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NZ Lawyer Tells Prime Minister Her Pfizer Vaccine Claims Are Misleading And Deceptive + Massive Anti-Lockdown Protests Rage Worldwide
April 12 2020 | From: TheBFD / ActivistPost / Various

Sue Grey: Open Letter to Prime Minister

31 March 2021 URGENT OPEN LETTER: Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern, Ministers of COVID-19; cc Attorney-General David Parker, Director-General of Health Solicitor-General Una Jagose, Chris James – Group Manager Medsafe Health and Disability Commissioner.

[Note: Links, images and videos associated with additional informative content have been inserted that were not part of the original open letter content.]

Related: Exclusive: Former Pfizer VP to AFLDS: ‘Entirely possible this will be used for massive-scale depopulation’

Dear Prime Minister, Attorney-General, Director-General of Health and Chris Hipkins

Re Pfizer Vaccine “Comirnaty” Re Breaches of Medicines Act, Misleading and Deceptive Claims and Other Matters

I represent a large number of New Zealanders who are extremely concerned about apparent legal breaches and misleading and deceptive representations in the provisional approval, promotion, marketing and roll out of the novel Pfizer mRNA and nanogel vaccine known as “Comirnaty” (“the Pfizer injection”).

I write to formally put you on notice of some of the many apparent breaches of New Zealand law and of deficiencies and mis-representations which undermine fundamental rights of all New Zealanders to give fully informed consent to any medical procedure.

The result is considerable risk for the Crown, for the public representatives involved and accordingly for the public of New Zealand.

Sue Grey Explaining Her Open Letter to the New Zealand Prime Minister about Pfizer Vaccine Breaches

Sue Grey LLB(Hons), BSc(Biochemistry & Microbiology), RSHDipPHI explaining her Open Letter to the Prime Minister and others about the Pfizer Vaccine and breaches of the Medicines Act and misleading and deceptive claims.

Related: The Truth About the Covid-19 Pandemic & Vaccines

In summary some of the most serious concerns are:

1. “Comirnaty” has only “provisional consent” in New Zealand under s23(1) of the Medicines Act. This means it can lawfully be used only “for treatment of a limited number of patients”.

Section 23(1) states: Section 23 Minister may give provisional consent

(1) “Notwithstanding sections 20 to 22, the Minister may, by notice in the Gazette, in accordance with this section, give his provisional consent to the sale or supply or use of a new medicine where he is of the opinion that it is desirable that the medicine be sold, supplied, or used on a restricted basis for the treatment of a limited number of patients. [emp added]”.

This provisional consent is subject to 58 conditions which are set out in the relevant gazette notice1.

Media releases confirm the securing of “over 10 million doses.

That’s enough for all of New Zealand” and the NZ Government advertisement of its rollout plan “for the injection of all New Zealanders” (most of whom are healthy and at no immediate or significant risk from COVID-19).

Related: The New mRNA COVID Vaccines Inject An Operating System Into Your Body - Not A Conspiracy Theory, Moderna Admits It & Open Letter to NZ MPs - Lockdown Is A Disastrous Error

The proposed scale of use is well outside the scope and purpose of a s23(1) provisional consent.

Further it is difficult to imagine how exposing healthy individuals to the risks inherent in any novel medication (and particularly one using novel technology that only recently started safety and efficacy trials) could possibly comply with any responsible risk/benefit assessment.

The public interest in exposing frail and immuno-compromised individuals to an experimental new medicine with only provisional consent is even more questionable, as the safety trials were limited to healthy individuals.

Surely a more precautionary approach can be adopted and New Zealanders can be protected in more orthodox ways, (rather than all in effect being guinea pigs in a world wide experiment), especially as there is no imminent threat from COVID-19 in New Zealand and so no urgency.

2. The agenda for the meeting of Medsafe’s Medicines Assessment Advisory Committee on 2 February 2021 states that approval would be sought for provisional consent for Comirnaty as a “prescription only” medicine.

Curiously the “prescription only” restriction is omitted from the subsequent gazette notice. It is unclear if this omission is an error or was deliberate.

Related: The COVID-19 RT-PCR Test: How To Mislead All Humanity - Using A “Test” To Lock Down Society + Former Pfizer Science Officer Reveals Great COVID-19 Scam

If the proposed “prescription only” classification was overlooked by Medsafe, the expert advisors and the responsible Ministers in error, please confirm how and when this will be rectified, including what steps will be taken to ensure that in future only health practitioners who are qualified to use prescription only medicines and familiar with Comirnaty, treat patients with this novel vaccine.

If this was a deliberate omission, please urgently provide the evidence and assumptions relied on and the reasons why:

a) This novel vaccination with only provisional consent was exempted from usual Medicines Act assessments and classification and

b) Why it has fewer restrictions on its use than many other far less novel and more tested vaccines, such as the MMR vaccine and influenza. I note that in the case of the influenza vaccine a documented process was followed before pharmacists with specialised training were authorised to give the influenza vaccine.

Surely this type of delegation away from a medical practitioner is inappropriate in the case of the novel Pfizer vaccine where the New Zealand and international advisory data sheets identify numerous clinical decisions and medical judgment calls for doctors and patients, with limited if any supporting research (2).

Sue Grey Summarises Safety Concerns With the Co-vax and Threats to Informed Consent

Sue Grey LLB(Hons), BSc (Biochemistry & Microbiology), RSHDipPHI introduces some of the safety shortcuts and concerns with the co-vax and the need for informed consent.

Related: Covid 19 coronavirus: Aucklanders urged to be cautious of new anti-vax magazine

3. The NZ government has engaged in a substantial media and publicity campaign involving PR advice, numerous press releases and advertisements in newspapers, TV and on the radio to market “the Pfizer vaccine”.

The claims includes representations that the Pfizer vaccine:

a) Is “safe and effective”.

b) “It’s safe. It has been approved by our own Medsafe experts…”

c) “It’s effective”

d) “The more of us who get vaccinated the safer and stronger we will be”

e) “It’s free. The vaccine will be free for everyone in the country…”

4. In fact, there is no reliable evidence that this novel Pfizer vaccine is “safe” or “effective,” at least not in the sense commonly understood by the public. To the public “safe and effective” means it will not cause any significant short or long-term harm to anyone who receives it, and it will prevent infection, symptoms and transmission.

Related: “Fraudulent Marketing”: The Pfizer COVID-19 Vaccine Is an “Unapproved Product” which Is “Permitted for Use”

In relation to the claim that it is “free”, while individuals may not be personally charged when they receive a vaccine, it comes at very considerable cost to New Zealand taxpayers, including payments and/or other consideration to Pfizer the details of which have been withheld from the public.

In addition, documentation provided under the Official Information Act confirms that the Minister of Finance approved an ad hoc indemnity for the supplier (Pfizer), under the Public Finance Act, in September 2020 (indicating a lack of confidence by Pfizer in the safety of its own product), to induce Pfizer to supply to New Zealand.

Further the public of New Zealand will at least indirectly fund any vaccine injury claims that are accepted by ACC. Individuals who are unable to get ACC cover, will bear their own costs for medical treatment and any loss of income.


a. Medsafe have given only “provisional consent” under s23(1). This is subject to 58 conditions. No information is available for the public or their advisors to assess compliance with these conditions.

The advertised timing of rollout in the government’s vaccination rollout plan means that most of these conditions will not be met until after the three of the four groups of adult New Zealanders identified in the plan have already been vaccinated.

b. Even full Medsafe approval does not warrant the “safety or efficacy” of a new medicine.

Section 20(3) of the Medicines Act states:

"No consent given under this section shall be deemed to warrant the safety or efficacy of the medicine to which the consent relates”

It is accordingly misleading and deceptive for the government to suggest in its advertising that this Pfizer vaccine has Medsafe approval at all, let alone that Medsafe approval can be relied on to show this new vaccine is safe.

Related: Safe? Effective? Free? Let’s look at the facts!

c. US clinical (safety) trials will not be completed until 2023;3

d. There have been no animal or human challenge studies for this vaccine despite serious safety problems being identified in animal challenge studies for previous experimental coronavirus vaccines;

e. The US clinical trials test only healthy individuals, whereas the people most at risk from Covid are those who are frail, and have underlying medical conditions or compromised immunity. There have been no independent safety trials on frail or immune suppressed people.

f. The Pfizer Vaccine is not FDA approved. It has only Emergency Use Authorisation in the USA. This is confirmed by the US FDA Data Safety Sheet (4)

g. The Pfizer vaccine has only Emergency Use Authorisation in the EU (5)

h. Pfizer itself clearly is not confident that Comirnaty is “safe and effective” as it required an indemnity from the New Zealand government before it would supply this product to New Zealand.

World Shocked by SPARS 2025-2028 Document

Alex Jones breaks down the shocking information contained in the so-called SPARS 2025-2028 document which details another horrifying worldwide pandemic scenario and how governments can better impose control over their citizens and merge cooperative efforts into a global government body.

Related: The SPARS Pandemic Scenario

i. This representation that this experimental vaccine is safe is particularly egregious taking into account that people trust and depend on the government to give factual and balanced information.

Extra care is surely required because healthy people who are at no apparent risk from COVID-19 are being asked to accept an experimental barely tested vaccine that uses novel technology.

The data sheet and clinical trials highlight the absence of research to establish safety for people who are already frail, ill or immunosuppressed (who are the very people most at risk if exposed to COVID-19), women who are pregnant, people on medications, people who have recently had other vaccines, and people with allergies.

This representation of safety in the government advertisements is in direct conflict with the key documentation and is contrary to the warnings of many international experts, to the precautionary principle and to the fundamental tenant of medicine of “First Do No harm.”

j. Re effectiveness- (i) Nobody knows how long the Pfizer vaccine will provide protection to those who are injected as no medium to long term research has been done; and (ii) as other government information states (6) “we don’t yet know if it will stop you from catching and passing on the virus.”

Related: Former Pfizer VP: ‘Your government is lying to you in a way that could lead to your death.’

k. The claim “when we roll up our sleeves we are helping to protect all of us” creates the inference that the Pfizer vaccine will prevent the transmission of COVID-19 from one person to another.

There is no evidence to support this claim. Even Pfizer itself does not claim that the vaccine prevents the transmission from one person to another. Some experts are concerned that the vaccine will create an additional threat to the community by creating more asymptomatic carriers who may spread a virus they don’t know they have.

l. With past attempts at coronavirus vaccines serious problems emerged with animal challenge studies. With COVID-19 vaccine development there have been no animal challenge studies and human challenge studies are only just commencing (7).

m. The government advice is inconsistent with the best of the available evidence including the clinical trials. It appears that the phrase “Safe and effective” has been chosen as part of a PR “spin” campaign and is being given a meaning that is different from its common meaning, apparently to improve consumer acceptance of a novel and barely tested vaccine.

Related: Inventor of PCR Test Said Fauci ‘Doesn’t Know Anything’ And Is Willing To Lie On Television

5. New Zealand law is clear that no medical treatment is mandatory.

The government has confirmed this in Official Information responses. Consistent with this, the Health and Disabilities Act and its Code of Patient Care requires that all health and disability services must comply with certain minimum standards of patient care, including providing adequate information to patients so they can make informed decisions.

The principle of “informed consent” is fundamental. This requires information about risks, benefits and uncertainties as well as alternatives, and also that decisions are freely made, without duress.

This obligation on health care providers and this fundamental right of all patients who received treatment, is breached if information provided about a treatment is inadequate to identify risks, uncertainties or benefits and particularly if it is misleading or deceptive.

The information on “informed consent” given out at the time of Co-vax is grossly deficient to facilitate informed consent, and is very superficial compared to information provided to recipients in other jurisdictions.

Despite warning patients not to take the vaccine if they are allergic to any of its ingredients, the New Zealand patient information uses only the trade name of the active ingredient.

This means ingredients included in the active ingredient such as Polyethylene Glycol “PEG” which is known to cause allergies and potentially life-threatening anaphylactic shock are not disclosed to prospective recipients.

Related: The Significance of the Nuremberg Code: The Universal Right of Informed Consent to Medical Interventions

6. The misleading information and public hype and pressure is inciting breaches of employment contracts. Employees have clear legal rights.

They cannot be lawfully required to accept an experimental vaccine with only provisional consent and limited safety or efficacy testing, for a disease that most are highly unlikely to ever be exposed to, and which for healthy people has a very high recovery rate.

It is difficult to imagine why any employer would demand this, especially when there is no evidence this vaccine prevents infection or transmission.

Despite this, some employers are threatening employees with dismissal or reduced hours if they do not receive this experimental vaccine.

7. Similarly the Health and Safety at Work Act requires employers to identify and manage all risks.

This must include the risk of adverse effects from receiving an experimental vaccine, and workplace stress for employees who are pressured to accept a vaccine that they oppose for medical, ethical or other reasons.

Despite these clear obligations there are many reports of some employers threatening staff with dismissal or reduced hours if they do not accept the Pfizer vaccine.

This Law Could Have Given Us COVID Treatments on Day 1

The 21st Century Cures Act was supposed to make it easier for treatments to be approved for use by the FDA. I don't see it being used, do you?

Related: 5 Ways They’re Trying to Trick You Into Taking the Covid Vaccine”

There will inevitably be health and safety claims against employers who required or encouraged employees to accept this experimental vaccine if they suffer vaccine injury.

Claims of this type are already being discussed. In addition to the obvious human rights and employment breaches, this type of conduct is irrational in the absence of evidence that this vaccine prevents transmission.

8. There is significant risk of consequential harm due to reliance on misleading and unjustified assurances that the vaccine is approved by Medsafe and is safe and effective. Another example of this is the threat to the integrity of our bloodbank.

This website at www.nzblood.co.nz states that no standdown is required for the Pfizer BioNTec vaccine as it is “approved by Medsafe”.

In fact, it has only provisional consent for treatment of a limited number of patients. Clearly, the consequences could be wide-ranging if our national blood supply becomes contaminated by novel mRNA.

Related: European Medicines Agency Official: “Clear Link” Between AstraZeneca Vaccine and Blood Clots in the Brain

9. The matters identified include apparently serious breaches of the Medicines Act, Fair Trading Act, the NZ Bill of Rights Act and public law principles of decision making.

There are also apparent breaches of the fiduciary duties owed by our elected representatives to the public of New Zealand.

The cumulative effect of the many breaches significantly reduces the level of protection for patients that was intended by the hierarchy and statutory scheme of Medicines Act.

These risks to individuals and the community could have been avoided if the law, best practice well-established procedures for assessing medicines, and common sense had prevailed over hype.

10. The result is a serious threat to the rule of law, fundamental human rights of New Zealanders, public health and wellbeing and trust in government.

There is also potentially very significant economic risk, especially if any of the warnings of international experts about this experimental vaccine triggering auto-immune or other adverse reactions are correct or if it facilitates the spread of COVID-19 by creating asymptomatic carriers.

New Zealand Government Threatens Kiwis Who Do Not Accept the Official Line?

Click on the image above to view a larger version in a new window

It is vitally important that you take the time to read the above article that appeared in New Zealand newspapers and online on March 27.

This appears to very much be an attempt to draw a line joining those who wish to independently investigate matters relating to Covid and vaccines, with 'radicalisation' and even 'terrorism.'

The people have a right to the truth despite what "governments" think, and Kitteridge even acknowledges that free speech 'issues were at play.'

Well let's make it clear here - welcome to free speech.

Neither this platform nor any person or entity associated with it has ever advocated for anything other that the sharing of information, and certainly NOT for ANY violent actions.

But the truth is coming out on an increasing scale and there are certain vested interests who, it is clear, are somewhat uncomforatble with this (see above article.)

What if it turned out that this whole debacle was a 'conspiracy' against the masses? If it really is a mass control and extermination attempt? Would they really expect that if such a plan was exposed - that those targeted would not make an effort to save themselves and others by sharing information?

Having a cry and throwing your toys will not and can not stop the truth from outing.

Related: Not enough people taking covid vaccine, so let fluoridate them some more! Fluoridated Zombies follow orders much better: Power over water fluoridation to be taken off councils and given to Dr Bloomfield

11. My clients and the public of New Zealand expect and require an urgent response. This will likely need to include:

a) An agreement the Crown will immediately suspend the vaccine rollout until the outstanding legal issues are addressed, and the law and statutory scheme for new medicines with provisional consent can be fully complied with. This means that Comirnaty should be treated as a prescription only medicine that can be used only to treat a limited number of patients;

b) An immediate end to the current misleading advertisements and corrective advertising to address misleading and deceptive claims that have already been made, and to facilitate fully informed consent for any future patients who might be offered Comirnaty; and

c) Promotion of more orthodox ways the public can enhance their immunity and protect themselves against COVID-19 to promote individual empowerment.

This will help people become more resilient and move on from this current climate of fear, propaganda and uncertainty, and start to reclaim individual sovereignty and optimism about the reinstatement of once well-established New Zealand freedoms, lifestyle and culture.

Related: If you die from Coronavirus ‘vaccine’, your life insurance won’t pay as it’s an ‘experimental medical intervention’

12. I would be very happy to discuss possible ways forward with you in a personal meeting, or by phone or email. In the first instance please email to acknowledge receipt and confirm your intentions.

13. If we cannot reach a satisfactory resolution, at least in principle, by 5 pm Tuesday 5th April, my clients have instructed me to file urgent proceedings seeking appropriate interim and final declarations and orders.

We will then need to discuss a timeframe to facilitate these important questions being put before the court as a matter of urgency.

Thank you for your prompt action and attention.

S J Grey

Sue Grey LLB(Hons), BSc (Biochemistry & Microbiology), RSHDipPHI
Sue Grey Lawyer

Email: suegreylawyer@gmail.com
Ph: 0226910586

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"Several thousand people gathered at the main protest site on a square in Kessel’s city centre, packed closely together without wearing face masks, an AFP reporter saw.

Scuffles erupted when a group of demonstrators tried to break through a police cordon to join up with other protesters, resulting in shoving and prompting officers to use pepper spray."

-Daily Mail

In Melbourne, Australia, protesters chanting “Free to speak. Free to breathe” came out by the thousands.


The Netherlands:




This is what happens when you destroy economies based on questionable science.

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COVID: To Governors who are re-opening your States - how to defeat the attacks against you

Ex-Medical Examiner: The “500,000 COVID Deaths” Number Is a Lie

Dr. Lee Merit: The Vaxx is Preparing the World for a Mass Death Event

WarnerMedia CEO Apologizes After Saying COVID Pandemic Has Been ‘Really Good For CNN Ratings’

San Antonio woman leaks spinal fluid after receiving Covid nasal swab

Top vaccine scientist warns the world: HALT all covid-19 vaccinations immediately, or “uncontrollable monster” will be unleashed

These ‘Inactive’ Ingredients in COVID Vaccines Could Trigger Allergic Reactions

Video: Canadian Doctors Speak Out: Top Reasons Not to be Afraid of COVID-19

The REAL “Lunatic Fringe”, and where to find it The anti-Lockdown protests in Dublin

Israel’s ‘Green Passport’ Vaccination Program Has Created a ‘Medical Apartheid,’ Distraught Citizens Say

One Nurse Dead and Another One Injured as Austria Suspends AstraZeneca COVID Vaccine Inoculations

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108 Illegal Immigrants Released by Border Patrol in Texas Tested Positive for COVID-19: Officials

WHO Won’t Release Interim Report on COVID-19 Origins Amid Growing Scientific Concerns Over Legitimacy of Its Investigation

Health Officials Make Crucial Error in Vaccine Recommendation

Australians must know the truth - this virus is not a pandemic': Alan Jones

What to expect when you get your COVID-19 vaccination | Ministry of Health NZ

Dr Ian Town explains how the mRNA vaccine works | Ministry of Health

Masks. Important public service announcement from the NZ Government

Covid-19: Dr Sam FAQs

UK To Make Vaccines MANDATORY For Health Workers

Death Rates Skyrocket in Israel Following Pfizer Experimental COVID “Vaccines”

460 Dead 243,612 Reported Injuries from COVID-19 Vaccines Reported in the U.K.

The 2020 Worldwide Corona Crisis: Destroying Civil Society, Engineered Economic Depression, Global Coup d’État and the “Great Reset”

Middleweight boxing champion “Marvelous Marvin” dead from COVID jab

Danish Woman Who Died From Blood Clot After AstraZeneca Shot Had ‘Unusual Symptoms’, Agency Says

The WHO Confirms that the Covid-19 PCR Test is Flawed: Estimates of “Positive Cases” are Meaningless. The Lockdown Has No Scientific Basis

WHO Scientist: ‘No Documented Death’ Linked to COVID-19 Vaccine

The Moderna COVID-19 (mRNA-1273) vaccine: what you need to know

How to survive the engineered EXTERMINATION of the human race

Press Release: Urgent open letter to EMA from doctors & scientists regarding vaccine safety concerns

Withdraw the gene-altering ‘vaccine’. It’s killing far too many people.

Stanford Medical Professor: Lockdowns “Worst Public Health Mistake in Last 100 Years”

39-Year-Old Mother Dies After 2nd Dose of Moderna Vaccine: Family

Same tech industry that powered Holocaust computational machines now backing VACCINE compliance tracking and food allowance

MSM reporting they are struggling to convince the French to take the Vax.

Covid 19 coronavirus: Two million Kiwis to be vaccinated in four months - rollout plan unveiled

Which Threat is the Greater: Covid or the Covid Vaccines?

Eight European nations pause AstraZeneca coronavirus vaccinations after reports of “serious” blood clot

How Many People Are the Vaccines Killing?

The Real Reasons Why Millions Of Americans Will Defy COVID Mandates And Vaccines

'Obey!' - Biden Outlines Post-Pandemic Dystopia In "Dark & Hopeless" First Address

Another Epidemiologist Calls Out Facebook “Fact-Checkers” & Calls It A “Scam”

Medical Examiner Not Jumping to Conclusions After Utah Mom Dies Following COVID-19 Vaccination

The pandemic modellers have a conflict of interest problem

The Modelling-Paper Mafiosi

New Research Points to Link Between AstraZeneca Vaccine and Blood Clots

Dr. Peter McCullough explains in testimony that known successful treatments of Covid were censored from the media, and this censorship was responsible for the Covid deaths

AstraZeneca Admits Vaccine Efficacy Based On "Interim" Data, Vows To Release Update Within 48 Hours

Lord Sumption: Mass Civil Disobedience

Study: Covid Vaccines May “Sensitize Vaccine Recipients To More Severe Disease”

The “Corona Crisis” and the War of “The Super-Rich” against the Earth’s Citizens

AstraZeneca Vaccine Correlated to Blood Clots, Death. Norwegian Physician Pål Andre Holme

What's That On Your Face? Masks causing infections

Alex Jones takes a call from a doctor whistleblower who claims to have lost 22 patients after they took the Covid-19 shot - Vid (21:30)

17 Nations Ban Covid-19 Vaccine – Vid (12:42)

Germany, Italy, France suspend AstraZeneca shots amid safety fears, disrupting EU vaccinations

Germany, France, Ireland, Italy & The Netherlands Ban Covid-19 Vaccine - Article & Vid (5:52)

Tanzania – The second Covid coup?

The vaccine is activated by 5G

Government admit they put covid-19 on every death certificate

Doctor doubts COVID vaccines | Interview with Dr. Mark Trozzi

Eugenio Derbez asks Fauci the obvious questions

“Quote: “…The court in The Hague accepted the complaint for violating the Nuremberg Code of the Israeli government.

Ootcry to the World, From Israel

American Airlines "Looking Into It" After John Kerry Busted Flying Without Mask

John Kerry Caught Flouting Airline Mask Rule While Flying First Class

COVID Vaccines Are Illegal Bioweapon Says Author of Bioweapons Law

Police Terrorists are Entitled to No Obedience or Respect

Using Herd Immunity Excuse for Gene Therapy Vaccine on Kids

Norwegian experts say deadly blood clots were caused by the AstraZeneca covid vaccine

VAERS Data: Deaths Linked to CoV-19 Inoculation Up by 259 in One Week

Hollywood movies featuring “deadly viruses” on the loose

Video: UK Announces Vaccine ‘Certificates’, Says They Are Not Vaccine Passports

COVID-19 vaccine AstraZeneca analysis print

Professor Resigns from Israel’s COVID Vaccine Committee Over Decision to Vaccinate Pregnant Women

Did Big Pharma Murder Tanzania’s President?

Gary Rostock -`Build Back Better`

GAVI Vaccine Alliance: The source of terror behind global lockdowns and vaccine coercion

COVID Vaccine An Unprecedented “Experiment” on Humanity, Warns Dr. Madej

Florida Governor Signs Executive Order Banning ‘Vaccine Passports’

COVID 19 The New Normal 20 min Film

COVID Is Not What We Thought It Was/Is

Benjamin Goodman: 32-year-old New York stagehand dead 24 hours after Johnson & Johnson viral vector shot

The COVID narrative as an occult work of art

Lockdown One Year On – It doesn’t work, it never worked & it wasn’t supposed to work

Paraguay ends lock down 250,000 people on the streets we are the people

The People Of Israel - Green And Yellow Badges

A Coming Covid Catastrophe

David E Martin, Phd National Intelligence Analyst Pathogen To Profit, Means Motive And Monetary Gain

Planet Lockdown: David Martin Full Interview & The Covid Narrative Destroyed

The greatest Nuremberg of all time is on its way

Fertility warning: 34 cases of spontaneous miscarriage and stillbirth reported after experimental mRNA vaccines

Texas Ends Covid Mask Mandate, Lifts All Anti-Virus Restrictions, Allows All Businesses To Reopen

Fauci Does Damage Control After Fmr. CDC Director Suspects Wuhan Lab Leak

Nicaragua Never Required Masks or Lockdowns and Crushed the Virus-Script

Human Rights for Children: Beyond a Crime, Worldwide: The Immoral, Destructive Impacts of the Covid Measures on Our Children

Chemical cocktail found in face masks

How they pulled off the 'pandemic' - an animated film explanation by David Icke

A cyber-attack with COVID-like characteristics?

"Complete Loss Of Trust": Half Of French Home Health Workers Say They'll Resist Taking Vaccine

Tony Fauci and the Swine Flu hoax; betrayal of trust

US Bishops Discourage Catholics From Receiving Johnson & Johnson Vaccine If Alternatives Available Over Abortion Link

VAERS (CDC) website shows Covid stabs killing people with and without underlying conditions

“Complete Loss of Trust”: Half of French Home Health Workers Say They’ll Resist Taking Vaccine

Japan Supercomputer Finds Double-Masking Doesn't Work

New Lancet Article Suggests 50-75% of “Positive” PCR Tests Are Not Infectious People

A Second Holocaust?

Eight Countries suspend Covid Vaccinations

New York Sports Fans Test Digital Health Pass on Vaccination or COVID-19 Status

The Biggest COVID-19 Vaccine Skeptics? Frontline Health Care Workers

Ten nations halt covid vaccine; California company subjects employees to bizarre CULT training camp

Video: Fauci Admits There Is No ‘Science’ Behind Continued Lockdown

Thailand Halts AstraZeneca Vaccinations Following Concerns in Europe

7 European Nations Halt AstraZeneca Jabs on Reports of “Serious” Blood Clots

3 More EU Countries Hit Pause on AstraZeneca After Reports of Illness and Deaths

Germany, France, Italy, Indonesia Halt AstraZeneca COVID Vaccine After Reports Of Blood Clots

Russia is the first country in the world to dissect Covid-19 corpses (going against WHO’s criminal orders of no autopsy’s allowed for covid deaths

Fauci Funded the Wuhan Research that Created Corona-19

The Covid “Pandemic” Is the Product of a Defective Test that is Unreliable

European Court of Human Rights Rules That Mandatory Vaccinations Are Legal

The Dancing Tiktok Nurses Want a Pay Rise or They'll Strike

HighWire with Del Bigtree: A COMING COVID CATASTROPHE - Vid (1:04:01)

Don’t Accept The Vaccine! Doctor Tenpenny Explains Why - Article & Vid (1:03:06)

Agenda 21 / Agenda 2030, Plan To Depopulate The World - Vid (1:27:42)

Fauci Admits Covid Shot is new Technology Being Tested on Humans - Vids (1:27) (20:23)

The World That Is Being Created Is Not For Real Humans

Top Vaccine Insider Says The Vax Will Cause A Worldwide Genocide

Klaus Schwab's Fourth Reich Reset And Kill Gates' Vaccine Genocide

Former FDA Commissioner: "Costly" Social Distancing Mandate "Wasn't Based On Clear Science"

Vaccine Passports Were Always Part of the Plan

Covid Vaccine Lies, More YouTube Covid Censorship, Economic Update

Before COVID, Gates Planned Social Media Censorship of Vaccine Safety Advocates with Pharma, CDC, Media, China and CIA

Canadian Bishops Issue Clarification on Notice Regarding AstraZeneca, Johnson & Johnson Vaccines

A People’s History of Struggle: Liberty or Lockdown

Dr Lee Merit: The Vax is Preparing the World For a Mass Death Event

TEDx: Bombshell: Moderna Chief Medical Officer Admits mRNA Alters DNA - Article & Vid (10:14)

They're Doing it by the Book and the Book is...

CDC in Collusion with Vaccine Manufactuers Since at Least 2004

The Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) Results Form

About The Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS)

The Lockdowns Are Worse Than Covid

Before COVID, Gates Planned Social Media Censorship of Vaccine Safety Advocates with Pharma, CDC, Media, China and CIA

31 Reasons Why I Won’t Take the Vaccine by the Israeli rabbi Chananya Weissman

Dr. Sherri Tenpenny on Things to do if you're Concerned about a Covid 'Vaccine'

Do NOT watch this video if you’re afraid of the truth

Avoid the Pfizer Covid Vaccine

246 Vaccinated Michigan Residents Diagnosed with COVID, 3 Dead, State Health Dept. Confirms

Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi

Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi

The Global Fascist State: Physical Control Of The Global Population Is Impossible
April 11 2021 | From: FinalWakeUpCall / Various

Centralised, controlled Global fascist state:The momentum for the completion of the New World Order (NWO) through centralised control of global politics, business, banking, military and media is gaining pace by the day, and is clearly evident through the large scale spying upon us.

Whenever a hidden agenda is about to be implemented, something occurs to scare the people, justifying the action for implementation. Our world is more and more becoming a recurrence of fascist Nazi Germany, before WWII. This is, in accordance with the plans of the Deep State Brotherhood, the new world that awaits the global population.

Related: Google joins Monsanto among the most evil corporations in the world by announcing ban on anything it considers a “conspiracy theory”

The Council on Foreign Relations (CFR), and multinational corporations already control most Governments;promoting the one world government through their control of the media, foundation grants, and education; with power exerted over all issues of the day; they already control almost all avenues; they have the financial power to promote the “New World Order”.

The key to their success is the control and manipulation by the international bankers of the money systems of almost every nation, while making it appear as though they are controlled by the government.

If you wish to live in a world that is “urbane” enough to be run by a world government, managed by the Brotherhood of the élite and global bankers, then by all means, continue to follow the mainstream media to get all your information.

If, however, the idea of a select coterie of a global intellectual-financial elites running the world does not sound like the ideal society for humanity’s future, then it is time to come into action.

Related: Report: Forensic Experts say DNC was Never Hacked by Russia, An Insider Did the Job

By battling the tide of misinformation and by helping to expose the dangers of the ‘New World Order.’

People have neither the slightest idea, nor the insight of the restrain that is going to be put on them. They would rather ignore the obvious and go into denial of the truth that has already become reality. Instead, people prefer assuring each other that they would never take people’s freedoms away and make us serfs of the elite.

Humanity has on a large scale given away its mind and its responsibility – it is advisable to consider the broader consequences of this behaviour for human existence.

When we give away our mind and responsibility, we give away our freedom and hence, our lives.

If enough people do it, we give the world away, and that is precisely what has been done throughout history. We’re now entering a fascist society, as was the case before WWII. The leaders of this era, such as Benito Mussolini in Italy and Adolf Hitler in Germany embodied the state and they claimed indisputable power, transforming countries into fascist states.

Now history is repeating itself and soon the world will become a fascist society all over again. The only difference is that this time, a few families, alias – the elite – are manipulating the entire planet, through the globalisation of business, banking and communications.

Related: Brzezinski Wanted NATO to Become the “Hub of a Globe-Spanning Web” of Security Pacts

The primary goal of their control is to keep the people in ignorance, fear and at war. Divide, rule and conquer and keep the most important information secret.

Those who have applied these methods to control humanity for thousands of years are members of the same force, following a long-term Brotherhood Agenda, which now is reaching its point of completion.

So, the global fascist state is upon us. People must wake up now – and see this as their “final wake up call” – to mobilise and organise themselves to rebel against this injustice, as the real power is still with the many of us, and not with the few of the elites!

Infinite Power is Within Every Individual:

Infinite power is within each and every individual. The reason we are controlled is not because we don’t have the power to decide our own destiny, it is that we unknowingly give that power away when we don’t take responsibility for our destiny on all fronts.

When something happens that we don’t like, we look for someone else to blame. When there is a problem, people think first what are they, our so-called leaders going to do about it.

But remember it is they who have secretly created most problems, and they consequently respond to people’s demands by offering a ‘solution’ that always entails more centralisation of power and erosion of our freedom.

Man Sends Audition Tape To Globalists To Be Crisis Actor in Next False Flag Hilarious Satire Skit

Sometimes We Learn The Most About Ourselves From Our Opponents

If you want to give more power to the police, security agencies and military, that is exactly what they want the public to ask for, then they ensure there is more crime, more violence and more terrorism, and so they increasingly get exactly what they want, ever-increasing control and power.

Once people are in fear of being attacked by terrorists, they will demand to have their freedoms taken away, to protect them from what they have been manipulated to become – ‘fearful’.

As Benjamin Franklin once so typically stated:

“Those who would give up essential liberty, to purchase a little temporary safety, deserve neither liberty nor safety.”

The 9/11 Twin Tower destruction in New York in 2001 and the Global warming meme are both classic examples of ‘Problem - Reaction - Solution’ manipulations.

Physical Control of the Global Population is Impossible:

In short it is a technique of ‘problem - reaction - solution’. Create the problem; encourage the reaction that something has to be done about, and then offer the solution, their solution. In other words:

Create chaos and then offer a solution to restore order on people’s request, a solution which serves their agenda.

The masses are herded and directed by emotional and mental control. This is the only way their rules can be implemented. However, the few elites cannot control billions of people physically, unless a large number of people are involved.

Related: Leo Solar Eclipse: Revolution, Healing and Collapse of the Establishment

So physical control of the global population is impossible. But when you can manipulate the way people feel and think to the point that they decide to do what they want us to do, by demanding to introduce regulations that they want to have implemented, then the door is set open for Centralised Global Control, by making people believe that it is their own idea.

Consequently, humanity becomes mind-controlled.

People are Mind Controlled:

The question is not how many people are mind-controlled, but how few are not. When you believe the news stories in the media, and allow these to affect your perception of events, your mind is controlled.

The answer to freedom of thought and perception is to take your mind back to conclude and decide for yourself.

The choice of interpretations is yours and not someone else’s. Remember they always want to have your mind, because once they have it, they have you. So keep your mind objective under all circumstances.

Related: Globalism Is In Free Fall Collapse

Think for yourself and don’t allow others to think for you, and if we All do this, their Agenda will not be able to be implemented and we will keep our freedoms, it’s as simple as that. Come into action now in the interest of our children, future generations, and in our own interest.

Remember; the secret Agenda is a conspiracy of minds, of people and events to ensure that the plans of the elite are employed. They conspire to put their people into positions of power, with hidden, stringent instructions to make the agenda happen, by conspiring to create events which will make the public demand the Agenda be implemented in complete ignorance of the devastating consequences.

It is frightening that we have entered the world George Orwell envisioned and wrote about in 1984 of mass surveillance, as portrayed in the movie ‘The Truman Show’.

Stick Your New World Order Up Your Arse!

Recently numerous scandals have revealed the surveillance state of the West and put it up for show. Whistleblowers have been warning about this for years!

But saying you were right won’t help you in the long run. Now we know that the government is listening, recording, and duplicating everything we do online or over the phone, it’s time to start taking action. It’s time to take back our right to privacy.

Although we may not fear Chinese tanks rolling through our streets, make no mistake; our most basic rights are under attack: reporters are being investigated and suspended by Government officials for exposing scandals, legislation is designed to water down our privacy rights and the NSA acts like it was nothing more than a necessity to crack down on terrorists, while presenting the matter as though they have the authority to do so.

Watch the powerful explanation of Snowden; it’s a lot easier, as was put forth by him, to change this intrusion on civilisation as has been laid out in the above writing: Be objective and make up your own mind; deciding for yourself.

Preaching the Truth About the Federal Reserve:

Rod Parsley Discusses the Dirty Tricks Bankers Use On Us. He also discusses the practice of the Federal Reserve, how they are involved. He preaches the truth using facts and history.

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Fear: False Evidence Appearing Real
April 10 2021 | From: TheEpochTimes / Various

When our thoughts scare us and we need to make them stop.

I took a deep dive into fear after someone I love dearly, a close family member, began experiencing a physical symptom.

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We’ve been unable to get to the bottom of it; the doctors have not been particularly concerned, and so we’ve resorted to just managing the symptom best we can.

I haven’t been particularly worried, assuming it was just one of the umpteen physical symptoms that come for seemingly no reason and then go for seemingly no reason, without our ever really knowing why or what it was all about.

On a recent Friday afternoon, I was having a conversation with this person, and she casually mentioned another symptom that she experiences. She had never brought this to my attention because she just assumed everybody felt the same thing.

In that moment, I was slightly alarmed by the symptom she mentioned as it was definitely not a sensation most people have and certainly not one that people get on a regular basis.

It was also, I knew, a symptom associated with some pretty terrible things. I said nothing about my concern but calmly inquired more into her experience, like when does she get this sensation and what if anything brings it on.

Related: Thousands Of Medical Studies Found To Be Useless + Medical-Drug Destruction Of Life, By The Numbers & Herd Immunity Used For Fear And Guilt

On the outside, I probably appeared quite nonchalant, but on the inside, a small tsunami was forming in my chest.

Immediately following our conversation, I made a beeline to search the internet. I feverishly punched in her symptoms. What I found was, not surprisingly, both horrifying and terrifying.

Her symptoms happened to be the first two on every list for one, particularly dreadful and life-destroying condition.

Within three hours of our initial conversation, I was paralyzed with information. I had three symptoms to work with now, three symptoms that were the first three on every list describing the early signs of one particular horrifying fate.

Fear had taken me hostage.

The more afraid I became, the more frantically I researched the internet, reading everything available on the condition I had diagnosed, looking for anything that would give me a different list of symptoms or at least a list where her symptoms were further down from the top.

I read about treatments, now and future, trial studies, ways that people self-care once diagnosed, the psychological effects of the disease, how early one should start taking the medication, and what the final stages look like.

Related: Faking Medical Reality

I read testimonials from people living with the disease, everything I could get my hands on. By Sunday night, I had five doctorates in this condition.

I was in a state of panic, heartbroken, and truly unable to get OK. If a moment of serenity appeared, I would remember the shock of what I knew, that this person I love beyond anything, beyond everything, had no future.

I would remember that I could never be happy again. Each moment I spent with my family member that weekend felt like the last, weighted with melancholy and finality.

I was living a narrative of fear and despair I had written in less than 48 hours. I was sure the worst thing I could ever imagine happening was happening.

I wondered how it was possible that I had spent my whole life working on accepting reality as it is, and yet here I was screaming, “No, this reality is the one reality that’s not OK! This reality, I cannot bear.”

I was in a thought-constructed hell, which felt real, inarguable, and true.

Related: How Thoughts Create Atoms And Emotions Formulate Time

I was the only one who knew that she had all three symptoms. Other family members knew of one or another, but I was the keeper of the full truth, the only one who knew the whole of it.

When I did finally break and tell another family member, he dismissed my fears as ridiculous, irritating, a case of bad hypochondria. I was to blame for my fear. His impatience felt like an abandonment of sorts.

I felt terrified and deeply alone in my fear. I couldn’t share my fears with the person whom they were about because I didn’t want to frighten her; I couldn’t speak with anyone else in the family because they were angered by my fear; I couldn’t speak with her doctor about it because I didn’t want to set off further testing and thus speed the road to the eventual diagnosis.

I was totally isolated; my thoughts had built a bubble of terror in which I was trapped and alone.

And then something miraculous happened, perhaps because I couldn’t bear another moment of being so afraid, or perhaps just because. Grace appeared and I heard the following: 

Your mind is inflicting violence on you! And what followed from there was simply, Stop! Stop! Stop! 

Something in me stood up for me.

I knew that probability was still on my side and the fear I was living might well be false evidence appearing as real.

Related: Pineal Gland: How To Detox The Part Of Your Brain That Controls Sleep, Aging And Your State Of Mind

With this realization, I was able to halt my mind’s projections into the future and reexperiencing a reality that didn’t and might never exist.

I recognized that I knew nothing other than three facts and didn’t need to go one day or even five minutes into the future. I could decide to live right here, now, and construct no storyline at all.

Discomfort remained, mild anxiety, but without the narrative connecting the dots, I was remarkably OK. With the sudden awareness of how I was torturing myself, believing my thoughts, I was able to disembark from my mind’s terror train.

I refused to participate in terrifying myself; I chose the freedom and self-compassion that comes with saying, and believing, “I simply don’t know. That’s the truth.”

For organizing and generating ideas, there’s no match for the human mind. And simultaneously, for whipping up fear and creating frightening storylines that appear indisputable, there’s also no match for the human mind.

The tragic part is that by creating its narratives of terror, the mind is at some level trying to calm us down, to understand the unknown.

The mind tries to protect us from the fear of what could happen by creating a certainty of what will happen, which paradoxically can feel less frightening.

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In this recent episode, my mind was desperately searching to find proof for its wrongness, evidence that showed its thoughts were mistaken. And yet, the more my imagined storyline was confirmed, the more frantically I searched to find something else to explain the unknown.

Our mind is often the perpetrator of unimaginable violence - on ourselves. Our thoughts are the great instigator of terror, yelling fire over and over again when a hint of smoke is detected.

At some point, the suffering that we self-inflict can become too much and an act of grace or self-compassion occurs, when we say: “Stop, stop torturing me. Stop creating stories of terror. The truth is I don’t know, that’s all.”

Related: What You Pay Attention To Ends Up Controlling Your Life

Life is challenging enough without adding any of our own terrifying storylines to it. We can, in fact, choose to live in the questions, to not know, and not fill in the blanks.

When we leave the dots not connected and sit with the fear that may or may not exist with what is, we feel a great relief.

Not only relief from the self-inflicted violence of the terrifying storyline, but also from the need to close up reality and know - everything - even if it’s nothing we want to know.

Nancy Colier is a psychotherapist, interfaith minister, author, public speaker, and workshop leader. For more information, visit NancyColier.com

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Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi
The Individual Versus Globalism
April 9 2021 | From: JonRappoport

“Global solution” means the individual is cut out of the equation, he doesn’t count, he doesn’t mean anything in the larger scheme of things, he’s just another pawn and cipher to move around on the board.

This is purposeful. This is the script for the future: create problems whose only solution appears to be collective.

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Psychologically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually divert the individual’s attention from his own vision, his own profound desires, his own imagination - and place it within The Group (“all of humanity”).

Propagandize the idea that, if the individual concerns himself with anything other than The Group, he is selfish, greedy, inhumane. He is a criminal.

More and more, this is how the young are being trained these days.

The grand “we” is being sold to them like a cheap street drug. They buy in. They believe this “we” is real, instead of a hollow con designed to drag them into a Globalist framework owned and operated by mega-corporations, banks, foundations, governments, and ubiquitous Rockefeller interests.

And what of the individual, his mind, his unique perception, his independent ideas, his originality, his life-force? Swept away in the rush toward “a better world.”

Related: Four Things Globalists Think You’re Too Stupid To Understand

I have breaking news. Earth is not a spaceship and we are not crew members. If Earth is a spaceship, it has serious design flaws, because it keeps making the same trip around the same sun every year. Each one of us does not have a specified function, as a crew member would.

Going back as far as you want to in history, shortage and scarcity in the world that engendered a crisis was either created by some elite or maintained by them, for the purpose of eradicating dissent and fomenting a collectivist solution. Meaning a solution that came from the top. Meaning a solution that reduced individual freedom.

In recent human history, a different idea emerged: establish severely hamstrung government, in order to protect the individual against it. This idea has had a very tough time. Collectivists have fought it every step of the way.

But regardless of circumstances, the individual can author his own freedom and what it implies. He can discover, within himself, extraordinary possibilities. He can contemplate what it means to create reality that expresses his most profound desires.

Related: What Is Globalism And Where Is It Going?

And then he can begin a voyage that no one and no group can stop. Civilizations come and go, rise and fall; the individual remains.

The word “imagination,” when properly understood, indicates that the individual can envision and then create futures that never were, and never would be, unless he invented them.

Imagination is the opposite of “provincial,” “restricted,” “well-known,” “familiar,” “accepted.."

That is its challenge to the status quo.

That is the true threat the individual poses to all predictive systems. Therefore, “it’s all just information” is a psyop code-phrase. Ideas, thoughts - nothing is original, nothing is new; we all “share” information floating in the collective consciousness; the individual invents nothing.

Which is the opposite of the truth. The individual invents everything.

He can’t be predicted when he is himself. He is not a pattern. He is not a system.

He is not anyone else.

He thrives on his own inspiration.

He is the ultimate riverboat gambler. He bets the house on his own as-yet uncreated future.

He is not a piece of universe.

He is not a humble servant of Order.

He invents the space and time of his own time to come.

As early as 1961, a brilliant healer, Richard Jenkins, whom I write about in my book, The Secret Behind Secret Societies (part of the Exit From The Matrix collection), explained what was to come. He wrote me a note, which I’m paraphrasing from memory:

“People are confusing their own empathy for others with some inflated idea about group-identity. They aren’t the same. People are becoming afraid of their own unique and distinct existence.

This is a social fear. A new social contract is being foisted on the population. Either you belong, or you have no rights. This is a totalitarian concept. It’s coming in through the back door.”

Well, now, it’s right there at the front door. The individual still has a choice. But he has to make it.

Explore his own power, or give it away for nothing more than an illusion of belonging. Stoke the fires within, or form a diluted image of self, and bow down to The Group.

Related: Historic: Trump Rejects Paris Climate Treaty & Globalists Plot Against Trump And Infowars At Bilderberg

The “I” is not isolated. He can reach out to others whenever and however he wants to. The question is, is he moving on the ground of his own independence, or is he searching for a group life raft, to which he will attach himself without thought or hesitation?

Beyond economics or politics, Globalism is a system that offers a life raft which is heading toward a machine-future.

Additional: Read about the Alliance that has been working behind the scenes for decades to take down the 'Cabal' within the work of David Wilcock.

Must Watch: "The Plan" to Defeat the Illuminati

Some of those reading this may be confused because the cabal-controlled mainstream media is doing everything within it's power to denigrate
Trump - as he is part of the effort to take the Illuminati down once and for all.

And the Alliance effort operates beyond the bounds of countries - out of neccessity; as that is how the Luciferian Cabal does.

Do you think you can trust the mainstream media? Look at whom they target. One must wonder why 'they' also do not like

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Battle for Disclosure: The Ultimate QAnon Brief

DECLAS: Section Five: The Forbidden Story

Disembark and find the great We, a construct of integrated parts, each of which is an individual, in a state of spiritual amnesia. Happiness there is function and sedation, shadowless, wiped clean of distinctions.

This is the elitist end-game of social justice and equality. It’s a fake culture.

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It's Official: This Is Straight Out Of Orwell's 1984...
April 8 2021 | From: TruthstreamMedia

Google is actually stepping into the role of 1984's 'Ministry of Truth'.

New internal guidelines to filter search results of web pages - based upon "well established historical and scientific facts".

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In other words, any website offering any information that contradicts the "official line" will be demoted in sear rankings.

Related: Not Just Surveillance: 3 Current Phenomena Exposing 1984 As An Instruction Manual For The State

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Everywhere In The Western World, Government Is A Conspiracy Against The People
& Cartels That Run The World

April 7 2021 | From: PaulCraigRoberts / JonRappoport

In the West “conspiracy theory” is the name given to explanations that differ from those that serve the ruling oligarchy, the establishment or whatever we want to call those who set and control the agendas and the explanations that support the agendas.

The explanations imposed on us by the ruling class are themselves conspiracy theories. Moreover, they are conspiracy theories designed to hide the real conspiracy that our rulers are operating.

Related: Yesterday’s Conspiracy Theory Is Today’s News + Spies Tell Lies, Spying Is Lying & Wikileaks Says Less Than 1% Of Vault 7 Released

For example, the official explanation of 9/11 is a conspiracy theory. Some Muslims, mainly Saudi Arabians, delivered the greatest humiliation to a superpower since David slew Goliath.

They outsmarted all 17 US intelligence agencies and those of NATO and Israel, the National Security Council, the Transportation Safety Administration, Air Traffic Control, and Dick Cheney, hijacked four US airliners on one morning, brought down three World Trade Center skyscrapers, destroyed that part of the Pentagon where research was underway into the missing $2.3 trillion, and caused the morons in Washington to blame Afghanistan instead of Saudi Arabia.

Clearly, the Saudia Arabians who humiliated Ameria were involved in a conspiracy to do so. Is it a believable conspiracy?

Related: The Tide Is Turning: The Official Story Is Now The Conspiracy Theory + A Conference To Clear The Mind Of The 9/11 Brainwashing

The ability of a few young Muslim men to pull off such a feat is unbelievable. Such total failure of the US National Security State means that America was blindly vulnerable throughout the decades of Cold War with the Soviet Union. If such total failure of the National Security State had really occurred, the White House and Congress would have been screaming for an investigation.

People would have been held accountable for the long chain of security failures that allowed the plot to succeed. Instead, no one was even reprimanded, and the White House resisted all efforts for an investigation for a year. Finally, to shut up the 9/11 families, a 9/11 Commission was convened. The commission duly wrote down the government’s story and that was the “investigation.”

Moreover, there is no evidence to support the official conspiracy theory of 9/11. Indeed, all known evidence contradicts the official conspiracy theory.

For example, it is a proven fact that Building 7 came down at freefall acceleration, which means it was wired for demolition. Why was it wired for demolition? There is no official answer to this question.

It is the known evidence provided by scientists, architects, engineers, pilots, and the first responders who were in the twin towers and personally experienced the numerous explosions that brough down the towers that is described as a conspiracy theory.

Related: American Pravda: How The CIA Invented "Conspiracy Theories"

The CIA introduced the term “conspiracy theory” into public discourse as part of its action plan to discredit skeptics of the Warren Commission report on the assassination of President John F. Kennedy.

Any explanation other than the one handed down, which is contradicted by all known evidence, was debunked as a conspiracy theory.

Conspiracy theories are the backbone of US foreign policy. For example, the George W. Bush regime was active in a conspiracy against Iraq and Saddam Hussein.

The Bush regime created fake evidence of Iraqi “weapons of mass destruction,” sold the false story to a gullible world and used it to destroy Iraq and murder its leader. Similarly, Gaddafi was a victim of an Obama/Hillary conspiracy to destroy Libya and murder Gaddafi. Assad of Syria and Iran were slated for the same treatment until the Russians intervened.

Currently, Washington is engaged in conspiracies against Russia, China, and Venezuela. Proclaiming a non-existant “Iranian threat,” Washington put US missiles on Russia’s border and used the “North Korean threat” to put missiles on China’s border.

Related: Are You A Mind-Controlled CIA Stooge? + The Term “Conspiracy Theory” Was Invented By The CIA In Order To Prevent Disbelief Of Official Government Stories

The democratically elected leader of Venezuela is said by Washington to be a dictator, and sanctions have been put on Venezuela to help the small Spanish elite through whom Washington has traditionally ruled South American countries pull off a coup and reestablish US control over Venezuela.

Everyone is a threat: Venezuela, Yemen, Syria, Iran, Iraq, Aghanistan, tribes in Pakistan, Libya, Russia, China, North Korea, but never Washington. The greatest conspiracy theory of our time is that Americans are surrounded by foreign threats. We are not even safe from Venezuela,

The New York Times, the Washington Post, CNN, NPR, and the rest of the presstitutes are quick to debunk as conspiracy theories all explanations that differ from the explanations of the ruling interests that the presstitutes serve.

Related: 9 Indisputable Truths About “Conspiracy Theorists”

Yet, as I write and for some nine months to date, the presstitute media has itself been promoting the conspiracy theory that Donald Trump was involved in a conspiracy with the president of Russia and Russian intelligence services to hack the US presidential election and place Trump, a Russian agent, in the White House.

This conspiracy theory has no evidence whatsoever. It doesn’t need evidence, because it serves the interests of the military/security complex, the Democratic Party, the neoconservatives, and permits the presstitutes to show lavish devotion to their masters. By endless repetition a lie becomes truth.

There is a conspiracy, and it is against the Western people. Their jobs have been offshored in order to enrich the already rich. They have been forced into debt in a futile effort to maintain their living standards. Their effort to stem their decline by electing leaders who spoke for them is being subverted before their eyes by an utterly corrupt media and ruling class.

Sooner or later it will dawn on them that there is nothing they can do but violently revolt. Most likely, by the time they reach this conclusion it will be too late. Westerners are very slow to escape from the false reality in which they live. Westerners are a thoroughly brainwashed people who hold tightly to their false life within The Matrix.

Related: Escaping The Matrix: 10 Ways To Deprogram Yourself

For the gullible and naive who have been brainwashed into believing that any explanation that differs from the officially-blessed one is a conspiracy theory, there are available online long lists of government conspiracies that succeeded in deceiving the people in order that the governments could achieve agendas that the people would have rejected.

If liberty continues to exist on earth, it will not be in the Western world. It will be in Russia and China, countries that emerged out of the opposite and know the value of liberty, and it will be in those South American countries, such as Venezuela, Ecuador, and Bolivia that fight for their sovereignty against American oppression.

Indeed, as historians unconcerned with their careers are beginning to write, the primary lesson in history is that governments deceive their peoples.

Everywhere in the Western world, government is a conspiracy against the people.

Cartels That Run The World

The following information comes from insider interviews with Ellis Medavoy and Richard Bell, two people I interview extensively in my collection, The Matrix Revealed. This is just a brief taste of what they have to say…

Major institutions on this planet that control Military, Money, Energy, Government, Medical, Corporate, Media, and Education are becoming, more and more, global cartels, horizontally integrated across national borders.

This is more than a top-down command process. It’s organically evolving. Three steps forward, two steps back. There is a great deal of competition among the components of a given cartel, but there is also cooperation. And in the long run, the see-saw is tipping in the direction of cooperation, as these entities realize they may well have more to gain that way.

I can’t stress too strongly this EVOLVING process. All attempts to merely assume twelve men in a room run the planet fall woefully short.

Instead, over time, people who lead a powerful institution (like Energy, for example) look out and recognize more major players, and in this recognition there is an impulse to compete and win and destroy, but there is also an impulse to build commonality and therefore monopolize the entire territory.

During one conversation with retired master propagandist Ellis Medavoy, I asked him about the extent of mutual cooperation in his given field, psychological warfare. He responded:

“Twenty years ago, I would have said we were all operating separately and jealously. Each of us was mining his own contacts and building his false pictures of reality for the masses. But then things began to change. Globally. First of all, more of us were pushing the same holograms.

And because communication and travel were speeding up so rapidly, we were working a lot of the same venues. We would run into each other more often. We began to share information. I mean, it was cautious. We weren’t gushing with unbridled love, I assure you. The competitive factor was still strong. And we had fights.

But through all that, we began to see through the fog, so to speak. We began to understand the effectiveness of cooperating. We would test each other with privileged information, to see if we could trust each other to keep it private. A tidbit here, a tidbit there.

And you see, behind us, other groups were finding commonality, too. For example, in the area of medical propaganda, where I operated a lot of the time. And these groups saw they could join together for specific operations, on an international scale.

