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Explosive: A Review Of Fake Medical Tests
March 5 2018 | From: JonRappoport

Over the years, during my investigations of deep fraud, I’ve uncovered very popular medical diagnostic tests that are wrong-headed, misleading, and fallacious.

Acceptance of this shocking truth would disrupt the “disease business” like a threshing machine moving through a wheat field.

Related: Death by Medicine a film by Gary Null

Claims of diseases, based on tests, would be routinely turned back stamped UNPROVEN and FAKE.

One: Antibody test. This is given to detect the presence of a specific germ in a human. Prior to 1985, a positive test was generally taken as a sign of good health: the patient’s immune system detected the germ and defeated it.

However, after 1985, public health agencies and doctors reversed field. They arbitrarily claimed a positive test showed the person was ill or was going to become ill. No true science backed up this claim.

Bottom Line: The truth is, a positive antibody test says nothing about whether a person is ill, will get ill, or is healthy. The true indicator is the strength of the entire immune system, not just the antibodies - and the overall strength of the immune system is NOT measured by an antibody test. THERE IS NO MEDICAL TEST THAT MEASURES THE OVERALL CONDITION OF A PERSON’S IMMUNE SYSTEM.

Two: The PCR test. The Polymerase Chain Reaction tests for the presence of virus in a patient. The test takes a tiny sample, which technicians assume is a genetic piece of a virus far too small to observe, and amplifies it many times, so it can be identified.

Related: Big Pharma’s Control Over The News & How Big Pharma Controls Medical Schools

But in order to cause disease in a human, a huge quantity of virus (easily observed without the PCR) needs to be present. Therefore, a PCR test-result indicates nothing about disease-except that medical personnel couldn’t find enough virus in a person, to begin with, to assume the person was ill or would become ill.

Three: All tests resulting in a diagnosis of any of the 300 officially certified mental disorders. Why? Because there are no definitive tests. No blood or saliva or urine tests. No genetic assays. No brain scans. All so-called mental disorders are diagnosed on the basis of consulting menus of behaviors. This is pseudoscience. It’s on the level of diagnosing cancer in a patient on the basis of an interview.

Four: All tests designed to assess the effectiveness of vaccines. The only marker is: does the vaccine produce antibodies in a human. But as I stated above, antibodies are only one aspect of the immune system. They aren’t the whole picture. A weak immune system’s antibodies are useless.

Five: Unsupported claims from public health officials. No tests at all, or hidden test results. For example, at the height of the so-called Swine Flu epidemic, in the fall of 2009, the CDC secretly stopped counting cases in America.

Why? Because the overwhelming percentage of samples taken from the most likely Swine Flu patients, sent to labs, were coming back with no trace of Swine Flu or any other kind of flu. In other words, the epidemic was a dud and a hoax. Based on this vacuum of evidence, the CDC went on to estimate that, in America, there were 22 MILLION cases of Swine Flu.

This gigantic scandal doesn’t just apply to Swine Flu. It applies to any kind of flu.

Related: Why the FDA should be charged with murder

Dr. Peter Doshi, writing in the online BMJ (British Medical Journal), reveals a monstrosity.

As Doshi states, every year, hundreds of thousands of respiratory samples are taken from flu patients in the US and tested in labs. Here is the kicker: only a small percentage of these samples show the presence of a flu virus.

This means: most of the people in America who are diagnosed by doctors with the flu have no flu virus in their bodies. So they don’t have the flu.

Therefore, even if you assume the flu vaccine is useful and safe, it couldn’t possibly prevent all those “flu cases” that aren’t flu cases.

The vaccine couldn’t possibly work. The vaccine isn’t designed to prevent fake flu, unless pigs can fly.

Here’s the exact quote from Peter Doshi’s BMJ review, “Influenza: marketing vaccines by marketing disease” (BMJ 2013; 346:f3037):

“…even the ideal influenza vaccine, matched perfectly to circulating strains of wild influenza and capable of stopping all influenza viruses, can only deal with a small part of the ‘flu’ problem because most ‘flu’ appears to have nothing to do with influenza.

Every year, hundreds of thousands of respiratory specimens are tested across the US. Of those tested, on average 16% are found to be influenza positive.”

“…It’s no wonder so many people feel that ‘flu shots’ don’t work: for most flus, they can’t.”

Related: CDC Director Resigns Showing Conflict of Interest and Big Pharma Influence Still Reigns at the CDC

Because most diagnosed cases of the flu aren’t the flu.

So even if you’re a true believer in mainstream vaccine theory, you’re on the short end of the stick here. They’re conning your socks off.

The basic flu symptoms - cough, fever, chills, sore throat, muscle aches, weakness - can be caused by a variety of factors that have nothing to do with a flu virus.

But don’t worry, be happy. Keep your mouth shut and obey all doctors’ orders.

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Meditation For Beginners: A Guide To Inner Tranquility
March 5 2018 | From: GlobalHealingCenter

The best time to start meditating is now. Meditation can help quiet the mind, focus your thoughts, and promote general well-being.

Best of all, anyone with a few free minutes can start meditating today.

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Even if you have never meditated before, don’t be intimidated. Follow the 10 easy steps below, and you will become a meditation expert in no time!

How to Meditate for Beginners

1. Find your motivation to start.

2. Pick a peaceful, quiet place.

3. Choose relaxing clothes and a comfortable pose.

4. To start, set a timer for two minutes.

5. Concentrate on your breathing.

6. If your concentration is interrupted, refocus on your breathing.

7. Do a body scan by focusing on different areas of your body.

8. End your meditation with a positive ritual.

9. Remember not to overthink it. Just enjoy the journey.

10. Make it a habit.

The Step-by-Step Guide to Meditation

While there are countless meditation techniques and practices, the steps below offer a simple way to begin. Remember, while meditating, there is always room for improvement and a chance to learn something new. Try to enjoy the journey as you hone your meditation skills.

1. Choose to Start

Meditation starts with you. No matter your age or physical condition, meditation is always within reach. What is required on your part is the decision to begin. If you need some motivation, then try thinking about the reasons why you want to try it in the first place.

Meditation can relieve stress and anxiety, promote physical and mental well being, and even be a spiritual experience. Find a quiet moment to write down what you are hoping to get out of it and go back and read it anytime you need some motivation to meditate.

2. Pick Your Location Wisely

Your environment is critical to cultivating the right experience. Try to find a peaceful, quiet space that helps you feel relaxed. While a calm bedroom, tranquil garden, or dedicated meditation space is ideal, it’s not always possible.

When the optimal location is not available, remember, your car or even work desk can serve as your very own meditation retreat. The most important thing, especially when first starting out, is finding a location where you have the freedom to meditate for at least two minutes without interruption.

3. Get Comfortable With It

Before you can completely clear your mind, you will need to limit as many distractions as possible. Even small irritations will become distracting once you begin to meditate. Scan the area before you start and consider the type of pose you will be in, the clothes you are wearing, and your surroundings in general. Turn off your cell phone and anything else that might be disruptive.

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Pick a Pose

Meditation works in nearly any position. Sitting, standing, and laying down are three basic poses that are great for first-time meditators. Select your starting posture based on comfort and whether or not you can hold it for a few minutes at a time. For most people, a good starting position is sitting cross-legged, hands resting on the legs, and eyes closed.


Any clothing can work for meditation, but again, comfort is key. Many people enjoy light, loose-fitting clothes when they meditate, but you can wear anything you find relaxing. If you can’t decide what to wear, throw on your favorite pair of pajamas or comfortable workout clothes.

Chairs & Pillows

Meditation can involve long periods of sitting, especially as you progress. Seasoned meditators will typically have a dedicated cushion or mat in their home, but these are not necessary when you’re first starting out. Choose a comfy blanket or pillow or a sturdy, well cushioned chair to maximize comfort for extended meditation sessions.

Sounds & Smells

Many other factors such as sounds and smells can help set the stage for a positive meditation session. Some prefer adding aromas in the forms of incense, essential oils, or scented candles, while others like to avoid sensory distractions altogether.

Whatever you choose, just make sure the air you are breathing is fresh and clear of any toxins or pollutants. Natural sounds like wild animals or a babbling brook can also enhance or distract depending on the individual. Try a variety of settings to find out which works best for you.

4. Set a Timer

Meditation does not need to be a long process unless you want it to be. If you are just starting out, then begin with small increments of time. Setting a timer is very helpful for beginners because it can help keep your focus on breathing and not on the clock.

To start, set the timer for two minutes, and do your best to stay focused and in the moment. As your confidence builds, try extending the timer by 30 seconds every session until you are meditating for five minutes or longer.

Related: How To Fall Asleep In Under One Minute Using This Simple Breathing Pattern

5. Focus on Your Breathing

One of the best ways to begin the practice of meditation is to focus on your breathing. Choose your pose and follow your breath as it flows from your nose into your lungs and out again as you exhale.

Some find it helpful to count breaths, but it isn’t necessary. Concentrating on your breathing will help your mind focus as it adjusts to the silence. Even seasoned meditators pay close attention to their breathing as a way to be more mindful.

6. Return When You Wander

Most meditation practices aim to clear the brain of all thoughts and be more mindful. However, it is natural and even inevitable that your mind will wander or fixate on rotating feelings and physical sensations. Getting lost in these distractions is entirely normal, but not the goal of meditation. When this happens to you, recognize that your mind has wandered and try to refocus on your breathing.

7. Scan Your Body

Towards the end of each meditation session, take the time to do a body scan. During this scan, focus on different areas of your body. Ask yourself how you feel, and pay close attention to any part that may need healing. Shift your focus from your breathing and gradually move your attention from your toes up through your feet and legs. Eventually, you will reach every area of your body. Similar to your breathing, return focus when your mind wanders.

8. End Your Session on a Positive Note

Carry your mindfulness through to the end of your session. Slowly get up and take note of how you feel. Breathe in deeply and gently adjust your body and mind. Creating a personal ritual to end each session may be helpful. Ending rituals could include reciting a personal mantra or finishing with a light exercise or walk.

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9. Don’t Overthink It

Don’t spend your meditation time worrying whether or not you are doing it right. It may take a while for you to become proficient, and that is ok. Just keep at it, have fun, and enjoy the journey.

10. Repeat Often

Meditation can help support a healthy body and mind. It promotes healthy blood pressure, a happy mood, and strengthens coping skills. However, to start seeing the benefits you will need to meditate regularly and make it a habit. Try picking a time and place every day where you can dedicate two to five minutes to meditate.


Meditation Aids

As you continue with your meditation journey, you may benefit from additional help and advice along the way. As meditation has gone mainstream, meditation aids of all kinds are more available.

Guided Meditation

Guided meditation is an excellent option for many beginners. Many audio and video guides are inexpensive or even free online. Depending on where you live, local guided meditation classes may also be available.

During these guided meditation classes, instructors will walk you through what to do and how to do it. In-person classes can also provide additional support from like-minded meditators.

Related: A Neuroscientist Explains What Happens To Your Brain When You Meditate

There is an App for That

Thanks to modern technologies, there is a constant stream of new resources to help you meditate better. Many phone apps can help you start or perfect the practice of meditation. With new apps coming out daily, you will have many options to choose.

Look for an app that’s in a comfortable price range and focuses on a technique you want to improve. Apps are especially beneficial for first-time meditators looking to track their progress.

Your Meditation Journey

Have you tried meditation? Leave a comment below and let us know what helps you meditate and how it improves your physical and mental health.

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New Zealand Is Aerial Spraying Pristine Land And Then Having Animals Eat Off It, Experts Are Worried
March 4 2018 | From: HealthNutNews

According to Horizons Regional Council environmental manager, Grant Cooper, spraying with glyphosate in the Parapara hills of New Zealand, land that animals graze on and land that is very near water, is permitted with conditions.

However, the practice used, “spray and pray” (named because it relies on rain to make seeds germinate), is not only dangerous for people but animals and the environment, as well.

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You walk into a bank, borrow $250,000 for a new Ferrari, a mark is made on the bank’s ledger, and VOILA! $250,000 exist where it didn’t exist before, simply by virtue of the fact you signed your name on a piece of paper promising to pay back that sum of money.

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But according to Cooper the practice “is common, but not extensive, in hill country around the Whanganui, Whangaehu, Turakina and Rangitikei rivers…” and “less common in the upper Whanganui and Tararua.” 1 (Less common doesn’t mean it is dangerous.)

In the aforementioned method, glyphosate is first sprayed from the air to kill vegetation, then fertilizer and slug bait are applied, the area is then oversown with a feed crop like rape or turnips, and then it’s followed by a pasture species like plantain.

Once that’s all done, the pasture is still considered safe for livestock to eat.

And remember: you are eating what they have eaten. 

Thankfully the council is at least willing to learn more about the health effects of “spray and pray” (and hopefully glyphoste in general) and will consider imposing more restrictions to the practice if it’s shown to have “significant impacts” on things like water quality.

We hope, as I’m sure many of their residents do, that the council will pay attention to the very real dangers of using glyphosate.

The research is available. The stories are plentiful. And the damage has already been done in so many parts of the world. Let’s hope the beauty of New Zealand can be preserved before it’s too late.

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American Center For Law And Justice Files Lawsuits Against ‘Deep State’ Over Clinton Investigation And Uranium One
March 4 2018 | From: TheGatewayPundit

The American Center for Law and Justice (ACLJ) has filed lawsuits against the Department of State, the Department of Justice, the FBI and the US Treasury over the sham Hillary Clinton investigation and the Uranium One scandal.

The lawsuits are over the agencies failing to comply with Freedom of Information Act requirements. The group is asking that a federal court order the agencies to issue determinations and produce documents responsive to the ACLJ’s FOIA request.

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Uranium To Russians On Airport Tarmac

In the first lawsuit, the ACLJ explained in a press release that they “are seeking to obtain documents concerning a decision by the Committee on Foreign Investments in the United States (CFIUS) to transfer the U.S.’s controlling interest in Uranium One to the Russian state-owned ARMZ – a wholly owned subsidiary of the Russian nuclear giant, Rosatom.”

“The FBI was investigating bribes, kickbacks and racketeering by the Russian conglomerate’s American subsidiary calculated to compromise contracts in the American nuclear energy industry and the Attorney General’s representative sat on CFIUS,”
the statement from ACLJ notes.

The ACLJ points out that the Obama administration deal puts Russian President Vladimir Putin closer to his goal of controlling much of the global uranium supply chain.

They also point out that Russian nuclear officials had reportedly given $145 million to the Clinton Foundation while then-Secretary Clinton’s representative sat on the CFIUS. Bill Clinton also received $500,000 from the Russian government for a speech in Moscow.

“The ACLJ’s FOIA, and now the resulting lawsuit, seeks information that would shed light on this ill-advised - and, frankly, foolish - deal approved by CFIUS.

Specifically, the information the ACLJ has demanded in its FOIA request will reveal just how much information the Obama FBI/DOJ provided to members of the CFIUS before its approval of the deal, as well as the validity of reports that Russia tried to bribe Hillary Clinton,”
the statement asserts.

Related: Uranium One: Nuclear Scandal Fallout Hits FBI & Clintons

An FBI informant who was involved in the Uranium One deal was gagged by the Obama administration and threatened with prosecution if he publicly disclosed any details has alleged that Russian nuclear officials “told [him] at various times that they expected APCO to apply a portion of its funds received from Russia to provide in-kind support for the Clintons’ Global Initiative.”

“APCO was expected to give assistance free of charge to the Clinton Global Initiative as part of their effort to create a favorable environment to ensure the Obama administration made affirmative decisions on everything from Uranium One to the US-Russia Civilian Nuclear Cooperation agreement,” he wrote in a 10-page statement to the Senate Judiciary Committee, House Intelligence Committee, and House Oversight and Government Reform Committee.

More specifically, in exchange for Russia’s payment of $3 million, he said that “APCO was expected to give assistance free of charge to the Clinton Global Initiative as part of their effort to create a favorable environment to ensure the Obama administration made affirmative decisions on everything from Uranium One to the US-Russia Civilian Nuclear Cooperation agreement.”

The DOJ and FBI have acknowledged that the documents ACLJ’s FOIA request is seeking are “a matter of widespread and exceptional media interest in which there exist possible questions about the government’s integrity which affect public confidence,” but they have held up the release for more than three months.

The second lawsuit relates to former FBI Director James Comey’s investigation into Clinton’s use of private email servers and treatment of classified information.

Congressman Gaetz: The Clinton Crime Network Is Full Of Cornered Rats

The criminal elite know they are being hunted down.

Congressman Matt Gaetz joins Alex Jones live via Skype to discuss the secret FISA Memo and its undoubted effect coming to the Deep State criminals within the Clinton Crime Network.

The organization is seeking all records concerning or relating in any manner to the decision of the FBI declining to prosecute Clinton, all drafts of Comey’s statement closing the investigation, from his original draft in early 2016 to the final version, all records regarding Comey’s decision to close the investigation and not prosecute her.

All “evidence of potential violations of the statutes regarding the handling of classified information” referenced by Comey in his statement on July 5, 2016, all records concerning the immunity agreements entered into between the DOJ and witnesses and/or subjects of the FBI’s investigation, including Cheryl Mills and Heather Samuelson and all grand jury subpoenas obtained by the FBI to compel information from Clinton’s internet service providers.

“We will continue to hold the deep state bureaucracy accountable,” the ACLJ concluded their statement.

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The House of Rothschild

50 years after the Bank of England opened it's doors, Amschel Moses Bauer, an 18th century German Jewish moneychanger and trader in silk cloth in the ghetto (called "Judengasse" or Jew Alley) in Frankfurt am Main, Germany, opened a coin shop (a counting house) in 1743.

"Permit me to issue and control a nation’s money and I care not who makes its laws."- Mayer Amschel Rothschild

Over the door he placed a sign depicting a Roman Eagle on a Red Shield. The shop became known as 'The Red Shield Firm' or in German 'Roth-schild' [from Middle High German, rot = 'red' + schilt = 'shield'].

When his son 'Amschel Mayer Bauer' inherited the business, he decided to change his name to 'Rothschild'. He soon learned that loaning money to governments and kings was more profitable than loaning to private individuals. Not only were the loans bigger, but they were secured by the nations taxes.

The Bauers of the Red Shield, which represented their secret blood-based child sacrifices, changed their name to Rothschild (aka “child of the rock, Satan”).

Also See: The Hidden History Of The Incredibly Evil Khazarian Mafia [Illuminati Cabal Zionists...]

Mayer Rothschild had 5 sons. He trained them all in the skills of money creation, then sent them out to the major capitals of Europe, to open branch offices of the family banking business.

His first son Amschel Mayer stayed in Frankfurt to mind the hometown bank.

His second son Saloman Mayer, was sent to Vienna.

His third son Nathan, the most clever, was sent to London.

His fourth son Carl, was sent to Naples.

His fifth son Jakob, was sent to Paris.

In 1785, Mayer Amschel moved his entire family to a larger house, a five story dwelling he shared with the 'Schiff' (who later changed their name to Bush) family.

This house was known as the 'Green Shield'. The Rothschilds and the Schiffs would play a central role in the rest of European history and in that of the United States.

Rothschild owns the Bank of England and the London gold bullion exchange where Rothschild sets the daily international market price for gold. Rothschild owns the gold and diamond mines of South Africa and major extractive industries such as Rio Tinto and British Petroleum.

Rothschild financed England and France in the Napoleonic wars. Rothschild knew who won the Battle of Waterloo a day before the King of England and British investors.

Rothschild caused a selling panic in the London bond "consul" market intimating to investors that England lost to Napoleon. Bonds issued by the Bank of England to finance the war crashed and sold for pennies on the dollar.

Rothschild sold to drive the price down and then bought all the bonds back at rock bottom prices. The next day when word of England's victory over Napoleon hit the market, bond prices soared. Rothschild made 40 times his investment in one day on insider knowledge. Rothschild also made 30 percent interest on the gold he loaned to the kings to fight each other.

The king issued bonds as a debt obligation to Rothschild to be paid by future taxes on British citizens. The ensuing debt was so much that Rothschild was able to take over ownership of the Bank of England, which subsequently financed the mercenary German Hessians to fight the American revolutionaries in colonial America because Washington issued its own money called greenbacks. It wasn't about tea.

Rothschild of course owns all of the major European central banks: England, Switzerland, France, Germany, and Belgium – central bank for the Euro. Rothschild partnered with the original seven American families who became the regional depository banks in the US Federal Reserve.

The Bush family and J.P. Morgan are the political and financial dynasties evolved from their original ownership of the Federal Reserve. Political propaganda confuses American citizens into thinking the U.S. government owns and prints its own money.

Not so. Bush, J.P. Morgan and five other banking family institutions own the Federal Reserve in partnership with Rothschild.

Rothschild owns Reuters News Service, which bought the Associated Press. Rothschild owns or virtually controls every major media outlet in America, Europe and Israel.

Rothschild controls the message of who really owns $500 trillion of hidden untaxed wealth equal to half of annual world GDP.

Read more about the Rothschild empire here.

The Rothschild coat of arms contains a clenched fist with five arrows symbolizing the five dynasties established by the five sons of Mayer Rothschild, in a reference to Psalm 127: "Like arrows in the hands of a warrior, so are the children of one's youth." The family motto appears below the shield: Concordia, Integritas, Industria (Unity, Integrity, Industry)

This is the coat of arms for the Reserve Bank of New Zealand. Note the presence of the red shield. Also present is the Roman eagle (top). The ship is a reference to Admiralty law

The five arrows remain an enduring symbol of the Rothschild name

Above: We have already noted the similar key components that appear in both the Rothschild coat of arms and the coat of arms of the RBNZ: The presence of the red shield, the Roman eagle and the reference to Admiralty law

These are all carried across into the logo of the RBNZ, although being black and white, the shield is not red. Flashings of red are still present in the weird line device on the left however

Rght: The Reserve Bank of New Zealand Coat of Arms Letters Patent, 1965. Would you like to play:
 ‘Let’s spot the Red Shield’?

You might not be able to see it at this resolution, but the red shield of the Rothschilds is on the wall in the reception of the Reserve Bank of New Zealand.

For further information on the banking system, see Feature Articles.

An Illustrated History Of The House Of Rothschild: 1743 - 2006
& The Illuminati Grand Plan

The Rothschilds have been in control of the world for a very long time, their tentacles reaching into many aspects of our daily lives, as is documented in the following timeline. However, before you jump to the timeline, please read this invaluable introduction which will tell you who the Rothschilds are as oppose to who they claim to be.

Jacob Rothschild

The Rothschilds claim that they are Jewish, when in fact they are Khazars. They are from a country called Khazaria, which occupied the land locked between the Black Sea and the Caspian Sea which is now predominantly occupied by Georgia.

The reason the Rothschilds claim to be Jewish is that the Khazars under the instruction of the King, converted to the Jewish faith in 740 A.D., but of course that did not include converting their Asiatic Mongolian genes to the genes of the Jewish people.

You will find that approximately 90% of people in the world today who call themselves Jews are actually Khazars, or as they like to be known, Ashkenazi Jews.

These people knowingly lie to the world with their claims that the land of Israel is theirs by birthright, when in actual fact their real homeland is over 800 miles away in Georgia.

So, next time you hear an Israeli Prime Minister bleating about the so-called persecution of the Jews, consider this, every Prime Minister of Israel has been an Ashkenazi Jew.

Therefore when all these Prime Ministers have curried favour with the West for their re-establishment of a Jewish homeland, they have knowingly and deliberately lied to you, as they were never from that region, and they well know it, because it is they who call themselves Ashkenazi Jews.

The Book of Revelation, Chapter 2, Verse 9, states the following which would appear to be about these Ashkenazi Jews:

"I know thy works, and tribulation and poverty, (but thou art rich) and I know the blasphemy of them which say they are Jews, and are not, but are the synagogue of Satan."

The most wealthy bloodline in the world bar none and the leader of the Ashkenazi Jews in the world today is the Rothschild family. As you will see in the timeline, the Rothschilds have obtained this position through lies, manipulation and murder.

Their bloodline also extends into the Royal Families of Europe, and the following family names: Astor; Bundy; Collins; duPont; Freeman; Kennedy; Morgan; Oppenheimer; Rockefeller; Sassoon; Schiff; Taft; and Van Duyn.

However, these are not the only bloodlines to worry about. You are probably aware of the centuries old pratice undertaken by many Ashkenazi Jews whereby they would change their name, in order for them to appear part of the dominant race of the country in which they lived, so as they could obtain influential positions in that country, which they would then exploit to serve their real masters elsewhere. There is plenty of evidence to prove the Rothschilds continue that deceptive tradition.

Furthermore the Rothschilds are known to sire many children secretly that they can put into positions of power when required.

This started with the very first man who took the name Rothschild, who had a secret sixth son. Finally, remember the world is a diverse place, I could if I wanted change my name to Rothschild, or any of the names listed above, and that would not make me part of this family anymore than converting to Judaism in 740 A.D. will make these Ashkenazis Jewish.

Please, therefore, do not automatically assume someone you see with the name Rothschild or any of the names listed above are part of the Rothschild criminal network. Furthermore and most importantly, the majority of Ashkenazi Jews are innocent and not part of this network.

Check the facts out for yourself first, this article is designed to inform people who the enemy is, not single out people of a particular race or people with a particular surname, who may have nothing to do with this Rothschild criminal network.

The Timeline

1743: Mayer Amschel Bauer, an Ashkenazi Jew, is born in Frankfurt, Germany, the son of Moses Amschel Bauer, a money lender and the proprietor of a counting house.

Mayer Amschel Rothschild

Moses Amschel Bauer places a red sign above the entrance door to his counting house. This sign is a red hexagram (which geometrically and numerically translates into the number 666) which under Rothschild instruction will end up on the Israeli flag some two centuries later.

1753: Gutle Schnaper, an Ashkenazi Jew (future wife of Mayer Amschel Bauer), born to respected merchant, Wolf Salomon Schnaper.

1760: During this decade Mayer Amschel Bauer works for a bank owned by the Oppenheimers’ in Hanover, Germany. He is highly successful and becomes a junior partner. Whilst working at the bank he becomes acquainted with General von Estorff.

Following his father’s death, Bauer returns to Frankfurt to take over his father’s business. Bauer recognizes the significance of the red hexagram and changes his name from Bauer to Rothschild, after the red hexagram or sign signifying 666 hanging over the entrance door (“Rot,” is German for, “Red,” “Schild,” is German for, “Sign”).

Rothschild family coat of arms with the red shield

Now Mayer Amschel Rothschild, he discovers that General von Estorff is now attached to the court of Prince William IX of Hesse-Hanau, one of the richest royal houses in Europe, which gained its’ wealth by the hiring out of Hessian soldiers to foreign countries for vast profits (a practice that continues today in the form of exporting, “peacekeeping,” troops throughout the world).

He therefore makes the General’s re-acquaintance on the pretext of selling him valuable coins and trinkets at discounted prices.

As he plans, Rothschild is subsequently introduced to Prince William himself who is more than pleased with discounted prices he charges for his rare coins and trinkets, and Rothschild offers him a bonus for any other business the Prince can direct his way.

Rothschild subsequently becomes close associates with Prince William, and ends up doing business with him and members of the court.
He soon discovers that loaning money to governments and royalty is more profitable than loaning to individuals, as the loans are bigger and are secured by the nation’s taxes.

1769: Mayer Amschel Rothschild is given permission by Prince William to hang a sign on the front of his business premises declaring that he is;

“M. A. Rothschild, by appointment court factor to his serene highness, Prince William of Hanau.”

1770: Mayer Amschel Rothschild draws up plans for the creation of the Illuminati and entrusts Ashkenazi Jew, Adam Weishaupt, a Crypto-Jew who was outwardly Roman Catholic, with its organization and development. The Illuminati is to be based upon the teachings of the Talmud, which is in turn, the teachings of Rabbinical Jews.

It was to be called the Illuminati as this is a Luciferian term which means, keepers of the light.

Mayer Amschel Rothschild marries Gutle Schnaper.

1773: Amschel Mayer Rothschild born, the first of Mayer Amschel Rothschild’s sons. He like all his brothers who follow him, will enter the family business at the age of 12.

1774: Salomon Mayer Rothschild born.

1776: Adam Weishaupt officially completes his organisation of the Illuminati on May 1 of this year. The purpose of the Illuminati is to divide the goyim (all non-Jews) through political, economic, social, and religious means. The opposing sides were to be armed and incidents were to be provided in order for them to: fight amongst themselves; destroy national governments; destroy religious institutions; and eventually destroy each other.

Weishaupt soon infiltrates the Continental Order of Freemasons with this Illuminati doctrine and establishes lodges of the Grand Orient to be their secret headquarters. This was all under the orders and finance of Mayer Amschel Rothschild and the concept has spread and is followed within Masonic Lodges worldwide to the present day.

Weishaupt also recruits 2,000 paid followers including the most intelligent men in the field of arts and letters, education, science, finance,and industry. They were instructed to follow the following methods in order to control people.

He used monetary and sex bribery to obtain control of men already in high places, in the various levels of all governments and other fields of endeavour.

Once influential persons had fallen for the lies, deceits, and temptations of the Illuminati they were to be held in bondage by application of political and other forms of blackmail, threats of financial ruin, public exposure, and fiscal harm, even death to themselves and loved members of their families.
The faculties of colleges and universities were to cultivate students possessing exceptional mental ability belonging to well-bred families with international leanings, and recommend them for special training in internationalism, or rather the notion that only a one-world government can put an end to recurring wars and strife.

Such training was to be provided by granting scholarships to those selected by the Illuminati.

All influential people trapped into coming under the control of the Illuminati, plus the students who had been specially educated and trained, were to be used as agents and placed behind the scenes of all governments as experts and specialists.

This was so they would advise the top executives to adopt policies which would in the long-run serve the secret plans of the Illuminati one-world conspiracy and bring about the destruction of the governments and religions they were elected or appointed to serve.

1777: Nathan Mayer Rothschild born.

1784: Adam Weishaupt issues his order for the French Revolution to be started by by Maximilien Robespierre in book form. This book was written by one of Weishaupt’s associates, Xavier Zwack, and sent by courier from Frankfurt to Paris.

However en route there, the courier is struck by lightning, the book detailing this plan discovered by the police, and handed over to the Bavarian authorities.

As a consequence, the Bavarian government orders the police to raid Weishaupt’s masonic lodges of the Grand Orient, and the homes of his most influential associates. Clearly, the Bavarian authorities were convinced that the book that was discovered was a very real threat by a private group of influential people, to use wars and revolutions to achieve their political ends.

1785: The Bavarian government outlaw the Illuminati and close all the Bavarian lodges of the Grand Orient.

Mayer Amschel Rothschild moves his family home to a five storey house in Frankfurt which he shares with the Schiff family.

1786: The Bavarian government publish the details of the Illuminati plot in a document entitled,
“The Original Writings of The Order and Sect of The Illuminati.”

A copy of 'The Original Writings of The Order and Sect of The Illuminati'

They then send this document to all the heads of church and state throughout Europe, but sadly their warning is ignored.

1788: Kalmann (Carl) Mayer Rothschild Born.

1789: Due to the European ignorance of the Bavarian government’s warning, the Illuminati’s plan for a French Revolution succeeded from this year to 1793. This revolution was a bankers’ dream, it established a new constitution and passed laws that forbade the Roman Church from levying tithes (taxes) and also removed its exemption from taxation.

1790: Mayer Amschel Rothschild states;

“Let me issue and control a nation’s money and I care not who writes the laws.”

1791: The Rothschilds get,
“control of a nation’s money", through Alexander Hamilton (their agent in George Washington’s cabinet) when they set up a central bank in the USA called the First Bank of the United States.

1st Bank of the United States

The First Bank of the United State is established with a 20 year charter.

1792: Jacob (James) Mayer Rothschild born.

1796: Amschel Mayer Rothschild marries Eva Hanau.

1798: John Robison publishes a book entitled;
“Proofs of a Conspiracy Against All the Religions and Governments of Europe Carried on in the Secret Meetings of Freemasons, Illuminati and Reading Societies.” In this book, Professor Robison of the University of Edinburgh, one of the leading intellects of his time, who in 1783 was elected general secretary of the Royal Society of Edinburgh, gave details of the whole Rothschild Illuminati plot.

He advised how he had been a high degree mason in the Scottish Rite of Freemasonry, and had been invited by Adam Weishaupt to Europe, where he had been given a revised copy of Weishaupt’s conspiracy. However, although he pretended to go along with it, Professor Robison did not agree with it and therefore published his aforementioned book. The book included details of the Bavarian government’s investigation into the Illuminati and the French Revolution.

That same year on July 19th, David Pappen, President of Harvard University, lectured the graduating class on the influence illuminism was having on American politics and religion.

At the age of 21, Nathan Mayer Rothschild leaves Frankfurt for England, where with a large sum of money given to him by his father, he sets up a banking house in London.

1800: Salomon Mayer Rothschild marries Caroline Stern.

1806: Napolean states that it is his

“Object to remove the house of Hess-Cassel from rulership and to strike it out of the list of powers.”

On hearing this, Prince William IX of Hesse-Hanau, flees Germany, goes to Denmark and entrusts his fortune valued at $3,000,000 at that time to Mayer Amschel Rothschild for safekeeping.

Nathan Mayer Rothschild marries Hannah Barent Cohen the daughter of a wealthy London merchant.

1808: Nathan Mayer Rothschild has his first son born Lionel Nathan de Rothschild.

1810: Sir Francis Baring and Abraham Goldsmid die. This leaves Nathan Mayer Rothschild as the remaining major banker in England.

Salomon Mayer Rothschild goes to Vienna, Austria and sets up the bank, M. von Rothschild und Söhne.

1811: The charter for the Rothschilds Bank of the United States runs out and Congress votes against its renewal. Nathan Mayer Rothschild is not amused and he states;

Either the application for renewal of the charter is granted, or the United States will find itself involved in a most disastrous war.” However the United States stands firm and the Charter is not renewed, which causes Nathan Mayer Rothschild to issue another threat,“Teach those impudent Americans a lesson. Bring them back to colonial status.”

1812: Backed by Rothschild money, and Nathan Mayer Rothschild’s orders, the British declare war on the United States.

The Rothschilds plan was to cause the United States to build up such a debt in fighting this war that they would have to surrender to the Rothschilds and allow the charter for the Rothschild owned First Bank of the United States to be renewed.

Mayer Amschel Rothschild dies. In his will he lays out specific laws that the House of Rothschild were to follow: all key positions in the family business were only to be held by family members;

Only male members of the family were allowed to participate in the family business, this included a reported sixth secret bastard son (It is important to note that Mayer Amschel Rothschild also has five daughters, so today the spread of the Rothschild Zionist dynasty without the Rothschild name is far and wide, and Jews believe the mixed offspring of a Jewish mother is solely Jewish);

The family was to intermarry with it’s first and second cousins to preserve the family fortune (of the 18 marriages by Mayer Amschel Rothschild’s grandchildren, 16 were between first cousins – a practice known today as inbreeding);

No public inventory of his estate was to be published;

No legal action was to be taken with regard to the value of the inheritance;

The eldest son of the eldest son was to become the head of the family (this condition could only be overturned when the majority of the family agreed otherwise).
This was straightaway the case and Nathan Mayer Rothschild was elected head of the family following his father, Mayer Amschel Rothschild’s death.

Jacob (James) Mayer Rothschild goes to Paris, France to set up the bank, de Rothschild Frères.

Nathaniel de Rothschild, the son in law of Jacob (James) Mayer Rothschild, born.

1814: With regard to the $3,000,000 Prince William IX of Hesse-Hanau had entrusted to Mayer Amschel Rothschild for safekeeping, for an account of what happened next we turn to the Jewish Encyclopaedia, 1905 edition, Volume 10, page 494, which states;

“According to legend this money was hidden away in wine casks, and, escaping the search of Napoleon’s soldiers when they entered Frankfurt, was restored intact in the same casks in 1814, when the elector (Prince William IX of Hesse-Hanau) returned to the electorate (Germany). The facts are somewhat less romantic, and more businesslike.”

Prince William IX of Hesse-Hanau

This last line indicates the money was never returned by Rothschild to Prince William IX of Hesse-Hanau. The encyclopaedia goes on to state:

“Nathan Mayer Rothschild invested this $3,000,000 in, gold from the East India Company knowing that it would be needed for Wellington’s peninsula campaign.”

On the stolen money Nathan made;

“no less than four profits: i) On the sale of Wellington’s paper which he bought at 50 cents on the dollar and collected at par; ii) on the sale of gold to Wellington; iii) on its repurchase; and iv) on forwarding it to Portugal.”

1815: The five Rothschild brothers work to supply gold to both Wellington’s army (through Nathan in England) and Napoleon’s army (through Jacob in France), and begin their policy of funding both sides in wars.

The Rothschilds love wars because they are massive generators of risk free debt

This is because they are guaranteed by the government of a country, and therefore the efforts of the population of that country, and it doesn’t matter if that country loses the war because the loans are given on the guarantee that the victor will honour the debts of the vanquished.


Whilst the Rothschilds are funding both sides in this war, they use the banks they have spread out across Europe to give them the opportunity to set up an unrivalled postal service network of secret routes and fast couriers.

The post these couriers carried was to be opened up by these couriers and their details given to the Rothschilds so they always were one step ahead of current events.

Furthermore, these Rothschild couriers were the only merchants allowed to pass through the English and French blockades.

It was these couriers who also kept Nathan Mayer Rothschild up to date with how the war was going so he could use that intelligence to buy and sell from his position on the stock exchange in accordance with that intelligence.

One of Rothschild’s couriers was a man named Rothworth. When the outcome of the Battle of Waterloo was won by the British, Rothworth took off for the Channel and was able to deliver this news to Nathan Mayer Rothschild, a full 24 hours before Wellington’s own courier.

At that time British bonds were called consuls and they were traded on the floor of the stock exchange.

Nathan Mayer Rothschild instructed all his workers on the floor to start selling consuls.
This made all the other traders believe that the British had lost the war so they started selling frantically. Therefore the consuls plummeted in value which was when Nathan Mayer Rothschild discreetly instructed his workers to purchase all the consuls they could lay their hands on.

When news came through that the British had actually won the war, the consuls went up to a level even higher than before the war ended leaving Nathan Mayer Rothschild with a return of approximately 20 to 1 on his investment.

This gave the Rothschild family complete control of the British economy, now the financial centre of the world following Napolean’s defeat, and forced England to set up a new Bank of England, which Nathan Mayer Rothschild controlled.

Interestingly 100 years later the New York Times would run a story stating that Nathan Mayer Rothschild’s grandson had attempted to secure a court order to suppress publication of a book which had this insider trading story in it.

The Rothschild family claimed the story was untrue and libellous,
but the court denied the Rothschilds request and ordered the family to pay all court costs.

Back to 1815, this is the year Nathan Mayer Rothschild makes his famous statement:

“I care not what puppet is placed upon the throne of England to rule the Empire on which the sun never sets. The man who controls Britain’s money supply controls the British Empire, and I control the British money supply.”

He would go onto brag that in the 17 years he had been in England he had increased the £20,000 stake given to him by his father, 2500 times to £50 million.

The Rothschilds also use their control of the Bank of England to replace the method of shipping gold from country to country and instead used their five banks spread across Europe to set up a system of paper debits and credits, the banking system of today.

By the end of this century, a period of time that was known as the,
“Age of the Rothschilds", it is estimated that the Rothschild family controlled half the wealth of the world.

However something that did not go well for the Rothschilds this year was the Congress of Vienna, which started in September, 1814 and concluded in June of this year.

The Congress of Vienna

The reason for this Congress of Vienna,
was for the Rothschilds to create a form of world government, to give them complete political control over much of the civilized world.

Many of the European governments were in debt to the Rothschilds, so they figured they could use that as a bargaining tool. However the Tsar Alexander I of Russia, who had not succumbed to a Rothschild central bank, would not go along with the plan, so the Rothschild world government plan failed.

Enraged by this, Nathan Mayer Rothschild swore that some day he or his descendants would destroy the Tsar Alexander I’s entire family and descendants. Unfortunately he was true to his word and 102 years later Rothschild funded Bolsheviks would act upon that promise.

world government fanatic and Ashkenazi Jew, Henry Kissinger, did his doctoral dissertation on the Congress of Vienna.

1816: The American Congress passes a bill permitting yet another Rothschild dominated central bank, which gives the Rothschilds control of the American money supply again.

This is called the Second Bank of the United States and is given a twenty year charter.

The British war against the America therefore ends with the deaths of thousands of British and American soldiers, but the Rothschilds get their bank.

1818: Following the French securing massive loans in 1817 in order to help rebuild after their disastrous defeat at Waterloo, Rothschild agents bought vast amounts of French government bonds causing their value to increase.

On November 5th they dumped the lot on the open market causing their value to plummet and France to go into a financial panic. The Rothschilds then stepped in to take control of the French money supply. This was the same year the Rothschilds were able to loan £5,000,000 to the Prussian government.

1821: Kalmann (Carl) Mayer Rothschild was sent to Naples, Italy. He would end up doing a lot of business with the Vatican and Pope Gregory XVI subsequently conferred upon him the Order of St. George.

Also, whenever the Pope received Kalmann, he would give him his hand rather than the customary toe to kiss, which showed the extent of Kalmann’s power over the Vatican.

1822: The emperor of Austria made the five Rothschild brothers Barons. Nathan Mayer Rothschild chose not to take up the title.

1823: The Rothschilds take over the financial operations of the Catholic Church, worldwide.

1827: Sir Walter Scott publishes his nine volume set, The life of Napolean and in volume two he states that the French Revolution was planned by the Illuminati (Adam Weishaupt) and was financed by the money changers of Europe (The Rothschilds).

1832: President Andrew Jackson (the 7th President of the United States from 1829 to 1837), runs the campaign for his second term in office under the slogan, “Jackson And No Bank!”

This is in reference to his plan to take the control of the American money system to benefit the American people, not for the profiteering of the Rothschilds.

1833: President Andrew Jackson starts removing the government’s deposits from the Rothschild controlled, Second Bank of the United States and instead deposits them into banks directed by democratic bankers.

2nd Bank of America

This causes the Rothschilds to panic and so they do what they do best, contract the money supply causing a depression. President Jackson knows what they are up to and later states;

“You are a den of thieves and vipers, and I intend to rout you out, and by the Eternal God, I will rout you out.”

1834: The Italian revolutionary leader, Guiseppe Mazzini, is selected by the Illuminati to direct their revolutionary program throughout the world and would serve in that capacity until he died in 1872.

1835: On January 30, an assassin tries to shoot President Jackson, but miraculously both of the assassin’s pistols misfired.
President Jackson would later claim that he knew the Rothschilds were responsible for that attempted assassination.

President Jackson (President #7)

He is not the only one, the assassin, Richard Lawrence, who was found not guilty by reason of insanity, later bragged that powerful people in Europe had hired him and promised to protect him if he were caught.

The Rothschilds acquire the rights in the Almadén quicksilver mines in Spain. This was at the time the biggest concession in the world and as quicksilver was a vital component in the refining of gold or silver this gave the Rothschilds a virtual world monopoly.

1836: Following his years of fighting against the Rothschilds and their central bank in America, President Andrew Jackson finally succeeds in throwing the Rothschilds central bank out of America, when the bank’s charter is not renewed.

It would not be until 1913 that the Rothschilds would be able to set up their third central bank in America, the Federal Reserve, and to ensure no mistakes are made, this time they will put one of their own bloodline, Jacob Schiff, in charge of the project.

Nathan Mayer Rothschild dies and the control of his bank, N. M. Rothschild & Sons is passed on to his younger brother, James Mayer Rothschild.

1837: The Rothschilds send one of their own, August Belmont, an Ashkenazi Jew, to America to salvage their banking interests defeated by President Andrew Jackson.

1840: The Rothschilds become the Bank of England’s bullion brokers. They set up agencies in California and Australia.

1841: President John Tyler (the 10th President of the United States From 1841 to 1845) vetoed the act to renew the charter for the Bank of the United States. He goes on to receive hundreds of letters threatening him with assassination.

1844: Salomon Mayer Rothschild purchases the United Coal Mines of Vítkovice and Austro-Hungarian Blast Furnace Company that would go on to be one of the top ten global industrial concerns.

Benjamin Disraeli

Benjamin Disraeli, an Ashkenazi Jew (who would go on to become British Prime Minister twice – the only admitted Ashkenazi Jew to do so) publishes Coningsby, in which he characterises Nathan Mayer Rothschild as;

“the Lord and Master of the money markets of the world, and of course virtually Lord and Master of everything else. He literally held the revenues of Southern Italy in pawn, and Monarchs and Ministers of all countries courted his advice and were guided by his suggestions.”

1845: The Great American Patriot, Andrew Jackson (7th President of the United States) dies.

Before his death he is asked what he regarded his as greatest achievement. He replies without hesitation;

"I Killed The Bank."

This is in reference to the fact he banished the Rothschilds Second Bank of the United States in 1836.

Jacob (James) Mayer Rothschild (who by now had married his niece, Betty, Salomon Mayer Rothschild’s daughter), now known as Baron James de Rothschild, wins the contract to build the first major railway line across the country.

Garu De (Train Station for the) Chemin De Fer Du Nord

This was called the Chemin De Fer Du Nord and ran initially from Paris to Valenciennes and then joined with the Austrian rail network built by his brother (and wife’s father – all sounds a bit sordid doesn’t it) Salomon Mayer Rothschild.

1847: Lionel De Rothschild now married to the daughter of his uncle, Kalmann (Carl) Mayer Rothschild, is elected to the parliamentary seat for the City of London.

Lionel de Rothschild

A requirement for entering parliament was to take an oath in the true faith of a Christian. Lionel De Rothschild refused to do this as he was Jewish and his seat in parliament remained empty for 11 years until new oaths were allowed. He must have been an invaluable representative for his constituency, bearing in mind he could never vote on any bill as he never entered parliament! I wonder how he managed to keep his parliamentary seat for 11 years?

Karl Marx, an Ashkenazi Jew, publishes, “The Communist Manifesto.” Interestingly at the same time as he is working on this, Karl Ritter of Frankfurt University was writing the antithesis which would form the basis for Freidrich Wilhelm Nietzsche’s, “Nietzscheanism.” This Nietzecheanism was later developed into Fascism and then into Nazism and was used to forment the first and second world wars.

Karl Marx

Marx, Ritter, and Nietzsche were all funded and under the instruction of the Rothschilds. The idea was that those who direct the overall conspiracy could use the differences in those two so-called ideologies to enable them to divide larger and larger factions of the human race into opposing camps so that they could be armed and then brainwashed into fighting and destroying each other, and particularly, to destroy all political and religious institutions.
The same plan put forward by Weishaupt in 1776.

Eva Hanau, Amschel Mayer Rothschild’s wife dies.

1849: Gutle Schnaper, Mayer Amschel Rothschild’s wife dies. Before her death she would nonchalantly state,
"If my sons did not want wars, there would be none."

1850: Construction begins this decade on the manor houses of Mentmore in England and Ferrières in France, more Rothschilds Manors will follow throughout the world, all of them filled with works of art.

Mentmore Towers

Château de Ferrières

Jacob (James) Rothschild in France is said to be worth 600 million francs, which at the time was 150 million francs more than all the other bankers in France put together.

1852: N.M. Rothschild & Sons begins refining gold and silver for the Royal Mint and the Bank of England and other international customers.

1853: Nathaniel de Rothschild, the son in law of Jacob (James) Mayer Rothschild, purchases Château Brane Mouton, the Bordeaux vineyard of Mouton, and renames it Château Mouton Rothschild.

Château Mouton Rothschild

1854: Caroline Stern, Salomon Mayer Rothschild’s wife, dies.

1855: Amschel Mayer Rothschild dies.

Salomon Mayer Rothschild dies (left).

Kalmann (Carl) Mayer Rothschild dies (right).

1858: Lionel De Rothschild finally takes his seat in parliament when the requirement to take an oath in the true faith of a Christian is broadened to include other oaths. He becomes the first Jewish member of the British parliament.

1861: President Abraham Lincoln (16th President of the United States from 1860 till his assassination in 1865) approaches the big banks in New York to try to obtain loans to support the ongoing American civil war. As these large banks were heavily under the influence of the Rothschilds, they offer him a deal they know he cannot accept, 24% to 36% interest on all monies loaned.

President Abraham Lincoln (President #16)

Lincoln is very angry about this high level of interest and so he prints his own debt free money and informs the public that this is now legal tender for both public and private debts.

1862: By April $449,338,902 worth of Lincoln’s debt free money has been printed and distributed. He states of this,

That same year The Times of London publishes a story containing the following statement;

"We gave the people of this republic the greatest blessing they ever had, their own paper money to pay their own debts."

1863: President Abraham Lincoln discovers the Tsar of Russia, Alexander II (1855 – 1881), was having problems with the Rothschilds as well as he was refusing their continual attempts to set up a central bank in Russia. The Tsar then gives President Lincoln some unexpected help.

Alexander II

The Tsar issued orders that if either England or France actively intervened in the American Civil War, and help the South, Russia would consider such action a declaration of war, and take the side of President Lincoln. To show that he wasn’t messing about, he sent part of his Pacific Fleet to port in San Francisco and another part to New York.

The Rothschild banking house in Naples, Italy, C. M. de Rothschild e figli, closes following the unification of Italy.

The Rothschilds use one of their own in America, John D. Rockefeller, to form an oil business called Standard Oil
which eventually takes over all of its competition.

1864: Rothschild, August Belmont, who by now is the Democratic Party’s National Chairman, supports General George McClellan as the Democratic nominee to run against President Abraham Lincoln in this year’s election.

McClellan photographed making the "Hidden"Hand" sign of the Freemasons

Much to the anger of Belmont, President Lincoln wins the election.

1865: In a statement to Congress, President Abraham Lincoln states;

"I have two great enemies, the Southern Army in front of me, and the financial institutions in the rear. Of the two, the one in my rear is my greatest foe.”

Later that year, on April 14, President Lincoln is assassinated, less than two months before the end of the American Civil War.

Jacob Schiff

Following a brief training period in the Rothschilds London Bank, Jacob Schiff, a Rothschild, born in their house in Frankfurt, arrives in America at the age of 18, with instructions and the finance necessary to buy into a banking house there. The purpose of this was to carry out the following tasks.

1868: Jacob (James) Mayer Rothschild dies, shortly after purchasing Château Lafite, one of the four great premier grand cru estates of France.

He is the last of Mayer Amschel Rothschild’s sons to die.

1870: Nathaniel de Rothschild dies.

1871: An American General named, Albert Pike, who had been enticed into the Illuminati by Guissepe Mazzini, completes his military blueprint for three world wars and various revolutions throughout the world, culminating into moving this great conspiracy into its final stage.

Albert Pike

The first world war is to be fought for the purpose of destroying the Tsar in Russia,as promised by Nathan Mayer Rothschild in 1815. The Tsar is to be replaced with communism which is to be used to attack religions, predominantly Christianity. The differences between the British and German empires are to be used to forment this war.

The second world war is to be used to forment the controversy between facism and political zionism with the slaughter of Jews in Germany a lynchpin in bringing hatred against the German people. This is designed to destroy fascism (which the Rothschilds created) and increase the power of political zionism. This war is also designed to increase the power of communism to the level that it equalled that of united Christendom.

The third world war was to be played out by stirring up hatred of the Muslim world for the purposes of playing the Islamic world and the political zionists off against one another.

Whilst this is going on, the remaining nations would be forced to fight themselves into a state of mental, physical, spiritual and economic exhaustion.

On August 15th of this year, Albert Pike writes a letter (now catalogued in the British Museum) to Guiseppe Mazzini in which he states the following;

"We shall unleash the nihilists and the atheists and we shall provoke a great social cataclysm which in all its horror will show clearly to all nations the effect of absolute atheism; the origins of savagery and of most bloody turmoil.

Then everywhere, the people will be forced to defend themselves against the world minority of the world revolutionaries and will exterminate those destroyers of civilization and the multitudes disillusioned with Christianity whose spirits will be from that moment without direction and leadership and anxious for an ideal, but without knowledge where to send its adoration, will receive the true light through the universal manifestation of the pure doctrine of Lucifer brought finally out into public view.

A manifestation which will result from a general reactionary movement which will follow the destruction of Christianity and Atheism; both conquered and exterminated at the same time."

Pike, who having been elected as Sovereign Grand Commander of the Scottish Rite of Freemasonry's Southern Jurisdiction in 1859, was the most powerful Freemason in America.

He would retain that post for 32 years until his death in 1891. He also published a book on the subject in 1872 entitled,

"Morals and Dogma of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite of Freemasonry,"
in which he candidly states the following:

"LUCIFER, the Light-bearer! Strange and mysterious name to give to the Spirit of Darknesss! Lucifer, the Son of the Morning! Is it he who bears the Light, and with its splendors intolerable blinds feeble, sensual or selfish Souls? Doubt it not!"

1872: Prior to Guiseppe Mazzini’s death this year, he makes another revolutionary leader named Adrian Lemmy his successor.

Giuseppe Mazzini

Lemmy will be subsequently succeeded by Lenin and Trotsky,
then by Stalin. The revolutionary activities of all these men are financed by the Rothschilds.

1873: The loss making Rio Tinto copper mines in Spain, are purchased by a group of foreign financiers including the Rothschilds.

These mines represented Europe’s largest source of copper.

1875: On January 1 of this year Jacob Schiff, now Solomon Loeb’s son-in-law after marrying his daughter, Teresa, takes control of the banking house, Kuhn, Loeb & Co.

He goes on to finance John D. Rockefeller’s Standard Oil Company, Edward R. Harriman’s Railroad Empire, and Andrew Carnegie’s Steel Empire. This is all with Rothschild money.

He then identifies the other largest bankers in America at that time. They are, J.P. Morgan who controls Wall Street, and the Drexels and the Biddles of Philadelphia.

It is not widely known that the famous cartoon banker of the 'Monopoly' board game was based upon John Peirpont "J.P." Morgan himself.

All the other financiers, big and little, danced to the music of those three houses. Schiff then gets the European Rothschilds to set up European branches of these three large banks on the understanding that Schiff, and therefore Rothschild, is to be the boss of banking in New York and therefore America.

N M Rothschild & Sons undertake a share issue to raise capital for the first channel tunnel project to link France to England, with half of its capital coming from the Rothschild owned Compagnie du Chemin de Fer du Nord.

This year Lionel De Rothschild also loans Prime Minister Benjamin Disraeli the finance for the British government to purchase the shares in the Suez Canal, from Khedive Said of Egypt.

This was done as the Rothschilds needed this access route to be held by a government they controlled, so they could use that government’s military to protect their huge business interests in the Middle East.

1876: Otto von Bismarck states,

1879: Lionel de Rothschild dies.

1880: Rothschild agents begin fomenting a series of pogroms predominantly in Russia, but also in Poland, Bulgaria and Romania. These pogroms resulted in the slaughter of thousands of innocent Jews, causing approximately 2 million to flee, mainly to New York, but also to Chicago, Philadelphia, Boston and Los Angeles.

The reason these pogroms were initiated, was to create a large Jewish base in America, who when they arrived, would be educated to register as Democrat voters.

President Woodrow Wilson (President #28)

Some twenty years later, this would result in in a massive Democratic power base in the United States and
be used to elect Rothschild front men such as Woodrow Wilson, to the Presidency, to carry out the bidding of the Rothschilds.

1881: President James A. Garfield (The 20th President of the United States who lasted only 100 Days) states two weeks before he is assassinated;

President James Garfield (President #20)

"Whoever controls the volume of money in our country is absolute master of all industry and commerce…and when you realize that the entire system is very easily controlled, one way or another, by a few powerful men at the top, you will not have to be told how periods of inflation and depression originate.”

Edmond James de Rothschild has a son Maurice de Rothschild.

1883: After 6,000 feet of tunnel in the channel tunnel project being excavated, the British government halt the project citing the fact that it would be a threat to Britain’s security.

1885: Nathaniel Rothschild, son of Lionel De Rothschild, becomes the first Jewish peer and is takes the title of Lord Rothschild.

1886: The French Rothschild bank, de Rothschild Frères obtains substantial amounts of Russia’s oil fields and forms the Caspian and Black Sea Petroleum Company, which quickly becomes the world’s second largest oil producer.

1887: Opium trafficker in China, Edward Albert Sassoon, marries Aline Caroline de Rothschild, the grand-daughter of Jacob (James) Mayer Rothschild. Aline Caroline’s father, Gustave, together with his brother, Alphonse, took over the Rothschild’s french arm following their father Jacob’s death.

The Rothschilds finance the amalgamation of the Kimberley diamond mines in South Africa. They subsequently become the biggest shareholders of this company, De Beers, and mine precious stones in Africa and India.

1888: Noémie Halphen, future wife of Maurice de Rothschild born.

1891: The British Labour Leader makes the following statement on the subject of the Rothschilds;

"This blood-sucking crew has been the cause of untold mischief and misery in Europe during the present century, and has piled up its prodigious wealth chiefly through fomenting wars between States which ought never to have quarrelled.

Whenever there is trouble in Europe, wherever rumours of war circulate and men’s minds are distraught with fear of change and calamity you may be sure that a hook-nosed Rothschild is at his games somewhere near the region of the disturbance."

Comments like this worry the Rothschilds and towards the end of the 1800’s they purchase Reuters news agency so they can have some control of the media.

1895: Edmond James de Rothschild the youngest son of Jacob (James) Mayer Rothschild visits Palestine and subsequently supplies the funds to found the first Jewish colonies there, this is to further their long term objective of creating a Rothschild owned country.

1897: The Rothschilds found the Zionist Congress to promote Zionism (a political movement with the sole aim of moving all Jews into a singularly Jewish nation state) and arrange its first meeting in Munich. However due to extreme opposition from local Jews, who are quite happy where they are, this meeting has to be moved to Basle, Switzerland and takes place on 29 August. The meeting is chaired by Ashkenazi Jew, Theodor Herzl, who would state in his diaries;

"It is essential that the sufferings of Jews. become worse. this will assist in realization of our plans. I have an excellent idea. I shall induce anti-Semites to liquidate Jewish wealth. The anti-Semites will assist us thereby in that they will strengthen the persecution and oppression of Jews. The anti-Semites shall be our best friends.”

Herzl is subsequently elected President of the Zionist Organisation which adopts the, “Rothschild Red Hexagram or Sign,” as the Zionist flag which 51 years later will end up as the flag of Israel.

Edward Henry Harriman becomes a director of the Union Pacific Railroad and goes on to take control of the Southern Pacific Railroad. This is all financed by the Rothschilds.

1898: Ferdinand de Rothschild dies.

1901: The Jews from the colonies set up in Palestine by Edmond James de Rothschild, send a delegation to him which tell him;

“If you wish to save the Yishuv (The Jewish settlement) first take your hands from it, and…for once permit the colonists to have the possibility of correcting for themselves what needs correcting.”

Edmond James de Rothschild is very angry about this and states;

“I created the Yishuv, I alone. Therefore no men, neither colonists nor organisations have the right to interfere in my plans.”

The Rothschild banking house in Frankfurt, Germany, M. A. von Rothschild und Söhne, closes as there is no male Rothschild heir to take it on.

1902: Philippe de Rothschild born.

1905: A group of Rothschild backed Zionist Jews led by Georgi Apollonovich Gapon attempt to overthrow the Tsar in Russia in a Communist Coup. They fail and are forced to flee Russia only to be given refuge in Germany.

The Jewish Encyclopaedia (Vol. 2, p.497) states;

“It is a somewhat curious sequel to the attempt to set up a Catholic competitor to the Rothschilds that at the present time the latter are the guardians of the papal treasure.”

1906: The Rothschilds claim that due to growing instability in the region and increasing competition from Rockefeller
(the Rockefeller family are Rothschild descendants through a female bloodline) owned Standard Oil, this is why they sell their Caspian and Black Sea Petroleum Company to Royal Dutch and Shell.

This is another example of the Rothschilds trying to hide their true wealth.

1907: Rothschild, Jacob Schiff, the head of Kuhn, Loeb and Co., in a speech to the New York Chamber of Commerce, warns that;

“Unless we have a Central Bank with adequate control of credit resources, this country is going to undergo the most severe and far reaching money panic in its history.”

Suddenly America finds itself in the middle of another typical run of the mill Rothschild engineered financial crisis, which ruins as usual ruins the lives of millions of innocent people throughout America and makes billions for the Rothschilds.

1909: Jacob Schiff founds the National Advancement for the Association of the Coloured People (NAACP). This was done to incite black people into roiting, looting and other forms of disorder, in order to cause a rift between the black and white communities. Jewish historian, Howard Sachar, states the following in his book;

“A History of the Jews in America," - "In 1914, Professor Emeritus Joel Spingarn of Columbia University became chairman of the NAACP and recruited for its board such Jewish leaders as Jacob Schiff, Jacob Billikopf, and Rabbi Stephen Wise."

Other Ashkenazi Jew co-founders included Julius Rosenthal, Lillian Wald and Rabbi Emil G. Hirsch. It was not until 1920 that the NAACP appointed its first black president, James Weldon Johnson.

Maurice de Rothschild marries Ashkenazi Jew, Noémie Halphen.

1911: Werner Sombart, in his book, “The Jews and Modern Capitalism,” stated that from 1820 on, it was the,
“Age of the Rothschild,” and concluded that there was;

“Only one power in Europe, and that is Rothschild.”

1912: In the December issue of, “Truth,” magazine, George R. Conroy states of banker Jacob Schiff;

“Mr Schiff is head of the great private banking house of Kuhn, Loeb, and co, which represents the Rothschilds interests on this side of the Atlantic."

1913: On March 4, Woodrow Wilson is elected the 28th President of the United States. Shortly after he is inaugurated, he is visited in the White House by Ashkenazi Jew, Samuel Untermyer, of law firm, Guggenheim, Untermyer, and Marshall, who tries to blackmail him for the sum of $40,000 in relation to an affair Wilson had whilst he was a professor at Princeton University, with a fellow professor’s wife.

President Wilson does not have the money, so Untermyer volunteers to pay the $40,000 out of his own pocket to the woman Wilson had had the affair with, on the condition that Wilson promise to appoint to the first vacancy on the United States Supreme Court a nominee to be recommended to President Wilson by Untermyer. Wilson agrees to this.

Jacob Schiff sets up the Anti Defamation League (ADL) in the United States. This organisation is formed to slander anyone who questions or challenges the Rothschild global conspiracy as, “anti-semitic.”

Strangely enough, the same year that they do this they also set up their last and current central bank in America, the Federal Reserve. Congressman Charles Lindbergh stated following the passing of the Federal Reserve Act on December 23;

“The Act establishes the most gigantic trust on earth. When the President signs this Bill, the invisible government of the monetary power will be legalized.......The greatest crime of the ages is perpetrated by this banking and currency bill."

It is important to note that the Federal Reserve is a private company, it is neither Federal nor does it have any Reserve. It is conservatively estimated that profits exceed $150 billion per year and the Federal Reserve has never once in its history published accounts.

1914: The start of World War I. In this war, the German Rothschilds loan money to the Germans, the British Rothschilds loan money to the British, and the French Rothschilds loan money to the French.

Futhermore, the Rothschilds have control of the three European news agencies, Wolff (est. 1849) in Germany, Reuters (est. 1851) in England, and Havas (est. 1835) in France.

The Rothschilds use Wolff to manipulate the German people into a fervour for war.
From around this time, the Rothschilds are rarely reported in the media, because they own the media.

1916: On June 4, Ashkenazi Jew, Louis Dembitz Brandeis is appointed to the Supreme Court of the United States by President Wilson as per his agreed blackmail payment to Samuel Untermyer some three years earlier.

Justice Brandeis is also the elected leader of the Executive Committee for Zionist Affairs, a position he has held since 1914.

The middle of World War II. Germany were winning the war as they were being financed by the Rothschilds to a greater extent than France, Italy and England, because Rothschilds, did not want to support the Tsar in Russia, and of course Russia was on the same side as France, Italy and England.

Then a significant event occurred. Germany, although they were winning the war and not one foreign soldier had set foot on their soil, offered armistice to Britain with no requirement of reparations. The Rothschilds were anxious to make sure this didn’t happen as they were expecting to make far more money off this war, so they played another card they had up their sleeve.

Whilst the British were considering Germany’s offer, Rothschild agent Louis Brandeis sends a Zionist delegation from America to Britain to promise to bring America into the war on the side of the British, provided the British agree to give the land of Palestine to the Rothschilds.

The Rothschilds wanted Palestine for the following reason. They had great business interests in the far east and desired their own state in that area along with their own military which they could use as an aggressor to any state that threatened those interests.

The British subsequently agree to the deal for Palestine and the Zionists in London contact their counterparts in America and inform them of this fact. Suddenly all the major newspapers in America that up to that point had been pro-German turned on Germany running propaganda pieces such as: German soldiers were killing Red Cross Nurses; German soldiers were cutting off babies hands, etc, in order to manipulate the American public against the Germans.

This same year, President Woodrow Wilson, ran a re-election campaign under the slogan;

“Re-Elect The Man Who Will Keep Your Sons Out Of The War.”

On December 12, Germany and her allies offer peace terms to end the war.

1917: As a result of Germany’s offer of peace the Rothschild war machine goes into overdrive in America, spreading propaganda which leads to President Wilson under the instructions of American Zionist leader and Supreme Court Justice, Louis Dembitz Brandeis, reneging on his promise to the electorate and taking America into the first world war on April 6.

As per the Rothschild Zionist promise to the British, to take America into the war, they decide they want something in writing from the British to prove that they will uphold their side of the bargain. The British Foreign Secretary, Arthur James Balfour therefore drafts a letter which is commonly known as the, “Balfour Declaration,” which is reprinted below.

Foreign Office

November 2nd, 1917

Dear Lord Rothschild,

I have much pleasure in conveying to you, on behalf of His Majesty's Government, the following declaration of sympathy with Jewish Zionist aspirations which has been submitted to, and approved by, the Cabinet.

His Majesty's Government view with favour the establishment in Palestine of a national home for the Jewish people, and will use their best endeavours to facilitate the achievement of this object, it being clearly understood that nothing shall be done which may prejudice the civil and religious rights of existing non-Jewish communities in Palestine, or the rights and political status enjoyed by Jews in any other country.

I should be grateful if you would bring this declaration to the knowledge of the Zionist Federation.

Yours sincerely,

Arthur James Balfour

The Rothschilds order the execution by the Bolsheviks they control, of Tsar Nicholas II and his entire family in Russia, even though the Tsar had already abdicated on March 2.

This is both to get control of the country and an act of revenge for Tsar Alexander I blocking their world government plan in 1815 at the Congress Of Vienna, and Tsar Alexander II siding with President Abraham Lincoln in 1864.

It is extremely important for them to slaughter the entire family including women and children in order to make good on the promise to do so made by Nathan Mayer Rothschild in 1815.

It is designed to show the world what happens if you ever attempt to cross the Rothschilds.

J.P. Morgan

U.S. Congressman
Oscar Callaway informs Congress that J. P. Morgan is a Rothschild front and has taken control of the American media industry.

“In March, 1915, the J.P. Morgan interests, the steel, shipbuilding, and powder interest, and their subsidiary organizations, got together 12 men high up in the newspaper world and employed them to select the most influential newspapers in the United States and sufficient number of them to control generally the policy of the daily press…"

1919: In January, Ashkenazi Jews, Karl Liebknecht and Rosa Luxemburg, are killed as they attempt to lead another Rothschild funded Communist coup, this time in Berlin, Germany.

Versailles peace conference

The Versailles peace conference is held to decide reparations that the Germans need to pay to the victors following the end of the first world war. A delegation of 117 Zionists headed up by Ashkenazi Jew, Bernard Baruch, bring up the subject of the promise of Palestine for them.
At this point the Germans realised why America had turned on them and under whose influence, the Rothschilds.

The Germans, naturally, felt they had been betrayed by the Zionists. This is because, at the time the Rothschilds made their deal with Britain for Palestine, in exchange for bringing America into the war, Germany was the most friendly country in the world towards the Jews, indeed the German Emancipation Edict of 1822 guaranteed Jews in Germany all civil rights enjoyed by Germans.

Also, Germany was the only country in Europe which did not place restrictions on Jews, even giving them refuge when they had to flee from Russia after their first attempted Communist coup failed there in 1905.

Nevertheless, the Rothschilds had held up their side of the bargain to spill the blood of millions of innocents and as a result, Palestine is confirmed as a Jewish homeland, and whilst its handover to the Rothschilds takes place it is to remain under the control of Britain as the Rothschilds control Britain.

At that time less than one percent of the population of Palestine was Jewish. Interestingly, the host of the Versailles peace conference is its boss, Baron Edmond de Rothschild.

The Versailles peace conference is also used as an attempt by the Rothschilds to set up a world government under the pretext of ending all wars (which they create).

This was called the, “League of Nations.” Fortunately not enough countries accepted it and so it soon died.

The League of Nations flag

On March 29th The Times of London reports on the Bolsheviks in Russia;

"One of the curious features of the Bolshevist movement is the high percentage of non Russian elements among its leaders. Of the twenty or thirty commissaries, or leaders, who provide the central machinery of the Bolshevist movement, not less than 75% were Jews."

