Do you get a sense, that something is wrong, like that dissonance, that does not belong?
As we move through the journey of life, many people are experiencing a sense of dis-ease, that something is off-kilter, that the narratives we are receiving do not match the reality we are experiencing. There is great hope in this knowledge because once one recognizes this dissonance the process of awakening begins.
Related: Loneliness – The Dilemma Of The Awakening Mind
Deep down way inside, you may have suspicions that much what we're told, are but veiled omissions.
The narratives are controlled by a small handful of people who determine what issues and discussions we should be examining.
As we watch the main stream news and follow social media, the news and discussions we see are mostly spectacle designed to boost ratings with little or no coverage of the real issues such as: our wars without end, corporate and big money control of government and media, or anything critical of the powers that be.
Most of the journalists we see on the main stream media are basically celebrity faces who no longer practice journalism, but are simply parroting what those in power want them to say with little effort made to investigate and corroborate the stories.
There is great hope in recognizing this knowledge, as it allows one to view the narratives more critically and to filter out what does not resonate with them.
Why do we listen, to those who would divide those who leave us empty, with our humanity denied
Both of the main stream political parties support the Military/Industrial/Security Complex.
Both of the main stream political parties support the multiple simultaneous wars and occupations of other nations.
Both of the main stream political parties support a foreign policy of economic and military sanctions on nations that wish to pursue paths that do not fit interests of the global central banking system.
Both of the main stream political parties support their corporate donors over their constituents.
Both of the main stream political parties voted to extend the surveillance of citizens.
Both of the main stream political parties have made little or no attempt to stop the flood of big money into political campaigns.
However, the powers that be are very successful at projecting that there is a real difference between the two political parties [This is an American article, but the principle is the same throughout the West].
Both political parties are successful in getting people to fight each other over social issues that in the big picture are really not the key issues.
Then, as long as the people are focused on fighting each other, those who orchestrated this fight enjoy the benefits of this effective diversion, keeping people from paying attention to the criminal syndicate that has taken over the government.
There is great hope in recognizing this old divide and conquer tactic because once one does recognize it, one can stop fearing or hating "the other" and recognize that we have far more in common than what is dividing us.
We can stop with name calling and finger pointing, and instead engage in meaningful conversations.
So many listen to the main stream media where sensationalism such as murders, car crashes, kidnappings, sex scandals and the like dominate the content. This is the same media where 90% of the media is owned by 6 corporations.
One does not need a PhD to understand that this concentration of control over the narrative that people experience is not a positive development. Those that control the news keep the masses living in fear. This fear can take many forms, but often it is physical, economic, or social.
This is the same media that now has 36% of its hourly content filled with commercials. The fact that people are recognizing this is good news because they will become more discerning about who they give their money to. They will start to question whether they really need that product or service, or do they just want it.
Once we will awaken, things won't be the same we will manifest, an end to their game. Once we will awaken, the angels will observe as those with dark souls, we'll no longer serve.
Our current political system has been totally corrupted by those with vast accumulations of money. This cuts across all ideologies and political party lines. This system of legal bribery has even been ratified by the highest court in the land which opened the floodgates to even more money corroding our system.
How can someone represent you when they are being paid millions to represent others? What we need now goes beyond simple reforms and enters the realm of transformational change.
Many articles and videos (mostly those in the alternative media space) connect these dots so that more and more people are becoming aware. This awareness or awakening is a critical step as it opens up the possibility for transformational change to take place.
The changes we are seeking will not take place from the top down, they will take place from the bottom up. Those who benefit from the current paradigm have little motivation to implement meaningful changes.
Once we are ready to accept our own roles in this process, we will realize that what needs to happen is that we have to change ourselves.
Once we stop playing their game of competing with each other, we will start cooperating instead. Local, self sufficient, and resilient communities will spring up like wild flowers in a field where they grow much of their own food, start their own currencies, and their citizens will stop buying from the big corporations, instead they will patronize their local businesses.
The current system of how we create and distribute money is at the very heart of most of the problems we face.
It is absolutely amazing that people will work a significant portion of their lives away to earn money, and yet have only the most elementary understanding of how our debt based monetary system works.
This debt based monetary system perpetuates and amplifies the inequalities of how Earth's abundant resources are distributed. Our very existence on this planet is being threatened as unlimited economic growth within a finite biosphere remains the current paradigm.
Until we move to a totally new monetary system, we are only hacking away at branches, and not getting to the root of the problem. There can be no effective transformation of our societies until this happens.
The models for a new monetary system are already in place. However the private individuals who have been given the monopoly power to create money and are benefiting from the current system will fight to make sure that knowledge of these systems does not spread widely.
Those benefiting from the current system will work hard to make sure it stays firmly entrenched. When was the last time you heard a corporate media network discuss monetary reform?
Once we have local control of money, food production, energy generation, and governance, the current paradigm of corporate and big money control of our systems will simply become obsolete. It will simply fade into oblivion as it becomes less and less relevant. There will be no need to confront the system. Once we awaken and change our ways, we will "manifest an end to their game".
Those who sell their souls, for their daily bread may not take the time, to think of what's ahead.
There have always been those who would sell their souls and use the excuse "it's my job" to justify their actions.
[Looking at the likes of you Jacinda and Rebecca. *Waves*].
From those who tortured Jesus to more modern times with concentration camp guards to even more currently the mercenaries who were hired to confront those seeking to protect their water supplies from pipeline companies.
Think about this, these mercenaries are people who left the communities they pledged to "protect and serve" to answer a call to "protect and serve" corporate interests in another community, while these same corporate interests were placing local people's water supplies at serious risk.
These mercenaries were the tip of the spear, there were many behind the scenes who acted as enablers for their behaviors. There were the corporate executives, prosecutors, judges, minor bureaucrats, and politicians without whose support, such injustices could never take place.
"It was my job" is not an acceptable response when it curtails the access of life sustaining necessities of fellow human beings.
It is very easy to develop an "I see nothing" attitude, or to allow oneself to be silenced by monetary gain by "playing along" with those who control and manipulate the system. It is time to witness, it is time to speak up, it is time to resist when you see injustice taking place.
Once we awaken we will no longer serve those who think only of themselves and their own self serving schemes.
YOU can start making a huge difference by the way you spend YOUR money. Think about this, when you give your money to someone or some corporation, as you are transferring some of your your power to them. Is this really something you wish to do?
Do you shop at a local merchant or do you save that 35 cents by buying from Amazon? Do you give a percentage of every purchase to the big banks by using credit cards or do you pay in cash?
Do you buy animal products humanely produced? Do you buy organic food or food produced using chemicals that threaten our ecosystem (and your health?)
Do you bank at a "too big to fail bank" or a local community bank or Credit Union? Sometimes the lowest price or convenience is not the best buy and can carry an even higher unseen cost.
As we develop our own resilient local communities and economies, our dependencies on the corporate model will be reduced, weakening their tight grip on us. Mother Teresa once said "I alone cannot change the world, but I can cast a stone across the waters to create many ripples."
This is the best part of the awakening process. It is easy to think that the problems we face are overwhelming and that nothing can be done.
Once we awaken we become aware of others who have broken free. It is very empowering once we realize we are not alone. A critical mass is forming. It turns out that it takes only 10% of a population to bring about real changes.
We live in a world of abundance. There is enough air, water, and food for every person, animal, and plant on the planet. We have the resources and ability to make our existence here a paradise, to continue to develop socially, intellectually, emotionally, and spiritually.
It is within our power to create a true golden age on this blue oasis floating through space and attain wondrous levels of development on a personal, family, community, regional, and global level while creating this paradise.
Enough Is Enough: The World Wide Web's Creator Is Taking The Power Back October 14 2018 | From: Forbes / Various
Following a disastrous Facebook security breach affecting 50 million people, maybe it's not a coincidence that the famed creator of the World Wide Web, Tim Berners-Lee, chose recently to unveil an ambitious new plan to overhaul the web as we know it.
For the last several years Berners-Lee has been secretly toiling away alongside colleagues at MIT on a new open-source project called Solid, a decentralized privacy-focused ecosystem that will reshape the web and "restore the power and agency of the individuals" using it.
Now he's taken a sabbatical from MIT to focus exclusively on his new project.
“Solid changes the current model where users have to hand over personal data to digital giants in exchange for perceived value," Berners-Lee writes in a passionate blog post for his new company Inrupt.
"As we’ve all discovered, this hasn’t been in our best interests."
Indeed, continued confusion over reliable privacy settings (and whether or not they'll stick once we select them) and repeated breaches of our personal data is the price we pay for convenience. Bryan Lunduke boiled it all down on Twitter:
So what does Solid do to change that? Its foundation starts with Solid PODs, which Berners-Lee describes as secure USB sticks for the Web.
On these you can store any manner of data and choose which apps in the ecosystem are allowed to interact with it.
From comments and documents you write to calendar items to family photos and videos, even data that's gathered from a fitness band or smartwatch. Pretty much anything digital that's yours.
“People want to have a web they can trust. People want apps that help them do what they want and need to do - without spying on them. Apps that don’t have an ulterior motive of distracting them with propositions to buy this or that."
- Tim Berners-Lee
These Solid PODs are stored wherever you want them to exist, be it at home or at work or a Solid service provider.
And the only people with any access to the data are you and the people you choose.
Not web giants who use it to "personalize" advertising or inadvertently leak your information. Berners-Lee emphasizes that since you own your data, you can move it whenever you want. No interruption of service, no penalties.
“You give people and your apps permission to read or write to parts of your Solid POD. So whenever you’re opening up a new app, you don’t have to fill out your details ever again: they are read from your POD with your permission. Things saved through one app are available in another: you never have to sync, because your data stays with you.
This approach protects your privacy and is also great for developers: they can build cool apps without harvesting massive amounts of data first. Anyone can create an app that leverages what is already there."
In an interview with Fast Times, Berners-Lee demonstrated an early version of an app running on Solid.
Author Katrina Brooker describes it as "a mashup of Google Drive, Microsoft Outlook, Slack, Spotify, and WhatsApp." The difference, she explains, is that every every scrap of data there is exclusively under his control.
Right now Solid and parent company Inrupt are recruiting developers and users, with the promise that apps are coming. It looks like users can even obtain a Solid POD right now, although its functionality is probably limited without a robust ecosystem in place. I can't wait until that happens.
You can keep up with Solid's progress via a mailing list, and there a few community portals here.
Given the man's pedigree, I think Solid is something that the handful of internet behemoths will be watching very closely. Asked about this by Fast Company, Berners-Lee responded thusly:
“We are not talking to Facebook and Google about whether or not to introduce a complete change where all their business models are completely upended overnight. We are not asking their permission.”
Imagine a private, global supercourt that empowers corporations to bend countries to their will.
Say a nation tries to prosecute a corrupt CEO or ban dangerous pollution. Imagine that a company could turn to this super court and sue the whole country for daring to interfere with its profits, demanding hundreds of millions or even billions of dollars as retribution.
Imagine that this court is so powerful that nations often must heed its rulings as if they came from their own supreme courts, with no meaningful way to appeal.
That it operates unconstrained by precedent or any significant public oversight, often keeping its proceedings and sometimes even its decisions secret.
That the people who decide its cases are largely elite Western corporate attorneys who have a vested interest in expanding the court’s authority because they profit from it directly, arguing cases one day and then sitting in judgment another.
That some of them half-jokingly refer to themselves as “The Club” or “The Mafia.”
And imagine that the penalties this court has imposed have been so crushing - and its decisions so unpredictable - that some nations dare not risk a trial, responding to the mere threat of a lawsuit by offering vast concessions, such as rolling back their own laws or even wiping away the punishments of convicted criminals.
This system is already in place, operating behind closed doors in office buildings and conference rooms in cities around the world.
Known as investor-state dispute settlement, or ISDS, it is written into a vast network of treaties that govern international trade and investment, including NAFTA and the Trans-Pacific Partnership, which Congress must soon decide whether to ratify.
These trade pacts have become a flashpoint in the US presidential campaign. But an 18-month BuzzFeed News investigation, spanning three continents and involving more than 200 interviews and tens of thousands of documents, many of them previously confidential, has exposed an obscure but immensely consequential feature of these trade treaties, the secret operations of these tribunals, and the ways that business has co-opted them to bring sovereign nations to heel.
The BuzzFeed News investigation explores four different aspects of ISDS. In coming days, it will show how the mere threat of an ISDS case can intimidate a nation into gutting its own laws, how some financial firms have transformed what was intended to be a system of justice into an engine of profit, and how America is surprisingly vulnerable to suits from foreign companies.
The series starts today with perhaps the least known and most jarring revelation:
Companies and executives accused or even convicted of crimes have escaped punishment by turning to this special forum. Based on exclusive reporting from the Middle East, Central America, and Asia, BuzzFeed News has found the following:
A Dubai real estate mogul and former business partner of Donald Trump [not that that means anything, he's had hundreds of business partners] was sentenced to prison for collaborating on a deal that would swindle the Egyptian people out of millions of dollars - but then he turned to ISDS and got his prison sentence wiped away.
In El Salvador, a court found that a factory had poisoned a village - including dozens of children - with lead, failing for years to take government-ordered steps to prevent the toxic metal from seeping out. But the factory owners’ lawyers used ISDS to help the company dodge a criminal conviction and the responsibility for cleaning up the area and providing needed medical care.
Two financiers convicted of embezzling more than $300 million from an Indonesian bank used an ISDS finding to fend off Interpol, shield their assets, and effectively nullify their punishment.
When the US Congress votes on whether to give final approval to the sprawling Trans-Pacific Partnership, which President Barack Obama staunchly supports, it will be deciding on a massive expansion of ISDS. Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton oppose the overall treaty, but they have focused mainly on what they say would be the loss of American jobs.
Clinton’s running mate, Tim Kaine, has voiced concern about ISDS in particular, and Sen. Elizabeth Warren has lambasted it. Last year, members of both houses of Congress tried to keep it out of the Pacific trade deal. They failed.
ISDS is basically binding arbitration on a global scale, designed to settle disputes between countries and foreign companies that do business within their borders. Different treaties can mandate slightly different rules, but the system is broadly the same.
When companies sue, their cases are usually heard in front of a tribunal of three arbitrators, often private attorneys. The business appoints one arbitrator and the country another, then both sides usually decide on the third together.
Conceived of in the 1950s, the system was intended to benefit both developing nations and the foreign companies that sought to invest in them.
The companies would gain a fair, neutral referee if a rogue regime seized their property or discriminated against them in favor of domestic companies. And the countries would gain the roads or hospitals or industries that those foreign corporations would, as a result, feel confident building.
“It works,” said Charles Brower, a longtime ISDS arbitrator. “Like any system of law, there will be disappointments; you’re dealing with human systems. But this system fundamentally produces as good justice as the federal courts of the United States.” [Not a benchmarch which should be aspired to.]
Charles Brower
He defended the lawyers who often serve as arbitrators, saying they:
"Are very aware of their responsibilities. Unlike politicians, we are up for election every minute of every day - somewhere in the world, somebody is trying to figure out whom to appoint in a case. We’re only as good as our reputations.”
As proof that ISDS delivers justice, Brower pointed to a wave of nationalizations by the Venezuelan government, many while Hugo Chávez was in charge, that led to:
"Huge awards against them for uncompensated expropriation.”
ISDS has not only put rapacious leaders on notice, its defenders say, but it has also encouraged investment, especially in poor countries, helping to raise overall economic development.
Some even say that it helps avoid gunboat diplomacy and tense international showdowns because countries have agreed on a forum where they can resolve disputes involving major investments.
But over the last two decades, ISDS has morphed from a rarely used last resort, designed for egregious cases of state theft or blatant discrimination, into a powerful tool that corporations brandish ever more frequently, often against broad public policies that they claim crimp profits.
Because the system is so secretive, it is not possible to know the total number of ISDS cases, but lawyers in the field say it is skyrocketing. Indeed, of the almost 700 publicly known cases across the last half century, more than a tenth were filed just last year.
Driving this expansion are the lawyers themselves. They have devised new and creative ways to deploy ISDS, and in the process bill millions to both the businesses and the governments they represent. At posh locales around the globe, members of The Club meet to swap strategies and drum up potential clients, some of which are household names, such as ExxonMobil or Eli Lilly, but many more of which are much lower profile.
In specialty publications, the lawyers suggest novel ways to use ISDS as leverage against governments. It’s a sort of sophisticated, international version of the plaintiff’s attorney TV ad or billboard: Has your business been harmed by an increase in mining royalties in Mali? Our experienced team of lawyers may be able to help.
A few of their ideas: Sue Libya for failing to protect an oil facility during a civil war. Sue Spain for reducing solar energy incentives as a severe recession forced the government to make budget cuts. Sue India for allowing a generic drug company to make a cheaper version of a cancer drug.
In a little-noticed 2014 dissent, US Chief Justice John Roberts warned that ISDS arbitration panels hold the alarming power to review a nation’s laws and “effectively annul the authoritative acts of its legislature, executive, and judiciary.” ISDS arbitrators, he continued, “can meet literally anywhere in the world” and “sit in judgment” on a nation’s “sovereign acts.”
That fate has not yet befallen the United States - but largely because of sheer luck, former government lawyers said.
In theory, ISDS arbitrators must follow the rules laid down in trade pacts.
But in practice, they have interpreted the vague language of many treaties as enshrining broad, unwritten rights far beyond protections against property seizures and blatant discrimination - even finding, in one case, a right to a “reasonable rate of return.”
Some entrepreneurial lawyers scout for ways to make money from ISDS.
Selvyn Seidel, an attorney who represented clients in ISDS suits, now runs a specialty firm, one that finds investors willing to fund promising suits for a cut of the eventual award.
Some lawyers, he said, monitor governments around the world in search of proposed laws and regulations that might spark objections from foreign companies.
"Huge awards against them for uncompensated expropriation.”
“You know it’s coming down the road,” he said, “so, in that year before it’s actually changed, you can line up the right claimants and the right law firms to bring a number of cases.”
The US officials who negotiated the Trans-Pacific Partnership have argued that it contains new ISDS safeguards, including opening up hearings and legal filings to the public.
The changes, however, have loopholes, and lawyers at some big firms are already advising clients how they might use the new deal to their benefit.
Opposition to ISDS is spreading across the political spectrum, with groups on the left and right attacking the system.
Around the world, a growing number of countries are pushing for reforms or pulling out entirely.
But most of the alarm has been focused on the potential use of ISDS by corporations to roll back public-interest laws, such as those banning the use of hazardous chemicals or raising the minimum wage.
The system’s usefulness as a shield for the criminal and the corrupt has remained virtually unknown.
Reviewing publicly available information for about 300 claims filed during the past five years, BuzzFeed News found more than 35 cases in which the company or executive seeking protection in ISDS was accused of criminal activity, including money laundering, embezzlement, stock manipulation, bribery, war profiteering, and fraud.
Among them: a bank in Cyprus that the US government accused of financing terrorism and organized crime, an oil company executive accused of embezzling millions from the impoverished African nation of Burundi, and the Russian oligarch known as “the Kremlin’s banker.”
Some are at the center of notorious scandals, from the billionaire accused of orchestrating a massive Ponzi scheme in Mauritius to multiple telecommunications tycoons charged in the ever-widening “2G scam” in India, which made it into Time magazine’s top 10 abuses of power, alongside Watergate.
The companies or executives involved in these cases either denied wrongdoing or did not respond to requests for comment.
Most of the 35-plus cases are still ongoing. But in at least eight of the cases, bringing an ISDS claim got results for the accused wrongdoers, including a multimillion-dollar award, a dropped criminal investigation, and dropped criminal charges. In another, the tribunal has directed the government to halt a criminal case while the arbitration is pending.
Of course, there are governments that don’t have clean hands themselves, and some claims by businesses have been justified. The legal systems of some countries are flagrantly unfair or riddled with corruption.
Moreover, authoritarian or kleptocratic regimes sometimes do use their justice systems as political weapons. For example, arbitrators ordered Russia to pay compensation after finding that Vladimir Putin and his administration had used criminal and tax proceedings to destroy his political rival Mikhail Khodorkovsky’s oil company.
Lawyers say that some governments, faced with a legitimate ISDS claim, will even trump up a criminal charge to deflect from their own wrongdoing. For example, arbitrators found there was evidence suggesting that Bolivia had launched a fraud case against mining-company executives as a ploy to get the company’s ISDS claim thrown out.
But even some members of The Club said they were concerned by how often credible allegations of criminality arise. Many ISDS lawyers say that the system helps promote the rule of law around the world.
If ISDS is seen as protecting criminals, they fear, it could delegitimize a system that is working well for many others.
One lawyer who regularly represents governments said he’s seen evidence of corporate criminality that he “couldn’t believe.”
Speaking on the condition that he not be named because he’s currently handling ISDS cases, he said;
“You have a lot of scuzzy sort-of thieves for whom this is a way to hit the jackpot.”
Read the full accounts of what happened in the cases of Egypt, El Salvador and Indonesia at: Buzzfeed
Be advised: If the TPPA / TTIP et al were ratified, it would be these pricks coming to rape our countries.
“We Are The Death Merchant Of The World”: Ex-Bush Official Lawrence Wilkerson Condemns Military-Industrial Complex
October 12 2018 | From: Salon / Various The military-industrial complex "is much more pernicious than Eisenhower ever thought," says the retired US colonel.
Col. Lawrence Wilkerson is tired of “the corporate interests that we go abroad to slay monsters for.”
As the former chief of staff to Secretary of State Colin Powell, Wilkerson played an important role in the George W. Bush administration. In the years since, however, the former Bush official has established himself as a prominent critic of U.S. foreign policy.
“I think Smedley Butler was onto something,” explained Lawrence Wilkerson, in an extended interview with Salon.
In his day, in the early 20th century, Butler was the highest ranked and most honored official in the history of the U.S. Marine Corps. He helped lead wars throughout the world over a series of decades, before later becoming a vociferous opponent of American imperialism, declaring “war is a racket.”
Wilkerson spoke highly of Butler, referencing the late general’s famous quote:
“Looking back on it, I might have given Al Capone a few hints. The best he could do was to operate his racket in three districts. I operated on three continents.”
“I think the problem that Smedley identified, quite eloquently actually,” Wilkerson said, “especially for a Marine - I had to say that as a soldier,” the retired Army colonel added with a laugh;
“I think the problem is much deeper and more profound today, and much more subtle and sophisticated.”
Today, the military-industrial complex “is much more pernicious than Eisenhower ever thought it would be,” Wilkerson warned.
In his farewell address in 1961, former President Dwight D. Eisenhower famously cautioned Americans that the military and corporate interests were increasingly working together, contrary to the best interests of the citizenry. He called this phenomenon the military-industrial complex.
As a case study of how the contemporary military-industrial complex works, Wilkerson pointed to leading weapons corporations like Lockheed Martin, and their work with draconian, repressive Western-allied regimes in the Gulf, or in inflaming tensions in Korea.
“Was Bill Clinton’s expansion of NATO - after George H. W. Bush and [his Secretary of State] James Baker had assured Gorbachev and then Yeltsin that we wouldn’t go an inch further east - was this for Lockheed Martin, and Raytheon, and Boeing, and others, to increase their network of potential weapon sales?” Wilkerson asked.
“You bet it was,” he answered.
“Is there a penchant on behalf of the Congress to bless the use of force more often than not because of the constituencies they have and the money they get from the defense contractors?” Wilkerson continued.
Again, he answered his own question: “You bet.”
“It’s not like Dick Cheney or someone like that went and said let’s have a war because we want to make money for Halliburton, but it is a pernicious on decision-making,” the former Bush official explained.
“And the fact that they donate so much money to congressional elections and to PACs and so forth is another pernicious influence.”
“Those who deny this are just being utterly naive, or they are complicit too,” Wilkerson added.
“And some of my best friends work for Lockheed Martin,” along with Raytheon, Boeing and Halliburton, he quipped.
Wilkerson - who in the same interview with Salon defended Edward Snowden, saying the whistle-blower performed an important service and did not endanger U.S. national security - was also intensely critical of the growing movement to “privatize public functions, like prisons.”
Col. Lawrence Wilkerson
“I fault us Republicans for this majorly,” he confessed - although a good many prominent Democrats have also jumped on the neoliberal bandwagon.
In a 2011 speech, for instance, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton declared, “It’s time for the United States to start thinking of Iraq as a business opportunity” for U.S. corporations.
Wilkerson lamented, “We’ve privatized the ultimate public function: war.”
“In many respects it is now private interests that benefit most from our use of military force,” he continued.
“Whether it’s private security contractors, that are still all over Iraq or Afghanistan, or it’s the bigger-known defense contractors, like the number one in the world, Lockheed Martin.”
Journalist Antony Loewenstein detailed how the U.S. privatized its wars in Iraq and Afghanistan in another interview with Salon. There are an estimated 30,000 military contractors working for the Pentagon in Afghanistan today; they outnumber U.S. troops three-to-one. Thousands more are in Iraq.
Lockheed Martin simply “plans to sell every aspect of missile defense that it can,” regardless of whether it is needed, Wilkerson said. And what is best to maximize corporate interest is by no means necessarily the same as what is best for average citizens.
“We dwarf the Russians or anyone else who sells weapons in the world,” the retired Army colonel continued.
How ‘Science’ Is Used To Deceive The Public
October 11 2018 | From: NexusNewsFeed Did you know that there was a shocking study published in the Public Library of Science Journal, that found“up to 72%” of scientists admitted their colleagues were engaged in “questionable research practices,” and that just over 14% of them were engaged in outright “falsification”?
What they found was shocking; only 6 of the 53 studies could be proven valid. That means almost 90% were flawed, yet passed off to the public as fact. [3]
In other words, there’s a lot of scientific bullshit floating around my friends.
This becomes especially concerning when we consider how “science” seems to have replaced organized religion as the new authority that should blindly be obeyed in many ways.
People speak of it as if it is infallible, and anyone who questions the high priests of science are generally attacked, degraded, and dismissed as modern day heretics.
But science, just like any religion, is not a god that only speaks unadulterated Truth.
It is far from being infallible and is constantly in need of being updated, upgraded, challenged, revised, and changed, for the simple fact that science is subject to the narrow confines of mankind’s tiny flawed human perception; which is forever growing and expanding - and easily skewed by things like prejudice, pride, and corruption.
In and of itself, science is obviously inanimate and can do neither good nor bad because it has no mind of its own.
It is not a person, so we need to stop talking about science like it is a super hero. It is simply a vehicle that requires a driver, and the destination obviously differs from one driver to the next.
While some may have the earnest pursuit of objective Truth in mind, most can be corrupted by the pursuit of money (such as Iowa State University professor Dong-Pyou Han who is now sitting in jail for his AIDS vaccine fraud), the want of fame, or simply personal prejudice and egotistical pride.
Pioneering anesthesiologist Scott Reuben, who helped revolutionize orthopedic surgery, faked data in more than 20 studies, and German physicist Jan Hendrik Schön, who won multiple awards for his work, falsified his research as well.
These individuals were able to pass what common folks often consider to be the “foolproof” test of peer review, and that’s because it is not actually foolproof.
In fact, a blogger submitted a satirical paper about “Midi Chlorians” from the science fiction story Star Wars and 4 scientific journals published it!
In an effort to help remind people why they should not blindly trust “science” - or any other body of purported knowledge for that matter - I decided to write this short article on how scientific bullshit has been used throughout history to manipulate our perceptions and beliefs.
Big Tobacco & The Sugar Industry
More than half a century ago, big tobacco used science as a weapon to convince the naive and gullible about the safety of their cigarettes.
A number of different medical organizations and journals, including the New England Journal of Medicine and the Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA), were indeed on the payroll of Big Tobacco and helped to promote their agenda through the promotion of flawed “science”.
Notice the key persuading phrase in the above advertisement;
“…the final results, published in authoritative medical journals, proved conclusively that when smokers changed to Philip Morris, every case of irritation cleared completely or definitely improved.”
This is something we all need to understand my friends; our global society is run as a business, not as a non profit organization that values human life.
And this means that any line of profession can easily be corrupted by money. Unfortunately our problems are systemic and have their roots in this painfully flawed paradigm.
Merck was taken to court by two scientists that claimed the Big Pharma giant manipulated tests concerning their mumps vaccine’s efficacy.
Coca Cola was also caught paying scientists (to the tune of $132.8 million) to downplay the severity of consuming their sugary drinks, and other unhealthy products. In fact, corporations do this all the time.
A perfect example, is a study conducted by the University of Colorado that claimed that diet soda was better at promoting healthy weight loss than water.
Today, a number of questionable practices in the name of science continue. Sadly, the manipulation (or incompetence) of science is something that most likely will never be truly eliminated from society because it is rooted in human fallibility and corruption.
In fact, Richard Hortin, the editor in chief of the medical journal The Lancet, has gone on record as stating that, “much of the scientific literature, perhaps half, may simply be untrue.”
This is not to say that the concept of science does not serve an important purpose, because it certainly does; I personally use scientific methods and principles daily in my life, and even relied on scientific research to highlight corruption within the scientific community in this blog.
But this was written specifically to remind us all that “science” can be used to deceive us - has been used to deceive us - and should always be questioned as a result.
Scientists obviously need money to conduct their research, and corporations who place material profit above human life have plenty of it. The hand that gives usually controls the hand that takes.
Until we design a system that promotes unadulterated education, more than it does propaganda and ignorance; and rewards integrity more than the willingness to do anything for “money,” this type of pathetic human behavior will persist for obvious reasons.
The Mainstream Media Lies
October 10 2018 | From: FinalWakeUpCall The media is the Deep State’s most valuable tool - How to protect yourself against brainwashing.
Disinformation: The world is waking up to the fact that for our entire lives we have been lied to. From where we come from, to where we are headed, everything is a huge lie. But the lie we have been living is about to come to a screeching halt.
The Protocols of Zion are the Blueprint for the Deep State’s One World Government-control-operation. Protocol 12 affirms; “In our official statements, we always use an opposite view, and continually do our best to look honest and cooperative.
The words of a statesman do not have to correspond with his actions”. It is advisable to take fifteen minutes of your time to read the Protocols. Don’t just read them. Study them. They explain in precise detail what is going on in the world today and why.
“The media will print halve truths, they will lie, fabricate facts or contradict themselves. We will tranquillise the public mind on political matters, persuade and confuse them.
We will triumph over our opponents, who do not own the press and cannot give full expression to their views. Journalists will be bound by professional secrecy. Not one journalist will betray this secret. To practice journalism, they must have a dark past and the fear of it being exposed”.
The Protocols further explain that the goal of world domination will be achieved by controlling the thinking of the public by monitoring what it hears and by creating new conflicts or restoring old relationships through hunger, poverty, and the spreading of pests and diseases, seducing and diverting the attention of the youth.
“With the help of these methods and more, we will weaken the countries so that they are forced to offer us control over the world”; at least this is their way of thinking; their goal.
Control the narratives over economics and commerce and you control economics and commerce. Control the narratives about politics and government and you control politics and government. This control mechanism is used by the controllers to funnel power to the Elite, in this way effectively turning society into one giant energy farm for the elite class.
So, the media serves selfish goals; often mindlessly; unjustly and untruthfully. The majority of the public have no idea of the fact on whose side the press stands. “We must keep the press firmly under our control. No message may reach the public outside of our consent.”
Thus, in other words, don’t trust the mainstream media to explain the socio-political processes shaping our world with any real accuracy and certainly not without infusing it with their own insidious agendas.
Society is made up of narratives; identity, language, etiquette, social roles, opinions, ideology, religion, ethnicity, philosophy, agendas, rules, laws, money, economics, jobs, hierarchies, politics, government.
They’re all purely mental constructs which exist nowhere outside of the mental noises in our heads.
Zealous journalists learn that they progress much further in their careers by advancing narratives that favour the establishment upon which the plutocrats who own the big media companies have built their kingdoms. They manipulate the narratives of groups.
The master manipulators, are the corporate kings of the modern world. They have learned the secret that every ruler since the dawn of civilisation has known:
Whoever controls the narratives that are believed by a society, is the controller of that society. And that is exactly what President Trump and his Team are doing now.
The Mainstream media may be more widespread because they are better funded but while they have the power of money, we have the power of many. And we have the facts on our side. We need to unite in our fight against the disinformation machine and there are many ways in which everyone can help.
Remember, the mainstream media didn’t just happen one day. It dates back to hundreds of years ago. Media has always been a part of their tactics. Fast forward to today; be aware that government Intelligence took control of the media as early as 1948 and probably even earlier.
The media, to government and their control system is very important. It is their most valuable tool. They can push away any thoughts or arguments that do not serve their agenda.
That is what mass media news is all about. All innocent, honest news can be brushed aside. – The Trump Team has said from the beginning that the Cabal Media will be the last to fall. People are now witnessing the turn of the cabal media happening in real time.
Here are three simple things you can do to read mainstream media news and know instantly what to make of the story and how to categorise the story in your mind, instead of believing it blindly, just because you saw it on TV or read it in a mainstream media newspaper, magazine, or on a website. Think of this as an exercise in mental freedom.
Look at the news through the eyes of history. Does it fit into what is known of historical events? Or are those enforcing mainstream media narratives asking you to believe a sequence of events or a narrative that doesn’t add up logically?
An example; mainstream media reports yet another new war on terror, but historically speaking, it is widely known that the war on terror equals massive loss of liberties and freedoms, massive increases of the State’s power and control over we, the people, while there is no real evidence of the purported terrorism being stopped.
So why accept this piece of mainstream media news?
Look at the news in the light of the stated goals of the Nation; on a ship, no one would ever go out to sea without a compass and a map. So why believe blindly mass media news for what it is, without gauging where this story is heading?
The government and the control system is focused on getting their new world order implemented.
They have admitted and stated this publicly and many papers have been written outlining this. Illegal wars have been launched, and decisions and legislation have been passed consistent with these publicly stated goals of wanting to control the world.
Believe the seriousness of these clearly stated goals of the Deep State and then consider all pieces of mass media events in the light of these clearly stated goals.
Then try to see how the agenda fits into the goals. People actually believe the direction of the world and the news is all one big coincidence without any connection between them. Which is untrue.
People have been brainwashed into thinking that the simple and easy patterns we observe are all a This magical coincidence theory of life and news is the signature of a brainwashed state and a symptom to be avoided at all costs.
Try to grasp what the media is not saying. Look at the news from the inside out, critically analysing mainstream media news. Focus on what they are not saying.
Mainstream media has admitted that their stories are controlled by the government. They are not even hiding this fact. It is up to the people to critically walk through the process and convince yourself why you will not blindly believe mainstream media news.
Break Through the Mainstream Media Hypnosis
These three suggestions will help you to break through mainstream media hypnosis and arrive at the other side, otherwise known as reality.
It’s about reshaping how people think and arming their thinking with common sense in the light of known historical events and stated goals instead of being sucked in by professional powerful Deep State-propaganda.
You may think that propaganda won’t get to you, but these propaganda tricks and media techniques have been proven to work very subtly.
They have been proven to convince even the smartest of people throughout history and they will fool you too if you are not astute and watching carefully with a vigilant mind.
The above techniques are simple methods you can apply to be smarter, instead of a brain-dead zombie who absorbs increasingly more mainstream media lies and propaganda with every day that goes by.
Keep in mind that literally, while you sleep at night they are brewing new stories for the next day. It is all about protecting your mind and your thoughts from the outside world of deception and lies.
Solidly Grounded in Truth and Mental-Reasoning, Free from Fakery and Deception
In time, you will notice, as you become solidly grounded in truth and reason, that mainstream media is not even that good at shaping their lies and deceit. You will start to see the comedy and the surreal nature of the whole circus known as mainstream media news.
You will also see the wide disconnect mainstream media has from the actual reality of truth and reason.
Once you see it this way, you will notice that you are completely mentally free from fakery and deceptive government-controlled mainstream media lies. And, that will be a good reason to celebrate hugely.
As an example; waking up to the news of ISIS is no big deal. ISIS is another new fake terror experiment that the Intelligence agencies have funded and armed in order to maintain their long-term plans. The stated goals are clear and easy to understand.
Mental Stability
Understanding these simple techniques to help shape your mental discernment prior to hearing mainstream media breaking news stories, will give you a mental stability that you cannot imagine.
Just become conscious by choosing it. By acting on those synchronicities, the so-called meaningful coincidences: Acting on calls for moves that inspire us, by taking action through listening to your inner voice coming from your inner-being; your inner-knowing.
Discernment is made possible by paying attention to these instinctive feelings and basic intuitions.
Consciousness means coming from the heart, getting in touch with and going into a state of intuitive knowing. Hence, in contrast to accessing the internet, consciousness allows us to access our ‘inner-net.’
Choosing to become conscious, means detaching oneself from the mind control programming; escaping the effects of the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual prison, devised and erected by the Deep State.
Choosing consciousness puts us on a pathway that’s been denied to us as a race since ancient times.
Not many people know this, but they need to raise their heads above the cosy fortifications and have the courage and conviction to express their intuitive inner thoughts with regard to right and wrong.
Having broken free from the mind programming and the imposition of others, with multidimensional consciousness, escaping the dualistic confinements of matter, energy and space-time, makes anything possible.
The Foundations of Physical Freedom
In fact, there are only two kinds of people on earth and not more. Those who want to control and oppress and those who want to be left alone and be free. Life really is that simple.
Once we see the simplicity of it all, you can be sure that we will begin to taste ‘true freedom’; mental freedom, which is akin to spiritual freedom which is where true freedom actually begins.
The controllers know that their armoury is a lot more fragile, weaker and more vulnerable than what they have led us to believe. They have simply created a fake reality for us to live in, built on air and false words.
Remember, the foundation of physical freedom is the freedom we tend to think of as the only kind of freedom. On the contrary, before you can truly be free, you must be mentally and spiritually free.
Are you taking steps toward the latter? Or are you vulnerable to enslavement with each waking day?
Loneliness - The Dilemma Of The Awakening Mind
October 9 2018 | From: WakingTimes Today I wish to address to you a certain brand of loneliness. It is perhaps the most debilitating form of the condition. The state is sometimes referred to as “isolation” or the sense of being disconnected, apart, abandoned or simply “different” from everyone else you know.
This situation is compounded when friends, coworkers and even family members begin seeing you differently.
They’re not so much intrigued by your positive changes but rather disappointed by your shift in attitude and may even be concerned for your mental stability. These otherwise well-meaning souls are occasionally characterized as the “sleeping” and you may very well be part of the “awakening.”
The Awakening Mind
I say “awakening” because the experience appears to be very dynamic and fluid by nature. I’m not sure I would recognize or even fully appreciated an “awake” mind for they are far and few between us. But for those who are experiencing various stages of wakening, you are as visible to me as I am to you.
Generally speaking, the awakening mind radiates at a much different and “higher” vibration than most other people. Since this “vibration” wants to resonate harmonically with similar or complimentary energies, it can (and often does) resonate with like-minded people.
It can, however, just as easily create discord with those who resonate at a much lower vibration. Just imagine striking a non-complimentary note on separate pianos, especially with one out of tune. That’s the discord I’m referring to, except in this case, the resonance resides within the psychic and spiritual realms.
I speak in terms of “higher” and “lower” vibrations without truly qualifying what is meant by that. First off, there is no state superior to another. Like changing stations on a radio dial YOU choose the station you need (or want) to be on. Most people are tuned to what I consider to be a limited awareness.
This does not make them any less sublime or capable as Humans. This is merely the channel they are “tuned” to and as such they are acclimated with that world.
This vibrational density is impressive in its own right for it has the power to generate fantastic illusions so convincing that even the conscious mind can fully buy into it.
This ability to manifest a false paradigm and to believe it to be true requires considerable power. But you, my dear reader, may have peeked behind the proverbial projector screen and have seen an assembly of gears and levers and perhaps even a portly, unassuming little man attending them with due diligence.
The awakening mind - now that’s a different story. The higher vibration of this mind-body state allows a more commanding view. Like stepping up a ladder, you can look down and see (though not really live) the dynamics of the lower vibrations.
Each step up the ladder requires tremendous courage, an open and curious mind and a high degree of “functional” intelligence. Those steps command effort -much more effort than what most are willing to exert. Sleepers may go so far as to observe or even stumble over this hypothetical “ladder” and still not recognize what it is or how they may benefit from it.
People on the lower rungs of the ladder rarely look up. They choose to frequently look “down” which may give them a false sense of superiority or dominion over their world.
They are especially prone to the hypnotic suggestion television creates and may even go so far as to “act out” various fictional characters or their favorite professional athlete. The lower state is easily entertained- and anything or anyone who challenges their status quo will be dismissed as an outsider, a misfit or a threat.
The Slide and Adrenalin
I have alluded to a ladder- but now I would like for you to imagine a slide. Going “up” the slide takes some effort. You must go up the steps, higher and higher until you reach the top.
One may then position themselves in such a manner so to enjoy the ride downward. This downward “thrill” is brief but exhilarating. The slide provides a good physical example of going from a higher state to a lower state and the ensuing thrill from moving in this downward fashion.
There are also many examples of the slide analogy within the spiritual realm. Turn on any news station and you will soon be bombarded with “energy dropping” stories that create a sort of “rush” – a rush that, curiously enough, is habit forming. These news sources often report stories of tragedy and high drama.
So severe are these stories they actually can cause the body to produce an adrenalin related “rush” or high. Once again we find ourselves “sliding” down that imaginary slide and into a lower vibrational state.
The “mainstream” news networks have created legions of adrenalin junkies. The “sleepers” are their primary target.
During the course of their day, the sleepers gradually build their energy level back up. But soon they find themselves back on that hypothetical slide and are sent swooshing down once again into a lower energy state.
It’s a vicious, repeating cycle that keeps the sleepers fast asleep and drunk happy on adrenalin.
Many readers of Rattleberry Pie have stayed on top of the ladder long enough to take in the view. They’ve recognized that the view is more exhilarating than the fall.
They saw many things up there - things that would be hard to describe to those below.
The awakening mind continues to build “steps” higher and higher, and soon they are peeking above the clouds. Now they look down from this lofty position and see the tiny dot that was their slide.
They are amazed by how that relatively insignificant slide inspired them to move higher. Sliding down from this cloud level height is really no longer an option, at least not in the traditional sense.
Here is yet another dilemma of the awakening mind. Once you have experienced the process of awakening there really is no going back. The one (down) side is the higher you get, the more rarefied the air becomes.
Loneliness can settle in. The awakening mind is an exceptionally vibrant mind that requires considerable stimulation and camaraderie. But it’s lonely up there. Indeed.
Final Thought
The awakening experience is truly a gift. It’s is not for the weak or the meek. It takes much strength and courage to achieve these higher levels of enlightenment.
Those who are awakening come in all sizes and shapes – many are the so-called Indigo’s, the Crystal’s, or essentially any Human that realizes their personal power and potential and that there is much more to this world than they’ve been told.
One may ponder if those in the process of awakening have a moral obligation to try and wake the sleepers. From my own observation and experience I would advise against this. Simply let them sleep. The best way to reach them is over time. Be gentle and incremental in your approach.
This is the same technique the “powers that be” have used on you - that was until you saw a little “string” that connected to other strings that held the tapestry of the matrix in place.
So be an example. Radiate with love and truth. Project health, exuberance and happiness. Be aware without being angry (easier said than done).
The sleepers must see the higher steps of the ladder as being worth the effort. They may someday abandon the rush of the fall for the beauty of the view.
Just by virtue of being aware you are already contributing in a vast and energetic way to those around you. They “sense” your vibration and may try to resonate with you some day. You have been given “eyes to see” and “ears to hear” so you have been blessed.
Yes, until others begin to see as you do the loneliness - the isolation can feel very real at times.
Let me remind you that you are not alone. We feel you out there - we are grateful for your presence and we love you so very, very much.
The 5th Eye
October 8 2018 | From: NZIFF / CutCutCut This densely packed doco from the directors of Operation 8 questions the price of New Zealand’s involvement in the Five Eyes intelligence alliance, and relates the improbable tale of its 2008 sabotage by the Waihopai Three.
If our PM or the relevant public servants feel truly comfortable about New Zealand’s participation in the Five Eyes intelligence alliance, it doesn’t show when they are seen explaining it, defending it, or downright refusing to talk about it in this documentary.
The disavowals we see are a matter of public record, but filmmakers Errol Wright and Abi King-Jones (Operation 8) embed those TV interviews, parliamentary declamations and media ops in a concise history of New Zealand’s post war dependency on the United States.
For lucid, more confidently-held commentary, the filmmakers turn to inveterate watchdogs such as Nicky Hager, Jane Kelsey, Murray Horton and Paul Buchanan, but evolve a position of their own through the accumulation and agile juxtaposition of some very telling material.
They also thread an unlikely tale of protest through this scenario, following the actions of the three earnest bumblers who, against all odds, successfully damaged the Waihopai spy station in 2008. A priest, a subsistence farmer and a teacher, they acted out of Christian conviction, claiming Five Eyes implicated New Zealanders in the murder of children in Iraq.
When they ran that argument in court, the jury acquitted them. No Crown witness was summoned to contradict them. When the GCSB has been so often in the news, with Kim Dotcom frequently in tow, there’s likely to be an audience, less heroic perhaps, that’s simply grateful to this film for providing a blow-by-blow account of the GCSB’s misadventures – and their expanding powers to make suspects of all of us.
Who Is QAnon? An Introduction To The QAnon Phenomenon #QAnon #GreatAwakening
October 7 2018 | From: NeonRevolt / Various You’ve just heard the term “QAnon” – maybe from a friend, from a relative, a post on social media, maybe a billboard on the roadside – heck, by the time you’re reading this, the Mainstream media might even be talking about this mysterious individual only know to as “QAnon.”
But regardless of where you first heard the name, you want to know more.
And I wish I could help you. I really do. But the problem is, if I just come out and say it… it’s probably going to be really hard to believe anything I have to say, even if you are politically aligned with me.
Why? Because the information Q presents requires such a dramatic paradigm shift, such a radical realignment of any and all presuppositions you had about the state of the world, because it requires such a prerequisite level of knowledge to truly understand, it is often easier to just dismiss it outright and avoid any pesky cognitive dissonance that would otherwise emerge altogether.