They could push enormous lies globally, and everyone of their class would profit and gain wider control. So I would find myself working with a psy warfare guy from, say, France, or Germany in a joint venture. We would rub elbows. We’d be feeding from the same basic money trough.

We’d both be briefed by a team of intelligence experts, and those experts would be of several nationalities. Slowly, I saw a new kind of umbrella structure emerging.

See, suppose during the secret lead-up to a planned economic crisis [money cartel], you can distract everybody with a phony epidemic [medical cartel]. Do you see? Leaders perceive a reason to cooperate. Planners become more intelligent and clever. They reach across lines they never would have reached across before…

You begin to see the outlines of a much more inclusive future structure. This is multi-front warfare.”

Richard Bell, another former insider, said to me:

“People like to assume that money is everything. If you can limit the amount of money the public has, eventually they weaken and cave in and they’re easier to control. And this is certainly true.

But on the other hand, as mega-corporations gain more power and range and markets, you have a clash, because those corporations, which are now cooperating in ways they never have, as a cartel in some respects, want customers for their products.

They don’t want abject poverty across the board. People have to be able to buy their products.

“So there is a heavy conflict. It’s a conflict between elite bankers [money cartel] and mega-corporations [corporation cartel]. It needs to be resolved through advance planning, over the long term.

So now you have these powerful men sitting down and talking in a new way. Other big-time players get involved, too [government, media, energy cartels, for example].”

This is just the beginning of what these people have to say about the Matrix in their interviews and how it really works.

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Loneliness More Hazardous To Your Health Than Obesity Or Smoking
April 6 2021 | From: Mercola

Loneliness doesn't just affect your mind; it can also cause a number of health problems.

For example, previous research shows feeling lonely can raise your blood pressure up to 14 points, with greater increases the longer loneliness persists. With that, the risk for heart disease and dementia also increases.

Related: Five Lessons Most People Learn Way Too Late In Life + Three Profound Insights That Will Open Your Mind Wide

More recently, researchers concluded social isolation and loneliness may have more severe consequences than obesity and smoking. Other recent research reveals the brain-related changes associated with feelings of loneliness start to take place after as little as 24 hours of isolation.

Loneliness More Hazardous to Your Health Than Obesity

Negative emotions will invariably impact your physical well-being, and feeling lonely is no different. According to two meta analyses presented at the 2017 Annual Convention of the American Psychological Association, loneliness and social isolation - which are similar but not identical - pose greater threats to public health than obesity, raising your risk for premature death by as much as 50 percent. As reported by Medical News Today:

"While loneliness and social isolation are often used interchangeably, there are notable differences between the two. Social isolation is defined as a lack of contact with other individuals, while loneliness is the feeling that one is emotionally disconnected from others.

In essence, a person can be in the presence of others and still feel lonely.

According to a 2016 Harris Poll of more than 2,000 adults in the U.S., around 72 percent reported having felt lonely at some point in their lives. Of these adults, around 31 percent reported feeling lonely at least once a week."

The first analysis, which looked at 148 studies involving more than 300,000 adults, found social isolation increased the risk of premature death by 50 percent.

The second, which evaluated 70 studies that included more than 3.4 million individuals, found social isolation, loneliness and living alone correlated with a 29 percent, 26 percent and 32 percent increased risk of mortality respectively.

Related: How To Effectively Manage Social Anxiety

Overall, this is comparable to the risk of premature death associated with obesity and other well-established risk factors for mortality, including the risks associated with smoking 15 cigarettes a day.

Other Health Risks Associated With Loneliness

According to the American Osteopathic Association, which commissioned the Harris Poll cited above, loneliness plays a role in many chronic health conditions, including pain, drug or alcohol abuse and depression. Recent studies have linked loneliness to an increased risk for Alzheimer's disease, heart attack and stroke, and lower survival rates for breast cancer patients.

Studies have also shown that people who are lonely are more likely to experience:

Higher levels of stress

Poor sleep

Increased inflammation

Reduced immune function

Related: How Trying To Be Happy Makes Us Unhappy & 6 Stupid Things Most People Think Are Important

Epidemic of Loneliness and Social Isolation Looms Large

According to a 2010 study on loneliness conducted by the AARP, an estimated 42.6 million Americans over the age of 45 suffer from chronic loneliness, and census data reveals more than 25 percent of the U.S. population live alone. Why is loneliness becoming an increasingly prevalent experience?

According to researchers, common reasons include:

Long work hours

Use of social media surpassing face-to-face interaction

Frequent travel for work

Living far from family

Delaying and/or forgoing marriage

Commenting on the Harris Poll on loneliness, Dr. Jennifer Caudle, assistant professor of family medicine at Rowan University School of Osteopathic Medicine noted:

"Loneliness is an invisible epidemic masked by our online personas, which are rarely representative of our real emotions. It's important for patients to understand how their mental and emotional well-being directly affects the body …

Face-to-face communication is critical for emotional and mental health. Seeking out meaningful human interactions makes patients happier and, ultimately, healthier overall."

In light of a growing population of seniors and the rising prevalence of social isolation in general, Julianne Holt-Lunstad, Ph.D., a professor of psychology who led the two meta-analyses, suggests we need to tackle loneliness both on an individual basis and as a society.

To do this, she suggests devoting resources to:

Social skills training for school-aged children

Training doctors to incorporate social connectedness evaluations into their medical screening

Seniors are also advised to prepare for the social implications of retirement, as many adults have few if any social networks outside of the workplace

The Mind-Body Connection

It truly is amazing how your mindset can influence your physical health. It's a powerful force that can either bolster or undermine your physical and mental health.

One reason for this has to do with epigenetics, which centers on the notion that environmental factors such as stress and diet influence your genetic expression.

It is the expression of your genes - not the genes themselves - that dictates whether you develop certain diseases or age prematurely.

Related: The Quantum Theory On Mind-Body Connection + Morphic Resonance: The Science Of Interconnectedness

Your epigenome is readily influenced by physical and emotional stresses - how you respond to everything that happens in your environment, from final exams to childhood abuse. So, if you are chronically lonely, this negative emotion will influence the expression of your genes and thus impact your risk of developing disease.

This also explains why, as Dawson Church cites in his book "The Genie in Your Genes: Epigenetic Medicine and the New Biology of Intention," heart surgery patients who have a strong social support network and spiritual practice have one-seventh the mortality rate of those who don't!

Strategies to Address Loneliness

Related: Science Explains Why Highly Intelligent People Prefer To Be Alone

If you struggle with loneliness, you're certainly not alone. The question is what to do about it. Following are a number of suggestions and strategies pulled from a variety of sources that can help address loneliness

Join a Club

Proactive approaches to meeting others include joining a club and planning get-togethers with family, friends or neighbors, Meetup.com is an online source where you can locate a vast array of local clubs and get-togethers. Despite the evils of Facebook, it is a place where you can find local community interest groups.

Many communities also have community gardens where you can benefit from the outdoors while mingling with your neighbors.

Learn a New Skill

Consider enrolling in a class or taking an educational course. Even learn a new language - begin with a free app like Duolingo and maybe consider taking classes as well.

Related: Emotional Intelligence: The Social Skills You Weren't Taught In School

Create Rituals of Connection

As described by Baya Voce in the TED Talk above, rituals are a powerful means for reducing loneliness. Examples include having weekly talk sessions with your girlfriends and/or making meal time a special time to connect with your family without rushing.

Consider a Digital Cleanse

If your digital life has overtaken face-to-face interactions, consider taking a break from social media while taking proactive steps to meet people in person. Recent research shows Facebook may be more harmful than helpful to your emotional well-being, raising your risk of depression - especially if your contacts' posts elicit envy.

Related: A New, More Rigorous Study Confirms: The More You Use Facebook, The Worse You Feel

In one recent study, Facebook users who took a one-week break from the site reported significantly higher levels of life satisfaction and a significantly improved emotional life.

Make Good Use of Digital Media

For others, a phone call or text message can be a much-needed lifeline. As noted by Will Wright in his TED Talk, "digitizing empathy" can be a powerful way to help each other.

Examples of this include sending encouraging text messages to people who are struggling with loneliness, offering support and help to live healthier lives and follow through on healthy lifestyle changes.

In the U.K., seniors can call the Silver Line, a help line for older people where they can speak to a live person for as long as they wish. The help line is open 24 hours a day, year-round. The service receives an average of 10,000 calls per week.

Related: Why So Many Of Us Feel Lonely These Days

Exercise with Others

Joining a gym or signing up with a fitness-directed club or team sport will create opportunities to meet people while improving your physical fitness at the same time.

Shop Locally

Routinely frequenting local shops, coffee shops or farmers markets will help you develop a sense of community and encourage the formation of relationships.

Talk to Strangers

Talking to strangers in the store, in your neighborhood or on your daily commute is often a challenge, but can have many valuable benefits, including alleviating loneliness (your own and others'). Talking to strangers builds bridges between ordinary people who may not otherwise forge a connection.

People of the opposite gender, different walks of life or different cultures hold a key to opening up to new ideas or making connections with old ones. In this short video, reporter for The Atlantic, Dr. James Hamblin, demonstrates techniques for learning how to talk with strangers.

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Volunteering is another way to increase your social interactions and pave the way for new relationships. When you are feeling sad, lonely and / or depressed, often helping others not only takes your mind off your problems - but can give you a sense of accomplishment in helping others.

Adopt a Companion Pet

A dog or cat can provide unconditional love and comfort, and studies show that owning a pet can help protect against loneliness, depression and anxiety.

The bond that forms between a person and a companion pet can be incredibly fulfilling and serves, in many ways, as an important and rewarding relationship. The research on this is really quite profound.

Related: Toxic Relationship Habits Most People Think Are Normal

For instance, having a dog as a companion could add years to your life, as studies have shown that owning a dog played a significant role on survival rates in heart attack victims. Studies have also revealed that people on Medicaid or Medicare who own a pet make fewer visits to the doctor.

The unconditional acceptance and love an animal gives to their owner positively impacts their owner's emotional health in ways such as:

Boosting self-confidence and self-esteem

Helping to meet new friends and promoting communication between elderly residents and neighbors

Helping you cope with illness, loss and depression

Reducing stress levels

Providing a source of touch and affiliation

If you're looking for a furry friend, check out your local animal shelter. Most are filled with cats and dogs looking for someone to love. Petfinder.com is another excellent resource for finding a pet companion.

Move and / or Change Jobs

While the most drastic of all options, it may be part of the answer for some.

To make it worthwhile, be sure to identify the environment or culture that would fit your personality best and consider proximity to longtime friends and family.

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China’s Massive Amount Of Immunotoxic 5G Networking And The Wuhan Coronavirus: The Emperor’s New Virus
April 5 2021 | From: DuluthReader / Various

Could there be a link between the Coronavirus and 5G? Researcher and building biologist Paul Doyon has just spent the last 18 months in China. He’s written a brilliant article laying out the evidence. And how you can protect yourself - an EMF based protection strategy.

This is a heavy science-based article with nearly 100 references to studies [see source article] - neither Paul or myself want to be accused of fear-mongering. My heart goes out to China and to all its people who have suffered so much due to this new “novel” Wuhan coronavirus outbreak (COVID-19).

Related: 5G Wireless Electromagnetic Radiation - The Largest Unethical Medical Experiment in History - Including Coronavirus Aspect

However, as someone who had become very sick and had his immune system break down and was sick for six months looking for answers before even suspecting that living in close vicinity to several cell phone towers was actually what was causing the problem and making him sick - I feel I cannot in good conscience remain silent, and I strongly suspect that China and the rest of the world are looking under the wrong stone for what is actually the problem here.

At the moment, with 10,000 recently installed 5G antennas plastering its city, Wuhan is probably one of the most 5G-electro-polluted cities on the planet.

Electrosmog Warnings from Scientists for Over 40 Years
Respected scientists, researchers, doctors, and activists have been - for over forty years - warning us about the dangers of wireless radiation and electromagnetic fields.

In 1977, the reporter Paul Brodeur published a book called The Zapping of America; in 1985, the late Dr. Robert O. Becker (twice nominated for the Nobel Prize in Medicine for his work on cellular dedifferentiation and re-differentiation in the healing process) wrote The Body Electric, and later published Cross Currents: The Perils of Electropollution, The Promise of Electromedicine.

Related: Microwave EMF Science: Deliberate Claptrap Misinformation? + ElectroSensitivity - A Case Study

In 1990; in 1995 (and again later in 2007), B. Blake Levitt, author and researcher, published Electromagnetic Fields: A Consumer’s Guide to the Issues and How to Protect Ourselves.

Since then there have been a slew of other books and documentary movies put out on the subject. And the list goes on and on.
Dr. Leif Stafford, Swedish neuro-oncologist, has called this wireless rollout “the largest biological experiment ever.” 1
And Dr. Robert O. Becker wrote in 1985:

"The dangers of electropollution are real and well documented. It changes, often pathologically, every biological system [emphasis added].

What we don`t know is exactly how serious these changes are, for how many people. The longer we as a society, put off a search for that knowledge, the greater the damage is likely to be and the harder it will be to correct."

And finally, Dr. Martin Pall, PhD, and Professor Emeritus of Biochemistry and Basic Medical Sciences at Washington State University has stated recently that:

“Putting in tens of millions of 5G antennae without a single biological test of safety has got to be about the stupidest idea anyone has had in the history of the world.

What has not been apparent in the news reports is the fact that China in its rush to take the lead in the 5G race, had by the end of 2019 (and mostly within the last several months leading up to the COVID-19 outbreak) installed 130,000 5G antennas throughout the country, with at least 10,000 antennas installed in Wuhan alone.  
(As a comparison, the USA only has approximately 10,000 5G antennas presently installed throughout the whole country.)

Wuhan City, the capital of Hubei, is expected to have 10,000 5G base stations by the end of 2019…” 
According to previous reports, the three operators were expecting to operate nearly 130,000 5G base stations by the end of 2019."

At least 10,000 5G Antennas Installed in Wuhan Alone

Related: Can EMF Make Us More Susceptible To Coronavirus Infection? & FCC Chair Commits To Enhancing WiFi/5G During Pandemic Despite Warnings From Experts + The First Report Of 5G Injury & Health Advocate Urges Nelson City Council To Halt 5G Roll-Out

Wuhan: One of the Initial Cities Trialing 5G
In fact, Wuhan was one of the initial 16 cities selected to trial 5G back in 2018.
China Unicom will begin testing 5G network in 16 cities including Beijing, Tianjin, Qingdao, Hangzhou, Nanjing, Wuhan, Guiyang, Chengdu, Shenzhen, Fuzhou, Zhengzhou, and Shenyang.
China Mobile will conduct external field test and set up more than a hundred 5G base stations in each of the following five cities: Hangzhou, Shanghai, Guangzhou, Suzhou, and Wuhan. 34
From the article, “Wuhan 5G Industry Development: Five-Chain Coordination, Three-Wheel Drive,” (武汉5G产业发展:五链统筹 三轮驱动), (written in Chinese) published October 11th, 2019, it becomes clear that Wuhan was in a race with other Chinese cities to position itself at the forefront of 5G technology, and with approximately 10,000 5G antennas, is probably one of - if not the most - 5G-radiated city in China:

"At present, Wuhan is seizing major developmental opportunities in 5G commercialization, with the construction of a national first-class 5G network as a guide, with the development of a national first-class 5G industry as the main body….
…Wuhan City has fully implemented the “Wuhan 5G Base Station Planning and Construction Implementation Plan,” with an extraordinary policy effort, to guide and support basic telecommunications companies and China Tower Corporation to accelerate the construction of 5G networks.

This year and next, Wuhan will build more than 20,000 5G base stations
, form a 5G basic network with leading scale, first-class quality, and strong demonstration to ensure full coverage of the 5G network in the city and be at the leading level among similar cities in the country."

Finally, it was stated in an article titled “5G network coming to Wuhan,” (April 16, 2018), that “3,000 macro base stations and 27,000 micro base stations” would soon be constructed, and that by 2020, the “5G network will cover every corner of the city and be available at an affordable price.”

This means that there may in fact be a lot more than just 10,000 antennas in Wuhan, though 10,000 alone would make Wuhan one of the most 5G concentrated cities in the world.

Related: Huawei Faces Mounting Opposition in UK as Distrust of Beijing Grows

5G Systems Deployed in Hospitals
What is also concerning here is that China has, since about November of 2019, been installing 5G systems in its hospitals

Key Chinese hospitals, leading telecom carriers and Huawei Wednesday launched a project to establish standards for 5G-based networks in hospitals.” 

China released a pioneering standard for its 5G hospital networks, following a joint drafting and verification process between the medical and telecommunication industries.” 

5G Systems Installed at Wuhan Coronavirus Hospitals
And to seemingly add insult to injury here, Huawei was very quick to install 5G systems in the new coronavirus hospitals - Wuhan Volcan Mountain Hospital and Thunder Mountain Hospital - the two hospitals known for only being built in just over a week. 

The two articles cited here are ironically titled, (1) “Huawei installs 5G in China Hospital to fight Coronavirus,” and (2) “Huawei builds 5G in Wuhan Hospital, aims to indirectly fight the Coronavirus” as this might very well be the complete opposite of what they are indeed intending to do here.

There is also an interesting video on YouTube entitled “Chinese hospitals deploy robots to help medical staff fight coronavirus outbreak,” demonstrating this in action.

Video: How 5G Alters Blood Cell Permeability, Amplifying Coronavirus Fatalities

Related: Is 5G Safe or Dangerous? – Get the Facts


Chinese Telecoms Started Offering 5G Commercially in Nov, 2019
The Chinese telecom companies started to offer commercial 5G services to its customers on the first of November last year.
China’s three major wireless carriers - China Mobile, China Unicom , and China Telecom - will begin selling 5G services to consumers on Friday, November 1st in 50 major cities, including Beijing and Shanghai, said Chen Zhaoxiong, vice minister of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology on Thursday October 31st at a Beijing conference...

The Chinese government has made building 5G a national priority, clearing red tape and reducing costs so the three wireless providers introduce the new technology as swiftly as possible. 

They’ve made this a national priority. It’s part of the [Communist] Party‘s ability to show that it’s delivering the goods,
said Paul Triolo, head of geo-technology at the Eurasia Group consultancy.

And in the middle of the trade dispute and the actions against Huawei, it’s even more important for China to show that they are continuing to move forward despite all these challenges,
he added….

China’s central government wants 5G coverage extended to cover all of Beijing, Shanghai, Hangzhou and Guangzhou by the end of the year. The country’s largest carrier, China Mobile, which has 900 million cellphone subscribers, says it will be able to offer 5G services in more than 50 cities this year….

Approximately 13,000 5G base stations have been installed in Beijing, the communications administration said this week. About 10,000 are already operating. China already has a total of more than 80,000 5G macro base stations,typically cellular towers with antennas and other hardware that beam wireless signals over wide areas, government officials said. See this article on 5G towers.

They said China will end the year with about 130,000, while Bernstein Research estimates South Korea will be in second place with 75,000, followed by the U.S. with 10,000.

Piper Jaffray estimated that of the 600,000 5G base stations expected to be rolled out worldwide next year, half will be in China.
This basically means that China had suddenly turned on the 5G switch, just less than two months before the COVID-19 outbreak, suddenly blanketing many cities with this 5G wireless radiation. And as of this writing, South Korea’s numbers of COVID-19 cases are also starting to skyrocket. 

Related: UK moves to Drop Huawei as 5G Vendor, Citing China Coronavirus Transparency
As we can see from the above article, South Korea has the second highest number of 5G antennas with 75,000.That is a lot for a country its size. 

Is there a connection? I think there is with at present (Feb. 29, 2020) also the highest number of coronavirus cases (3150) and one of the highest number of death rates (17) outside of China.

Electromagnetic Fields (EMFs) and the Immune System
Wireless radiation from 1G to 5G have all emitted modulated “Radiofrequency (RF) electromagnetic fields (EMFs)” and there are literally thousands of studies showing biological effects from exposures to man-made electromagnetic waves, and out of these, hundreds showing biological effects on the immune system.

To give just one example, research by Kolomytseva, et al. (2002) described in the paper, Suppression of nonspecific resistance of the body under the effect of extremely high frequency electromagnetic radiation of low intensity, found that with whole-body exposure of healthy mice to low-intensity extremely-high-frequency electromagnetic radiation (EHF EMR, 42.0 GHz, 0.15 mW/cm2, 20 min daily)… phagocytic activity of peripheral blood neutrophils was suppressed by about 50% (p < 0.01 as compared with the sham-exposed control) in 2-3 h after the single exposure to EHF EMR and that this effect persisted for 1 day after the exposure, and then the phagocytic activity of neutrophils returned to the norm within 3 days.

And furthermore, a significant modification of the leukocyte blood profile in mice exposed to EHF EMR for 5 days was observed after the cessation of exposures: the number of leukocytes increased by 44% (p < 0.05 as compared with sham-exposed animals), mostly due to an increase in the lymphocyte content.

They concluded that, the results indicated that the whole-body exposure of healthy mice to low-intensity EHF EMR has a profound effect on the indices of nonspecific immunity.

Related: Experts Insist All Sources Of Wireless Radiation Be Classified Carcinogenic – Not “Possibly Carcinogenic”
In a paper (written by myself along with Prof. Olle Johansson of the Karolinska Institute) - which I believe offers the most solid hypothesis to date on the main mechanisms by which EMFs do in fact disable the immune system - a number of these related to immune system effects can be found listed in the citations.

Johansson (2012) further details, in Section 8 of the BioInitiative, “Evidence for EMF Effects on the Immune System,” numerous studies demonstrating those effects, especially with regards to how radiofrequency EMFs alter the immune system.
In the previously mentioned Aljazeera article, it is stated that a study published in the medical journal, The Lancet, on January 24th, found what it called a “cytokine storm” in infected patients who were severely ill. The condition is a severe immune reaction in which the body produces immune cells and proteins that can destroy other organs.
Hence, it should be noted here that there are, in fact, numerous research studies showing an EMF effect on cytokines: A PubMed search, for example, produced 119 search results.
Back in 1998, a biologist named Roger Coghill conducted an experiment where he “took white blood cells, known as lymphocytes, from a donor,” and kept them alive via the use of nutrients while exposing them to either cell phone radiation or the natural electromagnetic field of the human body. 
He discovered that of the immune cells exposed to cell phone radiation, only 13% remained undamaged and able to function properly; whereas, of cells exposed only to body’s natural electromagnetic field, 70% remained undamaged and able to function properly.

Naturally, while his research did provide insight, he was attacked and criticized by the wireless industry for being “unscientific.”

Related: The Urgency To Educate On The Dangers Of 5G Technology, Especially With Mothers & “With 5G, We Are Guinea Pigs” - Media Reports 5G Injuries From Swiss Experiments In Geneva
Dr. Robert O. Becker (1985) wrote of how the immune system is weakened by manmade electromagnetic fields via the induction of “subliminal stress”:
Initially, the stress activates the hormonal and/or immune systems to a higher than normal level, enabling the animal to escape danger and combat disease. If the stress continues, hormone levels and immune reactivity gradually decline to normal. If you stop your experiment at this point, you’re apparently justified in saying, “The animal has adapted; the stress is doing no harm.” 

Nevertheless, if the stressful conditions persist, hormone and immune levels decline further, well below normal. In medical terms, stress decompensation has set in, and now the animal is now more susceptible to other stressors, including malignant growth and infectious diseases.
One aspect of the syndrome was very puzzling. When undergoing these hormonal changes, an animal would normally be aware that its body was under attack, yet, as far as we could tell, the rabbits were not.

They showed no outward signs of fear, agitation, or illness. Most humans certainly wouldn’t be able to detect a 100-gauss magnetic field, at least not consciously. Only several years after Friedman’s work did anyone find out how this is happening.

In 1976 a group under J. J. Noval at the Naval Aerospace Medical Research Laboratory at Pensacola, Florida, found the slow response in rats from very weak electric fields, as low as five thousandths of a volt per centimeter.

They discovered that when such fields vibrated in the ELF range, the increased levels of the neurotransmitter acetylcholine in the brainstem, apparently in a way that activated a distress signal subliminally, without the animal’s becoming aware of it.

Related: The 5G Electromagnetic “Mad Zone” Poised To Self-Destruct: The 5G “Dementors” Meet The 4G “Zombie Apocalypse” & 5G Wireless: A Ridiculous Front For Global Control

The scariest part was that the fields Noval used were well within the background levels of a typical office, with its overhead lighting, typewriters, computers, and other equipment.

Workers in such an environment are exposed to electric fields between a hundredth and a tenth of a volt per centimeter and magnetic fields between a hundredth and a tenth of a gauss.

5G Is Much More Powerful and Dangerous Than Its Predecessors
The 5G rollout - either the trialing stage or implementation stage - has already started in most major developed countries of the world, with majority of the rest seemingly preparing for its debut.
The European Commission has asked each member state to select one city to be 5G-ready by 2020 as part of the EU’s 5G Action Plan for a Digital Single Market.

The European Commission has asked EU member countries to start trialing 5G in at least one city making it 5G ready by 2020 under its “5G Action Plan for a Digital Single Market.”

Belgium refused - even the trialing phase, not to mention the implementation phase - due to the higher radiation levels that the 5G would bring, which was way above what its radiation standards permitted.

Switzerland started with both trials and implementation, but put a halt to further rollout, due to all the complaints about the health effects it was getting.

Other countries seemingly just lowered their standards probably because they could not resist the next best thing to Ben & Jerry’s Chunky Monkey Ice Cream.

And the USA and China have seemingly been in a 5G race to blanket their countries in this 5G radiation (and most likely inadvertently the coronavirus), with China now seemingly winning on both those fronts.

Related: Why Vodafone’s Claims That 5G Is Safe Are Not Credible & Lawyer Presents Strong Case Against 5G

5G has been divided into low, mid, and high bandwidths. The low-to-mid-bandwidth frequencies “are contiguous and range from 600 MHz to 6 GHz,” 66 and have been used for 1G-4G for the past forty years. On the other hand, the higher-frequency millimeter wave bandwidths are new frequencies starting at approximately 24 GHz (in the US anyway) and have not been used for commercial cell phone service in in the USA until recently with the advent of these commercial 5G services.

For the most part, at present, most 5G is now in the low to mid bandwidth range, with limited high millimeter wave coverage, though that will probably change as the technology develops and is implemented.

Also, 5G technology is being implemented alongside with and piggybacking on already-in-place 4G technology. The 5G technology brings with it both larger macro-base stations and smaller micro-base stations installed between the larger macro-base stations.

And because these micro-base stations are often closer to people’s homes in residential areas, according to Building Biology Certified Electromagnetic Radiation Specialist (EMRS), Oram Miller,mwe are now measuring higher RF levels in client’s homes, especially in second story bedrooms, up to tens to hundreds of thousands of microWatts / meter squared (uW / m2) from these new antennas, whereas, the building biology profession and EMF experts around the world say 10 micro-Watts per meter squared or less is safe for sleeping areas (actually, 0.1 uW/m2 is our “No Anomaly” level for sleeping areas). 

Furthermore, as we have gone up the spectrum from 1G to 5G, with each new generation there has been increased modulation, and increased modulation means increased biological effects and biological harm for all life on this planet. 5G is no exception. 

Related: Advertising Watchdog Partially Upholds 5G Advertisement Claiming Wireless Tech Is Harmful & Wifi, 5G And EMF Pollution Can Cause Psychiatric Effects In Humans, Plus Spontaneous Abortions, Infertility And Cellular DNA Damage
All of these advanced technologies push more cell signals into the same airspace at faster speeds with far more modulation than current 4G cell technologies.
And this modulation of cell signals transmitted in the low and mid bands from new 5G and 4G LTE-Advanced small cell radios and antennas popping up everywhere probably accounts for the majority of people living near these antennas who report the onset of health symptoms not experienced previously.
Dr. Martin Pall, Ph.D. (Professor Emeritus of Biochemistry and Basic Medical Sciences, Washington State University), - who brought the world’s attention to the fact that EMFs cause biological harm via the opening up voltage-gated calcium channels (VGCC), allowing for excessive flow of calcium ions inside the cell and the prompting of nitric oxide (N.O.) production via the stimulation of the enzyme nitric oxide synthase to form a host of reactive oxygen species via downstream effects - has warned that the rollout of 5G will have massive deleterious effects on the world’s population, not to mention all life forms.

He believes that 5G will be much more dangerous for the following reasons:
1. The extraordinary high numbers of antennae that are planned.

2. The very high energy outputs which will be used to ensure penetration.

3. The extraordinary high pulsation levels.

4. The apparent high-level interactions of the 5G frequency on charged groups presumably including the voltage sensor charged groups. 

Related: What Parents Should Know About EMFs and WiFi & 5G Is An International Health Crisis In The Making
In a recent paper of his titled “Massive Predicted Effects of 5G,” (Dec. 17, 2019)  Pall states that “given the high pulsation level for 5G radiation, even short exposures may well produce severe biological effects,” not to mention the power densities of up to 30 times higher than previous systems of 1G to 4G and with penetration being enhanced via the magnetic component.

He is predicting that with the full-fledged turning on of 5G (versus just its trial phase, where there is little communication yet happening with the 5G), that we will be seeing:

1. Decreased human reproduction.

2. Lowered collective brain function.

3. Very early-onset Alzheimer’s.

4. Increased autism and ADHD.
5. Deterioration of the human gene pool.
6. Massive increases in cardiac arrests.

While following the rollout of 5G, he has tracked numerous signs of its biological effects.

Related: The 5G War - Technology Versus Humanity & Letter To The FCC From Dr. Yael Stein MD In Opposition To 5G Spectrum Frontiers

For example, he has outlined increases in neuropsychiatric effects, cardiac effects, and electromagnetic hypersensitivity, taken from Swiss online articles, as what we are already starting to see with the advent of this technology:

Increases in insomnia, tinnitus, headaches, inability to concentrate, and fatigue.

Increases in electromagnetic hypersensitivity (EHS).

Increases in cardiac arrhythmias.
He reports that while these effects had been reported before with occupational exposure studies and smart meter studies,
the effects appear to be much more severe following [the rollout of] 5G” with “even more severe apparent [yet to be published] 5G neuropsychiatric effects [appearing] in Southern California, with their own recent massive rollout of 5G.
Furthermore, he states that:

We have every reason to believe that any full-fledged 5G system, communicating with the ‘internet of things (IoT)’ will produce still vastly greater effects than any of these initial findings.” 

This might very well be what we are seeing in the city of Wenzhou City, Zhejiang Province, in China - which has already implemented this technology along with the 5G - with extraordinary high rates of the coronavirus, and who knows what other increases in health effects (e.g. increases in heart problems, blindness, electromagnetic hypersensitivity, etc.) there have been that have not been made public.

He goes onto further outline - in correlation with 5G testing - UK 5G ambulance service suicides, cases of panic in cattle in the Netherlands, and bizarre, aggressive behavior in cattle and sheep in Germany, birth defects in Germany and France, and hundreds of birds dropping from the sky due to sudden cardiac arrest during three days of 5G testing in a park near Rotterdam, and the list goes on and on to also include insect death and increases in fires in South Korea.


China is a great country with an amazing populace who have made astounding advancements creating a very sophisticated modern country in the last ten years, surpassing many other modern countries in many ways.

However, given the facts that:
1. We have real data that shows indeed that wireless radiation impacts the immune system;

2. We have numerous patients outside of the 5G zone showing no or only mild symptoms,

3. There have recently been 10,000 5G antennas installed and turned on in Wuhan, not to mention 130,000 5G antennas installed throughout greater China;

4. There have recently been 5G systems installed in numerous hospitals in China, not to mention the new COVID-19 hospitals;

5. We are seeing higher numbers of COVID-19 infections in places like Hangzhou and Wenzhou, not to mention South Korea, etc. where they have also recently installed numerous 5G antennas; and

6. There has been no testing done to find out the biological implications of exposing life forms to this radiation;

We can conclude that the real problem here may very well in fact be with the 5G electromagnetic radiation weakening people’s immune systems, not to mention possibly making the virus itself more virulent. 
And if this is true and if China does not change course, 5G might very well become its - and the rest of the world’s - Titanic with the COVID-19 (and others like it) its icebergs.
Maybe this is what people really need to start worrying about and perhaps it is time for the Chinese government, as well as governments throughout the world to seriously investigate and address 5G possible health effects and put a halt to the premature rollout of 5G technology until they can prove that it is safe (which I doubt they can) and until, safer alternatives can be developed.

Related: 5G Wireless Technology Is War against Humanity & 5G – The Global Human Experiment Without Consent

The government in Belgium never implemented it and there was talk of the government of Switzerland putting a halt on the 5G rollout, but they now seem to be going ahead with it. 

 And it seems like, unless people wake up to this, China will certainly be following a similar path.

I am sorry to have to rain on your electromagnetic parade here, but it might actually very well be your 5G that is contributing to making everybody sick.
The only people angry at you for speaking the Truth, are those living a lie. Keep on speaking it.”

- Unknown

All truth passes through three stages: First, it is ridiculed. Second, it is violently opposed. Third, it is accepted as self-evident.

- Arthur Schopenhauer

Related Articles:

The Harmful Effects Of Electromagnetic Fields Explained

5G - The Global Human Experiment without Consent & Most Censored Topic of Our Time

5G Technology Is The "Stupidest Idea In The History Of The World" Says Washington State Science Professor & Lloyds Of London And Other Insurers Refuse To Cover Health Claims Caused By 5G Wireless Technologies

5G: The Dominoes Are Starting To Fall

5G Network Uses Same EMF Waves As Pentagon Crowd Control System + NZ 5G Update: June 2018

5G Cell Phone Radiation: How The Telecom Companies Are Losing The Battle To Impose 5G Against The Will Of The People + French NGOs Demand Stop To ‘Out Of Control’ 5G Network

Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi

Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi
“Negative Hallucination” Hypnosis Experiment Demonstration Video
& The Weaponisation Of History And Journalism

May 19 2020 | From: NaturalNews / PaulCraigRoberts

In this mind-boggling short video, you can experiment firsthand how the mainstream media puts America [The West] under the SPELL of mass hypnosis, using a psychological phenomenon known as “negative hallucination.”

I covered this in great detail in this Natural News article that provides visual examples of both positive and negative hallucinations now in full effect across the American masses.

Related: Six Ways To Break The Hypnotic Spell Of The Mainstream Media

Watch the video and follow the instructions. In mere seconds, your mind will be controlled via “negative hallucination,” and you won’t believe how easily you have been manipulated.

This video is based on the psychology research of Daniel J. Simons, whose YouTube channel is found at this link. Once you become familiar with this research and how it works, you will begin to see through the lies of the mainstream media while understanding exactly how your perceptions, thoughts and beliefs are being expertly manipulated - even “engineered” - by the media narrative puppet masters.

Watch the video yourself and prepare to be amazed:

The Weaponisation Of History And Journalism

In the West, facts, an important element of truth, are not important. They are not important in the media, politics, universities, historical explanations, or the courtroom.

Non-factual explanations of the collapse of three World Trade Center buildings are served up as the official explanation. Facts have been politicized, emotionalized, weaponized and simply ignored. As David Irving has shown, Anglo-American histories of World War 2 are, for the most part, feel-good histories, as are “civil war” histories as Thomas DiLorenzo and others have demonstrated. Of course, they are feel good only for the victors. Their emotional purpose means that inconvenient facts are unpalatable and ignored.

Writing the truth is no way to succeed as an author. Only a small percentage of readers are interested in the truth. Most want their biases or brainwashing vindicated. They want to read what they already believe. It is comforting, reassuring. When their ignorance is confronted, they become angry.

The way to be successful as a writer is to pick a group and give them what they want. There is always a market for romance novels and for histories that uphold a country’s myths.

On the Internet successful sites are those that play to one ideology or another, to one emotion or the other, or to one interest group or another.

The single rule for success is to confine truth to what the readership group you serve believes.

Karl Marx said that there were only class truths.

Today we have a large variety of truths: truths for feminists, truths for blacks, Muslims, Hispanics, homosexuals, transgendered, truths for the foreign policy community that serves the military/security complex, truths for the neocons, truths for the One Percent that control the economy and the economists who serve them, truths for “white supremacists,” itself a truth term for their opponents.

You can add to the list. The “truth” in these “truths” is that they are self-serving of the group that expresses them. Their actual relation to truth is of no consequence to those espousing the “truths.”

Woe to you if you don’t go along with someone’s or some group’s truth. Not even famous film-maker Oliver Stone is immune. Recently, Stone expressed his frustration with the “False Flag War Against Russia.”

Related: Oliver Stone: 'I'm Angry' with 'False Flag War Against Russia'

Little doubt that Stone is frustrated with taunts and accusations from completely ignorant media talking heads in response to his documentary, Putin, based on many hours of interviews over two years. Stone came under fire, because instead of demonizing Putin and Russia, thus confirming the official story, he showed us glimpses of the truth.

The organization, Veteran Intelligence Professionals for Sanity, published a report that completely destroyed the false accusations about Trump/Russian hacking of the US presidential election.

The Nation
published an objective article about the report and was assaulted by writers, contributors, and readers for publishing information that weakens the case, which the liberal/progressive/left in conjunction with the military/security complex, is orchestrating against Trump.

The magazine’s audience felt that the magazine had an obligation not to truth but to getting Trump out of office. Reportedly, the editor is considering whether to recall the article.

So here we have left-leaning Oliver Stone and leftwing magazine, The Nation, under fire for making information available that is out of step with the self-serving “truth” to which the liberal/progressive/left and their ally, the military/security complex, are committed.

When a country has a population among whom there are no truths except group-specific truths, the country is so divided as to be over and done with. “A house divided against itself cannot stand.” The white liberal/progressive/left leaders of divisive Identity Politics have little, if any, comprehension of where the movement they think they lead is headed.

At the moment the hate is focused on the “alt-right,” which has become “white nationalists,” which has become “white supremacists.” These “white supremacists” have become epitomized by statues of Confederate soldiers and generals.

All over the South, if local governments are not removing the statues, violent crazed thugs consumed by hate attempt to destroy them. In New Orleans someone with money bused in thugs from outside flying banners that apparently are derived from a communist flag to confront locals protesting the departure of their history down the Orwellian Memory Hole.

What happens when all the monuments are gone? Where does the hate turn next? Once non-whites are taught to hate whites, not even self-hating whites are safe. How do those taught hate tell a good white from a bad white? They can’t and they won’t.

By definition by Identity Politics, whites, for now white heterosexual males, are the victimizers and everyone else is their victim. The absurdity of this concept is apparent, yet the concept is unshaken by its absurdity. White heterosexual males are the only ones without the privilege of quotas.

They and only they can be put at the back of the bus for university admissions, employment, promotion, and only their speech is regulated. They, and only they, can be fired for using “gender specific terms,” for using race specific terms, for unknowingly offending some preferred group member by using a word that is no longer permissible.

They can be called every name in the book, beginning with racist, misogynist, and escalating, and no one is punished for the offense.

Recently, a professor in the business school of a major university told me that he used the word, girls, in a marketing discussion. A young womyn was offended. The result was he received a dressing down from the dean. Another professor told me that at his university there was a growing list of blacklisted words.

It wasn’t clear whether the list was official or unofficial, simply professors trying to stay up with Identity Politics and avoid words that could lead to their dismissal. Power, they tell me, is elsewhere than in the white male, the true victimized class.

For years commentators have recognized the shrinking arena of free speech in the United States. Any speech that offends anyone but a white male can be curtailed by punishment. Recently, John Whitehead, constitutional attorney who heads the Rutherford Institute, wrote that it is now dangerous just to defend free speech.

Reference to the First Amendment suffices to bring denunciation and threats of violence. Ron Unz notes that any website that can be demonized as “controversial” can find itself disappeared by Internet companies and PayPal. They simply terminate free speech by cutting off service.

It must be difficult to teach some subjects, such as the “civil war” for example. How would it be possible to describe the actual facts? For example, for decades prior to the Union’s invasion of the Confederacy North/South political conflict was over tariffs, not over slavery.

The fight over which new states created from former “Indian” territories would be “slave” and which “free” was a fight over keeping the protectionist (North) vs. free trade (South) balance in Congress equal so that the budding industrial north could not impose a tariff regime.

Two days before Lincoln’s inaugural address, a stiff tariff was signed into law. That same day in an effort to have the South accept the tariff and remain in or return to the Union - some southern states had seceded, some had not - Congress passed the Corwin amendment that provided constitutional protection to slavery. The amendment prohibited the federal government from abolishing slavery.

Two days later in his inaugural address, which seems to be aimed at the South, Lincoln said:

“I have no purpose, directly or indirectly, to interfere with the institution of slavery in the States where it exists. I believe I have no lawful right to do so, and I have no inclination to do so.”

Lincoln’s beef with the South was not over slavery or the Fugitive Slave Act. Lincoln did not accept the secessions and still intended to collect the tariff that now was law. Under the Constitution slavery was up to the states, but the Constitution gave the federal government to right to levy a tariff.

Lincoln said that “there needs to be no bloodshed or violence” over collecting the tariff. Lincoln said he will use the government’s power only “to collect the duties and imposts,” and that “there will be no invasion, no using of force against or among the people anywhere.”

Here is Lincoln, “the Great Emancipator,” telling the South that they can have slavery if they will pay the duties and imposts on imports. How many black students and whites brainwashed by Identity Politics are going to sit there and listen to such a tale and not strongly protest the racist professor justifying white supremacy and slavery?

So what happens to history when you can’t tell it as it is, but instead have to refashion it to fit the preconceived beliefs formed by Identity Politics? The so-called “civil war,” of course, is far from the only example.

In its document of secession, South Carolina made a case that the Constitutional contract had been broken by some of the northern states breaking faith with Article IV of the Constitution.

This is true. However, it is also true that the Southern states had no inclination to abide by Section 8 of Article I, which says that “Congress shall have power to lay and collect taxes, duties, imposts and excises.” So, also the South by not accepting the tariff was not constitutionally pure.

Before history became politicized, historians understood that the North intended for the South to bear costs of the North’s development of industry and manufacturing. The agricultural South preferred the lower priced goods from England.

The South understood that a tariff on British goods would push import prices above the high northern prices and lower the South’s living standards in the interest of raising living standards in the North.

The conflict was entirely economic and had nothing whatsoever to do with slavery, which also had existed in the North. Indeed, some northern states had “exclusion ordinances” and anti-immigration provisions in their state constitutions that prohibited the immigration of blacks into northern states.

Related: Exclusion of Free Blacks

If freeing slaves were important to the North and avoiding tariffs was important to the South, one can imagine some possible compromises. For example, the North could have committed to building factories in the South.

As the South became industrialized, new centers of wealth would arise independently from the agricultural plantations that produced cotton exports. The labor force would adjust with the economy, and slavery would have evolved into free labor.

Unfortunately, there were too many hot heads. And so, too, today.

In America there is nothing on the horizon but hate. Everywhere you look in America you see nothing but hate.

Putin is hated. Russia is hated. Muslims are hated. Venezuela is hated. Assad is hated. Iran is hated. Julian Assange is hated. Edward Snowden is hated. White heterosexual males are hated. Confederate monuments are hated. Truth-tellers are hated. “Conspiracy theorists” are hated. No one escapes being hated.

Hate groups are proliferating, especially on the liberal/progressive/left. For example, RootsAction has discovered a statue of Robert E. Lee in the U.S. Capitol and urges all good people to demand its removal. Whether the level of ignorance that RootsAction personifies is real or just a fund-raising ploy, I do not know.

Robert Edward Lee was an American general known for commanding the Confederate Army of Northern Virginia in the American Civil War from 1862 until his surrender in 1865

But clearly RootsAction is relying on public ignorance in order to get the response that they want. In former times when the US had an educated population, everyone understood that there was a great effort to reconcile the North and South and that reconciliation would not come from the kind of hate-mongering that now infects RootsAction and most of the action groups and websites of the liberal/progressive/left.

Today our country is far more divided that it was in 1860. Identity Politics has taught Americans to hate each other, but, nevertheless, the zionist neoconservatives assure us that we are “the indispensable, exceptional people.”

We, a totally divided people, are said to have the right to rule the world and to bomb every country that doesn’t accept our will into the stone age.

In turn the world hates America. Washington has told too many lies about other countries and used those lies to destroy them. Iraq, Libya, Yemen, Afghanistan, Somalia, and large chunks of Syria and Pakistan are in ruins. Washington intends yet more ruin with Venezuela currently in the cross hairs.

Eleven years ago Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez resonated with many peoples when he said in his UN speech:

“Yesterday at this very podium stood Satan himself [Bush], speaking as if he owned the world; you can still smell the sulphur.”

It is difficult to avoid the conclusion that America is a font for hatred both at home and abroad.

Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi

Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi
The Superiority Of Multipolar World Order Is Now Undeniable
May 17 2020 | From: Geopolitics

We’ve been told that there must only be a singular force that will guide and set humanity’s path towards the future, or we all perish.

The concept of exceptionalism, in parallel with unregulated monopoly, has run its natural course and look how backward we still are.

Related: Understand the Philippines, and You Understand the New Multipolar World Order

In contrast, the rapid expansion of railway transport systems across Eurasia has significantly changed the tribal mindset of the population there, so much so that they are now looking up to how and what products they could sell the global market with, rather than be forever stuck in the limited potential of their own domestic patrons.

The free access to information, and the free flowing conversation in social networks, have brought down the exceptionalist narrative that “white is good and colored is bad.”

Now, the Western population is beginning to appreciate the different cultures in Asia and realize how much they all share the same aspirations and dreams for a better world.

Those same aspirations that run counter to their own governments’ foreign and domestic policies.

No One Trusts the US Government, Not Even the American People

By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts | Global Research, February 24, 2019

Atlantic Bridge, a German front organization set up by Washington to propagandize Germans to serve Washington, has failed in the job. 

The latest survey conducted by the front group shows that 85% of Germans are alienated from the US.  The front group’s chairman acknowledged “the great lost of trust in the United States.” 

By a margin of two to one, Germans see China as a more reliable partner for Germany than the US.
 (See this

Americans have come to the same conclusion about the US government as have Germans.  The latest Gallup Poll reveals that Americans regard America’s top problem to be the US government. 

Twice as many respondents regard the US government to be the top problem than regard immigration, and Americans see Washington to be six times the problem that health care is.

As many have concluded, the United States is not a democracy. It is an oligarchy ruled by monied private interest groups(See this)

There has clearly been a revolution in America.  An aristocracy has overthrown the people. Democracy is dead.  We live in the Oligarchy United Against the People.”

This article was originally published on the author’s blog site: Paul Craig Roberts Institute for Political Economy.

Related: Elon Musk Just Exposed The Oil Oligarchy’s Control Over Mainstream Media In Epic Rant

The deteriorating influence of Western diplomacy is not being observed only in countries like Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya, and other countries in the Middle East that were all recipients of the “War of Terror,” but also in India and Pakistan, two neighbors that are being pushed to war once again by the merchants of death solely for profit in arms sales and subsequent exploitation of their natural resources, because 50 tons of Syrian gold is simply not enough.

Russia Officially Returns to South Asia by Offering to Host Indo-Pak Peace Talks

By Andrew Korybko | Global Research, March 01, 2019

Russia’s 21st-century grand strategy of becoming the supreme “balancing” force in Afro-Eurasia is one major step closer to fruition after Foreign Minister Lavrov offered to host peace talks between India and Pakistan, proving that Russia’s refusal to take sides between its decades-long and newfound partners is part and parcel of President Putin’s pragmatic approach to regional affairs.

Russian Foreign Minister Lavrov sent shockwaves through South Asia on Thursday by announcing his country’s intent to host peace talks between India and Pakistan if they wish for it to do so, thereby heralding Russia’s return to the region and putting it one major step closer towards fulfilling its 21st-century grand strategy of becoming the supreme “balancing” force in Afro-Eurasia…

Related: Towards a Russia-Pakistan Railway Corridor?

All told, it’s nothing short of a game-changing geopolitical development that Russia would offer to host peace talks between India and Pakistan because it proves just how wildly successful President Putin’s “balancing” strategy has been thus far, considering how confident Moscow is that it can constructively apply this model to the two nuclear-armed Great Powers in South Asia.

Russia has truly returned to the region and is poised to play an even larger role in it over the coming years, which will enable Moscow to more assertively counter the US’ plans to destabilize South Asia and therefore ensure the success of the emerging Multipolar World Order."

This article was originally published on Eurasia Future.

Andrew Korybko is an American Moscow-based political analyst specializing in the relationship between the US strategy in Afro-Eurasia, China’s One Belt One Road global vision of New Silk Road connectivity, and Hybrid Warfare.

It’s no wonder that the Foreign Minister of Venezuela, Jorge Arreaza has been using the UN platform to voice the truth on the ground and destroy the black propaganda coming from the Western media.

The UN General Assembly itself is now headed by a reformist.

Hailed as the “best Prime Minister for 30 years” by his own people, Portuguese UN Sec. Gen. Antonio Guterres made it a point early on to “Let us resolve to put peace first,” in 2017.

Related: Understanding Trump’s United Nations Appearance – He Was Speaking To America, Scorning The Cabal Servants In The Room

Guterres was elected to the position at “the first time candidates for Secretary-General had to present their platform in public hearings in the UN General Assembly, a process during which Guterres emerged as a much stronger candidate than had been initially expected, given that he fit the bill on neither the gender nor the geographic scores.”

The prevailing pragmatic mindset in the US leadership is working positively for Venezuela…

Venezuela’s Foreign Minister Arreaza Holds UN Marathon for Peace: Usurper Guaido Urges Military Intervention and War

By Carla Stea Global Research, March 01, 2019

In a herculean effort to prevent war, and protect the integrity of his country, Venezuelan Foreign Minister Jorge Arreaza held a breathtaking schedule of events at the United Nations, including a meeting with the Secretary-General, consultations with the envoys of 60 member states supporting Venezuela’s sovereignty,  a press conference the evening of February 22, speaking at a Security Council meeting February 26,  and presenting an address at the UN Human Rights Council in Geneva on February 27.

Arreaza’s encyclopedic knowledge of history is one of his powerful assets, as he patiently clarified to reporters, at last Friday’s press conference, the reality of US instigated economic warfare underlying Venezuela’s current crisis. 

At one bizarre moment, a European reporter, asked, Mussolini-style, about a report that Venezuelan armed forces shot an unarmed indigenous person, and compared the incident to “what happened in China.” Arreaza asked whether the reporter had seen the incident, and, evading Arreaza’s question the reporter continued: 

“Is your government giving specific orders to shoot unarmed people, and what will happen to those who refuse to comply with these orders?” 

The stupefying question, less a query, and more unsubstantiated innuendo, was asked with such arrogance and grandiosity that Arreaza, fully aware of the insinuation intended, replied:

“Your question is full of venom and very poisonous. The army of Bolivar has never had orders to fire on the civilian population, and you should be the first to assess the reliability of false ‘reports,’ and false flag operations. It is your responsibility as a reporter to be smart, astute, and delve into the truth, and recognize propaganda.”

What was unmistakable, throughout last week, and at yesterday’s Security Council meeting, is Arreaza’s passionate effort to prevent the bloodbath of military confrontation, reiterating the historic context of the Venezuelan crisis to reporters and diplomats who may have a stunted recognition of  the barbarous – but often ingenious – methods used by Washington to impose domination and de facto slavery on nations in Latin America. 

Related: CBS Reporter Calls Mainstream Press ‘Political Activists,’ ‘Propagandists’ + Max Blumental Proves
Western Media A Propagandist For War Criminals

Theirs is virtually a scientific formula – economic destabilization, a relentless media disinformation campaign, and if the current target – in this case Venezuela – does not submit to domination, ultimately military force will be decisive in inflicting regime change, installing a docile, subservient puppet.  The horrific example of the overthrow of Allende in Chile is merely one example.

… The Wall Street Journal on February 25, 2019 headlined: “Maduro’s Opposition Urges Military Force in Venezuela,” making inescapable that the Venezuelan opposition is either lobotomized, or heedless of the bloodbath military action will culminate in.  The New York Times on February 25, page 4, has a large photograph of “innocent, unarmed” protesters preparing Molotov cocktails on Sunday along the Venezuela-Colombia border.

The Security Council meeting Monday, February 25, was preceded by an asinine lineup of eight members of the European Union, demanding that Venezuela immediately call elections. 

Evidently ignorant of the fact that former U.S. President Jimmy Carter characterized the Venezuelan electoral process as “one of the best in the world,” and the US electoral process as “one of the worst,”  these European proxies were better suited to comic parody in a Mozart opera than to intervention in matters of war and peace. 

And, of course, who is to determine that, even if new elections are called, they will be either free or fair.  Obviously, the result will be as Washington directs its European colonies to approve.

It would not be possible to avoid reference to Marco Rubio’s gruesome tweet, threatening Maduro, and not incidentally Kim Jong Un, with hideous death by torture, including sodomization with bayonets before his murder. 

These horrific actions were committed by those “vulnerable, peaceful Libyans” for whom the UN Security Council, enacting Resolution 1973 and “Responsibity to Protect,” in the unforgettable words of Indian Ambassador Puri, were authorized to “bomb the hell out of Libya.” 

Related: Clinton’s Leaked Emails Confirm Libya Plunder By Killing Qaddafi + Libya: From Africa’s Richest State Under Gaddafi, To Failed State After NATO Intervention

It is very likely that the Venezuelan opposition, especially those thugs,  photographed by The New York Times on February 23 preparing Molotov cocktails, are the same breed as those Libyan monsters who, among other tortures, sodomized President Khadaffi with a bayonet before murdering him. 

No doubt Kim Jong Un will duly note this threat, and perhaps Maduro will ponder Khadafi’s mistake in surrendering his nuclear program.

Today’s Security Council meeting, with the failure of both the US and Russian drafts, included Elliot Abrams regurgitating the same dangerous and deadly platitudes as always. The double veto of the US draft, by both China and Russia, saved the Security Council from endorsing another catastrophic military intervention."

Carla Stea is Global Research’s correspondent at United Nations Headquarters, New York, N.Y.

All of the above are reasons to be hopeful about our shared future.

This planet is not losing all its Good Men yet. But we have to do our part to appreciate what they’ve done so far, and to continue exposing the Deep State high crimes everywhere, so we can proactively prevent new ones from occurring.

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The Truth About Addiction And Recovery
April 2 2021 | From: Peele / Various

A radical new approach to recovery - using methods proven more effective than medical treatment or twelve-step programs.

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Drawing on the latest research and detailed case studies, the authors expose the best-kept secrets in the recovery field:

Addictions - whether to food, cigarettes, sex, alcohol, or drugs - are not diseases, and they’re not necessarily lifelong problems.

Many more people give up addictions on their own than are helped by medical treatment or twelve-step programs.

Developing values, skills, and life resources enables people to quit addictions - and to shed the addict identity altogether.

In their revolutionary “Life Process Program” for overcoming all kinds of addictions, the authors emphasize self-help and treatment through coping with stress and achieving one’s goals. As helpful as it is controversial, The Truth About Addiction and Recovery will forever change the way we view and treat addiction.

“A classic.” -
John Norcross, PhD, ABPP, Distinguished Professor of Psychology at the University of Scranton and author of Changing for Good


What causes addiction? Easy, right? Drugs cause addiction. But maybe it is not that simple.

Related: Why People Get Addicted To Drugs (Or Other Things)

This video is adapted from Johann Hari's New York Times best-selling book 'Chasing The Scream: The First and Last Days of the War on Drugs.'

For more information, and to take a quiz to see what you know about addiction, visit chasingthescream.com

An interactive version of this video click here.

Why It Doesn’t Make Sense To Call Addiction A “Disease”

We frequently hear from people who say: “I drink too much sometimes, but I don’t think I’m an alcoholic. And I don’t want to stand up and talk about myself in front of a group. Is there any other way I can change the way I drink?”

“I’m overweight, but I understand that people are born to be fat and there’s not much you can do about it. I know I’ve tried to lose weight a million times and failed. Does this mean I’m doomed to be overweight?”

“I saw an ad saying the only way to lick your addiction to nicotine is by going to a doctor. Is that really true? Don’t people ever quit smoking on their own?”

