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'It's Time To Hold Physical Cash,' Says One Of Britain's Most Senior Fund Managers
July 8 2015 | From: TheTelegraph

It may be time to put money under the mattress. High profile fund managers explain how to prepare for a 'systemic event'

Ian Spreadbury, who invests more than £4bn of investors’ money across a handful of bond funds for Fidelity, including the flagship Moneybuilder Income fund, is concerned that a “systemic event” could rock markets, possibly similar in magnitude to the financial crisis of 2008, which began in Britain with a run on Northern Rock.

“Systemic risk is in the system and as an investor you have to be aware of that,” he told Telegraph Money.

The best strategy to deal with this, he said, was for investors to spread their money widely into different assets, including gold and silver, as well as cash in savings accounts. But he went further, suggesting it was wise to hold some “physical cash”, an unusual suggestion from a mainstream fund manager.

His concern is that global debt – particularly mortgage debt – has been pumped up to record levels, made possible by exceptionally low interest rates that could soon end, and he is unsure how well banks could cope with the shocks that may await.

He pointed out that a saver was covered only up to £85,000 per bank under the Financial Services Compensation Scheme – which is effectively unfunded – and that the Government has said it will not rescue banks in future, hence his suggestion that some money should be held in physical cash.

He declined to predict the exact trigger but said it was more likely to happen in the next five years rather than 10. The current woes of Greece, which may crash out of the euro, already has many market watchers concerned.

Mr Spreadbury's views are timely, aside from Greece. A growing number of professional investors (see comment, right) and commentators are expressing unease about what happens next. The prices of nearly all assets – property, shares, bonds – have been rising for years. House prices have risen by 26pc since the start of 2009, and by 68pc in London. The FTSE 100 is up by 75pc.

Although it feels counter-intuitive, this trend of rising prices should continue if economies remain weak, because it gives central banks licence to keep rates low and to carry on with their “quantitative easing” programmes.

Conversely, if the economy does pick up and interest rates need to rise, the act of doing so is likely to stall the economy and force them to be reduced again. Once more, demand for those mainstream assets would be rekindled and the asset boom continues.

But then there is the shock event. Daily Telegraph columnist Jeremy Warner also captured some of the concerns this week when he wrote that the trigger for an “inevitable correction” could come from “a clear blue sky – a completely unanticipated event”.

How are fund managers preparing for this gloomy possibility?

Mr Spreadbury sticks to bonds because of the remit of his funds. Within that world, he said a shock to the system would cause a flight to safety and the price of British government bonds, or gilts, would rise sharply. He also holds bonds of companies that would be most protected in times of turmoil – water companies, power network operators – and those where the bonds are secured on a solid asset, such as land or buildings.

Examples include Center Parcs and Intu, which owns shopping centres.

Marcus Brookes, another well regarded fund manager who looks after billions of pounds worth of investments, is less constrained in where he invests, because of the different remit of his funds. Schroder Multi-Manager Diversity, for example, can pick and choose between assets.

Mr Brookes said the probability of a major shock event was small but even he holds 29pc of the Diversity portfolio in cash, a huge proportion compared with most funds. This decision is due to his concern that bonds are overvalued and may fall. He aims to deliver returns of 4pc above inflation so can’t afford to put too much in assets that he believes will lose money.

“The problem is that people are struggling to work out how to diversify if QE programmes stop,” he said.

Mr Spreadbury added: “We have rock-bottom rates and QE is still going on – this is all experimental policy and means we are in uncharted territory."

“The message is diversification. Think about holding other assets. That could mean precious metals, it could mean physical currencies.”

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Leaked: How The Biggest Banks Are Conspiring To Rip Up Financial Regulations Around The World
July 8 2015 | From: InvestmentWatch

It’s almost impossible to keep anything secret these days – not even the core text of a hyper-secret trade deal, the Trade in Services Agreement (TiSA), which has spent the last two years taking shape behind the hermetically sealed doors of highly secure locations around the world.

According to the agreement’s provisional text, the document is supposed to remain confidential and concealed from public view for at least five years after being signed! But now, thanks to WikiLeaks, it has seeped to the surface.

The Really, Really Good Friends of Services

TiSA is arguably the most important – yet least well-known – of the new generation of global trade agreements. According to WikiLeaks, it “is the largest component of the United States’ strategic ‘trade’ treaty triumvirate,” which also includes the Trans Pacific Partnership (TPP) and the TransAtlantic Trade and Investment Pact (TTIP).

“Together, the three treaties form not only a new legal order shaped for transnational corporations, but a new economic ‘grand enclosure,’ which excludes China and all other BRICS countries” declared WikiLeaks publisher Julian Assange in a press statement.

If allowed to take universal effect, this new enclosure system will impose on all our governments a rigid framework of international corporate law designed to exclusively protect the interests of corporations, relieving them of financial risk, and social and environmental responsibility.

Thanks to an innocuous-sounding provision called the Investor-State Dispute Settlement, every investment they make will effectively be backstopped by our governments (and by extension, you and me); it will be too-big-to-fail writ on an unimaginable scale.

Yet it is a system that is almost universally supported by our political leaders. In the case of TiSA, it involves more countries than TTIP and TPP combined: The United States and all 28 members of the European Union, Australia, Canada, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Hong Kong, Iceland, Israel, Japan, Liechtenstein, Mexico, New Zealand, Norway, Pakistan, Panama, Paraguay, Peru, South Korea, Switzerland, Taiwan and Turkey.

Together, these 52 nations form the charmingly named “Really Good Friends of Services” group, which represents almost 70% of all trade in services worldwide.

As WOLF STREET previously reported, one explicit goal of the TiSA negotiations is to overcome the exceptions in GATS that protect certain non-tariff trade barriers such as data protection. For example, the draft Financial Services Annex of TiSA, published by Wikileaks in June 2014, would allow financial institutions, such as banks, to transfer data freely, including personal data, from one country to another – in direct contravention of EU data protection laws.

But that is just the tip of the iceberg. According to the treaty’s Annex on Financial Services, we now know that TiSA would effectively strip signatory governments of all remaining ability to regulate the financial industry in the interest of depositors, small-time investors, or the public at large.

1. TiSA will restrict the ability of governments to limit systemic financial risks.

TiSA’s sweeping market access rules conflict with commonsense financial regulations that apply equally to foreign and domestic firms.

One of those rules means that any governments that seeks to place limits on the trading of derivative contracts - the largely unregulated weapons of mass financial destruction that helped trigger the 2007-08 Global Financial Crisis - could be dragged in front of corporate arbitration panels and forced to pay millions or billions in damages.

2.TiSA will force governments to “predict” all regulations that could at some point fall foul of TiSA.

The leaked TISA text even prohibits policies that are “formally identical” for domestic and foreign firms if they inadvertently “modif[y] the conditions of competition” in favor of domestic firms:

For example, many governments require all banks to maintain a minimum amount of capital to guard against bank collapse.

Even if the same minimum is required of domestic and foreign-owned banks alike, it could be construed as disproportionately impacting foreign-owned banks… This common financial protection could thus be challenged under TISA for “modifying the conditions of competition” in favor of domestic banks, despite governments’ prerogative to ensure the stability of foreign-owned banks operating in their territory.

3. TiSA will indefinitely bar new financial regulations that do not conform to deregulatory rules.

Signatory governments will essentially agree not to apply new financial policy measures which in any way contradict the agreement’s emphasis on deregulatory measures.

4. TiSA will prohibit national governments from using capital controls to prevent or mitigate financial crises.

As we are seeing in Greece right now, capital controls are terrible. But for a government facing the complete breakdown of the financial system, they serve as a last resort for restoring some semblance of order.

Even the IMF, which urged countries to abandon capital controls in the Washington Consensus years of the 1990s, recently endorsed capital controls as a means of maintaining the stability of the financial system.
But if TiSA is signed, the signatory governments will be prohibited from using them:

The leaked texts prohibit restrictions on financial inflows – used to prevent rapid currency appreciation, asset bubbles and other macroeconomic problems – and financial outflows, used to prevent sudden capital flight in times of crisis.

5. TiSA will require acceptance of financial product not yet in invented.

Despite the pivotal role that new, complex financial products played in the Financial Crisis, TISA would require governments to allow all new financial products and services, including ones not yet invented, to be sold within their territories.

6. TiSA will provide opportunities for financial firms to delay financial regulations.

If signed, TISA will require governments to address financial firms’ criticism of a regulatory proposal when publishing a final version of the regulation. Even then, governments would be obliged to wait a “reasonable time” before allowing the new regulation to take effect.

In the United States, such requirements have produced delays sometimes lasting years in the enactment of urgently needed financial and other safeguards. If the same process is applied across the globe, it would make it almost impossible for government to constrain the activities of the world’s largest banks.

What that would likely mean is that when (not if) a new global financial crisis takes place in the not-too-distant future, the banks will once again be on hand to lead efforts to clean up and rebuild with taxpayer money the very sector that they themselves have destroyed. Lather, rinse, repeat. Only this time, on an even grander scale. By Don Quijones, Raging Bull-Shit.

Global banking behemoth HSBC is not having a good 2015. Now, is it just in dire financial straits? Read…  Does HSBC Know Something Other Banks Don’t?

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CAFR (Comprehensive Annual Financial Report) Collateral Accounts:
Taxes And Government Fraud Against Citizens Around The World
July 7 2015 | From: CAFR1

The Comprehensive Annual Financial Report (CAFR) Swindle - The Biggest Game In Town

Taxes are no longer necessary. This video exposes a deliberate and massive swindle that is perpetrated by every government agency from your local school district all the way up to the State / Federal / National governments.

This brief video does an excellent job of exposing how the 'budget' scheme actually operates and how local and national government has been systematically screwing us all since - forever. Warning: this will make you furious!

Below the video is an earlier article re-posted with more information. It is so critical that the public are aware of this information - the governments and their sellout politicians know what they are doing and must be held accountable.

A key agenda behind the CAFR swindle is ensuring that communities and countries never make any real progress and in fact degrade over time. It's all part of the Agenda 21 / NWO grand plan.

Unmasking The CAFR Scam In Your Country / City / Town / Council
August 11 2014 | From: Rense / RealityBlogger | See Update Below

It is perhaps not widely known that governments and councils use complicated accounting practices to hide their wealth from the people, providing 'justification' for rates hikes and other methods of wealth extraction.

In a world where council rates and infrastructure costs are conitinually on the increase, in most places the CAFR (Comprehensive Annual Financial Report) Accounting system is used, which hides wealth and provides the 'powers that be' with more reason to financially rape and pillage the people.

While much of the content below pertains to the US, the principles in play with CAFR Accounting are used in most countries.

Examples include:

New Zealand Treasury Annual Report

Australia Treasury Annual Report

Melbourne City Annual Report

Australia Government - Department of Finance and De-regulation

Australia Future Funds ($100 billion) and “Nation Building Fund

Government of Canada (Annual Financial Report)

Montreal, Canada (Annual Financial Report)

Ireland National Pension Reserve Fund scheme

Belfast City Council Annual Financial Report

The British Monarchy

City of London Police Department

Welsh Government

Japan Finance Corporation

What Are CAFRs?

First, what is a CAFR? A CAFR (Comprehensive Annual Financial Report) is government's complete accounting of "Net Worth".

It has been reported that trillions of collective dollars not shown in government Budget reports are shown through Government CAFR reports and they are virtually never openly-discussed by the syndicated NEWS media, both the Democratic and Republican Party members, the House, Senate, and organized public education.

With, and being that the CAFR is "the" accounting document for every local government, and with it being effectively "BLACKED OUT" for open mention over the last 60 years, that this fact of intentional omission of coverage is the biggest conspiracy that has ever taken effect in the United States. Read more at: Rense

As more and more cities, counties, districts, and states across America falsely declare their near - insolubility, bankruptcy warnings, fiscal deficits, and budgetary quandaries, I am left with the sinking feeling that “the people” just can’t wrap their heads around how to point out these misleading and downright fallacious claims made by their councils, mayors, and professional con-men in places of public trust.

So today I want to share with you a simple way to factually stand before your local or state political “leaders” and give indisputable proof that, when stating the “facts” about their own budget shortfalls, limited choices, and necessary raising of your hard-earned monies as taxation (revenue) to “balance the budget”, your own little criminal syndicate of elected mayors and council men and women are lying bold-faced to the entire citizenry through the act of subterfuge and omission.

This little factoid is uniform throughout the entirety of the financial structure of government, as reported in the audited Comprehensive Annual Financial Report and required by Federal and State laws. It is always reported in the same fashion and under the same heading as all other governments (municipal corporations).

The figures are not disputable. The truth is unshakable. And yet the doublespeak will never end… For even as you present this one simple line item to the scoundrels themselves behind their raised and protective pedestals, they will still attempt to deny what is undeniable, be it in ignorance or in deceit; usually a mix of both.

Read the full story at: RealityBlogger

Update: How The New Zealand [And Other Western Countries] Government Hides Billions (Trillions) In Slush Funds
October 9 2014 | From Narkive

C.A.F.R. (Comprehensive Annual Financial Report) Hidden / Stolen 'Cream' - Trillions In Surplus

Globally, The Biggest Financial Scandal In History / Annals Of Mankind

Playing in the derivitives market John Key was selected to become NZ PM / US Federal Reserve Bank / Israeli operative

Billions (Trillions) in profitable investments

Convincing you that the government is financially in trouble when the government has trillions of dollars in slush funds

Budget reports: Only need to show what is necessary to meet obligations

Transactions for local governments are missing

Total investment revenue is missing

Total income figures are missing

Total worth is missing

Surplus cream ($) is not mentioned [exposure of manufactured debt = loss of control]

United Nations (1946) created CAFR to take over and steal wealth

Only shows shortfall of budgetary revenue versus annual operating costs for the year, never shows 'cream'

45% of revenues invested internationally best rate of return

Free trade agreements (NAFTA / GATT / TPPA) ultimate purpose: Governments investing in foreign corporations extending their profits with slaves in China

Government agencies are lying to you when they say there is a need for taxation to pay for services already provided for

The New Zealand people NEVER profit from the investments - massive hidden surpluses

United States Statistics

Local and federal US Government owns approximately 70% of stock market listed companies

70% of Dow Jones (30) owned by composite government funds

Prison industry (Correctional Corporation of America) is the #1 industry in America. New Zealand Prime Minister John Key moves towards that end in New Zealand

US Federal $30 Trillion cream at top not reported

Total non-signatory to the 1740 Waitangi Treaty (with amusing numerous versions), this Tainui Kiingitanga warrior demands from the New Zealand government [the following]:

1. What Is The Total Cash Gross Receipts Income ?

2. What Are The Total Investments ?

3. What Is The Net Worth ?

4. What Is The Investment Growth ? 5, 10, 25 Years In The Future ?

5. What Are The Liquid Assets ? (Billions / Trillions)

We Know Know That The Constant Cries For More Taxation Are Entirely Bogus:

New Zealand CAFR (Comprehensive Annual Financial Report) where literally hundreds of Billions of dollars are hidden or not listed / discussed by the same banker controlled media.

Not Readily Listed:

Taxation and selling of government assets is the massive conspiracy, when the hidden surplus of Trillions of dollars
is not discussed by the bankers and government controlled media

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Capitalism Has Become Socially Dysfunctional
July 7 2015 | From: PaulCraigRoberts / TruthOut

If you have not read John Perkins’ book, Confessions Of An Economic Hit Man, you should. The book is easy to read and explains clearly from the inside how US corporations deceive foreign governments into debts that they cannot service or repay and then use the IMF and World Bank as looting mechanisms and reduce the indebted countries to penury.

Capitalism has become a socially dysfunctional system focused on pillage and not on the growth of consumer income that sustains and grows markets for goods and services. Once the last prospect is looted, there is nothing left to sustain capitalism.

Related: Greeks Vote NO To EU-Imposed Austerity

In this interview John Perkins describes the looting process in Greece. Tomorrow the Greek people face the same decision that the people in Iceland and Ireland faced. In Iceland the people rejected the debts and refused to pay them. Now Iceland is recovering. Somehow the feisty Irish were brainwashed into accepting austerity programs so that the looting of Ireland could continue, and Ireland continues to suffer. Sunday will tell us if Greeks have learned from the examples.

Related: Troika Lenders are Terrorists!