See, I myself – as well as my long-time readers – have had the benefit of having eight whole months to digest the 1600+ posts that Q has given us over that same period. The sheer size and scope and depth of the information is hard to process in a day, let alone eight months. If I just come out and say it, you probably won’t believe me.
Not that my goal is to have you believe me. No, no, no – don’t misunderstand me here. My goal in writing this is not to convince anyone.
Knowing what I know, I believe there will come a point when no matter what you currently believe, you will be forced by certain events to accept everything I’m about to explain.
Just a quick preface before we begin. Part of the reason I wrote this was because, well, we’re all expecting the internet to go down at a certain point as part of the take down of the Cabal.
This article is designed to be something of a lifeline, and it may just be something you’ll want to print out and share with friends, or those who are new to QAnon and looking for more information.
My goal here is to bring you up to a somewhat serviceable level of knowledge to help you understand what’s happening during what will undoubtedly be a volatile, confusing time.
And already, I can hear some readers getting frustrated with me. “Just come out and say it! Give us the goods!”
Alright. Alright, fine. But don’t be surprised if you feel a bit incredulous after reading this:
The world has long been held hostage by a group of power-brokers I have collectively labelled “The Cabal.” They sit in seats of power around the world, making sure they control governments, wars, money flow, and even the lives of individuals like you and me.
They see us as disposable pawns, a sort of natural resource they can spend at will, and this Cabal seeks to grow and expand its power every single day through all sorts of subversive action, be it class strife, fomenting economic instability, or sending us to die in foreign lands under the guise of patriotism and duty.
The Cabal is not entirely monolithic, but features many different branches. Despite this, they work together and their goals are much the same: the destruction of the West by any and all means, and the creation of a global mega-state.
A large portion of The Cabal are members of a Secret Society that is little more than a Neo-Babylonian Death Cult, and the higher you advance in the cult, the more mutual blackmail is required of you.
You see, the higher ranking members want the ability to destroy the lower ranking members at any time should they step out of line and attempt to challenge the authority of the higher ranking members.
This is achieved through several means, but recording individuals in honeypots, pedophilic acts, and participation in human sacrifice are the primary ways in which this is achieved.
That’s not to say this is done against the will of the individuals being blackmailed. Often, they are willing participants in all this, and enjoy performing these kinds of evil deeds.
Such is the face of depravity.
Hillary and Obama are two such members of this Cabal, and though they were high ranking, they are not top dogs (and certainly not since HRC’s failed presidential run in 2016).
That day cost them so much power and influence they didn’t even know what to do. Remember – Hillary didn’t even give a concession speech that night. That was because they never expected her to lose.
Together, as we’ve since learned from the Q drops, they were plotting the complete destruction of the USA (and Russia). And I don’t mean that in some esoteric sense of empires collapsing, balkanizing, and coalescing into new states across time, like the murmurations of flocks of birds across the sky.
No, I quite literally mean nuclear war, mass drought, disease, and food shortages. I’m talking roving death squads in the streets. The goal was to wipe out two of the biggest threats to the Cabal by making them fight each other, and rule over a fragmented, atomized, neo-Fascist global mega-state, made up of whatever was left over (mostly Europe, the Middle East, Africa, parts of Asia, South America, and Australia).
Remember when I said don’t be surprised if you feel incredulous when reading this?
And yet this is exactly what we’ve learned over the past 8 months (as of this writing) by listening to Q. This, in particular, is something he’s called the 16 Year Plan to Destroy America.
And when you start reading the Q drops, you come to understand that this was exactly the Cabal’s plan for years, going back decades.
Obama was a Manchurian President, groomed from his youth as a subversive agent of the Muslim Brotherhood, and Hillary; she is a literal practicing witch, who once had three “dining” rooms named after her on Epstein’s Pedophile Island – the same island where, until recently, stood a sacrificial temple to Babylonian fertility gods like Ba’al and Minerva.
And I call them “dining” rooms because… they weren’t eating anything you’d find in a normal supermarket. No, these people are pedovores, and they are profoundly sick and twisted.
Hey – I tried to warn you this was going to be a hard redpill to swallow. What happens when you read Q is you quickly learn that almost everything you think you know about the world is wrong. It’s more than just wrong. It’s a deliberate lie, made to perpetuate the power of this Cabal.
And again – I’m not particularly interested in trying to convince you here – because at a certain point, undeniable proofs will make their way to the public – such as the photo of Obama holding an AK-47, while dressed in full Muslim garb, and shooting what Q calls “red, white, and blue” (but which is probably a person, and not just a flag – though that last bit is just speculation on my part, and it very well may end up being something like a flag).
Furthermore, Q lays out very clearly how all these scandals – like Uranium 1, like the Iran Deal, like the Paris Accord, like the North Korea situation – all tie into this plan to this 16 year plan, and once you truly grasp what he is saying, you come to understand the sheer level of subversion and evil that has been hidden from Americans for many decades – and conversely, how great things can yet still become once this evil is purged from our lands.
There’s so much to Q, it’s hard to sum up in any one essay. In fact, you would need a book to do it all justice (and that’s exactly what I’m attempting to write, at the moment, believe it or not).
But maybe I’m getting ahead of myself here. Maybe I need to back this train up for a moment and answer some rudimentary questions as best I can, as someone who was been watching, studying and interacting with this whole QAnon phenomenon since the beginning.
So let’s start with the most elementary question of them all:
Who is Q?
QAnon, often called just “Q,” is someone with Q-Level security clearance and a history of Military Intelligence working within the Trump administration to disseminate information to the American people directly.
As for the specific identity of Q – no one really knows for sure (save for a few people in the actual Trump administration).
And while I just kind of implied that Q is an individual, in fact, it’s clear that Q works with a team of individuals in the intelligence community, and there may be more than one person on that team posting as Q.
Where Does Q Post?
Q originally posted on an imageboard known as 4chan, starting back in October of 2017, notably on the /pol/ board (aka, Politically Incorrect).
/pol/ was a major hub of operations during the Trump campaign, disseminating Trump memes at high velocity, and directly influencing the election in very tangible ways. There was even an occasion when Trump himself came online and spoke to the Anons there (oh, that was a glorious day).
(And while I may be spoiling part of my book here, I’ll be cutting up a larger infographic to make this flow a bit better for this article – because you absolutely need to see this).
So Anon notes a Trump retweet of a Pepe Account:
Someone claiming to be Trump comes in and says:
Anon asks for proof:
Click on the image above to view a larger version in a new window
And proof was delivered:
And basically NO ONE in the MSM covered ANY of this. This is far from the only example of this kind of thing happening, but the important thing to remember is that this was happening DURING the election, and unless you were THERE, on the boards, you didn’t have any clue this kind of communication was happening.
So why did Q select this platform?
Because it was one of the last mediums of truly free-speech online. Much like the Newsgroups of a bygone internet age, 4chan was a rowdy, unruly bastion of free speech organized by topic of interest.
Often referred to as the “underbelly of the internet” (usually by those who don’t understand the culture), anyone could come here and say exactly what they wanted – unlike on regulated, policed, and sanitized platforms like Facebook, Twitter, etc.
If some mouthbreathing goon working in a spare storage a closet at Twitter doesn’t like your tweet for whatever reason, he can take it down, disable your account, and effectively silence you. And make no mistake, that kind of censorship was, and still is, rampant across these controlled platforms. It’s even happened to yours truly.
Not so on the chans. ANYONE can post and speak their mind whenever they want. Because of this, you tend to get a crowd of people who not only have a thick skin, but have a certain kind of intellectual rigor not found among the general public.
Everyone who posts on a chan is Anonymous (unless they choose to identify themselves), and therefore, when going back and forth in conversation, users will refer to other users as “Anons.”
Because Q signed all his posts “Q,” he became QAnon.
After an initial wave of posts, and increasing curiosity from the community, opposing forces started to disrupt Q’s threads. Shilling increased dramatically, and it took such a turn that eventually, it came out that all the moderators of the /pol/ board had been compromised by the Deep State, and that the platform itself was no longer suitable for Q to post any more drops.
Working quickly, Q and his team migrated to 8chan, which, as you can imagine by the name, is very similar to 4chan in terms layout and functionality.
See, these kinds of imageboards run on very similar software stacks, so it’s relatively easy to start your own “chan” website and build something very similar. 4chan and 8chan are the largest of the chans.
Followers of Q quickly got their own boards, Q adopted a “tripcode,” which is a way of preserving and verifying his identity, and (barring some moderator drama and other minor technical speedbumps) the movement kicked into high gear from here.
(A final word of caution about the chans: While you can go there and seek out the relevant Q boards for yourself, I wouldn’t recommend it if you’re brand new to all this.
On top of them being purposefully hard to use (in order to keep the “normies” out) you might end up seeing things you might otherwise not wish to see.
Remember how I said these platforms are free-speech forums? That means that literally anyone can post just about anything – and that means bad actors, too, attempting to derail researchers with all manner of pornography, gore, shilling, etc.
If you’re not seasoned and somewhat desensitized to internet culture, you probably walk away feeling a bit sick. Best to leave it to the weaponized autists, who can filter this kind of stuff with ease, and seek out information on other sites – which, we’ll get to in a bit).
How Does Q Communicate?
I’m assuming that, if you’re reading this, you’ve seen at least a few of Q’s posts – even if you didn’t fully understand what they mean. And that’s fine; for our purposes right now, all you really need is a bare minimum of exposure to Q. (And even if you don’t have that, don’t worry – that’s coming later in the article).
If Q is who he says he is (Military Intelligence – which, for those who don’t know, is an intelligence agency akin to the FBI, or CIA, only not corrupt) this implies he has access to a ton of intel beyond what the average American citizen has. This intel is of course classified, and therefore subject to all kinds of National Security laws.
However, this does not stop the average person from being able to make connections on their own; connections which mirror what that intel has to say.
This leads to a Socratic style of posting, where Q will often present two (or more) seemingly separate topics, and challenge us to see if we can establish a relationship between the two, to “connect,” as he often says.
This allows him to side-step these laws, and create a sort of crowd-sourced narrative that is, at the very least, closer to the truth than anything being reported by the MSM.
We’ll take a relatively recent post (as of this writing) and easy-to-understand Qdrop, as an example (and one which my regular readers will no doubt recognize).
Here, Q posts one of #POTUS’s recent tweets, and adds his own lines below:
These questions lead to certain, inevitable conclusions such as: Imran Awan squealed on all his criminal buddies during this case, in order to defend himself.
However, because many of the details used in his defense were previously classified, this created a situation known as graymail – whereby previously classified intel has now entered the public record by way of criminal defense.
Because of this situation, Q comes back the next post and links to part of the legal code known as CIPA.
This shows us that agencies, when confronted with the reality of graymail, may then use that as legal grounds to basically declassify whatever they want.
Furthermore, it was then uncovered that the plea deal stuck by Awan does not apply to other attorneys – attorneys such as Huber – implying that there is no way Awan is getting away with his crimes.
So you can see, there’s a consistent logic to the kinds of things Q posts, and a definite purpose in the direction he’s leading. This is just one example, and a relatively easy one to understand at that, but we’re going to be seeing many more of these later in the article.
Furthermore, because Q is posting publicly, it attracts the attention of bad actors and so-called “black hats;” people both within the intelligence community and deep state that do not have our best interest in mind.
They have an array of technology at their hands which has been used to try and disrupt Q’s communication lines (as well as to try and trace him), and they are perpetually kept on the defensive by trying to understand these drops and counteract whatever they think is coming.
Unfortunately, this has sometimes manifested as attacks on Americas at large, such as when the train carrying all the Congressional GOP members to a retreat struck a garbage truck:
That was not a mere accident. The area was blocked off to cross traffic, and the truck was only spotted thanks to a drone flying in front of the train, which gave the train enough time to slow down and avoid a catastrophic collision.
Furthermore, as you get deeper and deeper into the drops, you begin to recognize patterns, repeat phrases, certain abbreviations; essentially what you might call “layers of meaning.” Sometimes, it’s a barb at black hats, such as when Q calls the CIA, the “C_A.” Why does he do that? Because they’re missing intelligence. Pretty funny if you ask me.
You’ll see “markers” in Q’s post such as “Alice & Wonderland.” Markers are repeat phrases Q uses to either hint at a hidden meaning, or reinforce an idea in relation to what he’s presenting.
So, with the Alice & Wonderland marker, Q was referring to himself as Alice, and Saudi Arabia, later, as “the bloody wonderland.” This was during the time when Trump went to Saudi Arabia, met all the leaders there, and brokered an absolute ton of strategic deals, topped off with a sword dance.
Additionally, you may see things like “5:5” which typically means “loud and clear” in terms of radio terminology, but it’s also a reference to “the clock” which is another concept Q has introduced to us in relation to “the plan.” (Can you see why Q can be difficult to understand, let alone explain?).
What you need to know to understand that whole last paragraph is that, as part of Military Intelligence, Q is but one part of a larger plan to restore America to greatness.
Actually, Q is part of what you might call plan A. Remember how I said Q was Military Intelligence?
Well, while we mere mortals may only be hearing of some of this intel for the first time, Military Intelligence has known all this for quite a while. Remember everything I told you above about the 16 year plan to destroy America?
Obama’s subversive actions as part of the Muslim Brotherhood?
The loyal Generals of US Military Intelligence knew all this as far back as 2013, and debated engaging in a military coup against Obama. They knew who all the good guys really were, and who all the bad guys really were, and they thought for a moment that it might be wise to just cut off the head of the snake, impose martial law for a time, and let God sort ’em out, so to speak.
But they chose otherwise. They chose to counteract what damage he was doing, when and where they could, move their people into position, and wait. Wait for what?
Why, the 2016 election, of course! They quickly formulated a plan, and it needed a few things. It needed to be an honest election (or, honest enough). Soros controls the bulk of the voting machines through shell companies. He needed to be cut off.
They also needed a candidate that could not only run, but win. They needed a patriot, and someone relatively clean. Enter: Citizen Trump. That’s right, he was asked to run.
Had all this failed, there is no doubt in my mind that we would have seen a full-blown military coup during the Hillary years.
And this is partially why Q is always telling us to “trust the plan,” and that all these different variables have been accounted for – to such an extent that they actually have a timeline laid out, with key events set in stone (the deadline being 11/11 for this plan to really wrap up – which, no coincidence, is the day of the scheduled Military Parade.
With that in mind, you can actually lay out Q’s posts (and the timestamps of those posts) on a chart – which lines up with a clock.
And what letter of the alphabet does a clock look like when both hands are on the 5’s? That’s right, it looks like a Q!
And I haven’t even talked about how some of his drops actually end up looking like chess pieces when you center-align them: Yeah. Layers upon layers of meaning going on here.
But don’t worry if some of that flew over your head right now. My goal isn’t to get you bogged down in all the minutiae that we’ve come to understand over the past many months.
By all means, it’s worth seeking out more information on your own – especially if you want to get a handle on the actual state of reality around the world – but it’s beyond the scope of this article today.
I’ve got a ton of articles you can go through, here, on the site, but will be listing a bunch of other great resources momentarily.
What is Q’s Goal?
Q’s goal, simply stated, is to create a crowd-sourced parallel construction for the general public to see and understand.
Q works with the NSA, and the NSA has, for a while now, sucked down every digital communication form conceivable. In other words, they already know who all the bad actors and criminals are. They already have all the evidence. The problem is… none of it is usable. Why? Because of a legal doctrine known as the “fruit of the poisonous tree.”
At its most basic: evidence has to be obtained through legal channels in order for it to be admissible in court. This kind of bulk data collection isn’t admissible.
Now, make no mistake, the good guys really do have all the admissible evidence they need to put these crooks away for good. Lately, Q has taken to reminding us that “We have the server” over and over – a phrase which must put the fear of God in the hearts of the Cabal.
No one is getting away here.
The real problem Q faces is getting the general public on-board as well. It requires a complete narrative switch, and in order to do that, in order to usher in “The #GreatAwakening,” you have to systematically take down every single support structure those who profit off the Cabal’s narrative have put into place over the course of decades.
We’re talking politicians, we’re talking the media, we’re talking overseas banking, we’re talking pharma, we’re talking criminal organizations, we’re talking human trafficking, we’re talking about CIA operated nations and military bases – we’re talking about a systematic purge of evildoers from the face of the earth.
Think about it from President Trump’s perspective: if Hillary and Obama and so many others really are the criminals Q says they are, and you already have all the evidence you need… what would stop you from acting on it?
Put simply: you need to get the public on-board. And you need to do it in a way that’s publicly accessible to all, and undeniable. You need to shake the great bulk of the American population awake, and disabuse them of any lingering vestiges of the narrative that’s been fed to them by The Cabal for years, and years, and years.
You have to understand: the Cabal’s goal has always been death, destruction, division, chaos, and control. If Trump was to just send in the military to arrest these criminals, there would be immediate chaos – only furthering the Cabal’s goals.
Riots, looting, insurrection – even possible civil war – make no mistake, that’s the stranglehold the Cabal has had over the minds of so many Americans. How else do you get hordes of men and women to dress up as genitalia and march against Trump?
It’s total demoralization. It’s absolute brainwashing. And it needs to be reversed (at least among a certain percentage of the population: a “tipping point” if you will) before the real work can begin.
So yes, you’re going to see (and are already starting to see) bad actors purged from every area of government and media imaginable. You’re also going to see an increasing number of legal decisions eroding the Cabal’s power structure. For instance:
Trump has been at work chipping away at Planned Parenthood’s funding through different avenues. Planned Parenthood is subsidized by the American taxpayer, charges for their “services” on top of that, as as a result, donates double-digit millions to Cabal-affiliated politicians year after year.
Trump is working on starving the beast. You can also look at the Supreme Court’s recent ruling that allows government workers to opt-out of their related Union dues. Government unions function in a similar fashion to Planned Parenthood, by supporting Cabal-affiliated politicians with all manner of donations and networks of support.
With one ruling, the Supreme Court just gutted their “legal” money-laundering schemes. And this is very good news for us in both cases, because it’s not you and I these politicians are helping, but themselves and the monied pals.
On top of this all, keep in mind that you can’t just have these criminals facing charges in DC, where they have all their buddies in the court system; not with everything as it is now. No, you have to set up separate Military Tribunals far away from DC, and go to extraordinary lengths to ensure these trails go off without a hitch.
Even then – if you drain the swamp, successfully prosecute, and sentence all of these Cabal members… you still need somewhere to lock them all up (at least the ones you’re not sentencing to death).
You can see how many layers, pieces, and players are involved in this, and why Q always tells us to “trust the plan.”
But the good news is the good guys are winning. Justice is coming to America, and there will be a great restoration for ALL of us as these evildoers are removed from positions of power and influence, and even from the face of the earth.
The anons on the boards, the very first ones to bear witness to Q, are here to help you along as the vanguard of the Great Awakening. This is the role Q himself has given us.
It’s why I started this blog, which is now filled with hundreds of valuable articles. It’s why I wrote this very essay: to help you and others heal and understand and help bring peace and prosperity back to the nation.
Just as I have done my best to help you understand, it will soon be your job to help others understand, and I hope you’ll come to see this article as a valuable resource for that valiant and most valuable undertaking.
Q Resources?
Before we get into some actual Q posts, I want to take a moment to give you links to some very useful QAnon resources.
No, I won’t be linking to the boards today. Why?
Because we’ve been specifically asked by the board owner that no one link to the board. Don’t worry though, I’m going to give you a plethora of amazing resources that will bring you up to speed and keep you current with all that is happening.
First, I would be remiss if I didn’t mention is a Q aggregator which gathers and archives all of Q’s posts in real-time, as they happen. You can browse, as of this writing, all 1681 of Q’s posts, going back to the very beginning on that website.
You’ll also find links to thread archives on every post, as well as “Answers” on some of these posts, where Anons have had some of their own decodes added to help make sense of some of the more cryptic-sounding posts.
Second, I have to link to the absolutely outstanding QMap PDF by @IAMBECAUSEWEARE, with the most current version (as of this writing) available for download here.
The PDF is an indispensable resource spanning over 1000 pages now, going into great depth about all of Q’s posts. I consider it mandatory reading if you’re really looking to understand QAnon.
Fourthly, you can’t ignore the work of the great patriots over at [the now banned]GreatAwakening. Anything notable that happens on the boards gets mirrored there almost instantly. It’s a treasure-trove of valuable information with some great personalities hard at work, every day.
Lastly, I’ll direct your attention to Looking for hard evidence of Q’s veracity? You’ll find it here, in easy-to-understand graphical form.
And now, without further adieu, we’ll get into some of the most important posts Q has ever made.
The Top 15 Q Posts
Odd number, 15, I know. However, given that there are almost 1700 QAnon drops now, you can imagine that it was very hard for me to pick just 15 as “the best,” let alone stick to a number like “top 10.” So, for our purposes, we’re getting a top 15. Maybe someone would have picked other drops, but in my mind you can’t go wrong with these drops.
Really understand though, all of Q’s posts are valuable and worth your time. However, not all are equally valuable for someone coming to Q completely fresh. I picked these drops to help you begin to understand the scale and scope of what’s really been happening in this silent war.
Again, I’m not writing to convince you as to the truthfulness of Q. I’m also not writing this to give a line-by-line decode of all these posts. Those already exist elsewhere (with many of my own on this site) and are easily accessible with a little search engine ingenuity.
I’m writing this under the assumption that there will come a point in time when the truthfulness of Q will be undeniable to the general public. These drops are listed here to help the general public find their moorings as their world is about to be flipped upside-down.
And with that in mind, let’s get into it, starting… where else? At the very beginning, with Q’s first two posts:
If you’re not familiar with the way the chans work, the bottom portion of the drop above was the bit written by Q. The part written about Hillary being arrested between 7:45-8:30 was written by someone else with no real knowledge of what was going on.
This line has been mistakenly reported by many in the media as evidence that Q is a mere conspiracy theory, who has made wrong predictions like this from the get-go.
Not so. Those so-called “journalists” were just idiots who didn’t know how to read a chan thread.
But if you’re reading Q’s bit now, note… he specifies a date for National Guard activation: 10/30… but he never specified a year in his drop. This has lead many anons to believe he was indeed talking about October 30th of 2018, not 2017.
On to drop 2:
Q, in drop number 2, is introducing us to, not only himself, not only to some foundational concepts, but the way he will continue to reason with Anons over the coming months. There’s his trademark Socratic style; his way of leading us with questions to the answers he wants us to see.
There are the abbreviations (in this case, AW = Anthony Weiner, who, for the record is in a federal prison, as opposed to a state prison, so as to prevent him from being assassinated by black hats).
And there are the double-meanings (in this case, Huma not only means Huma Abedin, Hillary’s assistant, but is a cue to anons to begin researching HUMA – the Harvard University Muslim Alumni group – and investigating any associations with the Muslim Brotherhood).
What we will come to learn from this and other drops in the coming months is that the entire Intelligence Apparatus of the US has been corrupted, save for Military Intelligence and the NSA.
Furthermore, we will learn that it was the Military who asked Trump to run his Presidential campaign, it was the Military who helped secure the 2016 election from election fraud, thus securing Trump’s incredible, odds-defying victory, and we will learn that because he is the President, Trump has access to every last bit of classified intelligence the NSA has at their disposal.
Perhaps, most importantly, we learn that the Republican and Democrat career politicians (members of The Cabal) never thought they would lose, leaving them wide open and unprepared for the Storm that was about to come their way.
Q really starts to really lay out the reality of the situation here, first by invoking SCI[F]. Scif stands for Sensitive Compartmented Information Facility, and it’s basically a secure room for viewing sensitive and classified information.
You’ll recall HRC had one built in her NY home – the same one which conveniently had a fire break out in it not that long ago. Through later drops, we would later learn that Hillary was selling access to the SCIF to foreign governments.
This is also the first instance of Q’s “killbox,” aka – whatever is between the brackets. In this case, it’s [F]. It is my personal belief that, in this case, Q was telling us that Hillary’s SCIF had been targeted and wasn’t as secure as she would have otherwise liked to believe – though this has yet to be verified by Q or anyone else.
We also get introduced to a few patriots who had previously made the news – Admiral Rogers, who informed Trump that the Obama administration was actively spying on him, and Gen. Flynn, who plead guilty to a crime he didn’t commit, in order to get a ton of evidence entered into the public record as part of his testimony.
You’ll see his charges dropped soon, and he’ll be rejoining the Trump Administration shortly thereafter.
And here, we start to see the workings of the Cabal – how Soros funds operations like AntiFa to engage in domestic terrorism, and how they sow the seeds of division.
As it’s most basic, if the American people are divided among themselves, they’re not fighting globalists like Soros.
Q’s intention is to awaken Americans to that fact (and many others), and get us focused on our real enemies.
I chose this drop because it highlights very effectively the divisive tactics of the Cabal.
They target one group, and reinforce a demoralizing victimhood narrative through the media (as part of Operation Mockingbird) in order to not only gain votes, but to create an underclass that is effectively enslaved and helpless without Government assistance.
There’s a reason why black neighborhoods have suffered so much, and it lies largely at the feet of the Cabal and Poverty Pimps like Maxine Waters (though she is far from the only one).
Furthermore, you have Q here openly acknowledging the existence of a “pedo network” within Hollywood. Every day we learn more about that, through things like the NXIVM story, and through drops on sites like
Q hints now at the level of intel to which he has direct access. The only person with more access would be someone like #POTUS himself.
He also implies that he knows everything about the true nature of the Uranium 1 scandal; the ultimate goal of which was to destroy America and Russia in a nuclear holocaust, by funneling nuclear materials to an Iranian base, operated by the CIA (yes, the same one that was exposed and destroyed by POTUS in Syria not that long ago).
We will soon come to understand this criminal plot as “The 16 Year Plan” to Destroy America, and it was brought to us by none other than Hillary Clinton, Barack Hussein Obama, and their many cabal underlings.
If you didn’t believe Q before, you had best start now.
If you truly want to understand nations like North Korea and Iran, you have to first understand that the CIA is not your friend and that these are CIA-operated nations used to hold the rest of the world hostage.
Until very recently, Kim Jong-Un was a slave to the Cabal in North Korea, like his father before him.
We would learn in a later Q drop that North Korea has nuclear capabilities since 2004, and that this is where Eric Schmidt, of Google, would go to set up a private Gmail server for Obama and Hillary and the Deep State, so they could communicate using Gmail drafts.
Why would they communicate using Gmail drafts? To try and avoid detection by the likes of the NSA.
At least… that’s what they tried. It didn’t work, and POTUS ended up bringing home the Cabal’s Gmail server as part of his North Korea deal.
With this drop, you start to see the rats scurrying.
The Podestas are in panic mode, and Obama has been trying to find a new handler (his previous was Valerie Jarrett), as well as trying to pre-empt/follow-up Trump’s overseas visits to reassure Cabal members overseas, and help retain their loyalty.
Q begins to especially highlight Saudi Arabia as a cornerstone of the Cabal, what with all it’s oil money, and its past history of terrorism.
Q even implies here that 9/11 truly was an inside job, with members of the bin Laden family being cleared to fly out of the US on 9/11, as well as Bush II being awfully chummy with the Saudis.
MS-13 are stormtroopers for the Cabal, and the worst kind at that. They are absolute animals, as Trump says; exceedingly violent and reprehensible. And they were brought here to carry out hits and intimidation for The Cabal.
Beyond that, Q discloses that the investigation into Hillary’s e-mails would have lead directly back to Obama, because he was using a private alias on their private server as well, so he OK’d stopping the investigation – in order to save his own treacherous hide.
As for the markers at the end – Snow White refers to the seven supercomputers run by the CIA, and Godfather III, in all likelihood, refers to the Vatican’s direct involvement in child trafficking, given this quote from the film:
“The only wealth in this world is children; more than all the money, power on earth, you are my treasure.”
– Michael Corleone
Again, we’re really only scratching the surface of these drops, so if you’re feeling a bit disoriented at this point, I would first take a break from reading before coming back to this, and second, highly encourage you to look at all of the Q drops at a later date.
My goal here is to give you the 40,000 foot view and help you make sense of what might otherwise feel like very crazy and troubling times.
Remember when I talked about the Neo-Babylonian Death Cult all the way back in the beginning of this article?
I wasn’t joking.
Q gets into the money-masters here, and how they fund their insidious operations. +++ is the House of Saud, ++ are the Rothschilds, and + is Soros.
But to get back to the drop at hand, Q is confirming “conspiracy theorists'” ideas about The Cabal – how they are all members of this cult which engages in human sacrifice, pedophilia, human trafficking, and even the cannibalism of children.
I challenge any of you to go back and re-read some of Trump’s older tweets – especially the ones about Barack Obama’s birth certificate and name change. (Oh yes, Q addresses that and promises that one day soon, a picture of Obama will be released where he’s wearing full Muslim garb, and aiming an AK at someone.
Heck, by the time this article finds you, such a picture may have already been released). But the point is… Trump knows, and has known for a very long time.
Just as there are black hats perpetrating evil deeds on the world, so too, white hats have been fighting the good fight – and if you go back through Trump’s history, it becomes clear that he’s been in this fight for a very long time.
This post was… almost like a flowchart, with each line finding causation in the previous. So, if you start out and read it all in plain language, SR (Seth Rich), and he gave the DNC files to WL (Wikileaks). Word gets out, and Obama hired DNI for damage control.
James Clapper was DNI’s director, and he goes to John Brennan, the CIA’s (Clowns in America, as Q often calls them) director.
They formulate the basis for the Russian Collusion hoax together, to cover the DNC’s behinds, and hire Google and Crowdstrike to perpetuate this lie, that the DNC was hacked by “Russians.”
A hit is then asked for by the DNC (who was chaired at the time by Debbie Wasserman-Schultz). 187 is California Penal Code for murder, and then Q tells us that the two MS-13 gang members who were hired for the hit get taken out themselves as part of the cleanup.
The FBI and DOJ assist with the cover-up. “Insurance” is a reference to Peter Strzok’s texts, where he said:
“I want to believe the path you threw out for consideration in Andy’s office - that there’s no way he gets elected - but I’m afraid we can’t take that risk. It’s like an insurance policy in the unlikely event you die before you’re 40..”
Q then gives us an image of a pyramid with the top knocked off. Again, this is a reference to “the cult” (think “eye of providence)” but also a deliberate note that they’ve lost power and control.
To try and regain control, all these Democrats go into overdrive, and eventually come up with the “Russian Dossier” which tries to link Trump to “Russian Hackers” in order to kill two birds with one stone.
They go through the Five Eyes members, and end up working with Christopher Steele of MI6.
They produce this phony dossier, with Steele’s primary points of contact being John Podesta and Eric Holder (and a few others). Meanwhile, Obama uses this phony dossier as “evidence” to justify spying on Citizen Trump’s presidential campaign.
John McCain then leaks the dossier to Buzzfeed in an attempt to shape the public narrative.
Astounding, right?
And they all almost got away with it.
This is an incredibly important post. Why? Because at the end of the day, what Q is teaching us is how to stand up for ourselves again.
The reason the Cabal wants population control, and advances wars, disease, plague, famine, etc is because… they are few. In terms of sheer numbers, we truly do have the power. These spiritual vampires hide in darkness, but they are relatively few and weak.
It’s a numbers game. All it takes to defeat them is making sure everyone is not only aware of their crimes, but actively demanding justice while working to rebuild the country.
I think the reason some people have a resistance to #MAGA is that superficially… it might look a bit selfish, but the truth is, it’s totally communal.
It’s about strengthening your families, your communities, your neighborhoods, your towns and cities, and shaking off the shackles of these self-appointed overlords who consider us little more than sheep, just another resource to be spent for their own advancement.
And now… for the biggie:
This is the “16 Year Plan” I was telling you about before.
There is so much here, but the fundamental thrust of it all is that every single action taken by Obama was taken to deliberately weaken and divide the American people.
And he was making major progress on that front, make no mistake.
And Q lays it all out here, from leaking classified military assets, to removing Generals from power, to weakening the NSA with the Snowden leaks, to targeting Conservative groups with the IRS, to opening the border and allowing the likes of MS-13 to filter in, in droves, to killing NASA, to funding Uranium 1, and even calling for the assassination of Justice Antonin Scalia.
And that was just phase one. Hillary was supposed to be phase 2.
But remember… “They never thought she would lose.”
Hillary was to oversee the utter collapse and starvation of the US economy, while simultaneously disarming the population AND opening the borders. She’d stack the Supreme Court with her picks, have the constitution rewritten, remove the electoral college, and censor news outlets that didn’t fall in line.
And this was all before the nukes they had funded and had manufactured started falling. That was going to be blamed on Russia, too, remember – which would have the “nice” little side-effect of starting WWIII, and obliterating the last two nations on earth who had any hope of independently resisting the influence of the Cabal.
When Q says Pure EVIL he means it.
There’s not much I need to add to this. Q is speaking very plainly in this drop.
But did you catch that at the end? 60% must remain private for humanity’s sake.
The evil we’ve uncovered – even with all the talk of human sacrifice and worse – is just scratching the surface.
Just rest assured that many good individuals have risked so much to put these people away for good.
And finally… we’ve reached my number 1 pick:
I’m not going to lie: the last few decades have been hard. Really hard. I’ve felt it, and I know you’ve felt it, too.
The last few decades, but especially the Obama have years have felt like a constant erosive force against the spirit of America; a sort of weakening, a collective deadening of our souls.
That was deliberate.
The excellent news is that the highest heights we will achieve during the Great Restoration of America will be so much greater than the lowest depths those small-souled men and women of The Cabal tried to drag us down into.
The criminals who attempted to murder and destroy us will face justice, and We the People will send the worst among them to meet their maker, where they won’t be able to hide in darkness, where they won’t have any backroom connections to bail them out, and where they will have to answer for all the lives they ruined.
When Q says “The choice has always been yours” he is telling us that we don’t have to go along with the decline; that we can reject it from the very depths of our souls, and that if we strive for it, a new day will dawn over this nation, and we will be greater than ever before.
The possibilities, the hope for the future – it’s all there for us like never before, with Our Father in Heaven smiling down upon us.
GOOD is about to TRIUMPH over evil in a major way, and it will be like nothing we have ever experienced before.
New Zealand’s ‘Digital Strip Searches’: Give Border Agents Your Passwords Or Risk A $5,000 Fine
October 6 2018 | From: TheWashingtonPost / RadioNewZealand Travelers who refuse to surrender passwords, codes, encryption keys and other information enabling access to electronic devices could be fined up to $5,000 in New Zealand (about US$3,300), according to new customs rules that went into effect last Monday.
Border agents were already able to seize digital equipment, but the Customs and Excise Act of 2018 newly specifies that access to personal technology must be handed over as well.
The law provides, however, that officials need to have “reasonable cause to suspect wrongdoing” before conducting a digital search - cold comfort for civil liberties advocates, who have sounded an alarm about the measure.
In addition to a fine, those who refuse to submit to a digital search could see their devices seized and subjected to a full examination, meaning “the device or data may be copied, reviewed, or evaluated (including by means of previewing, cloning, or other forensic methods.”
During parliamentary debate on the legislation, Meka Whaitiri, a member of the Labour Party and former customs minister, said the “so-called digital strip searches” allow border agents “freer access . . . to look through those items that might be causing concern.” She said the law “balances the protection of New Zealand with individual rights.”
The new customs minister, Kris Faafoi, also of Labour, earlier expressed reservations about the bill, saying the government was downplaying the authority that it would grant customs officers.
“I think most people would feel that getting access to someone’s phone or someone’s device is an encroachment on privacy,” he said.
But he hailed the legislation as it took effect, describing the changes in a statement as reflections of modern business practices and saying they arose from “consultation with the import and export sector.”
In a news release, the New Zealand Customs Service said the law would boost border compliance and support the national economy. It promised the public that it would be “unlikely to notice much difference at the border, with existing provisions reconfirmed or clarified.”
Thomas Beagle, a spokesman for the Council for Civil Liberties, told Radio New Zealand that the requirement of reasonable cause was pointless because officials didn’t have to specify the cause, meaning that “there’s no way to challenge it.”
“Nowadays we’ve got everything on our phones; we’ve got all our personal life, all our doctors’ records, our emails, absolutely everything on it, and customs can take that and keep it,” he said.
New Zealand isn’t alone in conducting what have become known as digital strip-searches.
Between November 2017 and March 2018, the Canadian Border Services Agency examined the digital devices of 4,529 travelers, according to the Globe and Mail. That’s a tiny portion of the 20,407,746 people processed at the border during the same period, the newspaper reported.
In the United States, probes of mobile phones by border agents rose from fewer than 5,000 in 2015 to 25,000 in 2016, according to the Guardian. The Department of Homeland Security said the 2016 data was an anomaly.
Last year, the Knight First Amendment Institute at Columbia University filed a freedom of information suit to obtain DHS rules for conducting searches of these devices.
In response, the watchdog group gained access to a log of more than 400 traveler complaints between 2011 and 2017, of which roughly 240 involved searches of electronic devices.
The American Civil Liberties Union has also entered the fray.
Along with the Electronic Frontier Foundation, it brought a case last year against the DHS on behalf of 11 travelers whose phones and laptops were searched at U.S. airports and the nation’s northern border.
In May, a federal judge in Massachusetts ruled that case could proceed, rejecting the government’s bid to have the complaint - mounted on First Amendment and Fourth Amendment grounds - dismissed.
Landmark search-and-seizure cases:
“Indicate that electronic device searches are, categorically, more intrusive than searches of one’s person or effects,” wrote U.S. District Judge Denise Casper, citing in particular Riley v. California, in which the Supreme Court found in 2014 that police need warrants to examine the phones of people they arrest.
“The ability to review travelers’ cell phones allows officers to view ‘nearly every aspect of their lives - from the mundane to the intimate.’ ”
Travellers Refusing Digital Search Now Face $5,000 Customs Fine
Travellers who refuse to hand over their phone or laptop passwords to Customs officials can now be slapped with a $5000 fine.
The Customs and Excise Act 2018 - which comes into effect recently - sets guidelines around how Customs can carry out "digital strip-searches".
Previously, Customs could stop anyone at the border and demand to see their electronic devices. However, the law did not specify that people had to also provide a password.
The updated law makes clear that travellers must provide access - whether that be a password, pin-code or fingerprint - but officials would need to have a reasonable suspicion of wrongdoing.
“It is a file-by-file [search] on your phone. We're not going into 'the cloud'. We'll examine your phone while it's on flight mode," Customs spokesperson Terry Brown said.
If people refused to comply, they could be fined up to $5000 and their device would be seized and forensically searched.
Mr Brown said the law struck the "delicate balance" between a person's right to privacy and Customs' law enforcement responsibilities.
“I personally have an e-device and it maintains all my records - banking data, et cetera, et cetera - so we understand the importance and significance of it."
Council for Civil Liberties spokesperson Thomas Beagle said the law was an unjustified invasion of privacy.
“Nowadays we've got everything on our phones; we've got all our personal life, all our doctors' records, our emails, absolutely everything on it, and customs can take that and keep it."
The new requirement for reasonable suspicion did not rein in the law at all, Mr Beagle said.
“They don't have to tell you what the cause of that suspicion is, there's no way to challenge it."
Customs Minister Kris Faafoi said the power to search electronic devices was necessary.
“A lot of the organised crime groups are becoming a lot more sophisticated in the ways they're trying to get things across the border.
"And if we do think they're up to that kind of business, then getting intelligence from smartphones and computers can be useful for a prosecution."
But Mr Beagle said "serious criminals" would simply store incriminating material online.
“You'd be mad to carry stuff over on your phone."
Privacy Commissioner John Edwards had some influence over the drafting of the legislation and said he was "pretty comfortable" with where the law stood.
"There's a good balance between ensuring that our borders are protected ... and [that people] are not subject to unreasonable search of their devices."
"You know when you come into the country that you can be asked to open your suitcase and that a Customs officer can look at everything in there."
Border officials searched roughly 540 electronic devices at New Zealand airports in 2017.
Customs will be required to keep Parliament updated on the number of devices searched every year. The agency said it did not expect the number to increase.
The Bullshit Philosophy Of Positive Thinking
October 5 2018 | From: TheUnboundedSpirit Are you tired of hearing people tell you to just "stay positive" when life kicks you in the teeth and all you want is to cry? Are you fed up with reading self-help books that promise to help resolve your life problems, when in reality all they advice you is to "keep a positive mindset" and do nothing more?
If so, I'm sure my new article will resonate with you. It's titled "The Bullshit Philosophy of Positive Thinking" - and for a good reason. I wrote it because, like you, I'm done with all the bullshit the self-help industry is trying to sell us and so many people fall for.
My aim behind writing this is to dispel the myth of "positive thinking", and to show how we can effectively deal with our problems, not by negating them - as the philosophy of positive thinking urges us to do - but by accepting them.
“Just think positively and all your problems will vanish into thin air. Don’t care about taking action to create the life you want – just sit where you are and visualize with positive intent that everything’s going to be alright.”
This is the philosophy that many self-help coaches, authors and so-called spiritual teachers are preaching. It has been named “positive thinking” and is selling pretty well, considering that the positive thinking industry is a multi-billion dollar industry.
But what if I told you that it’s total bullshit?
You might be thinking: “What the hell, Sofo, have you gone crazy? Your entire blog is about how to overcome suffering and live a better life – in other words, about how to let go of the negative and experience the positive – and now you are telling me that positive thinking is bullshit?”
Yes, that’s exactly what I’m telling you. But before you’re too quick to judge, let me explain myself.
Shutting Your Eyes Won’t Make Your Problems Disappear
If you look at life without the filters of ideology, you will see that it contains both positive and negative realities: There’s pleasure and pain, love and hate, peace and war, and so on and so forth.
According to the philosophy of positive thinking, however, we shouldn’t think about the negative side of life, and, in fact, we should pretend that it doesn’t even exist. This way, we are told, we won’t be affected by it.
Not only that; if we don’t think about it and instead focus on the positive side, the negative will go away just like that.
“Don’t worry about the starving children in Africa. Just pray for them and they will be alright.”
“Don’t worry about rising sea levels, environmental pollution, and biodiversity loss. Just keep a positive mindset and our planet will recover from all the damage that has been inflicted on it.”
“Don’t worry about your job that you hate or your relationships that are messed up. Just visualize that you’re already living the life of your dreams and you will soon find the ideal partner and the perfect career.”
Needless to say, positive thinking won’t do a damn thing about all the above. The African children will keep on dying in millions from starvation, our planet will keep on being harmed, and your life will keep on sucking.
In fact, things will get even worse. By not paying our problems any attention and actually doing something to resolve them, with time they are bound to become more and more complicated and hence increasingly affect us and the world we live in.
“Look, here’s the little trick I use that makes all my problems disappear.” - Master Positive Thinker
To give you an analogy, positive thinking is like being in a house that’s on fire, while trying to convince yourself that everything’s OK, believing that this way the fire is going to disappear. Of course, the fire will keep on burning and growing wilder until it eventually consumes the entire house and yourself along with it.
That’s why I call positive thinking a bullshit philosophy: Not only doesn’t it work, it’s counterproductive too – that is, it creates the exact opposite results of what it seeks. The question, then, is why do so many people buy into it?
The Appeal of Positive Thinking
Somewhere I read the following profound words:
“Do not be afraid to accept ugly truths, and never be afraid to reject beautiful lies.”
Unfortunately, the wide majority of us (and by “us” I mean “humans”) don’t hesitate for a moment to accept lies that are beautiful and reject truths that are ugly.
That’s because ugly truths remind us of serious life problems that we need to resolve, and to do so we need to go through a lot of hardship and pain. And who likes to experience hardship and pain?
So we tend to avoid facing our problems. And what’s the best way to do so? To not look at them at all, in a desperate effort to fool ourselves that they don’t exist.
It’s no wonder, therefore, that so many people buy into the (bullshit) philosophy of positive thinking. They want to hear beautiful lies that will make them feel that everything’s alright, and hence that they needn’t stress about anything.
And since we are living in a world where money is the ruling force, of course there are going to be some cunning individuals who are willing to sell positive thinking and exploit others’ insecurities for their financial gain.
Personally, through my writing I like to state the truth as it is, even if it’s at times terribly ugly. I know that many of you - my readers - might be put off by it, but I also know that this is the only way to face our problems and deal with them, on a personal and a collective level.
So if you’re a long-time fan of The Unbounded Spirit, I’d like to take a moment to praise you for being such a badass reader and a committed seeker of truth.
From Positive Thinking to Realistic, Action-Based Thinking
Imagine you are chronically ill, suffering from a painful, debilitating disease. You can pretend all you want that your disease isn’t serious, and have faith that you’ll soon recover to good health, without doing anything to treat your condition. However, in reality this will do nothing to help you heal - your disease will keep on being there, and chances are that it will be worsening as you age.
Now imagine that you, instead, decided to let a doctor have a look at you and tell you what is the underlying cause of your disease and how to treat it. The doctor might inform you that the treatment involves some pain - it could be that you need surgery or to take a heavy dose of medication with possible side effects.
But you know that, no matter the extra pain you may undergo during the treatment, in the end it will be worth it. That’s because afterwards you’ll be relieved of the chronic pain caused by your disease, while the additional pain caused by the treatment will only be temporary. So you decide to treat your disease, and get back to being healthy.
Like in the above example, if we wish to overcome our life problems, then we need to do something about them. By that I don’t mean to merely repeat positive affirmations in our minds and wish that all is going to be perfectly fine.
Rather, I mean to stand up from our chairs, roll up our sleeves and take concrete action. But first we need to accept our problems, instead of denying them, as the philosophy of positive thinking urges us to do.
We need to look at them in the eye, examine why they are there, and search for ways to effectively deal with them.
Of course, this can be quite a tough thing to do. To admit that something is wrong with our lives is a bitter pill to swallow. And to change it might require painstakingly hard work.
But, whether we like it or not, there’s no other way to go about it.
Either we work our problems out and suffer for a short while, or we ignore them and suffer for as long as we’re alive.
Understanding Trump’s United Nations Appearance – He Was Speaking To America, Scorning The Cabal Servants In The Room
October 4 2018 | From: PhiBetaIota President Donald Trump’s speech and press conference at the United Nations are a permanent record and valuable when analyzed with an American populist lens.