“My father was an alcoholic. Does that mean I’m likely to become an alcoholic myself? Should I play it safe and quit drinking altogether? A friend of mine joined a ‘Children of Alcoholics’ group, even though she’s never even been drunk. Should I join such a group? And what about my kids?”

“My son was caught smoking marijuana. Now I’m told that, unless I place him in an expensive residential treatment program, he could escalate his drug use and die. I don’t have the money for this but, of course, if I have to save his life I’ll mortgage the house!”

People are much concerned about bad habits (which sometimes reach life-consuming proportions) that they’d like to do something about-drinking, smoking, overeating, taking drugs, gambling, overspending, or even compulsive romancing.

We hear more and more that every one of these things is a disease, and that we must go to treatment centers or join twelve-step support groups like Alcoholics Anonymous in order to change any of these behaviors.

Apparently the 12 step plan concept was taken from the Satanic Bible

Is there really no other way to change a powerful habit than to enter treatment for a disease? Do personal initiative, willpower, or just maturing and developing a more rewarding life have anything to do with people’s ability to overcome addictive habits?

As children, as spouses, as parents, as employers, as consumers, and as citizens we must struggle to understand and master the destructive potential of drugs, alcohol, and related addictions.

The kinds of questions so many people face today include: What do we do if we discover our children are smoking marijuana, or worse? Should we put them in a treatment center that will teach them they are chemically dependent for life?

How can we tell if co-workers, employees, and friends are secretly addicts or alcoholics? What is the most appropriate way to react to people who drink too much or do anything that harms themselves and others?

Click on the image above to open a larger versioj in a new window

Related: Addiction Is Not Addictive

Furthermore, as a society, how should we deal with these problems? Are our incessant wars on drugs really going to have the positive impact the generals in these wars always claim? Or is there some more sensible or direct way to reduce the damage people do to themselves through their uncontrollable habits?

Rather than arrest drug users, can we treat addicts so that they stop using drugs? And if we expand the treatment for all the addictions we have seen - like shopping and smoking and overeating and sexual behavior - who will pay for all this treatment?

Finally, does addiction diminish people’s judgment so that they can’t be held accountable for their behavior, or for crimes and financial excesses they commit while addicted?

This book is for those concerned with such questions. But what you will read here is not the same as what you see and hear in newspapers and magazines, on television, in addiction treatment centers, in twelve-step groups, and in most physicians’ and therapists’ offices or what your children are learning in school.

Related: US govt. suppressing herb that can protect your liver from alcohol damage: NTX

For in its desperate search for a way out of the convulsions caused by drug abuse and addiction, our society has seized upon a simple, seductive, but false answer that this book disputes. What we say is, indeed, so different from most things you hear that we have provided extensive documentation at the back of the book.

The simple but incorrect answer we constantly hear is expressed by the familiar statement, “Alcoholism is a disease.” In other words, we can treat away these problems in a medical setting.

This viewpoint has proved so appealing that it has been adopted by professional organizations and government agencies as well as by groups like Alcoholics Anonymous. And now the “disease” label is applied not only to alcoholism, drug addiction, cigarette smoking, and overeating, but also to gambling, compulsive shopping, desperate romantic attachments, and even committing rape or killing one’s newborn child!

A.A.’s image of “powerlessness over alcohol” is being extended to everything that people feel they are unable to resist or control.

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But what lies behind the claim that alcoholism and other addictions are diseases? How accurate is it? What evidence supports it? Most important, what good does it do us to believe it? Will it really help you or someone you care about to overcome an addiction?

This book will show that the answer is no - that, in fact, it may do more harm than good. What’s wrong with calling a tenacious and destructive habit a disease?

Three things:

1. It isn’t true.

2. It doesn’t help most people (even those it does help might succeed just as well in a less costly, less limiting way).

3. It prevents us from doing things that really would help.

In this chapter we will summarize what the disease model says, why it is wrong, and why it is harmful. As you will see, there is no good reason to label yourself or people you know as forever marked by an addictive “disease.” Challenging this useless folklore is the first step toward understanding addiction and doing something about it.

Visit: lifeprocessprogram.com

Then we will present an alternative way of thinking about and dealing with addiction called the Life Process Program. The accompanying table previews the major differences between the Life Process Program and the disease model of addiction.

Myths Versus Reality

To highlight some of the surprising facts we will reveal, here are some common beliefs about various addictions:

A person needs medical treatment or a program like Smokenders to quit smoking.

Attending Alcoholics Anonymous meetings is the most effective way for alcoholics to stop drinking.

Nearly all regular cocaine users become addicted.

Very few people who have a drinking problem can ever drink in a normal, controlled manner.

Drunk drivers who undergo treatment for alcoholism are less likely to repeat the offense than those who receive normal judicial penalties such as license suspension.

Most people with an alcoholic parent become alcoholics themselves.

Most people who are binge drinkers in their twenties go on to become alcoholics.

Most of the American soldiers who were addicted to heroin in Vietnam remained addicted or became addicted again after they returned home.

The fact that alcoholism runs in families means that it is an inherited disease.

Fat children, because they have inherited their obesity, are more likely to be fat in later life than are people who become fat as adults.

Actually, the best scientific evidence available today indicates that none of these statements is true. Such specific misconceptions grow out of a foundation of false assumptions about the nature of addiction generally.

Ten Assumptions that Distinguish the Life Process Program from the Disease Model



1. Addiction is inbred and biological. 1. Addiction is a way of coping with yourself and your world.
2. The solution is medical treatment and membership in spiritual groups such as A.A. 2. The solution requires self-awareness, new coping skills, and changing your environment.
3. Addiction is all-or-nothing; you are or you aren’t an addict. 3. Addiction is a continuum; your behavior is more or less addicted.
4. Addiction is permanent and you can relapse at any moment. 4. Addiction can be outgrown.
5. Addicts are “in denial” and must be forced to acknowledge they have a disease. 5. You should identify problems and solutions in ways that work for you.
6. The recovering addict / alcoholic is the expert on addiction. 6. Those without an addiction problem are the best models.
7. Addiction is a “primary” disease. 7. Addiction stems from other life problems you have.
8. Your main associates must be other recovering addicts. 8. You should associate with a normal range of people.
9. You must accept the disease philosophy to recover. 9. Getting better is not a matter of believing a dogma.
10. Surrendering to a higher power is the key to recovery. 10. You must develop your own power to get better.

Related: Stop the Madness: Coming off Psych Meds

What Is the Disease Model of Addiction?

At first, it seems hard to understand what is meant by saying that something a person regularly does (such as· drinking alcohol) is a disease.

Habitual, voluntary behavior of this sort does not resemble what we normally think of as a disease, like cancer or diabetes. What is more, A.A. - and even hospital programs for alcoholism -
don’t actually treat any biological causes of alcoholism.

After all the claims we have heard in the past decade about biological discoveries concerning alcoholism, not one of these findings has been translated into a usable treatment. Instead, the same group discussions and exhortations that have been used for the last fifty years are employed in hospital programs.

Nor is any biological method used to determine whether someone is an alcoholic other than by assessing how much that person drinks and the consequences of this drinking.

Related: Another Natural Remedy For Alcoholism And Depression? South American Psychedelic Herb Promotes
Feelings Of Well-Being, According To New Study

And if we have no special biological information about treating or identifying alcoholism, we surely know nothing about the biological causes of “diseases” such as compulsive gambling, shopping, and loving, which have nothing to do with drugs or alcohol.

There is, however, a standard way those who claim addiction is a disease describe addictive diseases. This description has been developed by groups such as Alcoholics Anonymous, by the medical profession, and by various popularizers of the idea that alcoholism is a disease.

What they say is in every regard wrong

When they tell you that you have the “disease” of alcoholism, “chemical dependency,” obesity, compulsive shopping, or whatever, this is what they mean:

The basis of the disease is inbred and/or biological. There is no need to look for the causes of the disease in your personal problems, the people you spend time with, the situations you find yourself in, or your ethnic or cultural background. Addiction is bred into you from birth or early childhood. Your current experience of life has nothing to do with it; nothing you can do makes you either more or less likely to become addicted.

It involves complete loss of control over your behavior. Once involved in your addiction, you are utterly at its mercy. You cannot choose whether, or how much, to lose yourself in the involvement. No matter how costly it may be in a given situation, you will go all the way. You cannot make reasonable, responsible choices about something to which you are addicted.

Addictions are forever. An addictive disease is like diabetes - it stays with you as long as you live. The mysterious bodily or psychic deficiency that lies at the root of addiction can never be remedied, and you can never safely expose yourself to the substance to which you were addicted. Once an addict, always an addict.

It inevitably expands until it takes over and destroys your life. “Irreversible progression” is a hallmark of addictive diseases as they are conceived today. The addiction grows and grows until it devours you, like AIDS or cancer. No rewards, no punishments, not even the most momentous developments in your life can stay its course, unless you completely swear off the addictive substance or activity.

If you say you don’t have it, that’s when they really know you have it. According to this “Catch22” of the disease theory, anyone suspected of having an addictive disease who insists that he or she doesn’t have the disease is guilty of the added offense of “denial.” In this way, the “disease” label is like a web that traps a person more firmly the harder the person fights to get out of it.

It requires medical and/or “spiritual” treatment. Thinking you can cure your addiction through willpower, changes in your life circumstances, or personal growth is a delusion (like denial), according to disease-theory proponents. Addiction is a disease of the body that can be controlled only by never-ending medical treatments.

It is also a disease of the soul requiring lifetime membership in a support group like Alcoholics Anonymous. Why supposed medical treatment consists mainly of going to group meetings and why people can’t develop their own spiritual approaches to life if they choose are questions disease theory adherents ignore.

Your kids are going to get it, too. Since addiction is an inherited disease, the children of addicts are considered at high risk for developing the same disease - no matter what you or they do or how careful you are. Logical deductions from this viewpoint are that you should have your kids tested for their genetic predisposition to alcoholism or addiction before they start school, or that you should simply teach them never to touch a drop of alcohol or expose themselves to whatever your addiction is.

Obviously, this approach presents special difficulties in dealing with addictions to eating, shopping, and making love. Where did these notions come from - notions that, when examined in the clear light of day, often seem quite bizarre and contrary to common experience?

The disease theory takes a set of precepts that were made up by and about a small group of severe, long-term alcoholics in the 1930s and applies them inappropriately to people with a wide range of drinking and other life problems. The original members of Alcoholics Anonymous, realizing they would soon die if they did not give up alcohol, adopted wholesale the dogma of the nineteenth century temperance movement.

The one major difference was that the A.A. members said drinking was a disease only for them, and not for everyone who drank - therefore not everyone needed to eschew “demon rum,” as temperance advocates had insisted.

Related: Why Nutritional Psychiatry Is The Future Of Mental Health Treatment + Depression Is A Symptom Of Nutrient
Deficiency; Treating It With Drugs Is Not Only Ineffective But Dangerous

Niacin for Treatment of Depression & Alcoholism

When he co-founded Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) to offer a support group for those addicted to alcohol, Bill Wilson made the first major advance in addressing alcoholism.

A fact which is less well-known is that Bill Wilson also made the second major advance when he became aware of, and later promoted the use of niacin vitamin B3 as a treatment for chronic drinkers.

Orthomolecular Medicine and Alcoholism

Even as Alcoholics Anonymous slowly expanded, many of Bill Wilson's personal and financial problems lingered, especially his depression.

Canadian biochemist Dr. Abram Hoffer, M.D., Ph.D., a psychiatrist and physician, writes: "I met Bill in New York in 1960. Humphry Osmond and I introduced him to the concept of megavitamin therapy. Bill was very curious about it and began to take niacin, 3,000 mg daily. Within a few weeks fatigue and depression which had plagued him for years were gone."

Dr. Hoffer, in his foreword to the book "Alcoholism: The Cause and The Cure", describes how he and Bill Wilson investigated together the effect of Niacin vitamin B3 on alcoholics.

Dr Hoffer writes: “Bill understood it first hand, for even though he had been abstinent for many years, he was still unwell. He suffered from immense anxiety, tension, and fatigue, but was able to function in spite of what might have been disabling.

After taking 3 grams of niacin daily for two weeks, his symptoms vanished and he remained free of addiction. This was a peak experience that he never forgot. He became determined to give as many AA members as possible the benefit of the same healing vitamin,”.

Dr. Hoffer further writes: “Without telling me that he was doing so, Bill conducted a trial of niacin on 30 friends and colleagues in New York. Most of them were very productive and sober members of AA, but they all suffered from the common mind and mood afflictions that people formerly addicted to alcohol experience, even when they are not drinking.

After three months he showed me his data. After one month, ten of the subjects were well. After the second month another ten had recovered, and the remaining one-third had shown no improvement after the third month. By this time I had also treated a number of people addicted to alcohol and had seen similar recoveries.”

Beyond AA Meetings

Between 1960 and his death in 1971, Bill Wilson shared this information with physician members of AA in a series of 3 brochures, Communications to Alcoholics Anonymous.

Bill’s findings were unfortunately dismissed by the AA’s International Board, because he was not an "M.D." and the fact that Alcoholics Anonymous is a social support structure, not a medical treatment provider.

Related: DEA Just Banned a Natural Plant that Can Cure Opioid Addiction - Proving Loyalty to Big Pharma

The A.A. model has struck a responsive chord among Americans. Obviously, with the rejection of Prohibition, the United States had decided against a national policy that everyone should abstain from drinking.

Yet Westernn society continues even today to show a deep unease about alcohol and about intoxication, which many people seek even while fearing its disturbing effects.

Given this national ambivalence, we have been drawn to the “old-time religion” of temperance, as represented by A.A., now cloaked in the modern language of medicine and the neurosciences.

Related: Brainwashed: The Goal Of The Media Is To Poison The Minds Of The Masses With Toxic Hatred And
Engineered “Thought Loops”

But, as this book will make clear, the operative assumptions about addiction have never arisen directly from biological sciences. Rather, they have been superimposed on scientific research, much of which directly contradicts the assumptions of the disease theory.

Why the Disease Model Is Wrong

Every major tenet of the “disease” view of addiction is refuted both by scientific research and by everyday observation.

This is true even for alcoholism and drug addiction, let alone the many other behaviors that plainly have little to do with biology and medicine.

No biological or genetic mechanisms have been identified that account for addictive behavior.

Even for alcoholism, as the following chapter will show, the evidence for genetic inheritance is unconvincing. By now, probably every well-informed reader has heard announcements that scientists have discovered a gene that causes alcoholism.

Related: Everything We Think We Know About Addiction Is Wrong

In fact, as one of us wrote in The Atlantic, this is far from the case, and the study that prompted these claims has already been refuted by another study in the same journal.

Moreover, if a gene were found to influence alcoholism, would the same gene cause drug addiction?

Would it be related to smoking? Would it also cause compulsive gambling and overeating? If so, this would mean that everyone with any of these addictions has this genetic inheritance.

Indeed, given the ubiquity of the problems described, the person without this inheritance would seem to be the notable exception.

How could an addiction like smoking be genetic? Why are some types of people more likely to smoke than others (about half of waitresses and car salesmen smoke, compared with about a tenth of lawyers and doctors)?

And does believing that an addiction like smoking is genetic help the person quit (are all those smokers who quit not “genetically” addicted)?

Returning to alcohol, are people really predestined biologically to become alcoholics and thus to become A.A. members? Think about the rock group Aerosmith: all five members of this group now belong to A.A., just as they once all drank and took drugs together.

How unlikely a coincidence it is that five unrelated people with the alcoholic / addictive inheritance should run into one another and form a band!

The idea that genes make you become alcoholic cannot possibly help us understand how people develop drinking problems over years, why they choose on so many occasions to go out drinking, how they become members of heavy-drinking groups, and how drinkers are so influenced by the circumstances of their lives.

Genes may make a person unusually sensitive to the physiological effects of alcohol; a person can find drinking extremely relaxing or enjoyable; but this says nothing about how the person drinks over the course of a lifetime.

After all, some people say, “I never have more than one or two drinks at a time, because alcohol goes straight to my head.”

Related: How To Effectively Manage Social Anxiety

As we document here and in the following chapter, we can actually predict the likelihood of people’s becoming addicted far more reliably from their nationality and social class, from the social groups they join, and from their beliefs and expectations about alcohol or drugs (or other activities), than from their biological makeup.

Often, people who become addicted set themselves up by investing a substance or an experience with magical powers to transform their beings (“Getting drunk is great”; “When I drink I’m really at ease”; “Drinking makes me attractive to people of the opposite sex”).

It is simply not within the chemical properties of alcohol or a drug, or the experience of an activity like shopping, to offer people what they want and seek from an addiction.

People find this in an addiction when they believe they can’t achieve the feelings they need in ordinary ways. Clearly, attitudes, values, and the opportunities available in a person’s environment have much to do with whether the person has a significant risk for a particular addiction.

People do not necessarily lose control of themselves whenever they are exposed to the object of their addiction.

On the contrary, many practice their addictions quite selectively. For example, military and religious personnel are often deprived of tobacco during training or on retreats, and business people realize they can’t smoke in certain rooms.

Related: There Is Deadly Formaldehyde In Clothing, Food, Cigarettes And Vaccines - What Will You Be Wearing,
Eating, Smoking And Injecting Today?

Orthodox Jews who smoke heavily abstain from smoking on the Sabbath, showing that their religious values mean more to them than nicotine does. Alcoholics in experiments routinely control their drinking when it is in their interest to do so - say, when they must leave a cozy room with television and companionship in order to get more to drink.

These variations occur in real life just as they do in the laboratory - for example, when people avoid drugs or cigarettes when they are with people who won’t tolerate those habits. When something they really care about is jeopardized if they continue to drink, smoke, or whatever, most people will stop or cut down accordingly.

Addiction usually does not last a lifetime. “Once an addict, always an addict” is a pessimistic notion that is both wrong and harmful. It leaves people two choices: either you stay constantly addicted and miserable until you die; or you abstain for life while attending group meetings and viewing yourself as the perpetually “recovering” person.

Sadly, a small number of people do die of their addictions; and another group succeeds in quitting drinking, drug taking, or whatever by maintaining the role of the recovering addict.

But most people are more resilient and resourceful than that. Most people who have addictive habits moderate or eliminate these habits over the course of their lives.

And they do it without having to say “I am an alcoholic” or “I am an overeater” or “I am a sex addict” as long as they live.

Remember that, today, a majority of adults who have ever smoked have quit and nearly all did so without treatment.

Progression is not inevitable - it is the exception. If the majority of people give up addictive habits, then the idea of “inevitable progression” doesn’t hold water. Calling addiction a “progressive disease” comes from looking at the few who have progressed to severe addiction and tracing the path by which they got there.

The progression of addictive problems only seems inevitable after the fact. For example, the great majority of college overdrinkers, even those who black out at fraternity parties, become moderate drinkers in middle age.

When you consider that even most of the people who use narcotics and cocaine do not end up addicted, you can see that drug-and-alcohol use patterns are many and varied, even when a person uses a substance abusively for a time.

Treatment is no panacea. Contrary to all the advertising we hear, treatment for addictions is often no more effective than letting addiction and recovery take their natural course.

The vast majority of people who have given up addictions (beginning with more than 90 percent of the forty-four million Americans who have quit smoking have done so on their own.

This does not mean that treatment for addictions cannot work - research has shown that some forms of treatment are effective. But the ones that are more effective are not the ones that have become popular in the United States.

You can outgrow an addictive habit on your own or in therapy, but either way the principles of the Life Process Program are the same.

What about joining support groups such as Alcoholics Anonymous? Here, too, research reveals the opposite of what we have been led to believe.

A.A is a valuable community resource for those who find support in a certain type of religiously oriented group ritual.

But the best we can say about A.A is that it works for those for whom it works. Meanwhile, there are plenty for whom it doesn’t work. There is no scientific evidence that A.A. works better than other approaches when randomly selected alcoholics are assigned to A.A. or other treatments.

In fact, the evidence is that the people who are now often compelled to attend A.A - after being arrested for drunk driving or being sent by a company Employee Assistance Program - do worse than those who are left on their own.

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How can we reconcile this finding with the glowing testimonials we hear about A.A.? The people we see in A.A. are the ones who like it, find it helpful, and stick it out. But there are many others who don’t go to A.A. or who don’t like it and drop out.

And as we show below, those who seriously try to stop drinking on their own are more likely to maintain their abstinence than those who attend A.A.

In addition, since many more people try to quit on their own than through therapy or joining a group, the number of self-curers is triple or more the number of successful treatment or A.A cases.

But such self-curers are not very visible, because they are individuals without an organized group to publicize their success.

These, then, are the key fallacies of the popularly held view of addiction. Even generally well-informed people may be astonished that we contradict such widely held beliefs. All of our refutations of conventional wisdom are carefully documented in the notes at the back of the book.

But you don’t need to read scholarly articles and scientific reports to test the accuracy of what we say. Just check it out against your own experience and observation. Don’t you know anyone who used to drink excessively, at times uncontrollably, but who no longer drinks at all or now drinks in a normal, appropriate manner?

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Obviously, most people who used to drink excessively but who have now cut back (or even quit) do not attend meetings where they must rise and declare, “I am an alcoholic.”

How many people of all ages do you know who quit smoking? How many of them did it by going through a medical program or joining a support group, and how many finally just decided to quit and made good on that resolve? What happened to all the people you knew who used illegal drugs in college, some quite heavily?

How many of them are “chemically dependent” now? If we simply examine the cases of most of those we are close to personally, we will see how addictions usually do not follow the disease course.

Why the Disease Model Doesn’t Work - Why It Even Does More Harm than Good

The assumption that calling addiction a “disease” actually helps people crumbles when subjected to critical scrutiny. Some people feel comfortable thinking of their addiction as a disease and are able to function better on this basis for a time.

But whatever short-term benefits medical, disease-oriented treatment produces are double-edged even for the individuals who claim it has helped them.

Many of the most “successful” recipients of disease treatment might achieve a real breakthrough by learning to think about addiction differently.

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Meanwhile, for the majority of people, the disadvantages of the disease approach clearly outweigh the advantages from the start.

The disadvantages of the disease approach are that it:

Attacks people’s feelings of personal control and can thus become a self-fulfilling prophecy;

Makes mountains out of molehills, since it fails to differentiate between the worst alcoholics and addicts and those with minor substance-use dependence;

tigmatizes people - in their own minds - for life

interrupts normal maturation for the young, for whom this approach is completely inappropriate;

olds up as models for drinking and drug use the people who have shown the least capacity to manage their lives;

solates alcoholism and addiction as problems from the rest of the alcoholic’s or addict’s life;

imits people’s human contacts primarily to other recovering alcoholics or addicts, who only reinforce their preoccupation with drinking and drug use;

ispenses a rigid program of therapy that is founded - in the words of the director of the government’s National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism (NIA.A.A) - “on hunch, not evidence, and not on science,” while attacking more effective therapies.

How can therapy that so many people believe in and swear by actually do more harm than good? To illustrate this point, consider the case of a famous psychiatrist who evaluated his hospital’s alcoholism program - one he felt was among the most outstanding in the world.

This program first detoxified the alcoholic in the hospital, then mandated A.A. attendance, and finally actively followed patients’ progress with an outreach counseling program.

When the psychiatrist running the program, Dr. George Vaillant, evaluated how well his patients were doing two years and eight years after treatment, however, he found they had fared about as well as comparable alcoholics who received no treatment at all!

How could Vaillant have been so wrong as to think his patients were doing phenomenally well, when actually they were doing no better than if he had left them alone completely?

Naturally, he wanted to think it worked. But his research prevented his rose-colored views from distorting the actual results of his treatment.

When he counted all his patients, not just his successes, when he scrutinized and verified what they were telling him in order to see exactly how well they were doing, and when he compared them with alcoholics out on their own instead of just assuming that all these people died without the help of treatment like his, Vaillant found that his expensive hospital treatment was close to useless.

Very few people in the treatment industry or in A.A. are as scrupulous as is Vaillant. When we hear from A.A. boosters, they tell us only about those who have stuck with the program and are currently sober. The same is true of treatment programs. They parade their best stars up front.

We don’t hear about all their failures. Yet Vaillant, in a book that is cited as the major source of support for the benefits of treating alcoholics according to the disease model, concluded as follows:

“If treatment as we currently understand it does not seem more effective than the natural healing processes, then we need to understand those healing processes better.”

Indeed, Vaillant repeats another researcher’s conclusion that “it may be easier for improper treatment to retard recovery than for proper treatment to hasten it.”major source of support for the benefits of treating alcoholics according to the disease model

What are the dangers of this kind of disease treatment? Here are explanations of the disadvantages listed at the beginning of this section:

It sets people up for failure.

All disease treatments emphasize how much out of control “patients” are, and what a delusion it is for them to feel they can exert any control over their addictions. Is it possible that such a message can do more harm than good?

William Miller and Reid Hester, reviewing all the comparative studies on treatment for alcoholism, made a surprising finding: in the only two studies in which alcoholics were randomly assigned either to A.A., to other forms of treatment, or to no treatment, those assigned to A.A. did no better or actually suffered more relapse than those who received other treatment or who weren’t treated at all!

Intrigued by this outcome, one of us wrote George Vaillant and asked him whether subjects he studied who abstained without entering formal treatment did better if they joined A.A. Again, A.A. members were less likely to maintain their abstinence.

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Why would people be more likely to relapse if they entered A.A. than if they quit drinking on their own? There are several reasons. For one, people who enter A.A. are told they cannot succeed on their own. Therefore, if they should stop attending A.A., many are convinced that they will soon resume alcoholic drinking.

A.A. and disease treatments are especially defeatist in dealing with relapse. Accepting the disease-oriented philosophy of inevitable loss of control thus makes it more likely that the alcoholic will binge if he or she ever has a drink.

Yet, Vaillant found, nearly all alcoholics will drink again at some time.

It makes matters worse than they are. Can attending A.A. or going into addiction treatment really cause people to develop some of their alcoholism symptoms? In his book Becoming Alcoholic, sociologist David Rudy reports on the time he spent observing A.A. meetings.

Rudy found that most people had to learn their role as alcoholics. An important “rite of passage” is the first time members tell their story for the group, beginning by acknowledging, “I am an alcoholic.” In Rudy’s words;

“The alcoholic’s tale “is made up of two parts: a story about how bad it was before A.A. and a story about how good it is now.”

Narcotics anonymous is the drug users version of AA, although is generally accepting of AA members as well

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This presentation is warmly greeted by the member’s sponsor in A.A., and the entire membership responds with enthusiastic acceptance of the convert.

When alcoholics introduce their experiences and symptoms in or treatment, the group or therapist homogenizes them through interpretation and clarification. For example, most people who enter have not had blackouts, which are more typical of long-term alcoholics than of the younger drinkers now flooding into treatment and A.A.

But blackouts are taken as the badge of alcoholism, and according to Rudy, “members learn the importance of blackouts as a behavior that verifies their alcoholism, and an indeterminable number of members who may not have had blackouts report them.” Rudy continues:

"When newcomers to A.A. claim that they cannot remember if they had any blackouts or not, other members use this claim as evidence of the event in question. As one member put it to a newcomer:

The reason you can’t remember is because alcohol fogs your brain. If it fogs your brain now after not drinking for a few days it must have fogged your brain before. See, you must have had blackouts then.”

A large part of alcoholism and drug treatment consists of group meetings where alcoholics or addicts “confront” one another and their problems.

Newcomers who don’t report the correct symptoms are treated with knowing condescension or are actively hazed - sometimes quite abusively - until they “get” and repeat the party line.

When Dwight Gooden entered the alcoholism-andcocaine program at the Smithers Alcoholism Center, he described being assailed by his fellow residents there during the constant group-therapy sessions. “My stories weren’t as good as theirs. . . . They said, ‘C’mon, man, you’re lying.’ They didn’t believe me. . . . I cried a lot before I went to bed at night.”

After he left the Betty Ford Center, Chevy Chase reported that he had often been angry at the counselors, who heckled the residents mercilessly, constantly denigrating them and claiming they had been living worthless lives.

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Does all this sound like good therapy technique? It is simple common sense that belief in your personal value and your own strength is superior to having these things denigrated for getting your life under control.

It stigmatizes people for life. The disease model puts a label on you that you can never outgrow. Once diseased, always diseased. The effects of this defeatist view are especially tragic - and unjust - in the case of people to whom the “disease” label is most inappropriately applied in the first place: teenage binge drinkers, most drunk drivers, “adult children of alcoholics,” recreational drug users discovered through drug tests, and - in areas not involving drugs or alcohol - overweight adolescents or “hyperactive” or “learning-disabled” children.

It brutalizes and brainwashes the young. The largest single age group of people undergoing hospital treatment today for chemical dependency, eating disorders, depression, and so forth is adolescents. A.A. members are also much younger today, on average, than when the fellowship was founded by a group of men with serious, lifelong drinking problems.

Nonetheless, virtually none of these young people meet clinical standards of alcoholism or drug addiction.

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Indeed, numerous cases have been identified in which young people have been hospitalized for smoking marijuana or even for being suspected of using drugs.

When one such case was revealed on national television, an unusually forthright consultant for the National Association for Alcoholism Treatment Programs confessed, “I’m afraid this happens far more than people in the field want to admit; it’s something of a scandal.”

Meanwhile, A.A. and Alateen (for teenage children of alcoholics) groups now pervade high-school and college campuses.

What is the impact of treatment that forces teenagers to take on the identity of addicts or alcoholics or children of alcoholics?

Young people are warned that their substance abuse is a permanent trait, even though we have seen that a large majority will outgrow substance-abuse problems as they mature.

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Presenting this message to the young can only prolong or exacerbate their substance abuse, since it denies their own capacity for change and forces them to believe that any substance use for the rest of their lives will lead them back to excess, addiction, and drunkenness.

Young treatment grads who constantly relapse and return to treatment are the norm, as in the cases of Carrie Hamilton, Erinn Cosby, Drew Barrymore, and other young “patients” whose stories are less well publicized.

Of course, the relapses are then attributed to their “disease” and to their failure to heed the treatment’s warning to abstain forever.

These programs fairly frequently involve emotional abuse. Such “treatments” for children include “refusing to allow them to wear street clothes, keeping them in isolation for prolonged periods, or forcing them to wear self-derogatory signs, engage in other humiliation rituals . . . , or submit to intense and prolonged group confrontation” all of which, psychologists believe, “may destroy the youngsters’ already fragile self-esteem.”

When we describe these experiences, treatment specialists often argue in response, “Well, what if the kids would end up dead if we didn’t do this to them?” In other words, to object to these programs is likened to promoting intoxication leading to death.

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Certainly, it is crucial to prevent children from harming themselves, and it can be worthwhile to remove children from a problem home, whether through a residential program or a visit to a sympathetic relative.

But brainwashing, emotional blackmail, denigration, and psychological torture never work, except to make people so unsure of who they are or what they value that they will temporarily consent to the demands of those in charge.

Worst of all, therapies that were devised for the most incorrigible children - though they don’t benefit even these unfortunate kids have been spreading down the ladder to more and more children whose behavior represents typical adolescent exploration and insubordination.

Parents are then confronted over whether they want to “save” their kids or allow them to die, as though the latter were the normal outcome of adolescence. The threat of their children’s dying is then used as emotional blackmail to make parents accept the sacrifices necessary to place their children in expensive residential treatment programs.

It presents the alcoholic or addict as someone to emulate. Prominent graduates of treatment programs, like Drew Barrymore, Betty Ford, Kitty Dukakis, and a host of athletes now lecture to others about chemical dependency.

If alcoholics and drug abusers suffer from a disease and are now recovering, then they can educate others about the disease and even about how young people should live and behave.

If, on the other hand, we think of them as people who are tremendously poor at self-management, then it is indeed stupid for the rest of us, who have not been seriously addicted, to ask them for advice and information.

Someone like former football star Bob Hayes explains that he took and sold drugs as a result of an inherited disease.

One reviewer’s reaction to Hayes’s book, Run, Bullet, Run, could stand for any and all of these confessional tracts: “Aside from a brief closing statement on personal responsibility, he self-servingly portrays himself as a victim throughout the book.”

Alcoholics and addicts like Hayes regularly come into schools to relay their tortured drinking experiences and to reiterate that alcohol is a dangerous drug. But nearly every child in these schools will drink.

It is as though the schools wished to undermine children’s sense of self-control and to attack their chances of becoming normal drinkers, which in most cases their “nonexpert” parents are.

In treatment itself, “recovering” addicts and alcoholics counsel the drug or alcohol abuser - who usually has not drunk as destructively and hurt himself or herself as much as the counselors!

In all types of twelve-step groups, the most severely debilitated person tends to become the leader and model for others, so that the most out-of-control shopping addict tells others about the nature of their problems.

Who should be counseling whom? In the case of drug abuse, a number of reviews have found that informational and scare lectures by recovering addicts produce the worst results of all prevention programs. These programs have never yet been found to reduce drug use; on the contrary, several studies have found increased drug use in their aftermath.

It ignores the rest of the person’s problems in favor of blaming them all on the addiction.

When someone like Carrie Hamilton lectures about her youthful drug abuse and delinquency (often alongside her mother, Carol Burnett), she makes drug abuse and family failures sound like mysterious, unavoidable illnesses that some people and their parents “have.”

Of course, this excuses her and her mother from dealing with painful problems they would prefer to avoid.

But by adopting the disease identity as her protection through the rest of her life, the youthful convert guarantees that she cannot grow beyond the limitations of her adolescent family life.

Can people hope for more than this?

When treatment views alcoholics as being victims of a different body chemistry that forces them to become alcoholics, the treatment process ignores the person’s life problems and the functions drinking serves for the alcoholic.

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For example, in family therapy where the alcoholic’s drinking is addressed as simply the result of a disease, the therapist and the family are not able to understand that some people use alcohol to air feelings they cannot express when sober.

Ignoring dynamics like these leaves the drinker unable to cope with the things that led him or her to need to drink - such as doubts about self-worth, a difficult relationship with a spouse, roles (such as homosexuality) that create conflict for the person, and so on.

If the labeling of alcoholism as a disease provides welcome relief from the shame of overdrinking. it also prevents people from confronting the emotional tasks they need to accomplish to attain personal wholeness.

It traps people in a world inhabited by fellow disease-sufferers. Many “recovering” people report that they feel comfortable only with others in exactly the same plight. They find they can’t create intimacy outside of treatment and that they are driven constantly to talk about their alcoholism or addiction.

This is a frequent hang-up for recovering alcoholics who attend A.A. meetings so religiously that they can’t maintain a life outside of the group. The phenomenon of compulsive therapy attendance has made many people ask us, “Is there such a thing as addiction to treatment?”

Indeed there is, when people rely on a twelve step group or therapy to the point where it disables them from conducting outside relationships and activities.

One of us has treated a number of A.A. members or treatment graduates who now fear they can’t deal with normal society. One man, who was regularly asked to head his local A.A. group, had dated a series of women he met at A.A. Unfortunately, all of these relationships had ended in bitterness and mutual recriminations.

But when he tried to date outside the group, he discovered that nonalcoholic women found him overbearing and compulsive.

“I don’t want to be limited for the rest of my life to dealing with alkies - I’d like to think I can advance beyond that; “
he plaintively told us.

This man felt that dealing exclusively with alcoholics was debilitating him, and yet he couldn’t escape A.A.

It excludes other approaches, many of which are more successful. Even if one accepts that many A.A. members are happy and successful, it is simply absurd to discourage people from trying to recover without A.A. The National Council on Alcoholism and Drug Dependence (NCADD) frequently announces statistics about the continually rising costs of alcoholism and the increasing number of alcoholics in our society.

But, then, the NCADD is capable only of calling for more of the standard approach to treating alcoholism that has accompanied these increases, while discouraging all alternative approaches.

Why should things improve all of a sudden if we simply do more of the same? The A.A. approach to people’s drinking problems has shown conclusively that it cannot make a decisive difference for most active problem drinkers, since there are very few alcoholics who aren’t already aware of - or who haven’t already attended - A.A.

Meanwhile, greater numbers of people are being forced to enter private treatment centers and A.A. as a result of court orders, Employee Assistance Programs, or school counseling programs.

Despite the almost universal belief that compelling people to attend standard treatment programs is helpful, these programs regularly demonstrate they are no more effective than self-initiated programs for curing addictions.

Psychologists William Miller and Reid Hester, reviewing all the comparative studies on treatment for alcoholism, made a surprising finding:

“Virtually all of them [the standard treatments] lacked adequate scientific evidence of effectiveness.”

At the same time, they discovered, the “treatment approaches most clearly supported as effective... were very rarely used in American treatment programs.”

What don’t really work in the long run are the conversion-experience type treatments; what do work are therapies that teach people skills at self-management and coping.

Nonetheless, most American treatment personnel seem hell-bent on eliminating any other treatment for alcoholism besides twelve-step programs. In the United States, discredited disease-treatment programs - ones that NIAAA Director Enoch Gordis believes may be “frequently useless and wasteful and sometimes dangerous” - proliferate and spread into whole new areas of behavior.

This issue is important because the United States spends more money on health care than any other country - and the percentage of our gross national product that we spend on health care is growing faster than that in any other country.

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The fastest-growing component of the health-care system is substance abuse and related mental-health treatments. According to a hospital trade publication;

“Psychiatric, chemical dependency and rehabilitative hospital care - all largely unregulated by government payment mechanisms - are booming.”

This is one reason so many companies are being forced to cut insurance benefits or are asking employees to pay a greater share. What if your insurance rates were raised to pay for a fellow employee who was undergoing a repeat treatment for cocaine addiction, since he had relapsed one or more times?

How would you feel about sharing the bill for a colleague who entered an expensive hospital eating-disorders clinic?

Do you think that smokers who want to quit should enter treatment programs and be excused from work, with pay, while they concentrate on quitting? And, especially, how would you react if you had quit smoking on your own?

It is morally and economically necessary for us to evaluate the effectiveness of alcoholism and other addiction treatments. For we are wasting limited health-care resources to place people in expensive treatments - treatments that have not shown they do more than inexpensive, straightforward skills counseling or than people accomplish on their own - often more reliably!

Kitty Dukakis: “Chemical Dependency” Reduced to Absurdity

Kitty Dukakis became the paradigm of the addicted person of the 1990s. Kitty Dukakis has been eager all along to accept the “disease” and “chemically dependent” labels. Advertisements for her autobiography, Now You Know, trumpet the opening line of the book, “I’m Kitty Dukakis and I’m a drug addict and an alcoholic.”

Mrs. Dukakis seemingly has been either addicted or in treatment throughout her adult life. Shortly before she joined her husband in his 1988 presidential campaign, she revealed that she had been treated for a twenty-six-year reliance on diet pills, which she began before she married Michael Dukakis.

Soon after her husband’s defeat in the election, she began to drink herself unconscious and underwent a series of treatments for her alcoholism and for a variety of emotional problems.

That treatment did not succeed. Mrs. Dukakis only began getting drunk after the election, for which she first entered the Edgehill Newport hospital.

But soon after this treatment experience, she began having explosive relapses in which she drank rubbing alcohol, nail polish remover, hair spray, and other commercial products containing alcohol.

Moreover, she discovered during the course of writing her book that she suffers from another disease - manic-depressive disorder - and as a result she ends the book with the revelation that she is receiving lithium treatment.

Previously, Mrs. Dukakis had been prescribed Prozac, a drug featured on the cover of Newsweek in 1990 as a new miracle in the treatment of depression, to no avail.

Mrs. Dukakis appears, in the book and on television, a forlorn being. Indeed, syndicated columnist Ellen Goodman, who had known Mrs. Dukakis, wrote a column entitled “Do Our Drug Treatment Programs Label Patients as Losers?” Ms. Goodman wondered aloud how labeling oneself as sick and without hope is helpful.

“What happens when those who wrestle with problems of self-esteem are required to wear such a label? . . . Today, Kitty Dukakis describes herself by diagnosis. Drug addict. Alcoholic. Manic-depressive.”

Ms. Goodman ended her column by wishing that Kitty Dukakis might see the brighter qualities that others have seen in her, and which seem entirely to have disappeared thanks to her various diagnoses and cures.

It seems clear that excessive drinking is only the tip of Mrs. Dukakis’s problems, and that medical treatment will never get to the bottom of them. Labeling Kitty Dukakis as a “sick” person who needs medical treatment is a palliative for her uncomfortable marital and personal problems.

Reviewers have commented about how insensitive and unaware of her problems Michael Dukakis appeared to be, yet Kitty never reflects on the limitations of her spouse or their relationship.

Somehow, her never-ending disease-oriented treatment fails to raise crucial issues for Mrs. Dukakis about a life and marriage she seems to have found intolerable.

Will Kitty Dukakis be writing another book in which she reveals she has discovered she is suffering from one more dis-ease that of codependence?

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With Kitty Dukakis as a prominent model of the addict/alcoholic, those who look to her life for answers are being fed yet another self-defeating solution. To call Kitty Dukakis’s and her audiences’ problems diseases is to evade reality, much as Mrs. Dukakis used diet pills and alcohol to do.

Whether the pain Mrs. Dukakis and others feel is temporary or persistent, relatively mild or relatively severe, it does not need to rule the rest of their lives. Kitty Dukakis and the rest of us are more than our misery and problems.

Moreover, what troubles her and those like her are life problems, not diseases. And when we have reduced them to life size, we can begin to deal with them reasonably and hopefully.

The Experience of Addiction

The question is: “If addiction isn’t a disease, then what is it?” An addiction is a habitual response and a source of gratification or security.

It is a way of coping with internal feelings and external pressures that provides the addict with predictable gratifications, but that has concomitant costs.

Eventually these costs may outweigh the subjective benefits the addiction offers the individual. Nonetheless, people continue their addictions as long as they believe the addictions continue to do something for them.

It is important to place addictive habits in their proper context, as part of people’s lives, their personalities, their relationships, their environments, their perspectives. The effort to change an addiction will generally affect all these other facets of a person’s life as well.

An addiction may involve any attachment or sensation that grows to such proportions that it damages a person’s life.

Addictions, no matter to what, follow certain common patterns. We first made clear in Love and Addiction that addiction - the single-minded grasping of a magic-seeming object or involvement; the loss of control, perspective, and priorities - is not limited to drug and alcohol addictions.

When a person becomes addicted, it is not to a chemical but to an experience. Anything that a person finds sufficiently consuming and that seems to remedy deficiencies in the person’s life can serve as an addiction.

The addictive potential of a substance or other involvement lies primarily in the meaning it has for a person.

A person is vulnerable to addiction when that person feels a lack of satisfaction in life, an absence of intimacy or strong connections to other people, a lack of self-confidence or compelling interests, or a loss of hope.

Periods such as adolescence, military service, and times of isolation or grief may for a time make people especially susceptible to an addiction.

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Under some circumstances, a harmful involvement can become so important to a person that addiction is very likely, as heroin addiction was for many in Vietnam.

Situations in which people are deprived of family and the usual community supports; where they are denied rewarding or constructive activities; where they are afraid, uncomfortable, and under stress; and where they are out of control of their lives - these are situations especially likely to create addiction.

The relationship between hopelessness, lack of opportunity, and persistent addiction is, of course, a template for lives in ghettos. Recognizing the connection between these situational factors and addiction will explain why our wars on drugs, including the latest, never succeed.

The “hook” of the addiction - the thing that keeps people coming back to it - is that it gives people feelings and gratifying sensations that they are not able to get in other ways. It may block out sensations of pain, uncertainty, or discomfort.

It may create powerfully distracting sensations that focus and absorb attention. It may enable a person to forget, or feel “okay” about, insurmountable problems.

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It may provide artificial, temporary feelings of security or calm, of self-worth or accomplishment, of power or control, of intimacy or belonging.

These benefits explain why a person keeps coming back to the addictive experience - an addiction accomplishes something for that person, or the person anticipates that it will do so, however illusory these benefits may actually be.

Addiction, drug abuse, alcoholism, obesity, and smoking all involve and are fueled by value choices. Think of people whose lives are “together” - who enjoy strong emotional bonds with others, productive work, satisfying feelings of competence and of fun, and a sense of responsibility toward others.

Will they become addicted to drugs or alcohol because of some physiological susceptibility and allow the addiction to undo the fabric of their lives? For you personally, can you imagine getting so drunk that you would abuse your infant child? It just doesn’t happen that way.

If you have better things to do and value other things more than escape into intoxication, then you won’t make intoxication the center of your life.

And if you are addicted, you can best overcome it by creating or re-creating those personal strengths and values.

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Whatever the subjective benefits of an addiction or the values that drive an addiction, the person pays a price for an addictive involvement.

Addictions make people less aware of and less able to respond to other people, events, and activities. Thus, the addictive experience reinforces and exacerbates the problems the person wanted so badly to get away from in the first place.

In the person’s inner, subjective experience, the addiction may make things seem better.

But in the real world, it only makes things worse. With the worst addictions, jobs and relationships fall away; health deteriorates; debts increase; opportunities disappear; the business of life is neglected.

The person is increasingly “out of touch” with nourishing contacts and essential responsibilities.

This growing disengagement from the realities of life sets the person up for the trauma of withdrawal. When the addictive experience is removed, the person is deprived of what has become his or her primary source of comfort and reassurance.

Simultaneously, the person “crash-lands” back onto an inhospitable world, a world from which the person has been using the addiction to escape.

Compared with these existential torments, the purely physical dislocations of withdrawal are, even for most heroin addicts, not particularly debilitating.

After all, nearly everyone who receives powerful narcotics in the hospital gives them up after returning home or when the illness is over. Consider also that drug addicts and alcoholics indicate that the most unbearable drug withdrawal is from cigarettes.

And if one puts all withdrawal on a scale, probably the worst of all occurs in the case of failed love relationships.

The experience of withdrawal, like that of addiction, is shaped by the way a person interprets it. In therapeutic communities like Daytop Village in New York, addicts are not excused from their normal duties when they undergo withdrawal; as a result, withdrawing addicts - even those who have had several withdrawal episodes previously - continue mopping floors and carrying out other duties.

Cultural beliefs also play a crucial role in addiction - for example, beliefs that are widely propagated about the power of a drug to enslave a person and the difficulty of escaping it actually contribute to the difficulties of withdrawal.

Equally important are the person’s readiness to confront withdrawal and belief that he or she can manage it.

If you are convinced that withdrawal will be intolerably painful and that you cannot withstand it, or if you don’t have sufficiently powerful reasons to confront withdrawal experiences, you won’t be prepared to withdraw from your addiction.

The addict who feels incapable of existing without a drug can never successfully withdraw, and doesn’t want to try.

Related: Overcoming Anxiety By Embracing Uncertainty

Ironically, one of the beliefs that most contribute to the susceptibility to addiction is the belief in the power of addiction itself.

Believing that drugs are stronger than you are means you will become addicted more easily and stay addicted longer.

But if you recognize that drugs and alcohol never take away your own responsibilities and capacity to control your destiny - even if you have alcoholic relatives or have had addictive problems in the past - you always stand a better chance of avoiding addiction or dealing with it successfully.

A Commonsense Way of Thinking About Overcoming an Addiction

Although the schematic description above is useful for understanding what addiction is and how it comes about, we need not think of all our troublesome habits or fixations in such dire terms.

In fact, when we overdramatize our addictions, we may do ourselves an injustice and make change more difficult.

An addiction may be more or less severe - and a person may be more or less able to give it up - depending on the circumstances of the person’s life.

Addiction is more likely in stressful times, times when gratifications are slim, times when a person is less together or secure.

Likewise, one type of excess may be more stubbornly entrenched in a person’s routine, or more closely linked to a person’s self-doubt and insecurity, than another.

Addiction occurs along a continuum - there is no easy test to tell you whether you have an addiction or just a bad habit.

For example, by some estimates, half of all Americans are overweight. Are they all addicted overeaters?

Many people encounter significant health risks because of the way they eat (recall that heart disease is America’s major killer). Are these the addicts? Some people are preoccupied day and night with their eating; they are suffused with guilt over eating too much, yet they are unable to change their eating habits.

Related: Addiction To Junk Food: More Than Meets The Eye

Surely, these are the addicts, we think. A still more limited group of people encounter major health problems through their overweight, severely restricting their lives, but are unable to modify their eating habits.

At the furthest extreme of addiction are the minuscule number of people who become so fat they are completely immobile - people we sometimes see on television who may not even be able to fit through their doorways.

If we call only these people - people who have given up all effort to control their eating - true addicts, we end up with a fraction of a percentage of addicted overeaters, and books wouldn’t need to be written for millions of people who fear they have food addictions.

Moreover, for this minuscule group, concepts such as “denial” hardly seem to have meaning - does the twelve-hundred-pound man who hasn’t left his house in years really need to be told that he has an addictive eating problem?

For most people, the exercise of drawing the line that divides “addicted” from “normal” is not very helpful.

We need to remember that nearly all people cut back and forth across these categories at different points in their lives and in different situations.

Related: Chemical Exposure Linked To Rising Diabetes, Obesity Risk

Although letting your urges overcome you to gain total control of your life is a relatively rare phenomenon, everyone has addictive urges and sometimes gives in to them. Addiction characterizes some aspect of everyone’s life - this is one reason why it is so ridiculous to think of it as a disease.

Thin people whom we envy for their self-control will tell us there are some treats they can’t keep in the house because otherwise they would eat them all at once.

Remember that people whom we admire for having had the strength to quit smoking used to search ashtrays desperately looking for a butt when they ran out of cigarettes!

What we most need to know is not how bad off or how genuinely addicted we are but, rather, how people learn to resist successfully the addictive or unhealthy urges that come with being human.

How do they construct full lives, develop alternatives to addiction, learn the strength to stop after having started or, when necessary, not to start at all?

Let us start, then, with alcoholism, the addiction most commonly referred to as a disease. There must be - there is - a better way to understand and redirect the paths people take into and out of problem drinking

Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi

Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi
The Secret Meaning of April Fool’s Day - Including: Bread And Circus, Medication And Conditioning, Omission And Denial
April 1 2021 | From: GnosticWarrior / Various

April Fools’ Day is a special day dedicated to playing practical jokes and pranks.

In English- speaking countries it is known as an April fool; in France, an April fish; in Scotland, he is an April gawk.

Related: Tracing back the ancient origins of April Fools’ Day

But most people who partake in the foolish fun have no idea why we still celebrate this day filled with gags.

It makes you wonder who is being played the fool here.

The secret meaning of April Fools’ Day surrounds the story of the old Gnostic, pagan celebrations, and Christ being Crucified.

My research shows that it was created by the Church in order to fool and ridicule the followers of various rites that were celebrated on April 1st surrounding the competing cults of the Roman Saturnulia and the Druidical rites.

April Fool’s Day is but a corruption of All Fool’s Day; and that it is borrowed from the Roman “Festum Fatuorum,” Feast of Fools, a Fool‘s Holiday.

A sort of foolish Christian propaganda they would employ to play jokes on who they may have thought were pagan fools.

Bread and Circus, Medication and Conditioning, Omission and Denial

This is Big Sports and Entertainment have been designed to keep the masses appeased so they don’t have time to become concerned about how the Establishment is ripping them off at every level nor any inclination to be motivated to stop them from doing so.

And it's not a new trick but a variation on a theme developed by the elite in Roman times.

This is where the great schism lies. The awake and aware have snapped out of the control system. Those who haven't are being tooled around like puppets on a million nano strings. When you don't know, you don't know that you don't know...and are very easy to keep being fooled.

When you've woken up, the world is completely reversed from everything you were told and believed before. You now know that you now know! And everything rights itself and all is clear.

It takes some cobweb clearing to get a handle on the real picture but it happens, and in a relative hurry.

Truth not only defends itself, but drives itself.

The Romans came up with the idea that if you keep the people fed, watered and entertained - distracted - the 'elite' can get away with anything, behind the scenes. Today we have professional sports hysteria, mass media movies, mindless reality TV and music filling that role nicely, while subconsciously programming the masses with the themes and thoughtforms the elite decide on to further their agendas

"Bread and circuses" (or bread and games; from Latin: panem et circenses) is metonymic for a superficial means of appeasement. In the case of politics, the phrase is used to describe the generation of public approval, not through exemplary or excellent public service or public policy, but through diversion; distraction; or the mere satisfaction of the immediate, shallow requirements of a populace, as an offered "palliative."

Its originator, Juvenal, used the phrase to decry the selfishness of common people and their neglect of wider concerns.
The phrase also implies the erosion or ignorance of civic duty amongst the concerns of the commoner.

Much of the violence and filth we have to live with can be directly attributed to this powerful mind-kontrol system which operates by the power of 60 HZ conditioned susceptibility, hypnosis for many. Hollywood superstars are paid big money because what they do is important to the Establishment Hierarchy, in terms of mind-kontrolling the masses and much of the world.

How do they maintain this illusion? Mental conditioning is the name of the game for the designers and propagators of the matrix.

Distraction: The Major Mass Media Cartel

This is best described as the Controlled Major Mass Media (CMMM). It uses an Intel proprietary to vet every single story carried by the news networks which actually function as a virtual and illegal Monopoly.

This Khazarian Mafia proprietary is a major Investment House that claims to be on the Vanguard of progressive investments.

Distraction: Mass Entertainment

This is based on the sophisticated mind-kontrol served up by Hollywood and the Television networks and movie theaters. It controls the culture, values and mores of the group mind and and keeps the massed sedated and satiated.

When folks experience frequent “shoot em up” action scenario’s sitting in front of large screen TVs and in movie theaters and frequently see the impossible, this satiates their expectations and exhausts their motivation to actually change society for the better.

Many have become so “programmed” mentally by the TV and movies that they have trouble distinguishing between fantasy and reality and easily accept their mind-kontrolled state.

Once the pattern is established in its captive subjects, the more you can pour the lies on without them being noticed.
Also disguised is the fact that their every intention for humanity is for control and exploitation....at any cost or consequence to these expendable "human resources".

To achieve this conditioning requires quite an effort on their part, because we are ultimately irrepressible and they know that. It's like chemtrails. If they don't keep spraying the required concentration of their toxic soup the effects start to wane, like the fluoride dosing and the rest. To keep the vast majority sleep walking they use all kinds of methods and have to maintain them.

"The more we do to you, the less you seem to believe we are doing it."

- Josef Mengele

It's also inspiring...because no matter what they do to us they can't put us out of commission. Unless they kill us off entirely, but that's just a promotion to the next level.

Tools that Numb

But what specifically do they control us by? They flood our bodies with drugs delivered by any means possible; deprivation of nutrition, sunlight and clean air, water and food; dumbed down education and a fully controlled media with mind numbing false news and so-called entertainment; electromagnetic smog blasting on the human nervous system wavelength; violence and oppressive fear and terror tactics, and on and on.

They do this with impunity. Imagine the world is a massive internment camp where the captors give the illusion the inmates are free by letting them have a few choices within this massive facility, and disguise the barbed wire fence as gorgeous murals, and the control devices as modern marvels for their advancement.

Wars are a perfect example. All supposedly for our defense, safety and security, when it's the exact opposite.

Basic Simple Questions

Some fundamental questions that beg answers that are evident before any clear thinking individual:

How can a government usurping monstrosity like the United Snakes Corporation and its affiliate thugs gang rape a planet and make it look benevolent?

How can obviously lying elitist politicians bought off by the highest bidder be taken as serious entities in governing institutions?

How can known secretive government sponsored agencies pull off assassinations and staged bombings and shootings in plain sight?

How can the most murderous, supremacist, fascist, arrogant, racist people on earth be called "the chosen ones" and given title to anything they want including their own sanctioned Zionist territory and ravenous, genocidal agenda and be given complete religious, social and political immunity and massive financial support? All supposedly based on clearly misguided insane religious zeal?

How can sweeping freedom destroying measures be instituted by "executive order" and other means in a representative republic, or any supposedly democratic regime?

How can the food, water and air be deliberately poisoned in public knowledge and in plain sight?

How can the genetic modification of not just plants and animals but human beings be tolerated, no matter the stated justification?

How can technocratic electro-surveillance, artificial intelligence, robotic warfare and social and mental manipulation be known and accepted as legitimate human altering science and in full implementation for mass control?

....and on and on...why wouldn't people in such an abused situation not go virtually berserk in protest, or a least speak out on a massive scale?

