secret Homes Of Secret Societies

In clandestine corners of the world, the elite come together in secrecy. Some of them don’t mind that we know of these society meetings, while others maintain that they do not organize at all.

Illustration by Miss Alice Heighes Donlevy of the "Secret Society Buildings of New Haven," with the former Skull & Bones headquarters at left center (circa 1869-1903)

Yet doormen speak to their friends, initiation rites are leaked, people peek in windows, chanting in far underground lairs can be heard by a passerby. Conspiracy theorists have long held that someone, and not the Fates, is manipulating our world, and perhaps in these secret societies the strings are being pulled.

Related: We Are Surrounded By Masonic Symbols: How Modern Logos Are Linked To Secret Societies

Here is a list of seven groups so secret some members will never admit to their involvement, and their meeting places hiding in plain sight.

Skull and Bones Tomb

New Haven, Connecticut

The Tomb

Ivy league Yale University is considered to be one of the most selective higher educational institutions in the United States, if not the world. Its motto lux et veritas translates to "light and truth." On the historic campus in New Haven, Connecticut, there is a building where "light and truth" are reserved for carefully selected members and alumni.

What is known about the Skull and Bones secret society is minimal. The organization started in 1832. An official roster of its members was published up until 1971. Bonesmen, as members are called, have been heads of corporations, senior government officials, Supreme Court justices, and even presidents.

Theories about what the Skull and Bones actually do range from its members controlling the Central Intelligence Agency, being a part of a global network aimed at world domination, to being a branch of the Illuminati.

Related: The Order / Skull and Bones / Chapter 322

It’s also unknown exactly what happens in The Tomb, the group's headquarters, but there are strange rumors of what is contained in the windowless sandstone building. The Egypto-Doric style of the structure makes it appear as an immense sepulcher.

The tomb is thought to hold secret documents containing the roster of all members, ritual details, as well as multiple stolen relics. Some of the bones rumored to be in The Tomb include the skulls of Geronimo, Pancho Villa, Martin Van Buren, and the gravestone of Elihu Yale, the school's founder. Bonesmen are also known to take other societies' belongings in a show of thievery and cunning known as crooking.

Bilderberg Club: Hotel de Bilderberg

Oosterbeek, Netherlands (note that this is not the office of the organisation, but the place of it's inaugural meeting).

Hotel de Bilderberg

Related: Bilderberg On Steroids - Meet The Secret CIA-Funded Group Behind The ‘War On Terror’

In November of 1954, 50 delegates from 11 countries in Western Europe and 11 Americans spent three days in Oosterbeek, Netherlands, at the Hotel de Bilderberg.

The purpose of the meeting was said to foster conversations between Europe and North America. Those in attendance included a prince, a prime minster, and the head of the CIA. Since that meeting, each year a group of international leaders in the fields of politics, business, media, and communications have met to discuss… we’re not exactly sure.

There is no agenda, no resolutions are proposed, no voting of any kind is executed, and no positions or policy statements are issued.

Related: The True Story Of The Bilderberg Group

The meetings are held in a different location each year and each year the topics of the meeting are up for the general public to theorize over.

The roster of attendees is never officially made public, but there have been leaks over the years. Conspiracy theories abound, especially because of the group’s intense level of secrecy. Many believe the group is conspiring to impose capital domination, a world government, or a planned economy. What is certain is that the more prominent you are, the more likely you’ll be to get an invitation to next year’s Bilderberg conference. 

Scientology's Trementina Base

Trementina, New Mexico

Trementina Base, New Mexico

Related: Scientology Documentary: Mysterious Deaths - Real Stories

Scientology is most visible today because of celebrity members like Tom Cruise and John Travolta, yet the organization has been aggressive over the years in tackling critics and maintaining its secrets. One of the most controversial religious groups, some characterize the movement as a cult.

Basic Scientology belief holds that humans are immortal beings who have reincarnated and have lived on other planets before finding themselves now on Earth. One of the things that makes the religion controversial is its assertive nature, often turning to character assassination or litigation in dealing with skeptics and critics who question their practices. The church is also extremely secretive, holding many of its teachings from members until they have made it through multiple levels.

Scientology operates several churches called Celebrity Centres that are opened to the public, but are primarily meant for "anyone with the power and vision to create a better world.” The Church of the Spiritual Technology, or CST, is reserved for the most trusted of members.

Related: Going Clear: Scientology And The Prison Of Belief

Many of these members manage elaborate bases including the Trementina Base. The official word from the church is that the base is a location used to preserve Scientology founder L. Ron Hubbard’s writings, which are said to be engraved on steel sheets and encased in titanium cases. It’s thought that Trementina is more than just a location to archive Hubbard’s works, however.

Trementina contains underground dwellings and tunnels, but what’s most interesting about the base is what you see from the outside. Aerial photographs above the base show huge images dug into the Earth.

The images are that of the church’s logo. Former members have claimed that the symbols are to mark the return point for members when they travel into the future. Other members have stated that this is the place where Hubbard is supposed to go when he returns.  

The Illuminati: Domus Sanctae Marthae

Vatican City, Vatican

Related: The Jesuits & The Vatican

Pope Francis entering Domus Sanctae Marthae

Established in 1776 in Bavaria, Germany, this group of freethinkers, humanists, and academics opposed superstition, prejudice, religion, and its influence over the public, and they supported the advancement of women.

The Illuminati were a shadowy group, believed capable of influencing movements in government and the arts. The group was infiltrated and shut down a decade after its founding, or so the official record goes. Conspiracy theorists have long been obsessed that the world has been controlled by the Illuminati for generations.

There are many modern groups that claim to be the descendants of the original Bavarian Illuminati; they go so far as to use the name “Illuminati” in their title, but there is no evidence that these recent organizations are tied to the original.

Related: The Order Of The Illuminati: Its Origins, Its Methods And Its Influence On World Events

Besides its actions, what is a major mystery of this group is the location of its headquarters. Theorists have claimed many prominent locations are the headquarters of the Illuminati from Disney World in Orlando, Florida, the Mormon Temple in Salt Lake City, Utah, the Statue of Liberty in New York City, Big Ben in London, the Eiffel Tower in Paris, the Pentagon in Washington, D.C., and, among many others, the Vatican.

The theory that the Illuminati headquarters is located at the Vatican is especially interesting due to the group's opposition to the church. It's believed by conspiracy theorists that the church was long ago infiltrated by the society and so that would make its leader, the pope, one of the Illuminati's highest ranking members. 

Today, the pope resides in a simple room at Domus Sanctae Marthae, a guest house adjacent to St. Peter's Basilica. The five-story building containing 106 suites and 22 single rooms is for clergy who are in town on official Holy See business, or perhaps for an Illuminati meeting or two.

Ordo Templi Orientis: Bay Area Thelemic Temple

Oakland, California

Mural of Aleister Crowley at the Abode of Chaos

The Order of the Temple of the East was founded between 1895 and 1906 in either Austria or Germany. It is believed wealthy industrialist, Carl Kellner, began the religious movement, but it was famed occultist Aleister Crowley whose name and additions to the group shrouded it in curiosity and mystery.

OTO was modeled somewhat after another secret society, Freemasonry. But Crowley added a layer, his own self-created belief system called Thelema. Thelema’s practices and beliefs are written out in a book titled The Book of Law and its core belief is: “Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.”

Ideas from occultism, and Eastern and Western mysticism, found their way into Thelema and thus OTO. The religion is highly secretive and members move through the order in a series of rites and rituals, moving up levels in the forms of initiations. Levels have curious names such as Minerval, Master Magician, Illustrious Knight, Grandmaster of Light, and so on.

There are two components at the core of OTO: magical rituals, which have been rumored to include tantric sex, the summoning of angels and demons, and astral projection.

Then there is the gnostic mass, reminiscent of a Catholic mass only because it contains a host and wine toward the end. The gnostic mass includes elaborate costumes, and at the climax of the mass it's believed that the host turns into the Body of God and the wine the Blood of God.

There are multiple locations of worship called camps, oases, or lodges. The majority of them keep their locations secretive to the greater public. The relatively small location in Oakland is an oasis. They hold a weekly gnostic mass in a temple decorated in candles and Egyptian imagery. 

It’s unknown exactly what takes place during initiation ceremonies and what knowledge is shared during these events. According to Crowley's autobiography, The Confessions of Aleister Crowley: "the OTO is in possession of one supreme secret. The whole of its system [is] directed towards communicating to its members, by progressively plain hints, this all-important instruction.”

Priory of Sion: Bibliothèque Nationale de France

Paris, France

National Library of France Reading Room

The secret of this secret society is that many people believe in its existence, but scholarly claims have repetitively stated the group is a complete myth, constructed by the imagination of a madman.    

The myth begins that the Priory of Sion was a group charged with protecting the descendants of Jesus of Nazareth and Mary Magdalene who eventually went on to settle in France.

It was leaked in the 1970s that the Bibliothèque Nationale de France in Paris, the French National Library, was in possession of a file called Dossiers Secrets d'Henri Lobineau that pointed to the Priory of Sion being located in France.

The file contained an introduction, maps of France, genealogies, newspaper clippings, letters and a list of grand masters of the Priory of Sion that included Sir Isaac Newton, Victor Hugo, and Leonardo Da Vinci.

The authenticity of these files has been questioned ever since they were left at the library. Eventually, they were traced to Pierre Plantard. It is believed Plantard planted the document at the library in order to perpetuate an elaborate hoax. He himself claimed to be a descendant of Jesus' bloodline. 

Academics went on to agree that the Priory of Sion was a hoax constructed by Plantard. Yet, books, articles, and movies continue to be made about this group. Whether or not there is a secret society dedicated to protecting a family descendant from biblical times we may never know.

Rosicrucianism: Rosicrucian Park

San Jose, California

Rosicrucian Egyptian Museum grounds

Several manifestos were anonymously published in the early 17th century that told of legends, mysticism, alchemy, and the Order of the Temple of the Rosy Cross. One of these documents was the Fama Fraternitatis which was published in Cassel, Germany.

The Fama spoke of the 15th century German doctor and mystical philosopher Christian Rosenkreuz who traveled through parts of the Middle East where he learned esoteric wisdom, studying in places such as Turkey and Egypt.

There, he claimed to learn extensive knowledge regarding nature and the universe. When he returned, he attempted to share what he learned but he was dismissed. He then formed a like-minded group called the Fraternity of the Rose Cross. 

Related: The Rosicrucians

The year of his birth and death remain shadowy, but some documents claim he lived over 106 years. The group upheld Christian beliefs, but strongly opposed Roman Catholicism, and was also said to have influenced Freemasonry along with hundreds of other groups, many of which have adopted titles with similar names throughout modern times.

At its simplest form, the group aimed to promote a “Universal Reformation of Mankind.” Some reports claim that the requirement for membership was that one must have been capable of using more than the average amount of brain power.

During Rosenkreuz’s life, the group was thought to have only consisted of a handful of members, each of whom was a doctor.

All members took an oath to remain bachelors, and also to treat the sick without payment and to find a replacement for themselves before they died. Interest in the group peaked between 1607 and 1616 with the appearances of the anonymous works that included the Fama Fraternitatis which ranged with content that included mysticism and apocalyptic warnings.

The Rosicricians were into their alchemy

Whether Rosenkreuz’s original idea continued is unknown. One of the hundreds of groups claiming to be tied to the original is the Ancient Mystical Order Rosea Crucis that has some connection to occultist Aleister Crowley. AMORC claims to be devoted to the “study of elusive mysteries of life and the universe.”

They utilize ideas from major philosophers, including Thales and Pythagoras, healing techniques, alchemy, symbolism, and mysticism. The group claims its history can be traced to pharaoh Thutmose III in 1477.

The AMORC headquarters is located at Rosicrucian Park in San Jose, California, which spans a city block and includes several structures. The park is home to elaborate gardens, a research library, a planetarium, a temple, and it houses the ashes of Harvey Spencer Lewis, founder of the secret society.

Related: The Mystery Of Rennes-le-Chateau

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Responding To The “Nothing To Hide” Argument In Support Of Mass Surveillance + We Are All Targeted Individuals Now with Dr. Katherine Horton
October 26 2020 | From: ActivistPost / Scoop / SolariReport

InternetNZ is calling for debate on Five Eyes recommendation.

InternetNZ is worried the Government may take up recommendations that could sacrifice the online security of all New Zealanders. A broader debate is needed than one led by law enforcement.

Related: Edward Snowden: Facebook Is A Surveillance Company Rebranded As "Social Media"

The concerns arise after the release of recommendations from the Five Nations conference (known as the Five Eyes) last week.

Law enforcement ministers from the member countries - New Zealand, Canada, Australia, the US and the UK - met to discuss "grave threats" online and ways to tackle illicit material.

InternetNZ Chief Executive, Jordan Carter, agrees that the tech sector, the government and others do need to find solutions to tackle illicit material from appearing online.

“One recommendation the Five Eyes put forward could possibly break end-to-end encryption - and this is really worrying for New Zealanders."

Responding to the “Nothing to Hide” Argument in Support of Mass Surveillance

Whenever I talk about government surveillance, there is always “that guy” who claims if I’m not doing anything illegal I shouldn’t be concerned about it.

Well, I am concerned about it. I explain why in this short video.

"Encryption provides important protection for all of us. We need encryption for things like online banking and booking travel safely. We need it to keep ourselves safe and secure online. Without it no one will have trust in the Internet.

"There are alternative solutions to keeping New Zealanders safe without breaking technologies that do just that. To find these solutions - the right people need to be be in the room.

"It’s vital the government discuss these topics with a wide range of people and organisations - the tech sector, law enforcement, small and medium businesses who depend on safe online services, human rights, privacy advocates and more,"says Carter.

You can read more about the ways New Zealand can enhance public safety while protecting encryption on the InternetNZ website here.

We Are All Targeted Individuals Now with Dr. Katherine Horton

“Article 5 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights states: “No one shall be subjected to torture or to cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment.” This ban on torture and other ill-treatment has subsequently been incorporated into the extensive network of international and regional human rights treaties.

It is contained in Article 7 of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR), ratified by 153 countries, including the United States in 1992, and in the Convention against Torture or Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment (the Convention against Torture), ratified by 136 countries, including the United States in 1994. It is also codified in the European Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms, the African Charter on Human and Peoples’ Rights, and the American Convention on Human Rights.”
- Human Rights Watch on the international illegality of torture.

Related: Spy Court Finds Surveillance Operating Outside The Law

August 1 was Swiss National Day. I celebrated by having a long lunch in my favorite cafe in Zurich with Dr. Katherine Horton – someone I have wanted to meet for quite a while. Then we took a cruise around Lake Zurich, followed by dinner with a colleague. High on our list of topics for the fascinating all-day discussion was how to integrate our knowledge for this presentation for you.

Dr Horton is a particle physicist and systems analyst with a master’s degree in physics and a doctorate in particle physics from the University of Oxford.

Dr. Horton worked as a high energy physicist on the particle collider at the German Electronsynchrotron DESY in Hamburg, Germany, and on the Large Hadron Collider at CERN in Geneva Switzerland.

Related: Global TI (Targeted Individual) Survey Launched Under The Peerless Direction Of Top NSA Whistleblowers
William Binney And J. Kirk Wiebe

She taught nuclear physics and particle physics at Hertford College, University of Oxford, conducted admissions interviews for undergraduate physics at St Hilda’s College, Oxford, and was a research fellow at St John’s College, Oxford, a position that allowed her to expand her research into medical physics and the physics of complex human systems.

In 2011, during her research fellowship at St John’s College, Oxford, Dr. Horton became the overt target of the intelligence services. What began as overt surveillance became intrusive harassment that morphed into unmistakable crime through related networks.

As a result of her experience as “a targeted individual” or “TI,” Dr. Horton began to organize with other TIs to build a more scientific understanding of the phenomenon, to put a stop to these activities and to warn a wider audience of the covert technologies and networks that significantly threaten the entire population of the world.

You can learn more about and support her work at her website STOP 007 and from her new video-streaming show Global Crime Fighters, which is available in both English and German.

Related: The Surveillance State Is Creating New Meta-Crimes

I have dealt with some of these technologies and networks, particularly during the Hamilton Securities litigation with the U.S. Department of Justice from 1996-2006. This litigation happened shortly after the Department had entered into a Memorandum of Understanding with the Department of Defense regarding experimentation and testing of “non-lethal weapons” for domestic application.

Based on my personal experience and research, particularly on how digital surveillance and technology is used to exploit individuals financially, I believe there are 325 million TIs in America divided into two groups – those who know we are targeted and those who do not.

The phenomenon is not limited to America. It is intertwined with organized crime, mercenaries and intelligence services throughout the NATO area and the rest of the world. It goes to the very heart of whether the people who run our society are subject to the law or not.

Targeting forces represent the shock troops that allow those in charge to get away with secrecy and crimes ranging from financial coup d’etat to murder.

Related: The US Government Is Being Sued For Info On The Secretive Five Eyes Intelligence Group

The targeting phenomenon goes to the heart of the tactics that have allowed central management and control of financial markets and geopolitics.

Dr. Horton is going to join me for our next interview to discuss the TI phenomenon. Topics on our list to cover include gang-stalking, directed energy weapon attacks, non-consensual implanting, neurotechnology, asset-stripping, intel crime, secret societies, and genocide.

We will discuss we can do to avoid and manage targeting and how concerned citizens can build resilient systems to support the rule of law.

This Solari Report will be excellent background for the report we will publish this fall on privatization and the reengineering of the US government.

In Let’s Go to the Movies, I recommend Truthstream Media’s new blockbuster The Minds of Men. You can buy the DVD or stream on Vimeo. It helps you understand the early history on how many of the targeting technologies in use today were developed.

Related: Space Fence: Connecting The Surveillance And Transhumanist Agendas

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Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi

How To Defeat The Empire
December 19 2021 | From: CaitlinJohnstone / Various

One of the biggest and most consistent challenges of my young career so far has been finding ways to talk about solutions to our predicament in a way that people will truly hear.

I talk about these solutions constantly, and some readers definitely get it, but others will see me going on and on about a grassroots revolution against the establishment narrative control machine and then say “Okay, but what do we do?” or “You talk about problems but never offer any solutions!”

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Part of the difficulty is that I don’t talk much about the old attempts at solutions we’ve already tried that people have been conditioned to listen for.

I don’t endorse politicians, I don’t advocate starting a new political party, I don’t support violent revolution, I don’t say that capitalism contains the seeds of its own destruction and the proletariat will inevitably rise up against the bourgeoisie, and in general I don’t put much stock in the idea that our political systems are in and of themselves sufficient for addressing our biggest problems in any meaningful way.

What I do advocate, over and over and over again in as many different ways as I can come up with, is a decentralized guerrilla psywar against the institutions which enable the powerful to manipulate the way ordinary people think, act and vote.

“How To Win A Grassroots Media Rebellion“ - Caitlin Johnstone At Ron Paul Institute Conference

The mainstream media and its partners in government want to silence any non-regime voices. Australian renegade blogger joins the Ron Paul Institute's August 18th Washington conference to tell us how we can fight back!

I talk about narrative and propaganda all the time because they are the root of all our problems.

As long as the plutocrat-controlled media are able to manufacture consent for the status quo upon which those plutocrats built their respective empires, there will never be the possibility of a successful revolution.

People will never rebel against a system while they’re being successfully propagandized not to. It will never, ever happen.

Most people who want drastic systematic changes to the way power operates in our society utterly fail to take this into account.

Most of them are aware to some extent that establishment propaganda is happening, but they fail to fully appreciate its effects, its power, and the fact that it’s continually getting more and more sophisticated.

They continue to talk about the need for a particular political movement, for this or that new government policy, or even for a full-fledged revolution, without ever turning and squarely focusing on the elephant in the room that none of these things will ever happen as long as most people are successfully propagandized into being uninterested in making them happen.

It’s like trying to light a fire without first finding a solution to the problem that you’re standing under pouring rain.

Related: Why The Coordinated Alternative Media Purge Should Terrify Everyone

Certainly we can all agree that a fire is sorely needed because it’s cold and wet and miserable out here, but we’re never going to get one going while the kindling is getting soaked and we can’t even get a match lit.

The first order of business must necessarily be to find a way to protect our fire-starting area from the downpour of establishment propaganda.

A decentralized guerrilla psywar against the propaganda machine is the best solution to this problem.

By Psywar I mean a grassroots psychological war against the establishment propaganda machine with the goal of weakening public trust in pro-empire narratives.

People only believe sources of information that they trust, and propaganda cannot operate without belief. Right now trust in the mass media is at an all-time low while our ability to network and share information is at an all-time high.