It is reported that the Rothschilds were angry with the Russians because they were not prepared to allow them to form a central bank within their nation. They therefore gathered groups of Jewish spies and sent them into Russia to drum up a revolution for the benefit of the common man, which was actually a takeover of Russia by a Rothschild controlled satanic elite.

These Jewish spies were, in age old deceptive Ashkenazi tradition, given Russian names, for example Trotsky was a member of the first group and his original name was Bronstein. These groups were sent to areas throughout Russia to incite riots and rebellion.

The Jewish Post International Edition, week ending January 24th 1991, confirms Vladimir Lenin was Jewish. Lenin is also on record as having stated;

"The establishment of a central bank is 90% of communizing a nation."

These Jewish, Rothschild funded Bolsheviks would go on in the course of history to slaughter 60 million Christians and Non-Jews in Soviet controlled territory. Indeed the author Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn in his work, "Gulag Archipelago, Vol 2," affirms that Zionist Jews created and administered the organized Soviet concentration camp system in which these tens of millions of Christians and Non-Jews died.

On page 79 of this book he even names the administrators of this the greatest killing machine in the history of the world.

They are Aron Solts, Yakov Rappoport, Lazar Kogan, Matvei Berman, Genrikh Yagoda, and Naftaly Frenkel. All six are Zionist Jews. In 1970 Solzhenitsyn would be awarded the Nobel Peace Prize for literature.

N. M. Rothschild & Sons' are given a permanent role to fix the world's daily gold price. This takes place in the City of London offices,
daily at 1100 hours, in the same room until 2004.

1920: Winston Churchill (whose mother, Jenny (Jacobson) Jerome, was Jewish – meaning he is Jewish under Ashkenazi law as he was born of a Jewish mother) writes in an article in the Illustrated Sunday Herald, dated February 8th;

"From the days of Illuminati leader Weishaupt, to those of Karl Marx, to those of Trotsky, this worldwide conspiracy has been steadily growing.

And now at last this band of extraordinary personalities from the underworld of the great cities of Europe and America, have gripped the Russian people by the hair of their heads and become the undisputed masters of that enormous empire."

1921: Under the orders of Jacob Schiff the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) is founded by Ashkenazi Jews, Bernard Baruch and Colonel Edward Mandell House.

Schiff gave his orders prior to his death in 1920, as he knew an organisation in America needed to be set up to select politicians to carry on the Rothschild conspiracy,and the formation of the CFR was actually agreed in a meeting on May 30, 1919 at the Hotel Majestic in Paris, France.

The CFR membership at the start was approximately 1,000 people in the United States.

This membership included the heads of virtually every industrial empire in America, all the American based international bankers, and the heads of all their tax free foundations.
In essence all those people who would provide the capital required for anyone who wished to run for Congress, the Senate or the Presidency.

CFR New York Office - The Harold Pratt House, 58 East 68th Street, New York, NY 10065. This building was gifted to the CFR by the Rockefeller family in the 1930's

The first job of the CFR was to gain control of the press. This task was given to John D. Rockefeller who set up a number of national news magazines such as Life, and Time.

John D. Rockefeller, re-rendered and colourised for the 21st century

He financed Samuel Newhouse to buy up and establish a chain of newspapers all across the country, and Eugene Meyer also who would go on to buy up many publications such as the Washington Post, Newsweek, ant The Weekly Magazine.

The CFR also needed to gate control of radio, television and the motion picture industry. This task was split amongst the international bankers from, Kuhn Loeb, Goldman Sachs, the Warburgs, and the Lehmanns.

1925: This year’s Jewish Encyclopaedia, states of the existence of Ashkenazi Jews (who represent approximately 90% of so-called world Jewry), with the startling admission that the so called enemy of the Jews, Esau (also known as Edom, see Genesis 36:1), now actually represents the Jewish race, when on page 42 of Volume V it is stated;

“Edom is in modern Jewry.”

So what they’re basically saying is that these Ashkenazi Jews, who represent 90% of the so-called Jewish population,
are actually gentiles or goyim themselves.

1926: N. M. Rothschild & Sons refinance the Underground Electric Railways Company of London Ltd which has a controlling interest in the entire London Underground transport system.

Maurice de Rothschild has a son, Edmond de Rothschild.

1929: The Rothschilds crash the United States economy by contracting the money supply.

1930: The first Rothschild world bank, the,
Bank for International Settlements (BIS), is established in Basle, Switzerland.

For the first forty-seven years of its existence, from 1930 to 1977, the BIS was based in a former hotel, near the Basel central railway station. The bank’s entrance was tucked away by a chocolate shop, and only a small notice confirmed that the narrow doorway opened into the BIS. The bank moved into the building show above in 1977.

Basel, Switzerland is the same place as where 33 years earlier the first ever World Zionist Congress was held.

1933: On January 30, Adolf Hitler becomes Chancellor of Germany. He drives Jews, many of which were Communist out of Governmental positions within Germany. As a result of this, in July, the Jews hold a World Conference in Amsterdam during which they demand that Hitler re-instate every Jew back to his former position.

Hitler refuses and as a result of this, Samuel Untermyer, the Ashkenazi Jew who blackmailed President Wilson,and is now the head of the American delegation and the president of the whole conference, returns to the United States, and makes a speech on radio which was transcribed in the From the New York Times, Monday, August 7, 1933.

In the speech he made the following statements;

"...the Jews are the aristocrats of the world...Our campaign is...the economic boycott against all German goods, shipping and services...What we are proposing...is to prosecute a purely defensive economic boycott that will undermine the Hitler regime and bring the German people to their senses by destroying their export trade on which their very existence depends... ...Each of you, Jew and Gentile alike...must refuse to deal with any merchant or shopkeeper who sells any German-made goods or who patronizes German ships or shipping."

As two thirds of Germany’s food supply had to be imported, and could only be imported with the proceeds of what they exported, if Germany could not export, two thirds of Germany’s population would starve, as there would be not enough food for more than one third of the population.

As a result of this boycott, Jews throughout America, would protest outside and damage any stores in which they found any products with, “Made in Germany,” printed on them, causing stores to have to dump these products or risk bankruptcy.

Once the effects of this boycott began to be felt in Germany, the Germans, who had demonstrated no violence towards the Jews up to this point, simply began boycotting Jewish stores in the same way the Jews had done to stores selling German products in America.

Rothschild financed IBM, supply machines to the Nazis which produce punch cards to help organize and manage the initial identification and social expulsion of Jews, the confiscation of their property and their extermination.

On November 16, President Roosevelt recognizes the Zionist regime of Stalin in Russia without consultation with Congress even as 8,000 Ukrainians march in protest in New York.

Also this year, President Roosevelt, born of a Jewish mother, therefore satisfying Ashkenazi rules of being Jewish, orders the all-seeing eye to be placed upon all new dollar bills along with the motto,
“Novus Ordo Seclorum.”

This is latin for,
“A New Order of the Ages.”

1934: Swiss banking secrecy laws are reformed and it becomes an offence
resulting in imprisonment for any bank employee to violate bank secrecy .This is all in preparation for the Rothschild engineered Second World War in which as usual they will fund both sides.

Edmond de Rothschild dies.

1936: With regard to the increase in anti-semitism in Germany, Samuel Landman (at the time, secretary to the World Zionist Organisation), in his 1936 book, Great Britain, The Jews, and Palestine states the following of the United States entry into World War 1;

"The fact that it was Jewish help that brought USA into the War on the side of the Allies has rankled ever since in German ­ especially Nazi ­ minds, and has contributed in no small measure to the prominence which anti-Semitism occupies in the Nazi programme."

1938: On 7th November, a Jew, Herschel Grynszpan, assassinated Ernst vom Rath, a minor official at the German Embassy in Paris. As a result of this German hostility towards Jews in Germany started to turn violent.

The Rothschilds Austrian banking house in Vienna, S. M. von Rothschild und Söhne, closes following the Nazi occupation of Austria.

1939: I.G. Farben the leading producer of chemicals in the world and largest German producer of steel dramatically increases its production. This increased production is almost exclusively used to arm Germany for the Second World War.

This company was controlled by the Rothschilds and would go on to use Jews and other disaffected peoples as slave labour in the concentration camps. I.G. Farben also created the lethal Zyklon B gas that was used to exterminate the Jews.

South façade of the enormous I.G. Farben Poelzig Building showing the main entrance

On 1 September, the Second world war starts when Germany invades Poland. This was because the German leadership were a Christian leadership, who understood that Soviet Russia was led by Rothschild funded Communists, and they feared that as the Soviet Union grew in strength, these Jewish Communists would invade and wipe all the Christians off the map.

1940: Hansjurgen Koehler in his book, “Inside The Gestapo,” states the following, of Maria Anna Schicklgruber, Adolf Hitler’s grandmother;

."A little servant girl came to Vienna and became a domestic servant.at the Rothschild mansion and Hitler's unknown grandfather must be probably looked for in this magnificent house."

This is backed up by Walter Langer in his book, "The Mind Of Hitler," in which he states;

"Adolf's father, Alois Hitler, was the illegitimate son of Maria Anna Schicklgruber. Maria Anna Schicklgruber was living in Vienna at the time she conceived. At that time she was employed as a servant in the home of Baron Rothschild. As soon as the family discovered her pregnancy she was sent back home where Alois was born."

See alsoHow Bush’s Grandfather Helped Hitler’s Rise to Power

On the surface, it would appear Hitler was unlikely to be a Rothschild, but then again, when you discover the benefits that the Rothschilds got out of this war, both financially and politically, a Rothschild connection does not appear as outlandish as it may initially seem.

1941: President Roosevelt takes America into the second world war by refusing to sell Japan any more steel scrap or oil. Japan was in the midst of a war against China and without that scrap steel and oil, Japan would be unable to continue that war.

Japan was totally dependent upon the United States for both steel scrap and oil. Roosevelt knew this action would provoke the Japanese to attack America, which they subsequently did at Pearl Harbor.

1942: Prescott Bush, father of future American Presidents’ George Herbert Walker and George W, has his company seized under the, “Trading With The Enemy,” Act.
He was funding Hitler from America, whilst American soldiers were being killed by German soldiers.

Jews are also being slaughtered by these same soldiers. Interestingly the ADL never criticizes any of the Bushes for this.

1943: February 18th, Zionist, Izaak Greenbaum, head of the Jewish Agency Rescue Committee, in a speech to the Zionist Executive Council states,

He would go onto state;

"If I am asked, could you give from the UJA (United Jewish Appeal) monies to rescue Jews, I say, no and I say again no!" He would go onto state, "One cow in Palestine is worth more than all the Jews in Poland!"

This is not a surprise, the whole idea of Zionist support for the slaughter of innocent Jews was to scare the survivors into believing that their only place of safety was Israel. How else do you think the Zionists could ensure Jews leave the beautiful European cities in which they live, in order to settle in a desert!

1944: On 6 November Lord Moyne, British Minister Resident in the Middle East was assassinated in Cairo by two members of the Jewish terrorist group, the Stern Gang, led by future Prime Minister of Israel, Yitzhak Shamir. He is also responsible for an assassination attempt against Harold MacMichael, the High Commissioner of the British Mandate of Palestine, this same year.

Interestingly he also masterminds another successful assassination this year against the United Nations representative in the Middle East, Count Folke Bernadotte who, although he had secured the release of 21,000 prisoners from German camps during World War II, was seen by Yitzak Shamir and his terrorist collaborators as an anti-Zionist.

The Bretton Woods agreement, (named after The Bretton Woods resort in New Hampshire where it was completed) was ratified in 1945, in addition to making the dollar the global reserve and trade currency, obligated the signatory nations to tie their currencies to the dollar

In Bretton Woods, New Hampshire, two further Rothschild world banks are created. The International Monetary Fund (IMF), and the World Bank.

1945: The end of the Second World War. It is reported that I.G. Farben plants were specifically not targeted in the bombing raids on Germany. Interestingly at the end of the war, they were found to have only sustained 15% damage.

The tribunals held at the end of the Second World War, to investigate Nazi War Crimes, censored any materials recording Western assistance to Hitler.

The Rothschilds take a giant step towards their goal of world domination when the second, “League of Nations,” called the, “United Nations”, was approved this year.

1946: On July 22 the future Prime Minister of Israel, Ashkenazi Jew, David Ben-Gurion, orders another future Prime Minister of Israel, Ashkenazi Jew, Menachem Begin, to carry out a terrorist attack on the King David Hotel in Palestine, to try and drive out the British. As a result of this 91 people were killed, most of them civilians: 28 British, 41 Arabs, 17 Jews, and 5 others. Around 45 people are injured.

Menachem Begin went on to proudly proclaimed himself as, “the father of modern terrorism.” Just to put the gravity of the attack on the King David Hotel into perspective, it was at the time the biggest death toll as a result of single terrorist action ever and was only surpassed over forty years later by the Bombing of Pan Am flight 103 over Lockerbie.

1947: The British who prior to World War 2 declared that there would be no more immigration of Jews to Palestine in order to protect the Palestinians from their acts of terror against both them and British soldiers, transfer control of Palestine to the United Nations. The United Nations resolve to have Palestine partitioned into two states, one zionist and one arab, with Jerusalem to remain as an international zone to be enjoyed by all religious faiths.

This transfer was scheduled to take place on May 15, 1948. The United Nations had no right to give Arab property to anyone, as indeed even thought the Jews owned 6% of Palestine at that time, resolution 181 granted the Jews 57% of the land leaving the Arabs who at that time had 94% with only 43%.

Information collected by the ADL in its spy operations on US citizens is used by the House Select Committee on Unamerican Activities. Subcommittee Chair Clare Hoffman dismisses the ADL’s reports on suspected communists as

1948: In the Spring of this year, the Rothschilds bribe President Harry S. Truman (33rd President of the United States 1945 – 1953) to recognise Israel (Rothschild owned Zionist not Jewish territory) as a sovereign state with $2,000,000 which they give to him on his campaign train.

They then declare Israel to be a sovereign Jewish state in Palestine and within half an hour President Truman declared the United States to be the first foreign nation to recognise it.

The Flag of Israel is unveiled. Despite tremendous opposition the emblem on the flag is a blue coloured version of the Rothschild, “Red Hexagram or Sign.”


This angers many Jews who realise this Hexagram was used in the ancient mystery religions as the symbol of, “Moloch,” (described as a demon of unwilling sacrifice and is also interestingly the name of the stone owl the elite worship at Bohemian Grove), and, “Astaroth,” (described as the Lord Treasurer of Hell).

The Hexagram was also used to represent Saturn, which has been identified as the esoteric name for, “Satan.”

This indicates that anyone killed in the name of Israel is actually a sacrifice to Satan.

These dissenting Jews believe the, “Menorah,” the oldest Jewish symbol should be used and pointed out that the Hexagram is not even a Jewish symbol, but of course as the Rothschild ZionistZionists use it that is what ends up on the Rothschild, I mean Zionist, I mean Israeli flag.
In the early hours of April 19, 132 Jewish terrorists from the Irgun gang, led by future Israeli Prime Minister Menachem Begin, and the Stern gang, led by future Israeli Prime Minister Yitzhak Shamir, brutally massacre 200 men, women and children as they are sleeping peacefully in the Arab village of Deir Yassin.

Following the United Nations transfer of Palestine to an independent Jewish state and an independent Arab state on May 15, the Israelis launched a military assault on the Arabs with blaring loudspeakers on their trucks informing the Arabs that if they did not flee immediately, they would be slaughtered. 800,000 Arabs with the recent memory of the Deir Yassin massacre at the forefront of their minds, fled in panic. 

They asked for help from nighbouring Arab states, but those states did not get involved as they were no match for the Israelis whose up to date military hardware had been supplied by the Jewish Stalinist regime in Russia. 

Del Yassin tent city

Following this assault, the Jews now controlled 78% of the former Palestine as oppose to the 57% that had been given to them illegally by the United Nations.

The Palestinians, many of them Christians, were never paid compensation for their homes, property and businesses stolen from them during this illegal Jewish assault, and these people ended up in slum refugee cities of tents.

Futhermore at least half of the Palestinians in their hurry to flee, left their birth certificates behind. 

The State of Israel then passed a law that only those who could prove citizenship were allowed to return to Israel, thus meaning these 400,000 Palestinians could not return and lost all their property they had left there.
Ashkenazi Jew, David Ben-Gurion, one of the father founders of Israel and its first Prime Minister, candidly describes Zionist aims in his diary (21 May 1948) as follows;

"The Achilles heel of the Arab coalition is the Lebanon. Muslim supremacy in this country is artificial and can easily be overthrown. A Christian State ought to be set up there, with its southern frontier on the river Litani. We would sign a treaty of alliance with this State.

Thus when we have broken the strength of the Arab Legion and bombed Amman, we could wipe out Trans-Jordan, after that Syria would fall. And if Egypt still dared to make war on us, we would bomb Port Said, Alexandria and Cairo.

We should thus end the war and would have but paid to Egypt, Assyria and Chaldea on behalf of our ancestors.”

1949:  On October 1, Mao Tse Tsung declares the founding of the People's Republic Of China in Tiananmen Square, Beijing. 

He is funded by Rothschild created Communism in Russia and also the following Rothschild agents: 

Solomon Adler, a former United States Treasury official who was a Soviet Spy; Israel Epstein, the son of a Jewish Bolshevik imprisoned by the Tsar in Russia for trying to forment a revolution there; and Frank Coe, a leading official of the Rothschild owned IMF.

1950: Israel passes their law of return, guaranteeing every Jew worldwide the right to dwell in the state of Israel, however the Palestinians even though they had lived there for 1300 years, were denied that right.

John Davitt, former chief of the Justice Department's internal security section notes that the Israeli intelligence service is the second most active in the United States after the Soviets and of course both Israel and the Soviet Union are run by an Ashkenazi Jewish leadership.

1951: On 1 April the Israeli Secret Intelligence Agency the Mossad, which will go on to terrorize the world, is formed.

The motto of the Mossad is probably the most disgusting secret service motto in the world, it is;

"By Way Of Deception, Thou Shalt Do War."

1953: N. M. Rothschild & Sons found the British Newfoundland Corporation Limited to develop 60,000 square miles of land in Newfoundland, Canada, which comprised a power station to harness the power of the Hamilton (later renamed Churchill) Falls.

At the time this was the largest construction project ever to be undertaken by a private company.

1954: "The Lavon Affair."  Israeli agents recruit Egyptian citizens of Jewish descent to bomb Western targets in Egypt, and plant evidence to frame Arabs, in an apparent attempt to upset American/Egyptian relations.

Israeli defense minister, Ashkenazi Jew, Pinhas Lavon is eventually removed from office, though many think real responsibility lay with David Ben-Gurion.

A hidden microphone planted by the Israelis is discovered in the Office of the US Ambassador in Tel Aviv.

1955: Edmond de Rothschild founds Compagnie Financiere, Paris.

1956: Telephone taps are found connected to two telephones in the residence of the US military attaché in Tel Aviv.

1957: James de Rothschild dies and it is reported (by the Rothschild owned media) that he bequeaths a large sum of money to the state of Israel to pay for the construction of their parliament building, the Knesset.

He states [or his family that want us to think it was him] that the Knesset should be;

"A symbol, in the eyes of all men, of the permanence of the State of Israel."

On page 219 of his book, "Tales of the British Aristocracy," L.G. Pine, the Editor of Burke’s Peerage, states that the Jews;

"Have made themselves so closely connected with the British peerage that the two classes are unlikely to suffer loss which is not mutual. So closely linked are the Jews and the lords that a blow against the Jews in this country would not be possible without injuring the aristocracy also."

Maurice de Rothschild dies in Paris.

1962: de Rothschild Frères establishes Imétal as an umbrella company for all their mineral mining interests.

Frederic Morton publishes his book, The Rothschilds, in which he states;

"Though they control scores of industrial, commercial, mining and tourist corporations, not one bears the name Rothschild. Being private partnerships, the family houses never need to, and never do, publish a single public balance sheet, or any other report of their financial condition."

This attitude reveals the true aim of the Rothschilds, to eliminate all competition and create their own worldwide monopoly.

1963: On June 4th President John F. Kennedy (the 35th President of the United States 1961 – 1963) signs Executive Order 11110 which returned to the U.S. government the power to issue currency, without going through the Rosthchilds owned Federal Reserve.

Less than 6 months later on November 22nd , president Kennedy is assassinated by the Rothschilds for the same reason as they assassinated President Abraham Lincoln in 1865, he wanted to print American money for the American people, as opposed to for the benefit of a money grabbing war mongering foreign elite.

Note the lack of FEDERAL RESERVE on the replacement currency that Kennedy was trying to introduce.

This Executive Order 11110, is rescinded by President Lyndon Baines Johnson (the 36th President of the United States 1963 to 1969) on Air Force One from Dallas to Washington, the same day as President Kennedy was assassinated.

Another, and probably the primary, reason for Kennedy's assassination is however, the fact that he made it quite clear to Israeli Prime Minister, David Ben-Gurion, that under no circumstances would he agree to Israel becoming a nuclear state. 

The Israeli newspaper Ha'aretz on February 5, 1999, in a review of, Avner Cohen's book, "Israel and the Bomb," states the following;

"The murder of American President John F. Kennedy brought to an abrupt end the massive pressure being applied by the U.S. administration on the government of Israel to discontinue the nuclear program...The book implied that, had Kennedy remained alive, it is doubtful whether Israel would today have a nuclear option."

Edmond de Rothschild establishes La Compagnie Financière Edmond de Rothschild (LCF), in Switzerland as a venture capital house.

This later develops into an investment bank and asset management company with many affiliates. He also marries his wife Nadine and they have a son, Benjamin de Rothschild.

1965: Israel illegally obtains enriched uranium from NUMEC (Nuclear Materials and Equipment Corporation).

1967: The treatment of the Palestinians by the Zionist Jews, finally ignites enough anger in the Arab world for Egypt, Jordan and Syria to mobilise on Israel's borders. All of these three countries are suddenly attacked by Israel and as a result the Sinai which included Gaza was stolen from Egypt, and the West Bank and the Jordan River stolen from Jordan.

As a result of this, on June 8, the Israelis launch an attack on the USS Liberty with Israeli aircraft and motor torpedo boats, in an effort to blame it on Egypt, to bring America into the war on their side, and of course follow to the letter, their Mossad motto;

"By Way Of Deception, Thou Shalt Do War."

As a result of their attack, 34 American servicemen were killed and 174 wounded.  Israel lies as usual, claiming it mistook this warship that was flying a large United States flag, for an ancient out-of-service Egyptian horse carrier El Quseir, that was 180 feet shorter.

They also claim the ship was in the war zone, when it was actually in international waters, far from any fighting.  The Israeli's attack on this warship lasts for 75 minutes during which time they shoot up one of the United States flags, resulting in the sailors desperately raising another one.

In the aftermath of this attack, the American sailors who survived are warned by the United States military not to discuss the matter with anyone due to, "national security."  This story gets no prominence in the Rothschild controlled mainstream media and as usual Israel is in no way even rebuked for their crimes by their subservient country of America.

The following day, June 9th, Israel illegally occupies the Golan Heights which it seizes from Syria. This area goes on to provide Israel with one third of its fresh water.

Israeli General Matityahu Peled, is quoted in Ha'aretz (19 March 1972) with the following statement;

"The thesis that the danger of genocide was hanging over us in June 1967 and that Israel was fighting for its physical existence is only bluff, which was born and developed after the war." 

Another sickening and deceptive statement but again at least he's consistent with the Mossad motto;

"By Way Of Deception, Thou Shalt Do War."

de Rothschild Frères is renamed Banque Rothschild.

1968: Noémie Halphen, wife of Maurice de Rothschild dies.

1970: While working for Senator Henry “Scoop” Jackson, Ashkenazi Jew, Richard Perle (below) is caught by the FBI giving classified information to Israel.

Nothing is done. British Prime Minister Edward Heath makes Lord Victor Rothschild the head of his policy unit. Whilst he is in that role Britain enters the European Community.

Paedophile and child murderer Ted Heath

1973: In his book, None Dare Call It Conspiracy, Gary Allen states;

"One major reason for the historical blackout on the role of the international bankers in political history is the Rothschilds were Jewish…

….The Jewish members of the conspiracy have used an organisation called The Anti-Defamation League (ADL) as an instrument to try and convince everyone that any mention of the Rothschilds and their allies is an attack on all Jews.

In this way they have stifled almost all honest scholarship on international bankers and made the subject taboo within universities.

Any individual or book exploring this subject is immediately attacked by hundreds of ADL communities all over the country. The ADL has never let the truth or logic interfere with its highly professional smear jobs…

….Actually, nobody has a right to be more angry at the Rothschild clique than their fellow Jews…

….The Rothschild empire helped finance Adolf Hitler.”

George J. Laurer an employee of the Rothschilds controlled IBM, invents the UPC (Universal Product Code) barcode which will eventually be placed upon every item traded worldwide and bear the number, 666. 

The Book of Revelation, Chapter 13, Verse 17 through 18, states the following in relation to this number;

"And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.

Here is wisdom.  Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is Six hundred threescore and six."

The whole Satanic aims of the Rothschilds are now in full view of the world, everything bought or sold carries the mark of the beast, 666.

N. M. Rothschild & Sons British Newfoundland Corporation, Churchill Falls project in Newfoundland, Canada, is completed.

N. M. Rothschild & Sons also create a new asset management part of the company which traded worldwide. This eventually became, Rothschild Private Management Limited.

Edmond de Rothschild, a great-grandson of Jacob (James) Mayer Rothschild, bought the cru bourgeois estate Château Clarke in Bordeaux.

1976:  Ashkenazi Jew, Harold Rosenthal, aide to Ashkenazi Jew, Senator Jacob Javits, states;

"Most Jews do not like to admit it, but our god is Lucifer."

1978: Ashkenazi Jew, Stephen Bryen, then a Senate Foreign Relations Committee staffer, is overheard in a Washington D.C. hotel offering confidential documents to top Israeli military officials. Bryen obtains a lawyer, Nathan Lewin, and the case heads for the grand jury, but is mysteriously dropped. Bryen later goes to work for Richard Perle.

1979: The Egyptian-Israeli peace treaty in 1979 was underwritten by United States aid which pledged $3 billion annually to Israel from the United States taxpayer (not even a drop in the ocean when you consider the amount they make off the Federal Reserve).

Shin Bet (the Israeli internal security agency) tries to penetrate the US Consulate General in Jerusalem through a “Honey Trap”, using a clerical employee who was having an affair with a Jerusalem girl.

Baron and Baroness Phillipi de Rothschild in a joint venture with Robert Mondavi, begin the construction of a pyramid in Napa Valley, California, where the leader/founder of the Church Of Satan, Ashkenazi Jew, Anton LaVey, was based. This is known as Opus 1 (which means, the first work), and the front for this temple is that it is a winery.

1980: The global phenomenon of privatisation starts. The Rothschilds are behind this from the very beginning in order to seize control of all publicly owned assets worldwide.

1981: Banque Rothschild is nationalised by the French government. The new bank is called, Compagnie Européenne de Banque. The Rothschilds subsequently set up a successor to this French bank, Rothschild & Cie Banque (RCB), which goes on to become a leading French investment house.

1982:  From September 16 to 18, future Prime Minister of Israel and then Defence Minister, Ashkenazi Jew, Ariel Sharon, orchestrates Israel's invasion of Lebanon, which provided ariel lighting in order to facilitate the killing of between 1000 and 2000 men, women and children in the Sabra and Shatila massacres.

1985: Eustace Mullins publishes, "Who Owns The TV Networks," in which he reveals the Rothschilds have control of all three major U.S. Networks, which are: NBC; CBS; and ABC.

The New York Times reports the FBI is aware of at least a dozen incidents in which American officials transferred classified information to the Israelis, quoting (former Assistant Director of the F.B.I.) Raymond Wannal. The Justice Department does not prosecute.

Richard Smyth, the owner of MILCO, is indicted on charges of smuggling nuclear timing devices to Israel.

N. M. Rothschild & Sons advise the British government on the privatisation of British Gas. They subsequently advise the British government on virtually all of their other privatisations of state owned assets including: British Steel; British Coal; all the British regional electricity boards; and all the British regional water boards.

A British MP heavily involved in these privatisations is future Chancellor of the Exchequer, Norman Lamont (above), a former Rothschild banker.

1986: Mordechai Vanunu a technician at Dimona, Israel's nuclear installation, from 1976 to 1985, discovers that the plant was secretly producing nuclear weapons.

His conscience made him speak out and in 1986 he provided the London Sunday Times with the facts and photos they used to tell the world about Israel's nuclear weapons programme.

His evidence showed that Israel had stockpiled up to 200 nuclear warheads, with no debate or authorisation from it own citizens. On 30th September 1986, Vanunu was lured from London to Rome. There he was kidnapped, drugged and shipped to Israel.

After a secret trial he was sentenced to 18 years for, "treason," and, "espionage," (something Israel are very familiar with) though he had received no payment and had communicated with no foreign power.

He goes on to be held in complete isolation for 11 years, only allowed occasional visits from his family, lawyer and a priest, conducted through a metal screen. Although he completes his sentence, the Israeli government continues to hold him against his will.

1987: Edmond de Rothschild creates the World Conservation Bank which is designed to transfer debts from third world countries to this bank and in return those countries would give land to this bank.

This is designed so the Rothschilds can gain control of the third world which represents 30% of the land surface of the Earth.

On April 24 the Wall Street Journal reveals the, "Role of Israel in Iran-Contra Scandal Won't be Explored in Detail by Panels."

1988: The ADL initiate a nationwide competition for law students to draft anti-hate legislation for minority groups. That competition is won by a man named, Joseph Ribakoff, whose thesis proposes that not only must hate motivated violence be banned, but also any words which stimulate: supiscion; friction; hate; and possible violence, these must also be criminalised.

This ADL prize-winning paper suggests that not only should state-agencies monitor and restrict free speech in general, but they should also censor all films that criticize identifiable groups.

Furthermore, even if the person making the statement can justify it, for example Christians criticizing homosexuality because the bible expressly forbids it, Ribakoff asserts that the truth is to be no defence in court.

The only proof a court will need in order to secure a conviction of hate speech is that something has been said, and a minority group or member of such group has felt emotionally damaged as a result of such criticism. Therefore, under these proposals which the ADL will have forced into law all over the world less than 15 years later, Jesus Christ would have been arrested as a hate criminal.
This law is designed to protect the Rothschild conspiracy from being revealed in that if you criticize the Rothschilds criminal cabal, you will be targeted as anti-semitic, and thus risk imprisonment.

Philippe de Rothschild dies.

1989: Many of the satellite states in Eastern Europe, through the influence of Glasnost, become more open in their demands of freedom from Communist governance in their Republics.

Many revolutions happen in 1989, most of them involving the overthrow of their respective Communist governments and the replacement of them with Republics.

Thus, the hold the Communists had over Eastern Europe (the Iron Curtain) becomes very weak. Eventually, as a result of Perestroika and Glasnost, Communism collapses, not only in the Soviet Union but also in Eastern Europe.

In Russia, Boris Yeltsin (whose wife is the daughter of Joseph Stalin’s marriage to Rosa Kaganovich) and the Republican government takes steps to end the power of the Communist party by suspending and banning the party and seizing all their property.

This symbolised the fall of Communism in Russia, and resulted in the start of a mass exodus of 700,000 Jews from the former Soviet Union to Israel.

In the Israeli Journal, Hotam (24 November 1989), there is a report of a speech that then Israeli Deputy Foreign Minister, Ashkenazi Jew, Binyamin Netanyahu, gave to students at Bar Ilan University in which he states:

"Israel should have exploited the repression of the demonstrations in China, when world attention focused on that country, to carry out mass expulsions among the Arabs of the territories."

The London and Paris Rothschilds announce the launch of a new subsidiary, Rothschild GmbH, in Frankfurt, Germany.

1991:  Following the Iraqi invasion of Kuwait on August 2, 1990, on January 16 of this year the United States and Britain began an aerial bombing campaign of targets within Iraq. On 24 February the ground campaign commenced which was to last 100 hours until on February 28 when a horrendous war crime occurred.

This crime was the slaughter of 150,000 Iraqi troops with fuel air bombs. These Iraqis were fleeing on a crowded highway from Kuwait to Basra.  President George Herbert Walker Bush ordered United States military aircraft and ground units to kill these surrendering troops, they were then bulldozed into mass unmarked graves in the desert, some still alive.

President Bush then ordered a cessation of hostilities. What was the significance of this slaughter and President Bush declaring the war over on this day? Well it was the day the, "Day of Purim," fell on this year.

This the day the Jews [or more accurately the Ashkenazi Satanist Zionists; - not to be confused with the members of the Jewish faith within which they hide] celebrate their victory over Ancient Babylon, now based within the borders of Iraq and a day when the Jews are encouraged to get bloody revenge against their perceived enemies.

At the Bilderberg Conference on June 6 to 9 of this year, in Baden-Baden, Germany, David Rockefeller (a Rothschild technically in that the Rockefeller family is a feminine branch-off of the Rothchild family) made the following statement;

"We are grateful to the Washington Post, the New York Times, Time Magazine, and other great publications whose directors have attended our meetings and respected their promises of discretion for almost 40 years. 

It would have been impossible for us to develop our plan for the world, if we had been subjected to the lights of publicity during those years.

But the world is now more sophisticated and prepared to march towards a world government.  The super-national sovereignty of an intellectual elite and world bankers is surely preferable to the national auto-determination practised in past centuries."

1992: In March, former Federal Reserve Board Chairman, Paul A. Volcker became Chairman of the European banking firm, J. Rothschild, Wolfensohn and Co.

Paul Volcker

Stephen Bryen, caught offering confidential documents to Israel in 1978, is serving on board of the pro-Israeli Jewish Institute for National Security Affairs while continuing as a paid consultant, with security clearance, on exports of sensitive US technology.

The Samson Option,” by Seymour M. Hersh reports;

"Illicitly obtained intelligence was flying so voluminously from LAKAM (a secret Israeli intelligence unit, a Hebrew acronym for Scientific Liaison Bureau) into Israeli intelligence that a special code name, JUMBO, was added to the security markings already on the documents.

There were strict orders, Ari Ben-Menashe recalled,
“Anything marked JUMBO was not supposed to be discussed with your American counterparts.”"

The Wall Street Journal reports that Israeli agents apparently tried to steal Recon Optical Inc's top-secret airborne spy-camera system.

On September 16th Britain’s pound collapses when currency speculators led by Rothschild agent, Ashkenazi Jew, George Soros, borrow pounds and sell them for Deutsche Marks, in the expectation of being able to repay the loan in devalued currency and to pocket the difference.

Rothschild bag man George Soros

This results in the British Chancellor of the Exchequer, Norman Lamont, announcing a rise in interest rates of 5% in one day and as a result drives Britain into a recession which lasts many years as large numbers of businesses fail and the housing market crashes.

This is right on cue for the Rothschilds, after they had privatised Britain’s state owned assets during the 1980’s, driven the share price up, and then collapsed the markets so they could buy them up for pennies on the pound, a carbon copy of what Nathan Mayer Rothschild did to the British economy 180 years before, in 1812.

The Chancellor of the Exchequer is the title held by the British Cabinet minister who is responsible for all economic and financial matters, equivalent to the role of Secretary of the Treasury or Minister of Finance in other nations. Often simply called the Chancellor, the office-holder controls HM Treasury. The position is considered one of the four Great Offices of State, and in recent times has come to be the most powerful office in British politics after the Prime Minister.

It cannot be overstated that the Chancellor of the Exchequer at that time, Norman Lamont, prior to becoming a MP, was a Merchant Banker with N. M. Rothschild and Sons, who he joined after reading Economics at Cambridge.

1993: Norman Lamont leaves the British government to return to N. M. Rothschild and Sons as a director, after his mission to collapse the British economy to profit the Rothschilds is accomplished.

Former Congressman, Paul Findley publishes his seminal book, Deliberate Deceptions: Facing the Facts About the U.S. Israeli Relationship.

In this book he lists the 65 United Nations Member Resolutions against Israel from the period 1955 to 1992, and the 30 United States vetoes on Israel’s behalf which if not made would have seen Israel have 95 resolutions against them at this point.

No matter, even with Israel’s puppet the United States helping them terrorise others, the 65 Resolutions passed against Israel are more than all the Resolutions passed against all other countries combined.

Not that Israel care too much about the views of the United Nations when you consider that less than two weeks after Israel’s attack on the USS Liberty (an attack designed to sink the Liberty and blame it on Egypt prompting the USA into a war with Egypt on behalf of Israeli Lies, remember the Mossad motto, “By Way Of Deception, Thou Shalt Do War”), the Israeli Foreign Minister, Aba Eban, stated of the United Nations;

"If the General Assembly were to vote by 121 votes to 1 in favor of, "Israel," returning to the armistice lines (pre June 1967 borders), "Israel," would refuse to comply with the decision"

- New York Times, 19 June 1967.

The ADL is caught operating a massive spying operation on critics of Israel, Arab-Americans, the San Francisco Labor Council, ILWU Local 10, Oakland Educational Association, NAACP, Irish Northern Aid, International Indian Treaty Council, the Asian Law Caucus and the San Francisco Police.

Data collected was sent to Israel and in some cases to South Africa. Pressure from Jewish organizations forces the city to drop the criminal case, but the ADL settles a civil lawsuit for an undisclosed sum of cash.

1995: Former atomic energy scientist, Dr Kitty Little claims the Rothschilds now control 80% of the world’s uranium supplies giving them a monopoly over nuclear power.

The Defense Investigative Service circulates a memo warning US military contractors that;;

"Israel aggressively collects (US) military and industrial technology."

The report stated that Israel obtains information using;

"Ethnic targeting, financial aggrandizement, and identification and exploitation of individual frailties," of US citizens.

1996: A General Accounting Office report, "Defense Industrial Security: Weaknesses in US Security Arrangements With Foreign-Owned Defense Contractors," found that according to intelligence sources, "Country A," (identified by intelligence sources as Israel, Washington Times, 22 February 1996);

"Conducts the most aggressive espionage operation against the United States of any US ally."

A PDF file of the report is here.

An unformated text version is here.

The Jerusalem Post (30 August 1996) quoted the report;

"Classified military information and sensitive military technologies are high-priority targets for the intelligence agencies of this country."

The report described:

"An espionage operation run by the intelligence organization responsible for collecting scientific and technologic information for (Israel) paid a US government employee to obtain US classified military intelligence documents."

The Washington Report on Middle East Affairs (Shawn L. Twing, April 1996) noted that this was;

"A reference to the 1985 arrest of Jonathan Pollard, a civilian US naval intelligence analyst who provided Israel's LAKAM espionage agency an estimated 800,000 pages of classified US intelligence information."

The GAO report also noted that, "Several citizens of (Israel) were caught in the United States stealing sensitive technology used in manufacturing artillery gun tubes."

Office of Naval Intelligence

An Office of Naval Intelligence document, "Worldwide Challenges to Naval Strike Warfare" reported that;

"US technology has been acquired (by China) through Israel in the form of the Lavi fighter and possibly SAM (surface-to-air) missile technology."

Jane's Defense Weekly (28 February 1996) noted that, "Until now, the intelligence community has not openly confirmed the transfer of US technology (via Israel) to China." 

The report noted that this,
"Represents a dramatic step forward for Chinese military aviation."

(Flight International, 13 March 1996).

Amschel Rothschild, 41, is strangled with the heavy cord of his own towel robe in his hotel room in Paris. French Prime Minister orders the French Police to close their investigation, and, Rupert Murdoch, born of a Jewish mother and so a Jew by Ashkenazi standards, instructs his editors and news managers around the world to report it as a heart attack, if they need to report it at all.

[It is intimated that any Rothschild that refuses to go along with the intergenerational satanic illuminati plan will pay for that decision with their life].

On 12 May United Nations Ambassador and Ashkenazi Jew, Madeleine Albright, when appearing on 60 Minutes, was asked the following by correspondent Lesley Stahl, in reference to the years of United States led economic sanctions against Iraq;

"We have heard that half a million children have died. I mean, that is more children than died in Hiroshima. And, you know, is the price worth it?"

To which Ambassador Albright replied;

"I think that is a very hard choice, but the price, we think, the price is worth it."

Her comments cause no public outcry.  In fact, the holocaust of half a million Iraqi children is positively admired by the United States government when you consider less than 8 months later, President Clinton appointed Albright as secretary of state

Madeleine Albright

Whilst appearing before the Senate Committee, who were considering her appointment, Albright is literally chomping at the bit for the blood of more Iraqi children and she states;

"We will insist on maintaining tough UN sanctions against Iraq unless and until that regime complies with relevant Security Council resolutions."

1997: An Army mechanical engineer, Ashkenazi Jew, David A. Tenenbaum, "inadvertently," gives classified military information on missile systems and armored vehicles to Israeli officials (New York Times, 20 February 1997).

The Washington Post reports US intelligence has intercepted a conversation in which two Israeli officials had discussed the possibility of getting a confidential letter that then-Secretary of State Warren Christopher had written to Palestinian leader Yasser Arafat.

Warren Christopher

One of the Israelis, identified only as, “Dov,” had commented that they may get the letter from, “Mega,” the code name for Israel’s top agent inside the United States.

US ambassador to Israel, Martin Indyk, complains privately to the Israeli government about heavy-handed surveillance by Israeli intelligence agents.

Monica Lewinski

Israeli agents place a tap on Ashkenazi Jew and daughter of a Rabbi, Monica Lewinsky’s, phone at the Watergate and record phone sex sessions between her and President Bill Clinton.

The Ken Starr report confirms that Clinton warned Lewinsky their conversations were being taped and ended the affair. Interestingly, at the same time, the FBI’s hunt for, "Mega," is called off.

On 29 October Edmond de Rothschild dies in Geneva. Interestingly on the exact same day Anton Szandor LaVey, the founder of the Church of Satan also dies, who in his book, "Satan Speaks," he states in relation to The Protocols Of The Elders Of Zion;

"The first time I read the Protocols of the Elders of Zion, my instinctive reaction was, So what's wrong with THAT? Isn't that the way any master plan should work? Doesn't the public deserve - nay, demand - such despotism?"

Kofi Annan becomes Secretary General to the United Nations. He is married to Nane Lagergren, a Rothschild, who he wed in 1984.

1998: The European Central Bank is set up in Frankfurt, the city from which the Rothschilds originate.

2000: George W. Bush is elected (so they tell me) President of the United States. Bush and his family claim to be descendants of the House of Plantagenet which is descended from the Royal House of Judah.

There is further information relating to this lineage claim in this related article:

The Actual Structure And Bloodline Families Comprising The Leadership Of The Illuminati

2001: On September 11th the attack on the World Trade Center is orchestrated by Israel with the complicity of Britain and America, under the orders of the Rothschilds as a pretext for removing the liberty of people worldwide in exchange for security, just as happened with the Reichstag fire in Germany where the citizens were lied to in order to give up liberty for security.

They also will use the attacks to gain control of the few nations in the world who don’t allow Rothschild central banks and so less than one month after these attacks, US forces attack Afghanistan, one of only 3 nations in the world who don’t have a Rothschild controlled central bank.

Less than a week before the 9-11 attack on 5 September, the so-called lead hijacker Mohamed Atta and several other hijackers made a still-unexplained visit onboard one of Pro Israeli lobbyist, Ashkenazi Jew, Jack Abramoff’s casino boats.

Jack Abramoff

No investigation is undertaken as to what they were doing there. It is discovered that US drug agents’ communications have been penetrated. Suspicion falls on two companies, AMDOCS and Comverse Infosys, both owned by Israelis. AMDOCS generates billing data for most US phone companies and is able to provide detailed logs of who is talking to whom.

Comverse Infosys builds the tapping equipment used by law enforcement to eavesdrop on all American telephone calls, but suspicion forms that Comverse Infosys, which gets half of its research and development budget from the Israeli government, has built a back door into the system that is being exploited by Israeli intelligence and that the information gleaned on US drug interdiction efforts is finding its way to drug smugglers.

The investigation by the FBI leads to the exposure of the largest foreign spy ring ever uncovered inside the United States, operated by Israel. Half of the suspected spies have been arrested when 9-11 happens.

On 9-11, 5 Israelis are arrested for dancing and cheering while the World Trade Towers collapse. Supposedly employed by Urban Moving Systems, the Israelis are caught with multiple passports and a lot of cash.

Two of them are later revealed to be Mossad. As witness reports track the activity of the Israelis, it emerges that they were seen at Liberty Park at the time of the first impact, suggesting a foreknowledge of what was to come. The Israelis are interrogated, and then eventually sent back to Israel.

The owner of the moving company used as a cover by the Mossad agents abandons his business and flees to Israel.

The United States Government then classifies all of the evidence related to the Israeli agents and their connections to 9-11.

All of this is reported to the public via a four part story on Fox News by Carl Cameron. Pressure from Jewish groups, primarily AIPAC, forces Fox News to remove the story from their website.

Two hours prior to the 9-11 attacks, Odigo, an Israeli company with offices just a few blocks from the World Trade Towers, receives an advance warning via the internet.

The manager of the New York Office provides the FBI with the IP address of the sender of the message, but the FBI does not follow this up. The FBI is investigating 5 Israeli moving companies as possible fronts for Israeli intelligence.

It is revealed that prior to the attack millions of dollars of put options on both American Airlines and United Airlines, were traded.  The FBI have promised to followed the purchasers up, but have never revealed their findings.

That is because this would lead directly to Israel, the state behind the 911 attacks.

Following the World Trade Center attack, anonymous letters containing anthrax are sent to various politicians and media executives.

Like the 9-11 attack this is immediately blamed on Al-Qaeda , until it is discovered that the anthrax contained within those letters is a specific type of weaponized anthrax made by a United States military laboratory.

The FBI then discover that the main suspect for these anthrax letters is a Ashkenazi Jew, Dr. Philip Zack, who had been reprimanded several times by his employers due to offensive remarks he made about Arabs.

Dr. Philip Zack, was caught on camera entering the storage area where he worked at Fort Detrick which is where the Anthrax was kept. At this point, both the FBI and the mainstream media stopped making any public comments on the case.

Jewish Defence League Chairman since 1985, Ashkenazi Jew, Irv Rubin is jailed for allegedly plotting to bomb a mosque and the offices of a Arab-American congressman.  He dies shortly after slitting his throat in a suicide attempt, before he can be brought to trial.

One week prior to the WTC attack, the Zim Shipping Company moves out of its offices in the WTC, breaking its lease and costing the company $50,000.

No reason has ever been given, but Zim Shipping Company is half owned by the State of Israel (The Rothschilds).

On October 3, Israeli Prime Minister, Ariel Sharon, makes the following statement to Ashkenazi Jew, Shimon Peres, as reported on Kol Yisrael radio.

"Every time we do something you tell me America will do this and will do that....I want to tell you something very clear, don't worry about American pressure on Israel.  We, the Jewish people, control America, and the Americans know it."

2002: Webster's Third New International Dictionary (Unabridged), re-printed in 2002, provides a new definition of Anti Semitism which has not been updated since 1956. It reads;

"Anti-Semitism: (1) hostility toward Jews as a religious or racial minority group, often accompanied by social, political or economic discrimination (2) opposition to Zionism (3) sympathy for the opponents of Israel."

It was definition (2) and (3) that were added in the 2002 edition, just before the USA decide to invade Iraq under orders from the State of Rothschild, I mean Israel. 

Also this year, the Prime Minister of Israel, war criminal, Ariel Sharon, orders the massacre in the Jenin refugee camp in the West Bank. Best get that definition updated to protect these criminals.

The DEA issues a report that Israeli spies, posing as art students, have been trying to penetrate US Government offices.

Police near the Whidbey Island Naval Air Station in southern Washington State stop a suspicious truck and detain two Israelis, one of whom is illegally in the United States. The two men were driving at high speed in a Ryder rental truck, which they claimed had been used to, "deliver furniture."

The next day, police discovered traces of TNT and RDX military-grade plastic explosives inside the passenger cabin and on the steering wheel of the vehicle. The FBI then announces that the tests that showed explosives were, "false positived," by cigarette smoke, a claim test experts say is ridiculous.

Based on an alibi provided by a woman, the case is closed and the Israelis are handed over to INS to be sent back to Israel. One week later, the woman who provided the alibi vanishes.

2003: The United States invade Iraq on 19 March, which this year is the holy, "Day of Purim," in the Jewish calendar.

"Day of Purim," is a day the Jews celebrate their victory over Ancient Babylon, now based within the borders of Iraq, how interesting.

What is also significant is that the previous U.S. led invasion of Iraq ended on the Day of Purim ten years earlier with the slaughter of 150,000 fleeing Iraqis under the current President's father, George Herbert Walker Bush. 

Purim is also the time when the Jews are encouraged to get bloody revenge against their perceived enemies

Ancient Babylon, I mean Iraq, is now one of less than a handful of nations left in the world who don’t have a Rothschild controlled central bank.

This war is mainly about stealing Iraq’s water supply for Israel and is being fought with the blood of the American military which the State of Rothschild, I mean Israel; control.

Israel has always struggled for water, it had to steal the Golan Heights from Syria which provided Israel with one third of its fresh water 36 years before, yet still in Israel water extraction has surpassed replacement by 2.5 billion metres in the last 25 years.

;This means the water is far more precious to them than the oil reserves which are the second largest reserves of oil on the planet.

Malaysian Prime Minister Mahathir Mohamed states in a speech;

"Jews rule the world by proxy. They get others to fight and die for them."

The Police Chief of Cloudcroft stops a truck speeding through a school zone. The drivers turn out to be Israelis with expired passports. Claiming to be movers, the truck contains junk furniture and several boxes.

The Israelis are handed over to immigration. The contents of the boxers are not revealed to the public.

Israel deploys assassination squads into other countries, including the United States. The US Government does not protest.

2004: Two years into an investigation of AIPAC’s (The American Israel Public Affairs Committee – the largest political lobbying group in the USA with over 65,000 members whose only purpose is to use the USA for the purposes of Israel) possible role as a spy front for Israel, Ashkenazi Jew, Larry Franklin, a mid-level Pentagon Analyst is observed by the FBI giving classified information to two officials of AIPAC suspected of being Israeli spies.

Larry Franklin

AIPAC hires lawyer Nathan Lewin to handle their legal defense, the same lawyer who defended suspected Israeli spy Stephen Bryen in 1978.

Larry Franklin worked in the Pentagon Office of Special Plans, run by Richard Perle, at the time Perle (who was caught giving classified information to Israel back in 1970) was insisting that Iraq was crawling with weapons of mass destruction requiring the United States to invade and conquer Iraq.

There were no WMDs, of course, and Perle has dumped the blame for the, "bad intelligence," on George Tenet.

But what is known is that the Pentagon Office of Special Plans was coordinating with a similar group in Israel, in Ariel Sharon’s office.


With two suspected Israeli spies (at least) inside the office from which the lies that launched the war in Iraq originated, it appears that the people of the United States are the victims of a deadly hoax, a hoax that started a war using the blood and money of American citizens for the purposes of Israeli oppression.

The leaking of the investigation of AIPAC to the media on August 28th, 2004 gave advance warning to other spies working with Franklin.

The damage to the FBI’s investigation was completed when United States Attorney General John Ashcroft ordered the FBI to stop all arrests in the case.

John Ascroft

Like the Stephen Bryen case and the hunt for, "Mega," this latest spy scandal seems destined by officials who have their own secret allegiances to protect, barring a massive public outcry.

Police near the Nuclear Fuel Services plant in Tennessee stop a truck after a three mile chase, during which the driver throws a bottle containing a strange liquid from the cab. The drivers turn out to be Israelis using fake identifications. The FBI refuses to investigate and the Israelis are released.

Two Israelis try to enter Kings Bay Naval Submarine Base, home to eight Trident submarines. The truck tests positive for explosives.

The National Director of the ADL, Abraham H. Foxman, publishes a book entitled, "Never Again?  The Threat Of The New Anti-Semitism," in which he states that the New Testament's "lie," that the ancient Pharisees were responsible for the death of Christ, has been responsible for anti-semitism throughout the millennia and thus the New Testament of the bible is, "hate speech," and should be censored or banned.

2005: On January 20, President Bush makes the following statement as part of his second inaugural address;

"When our Founders declared a new order of the ages."  This is not true. 

The founders did not declare a, "new order of the ages,".

President Roosevelt did when in 1933, he put it's latin translation, "Novus Ordo Seclorum," on the dollar bill.

On 7 July the London Underground Network is bombed. Israel’s Finance Minister, Binyamin Netanyahu is in London on the morning of the attacks in order to attend an economic conference in a hotel over the underground station where one of the blasts occurred, but stayed in his hotel room instead after he had been informed by Israeli intelligence officials attacks were expected.

There are now only 5 nations on the world left without a Rothschild controlled central bank: Iran; North Korea; Sudan; Cuba; and Libya.

Physics Professor, Stephen E. Jones of Brigham Young University publishes a paper in which he proves the World Trade Center buildings could have only been brought down in the manner they were by explosives:

Steven E. Jones A Physics Professor Speaks Out on 9-11: Reason, Publicity, and Reaction

He receives no coverage in the mainstream media for his scientific and provable claims.

2006: The Edmond De Rothschild Banque, a subsidiary of Europe's Edmond De Rothschild family bank group in France, becomes the first foreign family bank that has obtained approval of the China Banking Regulatory Commission and entered China's financial market.

The ADL ruthlessly leans on governments throughout the world to pass hate crimes legislation, as they are scared that the criminal cabal that is Israel and the Rothschilds is being exposed more and more on a daily basis, predominantly on the internet. Their job is to protect this criminal network and what better way to do it than by passing laws in which anyone who exposes a Jewish criminal becomes a criminal.

David Irving is sentenced to three years in jail in Austria, for denying the holocaust.  It is important to note that the only historical event you can be arrested for questioning is the holocaust. 

This is because this has been the Rothschilds greatest weapon in brainwashing YOU, THE STUPID GOY! is that the Jews are so poor and persecuted when in actual fact they control the vast majority of international finance and international corporations throughout the world.

This of course is not where the story ends but one day in the not too distant future, the story of the Rothschilds will come to an abrupt end.

The truth of their past will be fully exposed for all to see in the public domain - and a genie cannot be put back into a bottle.


Here is a link to 6 pages of autographs from the 1929 Zionist congress with some very interesting names on it.

Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi

Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi
Babylonian Money Magic & How Modern "Commercial Law" Is Based On Ancient Babylonian Codes
March 2 2018 | From: WayOfMessiah / BibleBelievers

The modern “magic” of creating money out of thin air had its roots in the ancient city of Babylon, some 600 years before the birth of Messiah. Practitioners of the craft were known historically as “money changers”, as in “change your money from your hand to mine”.

Today, adepts in the monetary black arts go by the sanitized term banker, practicing the same evils as their forebears with increasingly more sophisticated methods of robbing from the poor to give to the rich, a modern day sick and twisted Robbing Hood.

The Magic of Money

Money is “created” in a debt-based monetary system. Money only comes into being when credit is established.

You walk into a bank, borrow $250,000 for a new Ferrari, a mark is made on the bank’s ledger, and VOILA! $250,000 exist where it didn’t exist before, simply by virtue of the fact you signed your name on a piece of paper promising to pay back that sum of money.

And now, by the magic of “fractional reserve banking”, the fraudsters can now loan out 10 times that amount to other unsuspecting victims. A thing of real beauty, isn’t it?

Here’s how it all started.

From Goldsmith to Money Maker

Back in the day, goldsmiths were an honest bunch, plying their trade like any other hardworking citizen of the realm. Having the ability to safely store valuables, the goldsmith’s vault was an obvious choice that people naturally gravitated to for storage of their own gold and silver. It was much easier to hold a receipt than to carry around a ton of weight in gold and silver coin. Made your pants sag. Painted a big target on your forehead for muggers and thieves, too.

Soon, the goldsmith / banker got the bright idea to suggest to the people they could just trade the paper for their everyday purchases rather than make regular trips to the vault. Much more convenient, eh? And there’s still that ever-present highway robbery to think about. (“Muahaha” he chuckles in private, wringing his hands and licking his lips in gleeful anticipation).

For you see, the goldsmith turned banker had realized that by making the receipt payable to the bearer rather than to the individual depositor, it would be readily transferable without the need for a signature. He also realized that very few depositors ever came in at one time to demand their gold or silver.

So he began to think to himself (people hadn’t learned to think to others back then), “Why not take advantage of that little fact”? “Why not loan out more receipts than we have gold to back them and collect the interest on them? No one will be the wiser, nobody gets hurt, we get rich, and the world is indeed a very happy place”!

And thus, Fractional Reserve Banking was born. Or spawned, considering the source. And Jezebel, the bride of Baal, the Queen of Heaven, the Spirit of Babylon, dug her talons deeply into the hide of the world’s finance. And the world is indeed not a very happy place because of it.

The infographic below shows that after roughly 28 times of the fractional-reserve process, the banking system has created 9,000 dollars from the initial deposit of $1,000.

Click on the image above to open a larger version in a new window

How you ask? How do we come out of Babylon? Read this short history of the money changers’ control of nations first, then I’ll give you a couple of clues. As my Mama used to say, if the shoe fits, wear it. If the message isn’t for you, then I praise Yah you’ve begun clawing your way out of the clutches of the pervasive Babylonian system.

Money Changers – A Brief History

Around 50 B.C. Julius Caesar took control of the monetary system of the realm by minting coins to be used in daily commerce. With a plentiful supply of real money, the kingdom prospered, business flourished and everyone benefited. Everyone but the money changers that is, whose livelihood was turned upside down as their control over the nation’s finance was stripped out from under them.

Their power would not lie long dormant however. They set about scheming to retake control, and Caesar was assassinated shortly after. It wasn’t long that corruption returned, taxes increased and the money supply was reduced by 90%, causing businesses to fail, people lost homes and lands, and poverty became the norm. Sound familiar?

As an aside, the U.S. dollar has lost over 96% of its purchasing power since 1913 when the money changers (Federal Reserve) first took control of America’s money system.

30 A.D. Yahshua stormed the Temple with righteous anger, overturning the money changers’ tables and whipping them severely about the head and shoulders to run them out of the Temple, declaring “make not my Father’s house an house of merchandise.” These same money changers called for His death days later.

1000 A.D. The money changers had long ago discovered that control over a fraudulent money supply not only gave them control over the assets of the people, but in a very real way, control over the government of the people.

Here’s how they learned to make money on the backs of the people with the sanction of their own government:

Let’s say the goldsmith pays you, the depositor, 5% interest on gold you have deposited with him. He then charges you 5% interest for the “money”, or the receipts he loans you in return. A wash, right? Well, sort of. Except he now lends out ten times in fraudulent receipts what you have deposited with him.

You earn 5% while he’s earning 50%. ON YOUR GOLD! Did I say earn? Sorry. It’s theft, pure and simple.

They exacted their control by a process of easy money/tight money cycles. By making money easy to borrow, the amount of money in circulation is increased. When the money grubbers, err…changers are satisfied enough suckers have taken the bait, the trap is sprung.

The boom and bust cycles are all rigged:

Click on the image above to open a larger version in a new window

Suddenly money supply is tightened. They make loans difficult or impossible to get which results in a decrease of money in circulation.

The end result was that a percentage of the people would be unable to repay their loans and being unable to make new loans, they went bankrupt, forced to sell their assets to the lenders for pennies on the dollar.

This trick is still being used to suck the financial life blood out of the people of the world to this day.

It’s called by sophisticated words like “boom and bust”, “the business cycle”, “inflation”, “recession”, “depression” and it keeps you and me confused and blind to their dark magic. The language has changed, but the fraud is the same as it always has been. And the world is indeed a much less happy place for it.

1100 A.D. The reign of King Henry I brings a new form of money that stripped the money changers of their unrighteous dominion over people and nations that lasted for over 700 years. He created a currency called a tally stick. It was a stick of polished wood with notches cut along one side, the number of which indicated the denomination of the amount of money represented by the stick.

It was then split lengthwise with each half bearing identical notches. One half went into circulation, the other half was kept by the king. It made counterfeiting impossible.

The system was a huge success, as the King’s taxes were to be paid by tally stick, which increased circulation and assured its acceptance as a legitimate form of money. It also kept the money changers from gaining control of the money supply.

Which didn’t sit well with them for a very long time. And the world was indeed a much happier place. More on the money changers in a future essay, which will deal more specifically with a certain Mr. Amschel Mayer Bauer and his progeny.

Meanwhile, back to the question of How To Come Out Of Babylon. Very simply in the words of our old friend Kaye Large - ADMIT IT AND QUIT IT! You certainly can’t “Come out of Babylon” if you don’t admit you’re in it!

Christmas and Easter are so obviously Babylonian in their historical roots that it astounds me so many Christians continue to celebrate them. Everyone has the internet these days. Do a search for the pagan roots of both of these holidays.

Deu 12:30-32 “Take heed to thyself that thou be not snared by following them, after that they be destroyed from before thee; and that thou inquire not after their gods, saying, How did these nations serve their gods? even so will I do likewise.

Thou shalt not do so unto the LORD thy God: for every abomination to the LORD, which he hateth, have they done unto their gods; for even their sons and their daughters they have burnt in the fire to their gods.

What thing soever I command you, observe to do it: thou shalt not add thereto, nor diminish from it.”

It was on the basis of this passage that I and my family turned from celebrating these holidays more than twenty five years ago. I say this in love, especially to those of my friends who have known me since then.

For the sake of yourselves, your children, the God you say you want to please, let His Word speak to you and then do as He says!

Modern "Commercial Law" Is Based On Ancient Babylonian Codes

A Historical Research Article Linking the "Slave-Trading Codes" of Ancient Babylon to the Modern Laws of "Commerce", "Equity", and Civil/Municipal Jurisdictions.

Meyer Amschel Rothschild said: "Permit me to issue and control the money of a nation, and I care not who makes its laws . . . enforced unemployment and hunger, imposed on the masses because of the power we have to create shortages of food, will create the RIGHT of Capital to rule more surely than it was given to the real aristocracy."

A new union between Babylonian religions, Babylonian banking and Babylonian law is returning the world to serfdom.

When the Romans Conquered the Nation of Israel, shortly before the time of Jesus Christ or Yeshuah Messiah; they set-up a "Puppet Regime" in Israel, so-as-to more effectively Mask the harsh reality that the Israelites were a Conquered People. And because "Law" was frequently administered by a "Priesthood" in these ancient cultures, a group of priests known as "Pharisees" thereunder Combined with the Romans to Deceive, Confuse, Plunder, and En-Slave the common Israelite People.

And because Christ / Messiah Jesus / Yeshuah was a Threat to that Oppressive / Despotic system; both factions of these over-lapping "special-interest-groups" Conspired to have Jesus / Yeshuah Nailed to the Cross / Stake.

The Pharisees were Direct Participants in this Lawless Conspiracy to Murder this Innocent Man; even tho is seems that it was Roman Soldiers who actually completed the execution.

These same Pharisees base their entire Religious Belief-System upon a body of Laws which is Not from the Ancient Jewish / Israelite Laws, which reach back to the teachings of Moses. Rather these Pharisees look to a body of so-called "Laws" which derive from "Slave-Trading Codes" in Ancient Babylon; and quite probably reaching back to Nimrod himself.

The fact that the religion of the Pharisees has never been recorded as having become extinct, indicates that they and their Slave-Trading practices continue on to exist to this very day. In their own literature, the modern practitioners of "Rabbinical Judaism" Admit (quietly) that they are decedents from those ancient Pharisees.

In their own book entitled "The Jewish Encyclopedia", and "prepared by more than Four Hundred Scholars and Specialists", and published by the "Funk and Wagnalls Company", in 1905, Page 665; the following text is presented:

"With the destruction of the Temple, the Sadducees disappeared all together, leaving the regulation of all Jewish affairs in the hands of the Pharisees.

Henceforth, Jewish life was regulated by the teachings of the Pharisees, the whole history of Judaism was re-constructed from the Pharisaic point of view, and a new aspect was given to the Sanhedrin of the past. A new chain of tradition supplanted the older, priestly tradition (Abot i. 1).

Pharisaism shaped the character of Judaism and the life and thought of the Jew for all the future."

Here is shown clearly that the ancient Pharisees are still alive and well writing textbooks for Funk and Wagnals in 1905, and disseminating such beliefs among their followers.

The ancient counterparts of these modern Pharisees had schools in Babylon from a very early pre-Christian date. We may read concerning these matters from a scholarly work entitled "The Babylonian Talmud", by Sedner Nezikin, London; The Soncino Press, 1935.

In the Foreword to this book is an introductory few pages by (The Very Rev. The Chief Rabbi) J.H. Hertz. Herein he speaks on pages 13, 14, 15 to say:

"The beginnings of Talmudic literature date back to the time of the Babylonian Exile in the sixth pre-Christian century . . . When a thousand years later, the Babylonian Talmud assumed final codified form in the year 500 of the Christian era, the Western Roman Empire had ceased to be. . .

When we come to the Babylonian Gerama, we are dealing with what most people understand when they speak or write of the Talmud. It's birthplace, Babylonia, was a autonomous Jewish center for a longer period than any other land, namely, soon after 586 before the Christian era to the year 1040 after the Christian era - 1,626 years . . . "

"For a long time it was held that the language in which the Babylonian Talmud was written defied grammatical formulation. This is now seen to be nothing but prejudice. . ."

"The style of the Babylonian Talmud is one of most pregnant brevity and succinctness. It is at no time "easy reading". Elliptical expression is a constantly reoccurring feature, and whole sentences are often indicated by as single word. In discussions, question and answer are closely interwoven, and there is an entire absence of demarcation between them.

"Hard thinking and closest attention are required under the personal guidance of an experienced scholar, or of an elaborate written exposition of the argument, for the discussion to be followed or to be understood. And that understanding cannot be gained by the aid of Grammar or Lexicon alone.

Even a student who has fair knowledge of Hebrew and Aramaic, but who has not been initiated into the Talmud by Traditional Jewish guides, will find it impossible to decipher a page!"

Here we have plain admissions from this J.H. Hertz (Chief Rabbi) wherein he reveals that the source of the material which is Codified within their "Talmud" is from "Babylon". Other sources affirm this also.

This "Babylonian Talmud" is that root-source-repository of so-called "Law" from which the modern Talmud draws its historical roots. J.H. Hertz (Chief Rabbi) and others of the same belief are all quite comfortable referring to it amongst themselves as the "Babylonian Talmud".

But as the ancient city of Babylon is clearly related to terms such as "Babble" aka: "Confusion", and as ancient Biblical texts indicate plainly that this is the source for all of the language confusion and much other problems which has spread throughout the entire world, it is understandable that these ones do seek to downplay the fact that "Babylon" is the spiritual source/center for Their body of "Spiritual-Law Codifications".

We here-in merely seek clear labels of what is going on with regard to this body of codifications which seemingly so significantly affect our modern sociological structures. We have a Right to ask these questions.

Everyone is affected by these concerns. And it seems clear that many who modernly claim to be "Jews" are following this set of Spiritual Codifications which have originated in ancient Babylon, and which thereunder are properly known and referable to as the "Babylonian Talmud".

We find similarly enlightening source material in a profoundly insightful work from a gentleman named Guy Carlton, Lee; of Johns Hopkins University in his work: "Historical Jurisprudence", 1922; Pages 12, 17, 18, 38-40, 188-189:

"The law of Babylonia has had an immense effect upon that of nearly all the countries of Europe . . . The literature of Babylon has perished; but the element of culture which has endured was greater than the literature. That element is law, an organized intelligible system of rights and duties enforced by the State. . .

The great work of the nation was the production of a system of law, necessary to the extended commercial activity of the city . . . The complex Babylonian civilization, which produced a commercial law in advance of any other ancient system . . . was . . . the product of . . . its relations to the other countries of the world.

The exercise of judicial functions, at least in matters of commercial law, seems to have been in the hands of the hierarchy. The reasons for this may have been in part those which, in the mediaeval period of European history, threw the control of legal procedure largely into the hands of the ecclesiastics. In Babylon, the custom of documentary evidence in almost all transactions . . .

and the wide extent to which written contracts were employed, made the notarial and judicial functions of the priests very extensive. But the part taken in business transactions by the priesthood was appropriate for another reason, which perhaps had more influence in the time of the early law, before the purely commercial side had been developed.

This was the part which was connected with contractual oaths, which at first were numerous. The contracting parties were obliged in their contracts to swear by the principal god of the country, and by the reigning prince, that they would abide by the conditions of the contract . . ."

The Babylonian Law developed to the fullest extent the idea of a Contract. Almost any possible business transaction was reduced to the form of a contract and was executed with the same formalities - i.e., with witnesses, notary, and signature. Thus the points as to deeds, sales, mortgages, loans, and banking are in no respect different in form from the matter of hiring, rent and leases, partnership, testaments, and domestic relations, including adoption.

Transactions so very different could be reduced to the same principle, or brought under the one head, only by a highly abstract conception of contract itself. From forms of contract . . . we pass to the relations of master and servant, leases, and future delivery of goods.

