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The New mRNA COVID Vaccines Inject An Operating System Into Your Body - Not A Conspiracy Theory, Moderna Admits It & Open Letter to NZ MPs - Lockdown Is A Disastrous Error
March 1 2021 | From: VaccineImpact / Stovouno / Various

Our first article of 2021 featured a video of an interview with Catherine Austin Fitts, titled: Catherine Austin Fitts Explains how the Globalist Billionaires and Technocrats are Planning on Taking Over the Planet, and How We can Stop It.

In this interview, Catherine compared the new mRNA COVID vaccines to a computer operating system, stating that just like computer operating systems such as Windows, that there would be a “back door” where the technocrats will be able to control our bodies through regular “updates.”

Related: Red Alert Warning About Pfizer and Moderna Inoculations

I thought it was a brilliant analogy of what the technocrats seek to accomplish with this new class of vaccines.

Well, it turns out this was NOT an “analogy” at all! Moderna, the manufacturer of one of the COVID mRNA vaccines that has currently been issued emergency use authorization, has actually published on their website that this is true:

The mRNA vaccine injects an “operating system” into your body that they call “The Software of Life.”

The Globalists have become so bold, and the human masses have become so compliant, that they are no longer doing these things in secret, but right out in the open for all to see.

mRNA Platform: Enabling Drug Discovery & Development:

modernatx.com (The following text is from their website)

Enabling Drug Discovery & Development

"We built Moderna on the guiding premise that if using mRNA as a medicine works for one disease, it should work for many diseases. And, if this is possible – given the right approach and infrastructure – it could meaningfully improve how medicines are discovered, developed and manufactured."

Doctors Around the World Issue Dire WARNING - Do Not Get the COVID Vaccine

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Cali. X-ray Tech “Excited” to Get Shot Dies After Receiving 2nd Dose of Pfizer Covid-19 Vaccine

2 Days After Receiving COVID-19 Shot, Healthy 41-Year-Old Mother Dies in Portugal

Considerations on the Covid-19 Vaccine

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COVAIDS jabs are not what we are told. Nor are nasal swabs. SMART ‘dust’ arrives in the human body

Doctors and Nurses Giving the Covid-19 Vaccine Will Be Tried as War Criminals

Dr Andrew Wakefield: This Is Not A Vaccine It Is An Irreversible Genetic Modification

COVID Death Vaccine - 1st Shot Changes Your DNA & Kills the Elderly - 2nd Shot Kills 50% Who Get It

53 Dead in Gibraltar in 10 Days After Experimental Pfizer mRNA COVID Injections Started

Seniors Who Already Beat COVID-19 Are Dying After Taking The Vaccine

Deaths of Elderly Who Recovered From COVID-19, but Died After Vaccine, Raise Questions

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Young nurse suffers from hemorrhage and brain swelling after second dose of Pfizer’s COVID-19 vaccine

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How COVID-19 'Vaccines' May Destroy the Lives of Millions - Dr. Judy Mikovits

CDC Data Shows 653 Deaths & 208 Disabilities (So Far) Reported After COVID-19 Vaccine

COVID-19 Vaccine is Way More Than You Think

Professor Dolores Cahill: Why People Will Start Dying A Few Months After The First mRNA Vaccination

This is What the Moderna COVID Vaccine Did to a Healthy Young Woman

We Are Not As Stupid as They Think

55 People Have Died in US After Receiving COVID-19 Vaccines: Reporting System

Western Governments Are Killing Their Own People … Again. Experimental mRNA Injections in Nursing Homes

653 Deaths + 12,044 Other Injuries Reported Following COVID Vaccine, Latest CDC Data Show

Implanted “Vaccine Package” ID: Germany’s Parliament Has Ratified GAVI’s Digital “Agenda ID2020”

CDC: 329 Recorded Deaths So Far Following Experimental COVID mRNA Injections in the U.S.

CDC Witholding Information! 1,170 Dead Following COVID Injections

Italian Media: Dozens Of Teachers Sick After Receiving Coronavirus Jab

Over Half of Military Families Do Not Want COVID Vaccines – Employers Cannot Legally Mandate Experimental Shots

UK government reports over 240 deaths shortly after coronavirus vaccination

Indonesian Nurse Dies After Being Given Chinese-Made COVID-19 Vaccine

Report: Covid-19 Vaccine Found to Cause Neurological Disorders

One-Third of Deaths Reported to CDC After COVID Vaccines Occurred within 48 Hours of Vaccination

The Stats on COVID-Vaccine Injury and Death Don’t Add Up

Our Operating System

"Recognizing the broad potential of mRNA science, we set out to create an mRNA technology platform that functions very much like an operating system on a computer.

It is designed so that it can plug and play interchangeably with different programs. In our case, the “program” or “app” is our mRNA drug – the unique mRNA sequence that codes for a protein.

We have a dedicated team of several hundred scientists and engineers solely focused on advancing Moderna’s platform technology.

They are organized around key disciplines and work in an integrated fashion to advance knowledge surrounding mRNA science and solve for challenges that are unique to mRNA drug development.

Some of these disciplines include mRNA biology, chemistry, formulation & delivery, bioinformatics and protein engineering."

Related: Dr David Martin Explains Covid Vaccines are not Vaccines but are Medical Devices

Our mRNA Medicines - The ‘Software of Life’

"When we have a concept for a new mRNA medicine and begin research, fundamental components are already in place.

Generally, the only thing that changes from one potential mRNA medicine to another is the coding region – the actual genetic code that instructs ribosomes to make protein.

Utilizing these instruction sets gives our investigational mRNA medicines a software-like quality. We also have the ability to combine different mRNA sequences encoding for different proteins in a single mRNA investigational medicine.

We are leveraging the flexibility afforded by our platform and the fundamental role mRNA plays in protein synthesis to pursue mRNA medicines for a broad spectrum of diseases."

Related: “Lockdowns Do Not Control Coronavirus” – Evidence From The US Institute For Economic Research

Overcoming Key Challenges

"Using mRNA to create medicines is a complex undertaking and requires overcoming novel scientific and technical challenges. We need to get the mRNA into the targeted tissue and cells while evading the immune system.

If the immune system is triggered, the resultant response may limit protein production and, thus, limit the therapeutic benefit of mRNA medicines.

We also need ribosomes to think the mRNA was produced naturally, so they can accurately read the instructions to produce the right protein. And we need to ensure the cells express enough of the protein to have the desired therapeutic effect.

Our multidisciplinary platform teams work together closely to address these scientific and technical challenges.

This intensive cross-functional collaboration has enabled us to advance key aspects of our platform and make significant strides to deliver mRNA medicines for patients."

Why Bill Gates Switched From Microsoft to Vaccines 

- Extracted from the full film Plandemic, by Mikki Willis.

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COVID vaccine secret, a stunner

Think Twice Before Taking the Covid Vaccination

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Learn How COVID-19 Controllers Took Over The World In 2020

COVID Conflicts: Asymptomatic Testing, Lack of Danger to Kids

Covid Vaccination Is a Control Matter, Not a Health Matter


Open Letter to NZ MPs - Lockdown Is A Disastrous Error

Thanks to a massive gaslighting operation on the part of the media and vested interests, the public and politicians in New Zealand and elsewhere have been conned into believing that COVID-19 is something that it isn’t.

It is now time to acknowledge the further information that has come to hand, and that, with hindsight, the response of governments has been a disastrous mistake. The only responsible course is to walk back from the lockdown.

Related: Proliferating Covid Related Fake News

COVID-19 is No More Serious Than Any Other Seasonal Virus

COVID-19 is a corona virus, one of a set of seasonal viruses which includes some manifestations of the common cold.

"There is no evidence to show that the 2019 coronavirus is more lethal than respiratory adenoviruses, influenza viruses, coronaviruses from previous years, or rhinoviruses responsible for the common cold."

- Dr Pablo Goldschmidt , virologist specializing in tropical diseases and Professor of Molecular Pharmacology at the Université Pierre et Marie Curie in Paris.

25 Questions to Help Wake Up Family and Friends

"We've all tried to wake up people we know, usually with disastrous consequences. Hopefully one of these questions might just be the one that makes them open their eyes to the massive fraud that is currently being waged against the good people of the world." - Spacebusters

It's nearly impossible to have a rational discussion with friends and family who receive their information from MSM, especially television, so it's best to engage those who are asking questions. The REAL purpose of face diapers and "social distancing" is to limit the exchange of information between individuals.


Facebook CEO Zuckerberg Expresses Concern About COVID-19 Vaccines in Leaked Footage

Leaked Video Shows Facebook CEO Questioning "Long-Term Side Effects Of Modifying DNA" In COVID Vaccine

The Vast Majority of People Testing Positive for COVID-19 Show Few or No Symptoms

Oxford University researchers found that fewer than one in a thousand people infected with COVID-19 becomes sick enough to need hospitalisation, while the vast majority have only mild symptoms or none at all.

Their assessment of the fatality rate for the virus in the UK is around 0.002 percent, far lower than the seasonal flu.  Extensive testing in Iceland has had similar results.

It is indisputable that ‘those who die from COVID-19 are already vulnerable’ (Dr Sucharit Bhakdi)

According to the latest data of the Italian National Health Institute, the average age of the positively-tested deceased in Italy is currently about 78 years. 

Only 3.3% had suffered from no underlying condition at all; 82% of the deceased had suffered from two or more chronic diseases; 61% o f the deceased had suffered from three or more chronic diseases. 

Amongst those chronic diseases predominated cardiovascular problems, diabetes, respiratory problems and cancer. 

It has always been the case that the last trigger for people with advanced age and deteriorating health is frequently a flu related condition.  

The chances of a healthy person, even of advanced years, dying of COVID-19 is probably non-existent.

Your Coronavirus PCR Test is Positive – You Still Might Not Have Covid-19

Protect the Vulnerable – Allow Healthy People to Develop Herd Immunity

"If we close the schools, we will prevent the children from quickly becoming immune."

- Dr Pietro Vernazza, Swiss specialist in infectious diseases and professor of health policy

There is no reason why time-honoured procedures for dealing with seasonal flu should not be applied now, ie protect and quarantine those most as risk, encourage others to stay warm and eat healthily, and otherwise allow the virus to take its course. 

Care homes have always locked down when there is an epidemic scare, people with cold symptoms have kept away from new-born babies.

Click on the image above to view a larger version in a new window

Related: World Life Expectancy: Compare Actual Death Causes vs COVID For Your Country: Pandemic?

This year should be no different, according to specialists without vested interests.

The unprecedented policy of mass quarantine to ‘flatten the curve’ is only prolonging the coronavirus pandemic, according to Knut Wittkowski, former head of the Department of Biostatistics, Epidemiology and Research Design at the Rockefeller University in New York.

"As with every respiratory disease we should protect the elderly and fragile, because when they get pneumonia, they have a high risk of dying of pneumonia. This is one of the key issues to keep in mind.

On the other hand, children do very well with these diseases: they are evolutionarily designed to be exposed to all kinds of viruses in their lifetime, and they should keep going to school and infecting each other.

That contributes to herd immunity, which means after about four weeks at the most, the elderly people could start joining their families because then the virus would have been extinguished.

People are trying to flatten the curve, but I don’t really know why. What happens when you flatten the curve is you also widen it, and it takes more time.

I don’t see a good reason for a respiratory disease staying in the population for longer than necessary."

- Video - Transcript

Coronavirus Patent

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Covid TV Ad They Rejected

Distorted Projections

The WHO and corporate-funded research institutions have exaggerated the danger from COVID-19. 

An analysis of a study by Imperial College London finds that the College, which influenced decision-making both in the UK and in NZ, exaggerated the risk by 131 times.

In the United States, health official Antonio Fauci has claimed that the risk from COVID-19 is at least 10 times that of ordinary flu, with no apparent basis.

Authorities from countries such as Italy, the United Kingdom, and the United States have all admitted that they are including deaths from other causes in their COVID-19 mortality figures.

The Media Beat-Up

The media is playing the major part in creating panic, filling their pages with sensational but easily discredited stories (newspapers are supposed to sell more copies in time of war, and perhaps this ‘war on coronavirus’ is no different). 

The BBC reported on a 21 year old woman ‘who died of Covid19 without any previous illnesses’ –  it subsequently became known that the woman did not test positive for Covid19 and died of a heart failure.

Mainstream Media Is Trying Hard To Convince Us That “Plandemic” Is A “Conspiracy Theory” + The New Normal

Governments Have Ignored New Evidence

"Corona is ‘an epidemic of mass panic […]. Logic was one of the first victims."

- Danish researcher Peter Gøtzsche, founder of the Cochrane Medical Collaboration

The dismissive response of virologists and other specialists as well as published official reports from mid-March, both well-documented here by Facts About COVID-19, provided ample warning that the virus is not the creature it is claimed to be. 

Governments have chosen to bow to the media-engendered hysteria, and to ignore available information contrary to the media narrative.

In a fact sheet published March 23, the World Health Organization reported that COVID-19 was in fact spreading slower, not faster, than influenza by a factor of about 50%.

Moreover, pre-symptomatic transmission appeared to be much lower with COVID-19 than with influenza.

On March 24 UK removed COVID-19 from the official list of High Consequence Infectious Diseases (HCID), stating that mortality rates were ‘low overall‘.

Despite the information that came available prior to declaring a state of emergency, the New Zealand government insisted on imposing a Level 4 Lockdown from 25 March.

Lawyers Promise ‘Nuremberg Trials’ Against All Behind COVID Scam

The Damage Arising From the Lockdowns is Incalculable

Other years have seen more deadly flu outbreaks, without such drastic measures being imposed.

Great harm is now being done to the global and national economy, the viability of small businesses, the functioning of health systems, people’s mental and physical health, people’s futures.

The progression towards a police state

Perhaps the most concerning aspect is the immediate suspension of our democracy and uncertainty about its future.

"With neither a bang nor barely a whimper, barely one week ago New Zealand put being a long established and respected Parliamentary democracy on hold to become a virtual Police state in the ongoing fight against COVID-19. […]

We have settled into a life regime more restrictive than at any previous point in our history – including wartime.

We have no freedom of movement, limited access to essential goods and services, and our borders have been sealed […]"

- Peter Dunne, Former NZ Cabinet Minister - ‘Democracy On Hold

Victoria University’s associate law professor, Dean Knight, believes that, with so much discretionary power, there is a very real risk that the discretion could be used in an arbitrary and discriminatory manner. 

University of Otago law professor Andrew Geddis has warned  that police can useextreme and unprecedented’ powers to constrain basic freedoms of movement guaranteed by the New Zealand Bill of Rights Act.

While lockdowns are a global event, worrying trends in New Zealand have already manifested themselves over the past year.

The COVID-19 RT-PCR Test: How To Mislead All Humanity - Using A “Test” To Lock Down Society + Former Pfizer Science Officer Reveals Great COVID-19 Scam

After the shooting in Christchuch, the government imposed draconian censorship and fast tracked gun control while at the same time creating an armed police force.

Measures to further reduce free speech are under way, via ‘Hate Speech’ legislation.

The bizarre threats to imprison anyone who watched the shooting video, the recorded incidents of armed police terrorising families, and now the increasingly common experience of law-abiding citizens of being harassed by police officers, are creating an atmosphere of fear and distrust in the law.

Despite all the talk of ‘being kind’, a culture of dobbing in one’s neighbours is being actively encouraged.

The Police Commissioner Mike Bush proudly announced that the website set up for that purpose crashed within the hour due to the volume of reports about lockdown infringements – 4,200 were received in the first 24 hours.

There has been an increase in on-line censorship. Of great concern is the Danish Parliament’s adoption of a new law that prohibits the publication of information on COVID-19 that does not comply with the government’s guidelines and allows the deletion of websites and the punishment or imprisonment of authors.

Avenues for dissent and the dissemination of accurate information are severely restricted. Organised public protest is out of the question while the lockdown is in place, leafletting too presumably.  

Hayley Wolf Marshall: COVID Questions to Government we all Should be Asking:

If I Get Vaccinated:

1. Can I stop wearing the mask?

- No

2. Can they reopen restaurants etc and everyone work normally?

- No

3. Will I be resistant to covid?

- Maybe, but we don't know exactly, it probably won't stop you getting it

4. At least I won't be contagious to others anymore?

- No you can still pass it on, possibly, nobody knows

5. If we vaccinate all children, will school resume normally?

- No

6. If I am vaccinated, can I stop social distancing?

- No

7. If I am vaccinated, can I stop disinfecting my hands?

- No

8. If I vaccinate myself and my grandfather, can we hug each other?

- No

9. Will cinemas, theatres and stadiums be reopened thanks to vaccines?

- No

10. Will the vaccinated be able to gather?

- No

11. What is the real benefit of vaccination?

- The virus won't kill you

12. Are you sure it won't kill me?

- No

13. If statistically the virus didn't kill me anyway ... Why would I get vaccinated?"

- To protect others

14. So if I get vaccinated, the others are 100% sure I'm not infecting them?

- No

Where Does This Leave Us Then?

So the shot / shots do not provide immunity

Does not eliminate the virus

Does not prevent death

Does not guarantee you won’t get it

Does not prevent you from getting it

Does not stop you passing it on

Does not eliminate the need for travel bans

Does not eliminate the need for business closures

Does not eliminate the need for lockdowns

Does not eliminate the need for masking

So... What the Hell is Actually Going on?

Highly Important:
Dr Andrew Wakefield: This Is Not A Vaccine It Is An Irreversible Genetic Modification

Despite these restrictions on communication and dissent, the NZ government is continuing to push ahead with controversial legislation – oral submissions for the Urban Development Bill, which constitutes an assault on traditional property rights, were heard in the early days of the lockdown.

References to ‘bringing the country out of lockdown’ suggest that restrictions may continue. (Bill Gates is recommending the US stay in lockdown for another 10 weeks.)

The crisis is seen by players such as Bill Gates as an opportunity to further other initiatives, such as further plans for compulsory vaccination, firstly making vaccines a requirement to participate in public meetings or travel. 

Gates has just announced plans to launch human-implantable ‘quantum-dot tattoos’ to show vaccine status.  Vaccines will be fast-tracked and without liability.

"Eventually what we’ll have to have is certificates of who’s a recovered person, who’s a vaccinated person […]. Because you don’t want people moving around the world where you’ll have some countries that won’t have it under control, sadly."

- Bill Gates: How To Respond to the Coronavirus Pandemic  (Video from 34:14)

The COVID-19 scare has spawned calls for the abolition of the family, e.g ‘The Nuclear Family Was a Mistake’, and ‘The Coronavirus Crisis Shows It’s Time to Abolish the Family’, which also condemns ‘the fundamentally unsafe space that is private property’.

Related: Bill Gates, HR6666, Remdesivir, Deaths In Italy + Trump Lays Groundwork To Ban Mandatory Vaccinations Across U.S.

Put Your 'Government' On Notice: Non-Consents

Free Yourself from Slavery: Draconian laws rushed through by the NZ Government and many other countries under the guise of the China Virus do not apply to you if you are informed and take the necessary steps.

From SolutionsEmpowerment:

"The information provided on this website is the accumulation of over 21 years of personal research, application and experience, as well as years' of active research initiatives, tested cases and contributions from many other local and international researchers and co pro-activists who are leaders in their fields.

This site was created due to the overwhelming demand from people searching for easy to apply solutions to ever increasing financial, legal and judicial oppression and to attain a better understanding of what remaining rights one has and how to apply them."


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How to Decline a Vaccine

NZ’S Cabinet Papers Warn The Military Will Man Check Points During Any Newly Forecast Lockdowns

It needs to be stated that we are not providing legal advice. See the content on the links above and educate yourself.

The executive director of the WHO Health Emergencies Program, Michael Ryan, has suggested that as transmission is happening within families, those testing positively, according to the very questionable testing process, should be removed from their homes, the implication being that could be by force:

"Now, we need to go and look in families to find those people who may be sick and remove them and isolate them in a safe and dignified manner."

COVID-19 tests are not reliable: The manufacturer’s description for the SARS-CoV-2 Coronavirus Multiplex RT-qPCR testing kit has the instruction, ‘For research use only, not for use in diagnostic procedures.’

This is why you’re hearing that most people with COVID-19 are showing nothing more than cold/flu like symptoms. That’s because most Coronavirus strains are nothing more than cold/flu like symptoms.’ (‘If You Want to Create a Totally False Panic About a Totally False Pandemic – Pick a Coronavirus’).

So children may be forcibly taken from their homes, on the basis of testing positive for what? The common cold?

Related: UK: Health Authorities Announce Not a Single Case of Flu Detected This Year


Fear, not the fact, of deadly disease has led politicians to take draconian steps with huge implications for the global economy, the balance of wealth and power, and civil liberties.  

The public have been psyched into accepting that COVID-19 infection must be stopped at all costs, ignoring all evidence of its relative harmlessness.  

There is a real danger that the public will continue to accept hitherto undreamed-of restrictions on their rights.

This disastrous situation can only be rectified if the mistake is acknowledged and rectified, the measures repudiated and the state of emergency lifted. 

Any other course leaves the way for ongoing abuse of power by the police and the authorities.

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New Zealand and Australia Covid-19 vaccine Q&A

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Fact Sheets

Virus Deception History: Dr Robert Willner 1994

SARS-CoV-2 has not been proven to exist: the shocking research of Christine Massey

COVID: If they haven’t isolated the virus, how can they make a vaccine?

What's Wrong with PCR Covid Testing

Merck abandons its 2 COVID-19 vaccine candidates

A Brief Examination of Some Facts Related to Mass Vaccination

If You Catch Covid and Your Doctor Doesn’t Prescribe HCQ He Is Murdering You

U.S. State Department Admits Signs Point To C0VlD Created in Wuhan Lab

The Mark of the Beast?

Cuomo Aide Confesses to Cover-Up of Nursing Home Virus Deaths: Report

Study Finds CDC Inflated COVID Numbers by At Least 1,600%

Nightmare News on the Vaccine Front

The Covid Deception Requires the Suppression of Science

Germany Hired Scientists To Develop Fake Coronavirus Model To Justify Strict Lockdown

UK Government Is ‘Considering’ Vaccine Passports to Enter Pubs, Shops, Events

Is a Revolutionary Movement Developing in Europe?

German parliament ratifies Agenda ID2020 and Bill Gates’ “vaccination package” for global depopulation

Dr Vernon Coleman - Proof the NHS is Lying - This is Genocide & the Jabs Must Stop

U.S. State Department Admits Signs Point To C0VlD Created in Wuhan Lab

Murder By Misinformation, Gaming The COVID Death Stats, Deadly Lockdowns Continue & Mask Delusions

CDC Admits 98 Million Americans Were Given Cancer Virus Via The Polio Shot

The Covid Deception Serves An Undeclared Agenda

COVID: The predatory testing labs are complicit in the crime

Yes, the NY Times exposed the PCR test

Could the Covid-19 Jabs Kill More than Covid-19?

FDA Hides Documents About Weed Killer in Vaccines - Why Would They Do That?


International Alert Message about COVID-19. United Health Professionals

One Pissed Off Doctor: Masks Are Killing You - Take Them Off Now

640 Doctors, COVID is a Global Scam

“We Are The 99%”

Government Cannot Enact Laws the Public Refuses to Obey - Police Won't Enforce Masks in Stores

Did WE (YOU!) Stop The Lockdown? Billy TK on Bad News With Vinny Eastwood

CCP Withheld Pandemic-Relevant Data From WHO, Leaked Documents Reveal

Smoking gun: Fauci states COVID PCR test has fatal flaw; confession from the “beloved” expert of experts

PCR test revelations from official literature; they expose their own lies

Former Clinton Adviser Warns US Becoming ‘Totalitarian’ Under Lockdown Orders

Man Flying Back Into Canada Refuses Airport COVID Test

Will the Death Rate from the Vaccine Exceed the Death Rate from Covid?

The Fake Covid “Pandemic” Is the Excuse for Concentration Camps

Democrats’ $1.9 Trillion Relief Bill Is ‘Neo-Socialist Wish List’: Sen. John Kennedy

Is the Virus “Variant” Being Used to Scare People into Getting Vaccinated?

Let Us Put an End to the Corona Pandemic Hoax: We Are Victims and Perpetrators at the Same Time

Scientists Show COVID Tests Are ‘Useless’, Are Based on ‘Flawed Science’

The Covid Outbreak: “Biggest Health Scam of the 21st Century.” Report by 1500 Health Professionals

ChrisCrutch - The One About Vackseenz

Covid Is Emerging As A Hoax Like Russiagate

Defeating COVID Test Fraud: Memo to Lawyers and Clients

COVID: the virus was never proven to exist; a statement from Dr. Andrew Kaufman, Dr. Tom Cowan, and Sally Fallon Morell

CCP Virus Lockdown Interferes With Fundamental Human Rights: UK Conservative

Historic Portuguese Appeals Court ruling on PCR test

The Blood Never Lies - People Lie

Covid 19 is a hoax

A Distinguished and Highly Regarded Physican Explains How the Covid PCR Test Has Been Misused to Create a Fake Pandemic That Is Being Used to Destroy Us

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Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi

Five Reasons To Have Hope For Humanity In 2021 & Beyond
February 28 2021 | From: CollectiveEvolution / Various

2020 was challenging for all of us, but there are plenty of reasons to remain hopeful for humanity in 2021 and beyond.

Are you feeling more hopeful or fearful heading in to 2021? How open minded have you been when looking at everything that happened in 2020?

Ten Self-Evident Truths That We The People Have Spontaneously Come To Realize - That Will End All Government As We Know It

2020 was certainly an “interesting” year to say the least. And while there are at least two very different perspectives towards everything that’s been happening -including who may or may not ultimately be behind it all, and to what end -it’s been undeniably challenging for all of us.

Even the most introverted among us cannot love a reality where we are largely kept away from our loved ones, discouraged from leaving the “comforts” of our own home for anything other than the bare essentials, and a looming fear of either or both the virus itself or what could come from its continued presence.

It has taken its toll on all of us, but it has also given us a number of glimpses into humanity that I’m sure many of us thought we may never see in this lifetime.

Here are 5 reasons why despite all of the ugliness that 2020 has brought out in all of us, I still personally hold hope for humanity in 2021 and beyond:

1. People (For The Most Part) Are Inherently Good

While either watching the mainstream news or scrolling through your favorite social media newsfeed may serve as better proof of the opposite, I’m a firm believer that there are substantially more examples of the goodness in people than there is proof of the less than flattering.

True heroes have risen out of this situation in communities all across the world, whether or not their actions are in alignment with your overall perspective of what’s going on.

Yes, the healthcare worker that has been working overtime to give people the care they need is a hero that cares, even if you think this entire situation is a hoax.

And yes, the person fighting to ensure we are given the full story before rolling up our sleeves to accept anything is a hero that cares, even if you’ve been hoping and praying for that substance’s arrival.

Heroes are everywhere and in even far less outwardly noticeable ways if you just choose to look for them without bias.

Related: The Ten Most Dangerous Threats To Humanity That Must Be Defeated For Us To Live As Free, Conscious Beings

2. The Response In Support Of Local Businesses

While certain mega-companies may be thriving like never before since this entire situation kicked in, there has also been a very heartwarming response by many of us to standby and support local businesses.

Whether it’s by continuing to purchase from them through curb-side pickup, promoting them through social media, or even standing up against any differences in how they are allowed to operate by comparison to the big box chains, quite a few of us having been doing quite a bit to show that we care and want to see them remain a part of our community moving forward.

3. How Much We’ve Already Withstood To Make It To This Point

As I said to open this piece, 2020 Wasn’t easy. The fact that we are all still here is a testament to just how resilient and capable we are of overcoming what it still to come our way.

Related: Kindness Is The Link To Empathy And Empathy Is Everything

4. The Power of Our Mind’s Desire To Get Beyond This

I’m a firm believer in the incredible power of our mind, and just how much of an impact in can have on our ability to sink or swim in challenging times.

With this situation now having gone on for months, I don’t know anyone that isn’t longing to freely spend quality time with their loved ones, to gather at mass events, to travel or do any of the seemingly endless number of things that currently aren’t possible.

That desire to me is a powerful fuel that will drive us all to ensure 2021 and beyond are much closer to what the human experience was designed to be: free.

5. We Are Largely All Driven By The Same Core Intention

This is by far the biggest reason why I am holding out hope for humanity in 2021 and beyond so please read these words carefully.

As divided as we may currently seem, where some of us see things in one way while many others see things completely differently, but both think the other are flat out crazy and/or “blind” to not be in agreement with them, we actually have the same core intention.

Related: Propaganda, Human Consciousness, And The Future Of Civilization

Yes, believe it or not, the person who believes Q and the person who trusts Dr. Fauci and Bill Gates both ultimately want the same thing: for them and their loved ones to be healthy, happy and free.

We cannot lose sight of that core similarity -and it’s a similarity that exists even if your beliefs aren’t as drastic as the examples I chose to give for dramatic effect.

So rather than creating another post where you label the other as either a “sheep” or “conspiracy theorist” remember that you really aren’t that different after all.

And the sooner we cut the name calling and instead start focusing on how we can truly get beyond this, while uncovering whatever the truth really is, the sooner we can all get back to what we know and love.

These days, it’s not just knowing information and facts that will create change, it’s changing ourselves, how we go about communicating, and re-assessing the underlying stories, ideas and beliefs that form our world.

We have to practice these things if we truly want to change.

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Once We Awaken

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Science Confirms That People Absorb Energy From Others

The Incredible Impact of Kindness On Humanity

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Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi
JFK: Dylan Strikes Again & Diana Mystery White Fiat Uno Driver Breaks His Silence - Why He Won’t Talk To Police
February 27 2021 | From: AsiaTimes / CounterPunch / RadarOnline / Various

Like a shot ricocheting at Heaven’s Door, Bob Dylan has released a masterpiece dissecting JFK's assassination.

What spectacular timing.

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Like a shot ricocheting at Heaven’s Door as a virus pandemic rages and Planet Lockdown is the new normal, Bob Dylan has produced a stunning 17-minute masterpiece dissecting the November 22, 1963, assassination of JFK – releasing it at midnight US Eastern Standard Time on Thursday.

For baby boomers, not to mention obsessive Dylanologists, this is the ultimate sucker punch.

Countless eyes will be plunged into swimming pools revisiting all the memories swirling around “the day they blew out the brains of the king / Thousands were watching, no one saw a thing.” 

But that’s not all: the Dylanmobile takes us on a magical mystery tour of the 60s and 70s, complete with the Beatles, the Age of Aquarius and the Who’s “Tommy.”

If there’s any cultural artifact capable of sending a powerful jolt across a discombobulated America trying to come to grips with a dystopic Desolation Row, this is it, the work of America’s undisputed, true Exceptionalist. The times, they are-a-changin’. Oh, yes, they are.

Related: JFK Jr. Told The World Who Murdered His Father - But Nobody Was Paying Attention

There are so many nuggets in Dylan’s lyrics they would be worthy of a treatise, tracking the vortex of music, literature, film references and interlocking Americana.

This is essentially an incantatory mantra set to piano, sparse percussion and violin. We have two narrators: a dying Kennedy (“Ridin’ in the backseat next to my wife / Headin’ straight on in to the afterlife / I’m leanin’ to the left, got my head in her lap / Oh Lord, I’ve been led into some kind of a trap”) and Dylan himself.

Or this can be read as Dylan playing Kennedy’s doppelganger, plus occasional interventions, such as Kennedy’s would-be killers (“Then they blew off his head while he was still in the car / Shot down like a dog in broad daylight / Was a matter of timin’ and the timin’ was right / You got unpaid debts we’ve come to collect / We gonna kill you with hatred, without any respect / We’ll mock you and shock you and we’ll grin in your face / We’ve already got someone here to take your place”).  

The pearl at the heart of the mantra is nothing sort of apocalyptic: 

"They killed him once and they killed him twice / Killed him like a human sacrifice / The day that they killed him someone said to me, / ‘Son, The Age of the Antichrist has just only begun.’”

Extra words to define it would be idle. Wherever you are in Planet Lockdown, sit back in stay at home social distancing mode, turn on, tune in and time travel. There will be blood on the tracks.

Related: Listen to the track 'Murder Most Foul' and see the analysis of the lyrics with references to aspects of the Assassination here

JFK: What the CIA Hides

When I launched JFK Facts, a blog about the assassination of President John F. Kennedy, in 2012, I was often asked by strangers, “So who killed JFK?”  “I don’t know,” I shrugged. “It’s too early to tell.”

Given that the handsome liberal president had been shot dead a half-century before, my answer was a lame joke based on an apocryphal story.

Related: The Coverup of President John F. Kennedy’s Assassination Is Wearing Thin

Henry Kissinger once said that when he asked Zhou Enlai, “What was the effect of the French Revolution on world history?” the Chinese statesmen replied, “It’s too early to tell.”

True to Kissingerian form, the story turns out to be not exactly true.

Zhou was actually responding to a question about France’s political convulsions in 1968, not 1789. But Kissinger’s spin on the anecdote struck me as perceptive.

The meaning of a great historical event might take a long time - a very long time - to become apparent. I didn’t want to jump to conclusions about the causes of JFK’s murder in downtown Dallas on November 22, 1963.

It’s still too early to tell. Fifty six years after the fact, historians and JFK researchers do not have access to all of the CIA’s files on the subject.

Related: JFK At One Hundred

The 1964 Warren Commission report exonerated the agency with its conclusion that Kennedy was killed by one man alone. 

But the agency was subsequently the subject of five official JFK investigations, which cast doubt on its findings.

The Senate’s Church Committee investigation showed that the Warren Commission knew nothing of CIA assassination operations in 1963.

JFK records released in the last 20 years show the Commission’s attorneys had no real understanding the extensive counterintelligence monitoring of Lee Harvey Oswald before JFK was killed.

We now know that senior operations officers, including counterintelligence chief James Angleton, paid far closer attention to the obscure Oswald as he made his way to Dallas than the investigators were ever told.

Related: CIA Is A Secret Government, Involved In Domestic Assassinations: Ron Paul

To be sure, there is no proof of CIA complicity in JFK’s death. And conspiracy theories spouted by the likes of the Alex Jones and James Fetzer deserve no attention.

The fact remains some of the most astute power players of 1963 - including Lyndon Johnson, Charles DeGaulle, Fidel Castro, and Jackie and Robert Kennedy - concluded that JFK was killed by his enemies, and not by one man alone. 

Did these statesmen get it wrong, and the under-informed Warren Commission get it right?

The new documentary, Truth is the Only Client, says yes. The film, shown last month in the auditorium of the U.S. Capitol, features interviews with numerous former Warren Commission staffers.

Supreme Court Justice Stephen Breyer, who served as a fact checker for the Commission in 1964, defends the lone gunman conclusion, saying, “You have to look at the new evidence and when you do, I come to the same conclusion.”

Justice Breyer, oddly, passes judgment on evidence he has not seen. The record of the CIA’s role in the events leading JFK’s assassination is far from complete.

In 2013 I reported on JFK Facts that Delores Nelson CIA’s information coordinator had stated in a sworn affidavit filed in federal court, that the agency retained 1,100 assassination-related records that had never been made public.

Related: Finally, The CIA Admits Covering Up JFK Assassination

A small portion of this material was released in 2017, including new details about the opening of the CIA’s first Oswald file in October 1959.

Yet thousands of JFK files remain secret

According to the latest figures from the National Archives, a total of 15,834 JFK files remain fully or partially classified, most of them held by the CIA and FBI.

Thanks to an October 2017 order from President Trump, these documents will not be made public until October 2021, at the earliest.

The assumption of Justice Breyer and many others is that any and all unseen CIA material must exonerate the agency. It’s an odd conclusion. If the CIA has nothing to hide, why is it hiding so much?

While 95 percent of the still-secret files probably are trivial, the remaining 5 percent - thousands of pages of material - are historically pregnant.  If made public, they could clarify key questions in the long-running controversy about JFK’s death.

These questions have been raised most concisely by Rolf Mowatt-Larssen, a career CIA officer who served in senior positions.

Related: The Broken Presidential Destiny Of JFK, Jr.

Now a senior fellow at Harvard’s Belfer Center, Mowatt-Larssen has implicated his former employer in the Dallas ambush.

In a presentation at Harvard last December, Mowatt-Larssen hypothesized that a plot to kill JFK emanated from the CIA’s station in Miami where disgruntled Cuban exiles and undercover officers loathed JFK for his failure to overthrow Castro’s government in Cuba.

Mowatt-Larssen has yet to publish his presentation and documentation, so I can’t say if he’s right or wrong. But he asks the right question: “How can intelligence operational and analytical modus operandi help unlock a conspiracy that has remained unsolved for 55 years?”

And he focuses on the right place to dig deeper: the CIA’s Miami office, known as WAVE station.

My own JFK questions involve George Joannides, a decorated undercover officer who served as branch chief in the Miami station in 1963.

He ran psychological warfare operations against Cuba. In 2003, I sued the CIA for Joannides’ files.

The lawsuit ended 15 years later in July 2018, when Judge Brett Kavanaugh, in his last opinion before ascending to the Supreme Court, tossed my case.

Kavanaugh declared the agency deserved “deference upon deference” in its handling of Freedom of Information Act requests about JFK files.

Related: The Connection Between 9/11, JFK And The Global Collateral Accounts

Nonetheless, my lawsuit illuminated the extraordinary sensitivity of the psy-ops Joannides ran out of WAVE station. As reported in the New York Times, Fox News, Associated Press, and Politico, Morley v. CIA forced disclosure of the fact Joannides had received the CIA’s Career Intelligence Medal in 1981.

The honor came two years after he stonewalled the House Select Committee on Assassination about what he knew of Oswald’s contacts with pro-and anti-Castro Cubans in the summer and fall of 1963.

I believe Joannides was honored because he concealed the existence of an authorized covert operation involving Oswald that has never been publicly acknowledged.

In CIA lingo, Joannides protected the agency’s “sources and methods” concerning Oswald. And he might have done more. His actions may have also shielded other officers who knew of a scheme to kill the liberal president and lay the blame on Cuba.

Never been seen by JFK investigators, they contain details about his Joannides’ undercover work in Miami in 1963, when he funded Oswald’s antagonists among the anti - Castro Cuban exiles.

They also detail his work in 1978, when he duped chief investigator Robert Blakey and the House Select Committee on Assassination. These records, the agency says, could not be released in 2019 without risk of “irreversible harm” to national security.

It’s a bizarre claim, at odds with the law. These ancient documents, all of them more than 40 years old, meet the statutory definition of “assassination-related,” according to federal judge John Tunheim.

Related: Robert F. Kennedy Jr. Claims to Know Who Really Killed His Father and is Out to Prove It

He chaired the Assassination Records Review Board which oversaw the declassification of 4 million pages of JFK files between 1994 and 2017. 

In an interview, Tunheim told me that, under the terms of the 1992 JFK Records Act, the Joannides files are subject to mandatory review and release. “It’s a no-brainer,” he said.

Yet the files remain off-limits to the public. Thanks to the legal consensus, articulated by Justices Kavanaugh and Breyer, the CIA enjoys “deference upon deference” when it comes to the JFK assassination story.

As a result, the JFK Records Act has been flouted. The public’s interest in full disclosure has been thwarted.

Yet legitimate questions persist: Did a plot to kill JFK originate in the agency’s Miami station as Mowatt-Larssen suggests? The fact that the CIA won’t share the evidence that could answer the CIA man’s question is telling.

So these days, when people ask me who killed JFK, I say that Kennedy was probably victimized by enemies in his own government, possibly including CIA officers involved in anti-Castro and counterintelligence operations.

I have no smoking gun, no theory. Just look at the suspicious fact pattern, still shrouded in official secrecy, and it’s easy to believe that JFK was, as Mowatt-Larssen puts it, “marked for assassination.”

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Dylan Sings Truth About the JFK Assassination

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The Most Important Financial Meeting Since JFK’s Death Just Took Place

Trump’s Release Of JFK Files Necessitates Another False Flag Event

Robert Kennedy, Jr.’s Legal Team Sues FCC Over Wireless Health Guidelines & Current ICNIRP RF Safety Guidelines Are 22 Years Old

Diana Mystery White Fiat Uno Driver Breaks His Silence - Why He Won’t Talk To Police

The driver of the mystery white Fiat Uno which is believed to have brushed Princess Diana’s car immediately before the 1997 crash is refusing to speak to the man who oversaw the inquest into her death.

That’s the finding of a book, titled DIANA: CASE SOLVED The Definitive Account that Proves What Really Happened.

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Former Scotland Yard chief John Stevens has admitted he attempted to get in touch with the driver twice in 2017 - but Le Van Thanh rebuffed the chance to speak about Diana’s accident.

But investigative journalist Dylan Howard and former homicide detective Colin McLaren, the co-authors of the DIANA: CASE SOLVED, detail a recent world exclusive interview with Van Thanh, who was a 22-year-old taxi driver at the time of the 1997 accident.

The pair detail their face-to-face encounter at Van Thanh‘s home in suburban Paris - the first time he has spoken in depth.

"Le Van Thanh is the one person who can unlock the conspiracy,Howard said in an exclusive interview.

Related: Unlawful Killing - The Murder Of Princess Diana And Why It Matters

Analysis of the wreckage of Diana’s Mercedes revealed it had glancing contact with a white Fiat Uno car which left traces of paint on the Mercedes bodywork.

Van Thanh refused to be interviewed as part of the highly publicized Operation Paget investigation, commissioned to solve the mysterious crash.

He refused to attend the British government inquest and was interviewed about the crash only by French police in the presence of a Scotland Yard officer.

He was allowed to go free after six hours of questioning - despite the white paint on his car matching that found on the wrecked Mercedes.

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Although no one had seen the Fiat in the tunnel, some witnesses have reported to McLaren seeing an Uno exiting the tunnel.

Georges and Sabine Dauzonne told McLaren they saw a white Fiat Uno emerging from the Paris tunnel where the Princess was killed in Paris in the early hours of August 31, 1997.

At her inquest, both pointed to pictures of former security guard Le Van Thanh rather than photographer James Andanson, the man Mohamed al Fayed believes was at the wheel.

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Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi
Undoing The Dis-Education Of Millennials
February 26 2021 | From: NewBostonPost / Various

I teach in a law school. For several years now my students have been mostly Millennials. Contrary to stereotype, I have found that the vast majority of them want to learn.

But true to stereotype, I increasingly find that most of them cannot think, don’t know very much, and are enslaved to their appetites and feelings.

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Their minds are held hostage in a prison fashioned by elite culture and their undergraduate professors.

They cannot learn until their minds are freed from that prison. This year in my Foundations of Law course for first-year law students,

I found my students especially impervious to the ancient wisdom of foundational texts, such as Plato’s Crito and the Code of Hammurabi.

Many of them were quick to dismiss unfamiliar ideas as “classist” and “racist,” and thus unable to engage with those ideas on the merits.

So, a couple of weeks into the semester, I decided to lay down some ground rules. I gave them these rules just before beginning our annual unit on legal reasoning.

Here is the speech I gave them:

"Before I can teach you how to reason, I must first teach you how to rid yourself of unreason. For many of you have not yet been educated. You have been dis-educated. To put it bluntly, you have been indoctrinated.

Before you learn how to think you must first learn how to stop unthinking

Related: Critical Thinking Has Never Been More Important

Reasoning requires you to understand truth claims, even truth claims that you think are false or bad or just icky.

Most of you have been taught to label things with various “isms” which prevent you from understanding claims you find uncomfortable or difficult.

Reasoning requires correct judgment. Judgment involves making distinctions, discriminating.

Most of you have been taught how to avoid critical, evaluative judgments by appealing to simplistic terms such as “diversity” and “equality.”

Reasoning requires you to understand the difference between true and false. And reasoning requires coherence and logic.

Most of you have been taught to embrace incoherence and illogic. You have learned to associate truth with your subjective feelings, which are neither true nor false but only yours, and which are constantly changeful.

We will have to pull out all of the weeds in your mind as we come across them.

Unfortunately, your mind is full of weeds, and this will be a very painful experience. But it is strictly necessary if anything useful, good, and fruitful is to be planted in your head.

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There is no formula for this. Each of you has different weeds, and so we will need to take this on the case-by-case basis. But there are a few weeds that infect nearly all of your brains. So I am going to pull them out now.

First, except when describing an ideology, you are not to use a word that ends in “ism.”

Communism, socialism, Nazism, and capitalism are established concepts in history and the social sciences, and those terms can often be used fruitfully to gain knowledge and promote understanding.

“Classism,” “sexism,” “materialism,” “cisgenderism,” and (yes) even racism are generally not used as meaningful or productive terms, at least as you have been taught to use them.

Most of the time, they do not promote understanding.

In fact, “isms” prevent you from learning. You have been taught to slap an “ism” on things that you do not understand, or that make you feel uncomfortable, or that make you uncomfortable because you do not understand them.

But slapping a label on the box without first opening the box and examining its contents is a form of cheating.

Worse, it prevents you from discovering the treasures hidden inside the box.

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For example, when we discussed the Code of Hammurabi, some of you wanted to slap labels on what you read which enabled you to convince yourself that you had nothing to learn from ancient Babylonians.

But when we peeled off the labels and looked carefully inside the box, we discovered several surprising truths. In fact, we discovered that Hammurabi still has a lot to teach us today.

One of the falsehoods that has been stuffed into your brain and pounded into place is that moral knowledge progresses inevitably, such that later generations are morally and intellectually superior to earlier generations, and that the older the source the more morally suspect that source is.

There is a term for that. It is called chronological snobbery. Or, to use a term that you might understand more easily, “ageism.”

Second, you have been taught to resort to two moral values above all others, diversity and equality.

These are important values if properly understood. But the way most of you have been taught to understand them makes you irrational, unreasoning.

For you have been taught that we must have as much diversity as possible and that equality means that everyone must be made equal.

But equal simply means the same. To say that 2+2 equals 4 is to say that 2+2 is numerically the same as four.

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And diversity simply means difference. So when you say that we should have diversity and equality you are saying we should have difference and sameness.

That is incoherent, by itself. Two things cannot be different and the same at the same time in the same way.

Furthermore, diversity and equality are not the most important values. In fact, neither diversity nor equality is valuable at all in its own right. Some diversity is bad.

For example, if slavery is inherently wrong, as I suspect we all think it is, then a diversity of views about the morality of slavery is worse than complete agreement that slavery is wrong.

Similarly, equality is not to be desired for its own sake. Nobody is equal in all respects. We are all different, which is to say that we are all not the same, which is to say that we are unequal in many ways.

And that is generally a good thing. But it is not always a good thing (see the previous remarks about diversity).

Related to this: You do you not know what the word “fair” means. It does not just mean equality. Nor does it mean something you do not like. For now, you will have to take my word for this. But we will examine fairness from time to time throughout this semester.

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Third, you should not bother to tell us how you feel about a topic. Tell us what you think about it. If you can’t think yet, that’s O.K.. Tell us what Aristotle thinks, or Hammurabi thinks, or H.L.A. Hart thinks.

Borrow opinions from those whose opinions are worth considering. As Aristotle teaches us in the reading for today, men and women who are enslaved to the passions, who never rise above their animal natures by practicing the virtues, do not have worthwhile opinions.

Only the person who exercises practical reason and attains practical wisdom knows how first to live his life, then to order his household, and finally, when he is sufficiently wise and mature, to venture opinions on how to bring order to the political community.

One of my goals for you this semester is that each of you will encounter at least one idea that you find disagreeable and that you will achieve genuine disagreement with that idea.

I need to explain what I mean by that because many of you have never been taught how to disagree.

Disagreement is not expressing one’s disapproval of something or expressing that something makes you feel bad or icky.

To really disagree with someone’s idea or opinion, you must first understand that idea or opinion.

Related: Unschooling: Radical Education That Produces Free Human Beings Instead Of Slaves

When Socrates tells you that a good life is better than a life in exile you can neither agree nor disagree with that claim without first understanding what he means by “good life” and why he thinks running away from Athens would be unjust.

Similarly, if someone expresses a view about abortion, and you do not first take the time to understand what the view is and why the person thinks the view is true, then you cannot disagree with the view, much less reason with that person.

You might take offense. You might feel bad that someone holds that view.

But you are not reasoning unless you are engaging the merits of the argument, just as Socrates engaged with Crito’s argument that he should flee from Athens.

So, here are three ground rules for the rest of the semester:

1.  The only “ism” I ever want to come out your mouth is a syllogism. If I catch you using an “ism” or its analogous “ist” - racist, classist, etc. - then you will not be permitted to continue speaking until you have first identified which “ism” you are guilty of at that very moment. You are not allowed to fault others for being biased or privileged until you have first identified and examined your own biases and privileges.

2.  If I catch you this semester using the words “fair,” “diversity,” or “equality,” or a variation on those terms, and you do not stop immediately to explain what you mean, you will lose your privilege to express any further opinions in class until you first demonstrate that you understand three things about the view that you are criticizing.

3.  If you ever begin a statement with the words “I feel,” before continuing you must cluck like a chicken or make some other suitable animal sound."

To their credit, the students received the speech well. And so far this semester, only two students have been required to cluck like chickens.

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Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi
Meet Naomi Seibt - The 19-Year-Old, Blond Antidote To Greta Thunberg
NZ Government Begins National Climate Indoctrination Of Children
February 25 2021 | From: Zerohedge / GreatClimateDebate / Various

In what is a somewhat shocking lead article, the Washington Post has written a feature on Naomi Seibt, a German climate skeptic and YouTuber that WaPo describes as “...19-year-old German who, like Greta, is blond, eloquent and European.”

WaPo introduces the teen:

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"Naomi denounces “climate alarmism,” calls climate consciousness “a despicably anti-human ideology,” and has even deployed Greta’s now famous “How dare you?” line to take on the mainstream German media."

Of course, there is a reason why WaPo decided to show Naomi to the world... to set the narrative - that she is a climate-denying, right-wing racist...

In addition to climate change, Naomi echoes far-right skepticism about feminism and immigration.

The German media have described her as sympathetic to the nationalist Alternative for Germany (AfD), the biggest opposition party in parliament, whose leaders have spoken of fighting “an invasion of foreigners.""

Naomi says she is not a member of AfD - she describes herself as libertarian - but acknowledges speaking at a recent AfD event.

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Seibt was interviewed by Sky News Australia last week to discuss her story.

"What the climate skeptics, or climate realists say, makes a lot of sense to me, scientifically,” Seibt said in the interview.

“And that's how I became really passionate about the topic.”

I think this entire climate mainstream narrative is not about science at all. Because I would say that more than 90% of the people, especially the young people, who go to those Fridays for Future protests, they have no clue what they're actually talking about.

They don't know anything about the science behind it.

All they know is, this is the mainstream, and they are actually scared many of them I think that the planet is going to end like 12 years from now. And so, this is not about science. This is about politics. This is about controlling us."

As WaPo reports, Naomi said her political activism was sparked a few years ago when she began asking questions in school about Germany’s liberal immigration policies.

She said the backlash from teachers and other students hardened her skepticism about mainstream German thinking.

Former EU Climate Change Advocate Now Based in NZ and Blowing the Whistle

The following video presentation below by former EU Climate Change proponent Christopher Le Breton. This was presented in Dunedin several weeks ago.

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A fresh look at Climate Change and it's hidden agenda. Christopher Le Breton, a professional environmentalist who has lived, worked and traveled in 107 countries, shares his insights acquired after three decades of working with Government (EU) and not for profit organisations worldwide.

Christopher was previously working at high level in Brussels with the EU in helping to cement the global climate change narrative until he realised the truth and the true agenda

He has now given away that career, based himself in Dunedin, and is dedicating himself to raising awareness of the truth about the real climate change agenda, geoengineering, HAARP, and eco-terrorism.  

Great to see someone like Christopher, with his background, now stepping away and taking on a mission like this. 

Very brave move. Christopher was invited to speak at Waitangi Day where he was able to speak for 15 minutes about the climate change deception and geo-engineering where he received an open and positive response.

He is now working on raising funds so that he can take his presentation on tour in NZ.

To be labelled a 'climate change denier' is 'ludicrous and disturbing'

More recently, she said that watching young people joining weekly “Fridays For Future” protests inspired by Greta helped spur her opposition to climate change activism.

I get chills when I see those young people, especially at Fridays for Future. They are screaming and shouting and they’re generally terrified,”she said in an interview.

“They don’t want the world to end."”

Later this week, Naomi is set to make her American debut at the Conservative Political Action Conference, or CPAC, a high-profile annual gathering just outside Washington of right-leaning activists.

Related: Climate Change Hoax Collapses As Michael Mann’s Bogus “Hockey Stick” Graph Defamation Lawsuit Dismissed By The Supreme Court Of British Columbia

Naomi Seibt vs. Greta Thunberg: Whom Should We Trust?

Greta Thunberg took the world by storm with her doomsday climate predictions.

Naomi Seibt, a rising star, advocates for proper scientific discourse over climate change. Who seems like the more reasonable advocate to you?

Related: Stop using Misleading Computer Models: There is NO Climate Emergency

“She’s a fantastic voice for free markets and for climate realism,” James Taylor, director of the Arthur B Robinson Centre for Climate and Environmental Policy at The Heartland Institute, told The Washington Post

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”Education” continues its slide into indoctrination and brainwashing. The Cultural Marxist’s “long march through the institutions” is now substantially complete.' (@JWSpry)

There’s a disturbing whiff of totalitarianism, in that this secular religion permits no dissent’ (Karl du Fresne, Dominion Post, January 23, 2020) - state-organised bullying of kids’ (David Seymour)

Related: Climate module simplistic and personal

The New Zealand government has announced a new Climate Change Curriculum (available here) for children from 10 and above. 

It is a callous, exploitative project whose undisguised aim is to frighten children to death (perhaps literally) in order to fulfil the government / UN climate agenda.

Let us be quite clear – the climate change curriculum has nothing to with science or education but is unashamedly evangelical. 

The IPCC reports are Holy Writ, and to question any detail is heresy. 

There is instruction on how to resist temptation from the devil, in the form of sceptics (heretics). Donald Trump, the villain who pulled the United States out of the Kyoto Agreement, is of course the Devil Incarnate. 

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There are fast days with abstinence from certain foods.

Greta Thunberg leads the Children’s Crusade. If the children fail, there will be hell on earth, and they will live with the guilt forever - moral blackmail, guilt and blame play a prominent role in the climate cult.

There is no attempt to apply academic rigour at any point or to inspire critical thinking – the aim is to suppress critical thinking. Children are brainwashed, cowed or bullied into becoming climate activists

They are given no space to disagree with the facts as presented, to fail to respond emotionally as demanded, to refuse to take action as required.

Such manipulation is child abuse.

The ‘Science’ (Section A)

The fundamental creed is, of course, that an increase in anthropogenic greenhouse gases, principally CO2, is causing the world to warm up, with various spin-off effects like scarily rising sea levels, droughts, hurricanes etc.

The science presented is at best selective. It does not show the breakdown of gases in the atmosphere

There is no attempt to put climate change into context, even by providing a graph of geological history

Everything is taught as bald fact, with no room for debate, even where the claims are hotly disputed by reputable scientists around the world. 

Related: Amazing Science Lesson: Environmentalists Declare War On Photosynthesis In Stupefying Effort To Exterminate All Recognizable Life On Planet Earth

Instead the children are taught to swallow and regurgitate the mendacious mantra that ‘97% of climate experts agree.’

The IPCC is referred to repeatedly as an absolute authority, despite the heavy criticism that has been levelled at the organisation over the years, with number of contributors complaining that the findings of scientists are reversed by the final editors.

New Zealander Dr Vincent Gray, who contributed to all the early IPCC reports, described the IPCC in 2007 as too blinkered and corrupt to save (see also here and here).

An analysis by Dr Jock Allison of flaws in the science presented, focusing on the so-called myth busters in Session 7, is included below as an Appendix.

How does it make you feel?

One of the strangest aspects of a supposedly scientific subject, where one would expect the application of  some objectivity, is the emphasis on and encouragement of emotional response. 

This is introduced as early as lesson two with ‘The Feelings Splash: How does this make us feel’. The remaining lessons of Section A include segments entitled ‘Feelings Thermometer.

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Can we measure our feelings?’; ‘Understanding our feelings about Climate Change’; ‘Introducing “Psychological adaptation”:

Wellbeing action – what can I do?” – all leading up to Lesson 7: ‘Empathy / Outrage + Action = ACTIVISM’.  (One doesn’t like to think of how a child who said, ‘I’m fine with it’ would be viewed.)

Emotional response is such an essential part of the programme that there is a separate 15 page teacher resource dedicated to the subject. 

Having callously pressured and enticed children into experiencing overwhelming emotions by telling them what is in effect a pack of lies, the education authority kindly offers advice to teachers and in turn parents on how to deal with traumatised children:

"It is normal for children and adults to feel worried, frustrated, angry and sad when learning about the issues around climate change.

Parents and whanāu can help when they acknowledge and accept the range of emotional impacts that awareness of climate change brings.

‘Parents and whanāu can watch out for:

Worsening anxiety or behaviors over time

Withdrawal or avoidance

Excessive reassurance seeking or limit testing

Changes in sleep, appetite and weight

Somatic symptoms such as tummy aches and headaches

Anxiety or behaviors that are interfering with functioning or causing distress

Any other change in your child that causes distress or interferes with their functioning”

There follows a long list of professional agencies that can advice parents or treat traumatised children. 

And finally, parents are warned:

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It goes without saying that, if the campaign has its intended result and children are driven to suicide by this programme, blame will be attributed to climate change, not to the wickedness of those who devised this programme.

Activism (Sections B and C)

The purpose of the curriculum is not to educate: it is to terrify the children, then prime them for activism

The argument for an urgent need for activism is as follows:

Greenhouse gases, generated by human activities, such as CO2 and methane are warming the planet – to question this is impossible

The natural emotional reaction is grief, fear, despair, anger and of course guilt – failure to react thus is impossible

The responsible response is to take action – failure to act is impossible

Whoops. They sure as hell don't talk about the NASA study showing that every planet in the system is warming up...

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Section B introduces the concepts of personal responsibility and activism:

Session 6: ‘Living with Climate Change: What can I do?’

This session starts by recapping the essentials of the situation as has been taught to the children, with a graph showing sensational, totally unrealistic scenarios by 2080-2100 if little or no action is taken to reduce emissions.

‘Average temperature rise – 3.7 degrees celsius’. (Jock Allison, below, Point 6, shows that neither the satellite data nor NOAA’s Climate Reference Network indicate continued upward movement in temperature.)

‘Global sea level rise – 0.63 metres’.  (Numerous data sets and studies, including an analysis of measurements from the world’s 225 best long-term coastal tide gauges indicate an average global sea level rise of 1-2mm per annum and not accelerating, which suggests an increase of 60-120mm by 2080, so nowhere near 630mm).

‘Extreme weather – large increase’. (There is no justification for this claim whatsoever – there is convincing evidence that climate change is not leading to higher rates of weather-related damages worldwide, once you correct for increasing population and wealth. Even the 2018 IPCC report made this clear)

None of these predictions are any more likely to come to fruition than any of the past sensationalist predictions on the subject - see Jock Allison on failed predictions, below, Point 22.

Having been reminded of looming Armageddon, the children are now set for the next stage. They can live their religion, by making changes to their own lives, on the basis of the science as they have been taught it. 

They can do their bit to reduce emissions by using less electricity, shopping locally, driving less, planting trees, etc.

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A most concerning element is the strong pressure on children to limit their meat and dairy intake, with no discussion of health implications, nor any relevant resources.

Starting with meatless Mondays is suggested – it is very clear that it will be virtually impossible for a children to opt out if a school makes this policy.

The programme is intended for children as young as 10 – ‘A dietary warning for people with developing bodies would be a prudent addition as well if teachers want to avoid lawsuits’ (Robin Grieve).

Greta Thunberg is introduced at this stage as an inspiration, presaging what is to come.

Go out into the world and spread the word (Session 7)

Essential tools: children are first reminded of the fallacious mantras that ‘most scientists’ agree (argumentum ad verecundiam or appeal to authority) and that most of the population agrees (argumentum ad populum).

‘Empathy or Outrage + Action = ACTIVISM’

Related: Exposing The Bogus "97% Consensus" Claim Over Climate Change 'Science' & Top-Level Climate Modeler Spills The Beans On The ‘Nonsense’ Of ‘Global Warming Crisis’

The discussion on activism covers climate activists that the children may have hear of, such as Greta Thunberg, Schools Strike4Climate, and David Attenborough, who has himself been blamed for the epidemic of eco-anxiety among young people.

Related: 'Greta Thunberg never talks about the science': Anti-Greta sensation Naomi Seibt

How to deal with sceptics

While the climate cult insists that there is no significant opposition to its teachings, care has been taken to include in the curriculum a sizable section on dealing with heretics who question the IPCC gospels.

Children are given instruction to prepare them for dealing with hypothetical situations with those who are yet to be convinced, or ‘flat out deny the existence of climate change’ (nobody denies climate change, but no matter).

Children are expected to rote-learn a set of dictums to be used to confront such situations and make conversions or silence unbelievers – role plays are set up to help them memorise the answers.

Related: ClimateChangeGate: The Hidden Agenda Behind The Huge Hoax And Global Criminal Conspiracy & Climate Change Hoax Collapses As New Science Finds Human Activity Has Virtually Zero Impact On Global Temperatures

The suggested situations are often straw men, and the answers are either seriously disputed or out and out lies (one can only guess at the conflict that will arise between a child armed with these mantras and an educated parent).

For a detailed analysis of the ‘myths’ and their supposed refutations, see Jock Allison, below.

Section C, ‘Time For Climate Action’ consciously sets out to turn children into activists for the climate cult.

