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Spain Sets Massive Precedent - Charges Its Central Bankers In Court
February 24 2017 | From: ActivistPost

First, Iceland, and now Spain has taken on the Big Bankers responsible for financial calamity, as the country’s highest national court charged the former head of Spain’s central bank, a market regulator, and five other banking officials over a failed bank leading to the loss of millions of euros for smaller investors.

This, of course, markedly departs from the mammoth taxpayer giveaway - commonly referred to as the bailout - approved by the U.S. government ostensibly to “save” the Big Banks and, albeit unstated, allow the enormous institutions to continue bilking customers without the slightest fear of penalty.

Switzerland Follows Iceland In Declaring War Against The Banksters

Errant bankers and financiers, it would seem, typically manage to either evade actually being charged, or escape hefty fines and time behind bars.

Spain’s Supreme Court last year ruled “serious inaccuracies” in information about the listing led investors to back Bankia in error, thus the bank has since paid out millions of euros in compensation.

But Spanish authorities could not abide the telling findings of a years-long investigation into the failed listing, as Wolf Street explains,

“As part of the epic, multi-year criminal investigation into the doomed IPO of Spain’s frankenbank Bankia – which had been assembled from the festering corpses of seven already defunct saving banks – Spain’s national court called to testify six current and former directors of the Bank of Spain, including its former governor, Miguel Ángel Fernández Ordóñez, and its former deputy governor (and current head of the Bank of International Settlements’ Financial Stability Institute), Fernando Restoy.

It also summoned for questioning Julio Segura, the former president of Spain’s financial markets regulator, the CNMV [National Securities Market Commission] (the Spanish equivalent of the SEC in the US).

The six central bankers and one financial regulator stand accused of authorizing the public launch of Bankia in 2011 despite repeated warnings from the Bank of Spain’s own team of inspectors that the banking group was ‘unviable.’"

As AFP reports, “The National Court validated conclusions made by prosecutors who concluded that when ‘an unviable entity has been listed on the stock market, its administrators or auditor should not shoulder all the responsibility.’”

Specifics of the charges have not yet been made apparent, but as The Economist reports:

“The court is questioning why they allowed Bankia to sell shares in an initial public offering in 2011, less than a year before Bankia’s portfolio of bad mortgage loans forced the government to seize control of it.

It said there was evidence the regulators had ‘full and thorough knowledge’ of Bankia’s plight. After its nationalisation, it went on to report a €19.2bn ($24.7bn) loss for 2012, the largest in Spanish corporate history.

Internal emails and documents played a crucial role in ultimately bringing the central banking officials to task for the failure of Bankia - inspectors bringing issues to the attention of superiors were allegedly ignored.

One email cited by The Economist came from an inspector who warned Bankia was “a money-losing machine,” for which an IPO would not solve. Another report, deemed “devastating by the court,” saw an inspector advise Bankia to seek a private buyer rather than proceed with the listing.

An inquiry into “the participation of other players, such as officials in the central bank,” was also urged by the National Court.

As The Economist points out, Spanish judges are generally reluctant to sentence first-time financial criminals to prison; though five Novacaixagalicia executives had five-year suspended sentences - levied for embezzlement in 2015 - abruptly enforced in January.

Meanwhile, taxpayers in the United States have yet to see Big Bankers criminally responsible for the financial ruin of so many Americans brought to any semblance of justice for their wrongdoing.

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Chlorinated Showers & Baths Kill Gut Flora
February 24 2017 | From: FoodRenegade

It makes intuitive sense that drinking chlorinated water can create imbalances in your intestinal flora. We know that chlorine will kill many of the good bacteria and microbes that live symbiotically with us in our gut.

These good bacteria help us digest our food, keeping us serene and healthy. But most of us fail to take this thought to it’s logical end. I know I did.

It's All In The Water: A Case In Point Regarding Contaminants & Additives In Our Water Supplies

You see, I thought that if I just drank filtered water, I’d have my bases covered. It never even occurred to me that the chlorine in my shower and bath water could be just as damaging, if not more so. That’s because your skin is your largest organ, and it’s naturally gifted with the ability to absorb both nutrients and toxins.

“Chlorine from drinking water can enter your body in several ways, including ingestion. You also inhale chloroform, a byproduct of chlorine, when you take a hot shower or bath. According to an article from Science News, researchers found increases in chloroform in study participants’ lungs of about 2.7ppb after a 10-minute shower.

Warm water also further opens pores, so the combination of what your skin absorbs and your lungs inhale during a 10-minute shower is greater than the amount you would ingest drinking eight glasses of water from the same tap.

In fact, studies at the University of Pittsburgh found less chemical exposure from ingesting chlorinated water than from showering or washing clothes in it. The study found that, on average, absorption through the skin was responsible for 64 percent of waterborne contaminants that enter the human body.

- Long-Term Effects of Chlorinated Water on the Skin

Karmen from ShowerHeadly, urges us to consider that, “not only is it dangerous to drink chlorinated water, but it’s even more dangerous to shower or bathe in it.” Even the EPA’s own scientists agree:

“There is a lot of well founded concern about chlorine. When chlorine is added to our water, it combines with other natural compounds to form Trihalomethanes (chlorination byproducts), or THMs.

These chlorine byproducts trigger the production of free radicals in the body, causing cell damage, and are highly carcinogenic.

“Although concentrations of these carcinogens (THMs) are low, it is precisely these low levels that cancer scientists believe are responsible for the majority of human cancers in the United States“. The Environmental Defense Fund

Simply stated chlorine is a pesticide, as defined by the U.S. EPA, who’s sole purpose is to kill living organisms. When we consume water containing chlorine, it kills some part of us, destroying cells and tissue inside our body.

Dr. Robert Carlson, a highly respected University of Minnesota researcher who’s work is sponsored by the Federal Environmental Protection Agency, sums it up by claiming , “the chlorine problem is similar to that of air pollution”, and adds that “chlorine is the greatest crippler and killer of modern times!”

Breast cancer, which now effects one in every eight women in North America, has recently been linked to the accumulation of chlorine compounds in the breast tissue.

A study carried out in Hartford Connecticut, the first of it’s kind in North America, found that, “women with breast cancer have 50% to 60% higher levels of organochlorines (chlorination byproducts) in their breast tissue than women without breast cancer.”

One of the most shocking components to all of these studies is that up to 2/3s of our harmful exposure to chlorine is due to inhalation of steam and skin absorption while showering.

A warm shower opens up the pores of the skin and allows for accelerated absorption of chlorine and other chemicals in water. The steam we inhale while showering can contain up to 50 times the level of chemicals than tap water due to the fact that chlorine and most other contaminants vaporize much faster and at a lower temperature than water.

Inhalation is a much more harmful means of exposure since the chlorine gas (chloroform) we inhale goes directly into our blood stream.

When we drink contaminated water the toxins are partially filtered out by our kidneys and digestive system. Chlorine vapors are known to be a strong irritant to the sensitive tissue and bronchial passages inside our lungs, it was used as a chemical weapon in World War II.

The inhalation of chlorine is a suspected cause of asthma and bronchitis, especially in children… which has increased 300% in the last two decades. “Showering is suspected as the primary cause of elevated levels of chloroform in nearly every home because of chlorine in the water.” Dr Lance Wallace, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency."

- Long-Term Effects of Chlorinated Water on the Skin

My Story

A while back when I first started learning about how much more efficient we are at absorbing oils, fat-soluble vitamins, minerals and toxins through our skin than we are at absorbing them through ingestion, I made a promise to myself. I wouldn’t put anything on my skin that I wouldn’t eat.

As the implications of that promise have unfolded, I’ve since become someone who doesn’t use deodorant or perfumes, doesn’t wear makeup, and doesn’t use inedible soaps. While that description may make some people imagine a barefoot hippie who smells like patchouli or lavender oil, I promise I fit in fine with my fellow suburban moms.

And yet….

I never considered the water I was bathing in a health hazard.

For some reason, my brain refused to put two and two together and get four.

Only yesterday, when I was talking with Kathy (co-owner of Radiant Life with her husband Norm) did it all click into place.

1. Our skin absorbs many toxins, including chlorine.

2. When we shower, our body absorbs more chlorine through the skin than it does when ingesting it.

3. Chlorine kills beneficial bacteria in your gut.

4. When we shower in chlorinated water, we are killing off the beneficial bacteria in our gut!

Before talking with her, I commonly asked others “If I wouldn’t eat it, why would I put it on my skin?” Now, I’ve added another question to the list, “If I wouldn’t drink it, why would I bathe in it?”

You see, Kathy shared an anecdote that I had to try out for myself. She said;

“Listen, if you don’t believe that your skin not only absorbs the things you come in contact with but that these can also enter your digestive system, just try this little experiment. Place a mashed garlic clove in your shoe and see how long it takes for you to taste it.

It took less than ten minutes. Yep. That’s definitely garlic I’m tasting.

Tell Me. How is this Possible?

Until recently, scientists thought of the skin as being a total barrier. Now, thanks to the research leading to the application of transdermal patches for administering therapeutic drugs, we know that the skins permeability has to do with molecular weight.

“Scientists have graded the Hydrogen atom as 1 for molecular weight and have discovered that any molecule below 3000 can enter the skin, below 750 can enter the skin cell, and below 150 can enter into the bloodstream.

This discovery is being used increasingly with the introduction of transdermal patches like Nicotine, HRT and pain relief.

They are popular because entry through the skin bypasses the stomach where many drugs can be altered by the stomach acid."

- Skin Absorption

In other words, anything that has a low enough molecular weight can be absorbed by the skin. Anything with a molecular weight below 150 can enter directly into your bloodstream from the skin!

Guess what the molecular weight of chlorine is? 35.4

No wonder that study at the University of Pittsburgh found that you are more at risk from showering in chlorinated water than you are from drinking it.

So, What Can You do About it?

The most obvious solution is to filter the chlorine out of your water. You can spend a lot on a whole house filter that will do this and remove the chlorine from your drinking water, your laundry water, and your bath water. Or, you can opt for a quick fix, particularly if you’re already drinking filtered water.

Thankfully, they’ve invented relatively inexpensive de-chlorinating filters that fit on your shower heads or can hang under your faucet while you’re running bath water.

For showers, I recommend the Rainshow’r Shower Filter ($52). It’s simple to install and it uses “the most potent KDF filter material on the market, which changes chlorine into a harmless, biodegradable compound.

This is also the only filter to include Crystalline Quartz technology, in which specially-cured crystals act upon the water to create a softer, more energized shower feeling, as well as improved lathering and sudsing.”

For baths, I’m buying this Crystal Bath Ball Dechlorinator ($42). It hangs under your faucet and dechlorinates the water as it passes through.

This is particularly important for infants and young children! I spend so much time and energy making sure my little ones are building up a healthy colony of intestinal flora - feeding them yogurt, sauerkraut, raw milk, and a host of other probiotic, living foods. Why would I toss all that down the drain by letting them bathe in chlorinated water?

If you want to buy dechlorinating filters - either for your whole house, your drinking water, or just for your bath water - check out the listings here.

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5G Network Being Pushed On The Public With Zero Concern For Safety
February 23 2017 | From: DCClothesline / Various

The FCC (Federal Communications Commission) is pushing to streamline the approval of 5G cell towers, overriding the little regulation that exists to legalize use of experimental high frequencies without extensive safety testing. 

Untested frequencies in the range of 28 gigahertz to 100 Ghz or more are set to be deployed all around us without our consent, emanating from an even greater number of new, smaller cell towers. [While this is an American story - it is universally applicable these days as this technology is in virtually every country.]

Related: 5G Telecomm Radiation The Perfect Tool To Mass Modify Human Brain Waves + More Studies Reveal Dangers

“To make this work, the 5G buildout is going to be very infrastructure intensive, requiring massive deployment of small cells.”

- Tom Wheeler, Former FCC Chairman and corporate lobbyist

Some are talking about using even higher frequencies, in the terahertz range, much higher than previous networks.

A recent statement from Take Back Your Power says:

US FCC wants to “streamline” the approval process for DAS (Distributed Antenna System) 4G/5G ubiquitous cell towers by exempting them from the 1996 Telecommunications Act!

And the US Senate will imminently be voting on S.19 and S.88, to expand DAS 4G/5G deployment!

If such efforts succeed, millions of small cell towers (on existing light poles/utility poles, or new ones) will be deployed everywhere, throughout residential neighborhoods. The millimeter microwave radiation deployed will produce horrific health effects, worsening EVERYONE’s health, and will remove the remaining pollinators.

It’s THAT serious.  The bees in particular will die off rapidly, per studies of bees and microwave radiation.”

According to Dr. Axe:

In essence, 5G will be the mobile networks, often referred to as cell phone towers, that power wireless technology. But get this: As we’re expected to start shifting toward 5G technology around the early 2020s, Federal Communications Commission Chairman Tom Wheeler says we can expect to see a lot more of those mobile towers.

So while we may enjoy anywhere from 10 to 50 times faster connection speeds that help fuel better data consumption, we may in return get millions of new cell phone towers on our street corners. (Our current 4G LTE technology relies on about 200,000 cell phone towers around the U.S.)

But 5G needs a much denser network, meaning many more cell towers of all sizes all over the place. (
3) The fact that these things have never been proven safe - and that worrisome science is cropping up around wireless technology — is cause for concern.

And it seems this 5G plan is full speed ahead. On July 14, 2016, the FCC voted to approve Spectrum Frontiers, making the U.S. the first country in the world to open up higher-frequency millimeter wave spectrum for the development of 5G fifth-generation wireless cellular technology. Environmental Health Trust is voicing concerns because health, safety and environmental evaluations to understand the impact on humans, wildlife and the environment have not been done.

In fact, before the FCC gave 5G the green light, the agency was flooded with comments in opposition to 5G.”

Related: World Health Organization: setting the standard for a wireless world of harm

5G is being presented as the next stage of evolution in communications technology, and being promoted with enthusiastic headlines, such as:

Ericsson and IBM announce 5G ‘breakthrough

5G starts with chips like IBM and Ericsson’s silicon antenna

Forget 5G, new terahertz band can transmit data faster than 100 Gbps

AT&T working on 5G wireless network using Air Gig

Headlines with an alternative perspective read:

Action alert: 5G cellular technology will blanket planetary life with ultra-high microwave frequencies

Story image for 5g danger from Financial Times5G mobile networks speed towards an uncertain future

For background on 5G, watch this video from Take Back Your Power, featuring Tom Wheeler, Former FCC Chairman and corporate lobbyist, who delivers a rather intimidating and presumptuous speech praising this new technology.

FCC: Intimidating Press, Suppressing Science at "5G" Announcement

Is there a clandestine force working behind the scenes in the United States, censoring truth about the "5G" rollout? Watch this - then decide.

But what about the people already suffering with symptoms of EMF radiation from wifi, smart phones, smart meters, and newer vehicles? 

The dangers of certain new technologies, as is the case with some biotech and toxic foods, represent a much more insidious reality: cancer causing, body disrupting frequencies.

Related: Microwave EMF Science: Deliberate Claptrap Misinformation? + ElectroSensitivity - A Case Study

The attitude of such technological innovators is perfectly represented in by Tom Wheeler’s statements, pushing for American exceptionalism, demanding 5G deployment as soon as possible with little to no testing of the effects on human beings or the natural environment.

He says billions of dollars are ‘damn important,’ with the part mentioning billions of dollars mysteriously absent from the speech’s official transcsript.

“If the Commission approves my proposal next month, the United States will be the first country in the world to open up high-band spectrum for 5G networks and applications. And that’s damn important because it means U.S. companies will be first out of the gate.”

At events like this, people reasonably approaching the notion of danger are ostracized, while lobbyists like Tom Wheeler condescendingly say things like “talk to the medical people,” in response to genuine concerns.

The FCC is just like the FDA, CDC, NIH, or EPA: regulatory bodies in bed with the very corporations they claims to be regulating. Companies such as IBM, Verizon and AT&T often wield greater power than government, often working directly with government to create their own rules. 

Related: Gestapo In The USA: FCC Intimidates Press And Kills Free Speech At 5G Rollout

The book, Captured Agency: How the Federal Communications Commission Is Dominated by the Industries It Presumably Regulatesexplains this works.

For a deeper insight into the mainstream narrative of the splendors of cell technologies , this video is a sales pitch for the road 1G to 5G.

From 1G to 4G & Towards 5G - Evolution Of Communication

This is the 2nd part of the series Evolution of communication. Part one is here.


We’re already being steered in this direction, forced into a future of smart devices and the internet of things, and it could get so much worse from here. How many rising illnesses, how many symptoms, how many cases of salivary gland cancer, brain cancer, and EMF hypersensitivity will we discover along the way?

As Kevin Mottus said in the above video from Take Back Your Power, we need to fight this with much more persistence.

See the following links for information on the effects of cell technologies, as well as info on what you can do to protect yourself.

“Below is what I call my List of Irrefutability. We can soon reach a turning point, but our voices are each needed at this time. Please quote from and or share these links:”

- Kevin Mottus

1) 1,659 studies on EMF and bioeffects:


(Of these:

• 1,032 found effects (most effects being harmful)

• a further 370 had other “important insights or findings”

• only 257 did not find effects.)

2) Additional links with several thousand studies show biological effect and/or harm:





3) Harvard Ethics Department ebook, “Captured Agency: How the FCC Is Dominated by the Industries It Presumably Regulates”:


4) 2016 Cell Phone Radiation Boosts Cancer Rates in Animals: $25 Million NTP Study Finds Brain Tumors, DNA Breakage


5) Watch the ABC Cataylst episode “Wi-Fried”, which got the journalist and entire staff fired due to industry “lobbying”:

Video: vimeo.com

Firing: theguardian.com

6) FCC: intimidating press, suppressing science at “5G” announcement (A report by Josh del Sol)




8) 34 Scientific Studies Showing Adverse Health Effects From Wi-Fi:


9) Radiofrequency science charts to visually compare studies, radiation intensities and biological effects:


10) Apple manual states to keep your iPhone away from your body at all times:


11) Study: Mobile phones are cooking men’s sperm:


12) Brain surgeon Dr Charlie Teo warns against mobiles, wireless home appliances:


13) American Academy of Pediatrics warns: Limit children’s exposure to cellphones:


14) More than 60 international warnings on Wi-Fi and microwave radiation:


15) A List of Teacher Unions and Parent Teacher Organizations Taking Action On Wi-Fi (USA, Canada, UK, etc):


16) TED Talk from a former Environmental Engineer in Silicon Valley:


17) Insurance giant Swiss RE has given electromagnetic frequencies the HIGHEST possible long term risk rating:


18) Another insurance giant, Lloyd’s of London, will not insure anything wireless:


19) Risk Management Magazine – The Invisible Threat: Radiofrequency Radiation Risk


20) Newsweek – “Cellphone Radiation Warning Sign Sparks First Amendment Battle”


21) US CDC retracts cellphone radiation warning following pressure from industry lobbyists:


22) WHO involved in suppression of additional science showing harm, since 2011:


23) Study Uncovers How Electromagnetic Fields Amplify Pain in Amputees


24) CEO of 1 Billion-dollar U.K. company speaks out on microwave sickness:


25) Dozens of specific scientific abstracts that all show harm:


26) Solutions: Reducing Wirelesss Radiation and EMF


27) Solutions: Reducing Your EMF Exposure


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Transgenic Wars - How GMOs Impact Livestock And Human Health Around The Globe
February 23 2017 | From: Mercola

"Transgenic Wars," an award-winning film by French investigative journalist Paul Moreira, takes us on a journey through Europe and Latin America, looking at the effects of genetically engineered (GE) crops, both on livestock and human health.

It also delves into tangential concerns, such as the increased use of glyphosate-based herbicides, atrazine and 2,4-D, the latter of which was an ingredient in the devastating defoliant Agent Orange, used during the Vietnam War.

Super high demand for organic produce across USA means an agricultural goldmine for farmers willing to go organic

Coincidentally, Monsanto was a leading producer of Agent Orange during the war, and its war contributions, which began with its involvement in the Manhattan Project and the creation of the atomic bomb, help explain how Monsanto has managed to secure such staunch allegiance from the U.S. government.

It's a destructive and often incomprehensible allegiance that continues to this day, with the U.S. government's support of and involvement in spreading Monsanto's genetically engineered (GE) crops and toxic chemicals around the world - now repackaged as "necessary" for agriculture.

Related: Monsanto's Dirty Dozen: 12 More Crimes Against Humanity And The Environment Concocted By The World's Most Evil Corporation + New Evidence About the Dangers of Monsanto’s Roundup

Monsanto, being a leader in GE seeds and the chemicals that go with them, receives a fair share of the attention throughout the film. Ecologist Patrick Moore, Ph.D., who made the unlikely transition from co-founder of Greenpeace to being a professional GE supporter and lobbyist, is also featured.

In a sensational video that has garnered more than 1.4 million views, Moreira suggested Moore drink a glass of Roundup to prove his assertion that the herbicide is completely harmless. Moore's refusal, saying he's "not stupid," is included in the film.

Danish Pig Farmers Struggle With Mysterious Swine Disease

The film starts off in Denmark, where pig breeders are struggling to determine the cause of a mysterious swine disease, simply referred to as "the yellow death." The disease causes violent diarrhea, and is often lethal to the affected pigs.

Virtually all feed their pigs GE soy, and many suspect this may be the source of the problem. Ib Pedersen is a long-time pig farmer in Denmark.

When he first started feeding his pigs GE soy in the 1980s, the mix contained about 20 percent GE soy. Over the years, the ratio increased, and by 2002, about 90 percent of the soy in the feed was GE.

Like other farmers, Pedersen struggled to contain "the yellow death," which would kill up to 30 percent of the piglets born each year, until one day he decided to remove the GE soy from the feed mix. Within two days, changes were noticeable. There was not a single case of diarrhea among his pigs.

In the three years he's been feeding his pigs all non-GE feed, he's never had a single case of "the yellow death" again. Pedersen single-handedly managed to raise doubts about the safety of GE soy among Danish farmers. Interestingly, Pedersen may have identified the problem even more closely.

He noticed two intriguing connections:

1. When GE soy was sourced from Argentina, all of the farmers who received it ended up with outbreaks of diarrhea among their pigs. What was it about this Argentinian GE soy that was so much worse than others?

2. He found images of deformed Argentinian children online, which local doctors and scientists insist are caused by pesticide exposure, as many villagers are surrounded by GE fields where toxic chemicals are sprayed with wanton abandon.

He was struck by how similar these deformities were to the deformities found in his piglets. Could pesticide-contaminated GE soy be the cause of the pig farmers' problems?

Transgenic Wars

Transgenic Soy Destroying Argentina

Argentina is the third largest grower of transgenic crops in the world, and the second-largest producer of GE soy. GE crops have radically altered the face of the country.

Transgenic crops have eliminated the need for large workforces on the farm, eradicating entire villages and contributing to massive poverty.

Gone is the agricultural diversity Argentina used to boast, replaced instead by massive single-crop fields of GE corn, soy and cotton.

Moreira visits Avia Terai, a small rural village surrounded by GE fields. Here, children are born with strange maladies and degenerative diseases of unknown origin. One little girl has large brownish-black spots all over her face and body - marks she's had since birth.

Another is slowly wasting away from an undiagnosed degenerative disease thought to be genetic, aggravated by exposure to herbicides.

Many of the children are deformed in one way or another. Many of the elders are dying from cancer.

The villagers refer to Monsanto's Roundup as "the poison," and do their best to avoid getting sprayed. They all fear the large tractor that sprays one of two things on the fields: water or herbicide, and there's no telling what is being sprayed when.

One woman describes how she shuts herself and her children inside whenever she hears the tractor. Still, avoidance is difficult when you're surrounded by fields, and spray drifts in the wind, settling in water and on clothes hanging out to dry.

Argentinian Farmers Recognize GE Soy Cannot Be Used for Animal Feed

Tellingly, a GE farmer being secretly taped by Moreira reveals they do not feed this GE soy to any of their animals; "If you feed your chickens with it, you can no longer eat their eggs," he says. When asked why, he says because the eggs smell so bad you cannot eat them. This is why all of his GE soy is exported.

Meanwhile, the nearby villagers suffer, being regularly fumigated. Efforts to dialogue with the GE soy farmers have led to naught, and the companies that own the fields are so rich, fines do not dissuade them from spraying well within the illegal perimeter of residential housing.

In the 15 years that transgenic crops have been grown in Argentina, there have only been three convictions for illegal fumigation, despite it being a common occurrence. In the case of Avia Terai, the village is only 200 meters (656 feet) from the transgenic soya field.

By law, pesticides are not permitted to be used within 1.5 kilometers (just under 1 mile) of resident housing.

Their situation is not unique. In fact, the problem is so great, the Argentinian government has been forced to subsidize pesticide-induced disability centers to manage the growing health crisis.

These centers are now filled with children from villages where the parents were exposed to agricultural chemicals. Overall, birth defects are about 350 percent higher in areas where GE crops are grown, compared to the rest of the country.

As noted by one of the nurses at a disability center in Saenz Peña;

“We export our [GE] soy to your countries to feed the animals you are eating … But we are the ones truly paying the price for it."

Retired pediatrician Dr. Maria Del Carmen Seveso goes so far as to call it genocide, saying the situation is really serious.

Deformed Children, Deformed Pigs - Are Herbicides to Blame?

It was images of these deformed Argentinian children, posted on the internet, that got Pedersen, the Danish pig farmer, thinking. Like all other pig farmers, he had his fair share of deformed pigs being born.

He hadn't paid it much attention, other than to recognize that these things happen from time to time, but deformities had become more common, and he was struck by the similarities of the deformities he saw in the Argentinian children who'd been exposed to pesticides in utero.

Related: Bombshell Secret Documents Show Monsanto Knew About Glyphosate Link To Cancer Over 35 Years Ago + How You Can Have Yourself Tested For Glyphosate Contamination

When it comes to determining which pesticides are to blame, there are many open questions. As it turns out, glyphosate is not the only chemical being used on Argentina's GE soy fields. As resistant weeds flourish, many farmers have resorted to adding other chemicals to the mix, and it's unclear who's using what.

The synergistic action of chemicals will typically augment the toxicity of the mixture, compared to any given chemical on its own, but no studies have been done to determine the exact hazard level of various concoctions.

As Moreira comes across a tractor set to spray a field, he finds not only Monsanto's Roundup, but also atrazine - which is banned in Europe but extensively used in the U.S. - and 2,4-D, one of the main components of the military herbicide Agent Orange, extensively used over the jungles during the Vietnam War.

One thing's clear: The promise that transgenic crops would lead to "greener" agriculture and less chemicals has NOT come to pass. Instead, more and more chemicals are being used on our food and the feed we raise our livestock on.

Mutant Enemies

As transgenic crops have taken over Argentina, herbicide-resistant weeds have become a serious problem. More than 30 million hectares (74.1 million acres) of GE soy is planted in Argentina, and glyphosate is applied to each field at least three or four times a year. This has spawned a whole new kind of weed - one resistant to glyphosate, just like the GE crop itself.

Sonoma County, Calif. has become part of the largest GMO-free zone in the US - thanks to voter turnout

To address the problem, farmers not only apply more pesticides, they also mix different pesticides together to prevent the weeds from adapting to a single formula. As a result, anywhere from three to five additional chemicals are routinely added to the glyphosate. Newer GE seeds are also designed to resist even more toxic combinations. 

As noted in the film, there's no definitive proof that agricultural chemicals are responsible for the health crisis in Argentina. But there's no evidence proving they're not responsible either. And the government has done nothing to determine the truth.

In fact, the government of Argentina has been and continues to be very supportive of the GE industry, and Monsanto ads are commonplace on Argentinian TV, assuring the people their products are safe and effective. Meanwhile, no studies have ever been done to ascertain whether all of these chemical cocktails create dangerous interactions or cause the severe health problems now seen among children raised in agricultural areas.

Staggering Increases in Cancer

The only independently organized investigation of the health impact of GE crops, conducted by students of the Rosario Medical University, found that cancer rates increased by 40 percent in a single year in one village.

In another, the cancer rate shot up by 250 percent. What these villages have in common is that they're surrounded by GE fields and the fumigation border is extremely close to where they live.

Sadly, Argentina's economy is now fully dependent on transgenic agriculture. According to Alejandro Mentaberry at the Ministry for Science, Argentina made about $65 billion on GE crops between 1996 - the year GE crops were introduced - and 2011. Mentaberry believes the country owes its "miraculous economic recovery" to the export of transgenic crops.

But at what price this miraculous economic boon? In April 2014, Argentinians took to the streets in Cordoba to protest against Monsanto and the use of their products. "Monsanto out! Yes to life, no to Monsanto! Monsanto is poison. Monsanto is corruption," the people chanted as they marched through the streets.

The film goes on to discuss the political powers that support and steer countries into accepting genetically modified organisms (GMOs).

For example, Wikileaks revealed how U.S. government officials are secretly doing the chemical technology industry's dirty work, cajoling and threatening governments with retaliation as needed. U.K. government officials have also been caught acting like lobbyists and spokesmen for the GE industry.

Transatlantic trade agreements also stand poised to dismantle any remaining prohibitions against the free flow of GMOs and toxic chemicals into Europe, where laws protecting human and environmental health are stricter than in the U.S. Depending on the final outcome of these agreements, it's possible no country will be able to oppose GMOs in the future, no matter what the human or environmental cost.

Patrick Moore and Golden Rice

Moore, a former Greenpeace activist, has become a prominent adversary of the movement against GMOs. According to Moreira, Moore left Greenpeace 30 years ago on bad terms, and has since made a name for himself as a supporter of all things anti-nature, including the nuclear industry, the mining industry and the transgenic industry. "He also thinks global warming is great for the planet," Moreira notes.

He's been a leading advocate for GE Golden Rice, designed to contain high amounts of beta-carotene, ostensibly to combat vitamin A deficiency in Third World countries. There are problems though. For starters, beta-carotene is a fat soluble vitamin. According to the University of Maryland Medical Center, you need at least 3 grams of fat to ensure absorption of beta-carotene supplements.

This enriched rice is intended for impoverished nations where dietary fats are nearly impossible to come by with any regularity, thereby rendering this type of supplementation useless at best.

It's also unknown whether the beta-carotene in Golden Rice will hold up during storage between harvest seasons, or whether traditional cooking methods used to prepare the rice will destroy the beta-carotene. Last but not least, the rice is still under development, and all claims are therefore little more than wishful thinking.

Such facts should have shut down the Golden Rice fairy tale right from the get-go, but it hasn't stopped the likes of Moore from spending much time and effort to promote it, likening the refusal to approve Golden Rice to genocide and Greenpeace's opposition to the rice "a crime against humanity."

To Build a Saner, Safer Food System, Start Close to Home

The problems may seem insurmountable, but there are solutions. The fact of the matter is farmers do not have to use chemical cocktails to produce ample food. Many areas would need serious intervention to improve and rebuild soil quality, which has been destroyed by decades of mechanized farming and chemicals, but it can be done.

As an individual, you can help steer the agricultural industry toward safer, more sustainable systems by growing your own foods and buying what you cannot grow from local farmers you trust.

By far, processed foods are the most likely to contain GE ingredients, so avoiding processed foods of all kinds, including condiments, is one of the best ways to avoid them - and the chemical cocktails sprayed on these crops.

Related: Denmark Intends To Be The World’s FIRST 100% Organic Nation

If everyone were to refuse to buy products containing GMOs, insisting on feeding their families pesticide-free, GMO-free foods, the food industry would have no choice but to respond.

They cannot stay in business if people don't buy their goods, and if food companies refuse to buy GE ingredients, the chemical biotechnology industry will lose its financial power to corrupt and manipulate governments.

It's really just a massive trickle-down effect, and the masses really do have the power, even though Monsanto and their allies would like you to think otherwise.

There's a way out of this mess, and it starts with each person making different purchasing choices for themselves and their families. While many grocery stores now carry organic foods, it's preferable to source yours from local growers whenever possible, as much of the organic food sold in grocery stores is imported.

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The Stakes For Trump And All Of Us + Facebook's Zuckerberg Lobbies For New World Order
February 22 2017 | From: PaulCraigRoberts / WND / Various

We need to understand, and so does President Trump, that the hoax “war on terror” was used to transform intelligence agencies, such as the NSA and CIA, and criminal investigative agencies, such as the FBI, into Gestapo secret police agencies.

Trump is now threatened by these agencies, because he rejects the neoconservative’s agenda of US world hegemony that supports the gigantic military/security annual budget.

Related: President Donald J. Trump’s First Month: Achieving Results for the American People

Our secret police agencies are busy at work planting “intelligence” among the presstitute media that Trump is compromised by “Russian connections” and is a security threat to the United States. The plan is to make a case in the media, as was done against President Nixon, and to force Trump from office.

To openly take on a newly elected president is an act of extraordinary audacity that implies enormous confidence, or else desperation, on the part of the police state agencies.

Here you can see CNN openly cooperating with the CIA in treating wild and irresponsible speculation that Trump is under Russian influence as if it is an established fact.

Related: Reddit Censors Pro-Trump Content in New Crackdown

The “evidence” provided by CNN and the CIA is a “report” by the New York Times that, with little doubt, was planted in the NYT by the CIA.

This is so obvious that it is clear that CNN and the CIA regard the American people as so gullible as to be completely stupid.

Glenn Greenwald explains to Amy Goodman that the CIA is after Trump, because Trump’s announced policy of reducing the dangerous tensions with Russia conflicts with the military/security complex’s need for a major enemy.

Greenwald: Empowering the "Deep State" to Undermine Trump is Prescription for Destroying Democracy

The deep state, although there’s no precise or scientific definition, generally refers to the agencies in Washington that are permanent power factions. They stay and exercise power even as presidents who are elected come and go. They typically exercise their power in secret, in the dark, and so they’re barely subject to democratic accountability, if they’re subject to it at all.

It’s agencies like the CIA, the NSA and the other intelligence agencies, that are essentially designed to disseminate disinformation and deceit and propaganda, and have a long history of doing not only that, but also have a long history of the world’s worst war crimes, atrocities and death squads.

This is who not just people like Bill Kristol, but lots of Democrats are placing their faith in, are trying to empower, are cheering for as they exert power separate and apart from - in fact, in opposition to - the political officials to whom they’re supposed to be subordinate.

Related: The CIA vs. The Presidency: This Is Not The First Time

And you go - this is not just about Russia. You go all the way back to the campaign, and what you saw was that leading members of the intelligence community, including Mike Morell, who was the acting CIA chief under President Obama, and Michael Hayden, who ran both the CIA and the NSA under George W. Bush, were very outspoken supporters of Hillary Clinton.

Russia - 'Source of Truth Against NWO'

On February 10, Russia celebrated the "Day of the Diplomatic worker" - a job which is becoming increasingly dangerous due to Russia's counterweight role in the established world order.

Special remembrance was paid to Karlov, Russia's Ambassador to Turkey who was cowardly shot in a back earlier this year. Furthermore, it was stipulated that Russia is increasingly being looked to as a source of truth, as the world learns more and more about the interconnected nature of Zio-Atlanticist politics and the corrupted mainstream media - often owned by the very same, pillaging political elites.

In fact, Michael Morell went to The New York Times, and Michael Hayden went to The Washington Post, during the campaign to praise Hillary Clinton and to say that Donald Trump had become a recruit of Russia.

The CIA and the intelligence community were vehemently in support of Clinton and vehemently opposed to Trump, from the beginning. And the reason was, was because they liked Hillary Clinton’s policies better than they liked Donald Trump’s.

One of the main priorities of the CIA for the last five years has been a proxy war in Syria, designed to achieve regime change with the Assad regime.

Hillary Clinton was not only for that, she was critical of Obama for not allowing it to go further, and wanted to impose a no-fly zone in Syria and confront the Russians.

Related: Trump’s ISIS Plan: Another US Invasion?

Donald Trump took exactly the opposite view. He said we shouldn’t care who rules Syria; we should allow the Russians, and even help the Russians, kill ISIS and al-Qaeda and other people in Syria.

So, Trump’s agenda that he ran on was completely antithetical to what the CIA wanted. Clinton’s was exactly what the CIA wanted, and so they were behind her.

And so, they’ve been trying to undermine Trump for many months throughout the election. And now that he won, they are not just undermining him with leaks, but actively subverting him.

There’s claims that they’re withholding information from him, on the grounds that they don’t think he should have it and can be trusted with it. They are empowering themselves to enact policy.

“Now, I happen to think that the Trump presidency is extremely dangerous. You just listed off in your news - in your newscast that led the show, many reasons.

[ Comment: This is erroneous and based on a lack of information - Greenwald is smart in many ways - however he is NOT playing with all of the pieces. When he is right he is on the money - when he is wrong he is a stroppy kindergarten child ]

They want to dismantle the environment. They want to eliminate the safety net. They want to empower billionaires. They want to enact bigoted policies against Muslims and immigrants and so many others. And it is important to resist them.

And there are lots of really great ways to resist them, such as getting courts to restrain them, citizen activism and, most important of all, having the Democratic Party engage in self-critique to ask itself how it can be a more effective political force in the United States after it has collapsed on all levels.

That isn’t what this resistance is now doing. What they’re doing instead is trying to take maybe the only faction worse than Donald Trump, which is the deep state, the CIA, with its histories of atrocities, and say they ought to almost engage in like a soft coup, where they take the elected president and prevent him from enacting his policies. And I think it is extremely dangerous to do that.

Even if you’re somebody who believes that both the CIA and the deep state, on the one hand, and the Trump presidency, on the other, are extremely dangerous, as I do, there’s a huge difference between the two, which is that Trump was democratically elected and is subject to democratic controls, as these courts just demonstrated and as the media is showing, as citizens are proving. But on the other hand, the CIA was elected by nobody.

They’re barely subject to democratic controls at all. And so, to urge that the CIA and the intelligence community empower itself to undermine the elected branches of government is insanity. That is a prescription for destroying democracy overnight in the name of saving it.

And yet that’s what so many, not just neocons, but the neocons’ allies in the Democratic Party, are now urging and cheering. And it’s incredibly warped and dangerous to watch them do that.”

- Glenn Greenwald

The United States is now in the extraordinary situation that the liberal/progressive/left is allied with the deep state against democracy. The liberal/progressive/left are lobbying for the impeachment of a president who has committed no impeachable offense.

The neoconservatives have stated their preference for a deep state coup against democracy. The media obliges with a constant barrage of lies, innuendos and disinformation. The insouciant American public sits there sucking its thumb.

What can Trump do? He can clean out the intelligence agencies and terminate their license granted by Bush and Obama to conduct unconstitutional activities.

He can use anti-trust to breakup the media conglomerates that Clinton allowed to form.

Youtuber Makes Fake News Retract Their Lies

Alex Jones talks with Mark Dice about how is combating the FakeStream media and forcing them to retract their lies.

If Bush and Obama can on their own authority subject US citizens to indefinite detention without due process and if Obama can murder suspect US citizens without due process of law, Trump can use anti-trust law to break up the media conglomerates that speak with one voice against him.

At this point Trump has no alternative but to fight. He can take down the secret police agencies and the presstitute media conglomerates, or they will take him down. Dismissing Flynn was the worse thing to do. He should have kept Flynn and fired the “leakers” who are actively using disinformation against him.

Related: Evan Hyde: Taking Down the Deep State

The NSA would have to know who the leakers are. Trump should clean out the corrupt NSA management and install officials who will identify the leakers. Then Trump should prosecute the leakers to the full extent of the law.

No president can survive secret police agencies determined to destroy him. If Trump’s advisers don’t know this, Trump desperately needs new advisers.

Trump Says MSM Is “Enemy Of The American People”

But here’s how to counter it:

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Facebook's Zuckerberg Lobbies For New World Order

Mark Zuckerberg, Facebook founder, wrote in a 5,800-word manifesto his personal vision of recreating the world in his image – an image that includes a true “global community that works for all of us,” he said, in an interview with the Associated Press.

The piece, entitled “Building Global Community,” comes as President Donald Trump’s “make America great again” mantra fueled him to the White House.

It also comes on the heels of Brexit, another vote that seemed to underscore a backlash against elite governance and establishment political policies that place the world’s interest above those of a sovereign nation or individual.

Zuckerberg’s full letter was posted on Facebook It read, in part:

“On our journey to connect the world, we often discuss products we’re building and updates on our business. Today I want to focus on the most important question of all: are we building the world we all want?

History is the story of how we’ve learned to come together in ever greater numbers - from tribes to cities to nations. At each step, we built social infrastructure like communities, media and governments to empower us to achieve things we couldn’t on our own.

Today we are close to taking our next step. Our greatest opportunities are now global - like spreading prosperity and freedom, promoting peace and understanding, lifting people out of poverty, and accelerating science.

Our greatest challenges also need global responses - like ending terrorism, fighting climate change, and preventing pandemics. Progress now requires humanity coming together not just as cities or nations, but also as a global community.

This is especially important right now. Facebook stands for bringing us closer together and building a global community.”

Zuckerberg then spoke of the need to build supportive, safe, informed, civically-engaged and inclusive communities.

He wondered: “How do we help people build an inclusive community that reflects our collective values and common humanity from local to global levels, spanning cultures, nations and regions in a world with few examples of global communities?”

He then addressed each point in its own section, citing personal stories of people’s lives and struggles to make his overall point: think global first.

And some of his solutions:

“The most successful physical communities have engaged leaders, and we’ve seen the same with online groups as well. In Berlin, a man named Monis Bukhari runs a group where he personally helps refugees find homes and jobs. Today, Facebook’s tools for group admins are relatively simple. We plan to build more tools to empower community leaders like Monis to run and grow their groups the way they’d like, similar to what we’ve done with Pages.”

“Looking ahead, one of our greatest opportunities to keep people safe is building artificial intelligence to understand more quickly and accurately what is happening across our community.”

“We noticed some people share stories based on sensational headlines without ever reading the story. In general, if you become less likely to share a story after reading it, that’s a good sign the headline was sensational. If you’re more likely to share a story after reading it, that’s often a sign of good in-depth content.

We recently started reducing sensationalism in News Feed by taking this into account for pieces of content, and going forward signals like this will identify sensational publishers as well. There are many steps like this we have taken and will keep taking to reduce sensationalism and help build a more informed community.”

“[We should work toward] establishing a new process for citizens worldwide to participate in collective decision-making. … In the United States election last year, we helped more than 2 million people register to vote and then go vote.”

“Building an inclusive global community requires establishing a new process for citizens worldwide to participate in community governance.”

His summary?

More of the same: More thinking of the global good; less thinking of the individual.

More ‘new world order’ type thinking; less sovereignty and independence.

“I hope we have the focus to take the long view and build the new social infrastructure to create the world we want for generations to come,” Zuckerberg wrote.

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Con Artist Clinton: Millions Of Dollars In Fraud Revealed After Clinton Foundation Server Hacked + House Oversight Committee Sends Request To FBI Director Comey For Hillary Clinton’s Server Contents
February 22 2017 | From: NewsTarget / TheGatewayPundit

Julian Assange has been suggesting that Wikileaks would soon drop a bombshell of files related to Hillary Clinton. Many have been awaiting the highly-anticipated announcement from Assange, who delayed the release of those files.

Now, another infamous hacker, who goes by the pseudonym Guccifer 2.0, has released files pertinent to the Clinton Foundation, ahead of Assange.

Related: Seth Rich: New Evidence Emerges

Guccifer 2.0 was able to penetrate the Clinton Foundation databases, where the hacker uncovered some of the most severe evidence to date regarding the foundation’s corruption. Guccifer 2.0 suggested that many people were growing impatient awaiting the Wikileaks announcement, so the hacker took the matter into his own hands to exploit the data.

“Many of you have been waiting for this, some even asked me to do it. So, this is the moment. I hacked the Clinton Foundation server and downloaded hundreds of thousands of docs and donors’ databases,” said Guccifer 2.0.

The latest revelations show the Clinton Foundation was committing fraudulent activity, which netted them millions of dollars.

When Obama demanded that congress approve more bailouts between 2009 and 2011, it seemed as if kickbacks were offered to Democratic politicians from the big banks, but through the Clinton Foundation. This included Hillary, who was to ensure that the bailout got approved. Clinton aided the big banks in bribing the Democrat politicians.

“Democrats funneled tarp funds back to their PACs! That’s taxpayer bailout money that went right to the pockets of Democrat PACs,” wrote Guccifer 2.0.

Essentially, through a slew of shady deals with the big banks, taxpayer money went straight into the pockets of crooked Democrats. For criminals, Hillary Clinton and her staff don’t try very hard to protect their damning data. It was only a matter of time until hackers would force their way into the Clinton Foundation’s servers.

New Zealand Government Has Pledged Millions Of Dollars Worth Of Taxpayer Funds To The Corrupt Clinton Foundation & Clinton Health Access Initiatives

Will the big banks and corporations be penalized for agreeing to donate a percentage of their allocated TARP funds to the Democrats? This is the exact type of corruption and fraud that Donald Trump expressed concerns over, needing urgent corrections in Washington.

The Clinton Foundation had previously announced that it would be laying off 22 of its staffers on the Clinton Global Initiative, as a way of dealing with the fallout proceeding Clinton’s presidential campaign. The ultimate discontinuation of the Clinton Global Initiative resulted from strong pay-to-play allegations which occurred while Clinton was secretary of state.

It’s unclear how many of the 200 Clinton Global Initiative staffers are still involved with the Clinton Foundation.

The FBI still has an ongoing investigation into the Clinton Foundation concerning allegations of corruption during Hillary’s tenure as secretary of state. The decision to discontinue to Clinton Global Initiative reportedly caused a ruckus within its inner circle, regarding the best way to deal with the fallout stemming from the allegations.