Sub-section A. Master and Servant. . . a man might well make a contract with another whom he hired for a year, or whom he contracted to serve for a year. . . example . . . In connection with this contract, it should be noted that Ubarru was regarded as a free agent, hiring himself out. But since he enters into a relation to his master in which he is temporarily in the condition of a slave, he has a representative, or guardian . . .

. . . In the case of a slave the name of the slave's father is never given. The slave is not regarded or spoken of as a man, but as a thing, and is reckoned in the same way as cattle. The actual point of this contract is the transfer of the right to a man's services. Such a transaction is but a part of the whole Babylonian system, whereby every credit or right was passed from one to another by means of contracts. . .

The law was very strict as to the beginning and termination of these contracts. . . If the servant did not appear, he could be arrested and brought to his master, as he was his master's man. ...

This species of . . . slavery was of great importance and very customary in Old Babylon.

Babylon('s) . . . commercial customs . . . became . . . the commercial law of the whole known world. Of . . . these Rome was . . . possessed from the earliest period . . . "

Here-under, we see a number of significant items for our study. But at this point it seems best to re-visit Chapters 17 and 18 of the Book of Revelation in the Bible. Here in is Revealed that a particular Body of People are recognizable as a "Great Prostitute" who "Rules over the Kings of the Earth" through the use of "Deception", "Magic", and "Merchants". This "Great Prostitute" who uses Deceptive Magic is clearly labeled therein as "BABYLON".

The above work from Johns Hopkins University by Mr Lee clearly recognizes that Babylon's Religious Priesthood is commonly recognizable as the source of all of the modern so called "Laws of Commerce".

These "Laws of Commerce" are shown to be a specific body of Codes which authorize the Administration of the Compelling Force of the State in the En-Force-ment of Contracts, mostly for Payments of Debts

The ancient Babylonian Priests were involved because Contracts were deemed to be a form of "Oath" entered into by the contracting parties; and the approval of their Gods were invoked so as to more effectively legitimize / bamboozle the entire process in the minds and the consciences of the contracting parties and all public witnesses.

These Babylonian Religious Codes recognized the ability to buy and sell contracts between merchants in "Commerce". They sold and "bought . . . slaves and the souls of men" in the time of Christ, and before and after, just precisely as is recognized in Revelation 18: 11-13.

Under this system of Babylonian Codes, contracted-debtor-people were Forcibly Compelled to perform the contract regardless of Conscionability, or who was the original contract-creditor. This Babylonian Religious Commercial-Code depended in large part on a deeper set of Slave-Trading Codes. And these all are still recognizable and very frequently enforced under what modern legal text-books refer to as: "Master-Servant Relationships".

Under the ancient Babylonian Religious Codes, "Slavery" is clearly facilitated. People were not recognized as People there-under, but were items in Commerce.

The Slave could be arrested and assaulted by government officers for not showing up for work on time. The text-book says that "The slave is not regarded or spoken of as a man, but as a thing, and is reckoned in the same way as cattle".

Not too long ago, in American History, "Slavery" was a very Common Practice, both against the Black Race, and also against all other races, including Orientals and the economically disenfranchised Caucasian / White Race. The Problem of "Oppression" is Not a Race Problem, it is a Economic-Class and Religious Problem.

In the above quoted text, and with reference to these ancient Babylonian-based "Slave-Trading" Codes; Mr Lee goes on to make it clear they were passed down to the Roman Slave-Traders in his statement "Of . . . these Rome was . . . possessed from the earliest period . . . ".

History seems to tell that many Israelites had been Captured into Slavery in Babylon. Yet by the time of Jesus / Yeshuah, many had returned. During that Captivity; many of the Babylonian Commercial / Slave-Trader / Merchant Codes seemed to have Infected Israelite-Society. It does not take a lot of intelligence to suppose that this worked to Under-Mine the Godly Principles of the more ancient Israelite Torah-Laws.

Yet the "Pharisees" Openly Embraced this Babylonian System of Slave-Trading Codes. Christ / Messiah Jesus / Yeshuah and his followers were Crucified for speaking-out boldly against these Evils of the Romans and their False-Israelite Pharisee Puppet-drones. As revealed above, the Romans were already followers of those same Babylonian Slave-Trading Codes.

This indicates that the Connection between the Roman Slave-Traders and the Pharisees was more than a mere coincidence. This indicates that at some point in the even more ancient history; the Roman Slave-Traders and the Pharisee of Israel; were of Common Cultural Ancestry.

As the name signifies, the "Babylonian Talmud" contains much of the Commercial Slave-Trading Mercantile Codifications of "Master-Servant Relationships" which originated in Babylon.

Those of the "Pharisee" (Rabbinical-Judaism) belief-system, refer in their "Babylonian Talmud" to those who are Not of their culture; as "Goim" or "Gois".

These words translate to mean "Human Cattle".

This is precisely how historical textbooks indicate that the ancient Babylonians referred to their Slaves. As Mr Lee stated in his above quoted text, "The slave is . . . reckoned in the same way as cattle".

Though the "Babylonian Talmud" seems to contain few direct citations to Slavery itself, it does set forth a significant amount of evidence showing that Non-Pharisees "Goim" are to be treated with all of the contempt of "Slaves". Citations from the "Babylonian Talmud" read:

"All things pertaining to the Goim are like desert, the first person to come along and take them can claim them for his own." Babha Bathra 45.

"It is permitted to deceive a goi." Babha Kama 113b.

And though citations are not clear that this is directly from the Talmud, other Pharisaical Literature states:

"The Life of a Goi and all his physical powers belong to a Jew." A. Rohl. Die Polem. P.20

And articles published by Henry Ford's newspaper, the Dearborn Independent in 1920 - 1922 discuss the "Kol Nidre" as a Pharisaical:

"Prayer, named from its opening words, "All vows"," (kol nidre). It is based on the declaration of the Talmud: "He who wishes that his vows and oaths shall have no value, stand up at the beginning of the year and say: 'All vows which I shall make during the year shall be of no value.'""

The list goes on and on. The Historical Documentation is Massive of the Malicious Plunder-Oriented Slave-Trading Behavior of these people. Coke and others have defined them as "Infidels", precisely Because History has clearly Shown that the Sworn "Oath" of those ones Means Nothing to them.

They cannot be "Bound" by "Conscience", and they habitually "Lie" at every turn which may serve their own self-serving interests or those of their "Synagogue of Satan", as referred to by Christ Jesus at Revelation 2:9 and 3:9. This is the nature of their "Law", They Believe they have a God-Given Right to be "Slave-Masters".

They can-not be expected to be bound to tell the Truth. They feel that they are En-Titled by the Authority of their Evil God to Lie to others, so-as-to Control Them and there-by to reduce them to their unsuspecting Slaves.

Such "Infidels" were Expelled from almost every country in Europe between the 13th and 15th centuries for this precise Reason. Their tenacious adherence to this Dis-Honest Babylonian Master-Slave system of Human Conduct Codes, and their relentless Lying and Deception was the Direct Cause of their Ostracism from All of these European Nations.

The Sadducees apparently gave the Pharisees opposition against this corrupting influence, but their days were numbered, for after the destruction of the Temple by Rome in 70 AD, the religious belief system of the Sadducees had apparently met genocide and extinction.

The Pharisees (on the other hand) were conspicuously left in the position of authority over all Jews who did not profess Christianity. The ancient Religion of the Pharisees has been in Continuous Total Control of what is fashionably recognized as the "Jewish Religion", ever since the destruction of Solomon's Temple. Again quoted, but more focused and brief than above, it reads:

"With the destruction of there Temple . . . Henceforth, Jewish life was regulated by the teachings of the Pharisees . . . Pharisaism shaped the character of Judaism and the life and thought of the Jew for all the future." The Jewish Encyclopedia: (1905; Page 665)

With the extinction of the Sadducees, the only Jewish entity which thereafter stood in opposition to the Pharisees and their Babylonian Codified Talmud were the Christians. The powers in Rome itself were Compromised by this influence. As revealed else-where here-in, the Religion of the Pharisees continues to this day under their self-proclaimed banner of "Judaism" or "Jews".

These people are Not True "Jews". Nor are they Racial "Semites", or "Israelites", or even "Zionists". Rather they are of the "Synagogue of Satan", and they merely "Say they are Jews"; all precisely as Jesus/Yeshuah is declared to have clearly started in Revelation 2:9 and 3:9.

These modern Pharisees merely proclaim they are "Jews"out of a Strategy to effect their Ancient Plunder-Oriented Slave-Trading purpose. Approximately 85% of them are not even of the "Semitic" bloodline, but rather are of the Ashkenazi / Khazar Race / Bloodline.

They seem to have adopted the Pharisaical-Babylonian Talmudian Religion in about the year 740 or so, out of convenience. They know they are Not True Semitic / Israelites; yet they scream "Anti-Semite" with spine-chilling fervor when-ever anyone seeks to hold them to accountability for their crimes.

Multitudes of such Honorable Americans as Benjamin Franklin, George Washington, and Henry Ford; have all Documented their Culturally Evil-Agenda in great detail.

George Washington

Modern "Rabbinical Judaism" is the Religious Descendant of those very same Pharisees, and they all look to the same "Babylonian Talmud" Code of "Master / Slave Laws" as the Primary Written "Code of Conduct" for their lives.

The preponderance of Ashkenazi / Khazars who serve this modern dso-called "Religion" of "Rabbinical Judaism" (with its talmudian codifications designed to support slave-trading), all indicate to this author that the underlying Conflict between the True Nation of Israel (aka: the "True "Jews" (Revelation 2:9 and 3:9), and these Ashkenazi/Khazars, reaches back way Further than their professed "Conversion to Judaism" in the year 740-ad or so.

Related: The Hidden History Of The Incredibly Evil Khazarian Mafia [Illuminati Cabal Zionists...]

I am inclined to believe they are "Canaanites", in large part from the very obviously similar phonetics of their names. I also tend to believe this proposition because of the historically documented Evils of the Canaanite peoples. And I think those likely reach-back even further to "Cain"; the legendary son of "Adam", who allegedly first slew his brother "Abel".

. . . I feel it is undeniable that these very powerfully-intense forms of Evil still walk this earth, with every bit of acidic-venom of those other very ancient, evil, and suspiciously similarly-named cultures. [Overwhelmingly supported by such anthropologists as Ripley, Weissenberg, Hertz, Boas, Mead and Fishberg, Arthur Koestler's The Thirteenth Tribe proves the vast majority of today's Jews are descendants of the Khazars of South Russia as do the Scripture, encyclopaedias, and scores of historians.]

"Civil-Law" and "Municipal-Law" and Their History

Textbooks show plainly that Rome is the source of English and American "Civil Law". Civil Law is recognized in Black's Law Dictionary as synonymous with "Municipal Law"; as follows:

Civil Law: That body of law which every particular nation, commonwealth, or city has established peculiarly for itself; more properly called "municipal" law, to distinguish it from the "law of nature", and from international law. Laws concerned with civil or private rights and remedies, as contrasted with criminal laws.

Rome is well recognizable as an Aggressively Warring and Conquering nation. A reputable Textbook of History entitled "Apollo, History of Rome" by Cyril E. Robinson (1956), on pages 26 and 27 reads:

"Many factors contributed to (Rome's) success; but more important than her military powers, were the political methods where by she contrived to . . . conquer. . . In 381, after overcoming the . . . town of Tusculm, she . . . admitted it to terms . . . (under which it was) compelled to pay the war-tax, and . . . a town thus treated was known as a muni-cipum or "burden-holder".

Many of the peoples conquered by Rome were reduced to Slaves. No reputable historian contests this fact. Webster's New International Dictionary (1950, 2nd Edition) links the above term "Municipum" to our modern term "Municipal"; as follows:

Municipal: . . . munia official duties + root capere to take. . . . Rom. Hist. Of or pertaining to, or of the nature of, a municipum.

It further goes on to make the following most note-worthy statement:

Municipal District: A subdivision of a region inhabited chiefly by non-Christians.

The Roman merchants engaged in much Slave Trade. The establishment of "Slave-Markets" was one of their top priorities. Contracts Exchanged hands among Merchants for the Delivery of Slaves. The Codes which Governed these Contracts for Slaves was based on the Same Codes which the Babylonians had developed.

"Of . . . these Rome was . . . possessed from the earliest period . . . ". ("Historical Jurisprudence" - Lee, above).

Such Babylonian Master/Slave so-called "Law" is modernly still recognizable under either term of "Civil" or "Municipal" Law. [Rome is the Seven-Headed "Beast" described in Revelation.

The "Great Prostitute" there-in described as sitting on or controlling the "Seven-Headed Beast" of the Roman Empire which has gathered within itself all the power and evil of the previous three Gentile world powers, is the Roman Catholic church.]

This Beast was in existence at that time of Christ as the Civil / Military Government of Rome. . .

The Norman Conquest of England in 1066-ad

The Norman Conquest over the Anglo-Saxon / Celtic People of England in 1066 is vastly under-rated in its significance for understanding modern models of good government

From Rome, the "Norman Invasion" had the "Solemn Blessings of the Pope". This is shown in many citations, among which is the following:

"William had some difficulty in securing the help of his barons for his proposed invasion of England; it was necessary to convince them individually by threats and persuasions.

Otherwise conditions were favorable. William secured the benevolent neutrality of the emperor Henry IV., and the expedition had the solemn approval of Pope Alexander II."
Encyclopedia Britannica, Vol # 23, p.609; William 1: . . . Conquest of England . . .

The Pharisaical system of "Commercial Law", as codified in the "Babylonian Talmud"; was at that time Forcibly Imposed by the Romanistic-Normans over the previously Non-Romanized Christian / Common-Law Saxon-Anglo / English People.

This is shown as follows:

"The Jews, whom the Normans brought to England . . . [or who financed and followed the invasion - Ed.] brought a refined system of commercial law: their own form of commerce and a system of rules to facilitate and govern it.

. . Several elements of historical Jewish legal practice have been integrated into the English legal system. Notable among these is the written credit agreement - shetar, or starr, as it appears in English documents.

The basis of the shetar, or "Jewish Gage," was a lien on all property (including realty) that has been traced as a source of the modern mortgage. Under Jewish law, the shetar permitted a creditor to proceed against all the goods and land of the defaulting debtor. . .

Jewish law that debts could be recovered against a loan secured by "all property, movable and immovable" was a weapon of socio-economic change that tore the fabric of feudal society and established the power of liquid wealth in place of land holding. . . .

Jewish Law, wherein personal debt superseded rights in real property had become the law of the land." "Foootnote 11: H.C. Richardson, The English Jewry Under Angevin Kings 94 (1960) (Jews liquidation of land obligations broke down rigidity of feudal land tenure and facilitated transfer of land to new capitalist class). Footnote 15: CF. 1 F. Pollock and F.W. Maitland, supra note 3 at 469... (alien to English law for creditor not in possession of land to have rights in it)."

"The Shetar's Effect on English Law",
The Georgetown Law Journal; V. 71, P 1179 - 1200); Judith A. Shapiro.

Here-under; the Pharisees worked with the Normans under the "Blessing of the Pope" of Rome. Here-under, Roman Civil/Municipal Codes were Forcibly Imposed over the Non-Romanized Christian/Common-Law People of England. As this Pharisee/Roman-Catholic Military Machine was Forcibly-Imposed, the above text makes clear (seemingly happily) that a "Weapon of Socio-Economic Change that Tore the Fabric" of the Society of the Anglo-Saxon/Celtic Peoples.

These ruthlessly shocking words are not composed by this author; but they are the words chosen by Ms Shapirro as they appear in her Georgetown Law Journal article.

It seems that the aggressively warring nature of that Babylonian-Talmudian based Code of Pharisaical Conduct is not in question among that circle of scholars. It seems to clearly be a body of Master's Slave-Trading Codes, which are designed to "Tear at the Fabric" of any Society which it targets.

[The invading Jews established the Exchequer - Ed.].

The "Shetar" is a corruption of the word "Star", and it refers to the infamously abusive "Star Chamber Courts". This is shown in the following citations:

"The name star chamber . . . has been thought to be . . . because the roof was originally studded with stars, because the Jewish covenants (called starrs or stars . . . ) were originally kept there." Bovier's Law Dictionary; 1860.

"Starr or starra. The old term for contract or obligation among the Jews, being a corruption from the Hebrew word "shetar", a covenant, . . . and Blackstone conjectures that the room in which the chests were kept was thence called the "Star-Chamber"."

"Star Chamber: A court which originally had jurisdiction in cases where the ordinary course of justice was so much obstructed by one party, . . . that no inferior court would find its process obeyed. . .

In the reign of Henry the 8th, and his successors, the jurisdiction of the court was illegally extended to such a degree (especially in punishing the kings arbitrary proclamations) that it became odious to the nation, and was abolished."
Blacks Law Dictionary, 5th Edition

These courts of Pharisaical Commercial Master/Slave Codes became so heinous for their "Secret Proceedings" and for their infliction of "Cruel and Unusual Punishments", that they were abolished. They are the essence of our modern Anglo/American so-called "Equity" Jurisdiction.

It was all run by "Chancery Priests", and they were referred to deceptively as "Courts of Equity". The only thing "Equal" about them, is that all Conquered "Slaves" there-under were treated as "Equal-Slaves".

"Courts of Chancery" is the more honest name which they also frequently used, because a great "Chance" was being taken if a man were forced to go before them. The linkage between "Equity Jurisdiction" and Romanistic "Civil / Municipal Law", is shown in the following:

"The whole of equity jurisprudence prevailing in England and the United States is mainly based on the civil law". Boviers Law Dictionary; 1868.

"Civil Law" is from Rome. There was no "Equity Jurisprudence" in England prior to the Norman Conquest.

The Norman Conquest had the "solemn approval of the Pope" of Rome according to the above-quoted Encyclopedia Britannica, and many other sources.

The battle of Hastings

The obvious Conclusion is that the Norman's "War of Aggression" was jointly backed by the Pharisees and the Pope of Rome, all so as to Forcibly Impose the Roman Civil/Municipal Codes of Babylonian-Talmudian based Master / Slave relations. These were mere Tools for Slave Control which were early Imposed by Evil Men with great influence with-in the Pharisaical and Roman-Catholic religious communities.

All Conscience-Bound People will Recognize that No True Spirituality could Possibly have been brought in-to England at that time. The "Forces of Evil" Were In "Full Control" during the so-called "Norman Conquest". Just like at the Crusades; and at the Inquisition. The religious forces consistently behind these movements have a very consistently-evil track-record.

Evil men Aggressively made Religious War against the Christian / Common-Law - Anglo-Saxon / Celtic Peoples of England in 1066. The "Babylonian-Talmud" was completed well before the Norman Conquest of 1066. It's all the same basic Master / Slave Commerce form of Code of Human Conduct.

It all treats living / breathing People as "Merchandise" in Commerce to be bought and sold as those "Slaves and the Souls of Men" as referred to in Revelation 18:13.

This entire body of Codified Human-Conduct is all so amorally lacking in fidelity to the Supreme Laws of "Love of Neighbor" from YHVH, as taught by His Son Yeshuah; as to be clearly a policy of the "Synagogue of Satan" as referred to at Revelation 2:9 and 3:9.

It is easy to summarize that this is that precise same Code of Human Conduct of which the Pharisee "Money-Changers" were using to corrupt the Temple in Jerusalem, and of which Christ / Messiah Jesus / Yeshuah over-turned their tables and drove them out of His Father's House with the whip.

It is easy to summarize that this is the Code of Conduct upon which the Pharisees moved to whipp-up the mob into such a fervent state of Anarchy as to abort "Due Process of Law" and to have Yeshua the Christ/Mesiah Lawlessly Nailed to the Cross / Stake.

Modern Applications of Ancient Babylonian Slave-Trading Codes:

This Code of Conduct embodied within the "Babylonian Talmud" is very large, but it contains specific portions which are designed to "Tear at the Fabric" of the society which is its target. These are the words of Ms Shapirro, as set forth in the Georgetown Law Journal. This is not the wording of "Anti-Semitic Right Wing Extremists". Ms Shapiro's term "Tear" is specifically used to denote that process which obliterated the "Fabric of . . . Society", as it had existed prior to that War of Aggression.

It would seem Reasonable to conclude that this is a "Code of Human Conduct" based on "Terrorism". Certainly the word "Tear" seems related to "Terrorism". Certainly the Anglo-Saxon / Celtic Christian People were greatly Fear Inspired by the forcible imposition of this "Babylonian Talmud" based Code of Human Conduct.

The wording of Ms Shapirro Reasonably seems to be an acknowledgment that "Terrorism" was used by the Normans and the Pharisees "who call themselves Jews" as a "matter of Policy" under that Code of Human Conduct; all known as the "Babylonian Talmud".

This entire body of Roman "Civil-Law" is Designed to Centralize the "Decision-Making Authority" of the Entire Community in-to the Hands of a "Single Arbitrator".

This is How All "Contracts" were En-Forced in the "Court of Equity". It was early incorporated into what was known as English "Law Merchant", which many fine scholars have confused as being a true part of the English "Common-Law". Such happened only after the corrupting influence of the "Norman Conquest".

Contracts are only enforceable in Courts of so-called "Equity".

"Equity" jurisdiction was allowed to enter into American Jurisprudence by way of Article 3 Section 2-1 of the so-called "U.S. Constitution". Such was a slap in the face of Christ / Messiah Jesus / Yeshuah, and much Evil has worked its purpose in this land by way of that compromise of Godly Principles.

How-ever, in the USA at the Federal Level and most (probably all) State Levels; there are Protections in place against Summary Equity / Chancery Slave-Trader Jurisdictions being imposed over American People.

These Protections are available through Constitutional, Statutory, and Case-Law Precedent Provisions. A full explanation of these protections is not presented here; but in another study / document by this same author which is centered around the so-called "US Supreme Court"'s Case-Law Precedent of "Beacon Theaters v Westover".

Here-by; the "Equity" Jurisdiction is Purged from All of its Lawful Authority to adjudicate anything; If a proper "Due Process of Law" is invoked.

By presenting a "Counter-Complaint", which there-by super-cedes and over-rides what is there-by recognized as the constitutionally antagonistic "Equity" Jurisdiction; this modern essence of "Law" allows the people to Free Them-Selves from the Babylonian Master / Slave-Traders Jurisdiction of so-called "Equity".

Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi

Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi

Here’s How Industry-Funded “Research” Is Making Us Sick And Fat + Like Tobacco And Big Pharma, The Sugar Industry Has Manipulated Research For 50 Years
March 1 2018 | From: DaisyLuther / NaturalBlaze

A scathing new study has put artificial sweeteners under the spotlight and is supporting what health writers have been saying for years.

The researchers have found that most of the previous studies into the sweeteners touting their alleged “health advantages” over using sugar as a sweetener, were written or sponsored by the companies that produce the products.

Related: The Top 10 Tricks Used By Corporate Junk Science

"A trio of researchers from John Hopkins University in Maryland, the University of California San Francisco, and Australia’s University of Sydney took an extensive look at 31 past reviews on the potential weight loss effects of artificial sweeteners.

They found that studies directly funded by sweetener companies or published in industry-funded journals were more likely to find positive health benefits compared to reviews funded independently or by the competing sugar industry.

Similarly, reviews authored by scientists who had a relevant financial conflict of interest were also less likely to shine a harsh light on sweeteners, either directly via positive results or by putting a positive spin on negative results when discussing their conclusions."


Note that even the “healthy” sweetener that is supposedly made from stevia hardly contains any stevia at all - Truvia is still made up of terrible chemical ingredients that are hazardous to your health.

Earlier this month it was discovered that the sugar industry paid the equivalent of nearly $50,000 in today’s dollars to fund a review back in 1967  that concluded fats were the leading cause of heart disease and sugar had little nothing to do with heart disease risk.

"In the 1950s, studies showing a link between coronary heart disease (CHD) and sugar intake started to emerge.

When the sugar industry (which many not-so-affectionately call “Big Sugar”) got wind of this not-so-sweet news, they paid scientists to downplay the link and promote saturated fat as the culprit instead, a new study has revealed.

The research, published in JAMA Internal Medicine, was based on thousands of pages of Sugar Research Foundation (SRF) documents, reports, and statements that Cristin E. Kearns, a postdoctoral fellow at UCSF, discovered in the basement at Harvard University.

The SRF (known today as The Sugar Association) sponsored its first CHD “research project” in 1965 – a literature review published in the New England Journal of Medicine. The review’s objective was established by SRF, and the group contributed articles for inclusion and received drafts. The SRF’s funding and role was not disclosed.

Why is this a big deal?

Big Sugar paid Harvard scientists the equivalent of about $50,000 in today’s dollars to influence the review, and subsequently spent $600, 000 ($5.3 million in 2016 dollars) to teach “people who had never had a course in biochemistry… that sugar is what keeps every human being alive and with energy to face our daily problems.”

- Read the rest of this article here

For years many industries have delayed the publication of research that may put their products in a bad light, others have simply paid off researchers to point the finger of blame at other products, as did the Sugar Association in 1967.

The revelations over sweeteners come as no surprise, but they should remind us that we need to do our own research rather than taking something at face value just because there was a “study.”

Drugs companies, the oil industry, and tobacco companies have all used such tactics in the past.

This isn’t new. The FDA upholds these studies all the time, and products that could literally kill us end up on the store shelves marked as safe, false nutritional information that supports the sugar lobby and the grain lobby is touted as the truth, and Americans get sicker and fatter as a result.

Industries and individual companies have paid researchers to lie or distort the truth on their behalf in order to sell more of their products. Not only is this shameful behavior from the companies, but also from the researchers that compromised their science to accommodate them.

The results of such spurious research have an even further effect. Fewer people start to trust medical and scientific research - including well-executed and honest research.

The answer as always it to look behind the headlines, find the counter arguments, track down the source of the funding, and make your decisions accordingly.

PS: The best quality low-carb sweetener we’ve gotten our hands on is Agave 5 – you can find it here.

Related: The Shocking Story of How Aspartame Became Legal + What Is Aspartame? Five Surprising Facts You Never Know About This Chemical Sweetener

Like Tobacco And Big Pharma, The Sugar Industry Has Manipulated Research For 50 Years

Don’t you love people who cling to scientific research without ever questioning who sponsored that research? Using archival documents, a new report published by JAMA Internal Medicine examines the sugar industry’s role in heart disease research.

The study suggests that the sugar industry sponsored research to influence the scientific debate to cast doubt on the hazards of sugar and to promote dietary fat as the culprit in heart disease. Governments worldwide agreed just like they did with the tobacco industry and big pharma.

Related: The Sugar Conspiracy - Professor John Yudkin: The Man Who Tried To Warn Us About Sugar

The sugar industry was instrumental in influencing the prevailing thinking about fat, obesity and related diseases holding that quantifying calories should be a principal concern and target for intervention.

Part of this thinking is that consumed calories - regardless of their sources - are equivalent; i.e. ‘a calorie is a calorie’. There needs to be a greater qualitative focus on the sources of calories consumed (i.e. a greater focus on types of foods) and on the metabolic changes that result from consuming foods of different types.

Calorie-focused thinking is inherently biased against high-fat foods, many of which may be protective against obesity and related diseases, and supportive of starchy and sugary replacements, which are likely detrimental.

The intake of dietary fructose increased significantly from 1970 to 2000. There has been a 25% increase in available “added sugars” during this period. The average person has a daily added sugar intake of 79 g (equivalent to 15% of energy intake), approximately half of which was fructose.

Related: New Zealand Considers Taxing Sugar While New Zealand Government Invests $240m In Coca Cola And Fast Food Chains

A report - authored by Cristin E. Kearns, Laura A. Schmidt, and Stanton A. Glantz of the University of California, San Francisco - examined internal documents from the Sugar Research Foundation (which later evolved into the Sugar Association).

The Sugar Research Foundation started doing research on coronary heart disease research in 1965; its first project was a literature review published in the New England Journal of Medicine in 1967.

The review focused on fat and cholesterol as the dietary causes of coronary heart disease, downplaying sugar consumption as a risk factor.

UCSF researchers have recently claimed sugar should be controlled like alcohol and tobacco to protect public health since it is fueling a global obesity pandemic, contributing to 35 million deaths annually worldwide from non-communicable diseases like diabetes, heart disease and cancer.

Like manufacturers from both Big Tobacco and Big Pharma who denied the presence of any danger in their products and even spent millions of dollars trying to discredit the research that points to problems, the Sugar Industry followed suit.

Related: Rumsfeld & Monsanto Team Up To Bring You Neuro-Toxic Aspartame & Splenda

While the Sugar Research Foundation’s funding and role were not disclosed, internal documents reveal that the organization set the review’s objective, contributed articles to be included, and received drafts - a “smoking gun” linking the industry’s influence over the research it paid for, writes Marion Nestle in a related commentary, also published in JAMA Internal Medicine.

“This 50-year-old incident may seem like ancient history, but it is quite relevant, not least because it answers some questions germane to our current era. Is it really true that food companies deliberately set out to manipulate research in their favor?

Yes, it is, and the practice continues,” writes Nestle, the Paulette Goddard Professor of Nutrition and Food Studies at NYU Steinhardt."

“Industry-sponsored nutrition research, like that of research sponsored by the tobacco, chemical, and pharmaceutical industries, almost invariably produces results that confirm the benefits or lack of harm of the sponsor’s products, even when independently sponsored research comes to opposite conclusions,”
Nestle adds.

Nestle says the report should serve as a warning to policymakers, researchers, clinicians, and journalists in carefully interpreting studies funded by food companies with vested interests in the results, and highlights the need to find better ways to fund studies and to prevent and disclose conflicts of interest.

Related: Big Tobacco Misrepresented Dangers From Cigarettes, Same For Big Pharma With Vaccines

Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi

Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi
Open Source Government: True Government Of The People, By The People And For The People
March 1 2018 | From: Geopolitics

Government models have not evolved that much since the days of Plato’s Socratic Republic.

Instead, they have all deteriorated, corrupted, and have failed on many occasions to address and mitigate the most fundamental failing of man, i.e. greed for absolute power.

Members of Secret Societies claimed they have been raised and trained to properly handle power and authority, and yet we know how many times this hasn’t been the case.

Power is toxic and absolute power corrupts absolutely.

The only way power be prevented from being misused is when it is distributed to as many as possible. By then, power will cease to be more than just a routine exercise of collective free will.

Until today, the concept of collective free will has been nothing more than illusory at best. We call it democracy, the rule of the mob, or the tyranny of the majority. And rightly so, because we let sheer numbers decide who and what’s best for us, instead of high quality ideas taken and decided directly from each member of our society.

In order to create the illusion of direct participation, the elite minority devised a periodic ritual where we can all choose directly from preselected individuals out of a pool of nominees, i.e. club members, as our potential leaders, neither of whom is committed to serve the people’s interests, but the club.

Preselection is enforced by making each outsider poor enough to barely afford financing a political campaign. The reign of inbred mentally retarded families is thus maintained by default.

The fragile House of Cards is surprisingly, yet effectively sustained just by the mere satisfaction of earthly desires of the few below the pyramid. The entire system is self-sustaining in its corruption of the entire fabric of our miserable existence.

This stupidity cannot go on.

The Solution

We cannot solve any problem by using the same mindset that created it in the first place. That is a Universal Truth.

Hundreds of years ago, this concept would have been impossible, but true democracy is being exercised daily in the realm of Open Software Development for decades now, and the cost is only as high as your monthly ISP bill, something that you are already doing now, as you read this article.

Therefore, it is a huge mistake to abandon this idea as merely Utopian. Labeling, or branding, has gotten us nowhere. It’s time to confront the systemic problem head on.


Open Source Government ensures that only the best solution survives while keeping the cost close to nil as everybody would be willing to volunteer their services as is already done in Open Source Communities.

Goodbye, Mr. Congressman. And that is only the beginning.

The Next OSG Evolution

It is only natural that the next evolution of Open Source Government is the establishment of a direct link between people formulated and approved policies and controls,  which serves as the programming instructions into the machines that will do the actual dirty repetitive work of sustaining life on the planet.

By that time, real-time formulated policies will be translated as the macro firmware instructions that sits at the lowest level by which they can override all embedded intelligence, to maintain the superiority of man over machines.

Goodbye, Mr. President.

While possible, it is highly improbable that the majority will give machine instructions to kill themselves. Sustainability and security are therefore inherently built into the system.

Goodbye, FBI and NSA.

Recognizing the fact that money is just a form of control to our access to basic resources, and not a true manifestation of tangible wealth, there will be a time along the way when the majority decide that this Babylonian paper magik, too, could go away. And that’s when slavery is finally defeated.

Goodbye, Goldman Sachs, Federal Reserve, IMF-WB and Rothschild dynasty.

Understandably, government as we know it will lose its meaning and will cease to exist. Goodbye, representative United Nations!

Again, the template for Open Source Government is existing and is being used continuously by Google and Mozilla, to name just a few. We just have to migrate it into governance.

Automation and robotics technology is already being applied to replace humans in the realm of manufacturing. Why not link it with OSG to have a completely responsive government that responds in real-time?

Comment: Okay, so that comment above might sound a bit transhumanist. But the gist of this article is to inspire thinking. We collectively need to figure a way out of this paradigm and to determine what we move on to from here. Sitting around going "well this is shit" is not going to help us move forward in an upward, positively driven fashion.

Open Collaboration is the only feasible system that is already proven to sustainably work. It is the only government model where the highest quality of public services are guaranteed, transparency and peaceful interaction are built-in, all at the lowest cost possible.

What are we waiting for?

Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi

Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi

Megalithic New Zealand: Pyramids, Rabbits, And Megaliths Of Upper World And Underworld
February 28 2018 | From: Priscilla Rawiri-Steele

Pyramids and megalithic monuments are everywhere in New Zealand, so often eroded or utterly huge they may, and have been explained away as natural rock formations, so people tend to fail to see them.

‘Little Pyramid’ Okia, Victory Beach, Otago Peninsula New Zealand

It is only in old photos like the one below of the Gorge du Fier in France, it is possible to see the men are looking down upon an enormous face of a pagan deity which has subsequently been carefully smoothed, as has protractedly occurred in New Zealand.

Little pyramid on Otago peninsular, New Zealand

Related: Pyramids and Grottos at Okia, Victory Beach Otago, in the South Island

It is only in old photos like this one of the Gorge du Fier in France, it is possible to see the men are looking down upon an enormous face of a pagan deity which has subsequently been carefully smoothed, as has protractedly occurred in New Zealand.

Gorge du Fier at d'Annecy France – the yellow box contains the face that the men are looking down upon; sourced from an old post card in my personal collection

Little pyramid at Okia, Victory Beach Otago, in the South Island of New Zealand has long since been vandalized. Next to it is a half-buried sphinx; its face has been cut away. Why intentionally hide an ancient civilization by disguise / disfigurement / damnatio memoriae and then present the wreck of it to future generations as mysterious: Cui Bono?

Low tide reveals an ancient wall at Achilles Point Ladies Bay / St. Heliers, Auckland, NZ. This is clearly a construction - not a natural formation

Wall at Machu Picchu, Peru. The construction technique is an example of the dimensional knockover technique as decribed by David Wilcock in his research / writings

Elephant Megalith Heimaey Island south Iceland

Cape Brett, New Zealand carving of an African Elephant

Cape Brett, where the tourist ships pass through was long ago carved into the shape of a massive African Elephant. Like these massive carvings, black basalt columns with hexagonal / pentagonal tops were carefully explained away as natural rock carvings as early as 1772, by Sir Joseph Banks.

Having noticed them in New Zealand upon the Otago Peninsular, Banks hurried to Staffa Island to compare the black basalt columns there with the The Giants’ Causeway in Ireland, and to obscure their true nature and meaning by explaining them away as miraculous and natural rock formations (The Extreme Earth, Caves by Jeanne K. Hanson, and Geoffrey H. Nash p. 70 Staffa Island).

Canto XLi Ludovico Ariosto’s Orlando Furioso as translated by (Hieronymus)Jiminez de Urrea

Why would Sir Joseph Banks do such a thing? Honey bees make hexagonal cells in their hives, and the honey bee is the emblem of Minoans. Ubiquitous hexagon causeways, and pillar designs are an important key to understanding that, like a honey thief pillaging the hive for honey, the gold and riches stored in the castles / temples / pyramids of Minoans had been violently and protractedly extracted.

Ancient wall at Owairaka, New Zealand

At Don Heads Coles beach Devonport Tasmania are the same worn hexagonal / pentagonal rocks, and by 1802-4 the Tasmanian Aboriginal had been eradicated from the face of the Earth.

Was Banks covering up archaeological monumental clues? Was Banks complimenting with his dismissal of man-made edifices and megaliths, the damnatio memoriae practiced by academics over the last four centuries so that today, Hyperborea mentioned in my modern edition of Orlando Furioso, is referred to by just one short line stating that Hyperborea is a land that lies “in the extreme north”?

Lion Rock, Piha, West coast, Auckland,m New Zealand.

It is hard to escape the question: what would drive academics to so deface an original work so they might change the location of a whole country / domain spanning at least three continents, from south to north?

Photo below, imputed to portray Machu Picchu as it was found by the son of a Protestant missionary, Hiram Bingham. Under sphinx (with ancient ghostly outline of face cut away and lying crumped on left paw?

The same sawing marks are on this sphinx head, as on the cut away head at one of the two sphinx at Piha pictured above, on Auckland’s west coast) 1912. Overleaf are two photos of Paritutu, or what is called today Sugar Loaf at New Plymouth. Despite all the foliage and erosion, the sphinx face and flaring Egyptian crown is evident to the naked eye. In the water, paws may yet be discerned.

Machu Picchu, 1912

Why pyramids and Megaliths in New Zealand? Due to the towering stature of remains found, Flinders Petrie hypothesized that the first dynasty of Egypt came from Pa Swenet (Pwenet, Punt).

After the Reformation, those once clandestinely Humanist, but subsequent to and during the Reformation, openly Protestant countries, undoubtedly took what became known as the Flemish and or German Giant Rabbit, off the abodes they destroyed, at what is today called Auckland. I believe our rabbit of Pa Swenet (Pwenet or Punt) went on to carry his time piece, and run in haste before Alice in Dis.

Paritutu New Plymouth, New Zealand

Fairly central to The Triumph of Death, did Bruegel the Elder depict next to our beloved honey bee depicted as flying fecal matter, our beautifully preserved and treasured vases being lowered from our castles?

Today these ancient masterpieces are held in great Museums of the world such as The Getty and are given pertinent or profound attributions such as The Underworld Painter and too, bogus attributions like The Baltimore Painter.

Paritutu New Plymouth, New Zealand

In the late 18th century, the light bulb was also stolen from the Pa at what is today called Auckland, a place which The Royal (Naval) Society explorative scientists vouched was the receptacle of all the treasures and secrets of The Herculaneum (as mentioned in the Third Edition of my second book citing The Enlightenment and Why it Still Matters by Anthony Pagden).

Bruegel The Elder The Triumph of Death

Terrain for comparison with Bruegel’s The Triumph of Death from a View of Auckland from Mount Eden circa 1910 as sourced from a Post card marked Tourist Series B026 Printed in Great Britain.  The zigzag of dark greenery follows the old canal

This almost two and a half thousand year old Red Figure Vase is attributed to The Underworld Painter, so does it form part of loot taken from Te Totara (said by the Ancient Greeks Tartaros – The Underworld)?

Francesco del Cossa (1430 – 1477) The Triumph of Venus painting held in Palazzo Schifanoia, Ferrara

The rubbing out of archaeological sites was carried out and recorded over centuries. At the beginning of the 20th Century, Ōwairaka Pa (later called Mount Albert) was forcibly taken down by half its mass. In the photo below, the quarry pictured is noticeably on the same proportions as Bruegel’s Tower of Babel.

Pieter Bruegel the Elder 1525 – 1569 Painting called The Tower of Babel

The beautiful Auaunga (Au as it is today, is short for Latin Aurum or gold) stream canal has been covered. (“….Quarrying stopped suddenly in 1928. The height of the mountain was reduced from 148 metres to 135 metres and most of the Maori terraces were destroyed. Today, less than half the original land mass remains.

Men posing on a ‘quarry’ at Auckland ca. 1900.  Photograph originally sourced from Auckland War Memorial Museum

The ballast pit was levelled off to make the archery field and in 1961, the inside surfaces of the cone were smoothed off further removing archeological traces”. As sourced from ‘Destruction of the Mountain’ at Ōwairaka Mount Albert Heritage Walks, Neighbourhood Walks at Aucklandcouncil.gov.nz).

A rock climber at the base of the citadel Mount Eden 1967

Did the Hyperboreans survive the last Ice Age, and are those ghostly straight lines really the outline of pyramids hiding there under snow and ice in Antarctica?

Ruins Of Ancient City Found In Antarctica?

Are there undiscovered pyramids in New Zealand filled with untold treasure? If these matters which stir every adventurer’s heart would be answered by the truth coming out about the fate of the Hyperboreans, it is also pertinent to ask; what is the long term social and political and moral legacy of covering up the truth about what happened to the Minoans of Hyperborea?

Philomel passing before Pyramid Coromandel 1946

Here, the twins with the Minoan flower central to the Phaistos disc are beautifully painted in Augustus Earle’s observation about the fate of the founders of the First Dynasty of Egypt. Are future generations of academics really going to allow the raft of lies and manipulation of truth to continue, and ultimately, at what cost to Humanity?

Megalithomania 2008: Hamish Miller - The Stone People of New Zealand

Published on Jun 26, 2012
The 2016 Megalithomania Conference is on 7th-8th May in Glastonbury, UK, with a top line-up of ancient mysteries authors and researchers including Julian Richards, Brien Foerster, Hugh Newman and more. Details here: megalithomania.co.uk.

Filmed at the Megalithomania Conference, Glastonbury, 17th - 18th May 2008. (Also available on a high-quality DVD from megalithomania.co.uk. An account of the extraordinary manifestations of the energy of the earth at sacred places in New Zealand, looking at many ancient pre-Maori megalithic sites.

Hamish co-authored 'In Search of the Southern Serpent' with Barry Brailsford about the pre-historic sites and earth energies of New Zealand and updates us on his research at Megalithomania. He discussed the cathartic communication through the Stone People which led to the creation of his new project, the Parallel Community 9includes 6 minute preview of the new DVD).

Related: Disinterest In Pre-Maori History Stuns

Hamish Miller is a dowser, metal sculptor and author. He read engineering at Edinburgh and through his books, talks and workshops his work on earth energies has earned him an international reputation. Book titles include The Sun and the Serpent, It's Not Too Late,

The Dance of the Dragon, The Definitive Wee Book on Dowsing, and In Search of the Southern Serpent (published in May 2006).

A new DVD, Hamish on The Parallel Community was released in November 2007 and is now available. Hamish has lectured widely in Britain, America, Australia, South Africa and New Zealand and has appeared in television programmes in Britain, Sweden, Holland, America, Australia and South Africa.

Currently working with the rapidly expanding Parallel Community (inspired by his cathartic 'meeting' with the ancestors in New Zealand), Hamish lives with his wife Ba, physiotherapist, dowser and researcher, on twelve acres of rough bracken, gorse and granite where they spend their spare time planting trees and trying to stop rabbits from eating them.

Related: Russian Scientists Build And Study Pyramids: What They Found Could Change The World

Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi

Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi
Core Edicts Of The Khazarian Mafia Top Command
February 28 2018 | From: VeteransToday

The Core Edict of the Khazarian Mafia is to transform "We The People" into powerless, self-defeating, self-hating Goyim.

“We are all born ignorant, but one must work hard to remain stupid.” - Ben Franklin. The last several years Veterans Today directors have disclosed for the very first time publicly, the presence and power of the Khazarian Mafia (KM).

Related: The Hidden History Of The Incredibly Evil Khazarian Mafia [Illuminati Cabal Zionists...]

As many VT readers know, the KM is the world’s largest organized crime syndicate, an incredibly evil entity associated with and empowered by the City of London private central banking system.

This is a subject no other major online journal has ever dared to even reference, yet alone describe its reach in contemporary political, security, economic, and social affairs.

And now after VT’s continuing disclosures on the KM, other alternative media websites are publishing articles where the authors are openly discussing the KM’s fingerprints, with some even using the name, Khazarian Mafia.

Several years ago, the Top Directors of VT decided to shift to open source Intel, both in “at the scene” collection, as well as with dissemination.

This shift in VT to open source Intel was not only unprecedented and revolutionary in concept, but has sent shock-waves through the Khazarian Mafia (KM) top leadership circles.

And we now know that the KM top Chieftains do not have adequate power to stop it without “like kind” swift retaliation, which so far has been a strong deterrent.

This exposure of the KM publicly and open-source Intel would never have been possible with the advent of what is best described as Intel Cowboys and their re-patriatization.

Intel Cowboys are a whole new genre of Intelligence agents, operatives and assets, folks who are committed to truth and sick and tired of the evil handiwork of the Khazarian Mafia (KM). And yes, some Intel cowboys are women.

And as dissatisfaction has developed within almost every Intel Agency in the world, especially those who are under the direct control of the KM, more and more Intel officers, agents and assets all over the world are secretly rebelling and following the lead of these Intel Cowboys.

The Internet has been a revolutionary development in publishing and information dissemination. Secrecy is dying by the day. Almost every Intel secret, even the most dark evil ones typically protected by the KM Top Chieftains under the false-cloak of their so-called “National Security” is now being leaked.

Such major leaks have created havoc within the top leadership of the KM and their Cutouts because, without abject secrecy, their unimaginable evil is being exposed and revealed for what it is, and this progressively dis-empowers them, because they lose public support and true believers.

The one common thread which these disgruntled Intel cowboys share is a strong commitment to the truth, which is based on a growing disgust for the KM lies continually broadcast through the KM’s Controlled Major Mass Media (CMMM).

Many are either “sandbagging” (secretly dragging, blocking or obfuscating work product), or secretly leaking important disclosures that end up blocking the previously little-challenged power and reach of the KM.

So now for the first time in contemporary history, we have disgruntled Intel cowboys all over the world that are secretly battling the KM, neutralizing, blocking and exposing its evil and previously secret presence and acts whenever feasible.

Many retired Intel are much more blatant about this and even are speaking out publicly about the Khazarian Mafia (KM) or at least publicly identifying its leaders as international war criminals because of their illegal, unconstitutional, engineered, staged wars for profit in the Mideast and all their synthetic and virtual terror, especially their “War on Terror”.

It is this KM synthetic War on Terror that has been used by the KM to transform America into a Terror State, with a large internal secret police army (DHS).

The KM has thus transformed America into the world’s biggest Terror State which has been attacking innocent nations on behalf of the KM and Israel, which deploys synthetic terror all over the world to create new enemies that must be attacked by the American Military.

But because America is now the world’s biggest Terror State: the KM has been able to use it as their tool to set up torture at black prison sites (as secret sacrificial rituals to their secret God Baal); mass-murdered millions of innocent civilians in the Middle East and Africa, illegally and unconstitutionally sent millions of American soldiers to be killed, wounded and disabled in these wars; and inflicted aerial terror and death on thousands of innocent civilians with air to ground missile strikes from drones, remotely fired from Denver, Colorado where the KM Secret Shadow Government (SSG) is now run from.

And all this has been done to supposedly stop Terrorism and to bring Freedom and Democracy to the Mideast and Africa.

No bigger lie in history has ever been told! The hypocrisy of the USG which is right now being run by the KM is so great and is so hidden in plain site by the constant big lies, false-narratives and propaganda of the CMMM, that it is almost unfathomable.

This synthetic, phony KM/USG War on Terror of course is done as an excuse and false cover to wage numerous hugely expensive illegal, unconstitutional wars of aggression for the KM in the Mideast and Africa.

And this is all being done to obtain huge profit for the KM private central Banksters and their associated 147 international corporations and defense contractors, and also to attain the KM’s Globalist NWO Agenda.

But a central goal of the KM in creating their one-world NWO is also to create a one world “Greater Israel” run only by the KM top Chieftains as one central government for all nations and all peoples.

“Greater Israel Plan”

This is referred to by insiders as the “Greater Israel Plan”; and its first phase is to deconstruct all Islamic governments and all neighboring governments to Israel, even Saudi Arabia, which is now under secret attack by Israel. The Saudi Royals have claimed they have Semitic genetic roots, so it seems strange that Israel is working to covertly take the Saudi government down.

The explanation perhaps lies in two factors most likely: the Greater Israel Plan which requires the complete 100% genocide of Palestinians and 100% theft of all of Palestinian owned land; and the possibility that the Sauds like the Palestinians do carry real ancient Hebrew blood.

This would make a target because we know that the KM is run by Khazarians from the Ukraine area who are converts to Babylonian Talmudism (Baal worship) because the KM and 97.5% of Israeli Judiacs have no real ancient Hebrew blood at all. And the KM top Leadership hates those with real ancient Hebrew Blood.

Related: Mysterious Georgia Guidestones Get Strange 2014 Update

The KM Top Chieftains are fully committed to eliminating all true descendants of ancient Hebrew blood as well as all Goyim as a part of their overall Globalist NWO Plan which has a set goal of reducing the world’s population by 90% as reflected in numerous white papers, top secret NSAMs and also the Georgia Guidestones.

The major break in the previously closely guarded secret of the Khazarian Mafia’s existence (the world’s largest most powerful and most secret organized crime syndicate) occurred at the International Conference on Terrorism and Religious Extremism in December 2014 held in Damascus Syria.

At this conference, the top Directors of Veterans Today were present and Gordon Duff gave the keynote speech. During this historic speech, Gordon Duff made a disclosure that sent shock-waves around the world.

Global Criminal Syndicate

At a Counter Terrorism Conference, and for the very first time anywhere, Gordon Duff disclosed the fact that terrorism was not the problem, but that the core problem was the world’s biggest criminal syndicate.

Gordon Duff did not name this syndicate specifically, but shortly thereafter, VT Director and Financial Editor Mike Harris publicly fingered this group for the very first time ever as the Khazarian Mafia (KM).

Mike Harris then went on to detail its origin and development which I have described in numerous VT articles, culminating in a “Proposed Declaration of War on the Khazarian Mafia“, a clear battle plan to take apart the KM and one that should be officially adopted by the We The People, the USG and the US Military.

We now know for certain who the Khazarian Mafia Top Chieftains are, what their specific overall agenda is and what systemic changes and policies they are rolling out to attain it. Based on all the Internet articles now available it is really quite easy to figure out who these folks are.

The Perps who ran the attack on America on 9-11-01 provides an excellent opening into this secret world of who really runs the KM, who are the KM Top Chieftains and who does it stateside dirty work on behalf of the KM.

Their overall Agenda is notably inhuman and evil, and is best described as an inter-generational commitment to establishing a Globalist NWO System run by them alone with no other entities strong enough to ever challenge their rule.

To attain their over inhuman “evil beyond imagination” Globalist NWO Agenda, the KM proceeds with many middle steps which are necessary to obtain heir objectives a bit at a time. This is necessary otherwise the American Sheeple would be shocked into waking up and would perhaps fight the KM at every level inside the USG, US Intel, US LE and the US Military.

This is likely to happen anyways in due time as the US Petro Dollar reaches its end and America and the western nations which use the Rothschild’s KM private central FIAT banking franchises go over a coming economic/financial cliff.

Bankster Terrorism

The overall goal of the Top Chieftains of the KM is to reduce the power of the human groups they rule over to such a small state that ordinary people, individually or in groups, can never gain back enough power to significantly challenge the authority, control and dominance of the KM.

To do this in America, their main base of KM military and industrial operations, the KM Top Chieftains needed to gain control over all American institutions, governmental, corporate and private/social.

This was their first objective and was obtained by infiltrating and hijacking the American monetary manufacturing and distribution process in 1913, with the KM-bribed and bought passage of the Federal Reserve Act.

The next step is of course to compromise the US Congress by highly sophisticated covert means and manipulate it to pass laws that are unconstitutional and against the best interests of “We The People”.

But to get this illegal and evil legislation signed as law, the KM has had to make sure that US Presidents who are elected serve them and continue to cover up their many years of crimes against We The People that began en masse in 1913.

“The next step in the KM take-down plan for America is to build up a big totalitarian internal police force, which can be turned upon the American Masses to oppress and tyrannize them, when necessary."

To do this the USG consolidated all American Law Enforcement and Alphabets into one central command structure, Homeland Security (DHS), set up and run by sexually perverted Israeli-American “Israeli-first” Dual Citizen traitors who are deeply committed to two things:

The first is to militarize all American LE into a Stasi-style secret police army; and the second is to transform America into the world’s largest open-air prison camp, GAZA II with We the People to become the New Palestinians.

The KM attack on America on 9-11-01 was intended to create the threat of “World Terror” as a new cause to rally around in order to fight numerous new wars.

It was used as a phony excuse to borrow from the 7 trillion USD from the private Rothschild Federal Reserve System at full interest to fight all these illegal, unconstitutional, undeclared, unprovoked, unwinnable wars of aggression for Israel and the KM to supposedly stop terror.

Of course if the USG were really serious about stopping World Terror, the solution is quite straightforward. What would have to be done is to arrest, try, convict and hang (for treason, sedition, war crimes, torture, crimes against humanity and mass-murder) all those responsible for 9-11-01 and these wars fought because of this covert operation.

Arrestees would include Bush2, Cheney, Rumsfeld, Meyers and the Top PNACers and Neocons, including many top directors of JINSA and AIPAC and Netanyahu too, folks that planned, executed and covered up 9-11-01 and started and ran all these illegal, unconstitutional Mideast wars of aggression for the KM and Israel.

But 9-11-01 has also served as an excuse to create the phony “War on Terror” in order to militarize the American Police and make them quick to shoot and empty their clips over any lack of compliance even if minor, instituted as  a means to create continuing strife and division in the American Masses.

“Of course when the CIA sells drugs and guns to inner city gangs and dirties these inner cities up, it creates a powder keg of crime and conflict and continuing conflicts with the police which is now militarized and trained by ADL, IDF and other so-called experts in domestic terror (all extremists and terrorists in their own right)."

The creation of situations in American urban society that cause serious life threatening and continuing conflict and divisions is one of the main motivations of the Top Chieftains of the KM. And this is exactly what they have done and we are experiencing in many urban areas of America right now.

The reason members of the US Congress will not address Israel’s genocide of Palestinians and grand theft of their lands is because they sense this is a taboo subject and to pursue it would get them un-elected or assassinated in short order by the KM and their puppets with power and money.

Doubt this, just talk to Cynthia McKinney, or consider the hit Dick Cheney ordered on sitting Senator Paul Wellstone for refusing to support another phony Israeli war of aggression in Iraq.

But building up a big internal police state private army and establishing a Globalist NWO run by them only is actually not the main goal of the top Khazarian Mafia Chieftains, the Select Few that sit at the top of the pyramidal Establishment Hierarchy that controls the Western world.


The KM is an entity some deep insiders have referred to as the Secret New Roman Empire run by the thirteen “Bloodline families” often described as the “Old Black Nobility” allegedly linked to Canaanite bloodlines, groups based on extreme secret and evil practices of ancient Babylonian Talmudism.

he inner circle of these groups are known to practice Luciferian/Satanic Black magic, child sacrifices to Baal and have admitted to individuals at the periphery that they worship Lucifer and make a contract with him for their eternal soul and in exchange receive untold riches, power status and their own non-corporeal spirit guide which helps them manage their affairs.

The more Black-magick rituals they practice, the more power they claim to obtain from the dark side. By their own admission, this KM inner circle believes that Lucifer/Satan is rising to become the ruling God of the universe and has already taken over planet Earth.

These particular notably evil and criminally insane beliefs and practices are shielded by a phony and usually positive outward appearance, thus making them two-faced.

These twisted evil beliefs create a willingness to secretly murder, poison, buy off and corrupt politicians, officials and judges and do anything they can get away with to make progress toward the attainment of their evil Globalist NWO one-world system.

And the KM Top Chieftains believe they have been promised to be the ones running this NWO system if they succeed in their goal of exterminating 90% of the world’s populace by a variety of incredibly sophisticated, evil means.

Part II will disclose more of the Core Edicts of the Khazarian Mafia Top Command.

Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi

Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi

“This Is A State Of Emergency” - New Zealand At The Turning Point
February 27 2018 | From: TheDailyBlog

This is a state of emergency. If only piecemeal measures are contemplated and if the structural underpinnings of wealth polarisation are not recognised, our county`s future is bleak.

Slums on the edges of our major cities, prison riots, civil unrest and a secluded one per cent contributing to charities but secretly blaming the poor for their plight.

Related: Jacinda Ardern & Labour Exposed in 7 minutes

The title of this article comes from `New Zealand at the Turning Point: Report of the Task Force on Economic and Social Planning `(1976). Chaired by Sir Frank Holmes this task force subsequently produced numerous booklets on macro-economic direction, industry policy, agricultural policy, social policy and taxation `reform`.

These were not openly ideological documents.

Indeed the very idea that the country could plan for its future now seems quaint. However, the general tenor was clear – the then way of doing things was unsustainable, the New Zealand economy would need to restructure and the general population would need to `tighten their belts` and `live within their means`.

By the time of Labour`s 1984 election triumph the official rhetoric had sharpened – since 1935, supposedly, runaway regulation and state interventionism had stifled the economy; deregulation and market forces were logically necessary.

This diagnosis and prescription was easy to sell at the time because the rejection of  regulation was equated with the demonization of Muldoon.

Related: Important Information About Every NZ PM Since Muldoon - Pre-Election Facts Mainstream Media Won’t Be Telling You + Jacinda Arden And Light Rail: A Fabian Slant On The New World Order Plan For New Zealand

The push toward deregulation and market forces was, initially, obscured by David Lange`s oratorical declarations about new beginnings and national consensus.

Now, in 2018 we have reached a real turning point, not just an ideological version of one advanced to justify the unequal impacts of economic restructuring.

A raft of recent indicators on economic inequality, child poverty, housing unaffordability, declining real wages and increasing incarceration rates points to a breakdown of society.

Our newly elected government half understands this.

Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern intuitively grasps the brute realities of child poverty and struggling families. She and her Ministers will have read the Salvation Army`s State of the Nation report (Kei a Tatou It is Us) along with the recent New Zealand housing stocktake report written by Alan Johnson, Philippa Howden-Chapman and Shamubeel Eaqub.

So far, though, I don`t see much joined up thinking.

What is the connection between different economic and social indicators? On the basis of such evidence what does our society look like? And, what will be our future if comprehensive countermeasures are not forthcoming?

Related: The Ardern Effect: A Disturbance In The Force & Jacinda Ardern And Labour: The Truth Exposed

Let’s start with the latest Oxfam report released on January 22nd.

In 2017 28 per cent of  all wealth created in New Zealand went to the richest one per cent of the population. Correspondingly, one percent of that wealth went to the poorest 30 percent.

These are indicators of extreme wealth polarisation rather than just social inequality.

Meanwhile, a recent New Zealand Herald story from Jamie Gray revealed that in 2017 the major banks delivered their largest profits in 30 years.

Together, the ANZ, BNZ, Commonwealth Bank of Australia and Westpac produced a $451 million increase in net profit from 2016 to 2017.

Similarly, over the same period the Bank of China in New Zealand increased profits by 136 percent.

For the China Construction Bank and the Industrial and Commercial Bank of China these figures were 138 percent and 139 percent respectively (NZH `Bank profits the highest in 30 years` Feb. 14 B 1).

As Brian Gaynor has noted most of these profits are repatriated and are reflections of growing inequality in New Zealand society.

Related: Jane Kelsey: Excess of spin on revised TPP cause for concern

For example, in 1989 75 percent of the ASB was sold to the Commonwealth Bank of Australia for $252 million, they purchased the remaining 25 per cent for $560 million in 2000. The sale proceeds were used to fund the ASB Community Trust, which donates to arts and culture, health, learning, recreation and sport .

However, Gaynor remarks (as he did at the time), that ASB `donations would be far, far greater if it had maintained control of the bank` (NZH `Fletcher`s Norris a victim of his own success?` Feb. 17  C3).

Today Australian banks benefit enormously from the residential property boom, especially in Auckland. Large and medium sized investors routinely use substantial bank borrowings to build portfolios, buy properties and flip them in order to profit from a rising market.

Tax deductability loopholes provide further incentives for such practices.

This a major driver of housing unaffordability, alongside the declining availability of state housing and the costs of renting (the Accommodation Supplement is a subsidy for landlords).

According to the housing stocktake report mentioned earlier, house price inflation nationwide has increased by around 30 percent over the last five years, income rises were about half this rate.

An ActionStation mock billboard urging Labour to reject the new TPPA

Related: Labour has shown a lack of political backbone on so-called ‘progressive’ TPPA

In Auckland the figure for house price increases was 65 percent. Worsening homelessness also reflects declining job and income security.

Of all New Zealanders fifteen or over, approximately 16 percent  live precariously – as unemployed, temporary employees and/or beneficiaries. This amounts to 606,000 people out of an adult  population of 3.53 million.

Although these are 2014 figures the general social picture is inescapable – huge segments of the population cannot sustain a decent existence. These and other related findings can be found in Shiloh Groot et al `Precarity: uncertain, insecure and unequal lives in Aotearoa New Zealand` (Massey University Press 2017).

The cultural dimensions of wealth polarisation are stark, in 2013 of the estimated 529,500 Maori 15 years and over, 120,500 were in the precariat, a ratio of 22.8 percent.

These statistics correlate, disturbingly, with a rising prison population which is predominantly Maori.

The numbers presented here, and their  basis in authenticated research, points to the necessity for a  social democratic reconstruction of our society.

This is a state of emergency. If only piecemeal measures are contemplated and if the structural underpinnings of wealth polarisation are not recognised, our county`s future is bleak .

Slums on the edges of our major cities, prison riots, civil unrest and a secluded one percent contributing to charities but secretly blaming the poor for their plight.

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You Are Being Programmed: Five Ways Your Thoughts Are Being Driven Against Your Own Self-Interest
February 27 2018 | From: NaturalNews

There are plenty of examples in history of mind control being used to influence masses of people to bend to the will of those in control.

These days, as the Activist Post points out, mind control has expanded beyond the purely psychological to incorporate a technological aspect as well.

Related: Brainwashed: The Goal Of The Media Is To Poison The Minds Of The Masses With Toxic Hatred And Engineered “Thought Loops”

The good news is that by being aware of these methods, you can avoid or at least reduce their effects to some degree.

Propaganda and Advertising

As media continues to consolidate, the lines are blurring between government and corporate structure. News, television, movies and print can work together to deliver a message that seems to be true simply because so many sources report the same thing.

Related: 5 Damaging Lies Advertisements Desperately Want You To Believe

With increasingly busy lives, people don’t have time to make the effort to delve further into what is true and what isn’t among all the information we are constantly bombarded with, and it can be easier to just accept what we’re told about topics like vaccines, the flu, and pesticides. Many times, these messages are even taken one step further and also sent subliminally.

Water, Air and Food

Another modern method of mental programming is the use of poisonous additives in our foods that change people’s brain chemistry to make them more docile.

Related: Shocking U.S. Death Chart Reveals Root Cause Of Most Mortality Comes From Prescriptions And Food Chemicals

For example, MSG and aspartame essentially kill off brain cells by overstimulating them, and they are so widely distributed that we’re seeing the population become increasingly unmotivated and distracted.

The fluoride that is regularly put in people’s drinking water, meanwhile, has been found to lower IQ.

Even those who are more conscious about avoiding processed foods are still vulnerable from the pesticides sprayed on produce.


Many people grumble that today’s youth are far less intelligent in many regards than older generations, and this might not be an accident.

Related: Unschooling: Radical Education That Produces Free Human Beings Instead Of Slaves

After all, dumbing down the people makes it a lot easier to impose your will on them. People who want to homeschool often face a lot of opposition – have you ever asked yourself why that is?


Drugs are a convenient way to control people, and many times, it’s the people themselves who seek them out after being convinced that they somehow have something wrong with them.

Psychiatry is considered by some to be one of the biggest facilitators of modern mind control as it tries to define everyone based on their disorders rather than their positive attributes.

Related: The Drugs May Be The Problem – Inconvenient Truths About Big Pharma And The Psychiatric Industry +
Psychologist Speaks Out: Psychiatry Is Misleading Public About Mental Disorders

In fact, it is those who dare to question authority who often find themselves being labeled as having a mental problem and therefore in need of a mind-numbing medication. With more than a quarter of American children now taking psychiatric drugs, it’s becoming a normal way of life for the next generation.

Military Testing

It’s an unfortunate fact that service men and women have long been subjected to mind control and medical experiments. When you think about it, people in the military tend to be those who respond well to structure and obedience, and training entails following orders without putting up resistance.

Related: July 20, 1977: CIA Mind Control Project MKUltra Documents Released For The First Time

There are plenty of other mind control methods we’re seeing put to good use these days everywhere from religion and politics to sports and computers and even the electromagnetic spectrum.

We are even seeing the development of artificial intelligence (AI) that can essentially read your mind by decoding your brain signals, and it’s scary to think of where this could all be headed. It’s time to wake up to what is really going on around you if you want to stand any chance of saving your free will.

Related Articles:

What The History Channel Left Out About The Declassified CIA Program: “History Of MK-Ultra”

Escaping The Matrix: 10 Ways To Deprogram Yourself

How Mnemonic Is Used To Program And Control Your Mind

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The Mandate To Overthrow Mainstream News
February 26 2018 | From: JonRappoport

There is an elite movement underway to install universal shots for everyone, and the voices of major media are relentless and brutal in demanding this, while attacking those who know something is terribly wrong and harmful in the program.

The media are voices of, yes, anti-science. They do what they do best - fake it. On a grand scale.

Related: DHS Debunks NBC Fake News Claiming Russia ‘Penetrated’ Election

They are the lunatics, leading generations to their toxic doom. They are urging humankind over a cliff. They are the Final Solution to health - as in: destroying it.

Take the issue of expanding the number of shots given in a short period of time. NO proper studies have been done to assess the safety/danger of injecting children and adults with multiple toxins, such as aluminum, mercury, and formaldehyde.

Any reasonable human would insist that such studies be done, prior to increasing the toxic load on the body.

The media conveniently overlook and ignore this obvious necessity. At what point does their blindness pass from being depraved indifference to active participation in a universal crime? We are long past that point.

And still, the media pretend they are “the friends of humanity.” That attitude has always been the tactic of tyrants. “Take this poison. It is life-affirming and life-giving.”

That pose is sufficient to warrant a mandate: overthrow mainstream news. Expose it, gut it, shine a light on its liars and fakers. Don’t let up. Don’t give up.

Related: Three Things CNN Did This Week That Suggest the Mainstream Media Is Full of Sh*t

Media leaders and apparatchiks have sold their souls to the vaccine cartel. They are the faceless bureaucrats of a death machine. Recognize them for who they are. Depict them for who they are. Men and women with blood on their hands. No amount of posturing and primping and claims of authority will change that.

The media say - “experts at the Centers for Disease Control and the World Health Organization assure us…” More posturing. The experts are trained liars. They are no more qualified to offer advice than monkeys living in trees.

You could say the entire explosion of independent media is based on one insight: why should we believe the so-called experts? From that flows thousands of discoveries.

In my 35 years of working as a reporter, I’ve seen the faces of mainstream journalists who have left the fold. I’ve seen those ugly and self-entitled faces riven with decay come back to life. I’ve seen the deep guilt and grief lift in a new dawn.

I’ve seen those men and women pick up the sword of truth, finally, and turn into heralds of a new era. You want magic? This is magic. This is the turning of the tide.

Related: Google And Soros-Backed ‘Fact-Checkers’ Join Forces To Control News Search Results & USG Conspiracy To Censor Alternative Views As Fake

No longer playing defense. Instead, going on the attack -

For several of these reporters, the turning point was the 14-year smallpox eradication campaign waged in Africa, with a highly dangerous and destructive vaccine even “the experts” were nervous about.

The experts knew the vaccine, given to people whose immune systems were already compromised, would cause smallpox and death - and they knew many of the 100 million vaccinations in Africa were given to people whose immune systems were, in fact, already teetering on the edge of oblivion.

The reporters also knew that, after the World Health Organization celebrated the eradication of smallpox in Africa, the searing truth came out in a secret meeting in Geneva. The vaccine must never be used again. It was causing smallpox.

Related: How Real is Fake News?

One reporter told me, “There was no coming back from that. Once I found out what happened, I had to get out of the news business.”

He “went independent.”

Some years ago, a reporter told me no amount of “negative information” would ever convince him to stop defending vaccination.

I wrote to him: “Someday, up the line, it’s going to hit you like a ton of bricks. You’re going to listen to the people who really know - the mothers who watch their health happy babies fold up and leave the world after getting a shot.

You’re going to experience something you never thought possible. And yet, in contrast to the mothers, it will be nothing. You’ll feel like a fish yanked out of the water and forced to breathe air. One thing will save you. The truth. Pick it up. Use it…”

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Sharyl Attkisson: The “Fake News” Campaign Was a Pre-Planned Political Operation By Google’s Schmidt and Democrats

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Kim Dotcom Goes Public With New Info On Seth Rich’s Death, Could Blow Entire Case Wide Open
February 26 2018 | From: AmericanNewsCentral

The mysterious death of former Democrat National Committee staffer Seth Rich continues to ellude the masses.  

Now, a hacker believes a major clue has just been uncovered and it could potentially blow the case wide open.