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Children are obliged to commit as groups to ‘actions’. Suggested actions range from turning off lights to planning a campaign or a website.

Children are encouraged to target their campaigns at everyone from parents to cabinet ministers.

Ironically, there is also a section on children’s basic rights, including those relating to wellbeing and education.

Of course, as is the fashion, there is a suggestion of greater entitlement, also that adults are not taking action because they are selfish and uncaring of children and future generations (not because they have more sense).

The resource does not actually suggest civil disobedience, but it does feature prominently Greta Thunberg, who is closely aligned with the militant Extinction Rebellion.

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Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi

Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi
Science Explains Why Highly Intelligent People Prefer To Be Alone
February 24 2021 | From: IdeaPod

Scientists have a great idea about what is that is making people happy. It’s known that exercising can reduce the anxiety and help you relax.

Reducing the social media usage is going to improve your emotional wellbeing. Being in nature will bring us joy.

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In addition, for numerous people, being around friends is making us feel happy and content. Friends are going to make you happier, unless you are highly intelligent.

This surprising claim is backed up by a research. In a paper that was published in the British Journal of Psychology, Satoshi Kanazawa and Norman Li explain why the very intelligent people are experiencing lower life satisfaction when they more frequently socialize with their close friends.

Related: The Intrinsic Value Of Treating Yourself Like A Good Friend Rather Than A Bullying Enemy

The scientists based their findings in evolutionary psychology, and they suggest that the intelligence evolved as a quality for solving  the unique challenges. The more intelligent members of the group were more able to solve some issues on their own and they didn’t need help from their friends.

People are happier when they are with friends because we evolved on this way, but the more intelligent people are happier when they are alone.

Here’s the reason.

How Intelligence, Population Density, and Friendship Affect the Modern Happiness

The specialists reached their decision in the wake of breaking down study reactions from 15,197 individuals between the ages of 18 and 28. They got their information as a major aspect of the National Longitudinal Study of Adolescent Health, a study which measures life fulfillment, intelligence and health.

One of their key discoveries was accounted for by Inverse:

"Examination of this information uncovered that being around dense crowds of individuals ordinarily prompts unhappiness, while associating with companions regularly prompts joy – that is, unless the individual being referred to is exceptionally intelligent.”

The truth is out: associating with friends brings about expanding levels of joy unless you’re a truly smart individual.

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The “Savanna Theory of Happiness”

The authors explain the findings they came across by raising the “savanna theory of happiness”, based on the idea that the life satisfaction of people is based not only on what’s happening in the present, but also by how the ancestors of ours may have reacted in the present moment.

The hypothesis originates from evolutionary psychology, and contends that the human brain was to a great extent planned by and adjusted to the states of the environment before we made a rural based society.

In this manner, the scientists contend, our brains are not appropriate to understanding and reacting to the one of a kind states of advanced society.

They analyzed two key factors that are unique to the modern era:

Population density

How frequently people socialize with their friends

According to the researchers, nowadays numerous people live in places of a higher population density than people before us would have lived in, and they spend less time with friends than people used to spend earlier.

Therefore, most people are going to become happier by living according to what is natural to them: spend more time with friends, and be around less people.

However, as the researchers stated, this doesn’t apply to highly intelligent persons.

"In general, more intelligent persons are more likely to have ‘unnatural’ preferences and values that the people before us did not have,”
Kanazawa says.

“It is very natural for species such as humans to seek and desire friendships and, that’s why, more intelligent persons are likely to seek them less.”

Related: Loneliness – The Dilemma Of The Awakening Mind

They also found that the very intelligent people feel that they don’t benefit a lot from friendships, and yet they socialize more often than the less intelligent individuals.

Explaining the Research Finding That the Very Intelligent Individuals Want to be Alone

The most important question for the researchers is the reason why humans have adapted the quality of intelligence.

The evolutionary psychologists believe that the intelligence evolved as a psychological trait with the intention to solve new problems. For our ancestors, common contact with friends has been a necessity which has helped them to ensure their survival.

To be highly intelligent, however, meant that a person was uniquely able to solve challenges without needing the assistance of another person. This diminished the importance of friendships to these people.

In this way, an indication of somebody being exceedingly intelligent is extraordinarily having the capacity to comprehend challenges without the assistance of the gathering.

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Historically, people have lived in groups of around 150: the typical Neolithic village was about this size. Thickly populated urban communities, then again, are accepted to bring out isolation and depression since they make it hard to encourage close relationships.

However, a busy and alienating place has to a lesser extent a contrary effect on more intelligent individuals. That may clarify why highly ambitious individuals float from rustic ranges to the urban areas.

"When all is said in done, urbanites have higher normal insight than ruralites do, conceivably in light of the fact that more intelligent people are better ready to live in ‘unnatural’ settings of high populace thickness,”
says Kanazawa.

This Doesn’t Mean That if You Like to be Around Your Close Friends You Are Not Highly Intelligent

It’s also important to note that correlation in the research findings doesn’t mean causation.

In other words, the research findings don’t mean that if you enjoy to be surrounded by your friends that you are not highly intelligent.

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While the highly intelligent persons may have adapted to be more comfortable in areas of high population density, the highly intelligent might also be “chameleons” – persons who are comfortable in various situations.

As the researchers concluded:

"What’s more important, the main associations of life satisfaction with the population density and socialization with our friends significantly interact with our intelligence, and the main association is reversed among the extremely intelligent people.

More intelligent persons experience lower life satisfaction with the more frequent socialization with friends.”

One of the key takeaways from this research could be to apply this to the introverts in your life.

Just because some person likes to be alone, doesn’t mean that they are lonely. They might just be highly intelligent and they are able to solve challenges on their own.

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After Decades Of Brainwashing, MSM & Governments Are Losing Control Of The People
February 23 2021 | From: DinarDaily / Various

The mainstream media and governments are losing control of people all over the globe.

Humans are finally standing up for their rights to live not as slaves, but as free sovereign people capable of making their own decisions without rulers and elitists calling the shots

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Never before have we seen global tyranny at this scale. But, never before have we seen a mass uprising against governments and their propaganda outlets (the mainstream media) either.

As more and more people get off their knees and stand up for their basic human right to live freely, governments and the elitists that control them lose power.

We are at that point where power will return to the people and the elitists will be the ones living in fear. All we have to do, is be free.

The mainstream media is going to continue its smear campaign against anyone who dares to believe they have the right to live freely so long as they aren’t harming others and take life’s risk upon themselves.

But as fewer people tune in to listen to their propaganda, fewer people will be brainwashed by it.

Related: Newsmax Ratings Surge, Surpass Fox For First Time & Three Ways American [Western] Mainstream Media Resembles Communist Media

A lot of people have lost everything in the tyrannical liberty-crushing demands put upon them, and now that they have nothing to lose, they are finally realizing their rights don’t come from the government or elitists.

And no smear campaign by government lapdogs will stop people from waking up at this point. The media has been enslaving our minds so the government won’t have to enslave our bodies.

But it’s out now and in broad daylight and people have had enough. The veil has been lifted.

People are realizing that we own ourselves. And we are finally standing together to let the “masters” know that we are not their slaves.

The quote in the movie, a Bug’s Life can be applied today with a simple change of words.

"It’s not about food. It’s about keeping those ants in line!”

We all know at this point, “it’s not about health. It’s about keeping those people in line!”

Take notice of the clips of this movie on YouTube. The comments have been disabled, not by those posting the videos, but by YouTube. It’s just another means to keep people “in line.”

They censor us, they brainwash us, and they expect us to obey their commands stay as their slaves. But people have had enough!

Related: Americans’ Distrust of Media Reaches New High, Gallup Says

Mass civil disobedience, where people are going to cease to obey laws that control them is already happening.

Governors who locked people in their homes and barked commands that some close their businesses will lose the power to dictate once enough people disobey, and that day is coming.

This horrific cycle of violence and slavery is ending and it’s panicking those who have had control of us for so long. You can read it in their headlines.

"Fear the second wave.”

“Anti-government extremists.”

“We can’t reopen or people will die.”

Well, guess what? You don’t own us. And your fear-mongering is falling on deaf ears.

Free platforms are rising up during the mass censorship and fear-mongering propaganda pushing:  

Humanity is finally moving in the right direction 

The last step is to just live. Protesting is begging the master to let you be free. Just live free. Don’t ask permission.

Conduct your life as the free, sovereign human being you were born as, and let the ruling class panic. If you don’t buy their fear, they cannot control you.

The fact that humans are finally realizing they had this power all along is incredible. Live your life your way!

That’s the biggest middle finger we can give to any tyrant, whether it be a cop, a governor, a politician, an elitist, or anyone else who wants our compliance and enslavement.

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Freedom is not negotiable and rights are not gifts from governments or others. We all have the basic human right to be free and live our life the way we see fit

As more people realize this, our power grows and the mainstream media’s fear campaign fails. After all, if there are no order followers, there are no orders.

It’s about time we all stand together and abolish the last shred of modern-day slavery! 

I will not sit back and allow anyone to continue life as a slave if I can help it! I might not be able to do much, but I can promote peace, liberty, and the abolishment of all forms of slavery.

Some say the pen is mightier than the sword, maybe that’s true, maybe it’s not.  

But I am tired of being told I have to give up my rights to live free for a false sense of security. 

I will no longer be owned or commanded. This is MY life and I am peacefully choosing to be free.

A Bug's Life - Revolution

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Lucifer Revisited: The Testimony Of Eracidni Murev Te & Christopher Lee Describes The Power Of Satanic Rituals In 1975 Video
February 22 2021 | From: CollectiveEvolution / VigilantCitizen / Various

The 7-part Lucifer Series I wrote last summer for CE, based on the testimony of an alleged bloodline family insider, has garnered vastly more reader emails than any other article I have written.

This speaks to a great interest on the part of our readers in the discussion of the metaphysical and spiritual underpinnings of our life here on Earth, of the nature of Good and Evil.

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As such, I am taking the opportunity here to continue this conversation by diving into the testimony of another alleged insider who claims to be part of an esoteric group that provides a ‘counterbalance’ to the activities of the individuated Lucifer Group Soul on the planet.

In Brief:

The Facts: Interesting testimony from an insider who claims to belong to a group that serves as a 'counterbalance' to the incarnated Lucifer soul group on this planet recently appeared in the 'Godlike Productions' Forum.

Reflect On: Are we willing to stretch our paradigm of reality in order to consider testimony that purports to present deeper truths about how the world and the universe work?

This individual, who uses the handle Eracidni Murev Te (trans: ‘to share in truth’), is saying that he represents an incarnated group on the ‘positive’ side that serves to keep the ‘negative’ Lucifer group in check, although this individual is careful to use such dualities as positive/negative, good/evil and dark / light in the relative sense rather than in an absolute sense.

I highly recommend reading my Lucifer Series before embarking on this testimony, simply because I will not be fully repeating the context created there within this series.

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Is This Source Credible?

Whether or not this individual is who he says he is should be an important question for any discerning mind.

It is not the only factor in determining the value of his testimony, but we should look carefully at the credibility and self-consistency of what he says in order to determine if we believe he has direct access to what he speaks about or is simply someone well-versed in esoteric and occult knowledge based on his careful reading of his own recommended book list (The Kybalion, the Emerald Tablets, the Dao, and the Law of One / Ra material).

If you have read the Lucifer series you will recall that the individual that posted answers to questions on the ‘Above Top Secret’ forum in October 2008 went by the moniker ‘Hidden-Hand’ and claimed to be a generational member of one of the ruling bloodline families.

His explanation for why he, being part of the covert dark side, would have any reason or motivation to speak the truth of what is going on, is as follows:

"Every so often, as per the directives of the Law of our Creator, a brief window of opportunity opens, whereby a select handful of our Family are required to make communication with our subjects, and offer you the chance to ask us any questions you would like answered."

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Our new source Eracidni Murev Te (who I will refer to as EMT) started posting on the ‘Godlike Productions’ Forum in December 2018 and had a similar if not more convoluted reasoning for coming out to share profound hidden truths with us:

"Every so often, the opportunity arises for our counterbalance to share with the world certain aspects of being and how our world is run that traditionally have been hidden. They are obligated to use this opportunity to do so by Fundamental Law and a compromise made long ago – with us.

Recently, our counterbalance informed us the “Karmic” cost of the last diffusion was greater than anticipated and declined to participate this year. We agreed to accept responsibility in their place for the time being.

We are a much smaller and much less politically-positioned group tasked with, well, record keeping. However, the nature of our tasks puts us in a unique position to fulfill the duty of our counterpart.

As such, I am here to share that which the questions allow."

My first impression from reading this was that it was a gimmick being used by the writer to insert himself into the story of the ruling bloodlines by casting himself and his (much smaller) group as a ‘counterbalance’ to the activities of the Lucifer Group Soul - something that I don’t recall reading anything about in the Hidden-Hand material.

That said, it’s worth suspending disbelief long enough to properly analyze the entire set of threads to see if the wisdom is consistently laced with that other-worldly quality about it.

As truth-seekers we should leave no stone unturned, and of great interest to me is to see if there are some new and profound insights brought in through this testimony.

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Fundamental Law

EMT made it a point to reference ‘Fundamental Law’ in his introduction before answering any questions:

"If you ask a question in accordance with Fundamental Law, I will answer.

If your question is not in accordance with Fundamental Law, I will say so and answer as much as your question permits. I will not provide false answers to any question

In the initial Q/A that came from a forum participant, we can get more insight into what this ‘Fundamental Law’ refers to:

Q: Why now?

EMT: Recently, we all have “leveled-up,” so to speak. When this happens, it is sometimes necessary to provide wisdom and information about the new modalities of being available to “individuals” so that the transition happens smoothly. It happens to be that the last several times this has happened diffusion was deemed appropriate.

Q: How long until 5D?

EMT: This both is and isn’t up to you and everyone else. I cannot fully answer this question because doing so would violate Fundamental Law.

Q: What can I do?

EMT: That depends on what you intend reality to be.

It seems as though ‘Fundamental Law’ here refers to human free will, and the conditions by which EMT is able to answer questions will be contingent on the answer not impinging on individual free will.

In the second question above, being asked to predict when humanity will ascend to 5D (Fifth Density, a higher plane of existence than we are currently in) might negatively impact choices people will make individually going forward in their endeavor to grow spiritually.

If he says that moving to 5D is preordained to occur on a certain date, for example, it might prevent people from doing the sometimes arduous personal work that is necessary for their personal evolution.

The ‘Law of One‘, material channeled from an entity called ‘Ra’ and regarded by some as one of the best sources of esoteric and spiritual truth, is a very good reference for this discussion.

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 It identifies free will, or finity, or the limit of the viewpoint, as the ‘first distortion’ (13.1215.2199.5).

The created universe that we experience is the Creator’s exploration of Itself through the first distortion, which Ra also calls the Law of Confusion (27.10).

In other words, free will is a distortion of Unity / Oneness, which is ultimate reality, and has been manufactured into our reality through limiting our perception of the One.

This does not make it ‘false’ as such, just limited to certain realms of existence, and extremely valuable in helping to foster a whole range of important experiences that are available to us as individuated human beings.

The fact that EMT has promised to be truthful but also respectful of individual free will is a good starting point for our deeper exploration of his content, and certainly in accord with the testimony of ‘Hidden-Hand’ that I wrote about previously.

Going forward, let’s suspend disbelief until we have a firm handle on what Eracidni Murev Te has to tell us.

What's The Difference Between Lucifer and Satan?

The Bible kind of wanders back and forth between definitions, conflating the various terms. Examples, for reference can be found:

Bible Verses About Lucifer

But I think we're dealing with a bunch of cult-like superstitions and hearsay and folklore, that only partially contains overlap with actual reality.

That's why it's so messy and hard to sort out - like arguing the difference between Saint Nick and Kris Kringle which is the american santa claus. Anyway, that's all I have on that at the moment. Diving deep into what the Church of Satan teaches isn't my cup of tea to say the least.

- Montalk.net

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The Takeaway

Grasping the esoteric truths that underpin our experience here on Earth is not necessary for many of us to fulfill our purpose here at this time.

But for those with inquiring minds into these matters, such knowledge may be exactly what triggers us to make meaningful changes in our lives.

If you have read up to this point and will continue to explore with me as this series moves forward, then you are likely such a person.

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Christopher Lee Describes The Power Of Satanic Rituals In 1975 Video

In this rare interview, actor Christopher Lee discusses the power of black magic and satanic rituals, adding that there’s “nothing fictitious” about them. He also explains why there was a resurgence of interest in occultism at the time. His answer remains fully relevant today.

Christopher Lee’s career in the film industry was a long and fruitful one.

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While younger people know him for his role as Saruman in The Lord of the Rings and The Hobbit trilogies, Lee’s filmography goes way back (nearly 70 years) and includes a long list of movies and television shows (over 200).

When one looks at roles taken by Lee throughout his life, two constants emerge: He often played the role of the villain and he often played in movies with dark, occult themes.

For instance, Lee played the role of Count Dracula in eight movies, the last one being The Satanic Rites of Dracula (1973).

The Satanic Rites of Dracula begins with a satanic ritual taking place in an English country house with four prominent members of society: A government minister, a peer, a general and a famous scientist. Literally the occult elite

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The 1968 movie The Devil’s Bride is about a Satanic cult in South England.

In The Devils Bride, Baphomet himself makes an appearance

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In the 1976 movie To the Devil a Daughter, Christopher Lee plays the role of a “priest” in a Satanic cult who offers a 14-year-old girl to the devil.

Disturbing fact: The girl is greatly sexualized in the movie and there’s even full-frontal nudity.

In To the Devil a Daughter, a Black Mass takes place in front of an inverted cross and an inverted “Jesus”

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The least one can say is that Christopher Lee appeared to know a thing or two about black magic and satanic rituals.

In an interview about To the Devil a Daughter, Lee serves a lesson on black magic to the interviewer while explaining the power and the danger surrounding these rituals.

While the interview took place over 44 years ago, everything he says remains true and relevant today.

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What You Pay Attention To Ends Up Controlling Your Life
February 21 2021 | From: Sott

One of the best insights on what true productivity means in the 21st century dates back to 1890. In his book The Principles of Psychology, Vol.1, William James wrote a simple statement that's packed with meaning: "My experience is what I agree to attend to."

Your attention determines the experiences you have, and the experiences you have determine the life you live.

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Or said another way: you must control your attention to control your life. Today, in a world where so many experiences are blended together - where we can work from home (or a train or a plane or a beach), watch our kids on a nanny-cam from work, and distraction is always just a thumb-swipe away - has that ever been more true?

Attention Management

To be consistently productive and manage stress better, we must strengthen our skill in attention management.

Attention management is the practice of controlling distractions, being present in the moment, finding flow, and maximizing focus, so that you can unleash your genius.

It's about being intentional instead of reactive. It is the ability to recognize when your attention is being stolen (or has the potential to be stolen) and to instead keep it focused on the activities you choose.

Rather than allowing distractions to derail you, you choose where you direct your attention at any given moment, based on an understanding of your priorities and goals.

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Better attention management leads to improved productivity, but it's about much more than checking things off a to-do list. The ultimate result is the ability to create a life of choice, around things that are important to you. It's more than just exercising focus.
It's about taking back control over your time and your priorities.

Aspirations vs. Experiences

The leaders I work with tell me, "I believe in the power of mentoring and coaching my team members. The most important thing I can do as a leader is support them and encourage their growth. This is how I make a difference, and it's what gives me satisfaction at work."

But later in our conversation, I hear how their days actually go: "I spend a big chunk of my time on email and putting out fires.

I started the year with a coaching plan for my team, but it's fallen by the wayside amid everything else that is going on. My one-on-ones with team members don't happen as often as I would like, and the content is too much 'trees' and not enough 'forest.'"

Even if you see yourself as a passionate advocate for coaching and mentoring, you won't have the impact you'd like if your actions and experiences don't reflect these values.

As James said, your experience is what you attend to. And your experiences become your life.

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So if your attention continues getting diverted, and email, meetings, and "firefighting" consume your days, pretty soon weeks or months will have gone by and your life becomes full of the "experiences" you never really intended to have.

So why don't we just have the experiences we want to have, and create the lives we most want to lead? Why does this painful gulf exist between the selves we aspire to and how we spend our time?

The fact that James was thinking about this topic in the 19th century shows that we've long wrestled with the conflict between our goals and values and the lure of distractions.

But, of course, we live in a world with many more distractions than existed in the 1890s. When he published The Principles of Psychology, the telephone was brand-new.

Today, we have internet-connected phones and other devices that are always with us, delivering a volume of information and communication James couldn't have imagined. There's a lot more competition for our attention.

Let's go back to our mentoring and coaching example. You could start each day intending to focus on developing your team. But those intentions can quickly get swept away in the rush of demands that characterize our workdays.

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In this frenzied work environment, accomplishing the things that are most meaningful to you doesn't just happen. You can't leave it to chance. Your busy environment presents choice after choice every day about what you will attend to - and what your experiences will be.

Deliberately Choosing What You Attend To

This is where attention management offers a solution. It's a deliberate approach that puts you back in control.

Practicing attention management means fighting back against the distractions and creating opportunities throughout your day to support your priorities.

First, control external factors:

Control your technology: Remember, it's there to serve you, not the other way around! Decide to take control by turning off email and "push" notifications which are specifically designed to steal your attention. This will allow you to engage in more stretches of focused work on tasks and activities that you choose. As often as possible and especially when you're working, keep your phone silent and out of sight.

Control your environment: Set boundaries with others, especially in an open-office setting. For example, use headphones or put up a "do not disturb" sign when you need to focus. If that doesn't work, try going to a different part of your office, or even another floor of your building. If things are really bad, you can try teaming up with colleagues to designate a certain time of day, or day of the week, a "no distractions" day for everyone to do heads-down work.

But here's an overlooked truth: Our productivity suffers not just because we are distracted by outside interruptions, but also because our own brains, frazzled by today's frantic workplaces, become a source of distraction in and of themselves.

For example, the problem isn't just that an email interrupts your work. It's also the fact that being tethered to your email inbox conditions you to expect an interruption every few minutes, which chips away at your attention span.

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You then become so afraid of forgetting to do some small task - like sending an email or forwarding a document - that you start to do everything as soon as you've thought of it; but then you end up getting sucked into your overflowing inbox before you know it.

Moreover, knowing that you have a catalog of all the world's knowledge at your fingertips - in terms of the internet on your smartphone -- makes it difficult to be comfortable in a state of "I don't know," and hard to avoid the distracting temptation to "find out now."

So you must also learn to control internal factors:

Control your behavior: Use those times when your technology is tamed and your do-not-disturb sign is up to get used to single-tasking: open only one window on your computer screen, and give your full attention to one task until it's complete, or until a designated stopping point. Take breaks throughout the day where you step away from your computer. Try to "unplug" completely (no technology) for at least an hour or more, as often as you can. Try it for 15-20 minutes at first; then build up to an hour, or even 90 minutes.

Control your thoughts: For many of us, this is the hardest nut to crack, which is why I've left it to last. Minds are made to wander. Practice noticing when your mind is veering off in its own direction, and gently guide your focus back to where you want it. If you think of some important small task while you are doing focused work, jot it down on a notepad and come back to it later. Do the same with information you want to look up online.

Practicing attention management will not eliminate distractions from your day.

But as you start to recognize when you become distracted, and build your "attention muscle" through habits like those above, you'll start to reclaim your life and devote more of yourself to what's really important to you.

Don't allow distraction to derail your aspirations and intentions. Instead, control your attention to control your life.

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Faking Medical Reality
February 20 2021 | From: JonRappoport

“It is simply no longer possible to believe much of the clinical research that is published, or to rely on the judgment of trusted physicians or authoritative medical guidelines. I take no pleasure in this conclusion, which I reached slowly and reluctantly over my two decades as an editor of The New England Journal of Medicine.” - Marcia Angell, MD

“The secret of acting is sincerity. If you can fake that, you’ve got it made.” - George Burns

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The faking of medical reality is, at bottom, an operation designed to bolster the power of the medical cartel, one of the most important forces on the planet.

What do doctors rely on? What do medical schools rely on? What do medical journals and mainstream medical reporters and drug companies and the FDA rely on?

The sanctity of published clinical trials of drugs. These trials determine whether the drugs are safe and effective. The drugs are tested on human volunteers. The results are tabulated. The trial is described in a paper that is printed by a medical journal.

This is science. This is rationality. This is the rock. Without these studies, the whole field of medical research would fall apart in utter chaos.

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Upon this rock, and hence through media, the public becomes aware of the latest breakthrough, the newest medicine.

Through doctors in their offices, the public finds out what drugs they should take - and their doctors know because their doctors have read the published reports in the medical journals, the reports that describe the clinical trials.

Or if the doctors haven’t actually read the reports, they’ve been told about them.

It all goes back to this rock.

And when mainstream advocates attack so-called alternative or natural health, they tend to mention that their own sacred profession is based on real science, on studies, on clinical trials.

One doctor told me, “The clinical trials and published studies are what keep us from going back to the Stone Age.”

So now let me quote an article in the NY Review of Books (May 12, 2011) by Helen Epstein, “Flu Warning: Beware the Drug Companies.”

Six years ago, John Ioannidis, a professor of epidemiology at the University of Ioannina School of Medicine in Greece, found that nearly half of published articles in scientific journals contained findings that were false, in the sense that independent researchers couldn’t replicate them.

The problem is particularly widespread in medical research, where peer-reviewed articles in medical journals can be crucial in influencing multimillion- and sometimes multibillion-dollar spending decisions.

It would be surprising if conflicts of interest did not sometimes compromise editorial neutrality, and in the case of medical research, the sources of bias are obvious.

Most medical journals receive half or more of their income from pharmaceutical company advertising and reprint orders, and dozens of others [journals] are owned by companies like Wolters Kluwer, a medical publisher that also provides marketing services to the pharmaceutical industry.”

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Here’s another quote from the same article:

The FDA also relies increasingly upon fees and other payments from the pharmaceutical companies whose products the agency is supposed to regulate.

This could contribute to the growing number of scandals in which the dangers of widely prescribed drugs have been discovered too late.

Last year, GlaxoSmithKline’s diabetes drug Avandia was linked to thousands of heart attacks, and earlier in the decade, the company’s antidepressant Paxil was discovered to exacerbate the risk of suicide in young people.

Merck’s painkiller Vioxx was also linked to thousands of heart disease deaths. In each case, the scientific literature gave little hint of these dangers.

The companies have agreed to pay settlements in class action lawsuits amounting to far less than the profits the drugs earned on the market.

These precedents could be creating incentives for reduced vigilance concerning the side effects of prescription drugs in general.”

Also from the NY Review of Books, here are two quotes from Marcia Angell, former editor-in-chief of The New England Journal of Medicine, perhaps the most prestigious medical journal in the world. (“Drug Companies and Doctors: A Story of Corruption”)

Consider the clinical trials by which drugs are tested in human subjects.

Before a new drug can enter the market, its manufacturer must sponsor clinical trials to show the Food and Drug Administration that the drug is safe and effective, usually as compared with a placebo or dummy pill.

The results of all the trials (there may be many) are submitted to the FDA, and if one or two trials are positive - that is, they show effectiveness without serious risk - the drug is usually approved, even if all the other trials are negative.”

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Here is another Angell statement:

In view of this control and the conflicts of interest that permeate the enterprise, it is not surprising that [drug] industry-sponsored trials published in medical journals consistently favor sponsors’ drugs - largely because negative results are not published, positive results are repeated in slightly different forms, and a positive spin is put on even negative results.

A review of seventy-four clinical trials of antidepressants, for example, found that thirty-seven of thirty-eight positive studies were published.

But of the thirty-six negative studies, thirty-three were either not published or published in a form that conveyed a positive outcome.”

It turns out that the source of the informational pipeline that feeds the entire perception of pharmaceutical medicine is a rank fraud.

It would be on the order of an intelligence agency discovering that the majority of its operatives were actually working for the other side.

And then continuing on with business as usual.

Sometimes the body is dead even though it keeps on walking. It can smile and nod and perform basic functions - a zombie - but it is doing so only because certain implacable criminals back it up and give it a machine-like force.

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“We have the clinical trials of studies on drugs and they are published in top-rank journals. We are the epitome of science.”

Yes, false science. Riddled from top to bottom with lies.

Perhaps this will help the next time a friend, pretending he actually knows anything, tells you pharmaceutical medicine is a resounding success.

If you need more, cite Dr. Barbara Starfield’s famous study, “Is US Health Really the Best in the World?”, Journal of the American Medical Association, July 26, 2000.

Starfield concludes that 225,000 people are killed by the medical system in the US every year - 106,000 by FDA-approved medicines. That latter figure would work out to over a MILLION deaths per decade.

A Final Note: The august editors of medical journals have a game they can play. Suppose a drug company has just finished writing up the results of a clinical drug trial and has submitted the piece to a journal for publication.

The editor knows the company carried out a half-dozen other such trials on the same drug…and they didn’t look good. The drug caused wild fluctuations in blood pressure and blood sugar.

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There were heart attacks. Strokes. But this ONE study, the one submitted for publication, looks very positive.

The editor knows if he prints it and forgets about “ethics,” the drug company will order re-prints of the piece from him and distribute them to doctors all over the world, and to reporters, professors, government officials.

The drug company will order and pay for so many re-prints, the medical journal can make $700,000 from publishing THAT ONE STUDY. Let’s see.

In one hand, the editor sees: I won’t publish it = no money. In the other hand, he sees: I’ll publish it=$700,000. What to do?

Faking Medical Reality

Here is yet another way to do medical studies that guarantee a waterfall of lies will spread out far and wide. Another way to make the studies look good when they aren’t.

Let’s say you went into a school to see if it was a good place for your child to acquire a real education. And you were shown overall performance records of the students on standardized tests, and these records looked quite impressive.

Upon inquiring a little further, though, you came across an interesting point. The head of the school believed that some students just didn’t perform well on tests - and so he had excused them from taking any exams.

Trust Who

The World Health Organization (WHO) was founded with the aim of building a healthier future for people all over the world. Whether it’s the effects of smoking, the Swine flu pandemic or a nuclear disaster, the WHO is the body we rely on to advise on and resolve a public health crisis.

But can it be trusted?

Trust Who documents filmmaker Lilian Franck’s quest to discover what lies behind the altruistic façade of the world’s largest public health body. What she uncovers is an alarming picture of corruption and opacity.

This powerful investigative doc shines a light on how industry lobbies have infiltrated the WHO and asks whether the organisation can be trusted to keep the public healthy.

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Shocked, you said to him, “Your performance records are a sham. They don’t reflect the truth. You’ve stacked the deck.”

And he replied, “Not at all. I’ve merely kept statistics on those pupils who have the ability to take tests. That’s the important population. The others shouldn’t be tested at all. In this venue, they don’t count.”

Keep that analogy in mind as we proceed.

I want to alert you to a staggering medical practice in clinical trials of psychiatric drugs.

It’s called “placebo washout.”

Basically, it works this way. Before a drug company starts to test the effectiveness of a new medicine they want to market, they bring together all the volunteers - and they give them a sugar pill.

They tell them, “We’re going to give you a sugar pill.”

After a ten-day period on the placebo, the researchers weed out the people who improved, got better, feel better. They dump them from the ensuing clinical trial. Bye bye.

They don’t want these people around for the real clinical trial that is to follow.

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Of course, they claim there are good reasons for this washout strategy. But the fact is, eliminating these volunteers from the study makes it far more likely that the drug being tested will look good, when it shouldn’t.

First, in case you don’t believe placebo washout is a real and widespread practice, do a search for it at the NIH website.

It’s real. They give everybody a sugar pill, and then they dismiss all those who got better on it.

Then they get down to the actual clinical trial. They divide the remaining volunteers into two groups. Those who will receive the drug, and those who will be given another placebo.

Nobody is told which group they’re going to be in. That’s the whole point. Blinding the study enables researchers to compare the number of people who get better on the drug with those who get better on the placebo.

You see, it’s common knowledge that some people will get better on anything. That’s why they form the two groups. They have to prove (to the FDA) the drug is performing better than the sugar pill.

General estimates vary on what percentage of people get better on placebos. 35-45%, some researchers say, is a rule of thumb. Sometimes the % is higher.

But wait! The researchers ALREADY kicked out the people who got better on the sugar pill during the 10-day preliminary washout!

Related: Big Pharma and Organized Crime - They Are More Similar Than You May Think

What’s going on here?

Well, in the actual clinical trial, where half the people get the placebo and half get the medicine, some people who get the placebo - armed with the hope that they might be getting the medicine - will feel better, even though they’re only swallowing sugar pills.

And the researchers must show that more people who are getting the drug are feeling better than those who are getting the placebo.

That’s the whole reason for this type of clinical trial.

“See, 47 people who took the drug feel better. And only 22 people who took the sugar pill feel better. Therefore, the drug really works.”

Sure it works. Because you already kicked out all the people who felt better on a placebo in the washout phase.

In effect, you did a screening. You “cut out the competition.”

It’s like saying, “We have a great runner on our team. His times in the 100-meter dash are exceptional…there’s only one thing. In track meets, we insist he run only 80 meters and you have to imagine it’s 100.”

Related: Big Pharma – “A House Built on Sand” is Collapsing…

The FDA, which approves all drugs for public use, knows all about the placebo washout con job. Researchers know this. Shrinks know this. Drug companies know this. Even some medical reporters know this.

And yet, the practice goes on.

Placebo washout is on the order of saying, “Yes, we tested the new plane and it performs magnificently. Of course, we didn’t put it into the air. We rolled it across the runway.”

If there are any psychiatrists out there who are reading this, any researchers who want to defend placebo washout, I suggest we set up a debate with Dr. Peter Breggin, psychiatrist and author. But I warn you. Buckle up. It’ll be a bumpy ride.

Placebo washout. Rigging the game. Stacking the deck. The bigger the lie and the more obvious it is, the harder it is to believe that’s what’s you’re looking at. Until you LOOK.

In my 30 years as a reporter, I’ve come across maybe 100 scandals that could cause a significant sector of the medical cartel to burst into flames and blow away in the wind. This is one of those.

Of course, media, government, and drug corporations make sure such a thing never happens. And when I say media, I’m including publications you’d think would love to watch a really good fire. Turns out they have no stomach for it.

Related: Trump’s DOJ criminally charges 76 doctors, 23 pharmacists, 19 nurses raking in billions in medical fraud to push toxic drugs

NOTE: In case you’re still a little shaky on this scam, let me lay it out this way:

A drug company has a new drug, Gx, for depression. It’s not on the market yet. For that they need FDA approval, and the approval rests on the results of a clinical trial the company is going to launch.

The company signs up 500 volunteers, all of whom meet mainstream criteria for a diagnosis of clinical depression.

The company brings together the 500 volunteers and administers them a sugar pill (placebo) for 10 days. Everybody knows it’s a sugar pill.

After 10 days, the company discovers which of the 500 people responded well to the pill: placebo effect. Let’s say 80 people did. They feel better. Boom. They’re dumped from further consideration. They’re gone.

Why? Because chances are very good that, were they allowed on to the next phase, those among them who ended up with the sugar pill would have said, “Wow, I feel better. I feel less depressed.”

And THAT means the people who were given the actual drug, Gx, would be “up against stiffer competition” from the group who took the placebo.

Related: The Eradication Of Natural Alternatives: Big Pharma Wants To Eliminate The Competition

After those 80 people were booted from the placebo washout phase, with 420 volunteers left, they were divided into 2 groups of 210 each, and then 210 got the drug, Gx, and 210 got a sugar pill.

None of the volunteers knows what they’re getting. This phase of the trial goes on for 6 weeks. At the end of that period, the study is “unblinded,” and everyone knows who got which pill.

Now, among the placebo group of 210, it turns out that 60 showed significant improvement, and among the group of 210 who got Gx, 85 showed improvement.

The researchers conclude, “Those on Gx performed significantly better than those on placebo. This drug is good.”

But had those original 80, who were kicked to the side of the road after the placebo washout phase, been included in this later phase, the conclusions of the researchers could have turned out quite badly for the drug and the drug company.

Gx could have performed no better than the sugar pill. It could have done worse.

And this is called SCIENCE.

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Belittling Of Language: You Can’t Say ‘Blind Spot ‘ - It’s Not Inclusive Enough, Say Liberals In Their Hunt For Power
February 19 2021 | From: RT / Various

In a misguided attempt at protecting the so called “marginalized” individuals, the regressive left continues to ban an ever-increasing list of words
– an action that only serves as a tool for oppression.

Thanks in large part to the intrusive nature of the internet in our daily lives, an annoying trend has taken root where any and every thing we say comes under scrutiny from complete strangers.

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More so now as a new community of victim olympians scour the net for things to take umbrage with. 

Did you know you’re not supposed to say “blind spot” anymore? You know, that thing everyone has on the periphery of their vision.

It might sound absurd that such a common phrase could be deemed offensive, but as we now live in clown world, that’s exactly what has happened. The same goes with “turn a blind eye” and “tone deaf.”

Related: The Origins Of Political Correctness

The reasoning for this is that such terms are viewed as “ableist”, a word that by its dictionary definition means “discriminating against disabled or handicapped people.”

Now maybe it’s because I don’t suffer from the mental handicap that is being “woke”, but I struggle to see how “tone deaf” is discriminatory. 

As for other “ableist” words, you’re no longer supposed to say stupid, crazy, psycho, dumb, idiotic, insane, lame, moron, nuts, mad, and mental.

Even gimp is a no-no, a topic that periodically becomes a problem for the free photo editing software of the same name.

Similarly, do you have a crippling fear of something? Well, I hope not, because “crippling” is ableist too. So stop using it. Although, don’t rely on a dictionary as a crutch to find new words, as “crutch” is also offensive. 

It may be overused, but a common phrase on the web is the “victim olympics", and at the risk of sounding cliche’, it’s hard to disagree with that sentiment.

There’s a whole swath of individuals racing towards the bottom who take pleasure in becoming the most victimized.

Journalists such as David Perry go out of their way to call people out for being “ableist”, even going so far as to eat his own.

Meanwhile, people from other groups come up with their own ways to limit which words are acceptable.

As has previously been reported on, saying “transgendered” with an ‘ed’ at the end can get you labeled transphobic. The same occurs with saying transwomen instead of trans (notice the space) women.

Their reasoning for taking offense is that it’s bad grammar, yet no rational person gets offended over whether a word ends in ‘ed’ or not. 

Related: In Socialist Theocracy, Getting ‘Woke’ Brings Absolution

The last time I checked, using the wrong form of your / you’re might earn an eye roll from someone who knows better, but they certainly won’t see that grammatical error and assume you’re a bigot.

Too many people just want to be oppressed, so they’re creating new ways to feign oppression. It’s a circus freak show we should all be able to just stare and make jokes at, yet this display isn’t confined, and outside the tent we are seeing real world effects. 

College newspapers are adapting rules to push students towards avoiding “ableist” language. Twitter bans people for minor slights deemed transphobic. Time Magazine helps push the notion that an ‘ed’ at the end of transgender is something to not be used.

Entire cities are banning gendered words like “manhole” and “firemen”. And other colleges are trying to limit the use of the word “American” because it is not inclusive enough.

Related: Orwell’s 1984 No Longer Reads Like Fiction - It’s The Reality Of Our Times & The Propaganda Ministry Known As “The Free Press”

In George Orwell’s seminal book ‘1984’, he wrote:

"Don't you see that the whole aim of Newspeak is to narrow the range of thought? In the end we shall make thoughtcrime literally impossible, because there will be no words in which to express it.

Every concept that can ever be needed will be expressed by exactly one word, with its meaning rigidly defined and all its subsidiary meanings rubbed out and forgotten."

That quote was a forewarning to what we see today, as context no longer matters and specific words are offensive just because someone said so.

Thoughtcrime has very much become real, a tragic turn of events, as not only is this a dumbing down of the populace, but it’s a dumbing down of our language as a whole. 

Related: New Study Shows Vast Majority Of Non-White Americans Reject Political Correctness

When it comes to words we speak, context is one of the most important aspects. No single word is inherently bad.

Some definitely have more weight to them, but even the most vile combinations of letters can become re-appropriated to mean something else.

Perhaps the best example of this is the use of the n-word within black communities where it’s become a term of endearment. 

The problem with context though is that it requires thinking, and these days people simply don’t want to put the most minuscule amounts of time or effort into determining how something is being said.

Especially as it pertains to those who would rather run on emotion and find reasons to be victimized at every turn. 

Underscoring all of this is that the education system, big tech, small government, and the media are all too happy to oblige individuals who want nothing more than for the world to cater to them.

It’s a coddling of the American mind, and it’s doing far too much damage. Not only to the basis of speech, but to a large portion of the population. Quite frankly, victim culture is setting them up for failure. 

Related: Western Culture Has Died A Politically Correct Death

Life is not easy. Bad things happen, loved ones die, and trauma can be around the next corner. Success as a conscious being requires coping skills, something the regressive left’s insistence on emotional self destruction does not allow. 

If someone is getting offended over two letters at the end of a word, or freaking out because an internet stranger uttered a sentence about blindspots, how are they going to handle life when it hands them an actual problem?

The answer is they aren’t going to. 

Depression is on the rise, and it’s easy to see why. People are weakening their minds. It is a regression into an infantile state, as evidenced by the constant crying we hear daily.

And as someone who values the written and spoken word, I refuse to let babies dictate what can and cannot be said. 

Our society is quickly devolving into one similar to 1984, but in our timeline, instead of it being drab and dystopian, it’s padded and colorful.

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A perfect nursery for those who’d prefer a nanny take care of all their ills. But, like every toddler ever, they need guidance, and it’s time for people to get some tough love. Not only for their own benefit, but also for adults who are tired of the crying

Baby talk is not a real language, but at the rate we’re going, it might soon be the only one that’s allowed. 

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Why Confronting Israel Is Important: The Jewish State Is No Friend
February 18 2020 | From: Unz / OccupationMovie / Various

I am often asked why I have this “thing” about Israel, with friends suggesting that I would be much more respected as a pundit if I were to instead concentrate on national security and political corruption.
[Update to follow.]

The problem with that formulation is that the so-called “special relationship” with Israel is itself the result of terrible national security and foreign policy choices that is sustained by pervasive political and media corruption, so any honest attempt to examine the one inevitably leads to the other.

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Most talking heads in the media avoid that dilemma by choosing to completely ignore the dark side of Israel.

Israel - not Russia - is the one foreign country that can interfere with impunity with the political processes in the United States yet it is immune from criticism.

It is also the single most significant threat to genuine national security as it and its powerful domestic lobby have been major advocates for the continuation of America’s interventionist warfare state.

The decision to go to war on false pretenses against Iraq, largely promoted by a cabal of prominent American Jews in the Pentagon and in the media, killed 4,424 Americans as well as hundreds of thousands Iraqis and will wind up costing the American taxpayer $7 trillion dollars when all the bills are paid.

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That same group of mostly Jewish neocons more-or-less is now agitating to go to war with Iran using a game plan for escalation prepared by Israel which will, if anything, prove even more catastrophic.

And I can go on from there. According to the FBI, Israel runs the most aggressive spying operations against the U.S. among ostensibly “friendly” nations, frequently stealing our military technology for resale by its own arms merchants.

Its notable successes in espionage have included the most devastating spy in U.S. history Jonathan Pollard, while it has also penetrated American communications systems and illegally obtained both the fuel and the triggers for its own secret nuclear weapons arsenal.

Israel cares little for American sovereignty. It’s prime ministers Ariel Sharon and Benjamin Netanyahu have both boasted how they control the United States. In 2001, Israel was running a massive secret spying operation directed against Arabs in the U.S.

Many in the intelligence and law enforcement communities suspect that it had considerable prior intelligence regarding the 9/11 plot but did not share it with Washington.

Related: Summary On 9/11 And Inconsistencies Regarding The Official Story

There was the spectacle of the “dancing Shlomos,” Israeli “movers” from a company in New Jersey who apparently had advanced knowledge of the terrorist attack and danced and celebrated as they watched the Twin Towers go down.

Jewish power, both in terms of money and of access to people and mechanisms that really matter, is what allows Israel to act with impunity, making the United States both poorer and more insecure.

A well-funded massive lobbying effort involving hundreds of groups and thousands of individuals in the U.S. has worked to the detriment of actual American interests, in part by creating a permanent annual gift of billions of dollars to Israel for no other reason but that it is Israel and can get anything it wants from a servile Congress and White House without any objection from a controlled media.

Israel has also obtained carte blanche political protection from the U.S. in fora like the United Nations, which is damaging to America’s reputation and its actual interests.

This protection now extends to the basing of U.S. troops in Israel to serve as a tripwire, guaranteeing that Washington will become involved if Israel is ever attacked or even if Israel itself starts a war.

Related: Zionists On Tape: “We Control America”

The current U.S. Ambassador to the U.N. Nikki Haley is little more than a shill for Israel while America’s Ambassador in Israel David Friedman is an open supporter of Israel’s illegal settlements, which the U.S. opposes, who spends much of his time defending Israeli war crimes.

And here on the home front Israel is doing damage that might be viewed as even more grave in Senator Ben Cardin’s attempt to destroy First Amendment rights by making any criticism of Israel illegal.

The non-violent Israel Boycott movement (BDS) has already been sanctioned in many states, the result of intensive and successful lobbying by the Israeli government and its powerful friends.

So if there is a real enemy of the United States in terms of the actual damage being inflicted by a foreign power, it is Israel.

In the recent Russiagate investigations it was revealed that it was Israel, not Russia, that sought favors from Michael Flynn and the incoming Trump Administration yet Special Counsel Robert Mueller has evidently not chosen to go down that road with his investigations, which should surprise no one.

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Democratic Deception

Noam Chomsky, iconic progressive intellectual, has finally come around on the issue of Israel and what it means. He has always argued somewhat incoherently that Israeli misbehavior has been due to its role as a tool of American imperialism and capitalism.

At age 89, he has finally figured out that it is actually all about what a parasitic Israel wants without any regard for its American host, observing on “Democracy Now” that:

Take, say, the huge issue of interference in our pristine elections. Did the Russians interfere in our elections? An issue of overwhelming concern in the media. I mean, in most of the world, that’s almost a joke.

First of all, if you’re interested in foreign interference in our elections, whatever the Russians may have done barely counts or weighs in the balance as compared with what another state does, openly, brazenly and with enormous support.

Israeli intervention in U.S. elections vastly overwhelms anything the Russians may have done…

I mean, even to the point where the prime minister of Israel, Netanyahu, goes directly to Congress, without even informing the president, and speaks to Congress, with overwhelming applause, to try to undermine the president’s policies – what happened with Obama and Netanyahu in 2015.

Politicians are terrified of crossing the Jewish lobby by saying anything negative about Israel, which means that Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu always gets a pass from the American government, even when he starves civilians and bombs hospitals and schools.

Netanyahu uses snipers to shoot dead scores of unarmed demonstrators and the snipers themselves joke about their kills without a peep from Washington, which styles itself the “leader of the free world.”

Related: Thousands Of Israeli Protesters Call For Benjamin Netanyahu To Step Down

Just recently, Israel has declared itself a Jewish State with all that implies.

To be sure, Israeli Christians and Muslims were already subject to a battery of laws and regulations that empowered Jews at their expense but now it is the guiding principle that Israel will be run for the benefit of Jews and Jews alone. And it still likes to call itself a “democracy.”

A recent television program illustrates just how far the subjugation of America’s elected leaders by Israel has gone. British comedian Sacha Baron Cohen is featured on a new show called “Who is America?” in which he uses disguises and aliases to engage politicians and other luminaries in unscripted interviews that reveal just how ignorant or mendacious they actually are.

Several recent episodes remind one of a February 2013 Saturday Night Live skit on the impending confirmation of Chuck Hagel as Secretary of Defense. A Senator asks Hagel. “It is vital to Israel’s security for you to go on national television and perform oral sex on a donkey… Would you do THAT for Israel?”

A “yes” answer was, of course, expected from Hagel. The skit was never aired after objections from the usual suspects.

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Baron Cohen, who confronted several GOP notables in the guise of Colonel Erran Morad, an Israeli security specialist, provided a number of clues that his interview was a sham but none of the victims were smart enough to pick up on them.

Cohen, wearing an Israeli military uniform and calling himself a colonel, clearly displayed sergeant’s stripes. Hinting that he might actually be a Mossad agent, Cohen also sported a T-shirt on which the Hebrew text was printed backwards and he claimed that the Israeli spy agency’s motto was “if you want to win, show some skin.”

Cohen set up Dick Cheney by complimenting him on being the “the king of terrorist killers” before commenting that “my neighbor in Tel Aviv is in jail for murder, or, as we call it, enhanced tickling.”

Morad went on to tell Cheney that he once waterboarded his wife to check for infidelity and then convinced the former Vice President to sign a “waterboarding kit” that “already had” the signatures of Benjamin Netanyahu, Ariel Sharon and Demi Lovato.

Reality Check: Ex CIA Director Says U.S. Meddles for a ‘Good Cause’

Related: Five Times the US Clearly Meddled in Foreign Elections Since 2005

Another more spectacular sketch included a Georgia state senator Jason Spencer who was convinced to shout out the n-word as part of an alleged video being made to fight terrorism.

After Cohen told Spencer that it was necessary to incite fear in homophobic jihadists, Spencer dropped his pants and underwear, before backing up with his exposed rear end while shouting “USA!” and “America!”

Spencer also spoke with a phony Asian accent while simulating using a selfie-stick to secretly insert a camera phone inside a Muslim woman’s burqa.

In another series of encounters, Cohen as Morad managed to convince current and ex-Republican members of Congress - to include former Senate majority leader Trent Lott - to endorse a fictional Israeli program to arm grade school children for self-defense.

Cohen’s footage included a former Illinois congressman and talk radio host named Joe Walsh saying: “The intensive three-week ‘Kinderguardian’ course introduces specially selected children from 12 to 4 years old to pistols, rifles, semiautomatics and a rudimentary knowledge of mortars. In less than a month - less than a month - a first-grader can become a first grenade-er.”

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Both controversial Alabama judge Roy Moore and Walsh were fooled into meeting Cohen to attend a non-existent pro-Israel conference to accept an award for “significant contributions to the state of Israel.”

Representative Dana Rohrabacher, meanwhile, also was interviewed and he commented that, “Maybe having young people trained and understand how to defend themselves and their school might actually make us safer here.”

And Congressman Joe Wilson observed that “A 3-year-old cannot defend itself from an assault rifle by throwing a ‘Hello Kitty’ pencil case at it.”

Cohen’s performance is instructive. A man shows up in Israeli uniform, claims to be a terrorism expert or even a Mossad agent, and he gains access to powerful Americans who are willing to do anything he says.

How Cohen did it says a lot about the reflexive and completely uncritical support for Israel that many American politicians - particularly Republicans - now embrace.

This, in a nutshell, is the damage that Israel and its Lobby have done to the United States.

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Israel is always right for many policymakers and even palpably phony Jews like Colonel Morad are instantly perceived as smarter than the rest of us so we’d better do what they say.

That kind of thinking has brought us Iraq, Libya, Syria and the possibility of something far worse with Iran.

Israel routinely interferes in American politics and corrupts our institutions without any cost to itself and that is why I write and speak frequently regarding the danger to our Republic that it poses.

It is past time to change the essentially phony narrative. Israel is nothing but trouble. It has the right to defend itself and protect its interests but that should not involve the United States.

One can only hope that eventually a majority of my fellow American citizens will also figure things out.

It might take a while, but the ruthless way Israel openly operates with no concern for anyone but itself provides a measure of optimism that that day is surely coming.

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Pineal Gland: How To Detox The Part Of Your Brain That Controls Sleep, Aging And Your State Of Mind
February 17 2021 | From: HealthyCures / Various

The importance of the detoxification of the pineal gland is he, even though you might not be aware of it.

This little gland is located in the middle of the brain, and its function is related to our physical and mental well-being, due to which it is often called “the third eye”.

Related: Is The Pineal Gland The Gateway To A Spiritual Awakening?

Unfortunately, this gland is bombarded with numerous toxins due to the modern lifestyles we lead, the unhealthy foods we consume, and the stress we are daily exposed to. Therefore, it becomes hardened, calcified, and its function is impeded.

However, if you detoxify it, you will restore its function completely.

The pineal gland has the size of a pea and is located in the center of the brain. Its shape is similar to a small Pinecone. Its role is to secrete Melatonin, a chemical whose function is to regulate our sleeping patterns.

Yet, this strong antioxidant also slows down aging. Additionally, the pineal gland also secretes another hormone, serotonin, which is a neurotransmitter which maintains a balance of the mind and keeps us happy.

Related: The Pineal Gland: How To Take Care Of Yours

Scientists have still not confirmed this, but people claim that melatonin supplements create elevated feelings of empathy. Also, it has been hypothesized that the pineal gland produces DMT, a chemical linked to creativity, dreams, and hallucination. This explains its nickname “Third Eye”.

Decalcify the Pineal Gland

The pineal gland gets calcified as a result of the accumulation of toxins. The main culprit is Sodium Fluoride, which is found in most drinking water, and many kinds of toothpaste.

Other causes of calcification of the pineal gland include:

Refined sugar

Most processed foods



Dietary hormones

Mercury (found in most fish)


Yet, these are the most effective ways to detoxify the pineal gland:

Activator X (Vitamin K1/K2)

This vitamin is manifested in two ways- K1 and K2. The first one is found in green leafy vegetables, while K2 is created by microflora in the intestines, and is found in foods like eggs yolks, chicken or goose livers, dairy from organically reared cows, fish roe, sauerkraut, fish oils (omega 3), and shellfish.

In a combination with vitamins A and D3, it eliminates calcium from arteries and the pineal gland and transfers it into the bones instead.


Studies have shown that iodine eliminates sodium fluoride through the urine. Yet, many people are deficient in it, so you should eat more iodine-rich foods, like seaweed, Yet, make sure you also consume calcium as it lowers its levels.


Garlic is one of the most powerful natural antibiotics, and it also detoxifies the pineal gland by dissolving calcium.

You should consume half a bulb every 2 days, and if its odor is too strong for you, soak it in some freshly squeezed lemon juice, or apple cider vinegar.

Apple Cider Vinegar

Raw apple cider vinegar is high in malic acid which detoxifies this gland, so you can add it to salads and enjoy its benefits.


Boron is another potent pineal gland detoxifier, and It removes fluoride from the body system, preventing further calcification.

Distilled Water

Distilled water is the purest water form, so it washes away toxins and calcium deposits.

Yet, make sure you also consume minerals during this method.


Tamarind is commonly used in the Ayurveda, and it is made from the bark of the Tamarind Tree. It effectively eliminates fluoride through the urine. Tamarind is often added to some curries for its sweet/sour flavor and used in the preparation of teas and tinctures by steeping in hot water for 2/3 minutes.

The health of the pineal gland is of high importance for the overall health, as it improves the feelings of well-being and the sleep patterns.

You should perform a 4-5 day detox to cleanse it and support its function and make sure you reduce the intake of fluoride as much as possible.

The Secrets of the Pineal Gland

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These Five Traits Can Only Be Found In Genuine Empaths & Psychic Abilities Everyone Can Unlock
February 16 2021 | From: iHeartIntelligence / UniverseInsideYou

We all possess interesting characteristics, and genuine empaths are no different. However, the traits that make them unique are rather astounding.

The trademark trait of empaths, or what everyone knows about them, is all in the name- empath.They exhibit empathy

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“It’s been argued that empathy conferred an evolutionary advantage to humans. Since we’re tribal creatures, empathizing with others increased our sense of commitment to the community and to those in it.

Additionally, it permitted us greater understanding of not just our own feelings, but those of others,”
writes Peg Streep in PsychologyToday.

While empaths are undeniably gifted in this area, they are so much more than this one aspect.

Here are 5 unique traits that make every empath special:

1. They Mirror The Emotions Of Others

There are certain brain cells which are responsible for us feeling compassion, and relating to the joy, fear, and love of others. These brain cells are referred to as ‘mirror neurons.’

Empaths are believed to have hyper-responsive mirror neurons, making it possible for them to deeply understand the feelings of another person.

Related: Emotional Intelligence: The Social Skills You Weren't Taught In School

Dr. Judith Orloff warns that we should be aware of those who display a lack of empathy. “Psychopathssociopaths, and narcissists are thought to have what science calls ’empathy deficient disorders.’

This means they lack the ability to feel empathy like other people do, which may be caused by an under-active mirror neuron system.”

2. They Can’t Be Around Negative People

No one wants to be around someone who is constantly negative, but for empaths, it is much more than simple dislike.

There is a phenomenon called emotional contagion where “one person’s emotions and related behaviors directly trigger similar emotions and behaviors in other people.”

For example, an infant crying in a hospital will set off other babies to cry. Or, if someone is having a bad day and displaying anger and aggression, others around them will do the same. What does this mean for empaths?

Orloff states, “Empaths need to choose positive people in their lives so they’re not brought down by negativity. Or, if, say a friend is going through a hard time, empaths should take special precautions to ground and center themselves.”

Related: When You Hear Negative Voices In Your Head, Remember This

3. They Need Time Alone

Enduring the full effect of the world and those in it can be physically and mentally exhausting for empaths.

You will notice they have to take time for themselves, where they are on their own, in their own space. Even if that space is nature, which it often is.

Besides needing this time to recover and reinvigorate themselves, empaths actually crave alone time. As Orloff explains, “Research has shown that introverted empaths tend to have a higher sensitivity to dopamine than extroverts. Basically, they need less dopamine to feel happy. That could explain why they are more content with being alone.”

Related: The Healing Benefits Of Spending Time Alone

4. They Can’t Watch Upsetting Things

Whether it is a video on the news, a disturbing image on social media, or even a texted photo, empaths can’t watch or look at it. It’s not that they are avoiding the realities of this world, but they already are aware, and when they have to see these things it makes them feel like they are seeing it in person.

Empaths get the full effect. While most people can see these things with a sense of detachment, that simply isn’t an option for empaths.

In fact, if you are an empath, you’ve probably unfollowed a few people because of the things they share. It’s never a bad thing to take care of yourself, and you get to choose what you allow into your life.

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5. They Grew Up Being Told It Was A Weakness

You’re too sensitive.” “You cry too much.” “You’re too emotional.” Empaths spend a lot of time hearing these phrases throughout their childhood, and sometimes even well into adulthood.

Instead of support, empaths often have to go down a road of scrutiny.

They learn that there is a cycle of growth we all have to go through - we let the world in (we get hurt), we block the world out (we hurt ourselves), and return to letting the world in again (but with boundaries in place.)

Empath sensitivity and heightened emotional awareness is not a bad thing, and it is certainly not a weakness. It takes real strength to feel everything so deeply.

Do you have any empaths in your life? Share this article with them and show them how much they mean to you.

Psychic Abilities Everyone Can Unlock

Since the start of recorded history, psychic abilities have been documented, exposing the supernatural gift that some possess to look beyond the physical world and reach into the spiritual one.

Throughout the past, our mental abilities have been a topic of mystery; often being attributed to certain individuals’ ability to control matter simply by thought, giving birth to numerous supernatural theories related to Alchemy and prophecies, communicating with non-physical entities, travelling outside of one’s physical body, supernatural healing, supernatural levels of strength, hypnosis, telekinesis and much more.

Related: Three Extraordinary Paradoxes Of Personal Awakening

We know fo sure that the mind is capable of extraordinary things, but yet we have been surprised again and again by it.

Perhaps, the unknown capabilities of the human brain are yet to be found, feats of unnatural mental abilities becoming common practice in the future. In this video, we'll discuss a small fraction of the known psychic abilities we as human all possess and simply need to develop in order to use them. Let's start.

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In Socialist Theocracy, Getting ‘Woke’ Brings Absolution
February 15 2021 | From: TheEpochTimes / Various

Double standards are a hallmark of socialist movements.

The infamous “community organizer” Saul Alinsky established their tenets simply: “Accuse the Other Side of That Which You Are Guilty.”

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And in their hypocrisy, they extend this tenet to their cohorts, under Alinsky’s rule to “never strike left.”

Because of this, a politician can loudly claim to oppose racism in all forms, yet turn a blind eye when a member of his own camp is exposed as a racist.

A basketball star can claim to oppose oppression, then defend state oppression in the next breath. They can march in lockstep, crying foul about all the wrongs of the world, while ignoring the wrongs in their own camp.

It all comes down to the sins of the fathers. In Western religion, this goes back to the story of original sin, the temptation in the Garden of Eden, and the curse from the Tree of Knowledge.

It holds that man is born into sin, and that through baptism and repentance, we may find redemption.

The socialist religion also holds that people are born into sin, but the extent of this sin is determined by the color of each person’s skin, their gender, and how closely they follow the traditions, or “old ideas,” that socialism seeks to eradicate.

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Rather than believing that people can repent and improve themselves to overcome original sin, socialism holds that white people should be forever guilty of historical slavery, men should be forever guilty of patriarchy, and the wealthy should be forever ashamed of their own gains.

Yet they offer their own form of repentance: getting “woke.”

To be forgiven for politicized sin, the socialists must proclaim their hatred of who they are.

The white person must proclaim their hatred of “white privilege,” the man must proclaim his hatred of “toxic masculinity,” and the business owner must announce his opposition to “capitalism.”

After being born again through this political baptism, they’re no longer held accountable to the narratives of their camp. By proclaiming their wokeness to the church of the state, they are granted absolution from all political sins past and present - just as long as they continue to voice their hatred of all they once were.

Socialism is very much a theocratic system. In its destruction of God, it aimed to replace God; and in its destruction of morals, it has looked to create a new morality.

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The statist theocracy now rules, and those who sit in its pews can preach to their masses about how they, too, were once lowly sinners in the ever-changing crimes of political correctness.