From Pagan Celebrations to the Crucifixion of Christ

The majority of modern scholars favour the date 7 April, 30 AD to be when Christ had been crucified. Another popular date is Friday, April 3, AD 33. This date I believe later became the holiday we now call April Fools’ Day or All Fools’ Day.

In Italy, France and Belgium, children and adults traditionally tack paper fishes on each other’s back as a trick and shout “April fish!”

The Koine Greek word for fish: ἰχθύς, (capitalized ΙΧΘΥΣ or ΙΧΘΥϹ) is a symbol consisting of two intersecting arcs, the ends of the right side extending beyond the meeting point so as to resemble the profile of a fish, used by early Christians as a secret Christian symbol and now known colloquially as the “sign of the fish” or the “Jesus fish.”

In order to catch a fish, you have to fool it with some bait that is concealing a sharp hook. Once the fish bites the bait, he has been fooled and by Jesus, you caught a fish.

Only this time, they are fishers of men…

Related: How You Were Tricked To Live In The Land Of The Legally Dead

Supporting Research:

The origin of this custom has been much disputed, and many ludicrous solutions have been suggested, e.g. that it is a farcical commemoration of Christ being sent from Annas to Caiaphas, from Caiaphas to Pilate, from Pilate to Herod, and from Herod back again to Pilate, the crucifixion having taken place about the 1st of April.

What seems certain is that it is in some way or other a relic of those once universal festivities held at the vernal equinox, which, beginning on old New Year’s day, the 1st of March, ended on the 1st of April.

This view gains support from the fact that the exact counterpart of April-fooling is found to have been an immemorial custom in India.

The festival of the spring equinox is there termed the feast of fool, the last day of which is the 1st of March, upon which the chief amusement is the befooling of people by sending them on fruitless errands. It has been plausibly suggested that Europe derived its April-fooling from the French.

They were the first nation to adopt the reformed calendar, Charles IX., in 1564 decreeing that the year should begin with the 1st of January.

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Thus the New Year’s gifts and visits of felicitation which had been the feature of the 1st of April became associated with the first day of January, and those who disliked the change were fair butts for those wits who amused themselves by sending mock presents and paying calls of a pretended ceremony on the 1st of April.

Though the 1st of April appears to have been anciently observed in Great Britain as a general festival, it was apparently not until the beginning of the 18th century that the making of April-fools was a common custom.

In Scotland, the custom was known as “hunting the gowk,” i.t. the cuckoo, and April-fools were “April-gowks,” the cuckoo being there, as it is in most lands, a term of contempt.

In France the person be fooled is known as poisson ti’avril. This has been explained from the association of ideas arising from the fact that in April the sun quits the zodiacal sign of the fish.

A far more natural explanation would seem to be that the April fish would be a young fish and therefore easily caught.

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Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi

Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi
Bio-Resonant Therapy And Telecommunication Frequencies
March 31 2021 | From: ThomasKramer / Various

This paper is meant to be a layman’s understanding of “frequencies” and how they can be beneficial or harmful to humans and all other living things.

It is a little bit technical but this is necessary for understanding of how the pieces fit together.

Related: Are There Patents To Manipulate The Human Nervous System Using Electromagnetic Frequencies?

This is basically showing how the Bio-Resonance Resonance Therapies and telecommunication broadcasts work to influence healing or to intentionally create “dis-ease”.

A Little History

“In the Beginning was the Word"... a frequency vibration.

All of Creation is frequency based. Everything vibrates to its own unique drummer.

There are 9 fundamental frequencies in our universe.

74Hz 285Hz 396Hz 417Hz 528Hz 639Hz 741Hz 852Hz 936Hz

These are based on the Solfaggio scale and the numbers 3, 6 and 9.

528 Hz is the only frequency that corresponds to both a sound and the color green.

Together these audible frequencies form a perfect circle.

What is a Frequency?

It is the length of a wave over a period of time, most commonly viewed as the length of a sine wave from peak to peak measured in meters (or cm, mm, etc.) or in Hertz (Hz (m), KiloHz(cm), MegaHz (mm), GigaHz, TeraHz, etc. as the wave spacing becomes progressively shorter) as a number of cycles per second.

Related: Microwave EMF Science: Deliberate Claptrap Misinformation? + ElectroSensitivity - A Case Study

1 Hz = 29,979,245.8 meter wave length

Human brain waves are in ELF frequencies of 1 -20+ Hz

Human audible range is 20 Hz to 20 KHz

Test Yourself: 20Hz to 20kHz (Human Audio Spectrum)

Radio. TV, Radar, Telecoms are in KHz – THz bands

TeraHz frequencies are infrared (cooking) bands

Most people think that frequency vibrations are sinusoidal waves, but the correct visualization is more like a slinky toy spring and anybody who studies radio waves or radar will tell you that there are “side bands” that can be tapped into like at 90°, 180° or 270° and other degrees.

This means that the wave form is actual a “spiral”. More on this later.


“The frequencies of the various harmonics are multiples of the frequency of the first harmonic. Each harmonic frequency (fn) is given by the equation fn = n • f1 where n is the harmonic number and f1 is the frequency of the first harmonic.”
- Wikipewia

Simply, the frequency note you start with times a whole number will give you the harmonic of that note.

This is used in music in “three part harmonies” to make some beautiful music and vocals, but in radio / TV transmission “harmonic interference” is why there are gaps between broadcasting frequencies from channel to channel and this appears as “static noise” which is a “dis-harmony”.

432Hz & 440 Hz:

There is also an on-going debate as to how to base tune instruments to either the natural 432 Hz or the 440 Hz frequency that was established as the “international standard” in 1939 by the Rockefeller Group (that should make you wonder “why?”).

Using cymatic technology or simply placing a metal plate on top of a speaker and sprinkling sand on it and then tuning to both of these frequencies, you can easily SEE which frequency creates more harmonious shapes (432 Hz) and thus feels better to listen to.

All living cells, individually and in groupings, all vibrate in harmony with each other in a healthy entity. When there is “dis-harmony” (440 Hz) there evolves “Dis-ease”.

Water which makes up 87% of our bodies also reacts negatively to 440 Hz but very positively to other harmonious scale tuned notes that form beautiful patterns in the body when played.

The 11th Harmonic

The 11th harmonic of 48 Hz (11 times 48 = 528 Hz) but when played together is known to shatter all biological life!

If you don’t believe me, just listen to this.

I told you so... but you did it anyway.

The importance of this knowledge is that once you know the frequency of a pathogen, virus, bacteria, fungi or other specific harmful invader, you can use the 11th harmonic to kill it. This also applies to cancer cells and other tissues that are not operating at their normal frequencies.

And the good news is that in the past few decades, scientists have successfully mapped out millions of these cellular frequencies and are developing Bio-Resonance Therapy devices to counteract the dis-eases and dis-harmonies encountered.

528 Hz + 741 Hz

There are 9 Prime Frequencies in nature that when played in sequence create a perfect circle. These Prime Frequencies are:

174Hz, 285Hz, 396Hz, 417Hz, 528Hz, 639Hz, 741Hz, 852Hz, 963Hz

And the harmonies of these repeat throughout nature.

It should also be noted that the combination of the two prime frequencies of 528 Hz plus 741 Hz also creates dis-harmonies and can be extremely harmful to all life.

Played separately they are beneficial but together or hidden as a “side band” frequency on a “carrier wave” being broadcast, they can be very harmful.

Related: New Study: 528Hz Sound "Miraculously" Cleaned Oil Polluted Water In The Gulf Of Mexico

Simply, be aware when you hear things that are “OUT OF TUNE” or with a lot of “static”.

This is how THEY have weaponized frequencies that can cause fear, anger, confusion, lethargy, psychotic seizures and even heart attacks and death.

What may be more disturbing is that modern telecommunication cell towers use “
signal triangulation” to pinpoint your location down to 1-foot and then use extremely directional beam forming technology to target you wherever you are.

Add sideband harmful frequencies and THEY have the ultimate silent killer.

This is a wake-up call. Take heed and understand.

The Bio-Resonance Therapy Healing Computer – Counter Strike

The BRT Healing Computer is a highly precise frequency scanner and transmitter generator that first identifies “dis-harmonies” or frequencies that cause “dis-ease” and then automatically generates frequencies that nullify the “dis-harmonies” by using jamming techniques like the 11th harmonics or amplitude increases (essentially increase the volume) of the correct frequencies to bring cell functions back into harmony.

A healing session begins with a full body frequency scan of all the organs, chakras and aura.

This results in a comprehensive diagnostic report that details the baseline conditions prior to treatment. Based on the scan results, the computer algorithms then program a series of specific treatment frequencies transmitted into the body to treat the specific problem areas.

Related: Introduction / Overview: The ‘Healing Computer’ Technology

Typically the treatment frequencies also include frequency ranges that stimulate immune systems, as well as, frequencies that attack common known pathogens.

This healing session takes 15-20 minutes only per session and is followed by another full body scan which is then compared to the initial scan together with the detailed diagnostic results.

Fifth Generation Telecommunication (G5) Frequencies and Health

Currently there are very serious debates going on concerning the roll-out of advanced high-speed telecommunication networks and their health effects. This is addressed in this section but first some fundamental understandings.

Firstly, 1G, 2G, 3G, 4G, 5G, 6G all refer to a technical generation and not to a specific frequency but usually to frequency bandwidths that telecommunication transmitters and receivers function. Generally the shorter the wave length, the closer you can tune transmitter/receivers and the more bandwidth that can be dedicated to the data that you can transmit.

But there is an inherent problem with higher frequencies called “attenuation” or the rate of “absorption” in the atmosphere and in any objects in the way of the transmitting frequency beam. This means that cell towers for 5G or 6G have to be very close together as trees, buildings, rain or fog and anything solid like human beings tend to absorb the signals.

Related: Can EMF Make Us More Susceptible To Coronavirus Infection? & FCC Chair Commits To Enhancing WiFi/5G During Pandemic Despite Warnings From Experts + The First Report Of 5G Injury & Health Advocate Urges Nelson City Council To Halt 5G Roll-Out

Water (H2O) and Oxygen (O2) are the primary factors in all life forms on the surface of the Earth. Any alteration to their vibration frequencies and harmonics thereof, will have potentially serious effects on all life, particularly if specific frequencies effect in their bonding capabilities.

Dr. Andrija (Henry) Puharich

Dr. Puharich is an unsung hero in the frequency field. After WWII he went back to college and got his doctorate and then developed and patented a device that delivered sound waves direct to the skull of deaf individuals that allowed them to hear again.

This caught the eyes of the CIA, DOD and other Agencies that were interested in the effects of “radiation” (atomic fallout), so they grabbed him and set him up with his own private lab. This resulted in a number of important inventions and over 50 patents, but what is interesting here is his work with WATER DISSOCIATION (splitting water into Hydrogen and Oxygen).

Dr. Puharich’s patent U.S. Patent 4,394,230 in 1983 for a "Method and Apparatus for Splitting Water Molecules" which he developed and practically tested in his RV in the early 1970’s. This patent is a wellspring of technical information concerning frequencies that can cause water bonding to function various ways.

Related: Research Shows We Can Heal With Vibration, Frequency & Sound + Which Is Worse: The NSA Or The FDA?

Summarizing what Dr. Puharich did in order to split water began with his frequency generator that he set to attenuate (turn on and off) at a ramping up to full-on then down to full-off every 3 seconds.

This is like turning the volume to maximum and then off repeatedly. This caused pulsing of the atomic nucleus of both Hydrogen and Oxygen resulting in an expansion and contraction of both fields.

He then generated specific frequencies that affected the Hydrogen-Oxygen bonds. This is seen in these diagrams and accompanying frequencies below.

160 mm = 1.87 GHz 220 mm = 1.36 GHz

290 mm = 1.03 GHz 80 mm = 3.74 GHz

1200mm = 0.25 GHz 1750mm = 0.71 GHz 3000mm = 0.09 GHz

These frequencies and their harmonics cause the Hydrogen-Oxygen bonds to stretch, pull apart, come closer together, twist and even create an umbrella effect and the nuclear ballooning pulse adds to the eventual dissociation splitting of the water molecules.

What do you think would happen if you added an 11th harmonic as a sideband? Splitting water inside a body would be no fun. Notice that these are all in the low GigaHz transmission range and are very close to the microwave oven frequency of 2.45 GHz that rapidly heats water and causes a reverse atomic flipping.

This is another harmful frequency to avoid unless you like being cooked. Then you can add 443.9MHz, 5.8 GHz, 34.125 GHz and commercial oven frequencies of 915 MHz to the list of frequencies that cause dielectric polar heating of water.

And now you should begin to understand that there are plenty of ways to cook humans at a distance.
Or any other life forms.

Microwave Ovens and WiFi Controversy

Microwave ovens operate at a variety of bandwidths peaking around 2.450 GHz. This frequency range causes “polarized” molecules to “flip” and align with the peak or trough of this wave form.

It is this rapid flipping that essentially results in friction and heat. This is basically the same as rapidly bending a wire till it heats up and breaks.

Related: 5G And IoT: A Trojan Horse + Wifi Linked To Cancer And DNA Damage, Says New Report: Here’s What To Do

WATER being a polarized molecule is the principle molecule that does this flipping but it is not the only bipolar molecules that polar flip and thus heat up at this and nearby frequencies. The important understanding here is that this happens in a broader band around the 2.45 GHz.

This graph shows how the absorption levels ramp up around the microwave oven set bandwidth.

Related: 5G Network Uses Same EMF Waves As Pentagon Crowd Control System + NZ 5G Update: June 2018

These graphs show 4 different microwave ovens from the same manufacturer and model but having significant variations in magnetron emissions.

This is normal and is caused by a number of factors including slight variances in manufacturing tolerances, voltage or wattage output changes, and so on.

Typically microwave ovens operate at
600-1200 Watts but these frequencies are confined inside a steel box and are tested to see if no more than 5 milliwatts can be detected only 2 inches from the oven to prevent any serious harm to anyone nearby.

5G WiFi routers in your home operate at 0.1 – 40 Watts using omni-directional transmitters also in the 2.4 GHz bandwidth... but without shielding. Most WiFi routers operate in the milliwatt output ranges unless a larger range is required.

Also, since this is a narrow operating bandwidth, there is often “interference” between nearby routers causing potential “disharmonies” and “dis-ease”.

Generally any transmitters operating in the 2.4 GHz bandwidth can be dangerous, even at very low wattages. The atomic “flipping” of bi-polar molecules will occur in this range. And YOUR DNA is a di-pole antenna array. Understand? This can cause DNA damage.

High Band Transmitters (20 GHz to 300 GHz)

This is where things get real nasty. Take a close look at the “absorption rates” of microwave frequencies in this range for WATER AND OXYGEN.

Related: Do You Really Understand The Health Risks From Microwave Technology? + The Health Effects Of Microwave Radiation Spelled Out

Note the clear ramping up and down of these peaks.

What is important to SEE is that this “absorption” occurs over a broad frequency range and Oxygen alone or in H2O is energetically altered as a result of this electromagnetic broadcasted stimulation.

This is different than the 2.45 GHz flipping that changes the spin structure of water as it is more like an atom expansion. This is akin to blowing up a balloon and then trying to fit it back through a small hole that the empty balloon could fit through.

Related: Why Heating Food With Microwave Radiation Is Harmful To Your Health

Note how the absorption (attenuation) steadily climbs in this frequency range with Oxygen peaking at nearly 100% at 60 GHz and again at 40% at 118 GHz and Water following and peaking at near 100% at 183 GHz.

Actually you have consider the full ranges of ramping up and down as this is where frequency absorption is the greatest and presents the biggest threat to life. Looking at the graphs again you can see that the dangerous bands are in the 40 GHz-80 GHz and 100 GHz – 200+ GHz bandwidths.

The reasons that telecommunication companies want to use this High Band technology is:

1. It allows for broader bandwidth transmissions which increases data rates and

2. Decreases harmonic interference and

3. Allows for precise directional targeting of microwaves to pinpoint individual users

4. By using advanced triangulation and beam forming technologies

Simply put, it allows them to track you and send a high frequency microwave beam directly at YOU.

This all sounds great in that you will get higher speeds for down loading games or watching movies, but there is a very dangerous downside that THEY DO NOT TELL YOU ABOUT.

Watch this: 5G Dangers & Reality: Beamforming & Triangulation. Water Molecules & Microwave

Mentioned above were discussions about “harmful harmonics”, “side bands” and “amplitude modulation” (pulsing every 3 seconds) and these open the door to potential ABUSE when using High Band microwaves, especially at frequencies that are absorbed by WATER or OXYGEN.

Related: Know The Truth About Electro Magnetic Frequencies - What The Authorities Don't Tell You

Take for example the known Oxygen maximum absorption being at 60 GHz. Is that not the same as the 2nd harmonic of 30 GHz, or 10th harmonic of 6 GHz, or 20th harmonic of 3 GHz????? So broadcast frequencies can be different and achieve the same results.

And a similar effect can also be achieved at 50 GHz, or 72 GHz, or almost any frequency in the primary absorption ranges. It is not just one single bad frequency or harmonic thereof. There are “MANY” to chose from that will achieve the same results.

And What is the Result of 60 GHz Transmissions?

The result is that Oxygen in the air and in Water becomes more energized and simply swells up like a balloon making it less reactive in a normal way with the iron carrier in the hemoglobin in the blood cells throughout the blood stream. With no Oxygen being absorbed by the blood YOU DIE.

• Bombshell Plea From NYC ICU Doctor: COVID-19 Is a Condition of Oxygen Deprivation, Not Pneumonia! Ventilators May Be Causing the Lung Damage, Not the Virus!

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Plea From NYC ICU doctor: COVID-19 is a Condition of Oxygen Deprivation,Not Pneumonia - Ventilators May be Causing the Lung Damage, Not the Virus

And the hardest places hit with the recent pandemic/scamdemic were those areas where advanced G5 transmission towers were installed and TURNED ON. Is this a coincidence?

Now a Look at Our Future

The Federal Communications Commission (FCC) is paving the way for 6G and beyond.

“On Friday [3 April 2020], the agency unanimously voted to open up “terahertz wave” spectrum that could one day be used for 6G services. The spectrum, which falls in the 95 gigahertz (GHz) to 3 terahertz (THz) range, will be open for experimental use to let engineers dreaming of the next generation of wireless begin their work.

The spectrum, once thought of as useless, could offer super high speed internet service for data intensive applications, such as super high resolution imaging and sensing applications.

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But this spectrum isn’t without its challenges. Like millimeter waves, which are used for 5G, this terahertz spectrum has propagation characteristics that require very short transmission distances and line-of-sight transmission.

This means signals won’t be able to penetrate obstacles, like walls, and would be subject to interference from things like trees or changes in weather [or living human beings].

FCC Commissioner Jessica Rosenworcel said, “there is something undeniably cool about putting these stratospheric frequencies to use and converting their propagation challenges into opportunity.”

FCC gives access to 5.9GHz spectrum for rural wireless broadband amid coronavirus pandemic.”

Isn’t the 10th harmonic of 5.9 GHz equal to 59 GHz? That is in the peak range for Oxygen absorption, so it looks like the FCC is intent to cover “rural” farmers in Oxygen deprivation too. How nice.

Now take a look at this frequency graph, particularly in the 100 GHz to 95 THz range.

Related: Los Alamos Research Explains How 5G Terahertz Waves Tear Apart DNA & Why We Must Stop The 5G Wireless Network

Almost the entire sub-millimeter range has HUGE WATER frequency absorption rates and that continues into the infrared mid-range (infrared frequencies are what we use in electric stoves, ovens and heaters and is the prime bandwidth for solar radiation).

So the FCC has happily done a “cool” thing by opening up frequencies that cook the water in your body and then put you on a heater. How can that be “cool”?

By now you should have a basic understanding of how telecommunication systems work and can easily be abused. The question now is “how do we ensure these systems are NOT ABUSED?”

It should be apparent to YOU by now that we need to have safeguards in place to protect all life on Mother Earth. We simply cannot allow the use of specific frequencies that are obviously harmful to all life to be transmitted.

Life has been under intentional attack by those (like those in the FCC) whose intent or directed actions all lead to depopulation, disharmony and dis-eases.


Here are some fundamental solutions that should be considered. Add your own too.

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1. Frequency Test Every Transmitting Equipment and Certify Prior to Installation

Frequency testing is easily done with automatic frequency scanners and this can cover the carrier frequencies, harmonious and sideband frequencies which can automatically identify harmful or abusive frequencies.

2. Test Every Operating Program Before Certification

Harmful frequencies can easily be hidden in computer software coding. Transparency and cooperation with manufacturers and their programmers is thus mandatory.

3. Make All Transmission Equipment Manufacturers, Installers and Operators Fully Liable

Full legal liability is a primary deterrent if applied to companies and their shareholders, management and employees if any harm does occur.


Spread this knowledge to others and actively protest until real public safeguards are in place and properly independently monitored. The telecommunication industry will not comply unless broadly and publicly exposed, so do your part.

It has been the Elite’s stated objective to decimate global populations thus it is critically important to remove one of their most secretive and potentially harmful weapons against all humanity, as well as, all life on this planet.

Please awaken to this reality and know that you may already be microwave beam targeted wherever you go.


The Beach Boys got it right over 50 years ago. Our turn now.

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Fauci Knew About HCQ In 2005 - Nobody Needed To Die & Criminal Big Pharma Put In Charge Of COVID-19 Vaccine
March 30 2021 | From: OneNewsNow / TheFreedomArticles / Various

Dr. Anthony Fauci, whose “expert” advice to President Trump resulted in the complete shutdown of the greatest economic engine in world history, has known since 2005 that Chloroquine is an effective inhibitor of Coronaviruses.

How did he know this? Because of research done by the National Institutes of Health, of which he is the director.

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In connection with the SARS outbreak - caused by a coronavirus dubbed SARS- CoV - the NIH researched chloroquine and concluded that it was effective at stopping the SARS coronavirus in its tracks.

The COVID-19 bug is likewise a coronavirus, labeled SARS-CoV-2.

While not exactly the same virus as SARS-CoV-1, it is genetically related to it, and shares 79% of its genome, as the name SARS-CoV-2 implies. They both use the same host cell receptor, which is what viruses use to gain entry to the cell and infect the victim.

The Virology Journal - the official publication of Dr. Fauci’s National Institutes of Health - published what is now a blockbuster article on August 22, 2005, under the heading - get ready for this - “Chloroquine is a potent inhibitor of SARS coronavirus infection and spread.”

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Write the researchers, “We report...that chloroquine has strong antiviral effects on SARS-CoV infection of primate cells. These inhibitory effects are observed when the cells are treated with the drug either before or after exposure to the virus, suggesting both prophylactic and therapeutic advantage.”

This means, of course, that Dr. Fauci (pictured at right) has known for 15 years that chloroquine and it’s even milder derivative hydroxychloroquine (HCQ) will not only treat a current case of coronavirus (“therapeutic”) but prevent future cases (“prophylactic”).

So HCQ functions as both a cure and a vaccine. In other words, it’s a wonder drug for coronavirus. Said Dr. Fauci’s NIH in 2005, “concentrations of 10 μM completely abolished SARS-CoV infection.”

Fauci’s researchers add:

"Chloroquine can effectively reduce the establishment of infection and spread of SARS-CoV.”

Dr. Didier Raoult, the Anthony Fauci of France, had such spectacular success using HCQ to treat victims of SARS-CoV-2 that he said way back on February 25 that “it’s game over” for coronavirus.

He and a team of researchers reported that the use of HCQ administered with both azithromycin and zinc cured 79 of 80 patients with only “rare and minor” adverse events.

“In conclusion,” these researchers write, “we confirm the efficacy of hydroxychloroquine associated with azithromycin in the treatment of COVID-19 and its potential effectiveness in the early impairment of contagiousness.”

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The highly-publicized VA study that purported to show HCQ was ineffective showed nothing of the sort. HCQ wasn’t administered until the patients were virtually on their deathbeds when research indicates it should be prescribed as soon as symptoms are apparent.

Plus, HCQ was administered without azithromycin and zinc, which form the cocktail that makes it supremely effective. At-risk individuals need to receive the HCQ cocktail at the first sign of symptoms.

But Governor Andrew Cuomo banned the use of HCQ in the entire state of New York on March 6, the Democrat governors of Nevada and Michigan soon followed suit, and by March 28 the whole country was under incarceration-in-place fatwas.

Nothing happened with regard to the use of HCQ in the U.S. until March 20, when President Trump put his foot down and insisted that the FDA consider authorizing HCQ for off-label use to treat SARS-CoV-2.

On March 23, Dr. Vladimir Zelenko reported that he had treated around 500 coronavirus patients with HCQ and had seen an astonishing 100% success rate. That’s not the “anecdotal” evidence Dr. Fauci sneers at, but actual results with real patients in clinical settings.

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“Since last Thursday, my team has treated approximately 350 patients in Kiryas Joel and another 150 patients in other areas of New York with the above regimen.

Of this group and the information provided to me by affiliated medical teams, we have had ZERO deaths, ZERO hospitalizations, and ZERO intubations. In addition, I have not heard of any negative side effects other than approximately 10% of patients with temporary nausea and diarrhea.”

Said Dr. Zelenko:

"If you scale this nationally, the economy will rebound much quicker. The country will open again. And let me tell you a very important point. This treatment costs about $20. That’s very important because you can scale that nationally. If every treatment costs $20,000, that’s not so good.

All I’m doing is repurposing old, available drugs which we know their safety profiles, and using them in a unique combination in an outpatient setting."

The questions are disturbing to a spectacular degree. If Dr. Fauci has known since 2005 of the effectiveness of HCQ, why hasn’t it been administered immediately after people show symptoms, as Dr. Zelenko has done?

Maybe then nobody would have died and nobody would have been incarcerated in place except the sick, which is who a quarantine is for in the first place. To paraphrase Jesus, it’s not the symptom-free who need HCQ but the sick. And they need it at the first sign of symptoms.

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While the regressive health care establishment wants the HCQ cocktail to only be administered late in the course of the infection, from a medical standpoint, this is stupid.

Said one doctor, “As a physician, this baffles me. I can’t think of a single infectious condition - bacterial, fungal, or viral - where the best medical treatment is to delay the use of an anti-bacterial, anti-fungal, or anti-viral until the infection is far advanced.”

So why has Dr. Fauci minimized and dismissed HCQ at every turn instead of pushing this thing from jump street? He didn’t even launch clinical trials of HCQ until April 9, by which time 33,000 people had died.

This may be why: “Chloroquine, a relatively safe, effective and cheap drug used for treating many human diseases...is effective in inhibiting the infection and spread of SARS CoV.

That’s the problem. It is safe, inexpensive, and it works - in other words, there’s nothing sexy or avant-garde about HCQ. It’s been around since 1934.

Given human nature, it’s possible, even likely, that those who are chasing the unicorn of a coronavirus vaccine are doing so for reasons other than human health.

I can’t see into anybody’s heart, and can’t presume to know their motives, but on the other hand, human nature recognizes that there’s no glory in pushing HCQ, and nobody is going to get anything named for him in the history books.

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The polio vaccine was developed by Jonas Salk in 1954, and it is still known as the “Salk vaccine.” There will be no “Fauci vaccine” if HCQ is the answer to the problem.

So while Dr. Fauci is tut-tutting and pooh-poohing HCQ, Dr. Raoult and Dr. Zelensky are out there saving lives at $20 a pop. Maybe we should spend more time listening to them than the wizards-of-smart bureaucrats the Talking Snake Media fawns over.

Dr. Fauci is regarded by the Talking Snake Media as the Oracle at Delphi. The entire nation hangs on his every word. But if nobody is dying and nobody is locked down, his 15 minutes of fame fades to zero.

Very few people are not going to be influenced by that prospect, especially when it’s easy to keep the attention of the public by continuing to feed the panic.

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It should not be overlooked that there is no money in HCQ for Big Pharma since HCQ is a generic that can be manufactured so cheaply there is little profit margin in it.

On the other hand, the payday for a vaccine will literally be off-the-charts. Who knows what kind of behind-the-scenes pressure is being put on Fauci and others in the health care establishment?

There is a monstrous reputational risk for those who will be found to have dismissively waved off a treatment that could have been used from the very beginning, even back on February 15 when Dr. Fauci said that the risk from Coronavirus was “minuscule.”

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How many lives could have been saved if the heads of our multi-billion dollar health care bureaucracy had been advocating for HCQ treatment from day one? We’ll never know. Instead, their advice has been dangerous and deadly in every sense of that word.

Someday - maybe even today - we will be able to identify the individuals who had the knowledge and expertise to make a global difference, but turned up their noses at the solution when it could have made all the difference in the world.

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Criminal Big Pharma Put In Charge Of COVID-19 Vaccine

Coronavirus Disease 2019 or “Covid-19” hysteria is sweeping the globe – with mass media-induced public panic paralyzing entire nations, gutting economies of billions as workplaces are shutdown and the public shuttered indoors all while exposed to 24 hour news cycles deliberately fanning the flames of fear.

The West’s healthcare industry is already profiting both monetarily and in terms of artificial credibility as a panicked public turn to it for answers and safety.

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Waiting to cash in on offering “cures” and “vaccines” for a virus that is essentially a bad cold – is the immensely corrupt Western pharmaceutical industry in particular – notorious corporations like GlaxoSmithKline (GSK), Novartis, Bayer, Merck, Johnson and Johnson, Pfizer, Lilly, and Gilead.

All corporations – without exception – pursuing government-funded vaccines and therapies for Covid-19 are corporations guilty and repeatedly convicted in courts of law around the globe of crimes including falsifying research, safety, and efficacy studies, bribing researchers, doctors, regulators, and even law enforcement officials, and marketing drugs that were either entirely ineffective or even dangerous.

Government funding from taxpayers across the Western World are being funneled into supposedly non-profit organizations like the Coalition for Epidemic Preparedness Innovation (CEPI) which are in actuality fronts created and chaired by big-pharma to avoid investing their own money into costly research and development and simply profit from whatever emerges from state-funded research.

CEPI – for example – is receiving billions in government funds from various nations that will be used for R&D that results in products sold by and profited from big-pharma.

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Novartis – Plumbing the Depths of the Despicable

A particularly shocking and appalling example comes from Swiss pharmaceutical giant Novartis – who is currently attempting to ram through approval of its drug Jakafi as a therapy for severe Covid-19 patients.

A University of Pennsylvania team headed by Dr. Carl June and funded entirely by charity had developed a gene therapy that fully and permanently cured leukemia patients who had otherwise failed to respond to more traditional treatments like bone marrow transplants.

During early trials in 2010-2012, one patient – a 6 year old named Emily Whitehead – was literally on her death bed before receiving the revolutionary gene therapy.

Today she is alive and well, in permanent remission.

What is more astounding about the therapy is that it is administered only one time. That is because after administration the patient’s cells are rewired permanently to fight off cancer. Old cells pass the cancer-fighting information off to new cells as they divide and multiply.

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The therapy developed by Dr. June’s team is not only a one-time therapy, it is also incredibly cost effective. Under experimental conditions the procedure cost under 20,000 USD.

Dr. June at a 2013 talk at The Society for Translational Oncology would state:

"So the cost of goods, it’s interesting. The major cost here is gamma globulin. So the t-cells themselves, with us, for our in-house costs of an apheresis and so on is 15,000 dollars to manufacture the t-cells."

The charity that funded Dr. June’s team – Leukemia & Lymphoma Society (LLS) – would see its work sold off to Novartis, approved by the FDA in 2017 and marketed as Kymriah. What was noted by Dr. June himself as costing 15,000 USD to produce under experimental conditions was marked up by Novartis to an astronomical half-million dollars.

The New York Times article that reported the drug’s cost never mentions the actual cost of the drug and instead defers to Novartis’ own explanation as to why the drug was so expensive.

The NYT had previously reported on the therapy’s progress before its acquisition by Novartis, yet NYT writers failed to hold Novartis accountable or inform readers of the actual cost of the therapy and expose price gouging by Novartis.

This helps illustrate the mass media’s role in enabling and covering up for big-pharma’s corruption.

Upon closer examination – and no thanks to publications like NYT – it turns out LLS was and still is in partnership with Novartis and while it denied Novartis had anything to do with the gene therapy funded by LLS and ultimately sold to Novartis – the glaring conflict of interest remains and fits in perfectly with the wider pharmaceutical industry’s track record of corruption, abuse, and placing profits before human life.

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The Novartis example is a microcosm of how the entire industry operates and indeed – precisely how it already is exploiting and profiting from Covid-19 hysteria where hard-working researchers have their work funded by shady “charities” only to be bought up by Big Pharma and dangled over the heads of the desperate for movie-villain ransoms – all in cooperation with a complicit government and mass media.

GSK: A Bribery Racket that Rings the Globe

Another pharmaceutical corporation seeking to profit from Covid-19 is GlaxoSmithKline.

What those who may be exposed to whatever products GSK markets in response to the virus should know is that GSK has been convicted on every inhabited continent of the planet for operating a global bribery racket aimed at doctors, researchers, regulators, politicians, and even law enforcement officials.

GSK has been convicted in Asia. The New York Times in its article, “Drug Giant Faced a Reckoning as China Took Aim at Bribery,” would claim:

"The Glaxo case, which resulted in record penalties of nearly $500 million and a string of guilty pleas by executives, upended the power dynamic in China, unveiling an increasingly assertive government determined to tighten its grip over multinationals.

In the three years since the arrests, the Chinese government, under President Xi Jinping, has unleashed the full force of the country’s authoritarian system, as part of a broader agenda of economic nationalism."

GSK has also been convicted in North America.

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The London Guardian would report in its article GlaxoSmithKline fined $3bn after bribing doctors to increase drugs sales that:

"The pharmaceutical group GlaxoSmithKline has been fined $3bn (£1.9bn) after admitting bribing doctors and encouraging the prescription of unsuitable antidepressants to children.

Glaxo is also expected to admit failing to report safety problems with the diabetes drug Avandia in a district court in Boston on Thursday.

The company encouraged sales reps in the US to mis-sell three drugs to doctors and lavished hospitality and kickbacks on those who agreed to write extra prescriptions, including trips to resorts in Bermuda, Jamaica and California."

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GSK corruption also takes place in Europe. In early 2014, the London Telegraph would report in its article, “GlaxoSmithKline ‘bribed’ doctors to promote drugs in Europe, former worker claims,” that:

"GlaxoSmithKline, Britain’s largest drug company, has been accused of bribing doctors to prescribe their medicines in Europe

Doctors in Poland were allegedly paid to promote its asthma drug, Seretide, under the guise of funding for education programme, a former sales rep has claimed.

Medics were also said to have been paid for lectures in the country which did not take place."

And this is only scratching the surface of GSK’s bribery racket and associated impropriety – saying nothing of the wider industry’s abuse and corruption.

GSK is currently poised to develop and deploy a Covid-19 vaccine with Innovax. Will GSK’s history of bribery and corruption influence the development of a Covid-19 vaccine and its approval for public use?

There is already a convincing answer to that question.

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Big-Pharma Already Caught Faking Pandemics to Fill Their Coffers

The last wave of hysteria regarding a pandemic came in the form of the 2009 H1N1 outbreak or the “swine flu.”

If one vaguely remembers H1N1 and needs to look it up to refresh their memory – it’s probably because it was not the pandemic it was promoted as at the time by corrupt public health officials and a complicit mass media.

Among these corrupt public health officials were World Health Organization (WHO) “experts” who were in the pay of big-pharma and used their positions to declare the appearance of H1N1 as a “pandemic” justifying likewise paid-off governments to stockpile big-pharma medication for patients that never ended up needing them.

The BBC in their article, “WHO swine flu experts ‘linked’ with drug companies,” would admit:

"Key scientists behind World Health Organization advice on stockpiling of pandemic flu drugs had financial ties with companies which stood to profit, an investigation has found.

The British Medical Journal says the scientists had openly declared these interests in other publications yet WHO made no mention of the links."

The BBC mentions GSK by name, noting (emphasis added):

"...three scientists involved in putting together the 2004 guidance had previously been paid by Roche or GSK for lecturing and consultancy work as well as being involved in research for the companies."

Roche – also mentioned – currently produces Covid-19 test kits and is obviously making massive profits by selling them amid sustained hysteria over the “pandemic.”

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It also profited when WHO officials it was paying off declared H1N1 a “pandemic” in 2009. It sold testing kits and anti-viral medication that made their way into entirely unnecessary government stockpiles.

Reuters in a 2014 article titled, “Stockpiles of Roche Tamiflu drug are waste of money, review finds,” would note:

"Researchers who have fought for years to get full data on Roche’s flu medicine Tamiflu said on Thursday that governments who stockpile it are wasting billions of dollars on a drug whose effectiveness is in doubt."

The article also noted:

"Tamiflu sales hit almost $3 billion in 2009 – mostly due to its use in the H1N1 flu pandemic – but they have since declined."

Are we really going to allow these same corporations and the corrupt officials they are in league with among national and international bodies take the reins again amid Covid-19?

Serial Offenders Drive Covid-19 Hysteria

The same WHO – in partnership with the same serial offenders among the pharmaceutical industry – are now leading the response to Covid-19 – and the same complicit mass media that enabled the corruption and abuse of both in the past is helping fuel Covid-19 hysteria today to hand over unprecedented profits and power to these same interests that have repeatedly proven themselves in the past to not only be untrustworthy but also obstacles to – rather than the underwriters of – human health.

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Soon, syringes will be filled with “vaccines” produced by this conglomerate of corruption and abuse, and the public told to roll up their sleeves and have themselves injected by substances created by literal criminals or else.

Under the illusion of legitimacy, science, and medicine, people will be pressured to submit to big-pharma and their co-conspirators within regulatory bodies, advisory organizations, the government, and the media, and whatever it is they actually fill these syringes with – whether it protects the public from Covid-19 or not – and whether such a vaccine is truly necessary or not.

While Covid-19 might be an actual pathogen, evidence suggests it does not warrant the overreaction we have seen worldwide. “Covid-19 hysteria” is – by far – having a much more devastating impact on humanity than the actual virus itself. 

Amid this hysteria, the biggest genuine threat to human health – a corrupt pharmaceutical industry and their partners in the government – are poised to expand both their profits at the expense of the public, and their power over the public.

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The Power Of Words And Why Words Can Manifest Life
March 29 2021 | From: EsotericKnowledge

To innerstand how powerful words are, we need to know what the term word means on an esoteric and spiritual level. Before we explore its esoteric and spiritual meaning, it is important that we study its common definitions and investigate other words related to it.)

The term word is defined by TheFreeDictionary.com as, "A sound or a combination of sounds, or its representation in writing or printing, that symbolizes and communicates a meaning and may consist of a single morpheme or of a combination of morphemes."

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According to OxfordDictionaries.com, the term word means, "A single distinct meaningful element of speech or writing, used with others (or sometimes alone) to form a sentence and typically shown with a space on either side when written or printed." When you think about it, words are symbols that transmit information.

"In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God." (John 1:1 (KJV))

The Word was in the beginning because the Word was the Spiritual Seed, also known as the Source. The evidence that words are "seeds" can be found in the Bible verse Luke 8:11 (NKJV): "Now the parable is this: The seed is the word of God."

A seed (word) is a nucleus of a thing or being, and therefore is the beginning or source of that thing or being. Hence, the biblical saying, "In the beginning was the Word."

Within the Word or Spiritual Seed is the source of vibration. The word vibration is phonetically "verbration." Vibration allows the creation of sacred geometry, one of the foundations of the universe.

The word verb in "verbration"/vibration comes from Latin verbum which means "word" in English. Verb is defined by Dictionary.com as, "any member of a class of words that function as the main elements of predicates, that typically express action, state, or a relation between two things, and that may be inflected for tense, aspect, voice, mood, and to show agreement with their subject or object." (Bold emphasis added)

It is important to know that verbs express actions which rely on verbration/vibration to act. In other words, the verbal word created vibration. This verbration/vibration allows the creation of motion and light.

"Then God said, "Let there be light"; and there was light." (Genesis 1:3)

Related: How Words Can Be Used As Magic Spells: Contracts, Law And Enslavement

Light is also known as photon. In physics, a photon is usually indicated by the symbol γ (gamma). The uppercase of γ (gamma) is this Greek symbol Γ.

The Greek symbol gamma has a strong connection to the English word grammar. According to EtymOnline.com, gamma (the third letter of the Greek alphabet) comes from Phoenician gimel (gimmel) which is the origin of the English letters C and G. Keep in mind that the first letter of the English word grammar is G/g.

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The letter G is also the first letter of the word God. Many esoteric, occult, and religious teachings have said that God is Light! Remember, light is also known as photon and the symbol for photon is γ (gamma).

A term that has a strong connection to the word photon is gamma ray. Dictionary.com defines the term gamma ray as, "a photon of penetrating electromagnetic radiation (gamma radiation) emitted from an atomic nucleus." (Bold emphases added)

Remember, the Greek word gamma has a strong connection to the English word grammar. According to Dictionary.com, grammar means "the study of the way the sentences of a language are constructed; morphology and syntax." In simple terms, it is the study of how words are put together in order to make sentences to express thought.

"Grammar is the art of inventing symbols and combining them to express thought; logic is the art of thinking; and rhetoric is the art of communicating thought from one mind to another; the adaptation of language to circumstance."

- Source

One of the origins of the word grammar is the Old French word gramaire. As described on EtymOnline.com:

"Late 14c., “Latin grammar, rules of Latin,” from Old French gramaire “grammar; learning,” especially Latin and philology, also “(magic) incantation, spells, mumbo-jumbo” (12c., Modern French grammaire), an “irregular semi-popular adoption” [OED] of Latin grammatica “grammar, philology,” perhaps via an unrecorded Medieval Latin form *grammaria.

The classical Latin word is from Greek grammatike (tekhne) "(art) of letters," referring both to philology and to literature in the broadest sense, fem. of grammatikos (adj.) "pertaining to or versed in letters or learning," from gramma "letter" (see -gram). An Old English gloss of it was stæfcræft (see staff (n.))."
[Bold emphasis added]

The Old French word gramaire has a strong connection to the English word grimoire. Dictionary.com defines grimoire using these exact words: "a manual of magic or witchcraft used by witches and sorcerers." (Bold emphasis added)

To innerstand what words are on a deeper level, we need to investigate the Greek word λόγος (logos). Many people pronounce it as "low goes," however, many linguists pronounce it as "law gahs."

Related: Lawful And Legal: Why You Need To Know What They Mean & It Is All A Word Game: Why “Persons” Are Not Real

According to NewWorldEncyclopedia.org, logos "is often translated into English as "Word," but can also mean thought, speech, meaning, reason, proportions, principle, standard, or logic, among other things. In religious contexts, it can indicate the divine Word, wisdom, or truth."

Britannica.com defines logos as, "the divine reason implicit in the cosmos, ordering it and giving it form and meaning." (Bold emphasis added) Did you notice that the first syllable of logos, which is "lah," sounds like "law"? The Laws of Nature are the natural laws that give order to the universe. Hence, the word logos ("law gahs").

The word logos is defined by YourDictionary.com as, "… the source that controls the universe, the written word or inspiration of God, or a logic and rational argument." (Emphasis added)

To innerstand the terms word and logos on a spiritual level, we need to turn our attention back to the Book of John. In the Bible verse John 1:1 (NKJV) it says, "In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God."

According to many biblical scholars, the Book of John was originally written in Greek. Remember, the term Word means "Logos" in Greek and Logos means "… the source that controls the universe, the written word or inspiration of God, or a logic and rational argument."

Related: Why Words Can “Cut” Your Soul And Are More Powerful Than Swords

In other words, “In the beginning was the Source.” The Source of what? The Source of the codes of reality. These codes made up of letters and numbers were written by God and He wrote them into the fabric of space. Some of these letters can be found in DNA. Today, scientists often refer to them as genetic letters.

The letters and numbers of God have the power to create words, codes, and formulas, which can be used to express the Laws of Nature. These Divine Laws give order to the universe, making it possible for life to exist. This is why words have the power to manifest worlds and life.

An important fact about words is that they are symbols. Because words are symbols, and grammar is a magic art of inventing symbols to express thought, when you use the art of grammar to write words, you are playing with sigils and magic.

According to Merriam-Webster.com, the word sigil means "a sign, word, or device held to have occult power in astrology or magic." (Bold emphasis added) In other words, writing words is an art of magic. This is why words can be used to cast magic SPELLs. Keep in mind that the forming of words from letters is called SPELLing.

Near the beginning of this video, I said that words are "seeds." Because they are seeds, when they are deeply planted in the mind, they can grow and produce ideas. With enough energetic nourishment or programming, these ideas can manifest into reality. Depending on what the ideas are based on, they can heal or harm the mind and body.

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An important fact about words is that they are codes. This is why a man who only speaks English cannot understand a man who only speaks Chinese. All languages of mankind operate similar to computer languages.

Computers can only read languages that they have been programmed to process. The human brain operates like a computer, therefore can only interpret languages that it has been programmed to process.

Because words have the magic power to program the mind, they are heavily used by corporations, the religious system, the legal system, and the education system to hypnotize your mind and control you.

In fact, the legal system is one of the biggest practitioners of word magic, which is "the art of communication using sacred sounds and symbols to direct and control energy to produce certain desired effects."

Look at the term words carefully and pay attention to its letters. Did you notice that the term words is an anagram for the term sword? Move the letter "s" in the term words to the left of the letter "w" and it transforms into the term sword.

Words are like swords because they can be used to energetically cut you. In many ways, words are more powerful than swords because they can cut you at the deepest level of your soul and spirit.

"For the word of God is living and powerful, and sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing even to the division of soul and spirit, and of joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart. [Hebrews 4:12 (NKJV)]

Because words are powerful, please use words wisely.

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Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi

Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi

CBS Reporter Calls Mainstream Press ‘Political Activists,’ ‘Propagandists’ +
Max Blumental Proves Western Media A Propagandist For War Criminals
March 28 2021 | From: BigLeaguePolitics / PaulCraigRoberts / RT / Various

Lara Logan gives her honest opinion about the leftwing media.

A mainstream press reported admitted what conservatives already knew in a Friday podcast interview – that the corporate news media is not journalism, but leftist political hackery.

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"Although the media has historically always been left-leaning, we’ve abandoned our pretense - or at least the effort - to be objective, today. … We’ve become political activists, and some could argue propagandists, and there’s some merit to that,”
CBS’s Lara Logan said on the “Mike Drop” podcast with Mike Ritland.

Logan encouraged people to seek out alternative viewpoints from conservative outlets like Breitbart

She went on to describe the sheer volume of left-leaning news vs. conservative news using an analogy of the Wailing Wall in Israel:

"Visually, anyone who’s ever been to Israel and been to the Wailing Wall has seen that the women have this tiny little spot in front of the wall to pray, and the rest of the wall is for the men.

To me, that’s a great representation of the American media, is that in this tiny little corner where the women pray you’ve got Breitbart and Fox News and a few others, and from there on, you have CBS, ABC, NBC, Huffington Post, Politico, whatever, right?

All of them. And that’s a problem for me, because even if it was reversed, if it was vastly mostly on the right, that would also be a problem for me."

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Kill Free Speech

She also bashed the press for its so obvious hatred of President Donald J. Trump.

"How do you know you’re being lied to? How do you know you’re being manipulated? How do you know there’s something not right with the coverage?

When they simplify it all [and] there’s no grey. It’s all one way. Well, life isn’t like that. If it doesn’t match real life, it’s probably not. Something’s wrong. 

For example, all the coverage on Trump all the time is negative. … That’s a distortion of the way things go in real life.”

Logan even spoke of the dangers of only one ideology or set of ideas prevailing, while the rest are shunned by major institutions in society.

"One ideological perspective on everything never leads to an open free diverse tolerant society. The more opinions and views … of everything that you have, the better off we all are.

So creating one ideological position on everything throughout your universities, throughout academia, in school and college, in media, and everywhere else, that’s what concerns me. I don’t have to agree with everybody.”

The full interview was three and a half hours.

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Max Blumental Proves Western Media A Propagandist For War Criminals

There is not an ounce of integrity anywhere in the Western print and TV media.

“Grocery shelves lie empty as food becomes increasingly scarce” in Venezuela, the UK Independent weeps.

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The country’s shops remain open but “sparsely stocked,” The Guardian laments. Even “basic commodities” such as toothbrushes aren’t available for purchase, CNN bemoans. “Hungry” Venezuelans must choose between “torture or starvation,” Bloomberg grimly concludes

Mainstream media coverage of Venezuela gives the impression that President Nicolas Maduro is slowly starving his own people – a narrative which, as journalist Max Blumenthal found after surveying a massive supermarket in Caracas, is wildly deceptive.

Read the story and watch the video of Blumenthal in the Caracas supermarket jammed with all the allegedly unobtainable foods and products.

The reason Washington wants to shut down the English language Russian news organizations is that, unlike the US, UK, and European media, the Russian news organizations report truthfully, thus undermining Washington’s attempt to control all explantions.  

The dumbshit Westerners who rely on the Western presstitutes are brainwashed to the point that they are useless for the cause of freedom and democracy.  Indeed, they are dangerous to freedom and democracy.

Where Are The ‘Empty Shelves’? Max Blumenthal Tours Caracas Supermarket

Corporate media grieve for the barren shelves and empty bellies in Venezuela, but are the alleged food shortages real?

After touring a supermarket in Caracas, Max Blumenthal found plenty to buy – even craft beer.

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“Grocery shelves lie empty as food becomes increasingly scarce” in Venezuela, the UK Independent weeps. The country’s shops remain open but “sparsely stocked,” The Guardian laments. Even “basic commodities” such as toothbrushes aren’t available for purchase, CNN bemoans.

“Hungry” Venezuelans must choose between “torture or starvation,” Bloomberg grimly concludes.

Mainstream media coverage of Venezuela gives the impression that President Nicolas Maduro is slowly starving his own people – a narrative which, as journalist Max Blumenthal found after surveying a massive supermarket in Caracas, is wildly deceptive.

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The store offered a wide selection of meat, produce, and dairy (although no low-fat Greek yogurt, an indignity which is likely the result of Maduro’s tyrannical ways, Blumenthal jokingly hypothesizes).

Most importantly, craft beer – a hallmark of heroic consumerism – could be found in the supermarket’s alcohol aisle.

Blumenthal also marveled at the store’s huge variety of scented toilet paper, shampoo and toiletries – the “basic commodities” which, according to CNN, are nowhere to be found in Venezuela.

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"There isn’t an issue here with food distribution or food scarcity,”
Blumenthal concludes.

“The issue is the buying power of Venezuelans has been completely destroyed because their currency has been so badly weakened by hyperinflation, speculation and the flood of dollars that the government can’t control here, as well as hoarding by private capitalist elements that support the opposition.”

The amusing bit of on-the-ground reporting comes amid a tense stand-off over US attempts to deliver what Washington describes as humanitarian aid into Venezuela, in defiance of the wishes of its government.

Juan Guaido, the US-backed, self-declared “interim president” of Venezuela, said on Thursday that he will personally go to the border with Colombia to get the shipment from the US, urging drivers to go with him and defy the border guards ordered to prevent the delivery.

Humanitarian organizations have distanced themselves from the alleged aid package, amid accusations that the “humanitarian aid” could contain military equipment, or be used for political purposes.

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Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi
A Slippery Slide To Totalitarianism
March 27 2020 | From: NZCPR / Various

"There is no right in the world not to be offended. That right simply doesn’t exist. In a free society, an open society, people have strong opinions, and these opinions very often clash. In a democracy, we have to learn to deal with this.”

- Sir Salman Rushdie, the British author, had a fatwa calling for his death issued against him by Muslim fanatics in 1989 following the publication of his book ‘The Satanic Verses’.

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To mark the two-year anniversary of the dreadful assault on two Christchurch mosques by the deranged Australian extremist Brenton Tarrant, the Minister in charge of the Government’s Royal Commission response, Andrew Little, reaffirmed that all 44 recommendations have been accepted in principle:

"The Government intends to ensure that its progress towards implementing the recommendations is transparent, and that it regularly communicates with communities on what is happening, and how it is listening and responding to feedback that it is receiving.”

The Minister outlined some of the suggestions received during 33 meetings held with Muslim communities in January and February.

They included concerns about “the cultural competency of teachers and principals” with calls for more “training”; the incorporation of “religious and cultural education programmes into school curriculums”; “disappointment and distress in the media’s portrayal of Muslims in New Zealand” and the need for “the government to intervene”; calls for “the Government to work in partnership to effect true change… and co-design policies”. 

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If some of these suggestions sound familiar it is because they essentially mirror controversial policies already implemented by successive governments to appease Maori sovereignty activists. 

Attendees at the meetings also called for “the reform of hate speech legislation”.

At the present time, New Zealanders’ right to free speech is enshrined in section 14 of the 1990 Bill of Rights Act:

"Everyone has the right to freedom of expression, including the freedom to seek, receive, and impart information and opinions of any kind in any form.”

Under existing laws, those rights are limited by the 1993 Human Rights Act: Section 61 makes it an offence to express ‘threatening, abusive, or insulting’ opinions likely to ‘excite hostility’ or ‘bring into contempt’ any group of persons on the grounds of ‘colour, race, or ethnic or national origins’.

Under Section 131, anyone breaching the law by inciting hostility, ill-will, contempt, or ridicule, on the grounds of ‘colour, race, or ethnic or national origins’, could face imprisonment of up to 3 months or a fine of up to $7,000.
Section 132, however, provides a “safeguard” – prosecutions need the approval of the Attorney-General.

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The Human Rights Commission has stressed that our right to make controversial or offensive remarks is not undermined by these laws – they only restrict those who are inciting serious ethnic tension or unrest:

"Only where there is the potential for significant detriment to society can the right to freedom of expression be limited”.

A wide range of other remedies are also available to anyone taking offense at someone’s remarks.

If the offending material has been published, complaints can be made to the publisher or broadcaster, as well as the Broadcasting Standards Authority, the Advertising Standards Authority, or the New Zealand Press Council. Social media platforms now have a myriad of channels for lodging complaints about content.

If the offence relates to the workplace, concerns can be raised with employers, since most have codes of conduct that do not tolerate racially offensive comments.

While protest action remains lawful in New Zealand – since that too represents free expression – it is unlawful for protestors to threaten violence or harm.

Threats made against people or property that cause “significant disruption of the activities of the civilian population” are an offence under section 307A of the Crimes Act, with a penalty of up to 7 years in prison.

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For on-line threats, offenders can face up to two years in prison or a fine of up to $50,000, under section 22 of the Harmful Digital Communications Act.

It is in this context that Labour’s 2020 election manifesto stated:

"Labour will extend legal protections for groups that experience hate speech, including for reasons of religion, gender, disability or sexual orientation, by ensuring that we prohibit speech that is likely to incite others to feel hostility or contempt towards these groups under the Human Rights Act 1993.”

So, while Labour proposed including “religion, gender, disability and sexual orientation” as categories to be protected alongside “race” in the existing legislation, the Royal Commission is recommending the far more punitive approach of criminalising people for saying the wrong thing.

They want new categories of “hate-motivated” offences to be created in the Crimes Act and Summary Offences Act, with frontline Police trained to identify “bias indicators” so they can categorise misdemeanours as “hate-motivated”.

In addition, they want to repeal section 131 of the Human Rights Act and insert it into the Crimes Act, to include ‘religion’ as a protected characteristic, to increase the penalties from 3 months in jail to at least two years, and to broaden the scope of what constitutes ‘hate speech’ from an intent to ‘incite’ hostility to an intent to ‘stir’ it up.

If Jacinda Ardern decides to combine the Royal Commission’s draconian plan to criminalise free speech with her proposal to protect not just race and religion, but gender, disability and sexual orientation as well, New Zealanders should be very afraid.

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If those speaking out against such radicalism as religious fundamentalism, feminist extremism, or Maori supremacy are muzzled for their efforts and thrown in jail, New Zealand really would be on a slippery slide to totalitarianism.

The point is that expressing opinions, no matter how undiplomatic or clumsy, is the essence of a free society and the very reason why free speech is protected in law.