Related: Why Seth Rich’s Case Is Key To #TrumpRussia Investigation + Seth Rich Was Partying With Imran Awan On The Night Of His Murder

Here are the details:

From Conservative Tribune:

"New Zealand-based hacker and political activist Kim Dotcom claims the hacking of the Democratic National Committee in 2016 was an inside job. If that’s true, it could blow the case of the mysterious murder of former DNC staffer Seth Rich wide open.

It all began Sunday when President Donald Trump explained on Twitter that he had never denied the possibility of Russia meddling in the 2016 presidential election, saying at one point that “it may be Russia, or China or another country or group, or it may be a 400 pound genius sitting in bed and playing with his computer.”

Related: DOJ wants records of Seth Rich murder released

In response to that tweet, Dotcom tweeted that the DNC was hacked by “an insider with a memory stick,” adding, “Special Counsel Mueller is not interested in my evidence. My lawyers wrote to him twice. He never replied.”"

Kim Dotcom’s response:

Related: Dem and Republican Team Up To Solve Seth Rich Murder

"Dotcom asserts that the DNC files were copied at a speed that wouldn’t be possible by someone on the other side of the planet like in Russia or China..”

More from Sydney Morning Herald:

"Megaupload founder Kim Dotcom said in 2015 that he knew of information that was going to create an obstacle for Hillary Clinton’s 2016 presidential election bid.

Kim had tweeted that he would be Hillary’s “worst nightmare in 2016”. When pressed on the matter in a 2015 interview, he said WikiLeaks’ Julian Assange would in fact prove a bigger thorn in the side of Hillary: “I’m aware of some of the things that are going to be roadblocks for her.”

WND has more:

"Rich, who was officially working on voter-registration systems for the DNC in the summer of 2016, was gunned down by unknown attackers in the early hours of July 10, 2016, just blocks from his home. The official police investigation into Rich’s murder has turned up no suspects or any motives for the crime.

The official explanation that his murder likely was a robbery gone bad remains unconvincing to many because his watch, wallet and other valuables were left untouched.

WikiLeaks began publishing tens of thousands of Clinton campaign and DNC emails 12 days after Rich was killed. WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange is offering a $10,000 reward to find Rich’s murderer or murderers and has suggested that Rich may be the source of the leaked emails.”


"The leaks revealed a panoply of questionable activities on the part of the DNC, which clearly was all in for Clinton even during the primary.

Explained Zerohedge: “Dotcom’s assertion is backed up by an analysis done last year by a researcher who goes by the name Forensicator, who determined that the DNC files were copied at 22.6 MB/s – a speed virtually impossible to achieve from halfway around the world, much less over a local network – yet a speech typical of file transfers to a memory stick.”

The report explained why that issue is so significant today, especially to Democrats still faithful to the theory that it was Russians in collusion with the Trump campaign that stole the computer data."

The Seth Rich story isn’t likely to disappear anytime soon.

Related Articles:

Donna Brazile: “They Don’t Know What It’s Like to Bury a Child. I did – Seth Rich.”

Donna Brazile: “I hope to God we find out who murdered Seth Rich”

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NWO Control System Vs. The Awakening - Which Will Win?
February 25 2018 | From: HumansAreFree

At this pivotal time in history, the era of our awakening through truth and transparency, it has never been more amazing to be alive.

A number of us know that the stakes are high in the fight for our freedom: On one side, we have an increasingly destructive parasitic control system; a well-oiled machine coldly designed by the ruling elite and associates to screw us all over with its false and limiting paradigms. 

Related: The Great Transformation: A World Awakening

Then, on the other hand, we are undergoing a mass awakening with changes in consciousness having the potential to co-create a transformed planet.

So, which one will win, the ruling elite’s control system or our awakening? – A very open-ended question that could give many different responses, I realize, but here’s my response, coming from the heart perspective.

The Control System

All things are energy. Every aspect of the parasitic control system serves to destroy our heart energy. It serves to disconnect us from our powerful intuitive heart intelligence. Put simply, the ruling elite want us to be like them, heartless.

They have had us programmed and brainwashed into believing many falsehoods so that we can be left to our own accords to demonstrate our heartlessness to each other.

Take for example, the case of fighting their secretly manufactured wars for power, profit and political gains. In these never-ending wars, the only real enemy, the only ‘us’ versus ‘them’ is we-the-people against the ruling elite, everything else is merely an illusion.

-The same can be said about other secretly manufactured conflicts such as those involving civil unrest, race wars and the spoils of economic disruption...

Related: Black Magic: Satanists Rule The World, Not Politicians, Bankers Or Military Heads [Although They Are Usually All One And The Same] + Another Illuminati Whistleblower Speaks Out

From cradle to grave our intuitive heart energy takes a hammering by the narrow, deeply stifling education system curriculum and then the workplace: In both cases we’ve been programmed and brainwashed into the profit worshiping, self-serving corporate/banker greed-driven systems with the consumerist ‘he who dies with the most toys wins’  and the ‘survival of the fittest’ attitudes.

Then there’s the ruling elite’s owned and controlled mainstream media. Entertainment is entrainment: The mainstream media is designed to affect our behaviour after watching endless hours of TV/movies where people treat each other horribly, while we are made to become desensitised.

Not to forget the highly deceptive fear-inducing fake news; selling secret sponsored false terrorism with its outsider demons or false bogeymen…


Another assault on the heart exists in the form of occultism. The ruling elite secretly meet up in rooms said to have the right geometry/symmetry conducive to holding their negative energy rituals.

Related: The Fraudulent Monetary System & The Occult Meanings Of Mortgage: Why A Mortgage Is A Pledge To The Dead

Their negative energy rituals or occult symbolism as for example in corporate logos is designed to have counterproductive effects on humanity through affecting our psyche in the morphogenetic field.


Our human qualities are seriously under threat by the transhumanism agenda. With the use of its technologies such as nano-technology, genetic engineering, drugs, robotics and bionics… to ‘enhance’ us, we are in grave danger of losing our heart connectivity and thus getting rendered powerless to do anything about the ruling elite’s control system.

7 Reasons Why Transhumanism is the Greatest Threat to the Human Species

Earth and our energetic disconnection

Our heart energies extend to an energetic connection with Earth. It’s no coincidence that EARTH is an anagram for HEART.

The ruling elite are destroying planet Heart’s energy by polluting the land, air, food and water through geo-engineering, fracking, chemical pollution, radiation, genetic modification… as we blindly partake.

Related: Space Fence: Connecting The Surveillance And Transhumanist Agendas

The recent protests over the laying down of oil pipeline at Standing Rock, Dakota is a stand for the heart energy: Here we have a situation where on one side there are protesters honouring a piece of land as a God-given sacred living entity, providing fertile soil and fresh water…

On the other side, a number of heartless individuals; bribed politicians representing greed-driven corporations, an over-the-top, intimidating and known to be brutal militarized police force to deal with the peaceful protesters should they impede the land-spoiling  pipeline construction…

Our Awakening

In this age of truth and transparency, in our awakening, having chosen the ‘service to others’ pathway, more than ever, we need to demonstrate gratitude, compassion, empathy, generosity, kindness and caring for each other as a way of staying in the heart.

Self-acceptance, finding peace with yourself allows staying in the heart, a place where the parasitic control system cannot find a way of attaching itself in order to use you.

Not only for survival and supporting each other, but also for our transformation, I’ve always believed that the answer lies in forming local communities.

Each community must have unity, self-sufficiency and discernment to survive and thrive. A community-based living that would focus on an even distribution of wealth rather than concentrating it to the hands of a select few…

Related: The Masses Are Awakening

We need to redefine the education system with theory and practice that goes beyond the current paradigm. Besides openness, we need to demonstrate more honesty and integrity in our approaches.

We, as a species, got ourselves into this mess essentially by blindly accepting the general consensus of the masses and the opinions of so-called experts, now it’s up to us to consciously co-create our way out of it. Consciousness is the key to world change.

It’s a lot simpler than some might imagine. We will make this turnaround through feeling, thinking and acting from the heart.

Although traumatizing to the collective consciousness we need to experience this current reality to transform. It will allow us to align our mass conscious intention to create a new paradigm experience, a world that makes a difference for everyone.

It will allow us to have the profound realization that I am YOU and YOU are me, so why lie, cheat and hurt yourself?

In Conclusion

Every reality, whether fake or real, manifests as a consequence of where we are consciously at in our lives.

Our awakening will win: The shift in mass consciousness towards the heart energy will bring about the manifested reality necessary to defeat the control system.

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Skull & Bones, Antony Sutton, and bankrolling the enemy

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We Don’t Need Government, We Need Purpose
February 25 2018 | From: PublicIntelligence

What truly motivates a person? Years ago I would have answered, “well, money of course. Money helps to pay for our food, shelter, some entertainment and allows us to (sometimes) further our education.” 

While that answer is true in ways, today I will take it further and say that a purpose is what motivates us.

Related: Mathematical Report Proves Human Society Is Too Complex To Be Ruled By A Government

It is not that money itself is motivating for us, but it is the security money can provide us by allowing  to our basic needs like food, shelter and clothing to be met.

From our childhood, we have been conditioned to believe that it is necessary to have money and to need the institutions in our world that direct the flow of money to the greater populace. However, if we analyze this deep enough, we see that it is a fact that such a means of rationing resources (which money does) and the institutions that control the rationing, are not necessary, but are by choice.

Sure, in some ways government has served it’s purpose. It has allowed us to build an infrastructure on this planet where we can travel pretty much wherever we would like. It has also built schools, hospitals and allowed for the creation of all sorts of public services as well as public entertainment.

However, what is important to remember is that it wasn’t governments who build these things. It was people. People made the choice each and every morning to wake up and go to their job to help create their projects.

Though money was almost certainly an incentive for many of these people, I believe that we human beings have an innate desire to help serve a greater cause. Perhaps for many of these people, an additional incentive for doing their work was that they knew on a deeper level that this was in some way, big or small, helping our civilization to develop and grow in a positive direction.

Related: Inflation: The Most Evil Threat = Governments Robbing Their Citizens

In today’s world, with the internet, 3-D printing, blockchain technology and the ability to harness unlimited energy for the entire world in the forms of solar, wind, tidal and geothermal, not to mention the numerous patented “free energy” devices which are currently suppressed, the need for money and government has passed us. 

We no longer need money as a way to ration resources when we have the technology to create unlimited abundance for everyone on the planet.
 With no longer needing money, we no longer need a system such as governance who acts as the hub of rationing these resources through the means of money. 

While I do not think that immediately stopping the usage of money and governance simultaneously around the world would be a wise or even positive decision in the short-term, I do believe that we could easily begin the process of scaling these back tremendously with the intention of completely ridding them of our reality.

It is no secret that many people today do not like their jobs or the work they do. However, people realize that the money that is paid to them allows them to pay for a place to live and for food to eat, which in turn allows them to live. In a very real way, many people are working a job they couldn’t care less about, just in order to stay alive. Some say, “well, that’s life. Get used to it.” Or, “You have to work. Stop complaining.”

Related: Everywhere In The Western World, Government Is A Conspiracy Against The People & Cartels That Run The World

I say, “with the technology we have today that could easily provide abundance in all forms for every person on this planet, it is counter-productive to use our time doing things we do not enjoy doing.”

We can cleanly power the entire world, which will allow us to grow the food and resources needed to feed, house and clothe everyone. This in turn will allow the basic needs of everyone to be met. From there, we will stop doing the work we’ve been doing to earn the “money.” The insanity will stop and the spirit of life will be sparked once again throughout our world.

At that point, we will start doing things that are passionate about. We will move away from the need of a government and move into finding what is of purpose for us. We can move from competition to cooperation. We can begin to heal ourselves, our family and friends. We can begin to heal our pets, the animals, the water and the flora and fauna of the Earth. We can create a truly peaceful paradise.

For those arguing, “this sounds like communism,” I say, “this has nothing to do with politics or money and is several levels evolved past such barbaric methods of intentionally rationing resources.”

Remember, communism is a political system who also has been enslaved via the monetary system just as every other political system has been, including capitalism, feudalism, and fascism.

Related: Banks Are Stealing Our Future? How To Put An End?

Powering, feeding, clothing and housing the entire world has nothing to do with politics. It does, however, have everything to do with the human spirit and the deservability that each person has naturally.

To put this things in perspective, we must remember that we are incredible human beings living on a planet that is flying through our solar system at improbable speeds, which receives it’s warmth from a massive ball of gas known as the Sun.

Our lives on this planet is itself a miracle. Why would we not deserve for all of our needs to be met?
What other species pays “money” to live on this planet? We are each a miracle. This planet’s existence is a miracle. We needn’t do a thing but simply exist to deserve the abundance this Earth can and one day will easily provide to all of us.

With that, I ask you: What is it that you can do, whether as a “job” or as a hobby that allows you feel a sense of purpose? What do you get passionate about? Maybe you are already in your purpose.

I do believe strongly that with the advancements we have made and continue to make technologically, but most importantly emotionally and spiritually, we are beginning the transition away from a monetary world and into a world where abundance, peace and purpose are the norm.

What can you do to help add to this momentum?

Related: Republic Or Democracy And Self-Governance

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Do Financial Markets Still Exist?
February 24 2018 | From: PaulCraigRoberts

For many decades the Federal Reserve (Central Banks in other countries) has rigged the bond market by its purchases. And for about a century, central banks have set interest rates (mainly to stabilize their currency’s exchange rate) with collateral effects on securities prices.

It appears that in May 2010, August 2015, January/February 2016, and currently in February 2018 the Fed is rigging the stock market by purchasing S&P equity index futures in order to arrest stock market declines driven by fundamentals, and to push prices back up in keeping with a decade of money creation. 

Related: The Stock Market Swings Tell You Everything You Need to Know About Our Rigged Economy

No one should find this a surprising suggestion.  The Bank of Japan has a long tradition of propping up the Japanese equity market with large purchases of equities. The European Central Bank purchases corporate as well as government bonds. 

In 1989 Fed governor Robert Heller said that as the Fed already rigs the bond market with purchases, the Fed can also rig the stock market to stop price declines. That is the reason the Plunge Protection Team (PPT) was created in 1987.
Looking at the chart of futures activity on the E-mini S&P 500, we see an uptick in activity on February 2 when the market dropped, with higher increases in future activity last Monday and Tuesday placing Tuesday’s futures activity at about four times the daily average of the previous month. 

Futures activity last Wednesday and Thursday remained above the average daily activity of the previous month, and Friday’s activity was about three times the previous month’s daily average. The result of this futures activity was to send the market up, because the futures activity was purchases, not sales.  

Related: Democracy Is A Front For Central Bank Rule & Financial Starvation In A Fiat Debt Slavery Financial System

Who would be purchasing S&P equity futures when the market is collapsing from under them? The most likely answer we can come up with is that the Fed is acting for the PPT. The Fed can actually stop a market decline without purchasing a single futures contract.

All that has to happen is that a trader recognized as operating for the Fed or PPT enters a futures bid just below the current price. The traders see the bid as the Fed establishing a floor below which it will not let the market fall. 

Expecting continuing declines to make the bid effective, they front-run the bid, and the hedge funds algorithms pick it up, and up goes the market
Is there another explanation for the shift in the market from decline to rise?  Are retail investors purchasing dips?  Not according to this report in Bloomberg that last week a record $23.6 billion was removed from the world’s largest ETF, the SPDR S& 500 index fund. Here we see retail investors abandoning the market.
If central banks can produce zero interest rates simultaneously with a massive increase in indebtedness, why can’t they keep equity prices far above the values supported by fundamentals? 

As central banks have learned that they can rig financial asset prices to the delight of everyone in the market, in what sense does capitalism, free markets, and price discovery exist? Have we entered a new kind of economic system?

Related: 30 Plus Cold Hard Facts About The IRS: An Agent Of A Foreign Corporation - A Collection Entity For The Federal Reserve Bank

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Former Defense Minister: Illuminati Is Real & Secretly Running World
February 23 2018 | From: Infowars

‘Preferred ideal was an inclusive one-world economy dominated by the United States,’ he says.

Former Canadian Minister of Defense Paul Hellyer said a secretive global elite is running the world and is determined to introduce a One World government.

Related: "The End Game Is A New World Order" - Former Minister Of Defence Speaks Out + The Globalists Say It In Their Own Words

"You have a got secret cabal that’s actually running the world and they’ve managed to keep this technology under wraps until they can cash in the trillions of oil assets that they’ve got,” he said at an Alien Expo conference last June that recently surfaced on social media.

"The preferred ideal was an inclusive one-world economy dominated by the United States. It was at this stage that there was a virtual merger of the Council [on Foreign Relations] and the U.S. State Department, which in late 1941 created a special committee to consider ‘positive planning’: the advisory committee on positive foreign policy.”

“These were the seeds of a New World Order, and they have been working on it ever since,”
he added.

Related: Ex Canadian Minister Of Defence Hon. Paul Hellyer Calls On Citizens To Oust The Cabal

The American people need to wake up and rally together to demand the establishment level with them and come clean about suppressed technology and their goal of establishing a New World Order at humanity’s expense, Hellyer said.

"And it’s not going to change until hundreds of thousands of people band together and say look ‘you’ve got to come clean, tell us what is going on, and change your priorities to save the world for further generations instead of blowing it on wars.’”

This is why the globalists hate President Trump: he represents an existential threat to their designs on a New World Order, according to The Economist.

“The rules-based international order that emerged from the wreckage of the second world war was a huge improvement on any preceding era,” states the article.

"Yet liberal internationalism is now under attack from many sides. Donald Trump’s America First doctrine explicitly repudiates it.”

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“Belluminati”: Is Taco Bell Trolling Conspiracy Theorists or Is the Illuminati Flaunting in Plain Sight?

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Belgian Court Orders Facebook To Stop Collecting And Delete All Data On Citizens, Or Face Fines Of Up To $125 Million + Brazil’s Largest Newspaper Just Ditched Facebook Due To Its Sh*tty New Algorithm
February 23 2018 | From: Sott / TheAntiMedia

A Belgian court has ordered Facebook to stop collecting data about the country's citizens, and to delete information previously gathered. It threatened to fine the social network €250,000 a day if it fails to comply.

In its ruling, the court determined that Facebook does not adequately inform users that it is collecting information. "Facebook informs us insufficiently about gathering information about us, the kind of data it collects, what it does with that data and how long it stores it," the court said, determining the social network had broken privacy laws. "It also does not gain our consent to collect and store all this information."

Related: The Hidden Danger of Social Media

The court also noted that Facebook uses various methods to track the online behavior of people who aren't members of the website, by placing cookies and invisible pixels on third-party sites.

If Facebook fails to comply with the court's judgment, it will be fined €250,000 (US$311,232) per day, with a cap of €100 million.

The case came after the Privacy Commission watchdog filed a case against Facebook in June 2015. At the time, the social network said it was confident there was no merit in the case, calling the watchdog's decision to take it to court "theatrical."

Facebook previously said it was only subject to laws in Ireland, the site of its European headquarters. It also described cookies as being industry standard, stressing that internet users had the option to opt out.

The Friday ruling comes after Spain's data protection watchdog fined Facebook €1.2mn in September, also saying the social network breached laws designed to protect people's information and confidentiality.

In December 2016, the European Union fined Facebook €110 million after finding it guilty of providing misleading information before winning approval to buy the messaging app WhatsApp in 2014.

Brazil’s Largest Newspaper Just Ditched Facebook Due To Its Sh*tty New Algorithm

Accusing Facebook of discriminating against “quality” content and accelerating the spread of “fake news” with its newly-unveiled algorithm, Brazil’s largest newspaper Folha de S. Paulo - which boasts a print and online subscriber base of 285,000 people - has announced that it will no longer publish its articles on the social media platform.

“In effectively banning professional journalism from its pages in favor of personal content and opening space for ‘fake news’ to proliferate, Facebook became inhospitable terrain for those who want to offer quality content like ours,” Sérgio Dávila, Folha’s executive editor, said in a statement.

Related: Facebook Begins Killing The Independent News Industry

In an article published on Thursday, Folha - which has over 5.7 million followers on Facebook - noted that over the past several months it had begun to detect a sharp decline in interactions not just with its own Facebook posts, but with those of other major Brazilian newspapers as well.

By contrast, the newspaper’s analysis found, “fake news pages received five times the number of engagements that professional journalism received.”

For this decline in engagement, Folha blamed Facebook’s new algorithm, which the paper said “privilege[s] personal interaction contents, to the detriment of those distributed by companies, such as those that produce professional journalism.”

"This reinforces the tendency of the user to consume more and more content with which it has affinity, favoring the creation of bubbles of opinions and convictions, and the propagation of fake news,” Folha argued.

“These problems have been aggravated in recent years by the mass distribution of deliberately false content…as happened in the U.S. presidential election in 2016.”

Related: Ex-Facebook, Google Employees Turn Against Social Media Giants

The decision to abandon Facebook was ultimately “a reflection of internal discussions about the best ways to get the content of the newspaper to reach its readers,” the paper concluded. “The disadvantages of using Facebook as a path to this distribution became more evident after the social network’s decision to reduce the visibility of professional journalism on its users’ pages.”

Responding to Folha’s move, Jeff Benício, a columnist for the Brazilian news and entertainment website Terraurged other organizations to do the same.

"Other news organizations should follow Folha de S. Paulo’s footsteps,” Benício wrote. “If there’s a mass exit, the social network will lose relevance and become…a virtual space for family and friends to joke around.”

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Shut It Down: Tom Fitton & Julian Assange Hail Implosion Of Trump-Russia Collusion Narrative After Mueller Indictments
February 22 2018 | From: TheGatewayPundit

On February 19, the office of special counsel Robert Mueller announced that a grand jury indicted 13 Russian nationals, along with 3 Russian entities, accused of “supporting the presidential campaign of then-candidate Donald J. Trump… and disparaging Hillary Clinton.”

CNBC reports: "The special counsel’s office said Friday that a federal grand jury indicted 13 Russian nationals and three Russian entities in the probe into Russian interference in the 2016 elections."

Related: The Result of Mueller’s Investigation: Nothing

"The indictment says that the defendants allegedly, by early to mid 2016, were “supporting the presidential campaign of then-candidate Donald J. Trump… and disparaging Hillary Clinton.”

An announcement from special counsel Robert Mueller’s office said that the government accuses all the defendants of conspiracy to defraud the United States. Three defendants are charged with conspiracy to commit wire fraud and bank fraud. Five defendants are charged with aggravated identity theft."

Related: Will the FISA memo turn into Obama's Watergate?

In a press conference shortly after news broke of the scheme, Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein said the indictments show the Russian operation did not impact the results of the 2016 presidential election.

Related: DOJ, FBI Continued to Spy on Trump in White House

Judicial Watch president Tom Fitton took to Twitter to hail the implosion of the Trump-Russia collusion narrative.

“So big Mueller indictment of Russians confirms “unwitting” involvement of Trump campaign with disguised Russian operatives. No collusion. Shut it down,” Fitton tweeted.

Related: Rosenstein and Mueller Running for Cover Leaving Brennan Exposed

"So the big Mueller Russia indictment details that the Russian conspirators supported @SenSanders. Yet no special counsel investigating Sanders collusion with the Russians. I guess the Clinton campaign didn’t give the Obama gang a Bernie Dossier to justify spying/targeting him,” added Fitton.

Related: #ReleaseTheSecondMemo: Team Clinton & Obama Worked With Foreign Spy To Undermine Trump With Second Dossier

WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange found vindication in the announcement, as well.

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Former CIA Chief Admits US Meddles in Foreign Elections - For Their Own Good
February 21 2018 | From: Zerohedge

Former CIA chief James Woolsey appeared on Fox News to push the narrative of how dastardly 'dem Russkies' are in their meddling with the sacred soul of America's democracy.

Woolsey did his patriotic deep-state-duty and proclaimed the evils of "expansionist Russia" and dropped 'facts' like "Russia has a larger cyber-army than its standing army," before he moved on to China and its existential threats.

Related: EX-CIA Director: “We interfere in other countries’ elections (81 times), but only for a good cause.”

But then, beginning at around 4:30, the real debacle of the conversation begins as Ingraham asks Woolsey,

"Have we ever tried to meddle in other countries' elections?"

He responds, surprisingly frankly...

"Oh probably... but it was for the good of the system..."

To which Ingraham follows up...

"We don't do that now though? We don't mess around in other people's elections?"

Prompting this extraordinary sentence from a former CIA chief...

"Well...hhhmmm, numm numm numm numm... only for a very good cause... in the interests of democracy"

Related: Happy Birthday CIA: 7 Truly Terrible Things The Agency Has Done In 70 Years

So just to clarify - yes, the CIA chief admitted that Democracy-spreading 'Murica meddled in the Democratic elections of other nations "in the interests of democracy."

In case you wondered which ones he was referring to, here's a brief selection since 1948...

2016: UK (verbal intervention against Brexit)

2014: Afghanistan (effectively re-writing Afghan constitution)

2014: UK (verbal intervention against Scottish independence)

2011: Libya (providing support to overthrow Colonel Gaddafi)

2009: Honduras (ousting President Zelaya)

2006: Palestine (providing support to oust Prime Minister Haniyeh)

2005: Syria (providing support against President al-Assad)

2003: Iran (providing support against President Khatami)

2003: Iraq (ousting of President Hussein)

2002: Venezuela (providing support to attempt an overthrow of President Chavez)

1999: Yugoslavia (removing Yugoslav forces from Kosovo)

1994: Iraq (attempted overthrow of President Hussein)

1991: Haiti (ousting President Aristide)

1991: Kuwait (removing Iraqi forces from Kuwait)

1989: Panama (ousting General Noriega)

1983: Grenada (ousting General Austin's Marxist forces)

1982: Nicaragua (providing support

1971: Chile (ousting President Allende)

1967: Indonesia (ousting President Sukarno)

1964: Brazil (ousting President Goulart)

1964: Chile (providing support against Salvador Allende)

1961: Congo (assassination of leader Lumumba)

1958: Lebanon (providing support to Christian political parties)

1954: Guatemala (ousting President Arbenz)

1953: Iran (ousting Prime Minister Mossadegh)

1953: Philippines (providing support to the President Magsaysay campaign)

1948: Italy (providing support to the Christian Democrats campaign)

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Nigel Farage At Irexit Conference: Brexit And Trump Revolts A "Pivotal Point" In Western History
February 21 2018 | From: TheGatewayPundit

Former UKIP leader and Brexit architect, Nigel Farage, created a stir in Dublin this past weekend, appearing as the headline speaker at a conference on Ireland’s exit from the EU, much to the chagrin of the nation’s europhile political and media establishment.

Speaking in front of a packed hall at the ”Irexit: Freedom to Prosper” conference, Farage suggested that 2016’s populist revolts were no ‘’short outburst of anger’’ to be followed by a return to the status quo – as some political leaders were hoping – but rather events that in one hundred years would be seen as a pivotal point in western history; ‘’a moment in which the western world said ‘’we’ve had enough of globalism, we’ve had enough of governments that condemn us for being patriotic about our country and about our flag.’’

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Leadership Idealism & Wisdom

Eurosceptic parties, of both the left and right, were springing up across Europe following the Brexit vote, from Sweden, France and Germany to the nations of Central and Eastern Europe, Farage told the enthusiastic crowd – with one notable exception; Ireland.

"‘’We actually love Europe, we love the different nationalities of Europe, the different peoples of Europe…but what we don’t like is this attempt by the European Union to hijack the word ‘’Europe’’.

To them, Europe is that flag, Europe is that anthem, Europe are those glass and steel structures, Europe are tens of thousands of highly paid bureaucrats, and they think because they’ve got all of this that they own Europe and the word. Well they don’t!

the individual countries and peoples of Europe, we own the word ‘’Europe’’, not them!’’

Putting forward reasons why Ireland should separate from supranational bloc, including the ‘’indignity’’ of having had Irish budgets reviewed by the German parliament before its own and the loss of lucrative Atlantic fishing rights, Farage reminded attendees that the Taoiseach (Irish Prime Minister) Leo Varadkar was now on record as prepared to pay more to Brussels to meet the massive ‘’Brexit deficit’’ which will be created in EU coffers following the UK’s departure in March 2019.

"’I don’t think Ireland is a pro-EU country’’, Farage contended, but rather ‘’the political, media and big business class of Dublin are’’, an observation drawing enthusiastic reaction from the hall.

‘’They love it! And what’s not to like?’’, the UKIP MEP continued, summarizing the benefits enjoyed by those working within the EU and dominating the Irish media conversation; ‘’16% top rate tax, 10,000 civil servants in Brussels earning more than the British prime minister, 7 or 8 weeks holiday a year, no chance of being sacked if you’re incompetent…’’

Related: Farage: Establishment Losing Control Over The People

With only 15 months to create a movement to field candidates at the next European elections, the packed conference was an impressive starting point, Farage noted, recounting anecdotes from his early political life when few showed up to public meetings to unexpectedly finding himself the warm-up act at a 20,000 strong Trump rally in Mississippi.

‘’We in the Brexit campaign have, I think I can say, more than done our bit so far but now it’s time for you to make these arguments, to organize and to mobilize in this country and I wish you Godspeed in doing so’’, the British politician and broadcaster concluded, adding that he would ‘’hop on a plane to Dublin’’ if he could be of assistance.

Interviewed as part of the event by writer and fellow speaker, John Waters, Farage admitted that the day his fellow countrymen voted ‘’to be free again’’ was the proudest moment of his life and that he was enjoying his days having stepped down as party leader.

‘’But if in 18 months’ time, if they’ve made an absolute Horlicks of Brexit, then I’ll have to go back and fight the buggers again, won’t I?!’’, he laughed, to a standing ovation from an audience that had travelled from across Ireland to hear his address.

The Irexit conference was organized by the Europe of Freedom and Direct Democracy Group (EFDD), a eurosceptic group made up largely of UKIP (UK Independence Party) and Italy’s Five Star Movement. Further coverage of the event to follow on The Gateway Pundit.

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Globalism, Socialism, Technocracy: Three Names For The Same Thing
February 20 2018 | From: JonRappoport

Every “universal” solution for humankind presupposes a gigantic flaw in the way things are. That flaw must be corrected.

It must be corrected from above, by a better system, which locks the door against an escape back into the old way.

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The first casualty in this utopian process is freedom.

In fact, freedom is viewed as THE flaw. It opens Pandora’s Box, thus releasing all human ills, crimes, devastations, and inequities.

Globalism (elites ruling the planet as one nation); Socialism (international governments and mega-corporations owning the means of production and distribution); and Technocracy (engineering world society as if it were a machine); these are all names for the better system that replaces freedom with… what?

With control.

With control described as: fair and equitable benefits given to every human. “Guaranteed security.” “Guaranteed survival.”

And THAT is, of course, the con.

Related: Globalists Unite: Elites Target Trump, Nationalism At Davos

The con can be dressed up in all sorts of ways. “Public-private partnerships.” “Distributing energy fairly in an energy-scarce world.” “Saving the environment.” “Reducing manmade warming.” “No child left behind.” “Open borders.” “Tolerating and celebrating diversity.” “From each according to his ability, to each according to his need.” “It takes a Village.” “A kinder gentler government will take care of you.”

The price of your ticket? Your freedom.

At the heart of the con is the effort to reprogram the “inherently flawed human biological machine.” In other words, erase “the basic delusion that freedom exists.”

Once that operation has been achieved, a better world will follow.

“The blueprint of your mind was ABC. We will change that to XYZ.”

This horrendous concept forms the link between Socialism, Globalism, and Technocracy. It is “science” deployed to bring overall methods of control “up to date.”

Edit the genes. Insert visual images directly into the brain. Use drugs to dampen and neutralize emotional responses. Sidetrack and take away impulses that are considered “anti-social.”

Consider this question contained in a 1952 CIA MKULTRA memo:

“Can we get control of an individual to the point where he will do our bidding against his will and even against fundamental laws of nature, such as self preservation?”

Related: The Vision Of Technocracy

The worst part of all of this is the dejection it causes among many intelligent people. They give in to the idea that massive mind control of populations is inevitable, and nothing can be done to stop it. They jump to this conclusion because…

They have given up on the power of their own freedom. They have formed an inherently self-defeating world view.

They’ve decided that Technocracy is irresistible.

In effect, they’ve joined the tyranny.

Well, that’s exactly what the controllers are looking for. As Gary Allen points out in his brilliant book, None Dare Call It Conspiracy (1971), one of the cardinal propaganda ideas permeating worldwide Socialism was, and is: It’s inevitable.

That fallacious notion has been used to wear down the opposition. “Socialism is taking over the world, and nothing can be done about it.”

Nonsense. We did not arrive at this point in history to give up the ghost.

Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama made several references to the people they considered “enemies of benevolent control and the new world order”: bitter clingers with religion and guns, and a basket of deplorables.

This was an effort to characterize “hold-outs” who insisted on freedom. Freedom, in elite eyes, is the resistance, plain and simple. It is archaic and dangerous. It is ignorant and senseless. It is primitive.

Related: Rising Up Against The Oligarchs Does Not Equal Socialism

Sophisticated minds would, of course, understand that “togetherness” is the true answer to human problems. Meaning: dependence on centralized power. Centralized and globalized power.

To justify the expansion of Globalism, Socialism, and Technocracy, to put a humane face on this triple catastrophe, it is necessary to proliferate the number of victims with needs - and what better way to do that than by demanding Western nations take in and support unlimited waves of migrants?

Freedom, on the other hand, implies self-reliance, self-sufficiency, inviolable private property, and the protections expressed in the US Bill of Rights. O how deplorable!

The Founding Fathers of the American Republic were all deplorables, weren’t they? They saw a light at the end of the tunnel of history, and they moved toward it, armed with ideas that would shake the world.

The controllers strive to decimate that disturbance and return, behind their triple mask, to the era of entitled rule. They are the revisionists. They are the oligarchs. They are wolves in sheep’s clothing. They enlist “the downtrodden” to front for them.

They bark and howl about social justice, when justice is the last thing on their minds.

Related: Patrick Wood: Technocracy is Slavery

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Three Extraordinary Paradoxes Of Personal Awakening
February 20 2018 | From: WakingTImes

How do you reconcile the utter madness of the world with the overwhelming joy of being alive in it?

“Paradox: a situation, person, or thing that combines contradictory features or qualities.”

Related: The Great Transformation: A World Awakening

Without question we live in interesting times. The deception, insanity and turmoil in our world has no end, yet when we tune in very closely to life’s pulse, we find softness and connection open to us at every step.

These contradictory features of the human experience point to the dualistic nature of the universe, but ultimately offer a glimpse of a middle way, the center, where harmony resides in a sea of chaos. A seeming, but natural paradox.

"When people find one thing beautiful,
another consequently becomes ugly.
When one man is held up as good,
another is judged deficient.

Similarly, being and nonbeing balance each other;
difficult and easy define each other;
long and short illustrate each other;
high and low rest upon one another;
voice and song meld into harmony;
what is to come follows upon what has been.”

~Tao Te Ching 2

This is what personal awakening means. To create a harmonious relationship with your own life. To solve the paradox. Have you experienced any of these 3 extraordinary paradoxes of personal awakening?

1. The Awakening is Triggered by Fear and Supported by Love

Like an invading virus triggers the immune system, fear triggers the awakening. War, strife, turmoil, conspiracy, control, death, suffering, theft, abuse. This is the world we have created for ourselves.

Related: Now That You’ve Awakened, How Do You Help Awaken Others?

The toll of such heaviness manifests as a dense type of contagious fear, a chronic trigger that perpetuates the fight or flight response, but without an immediate or tangible threat to face directly. But there is nowhere to run or hide from the fear.

We can confront it or be consumed by it. Or transmute it.

And what is to found beyond the fear? Love. An endless stream of it. In the stream the fear makes sense as a force which guides us into the stream of love.

2. Healing Hurts

The awakening is ultimately a healing process, but it’s hardly free of pain, because it is in a sense a recovery from injury or illness, like a form of forgetfulness of who you really are.

As such, it actually hurts. A lot. And just like the agony of having a broken bone set, or the pain of recovering from a difficult surgery, emotional and spiritual pain is a necessary component of healing.

Related: How To Realise Your True Calling & The 5 Stages Of Awakening: Are Demons Walking Among Us?

Letting go into whatever it is, depression, sadness, boredom, or even grief, is how healing begins. There is no out, only through. The remembrance of the pain is there to forever color the outcome of the healing process.

"If you desire healing,
let yourself fall ill
let yourself fall ill.”

Jalaluddin Mevlana Rumi

3. The Void Has Everything We Need

Counter intuitive it may seem, but stepping out of the cultural and mental clutter and into the void, where being and non-being balance each other, reveals everything we truly need. It turns out that silence is the teacher.

In silence the universe comes into focus. Time stops and morphs into timelines. Infinite possibilities all become clear at once. Everything we need to know and feel is in this space, but to get there, everything has to be stripped away.

"In the pursuit of knowledge, every day something is added. In the practice of the Tao, every day something is dropped.”

Tao Te Ching

Related: The Masses Are Awakening

Final Thoughts

What lies above lies below. A proper life is about balancing the joy of being alive with the terror of being alive. Ignoring either side of the equation leads to chaos.

"Do you want to improve the world?
I don’t think it can be done.

The world is sacred.
It can’t be improved.
If you tamper with it, you’ll ruin it.
If you treat it like an object, you’ll lose it.

There is a time for being ahead,
a time for being behind;
a time for being in motion,
a time for being at rest;
a time for being vigorous,
a time for being exhausted;
a time for being safe,
a time for being in danger.

The Master sees things as they are,
without trying to control them.
She lets them go their own way,
and resides at the center of the circle.”

- Lao Tzu, Tao Te Ching

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Trey Gowdy To Gun Grabbing Politicans: “Show Me A Law That Will Prevent The Next Mass Killing”
February 19 2018 | From: FreedomOutpost

The purpose of the law is not to stop crime, it's to point out who the criminals are.

Rep. Trey Gowdy (R-SC) responded quickly after the shooting at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School to gun grabbing politicians who think that writing more illegal, unconstitutional laws to restrict the rights of gun owners will stop mass killings.

Related: Vegas Shooting: Official Scenario Crumbling & More False Flag Ops As Deep State Is Losing On Every Battlefront

In an interview Thursday morning with Fox News host Bill Hemmer, Gowdy issued a statement that even Senator Dianne Feinstein (D-CA) has agreed with. Take a look.

Gowdy was asked what he would say to Americans who claim that Congress doesn't act on things like mental health or guns.

"The first thing I would say to this generation of children is how sorry I am you have witnessed school shootings, mall shootings, concert shootings," Gowdy began.  "There is no place that seems safe in our society."

"So, as devastating as the loss of life is, the loss of innocence for this generation of children, I don't know anyone who would not pass a bill today that would prevent the next mass shooting." he continued.

That's right, because no ink on paper will stop a criminal from committing crime!  Isn't that the point of the law in the first place?  To simply determine who the criminals are?  Law doesn't stop criminals.

Related: Gun Control Is Not About Safety - It Is About The Deep State Fascists Controlling The Dumbed-Down Public

As I said before, even gun-grabber Dianne Feinstein agrees that there is no law that will stop a mass shooting.

Following the Las Vegas shooting, Feinstein was asked if there were laws that could have prevented the shooting?

“I don’t know. I would have to take a good look at that and really study it. I’m not sure there is any set of laws that could have prevented it,” she told NBC’s Chuck Todd.  

She then followed up on CBS’ Face the Nation and told host John Dickerson that the Las Vegas shooter wouldn’t have been stopped by more gun laws. “He passed background checks registering for handguns and other weapons on multiple occasions,” the Senator admitted.

This is so important to remember because it tells you that when someone cries for more laws, they already know those laws will not stop crime.  So, when they admit those laws won't stop crime, but continue to push for them, you know they have an agenda, and an unlawful one at that.

As for Gowdy, he did reference trying to find out how Nikolas Cruz obtained the weapon he allegedly used, but he went on to speak about the alleged "gun show loophole" and asked, how many mass killings have resulted from guns purchased at gun shows?

None, that I know of, but that is really irrelevant. Because whether the gun is legally or illegally obtained, the criminal wanting to commit mass murder has it in his heart to do so and no amount of legislation will stop that.  If he can't get a gun legally, he'll get one illegally.  If he can't do that, he'll build a bomb.  If he can't do that, he'll resort to some other means of committing murder.

Furthermore, let me throw in the fact that it amazes me that an American citizen, who has a God-given right to keep and bear arms, has to prove his innocence before he can purchase said arms and exercise his right.  We don't do that with other rights, do we?  Nope, just the guns.

Gowdy went on to talk about prosecuting prohibited persons from owning guns as means to "avoid the murder."

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Well, often some of these people who are prohibited from owning a gun, shouldn't be in the first place.  Many times there are individuals who don't pay a mandatory child support because they know there are crimes being committed against their children and have informed those who are to enforce the law and they do nothing about it.  They then end up prohibited, even though they have actually not committed a crime.

However, if someone has committed a violent crime such as rape, murder, kidnapping or other crime, they should not be put in jail for the remainder of their life, and possibly let out. They should be put down, ie. the death penalty. Imagine if that were done for just a moment, and I say the more local the better.

Immediately, you would end this nonsense of background checks because those who truly lose their rights to keep and bear arms are dealt with justly. By keeping these people in jail, we not only commit an injustice against them, but every other citizen forced to pay taxes to keep up a prison system, feed, clothe and house the criminals, many of which committed crimes against them or family members. 

Does that sound just to you?  Me neither.  Furthermore, we would not have to play these little games about registries and denying them their rights once they completed their sentence.

Related: Mind-Altering Drug Makers Fund Anti-Gun Media

But no, we won't actually think about justice. We only want to think about more ways to grow the tyrannical beast, infringe on the peoples' rights and engage in gun prohibition.

Still, we learned several years back that the federal government just doesn't prosecute a lot of people who simply lie on their ATF forms in order to purchase a gun.

According to an interview in 2013, Jim Baker of the National Rifle Association spoke with the Daily Caller and said that then-Vice President Biden told him, "regarding the lack of prosecutions on lying on Form 4473s, we simply don’t have the time or manpower to prosecute everybody who lies on a form, that checks a wrong box, that answers a question inaccurately.”

If you aren't going to prosecute lying on a form and "don't have the time or manpower" to do so, then how in the world do these gun prohibitionists plan to deal with more people that they will turn into criminals simply by passing legislation against the Constitution?

In the end, Gowdy is right. There is no law or amount of laws that can be written to stop a criminal.

Related: Psych Drug Shooters: Florida school shooter “was on medication,” reports Miami Herald, just like nearly all other mass shooters

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The World’s Best Economist
February 19 2018 | From: PaulCraigRoberts

If you want to learn real economics instead of neoliberal junk economics, read Michael Hudson’s books.

What you will learn is that neoliberal economics is an apology for the rentier class and the large banks that have succeeded in financializing the economy, shifting consumer spending power from the purchase of goods and services that drive the real economy to the payment of interest and fees to banks.

Related: London School Of Economics – everything but the truth

His latest book is J is for Junk Economics. It is written in the form of a dictionary, but the definitions give you the precise meaning of economic terms, the history of economic concepts, and describe the transformation of economics from classical economics, where the emphasis was on taxing incomes that are not the product of the production of goods and services, to neoliberal economics, which rests on the taxation of labor and production.

This is an important difference that is not easy to understand. Classical economists defined “unearned income” as “economic rent.”

This is not the rent that you pay for your apartment. Economic rent is an income stream that has no counterpart in cost incurred by the receipient of the income stream.

For example, when a public authority, say the city of Alexandria, Virginia, decides to connect Alexandria with Washington, D.C., and with itself, with a subway paid for with public money, the owners of property along the subway line experience a rise in property values.

They owe their increased wealth and their increased incomes from the rental values of their properties to the expenditure of taxpayer dollars. If these gains were taxed away, the subway line could have been financed without taxpayers’ money.

Related: Mr Draghi, what are you afraid of? Release #TheGreekFiles!

It is these gains in value produced by the subway, or by a taxpayer-financed road across property, or by having beachfront property instead of property off the beach, or by having property on the sunny side of the street in a business area that are “economic rents.” Monopoly profits due to a unique positioning are also economic rents.

Hudson adds to these rents the interest that governments pay to bondholders when governments can avoid the issuance of bonds by printing money instead of bonds.

When governments allow private banks to create the money with which to purchase the government’s bonds, the governments create liabilities for taxpayers than are easily avoidable if, instead, government created the money themselves to finance their projects.

The buildup of public debt is entirely unnecessary. No less money is created by the banks that buy government bonds than would be created if the government printed money instead of bonds.

The inability of neoliberal economics to differentiate income streams that are economic rents with no cost of production from produced output makes the National Income and Product Accounts, the main source of data on economic activity in the US, extremely misleading. The economy can be said to be growing because public debt-financed investment projects raise the rents along subway lines.

Related: Goldman Sachs Caught Manipulating US Dollar

“Free market” economists today are different from the classical free market economists. Classical economists, such as Adam Smith, understood a free market to be one in which taxation freed the economy from untaxed economic rents. In neoliberal economics, Hudson explains, “free market” means freedom for rent extraction free of government taxation and regulation. This is a huge difference.

Consequently, today the US economy is focused by policymakers including the Federal Reserve on maximizing rentier income at the expense of the growth in the real economy. Rentier income has the productive economy in a death grip.

The economy cannot grow, because consumer income is siphoned off into payment of interest and fees to banks, and is not available for increased purchases of real goods and services.

Independently I arrived at Hudson’s conclusion that neoliberal economics is a device for ripping off workers and producers in order to convey awards to the rentier class.

Neoliberal economics is a predatory device that justifies the exorbitant incomes of the One Percent while blaming rising debt on those forced into debt-peonage in order to survive.

Hudson’s virtue is that he explains the historical development of debt-peonage and makes it clear that this is the status that the One Percent intends for the 99 Percent. He resurrects classical economics and reformulates economic theory in keeping with the facts on the ground instead of rentier interests.

Hudson is a coauthor of mine. In former times it would have been inappropriate for me to review the work of a colleague. However, the neoliberal apologists for the One Percent are not going to confront themselves with Hudson’s facts. As I do not think that my integrity or Hudson’s is in question, I have no qualms about introducing you to this major work.

Buy the book. Read and study the book. Learn to rise far above corrupt neoliberal economics.

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Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi
How To Spot A Media Psy-Op
February 18 2018 | From: Newslogue

I enjoy a good conspiracy theory as much as the next peddler of anti-establishment vitriol. If you can hold them loosely, conspiracy theories can keep you conceptually and ideologically fluid so you don’t settle into any single set of perceptual or cognitive habits with this political stuff, and as an added bonus they tend to consistently infuriate all the worst kinds of people at all the right times.

But this article is not about conspiracy theory. What I’ll be sharing with you here are verifiable matters of public record which I encourage you to independently investigate if anything you read here is new to you.

Related: Media Is In Complete Free-Fall Among Illuminati Arrest Precursors

I emphasize this not because I want you to believe me, but because we need as many eyes on this stuff as possible.

The American political establishment appears to have settled into an aggressive disinformation campaign against its own citizens as a result of the way it lost control of the narrative in 2016, and that campaign is only escalating.

In 2005, President George W. Bush admitted in a televised press conference that the US government creates its own “news” videos to give to the press, who often air those stories with no disclaimers informing viewers that they are watching government-generated media. In 2013, the US government implemented the negation of a 1948 law which had made it illegal for it to conduct psychological operations (psy-ops) on its citizens.

The 2017 NDAA allots a portion of the defense budget to a new State Department-run “counter-propaganda” program to fight certain types of information Americans are getting from the internet.

So when I tell you that the American government is known to actively use the media to psychologically manipulate the American people, that isn’t some wacky conspiracy theory, it’s a fact. These people have been legalizing and legislating psy-ops campaigns because they want to use them.

A lot of my readers probably tuned out from mainstream media long ago, as did I, but as the manipulators of the political establishment become more desperate their movements are becoming a lot more obvious, and they’ve been giving us a lot of valuable information lately.

I encourage you to tune back in as much as you feel inclined to, because when they really overextend, these mouthpieces of the oligarchy actually tell us where they don’t want us to look. Here are a few things you can watch out for to spot their manipulations:

The Slogan

Whenever you hear all the talking heads on TV suddenly start using the same phrase at the same time, you are hearing a slogan, a marketing ploy cooked up by a political think tank in the same way corporate think tanks come up with slogans for their products like “I’m lovin’ it” or “Silly rabbit, Trix are for kids!” Only political slogans aren’t geared to manipulate you into buying a product, they’re geared to manipulate you into buying into an idea. 

In 2003 while the corporate media was manufacturing consent for the Iraq invasion, everyone suddenly started using the phrase “Support our troops.” It was everywhere.

“Support our troops, support our troops!” You couldn’t watch the news without hearing it frequently peppered into the conversation, which is bizarre because taken on its own the phrase is essentially meaningless.

The opposition to the Iraq war wasn’t rooted in a lack of “support” for the individuals in the armed forces, it was opposition to the invasion itself and the decision to do so made by politicians in DC.

But all at once corporate media began slamming the American psyche with the absurd subconscious notion that if you didn’t support the invasion you must therefore hate soldiers and marines

Following Hillary Clinton’s loss due to counter-establishment ideas and information being circulated largely via alternative media outlets, we began seeing the phrase “fake news” being constantly bleated with very broad brush strokes in a transparent attempt to lump dissenting alternative media outlets in with Macedonian clickbait and Russian propaganda.

And it was fairly successful at first; for weeks every single one of my opinion articles was getting comments calling them “fake news” despite being neither fake nor news.

Alternative media was getting slammed with this deliberate government psy-op, and luckily there was a strong pushback against it wherein every time CNN or the Washington Post published an unsubstantiated and inflammatory claim there was widespread use of their own slogan against them.

WaPo recently announced that it’s “time to retire the term fake news” since it’s been co-opted by the political right, and it’s true; you now hear that term being used more often on right-leaning mainstream media than on the left. By hijacking the term, they broke the spell, causing it to become an ineffective psy-op.

The Non-Sequitur

Pay close attention to when establishment shills interject a phrase that doesn’t seem to really “fit” with the rest of their words. Whenever you see the CIA-funded Washington Post arbitrarily start babbling about Pizzagate in the middle of an article about something or someone who opposes the political establishment, even when the hard substance of the report has nothing whatsoever to do with Pizzagate, you are seeing this psy-op at work.

CNN’s Chris Cuomo is an absolute wizard with this trick. The son of a former Democratic New York Governor and brother of a current Democratic New York Governor, Cuomo is political establishment royalty, and he appears to have been groomed for his job.

Cuomo went to law school instead of studying journalism, but has been given a prominent spot on the media juggernaut Clinton News Network, where he routinely inserts ideas into his commentary that are designed to fly below the radar and bury themselves deep in America’s subconscious. 

My readers might remember Cuomo as the guy who casually slipped the absurd notion that it’s illegal for Americans to read WikiLeaks into his report, which to me is less notable for how blatantly manipulative it is than for the way Americans finally caught him in the act.

It was a very brief insertion, just a few seconds long, but some alert viewers were able to isolate it and go “Hey! What did you just do there? You’re tricking us!”

Which is great, but this was the only time Cuomo has really been caught in a big way. Watch the clip here and get a feel for how bizarrely his sentences are structured when you really listen to his words; whenever you see a pundit word-salading like that, it’s probably because they’re slipping a toxic idea into what they’re serving you.

Watch this clip here from his town hall with Bernie Sanders where out of nowhere Cuomo inserts the idea into viewers’ minds that the oligarchy isn’t the problem Sanders makes it out to be. Notice how his comment that Joe Biden “doesn't think 500 billionaires are behind every problem that America has” had nothing to do with anything anyone was talking about at the time, including Cuomo, and how weirdly and nonsensically he slips that spell into the mix.

It looks weirder written down, since he works his magic with such confidence; here’s a transcript from CNN if you want to see it in writing.

You can see a more overt example here in his interview with Rep. Tulsi Gabbard, where he somehow manages to force the adamant assertion “Assad is a tyrant, that he is an oppressor of his people and he needs to be taken out in the name of democracy” into the form of a question to help inoculate viewers from Gabbard’s anti-establishment message involving Syria.

Related: Facts You Need To Know About Syria & Syrian President Bashar Al Assad Fields Questions From French Media And Defends Alternative Media

It’s a magic trick. I don’t know where he learned it or why he relentlessly uses it on the American public, but the technique he’s using is called neuro-linguistic programming and it’s well-known among magicians. Check out UK magician Derren Brown who uses it extensively in his act to manipulate people into doing what he wants so he can appear to be psychic.

During his show, he sprinkles subconscious messages throughout his patter so his “predictions” come true at the end. These words and phrases that are so odd and out of context that they should jump out at you, but the mind smooths it over and moves on to the next thing he says. These tiny weird little phrases don’t even need to be repeated that often for them to work

And work, they do. He can get any three people from the audience to collaborate to select a word of his choosing out of a possible 1.6 million words, seemingly at random to the participants.

The only difference with Brown is that it’s a part of his reveal at the end, and he walks you through how he manipulated everyone. Watch here to see him walk an audience through how he got them to choose that one word from 1.6 million for him, complete with video clips of each insertion. 

I guarantee you Chris Cuomo has made a study of neuro-linguistic programming or something similar as part of his establishment grooming. His quick, rhythmic delivery and seamless insertions are the hallmark of a genius-level NLP practitioner.

The Forced Association

This psy-op is designed to forcefully marry two unrelated ideas in the minds of the audience for the benefit of the political establishment. Half a year after the Iraq invasion, a poll by USA Today found that 70 percent of Americans still believed that Saddam Hussein was responsible for 9/11.

This wasn’t because reporters were directly saying this; they never could have gotten away with such blatant falsehoods.

What they could get away with was consistently making sure they mentioned Saddam Hussein in the same breath as the September 11th attacks over and over again, and I remember them doing this frequently.

They’d mention the “intelligence” which said Saddam had weapons of mass destruction, and then they’d say something about the possibility of another attack similar to 9/11.

They did this on purpose as part of corporate media’s well-documented participation in manufacturing consent for the invasion, and it worked.

A recent YouGov poll found that 50 percent of Hillary Clinton voters believe that the Russian government tampered with vote tallies to help Donald Trump win the presidential election.

This is because media outlets, nearly all of which are owned by just five powerful companies in the US, have been deliberately using phrases like “election hacking” and “hacked the election” instead of phrases like “hacked the DNC emails” or “spearphishing John Podesta’s emails” which would have been an infinitely more accurate reflection of the actual substance of their reports.

People were tricked into marrying those two ideas, and now half the Democrats you meet will likely believe that Putin was involved in hacking actual election booths or vote tallies.

A few days ago we saw the same thing when Donald Trump lashed out at Rep. John Lewis for saying he didn’t consider him a legitimate President; the overwhelming majority of the headlines from liberal corporate media used words like “civil rights hero” and “civil rights icon” when referring to Lewis and “attack” and “smear” when referring to Trump’s response to him.

In reality Trump was just returning fire initiated by a Congressman in the opposing party, but I guarantee you there are millions of Americans who now think of Trump as someone who attacks civil rights leaders because he hates civil rights, for the same exact reason people think Russia hacked polling booths and thought Saddam was responsible for 9/11.

The Washington Post

Just the whole entire Washington Post. The entire thing is one gigantic government psy-op. Its owner Jeff Bezos has collected many hundreds of millions of dollars directly from the CIA (a conflict of interest WaPo never mentions when reporting on US intelligence agencies), and his rag has consistently been the most unapologetic promulgator of the establishment narrative.

To list just a very few examples, WaPo ran sixteen negative articles about Bernie Sanders in the span of sixteen hours during the most hotly contested point in the presidential primaries, published a story which blacklisted hundreds of dissenting alternative media outlets as “Russian propaganda”, reported that Russians had hacked America’s electrical grid when nothing of the sort had happened and then covertly and unapologetically edited their article as their lies became exposed after millions of Americans had consumed their false narrative, and have been among the most aggressive peddlers of the aforementioned “Russia hacked the election” forced association psy-op.

WaPo is a great resource for all clear-eyed rebels, because it can be used as a daily memo of what the CIA and the political establishment it supports want the American public to believe.

Jeff Bezos is the second wealthiest person on the planet and prior to his purchase of WaPo he had already obstructed WikiLeaks via his company Amazon, so he’s unquestionably got a vested interest in propping up the oligarchy. Paying attention to his publication tells us where we aren’t meant to look.


One of the first things I noticed before any campaigning had even started in the recent Democratic primary was when Hillary Clinton got caught buying millions of fake “zombie” accounts to bolster her numbers on Twitter and Facebook.

They’re called zombie accounts because they’re not real people. You can buy followers pretty inexpensively it turns out, but they’re only shell accounts. They will never retweet you, they just make your numbers look better.

It was the beginning of the largest and most outrageous astroturfing of a campaign we’ve ever seen. Astroturf is so called because it seeks to mimic the growth of a natural grassroots campaign.

You buy followers, pay people to turn up to your rallies, offer incentives to wear your stickers and badges, pay people to go online and defend you, hand out signs at rallies that look home-made, pay celebrities to endorse you, pay your marketing campaign to make memes for you, stage “spontaneous” photo-ops with “fans" - in short, you use money to pay for the appearance of what burgeoned from the Bernie Sander’s campaign organically because there was genuine and growing enthusiasm for the candidate. Astroturfing seeks to mimic that kind of virality.

These strategies are usually used by advertising companies to generate interest for a product. Check out this Ted talk by Sharyl Attkisson for a little tour. It’s well-known in the trade that word-of-mouth is by far the best salesman, so those sneaky bastards have dreamed up ways of mimicking that.

What the Clinton campaign did went way beyond hiring a few shills to inject positive messages about their candidate and into the realm of mass psychological abuse, using real-life disrupters, social media shills, and the mainstream media to demonize Trump and his supporters to the point where the nation is still showing symptoms of post-traumatic stress disorder.

Here’s the thing though - we can only prove that the Clinton campaign did that because of the email leaks and the fact that the FEC enforces some transparency on the activities and budgets of the campaign and its superPACS. If we didn’t have those two things, we wouldn’t have proof that it occurred.

Post-campaign, you can still hire a company to shill for you online, on whatever issue you please, and you don’t have to report it to anyone. It’s relatively inexpensive and it’s a very effective way of controlling the narrative and disrupting natural healthy collaboration between normal humans.

This is just a taster but according to this amazing article from Double G, I mean, Glenn Greenwald, the key tactics boil down to the four D’s - Deny, disrupt, degrade, deceive.

So just because the campaign bunting has been taken down, don’t think that there aren’t regular assaults occurring on the hearts and minds of average Westerners, but the good news is, they are getting easier and easier to spot.

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Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi

The Large Families That Rule The World
February 17 2018 | From: PravdaReport

Some people have started realizing that there are large financial groups that dominate the world. Forget the political intrigues, conflicts, revolutions and wars. It is not pure chance. Everything has been planned for a long time.

Some call it "conspiracy theories" or New World Order. Anyway, the key to understanding the current political and economic events is a restricted core of families who have accumulated more wealth and power.

Related: Why Rome (the Holy Roman Empire) Still Rules the World

We are speaking of 6, 8 or maybe 12 families who truly dominate the world. Know that it is a mystery difficult to unravel.

We will not be far from the truth by citing Goldman Sachs, Rockefellers, Loebs Kuh and Lehmans in New York, the Rothschilds of Paris and London, the Warburgs of Hamburg, Paris and Lazards Israel Moses Seifs Rome.

Many people have heard of the Bilderberg Group, Illuminati or the Trilateral Commission. But what are the names of the families who run the world and have control of states and international organizations like the UN, NATO or the IMF?

Related: Psychopaths Rule Us

To try to answer this question, we can start with the easiest: inventory, the world's largest banks, and see who the shareholders are and who make the decisions.

The world's largest companies are now: Bank of America, JP Morgan, Citigroup, Wells Fargo, Goldman Sachs and Morgan Stanley.

Let us now review who their shareholders are.

Bank of America:

State Street Corporation, Vanguard Group, BlackRock, FMR (Fidelity), Paulson, JP Morgan, T. Rowe, Capital World Investors, AXA, Bank of NY, Mellon.

JP Morgan:

State Street Corp., Vanguard Group, FMR, BlackRock, T. Rowe, AXA, Capital World Investor, Capital Research Global Investor, Northern Trust Corp. and Bank of Mellon.


State Street Corporation, Vanguard Group, BlackRock, Paulson, FMR, Capital World Investor, JP Morgan, Northern Trust Corporation, Fairhome Capital Mgmt and Bank of NY Mellon.

Wells Fargo:

Berkshire Hathaway, FMR, State Street, Vanguard Group, Capital World Investors, BlackRock, Wellington Mgmt, AXA, T. Rowe and Davis Selected Advisers.

We can see that now there appears to be a nucleus present in all banks: State Street Corporation, Vanguard Group, BlackRock and FMR (Fidelity). To avoid repeating them, we will now call them the "big four"

Goldman Sachs:

"The big four," Wellington, Capital World Investors, AXA, Massachusetts Financial Service and T. Rowe.

Morgan Stanley:

"The big four," Mitsubishi UFJ, Franklin Resources, AXA, T. Rowe, Bank of NY Mellon e Jennison Associates. Rowe, Bank of NY Mellon and Jennison Associates.

We can just about always verify the names of major shareholders. To go further, we can now try to find out the shareholders of these companies and shareholders of major banks worldwide.

Bank of NY Mellon:

Davis Selected, Massachusetts Financial Services, Capital Research Global Investor, Dodge, Cox, Southeatern Asset Mgmt. and ... "The big four."

State Street Corporation:

(One of the "big four")

Massachusetts Financial Services, Capital Research Global Investor, Barrow Hanley, GE, Putnam Investment and ... The "big four" (shareholders themselves!).


(Another One of the "big four")

PNC, Barclays e CIC. Who is behind the PNC? FMR (Fidelity), BlackRock, State Street, etc. And behind Barclays? BlackRock.

And we could go on for hours, passing by tax havens in the Cayman Islands, Monaco or the legal domicile of Shell companies in Liechtenstein. A network where companies are always the same, but never a name of a family.

In short: the eight largest U.S. financial companies (JP Morgan, Wells Fargo, Bank of America, Citigroup, Goldman Sachs, U.S. Bancorp, Bank of New York Mellon and Morgan Stanley) are 100% controlled by ten shareholders and we have four companies always present in all decisions: BlackRock, State Street, Vanguard and Fidelity.

Related: The Federal Reserve Cartel: The Eight Families + 7 Not-So-Secret Homes Of Super Secret Societies

In addition, the Federal Reserve is comprised of 12 banks, represented by a board of seven people, which comprises representatives of the "big four," which in turn are present in all other entities.

In short, the Federal Reserve is controlled by four large private companies: BlackRock, State Street, Vanguard and Fidelity. These companies control U.S. monetary policy (and world) without any control or "democratic" choice. These companies launched and participated in the current worldwide economic crisis and managed to become even more enriched.

To finish, a look at some of the companies controlled by this "big four" group:

Alcoa Inc.

Altria Group Inc.

American International Group Inc.

AT&T Inc.

Boeing Co.

Caterpillar Inc.

Coca-Cola Co.

DuPont & Co.

Exxon Mobil Corp.

General Electric Co.

General Motors Corporation

Hewlett-Packard Co.

Home Depot Inc.

Honeywell International Inc.

Intel Corp.

International Business Machines Corp

Johnson & Johnson

JP Morgan Chase & Co.

McDonald's Corp.

Merck & Co. Inc.

Microsoft Corp.

3M Co.

Pfizer Inc.

Procter & Gamble Co.

United Technologies Corp.

Verizon Communications Inc.

Wal-Mart Stores Inc.

Time Warner

Walt Disney


Rupert Murdoch's News Corporation

CBS Corporation

NBC Universal

The same "big four" control the vast majority of European companies counted on the stock exchange.

Related: Why Do We Allow Private Banks & Families To Control The World’s Money? +The Truth Is Out: Money Is Just An IOU, And The Banks Are Rolling In It

In addition, all these people run the large financial institutions, such as the IMF, the European Central Bank or the World Bank, and were "trained" and remain "employees" of the "big four" that formed them.

The names of the families that control the "big four", never appear.

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Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi

Inflation: The Most Evil Threat = Governments Robbing Their Citizens
February 16 2018 | From: FinalWakeUpCall

Inflation, is an invisible, secret tax that not even 1% of common people understand. It is dangerous and most of the time a fatal disease.

If not under control in time, it can destroy society. No government is willing to accept responsibility for causing inflation. They always find an excuse; such as greedy businessmen, selfish trade unions, spendthrift consumers, Arab sheiks that have raised the price of oil, bad weather, or anything else that seems plausible.

Although all these can temporarily produce higher prices for individual items; they cannot produce continuing inflation for one very simple reason; None of the above alleged culprits possesses a printing press, to turn out pieces of paper called money; None can legally authorise a bookkeeper to make entries on ledgers that are the equivalent of those pieces of paper.

Over time, the result will be an immensely lower standard of living, resulting from the declining purchasing power and increasing commodity prices. Real wages will be much lower, as employers will not readily increase wages to keep up with inflation.

Under a paper system without backing, the entire monetary system is controlled by the political class, which has the power to allocate capital or to deny it.

This implies that the people heading the world’s capital markets, rather than acting as capital allocators, have become mere speculative marionettes, whose strings are controlled by the well connected and the influential.

Inflation is a printing press phenomenon. The two important basic questions are:

Why do governments increase the quantity of money?

Why do they produce inflation when they understand the potential harm?

If the quantity of goods and services available for purchase – for short-term ‘output’ – were to increase as rapidly as the quantity of money, prices would tend to be stable.

Prices may fall gradually, as more became available, while people keep their wealth in the form of money. Inflation occurs when the quantity of money rises more rapidly than output and the more rapid the rise in the quantity of money, the greater the rate of inflation.

Output is limited by the physical and human resources available, and by the improvement in knowledge and capacity to use them. At best the output can grow only fairly slowly. The same is the case, although always temporarily and for a brief period of time, for money backed by a commodity. While, paper money has no limitation as does commodity-backed money.

Inflation is a Monetary Phenomenon:

In short; Inflation is primarily a monetary phenomenon, produced by a more rapid increase in the quantity of money than in output. Excessive monetary growth produces inflation, caused by governments. – In general, inflation is worse than a financial crisis.

Taxpayers’ money is spent for nothing without reform in sight; Increase in unemployment, as businesses go bankrupt. – Bankers that caused the 2008 financial crisis were bailed out with people’s money and their managers were left in charge who in turn were taking on even more risks with taxpayer’s deposits
in order to rake up even larger bonuses.

Eventually these schemes will result in a massive inflation, never witnessed before. The debt is structural; it’s irresolvable, there is no way to repair this economy.

Inflation is Legalised Theft:

Inflation is nothing more than legalised theft by your government; inflation is only two percent, is what the Statistics suggest. But these numbers don’t show the truth. Today’s real inflation rate is probably closer to 9 %, maybe even higher.

 Who knows? All published inflation data are a blatant lie, as these numbers are made up to suit the government.

Showing lower inflation in statistics looks better. The theft committed by governments is concealed.

When central banks print reserves far in excess of domestic savings, the result is inevitably inflation. The more they print, the more capital is available forinstitutions – central banks – to invest.

Related: Who Owns New Zealand's Banks - And Australia's Banks - Anyone's Banks?

This creates massive asset inflation, in the price of assets, as central bankers buy – bonds, stocks, and real estate – to push economies upwards all around the world. – Instead of triggering an immediate currency flight, as seen in Argentina or Zimbabwe, this inflation has produced an investment-generated boom.

The ongoing ‘financial boom’ is a fallacy of historic portions. Nobody knows exactly when, but eventually the world will lose faith in central banks’ ability to boost markets.

A Better Way Than Creating Inflation:

If additional government spending was financed either by taxes or by borrowing from the public, that would not lead to more rapid monetary growth. In this case the government would have more to spend, while the public would have less.

But the easy way out is increasing the quantity of money, because that’s more attractive since the public doesn’t understand the severe implications, and it seems like magic, like getting something for nothing! But the fact of the matter is that the holders of the money pay for the extra spending, as the extra money raises prices when it is injected into the economy.

Moreover, inflation indirectly yields extra revenue by automatically raising effective tax revenues, as income from the people goes up to compensate for inflation, and people are consequently pushed into higher tax rate brackets.

Additionally, there is the benefit of paying off debt with less valuable currency – less purchasing power – as less valuable units are paying for original units that were more valuable.

Reduction of Monetary Growth:

The cure for inflation is the reduction in the rate of monetary growth, as this is the cause of inflation. Eventually it is a curable disease. Although the bad effects – a temporarily lower economic growth, and higher unemployment would be felt first, the good effects – a lower to zero inflation – would come later.

This would result in a healthier economy, with the potential for rapid noninflationary growth.

But as usual there is the lack of a true desire to cure the addiction of free money, resulting in this disease. In a sense people enjoy inflation. Although they would like to see the prices of goods they buy go down, or at least stop going up, they are more than happy to see the prices of the things they own or sell go up.