Our psywar is fought with the goal of using our unprecedented ability to circulate information to continue to kill public trust in the mass media, not with lies and propaganda, but with truth.

If we can expose journalistic malpractice and the glaring plot holes in establishment narratives about things like war, Julian Assange, Russia etc, we will make the mass media look less trustworthy.

Mike Flynn: An Army of Digital Soldiers

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By Decentralized I mean we should each take responsibility for weakening public trust in the propaganda machine in our own way, rather than depending on centralized groups and organizations.

The more centralized an operation is, the easier it is for establishment manipulators to infiltrate and undermine it.

This doesn’t mean that organizing is bad, it just means a successful grassroots psywar won’t depend on it.

If we’re each watching for opportunities to weaken public trust in the official narrative makers on our own personal time and in our own unique way using videos, blogs, tweets, art, paper literature, conversations and demonstrations, we’ll be far more effective.

By Guerrilla I mean constantly attacking different fronts in different ways, never staying with the same line of attack for long enough to allow the propagandists to develop a counter-narrative.

If they build up particularly strong armor around one area, put it aside and expose their lies on an entirely different front. The propagandists are lying constantly, so there is never any shortage of soft targets.

The only consistency should be in attacking the propaganda machine as visibly as possible.

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As far as how to go about that attack, my best answer is that I’m leading by example here. I’m only ever doing the thing that I advocate, so if you want to know what I think we should all do, just watch what I do.

I’m only ever using my own unique set of skills, knowledge and assets to attack the narrative control engine at whatever points I perceive to be the most vulnerable on a given day.

So do what I do, but keep in mind that each individual must sort out the particulars for themselves.

We’ve each got our own strengths and abilities that we bring to the psywar: some of us are funny, some are artistic, some are really good at putting together information and presenting it in a particular format, some are good at finding and boosting other people’s high-quality attacks.

Everyone brings something to the table. The important thing is to do whatever will draw the most public interest and attention to what you’re doing. Don’t shy away from speaking loud and shining bright.

It isn’t necessary to come up with your own complete 'How It Is' narrative of exactly what is happening in our world right now; with the current degree of disinformation and government opacity that’s too difficult to do with any degree of completion anyway.

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All you need to do is wake people up in as many ways as possible to the fact that they’re being manipulated and deceived. Every newly opened pair of eyes makes a difference, and anything you can do to help facilitate that is energy well spent.

Without an effective propaganda machine, the empire cannot rule. Once we’ve crippled public trust in that machine, we’ll exist in a very different world already, and the next step will present itself from there.

Until then, the attack on establishment propaganda should be our foremost priority.

The best way to get around the internet censors and make sure you see the stuff I publish is to subscribe to the mailing list for my website, which will get you an email notification for everything I publish.

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The Fibonacci Sequence: What Is The Golden Ratio?
December 18 2021 | From: LiveScience / FractalEnlightenment / Various

The Golden ratio is a special number found by dividing a line into two parts so that the longer part divided by the smaller part is also equal to the whole length divided by the longer part.

It is often symbolized using phi, after the 21st letter of the Greek alphabet. In an equation form, it looks like this:

Related: Quasi-crystals and the Golden Ratio

a/b = (a+b)/a = 1.6180339887498948420 …

As with pi (the ratio of the circumference of a circle to its diameter), the digits go on and on, theoretically into infinity. Phi is usually rounded off to 1.618. This number has been discovered and rediscovered many times, which is why it has so many names - the Golden mean, the Golden section, divine proportion, etc.

Historically, the number can be seen in the architecture of many ancient creations, like the Great Pyramids and the Parthenon.

In the Great Pyramid of Giza, the length of each side of the base is 756 feet with a height of 481 feet. The ratio of the base to the height is roughly 1.5717, which is close to the Golden ratio.

Phidias (500 B.C. - 432 B.C.) was a Greek sculptor and mathematician who is thought to have applied phi to the design of sculptures for the Parthenon.

Plato (428 B.C. - 347 B.C.) considered the Golden ratio to be the most universally binding of mathematical relationships. Later, Euclid (365 B.C. - 300 B.C.) linked the Golden ratio to the construction of a pentagram.

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Solfeggio And Fibonacci Numbers

Around 1200, mathematician Leonardo Fibonacci discovered the unique properties of the Fibonacci sequence.

This sequence ties directly into the Golden ratio because if you take any two successive Fibonacci numbers, their ratio is very close to the Golden ratio. As the numbers get higher, the ratio becomes even closer to 1.618.

For example, the ratio of 3 to 5 is 1.666. But the ratio of 13 to 21 is 1.625. Getting even higher, the ratio of 144 to 233 is 1.618. These numbers are all successive numbers in the Fibonacci sequence.

These numbers can be applied to the proportions of a rectangle, called the Golden rectangle. This is known as one of the most visually satisfying of all geometric forms - hence, the appearance of the Golden ratio in art.

The Golden rectangle is also related to the Golden spiral, which is created by making adjacent squares of Fibonacci dimensions. 

Related: Fibonnaci Number: The Mathematics

In 1509, Luca Pacioli wrote a book that refers to the number as the "Divine Proportion," which was illustrated by Leonardo da Vinci. Da Vinci later called this sectio aurea or the Golden section.

The Golden ratio was used to achieve balance and beauty in many Renaissance paintings and sculptures.

Da Vinci himself used the Golden ratio to define all of the proportions in his Last Supper, including the dimensions of the table and the proportions of the walls and backgrounds.

The Golden ratio also appears in da Vinci's Vitruvian Man and the Mona Lisa. Other artists who employed the Golden ratio include Michelangelo, Raphael, Rembrandt, Seurat, and Salvador Dali.

The term "phi" was coined by American mathematician Mark Barr in the 1900s. Phi has continued to appear in mathematics and physics, including the 1970s Penrose Tiles, which allowed surfaces to be tiled in five-fold symmetry.

In the 1980s, phi appeared in quasi crystals, a then-newly discovered form of matter.

Phi is more than an obscure term found in mathematics and physics. It appears around us in our daily lives, even in our aesthetic views.

Studies have shown that when test subjects view random faces, the ones they deem most attractive are those with solid parallels to the Golden ratio.

Faces judged as the most attractive show Golden ratio proportions between the width of the face and the width of the eyes, nose, and eyebrows.

The test subjects weren't mathematicians or physicists familiar with phi - they were just average people, and the Golden ratio elicited an instinctual reaction.

The Golden ratio also appears in all forms of nature and science. Some unexpected places include:

Flower petals: The number of petals on some flowers follows the Fibonacci sequence. It is believed that in the Darwinian processes, each petal is placed to allow for the best possible exposure to sunlight and other factors.

Seed heads: The seeds of a flower are often produced at the center and migrate outward to fill the space. For example, sunflowers follow this pattern.

Pinecones: The spiral pattern of the seed pods spiral upward in opposite directions. The number of steps the spirals take tend to match Fibonacci numbers.

Related: Is The Pineal Gland The Gateway To A Spiritual Awakening?

Tree branches: The way tree branches form or split is an example of the Fibonacci sequence. Root systems and algae exhibit this formation pattern.

Shells: Many shells, including snail shells and nautilus shells, are perfect examples of the Golden spiral.

Spiral galaxies
: The Milky Way has a number of spiral arms, each of which has a logarithmic spiral of roughly 12 degrees. The shape of the spiral is identical to the Golden spiral, and the Golden rectangle can be drawn over any spiral galaxy.

Hurricanes: Much like shells, hurricanes often display the Golden spiral.

: The length of our fingers, each section from the tip of the base to the wrist is larger than the preceding one by roughly the ratio of phi.

Animal bodies: The measurement of the human navel to the floor and the top of the head to the navel is the Golden ratio. But we are not the only examples of the Golden ratio in the animal kingdom; dolphins, starfish, sand dollars, sea urchins, ants and honeybees also exhibit the proportion.

DNA molecules: A DNA molecule measures 34 angstroms by 21 angstroms at each full cycle of the double helix spiral. In the Fibonacci series, 34 and 21 are successive numbers.

The Fibonacci Sequence

The Fibonacci sequence is possibly the most simple recurrence relation occurring in nature.

It is 0,1,1,2,3,5,8,13,21,34,55,89, 144… each number equals the sum of the two numbers before it, and the difference of the two numbers succeeding it. It is an infinite sequence which goes on forever as it develops.

The Golden Ratio/Divine Ratio or Golden Mean – The quotient of any Fibonacci number and it’s predecessor approaches Phi, represented as ϕ (1.618), the Golden ratio.

The Golden Ratio is best understood geometrically by the golden rectangle. A rectangle unevenly divided resulting into one square and one rectangle, the square’s sides would have the ratio of 1:1, and the new rectangle would be exactly proportionate to the original rectangle – 1:1.618.

This iteration can continue both ways, infinitely. If you plot a quarter circle inside each of the squares as they reiterate, the golden spiral is formed.

The golden spiral is possibly the most simple mathematic pattern that occurs in nature like shells of snails, sea shells, horns, flowers, plants. Numbers are only what we use to organize quantitative information. golden ratio spiral galaxies.

The Golden Ratio can be seen from a Chambered Nautilus to a Spiraling Galaxy The Golden Ratio can be applied to any number of geometric forms including circles, triangles, pyramids, prisms, and polygons.

The Golden Ratio can be seen from a Chambered Nautilus to a Spiraling Galaxy The Golden Ratio can be applied to any number of geometric forms including circles, triangles, pyramids, prisms, and polygons.

The golden ratio is formed by thirds within thirds, sixths, the connection between two and three, including every even and odd number itself.

The ratio itself represents the transcendence of numbers, understanding our world is not numbers, but what numbers represent.

Through the spiral, the ratio illustrates how the numbers, all quantities, are quality. Eventually, all quality can be represented through quantity.

Properties qualitative and quantitative are just labels of information, our gathered indisputable fact.

Sunflowers have a Golden Spiral seed arrangement. This provides a biological advantage because it maximizes the number of seeds that can be packed into a seed head. If you graph any number system, eventually patterns appear.

Aston Martin, James Bond and the Golden Ratio

In mathematics, numbers and their patterns do not only continue infinitely linear, but in all directions.

"Breathtaking Proportions – The ‘Golden Ratio’ sits at the heart of every Aston Martin. Balanced from any angle, each exterior line of Rapide S works in concert and every proportion is precisely measured to create a lithe, pure form. Our engineering follows the same principle. A near perfect weight distribution ensures Rapide S is balanced in form and balanced in function.”

For example, considering infinite decimal expansion, even the shortest segments have an infinite amount of points.

Our universe and the numbers not only go on infinitely linear, but even it’s short segments have infinite points. (A beautiful short film on Fibonacci sequence in Nature - ‘Nature by Numbers’)

Nature by Numbers


The golden ratio is not the only mathematical pattern that reaches infinity, there are many other patterns as well that reach infinity. Knowing this, ask yourself, how could infinity occur twice?

If something were to happen infinitely, how could it happen twice? The answer is simple, infinity represents what is eternal, what is truly whole. For example, if infinity were to be used as a variable in mathematics like all other numbers, it would be denoted as 1∞, 2∞, 3∞, 4∞, etc.

The oneness of everything factual is what you know, what you perceive, what you are aware of, is all the universe looking at itself. This is the universe, even you are the universe, us and everything we know is all the same thing.

Since the numbers are everywhere, everything is a part of a pattern. Reflections of reflections, wheels within wheels. Life itself is a Fractal. (Another video on the Egyptian ‘Temple of Man’ is a symbolic representation of the Fibonacci series of balanced organic expansion and an expression of the underlying principles of life in the universe)

The Fibonacci Series - Egyptian Sacred Architecture

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50 Years Of Near Death Experience Research Suggests That The “Soul” Is Real + 7,000 Souls Recall Their ‘Life’ Between Lives During Regression Hypnosis, The Similarities Are Astounding
December 17 2021 | From: StillnessInTheStorm / Various

Nikola Tesla once said that, “The day science begins to study non-physical phenomena, it will make more progress in one decade than in all the previous centuries of its existence.”

Fast forward to today, and we now have hundreds of notable world-renowned scientists studying “non-material” science.

Related: Seven Signs You May Be Experiencing A Dark Night Of The Soul

Science the birth of quantum mechanics, the mysteries of consciousness have been at the forefront of scientific study, and we now know today that consciousness plays a crucial part, in several different ways, when it comes to perceiving what we call our physical material world.

In Brief:

The Facts: 50 years of research conducted by scientists into Near Death Experiences is summarized below. The research shows that consciousness, or the soul, or something continues to have awareness after "death."

Reflect On: Evidence of sensitive and touchy topics in science have always been dismissed and ridiculed. Why, no matter how strong the evidence, are discoveries ridiculed or swept under the rug? Are our minds that closed?

Most of our founding fathers of science, especially physics, were all spiritual mystics.

Max Plack, a physicist who originated quantum theory, regarded consciousness as “fundamental,” and matter as “derivative from consciousness.” He said that “we cannot get behind consciousness. Everything that we talk about, everything that we regard as existing, postulates consciousness.” 

Eugene Wigner, a physicist and mathematician told the world that “it was not possible to formulate the laws of quantum mechanics in a fully consistent way without reference to consciousness.”

Related: A Scientist’s Spiritual Awakening

With all of this being said, there is still a resistance to the new discoveries that non-material science is making, especially when it comes to topics on the umbrella of parapsychology, like telepathy, remote viewing (which was used by the US government for intelligence purposes for 25 years), for example, near death experiences (NDE’s) and much more.

“Despite the unrivalled empirical success of quantum theory, the very suggestion that it may be literally true as a description of nature is still greeted with cynicism, incomprehension and even anger.” 

– (T. Folger, “Quantum Shmantum”; Discover 22:37-43, 2001)

This is, again, perhaps why so many scientists are coming together to create awareness about this and emphasize some very important points about non-material science.

Near Death Experiences (NDE’s) are one area of study under parapsychology and non-material science.  What happens when we die? Does some aspect of us survive death? Some non-material aspect, like consciousness, for example?  Does consciousness originate in the brain, or is it a receiver of it?

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Their Functions & 13 Signs You Are Experiencing A Spiritual Awakening

It’s been the topic of discussion in philosophy and theology for years, and in the 20th century it has become the subject of scientific research.

One of the people responsible for starting this initiative was Ian Stevenson, who, as the Chair of University of Virginia’s Department of Psychiatry, in 1967, created a research unit within the department to study if anything of the human personality survives after death.

His research investigated multiple hundreds of children who claimed to recall past lives and there are many examples.

These children are able to give remarkable details about their past lives, and in some cases include describing how they died, locating past family members of who they used to be that are still living, and more details that would otherwise be impossible to describe.

Here is a video of Dr. Bruce Greyson speaking at a conference that was held by the United Nations. He is considered to be one of the “fathers” of near death studies. He is Professor Emeritus of Psychiatry and Neuro-behavioral Science at UVA. 

In the video he describes documented cases of individuals who were clinically dead (showing no brain activity), but observing everything that was happening to them on the medical table below at the same time.

He describes how there have been many instances of this – where individuals are able to describe things that should have been impossible to describe.

Another significant statement by Dr. Greyson posits that this type of study has been discouraged due to our tendency to view science as completely materialistic. Seeing is believing, so to speak, in the scientific community.

It’s unfortunate that just because we cannot explain something through materialistic means, it must be instantly discredited.

The simple fact that “consciousness” itself is a non-physical “thing” is troubling for some scientists to comprehend, and as a result of it being non material, they believe it cannot be studied by science.

To access some of the published research in this area, you can refer to this article. Below is a lecture that was filmed at the UVA by the medical department. It features Jim B. Tucker Bruce Greyson Edward F. Kelly J. Kim Penberthy, from the Division of Perceptual Studies.

Related: Spirit Led Activism - The True Power Of The People + Rites Of Passage - Encountering Spiritual
“Initiations” On The Path

Large studies have shown that a significant amount of people who have been clinically dead, experience some type of ‘awareness’ during that time. For example, one patient – a 57-year-old man at the time, despite being pronounced “dead” and completely unconscious, with no detectable biological activity going on, recalled watching the entire process of his resuscitation.

On a side note, Certified Master Hypnotherapist Michael Newton developed a technique to regress his clients back in time to recall memories from their past lives.

During this process he stumbled upon a discovery of enormous proportions. He was able to bring the souls back to the place where they go before their next life - a life between lives. Out of 7,000 regressions, a large majority had eerily similar recollections of a place that many of them called “home.”

You can read more about that here.

The proofs for the existence of worlds beyond this one go well past this topic and this article, and this cited research.

Related: Have You Been Seeing 11:11 Everywhere? What Is The Significance Of 11:11?

A New Groundbreaking Documentary About Post-Materialist Science

It’s interesting because as far back as 1999, statistics professor Jessica Utts at UC Irvine, published a paper showing that parapsychological experiments have produced much stronger results than those showing a daily dose of aspirin helping to prevent heart attacks.

Utts also showed that these results are much stronger than the research behind various drugs like antiplatelets, for example.

Expanding Reality is about the emerging postmaterialist paradigm and the next great scientific revolution. Why is it important? Because this paradigm has far-reaching implications.

For instance, it re-enchants the world and profoundly alters the vision we have of ourselves, giving us back our dignity and power as human beings.

The postmaterialist paradigm also fosters positive values such as compassion, respect, care, love, and peace, because it makes us realize that the boundaries between self and others are permeable.

In doing so, this paradigm promotes an awareness of the deep interconnection between ourselves and Nature at large.

In that sense, the model of reality associated with the postmaterialist paradigm may help humanity to create a sustainable civilization and to blossom.”

– Mario Beauregard, PhD, from the University of Arizona

Related: The Three Stages Of Spiritual Transformation

These people have exhausted their own resources in order to make Expanding Reality for the world, show your support by purchasing the movie here. You won’t be disappointed.

The Takeaway

The takeaway here is to recognize the evidence existing suggesting the soul, or consciousness, or some type of awareness exists after death. Now, what consciousness encompasses, might be different from the soul, etc, but those are much deeper discussions to be had.

When will science recognize something that’s clearly observable given the witness testimony and similarity of the experiences, and that phenomena that can’t be explained can still be real?

The parameters of modern day science really prevents us from moving forward, which is why we are seeing such a large growth in non-material science, the next step after quantum physics.

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7,000 Souls Recall Their ‘Life’ Between Lives During Regression Hypnosis, The Similarities Are Astounding

Certified Master Hypnotherapist Michael Newton developed a technique to regress his clients back in time to recall memories from their past lives.

During this process he stumbled upon a discovery of enormous proportions.

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The ancient Greek philosopher Heraclitus said: "You cannot step into the same river twice."

What he meant is that nature, just like a river, is ever-changing. Hence, according to Heraclitus, to resist this change is
to resist the very essence of our existence.

Sadly, many of us expend much of our energy resisting change. We're so worried about what the future might bring that we're trying hard to control life.

In Brief:

The Facts: Over 7000 people/souls share their experience, through regression hypnosis, as to what happened after they died and before they reincarnated.

Reflect On: What are the implications of such research? If we reincarnate, how does that change your view of who you truly are? What is the purpose of life? How might this change how you approach this particular life?

As a result, we can't let go and enjoy the present moment. And, no matter how much we try to control life, eventually it always disappoints us by taking its own course.

I spent the last few days creating a new video where I discuss in more detail the pointlessness of resisting change and the
importance of embracing uncertainty in order to overcome anxiety and flow frictionlessly with the river of life.

The Secret to Overcoming Anxiety

He was able to bring the souls back to the place where they go before their next life - a life between lives. Out of 7,000 regressions, a large majority had eerily similar recollections of a place that many of them called “home.”

One of the most fascinating aspects of Newton’s work was that it didn’t matter who he was working with or what their previously held beliefs were in regards to the concept of “a soul” or reincarnation - in fact, many didn’t believe in these concepts at all.

After coming out of a session, many of these people were changed forever. They were able to recount some of their past lives and feel and clearly see the relationship those previous lives had to their current life.

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The Life Between Lives

In the world of hypnotherapy, past-life regression is almost common, but what’s unique about Newton’s work is his ability to get his subjects to recall memories from being in the womb, and then from before that point as well, to the place between each life.

This was a place where, often, all of the soul family was waiting and welcoming with open arms. Many of the subjects were often surprised to see who was there as some of these people had provided a challenging experience for them in their previous lives.

According to Newton, the hypnotic responses from his subjects in regards to the afterlife provided credible information because of the consistency in their reports.

Often the subjects would even use the same words and graphic depictions of where they were and what they were seeing. Newton had no reason to feel that anyone had a motive to fake their stories, and treated each case as if he was hearing the information for the first time.