How Greece [And The World] Has Fallen Victim To "Economic Hit Men"

"Greece is being 'hit', there's no doubt about it,"
exclaims John Perkins, author of Confessions of an Economic Hit Man, noting that "[Indebted countries] become servants to what I call the corporatocracy ... today we have a global empire, and it's not an American empire. It's not a national empire... It's a corporate empire, and the big corporations rule."

John Perkins, author of Confessions of an Economic Hit Man, discusses how Greece and other eurozone countries hve become the new victims of "economic hit men."

John Perkins is no stranger to making confessions. His well-known book, Confessions of an Economic Hit Man, revealed how international organizations such as the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and the World Bank, while publicly professing to "save" suffering countries and economies, instead pull a bait-and-switch on their governments:

Promising startling growth, gleaming new infrastructure projects and a future of economic prosperity - all of which would occur if those countries borrow huge loans from those organizations.

Far from achieving runaway economic growth and success, however, these countries instead fall victim to a crippling and unsustainable debt burden.

That's where the "economic hit men" come in: seemingly ordinary men, with ordinary backgrounds, who travel to these countries and impose the harsh austerity policies prescribed by the IMF and World Bank as "solutions" to the economic hardship they are now experiencing.

Men like Perkins were trained to squeeze every last drop of wealth and resources from these sputtering economies, and continue to do so to this day. In this interview, which aired on Dialogos Radio, Perkins talks about how Greece and the eurozone have become the new victims of such "economic hit men."

Michael Nevradakis: In your book, you write about how you were, for many years, a so-called "economic hit man." Who are these economic hit men, and what do they do?

John Perkins: Essentially, my job was to identify countries that had resources that our corporations want, and that could be things like oil - or it could be markets - it could be transportation systems. There're so many different things.

Once we identified these countries, we arranged huge loans to them, but the money would never actually go to the countries; instead it would go to our own corporations to build infrastructure projects in those countries, things like power plants and highways that benefitted a few wealthy people as well as our own corporations, but not the majority of people who couldn't afford to buy into these things, and yet they were left holding a huge debt, very much like what Greece has today, a phenomenal debt.

“[Indebted countries] become servants to what I call the corporatocracy ... today we have a global empire, and it's not an American empire. It's not a national empire ... It's a corporate empire, and the big corporations rule."

And once [they were] bound by that debt, we would go back, usually in the form of the IMF - and in the case of Greece today, it's the IMF and the EU [European Union] - and make tremendous demands on the country:

Increase taxes, cut back on spending, sell public sector utilities to private companies, things like power companies and water systems, transportation systems, privatize those, and basically become a slave to us, to the corporations, to the IMF, in your case to the EU, and basically, organizations like the World Bank, the IMF, the EU, are tools of the big corporations, what I call the "corporatocracy."

And before turning specifically to the case of Greece, let's talk a little bit more about the manner in which these economic hit men and these organizations like the IMF operate. You mentioned, of course, how they go in and they work to get these countries into massive debt, that money goes in and then goes straight back out. You also mentioned in your book these overly optimistic growth forecasts that are sold to the politicians of these countries but which really have no resemblance to reality.

Exactly, we'd show that if these investments were made in things like electric energy systems that the economy would grow at phenomenally high rates. The fact of the matter is, when you invest in these big infrastructure projects, you do see economic growth, however, most of that growth reflects the wealthy getting wealthier and wealthier; it doesn't reflect the majority of the people, and we're seeing that in the United States today.

"In the case of Greece, my reaction was that 'Greece is being hit.' There's no question about it."

For example, where we can show economic growth, growth in the GDP, but at the same time unemployment may be going up or staying level, and foreclosures on houses may be going up or staying stable. These numbers tend to reflect the very wealthy, since they have a huge percentage of the economy, statistically speaking.

Nevertheless, we would show that when you invest in these infrastructure projects, your economy does grow, and yet, we would even show it growing much faster than it ever conceivably would, and that was only used to justify these horrendous, incredibly debilitating loans.

Is there a common theme with respect to the countries typically targeted? Are they, for instance, rich in resources or do they typically possess some other strategic importance to the powers that be?

Yes, all of those. Resources can take many different forms:

One is the material resources like minerals or oil; another resource is strategic location; another resource is a big marketplace or cheap labor.

So, different countries make different requirements. I think what we're seeing in Europe today isn't any different, and that includes Greece.

What happens once these countries that are targeted are indebted? How do these major powers, these economic hit men, these international organizations come back and get their "pound of flesh," if you will, from the countries that are heavily in debt?

By insisting that the countries adopt policies that will sell their publicly owned utility companies, water and sewage systems, maybe schools, transportation systems, even jails, to the big corporations.

Privatize, privatize. Allow us to build military bases on their soil. Many things can be done, but basically, they become servants to what I call the corporatocracy.

You have to remember that today we have a global empire, and it's not an American empire. It's not a national empire. It doesn't help the American people very much. It's a corporate empire, and the big corporations rule.

They control the politics of the United States, and to a large degree they control a great deal of the policies of countries like China, around the world.

John, looking specifically now at the case of Greece, of course you mentioned your belief that the country has become the victim of economic hit men and these international organizations . . . what was your reaction when you first heard about the crisis in Greece and the measures that were to be implemented in the country?

I've been following Greece for a long time. I was on Greek television. A Greek film company did a documentary called "Apology of an Economic Hit Man," and I also spent a lot of time in Iceland and in Ireland.

I was invited to Iceland to help encourage the people there to vote on a referendum not to repay their debts, and I did that and encouraged them not to, and they did vote no, and as a result, Iceland is doing quite well now economically compared to the rest of Europe. Ireland, on the other hand: I tried to do the same thing there, but the Irish people apparently voted against the referendum, though there's been many reports that there was a lot of corruption.

"That's part of the game: convince people that they're wrong, that they're inferior. The corporatocracy is incredibly good at that."

In the case of Greece, my reaction was that "Greece is being hit." There's no question about it. Sure, Greece made mistakes, your leaders made some mistakes, but the people didn't really make the mistakes, and now the people are being asked to pay for the mistakes made by their leaders, often in cahoots with the big banks.

So, people make tremendous amounts of money off of these so-called "mistakes," and now, the people who didn't make the mistakes are being asked to pay the price. That's consistent around the world: We've seen it in Latin America. We've seen it in Asia. We've seen it in so many places around the world.

This leads directly to the next question I had: From my observation, at least in Greece, the crisis has been accompanied by an increase in self-blame or self-loathing; there's this sentiment in Greece that many people have that the country failed, that the people failed . . . there's hardly even protest in Greece anymore, and of course there's a huge "brain drain" - there's a lot of people that are leaving the country. Does this all seem familiar to you when comparing to other countries in which you've had personal experience?

Sure, that's part of the game: Convince people that they're wrong, that they're inferior. The corporatocracy is incredibly good at that, whether it is back during the Vietnam War, convincing the world that the North Vietnamese were evil; today it's the Muslims.

It's a [deliberately devisive] policy of them versus us:

We are good. We are right. We do everything right. You're wrong. And they play us like fools against one another.

And in this case, all of this energy has been directed at the Greek people to say "you're lazy; you didn't do the right thing; you didn't follow the right policies," when in actuality, an awful lot of the blame needs to be laid on the financial community that encouraged Greece to go down this route.

And I would say that we have something very similar going on in the United States, where people here are being led to believe that because their house is being foreclosed that they were stupid, that they bought the wrong houses; they overspent themselves.

"We know that austerity does not work in these situations."

The fact of the matter is their bankers told them to do this, and around the world, we've come to trust bankers - or we used to. In the United States, we never believed that a banker would tell us to buy a $500,000 house if in fact we could really only afford a $300,000 house.

We thought it was in the bank's interest not to foreclose. But that changed a few years ago, and bankers told people who they knew could only afford a $300,000 house to buy a $500,000 house.

"Tighten your belt, in a few years that house will be worth a million dollars; you'll make a lot of money" . . . in fact, the value of the house went down; the market dropped out; the banks foreclosed on these houses, repackaged them, and sold them again.

Double whammy. The people were told, "you were stupid; you were greedy; why did you buy such an expensive house?"

But in actuality, the bankers told them to do this, and we've grown up to believe that we can trust our bankers. Something very similar on a larger scale happened in so many countries around the world, including Greece.

In Greece, the traditional major political parties are, of course, overwhelmingly in favor of the harsh austerity measures that have been imposed, but also we see that the major business and media interests are also overwhelmingly in support. Does this surprise you in the slightest?

No, it doesn't surprise me and yet it's ridiculous because austerity does not work. We've proven that time and time again, and perhaps the greatest proof was the opposite, in the United States during the Great Depression, when President Roosevelt initiated all these policies to put people back to work, to pump money into the economy. That's what works. We know that austerity does not work in these situations.

"What I didn't realize during any of this period was how much corporatocracy does not want a united Europe."

We also have to understand that, in the United States for example, over the past 40 years, the middle class has been on the decline on a real dollar basis, while the economy has been increasing. In fact, that's pretty much happened around the world [and by design].

Globally, the middle class has been in decline. Big business needs to recognize - it hasn't yet, but it needs to recognize - that that serves nobody's long-term interest, that the middle class is the market. And if the middle class continues to be in decline, whether it's in Greece or the United States or globally, ultimately businesses will pay the price; they won't have customers [which is great if your intention is to crash the system].

Henry Ford once said: "I want to pay all my workers enough money so they can go out and buy Ford cars." That's a very good policy. That's wise. This austerity program moves in the opposite direction and it's a foolish policy.

In your book, which was written in 2004, you expressed hope that the euro would serve as a counterweight to American global hegemony, to the hegemony of the US dollar. Did you ever expect that we would see in the European Union what we are seeing today, with austerity that is not just in Greece but also in Spain, Portugal, Ireland, Italy, and also several other countries as well?

What I didn't realize during any of this period was how much corporatocracy does not want a united Europe. We need to understand this. They may be happy enough with the euro, with one currency - they are happy to a certain degree by having it united enough that markets are open - but they do not want standardized rules and regulations.

Let's face it, big corporations, the corporatocracy, take advantage of the fact that some countries in Europe have much more lenient tax laws, some have much more lenient environmental and social laws, and they can pit them against each other.

"[Rafael Correa] ... has to be aware that if you stand up too strongly against the system, if the economic hit men are not happy, if they don't get their way, then the jackals will come in and assassinate you or overthrow you in a coup."

What would it be like for big corporations if they didn't have their tax havens in places like Malta or other places? I think we need to recognize that what the corporatocracy saw at first, the solid euro, a European union seemed like a very good thing, but as it moved forward, they could see that what was going to happen was that social and environmental laws and regulations were going to be standardized.

They didn't want that, so to a certain degree what's been going on in Europe has been because the corporatocracy wants Europe to fail, at least on a certain level.

You wrote about the examples of Ecuador and other countries, which after the collapse of oil prices in the late '80s found themselves with huge debts and this, of course, led to massive austerity measures . . . sounds all very similar to what we are now seeing in Greece. How did the people of Ecuador and other countries that found themselves in similar situations eventually resist?

Ecuador elected a pretty remarkable president, Rafael Correa, who has a PhD in economics from a United States university.

He understands the system, and he understood that Ecuador took on these debts back when I was an economic hit man and the country was ruled by a military junta that was under the control of the CIA and the US.

That junta took on these huge debts, put Ecuador in deep debt; the people didn't agree to that. When Rafael Correa was democratically elected, he immediately said;

"We're not paying these debts; the people did not take on these debts; maybe the IMF should pay the debts and maybe the junta, which of course was long gone - moved to Miami or someplace - should pay the debts, maybe John Perkins and the other economic hit men should pay the debts, but the people shouldn't."

And since then, he's been renegotiating and bringing the debts way down and saying, "We might be willing to pay some of them."

That was a very smart move; it reflected similar things that had been done at different times in places like Brazil and Argentina, and more recently, following that model, Iceland, with great success.

I have to say that Correa has had some real setbacks since then . . . he, like so many presidents, has to be aware that if you stand up too strongly against the system, if the economic hit men are not happy, if they don't get their way, then the jackals will come in and assassinate you or overthrow you in a coup.

There was an attempted coup against him; there was a successful coup in a country not too far away from him, Honduras, because these presidents stood up.

We have to realize that these presidents are in very, very vulnerable positions, and ultimately we the people have to stand up, because leaders can only do a certain amount. Today, in many places, leaders are not just vulnerable; it doesn't take a bullet to bring down a leader anymore.

A scandal - a sex scandal, a drug scandal - can bring down a leader. We saw that happen to Bill Clinton, to Strauss-Kahn of the IMF; we've seen it happen a number of times. These leaders are very aware that they are in very vulnerable positions:

If they stand up or go against the status quo too strongly, they're going to be taken out, one way or another.

They're aware of that, and it behooves we the people to really stand up for our own rights.

You mentioned the recent example of Iceland . . . other than the referendum that was held, what other measures did the country adopt to get out of this spiral of austerity and to return to growth and to a much more positive outlook for the country?

It's been investing money in programs that put people back to work and it's also been putting on trial some of the bankers that caused the problems, which has been a big uplift in terms of morale for the people.

So Iceland has launched some programs that say;

"No, we're not going to go into austerity; we're not going to pay back these loans; we're going to put the money into putting people back to work,"

- and ultimately that's what drives an economy, people working.

If you've got high unemployment, like you do in Greece today, extremely high unemployment, the country's always going to be in trouble. You've got to bring down that unemployment, you've got to hire people.

It's so important to put people back to work. Your unemployment is about 28 percent; it's staggering, and disposable income has dropped 40 percent and it's going to continue to drop if you have high unemployment.

So, the important thing for an economy is to get the employment up and get disposable income back up, so that people will invest in their country and in goods and services.

In closing, what message would you like to share with the people of Greece, as they continue to experience and to live through the very harsh results of the austerity policies that have been implemented in the country for the past three years?

I want to draw upon Greece's history. You're a proud, strong country, a country of warriors. The mythology of the warrior to some degree comes out of Greece, and so does democracy! And to realize that the marketplace is a democracy today, and how we spend our money is casting our ballot.

Most political democracies are corrupt, including that of the United States. Democracy is not really working on a governmental basis because the corporations are in charge. But it is working on a market basis. I would encourage the people of Greece to stand up: Don't pay off those debts; have your own referendums; refuse to pay them off; go to the streets and strike.

And so, I would encourage the Greek people to continue to do this.

Don't accept this criticism that it's your fault, you're to blame, you've got to suffer austerity, austerity, austerity. That only works for the rich people; it does not work for the average person or the middle class.

Build up that middle class; bring employment back; bring disposable income back to the average citizen of Greece. Fight for that; make it happen; stand up for your rights; respect your history as fighters and leaders in democracy, and show the world!

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Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi

The Emergence Of Orwellian Newspeak And The Death Of Free Speech
July 6 2015 | From: Rutherford

How do you change the way people think? You start by changing the words they use.

In totalitarian regimes - a.k.a. police states - where conformity and compliance are enforced at the end of a loaded gun, the government dictates what words can and cannot be used. In countries where the police state hides behind a benevolent mask and disguises itself as tolerance, the citizens censor themselves, policing their words and thoughts to conform to the dictates of the mass mind.

“If you don’t want a man unhappy politically, don’t give him two sides to a question to worry him; give him one. Better yet, give him none. Let him forget there is such a thing as war. If the government is inefficient, top-heavy, and tax-mad, better it be all those than that people worry over it….

Give the people contests they win by remembering the words to more popular songs or the names of state capitals or how much corn Iowa grew last year. Cram them full of noncombustible data, chock them so damned full of ‘facts’ they feel stuffed, but absolutely ‘brilliant’ with information.

Then they’ll feel they’re thinking, they’ll get a sense of motion without moving. And they’ll be happy, because facts of that sort don’t change.”

- Ray Bradbury, Fahrenheit 451

Even when the motives behind this rigidly calibrated reorientation of societal language appear well-intentioned - discouraging racism, condemning violence, denouncing discrimination and hatred - inevitably, the end result is the same: intolerance, indoctrination and infantilism.

It’s political correctness disguised as tolerance, civility and love, but what it really amounts to is the chilling of free speech and the demonizing of viewpoints that run counter to the cultural elite.

As a society, we’ve become fearfully polite, careful to avoid offense, and largely unwilling to be labeled intolerant, hateful, closed-minded or any of the other toxic labels that carry a badge of shame today.