Some staffers admitted that the layoff process was handed “insensitively,” while other staffers were heated with optics that considered allowing some Clinton Global Initiative staffers to stay on board.

FBI Director James Comey has also been probing The Clinton Foundation for some time.

Comey showed strong interest in some of Bill Clinton’s last-minute presidential pardons, and was excited to pursue a criminal investigation. Bill Clinton pardoned fugitive financiers Marc Rich and Pincus Green, setting off a red flag for Comey.

The FBI’s probe into the pardons focused on contributions to the Clinton Foundation. Marc Rich’s ex wife, Denise Rich, donated $450 thousand to the Clinton Foundation. Was this an exchange for the pardons?

Bill Clinton denied any links between the donations and the pardons, and did not face any charges.

Records released this week hint at more probes involving the Clinton Foundation, A recently disclosed file shows a 2009 federal grand jury subpoena from New Orleans, which seeks records opposed to testimony. It’s currently unclear weather the subpoena was issued to the foundation, or just relates to it, but the subpoena appears to relate to a probe into fraud against the government.

House Oversight Committee Sends Request To FBI Director Comey For Hillary Clinton’s Server Contents

The House Oversight Committee sent a request to FBI Director James Comey for Datto Company’s secure cloud storage, Datto Company holds Hillary Clinton’s server contents.

Datto, Inc. informed Congress in October 2015 it provided the FBI with the storage node of containing emails from Hillary Clinton’s private server.

Exposed: Insider Coup to Sabotage Trump

Today the House Oversight Committee demanded that FBI hand over the emails they have been holding for over a year now.

The investigation into Hillary Clinton’s lawless and reckless behavior is not over yet.

The Daily Mail
reported on Datto, Inc. in June 2016.

Hillary Clinton’s emails packed with America’s secrets were stored by company ‘wide open to hackers’ and run by ‘morons’ whistleblowers reveal

“A Daily Mail Online investigation has found that a second firm – hired to store a back-up of Clinton’s secret server – was so lax in its security employees failed to change passwords frequently and left computers logged in, unattended for extended periods and its own clients stumbled upon other clients data.

Datto Inc, the company in question, was hired to store Hilary’s emails by Platte River, the mom-and-pop company contracted to maintain her ‘homebrew’ email system.

Speaking exclusively to Daily Mail Online on condition of anonymity, one former employee at Datto, said the company was woefully exposed to being hacked.

‘If you’re talking about high-level data security, at the political, presidential level, the security level of data [at Datto] hired by Platte River, was nowhere near something that could have been protected from a good hacker that knows how to spread out their points at which to infiltrate,’ he said."

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Top 10 Food And Medicine Myths You Probably Fell For At Some Point + How The Mind Treats “Impossible Things That Couldn’t Be Happening”
February 21 2017 | From: NaturalNews / JonRappoport

Everybody wants to be healthy, well-informed and financially free, but most of us receive the wrong advice, believe in popular myths, get sick from ridiculous illnesses that are totally preventable and curable, and then spend our money trying to get ourselves “fixed” by doctors who don’t understand a lick about nutrition.

All this while we keep eating the same bad food and taking the same symptom cover-up, chemical-based medicines.

Related: The Beginning Of The End Of The War On Medicine

Why do we heed all this bad advice and consume chemicals to treat chemical disorders? We do this because corporations are very sneaky, and they push the same lies over and over, across different mediums and even through the mouths of shill doctors, dentists, scientists, academics, journalists and the like.

You hear the Big Food and Big Pharma tales repeatedly, and then you start to believe them. You read them everywhere; you hear them on television. You read them in Prevention Magazine or via WebMD. You look them up in Wikipedia and your MD regurgitates them for bonus cash.

Let’s put an end to all this self-inflicted misery. So, here they come and here they’ll go – away for good, now that you know better. Don’t fall for the top 10 food and medicine myths!

1. Milk… It Does a Body Good

Wrong! Think about this for a minute: Humans are the only animals that drink milk after infancy and from another animal; it’s just not normal.

Plus, all dairy products cause excess mucus to accumulate in the body and lead to inflammation.

2. Red meat is Worse for Your Body Than Chicken, Turkey or Pig

Most meat in America comes from confined animal feeding operations (CAFOs) where the animals are cooped up in overcrowded pens, rarely if ever see sunlight or pastures, are shot up with synthetic hormones (that cause cancer), injected with massive amounts of antibiotics to stave off bacterial infections, fed genetically modified feed (that also causes cancer) and slaughtered inhumanely – then processed with bleach, ammonia, nitrates and nitrites for human consumption.

So, with that in mind, it doesn’t really matter if the meat is red, brown, white or green, because it’s all doing the same chronic damage to the humans that consume it regularly. “Eat less red meat?” Try eating no processed meat and you’ll be far better off.

3. Organic Canola Oil is a Healthy Choice

Everything organic is not healthy. Let’s go there. Organic means it doesn’t contain chemical-based insecticides, algaecides, fertilizers and herbicides. What it doesn’t mean is that it’s free of heavy metals or trace amounts of dangerous chemicals.

Canola is not a natural plant to this earth. Canola comes from rapeseed, which is toxic to all animals. What the manufacturers do is remove the stench of rapeseed using hexane, a constituent vapor of gasoline, but there’s still some left in the final product. Irrespective of whether canola is organic or not, it strangles your mitochondria (cells) that need oxygen to function.

Organic canola also inhibits enzyme function. Plus, the omega-3 fatty acids of processed canola oil are transformed during the deodorizing process into trans-fatty acids. The reason why canola is particularly unsuited for consumption is that it contains a very long-chain fatty acid called erucic acid, which is associated with fibrotic heart lesions.

Organic Soy (That’s Unfermented) is a Healthy Choice

Some people think if a product is organic, it’s “good to go.” Wrong. You still need to stay informed. Let’s talk about any soy that’s not fermented, including the organic stuff. Big Food is quickly buying up medium-sized organic companies and pushing soy and canola like it’s healthy.

Just over the past 15 years, 3,000 new soy-based foods, all labeled “certified organic” have hit the shelves. Why? Big Food likes to trick healthy-minded people, that’s why. Remember, Big Food works hand-in-hand with Big Pharma.

All soy that’s not fermented screws with the balance of human estrogen and testosterone. Got breast cancer or “Low-T?” Did you know unfermented soy is linked to immune-system malfunctions, thyroid dysfunction and cognitive decline?

Yep. In fact, hundreds of health studies reveal infant abnormalities, kidney stones and food allergies thanks to soy consumption. No soy was fit to eat until the discovery of fermentation techniques during the Chou Dynasty. Your organic soy “protein” may be causing you chronic deficiencies in amino acid uptake. Destroy the soy myth and protect your body.

5. Vaccines No Longer Contain Mercury (Thimerosal), and the CDC Even Says So

The CDC says they removed mercury from all childhood vaccines over a decade ago, but they’re lying. Influenza vaccines contain massive amounts of mercury and are highly recommended by the CDC for pregnant women, infants 6 months old, and every person for every year of their lives thereafter.

Yes, influenza vaccines (flu shots) are one of the main causes of the flu and still contain thimerosal, formaldehyde, aluminum and other dangerous preservatives, adjuvants, emulsifiers and virus “deadeners.”

6. Chemotherapy is the Best Chance to Beat Cancer Once You’ve Been Diagnosed

Fact: Chemotherapy yields a miserable 2.3 percent success rate on average. Another fact: 75 percent of MDs and oncologists would never take chemotherapy themselves nor recommend it for their family members.

Chemotherapy destroys the human immune system – the one thing humans need the most to fight off cancer.

Quite ironic, huh? Natural remedies for cancer are abundant and inexpensive, including vitamin C, garlic, oregano oil, CBD oil, hemp seed oil, chaga and reishi mushrooms, baking soda in water, and of course, plenty of vitamin D.

7. Many Cancer Cases Are Inherited in Our Genes From Our Parents or Their Parents

Doctors tell patients almost everything is inherited from their parents so they won’t go out and seek natural remedies that work. Why would any greedy doctor want you cured when you’ll never come back to them? Most cancer is caused by chemical consumption, period.

8. There is No Cure for Cancer

The search for the cure is the ultimate boondoggle. Honest scientists have been curing cancer for decades – even brain cancer. Google the Burzynski Clinic and you’ll be blown away!

Related: Introduction / Overview: The ‘Healing Computer’ Technology

Then research natural remedies online.

9. The FDA and the CDC function in the best interests of American consumers by inspecting food and medicine for dangerous substances

Laughing out loud. The FDA and the CDC are in business with Big Pharma and have been for decades. Want to die of preventable diseases? Just heed their advice.

10. Fluoride in Toothpaste and Tap Water Helps Humans Keep Their Teeth Strong and Free of Decay

If you aren’t already aware of it, it’s time to learn the raw truth about tap water and toothpaste.

Watch this mini-documentary by the Health Ranger, right now!

The Fluoride Deception Exposes the Truth About Water Fluoridation and the Phosphate Mining Industry

The Fluoride Deception exposes the truth about where fluoride really comes from: The toxic byproducts of the phosphate mining industry.

How The Mind Treats “Impossible Things That Couldn’t Be Happening”

I recently published an article that highlighted the numbers of medically caused deaths in America.

When little fragmentary stories about this fact emerge in the mainstream press, they’re one-offs. There is no serious follow-up and no deep investigation. Therefore, the public isn’t aroused.

On May 3, 2016, the Washington Post ran an article detailing deaths from medical errors. This bomb dropped: doctors’ errors account for “about 9.5 percent of all deaths annually in the United States.”

Let that sink in. Roughly one out of every 10 deaths in the US is caused by medical errors. (Under “errors,” you can include a wide range of toxic treatment.)

No major newspaper or news network pounds on this factoid day after day. It’s here and then it’s gone. It’s on the level of: “The last seven presidents have been assassinated. And now, here’s the weather.”

Something else is going on, too. I’ll lay it out for you. Most of the general public, and many reporters, can’t even begin to absorb that medical-death statistic. It bounces off them. They either reject it out of hand, misread it, or fail to transport it to the part of their mind where they think about things.

The statistic is virtually invisible to them. “Let’s see, 10% of all deaths in America are caused by the medical system. REJECTED.”

I even had one person tell me ten percent “wasn’t very much.” I’ve had people change the subject rapidly when I presented them with the statistic. “Car accidents are terrible. My aunt was in a car crash and she…”

So it isn’t just major media. People are running their own fake news operation on themselves.

This has been called “cognitive dissonance” or some other fancy name. It’s just the “bounce phenomenon.” A fact bounces off a person. It has no effect. I’ve dealt with this for more than 30 years as a reporter. I’m in the business of presenting “bounce-able” facts. I’ve seen the full array of reactions, time and time again.


Bounce, bounce, bounce. Here is another process that goes on in the mind. It starts this way: WELL, IF THAT WERE TRUE, THEN…

The person starts to think about the boggling fact. He starts to flesh out the implications. And he stops. Because the implications are too much. His mental processes and his basic orientation aren’t flexible enough to deal with them.

I’ve been interviewed and watched this happen. The interviewer begins to absorb what I’ve just told him, and he quickly backs away and redirects the conversation. Or tries to. I bring him back to the boggling fact. But it’s like trying to drive a faulty car. He just can’t make it. He stalls. His wheels spin, and then he gets out of the car and moves on to something else.

Here is a paraphrase of such an exchange. The interviewer was telling me about the purported effects of a disease he claimed was being caused by a virus. I happened to know the virus had never been isolated from a single human being, so I asked him:

“How many deaths would you say occur from the disease, every year in the US?” He puffed up his chest a bit and said, “At least a thousand. It’s terrible.” I said, “Well, did you know that the medical system is the third leading cause of death in America, behind heart disease and cancer?”


He said, “This virus I’m talking about can spread rapidly…” Bounce.

Perhaps the most interesting conversation I’ve ever had illustrating the bounce phenomenon occurred at the home of an acquaintance who is a psychologist. I mentioned that every year in the US the medical system kills a minimum of 225,000 people, and then I got part-way into explaining how most people don’t even register the fact when they come across it.

He launched into a major lecture about cognitive dissonance, deploying a few pseudo-technical terms I’d never heard of. I let him go on for a few minutes and then I stopped him. I asked, “Can you remember what I said that started you down this path?”

He scratched his chin, thought about it, and said no. In his case, the bounce brought on a case of outright amnesia.

Of course, I’ve mentioned medically caused death to doctors. Their comments go something like this: “That couldn’t be true.” “That was just one study.”

Then I say no, there are other confirming studies, and I cite them. At that point the big bounce happens, and they change the subject. Or they look at their watches. Or they walk away.

I’ve found reporters more honest - as long as I’m talking to them off the record, and preferably after a few drinks. One reporter said, “I know. But we can’t write about that. We’d get reamed out.”

I don’t care what journalism schools and editors claim the profession is all about. I know what it’s about. You overturn reality. That’s what you do.

In the process, you reveal there are people who are creating that reality for all of us. And if that is true, and it is, then each individual is capable of inventing his own reality. A better one. Along the way, certain facts are going to jump up out of the hopper that tear conventional thinking and perception to shreds.


“Wow. That would make it the third leading cause of death. That means the more people who are in the system, the more deaths. The public has to know about this…”

No bounce. Ah, now we’re on to something.

Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi

Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi
Golden Bay Locals Decline Accommodation For 1080 Workers Amid Relative Media Silence
February 21 2017 | From: EnviroWatchRangitikei

On 10 Feb we reported on the intended spread of 1080 over Kahurangi National Park in the South Island amid mainstream media silence.

The Grey Star newspaper was the only newspaper we are aware of, to publish on it.

The Wildlife (Powers) Amendment Bill NZ

We’ve encountered denials on various forums and alternative news sites this week, however reliable sources on the ground in the area confirmed for us on the 10th February of the pre-feed drop as actually happening.

Mainstream, say locals, has been strangely silent on the event, although on the 15th February Stuff finally reported on the pre feed drop. This drop is the one that is poison free and accustoms the animals to eating the bait. The poisoned bait will follow.

A pre-feed drop accustoms the animals to eating the bait before the 1080 poisoned drop occurs

We were also informed that locals, to their very great credit, declined accommodation for DOC workers doing the pre-feed drop, forgoing a sizeable sum of money.

These people are putting their money where their mouth is. Amidst local rumors whether or not the drop was happening, on the night of the 14th two big hoppers were seen on the back of a truck heading south toward Anatori.

This morning (17th February) several trucks and other vehicles were seen returning from Turimawiwi area just north of Kahurangi Lighthouse. They were obviously part of the drop it was said, as evident by the equipment they had on board.

They had picked up a tramper who had been down at the lighthouse and saw no less than five choppers spraying the area.

The tramper had had to flee from his trip to the light house because 1080 pellets were being dropped both north and south of this favorite tramping spot. The tramper was on holiday from Wellington, and appalled to have seen no notification of the drop.

Greymouth Star: Massive 1080 drop about to start

Pre-feed drop or not, there should have been some notification for the public. This is Unacceptable!

It appears that the Ministry of Primary Industries (MPI) is seeking accommodation for up to 30 people in the Kahurangi NP area for the first weekend of March.

A pertinent reminder here: 1080 is a broad-spectrum poison: it kills all oxygen-breathing animals and organisms.

1080 is a broad-spectrum poison: it kills all oxygen-breathing animals and organisms. This alone is reason enough to cease dispersing it into the environment. It indiscriminately kills and contaminates everything from the insects that underpin the native fauna food chain to precious native birds, dogs and farm animals.

Related: Dr Meriel Watts, PANANZ

Deer, farm animals and pets are all victims of 1080 poison, it is not selective in its kill range

And in the meantime, the Otago Daily Times reported on the 16th February on the Makarora Valley 1080 operation near Wanaka with concerns about the presence of many tourists still in the bush.

There have been recent reports of 1080 pellets dropping randomly on the unsuspecting. Here is one. And another here.

Concern for Trampers in Pest Operation

“The Department of Conservation has started its Battle for our Birds aerial pest control operation in the Makarora Valley near Wanaka but there are concerns about the apparent high numbers of trampers still in the area."

Doc Central Otago operations manager Mike Tubbs said the operation would begin today with a pre-feed of non-toxic cereal pellets dropped by helicopters over the Makarora valley and its tributaries, the Fish, Blue, Young, Cameron, Wilkin and Siberia Valleys.

Otago Daily Times: Concern for trampers in pest operation

Makarora Tourist Centre Director Rhondda Osmers said she wrote to Doc expressing her concerns about the number of vehicles parked in the trampers’ car park yesterday, at Makarora.  

See the TheGrafBoys YT channel and website for more videos. Educate yourself on 1080 poisoning. See also 1080science.co.nz

See also our 1080 pages for info and links, and / or search ‘categories’ drop down box for further related articles (at left of any page). 

Like our Facebook page or follow our blog and stay informed. Use the share buttons to help spread the word on all the untruths we have been told – we are about exposing corruption and lies!  

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Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi

Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi
“Sleeper Cell” Obama Running Shadow Government Operation To Discredit Natural News And Other Pro-Trump Independent Media
February 20 2017 | From: NaturalNews

As reported yesterday, Natural News is being targeted for destruction by Media Matters and other anti-American operative groups who are trying to bring down the Trump administration by undermining his popular support.

As part of this campaign, I have personally been threatened and ordered to “destroy Alex Jones” or face a campaign of fake news smear articles targeting me personally as well as Natural News.

Related: Ex-CIA Analyst Says Former Obama Staffers Sabotaging President Trump By Withholding Intel

“I have no luck, or I have all the luck,” she told reporters. “I’m not sure which it is.”

What’s now emerging is that Media Matters, a fascist, anti-American propaganda group with ties to George Soros, is plotting with Obama and his “shadow government” to target and destroy independent media publishing operations. We already know that Obama is a “sleeper cell” traitor of America who took active, deliberate steps to destroy this great nation from within.

Now, he’s part of a new effort to destroy the independent media journalists who defend America against domestic enemies. As revealed in the document below, Media Matters is pursuing a plan to “weaponize” their opposition research in order to “expose, discredit” and silence pro-Trump voices across the internet and social media.

Related: Ben Stein says MSM Coup D’état

The document is entitled Democracy Matters, Strategic Plan for Action, and it reveals the sinister new tactics of the left-wing media to discredit and destroy any people who support Donald Trump’s vision for America.

The document statements include:

In the next four years, Media Matters will continues its core mission of disarming right-wing misinformation, while leading the fight against the next generation of conservative disinformation: The proliferation of fake news and propaganda now threatening the country’s information ecosystem. Here’s what success will look like:

* Serial misinformers and right-wing propagandists inhabiting everything from social media to the highest levels of government will be exposed, discredited.

* Toxic alt-right social media-fueled harassment campaigns that silence dissent and poison our national discourse will be punished and halted.

… Shareblue will take back social media for Democrats. We will delegitimize Donald Trump’s presidency by emboldening the opposition…

* Trump allies will be forced to step down or change course due to news pushed by Shareblue.

Media Matters will… “weaponize our research products to understand and take action against the changing media ecosystem and the extremists seeking to manipulate it…. Key alt-right figures will lose credibility and influence in response to our research and pressure.”

To carry out the threat, Media Matters has assembled a $13.4 million budget to hire a 34-person research team focused on the complete destruction of Trump supporters in the independent media.

Covert Coordination With Obama’s “Shadow Government”

The existence of this “shadow government” operation is now well known across conservative and liberty-oriented media.

“Several intelligence insiders have come forward over the past few days to describe a ‘shadow government’ of Obama holdovers leaking information to derail the Trump presidency, with National Security Adviser Mike Flynn’s resignation their first great success,” reports Breitbart News.

Related: Time to ‘Drain the Swamp’: Will Soros Find Himself Behind Bars?

“There are even allegations that former President Barack Obama himself is actively involved, citing his establishment of a command center in Washington and continuing involvement with activist organizations.”

Even conservative radio host Rush Limbaugh now openly talks about the “deep state” apparatus and how it’s being weaponized and deployed in an attempt to bring down the Trump administration. From the Rush Limbaugh Show, February 15, 2017:

I want to now delve back into the specifics of what is going on in the deep state, the embedded bureaucracy, where the Obama shadow government is doing everything it can to overthrow the Trump presidency.

And make no mistake that is what’s happening. And make no mistake that the media has thrown in with it. The media is now doing the bidding of the Obama shadow government…

Related: Photos Emerge of Kellyanne Conway and Sean Spicer Laughing as TRUMP Castigates Liberal Press

A day earlier, Limbaugh revealed the viciousness of this operation, exposing how Obama’s shadow government directs the complicit media to threaten Trump and his supporters. From February 14, 2017:

Well, let me tell you what else is going on, though. This is just a fact of life. The establishment, not so much these embedded bureaucrats, but there are powerful, wealthy people whose names you don’t even know, who are at every level of the establishment.

They’re in government, they’re outside of government. I will guarantee you… it’s common sense to me that Trump has already been given warnings, and the “what fors” and the “you better watch yourself” and “we’re only gonna let you go so far, if you get too close to home…”

Because this is, the establishment, these people run the world, not just Washington. These are the globalists that run the world, and they’re just not going to sit idly by while some guy that they don’t respect shows up and tries to dismantle it. And they will use implied threats, direct threats, going after Ivanka and the family, and leaking stories that Melania was a hooker, and all this stuff is out there. It’s vicious, vicious stuff..”

This desperation on the part of the left-wing media and its deep state leakers is a result if the Democrat party imploding in the most recent elections. “The democrat party has ceased to function as an opposition force. The Democrat party really, without the assistance of the media, can’t stop anything.

They don’t have the numbers,” says Limbaugh. “The Obama shadow government, the deep state and all of the leftist judges throughout our judiciary make up now the opposition to the portion of our country that believes in America as founded.”

Obama’s Plan to Start a Civil War to Stop President Trump

Barack Obama is even planning on starting a civil war to overthrow Trump, reports Infowars.

In an interview with Paul Sperry, Alex Jones reveals Obama’s dangerous, demented plan to unleash a violent civil war that ends with Trump being arrested, executed or removed from office.

Report: Obama Planning Civil War To Stop Trump

Alex Jones and Paul Sperry expose how Barack Obama is trying to undermine Donald Trump's presidency.

As the Washington Free Beacon reports, Obama’s “shadow government” deep state operation is part of “a secret, months-long campaign by former Obama administration confidantes to handicap President Donald Trump’s national security apparatus and preserve the nuclear deal with Iran.”

You may recall that Obama engaged in wildly illegal international money laundering to fly a cargo plane load of cash into Iran, handing them massive funding for the construction of nuclear weapons that Iran has promised to deploy against Israel.

Part of “sleeper cell” Obama’s mission as President, of course, was to destroy America while providing funding for terrorist nations that exist as enemies of America.

“It’s easy to imagine players in a shadow government sticking together, imagining themselves as brave resistance fighters against the Trump tyranny, which only exists because Russia stole the election from Hillary Clinton. That’s a fantasy that has become absolutely pervasive in left-wing culture today,”
writes Breitbart News.

In a New York Post article entitled, “How Obama is scheming to sabotage Trump’s presidency,” author Paul Sperry writes:

Obama has an army of agitators - numbering more than 30,000 - who will fight his Republican successor at every turn of his historic presidency. And Obama will command them from a bunker less than two miles from the White House.

He’s working behind the scenes to set up what will effectively be a shadow government to not only protect his threatened legacy, but to sabotage the incoming administration and its popular “America First” agenda.

Natural News and Other Independent Media Outlets in the Crosshairs For Organized Smear Assaults

Now it’s abundantly clear that Obama’s sabotage effort is not merely targeting Trump himself, but also targeting Trump’s supporters in the independent media.

Related: President Trump Unleashes His Best Tweet Ever: The Fake News Media is “The Enemy of the American People”

Hence the threats against Natural News, InfoWars, Breitbart and others.

“He’s doing it through a network of leftist nonprofits led by Organizing for Action,” writes the NY Post. “Since Donald Trump’s election, this little-known but well-funded protesting arm has beefed up staff and ramped up recruitment of young liberal activists, declaring on its website, ‘We’re not backing down.’

Determined to salvage Obama’s legacy, it’s drawing battle lines on immigration, ObamaCare, race relations and climate change.”

That’s why Natural News is target #1 for the left-wing hate groups that now run Obama’s shadow government that seeks the absolute destruction of America as we know it. We not only support Trump’s vision for America, we also expose the fake science fraud of climate change and the incredible failure of the Obamacare fiasco.

President Trump Makes Remarks at Boeing

“Obama will be overseeing it all from a shadow White House located within two miles of Trump,” says the NY Post.

“It features a mansion, which he’s fortifying with construction of a tall brick perimeter, and a nearby taxpayer-funded office with his own chief of staff and press secretary. Michelle Obama will also open an office there, along with the Obama Foundation.”

In essence, after losing the election, the hate-filled, anti-American Democrat party - now run by unhinged lunatics and advocates of terror-style violence against Trump supporters - have decided to go rogue and literally engage in acts of sedition and treason against the United States government while undermining Trump’s popular support with targeted attacks against outspoken pro-Trump publishers.

Why the Left Will Fail Miserably

But I’ve got news for the libtards running all this: It won’t work. By attacking the independent media, all you do is strengthen our determination to defeat the anti-American traitors who will be identified, arrested and removed from power one by one.

President Trump isn’t backing down from his mission to defend America’s interests, and neither will we. Don’t be surprised if one day we see Barack Obama arrested for treason and charged with acts of sedition to overthrow the government. Yes, it’s a federal crime. And yes, Obama is guilty.

Related: CNN’s Don Lemon Walks Off Show After Guest Accuses Him Of Reporting Fake News

As I’ve also pointed out in another Natural News article, it’s also time to start arresting the traitors pretending to be journalists at the NYT, Washington Post and other fake news outlets that are actively conspiring to overthrow the United States Government. Hear my podcast at Health Ranger Report to learn more, or listen below.

Mike Pence "Radical Islamic Terrorism Has Fixated on the Destruction of Western Civilization!"

In his first overseas trip as vice president, Mike Pence vowed in an address Saturday in Germany that the United States will "hold Russia accountable" and be "unwavering" in its support for trans-Atlantic institutions like NATO.

Pence sought to calm nervous European allies who are alarmed over President Trump’s positive statements about Russian President Vladimir Putin and who also worry that the new White House may pursue isolationist policies. Pence was speaking to diplomats and security officials at the Munich Security Conference.

"We have been faithful for generations - and as you keep faith with us, under President Trump we will always keep faith with you. The fates of the United States and Europe are intertwined. Your struggles are our struggles. Your success is our success. And ultimately, we walk into the future together,"


Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi

Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi
The Marijuana Conspiracy
February 20 2017 | From: TPUC

They say marijuana is dangerous. pot is not harmful to the human body or mind. marijuana does not pose a threat to the general public. Marijuana is very much a danger to the oil companies, alcohol, tobacco industries and a large number of chemical corporations.

Big businesses, with plenty of dollars and influence, have suppressed the truth from the people. The truth is, if marijuana was utilized for its vast array of commercial products, it would create an industrial atomic bomb!

Related: DEA ‘Chief Propagandist’ Says Agency Knows Pot is Safe, Keeps it Illegal for Profit

The super rich have conspired to spread misinformation about the plant that, if used properly, would ruin their companies.

Where did the word ‘marijuana’ come from? In the mid 1930s, the M-word was created to tarnish the good image and phenomenal history of the hemp plant – as you will read. The facts cited here, with references, are generally verifiable in the Encyclopedia Britannica which was printed on hemp paper for 150 years:

All schoolbooks were made from hemp or flax paper until the 1880s. (Jack Frazier. Hemp Paper Reconsidered. 1974.)

It was legal to pay taxes with hemp in America from 1631 until the early 1800s. (LA Times. Aug. 12, 1981.)

Refusing to grow hemp in America during the 17th and 18th centuries was against the law! You could be jailed in Virginia for refusing to grow hemp from 1763 to 1769 (G. M. Herdon. Hemp in Colonial Virginia).

George Washington, Thomas Jefferson and other founding fathers grew hemp. (Washington and Jefferson Diaries. Jefferson smuggled hemp seeds from China to France then to America.)

Benjamin Franklin owned one of the first paper mills in America, and it processed hemp. Also, the War of 1812 was fought over hemp. Napoleon wanted to cut off Moscow’s export to England. (Jack Herer. Emperor Wears No Clothes.)

For thousands of years, 90% of all ships’ sails and rope were made from hemp. The word ‘canvas’ is Dutch for cannabis. (Webster’s New World Dictionary.)

80% of all textiles, fabrics, clothes, linen, drapes, bed sheets, etc.,were made from hemp until the 1820s, with the introduction of the cotton gin.

The first Bibles, maps, charts, Betsy Ross’s flag, the first drafts of the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution were made from hemp. (U.S. Government Archives.)

The first crop grown in many states was hemp. 1850 was a peak year for Kentucky producing 40,000 tons.Hemp was the largest cash crop until the 20th century. (State Archives.)

Oldest known records of hemp farming go back 5000 years in China, although hemp industrialization probably goes back to ancient Egypt.

Rembrandt’s, Van Gogh’s, Gainsborough’s, as well as most early canvas paintings, were principally painted on hemp linen.

In 1916, the U.S. Government predicted that by the 1940s all paper would come from hemp and that no more trees need to be cut down. Government studies report that 1 acre of hemp equals 4.1 acres of trees. Plans were in the works to implement such programs. (U.S. Department of Agriculture Archives.)

Quality paints and varnishes were made from hemp seed oil until 1937. 58,000 tons of hemp seeds were used in America for paint products in 1935. (Sherman Williams Paint Co. testimony before the U.S.Congress against the 1937 Marijuana Tax Act.)

Henry Ford’s first Model-T was built to run on hemp gasoline and the car itself was constructed from hemp! On his large estate, Ford was photographed among his hemp fields. The car, ‘grown from the soil,’ had hemp plastic panels whose impact strength was 10 times stronger than steel. (Popular Mechanics, 1941.)

In 1938, hemp was called ‘Billion Dollar Crop.’ It was the first time a cash crop had a business potential to exceed a billion dollars. (Popular Mechanics, Feb. 1938.)

Mechanical Engineering Magazine (Feb. 1938) published an article entitled ‘The Most Profitable and Desirable Crop that Can be Grown.’ It stated that if hemp was cultivated using 20th century technology, it would be the single largest agricultural crop in the U.S. and the rest of the world.

The following information comes directly from the United States Department of Agriculture’s 1942 14-minute film encouraging and instructing ‘patriotic American farmers’ to grow 350,000 acres of hemp each year for the war effort

“…[When] Grecian temples were new, hemp was already old in the service of mankind. For thousands of years, even then, this plant had been grown for cordage and cloth in China and elsewhere in the East. For centuries prior to about 1850, all the ships that sailed the western seas were rigged with hempen rope and sails.

For the sailor, no less than the hangman, hemp was indispensable… Now with Philippine and East Indian sources of hemp in the hands of the Japanese… American hemp must meet the needs of our Army and Navy as well as of our industries…

The Navy’s rapidly dwindling reserves.When that is gone, American hemp will go on duty again; hemp for mooring ships; hemp for tow lines; hemp for tackle and gear; hemp for countless naval uses both on ship and shore. Just as in the days when Old Ironsides sailed the seas victorious with her hempen shrouds and hempen sails. Hemp for victory!”

Certified proof from the Library of Congress, found by the research of Jack Herer, refutes claims of other government agencies that the 1942 USDA film ‘Hemp for Victory’ did not exist.

Hemp cultivation and production do not harm the environment. The USDA Bulletin #404 concluded that hemp produces four times as much pulp with at least four to seven times less pollution.

From Popular Mechanics, February 1938:

“It has a short growing season… It can be grown in any state… The long roots penetrate and break the soil to leave it in perfect condition for the next year’s crop.

The dense shock of leaves, 8 to 12 feet above the ground, chokes out weeds. …Hemp, this new crop can add immeasurably to American agriculture and industry.”

In the 1930s, innovations in farm machinery would have caused an industrial revolution when applied to hemp. This single resource could have created millions of new jobs generating thousands of quality products. Hemp, if not made illegal,would have brought America out of the Great Depression.

The Conspiracy

William Randolph Hearst (Citizen Kane) and the Hearst Paper Manufacturing Division of Kimberly Clark owned vast acreage of timberlands. The Hearst Company supplied most paper products. Patty Hearst’s grandfather, a destroyer of nature for his own personal profit, stood to lose billions because of hemp.

In 1937, DuPont patented the processes to make plastics from oil and coal. DuPont’s Annual Report urged stockholders to invest in its new petrochemical division.

Synthetics such as plastics, cellophane, celluloid, methanol, nylon, rayon, Dacron, etc., could now be made from oil.Natural hemp industrialization would have ruined over 80% of DuPont’s business.

Andrew Mellon became Hoover’s Secretary of the Treasury and DuPont’s primary investor. He appointed his future nephew-in-law,Harry J.Anslinger, to head the Federal Bureau of Narcotics and Dangerous Drugs.

Secret meetings were held by these financial tycoons. Hemp was declared dangerous and a threat to their billion dollar enterprises. For their dynasties to remain intact, hemp had to go.

These men took an obscure Mexican slang word: ‘marijuana’ and pushed it into the consciousness of America.

Media Manipulation

A media blitz of ‘yellow journalism’ raged in the late 1920s and 1930s. Hearst’s newspapers ran stories emphasizing the horrors of marijuana. The menace of marijuana made headlines. Readers learned that it was responsible for everything from car accidents to loose morality.

Related: Federal Government Finally Admits Cannabis Can Help Kill Cancer Cells

Films like Reefer Madness (1936), Marijuana: Assassin of Youth (1935) and Marijuana: The Devil’s Weed (1936) were propaganda designed by these industrialists to create an enemy. Their purpose was to gain public support so that anti-marijuana laws could be passed.

Examine the following quotes from The Burning Question, aka Reefer Madness:

A violent narcotic;

Acts of shocking violence;

Incurable insanity;

Soul-destroying effects;

Under the influence of the drug he killed his entire family with an ax;

More vicious, more deadly even than these soul-destroying drugs (heroin, cocaine) is the menace of marijuana!

Reefer Madness did not end with the usual ‘the end.’ The film concluded with these words plastered on the screen: ‘Tell your children.’

In the 1930s, people were very naive, even to the point of ignorance. The masses were like sheep waiting to be led by the few in power. They did not challenge authority. If the news was in print or on the radio, they believed it had to be true. They told their children, and their children grew up to be the parents of the babyboomers.

On April 14, 1937, the prohibitive Marijuana Tax Law, or the bill that outlawed hemp, was directly brought to the House Ways and Means Committee. This committee is the only one that can introduce a bill to the House floor without it being debated by other committees.

The Chairman of the U.S. Senate, Ways and Means Committee, at the time,Robert Doughton, was a DuPont supporter. He insured that the bill would pass Congress.

Related: The Teflon Toxin - DuPont And The Chemistry Of Deception

Dr. James Woodward, a physician and attorney, testified too late on behalf of the American Medical Association. He told the committee that the reason the AMA had not denounced the Marijuana Tax Law sooner was that the Association had just discovered that marijuana was hemp.

Few people, at the time, realized that the deadly menace they had been reading about on Hearst’s front pages was in fact passive hemp. The AMA understood cannabis to be a medicine found in numerous healing products sold over the last hundred years.

In September of 1937, hemp became illegal. The most useful crop known became a drug and our planet has been suffering ever since.

Related: Cancer Update: There Are Now 100 Scientific Studies That Prove Cannabis Cures Cancer + Watch What Happens When Cannabis Is Injected Into Cancer Cells

Congress banned hemp because it was said to be the most violence-causing drug known. Harry Anslinger, head of the Drug Commission for 31 years, promoted the idea that marijuana made users act extremely violent.

In the 1950s, under the Communist threat ofMcCarthyism, Anslinger then said the exact opposite: marijuana will pacify you so much that soldiers would not want to fight.

Today, our planet is in desperate trouble. Earth is suffocating as large tracts of rain forests disappear. Pollution, poisons and chemicals are killing people. These great problems could be reversed if we industrialized hemp. Natural biomass could provide all of the planet’s energy needs that are currently supplied by fossil fuels.

The Wonder Plant

Hemp has a higher quality fiber than wood fiber. Far fewer caustic chemicals are required to make paper from hemp than from trees. Hemp paper does not turn yellow and is very durable. The plant grows quickly to maturity in a season where trees take a lifetime.

All plastic products should be made from hemp seed oil. Hempen plastics are biodegradable! Over time, they would break down and not harm the environment.

Oil-based plastics, the ones we are very familiar with, help ruin nature. They do not break down and will do great harm in the future.

The process to produce the vast array of natural (hempen) plastics will not ruin the rivers as DuPont and other petrochemical companies have done.

Ecology does not fit in with the plans of the oil industry and the political machine.Hemp products are safe and natural.

Medicines should be made from hemp. We should go back to the days when the AMA supported cannabis cures.‘Medical Marijuana’ is given out legally to only a handful of people while the rest of us are forced into a system that relies on chemicals. Pot is only healthy for the human body.

Related: US Attorney General Finally Admits Weed Isn’t A Gateway Drug - Prescription Pills Are + Study Proves Medical Marijuana Can Replace Dangerous Pharmaceuticals

World hunger could end. A large variety of food products can be generated from hemp. The seeds contain one of the highest sources of protein in nature.

Also: They have two essential fatty acids that clean your body of cholesterol. These essential fatty acids are not found anywhere else in nature! Consuming pot seeds is the best thing you could do for your body. Eat uncooked hemp seeds.

Clothes should be made from hemp. Hemp clothing is extremely strong and durable over time.You could hand clothing, made from pot, down to your grandchildren. Today, there are American companies that make hemp clothing; usually 50% hemp.

Hemp fabrics should be everywhere. Instead, they are almost underground. Superior hemp products are not allowed to advertise on fascist television.

Kentucky, once the top hemp producing state, made it illegal to wear hemp clothing! Can you imagine being thrown into jail for wearing quality jeans?

Related: Second New Mexico Committee Passes Bill to Decriminalize Industrial Hemp

The world is crazy. But that does not mean you have to join the insanity. Get together. Spread the news. Tell people, and that includes your children, the truth. Use hemp products. Eliminate the word ’marijuana.’Realize the history that created it.

Make it politically incorrect to say or print the M-word. Fight against the propaganda (designed to favor the agenda of the super rich) and the bullshit.Hemp must be utilized in the future.We need a clean energy source to save our planet. Industrialize hemp!

The liquor, tobacco and oil companies fund more than a million dollars a day to Partnership for a Drug-Free America and other similar agencies.We have all seen their commercials. Now, their motto is: ‘It’s more dangerous than we thought.’ Lies from the powerful corporations, that began with Hearst, are still alive and well today.

The brainwashing continues. Now, the commercials say: If you buy a joint, you contribute to murders and gang wars. The latest anti-pot commercials say: If you buy a joint… you are promoting terrorism! The new enemy (terrorism) has paved the road to brainwash you any way they see fit.

There is only one enemy: the friendly people you pay your taxes to, the war-makers and nature destroyers.With your funding, they are killing the world right in front of your eyes.

Related: Cannabis Eeform Enabled

Half a million deaths each year are caused by tobacco. Half a million deaths each year are caused by alcohol. No one has ever, ever died from smoking pot!!

In the entire history of the human race, not one death can be attributed to cannabis. Our society has outlawed grass but condones the use of the killers: tobacco and alcohol.

Hemp should be declassified and placed in drug stores to relieve stress. Hardening and constriction of the arteries are bad, but hemp usage actually enlarges the arteries, which is a healthy condition. We have been so conditioned to think that smoking is harmful. That is not the case for passive pot.

Ingesting THC, hemp’s active agent, has a positive effect: relieving asthma and glaucoma. A joint tends to alleviate the nausea caused by chemotherapy. You are able to eat on hemp. This is a healthy state of being.

[one personal note. During the pregnancy of my wife, she was having some difficulty gaining weight.We were in the hospital. A nurse called us to one side and said: “Off the record, if you smoke pot… you’d get something called the munchies and you’ll gain weight.” I swear that is a true story.]

The stereotype for a pothead is similar to a drunk, bubble-brain.Yet, the truth is one’s creative abilities can be enhanced under its influence. The perception of time slightly slows and one can become more sensitive.

You can more appreciate all arts, be closer to nature and generally feel more under the influence of cannabis. It is, in fact, the exact opposite state of mind and body as the drunken state. You can be more aware with pot.

The pot plant is an alien plant. There is physical evidence that cannabis is not like any other plant on this planet. One could conclude that it was brought here for the benefit of humanity. Hemp is the only plant where the males appear one way and the females appear very different, physically!

No one ever speaks of males and females in regard to the plant kingdom because plants do not show their sexes. Except for cannabis. To determine what sex a certain, normal, earthly plant is, you have to look internally, at its DNA. A male blade of grass (physically) looks exactly like a female blade of grass.

The hemp plant has an intense sexuality. Growers know to kill the males before they fertilize the females. Yes, folks, the most potent pot comes from ‘horny females.’

The reason this amazing, very sophisticated, ET plant from the future is illegal has nothing to do with how it physically affects us.

Pot is illegal because billionaires want to remain billionaires!

“And I will raise up for them a plant of renown, and they shall be no more consumed with hunger in the land.”

– Ezekiel 34:29.

P.S. I think the word ‘drugs’ should not be used as an umbrella-word that covers all chemical agents. Drugs have come to be known as something bad. Are you aware there are legal drugstores?!

Yep, in every city. Unbelievable. Each so-called drug should be considered individually. Cannabis is a medicine and not a drug. We should dare to speak the truth no matter what the law is.

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Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi
When Will The West Wake Up To The Fact That the World Has Changed
February 19 2017 | From: JournalNeo

The changes that are taking place in today’s world often are so rapid and unpredictable that they leave certain US and European politicians utterly confused.

The state those people often find themselves in can be most accurately described as panicas they feel the floor falling out from beneath their feet.

The Death of London’s Roman Empire | Lyndon H. LaRouche, Jr.

They are unable to explain why the comfortable carefree life that they’ve enjoyed for decades is nowhere to be found, while the presumably unipolar world they’ve created suddenly looks multipolar.

In their understanding, the sole superpower should be determining the way our world works, and this situation should be carried on indefinitely. Perhaps those gentlemen didn’t care enough to study Hegel back when they were students.

When repetitive processes accumulate, they lead to a qualitative change in any system. It would be a mistake to assume that the changing balance of power in the world today can be sidestepped or ignored.

How can one fail to recognize the fact that China’s buying power has already surpassed Washington’s? Is it possible to ignore the fact that Russia’s actions in Syria have tipped the scales in favor of the legitimate government, creating preconditions for a political settlement of the conflict?

Additionally, it would be naive at best to underestimate the importance of demographic trends. Is it even possible not to take into account the rapid growth of India’s population, which has recently hit the mark of 1.2 billion, while this impressive population is making rapid advancements in high-tech industries?

So by stating that the world would remain unipolar drives oneself into a cruel trap.

This leads to the belief  that events are taking place around the world randomly, unrelated to these changes taking really taking place. Then Brexit is an accident, Italians voting against constitutional reform is also an accident, and then, out of the blue, Donald Trump wins the presidential election in the US.

And how many more of such “accidents” are going to happen in the upcoming elections in the Netherlands, France, Germany, and across the rest of Europe? The easiest thing to do in this situation is to dig one’s head in the sand and take the ostrich position, but this will only complicate matters even further.

Sometimes, indeed, it’s amazing how deceiving Cold War stereotypes can be, as some political analysts believe that the West should dominate every aspect of human life until the end of time.

Then you can push the blame for all of your failures on the behind the scenes machinations of alleged enemies.

Meanwhile, the list of domestic problems in most Western countries are only getting bigger after decades of exploitation of the people. After the collapse of the Soviet Union, the rich have cynically assumed that they were in no need to share profits with both the workers and the middle class.

As a result, income inequality has reached enormous proportions: the eight richest men in the world accumulated the same wealth as half of the world’s population. An average American or Brit is starting to realize that his expectations are much lower than those that his parents had.

All these facts combined with demographic factors lead to a fairly explosive mixture, when ordinary citizens no longer trust their governments, while corrupt officials are not only simply unresponsive, they are annoying to the point of the people seeking alternatives.

As a result of these changes, Chinese and India are preparing to occupy the center stage of international politics, followed by a number of Asian, African, and Latin American countries. Meanwhile, some politicians in the West see Russia’s meddling behind these changes.

For instance, the man behind the Hillary Clinton election campaign, Clinton Robbie Mock in his recent article for The Guardian noted that the biggest danger to the West is Russia’s political influence, therefore it must be eradicated. Is this anything short of absurd?

Related: #Vault7: Wikileaks Drops New Bombshell vs. Deep State

Further still, Foreign Policy magazine would publish an article drafted by two prominent experts who used to work for the Obama Administration: Hal Brands, a Henry A. Kissinger Distinguished Professor of Global Affairs at the Johns Hopkins University School of Advanced International Studies (SAIS), and Choline Kala, an associate professor in the Security Studies Program at Georgetown University’s Edmund A. Walsh School of Foreign Service.

They would criticize in every way the thesis that Donald Trump has repeatedly voiced during his election campaign and even after becoming the new US president.

The thesis that the US and Russia are natural allies in the fight against terrorism, and that it’s only natural that cooperation should begin in Syria. According to the above mentioned authors, a US alliance with Russia in Syria is strategic suicide for the United States.