In other words, he was not suggesting words or ideas to them, but rather giving them the freedom to express these lives on their own. The similarities between the subjects was quite astounding.

Some of these similarities included,

People’s memories of the initial activities of the soul just after final death on earth parallel the recollections of people returning from a near-death experience (NDE).

Souls are generally anxious to move away from the earth after death, and in many cases may stay a few days for their funeral.

Most souls initially pass through a tunnel towards the light of heaven.

The appearances of physical structures or other familiarities from Earth on the entry of the soul into heaven are intended to ease their transition.

Souls have the capability of projecting former life forms in communication with other souls.

Immediately after their death on earth, souls are met initially in heaven by their spirit guides or someone with whom they were close in their previous life. They meet others that were important to them previously.

Spirit guides continue their protective role in heaven.

Communication in heaven is done through telepathy.

A private form of consciousness between spirits exists through touch.

Ghosts are spirits who have chosen to remain within the earth plane, generally with a high degree of discontent. They can be dealt with by various means, such as exorcism, to get them to stop interfering with human beings.

Souls who were unable to turn aside a human impulse to harm others will go into seclusion upon entering the spirit world and remain for quite a while. The following reincarnation may be as a victim in a karmic cycle of justice.

An arriving soul can enter a place of healing as part of the restoration of the soul after a lifetime on earth.

A life review is conducted, first with spirit guides and later with a Council of Elders.

Souls travel to their initial destination in heaven through a large staging area.

Souls proceed to their cluster, consisting of small groups of soul energy that appear like a cluster of transparent bubbles or translucent bulbs. They contain entities who often shared past lives with the arriving spirit.

Group placement is determined by soul level.

Secondary groups have some contact with a primary group.

Opportunity for socialization and travel exist for souls living in their group.

Once a soul group is formed no new members are added.

Souls are grouped with others of similar characteristics.

At higher levels of soul evolution more independence takes place from group activities.

Spirit lights demonstrate color that correlates with a soul’s state of spiritual evolution.

The spirit world resembles one great schoolhouse with a multitude of classrooms under the direction of teacher-souls who monitor progress.

All souls have a personal guide who may be with them for thousands of years and many lives.

Junior guides are often assigned as well, later in the development of a soul.

Guides can appear as humans as well as spirits.

Most souls in the world today are in an early stage of development.

Spirits can experience two lives on earth at the same time.

A dormant part of our soul remains in heaven during incarnations.

Souls learn the techniques of the creation of physical items by thought, starting with simple assignments.

Souls incarnate on worlds other than the Earth.

The evolution of souls can continue way beyond the level where incarnation takes place.

Souls are reincarnating more frequently in recent centuries, and today would have roughly two lives during the past century.

Souls are not required to reincarnate but considerable pressure is brought to bear by spirit guides when the time is considered right.

Souls go to a place of life selection in order to examine alternative lives to lead.

There is a tendency for spirits to reincarnate in the same geographical area they were in during past lives.

The effort required to overcome a physical disability accelerates spiritual evolution.

Souls learn prior to a new incarnation to recognize future earthly signs from other souls they may encounter on earth with whom they have been close in the spirit world.

Souls leave heaven to enter the body of an infant through a tunnel.

The physical shock of birth is greater than that of death.

Souls can arrive in the infant’s body anytime before, during or slightly after the moment of birth.

Again, not only is this level of similarity and detail fascinating, but many of the thousands of people who were put under this hypnosis had no previous belief of reincarnation, the soul, or source consciousness. Their experiences here changed their minds.

In one instance a woman who had always faced challenges with her father in her current life saw that his soul had actually inhabited the body of the man who was the one who killed her in a past life.

She was able to see how the members of the soul family aren’t always who you might expect. Some people who have caused us the most grief may have been doing so for our soul’s best interest, in order to help us grow.

Related: Six Activities That Will Enrich Your Soul + The Benefits Of Mindfulness

For some of us, this work may resonate on a deep level. I know for myself while watching a documentary on this subject called, Flipside: A Journey Into The Afterlife, and hearing the people recount their previous lives or the place that was often described as “home,” no part of me doubted anything they were saying for even a second.

This information resonated to the very core of my being and just happens to go along quite nicely with my previously held beliefs in terms of reincarnation and the afterlife.

Of course, we can never know for sure, but the topic of past lives and life after death is truly fascinating and can be fun to explore.

I highly recommend the book on this subject, Journey Of Souls: Case Studies Of Life Between Lives by Michael Newton himself. It goes into much more depth and provides transcripts of actual sessions with the hypnotized subjects.

What do you think happens when we die?

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A Brief Guide To Leftist Destruction
December 16 2021 | From: TheEpochTimes / Various

To understand the modern world, perhaps the most important rule one needs to know is this: Everything the Left touches it ruins.

This first became clear to me years ago during my radio show. I was talking about the Left’s war on the Boy Scouts (for not accepting announced gay people).

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[This piece is very American, however that in no way dilutes the messages which relate to the West as a whole.] It was becoming clear that this would ultimately lead to the decline of the Boy Scouts, which led me to ask: “Will the left replace the Boy Scouts with a left-wing Boy Scouts?”

Then I answered my own question: Of course not. Because the Left only destroys; it doesn’t build anything (other than government).

In support of that observation, here is a list of many of the things the Left ruins and often destroys.

1: Art

The Left long ago conquered the art world. Consequently, since the 20th century, most modern art has been ugly, meaningless, and nihilistic - the opposite of what Western art had always been.

2: Music

What the Left did to the eyes in art, it did to the ears in music. As a part-time conductor, I can say with some knowledge that since the invention of atonal music (an oxymoron if there ever was one), most contemporary classical music is also ugly, meaningless, and uninspiring.

The people who like such music are almost all music critics and, of course, music professors. Most lovers of classical music never listen to the stuff.

Related: Social Engineering - The War On The Higher Mind Of Humans: Here’s Why You Should Consider Converting Your Music To A=432 Hz

3: Journalism

Journalists were once highly respected. Unless a piece was listed as “opinion,” people generally believed they were getting, to the best of a journalist’s ability, as truthful a report as possible - “just the facts.”

Today, on virtually any controversial issue, they are getting opinion, not truth.

The purpose of nearly every major newspaper and other “news” outlet is the same purpose Pravda had in the Soviet Union: To transmit the party line.

4: Colleges and Universities

The Left has destroyed universities as places of learning devoted to seeking truth and therefore welcoming, even cultivating, diverse opinions. Virtually every left-wing idea was born at a university.

5: High Schools and Elementary Schools

Most schools in America - private as much as public - teach children that America is systemically racist and that they are not born male or female, but at a later age will choose whether to be one or the other - or neither.

And increasingly, American [Western] educational institutions deny objective truth exists, even in mathematics.

Related: Unschooling: Radical Education That Produces Free Human Beings Instead Of Slaves

6: Happiness

You can meet happy and unhappy liberals and happy and unhappy conservatives, but you are unlikely to ever meet a happy leftist.

The only question is whether the unhappy gravitate to leftism or whether leftism makes people unhappy. Both are probably true.

7: The Family

People on the Left increasingly choose not to get married and not to have children - in other words, not to make families. And their welfare policies serve to disincentivize the creation of families.

8: Women

The rates of depression among young people, especially young women, are higher than ever recorded in history.

One reason is that for half a century, women have been told, as one famous feminist saw put it, “A woman without a man is like a fish without a bicycle.”

But the fact is that the vast majority of (heterosexual) women need a man to be fulfilled, just as the vast majority of (heterosexual) men need a woman to be fulfilled.

Related: Researcher Uncovers What May Be The Real Cause Of Depression

9: Childhood

One reason young people on the Left don’t want children is that the Left doesn’t particularly like children. The teachers unions’ adamant refusal to open schools for over a year has opened many Americans’ eyes to this fact.

So has the war on children’s innocence - like prematurely talking to them about sex and having schools introduce them to drag queens from the age of five.

10: Black Life

Like the Democratic Party historically, the Left is racist. And it is so in precisely the way the word was always used - the Left believes in black inferiority.

That is why leftists advocate lowering standards for blacks. That is why they advocate policies that always result in more blacks dying at the hands of other blacks.

That is why they believe the state must take care of blacks more than any other group.

That is why left-wing policies, from the Great Society to today, have destroyed so much of black life, especially its family life - and they don’t care.

Related: A Conversation On Race, Identity Politics And Slavery

11: Black-White Relations

According to polls and according to just about every American who remembers life from about a decade ago, black-white relations were far superior then and both groups were optimistic about relations continuing to improve.

The Left shattered that with its anti-white, “America is systemically racist” propaganda shouted from almost every major media and relentlessly pushed in almost every school and big business.

The Left knows that when blacks and whites feel good about one another, the Left loses its appeal and loses elections.

12: The Military

As the military gets more and more woke - recall the testimony of the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff testifying before Congress about the need to teach the military about white racism - soldier morale declines.

Add to this the utterly gratuitous and cruel mandate that every member of the military get vaccinated or be discharged and you understand why military morale is in steep decline.

13: Late-Night Television

Americans who remember the titans of late-night comedy - Johnny Carson and Jay Leno - remember how their sole aim was to bring some smiles and laughter to people before they went to sleep.

Few people had any inkling of the political views of either host. That is now history. The Left has destroyed late-night comedy. It now consists of little more than angry rants against conservatives.

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14: Superman

Superman was an iconic American hero. Thanks to the Left, he is no more. About a decade ago, Superman stood in front of the United Nations to announce he was renouncing his American citizenship to become a “citizen of the world.”

And the Left has now changed his motto from “Truth, Justice, and the American way” to “Truth, Justice, and a Better Tomorrow.”

15: Free Speech

Never before has freedom of speech been threatened as it is today.

As has been true since the communist revolution in Russia, everywhere the Left has gained power - from Russia in 1917 to the university and social media today - it has suppressed free speech. There is no exception.

Related: Tyranny And Free Speech

16: Sports

Until last year, sport was a great unifier. It was one place people could go and, leaving politics behind, Left and Right, Democrat and Republican could root for the same team.

No longer. The Left has ruined it by radically politicizing baseball, football, and basketball.

The great American tragedy is just about every liberal knows the above is true, but nearly every one will still vote for the Left.

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1899 Merck Manual Shows Natural And Food - Based Medicine Once Reigned Supreme + The Healing Web
December 15 2021 | From: GreenMedInfo / TheGreatAwakeningReport / Various

At the turn of the 20th century, in NYC, for one dollar, you could have grabbed yourself what was at the time, the most comprehensive medical book ever published in a Western language - one that clearly acknowledges the many ways foods and plants heal serious disease.

The Merck Manual, also known as the The Merck Manual of Diagnosis and Therapy, is the oldest continuously published English language medical textbook, and the best-selling medical textbook worldwide.

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The first edition titled, “Merck’s 1899 Manual of the Materia Medica.” was produced by George Merck, founder of Merck & Co, in New York as a subsidiary of the family company established in Germany in 1668.

Today, Merck & Co. has grown into a multinational corporation with an annual revenue of $43 billion dollars, and hires tens of thousands of employees throughout the world. [Unfortunately, as has happened on many occasions - companies that were founded with good intentions have since been co-opted.]

The 1899 manual was laid out in the following three parts:

1. “All those Simple Medicinal Substances (that is, drugs and chemicals) which are in current and well-established use in the medical practice of this country”

2. “The principal means of treatment for each form of disease, as reported to be in good use with practitioners at the present time.”

3. “The modes of action of the various medicaments [as laid out in Part 1]."

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The 1899 manual promised to provide the physicians of the time;

“... a complete Ready-Reference Book covering the entire eligible Materia Medica. A glance over it just before or just after seeing a patient will refresh his memory in a way that will facilitate his coming to a decision.”

Materia Medica is a Latin term for the extant body of collected knowledge about the therapeutic properties of any substance used for healing (i.e., medicines).

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Profession Fallen From The Hippocratic Oath?

Perhaps what is the most striking thing about the first 1899 edition of the Merck Manual is that many of the remedies listed are entirely natural.

It would not be until 1906 that Congress, with the strong support of President Theodore Roosevelt, would pass the Pure Food and Drug Act, which would usher in the era of pharmaceutical medicine, largely consisting of patented, synthetically produced medications.

In 1899, the standard of care included toxic compounds like arsenic and mercury, as well as completely natural ones derived from common plants and foods, but few if any patented drugs. 

The Pharmaceutical Industry Has Always Depended on Natural Medicine

While this may be counintertuivive about the origins of what has become, arguably, the world’s most powerful international pharmaceutical company, namely: natural medicine is still the basis for the vast majority of today's blockbuster pharmaceutical products.

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In fact, 63% (537 of 847 small molecule-based pharmaceuticals) of all drugs introduced since 1981 were derived from natural products or had a natural product-inspired design.

And perhaps even more noteworthy, of the 155 anti-cancer drugs developed since the 1940's, only one would be considered de novo chemical (with absolutely no relationship to inspiration from a natural chemical compound!)

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Thanks to the Gutenberg Project, the original version was released to the public on December 24th, 2012 for free access and distribution, making it possible for millions around the world to see the humble, and surprisingly natural-medicine based origin story of today’s dominant and global pharmaceutical empire.

You can view a fully scanned and text searchable version of the 1899 Merck Manual here

The manual contains reference to hundreds of foods and commonly used natural products, such as arnica, papain, cod liver oil, valerian, camphor and myrrh. [For our readers who have the time and inclination, please list additional natural compounds from the manual in the comments section below this article].

Cannabis, for instance, is listed as a medicine 62 different times, including for the following conditions:

Cannabis Indica: as diuretic in hematuria.

Cannabis Indica: as diuretic in acute and chronic Bright's disease with hematuria.

Cannabis Indica: sometimes useful in chronic cases.

Cannabis Indica: Bladder, Paralysis of...iin retention from spinal disease.

Cannabis Indica: in very chronic cases of Chronic, Bronchitis

Cannabis Indica: Cholera Asiatica.

Cannabis Indica: Chorea: may do good; often increases the choreic movements.

Cannabis Indica: in retention from spinal disease.

Cannabis Indica: Bright’s Disease.

Cannabis Indica: Climacteric Disorders.

Cannabis Indica: Corns

Cannabis Indica: Coughs

Cannabis Indica: in nocturnal delirium occurring in softening of the brain.

Cannabis Indica: Delirium Tremens (associated with Alcoholism)

Consider that the list of remedies in the manual were often food-based.

For example, for Delirium Tremens related to alcoholism, the Merck Manual lists “Beef-tea,” as “most useful,” and “Food: nutritious; more to be depended on than anything else.”
Imagine if a doctor today recommended such “quackery” in todays’ pharmaceutically-dominated paradigm?

As we've discussed previously, even the term "snake oil" comes from the use of snake lipids by Chinese railroad workers as a linament to soothe aching muscles.

And "quack" from the use of mercury amalgams by early dentists.

History has an amazing ability to provide context

Merck’s 1899 incredible compendium of ‘natural cures’ would define the medical practices and thinking of the age, and for at least three more decades.

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This is additionally confirmed through an amazing map of ‘herbal cures’ from 1932 released by Slate, which included medicinal plants in common use among pharmacists and the public back then. The map itself states under the heading 'The Service of Pharmacy':

“It is important that the public does not lose sight of the fact that the professions of Pharmacy, Medicine, and Dentistry, each give an essential service, which must not be impaired or destroyed by commercial trends.

The public and the professions will suffer equally if these services are allowed to deteriorate. In pharmacy the public should understand something of the breadth of knowledge required of the pharmacist.

Few people realize the extent to which plants and minerals enter into the practice of pharmacy, and how vital they are to the maintenance of the public health.

It has been stated that upwards of 70 percent of all medicines employed are plant products.”

Flash forward 80 years and we have a medical system which relies almost entirely on patented chemicals and/or biologicals that are far removed from anything resembling the 'back yard farmacy' of yesteryear.

Click on the image above to view a larger version in a new window

Related: Natural Health Special + What Is the Natural Allopathic Protocol Useful For? & Why Whole Foods Are
Always Better Than Nutritional Supplements

The FDA's very definition of a drug now precludes the use of natural substances, and drug-based medicine has become a form of human sacrifice,
on a scale that may exceed previous civilizations sacrifice of their population for ostensibly religious reasons.

This map should be shared far and wide and hopefully will shed light on the massive, emergent database of natural substances (there are about 1700 indexed on our website alone) that can be used to treat a staggeringly wide range of health conditions (over 3,000 indexed on our site alone).

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The Healing Web

A Guide to Holisitc & Allopathic Health Care:

Click on the image above to download a high-resolution PDF of the full document

The Great Awakening Report has partnered with Dylan Louis Monroe (@masterconspiracy), the mastermind behind the Deep State Mapping Project in releasing The Healing Web, a map exposing the truth about the health industry, the battles waged against our health, and holistic approaches to treat what ails you.  

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Please download a copy of The Healing Web to use as a reference and guide in your own personal journey to seek and maintain good health.

The Healing Web is a bi-hemisphered index of holistic and pharmacological remedies for most common illnesses and conditions. It’s a visual aid to illustrate the variety of alternative therapies available, and the central importance of diet in treating all diseases.

Western Medicine, though useful at times, is built on toxic treatments that fail to address the true causes of disease, and lure trusting patients into lifelong treatment plans.

The web includes the historical origins of both systems in the upper corners of the diagram.

An optimal approach to healthcare would utilize the best techniques of both systems. Let the Healing Web guide YOU to find lasting physical and spiritual healing.

DISCLAIMER: These statements are intended to inspire you to pursue your own independent research, and should not be used to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. Consult your Higher Self for further guidance.

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Words From the Healing Web

A majority of the 1st World is presently witnessing a catastrophic state of institutional failure in their primary state-sponsored Medical industries.

Hospitals are being built at breakneck speeds to combat a global health crisis, but in reality, it’s not actually a crisis at all but in fact a masterfully orchestrated plan carried out by a sick Cabal of elite profiteers.

Previously known as “Robber Barons”, their wealth goes all !he way back to Pharaoh.

Over centuries, they’ve studied psychology, black magic and alchemy, and used their advanced occult knowledge against the common man.

In a way the Healing Web is comparing the worst of Big Pharma to the best of Holistic medicine.

That may seem biased at first, but as you come to understand the full history, and that Medicine is partially being employed as a tool for mass extermination, Holistic philosophy is clearly the better choice of first resort.

Diet modification alone could prevent or reverse a majority of diseases, but our institutions have misled us on some of the most fundamental aspects of health & nutrition.

Related: How Rockefeller Founded Big Pharma And Waged War On Natural Cures

They have lied about what is unhealthy, while at the same time, they’ve taken naturally healthy foods and sapped the nutrition out of them through cooking & pasteurization.

Other foods have been transformed into poison by adding preservatives, and sugar [or toxic chemical sugar replacements.]

Many personal physicians may mean well, but the core of the Medical industry is frightfully corrupt. The interaction between Government, Big Pharma, Big Agra, and Big Food constitutes a perpetual genocide we’ve come to accept as the norm.

Thankfully, we still have a choice. Every condition would benefit from a multifaceted approach to treatment such as a combination of detox, diet, exercise, immune support through supplementation, and energetic and spiritual healing.

A holistic approach can even include a pharmacological treatment, with ancillary natural remedies to minimize side effects.

What is the optimal diet for human health and longevity? Many are struggling to find an answer to this question.

The debate has been polluted with much propaganda and misinformation from every side. Clearly the standard Western diet that most people grew up with was the wrong answer.

Excess sugar and fried food have fueled one of the greatest unacknowledged epidemics man has ever known. Many are switching to a Vegan diet in retaliation to the obvious horrors of factory farming, but is Veganism really the best answer?

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The progression of altruistic dieting from Vegan to Fruitarian, to Liquitarian, to Breatharian ends in severe malnutrition unless one miraculously develops supernatural Buddhist abilities.

This is not a rational long term diet plan for ordinary people. Food anchors our souls to the 3D world. To achieve 5D consciousness through starvation is a form of self destruction, and defeats the purpose of this incarnation.

Many who tried Veganism and experienced negative consequences have now gone back to a Carnivorous diet, and recognize that the mainstream push for Veganism may be part of the New World Order’s depopulation agenda.

We have been indoctrinated with a conception of beauty that idealizes anorexia and the malnourishment of women. Are we being soyed down, and fed frankenfood to make us docile and more easy to manage, as part of the same strategy that gave us water fluoridation and atmospheric aerosol injections?

We are living through a war against our personal health being led by the establishment. To survive, we must go back to what we know is real, natural, and tested by time; organic food, sustainable farming, and raw nutrition.

