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5G Cell Phone Radiation: How The Telecom Companies Are Losing The Battle To Impose 5G Against The Will Of The People + French NGOs Demand Stop To ‘Out Of Control’ 5G Network
October 21 2019 | From: GlobalResearach / Connexion / Various

The telecommunications companies and the mainstream media would have you believe that the race to roll out 5G is unstoppable. That you are nothing and no one in the face of a lethal multi-trillion-dollar agenda imposed by some of the most powerful entities on the planet.

They thought that if they called their new, alleged “communications technology”, adapted from the military Active Denial Technology, “5G” or fifth generation, the public would just assume that it was more of the same as 4G, 3G or 2G.

Related: Erin Brockovich Law Firm Joins Citizens’ Lawsuit Against 5G and Wireless Radiation

And if they could characterise the rollout as a race, the public would not have enough time to find out what a killer technology 5G is. How wrong they were!

Not only has the public found out, but now they know how lethal previous generations of wireless technology – to be used concurrently with 5G – are as well.

Below is the evidence from a number of different countries that the pushback is huge and growing.

The telcos have lost the propaganda war, despite their control of the mainstream media, from which not a whisper of the dangers of 5G is heard, and of social media and Youtube, who have been desperately deleting millions of accounts to silence the naysayers.

In an impassioned speech before the United Nations General Assembly on 24 September 2019, UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson stated that digital authoritarianism is not the stuff of dystopian fantasy but of an emerging reality.

He described the Internet of Things, “smart” cities and AI as a giant, dark thundercloud lowering ever more oppressively over the human race, a gathering force reshaping the future of humanity over which the human race has no control and from which, in future, there may be nowhere to hide.

Former President Of Microsoft Canada Frank Clegg: On Safety & 5G/Wireless Technologies

Related: 5G Wireless Technology Is War against Humanity & 5G – The Global Human Experiment Without Consent

He asked if algorithms could be trusted with our lives and hopes and whether machines should be allowed to doom us to a cold and heartless future in an Orwellian world designed for censorship, repression and control.

He recalled the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and endorsed its ideals of upholding freedom of opinion and expression, the privacy of home and correspondence, and the right to seek and impart information and ideas.

He exhorted the academic committees, company boards and industry standards groups who are writing the rulebooks of the future, making ethical judgements, and choosing what will or will not be rendered possible to find the right balance between freedom and control, between innovation and regulation, between private enterprise and government oversight.

He insisted that the ethical judgements inherent in the design of new technology must be made transparent to all and that joint efforts must be made to agree a common set of global principles to shape the norms and standards that will guide the development of emerging technology.

What follows is a citizen journalist’s list of the actions taken to halt 5G and reports and complaints that have discredited this Machiavellian attempt to foist a disastrous technology on the world in 2019.

Related: The 5G Electromagnetic “Mad Zone” Poised To Self-Destruct: The 5G “Dementors” Meet The 4G “Zombie
Apocalypse” & 5G Wireless: A Ridiculous Front For Global Control

It is not an exhaustive list and I extend my apologies to all those whose efforts I may have overlooked here and much gratitude to all who have contributed to making this pushback so successful.

However, we cannot afford to be complacent and, in particular, we must work to stop the use of the Earth orbits and the stratosphere to beam 5G down to Earth, for this puts the ionosphere and the entire planet at risk.

We must also work to ensure that the use of street lights with blue light for this anti-life agenda is rapidly reversed.

The effort to stop 5G is still gathering momentum and we must continue to work together and tirelessly to protect all life on Earth and the planet itself until this demented plan is relegated to the history books as the most Mephistophelian scheme in the history of humankind.

1 US


Scientist Says 1 in 2 children born in 2025 will be autistic – something is clearly causing this health crisis of historic proportions. “If you take the data that the CDC has provided since 1975 and plot it, you can see that it’s an exponential growth curve. You can extend the line. … My feeling is that things are worse than the line. So I think that 1 in 2 in 2025 is not an unreasonable prediction.”

24 June 18

Author Naomi Wolf reports EMF reactions, cloud anomalies and their correlation with irritable and stressed behaviour in New York.
3 Taiwan

28 Dec 18

Taiwan’s five wireless carriers say that they will not rush to roll out 5G services in the absence of a profitable business model to sell the revolutionary technology, in spite of all the use cases that have been suggested.
4 Switzerland


The government appoints a group of experts to probe the risks involved with introducing 5G, whose findings should be published by the end of 2019. The Swiss Federation of Doctors also urges caution, maintaining that “as long as there is no scientific proof that raising the radiation limits will not impact health, one must refrain from raising them.”
5 Austria

4 January 19

After 5G is officially switched on in Vienna in November 2018, former UN staff member reports Vienna’s first EMF injuries.
6 Europe

13 January

Journalist group Investigate Europe publishes “The ICNIRP Cartel: Who’s Who in the EMF Research World, an interactive graphic”, exposing conflicts of interest among ICNIRP members.

14 January

Congresswomen Eshoo and Speier introduce BillHR530 to block FCC cell tower pre-emption and preserve local government control and invalidate the Federal Communications Commission’s (FCC) 26 September 2018 ruling to accelerate the deployment of 5G small cells throughout the US.

14 January

Russia Today (RT) Americaairs the first of 7 reports on the dangers of 5G: 5G Wireless: A Dangerous ‘Experiment on Humanity’. “Is there a catch?”, asks the presenter. “Just a small one”, comes the reply, “It just might kill you”. The segment is viewed 1.8 million times.
9 European Commission

14 January

The Scientific Committee on Health, Environmental and Emerging Risks (SCHEER) rates the potential effects on wildlife of increases in electromagnetic radiation from 5G a maximum 3 in terms of scale, urgency and interactions with other ecosystems and species, stating that “The lack of clear evidence to inform the development of exposure guidelines to 5G technology leaves open the possibility of unintended biological consequences”.
10 Italy

16 January

The Lazio regional administrative court decrees that the ministries of environment, health and education have six months to launch information campaigns on the risks associated with the use of mobile phones.
11 USA

25 January

The Illinois Supreme Court rules that a woman can sue Six Flags Great America for fingerprinting her child without telling her how the data would be used in violation of the state’s biometric law. “This is no mere ‘technicality,'” Chief Justice Lloyd Karmeier writes in the opinion. “The injury is real and significant.”
12 Italy

30 January

An Italian Court in the city of Monza rules the acoustic neuroma brain tumour of an airport employee to be an occupational disease caused by exposure to the radiation from a cell phone he used for over 10 years for his work.
13 USA

6 February

US Senator Blumenthal definitively establishes that no safety studies have been done on 5G.
14 USA


At least 21 US cities/regions pass ordinances restricting “small cell” installation, and many are charging “recertification fees” to make it unprofitable for the wireless industry.
15 USA

9 February

Sierra Club California Conservation Committee adopts resolution to ask the National Sierra Club to take an oppose position to the deployment of 5G and small cell technology without local input and environmental review. The Sierra Club was founded in 1892 and is the oldest and largest grassroots environmental organization in the US.
16 Switzerland

18 February

Study: Radiation From Smartphones May Impair Memory In Teens. A research team at the Swiss Tropical and Public Health Institute says that radio frequency electromagnetic fields (RF-EMF) may negatively affect an adolescent’s brain from cellphone exposure, causing potentially harmful effects on his or her memory performance. The authors say having the device close to one’s head lead to the greatest amount of radiation exposure.
17 UN

22 February

The Planetary Association for Clean Energy (PACE) submits a statement to the UN revealing that allowable international “radiation limits will have to be increased by 30 to 40%” in order to make 5G deployment technologically feasible and calls 5G “an experiment on humanity that constitutes cruel, inhuman and degrading treatment” in violation of more than 15 international treaties and agreements.

3 March

Eric Van Rongen, Chair of ICNIRP [self-proclaimed international commission on non-ionizing radiation protection, but actually just a German NGO], the organisation whose non-transparent pronouncements on the international limits at which phones can emit radiofrequency are strangely adopted by UN bodies, calls 5G “a public health experiment”, stating that “It will be necessary to gain more information about the exposure and any health problems that might come from an effect of that exposure”.
19 UK

3 March

The Daily Telegraph asks, Do smartphones cause cancer? World Health Organisation to assess brain tumour link.
20 USA

7 March

A class action lawsuit is filed against the FCC by 62 entities and municipalities across the USA. aimed at first slowing down and then vacating the FCC “order and declaratory ruling purporting to streamline the deployment of wireless facilities by pre-empting local government authority”.
21 Netherlands

9 March

Utrecht City Council decides unanimously to postpone decision-making on 4G and 5G infrastructure on new lamp posts until the risks to health and privacy are better understood.
22 France

10 March

Popular French astrophysicist and philosopher Aurélien Barrau causes a storm In France when he announces on Twitter “5G kills … We have already killed 70% of the living (with almost no global warming). Do we want to choose life or the speed of the telephone network?”
23 Guernsey

11 March

Call to halt 5G technology in Guernsey due to health fears, ITV News.
24 UK

17 March

Insurers announce premature death trend. British insurer Legal & General CEO says: “There’s been a long discussion about whether this is a blip or a trend, and sadly it’s looking like a trend.”
25 Germany

20 March

Without invoking the precautionary principle, the Federal Office for Radiation Protection (BfS) admits that the effects of the higher frequencies of 5G are not yet well researched and advises that 5G should be developed cautiously. It states that consideration needs to be given to whether people will be exposed to much higher radiation.
26 UK

23 March

Sacha Stone publishes documentary 5G Apocalypse: The Extinction Event. (565,354 views as at 3 October 2019).
27 USA

24 March

Portland, Oregon city officials state clear opposition to the installation of 5G networks around the city, supported by the mayor and two commissioners.
28 Italy

28 March

Florence applies the precautionary principle, refusing permissions for 5G and referring to “the ambiguity and the uncertainty of supranational bodies and private bodies (like ICNIRP)”, which “have very different positions from each other, despite the huge evidence of published studies”.
29 Italy

28 March

One Roman district votes against 5G trials, with others expected to follow. Other motions to Stop 5G are expected in the four regional councils, one provincial council and other municipal councils of Italy.
30 Russia

28 March

The Russian Ministry of Defense refuses to transfer frequencies for 5G, which effectively delays any 5G rollout there for several years.
31 USA

28 March

New Jersey Congressman Andy Kim sends a letter, noting that, “Current regulations governing radiofrequency (RF) safety were put in place in 1996 and have not yet been reassessed for newer generation technologies.”
32 Belgium

31 March

Belgian Environment Minister announces that Brussels is halting the 5G rollout, saying, “The people of Brussels are not guinea pigs whose health I can sell at a profit.” It turns out that there is now no methodology to effectively measure the radiation of MIMO antennas, which have the characteristic of varying field in time, space and intensity, unlike antennas used for 2G, 3G and 4G, which emit radiation of constant intensity and space. Celine Fremault therefore asserted that, as this technical obstacle was not resolved, she would not go further in the legislative process.
33 USA


The Blue Cross Blue Shield health insurance association reports that millennials – the first generation to grow up using cell phones – are experiencing an unprecedented decline in their health when they reach their late 20s.
34 EU


An EU report admits that 5G is a massive experiment, lamenting that “it is not possible to accurately simulate or measure 5G emissions in the real world” and stating that “complex interference effects … may result, especially in dense urban areas.”
35 Germany

4 April

54,600 Germans sign a petition to force the German Bundestag to debate 5G.
36 Netherlands

4 April

Members of Parliament in the Netherlands insist that radiation research must be carried out before any approval of the 5G network.
37 USA

4 April

The California Supreme Court publishes an opinion supporting municipal authority to make regulations on so-called ‘small cell’ PROW (public right of way) towers and uses of the public’s right-of-way. This opinion affirms the 2016 appellate court ruling.
38 USA

5 April

The California Supreme Court Justices unanimously uphold a 2011 San Francisco ordinance requiring telecommunications companies to get permits before placing antennas on city infrastructure.
39 Switzerland

9 April

The Canton of Vaud adopts a resolution calling for a moratorium on 5G antennas until the publication of a report on 5G by the Swiss Federal Office for the Environment.
40 Switzerland

10 April

Geneva adopts a motion for a moratorium on 5G, calling on the Council of State to request WHO to monitor independent scientific studies to determine the harmful effects of 5G.
41 France

11 April

French lawmaker Jean-Paul Lecoq raises the wide range of risks posed by the 5G deployment in the National Assembly.
42 USA

15 April

Oregon Representative Peter A. DeFazio, House Transportation and Infrastructure Committee Chairman, writes a letter to FCC Chairman Ajit Pai and acting FDA Commissioner Sharpless regarding the status of the government’s research into the potential health effects of RF radiation and its relation to the FCC’s guidelines for safe human RF exposure levels.
43 USA

16 April

New York Congressman Thomas Suozzi sends a letter to the FCC seeking answers about the technology. “Small cell towers are being installed in residential neighborhoods in close proximity to houses throughout my district. ,,, My constituents are worried that should this technology be proven hazardous in the future, the health of their families and value of their properties would be at serious risk.”
44 Switzerland

17 April

The Federal Office for the Environment (FOEN) sends a 7-page information letter to all cantonal governments for the purpose of “calming the situation”. It claims that the new 5G adaptive (directional) antennas would mean much lower exposures for the population: “The beam cone is now aligned directly to the user and in all other radiation directions the radiation is lower [sic].”
45 Switzerland

17 April

The Swiss government announces the introduction of a monitoring system to assuage concerns about the potential health impact of fifth-generation (5G) mobile frequency emissions and smooth the cutting-edge technology’s rollout. The move comes as some Swiss cantons baulk at authorizing new antennas needed to support 5G services after a spectrum auction in February that raised 380 million Swiss francs ($377 million).
46 USA

26 April

The US National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) and NASA clash with the Federal Communications Commission (FCC), which oversees US wireless networks, saying that next-generation mobile technology could interfere with crucial satellite-based Earth observations.
47 France

26 April

French farmers sue the state over mystery cow deaths they blame on electromagnetic fields. A group of French cattle farmers is suing the state over the mysterious death of hundreds of cows, which they believe are the victims of harmful electromagnetic fields. Several studies have shown that livestock, particularly cattle, are affected by even low-level electromagnetic fields
48 Swiss Re


Insurance company Swiss Re”s report on New Emerging Risk Insights states that “Existing concerns regarding potential negative health effects from electromagnetic fields (EMF) are only likely to increase. An uptick in liability claims could be a potential long-term consequence. … interruption and subversion of the 5G platform could trigger catastrophic, cumulative damage.”
49 Denmark

4 May

A legal opinion by a Danish law firm states that rolling out 5G is illegal under EU and international law: It is the conclusion of this legal opinion that establishing and activating a 5G-network, as it is currently described, would be in contravention of current human and environmental laws enshrined in the European Convention on Human Rights, the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child, EU regulations, and the Bern- and Bonn-conventions. … This also applies when the radiation remains within the limits recommended by ICNIRP and currently used in Denmark as well as broadly within the EU.
50 Denmark

4 May

Danish group Landsindsamlingen mod5G announces it is suing the Danish state for having planned the implementation of the new 5G mobile network throughout Denmark by the year 2020 without conducting any kind of health test in relation to the long-term exposure of people or consideration of the harmful effects on the unborn, children and nature.
51 International

4 May

Meteorologists warn that the introduction of 5G mobile phone networks could seriously affect weather forecasters’ ability to predict major storms by disrupting the delicate satellite instruments they use to monitor changes in the atmosphere. The result will be impaired forecasts, poorer warnings about major storms, and loss of life, they say.
52 France

15 May

French health authority ANSES warns in a 400-page report that LED lights in your house can cause irreversible damage to the eyes and lead to a vision-robbing condition.
53 Italy

20 May

Montecitori Palace, Rome, Italy Stop 5G: a parliamentary motion commits the Government to the moratorium. Ortica Web.
54 USA

22 May

The US National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) and US National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) criticize FCC plans for opening a 24 GHz spectrum band to 5G telecommunications providers, stating that US weather forecasting capabilities would be set back decades. The matter is on the agenda for international treaty negotiations at the International Telecommunication Union’s World Radio Conference (WRC) in the fall of 2019, but with respect to 24 GHz, the Department of State has already submitted the FCC’s out-of-band emission limits as the US position during preliminary negotiations.
55 USA

29 May

The US state of Louisiana unanimously votes to stop 5G, calling for study of effects on health and environment before 5G is launched (Resolution 145).
56 France

31 May

An LED lamp post is destroyed in France.
57 USA

June 2019

Ongoing lawsuits against the US Federal Communications Commission (FCC) over the constitutional overreach in the rollout of 5G:
  • National League of Cities (19,000 cities & towns)
  • US Conference of Mayors (1,192 cities)
  • National Association of Counties (3,069 counties)
  • National Association of Regional Councils (500 councils and metropolitan & regional planning organizations)
  • National Association of Towns and Townships (10,000 towns)
  • National Association of Telecommunications Officers & Advisers (local government officials)
  • Colorado Communications Utility Alliance
  • League of Arizona Cities and Towns
  • League of California Cities
  • League of Oregon Cities
  • Michigan Coalition to Protect Public Rights of Way
  • Michigan Municipal League
  • Michigan Townships Association
  • Texas Coalition of Cities for Utility Issues
  • 7 Counties
  • 45 Cities
58 Europe


EMFOff publishes an exposé of corruption at the World Health Organization: The WHO Cover-Up That is Costing Us the Earth. Video and PDF document.
59 Canada


In Toronto, the Canadian Civil Liberties Association files a court application to stop (Alphabet/Google subsidiary) Sidewalk Labs’ “smart city” project as “unconstitutional” because it would allow “historically unprecedented, non-consensual, inappropriate mass-capture surveillance and commoditization of personal data.”
60 Australia


Step-by-Step Action Plan: We say No to 5G in Australia: devised by barrister Raymond Broomhall, who has stopped 25K antenna projects across Australia.
61 Ireland


Councillor Clare Colloran Molloy, with support from other councillors,  raises concerns to Clare County Council about dangers of 5G.
62 Switzerland

4 June

The Canton of Fribourg introduces a licensing requirement for 5G antennas in order to give those affected a chance to object.
63 Russia

6 June

A man living in the Tver region saws down a cell tower because he believes the radiation from it is destroying the vegetable, berry and fruit crops growing on his land located nearby.
64 Switzerland

10 June

A telephone antenna is destroyed by an explosion in Vaud, Switzerland.
65 UK

11 June

Glastonbury Town Council opposes the introduction of 5G technology in Glastonbury until further information has been obtained on the health effects on residents, adopting the following motion: “This council has a social responsibility to protect the public and environment from exposure to harm, albeit unpredictable in the current state of scientific knowledge, and therefore opposes the roll-out of 5G in the Parish of Glastonbury – based on the precautionary principle – until further information is revealed from a newly convened 5G advisory committee (working group).”
66 UK

11 June

Shadow Minister (Environment, Food and Rural Affairs) David Drew asks the Secretary of State for Digital, Culture, Media and Sport, what discussions he has had with the providers of 5G on whether they have made any provision for personal liability on health and safety grounds and whether any provision has been made for white zones. He also asks the Secretary of State for Health and Social Care, what investigations the Government has commissioned on the health and safety implications of the 5G rollout.
67 USA

12 June

5G installer discusses the consequences of 5G. Current radiofrequency emitted by cell towers uses relatively low power (1.5-2.8 MHz), which at short range superheats the water molecules in your brain, eyes and testicles. It dissipates over distance as it has a long wave trough. 5G will be up close, in offices, outside homes, everywhere, including in the back of self-driving cars. It broadcasts in GHz not MHz — 30 GHz is 15,000 times more powerful than current previous levels.
68 Ireland

18 June

A motion calling on Clare County Council to oppose the rollout of 5G on health grounds is backed by the elected representatives.
69 USA

18 June

Pennsylvania lawmakers cancel a vote on proposed legislation to facilitate infrastructure next-generation 5G wireless services. It is the third defeat for the Verizon- and AT&T-backed legislation.
70 US

20 June

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention report that US suicide rates are at the highest level since World War II. Life expectancy, perhaps the broadest measure of a nation’s health, has fallen for three straight years, the first three-year drop since 1915 to 1918.
71 UK

25 June

UK parliamentary committee discusses concerns about the health effects of electromagnetic fields and 5G, especially with regard to electrohypersensitivity Tonia Antoniazzi, MP, asks why the inaccurate and discredited 2012 report of AGNIR is still on the Public Health England website.Transcript. Video (from 16. 35).
72 France

25 June

“Bees are producing nothing!”: French beekeepers announce a catastrophic year for French honey.
73 USA

27 June

The state of New Hampshire asks a series of questions about 5G in Bill HB 522.
74 USA

27 June

US Senator Dianne Feinstein introduces SB 2012, ‘‘Restoring Local Control Over Public Infrastructure Act of 2019’’, to repeal FCC rules that limit state and local government control over telecom infrastructure. The bill is supported by the US Conference of Mayors, National Association of Telecommunications Officers and Advisors, American Public Power Association, Communications Workers of America, National Association of Counties, League of California Cities and American Public Works Association.
75 France

27 June

After victories for “electrohypersenstive” (EHS) people in Toulouse (March) and Bordeaux (May), the Tribunal de grande instance of FOIX issues a decision protecting EHS people who cannot tolerate dirty electricity diffused by “smart” meters.
76 Glastonbury, UK

29 June

Glastonbury festival-goers are used as guinea pigs in a 5G trial and document multiple injuries online.
77 Europe

29 June

The European Stop 5G Alliance comprising representatives from 19 European countries is officially founded at an international conference in Mendrisio, Switzerland.
78 France


French baby-clothing firm Petit Bateau decides not to wait for the “conclusive” data and launches clothing line to protect babies from electromagnetic radiation.
79 Ireland


Councillor Orla Leyden proposes a motion with Roscommon County Council to oppose 5G and this is passed.
80 USA

1 July

The Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals affirms the City of Berkeley’s right to require cell phone retailers in the city to notify prospective customers about cell phone manufacturers’ safety guidelines to ensure consumer safety, adopted in May 2015.
81 Russia

1 July

In the Urals, police detain a woman who tried to burn down a communications tower because of concerns about health. The woman believed that her malaise and insomnia related to the fact that this tower was located directly near her home.
82 USA

3 July

Prof. Em. Martin L. Pall states that 5G effects will take months, not years, and he expects a breakdown in mental function, sterility, damaged heart function and societal collapse.
83 Italy

4 July

60 regions, autonomous provinces and municipalities question 5G, a moratorium is established in Italy and 14 municipalities approve Stop 5G city council resolutions or motions. The Mayor of Marsaglia issues Italy’s first Stop 5G ordinance: It “has been shown in four studies (Rea 1991, Havas 2006, 2010, McCarty et al. 2011) that it is possible to identify people with electromagnetic hypersensitivity and demonstrate that they can be tested using objective, measurable responses, demonstrating that these subjects truly are hypersensitive when compared with normal controls; that other studies show that there are true and proper physiological changes in subjects with electrosensitivity and that two studies (De Luca, Raskovic, Pacifico, Thai, Korkina 2011 and Irigaray, Caccamo, Belpomme 2018) demonstrated that electrosensitive people have high levels of oxidative stress and a prevalence of certain genetic polymorphisms, which may suggest a genetic predisposition; that the European Parliament in its 2009 Resolution and the Assembly of the Council of Europe with Resolution No. 1815 of 2011 called on member states to recognize electrosensitivity as a disability, in order to give equal opportunities to those affected”. The Mayor of San Gregorio Matese bans the installation of 5G antennas on the municipal territory.
84 Russia

4 July

Ban on cell phones in schools expected in September 2019.
85 Ireland

4 July

Councillor Justin Warnock calls on Leitrim Council to halt the roll-out of 5G on health grounds.
86 Switzerland

2 July

Renowned Swiss law firm provides legal opinion stating that the Swiss Federal government’s modification of its ordinance to privilege directional antennas is not legally admissible because it would undermine health protection.
87 Switzerland


As a result of the above legal opinion, the Swiss Canton of Zug suspends ongoing licensing procedures.
88 USA

8 July

California Assembly Bill 272 asks all school districts, county offices of education, and charter schools to come up with smartphone policies to limit or prohibit student use at school.
89 Australia

8 July 2019

Australian telcos brace for a possible public backlash against the rollout of 5G mobile networks. Some local councils have received expressions of concern about 5G even before the network has been rolled out in their areas.
90 Russia

9 July

President Putin emphasizes the environmental risks of new technologies, saying “Hopes that the new technologies themselves will save the planet from the growing anthropogenic influence turned out to be illusions. Nature and climate degradation continues.”
91 EU

14 July

Galileo, the EU global navigation satellite system, is non-operational for at least four days as of 11 July following a mysterious outage. The Galileo satellite system was launched in 2016 and was funded by the EU as an alternative to the US Air Force’s Global Positioning System (GPS) and the Russian  global navigation satellite system GLONASS.
92 International

16 July

The telcos belatedly realise that the public has found out about the dangers of 5G and launches a propaganda war of fake news, starting with The New York Times. It blames all the bad news on 5G on the Russians, and this meme is taken up and repeated obediently by major media outlets around the world, including the BBC, Le Monde, The Guardian, The Infographics Show, Yahoo Australia and Wired Online.
93 France

18 July

French NGO Alert Phonegate launches class action lawsuit against telco Nokia for selling “smart” phones that were shown by the French National Frequency Agency (ANFR) to exceed the European specific absorption rate (SAR) limit. This deception is facilitated by the entry into force of the new European Directive (2014/53/EU), which has relaxed controls by allowing manufacturers to self-certify their products.
94 Ireland

22 July

Roscommon County Council opposes the testing of 5G and the rollout of 5G in County Roscommon.
95 Switzerland

26 July

The Green party in Lausanne (Vaud) insists on the precautionary principle, saying that 5G antennas are being installed while the consequences of these new technologies are not known. Green representatives call for a moratorium in Vaud and commit to opposing all new antennas until they receive clear and satisfactory answers  relating to the impact of 5G.
96 USA

28 July

Bees dropping out of the sky near two 5G cell towers, California.
97 Austria

8 August

The Austrian parliament commissions a study on the health effects of 5G networks in response to concern from the public.
98 Switzerland

5 August

Swiss mainstream magazine L’Illustré reports on the injuries of Geneva’s first 5G victims: “With 5G, we feel like guinea pigs“.
99 USA

9 August

The US Court of Appeals for the D.C. Circuit finds that the FCC did not adequately address the potential harms of deregulation or the benefits of environmental and historic-preservation reviews.
100 USA

9 August

The Oregon state legislative assembly declares a health emergency in Senate Bill 283 and directs the state health authority to review studies of the health effects of exposure to RF-radiation in schools and to recommend how to reduce children’s exposure in schools and to report back not later than 2 January 2021.
101 USA

9 August

The Natural Resources Defense Council, joined by various American Indian tribes, as well as the National Association of Tribal Historic Preservation Officers and the National Trust for Historic Preservation, win a victory when the federal appeals court in D.C. ruled that the FCC illegally eliminated historic-preservation and environmental review—and important opportunities for public participation—for 5G wireless infrastructure projects. Emphasizing the importance of such review, the court held that that the FCC’s attempted explanations for the elimination “did not meet the standard of reasoned decision-making.”
102 United Nations

19 August

The UN Human Rights Council invites inputs on the possible impacts, opportunities and challenges of new and emerging digital technologies with regard to the promotion and protection of human rights, with a view to preparing a report and holding a panel discussion at its 44th session.
103 USA

21 August

The Chicago Tribune finds that popular cell phones tested for radiofrequency radiation measure over the legal safety limit, in some cases more than double what Apple reported to federal regulators from its own testing. The FCC is investigating.
104 USA

23 August

Cardiology Magazine reports on smart phones and obesity. A poster abstract, presented at the Latin America Conference 2019, found that university students who used their smartphones five or more hours a day had a 43 percent increased risk of obesity.
105 Russia

26 August

Oleg Gregoriev, Chairman of the Russian National Committee on Non-Ionizing Radiation Protection, states that “5G may be like a slow Hiroshima”.
106 USA

26 Aug-1 Sept

The 5G Crisis Awareness and Accountability Summit attracts 200,000+ viewers from around the world, who send over 200,000 liability letters to their government representatives.
107 USA

30 August

Tesla solar panels are catching fire. Amazon and Walmart have both been burned. Walmart is suing. Installations at all 29 Walmart stores showed signs of gross negligence and many were unsafe.
108 Australia


Australian barrister Ray Broomhall reveals that children are being exposed to magnetic fields from cell phones that breach WHO’s recommended 0.3μT safety limit by a factor of 20,000. (Slide show.)
109 Russia

1 Sept

The Russian Defence Ministry refuses to hand over 3.4–3.8 GHz for 5G because these frequencies are used for satellite communications, instead suggesting that 4.4–4,99 GHz be used, which are popular only in China and Japan.
110 Kuwait

1 Sept

The Kuwait Times publishes an article on the threats to health from 5G technology, recommending that cell towers be distanced from homes, daycare centers, schools, and places frequented by pregnant women, men who wish to father healthy children, and the young”.
111 Ireland

2 Sept

Leitrim Councillors vote to oppose 5G rollout across the county.
112 USA

3 Sept

T-Mobile cancels 5G installation nationwide. Anonymous employee blames 15 states’ lawsuits against the Sprint merger.
113 Canada

3 Sept

On learning that Montreal would serve as a “living laboratory” designed to test 5G technology (50-60K antennas planned for Montreal), Guy Boulianne calls it a criminal act and calls for a people’s movement to oppose the deployment of 5G in Montreal and elsewhere. François Croteau, Director of the “Smart” city project, said that this “urban laboratory” would “enable the different branches of public health, federal and provincial, to come in and do analyses to see the potential impacts on public health”, adding that the studies conducted to date on the subject had been “contradictory”.
114 Canada

3 Sept

The NGO Action Judiciaire contre la 5G (Legal Action Against 5G) intends to use all the legal means at its disposal to demand from all the authorities concerned an urgent halt to the deployment of the 5G wireless network, including from satellites in space: the Nuremberg Code, the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court, the Crimes Against Humanity and War Crimes Act, human rights, the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms and the Charte des droits et libertés de la personne (Charter of Rights and Freedoms of the Person).
115 Ireland

7 Sept

Sligo County Council votes to delay the testing and rollout of 5G in the county.
116 USA

11 Sept

Cellphone Users Sue Apple and Samsung Over Radiation Exposure. Andrus Anderson in San Francisco is representing 16 plaintiffs against Apple and Samsung in a controversy some in the medical and scientific community are allegedly calling “Phone Gate.”
117 International

12 Sept

Based on data from a 2017 survey of a 6th floor apartment in Östermalm in Stockholm with a GSM/3G/4G LTE base station just 12 metres away, it is extrapolated that 666,000 such base stations would be needed before ICNIRP’s ludicrously high so-called safety guidelines were breached.
118 International

13 Sept

Edward Snowdon describes his role in the creation of the totalitarian surveillance state, enabling the new wave of authoritarianism by the political and commercial classes that are realizing they can use technology to influence the world on a massive scale, bringing societies’ systems under attack.
119 Switzerland

13 Sept

5G opponents block applications on 320 out of 326 antennas. 5G opponents have raised objections to almost all of the applications for planning permission for antennas.
120 UK

16 Sept

Smart meter rollout delayed by four years. The government’s deadline to have smart meters in 30 million homes by the end of 2020 has been pushed back to 2024.
121 Australia

17 Sept

TPG (Total Peripherals Group) abandons mobile network due to health fears. Chief operating executive Craig Levy says TPG had become nervous about community concerns over its small-cell 4G network rollout, which he considers “rational”.
122 International

18 Sept

Hits on a single popular music video burn as much energy as 40,000 US homes use in a year. “Despacito” set an Internet record in April 2018 when it became the first video to hit five billion views on YouTube.
123 United Nations

24 Sept

UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson describes the Internet of Things, “smart” cities and AI as a giant, dark thundercloud lowering oppressively over the human race, threatening a cold and heartless future in an Orwellian world designed for censorship, repression and control. He appeals for joint efforts on agreeing a common set of global principles to shape norms and standards to guide the development of emerging technology.
124 Cyprus

26 Sept

The Parliamentary Committees on Health and Environment in Cyprus hold discussions on the negative aspects of 5G. Proposals are put forward to freeze 5G deployment and keep Cyprus radiation-free as a detoxing zone attractive for tourism.
125 Italy

26 Sept

Italian parliament to vote on 7 October for a moratorium to stop the 5G rollout throughout Italy. The text proposes that the government should suspend any form of technological experimentation of 5G in Italian cities, pending the production of sufficient scientific evidence to judge its harmlessness.
127 US


Journal Municipal Lawyer publishes article entitled Putting the Cart Before the Horse – The FCC’s ‘5G First, Safety Second’ Policy, which states that the FCC should have completed the review of its RF standards before opening the floodgates for the deployment of hundreds of thousands of small cell transmitters for 5G. The rules adopted by the FCC in 1996 were designed to protect only against the thermal effects of RF exposure.
128 International


The authors of 5G Wireless Communication and Health Effects—A Pragmatic Review Based on Available Studies Regarding 6 to 100 GHz, funded by Deutsche Telekom, state that “The available studies do not provide adequate and sufficient information for a meaningful safety assessment, or for the question about non-thermal effects and conclude that, “In summary, the majority of studies with MMW exposures show biological responses”.
129 USA

25 Sept

Lawsuit filed over cell phone radiation. A new lawsuit claims that cell phone companies may try to hide how much radiation their devices emit. West Des Moines Iowa Attorney Bart Goplerud files lawsuit claiming that Apple and Samsung misrepresent safety risks.
130 Czech Republic

26 Sept

In the Czech parliament, Ing. Pavel Jelínk addresses the Minister of Health regarding the dangers of 5G technologies for the health of citizens.
131 Germany


Manager magazine reports that protests by hundreds of protest groups aiming to stop 5G are hindering the multibillion 5G rollout. Mast-Hass: Wie Proteste das Multimilliardenprojekt bremsen.
132 European Parliament

1 October

MEPs Philippe Lamberts, Michèle Rivasi and Klaus Buchner invite Dr. Marc Arazi of Phonegate, Prof. Em. Martin Pall and European Stop 5G Alliance promoter Maurizio Martucci to a press conference to discuss the health risks of 5G and the precautionary principle.
133 South Africa

1 October

The Supreme Court of Appeal affirms Cape Town’s constitutional mandate to regulate and control the use of land within its municipal borders. The judgement sets an important precedent that all telecommunications service providers, inclusive of state-owned Telkom, must obtain the City’s approval prior to installing cell phone masts in Cape Town.
134 International

1 October

The first IoT privacy study examines the data-sharing activities of 81 different “smart” devices commonly found in people’s homes, finding that 72 of the 81 IoT devices shared data with third parties completely unrelated to the original manufacturer (and not just in the U.S. or UK).
135 France

2 October

A group of French NGOs calls for a moratorium on the rollout of 5G, saying it could “push the planet and our society into a world with out-of-control consequences”.
136 Ireland

2 October

Councillor calls for more debate on use of 5G technologies. Cllr Kevin Murphy raised the motion at a meeting of West Cork local authority last week and said the issue of 5G might not be something that will affect people now, but will do so in the future. Fears over claims that 5G mobile technology may be linked to cancer.
137 UK

2 October

Stop 5G campaigner John Kitson addresses UKIP party conference.
138 USA

3 October

Erin Brockovich firm joins citizens 5G lawsuit brought by People’s Initiative Foundation against the FCC and the 1996 Telecom Act.
139 UK

6 October

Town of Totnes, Devon bans installation of 5G. Totnes mayor Jacqi Hodgson, a Green Party county councillor, said: “Our concern is that there will be a much higher blanket of radiation all around us.”
140 Russia

7 October

New Russian List of EMF Hazard and Prohibition Signs for Wireless Users and General Public. The Russian National Committee on Non-Ionizing Radiation Protection is calling for the release of new EMF hazard warning signs for wireless users of mobile phones and other EMF sources. (Examples of stickers for wireless devices, including for pregnant women.)
141 USA

10 October

Liability claims from fires force Pacific Gas & Electric to turn off power to 700K customers. Five out of the 10 most destructive wildfires in California history were at least in part the fault of equipment belonging to PG&E, the utility company that delivers power to 16 million people in the top half of the state. In part because of liability claims from victims of past fires, $8.4 billion worth, PG&E is in the midst of bankruptcy.
142 UK

10 October

British household-products maker Dyson says it can’t produce an electric vehicle that’s commercially viable. Even the most established automakers have had trouble making money from electric vehicles. Research suggests automakers’ heavy investments in electrification could lead to a $60 billion drop in pre-tax profits through 2023.
143 USA

10 October

Internet service providers in the United States have spent more than $1.2 billion on lobbying since 1998, and 2018 was the biggest year so far, with a total spend of more than $80 million.
144 UK

11 October

Kingsbridge Town Council passes 5G resolution in response to requests for them to stand together with councils from Totnes, Glastonbury, and Frome and adopt a moratorium on 5G infrastructure.
145 France

11 October

French National Frequencies Agency (ANFR) announces the withdrawal from the market and the recall of the ECHO Horizon Lite phone following measures to control the specific absorption rate (SAR) “trunk” which revealed that the authorized regulatory limit had been exceeded. This is the 18th smartphone model to be identified in France by ANFR for exceeding the SAR “trunk” or “head”.
146 UK

11 October

EM Radiation Research Trust puts UK government on notice regarding 5G amidst profound worldwide health concerns, calling for an outright ban for risky untested 5G technology in response to the UK Government’s consultation calling for proposed reforms to the permitted development rights for the deployment of 5G to extend mobile coverage. Click here to download letter of notice.
147 USA

11 October

Telecoms want to hide detailed 5G installation maps from the public and the Feds. AT&T misled consumers about 5G availability by renaming a large portion of its 4G network “5G E”. Reporting detailed 5G maps would show just how sparse the networks are, even in cities where it’s been rolled out. Outside densely populated areas, Verizon says that 5G will be more like “good 4G.”
148 Italy

12 October

European Stop 5G Alliance announces an international conference to be held on 5 November at the Chamber of Deputies in Rome in support of the call for a national moratorium on 5G and the implementation of the precautionary principle.
149 USA

13 October

Massachusetts utility regulators investigate why one of their utility companies is not keeping its promises on solar power, electric vehicles, and cybersecurity despite significant customer rate increases.
150 UK

13 October

Council bosses argue against Government’s 5G mast-planning proposals. Blackburn with Darwen Council officials have voiced concern that local planning authorities are seeing their powers reduced.
151 Hawaii

14 October

5G drone project over Hawaii halted. Research Corporation of the University of Hawaii (RCUH) withdraws its Use Determination Application from the Lana’i Planning Commission.
152 USA

16 October

Microsoft Says 30% of IoT projects fail in proof-of-concept stage. Security experts warn IoT’s vulnerability and 74% failure rate can cause catastrophic events.
153 Netherlands

17 October

Multi-billion-dollar liability action launched against 5G telecom companies. The Nationale Bond tegen Overheidszaken (NBO; National Union Against State Affairs) has launched a liability suit with 4,000 claimants to date. A charge is payable of €1,000 per day on which 5G is active, together with a charge of €2,000 when a 5G antenna is located within a radius of 250 metres of a claimant’s home. Each claimant may be legally entitled to an annual fee of up to €730,000 if the 5G network is activated. The action is based on earlier NBO litigation successes against the health insurance companies. The liability action is operating from 27 September to 31 October 2019.

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French NGOs Demand Stop To ‘Out Of Control’ 5G Network

A group of French NGOs is calling for a moratorium on the rolling out of new super-fast mobile phone cellular network 5G  in France, saying it could cause “out of control” consequences for society.

NGOs including Agir Pour l'Environnement and Priartém-Electrosensibles de France have come out against the new technology, saying that its use will lead to physical and mental health problems, environmental issues, and could even negatively impact social freedom.

Related: Thousands Protest In Switzerland As The Population Is Now Exposed To 5G Wireless Radiation

It has been suggested that the 5G network, which is set to allow very large amounts of data to be sent and accessed using mobile devices, will be “revolutionary”.

In future, its super-fast abilities mean it could be linked to new technology such as self-driving cars, surgery done remotely, and a wider Internet of Things (in which homes are connected to the Internet, for example, to control automatic lights, heating, smart fridges, smart TVs etc).

In France, 5G was officially announced on July 15 this year, with businesses in large towns and cities set to receive the coverage by the end of 2020, and two-thirds of individuals expected to be covered by 2026.

But in a statement, the NGOs said that introducing the technology could “push the planet and our society into a world with out-of-control consequences”.

It said:

"Digital wireless communication technology has already had impacts that are not virtual: risks for our physical and mental health, hyperconnection with the world of work, and among young people; impact on the soil, landscapes and ecosystems, a growing energy bill, wasting of resources, risks from big data on our freedoms, lobbying weight on science and public politics…”

The statement said that 5G would “irrefutably aggravate these facts”.

Related: An Emergency Appeal to the World’s Governments by Scientists, Doctors, Environmental Organizations and Others

The group is now calling for a halt to 5G development and rollout in France, at least until a public debate can be held on its use.

It said:

"Developing a system that will cause lasting changes to the electromagnetic environment of our planet, to interactions between people and machines, and the wider workings of our society cannot be possible without deep consideration and debate from citizens.”

The possible impact of 5G on certain health conditions has been acknowledged by health authorities including French health and environmental agency (Agence Nationale de Sécurité Sanitaire de l'Alimentation, de l'Environnement et du Travail) Anses.

In 2016, it found that the radio frequencies of technology such as 5G could cause problems - for certain people - with memory, attention, and coordination. At the time, Anses recommended that young people limit their exposure to portable devices, tablets, and internet-connected toys.

In 2018, the agency also recognised that some people were reporting health problems linked to electromagnetic fields and waves, although it did add that this did not prove that there was a real link.


The effect of electromagnetic radiation on the human body depends on the type of rays and how long a person is exposed to them. The higher the frequency, the shorter the wavelength and the greater the energy levels.

The Urgency To Educate On The Dangers Of 5G Technology, Especially With Mothers & “With 5G, We Are
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And this year, a group of 170 scientists raised concerns about the possible effects of 5G - and the higher frequencies it requires to work, which may be up to ten times’ higher than those used now - to the European Union.

Yet, there are already international guidelines in place over the use of maximum frequencies and their impact on health, with the limit currently at 300 GHz, which is much higher than those set to be used for 5G.

In France, tests on 5G have already been rolled out in towns and cities including Bordeaux, Grenoble, Lille, Lyon, Marseille, Nantes, and Toulouse

Operators have said they are aiming to offer 75% 5G coverage across the country by 2022, and across 100% by 2030 - although it is likely to make phone contracts more expensive, with tariffs expected to rise by €10-€20 per month for 5G-connected devices.

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Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi

Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi
The Rise And Fall Of CNN: The Most Busted Name In News
October 20 2019 | From: NoMoreFakeNews / Various

As new revelations about CNN emerge from Project Veritas (see also ExposeCNN.com for updates), here is a backgrounder I wrote and published several years ago.

It brings back fond memories, and offers the beleaguered children at CNN solutions to their never-ending problems...

Related: All-Out NYT War on Truth-Telling

"CNN is still licking their wounds after a rather disastrous couple of weeks, where a shoddy Russia-Trump story led to three staffers resigning, a Project Veritas investigation exposed that the network’s producers peddled the Russia story for ratings, and what came off as a wholly inappropriate veiled threat against an anonymous Reddit user who created a Trump WWE video, which the president tweeted before the Fourth of July Holiday.

The video shows Trump beating up WWE’s Vince McMahon, whose face has been superimposed with the CNN logo.

The media went apoplectic as an attack against the press; it wasn’t. This spurred the network’s reporters to find the user and pretty much threaten to dox him if he continues to post things CNN doesn’t like.”

Townhall, Matt Vespa, 7/7/17

If you create a giant, you gain extraordinary visibility, and if the giant develops an unsightly and grotesque case of fungal disease, that’s a problem.

CNN was born in 1980. At the time, it was the first television network offering 24/7 news, and it was the first network offering nothing but news in the US.

Related: CNN Exposed As Propaganda Ministry For The DNC And Military/Security Complex

In 1991, CNN’s coverage of the Gulf War reached a billion viewers worldwide. Today, CNN International reaches 200 countries. That’s a giant.

But from the beginning, back in 1980, there was a major question: how was CNN going to fill up all that time every day with news? Face it, television networks, without bells and whistles, could boil down their coverage of a day’s events in four minutes. That’s because their analysis is so thin. It’s all surface.

When you assiduously avoid looking into WHO REALLY RUNS THINGS, the well runs dry quickly.

When you avoid detailing the role of mega-banks and mega-corporations and groups like the Trilateral Commission and CFR and Bilderberg, and when you never define Globalism and reveal its true agenda; when you discover nothing of value about the CIA; when you never broach the subject of American Empire; when you refuse to examine the horrendous effects of the medical system; when you fail to expose the ongoing collaboration between establishment Democrats and Republicans, and the influence of lobbyists (e.g., Israeli fronts); when you intentionally remain blind to the destruction of the American Republic and the Constitution; when you ultimately side with National Security and the Surveillance State; when you manage to sidestep actual ongoing environmental pollution flowing poisonously from a number of sources; when you refuse to reveal the full effects of open borders; when you never connect the dots and instead rely on limited hangouts…

Fake News 101: ABC Airs 2017 Gun Range Footage Claiming It’s Turkey Bombing Kurdish Civilians in Syria

ABC was caught lying to its viewers over the weekend by airing footage claiming to show the “Turkish military bombing Kurd civilians,” when it was actually a clip of the 2017 Knob Creek machine gun night shoot held in West Point, Kentucky.

Related: Truth About Syria.”How Could Corporate Journalists Get Away with Their Lies…”

What are you left with? What do you do, for 24 hours of every single day?

Mainly, you wait for “big events,” and then you launch wall to wall coverage for as long as your viewers can stand it. The Gulf War; the first black president; the worst president and the worst human being in history (Trump).

You develop bloated panel shows, during which pundits babble across each other like meth addicts in a rubber room.

You call “the news” The Situation Room, as if you’re breaking vital stories every 30 seconds.

You plow the same ground over and over, until not even weeds can grow in the soil. You fill your basket with the eggs of the “progressive agenda.” You go all in.

You fake stories.

You do a bizarre version of affirmative action with your on-air talent, as if this will result in “fairer” coverage. And day by day, the public realizes you’re crazy.

You can’t hide, because you aren’t just laying on three fake newscasts a day; you’re ON all the time.

Related: ‘Cultural Schizophrenia’: Media Shift To Feelings Over Facts Tearing US [West] Apart & You Are Being
Bombarded By Fake News, Fake News “Filters,” Fake People, Fake Food, And Fake Medicine

You’re hoping against hope for a new terror attack or a natural disaster, so you can flood the airwaves with live reports, but in the meantime, you’ll stick with 24/7 Trump, because he’s “the most interesting man in the world.”

He’s creating your ratings, such as they are. You’re the tabloid at the checkout counter in the supermarket, and he’s always on the cover. You love him. You need him.

It doesn’t matter whether he’s done what you say he’s done. That’s never been the issue. Without his presence, you’d be raking leaves outside a nursing home. You’re the self-appointed Pope, and he’s Satan, and that means dollars.

As a bonus, you’re doing what you’re supposed to be doing, on behalf of Globalism and the “interdependent world.” The risk of Trump speaking words of Nationalism against Globalism (whether or not he meant them) is too great to go unchallenged.

The international system (aka technocracy) that has been under construction since the dawn of the 20th century must not be derailed.

So whether it’s the way Trump sips water from a bottle, or scratches his nose, or treats one of your so-called reporters, you’re the National Enquirer blowing it up into a scandal of the moment. You’re leaking leaks from pipes that don’t even exist. Maybe he has a love child; look into that. Maybe he has another wife he never divorced. Maybe he’s an alien from Venus.

Related: Former CNN Host Piers Morgan Blasts The Crazy Left: “Liberals Have Become Unbearable” Which Is Why Trump Populism “Is Rising” + Subliminal Messages In Advertising: How They Affect Your Mind

Keep those ad revenues flowing, no matter what. Face it, you’ve got nothing else going for you. Connect Trump to the latest news from Tibet if you have to. Or Madagascar. Or Tierra del Fuego. He caused the cold snap across America, because he didn’t sign the Paris Climate Accords.

You’re CNN, “the most trusted name in news.” Ride that horse all the way to the end of the road.

If you end up shithole broke, somebody will bail you out. Warts and all, you’re too big to fail. Not just because of your work against Trump, but because The News, as the public knows it, must survive.

Otherwise, the people will find out what’s really going on in this world and who runs things. And that must never happen.

That’s the prime situation in The Situation Room. Who could have guessed, say, 15 years ago, that the following exchange would occur on CNN, in March of 2014? As reported by New York Magazine, CNN host Don Lemon, discussing the disappearance of Malaysia Airlines Flight 370, said:

"People are saying to me, why aren’t you talking about the possibility - and I’m just putting it out there - that something odd happened to this plane, something beyond our understanding?

What if it was something fully that we don’t really understand? A lot of people have been asking about that, about black holes and on, and on, and on, and all of these conspiracy theories…

That’s what people are saying. I know it’s preposterous - but is it preposterous, you think, Mary?”

To which, Mary Schiavo, ex-Department of Transportation inspector general, replied:

“Well, it is. A small black hole would suck in our entire universe so we know it’s not that.”

Maybe it WAS a black hole, and we all disappeared, and resurfaced in an alternate universe, where we got the CNN we know today. Let’s look at Jeff Zucker, CNN’s boss.

Related: Veritas Strikes Again: Exposes CNN's 'Anti-Trump Crusade', Zucker's 'Personal Vendetta' Against Trump

In April 2017, Zucker baldly told the New York Times, “The idea that politics is sport is undeniable, and we understood that and approached it that way.” The “it” was certainly the 2016 presidential campaign.

Zucker always has understood political news in this corrupt fashion - and in the process, he helped elect a US president and a California governor. Zucker was the man who launched The Apprentice, starring Donald Trump, at NBC, in 2004.

In other words, Zucker happened to play a major role in electing Donald Trump. There is no getting around it.

Washington Post, October 2, 2016: “Looking for someone specific to hold responsible for the improbable rise of Donald Trump? Although there are many options, you could do worse than to take a hard look at Jeff Zucker, president of CNN Worldwide.”

“It was Zucker, after all, who as the new head of NBC Entertainment gave Trump his start in reality TV with ‘The Apprentice’ and then milked the real estate developer’s uncanny knack for success for all it was worth in ratings and profits.”

“And it succeeded wildly - boosting the network’s ratings, as well as Zucker’s [and Trump’s] meteoric career. In turn, under Zucker, the show gave rise to ‘Celebrity Apprentice,’ another Trump extravaganza. And, in turn, Zucker became the head of NBC overall. The show [The Apprentice] was built as a virtually nonstop advertisement for the Trump empire and lifestyle…”

“The executive [Jeff Zucker] rode the Trump steed hard. When the reality-TV star was preparing to marry Melania Knauss in 2005, Zucker wanted to broadcast the wedding live. (Trump, uncharacteristically, declined.)”

“But make no mistake: There would be no Trump-the-politician without Trump-the-TV-star. One begot the other.”

Related: Last Week’s Fake News Epidemic Led by CNN, Politico, New York Times

Politics is Television and Television is Politics.

If you’re looking for a person who embodies that fake version of reality most purely, you need look no further than Jeff Zucker.

Despite his network’s present hatred of Trump, Zucker would give Trump his own show right now if he wanted one. For ratings and ad revenues.

Consider another event, one which I’ve analyzed in great detail. It took place on NBC in 2003, when Zucker was the head of the network’s entertainment division. The Tonight Show, with Jeno Leno, was a prime piece of that division then. What Leno pulled off in 2003 had to have the OK from Zucker, because it was a highly unusual move, a distinctly unethical move.

An actor wanted to launch a political career and become a governor. The whole news division of a major network surrendered itself, for one ratings-busting night, to a talk show.

This is how Arnold Schwarzenegger won the California governor’s race. It all came down to his famous appearance on The Tonight Show with Jay Leno, where he announced that he was going to run.

Related: Deep State? What About Elite Television News Anchors?

The Arnold interview was a global event. It was pre-hyped to the sky, and after three red hot six-minute segments, with a studio audience screaming in approval, the election was virtually over.

Politics is Television. Television is Politics.

Here are a few of CNN’s “black-hole” gaffes, just refresh your memory:

Because Trump was attacking CNN and other media as fake, CNN claimed THAT was making life more physically dangerous for journalists in war zones and at home.

Wow. I guess the takeaway is: don’t criticize mainstream news, keep your mouth shut and stay hypnotized…

Independent journalist, James O’Keefe, released two undercover sting videos which revealed CNN medical producer, John Bonifield, remarking that the whole Trump-Russia scandal is “mostly bullshit right now, like, we don’t have any giant proof”; and Van Jones, CNN political commentator, stating that “the Russia thing is just a big nothing burger.”

Of course, CNN relentlessly pursues the Trump-Russia story as if God and a choir of angels have certified it as the truest, most important event of our time.

June 2017: CNN dumped Reza Aslan, the host of their network documentary series called Believer. Why? Because Aslan tweeted, “This piece of shit [Donald Trump] is not just an embarrassment to America and a stain on the presidency. He’s an embarrassment to humankind.”

Related: If You Question The Establishment You Are Guilty Of Espionage, Says Corporate Media - Because Russia + The “Fake News” Furor And The Threat Of Internet Censorship

October 2016: CNN contributor Donna Brazile was dumped, because she passed along questions that would be asked in an upcoming presidential debate, sponsored by CNN. Brazile passed those questions to the Hillary Clinton camp.

CNN reporter-dunce Chris Cuomo, during the 2016 election campaign, preposterously told the viewing audience that accessing Wikileaks’ treasure trove of John Podesta emails was a crime - for any member of the public.

Only “the media” were permitted to perform that delicate operation and then decide what to report. Put a picture of Cuomo on your wall and pray to it every night.

On June 13, 2015, CNN host Fredricka Whitfield talked about the attack on the Dallas police headquarters. She said the shooter, James Boulware, was “courageous and brave, if not crazy.” Who’s crazy, Fredricka?

The 2016 Milwaukee riots. CNN aired a woman named Sherelle Smith telling the rioters, “Don’t bring that violence here.” She was calling for peace.

Well, not exactly. The network failed to broadcast the rest of Smith’s advice: “Burning down shit ain’t going to help nobody! Y’all burning down shit we need in our community. Take that shit to the suburbs! Burn that shit down!”

CNN: the most trusted name in news.

Related: Pulitzer Prize-Winning CNN Journalist Busted For Fabricating Fake News, Resigns From CNN + Google Gestapo Goes Full Nazi Against Independent Media - Hiding “Controversial Content” And “Redirecting” Searches

In Conclusion: The pack of losers at CNN are always trying to save their operation. They obviously need to hire Jerry Springer as news director. The network is already a reality show; they just don’t know how to put one on. They require help.

Publishing fake news and airing talk-show hosts who spout venom doesn’t make it. It doesn’t go far enough. On camera, they need women breaking into the studio claiming their babies were fathered by CNN journalists; they need burly security guards tackling the intruders and bringing them to the floor. They need live audiences who hoot and holler and boo and applaud.

CNN is a reality show. But it doesn’t go far enough. If the network’s boss Jeff Zucker applied his talents, he could stage flame-outs and scandals that would rock the house.

Go big. Go wild. Hire a few dyed in the wool terrorists and put them on in prime time and let them talk. Bring Glenn Beck back, build him a studio that looks like a chapel with stain glass windows, and let him tell the audience what God wants him to do.

Lure Scott Pelley and Megyn Kelly to CNN and team them together in a show called The Sadism Hour. Set up Michael Moore in a Burger King for 24 hours straight every weekend and have him talk non-stop (while he eats and slurps) about why he hates Donald Trump. How about an investment show hosted by George Soros called How to Kill the West?

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Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi

Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi
The Deep State Shakeup: Change Is Beckoning
October 19 2019 | From: CoreysDigs

The Deep State shakeup is in full swing, and all sides are throwing punches. The system is crumbling, and a new one is on the verge of emerging.

Recent weeks have brought explosive news, with big indicators of change ahead. With each new crack in the system, it creates an opening to be leveraged and altered.

Related: McCarthy: We Came Close ‘To This Country Having A Coup,’ Vows Deep State Cabal Will See Justice

What we are witnessing is a tearing down of a system rife with corruption, that’s long past due.

The road ahead requires everyone breaking free from the old system, reaching within themselves, and creating a new way of living and functioning as a viable and prosperous country moving forward.

If you are not accustomed to thinking outside the box, now’s the time to start. And, if you are not accustomed to exploring within, and being the creator that exists in you, now’s the time to introduce yourself.

Cracks in The System

We discussed these breaking news bombshells below, as well as others in our weekly Dig It! Podcast, if you would like to listen to the breakdown, but let’s take a look at some of the bombshells that dropped this week, and why they are indicators of a change in the system – the old ways.

Related: Former High Ranking CIA Agent Gives A Break Down On What The US Deep State And Shadow Government Is Comprised Of

Rep. Devin Nunes twitter lawsuit is moving forward. This is good news for everyone.

The Judge agreed that twitter CAN be held accountable for negligence. This is a huge step in the right direction.

From censorship to shadowbanning, removing followers and entire accounts, to allowing some of the most detestable attacks on individuals by others, and refusing to shut those accounts down, it’s time twitter be held accountable and make necessary changes moving forward.

This will set a precedent for social media platforms. The fact of the matter is, it is how the world communicates on a global scale to raise awareness, so yes, this system must be rectified.

It was announced that U.S. Attorney John Durham has expanded his investigation.

What began as a 2016 counterintelligence investigation into Russia and the Trump campaign, leading up to the 2016 election, has evolved into an investigation spanning from the beginning of the probe through the spring of 2017, up to when Robert Mueller was named special counsel.

Attorney General Bill Barr and Durham have physically traveled and met with officials in Italy, and spoken with officials in the U.K. and Australia. They are not messing around, and we are observing investigations that would have otherwise been swept under the rug.

Related: Dancing On The Crumbling Precipice: Jim Quinn Explains Why The Deep State Is The True Enemy Of Human Civilization

One of the biggest announcements, and one of the most important, is the National Advisory Committee on the Sex Trafficking of Children & Youth in the United States is requesting ideas and recommendations for professionals working in the foster care system.

They recognize that child trafficking is a huge issue in this country [and globally] and have been observing increasingly vocal concerns about the CPS and foster care system – thanks to all of those not backing down on getting this information out via social media, websites, and legitimate news sources as opposed to the MSM who doesn’t cover this.

They are hearing our voices. They are also aware and have acknowledged that the foster care system is preying grounds for child traffickers, in the State Department’s 2019 Trafficking in Persons report.

The fact that they are shining a light on this and asking people to submit information, is a very good sign that new processes may be implemented, and hopefully all of the corruption in the CPS system will be cleaned up as well. You can send ideas and recommendations here, and comments to the Committee can be emailed to adonald@nhttac.org.

The United Nations funds are drying up and they could run out of money by the end of October to pay staff.

Related: Understanding Trump’s United Nations Appearance – He Was Speaking To America, Scorning The Cabal Servants In The Room

The UN has long been a front for nefarious dealings, is rife with corruption, and is behind the 2030 agenda. The secretary general of the UN, Antonio Guterres said that they are nearly insolvent due to a 30 percent underpayment.

Of course one of the big underpayments came from the Trump administration, but 64 other member states have not paid as well.

The Deep State coup is escalating by the day, and as quickly as President Trump sent his response letter on impeachment, it was announced that Trey Gowdy will be joining his counsel in the matter.

Ukraine conspiracies are heating up to the point that House Intelligence Committee Chair Adam Schiff lied on national television, then admitted the lie, followed by Speaker of The House Nancy Pelosi claiming he never lied.

Crazy. Meanwhile, former U.S. Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein’s emails to Mueller were released, indicating he and Mueller were potentially working together against the president, and Mueller may have perjured himself.

What we are witnessing, is a coup gone bad – very, very bad – and they are willing to blatantly lie knowing full well the people know the truth. Their lies are backfiring and the truth is being revealed.

Related: Global Alliance Moving For A Checkmate Versus The Deep State

Recently, President Trump announced that the U.S. and China have made huge strides in trade deals, reaching a truce in phase one of potentially two or three phases, which included deals on intellectual property, financial services, big increases for farmers, currency, foreign exchange, and technology transfer. We will see how this all rolls out to assess if this is a step in the right direction.

Bonus: Deep State shill, Fox News anchor Shepherd Smith has stepped down from his position after 23 years with the network.

No one knows for certain why this is the case or if he will be sliding over to another news station – one more aligned with Deep State propaganda. And of course, we don’t yet know who will be filling his shoes.

Change is Beckoning

Everyone is exhausted by the Deep State, the coup, lies, censorship, constant battles, impeachment attempt, rage, divisions, infighting, and waking up to the reality of the system we have all been hypnotized by for decades.

Understandably so. But now is not the time to slip into a slumber, to step away, or to be swallowed up by negativity. Now is the time to begin planning for the future.

Now is the time to begin creating a new system, and that begins with going within and connecting to the love you hold, your divine self, and the creator within you.

Related: 2019: The Year Deep State Gets Demolished

This old system must be unraveled from within in order to address the changes needed on the outside, such as working together to build a new education system without indoctrination, a new form of art and entertainment that isn’t riddled with mind control, a new system of government that removes multiple unnecessary agencies taxpayers are footing the bill for.

We need entirely new systems that cover everything from education, job industry, health industry, food industry – you get the idea.