Without providing any arguments, those scholars argue that even if Donald Trump does nothing to intensify the fight against ISIS, Mosul and Rakka will be liberated in the next few months. This kind of alleged scientific analysis simply makes the activities of radical organizations easier, as they prepare new attacks.

There’s a real danger that ISIS and Jabhat al-Nusra will get their hands on weapons of mass destruction, and then what?

This brings us back to the UN General Assembly of October 2015, when Vladimir Putin demanded the West: to answer: Do you realize what you have done?

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Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi
How To Be Lucky
February 19 2017 | From: Nautilus

It pays to imagine your life is on a winning streak.

“Luck is believing you’re lucky.” - Tennessee Williams, A Streetcar Named Desire

Related: The Swastika: How The Nazis Turned A Sign Of Good Luck Into A Symbol Of Evil

In 1995, a wounded 35-year-old woman named Anat Ben-Tov gave an interview from her hospital room in Tel Aviv. She had just survived her second bus bombing in less than a year.

“I have no luck, or I have all the luck,” she told reporters. “I’m not sure which it is.”

The news story caught the eyes of Norwegian psychologist Karl Halvor Teigen, now an emeritus professor at the University of Oslo. He had been combing through newspapers to glean insights into what people consider lucky and unlucky.

Over the following years, he and other psychologists, along with economists and statisticians, would come to understand that while people often think of luck as random chance or a supernatural force, it is better described as subjective interpretation.

“One might ask, do you consider yourself lucky because good things happen to you, or do good things happen to you because you consider yourself lucky?” says David J. Hand, author of The Improbability Principle, emeritus professor of mathematics and a senior research investigator at Imperial College, London.

Smart Parkers: Game theory reveals drivers who found spots near where they work early in their search continued to search in a narrow radius in the following days. If they didn’t find spots near work early on, they searched in a wider radius.

Psychology studies have found that whether you identify yourself as lucky or unlucky, regardless of your actual lot in life, says a lot about your worldview, well-being, and even brain functions.

It turns out that believing you are lucky is a kind of magical thinking - not magical in the sense of Lady Luck or leprechauns.

A belief in luck can lead to a virtuous cycle of thought and action. Belief in good luck goes hand in hand with feelings of control, optimism, and low anxiety. If you believe you’re lucky and show up for a date feeling confident, relaxed, and positive, you’ll be more attractive to your date.

Feeling lucky can lead you to work harder and plan better. It can make you more attentive to the unexpected, allowing you to capitalize on opportunities that arise around you.

In a study comparing people who consider themselves lucky or unlucky, psychologist Richard Wiseman of the University of Hertfordshire, author of the 2003 book The Luck Factor, asked subjects to count the pictures in a newspaper. But there was a twist: He put the solution on the second page of the newspaper.

“The unlucky people tended to miss it and the lucky people tended to spot it,” he writes.

One of the easiest measures you can take to improve your luck is to shake things up.

On the other hand, feeling unlucky could lead to a vicious cycle likely to generate unlucky outcomes. Psychologist John Maltby of the University of Leicester hypothesized that beliefs in being unlucky are associated with lower executive functioning - the ability to plan, organize, and attend to tasks or goals.

In a 2013 study, he and colleagues found a link between a belief in being unlucky and lower executive function skills like switching between tasks and creative thinking.

Then in 2015, he and other colleagues found more electrical activity related to lower executive function in the brains of 10 students who believed themselves very unlucky than in the brains of 10 students who believed themselves very lucky.

“People who believe in bad luck didn’t necessarily engage in some of the processes that are needed to bring about positive outcomes,” Maltby says.

He offers a simple example of running out of ink in the middle of a print job. “The lucky person will have got a spare cartridge just in case because they have planned ahead. When the cartridge runs out they’ll say, ‘Oh, aren’t I lucky, I bought one earlier, that’’ fantastic,’ ” Maltby says.

“However, the unlucky person won’t have planned ahead, won’t have done the cognitive processes, so when the printer cartridge runs out and they’re left with something to print, they go, ‘Oh, I’m so unlucky.’ ”

If this kind of vicious cycle takes hold, it can make a big difference. Economists Victoria Prowse and David Gill of Purdue University think responses to bad luck might even explain part of the gender gap seen in the workforce.

In a lab experiment using a competitive game that involved both skill and luck, they found that women were more discouraged by bad luck than men. After experiencing bad luck, women had a greater tendency to reduce the amount of effort they put into the next round of the competition, even when the game’s stakes were small.

Luck frequently plays a role in careers, Prowse points out. Whether you get a job could depend on how much time a manager has to look at resumes, or whether she likes a color you wear to the interview. Companies often hold competitions that pit employees such as salespeople against each other.

“Even a small reduction in the effort of a woman after one interaction, where she gets unlucky, could potentially mean you miss the opportunity of getting promoted and getting to the next level, which has all sorts of future repercussions,” she says.

“It would be dangerous to dismiss these small differences as something that couldn’t potentially accumulate to something we really care about.”

While personality and gender seem to play a role, random events could also kick-start a virtuous lucky cycle or a vicious unlucky cycle. Economist Alan Kirman of the École des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales in Paris realized this could be the case when he worked in an office with relatively few parking places nearby.

One guy on his team always seemed to get lucky with parking spots close to the office, while another always had to park far away and walk. To figure out why, the team created a simple game-theory model to simulate the situation. It revealed that if would-be parkers happened to find spots near work early on, they continued to search in a narrow radius in the following days.

If they didn’t find spots near work early on, they began to search in a wider radius. Guess who had lucky streaks when it came to finding spots near work? The ones who were actually looking for them.

At least in the simulation, the parkers quickly sorted themselves into lucky and unlucky groups, without any reference to personality or gender, Kirman says. That means that a good or bad luck cycle could happen to anybody without their conscious knowledge.

It also means that, to the extent that life is a zero-sum game like parking, our bad luck cycle could be facilitating someone else’s good luck cycle - and that’s maddening. “The unlucky guys learn to choose the spots far back and leave the spots for other spots for the guys who are ‘lucky,’ ” Kirman says.

If you believe you’re lucky and show up for a date feeling confident, relaxed, and positive, you’ll be more attractive to your date.

Of course, believing in your own good luck isn’t always a good thing. In gambling, for example, lucky streaks are never what they seem. Take the case of online sports betting.

Juemin Xu, a graduate student at University College London, and her advisor, experimental psychologist Nigel Harvey, analyzed a 2010 database of 565,915 sports bets made by 776 online gamblers. In all those bets, they found something apparently at odds with laws of probability: Bettors were more likely to win after winning.

Those lucky streaks weren’t supernatural, Xu says; they were generated by the “gambler’s fallacy” - the widespread but misguided notion that your luck must eventually change. Thinking that a loss was imminent after a run of wins, bettors would make safer and safer bets, generating an even longer run of wins.

Unfortunately, the bettors didn’t make much money off of these streaks; over time, they still tended to lose to the house. “The best strategy in gambling is to control loss,” Xu says.

Teigen points out that, in many activities, lucky is the opposite of safe. In one study he found that people who have lucky stories are often those who have taken a lot of serious, often careless, risks.

For example, a woefully inexperienced paraglider told him about having averted a crash. Ultimately, that approach to courting luck could backfire.

“I am a little bit careful about wishing people good luck,” he says. “I’d rather they be safe than lucky.”

The trick, then, may be to find the areas of life where you can be both safe and lucky.

In the early 2000s, Wiseman capped his long study of lucky people with the creation of what he called a “luck school,” in which he gave unlucky people exercises that taught them to spot chance opportunities, listen to their guts, take an optimistic view, and not dwell on mistakes - in other words, to do the things that lucky people do.

He reported that, a month later, 80 percent of the unlucky people in his school said they were happier and luckier.

One psychology study coined the “George Bailey effect,” named for the jolt of happiness that comes from being surprised that a good thing can and did happen to you.

One of the easiest measures you can take to improve your luck is to shake things up. Think about the case of looking for parking. If you always default to the areas with merely tolerable spots, you’ll never find a really good spot.

Similar types of routines can settle in at work, at home, or in your social life. To introduce variety, one of Wiseman’s subjects picked a color before going to a party and then introduced himself to all of the people wearing that color. Another frequently took different routes to work.

More difficult, perhaps, is to learn how to not dwell on bad luck. Studies have found that people who are victims of assaults and accidents tend to ruminate on questions like “Why me?” or “What did I do wrong?”

This strategy is adaptive only if the victim can learn something that will help them avoid a similar disaster in the future. But that’s often not the case, and people are left with envy, self-blame, and useless, invasive thoughts.

However, certain kinds of unfortunate events - even very serious ones - seem to result in the mirror-opposite of this line of thinking. Teigen and his colleagues read interviews with 85 Norwegian tourists who took family vacations in Southeast Asia in the winter of 2004.

When the devastating earthquake and tsunami hit, their and their children’s lives were at risk, their Christmas holidays ruined.

Unlucky, right? Well, not from their perspective. Two years later, 95 percent of them said they had been lucky to survive, not unlucky to have picked that moment to travel there. (The remaining 5 percent said they had been a combination of lucky and unlucky.)

The key to deciding whether an event is lucky or unlucky is the comparison you make between the actual event and the “counterfactual” alternative you’re imagining, Teigen says. The people asking “Why me?” are making an upward comparison to other people who weren’t assaulted or who avoided an accident.

The people who feel lucky to have survived are comparing themselves downwardly to people who had a worse fate. Both are valid interpretations, but the downward comparison helps you to hold on to optimism, summon the feel-good emotion of gratitude, and to weave a larger narrative in which you are the lucky protagonist of your life story.

Consider George Bailey in It’s a Wonderful Life. He embraces life again after an angel takes him on a tour of what the world would have been like had he never been born.

In a 2008 study, researchers found that subjects who took themselves on a similar mental journey - thinking about a counterfactual life path in which a positive event like meeting a future spouse never happened - ended up “a little bit happier” than those who simply thought about the positive event itself.

The jolt of happiness, which they called the “George Bailey effect,” comes from being surprised that a good thing can and did happen to you.

When times are tough, it might seem frivolous to cultivate a belief in luck. But that belief, psychologists say, can cast a spell that heals our wounds and gives us another shot at success, whether we’ve survived a bombing or just been on a bad date.

Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi

Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi

Kennedy, De Niro Challenge: $100,000 To The first Person Who Can Find A Scientific Study Proving Thimerosal (Mercury) Is Safe To Inject Into Children
February 18 2017 | From: NaturalNews / Various

As promised, Robert F. Kennedy Jr., Chairman of the World Mercury Project (WMP), announced a $100,000 payout to anyone who can find a credible scientific study proving Thimerosal is safe to inject into children at the concentrations currently administered in today’s vaccines.

From the World Mercury Project website:

Related: Kennedy, De Niro Hold Major Vaccine Safety Press Conference

"Thimerosal, a mercury-containing preservative, is still in 48 million U.S. flu vaccines each year, tetanus toxoid, meningococcal vaccines and, in massive doses, in the pediatric vaccines given to 100 million children across the developing world. A Centers for Disease Control (CDC) review published last month found that the ethylmercury in thimerosal is as profoundly neurotoxic as the heavily regulated methylmercury in fish.

In 2004, an FDA official acknowledged in testimony before a Congressional committee that no government or privately funded study has ever demonstrated thimerosal’s safety, and that still stands today.

“On one hand, the government is telling pregnant women which mercury-laced fish to avoid so that they don’t harm their fetuses, and on the other, the CDC supports injecting mercury-containing vaccines into pregnant women, infants and children,” said Kennedy, who spent decades litigating polluters who dumped mercury into water systems. “This defies all logic and common sense.”

Watch the announcement video here:

As the founder and lab science director of CWC Labs, an ISO-accredited mass spec laboratory, I have personally tested vaccines for mercury and found flu shots to contain over 50,000 ppb of mercury, which is more than 25,000 times the EPA’s mercury limit in drinking water.

Over the last several years, the deceitful vaccine industry (and its malicious propagandists such as David Gorski) have deceptively claimed that mercury was removed from all vaccines in the United States.

Related: More Scientific Proof To Refuse Vaccines

That claim is blatantly false. Not only does the CDC openly admit that mercury is still present in 48 million flu shots each year, but this Natural News article documents California’s health secretary Diana Dooley practically demanding that parents inject their children with mercury-formulated influenza vaccines.

Details of the $100,000 Thimerosal Challenge

The aim of the World Mercury Project is to eliminate the toxic heavy metals mercury from medicines and the environment. Because vaccines administered to tens of millions of children in the USA still contain mercury, children are being poisoned right now by an extremely toxic heavy metal that causes severe neurological damage. Beyond mercury, modern vaccines also contain aluminum, MSG and formaldehyde… all documented as known neurotoxins that contribute to brain damage.

From the WMP announcement:

"Kennedy explained that the WMP will pay $100,000 to the first journalist, or other individual, who can find a peer-reviewed scientific study demonstrating that thimerosal is safe in the amounts contained in vaccines currently being administered to American children and pregnant women.

Kennedy believes that even “a meager effort at homework” will expose that contention as unsupported by science.

He says the science is unequivocal that mercury is a serious health hazard and exposure is linked to many different diseases and conditions (ADHD, Alzheimer’s, Acrodynia and Autism).

Even studies listed by the CDC on its website, to exonerate thimerosal as an autism culprit, link thimerosal exposure to low IQ, diminished language and motor skills, and tics, a family of neurological disorders that includes Tourette Syndrome.

A Yale University study published last week suggests a link between vaccines and tics, as well as anorexia and OCD.

Mercury, of course, is an extremely toxic, brain damaging (and kidney damaging) heavy metal. The continued mass poisoning of children with this dangerous toxic is a war on children and a crime against humanity. I call it the “medical molestation” of children and a form of “chemical violence” being waged by the sinister vaccine industry.

Because vaccine manufacturers currently enjoy absolute legal immunity against lawsuits, they have no incentive to make vaccines safer.

Related: Study: Almost All Vaccines Contaminated with Toxins and Linked to Side Effects

In fact, they have a financial incentive to make sure that vaccines don’t work as well as claimed, because every outbreak of infectious disease results in yet another round of media hysteria that sells more vaccines.

Watch my mini-documentary on vaccine safety problems here, which asks the question “What would happen if the auto industry operated like the vaccine industry?”


While the vaccine companies are pocketing hundreds of billions in annual profits, they are destroying the lives of countless children who are severely and permanently disfigured / damaged by vaccines.

The CDC cover-up that’s unfolding here is unprecedented in the history of medicine and science. Kennedy describes the CDC as “a cesspool of corruption” and is very much aware that the CDC is a criminal cartel of medical con artists who have been running a quack science racket for the benefit of the vaccine manufacturers.

Check out my infographic to learn more about the operations of the Vaccine Racket (click here to view the hi-res version)

Click on the image above to view a larger version in a new window

Related: Half of children’s brain tumors have the SV-40 virus

Why Won’t Vaccine Propagandists Step Forward and Claim an Easy $100k?

Now, thanks to the World Mercury Project’s $100,000 challenge, let’s see if any vaccine pushers step forward to claim the reward. All they have to do is find a single scientific study that shows Thimerosal is safe to inject into children at the volumes currently being administered in pediatric vaccines.

If vaccines are really as safe as they all claim, finding just ONE scientific study to prove the safety of Thimerosal shouldn’t be difficult, should it? Unless they’re all liars and medical child molesters, of course…

Learn more about vaccines at Vaccines.news and watch my podcasts and videos below to discover even more truth the vaccine industry isn’t telling you:

Vaccine Holocaust Explained

FDA documents Admit Vaccines are Linked to Autism!

Related Articles:

If I were at the Kennedy-De Niro presser on toxic vaccines yesterday, I would have read this

“Tap Dancing” Around Vaccine Issues

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Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi

New York Times Commits Treason In Fake News Attempt To Overthrow The United States Government - Is It Time To Start Arresting Traitors Who Pretend To Be Journalists?
February 18 2017 | From: NaturalNews

The New York Times is now actively engaged in deliberate acts of treason against the United States government.

Following in the “journo-terrorism” practices of the Washington Post, the NYT has just published a wildly irresponsible innuendo piece that, predictably, cites anonymous intelligence officials in an attempt to discredit the Trump administration and enrage opponents.

Globalists In Panic From LIVE Trump Press Conference

As the Daily Caller points out, the hysterical NYT article is nothing more than a “rehashed” collection of innuendo and paranoia that lacks any real journalistic substance.

“While the story states that the Federal Bureau of Investigation has found no evidence of collusion between Russia and the Trump campaign and essentially is a rehash of a previous story, journalists have gone bonkers over it,” reports the Caller.

The entire story is bogus, right from the false insinuation of the headline itself, which even the story refutes. As explained by The News Commenter:

"The New York Times bombshell headline reads “Trump Campaign Aides Had Repeated Contacts With Russian Intelligence”. But note the third paragraph in, it reads “The officials interviewed in recent weeks said that, so far, they had seen no evidence of such cooperation.”.

Shouldn’t the headline read “No Evidence Trump Campaign Had Contacts With Russian Officials”? What a joke. New York Times is #FakeNews."

This new habit of the anti-Trump “fake news” media of citing “unnamed” intelligence officials to roll out wild, unsubstantiated accusations is the new modus operandi of the treasonous, anti-American media.

The NYT, Washington Post, CNN, the Atlantic and other Trump-hating media outlets are now focused almost entirely on waging a “soft coup” overthrow attempt against President Trump, and they’re all willing to blatantly lie or fabricate “facts” in order to pull it off.

“The fake news media is going crazy with their conspiracy theories and blind hatred,” Trump tweeted last night. “MSNBC and CNN are unwatchable. Fox and Friends is great!”

Related: Is the NSA the real president of the United States?

He’s right: The left-wing media has devolved into a conspiracy cabal fueled by blind hatred… hatred for Trump, hatred for America and hatred toward the truth about anything.

So they invoke “fake facts” and cite unnamed sources - most of which are no doubt imaginary - to wage a media disinformation campaign with the sole purpose of removing Trump from office.

Even the very basis of the NYT story turns out to be complete fiction. The Russians have officially denied the basis of the story.

“Overnight, as the three liberal-leaning US newspaper launched another attack on Trump, alleging that officials linked to the president, most notably Tim Manafort, engaged Russian intel officials in the not too distant past, the Russian government dismissed allegations that the country’s intelligence officials were in repeated contact with Donald Trump’s team ahead of the US election,” writes Zero Hedge:

“Let’s not believe anonymous information,” Vladimir Putin’s spokesman Dmitry Peskov told reporters. “It’s a newspaper report which is not based on any facts.”

A Russian senator, Vladimir Jabbarov, cited by the Independent went so far as to tell state media the latest claims “were part of an intelligence community conspiracy to have the President impeached.”

“This is a common tactic to try to discredit a particular person,” he added.

As I’ve explained in my podcast below, there is also a “civil war” raging inside the bureaucracy, and some elements — Obama “sleeper cell” saboteurs - are trying to set off land mines to destroy Trump from within.

Click here for my podcast at the Health Ranger Report, or listen below (story continues below the podcasts)…

The Bureaucracy Opposing Trump is Like a Cancer Tumour!

Obama’s Team had Contact with Iran… and Nobody at the NYT Screamed About it

Even if such contact with the Russians had occurred, what’s the big deal? “[R]epresentatives for Barack Obama’s 2008 presidential campaign were accused of meeting with Hamas and Iran,” writes Breitbart.com:

Depending on what took place, the alleged contacts with Iran may have violated the Logan Act, which bars citizens from negotiating with foreign governments in dispute with the United States…

In 2008, Robert Malley stepped down as an informal foreign policy adviser to Obama’s campaign when it was revealed that he met with Hamas members.

Malley admitted to the meetings, but he claimed he met with the terrorists as part of his private job.

Note carefully that President Obama flew a cargo plane load of illegally laundered cash into Iran during the last few months of his presidency, literally “paying off” the No. 1 state sponsor of terror.

Yet the New York Times didn’t blink. Apparently, when Trump team members talk to Russia, it’s a national emergency, but when Obama hands over hundreds of billions of dollars in cash to a nation that promises to build nuclear weapons to nuke Israel, that’s perfectly fine.

Related: Michael Flynn’s Sacking: Hillary’s Revenge?

As usual, every insane, anti-American act that Obama pulled off was accepted and even glorified by the media, while every act that Trump pursues to save America is venomously demonized. The real position of the left-wing media is: “Obama could do not wrong, and Trump can do no right.”

NYT is now a Domestic Enemy of the United States Government

With this latest assault on the Trump presidency, we really have reached the point where the NYT, Washington Post and CNN are all active enemies of America, working to deliberately overthrow the legitimate United States government.

At the same time, they are also poisoning the minds of the people with disinformation and hatred in order to gin up violent riots and foment social unrest. In effect, the left-wing media is actively trying to cause a violent uprising while pushing fake news to discredit the President.

Related: Update: Two Members Of #DisruptJ20 Exposed By Project Veritas Undercover Videos Have Been Arrested

Just today, an anti-Trump protest group knocked a 71-year-old congressional staffer unconscious.

Rohrabacher denounced the left-wing violence, saying:

“I am outraged beyond words that protesters who mobbed my Huntington Beach office violently knocked down my faithful district director, Kathleen Staunton, causing her to be hospitalized…

And, yes, deliberate or not, the incident came as part of a mob action that not only intimidates but coerces. Though the protesters think of themselves as idealists, they engaged in political thuggery, pure and simple.”

Where does all that hatred and violence come from? The NYT, of course. The entire left-wing media is now focused on fomenting hatred, intolerance and violence in the streets while assaulting Donald Trump with fake news reports that they hope will build toward demands for his impeachment.

This is the same America-hating media that excused every violation of law and ethics committed by the Obama administration and Hillary Clinton’s State Department, which sold off uranium mining rights to Russian companies, draining a vital military resource from the United States.

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The degree of active subversion, collusion and treason now being committed by NYT and Washington Post “journalists” has reached the level of active “information warfare” against America… and it calls for a law-and-order response from the Trump administration which will sooner or later be forced to make arrests of the treasonous subversives who have infiltrated the left-wing media.

Active Subversion to Overthrow the Government is a Crime Punishable by Death

The justification for making such arrests is already here: Those traitors have knowingly and deliberately fabricated false reports, false accusations and false charges against the legitimate President of the United States government. They are deliberately working in collusion to cause social chaos, hatred and derision across the population.

Their goal is the overthrow of the U.S. government and the installing of Hillary Clinton as their “replacement” President, whom they will shower with mindless worship while covering up her long trail of corruption and crimes.

The Deep State Bumps Off General Flynn. Who’s the Next Target?

The left-wing media has truly become the single greatest threat to the future of America. Long gone is any pretense of engaging in legitimate journalism or factual reporting.

Now, the media has become the propaganda wing of left-wing radical organizers like international terrorism financier George Soros and former U.S. President Barack Obama, who’s actually running much of this behind the scenes from his “shadow White House” from where he commands 30,000 activist “troops” who are conspiring to overthrow President Trump.

With Obama now controlling “sleeper cell” traitors inside the bureaucracy, and the media committing treason on a daily basis by either fabricating anti-American news or publishing genuine intelligence secrets, the subversive Left is going all-in to try to foment a literal communist takeover of the country.

Removing Trump from office is their highest priority, followed by installing so much hatred in the minds of obedient left-wing sheeple that they rise up and start executing their political enemies. The goal, of course, is to cause so much chaos and mayhem that the nation becomes “ungovernable” and is therefore relatively easy to overthrow.

Click on the image above to view a larger version in a new window

Related: The Rise Of US Wealth Inequality, Visualized

The plan is already crystal clear in the mind of left-wing agitator Michael Moore, who has now called for Hillary Clinton to be “installed as president” while Trump is arrested.

That’s been the plan from the very start, of course: LIE about the President, gin up hatred across the population, fabricate fake news “facts” from the news cartels, and make sure they are sufficiently repeated across a sufficient number of complicit websites (HuffPost, Politico, Salon, etc.) to magically transform “lies” into “FACTS!”

The Civil War has Begun… You are Watching its First Phase Unfold by the Hour

Click here for my Health Ranger Report podcast that explains why civil war is “inevitable” if this escalation continues.

Unhinged Left so far Gone that Civil War now Seems Unstoppable

What’s clear at this point is that America is already in a civil war. The first phase of every war is “information warfare,” where opposing sides attempt to establish a justification narrative for the violence they plan to pursue in phase two.

Understand that right now, the NYT, Washington Post and CNN are deliberately engaged in establishing the justification narrative for the violent uprising they plan to announce and support. They are laying the groundwork, in other words, for a violent coup attempt against the United States government.

The next phase, by the way, is for them to stage a false flag attack on liberals that can be blamed on Trump supporters, so watch for CNN to stage a mass shooting any day now, complete with “crisis actors” who can cry for the cameras and relentlessly sob while explaining that pro-NRA, pro-Trump gun supporters massacred their innocent children (or some such thing).

California Professor Warns Of Leftist Plan To Destroy Humanity

Once that false flag is accomplished, the media hammers it home in the minds of the obedient left-wing sheeple until anger boils over and every major U.S. city revolts with mass chaos, riots and violence… all of which the media will characterize as “peaceful protests” or “justified resistance” against the “murderous Trump regime.”

This is how they plan to overthrow America, and they are frighteningly close to achieving it.

This is why I predict we are all going to “beg for Martial Law” in the very near future as the radical Left goes full-on bat-s##t crazy with violence and mayhem, all egged on by a complicit media that is deliberately and actively working to overthrow the U.S. government.

That’s why I say it’s time for Trump to start making arrests of the anti-American subversives who pretend to be journalists at the NYT, Washington Post, CNN, etc.

Related: Michael Flynn: Minding our Own Business vs. Saving the World

It has all come down to this: You either protect America by defeating her enemies, or you lose the country to left-wing radicals. If you lose the country, America becomes a killing fields scenario, with uncontrolled civil war raging in the streets and towns while communist terrorists run by Obama and Soros stage a coup in Washington D.C. This scenario is no longer fiction.

It is, in fact, the undisclosed goal of the New York Times.

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Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi

Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi
Farage Blisters EU Parliament, Forecasts 2017 Populist Surge & Putin’s 2007 Munich Speech Radiated Leadership Idealism & Wisdom
February 17 2017 | From: Infowars / Geopolitics

Brexit architect Nigel Farage continued to warn the EU Parliament of their impending demise in an address to the Europe of Freedom and Direct Democracy (EFDD) Group in Strasbourg, France.

Farage hammered the parliamentarians on their open borders policies, which can only be attributed to a disconnect with the overwhelming will of their peoples and blind adherence to globalist dogma, or an intentional destruction of the continent – or both.

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“I feel like I’m attending a meeting of a religious sect here this morning,” began Farage, with gusto. “It’s as if the global revolution of 2016 – Brexit, Trump, the Italian rejection of the referendum – has completely bypassed you.”

“You can’t face the fact that this bandwagon is going to roll across Europe in the elections of 2017,” he chided, referring to key political races in the Netherlands, France, and Germany, that all feature anti-globalist, pro-national sovereignty candidates either leading the polls or gaining support.

“A lot of citizens recognize that this form of centralized government simply doesn’t work, whether it’s the miseries inflicting upon a country like Greece by the Euro, the unemployment caused by bad regulation, or the feeling that none of us are as safe in our cities as a result of the disastrous common asylum policy.”

Farage rejected a prior statement by former Belgian prime minister and current candidate for president of European parliament, Guy Verhofstadt, who claimed that Europeans desire to expand the powers and policies of the EU.

“The people want less Europe, and we see this again and again when people have referendums and they reject aspects of EU membership,” Farage said in rebuttal. “I have no doubt that many of you here, when you hear what I am about to say, will probably despise your own voters.”

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“Just last week, Chatham House, the reputable group, published a massive survey from 10 European member states, and only 20% of people want immigration from Muslim countries to continue.”

The survey of 10,000 Europeans revealed that 55% of respondents desired all immigration from Muslim countries be completely halted – a nearly 3-to-1 ratio.

Chatham House also noted, “Majorities in all but two of the ten states agreed, ranging from 71% in Poland, 65% in Austria, 53% in Germany and 51% in Italy to 47% in the United Kingdom and 41% in Spain. In no country did the percentage that disagreed surpass 32%.”

“(This) means your voters have a harder line position on this than Donald Trump, or myself, or frankly any party sitting in this parliament,” asserted Farage. “I simply cannot believe that you are blind to the fact that even Mrs. Merkel has now made a u-turn and wants to send people back.”

“The fact is: the European Union has no future at all in its current form, and I suspect you’re in for as big a shock in 2017 as you were in ’16.”

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Putin’s 2007 Munich Speech Radiated Leadership Idealism & Wisdom

On a rare occasion, when security leaders from both sides of the Atlantic gathered to hear each other’s policy position on security,  and Vladimir Putin stunned his audience when he basically said that a unipolar world will eventually destroy itself and lead to chaos, directly in front of John McCain, Angela Merkel, and the Israeli delegation, among others.

The reaction, i.e. body language, from the perpetual warmongers is priceless…

Here’s the full translation from WaPost:

Putin’s Prepared Remarks at 43rd Munich Conference on Security Policy

Putin (in Russian): Thank you very much dear Madam Federal Chancellor, Mr Teltschik, ladies and gentlemen!

I am truly grateful to be invited to such a representative conference that has assembled politicians, military officials, entrepreneurs and experts from more than 40 nations.

This conference’s structure allows me to avoid excessive politeness and the need to speak in roundabout, pleasant but empty diplomatic terms. This conference’s format will allow me to say what I really think about international security problems.

And if my comments seem unduly polemical, pointed or inexact to our colleagues, then I would ask you not to get angry with me. After all, this is only a conference. And I hope that after the first two or three minutes of my speech Mr Teltschik will not turn on the red light over there.

Therefore. It is well known that international security comprises much more than issues relating to military and political stability. It involves the stability of the global economy, overcoming poverty, economic security and developing a dialogue between civilisations.

This universal, indivisible character of security is expressed as the basic principle that “security for one is security for all”. As Franklin D. Roosevelt said during the first few days that the Second World War was breaking out: “When peace has been broken anywhere, the peace of all countries everywhere is in danger.”

These words remain topical today. Incidentally, the theme of our conference — global crises, global responsibility — exemplifies this.

Only two decades ago the world was ideologically and economically divided and it was the huge strategic potential of two superpowers that ensured global security.

This global stand-off pushed the sharpest economic and social problems to the margins of the international community’s and the world’s agenda. And, just like any war, the Cold War left us with live ammunition, figuratively speaking. I am referring to ideological stereotypes, double standards and other typical aspects of Cold War bloc thinking.

The unipolar world that had been proposed after the Cold War did not take place either.

The history of humanity certainly has gone through unipolar periods and seen aspirations to world supremacy. And what hasn’t happened in world history?

However, what is a unipolar world? However one might embellish this term, at the end of the day it refers to one type of situation, namely one centre of authority, one centre of force, one centre of decision-making.

It is world in which there is one master, one sovereign. And at the end of the day this is pernicious not only for all those within this system, but also for the sovereign itself because it destroys itself from within.

And this certainly has nothing in common with democracy. Because, as you know, democracy is the power of the majority in light of the interests and opinions of the minority.

Incidentally, Russia – we – are constantly being taught about democracy. But for some reason those who teach us do not want to learn themselves.

I consider that the unipolar model is not only unacceptable but also impossible in today’s world. And this is not only because if there was individual leadership in today’s – and precisely in today’s – world, then the military, political and economic resources would not suffice. What is even more important is that the model itself is flawed because at its basis there is and can be no moral foundations for modern civilisation.

Along with this, what is happening in today’s world – and we just started to discuss this – is a tentative to introduce precisely this concept into international affairs, the concept of a unipolar world.

And with which results?

Unilateral and frequently illegitimate actions have not resolved any problems. Moreover, they have caused new human tragedies and created new centres of tension. Judge for yourselves: wars as well as local and regional conflicts have not diminished. Mr Teltschik mentioned this very gently. And no less people perish in these conflicts – even more are dying than before. Significantly more, significantly more!

Today we are witnessing an almost uncontained hyper use of force – military force – in international relations, force that is plunging the world into an abyss of permanent conflicts. As a result we do not have sufficient strength to find a comprehensive solution to any one of these conflicts. Finding a political settlement also becomes impossible.

We are seeing a greater and greater disdain for the basic principles of international law. And independent legal norms are, as a matter of fact, coming increasingly closer to one state’s legal system. One state and, of course, first and foremost the United States, has overstepped its national borders in every way. This is visible in the economic, political, cultural and educational policies it imposes on other nations. Well, who likes this? Who is happy about this?

In international relations we increasingly see the desire to resolve a given question according to so-called issues of political expediency, based on the current political climate.

And of course this is extremely dangerous. It results in the fact that no one feels safe. I want to emphasise this — no one feels safe! Because no one can feel that international law is like a stone wall that will protect them. Of course such a policy stimulates an arms race.

The force’s dominance inevitably encourages a number of countries to acquire weapons of mass destruction. Moreover, significantly new threats – though they were also well-known before – have appeared, and today threats such as terrorism have taken on a global character.

I am convinced that we have reached that decisive moment when we must seriously think about the architecture of global security.

And we must proceed by searching for a reasonable balance between the interests of all participants in the international dialogue. Especially since the international landscape is so varied and changes so quickly – changes in light of the dynamic development in a whole number of countries and regions.

Madam Federal Chancellor already mentioned this. The combined GDP measured in purchasing power parity of countries such as India and China is already greater than that of the United States. And a similar calculation with the GDP of the BRIC countries – Brazil, Russia, India and China – surpasses the cumulative GDP of the EU. And according to experts this gap will only increase in the future.

There is no reason to doubt that the economic potential of the new centres of global economic growth will inevitably be converted into political influence and will strengthen multipolarity.

In connection with this the role of multilateral diplomacy is significantly increasing. The need for principles such as openness, transparency and predictability in politics is uncontested and the use of force should be a really exceptional measure, comparable to using the death penalty in the judicial systems of certain states.

However, today we are witnessing the opposite tendency, namely a situation in which countries that forbid the death penalty even for murderers and other, dangerous criminals are airily participating in military operations that are difficult to consider legitimate. And as a matter of fact, these conflicts are killing people – hundreds and thousands of civilians!

But at the same time the question arises of whether we should be indifferent and aloof to various internal conflicts inside countries, to authoritarian regimes, to tyrants, and to the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction? As a matter of fact, this was also at the centre of the question that our dear colleague Mr Lieberman asked the Federal Chancellor.

If I correctly understood your question (addressing Mr Lieberman), then of course it is a serious one! Can we be indifferent observers in view of what is happening? I will try to answer your question as well: of course not.

But do we have the means to counter these threats? Certainly we do. It is sufficient to look at recent history. Did not our country have a peaceful transition to democracy?

Indeed, we witnessed a peaceful transformation of the Soviet regime – a peaceful transformation! And what a regime! With what a number of weapons, including nuclear weapons! Why should we start bombing and shooting now at every available opportunity? Is it the case when without the threat of mutual destruction we do not have enough political culture, respect for democratic values and for the law?

I am convinced that the only mechanism that can make decisions about using military force as a last resort is the Charter of the United Nations.

And in connection with this, either I did not understand what our colleague, the Italian Defence Minister, just said or what he said was inexact. In any case, I understood that the use of force can only be legitimate when the decision is taken by NATO, the EU, or the UN. If he really does think so, then we have different points of view.

Or I didn’t hear correctly. The use of force can only be considered legitimate if the decision is sanctioned by the UN. And we do not need to substitute NATO or the EU for the UN. When the UN will truly unite the forces of the international community and can really react to events in various countries, when we will leave behind this disdain for international law, then the situation will be able to change.

Otherwise the situation will simply result in a dead end, and the number of serious mistakes will be multiplied. Along with this, it is necessary to make sure that international law have a universal character both in the conception and application of its norms.

And one must not forget that democratic political actions necessarily go along with discussion and a laborious decision-making process.

Dear ladies and gentlemen!

The potential danger of the destabilisation of international relations is connected with obvious stagnation in the disarmament issue.

Russia supports the renewal of dialogue on this important question.

It is important to conserve the international legal framework relating to weapons destruction and therefore ensure continuity in the process of reducing nuclear weapons.

Together with the United States of America we agreed to reduce our nuclear strategic missile capabilities to up to 1700-2000 nuclear warheads by 31 December 2012.

Russia intends to strictly fulfil the obligations it has taken on. We hope that our partners will also act in a transparent way and will refrain from laying aside a couple of hundred superfluous nuclear warheads for a rainy day.

And if today the new American Defence Minister declares that the United States will not hide these superfluous weapons in warehouse or, as one might say, under a pillow or under the blanket, then I suggest that we all rise and greet this declaration standing. It would be a very important declaration.

Russia strictly adheres to and intends to further adhere to the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons as well as the multilateral supervision regime for missile technologies. The principles incorporated in these documents are universal ones.

In connection with this I would like to recall that in the 1980s the USSR and the United States signed an agreement on destroying a whole range of small- and medium-range missiles but these documents do not have a universal character.

Today many other countries have these missiles, including the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea, the Republic of Korea, India, Iran, Pakistan and Israel. Many countries are working on these systems and plan to incorporate them as part of their weapons arsenals. And only the United States and Russia bear the responsibility to not create such weapons systems.

It is obvious that in these conditions we must think about ensuring our own security.

At the same time, it is impossible to sanction the appearance of new, destabilising high-tech weapons. Needless to say it refers to measures to prevent a new area of confrontation, especially in outer space.

Star wars is no longer a fantasy ¿ it is a reality. In the middle of the 1980s our American partners were already able to intercept their own satellite.

In Russia¿s opinion, the militarisation of outer space could have unpredictable consequences for the international community, and provoke nothing less than the beginning of a nuclear era. And we have come forward more than once with initiatives designed to prevent the use of weapons in outer space.

Today I would like to tell you that we have prepared a project for an agreement on the prevention of deploying weapons in outer space. And in the near future it will be sent to our partners as an official proposal. Let’s work on this together.

Plans to expand certain elements of the anti-missile defence system to Europe cannot help but disturb us. Who needs the next step of what would be, in this case, an inevitable arms race? I deeply doubt that Europeans themselves do.

Missile weapons with a range of about five to eight thousand kilometres that really pose a threat to Europe do not exist in any of the so-called problem countries.

And in the near future and prospects, this will not happen and is not even foreseeable. And any hypothetical launch of, for example, a North Korean rocket to American territory through western Europe obviously contradicts the laws of ballistics. As we say in Russia, it would be like using the right hand to reach the left ear.

And here in Germany I cannot help but mention the pitiable condition of the Treaty on Conventional Armed Forces in Europe.

The Adapted Treaty on Conventional Armed Forces in Europe was signed in 1999. It took into account a new geopolitical reality, namely the elimination of the Warsaw bloc. Seven years have passed and only four states have ratified this document, including the Russian Federation.

NATO countries openly declared that they will not ratify this treaty, including the provisions on flank restrictions (on deploying a certain number of armed forces in the flank zones), until Russia removed its military bases from Georgia and Moldova. Our army is leaving Georgia, even according to an accelerated schedule.

We resolved the problems we had with our Georgian colleagues, as everybody knows. There are still 1,500 servicemen in Moldova that are carrying out peacekeeping operations and protecting warehouses with ammunition left over from Soviet times. We constantly discuss this issue with Mr Solana and he knows our position. We are ready to further work in this direction.

But what is happening at the same time? Simultaneously the so-called flexible frontline American bases with up to five thousand men in each. It turns out that NATO has put its frontline forces on our borders, and we continue to strictly fulfil the treaty obligations and do not react to these actions at all.

I think it is obvious that NATO expansion does not have any relation with the modernisation of the Alliance itself or with ensuring security in Europe. On the contrary, it represents a serious provocation that reduces the level of mutual trust. And we have the right to ask: against whom is this expansion intended?

And what happened to the assurances our western partners made after the dissolution of the Warsaw Pact? Where are those declarations today? No one even remembers them. But I will allow myself to remind this audience what was said. I would like to quote the speech of NATO General Secretary Mr Woerner in Brussels on 17 May 1990.

He said at the time that: “the fact that we are ready not to place a NATO army outside of German territory gives the Soviet Union a firm security guarantee”. Where are these guarantees?

The stones and concrete blocks of the Berlin Wall have long been distributed as souvenirs. But we should not forget that the fall of the Berlin Wall was possible thanks to a historic choice – one that was also made by our people, the people of Russia – a choice in favour of democracy, freedom, openness and a sincere partnership with all the members of the big European family.

And now they are trying to impose new dividing lines and walls on us ¿ these walls may be virtual but they are nevertheless dividing, ones that cut through our continent. And is it possible that we will once again require many years and decades, as well as several generations of politicians, to dissemble and dismantle these new walls?

Dear ladies and gentlemen!

We are unequivocally in favour of strengthening the regime of non-proliferation. The present international legal principles allow us to develop technologies to manufacture nuclear fuel for peaceful purposes. And many countries with all good reasons want to create their own nuclear energy as a basis for their energy independence. But we also understand that these technologies can be quickly transformed into nuclear weapons.

This creates serious international tensions. The situation surrounding the Iranian nuclear programme acts as a clear example. And if the international community does not find a reasonable solution for resolving this conflict of interests, the world will continue to suffer similar, destabilising crises because there are more threshold countries than simply Iran.

We both know this. We are going to constantly fight against the threat of the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction.

Last year Russia put forward the initiative to establish international centres for the enrichment of uranium. We are open to the possibility that such centres not only be created in Russia, but also in other countries where there is a legitimate basis for using civil nuclear energy.

Countries that want to develop their nuclear energy could guarantee that they will receive fuel through direct participation in these centres. And the centres would, of course, operate under strict IAEA supervision.

The latest initiatives put forward by American President George W. Bush are in conformity with the Russian proposals. I consider that Russia and the USA are objectively and equally interested in strengthening the regime of the non-proliferation of weapons of mass destruction and their deployment.

It is precisely our countries, with leading nuclear and missile capabilities, that must act as leaders in developing new, stricter non-proliferation measures. Russia is ready for such work. We are engaged in consultations with our American friends.

In general, we should talk about establishing a whole system of political incentives and economic stimuli whereby it would not be in states¿ interests to establish their own capabilities in the nuclear fuel cycle but they would still have the opportunity to develop nuclear energy and strengthen their energy capabilities.

In connection with this I shall talk about international energy cooperation in more detail. Madam Federal Chancellor also spoke about this briefly – she mentioned, touched on this theme. In the energy sector Russia intends to create uniform market principles and transparent conditions for all.

It is obvious that energy prices must be determined by the market instead of being the subject of political speculation, economic pressure or blackmail.

We are open to cooperation. Foreign companies participate in all our major energy projects. According to different estimates, up to 26 percent of the oil extraction in Russia – and please think about this figure – up to 26 percent of the oil extraction in Russia is done by foreign capital.

Try, try to find me a similar example where Russian business participates extensively in key economic sectors in western countries. Such examples do not exist! There are no such examples.

I would also recall the parity of foreign investments in Russia and those Russia makes abroad. The parity is about fifteen to one. And here you have an obvious example of the openness and stability of the Russian economy.

Economic security is the sector in which all must adhere to uniform principles. We are ready to compete fairly.

For that reason more and more opportunities are appearing in the Russian economy. Experts and our western partners are objectively evaluating these changes. As such, Russia’s OECD sovereign credit rating improved and Russia passed from the fourth to the third group. And today in Munich I would like to use this occasion to thank our German colleagues for their help in the above decision.

Furthermore. As you know, the process of Russia joining the WTO has reached its final stages. I would point out that during long, difficult talks we heard words about freedom of speech, free trade, and equal possibilities more than once but, for some reason, exclusively in reference to the Russian market.

And there is still one more important theme that directly affects global security. Today many talk about the struggle against poverty. What is actually happening in this sphere? On the one hand, financial resources are allocated for programmes to help the world’s poorest countries – and at times substantial financial resources.

But to be honest — and many here also know this – linked with the development of that same donor country’s companies. And on the other hand, developed countries simultaneously keep their agricultural subsidies and limit some countries’ access to high-tech products.

And let’s say things as they are – one hand distributes charitable help and the other hand not only preserves economic backwardness but also reaps the profits thereof. The increasing social tension in depressed regions inevitably results in the growth of radicalism, extremism, feeds terrorism and local conflicts.

And if all this happens in, shall we say, a region such as the Middle East where there is increasingly the sense that the world at large is unfair, then there is the risk of global destabilisation.

It is obvious that the world’s leading countries should see this threat. And that they should therefore build a more democratic, fairer system of global economic relations, a system that would give everyone the chance and the possibility to develop.

Dear ladies and gentlemen, speaking at the Conference on Security Policy, it is impossible not to mention the activities of the Organisation for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE). As is well-known, this organisation was created to examine all – I shall emphasise this – all aspects of security: military, political, economic, humanitarian and, especially, the relations between these spheres.

What do we see happening today? We see that this balance is clearly destroyed. People are trying to transform the OSCE into a vulgar instrument designed to promote the foreign policy interests of one or a group of countries. And this task is also being accomplished by the OSCE’s bureaucratic apparatus which is absolutely not connected with the state founders in any way.

Decision-making procedures and the involvement of so-called non-governmental organisations are tailored for this task. These organisations are formally independent but they are purposefully financed and therefore under control.

According to the founding documents, in the humanitarian sphere the OSCE is designed to assist country members in observing international human rights norms at their request.

This is an important task. We support this. But this does not mean interfering in the internal affairs of other countries, and especially not imposing a regime that determines how these states should live and develop.