We’ve developed a culinary culture that involves overcooking everything, destroying beneficial enzymes, bacterial cultures, and proteins. This causes poor digestion and malabsorption of nutrients, which can have a negative domino effect leading to greater systemic illnesses.

Related: Why Nutritional Psychiatry Is The Future Of Mental Health Treatment + Depression Is A Symptom Of Nutrient Deficiency; Treating It With Drugs Is Not Only Ineffective But Dangerous

It’s time lo unlearn everything we’ve been taught by the agencies we thought we could trust. Diet aside, the healing technologies being withheld from the public could extend life close to immortality.

The prospect of eternal life may sound alluring, but it raises logistical capacity concerns.

Does humanity have the maturity yet to adhere to a more ethical population regulation strategy that doesn’t rely on mass deception, or are we as a species nothing more than a swarm of locust, pillaging one continent to the next, consuming planet after planet, leaving barren radioactive ruins in our path? Would we be considered a plague by the rest of the galaxy?

Natural law dictates “kill or be killed”, but how does civilization fit into the equation?

All energy and life force is recycled from something that came before it. We are all one, and simultaneously individual refractions of Source.

The universe embodies the Eastern wisdom of Yin and Yang, not the new age mantra “Love and Light”.

Our mission, beyond survival, is to learn how to coexist in harmony with each other and all other sentient life in the universe, to create, and make progress without it devolving into endless consumption, our current societal model.

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Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi
World Extreme Weather: Is It Man Or Something Else?
December 14 2021 | From: GlobalResearch / Various

Our planet seems to be in a growing crisis in terms of agriculture and crop production related to unusual weather shifts.

Many reports in recent months use the term “extreme weather” to describe record heat across Europe this [Northern Hemisphere] summer, record flooding in US Midwest farm states, or record drought across India and major parts of Africa and China.

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Parts of the USA Midwest are undergoing the worst growing conditions since at least the 1980s. In the UK the weather has been ruinous to the grain harvest there.

The crucial question to ask is whether we can assume, as many do, that this is all part of man-made global warming, today renamed climate change, or whether it can be caused by something quite different:

The periodic cycles of solar activity that in the past months have entered what astro-scientists call a “solar minimum.

If it is due to the latter, we are spending huge sums on addressing a wrong problem, in fact trillions of dollars.

Until this July large parts of India were suffering record drought. Chennai reservoirs were down to 0.2% of capacity over the past two years as a severe heat wave saw 99% less water than a year ago.

Acute water shortages have forced thousands to flee their villages.

Though in early August above-average monsoon seasonal rains relieved the situation in some parts, so far the rainfall is far from adequate to restore empty reservoirs across India.

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In China severe drought has left about 800,000 hectares of crops affected in northern China’s Hebei Province with rainfall some 55% below normal.

That comes as a devastation of China’s pig population from the deadly African Swine Fever spreads and crops across the country are being destroyed by a plague of Army Fallworm infestation that is resistant to most weed-killers.

At the same time record rains have devastated agriculture in key growing regions. In the UK excessive rainfall in August has brought the wheat harvest to a halt according to the National Farmers’ Union.

Across the major US Midwest record snowfall in winter, coupled with record rains this spring, have severely delayed plantings for corn and soybeans.

The twelve months through July have been the wettest on record in the Midwest grain belt resulting in millions of acres going unplanted.

In Africa, Zambia is experiencing the worst drought since 1981, and severe drought in other African countries is reported.

Solar Minimum…

The events have been dramatized by various advocacy groups and political parties as proof that man-made global warming - emissions of CO2 from industry, coal plants, cars and the like - are the cause.

We are being inundated with proposals for new taxes in the hundreds of billions of dollars in especially the European Union, taxes that we are told are needed to solve this problem. What if we are focused on the wrong cause-effect relation?

Recent research suggests that we have been too limited in our science and are ignoring what is likely orders of magnitude a greater influence in world weather and its shifts than any manmade emissions.

What is relevant to this discussion is the fact that no linear climate model used by the UN IPCC or any of the hundreds of climate think tanks around the world are able to model what is by far the greatest single factor affecting our weather, the “moody” sun.

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Exterminate All Recognizable Life On Planet Earth

What astrophysicists have documented is that our sun - by far the greatest factor for whether we experience heat or cold spells, El Nino Pacific events, or severe volcanic or earthquake activity as in the past months - that the sun undergoes a complex cyclical series of intense activity followed by declining activity, activity commonly known as sunspots or solar eruptions, huge electro-magnetic events.

Typically the sun eruptions come in roughly 11 year cycles of peaks and lows. These cycles overlay longer cycles and relate to the highly complex motion of our solar system in the universe.

Currently since 2018 we are experiencing a period of significant decline in solar activity, a solar minimum. The last such was during 2008-2009. 

There is convincing evidence that this minimum will be what is called a Grand Solar Minimum, far more than any in the recent decades. What are observable effects of such cyclical solar minimum periods?

Cosmic Rays and Clouds

According to astrophysicists, when the sun’s magnetic field weakens, the outward pressure of the solar wind decreases.

This allows more cosmic rays to penetrate our planet’s atmosphere. In turn the cosmic rays hitting Earth’s atmosphere create aerosols which, in turn, seed clouds. According to Dr Roy Spencer;

Clouds are the Earth’s sunshade, and if cloud cover changes for any reason, you have global warming, or global cooling.”

Hurricane Dorian Microwave Beam Proof

This shows proof of a microwave beam, weakening and steering Hurricane Dorian, before it hit the North Carolina coast.

The beam comes from an SBX type megawatt microwave transmitter at a Marine Air Base.

The US navy is not going to be happy about this video. This microwave technology is killing the oceans, by punching hundreds of holes in the ozone layer, every week.

These microwave beams are weapons, killing Mother Nature, herself. We humans, who have awareness of these doomsday technologies, must speak out, and shut them down. Simply disclosing these devices MAY be enough to curtail their use. So please add your voice to help stop the deliberate killing of OUR planet!

Geoengineering And Weather Modification Exposed

The US Government’s National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) says;

All weather on Earth, from the surface of the planet out into space, begins with the Sun.

Space weather and terrestrial weather (the weather we feel at the surface) are influenced by the small changes the Sun undergoes during its solar cycle

The most important impact the Sun has on Earth is from the brightness or irradiance of the Sun itself.

What are the effects of a weaker solar activity, a more dormant cycle as we now experience of less solar energy or irradiance reaching Earth?

In addition to increased cloud coverage globally, the vital jet streams weaken and volcanic activity increases, along with earth quakes, combined with erratic unpredictable weather.

The Earth’s magnetosphere, which normally locks the Jet Stream in place, weakens, and that in turn causes the stable Jet Stream to shift South as it did in January 2019 in North America causing the record cold and snows across the USA Midwest.

In some regions there will be significantly more drought while in others significant flooding with major effect on world food production possible.

The weaker solar activity, known as Solar Minimum, also correlates with a global cooling trend. This has been documented going back centuries and longer.

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The current solar cycle, called by NASA the Number 24 Cycle, peaked in early 2014 before starting its measurable decline in annual sunspot activity. The minimum is predicted to take place in 2020. It could last for years. Some predict a new “mini Ice Age.”

The subject is complex and vastly under-researched as we focus instead almost exclusively on man-made changes or possible changes to our weather with simplistic computer models.

If the coming winter in the Northern Hemisphere is anything like the past one, it should prompt us to take this solar component of our climate seriously.

By refusing to promote vigorous new research, we run a real risk in coming years of being unprepared for dramatic harvest failures globally at a time when most OECD governments have decided to eliminate emergency public grain reserves, and our food supply is organized on a “just-in-time” system.

Science is not about “consensus,” but rather about discovering truth, however controversial.

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Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi

Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi
We Don’t Love You Anymore Jacinda & The Three Waters Op-Ed Stuff Doesn't Want You To Read
December 13 2021 | From: NZCPR / TaxPayersUnion / Various

One year into Labour’s three-year term as a majority government, Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern’s honeymoon is coming to an end.

The public now know the destination she is taking our country, and it is not where we want to go. Finally, we, the people, are saying enough is enough.

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The latest Roy Morgan poll shows support for Labour slipping from 50 percent on election night to 39.5 percent. That would result in fourteen Labour MPs losing their seats.

Confidence in the Government has fallen 15.5 points to 109.5 – the lowest rating since the Prime Minister came to office four years ago.

If we were to write to Jacinda Ardern, to outline why New Zealanders don’t love her anymore, we’d probably say something like this: 

"Dear Jacinda,

When you became Labour Party leader, seven weeks before the 2017 election, you had been a little-known list MP.

We now know that nine months before being elected to Parliament in 2008, you had become President of the International Union of Socialist Youth.

The fact that instead of immediately resigning from that role after becoming an MP, you continued on as President for a further fifteen months, should have caused concern – especially after a video emerged showing you referring to conference attendees as “comrades” fifteen times in seven minutes.

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Being trusting people, we didn’t think that meant you were a communist.

We saw the media fawning over your elevation to Party leader so enthusiastically that the term “Jacindamania” was coined. And we noted that these media cheerleaders, gave you favourable coverage during the election campaign.

In spite of that, Labour received 956,000 votes or 36.9 percent, while 1,152,000 New Zealanders – 44.4 percent – supported National.

That result showed the country had overwhelmingly voted for conservatism and stability.

But Winston Peters, holding the balance of power and ignoring the wishes of the majority of voters, anointed you as our 40th Prime Minister.

Kiwis are fair minded, and you were given the chance to prove yourself. But while you had great communication skills, and what appeared to be genuine empathy, it soon became clear that true to your hard line roots you intended to impose destructive socialist extremism onto New Zealand.

The first indication of your intention was your unilateral decision to ban new deep sea oil drilling to effectively close down New Zealand’s oil and gas industry.

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This was done without warning, without consultation, and without Cabinet approval, on the eve of your first overseas trip as Prime Minister – allegedly so you could look decisive on the world stage.

We saw this again following the Christchurch terror attack – even though the perpetrator was a deranged foreigner, you cracked down on the rights of law-abiding Kiwi firearm owners without warning, consultation, or proper justification.

Driven by a seemingly insatiable desire for international recognition, you appeared oblivious to the livelihoods and lifelong interests you were destroying.

We then became concerned in 2019 to hear you tell a meeting hosted by Bill Gates, that without our knowledge, you were imposing the United Nations Agenda 2030 onto New Zealand:

"My Government is doing something not many other countries have tried. We have incorporated the principles of the 2030 Agenda into our domestic policy-making in a way that we hope will drive system-level actions.

I believe that the change in approach that we have adopted in New Zealand is needed at a global scale.”

But while you were successfully embedding the UN’s socialist agenda into every regulation and law change, your election promises of building affordable housing, reducing homelessness, and eliminating child poverty were all turning into dismal failures.

And even though the media had largely stuck by you, by the end of 2019 the growing discontent – especially within the business and farming sectors that were facing a tsunami of restrictive rules and regulations – was so widespread it was reflecting in the polls, indicating yours was likely to be a one-term government.

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That is until Covid-19 came along early in election year.

Covid became a socialist leader’s dream. It enabled emergency measures curtailing freedom and liberty to be embedded into every facet of our lives – with minimal Parliamentary scrutiny.

Under the guise of fighting Covid you hired a multi-million-dollar Rolls Royce communications team to provide you with expert advice: as long as you could keep fear of Covid top of mind right up to voting day, your re-election was assured.

And that’s exactly what happened. Winning over 50 percent support from New Zealanders was a remarkable achievement.

On election night you assured the country you would govern for ‘all’ Kiwis:

"We will not take your support for granted. And I can promise you, we will be a party that governs for every New Zealander.”

We wanted to believe you. But we now know, those words were a lie.

The separatist agenda you unleashed is unprecedented in New Zealand’s history.

We now know that you concealed the ‘He Puapua’ blueprint – to replace democracy with tribal rule – for 12 months prior to the election.

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Sky News host Andrew Bolt says he is concerned New Zealand Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern’s “woke politics” are leading the country towards “a form of apartheid”.

“The Māori population of New Zealand is about 16 per cent and that includes people who also have European ancestry, some of them,” he said.

“But Ardern's cabinet commissioned a report which sets out a 20-year plan to have New Zealand eventually ruled 50-50 on race grounds, Māori and non-Māori.

And Ardern has already now created a new Māori health authority, that’s the first step to a divided health system, divided by race. One system for one, another system for everyone else.”

Mr Bolt discussed the issue with NZ Centre for Political Research Director Dr Muriel Newman.

“It is extremely frightening because most Kiwis have no idea what’s going on,” she said.

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That report reveals your plan is to introduce 50:50 co-governance, to give the Maori elite, who represent just 15 percent of the population, disproportionate power and unimaginable authority over the lives of the 85 percent of other New Zealanders.

Why did you not tell us during the election campaign that you intended to transfer democratic power to an unelected and unaccountable tribal aristocracy so they can control New Zealand for their own benefit?

Since you didn’t reveal those intentions before the election, you have no mandate from New Zealanders to replace democracy with tribal rule.

And while you have denied ‘He Puapua’ is Labour Party policy, it’s clear that is another lie.

New Zealanders are not stupid – we have read the He Puapua report and we can see that the laws you are now enacting are part of this agenda for tribal control.

In health, when you realised that a Maori Health Authority with the right of veto over the entire health system couldn’t be established under the decentralised District Health Board model, without any consultation you announced that DHBs would be abolished.

You have no mandate to replace community control of health with a centralised apartheid bureaucracy prioritising Maori over those with more serious medical needs.

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Putting race ahead of need is not the New Zealand way. It is shocking and callous. How can anyone with genuine empathy and a clear conscience possibly think it’s OK? And restructuring the entire health system during a pandemic is not only ideological madness, but it borders on being criminally reckless.

In education you are allowing Maori extremists to dictate the curriculum and indoctrinate children with a worldview that denigrates our history and the people who helped build our nation.

In local government, you abolished the democratic rights of local communities to reject plans to divide them by race. It seems clear that this was the first step towards the He Puapua goal of tribal control of local authorities.

You have no mandate for your disastrous Three Waters proposal to give control of ratepayer-funded water infrastructure and services to the Maori tribal elite.

Communities up and down the country are outraged at this blatant seizing of local assets – and the transfer of democratic control that will undoubtedly lead to the imposition of royalties to Maori whenever a Kiwi tap is turned on.

And what about your plan to silence opponents through proposed hate speech laws? You did not seek a mandate to ‘criminalise’ someone for political views – such as criticising Labour politicians or Maori supremacists – yet that is what your draft law changes are proposing.

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Nor did you seek a mandate to effectively buy media support for your plan for tribal rule.

You campaigned on funding the media, but you did not explain that the $55 million Public Interest Journalism Fund would be contingent on supporting the fabricated Maori ‘partnership’ claim that underpins He Puapua.

In some countries, political leaders who attempt to unduly influence the media through taxpayer funding, are being accused of corruption.

What hold does the tribal elite have over you? Why are you prepared to sacrifice the democratic rights of all New Zealanders, so they can have power?

Kind people may think that you are simply naive and being duped by your Maori caucus. Others believe that creating disunity is part of your socialist DNA.

When it comes to your management of Covid, we are now witnessing the loss of liberty on a scale unimaginable from a New Zealand Prime Minister.

You have given yourself the authority to control our lives, even to the point of allowing police – or their ‘agents’ – to enter our homes and businesses without a warrant.

Jacinda Ardern's CCP Playbook

Perhaps we have advanced as a society since those pandemic plans of 2019? If so, it’s towards a more authoritarian, controlling future. As part of its 100th anniversary celebrations this year, the Chinese Communist Party might count the successful export of disease management.

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Now, through vaccine mandates – that you promised before the election you would not introduce – you are dividing our nation and trampling over sacred civil liberties and democratic rights protected by the New Zealand Bill of Rights.

In 1990, when Labour Prime Minister Geoffrey Palmer was introducing the Bill of Rights in Parliament, he explained that it was a safeguard to protect New Zealanders against the unbridled power of future governments:

"It is unlikely that there will be a wholesale disregard of human rights in New Zealand in the foreseeable future, but… we cannot afford to wait until rights disappear before we take action, because it is too late by that stage.

It is better to have a Bill of Rights when it is not needed than to not have one when it is needed.”

Now, thirty-one years later, you are leading a government that is doing exactly what he believed would never happen in New Zealand – you are stomping on the basic human rights of New Zealanders.

This is not the New Zealand way – and it is not what voters thought they were getting when they gave you the responsibility of leading our country for the benefit of all.

Time To Rise

In recent weeks there has a been a flood of anger, grief, confusion and fear felt by many in NZ. The announcement of the traffic light system will divide New Zealand into two classes of citizens.

Where are these extreme control measures taking us? Will you sit and stay silent, or will you rise?

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You have betrayed us, and we have lost trust in you and your Government.

That’s why we don’t love you anymore, Jacinda – and why we want you to resign.

Yours sincerely…"

So, what can be done?

This week’s NZCPR Guest Commentator is UK based Mark Hanson, a New Zealander with a legal background and vast international experience, who is so deeply troubled by the destructive socialist agenda he sees being rolled out, that he has proposed a new type of law:

"New Zealand faces a major challenge to the future of its democracy which it has never experienced since the coming to power of the current Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern.

Ardern, who comes from a communist, socialist and dictatorial background, has changed the history of New Zealand by closing down both the economy and Parliament with the excuse of Covid.

“By the time the next election comes along in 2023, it is expected that a number of ‘power-sharing’ laws will have been passed by the Ardern Government, that will change the nature of New Zealand democracy forever...

“There are two democratic ways of dealing with this. First, is to draw up a list of amendments to every relevant law or regulation in need of repealing. This however, would take years to achieve and would not restore democracy on a timely basis.

“Secondly, the most time efficient and democratic approach is to draw up one Repealing Act of Parliament to repeal every law and regulation she has enacted, before the next election.

In addition, all persons who have been appointed under laws and regulations should be removed from office the day the repealing legislation is passed into law.”

Mark’s suggestion is powerful.

After three years of Jacinda Ardern’s destructive agenda the immediate repeal of their unmandated and undemocratic law changes by the next government is imperative.

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The Three Waters Op-Ed Stuff Doesn't Want You To Read

The following op-ed was written by Taxpayers' Union Executive Director Jordan Williams in response to a piece published by Stuff and the Sunday-Star Times.

Click on the image above to view a larger version in a new window

Stuff refused to publish this, even when the Taxpayers' Union offered to pay for it as a half-page ad.

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'Irresponsible to Label Three Waters Critics Racist'

In her drive to ram through the Three Waters reform package, Local Government Minister Nanaia Mahuta has been aided by commentators eager to write off opposition to reform as scare-mongering or even racist. There is perhaps no better example than Andrea Vance’s recent column.

Vance dismisses councils who have protested the theft of assets. She argues it’s not theft because – as the Government says – water assets will still ‘belong’ to local communities, just with some loss of control.

What does Vance think ownership means? Here’s how Gary Judd QC puts it:

"Legal scholars argue about what is meant by ownership, but it is certain that if one has no rights in relation to a thing - e.g., no right to use it, to enjoy it, to gain a return from it, to dispose of it, to destroy it, to control it or to control its use - one does not own the thing.”

It's like a car thief writing to say how much they’re enjoying ‘your’ set of wheels. Nice of them to say it’s yours, but that doesn’t fill the hole in your garage.

Vance’s relaxed attitude toward theft is not, however, what prompted me to write this column.

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Vance makes a serious accusation: Certain groups are exploiting fear by playing the race card. She even names the groups – Hobson’s Pledge, the Opposition parties (presumably National and ACT), and your humble Taxpayers’ Union are singled out as encouraging a ‘nasty undercurrent of racism’.

This demands a response.

It is true that these groups have highlighted or protested the co-governance model which will see iwi [corporate Maori elite] join with councils on a 50-50 basis to appoint the representative groups that form the ‘community voice’ under the new regime.

It is also unfortunately true that any debate over co-governance will spur a bitter minority of New Zealanders to voice anti-Māori rhetoric. (Credit to the interns who have to moderate such comments on the Taxpayers’ Union Facebook page.)

But it is not true that merely raising the issue of co-governance equates to race-baiting. Co-governance is an important aspect of the Three Waters proposal, and its implications require scrutiny.

Iwi will bring distinct values and interests to the water board table. What are the financial implications – which will be borne by all ratepayers – of iwi using their 50 percent input to advance these interests?

What protections will there be from what economists call ‘rent seeking’?

Jacinda Ardern Has ‘Full Control’ of New Zealand [Mainstream] Media

Political commentator Chantelle Baker says Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern has “full control” of the media in New Zealand which basically only pushes her ideology.