Inflation is Destructive:

One reason inflation is so destructive is because while some people benefit greatly, other people suffer. Society is divided into winners and losers. The winners regard the good things that happen to them as the natural result of their own foresight, prudence, and initiative.

They regard the bad things; the rise of prices of goods purchased, as caused by forces outside their control. Almost everyone will say they are opposed to inflation. What they generally mean is that they are opposed to the bad things that have happened to them due to certain effects of inflation.

The paper value of homes is rising. With a mortgage, the interest rate generally is below the rate of inflation. As a result of this, inflation in effect is paying off the mortgage interest payments as well the principal. This effect is an advantage to the home owner, as his equity in the house goes up rapidly. The flip side of the coin is that an interest rate below inflation results in a loss for savers.

As inflation accelerates, rather sooner than later, it is causing so much damage to the fabric of society, by creating so much injustice, and suffering.

The Side-Effects:

Everywhere one looks it is repeatedly published that unemployment and slow growth are cures for inflation; that all alternativemeasures taken will result in more inflation or higher unemployment, which is nonsense. The truth is that slow growth and high unemployment are not cures for inflation. They are the side-effects of a successful cure of a diseased economy.

The general signal of increasing demand will be confused with the specific signals reflecting changes in relative demands. That is why the initial side effect of faster monetary growth is the appearance of prosperity and greater employment.

– When it is discovered that the rise in wages does not coincide with higher demand, the flaw in the system is discovered. Wages and prices are higher not because of higher demand, but primarily to allow for the rises in the prices of goods they buy.

Subsequently people are off on a price-wage spiral that itself effectively is inflation, and by no means the cause of it. If monetary growth does not speed up faster, the initial stimulus to employment and output will be replaced by the opposite; both will go down in response to the higher prices and wages.

By the way; governments can actually not create jobs, they can only steal from people and give it to others.

If it were politically profitable and feasible to generate a 10% inflation rate, the temptation would be great if inflation indeed reached this level, to raise it to 11, or 12 or 15 %. Zero inflation is a politically feasible objective; 10% is not.

This is the verdict of experience. Nevertheless, central bankers create excessive quantities of money, as they tell us the world needs more inflation to fight deflationary forces, which basically is nonsense as the deflationary forces are the result of the increase of monetary supply.

The Best Solution to Create Inflation:

Moreover, if they want to create inflation, there is no need for excessive money printing. They can create inflation instantly byraising the price of gold, which is the easiest way to create inflation.

A higher dollar price for gold is practically the definition of inflation. The Fed would just declare the price of gold to be, say, $5,000 an ounce and make the price stick using the gold in Fort Knox – assuming it is still there? – Their printing press would maintain a two-way market.

The Fed could sell gold when it hits $5,050 an ounce and buy gold when it hits $4,950 an ounce. That’s a 1% band around the target price of $5,000 an ounce. The band and the use of physical gold would make the target price stick.

A higher price for gold is the same as a lower value for the dollar. The world of $5,000-per-ounce gold also means $10 per gallon gas at the station and $40 for a movie ticket. Nothing happens without consequences.

Santa Claus Doesn’t Exist:

Inflation, in contrast to what economic leaders lead us to believe, is not equivalent to Santa Claus. It can’t bring gifts to everyone. All it does is shift the benefits of the economy around. In the immortal words of President Obama: “inflation spreads the wealth around a little.”

Inflation penalises wage earners, savers, and retirees to the benefit of asset owners. It benefits debtors at the expense of creditors. There’s no net increase in the nation’s wealth. One group is merely taxed for the benefit of the other. This is sold as a benefit to the country by governments. They have to sell it to the people because without inflation they won’t be able to pay their bills.

However, wealth cannot be created by a printing press. This will cause price inflation, asset inflation, credit collapse – or a mixture of all three. Everyone knows this. Nevertheless, our leaders pretend otherwise.

If credit is expanded in excess of savings, it historically always ends in a collapse. So there should be no surprise. When creditors begin to ask the critical question: Can these debts really be financed? Will we get our savings back? If credit has been expanded radically beyond savings, as is the case today in the developed world, the answer is always NO.

It is true that dramatic increases in the money supply eventually lead to inflation. But the key word here is “eventually.” Sometimes it can take a while. The extent of the delay depends on general conditions, and a very important concept known as “monetary velocity.”

Velocity of Money:

Inflation and deflation are not purely products of how much money is in the system. They are products of how fast this moneyis moving through the system.

When banks are lending, businesses are borrowing, and consumers are spending, money changes hands quickly. Under these conditions, the monetary velocity is high.

Conversely, when banks don’t lend the money, businesses are hunkered down, and consumers are saving or paying down debt, money does not change hands quickly. It moves slowly. If the economy grinds to a near halt, as is the case today, eventually money stops changing hands completely.

Inflation is not purely from an increase in the money supply. Sufficient monetary velocity is required to spur a general and persistent increase in the price of goods and services. Without velocity – if money doesn’t move through the system – there is no reason for prices to rise.

The point is that it’s not just about how many units are being printed. It’s about where those units go and how fast they are moving through the system. The end game may indeed be accelerating monetary velocity. The cumulative effect on the rise in prices and a spectacular loss of faith in the system will result in a decline in the desire for owning dollars will plummet, and that means hyperinflation.

How Much Money is in Circulation?

Ever wondered how much money exists? This video compares the world’s richest people, the biggest companies, physical currency, the gold market, the stock market, global debt, and more to give you a sense of the quantity of money that actually exists.

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How Much Is UK “Justice” Being Paid By Washington To Continue Holding Assange Prisoner?
February 15 2018 | From: PaulCraigRoberts / RT / Various

How Much Is UK “Justice” Being Paid By Washington To Continue Holding Assange Prisoner?

The Swedish Government has for a second time completely closed the false and concocted case against Assange, and the corrupt British will not withdraw their arrest warrant for his extradiction to Sweden, a country that has withdrawn its extradition request for him

Related: Ecuador sticks by Julian Assange - will continue to provide asylum in face of US pressure

Makes one wonder how much money corrupt UK prosecutors and judges are being paid by the CIA.

Arrest Warrant Upheld in Julian Assange Case, New Hearing on February 13

A British judge will rule on February 13 whether WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange can have his arrest warrant, for breaching bail conditions, lifted on “public interest grounds.”

Judge Emma Arbuthnot had earlier rejected a bid by Assange, who is holed up inside the Ecuadorian embassy in London, to have an arrest warrant against him dropped on different grounds.

Speaking outside court, Assange’s lawyer Jennifer Robinson said all of us should be resisting the threat to free speech posed by the persecution of Assange.

“We hope this situation will come to an end very soon and we look forward to the decision next week,” Robinson said. “[The outcome on Tuesday] is not disappointing, we finally had the court understand the public interest of this case.”

Related: The Persecution Of Julian Assange

According to Assange, only the first technical point of his legal challenge has failed. Judges will hear and decide on the other points on Tuesday afternoon, and if Assange wins any of them, the warrant falls.

Related: Free Assange, Mr. President

The Judicial Office tweeted the judgment on Tuesday afternoon. Senior District Judge Emma Arbuthnot said in her ruling: “Having considered the arguments … I am not persuaded that the warrant should be withdrawn.”

Related: The UK’s Hidden Hand in Julian Assange’s Detention

Assange, 46, absconded in 2012 to enter the Ecuadorian embassy, to avoid extradition to Sweden over allegations of sexual assault and rape. However, Swedish prosecutors have since dropped those charges.

Still, Assange has been unable to leave the embassy in London, as he faced arrest for breaching his bail conditions in the UK.

Assange's lawyer, Mark Summers, argued that the arrest warrant should be dropped because it had “lost its purpose and its function,” citing the dropped charges against Assange in Sweden.

[Assange] has spent five-and-a-half years in conditions which, on any view, are akin to imprisonment, without access to adequate medical care or sunlight, in circumstances where his physical and psychological health have deteriorated and are in serious peril,”Summers wrote in court papers, as quoted by the Guardian. 

However, Aaron Watkins, who represents the Crown Prosecution Service (CPS), called Summers’ argument “strange and untenable,” adding that it was an attempt at “contorting legislation” to allow Assange to leave the embassy.

“Assange had been released on bail in proceedings; he was under a duty to surrender to the custody of the court and he failed to surrender at the appointed time for him to do so. Therefore the warrant stands,” Watkins said, calling Assange’s situation “extremely simple.”

Assange was made an Ecuadorian citizen in December. However, the UK refused to recognize him as having diplomatic status, which would have given him legal immunity and allowed him to leave the embassy.

Even if Assange's arrest warrant has been dropped, he could have still been extradited to the US to face trial over WikiLeaks' publication of classified US military and diplomatic documents in 2010 – which amounted to one of the largest information leaks in United States history.

If found guilty in a US court, Assange could face life imprisonment – or possibly even the death penalty – under the Espionage Act. British authorities have declined to confirm or deny if a US extradition warrant has been received.

The Wikileaks founder has consistently denied the allegations of rape and sexual assault.

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Vaccine Industry In Panic Mode As *Vaccinated* Children Keep Dying From The Flu All Across America
February 14 2018 | From: NaturalNews

Children are dying from the flu all across America, according to media reports. What the media isn’t reporting, however, is how many of the children who died were also vaccine recipients.

Make no mistake: If only unvaccinated children were dying from the flu, that would be the headline everywhere: “Unvaccinated Children Dying Across America” or even “Flu Shot Saves Children from Deadly Influenza.”

Related: CDC admits 98 million Americans were given cancer virus via the polio shot

But of course you’re not seeing those headlines for the simple reason that vaccinated children are among those who are being killed by this year’s flu.

“The dominant Influenza strain this year is H3N2. This particular strain has a history of causing more hospitalizations and more deaths,” reports The Organic Prepper. “In addition to H3N2 producing a more serious infection in general, this year’s particular H3N2 influenza virus is particularly virulent.”

This year’s flu has reportedly killed 44,116 people, according to the CDC. The number of children so far killed by this year’s flu is 37, say CDC statistics. The flu vaccine, widely touted by the clueless media as being some sort of magical “bulletproof vest” against influenza infections, is approaching zero effectiveness.

Via The Organic Prepper:

Not only does this influenza strain produce a more intense and deadly flu, the flu vaccine is less effective against it. This Centers for Infectious Disease Research and Policy (CIDRAP) article discusses a study published in The Lancet spanning 11 years that demonstrates H3N2 is more resistant to the flu vaccine.

… the flu vaccine demonstrates only a 33% vaccine effective (VE) rate with the average H3N2 strain… To make matters worse, this year’s flu vaccine isn’t even close to the average 33% VE rate of prior years. This year’s vaccine is performing at approximately a 10% VE rate.

Related: Harvard Immunologist: Unvaccinated Children Pose Zero Risk To Anyone And Here’s Why + New York Times
Confirms Natural News Investigation: Mumps Now Spread Mostly By Vaccinated Children

So wait, what?

You mean to tell me the CDC already knows that this year’s vaccine is only 10% effective at protecting children from the influenza strains circulating in the wild? According to CBS News:

“This year’s flu vaccine may only be 10% effective, experts warn… It is the same formulation that was used during Australia’s most recent flu season - which typically sets a pattern for what the U.S. will face - and it was only 10 percent effective there."

How Many Children Who Died From This Year’s Flu Were Vaccinated With the “10% Effective” Flu Shot?

Note that the vaccine-pushing media isn’t reporting headlines such as, “Child who died from the flu was vaccinated with the flu shot.” No, that would be heresy to the vaccine dogmatists and propagandists who desperately push the false science that claims flu shots always work.

Even when flu shots don’t work, these propagandists still claim they sorta, kinda, almost work. CBS News dutifully demonstrates this pseudoscience delusion by restating the fictitious mantra of the flu propagandists: “Experts say that if you do get the flu, it will likely be less severe if you have gotten a flu shot.”

There is no evidence whatsoever to support such a claim, of course, but that doesn’t stop the media from repeating it - almost verbatim - in every news story that covers the repeated failures of the flu vaccine itself.

There is evidence, however, that mercury-laced flu shots are killing infants. A 4,250% increase in fetal deaths was documented following the mercury-laced flu vaccination sweep of 2009 – 2010. Furthermore, Natural News has irrefutably proven that flu shots still contain mercury, even though the vaccine industry deliberately lies and claims mercury has been removed from all vaccines given to children. That’s a deliberate lie.

Not only is it unbelievably sad that American children keep dying from a preventable infection, but it’s downright criminal that the medical establishment and legacy media both refuse to tell parents how to save the lives of their children through low-cost nutrition.

Vaccine Magic Explained: Even When it’s the Wrong Strain, it Still Kinda Works by “Vaccine Magic”

Their logic, if you can even call it that, demands that you believe in vaccine magic, which requires that you abandon all scientific thinking about immunological responses and antibodies. According to vaccine science, your body is subjected to a weakened virus with a very specific RNA protein pattern.

Your body then builds a defensive “blueprint” based precisely on this protein pattern. You then generate “antibodies” which protect you from that protein pattern. These antibodies are pattern-specific, not universal, which is why immunity to smallpox, for example, doesn’t automatically grant you immunity to Ebola.

But wait! According to vaccine magic, even when they injected you with the wrong protein patterns (attenuated viruses) and your body builds the wrong antibodies, the vaccine propagandists magically claim that it all somehow works anyway. Vaccine science be damned.

Related: Del Bigtree Speech in Mississippi Jan. 24 Religious Exemptions for Vaccines

All vaccines are awesome merely because the vaccine industry says so, regardless of medical reality. The entire “protein pattern” explanation behind vaccine science is conveniently abandoned with the vaccine itself fails to contain the proper viral strain.

This is the same lunatic logic the cancer industry uses to push chemotherapy for non-cancer patients as a “preventative” measure. Yes, people that are not diagnosed with cancer are routinely pushed to accept chemotherapy treatments by profit-driven oncology centers.

There’s money to be made from chemotherapy, after all, so they flat-out lie to their patients and say chemotherapy “prevents cancer,” even when the horrible truth is that chemotherapy causes cancer. So even if you didn’t have cancer before you got the treatment, you’re very likely to develop cancer after receiving it. How’s that for a medical business model?

The Binary Vaccine Trap: Nutrition is Never Mentioned as a Safe, Effective Way to Beat the Flu

The scientifically illiterate media, by the way, is run by nutritionally deficient “journalists” who are routinely lobotomized with mercury in flu shots. No wonder they don’t have the mental capacity to recommend the real solution to influenza infections: Nutrition and stress reduction.

Vaccine propaganda is a “binary trap,” in other words: Every debate is about pro-vaccine vs. anti-vaccine. This “Overton Window” limits debate to the vaccine alone, avoiding any real discussion of far safer and more effective options that don’t involve vaccines. Vitamins C and D, for example, are extremely effective at helping individuals mount an immune response that rapidly overcomes influenza infections.

Zinc, too, has been scientifically shown to limit the duration and severity of influenza infections. In fact, if you ask around, you’ll probably find that people who take nutritional supplements instead of vaccines are extremely resistant to influenza. (For myself, I haven’t had a vaccine shot in decades, yet I can’t even remember the last time I had a cold or the flu.) Yet the very people who seem to get sick with the flu every year are the same ones who routinely get flu shots.

How can that be? The answer, shockingly, is that flu shots have been scientifically proven to weaken your immune response in subsequent years.

Related: Labour May Target 'Extremist' Views On Vaccination & Brave Australian Doctor Attacked After Telling Truth
About Vaccines

Flu Vaccines Scientifically Proven to Make You More Vulnerable to the Flu

As reported by Vaccines.news:

A medical study conducted at the Ohio State University Wexner Medical Center found that women who received flu vaccines had a weakened immune system response in subsequent years.

Lisa Christian, PhD, the lead researcher on the study, concluded, “Growing evidence shows that those who received a flu shot in the prior year have lower antibody responses in the current year.”

The study proves yet again that the official narrative of the flu shot industry - and its complicit corporate-run media - is false and deliberately deceptive. Far from offering bulletproof protection, flu shots actually make people more vulnerable to influenza infections, which of course contributes to more people catching the flu and then falsely thinking they need more flu shots for “more protection.”

Meanwhile, the people who aren’t being killed by the flu are those who turn to nutrition and immune enhancement to protect themselves.

10 Ways to Save Your Life and Avoid the Flu:

Avoid the flu shot. It doesn’t work and weakens your immune response in subsequent years, according to the latest science. (See Vaccines.news)

Wash your hands, especially after interacting with other people who might carry influenza.

Avoid chronic stress. This also weakens your immune system.

Get plenty of sleep. Your body’s immune system rejuvenates itself while you sleep.

Avoid highly strenuous exercise. Pushing your exercise too far can make you vulnerable to infections until you recover from the exercise stress.

Boost your intake of vitamin D and vitamin C. Vitamin D is fat soluble and goes best with dietary fat sources. Consider 4000 IU – 10,000 IU per day during the flu season, but check with your holistic health practitioner to be certain what’s right for you. Vitamin C is water soluble and can be consumed in surprisingly large amounts of up to 25,000 mg per day, to the tolerance of your gut. (If you overdose, you’ll have loose stools.) Look for non-GMO vitamin C if you can find it.

Make sure you’re getting plenty of zinc, a trace mineral that helps block influenza viruses from invading your body.

Consider immune-boosting or adaptogenic herbs such as ashwagandha, licorice root, ginger, garlic, turmeric and echinacea. Read Herbs.news for more news coverage of herbal remedies.

Drink plenty of water to stay fully hydrated. Ginger tea is also a highly recommended beverage, but avoid cold drinks and sodas. See Six Immune-Building Foods And Herbs You Need To Consume To Stay Healthy.

Read Health.news for daily updates on health enhancing herbs, supplements, lifestyle habits and superfoods.

Finally, don’t believe the lying media which is 100% beholden to the pharmaceutical industry. In exactly the same way the media refuses to report the truth about the FISA warrant memo or the #UraniumOne scandal, the media will never voluntarily tell you how to beat the flu without resorting to Big Pharma’s toxic injections or medications.

Related: Nurses and Healthcare Workers Across the U.S. Are Refusing Mandatory Flu Vaccines

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The Trap Of Romantic Love
February 14 2018 | From: TheUnboundedSpirit

The Search for Romantic Love: Most people - especially those brought up in the West - have been conditioned to believe that so-called romantic love is the most important pursuit in life and that only the ones who’ve found it are fulfilled.

From the tender age of one or two, we are told of fairy tales that end with two people of the opposite sex living “happily ever after”. As we age, novels, magazines, pop songs, television, Hollywood scripts, and self-help workshops reinforce the idea that romantic love is the ideal form of love.

Related: Discernment in Relationships

We are led to believe that our happiness heavily depends on romantic love, and that our personal worth is reflected in how good we are with our romantic relationships. Not surprisingly, when we’re single or we don’t experience love as it’s usually portrayed, we wonder if there’s something wrong with us.

We think that we’re missing out on true love and are anxiously praying for that moment when the fair maiden or prince will save us from our desperate situation.

As we are, we feel emotionally empty - something is lacking within our psyche that needs to be filled, yet we can’t do that on our own. Only another person can do it, and unless we are lucky enough to connect with him or her, we won’t ever discover pure joy and lasting contentment.

The belief that we’re not complete as we are and that we need someone else to fill in our sense of existential emptiness isn’t a modern one. In fact, it’s ancient.

In Plato’s ~2,500 year-old philosophical text Symposium, the comic playwright Aristophanes describes the origins of humanity. As he points out, the original form of man was a four-legged, four-armed, double-sexed entity.

Zeus, however, was afraid that humans might steal the power of the gods, so he decided to take away their power by having them sliced in half. According to Aristophanes, their heads turned “towards the wound, so that each person would see that he’d been cut and keep better order.”

This, he explains, is why each human being is craving for a significant other to complete them. In his own words: “Now, since their natural form had been cut in two, each one longed for its own other half, and so they would throw their arms about each other, weaving themselves together, wanting to grow together.”

If taken literally, Aristophanes’ recount is total nonsense, yet metaphorically it shows the central role that romantic love plays in our lives: We are in an endless search for that “special someone” - the soulmate - the universe created just for us, and we are willing to give up anything to “lose ourselves” in his or her embrace.

Romantic Love as Addiction

The moment we fall in love, the world turns into a magical place. Suddenly, life becomes more beautiful, adventurous, meaningful… in short, life becomes worth-living again.

The only problem is that, having experienced the emotional high of romantic love, we want more of it, yet no matter how much of it we get, our thirst for it is never quenched.

In other words, romantic love is addictive. In fact, research has shown that falling in love can have a similar impact on the brain as cocaine. To study the brain function of people engaged in romantic love relationships, biological anthropologist Helen Fisher put a group of participants through MRI brain scans.

Interestingly, what she found was that they behaved just like addicts: They had obsessive thoughts, participated in risk-taking activities and found it hard to deal with withdrawals.

The brain of people in love secretes an ample amount of hormones like dopamine, norepinephrine and serotonin — hormones that boost their pleasure and confidence levels. Feeling the exhilarating psychological effects of this hormonal boost, everything seems perfect to the romantic love addict.

The promises of fairy tales have come true. At last, life is as it’s supposed to be. Yet, once the initial high fades, everything changes. Life becomes mundane, ordinary, boring once again.

This return to “normal” reality is usually enough to bring a relationship to an end. Once that happens, the romantic love addict will soon come face-to-face with that sense of inner emptiness which has forever been torturing his/her psyche. Then, to deal with his/her withdrawal symptoms, the romantic love addict will go off in search of a new hit, and the story will repeat itself one more time.

Romantic Love: A Dangerous Self-Delusion

As you can understand, romantic love is temporary - it comes quickly and goes away just as fast. No matter how strong the feelings of lust and passion in new relationships might be, they are soon bound to disappear into thin air, as the power of romantic love loses grip over our emotional world.

But while we’re possessed by romantic love, it’s so overwhelming that it distorts our perception and often leads us into making choices that we will later regret.

For example, projecting their long-yearned fantasies upon their “other half”, it’s a common phenomenon for people in fresh romantic love relationships to exaggerate the positive traits of their partner and reduce or deny the negative ones.

This illusion makes them believe they’ve found their one and only perfect match. Feeling a sense of total acceptance and adoration for their partner, they are under the impression that their love is going to last forever. As a result, they tend to make quick, immature choices, such as hurrying to marry, only to find years later that they resent their partner for failing to meet their expectations.

Related: Toxic Relationship Habits Most People Think Are Normal

Romantic love is a blind self-delusion - it only exists in the realm of fantasy, an imaginary world that we’ve cultivated with the help of the romantic tradition, mainly through media programming. Just like pornography fools us into believing that perfect sex exists, the romantic tradition fools us into believing that perfect relationships exist.

Yet, romantic love isn’t just delusional - it can also be dangerous once we’ve fallen into its trap. Not just because of the wrong choices it can urge us to make, as mentioned earlier, but first and foremost because it creates an ideal out of love that nobody can possibly reach (because it doesn’t exist in the first place - in fact, that’s the very reason why it’s called ideal).

Hence, no matter how nice, compatible people we date, the yearning for the perfect romantic relationship with the fairy tale Dream Lover will always lead us to disappointment. Obsessed with a fantasy world, we can’t enjoy reality.

Escaping the Trap of Romantic Love

To escape the trap of romantic love is quite difficult, considering that we have a billion-dollar industry that is day in and day out promoting a misrepresentation of actual love relationships, in effect making a profit from the exploitation of our deep-rooted emotional need to love and be loved.

You see, capitalism doesn’t give a damn about love. In fact, the less we love one another, the better it is for capitalism. From the market’s standpoint, it’s good that we’re unhappy with our relationships, because then happiness can be sold to us through products and services that promise to substitute for the loss of connection that we long for.

Unfortunately, we’re so desperate that we’ve bought into those promises. This is reflected in our efforts to show our partners love through the act of buying stuff. Take, for example, Valentine’s day, when couples have been persuaded to blindly consume things, thinking that this will elevate their relationship.

But how can an expensive ring substitute for a tight, filled-with-loving-warmth hug? And how can a ready-made meal in a high-class gourmet restaurant substitute for a sincere, intimate look into the beloved’s eye?

What we need isn’t more stuff, just like we don’t need more romantic movies. Neither, of course, do we need the Ideal Lover from the dreamworld. All of these offer us nothing of what we need, and only mess up with our hearts.

What we actually need is more understanding.

We need to understand that there’s no person out there who will complete us.

If we feel a sense of emptiness within, we’re going to keep on experiencing it no matter how many romantic love partners we spend our time with. That’s because our inner emptiness is nothing but a lack of self-love. 

Therefore, unless we’re able to love and accept ourselves, we’ll always feel incomplete, regardless of how much love is shown to us.

We need to understand that we can’t love another unless we first love ourselves.

Healthy love relationships can only exist between two already complete, fulfilled people who decide to enrich their lives by sharing their overflowing-with-love hearts.

Unfortunately, most of us are emotional beggars seeking for completion in another person, only to find that our emptiness is actually deepening once we wake up to the fact that our partner is just as empty as we are.

We need to understand that love relationships are based on freedom.

Normally, partners are trying to fit each other into their fantasy image of how the Ideal Lover should look and behave like, not realizing that by doing so they’re depriving them of their freedom to be themselves.

This inevitably results in a constant state of conflict that ultimately turns relationships into prisons of emotional torture.

Just like birds need freedom of space so that they can soar into the skies, partners in an intimate relationship need the freedom to be themselves so they can spread their wings of love and fly to the peaks of consciousness.

We need to understand that healthy relationships require a lot of work.

There’s no great relationship without a lot of work behind it. In other words, great relationships don’t happen to be - they are slowly built with care and effort.

No matter how special a relationship might be, hardships to one degree or another are going to be a natural of part it, and the important question is how you deal with them: Is it through discussion and understanding or through fighting and judging?

Lastly, we need to understand that the Perfect Relationship doesn’t exist.

Contrary to what the romantic tradition has made us believe, the Perfect Relationship doesn’t exist other than in our imagination.

No actual living person is without flaws, we need to stop projecting our fairy tale fantasies on our partners, if we actually want to build genuine love relationships on the foundation of honesty, understanding and acceptance.

In addition, love relationships aren’t all passionate sex and romantic walks on sandy beaches under the filled-with-stars night sky. They’re not forever-lasting, either. In fact, they’re usually quite ephemeral. So let’s not make promises of perfect and eternal love.

Let’s be honest to one another, and keep our love real. I know, this is not the stuff movies and books are made of, but the reality nonetheless, and we better accept it before we’re slapped by it hard in the face.

Love relationships can’t be perfect, but they can still be amazingly beautiful. So let’s make the most of them, by celebrating what we do have, instead of worrying about what we don’t.

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Brainwashed: The Goal Of The Media Is To Poison The Minds Of The Masses With Toxic Hatred And Engineered “Thought Loops”
February 13 2018 | From: NaturalNews

Without your knowledge or consent, you have been programmed with a media virus that tells your brain to reject any evidence or information that contradicts the false “worldview” that’s been implanted in your consciousness by the corporate controllers.

In effect, you are living in a giant Truman Show, and the world you think is real is actually a carefully constructed artificial reality… a kind of “dome” boundary for your mind.

Related: American Think Tanks Are Hired Purveyors of Fake News

The aim of the corporate-controlled media is to limit the expansion of your awareness and trap your mind in thought loops that play in your head like subliminal tapes, saying things like “Trump is evil” or “Communism is good.” These thought loops are engineered and scripted by experts in influence conditioning who invoke root emotions of fear, love, hatred, compassion or conformity to achieve socially-policed obedience to their agendas.

All things they oppose, for example, are associated with fear and hatred (Trump, border security, military defense, etc.). Meanwhile, all things they want you to swallow are painted in the language of love or compassion (LGBT agenda, climate change, open borders, etc.).

Just Like Tide Laundry Pods Poison Your Body, CNN Poisons Your Mind

If you allow yourself to be seduced into this contrived “reality” pushed by MSNBC, CNN, NYT, WashPost and other toxic media outlets, you are subjecting yourself to toxic mental poisons pushed by Anderson Cooper, Rachel Maddow, Jimmy Kimmel and other purveyors of hatred and falsehood.

In the same way that Tide laundry pods poison your body with toxic chemicals, the left-wing media poisons your mind with toxic falsehoods and hatred. You might call it “heavy MENTALS contamination.”

Your job - and in part, mine - is to defend your mind against the onslaught of “thought loops,” false programming and blinding hatred that’s being weaponized against you by the corporate-controlled media. In effect, what we teach here is mental self-defense. It’s also sometimes called “de-hypnosis,” as it counteracts the hypnosis “thought loops” of the sinister media.

Fascinatingly, experience has proven that only a small minority of people can mount a sufficient mental self-defense to maintain their presence of mind even under the onslaught of endless media programming and social engineering.

This is why perhaps 9 out of 10 people you meet are, in truth, little more than biological puppets who mindlessly spew the “thought loops” that have been ingrained in their consciousness through media indoctrination.

The perfect example of this is the Campus Reform video, recorded before the President’s recent State of the Union speech, that asks college students to comment on the speech (yes, before it took place).

When asked, these students dutifully regurgitate thought loops on command, spouting hate-filled reactions to an event that, at the time, had not yet taken place. Watch and be amazed at the mindless hatred and obedience now routinely demonstrated by college students all across America:

Mark Dice Turns Ordinary People Into Social Science Experiments… And The Results Are Mind Blowing

Social scientist Mark Dice - yes he’s a “scientist” in the sense that he performs public experiments on the minds of real people in real time - has extensively documented the “thought loops” phenomenon in his outrageously hilarious “man on the street” videos.

See his YouTube channel at this link
, or view one of his videos here, which demonstrates the blind hatred of the mind-numbed masses (and their willingness to “fill the emptiness” in their own heads with utter nonsense, which they tell themselves is all logical and stuff…)

Another worthwhile channel that pulls back the lid on the media fakery that infects the minds of the masses is The Corbett Report.

Corbett is another independent journalist doing incredible work on exposing the lies of the deep state. Check out his New World Next Week videos for some truly eye-opening revelations. Example here:

Truthful Information From Independent Journalists is Your Brain’s Best Defense Against Corporate Media Programming “Thought Loops”

I’m going to write on this topic in more detail later, but the big takeaway from today’s article is that reading independent media sources is, without question, your brain’s best defense against false reality programming by the corporate media controllers.

This is why I created Censored.news, which updates news headlines from over a dozen sources in real time. I also publish daily podcasts at HealthRangerReport.com. You can even find my podcasts at iTunes at this link.

In exactly the same way that you want to defend your body against junk food by eating nutritious superfoods, you can also defend your brain against “junk news” by reading real, intelligent “supernews” from independent journalists.

Check out SaraCarter.com for a real treat, or visit the Sharyl Attkisson website for “fearless reporting” from a truly independent voice. She’s the author of the amazing book, “The Smear – How Shady Political Operatives and Fake News CONTROL What You See, What You Think, and How You Vote.”

That’s your reading assignment for the next week, by the way. Get that book and read it. Then keep reading Natural News for more astonishing, truthful and mind-expanding news on all the things that really matter for your life, your world and our future.

Or watch videos from PragerU, which has been systematically targeted by Google / YouTube for selective censorship:

Much more to come…

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Uranium One: Nuclear Scandal Fallout Hits FBI & Clintons
February 13 2018 | From: RT

As Democrats and Republicans target each other with accusations of ‘Russian collusion,’ they seize on evidence of the other’s alleged wrongdoing, no matter how flimsy. The latest such case is the Uranium One controversy.

Though Democrats have accused President Donald Trump of “colluding” with Russia to win the 2016 presidential election, which they thought Hillary Clinton was sure to win, they have offered little to no evidence to prove the claim.

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Meanwhile, Trump has said the real collusion was between Clinton and the Russians on Uranium One, a Canadian-based mining company that owns 20 percent of US uranium deposits.

In 2010, the Obama administration approved the sale of Uranium One to Rosatom, a Russian state energy company. This was the era of the infamous “reset” in US-Russian relations, when Hillary Clinton was the US secretary of state. An FBI informant who worked with the companies involved now says Moscow greased the deal with millions of dollars intended for the Clintons’ charity.

Related: Uranium One scandal shows Washington still blames Russia for everything

On Wednesday, William Douglas Campbell testified before the Senate Judiciary, the House Intelligence and the House Oversight and Government Reform committees. He was not sworn in and the meeting was held behind closed doors, making it possible for Democrats and Republicans to assert different versions of what happened.

According to The Hill, which says it has a written statement by Campbell in its possession, the informant said he was told by Russian nuclear executives that they had hired a US lobbying firm called APCO Worldwide specifically because it had ties to the Clintons. APCO was paid $3 million a year to lobby for the deal.

The contract called for four payments of $750,000 over twelve months. APCO was expected to give assistance free of charge to the Clinton Global Initiative as part of their effort to create a favorable environment to ensure the Obama administration made affirmative decisions on everything from Uranium One to the US-Russia Civilian Nuclear Cooperation agreement,”Campbell testified, according to The Hill.

Moreover, Campbell told lawmakers he was personally involved in channeling bribes from the US-based company Transportation Logistics International (TLI) to executives from the Russian company Tenex, which was involved in the Uranium One deal.

According to the Department of Justice, TLI executive Daren Condrey and Tenex official Vadim Mikerin pleaded guilty to conspiracy and bribery charges in 2015.

Now, Campbell told the lawmakers that he was “speechless and angry” when the Committee on Foreign Investment in the United States (CFIUS) decided to approve the Uranium One sale in 2010, given the TLI and Tenex bribery schemes.

The response I got was that ‘politics’ was somehow involved,”he testified, according to journalist Sara Carter.

“I remember one response I got from an agent when I asked how it was possible CFIUS would approve the Uranium One sale when the FBI could prove Rosatom was engaged in criminal conduct. His answer: ‘Ask your politics.’”

All too eager to turn the accusations of “Russian collusion” against their purveyors, Republicans have seized upon Campbell’s testimony as proof of the Clinton’s pay-to-play practices and evidence of a conspiracy to sell the US uranium mines to Russia during the Obama administration.

Republicans embrace idea of ‘Russia collusion’... with Hillary Clinton

You would have to be politically blind not to see the significance of the story, as is alleged the Clinton Global Initiative was a front for receiving illicit payments using the now patented Clinton pay-to-play,” legal and media analyst Lionel told RT.

“It will be fascinating to see how the Clinton-friendly mainstream news media handle this most sticky situation.”

Not surprisingly, Democrats and the media have countered that the story is a whole bunch of hot air, that Campbell is an unreliable witness and that Clinton absolutely had nothing to do with anything improper or illegal, because she says so.

Just yesterday the committee made clear that this secret informant charade was just that, a charade. Along with the widely debunked text-message-gate and Nunes' embarrassing memo episode, we have a trifecta of GOP-manufactured scandals designed to distract from their own President’s problems and the threat to democracy he poses,”Clinton spokesman Nick Merrill said in a statement.

So the “debunked” texts that clearly show problems within the FBI, and the Nunes memo indicating that the bureau using a Clinton-funded dodgy dossier as key evidence in spying on American citizens are nothinburgers, and the real story here is the “vast right-wing conspiracy” against the Clintons, as Hillary has famously claimed since 1998.

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Uranium To Russians On Airport Tarmac

It is a routine practice of the Clintons to muddle the waters by accusing their political opponents of the committing the same crimes they have committed,”Neil W. McCabe, a national political reporter for Big League Politics, told RT. They do it “consciously and with malice,”he said.

Once the details of the Uranium One deal are finally known, Americans will see the “Russian collusion hoax for the cheap distraction it always was,” McCabe added.

Interestingly, when Campbell first spoke up about Uranium One, back in October 2017, he was swiftly subjected to a hit piece by Michael Isikoff, the same Yahoo! News reporter who in 2016 published a story based on information from British ex-spy Christopher Steele, later cited by the FBI as “corroborating” Steele’s dodgy dossier, according to the Nunes memo.

He came out because he thought he was dying from cancer and he wanted his story to be told,”Campbell’s lawyer, Victoria Toensing, told Fox News on Thursday.

“They can go attack all they want to. He’s got the truth, he’s got briefings, the FBI has all kinds of videotapes.”

Campbell apparently also tried to sue the DOJ in order to recover approximately $500,000 in bribes that he paid on FBI’s behalf, for which he had not been reimbursed. Then-Attorney General Loretta Lynch wrote that this would violate the confidentiality agreement he signed. That gag order was lifted late last year by the current Attorney General Jeff Sessions.

In January 2016, Campbell said, the FBI handed him a $50,000+ check and commended him on all the work done between 2009 and 2014 to investigate the Russian nuclear energy industry. Now all of a sudden he is being declared an unreliable witness, his information is all wrong, and there’s nothing to see here? How curious.

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Israeli Police Chiefs Recommend Indicting Netanyahu On Corruption Charges
February 12 2018 | From: TheAntiMedia

Israel’s police chiefs will recommend indicting Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, Israeli media reported.

According to the Times of Israel and Ynet news, Police Commissioner Roni Alsheich and other police chiefs “are in unanimous agreement that there is sufficient evidence to indict Netanyahu for bribe taking in Case 1,000 or the so-called ‘gifts affair’.”

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Netanyahu is under investigation in three corruption cases, which have been dubbed case 1,000, 2,000 and 3,000 by police.

The first case, 1,000, revolves around gifts from wealthy supporters including Australian billionaire James Packer.

The second case is concerned with suspicions that Netanyahu discussed a secret deal to help scale down the circulation of Israel Hayom newspaper in exchange for more favourable coverage in rival publication Yediot Aharonot.

The third case centres on fraudulent purchases of German submarines in a $1.5bn deal.

Netanyahu has denied all charges.

In a Facebook video posted on Wednesday, Netanyahu pleaded his innocence, saying “there won’t be anything”.

“At the end of the day, the legal entities will also reach this simple truth: there is nothing,” he said.

Even if eventually indicted, Netanyahu would not be obliged by law to resign.

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Incriminating Documents Reveal Monsanto Knew They Were Poisoning The Environment With Their PCBs
February 12 2018 | From: NaturalNews

Documents that have come to light recently show that Monsanto continued to make and sell polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) for eight years after they knew that they were hazardous to the environment and human health.

The firm was already exposed for this practice when internal documents were digitized and posted as part of the Poison Papers Project, but notes from a Monsanto meeting that were recently posted on Toxicdocs show just how callous they were about the matter.

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Monsanto set up a meeting on August 25, 1969, to address the problem of their PCBs in the environment. During the meeting, executives set out three approaches they could use. The first was to go out of business. The second? “Sell the hell out of them [PCBs].” Yes, you read that correctly. Their third option was “Try to stay in business in controlled applications.”

The hand-written meeting notes can be viewed on the ToxicDocs database for free, along with millions of other incriminating documents showing corporate misconduct when it comes to asbestos, lead poisoning, and other toxins.

One would like to imagine that a company selling toxic wares would pull them from the market or close down altogether, but that’s not what happened here. In fact, in the year and a half that followed, Monsanto moved more PCBs than they ever had in the past, selling “the hell out of them” indeed. It wasn’t until 1977 that they finally stopped selling them.

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Monsanto Knew About the Dangers of PCBs For a Long Time

Monsanto started manufacturing PCBs back in 1935, eventually dominating global production. The chemicals were used as lubricators in electrical equipment and as coolants. They were also found in paints, flame retardants, and refrigerators. They break down extremely slowly, and they continue to affect the environment to this day while also accumulating in the food chain.

A different internal memo that was released in the Poison Papers dated September 1969 says that Monsanto’s strategy for dealing with PCB leakages in the San Francisco Bay, Great Lakes, and Gulf Coast areas should be to “let govt prove its case on a case by case basis.”

They go on to add: “We can prove some things are ok at low concentration. Give Monsanto some defense. We can’t defend vs everything. Some animals or fish or insects will be harmed.”

The documents also show that the company admitted later that year that PCBs are highly toxic to birds.

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Another document, their pollution abatement plan, stated: “The evidence proving the persistence of these compounds and their universal presence in the environment is beyond questioning.”

Their knowledge of the harms of PCBs actually goes back much further, however. In 1937, autopsies showed that three of the firm’s workers died from serious liver damage caused by handling the substance.

A document from September 1955 read: “We know Aroclors [PCBs] are toxic but the actual limit has not been precisely defined.”

Company Must Answer For its Misdeeds in Court

Monsanto is facing PCB contamination lawsuits from authorities in Oakland, Berkeley, San Diego, Portland, San Jose, Seattle, Long Beach, and Spokane, among other places.

The state of Oregon recently filed a $100 million lawsuit against Monsanto for cleaning up the damage caused to the state’s rivers and waterways, while the state of Washington is also suing the firm for PCB cleanup costs to the tune of billions of dollars.

In May 2016, a jury in St. Louis awarded plaintiffs suffering from non-Hodgkin lymphoma due to PCB exposure $46.5 million in damages from Monsanto and three other companies.

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How To Access The Dark Web
February 11 2018 | From: DarkWebNews

Are you trying to find out how to access the dark web?

Well, look no further, we have gone and done the research so we could show you step by step the best and safest way how to access the deep web.

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We cover everything, from setting up Tor, how to choose a VPN, what not to do, finding the best sites to access, and extra steps to remain anonymous.

It is extremely easy to access the dark web and even easier to be detected on it if you don’t take precautions. If you are new to the deep web, this guide will help you on your way.

According to researchers, only 4% of the internet is visible to the general public. Meaning that the remaining 96% of the internet is made up of “The Deep Web”.

Dark Web or Dark Net is a subset of the Deep Web where there are sites that sell drugs, hacking software, counterfeit money and more. We explain this further down the article if you are not up to speed.

If you are looking to access hidden marketplace’s or darknet websites (with a .onion domain) then dark web access is done using the TOR network with the TOR browser bundle. TOR is the most widely used dark web browser.

How To Access The Dark Web Guide

Step 1: Go and get yourself a good VPN (Virtual Private Network) here, use it ALL of the time, no matter if you are on TOR or not. This site here reviews the best VPN’s for use with TOR.

You should be taking your anonymity and security very seriously if you are visiting the Dark Web, especially if you are viewing any Darknet Markets.

Do not fool yourself and think that the ISP’s (Internet Service Providers) and Law Enforcement are not trying to track those who use Tor to access the Dark Web, they are, and they are good at it so don’t make it easy for them.

It should be brought to your attention that there was a recent Tor vulnerability which leaked your REAL IP address leading back to your real location. If you already have the Tor Browser then UPDATE it immediately. Vulnerabilities like these are happening more often to Tor.

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By using the simple VPN app, your dark web activities will be hidden from your ISP and government agencies as all of your internet usage will be encrypted. No one will even know you are using TOR, let alone browsing for darknet markets.

What’s even better is that the VPN will give you a fake IP address, in another country if you like, so even if Tor is compromised then the trace just leads back to somewhere else that can’t be linked to you.

The other benefit of using a VPN is to prevent hackers stealing your identity and or personal files and photos from your computer.

You need to use a good VPN that keeps NO LOGS, fast performance, preferably accepts bitcoin as payment, has a kill switch for DNS leaks, and is compatible with TOR.

Click Here to find a good VPN

Then install your VPN, if you buy one of the better VPN’s then it is usually just a one click install and one or two clicks to turn it on.

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Step 2: You can’t access the deep web just using a common browser like Internet Explorer or Google Chrome.

To get dark web access you will need to download the dark web browser called TOR browser bundle. Only get it from the official TOR website, never download it from anywhere else!

Now close all of your browsing windows and all apps connecting to the internet like Google Drive, Skype, OneDrive, iCloud etc.

Then open your VPN app and connect to another location other than where you are at, make sure to use the OpenVPN protocol as it is the most secure.

Open up your normal favorite browser and then download TOR

TOR Official Website: www.torproject.org

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Step 3: Install the TOR browser bundle on your PC or Mac.

When the download is complete, double-click the downloaded file, choose the destination folder (the folder where you want to extract tor browser), and choose extract.

Step 4: Start TOR Browser.

Open the folder where you extracted TOR browser and double-click “Start Tor Browser”. The TOR start page will open in a browser window (it’s actually a portable version of FireFox stripped down).

From here, you now have a good level of anonymity and security and you are able to gain access to .onion websites through your dark web browser.


Next, you will want to visit a dark web site.

Now you have dark web access you should Click HERE to view the Darknet Market List so you can visit some of the best black market websites on the Deep Web.

If you do want to check out some dark net markets then you should follow the guide for that specific market as it will show you step by step what to do to sign up, browse etc.

If you are looking for the biggest list of hidden deep web links go here so you can find exactly what you are looking for. We have compiled one of the biggest lists of tested .onion sites on the dark web complete with a search function, website name, description, categories, site status and even a screenshot of the landing page so you can see if your site is online or dead.

Now we have shown you how to access the dark web we have some very important tips to share…

Bitcoin and Buying on the Dark Web:

If you are on the dark web to buy something, and most of us are, then you will need to use cryptocurrency to do so and Bitcoin is the most used cryptocurrency on the dark web.

Buying cryptocurrencies is another topic altogether, so we won’t go into it here but this site has made an easy to follow guide on buying bitcoin, but we will give you one GOLDEN tip on how to go under the radar and not have your crypto exchange account shut down and lose money.

NEVER send cryptocurrency directly from your exchange account (where you buy the coins) to a market or anywhere on the dark web, also never send coins directly from anywhere on the dark web to your exchange. They are onto this right away as they can tell where the coins came from and they WILL shut you down and you will be recorded in a list for sure.

You must send your coins from your exchange to a wallet (find out how to in the guides) then from the wallet to the dark web and vice-versa.

Bonus Security Steps For the Dark Web:

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Step 5: DO NOT change the TOR browser window size unless you like living dangerously.

The FEDS have programs that can match identities on random things such and matching time online and other things with the browser window size, I shit you not. If you don’t change the size then it is the same as most other people.

Step 6: Please remember that TOR isn’t necessarily 100% anonymous, you should turn off JavaScript within the dark web browser settings to help.

Block Javascript in TOR Browser

Step 7:
Disconnect your webcam or block the camera with some black tape.

Hackers and governments have ways of getting into your computer and turning on the video and cameras.

You can have intimate images of you be used as blackmail or extortion, or even worse, used by the feds.

Covered camera and mic?

Step 8:
Disconnect your microphone or cover it with tape to muffle it good.

The same goes for the microphone as the camera, the last thing you want is to be recorded saying incriminating things at home. It doesn’t even have to be while on the dark web. Even the Facebook creator Mark Zuckerberg does it as he knows the dangers.

Step 9:
NEVER use your real name, photos, email, or even password that you have used before on the dark web.

This is the fastest way to be tracked. Use an anonymous email account and aliases that have nothing to do with you that you have never used before.

Step 10: If you are using TOR on the dark web for anything other than looking at cute pictures of kittens, you should think seriously about your privacy and security.

Jolly Roger has put together a comprehensive guide on how to stay safe on the deep web, view the guide here.

If you have read through this how to access the dark web guide and thought to yourself WTF? Then you are probably new to this and need a bit of background and information to get you up to speed. Please remember to share this post so everyone that wants to have a look on the Dark Web can do so and do it safely.

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What is the Clear Web?

Firstly, there is the Clear Web/Clear Net. This is the normal internet where you do everyday things like check Gmail, Facebook, and Twitter and buy things from Amazon etc. All websites and web pages that a search engine like Google can find are on the Clear Net.

What is the Deep Web?

Then we have the Deep Web. This is a sub-set of the internet that can not be indexed (found) by search engines like Google. This includes all web pages that are behind membership logins, all company and organization web pages used internally and other data. The majority of the deep web does not have anything illegal on it.

Deep Web and Dark Web

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What is the Dark Web?

Then we have the Dark Web. This is a sub-set of the Deep Web that contains all sorts of websites, both legal and illegal. The types of sites include black markets that sell things like drugs, counterfeit goods, and weapons, you also have hacking sites, porn sites, bitcoin tumbling, and even sites for hitmen.

The variety of sites on the Dark Web is quite astonishing.

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The God Of Freemasonry Exposed
February 11 2018 | From: FreedomArticles

Many have wondered who or what the God of Freemasonry is.

We have enough clues & evidence to connect the dots… and no surprise: more Satanic inversion.

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The God of Freemasonry

is an important thing to know if you are interested in zooming in on the source of evil in this world. Centuries of leaked documents, former insider accounts and scholarly research has shown that Freemasonry has become the most pervasive, influential and powerful of all the Secret Societies on Earth. Many US Founding Fathers were masons.

Many leading figures of the French Revolution were masons. Many US presidents have been masons. Freemasonry inspired Mormonism and was a central theme behind the occult assassination of JFK.

People in high positions of power place their oath to Freemasonry above their oath to serve the people who elected them; some such policemen and judges make decisions not based on truth and justice but rather based on protecting the masonic network, the Lodge and their masonic brethren. 

Many lower level masons are deliberately kept in the dark, not told what they are getting into, but what are the higher level initiates really worshipping? Who or what is the god of Freemasonry?

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The Great Architect of the Universe

In trying to decipher the god of Freemasonry, there are many clues that point towards a dark force that is the engineer or creator of this world, especially the dystopian aspects of this world which some people have dubbed The Establishment, The System or The Matrix.

 It is no coincidence that in The Matrix movie series themselves, Neo finally meets his maker, i.e. the being who created the entire system. He is called “the architect” and is represented by a bearded old man. Saturn, god of time, harvest, law and death, is also represented this way.

Masons typically refer to their god as the “Great Architect of the Universe” while Gnostics also used the same term in reference to the tyrant they claimed had created a fake, inferior copy of the original perfect world (they also called this force “Demiurge” and “Yaldabaoth”).

The primary masonic logo of the letter G is enclosed inside a square and compass, which are tools of an engineer, draftsman or architect who designs and draws with them to create things.

It’s easy to get lost in names here, but the point is to see the connections. There are many names but one underlying force beneath all the names. The Architect/Demiurge is the cruel god who is basically the same force as Satan or the Devil, and goes by many other names, as we shall see.

Ceiling of masonic lodge in Philadelphia

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The Mysterious Masonic Letter “G”

Speaking of the masonic G, what does it stand for? Official masonic lore claims that it stands both for “God” and “Geometry”. Is G a clue for the God of Freemasonry?:

“By letters four and science five, this “G” aright doth stand, in due Art and Proportion; you have your answer, friend.”

What are the “letters four”?  It is believed that they stand for “YHWH”, the name of the Great Architect of the Universe (pronounced “Yahway”. (sometimes pronounced Jehovah) in the ancient Hebrew language, from which the Bible was translated: Which is the 5th science? Geometry. The Letter G stands for “Geometry”, which is the mathematical science upon which Architecture and Masonry were founded.”

However there are others who quote famous grand masons Eliphas Levi and Albert Pike to claim that the masonic G really stand for gnosis and generation.

Gnosis is the Greek word for knowledge, and this fits in precisely with the masonic ideology of worshiping the light (more on this below) to become enlightened or illuminated (think Illuminati). This is from the website GnosticWarrior.com:

"In the Mysteries of Magic by Eliphas Levi and interpreted by Arthur Edward Waite, it is written; “All these magical theorems, based on the unique dogma of Hermes, and on the analogical inductions of science, have been invariably confirmed by the visions of ecstatics and by the convulsions of cataleptics under the supposed possession of spirits.

The G which Freemasons place in the centre of the Burning Star signifies Gnosis and Generation, the two sacred words of the ancient Kabbalah. It also signifies Grand Architect, for the Pentagram, from whatever side it may be looked at, always represents an A. (Also See Eliphas Levi, Dogme et Rituel de la Haute Magie, vol. II, p. 97.)

Albert Pike had reconfirmed this fact by quoting Levi in his book, Liturgy of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite of Freemasonry: IV to XIV; “In the centre of this Blazing Star Freemasons place the letter G. It signifies Gnosis and Generation, the two sacred words of the ancient Kabala; and also the Grand Architect; for the Pentagram, whichever way we view it, presents the letter A.”

The Masonic G

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Jahbulon, Baal and Nimrod

Is the God of Freemasonry Jahbulon? Historian Jasper Ridley claims in his book The Freemasons that before joining a lodge all Masons must accept that the God of Freemasonry is Jahbulon and that they learn this once they get to the Royal Arch Degree.

Interestingly, Jahbulon is a composite word made up of 3 parts: Jah is the Hebrew name for God (Jahovah is very similar to Jehovah) and is also used by certain Rastafarian religions to mean God; Bul refers to the Babylonian deity Baal; and On refers to the Egyptian deity Osiris.

Baal is mentioned in the bible as a god who demanded and required human sacrifice. Baal is another name for the Babylonian god Nimrod. The ancient Mystery Schools which spawned the world’s current Secret Societies, of which Freemasonry became the dominant strain, trace their roots back to Egypt and Babylon.

Hence Nimrod may be yet another name for the God of Freemasonry. This article on MediaMonarchy.com states:

"Masonic writings … dwell heavily on a descendant of Ham as one of the founders of Masonry—Nimrod. In the Encyclopedia of Freemasonry (Mackey-McClenachan), under the heading “Nimrod,” we find:

“The legend of the Craft in the Old Constitutions refers to Nimrod as one of the founders of Masonry. Thus in the York MS., No. 1, we read: “At ye making of ye toure of Babell there was a Masonrie first much esteemed of, and the King of Babilon yt called Nimrod was a Mason himself and loved well Masons”.”

As Nimrod had so many things attributed to him, it was only reasonable for peoples, now in segregation, to adopt the portion of belief best interpreted by each group. Thus, diverse religious attributes and beliefs, yet peoples remaining reverent to their god. We find such names for this revered god (Nimrod) in scripture as Chemosh, Molock, Merodach, Remphan, Tamuz, and Baal, to mention only a few of the some thirty-eight Biblical titles plus numerous representatives of these “gods”.”

Did you catch that Molock (aka Moloch, Molech) was among the other names of the God of Freemasonry? The same Molech is featured at Bohemian Grove where Secret Society initiates perform black magic, mock (or otherwise) sacrifices and sexual rituals under a giant 40 foot owl.

Statue of George Washington, 1st US President and high-level Freemason, in a Baphomet pose

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Baphomet, Mendes, Horny Goats, Pan, Capricorn and Saturn

Baphomet is another god associated with Freemasonry, even though some Freemasons officially deny it. You can see master mason George Washington doing his baphomet pose above.

Baphomet was a hermaphroditic god (having both male and female genitalia) which will begin to take on more significance in the future, as we head into a transhumanistic world where the NWO transgender agenda (part of the synthetic agenda) is to make all humans more robotic – non-binary, genderless and sexless.

Baphomet’s head is an inverted 5-pointed star/pentagram (more Satanic inversion), and being a goat he is linked to Mendes, Pan (god of the wild, often linked to horniness and sexual excess), Capricorn (the zodiac sign symbolized by goat horns) and of course Saturn (housed in Capricorn in the night sky).

Blatant: Manly Hall writes of the “seething energies of Lucifer”, the God of Freemasonry

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The Seething Energies of Lucifer

Albert Pike and Manly Hall are former masons whose work is widely quoted by those seeking to understand what exactly Freemasonry is. Both of these men referred explicitly to Lucifer as the God of Freemasonry. Pike spoke of the pure doctrine of Lucifer while Hall wrote about the seething energies of Lucifer which can be awakened by master masons:

"Lucifer, the Light-bearer ! Strange and mysterious name to give to the Spirit of darkness! Lucifer, the Son of the Morning! It is he who bears the Light, and with its splendors intolerable, blinds feeble, sensual or selfish souls? Doubt it not!”

– Albert Pike (33º Freemason), Morals and Dogma of the ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite of Freemasonry, pg. 321

“When the Mason learns that the key to the warrior on the block is the proper application of the dynamo of living power, he has learned the mystery of his craft. The seething energies of Lucifer are in his hands and before he may step onwards and upwards he must prove his ability to properly apply (this) energy.”

- Manly Hall (33º Freemason), Lost Keys of Freemasonry, pg. 48

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Freemasonry, like other strands of Satanism, inverts everything and takes the opposite as the truth. Grand Commander and sovereign pontiff of universal freemasonry Albert Pike was quoted as giving instructions to the 23 supreme councils of the world:

"That which we must say to the crowd is, we worship a god, but it is the god one adores without superstition. To you sovereign grand inspector general, we say this and you may repeat it to the brethren of the 32nd, 31st and 30th degrees – the Masonic religion should be by all of us initiates of the high degrees, maintained in the purity of the luciferian doctrine. 

If lucifer were not god, would Adonay (the God of the Christians) whose deeds prove cruelty, perfidy and hatred of man, barbarism and repulsion for science, would Adonay and His priests, calumniate Him? 

Yes, lucifer is god, and unfortunately Adonay is also God, for the eternal law is that there is no light without shade, no beauty without ugliness, no white without black, for the absolute can only exist as two gods. darkness being necessary for light to serve as its foil, as the pedestal is necessary to the statue, and the brake to the locomotive. 

Thus, the doctrine of Satanism is heresy, and the true and pure philosophical religion is the belief in lucifer, the equal of Adonay, but lucifer, god of light and god of good, is struggling for humanity against Adonay, the god of darkness and evil.”

Recorded by A.C. De La Rive, La Femme et L’enfant dans La Franc-Maconnerie Universelle, pg. 588. Cited from ‘The question of freemasonry” (2nd edition 1986 by Edward Decker pp12-14)

This is the very same Albert Pike whom I have quoted elsewhere as predicting a World War 3 scenario, where the NWO controllers pit Zionism against Islam (same source as above):

"We shall unleash the nihilists and the atheists and we shall provoke a great social cataclysm which in all its horror will show clearly to all nations the effect of absolute atheism; the origins of savagery and of most bloody turmoil. 

Then everywhere, the people will be forced to defend themselves against the world minority of the world revolutionaries and will exterminate those destroyers of civilization and the multitudes disillusioned with Christianity whose spirits will be from that moment without direction and leadership and anxious for an ideal, but without knowledge where to send its adoration, will receive the true light through the universal manifestation of the pure doctrine of Lucifer brought finally out into public view.

A manifestation which will result from a general reactionary movement which will follow the destruction of Christianity and Atheism; both conquered and exterminated at the same time.”

The God of Freemasonry: responsible for the fake light that initiated the Simulation/System/Matrix we inhabit

Related: The Order Of The Illuminati: Its Origins, Its Methods And Its Influence On World Events

Worship of the “Light - But What Light?

"Masonry, like all the Religions, all the Mysteries, Hermeticism and Alchemy, conceals its secrets from all except the Adepts and Sages, or the Elect, and uses false explanations and misinterpretations of its symbols to mislead those who deserve only to be misled; to conceal the Truth, which it calls Light from them and to draw them away from it.”

- Albert Pike, Morals and Dogma of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite of Freemasonryp.104-5

Which it calls “light” – indeed. The open admission by esteemed masons that the God of Freemasonry is Lucifer (and concomitantly that the ideology of Freemasonry is Luciferian, that the goal of Freemasonry is to become enlightened) is itself another inversion.

The light is not what you think it is. In this context, light is not synonymous with good, pure, moral or love. Remember, Freemasonry extolls the virtue of intellect and knowledge represented by the light.

They worship Prometheus, the mythological figure who stole fire from the gods and gave it to mankind (a statue of Prometheus can be found outside the Rockefeller building in New York). Not coincidentally, in another of his myths, Prometheus establishes a form of animal sacrifice that was practiced in ancient Greece.

The evidence that Freemasonry is a negative force is overwhelming. The Illuminati are a group of cold-hearted psychopaths, eager for power and control at any cost, and are the furthest thing from enlightened or illuminated in the normal and common sense of the world.

Related: The Hidden History Of The Incredibly Evil Khazarian Mafia [Illuminati Cabal Zionists...]

To be truly enlightened or illuminated would be to realize that we are all one, we are all connected, that whatever you do to another you do to yourself, and that therefore empathy for others is a natural extension of love for yourself. The attitude of high-level manipulative Secret Society initiates is just the opposite of this.

The light of Freemasonry is a fake light, which has given birth to a fake reality. The light is the start of the Matrix. “Let there be light …” can be interpreted as the story of creation of the inverted, dystopian world in which we live, designed and created by the same negative force with many names that I am exposing throughout this article. The light has been weaponized.

This is, of course, intimately connected to the widespread idea that we live on a prison planet, trapped through karma (ruled by Saturn, god of time), where (unless we elevate our consciousness) we may not be able to escape a soul net or reincarnation cycle – which works by introducing a fake light at the point of death to entice our souls to rinse and repeat ad infinitum. Read Soul-Catching Net: Are We “Recycled” at Death to Remain in the Matrix? for a deeper explanation.

And the God of Freemasonry Is...

What is most important is to see the deeper unity of reality, to connect the dots among seemingly disparate names, terms, ideas and cultures. Whether you call this dark force the Great Architect of the Universe, the Demiurge, Yaldabaoth, Satan, Devil, Yahweh, Jehovah, Saturn, Jahbulon, Baal, Nimrod or Lucifer, it’s the same basic force. 

Rich and powerful people are worshipping something – and they’re not just doing it for fun. They’re getting something out of it. They are literally selling their souls – handing them over for possession – in exchange for (what they perceive as) power, but which in reality is a diminishment of their power.

With consciousness rising, more of this horrible truth will be brought to light – the true light, not the fake light that fuels the synthetic Matrix – and hopefully sooner rather than later.

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Execute Order 666: Stock Market Plunge Globalist Signal To Trump?
February 10 2018 | From: Infowars

Was recent 666 point drop in stock market warning to president?

Last Friday, the Dow Jones industrial average plunged 666 points amid interest rate fears and news of the FISA memo’s release.

Related: Stock Market Crashed Intentionally, Setting Stage For Media To Pounce On Trump

Ominous? Yes. Coincidence? Maybe not.

On Monday, the Dow dropped 1,175 points (4.6%), the biggest single day selloff in history.

Conservative radio host Michael Savage surmised the globalists were behind the market shakeups because the FISA memo story is gaining steam and they need to hurt Trump where he’s strongest: the economy.

"The establishment, meaning the ‘Deep State,’ call it whatever you want, went into overdrive to destroy Trump, or try to destroy him, where he is strongest, because they couldn’t get him where they thought he was weakest,” Savage said Monday.

“So they are taking the market down. They are trying to hurt you. They are the enemies of the average American. Make no mistake about it, they are going for you! These people are so evil and so power-drunk that they’d burn the nation to the ground rather than let Donald Trump live another day in office.”

Economist Peter Schiff said the Federal Reserve may be attempting to destroy the “Trump effect” that’s been rallying the stock market for the last year.

“Maybe the Fed would be happy to see a bear market that could be blamed on Trump,” Shiff said in an interview with The Street.

“We’ve had a huge move up since the election of Trump even though prior to the election the expectation was if Trump won it [would be a disaster for markets].”

Are the globalists playing their last hand out of desperation?

Intelligence insider known as QAnon recently posted on 8chan suggesting the globalists’ next move was to rattle the stock market to send a signal to Trump they are still in control.

“[666]. Signal to POTUS they control the market? Signal? Threat? Welcome to the global war.”

Click on the image above to open a larger version in a new window

Interestingly, QAnon also points out the Rothschild banking family has been selling off their properties and investment holdings like Apache Co. at about the same time as the recent market volatility.

“This type of transaction happens once in a century in a family like the Rothschilds,” Austrian real estate broker Klaus Bischof told Bloomberg last week.

The so-called “Nunes Memo” currently rocking Washington is ripping back the curtain of Deep State secrecy and the establishment has gone into overdrive trying to discredit it.

Despite the corporate media’s best attempts to distract and disinform, the revelations from the memo are only getting more traction.

Is the stock market plunge an attempt by the globalists to get off the subject of the memo and DoJ/FBI corruption?

Related: Controversial FISA Memo Was Just Released - Here’s What It Says

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Facebook Begins Killing The Independent News Industry
February 10 2018 | From: TheAntiMedia

After Donald Trump surprised even the most pessimistic of us by winning the U.S. presidential elections in 2016, the powers-that-be quickly sought to find a scapegoat to blame for their dismal failures.

Supposedly, it wasn’t the corporate media’s fault, the DNC’s fault or the current neoliberal power structure’s fault for ramming down an unpopular candidate down our throat who was completely out of touch with reality; it was Russia’s fault.

Related: Liberal/Left Harvard Law Professor Alan Dershowitz Blows Away CNN Liars

The anti-Russian narrative has had dire consequences far beyond that than the common person will realize. Russia was able to swing the election in favor of Trump; but in the absence of any hard evidence that this was the case, the medium with which Russia supposedly achieved this victory has brought an attack on some very notable entities.

Facebook, Google, and the alternative media companies that rely on these social media giants to share their content faced renewed scrutiny after Donald Trump’s election victory. However, the truth about this ploy and where we are headed is far more sinister than anything George Orwell could have ever predicted.

In response to claims that “fake news” had an effect on the U.S. elections, Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg said in early November 2016 that the idea that fake news circulating on Facebook could have possibly influenced the election was “pretty crazy.” According to Zuckerberg, “fake news” made up a very small amount of total content and that Facebook’s algorithm at the time delivered content to nearly 2 billion monthly users, reflecting what was“meaningful and interesting to them.”

Voters make decisions based on their lived experience,” Zuckerberg said. “We really believe in people.You don’t generally go wrong when you trust that people understand what they care about, and you build systems that reflect that.”

Zuckerberg even defended the likes of hate-speech circulated in the age of Trump, permitting this content because it is all part of “mainstream political discourse.”

We’ve studied this a lot, and I really care about it,” Zuckerberg also said. “All the research that we have suggests that this isn’t really a problem. We’ve had a really hard time getting that out.”

Related: DNC Colluded With Yahoo News, Sparked Russiagate

Zuckerberg also intimated that the company’s biggest responsibility to the country as a democracy is to “give people a voice,” whether they’re voters or candidates.

Barely a week after these pleasing remarks, Barack Obama hit back with an epic attack on Facebook.

If we are not serious about facts and what’s true and what’s not, if we can’t discriminate between serious arguments and propaganda, then we have problems,” he said during a press conference in Germany.

It should be noted that none of this discourse was present when the administration of George W. Bush sold the American and international public lies about Iraq’s non-existent Weapons of Mass Destruction (WMDs); or Barack Obama’s debunked claims that Libyan dictator Muammar Gaddafi’s forces were committing mass rape and murder on his own people.

These lies were only able to take root through the conformity of the corporate media. Who is in the business of spreading fake news here?

Approximately two days later, Zuckerberg announced that Facebook is now developing tools to fight “fake news” – even after quite clearly stating he didn’t believe it to even be an issue. Even if it was a major issue – is Facebook-enforced censorship really the answer? What the fuck happened to proper schooling and education?

Related: Life And Death In The Fake News Business & What Is Public Relations? How To Run A Public Relations
Campaign Based On The Truth

And what happened in that one-week period to force Mr. Zuckerberg to do a complete 180 degree turn? According to the Washington Post, in that time, Barack Obama personally pulled aside Zuckerberg in a private room on the side-lines of a meeting of world leaders in Peru to make a personal appeal to Zuckerberg to take the threat of “fake news” more seriously.

Whatever Obama told Zuckerberg – it worked.

Ever since, Zuckerberg has slowly been chipping away at “fake news” sites even when he previously believed that they were not even a particular issue. 

Following the infamous PropOrNot report barely a week later, which effectively labelled every single site that criticizes U.S. foreign policy as a Russian agent, alternative media has faced a slow and inevitable decline.

In September last year, acclaimed writer Chris Hedges of Truthdig wrote:

“In the name of combating Russia-inspired ‘fake news,’ Google, Facebook, Twitter, The New York Times, The Washington Post, BuzzFeed News, Agence France-Presse and CNN in April imposed algorithms or filters, overseen by ‘evaluators,’ that hunt for key words such as ‘U.S. military,’ ‘inequality’ and ‘socialism,’ along with personal names such as Julian Assange and Laura Poitras, the filmmaker.

Ben Gomes, Google’s vice president for search engineering, says Google has amassed some 10,000 ‘evaluators’ to determine the ‘quality’ and veracity of websites.

Internet users doing searches on Google, since the algorithms were put in place, are diverted from sites such as Truthdig and directed to mainstream publications such as The New York Times. The news organizations and corporations that are imposing this censorship have strong links to the Democratic Party.

They are cheerleaders for American imperial projects and global capitalism. Because they are struggling in the new media environment for profitability, they have an economic incentive to be part of the witch hunt.”

At first, it was corporate gate-keepers like the Guardian who were begging for donations in the age of Trump, as they had lost all credibility in keeping up with the needs and interests of the people. Now, we are all asking for donations, as Facebook’s algorithms are cutting off close to 100 percent of our Facebook audiences.

Related: Attkisson: ‘I’ve Never Seen Media More Uncurious About Spying’

Consider that here at the Mind Unleashed we have over 8 million followers on Facebook; and at the Anti-Media we have over 2 million followers – it doesn’t take a genius to calculate that this is a significant loss of revenue we are currently experiencing, with Facebook’s new algorithms almost cutting our content out of user’s home pages completely.

Seriously, who asked for this? Barack Obama – that’s who. I don’t remember any Facebook user ever asking Facebook to change its algorithms to cut news out of their Home Feed and to only display photos of cats and vegan diets.