Before you say, “this is too much. It’s too big. How will we ever accomplish this?” there are thousands of people who have changed the lives of millions.

One person, with one idea, can set a path in motion, create a ripple effect, and change the lives of many

If people in each county, in each state throughout the country, are working to achieve this common goal, it is more than possible – it is destiny.

There are millions of people existing right now with dormant talents they don’t even realize they have. All one needs to do is TRY something for the first time to discover they are magnificent at it.

Related: Jared Kushner Explains How Mueller’s Junk Report Of Russian Facebook Influence Was Deep State Garbage

These latent talents need to be woken. Now is the time. Relying on others to accomplish this for you, is the old way. It’s time for everyone to think for themselves, and dig deep.

It’s going to be a great big new world one day, so get your wheels churning, think outside the box, and start sharing ideas with one another in constructive ways.

Raise your awareness, raise your vibration, and raise your voice. Every crack in the system presents an opportunity for change.

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Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi

Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi
Tesla’s Anti-Gravity Research In Use In Dozens Of Secretive Military Projects
October 18 2019 | From: WakingTimes

Doctor Richard Boylan, and numerous others have already let the cat out of the bag when it comes to anti-gravity space flight, so why do Boeing and Lockheed, two of America’s largest military industrial contractors, and the recipient of trillions in tax payer ‘black budget’ dollars still hide that they are operating at least 12 anti-gravity aerospace platforms?

It seems that Boeing hides this advanced aerospace technology because it would prove what many free energy enthusiasts have said about Nikola Tesla – that he discovered anti-gravity, and learned how to utilize it as an abundant, if not free, energy source

Related: Unraveling Nikola Tesla’s Greatest Secret: Radiant Energy

Objects can even be levitated easily with anti-gravity, and its numerous applications are just beginning to be understood by the public at large.

The late genius and inventor even explained the fact prior to his death. William R. Lynewrites in Occult Ether Physics (Creatopia Productions), that a lecture Tesla prepared for the Institute of Immigrant Welfare (May. 12, 1938), dealt with his Dynamic Theory of Gravity.

Tesla said in his lecture that he had developed, “one of two far-reaching discoveries, which I worked out in all details in the years 1893 and 1894.”

Indeed, Tesla held a patent in 1928, for a flying machine which resembled both a helicopter and an airplane and is thought to have run with the benefit of anti-gravity.

Related: Explosive Exposé: The Secret Government, Anti-Gravity Technology And Black Budget Projects

Boeing has loosely revealed that they have already developed this technology in a veiled admittance that “it is working on experimental anti-gravity projects that could overturn a century of conventional aerospace propulsion technology.”

And Ben Rich, once the CEO of Lockheed Martin, admitted on his deathbed that “aliens were real,” and the “US military already travels to the stars, ”explaining where this technology could have been sourced, aside from terrestrial beings like Tesla.

This means that for more than 130 years we have been kept in the dark about a known free energy source so that the powers-that-be can profit from our ignorance. Every time you see a ‘rocket ship’ go up in space, it is essentially no different from the false flag attempts orchestrated by six media companies controlling the media to alter your perception of reality.

So Where Did All that Research Go?

Theodore C. Loder, PhD, posits in one paper that since the 1950’s (known to some as the brain drain era) almost all research into anti-gravity seems to have disappeared.

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None other than Professor Hermann Oberth, considered by some to be one of the fathers of the space age (and who later worked in the US with Wernher von Braun, the Army Ballistic Missile Agency and NASA), stated the following in 1954: “It is my thesis that flying saucers are real and that they are space ships from another solar system.”

Perhaps of more interest to our present discussion on the secrets Boeing and Lockheed have kept, Oberth states:

They are flying by the means of artificial fields of gravity. . . . They produce high-tension electric charges in order to push the air out of their paths, so it does not start glowing, and strong magnetic fields to influence the ionized air at higher altitudes. First, this would explain their luminosity . . . Secondly, it would explain the noiselessness of UFO flight.”

Indeed, you can see the crumbs of government contractor’s special operatives at work when you look into the work of John Hutchison.

He discovered, “highly-anomalous electromagnetic effect which causes the jellification of metals, spontaneous levitation of common substances, and other effects,” which echo Tesla’s findings. These strange effects were later dubbed the Hutchison effect.

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As is usually the case when silencing the curious, a Vancouver businessman, George Hathaway heard of the Hutchison effect around 1980, and hired an engineer from Boeing Aerospace to work with the Canadian government to form a company that would promote technology developed from the effect. They called this company Pharos’ Technology. You likely haven’t heard of what they have created since then.

12 Special Aerospace Platforms Incorporating Anti-Gravity Technology

Dr. Boylan explains:

At this time, I am aware of the existence of 12 kinds of special-technology advanced aerospace platforms [mil-speak for craft], all incorporating antigravity technology in some form.

These 12 are: the Northrop Grumman B-2 Spirit Stealth Bomber, the F-22 Raptor advanced stealth fighter, and its successor, the F-35 Lightning II advanced stealth fighter; the Aurora, Lockheed-Martin’s X-33A, the Lockheed X-22A two-man antigravity disc fighter, Boeing and Airbus Industries’ Nautilus, the TR3-A Pumpkinseed, the TR3-B Triangle , Northrop’s “Great Pumpkin” disc, Teledyne Ryan Aeronautical’s XH-75D Shark antigravity helicopter, and the Northrop Quantum Teleportation Disc.”

Since at least 1956, the press has been trying to manage public awareness by staying hush-hush about anti-gravity research, or discounting those who attempted to show that it was real. However, a trade press magazine, the Aviation Report, made numerous references to anti-gravity projects, and listed many of the companies pursuing research into anti-gravity technologies.

Quotes from the Aviation Report listed in the Aviation Studies (International) Ltd. report are suggestive of what was truly going on at Boeing, Lockheed and other agencies despite what the public was being told.

What Anti-Gravity Means to the World at Large

Anti-gravity, first and foremost would make petrol-guzzling cars, crumbling electric grids, and other outdated and dirty fuels a total waste of time. Anti-gravity, as Nikola Tesla made clear, would make space flight to other heavenly bodies as simple as driving your car to a nearby city, today.

It would also turn Einstein’s E=MC2 theory on its head, and it also suggests, as Tesla explained, that the ether is given to us to use responsibly by a life-giving creative force.

We know where that went - and it's for the record

Related: A Convergence Of Evil: Google, Amazon And Facebook Use Technology To Enslave Humanity, Suppress Knowledge And Accelerate Human Suffering

Just so you know.

In short, everything we need is already out there, in abundant supply.

We just need to tap into it and free these technologies from the grip of the military industrial complex.

Related: Russian Scientists Revive Nikola Tesla's Designs With Help From Crowdfunding

Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi

Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi
Central Bank Issues Stunning Warning: "If The Entire System Collapses, Gold Will Be Needed To Start Over" & If You Borrow Money From The Bank, It Holds A Grip (‘Death Pledge’) Over You
October 17 2019 | From: Zerohedge / RuralNewsGroup / Various

It's not just "tinfoil blogs" who (for the past 11 years) have been warning that a monetary reset is inevitable and the only viable fallback option once trust and faith in fiat is lost, is a gold standard (something which even Mark Carney hinted at recently): central banks are joining the doom parade now too.

An article published by the De Nederlandsche Bank (DNB), or Dutch Central Bank, has shocked many with its claim that "if the system collapses, the gold stock can serve as a basis to build it up again.

Related: Desperate Central Bankers Grab for More Power

Gold bolsters confidence in the stability of the central bank's balance sheet and creates a sense of security."

“Wow. Dutch National Bank goes 'Big Reset':

'Aandelen, obligaties en ander waardepapier: aan alles zit een risico [..] Als het hele systeem instort, biedt de goudvoorraad een onderpand om opnieuw te beginnen. Goud geeft vertrouwen in de kracht van de balans van de centrale bank'.

- Willem Middelkoop (@wmiddelkoop) October 12, 2019

While gloomy predictions of a monetary reset are hardly new, they have traditionally been relegated to the fringe of mainstream financial thought - after all, as Mario Draghi stated on several occasions in recent years, the mere contemplation of a "doomsday scenario" is enough to create the self-fulfilling prophecy which materializes it.

As such, it is stunning to see a mainstream financial institution open up about the superior value of limited supply, non-fiat, sound money assets.

It is also hypocritical given the diametrically opposed Keynesian practices regularly engaged in by central banks and official institutions worldwide: after all, just a few months back, the IMF published a paper bashing Germany's adoption of the gold standard in the 1870s as the catalyst for instability in the global monetary system.

Related: Central Banking Exposed: Central Banks Only Care About Debt, Profit And Control

Fast forward to today, when the Dutch Central Bank is admitting not only did gold not destabilize the monetary system, but it will be its only savior when everything crashes.

The article, titled "DNB's Gold Stock" states:

A bar of gold retains its value, even in times of crisis. This makes it the opposite of shares, bonds and other securities all of which have inherent risk and prices can go down."

According to the IMF's latest data, the DNB holds 615 tons (15,000 bars) of gold mainly in Amsterdam, with other stores in the U.K. and North America; the value of this gold reserve is over €6 billion ($6.62 billion).

Calling gold the “trust anchor,” the article details briefly why the hard asset is so important to wealth building and the global economy, claiming:

“Gold is... the trust anchor for the financial system. If the whole system collapses, the gold stock provides a collateral to start over. Gold gives confidence in the power of the central bank's balance sheet."

Why this sudden admission of what goldbugs have been saying for years? Perhaps it has to do with the fact that on October 7, the bank announced it would soon be moving a large part of its gold reserves to "the new DNB Cash Center at military premises in Zeist."

Related: Gold Standard Versus Keynes: Which Is Economically Illiterate?

Almost as if the Netherlands is preparing for the grand reset, and is moving its most valuable asset to a "military" installation just for that purpose.

As bitcoin.com tongue-in-cheek points out, "DNB is no stranger to playing along with the Keynesian, inflationary games of the global monetary system. A system which, according to some, is now more a Ponzi scheme based on force and blind faith than sound economic principle.

That notwithstanding, the centralized financial powers of the world know the real score, and that’s why hard assets like gold are hoarded and locked down while everyday, individual residents of these geopolitical jurisdictions are encouraged to spend and spend, going further into debt to prop up ultimately unsound national economies."

It is hardly a coincidence that in its preparation for monetary doomsday, the Dutsch Central Bank is also set to begin cracking down on crypto exchanges and wallets, stating that "firms offering services for the exchange between cryptos and regular money, and crypto wallet providers must register with De Nederlandsche Bank."

Related: Governments Are Corporations & The Gold Standard Will Break Up The Banking Cartel

While the push for greater KYC/AML transparency is a growing global trend, and is hardly surprising in a world in which trillions in assets reside in "tax-evading" offshore jurisdiction, the remarkable aspect of this latest crackdown against crypto - which many see as a modern, more efficient form of "gold" - is the fact that invasive regulations and restrictions by central banks can be seen as yet another means of stockpiling precious assets. This time, not gold bars, but bitcoin and crypto.

As for the timing of the "great monetary reset", which other central banks have already quietly hinted at themselves amid massive repatriation of physical gold from the New York Fed to various European central banks such as Germany and Austria, we are confident that the trust-keepers of the current establishment - such as other central banks and the IMF - will be kind enough to provide ample advance notice to the citizens of the "developed" world to exchange their fiat into hard assets.

Or, then again, perhaps not.

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If You Borrow Money From The Bank, It Holds A Grip (‘Death Pledge’) Over You

And the bank is not in it primarily for their fun or your enjoyment, despite what its advertising schmooze says.

The shareholders in the big-four Australian banks, ie the parents of their NZ subsidiaries, get a dividend yield averaging 6.10% (source Morningstar). And those parent banks make a return on equity (RoE) averaging 12.84%. 

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But wait! The Australians’ subsidiary banks in NZ -- ASB, Westpac, ANZ and BNZ -- are reckoned to average 14-15% RoE.

The Australian Royal Commission looked at banking scandals there and told the banks, ‘Clean up your act!’ So they’ll be wanting their NZ subsidiaries to continue strip-mining every available cent out of their Kiwi customers -- while they close the high street branches. 

If the bank is ANZ it’ll be needing extra cash to cover its embarassing real estate dealing in Auckland, and to tidy up after the Ross Asset Management Ltd ponzi scheme, over which it now faces a class action lawsuit by Ross’s victims.

Do such banks have an enshrined right to 14-15% returns on equity - out of New Zealand? Ponder the question at 4am in the dairy shed or the lambing paddock, or on hearing the bank has devalued your farm by 25%, or that your loan is called in and it’s all over.

Then listen to the governor of the Reserve Bank of New Zealand (RBNZ), Adrian Orr. Why, he asked, are Australian owned NZ banks are so profitable relative to their parent banks.

Related: The Next Crisis: Avoiding Chaos - Return To The Gold Standard

He told newsroom.co.nz that these NZ banks are:

“Among the world’s most profitable -- second highest in the world”. That’s pleasing, said Orr, “we want profitable banks... but why so profitable relative to others, in particular their parent banks?” he mused.

The obvious answer to Orr’s question is that, in a world of growing opportunism by the increasingly powerful, the banks behave this way simply because they may.

Governor Orr made this key point (the quotes are his):

NZ farms, “for 10 years the banks have been over-lending... and now they’re somehow wanting to withdraw,” Orr said.

But they need to be there in good times and bad... so they’re [now] learning how to be good citizens of New Zealand.”

Kiwis still believe a fair go is still a fair go, regardless of how that works in the Western Isles.

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Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi

Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi
State Control: The Government Of Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern Is Shaping Up To Be One Of The Most Controlling In New Zealand’s History
October 16 2019 | From: NZPCR / Various

Like all socialist regimes that aim to impose the will of a few onto the many, they will eventually fail because most people by their very nature do not want to be controlled. Socialists refuse to understand that simple truth of the human spirit.

The attraction of socialism is that it sounds so good, especially to those who feel they would benefit from the taxing of others.

Related: Thinking the Unthinkable, Saying the Unsayable

Winston Churchill described it well when he said;

“Socialism is a philosophy of failure, the creed of ignorance, and the gospel of envy”.

While he then went on to say, “Its inherent virtue is the equal sharing of misery”, he was not quite right. There are some who don’t have to share in the misery of socialism – namely the ruling elite."

The reality is that throughout history, socialism – which can be characterised as excessive government control – has led to widespread hardship and oppression

But rather than being persuaded by past failure that socialism doesn’t work, the socialists’ response is to increase Government control.

The relentless expansion of the State is most certainly Jacinda Ardern’s agenda.

After taking office in 2017, her ruling coalition wasted no time in ordering all businesses with workers on the minimum wage to increase their hourly rate by 27 percent from $15.75 to $20 an hour by 2021.

As a result of those directives and a raft of draconian industrial relations law changes – designed to satisfy the demands of the unions – business confidence has now fallen to its lowest level since the Global Financial Crisis.  

Related: Trump at the UN Declares ‘Specter of Socialism’ a Serious Threat to the World

The Coalition even took a punitive approach to reducing plastic waste. To be seen to be ‘doing something’, instead of supporting businesses who were phasing out single use plastic bags, the Government banned them, imposing fines of up to $100,000 for anyone breaching the prohibition.

New licenses for offshore oil and gas exploration were also outlawed – a whole industry undermined without warning. 

Now the Government is in the throes of legislating to penalise emissions of man-made greenhouse gases. This includes an initial 10 percent reduction in the methane produced by cows and sheep eating grass, eventually increasing to 47 percent – threatening the viability of many farmers.

These regulations that are being introduced in the name of climate change – a mania now being led by a 16 year old Swedish child, Greta Thunberg – represent a significant expansion of Government control of the economy.

If Labour’s zero carbon legislation is supported by New Zealand First or National, it is expected to be passed by Christmas.

Families will then begin to feel the financial pressure, as more of their household budget will be needed to cover the rising cost of power, fuel, and food.

Related: Academic Warns: Young People’s Ignorance Of Socialism Risks “Absolute Catastrophe” & Goodbye To The
Internet: Interference By Governments Is Already Here

More Government control over freshwater has also been proposed, with farmers again being unreasonably targeted with punitive and costly regulations.

Then there are the attacks on civil liberties, including yet more firearms regulations, and the PM’s call for restrictions on the freedom of expression.

These changes arose in response to the Christchurch tragedy.

But instead of waiting until the Royal Commission of Inquiry reports back, to determine exactly what law changes are needed, public outrage and grief created an opportunity for Labour to impose heavy-handed restrictions that, under normal circumstances, would have been rejected by freedom loving Kiwis.

In her haste to be seen to be legislating faster than Australia after their Port Arthur massacre, Jacinda Ardern trampled on democracy and rushed into law blanket bans on guns and parts, undermining the long-established rights of Kiwi firearm owners to enjoy their sport.

Now the next phase of Labour’s attack on gun owners, the Arms Amendment Bill, is being fast-tracked through Parliament, with submissions due on October 23rd – see here for details.

Related: Kiwis Just Say No To Gun Ban & Calling Out The ‘Christchurch Call’

The main purpose of the new law is to introduce a firearms register. In addition, it tightens gun licensing requirements by reducing the licensed period from 10 years to 5 years, imposes new regulations and costs on shooting clubs, establishes a new firearms advisory bureaucracy, requires doctors to share medical concerns with Police, and it substantially increases fees and penalties. 

Through more controls and restrictions, especially the registration of firearms, Labour is further punishing law-abiding New Zealand gun owners, since criminals and extremists who are responsible for most of the country’s gun crimes are highly unlikely to register their firearms!

That was certainly the case in Australia, where 90 percent of firearms used in criminal offences are unregistered.

The gun registration scheme proposed in the Bill is likely to fail. Registration was first introduced in New Zealand in the 1920s but was eventually revoked through the 1983 Arms Act because it was inaccurate and too costly to maintain.

The new approach that was introduced was based on the common sense concept that it is the user, not the weapon, that poses a danger to society. The focus therefore changed to gun owners to ensure they were “fit and proper” and that their firearms were securely stored.

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Based on our own experience, the firearm registration scheme being proposed by Labour, will not only become an expensive bureaucratic behemoth costing taxpayers far more than our politicians care to admit, but it will not  prevent future tragedies.

The only gain will be political – it will be regarded as a ‘win’ by those Labour supporters who would like to see all guns in New Zealand banned.

The Police Minister Stuart Nash has estimated the cost of firearms registration will be up to $53 million over 10 years. But Canada’s experience should provide a warning.

When Canada’s gun registry was introduced in 1995, it was estimated to cost C$2 million. But the price blew out exponentially – to C$3 billion!

The government finally abandoned trying to register shotguns and rifles and now just tracks restricted weapons including handguns and semi-automatics.

The problem was that the Canadian Government introduced gun registration in the wake of a mass shooting in Montreal. But firearm registration was not the first legislative crackdown on legal gun ownership – it was the second.

As a result, law abiding Canadian gun owners felt they were being unfairly targeted by their Government. Many protested by refusing to register their firearms. Some actively obstructed the process, by registering other items like soldering guns instead!

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There were expensive court battles, and during its entire 17 year existence, Canada’s gun register was said to have recorded no more than a third of the guns otherwise legally owned in the country.

The point was made that registering guns is not like registering cars and boats, which are used on public roads and can be monitored by the police. Instead, most guns are privately owned and used, making enforcement difficult and expensive.

Through her ill-advised law changes just after the shooting, Jacinda Ardern has already alienated gun owners – repeating Canada’s mistakes. As a result, the outcome of gun registration in this country is almost certain to be an expensive disaster.

Not content with gun control in the aftermath of Christchurch, our Prime Minister also set her sights on restricting the freedom of expression.

In an unprecedented move, the Chief Censor was called upon to ban both the gunman’s video of the shooting and his manifesto. By classifying them as objectionable, anyone knowingly possessing or sharing them could be fined up to $10,000 or be sentenced to a prison term of up to 14 years.

Radio New Zealand reported that by August there had been 35 charges relating to possession of the video, leading to 14 prosecutions, 10 referrals to the Youth Court, one written warning and eight verbal warnings. One man is known to have been sentenced to two years in jail.

Related: Globalism, Socialism, Technocracy: Three Names For The Same Thing

Hundreds of people are also on a Police ‘watchlist’ for the crime of free expression. The Police turn up at homes asking about opinions on a range of matters including immigration, colonisation, and politics.

One person reported being accused by the Police of calling the Prime Minister “a socialist”. It is very troubling indeed when Police come knocking because someone is accusing the PM – a former president of the International Union of Socialist Youth – of being a socialist!

Our free society is no longer free. But it’s going to get worse.

Not satisfied with just banning the video of the Mosque shooting in New Zealand, Jacinda Ardern wanted it prohibited world-wide. She began working with the French President Emmanuel Macron on the “Christchurch Call”, an initiative to suppress terrorist content on the Internet.

Strong concerns were expressed that this could lead to the wholesale censorship of the Internet. Indeed, that is what now seems to be occurring.

Related: Socialism 101: A Crash Course For Young Democrats

This week’s NZCPR Guest Commentator Dr Bronwyn Howell, a programme director at Victoria University and an adjunct scholar at the American Enterprise Institute, has been closely following these developments and is now concerned that the Christchurch Call is leading to widespread social engineering:

“Facebook’s September 17 announcement that it has updated its definition of dangerous individuals and organizations, and would be extending its initiative to use algorithms to redirect individuals using terms associated with searches for white supremacy to resources focused on helping people leave behind hate groups to include Indonesia, Australia, and New Zealand, constitutes a significant development.

Since March, US search queries on Facebook using terms algorithmically determined to be associated with white supremacy have been redirected to Life After Hate, an organization founded by former violent extremists that provides crisis intervention, education, support groups and outreach.

While there may be considerable popular support for Facebook’s use of algorithms in this manner, there are equally as many questions raised about the legitimacy of attempts to use platforms to ‘socially re-engineer’ or ‘reprogram’ individuals.”

Dr Howell asks where is the mandate to override an individual’s internet request, to deliver a pre-selected search result. She believes such an intervention would normally only be possible following a transparent and accountable process agreed by the community of users collectively.

However, the reality is that Jacinda Ardern’s Christchurch Call appears to have encouraged Facebook and other Internet players into a greater use of censorship. It is highly likely they are responding to political pressure that if they do not do so voluntarily, a regulatory regime will be imposed on them.

The changes already made are significant. Try posting information on Facebook denying man-made global warming and you are likely to receive a notice telling you it has been categorised as “fake news” by their “fact checkers” and banned.

You may also be told that if you persist in posting such content then your page or group will be downgraded so it does not feature in search rankings.

Related: The Ardern Effect: A Disturbance In The Force & Jacinda Ardern And Labour: The Truth Exposed

That Facebook’s ‘fact checkers’ claim the earth is now warmer than during the Medieval and Roman warm periods, raises concerns that they are conforming to crowd hysteria, and have become puppets of political control rather than the bastions of free expression and the truth.

It’s the same story with material supporting the role of colonisation. A meme for example, stating that poor social statistics for Maori were caused by such things as poor parenting, substance abuse, violence, and welfare dependency, rather than colonisation, was labelled as hate speech by Facebook and banned.

Whether such developments are the direct result of Jacinda Ardern’s closed-door talks with social media organisations is impossible to tell, but they certainly raise concerns that this new state of censorship is a taste of what’s to come in New Zealand if Labour delivers on their promise to introduce hate speech laws.

So while the mainstream media discourse is occupied with daily news, the bigger and more important story is the theft of personal freedoms as New Zealand heads down a path to state control. 

No democracy can survive without free speech and open public discourse. The suppression of controversial ideas – whether genuinely offensive or just contrary to the views of the liberal elites – is a worrying step toward tyranny.

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Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi

Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi
FBI Document Adds “Fringe” Conspiracy Theories As Next Big Domestic Terror Threat & CIA, Climate And Conspiracy: More Notes From The Edge Of The Narrative Matrix
October 15 2019 | From: ActivistPost / CaitlinJohnstone / Various

It already has been well documented how government agencies have compiled lists containing the names of people who are potential terrorists.

Back in 2013 Michael Snyder highlighted 72 types of Americans who made some sort of “potential threat” list and he provided links to all of the documents.

Related: History's greatest conspiracy theories

As comprehensive as that was, there is a brand new document that has been obtained by Yahoo! News which purports to illustrate a new category that the FBI is zeroing in on - “fringe” conspiracy theories.  Yahoo! states that this is a “first for the agency.”

“The document specifically mentions QAnon, a shadowy network that believes in a deep state conspiracy against President Trump, and Pizzagate, the theory that a pedophile ring including Clinton associates was being run out of the basement of a Washington, D.C., pizza restaurant (which didn’t actually have a basement)."

We already know that nearly everyone who questions just about anything can land on one of these lists, so the fact that they are singling out QAnon and Pizzagate should come as no surprise.

Related: American Pravda: How The CIA Invented "Conspiracy Theories"

Instead, it’s more likely that the real impact is highlighted in the following paragraph.

“The FBI assesses these conspiracy theories very likely will emerge, spread, and evolve in the modern information marketplace, occasionally driving both groups and individual extremists to carry out criminal or violent acts,” the document states.

It also goes on to say the FBI believes conspiracy theory-driven extremists are likely to increase during the 2020 presidential election cycle.

So it’s not deranged and violent people carrying out these acts who occasionally latch on to strange ideas, it’s the opposite: it’s the ideas that create deranged and violent people. 

Related: The Business Of Journalists Is To Destroy The Truth & Americans Think The Media Is More Destructive Than
Banks & Corporations + The Normals vs. Conspiracy Theorists

Furthermore, it’s open communication on the Internet that makes it all possible - and especially during an election season.

“The advent of the Internet and social media has enabled promoters of conspiracy theories to produce and share greater volumes of material via online platforms that larger audiences of consumers can quickly and easily access,” the document says.

It is interesting that Yahoo! also highlights a statement from the FBI where they say they can “never initiate an investigation based solely on First Amendment protected activity.

Corbett Report: Top 5 “Conspiracy Theories” Known to Be True

How To Get Rid Of Paranoid Conspiracy Theorists

As with all of our investigations, the FBI can never monitor a website or a social media platform without probable cause,” adding:

“Though the FBI document focuses on ideological motivations, FBI Director Wray, in his testimony last week, asserted that the FBI is concerned only with violence, not people’s beliefs."

This would seem to conflict with a recent report from Nextgov that couldn’t be clearer when it states, “FBI Wants Tech to Track Social Media for Criminals and Terrorists Before They Act.”

“The Federal Bureau of Investigations aims to acquire access to a “social media early alerting tool” that will help insiders proactively and reactively monitor how terrorist groups, foreign intelligence services, criminal organizations and other domestic threats use networking platforms to further their illegal efforts, according to a request for proposal amended this week.

“With increased use of social media platforms by subjects of current FBI investigations and individuals that pose a threat to the United States, it is critical to obtain a service which will allow the FBI to identify relevant information from Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, and other Social media platforms in a timely fashion,” the agency said in the RFP.

“Consequently, the FBI needs near real-time access to a full range of social media exchanges in order to obtain the most current information available in furtherance of its law enforcement and intelligence missions.”

All of this comes at a time where Big Tech is purging independent media and, themselves, seem to be expanding their definition of dangerous language and potential deadly topics that are a threat to society.  Apparently, they’ve now been given further marching orders.

You can find the full 15-page document here.

Related: Nine Indisputable Truths About “Conspiracy Theorists”

CIA, Climate And Conspiracy: More Notes From The Edge Of The Narrative Matrix

Take off the revolutionary’s mask, and it’s the CIA. Take off the terrorist’s mask, and it’s the CIA. Take off the news man’s mask, and it’s the CIA. Take off the filmmaker’s mask, and it’s the CIA. Take off the professor’s mask, and it’s the CIA. Take off the billionaire’s mask, and it’s the CIA. Take off the whistleblower’s mask, and it’s the motherfucking CIA.

These monsters are raping our sensemaking faculties.

Related: Time Magazine Claims Conspiracies Are Dangerous

Comment: This is an opinion piece. The author shares her perspective, but an important note or two have been added. Many are not as informed as they think themselves to be.

Never call anyone from the CIA a “whistleblower” unless they are actually whistleblowing on the CIA, without the CIA’s permission, in a way that inconveniences the CIA.

The deployment of a bomb or missile doesn’t begin when a pilot pushes a button, it begins when propaganda narratives used to promote those operations start circulating in public attention.

If you help circulate war propaganda, you’re as complicit as the one who pushes the button.

Related: Everywhere In The Western World, Government Is A Conspiracy Against The People & Cartels That Run The World

Many believe that the mass media just tell whole-cloth, outright lies all the time, but that’s not usually how it works. What they do is selectively omit inconvenient facts, disproportionately amplify convenient facts, and uncritically report on dubious government assertions. 

Basically they only tell the truth when it’s convenient for them, and when it’s inconvenient they are silent. Only telling the truth when it’s convenient for you is effectively the same as lying all the time, only you can get away with it a lot easier.

How to solve the [supposed] "climate crisis":

End the economic system which requires infinite growth on a finite planet

Let people get more relaxed and less busy

End corporate influence in politics

End militarism

End patents

Kill the capitalist propaganda engine known as the mainstream media

Any environmentalism which adamantly ignores the need for a complete overhaul of the economic system which created this mess is just feel-good PR for capitalism.

Trying to solve the climate crisis with plutocrat-driven tech consumption is like trying to put out a house fire with a flamethrower.

Related: Why The War On Conspiracy Theories Is Bad Public Policy

Perhaps the greatest advantage the ruling class has over us is that they’ve got a crystal clear idea of exactly what they want and exactly what they’re pushing for, and we, on average, do not.

It’s easy for us to be manipulated in unwholesome directions when we don’t know where we’re going.

When it comes to our future, the ruling elites have compelling narratives worked up by teams of talented creatives to sell us the products they want us to buy.

They know exactly where they want to herd us. We just have a notion of “No, not that!” and some very vague, amorphous ideas about what we do want.

Without a clear, positive vision of what we want, we cannot succeed. With a clear, positive vision of what we want, we can’t be stopped.

The fun thing about revolution in the US-centralized empire is that everything everyone has tried has failed, so your guess as to what we should be doing is literally as good as anyone else’s.

Whenever anyone tells you that a vastly better, saner world is impossible, they’re fulla shit. This is the only world any of us have ever lived in; nobody’s going around observing a bunch of other worlds and seeing that they’re all insane like this one.

Related: Five So-Called “Conspiracy Theories” That Are Actually Supported By Mainstream Science

They have no authority to make such a proclamation. As far as any of us know, anything is possible.

One mark of an adept conspiracy analyst is comfort with the unknown in a world where information is greatly obscured by secrecy. By this I don’t mean they’re okay with government opacity, I just mean that they’re comfortable acknowledging what is unknown and unknowable instead of pretending to know. 

I point this out because it seems like a lot of people self-censor and remain silent on their ideas about what’s going on in the world due to some embarrassment that they don’t understand it all. It’s okay: no one does. Many pretend to, but no one actually does.

The dynamics of this world are extremely complex, too complex for any individual to fully make sense of.

One way to ease the burden on your sensemaking tools is to reduce your own inner complications by getting very clear on how your own perception and cognition are happening. 

Dedicated inner work will reveal that your conscious experience is actually happening in a much simpler way than the mind imagines: a field of consciousness appearing before an imperceptible witness.

This eliminates needless cognitive twists and roadblocks in your sensemaking. Our mental narratives add mountains of needless layers of complexity.

Related: New Study Reveals Surprising Truths About Conspiracy Theories

Once you see that none of those narratives apply to your true identity, you’re able to bypass all those distortions in the way you process information and simply use thought as a tool; otherwise you’re just ingesting highly manipulated narratives about an already complex world through your own distorted perceptual filters which are based on unconscious believed assumptions about what you are, what the world is, etc. Inner clarity eliminates those distortions. 

There are many approaches to the inner work one can do to find this inner clarity, but here’s one way.

Anyone who claims to oppose Trump and support the free press, yet doesn’t aggressively fight the Trump administration’s agenda to imprison a journalist for exposing US war crimes, is a lying hypocrite.

The US government and its lackey allies are torturing a journalist for telling the truth. This amounts to a full confession on their part that you are living in a totalitarian empire.

They are telling you exactly what kind of world you live in, and exactly what role they play in it. A society is only as free as its most inconvenient political dissident. Free Assange to free yourself.

It’s really weird how getting money out of politics isn’t a bigger agenda than it is.

It should be bigger than healthcare or any other issue, and everyone across the political spectrum agrees it’s important except the rich and their puppets. That’s something tangible to push for.

“If a tree falls in the woods, and no one’s around to hear it, is it still Susan Sarandon’s fault?

- Old liberal koan

I will not be authoring any essays about impeachment because it’s an impotent political side show and much too boring to write about.

All Democrats know these impeachment shenanigans will never result in his removal from office, regardless of what they pretend. Trump’s “opposition” only ever attacks him in ways they know won’t actually hurt him. It’s like pro wrestling.

May 2019: Progressives get to choose between Elizabeth Warren, Bernie Sanders, Tulsi Gabbard and Marianne Williamson.

September 2019: Progressives get to choose between Elizabeth Warren and Bernie Sanders.

May 2020: Progressives get to choose between Elizabeth Warren and fuck you.

The Democratic presidential primary will be rigged by the DNC and the mass media; in fact this is happening already.

I talk about the candidates and the race a lot not because I believe the DNC has real primaries, but because the dance the narrative managers need to do to ensure an establishment nominee keeps exposing them.

Related: A Country Without An Honest Media Is Lost: The Largest Conspiracy Theory Peddlers Are Mainstream Media
And The US State Department

Ninety-nine percent of political arguments and activism are happening inside lines that have been set by the narrative - dominating, Overton window-shrinking plutocratic class and their underlings. If you want to fight a real fight, you need to color outside those lines.

The US Department of State was originally intended to be a peace / diplomacy-focused counterpart to the Department of War (later falsely renamed the “Department of Defense”), but what actually ended up happening was the creation of two war departments.

Putting someone on a pedestal is just guaranteeing that you’ll have to knock them off it one day. It’s actually a rather violent thing to do to somebody, if you think about it. Best to skip it entirely.

Don’t take life advice from people who are miserable. Don’t take career advice from people whose careers aren’t where you want to be.

Don’t take creative advice from people who don’t create things. Don’t take foreign policy advice from people who supported the Iraq invasion.

Related: Why ‘Conspiracy Theories’ & Spirituality Are Intimately Connected

Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi

Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi
Not So Smart Technology: Safety Inspector Blows The Whistle On Fire Hazards Of 'Smart' Electronics
October 14 2019 | From: Sott

If you think your "smart" appliances are the "cat's whiskers," then please think again! Actually, in my opinion, they are the dumbest things ever invented that have been able to buffalo consumers into spending their hard-earned money to purchase, but have the greatest potential for causing consumers harm and grief.

Recently, I received an email from one of my readers who had to attend a fire safety training session for 'their' job. That instructional course was given by none other than a Delaware County, Pennsylvania Fire Investigator, who was quite explicit in his presentation about certain fire causes.

Related: Smart Meters ‘Not Needed’ After All For European Power Grid + How To Opt Out From ‘Smart’ Meters

Here's what the email said for which this sender gave permission to share:

“He [the trainer] mentioned in the beginning of his presentation how fire deaths were down, but house fires were up dramatically across the nation. [CJF emphasis added]

Later during the Q&A, I asked him in front of the whole group [what were] the causes of these fires. He mentioned all the electronics - WiFi/Bluetooth gadgets, cheap phone chargers, iPads, wide screen TVs, etc.

I interrupted to say "how about smart meters" to which he replied: Anything "smart" is a fire hazard.

This [smart] technology is so new, and they haven't tested or developed it adequately enough yet.

He went on to poke fun at "smart" wired houses having everything linked and what a hazard that can cause.

Then after the presentation, I commented how I heard that as this technology ages, it becomes even more potentially hazardous, which he affirmed, and also mentioned that

More car fires occur because of all the electronic gadgetry now.

All the above information is yet another confirmation with implications for Consumer Protection Law(s) at local and state levels regarding "smart" consumer appliances and fires, which insurance companies - especially AMI Smart Meter fires - are declining coverage for!

But there is even more serious damage happening every minute of the day from microwave technology, which smart appliances operate on. It's called electromagnetic frequencies (EMFs/RFs) that emit non-ionizing radiation which cause adverse health effects known as "non-thermal" effects.

Comment: Dr. Barrie Trower, a British physicist has acquired a great deal of expertise in the microwave field, extending his research to common electronic systems, including cell phones, iPods, computer games and microwave ovens.

A Smart Home Mega Sensor Can Track What Goes On In A Room + EKG Evidence That Smart Meters Negatively Affect The Human Heart

His research has shown that microwave radiation is extremely hazardous, especially to pregnant women and young children.

The risks are so great that the use of WiFi can lead to permanent genetic damage to our children and subsequent generations.

WiFi to kill millions, with its effects being cumulative over generations

Neurosurgeon Shows How Low Levels of Radiation Such As Wi-Fi, Smart Meters And Cell Phones Cause The Blood Brain Barrier To Leak

The BioInitiative Report - The Dangerous Health Impacts of Microwave Radiation

EMF pollution: The health impacts of wireless RF radiation

Consumers, when they really learn the downside of "smart technology," obviously will have to beef up their activism to get the protection they need for their health and properties, as the industries involved - and more sadly - states public utility commissions - really don't give a hoot about the harms caused, otherwise they would be enacting legislation to deal with them.

Related: Smart Meter Radiation Protection Tips

And then there's this information that I received from readers whose privacy I respect and honor, but will share their information. In sharing information like the following from a reader in Canada, it is that consumers become aware, physically safer plus empowered:

“People need to be getting documentation about all of these fires. Media articles are often the starting point, but they are anecdotal. Once there is what sounds like a smart meter fire, request and obtain the official fire report from the state or provincial fire commissioner.

Find out what the legal reporting and investigating requirements are. If the fire is believed to be electrical, who does the investigation and how is he informed about the fire? Are the laws being followed?

Are meters being removed? It takes time and digging but I can't find anyone else who is getting this sort of info for fires in their areas. It is only when this documentation is obtained for many fires and patterns are found that things will be taken seriously.

In the US the Consumer Affairs Dept. [1] has agreed to gather reports on smeter fires. I have sent her a few because the ITRON meters we use are the same used in many places in the US. But in Canada our meters are not considered "consumer" goods since the utilities own them.

This agency should be informed but it requires full documentation - not just media reports."

Related: "Smart City" Is Really Government Spying On An Unimaginable Scale

Note that here's what I think our kind and thoughtful Canadian neighbor is referring to:

“The US Consumer Products Safety Commission (CPSC) is a federal agency that will take complaints on utility smart meters from all US states. If you have or had smart meter electrical or fire problems CALL: (800) 638-2772 Monday through Friday from 8:00 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. ET or submit your complaint by email. "

However, I must caution a consumer that, if or when you experience an AMI Smart Meter ('smeter') fire, immediately after the fire has been extinguished and it is safe to do so, take photographs with your cell phone and a regular camera, so you can have "secured" documentation because things can get 'lost' in cyberspace!

Remember to attach copies of those photos with the smeter fire report you file with the US Consumer Products Safety Commission.

Additionally, I must share that I've heard stories that the power company immediately removes the fire-damaged meter and does not allow consumers access to it or to keep a fire-damaged meter as 'proof' for insurance purposes. It seems that 'games' are being played, and insurance companies 'buy' into them too!

“Smart” Meters: Recalls, Replacements, Fires, Explosions, General Failure, Measurement Errors, Privacy Concerns, Cybersecurity Risks, And Sick People

Fire safety regarding all 'smart' technology should be enforced by consumer products safety commissions, municipalities and code enforcement departments at local and state levels. Obviously they are not doing that when it comes to AMI Smart Meters made with heat-sensitive plastic parts. Analog meters were made of glass and steel parts.

Learn how to protect yourself from smart technology EMFs/RFs and fire hazards.

Related Articles:

Radiation emitted from smart meters 100 times greater than cell phones - and exposure is constant, doctors warn

AMI Smart Meter Testing Video Disputes Safety Claims for Smart Meter EMFs

ZigBee Radio Transmitter: How Many Do You Have?

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Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi
Trump Carries Out Sting Operation Against Coup Plotters Via UkraineGate
& Justice Department To Question Brennan In ‘Spygate’ Inquiry
October 13 2019 | From: StateOfTheNation / TheEpochTimes / Various

CIA black op, Deep State psyop, Democrat coup, MSM distraction, Israeli espionage, Trump sting or all 6?

After the RUSSIAgate hoax was exposed as a soft coup, the Democrats deceitfully fabricated UKRAINEgate to overthrow the POTUS. Except they failed to realize they were just baited by a HUGE sting operation.

Related: Democrats Guilty of High Treason - Time to Try and Execute Them: White House Legal Counsel Reply to Pelosi, Engel, Schiff, and Cummings

Coming on the heels of the Mueller Report, which unintentionally revealed the truth about the disastrous RussiaGate hoax, Deep State is once again showing its determination to overthrow President Trump.

Make no mistake about it: UkraineGate is very real, but not the false narrative pushed by the media. Trump tricked the Democrats into blowing wide open their own Ukraine scandal under Obama. 

Just how big is that?  It will expose BIDENgate. Which will expose the real RUSSIAgate conspiracy. Which will then expose Clinton’s EMAILgate and SERVERgate scandals. 

Which will in turn expose Deep State and their International Banking Cartel sponsors.  Even the Illuminati hidden hand may be revealed as never before along with the forever veiled Black Nobility.”

- Intelligence Analyst & Former U.S. Army Officer

It’s of paramount importance to point out that the CIA’s outright spying on the POTUS, and then releasing the false reports of the spying and surveillance, have never happened before.

In other words, the disclosure of Trump’s Zelensky phone conversation has no precedent going back to America’s founding. Such an outrageous betrayal of confidence will forever and radically alter the way that state actors do business with each other in the future.

At its very core, the fabricated UKRAINEgate non-scandal is a first. Yes, the C.I.A. has spied on U.S. presidents as long as they have existed, but the traitors never had the chutzpah to manufacture a scandal explicitly and fastidiously designed to take down a sitting POTUS in broad daylight.

The U.S. Intelligence Community doesn’t even care that the whole world is witnessing their transparent treason and egregious treachery.

Is the Trump Whistleblower Really a Whistleblower?

Discussing the whistleblower at the center of the Trump impeachment inquiry and comparing the government and mainstream media’s treatment of this individual with other whistleblowers and how past administrations treated whistleblowers.

UkraineGate is Really Complicated

Of course, UkaineGate was made complicated on purpose in order to hide the various layers of deception and coercion by the Left, as well as conceal its revelatory purposes by the Right.

It’s imperative to understand that there are various types of motivation and levels of infiltration that undergird the necessary black ops, some of which are now front page news in the CIA’s Mockingbird Media.

Key Point: As always, the further we get away from the scene of the [UKRAINEgate] ‘crime’ in both time and space, the easier it will be to tease out the true intentions of the perpetrators at the highest level. The title of this post portrays only those perps that we KNOW for a fact are co-conspirators in this ongoing insurrection. Each of them has a compelling interest to either depose or neutralize, coerce or control the POTUS.

Purple Revolution

The most obvious of the plots to overthrow Trump is the ongoing Purple Revolution that was coyly declared by the Democrats via Hillary Clinton’s concession speech on November 9, 2016.

See Also: The Purple Revolution Comes To America Courtesy of George Soros, the Clinton Crime Family, and the Obama Administration

The Democratic leadership in the House is currently leading the charge since their “Che Guevara” - Barack Obama - was exposed for so much presidential wrongdoing that he was forced into exile by going to work for Netflix.

The Clinton Crime Family has also been forced into the shadows; although Hillary does come out from under her rock to throw stones at Trump whenever she thinks she can get away with it.

Crazy California Congressman Adam Schiff clearly had the most to gain from the fake UkraineGate scandal

Related:The Secret Back Story Behind the Outright Treason of Adam Schiff

Adam Schiff

However, it is the Democrat’s version of Tomás de Torquemada - Adam Schiff - who is playing POTUS hitman like no other House Intel Chair in American history.

This guy has been programmed to character assassinate Trump and take him down by any means possible, even if his own reputation suffers, and suffered it has.

“Shifty Schiff” has been outed in so many ways for so many crimes and for so much corruption, it’s quite amazing he’s still standing. What follows is just one of those exposés:

It’s entirely true: the sheer depth and breadth of Schiff’s perfidy and criminal past make him the perfect henchman to destroy a presidency.

For the uninitiated, the following investigative report lays bare another significant piece of the secret back story of the extremely crooked former prosecutor Adam Bennett Schiff.

See Also: Adam Schiff: Deep State Agent, Serial Leaker and Traitor to the Republic

Of course, the cast of thoroughly corrupt Democrat politicians ranges from “A” to “Z”. “N”, of course stands for Nadler, who also seems not to care that he’s now a national laughingstock. Why they let Jerold “the Nerd” Nadler lead this insurgency against Trump is anyone’s guess. Just take a close look at this guy:

“S” stands for Schumer. Chuck “the Cluck” Schumer is another co-conspirator who actually had the audacity to issue this exceedingly brazen threat to Trump:

Let me tell you, you take on the intelligence community, they have six ways from Sunday at getting back at you.”

- Senator Chuck Schumer

“W” stands for Warren. Elizabeth “the Wackadoodle” Warren will never get over the fact that she faked being Pocahontas and that Trump will never let US forget that profound betrayal of the Native American tribes.

“W” also stands for Waters as in “Wacky” Maxine Waters. This Wackadoodle-on-steroids was calling for Trump’s impeachment even before Election Day 2016; need we say more!

Let’s not forget Spartacus Booker. “B” does stand for Cory “the Berserk” Booker who runs for president in spite of [RECENT] sexual assault charges being lodged against him recently by a man.

“K” stand for “Kooky” Kamala Harris whose many videos capture a character right out of “The Joker”. This particular entity was originally created in a CIA lab petri dish to be a female Obama. However, that experiment went terribly awry and apparently produced a Franken-candidate who turned on it’s master.

In so doing, Harris also lost the plot as explained in detail here: Operation Crafty Beaver: Deep State attempts to start a race war before stealing the 2020 POTUS election.

New Trump 2020 Ad Exposes Democrat Impeachment Lies

“B” stands for Beto “the Butthead” O’Rourke. Who would ever run for president after fantasizing about running over children with your car and delighting in the grisly murder? Who would ever write down such a murder fantasy in the first place?!

Of course, “Y” stands for “Ying-Yang” Andrew Yang. He’ll support any LGBTQ cause in creation even committing to appointing several “LGBT individuals to senior posts in his administration”.

He also wants to foist the LGBT agenda on the young children by thoroughly educating them in the Cultural Marxist - infiltrated public school systems.

Then there is “N” for Nancy “the Knife” Pelosi. If there is a Consiglieri Congresswoman who is stealthily commandeering this whole impeachment process, it’s “Nasty Nancy”. What more can be said after the following exposé makes the whole seditious plot crystal clear. If the reader clicks on only one link in this essay, the following exposé ought to be the one.

See Also:
Coup in Progress:Pelosi, the Mafia and the Black Nobility

Complicated Coup

Now here’s the essential teaching moment of this surreptitious soft coup, coercion op and CIA control mechanism.

It may be difficult to comprehend such a sophisticated operation like UkraineGate because it’s really occurring on several levels, and in different dimensions, so to speak.

For instance, Israel feels that it needs to exert maximum control over the Trump White House.

And, they will do anything necessary to maintain that control. Fabricating national government scandals has always worked well for them.

Remember Watergate? Well, it was really about Pedogate and the Israeli blackmail/bribery control system they maintain over the key organs of the U.S. Federal Government.

Related: WaterGate Was PedoGate; 70% Of Top US Officials Compromised

Very few are aware but the Ukraine is a key cog in the Pedogate machine. Many underage girls are brought to America and elsewhere to satisfy the avaricious desires of the power elite.

Also see: Pedogate: Pandora’s Box Has Been Opened for Deep State and the C.I.A.

With this critical understanding, it ought to be easier to apprehend why the Ukraine has been at the center of so much international scandal, governmental corruption and political controversy.

Truly, it all comes down to the Ukraine. That’s because it is the flashpoint that the New World Order cabal planned to use to trigger the hot phase of World War III.

See Also: Stratfor Chief Reveals Zio-Anglo-American Plot For World Domination

Back to Israel.

Where it concerns UkraineGate, there’s a much bigger story going on here than meets the eye…even the “Five Eyes”.

That’s because it concerns the workings of the Khazarian Mafia and their complete takeover of the Ukraine as a prelude to something very big in the not-too-distant future.

See Also: Everything You Need To Know About The Khazarian Mafia

This highly radioactive story also concerns the eventual re-location of international Ashkenazi Jewry (sometimes known as the Ashkenazim) back to their ancestral lands of the 8th century Khazaria.

Most do not know, but there is a plan afoot by the Modern State of Israel to set up a return to its original homeland in the Ukraine.

The Eastern Ukraine was once a part of the kingdom of Khazaria during a time when Judaism was chosen by the king to become the official state religion

Source: Secret History Revealed - Putin Played Critical Role After The Pre-Planned Collapse Of The USSR

The upshot of this ‘little factoid’ is quite staggering as it has already produced major moves and maneuvers on the global geopolitical chessboard.

In point of fact, the far-reaching repercussions of the covered up Ukraine back story are so immense that a dedicated essay will be written to address the most significant aspects, especially where they concern a planned Third World War.

In the meantime, the following article is offered as important background material: Their Final Solution: Market Crash, Dollar Collapse & World War 3

Related: Compelling Proof of the Coup Plot Against Trump

Is Trump Really Stinging the Coup Plotters?

There is very good reason to believe that President Trump purposefully held the world-famous phone call with Ukraine President Volodymyr Zelensky knowing it would be exploited by Deep State operatives, rogue CIA agents and House mutineers.

Why? Because the Bush Crime Syndicate and Clinton Crime Family chose to break the deal. What deal?

What they say:
Bush Funeral “Envelope Affair” Solved: The Mexican Standoff Inside the Beltway

Once Deep State voided the terms of that contract by going after Attorney General William Barr, war broke out all over the place.

Additional: Read about the Alliance that has been working behind the scenes for decades to take down the 'Cabal' within the work of David Wilcock.

Some of those reading this may be confused because the cabal-controlled mainstream media is doing everything within it's power to denigrate
Trump - as he is part of the effort to take the Illuminati down once and for all.

And the Alliance effort operates beyond the bounds of countries - out of neccessity; as that is how the Luciferian Cabal does.

Do you think you can trust the mainstream media? Look at whom they target. One must wonder why 'they' also do not like

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Who Is QAnon? An Introduction To The QAnon Phenomenon #QAnon #GreatAwakening

Global Alliance Moving For A Checkmate Versus The Deep State

Battle for Disclosure: The Ultimate QAnon Brief

DECLAS: Section Five: The Forbidden Story

Likewise, after the Democrat opposition reneged on the same agreement for the umpteenth time, all hell broke loose.

Given the resulting political realities for Trump, particularly in light of his re-election ambitions, he appears to have engineered the recent UkraineGate so as to not only expose Joe Biden as the career criminal that he truly is, but also to further advance the slow-motion collapse of the Democrat Party.

Let’s be real: Trump is the most spied on and surveilled POTUS in history. He has known from the very beginning that the spooks have been watching his every move, word and thought (Yes, they have AI that can read minds, especially the president’s).

That Deep State effectively controls and monitors the entire U.S. Federal Government is well understood by the entire Trump administration. Given those stark realities, Trump’s conversation with Zelensky must have been a set-up from the start.

Trump’s security advisors even moved the classified phone chat to a special place (“encapsulated it”, as they say) which predictably sent up the RED FLAG that alerted the so-called CIA officer to grab it.

Grab it they did - as well as totally re-expose the real scandal here known as BIDENgate, as well as the original UKRAINEgate. As follows:

What they say: UkraineGate is fake news, BidenGate is the real scandal

What makes BidenGate so dangerous for the Democrats is that it reflects the outright war-mongering by Obama & Company in order to control Ukraine’s energy industry. It also exposes the underbelly of American foreign policy which will spare no country on Earth from CIA-coordinated interventions wherever it concerns the naked exploitation of oil and gas reserves.

This is also why Russia has been so vilified; Putin’s Kremlin knew that the Ukraine had been systematically stealing natural gas from their pipelines running through the country for years, and not even paying for the gas they were allocated.

Russian energy exploration and production companies also had a HUGE interest in developing the Ukrainian energy reserves as promised by the overthrown President Viktor Yanukovych. That US State Department-directed coup d’état lies at the very heart of BidenGate.

The crux of this matter revolves around Burisma Holdings Limited - an energy company based in Kyiv, Ukraine. What really happened there directly involving Joe and Hunter Biden is enough to bring down the Democrat Party for a generation.

After all, the DNC has permitted the totally corrupt Biden to sit at the top of the list of 2020 Democrat POTUS candidates despite his documented history as a career criminal politician.

See Also: BidenGate: The Back Story is All About BURISMA HOLDINGS - an Energy Company Based in Kyiv, Ukraine

UkraineGate: CIA Black Op, Deep State Psyop, Democrat Coup, MSM Distraction, Israeli Espionage, Trump Sting or All 6?

The preceding subtitle of this article says it all. Nothing these days is as it seems. And “Yes!” there are often several ops running at full tilt out in the open, while there are others running secretly in the background.

Key Points: Now here’s the crucial point for those who really grasp the subtlety of such a complex sting operation. There are many layers to such a literal counter-intelligence operation because there have to be. For instance, there are multiple camps within the U.S. Intelligence Community that are operating independently from any government oversight.

In this way, some of these rogue intel factions are able to execute black ops against the POTUS and get away with it even though every one knows they did it … because the nature of the ultra-classified intel is such that they were one of very few parties who had access and could do it.

The C.I.A. is well-known for their highly compartmentalized espionage operations that are carried out on a strictly need-to-know basis abroad. They have been getting away with the same black ops since their very inception.

The CIA’s assassination of JFK and the subsequent cover-up prove their history of incessant domestic terrorism as does their direct involvement with the Mossad in the 9/11 false flag terror attacks.

However, there are also white hats who must frequently go rogue for the sake of defending the American Republic.

Only it is these brilliant, nation-saving operations that are necessary to either protect the POTUS, or deal a blow to his enemies. But these counter-espionage strategies must be executed in a manner that is layered to the max, as they are also veiled with the highest level of security.

The many communist Leftists who populate the Democrat Party easily fall for these ruses because of their inveterate hatred of Trump, as manifested by their extreme cases of Trump derangement syndrome. Rage causes the perverse partisans to lose their rationality and ability to use human reason.

CrowdStrike Deceit

Perhaps the most significant piece of Trump’s sting is the deliberate move he undoubtedly made to get Zelensky to deliver the CrowdStrike server which has the hard evidence relied on by both the DNC and Robert Mueller to support the non-existent Russian election hack.

The Clinton Crime Family together with the Podesta brothers pushed that fictional CrowdStrike story like mad because they both needed a very good reason to justify their epic election loss. They also sought to overturn the 2016 election result anyway they could.

The Democrats needed a HUGE cause celebre with which to hang the alleged ‘turncoat’ Trump for supposedly collaborating with Russia to win 2016. He didn’t do that. Julian Assange proved he didn’t (which is why he’s currently rotting away in a British prison).

Putin’s Kremlin has repeatedly and correctly stated that not an iota of evidence has been produced supporting the fictitious RussiaGate narrative. And yet the real perps still promote that fake story at every opportunity.

Which brings us back to the radioactive CrowdStrike server. This is what Trump really wants. And he wants it bad!

That CrowdStrike server will show the truth about RUSSIAgate. It will not only exonerate Trump completely, but also expose the Clintons and DNC as co-conspirators in a massive fraud to deceive the American people.

Confirmed: DNC paid the ‘Russian’ founder of CrowdStrike to hack its server so it could be blamed on Russia

Given how the ridiculously phony Mueller investigation misdirected from the real Democrat RUSSIAgate criminal conspiracy for so long, it doesn’t get any bigger than this, folks.

Trump will not end his first term without bringing to light the facts surrounding the ultra-damaging CrowdStrike deceit. This will vindicate him as no other evidence can because the real DNC Russian Hackers Were Found!.

The Whistleblower

Speaking of the whistleblower who tipped off the entire planetary civilization to UkraineGate, it ought to be clear that Grand Inquisitor Adam Schiff is the answer to the question: “Cui bono?” (on just one level, of course).

Therefore, he is likely the real whistleblower. Especially when this question is answered on the purely political level, Schiff has the most to gain in light of his self-damning RussiaGate fiasco.

He has so much egg on his face from that unrivaled blunder that he is now apparently determined to prove himself right even if it means taking down the whole nation - after taking down the Democrat Party.

In view of the humiliating revelations that came from the Special Counsel and bogus RUSSIAgate investigation, Schiff was profoundly embarrassed, and to an unparalleled degree in U.S. political history. No other member of Congress has ever made up, out of thin air, so much falsehood and fiction, and then spewed it through the MSM as fact.

How he still gets away with it, occupying such a high perch in the congressional intel realm, remains an utterly shocking embarrassment to the USA. It also reveals who really runs the whole place.

Also see: CrownGate: The Greatest Criminal Conspiracy in US History

KEY POINT: Schiff has literally been caught making up false but incriminating stories, then leaking them to the press, and then using the largest MSM platforms to repeat his false accusations and other prevarications. This blatantly reckless behavior can only be the result of Pedogate manipulation.

Nevertheless, it must be acknowledged that whoever the actual CIA agent whistleblower is, Schiff et al. really set them up to commit what amounts to outright treason.

Also See: Whistleblower Complaint or Deep State Hit Job?

What Schiff failed to realize is that he was also set up by Team Trump.

When the President of the United States is compelled to call out a seditious member of the U.S. Congress for sketching out a public indictment using an obviously fabricated account of the actual history, you know how desperate the traitorous perps really are.

That’s just what Schiff did on national TV when he contrived a fake story on how Trump did a ‘shakedown’ of the Ukraine president.

Also see: Trump Slams "Fraud" Adam Schiff For Reading Fabricated "Mafia" Version Of Ukraine Transcript


Let’s get right to the bottom line here: UkraineGate was blown up after the Democrats were informed that Trump was going after the Biden Crime Family for criminal wrongdoing in the Ukraine.

What father and son really did there was a full-blown crime spree. However, Deep State really blew it up when they saw how determined Trump was to get a hold of the CrowdStrike server.

What no one is talking about here is the much bigger crime against humanity that the Obama administration committed by engineering the catastrophic Ukraine Civil War.

Not only did Biden’s warmongering tear apart that country, that continuing war served to re-start the Cold War with Russia. How calamitous for the world community of nations is that intentional outcome designed by the Obama-Biden-Clinton-Nuland war-making team?!

Which means that the recent UkraineGate is really about stifling Trump’s initiative to get to the bottom of BidenGate because that will inevitably lead to the root cause of the real UkraineGate, not the current fake one.

Biden Corruption

Joe Biden boasted that as vice president he threatened to withhold $1 billion in foreign aid from Ukraine unless they fired the prosecutor looking into a lucrative contract held by his son, Hunter Biden.

It ought to be apparent how the Left is co-opting real scandals with fake scandals by even using the same memes and MSM emotionally-charged language.

Deep State knows that the ensuing confusion is simply far too great for the average American voter to comprehend as the true story is so obfuscated by the CIA-controlled Mockingbird Media.

So, to recap, the House Democrats in the intel leadership basically used a rogue CIA agent (or faction) to acquire privileged presidential conversations with a foreign head of state, and then used that so-called whistleblower to write-up a picture-perfect WB report that is so detailed and concocted against Trump it can be used as a veritable indictment in the upcoming impeachment hearings. Wow! You can’t make this stuff up!

What the DEMs don’t realize is that this sting was exactly set up to elicit their anticipated reaction. Wait until the post-impeachment process moves to the Senate for trial and the discovery phase permits all the hard evidence on BidenGate to be presented for all to view.

Then Team Trump can call for a Special Commission to investigate the original UkraineGate that [could have] pushed the USA and Russia into Cold War 2.0, also known as the real RussiaGate scandal.

Related: Whistleblower Complaint Null & Void, Dems' Impeachment Push Has No Legitimacy – Former US Official

You gotta give it to Trump, he took a HUGE risk, but perhaps one worth taking since the Democrats will suffer much more than the White House during the rapidly evolving and highly volatile campaign season.

The other Deep State co-conspirators who will suffer much damage from these various scandals are the Mainstream Media (MSM) and the U.S. Intel Community, and especially the C.I.A.

Both treacherous entities intimately colluded to ensure that everything happened right on time so as to explode the fake UkraineGate narrative.

Because virtually every major network anchor is either a paid CIA agent or contractor, as are all the Pulitzer Prize-winning journalists employed by the main newspapers of record (e.g. NYT, WAPO, USA Today, LA Times, WSJ, etc.), it was quickly evident that each was provided with the very same talking and writing points.

Related: Telephone Conversation with President Zelenskyy of Ukraine

KEY POINT: As the Chief Executive Officer of the U.S Corporation, the POTUS is tasked with overseeing the nation’s law enforcement, for both domestic and foreign matters. Vice President Biden and his son were involved in illegal activity in the Ukraine.

Trump would have been negligent not to have pursued crimes that not only led to the Ukraine War, but also to the resumption of the Cold War.

Because there is no wrongdoing on Trump’s part to air the truth, the Democrats are rushing to impeachment to immediately stop his presidential investigation (they had no other way to save their necks).

In so doing, they are flagrantly interfering in a very serious international criminal case. There is no legal justification whatsoever for impeachment here and the Left knows it.