“Jacinda’s paid huge amounts, there’s been hundreds of millions that have been paid out for the media to try and sustain them and keep them alive,” she told Sky News Australia.

“And the issue with that is that now we’ve got a media which has pretty much demonstrated that they will only push for promotion of Jacinda and promotion of her ideological ideas.”

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To what extent will iwi have control over water pricing and investment under a model that confers iwi half the votes, while the other half are given to councils that are themselves introducing co-governance through Māori wards?

And doesn’t the requirement for a 75 percent vote on any major decisions result in an effective iwi veto right? It certainly looks that way to us, but Mahuta was at pains to deny it during an interview on the Taxpayers’ Union podcast.

There are major problems here that require attention in the media and Parliament. And none of the problems here have to do with the fact that iwi representatives are Māori.

The problems lie in an elevated level of control exercised by a chosen set of interest groups above any other unelected entities.

In fact, conflating issues of iwi governance with issues of race only makes it easier for those best-connected iwi that are given seats at the table to claim that they represent all Māori, while less-connected Māori communities are shut out.

Co-governance is far from the only problem with the Three Waters reforms. Iwi representation is just one aspect of four levels of bureaucracy that will separate all ratepayers – including Māori – from the valuable water assets we’ve all paid for. But co-governance does seem to be the issue that sticks in the noses of liberal commentators weighing up which side of a policy debate is the side of virtue.

Whenever the Taxpayers’ Union mentions the words ‘co-governance’, we expect an instinctive lashing out from advocacy groups on the political left.

Related: Message to Luxon | Three Waters ads canned | Taxpayers get "Milked"

But political journalists have greater power – the ability to set the boundaries of mainstream debate – and therefore greater responsibility to avoid accusations like that of racism, which serve to shut down substantive concerns over major reform from reasonable people who fear being branded bigots.

Stuff has insisted that its decision to accept funding from the Government’s Public Interest Journalism Fund does not make it beholden to the Government.

That’s great to hear.

But anyone who cares to check can read the Government’s five stated goals for the fund.

The third goal: ‘Actively promote the principles of Partnership, Participation and Active Protection under Te Tiriti o Waitangi’.

Vance’s column will have done little to mend perceptions that, at least when it comes to Three Waters, the media is influenced by Government funds.

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Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi

Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi

How Real Science Became Fake News
December 12 2021 | From: ThePulse / Various

Thirty years ago, the man who taught me quantum mechanics at Harvard wrote that the suppression of debate will be the “death of science”. 

Perhaps he saw the shape of things to come. Today, science is being perverted for political ends to an unprecedented extent.

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To look for an appropriate analogy, we would have to go back to the authority of the Church in medieval Europe.

"Attacks on me, quite frankly, are attacks on science.”

- Anthony Fauci

So G-d speaks through the mouth of the Pope, and maybe the Prophet Elijah and Charles Manson. But the Good Doctor of NIAID is the one with a direct line to Science.

My point is not that Fauci has grown too big for his britches, but that science is not religion.

The whole reason that we trust science is that it’s a society of open debate. Dr Fauci aspires to be the high priest of epidemiology. But if science carries more weight than the Church, it’s not because its priests are smarter or better qualified, it’s because science has no priests. 

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Science means arguing the case on its merits, and arguing on the merits is exactly what they are trying to avoid by calling anyone who disagrees with them, “anti-science”.

A real scientist said;

"Science is not a set of beliefs. Scientists don’t believe anything… You always have to be ready to have your favorite theory proven wrong, and if you’re not, you shouldn’t be doing science."


Eight months ago, I wrote about the hijacking of the imprimatur of “science” for political ends. 

Related: The arrogance of science has doomed humanity

Of course, politicization of science is much older than eight months. Perhaps it’s as old as The Enlightenment, but certainly as old as Social Darwinism and the Fabian Society.

But the current wave of censorship began five years ago, with a gradual but persistent movement in the mainstream press to legitimize censorship

Protecting the Public From “Fake News”

“Fake news” wasn’t a thing until five years ago. The 'lies' of Donald Trump were deemed more dangerous than other lies, and the Beltway think tanks decided that the Public needed protection.

For the 227 years before this, Americans generally agreed that freedom of the press held  the highest value for the viability of democracy.

Deciding what is true and forbidding the publication of falsehoods sounds like a good idea only for the first millisecond, until you ask, “who decides what is true?”

Stalin knew well the power of Pravda. Hitler had his Völkischer Beobachter. Do you remember the origin of the phrase “memory hole”?

George Orwell described in detail the way in which totalitarian governments must continually rewrite history to support a constantly-changing agenda. 

Related: The Carbonaro Effect: Magician Reveals How Fake News Media Indoctrinates The Gullible Masses With Junk Science

Donald Trump was dangerous to the Establishment not because his 'lies' were more pernicious or more convincing than other lies, but because occasionally, the rambling monologue that streamed from his lips included some inconvenient truths.

He charged that software in voting machines was rigged. He asked for a new, independent inquiry into 9/11. He promised to declassify millions of pages of military documents on UFOs.

The Establishment needed to silence Trump, not to protect the Public, but to protect the Establishment.

Lately, it is fashionable to smugly dismiss the deranged beliefs of “right-wing kooks” rather than endure the inconvenience of documenting just why these beliefs are “right-wing” and why they are wrong. Is Ivermectin a right-wing drug?

This recent propaganda piece from University of Southern California exploits fear of The Deadly Virus to promote an idea that is far more deadly: legitimizing government surveillance of people with opinions at odds with the prevailing narrative.

Need I remind you that the Fourth Amendment forbids the government from spying on citizens unless a judge has issued a search warrant, based on evidence that law enforcement agencies need this information to investigate a crime that has already been committed. 

“Crime prevention” is an idea I can endorse with full conscience when it involves anti-poverty measures, drug rehab services, and housing for the homeless.

Related: Responding To The “Nothing To Hide” Argument In Support Of Mass Surveillance + We Are All Targeted Individuals Now with Dr. Katherine Horton

But arresting people before they commit crimes is a practice absolutely forbidden by a millennium of British and American common law, and for the best of reasons: It has historically been used to jail the political opposition and hide the machinations of the powerful.

It’s probably true that AI can make statistical predictions about who will commit a crime based on videos, and certainly true that the potential for abuse of this technology is a red flag.

Research behind the USC piece associates conservative political views with doubts about vaccination.

The unstated implication is that vaccines are so obviously and universally safe that the only reason even to study their safety would be an anti-science bias which, incidentally, is common among fanatics of the Far RIght.

Why do some people decline the COVID vaccine? According to the NYTimes, It must be that they are sick in the head.

It can’t have anything to do with the fact that twice as many people have died from the COVID vaccines compared to the sum total of all other vaccines in the history of the VAERS reporting system.

It can’t possibly be because vaccines are less safe and less effective as a COVID preventive than traditional, well-tested measures such as vitamin D, zinc, ivermectin, and hydroxychloroquine.

This month, the cover story of Harvard Magazine was written by a young staff writer with no scientific background.

Related: Twenty Five Rules Of Disinformation, Propaganda, “PSYOPS”, Debunking Techniques

The title poses the question, “Can Disinformation be Stopped?”, while ignoring important preliminary questions, “Should disinformation be stopped?” and “How can we tell disinformation from information?” and “Whom can we trust with the awesome responsibility of discerning truth from falsehood?”

The three examples of “disinformation” cited on the cover are nothing of the sort, and in fact are topics where questioning points to deep sources of corruption, which  the Powers that Be are most desperate to suppress.

1. “ Election in Question: Were Votes Stolen?”

America has a sordid but largely hidden history of election theft.

But the Help America Vote Act of 2001 opened a new era of electronic vote tabulation by black-box software that has been ruled a “trade secret” by our highest court.

I have been a statistical consultant to election integrity activists since the 2004 election was stolen in Ohio on behalf of George W. Bush.

We have used exit polls as the best available check on election results, and since 2004, we have seen a growing rightward shift in the reported Federal results compared to exit polls.

Related: Elections In New Zealand, Australia, Canada, England, Germany, The Netherlands & Exposed: Proof NZ Prime Ministers Are Globalists

But in 2020, there were no exit polls for the first time in modern American history. So many people mailed their ballots that the people who showed up at the polls could not be considered a fair sample.

In short, 2020 was the most opaque election in American history. There is no reason to trust the reported election results.

At a time when America desperately needs a system of tabulation that the average voter can trust, all questioning of vote tabulations is ridiculed as the paranoid fantasies of right-wing partisans.

2. “Hydroxychloroquine is the Cure for COVID-19”

The American CDC and NIH have been criminally culpable in suppressing effective preventives and cures for COVID since the beginning of the pandemic.

Exhibit A is a super-sized observational study of 100,000 COVID patients on 3 continents that was rushed through peer review last year and published prominently in Britain’s most prestigious medical journal.

But there was no data to back up this study. It was retracted.

It was an obvious and scandalous scientific fraud, used to discredit the most effective available treatment, keeping alive the fear of COVID until a vaccine could be released.

Related: What Is The Real Purpose Of The Lockdowns? + How A False Hydroxychloroquine Narrative Was Created

In combination with zinc, chloroquine is a safe and effective preventative or early treatment. But doctors have been fired for prescribing it, and pharmacists have been ordered not to fill prescriptions.

Later, Ivermectin, an even more effective treatment for COVID, useful at all stages, has been demonstrated. Dr Pierre Kory and Dr Peter McCullough each testified before Congress about the extraordinary effectiveness of their treatment protocols, but to no avail.

Treatments are still being suppressed by governments, by social media, and by medical authorities. This has cost millions of lives worldwide.

It is being done to keep fear of COVID alive, and to make sure that vaccines are the only game in town.

3. “5G Networks Spread Coronavirus”

There are thousands of credible studies associating radio frequency radiation with anxiety, depression, and headaches, among other symptoms, and even cancer.

There are known mechanisms by which such non-ionizing radiation affects electrochemical cell signaling.

Still, there are physicists and engineers who deny the possibility of biological effects from cell phone radiation on theoretical grounds.

For 30 years, the telecom industry has stonewalled, denying that further regulation is necessary, publishing bogus studies that report “no significant evidence” of risk.

(Let me wear my statistician’s hat for the moment, and remind you that it is very easy to design a study that fails to produce evidence of associations that are real, but much harder to design a study that demonstrates associations when none really exist.)

Related: China’s Massive Amount Of Immunotoxic 5G Networking And The Wuhan Coronavirus: The Emperor’s New Virus

Last week, I was on a panel of engineers discussing safety standards for a new generation of cell phone technology. Most members were inclined to impose the burden of proof on those of us claiming a danger.

In other words, unless we could clearly prove that 5G technology caused disease and we could explain a physical mechanism of harm, they thought that implementation of 5G should continue without safety standards.

This is opposite to the attitude that American safety regulators have taken in every other field of technology. Why are health standards being determined by electrical engineers with no background in health sciences?

And yes, there is very legitimate and disturbing science associating higher COVID death rates in cities where 5G has been adopted early.

Make no mistake about it: The “fake news” campaign is not about protecting the public from lies; rather it is about establishing a state-sanctioned news network, which has been a central pillar for the stability of every totalitarian regime in history.

Despotic leaders can only remain in power by hiding the truth of what they are doing from the people they govern.

Conversely, there can be no meaningful democracy if there is only one source of centrally-managed information. 

Related: A Masterclass In Propaganda & Transgressing The Logic Of The New Tyrannical Normal

Other Examples, Past and Present

For decades, UFO sightings were fake news. Now we’re supposed to believe that UFOs are real, but that the tens of millions who believed in them before that belief was sanctioned are ignorant, gullible thrill-seekers.

Last year, the idea that COVID arose in a laboratory was fake news. Now it’s mainstream science, so long as you blame COVID on lax safety standards at Chinese laboratories.

Questioning the bioweapons research at Fort Detrick and nine other American Biosafety Level 4 labs is still forbidden in the public discourse. 

Moreover, the idea that COVID might have been deliberately released is nowhere mentioned, despite all the simulations and preparedness exercises that seemed to foretell the future with their focus on Coronaviruses of Chinese origin.

Twenty years ago, on September 11, the Twin Towers and a third tower not struck by aircraft all fell straight down in free fall, indicating there was zero resistance from the steel structure underneath.

In one moment, the steel is holding up a 110-storey building; in the next moment there is nothing inhibiting its collapse. It doesn’t happen in nature that all the supporting members just happen to melt at exactly the same moment.

Related: Brainwashing And The New Vocabulary: 12 Words & Phrases We Never Want To Hear Again & Just Like 9/11 Did, COVID-19 Is Shifting Human Consciousness In A Major Way

This requires precision engineering and precisely-timed explosive charges. And yet, if you search for “9/11 building collapse”, Google will lead you to the retracted Federal NIST report claiming, absurdly, that this is exactly what happened, and hide the realistic science that proves all three buildings were wired for demolition.

Science professors have lost their careers for telling the truth about 9/11.

58 years ago, John Kennedy was shot dead in Dallas.

The Warren Commission report concluded that a single bullet passed up and down and in and out of Kennedy’s body, subsequently breaking the arm of John Connally, then Governor of Texas, and falling out of the body onto the gurney, unscarred, where it could be conveniently discovered by hospital personnel.

Despite the fact that the Warren Report is physically implausible, and despite the fact that a Congressional committee in 1979 concluded that Kennedy was “probably” killed by a conspiracy rather than a lone gunman, scientific challenges to the official narrative are banned from Wikipedia and social media. 

But the story of vaccines is in a class by itself, by far the most successful corporate propaganda campaign in history.

In every other field, we define pathological fanaticism by its extreme dogma, taking an absolute position, with no recognition of subtlety and no regard to evidence.

This is the attitude of the religious zealot. But in the case of vaccines, the propaganda narrative has turned this common sense on its head.

Related: Top Ten Facts About The Vaccine Industry That The Dishonest Media Refuses To Report

All vaccines are safe. All vaccines are effective. Anyone who questions a particular vaccine, or identifies a side-effect, or claims that getting the disease provides better protection than taking the vaccine, is an “anti-vaxxer”, a science-denier, a menace to the universal social good of herd immunity.

BTW, the term, “herd immunity” used to be defined in the world of public health as a condition of a population which had been through the disease, and so was resistant to future epidemics.

In the age of COVID, “herd immunity” has been re-defined by WHO as a benefit that can only be conferred by vaccines. 


My mentor at Harvard (first paragraph) was Julian Schwinger, one of the most brilliant physicists of the 20th Century, who shared the Nobel Prize with Richard Feynman for (independently) formulating relativistic quantum field theory.

His physics papers had been prized by the scientific community and were published in top-tier physics journals ever since, as an 18-year-old wunderkind working under J Robert Oppenheimer, he conducted pioneering research in nuclear physics.

But after the cold fusion controversy of 1989, Schwinger became interested in the phenomenon, and suggested some deep theoretical insights.

He was told by the Physical Review that they would not consider a paper on cold fusion because the editors didn’t believe it was real. This is what prompted Schwinger’s warning about the future of physics. He resigned from the American Physical Society in protest.

Related: Extracting Energy From The Quantum Vacuum: Can Zero-Point Energy Power Our Planet? & More

I first discovered the cold fusion story in 2012. Over the ensuing two years, I attended two conferences and visited five cold fusion laboratories.

I can attest from talking to the experimental scientists and reviewing their data that cold fusion is real.

Of course, the potential for solving the world’s energy problems and for learning fundamentally new principles of physics are both monumentally exciting.

Despite various replications of cold fusion worldwide and several companies pursuing it as a new energy source, this remains a topic that mainstream physics journals refuse to touch.

Real science is never served by censorship.

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The White Tangata Whenua + Maori Legend: Blonde Mummies Of The South Pacific
December 11 2021 | From: YourNZ / AtlanteanGardens / Various

Recently the Northern Advocate published some revised history claiming that white people from Europe settled Aotearoa before Maori came here.

Northern Advocate (NZ Herald): Pre-Maori faces created from skulls, says Northland historian:

Egyptians, Greeks came to New Zealand First?

“A Northland historian has released what he says are forensic reconstructions of pre-Maori Northlanders that support his theory that Chinese and European seafarers came to New Zealand centuries before Polynesians.

Kaipara based historian Noel Hilliam says a forensic expert from Edinburgh University has reconstructed features using skulls retrieved from heaps of ancient human bones that were once piled in caves at several sites around the Kaipara.

The faces depict a blond woman with Celtic characteristics common in Wales and a man of Mediterranean appearance.

Kaipara skeletons were found with strands of red hair and a London pathologist who examined them in 1997 did not consider them Polynesian.

In a message to Mr Hilliam, the Edinburgh pathologist said his examination of skulls and skeletal remains from four sites showed they were from two races.

“People known in your country as Turehu originated from Wales over 3000 years ago and those known as Waitaha originated from the Mediterranean,” the pathologist said.

“The two skulls you randomly uplifted from one site – the female, which I named Henrietta, is Turehu of 23 years of age and 1.3m tall going on the average height of skeletons I examined. She originates from Wales.

“The Waitaha male is 34 years old 1.65m tall, average among the skeletal remains examined, and originates from the Mediterranean.”

The historian has not disclosed the names of the pathologist and forensic expert because he expected controversy over their findings.”

The Mystery of the Kamanawa Wall

A pyramid in New Zealand? or just a pile of very even blocks of stone. If it is a man made structure, we know it is at least 1800 years old. In 186 AD the Taupo eruption covered a vast area in volcanic ash and pumice, including this mound of stone.

These sorts of claims are not new. From Dargaville and Districts News (Stuff) in 2012: `Greeks got here first’

“New Zealand history is going to be turned on its head when the book To the Ends of the Earth is launched next month, co-author Noel Hilliam says.

The controversial book, written by researcher Maxwell C Hill with additional information from Dargaville shipwreck explorer Noel Hilliam, Gary Cook and John Aldworth, looks at what they say is evidence that Greeks, Spanish and Egyptians travelled to New Zealand before Maori.

The 378-page book explores a variety of evidence from ancient maps to ancient rock formations, giant human skeletons, cave drawings, oral history and a multitude of other physical evidence.

“Our contention is that ancient Greek navigators were the first to sail down under, landing in New Zealand before the Christian era began, to become the first inhabitants of the islands,” Mr Hilliam says.”

Now Hilliam claims it was the Welsh who got here first.

Related: Disinterest In Pre-Maori History Stuns

Newshub details other claimed discoveries: From a non-Māori Maui to Spanish shipwrecks: Who is Noel Hilliam?

And reports: Amateur historian admits grave-robbing Maori burials

“Noel Hilliam told the Northern Advocate he had found skulls that pre-date Māori.

However Mr Hilliam’s research, which has no academic basis, has been widely criticised.

“The statement that the young adult woman is from Wales is ludicrous. There is no way to find that information out from the skull size and shape, nor is it possible to tell that a person has blue eyes and blonde hair from skeletal features,” University of Otago bio-archaeologist Dr Siân Halcrow told Vice.

Worse, his actions have been condemned as racist and illegal.

“It is the violation of a sacred site. Them raiding urupā and acquiring ancestral heads – they haven’t said where from – makes me really concerned,” Auckland University senior lecturer Dr Ngarino Gabriel Ellis told Vice.

“Taking from urupā, just like from anyone’s [grave], is a violation of our funeral practices. These are our ancestors. They were not intended to be removed and distributed.

“It’s also illegal to go and tamper with anyone’s grave – so why aren’t there criminal charges being pressed?”

Mr Hilliam has refused to name the ‘experts’ he talked to, and told Vice that while he knew he was breaking the law, he did it because the law was unjust.

The Northern Advocate has since removed the article.”

I couldn’t find the article yesterday but it is back on the Herald’s beta site.

Related: Megalithic New Zealand: Pyramids, Rabbits, And Megaliths Of Upper World And Underworld

The Spinoff: The white tangata whenua, and other bullshit from the ‘One New Zealand’ crew

“Over the past 30 years a growing a minority of New Zealanders has decided that the first inhabitants of their country had white rather than brown skin. They believe that one or more European peoples emigrated to these islands thousands of years ago, and established a populous and technologically sophisticated civilisation here.

This pigmentopia was invaded and conquered by the ancestors of Māori. The warlike Polynesians slew the white men they found, took the women as wives, and appropriated the indigenes’ greenstone carvings.

Mike Barrington’s article may have talked nonsense about New Zealand history, but it did provide a reasonably accurate narrative of the careers of the country’s pseudo-historians.

Hilliam has made other remarkable claims over the years. In 1982 he said he had found the remains of an old Spanish ship on a beach near Dargaville, but the wreck vanished before he could show it to anybody.