History is merely repeating itself, regardless of how the adherents to this state belief try to separate their “new” socialism from the tyrannical history of the “old” socialism.

Thomas Molnar explained this principle in his book “Utopia: The Perennial Heresy,” saying that in every practical regard, socialism functions as a theocracy.

And to guard its forced theocratic rule, it demands that all beneath proclaim their enthusiasm: to speak their wokeness, lest the unclean elements of society should rise up in revolt.

Theocracy, Molnar explained;

"May never relent, for, as long as danger exists - and the very absence of enthusiasm for theocratic rule is interpreted as danger - the repressive force may not relax.

Wielders of such force must be shown proof that their subjects, candidates for perfection, live in a permanent state of enthusiasm.”

And because danger to such systems will always exist, he explained, “the elect will insist on regular enthusiastic demonstrations of consensus.”

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He adds:

"Under Communist regimes, for example, the individual may not simply retire into silence; he must enthusiastically speak, write, approve, and proclaim louder than the next fellow.”

Of course, socialism has no problem contradicting its own principles - and this has held true for leaders of its systems and ideology from the get-go. Pol Pot killed the intellectuals but was an intellectual himself.

Marx hated the bourgeois class, of which he and his aristocratic wife were a part. Lenin killed the peasants to protect the working man. And Mao destroyed belief to create consensus for his own.

The vague political goal always shines on the horizon, and the socialist tyrant points to it, claiming that we can reach it tomorrow, if only the privileged elements of society could be destroyed today.

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Tyranny and oppression then become the tools to destroy “oppression,” and through their contradictory double-think, the socialists believe that through their own tyranny, they’ve fought tyranny.

Molnar explains that this contradictory thought - and the demand in socialist regimes that all “true believers” demonstrate their enthusiasm for its principles, lest they fail to be absolved of the past - is part of the ongoing hypocrisy that has always plagued socialist Utopianism.

Molnar explains, “The same paradox characterizes all Utopian thinkers: they believe in unrestrained human freedom; at the same time, they want so thoroughly to organize freedom that they turn it into slavery.”

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The 5G War - Technology Versus Humanity & Letter To The FCC From Dr. Yael Stein MD In Opposition To 5G Spectrum Frontiers
February 14 2021 | From: GlobalResearch / EnviromentalHealthTrust Various

Exposure to electromagnetic field (EMF) and radiofrequency (RF) radiation is an ever-growing health risk in the modern world.

The Cellular Phone Task Force website1 has a long list of governments and organizations that have issued warnings or banned wireless technologies of various kinds and under various circumstances, starting in 1993.

Related: Clear Evidence of Cell Phone RF Radiation Cancer Risk

A long list of organizations representing doctors and scientists are also among them, including an appeal for protection from nonionizing EMF exposure by more than 230 international EMF scientists to the United Nations in 2015, which notes that:2

“Numerous recent scientific publications have shown that EMF affects living organisms at levels well below most international and national guidelines.

Effects include increased cancer risk, cellular stress, increase in harmful free radicals, genetic damages, structural and functional changes of the reproductive system,3,4,5 learning and memory deficits, neurological disorders, and negative impacts on general well-being in humans.

Damage goes well beyond the human race, as there is growing evidence of harmful effects to both plant and animal life.”

Everything You Need to Know About 5G

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A call for a moratorium on 5G specifically was issued in September 2017 by more than 180 scientists and doctors from 35 countries,6,7
“until potential hazards for human health and the environment have been fully investigated by scientists independent from industry,” noting that “RF-EMF has been proven to be harmful for humans and the environment,” and that “5G will substantially increase exposure to radiofrequency electromagnetic fields (RF-EMF) on top of the 2G, 3G, 4G, Wi-Fi, etc. for telecommunications already in place.”

In an article8 on the Environmental Health Trust’s website, Ronald Powell, Ph.D., a retired Harvard scientist of applied physics, notes “there is NO SAFE WAY to implement 5G in our communities; rather there are only ‘bad ways’ and ‘worse ways,'” and rather than argue about who should have control over its deployment, we should focus on preventing its employment altogether.

Health Concerns Over 5G Abound

Wall Street analyst Sunil Rajgopal recently warned mounting health concerns may delay the implementation of 5G, Fortune magazine reports.9 Some countries have already taken steps to slow 5G deployment due to health risks, Rajgopal notes.

The question is, can it be stopped?

Related / Important: Responses to the Prime Minister’s Chief Science Advisor’s stance on 5G

5G testing was recently halted in Brussels, Belgium,10 and Switzerland is delaying its 5G rollout in order to create a system to monitor radiation.11

Syracuse, New York, is also attempting to set up some safeguards and has “negotiated the right to conduct on-demand safety inspections of 5G antennas,” to allay public concerns.12 According to Forbes:13

“In New Hampshire, lawmakers are considering establishing a commission to study the health impacts of 5G networks. And Mill Valley, Calif., near San Francisco, last year banned new 5G wireless cells.”

Many other areas, however, have chosen to trust the Federal Communications Commission and the wireless industry trade association, CTIA, which has created a “Cellphone Health Facts” website citing research showing no risk.

However, if you believe the FCC is assessing health risks, you’d be wrong.

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At a recent senate commerce hearing (above), the FCC admitted that no 5G safety studies have been conducted or funded by the agency or the telecom industry, and that none are planned.14,15

In a speech given at the National Press Club in June 2016, Tom Wheeler, former FCC chairman and prior head of the wireless industry lobbying group, made the agency’s stance clear when he said:16

“Stay out of the way of technological development. Unlike some countries, we do not believe we should spend the next couple of years studying … Turning innovators loose is far preferable to letting committees and regulators define the future. We won’t wait for the standards … “

In light of the more than 2,000 studies showing a wide range of biological harm from EMFs, assurances from the FCC and the U.S. Food and Drug Administration that wireless radiation exposures, including 5G, is safe, seem disingenuous at best. As noted in a recent Counterpunch article:17

Related: Advertising Watchdog Partially Upholds 5G Advertisement Claiming Wireless Tech Is Harmful & Wifi, 5G And EMF Pollution Can Cause Psychiatric Effects In Humans, Plus Spontaneous Abortions, Infertility And Cellular DNA Damage

“Telecom lobbyists assure us that guidelines already in place are adequate to protect the public.

Those safety guidelines, however, are based on a 1996 study of how much a cell phone heated the head of an adult-sized plastic mannequin. This is problematic, for at least three reasons:

Living organisms consist of highly complex and interdependent cells and tissue, not plastic.

Those being exposed to radiofrequency radiation include fetuses, children, plants, and wildlife – not just adult male humans.

The frequencies used in the mannequin study were far lower than the exposures associated with 5G."

What Level of EMF Can Humans Withstand? 

EMF exposure at many biological impacting frequencies, such as those that run cellphones and Wi-Fi, has increased about 1 quintillion times over the past 100 years.18,19

Unfortunately, EMF exposure is so widespread these days, it’s virtually impossible to conduct controlled population studies anymore, as no population is truly unexposed or unaffected. This lack of a control group makes it very difficult to determine what the real-world effects are.

That said, one controlled exposure study has been done, revealing it’s nowhere near as harmless as people think. At the beginning of the 20th century, there were two populations in the United States - rural and urban. Urban areas were by and large electrified, while rural areas were not electrified until around 1950.

Related: Why Vodafone’s Claims That 5G Is Safe Are Not Credible & Lawyer Presents Strong Case Against 5G

Dr. Sam Milham, an epidemiologist, painstakingly analyzed mortality statistics between these two populations over time, clearly showing there was a wide difference in mortality from heart disease, cancer and diabetes between these two groups.

Then, as rural areas became electrified, the two curves merged.

Today, we not only live and work in electrified surroundings, we’re also surrounded by microwaves from wireless technologies. Soon, 5G may be added to the mix, making exposures all the more complex and potentially harmful. As noted by Counterpunch:20

"5G radiofrequency (RF) radiation uses a ‘cocktail’ of three types of radiation, ranging from relatively low-energy radio waves, microwave radiation with far more energy, and millimeter waves with vastly more energy …

The extremely high frequencies in 5G are where the biggest danger lies. While 4G frequencies go as high as 6 GHz, 5G exposes biological life to pulsed signals in the 30 GHz to 100 GHz range.

The general public has never before been exposed to such high frequencies for long periods of time.”

Health Concerns Linked to 5G Exposure

The added concern 5G brings is the addition of the millimeter wave (MMW). This bandwidth, which runs from 30 gigahertz (GHz) to 300GHz,21 is known to penetrate up to 2 millimeters into human skin tissue,22,23 causing a burning sensation.

This is precisely why MMW was chosen for use in crowd control weapons (Active Denial Systems) by the U.S. Department of Defense.24 MMW is also used in so-called “naked body scanners” at airports.25

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Research has shown sweat ducts in human skin act as receptors or antennae for 5G radiation, drawing the radiation into the body,26,27,28,29,30 thereby causing a rise in temperature.

This in part helps explain the painful effect. As noted by Dr. Yael Stein - who has studied 5G MMW technology and its interaction with the human body - in a 2016 letter to the Federal Communications Commission:31

"Computer simulations have demonstrated that sweat glands concentrate sub-terahertz waves in human skin. Humans could sense these waves as heat. The use of sub-terahertz (millimeter wave) communications technology (cellphones, Wi-Fi, antennas) could cause humans to percept physical pain via nociceptors.

Potentially, if 5G Wi-Fi is spread in the public domain we may expect more of the health effects currently seen with RF/ microwave frequencies including many more cases of hypersensitivity (EHS), as well as many new complaints of physical pain and a yet unknown variety of neurologic disturbances.

It will be possible to show a causal relationship between G5 technology and these specific health effects. The affected individuals may be eligible for compensation.”

MMW has also been linked to:32,33,34,35,36

Eye problems such as lens opacity in rats, which is linked to the production of cataracts,37 and eye damage in rabbits38,39

Impacted heart rate variability, an indicator of stress, in rats40,41,42 and heart rate changes (arrhythmias) in frogs43,44


Suppressed immune function46

Depressed growth and increased antibiotic resistance in bacteria47

Related: The 5G Electromagnetic “Mad Zone” Poised To Self-Destruct: The 5G “Dementors” Meet The 4G “Zombie
Apocalypse” & 5G Wireless: A Ridiculous Front For Global Control

As noted in a recent Gaia.com article:48

"Many scientists understand that the electromagnetic radiation leaking through the doors of our microwave ovens are carcinogenic, and therefore, can cause cancer. Most of these scientists also believe that these waves are mutagenic, meaning they change the DNA structure of living beings.49

The launch of 5G will be similar to turning on your microwave, opening its door, and leaving it on for the rest of your life. There’s good reason why hundreds of scientists are taking action against the wireless industry."

Understanding EMFs’ Mechanisms of Harm

As explained in my 2017 interview with Martin Pall, Ph.D., Professor Emeritus of biochemistry and basic medical sciences at Washington State University, the primary danger of EMFs in general is that it causes excess oxidative stress that results in mitochondrial dysfunction.

According to Pall’s research,50,51,52,53 radiofrequency microwave radiation such as that from your cellphone and wireless router activates the voltage-gated calcium channels (VGCCs) located in the outer membrane of your cells.

According to Pall, VGCCs are 7.2 million times more sensitive to microwave radiation than the charged particles inside and outside our cells, which means the safety standards for this exposure are off by a factor of 7.2 million.

Low-frequency microwave radiation opens your VGCCs, thereby allowing an abnormal influx of calcium ions into the cell, which in turn activates nitric oxide (NO) and superoxide which react nearly instantaneously to form peroxynitrite54 that then causes carbonate free radicals, which are one of the most damaging reactive nitrogen species known and thought to be a root cause for many of today’s chronic diseases.

For an in-depth understanding of peroxynitrites and the harm they inflict, see “Nitric Oxide and Peroxynitrite in Health and Disease”55 - a 140-page free access paper with 1,500 references written by Dr. Pal Pacher, Joseph Beckman and Dr. Lucas Liaudet.

The 5G Trojan Horse

This 96 minute documentary will expose the truth behind the global “Race to 5G”, the health, privacy, and local power concerns, and the corruption between the Big Wireless industry and the U.S. government.

Related: 5G And IoT: A Trojan Horse + Wifi Linked To Cancer And DNA Damage, Says New Report: Here’s What To Do

One of its most significant hazards of peroxynitrite is that it damages DNA. The European REFLEX study published in 2004 revealed the nonthermal effects of 2G and 3G radiation are actually very similar to the effects of X-rays in terms of the genetic damage they cause

Your body has the capacity to repair that damage through a family of 17 different enzymes collectively called poly ADP ribose polymerases (PARP).

However, while PARP work well, they require NAD+ for fuel and when they run out of NAD+ they stop repairing your DNA.

This in turn can lead to premature cell death, since 100 to 150 NAD+ molecules are needed to repair a single DNA strand break. NAD+ is central to maintaining cellular and mitochondrial health, so the fact that PARP consumes NAD+ to counteract EMF damage is an important concern.

Cancer Is Not the Primary Health Risk of EMF

The voltage in your body appears to play a significant role in health and disease. Your body’s production of electricity allows your cells to communicate and perform basic biological functions necessary for your survival. However, your body is designed to operate at very specific levels and frequencies.

It seems logical that being surrounded by man-made EMFs that are 1 quintillion times higher than the natural EMF environment of the Earth may interfere with your DNA’s ability to receive and transmit biological signals.

While the controversy over EMF damage has centered around whether or not it can cause cancer, especially brain tumors, this actually isn’t your greatest concern. Since the damage is strongly linked to activation of your VGCCs, it stands to reason that areas where VGCCs are the densest would be most vulnerable to damage.

How 5G Uses Phased Array Antennas to Focus the Millimeter Beams – Damaging DNA etc.

Related: Switzerland's Environmental Agency Announces National Moratorium on 5G

As it happens, the highest density of VGCCs are found in your nervous system, your brain, the pacemaker in your heart and in male testes. As a result, EMFs are likely to contribute to neurological and neuropsychiatric57 problems, heart and reproductive problems.

This includes but is not limited to cardiac arrhythmias, anxiety, depression, autism, Alzheimer’s and infertility. Indeed, this is what researchers keep finding, and all of these health problems are far more prevalent and kill more people than brain cancer.

What’s more, seeing how many are already struggling with electromagnetic hypersensitivity, saturating cities and suburban areas with MMW radiation will undoubtedly make the problem more widespread, and make life unbearable for those already feeling the effects of wireless radiation.

Most Recent Media Ploy to Detract From 5G Concerns: Blame the Russians

In a recent Medium article,58 Devra Davis, Ph.D. - a well-respected and credentialed researcher on the dangers of cellphone radiation - highlights a recent media trend: Write off scientists warning about 5G dangers as “untethered alarmists … linked to Russian propaganda.”

"Could it be a coincidence that following on the heels of the NY Times story, the Wall Street Journal and the UK Telegraph have echoed the same smear of guilt by association,” she writes,59 adding:

“These otherwise credible media sources ignore the substantial body of science pinpointing hazards of wireless radiation and 5G detailed in independent journalistic investigations that have appeared extensively in media throughout Europe and been covered by major networks …

Could the failure to report these critical 5G issues and correct misleading information regarding health effects of wireless and 5G in the New York Times have anything to do with the their new joint venture with Verizon in 5G journalism, or the fact that the Times board of directors includes officials from Facebook, Verizon, Media Lab, and other stalwarts of the telecom industry, while Carlos Slim, head of some of the largest telecom firms in the world, has downsized and now owns just 15 percent of its stock?"

Related: 5G Cell Phone Radiation: How The Telecom Companies Are Losing The Battle To Impose 5G Against The Will Of The People + French NGOs Demand Stop To ‘Out Of Control’ 5G Network

Davis also points out a clear difference between American and Russian scientific expertise with regard to EMF:

"The history of research on the environmental and public health impacts of radio frequency microwave radiation (‘wireless radiation’) reveals some uneasy parallels with that of tobacco.

In the 1950s and 1960s, scientists who showed the harmful impacts of tobacco found themselves struggling for serious attention and financial support. The validity of their views was only accepted after the toll of sickness and death had become undeniable.

For health impacts from wireless radiation, a similar pattern is emerging. Each time a U.S. government agency produced positive findings, research on health impacts was defunded.

The Office of Naval Research, the National Institute of Occupational Safety and Health, the Department of Health, Education and Welfare, and the Environmental Protection Agency all once had vibrant research programs documenting dangers of wireless radiation.

All found their programs scrapped, reflecting pressure from those who sought to suppress this work.

Russian’s 50 years of research on electromagnetic radiation since the Cold War has led to their clear understanding that this exposure does have biological effects.

The Russian National Committee on Non-Ionizing Radiation Protection issued a 2011 Resolution60recommending persons under 18 not use a cell phone.

Brain Cancer Risk Is Likely Real

While heart disease, dementia and infertility overshadow the risk of brain cancer, the possibility of cancer still remains, and may be a far more significant concern for young children who are growing up surrounded by wireless technologies than we realize.

The NTP Cell Phone Study Explained - with Dr. Ron Melnick

Related: A Radio Frequency Exposure Test Finds an iPhone 11 Pro Exceeds the FCC's Limit

The fact is, we won’t know for sure whether in utero and early cellphone use will increase brain cancer rates until a decade or two from now when today’s youths have grown up. Mounting research suggests cellphone radiation certainly influences your risk, and there are a number of compelling anecdotal reports that are hard to ignore.

In her article,61 Davis mentions Robert C. Kane, a senior telecom engineer “had willingly served as a guinea pig for Motorola and other companies developing new wireless technologies in the 1980s.”

He developed a type of malignant brain cancer the National Toxicology Program later confirmed was a side effect of cellphone radiation exposure (see video above).

The NTPs results were published in 2018. Before his death in 2002, Kane published the book, “Cellphone Radiation - Russian Roulette,”62 in which he stated that:63

"Never in human history has there been such a practice as we now encounter with the marketing and distributing of products hostile to the human biological system by an industry with foreknowledge of those effects."

Related: The Urgency To Educate On The Dangers Of 5G Technology, Especially With Mothers & “With 5G, We Are Guinea Pigs” - Media Reports 5G Injuries From Swiss Experiments In Geneva

FCC Is a Captured Agency That Cannot Be Trusted

Davis also highlights another crucial problem, namely the fact that the FCC has been captured by the telecom industry, which in turn has perfected the disinformation strategies employed by the tobacco industry before it. She writes:64

"… [I]n 2015 a Harvard expose tracked the revolving door between the FCC and the telecom industry and concluded that the FCC is a captured agency and that ‘Consumer safety, health, and privacy, along with consumer wallets, have all been overlooked, sacrificed, or raided due to unchecked industry influence."

The book in question is “Captured Agency: How the Federal Communications Commission Is Dominated by the Industries It Presumably Regulates,” written by investigative journalist Norm Alster.65

As just one example, before his role as FCC chairman, Wheeler headed up the CTIA, which is the lobbying group for the wireless industry, which explains his commentary on 5G and why the FCC doesn’t believe in studying its health risks and “won’t wait for the standards.”

The book also shows how the telecom industry is manipulating public opinion by undermining the credibility of scientists that speak of dangers, cutting funds for research, publishing manipulated studies showing no harm and claiming “scientific consensus” of no harm when no such consensus actually exists.

Naturally, the telecom industry also spends millions of dollars lobbying the FCC on issues that might impact its bottom line.66

Related: Gestapo In The USA: FCC Intimidates Press And Kills Free Speech At 5G Rollout

5G Threatens Weather Prediction

Interestingly, aside from potential health ramifications, a global 5G network will also threaten our ability to predict weather which, in addition to putting civilians at risk will also jeopardize the Navy.67

According to a recent paper68 in the journal Nature, widespread 5G coverage will prevent satellites from detecting changes in water vapor, which is how meteorologists predict weather changes and storms.

Davis quotes69 Stephen English, meteorologist at the European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts: “This is the first time we’ve seen a threat to what I’d call the crown jewels of our frequencies  - the ones that we absolutely must defend come what may.”

Alas, the FCC ignores such concerns and, according to Davis, “weather experts within the U.S. government are being muzzled.”

In a recent letter to the FCC, Sens. Ron Wyden, D-Ore., and Maria Cantwell, D-Wash., urge the agency to rein in the expansion of wireless communications in the 24 GHz band for this reason.70

[References at Source]

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Letter To The FCC From Dr. Yael Stein MD In Opposition To 5G Spectrum Frontiers

Letter to the FCC from Dr. Yael Stein MD of the Hadassah Medical Center, Jerusalem, Israel in Opposition to 5G Spectrum Frontiers Millimeter Wave Technology.

“Please protect Public Health and vote against exposure of the public to harmful G5 technology.”

Related: Is 5G Worth the Risks?

“Computer simulations have demonstrated that sweat glands concentrate sub-terahertz waves in human skin. Humans could sense these waves as heat. The use of sub-terahertz (Millimeter wave) communications technology (cellphones, Wi Fi, antennas) could cause humans to percept physical pain via nociceptors.”


FCC Commissioners
U.S. Senate Committee on Health, Education, Labor and Pensions
U.S. Senate Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation

July 9, 2016

Topic: G5 Millimeter Wave Technology (Sub Terahertz Frequencies/ Sub-THz)

A group of physicists from the Hebrew University in Jerusalem, together with several physicians, have researched “G5” millimeter wave technology (Sub Terahertz frequencies) and its interaction with the human body. I am a physician who participated in this research.

Related: 5G Wireless Technology Is War against Humanity & 5G – The Global Human Experiment Without Consent

Human Sweat Glands as Helical Antennas:

The study of human sweat glands as helical antennas conducted by our group in Prof. Feldman’s lab, began by looking at images of the skin created by optical coherence tomography (OCT), which revealed that the tips of the sweat ducts that expel the sweat from the gland to the pore at the surface of the skin have a helical structure (Knuttel et al, 2004; Lademann, Otberg et al. 2007; Tripathi et al, 2015).

This, and the fact that the dielectric permittivity of the dermis is higher than that of the epidermis, leads one to assume that, as electromagnetic entities, the sweat ducts could be regarded as imperfect helical antennas (Feldman, et al. 2008, 2009; Kawase and Hayashi, 2011; Yang, Donnan et al. 2011; Hayut et al, 2013, 2014).

The prediction of this simulation was that there would be an influence of the sweat duct on reflected signal around 90 GHz and an even increased sensitivity in higher frequencies.

Proton hopping was suggested as the phenomenon that causes the conductivity inside the sweat gland.

Taking into consideration a drop in the electric potential caused by the difference in the pH values between the skin surface (pH=5.5) and the dermis (pH=6.9), one can posit the existence of an electromotive force that would provide the necessary additional charge flow in the duct.

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Related: Sue Grey, an Environmental Lawyer talks about Wi-Fi in Schools

Thus, the sweat ducts possess all the required features to reveal antenna-like behavior in the extremely high frequency band (EHF band or the millimeter/submillimeter band).

These assumptions were supported by a series of computer simulations which showed that the spectral response of the ducts indeed coincides with the prediction of the antenna theory.


Computer simulations using the Finite Differences Time Domain (FDTD) method have clearly shown that sweat gland ducts are high absorption structures of mm-waves.

SAR values were about one order of magnitude higher with the sweat gland ducts and highly localized to within the sweat gland ducts (Shafirstein and Moros, 2011).

Temperatures computed using a bio-heat equation demonstrated that the temperature maximum was moved toward the epidermis which is populated by pain nerve fibers and heat-sensitive keratinocytes.

This situation is closer to direct contact with a hot surface, indicating that exposure to high power GHz irradiation should result in a sudden acute pain response even without direct heating of the stratum corneum.

This phenomenon may potentially affect all humans and especially susceptible members of the public using or being exposed to communications devices in the sub-terahertz waveband.

It is advisable that the as low as reasonably achievable (ALARA) principle be adopted for uses of this technology, while a major cross‑disciplinary effort is generated to train researchers in bioelectromagnetics and provide monitoring of potential health impacts of RF‑EMF.

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Summary of Conclusions:

(1) Public exposure to millimeter waves, in the sub-Terahertz frequency range, is currently less common. If these devices fill the public space they will affect everyone, including the more susceptible members of the public: babies, pregnant women, the elderly, the sick and electro hypersensitive individuals.

(2) Human sweat ducts transmit and perhaps also receive electromagnetic waves that reflect the person’s emotional state, as an extension of the sympathetic nervous system that innervates sweat ducts

(3) These newly suggested physiologic and psychological functions of human sweat ducts have not yet been researched by neurophysiologists or by psychologists

(4) Computer simulations have demonstrated that sweat glands concentrate sub-terahertz waves in human skin. Humans could sense these waves as heat. The use of sub-terahertz (Millimeter wave) communications technology (cellphones, Wi Fi, antennas) could cause humans to percept physical pain via nociceptors.

(5) Potentially, if G5 WI FI is spread in the public domain we may expect more of the health effects currently seen with RF/ microwave frequencies including many more cases of hypersensitivity (EHS), as well as many new complaints of physical pain and a yet unknown variety of neurologic disturbances.

(6) It will be possible to show a causal relationship between G5 technology and these specific health effects. The affected individuals may be eligible for compensation.

Respected members of the FCC and U.S. Senate Committees,

Please protect Public Health and vote against exposure of the public to harmful G5 technology.


Dr. Yael Stein MD
Hadassah Medical Center, Jerusalem, Israel

Related: 5G: The Big Picture & Brussels Becomes First Major City To Halt 5G Due To Health Effects


Quickly changing technologies and intensive uses of radiofrequency electromagnetic field (RF-EMF)‑emitting phones pose a challenge to public health. Mobile phone users and uses and exposures to other wireless transmitting devices (WTDs) have increased in the past few years.

Between 2000 and 2014, the number of active cell phone subscriptions has increased from 700 million to nearly 7 billion, among a global population of 7.2 billion people.

Uses of the millimeter wave bands include point-to-point communications, inter satellite links, and point-to-multipoint communications. Future 5G mobile phones and Wi Fi routers using millimeter waves are already under development.

Because of shorter wavelengths, the band permits the use of smaller antennas than would be required for similar circumstances in the lower bands, to achieve the same high directivity and high gain. The net result is higher reuse of the spectrum, and higher density of users.

Related: Why Is The Minister Of Health Taking Advice About The Health Effects Of 5G From A Committee Influenced By People With Ties To The Telecommunications Industry?

Health Risks:

Besides higher risk of cancer, exposure to electromagnetic radiation in the radio/ microwave frequencies has been reported to affect: fertility in males and females, neurological effects on sleep quality, learning abilities and memory due to increased oxidative stress, to cause skin and gastrointestinal reactions, hypersensitivity phenomena (Electrohypersensitivity / EHS), and more.

Electrohypersensitivity / EHS is characterized by a variety of non-specific symptoms, which afflicted individuals attribute to exposure to electromagnetic fields.

The symptoms most commonly experienced include dermatological symptoms (redness, tingling, and burning sensations) as well as neurasthenic and vegetative symptoms (fatigue, tiredness, sleep disturbance, concentration difficulties, dizziness, nausea, heart palpitation, and digestive disturbances).

The collection of symptoms is not part of any formally recognized medical syndrome, but it has been described in the medical literature as “a novel neurological syndrome.”

There is a very wide range of estimates of the prevalence of EHS in the general population. A survey of occupational medical centers estimated the prevalence of EHS to be a few individuals per million in the population.

However, a survey of self-help groups yielded much higher estimates. Approximately 10% of reported cases of EHS were considered severe (WHO workshop on electromagnetic hypersensitivity, 2004).

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Prevalence is rising following the ever-rising exposure of the general public to mobile and wireless technology. In Sweden, the prevalence of EHS was initially estimated at 1.5%, but a newer estimation indicates that 2.6–3.2% report EMF sensitivity (Hillert et al., 2002).

In Austria, the prevalence was estimated at less than 2% in 1994, but in 2001 it had increased to 3.5% (Johansson, 2006).

In Switzerland, 5% of the population has been estimated as EHS (Schröttner et al., 2008). In California, the prevalence of self-reported sensitivity to EMF was 3.2%, with 24.4% of those surveyed reporting sensitivity to chemicals (Kato and Johansson, 2012).

While the condition is still not formally recognized as a disease, in some countries (e.g. Sweden) it is formally acknowledged as a functional impairment, and people are eligible for compensation due to this condition.

Interactions of millimeter waves with living systems are believed to occur primarily on a subcellular or cellular level. Sub-THz and THz radiation may interact with cellular components at multiple levels, including chromosomes, DNA, genes and proteins.

Older studies from the USSR and Eastern Europe as well as new studies have indicated that above 30 GHz there are frequency dependent biological effects.

[References at Source]

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‘The Event’ – What’s Really Happening & What You Need To Know About It
February 13 2021 | From: CollectiveEvolution / Various

You probably have been hearing about ‘The Event’, in articles, vlogs and conversation.

All around the internet are preparing people for what some are calling the ascension event that will suddenly wake everyone up and end all of the cabal behavior on the planet.

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There’s a lot to say about this, and a lot of helpful info we can consider to bring ourselves to a point of understanding as well as practicality, i.e. what we can do. My intention here isn’t to burst any bubbles about this, but to bring us back to an authentic place within ourselves and also back to our intuition.

One final thing, over the course of the past 10 years I’ve not shared much about where I get my info, what I’ve been tapped into since I was younger, the practices I use and how I’ve practiced to truly develop some of these skills.

In Brief:

The Facts: It is alleged by many in the spiritual community that something called 'THE EVENT' will play out that will either bring about a great awakening and the end of an era of struggle and captivity for humanity.

Reflect On: Why do we always hear of events that involve humanity sitting around and waiting for something? Why is it that we never have to take responsibility for our part in something? We are here, not to wait for a saviour, but to take action within the self.

I’ve kept more quiet because I personally like to fly under the radar; simply be myself, remain quiet and live the change and my truth.

I don’t believe in having to be loud about our abilities to convince others of who we are. Tapping into intuition, having a strong connection 24 hours a day to my higher self, hearing beings, ‘downloading’ or visually seeing and connecting with peoples lives, getting consistent info downloads etc, these are all a natural part of my life but it’s not something that makes me or anyone else special.

It’s simply part of developing it. Some of us may start with different ‘abilities’ more activated, but we can always develop things. CE wasn’t built the way it was simply by using my mind to figure things out, it took diligent conscious practice and intuition to know what was most serving for humanity and when. 

Related: Healing the Self, Healing The World – Ruminations About Humanity & Awakening

To take complex conscious ideas and make them reach a mass audience and create virality.

I share this because, we seem to be at a time where confusion is high, disinformation is even higher, and many of us aren’t truly practicing the information we are hearing about or learning.

So I share this as what I’m about to convey below is important and I don’t wish to reduce the content to simply ‘I’ve done research,’ these truths come from deeper places. The same places you can access through heart based living and a solid connection to your higher self.

I believe we need to ‘cut the crap’ when it comes to all the identification with “I’m an intuitive,” “I’m an empath,” “I’m a channeller” etc, and realize we all have those abilities within us if we choose to awaken by practice. It’s time for true empowerment.

What Has Been Said About ‘The Event’

First let’s begin with what’s being said. It is being called a breakthrough for the planet that will cause a number of different unfoldments.

Some say the defeat and arrest of the cabal, resetting of financial systems, disclosure of ET’s, aliens coming to the planet, revelation of new and advanced technologies, new governments and political systems etc.

Related: Once We Awaken

It’s being claimed that on the non physical plane: there will be a “big wave or flash of energy and light coming from the Galactic Central sun going towards the surface of the planet”. (The galactic central sun is an object in the Sagittarius constellation.)

The energy from the Central Sun will stimulate a flash or special kind of light from the Sun that permeates the earth and humanity, raising the frequencies of all living entities on the planet.

It is said that it will not be a major negative event but one that is positive. Some are even suggesting to prepare with several weeks of food and supplies as it may knock out our current infrastructures.

It’s also being said that this wave of energy will be soooo powerful that it will literally fry people’s brains and make them go crazy.

I have a lot to say about all of this.

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First, A Note On Channeling 

From what I have gathered, most people are learning ‘channeling’ information about this from various sources or beings out there. This of course is a real thing and completely possible, but there are caveats that we often don’t consider.

I’ve experienced some very good, very talented channellers who are tapped right in to authentic stuff, then again I’ve also seen the opposite.

In a lot of ways I have always steered people away from channeling. Mainly because it takes a level of mastery to truly understand and feel out what one is tapping into.

Not only that, much of the time the information you can get from your higher self is more than enough to keep you rolling, and it has nothing to do with channeling. Your connection to your higher self is constant if you practice.

The desire to jump deep into channeling can sometimes come from an egoic desire to want to see the future, know the future or even in some ways.. have a ‘super power’ of sorts.

I’m not saying there is anything wrong with this, but more so that this can be what pushes us to want it. Like I said above, of course there are many authentic channellers out there as well.

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Over the 10 years I have been exploring and observing different channellers, I’ve noticed a lot of the same thing. Repeating the same stuff over and over again, repeating vague and often obvious things, noticing that the channelled info is simply coming from the mind of the channeller and not actually from another being or source etc.

From a personal point of view, my message has always been about going within, instead of focusing so much attention on getting information like this from outside ourselves.

From a listener point of view, there is general curiosity which is a beautiful thing, but sometimes we also start jumping into the idea of wanting to know what’s going to happen, being aware of the future and what’s coming… so as to control things or be able to prepare.

This can be helpful at times, but it can also be a source of getting us stuck or limited. It also resembles a faith based, religious-like mentality where we take word of what is to come, and then act on that, without ever checking how we feel inside. 

The way I’ve practiced over the years is, my primary source (85% – 90% of where I get my information like this) is from my own self or higher self, my secondary source would be corroborating information with various sources out there like other people, channellers, intuitives etc etc.

Related: How Collective Consciousness Can Change The Entire Human Experience

I feel this is a more ideal course of action as it asks YOU to develop your own knowing and connection with & to your higher self. This is part of an authentic path towards shifting consciousness when we take action and make the necessary changes from within.

The Reality Of What’s Happening

I made a film several years ago called The Collective Evolution III: The Shift.

It is all about the shift in consciousness taking place, what’s going on and where humanity is headed. It’s presented in a way that can be passed across any group; those that view things through science, spirituality or who are on the fence.

The purpose of the film was to bring these understandings to a grounded and practical space, where much of the human experience exists at this time. In the film, I go into great detail about the cosmic ray portion of the shift, which much of The Event refers to. I’d recommend watching the film for further understanding, but will also elaborate below.

The shift we’re experiencing is ongoing. MANY waves have already hit our planet and are still coming. This has been happening for years and it is PART of what is causing so many of the changes we are seeing today.

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Shifts in the way people think, shifts in how our world works, insurgence of equality, the calls for changes in our financial systems, political systems and so forth.

These waves have been happening for decades and have been intensifying as we go. They are made up of cosmic bursts from our sun, the galactic sun, surrounding stars and so forth. All cosmic waves carry unique energies with unique signatures and information.

This information carries the ability to evolve thought, ideas, DNA, change energy signatures and so forth. But it’s also important to note that this energy has been ‘throttled’ in a sense, through our agreement, and for good reason. More on this in a second.

THE EVENT is following the same path as many other claims like this. It makes this shift in consciousness about ONE thing, ONE moment and so forth. Much like we did with 2012.

How cosmic rays affect our earthly lives and conscious evolution. *From CE3: The Shift

Related: Galaxies Millions of Light Years Apart Seem To Be Connected By Invisible “Large Scale Structures”

Many claim “nothing happened in 2012” because they were looking for something physical and were looking for something HUGE to happen.

Yet energies did in fact shift in big ways in and around the 2012 dates many were talking about. But they also shifted in ways prior to that, and after that as well.

This shift is a process and one that will continue to unfold over time little by little. 

Yes many of us are wearing a bit thin as this intensifies, but this simply means we have work to do and it might be harsh to accept but if I’ve witnessed a prominent practice in the overall spiritual movement it’s not practicing what we preach. “I know that information already!” But are you doing it?

Continuing on here, yes, bigger events will continue to take place and mass ‘traumas’ will be experienced as we are challenged with big time change, but we won’t bite off more than we can chew. (I say traumas to describe what will feel like very tough times for many people as we realize, en masse, things like the existence of a cabal, how we’ve been systematically manipulated our entire lives, our spiritual connection hindered on purpose etc. This will be tough until we work through it all. Hence traumatic feelings.)

Humanity often feels like we are victim to things we experience. Energies, beings, events happening, other people etc, but we choose and agree to things and take them on as we are ready for them.

Related: How Science Arrived At The Doorstep Of Spirituality

This doesn’t mean that being ready for it won’t cause some pain, the idea isn’t avoiding pain. With pain we often get growth. Suffering comes when we choose to ignore the growth that can be presented to us through pain.

I know that idea doesn’t sit well with some of us but ask the question, where does sitting with pain and holding onto it forever lead us? Even from a logical perspective, the answer is to work past it and grow from it, as lingering only creates more suffering.

It has been 10 years since I founded Collective Evolution and began working in the consciousness space. During that time I have created a conscious media and education company (CE), 4 films in the consciousness space and have met many spiritual teachers from around the world for interviews, as friends and so forth.

I also have diligently practiced exploring consciousness through sober means, developing my intuition and so forth. In my courses I spread the message of authentic change from within that is built around truly shifting your consciousness so your connection to self and your way of being is automatic, not built on acting from belief systems.

From this space I share simply that the overwhelming feeling points to the fact that humanity is on a journey, one that may be slow at times, but challenges US to be the ones that take action.

We must take action from within to shift ourselves; it’s through that space within ourselves that we begin to take action to shift our external world.

Related: David Wilcock: The Ascension Mysteries

Much like we see when we do EVERYTHING for someone and never challenge them to do their own work and suddenly they don’t quite learn and aren’t empowered in their own way, we are on that journey with the shift we face personally as well.

Although it’s tempting to view a single event as something that will come in and do the bulk of the work for us, this isn’t going to happen simply because it doesn’t serve us. This is a gradual process.

We’re here to do the work within ourselves.

Yes, energies will come in and assist with that process as the sun and central sun act as a purveyors of evolution, but it’s also up to us. Beings are already watching and assisting closely in slowing down many of the energies coming in due to the fact that they are a bit too intense for our consciousness at the moment.

This is primarily because many of us aren’t actually practicing what we are learning. We read books, learn about things and then go on living in the same old ways. We don’t shift our diets, we don’t practice meditation or presence, we don’t disempower the ego and we don’t live from our hearts, even though we know this will lead us to a thriving world.

Partly this happens because our current world is intense. There is a lot of work being done to keep us stuck, keep us distracted and so forth. But this is simply presented as an added challenge, to help build our strength within ourselves. We CAN DO IT, otherwise we wouldn’t have bit off this much. Remember that.

Related: Meditation Changes The “Structure & Function of the Brain” In A Positive Way

Don’t Wait, It’s Now

More than waiting or focusing on a single event, look at what we have right here, right now – in our world and within ourselves. This is truly all we have to focus on, and as you have intuitive feelings towards other things, follow them.

But remember to not get fixated on events, dates and promises that claim to come in and take care of everything for us. NOW is most important.

Our financial systems, political systems, technologies and so forth will shift and evolve as we do... it’s not one before the other. 

Remember quantum physics? We determine our external reality based on how our consciousness projects our world. How do we project a thriving world if we don’t do the internal work first to shift our consciousness? Our outside world simply reflects us. For it to shift, we must do so first.

Are you doing what you love in your life and living from a space where you follow your hearts desires? Are you practicing the observation of the ego and continually shifting from egoic consciousness to heart based living?

Related: NWO Control System Vs. The Awakening - Which Will Win?

Are you practicing meditation to reduce over-thinking and more presence? Are you treating others in a way you would want to be treated.. as much as you can, not just sometimes?

Are you choosing to empathize and understand where people are at and why vs judging them and calling them names?

All of these things are ways to move towards living in the heart. It’s about going from the mind, to the heart.

Some Key Reflections

When it comes to beings / aliens, remember that in many ways they are just souls having an experience and they may or may not have had experiences as humans. Their advice sometimes may be missing some key details on what it means to be human.

Beings are not ‘above us’. Aliens are not ‘above us.’ We don’t need to bring the mentality in that humans are some primitive culture, as this brings about judgement most of the time. We are all just having experiences, and in many ways we teach things to these other beings just as they teach us.

What can you do right now to practice living in your heart and make that a daily state of being?

Getting or hearing information from outside of yourself is great, and it’s part of how we use one another to learn. Are you checking within yourself about whether or not things are true? How does it feel for you when you know it’s true?

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1080 Was Added To Water Supplies By Germany In WW2 As A Chemical Weapon Says A US Manufacturer – But The New Zealand Authorities Are Dropping It Aerially Into Our Waterways
February 12 2021 | From: EnviroWatchRangitikei / Various

This statement is made within correspondence in 1994 by an Eltham resident (NZ) to a US manufacturer of 1080 (details supplied in the document at the end of the article).

The person was trying to ascertain the level of risk to environment and health regarding an imminent drop of 1080 poison into a Taranaki National Park.

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It is interesting to note that the replies to all the risks the person raises in their questions are risks that are now deemed quite safe & have become normalized (to the authorities at least that is – many people are now very concerned, witness the recent hikoi & continual NZ wide protests going on).

Here are the questions and answers enlarged for reading:

Related: Post 1080-drop water monitoring: a former Greens MP (Steffan Browning) says there is gross misrepresentation around the official figures presented by DoC

Nowadays we are told that 1080 targets pests and we are given the impression that little if any other form of wildlife is affected. In fact nothing could be further from the truth. 

A person told me recently in the Manawatu that she was told no birds would die in the bush nearby when it was 1080'ed however to her surprise she found a dead bird after the area was treated. 

Related: Banned In Most Countries And Classified By The WHO As ‘Highly Hazardous’: 1080 Is A Broad-Spectrum Poison That Kills All Oxygen-Breathing Animals And Organisms – Dr Meriel Watts

Of course we now know that this is a common occurrence by the testimony of many people who find multiple dead birds after drops, photograph them & post them online.

And of course we have the various documentations that we’ve published here of multiple finds, with latterly the estimate by a Landcare scientist of 10,000 birds in a South Island drop.

Just search ‘birds, 1080’ in our search box to find more.

Related: 1080 not answer to saving NZ birds

Again we have multiple examples of people finding themselves in drop zones without realizing it, some bombarded with pellets.

We also have examples of families with children finding baits on the walking tracks.

According to the above they are at substantial risk but DoC doesn’t seem to think so.

They tell us “1080 presents little risk to humans or the environment”.

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We are regularly told that 1080 breaks down to harmlessness in water. A scientist told me the other day it is so diluted it isn’t a problem, repeating the cup of tea mantra we hear so regularly. 

We also learned recently it was added to water to poison ships rats and we heard from the former Greens co-leader that there are question marks over the official testing on 1080 concentrations in water.

Related: Response to the Department of Conservation’s reply to “Aerial 1080 poisoning in New Zealand: reasons for concern”

This is very enlightening. No wonder the data sheets tell us not to allow it into waterways.

However NZ it seems makes up their own rules on that one. No research to prove their point, they just tweaked the rules

Here is a link to the information regarding the development of 1080 by Germany for use as a chemical weapon in water supplies.

Related: 1080 propaganda exposed by activists Alan Gurden & Emille Leaf With Vinny Eastwood

Not approved in the US! “Very very restricted & controlled areas” only. And here it is chucked around like a veritable lolly scramble.

The baits aren’t picked up off public walkways and neither are the poisoned animals collected & disposed off,  frequently left to rot in the water where eels and other meat eaters can feed off them (Watch Poisoning Paradise on that one).

Related: The Startling Truth: “No known epidemiological studies for potential adverse health effects of 1080 on humans” … and yet DOC continues to drop it into our waterways

Remember the Hunua Ranges drop recently? A Court injunction to stop that one failed & during the proceedings DoC lawyers asked (and were granted) that the opposing lawyers not be allowed to question the DoC scientist.

Now doesn’t that say something? Let’s not forget Bill Benfield’s revelation either that a drop in the Hunuas in the ’90s left the water filters packed with 1080 pellets. Good one DoC. And none of the public ever got to hear about it.

Related: Shocking Revelations on 1080 From a Fromer Horizons Employee

Previously I’ve noted the frequent discovery of pellets on tracks, drops going on around tourists, pellets dumped near people fishing, on it goes. The veritable lolly scramble again.

Related: Introduction to the Index to the Environmental Risk Management Authority’s 1080 Documents

Water and wildlife contamination. Something we are repeatedly told does not happen.

The manufacturer’s data sheet warns users not to drop into waterways. NZ has tweaked the rules of course so they can.

You may need to make your own decisions on all of that and make your own plans for non-contamination if necessary.

It does not look like anybody else is going to.

Here are the whole pages of the documents with addresses & contact details:

Related: 1080: A Senior Man Is Assaulted By DoC Employees In A Public Car Park

Related: Forest and Bird’s 1080 Flip-Flop

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Coronavirus Traced To The British Crown & World-Famous Celebrity Makes Shocking Statement About The Flu
February 11 2021 | From: Americans4Innovation / NoMoreFakeNews / Various

The Pirbright Institute (UK) has been awarded 11 U.S. Patents, including Coronavirus U.S. Pat. No. 10,130,701.

The Pirbright Institute is controlled by the Queen's Golden Share along with SERCO and QinetiQ (pron. kinetic).

Related: Writer of the Biological Weapons Anti-Terrorism Act Shares His Thoughts On The Coronavirus

Pirbright's controllers track back to SERCO, QinetiQ & Sir Geoffrey E. Pattie, Chairman Marconi and the British Intellectual Property Institute

Outrageously, British SERCO - today runs the U.S. Patent Office (proof below), U.S. FEMA Region 04, and Zone 02, websites for U.S. Obamacare, OPM, GSA and U.S. Navy SPAWAR, Virginia, New York, 63 U.S. city air traffic controllers, and more.

SERCO used its control of the U.S. Patent Office to issue its British bio company a patent on the Coronavirus in record time - that's pure fraud.

Related: The Pirbright Institute: Major Stakeholders (Including the Bill and melinda Gates Foundation.)

Reader Notice: New evidence is flooding in on Coronavirus and The Pirbright Institute. Therefore, rather than wait until all the evidence links are processed, we decided to go ahead and publish. Return several times over the next days to pick up the new evidence.

The Coronavirus outbreak was just declared a health emergency by the World Health Organization (WHO).

Tellingly, WHO is one of the Coronavirus creators, as we will show below

Related: Dr. Francis Boyle Creator Of BioWeapons Act Says Coronavirus Is Biological Warfare Weapon

The Coronavirus was invented by The Pirbright Institute at posh, well-appointed laboratories located in Woking, Surrey, England just outside London’s M25 outer belt.

Related: Prince Philip - 'Deadly Virus' Wannabe! - Attacks Big Families

The Pirbright Institute is a British charity (Co. No. 00559784) that has a charter from the Queen. It is controlled by the UK Government’s Biotechnology and Biological Research Council (BBSRC). In turn, UK Research and Innovation oversees BBSRC.

Sir Geoffrey E. Pattie, Pilgrims Society, Keeper of the Monarch's Golden Shares, founder of SERCO

BBSRC was created in 1994 by taking over the biological science activities of the Science and Engineering Research Council (SERC).

In 1986, SERCO was defunded by Sir Geoffrey E. Pattie, the Minister of State for Industry and Information.

He simultaneously incorporated a commercial SERCO and merged RCA into it.

Later he took control of Marconi, then merged it into GEC.

See AFI. (Apr. 20, 2018). The shadow government uses SES, Serco and OPIC as portals into horrific corruption. Americans for Innovation.

See also AFI. (Jan. 11, 2018). Meet The Person Who Can Remotely Crash Planes And Can Read Your Mind. Americans for Innovation.

On Jun. 22, 1994, Pattie became the chairman of the British Intellectual Property Law Institute with founding members that included well known American corruptocrats, including GEC, Glaxo Holdings (formerly Wellcome, Pirbright funder), Thorn EMI, Unilever, Wellcome Foundation (Pirbright funder), Wellcome Research (Pirbright funder), Zeneca Group (Dame Bridget Margaret Ogilvie is a Wellcome Trust director), Amersham, Dyson, McDermott, Microsoft (Bill Gates, Pirbright funder), Wilmer Cutler Pickering Hale LLP (Robert Mueller’s witch hunt firm)...
...Finnegan Henderson, Morrison & Forester, BAT, IBM (thief of Leader Technologies’ social networking inventions). See AFI. (Nov. 22, 2017). The Weaponization of Social Media Should Concern Us All.

Viscount Alfred Milner, Co-founder, Pilgrims Society (Jul. 16, 1902)

Related: The Geopolitics Of Biological Weapons, Part 1: A Useful And Timely Factual Overview

Our research has tracked the Burroughs Wellcome & Co. involvement with bogus vaccines back to their experiments on 60,000 whites and black in British concentration camps during the Second Boer War that was promoted by the disciples of Cecil Rhodes like Viscount Alfred Milner, Winston Churchill and John Buchan, among others - all founders of the Pilgrims Society in London (1902), then New York (1903).

See AFI. (Oct. 24, 2019). The 200-year Information War: The UK-U.S. Pilgrims Society controls the Press that directs intelligence (spy-lies) to bend words and culture to atheistic social fascism. Americans for Innovation.

Related: Serco: The Biggest Company You’ve Never Heard Of

On Jul. 20, 2005, Sir Geoffrey E. Pattie formed Strategic Communications Laboratory PR firm - the parent of Cambridge Analytica and a key antagonist in the Trump-Russia hoaxes.

See AFI. (Jun 03, 2018). Spy-gate is directed by the Crown's courtiers in the UK, not by Russia.

George W. Bush, Pilgrims Society; progenitor of The Patriot Act where basic rights in the Bill of Rights were suspended following the Pilgrims Society fears conjured up and stoked by the MSM Pilgrim propaganda after their 9/11 false flag attack. Numerous whistleblowers have confirmed that Bush, Cheney, Rumsfeld etc. knew the attack was coming... because they ordered the C.I.A. to organize it for their Pilgrims Society brethren in Britain and the U.S.

Related: A Nazi In The (Pocket) Is Worth Four In The Bush (Family)

On May 17, 2006, the George W. Bush (Pilgrims Society member) U.S. Patent Office awarded the processing of all patents to SERCO - a company controlled by the British Crown. Those contracts have been renewed and are presently in operation. See 2015 SERCO press release.

See Press release. (Mar. 19, 2013). Serco Processes 2 Millionth Patent Application for U.S. Patent and Trademark Office. SERCO.

See also Press release. (Nov. 15, 2018). Serco Processes 4 Millionth Patent Application for U.S. Patent and Trademark Office. SERCO.

On Dec. 28, 2006, Pattie formed Terrington Management LLP and immediately acquired clients including BEA, Lockheed, AWE and SERCO. Lockheed and SERCO control Atomic Weapons Establishment (AWE) which is controlled by the Queen’s Golden Share.

Rupert C. Soames, Pilgrims Society; CEO of SERCO, human trafficking client of Jeffrey E. Epstein's "Lolita Express" junket jet to "Pedophile Island" in the Caribbean

Related: Buried Secrets of Biowarfare

On Feb. 28, 2014, Rupert Soames, OBE, became CEO of SERCO. His brother is Sir Nicholas Soames who is also a confidente of Prince Charles .

On Jan. 06, 2015, SERCO's CEO Rupert Soames' name was discovered in human traffiking pedophile Jeffrey Epstein's "Little Black Book."

As of May 04, 2018, SERCO had received $5.52 billion in 15,699 U.S. Government contracts (23.3 MB *.csv GSA contract data) 5,000 of those contracts were PRIME CONTRACTS (7.2 MB *.csv).

This does not include contracts with various U.S. states like New York and Virginia. (These spreadsheets will download immediately in *.csv format into your designated Downloads folder. Check for them there.)

Jeffrey E. Epstein, Pilgrims Society blackmailer for MI6, C.I.A. and Mossad; human traffiking procuror for the Pilgrims Society

Related: Bill Clinton Poses With Epstein’s ‘Pimp’ Ghislaine Maxwell And A Sex Slave On Board Private Jet The ‘Lolita Express’

Note: The first May 17, 2006 U.S. Patent Office contract with SERCO is missing (all numbers were removed) from the federal contract databases. Researchers were told access requires a FOIA request to get it.

Tellingly, SERCO, Inc. did not incorporate in the U.S. until Dec. 29, 2008 - during President-elect Barack Obama's transition, just after Pilgrims Society member Larry Summers took charge of the National Economic Council - during the 2008 banking "crisis."

Clearly, SERCO had no corporate standing to start managing the U.S. Patent Office in 2006, hence the records have been obscured, no doubt using some "national security" BS excuse.

These Pilgrims Society criminals have now brought us their patented Coronavirus.

Related: Wuhan Coronavirus Pandemic Bioengineered: Who’s Behind It, Why Now And Why China?


SERCO, a Crown-controlled UK company, runs the U.S. Patent Office. Stay tuned.

More on SERCO's sister Crown-controlled company QinetiQ (pron, kinetic) coming. Hint: former C.I.A. director George Tenet was a Crown QinetiQ director soon after leaving the C.I.A. and while still retaining his Top Secret clearances.

George J. Tenet, former C.I.A. director became a Crown director in QinetiQ Group Plc on Oct. 24, 2006 soon after leaving his post at the C.I.A.- - while retaining his Top Secret U.S. security clearance. He was mentioned 13 times in the QinetiQ 2007 Annual Report. QinetiQ shares Ministry of Defense satellite communications property adjacent to The Pirbright Institute in Surrey, UK. Normal corrupt business? Traitor? Seditionist? All the above?

Related: Anna von Reitz: Oxygen Therapy Kills both Coronavirus and 5G Satellite Microwave Radiation Sickness UPDATE: Experts on Weaponized Spectrum

SERC-O formed The Pirbright Institute that submitted their Coronavirus invention to the U.S. Patent, having received funding for this work from Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation (Microsoft), Wellcome Trust (fake sold to GlaxoSmithKline), the European Commission (EU), World Health Organization (WHO), Defra, DARPA.

In just 17 months, the SERCO-managed patent examiner Bao Q. Li issued the Coronavirus U.S. Pat. No. 10,130,701 to Pirbright with almost no objections (that means it was probably a rubber stamp). This process normally takes three or more years.

Neither Pirbright nor the U.S. Patent Office disclosed their conflicts of interest in the issuance of this Coronavirus patent.

Related: Five Thousand Inventions In Limbo And Under “Secrecy Orders” At The US Patent Office

On the British side, everything about this Coronavirus tracks back to the Crown, the eugenics-loving Pilgrims Society, Crown Agents and her corrupt Privy Council courtiers (British Pilgrims Society suck ups).

On the American side it illustrates the seditious nature of activity at the U.S. Patent Office, the Senior Executive Service (SES), Crown Agents, OPIC, USAID, a corrupt DoJ, Chief Justice John Roberts, FBI, C.I.A. and NSA (American Pilgrims Society suck ups).

The Coronavirus is not Chinese in origin. It is a man-made British-US Pilgrims Society bioweapon invented by Wellcome Fund, Wellcome Trust, Bill Gates, DARPA, UN, WHO and EU, among others, in Pirbright, Woking, Surrey UK by The Pirbright Institute holds U.S. Patent No. 10,130,701. This proof comes from their own hand

Related: Five Historical Vaccine Scandals Suppressed By The Establishment & FDA Admits Vaccines Contaminated With Serious Viruses Including Cancer + Measles Vaccination Is Not Protecting Against Measles

Spread the truth to eradicate this British-American Pilgrims Society weaponized Coronavirus.

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World-Famous Celebrity Makes Shocking Statement About The Flu

After a prominent celebrity went public with the following statement on national television, I tried to contact him for a follow-up.

No luck so far. He does seem to urge people to take the flu shot, but his other remarks are potentially explosive, if you fill in a few blanks and glean the implications.

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Here is his statement:

"I want you to understand something that shocked me when I saw it.

I spoke with Dr. Fauci on this and I was really amazed, and I think most people are amazed to hear it.

The [ordinary] flu in our country kills from 25,000 people to 69,000 people a year. That was shocking to me.

So far, if you look at what we [in the US] have with the 15 people [diagnosed with the coronavirus] and they’re recovering, one is pretty sick, but hopefully we’ll [he’ll] recover.

But the others are in great shape. But think of that. 25,000 to 69,000 [ordinary flu deaths annually]. Over the last 10 years, we’ve lost 360,000.

These are people that have died from the flu, from what we call the flu…”

He seems to be pointing a big fat accusatory finger at US public health agencies, like the CDC, as he says, Look, all these deaths from ordinary flu every single year, like clockwork, and you don’t declare THAT an epidemic or an emergency, so why are you issuing stern warnings when 15 people in the US have been diagnosed with the coronavirus.

Imagine the reaction if we had 35,000 deaths year after year from the coronavirus in the US; you would go nuts; what’s wrong with you people?

You can see why I wanted to follow up with him. All sorts of issues to explore and discuss.

Of course, as I’ve shown in these pages many times, he’s dead wrong about how many people can be confirmed as annual flu deaths in the US. That number is really miniscule.

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Nevertheless, his point stands: if national public health agencies CLAIM that 35,000 people a year die of ordinary flu, why don’t they call that an epidemic? And why do they call 15 “coronavirus cases” in the US an emergency?

I wanted to sort all this out with him, but it looks like I won’t be able to.

His name is Donald Trump, and he made his comments Wednesday night during his address to the nation.

The press made very little mention of this, except to disparage him for daring to compare ordinary pedestrian flu to the white-hot coronavirus situation. What is ordinary about the claim that 360,000 Americans per decade die of the flu?

That’s a puzzle, isn’t it? I just called my doctor. He told me to take two Thorazine, go to bed, and think about it again in the morning.

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Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi

Trump Jr.: ‘Here’s What Comes Next For Our Amazing Movement’
February 10 2021 | From: TheEpochTimes / Various

Donald Trump Jr.., the son of former President Donald Trump, said that efforts from the former president and his team to advance the interests of the United States are continuing.

He characterized such efforts as “a movement of the people … against the elite.”

Mike Lindell's Absolute Proof

In a video on Trump Jr.’s social media accounts, headlined “here’s what comes next for our amazing movement,” he told supporters, “Just want to make sure everyone knows, guys, we are not done yet.”

Trump Jr. then shared a recent video clip that showed his father walking off the golf course while saying,We haven’t finished yet.”

“He’s actually accurate,” Trump Jr. said of his father’s remarks.

“The reality is this movement isn’t over. All of the blood, sweat, and tears that you guys have all put into this thing is very much still alive and well."

"You see that. I mean, this is really a movement of the people, a movement against the establishment, a movement against the elite.”

He continued: “A lot of those things have been brewing for quite some time. And that’s why for me I’m still standing engaged and we’re going to get in there and fight to elect people who really represent the people - people like you who have gone through so much.”

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"Trump Jr. said that the former president is still “going to be in that fight.”

“I know he’s still going to keep going. I know we’re up against a lot, we always have been,” Trump Jr. said, later adding that his father is “going to be in there making sure that we have people who truly represent what America is all about.”

The former president’s son moved on to speak about how fact checkers on social media appear to be biased against conservatives while lenient toward “the other side.”

Drawing from his personal experience, he said that his content is fact checked “even if there’s even a little bit” of irregularity.

“When I look at things that I put up on my social media that are totally objective or that are satire, one or the other, that [social media content] gets fact checked so that they can use that to knock my platform, to prevent me from getting any kind of reach,” he said.

“I see that stuff on a daily basis, I don’t see that on the other side. I don’t see Joe Biden getting fact checked when he said he’s not going to ban fracking, when he bans fracking.”

He added, “If there’s even a little bit of ambiguity they get the benefit of the doubt, whereas if there’s even a little bit, a modicum, something like I said, subjective, who’s to know what the fact checker’s thinking, but certainly I know what I’m thinking and I can come up with a parameter that makes everything correct but the fact checkers can say that it falls outside of those lines.

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“Joe Biden, not one tweet - as many incorrect ones that they’ve put out - has been fact checked. It’s truly sick,” Trump Jr. expressed.

He alleged that the Biden administration appeared to have a “China first, America last policy,” accusing the new administration of “crushing jobs” amid the CCP (Chinese Communist Party) virus pandemic.

“The nonsense never seems to end, but neither will our fight, neither will our resolve, neither will our will to go on. We’re going to keep pushing for the American people and make sure our kids grow up in a country that we all recognize and love,” he said.

Trump recently opened an “Office of the Former President” that seeks to advance the interests of the United States and carry on the agenda of his administration.

Jason Miller, a campaign adviser, said in January that Trump would be involved in the 2022 midterms with the immediate focus being to help Republicans win back both chambers of Congress.

When Trump left Washington for Florida on Jan. 20, he told supporters that he and his team would “be back in some form.”

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“We love you. We will be back in some form,” he said at the time.

“I will always fight for you. I will always be watching. I will be listening."

Trump on Friday appeared to have made his first social media post since leaving the White House.

The post showed a letter from Trump’s lawyers to Rep. Jamie Raskin (D-Md.), the House of Representatives’ lead impeachment manager, saying that they reject attempts to have Trump testify in his upcoming impeachment trial

House Democrats impeached Trump on a single charge that alleges that he incited a mob that breached the Capitol on Jan. 6. The Democrats were joined by 10 Republicans.

This is the first time in U.S. history that a president has been impeached twice. It is also the first time a former president faces an impeachment trial after leaving office.

In a trial memorandum, Trump attorneys denied the allegations and challenged the constitutionality of trying Trump after he had left office.