It is not possible to responsibly analyze his appearance without appreciating two facts: first, President Trump was not speaking to those present, he was speaking to America; second, all those present are servants to the Cabal, committed to globalism and the end of individual and local rights, and President Trump knows that.
Stated most clearly: Donald Trump’s speech was the death notice for the Cabal, and his press conference a masterful display of intelligence with integrity – indeed, the word “finesse,” not normally associated with this President, has been used in some circles.
Comment:Read about the Alliance that has been working behind the scenes
for decades to take down the 'Cabal' within the work of David Wilcock.
Why finesse? He is finessing the Zionists – the last Cabal domino that must fall after the Rothschilds (done) and the Vatican (almost done).
For those who value brevity, here is the “executive briefing” on the speech and the press conference. Obviously the interpretations are speculative but observers should understand that there is no going back from the Trump era – he has stopped the Deep State and he is taking down the Shadow Government.
Whether he fulfills all his promises or not, America’s path is now toward a restoration of the Constitution and a restoration of public power that will displacing banking power, reliant on bribery, blackmail, and legalized lies including false flag operations, as the foundation for Cabal power. Whoever follows Trump will continue in this vein.
The Speech
INTRODUCTION: The derisive laughter of those assembled when President Donald Trump spoke of his economic triumphs can be explained in three ways:
First, the Administration has not done a good job explaining all that he has done (including the recovery of tens of trillions of dollars from the Cabal, and reassertion – virtual nationalization – of the Federal Reserve), and much of what has been in preparation has not yet emerged, such as the gold-backed dollar, the debt jubilee, and plans to pump $1.5 trillion dollars into the economy through 6,000 “bottom up” agents of the President.
Second, the Mainstream Media (MSM) and #GoogleGestapo (notably Facebook, Google, Twitter, and YouTube) have been actively censoring and digitally assassinating those seeking to articulate the accomplishments of the Administration; and -
Third; everyone in the room is facing personal ruin if and when President Donald Trump’s full vision is realized.
Below are thirteen extracts with interpretations quite contrary to the subversive nonsense being offered up by the MSM and #GoogleGestapo.
“The Marshall Plan was built on the noble idea that the whole world is safer when nations are strong, independent, and free. . . . we do expect all nations to uphold these two core sovereign duties: to respect the interests of their own people and the rights of every other sovereign nation.”
INTERPRETATION:Globalism, and the role of the UN as a “steward” for “managing” the world as whole without respect for local and national needs and rights, is OVER.
“We are celebrating the 230th anniversary of our beloved Constitution - the oldest constitution still in use in the world today. . . .
The greatest in the United States Constitution is its first three beautiful words.
They are: “We the people.” Generations of Americans have sacrificed to maintain the promise of those words, the promise of our country, and of our great history.
In America, the people govern, the people rule, and the people are sovereign. I was elected not to take power, but to give power to the American people, where it belongs.”
INTERPRETATION: The arrests and military tribunals are about to begin. Plans for the gold-backed (or precious metals backed) US dollar are ready; the Federal Reserve is now under control; the looting of the US Treasury by the Cabal is no longer tolerated.
“As President of the United States, I will always put America first, just like you, as the leaders of your countries will always, and should always, put your countries first."
INTERPRETATION: America First means NOT Zionism First. The President is “playing” Benjamin Netanyahu and the Zionist government of Israel that recently declared itself at apartheid state and all Jews everywhere to be citizens of Israel (meaning they are inherently traitors to their home counties).
President Hassan Rouhani, who speaks fluent English, made a serious mistake in not accepting President Trump at his word and taking a short meeting with no witnesses; not only would this have allowed the two Presidents to connect at a personal level and exchange private fax numbers, but it would have driven the Zionists mad.
President Rouhani might also have gained some priceless strategic insight.
“The United States will forever be a great friend to the world, and especially to its allies. But we can no longer be taken advantage of, or enter into a one-sided deal where the United States gets nothing in return.
As long as I hold this office, I will defend America’s interests above all else.”
INTERPRETATION: Mindful that the USA has been the Great Satan for many, as the military and secret intelligence “tool” of the Cabal, wreaking great havoc across the developing world, that era, partly rooted in the American capture of Chinese gold stolen by Japan and hidden in the Philippines (the Black Lily Fund), is over.
“We want harmony and friendship, not conflict and strife. We are guided by outcomes, not ideology.
We have a policy of principled realism, rooted in shared goals, interests, and values.”
INTERPRETATION: The President has read, and intends to pursue, a foreign policy of freedom – peace, commerce, and honest friendship, as championed by Ron and Rand Paul.
The President intends to withdraw from the Middle East and Central Asia, from the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO), to redirect US arms productions from swords to plowshares; and perhaps to close all US bases overseas and expel the UN from New York. America’s focus will be on peace and prosperity for the 99%, not on war as a profit center for the 1%.
“The scourge of our planet today is a small group of rogue regimes that violate every principle on which the United Nations is based. They respect neither their own citizens nor the sovereign rights of their countries.”
INTERPRETATION: While he talks about North Korea and Iran in the passages that follow, retired military and intelligence circles believe he is talking about Israel and Saudi Arabia.
He did not act on his promise with respect to 9/11 truth because it was one election cycle too soon. When 9/11 truth inevitably comes out (as elite pedophilia and elite banking fraud truths will also inevitably come out), both Israel and Saudi Arabia will be expelled from the USA and the Cabal will be over: the Rothschilds, the Vatican, and the Chabad Supremacist Cult along with their Freemason, Knights of Malta, and central banking servants will be OVER.
All of the statement pertaining to North Korea and Iran are for the American audience and part of finessing the Zionists in the short term – after the denuclearization of the Koreas the denuclearization of the Middle East, starting with the 200+ nuclear weapons held by Israel and funded by the US taxpayer, is certain. In our lifetime.
“Last month, I announced a new strategy for victory in the fight against this evil in Afghanistan. From now on, our security interests will dictate the length and scope of military operations, not arbitrary benchmarks and timetables set up by politicians.”
INTERPRETATION: After the mid-terms we will announce our departure from Afghanistan. The Pashtun Taliban will be encouraged to close down the opium crops that were re-started by Bush-Cheney to provide cash flow liquidity for the Cabal. Pakistan’s military, the primary converters of opium into top grade heroin, will suffer a financial crisis.
“We seek the de-escalation of the Syrian conflict, and a political solution that honors the will of the Syrian people.
The actions of the criminal regime of Bashar al-Assad, including the use of chemical weapons against his own citizens - even innocent children - shock the conscience of every decent person.
No society can be safe if banned chemical weapons are allowed to spread. That is why the United States carried out a missile strike on the airbase that launched the attack.”
INTERPRETATION: We will leave Syria and insist that Israel leave Syria, to include (eventually) the return of the Golan Heights (and the oil beneath the Golan Heights) to Syria. China (which now runs both Israeli ports) and Russia will be the main arbiters of Middle East peace going forward.
“The United States is a compassionate nation and has spent billions and billions of dollars in helping to support this effort.
We seek an approach to refugee resettlement that is designed to help these horribly treated people, and which enables their eventual return to their home countries, to be part of the rebuilding process.
For the cost of resettling one refugee in the United States, we can assist more than 10 in their home region.”
INTERPRETATION: The USA is going to encourage all nationalist movements in Europe that are rejecting the influx of unemployed Muslims as made possible by the Barcelona Agreement where European leaders were bribed by the Saudis and others to accept the human sacrifices from dictatorial repression and mis-management.
The economics are sound – ending US taxpayer support for dictators and their ceremonial armies that cannot fight, and demanding that other countries cease to export their poor to the West, is going to be a major policy plank going forward.
“Too often the focus of this organization [the UN] has not been on results, but on bureaucracy and process. In some cases, states that seek to subvert this institution’s noble aims have hijacked the very systems that are supposed to advance them. . . .
The United States is one out of 193 countries in the United Nations, and yet we pay 22 percent of the entire budget and more.“
INTERPRETATION: The UN is on notice. In his second term President Trump can be expected to begin cutting the size of the federal government by at least 25%, and will impose similar demands on the UN.
Eventually US support to the UN should come down to 10% of its budget, and most US foreign aid will be delivered directly to the village level via electronic micro-cash, as recommended by Ashraf Ghani and Claire Lockhart.
Put another way: the UN is not too big to fail, we are going to cut it down severely.
“For too long, the American people were told that mammoth multinational trade deals, unaccountable international tribunals, and powerful global bureaucracies were the best way to promote their success.
But as those promises flowed, millions of jobs vanished and thousands of factories disappeared. Others gamed the system and broke the rules.
And our great middle class, once the bedrock of American prosperity, was forgotten and left behind, but they are forgotten no more and they will never be forgotten again.
“While America will pursue cooperation and commerce with other nations, we are renewing our commitment to the first duty of every government: the duty of our citizens.
This bond is the source of America’s strength and that of every responsible nation represented here today.”
INTERPRETATION:This is the meat. The Cabal – and the banks and corporations used by the Cabal to loot the nations of the world – has been put into foreclosure.
“Patriotism led the Poles to die to save Poland, the French to fight for a free France, and the Brits to stand strong for Britain.”
INTERPRETATION: This is a very subtle slam on Israel and a nod to the Palestinians. President Rouhani made a huge error in not meeting President Trump (unless of course he met him secretly).
As Gandhi has said, “Palestine is to the Palestinians as France is to the French.”
No one thought the Berlin Wall would come down. No one thought the Koreas would unite. As God is my witness, Palestine will be restored in our lifetime.
“Are we still patriots? Do we love our nations enough to protect their sovereignty and to take ownership of their futures? . . . From its very first moments, the American story is the story of what is possible when people take ownership of their future.”
INTERPRETATION: He is speaking to the American people. He is setting the stage for what I and Cynthia McKinney call “people not parties.” The Great Awakening is at root an awakening of all those who have been looted by the Cabal and not represented by the two-party tyranny.
While the President has not taken official action on #UNRIG (Election Reform Act) he is acutely aware of it – he KNOWS that he cannot win re-election in 2020 unless he broadens the base and offers free and equal ballot access to Independents and the small parties and the 47% who chose not to vote in 2016 because the systems is “rigged,” in the President’s own word.
The Press Conference
The key points that emerged from this unscripted event include:
The USA will no longer tolerate grotesque trade tariff asymmetries – we are charging nothing to single digit tariffs while China and EU are charging double-digit tariffs. That era is OVER.
Favors a two-state solution but open to a one-state solution, Palestinians must be happy.
Condemns President Obama giving Iran $1.8 billion dollars.
Praises Russia, Iran, Syria in relation to the fight against the Islamic State of Iraq & Syria (ISIS) but avoids pointing out that Saudi Arabia and Israel created ISIS.
Greenlights continued Kurdish and other third-party hostilities against ISIS.
Prodded by repeated questions, keeps coming back to how false accusations are so common, labeling the Democratic attacks on Judge Kavanagh a “con job.”
In a meeting with Prime Minister Shinzo Abe President Trump showed a letter from Supreme Leader Kim Jong Un that he termed historic and beautiful, and confirmed another personal meeting is planned between him and the North Korean leader.
On television South Korean President Moon Jae-in gave President Donald Trump full credit for the progress toward unification and denuclearization between the Koreas, and said it could not have happened without him – we are all aware that General Secretary Xi Jinping is the primary force making the unification and denuclearization possible, the intent is to credit President Donald Trump with being the “closer."
While this article has endeavored to provide a uniquely American populist interpretation of President Trump’s appearance at the United Nations, it is important to emphasize that the MSM and #GoogleGestapo have turned the USA into a “denied area” much as the Soviet Union was once – and perhaps still is – a “denied area” in terms of being able to access reliable information about all aspects of the national life – political-military, socio-economic, ideo-cultural, techno-demographic, and natural-geographic.
The overt media and social media reporting on the USA is shallow garbage.
The good news is being censored.
Tens of thousands of voices, not only conservative but also progressive, are being censored and thousands of channels digitally assassinated.
It is not possible to over-state the economic and financial progress that has been made under President Trump.
What is lacking to date – he has a terrible communications team and no truth channel of his own – is a personal connection to the 73% that did not vote him into office (47% did not vote at all, 27% voted for him, 26% voted against him).
Look for a few major announcements in the month of October. There will be an October surprise (or two).
Gene Roddenberry Based Star Trek On Secret US Navy Space Fleet
October 3 2018 | From: Exopolitics September 8 marked the 50th anniversary of the creation of the Star Trek science fiction series that began in 1966. There is significant evidence that its creator, Gene Roddenberry, did not simply come up with the idea of Star Trek on his own.
Instead he was encouraged to create the series based on classified information surrounding the development of a secret U.S. Navy space fleet that would build a broad extraterrestrial alliance.
This led Roddenberry to come up with the idea of a United Federation of Planets, with its military headquarters in San Francisco.
Roddenberry began developing ideas for a science fiction show after one of his series had bombed in 1964:
“The only reason Roddenberry created Star Trek, at least initially, was to sell another series to a network. He was, if not desperate, anxious… He had just failed with The Lieutenant, for Norman Felton’s Arena Productions.
… No one was clamoring for another series from Roddenberry, or even his scripts. His agent suggested he come up with a space series…
This may have led to what The Outer Limits historians insist are the accurate - if generally unknown - accounts of Roddenberry hanging out at times on the set of The Outer Limits. When I learned this, it wasn’t hard to imagine that series creator, and executive producer, Leslie Stevens … was someone that Roddenberry may have sought to emulate."
This account is confirmed by Tom Seldon, one of the production assistants of The Outer Limits:
“Star Trek was in fact an outgrowth of The Outer Limits. Gene Roddenberry watched our dailies all the time and took a lot of phone calls from our screening room.
He was spurring his imagination and checking on the incredible quality control we had.
I wondered why he was there but he was there more often than not during the time he was coming up with Star Trek."
The following firmly suggests that Roddenberry and Stevens had reached a business arrangement for the planned sci-fi series, Star Trek:
“Bearing in mind that Roddenberry was contracted to a rival studio and a rival network, the odds are essentially slim to none that the two men didn’t have some kind of business arrangement, whether in writing or not."
If Stevens and Roddenberry had indeed developed a business arrangement for the new Star Trek series, this is where Stevens background becomes critical in understanding the nature of their arrangement. Stevens was the son of a U.S. Navy Vice Admiral Leslie Stevens who died in 1956.
Vice Admiral Stevens was a contemporary of Rear Admiral Rico Botta who according to a former aerospace engineer, William Tompkins, oversaw a covert Navy espionage program out of Nazi Germany to learn about Nazi flying saucers during World War II.
The 29 Navy spies in the program had not only learned that the Nazis had developed up to 30 different flying saucer prototypes, but were also being directly assisted by an extraterrestrial civilization comprising Reptilian hominoids in building secret bases in Antarctica.
Both Admirals Botta and Stevens were leading experts in aerospace engineering and headed top Navy aerospace facilities at various points during their careers. In 1946, both were retroactively promoted to the rank of Rear Admiral as of 1943, for their wartime duties.
Botta went on to head the Naval Air Material Center out of Philadelphia Shipyard from 1950 to 1952. It is from this and similar command assignments that plans began for a secret Navy space fleet aimed to counter what the Nazis had developed in Antarctica.
Similarly, Admiral Stevens was known for his accomplishments in aeronautics and is quoted as having“had a hand in the design or conception of all naval aircraft, aircraft carriers and carrier landing apparatus.” Admiral Stevens’ aeronautics expertise meant that he was almost certainly aware of what Botta had learned about Nazi aerospace projects.
It is more than likely that Admirals Botta and Stevens were the first to comprise a covert Navy leadership group that would oversee the development of a U.S. Navy space fleet based on modern aircraft carrier battle groups that would in time join an interplanetary alliance.
This is precisely what Tompkins says he was asked to do at the Douglas Aircraft Company on behalf of the Navy from 1952 to 1963. Tompkins says that he was covertly assisted by Nordic extraterrestrials while he was helping design kilometers-long spacecraft for future U.S. Navy space battle groups. In interviews, Tompkins has revealed that Nordic extraterrestrials were working directly with senior officers within the U.S. Navy.
Admiral Stevens went on to occupy important positions with the national security council system, including the Psychological Strategy Board where he became Director.
Formally established in 1951 by President Truman, it is one of the interagency boards that was set up to disinform the general public about the reality of flying saucers, while secretly gathering information about what other nations were doing in response to the phenomenon.
William Tompkins confirmed, in a private phone call on August 24, that Admiral Stevens was aware of what the Navy had learned about Nazi Germany’s flying saucer programs.
He further confirmed that Admiral Stevens played a direct role in setting up a secret U.S. Navy space program, and that his son, Leslie Stevens, IV, was aware of what was happening.
Tompkins claims here are consistent with what he says happened from 1985 to 1999, when he ran an extraterrestrial related “Special Projects” out of the U.S. Navy League center in Medford, Oregon. He said that it was common for Navy officers to have their children briefed about secret space programs and alliances with different extraterrestrial races.
This was done in order to prepare the next generation of navy officers and/or leaders for a world where extraterrestrial life was common knowledge. This is similar to another program happening on the U.S. East Coast as described by Catherine Austin Fitts, a former Assistant Secretary of Housing and Urban Development.
She was asked to participate in strategy sessions that were being conducted by the Arlington Institute, a non-profit organization headed by John Peterson that was assigned a number of US Navy contracts. Fitts says:
“John asked me to help him with a high level strategic plan Arlington was planning to undertake for the Undersecretary of the Navy…
I met with a group of high level people in the military in the process - including the Undersecretary.
According to John, the purpose of the plan - discussed in front of several military or retired military officers and former government officials - was to help the Navy adjust their operations for a world in which it was commonly known that aliens exist and live among us."
Tompkins has supplied a document confirming that he ran a Special Projects Committee with the U.S. Navy League. Additionally, two retired Navy Officers, Art Lumley (Commander), and Larry Boeck (Captain) have confirmed that Tompkins did discuss extraterrestrial projects at Navy League meetings, and was regarded as an expert on these issues.
Minutes of Board Meeting refers to Special Projects Committee
Tompkins’ testimony confirms that it was common practice for Navy officers, briefed about extraterrestrial life, to pass on some of this highly classified information to their children.
Consequently, it is almost certain that Admiral Stevens revealed to his son, Leslie Stevens, some of the classified details about the existence of extraterrestrial life and secret space programs prior to his death.
It is furthermore very possible, that Stevens, Jr., was part of a Navy sanctioned “soft disclosure” process that would use the television/movie industry to reveal elements of the Navy’s planned secret space program.
All this helps considerably in finally understanding the nature of the business relationship between Roddenberry and Leslie Stevens, Jr. Stevens could not himself directly create a science fiction show revealing details of the classified information given to him by his deceased father, but he very likely received tacit permission by Navy officials, to share it with television/movie producers such as Roddenberry who would fictionalize the information.
Consequently, the business relationship between Gene Roddenberry and Leslie Stevens, suggests that Star Trek was initially based on information gained by Admirals Botta and Stevens. A future U.S. Navy space fleet would be developed that would actively cooperate with Nordic extraterrestrials in an alliance that would counter the Nazis and their Reptilian allies.
In the Star Trek series, the Nordics were depicted as Vulcans, the Reptilians as Klingons, while the Nazis were represented as genetically enhanced humans.
Furthermore, it is topical to recognize that Roddenberry chose the beautiful, iconic city of San Francisco as the military headquarters for his fictional Starfleet Command in Star Trek, elevating this U.S. city in the hearts and minds of generations as a symbol of humanity’s bright future achievements.
It would also directly represent the Navy’s plan for its secret space program becoming a model for integrating other nations in a united partnership.
Two independent sources, former Asian Bureau chief for Forbes Magazine, Benjamin Fulford in 2011, and an anonymous source called the “Hidden Hand” in 2009, have revealed that the Illuminati/Cabal specifically named San Francisco (along with Damascus) as a city that will be made uninhabitable in its Armageddon agenda.
Does San Francisco pose a double threat as both a symbol of hope within the collective psyche, and the truth of a reality it mirrors in the military’s accomplishments? If so, then the Cabal’s goal is not to destroy a city, but to break the collective spirit of a peaceful human vision for a spacefaring future that begins with full disclosure.
The above evidence suggests Star Trek was no mere science fiction series, but was actively encouraged through a business arrangement between Roddenberry and the son of a deceased U.S. Navy admiral, who was directly involved in developing a secret U.S. Navy Space Fleet called Solar Warden.
As we remember the 52nd anniversary of Star Trek, it is worth remembering the roles of U.S. Navy admirals that helped launch the real secret space program upon which Star Trek was modeled.
How Much Of This Junk Are You Exposed To?
October 2 2018 | From: Inquisitr / Sott / NaturalNews / GreenMedInfo We all know about toxins and poisons in the environment - the slow kill. Keep the populace sick while the globalist corporatocracy bleeds us dry of money for power whilst they get off on their depopulation Eugenics agenda.
Awareness of 'environmental toxins' that are literally all around us helps you keep some of the crap out of your system...
Antibacterial Soap Banned By FDA, Commonly Used Chemicals May Do More Harm Than Good
The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has banned antibacterial soap sales in the United States, and the reason why is incredibly disturbing.
Many people have turned to antibacterial soap for years, believing them to be a safe and effective way to remove dirt and germs from the body and hands, and more effective than traditional soap and water. However, when the FDA banned the popular soaps, they informed the public that they might not be so effective after all.
What’s more and infinitely more disturbing, according to the FDA, the chemicals most commonly used in antibacterial soaps may not even be safe.
A total of 19 chemicals often used in antibacterial soaps have been targeted by the FDA, and the agency has given manufacturers only a year to remove them all from the products they are selling (and marketing as safe and effective) to the public.
As The New York Times reports, while nearly 20 chemicals were involved in the decision that led to the antibacterial soap being banned by the FDA, two are the primary culprits. Triclosan and triclocarban are used in both bar and liquid antibacterial soap, and they are almost everywhere.
When the FDA banned antibacterial soap this week based on the risks of using the product often outweighing the benefits, they didn’t ban the questionable chemicals from all products.
Reportedly, at least one toothpaste uses a now-banned chemical, but according to the FDA, in that product it’s risks are less than the benefits it provides to consumers.
While the news that antibacterial soap has been banned by the FDA may be shocking and sudden to some, the truth of the matter is that there have been questions about its safety for years and years.
As Smithsonian Magazine reports, the FDA has been threatening to ban antibacterial soap for years. In the article, published in 2014, cited questions that the FDA had about the safety and effectiveness of antibacterial soap.
Even then, the FDA warned that antibacterial soap would be banned if manufacturers didn’t prove that it was both safe and more effective than using soap and water.
Apparently, the industry was unable to prove that antibacterial soap is safe or provides a public benefit that outweighs the potential risk of exposure of the chemicals used in the product.
At the time of the Smithsonian Magazine article, triclosan (with is banned as part of the FDA’s sweeping decision on antibacterial soap) was used in roughly 30 percent of all bar soap and 75 percent of liquid antibacterial soap. In 2014, the antibacterial soap industry, now banned by the FDA, was worth about $1 billion.
In 2014, the antibacterial soap industry was put on notice by the FDA. They were told to prove the safety of their product by 2016 or see their product banned. Despite the fact that manufacturers had turned antibacterial soap into a $1 billion industry and were given two years, they chose not to put together the required proof that they were selling a product that is safe and effective.
And plenty of people are speculating that the reason that the antibacterial soap industry didn’t prove to the FDA that their product is safe is that they know that it isn’t.
But rather than simply removing it from the market themselves (or demonstrate its safety), the antibacterial soap industry continued to use the questionable chemicals and sell personal hygiene products that may not be safe until the FDA announced that the products were banned.
Even now, antibacterial soap can be legally sold, despite questions about its safety.
In the aftermath of the announcement that the FDA had banned antibacterial soap, public health professionals have overwhelmingly supported the decision, adding that the chemicals in antibacterial soap can alter the hormones of children and even contribute to the problem of antibiotic-resistant superbugs.
“It has boggled my mind why we were clinging to these compounds, and now that they are gone I feel liberated They had absolutely no benefit but we kept them buzzing around us everywhere. They are in breast milk, in urine, in blood, in babies just born, in dust, in water.”
Recent studies into the chemicals found in antibacterial soap products have resulted in some very disturbing discoveries regarding the harm they can do to animals and likely to humans, too.
Among the problems caused by the now-banned products include severe abnormalities having to do with metabolism and reproduction. According to the CDC, the chemicals found in FDA banned antibacterial soap have been found in the bodily waste of 75 percent of U.S. residents.
Kinder and Lindt Chocolate Bars Revealed to Contain Cancer-Causing Carcinogens
Tests carried out by a German watchdog revealed Kinder chocolate bars and two other brands tested positive for a hazardous cancer-causing substance. Surprise!
Foodwatch called for Ferrero's Kinder Riegel, Lindt's Fioretto Nougat Minis, and Sun Rice Classic Schokohappen by Rübezahl to be taken off the shelves on Monday after tests found "possible carcinogens."
The sweet treats had been contaminated with "so-called aromatic mineral oils (MOAH)," says Foodwatch, but the manufacturers are allegedly reluctant to recall their products.
"The manufacturer is guilty of gross negligence. Instead of clearing the dangerous candy from the shelves and alerting consumers, they [postulate]... that everything was undertaken legally," said Foodwatch's John Heeg.
Foodwatch tested more than 20 different kinds of potato chips and chocolate snacks and found saturated mineral oils (MOSH) which it warned can "accumulate in the human body and [cause] long term damage to organs" with children particularly at risk.
"There is no acceptable levels of mineral oils in food for consumption," Heeg told the German edition of The Local, citing the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) who he says considers MOAHs "likely carcinogenic and mutagenic."
"You can't see it, you can't taste it, but it's in there," warned Hegg. "We recommend not purchasing these products because the levels are simply unacceptable for consumption."
Kinder Riegel, "one of the best-selling chocolate bars in Germany," had the worst MOSH and MOAH values. The chemicals are usually transferred to foods through recycled packaging that previously had been printed with inks which may contain oils.
Foodwatch is calling for strict limits on saturated mineral oils (MOSH) in food and a zero tolerance for aromatic mineral oils (MOAH).
Brain Damaging Heavy Metal Mercury Found in Grocery Products Made With High Fructose Corn Syrup (HFCS)
HFCS is ubiquitous in the modern processed food supply. It's added to pizza sauce, salad dressings, ketchup and "whole wheat" breads. Did you know it's often contaminated with the toxic heavy metal mercury?
High-fructose corn syrup (HFCS) is a highly processed sweetener made primarily from corn and found in a plethora of food and beverages on grocery store shelves.
The U.S. Department of Agriculture's Economic Research Service estimated in 2011 that the average consumer per capita consumes nearly 42 pounds of high fructose corn syrup per year. Not one, but two studies in 2009 found that HFCS commercially produced in America and American-bought HFCS products were tainted with mercury.
The first study published in the peer-reviewed journal Environmental Health found that, of twenty samples collected and analyzed from three different manufacturers, nine, or 45 percent, came back tainted with mercury.
The second study by watchdog group Institute for Agriculture and Trade Policy (IATP) purchased fifty-five food items from popular brands off grocery store shelves in the fall of 2008 -- items in which HFCS was the first or second principal ingredient -- and detected mercury in nearly a third of them.
The contamination may have been due to the fact that mercury cells are still used in the production of caustic soda, an ingredient used to make HFCS.
The HFCS mercury plot thickens, however. Online news outlet Grist reported that the lead researcher in the Environmental Health study, Renee Dufault, previously worked as an FDA researcher.
Dufault had apparently turned over the information contained in her HFCS mercury study to the agency back in 2005, but the FDA reportedly sat on it and did nothing, so Dufault went public with it after she retired in 2008.
How Big Food Cornered the Market with a Liquid Sweetener
Initial attempts to get corn syrup widely dispersed into the U.S. food supply in the 1970s didn't really take off because sugar was so cheap and abundant at the time. However, this changed, as U.S.- imposed tariffs decreased sugar imports throughout the 1970s and early 1980s, making sugar significantly more expensive in America than in other parts of the world.
The surface explanation for these tariffs was to protect American sugar farmers; behind the scenes, however, Big Agra interests had lobbied for the policy to promote what would become a new source of sugar - derived from corn - which soon emerged as a popular commodity that was sold at a price significantly cheaper than cane sugar or beet sugar.
Archer Daniels Midland opened the first large-scale plant in 1978 (before they acquired the Clinton Corn Processing Company) to produce 90 percent HFCS and 55 percent HFCS. By January 1980, Coca-Cola began allowing high fructose corn syrup to be used as a sweetener at 50 percent levels with regular sugar; Pepsi Cola followed suit by 1983.
By November 1984, both major soft drink brands had approved full sweetening with HFCS, and HFCS quickly captured 42 percent of the sweetener market. The rising dominance of HFCS allowed it to maintain commercial prices similar to sugar until the 1990s.
Government Money Subsidizing Corn Syrup
For the past several decades, the U.S. government has paid subsidies to American farmers to grow tons of corn (much of which -- nearly 90 percent -- is genetically modified) and shifted domestic agricultural policy to maximize corn crops. This made high-fructose corn syrup and other corn-derived processed ingredients much cheaper for industrial food manufacturers to use.
Today, HFCS is nearly ubiquitous on American grocery store shelves. It can be found in a wide range of items, including candy, ice cream, bread, chips, snacks, soups, soft drinks, fruit drinks and other beverages, condiments, jellies, deli meats, and much, much more.
Overall, Americans consume about fifty to sixty pounds of high fructose corn syrup per capita – an insane amount. HFCS has been linked in scientific research to obesity, diabetes, heart disease, fatty liver and other contributors of bad health and early death.
As the biggest dietary source of fructose, HFCS also promotes insulin resistance and increasing uric acid levels, which contribute to metabolic dysfunction and type 2 diabetes. Further, researchers in 2008 found a correlation between high fructose consumption and liver scarring in non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD), which is present in nearly a third of American adults.
Corn Refiners Association Attempts to Hoodwink Consumers
On top of lobbying efforts, the Corn Refiners Association, an industry organization of which Archer Daniels Midland a is a key member, launched the website as a media relations ploy to debunk "myths" about HFCS and clarify "The Facts about High Fructose Corn Syrup."
It also ran well-funded TV advertising starting in 2008 sticking up for the industry's favorite sweetener and asserting that "sugar is sugar," which prompted a lawsuit by sugar producers claiming false advertising in 2011. The FDA also demanded the corn industry stop using the term "corn sugar" without approval.
In 2012, the FDA rejected a petition filed by the Corn Refiners Association in 2010 to change the name of high-fructose corn syrup to "corn sugar" for the purposes of food labeling and advertising. The Corn Refiners Association claims that it wanted the name change to "educate consumers," the majority of whom are "confused about HFCS."
To keep reading, get my new book Food Forensics, available now for pre-order everywhere books are sold.
How Sucralose (Splenda) Affects Health [Artificial Sweeteners in General]
The emergence of sucralose came from the fight against obesity, but did we trade one problem for another?
This video was originally published on and republished with permission.
In the United States, sucralose (the sweet tasting chemical in Splenda brand artificial sweeteners) was approved for use by the FDA in 1998. It was deemed safe, but we no have over a decade’s worth of research to prove that sucralose affects health in a very negative and very unique way.
The only effect they thought it would have on health was that it could potentially trigger migraines in a small percentage of people.
This, they decided, was a small enough issue that the FDA allowed the substance into the marketplace, citing obesity as a more pressing issue. They could not have been more wrong.
One of the major complications that can come from obesity is diabetes, where the body no longer responds to insulin properly. Originally meant to combat issues like obesity-caused diabetes, lab tests show that insulin resistance increases by as much as 20% after ingesting the sugar substitute.
The cause can be traced back to gut bacteria and how sucralose and other artificial sweeteners can alter their environments. For example; Aspartame is another type of artificial sweetener which studies have shown is metabolized in the body as formaldehyde, a known carcinogen.
Furthermore, alterations in gut bacteria are also very likely the culprit behind the rise in inflammatory bowel diseases like Crohn’s disease.
In every part of the world where sucralose has been approved, inflammatory bowel disease has increased. Clearly, there is a causal link between this substance and the health of our gut.
Though the alternative to sugar was created in an effort to combat obesity, with all of the complications and damage it can cause, it’s clear that how sucralose affects health – negatively. This just further proves that we can all do ourselves a service by sticking to natural foods whose benefits don’t have to be decided on by a committee.
New Mind-Blowing Experiment Confirms That Reality Doesn’t Exist If You Are Not Looking At It
October 1 2018 | From: TheMindUnleashed According to a well-known theory in quantum physics, a particle’s behavior changes depending on whether there is an observer or not. It basically suggests that reality is a kind of illusion and exists only when we are looking at it.
Numerous quantum experiments were conducted in the past and showed that this indeed might be the case.
Now, physicists at the Australian National University have found further evidence for the illusory nature of reality. They recreated the John Wheeler’s delayed-choice experiment and confirmed that reality doesn’t exist until it is measured, at least on the atomic scale.
Thought-Provoking Findings
Some particles, such as photons or electrons, can behave both as particles and as waves. Here comes a question of what exactly makes a photon or an electron act either as a particle or a wave. This is what Wheeler’s experiment asks: at what point does an object ‘decide’?
The results of the Australian scientists’ experiment, which were published in the journal Nature Physics, show that this choice is determined by the way the object is measured, which is in accordance with what quantum theory predicts.
“It proves that measurement is everything. At the quantum level, reality does not exist if you are not looking at it,” said lead researcher Dr. Andrew Truscott in a press release.
The Experiment
The original version of John Wheeler’s experiment proposed in 1978 involved light beams being bounced by mirrors. However, it was difficult to implement it and get any conclusive results due to the level of technological progress back then. Now, it became possible to successfully recreate the experiment by using helium atoms scattered by laser light.
Dr. Truscott’s team forced a hundred of helium atoms into a state of matter called Bose-Einstein condensate. After this, they ejected all the atoms until there was only one left.
Then, the researchers used a pair of laser beams to create a grating pattern, which would scatter an atom passing through it just like a solid grating scatters light. Thus, the atom would either act as a particle and pass through one arm or act as a wave and pass through both arms.
Thanks to a random number generator, a second grating was then randomly added in order to recombine the paths. This was done only after the atom had already passed the first grate.
As a result, the addition of the second grating caused interference in the measurement, showing that the atom had traveled both paths, thus behaving like a wave. At the same time, when the second grating was not added, there was no interference and the atom appeared to have traveled only one path.
The Results and Their Interpretation
As the second grating was added only after the atom had passed through the first one, it would be reasonable to suggest that the atom hadn’t yet ‘decided’ whether it was a particle or a wave before the second measurement.
According to Dr. Truscott, there may be two possible interpretations of these results. Either the atom ‘decided’ how to behave based on the measurement or a future measurement affected the photon’s past.
“The atoms did not travel from A to B. It was only when they were measured at the end of the journey that their wave-like or particle-like behavior was brought into existence,” he said.
Thus, this experiment adds to the validity of the quantum theory and provides new evidence to the idea that reality doesn’t exist without an observer. Perhaps further research in the field of quantum physics and more thought-provoking evidence like this will completely change our understanding of reality one day.
“If quantum mechanics hasn’t profoundly shocked you, you haven’t understood it yet.”
- Niels Bohr
David Wilcock is a researcher, writer, author and lecturer who has generated an enormous amount of material on this subject and many related ones. Discover more at: DivineCosmos
Welcome To The Elite Apocalypse
September 30 2018 | From: PrepareForChange / Various They keep telling us we are about to be destroyed. At least that’s the persistent mainstream narrative. That our demise is imminent. But is it? Is it OUR demise? Think: Mirror.
Think, everything we’ve been told for a very long time is, in reality, the opposite. From last year’s declassified JFK & MLK files to the truth about the Comey and company exploits we’re just now finding out about, we’re learning that the FBI is not a law enforcement agency, it’s a lawless nationwide crime syndicate.
Charity organizations aren’t helping the poor, turns out they’re multinational illegal slush funds, created and used by politicians and celebrities we once looked up to, protected and often aided by our very own CIA.
And, as if all that weren’t bad enough, the utmost trust we are expected to place in things such as our secret FISA courts, and our clergy has been tragically abused and completely forsaken.
And yet somehow, it’s us whose demise is afoot. Funny, right? I didn’t hurt anyone, but the hundreds of priests in Pennsylvania certainly did. I didn’t attempt a coup or commit treason, but James Comey and John Brennan may well have.
But somehow they keep frantically warning us about the certain coming collapse of everything in our world.
UFOs reportedly being spotted on the daily at this point. Cholera and other ‘mystery illnesses’ crisscrossing the globe on flights (always into western countries of course!). The deep state even reenlisted their old buddy Vanilla Ice for the day!
At the same time as record numbers of CEOs have stepped down and politicians resigned or not seeking reelection, all in the prime of their careers. But that’s all a coincidence, I’m sure it’s really us things are looking so grim for, not them
It’s true, when we go on social media or turn on the news, everyday some new freak out is happening. Like a roving pack of 3 year olds at nap time, everyday is literally the shrieking shrilling end of the world all over again.
But then, when we go about our daily lives, when we look around our cities and towns, when we go to the gym and have coffee with our friends, the chaos we’re being told about isn’t actually occurring. In fact our lives and main streets continue to improve. It is the darndest thing!
Chaos is actually happening in Silicon Valley and on Madison Avenue though. It’s happening in the board rooms of Facebook, Twitter, Google and CBS, in the offices of the CEOs of the movie studios and media conglomerates and NFL teams.
From the implosion of slave-labor Nike to the sudden stepping down of Chicago mayor Rahm Emanuel, it’s their whole world that’s in fact falling apart. We’re seeing every agenda and every lie a mile away, the roaches have been spotted, and they are running for cover.
One Dead John McCain, 2.5 Million Dead Iraqis
How can the life of one plutocratic treasonous war monger be worth so much fanfare and media attention and the lives of millions of other humans he aided in mercilessly taking on the other side of the globe not be worth the same? It’s not. That’s a lie.
Those are the kind of lies that built a bloodline dystopian world. The days of those lies are over.
The war with North Korea has been cancelled. There’s not gonna be any fire or fury. In fact I think we’re gonna be BFFs with Kim Jong Un, just like Rodman and it’s gonna be so fy!
Oh and that nuclear holocaust between us and Russia, the one the deep state has been pushing so hard for, looks more and more unlikely. And though silly war hawk Nikki Haley keeps beating the drum, US forces keep clearing out of Syria.
We don’t want kings anymore. We don’t want your low consciousness warrior sports, or your Hollywood propaganda. We don’t want to worship athletes or movie stars or politicians, and we certainly don’t want to send our precious sons daughters husbands and wives to fight your senseless wars of conquest.
But the 1% elites who benefit from all this don’t like our newfound attitudes and higher consciousness one single bit.
The erosion of their world is now in rapid decline. So they’re doing what psychopaths do, they’re projecting. They’re gas lighting us like mad. It’s their hair that’s on fire and they’re throwing water on us!
They’re doubling down when reasonable people would walk away, setting new records for athlete’s salaries despite the lowest ratings projections EVER for the coming season. They keep upping the budgets more and more and continuing to leverage the farm on one tentpole action movie after another, despite that like 4 people are going to see them.
This is due to a very special kind of malignant narcissism for which there is no cure.
What the once ruling elite refuse to admit is that their lies have all worn off. We see their all-seeing eye, and we know what it means.
Don’t expect them to admit defeat at any point. Narcissists will never do that. Narcissists get dragged off to jail, clawing out their eyes, and proclaiming their innocence.
Frankly, that’s what makes all this so much fun! I love to watch them dig deeper and deeper lies almost as much as I love to watch them mercilessly turning on one another.
The high point for me last week was when Harvey Weinstein called Asia Argento a hypocrite! That level of gaul and sheer remorselessness isn’t something any of us can even fathom! It takes the whole pot/kettle thing to uncharted new levels.
But I’d have to say the award for the most laughable display of petulant elite gas lighting for this week goes to the Nazi pedo Pope and his audacious call for ‘silence’ in the wake of truths that have taken centuries, perhaps millennia to surface.
That was pretty spectacular. Combine that with his reflexive jaw-dropping pivot from child rape to climate change and Francis is by far the dickhead of the week.
Don’t worry about the Holy see. He loses in the end, the Nazi pedo pope and his sinister henchmen all get theirs, in case you’re wondering. The church will fall away (cause we don’t want it anymore) just as a new renaissance of spirituality, and divine connection comes rising out of us.
We aren’t going to stop being spiritual beings, we’re just going to stop thinking our connection with God has to run through a bunch of men in silly robes taking our money and secretly diddling children.
Lately I’ve been visualizing the trillions amassed by the Vatican criminal enterprise divided out over the millions of victims of abuse worldwide.
It’s not in your own back yard where you’ll see real signs of the end of the world, it’s in their gilded world where the invisible rug has been suddenly swiped away.
Think Hunger Games in reverse. The reaping is no longer out of the poor and destitute, now the reaping has come for John McCain, and it’s coming for Les Moonves, Harvey Weinstein, and Pope Francis, among others.
Just this week we found out the wicked reign of Anna Wintour, the Prada devil herself, is coming to an end. There’s a story there. And I have no doubt we’ll find out what it is.
Speaking of mirror and apocalypse and end times, I have a theory.
You know how in the book of Revelations it says there are these 144,000 ‘chosen angels’ who will be whisked off the earth and spared the tribulation the rest will have to suffer?
Well what if between the Council of 300 and The Trilateral Commission, The Trillium Complex, Bilderberg, Bohemian Grove, The Royals, The Vatican, and war mongers like John McCain, there are 144,000 miserable dark elites covering the Earth like tarantulas.
What if it is their exit (by one means or another) that will liberate humanity and this planet from the dark satanic wickedness and soullessness that has plagued our world for centuries.
Maybe the top of the pyramid coming off was always the destiny they knew was coming.
Maybe the apocalypse was always about their fall, so they tried to make it about ours.
Think mirror. Think projection.
What Now?
I’m pretty sure we’re controlling this whole thing with our consciousness so first and foremost, just chill.
Have fun. Spend time in nature. Meditate. Relax. Make love. Enjoy life. Create art. Make things. Cultivate your passions.
Be fearless. Enjoy and connect with your friends and family. Above all don’t be fearful, don’t stress, we have each other, and together we can handle anything.
Right now I’m paying attention to declassified and unredacted documents, whistleblowers, and all manner of real disclosures, new advances in technology and censorship-free social media, decentralizing power structures, things that benefit humanity, peace and prosperity, and populism, the rising of The People worldwide.
Keep a particularly close eye on what’s happening with Julian Assange, Syria, Iran and the continued stabilization in the Korean Peninsula.
Don’t pay any attention to “news” of plagues, epidemics, rampant STDs, honestly don’t argue with people about ANYTHING at this point.
Time to heal the wounds inflicted on our relationships by the Soros social experiment that has become our mainstream political landscape.
Trump Goes One-on-One With Hannity at Las Vegas Rally
With family friends and neighbors, YOU be the bigger person. It’s time to put all differences aside and come together.
Ignore the paid agitators and race baiters, ignore “news” about sex robots, AI replacing you, deep state/fake alien disclosures, and anyone trying to scare, bait or go out of its way to trigger you, like child drag queens for example (this tactic is increasing on FB a lot). Ignore it.
It’s being done intentionally to try to keep you agitated, in your head, arguing, divided and unproductive.
The distractions and diversions will intensify, ignoring them will save you tremendous amounts of energy.
The bizarre and strange occurrences will also intensify, things are gonna continue to get weird as the hunters become the hunted.
How To Become Immune To Mind Control | How TV Affects Your Brain Chemistry For The Worse
September 29 2018 | From: SitsShow Television has been used as a medium for dispensing news, entertainment and information for over 90 years at this point.
The effects of this nearly pandemic device are little acknowledge by mainstream society, but within a growing population of inquisitive individuals the mind altering attributes of this seemingly benign device are well understood.
They call it tell-a-vision for a reason, because our minds at a certain level of consciousness, are unable to distinguish between the images on screen and reality itself. Additionally the unconscious mind becomes stimulated via focused attention on the items presented, generating a wealth of internal insights, ideas, and concepts.
If these are left unprocessed, if we do not analyze the internal generated products as a result of watching TV, they settle into our being, altering our perception and distorting our values.
And so, TV, like all things can be a powerful tool for expanding consciousness or it can create chaos and strife if the powers of our discernment are never used.
The All Seeing Attributes of the Unconscious Mind
In the below linked article on A.I. Robots, we discuss mirror neuron's and how they suggest a biological component to empathy; the basis of morality. This part of the brain receives information as if observed events are happening to us directly, in other words we are hard wired for empathy.
The unconscious mind is hardwired to receive all information from within and without, storing it as memories that alter our conscious mind's processes.
In other words there is an aspect of us that is literally all seeing, which provides us a wealth of data that can be consciously analyzed and distilled, eventually allowing us to gain knowledge of all things in our experience; if we but do the inner work of philosophy, contemplation and discernment.
Here is an excerpt from the article:
“Enter the AI drone or soldier debate. The military industrial complex has long desired a highly obedient yet adaptable soldier, able to execute commands without question and anticipate needs so as to change tactics of battle real time.
Human beings are programable, but human nature allows us to change, providing an unending source of risk and error for military activities.
For example, in the Civil War, 50% of soldiers froze when aiming at a living target, and in some cases instinctually missed. This was despite standard training and practice shooting. What was the problem? - empathy.
"Lt. Col. Dave Grossman, a psychologist and professor of military science, looked at this evidence and concluded “that there is within most men an intense resistance to killing their fellow man. A resistance so strong that, in many circumstances, soldiers on the battlefield will die before they can overcome it.”
In some ways this isn’t all that surprising. Very few people would seek out an opportunity to kill others. At the same time, you may find it hard to believe that it is sometimes impossible for soldiers to kill others even when their own lives are at risk." - The Psychology of Killing and the Origins of War
Empathy is 'hardwired' into living organisms, with increasing levels of actualization in higher order life. Modern science has acknowledged this in discovering the so called mirror neurons, which fires when an action is taken by an organism or when it is observed.