The result is a world where no one says what they really think anymore, at least if it runs counter to the prevailing views. Intolerance is the new scarlet letter of our day, a badge to be worn in shame and humiliation, deserving of society’s fear, loathing and utter banishment from society.

For those “haters” who dare to voice a different opinion, retribution is swift: they will be shamed, shouted down, silenced, censored, fired, cast out and generally relegated to the dust heap of ignorant, mean-spirited bullies who are guilty of various “word crimes.”

We have entered a new age where, as commentator Mark Steyn notes;

We have to tiptoe around on ever thinner eggshells” and “the forces of ‘tolerance’ are intolerant of anything less than full-blown celebratory approval.”

In such a climate of intolerance, there can be no freedom speech, expression or thought.

Yet what the forces of political correctness fail to realize is that they owe a debt to the so-called “haters” who have kept the First Amendment robust. From swastika-wearing Neo-Nazis marching through Skokie, Illinois, and underaged cross burners to “God hates fags” protesters assembled near military funerals, those who have inadvertently done the most to preserve the right to freedom of speech for all have espoused views that were downright unpopular, if not hateful.

Until recently, the U.S. Supreme Court has reiterated that the First Amendment prevents the government from proscribing speech, or even expressive conduct, because it disapproves of the ideas expressed.

However, that long-vaunted, Court-enforced tolerance for “intolerant” speech has now given way to a paradigm in which the government can discriminate freely against First Amendment activity that takes place within a government forum. Justifying such discrimination as “government speech,” the Court ruled that the Texas Dept. of Motor Vehicles could refuse to issue specialty license plate designs featuring a Confederate battle flag. Why? Because it was deemed offensive.

The Court’s ruling came on the heels of a shooting in which a 21-year-old white gunman killed nine African-Americans during a Wednesday night Bible study at a church in Charleston, N.C. The two events, coupled with the fact that gunman Dylann Roof was reportedly pictured on several social media sites with a Confederate flag, have resulted in an emotionally charged stampede to sanitize the nation’s public places of anything that smacks of racism, starting with the Confederate flag and ballooning into a list that includes the removal of various Civil War monuments.

These tactics are nothing new. This nation, birthed from puritanical roots, has always struggled to balance its love of liberty with its moralistic need to censor books, music, art, language, symbols etc. As author Ray Bradbury notes, “There is more than one way to burn a book. And the world is full of people running about with lit matches.”

Indeed, thanks to the rise of political correctness, the population of book burners, censors, and judges has greatly expanded over the years so that they run the gamut from left-leaning to right-leaning and everything in between.

By eliminating words, phrases and symbols from public discourse, the powers-that-be are sowing hate, distrust and paranoia. In this way, by bottling up dissent, they are creating a pressure cooker of stifled misery that will eventually blow.

For instance, the word “Christmas” is now taboo in the public schools, as is the word “gun.” Even childish drawings of soldiers result in detention or suspension under rigid zero tolerance policies.

On college campuses, trigger warnings are being used to alert students to any material they might read, see or hear that might upset them, while free speech zones restrict anyone wishing to communicate a particular viewpoint to a specially designated area on campus. Things have gotten so bad that comedians such as Chris Rock and Jerry Seinfeld refuse to perform stand-up routines to college crowds anymore.

Clearly, the world is undergoing a nervous breakdown, and the news media is helping to push us to the brink of insanity by bombarding us with wall-to-wall news coverage and news cycles that change every few days.

In this way, it’s difficult to think or debate, let alone stay focused on one thing - namely, holding the government accountable to abiding by the rule of law - and the powers-that-be understand this.

As I document in my book Battlefield America: The War on the American People, regularly scheduled trivia and/or distractions keep the citizenry tuned into the various breaking news headlines and entertainment spectacles and tuned out to the government’s steady encroachments on our freedoms. These sleight-of-hand distractions and diversions are how you control a population, either inadvertently or intentionally, advancing a political agenda agenda without much opposition from the citizenry.

Professor Jacques Ellul studied this phenomenon of overwhelming news, short memories and the use of propaganda to advance hidden agendas. “One thought drives away another; old facts are chased by new ones,” wrote Ellul.

“Under these conditions there can be no thought. And, in fact, modern man does not think about current problems; he feels them. He reacts, but he does not understand them any more than he takes responsibility for them.

He is even less capable of spotting any inconsistency between successive facts; man’s capacity to forget is unlimited. This is one of the most important and useful points for the propagandists, who can always be sure that a particular propaganda theme, statement, or event will be forgotten within a few weeks.

Already, the outrage over the Charleston shooting and racism are fading from the news headlines, yet the determination to censor the Confederate symbol remains. Before long, we will censor it from our thoughts, sanitize it from our history books, and eradicate it from our monuments without even recalling why. The question, of course, is what’s next on the list to be banned?

It was for the sake of preserving individuality and independence that James Madison, the author of the Bill of Rights, fought for a First Amendment that protected the “minority” against the majority, ensuring that even in the face of overwhelming pressure, a minority of one - even one who espouses distasteful viewpoints - would still have the right to speak freely, pray freely, assemble freely, challenge the government freely, and broadcast his views in the press freely.

This freedom for those in the unpopular minority constitutes the ultimate tolerance in a free society. Conversely, when we fail to abide by Madison’s dictates about greater tolerance for all viewpoints, no matter how distasteful, the end result is always the same: an indoctrinated, infantilized citizenry that marches in lockstep with the governmental regime.

Some of this past century’s greatest dystopian literature shows what happens when the populace is transformed into mindless automatons. In Ray Bradbury’s Fahrenheit 451, reading is banned and books are burned in order to suppress dissenting ideas, while televised entertainment is used to anesthetize the populace and render them easily pacified, distracted and controlled.

In Aldous Huxley’s Brave New World, serious literature, scientific thinking and experimentation are banned as subversive, while critical thinking is discouraged through the use of conditioning, social taboos and inferior education. Likewise, expressions of individuality, independence and morality are viewed as vulgar and abnormal.

And in George Orwell’s 1984, Big Brother does away with all undesirable and unnecessary words and meanings, even going so far as to routinely rewrite history and punish “thoughtcrimes.” In this dystopian vision of the future, the Thought Police serve as the eyes and ears of Big Brother, while the Ministry of Peace deals with war and defense, the Ministry of Plenty deals with economic affairs (rationing and starvation), the Ministry of Love deals with law and order (torture and brainwashing), and the Ministry of Truth deals with news, entertainment, education and art (propaganda).


All three - Bradbury, Huxley and Orwell - had an uncanny knack for realizing the future, yet it is Orwell who best understood the power of language to manipulate the masses. Orwell’s Big Brother relied on Newspeak to eliminate undesirable words, strip such words as remained of unorthodox meanings and make independent, non-government-approved thought altogether unnecessary. To give a single example, as psychologist Erich Fromm illustrates in his afterword to 1984:

“The word free still existed in Newspeak, but it could only be used in such statements as "This dog is free from lice" or "This field is free from weeds." It could not be used in its old sense of "politically free" or "intellectually free," since political and intellectual freedom no longer existed as concepts...."

Where we stand now is at the juncture of OldSpeak (where words have meanings, and ideas can be dangerous) and Newspeak (where only that which is “safe” and “accepted” by the majority is permitted). The power elite has made their intentions clear:

They will pursue and prosecute any and all words, thoughts and expressions that challenge their authority.

This is the final link in the police state chain.

Having been reduced to a cowering citizenry - mute in the face of elected officials who refuse to represent us, helpless in the face of police brutality, powerless in the face of militarized tactics and technology that treat us like enemy combatants on a battlefield, and naked in the face of government surveillance that sees and hears all - we have nowhere left to go.

Our backs are to the walls. From this point on, we have only two options: go down fighting, or capitulate and betray our loved ones, our friends and our selves by insisting that, as a brainwashed Winston Smith does at the end of Orwell’s 1984, yes, 2+2 does equal 5.

Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi

Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi

The Idiot Cycle: What You Aren't Being Told About Cancer
July 6 2015 | From: JPSFilms

The award-wnning documentary The Idiot Cycle (2009) about the companies involved in producing toxic chemicals, cancer treatments and genetically modified crops.

The Idiot Cycle is a 2009 French-Canadian documentary which alleges that six major chemical companies are responsible for decades of cancer causing chemicals and pollution, and also develop cancer treatments and drugs.

It also argues these companies own the most patents on genetically modified crops that have never been tested for long term health impacts like cancer.

Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi

Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi

Dr. Andrew Moulden: Every Vaccine Produces Harm
& An Open Letter To Legislators Currently Considering Vaccine Legislation From Tetyana Obukhanych, PhD In Immunology
July 5 2015 | From: VaccineImpact / ThinkingMomsRevolution

Canadian physician Dr. Andrew Moulden provided clear scientific evidence to prove that every dose of vaccine given to a child or an adult produces harm. The truth that he uncovered was rejected by the conventional medical system and the pharmaceutical industry.

Nevertheless, his warning and his message to America remains as a solid legacy of the man who stood up against big pharma and their program to vaccinate every person on the Earth.

Dr Moulden died unexpectedly in November of 2013 at age 49.

Because of the strong opposition from big pharma concerning Dr. Moulden’s research, I became concerned that the name of this brilliant researcher and his life’s work had nearly been deleted from the internet. His reputation was being disparaged, and his message of warning and hope was being distorted and buried without a tombstone.

I prepared a series of articles as a tribute to a great physician and as a memorial to a courageous individual who was not afraid to speak the truth about medical corruption and a flawed healthcare system that does more to harm health than it does to cure disease.

This is the first in a series of four articles about Dr. Moulden — the man, the physician, and the powerful advocate for ending all vaccine use. In future articles, I will summarize his detailed scientific evidence, which shows how vaccine damage occurs. I will explain the common mechanisms behind vaccine damage and how vaccines harm the health of everyone who receives them regardless of whether or not they notice any adverse reactions at the time they take the shots.

Dr. Moulden stated:

" What we have done to each other [with vaccines] has produced the most profound damage to humankind by humankind in the history of humanity. And the reason why we got here is partly because of:

1. Our arrogance in thinking that we know everything. In physiology and medicine we do not know everything!

2. [Our greed] to advance our own self-interest to make money, to sell products and to advance corporate alliances. Commercialization has overtaken the fundamental human value of “do unto others as you would have others do unto you.”

When society turns toward this human value, then we would all be working together for the greater good of each other. [However, other values have become more important] I don’t care whose feet I step on or how I get there as long as my American dream is realized. I don’t care who has to pay for it on the way of getting there."

Dr. Moulden’s Credibility

Was Dr. Moulden a crackpot as some sources claim, or was he a brilliant physician and researcher? This series of articles will set the record straight, and summarize the contribution that his work has made to medical knowledge.

When I evaluate the credibility of people who are unknown to me, I begin by seeking answers to a few basic questions. For example: Is this person offering opinion, or can he or she back up the claims with valid science? Does he have educational credentials? Are there other physicians and scientists who support his or her beliefs and recommendations? Is this person controlled by the pharmaceutical industry, allopathic medical associations, or the US FDA (US Food and Drug Administration)? And finally, what do Quackwatch and their friends have to say about the person?

Dr. Moulden had a PhD in Clinical Psychology and Neuropsychology. He had a master’s degree in child development, and was also a medical doctor. His work was respected by other researchers who don’t march to the drumbeat of the pharmaceutical companies. Dr. Moulden was a threat to the pharmaceutical industry, and their Quackwatch family of 21 related websites treated him as an enemy.

Resigning from Medical Practice to Testify on Vaccine Safety

Dr. Moulden resigned from his medical practice in 2007 to travel throughout North America delivering the message that every dose of any and all vaccine types causes harm to those who receive it. He stated:

“As many know, I officially quit my medical career in 2007. I did this in order to travel around North America to do research into vaccine safety and to present my research on vaccine safety across Canada and the United States. I only spoke the truth. I was not well received."

During those years, he showed that many cases of Shaken Baby Syndrome were actually vaccine-related damage. His testimony freed many parents from false accusations that they had abused their infants.

Retreat from Public View: Attacks and Death Threats

In 2010 Dr. Moulden disappeared from public view. He stated:

“In 2010-11 I returned to my PhD training to complete a full year accredited Clinical Neuropsychology internship at the Baycrest Center for Geriatric Care in Toronto. During this time I also taught a University course on Health Medicine at York University in Toronto. I stopped talking about my research and vaccines.

The Public Health Department advocated that I NOT be allowed to return to clinical medicine as they were incensed by the message (truth) of my lectures and teaching prior to ‘disappearing.’ The only way I was allowed to return to organized medicine to work with medical patients was if I signed a contract drawn up by the public health department which states:

1) I am mentally ill and therefore my research and teachings on vaccine safety were delusional.

2) I am not allowed, whatsoever, to speak or present my research or views on vaccine safety, in public, at all, as a condition of being allowed to return to clinical medicine, receiving a medical license, and for maintaining that license."

Even before Dr. Moulden retreated from public view, a group of professional character assassins went to work to destroy his reputation in any way possible. They published lies and deceptions on the internet and did everything possible to bring him down. After he retreated, his websites were hacked and access to his teachings was largely destroyed. Yes, there were even death threats.

The Mysterious Death of Dr. Andrew Moulden

The death of Andrew Moulden is shrouded in mystery. Some sources say he had a heart attack and others say he committed suicide.

A colleague of Dr. Moulden who wishes to remain anonymous reported to Health Impact News that he/she had contact with him two weeks before he died in 2013.

Dr. Moulden told our source and a small number of trusted colleagues in October of 2013 that he was about to break his silence and would be releasing new information that would be a major challenge to the vaccine business of big pharma.

He was ready to come back. Even though he had been silent, he had never stopped his research.

Then, two weeks later, Dr. Moulden suddenly died.

Dr. Moulden was about to release a body of research and treatments, which could have destroyed the vaccine model of disease management, destroyed a major source of funding for the pharmaceutical industry, and at the same time seriously damaged the foundation of the germ theory of disease.

Death Threats Against Vaccine Critics are not Unusual

In another case of vaccine damage cover-up, Dr. Garth Nicolson received death threats. He was part of a research team that became aware of biological warfare testing that was done on prisoners in Texas. The biological warfare agents later showed up in vaccines that were given to US service personnel during the Persian Gulf Wars. The result was thousands of cases of Gulf War Syndrome and vaccine-related deaths.

Professor Emeritus Garth L. Nicolson, PhD, is the President, Chief Scientific Officer and Research Professor of Molecular Pathology at the Institute for Molecular Medicine in Huntington Beach, California, and has taught in medical schools in the US and Australia. He is one of the most often cited scientists in America today.

Dr. Nicolson explained what happened to him when he and others learned about the Texas prison experiments and the vaccine damage that occurred among US troops in the Gulf War. He stated:

“We were actually forced to leave Texas. I was an endowed full professor and department chair at the University of Texas and I literally had to leave Texas because it became too dangerous. Several of my colleagues died.

My boss was shot in the back of the head in his office, because he was going to blow the whistle on the prison testing experiments. So, it became very dangerous."

Preserving Dr. Moulden’s Legacy

The powers who wish to suppress the work of Dr. Moulden have done a very good job of erasing most all of the information that was once available on the internet. Before it all disappears, I would like to take the time to summarize some of his teachings.

In this article, and in those that follow, I will condense the key points from the 6 hour video series called “Tolerance Lost.” At the moment, this is still available on YouTube.com. The information was given in three videos, which are presented on YouTube in 51 segments.

If you want to hear Dr. Moulden explain his findings, then I highly recommend spending the time watching his videos. The images of vascular and brain physiology are very instructive as are the numerous photos of children, Gulf War veterans, and other adults who display visible signs of vaccine damage.

Listen to Dr. Moulden in his own words give evidence to the mechanisms that cause vaccine damage in “Tolerance Lost.” See the evidence of vaccine damage in the faces of children.

Listen to a presentation from Dr. Moulden that summarizes key principles of his Research.

I have also used various other resources for preparing this summary. There are a few transcripts of interviews given by Dr. Moulden and three chapters from an unfinished book [8] that are still available on the internet. Text was collected and summarized from all of these sources.

In some cases I needed to do additional research to fill in the details that were not fully explained by Dr. Moulden in these resources. My independent research also confirmed the facts of blood physiology and neurological functioning that Dr. Moulden described.

How the Germ Theory of Disease Produced the Vaccine Era

Most people, myself included, were taught that every disease has a single cause. Thus, if we want to prevent that disease, then all we need to do is eradicate the cause of the disease. Once we do this, then the disease will disappear from the face of the Earth.