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Why So Many Of Us Feel Lonely These Days
February 29 2020 | From: The UnboundedSpirit

We are living in the most connected period in human history, yet there has never been a time before when people felt as isolated as we do.

Although we have easy access to communication technology that allows us to instantly communicate with people from across the world, hundreds of millions of us feel disconnected from the rest of humanity.

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And this is not just me saying that - there have been plenty of studies to confirm it.

In the United Kingdom, for example, 60% of 18-34-year olds report that they often feel lonely. And in the United States, 46% of the entire population say they’re lonely on a regular basis.

Loneliness, as you might know, sucks. To live in a world where you don’t have anyone to genuinely connect with can be soul-crashing.

It can make you feel insecure, anxious, unimportant and undeserving of love and respect. In other words, loneliness feels like being thrown heavy blows in the psyche.

And since the psyche and the body are not separate but intrinsically connected, what is hurting as psychologically is also hurting us physically.

Research has shown again and again the detrimental effects of chronic loneliness on our health. For example, one study found that suffering from chronic loneliness can be twice as deadly as obesity and as dangerous as smoking a pack of cigarettes a day.

Related: Loneliness – The Dilemma Of The Awakening Mind

Another study found that lonely people were three times more likely to catch the common cold than people who had plenty of healthy relationships.

And yet another study found that isolated people were two to three times more likely to die during a nine-year period of time than highly connected people.

One of the main reasons why loneliness is so harmful is that it tends to go hand-in-hand with high levels of stress, which has been shown to significantly weaken our immune system, and thus to accelerate aging as well as cancer, heart disease, Alzheimer’s, and all sorts of other diseases.

Loneliness, therefore, is a very serious health issue.

Yet we rarely hear or talk about it, which itself is a crystal clear sign of social disconnection - a reflection of our modern, globalized world, wherein loneliness has become an epidemic in recent years.

Day by day, more and more people feel lonely, starting from a very early age. So what could explain that? What changed over the last few decades that lead to this sense of isolation that so many of us experience?

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I can mention a lot of things here, but I think that at the root of our loneliness lies the cultural belief that we don’t depend on each other.

This belief is mainly the result of our modern-day socioeconomic system, which is driven by profit and is largely based on the conversion of relationships into paid services.

In this system, most of us are conditioned to think that we can purchase everything we need, without having to form relationships or ties to other people.

Do you want to eat a delicious meal? Pay your local restaurant and it will be prepared for you.

Do you feel the urge to have sex? Pay a prostitute (if the law allows it) and an attractive person will sleep with you. Do you want someone to take care of your kids while you’re busy? Pay a nanny and she’ll help you out.

All that we desire is within our reach, we believe, provided that we possess the necessary funds to pay for it.

Therefore, as long as we work enough and earn enough, we’ll be able to satisfy our wants. In other words, we’ll be “independent” - a word that implies personal success in our culture.

Related: Science Explains Why Highly Intelligent People Prefer To Be Alone

Other cultures, however, considered this kind of independence as a sign of failure.

In earlier times, people used to feel dependent on one another. They saw themselves as part of a wider community which they served and was serving them.

If, let’s say, someone wanted to move a heavy object out of her house, she’d not hesitate to ask her neighbors for a helping hand (instead of paying some company), and the neighbors were pleased to come over and help.

Or, if someone wanted to have fun and play, he’d likely meet with his friends and sing, dance, play sports or maybe create something together (instead of paying for entertainment).

Being embedded in their communities, people felt much safer and happier. Not only did they have the support of their neighbors when in need, but they also formed intimate relationships with them.

Nowadays, we think that we don’t really need anyone. We pay strangers - who can be easily replaced by other strangers - for pretty much anything we need.

Not surprisingly, the sense of community has almost completely disappeared. Each one of us feels like a tiny island in a vast ocean, separated from each other by the wild currents of a cold and indifferent existence.

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And the emotional cost of this sense of separation is affecting everyone - some of us more, others less - but we all experience a certain degree of alienation, and the resulting feelings of fear, insecurity and anxiety.

Our loneliness is further intensified by the fact that in our society people are constantly competing with one another in order to maximize their personal financial gain.

That’s because we’re living in a scarcity-based economic system where money isn’t enough to go around. In this system, more for one person means less for another.

Hence, nearly everyone is trying to outdo others, something we’ve been conditioned to do since the age of five or so - that is, when we were first sent to school, where we were trying to perform better than our classmates in order to please our parents and teachers.

Is it any wonder, then, that so many of us feel lonely? When we feel that our success is threatened by the success of others, how can we trust other people?

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When we’re hurt again and again by others since our very early childhood, how can we dare to open up our hearts, embrace others and offer them a place in our lives?

It feels nearly impossible. Rather, we prefer to insulate ourselves from the world to find protection from it.

But the problem is, the more we seek security away from others, the more we lose it, because true security can only come from a sense of communal belonging.

Whether we like to admit it or not, we are all, in a sense, dependent on each other - and there’s nothing wrong with that.

Just like we depend on the sun, the sea and the air, we also depend on other people.

We are social beings with an inherent need to connect with others. And, contrary to what many of us think, money can only buy us short-lasting substitutes of what we’re actually looking for.

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Yes, we can pay someone to prepare for us a good meal, but would that be the same as a meal prepared by someone who sincerely cares for us?

Yes, we can pay a band to play music for us, but would that be the same as a beloved one serenading us? And yes, we can pay a stranger to sleep with us, but would that be the same as having sexual intercourse with someone who knows us inside and out?

I’m sure that everyone deep down knows the answer to those questions: Money can’t buy us connection.

But our belief that we don’t need each other has made us stray away from what’s truly important to us.

Once we realize that as truth, we’ll start reaching out to other people and begin working together on creating new social systems that will help us build bridges between our hearts, instead of walls all around them.

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Critical Thinking Has Never Been More Important
February 8 2021 | From: LibertyBlitzkrieg / Various

There are several reasons I spend so much time discussing and analyzing the current state of affairs.

The primary motivation, aside from a drive to share personal opinions and spread awareness, is to encourage people to think critically.

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I don’t want readers to agree with everything I say, I want people to become inspired to think for themselves.

The ruling class doesn’t want you to think, they want you to simply accept the nonsensical stories they tell you.

By contrast, I don’t want readers to blindly accept any of my conclusions, rather, I want my work be a case study on how to deploy independent logic and insight to a variety of topics and situations.

While I haven’t discussed the 2020 presidential campaign much here, I comment on it quite a bit over at Twitter, and people often ask why I discuss the circus at all.

The reason isn’t because I expect a politician to come save us and make everything right again, but because the establishment response to populist-type candidates is so instructive.

Related: Propaganda, Human Consciousness, And The Future Of Civilization

Although Trump hasn’t [visibly] done much of anything to address our nation’s core fundamental problems; such as a two-tier justice system, central bank power, financial feudalism, aggressive militarism/empire, rogue intelligence agencies, civil liberties abuses and tech giant censorship, his unexpected victory over chosen one Hillary Clinton nevertheless exposed many individuals and institutions for the frauds they are.

Bernie Sanders’ run is doing the same thing.

You don’t have to like the specific policies of Trump or Sanders to appreciate how any candidate with even a hint of grassroots populism puts the “elites” into panic mode.

Related: What They Want You To Fear Versus The Real Threats We Face

It’s important to understand the ruling class doesn’t actually fear Trump or Sanders individually - any one person can be dealt with.

What they really fear is you.

They fear people flocking to unapproved candidates and then talking about things the establishment doesn’t want them talking about.

This is the main reason the whole Russiagate fantasy was unrolled against Trump and pushed hysterically by mass media.

By ensuring “the resistance” to Trump revolved around some invented intelligence agency narrative, the power structure was able to prevent large numbers of people from talking about anything real or significant for four years straight.

Although it didn’t remove Trump from office, it successfully reduced hitherto thoughtful people into emotionally broken mental midgets.

Related: The Three Trigger Terms Being Used To Stop Critical Thinking

This is the reason the exact same tactic was just unrolled against Bernie Sanders, with Jeff Bezos’ Washington Post reporting the day before the Nevada caucuses that Russia is also supposedly helping Sanders.

It’s ridiculous, but you have to understand the strategy here. If Sanders can’t be prevented from winning the nomination, the establishment needs a plan B, and that plan appears to be Russiagate all over again. These people aren’t very creative.

When it became clear Trump couldn’t be stopped he was smeared with being a tool of the Russians, and the same seeds are being planted around the Sanders campaign.

It doesn’t matter how preposterous it is, the primary goal is to ensure nobody ever talks about anything important.

Absent Russia hysteria, a Sanders vs. Trump matchup would quickly become a battle of who’s more populist, and issues that make so-called elites very uncomfortable would become widely discussed. 

The ruling class doesn’t want the public talking about such things so they need to turn the election into a complete circus if Sanders can’t be blocked.

Instead of talking about economic insecurity, healthcare, the cost of college and wars for empire, the goal is to make Sanders and Trump spend the entire campaign season arguing about who hates Russia more.

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The important takeaway here is how completely terrified and decrepit the ruling class of this country really is. They have no argument or philosophy about anything important.

As such, their only tactic is to overwhelm the public with nonsense and invented narratives in order to divide, befuddle and control the masses while keeping the imperial oligarchy running exactly as it has for decades.

Once you see the game, it’s impossible to unsee it, but the good news is we all possess within ourselves the power they fear most. The power to think for ourselves and to reject ridiculous lies.

This is why we need to place relentless pressure on these people and never let up. When they feel pressure, they get scared.

When they get scared, they become desperate. When they become desperate, they make mistakes. After enough mistakes, we win.

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“What Is The Great Reset?”: A Blatant Propaganda Video By The World Economic Forum
February 7 2021 | From: VigilantCitizen / X22Report / Various

The World Economic Forum recently posted a video promoting the Great Reset while addressing the conspiracy theories surrounding it.

The result: A bizarre Orwellian video that announces the death of capitalism as we know it.

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The video “What is the Great Reset?” is a bizarre piece of PR / propaganda.

At face value, it appears to say “don’t worry about the Great Reset, we love you all very much”. However, through coercive words and powerful symbols, the message most people get is “we’re doing this… whether you like it or not”.

Through its condescending tone and obnoxious, over-simplistic phrasing, the video is basically about the elite talking down to the peasants, especially those who dare question its plans.

And, if the goal of this video was to quell concerns about the Great Reset, it failed miserably. Proof: About 99.9% of the comments on YouTube are extremely negative. Here are some examples.

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Here’s the video:

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This video is important and worth analyzing for several reasons. First, it was produced by the World Economic Forum (WEF) itself.

As stated in several past articles, the WEF is one of those non-democratic elite organizations that set social and economic policies on a global level. In other words, if the WEF releases a video about something, it has the power to actually make it happen. In fact, it is probably already happening.

Second, this is not one of those feel-good “let’s fight the pandemic together” videos.

It actually announces the “death of capitalism as we know it” – in those very words. It announces drastic, historical, and structural changes on a global level. It announces a New World Order.

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This is the video description on YouTube:

"The pandemic has radically changed the world as we know it, and the actions we take today, as we work to recover, will define our generation.

It’s why the World Economic Forum is calling for a new form of capitalism, one that puts people and planet first, as we come together to rebuild the world after COVID-19."

The first sentence of this description sets the overarching narrative: The pandemic destroyed the world and the elite is going to fix it.

However, that description contains one glaring omission: The pandemic itself did not “radically change the world” – it is the response to it that changed it. And this response was dictated by the very elite that is now lecturing us about a Great Reset.

Indeed, instead of tackling the pandemic with a balanced and targeted approach that’s focused on people who are actually at risk, the elite insisted on shutting down small and medium businesses for months, eliminating millions of jobs in the process.

Related: The Global Takeover Is Underway & A Skeptical Look At The ‘Great Reset’: A Technocratic Agenda That Waited Years For A Global Crisis To Exploit

Meanwhile, elite-owned mega-corporations were allowed to strive.

Then, after suffocating the masses for nearly a full year, the WEF says that the system is broken. But they broke it. And before they broke it, we were actually in the midst of the longest economic recovery on record. 

I am not saying that capitalism as we know is perfect. However, we are being presented a “solution” to a problem they’ve purposely created. In short: Order of out chaos. Here’s a look at this video.

In Your Face

Usually, PR efforts by elite organizations hide their true intentions with flowery words and meaningless sentences. But this thing is blatant.

Of course, it has to start with the elite’s complete obsession with seeing the entire world wearing masks. They’re particularly excited when children wear them.

At the beginning of the video, we see a bunch of people donning masks in a semi-ritualistic manner: A sign of submission to the elite

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Then, we hear UN Secretary-General, Antonio Guterres describing the pandemic as an “opportunity”.

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In a weird shot that includes a massive full-moon, Guterres talks about “hope” brought by vaccines.

He also adds: “there’s no vaccine for the planet, nature needs a bailout”.

In other words: If COVID hysteria ever goes away, it will immediately be replaced by global warming hysteria.

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Then, the video treats us with the image of a building crumbling down as the narrator says:

"With everything falling apart, we can reshape the world in ways we couldn’t before”.

That’s powerful, near-subliminal imagery.

Not unlike the building above, the world is actually being subjected to controlled demolition. And they’ve placed the dynamites themselves. Why?

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The narrator then says: “That’s why so many are calling for a Great Reset”.

Nobody (except for the elite) is calling for a Great Reset.

Everybody (except for the elite) is calling for the complete restoration of freedoms.

Then, in a bizarre twist, the narrator talks about how the Great Reset sounds like a conspiracy.

"Great Reset? That sounds more like buzzword bingo masking some nefarious plan for world domination”.

While these words are uttered, powerful symbols are displayed.

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While this image is meant to ridicule theories regarding the Great Reset, it actually depicts, with relative accuracy, what the Great Reset would achieve:

The hand of the elite pulling the strings of the global economy.

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Then, a fake newspaper with the headline: “Global Elite’s Plan For Your Future”.

Once again, while this headline is meant to address critics, it is also unconsciously assimilated by viewers to the first degree. The contents of this fake article are quite revealing:

The Great Reset is Well-Documented.

The Great Reset has been labeled a conspiracy theory and parts of it sounds like a conspiracy theory, but everything we know about it comes from the global elites themselves, who have been quite open about it.

“This is not a conspiracy theory, this is a well-documented movement among many of the world’s most powerful people,” says Justin Haskins, the editorial director at the Heartland Institute and a leading authority on the Great Reset, “fundamentally, this is a radical and complete transformation of everything that we do in our society,” Haskins adds, “it will change the way businesses are evaluated, it will coerce businesses to pursue left-wing causes.”

The Great Reset was unveiled at the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland, where many of the world’s most powerful people go to offer solutions to the world’s problems. They have said that the coronavirus pandemic as a historic opportunity to change the way the world operates.

COVID-19 pandemic as an “opportunity” to change everything.

A World Economic Forum video warns, “Right now we’re facing a crisis of international proportions. It’s going to have a long-term impact on us”.

And their solution is essentially global socialism. Think of the Green New Deal combined with the COVID-19 lockdown restrictions and throw in something called the Fourth Industrial Revolution, in which technology is supposed to radically change the way we live and work.

Haskins says: “The elites, the technocrats in society, the most educated people”, see the chance to “control and manipulate society, pull the levers in society so that it’s in their minds, perfect.”

As you can see, the contents of this newspaper are not gibberish.

It mentions Justin Haskins of Heartland Institute, a researcher from an actual think tank who has been warning about the massive scope of the Great Reset.

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Right after, the video replicates a classic scene from the movie They Live (read my article about it here). Through the lens of truth, the words “Great Reset” turn into “Obey!”

So the video acknowledges that the Great Reset sounds like a massive conspiracy to use COVID-19 to usher in global socialism. Then, instead of quelling these concerns, the video basically confirms them.

The narrator argues that the World Economic Forum is about “bringing people together”.

She says:

"Whether its politicians, CEOs, academics, activists or you, we’re all about getting people together.”

Were YOU invited to the WEF?

No, you weren’t. They don’t even want you to leave your house.

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To illustrate people “coming together”, the video shows us this collage of powerful people (and elite-owned pawns).

The image above immediately reminded me of the very symbolic Economist cover from 2015 featuring figures of the world elite:

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Then, citing the pandemic and global warming, the video gets rather extreme.

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The video says: “Capitalism as we know it is dead”. To make things perfectly clear for us peasants, they’ve literally depicted a tombstone that says Capitalism RIP 2020.

About 23 seconds prior, the video was “addressing” critics claiming that the Great Reset was about global socialism. Then it literally shows a tombstone with the words “Capitalism RIP”.

Once again, powerful imagery coming from a powerful place.

Then, the video introduces “stakeholder capitalism” – a system that would drastically change the way businesses and economies function.

"It’s for these reasons that the forum talks about something called stakeholder capitalism which would shift businesses away from just profit because, if we want to change where the focus of our recovery will go, then we need a new dashboard for the new economy. And that needs to encompass people, planet, prosperity, and institutions.”

While capitalism is based on a self-regulating system of offer and demand, the Great Reset looks to redefine the way businesses are evaluated through new parameters.

The main one: Compliance to the elite’s social and political agendas...

Hayley Wolf Marshall: COVID Questions to Government we all Should be Asking:

If I Get Vaccinated:

1. Can I stop wearing the mask?

- No

2. Can they reopen restaurants etc and everyone work normally?

- No

3. Will I be resistant to covid?

- Maybe, but we don't know exactly, it probably won't stop you getting it

4. At least I won't be contagious to others anymore?

- No you can still pass it on, possibly, nobody knows

5. If we vaccinate all children, will school resume normally?

- No

6. If I am vaccinated, can I stop social distancing?

- No

7. If I am vaccinated, can I stop disinfecting my hands?

- No

8. If I vaccinate myself and my grandfather, can we hug each other?

- No

9. Will cinemas, theatres and stadiums be reopened thanks to vaccines?

- No

10. Will the vaccinated be able to gather?

- No

11. What is the real benefit of vaccination?

- The virus won't kill you

12. Are you sure it won't kill me?

- No

13. If statistically the virus didn't kill me anyway ... Why would I get vaccinated?"

- To protect others

14. So if I get vaccinated, the others are 100% sure I'm not infecting them?

- No

Where Does This Leave Us Then?

So the shot / shots do not provide immunity

Does not eliminate the virus

Does not prevent death

Does not guarantee you won’t get it

Does not prevent you from getting it

Does not stop you passing it on

Does not eliminate the need for travel bans

Does not eliminate the need for business closures

Does not eliminate the need for lockdowns

Does not eliminate the need for masking

So... What the Hell is Actually Going on?

Highly Important:
Dr Andrew Wakefield: This Is Not A Vaccine It Is An Irreversible Genetic Modification

Shortly after, the narrator utters this enigmatic sentence:

"And that’s all about getting the right people in the right place at the right time”.

While the video doesn’t quite explain what this sentence actually means in real-life situations, its implications are rather chilling.

Instead of allowing successful individuals and businesses to grow organically, the elite’s system would interfere to “get the right people at the right place at the right time”, in accordance with its agenda.

In other words, the system would be rigged and compliance to a wider agenda would be mandatory in a new economy.

The video ends with a call to viewers to get involved. However, of course, you’re not actually invited to the WEF. What they really want you to do is to shut up, wear a mask and stay home.

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The Deep State / Mainstream Mediais now being brought down a path where they are going to be trapped, this is game theory.

The [DS] doesn’t know the plan, Trump and the patriots are controlling the optics, which means it seems nothing is happening until it happens all at once. The timetable has already been established, public opinion and the trap is now moving forward.

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In Conclusion

If one watches the various videos posted by the World Economic Forum on YouTube, a common thread is easily discernable.

1. Scare people with catastrophic disasters (this video focused on COVID and global warming).

2. Present a drastic solution that involves a non-democratic elite entity regulating the entire world.

To justify the Great Reset, the WEF mentions “economic disparities” caused by COVID-19. However, these disparities were caused by economy-killing policies dictated by the World Health Organization – another elite organization that is largely funded by China.

By forcing massive lockdowns, they knew exactly what would happen. They created chaos, and now they’re looking to restore order.

Despite all of the words being thrown around, the real issue at hand is freedom. A free market allows any citizen to create a business and make a living from it.

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And, as long as there’s a demand for it, the business can grow and everyone involved prospers. Free enterprise is a vector of freedom and allows those who succeed to live a comfortable life – no matter their social or political allegiances.

It is all about numbers.

The Great Reset is looking to break this vector of freedom by introducing social and political components to the free market.

If you do not comply, you do not succeed. Instead, they’ll put “the right person, at the right place, at the right time”.

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The Truth About MMS (Chlorine Dioxide) That They Don’t Want You To Know
February 6 2021 | From: JordanSather / Various

For the past several weeks the fake news media has been in an all out rampage against a chemical compound called chlorine dioxide (ClO2) and against me because I discuss the truth about it.

This media barrage was started by Will Sommer for the Daily Beast in an article called “QAnon’ers Magic Cure for Coronavirus: Just Drink Bleach!” and the newswires spread it internationally.

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Promoters of this narrative inaccurately refer to ClO2 as an “industrial bleach” and label me as a YouTube conspiracy theorist who “promotes drinking bleach to cure everything.”

Nope. Not. At. All.

That’s why we call them the fake news after all, right? And if you think the news is fake, imagine how fake their science is! Media attacks against this chemical compound and those who talk about it are nothing new.

This article will discuss what chlorine dioxide actually is, some of my personal experiences with it, and the misrepresentation that our media and Pharma owned medical “authorities” give us on the subject.

So, What is This Stuff? Is it Actually Bleach?

Let's start with basic semantics. By designating something that has the ability to decolorize and sanitize as a 'bleach' is confusing a process with a product.

A verb instead of a noun. For example, lemons can bleach, the sun bleaches, but we don’t necessary label those as 'bleach'.

And just like lemons and the sun, ClO2 can also decolorize and sanitize, and is used industrially to do so, but this doesn't make it harmful for humans in every capacity.

“Clorox bleach itself is sodium hypochlorite, which of course, is not chlorine dioxide, and has far different mechanisms of action.”

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Whenever a media or science talking head states that ClO2 is “essentially bleach,” either they didn’t pass high school chemistry or they’re knowingly misguiding you - trying to confuse people into thinking it’s the same as the commercial Clorox tucked away in our laundry cabinets.

Clorox bleach itself is sodium hypochlorite, which of course, is not chlorine dioxide, and has far different mechanisms of action. And what's funny is that Chlorine dioxide is a gas, so when the media says "drink bleach" they're just further revealing their ignorance.

So as you can see, there's a total misrepresentation of what ClO2 actually is - a gaseous compound that works to disinfect pathogens very effectively through oxidation.

Clorox bleach itself is sodium hypochlorite, which of course, is not chlorine dioxide, and has far different mechanisms of action.

Chlorine Dioxide Kills Harmful Bacteria?

Yes. ClO2 kills bacteria, viruses, cancer cells - it will selectively target anaerobic pathogens and kill them through oxidation, an electrical reaction where one chemical steals the electrons of another.

Some in the health community may be familiar with the oxidative capacity of food grade hydrogen peroxide and ozone therapy, chlorine dioxide oxidizes similarly. When a ClO2 molecule comes into contact with a virus or bacteria cell, it rips electrons from the cell and destroys it.

Because of its sterilization ability and relative cheapness, this compound is commonly used in a variety of industries such as hospitals and restaurants. The Environmental Protection Agency has it registered for these purposes.

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However, ClO2 isn't just used as an industrial cleaner, a stabilized version is commonly used by hikers and campers to kill waterborne pathogens for clean drinking water.

These potable water drops and tablets have chlorine dioxide listed as the main ingredient and can be easily purchased at any camping supply store such as REI or online shopping websites like Amazon.

So, if chlorine dioxide is not a "toxic bleach," why are people like myself being ridiculed by mainstream media for discussing it? And why is there no mention of suppliers like REI and Amazon?

Two reasons - one is simply shoddy and the other is downright shameful. Shoddy journalism is to blame when only the biased FDA is used as a resource.

For example, the FDA puts out warning letters about ClO2, calling it a deadly bleach without explanation, citing zero science or research about the compound.

Yet, the military and the EPA use ClO2 at high dosages to tackle extreme contaminants like Anthrax and Ebola, and the USDA and even the FDA itself have chlorine dioxide registered to decontaminate with.

And take a look at this - studies have been done showing chlorine dioxide to be effective at killing the coronavirus too. Take that, propaganda peddlers!

And it goes to note that while high dosages of most decontaminates are not safe to be around, low doses (like what hikers use for potable water and those drinking it internally to kill pathogens) can be very safe.

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Anything can harm or help depending on how you use it. Conscious usage is key. And the shameful part of this issue? The medical establishment is trying to suppress the sharing of any potential health benefits of ClO2 because it is inexpensive and effective.

What Does All This Have to do With MMS?

Some folks who have used and taught about chlorine dioxide for health supporting purposes call it the “master mineral solution" and “miracle mineral supplement” or MMS for short.

I prefer to call it what it is - chlorine dioxide, because it removes any preconceived notions. It’s not magically “miraculous,” it’s just reality! The most notable proponents of MMS are Daniel Smith of Project Green Life and Jim Humble, who has been heavily denigrated by Big Pharma.

In 2015, Smith was sentenced to 51 months in federal prison for (basically) teaching too many people about MMS. You can find/support him at standbydaniel.com.

And Humble is attacked routinely by the press even though, as his name suggests, he's a very humble man. His resources are incredibly helpful in understanding chlorine dioxide protocols and can found on his website JimHumble.co.
A helpful resource for information on ClO2 is an “MMSWiki” page that highlights Humble’s research in a Wikipedia style format. And on a side note, Wikileaks released an email regarding MMS/chlorine dioxide in their 2012 Global Intelligence Files data dump.

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It consisted of public disclosure for a number of internal emails between the employees and clients of Stratfor, a geopolitical intelligence company. For some reason, a private company that works with the intelligence community on information analysis, Stratfor, had collected an email on MMS.

I find that intriguing. You can read that email here. And before YouTube censors any of them, check out these interviews with European professional Andreas Kalcker. They are top notch!

How is MMS Information Being Suppressed?

Due to the viral nature of social media and with so many people waking up, information about MMS has become widespread. The FDA has attempted to counter with two press releases.

The first in 2010 was then rereleased in 2019, entitled: “FDA warns consumers about the dangerous and potentially life threatening side effects of Miracle Mineral Solution."

This from the FDA - a financially motivated agency that racks up millions in user fees per year (as part of their Prescription Drug User Fee Act), has approved deadly drugs like opioid painkillers, and only approved 'medical marijuana' after a man-made pharmaceutical version was created.

In April of 2017, I released a short 4 minute video about MMS on my Destroying the Illusion YouTube channel and in just over a year it had amassed 250,000 views.

It was ranked #1 on YouTube’s search results for "MMS." Consequently, YouTube started censoring my video from searches and in May of 2019, they completely removed it and added a strike to my channel.

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This was followed by a targeted media blitz against MMS led by Business Insider and other media outlets during the summer of 2019, culminating in the FDA warning letter.

See how they operate? Censor the truth beforehand, then publish smears and lies afterward so no one can search for any real information.

Then, once they print that it’s a dangerous-deadly bleach and claim people were harmed, the FDA is “forced” to take action. Information warfare.

So How Does Someone Find and Use It?

I personally don't sell it, but there are still some active vendors as well as a few different ways to make your own ClO2 gas. An easy way to make it is by combining sodium chlorite and citric acid solution in a small 1:1 ratio of drops in a clean glass and allow 30-60 seconds to activate.

That’s pretty much it. When mixing the drops, it’s commonly referred to as 1 “drop of MMS/chlorine dioxide” when 1 drop of sodium chlorite is added to 1 drop of citric acid. 1+1=1 drop MMS.

Easily dispensable bottles of sodium chlorite and citric acid can be purchased online at kvlab.com. Now, let’s discuss when to take these drops and how many.

One of the more well known (but intensive) regimens is Humble’s Protocol 1000, whereby one would take 3 drops of MMS (3+3) every hour for 8-12 hours a day.

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With a protocol like this where a small amount of ClO2 is getting into the blood for a prolonged period of time, it allows the compound to do more work on the pathogens in the body.

If it were only taken twice a day, even in higher amounts, it still wouldn’t be in the body as long. I have never done this protocol myself and I rarely use MMS in general these days, but I have the bottles and the knowledge on hand, just in case.

What I have done in the past are “maintenance doses” of 5-10 drops of MMS once or twice a day. I’ve also used chlorine dioxide gas to help clear and cleanse my sinuses and respiratory tract by gently inhaling, holding, and exhaling for a few repetitions.

An important warning about using ClO2 is the “Herxheimer Effect”, named after the doctor who first studied it. Essentially, if the body detoxifies too fast, it can cause nausea, stomach distress, or diarrhea. As such, it's important to start slow when detoxing the body.

How Did I Discover all This?

In 2011, I became acquainted with an individual who had medical experience but was fed up with the establishment medical system. He decided to continue helping people through natural modalities.

After he taught myself and some of my colleagues about MMS, we spent a few years experimenting with it—both cleaning and using it internally.

Related: The Eradication Of Natural Alternatives: Big Pharma Wants To Eliminate The Competition

One of my favorite experiences with MMS was when I met a woman with stage 4 ovarian cancer. She refused chemotherapy and successfully healed herself with a modified regimen of MMS and the Gerson Therapy.


Be aware that many organizations have special interests and will cite their own sources to promote a particular narrative.

You can believe what the fake news and fake science would have you believe, or you can research for yourself and put their narratives to the test. I’ve always found there to be no better teacher than personal experience.

No source can surpass the knowledge you’ve gained from witnessing something first hand. The more knowledge you have from your research and experiences, the more you will know the truth of what’s really going on in the world, and how to manage any circumstances that may arise.

I don't refer to anything as a "cure," for truly there are no cure-alls. I don’t believe in banking on one compound or pill to be our savior, which is why I don’t refer to chlorine dioxide as “magic.”

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Instead, I believe that we should be looking holistically at ourselves to figure out how we can practice prevention or to keep a situation from progressing.

There are many powerful substances that are cheap, safe, natural, and readily available that can be used as part of this holistic regimen. It is only through our own ignorance that we don't know how to use them, let alone realize they exist.

We must undo the mass programming. Knowledge is power.

Comment: If you are interested in ordering MMS in New Zealand, please email us and further details will be provided.

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The Sequel To The Fall Of The Cabal
February 5 2021 | From: GreatAwakeningProject / Various

From the creators of the documentary series Fall of The Cabal, now bring you The Sequel.

In this 17 part series, the Cabal is fully exposed.

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As time is running out, the creators of this documentary will upload one part every week. This Sequel is not about Q, nor Trump. It is about the Cabal. It will give you info that will blow you off your socks. Crime, murder, money laundering, cartels, high treason, all of which under your noise… Meet the Cabal.

Documentary by: Award Winning Researcher Janet Ossebaard

DISCLAIMER: All statements, claims, views and opinions that appear anywhere on this site, whether stated as theories or absolute facts, are always presented by The Great Awakening Report (GAR) as unverified - and should be personally fact checked and discerned by you, the reader.

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You are encouraged to think for yourself and do your own research. Nothing on this site is meant to be believed without question or personal appraisal.

Part One:

Part Two:

The Wrath of the Jesuit Council… From Weishaupt and the creation of the Order of the Illuminati to Napoleon and WWI. Follow their trail of destruction in order to know whom we are dealing with.

Part Three:

About the Russian Revolution, the Great Depression and WWII… all instigated by the Cabal. Through manipulating the Stock market, by pushing Cabal puppets forward, and by ruthlessly killing millions of people who stood in their way. With one goal, and one goal alone…

Part Four:

The Protocols of Zion.

Part Five:

About the Georgia Guidestones, Agenda 21, Agenda 2030, the UN, and the ‘Peacekeepers’.

Part Six:

About Henry Kissinger, Population Policy, the UN and its many NGOs, the UN Population Fund, Population Control, forced abortions & sterilizations, and Planned Parenthood and Margaret Sanger.

Part Seven:

About the 5500 NGOs, connected to the UN, who do so-called charity work. Upon investigating their very own financial papers, we discovered that NGOs are nothing but the perfect business model to launder money (billions of dollars!), to avoid paying tax, and to invest in the Cabal’s main target: depopulation and world dominance.

Join us to peel off a few more layers of this onion, to found who the Cabal truly is!

Check back for Part Eight and more...

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Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi

Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi
New Zealand Is Regarded Internationally As A Great Place To User-Test, What Does This Mean For Kiwis?
February 4 2021 | From: Stuff / Various

For years New Zealand has been utilised by app developers, social media companies and software developers to test new technologies, but the risks and benefits for Kiwi consumers and businesses remain unclear. Ged Cann reports.

If you want to test it, come to New Zealand.

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That's the mantra overseas, where New Zealand's advantages as a testing ground have been common knowledge in the international tech industry for decades, according to one world-wide developer.

AirG is a Canadian App and Social media company with more than $100 million in annual revenue, operating in nearly 40 countries.

Founder and managing director Frederick Ghahramani said he was first awakened to the potential of New Zealand in 1998.

"It was a CEO of some company giving a speech and he randomly blurted it out: 'If you every want to test something the easiest place to do it is New Zealand'," he said.

Companies that have user-tested here include Facebook, which trialled a Snapchat competitor and their new Marketplace function; Microsoft tested website-creator app Sway; and Dominoes Pizza, which teamed up with drone business Flirty to bring Kiwis the first aerial-delivered pizza.

As far back as the 1980s Kiwis were user-testing a revolutionary method of payment – EFTPOS.

New Zealand was also among the first to receive PokemonGo.

Related: The Desecration Of New Zealand

The idea stuck with Ghahramani, and when the time came to launch his first mobile game, Atomic Dove, in 2001 there was only one place to user-test.

In 2016 airG was back to launch Just10, a Facebook-alternative which guaranteed information security and basic encryption.

There was an added reason Ghahramani decided to test this particular product in New Zealand – Kiwis were among the most privacy conscious customers in the world.

A Privacy Commission Report in 2014 showed 40 per cent were very concerned about individual privacy online.

Kiwis' awareness of privacy was linked, in Ghahramani's mind, to their use as guinea pigs.

"It seems everyone has been burned in New Zealand," he said.

But Victoria University head of school for information management Benoit Aubert said Kiwis faced no greater threat as testers than regular customers.

"People don't even read the disclosure that companies provide so in that sense it is risky but no more risky than accepting those that are already out there," he said.

Related: Someone Else’s Country - The Neoliberal Revolution In New Zealand

"Yes you can test something, but if it's wrong – who wants to be the first to test the Samsung 7? Nobody."

Mr Aubert said New Zealand's recent placement at the top of the World Bank's 2017 Doing Business Report, which examines regulations that enhance or constrain business activity, reinforced the appeal.

"You want places where population is educated, receptive to technology, well connected, so we fit the parameters of different countries. Then the beauty is that it's a small market," he said.

This kept costs down, Aubert said, and meant if a new service fell flat it did not damage the company's reputation in a significant way.

There were advantages as well, according to Ghahramani, chief among which was bringing Kiwi developers into contact with large foreign companies as they seek local partners.

"Participating in the digital economy is half the battle. Getting a piece of the value chain, it's always better to be first and be early," Ghahramani said.

On the flip-side Mr Ghahramani said it meant local companies were competing with international players for the same pocket share.

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"Everyone looks at Kiwi consumers as more affluent,  more successful, more educated on average than American consumers, so obviously we are there to get your time, your money, your attention,"he said.

LinQ is a small Wellington-based start-up focused on optimising information handling.

Chief technology officer David Swann said international presence in the technology market was a double-edged sword.

"The fact that we have the big boys in town is sucking up the talent. Right now the pace of talent coming into the market isn't keeping up with demand. For a start-up that's a nightmare."

On the other hand LinQ chief executive Stew Darling said international presence helped home-grown talent think broader and prepared start-ups for the challenges of a global market.

"If you want be global from birth you have to think global from birth," he said.

Facebook, Google, Apple and Microsoft all declined to comment for this article.

Being English speaking, a common law market, and having a clear taxation system are also key advantages airG founder Ghahramani identifies.

"It might as well be a province or Canada or a county of the UK," he said.

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"To incorporate in New Zealand is very low cost, withholding taxes are very transparent and straightforward."

The ability to set up and close down companies quickly is also important in an industry that moves fast and takes no prisoners.

"We build and destroy things in a week or three weeks. We want to try it, if it doesn't work - just shut it down and walk away with no consequences," he said.

Industry knowledge puts the average Kiwi customer's astuteness in the top 20 percent of the USA, according to Ghahramani.

"You get a data set of people who are internet aware, internet savvy, they know what they want. That's exactly what you want from a focus group, you don't want people who are the great unknowing masses."

To get the kind of feedback collected for Just10 in the USA Ghahramani said you have to pay professional testers anywhere between $15-100 per person.

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Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi

Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi
Anna von Reitz: The Banking System Including Specifics On The World Bank And Karen Hudes
February 3 2021 | From: PhiBetaIota / Various

The banks are crooked. All of them. They have no other choice. And THAT is the problem.

We have, whether we know it or not, created a criminal banking system and then stood back and let it roll. What kind of results do we expect from that?

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A train wreck is what I expect from that, and “transitioning” out of this crooked system is made difficult by the fact that both alternative models, the gold-backed system and the quantum system, are known to be crooked, too.

What bothers me is that the bankers know this and I know this and you should know it if you don’t - but nobody is talking about this fundamental fact.

The Federal Reserve [Worldwide Reserve Banking] system is a fantasy built on grossly criminal practices requiring impersonation, enslavement, and barratry.

The IMF system is built on a currency commodity rigging scheme - the “Exchange Stabilization Fund”.

The BRICs system is built on manipulation of gold reserves and artificially restricting access to gold - commodity rigging, again.

The Quantum system is another fantasy built on manipulation of old MS-DOs programming and manipulation of digits, more rigging...

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It’s all about manipulation of “perceived values” of symbols and artificially controlling access to commodities. It’s all crooked. And if you think about it more than five minutes, it’s also crazy.

It’s idolatry. Just like people used to carve statues and worship the “image of God” they had themselves created, we create these “symbols of value” - coins, pieces of paper, etc. - and give them value based on our belief that they have value.

Years ago I waved a dollar bill at a friend who was staring at me like I was nuts.

I said to him, “Look at this! What is it? It’s a piece of paper! And it’s not even a useful piece of paper. It’s printed all over, so not good to write on. It’s too stiff and hard-surfaced to use for toilet paper.

What in the hell do you think this is? What gives it any “value” if not your pig-headed belief that it HAS value?”


And it is the same thing with a gold coin. Sure, gold is a metal, so relatively speaking, more valuable than paper.

It’s even a fairly rare metal with some special properties as metal, which increases its value for some industrial applications.

Related: Gold Standard Versus Keynes: Which Is Economically Illiterate?

But, when you get right down to it, what good is it to you? Can you eat it? Wear it? Will it keep you warm or fuel your car?

And if you don’t use gold or silver, what other commodities are you going to arbitrarily pick? Blueberry jam? Seltzer water?

You see, this whole system of thinking and doing things is crazy, so instead of arguing over which idiot-system we are going to use, let’s stop being idiots.

There is only one (1) and exactly one (1) honest form of money possible.

And that is money based on the value of all traded commodities and all labor, worldwide.

A currency based on all traded commodities and all labor immediately guts the motivation for rigging commodities and buffers everyone against losses. It also puts a curb on “futures trading” - because every country is a producer of “currency standard goods”, and so, at least potentially, is every individual.

So, we could have honest money, free trade, and global harmony for the cost of issuing a currency based on the total value of traded goods and labor, worldwide.

It could be issued by one international Think Tank and all the various countries could take turns sending their own oversight teams to make sure nobody was fudging anything.

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That takes care of the fear that there would be one bank controlled by one set of all powerful bureaucrats.

Along with this, strict and permanent accords would have to be adopted guaranteeing every living man and woman the absolute right to engage in trade and to use this global currency without restriction or fear of losing access to it and the transfer systems related to it.

Our money would stand for the labor, both skilled and unskilled, of workers in China as well as Belize, Germany, and all the other countries of the world. It would stand for all the commodities traded on every stock exchange worldwide.

So a gain in the value of skilled labor in Bangladesh would increase the value of the money worldwide, and a new forest planted in Brazil would increase the value of the money worldwide.

In this way, the monetary system would encourage everyone to do better and to help each other.

It would also encourage every government on Earth to be diligent in guarding against counterfeiting and hoarding and other evils, because they would know that it was their money being victimized by these practices, along with everyone else’s.

Related: Reserve Bank Funding Agreement Ratified - But Who / What The Hell Is "The Reserve Bank Of New Zealand"? 

Ah, but what about the Eternal Problem? How to pay for the disabled, the sick, the elderly, the infants - all those who, for one reason or another, are not able to pull their weight?

We simply value them more, and in our new banking system, we give them extra tokens.

Life itself is infinitely valuable, beyond price.

So we need to stop focusing on the comparatively petty issue of how do we feed the poor and infirm - and start focusing on the much larger issue of properly valuing life and thereby valuing our brothers and sisters, fathers and mothers, friends and neighbors, the dogs at our feet and the trees lining our streets.

Comment: The following links were articles recently released by the 'Reserve Bank of New Zealand.'

In an utterly obsurd attempt to keep the narrative going that the local chapter of a Rothschild-run private central bank has any legitimacy to lend currency to a nation - they bang on about being inclusive of all racial groups - and get this - even pat themselves on the back for winning a central bank award for transparency?

Transparency from a central bank? Who are they kidding?


These lying criminals can see the writing on the wall.

“It is important for our legitimacy that a broad cross-section of New Zealanders – rather than a few technical experts or regulated institutions – are interested in and understand our activities. Where we fit, what we do, and what we don’t do. We are working for all current and future New Zealanders.”

"We want to be a ‘Great Team, Best Central Bank’ and transparency plays a crucial part to get there. This award recognises our efforts to bringing a higher level of transparency and accountability in achieving our mandate,” Mr Orr said. "

These quotes are absolute nonsense.

The people are waking up - and in this context they are now repeating the most important question of all relating to this:

“Why is a privately owned and run banking institution issuing and controlling the currency of my country?”

Aiming for Great and Best for Te Pūtea Matua

RBNZ Monetary Policy Handbook internationally recognised for transparency

After all, everything that we trade and everything that we earn from work and services, is all predicated on being alive and having needs and desires as living people.

Most of us are both producers and consumers, but those who are only able to consume are vitally important as well.

It is the consumers who give meaning and value to what the producers produce, whether it is goods or services.

Consumers are the ultimate source of “perceived value” in any such system. Put another way, it’s my hunger that makes your hot dog valuable in the first place.

Related: Why Gold Is Money - Fiat Money Creates An Immoral Society: Money With Real Value Is Crucial

If we remember these simple facts when we create economic service systems - and that is all that banking and insurance and stock and bond markets are - and properly value consumers for what they contribute, then everything falls back into balance. Both the yin and the yang have their due.

From that perspective, it then becomes possible for people to see that all of this, whether honest or crooked in its factual operation, is arbitrary.

It’s a game. We are keeping tally and nobody really knows why.

That simple act of keeping track of what goes into the system and what comes out of the system and into “your” account and “my” account, is what creates the illusion of limitation, separation, and value. Accounting makes rich men rich and poor men poor.

Accounting is the mechanism of enslavement, just as law is the instrument of condemnation.

So we need to ask ourselves - what are we accounting for? Why?

Perhaps it might make sense if the purpose of accounting was to make sure that everyone gets a fair share, or to make sure that something pencils out in terms of effort going into it versus benefit coming out of it, but instead, the main purpose of accounting in the modern world is to keep track of digits and shunt them here and there, to keep a tally of symbols - signifying what? Non-existent piles of silver? Hours that nobody ever worked?

Related: The Bankers’ Scam - The Power Of Money: Beat The Bankers Through Debt Termination & Commonwealth Bank Of Australia: One Of The Largest Banks In The World Just Accused Of Laundering Millions For Drug Cartels

This might be harmless enough in a theoretical world, but our actual experience tells us that it is harmful, because people forget it is a game and charlatans make false claims in commerce based on these tallymarks.

They take actual homes and farms and factories “in return for” - well, nothing at all.

Yes, I will give you credit for reading this, because most people can’t bear to think about these things - and I will note that there is no big difference between me “giving you credit” for reading this and any bank giving you credit for filling out a loan application, pledging your assets to them, so that they have credit to loan you.

You finally see how stupid this is? How important it is to know what you are valuing? And how that value is accounted fof?

Value, like beauty, is actually in the eye of the beholder. It doesn’t exist external to the relationship between individual Producers and individual Consumers.

So focus the economic services industry on the relationship between Consumer and Producer, and properly value the Consumers.

The simpler, more mindful, more direct, and more honest we can make the interface between Consumers and Producers on a worldwide basis, the better.

Related: Central Bank Issues Stunning Warning: "If The Entire System Collapses, Gold Will Be Needed To Start Over" & If You Borrow Money From The Bank, It Holds A Grip (‘Death Pledge’) Over You

Instead of quibbling about what physical material we use to make tokens - our little Tiki gods made of gold, plastic, paper or what-have-you - or what form the tokens take, our attention should be on what we value and why we value it and how we account for it.

The more abundant and the more widely dispersed the tokens are, whatever we use as tokens, the better.

We don’t need to be coy or chintzy about our reasons for distributing tokens, either, so as to make them seem more valuable by being scarce. We can freely give every man, woman, and child on this planet more than enough tokens to live and live well, which should be the goal of any sane economic system.

And then, we need to ask ourselves a lot of disturbing questions like: do we really need ten Barbie dolls?

Do we need to eat meat every night of the week? What impacts do our consumer choices have on the planet? The plants, the animals, and other people?

Do we need to make other choices and value other things? Or value different things more?

Maybe love and health should hit the scales and weigh in as being “valuable”? These are the worthy questions, and the answers we give can change the world.

Related: The World’s Best Economist

It really doesn’t matter whether we use gold, paper, plastic, or digits as a “medium of trade”.

Whatever tokens we use to represent value, they remain tokens, in the same way that a statue representing a saint remains a statue.

So let’s re-focus our thinking and the worldwide debate about banks and “money” and currencies, and most of all about “value” - and let’s squarely face such questions as, “Can value be stored?”

I, for one, don’t believe that value can be stored in a gold coin like storing electrons in a car battery; rather, I see that some delusions are more durable than others. People more readily believe that gold has value, so according to their belief, it does.

But that’s like saying I believe in ghosts, so I am more scared when I hear something go bump in the night.

It’s not a reflection of the value of gold. It’s a reflection of people’s long term belief in the value of gold.

Let’s ask - what is our standard for assigning “value” to a cord of wood, or an hour of time? Let’s ask why your hour as a brain surgeon is so much more valuable than my hour cleaning ten toilets?

Related: The Next Move To Steal Your Money: A Plan To Rip-Off Your Wealth

Most of all, let’s ask who all this really belongs to - because to be honest, none of us created any of what we are trading.

Even our ability to walk around and think and perform work is being constantly created for us by powers we don’t begin to comprehend.

So, in the final analysis, what are we doing, but indulging in an adult game of “Pretend”?

Let’s look at what we are doing, why we are doing it, and how we are doing it. And then answer the real question that we are being asked by the entire Universe: what do you want? Do you want things to be like this?

And if not, let’s change it.

Related: Karen Hudes: What The Flack?

Karen Hudes is a flak for the World Bank - but this statement requires analysis of what the “World Bank” is. It’s a bank of banks, controlled by bankers from all over the world.

So what happens when the World Bank does things that endanger or offend the member banks?

If things get bad enough and the implications liability-wise are clear enough, those member banks that stand to lose the most will need a “whistleblower” to dampen down the improper actions being taken by the World Bank.

The same scenario could develop within the World Bank itself. The Directors could find themselves being outgunned and out-maneuvered by several very powerful member banks - in effect, forced to do immoral or illegal things and left to take the blame for it.

Enter Karen Hudes.

That is the kind of “Whistleblower” she is - not the brave, lonely figure alerting the world to criminal wrong-doing, but the Insider being employed to blow the whistle because internal organizational control mechanisms aren’t working.

You might think of her as the person being paid to pull the emergency brake on a runaway train.

Related: The Conspiracy to Rule the World: #33: The World Bank

So, she’s certainly not an enemy of the World Bank. She still indirectly works for them and so, last time I looked, does her husband.

She was, in fact, taking action to help at least some factions within the World Bank and most likely, her activities stem from the second scenario - that is, most likely she was working for some of the directors of the World Bank to save the World Bank.

My beef with Karen is that she either doesn’t know or chooses not to tell the truth about the American issues. She misrepresents American history and does so in a way that undermines efforts to settle accounts.

And why that is?

She has spent her life in Europe and even many Americans who grew up and stayed in this country for a lifetime don’t know their own history, so it is completely plausible and even likely that she simply doesn’t know that she is misrepresenting what went on here.

It could also be that she knows the history and is - again - protecting the World Bank.

The World Bank has reasons why it does not want to hear about what it owes Americans.

Related: The Rothschild Bloodline: Financial Wizards & Wealthy Cults

For starters:

1. We know that FDR collected by his own admission 20,000 tons of privately held American gold.

We know that 6,000 tons of that was used to capitalize the Federal Reserve System, and 14,000 tons was used as a bankruptcy guarantee for the other Secondary Creditors - the World Bank and IBRD (International Bank of Reconstruction and Development).

We know this gold stash was used as a collateral guarantee backing both the World Bank and IBRD as a result.

We also know that when the bankruptcy of “the” United States of America, Incorporated was finally settled in November of 1999 - that gold was not returned to the Americans.

World Bank and IBRD claimed it as “abandoned assets” - and made no attempt to contact us and return the assets to the lawful heirs - the living people of this country.

I have a problem with that.

It’s bad enough that they had the free use of our assets as collateral for 66 years without our consent and even worse that FDR stole our assets at gunpoint in the first place - which they also had cause to know - without adding injury to insult by purloining the assets once the bankruptcy was over.

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We want the 14,000 tons of American gold returned to the lawful government of this country, to be returned for the direct benefit of the heirs of those it was stolen from.

It’s just simple law and decency. If your Grandmother was forced at gunpoint to “donate” her wedding ring, you’d feel the same way I do. It’s not even the thought of any riches. It’s the thought of justice and property being returned to the lawful heirs and owners.

Second Bone to Pick:

Upward of $21 trillion dollars worth of credit owed to Americans is also owed by the banks - and the World Bank and its members certainly have cause to know this.

The “system” adopted in 1913 and completely implemented in 1934 is a debt-credit system using a private military script I.O.U. known as the FEDERAL RESERVE NOTE - FRN’s, as currency.

Like any other “Note” this is just a piece of paper promising to pay at some later date.

Related: $21 Trillion Of Unauthorized Spending By US Government Discovered By Economics Professor

But to be legal there has to be a redemption date and there is none published on these notes - why?

Because the debt was transferred to Treasury Bonds that are issued in tranches and paid off on specific dates - to the purported investors, the Federal Reserve Banks.

But are the Federal Reserve Banks the actual investors?

No. They are just a bunch of check kiters, illegal securities brokers, and crooks..

The American States and People are the actual investors - again, at gun point, forced to “invest” by Legal Tender Laws.

So let’s look a little deeper at the actual situation.

They are using debt as legal tender which results in what is known as a debit-credit system.

I give you an I.O.U. and you give me a hamburger.

Have I paid you for the hamburger?


I have promised to pay you back sometime in the future.

In this way the “US National Debt” accumulated, and so also did the American National Credit.

Related: Why The Whole Banking System Is A Scam - Godfrey Bloom MEP

All the Americans who exchanged their actual labor and actual hamburgers for I.O.U.s are owed pre-paid credit for every penny of the US National Debt.

Plus interest.

This is a fact that none of the banks want to face, because they all benefited from using this credit that was in fact owed to us. They purloined it, leveraged it, invested it, cashiered it away so that we couldn’t have any direct benefit from it, and now, they don’t want to admit what they did and return it.

In fact, they can’t return it, but they could make a good faith effort to benefit the people they wronged by carrying through on the promised remedy passed by their Congress back in 1934, and honoring a system of Mutual Offset Credit Exchange Exemption, which the miscreants never actually disclosed to the public or fully implemented.

In a MOCEE system both parties owe each other debts.

In this case, we owe them for government services and they owe us for the goods, services, credit, etc., that they receive from us - so we simply agree to “offset” our debts.

I owe you $10, you owe me $100, so we agree that henceforth, I owe you nothing and your debt to me is reduced to $90.

Confirmed - Loans & Mortgages Are Created Out Of Thin Air By The Banks

This stunning news clip from New Zealand TV news show 'Seven Sharp' confirms the revelations shared by 'The Money Masters' and other such pioneering thinkers and researchers who have long sought to bring forward the truth about how money works.

The is as stunning as it is simple: whenever you apply for a loan or a mortgage THE BANK YOU APPLIED TO CREATES THE MONEY OUT OF NOTHING.

It is not lent to you from the banks' holdings, it is not borrowed from other accounts. It simply is entered into a bank account digitally and from that day forth you are contractually responsible for paying back the created money PLUS all the interest that accrues.

This fiat currency is destroying the confidence, trust, and agreements that we hold with one another and with merchants on a daily basis by corrupting the medium of exchange that we all collectively agree to use.

Many will go on to expound the details of promissory notes, double entry book keeping and all sorts of other confusing details, but it is essential that this video or the source for it at Seven Sharp should be shared with every one you know.

Please, take 5 minutes now to share this video and explain why it is so important that everyone knows that the banks are hoodwinking the people and it does not need to be this way any more.

Ken O'Keefe Exposes the Economic & Financial Slavery & Rothschilds

If the rats had simply carried through and made this available to the Americans, the US Debt would have been kept in check and never “blossomed” into a $21 trillion dollar behemoth. Plus interest.

Now the “US” Corporations, including the Federal Reserve System, responsible for this theft and embezzlement of pre-paid credit owed to the Americans, applied for and received bankruptcy protection because of the bogus “US National Debt” that should have been offset -but clearly, this was all predicated on fraud and embezzlement of credit owed to us, so that no bankruptcy protection should have been allowed.

Those who benefitted from this theft and who protected the perpetrators - the Pope and the Queen - remain on the stick for it, but all the banks worldwide benefitted, so Karen’s buddies at the World Bank are squeezing their knees together, too.

It’s an absolutely staggering amount of pre-paid credit that was extracted from us and the interest owed on it has taken on a life of its own.

The pre-paid American National Credit is the elephant in the downstairs bathroom.

We know that they can never pay us back in actual fact, but they can begin to make amends by doing what they agreed to do in the first place. They need to be authorizing Mutual Offset Credit Exchange Exemptions for all Americans, allowing us to offset all public debts.

Related: The Fraudulent Monetary System & The Occult Meanings Of Mortgage: Why A Mortgage Is A Pledge To The Dead

In real time that means that we would be able to offset mortgage payments (which are public debt, not private - but that’s another story), college loans, utility payments, and various other bills.

This could be done simply by issuing a special purpose credit card.

In this way, Americans would finally obtain relief and the Perpetrators would finally be paying some of their own bills and nobody would have to go broke over it.

So far, they are trying tooth and nail to obscure and cover up the facts, but both the history and the very nature of a debt-credit system belie them.

They are stuck and they either come to terms to provide relief that is owed, or eventually enough “wolves” will wake up - enough other countries will realize that they have been or are being victimized in exactly the same way, and then all bets are off.

I suspect that this latter fact is what makes the World Bank so nervous.

Related: Overseas Banking Villains Suck New Zealanders’ Wealth Offshore

Growth and profits are good things for corporations - and that includes banks, but not at the cost of enslaving people you are supposed to serve, and not at the cost of fraud, embezzlement, and all the other crimes involved.

This is just "the credit side" of things. There’s more that puts us - Americans - at odds with Karen and the World Bank on the actual assets side.

In 1868, the Scottish Government chartered a commercial corporation calling itself “The United States of America, Inc.”

They then gained access to our credit using this semantic deceit.

Their plan and the plan of every other corporation operating in this manner ever since, was simply to charge up our credit cards to the limit, claim bankruptcy protection for themselves, and claim that we were their co-signers - so as to leave us holding the proverbial bag.

Before their planned bankruptcy, however, they did a number of things that have still to be corrected or accounted for.

Most significantly, they bought the Philippine Islands “for” us, using our money to do it, and then, they transported all our physical gold to the Philippines for “safe-keeping” offshore.

Yeah, right.

Related: The Connection Between 9/11, JFK And The Global Collateral Accounts

That original Doppleganger went bankrupt in 1906 and the next Doppleganger, “the” United States of America, Inc. pulled the same basic trick, inflated the currency, ran up the stock market, caused the whole “Roaring Twenties” and Prohibition mark up, went bankrupt in 1933 - and in 1934, their Board of Directors calling itself a “Congress” passed legislation “creating and independent government for the Philippines”.

This created a situation wherein we owned the land of the Philippines lock, stock, and barrel, but now the Philippines had an “independent government” to act as the Trustee for all our gold that was packed off and stored there.

This is the connect between Marcos and the Philippines and our gold and President Kennedy and the various agreements that various Presidents made “for” us and that Karen keeps hooting about - the Bilateral Minefields and Green Hilton and so on.

Comment: Anna's knowledge on matters in the East (and especially with regards to deposited historical gold and other assets in bunkers in Eastern Asian countries) is outside of her otherwise extremely well-versed sphere of expertise. Therefore some of her comments on Eastern matters are not always well informed.

To put it mildly, all that went on back then by any sane evaluation, is piracy.

And by Maxim of Law, “Possession by Pirates does not change ownership.”

Everything that they stashed over there still belongs to us and we have the shipping and docket and flat and box numbers and everything else from those days down to this. We even have their supreme Bank Trustee in our jurisdiction, and are working with him to sort this Mess out.

Related: Ghost Money, Burnt Money And Dead Money

So, that is stroke Number Three that Karen Hudes and the World Bank don’t want to face.

Don’t get me wrong. The Americans don’t own all the gold that is cashiered in the Philippines and Indonesia. We do, however, own a very goodly part of it, and we own it outright.

Our gold and silver deposits collateralize many, many, many banks and the loss of that collateral is what ultimately terrifies the banks.

As with so many other bunko schemes they changed the meaning of “Depositor” to allow themselves to seize deposits left in their keeping, but our deposits were made before those surreptitious changes away from a “normal course of business” - so we are unaffected and grandfathered-in.

Karen and her Employers at the World Bank don’t know whether to stand up or sit down as a result. Nobody knows what to do, and at the same time, nobody wants to talk to us - because they are afraid of us.

They know how mercilessly we have been cheated and defrauded and they expect no mercy in return.

I can only assume that they judge others by themselves.

Related: Governments Are Corporations & The Gold Standard Will Break Up The Banking Cartel

However, in the broad scheme of life, it does no good for anyone to seek the destruction of others. That just opens up another avenue for nasty people to profit themselves at everyone else’s expense, so no, we are not proposing vengeance.

We are proposing a peace and reconciliation process to discharge odious debt and open up credit resources and restore a sane economic system, at the same time that we fully restore our own government - putting Americans in control of America again.

This should be good news for people worldwide, as it dawns on them that “the US” is not America.

It should also be a relief that we are proceeding in a lawful and peaceful manner and not being vengeful.

At the same time, Mr. Trump and the Pope and the Queen, need to talk directly to the actual Creditors and dispense with any pretense that we are anyone or anything but what we are: the American States and People, doing business as The United States of America [Unincorporated].

Obviously, Karen and the World Bank and the community that she represents professionally have tried to avoid these facts and tried to explain them (and us) away, and that is why I have a less-than-high regard for Karen.

Related: Let’s Contemplate A Future Without Money & How It Would Work

I see her as someone who is grinding her own wheel and actually protecting interests that have been less than honest and forthcoming both now and in the past.

That doesn’t mean that they can’t change, and it doesn’t mean that we won’t talk to them in the interests of resolving all these issues. It just means that the facts as we know and observe them don’t jive with the story that Karen is selling.

A Final Comment from Anna:

[This comment is not part of the original article. It came to me from Anna today, February 23 2020 via email. I told her that I wanted to republish this article from PhiBetaIota and asked her for any additional comments:]

The fact is that the same parties control all the world’s gold just as they control oil supplies and soon hope to control water supplies.

The game now is to locate, jail, or otherwise neutralize these whackjob criminals.

I stand by everything I said in that article and it does not matter what you choose for your idol - paper, gold, crude oil - nor does it matter if it comes from the East or the West.

It’s all crooked, it’s all idolatry, and if the Pope or the Mullahs or the leaders of the Synagogues of the world were worth their salt, they would all be denouncing it and calling for the honest currency system I described.

Until we adopt such a system there will be commodity rigging and fraud. I am sorry but that is just the way it goes. Human nature is what it is.

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Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi

Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi
The Importance Of Being Awake
February 2 2021 | From: FinalWakeUpCall / Various

Society is Falsified on all Levels.

Fear is the cabal’s Weapon of Control.

Related: New Zealand False Flag By Zionist Israel With Police & Freemason Complicity

If the ruling elites have to murder a few thousand innocent citizens with a dirty bomb, a chemical weapon, virus, vaccine, or have to execute a scripted nuclear terrorism accident that is fine with them.

Anything to stay in power is justified in their minds, no matter how destructive and cruel. Fear is their weapon of choice to control people’s obedience.

They try to influence everyone’s mind by staging, the Covid pandemic, wars, violence, terrorism and so on.

The Deep State’s main source of power is their control over the creation and distribution of money, through their ownership of most of the world’s central banks.

They use this money-power to bribe, blackmail and assassinate people at top levels of power in order to enforce their control, over virtual everything of importance.