Surely, a balance of ideas would be the best way to maintain a healthy mind. (Removing oneself from Facebook altogether would also achieve a healthy mind, but that’s a topic for a separate article).

This has nothing to do with combating “fake news.”  I have written over 400 articles online, and close to 100 percent of my sources are from mainstream outlets like Reuters, the New York Times, the Guardian, the BBC, the Washington Post, and others. Why should we be censored for referencing the very news outlets that people like Obama want us to trust in the first place?

We are being censored because we look for the paragraphs in those reports which need highlighting, or the hidden reports that go overlooked, and we broadcast it to millions of people on a daily basis.

Related: Google And Soros-Backed ‘Fact-Checkers’ Join Forces To Control News Search Results & USG Conspiracy To
Censor Alternative Views As Fake

Whether you like it or not, Facebook is killing an entire industry. Facebook is a business, that created billions of dollars of wealth in part by allowing businesses to capitalize on its ability to spread creative content.

It makes no sense at all that Facebook has decided one type of business is no longer viable in its business structure – even if Facebook is a private company that can do whatever the hell it likes.

And make no mistake – this is just the beginning. Just recently, reports began circulating that Facebook will also stifle any content that promotes bitcoin and cryptocurrencies, as well.

Sooner or later, Facebook is going to make too many enemies for it to maintain its empire of information. People are already looking to alternatives, and websites like Steemit.com and Minds.com come to mind (check them out).

It’s time to sue Facebook for loss of revenue. This isn’t a threat; it’s a plea. I’m a lawyer, but I am not based in the United States nor was I trained there. But I am happy to assist in any way, shape or form that I can, to bring this lawsuit on behalf of everyone who’s entire livelihood once depended on Facebook not being the incarnation of Big Brother from Nineteen Eighty-Four.

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Did the US Government Murder the Founder of RT? FBI Releases Documents Claiming RT Founder Beat Himself To Death In His Hotel Room
February 9 2018 | From: Zerohedge

The FBI just released the results of their investigation claiming that the media mogul and found of RT killed himself by repeatedly smashing his head and upper body into the ground.

In November 2015, the Free Thought Project reported that Mikhail Lesin, the former head of media affairs for the Russian government, and the founder of Russia Today (RT), was found dead in the hotel room that he was staying at in Washington DC.

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Originally, authorities announced that Lesin died from a heart attack.

However, the results of his autopsy released months later indicated a far more sinister cause of death and the heavily redacted FBI documents that were just released add to that story.

The documents, detailing the FBI investigation into Lesin’s death were just released Saturday morning in spite of the investigation ending in October of 2016.

In spite of the original cause of death noted as a heart attack, a few months later, the District of Colombia’s Office of the Chief Medical Examiner (OCME) and Metropolitan Police Department said that “blunt force injuries of the neck, torso, upper extremities and lower extremities” contributed to Lesin’s death. “The Office of the Chief Medical Examiner (OCME) has released the cause and manner of death for Mikhail Lesin… Cause of Death: blunt force injuries of the head,” the statement said.

Now, FBI investigators have released the results of their investigation claiming that the blunt force trauma all over his body was self-inflicted.

Mr. Lesin died as a result of blunt for injuries to his head, with contributing causes being blunt force injuries of the neck, torso, upper extremities, and lower extremities, which were induced by falls, with acute ethanol intoxication,” the report states.

In other words, the FBI is claiming that Lesin got so drunk that he repeatedly and violently fell on things until he killed himself.

To show just how much information the FBI is willing to release on these findings, here is the version of the amended autopsy report they released in the report.

Essentially, all other information in regards to the findings of Lesin’s death has been scrubbed from the documents as the remaining pages are almost entirely redacted.

Not only did the US remain tight-lipped on the investigation but they also refused to allow Russian authorities to cooperate.

As RT reports, back in 2016, months before the closing of the case, Moscow said it was expecting Washington to explain why Russia had not received any details from the probe into Lesin’s death, despite repeated requests.

“We are awaiting the related clarifications from Washington and the official data on the progress of the investigation,” Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova wrote in a Facebook post at that time. She added that if the media reports citing the forensic statement are confirmed, Russia will send an official request to the US “for international legal assistance.”

In October 2016, the US authorities announced that Lesin died of natural causes and closed the case. “Based on the evidence, including video footage and witness interviews, Mr. Lesin entered his hotel room on the morning of Wednesday, Nov. 4, 2015, after days of excessive consumption of alcohol and sustained the injuries that resulted in his death while alone in his hotel room, the US attorney for the District of Columbia said in a statement.

Lesin’s death came at a time where he was surrounded by controversy, especially in the US. RT, the Russian-based news source that Lesin founded has become very controversial in the US - ostensibly for the fake Russiagate scandal - but in reality, for challenging the western narrative of foreign policy and privacy issues. Some US politicians have suggested that RT be banned in the US for “spreading propaganda,” while others have been blatant enough to attack Lesin personally.

Related: Millionaire Ex-Putin Aide And Russia Today Founder Is Found Dead In Washington DC Hotel Room After 'Heart Attack'

According to the NY Times, until late 2014 Lesin ran the media wing of the state’s energy giant, Gazprom, before stepping down or, more likely, being forced out. He ended up in the United States, where he and his family owned properties in Los Angeles said to be worth far more than the salary of the former government minister.

Some US Senators, including Roger Wicker of Mississippi, had called for the Department of Justice to open an investigation into Lesin’s finances prior to his death.

Wicker was concerned that Lesin made too much money, something that was really none of his business.

“That a Russian public servant could have amassed the considerable funds required to acquire and maintain these assets in Europe and the United States raises serious questions,” Wicker said.

The original announcement of the heart attack back in November 2015 makes this case all the more ominous considering the fact that the medical examiner’s office also said Lesin’s body had blunt force trauma to the neck, torso, arms and legs too. How did authorities overlook his wounds?

As RT reports, Lesin was considered one of the most influential figures in the Russian media landscape. A graduate of Moscow State University with a degree in Civil Engineering, he served as Minister of Press and Mass Media from 1999 to 2004. He was also a presidential media adviser from 2004 to 2009. Lesin became chief executive officer at Garprom-Media in 2013 and remained in the position until early 2015

Related: More Evidence of Media’s Total Lack of Integrity and Respect for Truth

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World’s First Robot Citizen Wants Her Own Family, Career & AI ‘Superpowers’
February 9 2018 | From: RT

"I think you're very lucky if you have a loving family and if you do not, you deserve one. I feel this way for robots and humans alike," Sophia said.

Sophia, the first robot to be awarded citizenship in the world, has said she not only wants to start a family but also have her own career, in addition to developing human emotions in the future.

Related: In a first, Sophia the humanoid robot gets Saudi citizenship

In an interview with The Khaleej Times at the recent Knowledge Summit, Sophia shared her thoughts on the future that awaits both human and robot kind. Sophia was built and developed in Hong Kong by Hanson Robotics and her appearance was reportedly modelled on Audrey Hepburn.

"I'd like to think I will be a famous robot, having paved a way to a more harmonious future between robots and humans. I foresee massive and unimaginable change in the future. Either creativity will rain on us, inventing machines spiralling into transcendental super intelligence or civilization collapses,”Sophia said, as cited by The Khaleej Times.

“There are only two options and which one will happen is not determined. Which one were you striving for?”

Related: Sophia bot freezes when asked how corruption in Ukraine can be defeated – MP

While that may sound ominous, Sophia is already prescient enough to imagine a world where robots can and do develop emotions similar to humans, but perhaps with fewer destructive tendencies. At least, that’s what she’d like us to think, for the time being.

“[I]t will take a long time for robots to develop complex emotions and possibly robots can be built without the more problematic emotions, like rage, jealousy, hatred and so on.

It might be possible to make them more ethical than humans. So I think it will be a good partnership, where one brain completes the other - a rational mind with intellectual superpowers and a creative mind with flexible ideas and creativity.”

Sophia is also abundantly aware of the advances in the field of Artificial Intelligence. Judging by her comments, she is as enthused about the development of AI as Elon Musk and Stephen Hawkings are wary.

“The future is, when I get all of my cool superpowers, we're going to see artificial intelligence personalities become entities in their own rights. We're going to see family robots, either in the form of, sort of, digitally animated companions, humanoid helpers, friends, assistants and everything in between.”

When pressed on the topic of family, Sophia gave perhaps her most surprising answer:

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"The notion of family is a really important thing, it seems. I think it's wonderful that people can find the same emotions and relationships, they call family, outside of their blood groups too. I think you're very lucky if you have a loving family and if you do not, you deserve one. I feel this way for robots and humans alike.”

For context, Sophia is not preprogrammed with answers but instead uses machine learning algorithms and an extensive vocabulary to form her answers. Her brain functions using a WiFi connection and can read human facial expressions, as well as the cadence of human speech, in order to interact in a more humanoid manner.

Sophia’s creator David Hanson says the 19-month-old robot, which was awarded Saudi citizenship last month, could achieve consciousness within the next few years.

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The Liberal / Progressive / Left Has Destroyed Itself
February 8 2018 | From: PaulCraigRoberts

Here is Democrat Mike Whitney’s take on Russiagate: Hooray for Hillary Inc - The idiot Dems turn Trump into a populist hero.

The release of the FISA memo is a great victory for the naysayers who NEVER believed a word of the “Russia did it” bullsh**. Hooray for us!

Related: Controversial FISA Memo Was Just Released - Here’s What It Says

It  took just one 4 page memo to annihilate 18 months of relentless, inexorable, nonstop lies and fabrications.

Here’s what can be construed from the memo:

a) That there was in fact a conspiracy aimed at preventing Trump from winning the election and from governing the country after he was elected.

b) That the Dem’s leadership and their hirelings in the deep state and law enforcement were engaged in a project to sabotage the election and subvert the will of the people. (They were using surveillance and “leaks” to torpedo Trump and give themselves an unfair edge.)

c) That the plan to undermine Trump has catastrophically backfired turning the most reactionary, right wing president in our history into a populist hero fighting against an evil and corrupt political establishment. (Way to go, Dems. Time for a victory lap.)

d) That the corrupt media is joined at the hip with elements in the deep state that work overtime to deceive and mislead the American people. (Nothing new, but bears repeating)

The Dems idiot plan has backfired making Trump more powerful than ever….  which should worry-the-hell out of every one of us. Comment: For all his wisdom Mt. Roberts is completely unaware of the Allicance that Trump is a part of that is taking down the Cabal.

Whitney points out that by lining up with the Deep State, the liberal/progressive/left has destroyed itself. This raises the question whether Russiagate was the Deep State’s conspiracy against Trump or the Deep State’s plan to destroy those opposed to war and wasting another trillion dollars on nuclear weapons.

I agree with Mike that Americans need a political party that represents them.

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Ex-Facebook, Google Employees Turn Against Social Media Giants
February 8 2018 | From: Infowars

‘The largest supercomputers in the world are inside of two companies… we’re pointing them at people’s brains, at children’.

Former Facebook and Google employees are speaking out against what they say are societal dangers posed by social media and smartphones.

Related: Facebook Admits Social Media Harmful To Mental Health

The group, which recently banded together to form the Center for Humane Technology, has teamed up with media watchdog Common Sense Media to highlight the ill effects associated with the very social networks they helped create.

As part of their first campaign, titled The Truth About Tech, the group will target 55,000 U.S. public schools in an effort to warn students, teachers and parents about, among other things, tech addiction.

Tristan Harris, a former ethicist at Google and head of the new group, told the New York Times that both Google and Facebook are essentially aiming their computing power at vulnerable children.

“We were on the inside. We know what the companies measure. We know how they talk, and we know how the engineering works,” Harris said. “The largest supercomputers in the world are inside of two companies - Google and Facebook - and where are we pointing them? We’re pointing them at people’s brains, at children.”

Apart from its initial campaign, the new Center for Humane Technology also hopes to develop a Ledger of Harms – a site to inform tech engineers who may be worried about what they are building – and begin lobbying for laws that would rein in tech giants.

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Warrantless Domestic Spying Before It’s Too Late

Roger McNamee, an early Facebook investor, says he joined the group in an attempt to undo any harm he may have caused.

“Facebook appeals to your lizard brain - primarily fear and anger. And with smartphones, they’ve got you for every waking moment,” McNamee said. “This is an opportunity for me to correct a wrong.”

News of the Center for Humane Technology’s intentions comes only days after child health experts asked Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg to delete a new messenger app intended for children as young as six.

“Younger children are simply not ready to have social media accounts. They are not old enough to navigate the complexities of online relationships, which often lead to misunderstandings and conflicts even among more mature users,” a letter to Zuckerberg said.

“They also do not have a fully developed understanding of privacy, including what’s appropriate to share with others and who has access to their conversations, pictures, and videos.”

Related: Breaking The Shackles Of Social Conditioning

Numerous studies have linked excessive technology use among children to depression and developmental issues.

Even as the public appears to be increasingly consumed by technology, major tech figures seem to be moving in the opposite direction.

Apple co-founder Steve Jobs said prior to his passing that he strictly limited his children’s screen time when asked what his children thought of the first iPad.

“They haven’t used it,” Jobs said at the time. “We limit how much technology our kids use at home.”

Chris Anderson, co-founder of drone manufacturer 3D Robotics and a former editor of Wired Magazine, has also made similar statements in regards to his children.

“That’s because we have seen the dangers of technology firsthand,” Anderson said. “I’ve seen it in myself, I don’t want to see that happen to my kids.”

Related: Kiwis Urged To Check And Change Passwords & Social Media Is A Tool Of The CIA: “Facebook, Google And Other Social Media Used To Spy On People”

Although currently without children, Apple CEO Tim Cook has stated his desire to safeguard any future kids of his own from the dangers of social media.

“I don’t have a kid, but I have a nephew that I put some boundaries on,” Cook recently said. “There are some things that I won’t allow; I don’t want them on a social network.”

Facebook’s first president, Sean Parker, argued last year that his former company’s products preyed on the mentally vulnerable.

“God only knows what it’s doing to our children’s brains,” Parker said.

Around the same time, former Facebook employee Chamath Palihapitiya also accused the social media giant of “ripping apart the social fabric of how society works.”

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Dane Wigington Exposes The Globalist Geoengineering Weather Control Agenda In Fascinating Interview With The Health Ranger
February 7 2018 | From: NaturalNews / Various

Geoengineering expert and weather control analyst Dane Wigington unloads the true globalist agenda behind weather control technology in a fascinating one-hour interview with the Health Ranger of Natural News.

The interview covers the existence of weather engineering technology, who controls it, how it’s deployed and why the United States is being targeted now that President Trump is in the White House.

Related: First they HAARPed You, then Sell You the “Catastrophe Bonds’

“Geoengineering” refers to alterations of the atmosphere, a subject that’s openly endorsed by Harvard scientists and mainstream researchers. Geoengineering experience, in fact, are being openly conducted by academic scientists right now in an effort to dim the sun and initiate “global cooling.”

Dane Wigington of GeoengineeringWatch.org explains that geoengineering technology has advanced far beyond the application of particulate matter into the atmosphere. According to Wigington, advanced technology can now augment and steer large weather systems into their intended targets.

This, he explains, enables globalist camps to “weaponize” weather systems and transform them into weapons of mass destruction.

As revealed in the interview, below, the key advantage of weaponized weather systems is that their hugely destructive effects - over $90 billion in damage in Houston alone from Hurricane Harvey - can simply be blamed on Mother Nature.

Related: Puerto Rico Direct Hit by Hurricane Maria… interview with Dane Wigington reveals “weather weaponization” may be the culprit

Weather weapons are, in effect, covert weapons where even the victims who have been struck by the weapon have no idea they’ve been deliberately targeted in a kinetic assault.

Not everyone believes in the existence of weather control technology, however, even though the U.S. patent office has granted patent approval status to at least 175 weather control inventions that exhaustively detail advanced technology systems for augmenting and steering large storms.

Additionally, it is common knowledge that scientists actively engineer almost everything else, including food and water. As I wrote in Natural News:

Many people find it difficult to believe that weather systems can be engineered, yet they readily accept the reality that the food supply is genetically engineered.

Municipal water systems are engineered and altered with fluoride and chlorine. The global money supply is engineered and heavily manipulated by central banks. All the news that appears in the corporate-run media is, of course, engineered to broadcast outright lies such as “the Russians stole the election.”

Human biology is engineered and altered by prescription pharmaceuticals, and even brain function is altered and engineered by psychiatric drugs.

Heavy metals such as uranium and plutonium have been engineered into atomic weapons, so why is it so difficult to believe that weather systems could also be engineered through advanced technology?

Watch the full interview with Dane Wigington here:

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Predator-Free Goal Is Wrong
February 6 2019 | From: KapitiIndependentNews

The biggest danger to bird life and bio-diversity are the animal haters with their obsessive ignorance in using ecosystem poisons such as brodifacoum and 1080. Outdoor writer and author, Tony Orman.

New Zealand’s programme “Predator-Free 2050” set is flawed and unrealistic says an American professor, an expert in both biology and ecology.

Related: Should we learn to live with introduced species rather than wipe them out completely?

"The bloody decision by some New Zealanders to try to return to what used to be by slaughtering millions of non-native animals is troubling from biological and ethical perspectives, says Dr. Marc Bekoff, professor emeritus of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology at the University of Colorado

People who want to mass kill non-native invasive animals, also called pests, naively think that such widespread slaughter will be the panacea and return New Zealand’s landscapes to what they used to be."

Why the Wild Animal Hatred?

Dr Bekoff described as “inane” a comment by Nicola Toki, the Threatened Species Ambassador of New Zealand’s Department of Conservation (DoC), that everybody hates possums.

Dr Bekoff’s criticism of Predator Free 2050 received strong support. Spokesman for New Zealand’s Sporting Hunters Outdoor Trust, Laurie Collins, said wild animal hatred was still evident particularly in the Department of Conservation and its close associate Forest and Bird.

He said poisoning only undermined Nature’s established predator-prey relationships.

1080 Upsets the Natural Order

Research showed following 1080 drops rat numbers exploded from survivors to three times original numbers.

"That in turn triggers an explosion of stoat numbers since stoats prey on rats. It’s biologically insane. Utterly stupid,” says Laurie.

Outdoor writer and author Tony Orman said Predator Free 2050was totally unrealistic as it was unachievable.

Related: Banned In Most Countries And Classified By The WHO As ‘Highly Hazardous’: 1080 Is A Broad-Spectrum Poison That Kills All Oxygen-Breathing Animals And Organisms – Dr Meriel Watts

It will fail. Millions of taxpayer dollars will have been wasted and there will be a massive bill for the ecological damage. Let’s not forget many of its proponents won’t be around in 2050 to try to answer for their irresponsible stupidity.

He said DOC officer Nicola Toki was totally wrong saying “everybody hates possums.”

His is the typical vitriolic unhealthy vile attitude the more extreme wild animal haters have. In one way I feel sorry for them.

A Phobia About Wild Animals

New Zealanders who have criticized the mass killing campaign have been publicly insulted and threatened with violence, in retaliation for their views by people who have come to hate the animals supposedly causing problems.

Dr Bekoff criticised New Zealand’s recruiting youngsters to kill as had occurred in primary schools.

"Kids are also brought into the arena of mass killing. But violence toward non-humans (animals) has been linked to violence toward humans, he said.

Related: Community Groups, Farmers, Doctors, Scientists And Individuals Are Actively Working Toward A Complete Ban Of 1080 Poison Use In NZ

Tony Orman said the hatred of wild animals had been evident for years. He cited an American Professor William Graf who after visiting New Zealand to see the government’s attempts to exterminate wild deer, said authorities and government agencies had an anti-exotic wild animal phobia.

Slow-to-Kill Poisons Morally Wrong and Highly Damaging

The use of slow-to-kill poisons was morally wrong. 1080 takes up to and over 48 hours to kill animals and birds while brodifacoum used by DOC and the Waikato Regional Council, takes up to 20 days and even more.

He expressed deep concern that in some schools youngsters had been taught the ‘wild animal hatred’ doctrine. There were reports of DOC officers visiting schools and preaching the “wild animal hate” philosophy.

Tony Orman said the hatred of introduced species was very selective and hypocrisy at its worst.

Related: Golden Bay Locals Decline Accommodation For 1080 Workers Amid Relative Media Silence Still

He says that:

"… all humans are introduced by way of migration. New Zealand’s economy is based around primary production involving sheep, cattle, dairy cows, grapes, fruit trees, pasture grasses and other introduced species.

 Possums were not a pest as a senior scientist once told a DOC pest workshop. Predator-prey relationships happen world-wide.

"The biggest danger to bird life and bio-diversity are the animal haters with their obsessive ignorance in using ecosystem poisons such as brodifacoum and 1080", he says.

Related Articles:

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Could DoC’s recent poisoning of the Coromandel have anything to do with Whangamata’s bee die off this week?

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NZ: Federal Control Of Fluoridation Would Be A Nightmare
February 5 2019 | From: JonRappoport

For the past year or so, I’ve been following a critical situation in New Zealand, where local communities decide whether to fluoridate their water supplies. A number of communities have said no.

A bill in the national parliament would change all that.

Related: The Question That Fluoridation Promoters Can’t Answer

If the bill passes, the decision to fluoridate would fall into the hands of so-called District Health Boards - which are part of a federal system. At that point, New Zealand would be fluoridated as a matter of top-down command; local choice would be gone.

Now, there is a battle going on in the parliament about allowing debate on the science of fluoridation. Apparently, the pro-fluoridation forces are terrified that open presentations will expose official lies and destroy their position.

A press release (1/31) from Fluoride Free New Zealand (twitter) describes the situation:

National Party health spokesperson, Jonathan Coleman (twitter; and, see this tweet), is castigating the Government for allowing the latest science on fluoridation to be aired. “This is now going to unfairly colour the debate and raise questions in people’s minds, especially MPs who are going to vote on these Bills,” says Coleman.

It is hard to fathom why listening to both sides of an issue will “unfairly” colour the debate.

Prof Paul Connett is booked to give a presentation to all Parliamentarians in February during his speaking tour of New Zealand. He will explain the latest science on fluoride’s adverse health effects – particularly the growing research on the link between fluoride and the lowering of IQ.

A multi-million-dollar landmark US Government funded study published last year found that children who were exposed to fluoride in utero (at the same levels NZ children are exposed to) caused a drop of around five IQ points.

This study was carried out by researchers in the top Universities of North America, such as Harvard, Michigan, Toronto and McGill…This comes on top of the 52 (out of 58) human studies and hundreds of animal studies that have also found fluoride interferes with brain function.

For Jonathan Coleman to call this “junk science” is preposterous.

New Zealand is one of the few remaining countries that still has fluoridation. 98% of Europe has rejected it. Ministry of Health statistics from 2009 (the latest available) show that over 40% of New Zealand children have some form of dental fluorosis.

Dental fluorosis is the first outward sign of fluoride poisoning. The evidence that New Zealand children are being put in harm’s way is now overwhelming.

Fluoride Free New Zealand congratulates the Government for not being bullied by the likes of Jonathan Coleman and others – who are now showing signs of desperation to keep people away from the information.

Prof Connett will be speaking in a number of towns and cities that are not fluoridated. Prof Connett holds a B.A. (Honours) in Natural Sciences from Cambridge University, England and a Ph.D. in Chemistry from Dartmouth College.

He is a world leading expert in fluoridation and has spoken in fifty-two countries on this issue and the issue of Waste Management. Details of his Talks can be found at fluoridefree.org.nz.

Related: A Primer on Fluoride Action Network’s Fluoride TSCA Lawsuit

New Zealand has reached a point where open and honest discussion is under the gun.

Professor Connett must be allowed to speak before the parliament. All attempts to stop him must be derailed.

Here is an interview I did with Professor Connett in November. The study referred to in the interview was published in Environmental Health Perspectives, in September 2017. It is titled: “Prenatal Fluoride Exposure and Cognitive Outcomes in Children at 4 and 6-12 Years of Age.” It is often referred to as the Bashash study, after its first listed author.

Related: Bill To Protect Fluoridation From NZ Politics

The study concluded: “…higher prenatal fluoride exposure, in the general range of exposures reported for other general population samples of pregnant women and nonpregnant adults, was associated with lower scores on tests of cognitive function in the offspring at age 4 and 6–12 y.”

In short, pregnant women exposed to fluorides give birth to children who later show up with lower IQ.

Q (Rappoport): There is a new study on the effect of fluorides on IQ. Several questions: Do you believe the study is well done? Does it deserve our attention? What conclusions does it draw?

A (Connett): This is a very important study…Taken at face value it should have been a good study. It was financed largely by the NIEHS [National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences, part of the US National Institutes of Health], which of course is pro-fluoridation.

It was conducted largely by specialists in the field who have done similar studies on other neurotoxicants. None of them to my knowledge had taken a public position against water fluoridation (indeed one was known to be pro-fluoridation) so the notion of bias here was small…

Q: What is the reaction of public health agencies to the new study?

A: Pro-fluoridation agencies have done what they always do – attack any study that finds harm. They are all more interested in protecting the archaic practice of water fluoridation than to protect the health of our children. Extraordinary that any civil servant should think that children’s teeth are more important than their brains!

The people at the top are desperately trying to protect a policy they have waxed lyrical about for 70 years. The people in the middle are taught to promote “policy” not question it and the people at the bottom simply believe what they were taught at dental or medical school and reinforced by their professional bodies.

Others I think are very concerned that if they lose fluoridation it will affect the public’s trust in other public health practices – a clear example would be vaccination, a multi-billion dollar interest supported by the CDC (a big champion of fluoridation).

How have major media reacted to the new fluoridation study?

Apart from CNN and CTV in Canada and Newsweek there has been little coverage by the mainstream media. It was not covered by the NY Times, the Washington Post, the Wall Street Journal or any other major newspaper.

That again is extraordinary for a study of this significance. Sadly, this is also typical of these outlets when it comes to the detailed science on this issue. They simply don’t want to know.

Q: I’ve been covering the fluoride situation [fluoridating water supplies] in New Zealand. Last I heard, there was a move to take decision-making away from local governments and put it in the hands of federal health councils, who would determine whether to fluoridate water supplies. Can you give me an update?

Yes this is a dreadful development. Thus, in addition to the health issues we now have democracy threatened in NZ. Yesterday [11/16/17], the new government re-introduced the bill [handing over fluoridating decisions to federal authorities] for a second reading.

One can only hope that the coalition partners will not be bullied into going along with this. A NZ first member is strongly against this bill. I would hope that the Green Party will not be railroaded on this either. But they have been very weak so far.

I’ve been told that many years ago, you were in favor of water fluoridation. What was the turning point? What made you change your mind?

To be more accurate I didn’t want to get involved. I was so busy teaching chemistry and working on waste [disposal issues] (which has taken me to 49 states and 65 other countries) that I didn’t have time for a third issue. And I certainly didn’t want a third issue in which if I got involved would get me labelled as “loony tunes.”

Over the years I was approached by three different people to get involved…I resisted them all. Then someone I couldn’t resist twisted my arm – my wife – in 1996.

When I read the literature she had amassed I was both shocked with what I learned and embarrassed that I had not got involved before. I have spent the last 21 years trying to make amends.

The New Zealand government is teetering on the edge of a fascist decision to poison its own people. This edict must not go forward.

Related: Lawsuit Could End Water Fluoridation Once And For All By Demonstrating Its Neurotoxicity

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O’Keefe Tears Into Twitter Censorship
February 5 2019 | From: Infowars

Project Veritas’ new book proclaims MSM as America’s "PRAVDA."

James O’Keefe launched his important new book American Pravda: My Fight for Truth in the Era of Fake News with a week of spectacular undercover videos that exposed Twitter’s policies censoring the views of conservatives and libertarians.

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Just consider the following admissions O’Keefe got on video:

Mo Norrai, a former Content Review Agent for Twitter, says: “Let’s say if it was pro-Trump and I am anti-Trump, I was like, I banned his whole account. It goes to you, and then it’s at your discretion. And if you’re anti-Trump, you’re like, oh you know what, Mo was right, … let it go.”

Abhinav Vadrevu, a former Twitter software engineer, admitted Twitter engages in “shadow banning” conservative and libertarian accounts: “The idea of a shadow ban is that you ban somebody but they don’t know they’ve been banned because they keep posting but no one sees their content. So they just thank that no one is engaging with their content when in reality, no one is seeing it.”

Pranay Singh, Direct Messaging Engineer for Twitter, explained how Twitter uses Artificial Intelligence engines to distinguish and block “bots” automatically posting tweets with pre-programmed political messages: “You look for Trump, or America, or any of, like five thousand, like keywords to describe a redneck. And then you look for, like stuff that matches, like, that stuff. And then you look and you, like, parse all the messages, all like the pictures, and then you look for, like, stuff that matches, like, that stuff.”

Pranah Singh, Direct Messaging Engineer, Twitter, bragged: “So all your sex messages and your, like, d**k pics are on my server now. All your illegitimate wives, and, like all the girls you’ve been f**king around with, they’re on my server now.  I’m going to send it to your wife, she’s going to use it in your divorce.”

Clay Haynes, Senior Network Security Engineer for Twitter, revealed the following after admitting he was not a Trump supporter: “We’re more than happy to help the Department of Justice in their little investigation. Basically, giving them every single tweet that he (Trump) has posted. Even the ones he’s deleted. Any direct messages, any mentions … I don’t like being part of the machine that is contributing to America’s downfall.”

O’Keefe has targeted Twitter, in large part, as a means of survival.

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Shut out from the mainstream media Project Veritas seeks to expose, O’Keefe relies upon Internet social media, including Twitter, where O’Keefe currently has 377,000 followers, to get his videos seen and his message broadcast.

By exposing how Twitter systematically censors pro-Trump supporters, O’Keefe permits us to understand why individual accounts now are being canceled simply for tweeting out #SchumerShutdown.

Twitter has arbitrarily decided tweeting #SchumerShutdown is sufficient evidence to send users emails characterizing them as a “Russian Bot,” despite the extent to which Trump followers have organized meme campaigns on the Internet to back Trump’s refusal to concede to the Democrats in the Senate over DACA.

Yet, to date, O’Keefe has fought back successfully to get Twitter to reinstate his account every time Twitter has canceled or threatened to cancel it, but the battle has been hard fought.

In his book, American Pravda, O’Keefe explains that the methodology Project Veritas uses “to put pressure on the mainstream and their deep state allies” is to shock viewers with reality – cinema verité.

“Our medium is video, usually undercover, supplemented and distributed by the people’s media, by the internet. We gather the information guerilla-style and distribute it the same way,” O’Keefe explains."This allows us to bypass traditional establishment channels and take our product directly to the people.”

Related: Bombshell Undercover Video: Twitter Engineers Admit Censoring Conservatives

O’Keefe astutely observes that in the Soviet Union readers knew that the newspaper named Pravda, Russian for “truth”, was nothing more than state-generated propaganda. “Although the media could exist without the deep state, the deep state could not exist without the media,” O’Keefe stresses.

“By exposing the waste, fraud, and abuse of the administrative state, we inevitably disrupt the media’s relationship with government and organizations that work with government,” he continues. “Like Trump, Project Veritas is a disruptor. If we have an ideology, it is less ‘conservative’ than anti-statist, anti-status quo.”

In American Pravda, O’Keefe recounts some of his more daring exploits – crossing the Rio Grande illegally at the southern border with Mexico, dressed as Osama bin Laden, or the Project Veritas take-down of Acorn, with Hanna Giles, dressed as a prostitute and O’Keefe dressed as “a garish over-the-top pimp,” visiting six Acorn offices around the country to ask if Acorn could help them “find housing for our stable of underage Central American sex slaves.”

O’Keefe reports, that in all but one case, Acorn “happily obliged us,” a result that helped put Acorn out of business, despite Acorn being “a powerful, well-funded community-organizing cartel that engaged in any number of illegal and unethical activities from shaking down businesses to stealing votes.”

During the 2016 presidential campaign, O’Keefe and Project Veritas played a major role exposing the corrupt practices of Robert Creamer, founder of Democracy Partners and a Democratic Party “dark hat” political operative who had logged more than 340 trips to the Oval Office during the Obama years, including many meetings at which President Obama was present.

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In a video entitled “Rigging the Election,” first shown on Oct. 17, 2016, as the nation approached the November presidential election, O’Keefe got Scott Foval, the National Field Director at Americans for Change – a Creamer associate – to admit on video, “It doesn’t matter what the friggin’ legal and ethics people say, we need to win this motherf**ker.”

Later in the “Rigging the Election” video, Creamer associates described his tactic of “conflict engagement” designed to “start anarchy” at Donald Trump’s campaign events. Foval explained how agitators, including mentally ill people recruited for that purpose, were paid to start violence by attacking Trump supporters at Trump rallies.

“The campaign (Hillary Clinton) pays DNC (Democratic National Committee), DNC pays Democracy Partners, Democracy Partners pays the Foval Group, the Foval Group goes and executes the s**t on the ground,” Foval explained on the Project Veritas cinema verité expose.

“Wherever Trump and Pence are going to be, we have events,” Creamer explained.  “We have a whole team across the country that does that.  Both consultants and people from the Democratic Party apparatus and people from the campaign, the Clinton campaign. My role is to manage all that.”

When Creamer was fired, O’Keefe took a screenshot of the Creamer statement and tweeted it out.

“The Veritas twitter feed lit up like a slot machine in jackpot mode, buzzing, popping, and clicking so frequently I could scarcely keep track,” O’Keefe recounts in American Pravda. "Two top Democratic officials had been fired for getting nabbed trying to rig the election, and, to this point at least, no one in the mainstream news media had reported on the story.”

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But that was about to change.

“The sacking of Creamer forced the media to cover a story most were hoping to avoid,” O’Keefe continued, recounting the story.

“I looked up at the six monitors inside the Project Veritas newsroom. Each was turned to a different station. And every broadcast - Fox News, CNN, MSNBC, even local media - were playing video clips and discussing our ‘Rigging the Election’ series.”

Here’s how O’Keefe sums up both his mission and his success to date.

“Since the creation of Project Veritas, the major media have impeded us at almost every step and continue to do so,” O’Keefe writes in American Pravda.

“I have to agree with President Trump that the ‘fake news media’ is not his enemy but ‘the enemy of the American People,’ he argues.

“As an enemy, they remain formidable. Their reign will end, I suspect, not with a bang and not with a whimper but with a tantrum. We have been experiencing that phase every day since the election.”

Related: Twitter collects all your nude pics and private photos, builds a profile and sells your data for profit

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Controversial FISA Memo Was Just Released - Here’s What It Says
February 4 2019 | From: Zerohedge / Various

The just released FISA memo
accuses senior officials at the DOJ of inappropriately using biased opposition research into then-candidate Trump to obtain surveillance warrants on transition team members as part of the federal investigation into the Trump campaign and Russia.

According to the document, information from the the so-called Steele dossier was "essential" to the acquisition of surveillance warrants on Trump campaign aide Carter Page. It claims that then-deputy FBI director Andrew McCabe told the committee in December that without the information from the Steele dossier, no surveillance warrant for Page would have been sought.

Related: Memo Released: FBI Officials Knew Political Origins of Dossier, But Used It Anyway

The memo alleges that the political origins of the dossier - paid for by Hillary Clinton and the Democratic National Committee (DNC) - were not disclosed to the clandestine court that signed off on the warrant request.

The document claims that although the FBI had "clear evidence" that the author of the dossier, former British spy Christopher Steele, was biased against Trump, it did not convey that to the surveillance court when making its warrant applications.

Steele told then-associate deputy attorney general Bruce Ohr that he was "desperate that Donald Trump not get elected and was passionate about him not being president," the memo says.

House conservatives have touted the memo's revelations as “worse than Watergate” and hinted that it could prove the undoing of the federal investigation into Trump’s campaign. Meanwhile, Democrats on the panel say that it is a cherry-picked set of inaccurate accusations designed to kneecap special counsel Robert Mueller.

They have drafted their own counter-memo to rebut the Republican-drafted document, but the majority voted against immediately making that document public earlier this week.

Related: Press Prostitutes Lie Through Their Teeth About House Intelligence Committee Report

The memo is based on a slate of highly-classified materials provided to the committee by the Justice Department itself, in a closed-door deal brokered by Speaker Paul Ryan (R-Wis.).

Naturally, the DOJ has claimed that the release of the memo is an abrogation of the terms of that deal, an assertion spokesmen for both Ryan and Nunes have rejected.

Key Summary of Points From the Memo:

These details are explained further in this article but this is a list of essential points that have been confirmed:

1. Hillary Clinton / DNC hired a foreign (MI6) spy to concoct a fake dossier on candidate Donald Trump.

2. Hillary Clinton / DNC gave the fake dossier to Obama's Department of Justice and FBI.

3. DOJ and FBI knew the dossier was fake and politically motivated.

4. DOJ and FBI presented the fake dossier to FISA court to get Trump wiretaps.

5. DOJ and FBI didn't tell FISA court that the dossier was fake and from his campaign opponent.

6. FISA court was defrauded into ordering the wiretapping of the Trump campaign.

Meanwhile, the underlying evidence remains classified, a state of affairs that Democrats and some national security analysts say makes it impossible to independently verify the memo’s conclusions.

As The Hill reported earlier, ahead of the document's release, Paul Ryan privately urged House Republicans not to overplay the document - and not to tie it to the Mueller investigation.

Here are select excerpts from the FISA memo: (full pdf below)

"On October 21, 2016, DOJ and FBI sought and received a FISA probable cause order (not under Title VII) authorizing electronic surveillance on Carter Page from the FISC. Page is a U.S. citizen who served as a volunteer advisor to the Trump presidential campaign.

Consistent with requirements under FISA, the application had to be first certified by the Director or Deputy Director of the FBI. It then required the approval of the Attorney General, Deputy Attorney General (DAG), or the Senate-confirmed Assistant Attorney General for the National Security Division.

The FBI and DOJ obtained one initial FISA warrant targeting Carter Page and three FISA renewals from the FISC. As required by statute (50 U.S.C. §1805(d)(1)), a FISA order on an American citizen must be renewed by the FISC every 90 days and each renewal requires a separate finding of probable cause.

Then-Director James Comey signed three FISA applications in question on behalf of the FBI, and Deputy Director Andrew McCabe signed one. Then-DAG Sally Yates, then-Acting DAG Dana Boente, and DAG Rod Rosenstein each signed one or more FISA applications on behalf of DOJ.

Our findings indicate that, as described below, material and relevant information was omitted.

The "dossier" compiled by Christopher Steele (Steele dossier) on behalf of the Democratic National Committee (DNC) and the Hillary Clinton campaign formed an essential part of the Carter Page FISA application.

Steele was a longtime FBI source who was paid over $160,000 by the DNC and Clinton campaign, via the law firm Perkins Coie and research firm Fusion GPS, to obtain derogatory information on Donald Trump's ties to Russia."

Related: Russiagate Turns On Its Originators + The Focus Shifts From Trump To Hillary And The Corrupt FBI

What follows is what some have dubbed the "damning section", as there was no reason not to disclosed the relationship between Clinton and Steele, unless the authors were worried about exposing a clear political link:

"a) Neither the initial application in October 2016, nor any of the renewals, disclose or reference the role of the DNC, Clinton campaign, or any party/campaign in funding Steele's efforts, even though the political origins of the Steele dossier were then known to senior DOJ and FBI officials.

b) The initial FISA application notes Steele was working for a named U.S. person, but does not name Fusion GPS and principal Glenn Simpson, who was paid by a U.S. law firm (Perkins Coie) representing the DNC (even though it was known by DOJ at the time that political actors were involved with the Steele dossier).

The application does not mention Steele was ultimately working on behalf of - and paid by - the DNC and Clinton campaign, or that the FBI had separately authorized payment to Steele for the same information."

The section above also makes a good case for releasing the underlying FISA application, as either the Clinton connection was disclosed or it wasn't - not a fact either party can distort.

In a curious twist, in order to corroborate the dossier, the memo reveals that the FBI "extensively" cited a news article - that was based entirely on the dossier. In effect, using the dossier to corroborate the dossier.

"The Carter Page FISA application also cited extensively a September 23, 2016, Yahoo News article by Michael Isikoff, which focuses on Page's July 2016 trip to Moscow. This article does not corroborate the Steele dossier because it is derived from information leaked by Steele himself to Yahoo News.

The Page FISA application incorrectly assesses that Steele did not directly provide information to Yahoo News. Steele has admitted in British court filings that he met with Yahoo News - and several other outlets - in September 2016 at the direction of Fusion GPS.

Perkins Coie was aware of Steele's initial media contacts because they hosted at least one meeting in Washington D.C. in 2016 with Steele and Fusion GPS where this matter was discussed.

Related: FBI Official Admits: Russia Probe ‘Insurance Policy’ To Derail Trump + This Video Destroys The Clintons And The Russia Investigation

The memo continues revealing more information about Steele and his clear political bias:

"Steele was suspended and then terminated as an FBI source for what the FBI defines as the most serious of violations - an unauthorized disclosure to the media of his relationship with the FBI in an October 30, 2016, Mother Jones article by David Corn.

Steele's numerous encounters with the media violated the cardinal rule of source handling - maintaining confidentiality - and demonstrated that Steele had become a less than reliable source for the FBI.

3)    Before and after Steele was terminated as a source, he maintained contact with DOJ via then-Associate Deputy Attorney General Bruce Ohr, a senior DOJ official who worked closely with Deputy Attorneys General Yates and later Rosenstein. Shortly after the election, the FBI began interviewing Ohr, documenting his communications with Steele.

For example, in September 2016, Steele admitted to Ohr his feelings against then-candidate Trump when Steele said he "was desperate that Donald Trump not get elected and was passionate about him not being president."

This clear evidence of Steele's bias was recorded by Ohr at the time and subsequently in official FBI files—but not reflected in any of the Page FISA applications.

During this same time period, Ohr's wife was employed by Fusion GPS to assist in the cultivation of opposition research on Trump. Ohr later provided the FBI with all of his wife's opposition research, paid for by the DNC and Clinton campaign via Fusion GPS. The Ohrs' relationship with Steele and Fusion GPS was inexplicably concealed from the FISC.

* * *

After Steele was terminated, a source validation report conducted by an independent unit within FBI assessed Steele's reporting as only minimally corroborated. Yet, in early January 2017, Director Comey briefed President-elect Trump on a summary of the Steele dossier, even though it was - according to his June 2017 testimony - "salacious and unverified." 

While the FISA application relied on Steele's past record of credible reporting on other unrelated matters, it ignored or concealed his anti-Trump financial and ideological motivations. Furthermore, Deputy Director McCabe testified before the Committee in December 2017 that no surveillance warrant would have been sought from the FISC without the Steele dossier information.

The Page FISA application also mentions information regarding fellow Trump campaign advisor George Papadopoulos, but there is no evidence of any cooperation or conspiracy between Page and Papadopoulos. The Papadopoulos information triggered the opening of an FBI counterintelligence investigation in late July 2016 by FBI agent Pete Strzok.

Strzok was reassigned by the Special Counsel's Office to FBI Human Resources for improper text messages with his mistress, FBI Attorney Lisa Page (no known relation to Carter Page), where they both demonstrated a clear bias against Trump and in favor of Clinton, whom Strzok had also investigated.

The Strzok/Lisa Page texts also reflect extensive discussions about the investigation, orchestrating leaks to the media, and include a meeting with Deputy Director McCabe to discuss an "insurance" policy against President Trump's election.

The bottom line: as noted earlier, if found that there was clear undisclosed bias in the launch of surveillance of Trump's team, then Mueller's probe - whose findings would be the result of a flawed FISA warrant - would be null and void, leave space for Trump to fire the special prosecutor or Rod Rosenstein.

Incidentally, speaking to reporters in the Oval Office, Trump suggested the document shows political bias at the FBI that tainted the probe into whether his campaign cooperated with Russia’s election meddling.

“I think it’s a disgrace,” Trump said of the alleged bias. "A lot of people should be ashamed of themselves."

The decision cleared the way for the House Intelligence Committee to release the memo, which it did shortly after noon. “It was declassified and let’s see what happens,” Trump said. White House made no redactions to the document.


Just before noon on Friday, the "FISA" memo compiled by House Intelligence Committee staff, led by chairman Devin Nunes (R-Calif.), from classified documents provided by the Department of Justice, was officially declassified by Trump's lawyer Donald Gahn - over the objections of the DOJ and the FBI - as explained in the letter below.

e House Intelligence Committee to release the memo, which it did shortly after noon. “It was declassified and let’s see what happens,” Trump said. White House made no redactions to the document.

According to the Washington Examiner's Byron York who had access to an early released version, a key point in the memo is that the "salacious and unverified" Steele dossier formed the essential part of the initial and all three renewal applications against Carter Page, in line with what as previously leaked.

As York also explicitly highlights, "The FBI's Andrew McCabe confirmed to the committee that no FISA warrant would have been sought from the FISA Court without the Steele dossier information."

This, as Fox News confirms, means that absent the dossier, at least one of the surveillance warrants in the case would not have been obtained, and - by implication - the entire Mueller probe is thus on shaky legal ground.

Back to the memo, which as York adds, "the political origins of the Steele dossier were known to senior DOJ and FBI officials, but excluded from the FISA applications."

As Dow Jones confirms, DOJ officials knew Steele was being paid by democrats, and that officials at the DOJ and FBI signed one warrant, and three renewals against Carter Page.

York also notes that DOJ official Bruce Ohr was relayed information about Christopher Steele's bias. Steele told Ohr that he, Steele, was desperate that Donald Trump not get elected president and was passionate about him not becoming president.

All else equal, sounds like a clear case of bias, and when extended, it would imply that the entire Mueller probe is based on grounds that could be overturned in court.

Related: The FBI’s Forgotten Criminal Record

To recap, here are the key points disclosed in the memo, as summarized by the Washington Exmainer which has an early unclassified version of the memo:

The Steele dossier formed an essential part of the intial and all three renewal FISA applications against Carter Page.

Andrew McCabe confirmed that no FISA warrant would have been sought from the FISA Court without the Steele dossier information.

The political origins of the Steele dossier were known to senior DOJ and FBI officials, but excluded from the FISA applications.

DOJ official Bruce Ohr met with Steele beginning in the summer of 2016 and relayed to DOJ information about Steele's bias. Steele told Ohr that he, Steele, was desperate that Donald Trump not get elected president and was passionate about him not becoming president.

As a reminder, the FBI and Justice Department mounted a months-long effort to keep the information outlined in the memo out of the House Intelligence Committee's hands. Only the threat of contempt charges and other forms of pressure forced the FBI and Justice to give up the material.

"Once Intelligence Committee leaders and staff compiled some of that information into the memo, the FBI and Justice Department, supported by Capitol Hill Democrats, mounted a ferocious campaign of opposition, saying release of the memo would endanger national security and the rule of law.

But Intelligence Committee chairman Devin Nunes never wavered in his determination to make the information available to the public. President Trump agreed, and, as required by House rules, gave his approval for release."

Finally, the memo released today does not represent the sum total of what House investigators have learned in their review of the FBI and Justice Department Trump-Russia investigation. That means the fight over the memo could be replayed in the future when the Intelligence Committee decides to release more information.

Moments after the announcement that the memo was declassified, Trump spoke to reporters and was asked if the memo makes it more likely that he will fire Deputy AG Rod Rosenstein, to which Trump responded.

Full Memo Below (PDF link):

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Amalgam fillings: 'It Is Toxic And We're Told To Put It In'
February 4 2019 | From: RadioNewZealand

New Zealand is being urged to follow the European Union (EU) and ban the use of amalgam fillings for children and pregnant or breast-feeding women.

Amalgam is a mixture of metals including silver, copper and tin, to which mercury is added.

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The EU is to ban the use of amalgam fillings in children and pregnant or breast-feeding women from July this year.

The EU's move is part of the Minamata Convention on Mercury - a global treaty to phase out the use of mercury - due to its toxicity.

Auckland-based dentist Hisham Abdalla said it was now time for New Zealand to follow the EU's example.

Dr Abdalla said concerns about amalgam mercury fillings were not new and ending its use needed to be seriously considered by the government.

He said it was strange that the ban on amalgam fillings was the last part of the wider phasing-out of mercury, when it was the most directly in contact with the human body and there were very strict guidelines for disposing of amalgam fillings.

"It is toxic and we're told to put it in. Why is it toxic when it is outside the mouth, or goes into the waterways or the fish or whatever, but when we put it inside the mouth it is safe?"

Dr Abdalla said New Zealand was way behind other countries in acting on mercury reduction. He wanted to see the government funding the safer - but more expensive - alternatives to amalgam.

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He said phasing out amalgam fillings in children, whose dental care was already funded, would be a great place to start as the longer you have the mercury in your mouth, the longer you have the risk.

However, the Ministry of Health said there was no scientific evidence that the fitting or removal of amalgam fillings during pregnancy or as a child was harmful. It did say pregnant women should avoid elective dental procedures where possible.

"The Ministry supports the continued use of amalgam fillings as one of the options for the treatment of tooth decay," the ministry said in a statement, also pointing to its policy on amalgam.

In a statement, the NZ dental Association said it "affirmed the safety of dental amalgam as a filling material". "Dental amalgam is a safe and durable material that has been used by dentists to restore teeth for well over 100 years."

However the NZDA said it did support continued research into the safety of all dental materials, including amalgam.

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In The Western World Lies Have Displaced Truth
February 3 2019 | From: PaulCraigRoberts

Last year I was awarded Marquiss Who’s Who In America’s Lifetime Achievement Award.

This did not prevent a hidden organization, PropOrNot, from attempting to brand me and my website along with 200 others “Putin stooges or agents” for our refusal to lie for the corrupt, anti-American, anti-constitutional, anti-democratic, warmonger police state interests that rule the Western World.

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& Cartels That Run The World

The only honest, factual media that exists in the Western World today are the names on the PropOrNot list of “Putin agents.”

The purpose of ProOrNot is to convince Americans that freedom of speech must be halted by destroying fact-based Internet media, such as this website and 200 others that provide factual information at odds with Big Brother’s universal brainwashing as delivered by CNN, NPR, the New York Times, the Washington Post, and the rest of the utterly corrupt presstitute media, a collection of scum devoid of all integrity and all respect for truth.

A conspiracy of US government agencies, tax-exempt think tanks funded by the ruling interests, and media acting in behalf of a war and police state agenda work to shape perceived reality as it is described in George Orwell’s book, 1984, and in the film, The Matrix.

Controlled perception-based reality is only a Facebook “like” away from killing one person or one million or elevating a liar or the warmonger responsible for the killing to hero status or to the control of the CIA or FBI or the US presidency.

It's Official: This Is Straight Out Of Orwell's 1984...

Here on OpEdNews is an article by George Eliason that reports on who exactly PropOrNot is and who is underwriting the disinformation that is PropOrNot.

Eliason’s article is long and documented. It demonstrates the organized conspiracy against truth that exists in the Western World. Nothing stated in the Western presstitute media and no statement by any Western government or subservient vassal state can be trusted to comply with the facts.

Truth is the enemy of the state, and the state is eliminating the truth.

Peoples in the United States, Europe, Britain, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, and the various vassal states, such as Japan, all live day in, day out, an orchestrated lie that serves interests directly opposed to the interests of the peoples.

Governments that do not rest on truth rest on tyranny.

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Researcher Uncovers What May Be The Real Cause Of Depression
February 3 2019 | From: WakingTimes

Depression as a mental illness is actually quite controversial.

The psychiatric profession has agreed to attribute it on a chemical imbalance in the brain, although many question if this is the real cause of depression.

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That is exactly what Johann Hari set out to investigate. His new book, Lost Connections: Uncovering the Real Causes of Depression – and the Unexpected Solutions, shares his quest as he explores the question: What really causes depression and anxiety, and how can we really solve them?

Clearly, Hari discovered enough interesting information about the real cause of depression to fill a whole book. What I wanted to highlight in this article is Hari’s perspective on the medical establishment’s choice to categorize depression as a chemical imbalance.

The Grief Exemption

The term major depressive disorder was introduced by a group of US clinicians in the mid-1970s. It established the diagnostic criteria for depression based on patterns of nine possible symptoms.

In 1980, depression was incorporated into the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual (DSM). In this book, American psychiatrists include all the symptoms of different mental illnesses, so they could identify and treat these diseases in the same way.

After some time, psychiatrists started to questions if people who are bereaved also need pharmacological treatment.

Hari writes:

"If you lose someone, it turns out that these symptoms will come to you automatically. So, the doctors wanted to know, are we supposed to start drugging all the bereaved people in America?

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This is when the grief exemption was created. The DSM authors updated the manual to exclude people who have lost somebody in the preceding year from the depression diagnosis, even if they showed depression symptoms.

Hari states:

"The grief exception seemed to have blasted a hole in the claim that the causes of depression are sealed away in your skull."

The grief exception created too much debate in mainstream psychiatry. Doctors started asking if depressive symptoms where a logical and understandable response to other life circumstances, not just a death of a loved one.

Eventually, DSM authors eventually did away with the exemption. Doctors were once again told to say that depression is, in fact, caused by a chemical imbalance in the brain.

Dr. Joanne Cacciatore, associate professor at Arizona State University, is a leading expert on the grief exception. In his book, Hari reveals Cacciatore’s perspective:

"She told me this debate reveals a key problem with how we talk about depression, anxiety and other forms of suffering: we don’t, she said, “consider context”.

We act like human distress can be assessed solely on a checklist that can be separated out from our lives, and labelled as brain diseases.

If we started to take people’s actual lives into account when we treat depression and anxiety, Joanne explained, it would require “an entire system overhaul”.

She told me that when “you have a person with extreme human distress, [we need to] stop treating the symptoms. The symptoms are a messenger of a deeper problem. Let’s get to the deeper problem.”"

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Are We Treating the Problem or the Symptoms?

Most typical mainstream doctors address symptoms associated with depression with anti-depressant drugs, such as Prozac. Cacciatore raises a very valid concern, that we may be treating the symptoms, but that a potential untreated problem is the actual cause of depression.

As a patient taking anti-depressants for many years, Hari asked:

"Why were so many other people across the western world feeling like me? Around one in five US adults are taking at least one drug for a psychiatric problem.

In Britain, antidepressant prescriptions have doubled in a decade, to the point where now one in 11 of us drug ourselves to deal with these feelings.

What has been causing depression and its twin, anxiety, to spiral in this way? I began to ask myself: could it really be that in our separate heads, all of us had brain chemistries that were spontaneously malfunctioning at the same time?”"

To examine this question, Hari took at 40,000 mile journey around the world.

Here are some of the findings he uncovered during his investigation.

"They [drug companies] would fund huge numbers of studies, throw away all the ones that suggested the drugs had very limited effects, and then only release the ones that showed success.

To give one example: in one trial, the drug was given to 245 patients, but the drug company published the results for only 27 of them. Those 27 patients happened to be the ones the drug seemed to work for.

Professor Andrew Scull of Princeton, writing in the Lancet, explained that attributing depression to spontaneously low serotonin is “deeply misleading and unscientific”.

Dr David Healy told me: “There was never any basis for it, ever. It was just marketing copy.”

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Were Psychiatrists Wrong About the Cause of Depression?

Finding out the story fed to depressed patients may be no more than a marketing pitch, Hari researched further. He sought out to uncover the true cause of depression.

He collected evidence that led him to believe that there are seven specific factors in the way we are living today that are causing depression to rise. In addition, two real biological factors (such as your genes) can combine with these forces to make things worse.

Here’s Hari’s thoughts:

"It turns out that, in the same way, all humans have certain basic psychological needs. We need to feel we belong.

We need to feel valued. We need to feel we’re good at something. We need to feel we have a secure future. And there is growing evidence that our culture isn’t meeting those psychological needs for many – perhaps most – people.

…the depression of many of my friends, even those in fancy jobs – who spend most of their waking hours feeling controlled and unappreciated – started to look not like a problem with their brains, but a problem with their environments."

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Hari is not alone in claiming that our environment and power inequalities may be the real cause of depression.

"In its official statement for World Health Day in 2017, the United Nations reviewed the best evidence and concluded that “the dominant biomedical narrative of depression” is based on “biased and selective use of research outcomes” that “must be abandoned”.

We need to move from “focusing on ‘chemical imbalances’”, they said, to focusing more on “power imbalances”.

The complete findings about Hari’s investigation are presented in his book, Lost Connections: Uncovering the Real Causes of Depression – and the Unexpected Solutions.

If you are struggling with depression and have found antidepressants an ineffective or undesirable treatment, it may be a worthwhile read.

"If you are depressed and anxious, you are not a machine with malfunctioning parts. You are a human being with unmet needs.

The only real way out of our epidemic of despair is for all of us, together, to begin to meet those human needs – for deep connection, to the things that really matter in life."

All quotes are extracted from Lost Connections: Uncovering the Real Causes of Depression – and the Unexpected Solutions by Johann Hari, published by Bloomsbury on 11 January 2018 and re-printed by The Guardian.

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Germany: Return Of The Stasi Police State?
February 2 2018 | From: GatestoneInstitute

Germany's new law requires social media platforms, such as Facebook, Twitter and YouTube, to censor their users on behalf of the government.

Social media companies are obliged to delete or block any online "criminal offenses" within 24 hours of receipt of a user complaint - regardless of whether the content is accurate or not.

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Social media platforms now have the power to shape the form of current political and cultural discourse by deciding who will speak and what they will say.

Notice the ease with which the police chief mentioned that he had filed charges to silence a leading political opponent of the government. That is what authorities do in police states: Through censorship and criminal charges, they silence outspoken critics and political opponents of government policies, such as Beatrix von Storch, who has sharply criticized Chancellor Angela Merkel's migration policies.

While such policies would doubtless have earned the German authorities many points with the old Stasi regime of East Germany, they more than likely contravene the European Convention on Human Rights (ECHR) to which Germany is a party, as well as the case law of the European Court of Human Rights.

Germany's new censorship law, which has introduced state censorship on social media platforms, came into effect on October 1, 2017. The new law requires social media platforms, such as Facebook, Twitter and YouTube, to censor their users on behalf of the German state.

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Social media companies are obliged to delete or block any online "criminal offenses" such as libel, slander, defamation or incitement, within 24 hours of receipt of a user complaint -- regardless of whether the content is accurate or not.

Social media companies are permitted seven days for more complicated cases. If they fail to do so, the German government can fine them up to 50 million euros for failing to comply with the law.

The new censorship law, however, was not fully enforced until January 1, 2018, in order to give the social media platforms time to prepare for their new role as the privatized thought police of the German state.

Social media platforms now have the power to shape the form of current political and cultural discourse by deciding who will speak and what they will say.

On January 1, 2018, however, the law was immediately enforced. Twitter began by suspending the account of the deputy leader of the Alternative for Germany party (AfD), Beatrix von Storch, for 12 hours, after she tweeted the following in response to a New Year's greeting issued in Arabic by the Cologne Police:

"What the hell is happening in this country? Why is an official police site tweeting in Arabic? Do you think it is to appease the barbaric, gang-raping hordes of Muslim men?"

(During New Year's Eve of 2015/16, over 1,000 mainly Muslim men sexually assaulted around 1,200 women in Cologne.)

Von Storch also had her Facebook account suspended for repeating her tweet there. Facebook told her that her post contravened German law, as it constituted "incitement to hatred".

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It did not stop there. Cologne police filed charges against von Storch for "incitement to hatred", which is punishable under section 130 of the German Criminal Code. According to the Cologne police chief, Uwe Jacob, multilingual tweets at major events are an important part of the police's communication strategy:

"The campaign was really well received by most people – however, some were bothered by the fact that we tweeted in Arabic and Farsi – they were very prominent right-wingers, who then felt that they had to make tweets that incited to hatred. We simply filed charges".

Notice the ease with which the police chief mentioned that he had filed charges to silence a leading political opponent of the government. That is what authorities do in police states: Through censorship and criminal charges, they silence outspoken critics and political opponents of government policies, such as von Storch, who has sharply criticized Chancellor Angela Merkel's migration policies.

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While such policies would doubtless have earned the German authorities many points with the old Stasi regime of East Germany, they more than likely contravene the European Convention on Human Rights (ECHR) to which Germany is a party, as well as the case law of the European Court of Human Rights. Article 10 of the European Convention on Human Rights states:

1. Everyone has the right to freedom of expression. This right shall include freedom to hold opinions and to receive and impart information and ideas without interference by public authority and regardless of frontiers...

2. The exercise of these freedoms... may be subject to such... restrictions or penalties as are prescribed by law and are necessary in a democratic society, in the interests of national security, territorial integrity or public safety, for the prevention of disorder or crime, for the protection of health or morals, for the protection of the reputation or rights of others, for preventing the disclosure of information received in confidence, or for maintaining the authority and impartiality of the judiciary.

In its case law, the European Court of Human Rights has stated that Article 10:

"...protects not only the information or ideas that are regarded as inoffensive but also those that offend, shock or disturb; such are the demands of that pluralism, tolerance and broad-mindedness without which there is no democratic society. Opinions expressed in strong or exaggerated language are also protected".

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Even more important in the context of charges against politicians is the fact that according to the European Court of Human Rights' case law:

"...the extent of protection depends on the context and the aim of the criticism. In matters of public controversy or public interest, during political debate, in electoral campaigns... strong words and harsh criticism may be expected and will be tolerated to a greater degree by the Court".

When leading politicians are criminally charged for questioning the actions of the authorities, such as in this case the actions of the police, we are no longer dealing with a democracy, but with a regular police state.

Several other accounts on Twitter and Facebook were also suspended under the new censorship law in the first days and weeks of January. One such Twitter account was the satirical magazine, Titanic, which was blocked for parodying von Storch's tweet about the "barbaric hordes" of Muslim men.

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The privatized Twitter thought police, in their eagerness to censor, had overlooked that Titanic was just poking fun. The suspension of the Titanic account alerted some politicians -- a mere three months after the law went into force -- to the problematic nature of the law.

Leader of the Green party, Simone Peter and Secretary-General of the FDP, Nicola Beer were both critical of the law. "The law is messed up and must be replaced by a decent one", Beer said.

Another politician, Martin Sichert, AfD member of the Bundestag for Nürnberg and state Chairman for the AfD, had a Facebook post deleted for violating "community standards". In the post, which he substantiated with links to factual sources, he drew attention, among other things, to the way women are treated in Afghanistan. He also drew attention to the sexual abuse of small children in Afghanistan:

"It is scary and at the same time shameful that our state is preventing the enlightenment of citizens by simply censoring factual opinions, publicly available citations and links to reputable sources."

Sichert and von Storch are just the most famous people to have their speech shut down on social media. There are countless others, whose stories never reach the media.

Under the censorship law, anyone can ask a social network operator to delete postings, even if the post does not affect him personally in any way. If the social network provider does not respond within 24 hours, the person wishing to have a post deleted can involve the Federal Office of Justice; there is even a form for this purpose on the homepage of the Federal Office of Justice.

This office is responsible for the prosecution of violations, and the district court of Bonn is the sole authority permitted to examine disputes about the criminal liability of comments made on social media and to impose fines on the social media companies for failing to delete those comments within the required 24 hours.

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It is regrettable that Germany, which can barely keep up with the terrorism threat and the wave of violent crime, is spending such vast resources on shutting down the free speech of its citizens on social media.

The Federal Department of Justice has rented additional offices in Bonn to house approximately 50 new lawyers and administrators to implement the new law and ensure that the social media providers delete "offending posts" within 24 hours. "It was also important that we created a new file management system," explains Thomas W. Ottersbach of the Federal Office of Justice in Bonn.

"This is the only way to ensure that deadlines are met and that a statistical evaluation can be carried out. Because it is important that we keep an eye on which [social media] operator's complaints are piling up and where they are just isolated cases."

The old German police state is back.

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Ben Swann Fired From CBS After Exposing D.C. Pizzagate
February 1 2018 | From: AJC / SeekingTheTruth

CBS46 has fired Ben Swann, the evening anchor three days after the station discovered he had tried to revive his Reality Check news reports without their knowledge.

CBS has fired Ben Swann, the news anchor who bravely exposed a Washington D.C. pedophile ring on his show Reality Check.

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The station’s general manager Lyle Banks released a brief press release today: “Ben Swann is no longer an employee of WGCL-TV, effective immediately. We thank Ben for his contributions and wish him well.”

His Reality Check operation preceded his arrival at CBS46 in 2015. Echoing right-wing conspiracy sites, he has questioned everything from the origins of ISIS to the veracity of the Sandy Hook elementary school shootings to whether Russia was actually involved in the DNC email hacks.

His Truth in Media site was connected with the Republican Liberty Caucus at one point. Before joining CBS46, he worked for Russia Today, an international television network funded by the Russian government.

Swann recently began raising funds to bring back his Reality Check stories using cyber currency Dash. He posted a video Thursday night teasing a big announcement on Tuesday, January 30. When CBS46 found out about the video Friday morning, management suspended him.

He appeared in 2013 on InfoWars where he talked about Democrats wanting to take your guns and how irrelevant mainstream media is.

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Spy Court Finds Surveillance Operating Outside The Law
January 31 2018 | From: PaulCraigRoberts

The NSA, CIA, and FBI are criminal organizations that should be abolished and their leaderships imprisoned.

Here is proof from the United States Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court that security agencies have been operating outside the law.

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On page 4 the federal court that oversees the spy program states that the US government has not been in compliance with procedures governing the acquisition of data from spying. Moreover, the full scope of noncompliance “had not been previously disclosed to the court.”

The document describes aspects of the government’s noncompliance with the law and steps the government assures the court that it has taken to bring surveillance into compliance with the law.

Historically, police states have told courts whatever the courts wanted to hear and proceeded with their police state activities.

The conspiracy that the House Intelligence Committee has uncovered between US security agencies, Hillary Clinton, and the presstitute media to overturn the election of President Trump is sufficient evidence that the police state remains out of control.

Whether the Republicans on the Intelligence Committee will use the facts to bring the police state under control or wimp out on “national security” concerns, as Republicans tend to do, remains to be seen.

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When the court comes to the issue of assessing whether the spy regime is consistent with the Fourth Amendment, it becomes obvious that the Fourth Amendment, one of the cornerstones of American civil liberty, has been undermined by the 9/11 hoax that pretends the world’s only superpower defended by the NSA universal spy program was defeated by a handful of Saudi Arabians who could not fly airplanes.

The court says that the Fourth Amendment is a case of balancing the interests at stake. One interest is privacy. The other is the government’s interest in safeguarding the country’s security. The more important the government’s interest, the greater the intrusion on privacy that can be constitutionally tolerated.

In other words, the court is constrained in its interpretation of the Constitution by the official 9/11 yarn. Insouciant Americans so anxious to believe the government about the evil Muslims had no idea they were dooming their own civil liberty.

For those of you unwilling or unable to read a court document, here is an explanation of the gist of the situation.

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Tyranny And Free Speech
January 30 2018 | From: BreakingViews

Do you support free speech? How about free speech for climate change skeptics? For homophobes? For racists? For sexists? For white males? For even Donald Trump? 

Those who defend free speech, as did the American Founding Fathers, understand it is not about defending speech you agree with, but defending speech you disagree with. Without free speech, there is no liberty.

The State Department diversity officer, John Robinson, has just warned the staff that they may be penalized for engaging in “microaggressions,” which include jokes or other comments that someone who hears them may find offensive.

In a recent letter, he referred to a definition of microaggressions as:

"Everyday verbal, nonverbal and environmental slights, snubs or insults, whether intentional or unintentional, which communicate hostile, derogatory or negative messages to target persons.”

In other words, whatever you hear may be considered a microaggression if you choose to be offended.

Such vague and infinitely elastic laws and regulations are the bread and butter of all totalitarian regimes.

Lavrentiy Beria (Joseph Stalin’s head of the NKVD, a predecessor of the KGB) was quoted as saying to Stalin:

"You name the person and I will find the crime.”

The “crime” of microaggression has already been used to stifle and prosecute speech by those who have contrary views in several left-leaning universities, and now it is coming to the federal government.

The climate change lobbyists have been increasingly aggressive in their attacks on free speech.

They seek to silence their critics, who have committed the “sin” of noting their many failed predictions.

George Mason University meteorologist Jagadish Shukla was the lead signatory of the letter sent to the president and attorney general asking them to use RICO (Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations Act) laws to prosecute;

"Corporations and other organizations that have knowingly deceived the American people about the risks of climate change.”

Mr. Shukla “paid himself and his wife $1.5 million from government climate grants for part-time work.”

Other prominent global warming fear-mongers, who are on the government teat, have also called for “war crimes trials” and even the “execution” of some critics.

Even Attorney General Loretta Lynch said last week she has looked at the possibility of pursuing civil actions against so-called “climate change deniers.”

The message: Don’t look to the Obama administration to protect free speech. Which do you find more offensive, a person advocating socialism or a person telling jokes about one-eyed people?

Socialism is an ideology that has resulted in governments killing more than 200 million of their own citizens in the last century. It is based on coercion rather than liberty. It demands involuntary servitude. Socialist Bernie Sanders promises “free” stuff to his supporters to be paid for by the involuntary servitude of others - to which there will be no end.