According to this theory, if there is a disease, then there must be a single cause, which could be a bacteria, virus, parasite, or some type of environmental exposure. We might not understand the process of how a microbe, for example might cause illness or death, we only need to be reasonably confident that the microbe is associated with the disease.

In other words, germs cause disease and we can stop the spread of infectious diseases through the use of vaccines, which are supposed to give the body immunity against experiencing disease. In theory, vaccines create a situation in the human body where exposure to a disease causing pathogen no longer triggers the disease.

The vaccine era that started in earnest in the middle of the 1800s was a direct outgrowth of the belief in the germ theory of disease. The vaccine movement took a giant leap forward in the late 1950s after the so-called polio epidemic supposedly threatened the lives of thousands. The high visibility of the epidemic in the media produced great fear, which made Americans eager to take the polio shot and eat the vaccine-laced sugar cubes as soon as they became available.

We were told that we should be proud of the dedicated researchers and their American ingenuity which led to the creation of the first polio vaccine in the 1950s. Whether or not the polio vaccine was effective and whether it actually caused more deaths than would have been caused by the wild polio virus is still hotly argued. But one thing is clear, the marketing of that vaccine caused Americans to become believers in the health preserving power of vaccines.

Dr. Moulden Rejected the Theory that Modern Diseases are Caused by a Single Agent

Dr. Moulden challenged the single cause germ theory of disease. He, along with a select group of other physicians and scientists, recognize that we can no longer think in terms of a single germ causing a single disease.

The modern epidemic of syndromes and diseases that began to afflict us in the last half of the twentieth century, and continues to afflict us today, are the product of multiple causes that work together to bring about disability, disease, and death. The multiple causes produce multiple illnesses and syndromes.

Many, in fact most all, physicians and scientists still cling to the single cause single disease way of thinking. The pharmaceutical industry develops its drugs in the same way. Every problem, every illness, every disease can be treated by a specific substance of their creation. Of course their treatments rarely cure disease, they just treat symptoms. When the symptoms disappear, then the problem is resolved as far as they are concerned.

Dr. Moulden rejected this way of thinking, because he knew that it was failing to cure people from what ailed them. It was based on flawed and ineffective medical science. He chose not to stay within the confines of mainstream medical thinking, but insisted on getting out of the box and looking deeper than most anyone else was willing to look.

People who get out of the box are always criticized, attacked, and threatened by the established order, especially when a person clearly has more training and expertise than those who are doing the criticizing.

Dr. Moulden had a PhD and a medical degree. His education focused on brain functioning and psychological/behavioral responses to brain dysfunction. He could see what other people didn’t see, because few people had his background or his tenacity to look beyond conventional medical diagnosis and treatment. He pulled together different aspects of science to create a comprehensive model of disease, which could explain numerous modern diseases.

Dr. Moulden Could not Ignore the Fact that Vaccines were the Greatest Threat to Human Health

Based on his training and clinical experience, Dr. Moulden could not ignore the fact that vaccines were the greatest threat to human health in the twentieth and twenty-first centuries. He could not ignore it, because it was literally staring him in the eyes as he looked at the faces of his patients. He could see the evidence of cranial nerve damage caused by vaccines when he observed the abnormal facial expressions and movements of the eyes of those who had been exposed to vaccines.

Dr. Moulden was convinced that the widespread use of large numbers of vaccines did not mark the beginning of a new age of disease-free living, rather they introduced a new era of universal sickness.

Vaccine Damage does not Produce just a Single Symptom

Vaccine damage does not produce just a single symptom; rather the reactions are many and varied. Additionally vaccine reactions can occur shortly after receiving the injection or they can occur years later. Often, the reactions only become noticeable after many doses of different vaccines have been given.

The variability in reactions and the unpredictable time frame for reaction gives the pharmaceutical industry and the medical establishment that they control, the statistical confidence to assert that vaccines do not produce harm. If they don’t see a large number of adverse reactions of a single type within a specific short time period, then they conclude that harm was not produced.

The US is the #1 in number of vaccines injected into babies prior to age 1 year

We are told that vaccines are so safe, that a child could receive 10,000 vaccines and not have an adverse reaction, yet the pharmaceutical industry has never done twenty-year longitudinal studies to even measure what happens to children who receive 69 or more doses of vaccine during the first 18 years of life.

They have not done it and they will not do it, because they know that vaccine damage would be revealed. They also will never compare the health history of vaccinated children with unvaccinated children. It is estimated that one million children in the US have not received any vaccinations.

So, it would be easy to compare vaccinated and unvaccinated children. But if this was done, the results would prove that vaccines do in fact cause illness, disability, and death.

Dr. Moulden was convinced beyond a shadow of a doubt that vaccines do cause harm. He saw the evidence of disability, lifelong suffering, and premature death. Those of us who are willing to think outside of the box that has been created by the pharmaceutical industry accept the fact that vaccine damage represents a broad spectrum of conditions and syndromes, which can be traced back to vaccine use and exposure to various environmental toxins.

Damage from Vaccines and from Environmental Exposures

Dr. Moulden understood that vaccines were a serious problem, but he also recognized that numerous environmental factors could also cause modern diseases.

The combination of vaccine use, pesticide exposure, chemicals in food, toxic chemicals in the water and air, to name a few, are all working together to destroy our health, damage our fertility, and decrease the world population. He also understood that poor nutrition increased the severity of vaccine reactions.

Primary Mechanisms in Vaccines that Cause Harm

Dr. Moulden identified two primary mechanisms that explain how vaccines and environmental toxins cause the numerous neurodevelopmental diseases that have spread through the United States, Canada, and other so-called developed countries. The two components are M.A.S.S. and zeta potential. These will be discussed in detail in the next articles. At this time I just want to introduce you to M.A.S.S. (Moulden Anoxia Spectrum Syndromes).

The damage to human health that occurs from vaccines and environmental toxins interferes with normal blood flow and triggers extreme immune system reactions. The result is oxygen deprivation at the microvascular (capillary) level. The capillaries are the smallest blood vessels in the body. It is estimated that the human body has 600,000 miles of capillaries.

When blood flow is stopped and oxygen is no longer available to cells in certain highly sensitive areas, then cellular damage and normal body functioning will be damaged. When this happens in the brain and the digestive system, autism and other neurodevelopmental conditions can develop. Essentially, vaccines, certain environmental toxins, and poor nutrition can create conditions in which tiny strokes occur in microvascular regions of the body.

Read the full story at: VaccineImpact

An Open Letter to Legislators Currently Considering Vaccine Legislation from Tetyana Obukhanych, PhD in Immunology


Dear Legislator:

My name is Tetyana Obukhanych.  I hold a PhD in Immunology.  I am writing this letter in the hope that it will correct several common misperceptions about vaccines in order to help you formulate a fair and balanced understanding that is supported by accepted vaccine theory and new scientific findings.

Do unvaccinated children pose a higher threat to the public than the vaccinated?

It is often stated that those who choose not to vaccinate their children for reasons of conscience endanger the rest of the public, and this is the rationale behind most of the legislation to end vaccine exemptions currently being considered by federal and state legislators country-wide.  You should be aware that the nature of protection afforded by many modern vaccines – and that includes most of the vaccines recommended by the CDC for children – is not consistent with such a statement. 

I have outlined below the recommended vaccines that cannot prevent transmission of disease either because they are not designed to prevent the transmission of infection (rather, they are intended to prevent disease symptoms), or because they are for non-communicable diseases.  People who have not received the vaccines mentioned below pose no higher threat to the general public than those who have, implying that discrimination against non-immunized children in a public school setting may not be warranted.

1. IPV (inactivated poliovirus vaccine) cannot prevent transmission of poliovirus (see appendix for the scientific study, Item #1). Wild poliovirus has been non-existent in the USA for at least two decades. Even if wild poliovirus were to be re-imported by travel, vaccinating for polio with IPV cannot affect the safety of public spaces.  Please note that wild poliovirus eradication is attributed to the use of a different vaccine, OPV or oral poliovirus vaccine.  Despite being capable of preventing wild poliovirus transmission, use of OPV was phased out long ago in the USA and replaced with IPV due to safety concerns.

2. Tetanus is not a contagious disease, but rather acquired from deep-puncture wounds contaminated with C. tetani spores. Vaccinating for tetanus (via the DTaP combination vaccine) cannot alter the safety of public spaces; it is intended to render personal protection only.

3. While intended to prevent the disease-causing effects of the diphtheria toxin, the diphtheria toxoid vaccine (also contained in the DTaP vaccine) is not designed to prevent colonization and transmission of C. diphtheriae. Vaccinating for diphtheria cannot alter the safety of public spaces; it is likewise intended for personal protection only.

4. The acellular pertussis (aP) vaccine (the final element of the DTaP combined vaccine), now in use in the USA, replaced the whole cell pertussis vaccine in the late 1990s, which was followed by an unprecedented resurgence of whooping cough. An experiment with deliberate pertussis infection in primates revealed that the aP vaccine is not capable of preventing colonization and transmission of B. pertussis (see appendix for the scientific study, Item #2). The FDA has issued a warning regarding this crucial finding.

Furthermore, the 2013 meeting of the Board of Scientific Counselors at the CDC revealed additional alarming data that pertussis variants (PRN-negative strains) currently circulating in the USA acquired a selective advantage to infect those who are up-to-date for their DTaP boosters (see appendix for the CDC document, Item #3), meaning that people who are up-to-date are more likely to be infected, and thus contagious, than people who are not vaccinated.

5. Among numerous types of H. influenzae, the Hib vaccine covers only type b. Despite its sole intention to reduce symptomatic and asymptomatic (disease-less) Hib carriage, the introduction of the Hib vaccine has inadvertently shifted strain dominance towards other types of H. influenzae (types a through f). These types have been causing invasive disease of high severity and increasing incidence in adults in the era of Hib vaccination of children (see appendix for the scientific study, Item #4).  The general population is more vulnerable to the invasive disease now than it was prior to the start of the Hib vaccination campaign.  Discriminating against children who are not vaccinated for Hib does not make any scientific sense in the era of non-type b H. influenzae disease.

6. Hepatitis B is a blood-borne virus
. It does not spread in a community setting, especially among children who are unlikely to engage in high-risk behaviors, such as needle sharing or sex. Vaccinating children for hepatitis B cannot significantly alter the safety of public spaces.  Further, school admission is not prohibited for children who are chronic hepatitis B carriers.  To prohibit school admission for those who are simply unvaccinated – and do not even carry hepatitis B – would constitute unreasonable and illogical discrimination.

In summary, a person who is not vaccinated with IPV, DTaP, HepB, and Hib vaccines due to reasons of conscience poses no extra danger to the public than a person who is.  No discrimination is warranted.

How often do serious vaccine adverse events happen?

It is often stated that vaccination rarely leads to serious adverse events.  Unfortunately, this statement is not supported by science.  A recent study done in Ontario, Canada, established that vaccination actually leads to an emergency room visit for 1 in 168 children following their 12-month vaccination appointment and for 1 in 730 children following their 18-month vaccination appointment (see appendix for a scientific study, Item #5).

When the risk of an adverse event requiring an ER visit after well-baby vaccinations is demonstrably so high, vaccination must remain a choice for parents, who may understandably be unwilling to assume this immediate risk in order to protect their children from diseases that are generally considered mild or that their children may never be exposed to.

Can discrimination against families who oppose vaccines for reasons of conscience prevent future disease outbreaks of communicable viral diseases, such as measles?

Measles research scientists have for a long time been aware of the “measles paradox.” I quote from the article by Poland & Jacobson (1994) “Failure to Reach the Goal of Measles Elimination: Apparent Paradox of Measles Infections in Immunized Persons.” Arch Intern Med 154:1815-1820:

The apparent paradox is that as measles immunization rates rise to high levels in a population, measles becomes a disease of immunized persons.”

Further research determined that behind the “measles paradox” is a fraction of the population called LOW VACCINE RESPONDERS.  Low-responders are those who respond poorly to the first dose of the measles vaccine.  These individuals then mount a weak immune response to subsequent RE-vaccination and quickly return to the pool of “susceptibles’’ within 2-5 years, despite being fully vaccinated.

Re-vaccination cannot correct low-responsiveness: it appears to be an immuno-genetic trait. The proportion of low-responders among children was estimated to be 4.7% in the USA.

Studies of measles outbreaks in Quebec, Canada, and China attest that outbreaks of measles still happen, even when vaccination compliance is in the highest bracket (95-97% or even 99%, see appendix for scientific studies, Items #6&7). This is because even in high vaccine responders, vaccine-induced antibodies wane over time.  Vaccine immunity does not equal life-long immunity acquired after natural exposure.

It has been documented that vaccinated persons who develop breakthrough measles are contagious.  In fact, two major measles outbreaks in 2011 (in Quebec, Canada, and in New York, NY) were re-imported by previously vaccinated individuals.

Taken together, these data make it apparent that elimination of vaccine exemptions, currently only utilized by a small percentage of families anyway, will neither solve the problem of disease resurgence nor prevent re-importation and outbreaks of previously eliminated diseases.

Is discrimination against conscientious vaccine objectors the only practical solution?

The majority of measles cases in recent US outbreaks (including the recent Disneyland outbreak) are adults and very young babies, whereas in the pre-vaccination era, measles occurred mainly between the ages 1 and 15.  Natural exposure to measles was followed by lifelong immunity from re-infection, whereas vaccine immunity wanes over time, leaving adults unprotected by their childhood shots.  Measles is more dangerous for infants and for adults than for school-aged children.

Despite high chances of exposure in the pre-vaccination era, measles practically never happened in babies much younger than one year of age due to the robust maternal immunity transfer mechanism. 

The vulnerability of very young babies to measles today is the direct outcome of the prolonged mass vaccination campaign of the past, during which their mothers, themselves vaccinated in their childhood, were not able to experience measles naturally at a safe school age and establish the lifelong immunity that would also be transferred to their babies and protect them from measles for the first year of life.

Luckily, a therapeutic backup exists to mimic now-eroded maternal immunity.  Infants as well as other vulnerable or immunocompromised individuals, are eligible to receive immunoglobulin, a potentially life-saving measure that supplies antibodies directed against the virus to prevent or ameliorate disease upon exposure (see appendix, Item #8).

In summary:

1) due to the properties of modern vaccines, non-vaccinated individuals pose no greater risk of transmission of polio, diphtheria, pertussis, and numerous non-type b H. influenzae strains than vaccinated individuals do, non-vaccinated individuals pose virtually no danger of transmission of hepatitis B in a school setting, and tetanus is not transmissible at all;

2) there is a significantly elevated risk of emergency room visits after childhood vaccination appointments attesting that vaccination is  not risk-free; 3) outbreaks of measles cannot be entirely prevented even if we had nearly perfect vaccination compliance; and 4) an effective method of preventing measles and other viral diseases in vaccine-ineligible infants and the immunocompromised, immunoglobulin, is available for those who may be exposed to these diseases.

Taken together, these four facts make it clear that discrimination in a public school setting against children who are not vaccinated for reasons of conscience is completely unwarranted as the vaccine status of conscientious objectors poses no undue public health risk. 

Sincerely Yours,

Tetyana Obukhanych, PhD

Tetyana Obukhanych, PhD, is the author of the book Vaccine Illusion.  She has studied immunology in some of the world’s most prestigious medical institutions. She earned her PhD in Immunology at the Rockefeller University in New York and did postdoctoral training at Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA and Stanford University in California.

Dr. Obukhanych offers online classes for those who want to gain deeper understanding of how the immune system works and whether the immunologic benefits of vaccines are worth the risks:  Natural Immunity Fundamentals.

To read the Appendix for this article at the source, click here.

Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi

Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi

Proposal To Temporarily Sterilise All New Zealand Teenage Females Should Raise Serious Red Flags
June 24 2015 | From: LeadingEdge / NewZealandHerald

Yesterday the NZ media featured coverage of a new proposal that has been put forward by two “senior” academics from the University of Otago, who would like to see all young New Zealand females temporarily sterilised with long-acting chemical contraceptive implants.

In their ideal vision for the future of New Zealand young people, these academics would like temporary sterilisation to be the default policy that young girls would have to deliberately be opted out of if they didn’t want their new and still-developing fertility to be chemically shut down for months or years at a time.