They control the corporate media and have been using every propaganda tool at their disposal to rig society in a false pandemic and manipulate markets where necessary.

Related: The Three Varieties Of Money

Sweeping monetary change is necessary and coming forward with the implementation of QFS. Difficult times may lie ahead. Many issues have to be resolved.

The monetary system is rigged, and must be abolished, to return the money creation into the hands of the people. Now, begins the time for change. Here is a short plan, to materialise just that;

Honest money; Re-establish a gold-backed currency. Abolish all Central Banks.

Smaller government – Do away with all taxes, except a sales tax on new hardware. With balanced budgets.

These two simple points will instantly eliminate the Elite’s power. Real money and a balanced budget will force big cutbacks.That should end useless wars.

The misallocation of scarce resources. People will once again borrow, lend, spend, and invest real money, carefully. As a result, real wealth is going to soar.

Related: The Silent War On "Q" Continues

The Gnostics recruit geniuses of all ages who are not part of the ruling Archon bloodline families. These archon families who are now in a state of absolute panic, fight literally for their survival and try to flee to their Antarctic bases, with the intention to pull off something horrifying.

The Deep State cabal is working overtime to render the citizenry powerless with the fake pandemic that doesn’t even exist. There are 23 renowned laboratories that undertook peer reviewed research and none where able to locate the virus.

The Elites apply government organised power grabs, corruption and abusive tactics. This is fascism in its most covert form, hiding behind public agencies and private companies to carry out their dirty actions.

If there is anything the Deep State requires, it is an undisclosed, uninterrupted cash flow and the confidence that things will go on as happened in the past. Cultural issues are organised, as useful distraction from their 2030 agenda.

Society is Falsified on all Levels

The voting process, the economy, the media, the government, the courts – practically everything is rigged in favour of the Establishment status quo.

The Central Bankers’ fake money – along with a multitude of rules and regulations imposed on the people – has done its mischief. And now, with the key-lending rate dropping below zero for the past ten/twelve years, the economy has been misled, distorted, and depleted.

Related: The COVID-19 RT-PCR Test: How To Mislead All Humanity - Using A “Test” To Lock Down Society + Former Pfizer Science Officer Reveals Great COVID-19 Scam

Corporations alone have doubled their debt load since the crisis began in 2008.

The time for action is now. People see their world changing and they want to understand what is happening, and why. They want to be informed and being prepared.

They want the freedom and insight to make educated choices, instead of being told what to do by the very individuals and institutions that constant lie and deceive, and have led the economy into today’s terrible chaos.

The awakening is erupting. Awakening comes with a price; it may have been difficult, when working on it.

Convincing others by challenging circumstances and conditions to open eyes and minds is even more difficult. It has become a struggle against time when seeing all these injustices that easily could have been avoided.

It’s very sad to see un-awakened humanity walking around with stupid face masks impatient waiting for vaccination with toxins and a control chip included, without having a clue as to what all is really going on, and whether it is necessary.

They should know; everything is designed for a “manipulated” transformation, either to be killed or to be led into the world prison as planned and described many years ago in Agenda 2030.

Related: Agenda 21: Awareness And Activism + UN 2030 Agenda Decoded: Blueprint For The Global Enslavement Of Humanity Under Corporate Masters

Everyone must come to their senses and escape this false reality. Researching alternative media sources will learn what’s going on, stumbling on realities they never considered or could have imagined possible.

Once, the truth is known, the awake are responsible to share it ardently with others, and honoured being in the know. Not always pleasant, but a duty that must be fulfilled. The hour is late and the timeframe we are living in is terrible, the necessity requires optimal awareness and prompt action. There’s no alternative left and time to loose.

The Entire Human Race is in Severe Danger

It’s virtually us or them, life or death, truth or lies, freedom or slavery, the entire human race is in severe danger.

Truth comes with a cost – it is the end of lies and illusions on which people have based their entire live.

Many across the full spectrum of humanity feel lost and are afraid of something that doesn’t even exist. This deliberate creation of chaos is designed to do just that.

Most may not recognise the rising energetic changes at work, but these are. Awakening is a destructive process, eliminating everything that is unreal and inhibitive of personal development and progress.

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The first step to undertake is education. Study Agenda 2030, to see for yourself how far this crisis has advanced the Deep State’s plans with the implementation of almost every aspect, then, you’ll know exactly what to expect.

Agenda 2030 is the agenda for the year 2030 that refers to global fascism/communism. Here is a summary of what is included: ‘Sustainable’ development – don’t use more than can be replaced – sounds sensible enough at first, until is realised what this and ‘biodiversity’ really mean in the context of their conspiracy.

Because, ‘Sustainable Development’ and ‘Biodiversity’ is pursuing to impose:

Termination of national sovereignty

State planning and management of all land resources, ecosystems, deserts, forest, mountains, oceans, and fresh water; agriculture; rural development; biotechnology; and ensuring ‘equality’ in other words; equal enslavement

State defines the role of business, and financial resources

Abolition of private property – as it is not ‘sustainable’

‘Restructuring’ the family formation

Children are raised by the State

Telling people what their job will be and where to live

Major restrictions on movements, being implemented through electric vehicles

Creation of ‘human settlement zones’

Mass resettlement as people are forced to vacate their land and homes where they currently live

Dumbing down education – already achieved

Mass global depopulation in pursuit of the above – in progress.

Originally, labelled Agenda 21 that has been planned over two hundred years ago. Indicating the completion phase during this century before 2030.

The secret plan of the New World Order is to reduce the world population to a “sustainable” level “in perpetual balance with nature” by a ruthless De-Population Control Agenda via Reproduction Control.

A Mass Culling of the populace, via Planned Parenthood, toxic adulteration of water and food supplies, release of weaponised man-made viruses, followed by vaccination with control chips and toxins to shorten life-span.

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The Protocols of Zion

Be awake and realise; The Protocols of Zion are the Blueprint for the Deep State’s One World Government-control-operation. Protocol 12 affirms;

"In our official statements, we always use an opposite view, and continually do our best to look honest and cooperative. The words of a statesman do not have to correspond with his actions”.

It is wise to take fifteen minutes of your time to read the Protocols of Zion. Don’t just read them, but study them. They explain in precise detail what is going on in the world today and why.

The world must wake up to the fact that for our entire live we have been lied to. From where we come from, to where we are heading, everything is a huge lie.

But the lie we have been living is about to come to a squealing halt. As evidence, the people are being shown the huge electoral fraud and the Corona Hoax, because seeing for themselves makes them believe what is really happening in front of their eyes.

Related: Understanding "Jewish" [Khazarian Zionist] Power

If you found this information interesting, explanatory, valuable, and/or insightful, please share it with everyone you know to help awaken and prepare them.

And don’t forget to put up your national flag showing the world you are awake, and motivate the silent awake majority to follow suit. The more flags out show the cabal is losing their grip of power over us.

Unity is Power

Our liberation process cannot be stopped anymore.

Uniting with others who are like minded people creates and shapes our best reality.

Related: How Science Arrived At The Doorstep Of Spirituality

Worldwide networks of awakening people are being created, such as in Spain in the Marbella / Malaga area, which attracts an increasing number of participants.

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Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi

Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi
Why Medically Caused Deaths Continue To Be Ignored
February 1 2021 | From: JonRappoport / Various

More than any other reporter, I have continued to champion and spread the word about Dr. Barbara Starfield’s revelation: The US medical system kills 106,000 people a year with its medicines. Extrapolate that number for a decade: more than MILLION DEATHS.

I have reported, many times, on Starfield’s review, “Is US Health Really the Best in the World,” published in the Journal of the American Medical Association on July 26, 2000.

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I interviewed her in 2009, when she told me that her death numbers (106,000 per year) were conservative, and that the federal government was doing NOTHING comprehensive to fix the ongoing disaster.

Imagine that, coming from a doctor who was a revered public health expert at the Johns Hopkins School of Public Health.

Since I’ve written more articles about Dr. Starfield’s revelations than any reporter around, I also know the reaction of the mainstream press over the years: SILENCE. And more silence. And more.

So this time, I thought I’d explain the main reasons for the silence.

On one obvious level, it stems from the fact that the pharmaceutical industry buys enormous amounts of ads on and around news media. Do not bite the hand that feeds you.

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And of course, blaming the medical system for a million deaths per decade…well, if you’re the New York Times and you’re making this into a take-no-prisoners ongoing building story, you’re going to incur considerable heat. Blowtorch heat.

Then there is this: nowhere in the medical literature is there any evidence, based on published studies of drugs, that these substances do such catastrophic damage. In fact, the studies and reports of clinical drug trials are largely glowing.

Only one conclusion can be reached: the medical literature is rife with fraud from top to bottom.

This fact would immediately throw the reputations of the most prestigious medical journals in the world into garbage landfills.

Indeed, we have, on the record, an editor of one of these publications broadly confessing to a mind-boggling reality: Dr. Marcia Angell, editor of The New England Journal of Medicine for 20 years, has written:

"It is simply no longer possible to believe much of the clinical research that is published, or to rely on the judgment of trusted physicians or authoritative medical guidelines.

I take no pleasure in this conclusion, which I reached slowly and reluctantly over my two decades as an editor of The New England Journal of Medicine.”

- NY Review of Books, January 15, 2009, “Drug Companies & Doctors: A Story of Corruption”

Related: Science Is Broken, And The Peer-Review Process Produces “Utter Bulls##t” Parading Around As Real Science

Next: if the press dug deep into the guts of the Starfield story, the FDA, which must approve all medical drugs before they are released for public use, would go down with a blinding crash.

No one would be able to defend the Agency. Its profound criminal alliance with Pharma would come full force to the surface.

Multiple medical schools would come under the gun for their relationships with Pharma, and their basic practice of teaching monopolistic drug medicine and not nutritional medicine.

These schools pretend “the evidence of safety and efficacy” for drugs is wide-ranging and invariably clear. Therefore, they, the schools, are abetting what amounts to a capital crime.

And what of the basic Hippocratic oath to “first do no harm”?

Where is that vaunted pledge that tries to establish the practice of medicine as supremely ethical?

Related: The Zombie-Like Lives Of Sheeple From Birth To Death

As you can see, a whole long line of dominos would fall, if the Starfield story were pursued, by the mainstream, with time, energy, money, and passion for the truth. (Starfield is not the only citation on medically caused deaths. I have documented others in the past.)

Finally, we arrive at a psychological and even philosophical reason for press silence on this ongoing holocaust: for millions of people, the institution of medicine is a foundational pillar of Reality in the world.

Attachment to it is, in a way, mythological. Loyalty to the medical system runs the gamut from hope for raw physical survival to spiritual sustenance.

Creating doubt, widespread doubt, about such a powerful building block of Existence - that would be tinkering with the very structure of things, “meddling with the primal forces of nature.”

But here, on these pages, I’ll meddle with anything I want to. If you can’t handle that, so be it. If I want to make a true fact into a sledgehammer and use it over and over, I will. And on this issue of medical caused deaths, I’d be crazy not to.

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Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi

Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi
Cycles Of History Ignored - Selective Ignorance
January 31 2021 | From: DoctorDan / Various

Historians have incessantly warned us not to disregard the lessons of history lest we repeat failures that could have been avoided. 

That indisputable admonition is commonly found in childhood parables, writings of scholars, clever sayings of gurus, and advice from our parents and elders.

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Nevertheless, humanity has habitually and often flagrantly ignored the obvious realities of past misdeeds regardless of how costly or disastrous. 

A sober retrospective evaluation of mankind’s history, however, teaches us a valuable lesson. Not everyone disregards the past. Evil never sleeps. 

There were only nine people at the funeral of Karl Marx, and the collectivist doctrine of his manifesto should have died with him. Were it not for the members of the Fabian Socialist Society in Great Britain, Marx’s Communist Manifesto actually might have, possibly saving humanity from a century of oppression. 

The Fabian Socialists and American Progressives, however, could not resist adopting a concept of governance that allowed them to rule over all of us peasants to satisfy their dreams of untold wealth and dictatorial power. 

In their evil minds, they considered themselves so brilliant that they had the right to impose their world view on everyone. 

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Using the Hegelian Dialectic (Thesis – Antithesis – Synthesis), the elite globalists have succeeded in advancing collectivist governance. To begin the process, they would propose an extreme modification (Antithesis) to our current policy (Thesis).

When we objected, they would offer a concession (Synthesis) that moved us closer to their objective. 

We compromised on every issue to avoid the stress and discomfort that is a necessary part of drawing a non-negotiable line in the sand. Predictably, after each strategic loss we sat back down on the sofa, congratulating ourselves on avoiding conflict. 

They used that time to plan the next confrontation, having learned how easily we had been tricked to move toward their position. 

That cycle of history, constantly repeated, has led to the gradual erosion of our individual freedom and the constitutionally guaranteed protections of the Bill of Rights. 

Every compromise, every lapse of attention, and the empty promises of the lying politicians we believed with hope and optimism have only created division and hatred. 

The American dream we sought to pass on to our progeny is uncertain, and the actual survival of our nation [world] is in jeopardy.

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In the past, the US has faced existential dangers, but, like the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor in 1941, the threat was from a conventional military force from outside our borders. 

Our enemy now is a domestic insurgency that seeks to destroy by insurrection the principles of individual freedom and national greatness in which we have believed and under which we have lived since our War of Independence.        

If our nation [the West] is to survive, patriots must stand up to break the cycle of compromise. We cannot comply with the unconstitutional edicts of legislators and bureaucrats whose only interest is power and financial gain. 

We have to vet candidates for honesty, demand adherence to the principles and written words of the Constitution, and require absolute accountability for their voting record in office. 

We can no longer accept being ruled by arrogant elitists and their “useful idiot” allies who exempt themselves from the laws they require us to obey. 

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It is, however, most important that we, as patriots, reach out to neighbors, friends, our children, and our grandchildren to teach them American history, engage in discussions about freedom, and help them understand the dismal failures of collectivism and tyranny.

Not everyone disregards the past. Evil never sleeps. It uses the lessons of past failures to achieve success in the future.

Resist Tyranny and Trust in Freedom!

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What Is John Brennan So Worried About?

Senate Republicans Say They’ll Continue Hunter Biden Probe

GOP Senators: Hunter Biden Had Even More Ties to China, Kremlin

Biden and Ukraine

Nearly a Tenth of Biden Voters in Key States Would Not Have Voted for Him Had They Known About Hunter Biden Scandal

FBI Buried Hunter Biden Laptop

President Trump Pardons Michael Flynn

Federal Judge Dismisses Case Against Michael Flynn Following Pardon

Hunter Biden Reveals He Is Facing Tax Fraud Investigation

Rep. Nunes Suggests Hunter Biden Special Counsel

US Attorney’s Office in Delaware Is Investigating Hunter Biden’s Taxes

Chinese Money Launderer Called James Biden After FBI Arrest, Was Trying To Reach Hunter

The Democrats Are the Party of China

Hunter Biden Called His Father and Chinese Business Partner ‘Office Mates’ in September 2017 Email

Sen. Johnson: Congress Should Have Known About DOJ Hunter Biden Probe

Grassley: Joe Biden ‘Has Explaining to Do’ Over Hunter Biden Probe

Passing of Baron Benjamin de Rothschild, Chairman of the Board of Directors of Edmond de Rothschild Holding SA

How to Steal an Election

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The Spider's Web: Britain's Second Empire
January 30 2021 | From: IndependentPoV

At the demise of empire, City of London financial interests created a web of secrecy jurisdictions that captured wealth from across the globe and hid it in a web of offshore islands.

Today, up to half of global offshore wealth is hidden in British jurisdictions and Britain and its dependencies are the largest global players in the world of international finance.

Related: The Top Of The Pyramid: The Rothschilds, The Vatican And The British Crown Rule World

The Spider's Web was substantially inspired by Nicholas Shaxson's book Treasure Islands you can read an extract of it here: The Truth ABout Tax Havens

For those interested to learn more about tax justice and financial secrecy, read about the Tax Justice Network's campaigning and regular blogs - become part of the movement for change and listen to the Tax Justice Network's monthly podcast/radio show the Taxcast: TaxJustice.net

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A Generation Of Poisoning With Gender-Bender Chemicals Has Created A New Class Of Youth Who Fail To Recognize Gender At All
July 27 2016 | From: NaturalNews

The success of the globalists in perverting the minds of Western youth is evident in a new study by the Innovation Group, which found that most people between the ages of 13 and 20 – what the mainstream media and social engineers have dubbed "Generation Z" – no longer believe in strictly-defined gender identities like "male" and "female."

These gender "binaries," which are really just the pronouns humanity has been using since the beginning of time to differentiate between individuals with external reproductive equipment versus internal reproductive equipment, are now "old-fashioned" to the youth of today, which the study found are more comfortable than previous generations using gender-neutral (and grammatically incorrect) pronouns like "they" and "them" to describe a single, genderless individual.

Related: Finally Parents Begin Removing Their Children From Public Indoctrination Center Over Teaching Transgenderism

A majority of Gen-Z respondents, 52 percent, indicated that they aren't completely heterosexual, while 35 percent – an 11 percent increase compared to "Millennials" – admit that they fall somewhere along the spectrum of bisexuality. This spectrum identification for sexuality is further reflected in the more than 38 percent of Gen-Zers who claim they don't believe gender defines a person.

As far as the types of clothes and accessories they buy, 13–20 year-olds are much more fluid when it comes to sticking to a gender norm. Only 44 percent of Gen-Zers buy clothes exclusively designed for their own gender, while an astounding 70 percent say they support the idea that bathrooms become "genderless," welcoming anyone and everyone who wants to use them.

Related: People To Be Allowed To Pick Their Own Gender Without Doctor's Diagnosis, Under UK Government Plans & American College Of Pediatrics Reaches Decision: Transgenderism Of Children Is Child Abuse

Gen-Z is likewise more accepting of others who don't identify by any specific gender pronoun, or who identify by "non-traditional" gender pronouns like "ze;" 74 percent of Gen-Zers fall into this category compared to just 62 percent of older Millennials between the ages of 21–34. But the one thing on which both Gen-Zers and Millennials agree? More people than ever are experimenting with their gender identity.

A 16-year-old pansexual (genderless) student from Nebraska by the name of "Madeleine" told VICE that "it" (for lack of a better pronoun) learned more about gender and identity from its peers than from older people, and that "agender," or no gender at all, is a young people's phenomenon.

"I also notice that people my age are more open to gender and sexuality being fluid and subject to change," Madeleine told VICE. "For a while, I identified as asexual, but as time went on and I changed, I realized that maybe I wasn't that way anymore."

Endocrine-Disrupting Chemicals are Eliminating Sex, Gender

This lack of clarity about biological identity is a product of two things: relentless media propaganda and chemical poisoning with gender-bending chemicals found in plastics, herbicides and pesticides sprayed on our food, and environmental pollution.

Chemicals like bisphenol-A (BPA), glyphosate, soy and other hormone-disruptors are altering human genes and producing next-generation "robot" humans with no gender, and thus no identity.

Related: The Rational Argument Against The Normalization Of Transgenderism

It's sad, really, because it could have been prevented through reforms that protect the people rather than the chemical and drug industries that produce these toxins.

Food, water, air: It's all tainted with endocrine-disrupting chemicals (EDCs) that, more often than not, mimic the effects of estrogen, meaning they deplete testosterone and create hormone imbalances that not only confuse children, but also affect their growth and development.

Young girls are becoming more "masculine," while young boys are becoming more "feminine" – an alchemy of the two sexes both physically and mentally that's changing the landscape of culture and civilization.

We've identified many sources of EDCs through our ongoing work at the Natural News Forensics Food Lab, which I encourage you to check out in order to learn more.

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The Atlantic Council: The Marketing Arm Of The Military / Security Complex
January 28 2021 | From: PaulCraigRoberts

How much did the military-security complex pay the Atlantic Council to publish this sales pitch to Poland to load up on US weapons systems? The sales pitch was written by arms salesmen Richard Shirreff, a partner at Strategia Worldwide Ltd., and Maciej Olex-Szczytowski, a “business adviser specializing in defense.”

The sales pitch is titled “Arming For Deterrence.” The Kremlin is unpredictable, say the arms salesmen, and could at any moment decide to attack Poland. However the Russian regime “respects a show of force” and would back down if Poland has a sufficient inventory of US weapons.

Related: The Conspiracy to Rule the World #50: The Atlantic Council

The sales pitch encourages Poland to take many aggressive and dangerous steps toward Russia, such as targeting Russia cities and facilities including RT. But before provoking the Bear like this, Poland needs “to join the tactical nuclear capability scheme within NATO, so enabling its F-16s to be carriers of tactical nuclear ordnance.”

Poland also needs to be able to strike deep inside Russia and for this needs to purchase American long-range JASSM air-launched cruise missiles, the Navy Strike missile coastal missiles, and the Guided Multiple Launch Rocket Systems.

Poland also needs “offensive cyber operations” and “more tandem-warhead Anti-Tank Guided Missiles (ATGMs) capable of penetrating reactive armor, and also anti-aircraft (including anti-helicopter) and anti-UAV missiles. “

The bill for this deterrence against non-existent “Russian aggression” comes to “some US $26 billion” on top of planned expenditures of US $34 billion.

“Poland should move forward expeditiously with procurements,” say the arms salesmen or risk being attacked by superior Russian forces.

The zionist neocons get away with their warmongering because it is profitable for the US military/security complex. Whereas the crazed neocons want real war, the military / security complex only wants the propaganda threat of war. The numerous military / foreign policy think tanks funded by the military / security complex provide the propaganda and made-up threat.

This is a dangerous game, because the Russians see a real threat in the hostility that is directed at them.

The anti-Russian propaganda is universal and includes the Olympic Games. Washington wants Russia excluded based on the allegation that only Russians take performance-enhancing substances.

What extraordinary nonsense.

I have a relative who travels widely to test athletes of every sport, even golf, for the use of performance-enhancing substances.

It is not the Russians who have corrupted “clean sports.” It is the money that the corrupt Americans have poured into sports. To be a champion, to win the Masters at Augusta National, to win a gold medal means to be a multi-millionaire.

Sports that people once played for enjoyment are now a lucrative profession.

Money corrupts everything, and it is capitalism that turns everything into a commodity that is bought and sold. In capitalist regimes everything is for sale: honor, integrity, justice, truth.

Everything is reduced to the filthy lucre.

Related: Putin to Western 'Elites': Play-Time is Over

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Science Confirms That People Absorb Energy From Others
January 27 2021 | From: Tinnuochan

Did it ever happen to you to feel a bad vibe when you were with another person, as if this person was absorbing your energy?

Related: Energy Depletion In A Human Being

“Everything is energy” is one of the main axioms of science, and human beings are no strangers to energy transformations.

An interesting study was conducted at the University of Bielefeld, Germany, which shows that plants can absorb energy from other plants. Olivia Bader-Lee, a physician and therapist, followed the results of this investigation.

The science that studies the behavior of energy in living things is called bioenergetics.

This research was conducted in algae, specifically in Chlamydomonas reinhardtii. It was discovered that in addition to photosynthesis, it also has an alternative source of energy and that would be to absorb energy from other algae.

Related: What Is The Ether, Dark Matter And Dark Energy? + The Big Secret Of Quantum Mechanics

The charge of this research is the German biologist Olaf Kruse, and its findings were reported on Naturesite.com.

According to Bader-Lee, our bodies are like sponges, absorbing energy that is around us.

“This is exactly why there are people who feel uncomfortable when they are in a certain group with a mixture of energy and emotions”.

“The human body is very similar to a plant that sucks, absorbs the energy needed to feed your emotional state, and can energize the cells and increase the amount of cortisol and catabolize, feed the cells depending on the emotional need. ” continues Bader-Lee.

That is why many people can change their mood which leads to being nervous, stressed, angry, anxious, sad, but also happy, optimistic and laughing.

Bader-Lee says that over the centuries, man has lost that connection with nature, in which the exchange of energy could bring enormous benefits to humanity.

Related: This Is How Your ‘Aura’ Affects Your Health & Those Around You + Magnetic Fields Of The Human Body And Their Functions & 13 Signs You Are Experiencing A Spiritual Awakening

Ultimately, the spirit is energy, and what we call “supernatural” is nothing more than the manifestation of different energies in the world.

This was known in ancient cultures from every continent, but science has decided to ignore it and only few scientists dare to address these issues, for fear of criticism and rejection by the scientific community.

Related: New Research Shocks Scientists: Human Emotion Physically Shapes Reality

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The Military Is the Only Way – What Happens Next?
January 26 2021 | From: PrayingMedic

On November 1st, 2016, Steve Pieczenik posted his first YouTube message informing the world that Hillary Clinton (with the help of corrupt government employees) had pulled a soft coup in an attempt to become President.

Pieczenik went on to say that patriots in the military and intelligence agencies had launched a soft counter-coup that would prevent her from assuming power.

Related: DHS Sting Operation Rumors Of Massive Voting Fraud + Intelligence Expert Steve Pieczenik Claims 2020 Election Was A “Sophisticated Sting Operation” That Has Trapped The Democrats In The Most Massive Criminal Election Fraud In History

Steve was the first person to explain that a battle was underway to control America, and that good people in the military and intelligence community were backing Donald Trump as a presidential candidate.

Pieczenik said the weapon of choice for patriots in 2016 was information.

Julian Assange had been given emails exposing Hillary Clinton’s corruption. Their release was timed to sabotage her run for the White House.

Her lackey, James Comey, did what damage control he could, but the emails caused enough public embarrassment to allow Trump to win the 2016 election.

In another video, Pieczenik said the military had recruited Donald Trump to run for President. Trump later confirmed that claim. At a ceremony where General Milley replaced General Dunford as Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, Trump recalled the time in 2015 when Dunford asked him to run for President.

During the last four years, did patriots in the military release information about corruption to wake up the citizenry?

Did the military hope that citizens would use elections to remove corrupt people from power?

How did the DC swamp overcome the record turnout of Trump’s base in November?

Rig the vote for Biden?

In a delicate procedure where the risk of harm is significant, are the least invasive methods tried first?

If the first attempt is unsuccessful, are more invasive methods considered?

Did the military try the least invasive method of removing corruption?

Did the first attempt fail?


Corrupt politicians still control elections?

Does the military have other (more invasive) methods at their disposal?

Did President Trump do everything humanly possible to expose corruption?

“I left it all on the field.”

What was the response of the DOJ, governors, mayors, state legislators, Congress, and the courts to evidence of corruption?

Turn a blind eye?

Having given them the opportunity to address corruption, can the military step in?

When non-military institutions and agencies refuse to deal with corruption, who enforces the rule of law?

What is the last line of defense against anarchy and tyranny?


Was President Trump’s term in office good for the military?

Rules of engagement changed?

Troops home from foreign wars?

No new wars?

Military pay raise?

Improved VA healthcare?

Was Trump’s term in office good for the world?

Peace with North Korea?

Peace in the Middle East?

Would the military trust Trump with the fate of the nation?


Proven track record?

Did Trump hint that he would be back in office?


If the military planned to intervene in the Biden administration, would Trump know? 

Were there protests in Washington D.C. during Biden’s inauguration?


Why did the military build a fenced and guarded perimeter around the capitol?

Does the military plan to keep 7,000 National Guardsmen in DC through mid-March?


The military is the only way.

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New Zealand Researcher Malcolm Scott - New Zealand's Climate Of Secrecy
January 25 2021 | From: SageOfQuay

As part of his post graduate work, Malcolm Scott is writing a thesis on whether New Zealand’s Ministry for the Environment is engaged in a practice of intentional disinformation regarding the ongoing and persistent aerosol program in New Zealand.

Malcolm is a post-graduate student and researcher at the University of Canterbury. He is recognized by the New Zealand Tertiary Education Commission. Prior to joining the University of Canterbury Malcolm has held academic appointments with the University of Otago, Christchurch College of Education and the Christchurch Polytechnic Institute of Technology.

Related: Anti-Geoengineering Legal Alliance Files US 60 Day Notice Of Legal Action

Malcolm’s interest was piqued when after submitting a freedom of information request – known as an OIA in New Zealand – he received back, by accident, an internal document detailing how the Ministry responds to geoengineering inquiries. That response entailed denying that any such program exists.

That document has lead Malcolm to conclude that the New Zealand government is aware and complicit in covering up the covert operation to geoengineer the atmosphere.

Related: Geoengineering And Weather Modification Exposed

Malcolm is a post-graduate student and researcher at the University of Canterbury. He is recognized by the New Zealand Tertiary Education Commission. Prior to joining the University of Canterbury Malcolm has held academic appointments with the University of Otago, Christchurch College of Education and the Christchurch Polytechnic Institute of Technology.

New Zealand Ministry for the Environment Document

Declassified: Naval Concepts of Chemical and Biological Warfare Department of Defense (1952)

Weather Forecaster Discusses Military Chaff (Chemtrails)

Related: Mainstream Scientist Exposes The Dangerous Reality Of Chemtrails And Geoengineering

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Day Of Reckoning: Will The Republic Die Or Be Reborn?
January 24 2021 | From: NaturalNews / Various

As America watched, a decrepit, mentally incompetent Joe Biden was “sworn in”, with almost no members of the public in attendance, but with Biden surrounded by now a reported 65,000 troops, just like you’d see in a Third World dictatorship.

In truth, Biden wasn’t sworn into anything. The election was illegal, unconstitutional and fraught with deliberate malfeasance.

Trump Makes First Public Comments Since Leaving Office

The theft of the election renders the Biden regime null and void, carrying no legal weight whatsoever.

Everything the Biden regime attempts to do from this day forward isn’t rooted in law; it’s rooted in coercion. Rule by brute force, in other words. Gunpoint enforcement by a brutal, authoritarian regime that can only browbeat the population into submission through intense censorship, false flag operations and relentless media propaganda.

That’s why this isn’t over. Biden has no legitimacy, and the proof of election fraud still exists in abundance. It’s recorded in the ballots themselves, which must be saved for 22 months according to federal law. Any honest assessment of the ballots would reveal the Biden election theft, and legal efforts are still under way to reveal the truth.

In fact, just today, one hour after the inauguration of fake president Biden, a statement from Arizona Senate President Fann reveals that the Maricopa County Board of Supervisors has agreed to the voting machine audit they’ve been hiding all this time. They waited until after Biden was sworn in, of course, because they know they cheated.

Biden also knows the election was stolen. He admitted before the election that dems were running the most elaborate vote fraud organization in the history of American politics. On camera, no less.

Related: Eric Trump: ‘The Best Is Yet to Come’

Now, Democrats are pushing to label all those who demand election integrity “domestic terrorists.” This is a blatant attempt to weaponize the federal government to target and intimidate anyone pointing to the mountain of vote fraud evidence that already exists.

As of today, they think they’ve successful stolen the election, but they know the evidence still exists that proves they cheated, so now they have to go into overdrive to complete their cover-up and try to suppress (or intimidate) anyone who tells the truth.

That’s why dems are now calling for actual secret police to be launched in America to spy on conservatives. One of the key factors they’ll be looking for is people who say Joe Biden is an “illegitimate” president, or that the election was stolen.

Yet every honest American knows it was stolen. And so do most democrats, who are universally satisfied that their election theft was “justified” because they really, really hate Donald Trump.

And when the Left has sufficient hatred, they can justify absolutely anything, including door-to-door genocide of Christians, Whites, Trump supporters, gun owners and conservatives.

That’s where this is all moving toward now: A left-wing “cultural revolution” ethnic cleansing in America. And if the military doesn’t step in and take charge to save our constitutional republic, this nation will descend into a brutal left-wing regime that weaponizes the government against its own citizens and calls for mass killings of conservatives by labeling them all “domestic terrorists.”

Related: Articles of Impeachment Filed Against Biden by GOP Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene

It has already begun, in fact. Here are details of what we’re witnessing:

Trump’s farewell speech was not a concession speech.

Focused on family, life and opposing censorship. Don. Trump Jr., “The best is yet to come!”

Why the GOP is dead and a new “Patriot” party will likely be launched.

Why we must have faith in God as we navigate uncharted waters.

The Dems wanted us to know it was stolen. They want America to react so they can label everyone “domestic terrorists.”

Where Trump had real people at his inauguration, Biden’s team sticks flags in the ground and is mostly abandoned. (What a complete joke.)

Russiagate declass documents confirmed and partially released.

12 members of the National Guard removed after FBI “vetting.” Also a complete joke.

Mike Pompeo declares China to be engaged in “genocide” and “crimes against humanity.” (Today, China has sanctioned Pompeo and 27 other people, including Steve Bannon.)

Why the military buildup in DC? It’s clearly not for an inauguration that’s mostly empty.

National Guard chief admits now 65,000 troops in DC. Now 4,300 have been deputized as US Marshals. Who are they planning on arresting, especially since there are no protesters there?

“Bloody” Gina Haspel resigns from CIA. Michael Ellis put in place at NSA. Haspel’s resignation was a marker claimed by Dr. Steve Pieczenik, who insists Trump will still be president.

Haspel was a key person blocking the declass effort.

Highway signs tell travelers to avoid going to DC.

A preview of the horrors to come if Biden seizes power: A nightmare of “radical trans activist clowns” will attempt to rule over America.

Sec. of Defense nominee Gen. Austin wants to turn the US military into a woke festival of LGBT troops and eliminate all Whites, conservatives and Christians from the military. (Get ready for the Gay Marines and the Lesbian Air Force.)

The rise of digital fascism: The Left knows they lied and cheated and stole the election, and they fear the people and the military.

Steve Bannon warns of the formation of the new “Stasi” secret police to spy on Americans.

Laura Loomer put on secret no-gun red flag list by vengeful FBI.

Big Tech censorship goes into overdrive, unleashing a “one way” trip to Hell for America if this isn’t reversed.

Pelosi launches attack on people who don’t support abortion.

Mainline conservative publishers and personalities ordered to toe the line on pushing vaccines.

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White House Showcases List of Trump Presidency Accomplishments

Trump Orders Declassification of Some Crossfire Hurricane Documents

How to Attempt to Steal a Republic

Trump Leaves Washington, Tells Supporters: ‘We Will Be Back in Some Form’

The Coming New Order

The astonishing case for optimism and faith

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From The Archives: "The End Game Is A New World Order"- Former Canadian Minister Of Defence Speaks Out + The Globalists Say It In Their Own Words
January 23 2021 [July 31 2016] | From: EMN / AustralianNationalReview / Various

"They decided to use the monetary system to crush countries instead of armies." - Paul Hellyer

Paul Hellyer is one of Canada’s best known and most controversial politicians. As Former Minister Of Defence, Hellyer has been exposed to the inner workings of Canada’s political and military systems.

Related: Ex Canadian Minister Of Defence Hon. Paul Hellyer Calls On Citizens To Oust The Cabal

Comment: It seems we are in dark days. Things are not always as they seem. The people who are not aware of what has been going on, had to be shown. You cannot tell them - they must see what was planned for themselves. Take heart. This was never going to be easy but we will get through it.

At The Hearing on UFO Disclosure sponsored by the Alien Cosmic Expo in Brantford, Ontario this past June 25, 2016, Hellyer addressed a filled convention hall of people, cameras and reporters, asking the question; “Who is the next Empire?”

Pointing to the cabal of banking cartels, the oil cartel, big transnational corporations, the trilateral commission, intelligence agencies in the USA, UK, Israel, and the American military who are working in concert to crush countries economically and rule the world, Hellyer states that the cabal is running the US for the last half century to the point where Presidents have been little more than talking heads with the Congress being clueless as to what is going on.

“The end game is a world government, the New World Order, unelected and accountable only to them.”
Heller exclaims.

“That’s what they are doing. They decided to use the monetary system to crush countries instead of armies.”

If what we are seeing in Europe with BREXIT and the entire European Union experiencing financial turmoil, Paul Hellyer and his message needs to be heard!

And here's Obama's video, sheesh why don't you say what you really think, Barack?

"And for the international order that we have worked for generations to build.

Ordinary men and women are too small minded to govern their own affairs.

That order and progress can only come when individuals surrender their rights to an all-powerful sovereign."

- Barack Obama [See video below]

And if we haven't got your attention yet, here's this original old doozey from George H.W. Bush on September 11, 1991:

Followed By This synopsis - David Rockefeller & Co: The One World Order Theory Is True

David Rockefeller, one of the oldest billionaires in the world who is turning 101 this June, has said that he is proud to be accused of creating a ‘One World Order,’ a group of selected elites who planned to exploit America for their own interests.

“Some even believe [the Rockefellers] are part of a secret cabal working against the best interests of the United States, characterising my family and me as ‘internationalists’ conspiring with others around the world to build a more integrated global political and economic structure – one world, if you will. If that’s the charge, I stand guilty, and I’m proud of it.”

- David Rockefeller, 2002.

Enjoy some more juicy NWO quotes here: 150+ New World Order Quotes

David Rockefeller, whose family has been one of the most influential ones in the US
- to the extent that they were equated as the Royal Family of the US- does not regret the charges. Nor does he regret that his family has been at the receiving end of the conspiracy theory.

Governor Nelson Rockefeller of New York
In an article entitled "Rockefeller Bids Free Lands Unite: Calls at Harvard for Drive to Build New World Order"
New York Times, February 1962

The United Nations, he told an audience at Harvard University, "has not been able - nor can it be able - to shape a new world order which events so compellingly demand." ...

The new world order that will answer economic, military, and political problems, he said, "urgently requires, I believe, that the United States take the leadership among all free peoples to make the underlying concepts and aspirations of national sovereignty truly meaningful through the federal approach."

Senator Jay Rockefeller

John Davison " Jay " Rockefeller IV roasts Pat Buchanan in 1991 shows his true colors of a globalist psychopath out to manipulate and control the world:

On the other hand, David Rockefeller says he is happy that his family’s name has been dragged into the conspiracy theory, which wants to establish that the Rockefellers and other rich and famous wanted to benefit at the expense of the poor.

The only billionaire in the world over 100 years old, David’s family has a tradition of being involved in such controversies. His grandfather John D Rockefeller who died in 1937 was the founder of Standard Oil and the world’s richest individual at that time.

Over the years, the family has had its own time under the sun and was associated with wealth, power, politics, finance, diplomacy, philanthropy, marijuana prohibition, aliens, UFO’s and finally the infamous conspiracy theories.

Of course the NWO is not just about the Rockefellers, they an American offshoot - and have probably been more loose-lipped about the NWO agenda than others.

In Europe of course we have the Rothschilds along with a number of other "Illuminati" / Khazarian Zionist families with many interrelated factions and networks.

Related: The Top Of The Pyramid: The Rothschilds, The Vatican And The British Crown Rule World

Congressman Larry P. McDonald
US Rep. , Killed in Korean Air Lines 007, 1983 - killed in the 747 that was shot down by the Soviets

"The drive of the Rockefellers and their allies is to create a one-world government combining supercapitalism and Communism under the same tent, all under their control....

Do I mean conspiracy? Yes I do. I am convinced there is such a plot, international in scope, generations old in planning, and incredibly evil in intent."

As per the purported ‘One World Order’, the elites have been accused of setting up institutions such as the 'Trilateral Commission’ and the ‘Bilderberg Group’ among others to advance their interests nationally and globally.

The Bilderberg Group is a good example of part of the NWO network - the connections are quite clear visually:

Just how hyperbolic are allegations that the Bilderbergs run the world? To help readers decide, here is a chart laying out the linkages and various connections - financial, political, statutory and otherwise - between the handful of people who comprise the Bilderberg core and the rest of the world:

Click on the image above to open a larger version in a new window

Their aim is to create an international world order to deal with global issues, initiated and controlled by western countries. The order was accused of trying to dominate and manipulate the weak and the fragmented people of the world.

Related: The Conspiracy To Rule The World - An Interactive History

Even though the Rockefellers were the most prominent family during their heydays, David is [supposedly] only 603rd among the list of top billionaires in the world.

His grandfather John D Rockefeller, in contrast, has assets equal to 1.5 per cent of US GDP. The falling wealth and prospects of the family have not stopped the Rockefellers from donating to charity and even last year, he donated USD79m and is believed to have donated USD900m over his life time. [These figures are grossly under reported, and in any case the vast majority of funding goes towards Gloablist projects - under the guise of "philanthropy" and "charities."]

David Rockefeller
Founder of the Trilateral Commission, in an address to a meeting of The Trilateral Commission, Baden-Baden, Germany, June 1991 (a meeting also attended by then-Governor Bill Clinton and by Dan Quayle)

"We are grateful to the Washington Post, The New York Times, Time Magazine and other great publications whose directors have attended our meetings and respected their promises of discretion for almost forty years.

It would have been impossible for us to develop our plan for the world if we had been subjected to the lights of publicity during those years.

But, the world is now more sophisticated and prepared to march towards a world government. The supranational sovereignty of an intellectual elite and world bankers is surely preferable to the national auto-determination practiced in past centuries."

Five of his siblings are dead and David is the last one left and perhaps the most influential of them all. As a child, David was reserved and solitary, with a passion for collecting beetles. As an adult, he is believed to be suave and non-confrontational.

During his youth, he knew every politician who mattered on the planet and a journalist and former LBJ aide Bill Moyers once called him “the unelected but indisputable chairman of the American establishment”.

Above: Jacob Rothschild with David Rockefeller

The left saw the rich man’s club, promoted by Rockefeller, as promoting free markets and perhaps that is how the rumours spread. However, the Rockefellers have taken the criticism in their stride and are even proud of it.

David Rockefeller
In a statement to the United Nations Business Council, 1994

"We are on the verge of a global transformation. All we need is the right major crisis and the nations will accept the New World Order."

Related: Who / What is "The Crown"?

Related: Holy Smoke And Mirrors - The Vatican Conspiracy

Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi

Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi

Everything Is Rigged: Medicine, Science, Elections, The Media, Money, Education, Search Engines, Social Media... You Are Living In A Fabricated Fairy Tale
January 22 2021 - From: November 26 2018 | From: NaturalNews / Various

There was going to be an update regarding what is acutally going on with the US election sham but due to vitrually zero support and no resources / time - you'll have to sit with Hillary from 2018.

After witnessing how Reuters just blatantly cooked the presidential election polls this week to favor Clinton and how the mainstream media is so terrifyingly biased in favor of Clinton that the very foundation of democracy is now in crisis, it's time to tell you something that perhaps a lot more people are finally ready to hear: EVERYTHING IS RIGGED.

Statement On Clinton Foundation’s Ties To Corporation Funding ISIS

Every institution - and not just inin America is sold out, corrupted and politically rigged to favor Big Government and Big Business. "America is a lost country," explains Paul Craig Roberts. "The total corruption of every public and the private institution is complete. Nothing remains but tyranny. And lies. Endless lies."

CNN, Reuters and the Associated Press are all now shameless promoters of every big lie across every sector of society, from vaccines and GMOs to elections and politics. The federal government itself is incapable of doing anything other than lying, and it has totally corrupted the entire realm of science by pulling the strings of funding via the National Institutes of Health and the NSF.

The FDA is entirely corrupt, as is the USDA. Both function now as little more than marketing propaganda pushers for Big Pharma and Big Biotech. Similarly, Google, Facebook and Twitter are all rigged, too, censoring the voices they don't want anyone to hear while highlighting the establishment lies they wish to promote.

Here's what "rigged" really means... the tools of tyranny

When I say "everything is rigged," what does that mean, exactly?

All "official sources" are ordered to constantly lie about everything, weaving illusions to push a chosen narrative rooted in fiction (from "there are no Islamic terrorists" to "carbon dioxide is poison to the planet").

All voices of reason and sanity are silenced. Only the most insane, irrational voices are allowed to be magnified through any media (including social media). This is also true across the sciences, where real science has been all but snuffed out by political agendas (biosludge, GMOs, glyphosate, mercury in dentistry, etc.).

All facts are obliterated by propaganda. Facts have no place in any debate, and those who invoke facts are shamed and silenced (or even fired from their jobs, expelled from their schools or bullied into a state of suicide on social media). Anyone who invokes facts on things like the actual statistics of police shootings is told they are "part of the problem" because they have the "wrong attitude" about social justice.

Every branch of government is weaponized against the people and used as an assault tool against political enemies who threaten the status quo. (IRS, FDA, FTC, DEA, EPA, USDA, etc.)

All science is distorted into absurd, politically-motivated conclusions about everything the government wants to use to control the masses: Vaccines, climate change, GMOs, fluoride, flu shots, chemical agriculture, carbon dioxide and so on.

Related: RT Brings You A New Censorship Buster & Google Admits In Court Documents That It Believes Free Speech Is “Disastrous” For Society

Every branch of medicine is hijacked by globalist agendas to make sure medicine never makes anyone healthier, more alert or more cognitively capable of thinking for themselves.

Every "news item" that's reported from any official source is deliberately distorted to the point of insanity, turning many facts on their heads while attacking anyone who might offer something truly constructive to the world. (Such as reporting that Clinton was "cleared" by the FBI when, in fact, she was indicted by the very facts the FBI presented!)

All voices of truth are silenced, then replaced by meaningless, distracting babble (Kardashians) or meaningless, tribal sports competitions (the Rio Olympics). The point is to dumb down the entire population to the point of cultural lunacy.

Any true reports that contradict any official narrative are immediately censored. For example, radio host Michael Savage just got blocked by Facebook for posting a true story about an illegal alien who committed murder in America.

Emotions are used as weapons to manipulate the masses. For example, when the mom of a Benghazi victim shares her grief with the world, she is ridiculed and shamed. But when a radical Muslim father who's trying to bring Sharia Law to America attacks Trump by expressing his loss of his soldier son, the media turns him into an instant celebrity, praising his "courageous voice" for daring to speak out. The media hypocrisy is enough to make you vomit...

Related: Former Secret Service Agent Files RICO Lawsuit Against Clintons, Podesta And Soros

What Exactly is Rigged?

The entire mainstream media

Google search engine and Google News

Facebook and Twitter

Political parties (both red asnd blue 100% rigged by globalists)

Every government agency

The entire justice system (makes a total farce of real justice)

Interest rates and the value of the money supply (central banksters)

Academia (all public universities)

EPA's "safe" limits on pesticides (all rigged by Big Biotech)

Food and food labeling (all run by corrupt food companies)

Public education (rigged into Common Core anti-knowledge idiocy)

Banking and finance (all controlled by globalists)

Government economics figures and statistics

Medicine and pharmaceuticals (rigged to maximize profits)

Big Science (totally rigged by government agenda pushers)

The music industry (most top singers can't sing at all)

Weapons manufacturers and war corporations

The illegal drug trade (it's run by the government)

Political elections (all 100% rigged at the federal level)

Political polls (now rigged by Reuters, too)

The health insurance industry (rigged by Obamacare)

College admissions (legally discriminates against Whites and Asians)

9/11 and domestic terrorism (all rigged "official stories")

Oil and energy industries

The rule of law (rigged in favor of the rich and powerful)

Infectious disease and the CDC (a constant stream of lies)

Hollywood (all run by globalists)

Climate change science (all a grand science hoax)

Press release services (they only allow official narratives)

History (what you are taught is mostly a lie)

Government grants (only given out to those who further the agenda)

Government bids (only awarded to those who kick back funds to corrupt officials)

Consciousness and free will (we are all taught consciousness doesn't exist)

Ethnobotany (medicinal and spiritual use of healing plants)

Life on other plants (the obvious truth is kept from us all)

The origin of the universe (the official narrative is a laughable fairy tale)

As a fantastic example of how everything is rigged, consider these paragraphs from this Breitbart.com news story published today:

"Over the weekend and for the past few days since Khan spoke alongside his wife Ghazala Khan about their son, U.S. Army Captain Humayun Khan, who was killed in Iraq in 2004, media-wide reporters, editors, producers, and anchors have tried to lay criticism on Trump over the matter.

They thought they had a good one, a specific line of attack that pitted Trump against the military - and supposedly showed him as a big meanie racist in the process.

But, as Breitbart News showed on Monday midday, that clearly was not the case. Khizr Khan has all sorts of financial, legal, and political connections to the Clintons through his old law firm, the mega-D.C. firm Hogan Lovells LLP.

That firm did Hillary Clinton’s taxes for years, starting when Khan still worked there involved in, according to his own website, matters “firm wide” - back in 2004.

It also has represented, for years, the government of Saudi Arabia in the United States. Saudi Arabia, of course, is a Clinton Foundation donor which - along with the mega-bundlers of thousands upon thousands in political donations to both of Hillary Clinton’s presidential campaigns in 2008 and 2016 - plays right into the “Clinton Cash” narrative."

America's transformation into Communist China is nearly complete

If you're pondering where all this is headed, look no further than Communist China, where all independent news has been outlawed by the state. Political prisoners across China have their organs harvested to enrich black market organ traders, and nearly one out of every three urban citizens is a secret spy who snitches on friends for the totalitarian communist government.

Hillary Clinton is the embodiment of Communist Chinese totalitarianism. She's such a perfect fit for their disastrous model of human rights abuses, government corruption and systemic criminality that I'm surprised she doesn't live in Beijing. If Clinton gets elected, America is gone forever, replaced by a criminal regime of totalitarians who violate the RICO Act as a matter of policy.

Related: Hillary Clinton Was And Is Running A Global Financial Criminal Syndicate’

If this entire rigged system of biased media, Facebook censorship, Google search result manipulations and twisted science ends up putting America's most terrifying political criminal into the White House, it's lights out for the American we once knew. Almost immediately, the nation fractures into near Civil War, with calls for secession growing unstoppable as state after state seeks to escape the political wrath of an insane regime of D.C. criminals and tyrants. #TEXIT

We now live in two Americas: Half the country is tired of everything being rigged, and the other half can't wait to be exploited by yet another crooked leftist LIAR who rigs everything

America is now essentially two nations. On one hand, we have the pro-Trump America, filled with people who are tired of being cheated, censored, punished, stolen from and lied to about everything under the sun.

Donald Trump supporters
are people who realize everything is rigged... and they're demanding an end to the corruption and criminality of the fascist system under which we all suffer today.

Hillary Clinton supporters are people who are too busy chasing political rainbows to realize everything is rigged. They still believe the lies and the propaganda (the "hope and change" that never came, but is still promised by empty politicians). They're living in fairy tale delusional worlds that have been woven into their gullible minds by the skillful social engineers of the radical left.

These people still think the government cares about them... or that CNN only reports truthful news. They can't wait to see another globalist in the White House because they are pathetic, weak-minded empty shells of non-consciousness who are wholly incapable of thinking for themselves.

These two camps of Americans can no longer coexist. They have almost nothing in common when it comes to knowledge, wisdom, ethics, morals or philosophy. One camp believes in the rule of law (Trump); the other camp believes that people in power should be above the law (Clinton).

One camp believes in states' rights and individual liberty (Trump) while the other camp believes in the consolidation of totalitarian power in the hands of a centralized, domineering government (Clinton). One camp believes in a level playing field, free market competition and rewarding innovation and hard work (Trump), while the other camp believes in free handouts, government "equality" mandates, and the ludicrous idea that "there should be no winners or losers in society." (Clinton)

Related: American Center For Law And Justice Files Lawsuits Against ‘Deep State’ Over Clinton Investigation And
Uranium One

In other to try to win this election, the Clinton camp has already rigged EVERYTHING from the very start, including the coronation of Hillary, the scheduling of televised debates to minimize their viewership, the surrender of Bernie Sanders to the DNC machine, the mass organization of illegal voting schemes to make sure illegal aliens vote in November, and so much more. No doubt they're also working extremely hard to rig the black box voting machines all across the country.

If you're tired of everything being rigged, this November vote against the rigged system by voting for Donald Trump. This is truly your last chance to save America from being overthrown by a totalitarian regime of criminals who will crush every last iota of freedom and liberty in America.

Related: Hillary Clinton: A Threat to ALL Humanity: Global Research

Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi

Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi

How An Austrian And British Malthusian Brainwashed A Generation Of Americans [Westerners]
January 21 2021 | From: Zerohedge / Various

The creation of false opposites has been a long-standing obstacle to human progress.

From the ancient pleasure-seeking Epicureans who argued against the logic-heavy Stoics of ancient Rome to the war of “salvation through faith vs works” that schismed western Christianity, to the chaotic emotional energy driving the Jacobin mobs of France whose passions were only matched by the radical Cartesian logic of their Girondin enemies; humanity has long been manipulated by oligarchs who knew how to set the species to war against itself.

Related: Why Mainstream Economists Don't See Recessions Coming

Although these operations have taken many forms, the desired effect has always been the same: divide-to-conquer bloodbaths which drowned out the saner voices of Cicero (executed in 44 BCE), Thomas More (executed in 1535 CE), or Jean Sylvain Bailly (executed in 1793 CE).

Today’s polarization across the Trans-Atlantic world has reached a fevered pitch with the “right wing conservatives” shouting for liberty and less government while left wing liberals call for more government and top-down reforms of the system (with Great Reset technocrats laughing in the background).

Everyone with half a brain should be able to sense that the danger of civil war and economic meltdown hang over our destinies like a sword of Damocles, but instead of hearing calls for restoring the SCIENTIFICALLY PROVEN traditions of American System banking that author Ellen Brown recently documented in her powerful new essay, we find only feuding sects that assert we must EITHER have top-down centralized planning OR bottom-up free markets laissez faire policies devoid of any government intervention.

Related: Is The Globalist "Reset" Failing? The Elites May Have Overplayed Their Hand

To the degree that this false debate continues the overtones of France’s 1789-94 bloodbath will be heard growing louder with every passing day.

Keynes vs Hayek: A False Dualism

In this first of a three-part series, I will argue that the source of this confusion among Americans was first concocted in London during the height of the depression, centering on the figures of two London-based Malthusian hedonists.

Related: Gold Standard Versus Keynes: Which Is Economically Illiterate?

One was top-down economist John Maynard Keynes (1883-1946) and the other played the role of his supposed opponent in the form of “bottom up” advocate Friedrich von Hayek (1899-1992).

To put it another way, these two fundamentally anti-republican ideologues whose lives were each devoted to the hereditary systems of empire constructed a widely publicized debate that asserted two opposing economic theories, either:

1. Government must spend arbitrarily to create jobs or:

2. Government must cut budgets, end social safety nets and public services and let the strong survive leaving each unit of society to its own (supposedly) self-regulating passions.

The constants among both apparent opponents (who remained friends throughout their lives) were that:

1. Neither believed that INTENTION or MIND should govern economic policy (Keynes believed in arbitrary “make work” which could not differentiate between the qualitative difference of a $100 paycheck to a digger of random holes vs $100 paycheck to an engineer building a dam), an:

2. Both believed equally in the universal validity of Malthus’s population theories, and of Bernard Mandeville’s satanic belief that personal vice creates public virtue. Both theories have underpinned British imperial grand strategy for over two centuries.

Related: The Spider's Web: Britain's Second Empire

It is also important to hold in mind that this 1932 debate emerged at a time that the world government agenda driven by the Bank of England and League of Nations were on the ascendency.

This operation, in which both Keynes and von Hayek were thoroughly enmeshed, demanded fascist regimes control the world under a “scientifically managed” bankers’ dictatorship.

One month after the London Times October 17, 1932 publication began to print arguments from proponents of both schools on how to best end the depression, Franklin Roosevelt was elected to the U.S. presidency.

With his presidential victory, a specific form of economic planning was restored to the republic that had nothing to do with either school of Keynes or Hayek and everything to do with something uniquely embedded in the U.S. Constitutional traditions that petrified the hereditary empires of Europe’s old nobility.

Related: The British East India Company: The Drug Company of the Venetian Black Nobility

In the years leading up to his victory, FDR had worked closely with a grouping of bipartisan American congressmen and senators to revive a form of political economy which involved the paradoxical coexistence of increased government involvement together with massive increase in entrepreneurism, and private sector growth.

The fact that FDR is attacked by communists for being a capitalist shill while being simultaneously attacked by capitalists for being a communist shill to this very day is a sign of this ongoing confusion and a testament to the effectiveness of British intelligence propaganda.

The systemic inability for modern Americans to resolve the ‘FDR paradox’ today is due entirely to a sleight of hand pulled by the very same imperial power that has never forgiven the USA for declaring its independence in 1776.

What Ben Franklin Created

When Benjamin Franklin (1705-1790) had orchestrated his life-long project of establishing a new nation on this earth founded upon the principle of the sanctity of the individual (enunciated in the 1776 Declaration of Independence) and the sanctity of the General Welfare (as outlined in the Constitution’s 1787 pre-amble), he and his leading co-thinkers demonstrated a profoundly philosophical understanding of the political economy and also nature of true freedom which citizens must re-learn – quickly.

In order to give practical meaning to the ideals of individual (bottom up) freedom and national (top down) collective well-being enshrined in America’s founding documents, a new system of political economy was created by Franklin and his closest followers among the founding fathers.

Related: The Crown Of England Is Owned And Operated By The Vatican

This new system did not arise ex nihilo but was itself based upon the greatest traditions of French dirigisme of Jean-Baptiste Colbert (1619-1683), and earlier Cameralist schools of economic planning which grew out of the creation of the first modern nation states of France’s Louis XI and England’s Henry VII.

For the first time in history (at least since the short-lived effort by Charlemagne in the 8th century), the idea of “money”, “value”, “profit” were tied not to the passive capital off which feudal landlords fed parasitically, or bounty to be looted, but rather the improvement of the lives of people from whom the legitimacy of government was recognized to originate.

Throughout the 18th century, Benjamin Franklin became a leading American force for this school of thought which was outlined in his 1729 On the Necessity for a Paper Currency.

In this influential essay, the young scientist argued for a system of finance, colonial scrip, and value governed by the growth of manufacturing and full spectrum economics. In his essay Franklin battled the British establishment who argued that the colonies should forever remain agrarian, backward and cash cropping, saying:

“As Providence has so ordered it, that not only different Countries, but even different Parts of the same Country, have their peculiar most suitable Productions; and like wise that different Men have Genius’s adapted to Variety of different Arts and Manufactures, Therefore Commerce, or the Exchange of one Commodity or Manufacture for another, is highly convenient and beneficial to Mankind.”

Some of Franklin’s leading protégé’s who carried this tradition into the 19th century included the first U.S. Treasury Secretary Alexander Hamilton (1755-1804), John Jay (1745-1829), Gouverneur Morris (1752-1816), Robert Morris (1734-1806), Isaac Roosevelt (1726-1794) (great-great grandfather to Franklin Roosevelt) and later Henry Clay (1777-1852), John Quincy Adams (1767-1848), Matthew Carey (1760-1839). Matthew Carey’s son Henry C. Carey (1793-1879) became a leading economic advisor to Abraham Lincoln.

All of these figures defended the right of the young republic to develop “full spectrum economics” in order to gain true independence from the City of London.

Leaders of the American System: Benjamin Franklin, Alexander Hamilton, John Jay, Isaac Roosevelt, Gouverneur Morris, Robert Mirris, Matthew Carey, Henry Clay, John Quincy Adams, Henry C. Carey

Related: Central Banking Exposed: Central Banks Only Care About Debt, Profit And Control

Henry C. Carey’s Seminal works that rallied the nation’s patriots to the cause of the American System included The Principles of Political Economy (1840), How to Outdo England Without Fighting Her (1865), Unity of Law (1872) and more. It was in The Harmony of Interests (1856) that Carey famously foretold of the emerging global fight between open vs closed systems that would define the post Civil War decades:

“Two systems are before the world; the one looks to increasing the proportion of persons and of capital engaged in trade and transportation, and therefore to diminishing the proportion engaged in producing commodities with which to trade, with necessarily diminished return to the labor of all; while the other looks to increasing the proportion engaged in the work of production, and diminishing that engaged in trade and transportation, with increased return to all, giving to the laborer good wages, and to the owner of capital good profits…

One looks to pauperism, ignorance, depopulation, and barbarism; the other in increasing wealth, comfort, intelligence, combination of action, and civilization.

One looks towards universal war; the other towards universal peace. One is the English system; the other we may be proud to call the American system, for it is the only one ever devised the tendency of which was that of elevating while equalizing the condition of man throughout the world.”

What Did the “American System” Do?

While the British System of laissez fair free trade demanded that governments do nothing, regulate nothing and plan nothing in order for the magical creative animal spirits of the self-regulating markets to “do their thing”, the American System took a very different approach.

By applying protectionism, national banking, internal improvements and public credit, the American System was driven by the idea that “value” was located not in money or any material thing existent in the ephemeral “now” but rather in the development of the creative powers of mental activity of the people.

Lincoln outlined this concept beautifully in his powerful “On Discoveries and Inventions” (1858) and this principle governed the creation of the Greenbacks when private bankers made every effort to cripple the Union’s access to credit needed to win the war.

Using protection, all nations have the right and even duty to prevent the cheap dumping of foreign goods by imposing a tariff upon imports, thus ensuring that local production be favored.

Related: How The Frankfurt School Changed American / Western Culture

Dumping was an old practice of economic warfare which the British had honed since the 17th century crushing its colonies’ efforts to build up local manufacturing on countless occasions (and continues to be a key element of economic warfare masquerading behind the veneer of globalization in our current age).

As demonstrated in the LPAC documentary 1932, whenever American System-followers in Russia, Germany, Italy, Japan, China, Spain and France applied protection, rail, and dirigiste credit, prosperity, independence and abundance flourished. Whenever these policies were abandoned, those nations were crippled and manipulated into wars by foreign interests.

Between 1880-1930, this system was led by nationalist forces affiliated with President Garfield (1831-1881), President Ulysses Grant (1822-1885), Governor William Gilpin (1813-1894), President McKinley (1843-1901), Secretary of State James Blaine (1830-1893), and President Warren Harding (1865-1923). Each time it began to take hold the system was derailed by timely assassinations and it was only able to emerge once more in 1932.