In 2008 he told Radio New Zealand that he had found a Nazi submarine off the Northland coast. The submarine had supposedly left Germany in the last days of the Third Reich, loaded with gold. Hilliam never made good on his promise to reveal the location of the submarine wreck.

The notion of a white tangata whenua promised to relieve Pakeha of their status as latecomers to New Zealand, and to counter Māori talk of historical injustice. But the theory had, and still has, a problem: a complete lack of evidence.

In recent years a series of scholars have run DNA tests on Māori, in an effort to trace their ancestry. These tests confirm that Māori are a Polynesian people, and that Polynesians have their origins in coastal Asia thousands of years ago. There is no genetic evidence for ancient contact between Polynesians and Europeans.

The believers in an ancient white civilisation are undeterred by the lack of evidence for their claims. They insist that a conspiracy of Māori leaders, politically correct academics, cowardly Pākehā politicians and sinister international organisations is working to conceal and destroy the physical legacy of New Zealand’s first inhabitants.

They claim that the stone city in Waipoua forest has been closed to visitors by Department of Conservation staff and local Māori. Elsewhere teams of explosives experts are blowing up the stone houses of the first New Zealanders and sealing burial caves.

Ancient European bones and artefacts are being quietly removed from museums, and roads are being built through the sites of Celtic observatories.”

I guess the Herald will remove the article from their beta site as well.

Related: Easter Island - Ancient Links With New Zealand Maori + The Real Indigenous People Of NZ

Maori Legend: Blonde Mummies Of The South Pacific

Maori oral traditions state that, upon arrival in New Zealand, Maori found that there was a large, well-established population already living in the country. The inhabitants were described as having skin complexion that was white to light-ruddy, with eye colors from blue to green to darker tints. Their hair color ranged from white and golden, with red being predominant in the general population.

The Maori term Pakeha, later used to describe white colonial Europeans, was derived from the ancient name Pakepakeha used to describe the former white population.

Pocket groups of these first inhabitants survived into the 20th century and are well-remembered by old-timers as the red headed, freckle-faced Maoris or Waka blondes.

Scholars probing definitions and development of the Maori term "Pakeha" (Maori name for white people) state the following: The derivation seems to be from ‘Pakepakeha’ mythical people who are mischievous beings, with fair skin and hair who lived deep in the forest, coming out at night.

Who Inhabited New Zealand Before the Polynesian / Melanesian Maori?

This is one of eleven mummified heads repatriated to New Zealand in 1998 of our earliest known inhabitants, who were referred to by the Maori as 'Kiri-Puwhero" (light-complexioned skin) with hair that was "Uru-Keru" (reddish, golden tinged).

These pre-colonial, mummified Europoid heads should be subjected to DNA analysis.

The ‘Pakepakeha’ are also linked to ‘Patupaiarehe’ by their fair skin and hair. The ‘Patupaiarehe’ had fair skin and beautiful voices, and gave people the secret of fishing with nets.

These creatures’ possess canoes made of reeds, which can change magically into sailing vessels. The ‘Patupaiarehe’ can also be linked to Nahe’s version of Pakeha as an abbreviation of ‘Paakehakeha’, gods of the ocean who had the forms of fish and man (Biggs, 1988).

A New Zealand stamp portrays the pre-Maori Patu-paiarehe people, now relegated to the realm of myth and legend

The coffins seen above were photographed in 1919 high up a cliff-face at a very remote part of New Zealand. Each coffin was hewn-out by stone tools from a single log, like a dugout canoe.

These skeletons display recognisable European physiology. They were already very old when found in isolated country, far from the consecrated ground of a churchyard.

The deceased people were, undoubtedly, the white Ngati Hotu, known in local Maori and European folklore to have hidden from the cannibals for centuries in this inhospitable region.

After the coming of the Polynesian-Melanesian cannibals to New Zealand, the earlier people were hunted to extinction as a food source.

Many of the Patu-paiarehe or Turehu women were forcibly absorbed into the Maori tribes as slaves. Fugitives or survivors amongst the earlier people moved to the very rugged and remote interior of the country and lived in the deep forests or dark caves, many succumbing to lung ailments from hiding out by day and foraging by night.

Ancient Bloodlines and Lost Civilizations

Maori oral traditions state that, upon arrival in New Zealand, they found that there was a large, well-established population already living in the country.

Robert Sepehr is an author, producer and anthropologist specializing in linguistics, archeology, and paleobiology (archeogenetics).

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The Urgency To Educate On The Dangers Of 5G Technology, Especially With Mothers & “With 5G, We Are Guinea Pigs” - Media Reports 5G Injuries From Swiss Experiments In Geneva
December 10 2021 | From: OurPlanet / Smombiegate / Various

There is a Grass Roots Awakening across NZ, where more and more people are becoming aware of the escalating problems that 5G technology may cause.

Groups of people are organising across the country to have the discussion that the Teleco's are not prepared to have. This is especially to do with health.

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Recently groups have sprung up in Albany, Waiheke Island, Mangawhai, Torbay, West Auckland - Coromandel, Tauranga, Wanganui, Wellington, Nelson, and the Golden Bay / Takaka area so there is a grassroots movement spreading like mushrooms - because inherently there is a distrust of corporates, world wide as well as a reticence to believe in what our Governments are saying and not necessarily doing.  

Just now we have Whangarei,  Warkworth and Little River, in Banks Peninsula.

The Controversy

Sue was originally involved in researching 4G telephone wireless networks and that there was wifi very near to schools.

Also, that telephone towers were placed close to play centres - like in one case 5 metres away and that the 'standards for this technology are written by the ‘corporates' who produce this technology

She also researched how the standards are enforced - about the NZ Government Advisory Committee and that if you are concerned about the harm - you are not allowed on the Government Advisory Committee.

Related: 5G Wireless Technology Is War against Humanity & 5G – The Global Human Experiment Without Consent

5G Technology

5G radio waves are very short but very intense radio waves - and there is yet, not enough health data to support the safety of this technology.

There is also the deployment of telephone towers dispersed at around 100 meters distance from each other - especially in major built up areas like the inner city - but also across the suburbs and residential areas.

Where our children spend most of their lives, including biota - pets, cats and dogs as well as flora - trees and shrubs.

But, we as a community have not been asked if we agree to having the close proximity of these towers to our homes. What Sue questions is, where is the public dialogue around this, when did the Teleco's engage us to ask us for our permission?

It's like Spark and Vodafone and the NZ Government are all ready to roll this technology out and we the community are still waiting to have the conversation as to its safety. Where is the engagement with the localised community?

Documentary “An Invisible Threat” Investigates Conflict of Interest Among Telecom, Politicians, and Scientists

This conflict of interest is happening all over the world; however, some governments have been taking a more active role in protecting citizens and the environment.  Not the U.S., though, and it’s only getting worse with the insane “Race for 5G.”

Related: Report: Smartphones Leaking More Radiation Than Legally Allowed

The ‘Precautionary Principle’

Scientific Experts who are 'independent' who are not profiting from this 5G tech are realising that there are some serious deficiencies in the actual technology that is being ‘sold’ to us - as well as the process as to how we should approach this ‘new’ technology.

The ‘Precautionary Principle’ is not being adhered to - in the rush to get this technology out into the marketplace.

Why the Hyped Up Rush to Roll 5G Out?

As of this moment - if 5G was not rolled out for another year or two - how many people would it really affect? Would it affect you and your family? Would the world come to an end?

Lets dwell on this, if we waited another year or two to really get clarity to its safety, would this not be prudent? Especially as we already see so many children suffering from health effects, that doctors can not diagnose as to what is the source.

Should we not also add to this a question around the decline in bee numbers? (The canaries in the coal mine?)

Related: Why Is The Minister Of Health Taking Advice About The Health Effects Of 5G From A Committee Influenced By People With Ties To The Telecommunications Industry?

Sales Over Civilisation?

The hype that big business is salivating over is driverless cars - well take one look at the coagulated motorways into and out of Auckland at rush hour every day - what's the urgency of a driverless car or wanting to download a movie or a video game into our smart phone in 10 seconds ...?

Really, is this where the narrative is going - that ‘we have to have it now’ and get it ‘whilst it is hot?’ If this is the general consensus - then we have to realise that the term 'conscious' choices will never prevail, as we as a civilisation lose our moral compass in a race to the bottom.

The Time Lag of Learning the Pros and Cons

People who have been alive for 50 years or longer will realise that ‘old NZ’ - was a country where there was a closer relationship between neighbours and community.

That we once had politicians who we could approach and genuinely converse with. Political parties had ‘Manifestos” - which they produced prior to an election and that they would follow or do their best to adhere to.

Now-a-days it’s ‘ad hoc’ everything and intentions are thrown out the window as politicians 'make up policy on the fly' and they trust that because the world is moving at such a rapid pace that any flak or faux pas will have its 5 minutes in the headlines - to then be subsumed by more outrageous news to be quickly forgotten by the public - by the next election.

Child Testifies About WiFi at Her School Giving Her Microwave Sickness – a Medically Recognized Illness

Microwave Sickness is not new or uncommon. When it becomes disabling, it is referred to as Electromagnetic Sensitivity.  It is caused by exposure to sources of Electromagnetic Radiation which is sometimes referred to as “Electrosmog." Exposure is cumulative and no one is immune, though some tolerate it better than others.

Related: Halt 5G in Aotearoa New Zealand

With the Corporate Agenda interlocking with Government, as the premise of the eroding of public confidence - we are finding that there is no real intent to educate the public on this global 5G issue.

We are being subjected to glitzy advertising - telling us how much better the world is going to be with slick computer graphics and yet, all these videos do not show anything of nature - no trees, flowers or pastures green. (see Spark) - Because they are all being commissioned by head trippers who are controlling the narrative to buy into 5G.

Grass Roots Awakening Across NZ

However - across NZ there are concerned people who are aware of the problems that 5G may carry with it. Groups of people are organising to have the discussion that Teleco's will not have.

Such as recently in Albany, Waiheke Island, Mangawhai, Torbay, West Auckland - Coromandel, Tauranga, Wanganui, Wellington, Nelson, and the Golden Bay / Takaka area that there is a grassroots movement spreading like mushrooms - because inherently there is a distrust of corporations worldwide as well as a reticence to believe in what our Governments are saying and not necessarily doing or ... vice versa.

Related: 5G Technology Is The "Stupidest Idea In The History Of The World" Says Washington State Science Professor & Lloyds Of London And Other Insurers Refuse To Cover Health Claims Caused By 5G Wireless Technologies

Global 5G Awakening

This grass roots uprising is happening overseas and at this stage it is in Brussels the seat of the EU Governmental Centre which has come out for a moratorium.

But, Mill Valley in California is calling for a halt - Byron Bay in Australia is making a lot of noise and in Switzerland one of the Cantons has dug in and said stop.

There are many other places, such as in Italy, Florence is pushing for the Precautionary Principle and the Rome district wants to follow suit. Even in Russia the Defence Ministry has acknowledged 5G’s problems.

However, as MSM - ‘mainstream media’ (along with Google) is all pro 5G - it is extremely difficult to get a full coverage of how many regions of all the world’s countries are involved in pushing back.

The Minister of the Government of the Brussels-Capital Region, Céline Fremault, has vowed to halt 5G deployment:

“The people of Brussels are not guinea pigs whose health I can sell at a profit,” states Fremault in an interview with L’Echo.

“I cannot welcome such technology if the radiation standards, which must protect the citizen, are not respected, 5G or not.”

Brussels halts 5G deployment indefinitely: 5G project, says authorities, not compatible with radiation safety standards.

5G Towers Cause Cancer And Kill Birds And Bees

Related: Hundreds of bees drop dead around ‘5G towers’ in California

How Citizens Can Organise To Come Together

In this interview NZ's Nuclear Free Movement back in the mid 1980s was invoked as an example of how individuals and communities across the country came together back then.

This was when local people, like mothers, churches, disarmament activists and people just wanting a peaceful world went to their local, regional councils, including towns, cities and boroughs and having them pass municipal by-laws that made each particular area a Nuclear Free Zone.

That over time the numbers increased until there were around 105 Nuclear Free 'Zones' across the whole nation. These covered an area of around 67% of human habitat - that allowed David Lange the NZ Prime Minister the mandate to make into Law, that NZ become a Nuclear Free Country.

This was an example of democracy being allowed to fulfil itself.

Building a Groundswell

This example of community involvement could be used to encourage NZer's to instigate more 5G communities to show the Government our ‘elected servants’ that there is a huge groundswell of public opinion that is not at all happy with the way 5G technologies is being enforced on the NZ public.

More so, that next year NZ is having its general election and this could very well be an election issue.

Related: Science on 5G and Wireless Radiation from Devra Lee Davis, PhD, MPH

Elections Coming Up

Also that later on this year there are Local Government elections and Councillors have to be elected - and already mentioned in this interview 4 Board Members attended the Albany local 5G presentation that allowed them to see the seriousness of what this technology presents.

As well as the concerns of the electorate.

Sue is also involved with Oceania Radiofrequency Scientific Advisory Association (ORSAA) It’s an Advisory Panel that brings together multidisciplinary scientific experts from the Oceania region as well as from other parts of the world.

They are connected to many other leading experts globally.

Doctors and Professionals are ‘Encouraged’ Not to Speak Out Against 5G

As a side note - because Doctors are in a profession with exacting standards - they have to have permission from their 'Medical Association' - if they wish to make any pronouncements on health issues in the public arena.

In the case of speaking up against technologies such as genetic modification, vaccines, fluoridation etc - this is way outside the bounds of what the Medial Association allows.

It is forbidden and if a medical professional speaks out against such subject matter they are 'warned' that they will lose their license and thus all such doctors etc are kept on a very short leash.

Hence, you will rarely see a Dr speak out on public health issues. The same goes for scientists and many University professors - as well. Doctor’s Grouping in Large Numbers.

Expert Says Radiation Levels Are "Off the Charts"

A Wifi radiation expert claims levels of radiation in parts of Byron Bay are “off the charts.”

Parents concerned about the possible impacts of 5G technology joined expert Kelly Abeleven, as she conducted tests in tourist hotspots this morning.

Related: 5G & Cell Tower Protests Worldwide

There is a large group of Doctors ready to speak out - so they are grouping in numbers large enough to have safely in numbers. This is about to happen very soon.

This is a Global Issue …and we are exposed to 5G radiation 24/7/365.

Science is finding DNA damage - and even our ability to clearly think, when in the presence of wireless radiation. Some liken this radiation to living in an airport security zone 24/7/365.

The NZ Health Act

Legislation and the 1956 NZ Health Act: It says that they are for improving, promoting and protecting public health.

What does it mean 'protecting public health?

This is where the focus of 5G needs to concentrate on. What are the NZ Authorities, the Government and the Health Department doing to prove that this technology is safe?

In this interview we learn that the Ministry of Health is interpreting the Act differently and not necessarily protecting public health - but more so vested interests! (Listen via the player at the top of this article) - even just for the first 1 minute will give you a startling understanding of what we are having to deal with.

5G Soft Kill Scanning Radar Weapon System Shown Here

Dying of central nervous system cancer using the LED 5G weapon system to deliver lethal radiation by using scanning radar to detect victims before turning up the radiation.

Related: 5G Apocalypse Hardware Crime Uncovered

Time for a 5G Moratorium Across NZ

By enacting a ‘moratorium’ in the meantime - allows the ‘precautionary principle’ to be acknowledged - this to any wise, civic, responsible elder is the prudent thing to do.

Can New Zealand Become a Global Leader and Become 5G Free?

This is a very quick synopsis of only 15 minutes into this very important understanding of the dangers of deploying 5G before the facts of its safety and efficacy are made known.

How to Organise Locally at Grassroot Levels

5GFree-NZ on Facebook and www.5G.org.nz are places for you to peruse - especially - if you want to start up a local 5G Group. See also: TakeBackYourPower.net

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5G - Great new technology or a tool for the destruction of humanity?

How to Take Action Against 5G - Max Igan In Conversation With Ray Broomhall

If you don’t want 5G in New Zealand, don’t do business with the companies that want to deploy it

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“With 5G, We Are Guinea Pigs” - Media Reports 5G Injuries From Swiss Experiments In Geneva

Since 5G antennas were installed near homes in the heart of Geneva, some residents immediately started to suffer from various health problems.

Are they victims of 5G technology whose dangers were not sufficiently tested? A doctor and member of parliament speaks out.

Related: Brussels and Geneva ban rollout of 5G for health reasons and call for investigation

Gathered in the apartment of one of the two, on the fifth floor of a building in the centre of Geneva, these residents of the same area look at each other. What they have in common is insomnia, tinnitus, headaches

And a lot of unanswered questions. The youngest, Johan Perruchoud, 29, has lived there for 11 years and is not the type to cultivate any sort of hatred of invasive technology.

He is a healthy young man, active and positive, who has just returned from four years in New York and makes finely crafted videos and films for the media or for individuals, often working in his room with his computer.

“Like in a microwave oven”

For him and for his neighbour it all started in April.

“I’ve never had a problem with Wi- Fi or any of that and never had problems sleeping – and then suddenly I had trouble falling asleep. In particular at home I felt – how can I put it? – like I was in a microwave. I didn’t feel good in the house, as if I was surrounded by ghosts.”

Related: 5G: The Big Picture & Brussels Becomes First Major City To Halt 5G Due To Health Effects

When he looked on Facebook and on the website of the Confederation, he saw that three 5G antennas had been put into service nearby and that other people were complaining of identical problems, headaches, tiredness.

“Was it psychological? I don’t know. But for the first time, although I have never had earaches while composing my music, my ears started whistling. It woke me up at night. All of this was unusual.”

He was assailed by the unpleasant sensation of being used, caught up in something not of his own making. So he called Swisscom. Scarcely ten minutes after he had filled out the basic form, a representative called him back sounding all empathetic.

“He was immediately on the defensive. He explained to me that tests had taken place and that everything was fine. At the end, for form’s sake, he wished me a good  recovery.”

Today, Johan is a little better, although his sinuses have been blocked for the past two months; an infection he has never experienced before.

Related: 5G Freedom of Information Request | How to Lawfully Expose Smart City Plans

Elidan Arzoni, 50, on the Rue de Coutance, in Geneva.

“When they installed 5G, I felt bad from one day to the next.”

The Solution: Move Home?

His neighbour Elidan Arzoni, 50, is not doing any better. On the same day, the actor, stage director and director of the Metamorphosis Company started having the same symptoms, but more acutely.

“It happened overnight”, he says, “My ears started to make very loud sounds, whereas at the time I didn’t even know what tinnitus was.”

At the same time he felt pains on the left side and at the back of his skull. And such violent discomfort in his heart that he thought he was having a heart attack and went to the hospital emergency room two days later.

There, after a few tests, he was reassured to be told that he had a “sportsman’s heart”.

When he raised the issue of the presence of the antennas, the nurse replied that nobody was trained to provide information on the potential effects of those transmitters.

Related: 5G: The Dominoes Are Starting To Fall

“The only advice I was given was to move. …” To him, there is no doubt: the arrival of the antennas was the cause of his ills.

“It is a no-brainer. Even Swisscom confirmed it in terms of the timing. And I’m in very good health, I don’t drink, I don’t smoke, I never go to the doctor.”

He states that his wife and children of 9, 16 and 21 are also newly suffering from insomnia.

More vocal than Johan, the actor does not hide his concern. He wrote to the President of the State Council, Antonio Hodgers (The Greens), and simply got told that everything was legal with this new technology. Dissatisfied, he does not hide his feelings:

How can we forget that the Confederation is the majority shareholder of Swisscom? As soon as you come up against the financial interests of these people, they go into total denial.

Nobody is interested in the citizens. Even the forthcoming report (Ed.: scheduled for the summer of 2019 and produced by a working group in collaboration with the Federal Office for Communication, it was just postponed until the end of the year) will not address the aspect of health.

If cases of leukaemia or brain cancers start mounting up, it will take years for them to be confirmed.

If 5G Isn’t Dangerous Why Are The Elite Fleeing It?

In Greenbank, West Virginia, there exists what is known as the National Radio Quiet Zone, 13,000 square miles almost entirely absent of cell towers.

Related: The Dangers Of 5G And The Elite’s Plan To Escape It

Out of the Question to Live Under an Antenna

Since then, he’s coped with his earaches, “but it’s unliveable, it’s very strong”. On Facebook, where he talks openly about his situation, he has to deal with attacks and accept being treated as backward. That said, there is no question of his moving home:

Why should I leave my home when I’m a citizen of Geneva and I pay my taxes here? That would be totally undemocratic. And where would I go anyway, given that there will soon be antennas everywhere?