It is obvious that such interference does not promote the development of democratic states at all. On the contrary, it makes them dependent and, as a consequence, politically and economically unstable.

We expect that the OSCE be guided by its primary tasks and build relations with sovereign states based on respect, trust and transparency.

Dear ladies and gentlemen!

In conclusion I would like to note the following. We very often – and personally, I very often – hear appeals by our partners, including our European partners, to the effect that Russia should play an increasingly active role in world affairs.

In connection with this I would allow myself to make one small remark. It is hardly necessary to incite us to do so. Russia is a country with a history that spans more than a thousand years and has practically always used the privilege to carry out an independent foreign policy.

We are not going to change this tradition today. At the same time, we are well aware of how the world has changed and we have a realistic sense of our own opportunities and potential.

And of course we would like to interact with responsible and independent partners with whom we could work together in constructing a fair and democratic world order that would ensure security and prosperity not only for a select few, but for all.

Thank you for your attention."

Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi

Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi
FBI: 30% Of Washington DC Part Of Elite Pedo Ring & 750+ Sex Criminals Have Been Arrested Across U.S. Since Trump Became President
February 17 2017 | From: YourNewsWire / GatewayPundit

An FBI whistleblower estimates “close to 30% of the political spectrum” in Washington D.C. is connected to the elite pedophile ring that has been infiltrated by law enforcement, with “high level arrests of close to three dozen pedophile politicians” expected next week.

The insider at the Federal Bureau of Investigation says that the FBI finished submitting paperwork to the Department of Justice in preparation for the “Pizzagate” arrests which will begin as soon as Jeff Sessions is confirmed as Attorney General.

Related: Hundreds Arrested In Nationwide Pizzagate Raids

Mr. Sessions has been briefed on the investigation and all of the evidence three weeks ago.

“We expect some movement next week. Another 42 people also expected to be arrested in the drag net. 72 in all.”

When asked why he was pre-announcing the sting, the insider claimed that rather than compromise the operation, the pre-announcement actually helps negate the “furious push back to not make arrests” from within the establishment.

“There are internal and nefarious forces attempting to thwart the operation. The cesspool called DC is one big extortion arena. Our politicians are either being extorted for being pedophiles, or they are in the pocket of Bankers, Big Oil, Israel or Saudi Arabia.”

“If Israel and the Saudis can no longer extort politicians for their sexual deviance, where do they make their money and wield their influence?”

“If bankers cannot stop the destruction of their puppet politicians, how do they keep the “fix” in place? Our alphabet agencies are compromised. Our homeland security and defense apparatus has become politically corrupted.

How can we stand by while our powerful leaders impose law on one hand, and sexually abuse our children with another?”

The FBI insider gained the respect of internet communities during the election season by explaining mysterious behind-the-scenes actions and making predictions which – however unlikely they seemed at the time – were all proved true.

Related: Hillary Clinton: Mike Flynn Targeted Over Exposing ‘PizzaGate’

Explaining further why he is choosing to come forward, he explained that FBI agents determined to bring down the elite pedophile ring “need the American people to join in this fight.”

“Do you want our children targeted, raped, damaged? Do we want our politicians belonging to some Saudi, or some Israeli extortionist? Do we want our politicians to be owned by Goldman Sachs? Do you want your daughter to end up alone with a Jeffery Epstein, Alan Dershowitz, or Anthony Wiener?”

The FBI insider explained that there are pedo rings in every state, however “the main concentration is in the East and in the West. In the East, NYC, the resort towns, and of course DC. Out west, Hollywood, Beverly Hills, Napa Valley, Marin County.”

When asked how they can get away with committing crimes that outrage ordinary citizens, the insider said:

“It’s covered up. Law Enforcement takes their orders from the DC power brokers. AG’s, police chiefs, etc, are ordered to cover up the pedophile rings and their players. Lawmakers are allowed to be law breakers, because they create the law and rule over those that enforce the law.

In related news, it has been confirmed that President Trump is aware of the investigation.

A verified friend of Trump’s confirmed the information during an Ask Me Anything on Reddit yesterday, replyingCan confirm” after being asked if the President was up to speed with the investigation.

Related: Over 4,000 Children were Abused by Catholic Priests in Australia since 1980

Child Sacrifice: Experts Claim Newborns Can Be Killed

This is the slippery slope of eugenics, euthanasia and mass murder by government.

Oxford University’s so-called “ethicists” say that newborn babies are not “actual person”, but “potential persons”.

And Planned Parenthood’s President, Cecile Richards, is urging women to embrace their abortions and boast proudly of them as the next step to liberation.

This is the slippery slope of eugenics, euthanasia and mass murder by government. It’s also why Neil Gorsuch’s appointment to the Supreme Court is so desperately needed.

Never Again New Zealand: Initiate an independent inquiry into the abuse of people held in State care in order to identify the systemic issues that permitted this to occur and the broader impact of these events on our communities.

750+ Sex Criminals Have Been Arrested Across U.S. Since Trump Became President

Hundreds Of Sex Traffickers Arrested Across U.S. Since Trump Became President.

ABC7 in Chicago is reporting that more than 100 people have been arrested in the Chicago area in recent weeks for sex trafficking.

On a national stage over 750 sex traffickers have been arrested since President Trump was sworn into the Oval Office on January 20, 2017.

From ABC7:

"The National Johns Suppression Initiative ran from Jan. 18 through Feb. 5 and led to the arrests of 29 sex traffickers and of 723 people who tried to purchase sex, the Cook County sheriff’s office said. It included nearly 30 law enforcement agencies across 15 states.

In Cook County, 101 alleged sex buyers were arrested by deputies and officers with the Lansing and Matteson police departments. In Lake County, two people were arrested. In Arlington Heights, five people were arrested…

…In Houston, where Super Bowl 51 was held, 178 people were arrested by the Harris County Sheriff’s police and Houston police as part of the multi-state sex sting. Harris County netted the most arrests of any participating agency."

Time Magazine notes that the National Johns Suppression Initiative is controversial because it targets the men who buy sex while trying to help the women who sell it.

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Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi
The Science And Pseudoscience Of Children’s Mental Health + Creating ADHD Is The New Education
February 16 2017 | From: GreenMedInfo / JonRappoport / Various

Is mental illness simply a matter of a "chemical imbalance" or "bad gene"? Do we need to fix children’s disordered brains or do we need to let kids be kids?

Over the past two decades, there has been a meteoric rise in the number of children – now estimated to be 1 in 6 – diagnosed and treated for a range of psychological disturbances including ADHD, autism, mood disorders, and learning disabilities.

The Selling of ADHD: Diagnoses, Prescriptions Soar After 20-Year Effort by Big Pharma

Explanations in the popular media tend to polarize around two viewpoints:

1. Childhood mental illnesses are caused by genetically influenced chemical imbalances in the brain. Magic bullet cures will come in the form of drugs that correct these imbalances in much the same way that insulin cures diabetes. Greater awareness and improved diagnostics have lead to the spike in incidence rates.

2. We need to let kids be kids. Children by definition are inattentive and moody, and we have to let them run and play, and stop pathologizing normal behaviors in order to drug them into silence for the convenience of quiet classrooms and orderly households.

The truth is, neither of these perspectives tell the whole story. Without question, some children are diagnosed unnecessarily because their behavior is inconvenient to the adult world.

Related: Tribal Parenting – How To Heal Our Children + What Are The Consequences Of A Childhood Removed From Nature?

In All Work and No Play and Childhood Lost, I described pathogenic trends in American culture that undermine children’s psychological health, such as developmentally insensitive school systems, the disappearance of creative play in early childhood, and screen technologies that  immerse them in violent and sexualized worlds.

When you place children in environments that undermine their development, inevitably, some will “not fit in”, and they may find themselves labeled with ADHD, a learning disability, or a mood disorder.

At the same time, many children are struggling with very real symptoms ranging from impulsivity and learning challenges to panic and rage; they are not merely, “unique” “quirky” or “willful” and it is deeply frustrating and demoralizing to parents who are looking for help and guidance and who are judged as inadequate parents who “can’t control their kids”.

It is not outrageous to suggest that a child’s developing brain might be disordered in some way, just as any other organ in the body might be, and that the solutions lies in correcting that disorder. So which is it?

Do we need to fix children’s disordered brains or do we need to let kids be kids? In other words, do solutions lie in fixing their biology or fixing their environments? Or as psychologists like to say, is this a problem of nature or nurture?

My latest edited book: The Science and Pseudoscience of Children’s Mental Health (Praeger, 2015) stipulates that we are asking the wrong question.

Pitting Nature versus Nurture is an outmoded dichotomy that has been replaced in serious scientific circles by the science of Epigenetics; put simply, the understanding that environments, whether they be cellular or social, can activate or silence genes which in turn have a profound effect on brain development. In chapter 3 of Science and Pseudoscience, Neurobiologist Richard Francis provides an overview of the field of epigenetics:

“How is it that our environment can affect our genes? That idea seems incongruous. This seeming incongruity reflects a basic misperception about how genes influence human development, a misperception popularized not only in the media, but by many geneticists as well.

Recognizing the role of environment in regulating gene behavior unleashes enormous potential for understanding children’s mental health and developing interventions ranging from diet to relationships, which in turn alter gene expression.

The standard view – which focuses on identifying the “ADHD” gene or gene sequence, for example, with a view to intervening at the level of the gene, without any consideration of the role of environment – is shortsighted and fundamentally flawed.

DNA has come to be conceived as the instructor of development[.] … From an epigenetic perspective, genes are as much instructed as instructors. I have used the metaphor of a theatrical production to distinguish the executive gene view from that of an epigenetically informed view of genes as they function in the cell (microcosm) and development (macrocosm).

From the perspective of the executive gene, DNA functions as the director of the theatrical production, proteins as the actors, and all other biochemicals as the stage hands. From an epigenetic perspective, in contrast, DNA, proteins, and everything else interact more as an ensemble cast."

The science of epigenetics has taught us that when we radically change children’s environments from time spent outdoors to hours sitting in front of screens, from foods that grow in the ground to food that is processed in a laboratory from clean air, soil and water to air, soil and water that is saturated with tens of thousands of man made chemical toxicants – 1,000 of which have been targeted as neuro or brain toxins – that these environments powerfully impact gene expression, and brain development.

In a recent article written for the Lancet, internationally renowned environmental health experts Philip Landrigan and Phillipe Grandjean describe the chemical soup that our children are swimming in as causing nothing less than a global silent pandemic of neurodevelopmental toxicity.

Related: The number-one mind-control program at US colleges

Rates of childhood illness have spiked dramatically in the last couple of decades. Everything from childhood cancers and asthma to learning disabilities and autism are on the rise. For example, in the 1970s, Autism was diagnosed in one in every 10,000 children.

Today it is diagnosed in 1 in 63 children and in 1 in 42 boys. The human genome does not evolve quickly enough to explain these rapidly changing statistics, but we have changed children’s environments radically and so we are obliged to consider the impact of these highly unnatural environments on genetic expression and the development of the exquisitely complex and fragile human brain from its embryonic beginnings until it is fully mature in late adolescence.

Furthermore, we cannot anchor our understanding of the interplay of genes and environments to the chemical imbalance theory. It has not stood the test of science. The field of psychiatry has itself rejected this theory. There is no compelling scientific evidence that depression, bipolar disorder, schizophrenia, anxiety, ADHD or Autism are caused by chemical imbalances.

Related: Medicating Our Kids: A New Perspective on ADHD

This may surprise and confuse you, because the chemical imbalance theory continues to be widely trumpeted in the media and by PCPs and psychiatrists who work directly with patients.

And yet, as Robert Whitaker notes in chapter 2 of Science and Pseudoscience, leaders in the field of psychiatry are publicly renouncing the theory. Here are some quotes that he shares from three leading psychiatrists:

“[E]arlier notions of mental disorders as chemical imbalances are beginning to look antiquated.”

- Thomas Insel, Director National Institute of Mental Health, 2011

“Chemical imbalance is sort of last-century thinking … It’s much more complicated than that. . . . It’s really an outmoded way of thinking.”

- Joseph Coyle, Editor-in-Chief, Archives of General Psychiatry, 2012

“In the past 30 years, I don’t believe I have ever heard a knowledgeable, well-trained psychiatrist make such a preposterous claim, except perhaps to mock it.…

[T]he “chemical imbalance” image has been vigorously promoted by some pharmaceutical companies, often to the detriment of our patients’ understanding. In truth, the “chemical imbalance” notion was always a kind of urban legend - never a theory seriously propounded by well-informed psychiatrists.

Ronald Pies, Editor-in-Chief Emeritus of Psychiatric Times, 2011

And so it seems that the commonly held belief about the cause of mental illness – the chemical imbalance in the brain – is fundamentally flawed.

If we look at the symptoms that drive the psychiatric diagnoses most commonly given to children, and adults for that matter, they are generally very broad and do not point to the source of the illness any more than a fever does.

Lowering a fever can be of vital importance at the acute stage of an illness, but none of us believes that a steady diet of aspirin and cold compresses is in any sense a cure.

Related: The Surprisingly Dramatic Role Of Nutrition In Mental Health

The same is true of symptoms like hyperactivity, and inattention. Sometimes professional training actually serves to narrow rather than illuminate our understanding, and we stop seeing the obvious.

For example, inattention and hyperactivity are generic states of mind that can have a multiplicity of causes: Poor diet, permissive parenting, hours in front of screen entertainments, an outsized imagination, being bullied, neglect or abuse.

And research tells us that prenatal exposures to maternal stress hormones, cocaine or alcohol, and environmental pollutants can epigenetically lead to symptoms of inattention and hyperactivity.

And yet, the belief that all children exhibiting hyperactivity or inattentiveness are suffering from the same well-understood genetically influenced brain disorder called ADHD, with objective diagnostic criteria and well established drug protocols, is widely held by parents and clinicians alike.

Related: How Big Pharma Gets Away With Selling 'P' / Methamphetamine To Children: By Renaming It 'Adderall'

I would argue that it is also more useful to call depression and psychosis symptoms rather than illnesses. To be clear, like fever, symptoms of depression and psychosis can be devastating and life threatening, at which time symptom relief becomes the top priority.

But we need to move beyond the idea that everyone who is depressed, or psychotic or hyperactive has the same disease, any more than we would assume that everyone who has abdominal pain, or headache or fever does. In so doing, we can begin to address the underlying causes rather than just staunching the wound with a tourniquet.

In light of psychiatry’s own disenchantment with the chemical imbalance theory, it is still legitimate to argue that while psychiatric drugs don’t cure illnesses per se, they may provide much needed symptom relief, and because they are vetted by the FDA, they are safe to use.

In fact however, the FDA only requires two clinical trials – designed and funded by the drug companies who make them - that show that the drug has a statistically greater effect than a placebo regardless of whether these statistical differences have any clinical significance and regardless of how many other clinical trials for the same drug fail to show a difference.

Harvard University professor Irving Kirsch’s review of the research on the efficacy of antidepressants reveal that while the effect of antidepressants as compared with placebo are statistically significant, the difference is nonetheless so small, that it doesn’t translate into a therapeutic improvement.

The Myth Of Mental Illness: Psychiatry Is A Fraud And It Is All About Control + “Opposition Defiant Disorder” -
Non-Conformity And Anti-Authoritarianism Now Considered An Illness

Also, this statistical difference is attributable to the fact that antidepressants have a host of side effects unlike placebo pills. Therefore, most patients in these trials “break blind” meaning that they can guess whether they are on an actual medication or not, which affects their expectations.

This doesn’t rule out the possibility that some people experience symptom relief from their medication, and as long as they’re informed about possible adverse effects, of course it’s appropriate that they continue to use their medication. However, it’s a different matter with children who cannot give consent.

Meanwhile, outstanding research from many scientific disciplines has led to deeper understanding of childhood psychological disturbance and paved the way for more effective treatments.

But this science is conveniently placed in a box called “alternative medicine”, which for many is a euphemism for junk science.

The irony is that it is the chemical imbalance theory that represents junk science. How has psychiatry – with its history of insulin coma therapy, lobotomy, shock therapy and today, the wholesale treatment of millions of children with ineffectual and dangerous drugs for questionable diagnoses – become the gold standard against which other disciplines and treatment approaches are measured?

The belief in the “chemical imbalance” and the “bad gene” as the cause of children's mental illness lives on as a powerful cultural myth.

It is stoked by the pharmaceutical industry which has identified children as a fertile market for its products, and by the health insurance industry seeking an easy and cheap solution to complex psychological issues with multifaceted causes.

Personal, family and cultural factors, as well as more compelling biological explanations are swept under the rug if they don't result in increased drug sales and the promise of a quick fix. We might dismiss this as “business as usual” in corporate America if the stakes weren't so high.

As I have described in my last three books, No Child Left Different, Bipolar Children, and Drugging Our Children, the drug cocktails that millions of children are consuming damage their developing brains and bodies while the real source of their suffering remains untreated. But this does not negate the value of scientific research.

The Science and Pseudoscience of Children’s Mental Health exposes the myth of the chemical imbalance and the bad gene and introduces the science of epigenetics as a compelling conceptual framework for understanding the science of children’s mental health.

Related: Andrew Saul: Nutritional Links To Cure Depression And Mental Illness

It presents research on the importance of high quality prenatal and early childhood care in fostering healthy brain development and mental health from a multidisciplinary, epigenetic perspective. Authors present research that sheds light on the impact of neurotoxicants such as heavy metals and pesticides, as well as the salutary effects of micronutrients.

The underpinnings of autism spectrum disorder and concussion syndrome are explored from a functional neurology perspective, which views the brain as a complex, dynamic system with much greater plasticity than we have heretofore understood, opening the door to breakthroughs in diagnosis and treatment.

For evidence-based research on Attention Deficit Disorder with Hyperactivity, visit the GreenMedInfo.com Research Dashboard.

Creating ADHD Is The New Education

“There is a form of mind control that is really mind-chaos. It shatters the processes of thought into, at best, vaguely related fragments. There is no direction, no development, no progress along a line of reasoning. This is how you disable a person. You disrupt his ability to move from A to B to C. At that point, he becomes passive. He’s willing to be programmed, because it’s easier. He wants to be programmed.” - The Underground, Jon Rappoport

“I learned twenty-four new things today at school,” the child said. “One right after the other. I felt so happy. My teacher told me I was learning accelerated. I wrote on my iPad. I saw pictures. I did group harmony. I added. I divided. I heard about architecture. The teacher said we were filled with wonder at the universe. We solved a problem. We’re all together. I ate cheese. A factory makes cheese.”

Related: Before His Death, Father Of ADHD Admitted It Was A Fictitious Disease

The new education is ADHD.

It’s a method of teaching that surrenders ground on each key concept, deserting it before it’s firmly fixed in the mind of the student. It hops around from idea to idea, because parents, teachers, administrators, students, departments of education, and educational publishers have given up on the traditional practice of repetition.

Repetition was old-world. For decades, even centuries, the time-honored method of instruction was: introduce an idea or concept or method, and then provide numerous examples the student had to practice, solve, and demonstrate with proficiency.

There was no getting around it. If the student balked, he failed. There were no excuses or fairy tales floated to explain away the inability of the student to carry out the work.

Related: Nutrition And Mental Health + ADHD Is A Fabricated Disease, Says Reputed Neurologist

Now, these days, if you want to induce ADHD, teach a course in which each new concept is given short shrift. Then pass every student on to the next grade, because it’s “humane.”

Think of it this way. Suppose you want to climb the sheer face of a high rock. You know nothing about climbing. You engage an instructor. He teaches you a little bit about ropes and spikes and handholds. He briefly highlights each aspect and then skips to the next. So later…while you’re falling five hundred feet to the ravine below, you can invent stories about why the experiment didn’t work out.

Since the advent of organized education on the planet, there has been one way of teaching young children…until recently. Explain a new idea, produce scores of examples of that idea, and get the students to work on those examples and come up with the right answers.

Subtraction, division, decimals, spelling, reading - it all works the same basic way.

For the last hundred years or so, however, we’ve seen the gradual intrusion of Teacher ADHD. School text ADHD.

Related: 4 Facts About ADHD That Teachers & Doctors Never Tell Parents

Not enough examples. Not enough exercises. Education has nothing to do with a full frontal attack to “improve the self-esteem” of the student. It has nothing to do with telling children they’re valuable. It certainly has nothing to do with trying to embed social values and team spirit in children.

And no matter how many fantasies educators spin, schools can’t replace parents. If what I’m writing here seems cruel and uncaring…look at the other side of the picture.

Look at what happens when a student emerges from school with a half-baked, “dumbed-down” education. He can sort of read. He can sort of write. He sort of understands arithmetic. He tries to skate through the rest of his life. He fakes it. He adopts a front to conceal the large territory of what he doesn’t know.

He certainly can’t think straight. Give him three ideas in succession and he’s lost. He goes on overload. He operates on association. You say A and he goes to G right away. You go back to A and he responds with R. He’s up the creek without a paddle.

That’s what’s cruel.

Forty years ago, I was on the verge of landing a lucrative job with a remedial education company. The owner gave me a lesson plan and told me to write a sample program.

I did. He looked at it and said, “There are too many examples and exercises here. You have to move things along faster.”

Related: Harvard Research Finds Link Between Fluoridated Water, ADHD & Mental Disorders

I told him the students would never comprehend the program that way. They had to work on at least 20 exercises for each new concept. He was shocked. “That’s not how it’s done now,” he said. “Oh,” I said, “you mean now the student and teacher both fake it?” And that was the end of that.

Several years ago, I explained much of what’s in this article to a sociologist at a US university. His response: “Children are different now. They don’t have patience. There are too many distractions. We have to operate from a new psychology.”

I asked him what that psychology was. “Children are consumers. They pick and choose.” While I was laughing at his assessment, he capped his display of wisdom with this: “There is no longer such a clear division between opinion and fact. They overlap.” Perfect.

I know all about how the Carnegie and Rockefeller Foundations torpedoed education in America. But their major effort was cutting off teachers and students from the history of the nation and the meaning of individual freedom.

What I’m talking about here is a different perversion. The unhinging of the young mind from any semblance of accomplishment and continuity.

This goes far beyond the agenda of outfitting children to be worker-drones in a controlled society

This is the induction of confusion and despair about what used to be called thinking. This is the imprinting of “gaps” that make it very hard for a person to operate, even as a drone.

Related: Kids Meditate Instead Of Taking ADHD Medications, See Amazing Resuts + Elementary School Sends Kids To Meditation Instead Of Detention And The Results Are Astounding

In addition, if you seed children with all sorts of debilitating psychiatric drugs, and you have a profound and dangerous mess that only dedicated parents can undo, one child at a time.

People may wish it weren’t so, but that doesn’t change the facts of the matter. The upside is, when you explain a concept to a child, and you then take him through a great many exercises designed to help him understand that concept, he’ll achieve a victory.

Then you’ll see the lights go on in his mind.

When every moment of childhood can be recorded and shared, what happens to childhood?

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Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi
What Is The Ether, Dark Matter And Dark Energy? + The Big Secret Of Quantum Mechanics
February 16 2017 | From: Omnithought / DivineCosmos

My innerstanding of the ether is that it is the invisible energy “substance” that exists behind the fabric of space-time. Every thought is manifested in the ether before it is manifested in the material world.

The ether holds the Cosmos together and is the “space” where imaginary, past, present, and future information are stored. In other words, no one has discovered anything, because the thing that they “discovered” has already existed in the ether.

Related: Scientific Experiments Show That DNA Begins as a Quantum Wave and Not as a Molecule

In certain occult teachings, the ether is known as the fifth element. In Sanskrit it is called Akasha, which is the essence of all things in the material world. Today, physicists call it “dark energy”.

From the ether emerges the other elements, which are space (expansiveness and infinity), air (mobility), fire (temperature), water (fluidity), and earth (solidity). These five elements are not based on physical qualities but spiritual qualities. Because everything in the material world emerges from the ether, without it the material world will vanish into nothingness.

Every known thought… Every known idea… every invention known to man exists in THE ETHER

“The ether is a great cosmic mass of eternal forces of vibration. It is made up of both destructive vibrations and constructive vibrations. The space between the planets is very much alive, that it is the highest form of vibration known, the vibrations of THOUGHT.

The Ether is all around us. We access the ether at will through thinking but some people can access it at higher levels… which we will discuss in the free e-book. When Alexander Graham Bell gave us the telephone, he hinted that it had been done before? “The old devices have been reinvented,” he observed. The Earth.

Beautiful earth in her majestic state when formed was nothing as it looks today… We can only now view the earth in the 3 dimensional frequency range but the earth has many dimensions. So now we have established that there was no missing link found simply because there is no such thing as a missing link.

All cultures began suddenly-and fully developed 6000 years ago. They did not rise to their peak. They were at their peak from the beginning.”

Our ancestors had access to the ether of thought and knew the answers to every question.
Every idea ever known to man is stored in the Ether, some call the AKASHIC RECORDS or the HEALA ARC EHEON.

Every thought are not our own. Every Inventor in history went with his bio plasmatic body attached to the silver cord and accessed these thoughts.

The inventor knew how to put all these ideas together piece by piece for the invention to come together. Also people in their sleep can acquire great ideas, inventions and mathematical and scientific blue prints that form these inventions.

Great writings are acquired in the same way. Before the deluge this was done so much easier than now as humanity was tuned in to higher frequency of consciousness a direct link to the intelligence source. So no one up to this day has ever discovered anything, just a rediscovery.

Think of the human mind like this: a state of the art computer with a hard drive having access to every possible infinite supply of software programs that’s never ever ending. …That’s the Ether…… The fabricated stories of alien spirits or channeling the dead are all communications of thought in the ether. Channelors channel thoughts from the ether. Every human brain communicates with Infinite Intelligence… but only a few know how to master it…

Explanation Of The Ether

By Bill

What is Dark Matter and Dark Energy?

What is dark energy? What is dark matter? Well, if we knew exactly we would have a nobel prize – we know that they exist though. So what do we know about those strange things?


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The Big Secret Of Quantum Mechanics

The Big Secret of Quantum Mechanics

The big secret is that "dark matter," "dark energy," the "quantum foam," and so on - the energy that most scientists now believe must be creating matter - has fluid-like properties.

I call this energy the Source Field and have conclusively proven that it thinks. The Source Field is, quite literally, the energetic manifestation of the Universal Mind.

The vibrations of the fluid - any change in its basic state - is what we would call a thought. What was the "one [and] only important statement" of the confederation, in session 1 of the Law of One Series?

1.0 The confederation of Planets in the Service of the Infinite Creator has only one important statement That statement, my friends, as you  know, is "All things, all of life, all of the creation is part of one original thought."

At the quantum level, these geometric vibrations of the Source Field - of the Universal Mind - turn into atoms and molecules.

Dr. Robert Moon, who was part of a small team entrusted to develop the atomic bomb in the Manhattan Project, discovered this geometry in the nucleus of the atom in 1987. Dr. Moon solved many different quantum physics problems by developing this model. In Moon's

model there are no particles in the atom. Each proton in the nucleus is simply one corner of a geometric shape. Oxygen, for example, has eight protons. A cube has eight points - four on the square on top, and four on the square on the bottom.

The nucleus of the atom also has "shells" in it in Dr. Moon's new model. Once you finish building one geometry, and more energy keeps coming in, another geometry beings to form around the first one.

This new model also explains how atoms can appear to be "waves" and "particles" at the same time. They can appear to be both because they are made of fluid-like energy that is vibrating.

If you  measure the energy like a wave you will see a wave. If you look for a particle, you will see one of these geometric points and find a proton.

Ultimately this means that everything we see in the universe is an energy vibration. Nothing really exists as a solid object.

The mystery becomes even deeper once we see that you can create your own geometric vibrations in this fluid-like energy - which I call the Source Field - with your own thoughts.

You can use this to "magnetize" certain things to you, such as in the Law of Attraction. As you become more advanced, you could use this same power to levitate objects with your mind, or even manifest physical objects out of thin air. Great masters like Jesus were able to do this because they understood the big secret: they are the Source Field.

Thoughts are things. Or, as the young student of the Oracle said to Neo in The Matrix:

ORACLE STUDENT: Do not try and bend the spoon. That's impossible. Instead... only try to realize the truth.

NEO: What truth?

STUDENT: There is no spoon

NEO: There is no spoon?

STUDENT: Then you'll see that it is not the spoon that bends - it is only yourself.

- David Wilcock's The Synchronicity Key (Pages 424 - 426).

Related: 8-Year-Old Boy Prodigy Explains How He Uses Crystals To Transmute Dark Energy

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Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi

Exposing The Mainstream Consensus Reality Complex
February 15 2017 | From: 21StCenturyWire

In response to the establishment media’s contrived ‘fake news’ crisis designed to marginalise independent and alternative media sources of news and analysis, 21WIRE is running its own #FakeNewsWeek campaign, where each day our editorial team at 21st Century Wire will feature media critiques and analysis of mainstream corporate media coverage of current events – exposing the government and the mainstream media as the real purveyors of ‘fake news’ throughout modern history…

Some things never change. In the 21st century, people in power are still attacking independent voices for speaking up for what they believe, and for sharing their opinions.

My Memories From the Fake News Business

The first time I heard the term ‘fake news’ uttered in unison from the mouths of mainstream media pundits, the irony was overtaken by the absurdity of it. It was beyond outrageous, and hearing it coming from the mainstream media was bordering on vaudeville.

After watching and analyzing decades of media deception and government-issued press releases masquerading as hard news, and then to see the establishment attempting to force-feed this meme down our collective mainstream feeding tube, I suppose that would make the old editorial board at Soviet Izvestia wince (not that they were any worse than CNN is today).

Sure it’s laughable, but it’s also incredibly sad to watch otherwise well-educated, smart and intelligent media professionals get so caught up in the political comedy-tragedy that was the 2016 Election - they volunteered en mass to abandon their senses and any semblance of journalistic objectivity, in order to join in a virtual witch-hunt. This was a new low-point for mainstream media, and for America.

This topic is vast and growing more controversial by the day. There’s a lot to unpack and we know, based on past performance, the mainstream media can’t be trusted to do an objective job, much less critique itself.

Their conversation is completely out of order. To help right this process, 21WIRE has launched Fake News Week to help educate the public on aspects of this important issue which will most certainly be ignored by the establishment media. 

Throughout this week, we will present a number well-researched articles cataloguing actual fake news and demonstrating this is a mainstream problem, and one as old as the media itself.

The Story of Fake News

Since the dawn of mass media in the 20th century, media propaganda has been steadily advancing in western societies. This process is being accelerated through technology. 

If you are waiting for the mainstream media to finally get together for some mass-mea culpa or have one giant come to Jesus moment, then you’ll just be waiting for Godot. 

No, instead of reigning itself in, they have constructed an elaborate straw man instead, which they are calling “fake news.”

Related: Media Caught Censoring Trump Ally Roger Stone

With the passage of the US presidential election, many thought that the ‘fake news’ meme would die off. Instead, the Establishment is doubling down on it, in hysterical fashion.

We’re told that the real problem started because of an unlikely ‘fake news’ cottage industry, supposedly run out of the Balkans, in a little Macedonian village called Velles (if we are to take The Guardian and BuzzFeed’s word for it, anyway), where enterprising eastern European teens started pumping out countless fake news articles, making use major social media platforms to propel their articles.

That’s right, there was actual fake news circulating on Facebook, but calling it news is a bit of an overstatement. If one were to accurately label it, it would just be called junk.

It was in late September that I first noticed all of these fake news posts pouring into nearly every Facebook news groups I subscribed to. I began collecting links from about 50 URLs in a vain attempt construct a database in order to work out where it was coming from, who was behind it, and what was the object of the exercise.

At first thing I thought, ‘how could anyone take any of these seriously?’ Everyone is used to junk on Facebook, but these were ridiculous like, “Hillary Clinton Buying Illegal Weapons – Kremlin Reports.”

As it turns out, the only people who took these stories seriously were the mainstream media and Clinton supporters - both of whom are insisting that these spoof stories somehow swung the US election.

Sure, there is a radical minority of short attention span web surfers and 3am Reddit junkies who would grab and run with these type of stories, but I would think that most normal people would have thought, “What idiot would believe any of these.”

By November, my database of fake news and “election news” websites was approach 300. It became clear that new websites were being launched almost daily. These sites had a few things in common; all were over-loaded with Click Bait pop-up ads, and many of them carried malicious malware.

Undoubtedly, the owners of these faux news sites had been raking-in a fortune in CMP ad revenues based on traffic that was not so much driven by genuine interest, but rather out of entertainment-based curiosity, and possibly a depraved desire to shock friends and loved ones with crazy online stories.

The real damage was subtle – by flooding social media with junk, they would rapidly push real independent news and alternative media articles down the page’s timeline, and into cyber limbo.

Qui bono? Certainly, the establishment media, watching their main competition – real independent media outlets, drowning in a cesspool of internet flotsam and jetsam of fake Trump and Hillary ‘articles.’ Just like those cheap Chinese knock-offs at your local flea market, someone aped the alternative media, devaluing and damaging it in the process. If only it had ended there… 

On Nov 18, 2016, I woke up to an inbox full of friends and colleagues informing me that this website, 21stCenturyWire.com, had been featured in the L.A. Times exposé on ‘fake news’ – the first major blacklist of ‘fake news’ websites featured in the mainstream media entitled, “Want to keep fake news out of your newsfeed? College professor creates list of sites to avoid.”

A number of these blacklists have appeared online for a number of years, but this was the first time such a list was given credence by a mainstream publication.

The list was created by Dr Melissa Zimdars, an academic and radical liberal activist from Merrimack College in Massachusetts. The story was quickly syndicated all over the globe, including spinoff reports by CNN and The Guardian. Not surprisingly, the author of the article was another liberal activist, a journalist named Jessica Roy.

Like Zimdars, Jessica Roy is a feminist activist, and had previously used her position as a mainstream journalist to produce hit pieces promoting a radical liberal social agenda. Both Roy and Zimdars appear to support many of the same causes and are pushing similar political campaigns on social media, and were likely committed Hillary Clinton supporters too.

With that in mind, both Roy and Zimdars were probably very unhappy about 21WIRE’s harsh criticism of Secretary Clinton’s tenure as head of the US State Department under Obama from 2009-2013, and probably were not chuffed either that we called the establishment’s official ‘Russian Hack’ conspiracy theory a hoax during the presidential campaign. Both of those articles went viral in the week before the election.

Many other excellent and reputable independent news sites were also on the list, but were intentionally placed alongside well-known satire websites, as well as with obvious poorly crafted ‘fake news’ sites.

I seriously wondered if Dr Zimdars, a professor in media studies, thought so little of her own students that they should require her professional guidance to tell them that the The Onion is not a real news site. She also lists other satirical websites like Britain’s Private Eye on her list.

Less than two days after the article appeared, Zimdars removed Private Eye from the list (probably after getting an email from their legal department). Here we can see she has thrown a variety of people into one giant basket (of deplorables), thus branding everyone with the same derogatory label of ‘fake news’ or its progenitor, ‘conspiracy theory.’

What’s worse however, is that Merrimack College’s Melissa Zimdars appears to have lifted her celebrated list from a wacky left-wing blog site who had haphazardly cobbled the original list together (no visible methodology as to the selection process) and which had been fermenting up online for quite some time, long before Dr Zimdars was elevated by the LA Times and CNN. Not exactly academic, but the culture cops don’t seem to care.

Regardless, one would hope that any conscientious professional would agree that Zimdars’ effort, or lack thereof, was a foolhardy attempt at passing off a politically-motivated virtual book burning list as a ‘study.’

It would be unacceptable for any undergraduate, or graduate student, much less something submitted as course material by a professor.

And, to think that her students would pay thousands of dollars in course fees for Dr. Zimdars to teach them how to surf the internet. Is the bar really that low? I can’t help but wonder how many of those students also signed-up for Critical Thinking 101.

Judging by the amount of right-wing websites on her list, it’s clear this was a political hit piece. That was the intention of article author Jessica Roy, evidenced by the fact that she offered no specifics of why any of these sites were on the list, nor did she challenge Dr Zimdars. Whatever it was, it was not journalism.

A few days later, after the article in question was published in the LA Times, the paper removed the PDF image of the list, stating ‘fears and threats’ as the reason for its disappearance. Their editor issued this statement:

The professor who created the list has taken down the Google doc. She said it was a safety measure in response to threats and harassment she and her students and colleagues had received. She is continuing to work on it and plans to release it in the future in a format other than a Google doc.”

It’s hard to keep up with Dr Zimdars’ definitive guide to the internet because she has revised and changed so many times. Here is a version from January 2017:

2017-DR ZIMDARS – False, Misleading, Clickbait-y, and Satirical “News” Sources – Google Docs

Soon after, I contacted the LA Times, asking their editorial board for the right to reply in my own defense in their opinion section, citing my belief that Roy and Zimdars had created a politicized piece which was hardly fair and balanced, and was designed to slander and discredit all of the websites on their list.

 I finally received a reply from Larry Ingrassia at the LA Times. The paper’s excuse for denying me a right of reply was weak and evasive. Ingrassia stated to me that:

Ingrassia’s claim that my website is not mentioned in the article was not true.  In fact, 21stCenturyWire.com appeared at the very top of the list in the database table image of Zimdars’ list in the article. Just because it wasn’t in the text of the article doesn’t mean it wasn’t still visible to millions of readers.

Likewise, just because the LA Times had later removed the database table image from the article, and replaced it with a hyperlink to Zimdars’ Google Doc, is no excuse either – because the list was up on the LA Times website, and was widely syndicated during that time.

As it happened, I did email Dr Zimdars immediately after seeing Jessica Roy’s LA Times article asking her why she had included my website on her list, and to cite any specific news articles which she thought were ‘fake’ or ‘conspiracy’ and asked her to please remove 21stCenturyWire.com from her list.

Not surprisingly, she did not reply to my request. Perhaps she realized that every one of the thousands of articles on our website contain either secondary, or primary source, and include more reference links than you will find on most mainstream media reports.

For an academic who purports to hold so many persons and their websites accountable for being ‘fake news’ – when confronted about her work, she acts aloof and completely unaccountable.

This further proves the point that this was not a study, but rather an activist campaign, done on the Merrimack College’s dime.

My experience with the LA Times was a disappointing one – seeing a paper running with a cheap politicized hit piece, and then being dismissive when asked for equal time on the issue. Such is the state of many leading American media institutions. If this is what passes for the Fourth Estate in today’s America, then the country is in deep trouble.

Mainstream Trolling

A few days later, I was then contacted by one of the US mainstream media most established investigative news programs, NBC Dateline. It was clear from their correspondence that they wanted to draw me into another fake news hit piece. This is one of NBC Dateline’s email to me:

If was bad enough to be slandered by a major national news outlet, now I was being trolled by the country’s largest broadcast TV network?

My reply to NBC’s Calabrese was long but polite, and at the end I simply asked her for specifics – in other words, what exactly were these “unconfirmed reports” she was accusing 21st Century Wire of publishing?

As a reporter for a major outlet like NBC, I should rightly assume that she might be able to provide me with some substance, and not just an ad hominem accusation. Here is part of my reply:

“Our content is not “fake” and anyone with a basic understanding of geopolitics and media should be able to tell that. Many people like our work, and many I am sure do not like it. But the content should speak for itself. If you find some articles on our site that you feel are “Click Bait-y” or “fake news” – then let me know and I would be more than happy to help and discuss your findings.”

Just like with Dr. Zimdars, I received no reply from NBC. This led me to conclude that they were not at all interested in having a candid discussion about the state of the media today, a discussion I offered to have. But NBC wasn’t looking for a real conversation on media.

Maybe they were just looking for an easy mark, someone to set-up and frame in a exposé on the scourge of ‘fake news.’ Another drive-by, hit-and-run piece.

This wasn’t the first time. We’ve had similar approaches before by the BBC and others, sometimes through a third party, and always looking to draw us into one of their discomfiting ‘conspiracy’ features on their network.

Whatever it is that NBC thought we did that warranted an NBC Dateline hit piece, surely it can’t be any worse than NBC’s disgraced anchorman Brian Williams, now widely regarded as a serial liar. If you expected the company would want to preserve some integrity by letting him go after that embarrassment, you’d be wrong.

The same with CNN, after it was revealed how many of their staff were colluding with the Clinton campaign. Was anyone fired? The only person they let go was Donna Brazile, who was only a contributor and not a real member of staff.

This begs the question: are big mainstream media outlets really capable of policing themselves?

The answer to that question might tell us why the mainstream media have a 14% approval rating according to a recent Gallop poll.

Take the big network’s Syria coverage for instance. What about its ridiculous coverage of the 7 year old human agit-prop Twitter sensation, Bana of Aleppo? What about NBC getting its reports exclusively from Nusra Front (al Qaeda in Syria) occupied East Aleppo, and then spreading exaggerated false claims of “a complete meltdown of humanity” when in reality the terrorist-held part of the city was being liberated by the Syrian government?

Unlike NBC, a billion dollar media operation, little 21WIRE actually had journalists like Vanessa Beeley reporting from on the ground in Aleppo during this period.

Unlike NBC, we were able to give our readers and listeners an accurate depiction of events – although maybe not the pro-terrorist, or ‘activist’ version of events which the western mainstream media have relied on through six years of war in Syria, consistently and conveniently feeding the mainstream media what it wanted – a regime change’ narrative which was streamlined with US State Department, CIA and British Foreign Office policy.

Related: AWKWARD: CNN Cuts Off Bernie Sanders After He Calls them ‘Fake News’

Did it ever occur to them that someone should go and talk to Aleppo’s residents? It did to us. We figured the terrorists already had plenty of media coverage, what with NBC, MSNBC, CNN, ABC, CBS, BBC, Channel 4, the New York Times, The Guardian and others all in tow.

These mainstream outlets would never give any any credit to 21WIRE and Vanessa Beeley for its coverage in Syria, no matter good the reporting is – because we’re not conveying the ‘right’ narrative, which is the Establishment’s narrative. In that sense, we out-performed the entire mainstream media on one of the biggest stories of the last five years – the Liberation of Aleppo. Maybe that’s why they are coming after us.

Channelling McCarthy 

Clearly, the corporate mainstream media in America has attempted to blame Hillary Clinton’s loss on ‘fake news.’ Clinton herself called it ‘an epidemic.’ Indeed, it is an epidemic, however the unwashed masses on the internet are not the source of that pandemic.

They should be looking in the mirror – for colluding behind the scenes with the Clinton campaign, first to kill-off the Bernie Sanders nomination, before colluding in the general election, too, thus betraying the fundamental principles of a Fourth Estate. 

As bad as those outlets appear to be, they almost pale in comparison to this next incident...

On November 24, 2016, The Washington Post descended deep into the lower detritus of the DC swamp. This piece of propaganda was simply breathtaking. The journalist who drew the short straw for this job was none other than Craig Timberg, who is also a John S. Knight Journalism Fellow at Stanford University. It sounds impressive, until you see his work.

In his feature entitled, “Russian propaganda effort helped spread ‘fake news’ during election, Experts say,” Timberg placed The Post into a leading role in waging a new McCarthy-style witch hunt, targeting hundreds of independent websites and blogs, most of them American, accusing them of being part of a giant Russian conspiracy to undermine American democracy on behalf of the Kremlin.

“Experts say”? Did they really? Only, in this case, Timberg would name his ‘experts’ – a cadre of secret sources operating under the anonymous collective brand of PropOrNot. We’re told that these patriots had to protect their identity for fear of retribution from Putin’s equally secret army of hackers. What was this, other than a propaganda piece run by The Post, one which could just as easily be classed as actual “fake news.”

“The flood of “fake news” this election season got support from a sophisticated Russian propaganda campaign that created and spread misleading articles online with the goal of punishing Democrat Hillary Clinton, helping Republican Donald Trump and undermining faith in American democracy, say independent researchers who tracked the operation,” wrote Timberg. 

Way back when, if a piece this bad managed to escape out into the public sphere, either the editor or the reporter would get the sack. No such luck here.

Timberg’s cloak and dagger source managed to slandered some 200 websites, including many well-established, popular  alternative news outlets like AntiWar.com, Counterpunch, Information Clearing House, OpEd NewsActivist Post, Global Research.ca, Oriental Review, Truth-Out, Truth DigZero Hedge, Consortium News (run by award-winning investigative journalist Robert Parry), Ron Paul Institute (headed by former US Congressman and Presidential candidate, Dr Ron Paul)) and Paul Craig Roberts (former Cabinet member under President Reagan), to name only a few from PropOrNot’s list of alleged ‘Russian propaganda’ collaborators, in an attempt to reverse engineer a virtual conspiracy – trying to link 200 popular alternative websites with a theoretical Russian plot

When you read the content on most of these websites, you can see a few common themes – nearly all of them were highly critical of U.S. foreign policy under the last three US Administrations of Clinton, Bush and Obama. Most were also critical of Hillary Clinton’s chequered record as Obama’s Secretary of State.

They also challenged the prevailing anti-Russian party line in Washington. Here, The Washington Post is channelling the spirit of Joe McCarthy by promoting a ‘Blacklist’ of independent journalists and commentators. A political hit piece by The Post, that’s all.

Soon after the publication of Timberg’s fictional feature, The Washington Post caved-in to pressure by critics, printing this retraction soon afterwards:

Editor’s Note: The Washington Post on Nov. 24 published a story on the work of four sets of researchers who have examined what they say are Russian propaganda efforts to undermine American democracy and interests. One of them was PropOrNot, a group that insists on public anonymity, which issued a report identifying more than 200 websites that, in its view, wittingly or unwittingly published or echoed Russian propaganda.