Related: Schools Implant IUDs in Girls as Young as 6th Grade Without Their Parents Knowing

No, this is not the plot of some dystopian novel or film, this really is a policy that a couple of NZ academics apparently now seriously consider to be a good idea.

To put things mildly: there is a lot to be concerned about with this proposal.

Eugenics and population control anyone?

Firstly, these academics don’t seemed to have considered the possible impacts that temporarily sterilising an entire population of females from a very young age could have.

As far as I am aware, no attempt at the population-wide temporary sterilisation of very young females, whose physiology is still new and still developing, has ever been attempted – meaning that the outcome of such an experimental scheme is totally unknown.

We are talking here about synthetic hormonal interference with the female fertility system while that system is still very young and developing, and there is no reliable way of knowing how such interference could turn out (for all of us) in the long-run.

We already know that chemical contraceptives are an environmental pollutant that end up in waterways, and from there cause harms to wildlife populations. Imagine how devastating this environmental impact could become if every female in NZ was temporarily sterilised with these agents at a young age?

Then there are the eugenic memories from recent history that make mass sterilisation (even if it is reversible) a very unpalatable idea for most people today – the Nazis experimented with ways of trying to sterilise entire female Jewish populations, and in Apartheid South-Africa a similar sterilisation scheme was attempted on Black Africans.

Then there were the forced sterilisations of those considered to be ‘defective’ that took place in the United States of America prior to, and after World War II – not to mention those that took place in other parts of the world as well last century.

I think people are right to be extremely wary of any attempt to introduce any sort of mass sterilisation programmes – even temporary chemical sterilisations – because these can very easily morph into state-mandated sterilisation programmes for economic or social reasons (the old saying: ‘absolute power corrupts absolutely’ is still as true today as it was the day when it was first uttered.)

And none of this even touches on the negative impact that synthetic hormonal contraceptives can have on female health and wellbeing, or the fact that such a scheme would not actually do anything to alleviate the far more serious problem of sexually transmitted diseases.

(By the way, I hoped everyone took notice of the fact that these academics have rightly pointed out that condoms have a failure rate of 18% per annum (that’s 18 pregnancies per year, for every 100 couples using condoms) – which makes condoms only 4% more effective than the woefully unreliable withdrawal method! This is important, because pregnancy can only occur for a very limited window each month (due to the way that female fertility works). Sexually transmitted diseases, on the other hand, can be transmitted 24/7 – meaning that condoms are a far less reliable form of protection against sexual disease than some people wrongly believe and tout them to be.)

I think that most people are rightly very concerned by this proposal for the automatic temporary sterilisation of all young New Zealand females – and for lots of very good reasons.

For me, one of the most troubling aspects of this proposal is the way in which it so flippantly treats normal healthy female fertility as if it were something that needs to be shut down or medicated against – like we would a disease, or some other physiological problem.

At the end of the day, this proposal would actually create far more social problems, and expose us to far more risks and unknown factors than we are currently experiencing in this country – which is precisely why I think that it is one of the worst health policy proposals that has been mooted in this country in quite some time.

Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi

Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi
The Lies And Deception Known As The European Union + We Are All Greeks:
Understanding The Economic Collapse Of Greece And The Subsequent Impacts On The Global Economy

July 3 2015 | From: Geopolitics / PaulCraigRoberts / Various

We’ve long known that trade pacts and organized economic blocks are not really instituted for our benefit but for facilitating totalitarian control in its grandest scale, and the recent leaking of the IMF document, emphasizing the futility for Greece to have accepted the Troika’s terms, only proves that sinister objective even more.

Related: IMF has made €2.5 billion profit out of Greece loans

Related: Do you know the truth about the EU?

How about BRICS? Is it not just another NWO sleight of hand?

We would like to believe that it is not. For one thing, every member in the AIIB and NDB banks of the BRICS have equal voting rights irrespective of GDP size. Otherwise, China would dominate everyone which should defeat the very purpose of establishing an alternative world bank and is obviously not the reason why governments are jumping into the bandwagon,  as one might find below.

In contrast, the European Union is, as events unfolded for the last five months, a patently undemocratic institution that is shove right into the throats of the Europeans solely for the purpose of making them incapable of derailing the advancement of vested interests of the political and banking elite.

The IMF was just lying and playing dice on the fate of the Greeks all along…

Austerity not enough to save Greece – Leaked IMF documents

Even if Greece accepted all of the austerity measures demanded by its main creditors, the Troika, it still would not be able to make ends meet by 2030, according to IMF estimates revealed in a set of documents obtained by a German newspaper.

The most optimistic scenario shows that Greece would face an unsustainable debt in 2030 even if it agreed to the package of tax increases and spending cuts proposed by the European commission, the European Central Bank and the IMF in exchange for a five-month €15.5bn loan from its creditors.

These prospects were outlined in six documents that were part of the “final” proposal offered to Greece by the three main creditors on Friday. The papers were obtained by the German newspaper Süddeutsche Zeitung and seen by The Guardian.

The estimates provide support for Greece’s decision not to accept the bailout deal. They prove that for Greece to survive economically, it needs real debt relief measures, not austerity reforms.

According to the IMF, Greece would be unable to sustain a debt level of 118% of GDP. In 2012, the organization said that 110% of GDP is the highest debt threshold the country could take on. Currently the country’s debt level amounts to 175% of GDP, and that percentage could easily rise if the country were to slip into recession.

The documents stressed that even if Greece posted stellar economic growth for 15 years, the debt level would still be higher than 110% of GDP, adding that Greece had no chance of meeting that target.n Even if the economy managed to maintain a growth rate of 4% a year for the next five years, the national debt level would only decline to 124%.

“It is clear that the policy slippages and uncertainties of the last months have made the achievement of the 2012 targets impossible under any scenario,” one of six secret documents, titled the Preliminary Debt Sustainability Analysis for Greece, stated.

There are also mentions of much needed “significant concessions,” but no specifics are revealed.

The files were reportedly sent to all German MPs for review and approval, but were never voted on since Greek Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras rejected the proposal and called for a referendum.

Other documents reveal further details about the proposed deal. For example, there is a description of how Greece would eventually gain access to €15 billion. The plan was to consist of five separate tranches beginning as soon as June. They were said to cover Greece’s immediate financing needs, with 93% of the money going towards paying the cost of maturing debt.

Other details were about reforms Greece should be forced to implement if it were to accept the proposal. The debate over pension reforms was particularly heated. The documents show that the three creditors wanted substantial reform, including changes to early retirement penalties and the phasing out the solidarity grant (EKAS).

Late on Tuesday evening, Greece became the first developed country to default on its international obligations, after the IMF confirmed that it had failed to receive the €1.5 billion debt payment from Athens that was due by the end of June 30.

IMF spokesman Gerry Rice said in a statement that Greece had asked for a payment extension earlier on Tuesday and that the Fund’s board would consider it “in due course.” This was largely expected by the markets. Greek Finance Minister Yanis Varoufakis had warned earlier that Greece would not be able to make its IMF debt payment on time.

It is still unclear how the Greek debt saga will play out, as the Europgroup, made up of eurozone finance ministers, prepares to meet on Wednesday to discuss new proposals from the Greek government.

Related: Greece Intends to Become A BRICS Member

Related: China Ratifies the Creation of BRICS bank

Understanding the Economic Collapse of Greece (8 Minute Video)

This video might be helpful to those who are only now becoming aware of the implications the Greek default will have on the global economy. Share with your friends and family.

Greece Again Can Save The West - Paul Craig Roberts

Like Marathon, Thermopylae, Plateau and Mycale roughly 2,500 years ago, Western freedom again depends on Greece. Today Washington and its empire of European vassal states are playing the part of the Persian Empire, and belatedly the Greeks have formed a government, Syriza, that refuses to submit to the Washington Empire.

Few people understand that the fate of Western liberty, what remains of it, is at stake in the conflict, and, indeed, the fate of life on earth. Certainly the German government does not understand. Sigmar Gabriel, a German vice-chancellor, has declared the Greek government to be a threat to the European order. What he means by the “European order” is the right of the stronger countries to loot the weaker ones.

The “Greek crisis” is not about debt. Debt is the propaganda that the Empire is using to subdue sovereignty throughout the Western world.

The Greek government asked the collection of nations that comprise the “democratic” European Union for one week’s extension on the debt in order for the Greek people to give their approval or disapproval of the harsh terms being imposed on Greece by the EU commission, the EU Central Bank, and the IMF with Washington’s insistence.

The answer from Europe and the IMF and Washington was “NO.”

The Greek government was told that democracy doesn’t apply when creditors are determined to make Greek citizens pay for the creditors’ mistakes with reduced pensions, reduced health care, reduced education, reduced employment, and reduced social services.

The position of the Empire is that the Greek people are responsible for the mistakes of their foreign creditors, and the Greek people must pay for their creditors’ mistakes, especially those mistakes enabled by Goldman Sachs.

As has been proven conclusively, the Empire’s claim is false. The austerity measures that have been imposed on Greece have driven down the economy by 27%, thus increasing the ratio of debt to GDP and worsening the financial situation of Greece. All austerity has accomplished is to drive the Greek people further into the ground, thus making debt repayment impossible.

The Empire rejected Greece’s democratic referendum next Sunday, because the Empire doesn’t believe in democracy.

The Empire, like all empires, believes in subservience. Greece is not being subservient. Therefore, Greece must be punished. The Persians Darius and Xerxes had the same view as Washington and the EU. The Greek government is supposed to do what previous Greek governments have done, accept a pay-off and allow Greece to be looted.

Looting is the only way left for the Western financial system to make money. In pursuit of short-term profits, western corporations, encouraged and coerced by the financial sector, have moved offshore western industry, manufacturing, and professional skills such as information technology and software engineering. All that remains for the West are highly leveraged derivative bets and looting. Apple is an American corporation, but not a single Apple computer is made in the US.

The German, French, and Dutch governments together with Washington and the western financial system have come down in favor of looting. For a country to be looted, its people’s voice must be silenced. This is why the Germans and the EU object to the Greek government handing the ability to decide the future of Greece to the Greek people.

In other words, in the West today, the sovereignty of peoples and accountability of governments are inconsistent with the financial interests of the One Percent who control the financial and political order.

To conclude: If democracy can be destroyed in Greece, it can be destroyed throughout Europe.

The Greek people not only hold in their hands the fate of democracy in the West, but also the fate of life on earth. Washington’s mechanism for creating conflict with Russia is the EU and NATO. By violating agreements made by previous US governments, Washington has brought NATO to Russia’s borders and is currently deploying more troops, armaments, and missiles on Russia’s borders, all the while speaking aggressively toward Russia.

Russia has no alternative but to target these insensible military deployments. As military deployments rise and the irresponsible and totally inaccurate Western propaganda against Russia and Russia’s government escalate, war can launch itself.

Clearly Washington and its vassal states have eschewed diplomacy and instead use demonization and attempted coercion to force Russia to accede to the Empire’s will.

This reckless policy continues despite the many warnings from the Russian government to the West not to deliver ultimatums to Russia. As empires are characterized by arrogance and hubris, the Empire doesn’t hear the warnings.

Recently we have had from Washington’s stooge prime minister in London British threats against Russia, despite the fact that the UK can deliver no force against Russia and can be destroyed in a few minutes by Russia. This kind of insanity is what leads to war.

The crazed British prime minister thinks he can call out Russia.

Washington is brewing armageddon. But Greece can save us. All the Greek people need to do is to support their government and insist that their government, the first in awhile to represent the interests of the Greek people, give the finger to the corrupt EU, default on the debt, and turn to Russia.

This would begin the unravelling of the EU and NATO and save the world from armageddon. Most likely, Italy and Spain would follow Greece out of the EU and NATO, as these countries also are targeted for merciless looting. The EU and NATO, Washington’s mechanism for creating conflict with Russia, would unravel. The world would be saved and would owe its salvation to the ability of the Greeks to realize what really is at stake. Just as they did at Marathon, Thermopylae, Plateau and Mycale

It is difficult to imagine another scenario that would save us from World War III. Pray that the Greeks understand the responsibility that is in their hands not merely for liberty but also for life on earth.

We Are All Greeks

Here’s a good rundown which we can all relate to what’s happening over there in Greece. After all, both sides of the Atlantic and thereabouts are being choked and bled upon by the same group of financial Corporatocracy leeches.

What the Greeks need to understand that while they are being pushed towards the corner, these kleptocrats really are just bluffing all these time. In fact, they are already preparing for the inevitable, i.e. the possible rise of the people’s armed resistance and their own dishonorable exit.

June 22 - Stepping above the furious confrontation with banking powers over “Greek debt,” Greek Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras observed on June 15:

“I’m certain future historians will recognise that little Greece, with its little power, is today fighting a battle beyond its capacity, not just on its own behalf but on behalf of the people of Europe.”

Touching the same idea two centuries ago, the great English poet Percy Shelley wrote lines quoted many times since, though never by the current German Chancellor, French President, or the IMF Managing Director.

"Civilization owes its very existence to the accomplishments of ancient Greece", wrote poet Percy Bysshe Shelley in 1821. Here, the Parthenon, which graces Athens’ Acropolis.

“The apathy of the rulers of the civilized world,” Shelley wrote in 1821, when Greece was a captive nation in revolt against the Ottoman Empire, “to the astonishing circumstances of the descendants of that nation to which they owe their civilization, is something perfectly inexplicable to a mere spectator of the shows of this mortal scene. We are all Greeks. Our laws, our literature, our religion, our arts have their root in Greece."

“The human form and the human mind attained a perfection in Greece,” Shelley continued, “which has impressed its image on those faultless productions, whose very fragments are the despair of modern art, and has propagated impulses which cannot cease, through a thousand channels of manifest or imperceptible operation, to enoble and delight mankind….”

In the drama, Hellas, to which these lines were prologue, Shelley had a Greek chorus look on this scene:

Let there be light! said Liberty,
And like a sunrise from the sea
Athens arose! - Around her born,
Shone like the mountains in the morn
Glorious states; - and are they now
Ashes, wrecks, oblivion?

Today, for the sake of imposed debts, Greek cities and islands, in a mere five years’ of dictated and savage “austerity,” have been forced back toward the condition Shelley referred to, and Greeks back toward their living standards of a century ago.

But in the Greek government’s attempt to break out of the “austerity trap,” it is the wrecked economy of Europe as a whole which is at stake - standing before either a new financial collapse, or a revival in collaboration with the growth and the development institutions of the BRICS-allied nations.

Deadly Debt

The core of the fight over Greece and “its debt,” is that the new Greek government, with a popular mandate, has been asking the European Union to shut down a tremendous Wall Street-London bank swindle and make economic growth possible again in Europe.

If that doesn’t happen, the worsening bankruptcy of the whole trans-Atlantic banking system will continue to generate desperate confrontations with major powers Russia and China, with the threat of world war.

The rest of Europe, so far, has refused to shut down that Wall Street swindle, and on Feb. 18, Obama’s Treasury Secretary Jack Lew backed up that refusal, including by a threatening phone call to the Greek finance minister.

The refusal to write down unpayable debt, by Europe’s bankrupt giant banks and governments, is the fundamental reason the economies of the whole European Union have been dead in the water for seven years. Since the 2008 financial crash, these banks have sat with @eu2 trillion of toxic real estate debt on their books, tangled in tens of trillions in derivatives contracts - unable and unwilling to lend into the European economies, through year after year of economic recession and depression.

Anything suggesting bank reorganization to deal with these dead debt securities under Glass-Steagall principles, has been refused, and Europe’s bankrupt megabanks lie, like undead monsters, blocking the road to productive credit, investment, and recovery.

Now, the battle over whether Greece can adopt an economic recovery strategy has exposed the fact that large amounts of government debt, accumulated by various European governments bailing out their big banks, is also unpayable and must be written down - starting with that of Greece.

A Bankers’ Coup Attempt

Speaking at the Paris Schiller Institute conference on June 14, Stélios Kouloglou, a European MP from the Greek Syriza party, exposed the plot by the IMF, European Central Bank (ECB) and European Commission - the so-called “European institutions” or Troika - to use the debt issue to overthrow the current Greek government.

Comparing the situation to the overthrow of Chile’s President Salvador Allende in 1973, Kouloglou said, “Before Pinochet came in with the tanks in 1972, President Nixon told the CIA: Make the economy scream. And the banks cut off all credit to Chile.”