This is why when we watch another getting hurt we react as if we have been hurt. This subconscious and unavoidable process is the foundation for empathy processing, which concordantly is the basis for morality."
The brain is profoundly affected by what we experience, even if it comes from TV. As the below article discusses, the brainwave patterns of movie goers actually synchronizes from the hypnotic effects of watching images and sound on film.
In my view, the programing of one's mind using TV is due to lack of conscious processing. Often the worldviews, ideals and opinions offered are not questioned or contemplated, we do not engage in philosophy as a civilization any longer; thats what TV is for!
This also applies to any other source of information, such as school, literature, advertising and even mild conversation.
Anytime an idea enters the mind and it is not contemplated and reconciled with our knowledge base, it settles into the unconscious as is.
The Technique For Dispelling Suggestion and Mind Control
The mind has two primary modes of expression, conscious thought and unconscious absorption. The conscious mind is where two or more ideas can be compared, revealing patterns and inconsistencies.
The unconscious mind is a powerful observer, able to receive and store all information streaming in as insight and intuition (random thoughts), and without as sensory data.
Science has proven that even though we may not notice something consciously, the unconscious mind does, settling into the total consciousness; effecting our behavior.
Therefore, the key to undoing any form of mind control (unconsciously accepted suggestions) is through the conscious mind. Essentially a subliminal suggestion is an illusion or magic trick, it only fools us into thinking it's real so long as we never investigate it.
But once we know how the trick is done, we see the whole truth more clearly, and now we are conscious of the subtle suggestion, able to dismiss it with ease.
Ignorance is the foundation upon which all forms of mind control and subtle suggestion work, therefore dispelling it with knowledge - the conscious act of seeking the truth - is the primary tool for gaining freedom.
In my own experience, after researching these topics in earnest over the past five years, it is now clear how many suggestions are spread liberally into almost all media. For example, often in police dramas the cops show up at the door of a suspect or witness needing to conduct a search or look for someone inside.
When answering the door, rarely if ever do the police have a warrant. The person answering the door usually just lets the police in without a word of question; never asking to see a warrant.
This fictional story sends a subtle suggestion to the watcher, that most people don't ask for warrants.
And since the vast majority of people base their behavior on what everyone else does, they are effectively being programed to never ask for a warrant. Even if they do have the notion to ask for one, the social pressure from this suggestion will require a major act of will to overcome.
But all of this can only work on an unconscious mind; an unawake person. Once the sleeper has awakened, and we begin to consciously investigate the mind control all around us, it becomes very easy to spot subliminal suggestion when encountered.
Just like it can become easy to tell when someone is lying to us after we've passed through the initiative experience of being lied to, in this way, the efforts of our would-be masters to control the masses actually provides us with the information we need to become immune to such forms of control.
The solution to external control, therefore, is to become conscious, awaken and active. To use the power of philosophy - the exploration of meanings, to analyze and discern the suggestions constantly pouring into our minds.
A deception, illusion or fraud, once recognized, is forever dissolved by the now wise and discerning mind.
And these skills of self mastery and sovereignty can now be shared with others. In essence each of us who accepts the mission of facing these forms of control, can now become a force to counter them, an epicenter of awakened and active consciousness.
In my view, reviewing mainstream TV, especially news, is an essential part of training discernment and strengthening mental discipline. We can literally watch TV looking for suggestions. Try doing this with scenes in your favorite show, attempt to observe the events of the story and what they are implying about the characters in it.
Often there are flagrant examples of suggestion such as symbols or words flashed on the screen at a point in the story that when put together creates a subtle suggestion.
In any popular TV series or film there are many layers of suggestion to discover and gain mastery over by exercising these skills of internal discernment.
One final point on TV is the actual technology used. In our modern age Cathode Ray Tube televisions have been almost completely phased out. These devices produce an extremely intense electromagnetic field that disrupts the bodies delicate organic field.
These fields govern a huge amount of processes within our bodies and minds. It has been demonstrated that the minds ability to create a stable image or thought is significantly reduced after exposure to older TV's. But this effect also happens when viewing any imagery for prolonged periods of time, without also exercising the imagination using discernment.
Imagination Is Essential
It is during philosophy, contemplation, investigation, insight and meditation that these innate imaginative powers are exercised and honed.
The imagination is an essential aspect of our beingness, the foundation of holistic intelligence, balanced emotional states and even psi-abilities.
Any adverse affects of TV on the mind, by way of implantation of thought forms, belief systems and values, can be almost totally reversed by a dedicated and active process of mental activity.
We must think about what we're watching, sift through meanings and reveal insights, develop an appreciation for symbolism and the power of consciousness to explore ideas.
In this way TV becomes a powerful tool for expanding consciousness, so long as we learn to use the discerning powers of the mind and healing energy of the heart.
As I often like to say: "learn to use your mind, or someone else will."
Tesla’s Anti-Gravity Research In Use In Dozens Of Secretive Military Projects
September 28 2018 | From: WakingTimes Doctor Richard Boylan, and numerous others have already let the cat out of the bag when it comes to anti-gravity space flight, so why do Boeing and Lockheed, two of America’s largest military industrial contractors, and the recipient of trillions in tax payer ‘black budget’ dollars still hide that they are operating at least 12 anti-gravity aerospace platforms?
It seems that Boeing hides this advanced aerospace technology because it would prove what many free energy enthusiasts have said about Nikola Tesla – that he discovered anti-gravity, and learned how to utilize it as an abundant, if not free, energy source.
Objects can even be levitated easily with anti-gravity, and its numerous applications are just beginning to be understood by the public at large.
The late genius and inventor even explained the fact prior to his death. William R. Lynewrites in Occult Ether Physics (Creatopia Productions), that a lecture Tesla prepared for the Institute of Immigrant Welfare (May. 12, 1938), dealt with his Dynamic Theory of Gravity.
Tesla said in his lecture that he had developed, “one of two far-reaching discoveries, which I worked out in all details in the years 1893 and 1894.”
Indeed, Tesla held a patent in 1928, for a flying machine which resembled both a helicopter and an airplane and is thought to have run with the benefit of anti-gravity.
Boeing has loosely revealed that they have already developed this technology in a veiled admittance that “it is working on experimental anti-gravity projects that could overturn a century of conventional aerospace propulsion technology.”
And Ben Rich, once the CEO of Lockheed Martin, admitted on his deathbed that “aliens were real,” and the “US military already travels to the stars, ”explaining where this technology could have been sourced, aside from terrestrial beings like Tesla.
This means that for more than 130 years we have been kept in the dark about a known free energy source so that the powers-that-be can profit from our ignorance. Every time you see a ‘rocket ship’ go up in space, it is essentially no different from the false flag attempts orchestrated by six media companies controlling the media to alter your perception of reality.
So Where Did All that Research Go?
Theodore C. Loder, PhD, posits in one paper that since the 1950’s (known to some as the brain drain era) almost all research into anti-gravity seems to have disappeared.
None other than Professor Hermann Oberth, considered by some to be one of the fathers of the space age (and who later worked in the US with Wernher von Braun, the Army Ballistic Missile Agency and NASA), stated the following in 1954: “It is my thesis that flying saucers are real and that they are space ships from another solar system.”
Perhaps of more interest to our present discussion on the secrets Boeing and Lockheed have kept, Oberth states:
“They are flying by the means of artificial fields of gravity. . . . They produce high-tension electric charges in order to push the air out of their paths, so it does not start glowing, and strong magnetic fields to influence the ionized air at higher altitudes. First, this would explain their luminosity . . . Secondly, it would explain the noiselessness of UFO flight.”
Indeed, you can see the crumbs of government contractor’s special operatives at work when you look into the work of John Hutchison.
He discovered, “highly-anomalous electromagnetic effect which causes the jellification of metals, spontaneous levitation of common substances, and other effects,” which echo Tesla’s findings. These strange effects were later dubbed the Hutchison effect.
As is usually the case when silencing the curious, a Vancouver businessman, George Hathaway heard of the Hutchison effect around 1980, and hired an engineer from Boeing Aerospace to work with the Canadian government to form a company that would promote technology developed from the effect. They called this company Pharos’ Technology. You likely haven’t heard of what they have created since then.
12 Special Aerospace Platforms Incorporating Anti-Gravity Technology
“At this time, I am aware of the existence of 12 kinds of special-technology advanced aerospace platforms [mil-speak for craft], all incorporating antigravity technology in some form.
These 12 are: the Northrop Grumman B-2 Spirit Stealth Bomber, the F-22 Raptor advanced stealth fighter, and its successor, the F-35 Lightning II advanced stealth fighter; the Aurora, Lockheed-Martin’s X-33A, the Lockheed X-22A two-man antigravity disc fighter, Boeing and Airbus Industries’ Nautilus, the TR3-A Pumpkinseed, the TR3-B Triangle , Northrop’s “Great Pumpkin” disc, Teledyne Ryan Aeronautical’s XH-75D Shark antigravity helicopter, and the Northrop Quantum Teleportation Disc.”
Since at least 1956, the press has been trying to manage public awareness by staying hush-hush about anti-gravity research, or discounting those who attempted to show that it was real. However, a trade press magazine, the Aviation Report, made numerous references to anti-gravity projects, and listed many of the companies pursuing research into anti-gravity technologies.
Quotes from the Aviation Report listed in the Aviation Studies (International) Ltd. report are suggestive of what was truly going on at Boeing, Lockheed and other agencies despite what the public was being told.
What Anti-Gravity Means to the World at Large
Anti-gravity, first and foremost would make petrol-guzzling cars, crumbling electric grids, and other outdated and dirty fuels a total waste of time. Anti-gravity, as Nikola Tesla made clear, would make space flight to other heavenly bodies as simple as driving your car to a nearby city, today.
It would also turn Einstein’s E=MC2 theory on its head, and it also suggests, as Tesla explained, that the ether is given to us to use responsibly by a life-giving creative force.
Not So Smart Technology: Safety Inspector Blows The Whistle On Fire Hazards Of 'Smart' Electronics
September 27 2018 | From: Sott If you think your "smart" appliances are the "cat's whiskers," then please think again! Actually, in my opinion, they are the dumbest things ever invented that have been able to buffalo consumers into spending their hard-earned money to purchase, but have the greatest potential for causing consumers harm and grief.
Recently, I received an email from one of my readers who had to attend a fire safety training session for 'their' job. That instructional course was given by none other than a Delaware County, Pennsylvania Fire Investigator, who was quite explicit in his presentation about certain fire causes.
Here's what the email said for which this sender gave permission to share:
“He [the trainer] mentioned in the beginning of his presentation how fire deaths were down, but house fires were up dramatically across the nation. [CJF emphasis added]
Later during the Q&A, I asked him in front of the whole group [what were] the causes of these fires. He mentioned all the electronics - WiFi/Bluetooth gadgets, cheap phone chargers, iPads, wide screen TVs, etc.
I interrupted to say "how about smart meters" to which he replied: Anything "smart" is a fire hazard.
This [smart] technology is so new, and they haven't tested or developed it adequately enough yet.
He went on to poke fun at "smart" wired houses having everything linked and what a hazard that can cause.
Then after the presentation, I commented how I heard that as this technology ages, it becomes even more potentially hazardous, which he affirmed, and also mentioned that
More car fires occur because of all the electronic gadgetry now.”
All the above information is yet another confirmation with implications for Consumer Protection Law(s) at local and state levels regarding "smart" consumer appliances and fires, which insurance companies - especially AMI Smart Meter fires - are declining coverage for!
But there is even more serious damage happening every minute of the day from microwave technology, which smart appliances operate on. It's called electromagnetic frequencies (EMFs/RFs) that emit non-ionizing radiation which cause adverse health effects known as "non-thermal" effects.
Comment: Dr. Barrie Trower, a British physicist has acquired a great deal of expertise in the microwave field, extending his research to common electronic systems, including cell phones, iPods, computer games and microwave ovens.
Consumers, when they really learn the downside of "smart technology," obviously will have to beef up their activism to get the protection they need for their health and properties, as the industries involved - and more sadly - states public utility commissions - really don't give a hoot about the harms caused, otherwise they would be enacting legislation to deal with them.
And then there's this information that I received from readers whose privacy I respect and honor, but will share their information. In sharing information like the following from a reader in Canada, it is that consumers become aware, physically safer plus empowered:
“People need to be getting documentation about all of these fires. Media articles are often the starting point, but they are anecdotal. Once there is what sounds like a smart meter fire, request and obtain the official fire report from the state or provincial fire commissioner.
Find out what the legal reporting and investigating requirements are. If the fire is believed to be electrical, who does the investigation and how is he informed about the fire? Are the laws being followed?
Are meters being removed? It takes time and digging but I can't find anyone else who is getting this sort of info for fires in their areas. It is only when this documentation is obtained for many fires and patterns are found that things will be taken seriously.
In the US the Consumer Affairs Dept. [1] has agreed to gather reports on smeter fires. I have sent her a few because the ITRON meters we use are the same used in many places in the US. But in Canada our meters are not considered "consumer" goods since the utilities own them.
This agency should be informed but it requires full documentation - not just media reports."
Note that here's what I think our kind and thoughtful Canadian neighbor is referring to:
“The US Consumer Products Safety Commission (CPSC) is a federal agency that will take complaints on utility smart meters from all US states. If you have or had smart meter electrical or fire problems CALL: (800) 638-2772 Monday through Friday from 8:00 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. ET or submit your complaint by email. "
However, I must caution a consumer that, if or when you experience an AMI Smart Meter ('smeter') fire, immediately after the fire has been extinguished and it is safe to do so, take photographs with your cell phone and a regular camera, so you can have "secured" documentation because things can get 'lost' in cyberspace!
Remember to attach copies of those photos with the smeter fire report you file with the US Consumer Products Safety Commission.
Additionally, I must share that I've heard stories that the power company immediately removes the fire-damaged meter and does not allow consumers access to it or to keep a fire-damaged meter as 'proof' for insurance purposes. It seems that 'games' are being played, and insurance companies 'buy' into them too!
Fire safety regarding all 'smart' technology should be enforced by consumer products safety commissions, municipalities and code enforcement departments at local and state levels. Obviously they are not doing that when it comes to AMI Smart Meters made with heat-sensitive plastic parts. Analog meters were made of glass and steel parts.
Learn how to protect yourself from smart technology EMFs/RFs and fire hazards.
European Court Rules NSA Surveillance Practices Violate Human Rights
September 26 2018 | From: AntiMedia Recently, the European Court of Human Rights ruled that the U.K.’s GCHQ spy agency is in violation of the European Convention on Human Rights with its mass surveillance programs.
The court ultimately found that these activities violate the family and privacy rights of British and European citizens, and this assertion ultimately includes a rejection of the United States’ activities considering GCHQ has obtained much of its data from the NSA.
The suit was brought by Amnesty International, Big Brother Watch, the ACLU, the Bureau of Investigative Journalism, and other civil liberties groups. It addresses provisions of the U.K.’s 2000 Investigatory Powers Act, and though a new version of the law was passed in 2016 and is yet to be enacted, many of the issues the court identified remain in the 2016 bill.
Though the court stopped short of saying intelligence sharing between agencies like GCHQ, NSA, and members of the “Five Eyes” spying alliance violate the human rights convention, it said:
"Using such intelligence sharing to bypass restrictions on surveillance of a member state’s own citizens would be a violation of the charter,” Ars Technica summarized.
(In a 2015 ruling, a U.K. court ruled intelligence sharing did, in fact, violate European law).
The Guardian clarified the ruling, which found some activities are in violation of the charter but maintained others are not:
“By a majority of five to two votes, the Strasbourg judges found that GCHQ’s bulk interception regime violated article 8 of the European convention on human rights, which guarantees privacy, because there were said to be insufficient safeguards, and rules governing the selection of ‘related communications data’ were deemed to be inadequate.
“The regime used by the UK government for sharing intelligence with foreign governments did not violate either article 8 or article 10, which guarantees freedom of speech.
Nor was there any evidence, the judges said, to suggest that the intelligence services were abusing their powers.”
The court also failed to decide that the intelligence agencies are abusing their powers, saying, “there is no evidence to suggest that the intelligence services are abusing their powers.”
Still, it also found that there are insufficient safeguards from the U.K’s Investigatory Powers Tribunal to prevent potential abuse (the Investigatory Powers Tribunal is equivalent to the United States’ Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act system, whose courts approve nearly all warrant requests). From Ars Technica:
“The Court found that the way the UK government collected data from communications service providers was in violation of Article 8 of the ECHR (private and family life rights).
It also found that both the method of bulk interception of communications and the process for obtaining communications metadata from service providers violated Article 10 (freedom of expression) because of ‘insufficient safeguards in respect of confidential journalistic material.’
And of particular concern to the court was the lack of any oversight into what Internet traffic was collected or what filters were used to determine which traffic was of interest.”
Notably, the U.K. laws the court took the most issue with mirror the American Patriot Act.
“The decision sends a clear message that similar surveillance programs, such as those conducted by the NSA, are also incompatible with human rights,” said ACLU attorney Patrick Toomey.
Because the U.K. system is so similar to that of the United States - and because the U.K. relies heavily on the NSA - the ruling could have a ripple effect on the perceived legitimacy of these practices.
Renowned Doctor Slams Medical Education & Says We Have “An Epidemic Of Misinformed Doctors”
September 25 2018 | From: AustralianNationalReview / TheLancet Dr. Asseem Malhotra is known as one of the most influential cardiologists in Britain and a world-leading expert in the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of heart disease.
Currently, he is leading a huge campaign against excess sugar consumption. What also makes him unique is something he recently admitted took him decades to figure out: that our entire medical system, one of the main ‘protectors’ of the human race, is completely corrupt.
He also stated that honest doctors can no longer practice honest medicine, and that there is also a growing epidemic of patients who are being harmed.
There is no denying that to some extent, medicine and doctors have done a lot of good and saved a lot of lives. However, an over-reliance on doctors for our health and well-being has spawned a serious problem, one that should be in the spotlight and immediately fixed.
The Need To Think For Ourselves
We all have to realize that society has been manufactured in a way where we simply give up our own mind to someone else, who has been given theirs by someone else. We lack the ability to think for ourselves because, from birth, we are programmed to think a certain way by somebody else.
This is something important for us to change, and by ‘us’ I not only mean patients; it should be a priority for all who practice medicine. And there are signs that it has started changing.
Why? Because there is a shift in consciousness taking place.
People within all societal systems (health, financial, education, government, etc.) are waking up, and starting to investigate what they have been taught.
Rather than simply believing the promotional literature, more are pursuing self-education (which Dr. Malhotra stressed was the only real form of education).
Malhotra pointed out seven ‘sins’ that contribute to the lack of knowledge that not just doctors but everyone has, including patients, regarding modern day ‘medicine.’
He made these comments at a recent European Parliament meeting:
He’s not the only one to speak up about this issue. In fact, it seems that those who represent doctors have been speaking out about this for a long time.
Dr. Marcia Angell, a physician and longtime Editor-in-Chief of the New England Medical Journal (NEMJ), considered one of the most prestigious peer-reviewed medical journals in the world, has said that;
"It is simply no longer possible to believe much of the clinical research that is published, or to rely on the judgment of trusted physicians or authoritative medical guidelines. I take no pleasure in this conclusion, which I reached slowly and reluctantly over my two decades as an editor of The New England Journal of Medicine.”
Then there is Dr. Richard Horton, the current Editor-in-Chief of another prestigious peer-reviewed medical journal, TheLancet, who says,“The case against science is straightforward: much of the scientific literature, perhaps half, may simply be untrue.”
What is Medicine’s 5 Sigma? [Full Article]
“A lot of what is published is incorrect.” I’m not allowed to say who made this remark because we were asked
to observe Chatham House rules.
We were also asked not to take photographs of slides. Those who worked for government agencies pleaded that their comments especially remain unquoted, since the forthcoming UK election meant they were living in “purdah” - a chilling state where severe restrictions on freedom of speech are placed on anyone on the government’s payroll.
Why the paranoid concern for secrecy and non-attribution?
Because this symposium - on the reproducibility and reliability of biomedical research, held at the Wellcome Trust in London last week - touched on one of the most sensitive issues in science today: the idea that something has gone fundamentally wrong with one of our greatest human creations.
The case against science is straightforward: much of the scientific literature, perhaps half, may simply be untrue.
Afflicted by studies with small sample sizes, tiny effects, invalid exploratory analyses, and flagrant confl icts of interest, together with an obsession for pursuing fashionable trends of dubious importance, science has taken a turn towards darkness.
As one participant put it, “poor methods get results”. The Academy of Medical Sciences, Medical Research Council, and Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council have now put their reputational weight behind an investigation into these questionable research practices.
The apparent endemicity of bad research behaviour is alarming. In their quest for telling a compelling story, scientists too often sculpt data to fit their preferred theory of the world. Or they retrofit hypotheses to fit their data.
Journal editors deserve their fair share of criticism too. We aid and abet the worst behaviours. Our acquiescence to the impact factor fuels an unhealthy competition to win a place in a select few journals. Our love of “significance” pollutes the literature with many a statistical fairy-tale. We reject important confirmations.
Journals are not the only miscreants. Universities are in a perpetual struggle for money and talent, endpoints that foster reductive metrics, such as high-impact publication.
National assessment procedures, such as the Research Excellence Framework, incentivise bad practices. And individual scientists, including their most senior leaders, do little to alter a research culture that occasionally veers close to misconduct.
Can Bad Scientific Practices be Fixed?
Part of the problem is that no-one is incentivised to be right. Instead, scientists are incentivised to be productive and innovative. Would a Hippocratic Oath for science help?
Certainly don’t add more layers of research red-tape. Instead of changing incentives, perhaps one could remove incentives altogether. Or insist on replicability statements in grant applications and research papers.
Or emphasise collaboration, not competition. Or insist on preregistration of protocols. Or reward better pre and post publication peer review.
Or improve research training and mentorship. Or implement the recommendations from our Series on increasing research value, published last year.
One of the most convincing proposals came from outside the biomedical community. Tony Weidberg is a Professor of Particle Physics at Oxford. Following several high-profi le errors, the particle physics community now invests great eff ort into intensive checking and re-checking of data prior to publication.
By filtering results through independent working groups, physicists are encouraged to criticise. Good criticism is rewarded. The goal is a reliable result, and the incentives for scientists are aligned around this goal. Weidberg worried we set the bar for results in biomedicine far too low.
In particle physics, signifi cance is set at 5 sigma - a p value of 3 × 10 to the power of 7 or 1 in 3·5 million (if the result is not true, this is the probability that the data would have been as extreme as they are).
The conclusion of the symposium was that something must be done. Indeed, all seemed to agree that it was within our power to do that something.
But as to precisely what to do or how to do it, there were no firm answers. Those who have the power to act seem to think somebody else should act fi rst. And every positive action (eg, funding well-powered replications) has a counterargument (science will become less creative).
The good news is that science is beginning to take some of its worst failings very seriously. The bad news is that nobody is ready to take the first step to clean up the system.
What Do Smart Meters And Vaccinations Have In Common? + Another Vaccine Dump
September 24 2018 | From: NaturalBlaze / Various Jerry Day of Freedom has produced an exceptional new video wherein he explains in detail what Smart Meters and Vaccinations have in common.
It’s called “Conditional Acceptance,” a term and a legal tactic whereby you can refuse anyone who pressures you to sign either an “opt-out” agreement for a Smart Meter or demands you to accept a vaccination.
Opt-out contracts are ones big corporations give you when you refuse corporate offers. Jerry explains what he calls “highway robbery” in this video.
Listen carefully to what Jerry explains, plus take notes, because his logic may be one that you can utilize under “Right of Contract.” Jerry says;
“Always remember that you have Right of Contract. That is the legal term used to describe the fact that on any contract or agreement your signature must be fully voluntary and not coerced in any way. If you’re pressured into signing or agreeing, your signature and agreement technically have no authority or effect."
And legally, there is no contract or agreement if you can show there was coercion or pressure causing you to sign that contract. So your Right of Contract means that you – and only you – may decide whether you sign something or not. And you may not be penalized in any way for refusing to sign anything.”
“They [utilities and governments] are criminally violating utility customers – and they know it. So when they refuse to insure the damage, their equipment will cause to you, you have every right to refuse that equipment.
“If the equipment they are installing was really not harmful and did not violate your rights, the insurance would cost almost nothing. But electronic utility meters are known to be hazardous and harmful – so much so that no insurance company will provide insurance for any price [more about insurance here], because they know that advanced utility metering is a ticking time bomb of damages and litigation. Vaccinations represent a very similar situation to utility metering.”
Listen intently to what Jerry says about “Conditional Acceptance” because that’s the bargaining chip in the ‘song and dance’ you will have to engage in to protect yourself and your family from AMI Smart Meter RFs/EMFs, dirty electricity they produce , plus possible fire loss to your home from Smart Meters proclivity to malfunction.
The same logic regarding “Right of Contract” and “Conditional Acceptance” applies with regard to vaccinations. Jerry delves into vaccinations like you may not have heard before.
Homeowners insurance and health insurance do not cover you for losses from AMI Smart Meters or injured health from receiving a vaccine! The unfair fact about bullying and harassment from utilities and the medical profession has to be understood fully for what it is: You are liable for all damages unless you are prepared not to be left helpless and demand your legal rights by taking Jerry’s advice into consideration.
After listening to the above video, please be certain to check out thedownloadable documents A-2 and A-4 regarding Smart Meters. There’s also a Vaccination Notice Jerry talks about. All are offered as templates at
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Yes, they just keep coming - the evidence is in the order of a flood of biblical proportions for this with the eyes to see:
Shocking Research Confirms Vaccines Are Contaminated With Monsanto's RoundUp Herbicide
Folks, I have written about the problems with vaccines in previous blog posts. Now, a new serious contamination problem with our vaccines has been identified.
Researcher Anthony Samsel has published five peer-reviewed articles on the herbicide Glyphosate (the active ingredient in Roundup). A yet-to-be published sixth paper found various commonly-used vaccines contaminated with the herbicide glyphosate.
Yes, you read that correctly: Our vaccines are contaminated with an herbicide that the World Health Organization characterized as"probably carcinogenic to humans."
How can this happen? That answer is easy.
Many vaccines contain animal byproducts such as gelatin, bovine casein, bovine serum, bovine calf serum, or chicken egg protein. The animals from which these products come from are fed grains sprayed with glyphosate.
It does not take a rocket scientist to come to the conclusion that these animals, fed glyphosate in their diet, would contain glyphosate in their byproducts.
Samsel sent a letter to Congress that stated:
“I have run numerous groups of vaccines and identified several vectors of contamination. These include the excipient gelatins, egg protein and or similar substrates used to grow vaccines.
I have found gelatins and egg proteins contaminated with Glyphosate-based herbicides from animals fed a glyphosate contaminated diet.
This contamination carries into thousands of consumer products i.e. vitamins, protein powders, wine, beer and other consumables which use gelatins as part of the product or in fining and processing."
In other words, our do-nothing Congress, so far, has failed to respond. In his letter to Congress, Samsel also stated that Glyphosate is a synthetic amino acid. It bioaccumulates and is found in all tissue types, particularly the bone and marrow of animals fed a diet contaminated with Glyphosate residues.
You can see Dr. Samsel talk about his research by clicking here.
The following vaccines were found to be contaminated with the herbicide glyphosate:
1. MMR
2. Varicella (chicken pox)
3. Zostavax (shingles)
4. Proquad (MMR, rubella, varicella)
5. Fluzone Quad (flu vaccine)
6. Hepatitis B (B Energix-B)
Multiple vaccines from different manufactures were found to be contaminated. Folks, this is a big deal. Injecting a vaccine contaminated with a known herbicide that is "probably carcinogenic to humans" should be prohibited. We need a Congressional investigation into our vaccines.
We keep hearing the mantra that vaccines are safe. Injecting a vaccine containing an herbicide is safe? Give me a break!
It is time to call your political representatives and tell them to investigate this matter. I can assure you that it is not safe to inject a known neurotoxin such as mercury or aluminum. Nor is it safe to inject a known carcinogen such as formaldehyde.
Guess what? It is not safe to inject an herbicide that is a probable human carcinogen.
Follow Dr. Brownstein's blog for more great articles by clicking here.
Anthony Samsel on Vaccines contaminated with Glyphosate
Scientists Anthony Samsel and Stephanie Seneff have just gotten the fifth peer reviewed paper on Glyphosate published. Its named "Glyphosate pathways to modern diseases V: Amino acid analogue of glycine in diverse proteins".
In this regard Tony Mitra interviewed Anthony Samsel, to cover the newly emerging scientific findings on Glyphosate and how it can and does hurt creatures including humans.
In the course of the interview, Anthony Samsel mentioned the issues being covered in their next paper, the 6th one. This covers a number of vaccines that use animal byproducts such as egg protein and gelatine. He suspected these products might be contaminated with Glyphosate, if the vaccine makers were using factory farmed animals fed with Glyphosate laced GMO feed.
To verify, he got a large number of vaccines that do use egg proteins and gelatine and got them analyzed in multiple labs. The results confirmed his doubt. The vaccines themselves are largely contaminated with Glyphosate and pose serious hazard to those that are and will be vaccinated using these products.
Oliver Stone Warns Moviegoers: Beware Of Your Smartphones, 'This Will Be Our Undoing'
September 23 2018 | From: Sott Oliver Stone, director of the film 'Snowden', will deliver a dark warning to moviegoers at the start of the movie: turn your phone off, and keep it off.
In an ominous one-minute clip, Stone appears in a decadent den with a smartphone in his hand. He discusses the benefits of the technology, compete with a cut to cute cats, before warning that users are giving all their information to "them."
""That's not all it does," Stone says as the tone of the PSA intensifies.
"It allows certain parties to track your every move every time you make a call or send a text. We are giving them access. The information you've put out into the world voluntarily is enough to burn your life to the ground. This will be our undoing."
Stone then looks into the camera and states, "Do the rest of the people in the audience a big favor: turn off your phone during the movie."
A narrator then jumps in with a disclaimer that, "Oliver Stone's views are not necessarily that of this theater, or its owners, you're welcome to turn your phone back on after the movie."
In a statement to Ars Technica, PR firm Submersive Media, acting on behalf of the film's production company Open Road Films, added that Stone would like people to turn their phones off permanently.
"Oliver Stone would like you to shut off your cell phone during the movie, and then shut it off forever," the statement reads.
Speaking in San Diego at Comic-Con last month, Stone also spoke out against Google and Pokemon GO, calling the wildly popular game "a new level of invasion."
"I'm hearing about it too, it's a new level of invasion. Once the government had been hounded by Snowden, of course the corporations went into encryption, because they had to for survival, right? But the search for profits is enormous here. Nobody has ever seen, in the history of the world, something like Google, ever," Stone told the crowd.
"It's the biggest, new, fastest-growing business ever, and they have invested huge amounts of money into what surveillance is, which is data-mining."
The Oscar-winning director warned that, by using technology, governments can manipulate behavior, creating "robot" societies under totalitarian regimes.
"They're data-mining every person in this room for information as to what you're buying, what you like, and above all, your behaviour. Pokémon GO kicks into that. But this is everywhere. It's what some people call surveillance capitalism. It's the newest stage.
It's not for profit in the beginning, but it becomes for profit in the end," the director continued. "It manipulates your behavior. It has happened already quite a bit on the internet, but you'll see it everywhere—you'll see a new form of, frankly, a robot society, where they will know how you want to behave and they will make the mockup that matches how you behave and feed you. It's what they call totalitarianism."
Snowden will be released in theaters in the US on September 16.
Giving Trump's Accomplishments Their Due
September 22 2018 | From: WashingtonTimes / Various I’m told by one of my favorite millennials that many of her friends have not heard anything at all positive about President Trump.
The left, which turned a blind eye to the flagrant immorality of Ted Kennedy and Bill Clinton, is ordering evangelical Christians to abandon Mr. Trump. Before too many well-meaning people take the bait, a reminder of what Mr. Trump has accomplished might be in order.
First, America ducked a very large bullet - a reboot of the Obama administration under Hillary Clinton. Although President Obama had a more “presidential style” in some respects than Mr. Trump, he was a disaster. Hillary would have been more of the same.
Comment:Read about the Alliance that has been working behind the scenes for decades to take down the 'Cabal' within the work of David Wilcock.
Here are a Few Other Things That Mr. Trump Has Done:
Appointed Supreme Court Justice Neil Gorsuch and more than 75 other constitutionally sound federal judges, 30 of which are serving.
Reinstated an expanded Mexico City Policy blocking foreign aid from being used for abortions.
Cracked down on illegal immigration and “sanctuary cities.” As Attorney General Jeff Sessions put it: “The lawlessness, the abdication of the duty to enforce our laws, and the catch and release policies of the past are over.”
Issued an order killing two federal regulations for every new one. In actuality, 16 were cut for every new one in his first year, saving billions.
Engineered a historic tax cut that will save money for more than 80 percent of American households.
Eric Bolling, of CRTV, joins Alex Jones in the DMT studio to discuss online censorship, President Trump and the current political climate.
Withdrew the U.S. from the Paris Climate Agreement, ending the threat of U.S. governance by international bureaucrats.
Reversed onerous Obama environmental rules that gave the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) ham-handed authority to destroy the coal industry and abrogate landowners’ rights.
Kick-started America’s energy sector by curtailing regulations, facilitating the Keystone XL Pipeline and opening up vast federal areas to oil and gas exploration.
Presided over an economic and stock market boom, lowered unemployment and brought manufacturing jobs back to America from overseas.
Rebuilt the nation’s military, destroyed ISIS and faced down North Korea’s “Rocket Man.”
Issued an order enforcing First Amendment protections for religious liberty.
Rudy Giuliani joined Sean Hannity to discuss the ongoing Mueller Trump-Russia investigation.
During the discussion Trump’s top attorney told Sean Hannity that the Mueller team committed crimes.
And then Rudy went off on partisan hack and former CIA Chief John Brennan.
Restored the freedom of military chaplains to espouse biblical morality, and essentially reversing Mr. Obama’s transgender military policy.
Revoked the Education Department’s order that public schools allow gender-confused males access to girls’ restrooms and locker rooms.
Cracked down on sex trafficking. President Trump signed a law allowing states to move against sex-ad Internet sites, and the Justice Department on April 6 seized and shut down, which carried ads for prostitution, including trafficked children.
Overhauled the mismanaged Veterans Administration and giving veterans more health care choices.
Replaced Obamacare incrementally, beginning with a repeal of the individual mandate.
Imposed sanctions on Venezuela’s socialist dictatorship and revising Mr. Obama’s deals with communist Cuba.
Recognized Jerusalem as Israel’s capital and repairing damage that Mr. Obama did to the U.S.-Israel relationship.
Worked with Central American nations to crack down on MS-13 gangs.
OK, let’s stop here, though it only scratches the surface.
A question for Mr. Trump’s conservative critics, including some well-meaning evangelicals who rightly express concern over character:
Would you really prefer to have a “more presidential” chief executive who promotes socialism, open bordeers, abortion, sexual anarchy and the criminalization of Christianity?
Here are just a few likely outcomes had Mrs. Clinton won:
An explosion in government funding for abortion.
The LGBT political agenda on steroids, with the Justice Department attacking Christian business people who won’t bow to Baal.
Massive illegal immigration, along with the Justice Department attacking states that have strong voter ID laws.
A shutdown of all inquiries into Clinton corruption, such as missing emails, Russian money flowing into the Clinton Foundation or the Clinton-Russian connection in the 2016 election.
A naive foreign policy that would have emboldened Russia, China, North Korea and Iran to test American resolve.
Finally, think back to Election Night 2016 and what passed for reporting. Instead of the undisguised gloom over Mr. Trump’s victory, a Hillary win would have produced smug grins and giggles all around, except at Fox.
Say what you will about Mr. Trump. He spared us that and much more.
Listen Up Truth-Seekers: We’re On The Same Team
September 21 2018 | From: WakingTimes The justice-seeking community are a funny bunch. We’ve all got our differences, including the various ‘beliefs’ we have, but ultimately we’re on the same team. You’d think we would be acting like it too, but unfortunately we’re not.
It’s clear that the divide and conquer strategy is in full swing, even among the truth and freedom movements. What’s the D&C strategy I can hear some of you ask?
It’s when the powers-that-think-they’re-the-overlords use informational tactics to divide the people so they fight one another, instead of collectively facing the real issues.
And god dammit they’ve been successful.
There’s covert powers who are in control? I would suggest we engage some simple logic with this one. To start, money rules the world. better put, they can digitally punch numbers into a computer and POOF, currency is created.
Now these banksters control the central banks and therefore control the governments. Enter the two-party tyranny system we call democrSo, who owns the money? The banksters of course.
Their scam is so brilliant that they can create money out of thin air, oracy. Both sides work for the same financial interests, which are not just limited to the banking industry, but the energy, pharmaceutical and media corporations too, among many others.
Essentially, we are ruled via a highly integrated corporatocracy, regardless if you understand it, or believe it to be true.
This control-system is a sick beast. It’s out of alignment with natural law, which essentially means that it disrespects the golden rule. In layman’s terms, this universal law is to do no harm, respect each others shit, honor your contracts; that sort of thing.
Because the matrix of control aims to impose their centralized global dictatorship on all of us, including the disgraceful methods they’re choosing to achieve it, they’ve broken this divine contract. Therefore, their so-called ‘power’ is undermined by their own actions.
They essentially make themselves obsolete.
But we cannot keep our heads in the sand and do nothing; we still have to deal with this layer of truth in one way or another. After all, no great organizational change occurred by riding unicorns and staring at pretty fucking rainbows.
Simply, we have both a material and energetic responsibility to face this cancer of an order and replace it with something truly made out of justice and honor.
What then, should we replace it with? Well, this is one of the million dollar questions.
Some people are fundamentalist anarchists who want zero government. Now I might be off target, but at least hear me out and then disagree with me if you wish.
Personally I find that proposition unrealistic, especially until every person in every country is at some stage of enlightenment where they won’t try to monopolize, tyrannize, subjugate or apply an array of other tactics of suppression, coercion and control.
In other words my view is that we ned to utilize the current operational system, at least in the transitional phase, because groups of people still exist who will fuck others over given the chance. So it makes more sense for ‘the people’ to ethically take control of the governmental system and transform it into one that honors the golden rule, at least initially.
Now I might be wrong about this, and I’m perfectly okay with that. And that’s my point; we can disagree about exactly where we go from here, but we still need to mobilize a voluntary team otherwise we’re all likely to be royally fucked.
I also see the inherent value of a money-less society because money itself is an evidence-based tool of scarcity, and therefore enslavement. It also naturally breeds excessive competition, inequality and greed. This approach could be achieved via some form of abundance-based economy, but I do realize this futurist design is unrealistic, at least in the short term.
But once again, I don’t have all the answers. No one does. I would suggest that most of us don’t want to be ruled, and therefore we’re all anarchists in the pure sense of the word, and that’s the first principle we can unite on. But how we transition to a ruler-less world is yet to be determined.
So, given we need to integrate to undermine the mechanisms of the control-system, where are we at?
Unfortunately, the alternative media is in tatters. We’ve recently had a couple of big names surrounded by big controversy, causing further division. Many people are violently arguing about the shape of our reality.
The conspiracy rabbit hole and it’s multiple tunnels of truth and untruth have left many people poorly focused, as well as the truth-seekers significantly divided. The competing views on Trump has also resulted in more infighting.
In addition, many people think they have their shit sorted and are ‘enlightened’, but few appear to remember they’ve continuously changed their minds and behaviors since birth. Even if they have a good idea of what the fuck is going on, many fail to realize that this ride of ‘waking up’ is a journey, not a destination.
For example, there’s a couple of quotes which have been shared tens of millions of times, which say something like ‘be the change’ and ‘I’m wise so I change myself’, but they’ve been disgraced by all those who don’t bother to truly live by them.
The hypocrisy and inaction among the truth-seekers is painfully obvious.
Yet, we’re all hypocrites to one degree or another. We’re all going to evolve our beliefs in some way too. If we truly accept that we all have our weaknesses and contradictions, and that we’ve got philosophical and behavioral refinements that we’re yet to undertake, then it makes it very easy to accept one another as comrades.
And it’s absolutely necessary at this point too. The concerning reality is that the entire freedom movement is in danger of becoming a running joke, not just to the outsider curtain hangers, but internally as well.
That’s one of the reasons why we really need to start fresh. If we begin by accepting that none of us 100% know what has, is and should be, then we will create a level playing field where we all have an opportunity to volunteer as equals on the team of truth and freedom.
If so, we will actually have a strong shot at finally unifying, which is the only bloody way we’re going to get anything seriously done.
Of course we’re already moving in a general direction, and there’s many agreements already subtly made. For example, it’s fairly clear there are certain concepts and primary targets that have manifested as a pattern within the independent media and the progressive mindsets. What follows, therefore, is a simple merger strategy that’s based on a few core values, and a few core systemic areas.
So let’s see how this resonates. In terms of values, do you personally agree with the following?
1. We value love over hate.
2. We value truth over lies.
3. We value freedom over enslavement.
4. We value happiness over suffering.
5. We value honor over disrespect.
6. We value cooperation over competition.
7. We value family and community over money.
8. We value health over business.
9. We value peace over war.
10 We value justice over injustice.
Sound fair? I’m going to assume that’s a yes, because otherwise you need some serious self-healing. Sorry (not sorry) to be so blunt, but your-self and your fellow-man are not your enemy.
In addition, if we agree on these values, they must be applied in every area of discourse. Of course there are areas where competition for example has its place, such as sport, but there is still cooperation first and foremost otherwise the game wouldn’t even be played.
So if these values can stand the test of time, that also means they will naturally dissolve any so-called rules and laws that contradict them.
In terms of the systemic issues, let’s see if we can at least agree on the Four M’s as our primary targets for change, which are Money, Medicine, Media and Management:
1. Money should be a sovereign public utility, not hijacked by private stakeholders and converted into a transnational banking cartel.
2. Medicine (including food) should be as natural as possible, as well as be inexpensively available to all who need it, not monopolized by the multinational giants and perverted into the toxin-rich, addictive and unnatural substances we have today.
3. Media should be based on truth, authentic journalism and what’s best for the people, not propagandized to create minions of the failing system.
4. Management of our society should be designed by and for the people, not by and for the corporate and oligarchical structures.
Is that fair too? Does the whole lot sit well with you? Let’s bloody well hope so.
So in saying all this, and of the thousands of people who read it, what will actually change to unite the world’s justice-seeking communities?
To be straightforward and realistic, most likely fuck all. In truth, I actually could care less if it’s this proposal either; if a group would like to design a basic unification strategy that we can agree on, please do so. No matter how it happens, it just needs to happen, and that’s the most important thing.
However, we really do need to show some solidarity, so this has been created as an opportunity for the fragmented independent media to stand together on some core values and systemic focal points.
We’re all in the position to share this information through our networks too, so if you more or less agree with this strategy for unification then there is nothing stopping you from doing so.
In addition, the recent issues arising from two key voices in the independent media has further shown that we shouldn’t be rallying around individuals, but instead be binding around some very simple and key agreements.
If so, we could use them as a framework for publicly debating how they relate to the behavior of governments, corporations, oligarchs and the system itself.
By continuously saturating our agreements and discussions into the collective consciousness, more and more people – working both inside and outside of the system – will be emancipated from the delusions they’ve been programmed to have.
After all, people are just people, and most of them deep down want the best for their fellow-man.
It would then continue as an education process for everybody who needs it, based on any agreements made. And as Max Igan suggests in the below interview, we could also organize a global day of protest to show unification around our quest for truth and freedom.
In any case, I primarily wrote this as an energetic injection because I know that somewhere lurking just beyond the veil, the many movements for truth and freedom have an innate capacity to put their differences to the side and come together as a peaceful force to radically transform our world into one of honor and justice.
Could this happen soon? Who knows; we’ve all been pleasantly surprised before.
For further information regarding where we’re at, and where we’re going, watch this new interview with the infamous Max Igan.
Project Veritas Unveils New Investigation Targeting Deep State + Deep State On Death Throes After Massive Multi-Pronged Attacks
September 20 2018 | From: Infowars / Geopolitics / FoxNews / Various
New project will name names and feature Deep State operatives in their own words.
The undercover all-stars at Project Veritas have put the Deep State on notice, warning their next series of investigations aim to unmask the shadowy figures working against the Trump administration.
In a trailer released Friday, Veritas founder James O’Keefe revealed his team is working on a project which will name names and include video and audio of Deep State operatives in their own words.
A tweet sent out by Project Veritas Friday noted that “Unlike the author of Fear, we won’t quote anonymous sources in the administration relaying “what happened.” We’re going to put anonymous Deep State players on the record.”
Elaborating on his next targets, O’Keefe partially described the Deep State as a ”vast administrative bureaucracy, unaccountable to anyone; in fact, an ‘extralegal state within a state.’”
"This unelected cabal of federal government employees - the Deep Staters - are getting away with subverting the will of the people. In fact, the Constitution is being stomped upon by the actions of the members of the Deep State. They are in all branches of government and they are hiding among two million other federal employees,” O’Keefe wrote at the Project Veritas website.
“The actions of the Deep State fly in the face of the consent part of the governance equation. They seek to subvert the ‘democratic’ process, and through those actions are creating inequality in the application of the Rule of Law.”
Jason Chaffetz: The Deep State is Real
There is a concerted effort to protect Barack Obama and bring down President Trump, the Fox News contributor and author of 'The Deep State' says on 'Fox & Friends.'
Continuing, O’Keefe says he won’t anonymize names like the New York Times did with a recent op-ed written by a member of the Deep State.
In fact, he says their next video will feature “an employee in the Executive Branch caught on film saying, “Resist everything. Every level.”
"You’ll be able to see his name and his face. You’ll also see his title, direct employer, the movement of his lips, the cadence in his voice, his demeanor, his arrogance, his lack of introspection, and ultimately, him bragging about how nobody will ever hold his comrades nor him accountable,”says O’Keefe.
The next Veritas investigation will appear online next week, ahead of the midterms.