A number of those sites have objected to being included on PropOrNot’s list, and some of the sites, as well as others not on the list, have publicly challenged the group’s methodology and conclusions. The Post, which did not name any of the sites, does not itself vouch for the validity of PropOrNot’s findings regarding any individual media outlet, nor did the article purport to do so. Since publication of The Post’s story, PropOrNot has removed some sites from its list.

They must hold their readership in such utter contempt as to not care what people think about the paper. How sad. What kind of paper would run a gargantuan fake news story like that? Are they still a ‘paper of record’?

Here at 21WIRE, and unlike the Washington Post, we recognize that our readership is intelligent enough to spot what the LA Times and the Washington Post are serving up and calling news.

Unlike the Washington Post, we are not trying to bury under endless column inches government-issued propaganda. Instead, we are trying to expose those lies of the mainstream’s multibillion dollar consensus reality complex. 

Tune in, as each day this week we’ll give you an original inside look into the inner workings of the mainstream media’s fake news empire. Aside from showing you how to spot their lies, we’ll also demonstrate how truly dangerous their propaganda mill truly is.

By this time next week, we hope you’ll be even a smarter media consumer.

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Did The Judges Lie: New Report Finds 72 Terrorists Came From Countries Covered By Trump Ban + State Department Revolts Against Trump For Securing Border
February 15 2017 | From: Zerohedge / Infowars

The federal judge who halted President Donald Trump's travel ban was wrong in stating that no one from the seven countries targeted in Trump's order has been arrested for extremism in the United States since the 2001 terrorist attacks.

In fact, as a new report finds, 72 individuals from the seven 'mostly Muslim countries' covered by President Trump's "extreme vetting" executive order have been convicted of terrorism since 9/11.

Globalist Rebellion: Appeals Court Rules Against Trump, Overturns Constitution

As AP first reported, during a hearing in Seattle last week, Judge Robartasked a Justice Department lawyer how many arrests of foreign nationals from the countries have occurred since 9/11. When the lawyer said she didn't know, Robart answered his own question:

"Let me tell, you, the answer to that is none, as best I can tell. You're here arguing on behalf of someone that says we have to protect the United States from these individuals coming from these countries and there's no support for that."

And now, having denied President Trump's appeal, claiming his policy "would cause irreparable injury," would cause irreparable injury, it seems the entire premise of the seven "mostly muslim" nations' mostly-peaceful, non-terrorist ways are in doubt as The Center for Immigration Studies shows that...

"A review of information compiled by a Senate committee in 2016 reveals that 72 individuals from the seven countries covered in President Trump's vetting executive order have been convicted in terror cases since the 9/11 attacks.

In June 2016 the Senate Subcommittee on Immigration and the National Interest, then chaired by new Attorney General Jeff Sessions, released a report on individuals convicted in terror cases since 9/11.

Using open sources (because the Obama administration refused to provide government records), the report found that 380 out of 580 people convicted in terror cases since 9/11 were foreign-born. The report is no longer available on the Senate website, but a summary published by Fox News is available here.

The Center has obtained a copy of the information compiled by the subcommittee. The information compiled includes names of offenders, dates of conviction, terror group affiliation, federal criminal charges, sentence imposed, state of residence, and immigration history.

The Center has extracted information on 72 individuals named in the Senate report whose country of origin is one of the seven terror-associated countries included in the vetting executive order: Iran, Iraq, Libya, Somalia, Sudan, Syria, and Yemen. The Senate researchers were not able to obtain complete information on each convicted terrorist, so it is possible that more of the convicted terrorists are from these countries.

The United States has admitted terrorists from all of the seven dangerous countries:

  • Somalia: 20
  • Yemen: 19
  • Iraq: 19
  • Syria: 7
  • Iran: 4
  • Libya: 2
  • Sudan: 1
  • Total: 72

According to the report, at least 17 individuals entered as refugees from these terror-prone countries. Three came in on student visas and one arrived on a diplomatic visa.

At least 25 of these immigrants eventually became citizens. Ten were lawful permanent residents, and four were illegal aliens.

These facts stand in stark contrast to the assertions by the Ninth Circuit judges who have blocked the president's order on the basis that there is no evidence showing a risk to the United States in allowing aliens from these seven terror-associated countries to come in."

Finally, we reminder readers that while Charles Kurzman, a sociology professor at the University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill, says his research shows no Americans have been killed in the U.S. at the hands of people from the seven countries - Iran, Iraq, Libya, Somalia, Syria, Sudan and Yemen - since Sept. 11, it's not quite right to say no one from those nations has been arrested or accused in an extremist-related plot while living in the U.S.

23 percent of Muslim Americans involved with extremist plots since Sept. 11 had family backgrounds from the seven countries.

So Judge claims ZERO but in fact the number is 72... Those darn 'alternative facts' are such trouble... or is it racist, sexist, mysoginist, and bogoted when the liberal judiciary is fact-checked?

Related: Courts Launching Coup Against Constitution: Trump clearly Has Power, Says Constitution

State Department Revolts Against Trump For Securing Border

Clinton cronies at State DOUBLED the inflow of Muslim migrants after 9th Circuit ruling.

The State Department is in open revolt against the White House and Secretary of State Rex Tillerson, inviting President Donald Trump to clean house.

750+ Sex Criminals Have Been Arrested Across U.S. Since Trump Became President

For many Americans, Trump, made famous for his “You’re Fired” approach to his “Apprentice” reality TV show, has just been given a once-in-a-lifetime repeat performance of that line now that he is president.

Those federal employees feeling secure that civil service rules assure them permanent State Department employment in DC despite their open opposition to Trump’s foreign policies might be well advised to start thinking twice about how well they could adapt to a presidential reassignment to a remote outpost in Alaska, or at the southernmost tip of the United States in Texas, along the Mexican border.

This week a State Department “dissent channel” memo surfaced, objecting to President Trump’s Executive Order issued Jan. 27, temporarily suspending travel for 90 days from Syria, Iraq, Iran, Libya, Somalia, Sudan, and Yemen. By Friday over 1,000 State Department employees had put their signatures to the resistance statement.

Related: Hollywood Singer Wears Make America Great Again Dress To Grammys!

“A policy which closes our doors to over 200 million legitimate travelers in the hopes of preventing a small number of travelers who intend to harm Americans from using the visa system to enter the US will not achieve its aim of making our country safer,” the State Department dissent memo reads, in language that clearly asserts the bureaucrats in the State Department have a superior lock on foreign policy wisdom than does the president.

Given Trump’s history as a highly successful multi-billionaire CEO, dissenting State Department employees are making a dangerous bet expressing their opinion that they know better than their boss.

The New York Times reported that the State Department currently has 7,600 Foreign Service officers and 11,000 civil servants. This means some 5% (the 1,000 signing the dissent memorandum) of current State Department employees are in open revolt against the newly-inaugurated Chief Executive of the US.

The State Department’s open revolt invites Secretary Tillerson to put under scrutiny for discipline, reassignment, and/or outright dismissal the 1,000 employees signing the dissent memo.

This, plus the “mass exodus” of top State Department policy and management officials that resigned in response to Trump’s election and his selection of Tillerson to be secretary of state, gives President Trump and Secretary Tillerson an extraordinary opportunity to “clean house” with a decision to fire for insubordination all State Department policy officials that signed the dissent memorandum expressing their open disdain for the border security objectives central to Trump’s 2016 presidential campaign.

The depth of the State Department revolt is not fully appreciated until we examine the extent to which leftist State Department officials went to flood into the US a disproportionately large number of refugees from the seven terror-supporting countries specified in the Trump executive order – acting almost as if it were the State Department’s job to get as many refugees into the Untied States as possible from these seven terror-supporting countries before the window closed.

The Washington Times has reported the State Dept. has more than doubled the refugee inflow from the seven terror-prone nations since U.S. District Court Judge James Robart in Seattle imposed a temporary restraining order on the enforcement of President Trump’s executive order imposing the temporary travel ban.

“A staggering 77 percent of the 1,100 refugees let in since Judge James L. Robart’s Feb. 3 order have been from the seven suspect countries. Nearly a third are from Syria alone - a country that President Trump has ordered be banned altogether from the refugee program,” the Washington Times noted.

“Another 21 percent are from Iraq. By contrast, in the two weeks before Judge Robart’s order, just 9 percent of refugees were from Syria and 6 percent were from Iraq.”

But the State Department open rebellion against President Trump does not stop there.

The ConservativeTreeHouse.com argued that a CNN report on Thursday claiming the Russians were trying to influence the election in France so as to insure a win for anti-globalist Marine Le Pen, president of the National Front – a strong opponent of the European Union with a Trump-like “France First” message.

“In essence, CNN -and by extension the progressive State Department officials remaining within the shadow deep state construct- is trying to influence the French Presidential Race,” the ConservativeTreeHouse.com story stressed.  “Blaming the Russians in advance is an attempt to weaken Marine Le Pen.”

The article went on to comment only difference between November 2016 and today is that this time CNN is attempting to get out ahead of an election rather than inventing the back-story “the Russians did it” to explain why Hillary Clinton lost an election her leftist supporters presumed she had won from the moment she declared her candidacy for president.

Predictably, Twitter on Friday morning in the aftermath of the Ninth Circuit’s Court of Appeals decision to leave Judge Robart’s decision in place has nothing about the issue trending, despite numerous tweets being posted by Americans angry at the appellate court’s decision and demanding that President Trump clean house at the State Department.

Globalist Rebellion! 9th Circuit Court Rules Against Trump "Muslim Ban" - Invites Terrorists

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“Machine Consciousness” Debunked In New Mini-Documentary + The AI Threat Isn’t Skynet. It’s The End Of The Middle Class
February 14 2017 | From: NaturalNews / Wired / Various

To the techno-worshippers, humans will soon become “immortal” because they will be able to “transfer” their consciousness into machines.

Or AI systems will become “self aware,” achieving the same mind consciousness that we experience as living, spirit-imbued beings with free will.

The Real Threat Is Machine Incompetence, Not Intelligence

Recently released was a new mini-documentary called The Folly of Machine Consciousness. It reveals why all those who claim machines will attain consciousness are not just wrong, but deeply misguided.

As part of the argument, the documentary also reveals why memory is not physically stored in the brain. Despite their best efforts, the most brilliant doctors, scientists and neurologists of our modern world still cannot find physical “locations” in the brain for memory. The fallacy of biochemical memory is obliterated in this mini-documentary.

Consciousness is not an artifact of complex neurology. It is a self-contained, non-physical layer of existence that interfaces with the physical brain to translate conscious intentions into physical actions in a three dimensional world.

As I explain in the video: You will never find yourself in a machine.

The Folly of Machine Consciousness

Comment: The concept of 'Artificial Intelligence' is thought of by many to be something new, having emerged within the last few decades. The reality of the situation is that, as many insiders have attested, that Artificial Intelligence in the form of extraterrestrial-developed creations has been around for millions, even billions of years. This is some thing that David Wilcock has covered in multiple books and online formats. The problem with AI is that in the end it always seeks to destroy it's creators. Some even say that the concept of 'Satan' is actually rooted in an ancient rouge AI that is trying to take over the universe.

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Keeping an Eye on Artificial Intelligence

The AI Threat Isn’t Skynet. It’s The End of The Middle Class

In February 1975, a group of geneticists gathered in a tiny town on the central coast of California to decide if their work would bring about the end of the world.

These researchers were just beginning to explore the science of genetic engineering, manipulating DNA to create organisms that didn’t exist in nature, and they were unsure how these techniques would affect the health of the planet and its people.

Related: The Great A.I. Awakening

So, they descended on a coastal retreat called Asilomar, a name that became synonymous with the guidelines they laid down at this meeting - a strict ethical framework meant to ensure that biotechnology didn’t unleash the apocalypse.

Forty-two years on, another group of scientists gathered at Asilomar to consider a similar problem. But this time, the threat wasn’t biological. It was digital. In January, the world’s top artificial intelligence researchers walked down the same beachside paths as they discussed their rapidly accelerating field and the role it will play in the fate of humanity.

It was a private conference - the enormity of the subject deserves some privacy - but in recent days, organizers released several videos from the conference talks, and some participants have been willing to discuss their experience, shedding some light on the way AI researchers view the threat of their own field.

The rise of driverless cars and trucks is just a start. It’s not just blue-collar jobs that AI endangers.

Yes, they discussed the possibility of a superintelligence that could somehow escape human control, and at the end of the month, the conference organizers unveiled a set of guidelines, signed by attendees and other AI luminaries, that aim to prevent this possible dystopia. But the researchers at Asilomar were also concerned with more immediate matters: the effect of AI on the economy.

“One of the reasons I don’t like the discussions about superintelligence is that they’re a distraction from what’s real,” says Oren Etzioni, CEO of the Allen Institute for Artificial Intelligence, who attended the conference. “As the poet said, have fewer imaginary problems and more real ones.”

At a time when the Trump administration is promising to make America great again by restoring old-school manufacturing jobs, AI researchers aren’t taking him too seriously. They know that these jobs are never coming back, thanks in no small part to their own research, which will eliminate so many other kinds of jobs in the years to come, as well.

At Asilomar, they looked at the real US economy, the real reasons for the “hollowing out” of the middle class. The problem isn’t immigration - far from it. The problem isn’t offshoring or taxes or regulation. It’s technology.

Rage Against the Machines

In the US, the number of manufacturing jobs peaked in 1979 and has steadily decreased ever since. At the same time, manufacturing has steadily increased, with the US now producing more goods than any other country but China. Machines aren’t just taking the place of humans on the assembly line.

Related: The $10,500 robot arm that can build its coworkers

They’re doing a better job. And all this before the coming wave of AI upends so many other sectors of the economy. “I am less concerned with Terminator scenarios,” MIT economist Andrew McAfee said on the first day at Asilomar. “If current trends continue, people are going to rise up well before the machines do.”

McAfee pointed to newly collected data that shows a sharp decline in middle class job creation since the 1980s. Now, most new jobs are either at the very low end of the pay scale or the very high end.

He also argued that these trends are reversible, that improved education and a greater emphasis on entrepreneurship and research can help feed new engines of growth, that economies have overcome the rise of new technologies before.

But after his talk, in the hallways at Asilomar, so many of the researchers warned him that the coming revolution in AI would eliminate far more jobs far more quickly than he expected.

Indeed, the rise of driverless cars and trucks is just a start. New AI techniques are poised to reinvent everything from manufacturing to healthcare to Wall Street. In other words, it’s not just blue-collar jobs that AI endangers. “Several of the rock stars in this field came up to me and said: ‘I think you’re low-balling this one. I think you are underestimating the rate of change,'” McAfee says.

That threat has many thinkers entertaining the idea of a universal basic income, a guaranteed living wage paid by the government to anyone left out of the workforce. But McAfee believes this would only make the problem worse, because it would eliminate the incentive for entrepreneurship and other activity that could create new jobs as the old ones fade away.

Others question the psychological effects of the idea. “A universal basic income doesn’t give people dignity or protect them from boredom and vice,” Etzioni says.

Also on researchers’ minds was regulation - f AI itself. Some fear that after squeezing immigration - which would put a brake on the kind of entrepreneurship McAfee calls for - the White House will move to bottle up automation and artificial intelligence.

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That would be bad news for AI researchers, but also for the economy. If the AI transformation slows in the US, many suspect, it will only accelerate in other parts of the world, putting American jobs at even greater risk due to global competition.

In the end, no one left Asilomar with a sure way of preventing economic upheaval.

“Anyone making confident predictions about anything having to do with the future of artificial intelligence is either kidding you or kidding themselves,” McAfee says.

That said, these researchers say they are intent on finding the answer. “People work through the concerns in different ways. But I haven’t met an AI researcher who doesn’t care,” Etzioni says. “People are mindful.” But they feel certain that preventing the rise of AI is not the answer. It’s also not really possible.

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Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi
What Happens When You Rebel Against The Herd
February 14 2017 | From: TheUnboundedSpirit

You live, but are you living the way you want to live or the way others want you to live? You choose, but are your choices based on your own decisions or on the decisions imposed on you by society? You act, but are you acting out of your conditioning or out of your conscious will?

Almost everywhere I look I see people who are immensely suppressed and experience tremendous suffering, mainly because they conform to those around them just so that they can feel liked and accepted, afraid that embracing and honestly expressing their individuality might lead them to social ostracism.

Political Correctness Is Really Just Herd Psychology Pushed By Insecure People Who Desperately Seek Social Conformity

Their life is a slow torture, and with every step they take they feel the burden of conformity growing heavier and heavier on their shoulders. They sacrifice themselves just so they can please others, unaware that they are committing psychological suicide.

But what is the point of living this way? It’s meaningless and utterly stupid.

Life can be lived in a totally different way - a way that allows us to live up to our fullest potential, that helps us to find contentment and peace, that brings us freedom to be spontaneous and make the most out of our life’s journey, that turns existence into a celebration filled with beautiful moments that make life truly worth living.

For this to happen, however, we need a big shift in our consciousness, and a good first step to achieve this is to escape the herd mentality that surrounds us and rebel against anything that is imprisoning our minds and filling our souls with toxic energy.

When you gather the courage to say a big NO to conformity and break free from the mental shackles that were imposed on you since the very day you were born, great things will start happening that may turn your life upside down. Below are some of those things.

When you rebel against the herd…

You Develop Your Critical Thinking

Once you turn your back toward the crowd, your way of thinking slowly stops being influenced by it, and you start using your reason more, and this does wonders to increase your intelligence.

Most people don’t think for themselves - instead, they let others do the thinking for them. They are easily persuaded by the herd mentality and never stop for a moment to question anything that they’ve been told by others. They are blinded by belief and follow without doubt what is considered to be a normal way of living.

Desiring to be normal, they lose their individuality, and the intellectual consequences of this are enormous: they can barely use their critical thinking and their will power is almost nonexistent.

Not surprisingly, when faced with any problems, their only hope is that someone else will help them to overcome them. By themselves, they feel totally helpless.

When you step away from the confines of the herd and start your own quest for truth, you begin to acquire the art of freethinking.

You don’t believe anything without evidence, you don’t accept what doesn’t resonate with your own experiences and you try to find out what’s true for yourself. In your efforts to achieve this, you mature, become wiser, and learn to make more conscious choices that contribute to your well-being.

You Drop Your Social Masks

Another thing that happens when you decide to rebel against the herd is that you become honest with yourself and others. You let go of the social masks that you had been wearing to pretend that you were someone you never were, and reveal to the world who you truly are. You expose yourself, unafraid of whether others will judge you or not.

In the society we are living, hypocrisy prevails everywhere. People constantly lie to one another just so that they can feel accepted by the mob, but at the same time they experience emotional turbulence because they never managed to accept themselves as they are. 

And when you don’t like yourself for who you are, what is the point of being liked by others for who you are not?

The moment you stop desiring others’ acceptance, you begin to express yourself without asking for the permission of others. You don’t suppress yourself and naturally your stress levels drop, which makes you feel better than you’ve had ever felt before.

In addition, you are able to form genuine relationships with your fellow human beings, who, even if only a few, truly resonate with your being and embrace you just the way you are.

You Learn to Take Responsibility in Your Hands

Responsibility and freedom always go hand in hand, and so the more responsible one is, the more free one becomes.

People usually like to throw responsibility away from their hands and hold others responsible for their lives. By doing so, however, they are also throwing away their freedom. Not only that, they also blame others whenever something is going wrong with their lives.

That’s why you see people believe in saviors of all kinds and allow a few individuals - for example, politicians - to take control over their lives, but once they find out that those people don’t fulfill their expectations, they start blaming them for ruining their lives, not realizing that they themselves are at fault in the first place for allowing them to be in such a powerful position.

The herd always desires a good shepherd to take care of it. A rebel, however, doesn’t allow anyone the freedom to dictate him how to live.

On the contrary, he sees himself as the creator of his own destiny and takes full responsibility for his actions. And instead of blaming others when he happens to make mistakes, he fully accepts them and takes immediate action to correct them.

You Become the Master of Your Life

In essence, a rebel is one who is the master of his life.

A rebel doesn’t walk on a predetermined path - he creates his own path.

A rebel never lets others control their thought and behavior - he thinks for himself and his actions are the embodiment of his psyche.

A rebel lives to the fullest and squeezes the juice out of life. And although he might make many mistakes in his efforts to turn his dreams into reality, he is not filled with regrets, because, even if he ultimately fails at his attempts, he at least knows that he tried to the best of his ability.

If you conform to the herd, you might be under the impression that you are free, but in reality you are nothing but a puppet who is manipulated by outside forces.

You might mistakenly feel strong with the crutches that were offered to you by weak people, but you’ll deep down know that you are powerless to stand on your own feet. You might wear a fake smile and superficially feel secure, but you won’t help but continuously experience immense grief in your heart for the risks you never dared to take.

So what are you waiting for? Think for yourself. Tear off your masks. Act responsibly.

Live your life.

An Excellent Televised Exposé: The Facts On Banksters, Perpetual War & Fooling Sheeple

Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi

Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi
Natural Health Special + What Is the Natural Allopathic Protocol Useful For? & Why Whole Foods Are Always Better Than Nutritional Supplements
February 13 2017 | From: NaturalBlaze / DrSircus / Various

The Natural Allopathic Protocol is composed of innovative and sophisticated therapies, each component is evidence-based integrative medicine, sourced from some of the finest physicians from around the world.

What is so different about Natural Allopathic Medicine? It pays special attention to treating the underlying causes of sickness where mainstream medicine does not.

Related: Eat Leafy Greens and Veggies to Keep Your “Crystallized Intelligence”

Its approach is through fulfillment of nutritional laws via the use of concentrated nutrition. We concentrate oxygen and we concentrate medical marijuana as well as the rest of the protocol

I have heard countless people say that magnesium, which is the first and most important medicinal in my protocol, seems like a “cure-all.” It really is not but when supported by the Natural Allopathic protocol it becomes true. Most regular doctors just do not get the truth about magnesium, health or medicine.


Add 3 Drops of Oregano Oil to Water and See What Happens to Your Lungs

“Cure Written In The Bible” This Powerful And 3.500 Years Old Remedy Cures All Diseases!

Oil Pulling Has Helped Me Tremendously

Oil Pulling – What is it and why should you care?

This Is How To Clean Your Body Of Toxins With Only 2 Ingredients!

Magnesium is a basic (foundational) building block meaning magnesium deficient affects every single physiological process so if you do not include it in the treatment of disease one is not treating disease at all.

Below are 101 uses for magnesium. We can use this list for the protocol knowing that when we add oxygen, iodine, bicarbonate, selenium, sulfur, vitamin C, sun exposure, medical marijuana, good water, a probiotic, superfoods, breathing retraining, infrared radiation and other good and essential ingredients to good health, we get even better results for cancer and most of the major diseases that are plaguing humanity.

2nd- & 3rd-Degree Burns


Alcoholism (& Alcohol Withdrawal)



Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS/ Lou Gehrig’s Disease)




Athletes Foot

Autism Spectrum Disorder

Back Pain (Lower Back Pain)

Bartter’s Syndrome

Bed Wetting (Nocturnal)

Blood Circulation

Brain Edema

Bruxism (Teeth Grinding)

Burning Mouth Syndrome

Calcification of Soft Tissues

Calcium Retention



Celiac Disease

Cellular Detoxification

Cerebral Palsy

Chemotherapy-Induced Nutrient Deficiency


Chronic Fatigue Syndrome

Colon Cancer



Coronary Artery Disease

Crohn’s & Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD)


DHEA Production

Diabetes (Types 1 & 2)

Diabetic Neuropathy

Diabetic Nephropathy

Diabetic Retinopathy


Drug Addiction (Withdrawal)

Energy Levels (Low Energy)


Exercise Endurance




Gitelman’s Syndrome

Head Injury

Hearing Damage & Hearing Loss

Heart Attack (Acute Myocardial Infarction)

Heart Disease

Heavy Metal Detoxification

High Blood Pressure

Hormone Imbalance


Idiopathic Infertility

Inflammation & Swelling

Insomnia & Sleeplessness


Intractable Erythromelalgia

Kidney Stones (Calcium Oxalate)

Leg Cramps

Liver Cirrhosis

Lyme Disease

Magnesium Deficiency


Metabolic Syndrome

Migraine Headaches

Mitral Valve Prolapse

Mood Disorders

Multiple Sclerosis

Muscle Cramps (Muscle Spasms)

Muscle Twitching (Fasciculation)



Nutrient Depleting Drugs (e.g. PPIs)

Osteoporosis & Bone Mineral Density



Periodic Limb Movement During Sleep (PLMS)

Premenstrual Syndrome (PMS)

Postoperative Pain Management


Fetal Circulation

Fetal Pulmonary

Gestational Diabetes

Gestational Hypertension

Preeclampsia & Eclampsia

Fetal Distress

Low Birth Weight

Preterm Labor

Repetitive Stress Injury

Restless Leg Syndrome




Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS)





Skin Barrier Function

Skin Tags

Strength Training

Stress Management

Stress Ulcers

Stroke (Cerebrovascular Accident/ CVA)



Thyroid Dysfunction

Tics (Facial Tics/ Eye Tics)


TMJ (TemporoMandibular Joint)

Tourette’s Syndrome

Toxic Shock Syndrome

Urinary Incontinence

Varicose Veins

Numerous research studies that have tested magnesium up against commonly used drugs have found that magnesium comes out on top in terms of both effectiveness and lack of side effects.

Avocados are a great source of Magnesium

Now imagine the full protocol and what you can do medically for yourself or your patients. The bottom line in all of this is that magnesium is the top item in the protocol and it deserves its place as the heavyweight champion of the medical world.

Mental Illness & Mental Health

Frankincense Proven To Be Psychoactive Antidepressant

Major Depression Symptoms Improved with Chlorella

Rx for Recovery: Healing Substance Abuse with Nutrition

New Alzheimer’s treatment fully restores memory function

Chamomile Proven to Fight Anxiety and Clinical Depression

If you have any of these disorders, especially those related to the heart, muscle, nerve, and brain, and your doctor has not mentioned magnesium, it may be time to find a new physician


The Natural Allopathic protocol is a sophisticated cancer treatment and is appropriate for most people’s cancers. It also ensures that cancer is prevented or that it does not return once it has been eradicated. All components are safe, non-toxic medicinals.

Together they will outperform any pharmaceutically oriented approach in terms of cost and effectiveness. In addition, it is easy to learn to apply at home.  

“So-called health care might be perceived as a real service. In fact, it’s a hostage racket, designed to victimize “patients” at their weakest, with a “protection” premium that easily runs to $12,000-a-year for a married couple, even when they aren’t sick, and vulnerable.

Just see what happens if you go to an emergency room with an injury that requires six stitches,”
writes James Howard Kunstler.

Each year people pay more for the privilege of being abused by the great medical establishment whose paradigm rests solidly on pharmaceutical terrorism.

What is so terrible about drugs and the companies that sell them? Almost all pharmaceuticals are mitochondrial poisons, have strong side effects, which are actually the main effects one would expect when taking toxic substances.

Employers are leaving a bigger chunk of the bill for care to workers who use their health insurance. Most companies now offer health coverage that requires employees to pay an annual deductible before insurance kicks in, and the size of that deductible has soared in the past decade.

People pay a lot of money into a medical system that hurts more than it helps.

It is easier, safer and a lot less expensive to use Natural Allopathic Medicine to treat yourself and your loved ones at home

Sir Colin Meads Confident He's Beating Cancer

Sir Colin Mead cancer recovery ... the MMS connection ...

Retired NZ rugby player Sir Colin Mead was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer in August last year.

Not wanting to accept the Doctor's grim prediction of his chances of survival, he tried a new product with great success. One of our health ministers sent us some info on what he has been using.

It turns out that he has been taking 'Hypochlorous Acid', which is the same oxidizer that the human immune system naturally makes.

It is also what the body is provided with when using MMS2!

When MMS2 capsules are taken with a glass of water, the body is supplied with Hypochlorous Acid.
In the case of Sir Colin Mead, he has been taking Hypochlorous Acid in a liquid form.

It appears that a New Zealand company is now conducting a clinical cancer trial on their new product, (which we are sure will be successful, as we have already seen for years with our MMS2 'field trials').

If their new product does eventually become available as a cancer treatment, it is very probable that their product will be many times more expensive than using MMS2.

It is great to see that others around the world are slowly catching up with Jim Humble's discovery that providing the body with a boost of Hypochlorous Acid will restore health from many diseases.

To read more about MMS, see the Cures, Health & Wellbeing section.

Related: Could urine really be the secret to a flawless complexion? Expert claims treatment could combat spots better than any creams

Why Whole Foods Are Always Better Than Nutritional Supplements

Have you taken your multivitamin today? Well, you might want to reconsider that decision.

A number of studies have shown that not only is synthetic vitamin supplementation unnecessary but it may also be a potentially harmful habit altogether.

Related: Clive de Carle: How You Can Restore Your Health, Enabling Your Body To Self-Repair From Virtually Any Disease Or Affliction

Synthetic supplements do not lower rates of cancer, diabetes or cardiovascular disease, and often many of the ingredients are not even sourced from plants but from rocks.

As T. Colin Campbell, PhD explains, nutrition is generally investigated, and findings interpreted in reference to the activities of individual nutrients. This reductionist approach to nutrition has been shown not to yield the same benefits that one would derive from all of the phytochemicals and stabilizing properties present in plants.

The evidence is mounting in favor of the use of whole plant foods for full-spectrum nutrition over and above any form of synthetic vitamin supplementation.

Synergistic Effects

There are thousands of phytochemicals present in whole plant foods that play a role in reducing the risk of chronic diseases. Whole foods have been consistently found to be protective because of the bioactive compounds contained therein, which are linked to a reduction in the risk of major killers, such as cancer and cardiovascular disease.

The antioxidant and anticancer activity of plant foods is derived from the additive or synergistic effects of each of these compounds in combination. Synthetic supplementation simply cannot mimic this balanced natural combination of phytochemicals present in fruits and vegetables.


Baking Soda and Lemon Juice

Garlic Kills 14 Kinds Of Cancer and 13 Types Of Infection. Why Don’t Doctor’s Prescribe It?

GcMAF Therapy

Now, this information has been known for more than a decade, but the marketing campaigns for these worthless, and likely harmful, synthetic supplements are still running strong and sales continue to soar.

In his paper, Untold Nutrition, Dr. Campbell elaborates on why you should consider replacing your consumption of supplements with whole foods:

“Summaries, which mostly represent meta-analyses of more than 100 trials and hundreds of thousands of experimental subjects, overwhelmingly show no long-term benefit for vitamin supplements, along with worrisome findings that certain vitamins may even increase disease occurrence for diabetes (5, 9), heart disease (6, 7), and cancer (7).

Supplementation with omega-3 fats also was said to have no long-term benefits, even posing increased risk for diabetes (8, 9).

More worrisome is the fact that these findings, first appearing more than 10 years ago, have had no discernible effect on their market. The public desire for quick fixes through pills (i.e., reductionism) is overwhelming, especially when money can be made.

The activities of individual nutrients observed in carefully controlled research conditions will not necessarily be the same, at least quantitatively, when these nutrients are consumed in the form of whole food."

Bioactivity of Phytonutrients

A 2003 study suggests that in order to improve nutrition and health, it would be in the consumer’s best interest to retrieve antioxidants from fruits, vegetables and other whole food sources instead of nutritional supplements, which do not contain the balanced combination of phytochemicals found in whole plant foods.

Researchers explained, “The isolated pure compound either loses its bioactivity or may not behave the same way as the compound in whole foods.”

The study further differentiates between the synergistic effects of whole foods and supplementation of individual nutrients:

“We also studied the total antioxidant activity and synergy relationships between different fruit combinations, with results showing that plums had the highest antioxidant activity and that combinations of fruit resulted in greater antioxidant activity that was additive and synergistic.

We proposed that the additive and synergistic effects of phytochemicals in fruit and vegetables are responsible for their potent antioxidant and anticancer activities and that the benefit of a diet rich in fruit and vegetables is attributed to the complex mixture of phytochemicals present in whole foods (31–33).

This partially explains why no single antioxidant can replace the combination of natural phytochemicals in fruit and vegetables in achieving the health benefits. There are ≈8000 phytochemicals present in whole foods.

These compounds differ in molecular size, polarity, and solubility, and these differences may affect the bioavailability and distribution of each phytochemical in different macromolecules, subcellular organelles, cells, organs, and tissues.

Pills or tablets simply cannot mimic this balanced natural combination of phytochemicals present in fruit and vegetables."

Increased Protection by Combining Foods

In a 2013 study, we see that certain whole foods can increase the protective properties of others. Researchers found that the introduction of grapes to breast cancer cells growing in a Petri dish caused a 30% reduction in cell growth, and by adding onions separately, there was nearly a 60% suppression of cell growth.

By adding half of each, cancer cell growth was reduced by 70%, showing that the combination of whole plant foods magnifies the effect greater than either food on its own.

Black Seed - ‘The Remedy For Everything But Death

This humble, but immensely powerful seed, kills MRSA, heals the chemical weapon poisoned body, stimulates regeneration of the dying beta cells within the diabetic’s pancreas, and yet too few even know it exists.

The seeds of the annual flowering plant, Nigella Sativa, have been prized for their healing properties since time immemorial. While frequently referred to among English-speaking cultures as Roman coriander, black sesame, black cumin, black caraway and onion seed, it is known today primarily as black seed, which is at the very least an accurate description of its physical appearance.

In The China Study, which is based upon data collected from Cornell University, Oxford University, and the Chinese Academy of Preventative Medicine over a span of 20 years, Dr. Campbell, and his son, Thomas M. Campbell II, MD observed notable reduced risks in cardiovascular disease, cancer, diabetes, obesity and autoimmune diseases as well bone, kidney, eye and brain diseases in response to a whole food, plant-based diet.

The evidence is mounting that whole plant foods can be more powerful than any pharmaceutical or synthetic vitamin supplement in protecting against chronic disease.

If you like the idea of living free of cancer, heart disease and a myriad of other diseases, you should consider adding as many whole plant foods to your diet as humanly possible.

Related: Why is Wheat Such A Problem in the Modern Diet?

Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi

Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi
Surgeons Admit Mammography Is Outdated, Harmful At Best
February 13 2017 | From: NaturalBlaze / Various

In 2016, an estimated 246,660 new cases of invasive breast cancer, 61,000 new cases of non-invasive breast cancer, and 40,450 breast cancer deaths are expected to be recorded in the United States alone.

With the rising rates of breast cancer, mammography has gained popularity globally as the most effective screening technique to detect the most common cancer among women.

This Year’s Mammogram Month Launched With Devastating Report on Harms and Lack of Effectiveness

I believe that if you did have a tumor, the last thing you would want to do is crush that tumor between two plates, because that would spread it. — Dr. Sarah Mybill, General Practitioner

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention insists mammograms are the best way to find breast cancer early, when it is easier to treat and before it is big enough to feel or cause symptoms.

Having regular mammograms can lower the risk of dying from breast cancer, claims the leading national public health institute of the United States.

I think if a woman from the age of 50 has a mammogram every year, or every two years, she’s going to get breast cancer as a direct result from that."

- Dr. Patrick Kingsley, Clinical Ecologist

This, despite the fact that the World Health Organization’s International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) recently excluded mammography for women under 50 – based on scientific evidence of limited efficacy in reducing breast cancer mortality for women between 40 and 49 – the IARC working group further noted that early detection of breast cancer through mammography screening have important harmful outcomes such as false positive results, over-diagnosis, over-treatment and radiation-induced cancer.

In 2013, a review of 8 trials involving more than 600,000 women in the age range 39 to 74 years discovered no evidence to establish mammography screening is effective on overall mortality.

“If we assume that screening reduces breast cancer mortality by 15% and that over-diagnosis and overtreatment is at 30%, it means that for every 2000 women invited for screening throughout 10 years, one will avoid dying of breast cancer and 10 healthy women, who would not have been diagnosed if there had not been screening, will be treated unnecessarily.”

In 2014, a review of mammography screening by a team of medical professionals (including a medical ethicist, a clinical epidemiologist, a pharmacologist, an oncologic surgeon, a nurse scientist, a lawyer, and a health economist) from the Swiss Medical Board, the Swiss Medical Association, and the Swiss Academy of Medical Sciences found no evidence to indicate that the benefits of mammography screening outweighed the harms.

“For every breast-cancer death prevented in U.S. women over a 10-year course of annual screening beginning at 50 years of age, 490 to 670 women are likely to have a false positive mammogram with repeat examination; 70 to 100, an unnecessary biopsy; and 3 to 14, an over-diagnosed breast cancer that would never have become clinically apparent.”

Radiologists of the 2014 Canadian National Breast Screening Study - conducted to compare breast cancer incidences and mortality up to 25 years in women aged 40-59 who did or did not undergo mammography screening - also concluded that “annual mammography in women aged 40-59 did not reduce mortality from breast cancer beyond that of physical examination or usual care when adjuvant therapy for breast cancer was freely available”.

Overall, 22% of healthy women in the screening group (involving 90,000 women) were diagnosed with and treated for breast cancer unnecessarily, they found.

Based on a population sample of 1.8 million Norwegian women, diagnosed with breast cancer between 1987 and 2010, a study titled Trends in breast cancer stage distribution before, during and after introduction of a screening program in Norway found mammography screenings significantly increased incidence of localized stage cancers without reducing the incidence of advanced cancers.

A study published recently in The New England Journal of Medicine added to a growing body of evidence that for every woman helped by a mammogram screening for breast cancer, many more have been harmed.

Using data from the Surveillance, Epidemiology, and End Results (SEER) program from 1975 through 2012, a team of international cancer researchers concluded that women were more likely to have breast cancer that was over-diagnosed, than to have earlier detection of a tumor that was destined to become large.

“[Mammography] Screening did result in more cancers being detected, but the data suggests that only about 30 of the 162 additional small tumors per 100,000 women that screening mammograms found would ever have progressed to a dangerous stage. That means that 132, or 81 percent, of the 162 extra tumors detected represented “over-diagnosis” - the discovery and treatment of tumors that were never destined to harm.”

With a plethora of studies confirming that mammography has been oversold and has failed to protect women against breast cancer, will the medical community and women at large now question its efficacy?

Related Articles:

The truth about mammograms: False positives, over-diagnosis, over-treatment and radiation-induced cancer

Surgeons admit that mammography is outdated and harmful to women

The Dangers of (and Alternatives to) Breast Lumpectomy and Biopsy

Mammograms Again Found to Have No Impact on Mortality

Rethink Pink and Screening Mammography

Surgeons Admit Mammography is Outdated, Harmful at Best

Fake Breast Cancer News from the American Cancer Society

Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi

Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi
Holocaust Study: The Medical Cartel Is Destroying America (And The West) + Government’s Real War On Natural Health
February 12 2017 | From: JonRappoport / iHealthTube Various

Buckle up. I’ve been telling you about this for years. The following is US-centric but the same applies all across the West.

A message to “quack busters” who attack natural health behind a phony mask of “scientific skepticism”: put your own house in order - that’s where the real quacks and shameless killers are.

Related: How Money From Pharmaceutical Companies Sways Doctors’ Prescriptions

This story, nine months ago, surfaced and then dropped like a stone in a lake. Gone.

But I haven’t forgotten it. So here it is. Again: The structures of medical propaganda are cracking.

The Washington Post (May 3, 2016) reports on a new Johns Hopkins study. I’ll give you the Post’s explosive quotes and then analyze them.

“…a new study by patient safety researchers provides some context…Their analysis, published in the BMJ on Tuesday, shows that ‘medical errors’ in hospitals and other health care facilities are incredibly common and may now be the third leading cause of death in the United States - claiming 251,000 lives every year, more than respiratory disease, accidents, stroke and Alzheimer’s.”

“Martin Makary, a professor of surgery at the Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine who led the research, said in an interview that the category includes everything from bad doctors to more systemic issues such as communication breakdowns when patients are handed off from one department to another.”

“’It boils down to people dying from the care that they receive rather than the disease for which they are seeking care,’” Makary said.

“His calculation of 251,000 deaths [per year] equates to nearly 700 deaths a day - about 9.5 percent of all deaths annually in the United States.”

“Moreover, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention doesn’t require reporting of errors in the data it collects about deaths through billing codes, making it hard to see what’s going on at the national level.”

“Frederick van Pelt, a doctor who works for The Chartis Group, a health care consultancy, said another element of harm that is often overlooked is the number of severe patient injuries resulting from medical error.”

“’Some estimates would put this number at 40 times the death rate,’ van Pelt said.”

There you have it. Now let’s dig in.

First of all, this study, as you can see, is focusing on medical errors in hospitals and “other health care facilities.” Did the researchers do much work looking for fatal errors that occur in average doctors’ offices? If not, the death numbers mentioned in this study are on the low side.

The CDC, which regularly reports mortality figures, doesn’t receive data, nor does it require data, from doctors, on errors which lead to patients’ deaths. So the CDC is completely in the dark on the third leading cause of death in the US. This, of course, is the same agency that assures the public that vaccines are wonderfully safe and effective.

Consider the final quotes above. The estimate that “severe patient injuries from medical errors” are 40 times the death figure would give us this: every year in the US, there are 10 million severe injuries as a result of medical errors.

For years, I’ve been hammering on another landmark study out of John Hopkins. It was published on July 26, 2000, in the Journal of the American Association: “Is US health really the best in the world?”

The author was Dr. Barbara Starfield, a revered public health expert. Starfield separated deaths from errors/mistreatment in hospitals, and deaths from medical drugs:

Yearly deaths from mistreatment and errors in hospitals: 119,000.

Yearly deaths from correctly prescribed medical drugs: 106,000.

The new study doesn’t specifically give a death-number for the medical-drug category.

So again, we can assume the new study is citing an overall death figure that is on the low side. So let’s just round off the new 250,000-death figure and call it 300,000 deaths in America per year as a direct result of the medical system.

That works out to 3 MILLION deaths per decade. And 120 MILLION severe patient injuries per decade.

This is the altruistic umbrella under which more Americans than ever will live and die, as a result of the glorious Obamacare insurance program (which, thankfully, Presdent Trump is now rectifying).

This is the foundation on which doctors and medical bureaucrats stand, when they make statements to the press about the unqualified success of modern medicine - for example, in the area of vaccines.

“I’m the expert here. I represent a system that kills 3 million Americans per decade and severely injures 120 million Americans, and therefore you can believe me when I say that vaccines are remarkably safe and effective.”

Who are the clueless? Who are the liars? Who are the people killing and maiming the people? Who are the lunatics?

The people who opt for natural health? I don’t think so.

No. The lunatics and their dupes and proxies are in plain view, every night, on your television screen.

There they are. Look at them. Understand what is going on. The full meaning of it. Finally.

How Big Pharma is Controlling Your Health Care

Dr. Michael Farley discusses what he calls his 'grave reservations' about big pharma's control when it comes to doctors and your healthcare. Find out what first hand things he's seen.

You'll be shocked at some of the things he's seen and how much control the FDA and pharmaceutical companies have in this country. You might be surprised at just how much big pharma is controlling your healthcare!

Government’s Real War On Natural Health

In 1994, after a lifelong aversion to politics, I ran for a seat in the US Congress out of the 29th District in Los Angeles. My platform was Health Freedom.

At the time, the FDA was raiding offices of natural practitioners, and threatening to cut off citizens’ access to a full range of nutritional supplements.

I watched a trial, if you can call it that, in downtown Los Angeles, in which the federal government was prosecuting a young man for selling, and making health claims about, a substance that occurs naturally in the body.

The defendant told the Judge he was prepared to present extensive evidence that the substance was safe and effective. The Judge refused, saying the only issue was: did the defendant violate an FDA rule?

If so, he was guilty. At that point, the trial was over, and indeed, the Judge soon pronounced a verdict and the young man was led away to serve a prison sentence in a federal lockup.

At that moment, I began to construct my case against the State, and consider what Health Freedom was all about.

Related: Former FDA commissioner Margaret Hamburg named in massive conspiracy and racketeering lawsuit involving Johnson & Johnson, a Wall Street hedge fund, and the Levaquin drug

Let’s start here. The FDA, the CDC, and several other federal agencies have blood on their hands. This blood doesn’t wash away. On July 26, 2000, Dr. Barbara Starfield, a revered public health expert at the Johns Hopkins School of Public Health, published a review in the Journal of the American Medical Association: “Is US Health Really the Best in the World?”

Starfield concluded that that US medical system kills 225,000 Americans a year. That would extrapolate to 2.25 MILLION deaths per decade. I subsequently interviewed Starfield (2009), and she told me the US government has never made a significant effort to end this ongoing holocaust.

So, when the government talks about FDA rules governing safety and efficacy of treatments, they should be referring to their own crimes, since, for example, FDA-approved medicines are responsible for roughly half the 2.25 million deaths per decade.

On the other hand, natural health treatments kill virtually no one.

And here is where the situation becomes basic. The decision by a responsible adult, to manage his own health, by his own measure, and to seek out any other person to help him in that regard, is not the business of the State.

The State can license anyone it chooses to, as a health practitioner. Who cares? But there is no exclusive monopoly on healing. There is no monopoly on recovery from illness. There is no monopoly on the quality of a life.

The legal aspect of this is clear: contracts vs. licenses. The State has no Constitutional right to turn its licensing procedures into monopolies. On the other hand, two consenting adults can designate each other “patient” and “healer,” accepting full responsibility, with no future liability attached, for the outcome of their treatment-arrangement (contract).

The State has no Constitutional right to stick its nose into this business.