They nonetheless are determined to prematurely push through the articles of impeachment before anyone realizes it’s a total sham!

Also see: Democrats Rush to Impeachment Because Their Case Is Falling Apart by the Day


There are several conclusions which can be drawn from this analysis.

First, the Democrats will do anything necessary to prevent a Trump re-election. They will lie, cheat, steal, bribe, blackmail, extort, kidnap, torture, maim and murder to avoid a second Trump term.

They will especially bog him down with impeachment so as to tarnish his reputation with the upcoming House proceedings and Senate trial. However, it will backfire on them - big time!

Secondly, Deep State will implement every scheme required to keep Trump in check. This covert unelected government of SES employees really does run the US government, and they will remind the POTUS each and every day of his term of this inconvenient fact of life inside the Beltway.

Moreover, Deep State operatives who have infiltrated the West Wing will forever vex Trump by attempting to thwart his every move, especially where it concerns the uncovering of the Obama administration crime wave.

Also see: Deep State: Shadow Governemtn Revealed - Senior Executive Service

Related: Photo Shows Joe, Hunter Biden Golfing with Ukraine Gas Exec

Thirdly, the U.S. Intelligence Community doesn’t work for the American people; rather, the C.I.A. is an international entity headquartered in Switzerland and answers directly to the Black Nobility.

This 700-year-old international crime syndicate of bankster families set up the Nazi SS, Gestapo and Abwehr prior to their incorporation into the Central Intelligence Agency through, first, Operation Overcast and, then, via Operation Paperclip.

There are very good reasons why Switzerland stayed out of both World Wars; the European theaters of war were fastidiously orchestrated from their mountain command posts.

Now the CIA is showing US how they can illegally run any disruptive operation in the 50 states, even staging a full-blown coup d’état in Washington, D.C. at will.

Related: Ukrainian MP Says Joe Biden Paid $900,000 By Firm Hunter Biden Works For

Fourth, the MSM has been ordered by The Powers That Be to generate massive amounts of distraction and chaos.

Not only is the Global Economic & Financial System on the verge of a free-fall collapse after a planned engineered stock market crash much greater than 1929, there will likely be multiple controlled demolitions of all the markets - stock and bond, commodities and currency, real estate and insurance, derivatives and carbon.

The wealthy elites need all the diversion and distraction they can get from the MSM as they make off with the loot (Mutual Funds, Pension Plans, 401Ks, IRAs, Keoughs, Annuities, etc.), perpetrating one heist after another before they disappear into the night.

Related: Trump: Democrats ‘Are Trying to Stop Me, Because I Am Fighting for You’

Fifth, Israel is still attempting to complete the calamitous Greater Israel project as well as to establish a One World Government headquartered in Jerusalem. This can only be accomplished with a POTUS who will follow every dictate issued from Tel Aviv.

Trump’s family has been accommodating the Zionists led by the Netanyahu clan as no other POTUS. Hence, the Zionist Israelis waste no time trying to take advantage of Trump’s sympathies and support.

Therefore, the firing of Neocon Zionist John Bolton may also have been a major factor in the sensational explosion of UkraineGate.

Lastly, it really does appear that Trump is pulling off a major sting in the midst of it all. He has always been willing to sacrifice his image in order to expose the swamp. He knows he cannot drain it during his first term, so why not expose all the swamp creatures before he leaves office.

BidenGate does just that, and in a much bigger way than anyone knows because it will likely lead to the unraveling of the pervasively criminal Obamanation. Truly, the exposure of UkraineGate - the original one - is the lynchpin to revealing so much other governmental corruption and institutional crime on a grand scale.

Fireworks in October: Giuliani Says Biden, Clinton, Obama To Be Exposed Within Weeks

Related: BidenGate: Trump Had Full Legal Authority and Presidential Power to Make Requests to Zelensky

As crazy as it sounds, none of these six agendas is necessarily mutually exclusive. That’s how the perps at the very peak of the pinnacle of the world power pyramid construct these all-engrossing media-hyped scandals.

Meanwhile, the elites are stealing everyone blind - and the populace doesn’t even know they’re being fleeced.

So much for the Fourth Estate! May Trump tweet the MSM into oblivion so that We the People can begin to take back our country from those who have stolen it.

But, first, let’s watch UkraineGate sufficiently expose the Left before the Democrat Party implodes - FOR GOOD. Any party full of cultural marxists, violent bolsheviks, flaming socialists, hardcore communists, LGBTQ guerillas, etc. is dangerous to the extreme.

Which is precisely why President Trump is working overtime to take them down, before they topple him and subvert the American [Western] Republic in order to violently establish the USSA (where “A” stands for Amerika).

Updates on the originsa article follow Here.

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Justice Department To Question Brennan In ‘Spygate’ Inquiry

The special prosecutor investigating the spy operation against the 2016 presidential campaign of Donald Trump will question former CIA Director John Brennan, according to Brennan’s remarks aired on Oct. 2.

“I am supposedly going to be interviewed by Mr. Durham as part of this non-investigation,” Brennan said on MSNBC, referring to U.S. Attorney John Durham.

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Attorney General William Barr assigned Durham, a career prosecutor, to investigate whether Obama administration officials who surveilled Trump’s campaign did so legitimately.

Brennan made the comments as news surfaced that Barr and Durham expanded their investigation overseas to Italy, Australia, and the United Kingdom. Roughly a week prior to Brennan’s comments, Barr and Durham spoke to senior Italian intelligence officials.

“I don’t understand the predication of this worldwide effort to try to uncover dirt, either real or imagined, that would discredit that investigation in 2016 into Russian interference,” Brennan said.

The Department of Justice didn’t respond to a request for additional information.

The FBI secured a secret court surveillance warrant in October 2016 to spy on Trump campaign associate Carter Page. While the extent of the surveillance granted by the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court is still classified, the warrant may have granted the FBI access to the records and communications of virtually every Trump campaign official.

Russian Spy Revelation Raises Questions on CIA Information

Trump granted Barr the authority to declassify any document he deems necessary as he investigates the spy operation against his presidential campaign.

The FBI used a Hillary Clinton campaign-funded opposition research dossier on then-candidate Trump as evidence in the warrant application.

Former UK spy Christopher Steele composed the dossier, paying second- and third-hand sources with ties to the Kremlin. The dossier made it to the FBI via several channels, including a field office in Rome.

Brennan told Congress in May 2017 that the dossier was “not in any way used as the basis for the intelligence community’s assessment” on Russia’s interference in the 2016 election.

Former Director of National Intelligence James Clapper later appeared to contradict Brennan, telling CNN that the assessment corroborated “some of the substantive content of the dossier.

Clapper confirmed to Congress in May 2017 that “European allies” passed intelligence to the United States about “about contacts between the Trump campaign and Russians.” Brennan told lawmakers later that month that any information the CIA received was shared with the FBI.

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That intelligence eventually served as the basis for the bureau’s counterintelligence investigation of the Trump campaign, according to Brennan.

“I was aware of intelligence and information about contacts between Russian officials and U.S. persons that raised concerns in my mind about whether or not those individuals were cooperating with the Russians, either in a witting or unwitting fashion, and it served as the basis for the FBI investigation to determine whether such collusion [or] cooperation occurred,” Brennan said on May 23, 2017.

Brennan has also confirmed that the CIA was scooping up intelligence on U.S. persons overseas and forwarding it to the FBI.

According to Rep. Devin Nunes (R-Calif.), the intelligence the FBI used to open the investigation of the Trump campaign wasn’t considered “official intelligence.”

The FBI investigation eventually evolved into the special counsel probe led by former FBI Director Robert Mueller.

In March, Mueller concluded the investigation after 22 months, finding insufficient evidence to establish that either Trump or anyone on his campaign colluded with Russia to interfere in the 2016 election.

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Renowned Doctor Slams Medical Education & Says We Have “An Epidemic Of Misinformed Doctors”
October 12 2019 | From: CollectiveEvolution / TheLancet

Dr. Asseem Malhotra is known as one of the most influential cardiologists in Britain and a world-leading expert in the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of heart disease. 

Currently, he is leading a huge campaign against excess sugar consumption. What also makes him unique is something he recently admitted took him decades to figure out: that our entire medical system, one of the main ‘protectors’ of the human race, is completely corrupt.

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He now believes that medical education is a state of “complete system failure,” causing “an epidemic of misinformed doctors.” 

He also stated that honest doctors can no longer practice honest medicine, and that there is also a growing epidemic of patients who are being harmed.

There is no denying that to some extent, medicine and doctors have done a lot of good and saved a lot of lives. However, an over-reliance on doctors for our health and well-being has spawned a serious problem, one that should be in the spotlight and immediately fixed.

The Need To Think For Ourselves

We all have to realize that society has been manufactured in a way where we simply give up our own mind to someone else, who has been given theirs by someone else. We lack the ability to think for ourselves because, from birth, we are programmed to think a certain way by somebody else.

This is something important for us to change, and by ‘us’ I not only mean patients; it should be a priority for all who practice medicine. And there are signs that it has started changing.

Related: The Corruption Of Evidence Based Medicine - Killing For Profit

Why? Because there is a shift in consciousness taking place.

People within all societal systems (health, financial, education, government, etc.) are waking up, and starting to investigate what they have been taught.

Rather than simply believing the promotional literature, more are pursuing self-education (which Dr. Malhotra stressed was the only real form of education).

Malhotra pointed out seven ‘sins’ that contribute to the lack of knowledge that not just doctors but everyone has, including patients, regarding modern day ‘medicine.’ 

He made these comments at a recent European Parliament meeting:

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Other Prominent Doctors Speak Out

He’s not the only one to speak up about this issue. In fact, it seems that those who represent doctors have been speaking out about this for a long time. 

Dr. Marcia Angell, a physician and longtime Editor-in-Chief of the New England Medical Journal (NEMJ), considered one of the most prestigious peer-reviewed medical journals in the world, has said that;

"It is simply no longer possible to believe much of the clinical research that is published, or to rely on the judgment of trusted physicians or authoritative medical guidelines. I take no pleasure in this conclusion, which I reached slowly and reluctantly over my two decades as an editor of The New England Journal of Medicine.”

- Source

Then there is Dr. Richard Horton, the current Editor-in-Chief of another prestigious peer-reviewed medical journal, The Lancet, who says,“The case against science is straightforward: much of the scientific literature, perhaps half, may simply be untrue.”

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“A lot of what is published is incorrect.” I’m not allowed to say who made this remark because we were asked
to observe Chatham House rules.

We were also asked not to take photographs of slides. Those who worked for government agencies pleaded that their comments especially remain unquoted, since the forthcoming UK election meant they were living in “purdah” - a chilling state where severe restrictions on freedom of speech are placed on anyone on the government’s payroll.

Why the paranoid concern for secrecy and non-attribution?

Related: Is Psychiatry Bullshit? Some Psychiatrists View The Chemical-Imbalance Theory As A Well-Meaning Lie + Psychotropic Drugs, Are They Safe? Fourteen Lies That Our Psychiatry Professors Taught Us In Medical School

Because this symposium - on the reproducibility and reliability of biomedical research, held at the Wellcome Trust in London last week - touched on one of the most sensitive issues in science today: the idea that something has gone fundamentally wrong with one of our greatest human creations.

The case against science is straightforward: much of the scientific literature, perhaps half, may simply be untrue.

Afflicted by studies with small sample sizes, tiny effects, invalid exploratory analyses, and flagrant confl icts of interest, together with an obsession for pursuing fashionable trends of dubious importance, science has taken a turn towards darkness.

As one participant put it, “poor methods get results”. The Academy of Medical Sciences, Medical Research Council, and Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council have now put their reputational weight behind an investigation into these questionable research practices.

The apparent endemicity of bad research behaviour is alarming. In their quest for telling a compelling story, scientists too often sculpt data to fit their preferred theory of the world. Or they retrofit hypotheses to fit their data.

Related: The Flawed Germ Theory; Unfortunately The Basis Of Modern Medicine

Journal editors deserve their fair share of criticism too. We aid and abet the worst behaviours. Our acquiescence to the impact factor fuels an unhealthy competition to win a place in a select few journals. Our love of “significance” pollutes the literature with many a statistical fairy-tale. We reject important confirmations.

Journals are not the only miscreants. Universities are in a perpetual struggle for money and talent, endpoints that foster reductive metrics, such as high-impact publication.

National assessment procedures, such as the Research Excellence Framework, incentivise bad practices. And individual scientists, including their most senior leaders, do little to alter a research culture that occasionally veers close to misconduct.

Can Bad Scientific Practices be Fixed?

Part of the problem is that no-one is incentivised to be right. Instead, scientists are incentivised to be productive and innovative. Would a Hippocratic Oath for science help?

Certainly don’t add more layers of research red-tape. Instead of changing incentives, perhaps one could remove incentives altogether. Or insist on replicability statements in grant applications and research papers.

Or emphasise collaboration, not competition. Or insist on preregistration of protocols. Or reward better pre and post publication peer review.

Related: Why Does Modern Medicine Have A Big Problem With Natural Health?

Or improve research training and mentorship. Or implement the recommendations from our Series on increasing research value, published last year.

One of the most convincing proposals came from outside the biomedical community. Tony Weidberg is a Professor of Particle Physics at Oxford. Following several high-profi le errors, the particle physics community now invests great eff ort into intensive checking and re-checking of data prior to publication.

By filtering results through independent working groups, physicists are encouraged to criticise. Good criticism is rewarded. The goal is a reliable result, and the incentives for scientists are aligned around this goal. Weidberg worried we set the bar for results in biomedicine far too low.

In particle physics, signifi cance is set at 5 sigma - a p value of 3 × 10 to the power of 7 or 1 in 3·5 million (if the result is not true, this is the probability that the data would have been as extreme as they are).

Related: Here’s How Industry-Funded “Research” Is Making Us Sick And Fat + Like Tobacco And Big Pharma, The Sugar Industry Has Manipulated Research For 50 Years

The conclusion of the symposium was that something must be done. Indeed, all seemed to agree that it was within our power to do that something.

But as to precisely what to do or how to do it, there were no firm answers. Those who have the power to act seem to think somebody else should act fi rst. And every positive action (eg, funding well-powered replications) has a counterargument (science will become less creative).

The good news is that science is beginning to take some of its worst failings very seriously. The bad news is that nobody is ready to take the first step to clean up the system.

Related Articles:

Top 10 Food And Medicine Myths You Probably Fell For At Some Point + How The Mind Treats “Impossible Things That Couldn’t Be Happening”

Modern Life Is Killing Our Children: UK Cancer Rate In Young People Up 40% In 16 Years + 12 Things A Cancer Doctor Should Never Say

The Tide Is Turning: Big Pharma Billionaire Arrested, Charged With Conspiracy And Bribery Of Doctors

Peer Reviewed 'Science' Losing Credibility Due To Fraudulent Research & Manufacturing Consent In Science: The Diabolical Twist

Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi

Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi
Listen Up Truth-Seekers: We’re On The Same Team
October 11 2019 | From: WakingTimes

The justice-seeking community are a funny bunch. We’ve all got our differences, including the various ‘beliefs’ we have, but ultimately we’re on the same team. You’d think we would be acting like it too, but unfortunately we’re not. 

It’s clear that the divide and conquer strategy is in full swing, even among the truth and freedom movements. What’s the D&C strategy I can hear some of you ask?

Related: Combating The Elite Rulers Divide And Conquer Tactics

It’s when the powers-that-think-they’re-the-overlords use informational tactics to divide the people so they fight one another, instead of collectively facing the real issues.

And god dammit they’ve been successful.

There’s covert powers who are in control? I would suggest we engage some simple logic with this one. To start, money rules the world. better put, they can digitally punch numbers into a computer and POOF, currency is created.

Now these banksters control the central banks and therefore control the governments. Enter the two-party tyranny system we call democrSo, who owns the money? The banksters of course.

Their scam is so brilliant that they can create money out of thin air, oracy. Both sides work for the same financial interests, which are not just limited to the banking industry, but the energy, pharmaceutical and media corporations too, among many others.

Related: The Truth About Money Is Out & Austerity In 8 Minutes: Why It Does Not Work, Why It Is Still Practised

Essentially, we are ruled via a highly integrated corporatocracy, regardless if you understand it, or believe it to be true.

This control-system is a sick beast. It’s out of alignment with natural law, which essentially means that it disrespects the golden rule. In layman’s terms, this universal law is to do no harm, respect each others shit, honor your contracts; that sort of thing.

Because the matrix of control aims to impose their centralized global dictatorship on all of us, including the disgraceful methods they’re choosing to achieve it, they’ve broken this divine contract. Therefore, their so-called ‘power’ is undermined by their own actions.

They essentially make themselves obsolete.

But we cannot keep our heads in the sand and do nothing; we still have to deal with this layer of truth in one way or another. After all, no great organizational change occurred by riding unicorns and staring at pretty fucking rainbows.

Simply, we have both a material and energetic responsibility to face this cancer of an order and replace it with something truly made out of justice and honor.

What then, should we replace it with? Well, this is one of the million dollar questions.

Related: Governments: The Enemy Of Freedom & Globalists Interviewed: They Admitted They Controlled The Government

Some people are fundamentalist anarchists who want zero government. Now I might be off target, but at least hear me out and then disagree with me if you wish.

Personally I find that proposition unrealistic, especially until every person in every country is at some stage of enlightenment where they won’t try to monopolize, tyrannize, subjugate or apply an array of other tactics of suppression, coercion and control.

In other words my view is that we ned to utilize the current operational system, at least in the transitional phase, because groups of people still exist who will fuck others over given the chance. So it makes more sense for ‘the people’ to ethically take control of the governmental system and transform it into one that honors the golden rule, at least initially.

Now I might be wrong about this, and I’m perfectly okay with that. And that’s my point; we can disagree about exactly where we go from here, but we still need to mobilize a voluntary team otherwise we’re all likely to be royally fucked.

I also see the inherent value of a money-less society because money itself is an evidence-based tool of scarcity, and therefore enslavement. It also naturally breeds excessive competition, inequality and greed. This approach could be achieved via some form of abundance-based economy, but I do realize this futurist design is unrealistic, at least in the short term.

Related: Many Scientific “Truths” Are, In Fact, False + A Scientist Explains Why "Everything Is Fucked"

But once again, I don’t have all the answers. No one does. I would suggest that most of us don’t want to be ruled, and therefore we’re all anarchists in the pure sense of the word, and that’s the first principle we can unite on. But how we transition to a ruler-less world is yet to be determined.

After all, oligarchical and tyrannical systems have been the norm throughout our so-called civilized history, not the exception.

So, given we need to integrate to undermine the mechanisms of the control-system, where are we at?

Unfortunately, the alternative media is in tatters. We’ve recently had a couple of big names surrounded by big controversy, causing further division. Many people are violently arguing about the shape of our reality.

The conspiracy rabbit hole and it’s multiple tunnels of truth and untruth have left many people poorly focused, as well as the truth-seekers significantly divided. The competing views on Trump has also resulted in more infighting.

In addition, many people think they have their shit sorted and are ‘enlightened’, but few appear to remember they’ve continuously changed their minds and behaviors since birth. Even if they have a good idea of what the fuck is going on, many fail to realize that this ride of ‘waking up’ is a journey, not a destination.

For example, there’s a couple of quotes which have been shared tens of millions of times, which say something like ‘be the change’ and ‘I’m wise so I change myself’, but they’ve been disgraced by all those who don’t bother to truly live by them.

The hypocrisy and inaction among the truth-seekers is painfully obvious.

Yet, we’re all hypocrites to one degree or another. We’re all going to evolve our beliefs in some way too. If we truly accept that we all have our weaknesses and contradictions, and that we’ve got philosophical and behavioral refinements that we’re yet to undertake, then it makes it very easy to accept one another as comrades.

Related: Degeneracy And Fundamentalism Of Western Media Control & Truth In Media

And it’s absolutely necessary at this point too. The concerning reality is that the entire freedom movement is in danger of becoming a running joke, not just to the outsider curtain hangers, but internally as well.

That’s one of the reasons why we really need to start fresh. If we begin by accepting that none of us 100% know what has, is and should be, then we will create a level playing field where we all have an opportunity to volunteer as equals on the team of truth and freedom.

If so, we will actually have a strong shot at finally unifying, which is the only bloody way we’re going to get anything seriously done.

Of course we’re already moving in a general direction, and there’s many agreements already subtly made. For example, it’s fairly clear there are certain concepts and primary targets that have manifested as a pattern within the independent media and the progressive mindsets. What follows, therefore, is a simple merger strategy that’s based on a few core values, and a few core systemic areas.

So let’s see how this resonates. In terms of values, do you personally agree with the following?

We value love over hate.

We value truth over lies.

We value freedom over enslavement.

We value happiness over suffering.

5. We value honor over disrespect.

We value cooperation over competition.

We value family and community over money.

We value health over business.

We value peace over war.

We value justice over injustice.

Sound fair? I’m going to assume that’s a yes, because otherwise you need some serious self-healing. Sorry (not sorry) to be so blunt, but your-self and your fellow-man are not your enemy.

In addition, if we agree on these values, they must be applied in every area of discourse. Of course there are areas where competition for example has its place, such as sport, but there is still cooperation first and foremost otherwise the game wouldn’t even be played.

Related: Liberty Or Freedom

So if these values can stand the test of time, that also means they will naturally dissolve any so-called rules and laws that contradict them.

In terms of the systemic issues, let’s see if we can at least agree on the Four M’s as our primary targets for change, which are Money, Medicine, Media and Management:

1. Money should be a sovereign public utility, not hijacked by private stakeholders and converted into a transnational banking cartel.

2. Medicine (including food) should be as natural as possible, as well as be inexpensively available to all who need it, not monopolized by the multinational giants and perverted into the toxin-rich, addictive and unnatural substances we have today.

3. Media should be based on truth, authentic journalism and what’s best for the people, not propagandized to create minions of the failing system.

4. Management of our society should be designed by and for the people, not by and for the corporate and oligarchical structures.

Is that fair too? Does the whole lot sit well with you? Let’s bloody well hope so.

So in saying all this, and of the thousands of people who read it, what will actually change to unite the world’s justice-seeking communities?

To be straightforward and realistic, most likely fuck all. In truth, I actually could care less if it’s this proposal either; if a group would like to design a basic unification strategy that we can agree on, please do so. No matter how it happens, it just needs to happen, and that’s the most important thing.

Related: Pulitzer Prize-Winning CNN Journalist Busted For Fabricating Fake News, Resigns From CNN + Google Gestapo Goes Full Nazi Against Independent Media - Hiding “Controversial Content” And “Redirecting” Searches

However, we really do need to show some solidarity, so this has been created as an opportunity for the fragmented independent media to stand together on some core values and systemic focal points.

We’re all in the position to share this information through our networks too, so if you more or less agree with this strategy for unification then there is nothing stopping you from doing so.

In addition, the recent issues arising from two key voices in the independent media has further shown that we shouldn’t be rallying around individuals, but instead be binding around some very simple and key agreements.

If so, we could use them as a framework for publicly debating how they relate to the behavior of governments, corporations, oligarchs and the system itself.

By continuously saturating our agreements and discussions into the collective consciousness, more and more people – working both inside and outside of the system – will be emancipated from the delusions they’ve been programmed to have.

After all, people are just people, and most of them deep down want the best for their fellow-man.

Related: Edward Snowden: 'The People Are Still Powerless, But Now They're Aware'

It would then continue as an education process for everybody who needs it, based on any agreements made. And as Max Igan suggests in the below interview, we could also organize a global day of protest to show unification around our quest for truth and freedom.

In any case, I primarily wrote this as an energetic injection because I know that somewhere lurking just beyond the veil, the many movements for truth and freedom have an innate capacity to put their differences to the side and come together as a peaceful force to radically transform our world into one of honor and justice.

Could this happen soon? Who knows; we’ve all been pleasantly surprised before.

For further information regarding where we’re at, and where we’re going, watch this new interview with the infamous Max Igan.

Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi

Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi
Electronic Torture + 21st-Century Bio-Hacking And Bio-Robotizing
September 10 2019 | From: ElectronicTorture / Various

Electromagnetic torture, Microwave torture, Electronic murder, Electromagnetic murder, Microwave murder, Organized murder, Cooked alive, Electronic mind control, Electronic mind reading, Brain zapping, People zapper.

What is electronic harassment / electronic torture / electronic murder? In short - "soft kill" techniques to interfere with and kill, by the Cabal and their minions - those who get in their way.

Related: Scalar Weapons - Read It And Weep

Electronic harassment / electronic torture / electronic murder is about harrasment, torture and murder using electronic weapons based on radio waves.These weapons have been very refined and can cause effects comparable to many illnesses and/or injuries.

These weapons are not science-fiction but used today illegally by your national secret services on mostly random innocent victims not knowing what is being done to them.

Mark Rich, known for his website www.TheHiddenEvil.com has put up a new site with much more background information www.NewWorldWar.org.

Must read for targets and people who are seeking the truth: SurveillanceIssues

If you want to read about symptoms, then check the article below Electronic harassment and electronic torture list.

If you do not know much about electronic harassment, electronic torture, electronic murder then you may want to start reading:

The people cookers - cooking people like a microwave oven cooks meat

ortured - wwwguantanamocom

Electronic weapons already control our lives!

Secret service: fear for the truth to be revealed - electronic weapons arrangers and operators burn people

Torture and murder without evidence - educate yourself

Electronic torture / electronic weapons: people burners and people cookers (speed cookers)

What is Electronic Mind Control / Electronic Mind Reading / Brain Zapping / Synthetic Telepathy / Remote Neural Monitoring?

Electronic mind control is about forcing thoughts into your brain using invisible radio waves (this can be done long range). Your attackers can make you think about a certain person at a certain moment, force a song into your brain (so you will start humming / singing it).

Your attackers can also make you stand up and walk to your kitchen. If you do not know about this then you will be just following the thoughts that were planted into your brain. In other words: you are robotized.

Electronic mind reading is about reading your thoughts using invisible radio waves (this can be done from long ranges). Already it has become 'easy' to decode received brain signals into words spoken to oneself without talking.

At the moment they also make progress with decoding images from what you look at (as seen by you through your eyes).

This is not science-fiction but done today illegally by your national secret services on mostly random innocent victims not knowing what is being done to them.

If you want to read more:

Warning: you no longer can trust your own thoughts

Secret service: mind rape targets to steal, torture, murder, create enemies (and call them terrorists) or here

Secret service: Electronic Mind Control, Electronic weapons used on people surrounding the target WITHOUT them knowing this or here

Brain zapping by Jason Jeffrey or here

Synthetic Telepathy and Psycho-Electronic Weapon Attacks on hundreds of thousands by a combined 100,000 FBI and NSA psychopath spies in the US, or google

Remote Neural Monitoring

Recent documents about mind reading:

Mind Reading: Technology Turns Thought Into Action - Jon Hamilton (May 12, 2011)

Mind-Reading Experiment Reconstructs Movies in Our Mind - Associated Press (Published September 22, 2011)

We're closer to mind-reading than you may think - Emi Kolawole (October 31, 2011)

Can A Satellite Read Your Thoughts? - Physics Revealed

Stalking, Electronic Torture, Shooting with Directed Energy Weapons From the Sky

A video and two victims reporting the horrible details. Like many other victims they can only conclude that the attacks also are coming from military aircraft.

Related: Team investigates Active Denial System for security applications

From: Comment accompanying video:

Microwave weaponry systems like the Active Denial System are used in tandem to deliver physical attacks designed to stress targets, torture them physically, and turn their homes into places of extreme distress. Hoping to drive the target from their home or workplaces.

The pain is unbelievable. It involves tones, harmonics, hissing, stabs, blows, voice to skull transmissions, induced dreams (nightmares), burning sensations in the body and head, internal burning sensations inside of the body and head, crawling sensations on the body (phantom touch), electronic rape, induced and unwanted urination or orgasms, holographic inserts, and many other horrible tortures. My thoughts seem to be scanned every second. -

From: webpage about next victims of electronic "mind control" torture:

(Carolyn Palit) I thought I was dying. I thought that I would spontaneously combust into flames. Either it came from a base in the hills, or Commander Solo*, or it came from the heavens. It attacked me for two years. -

From: webpage Carolyn Palit talking to Jesus Mendoza

Some of his attacks are coming from the direction of the houses of the defendants that he has named in a law suit against these kinds of attacks. But . . . mostly . . . the attacks come from . . . "straight up."

More Information about Electronic Weapons Attacks, Including Mind Control and Mind Reading

On the STOPEG.com website www.stopeg.com there is an CBS News video of the Active Denial System (ADS), a microwave laser weapon. Although the DoD wants us to believe this is a safe weapon (that is why they showed it to us), experts agree it is not!

This video shows a big installation, but there are many kinds of laser weapons. Some are very big and mounted in trucks, ships, aircraft, or even in satellites. But there are also much smaller, portable versions, that can be very effective.

Of course military and secret services have equipment based on the most advanced technology available. Their equipment is not available to the public. But now advanced commercial devices are being shown on the internet giving an idea of how easy it must be for the attackers to cook, burn (torture) a person.

One is a portable (hand-held) laser, the S3 Spyder III Arctic laser. Although it may appear not very sophisticated, imagine someone pointing this at your back when you are in a restaurant or at the movies. To look at people through wall take a look at the XAVER 400 Compact, Tactical Through-Wall Imaging System.

Bio-Hacking and Bio-Robotizing

Rohinie Bisesar, the strikingly beautiful and accomplished financial services analyst and York University MBA with no previous criminal record was charged with first-degree murder in the sudden stabbing death of a young woman.

While Rohinie Bisesar is considered by mind-control activists in Canada to be a possible victim of neuro-experimentation, the new frontier of absolute human control being covertly explored by military / Intelligence agencies (as per the accounts of victims, scientists, and whistleblowers), for a long while it was not clear to activists whether her defense attorney, David Connally, had indeed conveyed to Ms. Bisesar that there are others in Canada familiar with the symptoms of neuro-experimentation, sympathetic of her situation, and interested in helping her.

Read More: 21st-Century Bio-Hacking and Bio-Robotizing in the Case of Rohinie Bisesar: Breakthrough as Defense Attorney Confirms Her Receipt of Letter from Human Rights Activists

Many targets wonder how they can be attacked so easily when they move to a different location, e.g. a family member, friend, or go to a hotel. The attackers stuff their portable laser weapons and through-wall imaging devices into their suitcases, book rooms close to yours, and often will attack you from two different angles to confuse you.

In case you prevent them to attack the body area the want to attack, e.g. by putting your back against an outside wall of the hotel, they call in military aircraft that will blast you with very high power microwave (HPM) bursts, cooking your inside. (this happened several times to me, last time on July 6, 2011, while staying in a hotel in Westkapelle, Netherlands, the aircraft arriving around 1 am about 15 minutes after they concluded they could not perform the attacks on my back).

Many people have a problem thinking that others can read their mind, their thoughts. Again, the advanced technology used by military and secret services is not available to the public, but today more and more commercial devices are becoming available.

One company delivering a mind reading headset is Emotive, for USD 299,-. With this device you can control your games, your tv set, etc. with you mind! They also have an API (programming interface) to create your own mind reading application.

Even rudimentary electro-pulse mind reading technologies are publicly reported in the media

I cannot emphasize enough that not all but many attacks are from the sky. When driving your car they may burn your back (from the sky or from some equipment in your own car) when another car is driving behind you and make it go away when the car goes away.

If they do this every time then you probably will think it has to do with the car behind you. When driving your car, walking outside, riding your bike, they may burn your head and make many people you look at scratch their head.

Sometimes people are part of the sick network but many others may just have been beamed the same way you are, having no clue about what is going on (your attackers want you to attack other people, they don't care about anything because they are psychopaths, murderers. child abusers).

Another warning is for a much more confusing type of attack: electronic mind control.

In this case your attackers will plant thoughts into the brain of people surrounding you. Of course these thoughts relate to your life in one way or the other.

They may even plant your (!) thoughts into the heads of people surrounding you. If you do not know about this then you may start to think that these people can read your mind, which can be very depressing. I wrote several article about electronic mind control, if you are a target and do not know about this capabilities you may want to read this.

Links, portable laser weapon, portable through-wall vision, mind reading headset, voice-to-skull:

The S3 Spyder III Arctic

XAVER 400 Compact, Tactical Through-Wall Imaging System

Emotive, mind reading headset and API

The SwiMP3 waterproof MP3 player, underwater sound without ear buds, using bone conduction

Hearing Voices

If you are hearing voices you may be a mental case but it is also possible that you are a target of (highly illegal) mind control activities by some sick bastards.

In your country secret services including military are developing weapons that make you hear voices and covertly testing these weapons on random human beings or groups of people.

Some terms used to describe this phenomenon:


Microwave hearing

Silent sound

Perhaps the most easy (and cheap) way to attack a person this way is by the Audio Spotlight.

This device makes you hear words etc. spoken by a someone, but the persons around you do ot hear this.

Check the links below for more information:

Microwave auditory effect (Wikipedia)

Hearing Microwaves: The Microwave Auditory Phenomenon by James C. Lin

Microwave hearing by Mark Rich

Sound from ultrasound (Wikipedia)

Audio Spotlight (Holosonics company website)

Youtube video on AudioSpotlight, Subvocal Speech and Microwave hearing:

Electronic Harassment and Electronic Torture List

[Published: February 26, 2009. Updated: February 28, 2009, April 11, 2009, June 10, 2009, June 13, 2009, June 25, 2009, September 6, 2009, December 24, 2009]

Almost anybody can become a (temporary) target of these horrible electronic weapons. Please read what can be done so you are prepared. This is not science fiction but happening right now in our 'democratic' society.

Below is a list of all possible attacks by electronic weapons that I know of by experience. I know more attacks exists. Female targets write about sexual attacks, others mention continuous ringing in the ears, etc. I may add these later. I decided to keep this list personal, i.e. in this blog I write down only what has/is being done to me, not what is being done to others.

Electronic Weapons

These attacks are done by the following kind of electronic weapons:

Directed Energy Weapons (laser weapons), like ELF (very low frequency), ultrasonic, lasers, (high power) microwave weapons

Through-wall vision

(Sub-vocal) Mind-reading

Microwave hearing/Silent Sound (letting you hear sounds/things in other ways then hearing by the ear)

For another introduction you may want to read:

The people cookers - Cooking people like a microwave oven cooks meat.

Or, read the summary of my previous blogs:

Secret service: fear for the truth to be revealed!(24) - Gang stalkers and people cookers are murderers, the crimes they commit belong to the worst crimes in history - part 2

A List Including all Horrible Details

On the internet already a lot of symptoms and attacks by these weapons can be found. Most of these lists do not detail these attacks and that is exactly what I am trying to do here. In my opinion it is not enough to read that such a weapon gives you a burning feeling, instead the horrible details must be exposed!

Description of a (continuous) high intensity microwave weapon attack:

This weapon makes your skin really burn like a very heavy sunburn and cooks your inside, you really feel being cooked alive, you are heated like meat in a microwave oven, with intensities that exceed those of a microwave oven.

Gal is coming out of your throat and fluids inside your body evaporate making you instantly burp. In case of high intensity there is also a burning sensation on the other side of the body, where the beam, of approximately 10-30 cm diameter leaves the body.

If they cook you long enough cooked body cells explode inside you, when aimed at your upper body, lung cells explode / are destroyed and reducing lung capacity immediately noticed when walking stairs or running.

The burning sensation and the cooked-inside feeling will go away after 5-30 minutes or 1-2 days depending on the duration and intensity, it may take a day or more to recover from high power microwave bursts with durations of 5-60 seconds (but can you recover from these amounts of irradiation?).

A cup of milk is heated and starts evaporating after 5-10 seconds. The electronic weapons aimed at you can make you burp or fart within 1-3 seconds, hence the intensity of electromagnetic irradiation is not only used to torture a person but murder as well.

Covert and Intended-to-Notice (or Noticed) Electronic Harassment / Torture

Electronic harassment is called covert if the target does not know about these weapons and methods. If you do not know about these weapons you may think you have all the bad luck in the world, you will wonder what strange things are happening to you, to your body, and accept you do not control your life anymore.

If intended-to-notice (or noticed), electronic harassment is torture in its most horrible form. What would you do if your body is made to react every time to events occurring in your life, e.g. by making you burp or fart, your legs are cooked every night, your ankle is cooked during daytime when working behind your computer, your knee is beamed to cause maximum pain, etc.

Some examples

To delay you:

They make you go the toilet to urinate when you want to leave your house

They cook your legs before running

They burn and cook your body high power to prevent you doing you work

Note that this delaying is often done together with gang stalking methods like cars blocking your road, phone calls when you are to leave your home, etc.

To make things worse:

They make you sneeze extra times when you have a cold

They cook your throat become sore when you have a cold

They attack your eyes until red with blood

The cook your legs after running

They cook or burn where you have pain already

To torture you:

They cook and burn your body everywhere

They cook your family, your children, friends, …

Note that this torture is often done together with gang stalking methods like synchronizing saw machines, honking horns of cars, screaming birds (pigeons, crows), etc.

The Maximum Pain Business, Beyond Imagination Horror and Cruelty Without Evidence

Special methods have been developed to make you think you have a heart problem, erection problem, toothache, etc.

For the ones exposing these horrendous crimes they developed methods to inflict maximum pain, e.g. by cooking such a person alive with a high power microwave weapon, or burning the skin of the target or making the target burp or fart every few minutes to events occurring in the life of the target (including e.g. opening a website on a computer, saving a file, cars passing by the window, etc. ).

Related: Who Really Owns and Controls the Military-Industrial Complex and What Are They Doing? – An Extensive Research Report

Some authors refer to the development and use of these weapons as the pain business. I would like to make a correction, please call it the maximum pain business.

After accepting that there are really such sick and disgusting creatures actually developing and applying these methods and torture, you also have to accept that it is not about just pressing a button, but also about the way how this torture is applied.

Zapping your eyes red to make you look bad, cooking biceps to prevent you from swimming, cooking your throat to prevent you from singing, inducing heart problems and toothaches to prevent you working or sports. More horror, these methods and procedures could not have been highly developed without being tested on humans, on real persons.

And again more horror, these methods are often used with gang stalking (organized stalking) methods.

Like they cook your ankle with insane intensities making your foot very painful, and when you go outside all kinds of people with leg problems are crossing your path, people limping, in a wheelchair, sometimes even someone without a leg.

Or, they start sawing wood somewhere and when the saw enters the wood cook your body with high intensity microwave.
This torture is applied 24/7, not once every hour but more like once every minute/every 5 minutes. Horrible torture that can be called torturing a person to death.

Special Case: The Heart Attack

Damaging your body can be done in several ways. One vital organ is the heart. They can attack the heart very effective with:

Microwave weapons, cooking the heart area slowly

High Power Microwave (HPM) weapons, cooking the heart area in a second

Ultrasonic weapons, pressurizing the heart area

Heart frequency manipulation weapons

These weapons can damage your heart in a split second, you may not survive such a attack, but can also be used to slowly damage your heart. Slowly cook your heart area so will get a strange feeling and in fact your heart is really damaged.

This makes the Heart Attack Gun that the CIA was forced to admit having look positively archaic: During Senate testimony in 1975 into illegal activities by the CIA, it was revealed that the agency had developed a dart gun capable of causing a heart attack

Then there is also the frequency manipulation attack, your heart may feel pulsing, blobbing like crazy.

Cook heart area from the front, often together with a cook beam from left behind. Slow damage, horrible feeling

Flash your heart with very high power microwave. Instant damage.

Pressurize your chest, even takes your breath away if applied with enough power

Pulsate your body/heart area with low frequencies

These effects will give you a very realistic heart attack or heart problem feeling feeling. Your heart may start pounding very loud, may feel very painful, the heart area may feel strange, cooked.

If applied with enough power, this really damages your heart and heart area. Your heart is cooked like meat in a microwave oven.

Can you recover from these attacks? In general they will not murder you or leave evidence, your heart may feel very painful for several days after they stop their attacks.

It can take weeks until all pain in the area has disappeared. I am not sure about permanent damage caused by these attacks.

Can you die from such an attack? Yes, if the intensity of the beam is high enough your heart can be damaged or temporarily disturbed in such a way that you will die.

How can you recognize a ‘normal’ heart problem from a ‘induced’ heart problem? You yourself are the best judge of what you feel. If you believe something really is wrong with your heart then visit a doctor. If you are certain your heart is attacked then avoid visiting a doctor as this will confirm a heart problem in case you collapse or die, case closed.

Impossible to Protect Yourself

The human body appears to be extremely vulnerable to electromagnetic irradiation of all kind of frequencies. The human body also is a electromagnetic transmitter and sensitive (radio) equipment can pick up and decode the signals that are generated e.g. when speaking, thinking.

In contrast to a knife or a bullet, electromagnetic signals are not blocked by walls, compare your cell phone.

Related: Patent for nervous system manipulation by electromagnetic fields from monitors and TVs

Limited protection is possible using sheet metal, metal plates, water, vacuum, but if you really are a target the attackers increase intensities (if necessary to insane levels), change frequency, attack from different angles etc.

Also remember that these weapons can hit a person without hitting the person sitting next to this person. They can be aimed and the diameter of the beam can be made small enough to hit only the target.

Anybody Can be a Target

Electronic weapons make it very easy to eliminate persons, to get persons (temporarily) out of the way, to murder persons, etc. all without evidence, and most of the time even the target does not know he is zapped, cooked, burned with electronic weapons. The ones owning and controlling this technology now can get everything they want in a very easy way.

They can get their football player into the national team by temporarily cut out the competitor for the same position in the team.

This could be done with other means as well but it is very easy with electronic weapons. Just cook a person’s ankle and foot during the night and the damage is done. To influence a tennis match you could cook a player by heating the body with microwaves (compare microwave oven).

He will just feel overheated and sick and loose the game.

These are just two examples to demonstrate what can be done. You can imagine almost anybody can become a target. Some people because they are more visible then others, because they have something the sick network wants, because they know something the sick network does not want to be exposed, because they are too intelligent for the sick network, ust for personal reasons because may be they made a remark about someone, etc.

The Phoenix Program Continues Today

The Phoenix Program was a program designed, coordinated, and executed by the United States Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), United States special operations forces, US Army intelligence collection units from MACV, special forces operatives from the Australian Army Training Team Vietnam (AATTV), and the Republic of Vietnam's (South Vietnam) security apparatus during the Vietnam War.

The Program was designed to identify and "neutralize" (via infiltration, capture, counter-terrorism, interrogation, and assassination) the infrastructure of the National Liberation Front of South Vietnam (NLF or Viet Cong).

The CIA described it as "a set of programs that sought to attack and destroy the political infrastructure of the Viet Cong". The major two components of the program were Provincial Reconnaissance Units (PRUs) and regional interrogation centers. PRUs would kill or capture suspected NLF members, as well as civilians who were thought to have information on NLF activities.

Many of these people were then taken to interrogation centers where many were allegedly tortured in an attempt to gain intelligence on VC activities in the area. The information extracted at the centers was then given to military commanders, who would use it to task the PRU with further capture and assassination missions.

The program was in operation between 1965 and 1972, and similar efforts existed both before and after that period. By 1972, Phoenix operatives had neutralized 81,740 suspected NLF operatives, informants and supporters, of whom between 26,000 and 41,000 were killed.

Electronic Weapons Can Kill a Person

Besides using electronic weapons to monitor, drive into suicide, cause temporary injuries, they can also be used to kill a person.

Killing is possible by sending wrong signals to the heart making it pulse in abnormal ways, or by increasing intensity and cooking the heart area, damaging the heart slowly. Very high power laser weapons or HPM (= High Power Microwave) weapons can damage your heart in a second.

Although little is known at this time about the effects of long term irradiation, it is not difficult to imagine that this will cause all kinds of diseases as electromagnetic irradiation destroys your DNA (cell with damaged DNA are called cancer). Again all these horrible things can be done, and are done today, without evidence.

How do You Know You are a Target of Electronic Harassment?

It is often very difficult to distinghuish between normal body behaviour and induced body behaviour if there no signs of burning or cooking. For example, would you know the difference between normal diareah and induced diareah?

Yes, you are able to decide what is not normal by comparing your diareah with previous experiences.

It may start and disappear very sudden, may cause other effects like water bubbles leaving your anus, etc. Also, the diareah may be linked to a certain event, like picking up your child, appearance in court, etc.

Always ask yourself what it is you are feeling, did you feel this before? Does it go away when you turn your body 180 degrees? Does it go away when you walk in the streets or drive your car? You are the best judge of what you are feeling.

Your Car May be Tagged

When you are a target you will experience harassment everywhere every time. If you have a car they will tag your car (these are words I learned from a ’so-called target’).

This means they will equip your car with electronic weapons not only to monitor you but also to cook and/or burn your body while driving.

They may also harass the target covert and use the following beams:

Sleep beam, to make the driver very sleepy

Eye beam, slowly cooking they eyes, so tears come out and visibility reduces

Just to confirm, all this is done to cause the (mental or physical) death of the target.

Harassment from (Neighbour) Houses, Cars, Handbags, Airplanes, Satellites

Most of the electronic harassment comes from close neighbor houses. When you walk in the the streets you are probably attacked by electronic weapons (directed energy weapons) from houses (they may be remote controlled or controlled by operator at these locations.

Related: Electromagnetic Radiation And Other Weapons Of Mass Mutation

If there are no locations for their equipment, they use these weapons from their cars. You may also be hit from airplanes. This is not difficult to believe if you accept a reach several hundreds of meters. Some targets write about satellites being the source of their electronic harassment. In general I do not believe this is true.

Example of Current State-of-Technology:

You can be hit by very accurate equipment. For example, when you are running on the streets or in the woods you may be ’shot’ with a very high power microwave weapon in your calf from an airplane. The intensity can be such that this causes instant injury.

Your calf is cooked within a split second and your muscles almost instantly tear apart. Making running / walking almost impossible.

Electronic harassment can also be done from small devices carried in e.g. shopping bags in shops or on the street.

You need only a small battery to give the target a single burst that makes him burp or fart. This is enough to depress the target: nowhere safe from this horrible harassment.

Satellites probably play a big role in exchanging information about a target, e.g. you can have a subvocal speech decoding PC in the house next to target, but it is more easy (and safe) to transfer the undecoded information to a central computer system, and return the decoded words. But it may be done on site, PC’s have enough power today to do this decoding themselves.

You May be Attacked by Persons (Family, Friends, co-Workers) Who are Covertly Attacked by Electronic Harassment

The aim of the attackers is to drive the target insane. To speed up things they aim their electronic weapons covertly at family, friends, co-workers, etc. to make them react in several ways to what the target is doing or saying.

Some (easy) methods used to covertly attack other persons:

Scratch beam, to make a person scratch his head

Sneeze beam, to make a person sneeze

Cough beam, to make a person cough

Urge to urinate beam, to make a person go to the toilet


They beam persons around the target on the head so everywhere around the target people are scratching their heads

They beam the target’s head very hard and then beam the head of a friend so that this friend will start scratching his head immediately very visible for the target to see

When the target and partner are in the same, then every time the target opens a website on his PC (not visible for the partner), they beam the throat of the partner causing the partner to cough almost immediately

When the target is beamed in the stomach during work, they make a co-worker sneeze at the same time

When the target is beamed in the stomach, they beam her child in the stomach as well, making the child cry and saying it has stomach pain (this is confirmed by multiple victims)

Once again illegal and (beyond imagination) horrible crimes by our national secret services.

Elite and Secret Services Control our Politicians

It is not amazing that these weapons exist, I studied computer science myself, if you have enough money it is not that special. It is also not amazing that there are actually sick and disgusting creatures walking around free applying this kind of electronic harassment to cause the physical or mental death of a person.

What is amazing is that a lot of high ranked politicians and other influential persons are fully aware of the existence and use of these weapons but do not speak out. What does this say about these persons? I believe you can say that the idea we live in a democracy has disappeared completely.

Elite and Secret Services are Trapped by Their Crimes in Vicious Circles of More Violence Against the People of the World

The ones facilitating, outsourcing and performing this cruel electronic harassment and torture is not just a group of people, these attacks are very well designed and applied by people trained to cause maximum pain but leave no evidence.

The ones I am referring to are our secret services, including military. They are tightening their grip on society, not because they have to protect us against the terrorists in the world, but because they are getting more and more afraid what will happen when the truth about them is exposed.

They are trapped in some sort of vicious circle. To maintain themselves they must commit more and more horrible crimes. And to avoid their crimes are exposed they have to perform new horrible crimes, etc. etc.

So here we have the elite, creating wars to maintain themselves, and their armies, the secret services both trapped in their own lies and deceit. And the horror for us, the people of the world is that we will be taken from (created) threat to (created) war because that is the only way out for the (criminal) elite and (criminal) secret services.

People Cookers and Secret Services

I introduced the word people cookers in 2007 for the creatures facilitating, outsourcing, performing electronic harassment and electronic torture. Main reason is of course that people cooking comes closest to what they are doing.

Most of the harassment and torture is done by microwave irration which causes heating of the skin and your inside just like a microwave oven cooks meat.

Related: Weaponized Cell Towers Are Directly Related To Why Chemtrails Are Sprayed

There are no words to justify these illegal and horrendous crimes. The ones involved are disgusting creatures, an author called them ‘the failed human beings’ and that is just what they are. They were born human, choose the wrong path in life and degenerated into pieces of shit.

I believe people cooking and gang stalking (organized stalking) are the perfect example of how sick our national secret services have become. They now commit the perfect murder, in their language meaning murder without evidence. And they now steal, torture and murder just because it has become so easy to steal, torture and murder.

Electronic Harassment and Electronic Torture List - December 24, 2009

Below is the list of all (most) effects I experienced from these horrible electronic weapons. Few times I may not correctly describe the source of the effects. It is sometimes difficult to point to microwave or ultrasound.

Both can be very damaging. High Power Microwave cooks your body cells while high power ultrasound simply destroys your body cells. But in the end the result is the same, a damaged body.

Subvocal speech Special equipment is used to detect muscle contractions like the ones a person uses when speaking out loud. When spoken to itself these muscle movements can be detected by advanced equipment and translated into words and sentences. As most people talk to themselves when ‘thinking’ this resembles mind reading.

How it is applied
They read your subvocal speech and react to it

Unbelievable at first, then you get depressed because the last thing you thought was private appears not to be private anymore. Then you accept that you probably are even more popular and watched then the big stars in the world and sometimes use it to deceive the bastards. Horrible torture

Why it is applied
To drive you insane

Seeing through your eyes Although some targets claim that they can see what you see. I have not (yet) experienced this. But they do everything to suggest that they can do this. E.g. on the highway you are bursted with the burp beam every time a favorite model car passes in the opposite direction. They are looking at you from some camera build inside your car or from another car. They are looking at your eyes to see what you are looking at. I experienced a few times I was bursted BEFORE I saw the favorite car. A lot of research in this area is going on, I will keep you updated.
Voice-to-skull Special advanced equipment is used to beam voices, or in fact any sound, into your head.

How it is applied
They make you hear voices that you should not hear. For example, they let you hear voices from people far away very clear as if they are standing next to you. This an amazing experience. There are a lot of reports of people who claim they are attacked by voices

Why it is applied
To drive you insane

Top of your head beam The top of your head is very sensitive. They will burn the top with some laser or microwave weapon

How it is applied
They put the beam on your head and wait for you to move

Can be very painfull if applied with enough intensity. You cannot do much with this beam on your head. Horrible torture

After effects
If applied with high intensity it may take several days for the painful feeling to disappear

Why it is applied
Prevent you from working, doing your thing

Should you worry
Yes, long term irradition may cause brain damage, tumors

Scratch beam They just beam your head somewhere. The normal reaction is your will start scratching your head.

How it is applied
Mostly applied when other people can see you. If they do this everytime with the same people they may wonder whats wrong with you. They also apply this and have random people scratch their heads and then burn you

Not very painfull, mostly a short pulse, although they may keep the beam on your head and remove it after you start scratchin your head

Why it is applied
Drive you out of your mind, drive you into attacking other people

Headache beam This beam gives you a headache. It is some kind of high intensity low frequency beam. The headache appears suddenly and also disapears suddenly

Can be very painful

Sickness/Alcohol beam The feeling is that you feel a little bit dizzy, see thing a little foggy.

How it is applied
They may apply this when you drink your first glass of beer, wine, etc. or when you have a cold, or are sensitive to hay fever

Cooking They put the microwave beamer on your head and your head is heated. They may do this after you drink a glas of wine, but also after you turn on the central heating of your appartment. You will feel hot, sick, slow.
Ear short burst Your ear is bursted, the idea is to hit your eardrum. With your eardrum cooked/damaged you have a strange feeling.
Ear continous beam Your ear is beamed for very long time just to present you pain, they want you to move.

It appears your eardrum and surrounding area is very sensitive. This is very painful.

Eye blur Your eye is bursted and you have instant blurred vision. Often your eye will start tearing

How it is applied
Some kind of miocrowave burst, see also Phasr and other similar military weapons used to blind the enemy

Not really painfull but you cannot do much as you are used to two eyes.

Why it is applied
Prevent you from working

Should you worry
Yes, this is very damaging for your eyes

Eye sting Your eye is bursted with some kind of laser beam

Like they drive a needle into your eye. Very painful

Why it is applied
Stress discomfort

Just below eye, tremble They beam at they area below your eye and the flesh below it starts trembling. They can do this in shops and through wall
Burn (beard) hair They burn away hair at certain locations, e.g. your moustache hair just below your nose holes to create the illusion of a leaking nose

How it is applied
This is just a laser hair removal procedure, like performed in many beauty parlors

Sneeze burst You are bursted and must sneeze. This is a tinglin sensation that can make you sneeze in an instant

How it is applied
You can turn your head in the other direction or hold your hand before your nose to make sure the attack is caused by electronic weapons

Why it is applied
To make your body react to something

Runny nose You have a runny nose but do not have a cold. You may start thinking you have some kind of strange cold but you have not. Once you are out of the beam, the runny nose disappears.

How it is applied
I am not sure if this is done only by electronic weapon or by a combination of some drug and electronic weapon

Cough burst Your throat is bursted with a high intensity burst and you start coughing instantly. This coughing does not look like normal coughing. You will have a sore throat immediately afterwards.
Dry cough Like something fluid/moisture sticks in your lungs, or sometimes your throat. When you breath you hear/feel a rasping sound. You must cough very hard to throw it out.
Toothache Using a low frequency beam they induce a toothache, this really is a horrrible feeling. It is like a true toothache but now when you move out of the beam it disappears.

Why it is applied
Prevent you from doing anything, just plain torture

Sore throat Your throat is sowly cooked and you will almost immediately notice less volume and after some time pain while speaking

How it is applied
They can do this in just one or two hours by aiming a high power beam at your throat.

Why it is applied
Prevent you from speaking loud, prevent you to sing

Blackout beam This is very high intensity burst on your head. There is no pain but it feels like the result having been hit on the head very hard. You feel a bit dizzy and your ears are ringing
On top of shoulder A very painfull beam on the top of your shoulder

Why it is applied
Just torture

Cook chest/lungs I call this beam: through-body-beam. You are really cooked by this beam. If applied with enough intensity you will feel a burning sensation on the back (where it enters), then feel the beam cook your insde, then you start burping, then you feel a burning sensation on the other part of your body where the beam leaves your body

How it is applied
This beam can be applied everywhere, form the house next to yours, from cars. When they beam you outside the intensity often is higher as they want to make sure are hit properly

You feel like being microwaved. Very painfull, horrible torture

Cooking They put the microwave beamer on your body for a long time and you have the feeling you are cooked alive which in effect is a very accurate description of what is being done

You feel like being cooked alive, horrible torture

Burp beam This is a low power sophisticated version of the chest/lungs cook beam. It is difficult to locate the source direction.

How it is applied
It takes approx. 2-3 seconds to make you burp, make your body react to events. They also may apply low intensity, so you get an irresistable urge to burp but cannot

Horrible torture

Why it is applied
To make you suffer. This applied sometimes once every five minutes, but sometimes also several times a minute to let your body react to events like cars passing your window, etc. Horrible torture.

Heart attack incl. extra beam from left behind This is a low frequency high power beam aimed at your heart, mostly from a position somewhere in front of you. To maximze the effect they simultaneously beam you from the left behind position with a microwave cook beam.

How it is applied
As they may apply the from behaind beam for a long period your flesh around the heart area may get cooked and the whole area may feel painfiul and stiff

This really gives you the feeling of having a heart problem, and in fact you have! The difference is that this one is applied by murderers. Horrible torture

After effects
It may take several days before you recover (if they stop the beam)

Should you worry
Yes, your heart is vital

Heart attack high power burst This is a very high power burst of very short duration, 1 second or less, that will give you immediately an extremely painful heart (area). This beam is really amazing: I believe it can kill you in an instant

How it is applied
They can do this through wall anytime

Horrible torture

After effects
It may take several days before your body recovers and it all feels normal again

Should you worry
Yes, your heart is vital

Heart attack blobbing feeling, heart pulsing strangely, randomly This may be done seperate from other heart attacks. Your heart may start feel pulsing funny, the feeling is very massive, it also feels like bubling, like the heart lost control of normal operation and just pulses somewhat

How it is applied
Not only frightening but also very painful

Pressure beam They put a pressure beam on your chest this will take your breath away and you may think your are having a heart problem. This can have various intensities
Back burning They burn the skin of your back. This can be low intensity or high intensity. The feeling is you have a sun burn, in case of high intensities it will also color your back a little red.

How it is applied
This almost instant skin cooking. Refer to ADS (Active Denial System) for details

Why it is applied
Present pain. To move you out of the way, to make you leave the swimming pool, etc.

Electric shower This is an overwhelming effect. This is like a shower but not with water but with electronic pulses.
Heating The temperature of your body is increased giving you the feeling you have a flu or some kind of illness.
Spleen beam Beaming in your side gives you the idea you have spleen pain

How it is applied
They often do this during high intensity sport activities. The idea is to make you belive you have real spleen pain and will stop your exercise

Biceps They cook your biceps to reduce their power , make them feel painful when you load them during e.g. swimming. This may be done to prevent you from doing your sports.
muscle weakening in hand They beam your hands. The result is that you can not hold a pen between thumb and finger like you used to, also you can not put you fingers against each other (like making a cup with your hand). They may do this to prevent you from working or doing your sports e.g. swimming.
Stomach cooking They put a beam on your stomach and the stomach begins to bubble like something is cooking inside.

How it is applied
They often do this at night.

Should you worry
Yes, long term irradition may cause stomach cancer, tumors

Kidney damage With some kind of ultrasound beam they attack your kidneys. The feeling is like you have been kicked over and over in your sides. This is like the feeling that is described by patients that have their kidney stones crushed by ultrasound.
Intestines cooking, urge to defecate They cook your intestines and you feel you have to fart but cannot.
Fart beam They cook your intestines and it will start bubbling. After some time you will have to fart
blind gut attack they cook the area around your tail bone. After a short period, depending on the intensity this may take 60 seconds or more, you will feel horrible cramps.

This pain makes you crawl on the floor. Horrible torture

After effects
It takes at least one hour before the horrible cramps get a litle less painful.

How to detect
With normal cramps you will have other parts of your body react as well, like heavy sweating. In this case there is just intense pain.

Diarreah They cook your intestines and you have a very strong feeling to go to the toilet. By continously beaming you have very heavy diarreah

Why it is applied
Keep you out of important events, e.g. A lawsuit where you havve to defend yourself

Erection termination This beam makes your erection go away, if you are a man of course. This can be done in 20-30 seconds. Depending on the direction of the beam your intestines may start bubbling though not very loud
Urge to urinate They beam your lower body so you will feel the urge to urinate. It is difficult to ignore and there will come a moment you will have to do this when the beam continues.
Block burst The feeling is that your movement is blocked. You must take care not to fall or make a strange move
Short beams This will cause pain to your knee
High intensity beaming The put the beamer on your knee and make sure it stays there for hours. The location may vary ut just above the knee cap can cause a lot of pain. This will result in very much pain and a very sensitive knee.

How it is applied
After a few days your knee hurts a lot when walking. They may apply this also when biking to make you think something is wrong with your knee

Very painful, horrible torture

Calf cooking They apply low intensity, low power beam to your legs, e.g. When you are in bed. Your muscles, legs feel stif the next morning. They may start cooking the calfs after you finished running, and after some time before you want to go running to prevent you from running

How it is applied
What happens when you increase load on cooked muscles? They tear apart

Very painful, horrible torture

Why it is applied
Prevent you from running, other sports

Calf bursting This beam is in fact a very high power burst and can cook your calf from hundreds of meters in a split second. If you are running your cooked muscles will tear apart and you have instant injury. See also Heart attack high power burst. You may notice the following feeling: a needle going in and out of your calf within a second

Very painful, horrible torture

Why it is applied
Prevent you from runningm, other sports

Shin cooking They cook the skin of your shin with very high intensities. When you are running, the shin injury is a well-known. They may start cooking the skin of of your shin after you finished running, and after some time (days) before you want to go running to prevent you from running

Very painful, horrible torture

Why it is applied
Prevent you from running, other sports

Heel muscle The cook your heel muscle. This muscle does not contain much nerves so it is difficult to detect before the damage has been done. Then you will think back and remember there was something wrong the previous day or days.

Walking can be painful.

Why it is applied
Prevent you from running, other sports

Ankle They cook your ankles, just to cause you pain. You feel the beam and it is difficult to keep your leg in the same position because of the pain. This is often a applied for a long period of time, several hours.

Very painful

After effects
May take several days to disappear when applied with high intensities

Foot They beam very hard in the center of your foot

Very painful, horrible torture

Foot insane They burst the center of your foot with max power very short burst beam, only once while walking even in a crowded place. This causes insane pain and you may fall immediately, because the foot is not functioning anymore.