Right now, I feel like an undesirable. I don’t know where to flee. My work and my children are here.

Equally disturbing: when he goes to neighbouring France, his pains subside. They come back as soon as he returns to the city. Installed rapidly in Switzerland, 5G antennas raise the issue of the health consequences of electrosmog.

Related: Why has there been no public consultation or appropriate risk assessment of 5G before the rollout in NZ?

As for Johan, he says that he is gradually getting used to it. However, he has promised himself that, if he had children, it would be out of the question for his family to live near an antenna.

In my view, what’s happening will have an impact on our generation when we’re older.”

Worse: if he understands the progress that 5G can bring in some specific areas such as medical or research fields, he thinks that, “for people, it’s virtually useless”.

The two neighbours’ parting comments are on the same wavelength: “We feel like guinea pigs.” Is anyone going to pay attention?

The precise location of the various antennas on the territory of Switzerland, see this.

“Boiling Frogs” with 5G: Dr. Frey’s Research on EM Cancer, Behavior Modification

Find out what the new technology could do to humans and the environment.

Related: Eric Schmidt, Google Chinese Plot To Sterilize America With 5G, Take Our Guns With Robot Army

A Doctor Accuses: “We are in Danger of a Catastrophe”

The practitioner and PDC member Bertrand Buchs filed the motion for a moratorium on 5G in Geneva. He sounds the alarm.

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What is your reaction to this testimony from citizens?

I’m seeing more and more of this. In the absence of clear studies, we have no right to tell these people that they are imagining their ills.

With the shorter waves of 5G, nobody knows what can happen. Especially when you consider their potentiation, in other words, their mixture with 3G, 4G and Wi-Fi.

Why did you file the motion?

They are treating us like idiots. Where this is concerned, our authorities are going against common sense.

The precautionary principle is clearly violated. Why do so many antennas appear in just two months (Ed.: a hundred in Switzerland today and 90% coverage of the territory by the end of the year)?

Whereas for any given drug, it takes years to evaluate whether it is good or bad? Everything is going too fast. We are in the midst of a race to the first operator to have 5G installed, which is happening in such haste, although there is no objective urgency to install 5G.

For the population, it’s virtually useless. They could have done as Germany did, where 5G is restricted to certain businesses, and heavily monitored.

What‘s at stake?

As nothing is seen or felt, the public believes that there is zero risk, a bit like in the nuclear field. However, there is a risk of us experiencing a catastrophe in a few years, in terms of tumours, for example. The State will be liable.

What do you recommend?

“I repeat, after having tried to inform myself in the databases that I have access to as a doctor: no serious study exists yet, which is not surprising when you know that this technology was developed in China, then in the United States.

In Switzerland, we could open up a line for people who feel ill, listen to these complaints and examine them. Our country has the means and the skills.

The debate must be launched because this story is far from over. But here, we just get “Move along, there’s nothing to see…”.

This article was originally published in French on L’illustré, translated into English by Claire Edwards on EMFacts Consultancy.

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Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi
Glyphosate Worse Than We Could Imagine: “It’s Everywhere” & Monsanto / Bayer Keeps Riding A Path Of Corruption
December 9 2021 | From: GlobalResearch / NoMoreFakeNews / Various

Glyphosate residues have been found in tap water, orange juice, children’s urine, breast milk, chips, snacks, beer, wine, cereals, eggs, oatmeal, wheat products, and most conventional foods tested. It’s everywhere, in brief.

As new studies continue to point to a direct link between the widely-used glyphosate herbicide and various forms of cancer, the agribusiness lobby fights ferociously to ignore or discredit evidence of human and other damage.

Related: Roundups other problem: Glyphosate is sourced from controversial mines

A second US court jury case just ruled that Monsanto, now a part of the German Bayer AG, must pay $ 81 million in damages to plaintiff Edwin Hardeman who contracted non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma cancer.

The ruling and a line-up of another 11,000 pending cases in US courts going after the effects of glyphosate, have hit Bayer AG hard with the company announcing several thousand layoffs as its stock price plunges.

In a trial in San Francisco the jury was unanimous in their verdict that Monsanto Roundup weed-killer, based on glyphosate, had been responsible for Hardeman’s cancer. His attorneys stated;

“It is clear from Monsanto’s actions that it does not care whether Roundup causes cancer, focusing instead on manipulating public opinion and undermining anyone who raises genuine and legitimate concerns about Roundup.” 

It is the second defeat for the lawyers of Monsanto after another jury ruled in 2018 that Glyphosate-based Roundup was responsible for the cancer illness of a California school grounds-keeper who contracted the same form of cancer after daily spraying school grounds with Roundup over years, unprotected.

Related: Proven: Monsanto Knew The Dangers Of Its Chemicals But Kept Selling Them Anyway & Gene Editing Drives Into Dangerous Unknown Territory

There a jury found Monsanto guilty of “malice and oppression” in that company executives, based on internal email discovery, knew that their glyphosate products could cause cancer and suppressed this information from the public

A new independent study shows that those with highest exposure to glyphosate have a 41% increased risk of developing non-Hodgkin lymphoma (NHL) cancer.

A meta-analysis of six studies containing nearly 65,000 participants looked at links between glyphosate-based herbicides and immune-suppression, endocrine disruption and genetic alterations.

The authors found “the same key finding: exposure to GBHs (glyphosate-based herbicides) are associated with an increased risk of NHL (Non-Hodgkin’s Lymphoma).”

Further, they stated that glyphosate “alters the gut microbiome,” and that that could “impact the immune system, promote chronic inflammation, and contribute to the susceptibility of invading pathogens.”

Related: Monsanto Ordered To Pay $2 Billion To Cancer Victims & Bayer Discovers “Black Ops” Division Run By Monsanto, Shuts It Down, Initiates Internal Investigation As Law Enforcement Prepares Criminal Charges Against The Chemical Giant

Glyphosate also ”may act as an endocrine disrupting chemical because it has been found recently to alter sex hormone production” in both male and female rats.

In a long-term animal study by French scientists under Gilles Eric Seralini, Michael Antoniou and associates, it was demonstrated that even ultra-low levels of glyphosate herbicides cause non-alcoholic liver disease.

The levels the rats were exposed to, per kg of body weight, were far lower than what is allowed in our food supply. According to the Mayo Clinic, today, after four decades or more pervasive use of glyphosate pesticides, 100 million, or 1 out of 3 Americans now have liver disease. These diagnoses are in some as young as 8 years old.

But glyphosate is not only having alarming effects on human health. Soil scientists are beginning to realize the residues of glyphosate application are also having a possibly dramatic effect on soil health and nutrition, effects that can take years to restore.

Related: Microsoft Now Conspiring With Pro-Monsanto Front Group “NewsGuard” To Censor All Anti-GMO News On Mobile Devices

Killing Soils Too

While most attention is understandably drawn to the human effects of exposure to glyphosate, the most widely used agriculture chemical in the world today, independent scientists are beginning to look at another alarming effect of the agrochemical - its effect on essential soil nutrients.

In a study of the health of soils in the EU, the online journal Politico.eu found that the effects of spraying of glyphosate on the major crops in European agriculture is having disastrous consequences on soil health in addition to killing weeds.

Scientists at Austria’s University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences in Vienna showed that casting activity of earthworms had nearly disappeared from the surface of farmland within three weeks of glyphosate application.

Casting is the process of the worm pushing fertile soils to the surface as they burrow, essential for healthy soil and plant nutrition.

A study at Holland’s Wageningen University of topsoil samples from more than 300 soil sites across the EU found that 83% of the soils contained 1 or more pesticide residues. Not surprisingly,

“Glyphosate and its metabolite AMPA, DDTs (DDT and its metabolites) and broad-spectrum fungicides… were the compounds most frequently found in soil samples and at the highest concentrations.”

Related: Monsanto Loses Lawsuit And $289 Million & Bayer Needs More Than An Aspirin To Cure Its Monsanto-Sized Headache

The use of various pesticides, above all glyphosate-based ones like Roundup, has exploded over the past four decades across the EU much as across the USA. The agribusiness industry claims that this has been the key to the dramatic rise in farm crop productivity.

However if we look more closely at the data, while average yields of major grains such as rice, wheat and maize have more than doubled since 1960, the use of pesticides like glyphosate-based ones has risen by 15-20-fold. Oddly enough, while the EU requires monitoring of many things, monitoring of pesticide residues in soil is not required at the EU level

Until recently the effects of heavy use of pesticides such as Roundup have been ignored in scientific research.

Evidence of soil experts is beginning to reveal clear links between use of pesticides such as glyphosate and dramatic drops in soil fertility and the collapse of microbe systems essential to healthy soil. Worms are one of the most essential.

It’s well-established that earthworms play a vital role in healthy soil nutrients. Soils lacking such are soils that deprive us of the essentials we need for healthy diets, a pandemic problem of soil depletion emerging globally over the past four decades, notably the same time frame that use of pesticides has exploded worldwide.

Related: Glyphosate Herbicide And Toxic Heavy Metals Act Like "Binary Weapon" To Destroy Kidneys & Four Popular Companies Who Own The Medical Treatments For The Diseases Their Products Cause

Earthworms are beneficial as they enhance soil nutrient cycling and enhance other beneficial soil micro-organisms, and the concentration of large quantities of nutrients easily assimilable by plants.

The EU puts no limits on how much glyphosate can be put on crops even though it is established that glyphosate can kill specific fungi and bacteria that plants need to suck up nutrients in addition to its effects on earthworms. That is a major blind spot.

Where Now?

What is becoming clearer is the colossal and obviously deliberate official blind eye given to potential dangers of glyphosate-based pesticides by regulatory bodies not only in the EU and the USA, but also in China, which today produces more glyphosate than even Monsanto.

Since the Monsanto Roundup patent expired, Chinese companies, including Syngenta, Zhejiang Xinan Chemical Industrial Group Company, SinoHarvest, and Anhui Huaxing Chemical Industry Company, have emerged as the world’s major producers of the chemical
as well as largest consumers, a not good omen for the future of the legendary Chinese cuisine.

Related: Dying Man’s Lawsuit Claims Monsanto Hid The Cancer Dangers Of Roundup For Years

Glyphosate is the base chemical component for some 750 different brands of pesticides worldwide, in addition to Monsanto-Bayer’s Roundup.

Glyphosate residues have been found in tap water, orange juice, children’s urine, breast milk, chips, snacks, beer, wine, cereals, eggs, oatmeal, wheat products, and most conventional foods tested. It’s everywhere, in brief.

Despite the overwhelming evidence, however, EU Commission bureaucrats and the USA EPA continue to ignore prudence in not banning the toxic chemical pending thorough independent investigation over longer time.

If I were cynical, I would almost think this continued official support for glyphosate-based herbicides is about more than mere bureaucratic stupidity or ignorance, even more than simply corruption, though that for sure plays a role.

The nutritional quality of our food chain is being systematically destroyed and it is about more than corporate agribusiness profit.

Monsanto / Bayer Keeps Riding A Path Of Corruption

Here’s a ripe fantasy for you. Imagine this - You’re the head of a multi-billion-dollar global corporation.

You know your most famous, best-selling product is toxic and can cause cancer. It’s an herbicide used around the world - not only in public locations, but even by people spraying their own lawns.

Related: Bayer says it's now targeted in 18,400 glyphosate cases in the U.S.

Your company has recently lost law suits, with gigantic payout penalties, because you covered up what you knew: the herbicide is carcinogenic.

A fearless reporter has written articles, and now a book, exposing your company. What to do about her?

Among other actions, talk to Google. Maybe they can help. They’re like you. They’re experts in cover-ups.

Wait. This isn’t a fantasy. It’s real. A real newspaper, The Guardian, has the details. Here are quotes from their new blistering investigation:

Monsanto operated a ‘fusion center’ to monitor and discredit journalists and activists, and targeted a reporter who wrote a critical book on the company, documents reveal.”

“The records reviewed by the Guardian show Monsanto adopted a multi-pronged strategy to target Carey Gillam (twitter), a Reuters journalist who investigated the company’s weedkiller and its links to cancer.

Monsanto, now owned by the German pharmaceutical corporation Bayer, also monitored a not-for-profit food research organization through its ‘intelligence fusion center’, a term that the FBI and other law enforcement agencies use for operations focused on surveillance and terrorism.”

Monsanto paid Google to promote search results for ‘Monsanto Glyphosate Carey Gillam’ that criticized her work.

“The internal [company] communications add fuel to the ongoing claims in court that Monsanto has ‘bullied’ critics and scientists and worked to conceal the dangers of glyphosate, the world’s most widely used herbicide [Roundup].

In the last year, two US juries have ruled that Monsanto was liable for plaintiffs’ non-Hodgkin lymphoma (NHL), a blood cancer, and ordered the corporation to pay significant sums to cancer patients…”

’I’ve always known that Monsanto didn’t like my work … and worked to pressure editors and silence me,’ Gillam…said in an interview. ‘But I never imagined a multi-billion dollar company would actually spend so much time and energy and personnel on me. It’s astonishing.’

“Monsanto had a ‘Carey Gillam Book’ spreadsheet, with more than 20 actions dedicated to opposing her book before its publication, including working to ‘Engage Pro-Science Third Parties’ in criticisms, and partnering with ‘SEO experts’ (search engine optimization), to spread its attacks.

The company’s marketing strategy involved labeling Gillam and other critics as ‘anti-glyphosate activists and pro-organic capitalist organizations’.”

“Gillam, who worked at the international news agency Reuters for 17 years, told the Guardian that a flurry of negative reviews appeared on Amazon just after the official publication of Whitewash [her book about Monsanto], many seeming to repeat nearly identical talking points.”

“’This is my first book. It’s just been released. It’s got glowing reviews from professional book reviewers,’ she said. But on Amazon, ‘They were saying horrible things about me … It was very upsetting but I knew it was fake and it was engineered by the industry. But I don’t know that other people knew that’.


Related: Heartbreaking Letter From Dying EPA Scientist Begs Monsanto “Moles” Inside The Agency To Stop Lying About Dangers Of RoundUp (Glyphosate) & Monsanto Funneled Money To Front Groups To Attack Anti-GMO Activists, Court Documents Reveal

We’re talking about reality-construction here. Or should I say, reconstruction. Companies that can manipulate the ranking of search results online, and customer reviews, and professional reviews, and science, paint over the truth with lies, and the public believes what it is permitted to see.

That’s a pretty good description of tons of what is called Fake News.

“Well, we don’t like what this reporter is doing because it exposes us as naked and culpable and criminal, so let’s hide and defame the reporter’s work.

Let’s move a cloud over it. In time, the reporter’s work will fade out, and we’ll still be here. We’ll keep pounding out the notion that we’re doing good, we’re devoted to public service, we’re providing a marvelous product, we’re cutting-edge researchers, and so on.

Our product causes cancer? That’s ridiculous. We would never sell such a product. We’re fine people…”

The one big thing this company has going for it? A major segment of the public doesn’t want to believe something so visible and huge (the company) is committing evil acts left and right, out in the open.

A company isn’t like a deranged individual with a gun who walks into a store and shoots people. No. A company is an organized and competent and polite entity that BELONGS.

Related: Roundup Now Proven To Cause Liver Disease, And It’s In Your Food

It’s part and parcel of the COMMUNITY. The idea that the company could be guilty of destroying and maiming life on a continuing basis…that would be tantamount to saying it is an organized-crime operation - which is absurd.

Yes. It’s absurd. Until it’s shown to be true.

And then, on top of it all, suppose the government, which has the resources and the laws and the agencies to bring this company to justice doesn’t lift a finger, but in fact supports the company with its own official brand of fake news?

Why, that’s a…a conspiracy. Yes. The dreaded word.

Another absurdity. Until it’s shown to be true by the simple act of opening one’s eyes and looking.

Shall we take this a step further? Why not? In for a penny, in for a pound. We’re entering a new phase in the battle to expose high-level, society-wide, institutional crimes.

In part, owing to a recent FBI “finding” that conspiracy theories can fuel individuals to commit “terrorist acts,” there will be increased propaganda aimed at persons who unearth actual conspiracies.

Related: In a Huge Win for People and the Planet, EU Bans Bee-Killing Pesticides

They will be accused of fomenting violence. In order to “protect the community” (where have we heard that before?), there must be a limiter and a monitor on information.

The public must be guarded against false news. Righteous censorship must prevail. For the greater good, the 1st Amendment must undergo a reformation.

To understand this, think “money laundering.” Criminal organizations, like drug cartels, have so much cash on hand they have to find ways to hide it. So they funnel it into friendly banks and legitimate businesses and shell corporations.

Likewise, with the advent and expansion of the Web, there is so much information exposing high-level crimes, it must be hidden - but certainly not by its authors.

Agencies of government and secret corporate units and social media giants must conceal this information by obscuring it and defaming it and dead-ending it and blacking it out and blaming it for inspiring heinous crimes.

That’s the laundering operation, and it extends to every true conspiracy.

Related: U.S. Department Of Health And Human Services Agency Report Confirms Glyphosate Cancer Risks

A final note for now - here’s a wrinkle on the laundering campaign. In the defunct subject called Logic, it’s called the Straw Man fallacy.

You build up a patently ridiculous icon to represent a wide field of information, you knock down that icon, and then you claim it invalidates the whole field.

For example, some pathetic paid agent publishes a piece claiming JFK never died in 1963, he’s living under the name, Jack Kenn, in Brooklyn, on Oswald Street.

A paid blogger jumps on this “conspiracy theory,” and in the process declares that all conspiracy theorists are lunatics. The one becomes the many.

It’s a version of “we’re all normal people living normal lives and here are disruptors who want to take us off course into a storm and make us believe that official truth is different from actual truth.”

I have news. Millions and millions and millions of people are way past that moronic construction, and they aren’t turning back.

Related: I Woke Up And The World Around Me Is Still Asleep: What To Do? + Once You Learn These Nine Lessons From Confucius, Your Priorities In Life Will Completely Change

Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi

Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi

The Secret And Hidden Agenda Of Language: Why Many Words Are Magic Spells
December 8 2021 | From: Omnithought / Various

According to research at Cambrigde Uinervtisy, it deosn’t mttaer in waht oredr the ltteers in a wrod are, the olny iprmoetnt tihng is taht the frist and lsat ltteer be at the rghit pclae.

The rset can be a toatl mses and you can sitll raed it wouthit a porbelm. Tihs is bcuseae the huamn mnid deos not raed ervey lteter by istlef, but the wrod as a wlohe.

Related: How Words Can Be Used As Magic Spells: Contracts, Law And Enslavement

Spelling: We Spell Words to Pronounce a [Prison] Sentence or Term

The first thing you learn when you go to school is how to spell. Words are spelled to create a sentence of terms. Think of a jail sentence or a prison term.

The Wyrd sisters in Greek mythology were Fates or witches who controlled the fates of man. In our language we use curse words and cursive writing. We cuss and dis-cuss. Words have meaning and (are) mean things especially cross words.

They can be used to make a point. We use a “con” verse to converse in order to keep us off course in our dis-course as a phrase frays. We use catch words. A story is a spiel or a spell. It is all part of the gospel of the Godspell or God’s spell.

Cursive (W)Riting

Related: The Language Of Symbolism: How To Recognize These Three Symbols Hidden In Plain Sight

Books contain chapters. What is a chapter? A chapter is a secret society or religious order, like the Knights Templar.

A chapter contains many pages. What is a page? A page is an understudy and in service to the queen and king, as in pages and squires, a knight who is well versed in magic and is more or less a soldier or trained assassin.

To page someone is to summons them. Pages summon demons to enslave or imprison our souls. After all, a page does contain many sentences. A jail sentence is served in a prison ward.

And indeed a sentence is created by words that are spelled out by using letters. A letter is someone who allows something to happen or someone who does something for some one else, like a bloodletter.

Languid Language

We languish in our languid language. Languid means “weak and lacking spirit or void of animation, lifeless” and languish which means “to lose strength or animation; be or become dull, feeble or spiritless; lackadaisical, listless”.

How are we imprisoned by our language? Think about a book. The word book as a verb means to arrest or detain - “book ’em, Danno”.

In fact, the Latin word for book is “liber”, which is where we get our word “library” and also the word “liberty”. You can book a reservation which means you’re paying for the ownership of something in advance. You can book or place a bet on a game or race with your bookie.

Yes, there is a bet being placed on a race - and it is the human race and the game is the game of life. It is the main bet or the alpha bet. In a group of monkeys, the alpha monkey is the primary monkey or the one in control.

There’s a song called Spirits in the Material World from an album named Ghost in the Machine. The lyrics proclaim:

“Our so-called leaders speak.  With words they try to jail ya. They subjugate the meek.  Where do the answers lie when we live from day to day?  We are spirits in a material world.”