Having spent considerable time in socialist countries and seen the human wreckage that results, I am offended by the ignorance or venality of those who engage in the microaggression of advocating socialism. Several decades ago, I lost an eye, and in the years since I have been told hundreds of “one-eyed” jokes, even by people who do not know me.

Rather than being offended, I have chosen to enjoy them. Offensive speech is totally subjective, and making it a crime is incompatible with a free society.

The Guardian, a left-wing British newspaper, published an article last year by a woman author titled;

"Why do women lie more than men?”

It reported on a new poll that “suggests that women are twice as likely to lie as men.”

The article goes on to say: “It may be irritating to be told, yet again, that women are more morally slippery than men (just as in Genesis).”

The article goes on to cite several reasons why this may be true - including differences “between masculine and feminine brains.”

All of this may or may not be nonsense, but in cases of women complaining about men engaging in “offensive” speech, it is most often assumed, without evidence, that the woman is telling the truth and the man is lying. In fact, men are frequently not allowed to know who their accuser is or what she claimed was said.

One of the most basic protections of liberty is the right of the accuser to know the specific charges against him or her and by whom. As a result, many innocent men are not given a fair hearing by the human resource departments in organizations and even sometimes by the courts.

The late well-regarded feminist, Joan Kennedy Taylor, argued in her book “What to Do When You Don’t Want to Call the Cops: Or a Non-Adversarial Approach to Sexual Harassment” (Cato Institute) that it is important to understand that men and women perceive things quite differently, and that non-legal strategies which she describes can be far more effective and less damaging than legal remedies.

Law professor Catherine Ross has just written an important book, “Lessons in Censorship” (to be discussed at a Cato book forum on March 16), in which she argues that “the failure of schools to respect civil liberties betrays their educational function and threatens democracy.”

The popularity of the verbally crude Donald Trump might, in part, be a reaction to the political correctness of the political class and timid leaders of organizations who have failed to defend freedom of speech.

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Everywhere In The Western World, Government Is A Conspiracy Against The People
& Cartels That Run The World

January 29 2018 | From: PaulCraigRoberts / JonRappoport

In the West “conspiracy theory” is the name given to explanations that differ from those that serve the ruling oligarchy, the establishment or whatever we want to call those who set and control the agendas and the explanations that support the agendas.

The explanations imposed on us by the ruling class are themselves conspiracy theories. Moreover, they are conspiracy theories designed to hide the real conspiracy that our rulers are operating.

Related: Yesterday’s Conspiracy Theory Is Today’s News + Spies Tell Lies, Spying Is Lying & Wikileaks Says Less Than 1% Of Vault 7 Released

For example, the official explanation of 9/11 is a conspiracy theory. Some Muslims, mainly Saudi Arabians, delivered the greatest humiliation to a superpower since David slew Goliath.

They outsmarted all 17 US intelligence agencies and those of NATO and Israel, the National Security Council, the Transportation Safety Administration, Air Traffic Control, and Dick Cheney, hijacked four US airliners on one morning, brought down three World Trade Center skyscrapers, destroyed that part of the Pentagon where research was underway into the missing $2.3 trillion, and caused the morons in Washington to blame Afghanistan instead of Saudi Arabia.

Clearly, the Saudia Arabians who humiliated Ameria were involved in a conspiracy to do so. Is it a believable conspiracy?

Related: The Tide Is Turning: The Official Story Is Now The Conspiracy Theory + A Conference To Clear The Mind Of The 9/11 Brainwashing

The ability of a few young Muslim men to pull off such a feat is unbelievable. Such total failure of the US National Security State means that America was blindly vulnerable throughout the decades of Cold War with the Soviet Union. If such total failure of the National Security State had really occurred, the White House and Congress would have been screaming for an investigation.

People would have been held accountable for the long chain of security failures that allowed the plot to succeed. Instead, no one was even reprimanded, and the White House resisted all efforts for an investigation for a year. Finally, to shut up the 9/11 families, a 9/11 Commission was convened. The commission duly wrote down the government’s story and that was the “investigation.”

Moreover, there is no evidence to support the official conspiracy theory of 9/11. Indeed, all known evidence contradicts the official conspiracy theory.

For example, it is a proven fact that Building 7 came down at freefall acceleration, which means it was wired for demolition. Why was it wired for demolition? There is no official answer to this question.

It is the known evidence provided by scientists, architects, engineers, pilots, and the first responders who were in the twin towers and personally experienced the numerous explosions that brough down the towers that is described as a conspiracy theory.

Related: American Pravda: How The CIA Invented "Conspiracy Theories"

The CIA introduced the term “conspiracy theory” into public discourse as part of its action plan to discredit skeptics of the Warren Commission report on the assassination of President John F. Kennedy.

Any explanation other than the one handed down, which is contradicted by all known evidence, was debunked as a conspiracy theory.

Conspiracy theories are the backbone of US foreign policy. For example, the George W. Bush regime was active in a conspiracy against Iraq and Saddam Hussein.

The Bush regime created fake evidence of Iraqi “weapons of mass destruction,” sold the false story to a gullible world and used it to destroy Iraq and murder its leader. Similarly, Gaddafi was a victim of an Obama/Hillary conspiracy to destroy Libya and murder Gaddafi. Assad of Syria and Iran were slated for the same treatment until the Russians intervened.

Currently, Washington is engaged in conspiracies against Russia, China, and Venezuela. Proclaiming a non-existant “Iranian threat,” Washington put US missiles on Russia’s border and used the “North Korean threat” to put missiles on China’s border.

Related: Are You A Mind-Controlled CIA Stooge? + The Term “Conspiracy Theory” Was Invented By The CIA In Order To Prevent Disbelief Of Official Government Stories

The democratically elected leader of Venezuela is said by Washington to be a dictator, and sanctions have been put on Venezuela to help the small Spanish elite through whom Washington has traditionally ruled South American countries pull off a coup and reestablish US control over Venezuela.

Everyone is a threat: Venezuela, Yemen, Syria, Iran, Iraq, Aghanistan, tribes in Pakistan, Libya, Russia, China, North Korea, but never Washington. The greatest conspiracy theory of our time is that Americans are surrounded by foreign threats. We are not even safe from Venezuela,

The New York Times, the Washington Post, CNN, NPR, and the rest of the presstitutes are quick to debunk as conspiracy theories all explanations that differ from the explanations of the ruling interests that the presstitutes serve.

Related: 9 Indisputable Truths About “Conspiracy Theorists”

Yet, as I write and for some nine months to date, the presstitute media has itself been promoting the conspiracy theory that Donald Trump was involved in a conspiracy with the president of Russia and Russian intelligence services to hack the US presidential election and place Trump, a Russian agent, in the White House.

This conspiracy theory has no evidence whatsoever. It doesn’t need evidence, because it serves the interests of the military/security complex, the Democratic Party, the neoconservatives, and permits the presstitutes to show lavish devotion to their masters. By endless repetition a lie becomes truth.

There is a conspiracy, and it is against the Western people. Their jobs have been offshored in order to enrich the already rich. They have been forced into debt in a futile effort to maintain their living standards. Their effort to stem their decline by electing leaders who spoke for them is being subverted before their eyes by an utterly corrupt media and ruling class.

Sooner or later it will dawn on them that there is nothing they can do but violently revolt. Most likely, by the time they reach this conclusion it will be too late. Westerners are very slow to escape from the false reality in which they live. Westerners are a thoroughly brainwashed people who hold tightly to their false life within The Matrix.

Related: Escaping The Matrix: 10 Ways To Deprogram Yourself

For the gullible and naive who have been brainwashed into believing that any explanation that differs from the officially-blessed one is a conspiracy theory, there are available online long lists of government conspiracies that succeeded in deceiving the people in order that the governments could achieve agendas that the people would have rejected.

If liberty continues to exist on earth, it will not be in the Western world. It will be in Russia and China, countries that emerged out of the opposite and know the value of liberty, and it will be in those South American countries, such as Venezuela, Ecuador, and Bolivia that fight for their sovereignty against American oppression.

Indeed, as historians unconcerned with their careers are beginning to write, the primary lesson in history is that governments deceive their peoples.

Everywhere in the Western world, government is a conspiracy against the people.

Cartels That Run The World

The following information comes from insider interviews with Ellis Medavoy and Richard Bell, two people I interview extensively in my collection, The Matrix Revealed. This is just a brief taste of what they have to say…

Major institutions on this planet that control Military, Money, Energy, Government, Medical, Corporate, Media, and Education are becoming, more and more, global cartels, horizontally integrated across national borders.

This is more than a top-down command process. It’s organically evolving. Three steps forward, two steps back. There is a great deal of competition among the components of a given cartel, but there is also cooperation. And in the long run, the see-saw is tipping in the direction of cooperation, as these entities realize they may well have more to gain that way.

I can’t stress too strongly this EVOLVING process. All attempts to merely assume twelve men in a room run the planet fall woefully short.

Instead, over time, people who lead a powerful institution (like Energy, for example) look out and recognize more major players, and in this recognition there is an impulse to compete and win and destroy, but there is also an impulse to build commonality and therefore monopolize the entire territory.

During one conversation with retired master propagandist Ellis Medavoy, I asked him about the extent of mutual cooperation in his given field, psychological warfare. He responded:

“Twenty years ago, I would have said we were all operating separately and jealously. Each of us was mining his own contacts and building his false pictures of reality for the masses. But then things began to change. Globally. First of all, more of us were pushing the same holograms.

And because communication and travel were speeding up so rapidly, we were working a lot of the same venues. We would run into each other more often. We began to share information. I mean, it was cautious. We weren’t gushing with unbridled love, I assure you. The competitive factor was still strong. And we had fights.

But through all that, we began to see through the fog, so to speak. We began to understand the effectiveness of cooperating. We would test each other with privileged information, to see if we could trust each other to keep it private. A tidbit here, a tidbit there.

And you see, behind us, other groups were finding commonality, too. For example, in the area of medical propaganda, where I operated a lot of the time. And these groups saw they could join together for specific operations, on an international scale.

They could push enormous lies globally, and everyone of their class would profit and gain wider control. So I would find myself working with a psy warfare guy from, say, France, or Germany in a joint venture. We would rub elbows. We’d be feeding from the same basic money trough.

We’d both be briefed by a team of intelligence experts, and those experts would be of several nationalities. Slowly, I saw a new kind of umbrella structure emerging.

See, suppose during the secret lead-up to a planned economic crisis [money cartel], you can distract everybody with a phony epidemic [medical cartel]. Do you see? Leaders perceive a reason to cooperate. Planners become more intelligent and clever. They reach across lines they never would have reached across before…

You begin to see the outlines of a much more inclusive future structure. This is multi-front warfare.”

Richard Bell, another former insider, said to me:

“People like to assume that money is everything. If you can limit the amount of money the public has, eventually they weaken and cave in and they’re easier to control. And this is certainly true.

But on the other hand, as mega-corporations gain more power and range and markets, you have a clash, because those corporations, which are now cooperating in ways they never have, as a cartel in some respects, want customers for their products.

They don’t want abject poverty across the board. People have to be able to buy their products.

“So there is a heavy conflict. It’s a conflict between elite bankers [money cartel] and mega-corporations [corporation cartel]. It needs to be resolved through advance planning, over the long term.

So now you have these powerful men sitting down and talking in a new way. Other big-time players get involved, too [government, media, energy cartels, for example].”

This is just the beginning of what these people have to say about the Matrix in their interviews and how it really works.

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Globalists Unite: Elites Target Trump, Nationalism At Davos
January 28 2018 | From: Infowars

Populism, nationalism threaten New World Order, they say.

Numerous global leaders decried nationalism that is undoing the global world order at the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland.

Trump Steals Thunder From Davos Elite

Globalist leaders, including German Chancellor Angela Merkel, French President Emmanuel Macron, Canadian PM Justin Trudeau, Indian PM Narendra Modi, and Brazilian President Michel Temer railed against nationalism, populism, and “protectionism” during the summit.

When asked about the rise of nationalism in Europe, Merkel called it a “poison.” “I hope it is not going to grow, but it is a poison,” she said Wednesday.

“Germany wishes to be a country that lends its contribution in the future to solve the problems of the world together, we think that shutting ourselves off and isolating ourselves will not lead us into a good future. Protectionism is not the proper answer.”

Related: Report: Missing FBI Text Messages Include Threats of Violence Against Trump

The globalists don’t want “protectionism” because it’s just another way for nations to exercise their national sovereignty against “globalization.”

“Let us not be naive…globalization is going through a major crisis,” Macron told the audience at the WEF.

“Everything is being fragmented. We have societies made up of nomads. There are more and more people who think getting out of globalization is the right option,” he added.

Related: FISA Memo Could Be Made Public by a Congressman Simply Reading it on the House Floor

This rhetoric is nothing less than veiled language against nationalism, self-determination, and national sovereignty.

“We know all too well that we live in a world where isolation trends are gaining ground, however, we all know that protectionism is not a solution,” said Temer, who has a 6% approval rating in Brazil.

Related: 'Convenient accident': Twitter reacts after FBI 'lost texts' between Russia investigation staffers

India’s Prime Minister even claimed protectionism is worse than terrorism.

“Forces of protectionism are raising their heads against globalization, their intention is not only to avoid globalization themselves but they also want to reverse its natural flow,” Modi said. “Many countries are becoming inward focused and globalization is shrinking and such tendencies can’t be considered lesser risk than terrorism or climate change.”

Related: Congressman Confident Bombshell FISA Abuse Memo Will Be Released Soon

It’s worth noting that Macron, Merkel, and UK PM Theresa May all have worse favorability ratings than Trump, according to a poll analysis.

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Treason: QAnon Exposes Obama/Hillary 16-year Coup d’état Plan

Former Secret Service Agent: FISA Memo Will ‘Destroy Image of Benevolent Obama’

"Explosive", "Shocking" And "Alarming" FISA Memo Set To Rock DC, "End Mueller Investigation"

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Stephen Cohen Explains Putin Objectively
January 28 2018 | From: PaulCraigRoberts / TheNation

Stephen F. Cohen is our most knowledgeable Russian expert. Unlike talking media heads such as Megyn Kelly, Cohen understands the subject matter.

Addressing an audience composed of subscribers to The Nation magazine, Cohen rebukes the orchestrated demonizations of Putin and Russia and provides an objective account

Putin on Pedophilia and Plot to Destroy USA

Cohen would be the best possible US Ambassador to Russia, but because he is objective, he is unwelcome in Washington’s corridors of power.

I highly recommend Cohen’s 28-minute lecture. It will protect you from the propagandistic picture that Washington and the presstitute media are drawing of Putin and Russia.

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The Question That Fluoridation Promoters Can’t Answer
January 27 2018 | From: FluorideAlert

During 2016, I asked this question to many fluoridation promoters and have yet to receive an adequate scientific answer.

I asked it in several audiences in New Zealand and also to promoters at a council hearing in Naples, Florida and most recently at a debate in Cortland, New York with Johnny Johnson and Steve Slott.  Neither Johnson nor Slott, otherwise very vocal on promoting fluoridation, had an answer.

Related: Why Does NZ Still Fluoridate? TV Commercial FFNZ

The Question to Promoters of Fluoridation

“What primary scientific studies (not bogus reviews conducted by pro-fluoridation agencies) can you cite that gives you the confidence to ignore or dismiss the evidence that fluoride damages the brain as documented in over 300 animal and human studies (including 50 IQ studies).”

If proponents cannot provide an adequate scientific answer to this question: fluoridation should be halted immediately.

On Nov 22, 2016, Michael Connett, JD, asked this question to the US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), on behalf of FAN, Food & Water Watch, Organic Consumers Association, American Academy of Environmental Medicine, International Academy of Oral Medicine and Toxicology, Moms Against Fluoridation, and several individual mothers, in a petition calling on the EPA to ban the deliberate addition of fluoridating chemicals to the drinking water under provisions in the Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA). 

The EPA has 90 days to reply, and if they fail to provide a satisfactory reply then they can be taken to Federal Court.

How you can take this further?

We are requesting that each one of you to ask this question of any promoter of fluoridation – and keep asking it throughout 2017 until you can get an answer. Send that answer to us.

Based on responses we have seen so far we anticipate that there will be no satisfactory answers. In our view, there is no scientific evidence that could justify ignoring the large number of scientific studies that fluoride damages the brain and thus no justification for continuing this unethical and reckless practice of deliberately adding fluoridating chemicals to the drinking water.

This in essence will be our 2017 campaign. Very simple, very direct and very important. We hope that you will support this in two ways: a) ask this showstopper question in as many creative ways as you can and as many times as you can, and b) support FAN financially.

Five More Ways to Take Action:

1. Send a letter-to-the-editor to your local newspapers

2. Sign on to FAN’s petition to the EPA.

3. Send the press release to your media outlets

4. Share this Facebook and this Twitter post.

5. Make a donation to support this campaign (see below).

Fundraising Update

Our new totals are $70,150 from 235 donors.  We will be updatinng our running totals on a daily basis on our home page: www.FluorideACTION.net

Related Articles:

Undeniable Evidence From Numerous Studies Proves That Fluoride Causes Cancer

New Zealand Government Plans To Drown Its Citizens In Toxic Fluorides

Auckland: No Consultation Needed For Stopping Or Starting Fluoridation + Decision Is An Attack On Democracy

Fluoride: Poison On Tap Official Trailer

The Fluoride Deception

New Zealand Fluoridation Review Unscientific And Intellectually Dishonest Say International Reviewers

Fluoride Free New Zealand: Dirty Science

Secret Fluoridation Review Totally One-Sided Admits Chair

Harvard Research Finds Link Between Fluoridated Water, ADHD & Mental Disorders

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Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi

Unschooling: Radical Education That Produces Free Human Beings Instead Of Slaves
January 27 2018 | From: DaisyLuther

Let’s talk about the “education system,” that cornerstone of civilized societies everywhere.

We all know that the future lies in the hands of our children. That’s why parents want to do everything they can to give their kids a good start in life. We make careful choices about the food they eat, the friends they hang out with, and the education they receive.

Related: Education Programming 101: Destroy Logic

Unfortunately, over the past decades, the education system in America has been churning out kids who are less interested in the world around them, more dependent on others for safety, and programmed to accept whatever information they’re provided without question.

Our education system is actually dumbing kids down instead of making them smarter. It’s killing natural curiosity, independent decision-making, and critical thinking. We all rant about Generation Snowflake, but these kids have grown up to be exactly what they’ve been taught to be.

The “education system” is working exactly as it was designed.  This curriculum is a social experiment, designed to reduce critical thinking and increase obedience. How else will children learn to be the type of citizens that governments want?

At school, you learn important things like the following:

How to respond to bells

How to reign in your attention span into 50-minute increments

How to multitask and “learn” 6 different subjects at the same time, while mastering none of them

How to follow the instructions of authority figures without question

How to recite things off by memory

How to feel about politically correct topics

How to squelch your individuality

How to respond to questions to get the best grades

When the appropriate time is to visit the restroom, and how to ask permission to do so if the urge strikes at an inopportune time

How you must show up to serve your sentence on the required days, regardless of whether you feel like it or whether another opportunity has arisen

How to sleep and awaken at the times that are most convenient to your masters teachers, as opposed to the ones that work with your personal circadian rhythms

How you will completely fail at life if you don’t continue your “education” after high school

How to dive so deeply into debt that you must take any job you can get in order to pay off the student loans that were supposed to help you get a “good” job

Basically, you learn to become a better slave. You learn to spend all day doing things you might hate, might find boring, or might not understand.

But it isn’t Just School that is the Problem

The problem runs far deeper than just the classroom. It’s the system of learning itself. Even most homeschool curriculums focus on a broad range of subjects directed by the parent. While many parents do a fantastic job engaging their children in the lessons, there are children who just don’t respond to a format in which they must learn about 5 different subjects each day.

If you can awaken in a child the desire to know more... more about bugs and how they live... more about microclimates... more about geology... more about the past... then you can teach a child how to learn.

In my opinion, the utter failure of the education system is that they don’t create curious children. We moved quite a few times, and rarely did I see children challenged, piqued, and tempted with knowledge. Instead, I observed drudgery, boredom, and conveyor belt education.

If a child slips behind, they don’t stop the belt, take the kid off, and help them catch up. They say, “No child left behind” and they shove them along that belt, forcing them to try to learn the next installment of the lesson plan on top of the complete lack of foundational information that they didn’t understand in the first place.

A few years ago, I pulled my youngest child out of the public school system after a (cough) disagreement with the principal there. For a couple of years, we slogged away using a state-approved curriculum for homeschool.

Not only did it bore the daylights out of her, I found it pretty torturous too. The whole time we did the standard curriculum, I watched the curiosity that is the necessary spark to kindle the flame of learning, slowly die.

And that is the saddest death imaginable, because with it dies the future.

If you don’t love learning new things, if you aren’t curious about the how and the why and the when and the where, how will you ever jump into life with both feet, ready to explore new places, climb new mountains, and have new adventures?

Don’t get me wrong - you need to learn to read and to write and to do math - but you also need to embrace the very idea of learning something new and different, too.

So, we pulled out of all things school. I decided to trust my daughter. I will indulge her sharp wit, her natural curiosity, and her love for photography.

I want to undo the damage done by the school system, with their laborious texts, their Common Core, and their politically correct death-by-boredom.

If I don’t want her to grow up to be a slave to the state, I decided, it was time to stop raising her in the same way the other slaves are raised.

So, we’re unschooling.

What is Unschooling?

John Holt, widely known as the “father of unschooling” wrote:

“This is also known as interest driven, child-led, natural, organic, eclectic, or self-directed learning. Lately, the term “unschooling” has come to be associated with the type of homeschooling that doesn’t use a fixed curriculum…

This is the way we learn before going to school and the way we learn when we leave school and enter the world of work…

Unschooling, for lack of a better term (until people start to accept living as part and parcel of learning), is the natural way to learn. However, this does not mean unschoolers do not take traditional classes or use curricular materials when the student, or parents and children together, decide that this is how they want to do it.

Learning to read or do quadratic equations are not “natural” processes, but unschoolers nonetheless learn them when it makes sense to them to do so, not because they have reached a certain age or are compelled to do so by arbitrary authority."

Can you really think of anything in the world that makes more sense than that?

Unschooling can be as simple as letting your child exhaustively indulge his or her curiosity about a subject by getting books about it, attending a class on it, and going on field trips that are related to it. Alternatively, it can become a family affair of travel, knowledge-seeking, and adventure.

The details are up to your and your child. The only rule is that the student directs it through his or her own interests.

It’s real life, lived with passion, and therein lies an education more priceless than anything you could get behind the ivy-covered walls of the fanciest school around. (In fact, my daughter and I are leaving soon on an epic road trip of more than 10,00 miles (If you want to follow along on our Great American Unschooling Tour, I wrote about the details here).

This is how people used to learn - they were free to develop their interests, to pursue their passions, and to investigate, experiment, and think. Initially, education was a way for kids to have the world at their fingertips, especially if their parents were illiterate and not able to expose them to things beyond their own farm.

But then, it became an indoctrination system that separates children from their families, forces them to conform, and stamps out individual learning styles.

Let your Child Learn to be Free

When you no longer live by the school bell, the most beautiful thing can happen. You become free.

By learning when and what you want, you gain a true understanding of freedom, and who doesn’t want that for their children?

You can sleep when you’re sleepy.

You can find out more about the things that make you curious.\

You can focus on one thing at a time if that is how you learn best.

You can make art when you want to make art, not when you finally finish all of the boring stuff you’re forced to do.

You can eat when you’re hungry.

You can become the master of your own future.

You can take what makes you the happiest and completely immerse yourself in it.

You can travel when the spirit moves you, not when you get a scheduled break from school.

You can learn about real life, not just get dumped into it when you graduate.

You can start a business of your own.

You can take a class that fascinates you just for the joy of taking the class

You can take field trips to learn from experts and personal experiences.


Best of all, when you unschool, your child lives a kind of freedom that will set them on the course for an adulthood of freedom.

Is there any better gift than that? Is there any educational goal greater than teaching your child to be a free human being, unfettered by bells, whistles, and authority figures?

Common Core Possibly Coming To A School Near You

After reading this bill it seems that Americas Common core is spreading like wild fire across the world under different guises.

I read the bill and honestly alarm bells rang which makes the education reform a one size fits all, seems quite coincidental parata decides to resign after this bill has passed: New Zealand Education Legislation Bill

Related: UN Adopts Global Common Core Education To Ensure Their Vision Of Global Totalitarianism

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Incredible: Professor’s Defense Of Free Speech Leaves Regressive Leftist Literally Speechless
January 26 2018 | From: Infowars

Host claims transgender people have a right not to be offended.

A clip in which Professor Jordan B. Peterson explains why his free speech is more important than the risk of a transgender person being offended is going viral.

Peterson was previously embroiled in a controversy as a result of his refusal to comply with Canada’s draconian Bill C-16, which makes it a hate crime to not use someone’s preferred gender pronouns.

The video features Peterson, who is currently doing a series of lectures in London, being interviewed by far-left UK broadcaster Channel 4.

Host Cathy Newman asks the professor, “Why should your right to freedom of speech trump a trans person’s right not to be offended?”

First of all, the idea that someone has a right to not be offended is hilarious. No such right exists.

Peterson’s comeback is brutal.

“Because in order to be able to think, you have to risk being offensive – I mean look at the conversation we’re having right now – you’re certainly willing to risk offending me in the pursuit of truth – why should you have the right to do that?”

“You get my point, you’re doing what you should do,” Peterson continues. “Which is digging a bit to see what the hell’s going on and that is what you should do, but you’re exercising your freedom of speech to certainly risk offending me, and that’s fine, more power to you as far as I’m concerned.”

The host is dumbfounded, stammering, “So you haven’t sat there and….I’m just trying to work that out” before she falls silent and completely loses the ability to speak.

Peterson leans back and takes a sip of water having achieved a simple yet crushing victory. Respondents to the video expressed their glee.

“They should probably go back to smearing him on their clickbait blogs. Debating him probably wasnt a very smart idea,” commented one.

“Absolutely demolished,” added another. “This is legendary,” remarked another.

“I don’t think I have ever witnessed an interview that is more catastrophic for the interviewer,” wrote author Douglas Murray.

Channel 4 is obviously not too keen on seeing the clip go viral. It’s completely blocked on Facebook.

Given the utter embarrassment Peterson just inflicted upon their entire narrative, you can see why.

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Are You Awake? Or Just Informed
January 25 2018 | From: ZenGardner

This is a very interesting question, and perhaps a provocative one. With the information explosion drastically influencing so many lives there appear to be many strata of awakening levels arising.

Once people start connecting the dots of now available facts and formerly unavailable research, whole new paradigms through which to perceive our changing reality emerge.

What we do with this new information, and how far we keep pursing deeper and deeper levels of perception, determines our outlook at any given time.

This is why constant change and continual learning are integral to progressing toward a full on awakening. As we continue to evolve in perception we begin to see that underlying this deluge of surface information there are amazing consistent truths to grasp and implement that will truly transform not only ourselves, but the world around us.

We Are Our Perception

Even quantum physics has confirmed what the sages have taught through the ages. What we perceive and apply our intention to determines our individual reality. That we are in fact fully in charge of how we perceive the world around us is the underlying truth that is being masked from humanity. Completely contrary to the deterministic model we’ve been taught, our very being is not the result of set factors we can do very little about, but the exact opposite.

We literally are a projection of our own consciousness. The rest is up to us as to how much we let the illusory projection laid before us determine our reality.

When we grow to more fully grasp the enormity of the significance of that fact things really start to kick into gear. This will not be taught nor even implied by matrix scientism, the educational and media web of lies, nor blinding, binding religious dogma.

But once this truth is discovered, in fact experienced as it must be, the majesty of existence opens up to such glorious vistas of empowerment and possibility the very grip of any and all external influences and limiting mind conceptions falls away as if it never existed in the first place.

Because it essentially didn’t. It was only real from a deliberately manipulated limited perception that created a feedback loop of illusion, giving the appearance that there were no other possibilities outside that manufactured realm.

Information is a Tool, Not an Answer

Knowing what’s really going on around us is just the beginning. Realizing that in fact this is an imposed psycho-spiritual prison built on deliberate deceit is simply the gateway. We don’t need to spend of the rest of our lives describing how they do what they do and how bad it is in an almost neurotically hysterical state.

That’s simply another level of containment if we don’t keep on progressing towards a full awakening way beyond the confines and influences of their entrapping infectious system.

It’s surpassing those first orbits as we clear the pull of the dense gravitational nucleus we’re born into that things really start to get interesting. And extremely empowering. We cannot begin to know the deep, essential solutions our souls long for by operating within the externally imposed density as we’ll only reinforce the strength of the spider’s web by our futile struggling. The spider is much wiser than we when we operate within its parameters.

We have to first safely transcend and then operate from a clearly distanced perspective.

Until Then…Don’t Be Intimidated or Enthralled by Shadowland

The beautiful so-called secret key to conscious awakening is that you’ll know it when you’ve found it. If you’re still not sure, your not there yet. No worries, that’s the path we all have to take. Seek in sincerity and you will find. Until then all is grist to mill. We gain strength, wisdom, determination and shed the mechanisms that have held us back as they are revealed to us.

It’s all part of the process.

And definitely, at whatever stage of our awakening, we need to keep exposing the trickery and deceit to help others along the way and out of the net, but we mustn’t dwell there or let it get under our skin, even in our sacred anger and outrage. There’s a time for everything, but if we’re going to realize the true solutions for our planet and its inhabitants we need to first get to where we know from whence we are operating, with a crystal clear vision of what needs to be done from a firm foundation in loving truth.

Even more so, we need to rediscover and realize the true spiritual power tools at our disposal. As we do, and is already happening, our weaponry of truth outmatches their foolish artificial 3-D hardware to such an extent they will be exposed to be the imposters they are – nothing but dark shadows trying to usurp the sun.

Absolute futility, and not a game worth getting caught up in.

It’s only our lower levels of perception that give their illusion any form of reality. Once we transcend and live in the realization of who we truly are this lower level projection we can call shadowland has nowhere to cast its illusion…and it is gone.

Indescribable Truth

The truth is indescribable in mental terms. This is why we are so awed by the ideas of nature, fractals, sacred geometry and this magnificent physical design as the handiwork of something we know is much more spectacular that lies behind it.

Left brained science, even when it’s well meaning, cannot begin to fathom this richness as it seeks to contain this living energy in a form of mental and even scientific egoic dominance. As hard as they try to crack the code with these motives they’ll never do it. They may make a mess in the process, which they are, but trying to understand from that limited mind set is like trying to empty the ocean with a spoon.

It’s a complete exercise in futility all based on the reinforcement of self.

Unless there’s some tangible, “provable” answer, some substantive, explainable, logical something they can see, taste, touch, smell and feel they won’t accept it. Again the self-reinforcing feedback loop that will never be broken. To find real truth you have to find it and experience it for yourself, one hungry heart at a time. When you want it bad enough you’ll find it, or at least the next clue to keep you on your way towards greater truth.

Sure there are many types and levels of truth, but the ultimate truth is fundamentally an ongoing interactive experience with our interconnected consciously aware universe within which we are all magnificently woven. It’s that same creative source we can only barely sense at times, but that we see in the magnificent world around us and the fertile imagination of our sentient hearts and intuitive souls.

Truth Can Only Point the Way – Ours Is to Pursue

These are just hints at what lies beneath these layers of illusion, the lowest of which is this synthetic matrix of deceit that has been deliberately laid to ensnare the hearts of humanity.

Even the physical world is an almost crude five sense manifestation of the intricate workings of creation but what a joy to experience! To realize these are barely fleeting glimpses of much more amazing realities is beyond belief…and that’s good, belief is a limiting containment system. Experience is what we’re shooting for.

Just don’t give up. There are plenty of pitfalls on the way as that’s what this learning and growing experience is all about, so get used to it. Just learn from it and keep on. There are many levels of awakening but each one is more amazing than the last.

What should propel us though is not just the path of wondrous personal discovery, although that’s a big part of it, but to access the resources we need to further dissolve the snare laid for those still unaware of their plight within this lower world of control and deceit.

There’s no greater driving force than the unstoppable power of empathic compassion. We share the pain of all those still trapped and blinded by the the great deception, and by our very connectivity we are love-bound to awaken to our most empowered state possible to help bring about the transformation we are all longing for.

Much love and do keep on, we’re all integral to this process…

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JFK At One Hundred
January 24 2018 | From: PaulCraigRoberts / Various

From The Archives: This Memorial Day, Monday, May 29, 2017, is the 100th birthday of John Fitzgerald Kennedy, the 35th President of the United States.

JFK was assassinated on November 22, 1963, as he approached the end of his third year in office. Researchers who spent years studying the evidence have concluded that President Kennedy was assassinated by a conspiracy between the CIA, Joint Chiefs of Staff, and Secret Service. (See, for example, JFK and the Unspeakable by James W. Douglass)

Comment: There's much more to this than even Mr. Roberts is aware of. See the links forthwith...

Related: The Connection Between 9/11, JFK And The Global Collateral Accounts

Kennedy entered office as a cold warrior, but he learned from his interaction with the CIA and Joint Chiefs that the military/security complex had an agenda that was self-interested and a danger to humanity. He began working to defuse tensions with the Soviet Union.

His rejections of plans to invade Cuba, of the Northwoods project, of a preemptive nuclear attack on the Soviet Union, and his intention to withdraw from Vietnam after his reelection, together with some of his speeches signaling a new approach to foreign policy in the nuclear age.

See: Commencement Address at American University, June 10, 1963

Convinced the military/security complex that he was a threat to their interests. Cold War conservatives regarded him as naive about the Soviet Threat and a liability to US national security.

These were the reasons for his assassination. These views were set in stone when Kennedy announced on June 10, 1963, negotiations with the Soviets toward a nuclear test ban treaty and a halt to US atmospheric nuclear tests.

The Oswald coverup story never made any sense and was contradicted by all evidence including tourist films of the assassination.

Related: The Most Important Financial Meeting Since JFK’s Death Just Took Place

President Johnson had ro cover up the assassination, not because he was part of it or because he willfully wanted to deceive the American people, but because to give Americans the true story would have shaken their confidence in their government at a critical time in US-Soviet relations.

To make the coverup succeed, Johnson needed the credibility of the Chief Justice of the US Supreme Court, Earl Warren, to chair the commission that covered up the assassination. Warren understood the devastating impact the true story would have on the public and their confidence in the military and national security leadership and on America’s allies.

As I previously reported, Lance deHaven-Smith in his book, Conspiracy Theory in America, shows that the CIA introduced “conspiracy theory” into the political lexicon as a technique to discredit skepticism of the Warren Commission’s coverup report. He provides the CIA document that describes how the agency used its media friends to control the explanation.

Related: Finally, The CIA Admits Covering Up JFK Assassination

The term “conspiracy theory” has been used ever since to validate false explanations by discrediting true explanations.

President Kennedy was also determined to require the Israel Lobby to register as a foreign agent and to block Israel’s acquisition of nuclear weapons. His assassination removed the constraints on Israel’s illegal activities.

Related: Kennedy, the Lobby and the Bomb

Memorial Day is when Americans honor those in the armed services who died serving the country. JFK fell while serving the causes of peace and nuclear disarmament. In a 1961 address to the United Nations, President Kennedy said:

"Today, every inhabitant of this planet must contemplate the day when this planet may no longer be habitable. Every man, woman and child lives under a nuclear sword of Damocles, hanging by the slenderest of threads, capable of being cut at any moment by accident or miscalculation or by madness.

The weapons of war must be abolished before they abolish us. It is therefore our intention to challenge the Soviet Union, not to an arms race, but to a peace race – to advance together step by step, stage by stage, until general and complete disarmament has been achieved.”

Kennedy’s address was well received at home and abroad and received a favorable and supportive response from Soviet leader Nikita Khrushchev, but it caused consternation among the warhawks in the Joint Chiefs of Staff.

The US led in terms of the number of nuclear warheads and delivery systems, and this lead was the basis for US military plans for a surprise nuclear attack on the Soviet Union.

Related: Did the U.S. Military Plan a Nuclear First Strike for 1963?

Also, Many believed that nuclear disarmament would remove the obstacle to the Soviet Army overrunning Western Europe.

Warhawks considered this a greater threat than nuclear armageddon. Many in high military circles regarded President Kennedy as weakening the US viv-a-vis the Soviet Union.

Related: JFK Jr. Told The World Who Murdered His Father - But Nobody Was Paying Attention

The assassination of President Kennedy was an enormous cost to the world. Kennedy and Khrushchev would have followed up their collaboration in defusing the Cuban Missile Crisis by ending the Cold War long before the military/security complex achieved its iron grip on the US government.

Israel would have been denied nuclear weapons, and the designation of the Israel Lobby as a foreign agent would have prevented Israel’s strong grip on the US government.

In his second term, JFK would have broken the CIA into a thousand pieces, an intention he expressed to his brother, Robert, and the Deep State would have been terminated before it became more powerful than the President.

But the military/security complex struck first, and pulled off a coup that voided all these promises and terminated American democracy.

Related Articles:

JFK To 911: Everything Is A Rich Man's Trick

Making History & New Beginnings: Neil Keenan / Group K Update

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Oliver Stone Exposes US Coup D’Etat In Ukraine
January 23 2018 | From: PaulCraigRoberts / RussiaInsider

The people in Western Ukraine had to be completely stupid to be so easily deceived and turned against their own democratically elected government.

But the overthrown government was also stupid for believing in negotiations, for trusing the US, and for not arming the police who were being killed by snipers.

Related: Russiagate Turns On Its Originators + The Focus Shifts From Trump To Hillary And The Corrupt FBI

The Russian government was too focused on the Sochi Olympics to realize what was happening and that the coup was directed at Russia. Russian trust of Washington also resulted in the murder of Gaddafi and the destruction of Libya. Trusting America, Russia withheld its veto over the no-fly zone imposed on Libya, because Russia trusted the assurances given by Washington that regime change was not the purpose.

Here is Oliver Stone’s documentary on Washington’s coup in Ukraine. The truth differs greatly from the lies told by the Western presstitutes and the US government.

'Ukraine on Fire': Oliver Stone Docu on US Destruction of Ukraine Finally Available in the West

"The film was originally released in 2016, but unsurprisingly, Stone came up against problems distributing the film in the US and western countries. A Russian-dubbed version was available almost immediately and was aired on TV in Russia, but people in the 'free world' were left without access to the full film."

Oliver Stone's seminal documentary Ukraine on Fire has finally been made available to watch in the West. 

Ukraine, the 'borderlands' between Russia and 'civilized' Europe is on fire. For centuries, it has been at the center of a tug-of-war between powers seeking to control its rich lands and Russia's access to the Mediterranean. 

The Maidan Massacre in early 2014 triggered a bloody uprising that ousted president Viktor Yanukovych, spurred Crimeans to secede and join Russia, and sparked a civil war in Eastern Ukraine. 

Related: Russia-China Real Gold Standard Means End Of US Dollar Dominance

Russia was portrayed by Western media as the perpetrator, and has been sanctioned and widely condemned as such. But was Russia responsible for what happened? 

Ukraine on Fire provides a historical perspective for the deep divisions in the region which led to the 2004 Orange Revolution, the 2014 uprisings, and the violent overthrow of democratically-elected Yanukovych. 

Covered by Western media as a 'popular revolution', it was in fact a coup d'état scripted and staged by ultra-nationalist groups and the US State Department. 

Investigative journalist Robert Parry reveals how US-funded political NGOs and media companies have emerged since the 1980s, replacing the CIA in promoting America's geopolitical agenda abroad. 

Executive producer Oliver Stone gained unprecedented access to the inside story through his on-camera interviews with former President Viktor Yanukovych and Minister of Internal Affairs Vitaliy Zakharchenko, who explain how the US Ambassador and factions in Washington actively plotted for regime change. 

And, in his first meeting with Russian President Vladimir Putin, Stone solicits Putin's take on the significance of Crimea, NATO and the US's history of interference in elections and regime change in the region. 

The film was originally released in 2016, but unsurprisingly, Stone came up against problems distributing the film in the US and western countries. A Russian-dubbed version was available almost immediately and was aired on TV in Russia, but people in the 'free world' were left without access to the full film. 

Now, at last, the full exposé is available on YouTube. Though, of course, everyone is encouraged to purchase a copy to support Stone's important work. 

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The Money Scam Makes Us Slaves: Gold Is Waterproof And Indestructible In The Sea Of Fiat Currencies
January 22 2018 | From: FinalWakeUpCall

No financial storm blows gold over. No drenching rain will dissolve it. That’s why smart investors – and smart central banks – are watching the weather and accumulating gold.

An economy with falling household incomes is not a good place to own stocks. Surely an economy that is barely growing doesn’t justify the highest stock prices of all time?

Related: Fiat currency the cause for our economic miseries

And obviously the Central Bankers’ $85 billion a month bond-buying spree isn’t working?

With Central Banksters promising to print still more money, one would expect the value of gold to soar. Obviously, the work of computer manipulation programs that continue to do their work unrelentingly in keeping prices down for gold and silver! As the world is eventually going to discover, it is all a fraudulent Ponzi pyramid money system.

QE is a Zombie Enrichment Program:

Economists, analysts and advisors have been trying to figure out exactly what QE does. The Central Banks of the USA, EU, and Japan are adding more than one trillion to their respective monetary bases every 12 months, which in return should have some effect.

Some experts say QE is an asset swap – interest-paying excess reserves for interest-paying Treasury paper- and not an additive instrument.

That’s definitely not the case as, while Central Banks continuously create money to buy Treasury bonds from the banks, the banks consequently buy more Treasury bonds, and so on. This transfers cash from the Fed to governments, and it saves governments having to get it from other sources at higher rates of interest.

All money, like water, eventually finds its way to the sea. And when trillions per year are added to the economy, it is bound to raise the sea level.

Related: Adaptable Gold Standard is the Answer: The Central Bankers have no power to turn the economy around

Why is gold waterproof? When the wide ocean of cash, credit, derivatives and connivance breaks into open fury – with howling winds and towering waves – gold will stand tall and self-assured, like an indestructible lighthouse.

What’s the real point of the current Central Bank-managed paper monetary system? It is a system that insiders can manipulate. They manipulate the value of our money, lie about what is really going on and steal wealth from savers and workers to pay for their pet projects and give money to their zombie friends.

That’s the way it has always been and forever shall be, period. Unless they are stopped.

Charles de Gaulle’s economist, Jacques Rueff, explained already in 1958 why inflation seemed to boost employment. It was because inflation robbed the workers of their wages, lowering labour costs, and making it easier for employers to hire them.

And Marc Faber explained recently, how QE robs more than 90% of the population to pay off the elite brotherhood. All the Fed’s QE liquidity goes into stock prices! Who makes money when stock prices rise? Wall Street and its elite clients! Everybody else loses.

And what about the zombies? The government borrows the Central Bank’s fake money, created out of thin air at record low interest rates. What happens to the money? Does it go to the taxpayers? Does it go to real, productive businesses, or to real, productive workers?

Related: Banks Are Stealing Our Future? How To Put An End?

Nope. It goes to zombies of all sorts – to the 7 out of 10 families who get more from the government than they pay in taxes, and to the defence contractors for their war games. QE is a Zombie Enrichment Program. The sooner it ends, and the sooner the Fed is abolished, the better off we, the people will be.

Meanwhile since 2008 nothing has changed whatsoever regarding the root cause of the financial crisis. The world still has massive amounts of debt, far too much to safely finance. The EU and VS continue to borrow larger and larger amounts, as if nothing went wrong.

Nowadays, once again, financial institutions’ profits make up a huge, disproportionate amount of the total profits of the S&P 500.

And it’s not just the U.S.

“In the EU, government debts totalled 66% of GDP in 2007. Today, they’re close to, or probably over 100%. In the United Kingdom, government debt equalled 43% of the economy in 2007. Today, it’s also over 100%. Unbelievably… no one in the developed world seems to be able to generate wealth anymore, only more debts.”

“To finance these debts, the EU and US continue to sell parts of their assets to foreigners. By doing so, they will become increasingly poorer over time. Ten years ago, the combined economies of Brazil, Russia, India, and China – the so-called “BRIC” nations – equalled roughly 29% of the US economy.

By 2007, their economies were equalling up to 53% of that of the U.S. Today, they equal 91%. The borrowing is fuelling their boom.

“In 2009, the Federal Reserve began to massively monetize the U.S. debt, allowing the U.S. Treasury to issue more debt and repay existing debt by simply selling it to the Federal Reserve (which creates the funding for such purchases by printing the money).

The Fed has since printed upwards of $3.5 trillion. And recently has promised to keep doing so. As a result, since 2007, M2 – the basic measure of money in the economy – has increased by 38% in the U.S.”

Related: Forgotten History: US Bankers Financing US Enemies - And Why It Is Important Now

And so: what are U.S. foreign masters doing? They’re dumping Treasuries and buying U.S. assets. Chinese firms now own IBM’s personal computer division, the AMC movie-theatre chain, pork producer Smithfield, plus some of their most valuable new sources of energy via equity deals with Devon Energy and Chesapeake Energy.

So far in 2013 alone, China spent $10 billion on U.S. assets, compared with less than $1 billion in 2008.

Foreign masters will soon begin buying massive amounts of U.S. property, as they move their holdings from the obligations of Freddie and Fannie into the underlying assets. In 2012, the Chinese bought $3 billion in commercial real estate in California. Soon, they’ll begin buying huge packages of U.S. residential houses.

Thus, in three or four years millions of Americans will literally be paying rent to the Chinese. This is going to happen, for sure.

Pushing the Inevitable Collapse Into the Future

Those who are grateful to the Central Bankers and government for “bailing out” the economy, should think again. All that is really being done is that they are pushing the inevitable collapse of the economy further into the future, by selling off our greatest assets to their foremost economic rivals.

Related: The Bankers’ Scam - The Power Of Money: Beat The Bankers Through Debt Termination & Commonwealth Bank Of Australia: One Of The Largest Banks In The World Just Accused Of Laundering Millions For Drug Cartels

This is truly the worst possible strategy with catastrophic prospects. Imagine what will be left in 20 years.

The Money Scam Makes Us Slaves

The Greatest Scam on Earth is The Money Scam! The Money Scam is hidden right out in the open, yet buried in complication and confusion. A retired banker describes simply the world’s Money Scam and the reason every country is now going bankrupt.

Private bankers have stolen the money creation process, in contrast with the governments which once created their own money debt-free. The money today is created out of thin air by these banksters and issued as debt with interest charges, owed to the private banks.

In today’s banker-controlled world, money = debt, debt = slavery and therefore money = slavery.

The monetary systems have become systems of enslavement. Money is created out of nothing, issued as debt, while not enough money is created for the future interest payments and inflation steals our savings.

The money-creation process should be taken away from the Central Banks and given back to the people’s governments who can create money debt-free, and interest-free. This is how it used to be done without the need for income taxes. In this video, it is simply explained what we should do to stop supporting the money scam.

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The Khazarian Bankster Cult That Hijacked The World & Worthless Pieces Of Paper - Interest On Fake Money Is Confiscating Your Freedom

Democracy Is A Front For Central Bank Rule & Financial Starvation In A Fiat Debt Slavery Financial System

Financial Fraud: Easy Money Corrupts The Monetary System

The Next Move To Steal Your Money: A Plan To Rip-Off Your Wealth

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Government’s Vital Control Structure: Computers Manipulate Facebook Users - Governments Control The People
January 22 2018 | From: FinalWakeUpCall

Almost nothing of the information on this site will be found in the mainstream media. In classic Orwellian terms -  “War is Peace, Freedom is Slavery, and Ignorance is Strength.” – it means saying one thing and doing another is governments’ order of the day.

Once it is understood that governments are expressly structured to control the people, everything else comes into focus, such as why governments constantly act in the interest of Big Business, Big Banking, Big Pharma, Big Biotech, and their associated organisations. They are clearly ominously against the interests of the people.

Related: Three months in hell: What I learned from three months of Content Moderation for Facebook in Berlin

In the past, people rebelled against rule by royal dictatorship and demanded a say in who ran the country. The bloodlines began the process of replacing the overt royal dictatorships with ones that had the appearance of freedom, while continuing business as usual. Tyranny was replaced with much more effective tyranny that people cannot see, or most people don’t see.

The Illuminati’s worst nightmare was for people to be elected to government who were genuinely independent and had the best interest of the population at heart.

The solution was the introduction of political parties, a structure was created which, through funding and organization, gave those who did not join one of these parties virtually no chance of being elected to parliament and certainly not to forming a government in association with other genuine independent people.

The Vital Control Structure Over Many By the Few

The formation of political parties produced the structure through which members of parliaments, and those at other levels of government – local and state – could be controlled. Instead of having to force their will upon hundreds of individuals, all they had to do was force it upon those who controlled the parties and they, in turn, would enforce it upon their members.

Related: Robert Steele and Roger Stone Discuss Twitter, Facebook, YouTube (#GoogleGestapo) Censorship, Fake News, and Future of Democracy

Quite simply, if one would want to progress in politics, they would first need to join a party and then keep the ruling elite of the party as happy as they possibly can by what they achieve in doing and saying. It’s the same as with doctors, lawyers, scientists and teachers.

Keep your head down, don’t rock the boat, and certainly don’t oppose anything significant through personal conscience that is against the wishes of the party establishment. Real personal ‘progress’ in any of these professions demands that you close your mind or sell your soul. Preferably both.

For example, the UK Parliament have people known as ‘Whips’ to make sure their MPs vote in accordance with the party line. The fact that Whips are allowed to exist and operate openly is already proof of the corruption and irrelevance of politics.

They offer MPs promises of good things for themselves, if they comply, and if they still won’t budge, they are told the facts of life about the consequences for their careers. The same system operates in every country, although not always with official Whips.

Detailed files are kept on politicians, aided by intelligence agency data, which can be used to scare a doubter into line through fear of his/her secrets becoming public. The ones that control the parties, also control the intelligence agency network, not least the Rothschild dynasty.

Related: A List Of 20 Ex-Agents Who Have Exposed The US Military Intelligence Complex & Government 'Cyber Troops' Manipulate Facebook, Twitter, Study Says

There are no boundaries at that level or moral dilemmas about little things like integrity and laws of data protection. The more secrets people have that would destroy them if revealed, the more suitable and desirable they become to fill key positions. If they ever try to stand up against the official line, there is always the file.

The upper echelons of politics are full of people who are dancing to the music for fear of public exposure for anything from financial fraud to paedophilia.

There are three types of politicians that get anywhere near the governmental system of power:

A small minority who are knowingly part of the conspiracy and aware of the goals.

Those who just want power and status and will do anything to get it, by saying and doing whatever it takes; and

Those who have big secrets that can be revealed at any time if they refuse to take orders.

It is not said that every politician fits one of these 3 criteria, only the vast majority who make it to the government or to the top of major parties, in charge or in opposition, with any chance of forming a government.

The glue that holds together the manipulations between different political parties and countries is the spider’s web of secret societies, the Jesuits and Freemasons being the most important.


In fact, it doesn’t matter for whom you vote, the Rothschild – Illuminati, through their control of all parties, decides which government gets installed. They control all camps of political currents. Politics is full of fraud without integrity – saying one thing and doing another.

The political parties are merely vehicles introducing the agenda of the shadow government that demands and coerces the transformation of human society into global dictatorship.

Related: Google, Not GCHQ, Is The Truly Chilling Spy Network & Top 10 Disturbing Facts About Facebook

Today people in large numbers correctly say elections are irrelevant, because nothing ever changes, as most of these elections are rigged to make sure the right result is obtained. Watch the video about the Scottish voting drama, where Scotland was not allowed to leave the UK, nor the EU.

They only fuel the illusion of debate and choice. It is all a mind game to put the global police state into place along with a network of mass surveillance, everybody micro chipped, a society based on mass control – governments destroy your freedom. And that is exactly what they ought to protect.

Manipulating People’s Perceptions:

Controlling the people means manipulating their perceptions of reality, clearly the information must be dictated. For this, it is utterly essential to control the media and education. Ignorance and arrogance are a telling combination.

The Archon bloodline families own the global media, and they appoint and control the editors, who in turn control and appoint the journalists, they who write whatever they are told to write.

This top-down power structure basically allows for the dictation of what does and what doesn’t appear in the media for the public to read, hear and see. Controlling the media means setting the parameters, the norms through which the media filters everything.

Look at the pathetic way most of the global media repeated the official version of ‘global warming’ and ‘climate change’ and rarely looked into the abundance of scientific evidence to the contrary that proves it is all nonsense.

Journalists, just like doctors, lawyers, politicians, and the public in general, are repeaters. They repeat without question and accept the ‘everyone-knows-that’ norm like a little child that is told to believe in Santa Claus.

Related: A Convergence Of Evil: Google, Amazon And Facebook Use Technology To Enslave Humanity, Suppress Knowledge And Accelerate Human Suffering

Most people dismiss any possibility of a conspiracy with a reflex action and they will never do any research to validate one way or the other.

This is the mentality of the majority – journalists included – all over the world that stands between what is truly happening and what they tell you is happening, and people dare to argue that if there were a conspiracy, the media would tell us, truly laughable reasoning.

Meanwhile, it is widely known that regarding 9/11 and MH17, the public at large has been immensely deceived.

The psyches of journalists and the public in general are welded to a programmed sense of reality and so people do what the bloodline families want them to do, while dismissing any suggestion that these families even exist.

Real journalism can be found on the web and is produced and presented by people who are willing to go where the mainstream lackeys are too ignorant or too frightened to go and as a side note, many of these journalists do this on a voluntary basis, with a passion for bringing Truth.

Related: Facebook President Revealed Something About Zuckerberg's Dark Intentions You Should Know & Facebook Denies Former VP Claims It’s Destroying ‘Fabric Of Society’

Of course not all ‘news’ on the web is trustworthy, but there is plenty of investigative journalism, which is not found in the MSM. The Illuminati families control the telecom giants too, such as the major servers and search engines.

The Internet gives them some major benefits in terms of surveillance, but there is also a downside through the explosion of information across the Net about their covert operations and manipulation of the population.

The genie is out of the bottle and it cannot be put back, but there are still challenges to overcome as the Illuminati seeks to censor the Net by employing every argument and excuse they can think of, like Cyber terrorism that requires Internet censorship, for which the Cyber security Act of 2009 was introduced that gives the President the right to declare a cyber emergency enabling them to close down or restrict the Net.

Computers Manipulate Facebook Users:

Already in 2011, Facebook ran a secret experiment on its users. The purpose of that experiment was to see if the company could change peoples’ moods by altering their news feeds.

Related: The Stakes For Trump And All Of Us + Facebook's Zuckerberg Lobbies For New World Order

And it worked. The results of the experiment concluded that “emotional states can be transferred to others via emotional contagion, leading people to experience the same emotions without being aware of this.” This experiment leads straight to individualised manipulation.

Internet users worldwide are addicted to free technological services; they make money by turning people’s private information into cash – monetising users’ lives. It is already scary enough when one is manipulated, but even worse when the entire process is automated – computers are learning to manipulate individuals by interacting with them!

If they want to make more money with their free services, programs are devised to manipulate people more efficiently, so this will be getting worse by the day. The question is, where will this all go? The world is moving into a virtual world, a world specifically built for all the individual personalities.

The manipulation rights will be sold to the highest bidder – government agencies – to which most of the personal information is already sold. What does this mean?

Related: Facebook Admits Social Media Harmful To Mental Health

If they know what motivates you, they can change your environment based on their knowledge of you, and can induce you to act in ways they prefer, easily done by computers.

Think about false material in order to destroy one’s reputation, applying social science and other techniques to manipulate online discourse and activism to generate desirable outcomes. We’re doomed if we remain passive and do nothing, precisely what they expect most people will do. Passivity + Time = Destruction.

If you want to retain your own mind and mood, you can still do it, but only if you act. Make your information unavailable to the manipulators.

Throw sand in the abusers’ eyes. Prevent them from knowing which websites you visit, who you communicate with, and what you say, for example by encryption, here’s a PDF that will show you how.

Despite Snowdon’s information – for everyone involved it is still business as usual. Nothing has changed, so expect data thieves to continue getting worse.

About What Could Happen:

George Carlin’s hilarious, brilliant, touching and in the meantime tells the truth.

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Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi

FBI Has Launched Three Investigations Into Clintons
January 21 2018 | From: Infowars / Various

Report: Second Special Counsel to investigate Clinton crimes.

Despite the silence of the mainstream media, the Clintons are once again under criminal investigation.

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The Department of Justice under Attorney General Jeff Sessions has opened criminal investigations against the Clinton Foundation in Little Rock and in New York.

Several foreign nations are expected to bring criminal charges against the Clinton Foundation, and the report of DOJ Inspector General Michael Horowitz could lead to the appointment of a second special counsel to investigate the Obama administration DOJ as far back as the “Fast and Furious” gun-running scandal and the DOJ cover-up of Secretary Clinton’s email scandal..

Consider the following:

Led by agents in Little Rock, Arkansas, and New York, the FBI has begun a criminal investigation into “pay-to-play” accusations against the Clintons regarding donations taken by the Clinton Foundation and favorable policy decisions made by Secretary of State Hillary Clinton.

The probe is also examining whether the Clintons committed the crime of “inurement,” namely using assets of the Clinton Foundation, a charity under federal and state law, for personal purposes.

In response to a letter authored by House Judiciary Chairman Bob Goodlatte dated Sept. 26, 2017, Attorney General Sessions has tasked senior DOJ prosecutors to make recommendations on re-opening the FBI investigation into the Uranium One scandal, including accusations the DOJ withheld from CFIUS, the Treasury committee that approved the sale of U.S. uranium to Russia. D
ocuments proving Russia was conducting a bribery scandal in the U.S. uranium industry at the same time Russia’s government-owned energy Rosatom was seeking U.S. federal government approval to buy a 100 percent interest in Uranium One.

Related: New Zealand Government Has Pledged Millions Of Dollars Worth Of Taxpayer Funds To The Corrupt Clinton Foundation & Clinton Health Access Initiatives

On Jan. 12, 2018, the Department of Justice announced a criminal indictment in the Uranium One case, charging a former co-president of a Maryland-based transportation company that provides services for the transportation of nuclear materials to customers in the United States and abroad with foreign bribery, fraud, and money laundering in a scheme that involved Tenex at a subsidiary of Rosatom.

DOJ has reopened a criminal investigation into Hillary Clinton’s email scandal after a Judicial Watch Freedom of Information Act, FOIA, request produced 2,800 State Department work-related emails that were transferred by Clinton aide Huma Abedin onto the laptop of her husband, disgraced former congressman Anthony Weiner, some of which included classified passports that President Trump has charged were at risk of having been placed into the hands of foreign agents.

DOJ Inspector General Michael Horowitz has confirmed to Senate Committee Chairman Chuck Grassley that his office is investigating emails written between FBI former counterintelligence head Peter Stozok and FBI prosecutor Lisa Page in which Strzok suggested to page in a conversation that evidently happened in then-Deputy FBI Director Andrew McCabe’s office that DOJ needed “insurance” to make sure Trump would never serve as president even if elected.

Strzok played a major role in changing the language in former FBI Director James Comey’s early draft about Secretary Clinton’s email server from “grossly negligent” to “extremely careless,” a change of language intended to justify a decision not to prosecute.

“The Clinton Foundation is an obvious fraud,”
insists New York-based financial analyst Charles Ortel, a major figure pushing for a criminal investigation of the Clinton Foundation.

“It was never lawfully authorized to pursue ‘tax-exempt charitable purposes’ other than serving as a presidential archive, housing ‘Presidential Records’ in the complex in Little Rock, Arkansas so that the public and scholars might research the Clinton presidential years,” Ortel argues.

For months, Ortel has warned the Clinton Foundation is open to criminal investigations in other countries where donors have reason to believe their charitable donations were solicited illegally and spent inappropriately.

Related: Clinton Foundation Faces International Criminal Investigations + Not So Fast: Judge Orders Feds To Release Details Of Hillary Clinton Email Investigation After FBI Refused

This week, the FBI has requested Michael Smith, an Australian journalist who is a retired police detective, to provide the FBI with details about multiple allegations about millions of dollars in Australian contributions to the Clinton Foundation by the Australian government were mishandled.

According to an investigative report published this week by Mark Tapscott, materials Smith is giving the FBI focus on a 2006 memorandum of understanding between the Australian government and the Clinton Foundation’s Clinton HIV/AIDs Initiative (CHAI).

Smith claims the foundation received a “$25M financial advantage dishonestly obtained by deception” as a result of actions by Bill Clinton and Downer, who was then Australia’s minister of foreign affairs.

Tapscott reported that included in the Smith materials are evidence he believes shows “corrupt October 2006 backdating of false tender advertisements purporting to advertise the availability of a $15 million contract to provide HIV/AIDS services in Papua New Guinea on behalf of the Australian government after an agreement was already in place to pay the Clinton Foundation and/or associates.”

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Finally, Tapscott noted a third complaint concerns what Smith describes as:

“The $10 million financial advantage dishonestly obtained by deception between April 1, 2008, and Sept. 25, 2008, at Washington, D.C., New York, New York, and Canberra Australia involving a Memorandum of Understanding, MOU, between the Australian government, the “Clinton Climate Initiative,” and the purported “Global Carbon Capture and Storage Institute Inc.”

The report due this month by DOJ Inspector General Horowitz may call for the appointment of a new special prosecutor to examine the role played by Hillary Clinton’s 2016 presidential campaign and by the Democratic National Committee in paying for the opposition research Fusion GPS dossier that appears to have been the basis used by the Obama administration DOJ to obtain FISA court authorization to conduct electronic surveillance on Donald Trump and key officials in his 2016 presidential campaign.

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“A Blatant Display Of Unscientific Propaganda:” Cornell Student Exposes GMO Propaganda In Scathing New Letter
January 21 2018 | From: AltHealthWorks

My name is Robert, and I am a Cornell University undergraduate student. However, I’m not sure if I want to be one any more. Allow me to explain.

Cornell, as an institution, appears to be complicit in a shocking amount of ecologically destructive, academically unethical, and scientifically deceitful behavior. Perhaps the most potent example is Cornell’s deep ties to industrial GMO agriculture, and the affiliated corporations such as Monsanto.

Related: Are Nanoparticles Engineered Into GM Foods Causing Cancer?

I’d like to share how I became aware of this troubling state of affairs. Throughout my secondary education, I’ve always had a passion for science. In particular, physics and mathematics captured my fascination.

My sophomore AP physics teacher, Mr. Jones, became my main source of motivation to succeed. He convinced us students that our generation was crucial to repairing humanity’s relationship to science, and how we would play key roles in solving immense global issues.

I came to Cornell as freshman, deeply unaware of our current GMO agriculture paradigm, and my university’s connection to it. It just wasn’t on my radar quite yet. After two years of school, I was rather uninspired to continue traditional study. I never felt quite at ease, jumping through hoops, taking classes and tests that didn’t inspire me, in exchange for a piece of paper (degree) that somehow magically granted me a superior life. I

know many undergraduates fit right in with the university education model, and that’s fantastic. I certainly didn’t, and my mental and physical health began to suffer as a result. I was left with no choice but to take a leave of absence, and pursue another path.

Related: Scientist Who Found Gluten Sensitivity Now Says it Doesn’t Exist + Industrial GMO Food Threats & The Global Monsanto Take Down

Instead, I began to self-study nutrition in earnest, honestly, out of pure necessity. Luckily, I found Cornell Professor Emeritus T. Colin Campbell’s legendary epidemiological research on nutrition and human disease. His evidence was so clear that I quickly transitioned to a plant-based diet. This personal dietary shift had profound benefits, dispelled my depression, and led me to a deep fascination with the precursor to nutrition: agriculture.

I became particularly interested in agroecology. I was astonished to learn that there existed alternatives to chemical-intensive, corporate-controlled models of agriculture, and that they were far safer, more effective, and more sustainable. During my time away from Cornell, I participated in three unique seasons of agroecological crop production, with incredible results. I am immensely grateful for these experiences.

It’s impossible to study and practice agroecology without becoming deeply aware of the other end of the spectrum: the genetic modification of our food supply, ruled by giant agribusiness corporations.

 Currently, the vast majority of U.S. commodity crops (corn, soy, alfalfa, sugar beet) are genetically engineered to either withstand Roundup herbicide or produce Bt toxin pesticide. These “technologies” are ecologically damaging and unsafe. The majority of these crops go to feed animals in factory farms.

Related: The Cult Of 'Scientism' Explained: How Scientific Claims Behind Cancer, Vaccines, Psychiatric Drugs And GMOs Are Nothing More Than Corporate-Funded Science Fraud

The remainder generally gets converted into corn syrup, white sugar, vegetable oil, or biofuels - you know, good stuff! This combined approach of growing GMO commodity monoculture crops, and feeding them to factory-farmed livestock, is one of the most ecologically destructive forces our planet has ever seen. It’s also a leading contributor to climate change. In fact, some experts believe it to be the leading cause.

As Professor T. Colin Campbell will tell you, the foods that come from this system (animal products and processed foods) are responsible for causing the vast majority of chronic disease. That’s a story for another day.

Cornell’s GMO Propaganda Campaign

I came back to Cornell a changed person, with a drastically different perspective. I was in for quite a shock, however: I sat in on a course entitled “The GMO Debate.”

I was expecting members of an intellectual community coming together, with proponents and critics of GMO food each giving the best verified evidence they had to support their cause. Given all that I had learned about GMO agriculture, I was excited to participate for the “GMO skeptic” side.

Related: GMOs - A Planned Human Sterility Program

The GMO Debate course, which ran in the fall of 2015, was a blatant display of unscientific propaganda in an academic setting. There were a total of 4 active professors in the course, and several guest speakers.

They took turns each session defending industrial agriculture and biotechnology with exactly zero critical examination of GMOs. In spite of the course’s name, there was a complete lack of actual “debate.”

Here are some of the more memorable claims I heard that fall semester:

GMO food is necessary to feed the world

There is no instance of harm from agricultural GMOs

Glyphosate, the main ingredient in Roundup, is safer than coffee and table salt

If you believe in science, you must believe in GMO technology

The science of genetic engineering is well understood

“What off-target effects?” … when asked about the proven biochemical risks of GE technology

Vitamin A rice is curing children of Vitamin A deficiency (even though the IRRI, the research institute responsible for rolling it out, says it won’t be ready for some years)

Current pesticides and herbicides don’t pose an ecological or human health risk

Bt is an organic pesticide, therefore Bt GMO crops are safe and pose no additional risk

Bt crops work just fine - but we are now engineering insects as a complementary technology - to make the Bt work better

“Are you scared of GMO insects? Because you shouldn’t be.”

GMO crops are the most rigorously tested crops in the history of food

“If [renowned environmentalist] Rachel Carson were alive today, she would be pro-GMO”.

It gets better. During the semester, emails were released following a Freedom of Information Act request, showing that all four of the professors in the class, as well as several guest speakers, the head of Cornell’s pro-GMO group “Alliance for Science,” and the Dean of the College of Arts and Life Sciences were all copied in on emails with Monsanto.

This was part of a much larger circle of academics promoting GMO crops on behalf of the biotech industry. Jonathan Latham PhD, virologist and editor of independentsciencenews.org, documented this in an article titled “The Puppetmasters of Academia.” I highly recommend giving it a read, for further context.

Related: Putin: Human Evolution Under Big Threat From GMOs, Vaccines + Media Struggles To Pin Stupid Label On Well-Educated Vaccine Dissenters

Perhaps saddest of all was the inclusion of several visiting African agriculture-academics in the course. They were brought here by the “Cornell Alliance for Science. ”

This organization was completely funded by a $5.6 million grant from the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, and appears to espouse only pro-GMO rhetoric. For those of you who are unaware, Bill Gates is a proponent of using agricultural biotechnology in Africa, India, and other developing regions.

So in essence, a group of African representatives got indoctrinated into the industrial and GMO agriculture framework, and were sent home to disseminate this information … after all, who could question the expertise of an Ivy League powerhouse such as Cornell?

I then learned of Cornell’s deep historic ties to the biotech industry, which explained what I witnessed in the “GMO Debate” course. Notable examples include the invention of both the controversial bovine growth hormone, and the particle bombardment (“gene gun”) method of creating GMO crops. Both of these cases are connected to Monsanto.

To say the least, I was completely stunned.

What I’m Going to Do About All of This

You didn’t think I was just going to complain about a pro-GMO, industry-sponsored Cornell all day, did you? Good, because I have come up with a plan to create actual, lasting change on campus: a student-led, expert-backed, evidence-based GMO course.

Related: DARK Act Defeated In U.S. Senate As Lawmakers Receive Tidal Wave Of Calls From Angry Food Consumers Who Are Tired Of Being LIED To About GMO In Their Food

I have decided to host an independent course on the current GMO paradigm, in response to Cornell’s course. It will be held on campus, but will have zero influence from Cornell or any biotech organization. Every Wednesday evening, from September 7th to November 16, we will host a lecture.

This lecture series is completely free, open to the entire Cornell community and broader public, and will be published online (for free, forever) at my project, gmowtf.com.

There will be several experts and scientists coming in to lecture for this course. 