Extremely painful, horrible torture

Toes They pick a single toe and beam it for several days in a row


Toes insane They burst your toes with with max power very short burst beam, and do this several times. This causes insane pain.

How it is applied
They may do this while riding your bike, horrible torture

Foot block Ultrasonic beam to block the movement of a foot. If you are not prepared for this block you may fall.
Shaking Your whole body starts shaking like being in a aircraft in bad weather. The frequency is around 5 Hz. The intensity may amaze you.
Scratching They apply a scratch beam to any part of your body. This beam is very hard to resist. Before you know it you may start scratching yourself like crazy

Horrible torture

Tremble apart Some high power acoustic beamer is aimed at your leg and after some time your leg feels non-cooperative, not part of your body anymore
Sleepy feeling They beam you with a frequency that makes you really feel sleepy. You will start yawning and cannot keep your eyes open. This efect starts very suddenly and often ends very abrupt.

How it is applied
They may also do this by devices built into your car

Nausea Not a very pleasant feeling but not veru disturbing or damaging
See the world turning You feel dizzy and see the world turing like when you are very very tired. This effect is not really very real. The moment you are out-of-the-beam you are not turning anymore. Still it is amazing that this can be done.
fatigue attacks  
Force awake With this well-known beam they will keep you awake, prevent you from sleeping. This way they wear you out, may be the next day you have an important meeting or must finish important work.
Sweating, nauseous, vomit feeling You start sweating suddenly, you feel dizzy, you think you may have to vomit. When applied with enough intensity you will start to vomit, you will need at least 30 minutes to recover a little bit from this attack, but it will take hours before your body is acting a bit like before the attack.

How it is applied
They may do this when you are with a friend. Google: navy vomit beam

Horrible torture

Induce dreams You have strange dreams about things but the dreams are not like dreams you had before. The dreams may refer to very recent events in your life, like a person you met, a movie yu saw, it is another form of reacting to events in your life

How it is applied
Some people in your environment might tell you they have wild dreams that night trying to get you talking about your experience

Additional Links

Secret service: fear for the truth to be revealed - Gang stalkers and people cookers are murderers

Secret service: fear for the truth to be revealed - A new category murderers: people cookers

The Hidden Evil

Microwave Mind Control


Secret service: fear for the truth to be revealed - start independent investigations

The normal people at war with the mentally ill (the murderers and psychopaths)

Secret service: fear for the truth to be revealed - normal people are murdered to keep the system running

Secret service: fear for the truth to be revealed - use of electronic weapons to infer psychiatric problems, schizophrenia

Bioeffects of Selected Non-Lethal Weapons

Electronic Torture

To all Politicians of the world

The only way to save the world is to stop your national secret services. Breaking laws and violating human rights in horrible ways has become a way of life. They are responsible for most problems in your neighborhood, in your city, in your country, in the world. Make them responsible for what they are doing.

Let them account for in detail, force them to open up their organizations for thorough investigations. Stop their funding if they do not co-operate. Replace directors and staff immediately by normal people for starters.

Please help to spread the message or donate:

STOPEG foundation - STOP Electronic weapons and Gang stalking

Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi

Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi

How To Become A Freethinker: A Practical Guide + 7 Lessons You Should Learn Early In Life
October 9 2019 | From: TheUnboundedSpirit / AustralianNationalReview

We humans like to think that we are freethinkers, but how many of us truly are?

How many people actually think for themselves, without falling victims to beliefs or ideologies?

How many are not heavily influenced by the biased information that the media is presenting them with? How many are choosing to have certain opinions just because an authority figure told them to or because tradition holds them to be true?

The reality is that most people don’t know how to think critically, and blindly accept the beliefs that were handed to them by society. But unless one learns to think for oneself, how can one grow into a more conscious, wise person? It’s impossible.

So how can one learn to think for himself or herself? Well, here’s a small yet concise practical guide on how to become a freethinker that will help you to break free from the prison of belief and arrive at your own conclusions in your quest for truth.

How to Become a Freethinker?

Doubt your beliefs. The first and most important step to become a freethinking individual is to doubt the beliefs that have been forced upon you by others. Whatever your beliefs are - whether religious, political, philosophical and so on - be sure to question them, scrutinize them, and discard any of them when you find no solid evidence supporting them.

Question authority. 
Most people choose to obey and follow what authority tells them is true and right. They don’t think for themselves- they let others do the thinking for them instead. A freethinker never accepts anything on authority. He/she asks questions and is open to accept any answers that point to the truth, even if they go against the opinions and beliefs of authority.

Observe your behavior. Although we tend to think that we have free will, most of our actions are actually carried out on an unconscious level. In a sense, we are victims to our habits.

To become a freethinker, you need to become more aware of your thoughts, actions, and overall behavior. Once you do so, you’ll be able to better understand yourself and make more conscious choices in life, without behaving in certain ways just because you feel compelled to.

Stop conforming. Another important step to become a freethinker is to detach yourself from group thinking. People choose to conform in all sorts of ways just in order to feel accepted and liked by others. To achieve that, many people unquestionably accept what others tell them out of the fear of being left out.

By escaping the herd mentality you’ll be able to think more clearly, without feeling the pressure to comply with others.

Use critical thinking. Learning how to use critical thinking is of utmost importance to freethinking. If you can’t analyze and critically assess the information that you come across, you’ll be an easy target for manipulation and thought control.

Critical thinking will assist you in your search to discover the truth, by helping you to avoid being influenced by biased opinions and false information.

Voice your mind. A freethinker is a rebel. It’s a person who is not afraid to speak his/her mind, no matter how opposing his/her ideas are to the establishment. Whatever you consider as true, right and of importance to be communicated to others, do openly talk about it, even if you are the only person who has the guts to do so.

 A freethinker cares about truth like nothing else. In the journey to finding truth, there are guides that can help one approach it easier and quicker. If you’re searching for truth, it would be beneficial if you gathered knowledge from as many sources as you can, whether that is books, documentaries, podcasts, and so on. Do whatever helps to expand your consciousness.

Keep an open mind. Last but not least, a freethinker is a person with an open mind. That means, a person who is open to learning new things and ready to change his mind when presented with evidence that contradicts his opinions and beliefs. A freethinker doesn’t accept anything blindly but at the same time doesn’t shrink from considering emerging perspectives and ideas that may challenge his/her worldview.

7 Lessons You Should Learn Early In Life

Most people experience a crisis at some point in their lives. It’s different for every individual and it is even harder to predict what that crisis may be.

However, at times like these we often regret not learning some key lessons in our earlier years.

Here are 7 such things that we should realise while we are still young.

Live In The Present

We often spend hours pondering about our past experiences and what the future holds for us. However, it’s important to realise that we can be happy only if we live in the present.

If we get too bothered with our past or too worried about the future, we miss living in the moment. The present belongs to us and we need to make the most of it.

Don’t live your life based on other people’s expectations

Our friends and family expect a lot from us. We shouldn’t always give priority to their expectations, especially when it contradicts our personal dreams and goals.

All your life there will be people who will tell you what you should and shouldn’t do. It is important for you to introspect and comprehend what is best for you.

Don’t make your problems bigger than they really are

Hurdles are inevitable. However, it is human tendency to magnify the scale of our problems by simply over-thinking.

Stop thinking too much because that’s not the solution to your obstacle. On the contrary,  over-thinking actually makes it harder to resolve issues.

Get out of your comfort zone

Most of us are intimidated by something or the other. To reach our highest potential, it is important to deal with these fears and nip them in the bud.

If you tackle your fears with a straight head, you may realise that they perhaps weren’t so scary in the first place.

Don’t Race

Young people want to achieve everything and often they want to do it before everyone else. We must realise that one of the most essential aspects of life is tenacity. We should have patience and faith, and only then can we become truly successful.

Don’t assume what others think of you

Realistically, the harsh truth is, you matter much less to other people than you think. You are not the centre of the universe and not everyone has an opinion about you or your opinions.

Stop fretting over your impression on others and live your life to the fullest.

Be Appreciative

Appreciate your life experiences and most importantly, appreciate yourself, your friends and your family. Give a 100 per cent to those who deserve it because it will make you happier in the long-run.

Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi

Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi

The Federal Reserve Cartel: The Eight Families + 7 Not-So-Secret Homes Of Super Secret Societies
October 8 2019 | From: GlobalResearch / AtlasObscura

The Four Horsemen of Banking (Bank of America, JP Morgan Chase, Citigroup and Wells Fargo) own the Four Horsemen of Oil (Exxon Mobil, Royal Dutch/Shell, BP and Chevron Texaco); in tandem with Deutsche Bank, BNP, Barclays and other European old money behemoths. But their monopoly over the global economy does not end at the edge of the oil patch.

According to company 10K filings to the SEC, the Four Horsemen of Banking are among the top ten stock holders of virtually every Fortune 500 corporation.

Related: Central Banking and The Federal Reserve System

So who then are the stockholders in these money center banks?

This information is guarded much more closely. My queries to bank regulatory agencies regarding stock ownership in the top 25 US bank holding companies were given Freedom of Information Act status, before being denied on “national security” grounds. This is rather ironic, since many of the bank’s stockholders reside in Europe.

One important repository for the wealth of the global oligarchy that owns these bank holding companies is US Trust Corporation – founded in 1853 and now owned by Bank of America.

A recent US Trust Corporate Director and Honorary Trustee was Walter Rothschild. Other directors included Daniel Davison of JP Morgan Chase, Richard Tucker of Exxon Mobil, Daniel Roberts of Citigroup and Marshall Schwartz of Morgan Stanley.

J. W. McCallister, an oil industry insider with House of Saud connections, wrote in The Grim Reaper that information he acquired from Saudi bankers cited 80% ownership of the New York Federal Reserve Bank- by far the most powerful Fed branch - by just eight families, four of which reside in the US.

Jacob Rothschild and David Rockefeller kicking it

They are the Goldman Sachs, Rockefellers, Lehmans and Kuhn Loebs of New York; the Rothschilds of Paris and London; the Warburgs of Hamburg; the Lazards of Paris; and the Israel Moses Seifs of Rome.

CPA Thomas D. Schauf corroborates McCallister’s claims, adding that ten banks control all twelve Federal Reserve Bank branches.

He names N.M. Rothschild of London, Rothschild Bank of Berlin, Warburg Bank of Hamburg, Warburg Bank of Amsterdam, Lehman Brothers of New York, Lazard Brothers of Paris, Kuhn Loeb Bank of New York, Israel Moses Seif Bank of Italy, Goldman Sachs of New York and JP Morgan Chase Bank of New York.

Schauf lists William Rockefeller, Paul Warburg, Jacob Schiff and James Stillman as individuals who own large shares of the Fed. The Schiffs are insiders at Kuhn Loeb. The Stillmans are Citigroup insiders, who married into the Rockefeller clan at the turn of the century.

The Federal Reserve Board 1913

Eustace Mullins came to the same conclusions in his book The Secrets of the Federal Reserve, in which he displays charts connecting the Fed and its member banks to the families of Rothschild, Warburg, Rockefeller and the others.

The control that these banking families exert over the global economy cannot be overstated and is quite intentionally shrouded in secrecy. Their corporate media arm is quick to discredit any information exposing this private central banking cartel as “conspiracy theory”. Yet the facts remain.

The House of Morgan

The Federal Reserve Bank was born in 1913, the same year US banking scion J. Pierpont Morgan died and the Rockefeller Foundation was formed. The House of Morgan presided over American finance from the corner of Wall Street and Broad, acting as quasi-US central bank since 1838, when George Peabody founded it in London.

J.P. Morgan

Peabody was a business associate of the Rothschilds. In 1952 Fed researcher Eustace Mullins put forth the supposition that the Morgans were nothing more than Rothschild agents. Mullins wrote that the Rothschilds;

“…preferred to operate anonymously in the US behind the facade of J.P. Morgan & Company”.

Author Gabriel Kolko stated; “Morgan’s activities in 1895-1896 in selling US gold bonds in Europe were based on an alliance with the House of Rothschild.”

The Morgan financial octopus wrapped its tentacles quickly around the globe. Morgan Grenfell operated in London. Morgan et Ce ruled Paris. The Rothschild’s Lambert cousins set up Drexel & Company in Philadelphia.

The House of Morgan catered to the Astors, DuPonts, Guggenheims, Vanderbilts and Rockefellers. It financed the launch of AT&T, General Motors, General Electric and DuPont. Like the London-based Rothschild and Barings banks, Morgan became part of the power structure in many countries.

By 1890 the House of Morgan was lending to Egypt’s central bank, financing Russian railroads, floating Brazilian provincial government bonds and funding Argentine public works projects. A recession in 1893 enhanced Morgan’s power. That year Morgan saved the US government from a bank panic, forming a syndicate to prop up government reserves with a shipment of $62 million worth of Rothschild gold.

It's a little known fact the the Monopoly man was based on J.P. Morgan

Morgan was the driving force behind Western expansion in the US, financing and controlling West-bound railroads through voting trusts. In 1879 Cornelius Vanderbilt’s Morgan-financed New York Central Railroad gave preferential shipping rates to John D. Rockefeller’s budding Standard Oil monopoly, cementing the Rockefeller/Morgan relationship.

The House of Morgan now fell under Rothschild and Rockefeller family control. A New York Herald headline read, “Railroad Kings Form Gigantic Trust”. J. Pierpont Morgan, who once stated;

“Competition is a sin”, now opined gleefully, “Think of it. All competing railroad traffic west of St. Louis placed in the control of about thirty men."

Morgan and Edward Harriman’s banker Kuhn Loeb held a monopoly over the railroads, while banking dynasties Lehman, Goldman Sachs and Lazard joined the Rockefellers in controlling the US industrial base.

In 1903 Banker’s Trust was set up by the Eight Families. Benjamin Strong of Banker’s Trust was the first Governor of the New York Federal Reserve Bank.

The 1913 creation of the Fed fused the power of the Eight Families to the military and diplomatic might of the US government. If their overseas loans went unpaid, the oligarchs could now deploy US Marines to collect the debts. Morgan, Chase and Citibank formed an international lending syndicate.

The House of Morgan was cozy with the British House of Windsor and the Italian House of Savoy. The Kuhn Loebs, Warburgs, Lehmans, Lazards, Israel Moses Seifs and Goldman Sachs also had close ties to European royalty. By 1895 Morgan controlled the flow of gold in and out of the US.

The first American wave of mergers was in its infancy and was being promoted by the bankers. In 1897 there were sixty-nine industrial mergers. By 1899 there were twelve-hundred. In 1904 John Moody – founder of Moody’s Investor Services – said it was impossible to talk of Rockefeller and Morgan interests as separate.

Public distrust of the combine spread. Many considered them traitors working for European old money. Rockefeller’s Standard Oil, Andrew Carnegie’s US Steel and Edward Harriman’s railroads were all financed by banker Jacob Schiff at Kuhn Loeb, who worked closely with the European Rothschilds.

Several Western states banned the bankers. Populist preacher William Jennings Bryan was thrice the Democratic nominee for President from 1896 -1908. The central theme of his anti-imperialist campaign was that America was falling into a trap of “financial servitude to British capital”.

Teddy Roosevelt defeated Bryan in 1908, but was forced by this spreading populist wildfire to enact the Sherman Anti-Trust Act. He then went after the Standard Oil Trust.

In 1912 the Pujo hearings were held, addressing concentration of power on Wall Street. That same year Mrs. Edward Harriman sold her substantial shares in New York’s Guaranty Trust Bank to J.P. Morgan, creating Morgan Guaranty Trust. Judge Louis Brandeis convinced President Woodrow Wilson to call for an end to interlocking board directorates. In 1914 the Clayton Anti-Trust Act was passed.

Jack Morgan – J. Pierpont’s son and successor – responded by calling on Morgan clients Remington and Winchester to increase arms production. He argued that the US needed to enter WWI. Goaded by the Carnegie Foundation and other oligarchy fronts, Wilson accommodated.

As Charles Tansill wrote in America Goes to War;

“Even before the clash of arms, the French firm of Rothschild Freres cabled to Morgan & Company in New York suggesting the flotation of a loan of $100 million, a substantial part of which was to be left in the US to pay for French purchases of American goods.”

The House of Morgan financed half the US war effort, while receiving commissions for lining up contractors like GE, Du Pont, US Steel, Kennecott and ASARCO. All were Morgan clients.

Morgan also financed the British Boer War in South Africa and the Franco-Prussian War. The 1919 Paris Peace Conference was presided over by Morgan, which led both German and Allied reconstruction efforts.

In the 1930’s populism resurfaced in America after Goldman Sachs, Lehman Bank and others profited from the Crash of 1929. House Banking Committee Chairman Louis McFadden (D-NY) said of the Great Depression;,

“It was no accident. It was a carefully contrived occurrence…The international bankers sought to bring about a condition of despair here so they might emerge as rulers of us all”.

Sen. Gerald Nye (D-ND) chaired a munitions investigation in 1936. Nye concluded that the House of Morgan had plunged the US into WWI to protect loans and create a booming arms industry. Nye later produced a document titled The Next War, which cynically referred to “the old goddess of democracy trick”, through which Japan could be used to lure the US into WWII.

In 1937 Interior Secretary Harold Ickes warned of the influence of “America’s 60 Families”. Historian Ferdinand Lundberg later penned a book of the exact same title. Supreme Court Justice William O. Douglas decried;

“Morgan influence…the most pernicious one in industry and finance today.”

Related: America's 60 Families

Jack Morgan responded by nudging the US towards WWII. Morgan had close relations with the Iwasaki and Dan families – Japan’s two wealthiest clans – who have owned Mitsubishi and Mitsui, respectively, since the companies emerged from 17th Century shogunates.

When Japan invaded Manchuria, slaughtering Chinese peasants at Nanking, Morgan downplayed the incident. Morgan also had close relations with Italian fascist Benito Mussolini, while German Nazi Dr. Hjalmer Schacht was a Morgan Bank liaison during WWII. After the war Morgan representatives met with Schacht at the Bank of International Settlements (BIS) in Basel, Switzerland.

The House of Rockefeller

BIS is the most powerful bank in the world, a global central bank for the Eight Families who control the private central banks of almost all Western and developing nations. The first President of BIS was Rockefeller banker Gates McGarrah - an official at Chase Manhattan and the Federal Reserve.

McGarrah was the grandfather of former CIA director Richard Helms. The Rockefellers - like the Morgans - had close ties to London. David Icke writes in Children of the Matrix, that the Rockefellers and Morgans were just “gofers” for the European Rothschilds.

John D. Rockefeller

BIS is owned by the Federal Reserve, Bank of England, Bank of Italy, Bank of Canada, Swiss National Bank, Nederlandsche Bank, Bundesbank and Bank of France.

Historian Carroll Quigley wrote in his epic book Tragedy and Hope that BIS was part of a plan;

“to create a world system of financial control in private hands able to dominate the political system of each country and the economy of the world as a whole…to be controlled in a feudalistic fashion by the central banks of the world acting in concert by secret agreements.”

The US government had a historical distrust of BIS, lobbying unsuccessfully for its demise at the 1944 post-WWII Bretton Woods Conference. Instead the Eight Families’ power was exacerbated, with the Bretton Woods creation of the IMF and the World Bank. The US Federal Reserve only took shares in BIS in September 1994.

BIS holds at least 10% of monetary reserves for at least 80 of the world’s central banks, the IMF and other multilateral institutions. It serves as financial agent for international agreements, collects information on the global economy and serves as lender of last resort to prevent global financial collapse.

BIS promotes an agenda of monopoly capitalist fascism. It gave a bridge loan to Hungary in the 1990’s to ensure privatization of that country’s economy. It served as conduit for Eight Families funding of Adolf Hitler- led by the Warburg’s J. Henry Schroeder and Mendelsohn Bank of Amsterdam. Many researchers assert that BIS is at the nadir of global drug money laundering.

The Bank for International Settlements is the Mac Daddy at the top of the Worldwide Reserve Banking System, not just the US Federal Reserve

It is no coincidence that BIS is headquartered in Switzerland, favorite hiding place for the wealth of the global aristocracy and headquarters for the P-2 Italian Freemason’s Alpina Lodge and Nazi International. Other institutions which the Eight Families control include the World Economic Forum, the International Monetary Conference and the World Trade Organization.

Bretton Woods was a boon to the Eight Families. The IMF and World Bank were central to this “new world order”. In 1944 the first World Bank bonds were floated by Morgan Stanley and First Boston.

The French Lazard family became more involved in House of Morgan interests. Lazard Freres - France’s biggest investment bank- is owned by the Lazard and David-Weill families - old Genoese banking scions represented by Michelle Davive. A recent Chairman and CEO of Citigroup was Sanford Weill.

In 1968 Morgan Guaranty launched Euro-Clear, a Brussels-based bank clearing system for Eurodollar securities. It was the first such automated endeavor. Some took to calling Euro-Clear “The Beast”. Brussels serves as headquarters for the new European Central Bank and for NATO.

In 1973 Morgan officials met secretly in Bermuda to illegally resurrect the old House of Morgan, twenty years before Glass Steagal Act was repealed. Morgan and the Rockefellers provided the financial backing for Merrill Lynch, boosting it into the Big 5 of US investment banking. Merrill is now part of Bank of America.

John D. Rockefeller used his oil wealth to acquire Equitable Trust, which had gobbled up several large banks and corporations by the 1920’s.

The Great Depression helped consolidate Rockefeller’s power. His Chase Bank merged with Kuhn Loeb’s Manhattan Bank to form Chase Manhattan, cementing a long-time family relationship.

The Kuhn-Loeb’s had financed – along with Rothschilds – Rockefeller’s quest to become king of the oil patch. National City Bank of Cleveland provided John D. with the money needed to embark upon his monopolization of the US oil industry.

The bank was identified in Congressional hearings as being one of three Rothschild-owned banks in the US during the 1870’s, when Rockefeller first incorporated as Standard Oil of Ohio.

One Rockefeller Standard Oil partner was Edward Harkness, whose family came to control Chemical Bank. Another was James Stillman, whose family controlled Manufacturers Hanover Trust.

Both banks have merged under the JP Morgan Chase umbrella. Two of James Stillman’s daughters married two of William Rockefeller’s sons. The two families control a big chunk of Citigroup as well.

In the insurance business, the Rockefellers control Metropolitan Life, Equitable Life, Prudential and New York Life. Rockefeller banks control 25% of all assets of the 50 largest US commercial banks and 30% of all assets of the 50 largest insurance companies.

Insurance companies - the first in the US was launched by Freemasons through their Woodman’s of America - play a key role in the Bermuda drug money shuffle.

Companies under Rockefeller control include Exxon Mobil, Chevron Texaco, BP Amoco, Marathon Oil, Freeport McMoran, Quaker Oats, ASARCO, United, Delta, Northwest, ITT, International Harvester, Xerox, Boeing, Westinghouse, Hewlett-Packard, Honeywell, International Paper, Pfizer, Motorola, Monsanto, Union Carbide and General Foods.

The Rockefeller Foundation has close financial ties to both Ford and Carnegie Foundations. Other family philanthropic endeavors include Rockefeller Brothers Fund, Rockefeller Institute for Medical Research, General Education Board, Rockefeller University and the University of Chicago - which churns out a steady stream of far right economists as apologists for international capital, including Milton Friedman.

The family owns 30 Rockefeller Plaza, where the national Christmas tree is lighted every year, and Rockefeller Center.

David Rockefeller was instrumental in the construction of the World Trade Center towers. The main Rockefeller family home is a hulking complex in upstate New York known as Pocantico Hills.

They also own a 32-room 5th Avenue duplex in Manhattan, a mansion in Washington, DC, Monte Sacro Ranch in Venezuela, coffee plantations in Ecuador, several farms in Brazil, an estate at Seal Harbor, Maine and resorts in the Caribbean, Hawaii and Puerto Rico.

Allen Dulles

The Dulles and Rockefeller families are cousins. Allen Dulles created the CIA, assisted the Nazis, covered up the Kennedy hit from his Warren Commission perch and struck a deal with the Muslim Brotherhood to create mind-controlled assassins.

Brother John Foster Dulles presided over the phony Goldman Sachs trusts before the 1929 stock market crash and helped his brother overthrow governments in Iran and Guatemala.

Both were Skull & Bones, Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) insiders and 33rd Degree Masons.

The Rockefellers were instrumental in forming the depopulation-oriented Club of Rome at their family estate in Bellagio, Italy.

Their Pocantico Hills estate gave birth to the Trilateral Commission. The family is a major funder of the eugenics movement which spawned Hitler, human cloning and the current DNA obsession in US scientific circles.

John Rockefeller Jr. headed the Population Council until his death. His namesake son is a Senator from West Virginia. Brother Winthrop Rockefeller was Lieutenant Governor of Arkansas and remains the most powerful man in that state.

In an October 1975 interview with Playboy magazine, Vice-President Nelson Rockefeller- who was also Governor of New York- articulated his family’s patronizing worldview;

“I am a great believer in planning- economic, social, political, military, total world planning.”

But of all the Rockefeller brothers, it is Trilateral Commission (TC) founder and Chase Manhattan Chairman David who has spearheaded the family’s fascist agenda on a global scale. He defended the Shah of Iran, the South African apartheid regime and the Chilean Pinochet junta.

He was the biggest financier of the CFR, the TC and (during the Vietnam War) the Committee for an Effective and Durable Peace in Asia- a contract bonanza for those who made their living off the conflict.

Nixon asked him to be Secretary of Treasury, but Rockefeller declined the job, knowing his power was much greater at the helm of the Chase. Author Gary Allen writes in The Rockefeller File that in 1973;

“David Rockefeller met with twenty-seven heads of state, including the rulers of Russia and Red China.”

Following the 1975 Nugan Hand Bank/CIA coup against Australian Prime Minister Gough Whitlam, his British Crown-appointed successor Malcolm Fraser sped to the US, where he met with President Gerald Ford after conferring with David Rockefeller.

7 Not-So-Secret Homes Of Secret Societies

In clandestine corners of the world, the elite come together in secrecy. Some of them don’t mind that we know of these society meetings, while others maintain that they do not organize at all.

Illustration by Miss Alice Heighes Donlevy of the "Secret Society Buildings of New Haven," with the former Skull & Bones headquarters at left center (circa 1869-1903)

Yet doormen speak to their friends, initiation rites are leaked, people peek in windows, chanting in far underground lairs can be heard by a passerby. Conspiracy theorists have long held that someone, and not the Fates, is manipulating our world, and perhaps in these secret societies the strings are being pulled.

Here is a list of seven groups so secret some members will never admit to their involvement, and their meeting places hiding in plain sight.

Skull and Bones Tomb

New Haven, Connecticut

The Tomb

Ivy league Yale University is considered to be one of the most selective higher educational institutions in the United States, if not the world. Its motto lux et veritas translates to "light and truth." On the historic campus in New Haven, Connecticut, there is a building where "light and truth" are reserved for carefully selected members and alumni.

What is known about the Skull and Bones secret society is minimal. The organization started in 1832. An official roster of its members was published up until 1971. Bonesmen, as members are called, have been heads of corporations, senior government officials, Supreme Court justices, and even presidents.

Theories about what the Skull and Bones actually do range from its members controlling the Central Intelligence Agency, being a part of a global network aimed at world domination, to being a branch of the Illuminati.

Related: The Order / Skull and Bones / Chapter 322

It’s also unknown exactly what happens in The Tomb, the group's headquarters, but there are strange rumors of what is contained in the windowless sandstone building. The Egypto-Doric style of the structure makes it appear as an immense sepulcher.

The tomb is thought to hold secret documents containing the roster of all members, ritual details, as well as multiple stolen relics. Some of the bones rumored to be in The Tomb include the skulls of Geronimo, Pancho Villa, Martin Van Buren, and the gravestone of Elihu Yale, the school's founder. Bonesmen are also known to take other societies' belongings in a show of thievery and cunning known as crooking.

Bilderberg Club: Hotel de Bilderberg

Oosterbeek, Netherlands (note that this is not the office of the organisation, but the place of it's inaugural meeting).

Hotel de Bilderberg

In November of 1954, 50 delegates from 11 countries in Western Europe and 11 Americans spent three days in Oosterbeek, Netherlands, at the Hotel de Bilderberg.

The purpose of the meeting was said to foster conversations between Europe and North America. Those in attendance included a prince, a prime minster, and the head of the CIA. Since that meeting, each year a group of international leaders in the fields of politics, business, media, and communications have met to discuss… we’re not exactly sure.

There is no agenda, no resolutions are proposed, no voting of any kind is executed, and no positions or policy statements are issued.

Related: The True Story Of The Bilderberg Group

The meetings are held in a different location each year and each year the topics of the meeting are up for the general public to theorize over.

The roster of attendees is never officially made public, but there have been leaks over the years. Conspiracy theories abound, especially because of the group’s intense level of secrecy. Many believe the group is conspiring to impose capital domination, a world government, or a planned economy. What is certain is that the more prominent you are, the more likely you’ll be to get an invitation to next year’s Bilderberg conference. 

Scientology's Trementina Base

Trementina, New Mexico

Trementina Base, New Mexico

Scientology is most visible today because of celebrity members like Tom Cruise and John Travolta, yet the organization has been aggressive over the years in tackling critics and maintaining its secrets. One of the most controversial religious groups, some characterize the movement as a cult.

Basic Scientology belief holds that humans are immortal beings who have reincarnated and have lived on other planets before finding themselves now on Earth. One of the things that makes the religion controversial is its assertive nature, often turning to character assassination or litigation in dealing with skeptics and critics who question their practices. The church is also extremely secretive, holding many of its teachings from members until they have made it through multiple levels.

Scientology operates several churches called Celebrity Centres that are opened to the public, but are primarily meant for "anyone with the power and vision to create a better world.” The Church of the Spiritual Technology, or CST, is reserved for the most trusted of members.

Related: Going Clear: Scientology And The Prison Of Belief

Many of these members manage elaborate bases including the Trementina Base. The official word from the church is that the base is a location used to preserve Scientology founder L. Ron Hubbard’s writings, which are said to be engraved on steel sheets and encased in titanium cases. It’s thought that Trementina is more than just a location to archive Hubbard’s works, however.

Trementina contains underground dwellings and tunnels, but what’s most interesting about the base is what you see from the outside. Aerial photographs above the base show huge images dug into the Earth.

The images are that of the church’s logo. Former members have claimed that the symbols are to mark the return point for members when they travel into the future. Other members have stated that this is the place where Hubbard is supposed to go when he returns.  

The Illuminati: Domus Sanctae Marthae

Vatican City, Vatican

Related: The Jesuits & The Vatican

Pope Francis entering Domus Sanctae Marthae

Established in 1776 in Bavaria, Germany, this group of freethinkers, humanists, and academics opposed superstition, prejudice, religion, and its influence over the public, and they supported the advancement of women.

The Illuminati were a shadowy group, believed capable of influencing movements in government and the arts. The group was infiltrated and shut down a decade after its founding, or so the official record goes. Conspiracy theorists have long been obsessed that the world has been controlled by the Illuminati for generations.

There are many modern groups that claim to be the descendants of the original Bavarian Illuminati; they go so far as to use the name “Illuminati” in their title, but there is no evidence that these recent organizations are tied to the original.

Related: The Order Of The Illuminati: Its Origins, Its Methods And Its Influence On World Events

Besides its actions, what is a major mystery of this group is the location of its headquarters. Theorists have claimed many prominent locations are the headquarters of the Illuminati from Disney World in Orlando, Florida, the Mormon Temple in Salt Lake City, Utah, the Statue of Liberty in New York City, Big Ben in London, the Eiffel Tower in Paris, the Pentagon in Washington, D.C., and, among many others, the Vatican.

The theory that the Illuminati headquarters is located at the Vatican is especially interesting due to the group's opposition to the church. It's believed by conspiracy theorists that the church was long ago infiltrated by the society and so that would make its leader, the pope, one of the Illuminati's highest ranking members. 

Today, the pope resides in a simple room at Domus Sanctae Marthae, a guest house adjacent to St. Peter's Basilica. The five-story building containing 106 suites and 22 single rooms is for clergy who are in town on official Holy See business, or perhaps for an Illuminati meeting or two.

Ordo Templi Orientis: Bay Area Thelemic Temple

Oakland, California

Mural of Aleister Crowley at the Abode of Chaos

The Order of the Temple of the East was founded between 1895 and 1906 in either Austria or Germany. It is believed wealthy industrialist, Carl Kellner, began the religious movement, but it was famed occultist Aleister Crowley whose name and additions to the group shrouded it in curiosity and mystery.

OTO was modeled somewhat after another secret society, Freemasonry. But Crowley added a layer, his own self-created belief system called Thelema. Thelema’s practices and beliefs are written out in a book titled The Book of Law and its core belief is: “Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.”

Ideas from occultism, and Eastern and Western mysticism, found their way into Thelema and thus OTO. The religion is highly secretive and members move through the order in a series of rites and rituals, moving up levels in the forms of initiations. Levels have curious names such as Minerval, Master Magician, Illustrious Knight, Grandmaster of Light, and so on.

There are two components at the core of OTO: magical rituals, which have been rumored to include tantric sex, the summoning of angels and demons, and astral projection.

Then there is the gnostic mass, reminiscent of a Catholic mass only because it contains a host and wine toward the end. The gnostic mass includes elaborate costumes, and at the climax of the mass it's believed that the host turns into the Body of God and the wine the Blood of God.

There are multiple locations of worship called camps, oases, or lodges. The majority of them keep their locations secretive to the greater public. The relatively small location in Oakland is an oasis. They hold a weekly gnostic mass in a temple decorated in candles and Egyptian imagery. 

It’s unknown exactly what takes place during initiation ceremonies and what knowledge is shared during these events. According to Crowley's autobiography, The Confessions of Aleister Crowley: "the OTO is in possession of one supreme secret. The whole of its system [is] directed towards communicating to its members, by progressively plain hints, this all-important instruction.”

Priory of Sion: Bibliothèque Nationale de France

Paris, France

National Library of France Reading Room

The secret of this secret society is that many people believe in its existence, but scholarly claims have repetitively stated the group is a complete myth, constructed by the imagination of a madman.    

The myth begins that the Priory of Sion was a group charged with protecting the descendants of Jesus of Nazareth and Mary Magdalene who eventually went on to settle in France.

It was leaked in the 1970s that the Bibliothèque Nationale de France in Paris, the French National Library, was in possession of a file called Dossiers Secrets d'Henri Lobineau that pointed to the Priory of Sion being located in France.

The file contained an introduction, maps of France, genealogies, newspaper clippings, letters and a list of grand masters of the Priory of Sion that included Sir Isaac Newton, Victor Hugo, and Leonardo Da Vinci.

The authenticity of these files has been questioned ever since they were left at the library. Eventually, they were traced to Pierre Plantard. It is believed Plantard planted the document at the library in order to perpetuate an elaborate hoax. He himself claimed to be a descendant of Jesus' bloodline. 

Academics went on to agree that the Priory of Sion was a hoax constructed by Plantard. Yet, books, articles, and movies continue to be made about this group. Whether or not there is a secret society dedicated to protecting a family descendant from biblical times we may never know.

Rosicrucianism: Rosicrucian Park

San Jose, California

Rosicrucian Egyptian Museum grounds

Several manifestos were anonymously published in the early 17th century that told of legends, mysticism, alchemy, and the Order of the Temple of the Rosy Cross. One of these documents was the Fama Fraternitatis which was published in Cassel, Germany.

The Fama spoke of the 15th century German doctor and mystical philosopher Christian Rosenkreuz who traveled through parts of the Middle East where he learned esoteric wisdom, studying in places such as Turkey and Egypt.

There, he claimed to learn extensive knowledge regarding nature and the universe. When he returned, he attempted to share what he learned but he was dismissed. He then formed a like-minded group called the Fraternity of the Rose Cross. 

Related: The Rosicrucians

The year of his birth and death remain shadowy, but some documents claim he lived over 106 years. The group upheld Christian beliefs, but strongly opposed Roman Catholicism, and was also said to have influenced Freemasonry along with hundreds of other groups, many of which have adopted titles with similar names throughout modern times.

At its simplest form, the group aimed to promote a “Universal Reformation of Mankind.” Some reports claim that the requirement for membership was that one must have been capable of using more than the average amount of brain power.

During Rosenkreuz’s life, the group was thought to have only consisted of a handful of members, each of whom was a doctor.

All members took an oath to remain bachelors, and also to treat the sick without payment and to find a replacement for themselves before they died. Interest in the group peaked between 1607 and 1616 with the appearances of the anonymous works that included the Fama Fraternitatis which ranged with content that included mysticism and apocalyptic warnings.

The Rosicricians were into their alchemy

Whether Rosenkreuz’s original idea continued is unknown. One of the hundreds of groups claiming to be tied to the original is the Ancient Mystical Order Rosea Crucis that has some connection to occultist Aleister Crowley. AMORC claims to be devoted to the “study of elusive mysteries of life and the universe.”

They utilize ideas from major philosophers, including Thales and Pythagoras, healing techniques, alchemy, symbolism, and mysticism. The group claims its history can be traced to pharaoh Thutmose III in 1477.

The AMORC headquarters is located at Rosicrucian Park in San Jose, California, which spans a city block and includes several structures. The park is home to elaborate gardens, a research library, a planetarium, a temple, and it houses the ashes of Harvey Spencer Lewis, founder of the secret society.

Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi

Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi

Detective Publishes Book Exposing High-Level Government Pedophile Ring, Shot In The Head Days Later & NZ Widow Says Her Former Husband's Paedophile Rings Goes To 'Highest Heights'
October 7 2019 | From: DCClothesline / NewZealandHerald / Various

A former police detective, and author of a bombshell book that exposed a massive pedophile ring made up of high-level government officials was found shot in the head last month.

While officials are calling it an apparent suicide, his family is claiming that he told them he would never kill himself and that people were after him because he was about to expose even more high-level government pedophilia.

Related: Former Police Detective ‘Commits Suicide’ Days After Releasing Book Exposing Elite Pedophile Ring

Mark Minne, author of the controversial book ‘The Lost Boys of Bird Island’ devoted his post-police life to exposing the corruption and horrifying pedophilia he discovered while working as a detective.

Minnie and his good friend Chris Steyn, also a former cop turned investigative journalist, worked together on the book to expose a government and business community who took children to Bird Island where they were abused, and some possibly murdered.

The book details the level of their involvement in the pedophile ring, abuse of the children, alleged acts of murder to cover up the crimes, as well as corruption and abuse of high-level state resources by the network’s members.

The book details the corruption within the last Apartheid government of South Africa and implicated officials all the way to the top, including defense minister Magnus Malan and the minister of environmental affairs John Wiley.

Major Satanic Ritual Abuse / Paedophile Network Exposed In Australia

Before his death, Minnie announced that he was approached by many more people with even more damning evidence which he planned to reveal in a sequel of the book. However, he died before he could finish it.

The book was published earlier this month on August 5 and only nine days later, Minnie would be found dead. Officials claim they found a suicide note at the scene, but his family says they don’t believe it at all.

Tersia Dodo, a family member of Minnie told reporters that just days before he died that if anything happened to him, they must know he was killed.

“He mentioned to us all the time that his life was in danger and if anything did happen to him we must know that it was done to him not by himself,” she said.

Dodo says Minnie was being watched and feared for his life because he had more information which would’ve exposed even more people.

60 Minutes Makes 'Special' On UK's VIP Paedophiles

“I knew about the book for many years and I knew what he had been through, it really played him that he had seen and been involved with the investigation surrounding the book,” Dodo told SABC.

Dodo came forward on her own after she saw the suicide narrative being played out in the media. She said she was compelled to do so, to dispel the myths.

“Mark was not a coward, Mark faced life head on,” she said.

"There is no ways that I or any of us believed that he would have opted out and that is why I agreed to do this interview to dispel any thoughts and rumors of suicide. 

He was not the type of man that was cowardly and that would do something like that.”

Related: The New York Times Makes Another Attempt To Normalize Pedophilia & Hollywood Is A Satanic Cesspool

As for the note police allegedly found next to Minnie’s body, Dodo believes it is either fake, or was written under duress.

“I have said this from the beginning, this supposed suicide note was either written under duress and I would like to see it before I will believe it was written by Mark,” she said.

This case is eerily similar to that of a man who was allegedly murdered in Lithuania after he began exposing high-level government pedophiles.

Related: Former Satanic Priest Exposes The Four Main Tenets Of Satanic Ideology & Are You A Satanist?

As TFTP previously reported, teenage refugee from Lithuania came forward last year with a White House petition and a damning testimony showing what happened after his family tried to expose a little girl’s abusers.

When his four-year-old cousin accused two high-level government officials - describing it in heartbreaking detail - Korolis Venckienė learned the hard way how the government protects its vilest members, up to and including using hundreds of militarized police and even murder.

As Venckienė explained in his petition on WhiteHouse.gov, this nightmare started when their family attempted to seek justice for the sick men who allegedly raped his four-year-old cousin.

“In 2008, 4-year-old Deimante Kedyte described her sexual assault by high-level Lithuanian officials. Her testimony was later verified as true by 4 separate commissions. She never had her day in court,” Venckienė wrote.

When the teen’s uncle, Drasius Kedys, Deimante’s father pushed for the men to be prosecuted for what they did to his daughter, he was murdered.

If Minnie was actually murdered, hopefully the information he was planning on releasing still comes forward. The only way to stop these vile actors is to shine light into the darkness. While Minnie has been silenced, his work can live on to be that light.


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The widow who told the world her politician husband was a paedophile says he was involved in a ring of abusers which goes to "the highest heights you can imagine".

Anihera Zhou Black said 'people in power' had committed immoral acts

In an exclusive interview, Anihera Zhou Black told the Herald: "This goes deep and wide, in terms of the paedophile ring, to the highest heights you can imagine. These people aren't just labourers and workers at fast food restaurants. These people are suits and people in power."

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Awanui Black died aged 48 in 2016. He was a regional councillor, Maori Party political aspirant, a commissioner at the Maori Language Commission, lecturer at Te Wananga o Raukawa and Treaty of Waitangi negotiator for Ngati Pukenga.

He was also a paedophile, according to Zhou Black's gut-wrenching Facebook Live broadcast yesterday.

Zhou Black, 49, with the support of sister Piiata Tiakitai-Turi, 50, said today her decision to denounce her former husband was intended to give strength to victims of abuse.

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She told of her belief Black had used their marriage to mask his predatory sexual behaviour towards children and her growing horror as she realised he was not the man she had believed him to be.

The couple had met aged 15 and were in a relationship from 18. He went on to become a highly-regarded pillar of the Bay of Plenty community and someone with the mana required to stand on the national stage.

But for Zhou Black, it was an ascent she had little part in.

“Our relationship is one where I never had a voice through our marriage. I had been conditioned, groomed, to be the quiet wife."

Her Facebook Live post - based on partial admissions from Black and disclosures from others - came after 26 years of silence.

Awanui Black died aged 48 in 2016

Another Huge Vatican Linked Pedophile Ring Has Been Exposed

The truth, as she now believes it to be, had to fight against his "grooming" of her to play a role which covered who he really was.

“I had painted a picture of who he was and along with everybody else it was a picture he wanted us to see."

"I had held onto that with everything I had, supported everything he did and let him go off and do kaupapa and I looked after our children and looked after our household and just did what I had to do to support him."

Now, she believed he had used their marriage as a mask for his "private life" - one that included affairs with consenting adults, abuse against children and large amounts of alcohol.

"He did admit to me that he thought he was rangatira and he thought he was entitled to have women wherever he slept for the night. That might have rolled a few hundred years ago but it's not what I signed up for."

"He was never ever faithful. Prostitutes, orgies, group sex - all of it."

And there were children, she said. The youngest victim to have emerged was someone who had said they were aged 8 when sexually abused by Awanui Black.

Death By Hanging From A Doorknob - The Signature Of Pedophilia-Related Assassinations? Eleven People So Far Who Knew Doorknobs Could Be So Deadly? & Pedophilia Is More Common Than You Think

Zhou Black said the couple separated in 2012, during which time he admitted affairs and using pre-teen pornography. There was a reconciliation a year later but the time away gave Zhou Black a voice she felt she never had and the reunion never worked.

In 2014, they separated again and stayed apart. Zhou Black said during these time she would yearn for him to tell her the truth.

Her sister said it was an impossible request because, once a string of marital infidelities were swept aside, the truth was much darker and far worse.

"The sad thing with Awa is that he knew if he told her the truth, there was no going back from that. He knew what the outcome of that was."

Anihera Zhou Black said in the time which followed there came disclosures, and events which occurred that answered questions in her mind from her years married to Awanui Black.

It had led her to believe there was a "ring" of people who - with her former husband - had preyed on children.

Related: Corey Feldman Calls LAPD To Out Pedophiles During Dr. Oz Appearance & ‘House Of Cards’ Star Kevin Spacey Hit With Additional Accusations Of Sexual Misconduct

She said she would be speaking with police but believed an independent investigation could be necessary as one of those she believed was involved had been a police officer.

"We don't know where the cover up will begin. There are compromised police here in Tauranga that are part of that ring. I know of one."

She would also not name a number of suspected victims, again because it could jeopardise the police inquiry.

"It's an unknown figure, to be honest. I have knowledge of some but whoever else is out there, we've just had so many people come through our lives."

Zhou Black said Black had been abused as a child and the experience had warped his actions.

She said she believed his actions as a predator drove his alcohol abuse.

A mural of Te Awanui Black behind the Mount Cinema

Related: Humanity’s ‘Dirty Little Secret’: Starving, Enslaving, Raping, Torturing And Killing Our Children

His cause of death was officially listed as "organ failure", which she said was caused by alcohol abuse.

"He killed himself. It was suicide by alcohol. He did that deliberately. He couldn't live with everything that was going to be exposed. It was just a matter of time."

She had confronted him and he had denied the claims.

"He was very defensive. And he became quite violent with that defensiveness."

She believed her insistence meant that he knew the questions would soon be asked publicly.

"It wasn't something I could condone or keep quiet about. This was a while ago. It's taken me a number of years to get to where I got to yesterday."

"What he knew was that everything was crumbling. The facade he had carefully manicured over the years was coming down and he would be exposed. That's what he knew. That's why he took himself out."

In the days after her former husband's death, Zhou Black had a number of shocks, including childhood friends of her husband's telling her of abuse he had suffered as a boy.

Related: Someone Warned Us About Catholic Child Sex Abuse 26 Years Ago, but Nobody Listened

There was also physical evidence left on his mobile phone, which had been passed to her. On it was a photograph of a naked teenage girl - sent by the girl at his encouragement.

Tiakitai-Turi said: "They were communicating and he was grooming her at that stage."

There had already been disclosures which led to this point and overnight had come more.

"Things are tumbling out all over the place. Revelations, and people talking about things. In my mind, retrospectively, you can start to see a pattern."

Prior to his death, there was a genuine fear among victims of stepping forward.

"People were really afraid to talk. Some still are."

Tiakitai-Turi said his mana and standing in the community silenced victims who doubted they would be believed.

"With particular victims, there were things he could do that made those victims not ever want to speak. And part of that was his status. Who would you believe? That (victim) or the guy with the status."

Tiakitai-Turi said many of those who were close to Awanui Black who had expressed anger were struggling with questions over their own friendship and judgment.

She said they would be asking themselves, "How could I get it so wrong?".

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But she said everyone - herself included - had made the same mistake. There are now growing calls from Bay of Plenty community leaders for police to investigate the claims.

Bay of Plenty Regional Council chairman Doug Leeder said the allegations were extremely serious in nature.

"I think it is only appropriate that the respective authorities look into what has been alleged, which I am in no doubt they will do," he said.

A police spokesperson said they were aware of the video and would be seeking further information about the allegations.

In Tauranga, artist Graham Hoete, also known as Mr G, started painting over a mural he had made of Black.

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Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi

Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi
The Global Accounts: The Truth, The Thieves, The Liars And The Con Artists
October 6 2019 | From: NeilKeenan/GroupK

I am sitting here thinking of how close we are to finally getting to what we could call the “End Game”, but then I keep saying to myself that the Cabal hasn’t quit anything yet, but they are near ready to be destroyed.

Good News for us. Bad News for them.

Related: The Connection Between 9/11, JFK And The Global Collateral Accounts

I see such groups as the Committee of 300 breaking bread with other kindred spirits in order to strengthen their positions in their quest for controlling the Global Accounts.

You can clearly see this with their plans to rob South Korea of their Assets / bunkers giving nothing in return.

See Also: Japanese Puppet Prime Minister Shinzo Abe: “If You Want To See Me Do My Thing Pull My String”

I also see many other insidious groups coming out of their clandestine closets and making false claims for the Accounts – of which most of them had never heard of before myself and Group K came along and exposed the crooks lurking behind their false fronts of notoriety.

I’ve heard and seen the sanctimonious push for said Accounts by public individuals or organizations that never made one damned effort to protect the Accounts from the Western thievery that has occurred over the past ten years that I have been involved in this colossal effort.

And finally, to top it all off – you know it became really silly when David Wilcock recently made the preposterous claim and says the Dragon Family (probably White or Red or Purple) is working with him and planning on making a movie.

Hahahhahah! I love a good laugh, given that I was in Singapore with the Family when David’s release took place.

They not only laughed about doing a movie but wondered “who is David Wilcock?”

The Family have never heard of him.

And does anyone really believe that this ancient family who operates in privacy above all would ever “go Hollywood”?!

In the past I would let this fly, but I believe I did my good share when I provided David with nearly all of the material for ‘Financial Tyranny‘ (with Keith Scott providing some details as well).

See Also: Financial Tyranny: Defeating the Greatest Cover-Up of All Time

Remember this book was about my original lawsuit and nothing more. No more freebies, David! Not only this, but I was never credited for the wealth of information that I contributed towards ‘Financial Tyranny‘, just the mention of my name here and there.

Returning to the more immediate and indeed urgent “real” matters at hand; it has become clear that a growing number of conniving parties are overwhelmingly interested in only ONE Account… The Global Accounts.

As the Amanah I will never give credence nor any of my time to all the innumerable, nefarious thieves of years past, present and future… no matter how many times they deceptively change their names or alliances.

Hear me now loud and clear! You are all wasting your time!

Soon I will be allocating funds for Humanitarian Projects beginning in Indonesia and then worldwide – to only those who are proven to be legitimate and honorable.

To the entire Cabal: You are out of the game!

After many years of stealing, devastating murder and mayhem across this planet, at last, you have struck out.

We The People are finally becoming the winners on this earth, and we are stepping up to help one another build a better future for our children and grandchildren!

Guess what? You are not going to be involved.

So take a seat, a back seat at that, and watch how these Accounts are really supposed to work. It is near time, folks, and soon we will be screaming, “The time has come today”!

Back door confusion, including your horrific Red Flags, have gone on for the past year in Indonesia.

Even after making false claims to nearly all of the Global Accounts in Asia, many of your crooked (“wolves in sheep’s clothing”) global organizations – all along were waiting for the right opportunity to sneak into Indonesia during the night and steal everything in their bunkers.

I want to especially call out the UBS’s cunning plans, as I am the last person they wanted to see stand in their path with official documents that tell the truth about financing in Asia with UBS; and how they stole not only personal and / or corporate Assets, but Global Assets as well – which they continue to do to this very day.

I am now going to expose a document that shows how UBS has stolen Assets to finance Malaysia, circumventing the actual owner of the Assets not for one year, but for many (to the very day this man passed on).

And now they brazenly want to steal the Gold from the real Dragon Family’s (Gold) Account.

After preventing theft from their Accounts for many years, I will be damned if I will allow UBS to steal anything that belongs to the Family now.

I submit to you a picture of the UBS team involved in such thefts here:

And the alleged leader of this group as well: Once again the infamous Mr. Loh (on Right):

See Also Regarding Mr. Loh the Con Man: Moving On Without Pretention

Note that the only banking person I will allow to converse with the UBS is Chris Brosnahan.

UBS, you know who he is and where the truth will be fully exposed to end your blatant thievery.

In the near future, I plan on litigating and exposing what exactly it is they’ve done and who they really are behind their facade of banking respectability!

Simultaneously, I also plan on taking them out of the race…

Otherwise, let’s go to court, boys and girls, and have a real good time!

I love it when you squirm in your seats in your three piece suits, as I sit relaxed with my Tommy Bahama shorts and shirts on as though I just arrived from the beach.

It really is a pisser, isn’t it?

At the moment, I foresee a quick skirmish between myself and the above groups. Consequently, I plan on litigating and making them become crazy by shining the light of truth on exactly what it is and who they are!

I also plan on taking them out of the race. This is almost done, and the battle will be short, seeing that what I hold is exactly what they fear the most.

I cannot wait to expose it to the planet leaving said jackasses with nothing but their hands in their empty pockets.

Here is the UBS offering of gold that is not theirs:

PDF Download: Contract Sale And Purchase Agreement UBS 250MT

Now, remember these are Indonesian / Golden Dragon Family assets held by the UBS.

Forthrightly, it is about the West and its man-made technology that created many “timely” volcanic eruptions, deadly earthquakes and tsunamis here in Indonesia.

There was no seismic activity whatsoever prior to these tragedies.

“Remember that John Kerry threatened Indonesian President Jokowi that the West would sink this island if they did not relinquish the Gold they held.

Neil reminds us of the threat made by John Kerry when he visited Indonesia; that he wanted the gold – and when he was told that he could not have any gold – he remarked about the weather and earthquake technologies that the West (the Zionist Nazi faction of the Cabal) have access to.

Kerry indirectly threatened to ‘sink’ Indonesia (and any other country that attempts to stand in their way) and this threat is on the record… just so you know. One further note; Indonesia has already felt the wrath of the HAARP machines, as have Turkey and a number of South American nations.

The cabal will not be taking over Indonesia.

From: Indonesia At Bat: “Connect The Dots”

Shortly thereafter the Japanese militarized their Army for the first time since WWII in their quest to invade Indonesia, to take the Gold that did not belong to them.

See Also: Hail Hail The Gang’s All Here

It is interesting to note that this was at a time and there was no seismic activity detected whatsoever.

It’s time to bundle up one and all to fight the Khazarian Gangsters right under our own roofs.

WE, that is WE THE PEOPLE are doing this right now all over this beautiful World of OURS.

Let us create our own teams of action and lend support to those leaders that support us and are accountable to you and me.

I am sure the sneaky Lizards will find a way to slither their way out, but the “Calvary Call” is on its way..

So stay alert. Help wherever you may and be prepared for a better World.

Neil Keenan and Group K

UPDATE: Message From a Dutch-Indonesian Insider:

“My heritage is that of an old Dutch family that has lived for generations in Indonesia and, as many of my higher-up Indonesian political and financial friends, we closely follow Neil Keenan’s activities and we most certainly do appreciate beyond words, what this one man has done to protect our country.

He has exerted to much to save the sovereignty and wealth of our nation. He has done so selflessly and at his own expense. We truly respect him as our Amanah.

Those of us at the top echelons of our society are amazed and grateful for how Neil relays pertinent and timely information about the plans and actions of the Globalist Cabal in their attempts to steal our assets and ruin our country, because of not only greed, but indeed other far more insidious intentions.

We deeply appreciate his protection and defense of our heritage and the wealth of Indonesia; the Dutch and the nations of Asia that have entrusted their wealth for safekeeping here. We know that we are under attack and that Neil has intervened on our behalf.

On nearly a dozen occasions no other one person nor collective has stepped in front of these evil entities to slam the door in front of them. We thank you Mr. Keenan. We also know that the war against the cabal remains ongoing and that we must maintain diligence. It goes without saying that there will be more attacks, however Mr. Keenan makes “gado-gado” (fight-fight) and “mixes the game up”.

And this brings me to mt key point: I know you are out there and you know who you are. And I know you are reading this:

Our Dutch and Indonesian patriots need to step up and protect our Amanah and visit justice upon the Nelu’s and Younus’s (etcetera); all of those who who became treasonous traitors to not only our country but the world at large.

It is time that all of us with the wherewithal to do so, must undertake further investigation to expose any and all that try to pull strings to steal our power and wealth.

Mr. Keenan will help to make our country a truly great nation and we need to match his efforts in any practicable manner. I have been informed that Neil has been in country for almost six weeks in working to complete his duties as Amanah duties.

There are remnants with intentions of blocking and delaying. For our part, we will do as much as we possibly can to assist.

This is the opportunity of a lifetime to win against the (now increasingly referred to) global adversary. So what are we, those of us with still some tools at our hands waiting for?

The balance of power has tipped and the time is upon us for those with means to seize the opportunity and come forward in this final push.

Awareness of this pivotal point in history is fundamental. May many become brave when the fiend [is being leveraged to] flee.”

– Dutch Indonesian Insider

Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi

Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi

Responding To The “Nothing To Hide” Argument In Support Of Mass Surveillance + We Are All Targeted Individuals Now with Dr. Katherine Horton
October 5 2019 | From: ActivistPost / Scoop / SolariReport

InternetNZ is calling for debate on Five Eyes recommendation.

InternetNZ is worried the Government may take up recommendations that could sacrifice the online security of all New Zealanders. A broader debate is needed than one led by law enforcement.

Related: Edward Snowden: Facebook Is A Surveillance Company Rebranded As "Social Media"

The concerns arise after the release of recommendations from the Five Nations conference (known as the Five Eyes) last week.

Law enforcement ministers from the member countries - New Zealand, Canada, Australia, the US and the UK - met to discuss "grave threats" online and ways to tackle illicit material.

InternetNZ Chief Executive, Jordan Carter, agrees that the tech sector, the government and others do need to find solutions to tackle illicit material from appearing online.

“One recommendation the Five Eyes put forward could possibly break end-to-end encryption - and this is really worrying for New Zealanders."

Responding to the “Nothing to Hide” Argument in Support of Mass Surveillance

Whenever I talk about government surveillance, there is always “that guy” who claims if I’m not doing anything illegal I shouldn’t be concerned about it.

Well, I am concerned about it. I explain why in this short video.

"Encryption provides important protection for all of us. We need encryption for things like online banking and booking travel safely. We need it to keep ourselves safe and secure online. Without it no one will have trust in the Internet.

"There are alternative solutions to keeping New Zealanders safe without breaking technologies that do just that. To find these solutions - the right people need to be be in the room.

"It’s vital the government discuss these topics with a wide range of people and organisations - the tech sector, law enforcement, small and medium businesses who depend on safe online services, human rights, privacy advocates and more,"says Carter.

You can read more about the ways New Zealand can enhance public safety while protecting encryption on the InternetNZ website here.

We Are All Targeted Individuals Now with Dr. Katherine Horton

“Article 5 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights states: “No one shall be subjected to torture or to cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment.” This ban on torture and other ill-treatment has subsequently been incorporated into the extensive network of international and regional human rights treaties.

It is contained in Article 7 of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR), ratified by 153 countries, including the United States in 1992, and in the Convention against Torture or Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment (the Convention against Torture), ratified by 136 countries, including the United States in 1994. It is also codified in the European Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms, the African Charter on Human and Peoples’ Rights, and the American Convention on Human Rights.”
- Human Rights Watch on the international illegality of torture.

Related: Spy Court Finds Surveillance Operating Outside The Law

August 1 was Swiss National Day. I celebrated by having a long lunch in my favorite cafe in Zurich with Dr. Katherine Horton – someone I have wanted to meet for quite a while. Then we took a cruise around Lake Zurich, followed by dinner with a colleague. High on our list of topics for the fascinating all-day discussion was how to integrate our knowledge for this presentation for you.

Dr Horton is a particle physicist and systems analyst with a master’s degree in physics and a doctorate in particle physics from the University of Oxford.

Dr. Horton worked as a high energy physicist on the particle collider at the German Electronsynchrotron DESY in Hamburg, Germany, and on the Large Hadron Collider at CERN in Geneva Switzerland.

Related: Global TI (Targeted Individual) Survey Launched Under The Peerless Direction Of Top NSA Whistleblowers
William Binney And J. Kirk Wiebe

She taught nuclear physics and particle physics at Hertford College, University of Oxford, conducted admissions interviews for undergraduate physics at St Hilda’s College, Oxford, and was a research fellow at St John’s College, Oxford, a position that allowed her to expand her research into medical physics and the physics of complex human systems.

In 2011, during her research fellowship at St John’s College, Oxford, Dr. Horton became the overt target of the intelligence services. What began as overt surveillance became intrusive harassment that morphed into unmistakable crime through related networks.

As a result of her experience as “a targeted individual” or “TI,” Dr. Horton began to organize with other TIs to build a more scientific understanding of the phenomenon, to put a stop to these activities and to warn a wider audience of the covert technologies and networks that significantly threaten the entire population of the world.

You can learn more about and support her work at her website STOP 007 and from her new video-streaming show Global Crime Fighters, which is available in both English and German.

Related: The Surveillance State Is Creating New Meta-Crimes

I have dealt with some of these technologies and networks, particularly during the Hamilton Securities litigation with the U.S. Department of Justice from 1996-2006. This litigation happened shortly after the Department had entered into a Memorandum of Understanding with the Department of Defense regarding experimentation and testing of “non-lethal weapons” for domestic application.

Based on my personal experience and research, particularly on how digital surveillance and technology is used to exploit individuals financially, I believe there are 325 million TIs in America divided into two groups – those who know we are targeted and those who do not.

The phenomenon is not limited to America. It is intertwined with organized crime, mercenaries and intelligence services throughout the NATO area and the rest of the world. It goes to the very heart of whether the people who run our society are subject to the law or not.

Targeting forces represent the shock troops that allow those in charge to get away with secrecy and crimes ranging from financial coup d’etat to murder.

Related: The US Government Is Being Sued For Info On The Secretive Five Eyes Intelligence Group

The targeting phenomenon goes to the heart of the tactics that have allowed central management and control of financial markets and geopolitics.