Post-Civil War American System leaders: President Garfield, President Grant and Governor Gilpin, President McKinley, Secretary of Stae Blaine and President William Harding

Related: The World’s Best Economist

How Franklin Roosevelt Revived the American System

With Roosevelt’s entry into office, the British Empire (using its Wall Street lackies) that had intentionally orchestrated the Great Depression in 1929 had realized that the American System was coming back to life for the first time in decades.

While Warren Harding’s short-lived presidency saw a few noble attempts to resurrect the McKinley-Lincoln traditions of the republican party, his convenient “death by oyster poisoning” in 1923 ensured that the revival of the American System would not succeed.

Over Harding’s dead body, free trade, bank deregulation, and speculation ran rampant throughout the “roaring twenties” led by Andrew Mellon, the Morgan dynasty and their puppet Calvin Coolidge.

This decay turned the once-productive industrial economy of America into a casino of bubbles built on unpayable debts and over-extended broker call loans that went up in smoke in 1929.

The “solution” that the financial oligarchy provided to the world in anticipation of the fear and starvation unleashed by the planned meltdown of the banking system was a novel economic miracle solution called “fascism”. This system soon swept the world from Italy, Germany, Austria and Spain.

Related: The Secret Meaning of April Fool’s Day - Including: Bread And Circus, Medication And Conditioning, Omission And Denial

Within Britain, Canada and the USA, Wall Street/London sponsored fascist movements arose with lightning speed offering to solve all financial woes “and put food on the table” for millions of traumatized citizens. In a world of fear and instability, the masses were proving all too willing to ignore Ben Franklin’s sage advice by giving up their liberties to achieve a bit of security.

It was within this context that Franklin Roosevelt’s call to kick the money changers out of the temple and declare war on the abuses of Wall Street was an unexpected breath of fresh air for millions of suffocating citizens.

With FDR’s sabotage of the 1933 London Conference, the empire gasped as their carefully laid plans for world government run by local fascist enforcers were going up in smoke. Wall Street’s assassination plot in February 1933 and a military coup plot in 1934 failed, as the Pecora Commission shone the light of truth upon the abuses of those bankers that created the great depression.

After putting dozens of leading bankers in prison, prosecutor Ferdinand Pecora described the operation years later: 

“Under the surface of the governmental regulation of the securities market, the same forces that produced the riotous speculative excesses of the ‘wild bull market’ of 1929 still give evidence of their existence and influence.

Though repressed for the present, it cannot be doubted that, given a suitable opportunity, they would spring back to their pernicious activity.”

In Washington, a bi-partisan network of patriotic statesmen representing the Lincoln-McKinley-Harding traditions rose to prominence and shaped in large measure the policies which came to be known as the New Deal together with associated bank reforms of the Glass-Steagall, national credit, protectionism, and large-scale megaprojects known as the “four corners” vision (Tennessee Valley authority/Rural Electrification, Hoover Dam, Grand Coulee dam/Colorado River development, and St Lawrence Seaway).

Related: A Discourse On The Little-Known History Of The Global Banking System

Much like the Belt and Road Initiative today, these large-scale macro projects governed the tens of thousands of smaller state, county and municipal “micro” projects within a top-down dynamic.

The Keynesian Myth

Even though today’s popular narrative has asserted that FDR’s New Deal was a Keynesian innovation managed by the nebulous “Brain Trust”, the reality is that Keynes believed that FDR was a buffoon and FDR believed the Fabian eugenicist could only be considered a detached ivory tower mathematician but not a competent economist.

In her autobiography, FDR’s Secretary of Labor Frances Perkins recorded the 1934 interaction between the two men when Roosevelt told her: 

“I saw your friend Keynes. He left a whole rigmarole of figures. He must be a mathematician rather than a political economist.”

In response Keynes, who was then trying to coopt the intellectual narrative of the New Deal stated he had “supposed the President was more literate, economically speaking.”

Related: Keynes Must Die

The ‘American System’ Caucus

Those forgotten forces who have been nearly written out of history were American statesmen who had battled against the Federal Reserve Act in 1913, stood up to the police state apparatus begun by Teddy Roosevelt’s FBI in 1908, and against America’s turn towards imperialism with the death of McKinley.

They were the men who risked much to stand up against the League of Nations World government schemes launched in 1919, and against the Wall Street / CFR takeover of U.S. foreign and internal policy.

Senator George Norris showcasing the web of controls managed by the Wall Street oligarchs

Related: Elon Musk Just Exposed The Oil Oligarchy’s Control Over Mainstream Media In Epic Rant

These names which should be celebrated today, interfaced closely with FDR and his allies Harry Hopkins and Henry Wallace. Some of their names include Senator Robert Lafollette Jr (R-Iowa) (1895-1953), Sen. Robert Wagner (D-NY) (1877-1953), Sen. Peter Norbeck (R-SD) (1870-1936), Sen. Edward Costigan (D-Colo.) (1874-1939), Senator George Norris (R-Neb) (1861-1944) and Rep. William Lemke (R-N.D.)(1878-1950).

These were a few of the leading men that some historians have dubbed “the American System Caucus”, and while this article doesn’t leave room for their story, rest assured that more will be said about them in a future installment.

While it would be a lie to say that there was no such thing as a “Brain Trust” or that Keynesian economists and Rhodes Scholars were not to be found among this group, the idea that this was the “cause” of the New Deal is a pure fiction.

American System Caucus: Senator Robert Lafollette, Senator Robert Wagner, Senator Peter Norbeck, Senator George Norris, Senator Edward Costigan, Representative William Lemke

Related: Trumpism Is Classical Economics & Justice Department Watchdog Has Evidence Comey Probed Trump, On The Sly

Taking Back Control of Credit Policy

While surgery was begun on the cancerous financial system and unpayable debts depriving the nation of the credit needed to commence a reconstruction policy of the physical economy (over 50% of U.S. industrial potential was destroyed and unemployment hit 25%), Franklin Roosevelt’s long time ally Harry Hopkins worked with Harold Ickes to provide emergency work for over 3 million people in the first months under the Public Works Administration and Works Progress Administration.

Although FDR could not destroy the private Federal Reserve that had taken control of U.S. monetary policy 30 years earlier, he was able to impose his own man (Marinner Eccles) onto it in 1934, forcing the beast to start obeying national law for the first time ever.

Despite this maneuver, Wall Street oligarchs continued to sabotage FDR’s recovery by constricting credit, refusing to purchase treasury notes at strategic moments, or even speculating against the U.S. dollar itself.

To get around these manipulations, the Reconstruction Finance Corporation (RFC) was brought online to function as a surrogate national bank channeling billions of dollars into small and medium businesses, industrial growth, and infrastructure projects.

Related: The Rothschild Bloodline: Financial Wizards & Wealthy Cults

Psy Ops vs the New Deal: The Rise of the Austrian School

Throughout the 1930s and 1940s, Mellon-Morgan-Rockefeller interests ran a multifaceted psychological war against the population. After their coup plans failed due to Gen. Butler’s brave whistleblowing in 1934, these groups created a think tank calling itself the “American Liberty League”.

The irony of the word “Liberty” used by an organization whose controllers sponsored fascism before and even during WWII should not be lost on anyone.

Through powerful oligarchs like William Randolph Hearst, Henry Luce, the Morgans, the Warburgs, the Duponts, and the Rockefellers, the Liberty League controlled the majority of mainstream media outlets, radio stations, and publishing houses in the USA, at the same time they co-ordinated with the newly re-organized FBI under J. Edgar Hoover.

These groups worked hard to paint FDR as a Keynesian who only created inflationary “make work jobs” without any concrete intention for the future productive powers of labor.

Through this sleight of hand, FDR’s enemies were able to invent a straw man that they could then refute by promoting the anti-Keynesian model known as the “Austrian School” that had formerly grown out of the British System inspired theories of Carl Menger (retainer for the Habsburg empire) and his aristocratic disciples Ludwig von Mises, Friedrick von Hayek, Frank Knight, and Sir John Claphan.

Related: Twenty Five Rules Of Disinformation, Propaganda, “PSYOPS”, Debunking Techniques

By 1940, the American Liberty League formerly disbanded. However with FDR’s death its cabal of controllers spawned dozens of new think tanks that were enmeshed with the Council on Foreign Relations and Mont Pelerin Society mothership founded in 1947 by von Hayek and a group of eugenics-loving oligarchs whom we will encounter in a following report..

Over the coming decades, the Liberty League morphed into hundreds of new think tanks which began with the American Enterprise Association (AEA) [later American Enterprise Institute] founded by Liberty League leader Raymond Moley and sponsored by General Mills, Chemical Bank and Bristol Meyers.

Other think tanks built up by this network over the years included the Heritage Foundation, Cato Institute, Hudson Institute, Mises Institute, Manhattan Institute etc… which would set the groundwork for the later “conservative revolution” of the 1970s.

This “Austrian School” revolution would spring to life once the 1945-1971 Keynesian perversion of Bretton Woods ended with the 1971 floating of the dollar off of the fixed exchange rate gold reserve system.

Under this post-1971 era, a new god of the “markets” would replace the old god of “the state” and a new ethic of post-industrial consumerism would replace the former system of Keynesian controls that defined the post-WWII era. 

Those anti-Keynesian leaders of the American System
 tradition such as Henry Dexter White, Franklin Roosevelt, Wendell Wilkie, Sumner Welles, and Harry Hopkins were taken out of power through various means between 1945-1946 as the Anglo-American establishment regained control over U.S. foreign and internal policies.

This Keynesian takeover destroyed the positive potential of the Bretton Woods Institutions which were designed originally to internationalize the New Deal via the creation of cheap credit for global development and win-win cooperation.

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How To Reprogram Your Mind To Take An Active Role In Your Personal Evolution
January 20 2021 | From: WakingTImes / Various

For a long time we’ve been taught that evolution is a process that is happening to us. Thankfully we’re living in times where the human race is finally getting a grasp on the fact that we’re actually actively involved in how we evolve as a species.

As humans, our bodies are constantly changing in response to the environment around us. Our muscles change according to whether we choose to use them or not.

Seven Signs Our Consciousness is Shifting to Higher Dimensions

The enzymes in our digestive system change in response to the foods we choose to eat. Our endocrine system is in a constant feedback loop with our emotions which can change dramatically according to what’s happening in the world around us.

As Dr Bruce Lipton put it, “the cell is a carbon-based ‘computer chip’ that reads the environment”, and the field of epigenetics teaches us that our DNA changes in quality – again, according to our environment.

When science talks about ‘environmental influence’ it seems to imply ‘all that which is outside ourselves’.

It’s easy to overlook the fact that that our conscious choices about which environmental factors we engage with are part of what shapes the way our bodies restructure.

Related: How To Open The Doors Of Perception At Will Without Psychedelics

We are part of the environment that influences our own development; our free will lets us choose and change the environment.

We participate in our own evolution during our lifetime and what we do in our own lives can also affect future generations.

In this way, personal evolution is collective evolution, and nowhere is personal evolution more apparent than how we are capable of rewiring our own brain.

Related: The Dilemma Of The Awakening Mind

How Reprogramming the Mind Is Helpful To Us

Humans work really well with routines. We repeat the same pattern over and over, and through neuroplasticity our brain wires itself so that it doesn’t have to think too much about that task anymore, it just runs that established electrical pathway.

To riff off Noel Burch, it’s like when we learn to drive a car: we move from unconscious incompetence ‘I don’t know how bad at this I’m going to be’; to conscious competence ‘I now know how bad I am at this’; to conscious competence ‘OK, I can do this but I have to keep my mind on the job’; to unconscious competence ‘I can wind the window down, change the radio, turn a corner and change gears all at the same time, without even thinking about it’.

We program ourselves all the time with repetition, so we don’t have to waste energy engaging isolated focus on every task. The question is whether these are routines we are choosing for ourselves or that have been imposed on us? If they are imposed, are they helpful to us both personally and as a species?

Related: Nine Scientific Facts Prove The "Theory Of Evolution" Is False

When Are We Most Easily Able To Wire And Re-Wire Our Mind?

During early childhood our brains are wiring themselves for the first time. While this process slows after the intense surge of development in first few years, our brains are still establishing the wiring we will largely use for the rest of our life throughout childhood. 

When we hit our teenage years we experience the second surge of new wiring and there is an opportunity for patterns to be created during this time that can setup behaviours for years to come. After this period, neuroplasticity still occurs but it just isn’t as fluid as it was before.

So you can teach an old dog new tricks, it’s just a slower process.

The problem here is that our subconscious is overhearing everything our conscious mind is hearing, and is therefore to a being programmed by whatever influence we’re being exposed to. The Jesuits knew this 400 years ago. They would boast:

"Give me a child until it’s seven, it will belong to the church for the rest of its life.’” 

- Dr Bruce Lipton, paraphrasing Jesuit priests.

We Are Always Programming Ourselves

I like to imagine the subconscious mind is like an autopilot system. It is overhearing everything we ever think or say, and it’s mission (in the background and whenever possible) is to guide us towards whatever we want… or at least whatever it thinks we want according to what it overhears.

Related: This Is How Your ‘Aura’ Affects Your Health & Those Around You + Magnetic Fields Of The Human Body And
Their Functions & 13 Signs You Are Experiencing A Spiritual Awakening

An extra level of challenge is introduced when we imagine that the conscious mind has the capacity for judgment its higher expression – discernment. The subconscious, however, doesn’t have that ability. When it is overhearing everything you think and every word you say it simply hears the topic, not the context.

‘I don’t want to be fat’ with the judgment of ‘I don’t want’ removed becomes the topic only: ‘be fat’. The subconscious ‘overhears’ the topic of what is active in your conscious mind and it is listening for repetition. This is how it figures out for how ready we need to be for that particular thought process.

Repetition Is The Key. Repetition Is The Key

If we lift weights we are using repetition to say to the muscles, ‘be ready for this, we may need to do this at any moment, so restructure yourself’. 

Scientists have found the fastest way to get fit is to do interval sprints, which is basically a physical way of saying to the body through repetition ‘you need to restructure yourself so we can sprint at top speed at any time, at the drop of a hat’.

Rest, get your breath back and sprint again, over and over.

Related: New Mind-Blowing Experiment Confirms That Reality Doesn’t Exist If You Are Not Looking At It

This repetition tells the body that it’s a high priority to restructure and be ready for this at all times. My observation is that the same appears to be true for our brain. When our subconscious overhears our thoughts and words and there is repetition, there is an increased likelihood of neural rewiring. After all – neurons that fire together wire together.

The Path of Least Resistance

When attempting to re-wire an old habit or behaviour pattern, it is useful to remember the old adage from high school science: electricity follows the path of least resistance. Imagine the old pattern as a well-established electrical pathway in your brain.

As you put conscious focus into creating a new electrical pathway to replace the old pattern, you make that new electrical pathway fatter.

As soon as you stop putting conscious focus into running the new behaviour pattern the electricity will revert to the old cable for as long as it is the fatter of the two cables, as that is the path of least resistance.

Related: In Harmony with All Life: The Open Source Way + Lifting The Veil: Merging Science And Spirituality

As soon as the day comes when the new electrical pathway is thicker than the old one you have a new program in your autopilot system, that will now run on it’s own without you needing to focus conscious intention on it.

You have reached a level of conscious competence. According to Dan Coyle a key to making the consciously chosen wiring stick is holding the intention that ‘I want to know this for the rest of my life’.

Coyle suggests this causes the brain to coat the new electrical pathway in the brain with myelin insulation, making it much more permanent.

Related: Why ‘Conspiracy Theories’ & Spirituality Are Intimately Connected

Taking Care With the Programs We Allow OurSubconscious to Overhear

As stated earlier, our autopilot system is taking direction from everything you’re experiencing – which includes the media we watch, the people we surround ourselves with and more.

For this reason, one of the most powerful things we can do is exercise discernment around the kind of experiences we expose ourselves to, and their level of intensity and repetition.

"It is easier to build strong children than to repair broken men.” 

- Frederick Douglass

More importantly is the need for extra care in exercising this discernment on behalf of the children in our care and teaching this discernment to teenagers as, in both cases they are in a heightened state of neuroplasticity and are more susceptible to influence.

To be clear, I am by no means advocating prudishness or avoidance of the truth, just a higher level of awareness of how we are either consciously or inadvertently being programmed all the time.

In the video below Bruce Lipton speaks passionately on this very subject, citing this discernment on behalf of our children as a clear solution to war and conflict.

Related: How To Become Immune To Mind Control | How TV Affects Your Brain Chemistry For The Worse

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Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi
Nine Indisputable Truths About “Conspiracy Theorists”
January 19 2021 | From: ZenGardner

The day the masses wake up and understand what the term “conspiracy theory” really means and recognise the truth about “conspiracy theorists,” who they are, what they stand for, the world ruling elite’s hold on humanity will be over.

Their deceptive cover would have been blown wide open and indeed there will be consequences.

Related: American Pravda: How The CIA Invented "Conspiracy Theories"

So, in light of the above, here are 9 indisputable truths about “conspiracy theorists.”

“Conspiracy Theorists”

1. …have to put up with much ignorance, and as a knee-jerk reaction, baseless accusation of “conspiracy theory.” “Conspiracy theory” carries with it the deriding insinuation that there are no conspiracies (no conspiracy facts, just theory). Who could be so brainwashed, unquestioningly ignorant, or naïve enough to believe that no country has ever conspired?

2. Are conspiracy factualists. Using evidence they expose the truth about what’s really going on in the world. They expose the deceitful criminal perpetrator networks and authorities. Therefore, the term “conspiracy theorist” is a misnomer.

Related: 10 "Conspiracy Theories" That Came True

3. Give credible accounts of events, diligently challenging the official versions filled with lies, inconsistencies, fake bogeymen enemies and false paradigms… manufactured for power, profit and political gains. Many official versions of these false flag events have big enough holes in their stories to drive double-decker buses in and out of.

Further, they expose financial, health, environmental, educational and war agendas, the secret occult societies, paedophilia, organ harvesting and black ops projects… the ruling elite enslavers don’t want you know about.

Then there are the eugenics, trans-humanism and depopulation agendas… these blatantly obvious conspiracy facts are there for all to see.

4. As a consequence of 3, are perceived by the ruling elite and their associates as a threat. In order to get away with their crimes and deception they know that “conspiracy theorists” have to be ignored, invalidated, or ridiculed by the masses:

Related: 10 More Conspiracy Theories That Turned Out To Be True

The term “conspiracy theory” was originally a 1960s’ CIA invention. Over the years the ruling elite’s owned and controlled intelligence agencies such as the CIA and their mainstream media propaganda machine have used this term to expand its effect of negatively stigmatizing “conspiracy theorists” so that the masses will never realize that these people were right all along.

5. …therefore are truther messengers running the risk of getting shot. They are targeted individuals. Targeted by the likes of the UK’s ex-Prime Minister David Cameron, calling them “non-violent domestic extremists” as one of the many attempts to silence such people who have seen right through the phoney baloney.

6. Are not “coincidence theorists.”  How can anyone dismiss the overwhelming number of coincidences pointed out by “conspiracy theorists” to be indicators of crimes and cover-ups tied in with false flag events?  Is it really a mere coincidence that it’s always the elite few; the banksters, the puppet senior politicians, the owner/controllers of mega-corporations that benefit from these events?

Related: Conspiracy Theories: Scavenging For Truth

7. Are the freethinking minority able to think for themselves against the backdrop: a world full of sheep-like people going into agreement with the general consensus of the masses while blindly accepting authority viewpoints blurted out in the ruling elite’s bought-off, owned and controlled mainstream media

Related: Scientific Study: 'Conspiracy Theorists' Are The Sanest Of All

8. Consistent with Arthur Schopenhauer’s statement, in time, with their conspiracy facts, could be the majority stage-3: “…accepted as being self-evident.”  

9. …Are who the world’s needs most: Unstoppable, increasing in numbers and gathering in momentum. They are laudable investigators.

They are peaceful activists, spreading the truth about what’s really going on in the world. Many do their inner work to co-create a turnaround, away from the planned doom and gloom.  Thus, it is their intention to co-create freedom: A new paradigm experience, a world that truly makes a difference for everyone.

A shift in mass consciousness is the underlying key principle. This is how these consciously awakened individuals will bring about that freedom.

Not an attempt at an exhaustive A-Z account, I realize, but that concludes my 9 indisputable truths about “conspiracy theorists.”

“Conspiracy theorists,” just keep on keeping on!

Related: Conspiracy Theorist - The New Normal

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Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi

Changes That Are Coming: The Deep State’s Control Is Fast Coming To An End
November 11 2018 | From: FinalWakeUpCall / Various

The centuries-long tyrannical regime is reaching its termination stage.

Thousands of centuries of criminal extortion: The Deep State’s control is fast coming to an end. They never expected this, so they are not prepared for it.

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Their lackeys – the puppets – in governments all over the world will find themselves in deep trouble. They are being believed less and less with every passing day.

They are being exposed and must eventually face the wrath of the people whose lives they have maliciously exploited. President Trump, on his short visit to England, was there for only one reason: to confront the Queen of England with her malevolence and to demand the return of all that was stolen, to which the Queen agreed.

He didn’t want pomp and ceremony. He has the respect of all who seek truth. It was a pity that there were those in England who set out to disrespect him.

They were either paid for it by Gorge Soros, or displaying their own ignorance about what is going on in our world.

President Trump deserves every respect and success in his endeavour to free theworld from the criminal mafia that has terrorised and exploited the populace for thousands of centuries.

Related: Trump’s List: 289 Accomplishments In Just 20 Months, ‘Relentless’ Promise-Keeping

Politics is a dirty game. President Trump is not a politician, so he is free to follow his conscience. This is why there is such a huge effort to remove him from office. There have been to date over a dozen assassination attempts.

The Cabal is petrified of him because they cannot control him.

Never in the history of our world has there been such an effort to remove a President from his Office. The Cabal is ruthless and desperate to hold on to their power and control, which again is why numerous assassination attempts have been undertaken.

Comment: Read about the Alliance that has been working behind the scenes for decades to take down the 'Cabal' within the work of David Wilcock.

Some of those reading this may be confused because the cabal-controlled mainstream media is doing everything within it's power to denigrate Trump - as he is part of the effort to take the Illuminati down once and for all.

To fulfil this monstrous task, you must really be driven and totally convinced of the ability to improve the world for all of humanity, for it is the most ungrateful job to fulfil. There is no glamour and money involved, commonly belonging to such a position.

People will be shocked to learn the extent of the Cabal’s control over them. Every aspect of our lives is covered. Even in the world of sports, where it is believed that the best man, woman, or team wins.

Related: An Illustrated History Of The House Of Rothschild: 1743 - 2006 & The Illuminati Grand Plan

Be assured it is often decided in advance by them, because they are the owners of the game, and have set their huge bets on their designated winner.

They never leave anything to chance. They control all; much more than you ever can imagine.

Exposing the Truth

The change cannot occur until all governments cease to use chemtrails, which destroy humanity and the crops people depend on for their survival.

No one should be forced to be vaccinated, especially not our lovely children. Drugs that eventually kill patients should be removed immediately.

The full extent of the Satanic Ritual Abuse and killings must be fully exposed and outlawed. Respect for men, women and children, should be the norm.

These are the goals we should all intend to achieve.

Related: Former Satanic Priest Exposes The Four Main Tenets Of Satanic Ideology & Are You A Satanist?

Many freelance investigative reporters are fighting the cabal via the internet. ‘It has become an army of digital soldiers’ that are fighting the cabal and all oppressive forces around us, to inform the awoken public about the progress made.

These are citizens like yourselves that cannot withstand the call to expose the truth.

There is no option of being helpless and standing by as a spectator, while knowing the extent of the corruption, high treason and lies, all made possible by a judicial system that is bought and controlled by the cabal.

This is all made possible as a result of the privately-owned monetary system that they illegally seized. This has become warfare at its best.

Meanwhile, it has been made publicly visible that the cleaning up of the swamp is in progress and very soon a great deal will be exposed when the sealed indictments are opened.

Related: Understanding Trump’s United Nations Appearance – He Was Speaking To America, Scorning The Cabal Servants In The Room

Economic Collapse is Being Planned

The economy has long ago passed its expiration date and will now be purposely collapsed. This economy is a central bank economy and cannot be repaired.

The economy will be replaced by a people’s economy, supported by free markets. The ongoing global financial market correction could continue during the coming weeks, as more GESARA-related changes are made around the world.

The Central Bank system works on debt and people have been brainwashed for years to make them believe that debt is a good thing. The stock market and the housing market are going down.

The interest on debt will get to a point where it is unsustainable. President Trump and the patriots are using this strategy to push the MSM into blaming the Fed for the coming crash.

The stock markets all over the world have been declining for the last 5 weeks, and have lost over 8 trillion in paper value.

Related: How the Trade War Helps Hide Central Bank Sabotage Of The Economy

This is the beginning of the entire global economic system breaking down. Around the world the real estate market is experiencing a downturn, even worse than the 2008 market downfall.

The Globalist system is collapsing on all fronts, and this is being done intentionally with the intervention of the Alliance.

The most important factor for both sides of this information war is the push to control the narrative of the collapse.

The central banks that were planning to introduce a cash-free society, are now experiencing the setbacks. They are in great panic.

The Centuries-Long Tyrannical Regime is Reaching its Termination Stage

The centuries-long tyrannical regime is steadfastly reaching its end stage, to be destroyed for ever.

No more lies and manipulation. All markets will be free, all aspects of our lives will be free from oppression and suppression. People will take responsibility for their own lives and decide for themselves.

Be prepared and be on your guard, as things are going to move fast from now on. Banks are closing and this will leave many people stranded without the necessities of life.

Related: Babylonian Money Magic & How Modern "Commercial Law" Is Based On Ancient Babylonian Codes

The changeover should take about three weeks. The corrupt and their puppet helpers will be removed as they are unable to move forward.

They became part of the Cabal because they have all been bribed to do the work for them. It made them feel important, but they will regret it and are paying a very high price for it.

There is Plenty of Work to be Done

Remember; If only 1 percent of the population is knowingly involved, participating and benefiting from the Deep State fraud scheme, that amounts to about seven million criminals that have to be addressed with some level of questioning and prosecution.

So how are about two million law enforcement officers and judges, and other officials in the Army supposed to arrest, incarcerate, and prosecute these seven million criminal cases in the US alone?

Military tribunals and resources alone cannot possibly handle the vast volume of inquiries and prosecutions.

Of course, they can take out the puppet ringleaders and dismantle the infrastructure that supports the Deep State, but in order to do the actual housecleaning, we will need the help of the awakened masses.

Deep State Authority To Be Trumped

Related: Trump Planning Mass Arrests, Military Tribunals for Deep State Traitors

We, the people have to work together to put our house in order. We have to assemble our regional infrastructure and appoint or elect our governing bodies, to reclaim our assets and resources, restore our lawful court systems, and many issues more.

There will be no sitting around in front of the television set, waiting for superman to come along and rescue us, even though there are many heroes doing their best for us.

We are the answer that we are looking for. Remember that these heroes depend on our civil government to direct and finance their operations.

The Cabal has been leeching off of humanity’s wealth for centuries. The amounts of stolen wealth are being recovered, to be allocated to projects for the benefit of humanity.

Related: Global Alliance Moving For A Checkmate Versus The Deep State

There are enough funds to build an entire civilisation on another planet. The funds being allocated to the GCR/RV are equivalent to less than 1% of the total amount of stolen wealth.

For now; the war is nearly over. Roll-up your sleeves and think how you can help to clean up this mess. Start organising your community for the new era that lies ahead.

In the famous words of President John F. Kennedy “Ask not what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country”.

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Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi
Declass Begins, CNN Complicit In Capitol Raid + Trump Declassifies 'Foot-High' Stack Of Russiagate, Obamagate Documents; Set For Release Within Days
January 17 2020 | From: Naturalnews / Zerohedge / Various

This Situation Update covers five key breaking stories, all with “bombshell” implications for world events:

1. Capitol raid official narrative collapse; CNN complicit in the staged event, radical Leftist arrested, FBI admits Trump didn’t cause the riot..

Related: Trump: ‘What I Said Was Totally Appropriate,’ Calls for ‘No Violence’

2. Declassification now under way as Trump announces release of “foot-high” stack of documents exposing the criminals of the Obama administration. (Total panic in DC now under way…)

3. Project Veritas exposes Twitter’s Jack Dorsey in a video announcing plans for expanded, long-term censorship of conservatives.

4. FBI now trolling for scapegoats by calling and visiting gun rights people, hoping to find someone stupid enough to get wrangled into playing a role in the FBI’s false flag theatrical events (staged raids on capitol buildings).

5. Long Beach Port / ship delays caused in part by US Coast Guard searching for weapons being brought in from China as part of China’s staging for war against the United States.

Related: The Shot Heard Around The World - It Had To Be This Way: The Crime Of Treason Has Been Completed

Trump’s “declass” bombshell is part of the exposure of the corrupt, criminal cabal that currently runs America. Joe Biden may even be implicated, and it’s certain that Chief Justice Roberts will be named in some of the documents, as he signed the illegal FISA warrants.

The deep state is in a total panic, and this is why they were desperately trying to remove Trump from office with a drive-by impeachment following a staged false flag attack on the capitol.

But Trump still holds all the cards, and he’s still President for five more days.

Here are the highlights for this Situation Update:

Long-time contact expresses skepticism toward Steve Pieczenik’s promised claim that Trump would be sworn in next week. Pieczenik described as a super high-IQ battlefield manipulator. Who’s right? We’ll know soon…

Watch out for the “confirmation bias” trap in your own beliefs.

Conservative MP calls for nationwide rollout of vitamin D tablets, a Spanish region saw an 82% drop in covid deaths after handing out vitamin D.

Trump taking more executive action to sever ties between corrupt lawmakers and Chinese-affiliated companies.

Dirty bomb threat for America may explain Trump’s delay in taking action… have they found all the bombs yet?

Related: DHS Sting Operation Rumors Of Massive Voting Fraud + Intelligence Expert Steve Pieczenik Claims 2020 Election Was A “Sophisticated Sting Operation” That Has Trapped The Democrats In The Most Massive Criminal Election Fraud In History

The FBI, Antifa and CNN are all conspiring to create a huge number of false flag shootings at state capitols in the coming week. It’s all theater.

Angela Merkel to step down as German chancellor in 2021… – BBC and The Economist

Dutch government weighs possible resignation… – Reuters

Estonia’s PM resigns over corruption probe on his party – ABC News

Italy Government on Verge of Collapse as Renzi Party Quits – Bloomberg

Global financial collapse is rapidly approaching. UK government broke. China broke. US blowing out massive debt bubble.

Oxygen shortage in Brazil… makes no sense since the atmosphere is nearly 20% oxygen.

BLM activist charged for instigating many elements of the capitol riot on Jan. 6th.

Related: Peter Navarro Releases 36-Page Report Alleging Election Fraud 'More Than Sufficient' To Swing Victory To Trump + DNI John Ratcliffe Says There Was Foreign Interference In November Elections: Report

CNN promoted that same activist (Sullivan) as a “journalist” when he was actually complicit in the violence.

CNN’s Jade Sacker penetrated the Capitol with a member of BLM/Antifa cheering, “We did it!” … CNN was in on the entire thing, staging it just like elements of Sandy Hook which used “crisis actors” posing as parents or snipers.

John Solomon reports on Lou Dobbs that Trump ordered declass of intelligence docs from Obamagate.

From JustTheNews: “A bombshell revelation in the remaining FBI documents on Russia collusion shows that the entire narrative was created and leaked to the news media to neutralize Hillary Clinton’s concern that her email scandal hadn’t gone away.”

Former military personnel warn: 75,000 Chinese troop in Canada, 175,000 in Mexico, preparing to invade the USA. But US forces will destroy them quickly.

US military has long had proof of China’s bioweapons attack and now cyber attack on the USA.

“We are in a full blown Military Operation right now to remove the threats and install our President back in power and control the violence in the big cities.”

Most actions won’t be evident until the very last minute, perhaps the 19th or the 20th.

Related: A Textbook Case Of Treason + Trump: A Threat To The Deep State

Discussion of whether we are all being played by an elaborate psyop, or whether there really is a military coup under way against the deep state.

Mexican President announces he will lead effort to halt Big Tech censorship.

US Navy + US Coast Guard involved in searching ships off the LA / Long Beach Harbor for weapons from China, contributing to long delays for port access.

How the FBI tricks stupid people into being their scapegoats for false flag ops. FBI agents are medium IQ, but most of the people they target are super low IQ. So the FBI ends up thinking they’re really smart because they often have an IQ advantage over morons.

The absurdity of claiming people who breached the capitol building used Parler. They also bought cars from Ford. Should Ford be deplatformed?

Texas AG announces investigation into Big Tech for censorship.

Headline: Norwegian Medicines Agency links 13 deaths to vaccine side effects. Those who died were frail and old.

Covid vaccines confirmed as depopulation “euthanasia” shots for the elderly.

Microsoft, Oracle, and Salesforce pushing for “vaccine credentials” which they claim will “empower” people to “return to life.”

Hear the full podcast below, or visit the home page of NaturalNews.com to download the MP3 files directly.

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Trump Declassifies 'Foot-High' Stack Of Russiagate, Obamagate Documents; Set For Release Within Days

President Trump has declassified and authorized the release of "more than a foot-high stack of documents" related to the Obama administration's surveillance and espionage committed against the 2016 Trump campaign, as part of a larger campaign to discredit and undermine the incoming US president.

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According to journalist and Trump insider John Solomon, the documents would be released as soon as Friday, but no later than Monday.

“He has delivered in a big way. More than a foot-high stack of documents he has authorized to be released by the FBI and the DOJ.

These are the things that the FBI has tried to keep from the public for 4 years. They have amazing, big picture revelations,"
Solomon told Fox News' "Lou Dobbs Tonight."

According to Solomon's website, Just The News, the release will support claims that the entire Russia narrative was created and leaked to the news media to upstage concerns over Hillary Clinton's email scandal.

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Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi
All The World’s A Cult
January 16 2021 | From: ZenGardner

It’s funny how people get all self righteous about not being religious or belonging to some group and condemn anyone who they think is or has been.

Naturally most people attempt to be careful about what they align themselves with, but do we really see what all of society is made up of and what we’ve each unwittingly participated in to varying degrees?

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Religions don’t have a corner on the market. Perhaps all of us have been cult-ivated in some way.

Cult-ure is called just that for a reason. It’s pretty blatant nomenclature. Merriam-Webster defines culture as the following:

Simple Definition of culture

The beliefs, customs, arts, etc., of a particular society, group, place, or time

A particular society that has its own beliefs, ways of life, art, etc.

A way of thinking, behaving, or working that exists in a place or organization (such as a business)

That just about includes every societal behavior or activity. So-called cults, the word derived from the Latin colere meaning to cultivate, are mere start-ups of new and old ideas of group conformity for some objective.

In the 60’s these were everywhere as groups and individuals attempted to harvest the spiritual awakening and longings of an entire generation looking for alternatives to the mad military industrial complex-bound world around them.

Some were labeled cults by the orthodox minded, but these included a wide range of groups, organizations, alternative learning centers, spiritual fellowships, institutes, break away churches or other so-called “new religious movements” as they preferred to be called.

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And the followers were enthusiastic, the word enthusiastic derived from “spirit, or god within us”. Just about any alternative was deemed good, or at least an effort to break free from the system, so there was a lot of experimentation going on.

Some of those groups still exist today. Many have been absorbed by the New Age amoeba and yet others grew into powerful organizations.

Mind control experimentation was rife at this time as well as the deliberate introduction of mind altering drugs and manipulated music in an effort to scramble society, diffuse dissent, and make it malleable for further indoctrination.

Little did we know. But now we do.

Cults and More Cults

When you finally become awakened and grow detached from this massive matrix ensnaring the world you begin to realize it’s all cults.They’ve simply externalized the idea so we don’t recognize the cults we’re already in. Cult of the personality for example, where sycophantic adoration towards an individual takes place.

There are the obvious cases as in showbiz and the media and charismatic religious or social leaders, but this is much more prevalent than people would like to realize.

It could be anyone in our lives we’re overly enamored with to the point we relinquish our rational thought.

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And even worse, our autonomy and individualism, to the charismatic or domineering authority of another, resulting in great devotion to whatever the object and their eventual unquestioned control and spiritual and even physical abuse.

These are all forms of disempowerment or containment, the symptoms to look out for. I’ve written about religion and belief systems quite a bit in this regard, but few realize how social and spiritual pressures are brought to bear via many seemingly innocuous relationships, especially with groups and even loose associations.

Think about school and all the pressures we felt to conform and survive in that packaging facility. That’s a cult, a carefully structured one with a very clear purpose – entrainment and uniformity.

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How about clubs, fraternities and sororities, or the whole sports scene, never mind the military.

The even more obvious examples are business organizations and “work” relationships. Then there are the guys at the bar, or the ladies’ coffee cliques. Speaking of cliques, remember those from your school days? They still exist not only in school environments but in adult social circles.

Then you get to the source – the oc-cult cultivators. They are the ones that set the imprint. They are all avid adherents to cult control of the very worst and most insidious sort. They may seem to act autonomously or as having authority, but they aren’t and they don’t. They’re under heavier control than any of us could imagine.

It’s a blood agreement and they’ve sold their souls to move up the pyramid of control, both in this world and other realms. This is a big subject covered extensively in many books as well as other articles by myself and other researchers.

Cultivating Culture – The Open Hidden Hand

The media, corporations and government have a field day playing on this weakness for group think and the need for acceptance, to the extent they’ve created a society that’s complete mush, with the intent that big corp and the nanny state can be the lead dogs in everyone’s life.

When you think about how many people are glued to the boob-toob today it’s easy to understand why the masses behave as they do, dress as they do, and eat and drug themselves as they do.

Related: The Disintegration Of Western Society

It’s learned. And there is a lot of direct as well as implied pressure to fit in, or else you’ll be mocked, marginalized and excluded, to the extent that any seemingly “anti-social” behavior is now considered suspicious and to be reported, the fear of terrorism coursing through their programmed neurons like molten nano metal.

Most of us are aware of these traps and devices, but the vast majority have no idea. They’re swayed like sickened seaweed in an artificially rippled pond of liquified sewage.

Detachment – The Only Way to Live Fully Free

This may sound like some vague concept but it really isn’t. If you’re not invested in their sticky entrapping webbery you can live outside of it. Sure, we all have to interact with this engineered madness but we don’t have to give it our energy and obeisance.

But it will take some sacrifices and dealing with our own shadow work seeing how we’ve succumbed to this in our past.

Each of us have to deal with our own entanglements. Besides religious and belief systems, there are financial interactions with the beast, social obligations we think we have to submit to or endure, or employment entrapments we’d rather have nothing to do with.

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Do what you can, but get free, in mind, body and spirit, even if you’re still in it. Some costs will not be comfortable. Old stuck in the mud friends who only bring you down and sap your energy, living or working circumstances that make you curse your situation and absently long for freedom, or how you portray yourself on a daily basis.

This is perhaps the most important. Are we being who we truly are? Do we respond honestly, or has the cult-ure of our micro environment, usually hinged on the macro, force us to compromise our convictions and water down what we know to be true, honest and loving?

Do you like yourself when you’re forced into artificial social situations and to compromise for the sake of momentary convenience? We all face these situations.

These are questions we all ask ourselves, consciously and definitely subconsciously. They need answers. And appropriate action, or inaction, needs to be taken.

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The hour is late. It always is when it comes to snapping out of the matrix of deceit. Otherwise it will kill you – spiritually and physically.

Something to think about. Time to bust out of the cult of everything. It’s not the real world, it’s fabricated, and often with our permission and subservient compliance.

Stop empowering it. Break out and change the world by being your authentic self. Wisely and lovingly, and with centered conviction. This is the stand we each need to make.

The rest will follow.

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Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi
Pyramid Of Lies
January 15 2021 | From: KingFarouk / Various

Power is built on Lies - Lies start at the top of the Pyramid.

Lies corrupt the entire Pyramid with deceit, fraud and fallacies of fantasies.

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Our generation has inherited this Pyramid of Lies and only now are we beginning to see its tentacles of deception within our societies, governments, financial institutions, and even families as this web has entrapped us.

Some say that this all began with the Father of all Lies - Satan - but how many people have actually met this bloke of smoke? Or is he just a religious fantasy of distraction - The Blame Game?

Actually the Lie begins with YOU and ME as we are the ones that give credence and support and repeat the Lie over and over again as part of our personal Belief systems.

So if change is to occur, it has to come from personal understanding and recognition of the Lies and then doing what needs to be done by exposing the Lies in the light of Truth and then presenting viable Solutions.

That is the gist of this essay.

Upside Down Pyramids

Most of us think of pyramids as being large at the bottom and pointed at the top. We are programmed to believe that this is the proper shape and model that we should follow.

All our social, religious, political, governmental, financial, economic and corporate structures are based on “Top-Down” models with the “All Seeing Eye” of the FEW (0.1%) at the TOP who make the rules for their untouchable benefit - always.

Related: The Top Of The Pyramid: The Rothschilds, The Vatican And The British Crown Rule World

In reality that is a fallacious Lie as the actual structure is an “Upside Down Pyramid” with the small pointed end being the FOUNDATION POINT upon which a larger structure of lies is constructed.

A simple example is the basic government structure. You have a small portion of a population that are full time non-governmental workers paying taxes to support government workers that create welfare and budget deficit programs that create inflation and that then impoverish the workers that are holding up the whole system...

So by design or stupidity, the whole pyramid collapses and from the rubble of war a new phoenix pyramid system emerges which historically repeats the LIE.

In the US, 100 million workers support 50 million government employees that support 160 million people dependent upon some form of welfare that the government finances by issuing trillions of Dollars in Debt that supports banks and financial markets that leverage this through fractal banking to create $2-5 quadrillion in derivatives and $56 quadrillion in loans to hedge funds that cannot service the interest on these loans so the system is doomed to failure, especially if you kill off or tax to death the foundation of creative workers.

This is all by design based on Lies and Greed.

The Financial Casino Pyramid

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So the Financial Debt Pyramid of Lies is based on a small foundation of fungible REAL MONEY in gold, silver and precious metals often loosely referred to as “The Global Collateral Accounts” as the real assets backing the fraudulent fractional global financial system.

To this is added Annual GDP which is what is actually created new assets produced by the productivity of hard working people. This is the base that supports the fake colored paper debts and their “phantom assets” or “Ghost Money”.

And even the amount of gold above ground as determined by the London Gold Council is limited to only 190,000 tons mined since the beginning of time, whereas, current annual global gold extraction is accounted at 6,000 tons per year.

Extrapolate 6,000 over 50 years of modern mining and you have potentially over 300,000 tons above ground. And going back in time you add Sumarian gold, Solomon’s mines, South Africa, Spanish/American hoards, California, Alaska and Yukon Gold Rushes, Russian and Asian gold reserves and London Liars are called out.

Keep the amount available small and the price goes higher, that is the con and lie perpetrated.

And the real gold money supporting the financial pyramid at current gold price of $ 1,500/oz the 190,000 tons would be worth only $ 9.164 Trillion but only 13% of physical gold is in financial bars or coins held by banks, central banks, institutional investors and private holdings.

That is only $ 1.2 Trillion physical collateral supporting the actual financial pyramid.

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This financial Debt morass also supports organized and rigged casinos like paper gold, stocks, bonds, derivatives and financial debt instruments of all kinds.

These paper casinos are all based on a small foundation of assets that are always in a “disconnect” with the paper that they represent as a direct result of fractal banking leveraging at 10:1, 100:1 or even higher.

Take for example the “rigged gold price”. Commodity markets like the London Bullion Metals Association (LBMA) and COMEX in Chicago deal principally in “Paper Gold” which is “phantom gold” created out of thin air with little or NO physical gold backing or physical gold delivery.

The daily “price” is FIXED in a back room with no transparency or accountability for the true value of the fake paper that it is based on. The fantasy fraud pricing then enters the market as a key valuation basis for other financial contracts and the phantom gold is then used as collateral!

The only real gold physical delivery occurs on the Shanghai Gold Exchange (SGE) but that price is linked to the fake LBMA and COMEX paper prices and none of the physical gold transacted can leave China so it is not a real trade market.

And now as Chinese banks are failing, the Chinese Government is considering confiscating GOLD! Sounds like 1933 in the US all over again.

So what happens if there is a “disconnect” between fake paper gold and real physical gold? Simply the price of physical gold will go UP and paper gold will become worthless.

Related: Governments Are Corporations & The Gold Standard Will Break Up The Banking Cartel

The Great Greed and Debt Fraud Casino Scam

The basic financial model is one based on GREED and DEBT. It is a SCAM MODEL. It is based on the old carnival saying that “a sucker is born every day”.

The modus is based on a “get rich quick” approach by selling a piece of colored paper and a glorious false promise that the paper will be worth a fortune some day.

The paper is then traded in a rigged casino where the sheep always get fleeced because the originators of the colored paper sell it for higher and higher prices, selling out at a peak and then cause a market collapse that leaves the sheep sheared.

The most recent financial scam is the “crypto-currency scam” better known as “Bitcoin”. This scam starts off with the issue of a fixed number of “digital coins” on the originators computer. He then sells 50% to the gullible public say at a penny a coin.

The coin Buyers then sell some of their coins at 2 cents and make 100% profit. The next Buyer sells his coins at 4 cents and makes 100% profit. This doubling of profits accelerates rapidly with the number of greedy Buyers bidding up coin prices and cashing in on daily on-line trading.

But remember that the underlying value per coin is only a penny and that the originator of the coins kept 50% which he cashes-in and becomes an instantaneous digital millionaire.

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The whole price structure is just based on greed and the more greedy ignoramuses that can be encouraged to buy into the scam the better.

And now you can buy 0.1 % of a coin, or a derivative based on coin price movements, or swap one crypto for another, which are scams based on scams. And the feeding frenzy continues!

But be AWAKE! Governments and major banksters (IMF) are now actively promoting “cashless societies” where everything you do is digitally recorded - well, at least until someone hacks the system or pulls the plug.

This is a major society “control” model - all based on fraudulent money created out of thin air and false promises. And people believe it is good for them! Model Programming for the brain dead.

But the Casino Scam Model is also seen in Stock Markets, Bond Markets, Currency Markets, Commodity Markets, Derivative Markets and in so many creative paper scams around the world.

I personally own the controlling stock in the London Bridge. Any Buyers? I just printed out the certificates.

And why are Stock Markets rising to record levels at the same time that the FED is printing BILLIONS of digits out of thin air to prop up the liquidity shortfall of major banks by funding the Overnight Market, where the loans then get extended to 3-days, 7-days, 1-month or 1-year.

The banks get low interest (essentially FREE) money which they use to play the markets through their own financial subsidiaries or loans to their hedge fund buddies - all pocketing huge profits.

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The FOREX (Foreign Exchange) Markets are in on it too. Trading in currencies is $ 6.6 TRILLION PER DAY with 88% Dollar denominated on one side of the trades instigated by institutional banks, brokers funded by banks and bank financial subsidiaries that account for 90% of all trades.

And this is based on only $6.0 TRILLION in global currencies in physical circulation! So where do the currencies come from? “Only the Phantom knows for sure”.

And the banksters are actively promoting these frauds by creating more fake money colored paper out of thin air and loaning it to whomever they can.

This is the classic “Debt Slavery Model” where one tries to buy oneself out of debt with more debt in an ever increasing death spiral. And the creation of more money to feed the interest deficit is what causes the devaluation of money through INFLATION.

Simply in this Debt based financial model, whenever there is “interest” more money has to be CREATED.

Look again at the QUADRILLIONS AND QUINTILLIANS of colored paper and computer digits that make-up the Financial Pyramid of Lies. Think for a minute how much 1% INTEREST is and that has to be CREATED each year OUT OF THIN AIR!

NOW you are beginning to see why the Debt / Slavery Model always collapses and the Elites then send the stupid masses to WAR and devastation and distraction while they then resurrect a NEW Debt / Slavery Model from the ashes.

WAKE-UP People! It didn’t work before. It won’t work again that way either!

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On the Brink

So now you see that we are on the brink of another global financial collapse. No one can meet the humongous global interest payments.

Now the talking heads are tooting GCR’s (Global Currency Resets), RV’s (Revaluations), Debt Jubilees and all kinds of nonsense that will never happen as THEIR solutions are just a REPEAT with new colored paper. No real system changes. The Elite stay IN CONTROL.


What Needs to be Done?

Capitalism works if you have real market forces determining prices of goods and services. But the current model does not allow for free open markets, only controlled casinos. That has to change.

A famous Swiss study found that 187 major multinational corporations, energy giants and large banks through their interlocking Boards virtually control the entire global economy.

They own the land, factories, communications, transportation, pharmaceutical, energy and the financial structure that controls all including the “incorporated” governments and central banks - and through Birth Certificates, they claim that they own YOU (and the Pope claims he owns YOUR SOUL!).

Related: The Connection Between 9/11, JFK And The Global Collateral Accounts

Obviously such a control system needs to be reigned-in with more effective “anti-monopoly” laws and the cutting of cross linkages at Board levels, but even deeper structural changes have to take place.


The fundamental foundation of MONEY is based on FAITH. Do WE BELIEVE in the intrinsic value of what we assume is MONEY.

Originally MONEY was based on precious metals which had tradable value based on the commonly accepted “perception” that a piece of metal with a picture on it was worth so much of a commodity or hours of labor.

Thus the Elite created the CON of TOKENS and controlled the mints and printing presses to their advantage.

But what is the true value of MONEY? Is it the value of PRODUCTION? Or is it the value that CONSUMERS give to PRODUCTION? Is it the value of LABOR inputs to PRODUCTION?

But what about those in society that cannot be productive like children, elderly, physically disabled, addicted, lazy, etc.?

Obviously humanity is at a transition point where the real VALUE of MONEY has to be determined on a global basis. It is a delicate process of balancing the YIN (PRODUCTION) with the YANG (CONSUMPTION).

This transitioning is happening NOW regardless of fraudulent attempts to reboot the old defunct model. Going back to the “Gold Standard” or creating a phony “Cyber Alternative” is doing the same stupid thing all over again. But these are transitory steps in the Game to create real monetary VALUE. They are NOT the End Game.

Related: The Khazarian Bankster Cult That Hijacked The World & Worthless Pieces Of Paper - Interest On Fake Money Is Confiscating Your Freedom

Several years ago I wrote a paper promoting the creation of an “International Dollar” (an ID or $ with a single line through the S).

This was another transition proposal whereby all overseas US Dollars being held as reserve currencies and used in active commodity TRADE would be converted into new International Dollars managed by an independent International Board that would be responsible for determining and pegging the Exchange Rate between the ID and each nation’s currency being valued against REAL PRODUCTION AND CONSUMPTION statistics.

This is a closer step to a proper economic goal but again it is NOT the end-all approach.

The VALUE of MONEY is a matter of FAITH.

FAITH is the result of doing things the RIGHTEOUS WAY and universally from a position of GIVING.

Our focus should be on what WE value and why WE place such a value on something, then we have to agree on how we account for it We are the Consumers and Producers so WE determine VALUE. Markets must be OPEN and not determined by “Backroom Boys”, syndicates or banksters and their buddies.

VALUE is a honest and moral foundation of a global society. Creating such a foundation from the current model will be a slow process as it is based on fraud, but perseverance and transitioning from the old model to a new one IS taking place.

Reverting back to a Gold Standard, creating equitable digital algorithms, re-valuations or an International Dollar that all currencies can be pegged to, are steps along the way provided there is a global moral consensus and an equitable balance created.

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Economic structuring in our immediate future is up to all of US and we can easily do this without going to devastating wars simply because one country or another has run out of real MONEY to back its debts.

We can have wealth, prosperity and health for all by just shifting some of the insane phantom money from the casinos into PRODUCTION and LABOR thereby creating CONSUMERS.

For only USD30 Billion we can provide clean drinking water for everyone. Another USD40 Billion and we feed all the hungry and starving of the world. Why does the US need over $1.0 TRILLION per year for Defense Budgets when such a small portion of such budgets can heal and prosper the entire World?

MONEY is changing. WE are awakening. It is time to review what can be done is now. WE all need to seek viable and righteous alternatives and give this to the collective consciousness.

The old Debt/Slavery Model is worn out. WE are changing OUR MONEY. The Who, What, Where, When, Why and How is now up to US to determine. The next Model, however, will not be based on FRAUD and a Pyramid of Lies.

It will be based on real asset values and be equitable for all mankind.


As of 2018 the Money Game has changed. It was at that time that the World had a new elected AMANAH (the Global Collateral Trustee) who is now recognized as the principal Trustee for many of the historical bunkered assets in Asia stored there by various Dragon Family members .

As the principal Trustee, the AMANAH is responsible for these assets as investments and for funding global humanitarian projects.

Related: The Global Accounts: The Truth, The Thieves, The Liars And The Con Artists

The estimated wealth stored in vaults and bunkers in Asia is currently valued in QUADRILLIONS of US Dollars of real physical assets such as gold and precious metals, gem stones, currencies, bonds and titles and priceless artifacts.

The AMANAH thus has sufficient wealth to provide clean drinking water and food for all mankind in short order. He is also investing in providing “free energy” devices to those in need, and advanced frequency based healing computers to heal the poor for free.

These planned humanitarian projects will have an immediate impact on humanity by improving health and by creating more opportunities that will increase human PRODUCTION and CONSUMPTION.

This is currently outside current economic models thus it will be a major GAME CHANGER.

And that is just the beginning. Since the AMANAH’s entrusted wealth is principally in “hard” assets, this will form a new financial foundation that is very much stronger than the Pyramid of Lies. This is real collateral backing of REAL MONEY.

The countries of the EAST will be the first to benefit and their economies will strengthen. The WEST’s fiat colored paper will suffer unless they become more cooperative in curbing their fraudulent ways.

The casinos will suffer as their tokens and colored paper will lose value.

The AMANAH is a harbinger of financial and economic CHANGE.


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Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi
Globalism: A Psychological GPS System For The Masses
January 14 2021 | From: JonRappoport

Globalism presents a conception of space, in which billions of people fit into their “best slots.” That’s the theme. That’s the construct.

Of course, its proponents and bosses sell it as if the world couldn’t exist in any other form.

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All isms operate in this fashion. Once the definition is laid down, the fictional field is laid out, and people are urged to navigate to their places.

“If you don’t, dire things will happen.” People aren’t generally aware of fictional spaces and their psychological impact. Therefore, they go along.

This is why a museum can be so instructive. A thousand paintings, each with its own area. I’m not talking about a place on a wall, I’m talking about interior space, which the artist invents and shapes on the canvas.

With Globalism, the space is all about establishing control and distribution points for goods and services. It’s about erasing borders and nations. It’s about co-opting the notion of a unified planet, in order to broadcast fake cheesy messages of universal “share and care.” It’s about every individual “having his place.”

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When I began painting in 1962, one of the first things I noticed was the abundance of space - on each canvas. Waiting to be shaped. The psychological carry-over was enormous. The notion of “fitting into a position in life” disintegrated. It made no sense and had no impact.

Globalism is a hustle in a long, long line of planetary hustles. It erects a space and claims it is the future for all. It’s a minor, minor painting by a group of minor artists, hardly worthy of a spot on the wall of a second-rate museum.

If we were living in a reasonably aware society, many people would be asking themselves: “What space do I want to invent, and for what purpose?”

Which of course takes things back to the individual and his inner resources. And away from overarching ideologies with their perverse themes.

If you were a painter, what would you paint? That question is a lot like asking: if you could invent your future and all the space that comes with it, what would you do?

To come up with an answer, you don’t need any of the GPS reference points of Globalism. They would only be a hindrance.

They would be delusions, masking your power.

“Some even believe we are part of a secret cabal working against the best interests of the United States, characterizing my family and me as ‘internationalists’ and of conspiring with others around the world to build a more integrated global political and economic structure - one world, if you will. If that is the charge, I stand guilty, and I am proud of it.”

- David Rockefeller, Memoirs, 2002

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The man who wrote those words represents a family that has dominated banking, oil, modern medicine, behind-the-scenes politics, and powerhouses of Globalism (e.g., the Council on Foreign Relations) for a century.

Globalism asserts that no nation can be independent from “the family” of other nations, as if it were a matter of fact beyond dispute. A nation claiming its sovereignty thus becomes a lunatic traitor to the natural order of things.

What really binds nations to one another is propaganda, and treaties which are based on the same propaganda, resulting in engorged super-profits for mega-corporations.

Globalism is a secular piece of messianic hype. A Disneyesque altruism is the prow of the ship. Spend 10 minutes educating any street hustler on Globalist principles, and he would recognize it as a standard con.

Obama’s warning to the Brits, that their withdrawing from the Globalist European Union would put them at the back of the line in negotiating a separate trade treaty with the United States, was sheer fiction.

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Britain, or any nation, that has goods to sell and a desire to buy will find trade partners. An agreement could be scratched out on a napkin over dinner.

Impending trade deals like the TPP and TTIP are thousands of pages and take so long to negotiate, because the heavy hitters at the table are looking for new ingenious ways to cut and paste the world into larger profits for themselves.

Globalism, hiding behind thousands of academic analyses, picks up jobs from one nation, where wages are reasonable and working conditions are tolerable, and dumps them in hell holes where wages are nearly invisible and conditions are poisonous.

It’s that simple, and any moron could see how the job-exporting nations would suffer…if by nations we meant people.

Instead of criminal corporations and criminal investors. But all this is layered over with “share and care” sop.

The United States government could repeal the NAFTA, CAFTA, and GATT trade treaties tomorrow, and throw current TPP and TTIP negotiating documents out the window…and all would be well. Better. Much better.

Related: Globalisation, Urban Transformation And The Destruction Of Local Economies

For instance, without NAFTA, US producers wouldn’t have been able to flood Mexico with cheap corn, throwing 1.5 million Mexican corn farmers into bankruptcy, leading many of them to cross the border and come to the US to find work.

No US President since Nixon has disturbed the march of Globalist “free trade.” All Presidents since then have been on board with the Rockefeller plan. And the US economy - which is to say, jobs - has thus faltered.

The 2008 financial crash was only one factor in the decline. The promise of cheap imports for sale in the US - the justification for free trade - doesn’t work when people here have no jobs and no purchasing power.

Major media, fronting for free-trade, have panicked over Donald Trump’s claim that he’ll reject Globalism. They would have panicked over Bernie Sander’s similar promise, if they thought he had any chance of defeating Hillary Clinton for the Democratic nomination. The media have their orders from on high - the deck is stacked, the cards were dealt long ago.

Related: Hanne Herland Explains How Universities Became Globalist New Left Propaganda Tools And Enemies Of Free Speech

Hillary Clinton mouths pathetic and empty generalities about creating jobs. Small tax breaks for small businesses that “share profits with employees,” the “removal of government red tape,” “funding breakthroughs in scientific and medical research,” “expanding job training opportunities” - the truth is, her basic method for stimulating the economy has always been: find a war, any war, and fight it.

Now, let us consider The Individual. Is he just a tiny force pitted against a colossus?

No. Unless he sees himself that way. But what can he do?

First: find the thing within himself that defies the odds, supersedes the “normal response,” casts aside all ordinary formulations of what he is.

That thing, that power is imagination. Imagination has the ability to come up with solutions and strategies - on both a personal and planetary level - that have never been considered before. Imagination is the wild card.

Imagination belongs to The Individual.

The individual is not the group.

“Exercises and techniques for accessing and deploying imagination…these would be essential. Exercises that allow the individual to reinstate his basic creative position in life. Exercises that allow the individual to use his imagination in many different ways. Ramping up power.”

- Preliminary notes for Exit From the Matrix, Jon Rappoport

What does the individual have to offer? He has everything he is capable of doing, when he liberates himself from petty ideas and limitations about what he is. That journey of liberation is his own. It isn’t anybody else’s.

It is, as I’ve pointed out many times, a journey of imagination. Imagination lets a person know what could exist but doesn’t now exist. Imagination lets a person know what he could invent. Imagination lets a person know that, despite claims to the contrary, the future is open and unwritten.

Imagination lets a person know that he can think thoughts that have never been thought before. The journey of individual liberation is, therefore, much more than discovering what already exists in one’s own mind.

The world as it is, things as they are, Globalism as it is, collectivism, the group - this is the sensation of depleted imagination.

Of course, imagination never diminishes, it just waits. For you.

Related: Australia Is A Full Scale Pilot Test For The New World Order & The Totalitarian Future Globalists Want For The Entire World Is Being Revealed

The deployment of imagination unlocks hidden energies. A power, sought after and never found in other endeavors, appears.

Imagination is larger than any universe. It needs no sanction from the world. It is not some secret form of physics. It is not religion. It is not cosmology. It is not any one picture of anything. It’s what you invent.

The Collective does not have imagination. It poaches on individuals with imagination. The Collective is a graveyard where imagination has been downgraded and forgotten.

Imagination soars. It is the individual at the edge of his own exploration.

Imagination was the source for the building of modern civilization. But then civilization became dedicated to itself AS THE GROUP.

The individual never goes away, and neither does his imagination. Imagination can light up a room, a house, a city, a nation, a planet, a galaxy, a universe.

So what will the individual do about Globalism?

The challenge isn’t going to be resolved by taking mere traditional approaches. It isn’t going to be solved by thinking along traditional lines. People tend to ask for answers - but what if the ordinary answers don’t work?

What if something else has to happen?

What if many individuals have to wake up to the range and scope and power of their own imaginations…and come up with new answers? What if that’s the case?

What if that’s the exit from the situation in which we find ourselves?

It IS the exit.