The song was performed by a group appropriately named, The Police. The song - and an entire album by Sting, the lead singer, entitled The Soul Cages - refers to how we are spirits imprisoned in an earthly body.

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Aoccdrnig to rscheearch at Cmabrigde Uinervtisy, it deosn’t mttaer in waht oredr the ltteers in a wrod are, the olny iprmoetnt tihng is taht the frist and lsat ltteer be at the rghit pclae. The rset can be a toatl mses and you can sitll raed it wouthit a porbelm. Tihs is bcuseae the huamn mnid deos not raed ervey lteter by istlef, but the wrod as a wlohe.

Words Mean Things

Most words have multiple meanings and synonyms not to mention many anagrams which the subconscious mind can recognize. Factor in its homophones such as “there”, “they’re”, and “their” and it can get quite confusing to keep track.

What effect does that have when words with almost opposite meanings are homophones.

Think about “know” and “no”. Knowledge is considered a very positive word yet it is linked phonetically with the most negative word in our language. So when you say “I know this to be true” are you partiallly negating its reality?

Consider the above statement in which the letters of the words have been rearranged, yet you still should be able to read it without problem.

This means your subconscious mind should also relate multiple meanings to words have many anagrams. So it shouldn’t be any problem to associate God as good, the devil as evil. Now consider the following word relationships: live, evil; god, dog; love, evol.

Pronouncing the words has a pronounced effect. The science of cymatics shows how all spoken sounds take on a vibratory geometry or shape like how you can blow smoke rings by forming your mouth into the shape of the ‘O’. The tibetan monks show how sound can be used to form geometric patterns in a plate of sand particles. So the spoken word can indeed create reality.

Also consider the mind’s ability to combine words and sounds. When someone sneezes you feel customarily obligated to say “Bless you”. But if you sound out the syllables does your subconscious mind also make the connection to the phrase “Be less, you”.

So the very act of blessing someone can also be subconsciously telling them to be less. This is spell casting.

How are we being programmed through our language to go to the sun or hell? Hello?!!!! Helios was the Greek name for the sun. The sun in English as well as other languages such as Latin, is called Sol. We are all said to be souls or to have a soul (Sol). We have a solar plexus and our feet have soles.

Related: Why Words Can “Cut” Your Soul And Are More Powerful Than Swords

is sun in Italian. You are called a person (pertaining to the sun). When a male child is born, he is called a son (sun). The word for sun is sonne in German.

Hu was one of the twelve gods in the Egyptian stellar cult which could explain why we are human. Colors and hues originate from the light of the sun. Politicians encourage soldiers or sol diers to go to war for God and country. Of course, when they die they will go to another dimension (die men sun).

Have you ever wondered why we use the word hello to greet each other? After all, the word can be reduced to hell, the fiery place of eternal punishment and the suffix -o which means “associated with”.

In Greek mythology, Helios, which means “sun”, was the God of the Sun. Is it just a coincidence that you have a soul and that our sun is called Sol?

Related: The Power Of Words And Why Words Can Manifest Life

If so, why do we call those who die in battle soldiers or sol diers? Is that why we say “good morning” when the sun rises - because it is good to see the sun because it gives us life, but we are mourning those who sacrificed their souls to make it possible. Why do we call our male offspring sons? You are called a person. Is it because you pertain to the sun?

Words are defined in a dictionary - dick-shun-nary. Two of the three syllables are negative sounds and theother is a derogative slang term. Synonyms and antonyms are listed in a thesaurus.

‘The’, from the greek ‘theos’, is the root of the-ology, the study of ‘god’ and ‘saurus’ means ‘lizard’. A thesaurus literally means ‘lizard god’. How many names for government entities start with a negative prefix. The word nation is nay-shun. The UN, Un-ited nations, NATO, NASI party, NASA, Norad, Unesco, NASCAR, NATAS, and I’m sure you can come up with others.

How to Ruin a Language with Rune Magic

Do some of the letters or building blocks of our language contain within them a blueprint for the control and possession of our spirits? English has Germanic origins and it is likely that the english letters have their roots in the Germanic runes which were used for magic and casting spells.

From Wikipedia on rune magic: “In 1990, Stephan Grundy, a.k.a. Kveldulf Gundarsson, described runic magic as the active principle as opposed to passive interpretations based on runic divination.

Related: Secret Spells Of The English Language: Our Premiere Life Sentence & The Power Of Language

He held that runic magic is more active than the allegedly shamanic practice of seid practiced by the Seiðkona. Runic magic, he states, uses the runes to affect the world outside based on the archetypes they represent.

Most of Gundarsson’s runic magic entails being in possession of a physical entity that is engraved with any or all of the individual runes or “staves”, so as to practically work with their energies.

The individual runes are reddened with either blood, dyes, or paints. The act of possessing the stave in its final form serves the purpose of affecting the world of form with “the rune might” of that particular stave. After use, the staves are discarded or destroyed.

Gundarsson holds that each rune has a certain sound to it, to be chanted or sung; the sound has in common the phonetic value by which it is represented. This act of singing or chanting is supposed to have more or less the same effect of using the staves in their physical form.

Many of the letters of the English alphabet come directly from the Germanic Runes which were used for magic and spell casting and for causing ‘ruin’. Look at how many English letters you can identify from the Elder Futhark rune set.

Grammar or Grimoire? Goetia & Cymantics

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Usually All One And The Same] + Another Illuminati Whistleblower Speaks Out

The word “grammar” comes from grammars which were old Latin books on syntax and diction. The ancient magic books of Europe which contained instructions to summon demons were known as the Grimoires, French word for “grammar”.

A “grimoire” or spellbook is a derivative of the french word “grammaire”. The pronunciation and sound of words affects the matter around us. The science of cymatics is the study of sound vibration on matter and it has been demonstrated with sand on plates that vibration caan cause geometric patterns.

The ancient Goetia spellbooks were used for conjuring up demons and each demon had its own sigil and name.

“IT” & The Creature from the Subconscious “ID”

Stephen King captured the hearts of America with the release of his blockbuster smash hit book, “It”. The video features the menacing face of a clown while the book reveals the clown’s head as a skull with stars in the eye sockets.

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The video jacket reads:

“Your every fear – all in the deadly enemy. It can be anything, a fanged monster that won’t stay on the movie screen, something ominous lurking in the basement or around the next corner. No matter what your biggest fear is, no one knows IT better than Stephen King…

The force takes the shape of a clown, but it isn’t clowning around. Instead, it terrorizes youngsters with their innermost fears, bringing them to untimely doom – until a group of wily neighborhood kids fight back. Thirty years later it resurfaces: meaner, angrier. And the friends who vividly remember the terrors of their youth reunite to make a desperate final stand against it.”

In an interview, King admits he was possessed during the writing of the book.

Let “It”Be & Make “It”So

Sigmund Freud, the father of psychology, invented a model of the psyche which contained three parts to the self: the ego (conscious mind), the superego (superconscious mind) and what he termed the “id” or the subconscious mind. This was the realm of our fears: scary monsters and demons.

Related: Propaganda, Human Consciousness, And The Future Of Civilization

This id was considered a sort of third person subsistent to the conscious and superconscious mind. Of course, we use the word “it” as a sort of third “person” as well in our use of speech. And, of course, subconsciously we have been programmed to accept the abbreviated “ID” as our identity.

We unknowingly give power to this creature and help create “it” every day with our thought and speech. We watch the horor movie “It” by Stephen King and associate all our deep dark subconscious fears with “IT”.

Likewise with the word “thing” (‘everything’. ‘anything’, and ‘nothing’ or no thing) and the use of ambiguous words such as ‘they’ (THEY live), ‘them’ (“If you can’t beat ’em join them”).

We chant the chorus to the song Let It Be over and over again. And it’s no coincidence that IT is the acronym that has been curently assigned to the Information Technology field, or computers, for IT very well may be an artificial intelligence or computer.

Related: World’s First Robot Citizen Wants Her Own Family, Career & AI ‘Superpowers’

For a detailed analysis and many more examples of “IT” please reference my page on this phenomenon.

Extra! Extra! Click here to “read all about IT“.

We really need to learn to speak with a more conscious language in mind, ever aware of how we think our thoughts in our minds and how we word our sentences!

“S”- Lang

Consider the English letter ‘S‘. First of all, it looks like a snake or serpent - one that has risen up and is ready to strike or if viewed from overhead it looks like one that is perhaps crawling along. In two-dimensional space, it looks like a sideways wave and in 3-D space it looks like a spiral, both paths that energy follows.

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The letter ‘s’ is used in English to denote “possession”, which is Satan’s specialty, by placing it at the end of a word with an apostrophe. Plurality or the concept of multiplication or creation, is achieved by appending an ‘s’ or ‘es’ to a word.

These two facts, coupled with the sheer number of words in our language means the ‘S’ sound is one of the most, if not single most, frequently uttered sounds in our speech.

Although the vowels are used frequently, they have more than one sound associated with them, a long and short sound.

There are probably more esses used in our speech than any other sound. Virtually every sentence we speak contains one or more of these hissing sounds. It would not be accurate to say we sound like hissing snakes when we speak, but our incessant hissing probably reminds us of it at some level subconsciously.

Not only does the letter ‘S’ physically represent the snake or serpent, phonetically it even sounds like a snake!! It sounds exactly like the hissing sound a snake makes – sssssssss – when it “shakes” its tail. The word hiss even ends in a double-s.

And, of course, the words snake and serpent are both s-words as well as Satan, who the Bible says took the form of a snake. He was said to have told mankind a secret - that man would not die if he ate of the fruit.

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Of course, when you want to tell someone a secret you say, “pssssssst, come here…” or if you want to keep a secret you say “Shhhhhhhhhhhhh!!“. The dollar sign, $, is the standard symbol for English currency.

Money is said to be the root of all evil. Not only does the ‘S’ look like a snake (Satan), and sound like a snake, which is known for shedding its skin, but nearly all words that begin with the letter ‘s’ have a negative connotation associated with them. That is why they can be considered s-words, or swords, because they can kill and injure like a sword.

These s-words are a seal or stamp associated with Satan, Satan’s Slang or s-lang. The word lang is defined in the dictionary as an abbreviation for the word “language”.

Satan, the snake or serpent also known as Set, slithers about striving to snatch, steal, or strip us of our souls or spirits and is obsessed with possessing or seizing them.

He, or she, is subtle, sly, sneaky, slick, slippery, scaly, secretive, scary, spins, spirals or screws into your soul and possesses you and seizes your spirit.

is his peach and when we speak, Satan is at his peak as far as deception is concerned. The words “possesses”, “obsesses”, “seizes” contain a multiple s-sound and are words pertaining to control.

Related: Occult Holidays And Sabbats: Why Holidays Are Satanic Rituals

The word ess, which is defined as the pronunciation for the letter ‘s’, becomes the word esse when a silent ‘e’ is added. The word esse means “to be” which is where we get the word essence and the word essay which is sort of a written speech and comes from the Old French esai which means “to put to a test” which is what Satan did to Jesus in the wilder-ness.

The suffix “-ness” also means a state of being, like loneliness or business. It’s interesting that the Loch Ness in Scotland is said to contain a serpent creature named “Nessie” which nests there.

Yes, Satan certainly is a “Busy Ness” when it comes to the business world and show business. And he specializes in monkey business. One should keep this in mind before wishing for good-ness.

A partial list of s-words: sun, shine, soul, spirit, Satan, Samael, Set, sin, serpent, snake, salamander, hisses, siren, spell, steal, scales, shed, skin, slither, slimy, slip, slide, shake, strike, scare, sly, sneak, stealth, secret, subtle, slash, slice, slay, slit, shoot, strip, smack, smite, sword, spook, possesses, obsesses, spin, screw, smell, say, speak, salacious, spiral, pssssssst, sssssssshhhh

Shit! I, mean, Sheesh! It is not easy to think of positive s-words and double “ss” words are even worse. The swastika resembles two esses and the word ‘swastika’ has two of them in number.

Related: Propaganda Techniques Of Empire + P.C. Language Control And The Rise Of The Third Reich

The Nazis had the “SS” and the ‘ss’ logo which looked like lightening bolts.

The far reaching extent in which the spell our language has cast on us can be seen in the every day usage of cliche. Our languages are saturated with what we like to call killer words and phrases because that’s what they do. Englishmen use the word bloody all the time… bloody well right, they do!!! Some women are considered drop dead gorgeous… and when they are dressed to kill, they are to die for. She was a dead ringer for Marilyn Monroe. 

If looks could kill
 they would because she will take your breath away.

Wouldn’t you just kill for a date with her? Sometimes she really gets under my skin and burns me up, but if anyone tries to hurt her, they would have to go“over my dead body because I will punch their lights out if they get near her. I’m serious as a heart attack. I’m dead serious.

She can be as mean as a snake at times, but she really knew how to kill ‘em with kindness. I was dead set for her. I could have just died right there. I mean, I felt like I had just died and gone to heaven

Related: The Art Of Word Magic And Its Connection To Freedom And Christmas

Eat your heart out. She was a live wire, but at least I would go out in a blaze of glory.

I don’t want to beat a dead horse, but she really took me for a ride. Of course, I wore my heart on my sleeve the whole time, but I was scared to death I might lose her because you really have to keep your eyes peeled to find a good one. Not to be a killjoy, but I’m dead to the world around most women, dead as a doorknob.

Ok, that was overkill and painful to read, but it did make a point. Think about the terms we use when we wish good luck to others. “Break a leg, kid” or “Knock ‘em dead!” Or if someone borrows something from us we say, “Go ahead, knock yourself out.” Even time is not immune to our sadistic ways…”time to kill”, “just killing time”.

Why do Christians conclude their prayers by invoking the name of an Egyptian deity, Amen, who had the body of a man and a ram’s head when Satan is depicted as a horned god having a goat’s head?

Why does the American dollar bill (known as a buck) have an Egyptian pyramid on its reverse side accompanied by the Latin phrase “Anuuit Coeptis Novus Ordo Seclorum” which can be translated “Announcing the Birth of a New World Order”?

Related: The Swastika: How The Nazis Turned A Sign Of Good Luck Into A Symbol Of Evil

Why does the American military wear a chevron as an insignia patch when the word derives from the French word chevre, which means “goat”, and On, the Egyptian City of the Sun?

If the word God traces back to the Indo-European root “ghut-” or the German “gott”, why does the changing of the vowel from a short sound to a long sound render the word “goat”?

Why does Christmas, the birthday of the Son of God, coincide with the birthday of the Sun of God at the winter solstice, the three days when the sun is at its lowest point on the Southern Cross, appears to stand still for three days, and then rises or is born again?

Is this why Easter is celebrated during the Spring Equinox when the East Star, the Sun, has risen? Why is Santa an anagram for Satan? What exactly does Old Nick really mean? And what is a jingle bell?

Why do we have company and product names like Chevron, Capri Sun, Shiner Bock, Star Bucks, and Sears and Roebuck? What is a Sun Kist or a Star Kist? Why are sports contests called ball games and why do we idolize rock stars such as Kid Rock?

Related: We Are Surrounded By Masonic Symbols: How Modern Logos Are Linked To Secret Societies

The genre of Horror films possesses other “creature features” with “It” in the title. There was “It Lives!”, “It Lives Again”, “It Came From the Sea”, “It Came From Outer Space”, and “It’s Alive!” which is the expression Doctor Frankenstein made famous when he brought his monster to life.

From the time we were young, we have been told over and over again that IT is a scary creature that this association has become deeply embedded within the recesses of our mind.

On the Adamms Family, Cousin Itt was a monster. Itt communicated via a high speed gibberish that only members of the Addams family seemed to understand.

Cousin Itt’s voice was provided by sound-effects engineer Tony Magro, who created Itt’s garbled responses by mouthing gibberish into a tape recorder, with a “ppffft and a thhhhhttt” added for good measure, and then accelerating the tape’s recording speed.

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The eyes have it. What do the eyes have? What or who is it? The eyes are the windows to the soul. In Saturday Night Live, Dana Carvey played the Church Lady who asked, “Could IT be… Satan?”

That IT refers to Satan can seen in the phrase “when It rains, It pours.” Satan, the goat God, is also known as Pan, the Piper. The word gote, a variant spelling of goat, means a channel or pipe for water and comes from the Old English word geotan which means “to pour”! So when It reigns, It pours.

When children play hide and seek, someone always has to be “it”. All the other children run and hide from whoever’s “it”. “It” then goes roaming around trying to find and capture whoever’s not “it”. When someone is found they are tagged as the new “it” - “Tag, you’re it!!”

10 Ways To Protect Yourself From NLP Mind Control

The Beatles’ Paul McCartney said the idea for the song “Let it Be” came to him in a dream. He chants the line over and over and we all sing along almost willing it into existence.

Every time the song is played on the radio, thousands and thousands are sending forth thought and sound vibrations into the air. We use the word “it” in our language over and over all the time. Could it be possible to manifest a creature from the id, or from the subconscious? Think of these songs: Bread’s “Make it with you”,

The Scorpions “Make it Real”:

“…Make it real, not fantasy
Did you ever have a secret yearning?
Don’t you know it could come true?
Now’s the time to set wheels turning
To open up your life for you
As you know there’s always good and evil
Make your choice, Don’t be blind
Open up your mind and don’t be trivial
There’s a whole new world to find
Make it real, not fantasy…”

The Michael Jackson song “Who is it?”

“…(Who is it?)
It is a friend of mine
(Who is it?)
Is it my brother?
(Who is it?)
Somebody hurt my soul
(Who is it?)
I can’t take this stuff no more…”

In this song, Michael explains who IT is:

“Can you feel it in the air
Ghosts be hiding everywhere

I’m gonna be
Exactly what you wanna see
It’s you who’s haunting me
You’re warning me
To be the stranger
In your life

Am I amusing you
Or just confusing you?
Am I the beast
You visualized?
And if you wanna to see
I’ll be grotesque
Before your eyes

Let them all materialize

Is that scary for you, baby
Am I scary for you, oh
Is it scary for you, baby
Is it scary for you?”

How about songs like Mariah Carey’s Make It Happen or Bread’s Make It with You? Star Trek’s Captain Picard says “Make it so.”

Nike inundates us with the “Just Do It” slogan and the swoosh logo.

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People do things “just for the hell of it”. Believe it. Keep it real. To hell with it!!! Keep it up. Let it ride. Pass it on. Get with it.

Are you with it? Go for it. Hop to it. Bring it on. Get it together. Play it again, Sam. There’s something to it. Check it out. Figure it out. I love it!! When someone dies, “I guess that was it”. Live it up. Let it go. Do you get it? i get it! How’s it going? It’s going good! How’s it hanging? Don’t let it end. Who can it be now? It’s a wonderful life (the ‘i deal’ life). Let’s make it last. You’ve got it made. Give it a try. Grin and bear it. It just so happens. Leave it alone. Give it a rest. How sweet it is. It’s what you make it. I can see it in your eyes. Get it together. What is it? Get over it. The devil made me do it. Whatever it takes. Now you see it, now you don’t. Cut it out. Whoomp, there it is.

I’m not going to stand for it. Take it away boys. It looks so real. Say it ain’t so. Give it up. It could happen to you. It can’t be true (it always lies). I can feel it in my bones. It’s a mystery. Give it everything you’ve got.

It’s all in your head. I can’t get it out of my head. It’s in the way that you use it. Get it, got it? Good. Could it be? Don’t even try it. Sit on it.

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The Energizer bunny took the world by storm in one of the best advertising campaigns in history.

The slogan which was for batteries that create energy was “It keeps going and going…” and became a household phrase for many years. Alka Seltzer encourages us to “Try it, you’ll like it!” Compaq asks the question, “Has it changed your life yet?” And American Express admonishes us to “Don’t Leave Home without It.”

The company Sobe had this ad on their web site encouraging us to “get it up” and to “keep it up”.

The Lexicon of Love

we all “fall” inlove sometimes
blinded by love
from make up to break up
love is the drug
i got a crush on you
i just died in your arms tonight
crazy for you
dying to be with you
hurts so bad
i gave her my heart
addicted to love
take my breath away
i’m lost without your love
breaking up is hard to do
you put a spell on me, under her spell, spellbound
love hurts, love bites, love stinks, lovestruck baby
love is a battlefield
drunk in love
stole/captured my heart/soul
dazed and confused
cupid shoots an arrow through the heart
poison arrow
why do fools fall in love
how can you men a “broken heart”
heartbreak hotel
unbreak my heart
heart skips a beat
heart attack
killer looks
over the moon
all’s fair in love and war
50% marriages end in divorce

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