Dr. Horton is going to join me for our next interview to discuss the TI phenomenon. Topics on our list to cover include gang-stalking, directed energy weapon attacks, non-consensual implanting, neurotechnology, asset-stripping, intel crime, secret societies, and genocide.

We will discuss we can do to avoid and manage targeting and how concerned citizens can build resilient systems to support the rule of law.

This Solari Report will be excellent background for the report we will publish this fall on privatization and the reengineering of the US government.

In Let’s Go to the Movies, I recommend Truthstream Media’s new blockbuster The Minds of Men. You can buy the DVD or stream on Vimeo. It helps you understand the early history on how many of the targeting technologies in use today were developed.

Related: Space Fence: Connecting The Surveillance And Transhumanist Agendas

Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi

Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi

Dr. Russell Blaylock Explains Why The Masses Are Becoming Cognitively Retarded And Incapable Of Rational Thought
October 4 2019 | From: NaturalNews

Is society getting dumber by the day? It may not just be your imagination: As Dr. Russell Blaylock, a retired neurosurgeron, posits, the stupidity of the masses may be by design.

Through a barrage of toxic chemicals and compounds, Blaylock says the government is purposely trying to dumb-down the masses. A dumber society is more easily controlled, after all.

Related: There Is Deadly Formaldehyde In Clothing, Food, Cigarettes And Vaccines - What Will You Be Wearing, Eating, Smoking And Injecting Today?

Whether it’s the mercury in vaccines, the fluoride in our water, or the dozens of pesticides applied to our food, it’s hard not to suspect that the government knows exactly what they’re doing.

The toxicity of these chemicals and compounds is well-documented, yet nothing is ever done to reduce the presence of harmful compounds in our environment. Why else would the government willingly pollute the environment, public water supplies and more?

Where Has Intelligence Gone?

Dr. Blaylock explained in a video lecture that we are bombarded with a stream of toxins that are known to disrupt normal brain function.

“We’re seeing a society that not only has a lot more people of lower IQ, but a lot fewer people of higher IQ. In other words, a dumbing down, a chemical dumbing down of society,” he stated.

Related: Toxic Food Is Killing Humanity: One-Fifth Of Global Deaths Now Linked To Processed Junk Food And Toxic Ingredient

Blaylock contends that this trend has made people more dependent on the government.

“We have these people of lower IQ, who are totally dependent.

Then we have this mass of people who are going to believe anything they are told because they can’t really think clearly - and very few people of a very high IQ have good cognitive function who can  figure this all out,”
he explained.

“That’s what they want,” Blaylock said.

As Natural Newswriter S.D. Wells explains, the FDA is easily seen as an edifice of fraud. The federal agency, which is purportedly charged with ensuring food and drugs are safe, actually does neither.

The FDA never conducts their own testing; they rely on “data” cherry-picked for them by manufacturers. The FDA doesn’t test food additives to see if they are safe, or if they will react negatively with other additives.

Related: Deep Medical Fraud: Logical Insight Cancels Brain Fog & FDA Quietly Bans Powerful Life-Saving Intravenous Vitamin C

In short, the FDA knows nothing about what’s in our food or how it might affect humans. The same can be said of prescription drugs.

Depleting Intelligence at Every Turn

There are a bevy of toxins that people are exposed to everyday

Whether its toxic food additives, mercury-laden vaccines, pesticides and herbicides or fluoride, the sad truth is that toxicity has become a part of daily life for many people.

Fluoride is a known neurotoxin, yet it is added to our water supplies in the name of “public health.” Fluoride is not an essential nutrient; it’s not a nutrient at all, actually.

Almost 67 percent of public water in the U.S. is fluoridated, under the erroneous notion that it will protect teeth against tooth decay. Many  of our “peer” nations have rejected the idea of water fluoridation, such as Denmark, Finland, Norway, the Netherlands, Sweden, China and Japan.

Multiple studies have shown that fluoridated water lowers IQ in children - so it’s really best to avoid it.

Related: Fluoridation Is Mass Medication, New Zealand Supreme Court Rules

But it’s not just what they’re adding to food and water and vaccines that’s making America [the Western world] stupid: Even the education system is complicit in the plan to dumb down the country.

A study by NASA scientists recently confirmed that many people are born “creative geniuses” but their intelligence is ultimately hampered by the U.S. education system. Perhaps calling it the “re-education” system would be more appropriate?

The end-goal of the government is not to have a free and intelligent society; the globalists would rather turn us into a sea of malleable drones that do as they’re told.

See more coverage of stories about society’s agenda at Globalism.news.

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How To Defeat The Empire
October 3 2019 | From: CaitlinJohnstone / Various

One of the biggest and most consistent challenges of my young career so far has been finding ways to talk about solutions to our predicament in a way that people will truly hear.

I talk about these solutions constantly, and some readers definitely get it, but others will see me going on and on about a grassroots revolution against the establishment narrative control machine and then say “Okay, but what do we do?” or “You talk about problems but never offer any solutions!”

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Part of the difficulty is that I don’t talk much about the old attempts at solutions we’ve already tried that people have been conditioned to listen for.

I don’t endorse politicians, I don’t advocate starting a new political party, I don’t support violent revolution, I don’t say that capitalism contains the seeds of its own destruction and the proletariat will inevitably rise up against the bourgeoisie, and in general I don’t put much stock in the idea that our political systems are in and of themselves sufficient for addressing our biggest problems in any meaningful way.

What I do advocate, over and over and over again in as many different ways as I can come up with, is a decentralized guerrilla psywar against the institutions which enable the powerful to manipulate the way ordinary people think, act and vote.

“How To Win A Grassroots Media Rebellion“ - Caitlin Johnstone At Ron Paul Institute Conference

The mainstream media and its partners in government want to silence any non-regime voices. Australian renegade blogger joins the Ron Paul Institute's August 18th Washington conference to tell us how we can fight back!

I talk about narrative and propaganda all the time because they are the root of all our problems.

As long as the plutocrat-controlled media are able to manufacture consent for the status quo upon which those plutocrats built their respective empires, there will never be the possibility of a successful revolution.

People will never rebel against a system while they’re being successfully propagandized not to. It will never, ever happen.

Most people who want drastic systematic changes to the way power operates in our society utterly fail to take this into account.

Most of them are aware to some extent that establishment propaganda is happening, but they fail to fully appreciate its effects, its power, and the fact that it’s continually getting more and more sophisticated.

They continue to talk about the need for a particular political movement, for this or that new government policy, or even for a full-fledged revolution, without ever turning and squarely focusing on the elephant in the room that none of these things will ever happen as long as most people are successfully propagandized into being uninterested in making them happen.

It’s like trying to light a fire without first finding a solution to the problem that you’re standing under pouring rain.

Related: Why The Coordinated Alternative Media Purge Should Terrify Everyone

Certainly we can all agree that a fire is sorely needed because it’s cold and wet and miserable out here, but we’re never going to get one going while the kindling is getting soaked and we can’t even get a match lit.

The first order of business must necessarily be to find a way to protect our fire-starting area from the downpour of establishment propaganda.

A decentralized guerrilla psywar against the propaganda machine is the best solution to this problem.

By Psywar I mean a grassroots psychological war against the establishment propaganda machine with the goal of weakening public trust in pro-empire narratives.

People only believe sources of information that they trust, and propaganda cannot operate without belief. Right now trust in the mass media is at an all-time low while our ability to network and share information is at an all-time high.

Our psywar is fought with the goal of using our unprecedented ability to circulate information to continue to kill public trust in the mass media, not with lies and propaganda, but with truth.

If we can expose journalistic malpractice and the glaring plot holes in establishment narratives about things like war, Julian Assange, Russia etc, we will make the mass media look less trustworthy.

Mike Flynn: An Army of Digital Soldiers

Related: Did You Catch What The Patriots Are Doing? It’s Perfect

By Decentralized I mean we should each take responsibility for weakening public trust in the propaganda machine in our own way, rather than depending on centralized groups and organizations.

The more centralized an operation is, the easier it is for establishment manipulators to infiltrate and undermine it.

This doesn’t mean that organizing is bad, it just means a successful grassroots psywar won’t depend on it.

If we’re each watching for opportunities to weaken public trust in the official narrative makers on our own personal time and in our own unique way using videos, blogs, tweets, art, paper literature, conversations and demonstrations, we’ll be far more effective.

By Guerrilla I mean constantly attacking different fronts in different ways, never staying with the same line of attack for long enough to allow the propagandists to develop a counter-narrative.

If they build up particularly strong armor around one area, put it aside and expose their lies on an entirely different front. The propagandists are lying constantly, so there is never any shortage of soft targets.

The only consistency should be in attacking the propaganda machine as visibly as possible.

Related: Facebook Begins Killing The Independent News Industry

As far as how to go about that attack, my best answer is that I’m leading by example here. I’m only ever doing the thing that I advocate, so if you want to know what I think we should all do, just watch what I do.

I’m only ever using my own unique set of skills, knowledge and assets to attack the narrative control engine at whatever points I perceive to be the most vulnerable on a given day.

So do what I do, but keep in mind that each individual must sort out the particulars for themselves.

We’ve each got our own strengths and abilities that we bring to the psywar: some of us are funny, some are artistic, some are really good at putting together information and presenting it in a particular format, some are good at finding and boosting other people’s high-quality attacks.

Everyone brings something to the table. The important thing is to do whatever will draw the most public interest and attention to what you’re doing. Don’t shy away from speaking loud and shining bright.

It isn’t necessary to come up with your own complete 'How It Is' narrative of exactly what is happening in our world right now; with the current degree of disinformation and government opacity that’s too difficult to do with any degree of completion anyway.

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All you need to do is wake people up in as many ways as possible to the fact that they’re being manipulated and deceived. Every newly opened pair of eyes makes a difference, and anything you can do to help facilitate that is energy well spent.

Without an effective propaganda machine, the empire cannot rule. Once we’ve crippled public trust in that machine, we’ll exist in a very different world already, and the next step will present itself from there.

Until then, the attack on establishment propaganda should be our foremost priority.

The best way to get around the internet censors and make sure you see the stuff I publish is to subscribe to the mailing list for my website, which will get you an email notification for everything I publish.

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Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi
Wake Up Kiwi

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Who Programmed The Eco-Terrorism Zombie? - Ten Reasons Greta Thunberg Is A Fraud + Dozens Of Failed Climate Predictions Stretch 80 Years Back
October 2 2019 | From: PhiBetaIota / TheEpochTimes / GrandSolarMinimum / Various

This was surely the single greatest piece of bullshit theater since the daughter of the Ambassador of Kuwait was coached by Hill & Knowlton to lie to Congress, on TV, about Iraqi soliders ripping babies out of incubators and throwing them against the wall (she was in a posh District of Columbia home and school throughout). 

Whoever arranged for this mind-controlled child to appear at the UN should be investigated, indicted, tried, convicted, and put in jail or at least expelled from the USA.

Related: ‘No Climate Emergency’: MIT Climate Expert, 500 Prominent Global Experts Write In Letter To UN

And now to the mind-controlled zombie child.

Related: Greta the hysterical climate teen has filed a formal complaint with the U.N. over climate change – who’s scripting all this?

Here is the comment I posted at YouTube, where I expect the comment to be deleted because YouTube is very much a part of #GoogleGestapo in service to the cabal:

What mind-controlled Hollywood idiocy. I am reminded of the US Congress pretending it did not know that the alleged witness to Iraqi soldiers throwing Kuwait babies out of incubators and against the wall, was in fact the daughter of the Kuwaiti Ambassador to Washington and was never, ever, near the combat zone.

Has anyone bothered to listen to every word of this? This was a professionally crafted script delivered my a mind-controlled zombie.

This kid was sold by her parents, shopped by her parents, to the forces of evil. This child appears demonic in this photo, because she is. 

She has been possessed. I would not be at all surprised to learn that she has been raped at an early age and is being groomed for a global tour that will include her being loaned  to local elites for their abuse as she tours

Related: Greta & the UNCRC: “Children’s Rights” Used by UN to Destroy Parental Rights

Just in from an Alert Reader, a pointer to The Disturbing Cult of Greta Thunberg.

The Cult of Greta Thunberg is an extremely disturbing one, and one which marks a new low in the drain-circling that Western civilisation seems bent on.

Even if I happened to believe that the naturally occurring gas that each of us breathes out many thousands of times per day, and which plants use for photosynthesis, is going to end up being the death of us, I would still be profoundly disturbed by the use of this girl - who is very clearly mentally unstable - as the poster-child for the agenda.

Related: Amazing Science Lesson: Environmentalists Declare War On Photosynthesis In Stupefying Effort To Exterminate All Recognizable Life On Planet Earth

In my personal view, the time has come for the USA to leave the UN entirely, and to throw the entire UN organization out of New York City.

The Specialized Agencies do not respond to the Secretary General and are simply a variation of Central Banking (the WTO and World Bank for instance, create poverty while helping the Central Banks loot countries full of natural wealth).

Enough already. Hats off to President Trump for getting it right, and shame on any fool that believes this child is anything other than a scripted mind-controlled fraud.

The talking (programmed) doll indeed

Related: The Extinction of Reason

Smashing the Idiot Child’s Cover Story

Alert Reader writes in: Allegedly suffering from Asperger’s, a condition often associated with toxicity from aluminum from vaccinations but - Sweden does not impose any mandatory vaccinations.

And there is a lot more wrong with her than just Asperger’s (Some APA diagnosis, not even recognized worldwide. Please !)

She is obviously mentally disturbed, it goes way beyond autism, and it has become obvious to anyone with any common sense, including parents of so-called Asperger’s kids.

Things were done to her at a very young age. Looking in her family history would go a long way toward figuring out what.That kid had no business speaking at the UN. How did she get that far? Can anyone speak at the UN as a self-employed homeowner from Ohio or Nebraska?

Theater of the absurd pushed to extreme. I refuse to pay for any of it. One more reason I will work until I die but I will not pay federal taxes or social security I will never collect anyway, to fund insanity I never chose to pay into.

It is a very bad play I never bought a ticket for. Your blog and many others shed the light we all need.

Exposing Junk Climate Science

This is my most concise expose of climate fraud. Please pass it around to everyone you know and your elected officials. The video is short, but cuts right to the heart of the matter.

This twelve-minute video by Tony Heller of Real Climate Science, does a great job of exposing the deceptive use of data on which climate alarmism depends.

Heller begins with the National Climate Assessment that recently went out to journalists and policymakers.

It included a set of charts and graphs that superficially seemed to support the claim that we are experiencing alarming changes in the Earth’s climate, as summed up in this graphic. Click to enlarge:

Click on the image above to view a larger version in a new window

Related: Watch: Greta Thunberg Crumbles Without Script When Asked Simple Questions by Reporter

One funny thing, though: One of these graphs begins in 1960, another in 1979, another in 1983, and so on. If you are trying to show the effects of “climate change” in a scientific way, shouldn’t you use the same starting point for all of the phenomena (arctic sea ice, wildfires, heat waves, etc.) you are attributing to “climate change”?

Well, sure. Unless you are committing fraud. One of the things I learned in my many years of evaluating data for professional purposes was that what a line graph “proves” depends largely on where you choose to begin it.

Here is the video. You will find it eye-opening:

Related: "ReGreta" Thunberg And The Climate Religion that wants you dead

Time to Pound on:

1. How does one get “invited” to speak at the UN?

2. Who makes the decision, based on what and how?

3. Did Assange ever get invited to the UN? If not, why not?

4. Shouldn’t he be?

5. What is the UN anyway?

6. Who pays for the UN?

7. If we pay for it, where is the accounting by country and by citizens of those countries?

8. What has been the return on investment per country?

9. How come the UN Wikipedia changes members as it suits it?

10. How come Yemen was a full-fledged member in 1947 and no longer is?

11. When did that new list come about and based on what?

12. Members of the United Nations Security Council

We are all so screwed that it will take a few years of unlearning and relearning.

It can be done the quick way by starving the beast, questioning everything and refusing to pay one cent toward insanity.

Since people want a JOB, no matter where from, it will take a long time.

Eco-Terrorism Moron Grown by the Deep State?

Related: Eco-hysteria girl “Greta” a victim of extreme psychological terrorism by radical left-wing handlers… it’s time to #RescueGreta

The eco-fascists have now turned to terrorizing and mentally abusing their own children as a tactic for social influence.

Greta Thunberg - the hysterical 16-year-old girl who has been rolled out by her Antifa-linked parents to lecture the world about the climate change hoax -  is apparently a prisoner of a torturous brainwashing / indoctrination scheme that has terrorized the poor girl into believing she will literally die if global warming isn’t stopped.

Deep State Agenda Behind Zombie Child

Alert Reader says:

Yes, that kid is only a pawn in the hands of who profits from that insane “climate change” propaganda.  And her (famous) parents are throwing her to the wolves because… they too profit from it.


Related: Climate and the Money Trail

On October 17, 2018, days following the EU agreement at the One Planet Summit, Juncker’s EU signed a Memorandum of Understanding with Breakthrough Energy-Europe in which member corporations of Breakthrough Energy-Europe will have preferential access to any funding.

The members of Breakthrough Energy include Virgin Air’s Richard Branson, Bill Gates, Alibaba’s Jack Ma, Facebook’s Mark Zuckerberg, HRH Prince Al-waleed bin Talal, Bridgewater Associates’ Ray Dalio; Julian Robertson of hedge fund giant, Tiger Management; David Rubenstein, founder Carlyle Group; George Soros, Chairman Soros Fund Management LLC; Masayoshi Son, founder Softbank, Japan.

Make no mistake. When the most influential multinational corporations, the world’s largest institutional investors including BlackRock and Goldman Sachs, the UN, the World Bank, the Bank of England and other central banks of the BIS line up behind the financing of a so-called green Agenda, call it Green New Deal or what, it is time to look behind the surface of public climate activist campaigns to the actual agenda.

Related: Head Of World Meteorological Organization Slams Climate Extremists, In Unprecedented Move & NASA Admits That Climate Change Occurs Because Of Changes In Earth’s Solar Orbit, And Not Because Of SUVs And Fossil Fuels

The picture that emerges is the attempted financial reorganization of the world economy using climate, something the sun and its energy have orders of magnitude more to do with than mankind ever could - to try to convince us ordinary folk to make untold sacrifice to “save our planet.”

Back in 2010 the head of Working Group 3 of the UN Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, Dr Otmar Edenhofer, told an interviewer;

One must say clearly that we redistribute de facto the world’s wealth by climate policy.

One has to free oneself from the illusion that international climate policy is environmental policy.

This has almost nothing to do with environmental policy anymore, with problems such as deforestation or the ozone hole.

Since then the economic policy strategy has become far more developed.

Mental Issues & Money Behind Zombie Child

Related: The Greta Thunberg Show: Public Child Abuse, Hanne Nabintu at WND

The use children as bait to create media sympathy for various causes, is an increasingly used method in the West.

Latest, the public child abuse of Greta Thunberg, the Swedish 16 year old lured into the role as “media puppet for climate change.”

She recently spoke at the UN, probably without a clue of the sinister political game she is a useful tool for.

The teenager is even nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize this year, which she might get judging on the politicized way that the Norwegian Nobel Committee picks its candidates.

Whomever is popular in the ultra-liberal mainstream media has in recent years suddenly also been awarded the Prize, disregarding the requirements stated in the will of Alfred Nobel, writes Hanne Nabintu Herland, founder of The Herland Report, at World Net Daily, one of America’s leading Conservative outlet.

From a Reader:

'“I just discovered your website which makes for an interesting read. Thank you for your efforts, and for this well researched history to the UN.

Please download a copy of my free ebook / PDF - “Revolution: Ice Age Re-Entry”.

I am a fellow Kiwi activist shining a light on the UN-IPCC’s climate change science corruption.

This activism focusses on the catastrophic natural climate change risks most relevant to the 21st century, which were dismissed by the IPCC in its key risk assessment provided to governments in its 5th Assessment Report.

According to the data, Earth entered the ice age 8-10.5 millennia ago after the climate optimum, with temperatures then declining in an oscillating manner until 1700 CE (Arctic, -5degC).

From 1700 CE the Arctic / northern Hemisphere then entered this current extreme warming phase (linked to solar activity), which preceded significant human activity.

AGW hijacked this natural warming phase in c.1880 so it could be used to fear monger humanity and corral them toward Agenda 21.

This assumes this warming will continue, which is dependent upon our emmissions - but their science is flawed and wrong.

In reality, extreme warming phases switch to abrupt cooling phases, and these switches were associated with the decimation of ancient societies.

So, on the one hand I agree with you on Agenda 21, on the other I am left asking "is there a deliberate plan to veil natural climate change risks (cooling, climate-forcing volcanism, rapid climate change, pandemic influenza) using AGW to permit depopulation this grand solar minimum.

The second part of Revolution is about risk-mitigating catastrophic natural climate change risks relevant to the 21st century, and before we run out of proven oil and gas reserves or before a pandemic flu outbreak arises.

It would be great to have the chance to chat with the mind behind your ideas on Agenda 21 and the fact Hamilton City has been chosen as an experimental model city for the Agenda 21 program. I am based in Raglan and work part-time in Hamilton so are quite curious to know more please.

I recently sent this IPCC risk-dismissal exposure to 890 IPCC scientists/management and UN-related officials, and then sent this to Minister James Shaw and 50+ Ministers / MPs.

Deputy PM Winston Peters office sent me a reply and told me he was reviewing this material.

The IPCC dismissed catastrophic natural climate change risks

Royal Society Council requested to investigate the corruption of climate science

 This was sent to 300+ Royal Society Council and University leadership, and BCC-ed 880 academics last week. The same was also sent to all Maori council and Iwo Leaders. 

This email relates to a request for the Royal Society Council to investigate the systematic corruption of normal-science by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), and its impact on New Zealand academic climate and associated sciences.

It includes a punchy summary of the key points to refuting the IPCC’s key risk assessment and its sham-science theory. 

A fully cited scientific refutation of the IPCC’s Key Risk assessment, which dismissed catastrophic natural climate change risks, is attached below and links you can refer to if you wish to share them). Feel free to treat them as a public resource to get info to people. Arm your discussions with science and data!

Slide deck: The need for Scientific Revolution: 21st Century relevant Natural Climate Change Risks remain unmitigated

Scientific Refutation: Scientific Refutation of the IPCC's Article 12 Dictated Key Risk Assessment

Dr. Carlton Brown BVSc MBA

Dangerous Alarmism

Swedish Greta Thunberg has a known past with mental issues, a diagnosis of Asperger’s syndrome, high-functioning autism, depression, a history of self-starvation and obsessive compulsive disorder.

This is the child now pampered by power structures in society to travel the world with the mainstream media covering her every step as she gives apocalyptic speeches and end-of-the-world threats.

As the world searches for heros, someone in powerful places has decided that Greta Thunberg is what we need. Let us guess that it will remain that way for as long as Thunberg and her parents allow the abuse of the girl to continue.

The young girl initially found world fame just a year ago, after organizing school strikes in her home town in Sweden, skipping school and demanding climate change to be taken seriously by world leaders.

Related: In Letter to UN, Scientists Say There Is No Climate Emergency

Then someone paid for the community organizing of similar protests in over a hundred cities.

Since then, someone has organized an unbelievably long Wikipedia bio, has paid for her being forefront at the World Economic Forum in Davos, in front of the British Parliament, at UN Climate Talks and taking center stage in mainstream media.

After dropping school, again, to travel the world and perform theatrical, angry speeches, one wonders what benefit it will bring her later in life.

The world truly has gone mad. Thunberg, now used by the highly politicized “climate change” industry is only 16! The child is allowed to give hysterical, rude talks about “the world at mass extinction, entire ecosystems collapsing, the end of the world stories.

Ten Reasons Zombie is a Fraud

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Dozens Of Failed Climate Predictions Stretch 80 Years Back

Apocalyptic climate and environmental catastrophes of global proportions have decimated the world many times over in recent decades - at least based on dozens of predictions made by various scientists, experts, and officials over the past 80 years.

Newspaper clippings documenting the predictions were recently published by the Competitive Enterprise Institute, a conservative think tank. Many of those were first collected by geologist and electrical engineer Tony Heller, who frequently criticizes - on his RealClimateScience.com website - what he considers fraud in the current mainstream climate research.

Related: Climate and the Money Trail

The predictions, some going as far back as 1930s, not only at times contradict each other, but sometimes foretell the same imminent catastrophe repeatedly for years, even decades, seemingly undeterred by past failures.

Arctic Meltdown

'“All the glaciers in Eastern Greenland are rapidly melting,” the Harrisburg [Pennsylvania] Sunday Courier reported on Dec. 17, 1939.

“It may without exaggeration be said that the glaciers - like those in Norway - face the possibility of a catastrophic collapse,” the paper quoted Prof. Hans Ahlmann, a Swedish geologist, from a report to the Geographical Society after his Arctic expedition.

Ahlmann, a world authority on climate and glaciers in his time, was even more graphic eight years later.

'“The possibility of a prodigious rise in the surface of the ocean with resultant widespread inundation, arising from an Arctic climate phenomenon was discussed yesterday by Dr. Hans Ahlmann, a noted Swedish geophysicist at the University of California Geophysical Institute,” a 1947 article in The West Australian said.

“The Arctic change is so serious that I hope an international agency can speedily be formed to study the conditions on a global basis,” Ahlmann said.

Related: Climate Change Hoax Collapses As Michael Mann’s Bogus “Hockey Stick” Graph Defamation Lawsuit Dismissed By The Supreme Court Of British Columbia

Stories about a melting Arctic were still in vogue with the media in the 1950s.

'“The glaciers of Norway and Alaska are only half the size they were 50 years ago,” said Dr. William Carlson, an Arctic expert, according to the Feb. 18, 1952, edition of The Cairns [Australia] Post.

“There are now six million square miles of ice in the Arctic. There once were 12 million square miles,” said Arctic explorer Adm. Donald McMillan, according to the March 10, 1955, issue of Rochester, New York’s Democrat and Chronicle.

‘Population Bomb’

In the 1960s, a new environmental prediction was on the rise - overpopulation.

'“It is already too late for the world to avoid a long period of famine,” The Salt Lake Tribune reported in 1967, citing Paul Ehrlich’s prediction of famines by 1975.

Ehrlich, a Stanford University biologist and author of “The Population Bomb,” proposed lacing staple foods and drinking water with sterilizing agents to cut the growing population of the United States, according to the report.

Related: Climate Change: A Masterful Disinformation Campaign

Ehrlich was on fire by 1970, getting two dozen speaking requests per day and predicting that America would be rationing water by 1974 and food by 1980, California’s Redlands Daily Facts reported.

But around the same time, a new prognosis was on the horizon.

Global Cooling

'“Scientist predicts a new ice age by 21st century,” The Boston Globe reported on Apr. 16, 1970, saying that pollution expert James Lodge predicted that “air pollution may obliterate the sun and cause a new ice age in the first third of the new century.”

In 1972, two Brown University geologists wrote a letter to President Richard Nixon, reporting that a conference attended by “42 top American and European investigators” concluded:

'“A global deterioration of climate, by order of magnitude larger than any hitherto experienced by civilized mankind, is a very real possibility and indeed may be due very soon.”

“The present rate of cooling,” they said, “seems fast enough to bring glacial temperatures in about a century, if continuing at the present pace.”

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By 1975, the writing was on the wall, with major publications including The Washington Post, The Guardian, and Time magazine running their own stories on the predictions of a coming ice age.

An international team of specialists has concluded from eight indexes of climate that there is no end in sight to the cooling trend of the last 30 years, at least in the Northern Hemisphere,The New York Times reported in 1978.

A year later, the paper was reporting the opposite - a prediction of an Arctic meltdown, blaming global warming caused by carbon dioxide emissions.

'“There is a real possibility that some people now in their infancy will live to a time when the ice at the North Pole will have melted, a change that would cause swift and perhaps catastrophic changes in climate,” the 1979 article said.

Apparently, The Chicago Tribune didn’t get the memo, still reporting the “global cooling” narrative in 1981.

Related: Discovery Of Massive Volcanic CO2 Emissions Puts Damper On Global Warming Theory & Climate Change Hoax Collapses As New Science Finds Human Activity Has Virtually Zero Impact On Global Temperatures

Arctic Meltdown 2

By the late 1980s, the narrative had switched to global warming for good, again predicting polar ice melting on a catastrophic scale.

'“A senior environmental official at the United Nations, Noel Brown, says entire nations could be wiped off the face of the earth by rising sea levels if global warming is not reversed by the year 2000,” California’s San Jose Mercury News reported on June 30, 1989.

“Coastal flooding and crop failures would create an exodus of ‘eco-refugees,’ threatening political chaos, said Brown, director of the New York office of the U.N. Environment Program.”

The first to disappear were to be the island nations teetering just a few feet above the ocean level.

The small nation of Maldives was threatened to be completely covered by “a gradual rise in average sea level” in 30 years, Agence France-Presse reported in 1988, noting that “the end of the Maldives and its people could come sooner if drinking water supplies dry up by 1992, as predicted.”

Yet 31 years later, the Maldives are thriving. Its population has doubled since the 1980s, and its picturesque islands are “set for a flurry of new resort openings,” Hotelier Maldives reported in 2018.

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After a pause from the 1950s to the 1980s, the predictions of an Arctic meltdown are back in full swing in recent decades. The region was meant to be ice-free in summer by 2013, 2014, 2015, and 2018, based on various predictions.

Yet the Greenland Climate Research Centre reported plenty of ice in the Arctic in August 2019.

Some scientists have argued the earth is currently undergoing warming largely caused by carbon emissions due to fossil fuel burning; other scientists disagree, assigning the dominant effect to other forces or even disregarding the warming as insignificant.

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Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi

US Attorney General Finally Admits Weed Isn’t A Gateway Drug - Prescription Pills Are + Study Proves Medical Marijuana Can Replace Dangerous Pharmaceuticals
October 1 2019 | From: TheAntiMedia / NaturalNews / Various

The National Institute on Drug Abuse is a U.S. federal research institute focused on[advancing] science on the causes and consequences of drug use and addiction … to apply that knowledge to improve individual and public health.

Though it admits “the majority of people who use marijuana do not go on to use other, ‘harder’ substances,” it still describes marijuana as a gateway drug.

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But U.S. Attorney General Loretta Lynch recently told a group of Kentucky high school students the role of marijuana in the national drug abuse debate has been overstated.

While discussing how heroin abuse and how individuals often develop an addiction, Lynch argued:

[I]ndividuals [start out] with a prescription drug problem, and then because they need more and more, they turn to heroin. It isn’t so much that marijuana is the step right before using prescription drugs or opioids -  it is true that if you tend to experiment with a lot of things in life, you may be inclined to experiment with drugs, as well. But it’s not like we’re seeing that marijuana as a specific gateway.”

Attorney General Lynch added that instead of trafficking rings, what “introduce[s] a person to opioids … [is] the household medicine cabinet.”

The event she attended was part of the Prescription Opioid Heroin Epidemic Awareness Week, a campaign designed by the White House that includes “250 different events highlighting the importance of prevention, enforcement, and treatment.”

As expected, the campaign focused on advertising the official approach to drug abuse, encouraging the public to support the Obama administration’s approach to the opioid crisis.

Measures embraced by the administration includeexpanding evidence-based prevention and treatment programs, increasing access to the overdose-reversal medicine naloxone, and supporting targeted enforcement activities.”

But nowhere in the official campaign page is there a list of practical solutions to the opioid crisis, an admission of guilt, or a concession stating that, despite marijuana’s official federal classification, cannabis is not seen as the root of the problem by the very head of the United States Department of Justice.

In early August, the Obama administration said no to a bid urging the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) to reconsider how marijuana is classified under federal drug control laws. Currently, the DEA lists marijuana as a Schedule I drug, along with heroin, the pivot drug of the opioid epidemic.

But as the Attorney General’s comments demonstrate, the federal government fails to take its own classification methodology seriously, choosing instead to contend that prescription drug abuse is a much bigger issue.

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Per its federal classification, marijuana should be seen as a threat as dangerous as heroin, and yet Lynch appears to contend the abuse of legal drugs is keeping federal agents busy - not the enforcement of her agency’s own rules.

What Lynch is failing to discuss on the federal government’s anti-opioid abuse campaign trail is the racist, opportunistic roots of the failed and decades-long drug war in America.

But as American states begin to shift their approach to some of the targets of this nationwide anti-drug campaign, legalized marijuana is able to accomplish what many drug war apologists claimed criminalization would achieve: bringing down the drug cartels. But as the Washington Post report demonstrates, legalizing pot is not enough.

While powerful drug cartels have seen legalized marijuana taking a chunk out of their profits, the criminalization of other drugs such as heroin continues to put addicts in harm’s way.

With drug cartels seeing an increase in demand due to the pressure mounting from the growth of the relationship between the government and the pharmaceutical industry, dangerous alternatives to heroin, such as fentanyl, are sold on the street as regular heroin.

Without legal means to produce the drugs the market demands, these cartels are not concerned with the quality of their product nor the health of their consumer.

When looking at the destruction stemming from the illegal drug trafficking industry, we are able to trace it back to the criminalization of drug commerce and use - and yet government officials prefer to live in the dark ages, upping their involvement with the war on yet another drug epidemic entirely manufactured by crony kingpins.

Study Proves Medical Marijuana Can Replace Dangerous Pharmaceuticals

Opponents of medical marijuana laws have often claimed that legalizing marijuana use would lead to rampant drug abuse and have an adverse effect on society. Now that these laws have been instituted in some states for a few years, however, evidence is mounting that the opposite is actually true.

In fact, it turns out that medical marijuana is so effective at treating pain that it's keeping many patients off prescription painkillers, which are a bigger threat to society than marijuana use, medical or otherwise, could ever be.

In a recent study, researchers discovered that Medicare reported savings of $165.2 million in 2013 on the prescription medications that are used to treat some of the conditions that can also be treated with marijuana.

These included depression, pain, seizures, nausea, glaucoma, anxiety, spasticity and sleep disorders. You may recall that 2013 was the year that 17 states put medical marijuana laws into place, along with the District of Columbia.

These impressive savings accounted for half a percent of the Medicare Part D budget for that year. In the study, all of the claims for prescriptions filed for the medications in question from 2010 to 2013 by Medicare Part D patients were reviewed.

Decreases were noted in the number of prescriptions that were written for medications other than marijuana for most of the conditions studied. For example, in states with legal medical marijuana, the prescriptions for pain medications were lower by a remarkable 1,826 daily doses compared to the states where medical marijuana is not legal.

The researchers estimate that Medicare could have saved $468 million on prescription drugs if every state had a medical marijuana law in place.

The sole exception was glaucoma, and this could be due to the fact that marijuana's effects on the condition tend to only last for about an hour. Prescriptions for medicines that marijuana is not used for, such as blood thinners, did not drop.

Researcher Ashley Bradford of the University of Georgia, who was the study's lead author, said: "The results suggest people are really using marijuana as medicine and not just using it for recreational purposes."

Medical Marijuana Could Alleviate The Nation's Opioid Crisis

This is good news for those suffering with these ailments, with marijuana proving to be a safer alternative to conventional medicine. Take the example of opioids, a type of painkiller that has been responsible for a slew of deadly overdoses.

A University of Michigan study found that patients with chronic pain who used medical marijuana reported a drop in their use of prescription opioids amounting to 64 percent. They also reported experiencing fewer side effects, and a 45 percent improvement in their quality of life since turning to cannabis for pain management.

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 40 people die each day from overdosing on these drugs.

Bad News for Big Pharma

Anything that can steer people away from death-inducing prescription painkillers and other dangerous medications is a very positive step, no matter what your personal feelings are about marijuana.

Of course, Big Pharma does not share this view, as it threatens their profits, which also explains why they are hoping people won't catch on to the benefits of CBD oil from hemp for issues such as epilepsy.

Not only is marijuana very effective for many people, but it carries very few side effects, and is often more affordable than the pills Big Pharma is trying to push on people. This latest study showing that marijuana is replacing dangerous pharmaceuticals for many people might be bad news for Big Pharma, but it's good news for everybody else.

Why the War on Cannabis?

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Wake Up Kiwi

Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi

How To Get Rid Of Paranoid Conspiracy Theorists
September 30 2019 | From: Medium

Are you as sick and tired as I am of all those tinfoil hat-wearing conspiracy nutters who express skepticism whenever the kind and beneficent US intelligence agencies bestow us with urgent information about a new country in need of regime change?

Do you want to get rid of that kooky fringe 74 percent of Americans who believe in a “Deep State” which controls the elected governmen? [Comment: Historical; but well worth contemplation.]

Related: 9 Indisputable Truths About “Conspiracy Theorists”

Well you’re in luck, bucko! I happen to have compiled right here a list of six simple steps that our compassionate government and fearless media can take to rid America of these looney toon paranoid conspiracy theorists once and for all:

1. Stop Fucking Lying All the Time

Simple, right? Just stop lying and people will stop wondering how the narrative they’re being spoon fed by their politicians and the media differs from reality!

End the practice of defense and intelligence agencies collaborating with think tanks and unelected insiders to manufacture false narratives which are then promulgated by pundits and politicians of both mainstream parties to advance imperialist agendas.

Related: Vault 7 Bombshell Just Vindicated Every Conspiracy Theorist: The CIA Can Spy On Anyone Through TVs, iPhones, Smart Phones And Windows PCs + Former Secret Service Agent Dan Bongino Set To Release New Info On Obama: “It’s Going To Blow Wide Open This Week” & Clinton Campaign Manager Robby Mook Confirms He Knew About Wiretaps

What will Alex Jones and Sputnik talk about if the voices of power start telling the truth all of a sudden instead of lying about the justifications for imperialist wars, excluding and censoring skeptics of establishment orthodoxies from the mainstream conversation, and being forthright about the massive and ubiquitous problems in America’s democratic system?

That’ll show those crackpots!

2. Try Some Actual Fucking Government Transparency

That’s right! Add government transparency into the mix and what will hostile non-state intelligence operatives like Julian Assange have to publish?

I say we drive the WikiLeaks fake news complex right out of business by eliminating the immense veil of secrecy which shrouds so many levels of US government.

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That way when those annoying conspiracy kooks try to say we’re not being given the full story about the behavior of America and its allies, our leaders can just tell them “Uh, yes we are actually” and show unredacted documentation of all their behaviors.

How do you like that, Russian WikiLeaks? We are the WikiLeaks now!

3. Stop Fucking Killing People

Of course, it’s hard to be transparent when you’re conducting countless military operations all over the planet at any given moment, so we’ll probably have to stop that too. We don’t want to give away the secret plans and locations of America’s brave servicemen and women, after all.

Dedicate the US military to defending America’s own shores and close down the hundreds of US military bases which dot the world like freckles on a Scotsman, and the next time those paranoid conspiracy freaks start questioning what they’re being told they can just be shown the truth.

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Not as much fun as drone bombing children, I’ll admit, but if we want to get serious about this conspiracy theory epidemic we’ve got to start somewhere.

4. Stop Promoting Fucking Conspiracy Theories

I don’t like to be a Debbie downer, but when we’ve got news stories coming out every few days promoting theories about the US president conspiring with the Russian government, it gets a little difficult to tell people not to indulge in conspiracy theories.

Unproven claims about powerful people conspiring together is the exact thing that a conspiracy theory is, and while I understand that these are authorized conspiracy theories, we can’t rely on these crazy loons to understand the distinction.

Related: Conspiracy Theorist - The New Normal

Better to lead by example and avoid trafficking in conspiracy theories altogether, in my opinion.

5. Stop Being Such Fucking Assholes

If US intelligence agencies weren’t torturing people, they wouldn’t have to lie about torturing. If US intelligence agencies weren’t surveilling US citizens, they wouldn’t have to lie about their surveillance programs.

If US intelligence agencies weren’t constantly committing horrific atrocities to protect the interests of the powerful from the powerless, everyone would trust them and you’d stop seeing all these ridiculous conspiracy theories about what those agencies have been up to.

Call me crazy, but I’ve got this wild notion that maybe if highly secretive defense and intelligence agencies weren’t inflicting unspeakable acts of depravity and degradation upon humanity all the time from behind the veil of government opacity, humanity would be less paranoid about them.

Related: Leaked DNC Emails Prove Once And For All That The Conspiracy Theorists Were Right All Along + FBI Source: Clinton Foundation Can Bring Down Entire Government

6. Maybe Try Some Fucking Democracy for Once

People are beginning to notice that no matter who they vote for they get the same exploitative neoliberal policies at home and the same murderous neoconservative policies abroad, which doesn’t do much to dispel those wacky notions about a permanent unelected government pulling the strings while the official elected government puts on a pretend democracy show every few years.

It would probably be a good idea to do something about how America has the worst electoral system in the western world, how ordinary Americans have virtually no influence over US policy or behavior compared to wealthy Americans, and the way the rigidly-enforced two-party system necessarily creates an extortion scheme where both parties serve the same plutocratic interests but bully Americans into supporting one or the other under the threat of losing civil liberties.

And again, I hate to be a wet blanket, but those defense and intelligence agencies technically are unelected and technically do wield an immense amount of power, and technically do have an immense amount of influence over Washington, Wall Street, Silicon Valley, Hollywood, the mainstream media, big oil, plutocratic interests, US allies, world trade, and countless major world events.

Related: “Conspiracy Theorists” Are Vindicated: U.S. Senate Reports Chemtrails Are Real And Are Killing Us!

By restoring power to the people instead of leaving it all in the hands of an elite class of secretive agencies and their plutocratic allies, people might feel like they have a bit more control over what’s going on in their country and won’t have to make up nonsensical stories about a “deep state”.

If we could pull these steps off, what will these conspiracy-mongering grifters have to sell to the naive populace? If everyone trusts their government and feels confident in the democratic process, who will believe stories about powerful unelected forces ruling over them?

You certainly wouldn’t have 74 percent of them subscribing to this absurd “deep state” conspiracy theory, that’s for sure.

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Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi

Explained: The 'Incriminating' Call Between Trump And Zelensky + Once-Secret Memos Cast Doubt On Joe Biden's Ukraine Story
September 29 2019 | From: RT / TheHill / Various

Democrats are eager to impeach US President Donald Trump over a phone call with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky.
What does the transcript of the call actually say about the players in this drama and their motivations?

Trump stands accused of withholding US military aid from Ukraine pending the reopening of an investigation into Burisma Holdings, where former Vice President Joe Biden's son Hunter was a director.
The allegations stem from the words of a "whistleblower" who didn't actually hear the call.

Related: Trump Didn’t Pressure Ukraine to Probe Biden, Transcript Shows

The transcript of the phone call between the two presidents, on July 25, does not actually show sinister quid-pro-quo negotiations regarding military aid, however.

After some pleasantries and a bit of bashing of the EU and Russia, Zelensky discusses his desire to “drain the swamp” in Ukraine, borrowing Trump’s famous campaign phrase. Trump talks about how good the US has been to Ukraine.

Zelensky suggests his country will soon purchase more "Javelin missiles,” referring to anti-tank weapons the US has been providing Kiev. Then Trump asks for a favor.

I would like you to find out what happened with this whole situation with Ukraine, they say Crowdstrike… I guess you have one of your wealthy people…

The server, they say Ukraine has it
,” Trump says, expressing fear that Zelensky is “surrounding [himself] with some of the same people.

They say a lot of [Russiagate] started with Ukraine.

Crowdstrike is the cybersecurity contractor that ran the DNC servers in 2016, and originated the claim that Russia had hacked into them.

That quickly morphed into accusations that Trump was “colluding” with Russia, which led to the three-year ‘Russiagate’ probe against Trump.

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The US president is referring to the fact that Crowdstrike never allowed the FBI to examine the actual servers, and speculates the physical device might be in the hands of one of Ukraine’s oligarchs – it is unclear who, exactly.

Zelensky assures Trump that he is replacing Ukraine’s ambassador to the US with someone who he hopes would have Trump’s “trust and confidence,” and intends to surround himself with the “best and most experienced people.

He also mentions being eager to meet with Trump’s personal attorney Rudy Giuliani – presumably as a personal envoy – before adding:

I guarantee as the President of Ukraine that all the investigations will be done openly and candidly

It is here that Trump brings up Biden, in the context of a “prosecutor who was very good and he was shut down and that’s really unfair,” and the former vice-president’s role in that.

Related: Trump: Ukraine Not Pressured; Biden's Threat Is 'Real Story'

There’s a lot of talk about Biden’s son, that Biden stopped the prosecution, and a lot of people want to find out about that, so whatever you can do with the Attorney General [William Barr] would be great.

This is a reference to Biden boasting at a 2018 event how he threatened to withhold $1 billion in IMF loan guarantees to Kiev unless their chief prosecutor, Viktor Shokin, was dismissed:

“I looked at them and said: I’m leaving in six hours. If the prosecutor is not fired, you’re not getting the money. Well, son of a b*tch. He got fired.”

There is some confusion as to whether Shokin was investigating Burisma or dragging his feet on the investigation.

His replacement, Yuriy Lutsenko, did little to probe the gas company, saying in May this year that the US embassy in Kiev gave him a do not prosecute list.

Related: Democrats Reveal the Real Purpose of the Impeachment Investigation

The State Department denies the charges, but the ambassador – Marie Yovanovich – was recalled after that revelation, and Zelensky voiced his displeasure with her on the call.

Her attitude towards me was far from the best, and she admired the previous president and she was on his side,” Zelensky said.

According to Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi, this proves Trump sought from Zelensky “actions which would benefit him politically,” which amounts to “the president's betrayal of his oath of office, betrayal of national security and betrayal of the integrity of our elections.”

Trump said his conversation with Zelensky was perfectly normal and dismissed the impeachment inquiry as “nonsense” and the “single greatest witch-hunt in American history."

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Once-Secret Memos Cast Doubt On Joe Biden's Ukraine Story

Former Vice President Joe Biden, now a 2020 Democratic presidential contender, has locked into a specific story about the controversy in Ukraine.

He insists that, in spring 2016, he strong-armed Ukraine to fire its chief prosecutor solely because Biden believed that official was corrupt and inept, not because the Ukrainian was investigating a natural gas company, Burisma Holdings, that hired Biden's son, Hunter, into a lucrative job.

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There’s just one problem.

Hundreds of pages of never-released memos and documents - many from inside the American team helping Burisma to stave off its legal troubles - conflict with Biden’s narrative.

And they raise the troubling prospect that U.S. officials may have painted a false picture in Ukraine that helped ease Burisma’s legal troubles and stop prosecutors’ plans to interview Hunter Biden during the 2016 U.S. presidential election.

For instance, Burisma’s American legal representatives met with Ukrainian officials just days after Biden forced the firing of the country’s chief prosecutor and offered “an apology for dissemination of false information by U.S. representatives and public figures” about the Ukrainian prosecutors, according to the Ukrainian government’s official memo of the meeting.

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The effort to secure that meeting began the same day the prosecutor's firing was announced.

In addition, Burisma’s American team offered to introduce Ukrainian prosecutors to Obama administration officials to make amends, according to that memo and the American legal team’s internal emails.

The memos raise troubling questions:

1. If the Ukraine prosecutor’s firing involved only his alleged corruption and ineptitude, why did Burisma's American legal team refer to those allegations as “false information?"

2. If the firing had nothing to do with the Burisma case, as Biden has adamantly claimed, why would Burisma’s American lawyers contact the replacement prosecutor within hours of the termination and urgently seek a meeting in Ukraine to discuss the case?

Ukrainian prosecutors say they have tried to get this information to the U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ) since the summer of 2018, fearing it might be evidence of possible violations of U.S. ethics laws.

First, they hired a former federal prosecutor to bring the information to the U.S. attorney in New York, who, they say, showed no interest.

Here is Biden Bragging that he got the Ukrainian Prosecutor Fired

Here is Obama’s vice president Joe Biden bragging before the Council on Foreign Relations that he gave Ukrainian president Poroshenko six hours to fire the prosecutor investigating corruption in an Ukrainian firm that was a cash cow for Biden’s son:  

Despite the clear evidence, here is what the presstitute Adam Entous wrote in The New Yorker: “There is no credible evidence that Biden sought Shokin’s removal in order to protect Hunter.

Political stability cannot exist in a land where evidence is denied.  

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Then, the Ukrainians reached out to President Trump’s personal lawyer, Rudy Giuliani.

Ukraine’s new president, Volodymyr Zelensky, told Trump in July that he plans to launch his own wide-ranging investigation into what happened with the Bidens and Burisma.

I’m knowledgeable about the situation,” Zelensky told Trump, asking the American president to forward any evidence he might know about. "

The issue of the investigation of the case is actually the issue of making sure to restore the honesty so we will take care of that and will work on the investigation of the case.

Biden has faced scrutiny since December 2015, when the New York Times published a story noting that Burisma hired Hunter Biden just weeks after the vice president was asked by President Obama to oversee U.S. - Ukraine relations.

That story also alerted Biden’s office that Prosecutor General Viktor Shokin had an active investigation of Burisma and its founder.

Documents I obtained this year detail an effort to change the narrative after the Times story about Hunter Biden, with the help of the Obama State Department.

Hunter Biden’s American business partner in Burisma, Devon Archer, texted a colleague two days after the Times story about a strategy to counter the “new wave of scrutiny” and stated that he and Hunter Biden had just met at the State Department. 

The text suggested there was about to be a new “USAID project the embassy is announcing with us” and that it was “perfect for us to move forward now with momentum.”

Sworn Statement of Ukraine Presecutor General Viktor Shokin that He Was Forced out of Office by US VP Joe Biden

Click on the image above to download a PDF file of the sworn statement

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I have sued the State Department for any records related to that meeting. The reason is simple: There is both a public interest and an ethics question to knowing if Hunter Biden and his team sought State’s assistance while his father was vice president.

The controversy ignited anew earlier this year when I disclosed that Joe Biden admitted during a 2018 videotaped speech that, as vice president in March 2016, he threatened to cancel $1 billion in U.S. loan guarantees, to pressure Ukraine’s then-President Petro Poroshenko to fire Shokin.

At the time, Shokin’s office was investigating Burisma. Shokin told me he was making plans to question Hunter Biden about $3 million in fees that Biden and his partner, Archer, collected from Burisma through their American firm. Documents seized by the FBI in an unrelated case confirm the payments, which in many months totaled more than $166,000.  

Some media outlets have reported that, at the time Joe Biden forced the firing in March 2016, there were no open investigations. Those reports are wrong.

A British-based investigation of Burisma's owner was closed down in early 2015 on a technicality when a deadline for documents was not met.

House Republicans Blast Dems' Impeachment Inquiry in Fiery Press Conference

Related: Trump and the Whistleblower

But the Ukraine Prosecutor General's office still had two open inquiries in March 2016, according to the official case file provided me. One of those cases involved taxes; the other, allegations of corruption. Burisma announced the cases against it were not closed and settled until January 2017

After I first reported it in a column, the New York Times and ABC News published similar stories confirming my reporting.

Joe Biden has since responded that he forced Shokin’s firing over concerns about corruption and ineptitude, which he claims were widely shared by Western allies, and that it had nothing to do with the Burisma investigation.

Some of the new documents I obtained call that claim into question.

In a newly sworn affidavit prepared for a European court, Shokin testified that when he was fired in March 2016, he was told the reason was that Biden was unhappy about the Burisma investigation.

“The truth is that I was forced out because I was leading a wide-ranging corruption probe into Burisma Holdings, a natural gas firm active in Ukraine and Joe Biden’s son, Hunter Biden, was a member of the Board of Directors,” Shokin testified.

On several occasions President Poroshenko asked me to have a look at the case against Burisma and consider the possibility of winding down the investigative actions in respect of this company but I refused to close this investigation, Shokin added.

Shokin certainly would have reason to hold a grudge over his firing. But his account is supported by documents from Burisma’s legal team in America, which appeared to be moving into Ukraine with intensity as Biden’s effort to fire Shokin picked up steam.

Burisma’s own accounting records show that it paid tens of thousands of dollars while Hunter Biden served on the board of an American lobbying and public relations firm, Blue Star Strategies, run by Sally Painter and Karen Tramontano, who both served in President Bill Clinton’s administration.

Just days before Biden forced Shokin’s firing, Painter met with the No. 2 official at the Ukrainian embassy in Washington and asked to meet officials in Kiev around the same time that Joe Biden visited there. 

Ukrainian embassy employee Oksana Shulyar emailed Painter afterward: “With regards to the meetings in Kiev, I suggest that you wait until the next week when there is an expected vote of the government’s reshuffle.”

Ukraine’s Washington embassy confirmed the conversations between Shulyar and Painter but said the reference to a shakeup in Ukrainian government was not specifically referring to Shokin’s firing or anything to do with Burisma.

Related: Judicial Watch Sues for Documents on Biden Forcing Firing of Ukraine Prosecutor

Painter then asked one of the Ukraine embassy’s workers to open the door for meetings with Ukraine’s prosecutors about the Burisma investigation, the memos show. Eventually, Blue Star would pay that Ukrainian official money for his help with the prosecutor's office.

At the time, Blue Star worked in concert with an American criminal defense lawyer, John Buretta, who was hired by Burisma to help address the case in Ukraine. The case was settled in January 2017 for a few million dollars in fines for alleged tax issues.

Buretta, Painter, Tramontano, Hunter Biden and Joe Biden’s campaign have not responded to numerous calls and emails seeking comment.

On March 29, 2016, the day Shokin’s firing was announced, Buretta asked to speak with Yuriy Sevruk, the prosecutor named to temporarily replace Shokin, but was turned down, the memos show.

Blue Star, using the Ukrainian embassy worker it had hired, eventually scored a meeting with Sevruk on April 6, 2016, a week after Shokin’s firing. Buretta, Tramontano and Painter attended that meeting in Kiev, according to Blue Star’s memos.

Sevruk memorialized the meeting in a government memo that the general prosecutor’s office provided to me, stating that the three Americans offered an apology for the “false” narrative that had been provided by U.S. officials about Shokin being corrupt and inept.

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“They realized that the information disseminated in the U.S. was incorrect and that they would facilitate my visit to the U.S. for the purpose of delivering the true information to the State Department management,” the memo stated.

The memo also quoted the Americans as saying they knew Shokin pursued an aggressive corruption investigation against Burisma’s owner, only to be thwarted by British allies:

“These individuals noted that they had been aware that the Prosecutor General’s Office of Ukraine had implemented all required steps for prosecution … and that he was released by the British court due to the underperformance of the British law enforcement agencies.”

The memo provides a vastly different portrayal of Shokin than Biden's. And its contents are partially backed by subsequent emails from Blue Star and Buretta that confirm the offer to bring Ukrainian authorities to meet the Obama administration in Washington.

For instance, Tramontano wrote the Ukrainian prosecution team on April 16, 2016, saying U.S. Justice Department officials, including top international prosecutor Bruce Swartz, might be willing to meet. “The reforms are not known to the US Justice Department and it would be useful for the Prosecutor General to meet officials in the US and share this information directly,” she wrote.

Buretta sent a similar email to the Ukrainians, writing that “I think you would find it productive to meet with DOJ officials in Washington” and providing contact information for Swartz. “I would be happy to help,” added Buretta, a former senior DOJ official.

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Burisma, Buretta and Blue Star continued throughout 2016 to try to resolve the open issues in Ukraine, and memos recount various contacts with the State Department and the U.S. embassy in Kiev seeking help in getting the Burisma case resolved.

Just days before Trump took office, Burisma announced it had resolved all of its legal issues. And Buretta gave an interview in Ukraine about how he helped navigate the issues.

Today, two questions remain:

One is whether it was ethically improper or even illegal for Biden to intervene to fire the prosecutor handling Burisma’s case, given his son’s interests. That is one that requires more investigation and the expertise of lawyers.

The second is whether Biden has given the American people an honest accounting of what happened. The new documents I obtained raise serious doubts about his story’s credibility. And that’s an issue that needs to be resolved by voters.

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The Fibonacci Sequence: What Is The Golden Ratio?
September 28 2019 | From: LiveScience / FractalEnlightenment / Various

The Golden ratio is a special number found by dividing a line into two parts so that the longer part divided by the smaller part is also equal to the whole length divided by the longer part.

It is often symbolized using phi, after the 21st letter of the Greek alphabet. In an equation form, it looks like this:

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a/b = (a+b)/a = 1.6180339887498948420 …

As with pi (the ratio of the circumference of a circle to its diameter), the digits go on and on, theoretically into infinity. Phi is usually rounded off to 1.618. This number has been discovered and rediscovered many times, which is why it has so many names - the Golden mean, the Golden section, divine proportion, etc.

Historically, the number can be seen in the architecture of many ancient creations, like the Great Pyramids and the Parthenon.

In the Great Pyramid of Giza, the length of each side of the base is 756 feet with a height of 481 feet. The ratio of the base to the height is roughly 1.5717, which is close to the Golden ratio.

Phidias (500 B.C. - 432 B.C.) was a Greek sculptor and mathematician who is thought to have applied phi to the design of sculptures for the Parthenon.

Plato (428 B.C. - 347 B.C.) considered the Golden ratio to be the most universally binding of mathematical relationships. Later, Euclid (365 B.C. - 300 B.C.) linked the Golden ratio to the construction of a pentagram.

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Solfeggio And Fibonacci Numbers

Around 1200, mathematician Leonardo Fibonacci discovered the unique properties of the Fibonacci sequence.

This sequence ties directly into the Golden ratio because if you take any two successive Fibonacci numbers, their ratio is very close to the Golden ratio. As the numbers get higher, the ratio becomes even closer to 1.618.

For example, the ratio of 3 to 5 is 1.666. But the ratio of 13 to 21 is 1.625. Getting even higher, the ratio of 144 to 233 is 1.618. These numbers are all successive numbers in the Fibonacci sequence.

These numbers can be applied to the proportions of a rectangle, called the Golden rectangle. This is known as one of the most visually satisfying of all geometric forms - hence, the appearance of the Golden ratio in art.

The Golden rectangle is also related to the Golden spiral, which is created by making adjacent squares of Fibonacci dimensions. 

Related: Fibonnaci Number: The Mathematics

In 1509, Luca Pacioli wrote a book that refers to the number as the "Divine Proportion," which was illustrated by Leonardo da Vinci. Da Vinci later called this sectio aurea or the Golden section.

The Golden ratio was used to achieve balance and beauty in many Renaissance paintings and sculptures.

Da Vinci himself used the Golden ratio to define all of the proportions in his Last Supper, including the dimensions of the table and the proportions of the walls and backgrounds.

The Golden ratio also appears in da Vinci's Vitruvian Man and the Mona Lisa. Other artists who employed the Golden ratio include Michelangelo, Raphael, Rembrandt, Seurat, and Salvador Dali.

The term "phi" was coined by American mathematician Mark Barr in the 1900s. Phi has continued to appear in mathematics and physics, including the 1970s Penrose Tiles, which allowed surfaces to be tiled in five-fold symmetry.

In the 1980s, phi appeared in quasi crystals, a then-newly discovered form of matter.

Phi is more than an obscure term found in mathematics and physics. It appears around us in our daily lives, even in our aesthetic views.

Studies have shown that when test subjects view random faces, the ones they deem most attractive are those with solid parallels to the Golden ratio.

Faces judged as the most attractive show Golden ratio proportions between the width of the face and the width of the eyes, nose, and eyebrows.

The test subjects weren't mathematicians or physicists familiar with phi - they were just average people, and the Golden ratio elicited an instinctual reaction.

The Golden ratio also appears in all forms of nature and science. Some unexpected places include:

Flower petals: The number of petals on some flowers follows the Fibonacci sequence. It is believed that in the Darwinian processes, each petal is placed to allow for the best possible exposure to sunlight and other factors.

Seed heads: The seeds of a flower are often produced at the center and migrate outward to fill the space. For example, sunflowers follow this pattern.

Pinecones: The spiral pattern of the seed pods spiral upward in opposite directions. The number of steps the spirals take tend to match Fibonacci numbers.

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Tree branches: The way tree branches form or split is an example of the Fibonacci sequence. Root systems and algae exhibit this formation pattern.

Shells: Many shells, including snail shells and nautilus shells, are perfect examples of the Golden spiral.

Spiral galaxies
: The Milky Way has a number of spiral arms, each of which has a logarithmic spiral of roughly 12 degrees. The shape of the spiral is identical to the Golden spiral, and the Golden rectangle can be drawn over any spiral galaxy.

Hurricanes: Much like shells, hurricanes often display the Golden spiral.

: The length of our fingers, each section from the tip of the base to the wrist is larger than the preceding one by roughly the ratio of phi.

Animal bodies: The measurement of the human navel to the floor and the top of the head to the navel is the Golden ratio. But we are not the only examples of the Golden ratio in the animal kingdom; dolphins, starfish, sand dollars, sea urchins, ants and honeybees also exhibit the proportion.

DNA molecules: A DNA molecule measures 34 angstroms by 21 angstroms at each full cycle of the double helix spiral. In the Fibonacci series, 34 and 21 are successive numbers.

The Fibonacci Sequence

The Fibonacci sequence is possibly the most simple recurrence relation occurring in nature.

It is 0,1,1,2,3,5,8,13,21,34,55,89, 144… each number equals the sum of the two numbers before it, and the difference of the two numbers succeeding it. It is an infinite sequence which goes on forever as it develops.

The Golden Ratio/Divine Ratio or Golden Mean – The quotient of any Fibonacci number and it’s predecessor approaches Phi, represented as ϕ (1.618), the Golden ratio.

The Golden Ratio is best understood geometrically by the golden rectangle. A rectangle unevenly divided resulting into one square and one rectangle, the square’s sides would have the ratio of 1:1, and the new rectangle would be exactly proportionate to the original rectangle – 1:1.618.

This iteration can continue both ways, infinitely. If you plot a quarter circle inside each of the squares as they reiterate, the golden spiral is formed.