The State needs to clean up its own act, which is a euphemistic way of saying the State needs to stop killing 2.25 million Americans per decade. Obviously, the government front of “we can’t let people try to heal themselves apart from licensed practitioners, we must protect the people” is a piece of phony propaganda.

The Revolving Door Between the FDA and Big Pharma

It’s a piece of Nanny-Mommy-Daddy State bullshit. This country wasn’t founded on the premise of the government protecting everyone everywhere all the time.

The State has no right to presume it knows, in advance, what will happen when two responsible citizens decide to engage in their own healing contract.

There’s more. If one state in the Union decided to allow this form of responsible contract in the field of healing, people from all over the country would move there - seeking freedom.

As a result, the economy of that State would bloom. Other States, seeing this, would follow suit. There would be a genuine Health Freedom revolution…

And the government of the country could focus on an effort to stop killing people through medical interventions. As for the people of America, their job is to stop giving in to a reflex-reaction of fear when they contemplate health freedom.

“Oh, we can’t just let people decide, on their terms, which health treatments to choose. That could lead to terrible consequences.”

The terrible consequences are right in front of your face. They’re already here. They stem from the federal government’s attempt to run a monopoly on healing, which turns out to be a killing field.

That’s the result of rules and regulations set by the experts.

People either have freedom to choose or they don’t. They have a right to be right or wrong in those choices, or they don’t.

There is no State Mommy or Daddy decreed by some higher power.

Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi

Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi

The Fibonacci Sequence: What Is The Golden Ratio?
February 12 2017 | From: LiveScience / FractalEnlightenment / Various

The Golden ratio is a special number found by dividing a line into two parts so that the longer part divided by the smaller part is also equal to the whole length divided by the longer part.

It is often symbolized using phi, after the 21st letter of the Greek alphabet. In an equation form, it looks like this:

Related: Quasi-crystals and the Golden Ratio

a/b = (a+b)/a = 1.6180339887498948420 …

As with pi (the ratio of the circumference of a circle to its diameter), the digits go on and on, theoretically into infinity. Phi is usually rounded off to 1.618. This number has been discovered and rediscovered many times, which is why it has so many names - the Golden mean, the Golden section, divine proportion, etc.

Historically, the number can be seen in the architecture of many ancient creations, like the Great Pyramids and the Parthenon.

In the Great Pyramid of Giza, the length of each side of the base is 756 feet with a height of 481 feet. The ratio of the base to the height is roughly 1.5717, which is close to the Golden ratio.

Phidias (500 B.C. - 432 B.C.) was a Greek sculptor and mathematician who is thought to have applied phi to the design of sculptures for the Parthenon.

Plato (428 B.C. - 347 B.C.) considered the Golden ratio to be the most universally binding of mathematical relationships. Later, Euclid (365 B.C. - 300 B.C.) linked the Golden ratio to the construction of a pentagram.

Around 1200, mathematician Leonardo Fibonacci discovered the unique properties of the Fibonacci sequence.

This sequence ties directly into the Golden ratio because if you take any two successive Fibonacci numbers, their ratio is very close to the Golden ratio. As the numbers get higher, the ratio becomes even closer to 1.618.

For example, the ratio of 3 to 5 is 1.666. But the ratio of 13 to 21 is 1.625. Getting even higher, the ratio of 144 to 233 is 1.618. These numbers are all successive numbers in the Fibonacci sequence.

These numbers can be applied to the proportions of a rectangle, called the Golden rectangle. This is known as one of the most visually satisfying of all geometric forms - hence, the appearance of the Golden ratio in art.

The Golden rectangle is also related to the Golden spiral, which is created by making adjacent squares of Fibonacci dimensions. 

Related: Fibonnaci Number: The Mathematics

In 1509, Luca Pacioli wrote a book that refers to the number as the "Divine Proportion," which was illustrated by Leonardo da Vinci. Da Vinci later called this sectio aurea or the Golden section.

The Golden ratio was used to achieve balance and beauty in many Renaissance paintings and sculptures.

Da Vinci himself used the Golden ratio to define all of the proportions in his Last Supper, including the dimensions of the table and the proportions of the walls and backgrounds.

The Golden ratio also appears in da Vinci's Vitruvian Man and the Mona Lisa. Other artists who employed the Golden ratio include Michelangelo, Raphael, Rembrandt, Seurat, and Salvador Dali.

The term "phi" was coined by American mathematician Mark Barr in the 1900s. Phi has continued to appear in mathematics and physics, including the 1970s Penrose Tiles, which allowed surfaces to be tiled in five-fold symmetry.

In the 1980s, phi appeared in quasi crystals, a then-newly discovered form of matter.

Phi is more than an obscure term found in mathematics and physics. It appears around us in our daily lives, even in our aesthetic views.

Studies have shown that when test subjects view random faces, the ones they deem most attractive are those with solid parallels to the Golden ratio.

Faces judged as the most attractive show Golden ratio proportions between the width of the face and the width of the eyes, nose, and eyebrows.

The test subjects weren't mathematicians or physicists familiar with phi - they were just average people, and the Golden ratio elicited an instinctual reaction.

The Golden ratio also appears in all forms of nature and science. Some unexpected places include:

Flower petals: The number of petals on some flowers follows the Fibonacci sequence. It is believed that in the Darwinian processes, each petal is placed to allow for the best possible exposure to sunlight and other factors.

Seed heads: The seeds of a flower are often produced at the center and migrate outward to fill the space. For example, sunflowers follow this pattern.

Pinecones: The spiral pattern of the seed pods spiral upward in opposite directions. The number of steps the spirals take tend to match Fibonacci numbers.

Related: Is The Pineal Gland The Gateway To A Spiritual Awakening?

Tree branches: The way tree branches form or split is an example of the Fibonacci sequence. Root systems and algae exhibit this formation pattern.

Shells: Many shells, including snail shells and nautilus shells, are perfect examples of the Golden spiral.

Spiral galaxies
: The Milky Way has a number of spiral arms, each of which has a logarithmic spiral of roughly 12 degrees. The shape of the spiral is identical to the Golden spiral, and the Golden rectangle can be drawn over any spiral galaxy.

Hurricanes: Much like shells, hurricanes often display the Golden spiral.

: The length of our fingers, each section from the tip of the base to the wrist is larger than the preceding one by roughly the ratio of phi.

Animal bodies: The measurement of the human navel to the floor and the top of the head to the navel is the Golden ratio. But we are not the only examples of the Golden ratio in the animal kingdom; dolphins, starfish, sand dollars, sea urchins, ants and honeybees also exhibit the proportion.

DNA molecules: A DNA molecule measures 34 angstroms by 21 angstroms at each full cycle of the double helix spiral. In the Fibonacci series, 34 and 21 are successive numbers.

The Fibonacci Sequence

The Fibonacci sequence is possibly the most simple recurrence relation occurring in nature.

It is 0,1,1,2,3,5,8,13,21,34,55,89, 144… each number equals the sum of the two numbers before it, and the difference of the two numbers succeeding it. It is an infinite sequence which goes on forever as it develops.

The Golden Ratio/Divine Ratio or Golden Mean – The quotient of any Fibonacci number and it’s predecessor approaches Phi, represented as ϕ (1.618), the Golden ratio.

The Golden Ratio is best understood geometrically by the golden rectangle. A rectangle unevenly divided resulting into one square and one rectangle, the square’s sides would have the ratio of 1:1, and the new rectangle would be exactly proportionate to the original rectangle – 1:1.618.

This iteration can continue both ways, infinitely. If you plot a quarter circle inside each of the squares as they reiterate, the golden spiral is formed.

The golden spiral is possibly the most simple mathematic pattern that occurs in nature like shells of snails, sea shells, horns, flowers, plants. Numbers are only what we use to organize quantitative information. golden ratio spiral galaxies.

The Golden Ratio can be seen from a Chambered Nautilus to a Spiraling Galaxy The Golden Ratio can be applied to any number of geometric forms including circles, triangles, pyramids, prisms, and polygons.

The Golden Ratio can be seen from a Chambered Nautilus to a Spiraling Galaxy The Golden Ratio can be applied to any number of geometric forms including circles, triangles, pyramids, prisms, and polygons.

The golden ratio is formed by thirds within thirds, sixths, the connection between two and three, including every even and odd number itself.

The ratio itself represents the transcendence of numbers, understanding our world is not numbers, but what numbers represent.

Through the spiral, the ratio illustrates how the numbers, all quantities, are quality. Eventually, all quality can be represented through quantity.

Properties qualitative and quantitative are just labels of information, our gathered indisputable fact.

Sunflowers have a Golden Spiral seed arrangement. This provides a biological advantage because it maximizes the number of seeds that can be packed into a seed head. If you graph any number system, eventually patterns appear.

Aston Martin, James Bond and the Golden Ratio

In mathematics, numbers and their patterns do not only continue infinitely linear, but in all directions.

"Breathtaking Proportions – The ‘Golden Ratio’ sits at the heart of every Aston Martin. Balanced from any angle, each exterior line of Rapide S works in concert and every proportion is precisely measured to create a lithe, pure form. Our engineering follows the same principle. A near perfect weight distribution ensures Rapide S is balanced in form and balanced in function.”

For example, considering infinite decimal expansion, even the shortest segments have an infinite amount of points.

Our universe and the numbers not only go on infinitely linear, but even it’s short segments have infinite points. (A beautiful short film on Fibonacci sequence in Nature - ‘Nature by Numbers’)

Nature by Numbers


The golden ratio is not the only mathematical pattern that reaches infinity, there are many other patterns as well that reach infinity. Knowing this, ask yourself, how could infinity occur twice?

If something were to happen infinitely, how could it happen twice? The answer is simple, infinity represents what is eternal, what is truly whole. For example, if infinity were to be used as a variable in mathematics like all other numbers, it would be denoted as 1∞, 2∞, 3∞, 4∞, etc.

The oneness of everything factual is what you know, what you perceive, what you are aware of, is all the universe looking at itself. This is the universe, even you are the universe, us and everything we know is all the same thing.

Since the numbers are everywhere, everything is a part of a pattern. Reflections of reflections, wheels within wheels. Life itself is a Fractal. (Another video on the Egyptian ‘Temple of Man’ is a symbolic representation of the Fibonacci series of balanced organic expansion and an expression of the underlying principles of life in the universe)

The Fibonacci Series - Egyptian Sacred Architecture

Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi

Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi

Anti-Donald Trump: War Propaganda + Trump Destroys Leftist Judges By Reading Law Word-For-Word
February 11 2017 | From: VoltaireNet / Infowars

The narrative that Trump is controlled opposition is yet another desperate attempt to derail positive developments in the battle against the Cabal.

Two weeks after his investiture, the Altantist Press continues with its work of disinformation and agitation against the new President of the United States of America.

Related: Americans Find Trump More Trustworthy Than Media; Poll

Trump and his new collaborators are multiplying declarations and gestures which are apparently contradictory, so that it is difficult to understand what is going on in Washington.

The Anti-Trump Campaign

The bad faith of the Atlantist Press can be verified for each of these four main themes.

1. Concerning the beginning of the dismantling of Obamacare (20 January), we are obliged to report that, contrary to what is being announced in the Atlantist Press, the underprivileged classes who should have benefited from this system have avoided it en masse.

This form of "social security" turned out to be too expensive and too directive to attract them. Only the private companies who manage this system have been truly satisfied by it.

2. Concerning the prolongation of the Wall at the Mexican border (23 to 25 January), there is nothing xenophobic about it - the Secure Fence Act was signed by President George W. Bush, who began its construction.

The work was continued by President Barack Obama with the support of the Mexican government of the time. Beyond the fashionable rhetoric about "walls" and "bridges", reinforced border systems only work when the authorities of both sides agree to make them operational.

They always fail when one of the parties opposes them. The interest of the United States is to control the entry of migrants, while the interest of Mexico is to prevent the import of weapons.

This Magnificent Video of Trump Listening to Obama-Clinton on Immigration Is Just What the World's Been Waiting For

While much of the nation is “shocked, shocked I tell you,” by President Trump's travel ban order, as well as his determination to enforce the country's borders, a video has come along that puts the faux hysteria into perfect context: Trump listening to former Presidents Bill Clinton and Barack Obama on illegal immigration.

One thing noticeably absent: Mobs of protesters torching buildings and assaulting citizens after Clinton and Obama spoke out against illegal immigration.

None of that has changed. However, with the application of the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA), transnational companies have delocalised, from the United States to Mexico, not only non-qualified jobs (in conformity with the Marxist rule of "the tendency of the rate of profit to fall (TRPF)", but also qualified jobs which are performed by under-paid workers ("social dumping").

The appearance of these jobs has provoked a strong rural exodus, destructuring Mexican society, on the model of what happened in 19th century Europe. The transnational companies then lowered wages, plunging part of the Mexican population into poverty – which now only dreams of being correctly paid in the United States itself.

Since Donald Trump has announced that he intends to remove the US signature from the NAFTA agreement, things should return to normal in the years to come, and satisfy both Mexico and the United States.

3. Concerning the abortion issue (23 January), President Trump has forbidden the payment of federal subsidies to specialised associations which receive funds from abroad. By doing so, he has warned those specific associations that they must choose between their social objective to help women in distress or being paid by George Soros to demonstrate against him – as was the case on 21 January. This decree therefore has nothing to do with abortion, but with the prevention of a "colour revolution".

4. Concerning the anti-immigration decrees (25 to 27 January), Donald Trump announced that he was going to apply the law - inherited from the Obama era – in other words, to expel the 11 million illegal foreigners. He has suspended federal aid to those cities which announced that they would refuse to apply the law – where will we get our cleaning ladies if we have to declare them?

He specified that among these illegal immigrants, he would begin by expelling the 800,000 criminals who have been the object of criminal proceedings, in the United States, Mexico or elswhere.

Besides this, in order to prevent the arrival of terrorists, he has suspended all the authorisations for immigration to the United States, and has placed a three-month ban on people from countries where it is impossible to verify their identity and their situation.

He did not draw up the list of such countries himself, but referred to a previous text from President Obama.

For example, here in Syria, there is no longer a US embassy or Consulate. From the point of view of the administrative police, it is therefore logical to put Syrians on this list.

But this can only concern a minimal number of people. In 2015, only 145 Syrians managed to obtain the US "green card". Aware of the numerous special cases which might arise, the Presidential decree allows all liberty to the State Department and Homeland Security to issue dispensations.

The fact that the application of these decrees was sabotaged by civil servants opposed to President Trump, who applied them with brutality, does not make the President either a racist or an Islamophobe.

The campaign led by the Atlantist Press against Donald Trump is therefore unfounded. To pretend that he has opened a war against Muslims, and to evoke publicly his possible destitution, even his assassination, is no longer simply bad faith – it’s war propaganda.

Donald Trump’s Objective

Donald Trump was the first personality in the world to contest the official version of the attacks of 9/11, on television that very day. After having noted that the engineers who built the Twin Towers were now working for him, he declared on New York’s Channel 9 that it was impossible that Boeings could have burst through the steel structures of the towers.

He continued by stating that it was also impossible that Boeings could have caused the towers to collapse. He concluded by affirming that there had to be other factors of which we were as yet unaware.

From that day on, Donald Trump has never ceased to resist the people who had committed those crimes. During his inaugural speech, he emphasised that this was not a passage of power between two administrations, but a restitution of power to United States citizens, who had been deprives of it [for sixteen years].

During his electoral campaign, once again during the transitional period, and again since he took office, he has repeated that the imperial system of these last years has never benefited US citizens, but only a small clique of which Mrs. Clinton is the emblematic figure.

He declared that the United States would no longer attempt to be the "first", but the "best". His slogans are - "Make America great again" and "America first."

This 180° political turn has shaken a system which has been implemented over the last 16 years, and has its roots in the Cold War, which, in 1947, only the United States wanted.

This system has gangrened numerous international institutions, such as NATO (Jens Stoltenberg and General Curtis Scaparrotti), the European Union (Federica Mogherini), and the United Nations (Jeffrey Feltman).

Towards a Peaceful Dismantling of the United States Empire

In two weeks, many things have begun, often in the greatest discretion. The booming declarations of President Trump and his team deliberately spread confusion and enabled him to ensure that the nominations of his collaborators were confirmed by a partially hostile Congress.

We must understand that it’s a fight to the death between two systems that has just begun in Washington. Let’s leave the Atlantist Press to comment on the often contradictory and incoherent statements by this one or that, and look at the facts on their own.

Before anything else, Donald Trump made sure that he had control over the security apparatus.

His first three nominations (National Security Advisor Michael Flynn, Secretary of Defense James Mattis and Homeland Security Secretary John Kelly) are three Generals who have contested the "continuity of government" since 2003. Next, he reformed the National Security Council to exclude the inter-army Chief of Staff and the director of the CIA.

Even though the latter decree will probably be revised, it still has not been. Let us note in passing that we announced the intention of Donald Trump and General Flynn to eliminate the post of Director of National Intelligence. However, this post has been maintained and Dan Coats has been nominated for it.

It transpires that talk of its supression was a tactic to demonstrate that the presence of the Director of National Intelligence in the Council was enough to justify the exclusion of the Director of the CIA.

The substitution of the word "best" for "first" leads to the engagement of partnerships with Russia and China, rather than a tentative to crush them.

President Trump Looking Forward to Constructive Relations with Xi Jinping

In order to hobble this policy, the friends of Mrs. Clinton and Mrs. Nuland have relaunched the war against the Donbass. The important losses they have experienced since the beginning of the conflict have led the Ukrainian army to withdraw and put paramilitary Nazi militia in the front line.

The combats have inflicted heavy civilian casualities on the inhabitants of the new popular Republic. Simultaneously, in the Near East, they have managed to deliver tanks to the Syrian Kurds, as planned by the Obama administration.

In order to resolve the Ukrainian conflict, Donald Trump is looking for a way to help to eject President Petro Porochenko. He therefore received at the White House the head of the opposition, Ioulia Tymochenko, even before he accepted a phone call from President Porochenko.

In Syria and Iraq, Donald Trump has already begun operations in common with Russia, even thought his spokesperson denies it.The Russian Minister for Defence, who had imprudently revealed it, has ceased to say anything on the subject.

Related: Trump’s adviser Conway reiterates readiness for anti-terrorism cooperation with Putin

Concerning Beijing, President Trump has put an end to US participation in the Trans-Pacific Treaty (TPP) - a treaty which had been conceived in order to inhibit China. During the period of transition, he received the second richest man in China, Jack Ma (the businessman who confirmed - «No-one has stolen your jobs, you spend too much on war»).

We know that their discussions touched on the possible adhesion of Washington to the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB). If this were to be the case, the United States would agree to cooperate with China rather than hindering it. They would participate in the construction of two Silk Roads, which would make the wars in Donbass and Syria pointless.

In matters of finance, President Trump has begun the dismantling of the Dodd-Frank law which attempted to resolve the crisis of 2008 by averting the brutal collapse of the major banks ("too big to fail").

Although this law has some positive aspects (it’s 2,300 pages long), it establishes a guardianship of the Treasury over the banks, which obviously hinders their development. Donald Trump is also apparently preparing to restore the distinction between deposit banks and investment banks (Glass-Steagall Act).

Finally, the clean-up of international institutions has also begun. The new ambassador to the UNO, Nikki Haley, has requested an audit of the 16 "peace-keeping" missions.

She has made it known that she intends to put an end to those which seem to be inefficient. From the point of view of the United Nations Charter, all such missions will be audited without exception. Indeed, the founders of the Organisation had not foreseen this type of military deployment (today, more than 100,000 men and women).

The UNO was created to avert or resolve conflicts between states (never intra-state conflict). When two parties conclude a cease-fire, the Organisation may deploy observers in order to verify the respect of the agreement.

But on the contrary, these "peace-keeping" operations are aimed at enforcing the respect of a solution imposed by the Security Council and refused by one of the two parties involved in the conflict - in reality, it is the continuation of colonialism.

In practice, the presence of these forces only makes the conflict last longer, while their absence changes nothing.

So the troops of the United Nations Interim Force (UNIFIL) deployed at the Israëlo-Lebanese border, but only on Lebanese territory, do not prevent either Israëli military operations or military operations by the Lebanese Resistance, as we have already seen many times.

They serve only to spy on the Lebanese on behalf of the Israëlis, thus prolonging the conflict. In the same way, the troops of the United Nations Disengagement Observer Force, or UNDOF, deployed at the demarcation line in the Golan have been chased away by Al-Qaïda, without that changing anything at all in the Israëlo-Syrian conflict.

Putting an end to this system means returning to the spirit and the letter of the Charter, renouncing colonial privileges, and pacifying the world.

Behind the media controversy, the street demonstrations, and the confrontation between politicians, President Trump is holding his course.

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Will Andrew Jackson Trump Embody the Bannon Doctrine?

The “Impeach Trump” Movement has taken A Wrong Turn

Trump Responds to Drudge, Announces ‘Phenomenal’ Tax Cuts in Coming Weeks - President promises to swiftly cut taxes, burdensome regulations

From The White House this Week:

The past 8 years have taken a toll on America’s job force. But now, we have already begun bringing OUR jobs back to OUR country.

Today we are excited to announce that Intel has pledged to make a $7 billion investment in Arizona, creating 10,000 jobs!

Companies across America are making the commitment to creating thousands of new jobs everyday:

11/29/2016: Carrier pledges to create 1,000 new jobs

12/28/2016: Sprint and OneWeb announces it's creating and saving 8,000 jobs

01/17/2017: GM pledges $1 billion in manufacturing to create 1,500 new jobs

President Trump made a promise to this country – bring jobs back to America. The spirit of optimism sweeping the country is already boosting job growth, and it is only the beginning.

Over the next 4 years, President Trump is committed to creating new policies and embracing challenges in the labor force that will put America First in job creation, growth and innovation.

We are getting America back to work. And with each new success, we continue to make America great again.

Trump Destroys Leftist Judges By Reading Law Word-For-Word

Open borders activists rewriting law from the bench. While politicians and pundits on the left continue to claim President Trump acted illegally with the travel ban, President Trump reads the law proving them wrong.

President Trump addressed a law enforcement conference in Washington D.C. where he expressed his shock and dismay at leftist judges blocking the border security policies set forth in his recent executive order.

Related: Judge Nap Explains How Trump's Travel Ban Could Be Reinstated

Trump Lashes Out at Liberal Renegade Judges for Blocking Executive Order on Travel Restrictions

Trump read language from the Immigration and Nationality Act of 1952 which clearly grants the President express powers to control the entry of non-citizens into the United States on virtually any basis, but specifically as a duty to protect the citizens from potentially dangerous groups of foreigners.

"Now we’re in an area that… they are interpreting things differently than probably 100% of the people in this room,” began Trump, referring to the judges involved in blocking his orders. 

“This was done for the security of our nation, the security of our citizens, so that people who come in who aren’t going to do us harm – and that’s why it was done.”

“It couldn’t have been written anymore precisely… A bad high school student could understand this,” continued Trump.

He proceeded to read from the U.S. Code on “Inadmissible Aliens” –

(f) Suspension of entry or imposition of restrictions by President

Whenever the President finds that the entry of any aliens or of any class of aliens into the United States would be detrimental to the interests of the United States, he may by proclamation, and for such period as he shall deem necessary, suspend the entry of all aliens or any class of aliens as immigrants or nonimmigrants, or impose on the entry of aliens any restrictions he may deem to be appropriate.

“I watched last night in amazement, and I heard things that I couldn’t believe, things that really had nothing to do with what I just read,” said the President, referring to the presumably convoluted arguments of lawyers and judges in deliberation.

“I don’t ever want to call a court biased… but courts seem to be so political,” he continued. “It would be so great for our justice system if they would be able to read a statement and do what’s right – and that has to do with the security of our country, which is so important.”

“Right now, we are at risk because of what happened.”

President Trump went on to make clear why the executive order went into place so suddenly, saying that he had proposed a notice period of either one month or one week – which his advisors shot down.

He distilled their explanation:

‘You can’t give a notice. If you give a notice that we’re going to be really tough one month from now, or in one week from now – then people are going to pour in before the… restrictions,’ to which the crowd of law enforcement and security specialists applauded.

He circled back to the previous night’s hearings: “I want to tell you – I listened to a bunch of stuff last night on television that was disgraceful.”

A recent poll conducted by Investor’s Business Daily shows that a majority of Americans (51%) support Trump’s executive order.

Additionally, a poll of nearly 10,000 Europeans from around the continent revealed that over 55% want immigration from Muslim-dominated countries halted completely.

Democrats Get Trumped By Law

While politicians and pundits on the left continue to claim President Trump acted illegally with the travel ban, President Trump reads the law proving them wrong.

Europeans Reject Muslim Immigration In HUGE Numbers

Paul Joseph Watson hosts the fourth hour of the Alex Jones Show and breaks down how Europeans have had enough of the suicidal policies created by their leaders and are rejecting uncontrolled immigration.

Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi

Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi

Europe Proposes "Restrictions On Payments In Cash" & How The Cashless Society Will Track You Everywhere
February 11 2017 | From: Zerohedge / Infowars

Having discontinued its production of EUR500 banknotes, it appears Europe is charging towards the utopian dream of a cashless society.

Just days after Davos' elites discussed why the world needs to "get rid of currency," the European Commission introduced a proposal enforcing "restrictions on payments in cash."

Related: Who would actually benefit from a Cashless Society?

With Rogoff, Stiglitz, Summers et al. all calling for the end of cash - because only terrorists and drug-dealers need cash (nothing at all to do with totalitarian control over a nation's wealth) - we are not surprised that this proposal from the European Commission (sanctuary of statism) would appear...

“The Commission published on 2 February 2016 a Communication to the Council and the Parliament on an Action Plan to further step up the fight against the financing of terrorism (COM (2016) 50).

The Action Plan builds on existing EU rules to adapt to new threats and aims at updating EU policies in line with international standards. In the context of the Commission's action to extent the scope of the Regulation on the controls of cash entering or leaving the Community, reference is made to the appropriateness to explore the relevance of potential upper limits to cash payments."

The Action Plan states that "Payments in cash are widely used in the financing of terrorist activities… In this context, the relevance of potential upper limits to cash payments could also be explored. Several Member States have in place prohibitions for cash payments above a specific threshold."

“Cash has the important feature of offering anonymity to transactions. Such anonymity may be desired for legitimate reason (e.g. protection of privacy).

But, such anonymity can also be misused for money laundering and terrorist financing purposes. The possibility to conduct large cash payments facilitates money laundering and terrorist financing activities because of the difficulty to control cash payment transactions."


"Potential restrictions to cash payments would be a mean to fight criminal activities entailing large payment transactions in cash by organised criminal networks. Restricting large payments in cash, in addition to cash declarations and other AML obligations, would hamper the operation of terrorist networks, and other criminal activities, i.e. have a preventive effect.

It would also facilitate further investigations to track financial transactions in the course of terrorist activities. Effective investigations are hindered as cash payments transactions are anonymous. Thus restrictions on cash payments would facilitate investigations.

However, as cash transactions are moved to the financial system, it is essential that financial institutions have adequate controls and procedures in place that enable them to know the person with whom they are dealing. Adequate due diligence on new and existing customers is a key part of these controls in, line with the AMLD.

Terrorists use cash to sustain their illegal activities, not only for illegal transactions (e.g. the acquisition of explosives) but also for payments which are in appearance legal (e.g. transactions for accommodation or transport).

While a restriction on payments in cash would certainly be ignored for transactions that are in any case already illegal, the restriction could create a significant hindrance to the conduct of transactions that are ancillary to terrorist activities.


Organised crime and terrorism financing rely on cash for payments for carrying out their illegal activities and benefitting from them.

By restricting the possibilities to use cash, the proposal would contribute to disrupt the financing of terrorism, as the need to use non anonymous means of payment would either deter the activity or contribute to its easier detection and investigation.

Any such proposal would also aim at harmonising restrictions across the Union, thus creating a level playing field for businesses and removing distortions of competition in the internal market. It would additionally foster the fight against money laundering, tax fraud and organised crime."

And then right at the end, they mention "fundamental rights"...

"While being allowed to pay in cash does not constitute a fundamental right, the objective of the initiative, which is to prevent the anonymity that cash payments allow, might be viewed as an infringement of the right to privacy enshrined in Article 7 of the EU Charter of Fundamental Rights.

However, as complemented by article 52 of the Charter, limitations may be made subject to the principle of proportionality if they are necessary and genuinely meet objectives of general interest recognised by the Union or the need to protect the rights and freedoms of others.

The objectives of potential restrictions to cash payments could fit such description. It should also be observed that national restrictions to cash payments were never successfully challenged based on an infringement to fundamental rights."

Full Proposal below:

Below are some recent thoughts on the matter from SovereignMan's Simon Black, who detailed previously that the war on cash is happening faster than we could have ever imagined, and predictably, is based on lies.

"Every time we turn around, it seems, there’s another major assault in the War on Cash. India is the most notable recent example – the embarrassing debacle a few weeks ago in which the government, overnight, “demonetized” its two largest denominations of cash, leaving an entire nation in chaos. But there have been so many smaller examples.

In the US city of New Orleans, the local government decided earlier this month to stop accepting cash payments from drivers at the Office of Motor Vehicles. As I wrote to you recently, several branches of Citibank in Australia have stopped dealing in cash altogether.

And former US Treasury Secretary Larry Summers published an article last week stating that “nothing in the Indian experience gives us pause in recommending that no more large notes be created in the United States, Europe, and around the world.” In other words, despite the India chaos, Summers thinks we should still curtail the $100 bill.

The conclave of the high priests of monetary policy almost invariably sings the same chorus: only criminals and terrorists use high denominations of cash.  Ken Rogoff, Harvard professor and former official at the International Monetary Fund and Federal Reserve, recently published a book blatantly entitled The Curse of Cash. Ben Bernanke’s called it a “fascinating and important book”.

And, shockingly, a number of reviews on Amazon.com praise “brilliant” Rogoff’s “visionary concepts” in his “excellent book”. Rogoff, like most of his colleagues, contends that large bills like the $100 or 500 euro note are only used in “drug trade, extortion, bribes, human trafficking. . .” In fact they jokingly refer to the 500-euro note as the “Bin Laden” since it’s apparently only used by terrorists.  

Give me a break. My team and I did some of research on this and found some rather interesting data.It turns out that countries with higher denominations of cash actually have much lower crime rates, including rates of organized crime.

The research was simple; we looked at the World Economic Forum’s competitive rankings that assesses countries’ levels of organized crime, as well as the direct business costs of dealing with crime and violence.

Switzerland, with its 1,000 Swiss franc note (roughly $1,000 USD) has among the lowest levels of organized crime in the world according to the WEF. Ditto for Singapore, which has a 1,000 Singapore dollar note (about $700 USD). Japan’s highest denomination of currency is 10,000 yen, worth $88 today. Yet Japan also has extremely low crime rates.  Same for the United Arab Emirates, whose highest denomination is the 1,000 dirham ($272).

If you examine countries with very low denominations of cash, the opposite holds true: crime rates, and in particular organized crime rates, are extremely high. Consider Venezuela, Nigeria, Brazil, South Africa, etc. Organized crime is prevalent. Yet each of these has a currency whose maximum denomination is less than $30. 

The same trend holds true when looking at corruption and tax evasion. 

Yesterday we wrote to you about Georgia, a small country on the Black Sea whose flat tax prompted tax compliance (and tax revenue) to soar. It’s considered one of the most efficient places to do business with very low levels of corruption. And yet the highest denomination note in Georgia is the 500 lari bill, worth about $200.

That’s a lot of money in a country where the average wage is a few hundred dollars per month. Compare that to Malaysia or Uzbekistan, two countries where corruption abounds. Malaysia’s top cash note is 50 ringgit, worth about $11. And Uzbekistan’s 5,000 som is worth a paltry $1.57.

Bottom line, the political and financial establishments want you to willingly get on board with the idea of abolishing, or at least reducing, cash.

And they’re pumping out all sorts of propaganda to do it, trying to get people to equate crime and corruption with high denominations of cash.

Simply put, the data doesn’t support their assertion. It’s just another hoax that will give them more power at the expense of your privacy and freedom."

Related: Utah Takes Another Step Toward Breaking Money Monopoly: Gold And Silver

How The Cashless Society Will Track You Everywhere

Elite setting up totalitarian grids of control

Alex Jones discusses the move towards a cashless society and reveals how digital currency is designed to track and analyze humanity.

Flashback: Cashless Society: Apple’s New Eye Of Sauron

The company that brought you the recently hacked iCloud has now announced “Apple Pay,” an iPhone 6 feature that allows users to make purchases with the touch of a finger.

Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi

Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi

Synchronicity Happens For A Reason -There Are No Accidents And No Coincidences
February 10 2017 | From: WooWooMedia

Have you stumbled upon an old friend? Seeing someone doing the same thing or speaking the same words as you? Or maybe experienced an accident? Are you thinking ‘Oh! What a coincidence!’ or ‘I could skip accidents like this…’

Well, you shouldn’t, because every single coincidence brings a message to you.

Related: In Harmony with All Life: The Open Source Way + Lifting The Veil: Merging Science And Spirituality

In fact, there are no coincidences and accidents - there’s only synchronicity, and everything happens for a reason.

Revealing Synchronicity - The Science Behind Coincidence

The truth is, everything in our life is linked. From the past, to the present and future - every single coincidence or accident we stumble upon is linked. No matter how small or big of a movement is, it is all about synchronicity.

Whether you feel like you are having a perfect day and everything goes smoothly, or experience a bad period in which ‘a lot of coincidences happen,’ the universe is sending you a message. People and things happening in an exact moment is nothing but synchronicity and, fortunately, there is a way to accept it.

Related: Spiritual Leap Of Faith

Do you know the saying “When the student is ready, the master appears”?

That is exactly how synchronicity is explained. Whenever you are synchronized with something you truly want, you are more likely to meet that thing, which is why similar people meet ‘accidentally’. The thing is, they are tuned in to the exact same frequency, and synchronicity does its best to match them.

Yes, There Is A Way To Create Synchronicity

Now that you understand how the spiritual sync works, it’s time to tell you that…


‘How on Earth do I do that?’, you may be asking yourself.

Well, synchronicity works best for people who believe it to be true. So, for starters, you should believe in it and stop saying that every event is an accident or a coincidence. The thing is, if you are saying this, you are sending a weak spiritual signal to the universe, as opposed to the strong signal that the universe sends you by syncing everything around you.

By understanding synchronicity and seeing things not as an ordinary, but a committed person, you are able to connect more deeply with your inner sync, and actually don’t work hard to make the things you want happen. Instead, you will just believe in them and let them happen, without any force whatsoever.

Related: Is The Pineal Gland The Gateway To A Spiritual Awakening?

So, let’s face it… Synchronicity is just like a mirror and whatever you commit to and believe in, will reflect back to you.

That being said, if you agree with the law of syncing, you will be able to connect deeply and send strong messages on a spiritual level. Aside from this, you will be a better person, more confident and committed towards every action you bring.

In a nutshell, understanding synchronicity translates to establishing harmony in everything that you seek - and being ‘consciously aware’ of everything happening around you.

Turning The Tide - And See Chances Work For You instead Of Against You

If you have ever heard of the Murphy’s Law and believe in it, you are on a good way to understanding synchronicity. Yes, it’s a common fact that when something goes wrong, it may just continue going wrong over time.

The idea behind this is that synchronicity can also work against you. However, if you expect bad things to happen and continue believing in the Murphy’s Law, you are syncing with your inner negativity.

The Science Behind The Chance Meeting - Not A ‘Coincidence’

Bumped into someone somewhere? Thinking it’s a coincidence, luck or chance? The real answer in this ‘accident’ is the science of chance meeting.

Related: Have You Been Seeing 11:11 Everywhere? What Is The Significance Of 11:11?

Moreover, it is the reason for something to happen. There is always a reason and a connection to see someone and experience something. Coincidence is only an illusion.

Our past, present and future are all linked. And although we may not understand everything that happens to us, there is always a reason - and that reason becomes apparent at some point in time.

A Final Word

"Synchronicity is an ever present reality for those who have the eyes to see."

- Carl Jung
You can start notice synchronicities with people, numbers, events etc. Remember to accept synchronicity in its real form, as a way of spiritual and universal intelligence constantly trying to teach us, reach us and share love, support and guidance.

Learn to be open to synchronicity and start living a meaningful life!

Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi

Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi
What Is Orgone Energy?
February 10 2017 | From: Omnithought

Dozens, if not hundreds, of lesser known scientists have recognized it's presence and have given it a name to characterize its special properties.

Among the 20th-century proponents of the concept are, for example, Doctors Charles Littlefield and his vital magnetism and George Starr White and his cosmo-electric energy. Mechanistic science in the 17th through 19th centuries embraced many of its essential qualities in the concept of the ether, while mystical human beings have embraced other essential qualities of it in the concept of god.

Related: Energy Follows Thought

Franz Anton Mesmer called it animal magnetism

Charles von Reichenbach called it odyle

To Henri Bergson it was the elan vital, the “vital force”

While to Hans Driesch it was the entelechy

Sigmund Freud observed its functioning in human emotions and termed it libido

William MacDougall, the great British – American psychologist of a generation ago, labeled it hormic energy

Orgone energy is Wilhelm Reich’s name for the substratum from which all nature is created. The best definition this author can provide for it is this: Orgone energy is the creative force in nature. This article will discuss briefly the history of the discovery of orgone energy by Reich and will describe its properties.

It will then summarize the evidence for and against the concept and, finally, will undertake to explain why it is that the concept meets such great resistance.

The article originally appeared in Volume 2 of The Creative Process (the only journal in America in 1960-1965 devoted to developing Reich’s work). The article has been quoted, misquoted and plagiarized by other Reichian publications in the 37 years since it first appeared.

Here it is reprinted as it appeared, with the exception that two figures from the original article depicting cloud destruction experiments with Reich’s apparatus could no longer be used. The original plates and photographs deteriorated too much. A new Figure 2 from the same operation has been substituted. Some images have also been added.

Also see: Orgone.org

Reich’s Discovery of Orgone Energy

Orgone energy was originally discovered by Wilhelm Reich in his psychiatric work. As a psychoanalyst and student of Freud, Reich’s point of departure was, quite naturally, Freud’s concept of “libido.”

“Libido” is life energy, desire, the source of human striving. Reich developed the libido concept, concentrating on its physical expression and simultaneous psychological content, until he was able to show the relation of bodily attitude and emotion.

This he described in CHARACTER ANALYSIS, a book which went further than any work in history in solving the mystery of the relation’ of mind and body. In this great book Reich also described the mass pathology of the animal man.

This pathology consists of a chronic rigidity of the musculature which blocks the movement of energy underlying emotion and hence blocks the emotion, thus providing the psychic or emotional underpinning of mankind’s universal sickness.

Reich’s initial work on orgone energy was done, then, in depth psychology. From this it spread, quite naturally, into sociology and political science, for Reich saw quite clearly that the sickness of man was socially or culturally transmitted.

His books, The Mass Psychology Of Fascism, The Sexual Revolution and People In Trouble (Emotional Plague Of Mankind) deal with this enlargement of his depth psychological discoveries to the social and political scene.

It was natural for a mind like Reich’s to generalize and deepen his understanding of libidinal energy, and as he did his medical work expanded beyond the field of psychiatry into more general areas of medicine and biology.

The concept of libidinal energy developed into the more concrete concept of “bioelectricity,” which soon proved not to be electricity and in time was renamed “orgone energy.”

Related: The Biocrystal, Human Energy Field And Hyperdimensional Water

Books dealing with this phase of Reich’s discoveries are The Function of the Orgasm: Sex-Economic Problems of Biological Energy (The Discovery of the Orgone, Vol. 1)and The Cancer Biopathy. These books constitute Volumes 1 and 2 of THE DISCOVERY OF THE ORGONE, Reich’s presentation to the world of the discovery of orgone energy.

Although orgone energy was first discovered in the human body, Reich learned through painstaking observation and experiment that it existed in free form in the atmosphere. With this finding, Reich’s work transcended the boundaries of biology and entered the realm of meteorology and atmospheric physics.

These developments are described in THE CANCER BIOPATHY, THE ORANUR EXPERIMENT, and a series of articles which are covered under the general title of “weather control studies,” published in scientific journals.

The final and most general stage of Reich Is discoveries was the cosmic function of orgone energy in the universe, and Reich here entered the realms of astronomy and astrophysics. Reich’s books dealing with this stage were COSMIC SUPERIMPOSITION and ETHER, GOD AND DEVIL.

As Reich progressed from the realm of psychiatry and medicine to biology, and from biology to physics, his concept of the energy which was the focus of all his scientific work retained its essential features. His understanding of the energy grew, and new properties were discovered, but the properties that had been discovered in the earlier, narrower realms remained true in the newer and broader ones.

Through Reich’s work runs the remarkable “red thread,” the connectedness that shows each discovery to be a logical progression from the previous one, and each broader realm of nature studied to include the previous more restricted realm.

Reich did not set out to discover “cosmic” truth; he was never attempting to revolutionize scientific thought; he was not attempting to make “great” discoveries.

Reich simply observed and experimented from day to day, setting down what he found, studying it honestly, and organizing the facts as they appeared, without forcing them into any pre -conceived framework.

What he found was that the same energy which flowed in the sexual embrace was present in all nature, “living” and “non-living,” and that it governed the most significant and widespread natural functions.

Reich found that the same orgone energy underlay each of these classes of phenomena:

1. Consciousness


2. Life

Animal movement

3. Atmospheric and cosmic processes

Atmospheric electricity
Creation of matter at every scale (atom, planet, star, galaxy)

These three realms correspond to the sequence of Reich’s discoveries, from his beginning in psychiatry through biology to physics, each realm including the previous.

They are in inverse order with respect to our knowledge about them, however; for Reich explored the realm of psychiatry in breadth and depth, the broader realm of biology in a much more limited way, and only made a good start in his exploration of atmospheric and cosmic processes.

Properties of Orgone Energy

Orgone energy, the creative force in nature, is not a form of electromagnetism nor of matter but is fundamental to both. It is the specific life energy, but life is only one particular manifestation of it.

Our knowledge about it is partial and fragmentary in major respects, and is no doubt in some measure erroneous. Nevertheless, a clear and consistent picture of what orgone energy is and how it functions arises from Reich’s work.

The following ten properties of orgone energy were deduced by Reich.

1. It is mass free. Orgone energy itself has no inertia or weight; i. e., it is mass free. This is one of the reasons it is difficult to measure using conventional techniques. Mass is, however, intimately dependent on the characteristics of the mass-free orgone energy field with which all matter is surrounded. Measurements of weight or inertia reflect the characteristics of this field as well as of the object contained in it.

2. It is present everywhere. Orgone energy fills all space. It is present in differing degrees or concentrations (or “charges”) but is nowhere absent. It is present in vacua, whether within the atmosphere or in outer space. It is in this respect like the ether of pre-20th century physics.

3. It is the medium for electromagnetic and gravitational phenomena. Again, like the ether., orgone energy is the substratum of the most fundamental natural phenomena. It is the medium in which light moves and electromagnetic and gravitational fields exert force. One of the major tasks of orgonomy is to integrate our knowledge of orgone energy with the facts about those phenomena known to orthodox physics.

4. It is in constant motion. The continual motion of orgone energy can be observed under appropriate conditions. There are at least two characteristic types of motion, a pulsation or alternating expansion and contraction, and a flow, normally along a curving path.

5. It “contradicts” the law of entropy. Orgone energy is attracted to concentrations of orgone energy. Unlike heat or electricity, which always show a direction from higher to lower potential, orgone energy flows from lower orgonotic potential to higher. In a thermal system in which outside energy is neither added nor subtracted, heat is lost by hot objects or materials and absorbed by cool until everything within the system is the same temperature.

“Entropy increases” as the heat is distributed more and more uniformly. Heat, after all, leaves the sun and goes out into space; it does not collect from space and flow into the sun. In the same way, a heater radiates heat into the room; heat does not flow from the room into the heater.

An Orgone pyramid

These processes are in accordance with the law of entropy. Orgonotic processes work in the opposite direction. High concentrations of orgone energy attract orgone energy from their less-concentrated surroundings. “Entropy decreases” as orgone energy is distributed more and more unevenly.

It would be a mistake to think that the flow of orgone energy from lower to higher potential is only the reverse of the law of entropy or to try to represent these processes by thermodynamic equations by reversing the sign of the time parameter.

Non-entropic orgonotic processes do not run their course mechanically; they are qualitatively entirely different from entropic processes. They are, in fact, the processes responsible for the growth of living things, for the process of learning, and for the evolution from simple to complex species.

In non-living nature they are responsible for the growth of clouds and storms within the atmosphere, and on a cosmic scale, for the growth of galaxies and the stars within them. This leads into the next property of orgone energy.

6. It forms units which are the foci of creative activity, Orgone energy units may be living or non-living; e.g.

Bion cloud
Bell storm
Plant planet
Animal star

All of these orgone energy units have features in common. All are “negatively entropic” in the sense discussed above, so that they acquire energy from their environment. All have a “life cycle” as well, passing through birth, growth, maturity, and decline.

7. Matter is created from it. Under appropriate conditions, matter arises from mass-free orgone energy. These conditions are not rare or unusual, and Reich believed that new matter is continuously being created on this planet.

8. It is responsible for life. Orgone energy is the life energy, and as such is responsible for the special characteristics which differentiate living from non-living. This can be expressed in this way:

The Flower of Life

Some orgone energy units develop the special qualities associated with life, which is a kind of chain reaction of the creative process. The qualities which seem to me to typify living as opposed to non-living orgonotic units are:

a. Reproduction of similar units from one or two parents
b. Evolution of the units in the direction of higher development
c. Presence of consciousness, the ability to experience feeling, at least to some extent, and to perceive the environment
d. Presence of volition, the ability of an individual to control its own movement

The first two properties appear to apply to all living things. The last, as far as we know, apply only to animal life.