Project Veritas’ methods were extremely effective during the 2016 US presidential election campaign when they exposed the Hillary Clinton campaign hiring paid operatives to instigate violence at Trump rallies.
Veritas’ videos, which depicted operatives orchestrating a tactic known as “bird dogging,” led to the resignations of Democrat consultants Scott Foval and Robert Creamer.
Veritas’ undercover videos have also been instrumental in shedding light on social media censorship, with insiders from various tech firms openly admitting to manipulating their algorithms to demote conservative content.
Deep State On Death Throes After Massive Multi-Pronged Attacks
What has been leaked 10 years ago about a global effort to establish a new financial system, i.e. global reset involving sovereign wealth based currencies for global exchange that would trim down the unwarranted power of the bankers who kept on fomenting wars everywhere, is now fast becoming a reality.
Between Iran and Iraq alone, they have stopped using the fiat US dollar in their “mutually beneficial” cooperation, and rightly so since it’s stupid enough to involve foreign powers in commerce conducted within their mutual border.
"Defying Washington’s pressure to break off business ties with Iran, Tehran’s international trading partners are determined to maintain their mutually-beneficial cooperation with the Islamic Republic, some even at the expense of dumping the US dollar.
Iraqi authorities have stopped using the US dollar in trade operations with Iran in favor of national currencies and the euro", the chairman of the Iraqi-Iranian Chamber of Commerce Yahya al-Ishaq told the agency Mehr on Sunday.
“We abandoned dollar transactions, most of the trade transactions will be in euros, Iranian riyals and Iraqi dinars,” he said, pointing out that in certain cases a system of mutually beneficial exchange is envisaged. According to al-Ishaq, the average annual trade turnover between Iran and Iraq is $8 billion.
Earlier, Iraqi Prime Minister Heydar Al-Abadi confirmed that Baghdad would implement US-imposed sanctions on Iran only in the banking sector, abandoning the dollar. He added that he would send a delegation to Washington to discuss financial transactions with Iran in light of the sanctions."
“… implement US-imposed sanctions on Iran only in the banking sector, abandoning the dollar” surely, that’s one way of putting it when one start to lose respect on its erstwhile “savior from Saddam Hussein’s dictatorship.”
Turkey is also moving away from the fiat dollar in response to US sanctions targeting its financial institution to pressure it to remain within the NATO Alliance of convenience.
"Earlier this week, Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan lashed out at Western rating agencies, such as Moody’s and Fitch, for their negative review of Turkey’s economy, having also accused them of trying to disrupt the country’s banking sector.
Speaking at a Turkey-Kyrgyzstan Business Forum in the Kyrgyz capital Bishkek on Sunday, Recep Tayyip Erdogan said that currency manipulations sought to “cast doubt on Turkey’s strong and solid economy.”
“We need to gradually end the monopoly of the dollar once and for all by using local and national currency among us,” Anadolu news agency cited him as saying.
He also vowed he would pursue non-dollar transactions in trade with Russia and other countries.
“America behaves like wild wolves. Don’t believe them. Using the dollar only damages us. We will not give up. We will be victorious,” he added.
This initiative gained so much traction when Russia joined in, which subsequently resulted to the establishment of the BRICS Alliance, and the rest is history.
"In the last year, the Reserve Bank of India bought 8.6 metric tons of goal, its first big purchase since 2009.
New Delhi (Sputnik): The Reserve Bank of India (RBI) purchased 8.46 metric tons of gold during the last fiscal year (April 2017 to March 2018).
In its annual report, the RBI revealed that it had 566.23 metric tons of gold as of June 30, 2018, compared to 557.77 metric tons in June 30, 2017, indicating that the bank had purchased gold for the first time since 2009 when it had purchased 200 metric tons of the precious metal following America’s sub-prime crisis.
India has joined the league of other BRICS countries such as China and Russia that are actively accumulating physical gold as part of their international reserve assets."
Now, Russia remains consistent in its drive against the fiat financial system.
"Russia is actively working to switch over to settlements in national currencies with the countries of the Middle East, Southeast Asia, Latin America and Africa", Russian Industry and Trade Minister Denis Manturov told Sputnik.
“This process is not quick [transition to national currency settlements], and we launched it not in the form of a response to sanctions.
We have been systematically conducting this work for several years, accumulated practice and have experience regarding the work of commercial banks and the Central Bank in those countries where it is advantageous for us to carry out this work,” Manturov said.
“This applies less to European countries, more to the countries of the Middle East, Southeast Asia, even Latin America, Africa,” he added.
"Russian car manufacturers are switching to national currencies in payments with Turkey for supplies of components, a number of companies have announced such plans, Denis Manturov said.
According to the minister, Turkish producers “are switching now to transactions in national currencies with great pleasure.”
In conjunction with the anti-Deep State financial offensive, a highly coordinated exposé of the false prophets in the House of Lucifer has finally hit the mainstream consciousness. No longer is the so called Vicar of Christ welcomed in Ireland, and Catholic priests everywhere are beginning to be shunned like the lepers of old.
All of the above, combined with the continued realignment of military alliances poised to provide strong deterrence against what remains of the Deep State armed mercenaries, are among the most important development right now.
Along this line, another massive exposure made was about the 1960’s plan to nuke Russia and China to oblivion. This should now provide a strong impetus for the final coercive measure to end the Deep State arrogance around the world for good.
However, even when this unprecedented coordination between highly populated Eurasian and ASEAN countries to establish multipolarity succeeds, this is not yet the ideal situation that we all deserve.
For as long as the structures of governments and institutions of control are all still there, humanity is not there yet. What is lacking is the direct involvement of the common folks to assert their true place in the sun with tangible actions towards that aim. Online conversations should not be its end goal.
The shameful disparity between the rich and the poor is not something to be proud of, and should not be accepted as the paragon of civilization attributable to the present generation.
Modern Life Is Killing Our Children: UK Cancer Rate In Young People Up 40% In 16 Years + 12 Things A Cancer Doctor Should Never Say
September 19 2018 | From: TheTelegraph / TheTruthAboutCancer / Various
Modern life is killing children with the number of youngsters diagnosed with cancer rising 40 per cent in the past 16 years because of air pollution, pesticides, poor diets and radiation, scientists have warned. These two articles include a massive dump on cancer topics both causes and solutions.
New analysis of government statistics by researchers at the charity Children with Cancer UK found that there are now 1,300 more cancer cases a year compared with 1998, the first time all data sets were published.
Note: As this first article is from the controlled mainstream it makes ridiculous statements like the causes of cancer not being known. Interspresed are links to various other articles and resources.
The rise is most apparent in teenagers and young adults aged between 15 and 24, where the incident rate has risen from around 10 cases in 100,000 to nearly 16.
Researchers say that although some of the rise can be explained by improvements in cancer diagnoses and more screening, the majority is probably caused by environmental factors.
Dr Denis Henshaw, Professor of Human Radiation Effects at Bristol University, the scientific adviser for Children with Cancer UK, said air pollution was by far the biggest culprit, accounting for around 40 per cent of the rise, but other elements of modern lifestyles are also to blame.
Among these are obesity, pesticides and solvents inhaled during pregnancy, circadian rhythm disruption through too much bright light at night, radiation from x-rays and CT scans, smoking during and after pregnancy, magnetic fields from power lines, gadgets in homes, and potentially, radiation from mobile phones.
Children are surrounded by electrical fields, warn scientists
"When you look at cancers such as childhood leukaemia there is no doubt that environmental factors are playing a big role,” said Dr Henshaw. “We were shocked to see the figures, and it’s modern lifestyle I’m afraid."
“Many items on the list of environmental causes are now known to be carcinogenic, such as air pollution and pesticides and solvents. There has been good research to suggest a mother's diet can damage DNA in cord blood. Light at night we know is very disruptive for the body, which is why shift workers have such bad health.
Burnt barbecues, the electric fields of power lines, the electricity supply in your home. Hairdryers. It’s all of these things coming together, and it seems to be teenagers and young people that are most affected.
What’s worrying is it is very hard to avoid a lot of these things. How can you avoid air pollution? It sometimes feels like we are fighting a losing battle.”
Diagnoses of colon cancer among children and young people has risen 200 per cent since 1998, while thyroid cancer has doubled. Ovarian and cervical cancers have also risen by 70 per cent and 50 per cent respectively.
The charity estimates that the rise in cases now costs the NHS an extra £130 million a year compared with 16 years ago.
But experts believe many cancers could be prevented with lifestyle changes such as allowing children to attend nursery to boost their immune system, not painting children’s rooms with oil-based paints, avoiding night shift work and processed meats in pregnancy.
The figures were released ahead of the Children with Cancer UK conference which took place in London.
Other cancer experts said they had also noticed a rise in cancer diagnoses but warned it was too early to draw firm conclusions on the causes.
Nicola Smith, Cancer Research UK’s senior health information officer, said: [Bollocks mainly]
“Any rise in childhood cancers is worrying but it’s important to remember that less than one per cent of cancer cases in the UK occur in children.
It’s not yet clear exactly what causes cancer in childhood and research has not shown a link with environmental factors like air pollution and diet during pregnancy.
There are some factors which can increase the risk of childhood cancer like inherited genetic conditions and exposure to radiation – but these are usually not avoidable and no one should feel blamed for a child getting cancer.
Evidence has shown that there are lots of things adults can do to reduce cancer risk and it’s always a good idea to set up healthy habits as a family, like eating healthily, being active and enjoying the sun safely.”
Kate Lee, chief executive of children’s cancer charity CLIC Sargent, said that a child cancer diagnosis places a huge emotional and financial burden on the whole family.
"Over the last year CLIC Sargent provided support for more than 7,100 families, more than ever before, but we know that we can still only reach two out of three of those children and young people diagnosed with cancer,” she added.
“As more young cancer patients are diagnosed every year, we know each of those families will need support and are working hard to one day be able to provide those services for every young patient.”
Despite the increase, around 80 per cent of child cancer patients now survive for at least five years. But the aggressive treatments they have as children can have a major impact on their future health, even if they survive.
Tomorrow, Children with Cancer UK launches a five-point plan calling on the Government and the science and medical community to ensure that all children diagnosed with cancer in the UK have access to precision medicine by 2020.
We can all agree that proper communication skills are essential for the best cancer care. While some patients appreciate a direct approach, others need a bit of hand-holding. Some cancer doctors have good “bedside” manners, displaying genuine empathy for their patients. Others can be considered bullies in white coats. But it all comes down to this… what a cancer doctor says or doesn’t say can make all the difference in your outcome.
Doctors frequently take an overly dominant role. Proactive patients are often treated with sarcasm or arrogance. The patient who comes armed with research might be told “I see you have spent some time on Google. I think it is best if you let me diagnose you and tell you the treatment that is most suitable for you.”
As a cancer strategist I hear of all kinds of terrible comments made by oncologists to their patients. Even those patients who intend to comply with the recommendations of their oncologist hear words that should never be spoken. Often times I am sure that these comments are not meant to be callous, but are just spoken in ignorance.
Here are 12 things you should never hear from your cancer doctor. Be on the lookout for doctors who say any of these. It could be a sign that they need an attitude adjustment… and that you need a new doctor:
#1. I’m afraid I have bad news. If you didn’t already suspect you had a problem to deal with, you would not be sitting in the doctor’s office. This statement brings on fear. Doctors do this so that you will comply with their orders. Skip the drama doc.
#2. You have three months to live. It is rarely helpful to have a doctor pretend he has a crystal ball. While from experience they might have an idea how long the average patient lives given a particular diagnosis, we are all individuals and YOU ARE NOT AVERAGE. Despite what the doctor says, there is always hope. There is always a way to extend life or even reverse the dis-ease.
Just like “bad news,” a prognosis brings on fear and the need to comply - albeit in a different way. Studies show that people are told they have three months to live dutifully fulfill that directive from their doctor. Even worse, a poor prognosis takes away the will to live and ability to think outside the box and to change the direction of the dis-ease.
There are innumerable remissions of advanced and late stage cancers. There are countless stories of patients who were offered little chance of survival or a cure, yet who are here years later to tell their tale. A quick perusal through the articles on The Truth About Cancer website will bring you valuable information on surviving the odds.
Hope gives us the opportunity to do what we must do to heal from cancer. Even in the face of the most advanced of cancers, there is usually room for some words of encouragement and support. This can make all the difference in the patient’s attitude towards their disease and their treatment. While there is hope, there is life.
#3. If you don’t do “X” you will die. For some bizarre reason, cancer doctors think they know everything. Yes, I know that they went to medical school, but there was competent and effective medicine well before Big Pharma taught these doctors. Know that there are many, many options when it comes to managing cancer - don’t let your doctor bully you. In fact, you might point out to your doctor that you are more likely to die if you follow one of the standard protocols instead of opting for a less toxic treatment plan.
#4. You have no choice. Sorry, doctor, yes, you do. They might also say you have no other options. While it is always a good idea to get a second, third, or even fourth opinion, be sure to get at least one from an alternative or holistic doctor.
The award-wnning documentary The Idiot Cycle (2009) about the companies involved in producing toxic chemicals, cancer treatments and genetically modified crops
Otherwise, you are still limiting your options and overlooking key lifelines to survival.
#5. Calm Down. Given the situation at hand, it is understandable that a patient might be upset. Telling a patient they need to calm down or speaking to him or her in a dominant tone of voice clearly shows a lack of empathy and offers no chance of a partnership.
#6. This treatment will not harm you. Be sure you are clear on what “harm” means to your cancer doctor. Chemotherapy, radiation, hormone therapies, and even surgery harm the body and increase your risk of more cancer. Be aware of the life-threatening and quality of life-threatening side effects, and do not believe that they are always “worth it.” Studies and case studies have not provided evidence of efficacy.
#7. Here are the statistics. You are a person, not a statistic. You have your own unique set of circumstances; your own history. Statistics are helpful for doctors who use a checklist to make treatment recommendations. As an empowered person who is committed to make lifestyle changes that can affect your health and outcome, statistics do not apply.
Further, statistics are typically skewed in favor of treatment recommendations. For example, a patient might hear that by taking hormone therapy they will reduce their risk of recurrence by almost 50%. Sounds great, right? However in actuality, it may be the case that the risk without the therapy was only 2% and with the drugs 1%. That 50% reduction doesn’t really mean much, does it?
Or in the case of chemotherapy, a patient might hear that the therapy will decrease risk by 30%. But if the risk of dying was only 10% to begin with, the survival benefit on an absolute basis is only 3%. Considering the downsides of these therapies, one must extrapolate the true benefit and compare this to the possible harm they deliver.
#8. This treatment will cure you. This is a bold statement for sure. If your doctor is not addressing the cause of your cancer, the treatment is not a cure. Cancer is complicated, but most often the root cause can be determined and resolved. Only then can any treatment be considered “curative.”
I have never met anyone who was Tamoxifen- or chemotherapy-deficient, for example, so there is no reason to believe that taking either will resolve the reason for your cancer.
#9. You are wasting your time with nutritional supplements. While there is no one magic bullet, no one cure for cancer, lifestyle factors such as taking supplements can make a difference. There is too much evidence on how nutritional factors influence genetic expression for anyone to ignore the power of food and supplements.
What we eat makes a powerful difference. A mostly plant based, whole foods diet and taking nutritional supplements can have a substantial impact. That said, in these days of nutrient-depleted soil conditions and over-farming, food just does not have the nutrient content of years past. Plus, busy lives do not always allow for “perfect” meals. Hence, supplements are a necessary part of an anticancer protocol.
#10. Cancer Just Happens: It’s a Matter of bad luck. This is so ridiculous I just had to include it. Cancer develops for a reason. It is a signal, a cry for help that tells us something or many things are not right within the body. Overexposure to toxins, the genetic inability to manage toxins, and the entire issue of unresolved emotional traumas are some of the biggest triggers of cancer.
Although nutritional deficiencies are not likely the cause of one’s cancer, they do allow it to develop and grow.
Don’t accept that blanket statement from your doctor. Whether they are saying this out of ignorance or for your emotional protection, it is not helpful when it comes to your healing and survival.
#11. Alternative doctors are quacks. What mainstream cancer doctors consider to be “alternative” was once medicine. Sadly, modern medicine focuses on drug therapies and fails to acknowledge the reasons that cancer has become rampant. We are not sick because we have cancer… we have cancer because we are sick. If we do not correct what created the dis-ease, we cannot cure it. Alternative doctors consider the whole person. They believe that making a person well is just as important or even more important than targeting the symptoms of cancer (such as a tumor).
While every alternative treatment works for someone, not every treatment works for everyone. Part of this is, again, because we all have our own unique circumstances for having cancer. Be sure you work with a qualified practitioner and coach to optimize the healing of your body and your cancer.
And last but not least…
#12. Estrogen causes breast cancer. This is simply not accurate. Estrogen has 400 essential functions in a woman’s body. While estrogen dominance and hormonal imbalance can allow breast cancer to develop and grow, estrogen does not cause breast cancer. More precisely, estrogen can turn on cancer genes, but only if not opposed by progesterone. So blaming estrogen for cancer is a bit like saying that matches cause fires. You have to light the match, right?
Progesterone acts as an antagonist to estrogen. While estrogen is associated with breast and other cancers, progesterone has anti-cancer effects.
When the opposing force of progesterone is increased, the toxic effect of estrogen is decreased. So while estrogen can turn on cancer genes, progesterone turns on genes that can prevent breast cancer from occurring. Instead of blocking or eliminating estrogen, you may want to concentrate on increasing progesterone so the fire is not ignited by the match.
A note on receptors: when activated by progesterone, the progesterone receptors attach themselves to the estrogen receptors. Once this happens, the estrogen receptors stop turning on genes that promote the growth of the cancer cells. Instead, they turn on genes that promote the death of cancer cells (known as apoptosis) and the growth of healthy, normal cells.
Hormone receptors are dependent on iodine, which increases the sensitivity of the receptor to the hormone it was designed. So rather than block your receptors, it would be prudent to ensure you have sufficient iodine in your diet so that the receptors can work most efficiently.
No One Is Ready For What’s About To Happen
September 18 2018 | From: NaturalNews
This isn’t merely about the approaching Hurricane Florence, which has already turned the entire East Coast into a “zombie apocalypse” of empty store shelves as locals panic to buy every last water bottle in sight. (Somehow, none of these people seem to realize there’s water coming out of the tap, and if they buy a water filter, they can make their own clean water for practically zero cost.)
This is actually about the political and economic storm that’s coming. I heard it best described as a “rule of law reset” and an “economic reset” happening simultaneously. I think Dave Janda said that in a recent interview, and he’s right.
What’s about to come down from Washington D.C. will be historic, groundbreaking and largely unexpected by the masses.
It could involve widespread arrests and even military tribunals of deep state operatives, potentially including the arrest and indictment of Hillary Clinton.
Meanwhile, everybody seems to be going insane across the political spectrum, and there are plane-loads of people falling gravely ill as possible bioweapons look like they’re being tested or deployed on commercial airplanes in the United States.
The information is now coming so rapidly that almost nobody can keep up with it, myself included.
I’ve tried to distill the most important highlights of the last week into this video that covers censorship, de-platforming, the attempted assassination of President Trump and the coming arrest of deep state operatives.
The video is long, but it’s informative:
Meanwhile, the Human Race is Being Hunted and Exterminated
On the “big, big picture” front, I’ve also posted another video that would be instantly banned on YouTube.
It explains the expanded globalist agenda of the complete extermination of the human race under the false banner of “climate change” and “globalism” combined with infertility chemicals and the collapse of human reproduction.
Some of this video is so sensitive and bizarre, I’ve actually had to bleep out certain words myself. Most people aren’t ready for this information. Watch and decide for yourself:
Crypto Crash Accelerates as Bottom Falls Out of “Digital Fiat” Currency Platforms
Meanwhile, Ethereum, Bitcoin and other cryptos continue their free fall, with over $600 billion in crypto losses this year alone. Bloomberg is now reporting that the crypto crash is worse than the dot-com crash.
Ethereum has cratered something like 80% (or so), and many ICOs and other alt-coins have completely collapsed to zero.
As you know, I’ve been warning about all this for the last year or so, since the day I launched and accurately predicted exactly what’s unfolding right now.
Further confirming what I’ve been reporting, KevBotReport has launched a new channel on, offering incredibly insightful analysis of crypto markets. See his channel here.
Keep up with current events! Check out the 25,000+ videos now posted on, with new channels launching every day.
How Can We Stop Drug Trafficking When It’s The CIA That’s Running The Show / The Philippines Fight The Cabal
September 16 2018 | From: Geopolitics
Historically, illegal drugs were being used to destroy sovereign countries, and by now the Philippines’ war on drugs is a regular headline by CIA funded journalists and media networks, and a constant object for criticism of the Soros’ Open Society Foundation funded pseudo-non-government organizations, for being brutal and violative of human rights.
Those same critics, however, failed to put their money where their mouth is, especially when it comes to helping the Duterte government rehabilitate close to a million drug surrendered.
They would rather focus our attention into the 3,700 deaths, some of which are the direct result of the decisive police action, and the rest were victims of the drug syndicates who are now cleaning their own ranks from squealers, i.e. those who have surrendered and subsequently named their suppliers.
The same bleeding hearts who chose to ignore the fact that the statistics related to crime are just the same as in past administrations.
Only this time it is the criminals who are dying, because once a poor brat is hooked into meth, he must do whatever he can get his fix for the day, which include cell phone snatching, daylight robbery, etc.
Other sordid crimes relating to meth addiction were also brought to light including cannibalism, and in the realm of politics, it has sent a former justice secretary to the present senate, on top of congressmen and mayors who are already funded with drug money for years.
In short, the Philippines’ war on drugs is a necessary measure that must be taken before the country plunges completely into another failed state.
Still at 100th day in office, the Duterte government is able to reduce the crime rate to 50% nationwide using only the national budget crafted by his predecessor.
The same budget, which does not include the establishment of rehabilitation centers necessary to help the projected 4 million drug dependents, and for whom the US, EU and UN “human rights advocates” could help more than just paying lip service to the 3,750 so called victims of extrajudicial killings.
To those who would rather criticize the sensible actions of the Philippine government that is enjoying 97% trust rating, are you really raising concerns over human rights vilolations, or just in it to protect the illegal drug industry?
CIA Drug Trafficking Exposed by Political Prisoner
The Real Drug Lords: A brief history of CIA involvement in the Drug Trade
1947 to 1951, France
According to Alfred W. McCoy in The Politics of Heroin in Southeast Asia, CIA arms, money, and disinformation enabled Corsican criminal syndicates in Marseille to wrestle control of labor unions from the Communist Party.
The Corsicans gained political influence and control over the docks - ideal conditions for cementing a long-term partnership with mafia drug distributors, which turned Marseille into the postwar heroin capital of the Western world. Marseille’s first heroin laboratones were opened in 1951, only months after the Corsicans took over the waterfront.
Early 1950s, Southeast Asia
The Nationalist Chinese army, organized by the CIA to wage war against Communist China, became the opium barons of The Golden Triangle (parts of Burma, Thailand and Laos), the world’s largest source of opium and heroin.
Air America, the ClA’s principal airline proprietary, flew the drugs all over Southeast Asia. (See Christopher Robbins, Air America, Avon Books, 1985, chapter 9)
1950s to early 1970s, Indochina
During U.S. military involvement in Laos and other parts of Indochina, Air America flew opium and heroin throughout the area. Many Gl’s in Vietnam became addicts. A laboratory built at CIA headquarters in northern Laos was used to refine heroin. After a decade of American military intervention, Southeast Asia had become the source of 70 percent of the world’s illicit opium and the major supplier of raw materials for America’s booming heroin market.
1973-80, Australia
The Nugan Hand Bank of Sydney was a CIA bank in all but name. Among its officers were a network of US generals, admirals and CIA men, including fommer CIA Director William Colby, who was also one of its lawyers.
With branches in Saudi Arabia, Europe, Southeast Asia, South America and the U.S., Nugan Hand Bank financed drug trafficking, money laundering and international arms dealings. In 1980, amidst several mysterious deaths, the bank collapsed, $50 million in debt. (See Jonathan Kwitny, The Crimes of Patriots: A True Tale of Dope, Dirty Money and the CIA, W.W. Norton & Co., 1 987.)
1970s and 1980s, Panama
For more than a decade, Panamanian strongman Manuel Noriega was a highly paid CIA asset and collaborator, despite knowledge by U.S. drug authorities as early as 1971 that the general was heavily involved in drug trafficking and money laundering.
Noriega facilitated ”guns-for-drugs” flights for the contras, providing protection and pilots, as well as safe havens for drug cartel otficials, and discreet banking facilities. U.S. officials, including then-ClA Director William Webster and several DEA officers, sent Noriega letters of praise for efforts to thwart drug trafficking (albeit only against competitors of his Medellin Cartel patrons).
The U.S. government only turned against Noriega, invading Panama in December 1989 and kidnapping the general once they discovered he was providing intelligence and services to the Cubans and Sandinistas. Ironically drug trafficking through Panama increased after the US invasion. (John Dinges, Our Man in Panama, Random House, 1991; National Security Archive Documentation Packet The Contras, Cocaine, and Covert Operations.)
1980s, Central America
The San Jose Mercury News series documents just one thread of the interwoven operations linking the CIA, the contras and the cocaine cartels. Obsessed with overthrowing the leftist Sandinista government in Nicaragua, Reagan administration officials tolerated drug trafficking as long as the traffickers gave support to the contras.
In 1989, the Senate Subcommittee on Terrorism, Narcotics, and International Operations (the Kerry committee) concluded a three-year investigation by stating:
“There was substantial evidence of drug smuggling through the war zones on the part of individual Contras, Contra suppliers, Contra pilots mercenaries who worked with the Contras, and Contra supporters throughout the region... U.S. officials involved in Central America failed to address the drug issue for fear of jeopardizing the war efforts against Nicaragua.
In each case, one or another agency of the U.S. govemment had intormation regarding the involvement either while it was occurring, or immediately thereafter. Senior U S policy makers were nit immune to the idea that drug money was a perfect solution to the Contras’ funding problems.”
- Drugs, Law Enforcement and Foreign Policy, a Report of the Senate Committee on Foreign Relations, Subcommittee on Terrorism, Narcotics and Intemational Operations, 1989
In Costa Rica, which served as the “Southern Front” for the contras (Honduras being the Northern Front), there were several different ClA-contra networks involved in drug trafficking. In addition to those servicing the Meneses-Blandon operation detailed by the Mercury News, and Noriega’s operation, there was CIA operative John Hull, whose farms along Costa Rica’s border with Nicaragua were the main staging area for the contras.
Hull and other ClA-connected contra supporters and pilots teamed up with George Morales, a major Miami-based Colombian drug trafficker who later admitted to giving $3 million in cash and several planes to contra leaders.
In 1989, after the Costa Rica government indicted Hull for drug trafficking, a DEA-hired plane clandestinely and illegally flew the CIA operative to Miami, via Haiti. The US repeatedly thwarted Costa Rican efforts to extradite Hull back to Costa Rica to stand trial.
Another Costa Rican-based drug ring involved a group of Cuban Amencans whom the CIA had hired as military trainers for the contras. Many had long been involved with the CIA and drug trafficking They used contra planes and a Costa Rican-based shrimp company, which laundered money for the CIA, to move cocaine to the U.S. Costa Rica was not the only route.
Guatemala, whose military intelligence service - closely associated with the CIA - harbored many drug traffickers, according to the DEA, was another way station along the cocaine highway.
Additionally, the Medellin Cartel’s Miami accountant, Ramon Milian Rodriguez, testified that he funneled nearly $10 million to Nicaraguan contras through long-time CIA operative Felix Rodriguez, who was based at Ilopango Air Force Base in El Salvador. The contras provided both protection and infrastructure (planes, pilots, airstrips, warehouses, front companies and banks) to these ClA-linked drug networks.
At least four transport companies under investigation for drug trafficking received US govemment contracts to carry non-lethal supplies to the contras. Southern Air Transport, “formerly” ClA-owned, and later under Pentagon contract, was involved in the drug running as well.
Cocaine-laden planes flew to Florida, Texas, Louisiana and other locations, including several militarv bases Designated as ‘Contra Craft,” these shipments were not to be inspected.
When some authority wasn’t clued in and made an arrest, powerful strings were pulled on behalf of dropping the case, acquittal, reduced sentence, or deportation.
1980s to early 1990s, Afghanistan
ClA-supported Moujahedeen rebels engaged heavily in drug trafficking while fighting against the Soviet-supported govemment and its plans to reform the very backward Afghan society. The Agency’s principal client was Gulbuddin Hekmatyar, one of the leading druglords and leading heroin refiner.
CIA supplied trucks and mules, which had carried arms into Afghanistan, were used to transport opium to laboratories along the Afghan Pakistan border.
The output provided up to one half of the heroin used annually in the United States and three-quarters of that used in Western Europe.
US officials admitted in 1990 that they had failed to investigate or take action against the drug operabon because of a desire not to offend their Pakistani and Afghan allies. In 1993, an official of the DEA called Afghanistan the new Colombia of the drug world.
Mid-1980s to early 1990s, Haiti
While working to keep key Haitian military and political leaders in power, the CIA turned a blind eye to their clients’ drug trafficking. In 1986, the Agency added some more names to its payroll by creating a new Haitian organization, the National Intelligence Service (SIN).
SIN was purportedly created to fight the cocaine trade, though SIN officers themselves engaged in the trafficking, a trade aided and abetted by some of the Haitian military and political leaders.
Washington’s Hidden Agenda: Restore the Drug Trade
In 2014 the Afghan opium cultivation has once again hit a record high, according to the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime’s 2014 Afghan Opium Survey.
“In the course of the last four years, there has been a surge in Afghan opium production. The Vienna based UN Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC) reveals that poppy cultivation in 2012 extended over an area of more than 154,000 hectares, an increase of 18% over 2011. A UNODC spokesperson confirmed in 2013 that opium production is heading towards record levels."
According to the 2012 Afghanistan Opium Survey released in November 2012 by the Ministry of Counter Narcotics (MCN) and the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC). potential opium production in 2012 was of the order of 3,700 tons, a decline of 18 percent in relation to 2001, according to UNODC data.
There is reason to believe that this figure of 3,700 tons is grossly underestimated. Moreover, it contradicts the UNOCD’s own predictions of record harvests over an extended area of cultivation.
While bad weather and damaged crops may have played a role as suggested by the UNODC, based on historical trends, the potential production for an area of cultivation of 154,000 hectares, should be well in excess of 6000 tons. With 80,000 hectares in cultivation in 2003, production was already of the order of 3600 tons.
It is worth noting that UNODC has modified the concepts and figures on opium sales and heroin production, as outlined by the European Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drug Addiction (EMCDDA).
“A change in UN methodology in 2010 resulted in a sharp downward revision of Afghan heroin production estimates for 2004 to 2011. UNODC used to estimate that the entire global opium crop was processed into heroin, and provided global heroin production estimates on that basis.
Before 2010, a global conversion rate of about 10 kg of opium to 1 kg of heroin was used to estimate world heroin production (17). For instance, the estimated 4 620 tonnes of opium harvested worldwide in 2005 was thought to make it possible to manufacture 472 tonnes of heroin (UNODC, 2009a).
However, UNODC now estimates that a large proportion of the Afghan opium harvest is not processed into heroin or morphine but remains ‘available on the drug market as opium’
There is no evidence that a large percentage of opium production is no longer processed into heroin as claimed by the UN.
This revised UNODC methodology has served, – through the outright manipulation of statistical concepts – to artificially reduce the size of of the global trade in heroin.
According to the UNODC, quoted in the EMCDDA report:
“An estimated 3 400 tonnes of Afghan opium was not transformed into heroin or morphine in 2011. Compared with previous years, this is an exceptionally high proportion of the total crop, representing nearly 60 % of the Afghan opium harvest and close to 50 % of the global harvest in 2011."
What the UNODC, – whose mandate is to support the prevention of organized criminal activity – has done is to obfuscate the size and criminal nature of the Afghan drug trade, intimating – without evidence – that a large part of the opium is no longer channeled towards the illegal heroin marke.
In 2012 according to the UNODC, farmgate prices for opium were of the order of 196 per kg.
Each kg. of opium produces 100 grams of pure heroin. The US retail prices for heroin (with a low level of purity) is, according to UNODC of the order of $172 a gram. The price per gram of pure heroin is substantially higher.
The profits are largely reaped at the level of the international wholesale and retail markets of heroin as well as in the process of money laundering in Western banking institutions.
The revenues derived from the global trade in heroin constitute a multibillion dollar bonanza for financial institutions and organized crime.
The following article first published in May 2005 provides a background on the history of the Afghan opium trade which continues to this date to be protected by US-NATO occupation forces on behalf of powerful financial interests.
The Spoils of War: Afghanistan’s Multibillion Dollar Heroin Trade
Since the US led invasion of Afghanistan in October 2001, the Golden Crescent opium trade has soared. According to the US media, this lucrative contraband is protected by Osama, the Taliban, not to mention, of course, the regional warlords, in defiance of the “international community”.
The heroin business is said to be “filling the coffers of the Taliban”. In the words of the US State Department:
“Opium is a source of literally billions of dollars to extremist and criminal groups… [C]utting down the opium supply is central to establishing a secure and stable democracy, as well as winning the global war on terrorism,”
- Statement of Assistant Secretary of State Robert Charles. Congressional Hearing, 1 April 2004
According to the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC), opium production in Afghanistan in 2003 is estimated at 3,600 tons, with an estimated area under cultivation of the order of 80,000 hectares. (UNODC at ). An even larger bumper harvest is predicted for 2004.
The State Department suggests that up to 120 000 hectares were under cultivation in 2004. (Congressional Hearing, op cit):
“We could be on a path for a significant surge. Some observers indicate perhaps as much as 50 percent to 100 percent growth in the 2004 crop over the already troubling figures from last year.”
“Operation Containment“
In response to the post-Taliban surge in opium production, the Bush administration has boosted its counter terrorism activities, while allocating substantial amounts of public money to the Drug Enforcement Administration’s West Asia initiative, dubbed “Operation Containment.”
The various reports and official statements are, of course, blended in with the usual “balanced” self critique that “the international community is not doing enough”, and that what we need is “transparency”.
The headlines are “Drugs, warlords and insecurity overshadow Afghanistan’s path to democracy”. In chorus, the US media is accusing the defunct “hard-line Islamic regime”, without even acknowledging that the Taliban – in collaboration with the United Nations – had imposed a successful ban on poppy cultivation in 2000.
Opium production declined by more than 90 per cent in 2001.
In fact the surge in opium cultivation production coincided with the onslaught of the US-led military operation and the downfall of the Taliban regime. From October through December 2001, farmers started to replant poppy on an extensive basis.
The success of Afghanistan’s 2000 drug eradication program under the Taliban had been acknowledged at the October 2001 session of the UN General Assembly (which took place barely a few days after the beginning of the 2001 bombing raids). No other UNODC member country was able to implement a comparable program:
“Turning first to drug control, I had expected to concentrate my remarks on the implications of the Taliban’s ban on opium poppy cultivation in areas under their control…
We now have the results of our annual ground survey of poppy cultivation in Afghanistan. This year’s production [2001] is around 185 tons.
This is down from the 3300 tons last year [2000], a decrease of over 94 per cent. Compared to the record harvest of 4700 tons two years ago, the decrease is well over 97 per cent.
Any decrease in illicit cultivation is welcomed, especially in cases like this when no displacement, locally or in other countries, took place to weaken the achievement.”
- Remarks on behalf of UNODC Executive Director at the UN General Assembly, Oct 2001
United Nations’ Coverup
In the wake of the US invasion, shift in rhetoric. UNODC is now acting as if the 2000 opium ban had never happened:
“The battle against narcotics cultivation has been fought and won in other countries and it [is] possible to do so here [in Afghanistan], with strong, democratic governance, international assistance and improved security and integrity.”
- Statement of the UNODC Representative in Afghanistan at the :February 2004 International Counter Narcotics Conference,
In fact, both Washington and the UNODC now claim that the objective of the Taliban in 2000 was not really “drug eradication” but a devious scheme to trigger “an artificial shortfall in supply”, which would drive up World prices of heroin.
Ironically, this twisted logic, which now forms part of a new “UN consensus”, is refuted by a report of the UNODC office in Pakistan, which confirmed, at the time, that there was no evidence of stockpiling by the Taliban. (Deseret News, Salt Lake City, Utah. 5 October 2003)
Washington’s Hidden Agenda: Restore the Drug Trade
In the wake of the 2001 US bombing of Afghanistan, the British government of Tony Blair was entrusted by the G-8 Group of leading industrial nations to carry out a drug eradication program, which would, in theory, allow Afghan farmers to switch out of poppy cultivation into alternative crops. The British were working out of Kabul in close liaison with the US DEA’s “Operation Containment”.
The UK sponsored crop eradication program is an obvious smokescreen. Since October 2001, opium poppy cultivation has skyrocketed. The presence of occupation forces in Afghanistan did not result in the eradication of poppy cultivation. Quite the opposite.
The Taliban prohibition had indeed caused “the beginning of a heroin shortage in Europe by the end of 2001?, as acknowledged by the UNODC.
Heroin is a multibillion dollar business supported by powerful interests, which requires a steady and secure commodity flow. One of the “hidden” objectives of the war was precisely to restore the CIA sponsored drug trade to its historical levels and exert direct control over the drug routes.
Immediately following the October 2001 invasion, opium markets were restored. Opium prices spiraled. By early 2002, the opium price (in dollars/kg) was almost 10 times higher than in 2000.
In 2001, under the Taliban opiate production stood at 185 tons, increasing to 3400 tons in 2002 under the US sponsored puppet regime of President Hamid Karzai.
While highlighting Karzai’s patriotic struggle against the Taliban, the media fails to mention that Karzai collaborated with the Taliban. He had also been on the payroll of a major US oil company, UNOCAL. In fact, since the mid-1990s, Hamid Karzai had acted as a consultant and lobbyist for UNOCAL in negotiations with the Taliban. According to the Saudi newspaper Al-Watan:
“Karzai has been a Central Intelligence Agency covert operator since the 1980s. He collaborated with the CIA in funneling U.S. aid to the Taliban as of 1994 when the Americans had secretly and through the Pakistanis [specifically the ISI] supported the Taliban’s assumption of power.”
- Quoted in Karen Talbot, U.S. Energy Giant Unocal Appoints Interim Government in Kabul, Global Outlook, No. 1, Spring 2002. p. 70. See also BBC Monitoring Service, 15 December 2001
History of the Golden Crescent Drug Trade
It is worth recalling the history of the Golden Crescent drug trade, which is intimately related to the CIA’s covert operations in the region since the onslaught of the Soviet-Afghan war and its aftermath.
Prior to the Soviet-Afghan war (1979-1989), opium production in Afghanistan and Pakistan was directed to small regional markets. There was no local production of heroin. (Alfred McCoy, Drug Fallout: the CIA’s Forty Year Complicity in the Narcotics Trade. The Progressive, 1 August 1997).
The Afghan narcotics economy was a carefully designed project of the CIA, supported by US foreign policy.
The story of the take down of the BCCI was told in the excellent film "The International"
As revealed in the Iran-Contra and Bank of Commerce and Credit International (BCCI) scandals, CIA covert operations in support of the Afghan Mujahideen had been funded through the laundering of drug money. “Dirty money” was recycled –through a number of banking institutions (in the Middle East) as well as through anonymous CIA shell companies –, into “covert money,” used to finance various insurgent groups during the Soviet-Afghan war, and its aftermath:
“Because the US wanted to supply the Mujahideen rebels in Afghanistan with stinger missiles and other military hardware it needed the full cooperation of Pakistan. By the mid-1980s, the CIA operation in Islamabad was one of the largest US intelligence stations in the World.
`If BCCI is such an embarrassment to the US that forthright investigations are not being pursued it has a lot to do with the blind eye the US turned to the heroin trafficking in Pakistan’, said a US intelligence officer."
(“The Dirtiest Bank of All,” Time, July 29, 1991, p. 22.)
Researcher Alfred McCoy’s study confirms that within two years of the onslaught of the CIA’s covert operation in Afghanistan in 1979;
“The Pakistan-Afghanistan borderlands became the world’s top heroin producer, supplying 60 per cent of U.S. demand. In Pakistan, the heroin-addict population went from near zero in 1979 to 1.2 million by 1985, a much steeper rise than in any other nation.
CIA assets again controlled this heroin trade. As the Mujahideen guerrillas seized territory inside Afghanistan, they ordered peasants to plant opium as a revolutionary tax.
Across the border in Pakistan, Afghan leaders and local syndicates under the protection of Pakistan Intelligence operated hundreds of heroin laboratories. During this decade of wide-open drug-dealing, the U.S. Drug Enforcement Agency in Islamabad failed to instigate major seizures or arrests.
U.S. officials had refused to investigate charges of heroin dealing by its Afghan allies because U.S. narcotics policy in Afghanistan has been subordinated to the war against Soviet influence there.
In 1995, the former CIA director of the Afghan operation, Charles Cogan, admitted the CIA had indeed sacrificed the drug war to fight the Cold War..."
"...‘Our main mission was to do as much damage as possible to the Soviets. We didn’t really have the resources or the time to devote to an investigation of the drug trade,’ I don’t think that we need to apologize for this. Every situation has its fallout.
There was fallout in terms of drugs, yes. But the main objective was accomplished. The Soviets left Afghanistan.’”
(McCoy, op cit)
The role of the CIA, which is amply documented, is not mentioned in official UNODC publications, which focus on internal social and political factors. Needless to say, the historical roots of the opium trade have been grossly distorted.
According to the UNODC, Afghanistan’s opium production has increased, more than 15-fold since 1979. In the wake of the Soviet-Afghan war, the growth of the narcotics economy has continued unabated. The Taliban, which were supported by the US, were initially instrumental in the further growth of opiate production until the 2000 opium ban.
This recycling of drug money was used to finance the post-Cold War insurgencies in Central Asia and the Balkans including Al Qaeda.
Narcotics: Second to Oil and the Arms Trade
The revenues generated from the CIA sponsored Afghan drug trade are sizeable. The Afghan trade in opiates constitutes a large share of the worldwide annual turnover of narcotics, which was estimated by the United Nations to be of the order of $400-500 billion.
(Douglas Keh, Drug Money in a Changing World, Technical document No. 4, 1998, Vienna UNDCP, p. 4. See also United Nations Drug Control Program, Report of the International Narcotics Control Board for 1999, E/INCB/1999/1 United Nations, Vienna 1999, p. 49-51, and Richard Lapper, UN Fears Growth of Heroin Trade, Financial Times, 24 February 2000).
At the time these UN figures were first brought out (1994), the (estimated) global trade in drugs was of the same order of magnitude as the global trade in oil.
The IMF estimated global money laundering to be between 590 billion and 1.5 trillion dollars a year, representing 2-5 percent of global GDP. (Asian Banker, 15 August 2003). A large share of global money laundering as estimated by the IMF is linked to the trade in narcotics.
Based on recent figures (2003), drug trafficking constitutes:
“The third biggest global commodity in cash terms after oil and the arms trade.”
- The Independent, 29 February 2004
Moreover, the above figures including those on money laundering, confirm that the bulk of the revenues associated with the global trade in narcotics are not appropriated by terrorist groups and warlords, as suggested by the UNODC report.
There are powerful business and financial interests behind narcotics. From this standpoint, geopolitical and military control over the drug routes is as strategic as oil and oil pipelines.
However, what distinguishes narcotics from legal commodity trade is that narcotics constitutes a major source of wealth formation not only for organised crime but also for the US intelligence apparatus, which increasingly constitutes a powerful actor in the spheres of finance and banking.
In turn, the CIA, which protects the drug trade, has developed complex business and undercover links to major criminal syndicates involved in the drug trade.
In other words, intelligence agencies and powerful business syndicates allied with organized crime, are competing for the strategic control over the heroin routes. The multi-billion dollar revenues of narcotics are deposited in the Western banking system.
Most of the large international banks together with their affiliates in the offshore banking havens launder large amounts of narco-dollars.
This trade can only prosper if the main actors involved in narcotics have “political friends in high places.” Legal and illegal undertakings are increasingly intertwined, the dividing line between “businesspeople” and criminals is blurred.
In turn, the relationship among criminals, politicians and members of the intelligence establishment has tainted the structures of the state and the role of its institutions.
Where does the money go? Who benefits from the Afghan opium trade?
This trade is characterized by a complex web of intermediaries. There are various stages of the drug trade, several interlocked markets, from the impoverished poppy farmer in Afghanistan to the wholesale and retail heroin markets in Western countries. In other words, there is a “hierarchy of prices” for opiates.
This hierarchy of prices is acknowledged by the US administration:
“Afghan heroin sells on the international narcotics market for 100 times the price farmers get for their opium right out of the field”.
(US State Department quoted by the Voice of America (VOA), 27 February 2004).
According to the UNODC, opium in Afghanistan generated in 2003 “an income of one billion US dollars for farmers and US$ 1.3 billion for traffickers, equivalent to over half of its national income.”
Consistent with these UNODC estimates, the average price for fresh opium was $350 a kg. (2002); the 2002 production was 3400 tons.
The UNDOC estimate, based on local farmgate and wholesale prices constitutes, however, a very small percentage of the total turnover of the multibillion dollar Afghan drug trade.
The UNODC, estimates “the total annual turn-over of international trade” in Afghan opiates at US$ 30 billion. An examination of the wholesale and retail prices for heroin in the Western countries suggests, however, that the total revenues generated, including those at the retail level, are substantially higher.
Wholesale Prices of Heroin in Western Countries
It is estimated that one kilo of opium produces approximately 100 grams of (pure) heroin. The US DEA confirms that;
“SWA [South West Asia meaning Afghanistan] heroin in New York City was selling in the late 1990s for $85,000 to $190,000 per kilogram wholesale with a 75 percent purity ratio."
- National Drug Intelligence Center
According to the US Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA):
“The price of SEA [South East Asian] heroin ranges from $70,000 to $100,000 per unit (700 grams) and the purity of SEA heroin ranges from 85 to 90 percent”
The SEA unit of 700 gr (85-90 % purity) translates into a wholesale price per kg. for pure heroin ranging between $115,000 and $163,000.