The golden spiral is possibly the most simple mathematic pattern that occurs in nature like shells of snails, sea shells, horns, flowers, plants. Numbers are only what we use to organize quantitative information. golden ratio spiral galaxies.

The Golden Ratio can be seen from a Chambered Nautilus to a Spiraling Galaxy The Golden Ratio can be applied to any number of geometric forms including circles, triangles, pyramids, prisms, and polygons.

The Golden Ratio can be seen from a Chambered Nautilus to a Spiraling Galaxy The Golden Ratio can be applied to any number of geometric forms including circles, triangles, pyramids, prisms, and polygons.

The golden ratio is formed by thirds within thirds, sixths, the connection between two and three, including every even and odd number itself.

The ratio itself represents the transcendence of numbers, understanding our world is not numbers, but what numbers represent.

Through the spiral, the ratio illustrates how the numbers, all quantities, are quality. Eventually, all quality can be represented through quantity.

Properties qualitative and quantitative are just labels of information, our gathered indisputable fact.

Sunflowers have a Golden Spiral seed arrangement. This provides a biological advantage because it maximizes the number of seeds that can be packed into a seed head. If you graph any number system, eventually patterns appear.

Aston Martin, James Bond and the Golden Ratio

In mathematics, numbers and their patterns do not only continue infinitely linear, but in all directions.

"Breathtaking Proportions – The ‘Golden Ratio’ sits at the heart of every Aston Martin. Balanced from any angle, each exterior line of Rapide S works in concert and every proportion is precisely measured to create a lithe, pure form. Our engineering follows the same principle. A near perfect weight distribution ensures Rapide S is balanced in form and balanced in function.”

For example, considering infinite decimal expansion, even the shortest segments have an infinite amount of points.

Our universe and the numbers not only go on infinitely linear, but even it’s short segments have infinite points. (A beautiful short film on Fibonacci sequence in Nature - ‘Nature by Numbers’)

Nature by Numbers


The golden ratio is not the only mathematical pattern that reaches infinity, there are many other patterns as well that reach infinity. Knowing this, ask yourself, how could infinity occur twice?

If something were to happen infinitely, how could it happen twice? The answer is simple, infinity represents what is eternal, what is truly whole. For example, if infinity were to be used as a variable in mathematics like all other numbers, it would be denoted as 1∞, 2∞, 3∞, 4∞, etc.

The oneness of everything factual is what you know, what you perceive, what you are aware of, is all the universe looking at itself. This is the universe, even you are the universe, us and everything we know is all the same thing.

Since the numbers are everywhere, everything is a part of a pattern. Reflections of reflections, wheels within wheels. Life itself is a Fractal. (Another video on the Egyptian ‘Temple of Man’ is a symbolic representation of the Fibonacci series of balanced organic expansion and an expression of the underlying principles of life in the universe)

The Fibonacci Series - Egyptian Sacred Architecture

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Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi

The Great Transition: The Shadow Ruling Force Behind The Central Banks Secrecy Is Repugnant In A Free And Open Society
September 27 2019 | From: FinalWakeUpCall

Monolithic and Ruthless Conspiracy: The Central Bankers’ crimes are legendary and more than can be listed here.

By providing large-scale loans to practically all countries and people, those have become dependent of the hidden ruling power. Governments that want to remain independent are vigorously addressed and enforced; their leaders are unseated, or murdered

Related: A Central Banker’s Plan For Your Money

If this is not possible through means of political propaganda, or being economically sanctioned, the CIA, Mossad, or otherwise military force will achieve their objective to submit them to the NWO-regime.

The bloodline Archon families want to control the world, which required the joining of forces of the 13 influential bloodline families.

Professor Adam Weishaupt drafted a plan in 1773, on request of Mayer Amschel Rothschild to make that happen.

The ultimate goal was, and still is, to create a world dictatorship with one leader at the top, located in Jerusalem - Israel.

As a matter of fact, even China’s government is ultimately run by a - Nazi-Rothschild- central bank, which dictates and controls the flow of money all over the world in every nation in which central banks are located.

They obtained full control, and have 100% – 5 eyes support that makes their authority unquestioned and unchallenged.

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Anyone involved in this buy and bribe scheme knows that it is in their own interest to participate in agreement to the given instructions. It really is a world-wide spread epidemic, and much worse than anyone can imagine.

The structure it is condoned under the current legal system of admiralty law. Defeating the truly evil enemy, should be people’s key priority! Let’s target the shadow controlling forces behind these central banks and put an end to this global corruption once and for all.

The real rulers in Washington DC are the invisible Luciferian Khazarians, they exercise their power from behind the scenes. Today the path to total dictatorship in the Western World can be laid by strictly legal means, unseen and unheard by Congress or Parliament, even the President, nor the people.

Officially, Constitutional Governments are implemented. But within our governments and political systems, another body is representing another form of these governments, it is the bureaucratic elite which believes that Constitutions are useless, as they are sure being on the winning side of the game.

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All the strange developments in policy agreements like the refuge crisis, may be traced back to this group who are going to make us over to suit their desire. The harm done to all people on our planet will take generations to correct. But all will be corrected, if we the people wake up and take back control!

Secrecy is Repugnant in a Free and Open Society

Trump is threatening to disturb the Deep State’s control game as no other modern President before him ever has done, except President John F. Kennedy who was murdered for his opposition against the Deep State. He said on April 27th, 1961 in an address to newspaper publishers;

“The very word ‘secrecy’ is repugnant in a free and open society, and we are as a people, inherently and historically, opposed to secret societies, secret oaths, and secret proceedings…

For we are opposed around the world by a monolithic and ruthless conspiracy that relies primarily on covert means for expanding its sphere of influence. It depends on infiltration instead of invasion, on subversion instead of elections, on intimidation instead of free choice.

It is a system which has conscripted vast human and material resources into the building of a tightly knit, highly efficient machine that combines military, diplomatic, intelligence, economic, scientific, and political operations. Its preparations are concealed, not published, its mistakes are buried, not headlined, its dissenters are silenced, not praised, no expenditure is questioned, no secret is revealed…

I am asking your help in the tremendous task of informing and alerting the American people… The high office of President has been used to foment a plot to destroy the American’s freedom, and before I leave office I must inform the citizen of his plight.”

Related: JFK At One Hundred

Unfortunately, the news media was and still is owned by the very foes President Kennedy was trying to defeat and those foes killed the President two and a half years later.

Unaware of the Risks

Even today, people are so unaware and have no idea of the risks President Trump is taking by challenging the Deep State, specifically the US military industrial complex MIC.

The mainstream media still do their utmost to discredit the President of the United States and try to overthrow him in order that the utterly corrupt elite that rule the western world can continue to hold on to power and to protect the massive budget of the MIC- complex, that along with the Israel Lobby, funds the elections of those who rule us.

They also tried multiple times to start a nuclear world war using Syria, North Korea, Iran, and other hotspots.

 It is important to remember and that cannot be repeated often enough: these people try to kill you and your family, and are still doing so.

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The Asian secret societies learned of the Deep State Nazi plans to murder 90% of humanity by successfully eavesdropping on their secret meetings. In 2003, the cabal were spreading the engineered SARS disease – a bioweapon designed specifically to target the Asian race, which became their call to arms.

The Europeans, particularly the Germans, are doing some serious chess moves that will make Mr. Trump’s job ahead easier. The powers that are feeling resentful of Mr. Trump are also moving in a healthy direction for all of us.

Mr. Trump is doing a great job that isn’t understood by the public at large and probably not known by himself, as the whole operation is scripted by the Alliance.

Comment: Read about the Alliance that has been working behind the scenes for decades to take down the 'Cabal' within the work of David Wilcock.

By helping through Q-ANON notifications and observing the skirmishes that are forever going on.

This has become part of the whole scenario: it represents the undercurrent that is behind everything. It’s a crowd together of folks trying to keep this at bay. As, many of us wake-up and join the patriot crowd.

Where we go one, we go all. The Deep State won’t succeed; their turning point may have been passed.

Related: An Objective Analysis Of The QAnon Phenomenon

The Central Banking Control

The Central Banking system is currently owned by the Archon bloodline families that control more wealth than the better off 3.5 billion of the world’s population. Inequality is a drastic understatement.

The BIS – Bank for International Settlements – is a privately owned bank that oversights 60 Central banks including: The Bank of England, the Federal Reserve the European Central Bank and the Bank of Japan.

The BIS controls 95% of global wealth. The BIS was created as a control bank that would supervise the damage reparation settlements of Germany and its allies after WW1. It then morphed into the demon financial control center that it is today.

The monetary system from its inception till today is privately owned by the Rothschild and a few other families.

The Governments pay Central Banks with taxpayers’ monies to compensate for the interest of their counterfeit debt money, which they could have issued themselves free of any interest charge.

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Moreover, taxpayers’ contributions fund the Vatican Bank, Queen’s Bank of England, and all other Central Banks across the globe instead of their own government. People’s energy money makes it possible that Central Banks can charge again interest on the reimbursed tax funds.

Evidently, this corrupt system is also funding international child trafficking, including all black terrorist operations, etc.

No Need for Central Banks

Moreover, there is no need for Central banks, as the people controlled governments can issue the money themselves free of interest, without debt! – There is no anchor against the ever-increasing money supply that is destroying the world’s reserve currency.

New out of air-printed money is constantly created to fight deflation to avoid a depression. The world Central banks cannot accept deflation; they are trying to offset this by printing money to generate inflation. And, so have the populace since 1972 two third of their savings lost.

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As there is no velocity in the money circulation, they cannot generate the outcome they want. The Central Bankers have no power to turn this around, but resort to continuously printing money that no one spends, so the money has little effect on the economy.

If they don’t find a way to increase the velocity of money, there will be no inflation and higher prices, if money velocity keeps slowing down, the world will be mired in a deflationary trap that scares the hell out of the central bankers, as debt burdens go up in real terms. Tax revenues decrease. Banks fail. When the role of complication is ignored, they are putting the system at risk of collapse.

It is still an open question whether the world needs a reserve currency and it certainly does not when money is linked to something tangible.

There is no need for central banks to create money without limits either – as has been proven during the era 1870 – 1914 when the gold standard acted independently and effectively.

Unsustainable Debt

IMF says, “debt is unsustainable”, but central banks don’t solve the problem. They like to keep the world in a limbo of debt, so that countries and people need to take on more debt.

The Central Bankers business model is to putcountries and people in more debt, it is a pattern and they know this, but most of the people don’t know that.

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The puppet governments and politicians are bought and paid for to do these things. The only way around this is to get rid of the central banks.

Look at Greece, it is in trouble again, the central bank’s fix was not a fix, it was a band aid and it was only meant to last for a couple of years, then the country would need more debt.

Another noticeable aspect is housing appreciation that is beginning to slow, prices are coming down which means those who purchased at the height of the market will be underwater and those who purchased during the last financial crisis will be worse off. Even, the pension systems are in trouble and there are noticeable signs of this. Once the market, real estate, and the rest crashes it will be game over.

And, that is why the economy is rapidly falling apart. And here comes the narrative battle, either Trump or the FED-Central Bank is going to be in charge to tell this story.

What you have to do is to prepare for the transition and make sure you have sufficient food in store as there is a life-size possibility that supplies will be disturbed.

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Be assured that this great transition is coming for which most people aren’t prepared; they will go through a very difficult period of time.

The Alliance with the patriots do there best to make the transition easy as possible. Let’s hope that Trump will have the narrative, as the central banks don’t care about the people, the more we suffer the better they like it.

Eventually, the Deep State players and agendas will dissolve under the upcoming transparency with equality for all. Everyone has to know how to fix the system, where the risks are hidden, and how with the least intrusive means possible can be changed.

Amongst others, it will be by asset backed currencies, then everything else could start to be fixed. How and what is explained in the next issue. Stay tuned!

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Extracting Energy From The Quantum Vacuum: Can Zero-Point Energy Power Our Planet? & For 30 Years The US Department Of Energy And “Scientific Establishment” Has Blocked The Truth About Cold Fusion (Low-Energy Nuclear Reactions), The Ultimate “Renewable” Energy Solution For Humanity
September 26 2018 | From: CollectiveEvolution / NaturalNews / Various

The famous world-renowned American theoretical physicist John Wheeler once told the world that, “No point is more central than this, that space is not empty, it is the seat of the most violent physics.”

Notice the importance he put on the fact that space is not empty, and that there is no point “more central” than that.

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The fact that space is not empty has huge implications, some of which we will explore in this article.

In Brief:

The Facts: Quantum mechanics has discovered that "empty" space is not empty, and that it's full of energy. Can this energy be utilized and drawn upon to provide power and replace our energy industry?

Reflect On: What would be the implications of new energy technology that allowed everyone on the planet access to clean energy?

Nikola Tesla said that: "The day science begins to study non-physical phenomena, it will make more progress in one decade than in all the previous centuries of its existence."

There is no doubting this statement given the fact that to our senses, an atom, the bits of matter that make up what we perceive to be our physical material world, is 99.9 percent empty space.

But again, it’s not empty, it’s actually full of energy.

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The field of quantum mechanics was key for questioning the perceived material foundations of reality by showing that atoms and subatomic particles are not really solid objects.

This empty space that exists all around us, this non-perceivable “substance,” for lack of a better term, has been written about for thousands of years. I’d like to use an example from ancient Greece.

“And they allowed Apollonius to ask questions; and he asked them of what they thought the cosmos was composed; but they replied; “Of elements.” “Are there then four?” he asked. 

“Not four,” said Larchas,  “but five.” “And how can there be a fifth,” said Apollonius, “alongside of water and air and earth and fire?” “There is the ether,” replied the other, “which we must regard as the stuff of which gods are made; for just as all mortal creatures inhale the wire, so do immortal and divine natures inhale the ether.” “Am I,” said Appollonius, “to regard the universe as a living creature?” “Yes,”said the other.”

- The Life of Apollonius of Tyana, Philostratus, 220AD Source

In the past, many referred to this “empty space” as ether or aether.

All perceptible matter comes from a primary substance, or tenuity beyond conception, filling all space, the akasha or luminiferous ether, which is acted upon by the life giving Prana or creative force, calling into existence, in never-ending cycles all things and phenomena."

- Nikola Tesla, Man’s Greatest Achievement, 1907

Today, physicists seem to refer to it as the “Quantum Vacuum” or “Zero-Point” energy field.

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So, the next question becomes, can we tap into this energy field? Can we use it to power our world and have “free” energy? Please keep in mind here that the term “free” energy is often misused.

Free energy has nothing to do with money, it is called free energy because the quantum vacuum is limitless, it never runs out, it’s not a finite resource but rather an infinite resource.

“Ere many generations pass, our machinery will be driven by a power obtainable at any point in the universe. This idea is not novel. Throughout space there is energy… It is a mere question of time when men will succeed in attaching their machinery to the very wheel work of nature."

- Nikola Tesla

Can We Tap Into The Quantum Vacuum?

The idea that space is full of energy is not a theory. A man by the name of Hendrik Casimir proved that empty space actually contains fluctuations of electromagnetic waves.

He suggested that two metal plates held apart in a vacuum could trap the waves, creating vacuum energy that could attract or repel the plates. As the boundaries of a region move, the variation in vacuum energy (zero-point energy) leads to the Casimir effect.

Recent research done at Harvard University and Vrije University in Amsterdam and elsewhere has proved the Casimir effect to be correct. (Source)

Related: What Is The Ether, Dark Matter And Dark Energy? + The Big Secret Of Quantum Mechanics

How much energy is available? According to two of the most prominent researchers in the field, Eric W. David and H.E. Puthoff from the Institute for Advanced Studies at Austin, the energy density in the quantum vacuum is “enormous.” (source)

A number of studies have brought up the topic of extracting energy from the quantum vacuum, for example, a paper titled “Extracting energy and heat from the vacuum” by Puthoff  in conjunction with Daniel C. Cole, Ph.D. and Associate Professor at Boston University in the Department of Mechanical Engineering stated a number of years ago that:

“Relatively recent proposals have been made in the literature for extracting energy and heat from electromagnetic zero-point radiation via the use of the Casimir force.

The basic thermodynamics involved in these proposals is analyzed and clarified here, with the conclusion that yes, in principle, these proposals are correct.

The truth is, “the concept of the conversion of energy from vacuum fluctuations is in principle not falsifiable.

But, according to mainstream academia, “Even though experimental efforts at energy extraction from the vacuum have been proposed or are already under way at various laboratories, definitive theoretical support underpinning the concept of useful extraction of energy from quantum fluctuations is not yet in place. (Source)

Is this Really True? Or is it Simply One of Many Examples of Scientific Suppression?

The reality of scientific suppression is no joke, it’s actually quite evident, and there are many examples. A great example is the “Invention Secrecy Act,” which was written in 1951.

Under this act, patent applications on new inventions can be subjected to secrecy orders. These orders can restrict their publication if government agencies believe that their disclosure would be harmful to national security.

Related: Five Thousand Inventions In Limbo And Under “Secrecy Orders” At The US Patent Office

Today, the term “national security” is a complete joke. It’s become an umbrella term used to classify any information or technological development that threatens big corporate interests or any agenda/plan the global elite has for the human population.

Steven Aftergood from the Federation of American Scientists reports on a list that was obtained from invention secrecy orders from 1971:

“The 1971 list indicates that patents for solar photovoltaic generators were subject to review and possible restriction if the photovoltaics were more than 20% efficient.

Energy conversion systems were likewise subject to review and possible restriction if they offered conversion efficiencies in “excess of 70-80%.” 

- Source

Could zero-point energy propulsion systems and energy generators be on today’s secrecy lists?

There is significant evidence that scientists since Tesla have known about this energy, but that its existence and potential use has been discouraged and indeed suppressed over the past half century or more."

– Dr. Theodor C. Loder III, Professor Emeritus of Earth Sciences at the University of New Hampshire - Source

Before his passing, Dr. Brian O’Leary, a former NASA astronaut and Princeton Physics professor told the world that:

These concepts have been proven in hundreds of laboratories all over the world, yet never see the light of day.

If the new energy technologies were set free worldwide the change would be profound.

It would affect everybody, it would be applicable everywhere.

These technologies are absolutely the most important thing that have happened in the history of the world.

- Dr. Brian O’Leary, Former NASA Astronaut and Princeton Physics Professor

Furthermore, there are strange things happening within the world of Unidentified Flying Objects (UFOs) and the people involved.

Take Steve Justice, for example, the recently retired Director of Advanced Systems at Lockheed Skunkworks who is  on board with To The Stars Academy, a UFO initiative headed by former Blink 182 rockstar Tom Delonge, bringing together some very interesting people like Justice to raise awareness about the reality of UFOs.

The Secret Behind Numbers 3, 6, 9 Tesla Code Revealed

With the introduction of Vortex-Based Mathematics you will be able to see how energy is expressing itself mathematically.

This math has no anomalies and shows the dimensional shape and function of the universe as being a toroid or donut-shaped black hole. This is the template for the universe and it is all within our base ten decimal system! Numbers are Real and Alive not merely symbols for other things.

You will discover that the relationships between numbers are not random or man-made but that numbers are actually elementary particles of which everything is composed.

This lost knowledge was well known to our ancients and is now being uncovered for us today. Gradually you will come to see numbers in a simple yet profoundly perfect three-dimensional matrix grid pattern that forms the shape of a torus.

The number grid reveals the calibration and timing for an engine that can take us throughout the universe and solve mankind’s energy needs. This math truly explains everything that ever was, is, and ever will be in the universe, perfectly, with no omissions.

Related: The John Searl Story - Free Energy

UFOs have been photographed, video taped, and tracked on radars performing maneuvers that defy our known laws of physics. Their goal, or one out of many, is to bring forth these technologies that have been locked up in the black budget world in order to help humanity thrive.

Is this not enough evidence showing that there is something fishy going on? Take a read of the statement below. While discussing the concept for the craft that To The Stars plans to build, he stated that:

“This is a concept for an international point-to-point transportation craft that will erase the current travel limits of distance and time.

It mimics the capabilities observed in unidentified aerial phenomenon by employing a driver system that alters space-time metric.

We have glimpses of how the physics of this works, but we need to harvest technologies from the Science Division to “realize” the capability."

This quote was on the To The Stars website for more than a year. I’ve used it in multiple articles and have seen it many times. The site has since been changed, and it’s no longer up there.

To give it more credibility, To The Stars has been quite open about crafts that alter the space-time metric, and this quote was also used by multiple mainstream media outlets like the New York Times and Scientific American in regards to Justice speaking about these crafts.

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Even renowned UFO researcher Leslie Keen, in an article for the Huffington Post, emphasized:

“Steve’s objective is to harvest this advanced technology to build a vehicle that will allow for almost instantaneous travel through land, air, oceans and space, by engineering the fabric of space-time.

Such a vehicle could also float, like something from science fiction. Steve says we have had glimpses of the science that could make this possible."

Right now, on the site, an important point made states: “As noted in our October 2017 TTSA kickoff webcast, technologies that would allow us to engineer the spacetime metric would bring capabilities that would fundamentally alter civilization, with revolutionary changes to transportation, communication, and computation.”

Based on the quotes given by Justice, he is admitting to the fact that there are technologies available in the “Science Division” that have been kept from humanity, and that it’s known within this division that some of these UFOs actually employ “a driver system that alters space-time metric.

The statement by Justice echoes the statements made decades ago by Ben Rich, the second Director of Lockheed Skunkworks from 1975-1991.

We already have the means to travel among the stars, but these technologies are locked up in black projects, and it would take an act of God to ever get them out to benefit humanity. Anything you can imagine, we already know how to do it.

We now have technology to take ET home. No it won’t take someone’s lifetime to do it. There is an error in the equations. We know what it is. We now have the capability to travel to the stars.

“There are two types of UFOs - the ones we build and the ones ‘they’ build."

You can read more about the sources for these quotes from Ben Rich here.

This begs the question, was Apollo 14 astronaut Dr. Edgar Mitchell correct when he stated flat out that, “yes, there have been crashed craft, and bodies recovered”? Have covert black budget programs obtained extraterrestrial crafts and reverse engineered them?

Earlier in this article, I cited a paper published by Hal Puthoff and Eric Davis illustrating that the energy density in the quantum vacuum is “enormous.”

Davis is a very well-known scientist. For many years, he was a member of the National Institute for Discovery Sciences (owned by Robert Bigelow) and the Chief Science Officer of EarthTech Int’l, Inc. and the Institute for Advanced Studies at Austin, and he is now the Owner / Chief Executive / Chief Scientist of Warp Drive Metrics, which consults and contracts for the Department of Defense.

He is also an Adjunct Professor in the Early Universe, Cosmology and Strings Group at the Center for Astrophysics, Space Physics & Engineering Research at Baylor University in Waco, TX.

By the way, Robert Bigelow has been quite outspoken about the knowledge he has that we are not alone and that extraterrestrial beings are “already here.”

Related: Endgame: Disclosure, The Antarctic Atlantis And NEW Ancient Extra-Terrestrial Ruins

Puthoff is also a very well-known scientist who has done a lot of work for the Department of Defense.

A recently leaked document has exposed notes regarding a meeting Davis had with Admiral Thomas Ray Wilson, who was the Director of the Defense Intelligence Agency, in which they discussed an extraterrestrial space craft.

This meeting was also confirmed prior to this leak by astronaut Edgar Mitchell, who was also in attendance.

The documents point towards a program that involves the crash retrieval of extraterrestrial crafts that are “not made of this earth, not made by man.” You can view the entire document here and read more about it and watch a discussion CE founder Joe Martino and I had about it on CETV here.

I also recently published an article about a former member of the Air Force Office of Special Investigations, Richard Doty, whose identity has been verified by Hal Puthoff, stating that multiple extraterrestrial crafts are in the hands of the US government and that many of them use zero point energy for their propulsion systems.

Furthermore, there are multiple patents and multiple inventors who claim to have invented electrical generators that are powered by zero-point energy.

One example is Parahamsa Tewari, who invented such a machine, but has since passed. He is pictured below with Brian O’Leary, and you can find out more about his life’s work here if you’re interested.

“A century from now, it will be well known that: the vacuum of space which fills the universe is itself the real substratum of the universe; vacuum in a circulating state becomes matter; the electron is the fundamental particle of matter and is a vortex of vacuum with a vacuum-less void at the center and it is dynamically stable; the speed of light relative to vacuum is the maximum speed that nature has provided and is an inherent property of the vacuum; vacuum is a subtle fluid unknown in material media; vacuum is mass-less, continuous, non viscous, and incompressible and is responsible for all the properties of matter; and that vacuum has always existed and will exist forever….

Then scientists, engineers and philosophers will bend their heads in shame knowing that modern science ignored the vacuum in our chase to discover reality for more than a century"

- Tewari

The words above come from the late Parahamsa Tewari, who recently had a paper published in Physics Essays.

The paper is entitled “Structural Relation Between The Vacuum Space and The Electron. You can access the full study here. Tewari also points out that dark matter has been mistaken for what it really is, as he describes in his “Space Vortex Theory”:

The interesting part about Tewari is that, from his theory, he took it out of the theoretical realm by generating machinery based on the science, in the form of an electrical generator. Again, you can learn more about that at the link to his website above the picture.

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The Takeaway

The takeaway here is to realize that extracting energy from the Quantum vacuum is, within the mainstream, only theoretically possible, but there is an enormous amount of evidence suggesting that it’s already been done and that this type of activity and technological breakthrough has been kept hidden from the human race for many years.

Our potential as a species is huge. We seem to already have the energy solutions we need. But if that’s true, we need to ask ourselves, why are they not being implemented, and what systems are in place that prevent the solutions from coming out?

Discovering solutions is not the issue - the issue is with greed, ego, manipulation, and selfishness. Until our race transitions from the majority of people being self-serving to the majority being in service to others, we cannot progress as a society.

Human consciousness needs to change, not technological development. Our intelligence is great, it’s the intention behind what we do and the technological breakthroughs we make that really matters.

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For 30 Years The US Department Of Energy And “Scientific Establishment” Has Blocked The Truth About Cold Fusion (Low-Energy Nuclear Reactions), The Ultimate “Renewable” Energy Solution For Humanity

Despite all the alarm and warnings about fossil fuels and carbon dioxide emissions, the “scientific” establishment has systematically blocked the publication of science papers and the dissemination of knowledge about cold fusion, also known as Low-Energy Nuclear Reactions (LENR).

LENR describes a phenomenon that has been replicated in hundreds of laboratories around the world, including labs in Japan, China, France, Italy, and across the USA.

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It involves the release of excess heat energy - unexplainable by normal chemical reactions - through an electrochemical process that transforms mass into energy via a mysterious fusion-like phenomenon that takes place at temperatures close to room temperature.

Originally announced by Fleischmann and Pons at the University of Utah, Salt Lake City, in 1989, so-called “cold fusion” (which was never called cold fusion by Fleischmann and Pons, by the way) was almost immediately derided as fiction by establishment physicists who were trained in hot fusion (involving a plasma).

The Dept. of Energy, which protects the industry of nuclear fuel in order to produce weapons-grade nuclear materials as a byproduct of nuclear fuel production, crudely denounced cold fusion as a hoax.

This all took place before the rise of the internet and the alternative media, so the entire narrative was controlled by the establishment media (NBC, CBS, ABC, CNN, etc.)…. which we now know routinely lies to the public about everything of substance.

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Making Holograms Of Single Light Particles

Thus, the entire field of cold fusion, representing the best hope for renewable, clean energy for humanity, was maliciously discredited by the scientific establishment in order to protect the careers and reputations of “hot fusion” scientists and bureaucrats.

As part of the campaign to destroy any research into cold fusion, two brilliant scientists - Fleischmann and Pons - were discredited, ridiculed and smeared by the establishment.

They were labeled con artists and quacks, even as they had given the world an extraordinary gift that could revolutionize the application of clean energy technology for the world.

(You’ll recognize this pattern everywhere: When a brilliant researcher dares to announce something that makes the status quo obsolete, they are immediately attacked, smeared and ridiculed, then stripped of all funding and sometimes even criminally prosecuted and imprisoned.

This is what “science” has become in our world: An authoritarian cult of thought police, now fully protected by the tech giants that censor all opposing views on every subject involving science and medicine.

The Science Establishment Has Become a Dangerous Cult of Anti-Knowledge and the Suppression of Real Innovation for Humanity

This just further proves how so-called “science” is actually a dangerous anti-knowledge cult. No evidence that contradicts the current beliefs of the cult is allowed to be presented. No facts that don’t fit current models will ever be published.

The science establishment has abandoned the search for knowledge and truth, and in its place we now get total junk science lunacy pushing progressivism nonsense like the absurd idea that there are an infinite number of genders and than “men can have babies.”

And instead of embracing the promise of LENR technology which could replace billions of barrels of oil consumption around the world, the scientific establishment instead pushes the climate change hoax, pretending that carbon dioxide is a pollutant that will destroy the world. (In fact, CO2 is the miracle greening molecule for all plant life on Earth. Without it, human civilization and nearly every food web on the planet would collapse.)

Mainstream “science,” in other words, has become a complete joke. Meanwhile, governments around the world are spending hundreds of billions of dollars trying to build a hot fusion plasma reactor that so far has eluded any practical achievement.

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By current estimates, the hot fusion scientists might be able to produce one calorie of excess heat by the year 2050. Yet Fleischmann and Pons were already producing excess fusion-like heat energy in a low-cost lab in 1989. For pennies, essentially… not billions of dollars.

You think mainstream “science” is the search for the truth?

Think again. It’s really about keeping humanity uninformed, illiterate and enslaved under the tyranny of dangerous vaccine ingredients, nuclear weapons, poorly-designed nuclear power plants and ill-conceived GMOs that threaten mass genetic pollution across our croplands.

The realm of “science” has become more interested in suppressing knowledge than sharing it. And academia has become almost entirely corrupted by corporate-funded “scientism” that promotes toxic chemicals (medications, herbicides, chemotherapy, etc.) which are devastating life across our fragile planet.

Establishment “science,” in other words, has become a clear and present danger to the future of life on Earth. And its primary goal is the suppression of knowledge and discoveries that could revolutionize the future of human civilization.

Learn more about cold fusion, LENR and the collapse of “science” into cultism. The website ColdFusionNow.org hosts many fascinating podcasts with some of the best LENR scientists of our time. ColdFusionCommunity.net covers cold fusion research news and revelations from around the world.

Read more real science news at Science.news.

Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi

Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi

The Three Trigger Terms Being Used To Stop Critical Thinking
September 25 2019 | From: WakingTimes

It’s a strange world of newspeak we live in. What was once a society devoted to logic and progress is now being herded in echo chambers of thought control and anti-critical thinking.

Without the ability to examine an issue impartially and completely there is little hope of maintaining liberty and freedom, as history repeatedly demonstrated.

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Today, we find that thinking is a diminishing art, and in its place, sound bites and stop-thought terms are used to put the brakes on the mind. These terms are widely used as signals to prevent minds from looking too deeply at a topic or issue.

""Thinking critically means making reasoned judgments that are logical and well thought out. It is a way of thinking in which one doesn’t simply accept all arguments and conclusions to which one is exposed without questioning the arguments and conclusions.

It requires curiosity, skepticism and humility. People who use critical thinking are the ones who say things such as, “How do you know that?”

“Is this conclusion based on evidence or gut feelings?” and “Are there alternative possibilities when given new pieces of information?"" 

- Source

The three terms most widely used today to this avail are detailed below.

1. Conspiracy Theorist

This term is so overused that it really is devoid of any practical meaning.

If you were to examine it at face value, though, it describes a person who is looking to understand injustices in our world and is willing to look at uncomfortable facts in search of negative influence… of which there is plenty in our world today.

However, ‘conspiracy theorist’ has literally become a derogatory term that is attributed to anyone who refuses to accept mainstream narratives at face value.

Related: American Pravda: How The CIA Invented "Conspiracy Theories"

It doesn’t matter that there is overwhelming evidence to indicate that mainstream media does not value objectivity or report on important issues thoroughly or truthfully.

Now we find this term applied as a prefix to well-known journalists and media personalities, almost as we use the term Doctor.

It’s an adjective that precedes them everywhere, so that before you even know what issue is being discussed, you know that the issue is coming from someone considered to be fringe and unacceptable.

2. Alt

We see the label ‘alt’ being applied more and more frequently as an adjective for sentiments that supposedly do not fit in with the accepted status quo. Ideas outside of the box.

Alt-Media. Alt-Right. Alt-Left. Alt-News. Alt-Health. And so on.

The signal here is that the mainstream is the safe space, and that any segment of ideas or thought given this prefix is outside of that mainstream, and therefore not something ordinary people would want to associate with.

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It takes complex ideas and sensitive issues and benches them, so that when the hive mind stumbles upon something ‘alt’ they immediately react with fear, disdain and feigned outrage.

There is no ‘alt’ in our world. We are one, and any faction of ideas is really just a spinoff of the shared reality we all live in.

If segments of this shared space are off-limits and labeled as so, we all lose.

3. Hate Speech

This term is one of the all-time favorites of politicians and tyrants. After all, what could more dangerous than hate?

Newsflash: Hate speech is not the same thing as a hate crime.

Speech is just that, speech. It is literally vibrating air moving through space, and unless we’re talking about and LRAD crowd control cannon, sound really can’t cause people physical harm.

It is fascinating to watch how people use this term so freely as if speech itself can be criminal.

American [Western] society is founded on the idea of freedom of speech and self-expression, which at its core is the recognition that as human beings we do not and never will all see the world in the same way.

Related: Tyranny And Free Speech

It is an acknowledgement of the fact that different people have different ideas about how the world is and should be. That these differences shouldn’t be used as a basis for discrimination.

The term hate speech is one of the most loaded and ambiguous terms in the political lexicon. Beware.

Final Thoughts

Next time you see or hear these terms being used, ask yourself what it is about the story that you’re not supposed to think too deeply about.

Allow both sides of the argument to share equal time in your mind, and honor the independent, sovereign being within yourself that deserves a chance to make up its own mind about how it wishes to view the world.

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Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi

Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi

The Great Awakening Has Begun
September 24 2018 | From: FinalWakeUpCall / Various

Mass Awakening is the Cabal’s greatest Fear. The awakening is erupting. Being awake comes with a price.

It may have been difficult and painful going through the stages of awakening, but convincing others by challenging circumstances and conditions to open the eyes and minds of others is even more difficult. It has become a struggle against time when awake and one sees all the injustices that could have easily been avoided.

Related: Society Is Made Of Narrative – Realizing This Is Awakening From The Matrix

It’s very sad to see unawakened people being tossed to and fro, without having a clue as to what is really going on. But even that is an “engineered” shake-up designed by the Deep State.

Nevertheless, that should help every one of us to come to our senses and surpass this false reality.

Millions are flocking to alternative news sources to try to make sense of what’s going on, stumbling across realities they never considered possible, or could have ever imagined before.

If the truth be known, the awake are responsible for sharing it ardently, but also for doing it with a passion. Not always pleasant, but a duty that must be done.

The hour is late and the timeframe we are living in is terrible, the necessity brings forth optimal awareness and swift action. There’s no alternative left.

Related: Once We Awaken

The world is bankrupt financially, economically, and morally, but through manipulation and deceit, people are led to believe that all is well.

It’s absolutely absurd that all the bubble assets are at such astronomical highs, while wealth-preservation assets like gold and silver have been totally annihilated through manipulation.

The elite and the media continuously fool the people regarding the state of the world.

Anger, Hatred, Aggression and Fear Are the Food Source of the Archons

The tactics employed are comprised of manipulating economies, trade and the masses through fear: fear of war, fear of starvation, fear of economic collapse, imprisonment and death.

This state of mind has directed and shaped global events for centuries and has become the standard operating procedure.

This process of enslaving civilisations is contrary to the survival drive of humanity and suppresses the natural instinct of all humans to do good and be kind to each other.

Do not view all this madness from a foundation of fear; this will just make you angry and aggressive, which in turn will lead to violence and a perpetuation of this madness.

It is hard to remain calm when faced with the hard truth, but it’s what must be done, in order to safely get through this. Anger, hatred, aggression and fear are the sort of emotions that have led to this madness and it is the food source of the Archons.

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Humanity Under Corporate Masters

Stop feeding them and help to change our world view completely. In this way, we will change everything for the better, by changing our way of thinking.

Bear in mind; the real purpose of government is, always and everywhere, to enable the few to exploit the many.

The credit money system is a clever way of doing so. The bureaucracy will continue to churn out laws, statutes, codes and regulations that reinforce its powers and value systems and those of the police state and its corporate allies, rendering the rest of us petty criminals.

The average citizen unknowingly commits three felonies a day, thanks to this overabundance of vague laws that render otherwise innocent activity illegal. As an example, small farmers who dare to make unpasteurised goat cheese and share it with members of their community will continue to have their farms raided.

The Mainstream Media, the Last Bastion of the “Deep State”

The Mainstream Media is the last bastion of the “Deep State” organised crime network that, over the years in the past, has infiltrated and hijacked most, if not all institutions.

But, their days are numbered and the ensuing collapse will most likely be violent and shocking to all those unaware of what is unfolding.

The principal source of the Deep State’s power is their control of the process of creating and distributing money, i.e. their ownership of almost all of the world’s central banks, and multinationals.

They have used this money-power to bribe, blackmail and assassinate people at top levels of power in order to enforce their control.

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They also control the corporate media and have been using every propaganda tool at their disposal to rig society and markets where necessary.

Fortunately, trust in the mainstream media has fallen to an all-time low and continues to plummet.

Much of this has to do with an increasingly aware and disgruntled public: More and more people are able to discern a mainstream media totally lacking integrity, thanks to the rising popularity of the independent / alternative media, exposing the dishonesty.

People are increasingly seeing right through the various media sources with their dogmatic, unhealthy sceptics, shills, trolls, pseudo-debunkers, controlled opposition agents, biasing, filtering and in-your-face lies; intended to sell us the spin of disinformation to keep people ignorant, deceived and helplessly anaesthetised in the world’s matrix controlling system.

The Real Question is How Do We Become Conscious?  

Our overwhelming, uncontrollable mass awakening is what the world’s ruling elite fear the most. Since we greatly outnumber them and their associates, they wouldn’t know how to deal with our vast numbers, even with their advanced technology.

As a result, the real question is how do we become conscious?

Since ancient times, under the ruling thumb of the world’s Black Nobility or dark overlords, humanity has been hacked, stymied, suppressed and coerced into submission through mind controlling, soul destroying atrocities.

The Wisdom of Bruce Lee

Other than the martial arts badass that he was, Bruce Lee was also a philosophy badass.

In my newest video I'm sharing some of Bruce Lee's most profound philosophical insights that can inspire you to live a more empowered life. It's 17 minutes long and took me weeks to create, so I hope you'll enjoy it.

Spiritual Leap Of Faith

Those unable to see that just about every matter under the sun is a deception, that their family and friends are affected in every way imaginable; those who don’t yet realise the extent to which the dark overlords have us tightly stitched up, are indeed about to experience the shock of a lifetime when this entire fraudulent system comes crashing down.

What they have clung to as a reality will soon sink into the abyss of Grand Deceptions.

Simply, become conscious by choosing it. By acting on those synchronicities better known as meaningful coincidences. By acting on that which calls, moves and inspires us.

Taking action through listening to our inner voice, coming from our inner being; paying attention to our gut feelings and basic instincts.

Choosing to become conscious means detaching one’s self from the mind control programming; escaping the effects of the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual prison matrix woven around us by the Globalist’s oppression.

Breaking free from the mind programming and the imposition of others, with multidimensional consciousness, escaping the dualistic confinements of matter, energy and space-time, anything is possible, and the Truth will be revealed. 

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Creating a driving desire to find out more about the truth regarding what is going on in our world. Seeing that the world is in a mess and we are all plodding along, business as usual, expecting someone else to sort it all out.

Most of us are too busy earning money and surviving, as surviving, by design, takes up all our time. Most people cannot seem to see beyond that and that is why we are in this mess in the first place.

We have all been manipulated and played. We have all been mesmerised, hypnotised and turned into consumer-driven slaves.

Making money for the large corporations and the 0.1% rich of the world is the name of the game, or so we have been programmed.

Each day they get richer and richer, finding new ways, like global warming and CO2 emission taxes, to force us to part with our hard-earned money; they are very clever at it.

They know how to manipulate the human mind, they know how to get us to spend our money and we don’t even realise it is happening.

Related: How To Realise Your True Calling & The 5 Stages Of Awakening: Are Demons Walking Among Us?

Governments extract far too much money from us, and we use almost all of our time on Earth working for this money.

They leave every family with a small amount to spare, while the really wealthy manage to avoid paying their taxes through carefully engineered loopholes.

The real purpose of government is, always and everywhere, to enable the few to exploit the many. The money system is a clever way of doing so.

We All are Slaves to the System

The modern world of industry, commerce, and investment works on win-win software.

Only governments with their conflicts, wars, taxes, tariffs, ‘do-this laws’, and ‘don’t-do-that prohibitions’, continue to operate on pre-civilised programming. It is a relic, an institution with a ‘grab whatever we can grab’ mentality.

A trade war is just as phony as a war on drugs, a war on crime, or a war on terror.

None are worth fighting for. And none are winnable. It is meant to reward the elite at others’ expense. Nothing more, nothing less.

Think of it, we are all, quite simply, slaves to the system! The people at the bottom are paying for the people at the top to keep their lavish life styles. We pay our taxes and any money that is left over is coveted by major corporations.

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Fascist Corporate Regime + Internal Facebook Documents Reveal Zuckerberg Discussed Selling User Data To Developers, Advertisers

We are bombarded with adverts continuously, telling us to buy more stuff we don’t need. We are encouraged to spend, spend and then spend some more. We replace everything, even when it doesn’t need replacing. We need to get out of this mentality.

We need to re-cycle, re-use and make do with what we have. We have all been brainwashed into this consumerism insanity. It’s all been smoke and mirrors, mind-games, played out on the world stage, aiming to keep us all in a state of awe and fear.

We All Want to be Free, Healthy, Educated, and Live in a Peaceful Society

Our subconscious minds have been conditioned to see only what differentiates us, rather the things that bind us. Believe it or not, we’re extremely similar in all aspects.

We may come from different backgrounds or different cultures, but we all have the same basic values in life. We all want to be free, healthy, educated, to live in a peaceful society and to have access to the basic necessities for survival.

That’s about it. Wherever we live in the world. Basically, all we really want is to be happy and healthy.

Instead, we have wars, hunger, insecurity, homelessness, and many around the world don’t have access to clean water and food. And it’s all by design because, people who are constantly “on the edge” don’t have time for self-education, introspection and eventually spiritual awakening.

We all are the victims of mass propaganda and brainwashing.

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Western Media A Propagandist For War Criminals

It has reached the point where families choose to believe the media and the governments of the world, rather than members of their own family and friends who have woken up to the truth and are attempting to warn them and awaken them.

The truth can be frightening and that is why people want to avoid it. They would rather stick their heads in the sand like an ostrich, believing that as long as they choose not to look at it, it will not exist.

Unfortunately for them, Truth has a way of existing, even in the face of ridicule and denial. It does not need the approval of a counterparty to become legitimate.

Truth simply Is. Once you know the truth, you can never go back, even if you want to. The truth cannot be unseen; once seen, the truth stays with you forever. In any event, be assured, the truth will come out in the end, as it always does.

The truth comes at a cost – it will end all the lies and the illusions that people previously based their entire lives on. And that is an on-going process. Many feel lost and afraid right now all across the spectrum of humanity.

This deliberate creation of chaos is designed to do just that. However, parallel and simultaneous to their psychotic designs, a massive arousal of the human spirit is occurring, spurred on by an arising of conscious awareness and a deep sense of growing personal realisation and empowerment.

Related: NWO Control System Vs. The Awakening - Which Will Win?

Most may not recognise these rising, seemingly confusing energetic changes, as being the creative process at work, but it is, The Great Awakening. First, preceding this creativity is a destructive process, eliminating everything that is unreal and inhibitive of personal development and progress.

These two dynamics work alongside each other.

The "Elite" see us as their slaves, our sole purpose being to provide them with our energy money, so that they can follow their master plan, bringing about the New World Order.

We have procreated very well and are now, in their view, overrunning the planet, so they now want to cull a large number of us. Hence GMO’s, fluoride, chemtrails, vaccinations and the endless wars; all these things lower our immunity for whatever they have planned for us.

They want us to be in a state of eternal slumber, hypnotised and brainwashed by their omnipresent propaganda and most of us have unwittingly complied with their wishes.

But, we are more powerful than them and they know it, which is why they have been so patient. Humanity is waking up, slowly but surely.

Related: Now That You’ve Awakened, How Do You Help Awaken Others?

One of the reasons humanity cannot grasp what is going on, is because these creatures are so evil, that it’s hard to believe just how vile they are. And people are actually right in their disbelief of these atrocities: human beings cannot be this cruel!

Humans are not at the pinnacle of this diabolical plan, it is a Reptilian agenda, and Reptilians cannot experience positive emotions. They are simply unable to care for others or to experience noble emotions, such as love or empathy.

They are driven by fear, hate, rivalry and competition. The truth is far stranger and more incredible than we can imagine, say whistle-blowers like Corey Goode.

Will our mass awakening to the deception produce a turnaround, into a world that makes a difference for everyone?

A world where there are no predators, no controlling hierarchy, no blood-sucking vampires, slave-drivers at the top, ruling the enslaved at the bottom. No more fighting for self-sufficiency, because we will achieve everything in the communities we live in.

It is up to all of us to contribute our part.

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Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi

Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi

The 5G Electromagnetic “Mad Zone” Poised To Self-Destruct: The 5G “Dementors” Meet The 4G “Zombie Apocalypse” & 5G Wireless: A Ridiculous Front For Global Control
September 23 2018 | From: GlobalResearch / NoMoreFakeNews / Various

Incisive research and carefully documented analysis of the impacts of 5G Electromagnetic Radiation by Claire Edwards.

The entities rolling out 5G are tormenting humanity and sucking their humanity from them by taking their minds and their health, while on the other side, you have the zombie apocalypse of all the people with their 4G cell phones, blindly going about destroying the world.

Related: Health Concerns Have Stopped 5G Rollout in Australia

The 4G zombie apocalypse lot have to wake up. "They" need to wake up now before it is too late and time is of the essence. 

It is time we asked a crucial question. How did we come to be in this 5G mad zone, poised to self-destruct? How on earth did we get here?

It appears that every expansion of the use of electricity since the 19th century correlates with drastic rises in all the modern diseases of civilization, but this information has been kept from the public in order not to impede commercial profit, military expansion and universal convenience.

Since 100+ years of quantum physics has had little to no impact on the way we live our lives or how we perceive reality, we in the West still labour under the illusion that our bodies are made up of lumps of discrete matter that can be conveniently excised by a surgeon’s knife when they go wrong, this having been established in the 19th century by a grave-robbing spree to collect corpses for surgical experiments.

Related: The Urgency To Educate On The Dangers Of 5G Technology, Especially With Mothers & “With 5G, We Are Guinea Pigs” - Media Reports 5G Injuries From Swiss Experiments In Geneva

Since no one seems to have considered the possibility that a living body might differ significantly from a dead one, this crude experimentation formed the foundation for the system that we now call Western medicine

All traditional and ancient healing wisdom based on a holistic view of a living body was outlawed by enforcing membership of a “professional body”.

In an inversion typical of our Western thinking, natural healing methods dating back thousands of years could then be termed not “traditional”, but “alternative” and “backward”.

Taking advantage of this – let us charitably call it an induced misconception – our militaries discovered that microwave weapons could be deployed silently and secretly to “defend us” from alleged enemies or perhaps for some more sinister purpose.

They gleefully amassed compendia of thousands of studies, many done in the Soviet bloc, in order to solidify their knowledge of the many and varied types of biological damage that these weapons could inflict on human beings at very little cost or inconvenience to those deploying them.

Related: Microwave EMF Science: Deliberate Claptrap Misinformation? + ElectroSensitivity - A Case Study

There was even a symposium organized by the World Health Organization in 1973 to discuss The Biologic Effects and Health Hazards of Microwave Radiation, but the participants must have subsequently decided not to share this information with the public in view of their intelligent propensity to suspect that one day microwave weapons might be turned on them.

Instead of informing the public that their bodies were, in fact, not solid at all but entirely electrical, these military and industrial entities kept secret all their thousands of studies on the biological effects of microwaves.

They established regulatory bodies with grand names intended to impress the public, filled them with industry and military stooges, and set electromagnetic radiation (EMR) exposure limits so high that it would be impossible to exceed them, similar to setting car speed limits at a million miles / kilometres per hour.

Russia’s public exposure standards are 100 times
 more stringent than those in the US.

The self-proclaimed international commission on non-ionizing radiation protection (icnirp), which is an NGO with no international or official status that appoints its own members with no oversight or transparency and protects no one from anything, while disclaiming all liability on its website for any of its pronouncements, sets non-legally enforceable and astronomically high exposure guidelines that are time-averaged over 6 minutes to avoid taking peak pulsations into account and thereby falsify exposure calculations.

Related: The Truth About Mobile Phone And Wireless Radiation: What We Know, What We Need To Find Out, And What You Can Do Now

What a pity no one told Jackie Kennedy about the 6-minute average when that magic bullet changed her life! How different history might have been!

These implausible guidelines are embraced enthusiastically by the WHO and the International Telecommunication Union, both UN bodies, and most of the world’s governments, with no basis in law.

4G uses 2.45 GHz, which has been shown in more than 100 studies to cause a wide variety of severe damage to the body and nature at levels below the so-called safety guidelines of icnirp.

They have published pictures of plastic mannequin heads filled with gel that they put probes inside to demonstrate the heating effect.

“Look at our wonderful science!”, they seem to say, “The mannequin head has suffered no ill-effects!  Why should you worry?”

Of course, there were people who spent a lot of time exposed to EMR through computer screens or other devices, who started to complain of illnesses.

Related: 5G Technology Is The "Stupidest Idea In The History Of The World" Says Washington State Science Professor & Lloyds Of London And Other Insurers Refuse To Cover Health Claims Caused By 5G Wireless Technologies

This was not good because it could affect the sales of electrical products and impede the military developing ever more sophisticated weapons, so the corrupt WHO just called these people mad: on its website, it claimed that the EMR-related symptoms experienced by millions of people worldwide;

“May be due to pre-existing psychiatric conditions as well as stress reactions as a result of worrying about EMF health effects, rather than the EMF exposure itself”.

Any apparent rise in cancer rates is rapidly attributed to improved diagnostic techniques rather than the more obvious true cause of exposure to an environmental toxin.

This was a good solution, for such people could not use machines to communicate to anyone else that they were experiencing health problems, and in fact even more conveniently, they became societal outcasts because many of them became homeless, living in cars in the woods where there was no EMR.

And thus it was that almost no one learned that there was any problem.

As you would expect, there were a few scientists who didn’t care for the idea of  getting paid lots of money to tell lies that kill people and they started to try to advertise the truth, but it’s not difficult to arrange for them to lose their jobs or their study funding to silence them.

All you need do then is simply buy up the media and pay journalists to dismiss tens of thousands of awkward scientific studies on the basis that they do not provide “solid”, “real”, “proven”, ”credible”, “convincing”, ”conclusive”, “valid” or “established” evidence.

5G: Directed, Targeted & Dangerous to Life & Liberty

5G technology will monitor your location and ultimately impede your freedom of movement.

Related: T-Mobile Cancels 5G installation Nationwide. Anonymous Employee Blames 15 States’ Lawsuits Against Sprint Merger

And you employ pliable scientists to “war-game” the science by producing studies that show inconclusive results.

As time went on, the military wanted industry to develop better weapons for them, but this was expensive, and frankly it was becoming quite difficult to convince the public that there were that many enemies that they needed to be protected from.

A lot of effort was put into creating and funding so-called terrorists, but it didn’t do much good because the public didn’t need to make much effort to realise that they were way less likely to be killed by a terrorist than by a lightning bolt, which is pretty unlikely in the first place.

So the military and industry had a brilliant idea. What about commercialising this weapons technology as a communications technology that they could sell to the public, and then the public would pay for all the research and development of new and improved weapons?

Even better, they knew that cell phones would be addictive so everyone would want a phone.[xxvii] And they would be able to control people’s minds and tell them what to think, what to do and what to buy.

You could have complete physical surveillance inside and outside people’s homes. How perfect!

Related: 5G: The Big Picture & Brussels Becomes First Major City To Halt 5G Due To Health Effects

You could have a completely orderly society, with no one complaining about how eight people had accumulated wealth equal to that possessed by half the population of the planet.

And if one in two children become autistic, they will make really efficient, robotic workers, will always be happy and never make trouble! We see endless articles saying it makes good business sense.

After the kleptocracy of neoliberal economics,during which everything that could be stolen was stolen, all that is left is to consume the consumer him - or herself. 

Companies like Facebook are designed to do just that and Zuckerberg regards consumers as “dumb fucks” for giving away their information for free.

Already in 1981, icnirp’s predecessor organization, irpa, acknowledged that general population exposure from man-made sources of microwave and radiofrequency (RF) radiation exceeded that from natural sources by many orders of magnitude.

 In 1999, Dr. George L. Carlo warned that the occurrence of brain cancer and certain types of tumours among cellular phone users was twice that of non-users so that consumers could make an “informed judgment about how much of this unknown risk they wish to assume in their use of wireless phones”.

His evidence was suppressed.

Why Kiwis Can't Say No to Cell Phone Towers in NZ

Why is it that in New Zealand telcos like 2degrees, Spark, and Vodafone can install mobile phone towers just meters from our homes and schools, and we have no legal recourse to object?

This is a question that was succinctly answered by Russel Norman back in 2010, and the reason will probably shock you! In this video we share the pertinent parts from Russel Norman's 2010 blog post which has since been removed (but archived link is below).

He discusses the conflicts of interest surrounding New Zealand's National Environmental Standards which enabled telcos to install cell sites without the need for community consultation, or council approval.

Related: 5G Network Being Pushed On The Public With Zero Concern For Safety

Work done by Russian and Ukrainian researchers published in a US review in 2001 established that, during the previous 50 years, the round-the-clock power of radio emissions had increased by a factor of more than 50,000.

The same paper discussed the development of psychic disturbances under EMR exposure showing effects ranging from changes in mood to nonsensical ideas and aural and visual hallucinations, and disturbances in behaviour all the way to attempts at suicide.

While people’s minds are disturbed by their exposure to EMR, the mainstream media plies them with blanket coverage of Greta Thunberg fear-porning about an unsubstantiated 12 years until doomsday from non-existent anthropogenic climate change in order to persuade them that they need a totalitarian, world government that can guarantee their safety in uncertain times.

Populations have been discombobulated by 25 years of cell phone use, 12 of them under intense “smart” phone attack.

Parents are so fascinated by their phones that their children drown in swimming pools right in front of them.

More and more people walk out into the road when a car is coming or fall over or down something while peering into “smart’ phones.

We hear of adverse effects on learning, attention, and behaviour. Children are being exposed to magnetic fields from cell phones that breach WHO’s recommended 0.3μT safety limit by a factor of 20,000.

Related: Los Alamos Research Explains How 5G Terahertz Waves Tear Apart DNA & Why We Must Stop The 5G Wireless Network

Meanwhile, insurance companies, which presumably have to protect their existence by keeping a grip on reality, refuse to insure against EMF injuries or damage.

The deployment of 5G is presented by militaries, governments and commercial entities as a race in which the winner takes all. Why should such a dangerous and completely untested technology have to be rolled out so quickly?

Could it be that the Internet is empowering people who are increasingly impoverished to open their eyes about the kleptocrats who plunder the planet?

Could it be that the true health effects of 25 years of cell phone use cannot much longer be hidden?

Whatever the reason, Eisenhower’s military-industrial complex has revealed itself in the 5G project, showing its hand clearly in the crossover between the two, including in the regulatory agencies (see image below showing affiliations of Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) meeting participants).

The limited frequencies available have to be shared among commercial and military entities.

Thus 25 years of diminishing mental capacity among populations due to irradiation facilitated by the lie of the thermal hypothesis, combined with the apparent urgency to protect ill-gotten gains and prevent populations awakening to the truth and flexing their muscles to redress the power balance have conspired to produce a mad free-for-all – a licence to irradiate without constraint from every corner of the planet and from above our heads.

Related: Why Is The Minister Of Health Taking Advice About The Health Effects Of 5G From A Committee Influenced By
People With Ties To The Telecommunications Industry?

Technicians have been given free rein to dream up ways of attacking populations: from under manhole covers; from cabinets on the street; from lamp posts that blast blue light with no more diffusers, as well as 5G EMR in laser-like beams; from adhesive strips of tiny but powerful antennas hidden under carpets; on the street; in trains; in planes; in cars; in buses; blasting through the walls of our homes; from our television sets; from fridges, hairdryers, milk cartons, babies’ diapers, baby monitors, “smart” phones, “smart” meters, and soon from the billions of devices that are planned to be connected to the Internet of Things.

This is not to mention the plethora of “wearables” and cell phone apps that purport to help you monitor your health status while seriously undermining it.

The plan is to beam 5G down to Earth from satellites in the Earth orbits, from networked civil aircraft, from pseudosatellites in the stratosphere …

In other words, from everywhere.

The stated plan and the word trumpeted in the 5G literature is to “blanket” every inch of the Earth, with no escape for any of the approximately 100 million people worldwide already made sick by the toxic environment supplied courtesy of the first to fourth generations of WiFi, to which 5G will be additional.

There will also be no escape for the treeswhich have to go as they block the 5G signals and risk interrupting the continuous signals essential for self-driving vehicles, nor for the birdsthe insects or the food chain

Former President Of Microsoft Canada Frank Clegg: On Safety & 5G / Wireless Technologies

Related: 5G Network Uses Same EMF Waves As Pentagon Crowd Control System + NZ 5G Update

Any remnants of a sane, balanced, calm and quiet life will be wiped out by 5G, 4G, 3G, or any other G of wireless technology. We are complicit in our own destruction and, worse, in the wanton destruction of all life on this Earth.

Greed, fear, stupidity and hubris have brought us to this point, complemented by inanity, laziness, complacency and unconsciousness.

The 5G Dementors are closing In for the kill. The question is whether the people choosing to play out the 4G Zombie Apocalypse on their “smart” phones can tear themselves away long enough to care. 

If they can, or if at least some of them can, they need to understand certain realities:

1. There is no safe limit for artificial EMR. It is alien to our biology.

2. Cell phones were never tested for health or safety and we should not be using them.[lvi] They destroy us, our children,[lvii] our fertility, our minds and our planetary home. Convenient they may be, but they have to go.

3. WiFi was never tested for health or safety and we should not be using it. It destroys us, our children, our fertility, our minds and our planetary home. Convenient it may be, but it has to go.

4. The problem with cell phones and WiFi has nothing to do with power levels. Wireless technology cannot be made safe by reducing the power. There are effects at near-zero power, and for some effects, there is an inverse power relationship, i.e. the lower the power, the worse the harm.

Related: 5G And IoT: A Trojan Horse + Wifi Linked To Cancer And DNA Damage, Says New Report: Here’s What To Do

5. Electricity has been killing us slowly since its introduction. We need to constrain its use, not expand it. Fibre-optic cable enables 5G. If you don’t want 5G because it’s dangerous, don’t build the infrastructure that it depends on.

6. Our bodies function on biophotons. Blue light from car headlamps and street lights – both of which for some unexplained reason suddenly are no longer fitted with diffusers[lviii] - is blinding and then killing us and the biosphere. Modulating light for LiFi would kill us faster and possibly even more effectively than 5G.[lix]

7. There is one solution only to the problems of WiFi, cell phones and 5G: STOP USING THEM. All the time you pretend to ask the telcos to stop building this infrastructure while you pay them to do so, you are sending the wrong message.

8. Wake up! Choose life! Choose love!  Choose the Earth!

Smash your phone. Get a landline. Cable your computer - or you could keep your portable not-smart-at-all computer, just as long as it is never connected to WiFi and not killing life on this planet.

It’s not rocket science. 

It’s just simple common sense.

Related Articles:

Who is responsible for 5G consequences?

Consultation over cell towers a must

5G Apocalypse – The Extinction Event

Do you need a mobile phone? A guide to phones to avoid if you don’t want 5G

5G Wireless: A Ridiculous Front For Global Control

First, a few quotes to give a bit of background.

5G speed, for people who must download a whole season of their favorite show in two seconds:

Related: Mainstream media, misinformation and 5G

“It’s the next (fifth) generation of cellular technology which promises to greatly enhance the speed, coverage and responsiveness of wireless networks.

How fast are we talking about? Think 10 to 100 times speedier than your typical cellular connection, and even faster than anything you can get with a physical fiber-optic cable going into your house. (You’ll be able to download a season’s worth of ‘Stranger Things’ in seconds.)”

- CNET.com

Lunatic 5G installation of small transmitters packed close together every few hundred feet:

“The next big thing in cellular technology, 5G, will bring lightning-fast wireless Internet - and thousands of antenna-topped poles to many neighborhoods where cell towers have long been banned.”

"Wireless companies are asking Congress and state lawmakers to make it easier to install the poles by preempting local zoning laws that often restrict them, particularly near homes.

The lobbying efforts have alarmed local officials across the country. They say they need to ensure that their communities do not end up with unsightly poles cluttering sidewalks, roadsides and the edges of front yards.”

They also are hearing from residents worried about possible long-term health risks. Until now, much of the cell equipment that emits radio-frequency energy has been housed on large towers typically kept hundreds of feet from homes [also harmful to health].

The new ‘small cell’ technology uses far more antennas and transmitters that are smaller and lower-powered, but clustered closer together and lower to the ground.”

- The Washington Post

I keep hammering on this 5G issue, because it contains the blueprint of a future only elite madmen want.