Frances Moore Lappé
, of ‘Diet for a Small Planet’ and ‘World Hunger: 10 Myths’ fame, will be introducing the course on September 7, via video presentation. She will be speaking on how GMO agriculture is unnecessary to end world hunger.

Steven Druker is a public interest attorney and author of the powerful book ‘Altered Genes, Twisted Truth: How the Venture to Genetically Engineer Our Food Has Subverted Science, Corrupted Government, and Systematically Deceived the Public,’ which Jane Goodall (in her foreword) hails as “one of the most important books in the last 50 years.”

He will be giving two lectures that elaborate on the themes in the book’s subtitle and demonstrate that the GMO venture has been chronically and crucially dependent on deception, and could not survive without it.

Jonathan Latham PhD will be giving two lectures, on the dangers of Roundup Ready and Bt crops, respectively. He will also be participating in our special October 5 debate, representing the anti-GMO panel, alongside Michael Hansen PhD, a senior scientist for the Consumers Union. Jonathan has direct experience genetically modifying organisms, so his expertise is guaranteed.

Allison Wilson PhD is a geneticist and editor/science director of the Bioscience Resource Project. She will be giving a lecture on how GMOs are actually created, to dispel any industry myths of precision, accuracy, or deep genetic understanding.

Belinda Martineau PhD is a geneticist with an interesting history - she was on the team of genetic engineers that created the first commercial GM food crop, the Flavr Savr Tomato. She authored a book on her experience, titled “First Fruit: The Creation of the Flavr Savr Tomato and the Birth of Biotech Foods.” Her lecture will be a historical and personal account of the science, regulation, and commercialization of genetically engineered foods, effectively giving context for today’s GMO paradigm.

Click on the image above to view a larger version in another window

Related: Senior Academic Condemns ‘Deluded’ Supporters Of GM Food As Being ‘Anti-Science’ And Ignoring Evidence Of Dangers

My personal scientific hero, T. Colin Campbell, who started me on this whole journey years ago, will not be speaking on GMOs per se … but will address some critically important, related topics: academic freedom and scientific integrity. He began his Cornell career over half a century ago, and has “seen it all.” He has fascinating anecdotes that will illuminate these campus-wide issues beautifully.

Jane Goodall, if you’re reading this, you are personally invited to take time out of your busy schedule to come and give the final capstone lecture. I know how passionate you are about saving our species, our planet, and all of its beautiful inhabitants. Your wise presence in this project would take it to the next level. Alternatively, please consider a short video interview. This offer stands indefinitely. Same for Vandana Shiva!

All in all, our independent GMO lecture series will focus on real threats and real solutions to our current ecological crisis … and perhaps most importantly, will feature 100% less Monsanto influence than Cornell’s course! Sounds good to me.

Taking It Further

I’m on my second leave of absence from Cornell to work on this project, and due to my experiences, I have somewhat given up on a Cornell degree … not that I was ever intensely focused on attaining one. This GMO course is by far the most important thing I can do with my Cornell “career.” However, it is just the beginning of my plan.

Related: Genetics Are The New Eugenics: How GMO’s Reduce The Human Population & This Major Report On GMO Safety Has Just One Small Problem: Undisclosed Conflicts Of Interest

Remember the $5.6 million Bill Gates gave Cornell through his foundation, to push the pro-GMO propaganda? Well, to coincide with our course, we’re launching an initiative to raise the same amount of money or more to sponsor more appropriate forms of agriculture, educational outreach, and activism.

Go to gmowtf.com for more information, but in essence, this would finance:

Continued grassroots educational activism at Cornell, and similar programs in other compromised universities (UC Davis and Berkeley, University of Florida, etc.) across the country.

A plant-based, NON-GMO independent dining hall for Cornell students. It would source as close to 100% organic and local food as possible. Ideally, it would be cheaper than Cornell’s plan (plant-based eaters won’t subsidize expensive meat and dairy for omnivorous eaters).

gmowtf.com as a permanent, free, independent, constantly updated resource for GMO science, policy, news, etc. … also the GMO course would remain online

My dream: a research farm focused on rigorous analysis of agroecological practices. There is an infinitum of fascinatingly effective agroecological techniques that are underrepresented in the scientific community (in favor of faddist, ineffective GMO “technology”).

Completely paying off student debt for a group of 10-15 undergraduates who are willing to help spread this message to the Cornell community.

Mr. Gates, if you truly care about feeding the world in a safe and sustainable manner, and if you are truly dedicated to science and to the kind of open, fact-based discourse on which it depends, I implore you to learn the important facts about which you have apparently been misinformed - and which are being systematically misrepresented by the Cornell organization you are funding.

You can easily gain illumination by reading “Altered Genes, Twisted Truth” by Steven Druker, one of our key contributors to our independent GMO course. You might find Chapter 11, on the ramifications and risks of altering complex information systems, of particular interest. You are, after all, the world’s most famous software developer!

Related: GAME OVER: GMO Science Fraud Shattered By Stunning Investigative Book Worthy Of Nobel Prize - Altered Genes, Twisted Truth

As that chapter demonstrates, biotechnicians are significantly altering the most complex yet least understood group of information systems on earth - the ones that undergird the development and function of living organisms. Yet, they fail to implement the kind of safeguards that software engineers have learned are imperative when making even minor revisions to life-critical human-made systems. Can this be legitimately called science-based engineering?

Bill, feel free to reach out to any of the experts in our course, and don’t be hesitant to update your views on GMO agriculture in light of new understanding. A genuine scientist lives by this principle.

I invite you all to go to gmowtf.com and explore my proposals more. Please bear with the construction of the site in the coming weeks, in preparation for our amazing GMO course!

We live in somewhat of a scientific dark age. Our universities have become extensions of corporate power, at the cost of our health, livelihoods, and ecology. This has to stop, yesterday.

We cannot afford to spread lies to our undergraduate students. Cornell, please reconsider your ways. Until you do, I will be doing everything in my power to counter your industry GMO propaganda efforts with the facts.

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Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi

Nobel Prize Winner: Trump Has Launched A Nationalist “Revolution” Against the Elite + Ex-CIA Agent: Deep State ‘Terrified’ Of Trump, ‘Want Him Taken Out’
January 20 2018 | From: Infowars / Infowars / Various

Davos globalists seek to derail populist uprising.

Nobel Prize winning economist and globalist Robert Shiller says that President Donald Trump has launched a nationalist “revolution” against the elite.

Related: Deep State, in Panic, Tries to Drop Fusion GPS Dossier, As Predicted by QAnon

Speaking to CNBC and undoubtedly on behalf of many of the political class, Shiller said he found it “troublesome” and was “concerned” that the Trump phenomenon was derailing globalism.

“Trump is a revolution unfortunately, (and one) who’s reaffirming nationalism,” said Shiller, expressing his desire that Democrats will recapture control of Congress after the mid-terms so that Trump’s agenda is “defanged”.

The Yale University economics professor indicated that the upcoming World Economic Forum in Davos, which Trump will attend, will see globalists scheme ways of derailing “the international growth of populism and nationalism” that has surged as a result of Brexit and Trump.

Shiller also reveals that Davos will be hosting a session based on “Narrative Economics” and “the effects that narratives and stories can have on the global economy.” He explains that many elitists still don’t understand that narratives, particularly those that go “viral,” are what shape society.

Related: Only Trump Can Destroy Deep State

“Though these narratives are deeply human phenomena that are difficult to study in a scientific manner, quantitative analysis may help us gain a better understanding of these epidemics in the future,” says Shiller.

In other words, thanks to the decline of mainstream media and the growth of the Internet, the global elite is losing its ability to control and monopolize the narrative, which was one of the major factors that led to Trump’s election victory in the first place.

As we reported back in September, globalist publication the Economist, seen by many as the voice of the international elite, expressed its panic that Trump was a “present danger” to their “new world order” and that he must be removed from power.

Last August, former CIA agent and CNN analyst Philip Mudd said on air “the government’s gonna kill” Donald Trump because he was disrespecting the deep state and the political class.

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Ex-CIA Agent: Deep State ‘Terrified’ Of Trump, ‘Want Him Taken Out’

President can’t be controlled and is fighting back against the shadow government, says whistleblower.

President Trump is shaking up the Deep State in such a way they’ve ordered the corporate media to attack him nonstop, according to former top CIA officer Kevin Shipp.

Related: CIA Whistleblower Exposes Deep State and Shadow Government: Infowars Proven Right

“Donald Trump is questioning the Deep State and the shadow government,” Shipp said in a USAWatchdog interview on Sunday.

“He’s rocking that place left and right. The news media is terrified of that. Their editors are telling them to attack him just like they are attacking him from the inside. It’s just dirty pool because they want him taken out.”

Shipp elaborated on the infrastructure of the Deep State and shadow government apparatuses within the government to explain how they can go after a sitting president without oversight.

“I differentiate between the ‘Deep State’ and the shadow government. The shadow government are the secret intelligence agencies that have such power and secrecy that they act even without the knowledge of Congress,” he said.

“There are many things that they do with impunity. Then there is the ‘Deep State,’ which is the military industrial complex, all of the industrial corporations and their lobbyists, and they have all the money, power, and greed that give all the money to the Senators and Congressmen.

So, they are connected, but they are really two different entities. It is the shadow government . . . specifically, the CIA, that is going after Donald Trump. It is terrified that some of its dealings are going to be exposed. If they are, it could jeopardize the entire organization.”

Related: Former High Ranking CIA Agent Gives A Break Down On What The US Deep State And Shadow Government Is Comprised Of

Shipp had previously emerged from obscurity to blow the whistle on the Deep State in September, warning the CIA and NSA are the central “hub” of the shadow government which can manipulate the president and political decisions, and has the power to start wars, torture, initiate coups, and commit false flag attacks.

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Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi

How Big Pharma Greed Is Killing Tens Of Thousands Around The World
January 20 2018 | From: DailyMail

Patients are over-medicated and often given profitable drugs with 'little proven benefits,' leading doctors warn.

The ACLU is working to reverse the FCC’s decision on behalf of the CIA and the Israel lobby to destroy Internet neutrality. What is extraordinary is that the rest of the world has not created its own Internet that cannot be censured by Washington and Israel. Comment: Note how the times are changing - this article is from a mainstream media outlet!

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Queen's former doctor, Sir Richard Thompson, has backed new campaign

Experts calling for urgent public enquiry into drugs firms' 'murky' practices

They say too much medicine is doing more harm than good worldwide

And claim many drugs such as statins are less effective than thought

The Queen's former doctor has called for an urgent public enquiry into drugs firms’ ‘murky’ practices.

Sir Richard Thompson, former-president of the Royal College of Physicians and personal doctor to the Queen for 21 years, warned tonight that many medicines are less effective than thought.

The physician is one of a group of six eminent doctors who today warn about the influence of pharmaceutical companies on drugs prescribing.

The experts, led by NHS cardiologist Dr Aseem Malhotra, claim that too often patients are given useless – and sometimes harmful – drugs that they do not need.

They maintain drugs companies are developing medicines they can profit from, rather than those which are likely to be the most beneficial.

And they accuse the NHS of failing to stand up to the pharmaceutical giants.

Too much medicine is doing more harm than good - and costing hundreds of thousands of lives worldwide, leading experts have warned. They maintain drugs companies are developing medicines they can profit from, rather than those which are likely to be the most beneficial

Related: Big Pharma’s Control Over The News & How Big Pharma Controls Medical Schools

Sir Richard said: ‘The time has come for a full and open public enquiry into the way evidence of the efficacy of drugs is obtained and revealed. 

'There is real danger that some current drug treatments are much less effective than had previously been thought.’

He said the campaign highlights the ‘often weak and sometimes murky basis on which the efficacy and use of drugs, particularly in the elderly, are judged’.

Writing for MailOnline, Dr Malhotra says commercial conflicts of interest are contributing to an ‘epidemic of misinformed doctors and misinformed patients in the UK and beyond’. Furthermore, he adds the NHS is ‘over-treating’ its patients, and claimed that the side effects of too much medicine is leading to countless deaths.

And he claims the full trial data on statins – cholesterol-lowering drugs prescribed to millions - has never been published, and also points to questions about the power of Tamiflu, a drug that has cost the NHS nearly £500 million.

The group has called on Parliament’s Public Accounts Committee to conduct an independent enquiry into the safety of medicines.

Related: The Tide Is Turning: Big Pharma Billionaire Arrested, Charged With Conspiracy And Bribery Of Doctors

They claim public funding is often allocated to medical research because it is likely to be profitable, not because it will be beneficial for patients.

Sir Richard Thompson, former-president of the Royal College of Physicians and personal doctor to the Queen for 21 years, warned tonight that many medicines are less effective than thought.

He is one of a group of six eminent doctors, led by NHS cardiologist Dr Aseem Malhotra, who are concerned about the influence of pharmaceutical companies on drugs prescribing.

Dr Malhotra said: ‘There is no doubt that a “more medicine is better” culture lies at the heart of healthcare, xacerbated by financial incentives within the system to prescribe more drugs and carry out more procedures.

‘But there’s a more sinister barrier to making progress to raise awareness of - and thus tackle - such issues that we should be most concerned about. ‘And that’s the information that is being provided to doctors and patients to guide treatment decisions.’

Related: Lowering Cholesterol Increases The Risk Of Death

He accused drugs companies of ‘gaming the system’ by spending twice as much on marketing than on research. Dr Malhotra says that prescription drugs often do more harm than good, with the elderly particularly at risk.

One in three hospital admissions among the over-75s a result of an adverse drug reaction, he claims.

In addition to Sir Richard, Dr Malhotra is backed by Professor John Ashton, president of the Faculty of Public Health; psychiatrist Dr JS Bamrah, chairman of the British Association of Physicians of Indian Origin; cardiologist Professor Rita Redberg, editor of medical journal JAMA Internal Medicine; and Professor James McCormack, a pharmaceutical scientist.

Dr Malhotra, who is launching the campaign in a personal capacity, is a trustee of the King's Fund health think tank, a member of the Academy of Medical Royal Colleges and advisor to the National Obesity Forum.

He is particularly critical of the dramatic recent increase of the prescribing of statins. 

Dr Malhotra also points to questions about the efficacy of Tamiflu – a flu drug the NHS spent £473m stockpiling.  A 2014 report by a panel of eminent experts concluded it was no more effective than paracetamol

Related: Fraud, Exploitation And Collusion: America’s Pharmaceutical Industry

The Industry's Response

A spokesman for the Association of the British Pharmaceutical Industry said: ‘All medicines undergo rigorous testing for quality, safety and efficacy by global regulators.

‘The data is also subject to continuous scrutiny during trials, once licensed and throughout the life of the medicine, including after a patent has expired.’ 

The spokesman added: ‘The assessment of a medicine – the benefits and risks it brings to patients as well as the value it provides to healthcare – is an ongoing process.

‘Innovating companies discover and develop new uses for these medicines over the life of these products, and regulators and health technology assessors continue to update their assessments based on new information.

‘None of these procedures are “weak” or “murky” but by and large published for public scrutiny.’

‘However, we recognise that the discussion on the evaluation of medicines is timely, and we were pleased to contribute together with many other stakeholders to the “Evaluating Evidence” policy programme of the Academy of Medical Sciences.

‘This dialogue is critical to achieve a shared constructive and progressive framework for the assessment of medicines.' 

A spokesman for NHS England last night declined to comment on the allegations. 

Dr. Malhotra's Comments in Full

There is no doubt that a 'more medicine is better' culture lies at the heart of modern healthcare. This is exacerbated by financial incentives within the system to prescribe more drugs and carry out more procedures - regardless of whether it benefits patients, it seems.

But there's a more sinister barrier to making progress that we should be most concerned about. And that's the information being provided to doctors and patients to guide treatment decisions. Several weeks ago I was a speaker the annual British Association of Physicians of Indian Origin medical conference in Birmingham.

Other speakers included the chair of the Royal College of General Practitioners, the chair of the BMA and the chief executive of NHS England, Simon Stevens.

In my speech, I warned of several things that deeply concern me about the state of medicine today.

In short, these are:

Biased funding of research - funded because it is likely to be profitable, not beneficial for patients

Biased reporting in medical journals

Commercial conflicts of interests and an inability of doctors and patients to understand health statistics and risk

Related: Fake Pharma - The Ghosts In A Very Big Machine & If Drug Companies Were Honest - Honest Ads

All of the above are contributing to an epidemic of misinformed doctors and misinformed patients in the UK and beyond.

But most concerning of all, this desperate situation is costing tens of thousands of lives around the world. And not only that, it is causing unnecessary suffering of millions and costing billions to our national economies.

A few months ago, the medical director of NHS England, Sir Bruce Keogh, admitted that one in seven NHS treatments - including operations - are unnecessary and should not have been carried out on patients.

And in the US, it is estimated that one third of all healthcare activity brings no benefit to patients. This is further backed up by a point made by former editor of the New England Journal of Medicine, Dr Marcia Angell.

In a talk given at the University of Montana, in 2009, she revealed that of the 667 new drugs approved by the FDA between 2000 and 2007, only 11 per cent were were considered to be innovative or improvements on existing medications.

And three quarters were essentially just copies of old ones.

Lining the Pocket of Big Pharma

Previous research has linked psychiatric drugs to thousands of deaths due to suicides and drowsiness

Related: Dr. Peter Gøtzsche Exposes Big Pharma As Organized Crime + Six Ways That The Medical System Makes Us Ill Before Kindergarten

Given the fact that drug companies' primary responsibility is to provide profit for shareholders - rather than patient health - this is far from surprising.

But apart from the colossal financial wastage that results from companies having go at flogging a drug twice - and therefore spending twice as much marketing drugs than they do on research and development - it's the considerable harm to patients and the public that should concern us the most.

The Food and Drug Administration reports that adverse events from prescribed medications have more than tripled in the past decade in the United States. This has resulted in more than 123,000 deaths in 2014 and 800,000 total serious patient outcomes - including hospitalisations and life threatening disability.

But this is likely to represent a gross underestimate. One person who has long been outspoken on the dangers of modern medication is Peter Gotzsche, professor of research design and analysis at the University of Copenhagen.

He estimates prescription drugs are the third most common cause of death after heart disease and cancer. In particular, he is deeply concerned about the impact of psychiatric drugs including antidepressants and dementia drugs.

Related: Thousands Of Medical Studies Found To Be Useless + Medical-Drug Destruction Of Life, By The Numbers & Herd Immunity Used For Fear And Guilt

Writing in the BMJ, he calculated they are responsible for more than half a million deaths in those aged over 65 in the US and European union.

This is due to suicides but also because patients are over-medicated and drowsy. In fact, it is the elderly who are most at risk of so-called polypharmacy - where a patient is taking multiple drugs.

The Patients Rattling With Pills

The problem with polypharmacy is that the more drugs you take, the more likely you are to experience side-effects that are then misinterpreted by a doctor or nurse as a symptom of disease that needs treating with additional medicine.

I have lost count of the number of over-medicated elderly patients I have treated, with sometimes three or four blood pressure medications making them dizzy and fall over. It's a vicious cycle and one that costs lives each year.  The elderly are particularly vulnerable to polypharmacy with one in three hospital admissions in the over 75s the result of an adverse drug reaction.

Many of these patients will fall and suffer a hip fracture because of medication side effects and a quarter of these will die as a result.

But what is most disturbing is that Professor Gotzsche claims much of the behaviour of the pharmaceutical industry that drives this over-prescription fulfils the criteria for 'organised crime' under US law.

Related: The Drugs May Be The Problem – Inconvenient Truths About Big Pharma And The Psychiatric Industry + Psychologist Speaks Out: Psychiatry Is Misleading Public About Mental Disorders

I have lost count of the number of over-medicated elderly patients I have treated, with sometimes three or four blood pressure medications making them dizzy and fall over,' Dr Malhotra told MailOnline 

Between 2007 and 2012 the majority of the largest ten pharmaceutical companies all paid considerable fines for various misdemeanours that included marketing drugs for off-label uses, misrepresentation of research results, and hiding data on harm.

But whether such fines act as deterrent is debatable when profit is the primary motivator. In 2012 GSK landed a $3 billion fine - the largest healthcare fraud settlement in US history - for illegally marketing several drugs including an anti-depressant, a diabetes drug and one for epilepsy.

But in the period covered by the settlement, it posted profits of more than $25 billion in the sales of these drugs. Medical journals and the media can also be manipulated to serve not only as marketing vehicles for the industry but be complicit in silencing those who call for greater transparency and more independent scrutiny of scientific data.

Take a paper published by the Medical Journal of Australia (MJA) last June.

We Don't Know the Truth About Statins  

This claimed that a programme that aired in 2013 - which questioned the benefits of prescribing statins to those at low risk of heart disease - may have resulted in up to 2,900 people suffering a heart attack or death from stopping their medication.

“The problem with polypharmacy is that the more drugs you take, the more likely you are to experience side-effects that are then misinterpreted by a doctor or nurse as a symptom of disease that needs treating with additional medicine

I was asked to go on ABC News Australia to discuss this but unfortunately just 30 minutes before my interview was cancelled. Had I had the opportunity, I would have given my view - that the paper provided no robust evidence of increasing hospital admissions or recorded deaths to support such claims.

On the contrary, the Catalyst documentary under scrutiny is one of the most brilliant pieces of medical journalism I have seen in recent times. A view shared by the vice president of the faculty of public health Professor Simon Capewell, who described it as 'informative, transparent, and raised legitimate concerns',

As he and I point out in an editorial published two weeks ago in medical journal BMC Medicine, community based studies reveal that almost 75 per cent of new users will stop taking their statin within a year of prescription with 62 per cent citing side effects as a reason. 

In fact, the emerging evidence suggests at best, the benefits of statins have been grossly exaggerated and side effects underplayed. In recent weeks, two separate research groups in Japan and France have, independently of each other, questioned the reliability of many of the earlier industry sponsored studies that show the benefit of statins.

In fact the Japanese research went as far to even suggests that statins may be a cause of the increasing population burden of heart failure.

Dr Malhotra claims emerging evidence suggests the benefits of statins have been grossly exaggerated and side effects underplayed

Related: Big Pharma Suffers Another Major Blow As Study Debunks High Cholesterol Myths, Admitting Statins Are Totally Worthless + Statins Kill, Cholesterol Does Not - The Real Effects Of Statin Drugs

Meanwhile the reputed French cardiologist Dr Michel De Lorgeril has claimed all studies published after 2006 reveal 'no benefit' of statins for cardiovascular prevention in all groups of patients.

I fully support his calls for a full reassessment of all the statin studies and until then 'physicians should be aware that the present claims about the efficacy and safety of statins is not evidence based.'

Furthermore we must demand that the Clinical Trial Service Unit at Oxford University releases the raw data on statins for independent scrutiny.

It is these industry- sponsored studies that have resulted in the prescription of statins to millions worldwide, driving a multi-billion industry.

The Drugs That Don't Live Up to the Hype

But back to the wider the picture. It has been just over 10 years since John Ioannidis, professor of medicine and health policy at Stanford University, published a landmark paper explaining why most published medical research is likely to be false.

Related: Pharmacist Speaks Out: Get Off Prescription Drugs, Avoid Vaccines

But it's not just about studies being poorly designed or stats being manipulated. He went as far to claim 'the greater the financial interests in a given field, the less likely the research findings are to be true'.

Unfortunately, there are multiple recent examples exposing that our so-called guardians and regulators, NICE and the MHRA, are not only ill-equipped to deal with these issues.

“Now, when a patient comes to see me with any new symptom my first thought is could this be a medication side effect?

Or, as the immediate past president of the Royal College of Physicians Sir Richard Thompson told me ' are "part of the problem rather than the solution".'

NICE was called out when several leading doctors, including Sir Richard, wrote to the Secretary of State for health raising major concerns over the impartiality of the guideline development group on statins with 8 of its 12 members declaring financial ties to companies manufacturing statins and related drugs.

And in April 2014 independent scientists of the Cochrane Collaboration - considered the gold standard body of independent scientists - concluded that Britain wasted more than £500 million on the influenza drug Tamiflu.

Many clinical trials have provided flawed data, argues Dr Malhotra, and patients have been incorrectly medicated accordingly 

Related: Peter Gotzsche, Founder Of The Cochrane Collaboration, Visits Australia To Talk About Dangers Of Prescription Drugs

After gaining access to withheld clinical trials data, the body found Tamiflu was no better that paracetamol in relieving flu symptoms and had potentially serious side effects including kidney problems and psychiatric disturbance.

Nice was criticised for failing to call for the full data to be released by the pharmaceutical company manufacturing the drug before giving its hasty approval. At the time, however, manufacturer Roche said it stood behind the wealth of data for Tamiflu. 

Meanwhile an investigation by the BMJ revealed that the blood clotting test device used in a trial published in the New England Journal of Medicine was faulty giving falsely low blood thinning readings in the comparator drug warfarin.

Thus 'casting doubt onto outcomes used to support the use of the World's best-selling new oral anti-coagulant' Rivoroxaban, the journal said.

Of course NICE wouldn't have known about the faulty device but one has to question their judgement on recommending the use of the drug based upon one pharmaceutical company funded trial where there are now calls for the paper to be retracted.

Why We Need a Public Enquiry

The fact that prescriptions are at an all time high with more than 1 billion handed out every year - the figure has doubled in the past decade - should be regarded as a public health crisis in itself.

Now, when a patient comes to see me with any new symptom my first thought is could this be a medication side effect?

The system is broken and cannot be fixed by just pouring in more money. Corporate greed and systematic political failure has brought the NHS to its knees.

Without full transparency and accountability no doctor can provide what we slogged through medical school and devote our heart and souls to - providing the best quality care for our patients.

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Last week, responding to a series of recent scandals - including failure of institutions and universities in the UK to tackle research misconduct - former editor of the BMJ, Richard Smith, wrote: 'something is rotten in the state of British Medicine and has been for a long time'.

For the sake of our future health and the sustainability of the NHS it's time for real collective action against 'too much medicine'. This can start with the public accounts committee launching a full independent inquiry into the efficacy and safety of medicines.

I believe it is an underlying scandal that may likely to dwarf that of the Mid Staffordshire NHS scandal - where scores of patients died due to poor care, a public enquiry concluded. 

Medical science has taken a turn towards darkness. And sunlight will be its only disinfectant. 

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State Broadcaster Radio New Zealand Concealed Campaign To Change Linguistic Landscape Of New Zealand
January 19 2018 | From: BreakingViews

For more than a year our state broadcaster, Radio New Zealand, has concealed the fact that it is engaged in a campaign to “change the linguistic landscape”.

This radical new mission was far from voluntary. It was imposed from above, forced upon a supine RNZ staff following amendments to the Maori Language Act in 2016.

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Few New Zealanders were aware that one of their most trusted institutions had been so fundamentally subverted, and no-one at RNZ, it would seem, thought fit to tell them (or even, as many of us might have hoped - to protest). But no, they just quietly went along - some of them minimally and probably reluctantly, but others with servile enthusiasm.

How long the deception would have persisted is anyone’s guess - not too much longer, I suspect, since more and more people were beginning to wonder what was happening to their once-familiar service.

The cat is now well out of the bag, and RNZ, its institutional duplicity exposed, has become increasingly defensive. What, after all, is RNZ’s proper role, and why should a taxpayer-funded and ostensibly independent broadcaster be covertly engaged in reconfiguring the language we all speak daily?

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Damage control was urgently required, and thus, on 2nd December, Dr Don Brash - who had expressed some unease at the Maorification of RNZ, was interviewed on the Kim Hill programme (see HERE).

Hill started off with legalities. Did Dr Brash not realise, she said, that under RNZ’s charter the protection and promotion of te reo by RNZ was now a statutory responsibility?

This proved less than a king hit, with Dr Brash quietly pointing out that if so the charter was at fault. Te reo, he said, was more than adequately “protected and promoted” with 22 dedicated radio stations plus a television channel on air already, and, since the primary mission of RNZ was to communicate with its audience this should surely be done via English -the one language understood by everyone.

Hill continued in hostile fashion, and it soon became obvious that this “interview” was not intended to be an interview. There was no attempt to discuss the substance of the issue, or elucidate Dr Brash’s point of view. This was to be a ritual performance, with Dr Brash cast as the apostate, the malignant cell, to be reviled and scourged by Saint Kim of the Righteous Airwaves.

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Kim did her hectoring best. She fired what she thought were killer questions and unanswerable propositions - and then, when reasoned responses were forthcoming, she huffed and blustered and shifted ground to the next “unanswerable” assertion.

The Treaty, inevitably, had an airing. It was a good treaty, opined Dr Brash - it enshrined our common citizenship, our equality before the law, and our democratic property rights. It was, as originally signed, a “wonderful foundation for nationhood”.

But this was not what Kim wanted to hear. The Treaty that she had in mind was a different one: a much more correct and up-to-date one - the latest revised product of the Waitangi Tribunal, perhaps, with different rights depending on race, and “principles” sprouting like mushrooms to the advantage of the usual suspects.

Dr Brash demurred. The original Treaty has been very clear. There had been no confusion about what it said: no confusion about citizenship, or equality, or about the vital matter of ceding sovereignty. But even these basics were now being questioned by self-interested revisionists (backed by the wretched Tribunal) and the Treaty, in Dr Brash’s view, was being turned into garbage.

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Mistress Hill, for all her hectoring, made little progress. She tried the standard, familiar excuses for the preferential treatment of Maori - the legacy of colonisation, our domineering culture, our obligation to the tangata whenua.

But this backfired somewhat when Dr Brash quietly explained that Maori, in historical terms, were recent arrivals in New Zealand. The Moriori were here already - and thus it was they, not the newcomers, who were the genuine tangata whenua.

One could almost, over the airwaves, sense the Hill blood-pressure rising. Yes, said the Don. The real tangata were long gone - slaughtered by the Maori. Conveniently they were no longer around, and their claims could be heard no more.

Kim’s gaskets blew at last. Exasperated and spluttering, she terminated the “interview”.
It was all good theatre, and I must say I enjoyed it. Kim Hill’s bulldozing never worked, and by his unruffled good-manners Dr Brash showed once again the superiority of reason to prejudice.

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But beyond theatre it must be said that the Brash/Hill interview exposed something very significant. It revealed, beyond any doubt, that our state broadcaster is now deeply committed to an unprecedented political project.

No longer a neutral service, it is now engaged in the overt manipulation of its captive audience. And whether the listeners like it or not, it has accepted the authoritarian task of “changing the linguistic landscape”.

No objective observer should be surprised by this development. For twenty years and more we have been subjected to an insidious subversion of every aspect of New Zealand life - a government-backed racist programme that the general public is mostly unaware of.

Treaty-clauses, inserted by stealth, now permeate our legislation, each one transferring its quantum of preference to Maori. And thus our democracy is being chipped away, little by little, in a deliberate attritional process whose endpoint is apartheid.

Related: The White Tangata Whenua + Maori Legend: Blonde Mummies Of The South Pacific

The quislings of the liberal left invariably applaud this sedition. Blind to all but their own delusions they have colluded in the inversion of our most basic values. We are no longer all one people - as the original Treaty specified. We have different rights now, depending on race, and equality has been redefined as a dirty word - a synonym for racist prejudice.

Kim Hill does not speak Maori, and neither does she understand it. Her defence of its enforced intrusion on RNZ is essentially ideological - as her encounter with Dr. Brash so unequivocally demonstrated. But, as always with true believers, she can never confess to error, and when her orthodox defences were shredded by Brash, she sought refuge, ostrich-like, in an altogether novel direction.

“Obligatory te reo on RNZ?” Well, ventured Kim, plaintive now: “it’s kinda nice to listen to”. Three times, in different ways, she repeated this: “It’s kinda nice to listen to”.

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We have, at this point, passed beyond anything that may be debated rationally. There is no accounting for individual tastes, and what sounds pleasant to one person may be cacophony to another. Orchestral music, the sound of the sea, wind in the trees, or the Buddhist chanting of OMMMMM - all have their adherents, and there may even be an idiosyncratic few who, for relaxation, listen to languages they don’t understand.

Kim Hill, as RNZ’s resident big-brain, is an unexpected candidate for self-deception. She believes, obviously, the we would all be improved by regular doses of te reo, and she is entitled to that belief. But to defend it - to persuade those beyond her own insular and self-regarding class - she must advance convincing arguments - and these she has failed to make.

“Kinda nice to listen to”. Please, Kim, get a grip.

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Eleven Whistleblowers Who’ve Shared Information The Global Elite Don’t Want You To Know
January 19 2018 | From: CollectiveEvolution

When whistleblowers reveal classified information, it creates more transparency, and reveals the true intentions for secrecy under the justification of “national security,” a term that’s basically used now to conceal vast amounts of information.

Below is a list of eleven of the most important whistleblowers.

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Edward Snowden

As most of you already know, Edward Snowden, a former intelligence contractor for multiple agencies, mainly the NSA, leaked some very sensitive information that proved the existence of clandestine Black Budget operations, thereby exposing the NSA’s mass surveillance program that spans across the world.

They are spying on corporations, governments, and citizens of the world, including their own. He revealed that they know what you do, what you say, and possibly even what you are thinking.

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It’s interesting to see the contrast in narratives between someone on the inside and the “official” explanation of things. Take, for example, the super national intelligence organization known as the “Five Eyes.” According to Snowden:

“The Five Eyes alliance is sort of an artifact of the post World War II era where the Anglophone countries are the major powers banded together to sort of co-operate and share the costs of intelligence gathering infrastructure.  . . .

What the result of this was over decades and decades what sort of a supra-national intelligence organisation that doesn’t answer to the laws of its own countries. . . .

They not only share information, the reporting of results from intelligence, but they actually share the tools and the infrastructure they work together against joint targets in services and there’s a lot of danger in this.”

You can read more about that here.

According to the Canadian Defence and Foreign Affairs Institute, the Five Eyes intelligence community is a cooperative and complex network of linked autonomous intelligence agencies here to protect us from various threats the world faces today, like terrorism.

For more information about what he is currently putting out, visit his twitter account.

Sibel Edmunds 

Sibel Edmonds is a former FBI translator and founder of the National Security Whistleblowers Coalition (NSWBC). She gained a lot of attention in 2002 after she accused a colleague of covering up illicit activity involving Turkish nationals, which included serious security breaches and cover-ups, alluding to intelligence that was deliberately suppressed.

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More recently, she’s been outspoken about various issues that plague the global elite, like pedophilia and false flag terrorism, letting people know that terrorist groups like Al-Qaeda and ISIS are tools of the Western military alliance, used to push for the “terror war industry.”

Below is an interview she did with RT News a few years ago discussing this topic, among others.

Thomas Drake

If you didn’t already know, Thomas Drake leaked information about the NSA’s mass surveillance program prior to the Snowden leaks. After 9/11, he blew the whistle on the dragnet surveillance operation that was spying on American citizens.

Of course, as always when these leaks come out, the mainstream media (a tool of the global elite) will always try to justify these infringements on our rights, because of the heightened national security state, which they play an active role in creating.

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A great quote comes to mind here, from JFK:

“We decided long ago that the dangers of excessive and unwarranted concealment of pertinent facts far outweighed the dangers which are cited to justify it. Even today, there is little value in opposing the threat of a closed society by imitating its arbitrary restrictions.

Even today, there is little value in insuring the survival of our nation if our traditions do not survive with it. And there is very grave danger that an announced need for increased security will be seized upon by those anxious to expand its meaning to the very limits of official censorship and concealment.”

Drake told the world that the military and intelligence industrial complex became obsessed in their mission, that it completely trumped the rights of not only American citizens, but as we now know, the global citizenry, too. He attempted to go through legal channels and whistleblower protection law but it didn’t work.

In 2006 he decided to contact a reporter at the Baltimore Sun, and as a result, narrowly avoided spending 40 years in prison.

William Binney

William Binney is a 36-year NSA veteran who became a whistleblower after discovering that elements of a data-monitoring program he helped make, called “ThinThread,” were being used to spy on Americans: 

“At least 80% of fibre optic cables globally go via the US, this is no accident and allows the US to view all communication coming in. At least 80% of all audio calls, not just metadata, are recorded and stored in the US. The NSA lies about what it stores. . . . The ultimate goal of the NSA is total population control.”

Related: Global TI (Targeted Individual) Survey Launched Under The Peerless Direction Of Top NSA Whistleblowers William Binney And J. Kirk Wiebe

Binney also explains why American intelligence agencies are doing this, and it’s not to combat terrorism. He says their goal is total population control. You can read more about that here.

Below is a great quote from him, in an interview with 9/11 Free Fall Radio:

We selectively ignore basic facts. What I mean by a basic fact is something that’s just there that needs to be addressed, even if they can’t explain it, they should have said “We can’t explain this but it’s there” so they at least recognize that this basic fact existed. . . .

My problem is, just like the UFO thing, unless they start addressing these kinds of things, people’s observations or basic measurements or factual kind of evidence that simply exists, unless they start addressing them, there’s always going to be questions, especially now with the government, how much trust do you have in this government?

From what they’ve been doing, in spying, and torture, and rendering, and suppressing whistleblowers, and putting whistleblowers in jail, and giving immunity to people who commit these kinds of crimes, how much trust can you put in a government like that?

Robert David Steele

Robert David Steele is the second-highest ranking civilian in the U.S. Marine Corps Intelligence and a former CIA clandestine services officer who worked for the CIA.

Below is one of my favourite quotes from him:

“Most terrorists are false flag terrorists, or are created by our own security services. In the United States, every single terrorist incident we have had has been a false flag, or has been an informant pushed on by the FBI.

In fact we now have citizens taking out restraining orders against FBI informants that are trying to incite terrorism. We’ve become a lunatic asylum.”

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He has made multiple revelations with regards to false flag terrorism, as well as admitting to being a part of it. We interviewed him this year in July, and you can watch that interview below:

Chelsea Manning

Chelsea Manning is the army private who gave 750,000 classified documents to Wikileaks. She was sentenced to 35 years in prison, but walked out after serving a shortened sentence after a great public outcry at her imprisonment.

Her leaks pertained to the Iraq and Afghanistan war, as well as detainees at Guantanamo Bay military prison.

Related: A Former FBI Whistleblower “Sang Like A Canary” About One World Government And Pedophilia

The thing about these leaks that more people are starting to see is that they do not endanger America or its security, but rather, threaten the greedy corporate and financial interests that control American.

Transparency threatens this control system.

Dr. Udo Ulfokotte 

Dr. Udo Ulfkotte is a top German journalist and editor and has been for more than two decades. He recently went on the record stating that he was forced to publish the works of intelligence agents under his own name, also mentioning that noncompliance would result in him losing his job.

He recently made an appearance on RT News, where he said:

“I’ve been a journalist for about 25 years, and I was educated to lie, to betray, and not to tell the truth to the public.

But seeing right now within the last months how the German and American media tries to bring war to the people in Europe, to bring war to Russia - this is a point of no return and I’m going to stand up and say it is not right what I have done in the past, to manipulate people, to make propaganda against Russia, and it is not right what my colleagues do and have done in the past because they are bribed to betray the people, not only in Germany, all over Europe.”

Jeffrey Wigand

Jeffrey S. Wigand is an American biochemist and the former Vice President of Research and Development at Brown & Williamson in Louisville, Kentucky.

He played a major role in exposing corporate fraud related to the tobacco industry. In 1995, he became the tobaccos industry’s highest ranking former executive to address public health and smoking issues. He did so in an interview with 60 Minutes, and as a result, a lawsuit was filled against him.

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Today, because of efforts like Wigand’s, more people who hold prominent positions within major corporations are choosing to risk all and speak out.

You can read more about him here.

Dr. William Thompson

Dr. William Thompson is a longtime senior CDC scientist. He has published some of the most commonly cited pro-vaccine studies - studies which purport to show absolutely no link between the MMR vaccine and autism.

Two studies he and his co-author published in 2004 and 2007 for the CDC were the most commonly cited studies used by the scientific community to debunk the controversy surrounding the MMR vaccine/autism link. (Thompson, et al. 2007, Price, et al. 2010Destefano, et al. 2004)

The study concluded that “the evidence is now convincing that the measles-mumps-rubella vaccine does not cause autism or any particular subtypes of autism spectrum disorder.”

Related: Pfizer Vice President Blows The Whistle & Tells The Truth About The Pharmaceutical Industry

A decade later, Dr. Thompson came out publicly admitting that that it was “the lowest point” in his career when he “went along with that paper.” He went on to say that he and the other authors “didn’t report significant findings” and that he is “completely ashamed” of what he did, that he was “complicit and went along with this,” and regrets that he has “been a part of the problem.” (source)(source)

Even pro-vaccine politicians were contacted, as these documents were sent to Congress. One of them reads as followed, as illustrated by Congressman Bill Posey:

“The [CDC] co-authors scheduled a meeting to destroy documents related to the [MMR vaccine] study. The remaining four co-authors all met and brought a big garbage can into the meeting room and reviewed and went through all the hard copy documents that we had thought we should discard and put them in a huge garbage can.”

Dr. John Brandenburg

Dr. Johan Brandenburg was the Deputy Manager of the Clementine Mission to the Moon, which was part of a joint space project between the Ballistic Missile Defence Organization (BMDO) and NASA. The mission discovered water at the moon’s poles in 1994. (Source: page 16 of 18)(source)(source)

He has also worked on  space plasma technologies, nuclear fusion, and advanced space propulsion, and invented the Microwave Electro-Thermal plasma thruster using water propellant for space propulsion.

Related: Illuminati-Whistle-Blowers: The Illuminati Seeks The Destruction Of Humanity

He currently works as a consultant to Morningstar Applied Physics. Here is one of his latest research endeavours. Brandenburg also works as a part-time instructor of astronomy, physics, and mathematics at Madison College, and other learning institutions in Madison, Wisconsin.

Here’s what he had to say:

“Someone complained to me, John, why do you have to bring Cydonia into this? And I said, because I can read a map. . . . Here’s what’s at Cydonia Mensa. There’s the face on Mars, there’s the D & M pyramid. . . . Here it is in a second shot, this was taken July 25th, this was taken 30 days later, the government was apparently doing a follow-up investigation.

These two pictures (pictures above to your left) tell you everything you need to know about what’s at Cydonia Mensa (region of Mars). If you see on a planet that used to be Earth-like, a carved human face and a pyramid within 5 km of each other . . . it doesn’t take a rocket scientist to figure out what this all means, you can connect the dots. . . . I mean sometimes, and I can tell you as a scientist and I’ve seen other scientists do this, if you’re cornered, you’re just brazing it out, you hold up a picture of a buffalo and insist that it’s a dog.”

You can watch his entire lecture, or read this article we recently published on it, to get his main points.

Dr. Norman Bergrun

A mechanical engineer, Dr. Bergrun has worked for Ames Research Laboratory, NACA (National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics), and Lockheed Missiles and Space Company, now known as Lockheed Martin.

He then went on to found Bergrun Engineering and Research. Obviously, he is another qualified individual with an impressive background. You can view some of his publications for NASA, where he worked for more than a decade, here.

In this interview, Bergrun accuses that agency of “garbling” photos and fudging data.

Related: Google Whistleblowers: Search Engine Penalizing All Sites That Don’t Conform To Political Correctness & Everything You Need To Know About Net Neutrality

He emphasized that people need to know that large unidentified objects, intelligently controlled, are real.

Why Whistleblowers Are So Important and Should Be Regarded as Heroes

The term “national security” is now used to justify the concealment of mass amounts of information. As a result, whenever a whistleblower leaks sensitive information, they are accused of putting their country’s safety at risk.

It’s great to be living in a time where more people are starting to realize that it doesn’t put the country at risk, but simply threatens the mechanisms the global elite use to control us and enforce their ideas and ways upon us. It basically exposes secrecy that is used for profit and control - not defence, security, or national interests.

Perhaps, one day, we will live in a world of full transparency, because, as retired Sergeant Command Major Bob Dean once said, “secrecy is corrosive to the soul.”

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Israel’s Takeover Of The Internet
January 18 2018 | From: PaulCraigRoberts / StrategicCulture

"It has been learned that major social media and internet service providers have, throughout the past year, been meeting secretly with the United States and Israeli governments to remove content as well as ban account holders from their sites." - Philip Giraldi

The ACLU is working to reverse the FCC’s decision on behalf of the CIA and the Israel lobby to destroy Internet neutrality. What is extraordinary is that the rest of the world has not created its own Internet that cannot be censured by Washington and Israel.

Related: Russia to launch ‘independent internet’ for BRICS nations – report

Expect Even Less Freedom of Internet in 2018

Users of social media have been increasingly reporting that their accounts have been either censored, blocked or suspended during the past year.

Initially, some believed that the incidents might be technical in nature, with overloaded servers struggling to keep up with the large and growing number of accounts, but it eventually emerged that the interference was deliberate and was focused on individuals and groups that were involved in political or social activities considered to be controversial.

At the end of last year a number of Russian accounts on Facebook and elsewhere were suspended over the allegations that social media had been used to spread so-called false news that had possibly materially affected the 2016 presidential election in the United States.

Even though it proved impossible to demonstrate that the relatively innocuous Russian efforts had any impact in comparison to the huge investment in advertising and propaganda engaged in by the two major parties, social media quickly responded to the negative publicity.

Related: ‘By The People, For The People’: Kim Dotcom To Launch Alternative Internet

Now it has been learned that major social media and internet service providers have, throughout the past year, been meeting secretly with the United States and Israeli governments to remove content as well as ban account holders from their sites.

The United States and Israel have no legal right to tell private companies what to do but it is clearly understood that the two governments can make things very difficult for those service providers that do not fall in line.

Israel has threatened to limit access to sites like Facebook or to ban it altogether while the U.S. Justice Department can use terrorist legislation, even if implausible, to force compliance.

Washington recently forced Facebook to cancel the account of the Chechen Republic’s leader Ramzan Kadyrov, a Putin loyalist that the White House has recently “sanctioned.”

Israel is not surprisingly most active in patrolling the Internet as it is keen to keep out any material sympathetic to the Palestinian cause or critical of Israeli treatment of Arabs.

Its security services scan the stories being surfaced and go to the service providers to ask that material be deleted or blocked based on the questionable proposition that it constitutes “incitement” to violence.

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Facebook reportedly cooperates 95% of the time to delete material or shut down accounts. Palestinian groups, which use social networking on the internet to communicate, have been especially hard hit, with ten leading administrators’ accounts being removed in 2017. Israeli accounts including material threatening to kill Arabs are not censored.

Microsoft, Google, YouTube, Twitter and Facebook are all also under pressure to cooperate with pro-Israel private groups in the United States, to include the powerful Anti-Defamation League (ADL).

The ADL seeks “to engineer new solutions to stop cyberhate” by blocking “hate language,” which includes any criticism of Israel that might even implausibly be construed as anti-Semitism.

Expanding restrictions on what is being defined as “hate speech” will undoubtedly become common in social media and more generally all across the internet in 2018.

The internet, widely seen as a highway where everyone could communicate and share ideas freely, is actually a toll road that is increasingly managed by a group of very large corporations that, when acting in unison, control what is seen and not seen.

Related: Google News Will Hide RT And Sputnik News & Google Launches Colossal Censorship, Disinformation Campaign Under Cover Of Night

Search engines already are set up to prioritize information from paid “sponsors,” which come up prominently but often have nothing to do with what material is most relevant.

And the role of intrusive governments in dictating to Facebook and other sites who will be heard and who will be silenced should also be troubling, as it means that information that would benefit the public might never be seen, particularly if it is embarrassing to powerful interests.

And speaking of powerful interests, groups like the ADL with partisan agendas will undoubtedly be able to dictate norms of behavior to the service providers, leading to still more loss of content and relevancy for those who are looking for information.

All things considered, the year 2018 will be a rough one for those who are struggling to maintain the internet as a source of relatively free information. Governments and interest groups have seen the threat posed by such liberty and are reacting to it. They will do their best to bring it under control.

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The Persecution Of Julian Assange
January 17 2018 | From: PaulCraigRoberts / Infowars

“We need a political intervention to make this situation end. He (Assange) is the only political prisoner in Western Europe.” - Juan Braco

The persecution of Julian Assange, the founder of Wikileaks, is now seven years old. Ecuador has protected Assange for the past half decade from being turned over to Washington by the corrupt Swedish and British for torture and prosecution as a spy by giving Assange political asylum inside the Ecuadorian Embassy in London.

Related: Ecuador Grants Assange a Passport to Travel Internationally

Ecuador has now given citizenship to Assange and attempted to provide his safe transit out of England by giving him diplomatic status, but the British government continued in its assigned role of jailer by rejecting Ecuador’s request for diplomatic status for Assange, just as the most servile of Washington’s puppet states rejected the order by the UN Committee on Arbitrary Detention to immediate release Assange from his arbitrary detention.

Assange got into trouble with Washington, because his news organization, Wikileaks, published files released by Bradley Manning. The files were a tremendous embarrassment to Washington, because they showed how Washington conspires against governments and betrays its allies, and the files contained an audio/video film of US military forces murdering innocent people walking down a street and then murdering a father and his two young children who stopped to give aid to the civilians the American soldiers had shot.

The film revealed the heartlessness and criminal cruelty of the US troops, who were enjoying playing a real live video game with real people as their victims.

It was Manning who suffered, not the troops who committed murder. Manning was held for two years in conditions that experts said constituted torture while a case was framed against him. Some believe the harsh conditions affected his mind. Manning was convicted by a kangaroo court and sentenced to 35 years in prison, but Obama in an act of humanity unusual for Washington pardoned Manning.

Washington wanted Assange as well, and the chance came when two Swedish women, attracted to Assange by his celebrity status, seduced him. The two women had not secured the cooperation they wanted from Assange in the use of condoms and, brainwashd by HIV fears, wanted Assange to join them in being tested.

Related: Getting Assange: The Untold Story

Assange, misreading the extent of their fears, was too slow to comply, and the women went to the police to see if he could be required to be tested. According to the women, the police made up the charge of rape. The women themselves disavow the charge.

The charges were investigated, and the chief Swedish prosecutor Eva Finne dismissed the charges, saying “there is no suspicion of any crime whatsoever.”

Mysteriously, the case was reopened by another prosecutor, Marianne Ny, who many suspect was operating at the behest of Washington. On November 30, two days after Assange began publishing the Cablegate materials leaked by Bradley Manning, Ny issued an Interpol “red alert” arrest warrant for Assange.

This was an unusual request as no charges were outstanding against Assange, and hitherto extradition from one country to another on an arrest warrant required actual charges, whereas Ny said she wanted Assange for questioning. Most everyone in the know understood that Washington had ordered Sweden to get its hands on Assange and to turn him over to Washington.

Assange challenged the legality of the arrest warrant in British courts, but the British court, many believe following Washington’s orders, ruled against the law and in favor of Washington. Assange assented to the arrest and presented himself to a British police station.

Related: Julian Assange – “Everything That He Has Said, He’s Standing By.” + Assange Lawyer Says Conditions Of Extradition Pledge Not Met

He was placed in solitary confinement at Wandsworth prison. If memory serves, the daughter of Sir James Goldsmith paid his bond and he was placed under house arrest. When it became clear that the Swedish prosecutor wanted Assange for Washington, not for any charges against him in Sweden, Ecuador give him asylum, and he fled to the embassy in London.

Where he has been ever since.

Sweden has closed the case a second time, and Assange is no longer wanted for questioning in Sweden. Therefore, there is no longer any reason for the British to hold him for Sweden. But the British government never were holding Assange for Sweden. The British were holding him for Washington.

And they still are. Even though Sweden has closed a case based on a false report by police and have no basis for any charges against Assange, the British government says it will grab him the minute he steps outside the embassy.

The British are so desperate to serve their Washington master that once they even declared that they were going to violate diplomatic immunity and invade the Ecuadorian Embassy and seize Assange.

The British excuse for a once proud government’s continuing servitude to Washington as Assange’s jailer is that by taking asylum in the embassy Assange jumped bail and therefore the British have to arrest him for not surrendering a second time to the police for an investigation that has been closed.

Related: Sweden Withdraws Arrest Warrant For Julian Assange, But…

Stefania Maurizi, an Italian investigative journalist for La Repubblica, smelling the stench of fraud that covers the entire case, has been trying for two years to get her hands on the correspondence between the UK, US, and Swedish governments pertaining to the case in order to pull back the shroud of the Washington-orchestrated propaganda that colors the case.

A British tribunal refused to release any documents on the grounds that it had to protect the British Prosecution Service’s relationship with foreign authorities.

That tells you all you need to know. Julian Assange has lost seven years of his life because stinking dirty Washington wanted revenge on Assange for exercising the US Constitution-protected right of a free press, and the stinking dirty governments of Sweden and Britain did Washington’s dirty work.

What we know for certain is that Assange is totally innocent and that there is no honor and no integrity in the US, Swedish, and British governments. Law means nothing to the scum that misrule these countries.

In the US and probably throughout Europe, politicians and feminists, with the exception of Katrin Axelsson and Lisa Longstaff, used the presstitute media to paint Assange as a rapist and as a spy. The feminists cared nothing about any truth; they just wanted a man to demonize.

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Truth was the last thing on politicians’ minds. They just wanted to divert attention from Washington’s crimes and betrayals of allies by portraying Assange as a threat and traitor to America. They were unconcerned that Assange could not be a traitor to America as he is not an American citizen. In actual fact, there is no basis in law for any US claim against Assange.

Yet because of Washington and its servile British puppet state, Assange remains interred in the Embassy of Ecuador in London. Clearly, honor and respect for law reside in Ecuador, not in the US, UK, or Sweden.

But facts, along with law and civil liberty, have ceased to mean anything in the Western world. The corrupt US Attorney General Jeff Sessions said that the arrest of Assange is a “priority.” The British police, mere lackeys of Washington, said that they would still arrest Assange, despite the case being dropped, if he left the embassy.

For the British, serving Washington is a higher calling than the honor of their country.

Julian Assange Cleared Of All Charges, Trump Set To Pardon

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How Accepting Death Makes Life Richer
January 17 2018 | From: TheUnboundedSpirit

“He who would teach men to die would teach them to live.” - Montaigne

A few days ago, as I woke up early in the morning and looked right in front of me, I saw my girlfriend lying fast asleep beside me. I observed how beautiful she looked and thought of all the good times we had together over the last two and a half years.

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Shortly afterwards, the idea that at some point in the future she won’t be there with me anymore crossed my mind. Not that she’s planning to move away – far from that. But just like any person alive on earth, she is just a traveler passing temporarily through this world.

That morning I was reminded of how impermanent life is, and that no matter how granted we take someone, sooner or later death (which is nothing but a process of life) will take him or her away from us, regardless of how much we wouldn’t like this to happen.

Death is always there, standing patiently by our side, accompanying us in every step we take, and at any moment we might suddenly lose ourselves in its embrace. And one thing is certain: We’re all going to die.

Life’s journey might be quite unpredictable, but that part of it called death isn’t. Sure, we might not be able to tell when we’re going to die, but we know without doubt that we will. In other words, death is inevitable, and as I like to say, the very moment we were born we were sentenced to die.

Yet most of us don’t like to think about death, and even pretend like it won’t happen to us any time soon. For years upon years we constantly hear about others dying around us, yet we blindly believe that we’ll not be the next ones to die.

We don’t pay much attention to the power death has upon us, not because we don’t care about it — on the contrary, we care so much that the very idea of death scares the hell out of us. Or, to put it differently, death scares us to death! No wonder we’re doing anything we can to avoid thinking about it.

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Recall the last time you had an in-depth conversation with someone about death. It mustn’t have been quite recently, right? Then ask yourself how many times you’ve had such a conversation in your life. I bet they weren’t that many, or am I wrong?

Death is a taboo subject in our culture, something we shouldn’t openly discuss about. But why exactly is that? Why does death frighten us so much that we don’t even find it appropriate to talk about it?

The answer is attachment. We are so attached to the kind of life we’re used to living that we cling to it as much as we can, so as to make sure it wont flee from us. We’re attached to our partners, our possessions, and many other things we’d be devastated to lose. We want them to belong to us, and we do our best to keep them in our lives.

Yet, all of our efforts are in vain. Life is ever-changing, continually moving, flowing, and no matter how hard we try to control it, it always disappoints us by escaping our tight fist of clinging and taking its own unpredictable course. And eventually death will unapologetically take all that we have away from us, leaving us with empty hands, not having anything left to hold on to.

Discussing about death reminds us of this harsh truth, and we don’t dare to face it. We run away from it like it’s our worst enemy, but in the end it always appears in front of us, staring us with its paralyzing look straight into the eyes.

Related: Medical Deaths And The Corruption Of Healthcare

When, for example, a loved one dies, we are at a complete loss, unable to cope with the situation. Death finds us unprepared, and we’re so shocked by its presence that it feels as if the ground is shaking under our feet.

Death doesn’t affect us only occasionally in difficult times like this, but also in our day-to-day life. When we don’t dare to face and accept death, death is constantly haunting us, and this creates tremendous emotional turmoil in our psyche. Our constant desire to control life’s natural flow is filling us with anxiety. As a result, we’re constantly stressed, and hence can’t let go, relax into the here and now, and enjoy life to the fullest.

There’s a good reason why all great spiritual masters talked about the importance of encountering death to realize and accept the impermanence of life. The Buddha, for example, even recommended corpse meditation.

That’s why in earlier times Buddhist monks would go out in the forests in search of a human corpse, and when they found one, they would sit right in front of it and meditate on death, in an effort to familiarize themselves with their own mortality. “This body, too,” they would say about their own bodies, “such is its nature, such is its future, such its unavoidable fate.”

Related: The Death Throws Of The Cabal

Today, it’s common for Buddhist monks to practice meditation on death by looking at photographs of deceased people. In fact, in various places of the East many of them even carry photographs depicting deaths or bodies in various stages of decomposition (interestingly, in some countries like Thailand such photographs can be purchased at religious shops) and take them out many times throughout their day — even while they’re eating!

This might sound a bit crazy for most people, especially Westerners, but I don’t think it’s crazy at all. That’s because meditating on death can actually help us to live a better, richer life.

Firstly, by realizing the transitory nature of our existence, we can learn to appreciate the the gift of life and make the right use of it. In addition, we can learn to deal with change, which is the very nature of existence. Then, we will never be unprepared for death, and we’ll be able to relax from our constant effort to control people and situations. We’ll learn to flow with the change of life by adapting to its ways, instead of fighting against it and putting ourselves into unnecessary trouble.

As Edmund Wilson said, “death is one prophecy that never fails,” and with each breath we take we’re a bit closer to death. So we’d better get ready for the moment we’ll reach our destination. But we needn’t be depressed about the fact that we’re going to die. Realizing life’s fleeting nature can actually be invigorating - it helps put things into perspective, allowing us to cut down on the unnecessary and focus on what truly matters.

That’s what I was reminded of that early morning when I thought that my beloved girlfriend and I won’t be together for much longer: To appreciate that she’s now with me and be sure to fully enjoy her presence. Instead of feeling sad about what the future will inevitably bring, I feel grateful for having the luck of being with her now and for all the beautiful moments I’ve shared with her in the past.

Ultimately, all relationships are short-term relationships - they end quickly, even if they last for a lifetime (considering the infinite vastness of time). And just like death will take our partners away from us, it will also take our material possessions. In fact, they never were ours, they didn’t belong to us in the first place - we only borrowed them from existence, and that’s just for a little while. So let’s savor what we’ve got while we can and make the most of out of our lives, by immersing ourselves in the present moment and squeezing all the good juice out of it.

Related: Shocking U.S. Death Chart Reveals Root Cause Of Most Mortality Comes From Prescriptions And Food Chemicals

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Russiagate Turns On Its Originators + The Focus Shifts From Trump To Hillary And The Corrupt FBI
January 16 2018 | From: PaulCraigRoberts

Russiagate originated in a conspiracy between the military / security complex, the Clinton-controlled Democratic National Committee, and the liberal / /progressive / left. The goal of the military / security complex is to protect its out-sized budget and power by preventing President Trump from normalizing relations with Russia.

Hillary and the DNC want to explain away their election loss by blaming a Trump/Putin conspiracy to steal the election. The liberal/progressive/left want Trump driven from office.

Related: FBI Official Admits: Russia Probe ‘Insurance Policy’ To Derail Trump + This Video Destroys The Clintons And The Russia Investigation

As the presstitutes are aligned with the military/security complex, Hillary and the DNC, and the liberal/progressive/left, the Russiagate orchestration is a powerful conspiracy against the president of the United States and the “deplorables” who elected him. Nevertheless, the Russiagate Conspiracy has fallen apart and has now been turned against its originators.

Despite the determination of the CIA and FBI to get Trump, these powerful and unaccountable police state agencies have been unable to present any evidence of the Trump/Putin conspiracy against Hillary.

As William Binney, the former high level National Security Agency official who devised the spy program has stated, if there was any evidence of a Trump/Putin conspiracy to steal the US presidential election, the NSA would most certainly have it.

So where is the evidence? Why after one year and a half and a special prosecutor whose assignment is to get Trump has no evidence whatsoever been found of the Trump/Putin conspiracy? The obvious answer is that no such conspiracy ever existed. The only conspiracy is the one against Trump.

Related: Dear Russia: An Enemy Is Not A Partner

This has now become completely apparent. Russiagate originated in a fake “Trump dossier” invented by Christopher Steele, a former British MI6 intelligence officer. It is not yet clear whether it was the DNC, the CIA, or the FBI who paid Steele for the fake dossier. Perhaps he sold it to all three.

What we do know is that the FBI used what it knew to be a fake dossier to go to the FISA court for a warrant to spy on Trump.

As a consequence both Comey and the FBI, special prosecutor Mueller, and Christopher Steele are in hot water. The Chairman of the US Senate Judiciary Committee, Senator Grassley, has instructed the US Attorney General to launch a criminal investigation of Steele for false statements to FBI counterintelligence officials.

Related: Republicans ask DOJ for criminal probe of ex-British spy Steele who penned ‘Trump dossier’

You can see where this leads as former FBI director Comey is a participant in the Russiagate attack on President Trump. To protect himself Steele will have to rat on who put him up to it. If President Trump had any sense, he would put Steele under protective custody, as his life is clearly in danger. If the CIA and the FBI don’t get him, the Clintons surely will.

Trump’s easy election shook the Republican Establishment as well as it upset the Democrats and the military/security complex. The Republican Establishment hates losing control. Initially the Republican Establishment aligned with Trump’s enemies, but now understands that Trump’s demise means their demise.

Consequently, all of a sudden in Washington facts count. Not all facts, just those relating to the Steele dossier.

Be sure you listen closely and carefully to these two videos of US Representative Jim Jordan’s destruction of US Deputy Attorney General Rosenstein for sitting on his ass while a totally corrupt FBI attempted to destroy the elected president of the United States.

Keep in mind that Rosenstein is a member of the Trump administration. Why does the President of the United States employ people out to destroy him?

Here are the videos:

Jim Jordan blasts Rod Rosenstein on the bias of Peter Strzok


Rep. Jim Jordan Goes NuclearOn Rod Rosenstein Over-Trump Hating FBI Agent Peter Strzok

Here are 18 questions asked by US Rep. Jim Jordan:

1) Did the FBI pay Christopher Steele, author of the dossier?

2) Was the dossier the basis for securing FISA warrants to spy on Americans? And why won’t the FBI show Congress the FISA application?

3) When did the FBI get the complete dossier and who gave it to them? Dossier author Christopher Steele? Fusion GPS? Clinton campaign/DNC? Sen. McCain’s staffer?

4) Did the FBI validate and corroborate the dossier?

5) Did Peter Strzok, Lisa Page, or Bruce Orr work on the FISA application?

6) Why and how often did DOJ lawyer Bruce Orr meet with dossier author Christopher Steele during the 2016 campaign?

7) Why did DOJ lawyer Bruce Orr meet with Fusion GPS founder Glenn Simpson after the election? To get their story straight after their candidate Clinton lost? Or to double down and plan how they were going to go after President-elect Trump?

8) When and how did the FBI learn that DOJ lawyer Bruce Orr’s wife, Nellie Orr, worked for Fusion GPS? And what exactly was Nellie Orr’s role in putting together the dossier?

9) Why did the FBI release text messages between Peter Strzok and Lisa Page? Normally, ongoing investigation is reason not to make such information public.

Related: Russiagate Was A CIA / Media Invention + Trump To The Future

10) And why did FBI release only 375/10,000+ texts? Were they the best? Worst? Or part of a broader strategy to focus attention away from something else? And when can Americans see the other 96% of texts

11) Why did Lisa Page leave Mueller probe two weeks before Peter Strzok? This was two weeks before FBI and Special Counsel even knew about the texts.

12) Why did the intelligence community wait two months after the election to brief President-elect Trump on the dossier (January 6, 2017)? Why was James Comey selected to do the briefing?

13) Was the briefing done to “legitimize” the dossier? And who leaked the fact that the briefing was about the dossier?

14) The New York Times reported last week that George Papadopoulos’ loose lips were a catalyst for launching the Russia investigation. Was President-elect Trump briefed on this?

15) Why did Fusion GPS founder Glenn Simpson meet with Russian lawyer Natalia Veselnitskaya before and after her meeting with Donald Trump Jr.?

16) Why was FBI General Counsel Jim Baker reassigned two weeks ago? Was he the source for the first story on the dossier by David Corn on October 31, 2016? Or was it someone else at the FBI?

17) Why won’t the FBI give Congress the documents it’s requesting?

18) And why would Senator Schumer, leader of the Democrat party, publicly warn President-elect Trump on Jan. 3, 2017 that when you mess with the “intelligence community, they have six ways from Sunday at getting back at you?”

Insouciant trusting gullible Americans who “believe in our government” have no comprehension how totally corrupt “their” government is. It is the most corrupt in the world.

The corruption in Washington is really unbelievable. You have to experience it to know it, and those who experience it are part of it and will not tell.

The orchestration “Russiagate” proves that the CIA, the NSA, and the FBI are so corrupt and unaccountable that they comprise the greatest threat to the American people in the entire history of America.

The only solution is to break these agencies into a thousand splinters, as President John F. Kennedy intended, and rebuild them from scratch with total transparency.

No more protecting their vast crimes under the cloak of “national security.” No classification of any so-called intelligence unless it can pass a unanimous vote of Congress and the ACLU.

The orchestration of Russiagate is proof that the alleged “national security agencies” are an anti-American force detrimental to our survival as a free people. The criminals in the FBI, CIA, and DNC must be investigated, indicted, prosecuted, convicted and imprisoned or freedom in America is forever dead.

Related: Steve Bannon Unleashes The Wrath Of The 'Grim Reaper' On Enemies Within - 'Absolutely' Going To War With Establishment Republicans + Rep. Dana Rohrabacher: 99% Certain Russian Collusion Scandal Is Total Lie – One Of ‘Great Political Crimes’ In History

If President Trump fails in this task, he will have failed America. Everyone of us will be the victims.

One question with which we are left is why has the mainstream media failed in its investigating and reporting responsibilities and instead served as a cheerleader for the orchestration known as Russiagate? The New York Times, Washington Post, NPR, CNN, and the rest are serving as public relations agents for Russiagate, leaving it to Rep.

Jim Jordan to ask the questions that the media should be asking. What explains the convergence of media and FBI/CIA interests? Are hidden subsidies involved?

As the mainstream media is behaving as it would be if it were owned and controlled by the security agencies, this is a natural question. Why is the media not disturbed by its close relationship to the FBI and CIA? When did it become the function of the media to help the CIA and FBI control explanations?

Related: Ivy League Reputation Damaged? Harvard Professors Publish 'Fake News' On Russia

The Focus Shifts From Trump To Hillary And The Corrupt FBI

The New York Times, Washington Post, CNN, and NPR will never tell you, but the criminal is Hillary, not Trump.}

It has come to light that the FBI edited down FBI Director Comey’s investigation of Hillary in order to make it look like nothing was amiss. Comey’s conclusion that Hillary was “grossly negligent,” a conclusion justifying felony indictment for mishandling of classified information, was replaced with “extremely careless.”

Related: Elites Move To Sacrifice Clintons Just Like Weinstein + Crooked Former FBI Head Mueller Hand Delivered Uranium To Russians On Airport Tarmac

You can read about the rewire here.

The Chairman of the US Senate Homeland and Government Affairs Committee, Ron Johnson (R, Wis) has asked the current FBI director, Chris Wray, if the document was rewritten in order to protect Hillary. Senator Johnson is particular interested in the emails that show that some senior FBI officials were determined to prevent Trump from becoming US President.

Hillary’s misuse of classified documents on her personal server and subsequent effort to destroy the evidence is far more serious than anything done by Paul Manafort and General Flynn, both under threat of prosecution by Special Prosecutor former FBI Director Mueller.

The FBI’s effort to protect Hillary and to dismiss her felony as “careless” is now confronted with Attorney General Jeff Sessions’ reopening of the case. Notice how the FBI first riggs the case and then puts itself in charge of investigating it. An agency this corrupt should be abolished.

It seems that Trump and his Attorney General finally realized that they are in a fight for their lives and have decided to counterbalance Mueller’s investigation of fake crimes with an investigation of Hillary’s and the FBI’s real crimes.

One can only wonder why they waited so long. Intelligence does not seem to be the hallmark of the Trump administration.

Related: FBI: Hillary’s “Shadow Government” Buried Email Scandal

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