Today, the coup is not by “tanks, but by the banks.” As soon as Syriza came to power, explained Kouloglu, Mario Draghi of the ECB cut off, without the slightest justification, the main source of financing of Greek banks. He replaced it with the so-called Emergency Liquidity Assistance (ELA), a facility which must be renewed every week. This, he used as a sword of Damocles hanging over the head of the Greek government.

Kouloglou used the occasion to address bitter remarks to France: “Abandoned by those forces whose support it was counting on - the French government - Greece cannot solve the major problem of the country: an intolerable debt, which was used essentially to bail out French and German banks’ assets in Greece.”

The proposal for an international debt conference like that of 1953, which freed Germany from the greater part of debt reparations, opening the road to the economic miracle, has been drowned in a sea of threats and ultimatums, he charged. In that loaded climate, Russia’s positive answer to Greece’s request to participate in the new BRICS bank, came as a sigh of relief and optimism for Greek public opinion.

“We will resist,’ Kouloglou concluded, underscoring that time is of the essence, best wishes for the Greek government are no longer enough, and the solidarity it deserves must be expressed by action.

Greece Under Siege

After returning from a high-pressure week of meetings in Athens, co-author Dean Andromidas can testify to the brutal evidence of the charges by Kouloglou of a bankers’ plot to overthrow the fighting Greek government. The siege of Greece is everywhere to be seen, from beggars on the streets, to shuttered storefronts in Athens’ main business district, and more.

The blackmail of cutting off liquidity, something that would not be possible if Greece had its own currency, is destroying the Greek economy as much as the austerity itself. Banks are unable to extend credit lines to viable companies; even hotel operators are unable to get simple medium-term credit lines to refurbish their hotels.

Large Greek multinational companies have moved their headquarters to places like Luxembourg, because Greek-registered companies are unable to access credit inside or outside of the country. Such moves mean not only loss of jobs but tax revenue as well.

One Greek financial expert told EIR, “There is absolutely no liquidity. The economy is collapsing every day because of this.”

He added that small and medium businesses, one of the major sources of employment for Greece, are being hit the hardest; companies are closing down every day. Over three hundred thousand have closed. He added that no foreign investors can even consider investing in Greece because of the uncertainty being created by the siege being laid against the country.

The liquidity siege does not allow Greece to borrow short-term, up to three months, to cover temporary revenue shortfalls, making it impossible for the government to implement emergency measures to deal with the humanitarian catastrophe created by five years of the brutal regime under the jackboot of the Troika “enforcers.”

Nowhere is the situation more dramatic than in the health sector, where the previous Quisling government reduced the budget by no less than 50 percent. The new Minister of Health, Panagiotis Kouroumplis, who is blind, and one of the most respected political figures in the country, has taken on the “mission impossible” of finding the resources to rebuild the system.

Not only have the country’s hospitals been stripped of doctors and essential medical personnel, but 40 percent of the population does not have health insurance, which means they are denied healthcare. The minister is attempting to create a community healthcare system to answer this need, which is a matter of life or death for thousands of Greeks who are now unable to access health care. The cutting-off of liquidity makes his mission virtually impossible: a recipe for more death and suffering.

Every aspect of the Troika’s policy, which the government is trying to reverse, has been, and continues to be, genocidal in its intent. Greece’s creditors demand cuts in pensions, which have already been cut by 25 to 40 percent. Hundreds of thousands of Greeks live on the reduced 400 Euro pension of their grandparents.

In many cases we are talking about as many as eight or ten people relying on one pension. The creditors demand an end to early retirement. In reality, early retirement means government employees retiring in order to reduce the number of public workers. Ending early retirement means laying off workers and simply throwing them onto the street with no income.

The “creditors” are demanding even more taxes. In Greece the poor, the unemployed, children, and the unborn all pay taxes. The tax regime created by the Troika demands that the first euro earned is taxed, thus eliminating a minimum income not subject to tax, which has been the norm in every civilized society. All pensions are taxed, even the 400 euro pension that is supporting ten people. If you have children, you pay extra tax for each child, which is also unheard of in civilized countries. The divorce rate has dramatically increased since married couples pay more tax, thus in effect taxing the unborn.

Thousands of self-employed professionals, such as engineers, lawyers, and doctors, pay taxes whether they have worked or not. One IT engineer reported that tens of thousands of engineers have fallen into tax debt, despite the fact that they have been unemployed and have no earned income; this leaves them open to the seizure of their homes and property because of tax debt. In 2014, 65 to 70 percent of the engineers did not earn any income, yet owe thousands in taxes.

The result is that thousands of Greece’s professionals are forced to leave the country. Greece’s main source of wealth is not its beautiful islands, but its well educated population. This is another case of genocide, since Greece has a relatively high number of engineers and medical doctors who could play a central role if the economy were expanding.

Resistance and the BRICS

The very fact that Syriza, which prior to the crisis would receive only three to four percent of the vote, and the Independent Greeks, a new party organized to oppose the memorandum, are now in power, is testament to the spirit of resistance that has taken hold among a large percentage of the population. Those of all ages have mobilized themselves.

The young take to the streets and join the ruling parties, or are ready to re-elect the ruling parties if elections have to be held. One finds pensioned former government workers, including diplomats and economists, back in government doing the jobs of younger men because they are “fighting the fight of their lives,” as one party leader told EIR.

Crucial to the success of this resistance is its ability to gain allies, and here the government has clearly chosen the BRICS option. In his speech before the St. Petersburg Economic Forum June 19, Prime Minister Tsipras made clear he was in Russia, and not in Brussels negotiating, because Greece wants to pursue a “multidimensional policy and engage with countries that are currently playing a key role in global economic developments.”

He explicitly mentioned the BRICs and the Eurasian Economic Union. He declared that “Greece seeks to be a bridge of cooperation” linking three continents. (See below)

Greece has already strengthened ties to China through its port of Piraeus, whose container terminal, under lease to China, has become the latter’s main port of entry for its ship-bound exports to Central and Eastern Europe. Greece is linked to Russia not only through energy imports, but through sharing the same Orthodox Christian religion and a history of centuries of cultural and political interaction.

The June 18-20 St. Petersburg Economic Forum saw this cooperation between Greece and the BRICS go to a new level. On the sidelines of that event, Tsipras and Greek Productive Reconstruction, Environment and Energy Minister Panagiotis Lafazanis met with the directors of the new BRICS development bank; the latter stressed their strong interest in the cooperation between Greece and the New Development Bank.

Greek Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras speaks at the St. Petersburg International Economic Forum on June 19, 2015.

Tsipras and Lafazanis also met with Gazprom’s head Alexey Miller to discuss the extension into Greece of the Turkish Stream Gas pipeline. This was followed by a meeting between Lafazanis and the head of Russia’s “Bank for Development and Foreign Economic Affairs (Vnesheconombank),” Vladimir Dimitriev, where it was decided to form a new company called “Energy Investments Public Enterprise SA.” It will be owned by the Greek state, and with financing from Vnesheconombank, will build the Greek pipeline, to be named the “South European Pipeline.”

Fraudulent, Unpayable Debt

On June 17, the Debt Truth Commission of the Greek Parliament issued a preliminary, but extremely important report on the more than 240 billion-euro debts which the “European institutions” - the European Financial Stability Fund, European Central Bank, and IMF - claim against Greece.

After extensive hearings and examination of evidence, the Commission found all of this claimed debt to be illegitimate, and that it should not be paid.

The findings strengthen the Greek government’s position against these same institutions’ demands for new, and suicidal, economic austerity measures against the Greek population. Furthermore they confirm the analysis published by EIR on behalf of Editor-in-chief Lyndon LaRouche in late February of this year, which found that the so-called “bailout debt” of Greece was a huge swindle, transferring European taxpayers’ funds, via Greek government accounts, to bankrupt megabanks in London and Europe.

The Debt Truth Commission’s report says:

"All the evidence we present in this report shows that Greece not only does not have the ability to pay this debt, but also should not pay this debt, first and foremost because the debt emerging from the Troika’s arrangements is a direct infringement on the fundamental human rights of the residents of Greece. Hence, we came to the conclusion that Greece should not pay this debt because it is illegal, illegitimate, and odious.

It has also come to the understanding of the Committee that the unsustainability of the Greek public debt was evident from the outset to the international creditors, the Greek authorities, and the corporate media. Yet, the Greek authorities, together with some other governments in the EU, conspired against the restructuring of public debt in 2010 in order to protect financial institutions.

The corporate media hid the truth from the public by depicting a situation in which the bailout was argued to benefit Greece, whilst spinning a narrative intended to portray the population as deserving punishment for their own wrongdoings."

Political forces in other superindebted countries in the Eurozone will also be affected by these findings.

LaRouche’s February analysis had likewise found:

"In the case of Greece, much of that debt was fraudulently piled on the country in the course of huge bank bailouts, in 2010 and 2012, totalling about EU245 billion. These rocketed the country’s debt, as a ratio of its GDP, from 126% at the end of 2009 to 175% at the end of 2014. The impact on other national debts was equally dramatic: Ireland’s, for example, rose from 25% of GDP before it bailed out London’s banks headquartered in its territory in 2009, to 125% afterwards.

The debt piled on Greece in the past 12 years (since it joined the euro currency) is significantly illegitimate in regard to its causes and relationship to the real economy of the country. It cannot be paid in the next half-century, and it cannot be paid by continued cuts in employment, pensions, wages, health-care services, or by selling off national income and infrastructure."

‘The Debt Should Be Cancelled’

The casino lending of the biggest London, Frankfurt, and Paris banks, the deliberate rule-breaking by the IMF and ECB regarding Greece, and the irrational intransigence of German and French officials have made Greece’s debt both illegitimate and odious - a giant swindle.

The country went on a borrowing binge after joining the Eurozone in 2002, making its imports cheaper, and pricing its exports off the market. There are no irrational borrowers without irrational lenders, and the banks threw money wildly at Greece to finance German, French, and U.S. exports, especially military.

When Greece reached clear insolvency by 2010, the banks refused to allow any debt writeoff. Instead, the “European institutions” started giving bailout loans with taxpayers’ funds - committing the unbelievable “mistake” of lending new funds to a bankrupt which had no protection from its creditors (the London-centered banks).

The IMF and ECB compounded the mess by jumping in to buy up Greek debt from private financial institutions at 100% face value, violating their own charters and piling new, shorter-term debt on Greece. In 2012 the bank bailout process was repeated on an even larger scale, and 240 billion euros of new debt piled on, again with taxpayers’ funds.

Ninety percent of all 350 billion euros of the bailout loans passed through Greek federal accounts at the speed of light, and landed at the very same German, French, and British megabanks, allowing them not to write off their casino-wild Greek “debt assets.”

On June 19, days after the June 13-14 Schiller Institute event in Paris and LaRouche’s new statements, the influential senior former Social Democratic Chancellor of Germany, Helmut Schmidt, spoke to the Greek semi-official press agency, ANA-MPA.

While saying an “unorganized” Greek exit from the euro could lead to disaster, Schmidt said that Greece should never have joined the Eurozone, and that its problems could more easily be solved if it still had its national currency, the drachma.

When asked about a cancellation of Greek debt, as modeled on the London Debt Agreement of 1953 on German debt, Schmidt was clear: “I want to tell you that I think that it is completely excluded that Greece will be able to repay its debt. The majority of it should be cancelled.”

Schmidt made his own proposal for a solution to the crisis, calling for a European investment program for the benefit of Greece, which can be financed not only from Germany, but also via an agreement to write off a large part of the accumulated debt of Greece. He also made clear that it is nonsense to say that the German people have been bled by Greece, which is what Germans read every day in their media.

A Way to the Future

LaRouche had called in February for full international backing for the Greek government’s position, stating:

“Looting does not constitute legitimate debt. The debt is illegal, it is unpayable, and it is the fruit of a London-led criminal enterprise that must be shut down altogether, if the world is to survive the coming months without an eruption of general war in the center of Europe. This [issue] has to be put loud and clear on every doorstep in the United States. If you want to avoid World War III, that’s what you’ll do.”

He called for creating a “buffer of credit” for the real economy - a credit institution on Alexander Hamilton’s principles. Such a new development bank in Greece will be linked to the European Investment Bank - and to China and the BRICS-allied nations.

One week ago on June 18, LaRouche said;

“You cannot sustain the euro system, it is intrinsically bankrupt. If you base a ‘debt deal’ on that system - any ‘debt deal,’ - that deal will fail. The fraud of what Wall Street and London banks are calling ‘their debt assets’, has to be eliminated, because populations - not only the Greeks - are being beaten down by worthless claims.

Cancel those claims. Relieve the nations of the claims of this speculation, these ‘investments’ in gambling bets, and an opening is created for internal economic development of European nations and the United States.

“The solution,” he said, “is an international policy of Glass-Steagall banking; agreements among these nations to implement Glass-Steagall principles. Most important by far:” LaRouche said, “Restore the Glass-Steagall Act to force in the United States. That is the driver for this whole effort. That opens up the issuance of national credit for productivity and development.”

LaRouche also addressed the campaign by forces behind German Finance Minister Wolfgang Schäuble, to force Greece out of the euro system.

“If Greece goes out, goes back to the drachma, the negotiated value of the drachma can be increased significantly, and problems solved,”
he said.

"It is not correct to say that the drachma must collapse in value against the euro. The pressure on Greece is coming from the London-Wall Street banking system, and the claims of that system are worthless. Its speculation on unpayable debt has to be cancelled.

The euro will be falling because of its bankruptcy; the value of the drachma against the euro can be maintained, and may go up.

Again, the critical action is Glass-Steagall in the United States, and force it in European countries.

With that, the United States and Europe can generate national credit institutions, linked to the BRICS’ new international development banks, and issue a surge of credit for productive employment.

The Greek Parliament has thus done a service to the future, if we take the right actions now,” LaRouche concluded.

This article appears in the June 26, 2015 issue of Executive Intelligence Review.

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Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi
Big Money: Pump And Dump As A Way Of Life
July 2 2015 | From: JonRappoport

Big money: pump and dump as a way of life. Bubble, bubble, toil and trouble. Vampires on Wall Street and Main Street. Capitalism vs. meta-capitalism

“Imagine this: you want to buy and own Product X, which is valued at $10,000. You’re in a rare position. You can make that product sell for $1. You can do that. Then you can buy it and own it. In fact, you can do that with lots of products.

Now, instead of products, imagine you can do that with whole companies, with industrial sectors, and even with large chunks of nations. You can spend $1 instead of $10,000. But wait, there’s more. You can re-inflate what you just reduced to $1. You can make it worth $10,000 again and you still own it.

You can go up and you can go down. You control both sides of the mountain, the upside and the downside. This is money-management, Globalism-style. This is day-in, day-out manipulation. It’s done with the same routine configurations as making and having breakfast. A few of these configurations are called trade treaties.”

- 'The Underground', Jon Rappoport

Let’s start with the analogy of the stock market. To boil it down, here is how the game is played by insiders:

They acquire many, many shares of a stock and then they push the price up, up, up, and then they create a top, crash it, sending the stock price off a cliff to a dismal bottom.

They profit greatly on the way up (pump), and then, selling short (dump), they pile up more profits on the way down.

Getting away with it is like having a license to print money.

But this single pump and dump doesn’t have to be the end of the game. As the crashed stock creeps along a new discouraging bottom, the insiders quietly buy it again, preparing for a repeat cycle - up, up, up, top, top, top, crash, crash, crash, down, down, down.

Now imagine this pump and dump strategy applied to companies. Better yet, imagine it applied to a number of companies within a given industry all at once.

This is euphemistically called a bubble.

For instance, the dot-com bubble of the 1990s. The conventional wisdom was, overenthusiastic investors jumped on the new Internet dot-com bandwagon, put money into every crazy company they could find in this sector, all the companies were vastly overvalued, and then came the crash.

Of course, this was a false picture. Insiders propagandized the (false) worth of the dot-com sector, pumped the stocks, lured mad investors and speculators to the table, created a top, and then busted it, causing a collapse.

Then, the insiders bought up these companies (the outfits that had useful technology) for pennies on the dollar…and began a second trip up the ladder…this time with a seriousness of purpose and the intent to create a viable dot-com sector. Which they did.

The same thing has happened to the “genetic sector.” Many companies promising breakthroughs possessed no real science; what they had was a group of shills who drew in investors hoping to make a killing. When those companies failed, insiders bought the ones that did have some technological promise.