The freedom of expression epitomised by Barry Crump, Bill T James and other Kiwi heroes, has always been a bedrock New Zealand value. It is the lifeblood of democracy and the cornerstone of a free and liberal society.

The very last thing this country needs is the chilling effect of hate speech police monitoring our every utterance, telling us which words we can and cannot use. As George Orwell warned, ‘If you control the language you control the mind.’

With so many constraints already existing to restrict speech which is deemed to be objectionable, there is no justification for introducing more punitive law changes – unless, of course, the underlying objective is to use free speech regulations for political advantage.

In reality, the censoring of free expression in this country is already well underway without any need for new laws.

Just last month Magic Talk’s John Banks was essentially sacked because he referred to Maori as a Stone Age culture. The truth that they were a Stone Age culture before Europeans arrived with their metal tools, utensils, and weapons, did not appear to matter!

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Magic Talk presenter Sean Plunket, who expressed support for John Banks’ right to free expression, also left the station – before he too was removed.

Peter Williams, the only surviving high-profile conservative host at Magic Talk, is also coming under pressure – he is being undermined by the Deputy Prime Minister Grant Robertson, who is now refusing to continue his weekly interview slot, after being asked whether the Government intended supporting the “Great Reset”.

Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern has now also joined in, cancelling her weekly interview slot with Newstalk ZB’s Mike Hosking, another conservative host, supposedly for rescheduling reasons, but more likely because she does not like tough questions.

Many newspapers have already banned commentary challenging United Nations’ climate change socialism, even though their doomsday predictions are so totally inaccurate that their only purpose must be to scare the public into compliance.

Stuff, astonishingly, is now also refusing to publish anything that challenges Maori sovereignty, preferring to promote their radical agenda to control our country, instead of the truth.

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Earlier this month, the Herald also caved in, cancelling historian and former Labour cabinet minister Michael Bassett, by publishing then removing a column of his from their website that outlined how a Maori cultural takeover of New Zealand is underway.

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It is in this environment that the Minister for Broadcasting Kris Faafoi has announced that a further $55 million of taxpayers’ money will be given to the media – on top of the $50 million they received last year during the Covid downturn.

While the Minister claims the additional money is to ensure the viability of “public interest journalism”, it would be naive to imagine it will not be used for influence.

Opinion is divided on how far Jacinda Ardern will go in criminalising free speech.

Some, like journalist Graham Adams, believe a free speech crackdown “risks igniting a firestorm that could engulf her and her government”, and he suggests Jacinda Ardern may back off to avoid controversy:

"She is no stranger to backing away from promises made on the campaign trail if fulfilling them might harm her preferred prime minister ratings.

Others, however, are of a view that the PM will use her majority to bulldoze through the changes under the pretext of preventing another Christchurch attack.

At times like this it is important to realise that other countries are working on strengthening free speech, rather than undermining it

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This week’s NZCPR Guest Commentator is from the UK – Dr Arif Ahmed, a Cambridge University philosophy scholar, led a successful campaign to reverse the free speech restrictions that were threatening academic freedom.

He explains what happened:

"In March 2020 Cambridge University Council proposed a new ‘free speech policy’ featuring this passage:

"In exercising their right to freedom of expression, the University expects its staff, students and visitors to be respectful of the differing opinions of others, in line with the University’s core value of freedom of expression. The University also expects its staff, students and visitors to be respectful of the diverse identities of others, in line with the University’s core value of freedom from discrimination."

I found this wording completely unacceptable.

First, its plain meaning was directly repressive. ‘Respect’ implies appreciation or admiration; it rules out giving offence. But lecturers, students etc. should not respect patently false opinions concerning e.g. vaccination or climate change.

Nor should the University demand respect for all political or religious identities, from white nationalism to Islamic fundamentalism.

I therefore proposed amendments which among other things replaced ‘respect’ with ‘tolerance’. ‘Tolerance’ is more sharp-edged. It means willingness to accept behaviour and beliefs that are different from your own even if you disagree with them.

The amendments therefore placed no limits at all (beyond the law) on what staff and students could say or write, or on what beliefs they might assert, propose or question, or on the terms in which they might do these things.”  

Since the University Council rejected his proposal, Dr Ahmed gathered sufficient signatures to force a ballot of all senior academic staff.

His amendments – which also replaced restrictions being used to ban speakers from the University campus with a commitment to allow anyone to speak, so long as they do not break the law, libel or harass anyone – won by a landslide with 1,300 votes in favour compared with 162 opposed.

What this shows is that those extremists pushing for restrictions on free speech are in a minority.

But, as the Cambridge University example shows, they will succeed unless the majority are prepared to stand up and oppose them.

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And this is a lesson we Kiwis need to take on board if we are to save this country.

Those pushing extreme socialism, whether it is climate change or Maori sovereignty, are a vocal minority.

If the public are prepared to stand together to oppose them, their dangerous ideologies, which are undermining our democracy and our way of life, will be defeated.

I will leave the last word on the crucial importance of free speech to the Rt Hon Gavin Williamson MP, the UK Secretary for Education, who is proposing new legislation to counter the disproportionate influence that a minority of students and academics are having in censoring free expression in the UK:

"Throughout history, free speech has been a constant sword against tyranny, injustice and oppression…

Ideas in themselves are not worthy of respect, only tolerance – and to thrive they must prove themselves in the arena of evidence and debate.

But in amongst the oddball, incorrect, challenging or downright offensive ideas will be found those that will transform our society and revolutionise our worldviews.

By their very nature we cannot know which these are in advance.

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We Have Been Criminalized By An Overabundance Of Laws
March 26 2021 | From: PaulCraigRoberts

“Order may be nothing more than evidence of tyranny. Order may be nothing more than the prohibitions on freedom, the elimination of rights and the suppression of liberty. You are just as unsafe when things are too orderly as when they are disorderly.” - Jerry Day

Governments have learned that laws can be used as revenue and control measures by criminalizing more and more of human activity.

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Indeed, in many instances the term “criminal” is now meaningless as law enforcement has become a greater threat to ordinary people than actual criminals.

At an accelerating rate, western governments are criminalizing victimless trivialities for profit and control of the masses.

In Denmark, the laws governing unemployment benefits are more than 36,000 pages and grow by almost seven pages daily on average.

A massive 20,000 laws have been formulated to control ownership and use of guns in the US. The taxfoundation.org has shown that in order to understand and comply with US tax laws one must go through about 80,000 pages.

Civil libertarians protest that prosecutors can charge any American with several crimes every day of the year because there are so many laws and regulations.

See, for example, Harvey A. Silverglate, Three Felonies a Day: How the Feds Target the Innocent.

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As it is impossible for a person to peruse all the required pages in order to comply with the laws, we are all probable criminals. Thus, the word “criminal” has effectively lost its meaning.

Governments not only criminalize behavior for revenue purposes and in order to create a slave prison population to be exploited by private industries.

Governments also legalize crimes, such as gambling for which government prosecuted private interests, and turn them into government sponsored lotteries. There is also evidence that the US government is actively involved in illegal drug trade.

San Jose Mercury investigative reporter Gary Webb found evidence of the CIA’s involvement in the drug trade.

The Mercury published it. The CIA then used its media assets, such as the Washington Post, to carry on a campaign against Webb to discredit him.

Investigative reporters got the message and have not looked into the CIA’s presence in the Afghan opium drug trade despite the massive growth under US occupation of Afghanistan’s opium share of the world market.

Related: How Can We Stop Drug Trafficking When It’s The CIA That’s Running The Show / The Philippines Fight
The Cabal

The Taliban had suppressed the opium trade, but under US occupation the percentage of the world market supplied by Afghanistan rose from 6% in 2001 to 93% in 2007.

An explosion in drug laws and incarcerations saw the light of the day after President Nixon launched the US War on Drugs in 1971. After 50 years of stable incarceration rates, the number of US prisoners went from 161 per 100,000 population in 1972 to 767 per 100,000 in 2007, almost a fivefold increase.

In 2007, federal and state prisons and local jails held nearly 2.3 million inmates (over 20% of the world’s prisoners), but if parolees and probationers are included, the total US correctional population exceeded 7 million.

Prisoners have become integrated into the corporate world as privately owned prisons and forced labor have become big businesses. Corporations who owe their low labor cost to prison labor have a vested interest in harsh sentences and expansion of the already seemingly infinite number of laws.

Prohibition of drugs does not deter people from using them. If harsh drug laws deterred people from drugs, not many offenders would be found in correctional facilities with a drug offense on their rap sheet.

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If we consider the 2015 statistics for people on probation and parole, 25% and 31% respectively had a drug charge as their most serious offense, a total of 1,217,305 people. In 2016, 47% and 15% respectively of federal and state prisoners were in prison for drug violations, their most serious offense.

In 2017, federal agents and state police made 1,632,921 arrests for drugs violations of which 85.4% of these arrests were for possession.

These numbers clearly show that harsher sentences do not deter people from drugs. This was also echoed in a study by the Pew Research Center which showed that drug use, drug arrest, and overdose death had no statistically significant relationship with drug imprisonment.

That is, higher incarceration rates did not deter people from drugs. Drug laws also result in the murders of many people by police in violation of due process.

As police are seldom held accountable for their crimes, the legal and constitutional protections of citizens are being lost.

Moreover, prohibition leads to secondary crimes as indicated by a study that showed “17% of state and 18% of federal prisoners committed their crimes to obtain money for drugs.”

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If cigarettes, alcohol and chocolate were outlawed tomorrow, prices would rise, vicious syndicates would appear and people would commit real crimes, including robbery and theft in order to get their preferred stimulant. Prohibition of alcohol in the US and elsewhere produced a new class of criminal activity.

It should come as no surprise that a study by Coyne et al concluded that:

"Prohibition is not only ineffective, but counterproductive, at achieving the goals of policymakers both domestically and abroad … the domestic War on Drugs has contributed to an increase in drug overdoses and fostered and sustained the creation of powerful drug cartels.”

Getting access to drug war expenditures is notoriously difficult, but a 2010 estimate showed that one trillion dollars in tax revenue have been spent on the War on Drugs since 1971.

Nevertheless a multiyear study, published in the British Medical Journal by Werb et al, concluded that “expanding efforts at controlling the global illegal drug market through law enforcement are failing.”

It appears that the US War on Drugs has been a disaster for the average American, but has enriched certain powerful organizations.

Some governments not only participate in the illegal drug trade, but also approve the production and sale of addictive drugs by private businesses.

Related: When Corporatocracy Is Disguised As Rule Of Law

Many of the drugs that can be purchased on the street from your average drug dealer have been approved by the FDA, including amphetamines, MDMA, opioids, psilocybin and methamphetamine.

One of these drugs is called Adzenys which is a formulation of amphetamine (yes, it is the same drug sold by street dealers), has been approved by the FDA for children.

This amphetamine drug comes in “great-tasting” fruit and candy flavors for children who do not like taking pills. Possible side effects include addiction, heart attack, and death.

Large pharmaceutical corporations which have deep financial ties to policymakers produce and distribute these drugs on a grand scale. The US government cashes in on the drugs via taxation and through campaign contributions from these multibillion dollar industries.

Transparency International concludes:

"Pharmaceutical companies can unduly influence national political systems through their large spending power. Pharmaceutical companies often fund candidates that support their position on key issues.

Outside of elections, the pharmaceutical industry spends vast sums of money lobbying.”

Professor Peter Gøtzsche, former director of the independent Nordic Cochrane Centre, shows in his book, Lethal Medicine and Organized Crime, that legalized drugs kill at least 200,000 Americans and also 200,000 Europeans every year.

Half of those people take their drugs as prescribed, the other half die because of contraindications and accidental overdoses.

Data from the CDC show that in 2017, heroin and cocaine killed 15,482 and 13,942 Americans respectively. However, 88,000 died from alcohol related causes, over 480,000 from tobacco, but zero died from a cannabis overdose.

There are innumerable examples of how laws turn citizens into criminals. On June 1, 2012, in Denmark, anyone without a permit could purchase an air gun with a caliber in excess of 4.5 millimeters.

However, on June 2 such possession brought a prison sentence. Every day governments define the word “criminal” more and more broadly. Eventually, by existence alone we will all be criminals.

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Why Anti-Authoritarians Are Diagnosed As Mentally Ill
March 25 2021 | From: MadInAmerica

In my career as a psychologist, I have talked with hundreds of people previously diagnosed by other professionals with oppositional defiant disorder, attention deficit hyperactive disorder, anxiety disorder and other psychiatric illnesses, and I am struck by (1) how many of those diagnosed are essentially anti-authoritarians, and (2) how those professionals who have diagnosed them are not.

Anti-authoritarians question whether an authority is a legitimate one before taking that authority seriously.

Related: Anti-Authoritarians and Schizophrenia: Do Rebels Who Defy Treatment Do Better?

Evaluating the legitimacy of authorities includes assessing whether or not authorities actually know what they are talking about, are honest, and care about those people who are respecting their authority.

And when anti-authoritarians assess an authority to be illegitimate, they challenge and resist that authority - sometimes aggressively and sometimes passive-aggressively, sometimes wisely and sometimes not.

Some activists lament how few anti-authoritarians there appear to be in the United States. One reason could be that many natural anti-authoritarians are now psychopathologized and medicated before they achieve political consciousness of society’s most oppressive authorities.

Why Mental Health Professionals Diagnose Anti-Authoritarians with Mental Illness

Gaining acceptance into graduate school or medical school and achieving a PhD or MD and becoming a psychologist or psychiatrist means jumping through many hoops, all of which require much behavioral and attentional compliance to authorities, even to those authorities that one lacks respect for.

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The selection and socialization of mental health professionals tends to breed out many anti-authoritarians. Having steered the higher-education terrain for a decade of my life, I know that degrees and credentials are primarily badges of compliance.

Those with extended schooling have lived for many years in a world where one routinely conforms to the demands of authorities. Thus for many MDs and PhDs, people different from them who reject this attentional and behavioral compliance appear to be from another world - a diagnosable one.

I have found that most psychologists, psychiatrists, and other mental health professionals are not only extraordinarily compliant with authorities but also unaware of the magnitude of their obedience.

And it also has become clear to me that the anti-authoritarianism of their patients creates enormous anxiety for these professionals, and their anxiety fuels diagnoses and treatments.

In graduate school, I discovered that all it took to be labeled as having “issues with authority” was to not kiss up to a director of clinical training whose personality was a combination of Donald Trump, Newt Gingrich, and Howard Cosell.

When I was told by some faculty that I had “issues with authority,” I had mixed feelings about being so labeled. On the one hand, I found it quite amusing, because among the working-class kids whom I had grown up with, I was considered relatively compliant with authorities.

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After all, I had done my homework, studied, and received good grades. However, while my new “issues with authority” label made me grin because I was now being seen as a “bad boy,” it also very much concerned me about just what kind of a profession that I had entered.

Specifically, if somebody such as myself was being labeled with “issues with authority,” what were they calling the kids I grew up with who paid attention to many things that they cared about but didn’t care enough about school to comply there? Well, the answer soon became clear.

Mental Illness Diagnoses for Anti-Authoritarians

A 2009 Psychiatric Times article titled “ADHD & ODD: Confronting the Challenges of Disruptive Behavior” reports that “disruptive disorders,” which include attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) and opposition defiant disorder (ODD), are the most common mental health problem of children and teenagers.

ADHD is defined by poor attention and distractibility, poor self-control and impulsivity, and hyperactivity. ODD is defined as a “a pattern of negativistic, hostile, and defiant behavior without the more serious violations of the basic rights of others that are seen in conduct disorder”; and ODD symptoms include “often actively defies or refuses to comply with adult requests or rules” and “often argues with adults.”

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Psychologist Russell Barkley, one of mainstream mental health’s leading authorities on ADHD, says that those afflicted with ADHD have deficits in what he calls “rule-governed behavior,” as they are less responsive to rules of established authorities and less sensitive to positive or negative consequences.

ODD young people, according to mainstream mental health authorities, also have these so-called deficits in rule-governed behavior, and so it is extremely common for young people to have a “duel diagnosis” of AHDH and ODD.

Do we really want to diagnose and medicate everyone with “deficits in rule-governed behavior”?

Albert Einstein, as a youth, would have likely received an ADHD diagnosis, and maybe an ODD one as well. Albert didn’t pay attention to his teachers, failed his college entrance examinations twice, and had difficulty holding jobs.

However, Einstein biographer Ronald Clark (Einstein: The Life and Times) asserts that Albert’s problems did not stem from attention deficits but rather from his hatred of authoritarian, Prussian discipline in his schools.

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Einstein said, “The teachers in the elementary school appeared to me like sergeants and in the Gymnasium the teachers were like lieutenants.”

At age 13, Einstein read Kant’s difficult Critique of Pure Reason - because Albert was interested in it. Clark also tells us Einstein refused to prepare himself for his college admissions as a rebellion against his father’s “unbearable” path of a “practical profession.”

After he did enter college, one professor told Einstein, “You have one fault; one can’t tell you anything.” The very characteristics of Einstein that upset authorities so much were exactly the ones that allowed him to excel.

By today’s standards, Saul Alinsky, the legendary organizer and author of Reveille for Radicals and Rules for Radicals, would have certainly been diagnosed with one or more disruptive disorders.

Recalling his childhood, Alinsky said, “I never thought of walking on the grass until I saw a sign saying ‘Keep off the grass.’ Then I would stomp all over it.” Alinsky also recalls a time when he was ten or eleven and his rabbi was tutoring him in Hebrew:

"One particular day I read three pages in a row without any errors in pronunciation, and suddenly a penny fell onto the Bible . . .

Then the next day the rabbi turned up and he told me to start reading. And I wouldn’t; I just sat there in silence, refusing to read. He asked me why I was so quiet, and I said, “This time it’s a nickel or nothing.”

He threw back his arm and slammed me across the room."

Many people with severe anxiety and/or depression are also anti-authoritarians.

Often a major pain of their lives that fuels their anxiety and/or depression is fear that their contempt for illegitimate authorities will cause them to be financially and socially marginalized; but they fear that compliance with such illegitimate authorities will cause them existential death.

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I have also spent a great deal of time with people who had at one time in their lives had thoughts and behavior that were so bizarre that they were extremely frightening for their families and even themselves; they were diagnosed with schizophrenia and other psychoses, but have fully recovered and have been, for many years, leading productive lives.

Among this population, I have not met one person whom I would not consider a major anti-authoritarian. Once recovered, they have learned to channel their anti-authoritarianism into more constructive political ends, including reforming mental health treatment.

Many anti-authoritarians who earlier in their lives were diagnosed with mental illness tell me that once they were labeled with a psychiatric diagnosis, they got caught in a dilemma.

Authoritarians, by definition, demand unquestioning obedience, and so any resistance to their diagnosis and treatment created enormous anxiety for authoritarian mental health professionals; and professionals, feeling out of control, labeled them “noncompliant with treatment,” increased the severity of their diagnosis, and jacked up their medications.

This was enraging for these anti-authoritarians, sometimes so much so that they reacted in ways that made them appear even more frightening to their families.

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There are anti-authoritarians who use psychiatric drugs to help them function, but they often reject psychiatric authorities’ explanations for why they have difficulty functioning.

So, for example, they may take Adderall (an amphetamine prescribed for ADHD), but they know that their attentional problem is not a result of a biochemical brain imbalance but rather caused by a boring job.

And similarly, many anti-authoritarians in highly stressful environments will occasionally take prescribed benzodiazepines such as Xanax even though they believe it would be safer to occasionally use marijuana but can’t because of drug testing on their job

It has been my experience that many anti-authoritarians labeled with psychiatric diagnoses usually don’t reject all authorities, simply those they’ve assessed to be illegitimate ones, which just happens to be a great deal of society’s authorities.

Maintaining the Societal Status Quo

Americans [Westerners] have been increasingly socialized to equate inattention, anger, anxiety, and immobilizing despair with a medical condition, and to seek medical treatment rather than political remedies. 

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What better way to maintain the status quo than to view inattention, anger, anxiety, and depression as biochemical problems of those who are mentally ill rather than normal reactions to an increasingly authoritarian society.

The reality is that depression is highly associated with societal and financial pains. One is much more likely to be depressed if one is unemployed, underemployed, on public assistance, or in debt (for documentation, see “400% Rise in Anti-Depressant Pill Use”).

And ADHD labeled kids do pay attention when they are getting paid, or when an activity is novel, interests them, or is chosen by them (documented in my book Commonsense Rebellion).

In an earlier dark age, authoritarian monarchies partnered with authoritarian religious institutions. When the world exited from this dark age and entered the Enlightenment, there was a burst of energy.

Much of this revitalization had to do with risking skepticism about authoritarian and corrupt institutions and regaining confidence in one’s own mind.

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We are now in another dark age, only the institutions have changed. Americans [Westerners] desperately need anti-authoritarians to question, challenge, and resist new illegitimate authorities and regain confidence in their own common sense.

In every generation there will be authoritarians and anti-authoritarians. While it is unusual in American history for anti-authoritarians to take the kind of effective action that inspires others to successfully revolt, every once in a while a Tom Paine, Crazy Horse, or Malcolm X come along.

So authoritarians financially marginalize those who buck the system, they criminalize anti-authoritarianism, they psychopathologize anti-authoritarians, and they market drugs for their “cure.”

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How To Master Your Critical Thinking Skills
March 24 2021 | From: CollectiveEvolution / Various

We're in a time where truly making sense of what is going on around us has become incredibly important as more consequential decisions are being made in our world based on faulty thinking.

Increasing self awareness leads to a better understanding of ourselves and how we think. Can we better explore our relationship with the world, each other, society, nature and more when we are more self aware?

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Imagine a world where we can talk about ideas and not be at each others throats when we disagree.

Imagine a world where even as we disagree, we can still decide how to synthesize information and decide how to move forward without conflict.

Before You Begin...

Take a moment and breathe. Place your hand over your chest area, near your heart.

Breathe slowly into the area for about a minute, focusing on a sense of ease entering your mind and body.

Click here to learn why we suggest this

Imagine a world where news and media wasn’t always trying to manipulate you into believing whatever the news outlet’s agenda was.

You might think this imagined world is not possible – but it is – we simply have to be willing to get there. And before you start worrying whether everyone else is willing to get there, you simply have to ask, are you?

I can say I knew this before, but it really became evident in 2020 to me: Our culture has truly lost the art of critical thinking. For regular readers of alternative media, you may or may not have had the thought: “Wow, ya so many people fell for bogus mainstream narratives in 2020.”

But the truth is, I see critical thinking challenges in crowds that both work in and consume alternative media as I do with mainstream media.

Last year I wrote an essay on the subject of conspiracy, bringing to light the reality that conspiracy does exist in our world at times, but often times people can begin to believe everything is a conspiracy or that everything from alt media is true while mainstream media is always wrong.

This is faulty thinking. We might also have difficulty understanding what evidence supports a conspiracy vs. what someone simply believes is evidence when in fact it’s not.

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Given so many huge decisions are being made in our world right now based off of faulty information, and the consequences of the those decisions are huge, knowing how to arrive at effective decisions through facts and proper dialogue is a really important skill to develop.

Since the inception of Collective Evolution back in 2009 I’ve always felt that what is playing out in our lives, physical world, current events, politics, relationships etc is a reflection of our beliefs, worldviews and thinking – believe it or not, this is a more of a spiritual experience than we might realize. Current events is s reflection of our current level of consciousness.

Think of it this way, what does meditation lead you towards? What does having a greater sense of self awareness lead to? What do we do with increased peace in our minds and physiology?

How do we use those states of being to make decisions in our world and in our lives?

The spiritual skills we choose to develop lead to changes in how we think about almost everything in our day to day lives, yet very few people associated spiritual development with thinking and current events – instead, those subjects are often avoided and thus our inner spiritual work doesn’t always translate into the deeper changes in our societal world as we’ve set up a barrier as to how we apply our level of consciousness.

For example, an average meditator usually wants greater peace in their lives, and in a lot of cases also wants to see a more peaceful and thriving world.

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At the same time, they might carry the judgment that news is negative, and therefore never engage with it. Thus when it comes to how to engage with how we can change the way society functions to create that thriving world, we might not have many thoughts come to mind as we’re not used to applying our greater sense of awareness to asking questions about how our world works and why.

Given that asking these questions gives us an understanding as to how we can change our world, it’s crucial that we take this step, and not just leave our heightened awareness on the meditation pillow.

Let’s look at it another way. In much of personal transformation, we are seeking solutions to self soothe and create change in our lives.

The pathway to doing this is through getting to know ourselves, how we function, what our subconscious patterns are etc. We bring these things to our awareness, raise our consciousness around them, and then know how to take action.

The same can be said for how we view our physical world and current events. How do things really work? Do we really know what we’re voting for? Do we really know what we’re investing in? Are we capable of something we’re not being exposed to? How would we know or find out if we choose not to explore?

In essence, in many ways we must ask deeper questions about how our world works than what is commonly explored in mainstream media, because this will tell us where we’re at.

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We’ll also gain insight into the human condition and culture behind the choices that are made and whether some of it comes from conspiracy – so that ultimately we can know how to move forward.

Note, this isn’t about judging what is happening and seeking revenge on anyone who might have done something wrong, it’s simply a process of bringing to awareness what might be going on so we can recognize the need for change and take the right actions.

Critical thinking then, is a process of looking at situations, relationships, ideas and real world pieces of information and understanding what’s going on, what’s behind it, and what to do with that information.

It’s understanding our personal and collective relationship to our world. It’s part of how we participate in creating the world we see out there.

There are several ways to begin mastering our critical thinking so that we can make more effective decisions in our personal lives and as a community. Let’s go over a couple below.


One of the best ways to improve our critical thinking is to better hear what is actually being said. Whether we are reading, watching a video, listening to a podcast, or in conversation, truly taking the time to HEAR what is being said seems a lost art.

It’s why we place the exercise at the top of all of our articles that invites each of us to become more present and physiologically coherent. This simple 60 second exercise literally changes our physiological state into one that can hear better, discern better, empathize better, and navigate information better.

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What state are we in when we are listening to something? How about when someone says something we don’t quite like? Do we start sighing, judging, responding back to the screen saying things like “oh man you don’t get it?”

Does this change the way we listen and what we hear? Do we miss all of the areas that we actually agree with the person on in favor of seeing the one or two things we don’t agree with? Were we open to learning something new?

Listening is a huge part of improving our critical thinking because it allows us to actually hear what someone is saying and where they are coming from, and it by nature keeps us more present. This in turn also helps us move past some of our own bias’.

In order to improve your listening while consuming content or in conversation, take a moment to breathe, become present, and notice your surroundings. Truly be there and bring your awareness to the idea that you’re committing to listening to someone, holding off your response and truly hearing them.

This sounds simple, but you’ll find this muscle of truly listening is not one we flex all that often. Especially in our fast paced world.

Understanding Our Bias

Bias is something we all have, it’s a distortion in our thinking that can often make it so we begin to disengage with what someone is saying because in some sense we have been triggered by something we already believe, and we now shut off any further inquiry into new information.

Bias also affects how we see news and information, as well as situations and our relationships, and even affects decisions we make.

For example, imagine someone is biased toward a political affiliation, maybe they like Democrats over Republicans. That person will likely speak more positively about politicians that are Democratic, and more negatively about Republicans, regardless of what each politician might truly stand for.

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The only reason for this is because the person identifies and has a positive bias towards the Democratic politician.

The issue here is we are making something, with no real value in making an impactful decision, very important. Not only that, but we culturally begin to focus on these unimportant details so much that we all begin to argue over them and divide ourselves by them, pulling us away from truly getting to the bottom of what is really going.

In a spiritual sense, we’re taking an incredible being that we are as an awareness having an experience, and confining it to an incredibly limiting box that states “I’m a progressive” or “I’m a conservative.”

Does that truly tell someone who you are and what you believe? Is that label in practice actually serving our culture?

Here are CE we don’t recommend listening to just one news source, multiple, from different perspectives, is always better. But if you choose only one, which most do, make sure they have ZERO political affiliation.

Political affiliation means you are hearing filtered information that distorts the truth 100% of the time. Virtually all mainstream and alternative media aligns with one political side.

Asking Questions – Ease, Playfulness, & Curiosity

Another key to improving critical thinking is taking a quick look at what our state of being is with regards to learning about and exploring new information. In essence, what’s your frame of mind and emotions when you’re consuming media?

Think for a moment when a kid is learning, they are often playful, curious and move about with ease. They aren’t finding ways to disagree, trying to argue all the time or identify with a particular position.

These are learned habits that we develop as we take note from cultural norms and form a certain sense of identity around how we think about what we believe.

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While some might argue this is natural, is that really true? Is it optimal? Does it mean that we can’t change this pattern? Or perhaps we can ask, where has that belief in this pattern led us?

Is our society peaceful? Do we make sense of things effectively? Are we working together or are we divided by our beliefs?

My research and experience in working on myself and with others for the last 14 years has led me to a simple truth: we are all capable to expanding our awareness past the fickle form of identity that sees us as our beliefs.

In fact, I’ve seen people free themselves from this level of thinking so deeply that they begin to synthesize information so much more effectively, and they can communicate with others much more deeply without all the arguments and disagreements.

Why? Because they are free from the idea that someone is attacking their beliefs. They are free from the idea of needing to be right or wrong. They instead are at play and hold curiosity and ease enough that they can keep asking questions.

Questions are key. When we hear bits of information and ask more questions as opposed to simply jumping to conclusions, we pull our thinking and awareness even deeper. We begin to see where else things might go vs. simply stopping at whatever an analyst on TV might have told us.

Often times people feel that getting to answers is all about researching and hearing what others are saying. But what questions did they ask themselves to arrive at the answer they are giving you?

Related: Resetting Politics And The Media

We must learn to ask the right questions, if we want to get to answers that are more impactful and meaningful. This is often times the biggest factor in why mainstream, and even a lot of alternative media, is failing to provide people with experiences of arriving at useful answers.

The questions being asked are often built from a bias, therefore they are faulty questions or questions that seek only to bring answers that fit into our existing bias.

The way we choose to operate with our media here at CE is to invite the habit and skill of questioning and critically thinking in every piece we create. This is done by posing questions, inviting deeper inquiry and pushing beyond existing worldviews.

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Why So Many “Experts” Make Such Disastrous Errors
March 23 2021 | From: MelaniePhillips / Various

If you want to discover why so many of our experts are getting things so terribly wrong, Giles Fraser’s interview on Unherd’s “Confessions” with the former Bank of England governor, Lord King, is essential listening.

King asks what it means to be rational in an age of deep uncertainty. Many experts, he says, have come to believe that mathematical calculations and computer modelling provide us with an authoritative representation of reality.

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This is hopelessly wrong because such calculations can never encompass the uncertainties that help form human behaviour. Yet these experts have come to believe that everything can be thus quantified and explained.

So anything that can’t be quantified is therefore useless; and anyone who challenges the quantification model is somehow suspect and is disregarded or even disrespected.

The belief that we can quantify everything and suppress whatever we don’t understand, says King, is part of the belief that humans can control everything.

But these experts don’t factor in any understanding of how human beings behave – which may be very different from what such mathematical calculations and computers are telling them.

Human beings, says King, are good at dealing with ambiguity, mysteries and complexity.

Behavioural economics, however, and its fashionable offshoot “nudge theory” (which has its own unit in Whitehall!) is based on the certainty that human beings will always maximise and optimise their opportunities – and if they don’t behave in this way, well, that must be explained by “bias”, more than 100 types of which economists now feed into their calculations.

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But it’s the economists’ models that are themselves biased – against reality. As King says, they assume individuals operate only as individuals. In fact, people usually take decisions by talking to others. We tend to act collectively.

These experts make reductive assumptions in a world which is much more complicated than can be explained away by this balance-sheet mentality. As an example, King cites the Brexit debate which partisans on both sides reduced to a “bogus” row about numbers.

Remainers claimed to know exactly how much the public would lose by leaving the EU; Brexiteers claimed to know exactly how much would be available to spend on the NHS.

In fact, says King, the NHS figure omitted the amount of spending on other projects which would be cut back; and, as many said, Remainers couldn’t possibly know how much worse off people would be.

What was missed altogether by this argument over numbers, he says, was that the Brexit issue was actually a debate about values, about sovereignty and how the EU was developing.

King says he’s been on a personal intellectual journey. He was first introduced to computer modelling of the economy when he was an undergraduate at Cambridge.

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Now he realises you can’t solve a problem by numbers. He came to understand that inflation couldn’t easily be measured. What we think will happen to the economy might not be what actually happens.

Economics, he says, used to be defined by problems; now it’s defined by techniques and mathematical methods, which means every problem has to be fitted into the mathematical model.

So if this model can’t explain what’s going on in the world, it’s assumed there must be something wrong with the world.

King is speaking principally about economics.

What he says, however, is also applicable to other issues where so many scientific experts have got things so terribly wrong - such as the devastating errors made by some of them over coronavirus, not to mention the global madness over climate change (to which he refers in passing as characterised by “quite a lot of uncertainty”).

Rather than look at what was undeniably true about Covid-19 – that the combination of its exponential rate of infectivity and serious or fatal effects in a minority of cases meant any health care system would quickly become overwhelmed - mindlessly mathematical modellers fed inadequate abstract information into their computers and got disastrously false results.

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One of the clearest and most dramatic examples was the study by Professor Tom Pike of Imperial college, London who predicted that at the height of the Covid-19 outbreak Britain would have 260 deaths a day.

Just a few days later, Britain’s daily virus death rate reached 260 and Pike was forced to eat his words and admit he had seriously underestimated the problem.

He had based his false calculation on the assumption that the outbreak in Britain would follow a similar trajectory to what had been seen in Wuhan, China.

Among many aspects of reality that this failed to take into consideration was surely that the Chinese statistics are almost certainly a gross under-estimate.

Pike’s critics got it right.

"Alan McNally, from the University of Birmingham, said that it showed the perils of looking at numbers in isolation, without considering what we know of the virus. ‘Modelling and projections are fantastic tools but really all we need to do is look at the hard numbers we are seeing in other countries just a few weeks ahead of us. We properly introduced social distancing last week,’ he said.

‘Therefore fatalities will continue to double every three days for another two weeks at least given the lag time between infection and death.’

“Jonathan Ball, professor of virology at the University of Nottingham, added: ‘Models are based on major assumptions and often these assumptions are wrong.

Until we do on-the-ground research - go out into the community and test exactly how many people have been infected with this virus - we will have no idea of the rate of severe disease or what proportion of infected people die.’”


And the same point can be made about the apocalyptic predictions of global catastrophe through “climate change”, previously known as anthropogenic global warming (AGW).

Related: "The UN's 'Woke' Climate Change Propaganda Is An Insult To Science" + “What They Haven’t Told You About Climate Change.” – According To The Co-Founder of Greenpeace

Right from the start, the problem has been that these predictions have been based on computer modelling.

This is wholly inadequate to the task, since the climate is one of the most complex, non-linear and chaotic systems in existence. No computer model can adequately deal with this.

The information fed into these models is therefore by definition inadequate – which means that what comes out the other end is next to worthless.

And that’s before you factor in the biases and outright frauds of some of the AGW ideologues who occupy scientific positions – and all of whom who, just as Lord King says, assume that their computer models (and indeed, their whole framework of assumptions) constitute unchallengeable reality.

So anyone who dares point out the factual evidence that contradicts the model is a “denier” who must be suppressed.

Experts are often very quick to claim that any critic who doesn’t belong to their particular discipline can be discounted as ignorant.

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Evidence, reality and reason, however, defy the attempted constraints of any discipline.

The key point, articulated by Lord King about economics but with far wider application, is that both the social and physical sciences are now dominated by people who have redefined evidence, reality and reason into nothing less than their formulaic antithesis.

The evidence is all around us.

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Cycles Of History Ignored - Canceling History
22 March 2020 | From: DrDans / Various

Historians have incessantly warned us not to disregard the lessons of history lest we repeat failures that could have been avoided. 

1933 Berlin Book Burning

Nevertheless, humanity has habitually and often flagrantly ignored past mistakes regardless of how costly or disastrous.

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History, however, teaches us the valuable lesson that not everyone disregards the past. Evil never sleepss.

In ancient times, when a people or nation was conquered, the new rulers obliterated the history of the vanquished. 

Prior to the availability of printed books, history was passed from one generation to the next orally, on handwritten scrolls, or carved in stone on monuments and shrines. 

The conquering armies routinely destroyed statues, sanctuaries, tombs, and any physical trace of the previous civilization. 

"8 Now there arose a new king over Egypt, who did not know Joseph. 9 And he said to his people, “Look, the people of the children of Israel are more and mightier than we; 10 come, let us deal shrewdly with them, lest they multiply, and it happen, in the event of war, that they also join our enemies and fight against us, and so go up out of the land.” 11 Therefore they set taskmasters over them to afflict them with their burdens."

- New King James Version (NKJV)

After Joseph saved the Egyptian people from famine, the Children of Israel were welcomed into Egypt and became valued members of Egyptian society. 

Many years later, a tribe from the south conquered Egypt and, in a heartbeat, the Children of Israel became scapegoats and slaves to the new rulers.

Artist O. Von Corven interpretation of the Library of Alexandria based on archaeological evidence

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During the Greek and Roman eras, books were handwritten but were often kept in libraries and used for education and study. 

One of the most famous was the Library of Alexandria which was estimated to have contained over 500,000 books and documents and was home to over 100 scholars for many decades. 

The library was burned to the ground during several wars and various periods of unrest. Centuries of human history was lost forever.   

In 1440, Johannes Gutenberg invented the printing press, and books became available in greater numbers. The result was an exponential growth in knowledge, education, science, and philosophy. 

Literacy, formerly a privilege available only to the ruling class, suddenly became a dangerous tool that could be used by common folks to challenge the power and authority of the elite.

Tyrants, recognizing that an enlightened public is a risk to their authority, always attempt to control what information is available to the people and how it is disseminated. 

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Joseph Goebbels, the Reichsminister for Propaganda and Public Enlightenment, controlled all radio, press, cinema, and theater in Nazi Germany and regulated German culture. 

His often-quoted philosophy of propaganda continues to be a tool used by diabolical dictatorial regimes:

A lie told once remains a lie but a lie told a thousand times becomes the truth

Propaganda works best when those who are being manipulated are confident they are acting on their own free will.

Propaganda must facilitate the displacement of aggression by specifying the targets for hatred.

The most brilliant propagandist technique will yield no success unless one fundamental principle is borne in mind constantly – it must confine itself to a few points and repeat them over and over.

It is the absolute right of the State to supervise the formation of public opinion.

A law against hating Jews is usually the beginning of the end for the Jews.

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Under Goebbels’ leadership, literature and books that did not promote and support the goals of the Nazi regime were burned in public events. 

"The book burnings took place in 34 university towns and cities. Works of prominent Jewish, liberal, and leftist writers ended up in the bonfires.

The book burnings stood as a powerful symbol of Nazi intolerance and censorship. The Nazi University Student Association created blacklists of works by literary and political figures such as Bertolt Brecht, Erich Maria Remarque, and Ernest Hemingway that were to be thrown into the flames.

In the aftermath of the book burnings, the Nazi regime raided bookstores, libraries, and publishers’ warehouses to confiscate materials it deemed dangerous or “un-German.”

- Author(s): United States Holocaust Memorial Museum, Washington, DC

In a symbolic act of ominous significance, on May 10, 1933, university students burned upwards of 25,000 volumes of “un-German” books, presaging an era of state censorship and control of culture – United States Holocaust Memorial Museum, Washington, DC

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German schools substituted indoctrination for education, and “truth” in public media was defined by the political needs of the regime. 

Goebbels’ propaganda machine blamed Germany’s economic and social problems on the Jews, providing the Nazi regime with a convenient and familiar scapegoat for the Holocaust. 

Isn’t that exactly what is going on in our country [the West] today? 

In order to force all of us to sign on to their agenda of a one-world collectivist tyranny, the elite globalists must first destroy American / Western history, ignore the philosophy of our founders, and outlaw our foundational concepts of private property, self-protection, and individual rights.     


Fallen Christopher Columbus statue outside the Minnesota State Capitol, St. Paul, Minnesota, June 10, 2020

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American History is the anchor that binds each of us to American culture, and the collectivists are desperate to separate us from the traditions that guarantee our freedom. 

They tear down our statues, falsely condemn dissent as racism, denounce our founders as white supremacists, refuse to teach true American History in schools, and ban books, films, television programs, and public figures at will, often for the most specious and ridiculous reasons. 

These destructive actions are absolutely the same outrageous and barbaric behavior as German university students and Hitlerjungend burning books in the public square. 

And they dare to call us Nazis. The sad truth is whatever radical progressives and the collectivist elite call us is exactly what they are doing.

The ability to disseminate knowledge on a global scale via the Internet can grant even one single person the power to change the future of humanity either for the better or, unfortunately, for the worse. 

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"Where books are burned, in the end people will be burned, too."

- 19th-century poet Heinrich Heine

We can no longer sit idly by and allow the arrogant global elite to be the only voice heard.

Resist Tyranny and Trust in Freedom!  

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Lies, Damn Lies And Statistics
March 21 2020 | From: BreakingViews / A / Various
Nineteenth century British Prime Minister Benjamin Disraeli once said “There are three types of lies – lies, damn lies, and statistics.” 

Studies are meant to foster informed decision-making, sound judgments and actions based on evidence, not hearsay - often termed anecdotal - or assumptions.

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Do they?

Well it depends.

You see statistics can be notorious for their ability and potential to be manipulated so as to be misleading and give a false perception. It depends on the way they are presented.

Misleading statistics can be the result of deliberate or accidental use of numerical data. The results then give a distorted or completely opposite conclusion to the receiver, in most cases the public.

Mona Lebied writing in Data Analysis, Aug 8th 2018, said:

"Numbers don’t lie, they can in-fact be used to mislead with half-truths. This is known as the misuse of statistics.

It is often assumed that the misuse of statistics is limited to those individuals or companies seeking to gain profit from distorting the truth, be it economics, education or mass media.”

But it’s not only profit-making agencies that manipulate statistics.

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Fiddling Data

A 2009 investigative survey by Dr. Daniele Fanelli from The University of Edinburgh found that just under 34 percent of scientists surveyed admitted to “tampering” data “including modifying results to improve outcomes, subjective data interpretation, withholding analytical details and dropping observations because of gut feelings.”

Mona Lebied wrote:

"Numbers don’t always have to be fabricated or misleading, it is clear that even societies most trusted numerical gatekeepers are not immune to the carelessness and bias that can arise with statistical interpretation processes.”

It’s important to understand misuse of statistics can be accidental or purposeful.            

Polls of public opinion can be biassed by the way in which questions are framed. These can be termed “loaded questions,” designed to encourage a response in a certain direction.

It’s a good idea to view poll questions with a degree of analysis to see if you can discern any “loading.”

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Statistics Can Be Misleading

Of course politicians as one of the most untrustworthy of “professions”, are most likely to misuse data to suit their agendas.

An example is the current covid 19 pandemic. Deaths are listed as due to Covid19 - end of story. 

But there appears no breakdown as to how many of those who died, already had severe health problems and were going to die then or at least soon.

I quickly add, I’m not saying we shouldn’t be worried and acting in the face of a pandemic. 

I’m asking give us the true picture. 

In this case I’d like to see a breakdown of covid related deaths, with an explanation how many had underlying severe health issues.

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Global Warming

Another example which in my opinion, has suspect data is that around global warming or climate change.

There is one big flaw in the raging opposing extremes of today’s global warming debate.

In basic mathematics terms, the equation is represented by Natural Climate Change + or - Human Induced Climate Change =  Actual Climate Change.

Plus or minus.

Natural climate change has been going on for millions of years.

In Marlborough, several million years ago, when the climate had cooled, a glacier existed down to the confluence of the Branch, Goulter and the parent Wairau River.

When it retreated the climate warmed. Today the glacier has gone.

The cooling that preceded the glacier’s downstream advance and then the warming as it retreated, was just part of the normal dynamic cyclic nature of the earth’s climate.

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Central Otago and in particular the St Bathans area is another case in point.

Reading scientist George Gibbs’ comprehensive and fascinating book “Ghosts of Gondwana” (published 2016) there is the astonishing tale that about 15 to 20 million years ago, there was a large freshwater lake ecosystem which by evidence of fossils, had crocodiles, turtles, eucalyptus trees and other warm species. 

"Their presence is indicative of a sub-tropical dry climate,” wrote George Gibbs.

The climate must have warmed to allow sub-tropical species to not only exist but thrive. Then it cooled to its present day climate of cool winters and hot summers - again proof of the dynamics of climate change.

In the frantic debate that currently ensues the factor of “natural climate change” is mostly missing. 

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Even scientists disagree on the human factor. For politicians it’s a populous bandwagon to hitch a ride on to popularity and power. Mixed up is hypocrisy.

New Zealand exports coal but conveniently for government, details are difficult to find. 

However googling I got a brief admission from a government site - “Most of New Zealand’s premium bituminous coal is exported.” That’s it. It’s almost a gloss-over. 

Like “getting blood out of a stone” I then eventually found a newspaper article stating NZ’s “biggest markets for coal are Japan, India, China and Australia” where it’s often used in coal-fired power stations.

Then there is the issue of jet planes, which the significant emissions are exempt from calculations. And obligations.

New Zealand is a long way from the world’s large continents and most major population centres. So people fly by jet planes. 

A Victoria University 2019 Working Paper:

"Can We Keep Flying? Decarbonising New Zealand’s Domestic and International Aviation” by Wallace Rae and Paul Calliste” said “for New Zealanders a single economy class return trip to Europe elevates one person’s carbon footprint by an estimated 6 tonnes, 5 according to one carbon calculator, 8 tonnes 6 by another and over 11 tonnes 7 by a third.

Given our place in the world, it should be no surprise that domestic aviation emissions are swamped by emissions from international flights in and out of New Zealand.” 

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Denial of Reality

The authors said “Rather than trying to comfort politicians in their utopias, scientists should instead help them to get out of the denial of reality.”

Much of the New Zealand political discussion has centred on measures the farming community should be taking to reduce methane emissions. There has been less discussion on the role of our transport fuels for a zero carbon 2050 vision.

In particular, in New Zealand there is a dearth of published research on ways to decarbonise aviation. We urgently need discussion and debate on this topic. More anomalies appear. 

In the Emissions Trading Scheme (ETS) it only accepts "a forest species capable of reaching five metres in height” - somewhat illogical and bizarre. That means vegetation under five metres in height is not considered in carbon sequestering calculations.


Five metres is double the height of a normal housing ceiling.  Bureaucrats setting such rules, should in their centrally heated cocoon, look at the ceiling and ponder at the absurdity.

A good number of native trees and shrubs are under five metres for example many of the coprosmas (58 species) , pittsporums (200 species), hebes, (80 species) and others and of course tall species such a rimu, beech, totara being slow growing, are less than 5 metres in height for a considerable number of years.

Surely even pasture grasses have some carbon sequestering value? Which raises the question why have a height limit on vegetation?

It appears the dice is loaded against the rural community and in particular farmers.     

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People Factor

There should be a clear distinction between the natural trend and the human induced trend in climate change.

Incidentally in the debate on global warming, I have seen no reference to part of the solution being managing human numbers, i.e. population planning. 

People drive cars which belch emissions and fly regularly on jet planes that fart “gases and particles  -- which contribute to climate change.” Humans demand resources, flush toilets, use chemicals and throw away garbage. 

The more people, the greater demand for resources, more cars and planes, more sewers, more rubbish and more emissions.

Climate change through ice ages and warm periods, has always been.

To reiterate what is the climate change induced by humans?

Government departments can be very adept at manipulating data or research to suit their policies. In some cases the department’s bureaucrats via spin doctors, only tell half the story.

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1080 Poison

One area I’m familiar with is the Department of Conservation’s programme on aerial 1080 poison based on exterminating by 2050, within New Zealand, predators such as rats, stoats and  possums.

The inclusion of possums as a “predator” is rather bizarre. The possum is a herbivore.

But DOC and extreme groups like Forest and Bird paint the possum as a “predator.” One Landcare Research scientist even did publicly.

The department aerially spreads 1080 poison over mostly public lands. It also supports and sanctions the use of aerial 1080 by OSPRI, funded partly by taxpayer, partly by farmer levies. OSPRI’s role is devoted to ridding the country’s cattle and deer herds of bovine tuberculosis (Tb).

Sometimes manipulation of data is so simple as to not mention a statistic!

The conveniently forgotten statistic of OSPRI’s was revealed on Scoop News in September 2016, by a conservationist the late Bill Benfield.

“New Zealand is Tb free by world yardsticks but even today OSPRI spins the line about the bovine Tb threat,” he said.

Bill Benfield explained the world standard for a country to declare “Tb free” is 0.2% for Tb infected herds and 0.1% for infected cattle.

"Recent information (2016) obtained by NZ First MP Richard Prosser in Parliament showed New Zealand rates of Tb infection in cattle were slight, i.e. 0.0019% average over the last nine years.

It is so far below that required by world standards for a Tb free declaration – that New Zealand must be one of the world’s most Tb free countries.”

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Rat Plagues

The Department of Conservation claims 1080 kills most rats. That is quite correct.

In fact it knocks out about 80 percent of rats. Great news!

But it’s only half the story and the department knows it too.

The truth is in a Landcare Research study in 2008 (Wendy Ruscoe, “Interaction of Mammalian Pest Populations Following Control”. While DOC’s 1080 drop has wiped out the greater majority of rats, there are the 10, 15 or 20 percent survivors.

What DOC failed to explain was that rats are remarkably efficient breeders. The consequences are dire.

In 2011 Landcare Research scientist Wendy Ruscoe publicly said about her 2008 research "In our study it took one year for rat populations to come back to pre-poisoning levels. By the second year rat numbers were higher than before the operation.”

Rats are similarly efficient multipliers. They breed year-round capable of several litters a year and reach breeding age within just several weeks. About three weeks after getting pregnant, a female rat will give birth to a litter of 3 to 14 pups.

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Rodent and Stoat Explosion

The research found that within three to four years, rat numbers will be three to four times pre-poisoning levels - an increase of 300 to 400 percent.

Other studies have confirmed the remarkable bounce-back of rats following 1080 poison.

The effect does not end there.

The principal prey for stoats is rats. With rat numbers high and a resultant increased availability of food, stoat numbers increase quickly. They similarly explode.

The problem for science is that it is subject to pressures, which can undermine its integrity and accuracy. DOC commissions agencies such as Landcare Rsearch to carry out studies.

This raises the question as to the integrity of the “paid “science.

In 2007 two retired US scientists Quinn and Pat Whiting-O’Keefe, originally from Stanford Research Institute and University of California, with a considerable knowledge in chemistry and an expertise in statistical inference in complex systems” appeared before a government review of 1080. They had spent eight months analysing pro-1080 studies. 

Related: Why Are People So Concerned About 1080?

The Truth?

In the “NZ Herald” the pair stated:

"There is now a familiar litany of scientifically insupportable claims about what great things aerial 1080, a universal poison, is doing for our forest ecosystems. The people of New Zealand have a right to know the truth about what the scientific evidence shows." 

The pair audited Department of Conservation scientific research and produced an 88-page monograph reviewing more than 100 scientific papers. 

"The results are startling and belie most of the department's claims. First, there is no credible scientific evidence showing that any species of native bird benefits from the dropping of tonnes of 1080 into our forest ecosystems, as claimed by the department - there is certainly no evidence of net ecosystem benefit.”

Related: The Director General Of DoC Claims 1080 Doesn’t Kill Non-Target Species Whilst DoC’s Own Studies Show It Does & “Hidden Agenda” Of 1080 Poisoners Needs Scrutiny

Dollar Factor

The problem is in the commercialisation of science where a scientist is commissioned by a client to examine a subject. 

Consider the dilemma for the scientist. If he or she wants continuing work from the client, then obviously the research’s conclusions should be compatible with the client’s policy.

Science and scientists have been placed in an invidious position.

The late Bill Benfield in his 2015 book “At War with Nature” (Tross Publishing) spelt it out.

"Bully boy tactics and other forms of coercion have been used in New Zealand to ensure that science supports the state’s policies.”

He agreed “it is still possible that robust science with professional integrity can happen” but “science subject to the power of political pressure and the cheque book is junk science.”

Just beware - as Benjamin Disraeli said “There are three types of lies – lies, damn lies, and statistics.”

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The Rise Of The Western Spy Assclown
March 20 2021 | From: AMGreatness / Various

As with any sclerotic bureaucracy whose mission is lost to circumstances, America’s former Cold War espionage apparatus has grown sloppy. But using Western spies to fabricate political dirt crosses a big line.

There was once a time when Washington needed spies with the power to operate clandestinely in a free society. Soviet Communism was an evil ideology that spread its error by revolutionary movements through what was then called “the domino theory.”

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Sometime in the early 1990s, though, Russia ceased to embody an ideology and became a nation again. Alexander Solzhenitsyn moved back, and Russians stopped caring so much whether their little girl gymnasts got perfect 10s on the balance beam.

That left an entire apparatus in the West built to fend off Russian intrigue. None of it was dismantled. Instead, intrusive devices meant to prevent World War III wound up in the hands of EU bureaucrats and wannabee sophisticates of the American spy ranks. 

Together, they set out to invent Russian intrigue of the sort that let them use their cool gadgets. 

Chief among the spy assclowns was a Brit by the name of Christopher Steele. He built a big-shot life for himself by blaming Russia for stuff. It was Steele, as a member of MI6, who determined that Alexander Litvinenko’s poisoning was a Russian state hit.

Related: An Honest Assessment Of Putin + Kremlin Publishes Full Megan Kelly Putin Interview - NBC Cut The Best

Nobody has seen the evidence that says Russia poisoned Litvinenko.

We have to rely on Steele, and he can’t tell us how he knows Putin did it because then he’d have to kill us. But, not to worry, the venerable author of the infamous Steele dossier would never just make stuff up, right?

By such shadowy machinations, “Putin is a thug” replaced the domino theory as the raison d’etre of the lucrative Western spy apparatus. 

How Putin poisoning political enemies justifies complex intelligence gathering and military bases originally designed to prevent Soviet incursions into Western Europe is not something you were supposed to ponder. A priori, “Putin is a thug” means he wants to attack France. 

Some really smart people have been suckered by this circular reasoning. To take but one example, Pope John Paul II’s biographer, George Weigel, is staunchly on the side of preventing Putin’s inevitable march to Luxembourg and beyond. 

It is a peculiar feature of the American plutocracy that even papal biographers become paid pundits lending religious zeal in support of military measures to stop the spread of Soviet Communism that ended on its own back in 1991. 

Weigel is joined in his views by former Republican standard-bearers Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan, their strange bedfellows Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama, and all of NeverTrump. Russia-bad is something the entire Washington elite can agree upon.

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Politico let the cat out of the bag back in 2015 when it reported:

The United States still maintains nearly 800 military bases in more than 70 countries and territories abroad . . . Britain, France and Russia, by contrast, have about 30 foreign bases combined.”

The great funding pipeline that makes Washington, D.C. the wealthiest region in America feeds mostly on military spending which still, nearly 30 years removed from the Cold War, requires a Russian enemy.

President Eisenhower - the furthest thing from a conspiracy theorist America has ever produced - famously warned in his farewell address to beware “the military-industrial complex.”

Related: New Zealand’s Homegrown Military-Industrial Complex

Unconventional candidate Donald Trump rattled Washington to its core in March 2016 when he wondered about NATO’s continued relevance and questioned America’s foreign policy in Ukraine. That’s when this “Putin’s candidate” stuff started among both Republicans and Democrats.

There is nothing illegal about paying people like George Weigel to evoke Russian enemies. His reasons for siding with the godless EU against a country that asks the Patriarch of the Church to pass on all legislation is between him and his maker.

Using Western spies to fabricate political dirt crosses a line, though. That is criminal.

As happens with any sclerotic bureaucracy whose mission is lost to circumstance - see, for example, your local post office - the former Cold War spy apparatus has grown sloppy. 

It serves political ends without sufficiently hiding its nefarious intentions. Even its spy arcana has become as ill-fitting as the vintage striped shorts letter carriers wear on hot days.