Soros Hacked: US Billionaire Manipulated Europeans Into Accepting Maidan

The bulk of George Soros' documents hacked and published on DC Leaks website shed the light on the magnates' meddling into Ukrainian affairs and shaping public opinion in Western Europe regarding the February coup of 2014 in Kiev through a series of projects and media campaigns.

DC Leaks' release of almost 2,576 files from groups run by US billionaire George Soros, has exposed the magnate's involvement in Ukraine's Euromaidan affairs as well as manipulation of public opinion in Western and Southern Europe in order to "legalize" the February 2014 coup in Kiev.

"The emergence of a New Ukraine carries with it the opportunity to reinvigorate the European project,"
read a 2015 document by the Open Society Initiative for Europe (OSIFE) entitled "The Ukraine debate in Western Europe."

"However, this is complicated by the reluctance of some EU actors to accept the Maidan revolution as democratic and the Ukrainian government as legitimate.

These actors have their own agendas - related to geopolitical and economic considerations with Russia - and will therefore be difficult to influence,"
the OSIFE document underscored, adding that "for other groups and individuals, on the political left and across various social movements, one can detect confusion regarding the state of affairs in Ukraine."

OSIFE specified that this "second group" comprised key opinion-makers, a number of traditional mainstream players, emerging political parties - especially in Southern Europe - such as M5S in Italy, Podemos in Spain and Syriza in Greece, and "a wide range of liberal NGOs in western Europe."

Related: Elections In New Zealand, Australia, Canada, England, Germany, The Netherlands & Exposed: Proof NZ Prime Ministers Are Globalists

In order to tackle the "problem," the organization offered to kick off a series of initiatives aimed at shaping public opinion in the West regarding the Ukrainian affairs.

The document revealed that OSIFE pursued three major objectives.

First, it sought to "stimulate debate and doubt in those democratic left movements, parties and audiences of Western Europe where a negative perception of the transformation of Ukraine is hegemonic, or very preponderant."

Second, it wanted to "discredit the idea that the independence and integrity of Ukraine is an ideological cause of the Right."

Third, OSIFE intended to "influence the way information about Ukraine is heard and perceived in Southern Europe, especially among the group of doubters."

The issue was dramatically complicated by the fact that the major driving forces of the so-called "Euromaidan Revolution" of February 2014 were the Ukrainian far-right groups, most notably the nationalist All-Ukrainian Union Svoboda and Right Sector, founded by ultra-right Trident and the Ukrainian National Assembly-Ukrainian National Self-Defense (UNA-UNSO) paramilitary group.

Related: Globalists Intend To Use Food As Key Weapon In World Takeover

Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi

Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi

Boycott Facebook, Twitter, And Google. Here’s Why
January 13 2021 | From: StrategicCulture / Various

NATO - the neoconservatives, the marketeers for firms such as Lockheed Martin and BAE - has taken over the social-media giants and much of online international ‘news’-reporting, including that of virtually all independent news-sites and blogs.

Facebook, Twitter, and Google, in recent days, delivered what might be the death-blows.

‘Land of censorship & home of the fake’: Alternative voices on Facebook and Twitter’s crackdown

NATO’s main PR agency, think-tank, and lobbying organization, is ‘non-profit’ - a legal tax-dodge that’s financed by donations from those weapons-making firms and their supporting firms and their ‘non-profits’, so that the taxes that it doesn’t pay will need to be paid instead by the general public.

Billionaires know how to avoid taxes, and they hire politicians who write the laws with all the ‘right’ loopholes for them - and only for the very richest - to use.

This PR agency is called “The Atlantic Council,” and it was set up in 1961, the exact same year that U.S. President Dwight Eisenhower left office warning that “the military-industrial complex” might take control of the U.S.

Well, it did so, with The Atlantic Council’s help; and, now, it is finally lowering the boom against democracy itself - at least among the U.S. and its allied nations (the governments whose weapons-manufacturing firms are in, and sell to, NATO governments).

The aim is to drive up the percentage of government-expenditures there that go to pay those firms, and so to reduce the percentages that go to pay everything else. The aim, in short, is the permanent-warfare-economy.

Are Social Media Companies Banning Because Of What Happens In "Real World"?

After all, firms such as Lockheed Martin and BAE sell only to allied governments.

They have virtually no consumers except those governments. So: their (and their ‘charities’) basic message is ‘austerity’ - except on ‘defense’ or realistically called “aggression.”

This is national ‘defense’ such as against Iraq in 2003, and against Libya in 2011 - it is instead sheer aggression. George Orwell predicted “Newspeak” - well, here it is.

It’s today’s norm, so normal that the public think it’s just natural, and conservatives and even many liberals think it’s the way that ‘a free market’ ought to be. 

Here was Facebook’s announcement, on October 11th:

11 October 2018

"Removing Additional Inauthentic Activity from Facebook

Today, we’re removing 559 Pages and 251 accounts that have consistently broken our rules against spam and coordinated inauthentic behavior. Given the activity we’ve seen - and its timing ahead of the US midterm elections - we wanted to give some details about the types of behavior that led to this action.

Many were using fake accounts or multiple accounts with the same names and posted massive amounts of content across a network of Groups and Pages to drive traffic to their websites.

Many used the same techniques to make their content appear more popular on Facebook than it really was. Others were ad farms using Facebook to mislead people into thinking that they were forums for legitimate political debate."

Source: newsroom.fb.com

Those 559 and 251 weren’t identified; none of them were. Facebook wants them to need to scream in order for them to be able to be noticed at all by the public.

The announcement didn’t even say by what criteria they were measuring ‘Inauthentic Activity’ versus ‘legitimate political debate’.

Their announcement did say “we look at these actors’ behavior – such as whether they’re using fake accounts or repeatedly posting spam – rather than their content when deciding which of these accounts, Pages or Groups to remove,” but unless they make public what the actual algorithms are by means of which they remove sites, no one should trust them, at all, because they can remove whatever NATO or The Atlantic Council (neither of which their announcement even mentioned) want them to remove.

Related: Gingrich: Media Earned “Enemy of the People” Moniker

The background for this act by the war-economy’s billionaires had already been reported at Mint Press on May 18th, “Facebook Partners With Hawkish Atlantic Council, a NATO Lobby Group, to ‘Protect Democracy’”, where Elliott Gabriel opened:

"Facebook is hoping that a new alliance with the Atlantic Council - a leading geopolitical strategy think-tank seen as a de facto PR agency for the U.S. government and NATO military alliance - will not only solve its “fake news” and “disinformation” controversy, but will also help the social media monolith play “a positive role” in ensuring democracy on a global level.

The new partnership will effectively ensure that Atlantic Council will serve as Facebook’s “eyes and ears,” according to a company press statement. With its leadership comprised of retired military officers, former policymakers, and top figures from the U.S. National Security State and Western business elites, the Atlantic Council’s role policing the social network should be viewed as a virtual takeover of Facebook by the imperialist state and the council’s extensive list of ultra-wealthy and corporate donors."

Then, on October 12th, Mint Press’s Whitney Webb bannered “Facebook Purges US-Based Independent Media For Political Disinformation”, and reported that:

"Notably, Facebook’s statement on the mass purge of pages was co-authored by Facebook Head of Cybersecurity Nathaniel Gleicher, who is a former White House National Security Council director of cybersecurity policy.

Twitter also banned many of the pages targeted for deletion by Facebook on Thursday, suggesting a coordinated censorship effort between the two most popular social media platforms.

Many of the pages banned had millions of likes, such as the Free Thought Project (3.1 million likes), Antimedia (2.1 million), Cop Block (1.7 million), and Police the Police (1.9 million). Several of the pages that were deleted on Thursday had been targeted by Facebook in recent months, both through new censorship algorithms and Facebook’s controversial team of “fact checkers.”

For instance, the Free Thought Project had been flagged earlier this year as “fake news” by Facebook “fact checking” partner organizations, including  the Associated Press (AP) and Snopes. In one case, a story published by the Free Thought Project was flagged as “false” by the AP.

That story, which detailed the documented case of Senator Jeff Merkley (D-OR) being forcibly removed from a DHS migrant detention center that had once been a Walmart, was marked false because the AP asserted that the article made the claim that Walmart was housing immigrants for DHS. However, the article does not make the claim, instead accurately noting that the facility used to be a Walmart.

Censorship algorithms had also greatly affected traffic to the recently deleted pages for much of the past year. In the case of Antimedia, its traffic dropped from around 150,000 page views per day in early June to around 12,000 by the end of that month. As a reference, in June of last year, Antimedia’s traffic stood at nearly 300,000 views per day."

Also on October 12th, heavy dot com bannered “‘Facebook Purge’: List of Some Deleted Accounts on Left & Right” and listed a few dozen sites that the article's writer had seen online screaming about having been removed.

Related: In Private Meeting, Facebook Exec Warns News Outlets To Cooperate Or End Up Dying In 'Hospice'

Meanwhile, in UK’s very mainstream Daily Mail (the second-largest-circulation of all UK’s newspapers), columnist Michael Burleigh headlined on October 13th “Putin's taking over Libya by stealth in order to point a new weapon at the West — millions of desperate migrants” and he opened:

"So bloody and extensive is President Putin’s record of aggression, not least in Syria and Ukraine, that an incursion into the empty deserts of North Africa might hardly seem worth noting.

Yet the discovery that Russia is moving troops and missiles into war-torn Libya has rightly caused alarms to sound throughout the capitals of Europe.

It is a step of huge significance, and one with potentially disastrous results for Western nations.

The discovery that Vladimir Putin, above, and his government is moving troops and missiles into war-torn Libya has rightly caused alarm. Russia – this time in the form of Rosneft, the huge oil company controlled by Putin’s sinister crony Igor Sechin – is interested in a slice of Libya’s vast oil reserves, the largest in Africa

Libya has both oil and Mediterranean ports, and Russia is hungry for both."


But was it Russia that in 2011 had invaded and destroyed Libya, or was it U.S., UK, and France, who invaded and destroyed Libya - a country that like Iraq, Syria, Yemen and others which The West has destroyed, had never threatened nor invaded any of them?

Related: Facebook Censorship of Alternative Media ‘Just the Beginning,’ Warns Top Neocon Insider

Burleigh continued:

" – cause enough for concern, perhaps. Yet the real fear for European governments is this: Libya, with its porous southern borders, has become the main jumping-off point for the hundreds of thousands of African migrants now seeking to cross the Mediterranean to the shores of the EU and, in particular, Italy." ."

So, his own country, UK, had helped with the bombing of Libya that had caused all those ‘migrants’ (actually refugees) into Europe, but now he’s trying to blame Putin for it, as if Russia and not UK, U.S., and France were the cause of it. Doesn’t that “mislead people”?

But is the Daily Mail being strangled by Facebook, Twitter, and Google; or is it instead being done to the small-fry political sites, which aren’t owned and controlled by the aristocracies of the U.S., UK, France, and their allied aristocracies - all the aristocracies that are in NATO and promoted by The Atlantic Council?

Related: The Atlantic Council: The Marketing Arm Of The Military/Security Complex

Here is yet more from Elliott Gabriel’s excellent news-report at Mint Press on May 18th, providing background to the present purges and censorships:

"The announcement, made last Thursday in a Facebook Newsroom post, explained that the social network’s security, policy and product teams will coordinate their work with the Atlantic Council’s Digital Forensic Research Lab (DFRLab) to analyze “real-time insights and updates on emerging threats and disinformation campaigns from around the world.”

DFRLab employees include pro-war media activist Eliot Higgins (of Bellingcat fame) and Ben Nimmo - a senior fellow for information defense at the Atlantic Council, who earned infamy for his groundless accusations that actual Twitter users are Russian trolls.

Read more on Facebook

Surveillance Capitalism and the State: Facebook Devastated on Multiple Fronts as Data Theft Crisis Grows

Independent Media Slams Facebook’s Plan to Act as Gatekeeper of ‘Trustworthy’ News

Zuckerberg Pledges To Fix Facebook’s Privacy Problems—No One Trusts Him

A Brazilian Judge Just Handed Facebook Censorship Powers

Continuing, Facebook global politics and government outreach director Katie Harbath explained:

“This will help increase the number of ‘eyes and ears’ we have working to spot potential abuse on our service — enabling us to more effectively identify gaps in our systems, preempt obstacles, and ensure that Facebook plays a positive role during elections all around the world.”

“We know that tackling these problems effectively also requires the right policies and regulatory structures, so that governments and companies can help prevent abuse while also ensuring that people have a voice during elections. The Atlantic Council’s network of leaders is uniquely situated to help all of us think through the challenges we will face in the near- and long-term.”

“The think-tank’s Digital Research Unit Monitoring Missions will also be tapped by the social network during elections and “other highly sensitive moments” to allow Facebook the ability to zero in on key locales and monitor alleged misinformation and foreign interference.”

Who is the Atlantic Council?

Hillary Clinton at the 2013 Atlantic Council Distinguished Leadership Awards (Photo: Atlantic Council)

The Atlantic Council was recently in the news for receiving a donation of $900,000 from the U.S. State Department for a “Peace Process Support Network” program to “promote non-violent conflict resolution” in support of Venezuela’s scattered opposition, with which the council enjoys very close ties.

The council also advocates the arming of extremist militants in Syria (a “National Stabilization Force”) and a hard-line policy toward Russia.

Established in 1961 by former U.S. Secretaries of State Dean Acheson and Christian Herter, the Atlantic Council of the United States was originally conceived as a means to drum up support for the Cold War-era NATO alliance, which had formed in 1949 as the basis of the Euro-Atlantic security architecture during the post-WWII competition with the Soviet Union. Dozens of similar Atlantic Councils were eventually established throughout the NATO and Partnership for Peace states.

The council is a part of the Atlantic Treaty Association, a NATO offshoot that claims to unite “political leaders, academics, military officials, journalists and diplomats in an effort to further the values set forth in the North Atlantic Treaty, namely: democracy, freedom, liberty, peace, security, and the rule of law.”

In general, groups such as the Atlantic Council are meant to secure the legitimacy of U.S. policies and neoliberal economics in the eyes of world audiences and academia, whether they live in the “advanced democracies” (the imperialist center) or “developing democracies” (the post-colonial and economically exploited nations)."

Mint Press - a real news-operation, instead of the fake-news operations that are being boosted by Facebook, Twitter, and Google - apparently hasn’t yet been removed by Facebook, but the permanent-war-economy is only just starting to lower the boom. And, who knows what’s next, in American ‘democracy’, now?

The way to boycott Facebook, Twitter, and Google, is to NOT respond to their ads, but instead to blacklist their advertisers and all media that rely upon those giant social-media sites.

There are competitors, and those need to be aggressively favored by anyone who doesn’t want to be mentally strangulated by these three giant corporations.

These media-giants want to strangle the public; so, the public needs to strangle them first.

Related: Why The Coordinated Alternative Media Purge Should Terrify Everyone

Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi

Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi

Western Propaganda - So Simple But So Effective
January 12 2021 | From: JournalNeo

When some time ago Noam Chomsky and I met at MIT, in order to write a book “On Western Terrorism: From Hiroshima to Drone Warfare” and to produce a film with the same title together, the topic we mainly aimed at discussing was that of the countless genocides the West has committed all over the world since the end of the WWII. The second topic was impunity.

But no matter what atrocities we re-visited, our conversation kept slipping towards one crucial theme: the propaganda that has been manufactured in media centers like New York, Paris, London and other North American and European cities; the propaganda created in order to twist both the past and the present.

Related: Trump: “The Media is Rigged”

Without such brainwashing and the almost total indoctrination of the Western general public and the ‘elites’ in all of the ‘client’ states, no imperialist and neo-colonialist policies would have become truly successful.

We spoke about US commercial advertising and its influence on German Nazi propaganda, and about Nazi propaganda influencing by return both the US and European propaganda-makers.

Noam kept asking me about my childhood in socialist Czechoslovakia, and I explained to him, honestly, how indoctrinated I was as a teenager: not by the Communist dogmas, but by the BBC, the Voice of America and the Radio Free Europe – all of them relentlessly spreading the Western political and market gospel to all corners of the socialist world.

Both Noam and I have created dozens of essays on the topic, as well as several books. My latest one, basically written about all the corners of the world where the Empire is spreading destruction and followed by indoctrination, has more than 800 pages, and is called “Exposing Lies of the Empire”.

Related: Startling Evidence Indicates Funded Propaganda Campaign Responsible For War On Fake News

And I always feel that even this massive book just touches the tip of the iceberg, that it is only a beginning!

Western propaganda is actually a perfect apparatus! It is effective and it is almost fully ‘bulletproof’. It ‘works’! European empires have been refining it for many long centuries, and the European offspring – the United States – has elevated it to almost total perfection.

One precondition for its success is, of course, that the Western political and economic regime owns almost all the major media channels and distribution outlets of the world. Diversity can never be tolerated. It could smash the idiocy! Once this prerequisite is completed, things get relatively relaxed and cozy for the demagogues in Washington, London and Paris.

Here is just an example of how easy it is to smear a world leader who resists the imperialist designs of the Empire:

Imagine that one sunny morning, some 10 major newspapers and television stations declare that various anonymous but highly reliable sources in Moscow have informed them that the Russian President Vladimir Putin is a vampire!

Related: Twenty Five Rules Of Disinformation, Propaganda, “PSYOPS”, Debunking Techniques

This ‘news’ would fly all over the world. Many readers and viewers would at first roll around on the floor laughing, but some would not. And even several of those who found the information thoroughly bizarre and unbelievable would at some point realize that seeds of doubt were beginning to grow inside their brains: “OK, it is absurd, of course, but what if? What if? How awful that would be!”

But how can one really prove that he or she is not a vampire? Or how can one prove that he or she has not been visited by some evil extra-terrestrial flying saucers on several occasions?

At some point, the Russian President would feel that he had enough of the charade. He’d go to the best university clinic in Moscow, and ask for a certificate that clearly stated that he is not a vampire. Several leading academics and doctors would get involved and produce a complex and thorough scientific conclusion, resolutely stating that President Putin is not a vampire.

Shocked by and reacting to the vulgarity demonstrated by the Western propaganda tsars, most of the Russian media outlets would offer some commonsense and logic:

"Can’t we all see clearly that he cannot be a vampire? All his teeth are of approximately equal length, he socialized during the day, he does not sleep in a coffin, he eats garlic and he is not scared of crosses; be they Orthodox, Protestant or Catholic ones!” 

Others would argue that there are actually no real vampires inhabiting our Planet.

This is when the Western mass media would go into overdrive. Sarcastically it would declare that the Russian academia, Russian doctors and Russian media cannot be trusted – they are all under the heel of the state, and on top of it they have been infiltrated by nation’s secret services and former KGB agents.

"And doesn’t ‘Vlad’ sound somehow similar to ‘Bran’, which is the castle in Romania, which in turn used to be the home base of the commander-in-chief of all militant vampires - Count Dracula?”

There would still be some rational resistance: “No, ‘Vlad’ does not really sound like ‘Bran’, and anyway, nobody in Russia calls Mr. Putin ‘Vlad’ – only the Western media does.” But such voices of reason would never reach the general public all over the world! And on it goes.

In the end, a few billions of human brains would register and subconsciously store the ‘vampire theory’, and they would never again look at the President of Russia, or at his country, with the same eyes!

Related: Trump: Reminder, The Only Evidence Of Russian 'Collusion' Is By Hillary & The DNC + The Mechanics Of Democratic Deception

Of course the Russian leadership is not the only one that the West is targeting. There is a relentless flow of ‘shocking’ rumors and derogatory remarks made by the mainstream media against the President of China, of Byelorussia, against the leadership of Iran, South Africa, Eritrea, Zimbabwe, Syria, and North Korea as well as against all the left-wing governments of Latin America.

After being repeated hundreds of times, the rumors, at least for many people, get confused with facts, and get accepted as facts.

When still leading Cuba, Fidel Castro was constantly ‘dying’ or ‘disappearing’. The North Korean government has been relentlessly portrayed as a desperate gang of bloodthirsty sexual maniacs, executing and raping all that moves.

The ANC and especially President Zuma have done ‘nothing to close that staggering social divide in South Africa’. In South America, the pro-Western media outlets invented and then perfected a new lucrative industry: manufacturing corruption scandals and implicating in them virtually all of the popular socialist leaders.

Nihilism, darkest ‘news’, and scenarios have been force-fed to the public, in order to eradicate all zeal and optimism that comes when one is building a great independent and egalitarian nation.

"I never forget that day,”
an Eritrean cameraman exclaimed, during my visit to his country. “I had just finished an assignment inside the Presidential Palace. Then I met my friends and we were having coffee in front of the main gate. Suddenly the Western networks began broadcasting that ‘there is a coup in Asmara’.

Social media went bananas. It was the “Breaking News” story everywhere. And here we were, right there, on a lazy sunny afternoon, in front of the Palace… I had just seen the President…. All was quiet!

They just invented it, in order to get people out onto the streets! They were trying to manufacture a coup via their media outlets.”

It is mainly fear, implanted into the brains of its subjects and slaves; fear that allows the Empire to control almost the entire Planet. Often it is subconscious fear, but it is fear nevertheless. Fear can be that of the Empire as a whole, or of its might and brutality, or even of the alternatives, portrayed in the most unsavory and frightening colors by the propaganda.

Related: The Mainstream Media Lies

In order to rule unopposed, one has to be feared! And one has to smear the alternatives. The task to spread fear, slander diversity and dissent, was given to the official media, academia and ‘artists’.

Of course the biggest ‘threat’ to the Empire has been the two sisters who were born under the same star, from the same mother called Humanism. Their names are Communism and Socialism. And I am not only talking about the Western Marxist concept. There are many great concepts that put life and the well-being of the people first, all over the world!

In fact, a few decades ago, it was becoming crystal clear that Western colonialism, imperialism and capitalism were finished. Their time was up! Socialism was the natural and logical way forward for most of humanity.

Realted: 25 Rules Of Disinformation, Propaganda, “PSYOPS”, Debunking Techniques

But then the West and its Empire fought back. They employed extreme violence and brutality, as well as cunning ‘divide and rule’ tactics. Tens of millions died, and progress was stopped, although hopefully, only for a limited period of time. And not everywhere!

One of many reasons why Russia is perceived as a great ‘threat’ is because it inherited the humanist and internationalist foreign policy of the Soviet Union. But, also because it itself is actually becoming socialist again (although it is moving in that direction by taking extremely short steps). Russia is recovering irreversibly from those dark days of the free marketer and West’s lackey, Boris Yeltsin.

Russia is also hated because it is setting the ‘wrong example’; proving to the world that one can develop and prosper without taking orders from the West, without serving its governments and corporations. Or more precisely: it can do it exactly because it broke itself free!

The demonization of Russia is relentless. Every little negative detail is multiplied and magnified by the mainstream media and film industry. The world’s public is being nourished by bizarre stereotypes and fabrications. And so one of the most compassionate, deep, artistic and passionate nations on Earth, Russia, is depicted as being cold, robotic, heartless and inherently evil.

Massive NATO military forces are now dispatched along Russia’s western border, and they include German troops. Periodically there are maneuvers and exercises, not far from the borderline.

It is clearly a provocation, and it all brings back the horrific memories of the years right before World War II, the war in which the Russian nation lost between 25 and 30 million lives. A few hundred kilometers south, an old ally, in fact a Slavic sister, Ukraine, is being forced to confront Russia by its Western handlers, something that is being done against the will of the great majority of the Ukrainian people.

The US is heavily involved in the destabilizing of Central Asia, including a group of nations that used to form part of the Soviet Union. But thanks to Machiavellian Western propaganda, it is actually Russia that is being portrayed as the aggressor and a danger to world peace!

And it is China, which is being depicted as some kind of a ruthless and unpredictable monster that is now ready to swallow the world! In fact China is an extremely predictable country, and any unbiased student of world history would clearly see how peacefully it has been behaving, for centuries!

But to ‘prove’ that China is not a Communist country, anymore, and at the same time that it is one of the greatest threats to world peace and ‘stability’ (read: to Western control of the World), is one of the most important tasks given to the Western media, academia and propaganda tsars by the Empire.

And they are succeeding! Indoctrination tactics are working flawlessly. The Western pubic is by now thoroughly brainwashed (at worst) or confused (at best) when it comes to China.

In recent years I engaged hundreds of French, Italian, Spanish, German, British and Czech people in discussions about China, just to receive (with extremely few exceptions) a barrage of standardized, patronizing, mass-produced ‘opinions’.

It often felt like talking to the people who were forced to live for decades under the Taliban or under the ‘spiritual guidance’ of some fundamentalist evangelical Protestant sect.

In fact, China is both Communist (Communism or Socialism, but with Chinese characteristics) as it is breathtakingly successful! Analyzing this marvelous country, together with my China-based colleagues and comrades, I am coming to the conclusion that Beijing often uses “capitalist means in order to achieve socialist goals” (to borrow a quote from Jeff J Brown, which is actually the sub-title’ of his latest book).

And an enormous, independent, successful Communist or Socialist country – that is absolutely the worst nightmare for the Empire! It is something that has to be stopped, derailed, destroyed, isolated and demonized by all means! China’s Communist success…

You would never hear about that on CNN, BBC or Fox TV! Just as you would never hear that Indonesia, India, Rwanda and any of the other Empire’s allies and client nations, are in fact the most brutal fascist ‘failed’ states, and that the genocides in Papua, Kashmir and the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) are the bloodiest extermination campaigns anywhere in the world.

I have worked in all these countries, intensively, I can testify. As this is being written, the people of Kashmir are being murdered and tortured. Right at this moment! I am wondering how many of my readers are aware of it?

Perhaps I’m obsessed with “exposing lies of the Empire”. A second volume will soon follow my 820-page long book. I cannot stop travelling, investigating and amassing the evidence. Because I am shocked; because I am outraged and because there are so few, so desperately few people that are actually working in the most desperate parts of the world!

Virtually all stereotypes about the world that have been domesticated in the West are wrong, terribly wrong.

The story of the Russian Revolution is told in the most twisted way, and so is the story of the Ukrainian famine and of the gulags. Not everything is wrong, of course, but the facts and numbers are twisted. I will soon resume my work in the Russian Far East, to write on this subject.

The story of China is grotesquely wrong, from the Great March to the present day!

The story of Cambodia’s “Commie slaughter” under the Khmer Rouge is a thoroughly idiotic manipulation! The slaughter was there, but more people died from the US carpet-bombing, and then from being displaced from their farms by US mines and cluster ‘bombies’, than from Pol Pot’s atrocities.

The great majority of Khmer Rouge men and women had nothing to do with Communism. They were just settling scores with the capital, which they saw as responsible for selling the country to the US, and for the bombing of the countryside. In the jungle, I recently met Pol Pot’s personal guard.

He told me frankly that he was simply pissed off (the bombing killed his relatives), and had no clue what Communism was:

“Pol Pot came and said ‘Communism! Let’s fight the traitors!’ And we did. How could someone call us a Communist country if we did not even know what Communism was?”

What we hardly ever hear is the most important story of mankind: the story of Western colonial plunders, of imposed slavery, genocides that lasted for centuries, of British-triggered famines that killed tens of millions in the Sub-Continent, of virtually the entire Europe and Christianity systematically committing global holocaust.

Related: The British Empire Is Un-Masked, But Desperate

We are not told that it actually happened, and that it is still going on and on and on! In order to ‘shelter’ the Western public from the horrendous truth about the past and the present of their countries and culture, new and newer stories about those “evil others” are being invented and circulated.

Perhaps, soon, we will be really told that Mr. Putin is a vampire, or that Kim Jong Un is eating Korean virgins for breakfast. We may not be far from such a new wave of propaganda zeal. It all makes sense: the more evil the Empire becomes; the more it has to smear its adversaries.

The mass media and Hollywood are asked to perform. And they do! Reality and fiction are now being systematically mixed, and everything gets blurred and finally the great confusion and intellectual chaos are managing to overwhelm both reason and logic.

Related: Propaganda Techniques Of Empire + P.C. Language Control And The Rise Of The Third Reich

The Empire is killing millions and destroying countries and continents. But California is falling off a cliff, and clouds of huge insects are invading the entire North America. While millions of alien terrorists are now engulfing the ‘tolerant’ and ‘democratic’ Europe! So what is more terrible?

Plus there are those sinister monsters like Count Vlad and Comrade Kim, waiting with their daggers behind a corner! Therefore, The Empire and its people have to ‘protect’ themselves. They have to be tough, even tougher than before! And to put their interests first! America (North America) first! Germany first! France first!

Primitive? Does it all sound primitive? Yes, certainly. But it works! At least for the Europeans and North Americans it does. And the rulers don’t give a damn what works or doesn’t for the rest of the Planet.

Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi

Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi

Five Damaging Lies Advertisements Desperately Want You To Believe
January 11 2021 | From: TheUnboundedSpirit

Every single day we are bombarded with thousands of advertisements, whether we realize it or not.

Being accustomed to their constant presence, we don’t consciously pay attention to them and can’t realize the tremendous negative impact they have on us and the world.

Related: The Mainstream Media Lies

Below are five quite damaging lies that advertisements want you to believe and which you should be aware of so as to avoid falling into their trap.

1. You are incomplete. Advertisements do their best to convince you that you are not enough as you are. Once they achieve to make you feel bad about yourself, they provide you with a solution to make you feel well again: that of buying the products they sell.

Related: Is Subliminal Advertising Legit?

2. Everything you need is on sale. 
Advertisements want to persuade you to think that anything you desire can be bought. Do you want to feel confident? Then buy this shiny car! Do you feel you’re not attractive to the opposite sex? Then get yourselves some hip shoes! Are you stressed? Then consume these magic pills!

3. Material possessions are all that matters in life. Another damaging lie promoted through advertising is that acquiring material things is the key to living well. You needn’t search anywhere else for happiness and fulfillment, such as in pursuing your passions or building healthy relationships with people - there’s always a product that can substitute for all those things.

4. Success is measured by the stuff you own. Advertisements try to fool you into believing that if you have less and worse stuff than those around you, then you are a person to be looked down upon, and that the only way to prove your importance is to get more and better stuff than others.

Related: Brilliant Comic Of Banksy's Call To Arms Against Advertisers

Thus advertisements are urging you to constantly compare yourself to others and compete with them.

5. Consuming without end is normal. Lastly yet perhaps most importantly, advertisements are trying to convince you that your purpose in life is to consume, and that only by doing so will you fit in society.

As a result, they can immensely complicate your life by stressing you to constantly hunt for the next best thing, regardless of how wasteful that behavior is and the negative consequences it has on the planet.

As you can understand, the sole purpose of advertisements is to sell you stuff so that companies and corporations can make an economic gain, and the tactics they use to achieve that are hideous and deceptive.

Related: The Atlantic Council: The Marketing Arm Of The Military/Security Complex

The quicker you realize this fact and stop buying into their lies, the more you’ll be able to live free, without feeling the constant pressure to mindlessly waste your time, energy, and the earth’s finite resources to satisfy your artificial needs.

Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi

Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi

The Shot Heard Around The World - It Had To Be This Way: The Crime Of Treason Has Been Completed
January 10 2021 | From: X22Report / AndWeKnow / PrayingMedic / Various

Many people are confused as to what is happening with the US election process. This is what happens if you fall into the trap of mainstream media propaganda.

The fact is however, that certain events needed to play out so that the last of the deep state players would expose themselves.

Related: Welcome to the Second American Revolution

Do not lose heart. Why do you think there are such intense efforts to try to 'get rid' of Trump so close to the end of his first term? It is said that there is going to be a significant release of information and evidence beginning very shortly that will turn things on their head on many fronts. As usual, all is not as it seems.

And remember, this is not just about America. The outcome of this situation will have a fundamentally global impact.

There are some very astute analysts around and links to some recent videos are provided below.

[Begins at 1 minute 40 seconds]

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Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi

The Business Of Journalists Is To Destroy The Truth & Americans Think The Media Is More Destructive Than Banks & Corporations + The Normals vs. Conspiracy Theorists
January 9 2021 | From: PhiBetaIota / Zerohedge / NoMoreFakeNews / Various

Variations on the quote below have been misattributed as a response to a toast, by John Swinton, as "the former Chief of Staff at the New York Times", before the New York Press Club in 1953.

However, research reveals that Swinton (1829-1901), after moving to New York, wrote an occasional article for the New York Times and was hired on a regular basis in 1860 as head of the editorial staff.

Related: Former Google Engineer: Google Will Try to Prevent Trump from Being Re-elected

Afterward holding this position throughout the Civil War, he left the paper in 1870 and became active in the labor struggles of the day. He later served eight years in the same position on the New York Sun and later published a weekly labor sheet, John Swinton's Paper.

The remarks were apparently made by Swinton, then the preeminent New York journalist, probably one night in 1880. Swinton was the guest of honour at a banquet given him by the leaders of his craft.

Someone who knew neither the press nor Swinton offered a toast to the independent press. Swinton outraged his colleagues by replying:

There is no such thing, at this date of the world's history, in America [Read: The West] , as an independent press. You know it and I know it.

Related: Startling Evidence Indicates Funded Propaganda Campaign Responsible For War On Fake News

There is not one of you who dares to write your honest opinions, and if you did, you know beforehand that it would never appear in print. I am paid weekly for keeping my honest opinion out of the paper I am connected with.

Others of you are paid similar salaries for similar things, and any of you who would be so foolish as to write honest opinions would be out on the streets looking for another job.

If I allowed my honest opinions to appear in one issue of my paper, before twenty-four hours my occupation would be gone.

The business of the journalists is to destroy the truth, to lie outright, to pervert, to vilify, to fawn at the feet of mammon, and to sell his country and his race for his daily bread. You know it and I know it, and what folly is this toasting an independent press?

We are the tools and vassals of rich men behind the scenes. We are the jumping jacks, they pull the strings and we dance. Our talents, our possibilities and our lives are all the property of other men. We are intellectual prostitutes.

Related: Six Ways To Break The Hypnotic Spell Of The Mainstream Media

(Source: Labor's Untold Story, by Richard O. Boyer and Herbert M. Morais, published by United Electrical, Radio & Machine Workers of America, NY, 1955/1979.)

Despite the misattribution, the quote raises the issue of whether there is not continuing truth in Swinton's remarks, and whether some candid journalist might not be able to fairly say similar things today.

Anyone who has associated closely with journalists can hardly avoid finding a ring of truth in such words, and the best evidence lies in the actual product of journalists and how well, or how poorly, it both agrees with and covers what actually happens, especially involving such things as corruption and abuse of power.

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Americans Think The Media Is More Destructive Than Banks & Corporations

In the new age of censorship, bias, manipulation, and propaganda, Americans [The West] have somewhat started to fall for it all a little less.

Now, average Americans [Read: Westerners] think of the media as more destructive than banks and corporations – and that trend isn’t likely to reverse anytime soon, as the government continues to use the media to push their agenda.

Related: Warning: This Blog Provides Material Support for Extremist Conspiracy Theories

“Cultural Schizophrenia”: US Media No Longer Reports Facts, But Appeals To Emotions

Based on the conclusions to a RAND Corporation study, the mainstream media is actively sowing discord in American society, award-winning journalist Chris Hedges tells RT.

The media is focusing on making two sides hate each other instead of reporting on the facts, and the majority of the public is unaware and doesn’t care that their minds are being manipulated by their own emotional responses."

- SHTFPlan

This should not come as a surprise to anybody. A recent survey has revealed that most Americans believe that the news media, more than any other institution, have a negative impact on their country.

The findings are hardly surprising, according to media analyst Lionel.  Considering most the “news” is full of propaganda and mind manipulation tactics, it is refreshing to see Americans balk at the media.

Conducted by the Pew Research Center, the poll found that 64 percent of Americans believe that the media has a damaging effect on the United States – making them more loathed than other often-demonized institutions such as banks (39 percent) and large corporations (53 percent)according to a report about the poll done by RT.

"The media are not here to provide information... so that you can make intelligent decisions. No, that’s not what the media are. The media are corporate tools,” 
Lionel said.

And it isn’t just the media taking a beating, but all of the establishment including corporations and government. It seems like Americans, whether they want to admit it or not, are finally realizing they don’t want to be controlled and enslaved. 

It’s a good sign that humanity is awakening to what those in power are doing to the rest of us.

The Normals vs. Conspiracy Theorists

In the wake of the recent mass shootings; and after the FBI concluded that conspiracy theories could fuel terror attacks; and after the major media and politicians hoisted the notion that free speech should be further eroded, in order to protect the citizenry; the obvious choice for persons who want to avoid blame for violence is: REMAIN NORMAL.

Eyes straight ahead. Don’t think. Obey official orders. Maintain a pleasant outward appearance. Don’t question authority. If you accidentally encounter information that points to crimes committed by those in power, don’t bother trying to figure out where on the political spectrum they reside. Instead, move along, forget what you experienced, keep your mouth shut. Play dumb. Better yet, become dumb.

Related: The FBI’s Alleged Conspiracy Theorist-Terrorist Connection Is Anti-American

Here’s an instructive and astonishing example, if you consider the implications.

Fake evidence used in the Oklahoma Bombing. How official “science” was deployed to advance a political agenda.

On April 19, 1995, one-third of the Murrah Federal Building in Oklahoma City blew up, killing 169 people and wounding 680 others.

Three men were arrested and convicted: Tim McVeigh, Terry Nichols, and Michael Fortier. McVeigh was put to death on June 11, 2001, Nichols is currently serving multiple life sentences without the possibility of parole, and Fortier was sentenced to 12 years (he served that term and was released).

Related: False Flag Terrorism Isn’t A “Theory”: It’s Admitted And Widespread

The official narrative of the bombing stated: A Ryder truck parked at the curb outside the Murrah Building contained barrels of ammonium nitrate plus fuel oil (ANFO bombs), and their coordinated explosion occurred shortly after 9AM on the morning of April 19th.

In addition to the deaths and the woundings, the explosion impacted 324 buildings and 86 cars in the area.

(In My 1995, book, “The Oklahoma City Bombing, the Suppressed Truth,” I laid to rest the claim that ANFO bombs could have caused that much damage; and more importantly, I showed that an explosion coming out of a Ryder truck at the curb could not have caused the particular profile of damage sustained by the Murrah Building.)

The vaunted FBI lab decided that, indeed, all the damage and death HAD been caused by ANFO bombs in the Ryder truck.

But two years after the bombing, on March 22, 1997, we had this from CNN: “The Justice Department inspector general’s office has determined that the FBI crime laboratory working on the Oklahoma City bombing case made ‘scientifically unsound’ conclusions that were ‘biased in favor of the prosecution,’ The Los Angeles Times reported Saturday.”

Related: 23 Years Later: The Oklahoma City Bombing Story You Were Never Told About

“…[FBI] supervisors approved lab reports that they ‘cannot support’ and…FBI lab officials may have erred about the size of the blast, the amount of explosives involved and the type of explosives used in the bombing[!].”

“…harshest criticism was of David Williams, a supervisory agent in the [FBI] explosives unit, the paper [LA Times] said. Those flaws reportedly include the basis of his determination that the main charge of the explosion was ammonium nitrate. The inspector general called such a determination ‘inappropriate,’ the Times said.”

“…FBI officials found a receipt for ammonium nitrate at defendant [Terry] Nichols’ home and, because of that discovery, Williams slanted his conclusion to match the evidence.”

And with those revelations, the case, the investigation, the court trials, and press probes should have taken a whole new direction. But they didn’t.

The fake science was allowed to stand.

Therefore, other paths of investigation were abandoned. If bombs did, in fact, explode in the Ryder truck, but didn’t cause the major damage, then those bombs were a cover for other explosions of separate origin - for example, charges wired inside the columns of the Murrah Building, triggered at the exact moment the Ryder Truck explosion occurred.

Now we would be talking about a very sophisticated operation, far beyond the technical skills of McVeigh, Nichols, and Fortier.

Related: Why The War On Conspiracy Theories Is Bad Public Policy

Who knows where an honest in-depth investigation would have led? The whole idea of anti-government militia terrorism in the OKC attack - symbolized by McVeigh - was used by President Bill Clinton to bring the frightened public “back to the federal government” as their ultimate protector and savior.

Instead, the public might have been treated to a true story about a false flag operation, in which case President Clinton’s massaged message would never have been delivered.

But the fake crooked science pushed by the FBI lab was permitted to stand - despite exposure as fraud.

If the federal government can egregiously lie about an event as huge as the Oklahoma Bombing, using fake science as a cover - what wouldn’t they lie about?

That’s a question which answers itself.


Related: New Study Reveals Surprising Truths About Conspiracy Theories

Therefore, the free speech of these conspiracy theorists - CNN, the LA Times, and the FBI lab - should be limited, if not completely shut down.

After all, these conspiracists certainly provoked severe demoralization/cynicism about the honesty of government in the minds of many, many persons - and a few of those persons would have been motivated to pick up a gun and do harm to others.

You can’t have it both ways. You can’t say conspiracies are only sold by people outside the mainstream AND no matter what the mainstream publishes it never implies a conspiracy.

And this is where the protests against free speech crash on the rocks. This is where the stew of accusations and pretenses of knowledge about how opinion and information cause violence crash on the rocks.

This is where people who can think begin to see how agents and players try to divide and conquer society.

And this is where a 230-year-old weapon still stands to block assaults on free speech: the 1st Amendment.

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The False Prosecution of Dzhokhkar Tsarnaev

Black Ops Agent Claims He Was Paid To Bomb OKC in the 1990s By Deep State; Hours Later Has A Car Crash

Review of the Oklahoma Bombing - the Government Lied, Lied, Lied, and Then Lied Some More…

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Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi

#TheStorm - How To Prepare For A Global Corruption Purge?
January 8 2021 | From: MartinGeddes / X22Report

In the last few weeks my thoughts have drifted towards the events of this season that are going to shake our world.

We have seen all the pieces being put in place for a mass justice event in the USA - the like of which has never been encountered before.

Related: Governments: The Enemy Of Freedom & Globalists Interviewed: They Admitted They Controlled The Government

I wish to share a few thoughts on how you might go about preparing for the "expected unexpected".

Large Scale Change Happens

It is not a novel insight to point out that major geopolitical change is an ongoing process.

Key events in living memory would include:

1970s - Oil shock; Vietnam War

1980s - Deregulation; sudden end of the Soviet empire

1990s - Gulf War; dotcom boom and bust

2000s - 9/11 + Iraq War; financial collapse

Here in the late 2010s, it is arguable that we are seeing the decline and end of Globalism, together with many supporting institutions and doctrines.

Whilst the counter-trend is labelled Nationalism by the media, it is better seen as anti-authoritarianism. The demand is for power be held closer to the people, rather than by an unaccountable political establishment.

Related: Globalism, Socialism, Technocracy: Three Names For The Same Thing

Anti-globalism is the narrative that joins together otherwise seemingly disparate events - mass protests in Hong Kong, Brexit in the UK, a "cold" civil war in France, a new government in Brazil, and the Trump administration in the USA.

Working people are tired of extreme wealth disparities, declining standards of living, and mass migration causing cultural upheaval.

Most of all, ordinary people demand and end to their exploitation through endemic corruption. Specifically, a two-tier justice system has evolved where a privileged class can easily evade consequences for their thieving behaviour.

This powerful stateless mafia - which controls many important political, financial, media and industrial institutions - now faces removal and justice.

Related: The Tables Have Turned: Here Comes The Real Story Of Collusion And Corruption

Corruption: The World's Biggest Industry

We have seen a number of corruption scandals break recently, including:

Pharma- illegal pushing of addictive opiates to the public

- LIBOR scandal, US mortgage fraud, 1MDB in Malaysia that may take down Goldman Sachs by the time it's done

- huge accounting fraud at GE

- involvement in espionage and treason on behalf of China

- Weinstein is a foretaste of its (child) rape culture being exposed

Social Media
- large-scale rigging of elections

Catholic Church
- cover-up of child abuse

Related: Everything Is Rigged: Medicine, Science, Elections, The Media, Money, Education, Search Engines, Social
Media... You Are Living In A Fabricated Fairy Tale

Now that the Mueller investigation has collapsed into nothing of consequence.

There are at least six major scandals about to break in Washington DC:

1. Pedogate - Epstein Island and the blackmail operations associated with it (NXIVM, SNCTM); UK royal family's involvement plus MI6; Israel and Mossad's dirty role; Hollywood's elite (notably at Disney) are up to their necks in this filth.

2. Spygate -
Obama personally authorising illegal FISA spying on the Trump administration, before and after the election. Draws FVYE spy network nations into the scandal, especially Britain.

3. Russiagate failed coup attempt -
Brennen, Clapper, Comey, Ohr, etc. - are all going to hang for treason. Italy has already cleaned house on this one, having been implicated in the set-up.

4. Election fraud in 2016 and 2018 by Democratic party (and for many years before).
May trigger the unseating of many in the House and special elections.

5. Clinton Foundation
- sale of state secrets to China; Haiti human trafficking (cf Epstein).

6. Uranium One
- illegal sale of US nuclear material to Russia (which draws Mueller into his own scandal…).

Related: American Center For Law And Justice Files Lawsuits Against ‘Deep State’ Over Clinton Investigation And
Uranium One

Corruption is a widespread phenomenon. Anti-corruption initiatives have a long history. Multinational business has been a thing for centuries.

That there might be a coordinated multi-country corruption purge should not be a matter of great controversy.

It is the confluence of so many simultaneous major scandals that is what gives #TheStorm its moniker and "black swan" outlier status. It will sweep away some compromised institutions, and put many previously untouchable people in jail.

This is a paradigm change in government and business, restoring trust and honour that have been missing for decades

The End of the American 'Deep State'

Whether it has been the East India Company, the Venetians, or the Spanish in South America, international trade has always allied to intelligence gathering - and trodden a fine line between legitimate commerce and organised crime (e.g. the opium wars, theft of gold).

To understand #TheStorm we need to recognise that the problem of a two-tier justice system itself comes from transnational crime cartels.

Related: Former High Ranking CIA Agent Gives A Break Down On What The US Deep State And Shadow Government Is Comprised Of

Corruption has its own business model, strategies, and organisational design patterns. "Institutionalised crime" syndicates are often of a military-like nature, with power coming from spying, clandestine operations, subversion, esoteric science, and deception.

That power is tied to specific families and secret societies, many being in Europe and Asia. From its founding, the United States has been fighting against fifth columnists, who were often working on behalf of European banking, aristocratic, and religious powers.

They have used their military intelligence networks to infiltrate American institutions and install their own people - who often become celebrated as quintessentially "American" in the process!

Three notable and well-documented events from the 1940s-1970s paint the contextual picture:

Operation Paperclip imported thousands of key members of the German Nazi regime into important scientific, academic and military posts after WW2.

Operation Northwoods showed the (corrupted) US Government was willing to use "false flag" attacks by its military against its own people for its geopolitical ends.

Operation Mockingbird weaponised the mass media against its own population, using agents who were covertly under the control of the CIA, a rogue intelligence agency under criminal leadership.

An unconstitutional private central bank - the Federal Reserve - was able to print as much money as necessary to bribe whoever it saw fit.

Related: Obama State At Center Of Anti-Trump Coup Cabal

This funded the activities of allied crooked banks, media companies, and military-industrial corporations. Collectively these "Deep State" actors over time compromised the US judicial, legal, and political systems - and subverted the Constitution.

Trump's de Facto Military Government

Once civilian institutions are too compromised, the only remaining way of peacefully reversing these changes is via the military.

Trump is far more than a figurehead, but to focus on him alone is to miss the big picture. He is the most visible part of a multi-decade Patriot plan to retake the country from the bankster criminals, and give it back to its people

Additional: Read about the Alliance that has been working behind the scenes for decades to take down the 'Cabal' within the work of David Wilcock.

Some of those reading this may be confused because the cabal-controlled mainstream media is doing everything within it's power to denigrate Trump - as he is part of the effort to take the Illuminati down once and for all.

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DECLAS: Section Five: The Forbidden Story

The Trump administration explicitly advertises itself as not just another 4 year election cycle -

“Our movement is about replacing a failed and corrupt political establishment with a new Government controlled by you the American people."

Related: Elite Contempt Is The Common Denominator In Populist Victories

It would be wise to take Trump and his generals very literally when they state their intentions, as their lives are on the line.

You can see Trump's closeness to the military with:

His inauguration - where he unusually and symbolically had soldiers appear behind him.

Choices of personnel, being surrounded by generals, especially from the Marines.

The famous "calm before the storm" remark, as he is often pictured with his senior military team on social occasions.

Focus on celebrating the military and its independence from foreign control for the 4th July celebrations this year.

His links to Admiral Rogers and General Flynn who know where the bodies are buried and have been involved in the resulting intrigue.

A deeply embedded crime network has had effective control over the US DoJ, FBI, and CIA - as illustrated by the Clintons' magical escapes from justice.

A similar purge of corruption and taming of the Federal Reserve was attempted under JFK, and failed.

The protection of the President needs can only come from a loyal military.

Related: The Broken Presidential Destiny Of JFK, Jr.

The "Q" programme of open source intelligence to bypass the compromised mass media is further evidence that this is a de facto military government with a civilian varnish.

The legal and justice systems are being cleaned up, and the "pioneer public" primed for stunning revelations that will shake the foundations of society.

#TheStorm is About to Make Landfall

Sessions, Durham, Huber, Horowitz, Rosenstein, Barr - there are objective reasons to believe that large DoJ legal teams have been quietly working for a considerable period under these leaders.

Related: Patriots Knew The Playbook,Taking Back The Country Was Never Going To Be Easy,Buckle Up

Their task is to indict those responsible for the scandals listed earlier. The job of some of these teams is complete, according to the DoJ website.

There has already been a record-breaking surge of indictments, arrests and convictions for human trafficking.

There has also been extensive building work done at Guantanamo Bay, and a new senior judge has been appointed for military tribunals there.

Related: Independence Day Video Message: America Will Be Lost If Those Who Hate It Are Not Stopped + Trump Becomes The First US President To Set Foot On North Korean Soil

There is an enabling executive order on courts martial, and federal capital punishment has been reinstated. The President has made many proclamations on the treasonous nature of the offences, and that they must never recur.

What is going to happen in late 2019 and into early 2020 is that multiple connected scandals are all going to break in fast succession. They will involve crimes against humanity, and horrors we had hoped had ended with the Nazis, Chairman Mao, or Pol Pot.

A recurring theme from insider leaks is that the trials are going to be televised as a kind of "Nuremberg 2.0".

Trump is not a politician. #TheStorm is not politics. This is about fixing the framework in which politics happens. #TheStorm is a restoration of the American Republic under control of its citizens, and the Constitutional rule of law.

The conspiracies against the people are very real, and their prosecution is now inevitable.

Related: Welcome To The Elite Apocalypse

Who Else? What Else? Where Else?

These events are going to be a shock to most of the public, who have been lulled into complacency by a media conspiracy of silence.

They will be scared and confused, since they will not know whom to trust, how bad the situation has been, or whether it is sufficiently contained.

Now is the time that forward-looking leaders can begin to prepare, so you can honestly state that this is on your radar, and you are taking proactive steps to manage the situation.

There is ample evidence of this being a very real and serious situation, and to ignore it is irresponsible.

We can be reasonably certain that the following will experience major impacts from #TheStorm:

Political foundations that are used to launder bribes and payoffs (e.g. under the cover of "book deals").

Charities that are nothing of the kind, being covers for illegal activities.

NGOs that have a covert purpose (e.g. Red Cross involvement in organ harvesting plus human trafficking).

Multi-national corporations who are using slave labour, or have operations in certain politically risky countries (e.g. Apple being forced to repatriate manufacturing from China).

Financial industry players, with many banks having large fraud liabilities. It is no secret that some like Bank of America, Citibank, HSBC, Wells Fargo, and Deutsche Bank face trouble, having over-indulged in nefarious business practises.

Media industry, which faces a cataclysmic loss of trust by the public as its past misdeeds and methods get exposed to the light.

Telecoms and IT, which is the foundation for a great deal of espionage. Amazon is tainted by its CIA associations; Google faces a total brand meltdown.

Energy, as a great deal of corruption is tied to oil and gas extraction and commodity trading, as well as the push for renewables driven by illegitimate concerns.

Related: Project Veritas Unveils New Investigation Targeting Deep State + Deep State On Death Throes After
Massive Multi-Pronged Attacks

#TheStorm will reveal three scams that are each trillions of dollars in scope that will further damage the reputation of the media, academia, government, and religious bodies:

War-for-profit (drawing in banks, arms industry, and public and private intelligence agencies)

Carbon tax (there is no "climate emergency")

Fraud through foreign aid

So What and What Next?

This is a "trust apocalypse": those who you were taught were most worthy of trust will repeatedly be proven to have betrayed it. Conversely, you will discover who the truly trustworthy are, as the lies and scams are exposed.

Confronting something of this magnitude in our own lifetimes can seem rather daunting. The MBA strategy books focus mainly on the positive creation of value in the legitimate economy.

Where we touch on fraud and crime it comes clearly boundaried in topics like "revenue assurance" and "business continuity planning".

Related: The Global Fascist State: Physical Control Of The Global Population Is Impossible

The collapse of a longstanding massive network of organised crime that intersects with every sector isn't something we have a precedent for. There isn't a chapter for this kind of scenario in the textbooks.

We just know that the November 2020 election cycle is a forcing function: the "swamp" needs to be exposed before then - so that the public is clamouring for total drainage.

To deal with this situation, here are some initial suggestions as to how you can take action now:

Get your own personal affairs in order as a hygiene factor. You can't be sorting out other people's problems if your own are a distraction. Clear the decks of anything optional or troublesome.

Set your moral compass now.
Those who thrive post-Storm will have different values to those who prospered before it. Be very clear with yourself what you and your organisation truly stand for, and what isn't changing and is non-negotiable.

Expand your information sources.
The mass media has become compromised by decades of infiltration and corruption. They are complicit in serious crime, if only via a conspiracy of silence, and cannot tell you the whole story. You need to look to alternative sources of journalism and analysis for an accurate picture.

Build your human network.
Consider creating a temporary and informal organisation to track and make sense of these changes. Use a "who knows, who cares, who can" model to draw in those sufficiently informed, motivated and resourced to act voluntarily and on their own initiative.

Manage your exposure.
Start to manage your risk of exposure to Deep State aligned companies and sectors. Think about the most important business contracts you have and whether they are robust enough for this kind of outlier business event. Begin to plan contingencies for disruptions on both your supply and demand sides.

Map the possible opportunities.
This is going to be a one-off opportunity to acquire talent from tainted institutions, buy up businesses at distressed prices, and occupy vacated market roles whose previous holders have been razed by #TheStorm. Making good enough moves quickly is likely to beat waiting for perfect certainty. Start making your shopping list.

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Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi

Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi

Core Edicts Of The Khazarian Zionist Mafia Top Command (Part III)
January 7 2021 | From: VeteransToday

A core edict of the Khazarian Zionist Mafia Top Command is to transform the masses into self-hating, self-defeating, mind-kontrolled dupes who can never understand what is being done to them by the Khazarian Zionist Mafia.

The Khazarian Zionist Mafia (KM) has an age-old inter-generational agenda, and it us necessary for the KM to maintain abject secrecy otherwise the masses will revolt with pitchforks:

Related: Core Edicts Of The Khazarian Mafia Top Command (Part II)

We now know for certain there is a method and an age-old inter-generational agenda behind the seeming madness and unimaginable evil of the KM’s Top Chieftains, the soulless criminal psychopaths that control the Khazarian Mafia and set USG policy.

"Yet the individual is handicapped by coming face to face with a conspiracy so monstrous he cannot believe it exists. The American mind simply has not come to a realization of the evil which has been introduced into our midst.

It rejects even the assumption that human creatures could espouse a philosophy which must ultimately destroy all that is good and decent.”

- FBI Director J. Edgar Hoover, The Elks Magazine, August 1956.

The Khazarian Zionist Mafia agenda is specific:

It is now known that the KM has a specific Agenda. That agenda is to establish the KM’s desired end state, a One-world Global NWO system governed by Lucifer. These Top KM Chieftains believe they will be regenerated to immortality upon the arrival of their descended master Lucifer.

And the Khazarian Zionist Mafia has a select set of methodologies deployed to attain this evil agenda:

And it is now known that the KM has a set of select methodologies used over the last 1,000 years to attain their agenda which is now close to attainment.

And these methodologies include sophisticated mind-kontrol, deployment of synthetic terror and manufactured wars, induced drug addiction slavery, Fiat debt slavery, and a general strategy of “divide and conquer” to create ongoing chaos.

They would perhaps already have attained their unimaginably evil agenda but for recent blockages due to the alternative news of the Internet and a spontaneously emerging populism inside America and Europe because of it.

In their quest to always improve their ability to spy on the masses, the Secret Shadow Government (SSG) which is a KM creation, set up the Internet, believing it would be the greatest spy tool yet devised.

That turned out to be true, but there was a serious side-effect that the Top Chieftains of the KM never expected. That was the quick emergence of the alternative media on the Internet and the steady increase in its users who left their Controlled Major Mass Media (CMMM) to habitually use it to get the news and to start researching current events as well as historical events of the past.

The KM countered this by setting up hundreds of misinformation websites. However, in order to gain any following at all they had to play the “limited hangout” game. They had to include a fair proportion of truth in their stories or no one would use their sites or be subject to any of their propaganda as “bad payloads”.

A lot of these misinformation websites supported by KM Cutouts and proprietaries would put out about 70-80% good info with a periodic very bad misinforming payload. Glenn Beck has been fingered by some as a typical example, others identify Alex Jones too, but there are likely many others. It is known that both periodically do carry some good stories too.

Top of the Pyramid kissing their god of the black sun Satan

Related: Understanding "Jewish" [Khazarian Zionist] Power

What ended up happening with many users was that they became so sophisticated in their processing and understanding of how the world really works that they were not fooled by this”limited hangout” strategy.

Many of these alternative news website users have been able to ignore the bad payloads and select the truth nuggets and connect these dots from many different websites in their heads, and come up with composites of what is really happening that are fairly accurate.

Plus, there are some alternative media websites like Veterans Today or Rense.com which are often the first to dump serious hidden facts and Intel out there for all to use as they wish.

What is the Specific End Game for the Top Chieftains of the Khazarian Zionist Mafia? 

These Select Few KM criminal psychopaths believe that as they seat Lucifer in their NWO temple in Jerusalem to be their ruling world master, they will personally be transformed into eternal gods, and will rule the universe forever with their master Lucifer.

Related: Khazarians Then, Khazarians Now

The sad fact is that this Khazarian Mafia is just the current expression of this secret sect of Luciferians, going back all the way to ancient Babylonia and beyond. It is the Order of the Snake, but has many other names and is ancient Baal worship driven by a set of root beliefs called Babylonian Talmudism, but it is also known as Luciferianism, Satanism, High Freemasonry, OTO, and many more.

The big problem the KM’s top Chieftains now face is the fact that slowly but surely the masses are finding out about who they are specifically and what their evil agenda is.

Should these KM Top Chieftains be surprised when Goyim find out about this and want them indicted, arrested, jailed and executed for a whole laundry list of unimaginably evil capital crimes including mass-murder, war crimes, terrorism and crimes against humanity, and before the KM can complete its notoriously anti-human, anti-Goyim Globalist NWO Agenda?

More Actual Core Belief Patterns of the KM Top Chieftains

The actual core belief patterns of the KM Top Chieftains are based on their deep Babylonian Talmudic (Luciferian/Satanic) values
which they use to determine their Core Edicts by which they establish policies while sitting at the top of their pyramidal Establishment Hierarchy.

The actual core belief patterns of the KM Top Chieftains is an age old secret of these inbred “bloodline” families that form the nexus of the Khazarians and old black nobility. It is allegedly all based on their common secret occult network which insiders call the “Order of the Snake”.

Others have called it the Black Sun, the Reich of the Black Sun, the Great Dragon (the alien ET beast, Draco), the Serpent”, but they all represent the Order of the Snake and ancient Babylonian Talmudism, aka secret Baal worship.

It has been reported that this occult network which covers most of the world, is nothing more than the deep secret of the worldwide Satanic Cult network that is centered in the USA, the UK and Europe that serves up little kids to pedophiles to abuse and more than rarely tortures and sacrifices them.

Here is a secretly recorded, later leaked video clip from a High Freemason ritual in which the first part involved hired women to provide “special” entertainment. You can only guess what is not included in this video clip, former High Freemasons who have attended such special meetings have suggested that these events ended up getting pretty spicy with top floors of expensive hotels rented and prepaid high class hookers for all.

The UK is run by High Freemasonry top to bottom, the police, the courts, the government and this is a poorly kept secret.

In America a lot of these institutions are run by smaller numbers of High Freemasons and OTO members, but this is a closely guarded secret. Some are openly members of the Satanic / Pedophile network that traffics in child sex victims over the whole western world and much of the rest of the world too.

Related: The Jesuits & The Vatican

Hitler and his top Nazi command were deeply involved in the Reich of the Black Sun, believed by some researchers to be covert Satanism. Some researchers believe human sacrifice rituals were done in the basement pit of Wewelsberg Castle. And during a short time, it was reported that 17,000 political prisoners were sacrificed in a special building that had hydraulically operated guillotines.

"The only reference I could find was a UK story that documented 16,500 executions by guillotine, but no mention of the hydraulic guillotines."

The Core Edicts of the KM Top Chieftains are oriented to managing Western institutions and culture in such a way to mind-kontrol and manipulate the masses and We The People become dirtied up with drugs and alcohol and self-defeating, shameful behaviors.

But these destructive behaviors also appear to cause individuals to self-hate, self-abuse further, and can lead also individuals to become self-defeating enemies of themselves, their families and society. This of course makes the KM’s attainment of their evil Globalist NWO Agenda so much easier.