The genetic biotech sector has experienced several such bubbles, and there will be more - because in most cases the promise of results far outdistances what the science can produce.

The current trade treaties (e.g., the TPP) coming to a vote purposely embody a pump and dump for the near future: look to the pharmaceutical and robotics-automation sectors for boiling bubbles.

Smaller drug companies will be edged out of the new trade advantages Big Pharma enjoys. Those smaller outfits will crash, and the big boys will buy some of them up, for pennies on the dollar.

In robotics-automation (for factories), something similar will happen. Certain companies, sensing “the revolution is at hand,” will overextend themselves with huge loans, only to discover their profits don’t justify the expenditures for reconfiguring their assembly lines. They, too, will drown in red ink, and their mega-competitors will buy them up and initiate a far more successful robotics revolution.

The bigger swallow the smaller.

It’s all about pump and dump, bubble, bubble, rise and fall, and absorption into the “greater body.”

The Globalist plan to a T. Put more and more assets, human talent, and money into fewer and fewer hands. Top-down economic rule.

What I’m describing in this article could be called meta-capitalism. That’s my name for it. Capitalism is merely the voluntary exchange of money for non-harmful goods and services. But at the meta-level, you have predators, on their perches, looking down at the marketplace and devising concealed ways to manipulate the global flows of money and assets.

Consider the 2007-8 financial crash. Many people had bought houses with what they thought were fixed-rate mortgages. But they didn’t realize that only the monthly payments were fixed. That was the come-on, the con. Lurking below the surface, in the small print, was another part of the loan they’d taken: it was for the down payment, and that piece was variable.

So when banks closed in on home owners and told them their down payments were suddenly far higher now…the roof fell in. The home owners couldn’t make their payments. They were foreclosed on.

At the same time, all these mortgages were being traded like stocks - packaged and rolled up into bundles.

The insiders, of course, knew this trading operation was a bubble; they’d created the bubble and they knew the bundles were “faulty,” to say the least. They’d pushed the trading prices higher; and they sold and got out with their profits before the crash.

Some of the insiders were the banks who had been both offering the “faulty” mortgages and trading the bundles.

These banks knew they were too big to fail. They knew the federal government would bail them out.

A highly successful variation of pump and dump.

In turn, the federal government knew it could rely on the Federal Reserve to keep inventing money out of thin air.

So rescuing the banks was no problem.

Very, very cozy. Yes, there was a bit of stare-down, high-stakes, poker-bluffing along the way, but the ultimate outcome was assured.

Part of that outcome was: banks now held many properties on which they’d foreclosed. This is was made to appear as a negative factor for the banks - but if you know you’re going to be bailed out, it’s really not.

In fact, you could say the entire crash of 2007-8 was a massive distraction, engineered in order to cover up a much larger, ongoing, long-term Globalist crime: the overwhelming leakage of jobs from industrial countries to underdeveloped countries where slave labor, land, and resources were available.

That job transfer is the meat and potatoes of Globalism. This is what all the trade treaties guarantee. This is how free-floating international mega-corporations continue their plundering operations.

And of course, the result is disastrous unemployment in the industrial nations. Anyone with a few active brain cells can see that.

Therefore, a cover story needed to be adopted and promoted. A story that would shift blame away from the mega-corporations and the Globalist trade treaties (e.g., NAFTA, CAFTA, GATT).

And that cover story was the 2007-8 crash.

It pointed the accusing finger for the horrendous and ongoing job losses at the “home-lending crisis.”

Big banks took press attacks on the chin, with a bland smile. They absorbed the name-calling in high style, as the federal government handed them trillions of dollars.

This is the game. No-limit holdem, where the banks and the Fed Reserve and the federal government and the mega-corporations are the house casino and decide, at any given moment, how much money they want to invent, show, hide, collect, transfer, and pay out.

Nice work if they can get it, and they can.

That is why governments can’t truthfully assure their citizens a “better job picture” in the future. They can certainly mouth “share and care” sentiments while laughing up their sleeves. They can crow about the rise of a more tolerant progressive culture and correcting past inequalities. But that is just window dressing meant, again, to distract from the ongoing plunder.

Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi

Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi
Race-Based Plan In Hawke's Bay Council Merger
July 2 2015 | From: BreakingViews

A race-based Regional Planning Committee imposed upon the Hawke's Bay Regional Council by Treaty Negotiations Minister Chris Finlayson has been included in the proposed five-council Hawke's Bay amalgamation without scrutiny or debate.

Residents of Hawke’s Bay have a postal vote starting August 24, 2015, to decide whether or not the Hastings, Napier, Wairoa, Central Hawke’s Bay councils, and the Hawke’s Bay Regional Council, should merge as a single council with a regional planning committee, a Maori Board, and a natural resources board.

Inclusion of the regional planning committee and a Maori board in the final proposal for amalgamation in Hawke’s Bay would bring race-based representation to local government in the region by stealth, when this style of representation is heavily opposed elsewhere in New Zealand.

The regional planning committee, which is supposed to be made up of 10 iwi appointees and 10 councillors, is up and running despite the regional council having only nine councillors and despite the fact that the bill legalising this committee has not been passed. The iwi appointees are full voting committee members.

The biggest settlements in Hawke's Bay are Napier, Hastings and Havelock North

The Hawke's Bay Regional Planning Committee Bill, to create co-governance stipulated in local tribal group Ngati Pahauwera's Deed of Settlement, is a radical bill which delivers, under the guise of "cultural redress", permanent co-management over natural resources in Hawke's Bay to nine local treaty settlement groups.

Ngati Pahauwera's treaty settlement also suggests that co-governance may also be extended to land zoning and use.

This happened in Auckland, with building consents, with applicants required to pay 19 tribal groups as part of the process.

Regional councillor Christine Scott said:

"This is no sub-committee. It is a full committee of council with decision-making powers. It is the only decision maker on all matters pertaining to resource management plans. While its decisions are in the form of recommendations to council, council cannot amend them".

Councillor Scott is able to talk with authority over the powers of the committee, because the committee was established in 2012 ahead of the legislation.

Legislation would entrench the committee so that ratepayers have no democratic mechanism for controlling iwi/hapu appointees and no mechanism to discharge the committee except by unanimous agreement of those iwi/hapu.

Tribal appointees do not have to stand for office, nor can ratepayers vote them out of office. This is not only profoundly undemocratic but threatens to disrupt the management of the region's natural resources as iwi/hapu unite in collective self-interest.

These groups represent just nine small treaty settlement groups and not the 34,662 people with some Maori ancestry who live in Hawke's Bay. However there is nothing preventing the committee being stacked through the democratically elected seats, as iwi/hapu members also vote on the general ratepayer roll.

Alarming are the conflict of interest provisions in the bill's schedule which states:

"A member of the planning committee is not precluded from … voting on a matter merely because - the economic, social , cultural and spiritual value of an iwi or hapu.. are advanced by … participation by the member".

Yet members of the post-settlement governance entities who put their people on the committee are solely concerned with the interests of their beneficiaries with no mandate to consider the broader interests of Hawke's Bay residents.

For instance, Ngati Kahungunu, represented by claimant group He Toa Takitini, wants "tangata whenua" interests in water incorporated into the regional plan while saying Ngati Kahungunu have never relinquished their rights and interests in water.

The UN's Agenda 21 cycle trails are already well established in Hawke's Bay and continue to grow. Most residents just see them as a great convenience and are completely oblivious to the real reasons for them as detailed in Agenda 21.

Unbelievably, the regional council made a submission on behalf of local ratepayers in favour of the bill. Why weren't we notified or consulted?

This bill that establishes special legal entitlements based on race drives an artificial wedge between citizens with Maori ancestry and those without.

Furthermore, New Zealand is a founding member of the United Nations whose charter forbids discrimination on the grounds of race. Did our elected representatives, our councillors and MPs, consider that when voting in favour of this profoundly undemocratic bill.

Opposition to this race-based committee is a good reason to vote “no” to amalgamation. This would give the Treaty Negotiations Minister a message that he should drop this pernicious bill.

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Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi
EPA Knew Electro-Magnetic Fields (EMFs) Were A “Probable Human Carcinogen” Decades Ago And Covered It Up
July 1 2015 | From: ActivistPost

Did you know that back in 1990, the Environmental Protection Agency was all set to release a report that admitted electromagnetic fields (EMFs) are dangerous to our health, including that EMFs have been linked with “the development of various cancers” but stopped short of straight up admitting they are “probable carcinogens”?

Isn’t it ironic the newspaper thought to tack a Radio Shack add onto the end of this article?

The clipping, published in the October 4, 1990 edition of The Indiana Gazette, reported:

“Now the Environmental Protection Agency is on the verge of publishing a report suggesting that EMF is linked with the development of various cancers. And at one point, someone within the agency had considered an even more drastic step - classifying low-frequency electromagnetic fields as probable cancer-causing agents in the same rank as dioxin or PCBs".

Wow. They were all set to classify low frequency EMFs in the same rank as dioxin, a highly dangerous chemical thought by some even today to be among the most toxic substances out there. Continuing:

“But the EPA has stopped short of the probable carcinogen conclusion, which could have drastic implications for regulation of the American utility industry and in the workplace. Louis Slesin, power-industry watchdog and the editor of Microwave News, published in his journal’s most recent issue a paragraph from a rough draft of the EPA study recommending that low-frequency electromagnetic fields be classified as probable human carcinogens.

The paragraph, Slesin said in a recent interview with The Morning Call, has since been deleted from the report, which won’t be issued in official, final form until this month, according to the July 20 issue of TIME magazine.

According to Microwave News, the paragraph was deleted after the EPA presented its initial draft of report to the White House Office of Policy and Development."

Isn’t that nice? Guess the megacorporations who run the government were none too pleased that the truth might come out about the harmful effects of EMFs and what that information might do to bottom lines and what was about grow into a booming business that would essentially take over our entire world in the next thirty years.

Keep in mind this is from 1990, well before every single one of us was bathing in EMFs all day long from Wi-Fi hotspots, cell phones, computers, iPads, and a thousand other “smart” devices… Well before there were millions of antennas popping up all over the country on school buildings and playgrounds, in church steeples, on our water towers, all along our roadways…

The Internet of Things isn’t even fully implemented yet, but now we already live in a world that has “smart pajamas” for small children which are encoded so they can be scanned with smart devices that will then read bedtime stories to them over Wi-Fi.

The reason Slesin ended up with the original draft of the report, by the way, is that the EPA staffer in the office of research and development for the report who was “overruled” on the probable carcinogen finding turned whistleblower after they took the paragraph out and leaked the original draft to Microwave News.

At the time the Gazette article was printed, the report did, however, retain information regarding the fact that epidemiological studies of brain tumors, lymphomas, and leukemias showed a causal link with EMFs, though no concrete link was admitted obviously.

In addition, the article goes on to note that extremely low EMFs inhibit the production of the tumor-suppressing hormone melatonin and that these fields have also been known to inhibit the immune system.

The point is, even back then, they knew. They knew how dangerous this was to our health, and they failed to fully inform the public.

Now look where we are.

(For more on how you can protect yourself and your family from dangerous EMF, this guide is a quick read that breaks it all down easily and gives some great tips for reducing your exposure.)

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Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi
Cabal Markets Plunge As Greeks Scream “We Don’t Owe, We Won’t Sell, We Won’t Pay.”
June 30 2015 | From: Geopolitics

Stock markets worldwide are plunging just by the virtue of the Greeks’ unwillingness to bite the austerity bullet once more as imposed upon them by the Troika Vulture Funds.

Related: Greek Exit From Euro Appears Imminent

Born and raised in animal farms, fed with artificial food, kept barely alive by toxic antibiotics, herded like cattle from feeding grounds to places of tillage, harvesting the fruits of our own labor, we are all being cooked and fried literally with the same oil that comes from own body.


Imagine how the global markets, that they control, would react if all people around the globe just declare themselves debt-free as a matter of right against all illusory and odious schemes.

Imagine if we seize this opportunity to unite ourselves and just act right now in the spirit of our global desire to be free.

Imagine the look in their faces as the peasants raise their fists in collective anger and rise in condemnation of the lies and deceptions inflicted upon them for generations.

Picture the people in jubilation having conquered themselves and all their fears that the matrix of power have created and induced. This is the day the rulers of the world hoped may never come. Carpè diem!

Greece crisis: markets begin to tumble as investors flee

Share prices began to plummet across Asia on Monday as hopes dwindled for a resolution to the Greek debt crisis. Japan’s Nikkei stock average briefly fell by more than 500 points in early trading, while the euro dropped more than 3% to 133.80 yen, its lowest level for five weeks. The common currency fell as much as 1.9% to $1.0955, its lowest level in almost a month.

All banks closed for at least a week, cash withdrawals capped at €60 a day and foreign money transfers banned ahead of referendum on bailout terms

The Nikkei fell 2.1%, while MSCI’s broader index of Asia-Pacific shares outside Japan dropped 0.8%. US stock futures dived 1.8%, hitting a three-month low, while US Treasuries futures price gained almost two points.

More than $35bn was wiped off the Australian stock market in the first hour of trading on Monday as investors brace for an increasingly likely Greek exit from the eurozone.

Turmoil in Asia had been widely expected after the failure of 11th-hour talks in Europe over the weekend raised the possibility of a Greek exit from the eurozone.

The embattled country looks set to default on its debt repayment this week, forcing Athens to impose capital controls to halt bank runs. On Monday morning Greeks will find their savings blocked and their banks closed for a week following a weekend that has shaken Europe’s single currency. The Athens Stock Exchange will not open on Monday either.

Despite the Chinese central bank’s monetary easing on Saturday, investors were seen flocking to safer assets on the spectre of an unprecedented debt default.

In Tokyo, manufacturers that rely on European sales were among the hardest-hit by early losses, along with banks and insurance companies. The broader Topix index of all First Section issues on the Tokyo Stock Exchange was down 37.67 points, or 2.26%, to 1,629.36.

The US Treasury secretary, Jack Lew, stressed the need for Greece “to take necessary steps to maintain financial stability” ahead of the referendum. He told the Greek prime minister, Alexis Tsipras, on Sunday that Athens and its creditors needed to continue working toward a resolution ahead of a Greek referendum on 5 July on the creditors’ demands for austerity.

A cash-strapped Greece looks certain to miss its debt repayment on Tuesday as Greece’s European partners shut the door on extending a credit lifeline after Greece’s surprise move to hold a referendum on bailout terms.

Fear of an imminent default by Greece hit Greek banks, a major buyer of Greek government bills, triggering bank runs at weekend and forcing Tsipras to announce a bank holiday on Monday and capital controls.

In a brief televised address to the nation, Tsipras threw the blame onto the leaders of the eurozone. But he did not say how long the banks would remain shut, nor did he give details of how much individuals and companies would be allowed to withdraw once they reopened.

All over Athens people queued at cash machines, particularly outside National Bank branches because the National Bank supplies the banknotes, and lots of other Greek banks, by midnight on Sunday, had no more of those.

Read more at: Geopolitics

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Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi
Apple Mind-Control News Is On The Way
June 29 2015 | From: JonRappoport

Apple mind-control News App is on the way: The globalisation of media: a strike force - “Decentralised Centralisation”

“There is a media metaphysics. Its basic principle states that nothing exists until it becomes information. Now we have a new twist: information only becomes real when it reaches a mind already attuned to it. In other words, the tree falling in the forest makes a sound only if a user/consumer who wants a tree to fall receives video and audio of the event…”

Two years ago, I wrote:

“Tech blather has already begun, since Jeff Bezos, CEO of Amazon, bought the Washington Post at a fire sale. Jeff Genius will invent new ways to transmit the news to ‘people on the go’ and make the Post a smashing success. Mobile devices. Multiple platforms. Digital, taking over from print. Ads customized to fit readers’ interests (profiling). News stories customized to fit readers’ interests (more profiling).”

In other words, non-news. If you thought media were irrelevant and deceptive before, you haven’t seen anything. The “new news” will create millions of virtual bubbles in which profiled users can float contentedly, under the cozy cottage roofs of their favorite little separate paradigms.

Now, the tech giant Apple is wading into this territory with an app that will deliver news to users. Yahoo (6/20), in “With revamped app, news to be at core of Apple,” reports:

“Apple News, part of the upcoming iOS 9 operating system, aims to be the primary news source for users of the iPhone and iPad… Apple says its news app ‘follows over a million topics and pulls relevant stories based on your specific interests’… Joshua Benton of the Nieman Journalism Lab said the app will be important because ‘through the awesome power of default, Apple distribution puts it in an entirely other league. This [news] app will be on hundreds of millions of devices within 24 hours of its debut’.”