Related: The Raid: In Bungled Spying Operation, NSA, GCSB & SIS Targeted Pro-Democracy Campaigner

Last week, Hillary Clinton stupidly accused Tulsi Gabbard and Jill Stein of being Russian assets. If spies are willing to deliver anything that has a 55-cent stamp, she might as well send some junk mail. 

The great fun will come next. John Brennan, James Comey, James Clapper, Andrew McCabe, Peter Strzok, and the rest thought they were kings in their world of make-believe, playing James Bond against the evil Trump.

Really, though, they were mailmen in ridiculous shorts, reliving past glories of the Sears Catalog day, while stuck hopelessly in a world of internet ordering and drone delivery.

A federal prosecutor is now asking questions. U.S. Attorney John Durham has Mifsud’s phones. This is going to get interesting, and soon. 

Related: Jared Kushner Explains How Mueller’s Junk Report Of Russian Facebook Influence Was Deep State Garbage

Unless, of course, the citadel holds, and the prosecution stops short of toppling Washington’s most strongly held conceit: that the $1.2 million McMansions in McClean, Virginia are necessary to stop Putin.

Even if that happens, the people are wiser from this ridiculousness. Washington will never return to that place where heroes like Pierre Delecto save the world from pretend Russian threats.

The swamp is draining.

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The Mystery Of Rennes-le-Chateau
May 2 2020 | From: FinalWakeUpCall

Secret Societies: Was the Priory of Sion involved with the Unification of Europe?

If recent claims by various authors are correct, the Priory of Sion may be the oldest and most powerful secret society in history.

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It is said that they are the driving force behind the Knights Templar, and documents show that former leaders include names such as Leonardo da Vinci, Robert Fludd, Sir Isaac Newton, Victor Hugo, and the artist Jean Cocteau. This group was not known to the public until the mid-twentieth century.

The mystery surrounding the Priory of Sion takes place around the abbey of Rennes-le-Chateau in the Languedoc in southern France, where the Cathars were established in the 10th century.

They were the ancestors of the Scottish Carbonari, who had a lot of influence on the illuminati.

The Cathar Society was a humanitarian order who believed that their religious views were purer than those of the Catholic Church. They were followers of the former Gnostics, who devoted themselves more to spiritual matters than to material wealth.

Catharians and Catharism

The name Cathar means ‘the pure’. They were bloodily slaughtered between 1208 and 1244 at the religious command of Pope Innocent III by his papal army. Tens of thousands of men were sent by the Vatican to the province of Languedoc in France.

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Rennes-le-Chateau became, many years later, the home of the Templars who from their early years had maintained warm relations with the Catharians.

They were more Cathar than Catholic. The Catharians, many of whom were wealthy, had a considerable secret cache of gold and silver and important writings. Researchers report that these treasures were smuggled away three months before their slaughter, after which this hoard was lost forever.

The Mystery of Rennes-le-Chateau

Caught up in the mystery of Rennes-le-Chateau in 1885, was a Catholic priest by the name of François Berenger Saunière. He took the initiative of restoring the city church that in 1059 was dedicated to Mary Magdalene and stood on West Gothic ruins, dating back to the sixth century.

While he was at work in the church in 1891, he removed an altar stone and discovered that one of the supports was hollow and contained four parchment papers; two pieces with pedigrees from 1244 and 1644 and two missives written between 1780 and 1790 by a former parish priest, the abbot Antoine Bigou.

Related: The Knights Templar And The Pharaohs

The texts were unusual and seemed to have been written in code, some of which were incredibly complex. Saunière was referred to Paris by his superior and met the director general of the seminar, Saint Sulpice. Later it became known that this seminary was probably a cover for the Priory of Sion.

What the documents contained is still a secret to this day, but it was a big turning point in the life of Saunière. His visit to Paris not only earned him new friends in high circles, but also great wealth.

Before his sudden death in 1917, he spent many millions on new constructions and renovations in his town.

Shortly before his death, he discovered a small crypt underneath the church, which allegedly contained skeletons. He also discovered that the treasure he found belonged to King Dagobert II and to Sion, where he ultimately died.


This dark mixture of conspiracies clearly points to a level of reality that does not come to light in the MSM.

Researchers have found irrefutable evidence of involvement of an organised and coherent framework active behind the scenes, sometimes facilitated by using other organisations as a façade, aiming at the involvement of the Priory of Sion in the ‘dark underworld of European issues’ – where the mafia partially mergers with secret societies and intelligence services.

The big business world plays cosy hand clapping with the Vatican, where huge amounts of money are used for clandestine purposes, where the dividing lines between politics, religion, espionage, the banking world and organised crime fade and become negligible.

It is a turbid sphere of influence where European Christian Democratic parties, and various societies are committed to the European unity. It is a realm in which those in royal circles, neo-knight orders, masonic sects, the CIA, Mossad, the Maltese Knights and the Vatican are driven together, to temporarily join forces for a common purpose.

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However, as far as is known, no researcher has been able to get a firm grip on the Priory of Sion and its surrounding secret societies and groups. All is faded away and obfuscated by false documents, contradictory statements and smokescreens.

Moreover, yet other researchers are of the opinion that the Priory of Sion represents the summit of the current power pyramid and that the Priory of Sion recruits freemasons for its society through the Rosicrucians.

The European Union now seems to be a meticulous copy of the united Europe as envisaged by the leaders of the New World Order and the Priory of Sion.

Related: The Rosicrucians

Secret Societies

It is believed that secret societies are inter connected with the CIA, Mossad, the CFR, Bilderbergers, Round tables and Freemasonry, and even further back in history to the Illuminati, the Templars, the Maltese Knights and the Priory of Sion.

With their continuing agenda to discredit both national and ecclesiastical authorities in their attempt to first forge a united Europe and to then unite the rest of the world, i.e. to realise the NWO.

Instead of taking part in ecumenical studies to determine which traditions are most accurate, the Roman Church has attempted to eradicate everything that defied their authority with particularly violent and murderous means.

Related: We Are Surrounded By Masonic Symbols: How Modern Logos Are Linked To Secret Societies

One of the most prominent and powerful threats of ecclesiastical dogma came from the Templars. This order, originally a small secret group of knights, was formed to protect pilgrims after the first crusade was successfully completed, after having conquered the city of Jerusalem.

The Knights Templar really did not spend much time patrolling the roads. Instead, this group of knights, who had good connections with the most powerful European families, made excavations deep below where once Solomon’s Temple had stood in Jerusalem.

Whatever they found there, was all taken to Europe and was apparently hidden in the south of France in the village of Rennes-le-Chateau.

While nobody seems to know anything with absolute certainty about the particularities of these treasures of the Knights Templar, most researchers have come to the conclusion that in addition to a literal treasure of gold and silver, they most probably found old documents and works of art that could have been used to challenge and ultimately destroy ecclesiastical traditions.

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A group whose beliefs were possibly strengthened by the Templars’ discovery, was the Catharians, who were mainly based in the Languedoc region.

Merovingian Dynasty

The authorities of the Roman church felt threatened by the power of the Merovingian bloodline and they arranged the murder of King Dagobert II, through their influence over his stewards, after which they organised their own principality.

When the peace-loving Catharians condemned such abuse of power by the Church in 1209, Pope Innocent III began to take military steps against them too.

It is the strong suspicion that the treasures found in Jerusalem by the Knights Templar confirmed the Catharians’ faith. In fact, many Cathars were kept out of the hands of the papal army through the support of the Templars.

The Templars

Meanwhile the Knights Templar succeeded in intimidating the Roman Catholic Church so that the Church grantedspecial rights and favours to their order, through which they became one of the most powerful multinational organisations in the world.

Nonetheless, in 1307 the Templars themselves became victims of the wrath of the Vatican. In that year, all Templars in France were arrested and tortured by King Philip IV of France, who was commissioned by the Pope and the Vatican to perpetrate this slaughter.

Related: The Knights Templar

Philip IV had previously been dismissed as a member of the Templars because of his great debts to them. Most of Templars fled the country with a large fleet of boats that was stationed in La Rochelle on the Atlantic coast. It is assumed that they took the treasures with them.

Abroad, the Templars simply continued in various countries, albeit under different secret societies and orders, such as the Knights of Christ, Hospital Knights, and the Knights of the Teutonic Order.

In this way, their unorthodox ideas were spread throughout Europe and converged in the Masonic lodge of the Strict Observation where the “illuminated” Freemasonry arose.

It is assumed that among the hidden treasures, were genealogical documents that made the connections of the descendants of Jesus through the Merovingian royal family to individuals of our time.

Possibly, these repressed royals may have had their hand in the movement for the creation of a united Europe, in order to restore the old Holy Roman Empire.

It is thought that this group consisted not only of members belonging to the Habsburg dynasty, but also of personalities who have connections to the intelligence services of both England and America.

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Research into the movement for the unification of Europe and the Priory of Sion reveals connections between many of the modern secret societies, including freemasonry, intelligence services and the Vatican.

This underworld of intrigues was briefly in the news when in the eighties of the last century, the scandal of the P2 lodge in Italy erupted.

The hidden knowledge of the past contains secrets from our very distant history that have provided the basis for the theologies of secret societies.

These secrets garner the attention of high-ranking members of secret societies and even secret services. It was precisely these secrets that formed the link between modern conspiratorial societies and ancient mysteries.

Related: Exposed: The Nazi Roots Of The European Union

For more comprehensive information about our secret rulers, it is recommended to read my latest book; The Great Awakening, in which various chapters are dedicated to this subject, explaining the hierarchy in depth, incorporating with the names of today’s well-known authorities and their roles.

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The Money Changers
March 18 2021 | From: FinalWakeUpCall / Various

Money made on the backs of the populace.

Boom and bust cycles are made to happen.

Related: Financial Fraud: Easy Money Corrupts The Monetary System

History and Origin of Our Debt Slavery

The union, in 2000 BC, between Babylonian religions, Babylonian banking and Babylonian law has put the world into serfdom.

Shortly before the birth of Jesus Christ also named Yeshua Messiah; The Romans set-up a “Puppet Regime” in Israel, so-as-to more effectively mask the harsh reality that the Israelites were a Conquered Folk.

And, because “Law” was frequently administered by a “Priesthood” in these ancient cultures, a group of priests known as “Pharisees” among them joint with the Romans to Deceive, Confuse, Plunder, and Enslave the common Israelite People.

Jesus Christ,
who stormed the Temple with righteous anger, overturning the money changers’ tables and whipping them severely about the head and shoulders to remove them out of the Temple, stating; “make not my Father’s house a house of merchandise.”

As reaction these same money changers called for His death days later. Because, Jesus was a threat to their oppressive and tyrannical financial system.

Related: The Crown Of England Is Owned And Operated By The Vatican

Subsequently, the two special-interest-groups, the Romans and the Pharisees, united to have Jesus Christ nailed to the Cross a few days later, in 30 AC.

The fact, that never has been recorded that the religion of the Pharisees as become extinct, indicates that they and their slavery practices continue on to exist to this very day.

In their own literature, the modern practitioners of “Rabbinical Judaism” admit quietly that they are decedents from those ancient Pharisees. Jesus Christ and his followers were Crucified for speaking out boldly against these Evils of the Romans and their False-Israelite Pharisee Puppets.

The Romans were already followers of those same Babylonian Slave-Trading Codes. This indicates that the connection between the Roman Slave-Traders and the Pharisees was more than a mere coincidence.

This indicates that at some point in ancient history; the Roman Slave-Traders and the Phariseers of Israel were of Common Cultural Ancestry.

This shows that the modern “magic” of creating money out of nothing had its roots in the ancient city of Babylon. More exactly, some 600 years before the birth of Jesus Christ.

Related: Babylonian Money Magic & How Modern "Commercial Law" Is Based On Ancient Babylonian Codes

Practitioners of the craft were known historically as “money changers”, to be more specific, “change your money from your hand into mine.”

Already about 1000 BC were money changers active as they even before that date had discovered that control over a fraudulent money supply not only gave them control over the assets of the people, but in a very real way, control over the government of the people.

Around 50 B.C. Julius Caesar took control of the monetary system of the kingdom by minting coins to be used in daily commerce. With a plentiful supply of real money, the kingdom prospered, business flourished and everyone benefited.

Everyone except the money changers, whose livelihood was turned upside down as their control over the nation’s finance was stripped away from them.

Their power would not lie long dormant however. They set about scheming to retake control, and Caesar was assassinated shortly thereafter.

It didn’t take long before corruption returned, taxes increased and the money supply was reduced by 90%, causing businesses to fail, people lost their homes and lands, and poverty became the norm. Sounds familiar?

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The reign of King Henry I 1100 – 1135, brings a new form of money that stripped the money changers of their sinful power over people and nations that at time had lasted for over 700 years.

He created a currency called a tally stick. It was a stick of polished wood with notches cut along one side, the number of which indicated the denomination of the amount of money represented by the stick.

The stick called ‘Tally’ was split lengthwise with each half bearing identical notches. One half went into circulation; the other half was kept by the king. It made counterfeiting impossible.

The system was a huge success, as the King’s taxes were to be paid by , which increased circulation and assured its acceptance as a legitimate form of money.

Most important, it kept the money changers from gaining control of the money supply. Which didn’t sit well with them for a very long time. Meanwhile for the people, the world was a much happier place. After the King died, the money changers returned.

In 1791, Alexander Hamilton, the secretary of the treasury had created the first central bank, under the name the First Bank of the United States, although there were only four other bank in the whole country at that time.

Its charter expired in 1811. In 1816 they tried again setting up the Second Bank of the United States, which charter expired in 1836 and was not renewed by Andrew Jackson, the 7th president 1829 to 1837 of the United States, who once again removed the money changers’ central bank system.

Related: A Central Banker’s Plan For Your Money

After he died in 1845, the criminal money changers returned. They created the banking crisis of 1907, to undertake their third attack to obtain control over the money system.

In 1913 by bribing the Woodrow Wilson Government they re-established their power under the flag of the Federal Reserve Bank, that neither Federal nor a Bank is.

It was in 1963 that President John F. Kennedy 1961 – 1963, made an attempt to have these criminal money changers removed, for which he was murdered in Dallas, Texas in November 1963.

In 2012, after the second term election of Barack Obama, three patriots formed a secret group of ten very rich, intelligent and powerful billionaires. They were worried about losing America to foreign regimes through fascist forces.

That is why they formed a secret alliance, loyal to the flag and constitution of America. They were all personally acquainted with members of the Deep State and obtained first-hand knowledge on their plans. Supported by their powerful, secret alliance, they reached out to trusted associates, motivated by the same reason as to why the Deep State had always handpicked their Presidents; the assurance of a smooth implementation of their plans.

Additional: Read about the Alliance that has been working behind the scenes for decades to take down the 'Cabal' within the work of David Wilcock.

Must Watch: "The Plan" to Defeat the Illuminati

Some of those reading this may be confused because the cabal-controlled mainstream media is doing everything within it's power to denigrate
Trump - as he is part of the effort to take the Illuminati down once and for all.

And the Alliance effort operates beyond the bounds of countries - out of neccessity; as that is how the Luciferian Cabal does.

Do you think you can trust the mainstream media? Look at whom they target. One must wonder why 'they' also do not like

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Henceforth, they decided to beat the Deep State at their own game, without letting them know they were in the same match as a competitor.

Their first step was to select the person they thought would be most suitable to fulfil the job of POTUS.

They listed these criteria for their candidate; must be charismatic, rich, powerful, self-made, motivated to put America first, proud, thick-skinned, a constitutionalist, outspoken, a non-politician but rather, entrepreneurial and must believe in the high probability attaining success in this position.

They selected seven qualified candidates. One of them was Donald Trump. If he would turn down their request, there would quite likely have been an overt coup in an attempt to remove the cabal, as a fallback fail-safe plan.

President Donald Trump was read-in and a key part of his rolw is to expose the Deep State cabal at every turn; the “dark” criminal people who are doing everything possible to keep humanity from waking up.

The cabal are desperate and they are pulling out all the stops to prevent the change into a better world for all of us.

The Deep State hate humanity because they fear humanity as they know what humanity’s true capabilities are and that’s why they’ve gone all out to destroy the populace through Big Pharma’s poisoning pills; so-called “Health care”; applying obstructive methods to healing; toxic fluoridated water; processed foods with poisoning chemicals; soft drinks with dangerous sugars and sweeteners; chemtrails destroying the environment; an education system full of lies, to name just a few facts.

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The Deep State want bribed followers, not independent leaders.

Thanks to the well-organised Q-structure, President Trump and the Patriots are becoming successful and meanwhile have manoeuvred the Deep State in the defence.

Their main tool of "money changing" by the central banks has been ruined. Their worldwide Rothschild run banking system and central bank economy has become totally dysfunctional, as may can observe and is proven by the insane daily money printing in quantities of trillions.

The printing of trillions of money units, with negative interest rates, unlimited quantitative easing QE –other form of money printing – is committed to buying trillions in Treasury Bonds and mortgage backed securities, municipal bond, junk bond, etc. is doubtless the death warrant for the central bank economy. 

This is the transition into the people’s economy on which Trump Team is working since being in office.

The outbreak of the China-Virus is a Deep State Cabal initiated operation to reducing the world population according Agenda 2030.

Is cleverly used by the Trump Team to remove worldwide the Deep State from their illegally obtained money changing power.

Related: Ghost Money, Burnt Money And Dead Money

President Trump and the patriots knew already far in advance, actually from its inception, about this evil operation and has turned this crisis in an opportunity to start worldwide the implementation of GESARA, and ending the Rothschild Central Bank system.

Money Made on the Backs of the Populace

Since the brutal murder of President Kennedy the Deep State became the predominant structure of power over every government.

The money changers had long ago discovered that control over a fraudulent money supply not only gave them control over the assets of the people, but in a very real way, control over the government of the people.

They learned to make money on the backs of the people with the sanction of their own government: They extended their control by applying the sequence of easy money / tight money cycles.

By making money easy to borrow, the amount of money in circulation is increased. When the money changers were satisfied that enough suckers had taken the bait, they sprung the trap.

Related: The Khazarian Bankster Cult That Hijacked The World & Worthless Pieces Of Paper - Interest On Fake Money Is Confiscating Your Freedom

Money is “created” in a debt-based monetary system. Money only comes into being when credit is established. You walk into a bank, borrow $250,000 for a new house; a mark is made on the bank’s ledger, and voila! $250,000 is instantly made, as it didn’t exist before.

Simply by virtue of the fact you signed your name on a piece of paper promising to pay back that sum of money, while the bank receives as security for this fake loan, your real asset, your house, that they will confiscate the moment you are caught in their trap.

Boom and Bust Cycles Are Made to Happen

Suddenly money supply is tightened. Then they make loans difficult or impossible to get, which results in a decrease of the amount of money in circulation.

With the result, that a percentage of the people will not be able to repay their loans whereas being unable to make new loans, they go bankrupt.

These home owners now are forced to transfer their assets to the lenders for peanuts on the loan. While they most likely remain in debt for the rest of their life.

This trick is frequently applied to suck the financial life blood out of the people and keep these as their debt slaves in line.

Their basic strategies are: destabilising nations; ruin their economies; send millions of manufacturing jobs off to places where virtual slave labour does the work, like in China; adding insult to grievance, export the cheap products of those slave-factories back to the nations who lost the jobs, to be sold to consumers without money on cheap credit, buying most of these things they really don’t need in the first place, to further undercut domestic manufacturers, forcing them to close their doors and firing still more employees, to deliberately increase unemployment figures and lowering job quality.

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Then the send in the World Bank or the IMF, to solve the economic chaos by bringing order, lending money and talking away the real assets of the country a security for the emitted loans, based on fake money. 

Question; What kind of problems do they solve? Of course The New World Order.

That eventually, creates one world, without national borders, under one management system, with a planned global economy, to restore stability, deceptively promised ‘for the good of all’, and lasting for ever, after in the process 90% of the world population has been culled.

This process is in sophisticated words called “boom and bust”, “the business cycle”, “inflation”, “recession”, “depression” and it keeps you and me confused and blind to their dark magic.

The language has changed, but the fraud is the same as it always has been. And the world is indeed a much less happy place as time goes forward.

More on the money changers in a future essay, which will deal more specifically with a certain Mr. Amschel Mayer Bauer, alias Rothschild, and his offspring.

There is no reason for anyone to ever suffer from any deficiency. There is no reason for anyone to ever be charged for taxation. The banks use every trick in their books to hold assets that depositors have left with them in good faith – under false claims of ‘abandonment’.

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Do not worry; We, the people, have the power to restore our own national government, reclaim our political status from our birth right, and restore our land jurisdiction.

Our countries – without legal personality of their own – are still standing and operating and can be restored to their original legal status by requiring that all property owed by the nations and people be returned.

The clock is ticking. Billions of people worldwide must wake up and recover their stolen belongings and identity.

The corrupt politicians, the church leaders, the military leaders, the banks – all of them must publicly suffer their shame for what has happened all over the world for centuries.

Be vigilant and determined with the exposure of these corrupt people who take every opportunity to undermine their destruction, do not be fooled by these rats.

Be pleased to know that President Trump and his patriots are working with the Alliance and the help of Q and Anons, supported by many volunteer workers, to end our debt slavery and drain the swamp.

Where one goes, we go all! Be convinced that we humans will win the fight against the Deep State.

When everything is given back to the populace, and people themselves are in charge, planet Earth becomes as our Lord originally had envisioned for us.

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We humans now have an obligation to take the necessary measures to ensure that all generations to come know what we have been through as debt slaves, so that no one or group will ever stand up again and take control of our money, as has been the case many times in the past. That is clearly explained in this essay.

Make sure, that everyone who takes his/her responsibility seriously, is informed in detail about the sheer scale and depth of the committed fraud, injustice, murder and treason.

All future generations and their children must be informed so similar evils do not happen to them again. Only continued civil vigilance can prevent the return of money changers.

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Washington DC’s Role Behind The Scenes In Hollywood Goes Deeper Than You Think
March 17 2021 | From: Independent

On television, we found more than 1,100 titles received Pentagon backing – 900 of them since 2005, from 'Flight 93' to 'Ice Road Truckers' and 'Army Wives.'

Federal agencies in the US have sponsored thousands of hours’ worth of entertainment time, including individual episodes of ‘24’

Related: Document Surfaces Showing CIA’s Plans To Infiltrate Academia & Change University/College Curriculums

The US government and Hollywood have always been close. Washington DC has long been a source of intriguing plots for filmmakers and LA has been a generous provider of glamour and glitz to the political class.

But just how dependant are these two centres of American influence? Scrutiny of previously hidden documents reveals that the answer is: very. We can now show that the relationship between US national security and Hollywood is much deeper and more political than anyone has ever acknowledged.

It is a matter of public record that the Pentagon has had an entertainment liaison office since 1948. The Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) established a similar position in 1996.

Although it was known that they sometimes request script changes in exchange for advice, permission to use locations, and equipment such as aircraft carriers, each appeared to have passive, and largely apolitical roles.

Files we obtained, mainly through the US Freedom of Information Act, show that between 1911 and 2017, more than 800 feature films received support from the US Government’s Department of Defence (DoD), a significantly higher figure than previous estimates indicate. These included blockbuster franchises such as TransformersIron Man, and The Terminator.

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On television, we found over 1,100 titles received Pentagon backing – 900 of them since 2005, from Flight 93 to Ice Road Truckers to Army Wives.

When we include individual episodes for long running shows like 24Homeland, and NCIS, as well as the influence of other major organisations like the FBI and White House, we can establish unequivocally for the first time that the national security state has supported thousands of hours of entertainment.

For its part, the CIA has assisted in 60 film and television shows since its formation in 1947. This is a much lower figure than the DoD’s but its role has nonetheless been significant.

The CIA put considerable effort into dissuading representations of its very existence throughout the 1940s and 1950s. This meant it was entirely absent from cinematic and televisual culture until a fleeting image of a partially obscured plaque in Alfred Hitchcock’s North By Northwest in 1959, as historian Simon Willmetts revealed last year.

The CIA soon endured an erosion of public support, while Hollywood cast the agency as villain in paranoid pictures like Three Days of the Condor and The Parallax View in the 1970s and into the 1980s.

When the CIA established an entertainment liaison office in 1996, it made up for lost time, most emphatically on the Al Pacino film The Recruit and the Osama bin Laden assassination movie Zero Dark Thirty.

Leaked private memos published by our colleague Tricia Jenkins in 2016, and other memos published in 2013 by the mainstream media, indicate that each of these productions was heavily influenced by government officials. Both heightened or inflated real-world threats and dampened down government malfeasance.

One of the most surprising alterations, though, we found in an unpublished interview regarding the comedy Meet the Parents. The CIA admitted it had asked that Robert De Niro’s character not possess an intimidating array of agency torture manuals.

Nor should we see the clandestine services as simply passive, naive or ineffectual during the counterculture years or its aftermath. They were still able to derail a Marlon Brando picture about the Iran-Contra scandal (in which the US illegally sold arms to Iran) by establishing a front company run by Colonel Oliver North to outbid Brando for the rights, journalist Nicholas Shou recently claimed.

The (CIA) Director’s Cut

The national security state has a profound, sometimes petty, impact on what Hollywood conveys politically. On Hulk, the DoD requested “pretty radical” script alterations, according to script notes we obtained through Freedom of Information.

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These included disassociating the military from the gruesome laboratories that created “a monster” and changing the codename of the operation to capture the Hulk from “ranch hand” to “angry man”. Ranch Hand had been the name of a real chemical warfare programme during the Vietnam war.

In making the alien movie Contact, the Pentagon “negotiated civilianisation of almost all military parts”, according to the database we acquired.

It removed a scene in the original script where the military worries that an alien civilisation will destroy Earth with a “doomsday machine”, a view dismissed by Jodie Foster’s character as “paranoia right out of the Cold War”.

The role of the national security state in shaping screen entertainment has been underestimated and its examination long concentrated in remarkably few hands. The trickle of recent books has pushed back but only fractionally and tentatively.

An earlier breakthrough occurred at the turn of the century, when historians identified successful attempts in the 1950s by a senior individual at the Paramount film studio to promote narratives favourable to a CIA contact known only as “Owen”.

The new FOI documents give a much better sense of the sheer scale of state activities in the entertainment industry, which we present alongside dozens of fresh cases studies. But we still do not know the specific impact of the government on a substantial portion of films and shows.

The American Navy’s Marine Corps alone admitted to us that there are 90 boxes of relevant material in its archive. The government has seemed especially careful to avoid writing down details of actual changes made to scripts in the 21st century.

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State officials have described Washington DC and Hollywood as being “sprung from the same DNA” and the capital as being “Hollywood for ugly people”.

That ugly DNA has embedded far and wide. It seems the two cities on opposite sides of the United States are closer than we ever thought.

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Rich Americans Flee To Luxury 'Doomsday Resort' Shelters In New Zealand As Panic Grows
March 16 2021 | From: Zerohedge / Newshub / Various

New Zealand has become the 'doomsday resort' and #1 pandemic escape destination for America's rich. [From the Archives]

Those in Silicon Valley or Manhattan lucky enough to have caught the last international flights into Auckland before borders were shut to foreign travelers late last month - to say nothing of the uptick in private jets landing in the country even days after the ban took effect - in many cases for the first time moved into their multi-million dollar specially designed luxury doomsday bunkers. 

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Bloomberg profiles how rich Americans escaped in droves just as US coronavirus cases began to explode, arriving in isolated and beautiful New Zealand over 1,000 miles off Australia's southern coast - and among the least impacted countries on the earth, currently at a little over 1,400 COVID-19 cases and 12 deaths, out of a population of almost 5 million.

As coronavirus infections tore across the U.S. in early March, a Silicon Valley executive called the survival shelter manufacturer Rising S Co.

He wanted to know how to open the secret door to his multimillion-dollar bunker 11 feet underground in New Zealand,"
the Bloomberg story begins dramatically enough. 

“He went out to New Zealand to escape everything that’s happening,” Gary Lynch, general manager of Rising S Co., described of one elite bunker owner. “And as far as I know, he’s still there.”

The island of Waiheke off Auckland has in recent years been a playground for the super-rich, now fast becoming home to those waiting out the pandemic in luxury

Related: New Zealand Is Regarded Internationally As A Great Place To User-Test, What Does This Mean For Kiwis?

The Texas-based company specializing in high-tech luxury survival bunkers and homes has multiple such clients moving into what are often their third or fourth homes designed specifically for just such an apocalyptic pandemic or other scenario. 

“For years, New Zealand has featured prominently in the doomsday survival plans of wealthy Americans worried that, say, a killer germ might paralyze the world,”writes Bloomberg.

The report describes further:

“Rising S Co. has planted about 10 private bunkers in New Zealand over the past several years.

The average cost is $3 million for a shelter weighing about 150 tons, but it can easily go as high as $8 million with additional features like luxury bathrooms, game rooms, shooting ranges, gyms, theaters and surgical beds.”

The ultra-wealthy have long bet that New Zealand would be the safest place in the world to hunker down during a global crisis, and so far that bet is proving right.

One popular such destination within the country is Waiheke Island, dubbed “the Hamptons of New Zealand” for the high concentration of billionaires who enjoy local wineries and elite eateries set amidst cliff-top mansions and breathtaking views of the ocean. 

Mihai Dinulescu, a 34-year old Silicon Valley entrepreneur who fled to New Zealand said “a lot of venture capital people I know were not afraid enough in time for the border close.”

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He added somewhat ominously: “And now they can’t get in.”

"Over the years, the moneyed North Americans who have managed to wrangle properties there include hedge-fund pioneer Julian Robertson, Hollywood film director James Cameron and PayPal Holdings Inc. co-founder Peter Thiel, who has two estates in New Zealand, one of which features views of snow-capped mountains and has a safe room," Bloomberg describes.  

Tech leaders have long been smitten by picturesque New Zealand's potential as a place to ride out the apocalypse, given its extreme isolation - now its biggest strength.

Billionaire Thiel, who in 2011 became a joint US-New Zealand citizen years ago described it as "utopia".

Diagram of a typical luxury doomsday shelter produced by Texas-based Rising S Co, via Bloomberg: "Delux Bomb Shelter"

Related: Wealthy Americans ship doomsday bunkers to NZ

Kiwis fully expected the recent boom in billionaire doomsday prepper homes to continue. One local luxury home company related the example of a $12 million house which;

“...had an “air tunnel” marked in the foundation plans that could easily fit four people walking shoulder-to-shoulder. “It was quite obviously an escape tunnel in the basement,” he said

This as more broadly the disaster preparedness industry is generally expected to grow around the world.

Luxury shelter under construction by Rising S Co, via Bloomberg

Related: Covid 19 coronavirus: Rich Americans flee to NZ to try to escape pandemic

However, those without such means can only 'stay behind' and watch as the super-wealthy flee virus hotspots for safer and more comfortable climes. 

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Coronavirus: Interest In Underground Bunkers In New Zealand Surges As America's Wealthy Elite Eager To Escape COVID-Ravaged US

There's been a surge in interest in underground bunkers in New Zealand from America's wealthy elite amid the coronavirus crisis, according to an overseas report.

As the US records an alarming 750,000 cases and 40,000 deaths, it's prompted rich-listers to look further afield to protect themselves and their families.

Related: Super-rich jet off to disaster bunkers amid coronavirus outbreak

One of the places they've been looking at is New Zealand, reports Bloomberg News, which has long been an attractive proposition for doomsday preppers due to its isolation from the rest of the world.

Add to that our comparatively successful response to COVID-19 - less than 1,500 cases, and a death rate per capita one 50th the size of America's - and it's perhaps no wonder Aotearoa has become such an attractive proposition to the richest in the US.

Survival shelter manufacturers told Bloomberg they've been fielding many more calls than normal from their wealthy clientele, asking about the feasibility of installing shelters in New Zealand.

Texas firm Rising S Co was contacted by one of its clients in early March, after he arrived in the South Island to access his underground bunker only to discover he had no idea how to access it.

“He went out to New Zealand to escape everything that's happening," general manager Gary Lynch said, "and as far as I know, he's still there."

Related: Billionaires' Bolthole: How New Zealand Became An Escapee's Paradise

Fellow shelter manufacturer Vivos has already installed a 300-person bunker in the South Island, and founder Robert Vicino told Bloomberg he's had two more calls in the past week for new shelters..

Rising S Co has installed about 10 bunkers in New Zealand in recent years, at an average cost of about US$3 million ($5 million). That number can easily rise to US$8 million (NZ$13.3 million), Bloomberg reports, if clients want "luxury bathrooms, game rooms, shooting ranges, gyms, theaters and surgical beds".

Bloomberg reports that many Silicon Valley A-listers started moving to New Zealand from last month, whether they had a bunker or not.

Cryptocurrency tycoon Mihai Dinulescu moved here with his wife in mid-March, after fearing his chance to move here would be scuppered by closed borders. His hunch proved to be correct, with New Zealand's borders closing to non-residents just four days later.

He is now renting a property on Auckland's affluent Waiheke Island, and has connected with about 10 other foreign rich-listers since arriving here.

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New Zealand has long been a popular destination for moneyed Americans. Among those to set up homes in Aotearoa are PayPal co-founder Peter Thiel, investor Julian Robertson, Hollywood film director James Cameron, singer Shania Twain and TV host Matt Lauer.

Bloomberg reports that some of the US' elite have been looking into New Zealand-based investments in an attempt to get residency here.

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Bankers Beware: The First Of Many Salvos
March 15 2017 | From: NeilKeenan

Nowhere to run. Nowhere to hide.

For a long twelve years we have had our local favorite Neil Keenan chasing animals back into the forests, later to see them reincarnate themselves into nasty human beings.

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[Images, links and further details have been added to the source material.]

Oh but how their stench exposes them.

Some refer to these things as lizards, possessed by entities via dark rituals, shape shifters or God knows what. Certainly we have never heard them termed as caring or loving. Their very survival depends upon the destruction of society as we know it. 

90% of our very own are to be exterminated as detailed in their own historical statements. They are not afraid to tell you such things as they apparently believe that they hold weapons that can eliminate our very being. 

What they do not hold (and are mighty scared of) are our numbers:

We The People. 

Related: A Discourse On The Little-Known History Of The Global Banking System

The Billions of people on this planet that ‘they’ (the Cabal) will have to contend with once most of the people wake up, which is now happening on an exponential scale. 

‘They’ are currently running New Zealand, Iceland , Antarctica, while at the same time making end-arounds on Indonesia, Finland, Australia and others.

They must be stopped. They were brought to their knees in the US by a few good men and their will and desire to save their people; President Donald Trump, Neil Keenan etcetera. The results of this are yet to be publicly revealed, however there are hints that are being found by the astute.

You know who Neil Keenan is but not many others do not.

However, ask French ex-President Nicolas Sarkozy who took the life out of him and his stolen election against Marine Le Pen and you will hear Neil’s name whispered. 

Ask the retired Dutch Queen Beatrix, and she just might tell you who forced her into retirement. Psstt, Neil.

Ask Italian ex-Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi what pushed him into accepting a Plea and you just might hear the name Neil again. That’s right  – two years in jail.

Ask South Korean President Park Geun-hye who had her removed from office, and it would be Neil with a little help from his friends (and no Joe Cocker is not one of them). 

Then you have ex Malaysian President Najib Razak who was removed (arrested) by his very own government.

But ask who it was that the Parliament based their corruption support indictment on and you will hear that Neil’s name was mentioned time and time again during their sessions.

Ban Ki-moon left unannounced from the UN finding himself in his home country of South Korea with hopes of securing good standing and an opportunity to become its next President, only to find that Neil put the kibosh on this as well. 

Hastily leaving for China, he found no one to collect him at the airport. Ban Ki-moon was left alone and had to find his way to his hotel himself.

Later he became concerned that this unannounced visit was not acknowledged by Xi Jinping and he was forced to wait for hours in his hotel awaiting his actual meeting. The visit took place but only for a few minutes. The doors were closing on him as well.

The Japanese mobilized their military for the first time since the second world war and very few knew this even happened, but Neil did. 

Their plan was to invade Indonesia and steal assets from all bunkers there that did not belong to them, nor were they any of their business. 

The daughter of the Emperor of Japan was married to an Indonesian General and their plan was to steal from the Global Account holdings in Indonesia and abscond with them to Japan. This never happened due to Neil’s threats of exposure.

Japan’s Prime Minister Shinzo Abe for his failure to deliver (because of Neil being in his face) has RESIGNED.

There is so much more to understand but you would have to read his archives at neilkeenan.com.

[ See: Footsteps of The Amanah and The History & Events Timeline]

You will discover that the Banks have no warm spot in their hearts for Neil who has come after them more than once.

He also exposed the attempt to smuggle gold out of South Korea by the Japanese.

Obama’s attempt to use some of the money he illegally gave to Iran to purchase gold in the Bay of Bangkok only to be rebuked and exposed by Neil. 

Enough said. You are getting the message which is that even when you do not hear from Neil or his team they are doing the dirty work that no government was ever able to do.

It was they who kept things in order in Asia despite many malcontented individuals demanding bunker assets, gold, or anything else of value. Neil & Co. were always in the way. 

Ask anyone who is close to Neil; whether it be in banking, the military, political circles etcetera – what a pain in the rear Neil has been for the Cabal and the answer to the question just might be that Neil has been a royal pain in the ass from day one for them. 

They never should have stolen the Golden Dragon Family assets from him and he is not through with them yet. 

Related: The Three Varieties Of Money

Neil would deny being a royal pain but what he would say is he is “the planets best shit-stirrer.” 

They all wake up in the morning hoping that Keenan has not caught up with them overnight. 

The end (or beginning, depending on how you look at it) is rushing on us and Neil is attempting to put his financial chest together to ‘open things up’ so the whole world may benefit due to Neil’s never dying efforts. 

Right now he is looking for financially healthy individuals who can assist him in finally making this planet safe and sound for everyone (most especially Indonesia).

See Also: The Connection Between 9/11, JFK and the Global Collateral Accounts

Connected to this you will see that Neil is on the attack once again. This time it’s the Malaysian banks and UBS – and he has them by their short hairs. 

Who is going to get the Axe this time? The feeling is – many of them are going to bite the dust. 

Remember Neil does not take prisoners…


Related: The Global Accounts: The Truth, The Thieves, The Liars And The Con Artists

Part Two

You have heard a little about Mr. Keenan in the first section and here and now what will be revealed is in relation to Neil Keenan’s assaults on not only UBS (that will come later) but the Malaysian Banks.

The banks alluded to above have been involved in a huge financial fraud for many years now as they extend agreements without the knowledge or approval of the holder/mandate of the financial notes who recently passed away.

Even if he had not passed away, they would have signed the financial notes and extensions thereof.

Now that I have shared my two cents, I shall now step back while Mr. Keenan ties some loose ends and gets the financing in place that he requires before anything ‘opens up’ so that we may enjoy all that is soon to come. 

Neil and Donald = Quite a team.  This will be a happening not to be missed.

The Fraud involved here surpasses 600 Billion USD, all of which is registered under the name Soekarno Trust and provided to them by Dr. Edy Seno, who has since passed away as mentioned earlier. 

Dr. Seno waited years for this agreement to be activated and provide him and his family the comfort which they had come to expect upon signing the agreements with UBS and four Malaysian Banks in particular.

Note: This Power of Attorney document was enacted prior to Neil Keenan being elected the Amanah in Indonesia. Whilst the original POA has since expired, the agreement now falls under the auspices of the Amanah and to that end, the POA remains in effect without any expiry.

Below you will see the amounts received and further details without the endorsement of Mr. Seno. Since his death, Mr. Keenan has been elected by the Elders and the Sultan; as the Amanah in Indonesia and has most recently decided that the beginning of his altercations with the Cabal (or New World Order) will begin there. 

As you are aware Mr. Keenan will not take prisoners. Once the necessary documentation is filed, all cannons will be ready to be fired and there will be no looking back. 

This could be termed “the shot that will be heard around the world”; similar to what his Financial Tyranny lawsuit had been; but in this matter everything else that was exposed by the filing of the initial lawsuit will be brought to the forefront as well. 

Said another way: The people of the world will soon be exposed to the entire show (not just fragments of it) and this will be an eye opener.

– WH

Perhaps yourselves, the readers might like to directly make contact with the following individuals and ask of them what they have taken part in, in an effort to hold them to account for their actions?

Lukas Gähwiler (Chairman) – UBS Switzerland AG
Zurich, Tel. +41-44-234 11 11

Karin Oertli (Head of UBS Global Asset Management Switzerland) UBS Switzerland AG
Zurich, Tel. +41-44-234 11 11

Tun Dr. Mahathir bin Mohamad (Former Prime Minister of Malaysia)
Email: drmahathir@perdana.org.my

Muazzam Mohamed (Chief Executive Officer) – Bank Islam Malaysia Berhad

Tan Sri Dato’ Sri Tay Ah Lek (Managing Director / Chief Executive Officer) – Public Bank Berhad

Lung Nien Lee (CEO) – Citibank Kuala Lumpur

Puan Rossana Annizah Rashidi (Chairman) – Bank Simpanan Nasional

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“Order Out Of Chaos”: How The Elite’s Plans Were Foretold In Popular Culture
March 14 2021 | From: VigilantCitizen / Various

The core philosophy of the occult elite and its plans for humanity are hidden in plain sight. From famous landmarks to blockbuster movies, it is all laid out for those who have “eyes to see”.
At the center of it all, one motto: Order Out of Chaos.

Since late 2008, The Vigilant Citizen has been analyzing popular culture to highlight patterns of messages and symbolism.

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And, since the very first articles published on this site, one major theme keeps resurfacing all across popular culture:

The “welcoming” of a global crisis that causes massive chaos and death which allows the ushering in of a new era. In other words: Order Out of Chaos.

This theme can be found all over popular culture, especially in products funded and commissioned by the occult elite. Why is that? Because, since the 19th century, the official motto of the occult elite is Ordo Ab Chao, Latin for Order Out of Chaos.

This an insignia representing the 33rd degree in Freemasonry (the highest degree attainable). At the top, the degree’s official motto: Ordo Ab Chao

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As in everything else in Freemasonry, the motto Order Out of Chaos has several meanings, ranging from nebulous metaphysical deeds to concrete social engineering.

On a wider scale, this motto is the ultimate recipe for a drastic change in society:

1. An event causes chaos and panic

2. A solution surfaces which also happens to advance the agenda of the elite 3) Society changes without resistance.

In this day and age, the ultimate goal of the elite is to create a global government that controls the world’s resources while keeping the masses subdued and monitored through police-state tactics. The “solutions” to the current virus crisis represent big steps in that direction.

This is why they welcome these moments of chaos. They are opportunities. While the masses suffer and weaken, the elite gains power and control.

And, since symbols rule the world, Order Out of Chaos is celebrated all over popular culture through symbolism. Here are some examples in chronological order.

Georgia Guidestones

Since their unveiling in 1980, the enigmatic Georgia Guidestones have baffled people with their ominous messages.

Indeed, inscribed on gigantic slabs of stone are “10 Commandments” for a new era. And the first one says: Maintain humanity under 500 million. In order to satisfy this monument, the current world population needs to be reduced by at least 90%.

Related: Mysterious Georgia Guidestones Get Strange 2014 Update

As explained in Sinister Sites – The Georgia Guidestones, everything about this monument is in line with the agenda of the occult elite.

From a world government to population control, it is all here. Here are the ten “commandments”:

1. Maintain humanity under 500,000,000 in perpetual balance with nature.

2. Guide reproduction wisely – improving fitness and diversity.

3. Unite humanity with a living new language.

4. Rule passion – faith – tradition – and all things with tempered reason.

5. Protect people and nations with fair laws and just courts.

6. Let all nations rule internally resolving external disputes in a world court.

7. Avoid petty laws and useless officials.

8. Balance personal rights with social duties.

9. Prize truth – beauty – love – seeking harmony with the infinite.

10. Be not a cancer on the earth – Leave room for nature – Leave room for nature.

This current crisis is pushing us towards these commandments.

For instance, a world in confinement is clearly an exercise of “balancing personal rights with social duties”. Also, we are definitely “leaving room for nature”.

An NZ Herald headline about the environmental “benefits” of this crisis

Manufactured Pandemic? Testing People For Any Strain Of A Coronavirus, Not Specifically For COVID-19 & An Open Letter To The New Zealand Police In A Time Of Covid-19

In short, the Georgia Guidestones “look forward” to a massive, apocalyptic event to bring forth specific changes to the world. And it is not the only landmark to communicate this specific message in the United States.

Denver International Airport Murals

As explained in the article Sinister Sites – Denver International Airport, there’s a bunch of strange things going on at the DIA.

At the center of it all is a 4-panel mural displaying death and chaos, followed by the creation of a new world.  As my 2009 article states:

“When you analyze the symbolism of the murals, you realize that they tell a terrifying story of future events about to happen, as if it was some sort of prophecy.

There are specific social and political references and other occult details that basically turn those paintings into a New World Order manifesto.

At the risk of causing you nightmares tonight, here’s one of the murals.

A massive militaristic figure wearing a gas mask pokes a dove in the butt. An infinite line of mothers cry while holding dead babies. Is this what you want to see before boarding a plane?

Related: ‘Welcome to Illuminati Headquarters’: Gargoyle ‘Debunks Conspiracies’ at Denver Airport

For some reason, I always found the rainbow at the top of this mural extremely unsettling. Even more so in today’s context.

Amid pandemic lockdown, a global trend emerged of plastering rainbows on windows and public places

Related: Something is rotten in the Denver airport

I won’t analyze all four murals here, but there’s a happy ending.

After death and devastation: Rebirth of a new world that is united around some sort of glowing plant

Related: How the Denver Airport Became an Icon of the Illuminati

Once again, an artwork placed in a public space tells the story of massive chaos followed by the rebirth of a new world that unites all nations.

Bank of America Murals

The enigmatic murals on display at the Bank of America corporate center in Charlotte, North Carolina revolve around the same general theme as the sinister sites above.

The three murals on display at the Bank of America headquarters

Related: The Denver Airport Installs a Talking Gargoyle That Says “Welcome to the Illuminati Headquarters”

As thoroughly explained in my article The Occult Symbolism Found on the Bank of America Murals, there’s a wealth of symbolism going on here. At the center of it all: Order Out of Chaos.

The mural on the right is called “Planning / Knowledge” and it is replete with occult and Masonic symbolism. It basically tells us that those who are “planning” the world have occult “knowledge”.

The center mural is called “Chaos / Creativity”. It depicts a period of transition characterized by turmoil and oppression.

There is civil unrest, military figures on the streets and barb wires all over the place.

There is also this guy:

Amongst the chaos is a person wearing a hazmat suit. Not unlike the DIA mural, the period of chaos appears to be linked with some kind of biological threat

Flash forward to right now.

This is all we see in the news:

People in hazmat suits are all over the news right now

The Movie 2012

Disaster movies attract audiences with big visual effects … to then indoctrinate them with messages.

Released in 2009, the movie 2012 depicted the end of the world as predicted by the Mayans or whatever.

Beyond the specular scenes of famous monuments being destroyed, the movie conveyed one single message: Only the elite would survive a period of chaos.

The slogan of the movie: “We were warned”. The image on the poster: The Brazilian monument “Christ the Redeemer” monument falling down: Symbolic

As explained in my article The Hidden Symbolic Meaning of the Movie “2012”, the story is less about the end of the world and more about the world elite surviving a major crisis.

Indeed, in the movie, the elite knew that a cataclysm was coming years in advance and they hid it from the masses.

They used that time to prepare for a new era while the rest of the world population was left to die.

In the movie, the elite mandates China to build massive ships that would keep the “chosen ones” safe as the world gets wiped out.

The price of a ticket to enter these ships: 1 billion Euros per person.

The Queen of England boards the ship in China

In the end, the chosen ones survived the cataclysm while the rest of the world died.

Their ships landed in Africa and the elite started a new civilization in place they’ve called Cape Hope. Once again, we’re seeing echoes of this today.

While 2012 is not about a deadly virus, it symbolically depicts the elite’s core philosophy: Order Out of Chaos.

The Economist Magazine

For years, The Economist has been creeping out people for years with strange, enigmatic magazine covers that appear to make grim predictions.

While some might say “who cares”, there’s a reason why this magazine should be taken seriously: The Economist is directly linked to the world elite - those who make these predictions a reality.

As I wrote in the article The Economist 2015 Cover is Filled With Cryptic Symbols and Dire Predictions:

“I wouldn’t normally dedicate an entire article analyzing the cover of a publication, but this isn’t any publication. It is The Economist and it is directly related to the world elite.

It is partly owned by the Rothschild banking family of England and its editor-in-chief, John Micklethwait, attended several times to the Bilderberg Conference – the secretive meeting where the world’s most powerful figures from the world of politics, finance business and media discuss global policies.

The outcome of those meetings is totally secret. It is therefore safe to say that the people at The Economist know things that most people don’t.

With that being said, here’s The Economist cover titled “The World in 2019”:

The Economist’s “The World in 2019” Cover

Related: Secrets Of The Rothschild “The World In 2016” Economist Cover Decoded

I won’t analyze everything here (read my full article about it here), but here are some details that relevant in today’s context.

The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse. One of them is wearing a mask

The Book of Revelation describes the Horseman as harbingers of the Last Judgement.

The White Horse is said to symbolize Conquest, Pestilence and the coming of the Anti-Christ; The Red Horse represents War; the Black Horse is associated with Famine, and the Pale Horse brings Death.

In today’s context, one could say that the current crisis simultaneously brought some forms of conquest, pestilence, famine, and death.

Here’s another weird element found on the cover.

At the bottom left of the cover is a pangolin

Although there are several theories floating around regarding the origins of the virus, there is one that keeps popping up in mass media: It was transmitted to humans by a pangolin.

A headline from the NY Times

Related: Why Mandatory Vaccination Is Unethical And Immoral & First-Ever Peer-Reviewed Study Of Vaccinated Vs Unvaccinated Children Shows Vaccinated Kids Have A Higher Rate Of Sickness, 470% Increase In Autism

A headline from The Conversation

The cover contains other details that are more relevant now than ever:

A stork carrying a baby with a barcode (Bill Gates’ wants to create a “digital ID” through vaccination at birth); The “Vitruvian man” holding a QR Code (China now requires people to show a QR code on their phones to move around).

Now, here’s the cover of the latest issue of The Economist:

The hand of the elite keeps the masses “on a leash”. Like a dog. That’s what they want

Order Out of Chaos.

Madonna Eurovision Performance

About a year ago, I analyzed the grand finale of the Eurovision contest which is one of the most-watched non-sporting events in the world.

The show culminated with a disturbing and deeply occult performance by Madonna which seems to foretell things to come.

After partaking into some kind of occult ritual, a bunch of people wearing gas masks surrounded Madonna.

Madonna wearing a crown (corona) surrounded by people in gas masks

Related: The Secret Meeting That Changed Rap Music And Destroyed A Generation & The Troubling Case Of Paz de la Huerta And Her (Now Deleted) Instagram Account

As Madonna performed the song Future, she sang:

Not everyone is coming to the future
Not everyone is learning from the past
Not everyone can come into the future
Not everyone that’s here is gonna last

Then, Madonna blows a wind of death on the masked people and everybody dies. Also, in the background, the Statue of Liberty is broken. Today, our liberties are broken as well

Related: Social Engineering - The War On The Higher Mind Of Humans: Here’s Why You Should Consider Converting Your Music To A=432 Hz

Fast-forward to today, Madonna is saying weird things about the virus. In a recent video posted on her social media account, Madonna said this about the pandemic:

“It’s the great equalizer, and what’s terrible about it is what’s great about it. What’s terrible about it is it’s made us all equal in many ways - and what’s wonderful about it is it’s made us all equal in many ways.”

I personally wouldn’t use the word “wonderful” anywhere near this virus.

But I’m not an elite-connected psychopath. Speaking of which, Madonna also partnered up with those who want to turn this crisis into an Orwellian nightmare.

Related: Michael J. Burry (The Weird Genius In The Movie “The Big Short”): “End The Lockdown” & Bill Gates Calls For A “Digital Certificate” To Identify Who Received COVID-19 Vaccine + AG Barr ‘Very Concerned’ Over Bill Gates’ ‘Digital Vaccine Certificates,’ Calls Lockdown Measures ‘Draconian,’ Wants Gone By May

In Conclusion

Although this article looked at items that are widely different, they have a few points in common.

First, they’re were funded and commissioned by the elite.

Second, they are all part of popular culture, which defines and “colors” our society.

Third, they all tell a similar story: The “welcoming” of a major crisis to usher in a New World Order.

One could ask: “Why are these messages even there? Wouldn’t they want to keep their plans secret?”

No. The plans need to be hidden in plain sight, for several reasons.

First, the concept of predictive programming tells us that, once the masses are exposed to a shocking idea, they are less shocked and more accepting when it actually happens.

Second, the elite believes in karmic laws. If the masses are properly warned and if they willingly accept what is happening, the elite is relieved from karmic “revenge”.

Finally, symbols rule the world. Throughout history, the symbolism of those in power was always plastered all over society.

Those who rule the world right now want a New World Order. But, before this can happen, there needs to be chaos.

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Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi

Breaking The Shackles Of Social Conditioning
March 13 2021 | From: TheUnboundedSpirit

What do a hooligan, a kamikaze, and a racist have in common? None of them use their brain.

What I mean by “they don’t use their brain” is that they don’t think - or, to be more precise, they don’t think critically.

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But it’s not only they that don’t. In fact, most people are no different when it comes to this.

Sure, we all have our thoughts, and over the years have formed certain opinions. But how many of those opinions are merely beliefs resulting from social conditioning, and how many of them are based on our own understanding? And, of course, we know a lot of things, but how much of our knowledge comes from personal experience, and how much from parrot-like learning?

You see, from almost the day we were born, we were forced to not think. Take school, for example - an institution that supposedly helps children develop their intellect yet does quite the opposite.

School forces children to stay confined in a classroom for about 8 hours almost every single day for a total of (more or less) 12 years, where they are learning things they don’t enjoy learning, being forced to obey to authority figures, having to unquestionably accept what they’re being taught, not being allowed the freedom to do anything on their own without asking for permission first (even to go to pee).

As Pink Floyd would say, school conditions children to become “another brick in the wall”.

The official 1982 video clip of Pink Floyd’s Another Brick in the Wall.

I know, I’m generalizing here, since not all schools are the same. But the reality is that in most parts of the world school isn’t a place where critical thinking is stimulated - on the contrary, it is suppressed or simply ignored. Naturally, it atrophies and becomes weak, exactly like a muscle does when pressure isn’t exerted upon it.

Observe people around you and you might come to see the consequences of our educational system. They are living unconsciously, not knowing why they think and behave the way they do. They accept and act without second thought on what the media is presenting them as the truth.

They believe in and follow the religious dogmas without having any solid evidence supporting their beliefs. They wholeheartedly support political leaders and obey to the decisions they make without the slight resistance. I could go on forever giving similar examples, but these will suffice for now.

As a result of our social conditioning, corporations exploit our emotional insecurities so they can sell us their products and services, making us compete with our fellow human beings about who has more stuff. So-called journalists are selling us lies by utilizing propaganda tactics through the mainstream media, turning us into mindless puppets.

Priests and religious teachers of all sorts gain power by selling us heaven in the afterlife, dividing us into in-groups and out-groups that fight against one another in the name of god. Politicians gain power by selling us heaven on Earth, also splitting us into opposing groups that fight against each other in the name of ideology. And, again, these, are just a few examples.

Our social conditioning has turned us into mindless, obedient puppets

Related: Mind Control Theories And Techniques Used By Mass Media

If we realize these consequences, and are truly willing to change our way of living for the benefit of ourselves and the world, we need to develop the courage to escape the herd mentality and start thinking for ourselves - and the sooner we do, the better.

Of course, that’s easier said than done, since our social conditioning has gone very deep and is affecting us in ways we can’t even recognize. However, with conscious, persistent effort, it’s definitely possible to do so. If you’re interested to know how exactly, here are some basic practical steps you can take right now:

Question Your Beliefs, No Matter How Much You Cherish Them

In order to release yourself from the prison of social conditioning, the first and most crucial thing you need to do is question any beliefs that you unconsciously took on from your parents, teachers, and culture. That’s because beliefs can bring all kinds of limitations in life, such us irrational fear and the sense of having to live according to what’s right for someone else but not for you.