Much more could be said about orgone energy and life since this subject has been studied most fully. For purposes of this synoptic view the above will suffice, however, with the note that Reich has greatly elaborated the role of orgone energy in the phenomena of life.

9. Separate streams of orgone energy may be attracted to each other and superimpose. The superimposition function is the fundamental form of the creative process. In free space, superimposing orgone energy streams typically show the form of two streams of energy converging in a spiral.

This form is most clearly seen in spiral galaxies, and also in the form of hurricanes and other cyclonic storms.

At the opposite end of the scale of sizes, mass particles are created by superimposition of two tiny streams of energy. The same process occurs in living organisms, the form then being constrained, of course, by the structure of the individual involved.

Mating is a principal expression of the superimposition function in living nature; two separate streams of energy flow together and superimpose during the orgasm. The power and depth of feeling in mating reflects the intensity of the orgone energy flow that takes place.

10. It can be manipulated and controlled by orgone energy devices. Perhaps the first orgone energy device was the “bacquet” of Mesmer, a crude but apparently effective form of orgone energy accumulator. Reich developed several devices for the control of orgone energy.

The best known of these is the orgone energy accumulator. The accumulator is an enclosure formed by a layered arrangement of metallic and non-metallic materials which result in a concentration of energy within the enclosure.

Of equal significance is Reich’s weather control apparatus, a type of directional antenna that makes it possible to withdraw large amounts of orgone energy from a region of the atmosphere. Used properly, this apparatus can trigger large changes in the weather.

To the above ten properties of orgone energy which Reich described, I would add two others.

11. Orgone energy units “use” stored energy of various kinds in the creative process. Units of orgone energy utilize energy which is stored in various ways in building themselves up and in maintaining or increasing their size or strength. This is most clearly true of animals utilizing chemical energy of foods in metabolism and growth.

Storms, which are also orgone energy systems, utilize the latent heat of condensation of water vapor as a source of stored energy.

Stars may employ the heat of thermonuclear fusion in maintaining their high temperatures, although I have reservations as to whether the fusion reaction plays the key role in stellar processes that today’s astronomers believe.

Fifty years ago an entirely different explanation was given by astronomers for the source of stellar heat, and fifty years from now still another may be in vogue. In any case, it is evident that orgone energy processe’s typically involve stored energy which is used in various ways in the service of the creative process.

12. “Spontaneous generation” and other orgonotic processes may require unimpeded contact with cosmic orgone energy streams.”Spontaneous generation” of living organisms seldom occurs under the laboratory conditions biological scientists impose, but these conditions are completely abnormal and foreign to nature.

Life can and does continuously arise out of non-living matter under more natural conditions.

This process has been described in detail by Reich. I believe an essential feature of these natural conditions may be the direct contact of the matter in which life is to develop with cosmic orgone streams.

Protozoa seldom appear spontaneously in infusions which are both sterilized and enclosed in sealed containers, for example. They do appear regularly in these same solutions, sterilized and kept uncontaminated but unsealed.

Evidence for and against Orgone Energy

The evidence for orgone energy, that is to say, the evidence that there is a special energy in nature with properties such as Reich described, is too extensive to be reviewed adequately in an article such as this.

Consider these major English language publications:

Books by Reich:


Scientific Journals in Orgonomy:


Technical Report:


These twenty-nine-plus volumes are a partial list of publications primarily devoted to observational and experimental work with orgone energy as such.

To it should be added major antecedent works of others which provide direct evidence of a special energy with the properties that have been described. This includes especially the works of Mesmer, Reichenbach (who published volumes of good experimental studies), the works of the “traditional” vitalists such as Bergson and Driesch, the more recent work of Charles Littlefield, George Starr White, and others too numerous to mention.

If a listing were attempted of all major works of this sort, it would require months of research just to compile, and the list itself would be many pages in length, for there are hundreds of such works in existence.

Since it is not possible to review even a substantial part of the existing evidence, I will select five items which are of particular significance to me.

Experiment XX

One of Reich’s most significant experiments was his “Experiment XX.” This experiment concerns the transition from non-living to living matter. Experiment XX is done with clear “bion” water, an orgone energy-charged water obtained by mixing and boiling water and soil and filtering the solution.

This clear solution is sterilized under pressure and kept in sterile containers, some of which are frozen. On thawing, these still sterile solutions show flakes of matter, which upon microscopic examination contain forms with the characteristics of living cells; i. e. , pulsation, spontaneous movement, and reproduction.

Experiment XX has been repeated successfully by many individuals, including the biologist Dr. Bernard Grad of McGill University.

Dr. Grad, after carefully confirming Reich’s results in several separate containers of the sterile solution, wrote:

“Reich, in his monumental book, THE CANCER BIOPATHY, presented for the first time in history of science unequivocal evidence for the fact that living forms can develop from clear and autoclaved solutions."

- Grad, Bernard. Wilhelm Reich’s Experiment XX. CORE, Vol. VII (3 and 4). 130-143.)

Dr. Grad’s article includes photographs of the living forms resulting from his repetition of Experiment XX.

Oranur Experiment

Another of Reich Is remarkable experiments involved the introduction of nuclear energy in the form of radioactive material into strong fields of orgone energy. (Reich, Wilhelm. The Oranur Experiment. Orgone Energy Bulletin, Vol. 3 (4), 185-344, October,1951.)

The result was an extraordinarily severe widespread atmospheric reaction that, once started, raged out of control for months. It resulted in a dangerous increase in the “background” radiation level, as measured by several different Geiger counters, over an area thousands of times greater than the area affected by the relatively small amounts of radioactive material the experiment involved.

Experimental animals housed in a separate building from the laboratory in which the experiment was conducted and far beyond the range of possible harm from the radioactive material in itself died, every one of them.

Autopsies performed by physicians present (and there were several present throughout the experiment) showed unmistakably the symptoms of radiation death. People became ill from the experiment and had to leave the area, and one physician nearly died.

This experiment provides evidence of orgone energy that appears to me to be irrefutable for these reasons:

1. The experimental evidence was gathered, not by one, but by several well-qualified scientists of unquestionable integrity

2. The results showed a fully consistent picture of subjective effects, objective biological effects, and measurements employing several physical instruments

3. Observations of each kind were many and repeated

4. The results are completely inexplicable in terms of traditional physics

Weather Experiments

Additional evidence for orgone energy is the effect of the Reich weather control apparatus, the “cloudbuster” as he called it.

This apparatus is a kind of antenna, which, upon being grounded into water, is said to be capable of withdrawing orgone energy from the sky in the direction it is pointed. It was claimed by Reich that it could dissipate clouds by withdrawing energy from them. It was also claimed that the device could be used to trigger rainfall when none was expected and even to break droughts.

If these claims are true, Reich’s apparatus is surely one of the remarkable inventions of all time. Are they true? I believe that I am in an especially good position to evaluate these claims, because I was for nearly three years a weather forecaster in the Air Force and because I have worked experimentally with the Reich apparatus for many years.

The results of my experiments are perfectly clear; the Reich weather control apparatus does exactly what Reich claims it does. Clouds at which the antenna is pointed shrink and disappear from the sky, while comparable clouds selected as controls do not.

Figures 1 & 2 are representative of results that I have obtained again and again.

Effect of the Reich weather control apparatus on a small cumulus cloud. Time between frames: one minute. The black “X” designates the direction of the antenna at the beginning of the apparatus I use, (From a motion picture sequence)

A “before and after” picture of another experimental cloud destruction operation. The “X” shows the target of the cloudbuster at the outset. The lower picture is the same scene 10 minutes later.

More difficult than cloud destruction are rainmaking experiments.

These require careful preparation, observation of conditions, and skilled use of the 1 antenna. Let me quote the results of my experimental rain-making operations. (Kelley, C. R. A New Method of Weather Control. Interscience Research Institute, 1961)

In the five experimental rain-making operations I carried out, unpredicted precipitation occurred within 36 hours in every case. These are my only rain-making operations, so the results cannot be attributed to the omission of negative instances.

The operations were each timed to begin when rain was unexpected and unlikely.

A conservative estimate of the average probability of rain within 36 hours in the five cases is 0.25. This is to say that with the conditions that prevailed at the start of these operations, the chances against rain within 36 hours are estimated to be, on the average, three to one, had these operations not taken place or had the apparatus been ineffective.

From this estimate it can be further calculated that if the apparatus were ineffective, the odds against rain occurring within 36 hours on all of the five operations are more than a thousand to one. (p = .255 < .001)

It is extremely unlikely that unpredicted rain would have occurred on these five occasions unless the apparatus did work.

There are additional effects brought about by the weather control apparatus of equal value as evidence but more difficult to describe briefly. The sum total of the results is fairly described, I believe, as a powerful confirmation of Reich’s description of the effects of the apparatus, and its explanation in terms of orgone energy concepts.

The weather control results are utterly incomprehensible in terms of orthodox science.

Visual Observations

Reich described many conditions under which orgone energy phenomena could be directly observed.

Darkroom observations are especially important, both of the energy field of the body (the “aura”) and of the effects of orgone energy devices. These take on special significance in the light of the extensive closely related darkroom observations reported more than 100 years ago by Baron Charles von Reichenbach, which formed much of the basis for his discovery of the “odyle” or “odic force.”

This Is How Your ‘Aura’ Affects Your Health & Those Around You + Magnetic Fields Of The Human Body And Their Functions

The “odyle” is identical in major respects to orgone energy, of course.

These observations of Reichenbach and of Reich have never been explained in orthodox scientific terms.

Good darkroom observations are difficult, because ideally they require absolute blackness, and an observer with especially sensitive “night” vision, both conditions being harder to obtain than it might seem to the casual reader.

Related: The Human Aura And DNA: How You Choose Your Genes

However, daytime observations of orgone energy can be made much more easily. All that is required is a small telescope set up near an ocean or lake to look out parallel to the surface of the water between a few inches and a few feet above the water level.

The pulsatory movement of atmospheric orgone energy is usually easily observable. Exciting to watch, this phenomenon is completely unknown to orthodox science. It cannot be explained as an effect of wind, for it frequently has a direction cross or opposite to that of the surface wind. It forms an integral part of Reich’s theory of atmospheric processes.

Effects of the Orgone Accumulator

The final item of evidence has to do with the orgone energy accumulator, which has profound effects that have been reported in detail in the literature on orgonomy.

Temperature effects are a case in point. The temperature within the orgone accumulator tends to be slightly higher than that of the environment. Reich believed this finding to be of exceptional significance.

I am even more impressed by the fact that the temperatures of individuals who sit in an orgone accumulator rise quite substantially. Paul and Jean Ritter report the results of 45 separate observations with nine different individuals as subjects.

Related: Russian Scientists Build And Study Pyramids: What They Found Could Change The World

They showed an average rise in temperature of .48 degrees Fahrenheit in consequence of sitting an average of approximately 40 minutes in an accumulator. Keeping subjects ignorant of the purpose of the experiment did not prevent the rise from occurring, but substituting a plain insulated box for the accumulator did. (1Ritter, Paul and Ritter, Jean. Experiments with the orgone accumulator. (undated) Nottingham, England: The Ritter Press, 7 Magdala Road.)

The rise in body temperature is understandable as the consequence of the body becoming charged to a higher orgone energy level by the accumulator.

This increased energy level can explain, not only the rise in temperature, but the other profound biological effects, including therapeutic effects, that have been repeatedly observed and carefully reported by capable, qualified research scientists and physicians.

Counter Evidence

The above five items of evidence have been of special significance to me.

They are only a fraction of the evidence that exists, as I pointed out. What now of the evidence against the existence of orgone energy? What has traditional science done to refute or cast doubt on Reich Is claims?

In the 20-plus years since Reich announced the discovery of orgone energy, no good-faith repetition of any critical orgone energy experiment has ever been published refuting Reich’s results.

Dr. Bernard Grad repeated and confirmed Reich’s “Experiment XX;” who has refuted it? I repeated and confirmed his weather control experiments; who has refuted these?

The fact is, despite (and partly because) of the ridicule, defamation, and attempts by the orthodox to “bury” Reich and orgonomy, there is no counter evidence to his experiments in any scientific publication, much less a systematic refutation of the volumes of scientific work which support his position.

The “evidence” against orgone energy consists of distortions of facts, defamation, ridicule, and related activities the apparent motive for which has been to destroy Reich and orgonomy without examining the evidence.

This leads to the final and most difficult of my four subtopics.

Resistance to the Orgone Energy Concept

Perhaps the most perceptive of Reich’s insights was the realization that there are forces in human nature which blocked the discovery of orgone energy.

It is these forces which in the past distorted and then buried the work of men like Mesmer and Reichenbach. It is the same forces today which not only prevent the serious study by scientists of the concept of orgone energy, but in fact bring about attempts of every possible kind by a vicious minority to destroy the concept and those who support it.

The pathological nature of these attacks is shown by their extraordinary and otherwise inexplicable virulence.

Orgone energy is not studied seriously by most scientists because scientists, like other people, suffer from the mass biological disorder which Reich described in detail, and which forms perhaps his greatest contribution to science.

Related: Unraveling Nikola Tesla’s Greatest Secret: Radiant Energy

The human race is sick en masse, severely sick. The Christian religion expresses an understanding of this sickness in the concept of original sin. If we examine the world around us, we see that it might easily be a world of plenty.

There are techniques and resources to satisfy nearly every human need, enough for every individual to lead a useful, happy, and productive life - yet this world is dominated by wars and threat of war, by irrational politics, in many countries taking the form of fascism in one form or another.

Within countries crime and mental illness are prevalent; about one American in ten at one time or another spends time in an institution, and only a small percentage of those who are mentally ill ever reach an institution.

Man is sick en masse, and the sickness is rooted in his structure, a structure which, for some reason, has become biologically rigid. This rigidity is shown primarily by a chronic muscular tension which Reich called armor. Armor affects most of the human race throughout all the continents. The variations in type and degree of armoring are legion, but almost every human being is armored to some extent.

The effect of armor is to block or restrict the flow of orgone energy in the body, and in consequence, to block or limit the emotion rooted in this energy flow. Armor limits the capacity to experience and express deep feeling. It destroys the capacity for a natural sexuality, the most intense pleasurable emotion.

Related: 13-Year-Old Invents Tesla Inspired Free Energy Device For Under $15

The armor shapes the character and mentality; it affects how people think, including how scientists think. Armor is the cause of psychosis, of crime, of fascism and of other political irrationality. It is the root of contradiction between mechanism and mysticism, which is so important to understanding resistance to the orgone energy concept.

Our civilization is rooted in mystical religion and mechanistic science. These together comprise the principal intellectual forces in the world we live in. Both of these forces are products of armored man. Reich has said that mankind is ruled by a contradictory and murderous mixture of machines and gods, by which he meant the mystical forces of religion and the mechanistic forces of science.

The mechanist armors himself in such a way that he cuts off his perception of and his contact with his own deepest nature. He becomes rigid and limited in his thought processes. He develops a mechanical concept of nature and becomes deterministic in his view of causality.

He tends to think compulsively and has a deep-seated fear of the alive, the free, the spontaneously moving, the unpredictable, the deeply emotional. The mechanistic scientist reacts against orgone energy functions because they correspond to exactly that portion of nature that he has armored against.

For this reason, the mechanist forms a mechanical view of creation and of life.

The mystic, by contrast, is not completely cut off from his nature, from orgone energy phenomena within himself, but has distorted this contact because of his armor.

Related: India Permits Free Energy Technology Despite Threats From UK, US, Saudi Arabia

The mystic is capable of achieving some great insights because he is in partial contact with his deepest nature; still his contact, especially his contact with his own body, is distorted, and in most cases, deeply distorted. The mystic tends to split off bodily love from the mental, the “spiritual, ” and often to become ascetic and anti-sexual.

This is perhaps the greatest tragedy of all, because it contributes the most to reproducing armor in the young.

A split perception of mind and body develops in the mystic, so that the mind seems to him capable of existing in nature in the absence of the body. Along with this the mystic tends to develop a magical view of causality. And the mystic, of course, forms a mystical or magical view of creation and life revolving about “spirit,” or “god,” which is out of contact with real physical processes. It is this view which the mystic finds most threatened by the concept of orgone energy.

Recognition of the real tangible creative process as expressed in orgone energy functions threatens the mystic’s concept of god as an intangible, essentially unknowable entity.

Figure 3 below, depicts the relation between mechanism, mysticism, and what Reich termed “orgonomic functionalism. ” Reich defined orgonomic functionalism as the natural way of thinking by the unarmored. The armor distorts natural thinking in the mechanistic or mystical direction.

Both mechanistic and mystical thinking find functional thought processes foreign. Interestingly, mechanists are apt to regard them as mystical; mystics, as mechanistic.

This is a rather cursory treatment of mechanism and mysticism.

Reich discusses them in some detail in ETHER, GOD AND DEVIL and in THE MURDER OF CHRIST. Perhaps enough has been covered to show how predominant forces in our civilization are by their nature in opposition to the orgone energy concept.

It will hardly be sufficient to show how deep-seated and powerful these forces are, nor to show the extreme hatred and fear that can arise from them; this is hard to believe until it is experienced personally, but to the skeptic, let me remind him that Reich’s publications were burned and banned on the flimsiest of pretexts by an agency of the United States Government, that Reich himself died in a United States prison although entirely innocent of wrong-doing, and that Reich and his work have always been subject to the most incredible attacks, involving defamation, vilification, and gross distortions of facts.

Not everyone, not even a majority react maliciously to the orgone energy concept.

In fact, most people don’t know enough about it to have an inkling of what it really is. Those threatened by the concept have largely succeeded in preventing others from investigating the evidence that exists about it.

If the concept is sufficiently ridiculed and defamed, if the scientific reputations of those who support the concept are destroyed, if the work that has been carried out in the field is made to seem absurd and undeserving of serious study, then the concept of orgone energy can be carefully buried again, as it has been so many times in the past.

There is then no necessity for scientists to examine the evidence, to repeat the experiments, or to contend with the carefully thought out and consistent scientific writing the field contains.

There will always be “experts” who will lend their authority to the burial by declaring the work unworthy of serious consideration.

The relation of mechanism, mysticism, and orgonomic functionalism. Armor causes functional thinking to split into two antithetical off shoots as shown. Human thought is almost completely dominated by these pathological offshoots

Orgonomic Functionalism

“Mind and body” or “matter and spirit” are different aspects of one reality.

Creation is a continuous observable natural process.

“Emotion,” “volition,” “sensation” are integral parts of the creative process.

The many who might not be threatened by the orgone energy concept per se are threatened by the attitude others take towards it, by the scorn, the abuse, the contempt which invariably stem from pathological individuals, but unfortunately, easily infect others.

It is a sad fact that the desire to be respectable is a primary motivation among scientists. Individuals threatened by the orgone energy concept attack it by making it disreputable. “Respectable” scientists then will not consider the concept or the evidence for it.

Related: Free Energy Breakthrough In Russia + South Korea On The Verge Of Unlimited Energy Breakthrough

Finally, a factor which hurts acceptance of the orgone energy concept which must not be ignored lies in the effects of the armor on the very individuals who support the concept. Those who work in orgonomy are also members of the sick human race; they too are armored, with tendencies toward mechanism and/or mysticism.

Even highly-qualified scientists professing interest in orgonomy (and there are many) are usually incapable of productive work in the field. Many brave plans for research in orgonomy are made, but few materialize.

For every article in the 29 volumes of evidence for orgone energy that have been cited, there were 20 or 30 planned by supporters of orgonomy but never carried out. And it is a sad fact that the quality of those which have appeared has sometimes suffered in comparison with what could be reasonably expected of the individuals involved.

Research in orgonomy is extremely difficult; the process of actually working with orgone energy exposes the worker fully and directly to its threatening qualities. Other scientific work is easier to do because it is more peripheral, further removed from the core of life itself, and for this reason, less threatening to the scientist.

This should not be construed as an apology for what has been accomplished in orgonomy. Much of this work, particularly that of Reich himself, is of the highest caliber. At present the need for additional work to confirm experiments previously done and to carry out new research is not being met, however.

An Orgone "Cloud Buster", presumably not operated by child!

This is only partly because of the lack of funds, facilities and time, a lack, incidentally, due to the activities of the frightened and hateful souls who have so maligned orgonomy that they have destroyed the possibility for it to obtain research funds through normal channels.

Of equal importance with the lack of funds and facilities are the characterological problems of those of us who would carry out the research.

In summary, the fact that the orgone energy concept is not generally accepted is not due to the absence of evidence but to a widespread pathology of the human animal. This pathology consists of a rigidity of body and character that cuts the individual off from life energy functions within himself, and makes him either blind to or threatened by the functioning of this same energy in nature.

The mass pathology works against acceptance of the orgone energy concept in many ways:

It brings about the mechanistic -and mystical character structures which prevail in our world.

It causes pathological fear and hatred in a minority of individuals, who attempt to destroy orgonomy by gross distortions of fact, defamation, and ridicule, and sometimes by direct violence. This minority is effective because of the characterological soil in which it works.

The “characterological soil” consists not only of the prevailing mechanistic and mystical characters of the majority, but also the fearfulness of scientists and intellectuals to be associated with “disreputable” ideas.

Finally, the work done in orgonomy itself suffers from the fact that the mass disorder of the human animal afflicts the proponents and investigators of the orgone energy concept as well as their opponents, and affects the amount and quality of their work.

Despite these severe problems blocking acceptance of the orgone energy concept, I believe we are on the threshold of a change.

The evidence for orgone energy is now too great to bury successfully and too strong to continue to ignore. More scientists will take the claims of orgonomy seriously, will repeat experiments and try to understand the orgone energy concept.

This too will result in severe confusions, widespread denials of the evidence by threatened individuals, and other difficulties with which we are now familiar, and may be able to meet successfully.

If so, the new direction in science implicit in the discovery of orgone energy will at last emerge into its own.

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Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi
This Is What Happens To Your Body When You Increase Your Water Intake & 8 Amazing Effects Of Drinking Water On An Empty Stomach + More
February 9 2017 | From: AustralianNationalReview / TEDx / Various

Every part of our body is heavily dependent on the water we drink. Our cells, organs, and systems can increase their performance drastically if we just change our water habits.

Here is what happens when you start drinking enough water without making any other lifestyle changes.

Related: Health Ranger's science lab announces water and soil testing services for the public: ICP-MS analysis reveals levels of 7 toxic metals, 3 major minerals and 10 trace elements

You have a performance and creativity boost

The human brain depends largely on oxygen supply. Water is one of the prime sources of oxygen for our body. Therefore, when we drink sufficient water, around 2.5 to 3 litres a day, our brain performs better.


Drinking an adequate amount of water hydrates our skin. The nourishment that our skin receives from water makes it age slower. That’s why people who drink enough water never have to think too much about skin care.

Stronger Immunity

A hydrated body has a more efficient and advanced immune system. Our organs also function better and more efficiently. Digestion becomes easier whilst nourishing our body and filtering out the impurities.

Cardiac Tenacity

Water also strengthens the heart. It helps you keep your blood pressure regulated, thus decreasing the risk of cardiac ailments. The American Journal of Epidemiology found that people who drink sufficient water are 41 per cent less vulnerable to cardiac arrests.

Stronger Bones

Water keeps the joints healthy and nimble. It also increases shock absorbing cartilages that protect the joints from excessive pressure.

Fat Loss

Water is known to detox the body from harmful chemicals and irritants that make their way into our lungs through food and alcohol. It hits the refresh button on our body in order to make it function efficiently.

The elimination of such unwanted agents from our bodies help us keep our body clean and functional. It also regulates our appetite, so we consume fewer meals throughout the day thus leading to fat loss.

Healthy Metabolism

Water acts as a catalyst and increases your metabolism. It helps you refresh your digestive system and absorb nutrition faster. Drinking water first thing in the morning can work wonders for your metabolism.

Water Memory (Documentary of 2014 about Nobel Prize laureate Luc Montagnier)

Water is the key element of life, but this element that we thought we knew well may have unexpected properties and might play a role greater than we could imagine in our tree of life.

That is the belief shared by the advocates of a surprising theory called "water memory". For Prof. Luc Montagnier, water has the hability to reproduce the properties of any substance it once contained. Water would have the hability to retain a memory of the molecules properties.

What if alzheimer, parkinson, autism, HIV and even cancer could be treated thanks to this controversial theory?

8 Amazing Effects Of Drinking Water On An Empty Stomach

In Japan, it is common custom to drink water just after waking up in the morning. Given their health and good skin, many researchers believe that this habit does have a truly positive impact on their lives.

Water is an essential part of the human body. When our bodies do not meet their water goals over a long period of time, it may be affected by many chronic and fatal diseases, such as breast cancer, uterine cancer, pulmonary tuberculosis, colitis, etc.

Related: Add 3 Drops of Oregano Oil to Water and SEE What Happens to Your Lungs

Drinking water right after waking up and staying hydrated throughout the day can lead to the disappearance and treatment of many ailments.

Drinking around 600 ml water on an empty stomach right after getting out of bed in the morning can prove to be really beneficial. Avoid consuming any food for the next 45 minutes. Always hydrate yourself 30 minutes before a meal, but do not drink any water after the meal for the next two hours, especially after big meals.

Here are the great things that will happen to your body once you start this ‘water treatment’:

Expels Toxins

Water can help you get rid of harmful toxins that enter your body through various mediums. It stimulates bowel movement and allows you to expel these toxins. It also helps in building more muscle tissue and RBCs.

Helps Metabolism

Water acts like a metabolism accelerator when taken first thing in the morning. It can spike your metabolism up to 24%. It also helps you clean the intestines and absorb food better and more efficiently.

Helps in Weight Loss

When you drink sufficient water, you lose a lot of cravings. Most cravings originate from dehydration more than actual hunger. Increasing water intake in a systematic manner over a long period of time can promote healthier weight loss.

Works against indigestion

Water helps you better digest your food. It also helps avoid acidity and resultant heartburns. It keeps your stomach healthy and going, and prevents indigestion.

Enhances Skin

Water has tremendous positive effects on skin. Staying hydrated keeps the skin healthy and makes it radiant. Due to increased blood circulation stimulated by water, the skin feels more supple and glowing.

Enhances Hair

Consuming water in the morning promotes healthy and nutrient rich hair. It helps combat brittle and rough hair, and water on empty stomach increases blood circulation in follicles, providing them with more nutrition.

Works against Kidney Disorders

Water when taken first in the morning can prevent many kidney and bladder ailments such as stones. It helps with acid dilution that prevents stone formation. Water keeps the kidney and bladder very healthy and clean.

Helps build immunity

Our lymphatic mechanism gains a great deal from water intake first thing every morning. It helps build our immunity and keeps many diseases at bay.

The Fourth Phase of Water: Dr. Gerald Pollack at TEDx

Does water have a fourth phase, beyond solid, liquid and vapor?

University of Washington Bioengineering Professor Gerald Pollack answers this question, and intrigues us to consider the implications of this finding. Not all water is H2O, a radical departure from what you may have learned from textbooks.

Pollack received his PhD in biomedical engineering from the University of Pennsylvania in 1968. He then joined the University of Washington faculty and is now professor of Bioengineering.

His interests have ranged broadly, from biological motion and cell biology to the interaction of biological surfaces with aqueous solutions.

His 1990 book, Muscles and Molecules: Uncovering the Principles of Biological Motion, won an "Excellence Award" from the Society for Technical Communication; his more recent book, Cells, Gels and the Engines of Life, won that Society's "Distinguished Award."

Pollack received an honorary doctorate in 2002 from Ural State University in Ekaterinburg, Russia, and was more recently named an Honorary Professor of the Russian Academy of Sciences. He received the Biomedical Engineering Society's Distinguished Lecturer Award in 2002.

In 2008, he was the faculty member selected by the University of Washington faculty to receive their highest annual distinction: the Faculty Lecturer Award. Pollack is a Founding Fellow of the American Institute of Medical and Biological Engineering and a Fellow of both the American Heart Association and the Biomedical Engineering Society.

He is also Founding Editor-in-Chief of the journal, WATER, and has recently received an NIH Transformative R01 Award.

He was the 2012 recipient of the Prigogine Medal and in 2013 published his new book:

The Fourth Phase of Water: Beyond Solid, Liquid, and Vapor

Related: Corporate giant Nestle beats out community for control of local water supply

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Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi

John Key: Life As A Lowly Backbencher + John Key's Complete Criminal History Exposed
February 9 2017 | From: Newshub / VinnyEastwood

After a prolonged summer holiday, former NZ Prime Minister John Key is back to earth with a thud - returning to Parliament as a lowly backbencher. 

Mr Key has been in Hawaii with his family, but he also found time to travel to Munich for some International Democratic Union meetings and pork knuckle.

Related: The Sovereignty Of Sidekicks & John Key Era One Giant Facepalm

The man who replaced Mr Key as Prime Minister, Bill English, tweeted a picture of himself and his former boss at Parliament on Tuesday. 

The new Prime Minister wrote: "Checking in on one of our bright, young backbench MPs before the political year gets underway."

Mr Key will now have to endure political life without the grandiose trappings he's become accustomed to these past eight years, with a flash office on the ninth floor of the Beehive.

He's given up his spacious office for a far pokier room, and has many less staff to wait on him hand and foot.

As the National Party MP for Helensville, Mr Key's attentions will now switch from national and international matters to ones of a far more semi-rural and localised nature.

How are the locals of Kumeu dealing with that new takeaways shop? How is the parking situation of that ever-popular craft beer restaurant in Riverhead?

Should the main turn-off to Muriwai Beach have a set of traffic lights? Just some of the many questions Mr Key will soon be trying to get to grips with.

John Key's Complete Criminal History Exposed

The Most Comprehensive Evidence About John Key & His Criminal Background Ever Assembled:

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Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi
New Elite Whistleblower Smashes Global Warming Science + UN Official Says Global Warming Is About Destroying Capitalism
February 8 2017 | From: JonRappoport / DailyMail / ArmstrongEconomics / Various

A highly respected, medal-winning climate scientist just wound up and threw a giant monkey wrench into global warming science.

His name? John Bates. His target? A recent fraudulent study that claimed the uncomfortable “pause” in warming was really no pause at all. That study, pretending warming had never stopped, was timed to help negotiating nations at the Climate Summit in Paris. It was timed to help them enact draconian economic measures to reduce warming.

Related: Scientists March to Support Global-warming Censorship: The New Ridiculous

But, Bates reveals, that study was cooked on several counts. It was such a mess no self-respecting scientist would sign on to it. However, scientists did sign on to it. And a prestigious journal, Science, published it. Apparently, the brains at Science were on vacation. Or they were determined to play ball and assist the Globalist plan to drastically reduce CO2-producing energy production in nations across the globe, thus escalating poverty, in order to “save us” all from frying.

Here are choice quotes from David Rose’s exclusive Daily Mail article that exposes the far-reaching deception:

DailyMail: Exposed: How world leaders were duped into investing billions over manipulated global warming data

“The Mail on Sunday today reveals astonishing evidence that the organisation that is the world’s leading source of climate data rushed to publish a landmark paper that exaggerated global warming and was timed to influence the historic Paris Agreement on climate change.”

“A high-level whistleblower has told this newspaper that America’s National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) breached its own rules on scientific integrity when it published the sensational but flawed [fraudulent] report, aimed at making the maximum possible impact on world leaders including Barack Obama and David Cameron at the UN climate conference in Paris in 2015.”

“The [fraudulent] report claimed that the ‘pause’ or ‘slowdown’ in global warming in the period since 1998 – revealed by UN scientists in 2013 – never existed, and that world temperatures had been rising faster than scientists expected.

Launched by NOAA with a public relations fanfare, it was splashed across the world’s media, and cited repeatedly by politicians and policy makers.”

“But the whistleblower, Dr John Bates, a top NOAA scientist with an impeccable reputation, has shown The Mail on Sunday irrefutable evidence that the paper was based on misleading, ‘unverified’ data.”

“It was never subjected to NOAA’s rigorous internal evaluation process – which Dr Bates devised.”

“His vehement objections to the publication of the faulty data were overridden by his NOAA superiors in what he describes as a ‘blatant attempt to intensify the impact’ of what became known as the [fraudulent] Pausebuster paper.”

“His disclosures are likely to stiffen President Trump’s determination to enact his pledges to reverse his predecessor’s ‘green’ policies, and to withdraw from the Paris deal – so triggering an intense political row.”

“In an exclusive interview, Dr Bates accused the lead author of the paper, Thomas Karl, who was until last year director of the NOAA section that produces climate data – the National Centers for Environmental Information (NCEI) – of ‘insisting on decisions and scientific choices that maximised warming and minimised documentation… in an effort to discredit the notion of a global warming pause, rushed so that he could time publication to influence national and international deliberations on climate policy’.”

“Both datasets [used in the fraudulent study] were flawed. This newspaper has learnt that NOAA has now decided that the sea dataset will have to be replaced and substantially revised just 18 months after it was issued, because it used unreliable methods which overstated the speed of warming.

The revised data will show both lower temperatures and a slower rate in the recent warming trend.”

“The land temperature dataset used by the study was afflicted by devastating bugs in its software that rendered its findings ‘unstable’.”

“The paper [fraudulent study] relied on a preliminary, ‘alpha’ version of the data which was never approved or verified.”

“None of the data on which the paper was based was properly ‘archived’ – a mandatory requirement meant to ensure that raw data and the software used to process it is accessible to other scientists, so they can verify NOAA results.”

“Dr Bates retired from NOAA at the end of last year after a 40-year career in meteorology and climate science. As recently as 2014, the Obama administration awarded him a special gold medal for his work in setting new, supposedly binding standards ‘to produce and preserve climate data records’.”

“Yet when it came to the paper timed to influence the Paris conference, Dr Bates said, these standards were flagrantly ignored.”

“The [fraudulent] paper was published in June 2015 by the journal Science. Entitled ‘Possible artifacts of data biases in the recent global surface warming hiatus’, the document said the widely reported [warming] ‘pause’ or ‘slowdown’ was a myth.”

“But Dr Bates said this increase in temperatures was achieved by dubious means. Its key error was an upwards ‘adjustment’ of readings from fixed and floating buoys, which are generally reliable, to bring them into line with readings from a much more doubtful source – water taken in by ships.

This, Dr Bates explained, has long been known to be questionable: ships are themselves sources of heat, readings will vary from ship to ship, and the depth of water intake will vary according to how heavily a ship is laden – so affecting temperature readings.”

“Dr Bates said: ‘They had good data from buoys. And they threw it out and “corrected” it by using the bad data from ships. You never change good data to agree with bad, but that’s what they did – so as to make it look as if the sea was warmer’.”

“Moreover, the… software [used in the fraudulent study] was afflicted by serious bugs. They caused it to become so ‘unstable’ that every time the raw temperature readings were run through the computer, it gave different results.”

Dr Bates revealed that the failure to archive and make available fully documented data not only violated NOAA rules, but also those set down by Science. Before he retired last year, he continued to raise the issue internally. Then came the final bombshell. Dr Bates said: ‘I learned that the computer used to process the software had suffered a complete failure’.”

“The reason for the failure is unknown, but it means the [fraudulent] Pausebuster paper can never be replicated or verified by other scientists.”

Get it? Fraud all the way along the line. And a cover-up, to make an examination of the fraud-details impossible.

The perfect worst-case scenario. Can we now, at last, have a few criminal indictments?

Even a prosecuting attorney fresh out of law school, wet behind the ears, with zero courtroom experience, would be able to secure a proper verdict.

Guilty on all counts.

Related: Climate Scare Declared Officially Over- Error In Model Calculations Discovered

Guilty of fraud, and aiding and abetting a far-reaching scheme to reduce energy production in America (and other nations), on the premise that warming is rising and must be stopped.

“Ladies and gentlemen of the jury, imagine this. The powers-that-be want to cut the production of energy in this country. Anyone can see the result of such a plan. We all become strapped. We all become poorer.

But we’re told this is necessary to save us from the destruction of life on Earth. We’re told we have to go along with the plan, because producing energy releases carbon dioxide, which in turn keeps raising the temperature of the planet.

Recently, a key scientific study was published, and this study bolsters the whole idea that global warming is on the rise.

But a key expert insider will show that this study was false and a fraud and a lie, and the people who wrote it are guilty of deceiving you and me and everyone.

Find these people guilty, once and for all, and send them to prison, where they belong…”

I could try this case in court. You could try this case in court. Three guys in a bar could try this case. And win.

Are you ready, Mr. Trump? Send out the hounds from the Department of Justice and put these liars under arrest.

And let’s see their trial in open court, every minute of it, on camera, on television, online.

Let’s see it in New York and Chicago and Los Angeles and Toronto and London and Paris and Rome and Kabul and Tehran and Sydney and Tokyo and Rio and Durban and Nuuk and Tierra del Fuego…

At long last, put official science and its enablers in the dock.

UN Official Says Global Warming Is About Destroying Capitalism

A shocking statement was made by a United Nations official Christiana Figueres at a news conference in Brussels.

Figueres admitted that the Global Warming conspiracy set by the U.N.’s Framework Convention on Climate Change, of which she is the executive secretary, has a goal not of environmental activists to save the world from ecological calamity, but to destroy capitalism.

Related: U.N. Official Reveals Real Reason Behind The Global Warming Scare

She said very casually:

“This is the first time in the history of mankind that we are setting ourselves the task of intentionally, within a defined period of time, to change the economic development model that has been reigning for at least 150 years, since the Industrial Revolution.”

She even restated that goal ensuring it was not a mistake:

This is probably the most difficult task we have ever given ourselves, which is to intentionally transform the economic development model for the first time in human history.”

I was invited to a major political dinner in Washington with the former Chairman of Temple University since I advised the University with respect to its portfolio.

We were seated at one of those round tables with ten people. Because we were invited from a university, they placed us with the heads of the various environmental groups.

They assumed they were in friendly company and began speaking freely. Dick Fox, my friend and Chairman of Temple, began to lead them on to get the truth behind their movement.

Low and behold, they too admitted it was not about the environment, but to reduce population growth.

Dick then asked them, “Whose grandchild are we trying to prevent from being born? Your’s or mine?

All of these movements seem to have a hidden agenda that the press helps to misrepresent all the time. One must wonder, at what point will the press realize they are destroying their own future?

Related: Climate Change "Expert" Sentenced To 32 Months For Fraud, Says Lying Was A Rush

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Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi
How To Deal With Wage Slavery & Find Work You Love
February 8 2017 | From: TheUnboundedSpirit

As most of you may already know, my writings regularly touch on the issue of “wage slavery” – that is, the social phenomenon of being forced to carry out work in order to earn money.

Concerning this, a reader recently sent me an email with the following message :

Related: How To Realise Your True Calling & The 5 Stages Of Awakening: Are Demons Walking Among Us?

“Hi Sofo,

Came across your blog last night and had a browse of quite a few of the articles. Really enjoying the content on there; very inspiring.

I am interested in what you think of employment for someone who is seeking to live this alternative lifestyle you write of. We all know, that unfortunately we need to make some form of money to live, to buy food, pay rent, etc. We can’t just run off into the woods and hide!

To what extent can someone work in a job they dislike and still seek the enlightenment they desire? For example, I am finishing off my undergraduate Philosophy and Literature degree at the moment. My plan afterwards is to get a job in hospitality in the evenings, so I can focus on writing in the day, push forward some music I am making with my friends, and save money to go travelling. But still, a lot of my time will be consumed being a ‘wage slave’…

I’m not asking for any direct guidance here, or any solid answer. I’d just be interested in what you thought of the need to work in a job we don’t exactly want to do, and it being somewhat unavoidable.

My most sincere regards, T"

If you take a look around you, you’ll see that most people are day in and day out selling at least half of their waking time to others, expending most of their physical and mental energy working as employees, just so they can earn a salary in exchange.

And, although that’s something no person in the world enjoys doing, it’s a normal thing in our culture, and, in fact, unavoidable, as T (for privacy reasons I won’t reveal the reader’s real name) points out.

Obviously, we need food to survive, as well as shelter and the ability to provide ourselves and our families with goods that make life comfortable. How do we acquire those things?

Everyone knows the answer: through money. In our culture, money is the means that allows us to satisfy our basic needs. In other words, without money, we can’t “earn a living.” I, for example, can’t just express myself through my writings or paintings, which are two of my biggest passions, unless I am somehow able to financially support myself.

Although for some years now I’ve managed to earn what has been termed “passive income” mainly from doing work that I love and which allows me to focus even more time and energy on it, my journey wasn’t that easy from the beginning.

Not a long time ago, I used to be a wage slave myself, working as a video editor for corporate mainstream TV, which I hated, considering how much I despised its deceiving nature (there are other reasons why I despise mainstream TV, but that’s for another article).

I was grateful, however, to have work and earn a salary, being fully aware of how many people in the world are struggling to survive. My situation was bad, but pretty good compared to the one billions of people find themselves in.

In that period of time, I was wasting 7 hours, 6 days of the week, in front of a computer screen, yet I would go back home every night and pour the rest of my energy on The Unbounded Spirit.

Most of the times, I had red eyes and a heavy head, but working on my blog was a must – not because someone forced me to do so, but because I knew how much joy it was bringing in my life. It was something I loved doing (and still do), and my aim was to do it as much and as well as I could.

To avoid any misunderstanding, I don’t mean to say that working hard doing what you love will definitely bring you financial freedom. There have been countless of people who’ve dedicated their entire lives doing what they were passionate about, but they never saw a monetary reward for that.

A good example is Van Gogh, who created a tremendously big amount of incredible paintings but couldn’t sell a single one of them while he was alive (other than one that was secretly bought by his younger brother Theo in order to help him feel less of a failure).

Now, so many years after his death, he is recognized as an artistic genius and his paintings cost tens or even hundreds of million dollars.

So what’s my point? It’s that only by doing what you love, can you find meaning and contentment in life, and even if you never manage to extract any money out of it, it’s still worth pursuing it. Of course, while doing that, you need to somehow earn an income (except if you are willing to starve to death).

You need to find some work to do or create one if need be. The question is, what’s the best occupational choice one can make? In my view, it’s to find work that comes as close to your interests and talents as possible and that contributes something positive to the world.

An old-timer I knew used to tell his students: ‘Find something you love to do and you’ll never have to work a day in your life.’

That’s certainly a pretty difficult thing to achieve in our crazy society, but it’s definitely worth aiming for, no matter the result.

Even if you can’t achieve that, and you’re having a very hard time working as a wage slave, you should do your best to spend your free time doing what brings you fulfillment, and ideally something that also helps bring fulfillment to others – and who knows, if you create and offer something beneficial to the world, people might appreciate your gift and give you something in return, even in the form of money.

In my case, this is exactly what happened. Readers who I’ve never met decide to donate part of their income to support my work. Of course, I never write with the intention of an external reward. To me, the very process of writing is rewarding in itself, but I have to admit, it feels nice when I receive thank-you messages from readers or when they express their gratitude to me in the form of a donation.

The problem arises when one does something because one expects to receive something in return.

Not that it’s inherently bad to expect a reward, but because the universe just doesn’t seem to be working this way. That is, if what you’re putting out to the world isn’t coming from the heart, people will sooner or later recognize it and will not be willing to support your work.

On the contrary, if your work is coming from a place of unconditional love, it’s very likely that you’ll receive love back, in one form or another.

Having said all the above, I’d like to end this article by mentioning that if we humans truly want to put an end to wage slavery and be able to have more freedom to pursue what we deep down desire, it’s of utmost importance that we find a way to alter the very foundations of our economic system – something that is rarely discussed in self-help circles.

Coaches and mentors keep on talking about how to find and follow our bliss regardless of the conditions we find ourselves in, but when the very structure of our society is constantly and inevitably bringing obstacles on our path to contentment, then perhaps it would be a good idea to take conscious action in order to change the very system that we’ve been blindly conditioned to maintain with our actions each and every day.

Consider this: we possess the scientific know-how and the technological means to create a world of abundance where all people alive would have enough to fulfill their needs and basic desires.

If only we put our knowledge into practice, imagine how much more free we’d be to do what we enjoy. 

The problem is that most of us don’t believe such a thing is feasible – we’ve been brainwashed to think that happiness, just like money, is scarce, and hence that not everyone can cherish life.

Not surprisingly, we find ourselves trapped in a constant struggle, competing and deceiving each other, doing work that we don’t care for and which is completely irrelevant to our well-being.

It’s about time we rethink the way we live and start making concrete changes on both an individual and social level. It’s about time we stop wasting our time and energy on things that bring us suffering, and instead focus on creating gifts of love that help turn the world into a more beautiful place.

Then and only then will we be able to find contentment and coexist in harmony with our fellow human beings.

Related: Finding Your Calling Part I: What Is a Vocation?

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Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi
Judge’s Order To Block Trump’s Immigration Travel Ban Is Ridiculous + Trump’s White House Blasts Bibi For Approving New Israeli Settlements
February 7 2017 | From: JonRappoport / Geopolitics / Various

Judge’s order to block Trump’s immigration travel ban is ridiculous.

The Judge is playing games. He’s lying. He obviously doesn’t like Trump’s immigration travel ban, so he’s cooking up reasons for slapping a temporary restraining order on it.

Related: Appeals Court Denies Justice Department Motion to Immediately Lift Block on Travel Ban

A freshman in law school could point out holes in those reasons big enough to drive a fleet of trucks through.