In order for the Khazarian Zionist Mafia to attain it Globalist NWO Agenda, the KM must attain its goals:

Destruction of normal male female sex roles;

Diversity, perversity and political correctness as the “new normal”;

Loss of American borders, culture and language;

Out of control medical costs and costs of living due to inflation built created and mandated by the private Federal Reserve System;

No more living wages for employment;

The destruction of the family unit;

No more interest on saving and investments that will match the inflation caused by FRS FIAT “fake money”;

Massive unemployment and no more job security;

The end of unions;

And massive taxation, massive debt slavery and usurious credit card loans;

Corruption of the Judiciary and discarding of the US Constitution by the USG and the Judiciary at all levels;

Proliferation of weird occult networks and sometimes secret promotion of strange blood practices to extend the life of the rich super-elites;

Massive weapons and drug trafficking into American Urban centers by the CIA and the promotion of gangs and use of terror entrapment ops to gain more central power and taxpayer financing;

Socially engineered massive addiction to legal and illegal drugs and alcohol to promote gangs, foment massive chaos, and to destroy the general morality and character of the American Masses;

A generally poor and completely irrelevant public education system secretly designed inside the beltway to dumb kids down and make them good KM mind-kontrolled debt-slaves;

To poison the food and water with GMOs and endocrine disruptors;

To over-vaccinate with toxic vaccines that often cause mini-strokes and autism spectrum disorders in alarmingly high rates in innocent children unable to give adequate consent for themselves with parents too dumbed-down to know better; and

To entrain the masses through super high tech psychotronic induction means, including orbital based Helium 3 powered scalar transmitters, use of cell phone systems and WI-FI, mass-mind-kontrol through TV “programming”, as well as certain secretly deployed ELF ground wave systems and the little understood Lilly waves which can be transmitted through the power grid.

But all these KM curses being deployed against the American Masses have only been able to be deployed because they first got control of almost every single institution, including those of the Federal and State governments, the Judiciary, the Congress, private business, the NGOs and private foundations and think-tanks, the Administration, the High Military Command, American Intel and a now largely militarized LE system absorbed by the new KM-created and -run Homeland Security (DHS).

Related: The Khazarian Mafia’s System Of Cartels

"Unless people wake up soon and start standing against these KM monsters en masse at every level inside and outside the governments and even within the KM itself, the West will be soon destroyed, depopulated by 90% and there will be no future for our young children at all."

Your mind is always the main target of the Top Command of the Khazarian Zionist Mafia, then your assets and then your very life...

Without the Earth shattering disclosures made by Gordon Duff at the International Counterterrorism Conference in 2014, you would never be reading about the Khazarian Mafia by name anywhere on the Internet, even here.

It was VT Chairman Gordon Duff that first disclosed that the root cause of so-called “world terrorism” was actually the world’s largest organized crime syndicate.

Gordon Duff did not specifically name this world’s largest organized crime syndicate in the first part of his speech which was unclassified and made public. Within minutes of its delivery, this historical ground-breaking speech was scrutinized by every major government and Intel agency, and sent shock-waves around the world.

A short time later it was VT’s Financial Editor and Talk Show host Mike Harris that named this world’s largest organized crime syndicate publicly for the first time ever, and referred to it specifically by its proper name as the Khazarian Mafia. 

Without these bold first-time disclosures of Gordon Duff and Mike Harris, VT readers would not have been able to connect the dots and begin to understand what the Khazarian Mafia (KM) is or how it has parasitized America and most of the world.

Comment: Some of these statements are a bit blow-hard, as many have been aware of the 'New World Order' agenda for some time now. All these people really have done is to identify the Khazarian / Zionist element.

Nor would they be able to understand what the KM has done to rise to such world power and where it is within striking distance to take down the whole world and complete its evil Globalist NWO one-world agenda.

And without these bold disclosures you would continue seeing and feeling the negative effects of this world’s largest organized crime syndicate the KM everywhere in your daily life, but you would not know its name, its history, its composition, what empowers it.

Nor would you understand what the overall agenda of this world’s largest organized crime syndicate is. And this syndicate’s agenda just happens to be asset stripping, induced death, war and destruction for profit, power, and world domination, all intended to produce Globalist NWO one-world government end-state run by this world’s largest organized crime syndicate.

Related: The Khazarian Bankster Cult That Hijacked The World & Worthless Pieces Of Paper - Interest On Fake Money Is Confiscating Your Freedom

And it is now pretty clear that without the emergence of some very high level, very informed and very disgusted Intel Cowboys from all over the world, there would be no major leaks of the secret evil that the Khazarian Mafia (KM) has been perpetrating all over the world and in America, their home economic and military base.

The KM has always known that if various renegade Intel disclosed their secret evil this could be a serious threat to their syndicate’s power.

"That is why they set up so many advanced procedures to compartmentalize all areas of Intel - the higher you go, the more narrow the scope."

This has all been done in an effort to keep high ranking Intel from connecting the dots and understanding that they are working as part of system to destroy their own nation, their own families and humankind itself.

Because when some Intel gain too much information about the KM crimes committed under the cover of invoked “national security” a certain percentage will secretly rebel. That secret rebellion can take the form of sandbagging (working hard but producing little) or leaking damaging information through various complex means.

In recent years Intel Cowboys from all over the world have rebelled because they could not accept the big picture they discovered in their jobs. Some have organized into groups which have become such powerful factions that are able to openly speak out and resist the evils of the Khazarian Zionist Mafia.

It is now known beyond any shadow of a doubt that the KM Top Chieftains who sit at the top of the pyramidal Establishment Hierarchy are the top policy-makers and maintain a set of Core Edicts upon which they base their policy mandates on. These are reflected in USG Laws and most large corporate policies.

This series of articles has disclosed many of their Core Edicts. It’s a fact that the Top Chieftains of the KM control the CIA and other Intel agencies and use so-called “National Security” as cover for their crimes.

The KM cannot continue to exist without their ability to maintain abject secrecy and everyday the Internet, the world’s New Gutenberg Press is eroding that secrecy.

Use of National Security as cover for these serious RICO and International crimes by the KM is itself a most serious crime against the USA, We The People and the World.

The KM is the biggest RICO crime syndicate in America and commits the most serious US and International crimes ever.

Some of these crimes are so serious that they are almost unimaginable such as engineered staged wars with millions of dead and wounded with many are innocent civilians, women and children.

Right now the main Intel agency used by the KM inside America is the Central Intelligence Agency. The CIA is bifurcated and employs many innocent analysts and agents who collect Intel by various means but do not engage in evil, anti-human covert operations.

But there is an evil covert part of the CIA which engages in frequent wetwork, abroad and inside the USA, massive mind-kontrol operations against We The People using super high tech Psychotronics, working with the US Military to traffick in trillions of dollars of illegal narcotics and weapons to raise “off the books” black ops money.

Limitless off-the-books Black Ops money underwrites synthetic terror and advances fascistic agendas

Related: Shocking Government Report Finds $6.5 Trillion In Taxpayer Funds "Unaccounted For"

"But the most important function that the CIA and the other Intel agencies that are completely controlled by the KM are the covert operations deployed to create synthetic terror, fake enemies, which are needed to start wars and justify huge military deployments. Mercenaries are hired for this, but there are even more sinister methods used."

Saudi Arabia has always provided a great deal of funding to pick up young orphans off the street and place them in special schools to raise them and mind-kontrol them to function as crazed, suicidal terrorist bombers, painted as Islamic extremists.

These mind-kontrolled subjects can then be triggered anytime they are needed to sacrifice themselves and produce the mass terror needed to start wars and justify more and more centralization of KM power exhibited as invisible Secret Shadow Government (SSG) power and visible USG power.

The Khazarian Zionist Mafia Top Chieftains love to consolidate institutions, and industries in order centralize power and make it much easier for themselves to exert control over the USG and We The People.

That is why they used their Gladio-style, inside-job false-flag attack on America on 9-11-01 as an excuse to consolidate all American Alphabets and Law Enforcement into one centralized hierarchy they labelled Homeland Security (DHS). The name “Homeland Security” itself a mockery of the US Constitution and everything our Founding Fathers fought for in the Revolutionary War.

This new Centralized hierarchical control of all such agencies by the KM’s Top Chieftains makes it easy for the KM to implement their Core Edicts as USG policies (many remaining secret, some made public).

These Top Chieftains of course installed perverted, deeply compromised doofuses at the head of DHS to run it, soulless dupes who will do whatever the KM Top Chieftains mandate, no matter the US Constitution and common decency.

Related: Trump: Reminder, The Only Evidence Of Russian 'Collusion' Is By Hillary & The DNC + The Mechanics Of Democratic Deception

Anyone who crosses them significantly gets whacked by their soulless wetboy teams, usually “arkencided”, a term that arose because of all the Dixie Mafia murders for the CIA surrounding the Mena operation and the Clintons.

The term “arkencide” is when the CIA wetboys murder a whistle-blower or someone deemed as a potential threat for knowing too much that they could become an unnecessary risk later on, or someone who has stepped outside allowed parameters.

In the typical arkencide, it is customary for local police to stand-down at the request of Intel and for a crooked coroner and mortuary to be used. Absurd circumstances are knowingly created to serve as a warning message to anyone else who might be tempted to step outside of allowed parameters.

Here is the bottom line of the Core Edicts of the KM Top Chieftains: To foment large criminal operations to make vast fortunes by which they plan to buy up the whole world and run it themselves, step by step.

These operations include: massive counterfeiting (their own private Fiat Currency rented out to the American users); massive illegal drug trafficking; massive illegal and legal arms trafficking; massive money laundering; bust out schemes against the American People using color of law like the S&L scam, the Enron Scam, the Mortgage Bubble/MERS scam, and the “Bailouts”; Wall Street Plunge Protection Street scam where the USG has acquired about 1/2 of all US stocks through proprietaries, thus driving the stock prices up synthetically; sophisticated eugenics programs to promote obesity, disease and mass death in order to thin the herd by 90%; a secret space war program and secret alliances with certain Alien ET groups; electronic weather control and warfare; and last but the most important operation, large scale psychotronic mind-kontrol.

This Jesse Ventura interview with Dr. Robert Duncan can not be embedded in this article, but for the time being can be watched here.


The bottom line is that the KM is driven by an unimaginably evil inter-generational Globalist NWO Agenda to create a one-world government run by them alone.

Their power is gained and exercised through their counterfeit FIAT Money Power. They have been able to capture most of the world in their spider web of fake money which is nothing but printed and issued debt notes.

And the rest of the world is now catching on, especially the Russian Federation and China. Khadafy caught on, and the KM murdered him and plundered his nation through US Dept. of State doofus Cutouts.

Assad and Syria have caught on and the KM is working overtime trying to depose Assad and destroy Syria’s infrastructure and Putin and the Russian Federation have now completely checkmated the KM in Syria and have decimated the KM/Israeli/USG created ISIS mercenaries.

Related: Western Media Finally Investigates Alleged Chemical Attack In Syria And Finds “No Evidence” + There’s A Good Chance We’re Being Lied To About The Chemical Attack In Syria

Iran has caught on and you can bet that the Russian Federation will also protect this ally from KM destruction like they have Syria. The whole world is now closing in on the KM, and it’s going to be a battle to the end; the KM is going to go down hard, but it will go down.

The KM’s game has always been to take over the whole world and rule it themselves as kings running a feudal kingdom, with everyone else their serfs and slaves – at least those remaining 10% who have not all been mass murdered by the time they plan to exercise complete world control.

To complete their evil Globalist NWO one-world Agenda, the KM must continue creating massive wars and running large scale international organized crime scams. They must control the lives and hearts and minds of We The People and convince us that our serfdom is desirable, or at least we are powerless to do anything about it.

Every day the KM’s control is waning, as more and more of their Colossal lies are revealed. We are now all in a race to the finish point, there is only room for one victor, We the People or the Top Chieftains of the Khazarian Mafia. You can be sure of this one thing however.

"If the KM were to have won and complete their agenda they would whack all their doofus Cutouts because they would no longer need them. None of these folks would ever expect such a result, but it’s a given if the KM would have won this battle for Planet earth."

Looking at you John - you are just "the help" - no matter what your higher-up psychopaths have sold you in on

Yes, it’s now a major race between the KM’s efforts to control
the people and the people’s public activism to expose these large scale KM crimes anstop them before they mass-murder most of us.

If We The People lose this battle, darkness will ded scend completely over America and the rest of the world.

Putin and the Russian Federation and the Chinese are now hip to this KM evil Agenda and have created a major financial firewall against the KM consisting of the BRICS Nations, the AIIB and new Chinese money wire system and the coming silk road railway and commerce lanes.

In time, this will likely produce an end to the US Petro Dollar as the world’s exchange currency, and may push America over a financial cliff. That alone could mean the end of the KM hegemony.

How much better it would be if We The People rose up at every level and organized to take control of our government before that happens.

Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi

Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi

50 Small Ways To Increase Your Happiness
January 6 2021 | From: HuffingtonPost

Would you love to get happier but you’re feeling busy or overwhelmed?

Making a few small changes to your daily routine and attitude can add up to positive results for your life and happiness. Here are 50 small ways to increase your happiness.

Related: To Sell You Happiness, They First Make You Feel Like Shit

1. Choose a simple mantra for the day to keep your thoughts positive and empowering (for example: I am enough. Today I choose happiness. I am thankful for the good in my life.)

2. Meditate for 3-5 minutes each day.

3. Switch your jarring morning alarm tone for an inspiring song.

4. Start a gratitude practice by writing down 3 things you are grateful for.

5. Take a few moments each morning to notice the sun has risen and feel appreciation for the new day ahead.

Related: Ten Ways To Easily Boost Your Serotonin Levels And Live A Happier Life

6. Have compassion for yourself - when you are feeling down, treat yourself with unconditional love and kindness, not judgment.

7. Nourish your body with whole foods, water and sufficient sleep.

8. Start a journaling practice to get your swirling thoughts on paper and out of your head.

9. Pause for a deep belly breath and surrender all of your worries momentarily.

10. Put up post-it notes reminding you of your favorite positive truths or quotes.

11. Spend time in nature as it has a naturally calming and restorative effect.

Related: 10 Habits Of The Happiest People In The World

12. Decide how you most want to feel (e.g. free, inspired, abundant, relaxed) and consciously cultivate these feelings in your being as you go about your day.

13. Read a few pages of an inspiring book to feed your mind.

14. Have a short dance break to get you out of your head and back in your body.

15. Write down a list of your current goals and desires and what they mean to you.

16. Perform small acts of kindness and see how amazing it feels to help others.

17. Take a new route or try a new coffee shop or hobby - mixing up your routine can shake you out of autopilot mode and get you back in the present moment where beauty and joy exist.

Related: Digital Addiction Increases Loneliness, Anxiety And Depression

18. Replace worry with wondering what the best case scenario could be - ask yourself often: what is the best thing that could happen?

19. Let go of a habit or relationship that no longer serves your highest good.

20. Look at the stars, ocean or forest and marvel at the mystery and beauty of life.

21. Praise and compliment yourself — rather than solely relying on other people to fill your emotional cup.

22. Create a morning ritual to help you ground in the right energy before the day begins.

23. Move your body with a form of exercise you enjoy — it releases natural feel-good chemicals.

24. Make time in your schedule to do the simple things you love — like walking in the park, reading or having dinner with friends.

Related: Nutrition And Mental Health + ADHD Is A Fabricated Disease, Says Reputed Neurologist

25. Place your hand on your heart and wish yourself well.

26. End the day by reflecting on everything good that happened.

27. Let your creativity flow through writing, painting or making art.

28. Do something that scares you — tapping into courage is hugely satisfying.

29. Write a list of people and memories you are willing to forgive and let your past pain go.

30. Cultivate an abundance mindset by noticing everything you have in your life - you might have an abundance of freedom, fresh air, food, friends or inspiring ideas.

Related: Censorship Of Alex Jones Won’t Stop With Alex Jones: Natural Medicine, Cannabis And Health Freedom Channels Are Already Being Blacklisted

31. Take small steps towards an important or meaningful goal you have.

32. Ask your soul and the Universe for more miracles and magic in your life.

33. Soak up and savour the simple pleasures - like your morning coffee, sunshine on your back or the comfort of fresh sheets in your bed.

34. Spend a few moments thinking about what a privilege it is to be alive and having an adventure on planet earth — the odds of you being born at this time to your parents are about one in four hundred trillion. You and your life are a miracle.

35. Write a list of your gifts, passions and interests - having clarity on these things can help you bring more meaning into your life.

Related: How To Realise Your True Calling & The 5 Stages Of Awakening: Are Demons Walking Among Us?

36. Practice accepting the things you cannot change and spending your energy on the things you can.

37. Believe in yourself a little more by telling yourself often: I can do this. I’ve got this.

38. Feel your feelings instead of numbing them - if you sit and feel what’s going on in your emotional body without adding a mental story, your pain will soon dissolve and you will feel whole because you are reconnecting with yourself.

39. Mentally sending blessings to the people you encounter during your day.

40. Feel gratitude and excitement for your dreams - your appreciation will call them into your life faster.

Related: This Is How Your ‘Aura’ Affects Your Health & Those Around You + Magnetic Fields Of The Human Body And Their Functions & 13 Signs You Are Experiencing A Spiritual Awakening

41. Think of a way to use your gifts today - you have been given them for a reason.

42. Be led by love, not fear. As you make daily decisions, ask yourself: What would love do here?

43. Drop comparison and competing with others for a new goal: being the best you.

44. Decide to be a light of love and inspiration for others. As the poet Rumi wrote: “Be a lamp, or a lifeboat, or a ladder. Help someone’s soul heal. Walk out of your house like a shepherd.”

45. Quiet your mind for a moment and listen to what your soul or intuition is guiding you to do.

Related: Meditation For Beginners: A Guide To Inner Tranquility

46. Surround yourself with people who are positive, loving and bring out your best.

47. Know your values (e.g. connection, creativity, adventure) and incorporate them into your life.

48. Remember your inherent worth and remind yourself often that you are enough.

49. Celebrate the light in others instead of judging them for their human imperfections.

50. Energy flows where attention goes so make a daily commitment to focus on the things you like about yourself and your life - and watch how you flourish as a result.

Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi

Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi

How The Frankfurt School Changed American / Western Culture
January 5 2021 | From: GarretGalland

How many times have you heard someone lament how much the world has changed from the good old days? You know, the simpler pre-PC period when the world operated according to fairly predictable principles.

But then we woke one day in a world with every bastion of what some might call normalcy under attack. Institutions that 100 years ago appeared unassailable - marriage, for example - are increasingly seen as antiquated. Even the idea of a national character is viewed as wrong-minded and, in the successful societies of the West, as exclusionary and even racist.

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How did all this come about? Or, more colloquially, what was the number of the bus that hit us? This article shines the light on the Frankfurt School, an insidious movement that set down roots in the early 1900s.

As you’ll read, it is at the feet of the Frankfurt School that we can lay much of the blame for setting the modern world culturally adrift.

After reading, please pass this edition along. People need to understand the agenda behind much of what is now accepted as the new normal.

How the Frankfurt School Changed American [Western] Culture

The 1950s were a simple, romantic, and golden time in America. California beaches, suburbia, and style. Atlas Shrugged was published, NASA was formed, and Elvis rocked the nation. Every year from 1950–1959 saw over 4 million babies born. The nation stood atop the world in every field.

Related: Twenty Five Rules Of Disinformation, Propaganda, “PSYOPS”, Debunking Techniques

It was an era of great economic prosperity in The Land of the Free. So, what happened to the American traits of confidence, pride, and accountability?

The roots of Western cultural decay are very deep, having first sprouted a century ago. It began with a loose clan of ideologues inside Europe’s communist movement. Today, it is known as the Frankfurt School, and its ideals have perverted American society.

When Outcomes Fail, Just Change the Theory

Before WWI, Marxist theory held that if war broke out in Europe, the working classes would rise up against the bourgeoisie and create a communist revolution.

Well, as is the case with much of Marxist theory, things didn’t go too well. When war broke out in 1914, instead of starting a revolution, the proletariat put on their uniforms and went off to war.

After the war ended, Marxist theorists were left to ask, “What went wrong?”


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Two very prominent Marxists thinkers of the day were Antonio Gramsci and Georg Lukács. Each man, on his own, concluded that the working class of Europe had been blinded by the success of Western democracy and capitalism. They reasoned that until both had been destroyed, a communist revolution was not possible.

Gramsci and Lukács were both active in the Communist party, but their lives took very different paths.Gramsci was jailed by Mussolini in Italy where he died in 1937 due to poor health. 

In 1918, Lukács became minister of culture in Bolshevik Hungary. During this time, Lukács realized that if the family unit and sexual morals were eroded, society could be broken down.

Lukács implemented a policy he titled “cultural terrorism,” which focused on these two objectives. A major part of the policy was to target children’s minds through lectures that encouraged them to deride and reject Christian ethics.

In these lectures, graphic sexual matter was presented to children, and they were taught about loose sexual conduct. Here again, a Marxist theory had failed to take hold in the real world. The people were outraged at Lukács’ program, and he fled Hungary when Romania invaded in 1919.

The Birth of Cultural Marxism

All was quiet on the Marxist front until 1923 when the cultural terrorist turned up for a “Marxist study week” in Frankfurt, Germany. There, Lukács met a young, wealthy Marxist named Felix Weil. Until Lukács showed up, classical Marxist theory was based solely on the economic changes needed to overthrow class conflict. Weil was enthused by Lukács’ cultural angle on Marxism.

Weil’s interest led him to fund a new Marxist think tank - the Institute for Social Research. It would later come to be known as simply The Frankfurt School.

Freud (above) was the uncle of Edward Bernays who was an Austrian-American pioneer in the field of public relations and propaganda, referred to in his obituary as "the father of public relations". Bernays' public relations efforts helped to popularize Freud's theories in the United States. Coincidence?

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In 1930, the school changed course under new director Max Horkheimer. The team began mixing the ideas of Sigmund Freud with those of Marx, and cultural Marxism was born.

In classical Marxism, the workers of the world were oppressed by the ruling classes. The new theory was that everyone in society was psychologically oppressed by the institutions of Western culture. The school concluded that this new focus would need new vanguards to spur the change. The workers were not able to rise up on their own.

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As fate would have it, the National Socialists came to power in Germany in 1933. It was a bad time and place to be a Jewish Marxist, as most of the school’s faculty was. So, the school moved to New York City, the bastion of Western culture at the time.

Coming to America

In 1934, the school was reborn at Columbia University. Its members began to exert their ideas on American culture.

It was at Columbia University that the school honed the tool it would use to destroy Western culture: the printed word.

The school published a lot of popular material. The first of these was Critical Theory. Critical Theory is a play on semantics.

The theory was simple: criticize every pillar of Western culture - family, democracy, common law, freedom of speech, and others. The hope was that these pillars would crumble under the pressure.

The schedule of damaged created by Marx. Click on the image above to view a larger version in a new window

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Next was a book Theodor Adorno co-authored, The Authoritarian Personality. It redefined traditional American views on gender roles and sexual mores as “prejudice.” Adorno compared them to the traditions that led to the rise of fascism in Europe.

Is it just a coincidence that the go-to slur for the politically correct today is “fascist”?

The school pushed its shift away from economics and toward Freud by publishing works on psychological repression. Their works split society into two main groups: the oppressors and the victims. They argued that history and reality were shaped by those groups who controlled traditional institutions. At the time, that was code for males of European descent.

From there, they argued that the social roles of men and women were due to gender differences defined by the “oppressors.” In other words, gender did not exist in reality but was merely a “social construct.

A Coalition of Victims

Adorno and Horkheimer returned to Germany when WWII ended. Herbert Marcuse, another member of the school, stayed in America. In 1955, he published Eros and Civilization.

In the book, Marcuse argued that Western culture was inherently repressive because it gave up happiness for social progress. The book called for “polymorphous perversity,” a concept crafted by Freud. It posed the idea of sexual pleasure outside the traditional norms. 

Eros and Civilization would become very influential in shaping the sexual revolution of the 1960s.

Marcuse would be the one to answer Horkheimer’s question from the 1930s: Who would replace the working class as the new vanguards of the Marxist revolution? Marcuse believed that it would be a victim coalition of minorities - blacks, women, and homosexuals.

The social movements of the 1960s - black power, feminism, gay rights, sexual liberation - gave Marcuse a unique vehicle to release cultural Marxist ideas into the mainstream.

Railing against all things “establishment,” The Frankfurt School’s ideals caught on like wildfire across American universities.

Marcuse then published Repressive Tolerance in 1965 as the various social movements in America were in full swing. In it, he argued that tolerance of all values and ideas meant the repression of “correct” ideas.

It was here that Marcuse coined the term “liberating tolerance.” It called for tolerance of any ideas coming from the left but intolerance of those from the right.

It was here that Marcuse coined the term “liberating tolerance.” It called for tolerance of any ideas coming from the left but intolerance of those from the right.

One of the overarching themes of the Frankfurt School was total intolerance for any viewpoint but its own. That is also a basic trait of today’s political-correctness believers.

To quote Max Horkheimer, “Logic is not independent of content.”

Recalling the Words of Winston (Not That One)

The Frankfurt School’s work has had a deep impact on American culture. It has recast the homogenous America of the 1950s into today’s divided, animosity-filled nation.

In turn, this has contributed to the undeniable breakdown of the family unit, as well as identity politics, radical feminism, and racial polarization in America.

It’s hard to decide if today’s Western culture is more like Orwell’s 1984 or Huxley’s Brave New World.

Never one to buck a populist trend, the political establishment in America has fully embraced the ideas of the Frankfurt School and has pushed them on American society through public miseducation. Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton, the beacons of progressivism, are both disciples of Saul Alinsky, a devoted cultural Marxist.

Related: Political Correctness Is Really Just Herd Psychology Pushed By Insecure People Who Desperately Seek Social Conformity

And so we now live in a hyper-sensitive society in which social memes and feelings have overtaken biological and objective reality as the main determinants of right and wrong.

Political correctness is a war on logic and reason.

To quote Winston, the protagonist in Orwell’s dystopia, “Freedom is the freedom to say that 2+2=4.” Today, America, and the West, are not free.

Here Come the Clowns

Canadian lawmakers vote to make the national anthem gender neutral. Because after all, folks, budget deficits are too much work, and well, it’s 2016. 

Segregation is back! At this school, white children are taught about their “privilege” while black children are coddled and brought to dedicated spaces to “voice their feelings.” Thank God for their “diversity director.”

Even 22 years after the end of apartheid, there is still racist architecture in Cape Town

Ever wish you were a child again? Well, now it is possible. Just attend adult playschool in NYC! Prices range from $333–$999 per class. A bargain! 

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Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi

Once We Awaken
January 4 2020 | From: OpedNews

Do you get a sense, that something is wrong, like that dissonance, that does not belong?

As we move through the journey of life, many people are experiencing a sense of dis-ease, that something is off-kilter, that the narratives we are receiving do not match the reality we are experiencing. There is great hope in this knowledge because once one recognizes this dissonance the process of awakening begins.

Related: Loneliness – The Dilemma Of The Awakening Mind

Deep down way inside, you may have suspicions that much what we're told, are but veiled omissions.

The narratives are controlled by a small handful of people who determine what issues and discussions we should be examining.

As we watch the main stream news and follow social media, the news and discussions we see are mostly spectacle designed to boost ratings with little or no coverage of the real issues such as: our wars without end, corporate and big money control of government and media, or anything critical of the powers that be.

Most of the journalists we see on the main stream media are basically celebrity faces who no longer practice journalism, but are simply parroting what those in power want them to say with little effort made to investigate and corroborate the stories.

Related: The Mainstream Media Lies

There is great hope in recognizing this knowledge, as it allows one to view the narratives more critically and to filter out what does not resonate with them.

Why do we listen, to those who would divide those who leave us empty, with our humanity denied

Both of the main stream political parties support the Military/Industrial/Security Complex.

Both of the main stream political parties support the multiple simultaneous wars and occupations of other nations.

Both of the main stream political parties support a foreign policy of economic and military sanctions on nations that wish to pursue paths that do not fit interests of the global central banking system.

Both of the main stream political parties support their corporate donors over their constituents.

Both of the main stream political parties voted to extend the surveillance of citizens.

Both of the main stream political parties have made little or no attempt to stop the flood of big money into political campaigns.

However, the powers that be are very successful at projecting that there is a real difference between the two political parties [This is an American article, but the principle is the same throughout the West].

Both political parties are successful in getting people to fight each other over social issues that in the big picture are really not the key issues.

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Then, as long as the people are focused on fighting each other, those who orchestrated this fight enjoy the benefits of this effective diversion, keeping people from paying attention to the criminal syndicate that has taken over the government.

There is great hope in recognizing this old divide and conquer tactic because once one does recognize it, one can stop fearing or hating "the other" and recognize that we have far more in common than what is dividing us.

We can stop with name calling and finger pointing, and instead engage in meaningful conversations.

So many listen to the main stream media where sensationalism such as murders, car crashes, kidnappings, sex scandals and the like dominate the content. This is the same media where 90% of the media is owned by 6 corporations.

One does not need a PhD to understand that this concentration of control over the narrative that people experience is not a positive development. Those that control the news keep the masses living in fear. This fear can take many forms, but often it is physical, economic, or social.

Related: Six Ways To Break The Hypnotic Spell Of The Mainstream Media

This is the same media that now has 36% of its hourly content filled with commercials. The fact that people are recognizing this is good news because they will become more discerning about who they give their money to. They will start to question whether they really need that product or service, or do they just want it.

Once we will awaken, things won't be the same we will manifest, an end to their game. Once we will awaken, the angels will observe as those with dark souls, we'll no longer serve.

Our current political system has been totally corrupted by those with vast accumulations of money. This cuts across all ideologies and political party lines. This system of legal bribery has even been ratified by the highest court in the land which opened the floodgates to even more money corroding our system.

How can someone represent you when they are being paid millions to represent others? What we need now goes beyond simple reforms and enters the realm of transformational change.

Many articles and videos (mostly those in the alternative media space) connect these dots so that more and more people are becoming aware. This awareness or awakening is a critical step as it opens up the possibility for transformational change to take place.

Related: Roots Of New Paradigm

The changes we are seeking will not take place from the top down, they will take place from the bottom up. Those who benefit from the current paradigm have little motivation to implement meaningful changes.

Once we are ready to accept our own roles in this process, we will realize that what needs to happen is that we have to change ourselves.

Once we stop playing their game of competing with each other, we will start cooperating instead. Local, self sufficient, and resilient communities will spring up like wild flowers in a field where they grow much of their own food, start their own currencies, and their citizens will stop buying from the big corporations, instead they will patronize their local businesses.

The current system of how we create and distribute money is at the very heart of most of the problems we face.

It is absolutely amazing that people will work a significant portion of their lives away to earn money, and yet have only the most elementary understanding of how our debt based monetary system works.

What does debt based monetary system mean? When was the last time your main stream media covered this?

When was the last time your school taught you this? Why is this information withheld?

Related: A Central Banker’s Plan For Your Money

This debt based monetary system perpetuates and amplifies the inequalities of how Earth's abundant resources are distributed. Our very existence on this planet is being threatened as unlimited economic growth within a finite biosphere remains the current paradigm.

Until we move to a totally new monetary system, we are only hacking away at branches, and not getting to the root of the problem. There can be no effective transformation of our societies until this happens.

The models for a new monetary system are already in place. However the private individuals who have been given the monopoly power to create money and are benefiting from the current system will fight to make sure that knowledge of these systems does not spread widely.

Those benefiting from the current system will work hard to make sure it stays firmly entrenched. When was the last time you heard a corporate media network discuss monetary reform?

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Once we have local control of money, food production, energy generation, and governance, the current paradigm of corporate and big money control of our systems will simply become obsolete. It will simply fade into oblivion as it becomes less and less relevant. There will be no need to confront the system. Once we awaken and change our ways, we will "manifest an end to their game".

Those who sell their souls, for their daily bread may not take the time, to think of what's ahead.

There have always been those who would sell their souls and use the excuse "it's my job" to justify their actions.

[Looking at the likes of you Jacinda and Rebecca. *Waves*].

From those who tortured Jesus to more modern times with concentration camp guards to even more currently the mercenaries who were hired to confront those seeking to protect their water supplies from pipeline companies.

Think about this, these mercenaries are people who left the communities they pledged to "protect and serve" to answer a call to "protect and serve" corporate interests in another community, while these same corporate interests were placing local people's water supplies at serious risk.

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These mercenaries were the tip of the spear, there were many behind the scenes who acted as enablers for their behaviors. There were the corporate executives, prosecutors, judges, minor bureaucrats, and politicians without whose support, such injustices could never take place.

Those who served helping these forces have "sold their souls for their daily bread."

"It was my job" is not an acceptable response when it curtails the access of life sustaining necessities of fellow human beings.

It is very easy to develop an "I see nothing" attitude, or to allow oneself to be silenced by monetary gain by "playing along" with those who control and manipulate the system. It is time to witness, it is time to speak up, it is time to resist when you see injustice taking place.

Once we awaken we will no longer serve those who think only of themselves and their own self serving schemes.

YOU can start making a huge difference by the way you spend YOUR money. Think about this, when you give your money to someone or some corporation, as you are transferring some of your your power to them. Is this really something you wish to do?

Related: How Greece Became A Guinea Pig For A Cashless And Controlled Society

Do you shop at a local merchant or do you save that 35 cents by buying from Amazon? Do you give a percentage of every purchase to the big banks by using credit cards or do you pay in cash?

Do you buy animal products humanely produced? Do you buy organic food or food produced using chemicals that threaten our ecosystem (and your health?)

Do you bank at a "too big to fail bank" or a local community bank or Credit Union? Sometimes the lowest price or convenience is not the best buy and can carry an even higher unseen cost.

As we develop our own resilient local communities and economies, our dependencies on the corporate model will be reduced, weakening their tight grip on us. Mother Teresa once said "I alone cannot change the world, but I can cast a stone across the waters to create many ripples."

This is the best part of the awakening process. It is easy to think that the problems we face are overwhelming and that nothing can be done.

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The powers that be want us to think that way. Yet as we awaken, it becomes very clear that there are so many more of us that feel this same way than we originally believed.

Once we awaken we become aware of others who have broken free. It is very empowering once we realize we are not alone. A critical mass is forming. It turns out that it takes only 10% of a population to bring about real changes.

We live in a world of abundance. There is enough air, water, and food for every person, animal, and plant on the planet. We have the resources and ability to make our existence here a paradise, to continue to develop socially, intellectually, emotionally, and spiritually.

It is within our power to create a true golden age on this blue oasis floating through space and attain wondrous levels of development on a personal, family, community, regional, and global level while creating this paradise.

Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi

Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi
The Mainstream Media Lies
January 3 2021 | From: FinalWakeUpCall

The media is the Deep State’s most valuable tool - How to protect yourself against brainwashing.

Disinformation: The world is waking up to the fact that for our entire lives we have been lied to. From where we come from, to where we are headed, everything is a huge lie. But the lie we have been living is about to come to a screeching halt.

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The Protocols of Zion are the Blueprint for the Deep State’s One World Government-control-operation. Protocol 12 affirms; “In our official statements, we always use an opposite view, and continually do our best to look honest and cooperative.

The words of a statesman do not have to correspond with his actions”. It is advisable to take fifteen minutes of your time to read the Protocols. Don’t just read them. Study them. They explain in precise detail what is going on in the world today and why.

“The media will print halve truths, they will lie, fabricate facts or contradict themselves. We will tranquillise the public mind on political matters, persuade and confuse them. 

Related: Corporate Mass Media Controls Your Mind

We will triumph over our opponents, who do not own the press and cannot give full expression to their views. Journalists will be bound by professional secrecy. Not one journalist will betray this secret. To practice journalism, they must have a dark past and the fear of it being exposed”.

The Protocols further explain that the goal of world domination will be achieved by controlling the thinking of the public by monitoring what it hears and by creating new conflicts or restoring old relationships through hunger, poverty, and the spreading of pests and diseases, seducing and diverting the attention of the youth.

“With the help of these methods and more, we will weaken the countries so that they are forced to offer us control over the world”; at least this is their way of thinking; their goal.

Control the narratives over economics and commerce and you control economics and commerce. Control the narratives about politics and government and you control politics and government. This control mechanism is used by the controllers to funnel power to the Elite, in this way effectively turning society into one giant energy farm for the elite class.

Related: The Diseased, Lying, Condition Of America’s [The Wests'] ‘News’ Media

So, the media serves selfish goals; often mindlessly; unjustly and untruthfully. The majority of the public have no idea of ​​the fact on whose side the press stands. “We must keep the press firmly under our control. No message may reach the public outside of our consent.”

Thus, in other words, don’t trust the mainstream media to explain the socio-political processes shaping our world with any real accuracy and certainly not without infusing it with their own insidious agendas.

Society is made up of narratives; identity, language, etiquette, social roles, opinions, ideology, religion, ethnicity, philosophy, agendas, rules, laws, money, economics, jobs, hierarchies, politics, government.

They’re all purely mental constructs which exist nowhere outside of the mental noises in our heads.

Zealous journalists learn that they progress much further in their careers by advancing narratives that favour the establishment upon which the plutocrats who own the big media companies have built their kingdoms. They manipulate the narratives of groups.

Related: Degeneracy And Fundamentalism Of Western Media Control & Truth In Media

The master manipulators, are the corporate kings of the modern world. They have learned the secret that every ruler since the dawn of civilisation has known:

Whoever controls the narratives that are believed by a society, is the controller of that society. And that is exactly what President Trump and his Team are doing now.

The Mainstream media may be more widespread because they are better funded but while they have the power of money, we have the power of many. And we have the facts on our side. We need to unite in our fight against the disinformation machine and there are many ways in which everyone can help.

Remember, the mainstream media didn’t just happen one day. It dates back to hundreds of years ago. Media has always been a part of their tactics. Fast forward to today; be aware that government Intelligence took control of the media as early as 1948 and probably even earlier.

The media, to government and their control system is very important. It is their most valuable tool. They can push away any thoughts or arguments that do not serve their agenda.

That is what mass media news is all about. All innocent, honest news can be brushed aside. – The Trump Team has said from the beginning that the Cabal Media will be the last to fall. People are now witnessing the turn of the cabal media happening in real time.

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How to Protect Yourself Against Brainwashing

Here are three simple things you can do to read mainstream media news and know instantly what to make of the story and how to categorise the story in your mind, instead of believing it blindly, just because you saw it on TV or read it in a mainstream media newspaper, magazine, or on a website. Think of this as an exercise in mental freedom.

1. Look at the news through the eyes of history. Does it fit into what is known of historical events? Or are those enforcing mainstream media narratives asking you to believe a sequence of events or a narrative that doesn’t add up logically?

An example; mainstream media reports yet another new war on terror, but historically speaking, it is widely known that the war on terror equals massive loss of liberties and freedoms, massive increases of the State’s power and control over we, the people, while there is no real evidence of the purported terrorism being stopped.

So why accept this piece of mainstream media news?

2. Look at the news in the light of the stated goals of the Nation; on a ship, no one would ever go out to sea without a compass and a map. So why believe blindly mass media news for what it is, without gauging where this story is heading?

The government and the control system is focused on getting their new world order implemented.

They have admitted and stated this publicly and many papers have been written outlining this. Illegal wars have been launched, and decisions and legislation have been passed consistent with these publicly stated goals of wanting to control the world.

Related: Brainwashed: The Goal Of The Media Is To Poison The Minds Of The Masses With Toxic Hatred And Engineered “Thought Loops”

Believe the seriousness of these clearly stated goals of the Deep State and then consider all pieces of mass media events in the light of these clearly stated goals.

Then try to see how the agenda fits into the goals. People actually believe the direction of the world and the news is all one big coincidence without any connection between them. Which is untrue.

3. People have been brainwashed into thinking that the simple and easy patterns we observe are all a This magical coincidence theory of life and news is the signature of a brainwashed state and a symptom to be avoided at all costs.

Try to grasp what the media is not saying. Look at the news from the inside out, critically analysing mainstream media news. Focus on what they are not saying.

Mainstream media has admitted that their stories are controlled by the government. They are not even hiding this fact. It is up to the people to critically walk through the process and convince yourself why you will not blindly believe mainstream media news.

Break Through the Mainstream Media Hypnosis

These three suggestions will help you to break through mainstream media hypnosis and arrive at the other side, otherwise known as reality.

It’s about reshaping how people think and arming their thinking with common sense in the light of known historical events and stated goals instead of being sucked in by professional powerful Deep State-propaganda.

You may think that propaganda won’t get to you, but these propaganda tricks and media techniques have been proven to work very subtly.

Related: “Negative Hallucination” Hypnosis Experiment Demonstration Video & The Weaponisation Of History And Journalism

They have been proven to convince even the smartest of people throughout history and they will fool you too if you are not astute and watching carefully with a vigilant mind.

The above techniques are simple methods you can apply to be smarter, instead of a brain-dead zombie who absorbs increasingly more mainstream media lies and propaganda with every day that goes by.

Keep in mind that literally, while you sleep at night they are brewing new stories for the next day. It is all about protecting your mind and your thoughts from the outside world of deception and lies.

Solidly Grounded in Truth and Mental-Reasoning, Free from Fakery and Deception

In time, you will notice, as you become solidly grounded in truth and reason, that mainstream media is not even that good at shaping their lies and deceit. You will start to see the comedy and the surreal nature of the whole circus known as mainstream media news.

You will also see the wide disconnect mainstream media has from the actual reality of truth and reason.

Once you see it this way, you will notice that you are completely mentally free from fakery and deceptive government-controlled mainstream media lies. And, that will be a good reason to celebrate hugely.

Related: US War On ISIS Is The Biggest Lie Since The 2003 Iraq Invasion: Here’s The Proof

As an example; waking up to the news of ISIS is no big deal. ISIS is another new fake terror experiment that the Intelligence agencies have funded and armed in order to maintain their long-term plans. The stated goals are clear and easy to understand.

Mental Stability

Understanding these simple techniques to help shape your mental discernment prior to hearing mainstream media breaking news stories, will give you a mental stability that you cannot imagine.

Just become conscious by choosing it. By acting on those synchronicities, the so-called meaningful coincidences: Acting on calls for moves that inspire us, by taking action through listening to your inner voice coming from your inner-being; your inner-knowing.

Discernment is made possible by paying attention to these instinctive feelings and basic intuitions.

Consciousness means coming from the heart, getting in touch with and going into a state of intuitive knowing. Hence, in contrast to accessing the internet, consciousness allows us to access our ‘inner-net.’

Related: Six Ways To Break The Hypnotic Spell Of The Mainstream Media

Detaching from the Mind Control Programming

Choosing to become conscious, means detaching oneself from the mind control programming; escaping the effects of the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual prison, devised and erected by the Deep State.

Choosing consciousness puts us on a pathway that’s been denied to us as a race since ancient times.

Not many people know this, but they need to raise their heads above the cosy fortifications and have the courage and conviction to express their intuitive inner thoughts with regard to right and wrong.

Related: How To Become Immune To Mind Control | How TV Affects Your Brain Chemistry For The Worse

Having broken free from the mind programming and the imposition of others, with multidimensional consciousness, escaping the dualistic confinements of matter, energy and space-time, makes anything possible.

The Foundations of Physical Freedom

In fact, there are only two kinds of people on earth and not more. Those who want to control and oppress and those who want to be left alone and be free. Life really is that simple.

Once we see the simplicity of it all, you can be sure that we will begin to taste ‘true freedom’; mental freedom, which is akin to spiritual freedom which is where true freedom actually begins.

The controllers know that their armoury is a lot more fragile, weaker and more vulnerable than what they have led us to believe. They have simply created a fake reality for us to live in, built on air and false words.

Related: Liberty Or Freedom

Remember, the foundation of physical freedom is the freedom we tend to think of as the only kind of freedom. On the contrary, before you can truly be free, you must be mentally and spiritually free.

Are you taking steps toward the latter? Or are you vulnerable to enslavement with each waking day?

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How Thoughts Create Atoms And Emotions Formulate Time
January 2 2021 | From: Omnithought

It seems that the connection between thought, emotions, space and time is far greater than understood before.

Here is a short introduction to the idea that thoughts can manipulate physical reality, and emotions can render the concept of time:

Relate: DivineCosmos

Part 1: Awareness to Atoms

A serious problem facing the world today is actually a very simple one, and it can be solved easily. The problem is that people are unaware of their own atoms…

People do not have the awareness or an understanding of the atoms that make their own body; how these atoms are created, how they operate and how they draw energy that enables the body to exist. When people are unaware of their own atoms, then they are unaware of how the planet operates…

The prevailing assumption that most people hold is that we all have a body, and the body exists out of its own ‘energy’, out of its own ‘accord’.

Many people seem to believe that the only relation, or ‘exchanges’ between the human body and the exterior world (the surrounding area) is by exchanges of such as water, air and light. Apart of these forms of exchange, people assume that the body exists separately of nature.

However, many studies reveal that this is not so. In effect, the human body seems to draw energies that are beyond what we tend to think. These energies operate on a level that is finer than the atom, and they give the body its initial energy.

The human body draws ‘oceans of energies’ from the universe, in order to maintain the functionality of its atoms, molecules and cells. The body draws ‘oceans’ of information from the planet itself, in a way that still puzzles our sciences.

If you could imagine for a moment yourself laying on an ocean… just imagine that you are there resting on the ocean, and then the whole ocean is pulled up into your body in order to give you the energy that enables you to make simple things as taking a breath.

This is how people draw in a cosmic energy that gives them energy.

Just to take a breath requires a worldwide energy; and this energy is provided free of charge to every single human being on this planet – but people are unaware of it.

The human body is a temple that contains the highest form of cosmic wisdom, and so if we learn to be aware of it, then we can find the solutions to all the problems we face. To do so we need to ask this: Where are the atoms of my body coming from? And where are they going to in the next minute?

Apparently, the human body is not so-called ‘stable, solid’ thing, but rather a complex and interchanging mechanism, where atoms are constantly forming the body, and at the next moment they are discharged off the body; they simply leave the body. It is like breathing in and breathing out, discharging air.

When atoms are discharged, new atoms are coming to replace them in forming the organs of the body. It is believed that in the span of a year the person has a totally new body consisting of completely new atoms that were not there a year before.

When atoms go away, new atoms are willingly coming to form the same single body with the same organs. This allows the so-called soul to have a manifestation of a physical existence, the physical experience of ‘living’.

But, how?

To learn how atoms operate, we must ask ourselves, where do atoms coming from and where are they going to? That question alone will promote social responsibility because people will acknowledge the connection they have with the surroundings, seeing the environment not as separated of them, but as part of them – consisting of atoms that are transformed to become their own body.

People will them want to make sure the environment is well kept because that environment sooner or later creates their own body. You have been created by nature and in turn creating it.

Part 2: In the Core of Atoms are Thoughts

The terms atom, molecules and body-cells are not new. While these terms go way back, still no one knows today what are they. Science is probably not developed enough to understand what is in the core of atoms and what is it that makes atoms. We do know, however, that the mere act of observation alters the result that we measure.

For example, the simple act of researching and observing a quantum field in the laboratory alters their behavior. And this human intervention with reality makes it very difficult for us to understand what is out there, because we know that that which is out there is that which we alter and affect ourselves. See: WhatThBleep

The atom is believed to be a form of energy. But once again, what is energy? It seems that no scientist can give you a definition of energy. Ask a scientist, “what is the energy that makes electricity? What is energy?”, and they will tell you, “We don’t know.” We cannot measure energy; we cannot see energy.

Energy is that which is ‘unknown’. Yet, it is this unknown that formulates not just the physical body but also the energy to maintain that physical body. Is it physical at all? We don’t know… Some scientists suggest that more than 99% of the atom is not solid matter. Deepak Chopra’s arguments are most fascinating, suggesting that energy is a potential, a form of potentiality.

Another interpretation of atom was given to me through a meditation session I have taken. During that meditation I became aware of a ‘presence’ which could simply be my own subconscious, however it felt much ‘wiser’ than myself, and had a sense of being independent of myself. I like to use the terms ‘spiritual guides’ or ‘Angels’ to describe these feelings.

One such Angel provided me with a fascinating outlook on atoms. He said that atoms are simply a form of thoughts… Atoms are a manifestation of what people think… The Angel said that we first need to understand the context of thoughts.

When we use the word ‘thought’, we mean an event on the level of human beings. There are other forms of beings, which do not succumb to the law of our nature. We live on planet Earth and we are bound to the laws of nature as well as to the audio/visual/emotional expressions that we use.

We are under the words that we use to express reality and to understand it. We make sense of reality through our logic, which uses words (see Susan K. Langer on this topic). This is a dogmatic view; a dogmatic perspective on life, and within this dogmatic perspective my Angel said that ‘thoughts’ live.

A thought for you and me, for human beings, can be one thing, whereas to other forms of being it could be something totally different. Thought can behave in few ways. One way is specific to human beings. Other ways are specific to other beings.

And so the Angel said that thoughts formulate what we otherwise know as ‘atom’. Atoms and thought are the same, and this is why we seem to alter reality and change atoms when we observe them. We use our attention – our thoughts – to look at atoms, which are also thoughts…

We use atoms to observe atom, and this is where the alterations of atoms in nature start. This may indeed be seen not as alteration but as a creation. When we put attention and observe reality we perhaps do not alter or change it – but rather create it. We create the atoms of which we observe. As thoughts create atoms, we could say that our body consists of our own thoughts – manifested in an illusion of physicality and solidity…

Thoughts are understood as electrical discharges coming mainly from the brain, whereas in reality they exist everywhere, coming and going from all corners of the Universe. And yet, since we believe that thoughts are localized in the brain, we perceive them as such – localized in the brain.

This is but a small perspective of the overall picture. As we assume thoughts ‘belong’ to the brain (or the mind) we then fail to see that they also make the human body itself; that indeed they are the atoms that make the substance of the body. If thoughts are indeed atoms, then we could say that we ‘think’ with the whole body, or that the body itself is a thinking being.

It is in a thought process which includes the brain, the mind, the body and the whole universe, and yet we are aware of only a small portion of this – the part which operates in the brain.

Part 3: The creation of time and space

Thoughts, which create atoms, operate within the paradigms of time and space. Time and space are yet another form of comprehension; a form in which we imagine things and follow a specific pattern. Yet, in other worlds which do not consist of our paradigms, time and space do not exist at all. Einstein discussed time as a form created by the human mind, and not by nature.

With no time and space, here is also there, and then is also now… Everything exists in the same place and at the same time.

Neale Donald Walsch [author of The Celestine Propecy] suggests that there is no up and no down, no here and no there – but rather all exist together, side by side. Yet, we do not perceive it as such. Rather, we perceive time and space as a linear continuum.

As we perceive atoms as operating within the linear continuums of time and space, we then shift our awareness. We put our attention into the illusory aspect of timespace, and this perception produces the impression that atoms are a solid thing or that atoms constitute solid elements.

And yet, as my Angel told me (read Part 2 to learn who is my ‘Angel’), time is not a given fact but rather a learned perspective. We are born into this world which holds the belief in the existence of time and its linearity. This belief is taught to children to the extent that they do not recognize any more the reality beyond this conditioning.

While time, and indeed space, have a useful function in our life on this planet, they are, indeed, a phantom created by our long historical conditioning. So, what is time? Well, my Angel told me that time is no more and no less the length of emotion… Time is created by the length of people’s emotions. If you have a specific emotion, it creates a specific time experience. If you have a different emotion, it creates a different time experience.

We all know that when we go to a party and enjoy ourselves, we then say, “Oh, it feels as if time passed so quickly.” In different situations where we do not enjoy, we say, “Time moves so slowly.” Time, indeed, is the length of emotion…

Emotions create time, and thoughts create atoms. Yet, in most experiences in our daily lives, the two elements, thoughts and emotions, do not correspond. They operate as two separate occurrences within people. They flow as two different streams. Thought, which create atoms and which produces the body, does not correspond to emotions, which produce time.

This is why many people do not experience happiness, because the body, which is your thought-product, does not correspond to your time, which is your emotion-product. For that same reason, people grow up.

People age, and aging they do not appreciate it, because they are unaware of the process. They do not realize the process; they do not make a coherent existence of thought-body and emotion-time. These two are operating separately, unknowingly to the person.

Being unaware, many people believe that there is such a thing called ‘time’, and it is measured by a tick of the clock. People believe that time is something external to them; something which is right there on my shelf when I look at the clock, and it creates time…

Some people will agree that the clock does not create time but will argue that the clock measures time. So what creates time then? Many will say that the movement of the sun creates time; when the earth moves around the sun it produces a ‘yesterday’; therefore, now is ‘today’. In truth, my Angel argued, the movement of planet Earth around the sun does not creates time.

The only connection between the movement of the planets and time is that ancient man begun to measure his experience of day and night through the use of the shadow that is cast on the earth once you stick a pole in the ground.

Ancient man used the rotation of the earth and the amount of light coming from the sun, which produces shadow, to measure day and night, but not to ‘create’ time.

Yet, many people today believe that time is a substance, a solid thing, which ‘exists’. That belief prevails since people are unaware of their emotions, which create time. People are unaware of their thoughts, which create their body within time.

Part 4: Information From the Creators

Albert Einstein talked about the illusion of time, saying that time is a psychic activity created by the human mind. Emmanuel Kant talked about time and space. He gave a fascinating explanation of time.

For him, time is a tool by which human beings limit the large reality. In the so-called large reality things can happen in a way that is inconceivable to our mind, such as the same person exiting in two places at the same time.

When humans limit this reality, they produce time concept, which enables them to understand how something can be in one place and at another place. With the logic of time people assume that a thing simply moved in time from one place to another.

While in reality all things exists at one place and at all times, to the human mind a thing seemed to move from one place to the other in time. Human beings devised this amazing mechanism called ‘time’ which limits, or splits reality, and render it accessible to the brain.

In order to create a correlation between our thoughts (which are our bodies), and our emotions (which are our time), we must become aware of ourselves. We must become aware of how we think and how we feel. The external world is the projection of humans’ own mind, as Carl Jung suggested and Seth (channelled by Jane Roberts) discussed.

Indeed, the external world is a beautiful creation and the projection of our own selves, and therefore it is a gift as it always reminds us what we are creating. It is a mirror. When we look outside, we look at mirrors reflecting ourselves, reflecting our own thoughts. While we can explore these projections, we also should focus on the creators, ourselves.

In order to stop the calamities and sufferings on this planet, we need to explore how we think and how we enable those creations, unwillingly. Rene Descartes said that to learn and become wiser, you don’t need to leave your room. You can stay inside your own house and just observe yourself.

Now we don’t need to go to that extreme; nature is a beautiful place… the world is a beautiful creation given to us in order to enjoy our own creation. However, it was given to us in order to experience our own creation. Many people look at the outside world and they are unaware that it is their own making.

So they are walking through life like zombies, inside their own dream. They don’t realize that they are walking within their own creation.

So why is it that most people are unaware of their own powers? Unaware of their thoughts? Unaware of their emotions, and unaware of this source of energy, these oceans of energies that they draw every single moment that allow the body to manifest and to live? Because most people do not follow the simple act of stopping for just one minute a day – stopping and trying to look inside.

When I say ‘inside’, I do not necessarily mean to sit, close your eyes, and look inside you. While that is a good technique it does not have to be the only technique.

You can actually look at a flower with your eyes open and just observe the essence that is reflected from you and into the flower and the objects around you.

There are many ways to do so. It becomes so simple once people realize that all it takes is simply to stop. When we stop for a moment in our modern hectic lifestyle, we are enabling our mind to do something amazing. Instead of generating constant thinking, we are enabling the brain to listen, to absorb. This is crucial.

While the act of generating constant thinking is very important indeed to organize your day, yet it can also limit you. When the mind is busy writing the script of your day, in producing thoughts, it is unable at the same time to listen; to receive information. To receive a script, and words of wisdom, coming to you from so many sources that most people do not even know exist.

Part 5: Evolution.

The brain was not designed to be a processor of information and a receptor of information at the same time (on the conscious level). While the brain receives information at all times, this goes to the so-called subconscious level, which Carl Jung describes.

Human beings constantly receive information but if we do not stop, we do not allow this information to be processed and we do not allow ourselves to become aware of it.

The act of stopping gives your brain an opportunity to hear; to listen. This concept is one of the greatest contributions of Judaism to the world’s wisdom. In Judaism they say that silence is worth so much that the act of listening is more important than the act of talking. As some people say, God gave us two ears and one mouth only… so listen twice as much as you speak…

And why is it so important to listen? After all there is too much chattering around me in my world, with too much information constantly bombarding me. I want to listen less because there is already too much…

Well, when I say ‘listening’, I mean listening to the voice inside you; listening to the messages that are coming from within; the wisdom that is constantly spoken to you from your own inner, higher self. I call it ‘the authorial-Self’ - watch ‘interview with authorial-Self’ below.

Interview with Authorial-Self

An interview with the authorial-Self (subconscious) through automatic speech. The authorial-Self describes how he inspires Gil Dekel into writing visionary poems.

This interview conducted through automatic-speech experiment, and edited as a film.

There is a source of knowledge, a source of wisdom, which resides not within you; it resides much further and deeper beyond you… but to reach it you need to go inside. You need to walk the bridge from your external self through your internal self and from there into your authorial-Self.

Many people are afraid to talk about this or to admit that they feel things or that they have inner ‘hearings’. People are scared because they would be deemed crazy.

But it doesn’t have to be necessarily inner-voices. You might feel a ‘knowing’, a feeling of an understanding or a form of wisdom. Yet, to contact that form of wisdom you must allow your brain one minute a day of comprehension; give it the authority to listen. When it listens, it listens to what’s inside.

And when it listens to what’s inside, it gives permission to your authorial-Self to provide you with this wisdom.

Now this wisdom, as I said, does not reside within your body; it does not reside within the atoms of the brain, but rather in a much deeper place. As one poet told me once, “I have become a deeper woman.” I would like to borrow this statement to describe the deeper self, which is the place where all answers reside.

It is the vast ocean from which you draw your energy, the force of life that runs through you at all times. This force contains not just energy but also information, knowledge. (Read about Reiki to learn more about this source).

If we to absorb this knowledge we could then learn who we are. People will then know where they are coming from, and where they draw their life force. People will learn where life is going to after it leaves their own body, and after it has been discharged completely from their own emotions and from their own thoughts.

Then we would know what our purpose on this planet is; what we have been before we came to this planet; where are we going next. And, why this life, this form of being a human, is so necessary to our spiritual evolution.


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Mathematical Report Proves Human Society Is Too Complex To Be Ruled By A Government
January 1 2021 | From: TheMindUnleashed

Society is past the point of being governed. We no longer need a president to function as a healthy society. In fact, the idea of central bodies of government ruling over differing classes of people is just absurd.

We are all just too complex for a ruler! At least, this is what a recent report suggests.

Related: Open Source Government: True Government Of The People, By The People

Is There Hope for Us?

Prior to election day, Vice’s Motherboard published a report called Mathematics, which included proof that democracies are irrelevant to our society today. Social policy, or the idea that one process can work for everyone, has been deemed ludicrous as society is much too complex, and government always fails us in our expectations.

A Complex Organism

We, as humans, have become increasingly complex over time, which has no relation to democracy or communism. And this complexity matters, says Yaneer Bar-Yam, the New England Complex Systems Institutes (NECSI)’s director,

“There’s a natural process of increasing complexity in the world that at some point will run into the complexity of the individual. Once we reach that point, hierarchical organizations will fail.”

Bar-Yam realized how ridiculous it was to organize society into sections of a few. Government officials are, in most cases, detached from individual situations from lack of experience in the area.

Bar-Yam told Motherboard,

We are raised to believe that democracy is good for us.”

Is this true? I think Democracy is over-rated, and so are other systems such as dictatorships and communism. Their centralized processes and democracies only focus on one or few groups of individuals, still leaving others with no ample representation. It just fails!

Human Complexity

When discussing the individual needs of society, “human action” takes form as a possible solution to this problem. If you look at the human as a unique creature as compared to another, you may get the idea of why we are much too complex to be ruled as a group.

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Humans are made from atoms, which make cells and then organs. If you try to describe an individual atom, it’s almost impossible. It’s only possible in relation to collective behavior of the whole. At least, it’s a bit easier.

This works in much the same manner when describing an individual person in a job, as opposed to a workforce. It’s easier to understand the pattern of an entire workforce than to catalog the daily behavior of one worker.

Is There a Solution?

Bar-Yam suggests a solution called a “control hierarchy”, which enables an individual to control only their own actions separately from others. With this, one individual can influence others into taking the same actions.

If this works, it will prove much more effective than hoping the government will influence a larger group into following their lead.

In fact, what government does, in a nutshell, is control groups of people as if they are much simpler beings.

Human Action

In fact, these aren’t new ideas. They are, in fact, ideas that surfaced in 1949 as well. Praxeology, or the study of purposeful behavior (human action), said that humans exist and act for a reason, basically.

“Action is will put into operation.”

Economist Ludwig von Mises said that those who are detached from a situation cannot possibly know what will happen inside the situation. Although science is pretty accurate at predicting what will happen in a situation, it cannot predict the future without question.

Related: Government Versus Anarchy

And no matter the similarities from one situation to the next, there will always be incomplete knowledge with any given event or within any new group. It’s apparent that Mises understood the complexity of society way before Bar-Yam was involved in the study.

Mises writes in “Human Action”;

“Government means coercion and compulsion and is the opposite of liberty.”

Both Mises and Bar-Yam concluded that complexities of the human being, especially the level in which humans have attained at this point, makes it almost impossible for the government to rule effectively.

As we saw with the elections, numerous people refusing to vote, the desire for the governmental rule is on the decline. Choosing leaders obviously doesn’t matter as much anymore, and working as individuals to solve problems may just be what we need to thrive as human beings.

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