No matter how much you might cherish a belief, ask yourself the following questions:

“Where did this belief come from?”

“Is there any logical reason for holding it?"

“Is it limiting myself in any way or is it elevating the quality of my life?”

Related: Ten Reasons Why I Don’t Have A Religion

Take, for example, religious beliefs.

Assuming that you consider yourself religious, and you believe that the dogma of your religion is the only true and right one, and that those who hold different belief systems to yours are evil and doomed to go to hell, ask yourself:

“What is the logical basis for holding these beliefs?”

“Did I reach to them using critical thinking, or did I just accept them as truth merely because I was indoctrinated from my early education?”

“Are they serving my happiness or are they contributing to my suffering?”

These are some very important questions that you need to ask about any beliefs that you might hold in dear faith, whether they’re concerning religion, philosophy, politics, economics, or other field of knowledge.

By doing so, you’ll decondition yourself from negative social programming, which will allow you to grow in understanding, take in emerging information and make wiser choices. In addition, you’ll be able to better understand others’ beliefs without judging them based on a fixed mind-set.

Doubt is the beginning of wisdom

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Never be afraid to question your beliefs. To doubt what you think you know is a sign of intelligence, and only those who are courageous enough to do so can break free from the shackles of social conditioning and walk on the path of wisdom.

Rebel Against Authority and Accept Responsibility for Your Life

For most of us, it has become a habit to have others tell us what to think and how to behave. We don’t think for ourselves - instead, we let others do it for us and take responsibility for our lives. Not surprisingly, we are intellectually weak and have lost control over our actions.

It seems that we allow others to dictate us how to live because we don’t want to take the burden of responsibility on our shoulders - so we throw it on them. To be responsible for your life can be troublesome, because you have to use your mind a lot, take important decisions and face failure when you make the wrong choices.

To avoid that, most of us choose to let other people - such as politicians and religious leaders - do those things for us, as if they are our saviors.

Then, we blame them entirely for anything that’s going wrong with our lives - it’s only their fault, we claim, without stopping for a second and think that perhaps it’s actually ours.

Are you courageous enough to remove the blindfold of faith?

Related: Unschooling: Radical Education That Produces Free Human Beings Instead Of Slaves

If you want to escape the matrix of social conditioning and reclaim your freedom, you need to stop letting others control you like a mindless automaton and instead start being responsible for your actions. This might be a difficult thing to do, yet it’s the only way to choose your own path in life.

Seek Truth, Regardless of How Arduous that Might be

If you’ve questioned your beliefs, chances are that you’ve come to the realization that most of them were just imposed on you by society and don’t in fact reflect your personal experiences and understanding.

And although this does wonders to help you develop your critical thinking skills and break down the walls of social conditioning, it doesn’t answer the question of whether those beliefs actually hold any truth or not. To answer that, we need to seek truth by doing research.

Let’s take drug addiction as an example. Our social conditioning has led most of us to believe that drugs are causing addiction.

This is a belief we hold since our early childhood but rarely one of us stops for a second to contemplate why that is so. If we do some basic research on the issue, we’ll come to find out that, although drugs do play a significant role in addiction, there aren’t actually causing it; rather, taking drugs is merely a symptom of addiction.

According to health experts, emotional trauma has been identified as the root cause of addiction, whether that is to pornography, video games, gambling, or drugs. If you weren’t aware of this, and would like to find out more about the nature of addiction, here’s a great Ted talk for you:

‘Everything you think you know about addiction is wrong.’ - Johann Hariss

Related: The Truth About Addiction And Recovery

The problem is that people don’t usually like to think for themselves and do any research. One reason for that is that they find it exhausting and not worth their time. Another reason is that they find it threatening to their worldview.

You see, when people are attached to certain beliefs that aren’t based on critical thinking and scientific understanding, doing research might prove them wrong, and so many choose not to know the truth at all, lest it will shatter their beliefs.

Thus, living in ignorance yet thinking they know, they can’t grow into wiser individuals and are unconsciously spreading untruths.

If you’re a lover of wisdom, you’ll need to actively search for truth, no matter how difficult that might be. You’ll need to think a lot and educate yourself. You’ll need to read books, watch documentaries, listen to talks, take part in discussions, or use other tools that can assist you in your journey to expanding your understanding of reality.

Lastly yet most importantly, you’ll need to be ready to accept the truth when you encounter it, no matter if it contradicts your long-held beliefs.

The journey to truth might at times be rough, but it’s definitely worth taking

By questioning your beliefs, rebelling against the herd and thinking for yourself, you’ll be able to free your mind from the constraints of blind conformity and dogmatic ideology.

This way you’ll be able to better understand yourself and the world you live in, as well as to take responsibility for your life, without being easily fooled, exploited or manipulated by power-hungry individuals who care about nothing but their personal gain.

Related: Liberty Or Freedom

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Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi

How To Stop The Media From Controlling Your Mind + Why The ‘Red Pill’ Has Become So Big
March 12 2021 | From: TheUnboundedSpirit / CollectiveEvolution / Various

Our beliefs are powerful beyond imagination: They influence our perception of reality, which in turn influences the way we live.

Therefore, those who control our beliefs control our lives.

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And what are our beliefs comprised of? Well, fundamentally of a bunch of information that we have accepted as truth - even when we don’t have strong evidence to support it.

In Brief:

The Facts: During this lockdown, people's attention has shifted from that which keeps them 'distracted' each day, to having to quiet down, reflect and even explore the reality of what is going on in our world.

Reflect On: More 'difficult' times often serve as an opportunity to collapse old paradigms, shift and create anew. Is this part of what we are seeing now?

Much of the information concerning what’s going on in the world is presented to us by the mainstream media. Every day, television channels, newspapers and news websites pump a flood of information into our heads that we rarely question.

This information then leads us to perceive the world in a certain way, and act in it accordingly.

The problem is, most people don’t realize that mainstream media outlets tend not to show us the entire truth, but only a tiny aspect of it, and in a very biased way.

Why? Mainly because they have vested political and financial interests (although, of course, they don’t publicly admit it).

Have you ever wondered why, when you visit several major news websites, you often come across information about the exact same events presented in different, even antithetical ways? Well, there’s an explanation for that:

The mainstream media usually shows only what it wants to show you.

Truth isn’t the object, manipulation is. The manipulation of your very mind.

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To be clear, I’m not saying that all mainstream media always intends to manipulate you. Sometimes, journalists and others who work for the mainstream media truly and deeply believe in the ideas behind the content they’re putting out to the world.

In fact, usually they themselves have been brainwashed into certain ideologies after years upon years of propaganda and social conditioning.

Hence, it’s not that they are evil or bad, contrary to what many people think. Rather, they are also victims of the cultural environment they live in.

The point I want to make is simple: The mainstream media isn’t to be trusted. In fact, no media is to be trusted. Period. Even what I’m writing here might be utter bullshit, based on my own hidden agendas. So, I don’t want you to trust me. I really don’t. I want you to seek the truth for yourself.

The important question is, how to stop the media from controlling your mind? Here’s my time-tested advice:

Firstly, when it comes to any serious issue under discussion, be sure to expose yourself to as much information as you can, from as many - even conflicting - sources as possible, in order to develop a spherical view of the situation.

Secondly, remember: Just because Jesus, the Pope, Trump, Obama, Putin, Deepak Chopra or your favorite YouTube persona said something, that doesn’t mean it’s true.

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So, don’t take anything on blind belief. Rather, question everyone and everything, do plenty of research, and come to your own conclusions using critical thinking.

The media only has the power we give it. Therefore, it’s in our hands to stop it from controlling our lives, right now, if we really want to.

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Why The ‘Red Pill’ Has Become So Big

The metaphorical ‘red pill’ comes from the movie The Matrix whereby the main character Neo is offered the opportunity to see ‘the real world’ that is hidden behind the matrix all humans are plugged into and convinced is reality.

Neo has the choice between the red pill to show him the truth, or the blue pill to allow him to go on believing that the world he has been programmed to believe in is in fact reality.

Related: Escaping The Matrix: 10 Ways To Deprogram Yourself

Since Neo was someone who always had an inkling that something wasn’t ‘quite right’ with the world and he could feel there was more, he decides to take the red pill and understand what’s really going on.

Today, humanity has been faced with a number of opportunities to take the red pill. In our world, the blue pill would represent accepting all that government tells people is truth.

It would mean that the mainstream media is always providing truth to the public and there is nothing more to the story. It would mean that we are beings who simply have 5 senses, and our material world is all there is to experience.

We are animals [human animals, as the cabal see us], disconnected from one another, should be in competition to one another and are inherently violent creatures.

The red pill, however, would allow you to see beyond the agendas and narratives within mainstream media and government.

It would open you up to who you truly are and the true nature of reality, in that we are all connected to one unified field and are individual aspects of that field playing together in a vast experience we call ‘ the human experience.’

Related: Society Is Made Of Narrative – Realizing This Is Awakening From The Matrix

Our true nature is peace and love, and that what we are playing out today as our reality simply comes from how we have been programmed to forget who we truly are and what we should accept about the world around us.

While this metaphor has been used by many different groups for many different purposes, I’d like to contextualize this conversation by saying that to me, taking the ‘red pill’ is simply about seeing through the deceptions and lies put forth from mainstream media and government about how our world functions.

I also feel that it’s about starting to understand the true nature of our reality, who we are and why we are here. It’s an inner journey of consciousness as much as it is an outer journey of understanding more about how our society operates.

That said, my latest video below explores why, for some of us, this ‘red pill’ has become so big and so much to take all at once.

For others who have been open for many years to exploring new ideas little by little, doses of the ‘red pill’ remained small, but now for some of us, this pill has become something that is blowing our minds wide open to what is going on in our world – and for some, it’s a lot to handle.

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During this coronavirus lockdown, we’re seeing many narrative battles, disagreements about what is going on and things occur that simply don’t make sense. It can be frustrating for some, but all of it serves as an opportunity to make us ask questions and reflect.

Sometimes the ‘ridiculousness’ of things or the ‘struggles’ has to become very clear and obvious for us to truly begin questioning what is really going on.

So in that sense, these ‘tougher times’ serves as an opportunity to collapse old paradigms, shift and create anew.

Why The 'Red Pill' Has Become So Big

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How The Fight Over American [Western] Freedom Will Probably Escalate & Decoding Davos - The Global Endgame
March 11 2020 | From: AltMarket / TruthUnmuted / Various

Three months ago in December I published an article titled ‘Is The Globalist Reset Failing? The Elites May Have Overplayed Their Hand’.

I was specifically interested in the development of the pandemic “crisis”, the lockdown mandates of governments worldwide, the bizarre vaccination campaign for the new and under-tested mRNA cocktail which was rushed out to the public in the span of six months, the World Economic Forum’s open statements that they hoped to exploit the pandemic as a springboard for their globalist agenda, and the public’s reaction to it all.

Is The Globalist "Reset" Failing? The Elites May Have Overplayed Their Hand

I have to say, I continue to see a divergence in what the elites clearly wanted to happen vs. what has actually happened.

If the Event 201 pandemic war game on a coronavirus outbreak, held two months before the actual outbreak occurred in China, is any indication, then the globalists greatly overestimated the fear effect of Covid.

They predicted at least 65 million deaths from a coronavirus outbreak, but over a year has passed since the pandemic went international and the official death count stands at 2.5 million, with over 40% of deaths in the US attributed to nursing home patients that were ALREADY dying from preexisting conditions.

Removing suspect nursing home deaths from the equation, the death count is probably closer to 1.5 million, again, if we adhere to official estimates.

To put this number in perspective, the CDC states that global deaths from the flu virus peak at around 649,000 depending on the year. Deaths from the flu and pneumonia reach as high as 1.4 million globally per year.

Studies funded by the Bill and Melinda Gates foundation find annual pneumonia death stats that are comparable to the CDC’s.

Related: Bill Gates, HR6666, Remdesivir, Deaths In Italy + Trump Lays Groundwork To Ban Mandatory Vaccinations Across U.S.

Yet, we never saw Bill Gates calling for economic lockdowns, mask mandates and medical passports because of the flu or pneumonia. Why is that?

Today, the death rate of covid is 0.26%, FAR below initial predictions by globalist institutions and governments.

It is now widely proven that the lockdowns did NOTHING to slow the infection spread of the virus, and now many areas of the US are starting to experience what the lab coat “professionals” affectionately call “herd immunity”.

Infections and deaths are plunging, and the lockdowns and mask mandates were useless.

Like the vast majority of all viral illnesses, humans simply get sick, endure, build immunity and get healthy. Some of us die, as we always have, and government intervention is not needed nor is it welcome.

This is why large portions of US and European populations are refusing to accept the lockdowns and the vaccines. Why destroy the economy and submit to a potentially dangerous genetic cocktail over a disease that 99.7% of the population is sure to survive?

The establishment elites really blew it this time.

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My suspicion, my “conspiracy theory” if you will, is that the globalists announced their reset agenda under the assumption that the death rate for covid would be MUCH higher than it is. They were expecting something biblical, and instead they got something not much more dangerous than the flu and pneumonia.

There is now mass public resistance to the vaccinations and medical passports. This is probably why they rushed out the vaccines in the span of 6 months instead of a year to 18 months as they hinted at in early 2020.

They are trying to get as many people as possible to take the experimental vaccines before the citizenry realizes that covid is a nothing-burger.

I can say that in my area the majority of people never wore the masks and the majority of local businesses never tried to enforce them.

And though they initially went along with the first economic shutdown, they will not be complying with another. In my state of Montana, there are 1,300 deaths attributed to covid. In my county, the estimated infection rate is over 25% (which means almost everyone has probably already been infected), and there are only 13 deaths total.

No one is scared of this thing. Almost no conservative is going to wear a mask, and many people in Red states (and some in Blue states) are going to refuse to take the vaccines or accept medical passports.

This means that the globalists have a big problem. They obviously invested a lot into this pandemic. It is the key to their entire Reset agenda.

Related: The Global Takeover Is Underway & A Skeptical Look At The ‘Great Reset’: A Technocratic Agenda That Waited Years For A Global Crisis To Exploit

Without a frightening pandemic killing tens of millions, the globalists will not be able to lock down the public and prevent them from traveling or organizing.

They will not be able to institute the medical passports and contact tracing apps that would allow them to watch the public 24/7. They certainly won’t get most people to go along with the cashless society and the centralized global governance the elites are so obsessed with.

The fear of cronavirus is waning. The globalists have indeed failed in epic fashion. But, this doesn’t mean that they are going to give up.

If my experience studying psychopathic people tells me anything, it is that when these lunatics are cornered they tend to double and triple down on their failures.

The question is, what will happen next? The establishment will need maximum instability and chaos in the near term if they hope to salvage their Reset project.

If they wait too long awareness will spread and they might not get another chance for many decades to come, if ever.

Here are the events I expect to see over the course of the next year…

Related: The COVID-19 RT-PCR Test: How To Mislead All Humanity - Using A “Test” To Lock Down Society + Former Pfizer Science Officer Reveals Great COVID-19 Scam

Covid Mutation Hype

The globalists are doomed unless they can keep the pandemic panic rolling forward. For now, puppets like Biden and Fauci are going to pretend as if a full reopening of the economy is going to happen.

This us a lie. Already we are seeing Biden waffling on when a reopening will take place. He has indicated that it will be at least a YEAR before the shutdowns will completely end, and this is predicated on the majority of Americans submitting to vaccinations and medical passports.

In other words, the establishment is telling us that they intend to hold the economy hostage until we take the jab and give up our freedoms.

Now, are these inbred totalitarians just out of their minds?

Well, probably, but that doesn’t mean they don’t have a Plan B. Just look at all the hype surrounding “covid mutations” in places like South Africa and Brazil; the narrative will be that a “new covid variant” that is more dangerous and deadly than the first virus is spreading, and that the lockdowns must return for the greater good of the public.

As a recent article from ‘The New Scientist’ states:

"Existing vaccines should stop people getting severely ill and dying if they do get infected by the P.1 variant.

However, because many people remain unvaccinated, plans to ease lockdown restrictions would have to be rethought if this variant causes a resurgence in case numbers.

Plus, any variant that circulates widely will have more opportunities to evolve into a more dangerous form."

The New Scientist does not seem to understand basic science. The overwhelming majority of viruses circulating in the world usually evolve into less deadly forms of their original iteration.

Viruses need to survive too, and they don’t do this by mutating into more and more deadly monstrosities that kill their favorite hosts.

There is still no evidence that the new covid mutations are any threat whatsoever, but the establishment is already staging the narrative that new lockdowns are coming.

Related: Madness In Melbourne & Exposing The Occult Corona-Initiation Ritual

Federal Lockdowns

If the mutation narrative continues on the path it seems to be following, then I expect the Biden Administration to attempt a national federalized lockdown similar to the Level 4 lockdowns used in Europe, New Zealand and Australia, and it will be announced sometime this year.

This program will trigger several reactions; most importantly, most conservative states and counties will refuse to follow federal mandates. I know that my county and probably most of Montana will defy any new shutdown.

There will be several economic consequences that will erupt from this conflict; some positive and some negative.

Domestic Economic Warfare

This phase of the crisis will happen within a month to two months of any national shutdown. Red states will refuse to comply. State politicians, even if they are part of the agenda, will be too scared to try to enforce federal mandates.

They will be compelled by the conservative citizenry to keep their states open. Most people in these areas will ignore mandates.

This will lead to a red state fiscal boom, at least in the beginning, as business continues to thrive in conservative areas while blue states suffer under medical tyranny.

Companies will flee leftist states by the thousands and move to any states that remain open and accommodating. This will be short lived, though.

Biden and the federal government will try to retaliate, first by cutting off federal funds to any state that does not bow to their power and refusing to give stimulus to any businesses that relocate.

Related: #TheStorm - How To Prepare For A Global Corruption Purge?

Blue states will be flush with stimulus cash while red states will be forced to reduce or eliminate welfare programs and some pension funds.

Of course, the government has no real money to give, they only have our tax dollars and the fiat that the central bank creates from thin air.

The likely response will be that conservative states and citizens will simply stop paying federal taxes. Another reaction will be red states taking over federal lands and utilizing the resources on those lands to rejuvenate their industry and make up for the federal dollars lost.

What this amounts to is a soft secession of conservative regions, which will eventually lead to federal attempts at physical intervention (the economic war will turn into a shooting war).

The argument from the establishment will be that conservatives are putting the rest of the country “at risk”, that we are “selfish” and “literally killing grandma”.

Complete Erasure Of Conservatives From The Internet

I expect Biden and Big Tech to further pursue their current witch hunt against conservative voices, far beyond what we have already seen.

In order to win a fight with conservatives they will first have to silence us so that our side of the argument is never seen or considered by the rest of the population.

If they allow us to be heard, we will undoubtedly win because facts and moral reason are on our side.

It is hard to demonize people that simply want to be free.

Related: The Great Transition: The Shadow Ruling Force Behind The Central Banks Secrecy Is Repugnant In A Free And Open Society

But, if you can silence conservatives and moderates, then the narrative can be rigged. The establishment spin doctors can tell people that we don’t actually want freedom; we want something else, something evil and nefarious.

They can tell people we are “fascists”, and that we are “racists” and that we actually want tyranny. Who is going to tell the public otherwise when we are removed from all available platforms and our websites are booted off service providers due to “dangerous ideas”?

Gun Control Madness

I know that some people think that leftists under Biden will not try to carry out a widespread gun crackdown and that much of the current talk is merely hollow rhetoric. I disagree.

I think the globalists are going for broke, and they need to get as many combat capable firearms as they can from Americans soon. Democrats will push hard for legislation like HR 127.

They will then offer a “compromise” with Republicans and the NRA, cutting out portions of the bill. This will be a trick to make the public think that the new restrictions are a “reasonable compromise”. They think we will breath a sigh of relief and say “Well, at least they didn’t take everything…”

The gun grabbers are delusional.

What will really happen is millions of gun owners will pass local and state laws negating federal restrictions.

No conservatives are going to give up their gun rights, allow red flag laws to be implemented or allow high capacity firearms to be limited; not at this stage in the game.

Related: New Zealand PM: ‘I Don’t Understand’ Why U.S. Hasn’t Imposed Gun Control + Trump Agrees Repealing Second Amendment Would Be ‘Tyranny’

International Intervention

Eventually, leftists and the establishment will realize that conservatives will be harder to subjugate than they expected. They will discover that a large part of the US military and law enforcement is on our side.

They will start to see mutiny among the people that they rely on as cannon fodder to carry out their dictates.

Even now, there are sheriff’s departments across the country refusing to enforce lockdown orders. And, 30% to 50% of medical professional say they will not be taking the covid vaccine depending on the state.

When the rebellion goes live, this is when the globalists will have to pursue extreme options. They will not be able to win using domestic forces. Instead, they will seek out an international response, probably through the United Nations.

The rationale will be that the US has an enormous nuclear arsenal and that the international community cannot allow these weapons to fall into the hands of “white supremacists”.

This is when the real fight will begin. If international intervention fails in the US, the globalists will find their heads on the chopping block.

Related: Orwell’s 1984 No Longer Reads Like Fiction - It’s The Reality Of Our Times & The Propaganda Ministry Known As “The Free Press”

If the globalists win the fight in the US then there will be very few people left to resist them in the years going forward.

I have had numerous readers from all over the world write to me, saying that they believe in the face of the pandemic lockdowns it is now all up to Americans to turn the tide.

I agree. A successful rebellion against globalism in America will lead to rebellions elsewhere, but the fact remains that if we lose, no one else will dare lift a finger. The future is in our hands.

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Decoding Davos - The Global Endgame

This in-depth documentary will take you on a journey of Klaus Schwab and the World Economic Forum’s bid for total control of the planet.

Transcript - Decoding Davos: The Global Endgame

Related: Globalists Unite: Elites Target Trump, Nationalism At Davos

George Orwell’s chilling line about “a boot stomping on your face forever” from his book 1984 is very close to its ultimate fulfillment.

You see, the people who boldly announced that “by 2030 you’ll own nothing and be happy” and that you’ll merely “rent whatever you need” met during the week of Jan. 25, 2021 to discuss plans for a total reshaping of the planet.

That’s right, I’m talking about the World Economic Forum also known as, the Davos Class.

The conference kicked off with remarks from Klaus Schwab, Founder and Executive Chairman, World Economic Forum who claimed 2021 is “a pivotal and crucial year” for our future.

The weeklong conference was attended by representatives from government, banking, business, academia, media, Big Tech, and Big Pharma. Some of the more notable speakers included:

Anthony S. Fauci, Director, National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID)

Bill Gates, President, The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation

Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, Director-General, World Health Organization (WHO)

Kristalina Georgieva, Managing Director, International Monetary Fund

Al Gore, Former Vice-President of the United States

John F. Kerry, US Special Presidential Envoy for Climate

Christine Lagarde, President, European Central Bank

Angela Merkel, Federal Chancellor of Germany

Sundar Pichai, Chief Executive Officer, Alphabet; Chief Executive Officer, Google Inc.

Rajiv Shah, President, The Rockefeller Foundation

There were also Special Addresses delivered by:

António Guterres, Secretary-General, United Nations

Emmanuel Macron, President of France

Benjamin Netanyahu, Prime Minister of Israel

Vladimir Putin, President of the Russian Federation

Ursula von der Leyen, President of the European Commission

and Xi Jinping, President of the People’s Republic of China

The 7 main themes of this year’s Davos meetings were:

How to Save the Planet

Fairer Economies

Tech for Good|

Society & Future of Work

Better Business

Healthy Futures

Beyond Geopolitics

Sounds good right?

Well, if you would like everything in your life decided by a cabal of rich, self-congratulating, well-connected insiders then I’m sure it sounds wonderful.

For the rest of us, who value independence, freedom, and privacy, Davos’ goals of saving the planet and transforming society sound more like authoritarian battle cries the likes of which even George Orwell would be horrified by.

Related: The Global Takeover Is Underway & A Skeptical Look At The ‘Great Reset’: A Technocratic Agenda That Waited Years For A Global Crisis To Exploit

No Return to Normal

Davos front man, Klaus Schwab has openly stated that the COVID-19 pandemic was the perfect opportunity to “reimagine our world” and even wrote an entire book about how to do it called COVID-19: The Great Reset. In fact, Schwab proudly proclaimed the world would never go back to normal after the pandemic as if this was an awful thing.

In COVID-19: The Great Reset, Schwab doubled down on his stance of not returning to normal, stating:

"Many of us are pondering when things will return to normal. The short response is: never. Nothing will ever return to the “broken” sense of normalcy that prevailed prior to the crisis because the coronavirus pandemic marks a fundamental inflection point in our global trajectory."

 – Klaus Schwab

Predictably, Schwab wasn’t the only one who felt this way. He was joined by many government and business leaders who eerily began echoing almost the exact same statements in the media.

It was Schwab’s World Economic Forum along with the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation and John’s Hopkins Center for Health Security that sponsored Event 201 back in October 2019.

This pandemic preparedness exercise presented an almost carbon copy of what would take place in real life just a few months later.

We’ll leave the subject of the virus’ true origins and nature for another time. But as the panel of experts predicted during Event 201, everything did change and very quickly once the World Health Organization declared a pandemic on March 11, 2020.

Related: COVID-19 Lockdown: A Global Human Experiment & Ten Years Ago The World Health Organisation Faked A Pandemic

The very same day, the World Economic Forum announced the creation of its COVID Action Platform, serving as a blueprint for reshaping global economic response to the coronavirus pandemic.

Also released was the Strategic Intelligence Platform developed to “explore and monitor the issues and forces driving transformational change across economies,” industries, and global issues. In other words, seizing control of everything vital to life on the planet and its population.

With these efforts and more, the Davos Class wasted no time with its plans to reshape the world. As former Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel (and brother to Dr. “no return to normal” Zeke Emanuel) once stated;

"You never want a serious crisis to go to waste. And what I mean by that is an opportunity to do things that you think you could not do before."

But the real issue has always been about advancing an agenda to create a global government.

The pandemic was the excuse used to accelerate this scheme. And oh, what a scheme it is.

Related: COVID: The Plan To Control The Whole World

But let’s once again let globalist stooge Klaus Schwab set the stage for the real mechanism that would be used to bring forth all the desired changes of the Davos Class. Fear!

Again, it was Schwab who recognized that;

"The spread of infectious diseases has a unique ability to fuel fear, anxiety and mass hysteria."

- Schwab, Klaus. COVID-19: The Great Reset

Indeed, the fear-induced hysteria from a public health crisis caused the exact scenarios Event 201 had gamed out just months earlier. COVID-19 served as a wrecking ball unleashed to upend every facet of life.

This worldwide social engineering experiment proved largely successful as societies worldwide were transformed in a couple of months into totalitarian regimes demanding compliance with draconian measures enacted to “stop the virus from spreading.”

In the US, it was billed as “15 Days to Slow the Spread”. Citizens consented to measures that prior to the outbreak would have been considered unthinkable such as social distancing, face coverings, contact tracing, business closures, and travel restrictions.

All aspects of life were totally upended. Fortunately, the death rate from the virus was nowhere near what was predicted in Event 201.

However, suicide rates, domestic violence, depression, and substance abuse all surged as the lockdown itself proved more menacing than the virus.

Related: Ending The 1901 Plan

But guess what? All of this human suffering was predicted by the Davos Class. They knew it would be especially difficult on developing nations and minorities.

They were fully aware a crisis of this magnitude would further widen the wealth gap between the rich and the poor. They had foreknowledge of the extreme damage that would be done and the toll it would take on human health, wealth, emotional, and spiritual well-being.

But these sick, twisted, power-hungry vampires would use all of this chaos as part of their endgame. Their hope is that by making these inequities more visible, you will more readily accept their pre-planned solutions.

And this is how they plan to do it.

Decoding Davos: The Global Endgame

Building Trust for Global Governance

One of the main themes of January’s Davos meetings was centered around “building trust.” In fact, Schwab believes that one of the most critical issues for their plans to succeed is a renewal of trust.

The Davos Class are pulling out all the stops to get you to agree with their plans.

They can’t do this smoothly without your trust. You see, this global game works by manufacturing your consent through sophisticated propaganda, predictive programming, and flat-out brain washing.

Unless you explicitly say no and do something to resist the plans of the Davos class, they’ll take your silence and complacency as permission to proceed with their agenda.

This is why they love to use words like inclusive, equitable, resilient, sustainable, multi-polar, collaborative and social justice to make it seem like you’re being invited to the table to help make decisions.

In reality, all of the decisions have already been made for you. And none of them are truly for your benefit.

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But the Davos Class isn’t stupid. They realize that many are on to their schemes and have even acknowledged that The Great Reset sounds like a nefarious global conspiracy.

So, they’re resorting to gaslighting tactics like this video about The Great Reset to get you to doubt your suspicions and paint anyone contradicting their narrative as a quack.

Yeah, they love to dismiss any reports of their wicked agenda as “conspiracy theories.” But this sort of propaganda is nothing more than a magic trick. It’s street corner sleight of hand with professionally produced videos, reports, and clever marketing.

They desperately want you to believe they care deeply about you and are appalled by any resistance. How dare you even think to question them and seek out answers for yourselves!

Trust the experts. Trust the government. Trust the bankers. Trust the science. Trust the plan. Trust the Davos Class!

The COVID pandemic is just the first phase of the plan to get you to surrender to their objectives. What else do they have in store?

Agenda 21/2030 and Collectivism

"In searching for a new enemy to unite us, we came up with the idea that pollution, the threat of global warming, water shortages, famine and the like would fit the bill…

All these dangers are caused by human intervention and it is only through changed attitudes and behaviour that they can be overcome. The real enemy, then, is humanity itself."

– Dr Alexander King, Co-founder of the Club of Rome

The First Global Revolution, A Report by the Council of the Club of Rome by Alexander King and Bertrand Schneider 1991

The diabolical plans to formulate a global government were fomented long ago.

The Club of Rome has played a huge role in it going all the way back to 1972 with the publication of its report, The Limits to Growth which essentially blames all societal problems on there being too many people consuming too many things.

Related: The Conspiracy to Rule the World: #55 The Club of Rome

One of the primary ways this global syndicate of banking tycoons, intellectuals, scientists, bureaucrats and their cronies planned to achieve their New World Order was by promoting the threat of Global Warming, which today has morphed into Climate Change.

It is the ruse of Climate Change that’s giving global technocrats the pretext to change the world by demanding Net Zero Carbon Emissions that would destroy the fossil fuel industry and completely alter the way the world operates.

"The threat of environmental crisis will be the ‘international disaster key’ that will unlock the New World Order."

– Mikhail Gorbachev

After centuries of running all of the industries that pollute the earth and filling it with poisons, they now want you to believe they have a plan to right all these wrongs.

But the Club of Rome, World Economic Forum, and United Nations aren’t the only groups advancing this scheme. There’s also the World Government Summit (WGS), among a slew of other organizations and thinktanks working to bring about their dream of global government.

The modern offshoots of The Limits to Growth report are Agenda 21 and the Sustainable Development Goals of Agenda 2030 developed by the United Nations.

Is it a mere coincidence that a global pandemic happened at the start of 2020 just in time to “usher in a decade of ambitious action” in a bid to seize complete control of the planet?

Is it by accident that this pandemic has also been used to propel the climate change agenda into overdrive?

Another relevant question is who gave the UN this authority? I never voted for António Guterres the current Secretary-General of the United Nations or any of the previous ones and I’m sure you didn’t either.

But back in 1992, a bill was passed in the United States House of Representatives to commit the country to implementing Agenda 21. It was sponsored by none other than current House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and supported by current Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer and Senator Bernie Sanders.

Related: Agenda 21: Awareness And Activism + UN 2030 Agenda Decoded: Blueprint For The Global Enslavement Of Humanity Under Corporate Masters

Though this bill never passed in the Senate, many of its principles have been put in place over the years. No matter where you live, chances are your country has enacted similar laws without your consent.

Concepts like social justice, universal basic income (UBI), and Green New Deal policies all stem from Agenda 21 and when fully in place will do much more harm than good.

Thinking that most people are either in agreement with these plans or still locked into the matrix of false reality, the UN even had the audacity to create a website declaring a New World Order with “happiness, well-being, and freedom of all life on Earth by 2050” that brought so much blowback that they eventually removed it.

The Davos Class and their globalist minions love to pretend that their plans will benefit all humanity while continuing to hold most of the world’s wealth and resources within their own coffers.

While they promise global equity, they never reveal that it means everyone will be equally poor and dependent on technocratic overlords for every crumb on the table.

Over the years many brave souls such as Rosa Koire, author of Behind the Green Mask and Patrick Wood, author of Technocracy Rising, have exposed their attempts to pull a bait and switch and leave the 99% with absolutely nothing.

At the heart of Agenda 21, Agenda 2030, Build Back Better, Climate Change, and The Great Reset is collectivism.

As a pioneer of research into plans for global government, G. Edward Griffin has also explained how collectivism is nothing more than a marketing ploy to get people to give up their individual rights and for countries to give up their sovereignty to global elites.

The Insidiousness of Public Private Partnerships

"Indeed, the World Economic Forum’s main purpose is to function as a socializing institution for the emerging global elite, globalization’s “Mafiocracy” of bankers, industrialists, oligarchs, technocrats and politicians. They promote common ideas, and serve common interests: their own."

– Andrew Marshall, World Economic Forum: a history and analysis

One of the biggest takeaways from Davos 2021 was the constant call for public-private partnerships to lead the way in achieving global change.

This “ppp” buzzword is just a fancy way of saying fascism, or the merging of corporations and government into one totalitarian entity.

What could go wrong with merging the efforts of global corporations like Bank of America, BlackRock, Facebook, Goldman Sachs, Google, JPMorgan Chase, Microsoft, Palantir Technologies, Pfizer, Thompson Reuters, and VISA with government agencies, and civil society?

After all, according to Salesforce CEO Marc Benioff, CEO’s were the heroes of the pandemic! The scary part about all of this is that Davos men like Benioff really believe this and insist that you believe it too. After all, they’re really the “good guys” in all of this.

By cooperating with governments these and many other transnational corporations have completely seized control our food supply, economic systems, transportation, technology, media, utilities, natural resources, health systems, and entertainment industries.

These powerful multi-million-and billion-dollar corporations have grown into a beastlike system of control that dictate the rules of the game in each of their industries and are out to destroy independent operators.  

Related: New Elite Whistleblower Smashes Global Warming Science + UN Official Says Global Warming Is About Destroying Capitalism

Enter Stakeholder Capitalism

"If we are the new American slaves, then who is our master? The New Master, like some monster escaped from the laboratories of a noble experiment called the American dream, is the sum total of an amoral coupling between government and business.

It looms as a monolith hybrid that is neither government nor business and is composed of individual strands of power that include the president, Congress, the courts, a multitude of governing bureaus and agencies, and an immense cluster of multinational corporations, some as wealthy as great nations."

– Gerry Spence, Give Me Liberty!

To deal with the growing backlash to the greed and control exerted by the Davos Class of powerful CEOs and bureaucrats, Klaus Schwab has invented a new economic model called Stakeholder Capitalism, where private corporations are granted the role of trustees of society.

Here’s where that “trust” word comes up again. Along with the new book, Schwab has penned The Davos Manifesto, redefining the role of a company to fulfill a broader role in achieving environmental, social and good governance objectives.

Schwab again attempts to gaslight the public into believing that corporations can become altruistic, uphold human rights, and level the playing field to achieve equality.

This is like trying to convince people that a leopard really can change its spots. They are trying to persuade us that the billionaire club is tired of operating soulless, money-grabbing machines, destroying the environment, and really, yes really want to help the little guy.

Be warned though, because as the Bible says, Satan’s ministers love to transform themselves as angels of light!

And following this pattern, greedy globalists like John Rockefeller, Andrew Carnegie, and of course Bill Gates all transformed themselves into “beloved philanthropists”. It seems like this is also the future path of current wealthiest man alive Jeff Bezos of Amazon.

Related: Why Capitalism Creates Useless Jobs

But how can anyone in their right mind believe this given that Bezos’ company conspired with Google and Apple to remove an entire social media platform (Parler) from the internet?

Big Tech companies have obliterated free speech and it has nothing to do with the Democrat/Republican divide, but whether or not you agree with the tenets of the Davos Agenda.

On the surface, Stakeholder Capitalism sounds good, but dig a little deeper and all you’re going to find is a pyramid scheme with a smiley face sticker and you still at the bottom.

Stakeholder Capitalism and The Davos Manifesto will only serve to increase the control corporations and their billionaire owners exert over every area of the human experience.

Davos’ newly polished schemes would completely usher in the age of full technocratic dominion. They already proclaimed they want the 99% to own nothing.

Why would anyone in their right mind believe this new wave of propaganda promising that mega-companies will become instruments of good?

The Fourth Industrial Revolution and Promised Utopia

"The world is at a crossroads. The social and political systems that have lifted millions out of poverty and shaped our national and global policies for half a century are failing us…

Public trust in business, government, the media and even civil society has fallen to the point where more than half of the world feels the current system is failing them…

It is in this precarious political and social context that we face both the opportunities and the challenges of a range of powerful, emerging technologies - from artificial intelligence, to biotechnologies, advanced materials to quantum computing - that will drive radical shifts in the way we live, and which I have described as comprising the Fourth Industrial Revolution."

– Klaus Schwab, Shaping the Fourth Industrial Revolution

The real Davos Agenda centers around using the fraud of Climate Change to usher in a technocratic, transhuman, Fourth Industrial Revolution complete with autonomous vehicles, the internet of things, advanced artificial intelligence, smart cities, and an internet of bodies to connect all humans with machines.

Yes, Schwab has openly stated that “the future will challenge our understanding of what it means to be human, from both a biological and a social standpoint.” 

The Davos Class wants to control the land, air, water and every resource on the planet, including humans. It’s why you and I are and all resources on the planet referred to as “capital” in Stakeholder Capitalism.

It’s also why COVID-19 provided the perfect gateway to advance the agenda to digitize everything and accelerate authoritarian control.

Without the guise of a pandemic, where people were made to fear for their lives, they would have never been able to get this far, so fast.

Related: Responding To The “Nothing To Hide” Argument In Support Of Mass Surveillance + We Are All Targeted Individuals Now with Dr. Katherine Horton

Digital currencies, digital IDs, worldwide 5G coverage, biometric security and an advanced global surveillance state is the true endgame. The Davos con cannot be fully implemented without it.

With talk about how much leisure humans will have once robots and artificial intelligence are taking care of the menial tasks people used to do, many have bought the lie that the Fourth Industrial Revolution will bring freedom and a new utopian era.

Maybe this will happen for the Davos class, but what will become of the millions and even billions who will lose their jobs and livelihoods thanks to all this automation?

Perhaps more future planned pandemics will spare them the indignity of becoming a serf or mere chattel serving the ruling class. Bill Gates sure seems to be thrilled with the possibilities (of another pandemic).

Perhaps no one has laid out the true agenda of the Davos Class better than the late Aaron Russo, who stated:

"The end goal is to get everybody chipped, to control the whole society, to have the bankers and the elite people control the world. "

This journey has taken us inside the devious minds of those who believe they are better, smarter, and worthy of making decisions for the rest of us. Decisions that will take away all of our God-given freedoms and plunge us into the depths of slavery and genocide.

But it is we who need to be reminded to use the tools God gave us to defeat the evil within ourselves and in this world. Though this is not fairy tale the lessons of one of the most iconic tales still stand true.

Related: Are Elite Controllers A Fantasy? Read This

To overcome increasing despotism, we need to stop cowering in fear and find courage like the Cowardly Lion. We need to disengage from propaganda and utilize the full capacity of our brains like the Scarecrow.

We need stop allowing them to divide us and have our hearts renewed and filled with love like the Tinman. We need to awaken out of the dreamlike state we’re in like Dorothy and realize what is taken place.

When we arise from the slumber induced by the media shills and globalist entities pulling their strings, we’ll see that they are just mere men and women behind a curtain trying to manipulate us like the Wizard of Oz.

The only way they win is by deception, fear and misplaced trust.

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Here Are The 147 Transnational Companies That Run The World
March 10 2021 | From: TechnocracyNews

A study by the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Zurich found that a mere 147 corporations control the world – orchestrating events and controlling governments.

These companies are run by Technocrats who are all busy perfecting the the ultimate and interconnected global supply chain. The list is not necessarily perfect, but it is representative of a class of super-companies who are running the global show. 

 Related: City of London's Ownership of American Colonies

The analysis, which looked at the relationships between 43,000 transnational corporations, identified that only a tiny handful of mega-corporations, mostly banks, had a disproportionate amount of power over world events.

Newscientist.com reports: “Reality is so complex, we must move away from dogma, whether it’s conspiracy theories or free-market,” says James Glattfelder. “Our analysis is reality-based.”

Previous studies have found that a few TNCs [Trans-National Corporations] own large chunks of the world’s economy, but they included only a limited number of companies and omitted indirect ownerships, so could not say how this affected the global economy – whether it made it more or less stable, for instance.

The Zurich team can. From Orbis 2007, a database listing 37 million companies and investors worldwide, they pulled out all 43,060 TNCs and the share ownerships linking them. Then they constructed a model of which companies controlled others through shareholding networks, coupled with each company’s operating revenues, to map the structure of economic power.

The work, to be published in PLoS One, revealed a core of 1318 companies with interlocking ownerships. Each of the 1318 had ties to two or more other companies, and on average they were connected to 20.

Top 10 Evil Corporations

“Thought big companies got to the top by being nice? This video might make you think again, starting with IBM.”

What’s more, although they represented 20 per cent of global operating revenues, the 1318 appeared to collectively own through their shares the majority of the world’s large blue chip and manufacturing firms – the “real” economy – representing a further 60 per cent of global revenues.

When the team further untangled the web of ownership, it found much of it tracked back to a “super-entity” of 147 even more tightly knit companies – all of their ownership was held by other members of the super-entity – that controlled 40 per cent of the total wealth in the network.

“In effect, less than 1 per cent of the companies were able to control 40 per cent of the entire network,” says Glattfelder. Most were financial institutions. The top 20 included Barclays Bank, JPMorgan Chase & Co, and The Goldman Sachs Group.

John Driffill of the University of London, a macroeconomics expert, says the value of the analysis is not just to see if a small number of people controls the global economy, but rather its insights into economic stability.

Concentration of power is not good or bad in itself, says the Zurich team, but the core’s tight interconnections could be. As the world learned in 2008, such networks are unstable. “If one [company] suffers distress,” says Glattfelder, “this propagates.”

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“It’s disconcerting to see how connected things really are,” agrees George Sugihara of the Scripps Institution of Oceanography in La Jolla, California, a complex systems expert who has advised Deutsche Bank.

Yaneer Bar-Yam, head of the New England Complex Systems Institute (NECSI), warns that the analysis assumes ownership equates to control, which is not always true. Most company shares are held by fund managers who may or may not control what the companies they part-own actually do. The impact of this on the system’s behaviour, he says, requires more analysis.

Crucially, by identifying the architecture of global economic power, the analysis could help make it more stable. By finding the vulnerable aspects of the system, economists can suggest measures to prevent future collapses spreading through the entire economy.

Glattfelder says we may need global anti-trust rules, which now exist only at national level, to limit over-connection among TNCs. Sugihara says the analysis suggests one possible solution: firms should be taxed for excess interconnectivity to discourage this risk.

Related: International Ownership of New Zealand Banks

One thing won’t chime with some of the protesters’ claims: the super-entity is unlikely to be the intentional result of a conspiracy to rule the world. “Such structures are common in nature,” says Sugihara.

Newcomers to any network connect preferentially to highly connected members. TNCs buy shares in each other for business reasons, not for world domination. If connectedness clusters, so does wealth, says Dan Braha of NECSI: in similar models, money flows towards the most highly connected members.

The Zurich study, says Sugihara, “is strong evidence that simple rules governing TNCs give rise spontaneously to highly connected groups”. Or as Braha puts it:

“The Occupy Wall Street claim that 1 per cent of people have most of the wealth reflects a logical phase of the self-organising economy.”

So, the super-entity may not result from conspiracy. The real question, says the Zurich team, is whether it can exert concerted political power. Driffill feels 147 is too many to sustain collusion. Braha suspects they will compete in the market but act together on common interests. [Comment: If you are reading this then you should already know what's going on.]

Resisting changes to the network structure may be one such common interest.

The Top 50 of the 147 Superconnected Companies

1. Barclays plc
2. Capital Group Companies Inc
3. FMR Corporation
4. AXA
5. State Street Corporation
6. JP Morgan Chase & Co
7. Legal & General Group plc
8. Vanguard Group Inc
10. Merrill Lynch & Co Inc
11. Wellington Management Co LLP
12. Deutsche Bank AG
13. Franklin Resources Inc
14. Credit Suisse Group
15. Walton Enterprises LLC
16. Bank of New York Mellon Corp
17. Natixis
18. Goldman Sachs Group Inc
19. T Rowe Price Group Inc
20. Legg Mason Inc
21. Morgan Stanley
22. Mitsubishi UFJ Financial Group Inc
23. Northern Trust Corporation
24. Société Générale
25. Bank of America Corporation
26. Lloyds TSB Group plc
27. Invesco plc
28. Allianz SE 29. TIAA
30. Old Mutual Public Limited Company
31. Aviva plc
32. Schroders plc
33. Dodge & Cox
34. Lehman Brothers Holdings Inc*
35. Sun Life Financial Inc
36. Standard Life plc
37. CNCE
38. Nomura Holdings Inc
39. The Depository Trust Company
40. Massachusetts Mutual Life Insurance
41. ING Groep NV
42. Brandes Investment Partners LP
43. Unicredito Italiano SPA
44. Deposit Insurance Corporation of Japan
45. Vereniging Aegon
46. BNP Paribas
47. Affiliated Managers Group Inc
48. Resona Holdings Inc
49. Capital Group International Inc
50. China Petrochemical Group Company

If You Hate Poverty, You Should Love Capitalism

A look into why Capitalism is the best thing that ever happened to average citizens.

Arthur Brooks, president of the American Enterprise Institute, explains how Capitalism is struggling to attract new followers despite helping millions of average people control their own destinies and accumulate wealth through hard work.

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Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi

Why Mandatory Vaccination Is Unethical And Immoral + California Medical Doctor Explains How Doctors Receive No Medical Training on Vaccines – Indoctrination On Belief In Vaccines & First-Ever Peer-Reviewed Study Of Vaccinated Vs Unvaccinated Children Shows Vaccinated Kids Have A Higher Rate Of Sickness, 470% Increase In Autism
March 9 2021 | From: Stuff / VaccineImpact / TheStarAcademy / Various

Compulsion is being proposed as the way to address factors affecting vaccination uptake: low confidence, complacency and convenience.
 It is not. 

We should not allow governments make our "informed consent" decisions for us, and then force those decisions upon us, argues Amanda Vickers

It is also the least ethical option. Ethically, various codes have been designed to protect us from unconsented medical intervention.

Related: Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.: The CDC Is A [Criminal] Vaccine Company

Ethically, various codes have been designed to protect us from unconsented medical intervention.

The Nuremberg Code set out to ensure no person had medical procedures performed without explicit consent.

With the formation of the United Nations came the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. New Zealand has a Bill of Rights (1990).  

The National Party has proposed withdrawing benefits for parents who don't vaccinate their children, and Botany candidate Christopher Luxon has suggested extending the "no jab,no pay" idea to Working for Families benefits too

Related: A Writ of Summons against the Commonwealth of Australia (Australian Government) Coercive Vaccination Policies has been successfully filed in the High Court of Australia by a 75 year old Australian Aged Pensioner

These all seek to protect against any "greater majority" who would trample our individual rights. However, they are only as strong as the will of citizens to uphold them. 

The premise of the "greater good" is being used to support arguments for forced medication of the population. In terms of protecting the very young, the very old and the very sick, it is important these groups are sufficiently well cared for, so as not to contract any illness, regardless of whether the rest of the population has been vaccinated or not. 

The question that needs addressing is whether it is for our "greater good" to have the government make our "informed consent" decisions for us, and then force those decisions upon us. Our forefathers would likely not have seen this imposition as a "greater good"

Mandatory vaccination would entail the state appointing itself authority over the most sacrosanct – our bodily sovereignty.

Doing so gives it the ability to deliver, to whom it wants, directly into our bodies, what it wants, in any amount it wants, whenever it wants. 

Related: An Anti-Vaxx Billboard Appears Outside Portland, at the Height of Flu Season

Of course, the delivery of vaccine-mandate legislation would never really look as draconian and authoritarian as that. It would instead be introduced gradually, but nonetheless by coercion.

Make no mistake, coercion is a mandate to those with little choice, just as a pig with lipstick is still a pig. Unavoidable coercion soon expands to affect everyone, and everything – the ability to go to school, or to travel and work.

Where would that end? Would doctors be required to administer medication against the will of their patients? How would that fit with their Hippocratic oath? Would police be obliged to undertake enforcement? How would that fit morally with them?

Where do Māori stand? The second article of the Treaty of Waitangi guarantees them chieftainship over their taonga. Did it intend that Māori cede sovereignty over their bodies?

Upholding our freedoms, and the application of our hard-won protections, should be an overriding principle in our proud nation.

The National Party is discussing, and ACT is proposing, vaccine coercion, while Winston Peters has personally endorsed mandatory vaccination

This is not just any old election policy announcement. This is New Zealand political parties seeking to remove our personal rights to bodily autonomy. It should be big news.

We Don’t Vaccinate Because Vaccines Cause Harm And Are Not Needed

Eight educated parents share the many reasons why they no longer vaccinate, or never vaccinated.

Reasons include: near death, uncontrollable screaming, horrible adverse reactions, getting the disease for which vaccinated against, high fever, vomiting, seizures, skin reactions, vaccines are poison, natural immunity is superior, high risk, cancer, aborted fetal cells, population control, vaccines cannot be made safe, and more. Please share widely!

Related: Rise in childhood cancer baffles experts, prompts calls for urgent investigation

Thankfully, Labour has had the sense to stand firm against mandates – for now.

Social Credit has an overriding principle in its constitution – that the individual is more important than the state – and it opposes any form of political authoritarianism, including mandatory vaccinations. 

Preserving personal liberty should be the most important mandate evoked – even when seeking to maintain the public's health in the 21st century.

Our history shows New Zealanders stand, among other things, for fairness, for freedom and for respect. 

Let's keep it that way.

Because no matter what our view of vaccinations, these principles should be our overriding consideration.

California Medical Doctor Explains How Doctors Receive No Medical Training on Vaccines – Indoctrination On Belief In Vaccines

Dr. Gary Foresman was recently interviewed by Polly Tommey on the VAXXED II tour bus.

He starts out the interview by stating that he received no medical training regarding how vaccines work, or even what ingredients are contained in vaccines, only what the vaccine schedule was and how many vaccines to give to patients.

Related: Dr. Suzanne Humphries - are vaccines safe ?

"Doctors don’t understand what is in a vaccine. We basically assume it’s saline, and some killed virus, or killed bacteria."

Dr. Foresman compared today’s medical training, which forces most doctors into huge debts, as “the indoctrination, almost the indentured servitude of the average physician” coming out of medical school.

He goes on to explain that doctors come out of their training wanting to think they have all the knowledge after spending so much money, and that it is hard for them to admit there are gaps in their knowledge.

"Today’s doctor, they’re spending hundreds of thousands of dollars, and then when you go through medical school and residency, and you put your life on the line, you’ve been on call every four nights – you’ve had some of the worst nights of your life overnight in the ICUs, and I have, you do not like to come out of that training, and think you don’t have all the knowledge."

Dr. Foresman started his career pro-vaccine, because he was taught vaccines were the greatest thing for mankind, and you were not supposed to question it.

Can Vaccines Cause Autism? Exclusive Interview With Del Bigtree

We talk to Del Bigtree about ICAN's recent lawsuit against the CDC where the CDC was unable to provide studies to prove their statement that "vaccines don't cause autism."

Stipulated Order Proving CDC Has No Studies To Support Claim That Vaccines Given in First 6 Months of Life Do Not Cause Autism

"It’s an indoctrination system.

They (medical students) become very pro-vaccine because of the indoctrination process… towards a way of believing about medicine, more so than even understanding it.

And that’s part of the fear we have about seeing MDs for everything.

The average physician is a pre-programmed automaton who comes out of school with very little knowledge. They’re not trained on how to prevent disease almost at all."

Dr. Foresman talks about how medical training is about how to diagnose diseases, not prevent them.

"Doctors are taught patho-physiology, meaning how to diagnose disease – not on how to prevent disease. Our key courses are about how to diagnose disease, and assuming they are there, not how to prevent them.

The little bit we know about prevention is “I wish we had a vaccine for everything."

Watch the entire interview:

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First-Ever Peer-Reviewed Study Of Vaccinated Vs Unvaccinated Children Shows Vaccinated Kids Have A Higher Rate Of Sickness, 470% Increase In Autism

In a development that autism parents have long anticipated, the first-ever, peer-reviewed study comparing total health outcomes in vaccinated and unvaccinated children was released on line recently.

According to sources close to the project, the study had been reviewed and accepted by two different journals, both of which pulled back on their approval once the political implications of the findings became clear. That’s largely because, as parents have long expected, the rate of autism is significantly higher in the vaccinated group, a finding that could shake vaccine safety claims just as the first president who has ever stated a belief in a link between vaccines and autism has taken office.

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Working in partnership with the National Home Education Research Institute (NHERI), Dr. Anthony Mawson led a research team that investigated the relationship between vaccination exposures and a range of over 40 acute and chronic illnesses in home schooled children, a population chosen for its high proportion of unvaccinated children.

Surveying families in four states–Florida, Louisiana, Mississippi and Oregon - the study (officially titled Vaccination and Health Outcomes: A Survey of 6- to 12-year-old Vaccinated and Unvaccinated Children based on Mothers’ Reports), reported a number of startling findings.

Vaccinated children were significantly more likely than the unvaccinated to have been diagnosed with a neurodevelopmental disorder: most notably, the risk of being affected by an Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) was 4.7 fold higher in vaccinated children; as well, ADHD risk was 4.7 fold higher and learning disability risk was 3.7 fold higher.

Overall, the vaccinated children in the study were 3.7 times more likely to have been diagnosed with some kind of neurodevelopmental disorder.

Vaccinated children were also significantly more likely to be diagnosed with an immune-related disorder. The risk of allergic rhinitis (commonly known as hay fever) was over 30 times higher in vaccinated children, while the risk of other allergies was increased 3.9 fold and the eczema risk was increased 2.4 fold.

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With respect to acute illness and infectious disease the outcomes were in some respects surprising.  As might be expected, unvaccinated children were significantly (4-10 times) more likely to have come down with chicken pox, rubella or pertussis.

Perhaps unexpectedly, the unvaccinated children were less likely to suffer from otitis media and pneumonia: vaccinated children had 3.8 times greater odds of a middle ear infection and 5.9 times greater odds of a bout with pneumonia.

The study was based on a survey with participants recruited in a process led by NHERI and coordinated through 84 state and local homeschool groups. The survey itself was, according to the authors, “nonbiased and neutrally worded.”

These findings in a study population of 666 children, 261 of whom (39%) were unvaccinated, are sure to stir controversy, in part because it is the first of its kind. The scientific literature on the long-term effects of the vaccination program is virtually silent.

Most studies on the safety of vaccines only consider immediate or short-term effects. There was no obvious explanation for the differences in health outcomes observed between the vaccinated and unvaccinated groups of children other than vaccination itself.

The finding that vaccination is a significant risk for autism is the most explosive finding in the paper. For well over a decade, parents concerned that vaccines were involved in autism’s sharp rise have been calling for what has long been labelled the “vax/unvax” study.

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Public health officials such as Paul Offit have resisted these calls with claims that a comparative study of autism risk and other health outcomes in unvaccinated and vaccinated children would be retrospectively impossible and prospectively unethical.