The DEA figures quoted above, while reflecting the situation in the 1990s, are broadly consistent with recent British figures. According to a report published in the Guardian (11 August 2002), the wholesale price of (pure) heroin in London (UK) was of the order of 50,000 pounds sterling, approximately $80,000 (2002).
Whereas as there is competition between different sources of heroin supply, it should be emphasized that Afghan heroin represents a rather small percentage of the US heroin market, which is largely supplied out of Colombia.
Retail Prices
United States
“The NYPD notes that retail heroin prices are down and purity is relatively high. Heroin previously sold for about $90 per gram but now sells for $65 to $70 per gram or less.
Anecdotal information from the NYPD indicates that purity for a bag of heroin commonly ranges from 50 to 80 percent but can be as low as 30 percent.
Information as of June 2000 indicates that bundles (10 bags) purchased by Dominican buyers from Dominican sellers in larger quantities (about 150 bundles) sold for as little as $40 each, or $55 each in Central Park.
DEA reports that an ounce of heroin usually sells for $2,500 to $5,000, a gram for $70 to $95, a bundle for $80 to $90, and a bag for $10. The DMP reports that the average heroin purity at the street level in 1999 was about 62 percent.”
The NYPD and DEA retail price figures seem consistent. The DEA price of $70-$95, with a purity of 62 percent translates into $112 to $153 per gram of pure heroin. The NYPD figures are roughly similar with perhaps lower estimates for purity.
It should be noted that when heroin is purchased in very small quantities, the retail price tends to be much higher. In the US, purchase is often by “the bag”; the typical bag according to Rocheleau and Boyum contains 25 milligrams of pure heroin.( Office of National Drug Control Policy )
A $10 dollar bag in NYC (according to the DEA figure quoted above) would convert into a price of $400 per gram, each bag containing 0.025gr. of pure heroin. (op cit). In other words, for very small purchases marketed by street pushers, the retail margin tends to be significantly higher. In the case of the $10 bag purchase, it is roughly 3 to 4 times the corresponding retail price per gram.($112-$153)
United Kingdom
In Britain, the retail street price per gram of heroin, according to British Police sources, “has fallen from £74 in 1997 to £61 [in 2004].” [i.e. from approximately $133 to $110, based on the 2004 rate of exchange] (Independent, 3 March 2004).
In some cities it was as low as £30-40 per gram with a low level of purity. (AAP News, 3 March 2004). According to Drugscope ( ), the average price for a gram of heroin in Britain is between £40 and £90 ($72- $162 per gram) (The report does not mention purity). The street price of heroin was £60 per gram in April 2002 according to the National Criminal Intelligence Service.
The Hierarchy of Prices
We are dealing with a hierarchy of prices, from the farmgate price in the producing country, upwards, to the final retail street price. The latter is often 80-100 times the price paid to the farmer.
In other words, the opiate product transits through several markets from the producing country to the transshipment country(ies), to the consuming countries. In the latter, there are wide margins between “the landing price” at the point of entry, demanded by the drug cartels and the wholesale prices and the retail street prices, protected by Western organized crime.
The Global Proceeds of the Afghan Narcotics Trade
In Afghanistan, the reported production of 3,600 tons of opium in 2003 would allow for the production of approximately 360,000 kg of pure heroin. Gross revenues accruing to Afghan farmers are roughly estimated by the UNODC to be of the order of $1 billion, with 1.3 billion accruing to local traffickers.
When sold in Western markets at a heroin wholesale price of the order of $100,000 a kg (with a 70 percent purity ratio), the global wholesale proceeds (corresponding to 3600 tons of Afghan opium) would be of the order of 51.4 billion dollars.
The latter constitutes a conservative estimate based on the various figures for wholesale prices in the previous section.
The total proceeds of the Afghan narcotics trade (in terms of total value added) is estimated using the final heroin retail price. In other words, the retail value of the trade is ultimately the criterion for measuring the importance of the drug trade in terms of revenue generation and wealth formation.
A meaningful estimate of the retail value, however, is almost impossible to ascertain due to the fact that retail prices vary considerably within urban areas, from one city to another and between consuming countries, not to mention variations in purity and quality (see above).
The evidence on retail margins, namely the difference between wholesale and retail values in the consuming countries, nonetheless, suggests that a large share of the total (money) proceeds of the drug trade are generated at the retail level.
In other words, a significant portion of the proceeds of the drug trade accrues to criminal and business syndicates in Western countries involved in the local wholesale and retail narcotics markets. And the various criminal gangs involved in retail trade are invariably protected by the “corporate” crime syndicates.
90 percent of heroin consumed in the UK is from Afghanistan. Using the British retail price figure from UK police sources of $110 a gram (with an assumed 50 percent purity level), the total retail value of the Afghan narcotics trade in 2003 (3,600 tons of opium) would be the order of 79.2 billion dollars. The latter should be considered as a simulation rather than an estimate.
Under this assumption (simulation), a billion dollars gross revenue to the farmers in Afghanistan (2003) would generate global narcotics earnings, – accruing at various stages and in various markets – of the order of 79.2 billion dollars.
These global proceeds accrue to business syndicates, intelligence agencies, organized crime, financial institutions, wholesalers, retailers, etc. involved directly or indirectly in the drug trade.
In turn, the proceeds of this lucrative trade are deposited in Western banks, which constitute an essential mechanism in the laundering of dirty money.
A very small percentage accrues to farmers and traders in the producing country. Bear in mind that the net income accruing to Afghan farmers is but a fraction of the estimated 1 billion dollar amount. The latter does not include payments of farm inputs, interest on loans to money lenders, political protection, etc.
The Share of the Afghan Heroin in the Global Drug Market
Afghanistan produces over 70 percent of the global supply of heroin and heroin represents a sizeable fraction of the global narcotics market, estimated by the UN to be of the order of $400-500 billion.
There are no reliable estimates on the distribution of the global narcotics trade between the main categories: Cocaine, Opium/Heroin, Cannabis, Amphetamine Type Stimulants (ATS), Other Drugs.
The Laundering of Drug Money
The proceeds of the drug trade are deposited in the banking system. Drug money is laundered in the numerous offshore banking havens in Switzerland, Luxembourg, the British Channel Islands, the Cayman Islands and some 50 other locations around the globe.
It is here that the criminal syndicates involved in the drug trade and the representatives of the world’s largest commercial banks interact. Dirty money is deposited in these offshore havens, which are controlled by the major Western commercial banks.
The latter have a vested interest in maintaining and sustaining the drug trade. (For further details, see Michel Chossudovsky, The Crimes of Business and the Business of Crimes, Covert Action Quarterly, Fall 1996)
Once the money has been laundered, it can be recycled into bona fide investments not only in real estate, hotels, etc, but also in other areas such as the services economy and manufacturing. Dirty and covert money is also funneled into various financial instruments including the trade in derivatives, primary commodities, stocks, and government bonds.
Concluding Remarks: Criminalization of US Foreign Policy
US foreign policy supports the workings of a thriving criminal economy in which the demarcation between organized capital and organized crime has become increasingly blurred.
The heroin business is not “filling the coffers of the Taliban” as claimed by US government and the international community: quite the opposite!
The proceeds of this illegal trade are the source of wealth formation, largely reaped by powerful business/criminal interests within the Western countries. These interests are sustained by US foreign policy.
Decision-making in the US State Department, the CIA and the Pentagon is instrumental in supporting this highly profitable multibillion dollar trade, third in commodity value after oil and the arms trade.
The Afghan drug economy is “protected”.
The heroin trade was part of the war agenda. What this war has achieved is to restore a compliant narco-State, headed by a US appointed puppet.
The powerful financial interests behind narcotics are supported by the militarisation of the world’s major drug triangles (and transshipment routes), including the Golden Crescent and the Andean region of South America (under the so-called Andean Initiative).
Electronic Torture + 21st-Century Bio-Hacking And Bio-Robotizing
September 16 2018 | From: ElectronicTorture / Various
Electromagnetic torture, Microwave torture, Electronic murder, Electromagnetic murder, Microwave murder, Organized murder, Cooked alive, Electronic mind control, Electronic mind reading, Brain zapping, People zapper.
What is electronic harassment / electronic torture / electronic murder? In short - "soft kill" techniques to interfere with and kill, by the Cabal and their minions - those who get in their way.
Electronic harassment / electronic torture / electronic murder is about harrasment, torture and murder using electronic weapons based on radio waves.These weapons have been very refined and can cause effects comparable to many illnesses and/or injuries.
These weapons are not science-fiction but used today illegally by your national secret services on mostly random innocent victims not knowing what is being done to them.
What is Electronic Mind Control / Electronic Mind Reading / Brain Zapping / Synthetic Telepathy / Remote Neural Monitoring?
Electronic mind control is about forcing thoughts into your brain using invisible radio waves (this can be done long range). Your attackers can make you think about a certain person at a certain moment, force a song into your brain (so you will start humming / singing it).
Your attackers can also make you stand up and walk to your kitchen. If you do not know about this then you will be just following the thoughts that were planted into your brain. In other words: you are robotized.
Electronic mind reading is about reading your thoughts using invisible radio waves (this can be done from long ranges). Already it has become 'easy' to decode received brain signals into words spoken to oneself without talking.
At the moment they also make progress with decoding images from what you look at (as seen by you through your eyes).
This is not science-fiction but done today illegally by your national secret services on mostly random innocent victims not knowing what is being done to them.
Stalking, Electronic Torture, Shooting with Directed Energy Weapons From the Sky
A video and two victims reporting the horrible details. Like many other victims they can only conclude that the attacks also are coming from military aircraft.
Microwave weaponry systems like the Active Denial System are used in tandem to deliver physical attacks designed to stress targets, torture them physically, and turn their homes into places of extreme distress. Hoping to drive the target from their home or workplaces.
The pain is unbelievable. It involves tones, harmonics, hissing, stabs, blows, voice to skull transmissions, induced dreams (nightmares), burning sensations in the body and head, internal burning sensations inside of the body and head, crawling sensations on the body (phantom touch), electronic rape, induced and unwanted urination or orgasms, holographic inserts, and many other horrible tortures. My thoughts seem to be scanned every second. -
(Carolyn Palit) I thought I was dying. I thought that I would spontaneously combust into flames. Either it came from a base in the hills, or Commander Solo*, or it came from the heavens. It attacked me for two years. -
Some of his attacks are coming from the direction of the houses of the defendants that he has named in a law suit against these kinds of attacks. But . . . mostly . . . the attacks come from . . . "straight up."
More Information about Electronic Weapons Attacks, Including Mind Control and Mind Reading
On the website there is an CBS News video of the Active Denial System (ADS), a microwave laser weapon. Although the DoD wants us to believe this is a safe weapon (that is why they showed it to us), experts agree it is not!
This video shows a big installation, but there are many kinds of laser weapons. Some are very big and mounted in trucks, ships, aircraft, or even in satellites. But there are also much smaller, portable versions, that can be very effective.
Of course military and secret services have equipment based on the most advanced technology available. Their equipment is not available to the public. But now advanced commercial devices are being shown on the internet giving an idea of how easy it must be for the attackers to cook, burn (torture) a person.
One is a portable (hand-held) laser, the S3 Spyder III Arctic laser. Although it may appear not very sophisticated, imagine someone pointing this at your back when you are in a restaurant or at the movies. To look at people through wall take a look at the XAVER 400 Compact, Tactical Through-Wall Imaging System.
Bio-Hacking and Bio-Robotizing
Rohinie Bisesar, the strikingly beautiful and accomplished financial services analyst and York University MBA with no previous criminal record was charged with first-degree murder in the sudden stabbing death of a young woman.
While Rohinie Bisesar is considered by mind-control activists in Canada to be a possible victim of neuro-experimentation, the new frontier of absolute human control being covertly explored by military / Intelligence agencies (as per the accounts of victims, scientists, and whistleblowers), for a long while it was not clear to activists whether her defense attorney, David Connally, had indeed conveyed to Ms. Bisesar that there are others in Canada familiar with the symptoms of neuro-experimentation, sympathetic of her situation, and interested in helping her. Read More: 21st-Century Bio-Hacking and Bio-Robotizing in the Case of Rohinie Bisesar: Breakthrough as Defense Attorney Confirms Her Receipt of Letter from Human Rights Activists
Many targets wonder how they can be attacked so easily when they move to a different location, e.g. a family member, friend, or go to a hotel. The attackers stuff their portable laser weapons and through-wall imaging devices into their suitcases, book rooms close to yours, and often will attack you from two different angles to confuse you.
In case you prevent them to attack the body area the want to attack, e.g. by putting your back against an outside wall of the hotel, they call in military aircraft that will blast you with very high power microwave (HPM) bursts, cooking your inside. (this happened several times to me, last time on July 6, 2011, while staying in a hotel in Westkapelle, Netherlands, the aircraft arriving around 1 am about 15 minutes after they concluded they could not perform the attacks on my back).
Many people have a problem thinking that others can read their mind, their thoughts. Again, the advanced technology used by military and secret services is not available to the public, but today more and more commercial devices are becoming available.
One company delivering a mind reading headset is Emotive, for USD 299,-. With this device you can control your games, your tv set, etc. with you mind! They also have an API (programming interface) to create your own mind reading application. Even rudimentary electro-pulse mind reading technologies are publicly reported in the media
I cannot emphasize enough that not all but many attacks are from the sky. When driving your car they may burn your back (from the sky or from some equipment in your own car) when another car is driving behind you and make it go away when the car goes away.
If they do this every time then you probably will think it has to do with the car behind you. When driving your car, walking outside, riding your bike, they may burn your head and make many people you look at scratch their head.
Sometimes people are part of the sick network but many others may just have been beamed the same way you are, having no clue about what is going on (your attackers want you to attack other people, they don't care about anything because they are psychopaths, murderers. child abusers).
Another warning is for a much more confusing type of attack: electronic mind control.
In this case your attackers will plant thoughts into the brain of people surrounding you. Of course these thoughts relate to your life in one way or the other.
They may even plant your (!) thoughts into the heads of people surrounding you. If you do not know about this then you may start to think that these people can read your mind, which can be very depressing. I wrote several article about electronic mind control, if you are a target and do not know about this capabilities you may want to read this.
If you are hearing voices you may be a mental case but it is also possible that you are a target of (highly illegal) mind control activities by some sick bastards.
In your country secret services including military are developing weapons that make you hear voices and covertly testing these weapons on random human beings or groups of people.
Some terms used to describe this phenomenon:
Microwave hearing
Silent sound
Perhaps the most easy (and cheap) way to attack a person this way is by the Audio Spotlight.
This device makes you hear words etc. spoken by a someone, but the persons around you do ot hear this.
Youtube video on AudioSpotlight, Subvocal Speech and Microwave hearing:
Electronic Harassment and Electronic Torture List
[Published: February 26, 2009. Updated: February 28, 2009, April 11, 2009, June 10, 2009, June 13, 2009, June 25, 2009, September 6, 2009, December 24, 2009]
Almost anybody can become a (temporary) target of these horrible electronic weapons. Please read what can be done so you are prepared. This is not science fiction but happening right now in our 'democratic' society.
Below is a list of all possible attacks by electronic weapons that I know of by experience. I know more attacks exists. Female targets write about sexual attacks, others mention continuous ringing in the ears, etc. I may add these later. I decided to keep this list personal, i.e. in this blog I write down only what has/is being done to me, not what is being done to others.
Electronic Weapons
These attacks are done by the following kind of electronic weapons:
Directed Energy Weapons (laser weapons), like ELF (very low frequency), ultrasonic, lasers, (high power) microwave weapons
Through-wall vision
(Sub-vocal) Mind-reading
Microwave hearing/Silent Sound (letting you hear sounds/things in other ways then hearing by the ear)
On the internet already a lot of symptoms and attacks by these weapons can be found. Most of these lists do not detail these attacks and that is exactly what I am trying to do here. In my opinion it is not enough to read that such a weapon gives you a burning feeling, instead the horrible details must be exposed!
Description of a (continuous) high intensity microwave weapon attack:
This weapon makes your skin really burn like a very heavy sunburn and cooks your inside, you really feel being cooked alive, you are heated like meat in a microwave oven, with intensities that exceed those of a microwave oven.
Gal is coming out of your throat and fluids inside your body evaporate making you instantly burp. In case of high intensity there is also a burning sensation on the other side of the body, where the beam, of approximately 10-30 cm diameter leaves the body.
If they cook you long enough cooked body cells explode inside you, when aimed at your upper body, lung cells explode / are destroyed and reducing lung capacity immediately noticed when walking stairs or running.
The burning sensation and the cooked-inside feeling will go away after 5-30 minutes or 1-2 days depending on the duration and intensity, it may take a day or more to recover from high power microwave bursts with durations of 5-60 seconds (but can you recover from these amounts of irradiation?).
A cup of milk is heated and starts evaporating after 5-10 seconds. The electronic weapons aimed at you can make you burp or fart within 1-3 seconds, hence the intensity of electromagnetic irradiation is not only used to torture a person but murder as well.
Covert and Intended-to-Notice (or Noticed) Electronic Harassment / Torture
Electronic harassment is called covert if the target does not know about these weapons and methods. If you do not know about these weapons you may think you have all the bad luck in the world, you will wonder what strange things are happening to you, to your body, and accept you do not control your life anymore.
If intended-to-notice (or noticed), electronic harassment is torture in its most horrible form. What would you do if your body is made to react every time to events occurring in your life, e.g. by making you burp or fart, your legs are cooked every night, your ankle is cooked during daytime when working behind your computer, your knee is beamed to cause maximum pain, etc.
Some examples:
To delay you:
They make you go the toilet to urinate when you want to leave your house
They cook your legs before running
They burn and cook your body high power to prevent you doing you work
Note that this delaying is often done together with gang stalking methods like cars blocking your road, phone calls when you are to leave your home, etc.
To make things worse:
They make you sneeze extra times when you have a cold
They cook your throat become sore when you have a cold
They attack your eyes until red with blood
The cook your legs after running
They cook or burn where you have pain already
To torture you:
They cook and burn your body everywhere
They cook your family, your children, friends, …
Note that this torture is often done together with gang stalking methods like synchronizing saw machines, honking horns of cars, screaming birds (pigeons, crows), etc.
The Maximum Pain Business, Beyond Imagination Horror and Cruelty Without Evidence
Special methods have been developed to make you think you have a heart problem, erection problem, toothache, etc.
For the ones exposing these horrendous crimes they developed methods to inflict maximum pain, e.g. by cooking such a person alive with a high power microwave weapon, or burning the skin of the target or making the target burp or fart every few minutes to events occurring in the life of the target (including e.g. opening a website on a computer, saving a file, cars passing by the window, etc. ).
Some authors refer to the development and use of these weapons as the pain business. I would like to make a correction, please call it the maximum pain business.
After accepting that there are really such sick and disgusting creatures actually developing and applying these methods and torture, you also have to accept that it is not about just pressing a button, but also about the way how this torture is applied.
Zapping your eyes red to make you look bad, cooking biceps to prevent you from swimming, cooking your throat to prevent you from singing, inducing heart problems and toothaches to prevent you working or sports. More horror, these methods and procedures could not have been highly developed without being tested on humans, on real persons.
And again more horror, these methods are often used with gang stalking (organized stalking) methods.
Like they cook your ankle with insane intensities making your foot very painful, and when you go outside all kinds of people with leg problems are crossing your path, people limping, in a wheelchair, sometimes even someone without a leg.
Or, they start sawing wood somewhere and when the saw enters the wood cook your body with high intensity microwave.
This torture is applied 24/7, not once every hour but more like once every minute/every 5 minutes. Horrible torture that can be called torturing a person to death.
Special Case: The Heart Attack
Damaging your body can be done in several ways. One vital organ is the heart. They can attack the heart very effective with:
Microwave weapons, cooking the heart area slowly
High Power Microwave (HPM) weapons, cooking the heart area in a second
Ultrasonic weapons, pressurizing the heart area
Heart frequency manipulation weapons
These weapons can damage your heart in a split second, you may not survive such a attack, but can also be used to slowly damage your heart. Slowly cook your heart area so will get a strange feeling and in fact your heart is really damaged.
This makes the Heart Attack Gun that the CIA was forced to admit having
look positively archaic: During Senate testimony in 1975 into illegal activities by the CIA, it was revealed that the agency had developed a dart gun capable of causing a heart attack
Then there is also the frequency manipulation attack, your heart may feel pulsing, blobbing like crazy.
Cook heart area from the front, often together with a cook beam from left behind. Slow damage, horrible feeling
Flash your heart with very high power microwave. Instant damage.
Pressurize your chest, even takes your breath away if applied with enough power
Pulsate your body/heart area with low frequencies
These effects will give you a very realistic heart attack or heart problem feeling feeling. Your heart may start pounding very loud, may feel very painful, the heart area may feel strange, cooked.
If applied with enough power, this really damages your heart and heart area. Your heart is cooked like meat in a microwave oven.
Can you recover from these attacks? In general they will not murder you or leave evidence, your heart may feel very painful for several days after they stop their attacks.
It can take weeks until all pain in the area has disappeared. I am not sure about permanent damage caused by these attacks.
Can you die from such an attack? Yes, if the intensity of the beam is high enough your heart can be damaged or temporarily disturbed in such a way that you will die.
How can you recognize a ‘normal’ heart problem from a ‘induced’ heart problem? You yourself are the best judge of what you feel. If you believe something really is wrong with your heart then visit a doctor. If you are certain your heart is attacked then avoid visiting a doctor as this will confirm a heart problem in case you collapse or die, case closed.
Impossible to Protect Yourself
The human body appears to be extremely vulnerable to electromagnetic irradiation of all kind of frequencies. The human body also is a electromagnetic transmitter and sensitive (radio) equipment can pick up and decode the signals that are generated e.g. when speaking, thinking.
In contrast to a knife or a bullet, electromagnetic signals are not blocked by walls, compare your cell phone.
Limited protection is possible using sheet metal, metal plates, water, vacuum, but if you really are a target the attackers increase intensities (if necessary to insane levels), change frequency, attack from different angles etc.
Also remember that these weapons can hit a person without hitting the person sitting next to this person. They can be aimed and the diameter of the beam can be made small enough to hit only the target.
Anybody Can be a Target
Electronic weapons make it very easy to eliminate persons, to get persons (temporarily) out of the way, to murder persons, etc. all without evidence, and most of the time even the target does not know he is zapped, cooked, burned with electronic weapons. The ones owning and controlling this technology now can get everything they want in a very easy way.
They can get their football player into the national team by temporarily cut out the competitor for the same position in the team.
This could be done with other means as well but it is very easy with electronic weapons. Just cook a person’s ankle and foot during the night and the damage is done. To influence a tennis match you could cook a player by heating the body with microwaves (compare microwave oven).
He will just feel overheated and sick and loose the game.
These are just two examples to demonstrate what can be done. You can imagine almost anybody can become a target. Some people because they are more visible then others, because they have something the sick network wants, because they know something the sick network does not want to be exposed, because they are too intelligent for the sick network, ust for personal reasons because may be they made a remark about someone, etc.
The Phoenix Program Continues Today
The Phoenix Program was a program designed, coordinated, and executed by the United States Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), United States special operations forces, US Army intelligence collection units from MACV, special forces operatives from the Australian Army Training Team Vietnam (AATTV), and the Republic of Vietnam's (South Vietnam) security apparatus during the Vietnam War.
The Program was designed to identify and "neutralize" (via infiltration, capture, counter-terrorism, interrogation, and assassination) the infrastructure of the National Liberation Front of South Vietnam (NLF or Viet Cong).
The CIA described it as "a set of programs that sought to attack and destroy the political infrastructure of the Viet Cong". The major two components of the program were Provincial Reconnaissance Units (PRUs) and regional interrogation centers. PRUs would kill or capture suspected NLF members, as well as civilians who were thought to have information on NLF activities.
Many of these people were then taken to interrogation centers where many were allegedly tortured in an attempt to gain intelligence on VC activities in the area. The information extracted at the centers was then given to military commanders, who would use it to task the PRU with further capture and assassination missions.
The program was in operation between 1965 and 1972, and similar efforts existed both before and after that period. By 1972, Phoenix operatives had neutralized 81,740 suspected NLF operatives, informants and supporters, of whom between 26,000 and 41,000 were killed.
Electronic Weapons Can Kill a Person
Besides using electronic weapons to monitor, drive into suicide, cause temporary injuries, they can also be used to kill a person.
Killing is possible by sending wrong signals to the heart making it pulse in abnormal ways, or by increasing intensity and cooking the heart area, damaging the heart slowly. Very high power laser weapons or HPM (= High Power Microwave) weapons can damage your heart in a second.
Although little is known at this time about the effects of long term irradiation, it is not difficult to imagine that this will cause all kinds of diseases as electromagnetic irradiation destroys your DNA (cell with damaged DNA are called cancer). Again all these horrible things can be done, and are done today, without evidence.
How do You Know You are a Target of Electronic Harassment?
It is often very difficult to distinghuish between normal body behaviour and induced body behaviour if there no signs of burning or cooking. For example, would you know the difference between normal diareah and induced diareah?
Yes, you are able to decide what is not normal by comparing your diareah with previous experiences.
It may start and disappear very sudden, may cause other effects like water bubbles leaving your anus, etc. Also, the diareah may be linked to a certain event, like picking up your child, appearance in court, etc.
Always ask yourself what it is you are feeling, did you feel this before? Does it go away when you turn your body 180 degrees? Does it go away when you walk in the streets or drive your car? You are the best judge of what you are feeling.
Your Car May be Tagged
When you are a target you will experience harassment everywhere every time. If you have a car they will tag your car (these are words I learned from a ’so-called target’).
This means they will equip your car with electronic weapons not only to monitor you but also to cook and/or burn your body while driving.
They may also harass the target covert and use the following beams:
Sleep beam, to make the driver very sleepy
Eye beam, slowly cooking they eyes, so tears come out and visibility reduces
Just to confirm, all this is done to cause the (mental or physical) death of the target.
Harassment from (Neighbour) Houses, Cars, Handbags, Airplanes, Satellites
Most of the electronic harassment comes from close neighbor houses. When you walk in the the streets you are probably attacked by electronic weapons (directed energy weapons) from houses (they may be remote controlled or controlled by operator at these locations.
If there are no locations for their equipment, they use these weapons from their cars. You may also be hit from airplanes. This is not difficult to believe if you accept a reach several hundreds of meters. Some targets write about satellites being the source of their electronic harassment. In general I do not believe this is true.
Example of Current State-of-Technology:
You can be hit by very accurate equipment. For example, when you are running on the streets or in the woods you may be ’shot’ with a very high power microwave weapon in your calf from an airplane. The intensity can be such that this causes instant injury.
Your calf is cooked within a split second and your muscles almost instantly tear apart. Making running / walking almost impossible.
Electronic harassment can also be done from small devices carried in e.g. shopping bags in shops or on the street.
You need only a small battery to give the target a single burst that makes him burp or fart. This is enough to depress the target: nowhere safe from this horrible harassment.
Satellites probably play a big role in exchanging information about a target, e.g. you can have a subvocal speech decoding PC in the house next to target, but it is more easy (and safe) to transfer the undecoded information to a central computer system, and return the decoded words. But it may be done on site, PC’s have enough power today to do this decoding themselves.
You May be Attacked by Persons (Family, Friends, co-Workers) Who are Covertly Attacked by Electronic Harassment
The aim of the attackers is to drive the target insane. To speed up things they aim their electronic weapons covertly at family, friends, co-workers, etc. to make them react in several ways to what the target is doing or saying.
Some (easy) methods used to covertly attack other persons:
Scratch beam, to make a person scratch his head
Sneeze beam, to make a person sneeze
Cough beam, to make a person cough
Urge to urinate beam, to make a person go to the toilet
They beam persons around the target on the head so everywhere around the target people are scratching their heads
They beam the target’s head very hard and then beam the head of a friend so that this friend will start scratching his head immediately very visible for the target to see
When the target and partner are in the same, then every time the target opens a website on his PC (not visible for the partner), they beam the throat of the partner causing the partner to cough almost immediately
When the target is beamed in the stomach during work, they make a co-worker sneeze at the same time
When the target is beamed in the stomach, they beam her child in the stomach as well, making the child cry and saying it has stomach pain (this is confirmed by multiple victims)
Once again illegal and (beyond imagination) horrible crimes by our national secret services.
Elite and Secret Services Control our Politicians
It is not amazing that these weapons exist, I studied computer science myself, if you have enough money it is not that special. It is also not amazing that there are actually sick and disgusting creatures walking around free applying this kind of electronic harassment to cause the physical or mental death of a person.
What is amazing is that a lot of high ranked politicians and other influential persons are fully aware of the existence and use of these weapons but do not speak out. What does this say about these persons? I believe you can say that the idea we live in a democracy has disappeared completely.
Elite and Secret Services are Trapped by Their Crimes in Vicious Circles of More Violence Against the People of the World
The ones facilitating, outsourcing and performing this cruel electronic harassment and torture is not just a group of people, these attacks are very well designed and applied by people trained to cause maximum pain but leave no evidence.
The ones I am referring to are our secret services, including military. They are tightening their grip on society, not because they have to protect us against the terrorists in the world, but because they are getting more and more afraid what will happen when the truth about them is exposed.
They are trapped in some sort of vicious circle. To maintain themselves they must commit more and more horrible crimes. And to avoid their crimes are exposed they have to perform new horrible crimes, etc. etc.
So here we have the elite, creating wars to maintain themselves, and their armies, the secret services both trapped in their own lies and deceit. And the horror for us, the people of the world is that we will be taken from (created) threat to (created) war because that is the only way out for the (criminal) elite and (criminal) secret services.
People Cookers and Secret Services
I introduced the word people cookers in 2007 for the creatures facilitating, outsourcing, performing electronic harassment and electronic torture. Main reason is of course that people cooking comes closest to what they are doing.
Most of the harassment and torture is done by microwave irration which causes heating of the skin and your inside just like a microwave oven cooks meat.
There are no words to justify these illegal and horrendous crimes. The ones involved are disgusting creatures, an author called them ‘the failed human beings’ and that is just what they are. They were born human, choose the wrong path in life and degenerated into pieces of shit.
I believe people cooking and gang stalking (organized stalking) are the perfect example of how sick our national secret services have become. They now commit the perfect murder, in their language meaning murder without evidence. And they now steal, torture and murder just because it has become so easy to steal, torture and murder.
Electronic Harassment and Electronic Torture List - December 24, 2009
Below is the list of all (most) effects I experienced from these horrible electronic weapons. Few times I may not correctly describe the source of the effects. It is sometimes difficult to point to microwave or ultrasound.
Both can be very damaging. High Power Microwave cooks your body cells while high power ultrasound simply destroys your body cells. But in the end the result is the same, a damaged body.
Subvocal speech
Special equipment is used to detect muscle contractions like the ones a person uses when speaking out loud. When spoken to itself these muscle movements can be detected by advanced equipment and translated into words and sentences. As most people talk to themselves when ‘thinking’ this resembles mind reading.
How it is applied
They read your subvocal speech and react to it
Unbelievable at first, then you get depressed because the last thing you thought was private appears not to be private anymore. Then you accept that you probably are even more popular and watched then the big stars in the world and sometimes use it to deceive the bastards. Horrible torture
Why it is applied
To drive you insane
Seeing through your eyes
Although some targets claim that they can see what you see. I have not (yet) experienced this. But they do everything to suggest that they can do this. E.g. on the highway you are bursted with the burp beam every time a favorite model car passes in the opposite direction. They are looking at you from some camera build inside your car or from another car. They are looking at your eyes to see what you are looking at. I experienced a few times I was bursted BEFORE I saw the favorite car. A lot of research in this area is going on, I will keep you updated.
Special advanced equipment is used to beam voices, or in fact any sound, into your head.
How it is applied
They make you hear voices that you should not hear. For example, they let you hear voices from people far away very clear as if they are standing next to you. This an amazing experience. There are a lot of reports of people who claim they are attacked by voices
Why it is applied
To drive you insane
Top of your head beam
The top of your head is very sensitive. They will burn the top with some laser or microwave weapon
How it is applied
They put the beam on your head and wait for you to move
Can be very painfull if applied with enough intensity. You cannot do much with this beam on your head. Horrible torture
After effects
If applied with high intensity it may take several days for the painful feeling to disappear
Why it is applied
Prevent you from working, doing your thing
Should you worry
Yes, long term irradition may cause brain damage, tumors
Scratch beam
They just beam your head somewhere. The normal reaction is your will start scratching your head.
How it is applied
Mostly applied when other people can see you. If they do this everytime with the same people they may wonder whats wrong with you. They also apply this and have random people scratch their heads and then burn you
Not very painfull, mostly a short pulse, although they may keep the beam on your head and remove it after you start scratchin your head
Why it is applied
Drive you out of your mind, drive you into attacking other people
Headache beam
This beam gives you a headache. It is some kind of high intensity low frequency beam. The headache appears suddenly and also disapears suddenly
Can be very painful
Sickness/Alcohol beam
The feeling is that you feel a little bit dizzy, see thing a little foggy.
How it is applied
They may apply this when you drink your first glass of beer, wine, etc. or when you have a cold, or are sensitive to hay fever
They put the microwave beamer on your head and your head is heated. They may do this after you drink a glas of wine, but also after you turn on the central heating of your appartment. You will feel hot, sick, slow.
Ear short burst
Your ear is bursted, the idea is to hit your eardrum. With your eardrum cooked/damaged you have a strange feeling.
Ear continous beam
Your ear is beamed for very long time just to present you pain, they want you to move.
It appears your eardrum and surrounding area is very sensitive. This is very painful.
Eye blur
Your eye is bursted and you have instant blurred vision. Often your eye will start tearing
How it is applied
Some kind of miocrowave burst, see also Phasr and other similar military weapons used to blind the enemy
Not really painfull but you cannot do much as you are used to two eyes.
Why it is applied
Prevent you from working
Should you worry
Yes, this is very damaging for your eyes
Eye sting
Your eye is bursted with some kind of laser beam
Like they drive a needle into your eye. Very painful
Why it is applied
Stress discomfort
Just below eye, tremble
They beam at they area below your eye and the flesh below it starts trembling. They can do this in shops and through wall
Burn (beard) hair
They burn away hair at certain locations, e.g. your moustache hair just below your nose holes to create the illusion of a leaking nose
How it is applied
This is just a laser hair removal procedure, like performed in many beauty parlors
Sneeze burst
You are bursted and must sneeze. This is a tinglin sensation that can make you sneeze in an instant
How it is applied
You can turn your head in the other direction or hold your hand before your nose to make sure the attack is caused by electronic weapons
Why it is applied
To make your body react to something
Runny nose
You have a runny nose but do not have a cold. You may start thinking you have some kind of strange cold but you have not. Once you are out of the beam, the runny nose disappears.
How it is applied
I am not sure if this is done only by electronic weapon or by a combination of some drug and electronic weapon
Cough burst
Your throat is bursted with a high intensity burst and you start coughing instantly. This coughing does not look like normal coughing. You will have a sore throat immediately afterwards.
Dry cough
Like something fluid/moisture sticks in your lungs, or sometimes your throat. When you breath you hear/feel a rasping sound. You must cough very hard to throw it out.
Using a low frequency beam they induce a toothache, this really is a horrrible feeling. It is like a true toothache but now when you move out of the beam it disappears.
Why it is applied
Prevent you from doing anything, just plain torture
Sore throat
Your throat is sowly cooked and you will almost immediately notice less volume and after some time pain while speaking
How it is applied
They can do this in just one or two hours by aiming a high power beam at your throat.
Why it is applied
Prevent you from speaking loud, prevent you to sing
Blackout beam
This is very high intensity burst on your head. There is no pain but it feels like the result having been hit on the head very hard. You feel a bit dizzy and your ears are ringing
On top of shoulder
A very painfull beam on the top of your shoulder
Why it is applied
Just torture
Cook chest/lungs
I call this beam: through-body-beam. You are really cooked by this beam. If applied with enough intensity you will feel a burning sensation on the back (where it enters), then feel the beam cook your insde, then you start burping, then you feel a burning sensation on the other part of your body where the beam leaves your body
How it is applied
This beam can be applied everywhere, form the house next to yours, from cars. When they beam you outside the intensity often is higher as they want to make sure are hit properly
You feel like being microwaved. Very painfull, horrible torture
They put the microwave beamer on your body for a long time and you have the feeling you are cooked alive which in effect is a very accurate description of what is being done
You feel like being cooked alive, horrible torture
Burp beam
This is a low power sophisticated version of the chest/lungs cook beam. It is difficult to locate the source direction.
How it is applied
It takes approx. 2-3 seconds to make you burp, make your body react to events. They also may apply low intensity, so you get an irresistable urge to burp but cannot
Horrible torture
Why it is applied
To make you suffer. This applied sometimes once every five minutes, but sometimes also several times a minute to let your body react to events like cars passing your window, etc. Horrible torture.
Heart attack incl. extra beam from left behind
This is a low frequency high power beam aimed at your heart, mostly from a position somewhere in front of you. To maximze the effect they simultaneously beam you from the left behind position with a microwave cook beam.
How it is applied
As they may apply the from behaind beam for a long period your flesh around the heart area may get cooked and the whole area may feel painfiul and stiff
This really gives you the feeling of having a heart problem, and in fact you have! The difference is that this one is applied by murderers. Horrible torture
After effects
It may take several days before you recover (if they stop the beam)
Should you worry
Yes, your heart is vital
Heart attack high power burst
This is a very high power burst of very short duration, 1 second or less, that will give you immediately an extremely painful heart (area). This beam is really amazing: I believe it can kill you in an instant
How it is applied
They can do this through wall anytime
Horrible torture
After effects
It may take several days before your body recovers and it all feels normal again
This may be done seperate from other heart attacks. Your heart may start feel pulsing funny, the feeling is very massive, it also feels like bubling, like the heart lost control of normal operation and just pulses somewhat
How it is applied
Not only frightening but also very painful
Pressure beam
They put a pressure beam on your chest this will take your breath away and you may think your are having a heart problem. This can have various intensities
Back burning
They burn the skin of your back. This can be low intensity or high intensity. The feeling is you have a sun burn, in case of high intensities it will also color your back a little red.
How it is applied
This almost instant skin cooking. Refer to ADS (Active Denial System) for details
Why it is applied
Present pain. To move you out of the way, to make you leave the swimming pool, etc.
Electric shower
This is an overwhelming effect. This is like a shower but not with water but with electronic pulses.
The temperature of your body is increased giving you the feeling you have a flu or some kind of illness.
Spleen beam
Beaming in your side gives you the idea you have spleen pain
How it is applied
They often do this during high intensity sport activities. The idea is to make you belive you have real spleen pain and will stop your exercise
They cook your biceps to reduce their power , make them feel painful when you load them during e.g. swimming. This may be done to prevent you from doing your sports.
muscle weakening in hand
They beam your hands. The result is that you can not hold a pen between thumb and finger like you used to, also you can not put you fingers against each other (like making a cup with your hand). They may do this to prevent you from working or doing your sports e.g. swimming.
Stomach cooking
They put a beam on your stomach and the stomach begins to bubble like something is cooking inside.
How it is applied
They often do this at night.
Should you worry
Yes, long term irradition may cause stomach cancer, tumors
Kidney damage
With some kind of ultrasound beam they attack your kidneys. The feeling is like you have been kicked over and over in your sides. This is like the feeling that is described by patients that have their kidney stones crushed by ultrasound.
Intestines cooking, urge to defecate
They cook your intestines and you feel you have to fart but cannot.
Fart beam
They cook your intestines and it will start bubbling. After some time you will have to fart
blind gut attack
they cook the area around your tail bone. After a short period, depending on the intensity this may take 60 seconds or more, you will feel horrible cramps.
This pain makes you crawl on the floor. Horrible torture
After effects
It takes at least one hour before the horrible cramps get a litle less painful.
How to detect
With normal cramps you will have other parts of your body react as well, like heavy sweating. In this case there is just intense pain.
They cook your intestines and you have a very strong feeling to go to the toilet. By continously beaming you have very heavy diarreah
Why it is applied
Keep you out of important events, e.g. A lawsuit where you havve to defend yourself
Erection termination
This beam makes your erection go away, if you are a man of course. This can be done in 20-30 seconds. Depending on the direction of the beam your intestines may start bubbling though not very loud
Urge to urinate
They beam your lower body so you will feel the urge to urinate. It is difficult to ignore and there will come a moment you will have to do this when the beam continues.
Block burst
The feeling is that your movement is blocked. You must take care not to fall or make a strange move
Short beams
This will cause pain to your knee
High intensity beaming
The put the beamer on your knee and make sure it stays there for hours. The location may vary ut just above the knee cap can cause a lot of pain. This will result in very much pain and a very sensitive knee.
How it is applied
After a few days your knee hurts a lot when walking. They may apply this also when biking to make you think something is wrong with your knee
Very painful, horrible torture
Calf cooking
They apply low intensity, low power beam to your legs, e.g. When you are in bed. Your muscles, legs feel stif the next morning. They may start cooking the calfs after you finished running, and after some time before you want to go running to prevent you from running
How it is applied
What happens when you increase load on cooked muscles? They tear apart
Very painful, horrible torture
Why it is applied
Prevent you from running, other sports
Calf bursting
This beam is in fact a very high power burst and can cook your calf from hundreds of meters in a split second. If you are running your cooked muscles will tear apart and you have instant injury. See also Heart attack high power burst. You may notice the following feeling: a needle going in and out of your calf within a second
Very painful, horrible torture
Why it is applied
Prevent you from runningm, other sports
Shin cooking
They cook the skin of your shin with very high intensities. When you are running, the shin injury is a well-known. They may start cooking the skin of of your shin after you finished running, and after some time (days) before you want to go running to prevent you from running
Very painful, horrible torture
Why it is applied
Prevent you from running, other sports
Heel muscle
The cook your heel muscle. This muscle does not contain much nerves so it is difficult to detect before the damage has been done. Then you will think back and remember there was something wrong the previous day or days.
Walking can be painful.
Why it is applied
Prevent you from running, other sports
They cook your ankles, just to cause you pain. You feel the beam and it is difficult to keep your leg in the same position because of the pain. This is often a applied for a long period of time, several hours.
Very painful
After effects
May take several days to disappear when applied with high intensities
They beam very hard in the center of your foot
Very painful, horrible torture
Foot insane
They burst the center of your foot with max power very short burst beam, only once while walking even in a crowded place. This causes insane pain and you may fall immediately, because the foot is not functioning anymore.
Extremely painful, horrible torture
They pick a single toe and beam it for several days in a row
Toes insane
They burst your toes with with max power very short burst beam, and do this several times. This causes insane pain.
How it is applied
They may do this while riding your bike, horrible torture
Foot block
Ultrasonic beam to block the movement of a foot. If you are not prepared for this block you may fall.
Your whole body starts shaking like being in a aircraft in bad weather. The frequency is around 5 Hz. The intensity may amaze you.
They apply a scratch beam to any part of your body. This beam is very hard to resist. Before you know it you may start scratching yourself like crazy
Horrible torture
Tremble apart
Some high power acoustic beamer is aimed at your leg and after some time your leg feels non-cooperative, not part of your body anymore
Sleepy feeling
They beam you with a frequency that makes you really feel sleepy. You will start yawning and cannot keep your eyes open. This efect starts very suddenly and often ends very abrupt.
How it is applied
They may also do this by devices built into your car
Not a very pleasant feeling but not veru disturbing or damaging
See the world turning
You feel dizzy and see the world turing like when you are very very tired. This effect is not really very real. The moment you are out-of-the-beam you are not turning anymore. Still it is amazing that this can be done.
fatigue attacks
Force awake
With this well-known beam they will keep you awake, prevent you from sleeping. This way they wear you out, may be the next day you have an important meeting or must finish important work.
Sweating, nauseous, vomit feeling
You start sweating suddenly, you feel dizzy, you think you may have to vomit. When applied with enough intensity you will start to vomit, you will need at least 30 minutes to recover a little bit from this attack, but it will take hours before your body is acting a bit like before the attack.
How it is applied
They may do this when you are with a friend. Google: navy vomit beam
Horrible torture
Induce dreams
You have strange dreams about things but the dreams are not like dreams you had before. The dreams may refer to very recent events in your life, like a person you met, a movie yu saw, it is another form of reacting to events in your life
How it is applied
Some people in your environment might tell you they have wild dreams that night trying to get you talking about your experience
The only way to save the world is to stop your national secret services. Breaking laws and violating human rights in horrible ways has become a way of life. They are responsible for most problems in your neighborhood, in your city, in your country, in the world. Make them responsible for what they are doing.
Let them account for in detail, force them to open up their organizations for thorough investigations. Stop their funding if they do not co-operate. Replace directors and staff immediately by normal people for starters.
How To Become A Freethinker: A Practical Guide + 7 Lessons You Should Learn Early In Life
September 15 2018 | From: TheUnboundedSpirit / AustralianNationalReview
We humans like to think that we are freethinkers, but how many of us truly are?
How many people actually think for themselves, without falling victims to beliefs or ideologies?
How many are not heavily influenced by the biased information that the media is presenting them with? How many are choosing to have certain opinions just because an authority figure told them to or because tradition holds them to be true?
The reality is that most people don’t know how to think critically, and blindly accept the beliefs that were handed to them by society. But unless one learns to think for oneself, how can one grow into a more conscious, wise person? It’s impossible.
So how can one learn to think for himself or herself? Well, here’s a small yet concise practical guide on how to become a freethinker that will help you to break free from the prison of belief and arrive at your own conclusions in your quest for truth.
How to Become a Freethinker?
Doubt your beliefs. The first and most important step to become a freethinking individual is to doubt the beliefs that have been forced upon you by others. Whatever your beliefs are - whether religious, political, philosophical and so on - be sure to question them, scrutinize them, and discard any of them when you find no solid evidence supporting them.
Question authority. Most people choose to obey and follow what authority tells them is true and right. They don’t think for themselves- they let others do the thinking for them instead. A freethinker never accepts anything on authority. He/she asks questions and is open to accept any answers that point to the truth, even if they go against the opinions and beliefs of authority.