For the rest of us, it’s a catastrophe in the making.

I’ve covered the extreme health dangers of 5G in another article. Here, I want to flesh out the hidden agenda.

A few decades ago, a movement was started to create an interconnected power grid for the whole planet. We were told this would be the only way to avoid wasting huge amounts of electricity and, voila, bring all nations and all people into a modern 21st century.

Related: 5G Wireless Technology Is War against Humanity & 5G - The Global Human Experiment Without Consent

But now, it’s a different story, a classic bait and switch. The bait was the promise of One Grid for all. The switch is what 5G will bring us:

100 billion or more NEW devices online, all connected to the Internet and the Cloud. What could be more wasteful? What could be more ridiculous? This is the opposite of sane energy use.

Who really cares whether his 5G-connected refrigerator keeps track of the food items inside it and orders new items when the supply dwindles?

Who has to have a 5G driverless car that takes him to work? Who must have a 5G stove that senses what is being cooked and sets the temperature for four minutes?

Who lives and who dies if a washing machine doesn’t measure how much soap is stored inside and doesn’t order new soap? Who is demanding a hundred devices in his home that spy on him and record his actions?

With 5G, the ultimate goal is: every device in every home that uses energy will be “its own computer,” and the planetary grid will connect ALL these devices to a monitoring and regulating Energy Authority.

Related: 5G: The Dominoes Are Starting To Fall

As Patrick Wood details in his classic, Technocracy Rising, that worldwide Energy Authority was the dream of the men who launched the Technocracy movement, in America, in the 1930s.

They set out the key requirements - which weren’t technically possible then, but are quite doable now: continuous real-time measuring of both energy production and energy use from one end of the planet to the other…

So that both energy production and energy consumption could be controlled. “For the good of all,” of course.

5G is the technology for making this happen. The Globalists:

We’re promising a stunning long-range future of ‘automatic homes’, where everything is done for you. But really, that’s the cover story.

Ultimately, we want to be able to measure every unit of energy used by every device in every home - and through AI, regulate how much energy we will let every individual consume, moment to moment.

We control energy. We are the energy masters. If you want to run and operate and dominate the world, you control its energy.”

Terms and projects like smart grid, smart meters, sustainability, Agenda 21, smart cities, climate change - all this is Technocratic planning and justification for Rule through Energy.

The beginning of an actual rational plan for energy would start this way: DUMP 5G.

Dump the whole plan of installing small transmitter-cells on buildings and homes and trees and lampposts and fences all over the planet. Forget it. Don’t bring 100 billion new devices online.

Aside from the extreme health dangers, it’s ridiculously expensive. It’s on the order of saying we need thousand-foot robots standing on sidewalks washing the windows of office buildings.

Globalist Infiltrator Spills Never Before Heard 5G Secret - You’ve Been Sold Death In a Pretty Package

If some movie star wants to install 30 generators on his property and have engineers build him an automatic home, where he can sit back, flip a switch, and have three androids carry him into his bathtub and wash him and dry him, fine.

But planning a smart city? Who voted for that? Who gave informed consent? Nobody.

A global Energy Authority, of course, is going to decide that a small African country needs to be given much more energy, while Germany or France or the US will have to sacrifice energy for the cause of social justice.

But this is yet another con, because you won’t see government cleaning up the contaminated water supplies of that small African country, or installing modern sanitation, or curtailing the forced movement of populations into poverty-stricken cities, or reclaiming vast farm land stolen by mega-corporations and giving that land back to local farmers.

The whole hidden purpose of an Energy Authority is control.

And because the Authority is Globalist and Technocratic, it aims to lower energy use in industrial nations and help wreck their economies, making it much easier to move in and take over those countries.

Related: A Deeper Understanding Of Technocracy & Seven Things I Would Do If I Wanted To Keep Poor People Poor

Who in his right mind would propose a wireless system that relies on many, many, many cells / transmitters placed closely to each other, all over the world?

This system would be far more vulnerable to physical disruption than the present 4G.

You can find many articles that claim the US military must have 5G for their most advanced planes - and for their developing AI-controlled weapons.

How does that work? Where will all the transmitter / cells be placed on the ground and in the air? Something is missing here.

Is there another version of 5G we’re not being told about? Is geoengineering of the atmosphere the means for tuning up space so 5G signals can be passed along without cells / transmitters?

Part of the US obsession to bring 5G online quickly stems from competition with China, which at the moment is in the lead on developing and exporting the technology. “If China has it, we have to have it sooner and better.”

Related: What Parents Should Know About EMFs and WiFi & 5G Is An International Health Crisis In The Making

This attitude sidesteps the issue of why we must have 5G in the first place.

And now there are reports that the US government is considering a plan to build the whole 5G network itself - rather than leaving the job to corporations.

Of course, a few favored companies (like Google) would be chosen by the government in a non-bid situation to provide VERY significant help.

If such a plan were to launch, we would have a very tight club at the top of the communications and energy pyramid. And that club would maximize 5G to expand already-saturated surveillance of populations.

Wouldn’t you - if you had nothing better to do than control the world?

Related Articles:

Brussels Becomes First Major City to Halt 5G Due to Health Effects

International Appeal – Stop 5G on Earth & in space

Five Most Critical Areas of Harm with Martin Pall, PhD

Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi

Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi

U.S. Govt Loses Landmark Vaccine Lawsuit & Expert Study Shows Vaccinations Actually Turn Your Own Bodies Immune System Against You
September 22 2018 | From: CairnsNews / Healing Oracle / Various

Forced vaccinations now can be legally stopped-no quality control for 32 years.

A recent US court case revealed there has been no quality control over vaccines manufactured by big-pharma for at least 32 years. Autism rates are excepted to drop dramatically now that parents can stop the poison being injected into their kids.

Vaccine injury lawyer Robert F. Kennedy Jr.,& Del Bigtree, producer of the suppressed anti-vaccine documentary, Vaxxed and the Informed Consent Action Network (ICAN) are credited with this victory.

Related: Bombshell new video exposes horrifying crime of vaccine mandates

Case 1:18-cv-03215-JMF Document 18 Filed 07/09/18

They demanded the relevant government documents proving that all federally approved vaccines had been tested for quality over the past 32 years - and there were none.

Here are the huge legal and practical implications in this legal victory:

This means that the US Department of Health and Human Services and all vaccine makers have been lying to people for over 30 years about the effectiveness and safety of vaccines; this may ultimately mean that continuing the existence - at least in their current form - of five US “healthcare” agencies are now in doubt: the CDC, the FDA, the IOM, the NIH and the “Health” part of DHHS itself; this may also threaten the existence of state medical boards and exclusive medical guilds like the AMA:

This means that vaccine makers have been fraudulently exempt from what all other pharmaceutical drug makers have been forced to do concerning biannual recertification for quality and effectiveness - meaning that that their vaccines have never been tested for quality and have had no proven safety or effectiveness for over 30 years;

This case can now be legally cited by all parents fraudulently mandated by any government/organizational regulation/requirements that they must vaccinate their children for school or any other activity to stop
the forced vaccination of their children;

This case can now be legally cited by all employees being mandated by their employers to be vaccinated in order to retain their jobs;

Related: One Year Old Dies After Vaccination, Death Ruled Unexplained Due To Natural Causes & Questions To Ask Pro Vaxers

This case can now be legally cited by all those who seek compensation for vaccine injury, making it likely that the pharmacidical vaccine industry can in the near future be legally bankrupted out of existence, like Bayer-Monsanto after the landmark legal victory won by the dying landscaper in San Francisco several weeks ago, as well as their stock value plummeting precipitously;

The future of allopathic medicine in its current form is now in doubt, as well as that of the global pharmacidical cartel, since almost all of the drugs allopathic practitioners prescribe come from pharmacidical corporations which have also committed vaccine fraud and injury;

The existence of the deep-state corporate mainstream news media will now also be further endangered, since 70% of their income stream comes from the global pharmacidical cartel, which in America has been
responsible for 750,000-1 million human sacrifices per year for at least the past half century;

Autism rates will now likely plummet, freeing the American people from another deep state-engineered debility, and providing further evidence of mass vaccination-caused autism;

All government officials who have passed laws legalizing vaccine fraud at the state, national, or international level, or otherwise aided and abetted this vaccine fraud can now be charged with vaccine fraud, criminal malfeasance and in some cases, war crimes under the Nuremberg Code.

This letter from Dawn Bell, an American health professional, warns that vaccines are not safe and become ineffective after 10 years. She says her daughter was injured by vaccination:

In the recent mumps outbreak, 100% of the mumps cases were college students, who were ALL 100% vaccinated. 90% (9 out of 10) people who died from last years flu epidemic had received the flu shot.

Five Reasons Not To Get Vaccinated

Related: Your Children. Your Choice

Herd immunity can only be achieved when 85% of the population is immune to a disease. Vaccines are only good for about 10 years, at absolute max 20 years, so most people over the age of 20 are not immune any longer. So now you have created a situation of a “false” immunity.

Those who get the chicken pox are immune for life, those who get the vax are not.

I do believe, maybe to your surprise that vaccines can and have saved lives, however, think about when MD’s we’re giving out antibiotics like popcorn at the movies, it started having a bad affect on our immune systems and gut. It’s propbable to think that the same thing might start happen with the overuse of vaccines.

For really deadly diseases, hey I’m all for it, but they started making so much money that you all of a sudden had to start getting vaccines for everything, even the everyday childhood diseases and for stuff like Hep B at 1 day old, really?

The rise in autism and other sensory diseases has been mind boggling, as well as childhood autoimmune disorders.

32 people get sick from ecoli and FDA tells everyone to stop buying romaine lettuce, but thousands report issues with vaccines and it’s pay no attention to the man behind the curtain.

Then everyone is surprised when people get upset and start asking questions.

Related: Top Ten Facts About The Vaccine Industry That The Dishonest Media Refuses To Report

I’m an Occupational Therapist and was all in with the vax thing, until I watched my daughter lose Speech ability directly following a vaccine.

I was one telling everyone it was a coincidence until I saw it happen with my own eyes to my own kid. They have NEVER done safety studies in these vaccines have NEVER been studied being given all at once as they do.

It’s common sence that all of these vaccines given to a child with a developing immune system and neuro system might have some issues. It’s the lying about it that really has everyone worried though.

When they say safety studies have been done when no one can find them, then Kennedy offers $$ for anyone who show they have been done.

Of course no one could produce them so hence this lawsuit and of course, they haven’t. My OBGYN told me the flu shot was studied and proven safe during pregnancy.

So I go to work, as a nurse friend for the flu vax insert and guess what? It clearly stated it had not been studied in children or pregnant woman and if given to pregnant woman you should call and add them to a registry.

Related: Vaccines Kill & Sicken - Amish & Japan Healthier Without Vaccines

Furthermore, on the front of the box, it stated to NOT give to kids under 5! I could keep going, but I’ll end with, have you watched the CDC video aproving the Hep vax?

If not, you should because it’s extremely interesting!

First, they give to 1 day old babies and it’s never been approved for those under 18. When asked if it was safe to give with other vaccines they said they didn’t know but we’re making the assumption it was generally safe like other vaccines.

Then when asked about the “new” mutated gene thing they said the same thing, “we’re making the assumption that’s it’s safe like other vaccines.”

They were then asked about the heart and autoimmune markers seen in their internal study and they acknowledged that they saw the markers and were going to monitor it and make determination Dec 2020 whether not there was a problem, and in the mean time it’s being given to day old babies.

So yes, there are concerns that need to be addressed about the safety of vaccines and I’m thrilled that it’s finally being addressed!

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Theo, you asked, I replied

Can You Smell the Fear

Expert Study Shows Vaccinations Actually Turn Your Own Bodies Immune System Against You

The World Health Organization (WHO) recently included vaccine skeptics (people who are hesitant to vaccinate themselves, or their children because they are concerned about the potential health risks) on their annual list of “global health threats,” along with serious dangers like superbugs, climate change, the Ebola virus, HIV and air pollution.

The WHO claims that “vaccine hesitancy” increases the risk of a resurgence in diseases they claim are fully preventable through vaccination.

Related: Human Vaccine Inserts

The WHO is by no means alone in its position. Many governments, medical professionals and members of the mainstream media have attacked anti-vaxxers – as they are known – claiming that they are selfish people who put the health of the greater majority at risk.

These pro-vaccine groups and individuals like to infer that to question vaccines is both unscientific and dangerous.

In recent years, however, a growing number of highly respected scientists and doctors have started questioning mainstream vaccine propaganda as the results of their own, unbiased studies raise alarming questions about the long-term safety of vaccines.

These issues particularly relate to the volume of vaccinations administered to small children and the adjuvants and ingredients used in the manufacture of these vaccines.

The latest such study was recently published in the journal Pharmacological Research, warning that many, many people are at increased risk of developing autoimmune diseases after receiving vaccinations.

Please see here for many more articles on the dangers we all face from vaccines.

Related: Vaccines For Profit And Destruction & You Cannot Be Pro-Freedom And Pro-Forced Vaccinations At The Same Time

Weaponizing Our Own Immune Systems

Celeste McGovern, an award-winning journalist writing for Green Med Info, noted that the study’s lead author, Yehuda Shoenfeld, is a highly respected scientist in the field of human immunity.

Shoenfeld is the author of multiple papers and textbooks, some of which are viewed as the very cornerstones of autoimmunological clinical practice. Unsurprisingly, Shoenfeld has become known as the “Godfather of Autoimmunology.”

Autoimmunology is the study of how the body’s own defense system sometimes turns against itself, resulting in the development of diseases like  MS, Arthritis, Guillain-Barre syndrome and others.

One of the causes of this immune system malfunction is vaccination. As the authors note in the study abstract:

“Vaccinations have been used as an essential tool in the fight against infectious diseases, and succeeded in improving public health.

However, adverse effects, including autoimmune conditions may occur following vaccinations (autoimmune / inflammatory syndrome induced by adjuvants - ASIA syndrome).

It has been postulated that autoimmunity could be triggered or enhanced by the vaccine immunogen contents, as well as by adjuvants, which are used to increase the immune reaction to the immunogen.

Related: Cot Deaths Linked To Vaccinations + Harvard Medical School Doctor: Vaccine Science Is Not Settled

The research team defined those who are at increased risk of such autoimmune conditions developing after vaccination as follows:

“[W]e defined four groups of individuals who might be susceptible to develop vaccination-induced ASIA:

Patients with prior post-vaccination autoimmune phenomena, patients with a medical history of autoimmunity, patients with a history of allergic reactions, and individuals who are prone to develop autoimmunity (having a family history of autoimmune diseases; asymptomatic carriers of autoantibodies; carrying certain genetic profiles, etc.)”

The study’s authors went at pains to stress that these potential groups of individuals represent only a small percentage of the population and that vaccines are generally safe.

Related: Donald Trump: Vaccines Cause Autism

However, as noted by McGovern, this is simply not true because of the sheer volume of people who fall into one or more of these categories, including:

Anyone who has a pre-existing autoimmune condition;

People who have had previous reactions to vaccines (which doctors almost always overlook);

Patients with a history of allergic reactions, particularly to eggs (something which nurses and others who administer vaccines hardly ever check with vaccine recipients); and

People prone to developing autoimmunity. This is where it gets really interesting, because this would include smokers (about 18 percent of all Americans), people with high oestrogen levels (anyone on the contraceptive pill or hormone replacement therapy), and people with low vitamin D levels (studies indicate that three quarters of all American teens and adults are vitamin D deficient).

In other words, based on this study’s findings, the vast majority of us are at increased risk of developing an autoimmune disease after being vaccinated.

But nobody will warn you about that, and if you dare to question the vaccine status quo you’ll be branded a quack or a “global health threat.”

Cannabis Oil

If you are effected by vaccine damage and Immune dysfunction there are ways to combat this with Cannabis oil and other treatments, please see the section on the wonders of Cannabis Oil.

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Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi

Remember The Pandemic That Was Going To Wipe Out Humanity? We’re Still Here
September 21 2018 | From: JonRappoport

Every few years, a new virus shows up that, experts tell us, can wipe out half the world in six months... and then it doesn’t happen.

I could give you several examples. In this piece, let’s harken back to SARS, the vague flu lookalike that suddenly showed up in 2003 and was going to decimate the Earth.

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When SARS hit, the World Health Organization (WHO) put the world on notice not to fly into Toronto. The city lost billions of tourism dollars.

The fabled “coronavirus,” touted as the cause of SARS, was evil and covert and unique. So said ten WHO labs, which took over all official research on the “plague.”

But on May 1, 2003, Dr. Frank Plummer, head of the WHO lab in Winnipeg, issued a blockbuster to a SARS summit in Canada. He was now finding the coronavirus in ZERO percent of SARS cases.

Weeks before, Plummer had said eighty percent of patients showed the virus, then that had dropped to sixty, forty, thirty, and now it was ZERO.

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You have to understand that even eighty percent is not sufficient to call the virus the cause of any disease condition.


Yes, they all have the disease, the same disease, and we have the virus behind it all. The virus is present in ZERO percent of cases.

And the doctor saying this is a consummate insider, the chief honcho at Canada’s WHO lab. WHO being the agency, along with the CDC, that is in charge of all research on SARS.

Understand, given the fact that SARS is supposedly composed of a list of vague symptoms - cough, fever, fatigue, lung infection - the coronavirus is the only thing that is tying these cases together - AND WHEN THAT VIRUS PROVED TO BE MEANINGLESS, all the cases were set adrift, so to speak, joining the ranks of regular old flu and lung infection.

And the SARS death rate was low, so low the whole thing turned out to be a dud. A phony dud.

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Of course, no one at the CDC or WHO admitted this. These people are experts at “moving on.” And they’re adept at writing history to revise facts and cover their backsides.

But a whole parade of fake pandemics - and attendant dire warnings - does, over time, achieve one objective: it conditions people to accept the lie that vaccines are the best solution to illness.

And that’s no small feat. It’s especially important when you consider the fact that the CDC, which is tasked with overseeing vaccine safety and efficacy, buys and sells $4 billion worth of vaccines a year. This is BUSINESS we’re talking about, and in order to promote business, PR people cook up all sorts of schemes.

Pandemics, even if they don’t pan out, are clever propaganda.

Also, the horror story of GERMS that can cause plagues anywhere in the world at the drop of a hat - the ceaseless drumbeat of germs, germs, and more germs - obscures all sorts of environmental causes of illness and death.

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For example, toxic chemicals produced by major and favored corporations.

“It’s the virus” is the greatest cover story on planet Earth.

Don’t forget that one.

Oh - you want to know the official figures on SARS? 8,000 cases worldwide, 774 deaths, between 2002 and 2003. No cases on the record since 2004.

By any standard, that’s a DUD. But go ahead, read the official accounts and histories. See if you can find one clear admission that the whole thing was nonsense. Good luck.

Remember, it’s not the pandemic that’s important. It’s the warning about the pandemic. That’s what moves product off the shelves…

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Retired American Bishop Explains How The Church Invented Hell & What Religion Is Really Used For
September 20 2019 | From: Collective-Evolution / Various

Religion is a controversial topic, and I’d like to preface this article by saying that it is not my aim to belittle or diminish anyone’s beliefs.

My problem is not with faith but with religion as an organization, which has been used as a means of control, to pit people against each other, and to incite terror and war.

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Religion in this context serves the purposes of many various global elitist agendas.

Religion is also confusing, to say the least; within several different religions exist different ‘sects,’ each with their own teachings and version of the ‘truth’ and how to live one’s life.

Within Christianity alone, there are multiple versions of the Bible, and teachings that contradict one another. What one religion says in one part of the world may directly oppose what another says in a different part of the world. 

This alone is a recipe for feelings of confusion and isolation for anybody who is seeking ‘the truth.’ If various religions preach different ways of life and truths, they all can’t be correct, can they? I guess that’s why they call it faith

Below is a video of Jon Shelby Spong, a retired American bishop of the Episcopal Church, discussing these problems.

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He argues that religion is a business and it is used as a control mechanism (and he’s not the first insider to do so). We can see this happening most clearly in the rise of Islamophobia.

Islam has been turned into a scapegoat, a target at which we can direct all our fears and anger, and an excuse to invade other countries and create a more intense global national security state.

But the truth is, Islam has nothing to do with violence or terrorism. These manufactured fears are all part and parcel of ‘false flag’ terrorism, which you can read more about here if you are unfamiliar with the concept.

In the video, Spong affirms that “religion is always in the control business, and that’s something people don’t really understand. It’s in the guilt producing control business.”

He then goes on to describe the problem with religion as an organization:

“Every church I know claims that we are the true church, and they have some ultimate authority...

The idea that the truth of God can be bound in any human system by any human creed by any human book, is almost beyond imagination for me.

God is not a Christian, God is not a Jew or a Muslim or a Hindu a Buddhist; all of those are human systems which human beings have created to try to help us walk into the mystery of God.”

He is describing the difference between faith and religion. I myself have explored multiple religions, and have discovered teachings within all of them that deeply resonate with me. I’ve also found teachings that don’t resonate at all. I don’t believe one religion has all the answers.

Using fear to coax people into a certain way of life or belief system, just like the Bishop mentions above, seems to be common practice in nearly every religion, and that certainly doesn’t resonate with me.

The history of the church itself is problematic. Whether it be the church’s role in the First Nations Genocide here in Canada, or the European crusades, the church has a history of forcing their views upon others and of condemning science and new discoveries.

Furthermore, as the Bishop says above, people need to accept responsibility for the world. If we simply leave global change in the hands of God, we remove our own responsibility and agency in this world.

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If we want to change the world, WE have to do it. After the Paris terrorist attacks, the Dalai Lamai expressed this as well, arguing that it’s not enough to just pray. We must take responsibility for our planet.

We are also dealing with texts that are very old, and considering there are multiple versions of various texts, all of which have likely been manipulated, changed, and distorted over the years, I find it difficult to accept any one without question.

Another point that turns me away from religion is hypocrisy. Many people claim ties to their faith yet know very little about its tenets, and fail to follow what they claim to believe in. This is commonly seen within the ‘spiritual’ movement as well, which can be seen as another form of religion in itself.

When it comes to religion, I believe you have to do your own research; you have to read the books and examine the teachings for yourself.

Use your own head and find what resonates with you instead of allowing yourself to be indoctrinated and letting someone else do your thinking for you.

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These texts are open to interpretation; it’s up to you to find meaning in them and apply it to your life. You can still believe in God and not be religious.

Religion is a manmade construct, and I think if God were to suddenly appear somewhere, he or she would have no idea what religion even was.

Religions as organizations are going to have to change. New discoveries are constantly being made that are challenging long-held belief systems.

We cannot grow if we refuse to have an open mind and accept new possibilities about the nature of reality, and it’s childish to hold on to old belief systems just because they are familiar.

I personally believe in the soul and other non-material phenomena, as well the idea that life does not end here on Earth, and I believe there is enough evidence in various forms, aside from my own intuition and gut feeling, to support this stance.

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“Initiations” On The Path

What about you? What do you believe? What it all boils down to, for me, is respect.

We must learn to respect each other’s viewpoints about ‘what is.’ We need to work with each other and accept our differences so we can focus on helping the planet, our shared home.

“It’s a mark of an educated person to be able to entertain an idea without accepting it.”

What do you think about religion and what Spong is saying in this video? Do you agree or disagree?

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Head Of World Meteorological Organization Slams Climate Extremists, In Unprecedented Move & NASA Admits That Climate Change Occurs Because Of Changes In Earth’s Solar Orbit, And Not Because Of SUVs And Fossil Fuels
September 19 2019 | From: EpochTimes / NaturalNews / Zerohedge / Various

The head of the world’s foremost weather science organization issued a surprise rebuke to climate alarmists in remarks published on Sept. 6, marking what may be, according to some experts, one of the most significant developments in the climate debate in decades.

Petteri Taalas, the secretary-general of the World Meteorological Organization (WMO), told the Talouselämä magazine in Finland that he disagrees with doomsday climate extremists who call for radical action to prevent a purported apocalypse.

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Climate Fears

“Now, we should stay calm and ponder what is really the solution to this problem,” Taalas said. “It is not going to be the end of the world. The world is just becoming more challenging. In parts of the globe, living conditions are becoming worse, but people have survived in harsh conditions.”

The remarks came as a “total surprise,” especially coming from Taalas, who has himself made alarmist statements about the climate, according to Benny Peiser, the director of the Global Warming Policy Foundation in London.

“I think they’re beginning to realize that the whole agenda has been hijacked by extremists and undermining the economy and the social stability of European countries,” Peiser told The Epoch Times.

Taalas said that establishment meteorological scientists are under increasing assault from radical climate alarmists, who are attempting to move the mainstream scientific community in a radical direction.

He expressed specific concern with some of the solutions promoted by climate alarmists, including calls for couples to have no more children.

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“While climate skepticism has become less of an issue, we are being challenged from the other side. Climate experts have been attacked by these people and they claim that we should be much more radical. They are doomsters and extremists. They make threats,” Taalas said.

“The latest idea is that children are a negative thing. I am worried for young mothers, who are already under much pressure. This will only add to their burden.”

According to Myron Ebell, the chair of the Cooler Heads Coalition - an organization that challenges climate alarmism - Taalas’s remarks are significant because he heads the WMO.

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The WMO is one of the two organizations that founded the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) in 1988.

Since being formed, the IPCC has become the leading institution worldwide to promote the theory that human activity contributes to global warming.

It’s a major international organization. It has a lot of credibility, and for the head of it to say that the alarmists have gone too far is important, or potentially important,Ebell said.

“We’ll have to see what the impact is and also what the blowback is,” he said. “Because, in the past, when people have stepped out of line in a more realistic or skeptical direction, the alarmist establishment has been pretty effective - and often in a very brutal way - in punishing or forcing people back into line.”

While Taalas limited his examples in the climate debate to Finland, some of the extremism Ebell references is akin to the rhetoric employed by climate alarmists in the United States.

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Democratic socialist Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez has become one of the key faces of that movement. The New York congresswoman regularly promotes the theory that the world will enter an irreversible downward spiral toward apocalypse unless the United States takes radical action to eliminate carbon dioxide emissions in 12 years.

The deadline that Ocasio-Cortez references comes from a special report by the IPCC, which states that “global warming is likely to reach 1.5°C between 2030 and 2052 if it continues to increase at the current rate.” The report concludes that risks of long-lasting or irreversible impact on the earth’s ecosystems are higher if warming breaches the 1.5-degree mark by 2030.

Taalas pointed out that climate extremists are selectively picking out facts from the IPCC reports to fit their narrative.

The IPCC reports have been read in a similar way to the Bible: you try to find certain pieces or sections from which you try to justify your extreme views. This resembles religious extremism, Taalas said.

Greenpeace co-founder Patrick Moore called Taalas’s remarks the “biggest crack in the alarmist narrative for a long time.”

The meteorologists are real scientists and probably fed up with Greta, Mann, Gore, & AOC catastrophists. Good on him,Moore wrote on Twitter on Sept. 7.

AOC is the acronym commonly used to refer to Ocasio-Cortez. The three others named in the message are Michael Mann, a climatologist; Greta Thunberg, a 16-year-old Swedish student; and former Vice President Al Gore.

The vast majority of the climate models the IPCC uses as the basis for its predictions have incorrectly forecast higher temperatures repeatedly.

According to an analysis by the Cato Institute, 105 of the 108 models predicted a higher surface temperature for the period between 1998 and 2014 than the temperature actually recorded.

According to an analysis by the Cato Institute, 105 of the 108 models predicted higher surface temperatures for the period between 1998 and 2014 than were actually recorded.

The IPCC has previously admitted that climate models can’t be used to accurately predict long-term changes in the climate.

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Exterminate All Recognizable Life On Planet Earth

In sum, a strategy must recognise what is possible. In climate research and modeling, we should recognise that we are dealing with a coupled non-linear chaotic system, and therefore that the long-term prediction of future climate states is not possible,the IPCC’s 2018 report states.

Peiser said he sent Taalas’s comments to a list of 5,000 media contacts, but none have picked up the story. Peiser’s nonprofit posted the first translation of the comments, some of which were adopted for this article after verification.

“I think people are utterly shocked by the language that he is using,” Peiser said.

“He talks about a religious cult. He talks about people being extremists and doomsters. It’s quite staggering. The language that he uses and the signal that he’s sending out is ‘We are afraid of these extremists. They are destroying our society.’”

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NASA Admits That Climate Change Occurs Because Of Changes In Earth’s Solar Orbit, And Not Because Of SUVs And Fossil Fuels

For more than 60 years, the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) has known that the changes occurring to planetary weather patterns are completely natural and normal.

But the space agency, for whatever reason, has chosen to let the man-made global warming hoax persist and spread, to the detriment of human freedom.

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It was the year 1958, to be precise, when NASA first observed that changes in the solar orbit of the earth, along with alterations to the earth’s axial tilt, are both responsible for what climate scientists today have dubbed as “warming” (or “cooling,” depending on their agenda).

In no way, shape, or form are humans warming or cooling the planet by driving SUVs or eating beef, in other words.

But NASA has thus far failed to set the record straight, and has instead chosen to sit silently back and watch as liberals freak out about the world supposedly ending in 12 years because of too much livestock, or too many plastic straws.

In the year 2000, NASA did publish information on its Earth Observatory website about the Milankovitch Climate Theory, revealing that the planet is, in fact, changing due to extraneous factors that have absolutely nothing to do with human activity.

But, again, this information has yet to go mainstream, some 19 years later, which is why deranged, climate-obsessed leftists have now begun to claim that we really only have 18 months left before the planet dies from an excess of carbon dioxide (CO2).

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The truth, however, is much more along the lines of what Serbian astrophysicist Milutin Milankovitch, after whom the Milankovitch Climate Theory is named, proposed about how the seasonal and latitudinal variations of solar radiation that hit the earth in different ways, and at different times, have the greatest impact on earth’s changing climate patterns.

The below two images (by Robert Simmon, NASA GSFC) help to illustrate this, with the first showing earth at a nearly zero orbit, and the second showing earth at a 0.07 orbit.

This orbital change is depicted by the eccentric, oval shape in the second image, which has been intentionally exaggerated for the purpose of showing the massive change in distance that occurs between the earth and the sun, depending on whether it is at perihelion or aphelion.

“Even the maximum eccentricity of the Earth’s orbit – 0.07 – it would be impossible to show at the resolution of a web page,” notes the Hal Turner Radio Show. “Even so, at the current eccentricity of .017, the Earth is 5 million kilometers closer to Sun at perihelion than at aphelion.”

For more related news about climate change and global warming from an independent, non-establishment perspective, be sure to check out ClimateScienceNews.com.

The Biggest Factor Affecting Earth’s Climate is the Sun

As for earth’s obliquity, or its change in axial tilt, the below two images (Robert Simmon, NASA GSFC) show the degree to which the earth can shift on both its axis and its rotational orientation.

At the higher tilts, earth’s seasons become much more extreme, while at lower tilts they become much more mild.

A similar situation exists for earth’s rotational axis, which depending on which hemisphere is pointed at the sun during perihelion, can greatly impact the seasonal extremes between the two hemispheres. Based on these different variables, Milankovitch was able to come up with a comprehensive mathematical model that is able to compute surface temperatures on earth going way back in time, and the conclusion is simple:

Earth’s climate has always been changing, and is in a constant state of flux due to no fault of our own as human beings.

When Milankovitch first put forward his model, it went ignored for nearly half a century.

Then, in 1976, a study published in the journal Science confirmed that Milankovitch’s theory is, in fact, accurate, and that it does correspond to various periods of climate change that have occurred throughout history.

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In 1982, six years after this study was published, the National Research Council of the U.S. National Academy of Sciences adopted Milankovitch’s theory as truth, declaring that:

… orbital variations remain the most thoroughly examined mechanism of climatic change on time scales of tens of thousands of years and are by far the clearest case of a direct effect of changing insolation on the lower atmosphere of Earth.

If we had to sum the whole thing up in one simple phrase, it would be this: The biggest factor influencing weather and climate patterns on earth is the sun, period.

Depending on the earth’s position to the sun at any given time, climate conditions are going to vary dramatically, and even create drastic abnormalities that defy everything that humans thought they knew about how the earth worked.

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But rather than embrace this truth, today’s climate “scientists,” joined by leftist politicians and a complicit mainstream media, insist that not using reusable grocery bags at the supermarket and not having an electric vehicle are destroying the planet so quickly that we absolutely must implement global climate taxes as the solution.

… orbital variations remain the most thoroughly examined mechanism of climatic change on time scales of tens of thousands of years and are by far the clearest case of a direct effect of changing insolation on the lower atmosphere of Earth.”

“The climate change debate is not about science. It is an effort to impose political and economic controls on the population by the elite,” wrote one commenter at the Hal Turner Radio Show.

“And it’s another way to divide the population against itself, with some who believe in man-made global warming and some who don’t, i.e. divide and conquer.”

You can read the full Hal Turner Radio Show report at this link.

What Would You Eat to Save the Earth?

While people are fighting with each other about what is the correct diet for everyone, there is a propaganda push by
government to eat only plants, insects and even non-food … because humans.

Climate change has been weaponized to the point of ridiculousness. Melissa Dykes breaks down the UN’s new diet program to supposedly save Earth.

So, what would you eat, or what will you have to eat to save the planet? And what do the studies show about how the “save-the-planet” diet will affect human health and even reproduction?

Five Surprising Scientific Facts About Earth's Climate

On the weekend of August 10–11, as if in chorus, major online news websites called on people to stop consuming meat. The calls echoed a recent United Nations report that recommended doing so to fight climate change.

It surprised many, but there are other more surprising facts about climate change that are hardly published in our everyday news media.

Related: Swedish Scientist Proposes Cannibalism to Fight Climate Change

Below are some facts - scientifically recognized and published in peer-reviewed journals - that may raise your eyebrows.

1. Climate Has Always Changed - Always

All proxy temperature data sets reveal that there have been cyclical changes in climate in the past 10,000 years.

There is not a single climate scientist who denies this well-established fact. It doesn’t matter what your position on the causes and magnitude and danger (or not) of current climate change is - you have to be on board on this one.

Climate has always changed. And it has changed in both directions, hot and cold. Until at least the 17th century, all these changes occurred when almost all humans were hunters, gatherers, and farmers.

Related: An Inconvenient Reality: Al Gore’s Global Climate Apocalypse Never Took Place - He Now Says It Did But You Just Couldn’t Tell + Hero EPA Administrator Speaks Out Against Junk Science – Denies CO2 Is Primary Contributor To ‘Global Warming’!

2. Temperature Increase in the Past Was Not Caused by Humans

Industrialization did not happen until the 17th century. Therefore, no prior changes in climate were driven by human emissions of carbon dioxide.

In the last 2,000 years alone, global temperatures rose at least twice (around the 1st and 10th centuries) to levels very similar to today’s, and neither of those warm periods were caused by humans.

Click on the image above to view a larger version in a new window

3. The Arctic and Antarctic Are Doing Better than Ever!

Yes, you read that right. The 10,000-year Holocene paleoclimatology records reveal that both the Arctic and Antarctic are in some of their healthiest states.

The only better period for the poles was the 17th century, during the Little Ice Age, when the ice mass levels were higher than today’s. For the larger part of the past 10,000 years, the ice mass levels were lower than today’s.

Despite huge losses in recent decades, ice mass levels are at or near their historic highs.

Related: NASA Confirms: Sea Levels Have Been Falling Across The Planet For Two Years - Media Silent & Dr. Tim Ball Crushes Climate Change: The Biggest Deception in History NASA Confirms: Sea Levels Have Been Falling Across The Planet For Two Years - Media Silent & Dr. Tim Ball Crushes Climate Change: The Biggest Deception in History

4. Polar Bears and Other Species Are Not Dying But Flourishing!

If you paid attention to the previous fact, then the following one is not hard to understand. Polar bears - often used as a symbol of climate doomsday - are one of the key species in the Arctic.

Contrary to the hype surrounding their extinction fear, the population numbers have actually increased in the past two decades.

Last year, the Canadian government considered increasing polar bear killing quotas as their increasing numbers posed a threat to the Inuit communities living in the Nunavut area.

The increase in population size flies in the face of those who continue to claim otherwise in the popular news media. And it is not just the polar bears in the Arctic. Other critical species elsewhere, like tigers, are also making a comeback.

Related: Green Gestapo Says You're Mentally Ill If You Challenge Climate Change + Over 30,000 Scientists Say
'Catastrophic Man-Made Global Warming' Is A Complete Hoax And Science Lie

5. Carbon Dioxide Is Not a Temperature Control Knob

While most of the current climatologists who collaborate with the United Nations believe anthropogenic CO2 emissions have exacerbated natural warming in recent decades, there is no empirical proof to support their claim.

The only way to test it would be to wait and see if their assumptions come true.

The entire climate fraternity was in for a surprise when global temperature between 2000 and 2016 failed to rise as anticipated by the climate alarmists. The scientists assumed that rising CO2 emissions from human activity would result in a rapid rise in temperature, but they didn’t.

This proved that atmospheric CO2 concentrations are not the primary factor controlling global temperature. Consideration of a much longer period (10,000 or more years) suggests that CO2 had no significant role to play in temperature increases. CO2 never was the temperature control knob.

It would be naïve not to acknowledge this blatant and lopsided reporting in our news media.

Related: Jordan Peterson's Controversial Thoughts On Climate Change

These are some of the many climate facts that the media refuses to acknowledge, like the impending solar minimum that NASA has predicted for the next two solar cycles between 2021 and 2041, ushering in a period of global cooling like it did during the solar minimum of 17th century.

There are other facts that run contrary to popular belief, such that there has been no increase in the frequency or intensity of floods, hurricanes, tornadoes, wildfires, droughts, or other extreme weather events.

Even the UN’s Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change reported low confidence that global warming - manmade or not - was driving increases in extreme weather events.

The list is endless.

It Ain't So Easy Being a Green

Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi

Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi

Why Capitalism Creates Useless Jobs
September 18 2019 | From: Strikemag

Ever had the feeling that your job might be made up? That the world would keep on turning if you weren’t doing that thing you do 9-5? Anthropology professor and best selling author David Graeber explored the phenomenon of bullshit jobs for our recent summer issue – everyone who’s employed should read carefully

In the year 1930, John Maynard Keynes predicted that technology would have advanced sufficiently by century’s end that countries like Great Britain or the United States would achieve a 15-hour work week.

There’s every reason to believe he was right. In technological terms, we are quite capable of this. And yet it didn’t happen. Instead, technology has been marshaled, if anything, to figure out ways to make us all work more. In order to achieve this, jobs have had to be created that are, effectively, pointless.

Huge swathes of people, in Europe and North America in particular, spend their entire working lives performing tasks they secretly believe do not really need to be performed. The moral and spiritual damage that comes from this situation is profound.

It is a scar across our collective soul. Yet virtually no one talks about it.

Why did Keynes’ promised utopia – still being eagerly awaited in the ‘60s – never materialise? The standard line today is that he didn’t figure in the massive increase in consumerism.

Given the choice between less hours and more toys and pleasures, we’ve collectively chosen the latter. This presents a nice morality tale, but even a moment’s reflection shows it can’t really be true.

Yes, we have witnessed the creation of an endless variety of new jobs and industries since the ‘20s, but very few have anything to do with the production and distribution of sushi, iPhones, or fancy sneakers.

So what are these new jobs, precisely? A recent report comparing employment in the US between 1910 and 2000 gives us a clear picture (and I note, one pretty much exactly echoed in the UK). Over the course of the last century, the number of workers employed as domestic servants, in industry, and in the farm sector has collapsed dramatically.

At the same time, “professional, managerial, clerical, sales, and service workers” tripled, growing “from one-quarter to three-quarters of total employment.” In other words, productive jobs have, just as predicted, been largely automated away (even if you count industrial workers globally, including the toiling masses in India and China, such workers are still not nearly so large a percentage of the world population as they used to be).

But rather than allowing a massive reduction of working hours to free the world’s population to pursue their own projects, pleasures, visions, and ideas, we have seen the ballooning not even so much of the “service” sector as of the administrative sector, up to and including the creation of whole new industries like financial services or telemarketing, or the unprecedented expansion of sectors like corporate law, academic and health administration, human resources, and public relations.

And these numbers do not even reflect on all those people whose job is to provide administrative, technical, or security support for these industries, or for that matter the whole host of ancillary industries (dog-washers, all-night pizza deliverymen) that only exist because everyone else is spending so much of their time working in all the other ones

These are what I propose to call “bullshit jobs.”

It’s as if someone were out there making up pointless jobs just for the sake of keeping us all working. And here, precisely, lies the mystery.

In capitalism, this is exactly what is not supposed to happen. Sure, in the old inefficient socialist states like the Soviet Union, where employment was considered both a right and a sacred duty, the system made up as many jobs as they had to (this is why in Soviet department stores it took three clerks to sell a piece of meat).

But, of course, this is the very sort of problem market competition is supposed to fix. According to economic theory, at least, the last thing a profit-seeking firm is going to do is shell out money to workers they don’t really need to employ. Still, somehow, it happens.

While corporations may engage in ruthless downsizing, the layoffs and speed-ups invariably fall on that class of people who are actually making, moving, fixing and maintaining things; through some strange alchemy no one can quite explain, the number of salaried paper-pushers ultimately seems to expand, and more and more employees find themselves, not unlike Soviet workers actually, working 40 or even 50 hour weeks on paper, but effectively working 15 hours just as Keynes predicted, since the rest of their time is spent organising or attending motivational seminars, updating their facebook profiles or downloading TV box-sets.

The answer clearly isn’t economic: it’s moral and political. The ruling class has figured out that a happy and productive population with free time on their hands is a mortal danger (think of what started to happen when this even began to be approximated in the ‘60s).

And, on the other hand, the feeling that work is a moral value in itself, and that anyone not willing to submit themselves to some kind of intense work discipline for most of their waking hours deserves nothing, is extraordinarily convenient for them.

Once, when contemplating the apparently endless growth of administrative responsibilities in British academic departments, I came up with one possible vision of hell. Hell is a collection of individuals who are spending the bulk of their time working on a task they don’t like and are not especially good at.

Say they were hired because they were excellent cabinet-makers, and then discover they are expected to spend a great deal of their time frying fish. Neither does the task really need to be done – at least, there’s only a very limited number of fish that need to be fried.

Yet somehow, they all become so obsessed with resentment at the thought that some of their co-workers might be spending more time making cabinets, and not doing their fair share of the fish-frying responsibilities, that before long there’s endless piles of useless badly cooked fish piling up all over the workshop and it’s all that anyone really does.

I think this is actually a pretty accurate description of the moral dynamics of our own economy.

Now, I realise any such argument is going to run into immediate objections:

“Who are you to say what jobs are really ‘necessary’? What’s necessary anyway? You’re an anthropology professor, what’s the ‘need’ for that?”

(And indeed a lot of tabloid readers would take the existence of my job as the very definition of wasteful social expenditure.)

And on one level, this is obviously true. There can be no objective measure of social value.

I would not presume to tell someone who is convinced they are making a meaningful contribution to the world that, really, they are not. But what about those people who are themselves convinced their jobs are meaningless? Not long ago I got back in touch with a school friend who I hadn’t seen since I was 12.

I was amazed to discover that in the interim, he had become first a poet, then the front man in an indie rock band. I’d heard some of his songs on the radio having no idea the singer was someone I actually knew. He was obviously brilliant, innovative, and his work had unquestionably brightened and improved the lives of people all over the world.

Yet, after a couple of unsuccessful albums, he’d lost his contract, and plagued with debts and a newborn daughter, ended up, as he put it, “taking the default choice of so many directionless folk: law school.”

Now he’s a corporate lawyer working in a prominent New York firm. He was the first to admit that his job was utterly meaningless, contributed nothing to the world, and, in his own estimation, should not really exist.

There’s a lot of questions one could ask here, starting with, what does it say about our society that it seems to generate an extremely limited demand for talented poet-musicians, but an apparently infinite demand for specialists in corporate law?

(Answer: if 1% of the population controls most of the disposable wealth, what we call “the market” reflects what they think is useful or important, not anybody else.)

But even more, it shows that most people in these jobs are ultimately aware of it. In fact, I’m not sure I’ve ever met a corporate lawyer who didn’t think their job was bullshit. The same goes for almost all the new industries outlined above.

There is a whole class of salaried professionals that, should you meet them at parties and admit that you do something that might be considered interesting (an anthropologist, for example), will want to avoid even discussing their line of work entirely.

Give them a few drinks, and they will launch into tirades about how pointless and stupid their job really is.

This is a profound psychological violence here. How can one even begin to speak of dignity in labour when one secretly feels one’s job should not exist? How can it not create a sense of deep rage and resentment.

Yet it is the peculiar genius of our society that its rulers have figured out a way, as in the case of the fish-fryers, to ensure that rage is directed precisely against those who actually do get to do meaningful work.

For instance: in our society, there seems a general rule that, the more obviously one’s work benefits other people, the less one is likely to be paid for it

Again, an objective measure is hard to find, but one easy way to get a sense is to ask: what would happen were this entire class of people to simply disappear?

Say what you like about nurses, garbage collectors, or mechanics, it’s obvious that were they to vanish in a puff of smoke, the results would be immediate and catastrophic.

A world without teachers or dock-workers would soon be in trouble, and even one without science fiction writers or ska musicians would clearly be a lesser place.

It’s not entirely clear how humanity would suffer were all private equity CEOs, lobbyists, PR researchers, actuaries, telemarketers, bailiffs or legal consultants to similarly vanish. (Many suspect it might markedly improve.)

Yet apart from a handful of well-touted exceptions (doctors), the rule holds surprisingly well.

Even more perverse, there seems to be a broad sense that this is the way things should be. This is one of the secret strengths of right-wing populism.

You can see it when tabloids whip up resentment against tube workers for paralysing London during contract disputes: the very fact that tube workers can paralyse London shows that their work is actually necessary, but this seems to be precisely what annoys people.

It’s even clearer in the US, where Republicans have had remarkable success mobilizing resentment against school teachers, or auto workers (and not, significantly, against the school administrators or auto industry managers who actually cause the problems) for their supposedly bloated wages and benefits.

It’s as if they are being told “but you get to teach children! Or make cars! You get to have real jobs! And on top of that you have the nerve to also expect middle-class pensions and health care?”

If someone had designed a work regime perfectly suited to maintaining the power of finance capital, it’s hard to see how they could have done a better job.

Real, productive workers are relentlessly squeezed and exploited.

The remainder are divided between a terrorised stratum of the – universally reviled – unemployed and a larger stratum who are basically paid to do nothing, in positions designed to make them identify with the perspectives and sensibilities of the ruling class (managers, administrators, etc) – and particularly its financial avatars – but, at the same time, foster a simmering resentment against anyone whose work has clear and undeniable social value.

Clearly, the system was never consciously designed [actually you were right up until this statement]. It emerged from almost a century of trial and error. But it is the only explanation for why, despite our technological capacities, we are not all working 3-4 hour days.

David Graeber is a Professor of Anthropology at the London School of Economics. His most recent book, The Democracy Project: A History, a Crisis, a Movement, is published by Spiegel & Grau.

Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi

Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi
50 Years Of Near Death Experience Research Suggests That The “Soul” Is Real + 7,000 Souls Recall Their ‘Life’ Between Lives During Regression Hypnosis, The Similarities Are Astounding
September 17 2019 | From: CollectiveEvolution / Various

Nikola Tesla once said that, “The day science begins to study non-physical phenomena, it will make more progress in one decade than in all the previous centuries of its existence.”

Fast forward to today, and we now have hundreds of notable world-renowned scientists studying “non-material” science.

Related: Seven Signs You May Be Experiencing A Dark Night Of The Soul

Science the birth of quantum mechanics, the mysteries of consciousness have been at the forefront of scientific study, and we now know today that consciousness plays a crucial part, in several different ways, when it comes to perceiving what we call our physical material world.

In Brief:

The Facts: 50 years of research conducted by scientists into Near Death Experiences is summarized below. The research shows that consciousness, or the soul, or something continues to have awareness after "death."

Reflect On: Evidence of sensitive and touchy topics in science have always been dismissed and ridiculed. Why, no matter how strong the evidence, are discoveries ridiculed or swept under the rug? Are our minds that closed?

Most of our founding fathers of science, especially physics, were all spiritual mystics.

Max Plack, a physicist who originated quantum theory, regarded consciousness as “fundamental,” and matter as “derivative from consciousness.” He said that “we cannot get behind consciousness. Everything that we talk about, everything that we regard as existing, postulates consciousness.” 

Eugene Wigner, a physicist and mathematician told the world that “it was not possible to formulate the laws of quantum mechanics in a fully consistent way without reference to consciousness.”

Related: A Scientist’s Spiritual Awakening

With all of this being said, there is still a resistance to the new discoveries that non-material science is making, especially when it comes to topics on the umbrella of parapsychology, like telepathy, remote viewing (which was used by the US government for intelligence purposes for 25 years), for example, near death experiences (NDE’s) and much more.

Here is a video of CIA contracted Physicist Russel Targ sharing everything he knows about ESP.

“Despite the unrivalled empirical success of quantum theory, the very suggestion that it may be literally true as a description of nature is still greeted with cynicism, incomprehension and even anger.” 

– (T. Folger, “Quantum Shmantum”; Discover 22:37-43, 2001)

This is, again, perhaps why so many scientists are coming together to create awareness about this and emphasize some very important points about non-material science.

You can read more, in detail, about that here.

Near Death Experiences (NDE’s) are one area of study under parapsychology and non-material science.  What happens when we die? Does some aspect of us survive death? Some non-material aspect, like consciousness, for example?  Does consciousness originate in the brain, or is it a receiver of it?

Related: This Is How Your ‘Aura’ Affects Your Health & Those Around You + Magnetic Fields Of The Human Body And
Their Functions & 13 Signs You Are Experiencing A Spiritual Awakening

It’s been the topic of discussion in philosophy and theology for years, and in the 20th century it has become the subject of scientific research.

One of the people responsible for starting this initiative was Ian Stevenson, who, as the Chair of University of Virginia’s Department of Psychiatry, in 1967, created a research unit within the department to study if anything of the human personality survives after death.

His research investigated multiple hundreds of children who claimed to recall past lives and there are many examples.

These children are able to give remarkable details about their past lives, and in some cases include describing how they died, locating past family members of who they used to be that are still living, and more details that would otherwise be impossible to describe.

You can see some specific examples in an article we’ve previously published, linked below:

Related: Six Extraordinary Cases of Kids Who Remember Their Past Lives 

Here is a video of Dr. Bruce Greyson speaking at a conference that was held by the United Nations. He is considered to be one of the “fathers” of near death studies. He is Professor Emeritus of Psychiatry and Neuro-behavioral Science at UVA. 

In the video he describes documented cases of individuals who were clinically dead (showing no brain activity), but observing everything that was happening to them on the medical table below at the same time.

He describes how there have been many instances of this – where individuals are able to describe things that should have been impossible to describe.

Another significant statement by Dr. Greyson posits that this type of study has been discouraged due to our tendency to view science as completely materialistic. Seeing is believing, so to speak, in the scientific community.

It’s unfortunate that just because we cannot explain something through materialistic means, it must be instantly discredited.

The simple fact that “consciousness” itself is a non-physical “thing” is troubling for some scientists to comprehend, and as a result of it being non material, they believe it cannot be studied by science.

To access some of the published research in this area, you can refer to this article. Below is a lecture that was filmed at the UVA by the medical department. It features Jim B. Tucker Bruce Greyson Edward F. Kelly J. Kim Penberthy, from the Division of Perceptual Studies.

Related: Spirit Led Activism - The True Power Of The People + Rites Of Passage - Encountering Spiritual
“Initiations” On The Path

Large studies have shown that a significant amount of people who have been clinically dead, experience some type of ‘awareness’ during that time. For example, one patient – a 57-year-old man at the time, despite being pronounced “dead” and completely unconscious, with no detectable biological activity going on, recalled watching the entire process of his resuscitation.

On a side note, Certified Master Hypnotherapist Michael Newton developed a technique to regress his clients back in time to recall memories from their past lives.

During this process he stumbled upon a discovery of enormous proportions. He was able to bring the souls back to the place where they go before their next life - a life between lives. Out of 7,000 regressions, a large majority had eerily similar recollections of a place that many of them called “home.”

You can read more about that here.

The proofs for the existence of worlds beyond this one go well past this topic and this article, and this cited research.

Related: Have You Been Seeing 11:11 Everywhere? What Is The Significance Of 11:11?

A New Groundbreaking Documentary About Post-Materialist Science

It’s interesting because as far back as 1999, statistics professor Jessica Utts at UC Irvine, published a paper showing that parapsychological experiments have produced much stronger results than those showing a daily dose of aspirin helping to prevent heart attacks.

Utts also showed that these results are much stronger than the research behind various drugs like antiplatelets, for example.

This new film, called Expanding Reality  can be purchased here.

“Expanding Reality is about the emerging postmaterialist paradigm and the next great scientific revolution. Why is it important? Because this paradigm has far-reaching implications.

For instance, it re-enchants the world and profoundly alters the vision we have of ourselves, giving us back our dignity and power as human beings.

The postmaterialist paradigm also fosters positive values such as compassion, respect, care, love, and peace, because it makes us realize that the boundaries between self and others are permeable.

In doing so, this paradigm promotes an awareness of the deep interconnection between ourselves and Nature at large.

In that sense, the model of reality associated with the postmaterialist paradigm may help humanity to create a sustainable civilization and to blossom.”

– Mario Beauregard, PhD, from the University of Arizona

Related: The Three Stages Of Spiritual Transformation

These people have exhausted their own resources in order to make Expanding Reality for the world, show your support by purchasing the movie here. You won’t be disappointed.

The Takeaway

The takeaway here is to recognize the evidence existing suggesting the soul, or consciousness, or some type of awareness exists after death. Now, what consciousness encompasses, might be different from the soul, etc, but those are much deeper discussions to be had.

When will science recognize something that’s clearly observable given the witness testimony and similarity of the experiences, and that phenomena that can’t be explained can still be real?

The parameters of modern day science really prevents us from moving forward, which is why we are seeing such a large growth in non-material science, the next step after quantum physics.

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7,000 Souls Recall Their ‘Life’ Between Lives During Regression Hypnosis, The Similarities Are Astounding

Certified Master Hypnotherapist Michael Newton developed a technique to regress his clients back in time to recall memories from their past lives.

During this process he stumbled upon a discovery of enormous proportions.

Related: 11:11 II Repeating Numbers and Their Meaning II 22:22 II 3:33

The ancient Greek philosopher Heraclitus said: "You cannot step into the same river twice."

What he meant is that nature, just like a river, is ever-changing. Hence, according to Heraclitus, to resist this change is
to resist the very essence of our existence.

Sadly, many of us expend much of our energy resisting change. We're so worried about what the future might bring that we're trying hard to control life.

In Brief:

The Facts: Over 7000 people/souls share their experience, through regression hypnosis, as to what happened after they died and before they reincarnated.

Reflect On: What are the implications of such research? If we reincarnate, how does that change your view of who you truly are? What is the purpose of life? How might this change how you approach this particular life?

As a result, we can't let go and enjoy the present moment. And, no matter how much we try to control life, eventually it always disappoints us by taking its own course.

I spent the last few days creating a new video where I discuss in more detail the pointlessness of resisting change and the
importance of embracing uncertainty in order to overcome anxiety and flow frictionlessly with the river of life.

The Secret to Overcoming Anxiety

He was able to bring the souls back to the place where they go before their next life - a life between lives. Out of 7,000 regressions, a large majority had eerily similar recollections of a place that many of them called “home.”

One of the most fascinating aspects of Newton’s work was that it didn’t matter who he was working with or what their previously held beliefs were in regards to the concept of “a soul” or reincarnation - in fact, many didn’t believe in these concepts at all.

After coming out of a session, many of these people were changed forever. They were able to recount some of their past lives and feel and clearly see the relationship those previous lives had to their current life.

Related: Why ‘Conspiracy Theories’ & Spirituality Are Intimately Connected

The Life Between Lives

In the world of hypnotherapy, past-life regression is almost common, but what’s unique about Newton’s work is his ability to get his subjects to recall memories from being in the womb, and then from before that point as well, to the place between each life.

This was a place where, often, all of the soul family was waiting and welcoming with open arms. Many of the subjects were often surprised to see who was there as some of these people had provided a challenging experience for them in their previous lives.

According to Newton, the hypnotic responses from his subjects in regards to the afterlife provided credible information because of the consistency in their reports.

Often the subjects would even use the same words and graphic depictions of where they were and what they were seeing. Newton had no reason to feel that anyone had a motive to fake their stories, and treated each case as if he was hearing the information for the first time.

In other words, he was not suggesting words or ideas to them, but rather giving them the freedom to express these lives on their own. The similarities between the subjects was quite astounding.

Some of these similarities included,

People’s memories of the initial activities of the soul just after final death on earth parallel the recollections of people returning from a near-death experience (NDE).

Souls are generally anxious to move away from the earth after death, and in many cases may stay a few days for their funeral.

Most souls initially pass through a tunnel towards the light of heaven.

The appearances of physical structures or other familiarities from Earth on the entry of the soul into heaven are intended to ease their transition.

Souls have the capability of projecting former life forms in communication with other souls.

Immediately after their death on earth, souls are met initially in heaven by their spirit guides or someone with whom they were close in their previous life. They meet others that were important to them previously.

Spirit guides continue their protective role in heaven.

Communication in heaven is done through telepathy.

A private form of consciousness between spirits exists through touch.

Ghosts are spirits who have chosen to remain within the earth plane, generally with a high degree of discontent. They can be dealt with by various means, such as exorcism, to get them to stop interfering with human beings.

Souls who were unable to turn aside a human impulse to harm others will go into seclusion upon entering the spirit world and remain for quite a while. The following reincarnation may be as a victim in a karmic cycle of justice.

An arriving soul can enter a place of healing as part of the restoration of the soul after a lifetime on earth.

A life review is conducted, first with spirit guides and later with a Council of Elders.

Souls travel to their initial destination in heaven through a large staging area.

Souls proceed to their cluster, consisting of small groups of soul energy that appear like a cluster of transparent bubbles or translucent bulbs. They contain entities who often shared past lives with the arriving spirit.

Group placement is determined by soul level.

Secondary groups have some contact with a primary group.

Opportunity for socialization and travel exist for souls living in their group.

Once a soul group is formed no new members are added.

Souls are grouped with others of similar characteristics.

At higher levels of soul evolution more independence takes place from group activities.

Spirit lights demonstrate color that correlates with a soul’s state of spiritual evolution.

The spirit world resembles one great schoolhouse with a multitude of classrooms under the direction of teacher-souls who monitor progress.

All souls have a personal guide who may be with them for thousands of years and many lives.

Junior guides are often assigned as well, later in the development of a soul.

Guides can appear as humans as well as spirits.

Most souls in the world today are in an early stage of development.

Spirits can experience two lives on earth at the same time.

A dormant part of our soul remains in heaven during incarnations.

Souls learn the techniques of the creation of physical items by thought, starting with simple assignments.

Souls incarnate on worlds other than the Earth.

The evolution of souls can continue way beyond the level where incarnation takes place.

Souls are reincarnating more frequently in recent centuries, and today would have roughly two lives during the past century.

Souls are not required to reincarnate but considerable pressure is brought to bear by spirit guides when the time is considered right.

Souls go to a place of life selection in order to examine alternative lives to lead.

There is a tendency for spirits to reincarnate in the same geographical area they were in during past lives.

The effort required to overcome a physical disability accelerates spiritual evolution.

Souls learn prior to a new incarnation to recognize future earthly signs from other souls they may encounter on earth with whom they have been close in the spirit world.

Souls leave heaven to enter the body of an infant through a tunnel.

The physical shock of birth is greater than that of death.

Souls can arrive in the infant’s body anytime before, during or slightly after the moment of birth.

Again, not only is this level of similarity and detail fascinating, but many of the thousands of people who were put under this hypnosis had no previous belief of reincarnation, the soul, or source consciousness. Their experiences here changed their minds.

In one instance a woman who had always faced challenges with her father in her current life saw that his soul had actually inhabited the body of the man who was the one who killed her in a past life.

She was able to see how the members of the soul family aren’t always who you might expect. Some people who have caused us the most grief may have been doing so for our soul’s best interest, in order to help us grow.

Related: Six Activities That Will Enrich Your Soul + The Benefits Of Mindfulness

For some of us, this work may resonate on a deep level. I know for myself while watching a documentary on this subject called, Flipside: A Journey Into The Afterlife, and hearing the people recount their previous lives or the place that was often described as “home,” no part of me doubted anything they were saying for even a second.

This information resonated to the very core of my being and just happens to go along quite nicely with my previously held beliefs in terms of reincarnation and the afterlife.

Of course, we can never know for sure, but the topic of past lives and life after death is truly fascinating and can be fun to explore.

I highly recommend the book on this subject, Journey Of Souls: Case Studies Of Life Between Lives by Michael Newton himself. It goes into much more depth and provides transcripts of actual sessions with the hypnotized subjects.

What do you think happens when we die?

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New World Order In Meltdown, But Russia Stronger Than Ever
September 16 2019 | From: TheSaker / Various

Recent weeks have been full of portentous events.
Only somebody who has not been awake for the last few years will fail to realize how these at first sight unconnected events are part of the same matrix.

There was the ever louder talk in mainstream media about an approaching global recession, inverted yield curves and the negative yields, which tell us that the Western financial system is basically in coma and kept alive only by generous IV injections of central bank liquidity.

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Except that now the Federal Reserve has admitted that there are no signs of a recession looming - mainstream media has had to drop that cold potato.

By now it has dawned on people that the central bankers acting as central planners in a command economy and printing money (aka quantitative easing) to fuel asset bubbles are about to wipe off the last vestiges of what used to be a market economy.