Despite opposition from those like Offit, attempts to launch a formal vax/unvax study have been made for many years. In 2006, Congresswoman Carolyn Maloney (D, NY) authored what is now called Vaccine Safety Study Act.

Said Maloney to the opponents, “Maybe someone in the medical establishment will show me why this study is a bad idea, but they haven’t done it yet.”

In 2007, Generation Rescue (one of the Mawson study’s sponsors) retained a market research firm to undertake a similar survey (it is available on line and had similar findings but was never published in a scientific journal).

Less formal surveys focused on whether or not autism was present in the unvaccinated have also been undertaken in unusual populations, including the Amish and the patients of alternative health practitioners. Age of Autism founder Dan Olmsted investigated autism in the Amish, who vaccinate less frequently.

Autism is rare among the Amish and the only autistic Amish children we discovered were also vaccinated. (Others reported cases in Amish children with birth defects, but not “idiopathic autism,” the kind that occurs in otherwise typical children who are the heart of the current epidemic).

The late Mayer Eisenstein reported in his HomeFirst practice in Chicago that he delivered more than 15,000 babies at home, and thousands of them were never vaccinated. Of these unvaccinated children, none had autism.

Related: Another Big-Screen Movie Just Released Investigates Vaccines For Autism Implications

The link between autism and vaccination became a hot topic in this year’s presidential election. Democratic candidate Hillary Clinton once tweeted “The science is clear: The earth is round, the sky is blue, and #vaccineswork. Let’s protect all our kids. #GrandmothersKnowBest.”

In contrast, President Donald Trump has long been outspoken about the likely connection between vaccines and autism. As early as 2007, Trump remarked;

“When I was growing up, autism wasn’t really a factor. And now all of a sudden, it’s an epidemic. Everybody has their theory, and my theory is the shots. They’re getting these massive injections at one time. I think it’s the vaccinations.”

In the absence of any published evidence on the question, the call for a vax/unvax study has become a rallying cry for autism advocates. Now it appears, the results confirm what many have long suspected.

These findings, especially the significant link between autism risk and vaccination, are certain to increase pressure on public health officials inside and outside the government to acknowledge the legitimacy of a concern they have long dismissed.

Like any study, this one is open to critique. One will be its relatively small sample size, relatively high ASD rate (3.3% overall as compared to 2.24% in the closest comparable CDC study) as well as the funding sources.

Most studies that have found no link between autism and vaccination have been pharma or government funded, and the media has not considered that significant enough to mention.

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Nonetheless, expect a hue and cry that money for this study came in part from sources concerned about a possible vaccine-autism link.

Note: Here is the funding statement from the leaked paper. “This study was supported by grants from Generation Rescue, Inc., and the Children’s Medical Safety Research Institute, charitable organizations that support research on children’s health and vaccine safety.

The funders had no role or influence on the design and conduct of the research or the preparation of reports.” Generation Rescue is a Founding National Sponsor of Age of Autism. -
Article From: ageofautism.com

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Out Of Shadows
March 8 2021 | From: OutOfShadows / Various

The Out Of The Shadows documentary lifts the mask on how the mainstream media & Hollywood manipulate & control the masses by spreading propaganda throughout their content.

Our goal is to wake up the general public by shedding light on how we all have been lied to & brainwashed by a hidden enemy with a sinister agenda.

This project is the result of two years of blood, sweat, and tears by a team of woke professionals. It’s been independently produced and funded and is available on many different platforms for free for anyone to watch.

Patriots made this documentary with the sole purpose of getting the truth out there. If you like the documentary, please share this video.

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When The Rockefeller Trilateral Commission Exposed Its Own Secret
March 7 2021 | From: JonRappoport / Various

Now and then, I republish an explosive interview with two Rockefeller Trilateral Commission members, highlighting how much political power can be controlled in a few hands.

People often misunderstand how the game works. In the area of US foreign policy, for example, they focus on the long-standing rats’ nest called the State Department.

Related: The Conspiracy to Rule the World: 58. The Trilateral Commission

Well, they should. But that bureaucracy implements policy. It doesn’t really formulate the basics. The basics come from higher on the food chain.

The Globalist movement - within which the Trilateral Commission is a leading force - dictates a “one-world” theme. Separate nations and their power should be melted down and folded into one planet-wide management system.

This system would ultimately determine worldwide production quotas for goods and services, and their distribution. Energy, in particular, is a prime target. How much will be created? Who will benefit? Who will suffer?

The US federal government and other governments around the world had been trying to bring us closer to that “utopian day.”

Who sits in the shadows pulling their strings?

Here is another question that has the same answer: who is in charge of undermining free markets and thus taking down economies? One group has been virtually forgotten. Its influence is enormous. It has existed since 1973.

It’s called the Trilateral Commission (TC).

Related: The Round Table: The Hub Of The CFR, Trilateral Commission, RIIA, Club Of Rome, Bilderberg Group And The UN

Keep in mind that the original stated goal of the TC was to create “a new international economic order.”

In 1969, four years before birthing the TC with David Rockefeller, Zbigniew Brzezinski wrote: “[The] nation state as a fundamental unit of man’s organized life has ceased to be the principal creative force. International banks and multinational corporations are acting and planning in terms that are far in advance of the political concepts of the nation state.”

Goodbye, separate nations.

Any doubt on the question of TC goals is answered by David Rockefeller himself, the founder of the TC, in his Memoirs (2003):

“Some even believe we are part of a secret cabal working against the best interests of the United States, characterizing my family and me as ‘internationalists’ and of conspiring with others around the world to build a more integrated global political and economic structure - one world, if you will. If that is the charge, I stand guilty, and I am proud of it.”

Patrick Wood, author of Trilaterals Over Washington, points out there are only 87 members of the Trilateral Commission who live in America. Obama appointed eleven of them to posts in his administration.

For Example:

Tim Geithner, Treasury Secretary

James Jones, National Security Advisor

Paul Volker, Chairman, Economic Recovery Committee

Dennis Blair, Director of National Intelligence

Here is a stunning piece of forgotten history, a 1978 conversation between a US reporter and two members of the Trilateral Commission. (Source: Trilateralism: The Trilateral Commission and Elite Planning for World Management; ed. by Holly Sklar, 1980, South End Press, Pages 192-3).

The conversation was public knowledge at the time.

Related: An Expose: The Council On Foreign Relations (CFR) & The Trilateral Commmission

Anyone who was anyone in Washington politics, in media, in think-tanks, had access to it. Understood its meaning. But no one shouted from the rooftops. No one used the conversation to force a scandal. No one protested loudly.

The conversation revealed that the entire basis of the US Constitution had been torpedoed, that the people who were running US national policy (which includes trade treaties) were agents of an elite shadow group. No question about it.

And yet: official silence. Media silence. The Dept. of Justice made no moves, Congress undertook no serious inquiries, and the President, Jimmy Carter, issued no statements.

Carter was himself an agent of the Trilateral Commission in the White House. He had been plucked from obscurity by David Rockefeller, and through elite TC press connections, vaulted into the spotlight as a pre-eminent choice for the Presidency.

The 1978 conversation featured reporter, Jeremiah Novak, and two Trilateral Commission members, Karl Kaiser and Richard Cooper. The interview took up the issue of who exactly, during President Carter’s administration, was formulating US economic and political policy.

The careless and off-hand attitude of Trilateralists Kaiser and Cooper is astonishing. It’s as if they’re saying, “What we’re revealing is already out in the open, it’s too late to do anything about it, why are you so worked up, we’ve already won…”

Novak: (the reporter): Is it true that a private [Trilateral committee] led by Henry Owen of the US and made up of [Trilateral] representatives of the US, UK, West Germany, Japan, France and the EEC is coordinating the economic and political policies of the Trilateral countries [which would include the US]?

Cooper: Yes, they have met three times.

Novak: Yet, in your recent paper you state that this committee should remain informal because to formalize ‘this function might well prove offensive to some of the Trilateral and other countries which do not take part.’ Who are you afraid of?

Kaiser: Many countries in Europe would resent the dominant role that West Germany plays at these [Trilateral] meetings.

Cooper: Many people still live in a world of separate nations, and they would resent such coordination [of policy].

Novak: But this [Trilateral] committee is essential to your whole policy. How can you keep it a secret or fail to try to get popular support [for its decisions on how Trilateral member nations will conduct their economic and political policies]?

Cooper: Well, I guess it’s the press’ job to publicize it.

Novak: Yes, but why doesn’t President Carter come out with it and tell the American people that [US] economic and political power is being coordinated by a [Trilateral] committee made up of Henry Owen and six others? After all, if [US] policy is being made on a multinational level, the people should know.

Cooper: President Carter and Secretary of State Vance have constantly alluded to this in their speeches. [a lie]

Kaiser: It just hasn’t become an issue.

This interview slipped under the mainstream media radar, which is to say, it was buried.

US economic and political policy - run by a committee of the Trilateral Commission.

When Jimmy Carter won the presidential election in 1976, his aide, Hamilton Jordan, said that if after the inauguration, Cy Vance and Brzezinski came on board as secretary of state and national security adviser, “We’ve lost. And I’ll quit.”

Lost - because both men were powerful members of the Trilateral Commission and their appointment to key positions would signal a surrender of White House control to the Commission.

Vance and Brzezinski were appointed secretary of state and national security adviser, as Jordan feared. But he didn’t quit. He became Carter’s chief of staff.

Now consider the vast propaganda efforts of the past 40 years, on so many levels, to install the idea that all nations and peoples of the world are a single Collective.

Related: CFR: Trump Sabotaging Globalist World Order

From a very high level of political and economic power, this propaganda op has had the objective of grooming the population for a planet that is one coagulated mass, run and managed by one force. A central engine of that force is the Trilateral Commission.

How does a shadowy group like the TC accomplish its goal? One basic strategy is: destabilize nations; ruin their economies; send millions and millions of manufacturing jobs off to places where virtual slave labor does the work; adding insult to injury, export the cheap products of those slave-factories back to the nations who lost the jobs and undercut their domestic competitors, forcing them to close their doors and fire still more employees.

And then solve that economic chaos by bringing order.

What kind of order?

Eventually, one planet, with national borders erased, under one management system, with a planned global economy, “to restore stability,” “for the good of all, for lasting harmony.”

“I pledge allegiance to the Trilateral Commission, and to the domination for which it stands, one planet, indivisible, with tyranny and poverty and top-down order for all…”

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Behind Bilderberg 2015, Trilateral Commission: The Globalists Have A Major Problem + Bilderberg 2015: Full Attendee List & Agenda

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Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi

Proven: Monsanto Knew The Dangers Of Its Chemicals But Kept Selling Them Anyway & Gene Editing Drives Into Dangerous Unknown Territory
March 6 2021 | From: NaturalNews / Scoop / Various

It’s taken almost 50 years to come to fruition, but there’s now solid proof to show that the world’s most evil corporation,
Monsanto, deliberately sold deadly chemicals on the consumer market that it knew all along were harmful to humans.

As part of the epic Poison Papers archive, which we’ve covered previously, thousands of pages of internal documents highlight how Monsanto was fully aware that a family of chemicals known as PCBs or polychlorinated biphenyls, were not only detrimental to human health, but also environmentally persistent – meaning they don’t biodegrade that easily.

Related: Monsanto Loses Lawsuit And $289 Million & Bayer Needs More Than An Aspirin To Cure Its Monsanto-Sized

Monsanto has apparently known since the 1950s that PCBs weren’t exactly safe, and yet the Missouri-based corporation continued to sell these products regardless.

And thanks to the tireless work of investigative journalist Peter von Stackelberg and Oregon-based amateur investigator Carol Van Strum, it’s now all on the record.

“As I got deeper and deeper into it, I couldn’t continue to ignore the fact that there was something seriously wrong with the industry and the regulatory system,” von Stackelberg, who first started reporting on the dirty deeds of the chemical industry several decades ago, told Inlander about what he uncovered.

Spokane, Washington, Sues Monsanto Following PCB Revelation

One of von Stackelberg’s discoveries pertained to PCB chemicals manufactured by Monsanto that he revealed were carelessly dumped into Washington’s Spokane River by the chemical giant.

The resultant PCB contamination of this body of water has been problematic for quite some time as a result of this – which, thanks to these new revelations, is finally allowing the city to seek justice.

Related: Incriminating Documents Reveal Monsanto Knew They Were Poisoning The Environment With Their PCBs

According to reports, the City of Spokane is filing a lawsuit against Monsanto that it hopes will lead to a retrieval of funds necessary to remediate the contamination.

Von Stackelberg also put on a special event to talk about it entitled, “Monsanto, PCBs and the Spokane River,” which took place at Gonzaga University back in September.

Many Chemical Companies Have Been Lying About the safety of Their Products, von Stackeberg Says

The unfortunate reality is that this doesn’t stop with Monsanto.

Von Stackelberg’s laborious research throughout the 1980s led him on a rabbit trail of discoveries, including the fact that many different chemical companies at the time were pulling the same shenanigans as Monsanto when it came to lying about the safety and effectiveness of their products.

After hearing rumors that his local provincial government in Saskatchewan was mulling over a ban on more than 100 chemicals commonly used in agriculture, von Stackelberg got to work.

What he discovered was that many of these approved chemicals had been given the green light by a corrupt testing lab in the United States known as Industrial Bio-Test (IBT) Laboratories.

Related: Chemicals Are Making Us Sterile And Dumb

“The list of chemicals was actually jaw dropping in terms of the ones where there were serious questions about the safety studies,” von Stackelberg recalls.

Inspired by what he had uncovered, von Stackelberg then decided to take a closer look at various other chemicals used in food, drugs, and more – only to discover that these, too, had questionable safety backing based on potentially fraudulent science.

In the end, von Stackelberg’s work resulted in multiple criminal charges being filed against IBT. But unfortunately, this legal action didn’t change the practices of the industry for the better, as they’ve only continued on with their lies and deception up to this very day.

The whole thing sort of faded away and 40 years later, we’re still dealing with the pollution, the corruption, the fraud and so on,says von Stackelberg.

“I call IBT the original sin of the EPA regulatory system. It’s never been something I would say can be trusted.”

For more related news, be sure to check out MonsantoMafia.com.

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Gene Editing Drives Into Dangerous Unknown Territory

The Royal Society Te Apārangi is inviting feedback on scenarios for the use of gene editing in the primary industry sector.

Are they leading New Zealand agriculture and horticulture into dangerous unknown territory when they promote genetically engineered Gene Drives without regulation?

Related: Dangerous gene-edited “Crispr” crops classified as GMO by EU – has all the U.S. biotech shills squirming like worms coated in pesticide

“This thin veil of consultation is hyped with cultish obsession on gene drives that permits no dissention” said Claire Bleakley, President of GE Free NZ.

New Zealand has developed in the laboratory plants and animals which have reached a point where to get a return on the investments and patents commercialization of the GMO’s is the next step.

However, it appears that the Crown Research Institutes and private investors are not willing to undertake safety studies to show that their GMO’s are safe so they are launching a massive advertorial media drive trying to undermine the regulatory process.

“This pretense is to force feed the public with glossy pictures and possibilities of new products using a MarkII genetic engineering technology, that does not have the dangers and failures of transgenic genetic engineering,” said Ms. Bleakley

Related: Transgenic Wars - How GMOs Impact Livestock And Human Health Around The Globe

Gene drives are synthetically made enzymes made using laboratory procedures. They act like scissors, cutting out, altering, pasting, silencing and rewriting the cells information.

These changes, when made in pest species, can persist in nature until the organism is driven to extinction. There are unknown and unconsidered dangers on the impacts if the GE constructs spread to non-target populations.

Evidence in the last few years show that changes to organisms using genetic engineered gene drives are not precise or easy to develop and have many unknown risks to the cells and the developing organism.

These change are permanent, and inherited. When eaten the constructs can be absorbed by the gut resulting in abnormalities in blood and organs as well as causing auto immune reactions.

“The hype around the ease and precision of gene drives for gene editing of plants contradicts the complex changes that occur and pose unknown risks to people, the environment and ecosystems” said Claire Bleakley, “Once released they are released permanently in the environment and cannot be recalled.”

The EU has declared them GMO’s so has New Zealand law, requiring them to be regulated. We call on the Government to not fall for the hype and ensure the GE drives are kept regulated.

It is imperative that all advanced technologies derived through in-vitro techniques are fully regulated under the HSNO Act and have full governmental oversight.

Related: Hidden Health Dangers: A Former Agbiotech Insider Wants His GMO Crops Pulled

“Indeed, anyone who is pro-science should understand that science is meant to study nature, not to modify it - and certainly not to predict, in the face of strong evidence, the absence of unintended effects.

The real anti-science movement is not on the streets. It is, as I discovered, in the laboratories of corporate America.”

- Dr Caius Rommens - Former team leader at Monsanto

Glyphosate Warnings Go Mainstream as the Dangerous Truth About This Toxic Herbicide Can No Longer be Denied

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Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi

Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi

Six Issues That Are Agenda 21 & Agenda 21 In One Easy Lesson
March 5 2021 | From: AmericanPolicyCenter / Various

Every day, in meetings at all levels of government, representatives of Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs), planning groups, surround elected representatives and insist that their policies have nothing to do with international agendas.

They regularly publish reports and rail against anyone even mentioning the names Agenda 21 or the new Agenda 2030. “No, no, no,” they insist. “Those people are just crazy conspiracy theorists. Ours is just a local plan for our community.”

Related: Leaked plans for Auckland suburbs: will apartments be built in your backyard?

Elected Representatives are often confused. Issues and policies suddenly appear in front of them with sample, ready-made legislation. And then the unending pressure begins for them to pass it.

There is confusion, uncertainty and there is the herd mentality to pass legislation. And it’s passed without knowledge of its origins, its purpose, and especially a lack of understanding of its consequences. “Just do it,” goes the mantra.

What most of these legislators fail to understand is the direct relationship much of this legislation has with a much larger agenda. Most legislation interconnects with other pieces and parts contained in other legislation.

Like the children’s song goes…”the toe bone’s connected to the ankle bone…”  And it’s done so well, wrapped in innocent-sounding, positive wrapping, so that most elected representatives will argue vigorously that they passed no such thing. 

And most of all, they will answer, Agenda 21, never heard of it. Just local. Just local. Just local.

Related: Agenda 21: Awareness And Activism + UN 2030 Agenda Decoded: Blueprint For The Global Enslavement Of
Humanity Under Corporate Masters

Well, let me show you how it works and how the toe bone gets connected to the ankle bone ending up with the Frankenstein monster.

Here are six issues that are rarely connected to Agenda 21 and Sustainable Development (especially when we are assured that Agenda 21 has nothing to do with local, state or federal government policy).

However, these seemingly unrelated policies, once implemented, help enforce the stated Agenda 21 goal of “reorganizing human society.”

Issue 1: Global Warming / Climate Change

 It has been so discredited in the true scientific community that proponents have become almost hysterical in their continued attempts to enforce Climate Change policy.

Most recently the Justice Department is considering legal action against “deniers.”  Why don’t they stop, even to question if their science is sound?

Related: Green Gestapo Says You're Mentally Ill If You Challenge Climate Change + Over 30,000 Scientists Say
'Catastrophic Man-Made Global Warming' Is A Complete Hoax And Science Lie

They instead use great energy to attack any scientist who does dare ask questions or finds data contrary to the “official” line.

Why is it so vitally important that they continue to promote something that clearly is, to say the least, questionable?

It’s because all of Agenda 21 policy is built on the premise that man is destroying the Earth. Climate Change is their “proof.” To eliminate that premise is to remove all credibility and purpose for their entire agenda

They are willing to go to any length, even lies, to keep the climate change foot on our throats.

On the local level this translates into planning policy that controls energy use and the efforts to cut down on the use of cars, enforcement of the building of expensive light rail train systems and bike paths and installation of smart meters, etc.

But don’t take my word for it. I’ll let them speak for themselves:

“No matter if the science of global warming is all phony… climate change provides the greatest opportunity to bring about justice and equality in the world.”

- Christine Stewart (Former Canadian Minister of the Environment)

“We’ve got to ride this global warming issue. Even if the theory of global warming is wrong, we will be doing the right thing in terms of economic and environmental policy.” Timothy Wirth (President, UN Foundation)

“It doesn’t matter what is true. It only matters what people believe is true.”

- Paul Watson (Co-Founder of Green Peace.)

Related: Why Your City Is Going to S***

Issue 2: Fear of Over Population

This is the central driving force behind nearly every Sustainable policy initiative. It’s the real force behind Stack and Pack Smart Growth cities.

The fact is, in developed nations populations are actually going down. The only real growth in the US population in recent years has been from immigration, legal or otherwise.

Open border immigration policy is actually implementation of Agenda 21 as part of the drive to destroy national sovereignty and “nation states.”

Environmentalists insist that the borders must be open to allow as many to immigrate here as possible.

They argue that the U.S. has a greater ability to control them and protect the environment than if we left them in third world countries. That’s because the Greens already have a stranglehold over our nation’s industry through massive environmental regulations.

In the face of their fear of overpopulation, however, studies have shown that there is no world wide over population crisis. In fact one study insists that we could put the entire population of the world in an area the size of Texas with a population density of Paris, France. 

Related: The Paris Climate Conference, What’s The Real Agenda? + Undercover Police Crack Down On Freedom Of
Speech In Paris

Over population, and its accompanying environmental degradation, is a problem primarily in countries where the poor are deprived by government to improve their conditions. Nations that refuse to legalize private property ownership for the masses, for example, are a primary reason for growing poverty.

Meanwhile, Sustainablists work to keep these nations from developing or increasing energy use, thereby keeping them poor. Green regulations stop the building of infrastructure.

They panic at the idea of increased energy use in developing nations. Instead of working to solve the real problems – the root of poverty- they exploit the excuse of over population and advocate enforcing polices to drastically reduce populations. China’s brutal one child policy of forced abortions and sterilization has become their model.

Do you think I’m joking? Then consider these quotes from the Sustainablists:

“Childbearing should be a punishable crime against society, unless the parents hold a government license. All potential parents should be required to use contraceptive chemicals, the government issuing antidotes to citizens chosen for childbearing.”

- David Brower (Sierra Club)

“A reasonable estimate for an industrialized world society at the present North American material standard of living would be 1 billion. At a more frugal European standard of living, 2 to 3 billion would be possible.”

- United Nations Global Biodiversity Assessment

Issue 3: The Destruction of the Free Market System

We have heard statement after statement from the UN; from members of Congress; the news media; and from Hollywood, all deriding the free market system as evil, corrupt and a tool of the rich to hold down the poor.

So now, after deciding that the poor are expendable for the sake of stopping overpopulation, suddenly the planners are worried about them – if it leads to their ability to raid our bank accounts.

Related: Do Financial Markets Still Exist?

So are they really worried about protecting the environment – or are they actually  honoring the tactics of Jesse James?

Redistribution of wealth is behind every policy that comes out of the UN, and now the Obama Administration as well. The EPA is the attack dog to shut down entire industries like coal.

It has become very difficult to operate a manufacturing business in the US, and nearly impossible to start a new one. Environmental protection is always the excuse, even when Obama’s own State Department said the Keystone Pipeline was not an environmental threat.

A couple of years ago, radical greens, wielding torches, demonstrated outside the home of the head of the Keystone pipeline company. Visions of the terror of the Dark Agenda?

At the UN’s Rio + 20 Summit held in 2012, the idea of “Zero Economic Growth” was advocated – just to keep things fair. It was stated that even the building of new roads upsets the status quo and disrupts a well ordered society.

Such idiotic ideas are the driving force behind Sustainable Development. Again, images of the Dark Ages come to mind.

Related: Agenda 21: What Sustainable Development Really Means For You

Yet, consider “local” planning programs that cut off access roads, and again, discourage cars. What about the EPA’s war on industry. Pretty hard to have economic growth without industry.

The timber industry is killed and communities die. Dams are torn down and farmers disappear. Zero Economic Growth in the making. Just local?

Again, not my words, let them tell you themselves:

“We must make this an insecure and inhospitable place for capitalists and their projects. We must reclaim the roads and plowed lands, halt dam construction, tear down existing dams, free shackled rivers and return to wilderness millions of acres of presently settled land.”

- Dave Foreman, (Earth First)

“Global sustainability requires the deliberate quest of poverty, reduced resource consumption and set levels of mortality control” Professor Maurice King (Population Control Advocate)

“We believe planning should be a tool for allocating resources…and eliminating the great inequalities of wealth and power in our society… because the free market has proven itself incapable of doing this.”

- Plannersnetwork.org Statement of Principles. the American Planning Association is a member and supporter of these principles

Issue 4: Cheap Energy is the Enemy of the Earth

To the average person the drive to stop any ability to obtain cheap energy makes no sense. People are hurting economically. Jobs are lost. Energy costs are skyrocketing.

Any attempt to drill oil, fracking of shale gas, and mining coal are all vigorously blocked by government and green policy. Yet the government spends billions of dollars on “alternative energy” such as wind and solar, which provides less than 3% of our energy needs.

Related: Amazing Science Lesson: Environmentalists Declare War On Photosynthesis In Stupefying Effort To
Exterminate All Recognizable Life On Planet Earth

Why? What is the motivation to put such shackles on the US economic engine? 

The excuse is that energy use drives up CO2 emissions and accelerates global warming – the excuse necessary to “harmonize” the US into the socialist, Sustainable global noose.

Many current state and local policies now are moving to increase taxes at the gas pump to keep energy costs high. In addition, Obama issued an Executive Order to ban any off shore drilling of oil.

So, just as the consumer started to get a break at the pump, higher taxes and Obama’s action forcd prices back up. As the prices rise the “planners” will insist that the only solution is to enforce the building of expensive public transportation.

But, according to some anti-energy advocates, the fear of cheap energy goes beyond environmental protection – energy availability helps build wealth for individuals and removes them from the rolls of the dependent – the opposite goal of sustainable policy.

“Giving society cheap, abundant energy is the worst thing that could ever happen to the planet.”

- Prof. Paul Ehrlich Professor of Population Studies, Stanford University)

“Complex technology of any sort is an assault on human dignity. It would be little short of disastrous for us to discover a source of clean, cheap, abundant energy, because of what we might do with it.”

- Amory Lovins (Rocky Mountain Institute)

“The prospect of cheap fusion energy is the worst thing that could happen to the planet.”

- Jeremy Rifkin (Greenhouse Crisis Foundation)

Issue 5: Common Core

Many people see the reorganization of the public school issue as separate from Agenda 21. It’s not. Those who are promoting what they call the Agenda for the 21st Century understand that it is going to be a long drawn out process.

To “reform” a nation created on the ideals of limited government, free enterprise and individual liberty into one that unquestioningly accepts government top down control will take time and a determined effort.

Related: UN Adopts Global Common Core Education To Ensure Their Vision Of Global Totalitarianism

There’s no room in a Sustainablist society for those who believe that we were born with our rights and that government’s job is to protect those rights. The sustainable system says government will grant us our rights.

To enforce such a radical turn around of our society requires that the children be indoctrinated to accept it.

The effort started in earnest in the 1990's under the Clinton Administration through the massive growth of the Department of Education in such programs as Goals 2000, School To Work and Workforce Development Boards.

The original Western education system effectively provided an overall academic education from which students could choose their own futures. No longer.

Today, the new curriculum has morphed into what is called Common Core. It’s a State run central curriculum that revamps schools into little more than job training and indoctrination centers.

Because, you see, today’s public education system is also designed to strip the children of their attitudes, values and beliefs that parents may have instilled, and indoctrinate them into accepting global values – global citizenship and a global economy based on the sustainable agenda.

Little of civics and history are taught in today’s classroom. But text books contain whole chapters on the Five Pillars of Islam, while ignoring the 10 Commandments of Christianity. 

Related: Unschooling: Radical Education That Produces Free Human Beings Instead Of Slaves

The children are fed an unending diet of the evils of capitalism; the selfishness of individualism, and the social justice of redistribution of wealth.

It punishes students for possessing individuality and is designed to eliminate such natural human tendencies. That is the “common” in Common Core. Common values, common goals, common future. Don’t rock the boat of a well ordered society.

Common Core is the nationally dictated curriculum necessary for the acceptance and implementation of Agenda 21.  

Of course, we still elect local school boards pretending they have some say over the curriculum. It makes us all feel safer for our children.

How, then do we explain the surge of Bernie Sanders and the Tsunami of Socialism?

Well, today nearly every adult up to the age of 40 has gone thought this indoctrination, trained to accept a future chosen for them by someone else.

The education system was fully outlined in a very detailed letter to Hillary Clinton from Marc Tucker of the National Center on Education and the Economy in November, 1992, immediately after Bill. Clinton was elected President.

Said Tucker: “First, a vision of the kind of national – not federal – human resources development system the nation could have. This is interwoven with a new approach to governing that should inform that vision.

What is essential is that we create a seamless web of opportunities to develop one’s skills that literally extends from cradle to grave and is the same system for everyone…” coordinated by “a system of labor market boards at the local, state, and federal levels” where curriculum and “job matching” will be handled by counselors “accessing the integrated computer-based program.”

Related: Schools: The New "Animal Farm"

Issue 6: Healthcare

How is healthcare connected to Agenda 21? Simply Google “Sustainable Medicine” and you will find more than 5,850,000 English language references to the subject. Read through the ideas expressed there and you will find nearly every provision of Obamacare.

An expert on Sustainable Medicine, the late Dr. Madeleine Cosman, put it this way: “Sustainable Medicine + Sustainable Development = Duty to Die.”

Sustainable medicine makes decisions through visioning councils that determine what shall be done or not done to each body in its group in its native habitat.

Sustainable medicine experts do not refer to citizens in sovereign nations, but to “humans” in their “settlements.”

Sustainable medicine is the pivot around which all other Sustainable Development revolves. Principle #1 of the Rio Declaration that introduced Agenda 21 is that all humans must live in harmony with nature.

The translation means rationing healthcare, low technology for health care treatment and emphasis on medical care not cure. And that, of course, will lead to population reduction, as called for in Agenda 21.

Related: Eleven Common Symptoms Of The Global Depopulation Slow Kill

These are the issues that are not usually discussed or connected to Agenda 21.

Yet they are being implemented, step by step, by local planners in policies that are approved by befuddled elected representatives.

It’s all driven through pressure from private NGO groups and funded by federal grants. That’s how it’s done, constantly driven a little bit with each innocent sounding idea. Then, without warning, Frankenstein rises from behind the smokescreen, toe bones and anklebones fully operational.

People must understand and connect these dots to everyday issues so they can clearly see the root and long term goals of these policies that are affecting our personal lives.

Elected representatives at every level of government must come to understand that legislative actions have consequences far beyond their understanding.

Agenda 21 is the “common core” and it has already invaded every level of our society. Our battle cry must be to stop this monster or watch freedom perish.

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Agenda 21 In One Easy Lesson

1. Reduce world population to about 500 million.

2. Collect those 500 million into tightly managed and controlled (stacked-and-packed) 'cities'.

3. Make the majority of the world's land mass off-limits to all but the elite.

Awareness of Agenda 21 and Sustainable Development is racing across the nation as citizens in community after community are learning what their local council and city planners are actually up to.

Related: Agenda 21, in under 5 minutes

As awareness grows, many people complain that elected officials just won’t read detailed reports or watch long videos.

Here is something that is quick, and easy to read that we can hand out.

Do not allow this to be your only knowledgemof this very complex subject. Research, know your details; discover the NGO players inbyour community; identify who is victimized by the policies and recruit them to your fight; and then kill Agenda 21.

That’s how it must be done. The information below is only your first step. Happy hunting

What is Sustainable Development?

According to its authors, the objective of sustainable development is to integrate economic, social and environmental policies in order to achieve reduced consumption, social equity, and the preservation and restoration of biodiversity.

Sustainablists insist that every societal decision be based on environmental impact, focusing on three components; global land use, global education, and global population control and reduction.

Related: Agenda 2030 Translator: Decoding The UN’s New ‘Sustainable’ Development Goals

Social Equity (Social Injustice)

Social justice is described as the right and opportunity of all people “to benefit equally from the resources afforded us by society and the environment.”

Redistribution of wealth.

Private property is a social injustice since not everyone can build wealth from it. National sovereignty is a social injustice. Universal health care is a social injustice. All part of Agenda 21 policy.

Economic Prosperity

Public Private Partnerships (PPP). Special dealings between government and certain, chosen corporations which get tax breaks, grants and the government’s power to implement sustainable policy.

Government-sanctioned monopolies.

Local Sustainable Development policies include:

Smart Growth, Wildlands Project, Resilient Cities, Regional Visioning Projects, STAR Sustainable Communities, Green jobs, Green Building Codes, “Going Green,” Alternative Energy, Local Visioning, facilitators, regional planning, historic preservation, conservation easements, development rights, sustainable farming, comprehensive planning, growth management, consensus.

Related: More Confessions Of An Economic Hit Man: "This Time, They’re Coming For Your Democracy"

Who is Behind it?

Local Councils, Governments, Planning Councils, Planning Groups, aided by Mayors, Administrators and many private
organizations and other government agencies. Foundation and government $$$$ grants drive the process.

Remember, Governments and Local Councils are nothing more than private companies, a piece of paper with a tax number.

It is the salaried individuals who will fine and tax you, restrict what you can do on your own land, and if you don't conform, they will confiscate your property and even jail you. Why - their jobs and their salaries are more important than you.

Where Did it Originate?

The term Sustainable Development was first introduced to the world in the pages a 1987 report (Our Common Future) produced by the United Nations World Commission on Environmental and Development, authored by Gro Harlem Brundtland, VP of the World Socialist Party.

Related: Subversive mission of the United Nation’s strong arm, ICLEI

The term was first offered as official UN policy in 1992, in a document called UN Sustainable Development Agenda 21, issued at the UN’s Earth Summit, today referred to simply as Agenda 21.

What Gives Agenda 21 Ruling Authority?

More than 178 nations adopted Agenda 21 as official policy during a signing ceremony at the Earth Summit. US president George H.W. Bush signed the document for the US. In signing, each nation pledge to adopt the goals of Agenda 21.

In 1995, President Bill Clinton, in compliance with Agenda 21, signed Executive Order #12858 to create the President’s Council on Sustainable Development in order to “harmonize” environmental policy with UN directives as outlined in Agenda 21.

The EO directed all agencies of the Federal Governments to work with state and local community governments in a joint effort “reinvent” government using the guidelines outlined in Agenda 21.

As a result, Sustainable Development is now emerging as government policy in every town, county and state in the West.

Revealing Quotes From the Planners

“Agenda 21 proposes an array of actions which are intended to be implemented by EVERY person on Earth... it calls for specific changes in the activities of ALL people...

Effective execution of Agenda 21 will REQUIRE a profound reorientation of ALL humans, unlike anything the world has ever experienced... ”

Agenda 21: The Earth Summit Strategy to Save Our Planet (Earthpress, 1993)

Agenda 21 and Private Property

“Land... cannot be treated as an ordinary asset, controlled by individuals and subject to the pressures and inefficiencies of the market.

Private land ownership is also a principal instrument of accumulation andconcentration of wealth, therefore contributes to social injustice.”

From the report from the 1976 UN’s Habitat I Conference.

“Private land use decisions are often driven by strong economic incentives that result in several ecological and aesthetic consequences...The key to overcoming it is through public policy...”

- Report from the President’s Council on Sustainable Development, page 112.

“Current lifestyles and consumption patterns of the affluent middle class – involving high meat intake, use of fossil fuels, appliances, home and work air conditioning, and suburban housing are not sustainable.”

- Maurice Strong, Secretary General of the UN’s Earth Summit, 1992. “Individual rights will have to take a back seat to the collective.”

Harvey Ruvin, Vice Chairman, ICLEI. The Wildlands Project: “We must make this place an insecure and inhospitable place for Capitalists and their projects – we must reclaim the roads and plowed lands, halt dam construction, tear down existing dams, free shackled rivers and return to wilderness millions of tens of millions of acres or presently settled land.”

- Dave Foreman, Earth First

What is Not Sustainable?

“Ski runs, grazing of livestock, plowing of soil, building fences, industry, single family homes, paves and tarred roads, logging activities, dams and reservoirs, power line construction, and economic systems that fail to set proper value on the environment.”

- UN’s Biodiversity Assessment Report

Related: Fourteen Ways To Protect Yourself From The New World Order (NWO) Agenda

Hide Agenda 21’s UN Roots From the People

"Participating in a UN advocated planning process would very likely bring out many of the conspiracy- fixated groups and individuals in our society...

This segment of our society who fear ‘one-world government’ and a UN invasion of the United States through which our individual freedom would be stripped away would actively work to defeat any elected official who joined ‘the conspiracy’ by undertaking"
- LA21.

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Harvard Scientific Paper Details Entire Geo-Engineering Program Using Jet Aircraft
March 4 2021 | From: NaturalNews / Various

Geoengineering is a controversial subject, to say the least, with so many different theories about its origins and implementation.

Geoengineering using aircraft has a long history and many different forms from cloud seeding in the 1960s over Vietnam in Project Pop-Eye to ski resorts using commercial weather modification companies to create snow to this day.

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Far from a conspiracy theory, Geoengineering is being openly bragged about by China and Russia, both using jet aircraft to spray chemicals to disperse clouds for national holiday parades.

has a huge Geoengineering program to create rain for its agricultural regions and publicly admits it. Using jet aircraft and mountain top dispersal units to inject chemicals into the atmosphere to make rain for crops.

Yet when the subject comes up in the Western zeitgeist, it is automatically a far out conspiracy theory which is to be ridiculed, that such a thing could even exist.

Many observers content a secret program already exists in Western countries to control the weather using jet aircraft.

Related: Mainstream Scientist Exposes The Dangerous Reality Of Chemtrails And Geoengineering

Dispersing long plumes of chemicals in the sky to alter the climate in various ways, exactly as is being done elsewhere by other governments.

It only adds to speculation when the summation of all the U.S. funded government research on future Geoengineering describe a program that is a mirror image of what curious observers are seeing now.

Using jets to disperse chemical aerosols at high altitude to reduce solar radiation. The U.S. government claims Geoengineering is definitely not going on right now but probably will be in the future.

After surveying an exhaustive list of potential deployment techniques, we settle upon an aircraft-based delivery system.”   

Wake Smith and Gernot Wagner

A recently published IOP Science paper by Harvard scientists Wake Smith and Gernot Wagner titled “Stratospheric Aerosol Injection Tactics and Costs in the First Fifteen Years of Deployment” is a collation of all the public research on Geoengineering and prescribes a program using high altitude aircraft to disperse chemicals in the stratosphere to reflect sunlight and curb global warming.

Going into all the details that would constitute a Geoengineering program. This paper gives a rare insight into how such a thing would operate, how much it would cost and how many planes would be needed.

Lending clues to those that want to estimate the size and scope of any possible ongoing Geoengineering that may be occurring over Western countries but is being kept classified.

Related: Geoengineering And Weather Modification Exposed

The paper even bemoans the fact that such a program would be very difficult to keep secret.

Harvard scientists Wake Smith and Gernot Wagner state that such a program would be hard to keep classified since jet aircraft would be leaving long plumes of chemicals behind them that span the entire sky blocking the sun in a soupy haze.

Keen observers would surely notice the changes and criss-crossing patterns of aircraft trails littering the sky from horizon to horizon.

Sounds very familiar to what is being seen by so many now, in the skies over many N.A.T.O. countries, that deny such programs exist.

We conclude by arguing that, while cheap, such an aircraft-based program would unlikely be a secret, given the need for thousands of flights annually by airliner-sized aircraft operating from an international array of bases.    

Wake Smith and Gernot Wagner

These white papers are thinly veiled, making things sound rosy. Who would admit to such a thing? Read between the lines to get a gauge of what may be going on now. 

Using the paper to get a guesstimate on how big and costly a current Geoengineering program may be.

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The paper states the cost of Geoengineering for Solar Radiation Management by way of jet aircraft at 2.25 billion a year, possibly up to 5 billion a year.

That’s for the whole globe but this does not include the ill health effects on the population of the world.

We calculate early-year costs of ~$1500 ton−1 of material deployed, resulting in average costs of ~$2.25 billion yr−1 over the first 15 years of deployment. We further calculate the number of flights at ~4000 in year one, linearly increasing by ~4000 yr−1."    

Wake Smith and Gernot Wagner

The paper also calls for a new type of stratospheric tanker plane for future operations. Eventually building up to a fleet of 95 new aircraft that fly higher and carry more aerosol by 2047.

At its peak conducting 60,109 flights per year.

There must be 100's of available modified aircraft being used for any current operations since it states today’s modified dispersion jets don’t go high enough or carry as much aerosol as desired.

Related: Do You Know What We Are Breathing In From Weather Geoengineering Efforts?

A conservative estimate would be a hundred and fifty thousand flights, or more would be needed for this type of operation using today’s modified dispersal aircraft at possibly twice the cost.

However, we also conclude that developing a new, purpose-built high-altitude tanker with substantial payload capabilities would neither be technologically difficult nor prohibitively expensive.    

Wake Smith and Gernot Wagner

The U.S. and other N.A.T.O. countries deny ongoing programs exist but say they would like to do Geoengineering with jet aircraft in the future.

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Detailing: “Aluminum Poisoning Of Humanity Via Geoengineering”

The exact same thing that western observers are seeing now and that other less technologically advanced counties are already doing openly.

Stratospheric Aerosol Injection (SAI) would require lofting hundreds of thousands to millions of tons of material each year to altitudes up to ~20 km.

Here we seek answers to three questions: if SAI deployment were to commence within the foreseeable future with the tools and technologies at our disposal, how would such deployment be physically achieved, how much would it cost, and could it be done in secret?  

Wake Smith and Gernot Wagner

It’s as if a gang of robbers was on the loose and everyone can see the smashed windows all over town if they look up from their smartphones.

A group of professional robbers then publishes a series of detailed articles in the local newspaper about how to rob homes by smashing windows “if they ever wanted to do it” in the future.

Related: Dane Wigington Exposes The Globalist Geoengineering Weather Control Agenda In Fascinating Interview
With The Health Ranger

All the major details of the plan fit exactly what is being seen by witnesses, but the robbers say everyone is crazy, that its not happening and how could any sane person possibly believe it.

At the same time stating they would really like to rob homes by way of smashing windows, if given a chance, at some point in the future and are currently experimenting with it.

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A Deeper Understanding Of Technocracy & Seven Things I Would Do If I Wanted To Keep Poor People Poor
March 3 2021 | From: JonRappoport / BreakingViewsNZ

Technocracy is the basic agenda and plan for ruling global society from above, so we need to understand it from several angles.

Consider a group of enthusiastic forward-looking engineers in the early 20th century. They work for a company that has a contract to manufacture a locomotive.

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This is a highly complex piece of equipment.

On one level, workers are required to make the components to spec. Then they must put them all together. These tasks are formidable.

On another level, various departments of the company must coordinate their efforts. This is also viewed as a technological job. Organizing is considered a technology.

When the locomotive is finished and delivered, and when it runs on its tracks and pulls a train, a great and inspiring victory is won.

And then…the engineers begin to think about the implications.

Suppose the locomotive was society itself? Suppose society was the finished product? Couldn’t society be put together in a coordinated fashion? And couldn’t the “technology of organizing things” be utilized for the job?

Why bother with endlessly arguing and lying politicians? Why should they be in charge? Isn’t that an obvious losing proposition? Of course it is.

Related: Globalism, Socialism, Technocracy: Three Names For The Same Thing

But engineers could lay out and build a future society that would benefit all people. Hunger, disease, and poverty could be wiped out. Eliminating them would be part of the uncompromising blueprint.

This “insight” hit engineers and technicians like a ton of bricks. Of course! All societies had been failures for the same reason: the wrong people were in charge.

Armed with this new understanding, engineers of every stripe began to see what was needed. A revolution in thinking about societal organization. Science was the new king. And science would rule.

Of course, for an engineered world to work, certain decisions would have to be made about the role of the individual. Every individual. You couldn’t have an air-tight plan if every human were free to pursue his own objectives.

Too many variables. Too much confusion. Too much conflict. Well, that problem could be solved. The individual’s actions would be tailored to fit the coordinated operations of the planned society.

The individual would be inserted into a pre-ordained slot. He would be “one of the components of the locomotive.” His life would be connected to other lives to produce an exemplary shape.

Related: The Vision Of Technocracy

Yes, this could imply a few problems, but those problems could be worked out. They would have to be worked out, because the overriding goal was the forming of a world organization.

What would you do if one bolt (an individual human) in one wheel of a locomotive was the wrong size? You would go back and correct the error. You would re-make the bolt.

Among sincere technocrats, the overall vision superseded the glaring problems.

But…other people entered the game.

High-echelon Globalists saw technocracy as a system they could use to control the population. Control was their goal. Period. What happened to the individual in the process was of no concern to them.

The individual had freedom or he didn’t have freedom, and the Globalists overtly intended to wipe out that freedom.

Erasing hunger, poverty, illness? Nonsense. For the Globalists, those realities would be exacerbated. Sick, weak, and debilitated people were easier to rule and control and manage.

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Essentially, a vastly misguided vision of a future technocratic utopia was hijacked. Something bad was made much worse.

In a nutshell, this is the history of technocracy.

A locomotive is a society? No. That was the first fatally flawed idea. Everything that followed was increasingly psychotic.

Unfortunately, many people in our world believe in Globalism, if you could call a partial vague view a legitimate belief.

They dreamily float on all the propaganda cover stories - greatest good for the greatest number of people; no more poverty; equality of sharing; reducing the carbon footprint; a green economy; “sustainable development”; international cooperation; engineering production and consumption of goods and services for the betterment of everyone; and all of this delivered from a central platform of altruistic guides.

If you track down the specifics that sit under these pronouncements, you discover you discover a warped system of planning that delivers misery and de facto slavery to the global population.

Related: US Deep State In Deep Trouble + A Deeper Understanding Of Technocracy

The collective utopia turns out to be a sham.

Waking up is hard to do? Breaking up is hard to do? They must be done.

A workable technological fix is a very nice achievement when the project is a machine. But transferring that glow of victory to the whole of society is an illusion. Anything that calls itself education would tackle the illusion as the first order of business.

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Seven Things I Would Do If I Wanted To Keep Poor People Poor

Spoiler: We [Western Countries] are already doing all of these things.

If I wanted to keep poor people poor, there are several government policies I would favor. Let's count them down.

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1. An Expanding Welfare State

For starters, I would advocate for a robust and ever-expanding welfare state - programs like Medicaid, food stamps, unemployment insurance, etc.

I would recognize that an effective recipe for keeping poor people poor is to create incentives that push them into decisions that prevent them from climbing out of poverty.

Rather than help individuals, the perverse economic incentives created by the “social safety net” trap aid recipients on welfare.

Case in point: A 2012 study by Pennsylvania’s Secretary of Public Welfare analyzed the decisions confronting individuals and families enrolled in various government welfare programs.

Specifically, the study concluded that in the case of a single mother with two children ages 1 and 4 earning $29,000 a year through work would be eligible for government benefits (such as Medicaid, housing vouchers, and subsidized daycare) equivalent to roughly an additional $28,000.

Such a scenario puts this woman in a bind. If she finds a better job paying more, or picks up more hours, she risks losing substantial amounts of benefits.

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She would make her family financially worse off even though her paycheck would be bigger.

Just to come out even, once taxes are factored in, she would need to find work paying about $69,000 a year to compensate for the lost welfare benefits. Not many low-skilled workers can make such a leap.

It is a vicious, self-reinforcing cycle that keeps people poor and dependent on the state.

This scenario is commonly referred to as the welfare cliff. Confronted with this situation, many individuals understandably opt to continue receiving the government benefits.

Rather than help individuals, the perverse economic incentives created by the “social safety net” trap aid recipients on welfare.

And the longer they remain out of the workforce, or at lower levels of employment, the less employable they become. It is a vicious, self-reinforcing cycle that keeps people poor and dependent on the state.

Moreover, there is the impact the welfare state has on the family unit. Welfare programs break up families by replacing a father’s paycheck with a government check and benefits.

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Nationally, since LBJ’s Great Society ratcheted up government welfare programs in the mid-1960s, the rate of unmarried births has tripled.

In my home state of North Carolina, families are roughly five times as likely to be in poverty when there is no father in the home.

2. Progressive Taxation Policy

High marginal taxes on profitable companies and small businesses alike discourage capital investment.

If I wanted to keep poor people poor, I also would finance the welfare state poverty trap through punitive taxes on the job and wealth creators of society.

The key ingredient to economic growth, and thus a higher standard of living for society’s poor, is through productivity gains made possible by capital investment.

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High marginal taxes on profitable companies and small businesses alike discourage capital investment.

As businesses decide to either not expand or take their businesses to more investment-friendly countries, job opportunities dry up.

3. Increase the Minimum Wage

If I wanted to keep poor people poor, I would advocate for higher government-enforced minimum wages

The law of supply and demand tells us that the higher the price of a good or service, the less of it will be demanded (other things held equal, of course).

The demand for low-skilled labor is no exception. Minimum wage laws are an effective tool to cut off the bottom rung of the career ladder.

Higher minimum wages will price more and more low-skilled people out of the labor market.

Meanwhile, the higher wages will attract more job seekers willing to supply their labor at the higher price. Employers will be able to be more selective in their hiring, and as such the lower-skilled job seekers will be crowded out of these opportunities by higher-skilled, less-needy candidates.

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Minimum wage laws are an effective tool to cut off the bottom rung of the career ladder for those most in need of establishing work experience.

4. Support Restrictive “Green Energy” Policies

If I wanted to keep poor people poor, I would support government “green energy” initiatives that make energy more expensive.

State and federal initiatives that mandate more expensive “renewable” energy mean that - in the words of President Obama - utility bills “necessarily skyrocket.”

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Poor people trying to scrape by just to stay even can scarcely afford higher electricity bills.

5. Increase the Business Regulatory Burden

If I wanted to keep poor people poor, I would see to it that government imposes many costly regulations on businesses.

Such tight restrictions discourage businesses from starting or expanding, Such tight restrictions discourage businesses from starting or expanding, meaning fewer job openings for those most in need of opportunity.

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And mountains of red tape force business to expend scarce resources on compliance costs rather than investing in their businesses and creating jobs.

Higher-skilled compliance officer jobs will consume payroll that could have potentially gone toward opportunities for lower-skilled job seekers.

6. Inflate the Money Supply

If I wanted to keep poor people poor, I would support “quantitative easing” policies. Under such programs, the Federal Reserve [Central Banking / Reserve Banking] creates money out of thin air.

The inflated money supply then erodes the value of the dollars sitting in your wallet or bank account.

The poor are hit hardest by this inflation because their limited skill set makes it far more difficult for their incomes to keep up with the rising cost of living.

Related: Inflation: The Most Evil Threat = Governments Robbing Their Citizens

7. Impose High Tariffs

The price increases passed along to consumers disproportionately harm low-income households.

If I wanted to keep poor people poor, I would impose heavy tariffs on foreign goods in order to limit imports. Sure, the domestic industries protected from competition by these tariffs would prosper, but at what cost?

Furthermore, the price increases passed along to consumers disproportionately harm low-income households. The combination of fewer job opportunities and a higher cost of living certainly makes it harder for the poor to climb out of poverty.

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New Zealand Is Being Transformed, But Not In A Good Way
March 2 2020 | From: BreakingViews / Various

Prime minister Jacinda Ardern promised, on the night of her general election triumph last October, to govern for all New Zealanders.

But her Labour government is pursuing policies that will entrench racial separatism, undermine democracy, turbocharge the grievance culture and promote polarisation and divisiveness.

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The immediate threats come from proposals to outlaw “hate speech”, however that may be defined, and bestow special privilege on people who identify as Maori by allowing city and district councils to create exclusively Maori wards.

In the longer term, the government is likely to seize on climate change as justification for policies that could deliver a savage blow to the country’s most dynamic productive sector.

Add to that the politicisation of education, in the form of a new, Marxist-influenced history curriculum that portrays Maori as a race still oppressed by colonialism, and you have a perfect ideological storm.

New Zealand sometimes feels as if it’s in the grip of a Year Zero cult similar in tone, if not in scale, to that promoted in Pol Pot’s Kampuchea (Cambodia), where everything that had gone before was renounced.

To take those developments one by one:

Urged on by inflammatory rhetoric from an ideologically driven Human Rights Commission and a handful of vociferous immigrant activists whose views are at odds with those of their communities, Labour has vowed to introduce tight controls on what New Zealanders may legally say about matters of race and religion (and very likely gender and body shape too).

The government cites the Christchurch mosque massacres as justification, although a royal commission failed to find any evidence that lax “hate speech” laws allowed or even encouraged Brenton Tarrant (who, it should be remembered, was an Australian) to embark on his killing spree.

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Labour is encouraging the creation of designated Maori seats on city and district councils, despite the idea being resoundingly rejected by voters in local referendums wherever they have been proposed.

A law change will not only give Maori (or more correctly, part-Maori) candidates a short cut to representation by enabling them to avoid the inconvenience of winning popular support, but will result in the election of councillors responsible only to people who claim Maori ancestry.

Under present law, any person of Maori descent can stand for office and win a seat, and many do. The crucial difference is that the law change will guarantee seats under a preferential, race-based system. The irony that this is being done in the name of racial equality is lost on leftist zealots.

The government is expected to embrace climate change recommendations that would punish the farming sector – now more than ever the country’s economic lifeline following Covid-19’s devastating effect on tourism.

Farmers will be rewarded for keeping New Zealand afloat economically for more than 100 years by having their livestock numbers slashed and being ordered to replace diesel utes with electric vehicles.

Will this concern Labour MPs? Not likely, since hardly any represent rural constituencies and few show any interest in economic realities.

For Labour, the economy is not so much about generating income as redistributing it.

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Having shamefully ignored New Zealand history in the past, education bureaucrats have taken advantage of an ideological tail-wind by approving a draft curriculum that’s drenched in neo-Marxist identity politics and presents the country’s past as one characterised by the oppressive effects of colonialism on Maori.

Will teachers be permitted to mention that colonialism also brought an end to centuries of savage tribal warfare, slavery and cannibalism?

Don’t bank on it.

All of this would be alarming enough, but is made more so because no one is standing in the way.

New Zealand First, the conservative government coalition partner that acted as a handbrake on Labour between 2017 and 2020, much to the chagrin of the Left, lost all its seats in the election – punishment for a record fatally tarnished by dodgy and opaque backroom dealings.

What, then, of the National party, nominally Her Majesty’s Loyal Opposition? Reduced from 56 to 33 seats in the 120-seat parliament, National is in abject disarray – floundering, demoralised and apparently rudderless after its humiliating election rout.

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Historically the dominant force in New Zealand politics, it seems to be waiting for a new messiah to guide it out of the wilderness.

Current leader Judith Collins rejoices in the sobriquet “Crusher”, bestowed by the media when she was a tough-talking cabinet minister in John Key’s government, but Kitten would be a more appropriate nickname as she allows herself to be browbeaten almost daily by Labour cheerleaders in the parliamentary press gallery.

Ah yes, the press. In a properly functioning democracy, the media can be relied on, when all else fails, to hold governments to account; but not in New Zealand in 2021.

Ardern and her government get a free run from admiring journalists – many of them young and female – who are enthralled that their prime minister is internationally feted as a model leader by left-leaning papers such as the New York Times and the Guardian.

The media’s capture by the woke left was never better demonstrated than when the country’s biggest print company devoted acres of newsprint over several days to a hand-wringing mea culpa for decades of supposedly racist reporting that marginalised Maori.

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None of the above conveys adequately the scale or force of the ideological tsunami currently washing over New Zealand.

Other manifestations include the almost complete takeover of the public conversation by proponents of divisive identity politics; the vindictive daily denunciations of people whose opinions, until quite recently, were considered not only legitimate but mainstream; and the massive power grab by people who have reclaimed (or rediscovered) their Maoriness.

The danger is that most New Zealanders, being essentially passive, easy-going and good-natured, will ignore the tumult and just try to get on with lives – until they wake up one morning and realise that the open, tolerant and fair-minded society they grew up in has irrevocably changed.

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