Observe your behavior. Although we tend to think that we have free will, most of our actions are actually carried out on an unconscious level. In a sense, we are victims to our habits.
To become a freethinker, you need to become more aware of your thoughts, actions, and overall behavior. Once you do so, you’ll be able to better understand yourself and make more conscious choices in life, without behaving in certain ways just because you feel compelled to.
Stop conforming. Another important step to become a freethinker is to detach yourself from group thinking. People choose to conform in all sorts of ways just in order to feel accepted and liked by others. To achieve that, many people unquestionably accept what others tell them out of the fear of being left out.
By escaping the herd mentality you’ll be able to think more clearly, without feeling the pressure to comply with others.
Use critical thinking. Learning how to use critical thinking is of utmost importance to freethinking. If you can’t analyze and critically assess the information that you come across, you’ll be an easy target for manipulation and thought control.
Critical thinking will assist you in your search to discover the truth, by helping you to avoid being influenced by biased opinions and false information.
Voice your mind. A freethinker is a rebel. It’s a person who is not afraid to speak his/her mind, no matter how opposing his/her ideas are to the establishment. Whatever you consider as true, right and of importance to be communicated to others, do openly talk about it, even if you are the only person who has the guts to do so.
Research. A freethinker cares about truth like nothing else. In the journey to finding truth, there are guides that can help one approach it easier and quicker. If you’re searching for truth, it would be beneficial if you gathered knowledge from as many sources as you can, whether that is books, documentaries, podcasts, and so on. Do whatever helps to expand your consciousness.
Keep an open mind. Last but not least, a freethinker is a person with an open mind. That means, a person who is open to learning new things and ready to change his mind when presented with evidence that contradicts his opinions and beliefs. A freethinker doesn’t accept anything blindly but at the same time doesn’t shrink from considering emerging perspectives and ideas that may challenge his/her worldview.
7 Lessons You Should Learn Early In Life
Most people experience a crisis at some point in their lives. It’s different for every individual and it is even harder to predict what that crisis may be.
However, at times like these we often regret not learning some key lessons in our earlier years.
Here are 7 such things that we should realise while we are still young.
Live In The Present
We often spend hours pondering about our past experiences and what the future holds for us. However, it’s important to realise that we can be happy only if we live in the present.
If we get too bothered with our past or too worried about the future, we miss living in the moment. The present belongs to us and we need to make the most of it.
Don’t live your life based on other people’s expectations
Our friends and family expect a lot from us. We shouldn’t always give priority to their expectations, especially when it contradicts our personal dreams and goals.
All your life there will be people who will tell you what you should and shouldn’t do. It is important for you to introspect and comprehend what is best for you.
Don’t make your problems bigger than they really are
Hurdles are inevitable. However, it is human tendency to magnify the scale of our problems by simply over-thinking.
Stop thinking too much because that’s not the solution to your obstacle. On the contrary, over-thinking actually makes it harder to resolve issues.
Get out of your comfort zone
Most of us are intimidated by something or the other. To reach our highest potential, it is important to deal with these fears and nip them in the bud.
If you tackle your fears with a straight head, you may realise that they perhaps weren’t so scary in the first place.
Don’t Race
Young people want to achieve everything and often they want to do it before everyone else. We must realise that one of the most essential aspects of life is tenacity. We should have patience and faith, and only then can we become truly successful.
Don’t assume what others think of you
Realistically, the harsh truth is, you matter much less to other people than you think. You are not the centre of the universe and not everyone has an opinion about you or your opinions.
Stop fretting over your impression on others and live your life to the fullest.
Be Appreciative
Appreciate your life experiences and most importantly, appreciate yourself, your friends and your family. Give a 100 per cent to those who deserve it because it will make you happier in the long-run.
The Federal Reserve Cartel: The Eight Families + 7 Not-So-Secret Homes Of Super Secret Societies
September 14 2018 | From: GlobalResearch / AtlasObscura
The Four Horsemen of Banking (Bank of America, JP Morgan Chase, Citigroup and Wells Fargo) own the Four Horsemen of Oil (Exxon Mobil, Royal Dutch/Shell, BP and Chevron Texaco); in tandem with Deutsche Bank, BNP, Barclays and other European old money behemoths. But their monopoly over the global economy does not end at the edge of the oil patch.
According to company 10K filings to the SEC, the Four Horsemen of Banking are among the top ten stock holders of virtually every Fortune 500 corporation.
So who then are the stockholders in these money center banks?
This information is guarded much more closely. My queries to bank regulatory agencies regarding stock ownership in the top 25 US bank holding companies were given Freedom of Information Act status, before being denied on “national security” grounds. This is rather ironic, since many of the bank’s stockholders reside in Europe.
One important repository for the wealth of the global oligarchy that owns these bank holding companies is US Trust Corporation – founded in 1853 and now owned by Bank of America.
A recent US Trust Corporate Director and Honorary Trustee was Walter Rothschild. Other directors included Daniel Davison of JP Morgan Chase, Richard Tucker of Exxon Mobil, Daniel Roberts of Citigroup and Marshall Schwartz of Morgan Stanley.
J. W. McCallister, an oil industry insider with House of Saud connections, wrote in The Grim Reaper that information he acquired from Saudi bankers cited 80% ownership of the New York Federal Reserve Bank- by far the most powerful Fed branch - by just eight families, four of which reside in the US.
Jacob Rothschild and David Rockefeller kicking it
They are the Goldman Sachs, Rockefellers, Lehmans and Kuhn Loebs of New York; the Rothschilds of Paris and London; the Warburgs of Hamburg; the Lazards of Paris; and the Israel Moses Seifs of Rome.
CPA Thomas D. Schauf corroborates McCallister’s claims, adding that ten banks control all twelve Federal Reserve Bank branches.
He names N.M. Rothschild of London, Rothschild Bank of Berlin, Warburg Bank of Hamburg, Warburg Bank of Amsterdam, Lehman Brothers of New York, Lazard Brothers of Paris, Kuhn Loeb Bank of New York, Israel Moses Seif Bank of Italy, Goldman Sachs of New York and JP Morgan Chase Bank of New York.
Schauf lists William Rockefeller, Paul Warburg, Jacob Schiff and James Stillman as individuals who own large shares of the Fed. The Schiffs are insiders at Kuhn Loeb. The Stillmans are Citigroup insiders, who married into the Rockefeller clan at the turn of the century.
The Federal Reserve Board 1913
Eustace Mullins came to the same conclusions in his book The Secrets of the Federal Reserve, in which he displays charts connecting the Fed and its member banks to the families of Rothschild, Warburg, Rockefeller and the others.
The control that these banking families exert over the global economy cannot be overstated and is quite intentionally shrouded in secrecy. Their corporate media arm is quick to discredit any information exposing this private central banking cartel as “conspiracy theory”. Yet the facts remain.
The House of Morgan
The Federal Reserve Bank was born in 1913, the same year US banking scion J. Pierpont Morgan died and the Rockefeller Foundation was formed. The House of Morgan presided over American finance from the corner of Wall Street and Broad, acting as quasi-US central bank since 1838, when George Peabody founded it in London.
J.P. Morgan
Peabody was a business associate of the Rothschilds. In 1952 Fed researcher Eustace Mullins put forth the supposition that the Morgans were nothing more than Rothschild agents. Mullins wrote that the Rothschilds;
“…preferred to operate anonymously in the US behind the facade of J.P. Morgan & Company”.
Author Gabriel Kolko stated; “Morgan’s activities in 1895-1896 in selling US gold bonds in Europe were based on an alliance with the House of Rothschild.”
The Morgan financial octopus wrapped its tentacles quickly around the globe. Morgan Grenfell operated in London. Morgan et Ce ruled Paris. The Rothschild’s Lambert cousins set up Drexel & Company in Philadelphia.
The House of Morgan catered to the Astors, DuPonts, Guggenheims, Vanderbilts and Rockefellers. It financed the launch of AT&T, General Motors, General Electric and DuPont. Like the London-based Rothschild and Barings banks, Morgan became part of the power structure in many countries.
By 1890 the House of Morgan was lending to Egypt’s central bank, financing Russian railroads, floating Brazilian provincial government bonds and funding Argentine public works projects. A recession in 1893 enhanced Morgan’s power. That year Morgan saved the US government from a bank panic, forming a syndicate to prop up government reserves with a shipment of $62 million worth of Rothschild gold.
It's a little known fact the the Monopoly man was based on J.P. Morgan
Morgan was the driving force behind Western expansion in the US, financing and controlling West-bound railroads through voting trusts. In 1879 Cornelius Vanderbilt’s Morgan-financed New York Central Railroad gave preferential shipping rates to John D. Rockefeller’s budding Standard Oil monopoly, cementing the Rockefeller/Morgan relationship.
The House of Morgan now fell under Rothschild and Rockefeller family control. A New York Herald headline read, “Railroad Kings Form Gigantic Trust”. J. Pierpont Morgan, who once stated;
“Competition is a sin”, now opined gleefully, “Think of it. All competing railroad traffic west of St. Louis placed in the control of about thirty men."
Morgan and Edward Harriman’s banker Kuhn Loeb held a monopoly over the railroads, while banking dynasties Lehman, Goldman Sachs and Lazard joined the Rockefellers in controlling the US industrial base.
In 1903 Banker’s Trust was set up by the Eight Families. Benjamin Strong of Banker’s Trust was the first Governor of the New York Federal Reserve Bank.
The 1913 creation of the Fed fused the power of the Eight Families to the military and diplomatic might of the US government. If their overseas loans went unpaid, the oligarchs could now deploy US Marines to collect the debts. Morgan, Chase and Citibank formed an international lending syndicate.
The House of Morgan was cozy with the British House of Windsor and the Italian House of Savoy. The Kuhn Loebs, Warburgs, Lehmans, Lazards, Israel Moses Seifs and Goldman Sachs also had close ties to European royalty. By 1895 Morgan controlled the flow of gold in and out of the US.
The first American wave of mergers was in its infancy and was being promoted by the bankers. In 1897 there were sixty-nine industrial mergers. By 1899 there were twelve-hundred. In 1904 John Moody – founder of Moody’s Investor Services – said it was impossible to talk of Rockefeller and Morgan interests as separate.
Public distrust of the combine spread. Many considered them traitors working for European old money. Rockefeller’s Standard Oil, Andrew Carnegie’s US Steel and Edward Harriman’s railroads were all financed by banker Jacob Schiff at Kuhn Loeb, who worked closely with the European Rothschilds.
Several Western states banned the bankers. Populist preacher William Jennings Bryan was thrice the Democratic nominee for President from 1896 -1908. The central theme of his anti-imperialist campaign was that America was falling into a trap of “financial servitude to British capital”.
Teddy Roosevelt defeated Bryan in 1908, but was forced by this spreading populist wildfire to enact the Sherman Anti-Trust Act. He then went after the Standard Oil Trust.
In 1912 the Pujo hearings were held, addressing concentration of power on Wall Street. That same year Mrs. Edward Harriman sold her substantial shares in New York’s Guaranty Trust Bank to J.P. Morgan, creating Morgan Guaranty Trust. Judge Louis Brandeis convinced President Woodrow Wilson to call for an end to interlocking board directorates. In 1914 the Clayton Anti-Trust Act was passed.
Jack Morgan – J. Pierpont’s son and successor – responded by calling on Morgan clients Remington and Winchester to increase arms production. He argued that the US needed to enter WWI. Goaded by the Carnegie Foundation and other oligarchy fronts, Wilson accommodated.
As Charles Tansill wrote in America Goes to War;
“Even before the clash of arms, the French firm of Rothschild Freres cabled to Morgan & Company in New York suggesting the flotation of a loan of $100 million, a substantial part of which was to be left in the US to pay for French purchases of American goods.”
The House of Morgan financed half the US war effort, while receiving commissions for lining up contractors like GE, Du Pont, US Steel, Kennecott and ASARCO. All were Morgan clients.
Morgan also financed the British Boer War in South Africa and the Franco-Prussian War. The 1919 Paris Peace Conference was presided over by Morgan, which led both German and Allied reconstruction efforts.
In the 1930’s populism resurfaced in America after Goldman Sachs, Lehman Bank and others profited from the Crash of 1929. House Banking Committee Chairman Louis McFadden (D-NY) said of the Great Depression;,
“It was no accident. It was a carefully contrived occurrence…The international bankers sought to bring about a condition of despair here so they might emerge as rulers of us all”.
Sen. Gerald Nye (D-ND) chaired a munitions investigation in 1936. Nye concluded that the House of Morgan had plunged the US into WWI to protect loans and create a booming arms industry. Nye later produced a document titled The Next War, which cynically referred to “the old goddess of democracy trick”, through which Japan could be used to lure the US into WWII.
In 1937 Interior Secretary Harold Ickes warned of the influence of “America’s 60 Families”. Historian Ferdinand Lundberg later penned a book of the exact same title. Supreme Court Justice William O. Douglas decried;
“Morgan influence…the most pernicious one in industry and finance today.”
Jack Morgan responded by nudging the US towards WWII. Morgan had close relations with the Iwasaki and Dan families – Japan’s two wealthiest clans – who have owned Mitsubishi and Mitsui, respectively, since the companies emerged from 17th Century shogunates.
When Japan invaded Manchuria, slaughtering Chinese peasants at Nanking, Morgan downplayed the incident. Morgan also had close relations with Italian fascist Benito Mussolini, while German Nazi Dr. Hjalmer Schacht was a Morgan Bank liaison during WWII. After the war Morgan representatives met with Schacht at the Bank of International Settlements (BIS) in Basel, Switzerland.
The House of Rockefeller
BIS is the most powerful bank in the world, a global central bank for the Eight Families who control the private central banks of almost all Western and developing nations. The first President of BIS was Rockefeller banker Gates McGarrah - an official at Chase Manhattan and the Federal Reserve.
McGarrah was the grandfather of former CIA director Richard Helms. The Rockefellers - like the Morgans - had close ties to London. David Icke writes in Children of the Matrix, that the Rockefellers and Morgans were just “gofers” for the European Rothschilds.
John D. Rockefeller
BIS is owned by the Federal Reserve, Bank of England, Bank of Italy, Bank of Canada, Swiss National Bank, Nederlandsche Bank, Bundesbank and Bank of France.
Historian Carroll Quigley wrote in his epic book Tragedy and Hope that BIS was part of a plan;
“to create a world system of financial control in private hands able to dominate the political system of each country and the economy of the world as a whole…to be controlled in a feudalistic fashion by the central banks of the world acting in concert by secret agreements.”
The US government had a historical distrust of BIS, lobbying unsuccessfully for its demise at the 1944 post-WWII Bretton Woods Conference. Instead the Eight Families’ power was exacerbated, with the Bretton Woods creation of the IMF and the World Bank. The US Federal Reserve only took shares in BIS in September 1994.
BIS holds at least 10% of monetary reserves for at least 80 of the world’s central banks, the IMF and other multilateral institutions. It serves as financial agent for international agreements, collects information on the global economy and serves as lender of last resort to prevent global financial collapse.
BIS promotes an agenda of monopoly capitalist fascism. It gave a bridge loan to Hungary in the 1990’s to ensure privatization of that country’s economy. It served as conduit for Eight Families funding of Adolf Hitler- led by the Warburg’s J. Henry Schroeder and Mendelsohn Bank of Amsterdam. Many researchers assert that BIS is at the nadir of global drug money laundering.
The Bank for International Settlements is the Mac Daddy at the top of the Worldwide Reserve Banking System, not just the US Federal Reserve
It is no coincidence that BIS is headquartered in Switzerland, favorite hiding place for the wealth of the global aristocracy and headquarters for the P-2 Italian Freemason’s Alpina Lodge and Nazi International. Other institutions which the Eight Families control include the World Economic Forum, the International Monetary Conference and the World Trade Organization.
Bretton Woods was a boon to the Eight Families. The IMF and World Bank were central to this “new world order”. In 1944 the first World Bank bonds were floated by Morgan Stanley and First Boston.
The French Lazard family became more involved in House of Morgan interests. Lazard Freres - France’s biggest investment bank- is owned by the Lazard and David-Weill families - old Genoese banking scions represented by Michelle Davive. A recent Chairman and CEO of Citigroup was Sanford Weill.
In 1968 Morgan Guaranty launched Euro-Clear, a Brussels-based bank clearing system for Eurodollar securities. It was the first such automated endeavor. Some took to calling Euro-Clear “The Beast”. Brussels serves as headquarters for the new European Central Bank and for NATO.
In 1973 Morgan officials met secretly in Bermuda to illegally resurrect the old House of Morgan, twenty years before Glass Steagal Act was repealed. Morgan and the Rockefellers provided the financial backing for Merrill Lynch, boosting it into the Big 5 of US investment banking. Merrill is now part of Bank of America.
John D. Rockefeller used his oil wealth to acquire Equitable Trust, which had gobbled up several large banks and corporations by the 1920’s.
The Great Depression helped consolidate Rockefeller’s power. His Chase Bank merged with Kuhn Loeb’s Manhattan Bank to form Chase Manhattan, cementing a long-time family relationship.
The Kuhn-Loeb’s had financed – along with Rothschilds – Rockefeller’s quest to become king of the oil patch. National City Bank of Cleveland provided John D. with the money needed to embark upon his monopolization of the US oil industry.
The bank was identified in Congressional hearings as being one of three Rothschild-owned banks in the US during the 1870’s, when Rockefeller first incorporated as Standard Oil of Ohio.
One Rockefeller Standard Oil partner was Edward Harkness, whose family came to control Chemical Bank. Another was James Stillman, whose family controlled Manufacturers Hanover Trust.
Both banks have merged under the JP Morgan Chase umbrella. Two of James Stillman’s daughters married two of William Rockefeller’s sons. The two families control a big chunk of Citigroup as well.
In the insurance business, the Rockefellers control Metropolitan Life, Equitable Life, Prudential and New York Life. Rockefeller banks control 25% of all assets of the 50 largest US commercial banks and 30% of all assets of the 50 largest insurance companies.
Insurance companies - the first in the US was launched by Freemasons through their Woodman’s of America - play a key role in the Bermuda drug money shuffle.
Companies under Rockefeller control include Exxon Mobil, Chevron Texaco, BP Amoco, Marathon Oil, Freeport McMoran, Quaker Oats, ASARCO, United, Delta, Northwest, ITT, International Harvester, Xerox, Boeing, Westinghouse, Hewlett-Packard, Honeywell, International Paper, Pfizer, Motorola, Monsanto, Union Carbide and General Foods.
The Rockefeller Foundation has close financial ties to both Ford and Carnegie Foundations. Other family philanthropic endeavors include Rockefeller Brothers Fund, Rockefeller Institute for Medical Research, General Education Board, Rockefeller University and the University of Chicago - which churns out a steady stream of far right economists as apologists for international capital, including Milton Friedman.
The family owns 30 Rockefeller Plaza, where the national Christmas tree is lighted every year, and Rockefeller Center.
David Rockefeller was instrumental in the construction of the World Trade Center towers. The main Rockefeller family home is a hulking complex in upstate New York known as Pocantico Hills.
They also own a 32-room 5th Avenue duplex in Manhattan, a mansion in Washington, DC, Monte Sacro Ranch in Venezuela, coffee plantations in Ecuador, several farms in Brazil, an estate at Seal Harbor, Maine and resorts in the Caribbean, Hawaii and Puerto Rico.
Allen Dulles
The Dulles and Rockefeller families are cousins. Allen Dulles created the CIA, assisted the Nazis, covered up the Kennedy hit from his Warren Commission perch and struck a deal with the Muslim Brotherhood to create mind-controlled assassins.
Brother John Foster Dulles presided over the phony Goldman Sachs trusts before the 1929 stock market crash and helped his brother overthrow governments in Iran and Guatemala.
Both were Skull & Bones, Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) insiders and 33rd Degree Masons.
The Rockefellers were instrumental in forming the depopulation-oriented Club of Rome at their family estate in Bellagio, Italy.
Their Pocantico Hills estate gave birth to the Trilateral Commission. The family is a major funder of the eugenics movement which spawned Hitler, human cloning and the current DNA obsession in US scientific circles.
John Rockefeller Jr. headed the Population Council until his death. His namesake son is a Senator from West Virginia. Brother Winthrop Rockefeller was Lieutenant Governor of Arkansas and remains the most powerful man in that state.
In an October 1975 interview with Playboy magazine, Vice-President Nelson Rockefeller- who was also Governor of New York- articulated his family’s patronizing worldview;
“I am a great believer in planning- economic, social, political, military, total world planning.”
But of all the Rockefeller brothers, it is Trilateral Commission (TC) founder and Chase Manhattan Chairman David who has spearheaded the family’s fascist agenda on a global scale. He defended the Shah of Iran, the South African apartheid regime and the Chilean Pinochet junta.
He was the biggest financier of the CFR, the TC and (during the Vietnam War) the Committee for an Effective and Durable Peace in Asia- a contract bonanza for those who made their living off the conflict.
Nixon asked him to be Secretary of Treasury, but Rockefeller declined the job, knowing his power was much greater at the helm of the Chase. Author Gary Allen writes in The Rockefeller File that in 1973;
“David Rockefeller met with twenty-seven heads of state, including the rulers of Russia and Red China.”
Following the 1975 Nugan Hand Bank/CIA coup against Australian Prime Minister Gough Whitlam, his British Crown-appointed successor Malcolm Fraser sped to the US, where he met with President Gerald Ford after conferring with David Rockefeller.
7 Not-So-Secret Homes Of Secret Societies
In clandestine corners of the world, the elite come together in secrecy. Some of them don’t mind that we know of these society meetings, while others maintain that they do not organize at all.
Illustration by Miss Alice Heighes Donlevy of the "Secret Society Buildings of New Haven," with the former Skull & Bones headquarters at left center (circa 1869-1903)
Yet doormen speak to their friends, initiation rites are leaked, people peek in windows, chanting in far underground lairs can be heard by a passerby. Conspiracy theorists have long held that someone, and not the Fates, is manipulating our world, and perhaps in these secret societies the strings are being pulled.
Here is a list of seven groups so secret some members will never admit to their involvement, and their meeting places hiding in plain sight.
Ivy league Yale University is considered to be one of the most selective higher educational institutions in the United States, if not the world. Its motto lux et veritas translates to "light and truth." On the historic campus in New Haven, Connecticut, there is a building where "light and truth" are reserved for carefully selected members and alumni.
What is known about the Skull and Bones secret society is minimal. The organization started in 1832. An official roster of its members was published up until 1971. Bonesmen, as members are called, have been heads of corporations, senior government officials, Supreme Court justices, and even presidents.
Theories about what the Skull and Bones actually do range from its members controlling the Central Intelligence Agency, being a part of a global network aimed at world domination, to being a branch of the Illuminati.
It’s also unknown exactly what happens in The Tomb, the group's headquarters, but there are strange rumors of what is contained in the windowless sandstone building. The Egypto-Doric style of the structure makes it appear as an immense sepulcher.
The tomb is thought to hold secret documents containing the roster of all members, ritual details, as well as multiple stolen relics. Some of the bones rumored to be in The Tomb include the skulls of Geronimo, Pancho Villa, Martin Van Buren, and the gravestone of Elihu Yale, the school's founder. Bonesmen are also known to take other societies' belongings in a show of thievery and cunning known as crooking.
Oosterbeek, Netherlands (note that this is not the office of the organisation, but the place of it's inaugural meeting).
Hotel de Bilderberg
In November of 1954, 50 delegates from 11 countries in Western Europe and 11 Americans spent three days in Oosterbeek, Netherlands, at the Hotel de Bilderberg.
The purpose of the meeting was said to foster conversations between Europe and North America. Those in attendance included a prince, a prime minster, and the head of the CIA. Since that meeting, each year a group of international leaders in the fields of politics, business, media, and communications have met to discuss… we’re not exactly sure.
There is no agenda, no resolutions are proposed, no voting of any kind is executed, and no positions or policy statements are issued.
The meetings are held in a different location each year and each year the topics of the meeting are up for the general public to theorize over.
The roster of attendees is never officially made public, but there have been leaks over the years. Conspiracy theories abound, especially because of the group’s intense level of secrecy. Many believe the group is conspiring to impose capital domination, a world government, or a planned economy. What is certain is that the more prominent you are, the more likely you’ll be to get an invitation to next year’s Bilderberg conference.
Scientology is most visible today because of celebrity members like Tom Cruise and John Travolta, yet the organization has been aggressive over the years in tackling critics and maintaining its secrets. One of the most controversial religious groups, some characterize the movement as a cult.
Basic Scientology belief holds that humans are immortal beings who have reincarnated and have lived on other planets before finding themselves now on Earth. One of the things that makes the religion controversial is its assertive nature, often turning to character assassination or litigation in dealing with skeptics and critics who question their practices. The church is also extremely secretive, holding many of its teachings from members until they have made it through multiple levels.
Scientology operates several churches called Celebrity Centres that are opened to the public, but are primarily meant for "anyone with the power and vision to create a better world.” The Church of the Spiritual Technology, or CST, is reserved for the most trusted of members.
Many of these members manage elaborate bases including the Trementina Base. The official word from the church is that the base is a location used to preserve Scientology founder L. Ron Hubbard’s writings, which are said to be engraved on steel sheets and encased in titanium cases. It’s thought that Trementina is more than just a location to archive Hubbard’s works, however.
Trementina contains underground dwellings and tunnels, but what’s most interesting about the base is what you see from the outside. Aerial photographs above the base show huge images dug into the Earth.
The images are that of the church’s logo. Former members have claimed that the symbols are to mark the return point for members when they travel into the future. Other members have stated that this is the place where Hubbard is supposed to go when he returns.
Established in 1776 in Bavaria, Germany, this group of freethinkers, humanists, and academics opposed superstition, prejudice, religion, and its influence over the public, and they supported the advancement of women.
The Illuminati were a shadowy group, believed capable of influencing movements in government and the arts. The group was infiltrated and shut down a decade after its founding, or so the official record goes. Conspiracy theorists have long been obsessed that the world has been controlled by the Illuminati for generations.
There are many modern groups that claim to be the descendants of the original Bavarian Illuminati; they go so far as to use the name “Illuminati” in their title, but there is no evidence that these recent organizations are tied to the original.
Besides its actions, what is a major mystery of this group is the location of its headquarters. Theorists have claimed many prominent locations are the headquarters of the Illuminati from Disney World in Orlando, Florida, the Mormon Temple in Salt Lake City, Utah, the Statue of Liberty in New York City, Big Ben in London, the Eiffel Tower in Paris, the Pentagon in Washington, D.C., and, among many others, the Vatican.
The theory that the Illuminati headquarters is located at the Vatican is especially interesting due to the group's opposition to the church. It's believed by conspiracy theorists that the church was long ago infiltrated by the society and so that would make its leader, the pope, one of the Illuminati's highest ranking members.
Today, the pope resides in a simple room at Domus Sanctae Marthae, a guest house adjacent to St. Peter's Basilica. The five-story building containing 106 suites and 22 single rooms is for clergy who are in town on official Holy See business, or perhaps for an Illuminati meeting or two.
The Order of the Temple of the East was founded between 1895 and 1906 in either Austria or Germany. It is believed wealthy industrialist, Carl Kellner, began the religious movement, but it was famed occultist Aleister Crowley whose name and additions to the group shrouded it in curiosity and mystery.
OTO was modeled somewhat after another secret society, Freemasonry. But Crowley added a layer, his own self-created belief system called Thelema. Thelema’s practices and beliefs are written out in a book titled The Book of Law and its core belief is: “Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.”
Ideas from occultism, and Eastern and Western mysticism, found their way into Thelema and thus OTO. The religion is highly secretive and members move through the order in a series of rites and rituals, moving up levels in the forms of initiations. Levels have curious names such as Minerval, Master Magician, Illustrious Knight, Grandmaster of Light, and so on.
There are two components at the core of OTO: magical rituals, which have been rumored to include tantric sex, the summoning of angels and demons, and astral projection.
Then there is the gnostic mass, reminiscent of a Catholic mass only because it contains a host and wine toward the end. The gnostic mass includes elaborate costumes, and at the climax of the mass it's believed that the host turns into the Body of God and the wine the Blood of God.
There are multiple locations of worship called camps, oases, or lodges. The majority of them keep their locations secretive to the greater public. The relatively small location in Oakland is an oasis. They hold a weekly gnostic mass in a temple decorated in candles and Egyptian imagery.
It’s unknown exactly what takes place during initiation ceremonies and what knowledge is shared during these events. According to Crowley's autobiography, The Confessions of Aleister Crowley: "the OTO is in possession of one supreme secret. The whole of its system [is] directed towards communicating to its members, by progressively plain hints, this all-important instruction.”
The secret of this secret society is that many people believe in its existence, but scholarly claims have repetitively stated the group is a complete myth, constructed by the imagination of a madman.
The myth begins that the Priory of Sion was a group charged with protecting the descendants of Jesus of Nazareth and Mary Magdalene who eventually went on to settle in France.
It was leaked in the 1970s that the Bibliothèque Nationale de France in Paris, the French National Library, was in possession of a file called Dossiers Secrets d'Henri Lobineau that pointed to the Priory of Sion being located in France.
The file contained an introduction, maps of France, genealogies, newspaper clippings, letters and a list of grand masters of the Priory of Sion that included Sir Isaac Newton, Victor Hugo, and Leonardo Da Vinci.
The authenticity of these files has been questioned ever since they were left at the library. Eventually, they were traced to Pierre Plantard. It is believed Plantard planted the document at the library in order to perpetuate an elaborate hoax. He himself claimed to be a descendant of Jesus' bloodline.
Academics went on to agree that the Priory of Sion was a hoax constructed by Plantard. Yet, books, articles, and movies continue to be made about this group. Whether or not there is a secret society dedicated to protecting a family descendant from biblical times we may never know.
Several manifestos were anonymously published in the early 17th century that told of legends, mysticism, alchemy, and the Order of the Temple of the Rosy Cross. One of these documents was the Fama Fraternitatis which was published in Cassel, Germany.
The Fama spoke of the 15th century German doctor and mystical philosopher Christian Rosenkreuz who traveled through parts of the Middle East where he learned esoteric wisdom, studying in places such as Turkey and Egypt.
There, he claimed to learn extensive knowledge regarding nature and the universe. When he returned, he attempted to share what he learned but he was dismissed. He then formed a like-minded group called the Fraternity of the Rose Cross.
The year of his birth and death remain shadowy, but some documents claim he lived over 106 years. The group upheld Christian beliefs, but strongly opposed Roman Catholicism, and was also said to have influenced Freemasonry along with hundreds of other groups, many of which have adopted titles with similar names throughout modern times.
At its simplest form, the group aimed to promote a “Universal Reformation of Mankind.” Some reports claim that the requirement for membership was that one must have been capable of using more than the average amount of brain power.
During Rosenkreuz’s life, the group was thought to have only consisted of a handful of members, each of whom was a doctor.
All members took an oath to remain bachelors, and also to treat the sick without payment and to find a replacement for themselves before they died. Interest in the group peaked between 1607 and 1616 with the appearances of the anonymous works that included the Fama Fraternitatis which ranged with content that included mysticism and apocalyptic warnings.
The Rosicricians were into their alchemy
Whether Rosenkreuz’s original idea continued is unknown. One of the hundreds of groups claiming to be tied to the original is the Ancient Mystical Order Rosea Crucis that has some connection to occultist Aleister Crowley. AMORC claims to be devoted to the “study of elusive mysteries of life and the universe.”
They utilize ideas from major philosophers, including Thales and Pythagoras, healing techniques, alchemy, symbolism, and mysticism. The group claims its history can be traced to pharaoh Thutmose III in 1477.
The AMORC headquarters is located at Rosicrucian Park in San Jose, California, which spans a city block and includes several structures. The park is home to elaborate gardens, a research library, a planetarium, a temple, and it houses the ashes of Harvey Spencer Lewis, founder of the secret society.
Agenda 21: Awareness And Activism + UN 2030 Agenda Decoded: Blueprint For The Global Enslavement Of Humanity Under Corporate Masters September 13 2018 | From: AmericanPolicyCenter / NaturalNews / Various
Sustainable Development: The Transformation of the Western World
Some think that the planet is in danger of global warming and over consumption. They really believe that the only way to fix the problem is to control the flow of resources and wealth, which literally means changing human civilization and the way we live.
This is an immense subject and many more articles are available in the Agenda 21 section of this website. This article is from the US but the principles of Agenda 21 are global - it came from the UN.
The problem is, that requires a forced transformation of our entire society to comply, and that ultimately leads to a thirst for power and topdown control – that will eventually lead to tyranny.
In his book, Earth in the Balance, Al Gore warned that a “wrenching transformation” must take place to lead Western countries away from the “horrors of the Industrial Revolution.”
Click on the image above to open a larger version in a new window
The process to do that is called Sustainable Development and its’ roots can be traced back to a UN policy document called Agenda 21, adopted at the UN’s Earth Summit in 1992.
Sustainable Development calls for changing the very infrastructure of the nation, away from private ownership and control of property to nothing short of central planning of the entire economy – often referred to as top-down control.
Where and when did the term Sustainable Development originate?
The term “sustainable development” was born in the pages of “Our Common Future,” the official report of the 1987 United Nations World Commission on Environment and Development, authored by Gro Harlem Brundtland, Vice President
of the World Socialist Party.
For the first time the environment was tied to the tried and true Socialist goals of international redistribution of wealth. Said the report;
“Poverty is a major cause and effect of global environmental problems. It is therefore futile to attempt to deal with environmental problems without a broader perspective that encompasses the factors underlying world poverty and international inequality.”
The term appeared in full force in 1992, in a United Nations initiative called the U.N. Sustainable Development Agenda 21, or as it has become known around the world, simply Agenda 21. It was unveiled at the 1992 United Nations Conference on Environment and Development (UNCED), ballyhooed as the Earth Summit.
In fact, the Earth Summit was one of the provisions called for in the Brundtland report as a means of implementing Sustainable Development around the world. More than 178 nations adopted Agenda 21 as official policy. President George H.W. Bush was the signatory for the United States.
What is Sustainable Development?
The 1989 Webster’s Dictionary defines “Sustainable Yield” as a requirement that trees cut down in a forest area be replaced by new plantings to ensure future lumber supplies.” That’s what most people think Sustainable Development means.
Proponents of Sustainable Development argue that it is about preserving resources for future generations. What’s wrong with that? Nothing in theory.
That would be sustainable with a small “s.” Just common sense usage of natural resources. The problem is, major forces now promoting it intend for Sustainable Development to be spelled with a capital “S.” They intend for a Socio-economic political movement that probes, invades and changes every aspect of human civilization.
And that’s the problem.
Imagine a world in which a specific “ruling principle” is created to decide proper societal conduct for every citizen.
That principle would be used to consider regulations guiding everything you eat, the kind of home you are allowed to live in, the method of transportation you use to get to work, what kind of work you may have, the way you dispose of waste, perhaps even the number of children you may have, as well as the quality and amount of education your children may receive.
Sustainable development encompasses every aspect of our lives.
According to its authors, the objective of sustainable development is to integrate economic, social, and environmental policies in order to achieve reduced consumption, social equity, and the preservation and restoration of biodiversity.
Top Sustainability Fallacies:
Lie: Sustainability is about protecting the environment
Reality: It is a political movement to replace capitalism with governement control of everything
Lie: Free market capitalism is the principle cause of planetary degradation and is not sustainable
Reality: It is government control of the economy that is not sustainable
Lie: Private property is a source of social injustice, and too valuable to be subject to free markets
Reality: The right to own and use private property is a fundamental source of wealth creation
Lie: Green energy creates jobs
Reality: Green energy is unreliable, uncompetitive and renders industry unable to compete in world parkets
Lie: C02 is a pollutant
Reality: C02 is the gas that all plants and crops breathe. More C02 = better agricultural production
Lie: The sustainability movement isn't trying to take away anyone's property rights or freedoms
Reality: The sustainability movement is relentlessly attacking property rights and freedoms
Lie: Climate change is catastrophic and anthropogenic and must be addressed through C02 abatement schemes
Reality:Man made climate change is a hoax with numerous provable data points and thousands of scientists going on the record - which is ignored by the cabal-controlled mainstream media
Lie: Compact development reduces pollution
Reality:Reality: Dense development is always correlated with intense pollution levels
Lie: Subways and mass transit can replace cars
Reality: They cannot. If they could there would be no cars in Manhattan
Lie: Compact urban development is more affordable for government
Reality: Empirical evidence proves compace development requires higher tax rates. Urbanisation strains police, fire, educational and social services
Lie: Afforable housing for people of all income levels will ensure healthier better balanced neighbourhoods
Reality: Low income housing usually creates more problems than it solves thereby damaging communities
The Sustainablists insist that society be transformed into feudal-like governance by making Nature the central organizing principle for our economy and society, not human need or wants.
This idea essentially elevates nature above Humans [we are all on this planet, their premise is bullshit]. As such, every societal decision would first be questioned as to how it might effect the environment.
To achieve this, Sustainablist policy focuses on three components; land use, education, and population control and population reduction.
Here is a direct quote from the report of the 1976 UN’s Habitat I conference which said:
“Land... cannot be treated as an ordinary asset, controlled by individuals and subject to the pressures and inefficiencies of the market. Private land ownership is also a principle instrument of accumulation and concentration of wealth, therefore, contributes to social injustice.”
Some officials claim that Sustainable Development is just a local effort to protect the environment and contain development -- just your local leaders putting together a local vision for the community.
Yet, the exact language and tactics for implementation of Sustainable Development are being used in nearly every city around the globe from Lewiston, Maine to Singapore.
Local indeed.
In short, Sustainable Development is the process by which the world is being reorganized around a central principle of state collectivism using the environment as bait.
One of the best ways to understand what Sustainable Development actually is can be found by discovering what is NOT sustainable.
According to the UN’s Biodiversity Assessment Report, items for our everyday lives that are NOT sustainable include:
Ski fields
Grazing of livestock
Plowing of soil
Building fences
Single family homes
Paved and tarred roads
Logging activities
Dams and reservoirs
Power line construction
Economic systems that fail to set proper value on the environment (capitalism, free markets).
Maurice Strong, Secretary General of the UN’s Rio Earth Summit in 1992 said;
“… Current lifestyles and consumption patterns of the affluent middle class – involving high meat intake, use of fossil fuels, appliances, home and work airconditioning, and suburban housing are not sustainable.”
This goal is exactly the policies that are written into such legislation as Cap and Trade, the Clean Air Act, the Clean Water Act.
It is also the policy behind the many corporate commercials seen nightly on television which advocate “Going Green".
They are all part of the efforts to modify consumer behavior to accept less, deal with higher energy prices, restrict water use and place severe limitations on use of private property – all under the environmental excuse.
And one of the most destructive tools used to enforce Sustainable Development policy is something called the “precautionary principle.”
That means that any activities that might threaten human health or the environment should be stopped - even if no clear cause and effect relationship has been established - and even if the potential threat is largely theoretical.
That makes it easy for any activist group to issue concerns or warnings by news release or questionable report against and industry or private activity, and have those warnings quickly turned into public policy – just in case.
Many are now finding non-elected regional governments and governing councils enforcing policy and regulations.
As these policies are implemented, locallyelected officials are actually losing their own power and decision-making ability in their elected offices. More and more decisions are now being made behind the scenes in non-elected “sustainability councils” armed with truckloads of federal regulations, guidelines, and grant money.
According to its authors, the objective of Sustainable Development is to integrate economic, social, and environmental policies in order to achieve reduced consumption, social equity, and the preservation and restoration of biodiversity.
The Sustainable Development logo used in most literature on the subject contains three connecting circles labeled along the lines of Social Equity; Economic Prosperity; and Ecological Integrity (known commonly as the 3 E's).
Social Equity
Sustainable Development’s Social Equity plank is based on a demand for “social justice.” Social Justice is described as the right and opportunity of all people “to benefit equally from the resources afforded us by society and the environment.”
According to Sustainablist doctrine, it is a social injustice for some to have prosperity if others do not. It is a social injustice to keep our borders closed.
It is a social injustice for some to be bosses and others to be merely workers. Social justice is a major premise of Sustainable Development.
Another word for social justice is Socialism or Marxism. Karl Marx was the first to coin the phrase “social justice.”
Most recently the theory of social justice has been used to justify government takeover of health care. Today, the phrase is used throughout Sustainablist literature.
The Sustainablist system is based on the principle that individuals must give up selfish wants for the needs of the common good, or the “community.”
This is the same policy behind the push to eliminate our nation’s borders to allow the “migration” of those from other nations into the United States to share our individually-created wealth and our taxpayers-paid government social programs.
Say the Sustainablists, “Justice and efficiency go hand in hand.” “Borders,” they say, “are unjust.”
Under the Sustainablist system, private property is an evil that is used simply to create wealth for a few. So too, is business ownership. Instead, “every worker / person will be a direct capital owner.”
Property and businesses are to be kept in the name of the owner, keeping them responsible for taxes and other expenses, however control is in the hands of the “community” (government).
Under Sustainable Development individual human wants, needs, and desires are to be conformed to the views and dictates of social planners.
Harvey Ruvin, Vice Chair of the International Council on Local Environmental Initiatives (ICLEI) said:
“Individual rights will have to take a back seat to the collective” in the process of implementing Sustainable Development.
Economic Prosperity
Sustainable Development’s economic policy is based on one overriding premise: That the wealth of the world was made at the expense of the poor.
It dictates that, if the conditions of the poor are to be improved, wealth must first be taken from the rich.
[But this mandate does not apply to not the "elite" of course].
Consequently, Sustainable Development’s economic policy is based, not on private enterprise, but on public / private partnerships.
In the free-market of the past, most businesses were started by individuals who saw a need for a product or service and they set out to fill it. Some businesses prospered to become huge corporations, some remained small “mom and pop” shops, others failed and dissolved.
Most business owners were happy to be left alone to take their chances to run their businesses on their own, not encumbered by a multiplicity of government regulations.
If they failed, most found a way to try again. In the beginning of the American Republic, government’s main involvement was to guarantee they had the opportunity to try.
In order to give themselves an advantage over competition, some businesses -- particularly large corporations – now find a great advantage in dealing directly with government, actively lobbying for legislation that will inundate smaller companies with regulations that they cannot possibly comply with or even keep up with.
This government / big corporation back-scratching has always been a dangerous practice because economic power should be a positive check on government power, and vise versa. If the two should ever become combined, control of such massive power can lead only to tyranny.
One of the best examples of this was the Italian model in the first half of the Twentieth Century under Mussolini’s Fascism.
Together, select business leaders who have agreed to help government impose Sustainablist green positions in their business policies, and officials at all levels of government are indeed merging the power of the economy with the force of
government in Public / Private Partnerships on the local, state and federal levels.
As a result, Sustainable Development policy is redefining free trade to mean centralized global trade “freely” crossing (or eliminating) national borders.
It definitely does not mean people and companies trading freely with each other. Its real effect is to redistribute manufacturing, wealth, and jobs out of our borders and to lock away natural resources.
After the regulations have been put in place, literally destroying whole industries, new “green” industries created with federal grants bring newfound wealth to the “partners.” This is what Sustainablists refer to as economic prosperity.
The Sustainable Development “partnerships” include some corporations both domestic and multination. They in turn are partnered with the politicians who use their legislative and administrative powers to raid the treasury to fund and enforce the scheme.
Of course, as the chosen corporations, which become a new elite, stamp out the need for competition through government power, the real loser is the consumers who no longer count in market decisions. Government grants are now being used by industry to create mandated green products like wind and solar power.
Products are put on the market at little risk to the industry, leaving consumers a more limited selection from which to choose. True free markets are eliminated in favor of controlled economies which dictate the availability and quality of products.
Ecological Integrity
“Nature has an integral set of different values (cultural, spiritual and material) where humans are one strand in nature’s web and all living creatures are considered equal.
Therefore the natural way is the right way and human activities should be molded along nature’s rhythms.” from the UN’s Biodiversity Treaty presented at the 1992 UN Earth Summit.
This quote lays down the ground rules for the entire Sustainable Development agenda.
It says humans are nothing special – just one strand in the nature of things or, put another way, humans are simply biological resources.
Funny that, the Cabal see us as "Human Resources" also. What a coincidence...
Sustainablist policy is to oversee any issue in which man interacts with nature – which, of course, is literally everything.
And because the environment always comes first, there must be great restrictions over private property ownership and control.
This is necessary, Sustainablists say, because humans only defile nature. Under Sustainable Development there can be no concern over individual rights.
Individual human wants, needs, and desires are conformed to the views and dictates of social planners.
The UN’s Commission on Global Governance said in its 1995 report:
“Human activity… combined with unprecedented increases in human numbers… are impinging on the planet’s basic life support system.
Action must be taken now to control the human activities that produce these risks.”
Under Sustainable Development, limited government, as advocated by our Founding Fathers, is impossible because, we are told, the real or perceived environmental crisis is too great.
Only government can be trusted to respond. Maurice Strong, Chairman of the 1992 UN Earth Summit said:
“A shift is necessary toward lifestyles less geared to environmentally-damaging consumption patterns. The shift will require a vast strengthening of the multilateral system, including the United Nations.”
The politically based environmental movement provides Sustainablists camouflage as they work to transform systems of government, justice, and economics.
It is a masterful mixture of socialism (with its top down control of the tools of the economy) and fascism (where property is owned in name only – with no individual owner control).
Sustainable Development is the worst of both the left and the right. It is not liberal, nor is it conservative.
It is a new kind of tyranny that, if not stopped, will surely lead us to a new Dark Ages of pain and misery yet unknown to mankind.
UN Report: Habitat I Conference:
"Land cannot be treated as an ordinary asset, controlled by individuals and subject to the pressures and inefficiencies of the market.
Private land ownership is also a principle instrument of accumulation and concentration of wealth, therefore, contributers to social injustice."
Six months after his inauguration, President Bill Clinton issued Executive Order #12852 which created the President’s Council On Sustainable Development (PCSD) on June 29 1993.