Then we saw Trump taking new twitter swipes at China in his on-and-off “great trade deal” and the stock markets moving like a roller coaster in reaction to each new twitter salvo.

Also, we had both Trump and Macron sweet talking about getting Russia back and again renaming their club G8.

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Recently at a G7 presser in Biarritz, the Rothschild groomed Macron took it one step further opening up about the reasons why they all of a sudden longed for friendship with Russia:

“We are living the end of Western hegemony.”

In the same series, Britain’s new government under Boris Johnson was telling his colleagues in Biarritz that he is now decisively going for a no-deal Brexit, after which he went back to London and staged a coup d’état by suspending parliament to ensure no elected opposition interfered with it.

Perhaps the weirdest news to crown it all, came from Jackson Hole, Wyoming, where the Western central bankers were holed up for their annual retreat.

The president of Bank of England Mark Carney shocked everybody (at least those not present) by announcing that the US dollar was past its best-before and should be replaced with something the central bankers have up their sleeves.

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The New [Old] World Order is in its Death Throes

What these events have in common is that they amount to an admission that the globalist New World Order project in its present form is dead, or at least in its death throes.

It has bumped its head against an impenetrable Sino-Russian wall of resistance.

The heated totalitarian propaganda against Russia since 2001 (when the NWO realized that Putin wasn’t their man); regime change and color revolutions in neighboring countries; attempts at Maidan style coups in Moscow; and finally the sanctions since 2014 were key to the Anglo-Zionist empires strategy.

They needed to take over either China or Russia to gain absolute world hegemony. Taking over either one, they would have checkmated the remaining one, and after that the entire world.

They rightly deemed Russia as the weaker piece and went all out in that direction.

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The NWO wanted to take advantage of Russia’s weakness in form of its Western minded comprador class and a shell-shocked liberal intelligentsia (dominating media, culture and business, just like in Hong Kong, BTW), which is constitutional uncapable of thinking with their own brains to liberate themselves from Soviet era stereotypes (“Soviet Union / Russia bad, West good”).

They then figured that economic and cultural sanctions (e.g. Olympic ban) coupled with doubling down on the propaganda would break the country. Luckily, the Russian narod, the common people saw through it all and would not play along with the enemy.

At the same time, Russia paraded its resurrected military in Crimea and Syria as well as its formidable new hypersonic doomsday weapons.

The military option to take over Russia was not in the cards any longer.

Russian Economy From Strength to Strength

Believing their own propaganda, they had got that totally wrong.

Endlessly repeating their own self-serving talking points they must have truly fancied that Russia’s economy amounted to nothing else than export of fossil fuels
, that “Russia’s economy is the size of Holland’s,” that “Russia does not produce anything,” and that Russia was “nothing but a gas station with nukes” (somehow managing to ignore the significance of the nukes part).

I seriously believe, that the propaganda had become so complete that the Western leaders and the intelligence people actually had come to adapt their own propaganda as the truth.

What is for sure, is that all Western media, including what should be the most respected business journals and all those think tanks, had not published one honest appraisal of the Russian economy in 15 years.

Every single piece I read over the years had clearly been written with the aim to denigrate Russia’s achievements and economic development.

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Nowhere to be found were reports on how Putin by 2013 had totally overhauled the economy transforming Russia into the most self-sufficient diversified major country in the world with all the capabilities of the foremost industrial powers.

In fact, I tend to think that even the US presidents from Bush to Obama were fed in their intelligence briefings cooked up fake reports about the Russian economy and the whole nation.

Actually, I would go one step further. I bet that the CIA itself in the end believed the propaganda it had given birth to. (It has been said that at some point the genuine Russia analysts had all been dismissed or demoted and replaced with a team specializing in anti-Russian propaganda).

Additional: Read about the Alliance that has been working behind the scenes for decades to take down the 'Cabal' within the work of David Wilcock.

Some of those reading this may be confused because the cabal-controlled mainstream media is doing everything within it's power to denigrate
Trump - as he is part of the effort to take the Illuminati down once and for all.

And the Alliance effort operates beyond the bounds of countries - out of neccessity; as that is how the Luciferian Cabal does.

Do you think you can trust the mainstream media? Look at whom they target. One must wonder why 'they' also do not like

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DECLAS: Section Five: The Forbidden Story

But actually all the data was there in plain view. I myself took the trouble to compile a report on the real conditions of Russia’s economy fresh at the onset of the 2014 crisis.

In the report, I set out to show that Russia indeed had modernized and diversified its economy; that it had a vibrant manufacturing industry in addition to its energy and minerals sector; and that its budget revenues and economy at large were not at all as dependent on oil and gas as it was claimed.

Among other things, we pointed out that Russia’s industrial production had by then grown more than 50% (between 2000 and 2013) while having undergone a total modernization at the same time.

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In the same period, production of food had surged by 100% and exports had skyrocketed by almost 400%, outdoing all major Western countries. Even the growth of exports of other than oil and gas products had been 250%.

The gist of the study may be summarized with this quote from it:

“The crisis-torn economy battered by years of robber capitalism and anarchy of the 1990’s, which Putin inherited in 2000, has now reached sufficient maturity to justify a belief that Russia can make the industrial breakthrough that the President has announced.”

Events have borne out this insight. And it is therefore that Russia won the sanctions battle.

The report represented an appeal to the Western leaders to give up on their vain hope of destroying Russia through their sanctions and risking nuclear war at it. Russia was invincible even in this respect.

For that purpose I expressly added this missive in the introduction to the report:

We strongly believe that everyone benefits from knowing the true state of Russia’s economy, its real track record over the past decade, and its true potential.

Having knowledge of the actual state of affairs is equally useful for the friends and foes of Russia, for investors, for the Russian population – and indeed for its government, which has not been very vocal in telling about the real progress.

I think there is a great need for accurate data on Russia, especially among the leaders of its geopolitical foes. Correct data will help investors to make a profit.

And correct data will help political leaders to maintain peace.

Knowing that Russia is not the economic basket case that it is portrayed to be would help to stave off the foes from the collision course with Russia they have embarked on.”

A follow-up report of June 2017 covering the sanctions years 2014 – 2016, showed how Russia went from strength to strength never mind the Western attempts at isolation. This report stressed that Russia’s economy had now become the most diversified in the world making Russia the most self-sufficient country on this earth.

In this report we exposed the single biggest error of the propaganda driven Russia analysis. This was the ridiculous belief that Russia supposedly was totally dependent on oil and gas just because those commodities made up the bulk of the country’s exports.

Confusing exports with the total economy, they had foolishly confused the share of oil and gas in total exports – which was and remains at the level of 60% – with the share of these commodities of the total economy.

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In 2013 the share of oil and gas of Russia’s GDP was 12% (today 10%). Had the “experts” cared to take a closer look they would have realized that on the other side of the equation Russia’s imports were by far the lowest (as a share of GDP) of all major countries.

The difference here is that while Russia does not export a great deal of manufactured goods, it produces by far a bigger share of those for the domestic market than any other country in the whole world. Taking the 60% of exports to stand for the whole economy was how the “Russia produces nothing” meme was created.

Finally in a November 2018 report, I could declare that Russia had won hands down the sanctions war having emerged from it as a quadruple superpower: industrial superpower, agricultural superpower, military superpower and geopolitical superpower.

Macron et co. Realizes that Russia Actually is a Superpower

These facts have now finally dawned on certain key stakeholders of the globalist regime can be discerned from the fact that they have tasked their handpicked puppet president Macron to make up with Russia.

As it was said, Macron went as far as unilaterally capitulating and declaring the decline of the West.

He went on to spell out that the reason for this spectacular geopolitical about-face was the rise of the Beijing – Moscow (de facto) alliance that has caused a terminal shift on the world scene.

Curiously, he also openly blamed the errors of the United States for the dire state of affairs pointing out that “not just the current administration” were to be blamed.

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No doubt, the foremost of these errors, Macron had in mind, was the alienation of Russia and pushing the country into the warm embrace of China. It is quite clear, that this is what they want to remedy, snatch the bear back from the dragon. Fortunately, that won’t happen.

Good if there will be rapprochement and good if the West will try, but after all what Russia has learnt by now it will not sell out on China under any circumstances.

I think Putin and the Russian powers that be have clearly opted for a multipolar world order. That is definitely not what Macron’s employers have in mind but let them try.

Until Trump took office, the strategy of the US regime had been to pursue only Russia in its geopolitical ambitions, but by then it had dawned on them that Russia was invincible especially in the de facto alliance with China.

The World Order is Being Shaken Like Never Before

“The world order is being shaken like never before…”, that’s another quote from Macron. Obviously, it refers to the military and geopolitical strengths of the Sino-Russian alliance, but certainly also to the economic shifts as the West has lost – and will keep losing – its economic domination.

This brings us back to Mark Carney of Bank of England and his unprecedented attack on the US dollar arguing that it was time to end its global reserve currency status.

As one option Carney brought up that the major Western central banks would instead issue a digital cryptocurrency. That is to say, a NWO currency controlled by the central banks.

That would effectively mean the replacement of the Federal Reserve cartel with a cartel of the Western central banks (the Fed obviously being a part of it). That’s yet one step further north from any kind of democratic control and a giant step towards world government.

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What could possibly have prompted such a radical US hegemony puncturing idea to be put forward? One reason obviously is that the Western economies really are in that extreme critical condition that more and more analysts caution about. (We shall look at the economic facts further down). There’s a very real possibility that we will be hit by a doomsday recession.

What’s sure is that Carney’s bizarre speech could possibly not have occurred in a normal economic environment (any more than Macron’s admission that the Western hegemony is done with).

According to Zerohedge
, The Financial Times, the party organ of the globalist elite, admitted as much in its report on the Jackson Hole meeting.

The central bankers “acknowledged they had reached a turning point in the way they viewed the global system. 

They cannot rely on the tools they used before the financial crisis to shape the economic environment, and the US can no longer be considered a predictable actor in economic or trade policy - even though there is no imminent replacement for the US dollar in sight.”

There was an effective admission that the central bankers had run out of tricks to pull the economies out of the everything-bubble mess, not to mention the looming doomsday recession. According to FT, Carney went as far as flashing the war card saying:

“Past instances of very low rates have tended to coincide with high risk events such as wars, financial crises, and breaks in the monetary regime.

On the one hand this can be seen as an admission on how deeply tormented they are about the financial situation and what could happen when it comes crashing down.

On the other hand, it can be seen as a sales pitch, “only we can fix it, trust us, give us a carte blanche.”

Or more probably, both.

Note from above Carney saying: “the US can no longer be considered a predictable actor in economic or trade policy.”

Bank of England President here directly attacking President Trump.

And just a couple of days later William Dudley an ex-president of New York Federal Reserve Bank (the most influential of the 12 federal reserve banks that comprise the Federal Reserve System) followed up on a direct attack on Trump.

But as they say about spies, there are no ex-spies, and I would think the same applies for the global financial elite. And yes indeed, Dudley is a card carrying member of the Council of Foreign Relations.

Dudley had penned an op-ed for Bloomberg titled “The Fed Shouldn’t Enable Donald Trump,” where he openly lobbies for the Fed to deliberately damage the economy in order to neutralize the policies (namely trade wars) of the sitting president and prevent his re-election chances by willfully ruining the economy.

[ Comment: "They" know Trump is going to take down the privately-owned central bank and they are shit scared. ]

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One thing is for sure, the elite is desperate and in serious disarray. Very probable that the elite is split, too. It seems as if there were two globalist factions competing with each other and wanting to follow vastly different strategies.

To Summarize This Introduction

“The Western world is in turmoil: the previous overwhelming geopolitical domination is gone and over with; military solutions against the main adversaries – China and Russia – are off the books; hybrid wars against them have failed; China and Russia are economically stronger than ever, too strong for the adversary; and to boot the domestic Western economies are in extraordinary bad shape, risking a depression of epic proportions.”

Further down in this report, I will look at the one aspect of the question I am best equipped to handle, namely the economy.

I will outline just in how bad shape the Western debt-fueled casino economies are. Having that as the background, I will then show how surprisingly strong the Russian economy is, at least in comparison with the Western gambling nations.

Most importantly, Russia is virtually debtless, and that’s really the clue to survival in this extraordinary economic environment.

In addition to the solid finances, Russia has other things going for it, too, as we will see below. I will not provide comparative data on China.

One reason for that is, that China is not an economic risk. China does not have the debt problem that it is frequently touted in Western press to have. China, as the world’s number one export country, would of course take a hit in a serious global crisis, but that would not kill the economy.

Although, China is the biggest exporter, there has been a shift from export-led growth towards domestic investment and consumption.

The share of exports of goods and services in the country’s GDP was by 2018 down to 19.5%, half of the 2006 peak of 36%. On the contrary, the Chinese economy would stay vivid and therefore also help to sustain Russia’s exports.

I may add as one more piece of background, that it is my firm belief that the approaching economic disaster has long been evident to the central bankers and the globalist elite decision makers.

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Most likely the game plan was to establish the absolute world hegemony – which they not long ago thought was within early reach – and then after that deal with the debts as they saw fit as democratic dissent would not matter a bit anymore by then.

That’s why they felt confident in building up the asset bubbles to carry them over to the final solution. Reminds me about a story told about Moscow’s so-called Khrushchyovka tenement buildings.

These are low-cost three - to five -storied houses built quickly and cheap during the Khrushchev era to address the dire housing shortages of the 1960s.

According to the story, the planners knew they would serve only for a few decades, but that would not matter all that much because by that time there would be Communism and everything would be perfect anyway.

No Communism materialized, but presently the Moscow government under Mayor Sobyanin has initiated a program to tear them all down and erect new buildings where flats with title will be given for free to house the 1.5 million present residents of those buildings slated for replacement.

Well, that’s sort of Communism, isn’t it? – This kind of wishful thinking must have kept the globalist elite going, too. Unfortunately for the dreamers, though, their plans hit a snag in the form of Russia and China

Central Bank Fueled Asset Bubbles

Russia is low in debt, but you can’t say the same about the US and other Western nations. And that debt really is what got the world in the present mess and brought it teetering on the brink of financial collapse.

Since the late 80s, the US central bank, the Federal Reserve under Alan Greenspan developed an addiction to cure any downward tick on Wall Street with easy credit, eventually requiring after every downturn ever bigger central bank liquidity injections to keep the stock indices on a growth curve.

Greenspan was experimenting with a policy aimed at creating a “wealth effect” aka “trickle-down.

Related: Central Banking Exposed: Central Banks Only Care About Debt, Profit And Control

The idea being that Wall Street bankers and big corporations be stuffed with all the free money they can swallow for the purpose of keeping stock and bond prices high.

The theoretical frame told that doing so something would eventually trickle down to the real economy, and everybody would live happily ever after. After stocks and bonds, Greenspan’s wealth effect policy was addressed to inflate home prices and all real estate with that.

That was the road that eventually led to the 2008 subprime loan crisis, which took down Lehman Brothers and then all of Wall Street and the whole global economy.

But Wall Street recovered soon, because Greenspan’s successor Ben Bernanke had set forth to blow up an even bigger asset bubble.

And the Europeans followed suit. The Fed fueled the market frenzy with creating money out of thin air (aka quantitative easing) in favor of governments, banks and corporations to the tune of $3.5 trillion in the decade following the 2008 collapse.

The European Central Bank has done the same for Europe in volumes more than 2.5 trillion euro to date. All the other Western central banks joined the gambling by flooding the markets with fiat money at same levels relatively speaking.

But anyway this astronomic leverage and the humongous budget deficits of the Western countries didn’t get the real economy anywhere. They have blown up asset bubbles of phantasmagorical proportions with preciously little trickle-down.

Since the pre-crash peak in October 2007, the broadest US stock index (Wilshire 5000) has gained 95% (on top of covering the nearly 60% crash from in between). In the same 12-year period industrial production (manufacturing, mining, energy, utilities) has grown only 5% combined over all those years.

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Deduct – the in itself lossmaking – shale oil and gas and there is barely no growth left in the 12 years. In fact, the US manufacturing sector was in June still 1.6% below the pre-crisis peak in December 2007. So we have a 5% gain in the most important part of the real economy vs. 95% in stock market gambling.

The absurdity of the stock market growth is further evidenced by the gap between growth of real final sales and stock valuations since 2007 peak. Since then, the former has grown on an average 1.6% per year, while the stock market has delivered annualized growth at levels of 15%.

Total industrial production share of the GDP in the US has sunk to 18%. (For comparison, the figure for Russia was 32% and growing.)

Trickle-Down, Anyone?

It would be false to claim there has not been any trickle-down at all. Millions of people have kept their jobs because of it. But at the same time they have had their real wages squeezed and the overwhelming majority have seen their standards of living drop.

Only massive loads of consumer credits and ultra-cheap mortgages have kept up an illusion of superficial prosperity among the middle classes. This debt-fueled prosperity and it’s cursory result, the artificial real estate asset bubble will prove a wolf in sheep’s clothing when the everything-bubble bursts.

There’s been another form of trickle-down, too, a much more real and actually beneficial one.

Related: The Rothschild Bloodline: Financial Wizards & Wealthy Cults

By creating the debt-fueled illusion of prosperity, the Western central banks have actually subsidized China, Russia and all of the emerging world
as they have flushed their export goods on the global markets where the Western nations have picked it all up on borrowed money.

Thanks for that, though. At the same time, that has driven production costs up in the West with the consequence that their own industries have been priced out.

The Humongous Borrowings Fail to Produce GDP Growth

Every year since the last bout of the crisis in 2008, growth of debt in the national economies of each Western country has far exceeded the growth of economic output measured as GDP. Below chart shows just how bad it has been in the US.

Related: Signs that the US Debt-Fueled Economy Might Actually Collapse

The debt and GDP growth curves started to diverge in the late 70s, but from 2000 debt has spiraled out of control delivering preciously little incremental GDP.

Deduct the wasteful debt and wasteful spending and there would be no growth whatsoever.

Not only has there been no real GDP growth but even the nominal growth has to a crucial extent been provided for by means of the enormous government borrowings.

We see from below table that in each year from 2008 to 2017 even the nominal GDP growth has been less than the growth of government debt, with 2015 and 2015 as the only exceptions when they were on par.

In the peak crisis years 2008 and 2009, debt growth was a staggering 5.7 and 6.3 times that of GDP growth.

The debt game has been equally miserable all over the West, perhaps with the only exception of Germany, who has wisely refrained from participating, even when egged on by liberal economists calling Germany’s more prudent policy unfair to the gambling nations.

Below chart shows how much more the Western governments have borrowed than produced economic growth. The chart covers years 2004 to 2013, but the trend has been the same ever since. GDP growth has been vastly less than the growth of the colossal debtberg.

Note Russia there as the shining exception.

Below chart ranks countries according to their debt burden relative to GDP.

And again you see how debtless Russia is compared with the squandering nations.
These charts concerned only government debt, when we add private debt to it, the picture is doubly worse.

From the point of view of a national economy it really doesn’t matter in which form the excess debt expands, public or private.

In fact, on an average in the West the situation with household debt is equally dire. Below chart tells you just how bad. And again note Russia as the one shining exception.
Click on the image above to view a larger version in a new window

And it’s no better with corporations, which have throughout the last decade been enjoying mindboggling levels of central bank largesse in form of virtually unlimited interest-free financing. For example, compared to earnings, US bond issuers are about 50% more leveraged now than in 2007.

Finally, there is the black hole containing trillions and trillions of bankers derivative risks.

Deutsche Bank – which was recently placed in emergency care – alone is said to have 49 trillion dollars in exposure to derivatives

These risks alone could take down the whole global financial system.

First No Real Interest, Then On to Negative Yields

One of the many deadly side effects of the central bankers’ practice on gambling with the national economies is that they first eliminated real interest rates (pushed rates below inflation) and then doubled down on the destruction of sound economic principles by cooking up a system with negative yielding bonds (bonds which yield below zero).

By now $30 trillion of the $60 trillion US bond market yield below inflation (no real interest) and nearly $17 trillion worth of bonds are in negative yield territory.

That’s mostly made up by sovereign debt of Japan and European governments (12 at the moment) but recently the mass of negative yielding corporate bonds has also doubled to $1.2 trillion.

Half of the $5 trillion worth of European government bonds sport a negative yield as well as 20% of European investment grade corporate bonds.

Related: The Khazarian Bankster Cult That Hijacked The World & Worthless Pieces Of Paper - Interest On Fake Money Is Confiscating Your Freedom

Inflation Risk

Normally, this kind of excess liquidity artificially put on the market (aka money printing) would have led to high inflation if not hyperinflation. Several factors have helped to keep prices in check.

First, it needs to be pointed out, though, that inflation is actually a lot higher than what the government reports. This has been pretty convincingly proven in the case of the United States. Official statistics may not see it, but people sure feel it.

Secondly, the asset price bubbles in real estate and financial markets in fact represent inflation, it’s just not officially recorded as such. As it is only the 10% (and increasingly, the 1%) who get the money, they spend it on the stuff that counts for them, stocks and real estate.

Keeping their loot offshore also helps to dampen inflation at home. The squeeze on the middle classes and stagnating wages, is sadly an important factor in keeping inflation down. Ordinary people just can’t afford to buy.

One should also note, that resulting from the illusionary debt-fueled prosperity and its effect on keeping the local Western currencies artificially high, there has actually been an inflation in wages and production costs, but only in relative terms in comparison with the emerging world.

Related: Inflation: The Most Evil Threat = Governments Robbing Their Citizens

Huge growth of the Chinese manufacturing industry coupled with massive influx of cheap labor from the rural countryside into the cities enabled China for a couple of decades to constantly increase its exports to the US and Europe and these countries to keep prices down. (Including by domestic industries having to lower prices in competition). With the Trump trade wars and dramatically increasing protectionism, this will change. And it could get very ugly.

Finally, there is an important consideration that few if anyone seem to understand.

That is the fact that the US and other Western countries have been able to print the stupendous amounts of money while keeping rates down and without the currency values crashing only because they enjoy local currency monopolies in their respective territories.

The USD has of course been enjoying a global monopoly, but that is fast fading. All the other factors mentioned above (and several other ones), have enabled to prop up and prolong these currency monopolies, but there is a limit to everything.

Under a possible recession scenario, I would expect some of the lesser currencies to lose their monopoly trust and that would shatter the position of the bigger currencies USD and Euro and force them to raise interest rates.

I have earlier written more in detail about this in a report titled How the Dollar and Euro Monopolies Destroyed the Real Market Economy

The below chart suggests that the Western countries are already on the way to lose their respective currency monopolies.

The BRICS countries (Brazil, Russia, India, China, South Africa) now have a combined GDP (measured in PPP, which is the only correct way to measure the relative size of national economies) larger than not only the G7 countries, but the US and Eurozone economies combined.

At its foundation in 1973, the G7 countries had a combined GDP PPP of 50% of the world economy, by today it is down to 30%. In the same time the nominal GDP share of world economy has crashed from 80% to 40%.

The currency monopolies came with the economic superiority, it is therefore only natural that with the economic domination goes the currency domination, too. If we haven’t reached the tipping point yet, then that will happen within 5 to 10 years.

In summary, everything else unchanged, the risk of inflation picking up with just a few percentage points could have the entire Western financial systems coming crashing down due to the pressure on interest rates growing.

The Fed and the ECB are continuously speaking about their inflation targets and how they want to pump the markets with more liquidity to raise inflation.

There could yet be a big surprise in store for them. Interest rates as such could also be the primary trigger (even without inflation first rising), as nations would have to protect their currencies and attract financing for their colossal debtbergs.

Must add as a P.S. that the incipient flight to gold might well be one of the trigger events for those currencies to lose their monopolies. (Gold price is up 20% since May).

Related: Why Gold Is Money - Fiat Money Creates An Immoral Society: Money With Real Value Is Crucial

Deleveraging Will Come

These massive borrowings have delivered nothing of tangible value. Now, when the party is nearly over all there is left are the debt bubbles that have hit the roof.

The real values of all the assets below bear no relation to the money that went into inflating the balloons. What’s left is economic hardship for 80% of the people, a crumbling infrastructure and simmering social tensions.

The debt saturation point has been reached, therefore this time it will be different, the central bankers have lost their magic wand and won’t be able to renew the debt binge and extend it with one more decade.

Instead, there will be a day of reckoning. Governments and corporations will have to put their act together and let the market weed out the failed entities. Those who cannot carry the debt, will have to shed it.

There will be bloodbath with defaults, bankruptcies and massive unemployment. – Perhaps a revolution here and there. – There will be no choice, deleveraging must happen.

Now, whether this system will come crashing down or just slowly die as it trundles downhill will not matter all that much. It will eventually die either way. Most people would prefer the slow motion option, but only with the crash would a cure come.

Whatever, it has become increasingly difficult to stave off the crash and this time around, the financial markets would take the real economy down with them big time.

Related: Russia-China Real Gold Standard Means End Of US Dollar Dominance

The Impressive Figures on Russia

The question then is, who would be left standing? Naturally, those who are less leveraged. Now, scroll back to have a new look at the above charts on government and household debt.

Find the position of Russia there? That’s right. Russia is the country with – by far – the least debt, both public and private. Having after 2014 following sanctions been cut off from the Western debt orgy, even Russian corporations are shielded against a possible Western debt apocalypse.

In a global recession, no country is safe, but Russia looks to have quite a lot going for it in terms of economic advantages. Russia’s national balance sheet is next to none with by far the lowest debt of all major countries. All economic actors, the government, corporations and households are economically solid and minimally leveraged.

Not only is the government virtually debtless, but it has again replenished its spectacular forex and sovereign wealth fund reserves. On top of that comes a hefty budget surplus.

Yes, you heard that right, surplus. In a time when all Western countries are in a chronic fight against deficits, you rarely even hear the term budget surplus. And more, Russia runs the world’s third biggest trade surplus.

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Add to that the current account surplus, and there’s the hat trick in form of your classic triple surpluses. Russia has a lot more going for it, too, as we will see.

Let’s look at Russia’s present financial health report.

Thanks to import substitution (domestic production instead of imports to neutralize sanctions) Russia’s industrial production rose 2.6% year-on-year in June. (USA +1.1%, UK +0.8%, Japan -2.4%, Germany -5.9%).

Above, we mentioned that US industrial production was up with as little as a cumulative 5% since 2008 to date. In the same period Russia’s industry grew 18% notwithstanding the hardships of sanctions and sharp drop in oil price. In fact, since 2014 when the sanctions were first imposed, Russia’s industry has grown 12%.

Russia’s merchandise trade surplus for the first half of 2019 was $93 billion, ranking third in the world after China and Germany and before South Korea. Imports were down by 3%, the other side of the coin of growing domestic manufacturing.

Even when exports also were slightly down, lower imports will keep the surplus on track to reach levels near $200 billion for the full year, just under last year’s record $212 billion.

Q1 Current Account Surplus clocked in at $33 billion, up 10% over the year.

In this connection, it might be helpful to remind that Russia’s economy is nowhere near as dependent on fossil fuel extraction as it is habitually believed in the West. In fact, oil and gas only account for 10% of Russia’s GDP according to World Bank statistics. (In 2017, total natural resources share of GDP was 10.7%, but that includes minerals and forest, too).

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We also need to point out that Russia has an enormous strength by way of being the world’s most self-sufficient major country. Russia has the by far lowest level of imports relative to GDP of all countries, as evidenced by below table.

It shows that Russia’s imports as a share of GDP was as low as 7.2%, while the corresponding level for Western European countries was between 30 to 40%.

The extraordinary low levels of imports in a global comparison obviously signifies that Russia produces domestically a much higher share of all that it consumes (and invests), this in turn means that the economy is superbly diversified contrary to the claims of most so-called Russia experts.

Despite initial scares, inflation has remained low even when the VAT rate was from the new year raised from 18% to 20%. The rolling 12-month inflation runs at 4.6% but with the declining trend the full year inflation is expected to hit the central bank’s target 4%.

The job market continues strong with record low unemployment levels, while the job participation rate has not deteriorated (so no tricks here). The July reading of 4.6% translates to 3.4 million unemployed, which is low for a country with a population of 146 million. The strength of the labor market was underscored by an increase of real salaries by 3.5% by July. This while disposable income otherwise has remained subdued.

Whereas the US is combating persistent budget deficits (latest reading, a deficit of 4.5% of GDP) – likewise the EU countries – Russia mustered a huge budget surplus equal to 3.4% of the GDP by July this year.

Russia’s foreign exchange and gold reserves have also done a spectacular comeback reaching $520 billion.

The Russia sovereign wealth fund surged in July to reach a value equal to 7.2% of GDP.

Despite the wholesome macroeconomic environment and impressive figures, Russia’s GDP growth has been less than 1% so far this year (year-on-year 0.6% in Q1 and 0.9% in Q2). However, by the looks of it the fundamental economy seems to be growing and modernizing, while the drag on the growth comes from depressed household consumption.

What’s more important, though, is that while Russia’s growth is hovering around the 1%, so is that of all of the Western world. (Accuse me of whataboutism if you will, but these things need to be put in perspective). Q2 growth in the Eurozone was 1.1%, with Germany even about to slide into recession.

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UK clocked in at 1.2% and Japan at 0.4%. (All figures, year-on-year). The US showed only 2% (revised down 28 August) even when fueled by a mountainous budget deficit set to reach $1 trillion for the fiscal year and despite all that easy money the Fed keeps pumping out. Only China remained firmly in growth territory with 6.2%.

But, the real conundrum is, how can Russia produce the same GDP as all the Western countries with their seemingly limitless injections of give-away money? How is it possible that all those trillions and trillions that the Western central bankers have thrown on the economy do not produce any real incremental economic output?

The big disadvantage Russia has compared with the Western countries is the exorbitant real interest rate that the central bank maintains. The steering rate is presently 7.25%, with inflation predicted to be 4%, that translates into a primary real interest of 3.25%. Compare that with the negative real interest – and even negative yields – of competitor countries.

As the Russian central bank has failed to create a real banking sector, which would lend according to international standards to the country’s businesses, the ones that are lucky to get a loan at all would look to pay interest at the level of 15% or more (save the largest corporations).

The Governor of the Russian Central Bank Elvira Nabiullina does not see this as a problem, though. She has said that instead she would pin her hopes on improving the countries investment climate (sic!). (She calls for improvement of corporate governance, development of human capital, and all kinds of nice things. That would sure do it.)

Recently, Putin called a high profile meeting with Nabiullina, the minister for economic development Maxim Oreshkin, and the finance minister Anton Sulanov, to express his deep concern with the sluggish GDP growth and stagnating income.

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No doubt, that the depressed income is not only a drag on the economy but on the president’s popularity. There is only one quick fix for it. The government and the CBR must ditch their overzealous austerity programs.

It’s good that Russia is not over leveraged with debt, but certainly some debt would be in order to finance the infrastructure and other national strategic development programs instead of ripping it off people’s backs. Free the funds for raising pensions and public service salaries instead.

And most importantly, Nabiullina must lower the rates and not run real interests in excess of 3% when the rest of the developed world is in negative territory. There is no other quick remedy for raising people’s income. That’s Putin’s choice. Hope somebody tells that to him.

In conclusion, we are not saying that Russia would not be hurt by a coming recession, we merely express our confidence that Russia is among the world’s countries best placed to cope with it.

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1899 Merck Manual Shows Natural And Food - Based Medicine Once Reigned Supreme + The Healing Web
September 15 2019 | From: GreenMedInfo / TheGreatAwakeningReport / Various

At the turn of the 20th century, in NYC, for one dollar, you could have grabbed yourself what was at the time, the most comprehensive medical book ever published in a Western language - one that clearly acknowledges the many ways foods and plants heal serious disease.

The Merck Manual, also known as the The Merck Manual of Diagnosis and Therapy, is the oldest continuously published English language medical textbook, and the best-selling medical textbook worldwide.

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The first edition titled, “Merck’s 1899 Manual of the Materia Medica.” was produced by George Merck, founder of Merck & Co, in New York as a subsidiary of the family company established in Germany in 1668.

Today, Merck & Co. has grown into a multinational corporation with an annual revenue of $43 billion dollars, and hires tens of thousands of employees throughout the world. [Unfortunately, as has happened on many occasions - companies that were founded with good intentions have since been co-opted.]

The 1899 manual was laid out in the following three parts:

1. “All those Simple Medicinal Substances (that is, drugs and chemicals) which are in current and well-established use in the medical practice of this country”

2. “The principal means of treatment for each form of disease, as reported to be in good use with practitioners at the present time.”

3. “The modes of action of the various medicaments [as laid out in Part 1]."

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The 1899 manual promised to provide the physicians of the time;

“... a complete Ready-Reference Book covering the entire eligible Materia Medica. A glance over it just before or just after seeing a patient will refresh his memory in a way that will facilitate his coming to a decision.”

Materia Medica is a Latin term for the extant body of collected knowledge about the therapeutic properties of any substance used for healing (i.e., medicines).

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Perhaps what is the most striking thing about the first 1899 edition of the Merck Manual is that many of the remedies listed are entirely natural.

It would not be until 1906 that Congress, with the strong support of President Theodore Roosevelt, would pass the Pure Food and Drug Act, which would usher in the era of pharmaceutical medicine, largely consisting of patented, synthetically produced medications.

In 1899, the standard of care included toxic compounds like arsenic and mercury, as well as completely natural ones derived from common plants and foods, but few if any patented drugs. 

The Pharmaceutical Industry Has Always Depended on Natural Medicine

While this may be counintertuivive about the origins of what has become, arguably, the world’s most powerful international pharmaceutical company, namely: natural medicine is still the basis for the vast majority of today's blockbuster pharmaceutical products.

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In fact, 63% (537 of 847 small molecule-based pharmaceuticals) of all drugs introduced since 1981 were derived from natural products or had a natural product-inspired design.

And perhaps even more noteworthy, of the 155 anti-cancer drugs developed since the 1940's, only one would be considered de novo chemical (with absolutely no relationship to inspiration from a natural chemical compound!)

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Thanks to the Gutenberg Project, the original version was released to the public on December 24th, 2012 for free access and distribution, making it possible for millions around the world to see the humble, and surprisingly natural-medicine based origin story of today’s dominant and global pharmaceutical empire.

You can view a fully scanned and text searchable version of the 1899 Merck Manual here

The manual contains reference to hundreds of foods and commonly used natural products, such as arnica, papain, cod liver oil, valerian, camphor and myrrh. [For our readers who have the time and inclination, please list additional natural compounds from the manual in the comments section below this article].

Cannabis, for instance, is listed as a medicine 62 different times, including for the following conditions:

Cannabis Indica: as diuretic in hematuria.

Cannabis Indica: as diuretic in acute and chronic Bright's disease with hematuria.

Cannabis Indica: sometimes useful in chronic cases.

Cannabis Indica: Bladder, Paralysis of...iin retention from spinal disease.

Cannabis Indica: in very chronic cases of Chronic, Bronchitis

Cannabis Indica: Cholera Asiatica.

Cannabis Indica: Chorea: may do good; often increases the choreic movements.

Cannabis Indica: in retention from spinal disease.

Cannabis Indica: Bright’s Disease.

Cannabis Indica: Climacteric Disorders.

Cannabis Indica: Corns

Cannabis Indica: Coughs

Cannabis Indica: in nocturnal delirium occurring in softening of the brain.

Cannabis Indica: Delirium Tremens (associated with Alcoholism)

Consider that the list of remedies in the manual were often food-based.

For example, for Delirium Tremens related to alcoholism, the Merck Manual lists “Beef-tea,” as “most useful,” and “Food: nutritious; more to be depended on than anything else.”
Imagine if a doctor today recommended such “quackery” in todays’ pharmaceutically-dominated paradigm?

As we've discussed previously, even the term "snake oil" comes from the use of snake lipids by Chinese railroad workers as a linament to soothe aching muscles.

And "quack" from the use of mercury amalgams by early dentists.

History has an amazing ability to provide context

Merck’s 1899 incredible compendium of ‘natural cures’ would define the medical practices and thinking of the age, and for at least three more decades.

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This is additionally confirmed through an amazing map of ‘herbal cures’ from 1932 released by Slate, which included medicinal plants in common use among pharmacists and the public back then. The map itself states under the heading 'The Service of Pharmacy':

“It is important that the public does not lose sight of the fact that the professions of Pharmacy, Medicine, and Dentistry, each give an essential service, which must not be impaired or destroyed by commercial trends.

The public and the professions will suffer equally if these services are allowed to deteriorate. In pharmacy the public should understand something of the breadth of knowledge required of the pharmacist.

Few people realize the extent to which plants and minerals enter into the practice of pharmacy, and how vital they are to the maintenance of the public health.

It has been stated that upwards of 70 percent of all medicines employed are plant products.”

Flash forward 80 years and we have a medical system which relies almost entirely on patented chemicals and/or biologicals that are far removed from anything resembling the 'back yard farmacy' of yesteryear.

Click on the image above to view a larger version in a new window

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The FDA's very definition of a drug now precludes the use of natural substances, and drug-based medicine has become a form of human sacrifice,
on a scale that may exceed previous civilizations sacrifice of their population for ostensibly religious reasons.

This map should be shared far and wide and hopefully will shed light on the massive, emergent database of natural substances (there are about 1700 indexed on our website alone) that can be used to treat a staggeringly wide range of health conditions (over 3,000 indexed on our site alone).

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The Healing Web

A Guide to Holisitc & Allopathic Health Care:

Click on the image above to download a high-resolution PDF of the full document

The Great Awakening Report has partnered with Dylan Louis Monroe (@masterconspiracy), the mastermind behind the Deep State Mapping Project in releasing The Healing Web, a map exposing the truth about the health industry, the battles waged against our health, and holistic approaches to treat what ails you.  

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Please download a copy of The Healing Web to use as a reference and guide in your own personal journey to seek and maintain good health.

The Healing Web is a bi-hemisphered index of holistic and pharmacological remedies for most common illnesses and conditions. It’s a visual aid to illustrate the variety of alternative therapies available, and the central importance of diet in treating all diseases.

Western Medicine, though useful at times, is built on toxic treatments that fail to address the true causes of disease, and lure trusting patients into lifelong treatment plans.

The web includes the historical origins of both systems in the upper corners of the diagram.

An optimal approach to healthcare would utilize the best techniques of both systems. Let the Healing Web guide YOU to find lasting physical and spiritual healing.

DISCLAIMER: These statements are intended to inspire you to pursue your own independent research, and should not be used to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. Consult your Higher Self for further guidance.

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Words From the Healing Web

A majority of the 1st World is presently witnessing a catastrophic state of institutional failure in their primary state-sponsored Medical industries.

Hospitals are being built at breakneck speeds to combat a global health crisis, but in reality, it’s not actually a crisis at all but in fact a masterfully orchestrated plan carried out by a sick Cabal of elite profiteers.

Previously known as “Robber Barons”, their wealth goes all !he way back to Pharaoh.

Over centuries, they’ve studied psychology, black magic and alchemy, and used their advanced occult knowledge against the common man.

In a way the Healing Web is comparing the worst of Big Pharma to the best of Holistic medicine.

That may seem biased at first, but as you come to understand the full history, and that Medicine is partially being employed as a tool for mass extermination, Holistic philosophy is clearly the better choice of first resort.

Diet modification alone could prevent or reverse a majority of diseases, but our institutions have misled us on some of the most fundamental aspects of health & nutrition.

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They have lied about what is unhealthy, while at the same time, they’ve taken naturally healthy foods and sapped the nutrition out of them through cooking & pasteurization.

Other foods have been transformed into poison by adding preservatives, and sugar [or toxic chemical sugar replacements.]

Many personal physicians may mean well, but the core of the Medical industry is frightfully corrupt. The interaction between Government, Big Pharma, Big Agra, and Big Food constitutes a perpetual genocide we’ve come to accept as the norm.

Thankfully, we still have a choice. Every condition would benefit from a multifaceted approach to treatment such as a combination of detox, diet, exercise, immune support through supplementation, and energetic and spiritual healing.

A holistic approach can even include a pharmacological treatment, with ancillary natural remedies to minimize side effects.

What is the optimal diet for human health and longevity? Many are struggling to find an answer to this question.

The debate has been polluted with much propaganda and misinformation from every side. Clearly the standard Western diet that most people grew up with was the wrong answer.

Excess sugar and fried food have fueled one of the greatest unacknowledged epidemics man has ever known. Many are switching to a Vegan diet in retaliation to the obvious horrors of factory farming, but is Veganism really the best answer?

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The progression of altruistic dieting from Vegan to Fruitarian, to Liquitarian, to Breatharian ends in severe malnutrition unless one miraculously develops supernatural Buddhist abilities.

This is not a rational long term diet plan for ordinary people. Food anchors our souls to the 3D world. To achieve 5D consciousness through starvation is a form of self destruction, and defeats the purpose of this incarnation.

Many who tried Veganism and experienced negative consequences have now gone back to a Carnivorous diet, and recognize that the mainstream push for Veganism may be part of the New World Order’s depopulation agenda.

We have been indoctrinated with a conception of beauty that idealizes anorexia and the malnourishment of women. Are we being soyed down, and fed frankenfood to make us docile and more easy to manage, as part of the same strategy that gave us water fluoridation and atmospheric aerosol injections?

We are living through a war against our personal health being led by the establishment. To survive, we must go back to what we know is real, natural, and tested by time; organic food, sustainable farming, and raw nutrition.

We’ve developed a culinary culture that involves overcooking everything, destroying beneficial enzymes, bacterial cultures, and proteins. This causes poor digestion and malabsorption of nutrients, which can have a negative domino effect leading to greater systemic illnesses.

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It’s time lo unlearn everything we’ve been taught by the agencies we thought we could trust. Diet aside, the healing technologies being withheld from the public could extend life close to immortality.

The prospect of eternal life may sound alluring, but it raises logistical capacity concerns.

Does humanity have the maturity yet to adhere to a more ethical population regulation strategy that doesn’t rely on mass deception, or are we as a species nothing more than a swarm of locust, pillaging one continent to the next, consuming planet after planet, leaving barren radioactive ruins in our path? Would we be considered a plague by the rest of the galaxy?

Natural law dictates “kill or be killed”, but how does civilization fit into the equation?

All energy and life force is recycled from something that came before it. We are all one, and simultaneously individual refractions of Source.

The universe embodies the Eastern wisdom of Yin and Yang, not the new age mantra “Love and Light”.

Our mission, beyond survival, is to learn how to coexist in harmony with each other and all other sentient life in the universe, to create, and make progress without it devolving into endless consumption, our current societal model.

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Darwinism Is “Full Of Holes” And Obsolete As A Scientific Theory, Declares Yale Professor + Mysterious Fossil Footprints May Cast Doubt On Human Evolution Timeline
September 14 2019 | From: NaturalNews / Uncensored / NewAtlas / Various

A growing number of scientists are abandoning the evolutionary theory once proposed by Charles Darwin, as it simply does not hold up to scientific scrutiny.

One of these Darwin dissenters is David Gelernter, a well-known writer and professor at Yale University who has publicly announced that he is now done with Darwin’s theory because it has too many “holes,” and is painfully outdated.

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On the other hand, “intelligent design,” as it is often called, should not be dismissed, according to Gelernter, because it is a “serious” theory backed by evidence that, in many cases, is far more compelling than anything Darwin and his acolytes have ever presented.

In Gelernter’s view, it is a real shame that “free speech” about opposing theories like this are often squelched through scientific consensus to Darwinism, which he says has become its own “religion” to many of the academics who adhere to it.

Writing in an essay that he entitled, “Giving Up Darwin,” Gelernter notes that one of the foundational tenets of Darwin’s theory of evolution, the idea that a given life form has the ability to evolve into a completely different life form, has basically never been adequately demonstrated using the scientific method.

“Darwin’s theory predicts that new life forms evolve gradually from old ones in a constantly branching, spreading tree of life,” Gelernter explains in his essay.

“Those brave new Cambrian creatures must therefore have had Precambrian predecessors, similar but not quite as fancy and sophisticated,” he adds.

“They could not have all blown out suddenly, like a bunch of geysers. Each must have had a closely related predecessor, which must have had its own predecessors.”

For more about how the scientific establishment rejects opposing theories to Darwinism not as a matter of science, but as a perpetuation of the “religion” of evolution, be sure to check out ScienceTyranny.

The fact that it is virtually impossible to create a functional stable protein proves that Darwin’s theory of evolution is a lie.

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Gelernter also points out in his paper that it remains a “near impossibility” to create a functional stable protein, which means it is even more impossible for one to just pop up randomly in nature as Darwin’s theory of evolution would require.

This alone, it would seem, disproves Darwinism largely on its own, further illustrating the religious nature of believing in evolution, which in many ways has already been thoroughly disproven.

“Immense is so big, and tiny is so small, that neo-Darwinian evolution is – so far – a dead loss,” Gelernter explains.

“Try to mutate your way from 150 links of gibberish to a working, useful protein and you are guaranteed to fail,he goes on to explain.

Try it with ten mutations, a thousand, a million – you fail. The odds bury you. It can’t be done.

Stopping short of actually subscribing to the intelligent design theory, or the idea that an intelligent God created all things, Gelernter does admit that it remains an “absolutely serious argument,” and one that serious, honest scientists would do well to consider as they aim to hone in on the origin of all things.

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However, many establishment scientists patently reject it, and are more than willing to “destroy” anyone who dares to even propose it as a possibility – their closed minds and willful blindness on the subject impairing their ability to engage in any type of critical thinking on the subject.

“What I’ve seen, in their behavior intellectually and at colleges across the West, is nothing approaching free speech on this topic,” Gerlernter says.

“It’s a bitter rejection, not just – a sort of bitter, fundamental, angry, outraged, violent rejection, which comes nowhere near scientific or intellectual discussion. I’ve seen that happen again and again. ‘I’m a Darwinist, don’t you say a word against it, or, I don’t wanna hear it, period.”

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Mysterious Fossil Footprints May Cast Doubt On Human Evolution Timeline

Backing up what the Alternative Archaeology crowd have been saying for years, it seems humans have been around for many millions of years.

The standard model of human evolution seems to be unravelling and it all seems to be realigning to the alternative theories that were being rubbished not so long ago. In fact it all seems to happening with careful timing. But hey, I’m a “tin hatter” so I see conspiracies everywhere!

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As if the Laetoli footprints weren’t controversial enough (they aren’t “Lucy” prints regardless of what her adherents claim, and in fact are indistinguishable from modern human footprints) along comes these bipedal hominid prints pushing the timeline back by millions of years further…and not from Africa!

And  a human foot logically suggests a human body. So there goes “out of Africa” and there goes “Lucy is Eve” out the window.

We share plenty of features with apes, but the shape of our feet isn’t one of them. So that makes the discovery of human-like footprints dating back 5.7 million years – a time when our ancestors were thought to still be getting around on ape-like feet – a surprising one.

Further confounding the mystery is the fact that these prints were found in the Greek islands, implying hominins left Africa much earlier than our current narrative suggests.

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Fossilized bones and footprints have helped us piece together the history of human evolution.

One of the earliest hominins – ancestors of ours that are more closely related to humans than chimps – was a species called Ardipithecus ramidus, which is known from over 100 specimens.

Living about 4.4 million years ago, it had an ape-like foot, with the hallux (the big toe) pointing out sideways rather than falling in line like ours.

Fast-forward about 700,000 years, and a set of footprints from Laetoli in Tanzania shows that a more human foot shape had evolved by then.

Enter the newly-discovered footprints. Found in Trachilos in western Crete, they have a distinctly human-like shape, with a big toe of a similar size, shape and position to ours.

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They appear to have been made by a more primitive hominin than the creature that left the Laetoli prints, but there’s a problem: they also predate Ardipithecus by about 1.3 million years.

That means a human-like foot had evolved much earlier than previously thought, throwing a spanner into the accepted idea that the ape-footed Ardipithecus was a direct human ancestor.

A close-up of one of the 5.7 million-year-old footprints, which shows a remarkably human-like shape from a time when our ancestors were thought to still walk on ape-like feet

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These footprints were fairly clearly dated to the Miocene period, about 5.7 million years ago.

According to the researchers, they lie in a layer of rock just below a distinctive layer that formed when the Mediterranean sea dried out, about 5.6 million years ago.

To further back up the dating, the team analyzed the age of marine microfossils from sections of rock above and below the prints.

But the age of the Trachilos tracks isn't the only mysterious feature about them: where they were found is also key.

Until recently, the fossil record suggested that hominins originated in Africa and didn't expand into Europe and Asia until about 1.8 million years ago.

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But these prints indicate that something with remarkably humanoid feet was traipsing through Greece millions of years earlier than conventional wisdom holds.

Interestingly, this find lines up with another recent discovery that could rewrite human history. Back in May, a study described 7 million-year-old bones of a hominin species called Graecopithecus freybergi, which were discovered in Greece and Bulgaria.

That find represented such a huge discrepancy from the current thinking that the researchers pondered whether it meant that the human and chimp branches of the family tree originally split in Europe, and not Africa.

The new study might correlate that conclusion.

This discovery challenges the established narrative of early human evolution head-on and is likely to generate a lot of debate," says Per Ahlberg, last author of the paper.

"Whether the human origins research community will accept fossil footprints as conclusive evidence of the presence of hominins in the Miocene of Crete remains to be seen."

The research was published in the journal Proceedings of the Geologist's Association.

Possible Hominin Footprints From the Late Miocene (c. 5.7 Ma) of Crete?

We describe late Miocene tetrapod footprints (tracks) from the Trachilos locality in western Crete (Greece), which show hominin-like characteristics.

They occur in an emergent horizon within an otherwise marginal marine succession of Messinian age (latest Miocene), dated to approximately 5.7 Ma (million years), just prior to the Messinian Salinity Crisis.

The tracks indicate that the trackmaker lacked claws, and was bipedal, plantigrade, pentadactyl and strongly entaxonic.

The impression of the large and non-divergent first digit (hallux) has a narrow neck and bulbous asymmetrical distal pad.

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The lateral digit impressions become progressively smaller so that the digital region as a whole is strongly asymmetrical.

A large, rounded ball impression is associated with the hallux. Morphometric analysis shows the footprints to have outlines that are distinct from modern non-hominin primates and resemble those of hominins.

The interpretation of these footprints is potentially controversial.

The print morphology suggests that the trackmaker was a basal member of the clade Hominini, but as Crete is some distance outside the known geographical range of pre-Pleistocene hominins we must also entertain the possibility that they represent a hitherto unknown late Miocene primate that convergently evolved human-like foot anatomy.

Read More Here

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World Extreme Weather: Is It Man Or Something Else?
September 13 2019 | From: GlobalResearch / Various

Our planet seems to be in a growing crisis in terms of agriculture and crop production related to unusual weather shifts.

Many reports in recent months use the term “extreme weather” to describe record heat across Europe this [Northern Hemisphere] summer, record flooding in US Midwest farm states, or record drought across India and major parts of Africa and China.

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Parts of the USA Midwest are undergoing the worst growing conditions since at least the 1980s. In the UK the weather has been ruinous to the grain harvest there.

The crucial question to ask is whether we can assume, as many do, that this is all part of man-made global warming, today renamed climate change, or whether it can be caused by something quite different:

The periodic cycles of solar activity that in the past months have entered what astro-scientists call a “solar minimum.

If it is due to the latter, we are spending huge sums on addressing a wrong problem, in fact trillions of dollars.

Until this July large parts of India were suffering record drought. Chennai reservoirs were down to 0.2% of capacity over the past two years as a severe heat wave saw 99% less water than a year ago.

Acute water shortages have forced thousands to flee their villages.

Though in early August above-average monsoon seasonal rains relieved the situation in some parts, so far the rainfall is far from adequate to restore empty reservoirs across India.

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In China severe drought has left about 800,000 hectares of crops affected in northern China’s Hebei Province with rainfall some 55% below normal.

That comes as a devastation of China’s pig population from the deadly African Swine Fever spreads and crops across the country are being destroyed by a plague of Army Fallworm infestation that is resistant to most weed-killers.

At the same time record rains have devastated agriculture in key growing regions. In the UK excessive rainfall in August has brought the wheat harvest to a halt according to the National Farmers’ Union.

Across the major US Midwest record snowfall in winter, coupled with record rains this spring, have severely delayed plantings for corn and soybeans.

The twelve months through July have been the wettest on record in the Midwest grain belt resulting in millions of acres going unplanted.

In Africa, Zambia is experiencing the worst drought since 1981, and severe drought in other African countries is reported.

Solar Minimum…

The events have been dramatized by various advocacy groups and political parties as proof that man-made global warming - emissions of CO2 from industry, coal plants, cars and the like - are the cause.

We are being inundated with proposals for new taxes in the hundreds of billions of dollars in especially the European Union, taxes that we are told are needed to solve this problem. What if we are focused on the wrong cause-effect relation?

Recent research suggests that we have been too limited in our science and are ignoring what is likely orders of magnitude a greater influence in world weather and its shifts than any manmade emissions.

What is relevant to this discussion is the fact that no linear climate model used by the UN IPCC or any of the hundreds of climate think tanks around the world are able to model what is by far the greatest single factor affecting our weather, the “moody” sun.

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What astrophysicists have documented is that our sun - by far the greatest factor for whether we experience heat or cold spells, El Nino Pacific events, or severe volcanic or earthquake activity as in the past months - that the sun undergoes a complex cyclical series of intense activity followed by declining activity, activity commonly known as sunspots or solar eruptions, huge electro-magnetic events.

Typically the sun eruptions come in roughly 11 year cycles of peaks and lows. These cycles overlay longer cycles and relate to the highly complex motion of our solar system in the universe.

Currently since 2018 we are experiencing a period of significant decline in solar activity, a solar minimum. The last such was during 2008-2009. 

There is convincing evidence that this minimum will be what is called a Grand Solar Minimum, far more than any in the recent decades. What are observable effects of such cyclical solar minimum periods?

Cosmic Rays and Clouds

According to astrophysicists, when the sun’s magnetic field weakens, the outward pressure of the solar wind decreases.

This allows more cosmic rays to penetrate our planet’s atmosphere. In turn the cosmic rays hitting Earth’s atmosphere create aerosols which, in turn, seed clouds. According to Dr Roy Spencer;

Clouds are the Earth’s sunshade, and if cloud cover changes for any reason, you have global warming, or global cooling.”

Hurricane Dorian Microwave Beam Proof

This shows proof of a microwave beam, weakening and steering Hurricane Dorian, before it hit the North Carolina coast.

The beam comes from an SBX type megawatt microwave transmitter at a Marine Air Base.

The US navy is not going to be happy about this video. This microwave technology is killing the oceans, by punching hundreds of holes in the ozone layer, every week.

These microwave beams are weapons, killing Mother Nature, herself. We humans, who have awareness of these doomsday technologies, must speak out, and shut them down. Simply disclosing these devices MAY be enough to curtail their use. So please add your voice to help stop the deliberate killing of OUR planet!

Geoengineering And Weather Modification Exposed

The US Government’s National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) says;

All weather on Earth, from the surface of the planet out into space, begins with the Sun.

Space weather and terrestrial weather (the weather we feel at the surface) are influenced by the small changes the Sun undergoes during its solar cycle

The most important impact the Sun has on Earth is from the brightness or irradiance of the Sun itself.

What are the effects of a weaker solar activity, a more dormant cycle as we now experience of less solar energy or irradiance reaching Earth?

In addition to increased cloud coverage globally, the vital jet streams weaken and volcanic activity increases, along with earth quakes, combined with erratic unpredictable weather.

The Earth’s magnetosphere, which normally locks the Jet Stream in place, weakens, and that in turn causes the stable Jet Stream to shift South as it did in January 2019 in North America causing the record cold and snows across the USA Midwest.

In some regions there will be significantly more drought while in others significant flooding with major effect on world food production possible.

The weaker solar activity, known as Solar Minimum, also correlates with a global cooling trend. This has been documented going back centuries and longer.

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The current solar cycle, called by NASA the Number 24 Cycle, peaked in early 2014 before starting its measurable decline in annual sunspot activity. The minimum is predicted to take place in 2020. It could last for years. Some predict a new “mini Ice Age.”

The subject is complex and vastly under-researched as we focus instead almost exclusively on man-made changes or possible changes to our weather with simplistic computer models.

If the coming winter in the Northern Hemisphere is anything like the past one, it should prompt us to take this solar component of our climate seriously.

By refusing to promote vigorous new research, we run a real risk in coming years of being unprepared for dramatic harvest failures globally at a time when most OECD governments have decided to eliminate emergency public grain reserves, and our food supply is organized on a “just-in-time” system.

Science is not about “consensus,” but rather about discovering truth, however controversial.

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Cancer, Cancer Everywhere... But Not In The Elite's Presidential Suites
September 12 2019 | From: ActivistPost

A recent cancer symposium, with a surgical focus, met in Boston to discuss how surgical oncology is experiencing “an exciting evolution and the ways in which we treat cancer are changing.”

However, there are indications that the cure for cancer may have already been found and that those who have it are keeping it close to their chests.

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In order to support this contention, which may be seen as alarming and extreme, one must look at the rates of cancer among the general population and compare these to the rates of cancer deaths among world leaders.

And the latter is almost non-existent.

In the US, cancer is the second leading cause of death, exceeded only by heart disease. According to recently breaking news, Australia now lists cancer as its leading cause of death. In the rest of the developed world, cancer is near the top of the list.

A recent list published by the World Cancer Research Fund International shows that Denmark leads the pack in terms of cancer rates

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Indeed, the list of the fifty countries with the highest cancer rates might lead one to believe that cancer is a disease of prosperity. Conspicuously absent from the list are countries in the Third World - in particular Africa.

Cancer will fell approximately ¼ of all those living in the developed world. However, this particular manifestation of the Grim Reaper gives world leaders a wide berth.

Since 1980, when the exiled Shah of Iran succumbed to lymphatic cancer in Egypt, the deaths by cancer of those leading their nations can be counted on the fingers of one hand. And what is most telling about those on this short list is where they stood on the political spectrum.

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Hugo Chavez, the colorful and controversial President of Venezuela between 1999-2013, was a Socialist and prominent adversary of US foreign policy and neo-liberalism. Before succumbing to cancer in 2013, Chavez made a much publicized radio announcement in which he speculated that the US government gave him cancer.

Chavez has been quoted as saying, “Would it be so strange that they’ve invented the technology to spread cancer and we won’t know about it for 50 years?” He is also quoted as saying:

“Fidel [Castro] always told me, ‘Chávez take care. These people have developed technology. You are very careless. Take care what you eat, what they give you to eat... a little needle and they inject you with I don’t know what.’ ”

Since his death Venezuela has crumbled into economic chaos.

Vaclav Havel, who was the last president of Czechoslovakia and the first President of the Czech Republic, is somewhat of a more ambiguous character.

While he is seen as being a pivotal player in breaking up the Soviet bloc, and therefore bringing what is popularly termed “democracy” to a formerly Communist country, he may have also been serving US and CIA interests, either unintentionally or otherwise.

In his period of political dissidence, prior to ascending to power, Havel was imprisoned a number of times, the longest incarceration being four years. As President, Havel was instrumental in dismantling the Warsaw Pact and expanding NATO into Eastern European countries. Havel died of lung cancer in 2011 at the age of 75.

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Jack Layton, the head of Canada’s New Democratic Party, succumbed to “an unspecified, newly diagnosed” cancer in 2011.

The NDP occupies the furthest left of Canada’s political spectrum. Indeed, there has never been an NDP head of state in Canada.

So when the NDP swept the national parliamentary elections in 2011, winning 103 seats, the NDP became Canada’s Official Opposition. Layton’s tenancy as head of the opposition was short lived, however. Layton succumbed to cancer less than four months later, passing on in August of 2011.

He had been committed to ousting the conservative Harper government. Following Layton’s death, the NDP tumbled from its position and currently occupies third place in Canada’s parliament.

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As Prime Minister of the tiny island of Barbados, David Thompson could only marginally have been considered a world leader. The population of Barbados is less than 300,000, mostly black. Barbados, also known as “Little England,” is an independent state with the British monarch as hereditary head of state.

Thompson was in office from 2008 until October of 2010, when he passed away from pancreatic cancer, one of the most deadly forms of the Big C.

Statistically, since cancer is listed as cause of death in roughly ¼ of all deaths, one might logically expect that one quarter of the US Presidents and one quarter of the US Vice Presidents, to pick one example, would have cancer listed as cause of death.

With 44 Presidents and 47 Vice Presidents, one might think that somewhere in the realm of 24 or so might have succumbed to cancer.

However, there are none. Zero. Zilch. A search for cancer as a cause of death for German, French or British leaders in the past forty years produces only one name, that of former French President Francois Mitterrand, who succumbed to prostate cancer in 1996 at the age of 80.

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Mitterrand was the first French President who was a Socialist and he led the nation for fourteen years, as its longest serving President.

Since the 1972 throat cancer death of Edward VIII - who abdicated the throne in 1936 - no members of British royalty have died of cancer.

In October of this year, the World Cancer Leaders’ Summit will be convening in Paris, France. The announcement for this Summit states that “The World Cancer Leaders’ Summit brings together global decision makers who can shape the way our generation addresses the task of eliminating cancer as a life threatening disease for future generations.”

Their announcement also states:

“The Summit plays a pivotal role in this portfolio of global events by ensuring that the 2020 targets detailed in the World Cancer Declaration are appropriately recognised and addressed at the highest political levels.”

However, those at the “highest political levels” are often seen as escaping repercussions for criminal behavior and worse. The idea of the “Teflon-coated” political elite is an idea that has now gained general - albeit grim - acceptance.

Given the probability that the cure may already exist, in light of the unusual lack of incidence of fatal cancers afflicting the powerful, one might want to ask the Summit if the world leaders might be willing to share... please?

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