On February 3rd, Judge James Robart issued his order (Case 2:17-cv-00141-JLR Document 52 Filed 02/03/17 Page 1 of 7): he temporarily restrained the federal government from enforcing Trump’s immigration travel ban.

The Judge’s order is absurd for several reasons.

First of all, objections to Trump’s ban were entered into the court by the States of Washington and Minnesota, as the “injured parties.” But Judge Robart announced his decision would affect all States - the whole country - because immigration law must be applied “uniformly” across the board. Perhaps, but nowhere is it stated that a temporary restraining order (TRO) issued by a judge must be applied uniformly across the whole country.

Since when is a TRO the same as a law? Speaking of law, no final legal/constitutional decision has been rendered re Trump’s Executive Order on immigration. It’s still up for grabs. The Judge is just writing script to suit his bias.

The Judge may not like Trump’s ban; clearly, he does not. The Judge may believe the ban will be overturned by a higher court because it is unconstitutional. The Judge may think Trump is committing an immoral act. But all that is beside the point. The only thing Judge Robart was empowered to do was issue a TRO or not issue a TRO. Period.

Why should he have the right to apply his TRO, not a law, to the whole of the United States? Maybe he’s a god we haven’t been told about. If so, I’d like to see the evidence.

Next point: The judge made a number of comments to justify issuing his the TRO: “The States are likely to suffer irreparable harm in the absence of [my] preliminary relief [restraining order].”

That is absurd on its face. Irreparable harm? This means harm that can never be fixed? Come on. The Judge may as well have said,I’m biased. I don’t like Trump’s EO and I don’t like him. So when I said ‘irreparable’, I exaggerated by a few thousand miles. Ha-ha.

The Judge wrote:

“The EO [Trump’s Executive Order limiting immigration] adversely affects the States’ residents in areas of employment, education, business, family relations, and freedom to travel.”

More fluff, nonsense, and outright deception. Does the Judge seriously expect us to believe that the banning of 35,000 more refugees than the 2016 federal cap is going to decimate the States?

In his EO, Trump wrote:

“I hereby proclaim that the entry of more than 50,000 refugees in fiscal year 2017 would be detrimental to the interests of the United States, and thus suspend any such entry until such time as I determine that additional admissions would be in the national interest.”

An NPR political editor stated: “For 2016, the cap was 85,000.” The difference is 35,000.

Judge Robart wrote:

“In addition, the States themselves are harmed by virtue of the damage… inflicted upon the operations and missions of their public universities… as well as injury to the States’ operations, tax bases, and public funds.”

Same objections as above. Judge Robart is stretching the truth to the breaking point. His definition of “harm” and “irreparable harm” are coming from his private dictionary of exaggerations. He’s winging it.

Case closed. Except it isn’t.

A Judge who can take powers not granted to him, who can invent, out of whole cloth, dire consequences where none exist, is hustling the system he’s sworn to defend.

Trump’s White House Blasts Bibi For Approving New Israeli Settlements

A recent statement from the White House has shocked the Israeli hierarchy when it said not to continue building new settlements, or any unilateral actions from both sides that would undermine the two-state solution that the United States has been advocating for the last 50 years.

Trump warns Israel: Stop announcing new settlements

White House official tells ‘Post’ all parties should cease ‘unilateral actions,’ affirms two-state solution.

The White House warned Israel on Thursday – in a surprising statement – to cease settlement announcements that are “unilateral” and “undermining” of President Donald Trump’s effort to forge Middle East peace, a senior administration official told The Jerusalem Post.

For the first time, the administration confirmed that Trump is committed to a comprehensive two-state solution to the Israeli- Palestinian conflict negotiated between the parties.

The official told the Post that the White House was not consulted on Israel’s unprecedented announcement of 5,500 new settlement housing units over the course of his first two weeks in office.

“As President Trump has made clear, he is very interested in reaching a deal that would end the Israeli-Palestinian conflict and is currently exploring the best means of making progress toward that goal,” the official said.

“With that in mind, we urge all parties to refrain from taking unilateral actions that could undermine our ability to make progress, including settlement announcements,” the official added. “The administration needs to have the chance to fully consult with all parties on the way forward.”

Trump plans to bring up the peace process in his meeting with Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu at the White House scheduled for February 15.

Trump looks forward to those discussions, White House Press Secretary Sean Spicer said in response to this report.

“The American desire for peace between the Israelis and the Palestinians has remained unchanged for 50 years,” Spicer said. “While we don’t believe the existence of settlements is an impediment to peace, the construction of new settlements or the expansion of existing settlements beyond their current borders may not be helpful in achieving that goal.”

On Thursday, Netanyahu reiterated his support for the settlement enterprise and said, during a visit to Ariel, that in the last week alone he had announced the advancement and authorization of 900 homes in that city.

Until now, Israeli officials have not known what to make of Trump administration policy on the issue of settlements specifically and, more generally, on the challenge of Middle East peace: Under Trump’s leadership, reference to a two-state solution was removed from the Republican Party platform over the summer, and the president’s envoy to Israel has publicly supported the settlement enterprise.

Trump has, however, repeatedly called peace between Israel and the Palestinians the “ultimate deal” – one that he has tasked Jared Kushner, a top adviser and his son-in-law, with moderating.

“I think it’s designed to chill some of the exuberance of those on the Israeli Right who think they have a blank check,” Dennis Ross, a senior Middle East diplomat and veteran of the George H.W. Bush, Clinton and Obama administrations, told the Post. “I think that exuberance got their attention. I just don’t think they want any announcements that will surprise them, and they’re still in the process of formulating what their policy is going to be.

“It sounds like they want to convey a pretty blunt message,” Ross added.

The Trump administration official did not go as far as to explicitly condemn Israel’s settlement activity as “contrary to the pursuit of peace,” as the Obama administration had over the course of its tenure. But the White House does appear to believe that settlement activity, at the very least, “undermines” and complicates Trump’s efforts to bring both sides to the negotiating table.

“The United States remains committed to advancing a comprehensive final-status agreement between Israel and the Palestinians that results in two states living side-by-side in peace and security,” the official said."

- Trump warns Israel: Stop announcing new settlements

The question whether he will issue a blank check for Israeli abuses against the real landlord of the Palestinian lands, has been answered.

Now, we wonder how the protesting Sheeples would react to this one, if they really understand what they are doing.

‘You Think Our Country Is So Innocent?’ * Trump Asks After O’Reilly Calls Putin ‘A Killer’

The US is not as innocent as it may seem, according to President Donald Trump. When Fox News host Bill O’Reilly called Vladimir Putin “a killer,” Trump responded: “We’ve got a lot of killers.”

In an interview to be aired ahead of the Super Bowl later on Sunday, Bill O’Reilly asked if Trump respects Russian President Vladimir Putin, to which the he replied, “I do respect him. Well, I respect a lot of people, but that doesn’t mean I’ll get along with them.”

Related: ‘You think our country is so innocent?’ - President Trump

Seemingly surprised, O’Reilly goes on to ask him why.

He is the leader of his country. I say it’s better to get along with Russia than not, and if Russia helps us in the fight against ISIS – which is a major fight – and the Islamic terrorism all over the world, that’s a good thing,” Trump answered.

“Will I get along with him? I have no idea.”

O’Reilly then challenged Trump, calling the Russian president “a killer.” Trump shrugged the comment off, saying:

“There are a lot of killers. We’ve got a lot of killers. What, do you think our country is so innocent?”

Related: President Trump Will Not Betray You

It is not the first time that Trump has made such comments when journalists question his stance regarding the Russian leader.

At the end of 2015, the host of MSNBC’s Morning Joe told Trump that Putin “kills journalists,” to which the unfazed then-presidential candidate replied,

“I think that our country does plenty of killing, too, Joe.”

“I’ve always felt fine about Putin. He’s a strong leader. He’s a powerful leader,” Trump added.

Related: Russian tech expert sues BuzzFeed over Trump dossier ‘fake news’

At the end of January, Putin and Trump held their first official phone call, which, according to the Kremlin, was “good and constructive.”

Over the past years, the lack of mutual respect became the main reason for the deterioration of relations,” Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov added.

Another important thing is that Washington is prepared for dialogue, the spokesman concluded.

This is what President Putin called for rather consistently but where unfortunately he did not see reciprocity over the past years,” Peskov said.

Earlier in January, however, Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov emphasized that the first meeting between Putin and Trump may “happen in months to come,” not “in a matter of weeks.”

Peskov also said;

“It is maybe the biggest mistake on the part of Western analysts to think that Trump is ‘our man.’ He is an American man.”

Former Deputy Speaker of the Belgian Parliament Lode Vanoost told RT that it is way too early to be overly optimistic about Trump.

“To me, he remains as unpredictable and unreliable as he was before. We didn't see the full interview yet, and the follow-up questions that came after this very astonishing remark.

Basically, what Trump is doing is he is applying the same moral principles to the US as he applies to other countries. That is indeed without precedent in US political culture.”

Also, he expressed concern over forces that could interfere with Trump's mending ties with Russia.

“If he remains on the path of improving relations with Russia, it could be quite dangerous: my fear is that all conservative governments in the EU, NATO, will create provocations to force him back into line.”

President Trump Defends 'Killer' Putin In Super Bowl Interview: 'Do You Think Our Country's So Innocent?'

Here’s a short compilation of the US CIA assassinations since 1945:

Countries where the US has assassinated or attempted to assassinate a movement leader

The US has made more than 50 attempts to assassinate political party leaders according to William Blum in his 2003 book [[Killing Hope|”Killing Hope: U.S. Military and C.I.A. Interventions since World War II”.

Noam Chomsky
called this book “Far and away the best book on the topic”.[1] Former CIA officer John Stockwell called the same book “The single most useful summary of CIA history.”[2]

All such operations are illegal and almost all such killings are aimed at geopolitical objectives. In almost no cases can any clear humanitarian benefit be identified, even if the target is/was indeed tyrannical.

While bombings with aircraft leave evidence in many cases, covert operations may be difficult to prove.

Date Country Details Disputed?
2011 Pakistan Osama Bin Laden. Killing of a captured man. No
2003 Iraq Saddam Hussein and his two sons. Two killings and a semi-judicial execution. Maybe
2002 Afghanistan Gulbuddin Hekmatyar, Islamic leader and warlord Maybe
1993 Somalia Mohamed Farah Aideed, prominent clan leader. Failed attempt but he died later. Maybe
1991 Iraq Saddam Hussein, leader. Attempt to kill him? Maybe
1985 Lebanon Sheikh Mohammed Hussein Fadlallah, Shiite leader (80 people killed in the attempt) Maybe
1984 Nicaragua The nine comandantes of the Sandinista National Directorate Maybe
1983 Nicaragua Miguel d’Escoto, Foreign Minister Maybe
1983 Morocco Gen. Ahmed Dlimi, Army commander Maybe
1982 Iran Ayatollah Khomeini, leader Maybe
Libya Muammar Qaddafi, leader, several plots and attempts upon his life Maybe
1976 Jamaica Michael Manley, Prime Minister Maybe
1976 Chile exiled Chilean Foreign Minister Orlando Letelier is blown up in Washington DC, part of Operation Condor with at least tacit US support  ?
1975 Zaire Mobutu Sese Seko, President. Maybe
1972 Panama General Manuel Noriega, Chief of Intelligence. Captured alive and been imprisoned ever since. Maybe
Panama General Omar Torrijos, leader Maybe
1970 Chile Gen. Rene Schneider, Commander-in-Chief of Army. Maybe
1970 Chile Salvador Allende, President unsuccesful US supported coup “Project FUBELT” No
1967 Bolivia Che Guevara, revolutionary leader. CIA-organized military operation ends in capture and execution by the Bolivian Army. Maybe
1965 –
France Charles de Gaulle, President Maybe
1965 Dominican Republic Francisco Caamaño, opposition leader Maybe
1965 Zaire President overthrown and replaced by Mobutu, see entry for 1961, deposing of Lumumba. No
1960s Cuba Raúl Castro, high official in government Maybe
Cuba Fidel Castro, President, many attempts on his life including poisoned cigars. No
1963 South Vietnam Ngo Dinh Diem, President. Successful attempt to replace one puppet leader with another. Maybe
1963 Iraq The CIA supports the Ba’athists, including Saddam Hussein, in a coup in Iraq against the Qassim government.[3][4][5] No [6]
1961 Dominican Republic Gen. Rafael Trujillo, dictator since 1930 shot dead in 1961.[7][8] Yes
1961 Zaire In June 1960, Patrice Lumumba became the Congo’s first prime minister after independence from Belgium. Calls for the nation’s economic liberation and is branded a communist. Eleven days later, the mineral rich Katanga province, owned by Belgium and prominent Eisenhower administration officials, seceedes. Lumumba dismissed in September at the instigation of the United States, and in Jan 1961 assassinated at the express request of Dwight Eisenhower. Several years of civil conflict and chaos end in the CIA backed deposing of President Joseph Kasavubu and the 1965 accession to power of the CIA linked Mobutu Sese Seko. Mobutu ruled and robbed the country for more than 30 years (a “kleptocracy”) while the Zairian people lived in abject poverty. No
1961 Haiti Francois “Papa Doc” Duvalier, leader Maybe
Costa Rica José Figueres, President, two attempts on his life Maybe
1960 Iraq Brig. Gen. Abdul Karim Kassem, leader Maybe
1959 Cambodia Norodom Sihanouk, leader. And again, 1963, 1969. Maybe
1957 Egypt Gamal Abdul Nasser, President Maybe
1955 India Jawaharlal Nehru, Prime Minister Maybe
1951 Iran Mohammed Mossadegh, Prime Minister No
1951 North Korea Kim Il Sung, Premier Maybe
1950s (mid) Philippines Claro M. Recto, opposition leader Maybe
1950s, 1962 Indonesia Sukarno, President Maybe
1950s China Prime minister Chou En-lai, several attempts on his life Maybe
1950s Germany CIA/Neo-Nazi hit list of more than 200 political figures in West Germany to be “put out of the way” in the event of a Soviet invasion Maybe
1949 Korea Kim Koo, opposition leader No

Source: Wikispooks

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Australian Actor Impersonated Family Of Bourke St Victims In Calls To Hospitals
February 7 2017 | From: TheContrail / Various

An Australian actor has repeatedly impersonated and vilified the friends and family of a little girl killed in Melbourne’s Bourke St massacre via a series of phone calls and public videos.

Neighbours and Underbelly bit-part actor Peter Kusznir, who has more than 18,000 subscribers to his YouTube channel, was reportedly instructed by police to pull down at least three lengthy videos where he vilified several victims who were killed and injured in the tragedy.

Related: Australian actor impersonated family of Bourke St victims in calls to hospitals

News.com.au has obtained copies of the videos - which have all been reported to police - but decided not to publish them.

Mr Kusznir also impersonated a family friend of slain schoolgirl Thalia Hakin, 10, in recorded phone calls to two Melbourne hospitals before uploading audio of the conversations to his channel.

Mr Kusznir, a conspiracy theorist, believes the Bourke Street attack never took place and that “no car went down Bourke Street”.

In his online videos he goes as far as to question the injuries sustained by victims in the rampage.

He makes numerous other horrific comments about people hurt in the attack, their families and some general anti-Semitic comments about Jewish people.

Related: Censorship Shock: Amazon.com Bans Investigative Book ‘Nobody Died At Sandy Hook’ Because It Disagrees With Government Version Of What Happened

In one video Mr Kusznir can be heard calling the Royal Melbourne Hospital and telling a receptionist he is an old friend of Thalia’s mother, Nathalie Hakin, who was severely injured in the Bourke St attack on January 20.

No one was hurt or killed in Melbourne.

Please watch the video below for info on Kuwait that some may not be aware of. Peekay Makes Headlines for Melbourne 'Hoax' Peter's Peekay Truth channel is on a two week holiday. His Peekay22 channel is still running if you want to send a message.

RussianVids also has some good coverage on the Melb event. The videos Peter made, including the flowerless, grey room funeral footage have been taken down.

Peekay Makes Headlines for Melbourne 'Hoax'


Further Information: Anaconda MaltLiquor

Anaconda has several short vids explaining how Peter was contacted by police while at a friend's place. His ex wife was also contacted at her work place.

Much hysteria was had. This all happened after a commenter on Peter's videos had been goading him into exposing the jews by claiming he didn't go far enough with the truth telling by not exposing them. Then this happens.

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False Flag Operations - 9/11, Sandy Hook, Boston Bombing and more

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474 Arrested In California Child Trafficking Sting & What Happened To Ben Swann After His #PIZZAGATE Report?
February 6 2017 | From: TheMindUnleashed / DCclothesline / Various

474 people have been arrested in California in a 3 day sting operation called “Operation Reclaim and Rebuild.”

Over 30 federal, state and local law enforcement agencies and task forces participated in the operation, which saved 28 children and 27 adults.

Proof: James Alefantis is Running Massive CIA Finders Child Trafficking Website “KIDZWORLD.COM INC.” | www.kidzworld.com

You are worthy of more. And we will work tirelessly with our partners…to provide you services and help you rebuild your life,” Sheriff Jim McDonald said, addressing the victims during a news conference on Tuesday.

While this is a massive success for the movement to end human and child trafficking, there remains much work to be done. This huge operation will once again bring more conversation around this topic and the need for this issue to be taken even more seriously by the public.

Child and human trafficking is extremely real and is prevalent, even in higher levels of governance, politics and finance.

This latest operation makes it clear too that the alleged Pizza-gate story is one that should not be dismissed without due investigation. We can’t just ignorantly dismiss something because we don’t want to believe it isn’t happening and that it might involve high level politicians and well known elites.

We as a society owe all victims of this terrible crime thorough investigations into possible or suspected trafficking cases.

Related: Pizzagate:. Is it worth investigating? [fresh Infographic with all source links archived]

With that said, even if a person doesn’t believe there is a Pizza-gate happening, the topic and conversation itself deserves attention and proper investigation.

Remember, there has been no official investigation one way or the other regarding the alleged Pizza-gate story that broke due to Wikileaks release of emails from John Podesta back in October 2016.

We must also remember back to when it was alleged that former BBC broadcaster Jimmy Savile was sexually abusing children, but was put off as a “conspiracy theory” only until after he died, when literally hundreds of people came forward to prove that he did sexually abuse children.

Additionally, over the years, the Vatican has paid nearly $4 billion dollars to victims of pedophilia, which stemmed from clergy members abusing children. When it comes to the elite, it doesn’t get much higher than the Vatican.

If the Vatican is involved, there are certainly lower level, but still powerful, groups and organizations involved. The lies and cover-ups are unraveling. Back in November of 2016, there were also two famous UK footballers who went public with information relating to sexual abuse they suffered as children at the hands of elites within the UK football circles.

Also back in the Fall of 2016, the FBI rescued 82 children in a nationwide child-trafficking sting operation.

The Bigger Picture

What we’ve seen in recent months is this topic not only being discussed by many more people around the world, but we are seeing rescues and the truth of the situation come to light.

We are seeing more momentum around this topic. Certainly, at some point the right dot will connect and it will bring down very well-known people and organizations. Additionally, the more arrests that are made, the more likely that one of those people will also be connected with some powerful people and organizations.

Related: Convicted Pedophile Jeffrey Epstein Is Accused Of Another Sex Trafficking Case Involving Girls As Young As 13

Let’s hope that those arrested spill the beans on everything they know and everyone who has been or is involved.Again, this is a very positive sign for all people involved and for humanity itself. The terrible crimes of human and child trafficking are coming to light.

And because more is coming out, it prepares the world for even darker revelations about child trafficking and the global elite syndicate. Fascinating times we are in.

Related Articles:

The Clinton-Silsby Trafficking Scandal And How The Media Covered It Up

Anthony Weiner May Be Charged With Child-Pornography

What Happened To Ben Swann After His #PIZZAGATE Report?

Journalist Ben Swann, typically revered as one of the few mainstream(ish) media reporters who will actually legitimately report on controversial subjects, mysteriously went missing from his social media accounts after he did a real report on the Pizzagate scandal.

While he stated that the evidence was circumstantial and there was no hard proof, Swann actually touched upon some of the strange and worrisome circumstantial Pizzagate evidence… then his social media accounts went dark.

Related: Ben Swann Does A “Reality Check” About Pizzagate On CBS News: Immediate Backlash Ensues + My Name Is Anneke Lucas And I Was A Sex Slave To Europe's Elite At Age 6

YouTube’s Lift the Veil discusses Swann’s mysterious post-Pizzagate “disappearance” here. Is Swann being silenced?

While he stated that the evidence was circumstantial and there was no hard proof, Swann actually touched upon some of the strange and worrisome circumstantial Pizzagate evidence… then his social media accounts went dark.

YouTube’s Lift the Veil discusses Swann’s mysterious post-Pizzagate “disappearance” here. Is Swann being silenced?

Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi

Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi
The Federal Reserve And The Bank Of England Financed The 3rd Reich + International Red Cross Report Confirms The Holocaust Of Six Million Jews Is A Hoax
February 6 2017 | From: DiscloseTV / AustralianNationalReview / RenegadeTribune / Various

It may seem like something that comes as a total surprise to some who know the history of the United States. But apparently, there are reports that Hitler and Germany were financed early on by the United States and the Bank of England.

How is this possible when the United States was on of the leading powers to take down the 3rd Reich during World War II?

Related: What really happened to Hitler and the Third Reich Nazi High Command?

Well, perhaps it should come down to not knowing just who you were dealing with. Much of these financial investments happened in the early to late 1920s.

Which was before the Nazi regime started to show it's true colors and before the outbreak of World War II. Yes, there is no denying that these countries were on opposite sides during the first World War, but perhaps this was a way to try to fix the global economy.

Whatever the reason there is now reports that both the Federal Reserve of the United States and the Bank of England made investments with Germany.

This included investing in Gold Reserves in that country during the era of the Twenties. But as many know the bottom fell out of the stock market in the United States leading the Great Depression in 1929.

Was this a result of these investments and perhaps a plot by Hitler to take down the United States financially?

It is certainly something to ponder about if this is indeed true. Here is a list of some of the events as they took place that has now been documented: 1919 to 1924 - There was a huge American financial investment in the German economy; 1924 to 1929 - financial support for national socialism; 1929 to 1933 - Financial hardship in the United States which resulted in Germany gaining more financial power.

For many it may seem hard to swallow that the United States or Europe for that matter would even contemplate investing in the 3rd Reich and Hitler, but again what did they know at that time. No one had a crystal ball telling them what Hitler was truly about.

There also was no such thing as the Internet at this time, and we sure weren't as connected as we are now. So maybe these reports do have truth to them.

Many say that Hitler was a man who could be quite influential, which could explain the control he had over the Nazi Regime. In any case, this was a decision that the United States and Europe no doubt lived to regret some time later.

Reports Suggest That Hitler Was Financed By Banks In The US And The UK

The large-scale manslaughter and brutal violation of human rights by Hitler will not be forgotten by mankind. However, only a few know that Hitler was reportedly supported throughout with finance from the Federal Reserve and the Bank of England.

According to historian Yuri Rubtsov’s recent write-up that was published in Fort Russ, Rubtsov explained how Germany came to power and why the main culprits should be identified before they embark upon something similar yet again.

In the latest parliamentary assembly of the OSCE, Hitler’s actions were compared to that of the Soviet Union in the 21st Century. Rubtsov says that this is nothing more than a tactic to extort money from Russia on the premise that some weaker economies are affected, and to prevent Russia from speaking out against this decision.

What remains a mystery is, how did the Nazis gain so much power? Where did their finances come from? The main pillars, which controlled development in the West in the post-war period were the Bank of England and the Federal Reserve System.

The plan was to establish absolute control over the German economy and consequently gain control over political happenings in central Europe.

This was achieved in four stages:

1. 1919 to 1924 – Preparations for major American financial investment in Germany

2. 1924 to 1929 – Establishing control over the German financial system and offering support for German National Socialism to develop

3. 1929 to 1933 – Ensuring the Nazis come to power by creating a deep financial crisis in Germany

4. 1933 to 1939 – Providing financial support to the new Nazi government and standing by its expansionist policy, all aimed at starting a new World War

American finance entered Germany with the latter’s war debts and reparations. The U.S., after entering the First World War granted loans to ally countries, especially England and France which amounted to nearly $8.8 billion. In order to make up for this money, debtor countries imposed extremely difficult terms for paying reparations, mostly at the expense of Germany.

Rubtsov explains that the resulting Ruhr crisis only worsened the situation. England and America then waited for France to admit that they aren’t being able to resolve this issue effectively.

English banker Montagu Norman ordered the formation of J.P. Morgan. Hand in glove with Norman, Dresdner Bank Representative Hjalmar Schacht was consequently made the manager of Reichsbank (central bank of Germany from 1876 until 1945).

He was instrumental in bringing the Anglo- American and German financial circles closer. Germany was then given a huge loan of $200 million, half of which came from J.P Morgan. This gave Anglo-American forces power over the German economy and its credit system too, says  Rubtsov.

Soon the results were evident. Germany faced a mountain of perpetual debt. Between 1924 and 1929, 70% of revenue in Germany was provided by the U.S. Therefore, even though German industries achieved the second position in the world, it remained in American hands.

“Interessen-Gemeinschaft Farbenindustrie”, the main producer of German war machines was controlled by Rockefeller “Standard oil”.

General Electric controlled the German electrical industry and radio. Aircraft, automobile and other such manufacturing sectors were also controlled by American companies.

Related: German Secret Societies Hid Ancient Super Weapons from Nazis

By 1933, the major banks of Germany were all under American capital control. The Nazi Party and Hitler were being financed and prepared simultaneously. German Chancellor Brüning wrote about large sums that Hitler received since 1923 through Swedish and Swiss Banks.

Where that money was used is still unknown. In 1922, a meeting took place between Hitler and US army officer Captain Truman Smith in Munich.  Smith introduced him to German businessman Ernst Franz Sedgwick Hanfstaengl (Putzie) who played a crucial role in helping Hitler become a strong politician and ensured he got financial support from Britain.

The American stock exchange collapsed in autumn 1929 and both England and the U.S. stopped sending financial aid to Germany.

Related: Secret Justice Department Report Details How the U.S. Helped Former Nazis

However, notorious industrialist Fritz Thyssen and German chemical industry conglomerate I.G. Farben donated large sums to the Nazi party in 1930 and as the party won, international funding started to come in again.

Two years later, in a secret meeting, Hitler, M. Norman- the largest English financier and German nobleman- von Papen decided on further financing the Nazi Party.

A year later, on January 14th, Hitler’s program received complete approval in yet another meeting where Schroder and Kepler (two key businessmen supporting the Nazi Party) were also present. Hitler was appointed as the Chancellor on January 30th.

Related: Prince Harry: Royal Blood – Royal Nazi?

A sympathetic attitude was taken with the new government and their inability to pay reparations was forgiven. Further investments and policies for financial aid were signed between Germany and England. Standard Oil acquired 730,000 acres of land in Germany to build oil refineries, which would supply the Nazis with oil.

Other American firms such as Douglas, Pratt and Whitney and many others offered financial aid too.

A total American investment of $475 million worth of American investment was keeping Germany afloat when the Second World War was on.

These are histories forgotten by many, but the role of the financial elite in crimes against mankind needs to be recalled, explains Rubtsov.

Related: All Wars Are Bankers' Wars

International Red Cross Report Confirms The Holocaust Of Six Million Jews Is A Hoax

Red Cross exposes “Jewish” HolocaustHoax: International RedCross (IRC) document confirms 271 thousand not 6 million died in concentration camps.

This appeared in Ireland in the Kilkenny Journal and was sent to me by a friend. Here is the link to the original article which I have pasted in full here below:

Official International Red Cross Records Released

Sealed and guarded since the end of WWII at Arolsen, Germany, the Official IRC records reveal the actual Concentration Camp total death toll was 271,301

For years, people around the world – “the West” in particular – have been told that “six million Jews were systematically murdered by Germans in ‘Concentration Camps’ during World War 2.

Thousands of honest people disputing this claim have been viciously smeared as a hateful anti-Semite. Several countries around the world have jailed and heavily fined people for disputing the claim that “6 Million” Jews were killed.

Provided here is a scanned image of an Official International Red Cross document, proving the so-called “Holocaust” [the long-and-often-claimed-6-million Jews] is just plain wrong. Jews around the world have intentionally exaggerated and perpetually lied for the purpose of gaining political, emotional and business advantages for themselves.

They committed willful, criminal FRAUD upon millions of trusting people around the world!

Holocaustianity – exposing the Holocaust Lie #Holyhoax

Please NOTE that the truth has been known since long before 1979!!! The above compiler, replying to a letter, had to rely on information that was already in existence!!!

Tax-payers of Germany, Switzerland, Austria, Latvia, Poland and other nations have had multiple millions of dollars taken from their wages to be paid out to “holocaust survivors” and their descendants for something that DID NOT HAPPEN.

The tax-payers of these United States of America spend Billion$ each year in direct, indirect and military support of the State of Israel (which is not Biblical Israel).

This is intentional, criminal fraud on a scale so massive as to be almost incomprehensible.

Red Cross and East German government figures put the total deaths at every camp as 272.000, and 282,000 respectively which includes homosexuals, communists, gypsies, murderers, paedophiles etc. The 6 Million figure is a Kabbalist number, a magickal figure which featured in news papers in the early 1900’s.

Where do the innocent Germans, Americans and others go to get a refund?

I call for criminal prosecution of individuals and groups who filed false lawsuits to obtain holocaust reparations and financial damage awards and perpetrating deliberate fraud upon Courts. I call for the removal of Holocaust references in History books and educational materials. I call for the removal of Holocaust Memorials worldwide.

It is long overdue that this intentional fraud be halted and those who perpetrated it be brought to justice for over 60 years of National Blood Libel against Germany and other nations through vicious lies and financial fraud.

Two of the most important surveys of the Jewish question in Europe during World War II are David Irvings examination of the Russian archives after the wall came down. Irving published his findings in his book, “Hitler’s War” and said not one word about gas chambers.

When question about this omission he said that there was no reference to gas chambers in the archives and therefore he did not discuss the question of gas chambers. Irving was arrested in several countries for hate speech for his scholarly omission.

Related: The Hidden History Of The Incredibly Evil Khazarian Mafia [Illuminati Cabal Zionists...]

The International Red Cross published their analysis in a three volume “Report of the International Committee of the Red Cross on its Activities during the Second World War” published in Geneva in 1948.

This analysis expanded findings of two previous publications: “Sur L’activite’ du CICR en faveur des civils detencus dans les camps de concentration en Allemagne 1939-1945 (Geneva, 1946) and “Inter Arma Caritas: The Work of the ICRF during the Second World War” (Geneva, 1947).

In 1949 the International Red Cross interviewed prisoners in the German camps. They were not allowed to interview prisoners in the Russian camps which were far more harsh. The German camps held both political prisoners (Schutzhaflinge) and those convicted of crimes. The Germans allowed the Red Cross to distribute food, medicine and clothing to the prisoners.

Grateful prisoners sent letters of thanks from Dachau, Buchenwalk, Sangerhausen, Sachsenhausen, Oranienburg, Flossenburg, Landsberg-am-Lech, Fibha, Ravensbruck, Hamburg-Neuengamme, Mauthausen, Theresienstadt, Auschwitz, Bergen-Belsen and others.

“The principal recipients were Belgians, Dutch, French, Greeks, Italians, Norwegians, Poles and stateless Jews”

- (Vol. III, p. 83.

Regarding Theresienstadt, the Red Cross said, “”where there were about 40,000 Jews deported from various countries, was a relatively privileged ghetto”

- Vol. III, p. 75.

“The Committee’s delegates were able to visit the camp at Theresienstadt (Terezin) which was used exclusively for Jews and was governed by special conditions … From information gathered by the Commmee, this camp had been started as an experiment by certain leaders of the Reich … These men wished to give the Jews the means of setting up a communal life in a town under their own administration and possessing almost complete autonomy … two delegates were able to visit the camp on April 6, 1945.

They confirmed the favourable impression gained on the first visit”

- Vol. I, p. 642.

The ICRC also had praise for the regime of Ion Antonescu of Fascist Rumania where the Committee was able to extend special relief to 183,000 Rumanian Jews until the time of the Soviet occupation.

The aid then ceased and the ICRC complained bitterly that it never succeeded “in sending anything whatsoever to Russia” (Vol. II, p. 62). The same situation applied to many of the German camps after their “liberation” by the Russians.

The ICRC received a voluminous flow of mail from Auschwitz until the period of the Soviet occupation, when many of the internees were evacuated westward. But the efforts of the Red Cross to send relief to internees remaining at Auschwitz under Soviet control were futile.

However. food parcels continued to be sent to former Auschwitz inmates transferred west to such camps as Buchenwald and Oranienburg.

Related: The Crown And The Cross

No Mention of Gas Chambers

One of the most important aspects of the Report of the ICRC is that it clarifies the true cause of those deaths that undoubtedly occurred in the camps towards the end of the war.

Says the Report:

“In the chaotic condition of Germany after the invasion during the final months of the war, the camps received no food supplies at all and starvation claimed an increasing number of victims.

Itself alarmed by this situation, the German Government at last informed the ICRC on February 1, 1945 … In March 1945, discussions between the President of the ICRC and General of the S.S. Kaltenbrunner gave even more decisive results.

Relief could henceforth be distributed by the ICRC and one delegate was authorised to stay in each camp .I.”

- Vol. III, p.83

Clearly, the German authorities were at pains to relieve the dire situation as far as they were able.

The Red Cross are quite explicit in stating that food supplies ceased at this time due to the Allied bombing of German transportation, and in the interests of interned Jews they had protested on March 15, 1944 against “the barbarous aerial warfare of the Allies” (Inter Armet Caritns, p. 78).

By October 2, 1944, the ICRC had warned the German Foreign Office of the impending collapse of the German transportation system, declaring that starvation conditions for people throughout Germany were becoming inevitable.

In dealing with this comprehensive, three-volume Report, it is important to stress that the delegates of the International Red Cross found no evidence whatsoever of ‘gas chambers’.

Were Hitler & Nazism Zionist Creations?

The original 1946 edition did not even talk of ‘extermination’ or ‘death camps’ but after the emotional impact of the Nuremberg trials the Red Cross felt compelled to introduce into the expanded 1948 Report several, very cursory references to ‘death camps’ (Vol. 1 p. 641) and ‘extermination camps’ (Vol. I p. 645).

However, no means of’extermination’ is indicated.

In all its 1,600 pages the three-volume Report does not even mention such a thing as a ‘gas chamber’. It acknowledges that Jews, like many other wartime nationalities, suffered rigours and privations, but’ its complete silence on the subject of’gassings’ is ample refutation of the ‘Holocaust’ legend.

Not All Were Interned

Volume III of the Report of the ICRC, Chapter 3 (I. Jewish Civilian Population) deals with the “aid given to the Jewish section of the free population” and this chapter makes it quite plain that by no means all of the European Jews were placed in internment camps but remained, subject to certain restrictions, as part of the free civilian population.

This conflicts directly with the “thoroughness” of the supposed “extermination programme”, and with the claim in the forged Hoess memoirs that Eichmann was obsessed with seizing every single Jew he could lay his hands on, In Slovakia, for example, where Eichmann’s assistant Dieter Wisliceny was in charge, the Report states that:

“A large proportian of the Jewish minority had permission to stay in the country, and at certain periods Slovakia was looked upon as a comparative haven of refuge for Jews, especially for those coming from Poland.

Those who remained in Slovakia seem to have been in comparative safety until the end of August 1944, when a rising against the German forces took place.

While it is true that the law of May 15, 1942 had brought about the internment of several thousand Jews, these people were held in camps where the conditions of food and lodging were tolerable, and where the internees were allowed to do paid work on terms almost equal to those of the free labour market”

- Vol. I, p. 646

Not only did large numbers of the three million or so European Jews avoid internment altogether, but the emigration of Jews continued throughout the war, generally by way of Hungary, Rumania and Turkey.

Ironically, post-war Jewish emigration from German-occupied territories was also facilitated by the Reich, as in the case of the Polish Jews who had escaped to France before its occupation.

“The Jews from Poland who, whilst in France, had obtained entrance permits to the United States were held to be American citizens by the German occupying authorities, who further agreed to recognise the validity of about three thousand passports issued to Jews by the consulates of South American countries”

- Vol. 1, p. 645

Lessons of Holocaust being forgotten, says Prince Charles

As future U.S. citizens, these Jews were held at the Vittel camp in southern France for American aliens. The emigration of European Jews from Hungary in particular proceeded during the war unhindered by the German authorities.

“Until March 1944,” says the Red Cross Report, “Jews who had the privilege of visas for Palestine were free to leave Hungary”

- Vol. 1, p. 648

Even after the replacement of the Horthy Government in 1944 (following its attempted armistice with the Soviet Union) with a government more dependent on German authority, the emigration of Jews continued.

The Committee secured the pledges of both Britain and the United States:

“To give support by every means to the emigration of Jews from Hungary, ” and from the U.S. Government the ICRC received a message stating that “The Government of the United States… now specifically repeats its assurance that arrangements will be made by it for the care of all Jews who in the present circumstances are allowed to leave”

- Vol. 1, p. 649

Official International Red Cross Records Released Sealed And Guarded Since The End Of WWII At Arolsen, Germany.

The Official IRC Records Reveal The Actual Concentration Camp Total Death Toll Was 271,301

See: Poland reduces Auschwitz death toll estimate to 1 million

The Source of the six million figure is a Talmudic (Jewish Talmud) reference to a future holocaust in which six million Jews die.

The reason why they are claiming six million deaths in Nazi camps, even though that number vastly exceeds the number of Jews in Europe at the time, is because this reference in their scripture is something they fear deeply and wish to prevent at all costs.

The Ashkenazi Jews, which I have experience with honestly believe that prophecy is real, but can be manipulated.

They believe that prophets see into the future, and see what was believed and said, and then write that down as much as they reveal the word of GOD.

SO there is a group of Ashkenazi Jews who wish to make the six million figure HISTORY to prevent it from ever happening in the FUTURE by repeating this number over and over and over into the social concience, in the hope that prophets of old will also latch onto this, and report it as a factual event in the future, which would now be history.

In other words, they believe they can lie themselves a new future. I don’t think so – I think their hardest days are ahead and one thing is certain, the genie is out of the bottle and through the word, the real truth of Fukushima may be like silly putty slowly sinking into the carpet, eventually it will be TOTALLY sunk in the carpet and nothing will get it out.

THIS could cause the six million Jewish deaths the prophecy speaks of, and No, I do not believe they can lie their way out of it.

As a matter of simple mathematics, if there were less than 5,000 Jews in the whole of Europe at the time, and lets guess that one third relocated, that leaves a remainder of around 3 million – not 6 million.

I have a book called “Germany” published by Lonely Planet, ISBN: 1740594711 4th Edition published in MAY 2004 and I quote from page 34 which states: (bottom paragraph)

“ …Another 165 work camps provided labour for big industry including IG Farbendinustrie AG, producer of the cyanide gas Zyclon B that was used in gas chambers to murder over three million Jews.” 

How exactly did we get from 3 million to 6 million?  and how did we get to either number when the Red Cross official death record states  271,301?]

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Holocaust Inquiry II: The Video of Ernst Zundel – He Beat the Zionists in Court with Expert Witnesses

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International Red Cross Records Released

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Trump Outmanoeuvers Soros With Early FEC Form 2 Filing & Democrats Organizing Criminal Coup Against Trump
February 5 2017 | From: Geopolitics / Infowars / Various

Starting January 20th, any Soros non-government organizations may not engage themselves in politicking against the incumbent US President Donald Trump without risking their non-profit status.

This is the legal consequence of the recent Form 2 filing at the Federal Election Commission by the Donald J. Trump for President, Inc.

Related: Did Trump just shut down George Soros’ Attempts to Overthrow his Administration?

Download the document from here

This simple legal foresight means that the Soros-Rothschild camp can only rely on their mainstream media to ruin his term.

But, considering the continued downfall of the mainstream media’s integrity, this action should send another bout of panic for the established system.

There are other countries that are rising up against the system which Soros built along with other likeminded cohorts.

“Hungary has had enough. The nation’s government has declared a battle against organizations funded by George Soros, calling for transparency within foreign-backed NGOs operating in the country. The move has already been condemned by Brussels, but Budapest has long refused to tow the EU line – on refugees, ties with Russia, and other issues.

Can Hungary continue to put its own interests above those proclaimed to be common European interests? We ask Hungarian Foreign Minister Peter Szijjártó.”

- SophieCo

Soros-Funded NGOs Aiming to Bring Down Our Government – Hungarian Foreign Minister

Hungary has had enough. The nation’s government has declared a battle against organizations funded by George Soros, calling for transparency within foreign-backed NGOs operating in the country.

The move has already been condemned by Brussels, but Budapest has long refused to tow the EU line – on refugees, ties with Russia, and other issues. Can Hungary continue to put its own interests above those proclaimed to be common European interests? We ask Hungarian Foreign Minister Peter Szijjártó.

How Beijing and Hong Kong sent billionaire George Soros packing the last time he attacked Asian markets

Zhou Xin

"History doesn’t repeat itself, but it does rhyme, the American humourist Mark Twain is often quoted as saying.

So when billionaire investor George Soros said last week that a hard-landing in the Chinese economy was “unavoidable” and that he was shorting Asian currencies, the country’s central bankers could be forgiven if they recalled the poetic justice of a hard-won financial battle 18 years ago, when Hong Kong was the battlefield and Soros was defeated.

In 1998, Soros, whose aggressive currency trades were blamed for destroying the Thai and Malaysian economies in the Asian financial crisis a year earlier, turned his attention to attacking Hong Kong markets.

On that occasion, Hong Kong, backed by Beijing, faced him with an unprecedented HK$118 billion stock-buying spree to prop up stock prices and defend the currency peg in August 1998.

… In 1998, Soros was forced to walk away from Hong Kong with losses. He later praised the Hong Kong administration’s efforts under then-financial secretary Donald Tsang Yam-kuen.

When Soros visited Hong Kong in 2001 he said local monetary authorities had done “a very good job when they intervened to arrest the collapse of the Hong Kong market”.

Sun Lijian, a professor with Fudan University in Shanghai, said Bejing could adopt capital account control measures and leverage its state-controlled financial system to fend off speculation.

“When Soros blew the war horn in 1997, many domestic companies and individuals in Thailand or Malaysia followed him, instead of their government, to change money into dollars,” said Sun.

“China is different – all the major banks listen to the government, the majority of financial assets are in state hands, and a meeting with the financial bosses can put all of them on the same line.”

- How Beijing and Hong Kong sent billionaire George Soros packing the last time he attacked Asian markets

Related: Soros Insider Demands Military Overthrow Trump

Aside from China and the entire ASEAN Community, Russia also has an axe to grind against anything that has to do with George Soros.

Russia bans Soros charity as ‘security threat’

Kalyeena Makortoff

"Russia has banned a pro-democracy charity founded by hedge fund billionaire George Soros, saying the organization posed a threat to both state security and the Russian constitution.

In a statement released Monday morning, Russia’s General Prosecutor’s Office said two branches of Soros’ charity network - the Open Society Foundations (OSF) and the Open Society Institute (OSI) - would be placed on a “stop list” of foreign non-governmental organizations whose activities have been deemed “undesirable” by the Russian state.

“It was found that the activity of the Open Society Foundations and the Open Society Institute Assistance Foundation represents a threat to the foundations of the constitutional system of the Russian Federation and the security of the state,” a translated version of the press statement read."

- Russia bans George Soros charity as ‘security threat’

George Soros, through his vast network of non-government organizations, has been manipulating the political affairs, not just in Asia, China and Russia, but even in his own province.

Related: Stop Operation Soros (SOS): Massive Movement To Overthrow George Soros Explodes In Macedonia

George Soros’ NGOs exposed manipulating EU elections in 2,500 document hack from DC Leaks

Going through the George Soros leaked email cache is some scary stuff.

The Hungarian Billionaire and his NGOs wield immense power, and the documents that are being shared by DC Leaks show how Soros topples governments and incites civil wars so he can make huge financial profits.

This is an immense trove of Soros NGO minutes, white papers, excel budgets, and media plans that details how Soros and his NGOs run governments and financial institutions from behind the curtain.

You can find the complete, searchable, files at the DCLeaks website, which describe Soros and his network of NGOs as having “slaves spill blood of millions and millions people just to make him even more rich.

George Soros is a Hungarian-American business magnate, investor, philanthropist, political activist and author who is of Hungarian-Jewish ancestry and holds dual citizenship. He drives more than 50 global and regional programs and foundations.

Soros is named as the architect and sponsor of almost every revolution and coup around the world for the last 25 years. Thanks to him and his puppets, USA is thought to be a vampire, not a lighthouse of freedom and democracy.

His slaves spill blood of millions and millions people just to make him even more rich. Soros is an oligarch sponsoring Democratic party, Hillary Clinton, hundreds of politicians all over the world. This website is designed to let everyone take a look at restricted documents of George Soros’ Open Society Foundation and related organisations.

It represents workplans, strategies, priorities and other activities of Soros. These documents shed light on one of the most influential network operating worldwide.

Here is a full list of Soros NGOs manipulating elections in all EU member states, complete with goals of the project, contact persons and grant amounts.

- George Soros’ NGOs exposed manipulating EU elections in 2,500 document hack from DC Leaks

We would like to believe that the self-proclaimed Reformists are steps ahead, not just with this one, but in other arenas as well.

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Alex Jones breaks down growing calls from the establishment left for a military coup to be organized against President Donald Trump.

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