The Council’s Membership included:
Twelve Cabinet-level Federal Officials
Jonathan Lash, Pres. World Resources Institute
John Adams, Ex. Dir. National Resources Defense Council
Dianne Dillon-Ridgley, Pres. Zero Population
Michelle Perrault, International V.P., Sierra Club
John C. Sawhill, Pres. The Nature Conservancy
Jay D. Hair, Pres. World Conservation Union (IUCN)
Kenneth L. Lay, CEO, Enon Corporation
William D. Ruckelshaus, Chm., Browning-Ferris Industries & former EPA Administrator
Some of these members were representatives of the same groups which helped write Agenda 21 at the UN level, now openly serving on the President’s Council to create policy for the implementation of Sustainable Development at the federal level.
With great fanfare the Council issued a comprehensive report containing all the guidelines on how our government was to be reinvented under sustainable development.
Those guidelines were created to direct policy for every single federal agency, state government and local community government. Their purpose was to translate the recommendations set forth in Agenda 21 into public policy administered by the federal government.
They created the American version of Agenda 21 called “Sustainable America - A New Consensus”.
The Four Part Process Leading to Sustainable Development
So how is this “wrenching transformation” being put into place? There are four very specific routes being used. In the rural areas it’s called the “Wildlands Project.”
In the cities it’s called “Smart Growth.” In business it’s called “Public / Private Partnerships.” And in government it’s called “Stakeholder Councils.”
The Wildlands Project
- Dave Foremen, Earth First.
The Wildlands Project was the brainchild of Earth First’s Dave Foreman and it literally calls for the “re-wilding” of 50% of all the land in every state – back to the way it was before Christopher Columbus set foot on this land.
It is a diabolical plan to herd humans off the rural lands and into human settlements. Crazy you say! Yes. Impossible? Not so fast. From Foreman, the plan became the blueprint for the UN’s Biodiversity Treaty and quickly became international in scope.
But how do you remove people from the land? One step at a time. Let’s begin with a biosphere reserve. A national park will do. A huge place where there is no human activity.
For example, Yellowstone National Park, devoid of human habitation can serve as its center. Then a buffer zone is established around the reserve.
Inside the buffer only limited human activity is allowed. Slowly, through strict regulations, that area is squeezed until human activity becomes impossible.
Once that is accomplished, the biosphere is extended to the former buffer zone borders – and then a new buffer zone is created around the now-larger biosphere and the process starts again. In that way, the Biosphere Reserve acts like a cancer cell, ever expanding, until all human activity is stopped.
And there are many tools in place to stop human activity and grow the reserve.
Push back livestock’s access to river banks on ranches, many times as much as 300. When the cattle can’t reach the stream, the rancher can’t water them -- he goes out of business. Lock away natural resources by creating national parks.
It shuts down the mines -- and they go out of business. Invent a Spotted Owl shortage and pretend it can’t live in a forest where timber is cut. Shut off the forest.
Then, when no trees are cut, there’s nothing to feed the mills and then there are no jobs, and -- they go out of business.
Locking away land cuts the tax base. Eventually the town dies. Keep it up and there is nothing to keep the people on the land – so they head to the cities. The wilderness grows – just like Dave Foreman planned.
It comes in many names and many programs. Heritage areas, land management,wolf and bear reintroduction, rails to trails, conservation easements,open space, and many more.
Each of these programs is designed to make it just a little harder to live on the land – a little more expensive – a little more hopeless, literally herding people off their land and into designated human habitat areas – cities.
In the West, where vast areas of open space make it easy to impose such polices there are several programs underway to remove humans from the land. Today, there are at least 31 Wildlands projects underway, locking away more than 40
percent of the nation’s land.
The Alaska Wildlands Project seeks to lock away and control almost the entire state.
In Washington State, Oregon, Idaho, Montana parts of North and South Dakota, parts of California, Arizona, Nevada, New Mexico, Wyoming, Texas, Utah, and more, there are at least 22 Wildlands Projects underway.
For example, one project called Yukon to Yellowstone (Y2Y) – creates a 2000 mile no-man’s land corridor from the Arctic to Yellowstone.
East of the Mississippi, there are at least nine Wildlands projects, covering Maine, Pennsylvania, New York, West Virginia, Ohio, Virginia, Tennessee, North and South Carolina, Georgia and Florida. Watch for names of Wildlands Projects like Chesapeake Bay Watershed, Appalachian Restoration Project and Piedmont Wildlands Project.
How Did We Get Here? J. Gary Lawrence - Bill Clinton's Advisor for Sustainable Development:
"Participating in a UN advocated planning process would very likely bring out many... right wing conspiracy groups... who would actively work to defeat any elected official... undertaking Local Agenda 21.
So we call our process something else, such as "Comprehensive Planning", "Growth Management", or "Smart Growth.""
Smart Growth
The second path is called Smart Growth. The process essentially puts a line around a city, locking off any growth outside that line.
Such growth is disdainfully labeled “Urban Sprawl.” The plan then curtails the building of more roads to cut off access to the newly created rural area. Inside the circle, concerted efforts are made to discourage the use of cars in preference to public transportation, restricting mobility.
Because there is a restriction on space inside the controlled city limits, there is a created shortage of land and houses, so prices go up. That means populations will have to be controlled, because now there is no room to contain more people.
Cities are now passing “green” regulations, forcing homeowners to meet strict guidelines for making their homes environmentally compliant, using specific building materials, forcing roof replacements, demanding replacement of appliances, and more.
Those not in compliance will be fined and will not be able to sell their homes. There are now efforts underway to impose so-called “smart meters” which replace thermostats in homes.
Homeowners will not have control of such meters. Instead, the electric company will determine the necessary temperature inside each home.
Government agencies or local policy boards will be tasked with the responsibility to conduct an energy audit in each home to determine the steps necessary to bring the home into energy compliance. In Oakland, California, such restrictions will cost each homeowner an estimated $36,000.
The Cap N Trade bill contains a whole section on such restrictions for the nation, and most local communities are now busy creating development plans that encompass many of the same restrictions.
There is now a new push to control food production under the label of Sustainable Farming. Food sheds are now being advocated.
These are essentially government run farms located just outside the smart growth area circling the city.
Food is to be grown using strict guidelines which dictate what kinds of food is to be produced and the farming practices to be used.
These are essentially based on the blue print of Chinese Agrarian villages that cannot possibly grow enough food to feed the community unless populations are tightly controlled. True Sustainable farming programs discourage importing goods from outside the community.
A Red Agenda Marked With a Pretty Green Name: "Sustainability"
Agenda 21 spread like an INFECTION: UN Agenda 21 > ICLEI > NGO's > Central / Regional Planners
Planning associations provide sample ordinances based on ECLEI doctin that originated in UN Agenda 21
Municipal plans become manifestos
Stake Holder Councils
Inside the cities, government is increasingly controlled by an elite ruling class called stake holder councils. These are mostly Non-governmental organizations, or NGOs, which, like thieves in the night, converge on the community to stake their claim to enforce their own private agendas.
The function of legitimately – elected government within the system votes to create a system of boards, councils and even regional governments to handle every aspect of day-to-day operation of the community.
Once in place, the councils and boards basically replace the power of elected officials with non-elected, appointed rulers answerable to no one.
The councils are controlled by a small minority in the community, but they are all - powerful. They force citizens to seek permission (usually denied) for any changes to private property.
They use such excuses as historic preservation, water use restrictions, energy use, and open space restrictions. They will dictate that homeowners must use special “green” light bulbs and force stores to only use paper bags, for example.
They over-burden or even destroy business, creating stiff regulations on manufacturing and small business in the community. They may dictate the number of outlets a business may have in a community, not matter what the population
demands. For example, in San Francisco there can only be seven McDonalds.
They can dictate the kind of building materials owners can use in their private home – or whether one can build on their property at all.
Then, if they do grant a permit for building, they might not decide to let the property owner acquire water and electricity for the new home – and they may or may not give you a reason for being turned down.
As part of Sustainable health care, they may even dictate that you get the proper exercise – as determined by the government. Again, San Francisco has built a new federal building – the greenest ever built.
The elevators will only stop on every third floor so riders are forced to use stairs – for their own health, of course.
These councils fit almost perfectly the definition of a State Soviet: a system of councils that report to an apex council and then implement a predetermined outcome. Soviets are the operating mechanism of a government-controlled economy.
So Many Things Making So Little Sense: (US)
EPA drives industries overseas where the pollution increases
EPA embraces ethanol while blaming farming for pollution
Master plans across America overtly ignore property rights
Environmental nooses rob property rights and individual freedoms based on unsettled science, distorted statistics and exaggerated predictions
Focus on Social Equity eclipsing life-liberty property (Why?)
Municipal master plans have become manifestos
People in tears across America
Public / Private Partnerships
The fourth path to imposing Sustainable Development is Public/Private Partnerships (PPPs). Unfortunately, today, many Conservative / Libertarian organizations are presenting PPPs as free enterprise and a private answer for keeping taxes down by using business to make a better society.
There are certain areas where private business contracts to do jobs such as running school cafeterias through a competitive bid system. That type of arrangement certain does serve the tax payers and provides better services. That’s not how PPPs are used though Sustainable Development.
In truth, many PPPs are nothing more than government-sanctioned monopolies in which a few businesses are granted special favors like tax breaks, the power of eminent domain, non-compete clauses and specific guarantees for return on their investments.
That means they can fix prices, charge beyond what the market demands, and they can use the power of government to put competition out of business. That is not free enterprise. And it is these global corporations that are pushing the green agenda.
If you can stomach reading this horse shit, click on the image above
PPPs were the driving force behind the Trans Texas Corridor, using eminent domain to take more than 580,000 acres of private land - sanctioned by the partnership with the Texas government. And PPPs are taking over highways and local water treatment plants in communities across the nation.
PPPs in control of the water system can control water consumption – a major part of the Sustainable Development blueprint.
Fueled by federal grant programs through the EPA, the auto industry has produced and forced onto the market “green” cars that no one wants to buy, such as the Chevy Volt.
For its part of the partnership, government passed regulations that keep gas prices high to make them more inviting.
The federal government has entered into many partnerships with alternative energy companies in a move to force wind power and solar power on an uninterested public. Again, such industries only exist though the power and of government determined to enforce a certain political agenda. They would never survive in an honest free market.
Using government to ban its own product, General Electric is forcing the mercury- laden green light bulb, costing 5 times the price of incandescent bulbs. Such is the reality of green industry, which depends more on government subsidy and grants than on customers.
The North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) is the root of the “Free Trade” process and the fuel for PPPs between international corporations and government, thereby creating an “elite” class of “connected” businesses – or what Ayn Rand called “the power of pull.”
Success in the PPP world is not based on quality of product and service, but on who you know in high places.
To play ball in the PPP game means accepting the mantra of Sustainable Development and helping to implement it, even if it means going against your own product. That’s why Home Depot uses its commercials to oppose cutting down trees and British Petroleum advocates reducing the use of oil.
It is not free enterprise, but a Mussolini-type fascism of government and private industry organized in a near impenetrable force of power. And it’s all driven by the Agenda 21 blueprint of Sustainable Development.
ICLEI: Charter 1.7 - Principles
The Association shall promote, and ask its individual members to adopt, the following Earth Charter Principles to guide local action:
6. Prevent harm as the best method of environmental protection and, when knowledge is limited, apply a precautionary approach.
7. Adopt patterns of production, consumption, and reproduction that safeguard Earth’s regenerative capacities, human rights, and community well-being. (Communitarianism with forced sterilization?)
(9) Eradicate poverty as an ethical, social, and environmental imperative.
9. Eradicate poverty as an ethical, social, and environmental imperative.
10. Ensure that economic activities and institutions at all levels promote human development in an equitable and sustainable manner.
11. Affirm gender equality and equity as prerequisites to sustainable development and ensure universal access to education, health care, and economic opportunity.
14. Integrate into formal education and life-long learning the knowledge, values, and skills needed for a sustainable way of life.
What Kinds of Groups Promote this in the U.S.A.?
Many people ask how dangerous international policies can suddenly turn up in state and local government, all seemingly uniform to those in communities across the nation and around the globe.
The answer – meet ICLEI, a non-profit, private foundation, dedicated to helping locally elected representatives fully implement Agenda 21 in the community.
Originally known as the International Council for Local Environmental Initiatives (ICLEI), today the group simply calls itself “ICLEI – Local Governments for Sustainability.”
In 1992, ICLEI was one of the groups instrumental in creating Agenda 21.
The group’s mission is to push local communities to transform the way governments operate, creating a “community plan,” creating a wide range of non-elected planning and councils which then impose severe regulations and oversight policies, affecting every homeowner, every business, every school; literally every aspect of the citizen’s lives.
And it’s having tremendous success.
Currently there are over 600 American cities in which ICLEI is being paid dues with tax dollars from city councils to implement and enforce Sustainable Development. ICLEI is there to assure that the mayors keep their promises and meet their goals. Climate change and the goal to cut the communities carbon footprint is, of course, the ICLEI mantra.
Here’s just some of the programs ICLEI provides cities and towns, in order to spread their own particular political agenda in the name of “community services” and environmental protection, they include:
Software programs to help set the goals for community development – which leads to controlling use of private property;
Access to a network of “Green” experts, newsletters, conferences and workshops – to assure all city employees are in the process;
Toolkits, online resources, case studies, fact sheets, policy and practice manuals, and blueprints used by other communities;
Training workshops for staff and elected officials on how to develop and implement the programs;
And, of course, there’s Notification of relevant grant opportunities – this is the important one – money – with severe strings attached.
ICLEI recommends that the community hire a full time “sustainability manager,” who, even in small towns, can devote 100% of his time to assure that every nook and corner of the government is on message and under control.
Using environmental protection as the excuse, these programs are about reinventing government with a specific political agenda. ICLEI and others are dedicated to transforming every community in the nation to the Agenda 21 blueprint.
In addition to ICLEI, groups like the Sierra Club, Nature Conservancy and Audubon Society, NGOs which also helped write Sustainable Development policy have chapters in nearly every city. They know that Congress has written legislation providing grants for cities that implement Sustainablist policy. They agitate to get the cities to accept the grants.
If a city rejects the plan, they then agitate to the public, telling them that their elected representatives have cost the city millions in “their” tax dollars. In the end, through such tactics, the NGOs usually get their way.
The NGOs are joined in their efforts by professional planning groups and associations such as the American Planning Association (APA), The Renaissance Planning Group, and the International City/County Management association (ICMA). IN fact there are literally hundreds, if not thousands, of non-profits, NGOs and planning groups living off the grant money, working to enforce Sustainable Development policy at every level of government.
The APA - Professional Planners [or Anti-Capitalist Political Advocacy?] APA embraces ICLEI Programmes(s)
1.1 "The built envoronment is a primary contributor to climate change" ...Business as usual will not suffice."
1.3 Social Equity and Climate CHange (&Environmental Justice)
2.4 #6: "Should reduce reliance on coal..."
2.4 #10: Growe food for local consumption(Starve the world?)
2.4 #14: Reduce VMT (Vehicle Miles Travelled)
2.4 #15: Cap & Trade for carbon ...needed.
Land Use #15: Create city-funded housing repair programs
Transportation #4: Increase CAFE standards
Here Are Just a Few to Watch For:
The American Planning Association (APA) is the nation’s leading enforcer of Sustainable policy. It came into being in 1978 and can be found in literally every community in the nation. It doesn’t have the same open ties to the UN as does
ICLEI, but is every bit as involved, if not more so.
The APA’s “Growing Smart Legislative Guide Book” is found in nearly every university, state and county in the country. It is the planning guide preferred by most urban and regional planners.
The American Planning Association is one of many members of the PCSD. They partner with ICLEI & ICMA in the implementation of sustainable development. ICMA, International City / County Management Association, is an organization
of professional local government leaders building sustainable communities worldwide.
Christchurch, New Zealand
ICMA provides technical and management assistance, training, and information resources in the areas of performance measurement, ethics education and training, community and economic development, environmental management, technology, and other topics to its members and the broader local government community.
They are aided in their efforts through such as the U.S. Conference of Mayors, National Governors Association, National League of Cities, the National Association of County Administrators and several more groups that are supposed to
represent elected officials.
The Renaissance Planning Group is an urban planning firm. They played a critical role in Florida’s “Forever Program”. The Forever Program is Florida’s premier conservation and recreation lands acquisition program. Florida Forever is the
largest public land acquisition program of its kind in the United States.
With approximately 9.8 million acres of conservation land in Florida, more than 2.4 million acres were purchased under the Florida Forever and P2000 programs.
Propaganda from idiots for idiots
In 2007, the Virginia state legislature passed HB 3202 mandating that counties with the prescribed growth rate establish high density urban development areas. As a result, to date, 67 counties in the Commonwealth of Virginia are required to establish “urban development areas”.
The process and proposed land use planning that is being implemented, follows the very same policies called for in Agenda 21’s biodiversity plan. This requirement by the state forces local governments to compromise your private property through zoning measures called for in the Smart Growth program for sustainable development.
The American Farmland Trust (AFT) formed in 1980, works to acquire and control farmer development rights and the purchase of Agriculture Easements which drastically reduce, if not eliminate private ownership of the land.
"We believe planning should be a tool for allocating resources... and eliminating the great inequalities of wealth and power in our society... because the free market has proven incapable of doing this."
The Danger is in the “Process”
Sustainable policies are being sold universally to the public as a means to protect the environment and control growth. That is simply the excuse for the policies being implemented in its name.
The real problem is the “PROCESS” through which Sustainable Development is being forced on unsuspecting citizens.
The comprehensive land use plans are being steered by planning groups through manipulation by facilitated stakeholder consensus councils.
Though their meetings are “open” to the public, they are void of any public input.
The predetermined outcome severely restricts land use and compromises private property ownership in an already distressed market.
They answer to no one and they are run by zealots with their own political agenda imposing international laws and regulations.
Local homeowners have no say in the process and in most cases are shut out. Sometimes they are literally thrown out of council meetings because they want to discuss how a regulation is going to affect their property or livelihood.
Communities have dealt with local problems for 200 years. Some use zoning, some don’t. But locally elected town councils and commissioners, which meet and discuss problems with the citizens, are how this nation was built and prospered.
Today, under Sustainable Development, NGOs like ICLEI and the APA move in to establish non-elected boards, councils and regional government bodies.
Despite the Senate’s refusal to ratify the Biodiversity Treaty in 1994, the Agenda 21 policies called for by the convention, are being implemented nationwide. No matter where you live, rest assured Agenda 21 policies are being implemented in your community.
Proponents of Agenda 21 and Sustainable Development attempt to ridicule those who oppose the programs as being paranoid radicals who are spreading conspiracy theories about what they call an “obscure 20 year old UN document.”
Yet, in 2012 the UN sponsored Rio+20, in which 50,000 delegates from around the world to celebrate Agenda 21 and find means to complete its implementation.
Sustainable Development is not about “saving the environment.” It is about a revolutionary coup. It is about establishing global governance and abandoning the principles of Natural Law on which America was founded.
The politically-based environmental movement provides Sustainablists camouflage as they work to transform global systems of government, justice, and economics.
It’s a masterful mixture of Socialism, (with its top-down control of the tools of the economy); fascism (where property is owned in name only – with no private control); and Corporatism, (where partnerships between government and private business create government sanctioned monopolies.)
Sustainable Development is the worst of both the left and the right. It is bad policy pushed by both liberal and conservatives.
It is a new kind of tyranny that, if not stopped, will surely lead all human kind to a new Dark Ages of pain and misery.
What has Sustainability Become? Unfortunately, the environmental movement has been hijacked as a convenient excuse to attack capitalism; blame America; transfer wealth; impinge on Constitutional rights; and install a government-run socio-economic system.
United Nations paradigm:Capitalism and private property rights are not sustainable, and pose the single greatest threat to the world's ecosystem and social equity.
How to Fight Back Against Sustainable Development
Be aware of the world in which your elected officials live.
See below: ICLEI doesn't come with flashing lights that say "ICLEI".
It comes wrapped in a plain green package labelled "Smart Growth" or "Sustainability":
You need to know who the players are and you need to understand the political world your officials are operating in.
This may help you to understand that perhaps they aren’t all evil globalists, but, perhaps, good people who are surrounded by powers that won’t let them see the reality of the policies they are helping to implement.
I’m certainly not making excuses for them, but before you rush in and start yelling about their enforcing UN policies on the community, here are some things you should consider.
In most communities, you mayor, city council members and county commissioners are automatically members of national organizations like the National Conference of Mayors, National League of Cities, and the national associations for city council members, and the same for commissioners.
Those in the state government also have the National Governors Association and state legislators have their national organization.
For the past twenty years or more, each and every one of these national organizations have been promoting Sustainable
Development and related policies. The National Mayors Conference and the National Governors Association have been leaders in this agenda, many times working directly with UN organizations to promote the policy.
That is the message your local elected leaders hear; from the podium; from fellow officials from other communities; from “experts” they’ve been told to respect; in committee meetings; from dinner speakers; from literature they are given at such meetings.
They are told of legislation that will be soon be implemented, and they are even provided sample legislation to introduce in their communities.
Back home, they are surrounded by a horde of “stakeholder” groups, each promoting a piece of the agenda, be it policies for water control, energy control, development control, specific building materials control, historic preservation and control of “downtown” development, conservation easements and development rights for control of rural property.
These groups like ICLEI, the American Planning Association, the Renaissance Planning Group, and many more, are heavily involved with state and federal plans. They arrive in your community with blue prints, state and federal plans, grants and lots of contacts in high places.
There are official programs for “going Green,” Comprehensive land use plans, and lots of programs for the kids in the classrooms.
There is also a second horde involved in the Sustainablist invasion – state and federal agency officials including EPA agents; air and water quality agents; Interior Department officials, HUD officials, energy officials, Commerce Department officials, and on and on – all targeting your locally elected officials with policy, money, regulations, reports, special planning boards, meetings, and conferences, all promoting the exact same agenda.
And don’t forget the news media, both locally and nationally, also promoting the Sustainablist agenda, attacking anyone not going along, ready to quickly use the “extremist” label against them.
The message is clear - Sustainable Development is reality – politically correct, necessary, unquestionable, and it has “consensus.”
Is your head spinning yet? Think of the affect all of this has on a poor local official who just thought he would run for office and serve his community. This is his reality. This is what he thinks government is supposed to be because, after all, everyone he is dealing with says so.
Now, as he is surrounded by all of these important, powerful folks, along comes a local citizen who tells him that some guy named Tom DeWeese says all of these programs are from the UN and are taking away our liberty.
Who? He said what? Come on, I’m not doing that. And I don’t have time to talk about it. I have another meeting to go to.
If we are going to successfully fight Agenda 21, it is vitally important that we all recognize this reality as we plan to deal with it and defeat it. With that in mind, I offer the following ideas.
How to Fight Back
First and foremost, don’t try to fight alone. If you try to attend local meetings by yourself you will be ignored. You will need others to plan and implement strategy.
You have family and friends. Start with them. Ask them to help look into some local policies. Even if they start off skeptical about your concerns, it won’t take them long to see the truth.
Check out of there is a local tea party or even a local Republican group. Churches are a target of such policies. Alert people at your church and ask them to help fight back.
Find people to help you!
Research: Don’t even begin to open up a fight until you know certain details. First, who are the players in your community. What privately funded “stakeholder” groups are there? What is their agenda?
What other communities have they operated in? What projects? What results? Who are their members in your community?
Are they residents or did they come from “out of town?” (That could prove to be valuable information later in the fight). Finding this information may be the hardest of your efforts. They like to operate out of the spotlight.
It’s not likely that the town will carry official documentation of who it is working with. It probably will require that you attend lots of meetings and hearings. Take note of who is there and their role. Do this quietly. Don’t announce to the community what you are doing. Don’t make yourselves a target. You may have to ask questions and that may raise some eyebrows. But stay out of the way as much as possible.
Second, get all the details on the plans your community is working on. Has there already been legislation passed? Most of this information can be found on the town website. Knowing this information will help you put together a plan of action.
Once you have it, you can begin to take your fight public.
With the information you have gathered, begin to examine the effect the policies will have on the community and its residents. Find who the victims of the legislation or regulation may be. This will be of great value as you confront city council. People understand victim stories – especially if it is them. It is the best way to undermine the process – and help get people to join your cause.
You will find that Conservation Easements have raised taxes as much of the county land is removed from the tax rolls – someone has to make up for the lost revenue and the payment of easements. Are “stakeholder” groups helping to get landowners to sign up for the easements – and if so – do they get any kind of kickbacks?
Who are getting the easements? You may find the rich land owners have found a great loophole to cut their own property taxes as the middle class makes up the short fall. This will help bring usually disinterested people to your cause.
Does the community plan call for reduction of energy use? If so, look for calls for energy audits and taxes on energy use. The audits mean that the government has set a goal to reduce energy use. It may follow that government agents are going to come into your home to inspect your energy use.
Then they are going to tell you what must be done in your home to cut usage. That will cost you money. Don’t fall for the line that it is all voluntary – to help you save money.
They haven’t gone to this much trouble to be ignored. Regulations are not voluntary.
These are just a couple of examples of what to look for as you do your research.
There are many more, including meters on wells to control water use, smart meters to take away your control of your thermostat; non elected boards and councils to control local development and implement smart growth, leading to
population growth; Public / Private Partnerships with local and large corporations to “go Green;” creation of open space; pushing back live stock from streams, enforcing sustainable farming methods that restrict energy and water use in farming practices; and much more.
It all leads to higher costs and shortages, in the name of environmental protection and conservation and controlling growth (anti-sprawl, they call it).
Your goal is to stop Sustainable Development in your community. That means a campaign to stop the creation of non-elected regional government councils that are difficult to hold accountable.
It means to stop local governments from taking grants that come with massive strings attached to enforce compliance.
And it means you must succeed in removing outsider organizations and Stakeholder groups that are pressuring your elected officials to do their bidding. Civic Action: Armed with as much information as you can gather (and armed with the ability to coherently discuss its details) you are ready to take your battle to the public.
First, it would be better for you to try to discuss it privately with some of your elected officials, especially if you know them. Tell them what you have found and explain why you are opposed.
First discuss the effects of the policies on the average citizen. Explain why they are bad. Only very slowly should you bring the conversation around to the origin of such polices - Agenda 21 and the UN.
Don’t start there. It is important that you build the case to show that these policies are not local, but part of a national and international agenda. If this conversation does not go well (and it probably won’t) then you have to take it to the next level – to the public.
Begin a two fold campaign. First, write a series of letters to the editor for the local newspaper. Make sure that you are not alone.
Coordinate your letters with others who will also write letters to back up and support what you have written. These will generate more letters from others, some for your position and other against you.
Be prepared to answer those against you as they are probably written by those “Stakeholders” who are implementing the policies in the first place. This may be a useful place for you to use what you’ve learned about these groups to discredit them.
Second, begin to attend Council meetings and ask questions. The response from the council members will determine your next move. If you are ignored and your questions met with silence or hostility, prepare a news release detailing your questions and the background you have as to why you asked those questions.
Pass the news release out to the people at the next meeting as well as the news media. Attend the next meeting and the next demanding answers. Be sure to organize people to come with you.
Don’t try this alone. If necessary, have demonstrators outside city hall carrying signs or handing out flyers with the name and picture of the officials who won’t answer your questions along with the question you asked – including the details you have about the policy.
The point in all of this is to make the issue public. Take away their ability to hide the details from the public. Expose the hoards of outsiders who are dictating policy in your community. Force the people you elected to deal with YOU – not the army of self-appointed “stakeholders” and government officials. Shine a very right spotlight on the roaches under the rock.
If the newspaper is with you, great, but you will probably find it working with the other side. It may be difficult to get a fair shake in the newspaper or on radio.
That’s why you deliver your news releases to both the media and the public. Get signs, and flyers in stores if necessary. And keep it up for as long as it takes. Don’t stop the public demonstration until you had acquired victory, or at least started a public debate.
The final step is to use the energy you have created to run candidates for office against those who have ignored and fought you. Ultimately, that is the office holders worst nightmare and may be the most effective way to get them to respond and serve their constituents.
New Tactic
As mentioned in the beginning, over the past couple of years, as we’ve educated people on Agenda 21 and its UN origins, the natural reaction by concerned citizens and activists has been to rush into city hall and accuse their elected representatives of implementing international policies on the town.
This has, of course, been met with skepticism and ridicule on the part of some of the elected officials (egged on by the NGO stakeholder groups and planning organizations).
Today, the promoters of Agenda 21, including ICLEI and the American Planning Association (APA) have worked overtime to paint our movement as crazed conspiracy theorists wearing tin foil hats and hearing voices.
So, it’s time to change tactics.
Here is an undeniable fact: Agenda 21 / Sustainable Development cannot be enforced without usurping or diminishing private property rights. So, we need to begin to challenge the plans that affect private property rights.
However, as we move in that direction, we must have a clear understanding of what property rights are. Many people today have little or varying ideas of property rights.
Forty years ago people understood things like “No Trespassing,” “My home is my castle,” and “step across that line and suffer the consequences.” Such ideas today seem quaint and antiquated to many, especially with government invading private property at will.
Sometimes, in order to purchase property or to get access to services, we sign documents that say government or utility agents are free to come on our property at will. The idea of “Keep Out” is almost unheard of.
However, to demand that your private property be honored and protected a definition must be established before you start the effort.
As you stand in front of the elected officials at their regular meeting, ask them simply;
“As you bring these planners into our community and begin to implement their programs, what guarantees do I have that you will protect my private property rights?”
At this point you haven’t mentioned Agenda 21, and you haven’t attacked planning. You are simply asking a non-combative question.
They will assure you that they are in full support of protecting private property.
And then you say;
“Well, I’m happy to hear that. But, I would really like to have that in writing.”
And you present the resolution to them. If you can read it aloud to the meeting, so much the better. They may say they need to take it under consideration and will get back to you. Fine.
Make sure you are back at the next meeting to ask about it. If they say “No.” You simply ask “Why?” and take it from there.
Do not attempt this alone. The key to this effort is persistence and organization.
If they have refused to sign it then you need 5 or 10 people to stand up and ask why. You need to escalate this at each meeting until it becomes a public issue -
“Why won’t your elected officials sign a simple document that says they will protect your private property rights? What are they hiding in the plans they are presenting to us?”
This can and will lead to protests, letters to the editor and other media available to you. Put the elected officials’ names on signs carried by protestors who are rallying outside the next council or planning meeting.
Make them the issue. What you are really doing is laying the ground work for a campaign to defeat them in the next election. It is also important to do research into what planning groups, non-governmental organizations (NGO’s) federal grants and agencies may be involved in the process. All of them have a background.
Find out who they are and what they have done in the past in other communities and present that info to your fellow citizens as a warning of what is to come. I recommend that you create a “rapid response team” to be prepared to immediately respond in the media to anything they do. Make them scared to act.
If ICLEI is in your city, the details about Agenda 21 and the UN connection is easier. Your community is paying them dues with your tax dollars. Here is how to handle them:
If your council derides your statements that their policies come from the UNs Agenda 21, simply print out the home page from ICLEI’s web site:
This will have all of the UN connections you’ve been talking about, in ICLEI’s own words.
Pass out the web page copies to everyone in the chamber audience and say to your elected officials;
“Don’t call me a radical simply for reporting what ICLEI openly admits on its own web site. I’m just the one pointing it out – you are the ones who are paying our tax dollars to them.”
Then demand that those payment stop. You have proven your case.
Stopping Consensus Meetings
Most public meetings are now run by trained and highly paid facilitators whose jobs is to control the meeting and bring it to a preplanned conclusion. If he is good at his job, the facilitator can actually make the audience think the “consensus” they have reached on and issue or proposal is actually their idea.
This is how Sustainable Development is being implemented across the nation, especially in meetings or planning boards that are advertised as open to the public.
They really don’t want you there and the tactic is used to move forward in full view of the public without them knowing what is happening. There is nothing free or open about the consensus process.
It is designed to eliminate debate and close discussion.
To bust up the process you must never participate, even to answer a question.
To do so allows the facilitator to make you part of the process. Instead, you must control the discussion.
Here is a quick suggestion on how to foul up the works:
Never go alone to such a meeting. You will need at least three people – the more the better.
Do not sit together. Instead, fan out in the room in a triangle formation.
Know ahead of time the questions you want to ask: Who is the facilitator?
What is his association with the organizers? Is he being paid?
Where did these programs (being proposed) come from? How are they to be funded?
One question to ask over and over again, both at facilitated meetings and city council meetings, is this:
“With the implementation of this policy, tell me a single right or action I have on my property that doesn’t require your approval or involvement. What are my rights as a property owner?”
Make them name it.
You will quickly see that they too understand there are no property rights left. By asking these questions you are putting his legitimacy in question, building suspicion among the rest of the audience, destroying his authority.
will try to counter, either by patronizing and humoring you, at first, or, then becoming hostile, moving to have you removed as a disruptive force.
That’s where the rest of your group comes in. They need to back you up, demand answers to your questions. If you have enough people in the room you can cause a major disruption, making it impossible for the facilitator to move forward with his agenda.
Do not walk out and leave the room to him. Stay to the end and make him shut down the meeting.
In Conclusion
These suggestions on how to fight back are, admittedly, very basic and elementary. They are meant only to be a guideline. You will have to do your homework and adapt these tactics to your local situation.
These tactics are designed to create controversy and debate to force the Agenda 21 issue out of the secret meetings and into public debate where they belong.
Many of these same tactics can be used at all levels of government, right up and into national legislation.
Our plan is to demand answers from elected officials who want to ignore us.
They must be taught that such actions have consequences. As we learn new, successful tactics, I’ll share them with activists across the world.
The American Policy Center is now a partner in a new effort to create tactics and provide education to activists called Sustainable Freedom Lab - and hopefully it can serve as a resource for thw eorld, not just America. Here activists can share their findings, successful tactics and research with the rest of the movement.
The exciting news is that, finally, people are starting to understand that Agenda 21 is destroying our nations and they are beginning to fight back. The UN Agenda 21 house of cards is being exposed and it will fall with continued efforts and exposure by the people, and for the people - not just America - Worldwide.
The battle to stop the UN’s Agenda 21 is ragging on the local level across the world.
This document describes nothing less than a global government takeover of every nation across the planet.
The "goals" of this document are nothing more than code words for a corporate-government fascist agenda that will imprison humanity in a devastating cycle of poverty while enriching the world's most powerful globalist corporations like Monsanto and DuPont.
In the interests of helping wake up humanity, I've decided to translate the 17 points of this 2030 agenda so that readers everywhere can understand what this document is really calling for.
To perform this translation, you have to understand how globalists disguise their monopolistic agendas in "feel good" language.
Here's the point-by-point translation. Notice carefully that nowhere does this document state that "achieving human freedom" is one of its goals.
Nor does it explain HOW these goals are to be achieved. As you'll see here, every single point in this UN agenda is to be achieved through centralized government control and totalitarian mandates that resemble communism.
Translation of the UN's "2030 Agenda Blueprint for Globalist Government" (Controlled by Corporate Interests)
Goal 1. End poverty in all its forms everywhere
Translation: Put everyone on government welfare, food stamps, housing subsidies and handouts that make them obedient slaves to global government. Never allow people upward mobility to help themselves.
Instead, teach mass victimization and obedience to a government that provides monthly "allowance" money for basic essentials like food and medicine. Label it "ending poverty."
Goal 2. End hunger, achieve food security and improved nutrition and promote sustainable agriculture
Translation: Invade the entire planet with GMOs and Monsanto's patented seeds while increasing the use of deadly herbicides under the false claim of "increased output" of food crops.
Engineer genetically modified plants to boost specific vitamin chemicals while having no idea of the long-term consequences of genetic pollution or cross-species genetic experiments carried out openly in a fragile ecosystem.
Goal 3. Ensure healthy lives and promote well-being for all at all ages
Translation: Mandate 100+ vaccines for all children and adults at gunpoint, threatening parents with arrest and imprisonment if they refuse to cooperate. Push heavy medication use on children and teens while rolling out "screening" programs. Call mass medication "prevention" programs and claim they improve the health of citizens.
Goal 4. Ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all
Translation: Push a false history and a dumbed-down education under "Common Core" education standards that produce obedient workers rather than independent thinkers. Never let people learn real history, or else they might realize they don't want to repeat it.
Goal 5. Achieve gender equality and empower all women and girls
Translation: Criminalize Christianity, marginalize heterosexuality, demonize males and promote the LGBT agenda everywhere. The real goal is never "equality" but rather the marginalization and shaming of anyone who expresses any male characteristics whatsoever.
The ultimate goal is to feminize society, creating widespread acceptance of "gentle obedience" along with the self-weakening ideas of communal property and "sharing" everything.
Because only male energy has the strength to rise up against oppression and fight for human rights, the suppression of male energy is key to keeping the population in a state of eternal acquiescence.
Goal 6. Ensure availability and sustainable management of water and sanitation for all
Translation: Allow powerful corporations to seize control of the world's water supplies and charge monopoly prices to "build new water delivery infrastructure" that "ensures availability."
Goal 7. Ensure access to affordable, reliable, sustainable and modern energy for all
Translation: Penalize coal, gas and oil while pushing doomed-to-fail "green" energy subsidies to brain-dead startups headed by friends of the White House who all go bankrupt in five years or less.
The green startups make for impressive speeches and media coverage, but because these companies are led by corrupt idiots rather than capable entrepreneurs, they always go broke. (And the media hopes you don't remember all the fanfare surrounding their original launch.)
Goal 8. Promote sustained, inclusive and sustainable economic growth, full and productive employment and decent work for all
Translation: Regulate small business out of existence with government-mandated minimum wages that bankrupt entire sectors of the economy. Force employers to meet hiring quotas of LGBT workers while mandating wage tiers under a centrally planned work economy dictated by the government. Destroy free market economics and deny permits and licenses to those companies that don't obey government dictates.
Goal 9.) Build resilient infrastructure, promote inclusive and sustainable industrialization and foster innovation
Translation: Put nations into extreme debt with the World Bank, spending debt money to hire corrupt American corporations to build large-scale infrastructure projects that trap developing nations in an endless spiral of debt.
See the book Confessions of an Economic Hit Man by John Perkins to understand the details of how this scheme has been repeated countless times over the last several decades.
Goal 10. Reduce inequality within and among countries
Translation: Punish the rich, the entrepreneurs and the innovators, confiscating nearly all gains by those who choose to work and excel. Redistribute the confiscated wealth to the masses of non-working human parasites that feed off a productive economy while contributing nothing to it... all while screaming about "equality!"
Goal 11. Make cities and human settlements inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainable
Translation: Ban all gun ownership by private citizens, concentrating guns into the hands of obedient government enforcers who rule over an unarmed, enslaved class of impoverished workers.
Criminalize living in most rural areas by instituting Hunger Games-style "protected areas" which the government will claim are owned by "the People" even though no people are allowed to live there. Force all humans into densely packed, tightly controlled cities where they are under 24/7 surveillance and subject to easy manipulation by government.
Goal 12. Ensure sustainable consumption and production patterns
Translation: Begin levying punitive taxes on the consumption of fossil fuels and electricity, forcing people to live under conditions of worsening standards of living that increasingly resemble Third World conditions.
Use social influence campaigns in TV, movies and social media to shame people who use gasoline, water or electricity, establishing a social construct of ninnies and tattlers who rat out their neighbors in exchange for food credit rewards.
Goal 13. Take urgent action to combat climate change and its impacts
Translation: Set energy consumption quotas on each human being and start punishing or even criminalizing "lifestyle decisions" that exceed energy usage limits set by governments. Institute total surveillance of individuals in order to track and calculate their energy consumption.
Penalize private vehicle ownership and force the masses onto public transit, where TSA grunts and facial recognition cameras can monitor and record the movement of every person in society, like a scene ripped right out of Minority Report.
Goal 14. Conserve and sustainably use the oceans, seas and marine resources for sustainable development
Translation: Ban most ocean fishing, plunging the food supply into an extreme shortage and causing runaway food price inflation that puts even more people into economic desperation.
Criminalize the operation of private fishing vessels and place all ocean fishing operations under the control of government central planning. Only allow favored corporations to conduct ocean fishing operations (and make this decision based entirely on which corporations give the most campaign contributions to corrupt lawmakers).
Goal 15. Protect, restore and promote sustainable use of terrestrial ecosystems, sustainably manage forests, combat desertification, and halt and reverse land degradation and halt biodiversity loss
Translation: Roll out Agenda 21 and force humans off the land and into controlled cities. Criminalize private land ownership, including ranches and agricultural tracts. Tightly control all agriculture through a corporate-corrupted government bureaucracy whose policies are determined almost entirely by Monsanto while being rubber-stamped by the USDA.
Ban woodstoves, rainwater collection and home gardening in order to criminalize self-reliance and force total dependence on government.
Goal 16. Promote peaceful and inclusive societies for sustainable development, provide access to justice for all and build effective, accountable and inclusive institutions at all levels
Translation: Grant legal immunity to illegal aliens and "protected" minority groups, which will be free to engage in any illegal activity -- including openly calling for the mass murder of police officers -- because they are the new protected class in society. "Inclusive institutions" means granting favorable tax structures and government grants to corporations that hire LGBT workers or whatever groups are currently in favor with the central planners in government.
Use government agencies to selectively punish unfavorable groups with punitive audits and regulatory harassment, all while ignoring the criminal activities of favored corporations that are friends of the political elite.
Goal 17. Strengthen the means of implementation and revitalize the global partnership for sustainable development
Translation: Enact global trade mandates that override national laws while granting unrestricted imperialism powers to companies like Monsanto, Dow Chemical, RJ Reynolds, Coca-Cola and Merck.
Pass global trade pacts that bypass a nation's lawmakers and override intellectual property laws to make sure the world's most powerful corporations maintain total monopolies over drugs, seeds, chemicals and technology. Nullify national laws and demand total global obedience to trade agreements authored by powerful corporations and rubber-stamped by the UN.
Total enslavement of the planet by 2030 As the UN document says, "We commit ourselves to working tirelessly for the full implementation of this Agenda by 2030."
If you read the full document and can read beyond the fluffery and public relations phrases, you'll quickly realize that this UN agenda is going to be forced upon all the citizens of the world through the invocation of government coercion.
Nowhere does this document state that the rights of the individual will be protected.
Nor does it even acknowledge the existence of human rights granted to individuals by the Creator.
Even the so-called "Universal Declaration of Human Rights" utterly denies individuals the right to self defense, the right to medical choice and the right to parental control over their own children.
The UN is planning nothing less than a global government tyranny that enslaves all of humanity while calling the scheme "sustainable development" and "equality."
1984 has finally arrived. And of course it's all being rolled out under the fraudulent label of "progress."
However, it is not too late. Awareness is required before action may be taken.
Censorship Of Alex Jones Won’t Stop With Alex Jones: Natural Medicine, Cannabis And Health Freedom Channels Are Already Being Blacklisted September 12 2018 | From: NaturalNews
The founder and president of a major media watchdog group says that the recent purging of Alex Jones and InfoWars from the social media gamut is far worse than just a “slippery slope” towards authoritarian censorship and the silencing of all voices that dare to speak out against the status quo.
In a recent statement picked up by, Brent Bozell of the Media Research Center declared the move a “dangerous cliff,” emphasizing that YouTube, Apple, Facebook, Spotify, and many others have been co-opted into capitulating to the fascistic demands of fake news outlets like CNN.
Even though he doesn’t personally support Alex Jones, nor does he believe him to be a true conservative, Bozell says that it’s absolutely wrong for distributors of online content to blanket-ban him from their platforms.
These flagrant censorship tactics, he says, highlight a “disturbing trend” towards totalitarianism and the complete elimination of free speech.
"Social media sites are supposedly neutral platforms, but they are increasingly becoming opportunities for the left and major media to censor any content that they don’t like,” Bozell says, noting that people who oppose murdering unborn babies, support the Second Amendment, or otherwise reject the liberal agenda are increasingly being “shadow banned” from social media.
“Conservatives are increasingly concerned that InfoWars is not the end point for those who want to ban speech. It’s just the beginning. We are rapidly approaching a point where censorship and opposing voices is the norm. That’s dangerous.”
Censorship is one of the ways that liberals shut down arguments they can’t win. Many of them can’t even have civil conversations about their beliefs because they get immediately triggered whenever others oppose them. To keep up with the latest news on liberal censorship, visit
Liberals have redefined words like “harassment,” “assault,” and “violence” to include all viewpoints with which they disagree
In trying to explain the rationale behind the removal of Jones from their platforms, the social media cabal is claiming that his content contained “dehumanizing language,” and often targeted “people who are transgender, Muslims, and immigrants, which violates our hate speech policies.”
But this allegation hardly holds water, seeing as how all sorts of leftist hate speech that targets white people, Christians, and conservatives continues to pollute the social media world unabated.
It’s a hypocritical double standard that gives the Left a free pass to spew as much hatred and vitriol as it wants in the name of “free speech,” while condemning all conservative viewpoints as “hate speech.”
The Left has even redefined the English language to fit its contorted agenda, claiming that right-wing beliefs and speech represent “harassment” or even “assault.”
By reclassifying everything that upsets liberals as “violence,” for instance, the Left is trying to implement an Orwellian police state in which only leftist-approved viewpoints are allowed.
None of it is constitutional, of course. Depriving non-liberal voices from engaging in free speech is an absolute violation of the Bill of Rights, as it completely sidesteps due process.
In this leftist paradigm, independent voices like Alex Jones who are falsely accused of “hate speech” are afforded no legal remedies with which to defend themselves as they’re forcibly silenced by the thought police.
"You’re banned without explanation … you cannot face your accusers … you cannot present evidence in your defense … and no evidence even needs to be cited against you,” warns Mike Adams, the Health Ranger.
Be sure to watch his video, “The censorship racket EXPLAINED,” at Adams explains how the blacklisting of Jones is just the beginning, warning that many others who educate about natural medicine, the health benefits of cannabis, and more also face potential censorship in the future.
"You can be de-platformed, censored, smeared, slandered and have your entire reputation and business utterly destroyed based entirely on rumors and lies backed up by extreme censorship to silence your dissent.”