Translation: Profiling their users down to their toenails, Apple will present them with virtual bubbles of news they want to see and read. Not just one overall presentation for all; no, millions of different “news outlets” for Apple’s audiences.

This introduces a whole new layer of mind control.

“You’re an Obama fan? Here are stories confirming your belief in the Prophet.”

“You want neo-con on the rocks with a conservative Republican twist? Here’s some war footage that’ll warm your heart.”

“Do you believe ‘government gridlock’ is our biggest concern? Congress can’t get anything done? We’ve got headlines for that from here to the moon.”

“Tuned into celeb gossip? Here’s your world in three minutes.”

The idea: convince users, one day at a time, that what they already believe is important IS the news of the day.

It’s Decentralized Centralization. One media giant carving its global audience up into little pieces and delivering them a whole host of different algorithmically appropriate lies and fluff and no-context psyops.

And for “fringe users?”

“You’re doubtful about GMOs? Well, look at what Whole Foods is planning for their healthier produce section. Cheer up.”

Nothing about Maui voters declaring a temporary ban on devastatingly toxic Monsanto/Dow experiments or the dangers of Roundup.

“You’re anti-vaccine? Sorry, you don’t count. You’re not a recognized demographic. But here’s a piece about a little unvaccinated boy who was involved in car crash on the I5.”

Does this sound like science fiction? It isn’t. It’s the mainstream look of the near-future. Search engines are already “personalizing” your inquiries.

US ABC national news is climbing in the ratings because it’s giving viewers “lighter stories,” and spending less time on thorny issues like the Middle East.

The mainstream news business is desperately looking for audience, and treating every “user” as a profiled social-construct-bundle of superficial preferences is their answer.

“Mr. X, we’ve studied the little virtual bubble you live in, and now we can sell you your own special brand of truth.”

There is a next step, and it’s already well underway. In fact, it’s a prior step that’s been underway for more than a hundred years.

“Hello, audience.

A) We’re going to pitch you on what we think you should know about and what you shouldn’t want to know about. It’s called PR. We’re going to flood you with ads and other nonsense to make you over into a full-fledged obsessed consumers—and then

B) we’re going to profile you from top to bottom, to find out exactly what kind of obsessed consumer you are, so we can hit you and trigger you with information that uniquely stimulates your adrenal glands…”

The one-two punch.

Any actual event occurring in the world will be pre-digested by media editors and profilers, and then split up into variously programmed bits of information for different audiences.

Who cares what really happened? In the new world, there is no ‘what really happened’. That’s a gross misnomer. A faulty idea. A metaphysical error. No, there is only a multi-forked media tongue that simultaneously spits out a dozen or a hundred variations of the same event…because different viewers want and expect different realities.

In 1984, Orwell’s Big Brother was issuing a single voice into the homes of the population. That was old-school. That was primitive technology. That was achieving unity by hammering unity into people’s skulls. This, now, is the frontier of unity through diversity.

“We want to make all of you into androids, through basic PR and propaganda and a pathetic excuse for education. However, we recognize you’ll become different varieties of androids, and we’ll serve that outcome with technological sophistication. Trust us. We care about what you prefer.”

User A: “Wow, did you see the coverage of the border war in Chula Vista?”

User B: “War? They had a fantastic exhibit of drones down there. At least a hundred different types. And then I watched an old WW2 movie about aerial combat.”

User C: “Chula Vista? They had a great food show. This woman made a lemon pie. I could practically taste it.”

User D: “That wasn’t a border war. It was a drill. And then afterwards, these cops gave a demonstration of all their gear. Vests, shields, communication devices, flash-bangs, auto rifles with silencers, batons. I watch drills all over the country. Love them.”

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Hawke's Bay's Merger Mayor And Agenda 21
June 28 2015 | From: BreakingViews

Hastings merger mayor Lawrence Yule’s speech to the Commonwealth Local Government Conference in Botswana last week showed the link between local government reorganization in New Zealand and the United Nations Agenda 21 policy.

Yule is the only mayor in Hawke’s Bay to back a five-council amalgamation of the sort that was stingingly dumped in Wellington earlier this month and slowly evaporated in Northland. A final proposal for a merger in Hawke’s Bay will be voted on in September.

Agenda 21 is a non-binding, voluntarily implemented action plan of the United Nations with regard to sustainable development. It is a product of the Earth Summit (UN Conference on Environment and Development) held in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, in 1992.

This agenda has been embedded in New Zealand’s institutional framework for over 20 years, manifesting itself through such buzzwords as “sustainable development”, “biodiversity”, “smart growth”, “waste minimization”, and “population control”.

Related: Agenda 21: What Sustainable Development Really Means For You

Through this agenda a foreign group like the United Nations effectively dictates policy through our central and local government and will ultimately siphon money from our local and central government to fund their master plan involving the global redistribution of resources.

As Commonwealth Local Government Forum chair, Yule told Botswana president Lieutenant General Seretse Khama Ian Khama, United Nations Development Programme administrator Helen Clark, forum secretary general Carl Wright, Botswana Association of Local Authority president Mpho Moruakgomo, and the large room full of conference delegates, that:

“ . . it was encouraging that there is a formal agreement that all levels of government, including the subnational, have a role in implementing the sustainable development goals, that there is support for addressing the issues of capacity and resources, and that a dedicated sustainable development goal on cities and human settlements is proposed.

The forum represents local government at Commonwealth level, including to the Commonwealth Secretary-General and at meetings of Commonwealth Heads of Government and with other Commonwealth partners. It also makes written submission to consultations and other policy development forums."

Sustainable development goals are a new, universal set of goals, targets and indicators that UN member states will be expected to use to frame their agendas and political policies over the next 15 years.

They follow, and expand on, the millennium development goals, which were agreed by governments in 2000, and are due to expire at the end of this year.

The eight millennium development goals – reduce poverty and hunger; achieve universal education; promote gender equality; reduce child and maternal deaths; combat HIV, malaria and other diseases; ensure environmental sustainability; develop global partnerships – failed to consider the root causes of poverty, or gender inequality, or the holistic nature of development.

What are the proposed 17 sustainable development goals?

1) End poverty in all its forms everywhere

2) End hunger, achieve food security and improved nutrition, and promote sustainable agriculture

3) Ensure healthy lives and promote wellbeing for all at all ages

4) Ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all

5) Achieve gender equality and empower all women and girls

6) Ensure availability and sustainable management of water and sanitation for all

7) Ensure access to affordable, reliable, sustainable and modern energy for all

8) Promote sustained, inclusive and sustainable economic growth, full and productive employment, and decent work for all

9) Build resilient infrastructure, promote inclusive and sustainable industrialisation, and foster innovation

10) Reduce inequality within and among countries

11) Make cities and human settlements inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainable

12) Ensure sustainable consumption and production patterns

13) Take urgent action to combat climate change and its impacts (taking note of agreements made by the UNFCCC forum)

14) Conserve and sustainably use the oceans, seas and marine resources for sustainable development

15) Protect, restore and promote sustainable use of terrestrial ecosystems, sustainably manage forests, combat desertification and halt and reverse land degradation, and halt biodiversity loss

16) Promote peaceful and inclusive societies for sustainable development, provide access to justice for all and build effective, accountable and inclusive institutions at all levels

17) Strengthen the means of implementation and revitalise the global partnership for sustainable development.

The Hastings mayor who is on a salary of $120,000 is mostly away from Hastings working on his other jobs being the president of Local Government New Zealand, as well as Commonwealth Local Government Forum chair.

For those who think local government is all about roads, water, sewage, parks, libraries, and building consents, think again.

Merger mayor Lawrence Yule appears to think that Hawke’s Bay ratepayers have a further obligation to end poverty and hunger, to promote education and gender equality, to promote sustainable energy and industrialisation, to reduce inequality, to make cities and towns inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainable, to combat climate change, to conserve and sustainably use the oceans, manage forests, combat desertification, provide access to justice for all, and so on.

Local government in Hawke's Bay would have to be much bigger, and therefore, much more costly, to take on all of that.

When voting in September, Hawke’s Bay residents should be very careful in choosing whether or not to endorse the five-council amalgamation that the largely absentee Hastings mayor Lawrence Yule is promoting.

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Australia’s Double Game On 'Terrorism'
June 28 2015 | From: GlobalResearch

The Australian Government is wrestling with a double game it has created by backing sectarian terrorists in Syria, encouraging the export of young Australians to these groups, then entering into a fake war against terrorism and ringing alarm bells over the threat of them returning home.

In the name of anti-terrorism Canberra has cancelled dozens of passports and, more recently, passed a law to strip citizenship from dual citizens believed to be involved with some of the armed groups plaguing Syria and Iraq. Since 2012 about 200 Australian citizens are thought to have joined these groups and several dozen have been killed.

Related: Secret Pentagon Report Reveals US "Created" ISIS As A "Tool" To Overthrow Syria's President Assad & War is Peace: US Needs External Enemy to Ensure Internal Unity

Australian Prime Minister Tony Abbott recently attacked the state-owned Australian Broadcasting Corporation (ABC) for allowing Zaky Mallah, a notorious supporter of anti-Syrian Islamists, to speak on national television. Yet Mallah, who boasts of his close relations Australia’s domestic intelligence, has enjoyed substantial media attention in recent years.

His media status is part of a wider pattern. The western media has carried many stories about the ‘family man turned suicide bomber’ or the Islamist ‘humanitarian workers’ who travelled to Syria, supposedly to help children and refugees. If the humanitarian story did not fit they were said to have been backing ‘moderate’ armed groups.

It is the Australians of Syrian origin who have been frozen out of the national media. The great majority of them backed the Syrian Government against western backed terrorism. Their impassioned demonstrations in Australian cities, over 2011-2013, were mostly ignored. In face of a propaganda war, with a string of stories falsely implicating the Syrian Army in massacres and chemical weapons attacks, very few pro-Syrian voices have been permitted.

This effective media blockade has banished voices who might challenge the latest ‘chemical weapons’ or ‘barrel bombing’ story, churned out against ‘the regime’ year after year. Considerable evidence has accumulated on these fabrications. Much of it has to do with sectarian Islamists either blaming the Syrian Army for their own atrocities or rebadging their own casualties as ‘civilians’. Yet vigorous self-censorship has meant that very few exposés appear in the Australian media.

Reme Sakr

Dissidents have faced ferocious attacks. Reme Sakr, a young Syrian-Australian who visited her father in Syria in late 2013, was vilified by the ABC program Media Watch in early 2014. The ABC condemned the Good Weekend magazine for running a sympathetic profile of someone who was clearly pro-Syrian. They falsely accused her of supporting war crimes. She is now suing the ABC.

Throughout 2012-2013 Australia’s Labor Government was an active collaborator with Washington over the ill-fated ‘regime change’ plan for Syria. Canberra backed a series of absurd exile groups set up by the US and the Gulf monarchies as the ‘legitimate representatives of the Syrian people’. Along with a number of European states, Australia also expelled the Syrian Ambassador, after it was falsely claimed the Syrian Army had murdered pro-Government villagers at Houla.

Some ‘government massacre’ claims were even debunked in the western media. The Aqrab massacre, very close to Houla and also of pro-government villagers, was blamed on the Army but exposed by Alex Thompson. The Daraya massacre of civilians, kidnapped as part of a failed prisoner exchange, was also blamed on the Army but debunked by Robert Fisk. Both were carried out by groups of the western backed ‘Free Syrian Army’.

Such exposures were exceptions to the rule. The western propaganda offensive encouraged extremists to join in a virtual holy war against Syria. No Australian was detained or deterred from travelling to Syria in the first two years of the crisis. The first few killed were often praised as ‘humanitarian workers’ or victims of the regime’s ‘indiscriminate bombing’.

Related: Obama And The Western Allied States' “Fake War” Against The Islamic State (ISIS): The Islamic State Was Created And Is Protected By The U.S. And Its Allies

Yet in August 2012 a US intelligence report (DIA) noted two things, at odds with Washington’s public position.

First, the ‘Syrian Revolution’ had been dominated by sectarian Islamists from the beginning: ‘the Salafists, the Muslim Brotherhood and AQI (al Qaeda in Iraq, later ISIS) are the major forces driving the insurgency in Syria’.

Second, the idea of a sectarian Islamic State was anticipated and thought to suit western purposes. AQI wanted a sectarian war in Syria, which could lead to ‘a Salafist principality in Eastern Syria … exactly what the supporting powers to the opposition ['the West, Gulf Countries and Turkey'] want, in order to isolate the Syrian regime … ISI could also declare an Islamic State through its union with other terrorist organisations’.

US intelligence did not waste time with the political ‘for public consumption’ statements. They knew were working with terrorist groups in yet another Middle Eastern ‘regime change’ operation.

Australia’s home-grown terrorists must have been further emboldened in their belief that Canberra shared their aims when, in October 2012, Foreign Minister Bob Carr told national television that resolution of the Syrian crisis needed ‘an assassination’ and ‘major defections’ from the Syrian Army. This very un-diplomatic (and probably criminal) statement signalled to the fanatics that they could travel to Syria to attack and kill, imagining they had Canberra’s blessing.

Related: Truth In Media: The Origin Of ISIS - Ben Swann Confronts Obama And Exposes Engineered War

But it was not so simple. In late 2013 events forced a change in US strategy. First, a Russian initiative on chemical weapons (the Syrian Government maintains it had never used them) defused a planned US missile strike on Syria. Second, the Syrian Government began to gain the upper hand in the populated areas of western Syria, securing a number of towns along the Lebanese border with the help of the Lebanese resistance movement, led by Hezbollah.

Third, the open sectarianism and well publicised atrocities of ‘rebel’ groups, particularly the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS), attracted worldwide attention. The previous talk of ‘humanitarian intervention’ was displaced by western ‘anti-terrorist’ intervention, aimed at ISIS.

Yet the ‘moderate rebel’ myth persists and the western attacks on ISIS have been ‘cosmetic’. (The Syrian and Iraqi Armies, backed by Hezbollah and Iran, remain the main forces combating ISIS.) There are obvious reasons for this.

US leaders including Vice President Joe Biden and Armed Forces Chief Martin Dempsey have admitted that their ‘major allies’ back ISIS.

The evidence is quite clear that US regards ISIS and other al Qaeda factions as strategic assets.

Nevertheless, designation of significant sections of the Syrian and Iraqi insurgency as ‘terrorists’ has unsettled US collaborators, including Australia. Reinforcing this is the recognition that the ‘Syrian regime’ is not going away, and that many foreign terrorists are trying to return home. What this might mean is well illustrated by the videos of terrorist head-chopping and throat cutting.

Those who were happy to foment terrorism against others have become worried that the proverbial ‘chickens’ are coming home to roost. Caught in their own double game they are blaming everyone but themselves.

Related: ‘US Allies Against ISIS Are Actually ISIS’ Main Allies’

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Antidepressants Aren’t Needed Most Of The Time
June 27 2015 | From: BestHealthNutritionals

Shocking report reveals psych drugs have a 98 percent “failure rate”

Here’s a revolutionary idea: Let’s stop giving people dangerous drugs that don’t work.

I know that sounds like plain old common sense, and so obvious that no one should even have to suggest it.

But common sense flew out the window long ago. Today, countless people are being drugged with dangerous pills they never needed in the first place. And millions are paying the ultimate price, according to a damning new report.

The analysis, published in BMJ, found that more than half a million Americans and Europeans die needlessly each year because of unnecessary psychiatric drugs. And a shocking 98 percent of the patients given antidepressant, attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder and dementia drugs don’t actually need them.

Which means, of course, that a measly 2 percent of the people who are handed heavy-duty psych drugs, could actually benefit from them. The rest are unknowingly taking unnecessary risks — including the ultimate risk of all, death.

There have been persistent links between antidepressants and suicide, which the drug industry has tried its best to downplay. But the new editorial from a leading Cochrane researcher reports the risk is not only real, but there have been 15 times more suicides among antidepressant users than reported by the FDA.

And at a 98 percent “failure rate” it should come as no surprise that most of the drugs were only approved in the first place because of studies so rigged they could sail the Pacific.

Patients recruited for studies of psychotropic drugs are often already on other meds. To participate in the study, they’re taken off those drugs for a “washout” period and suffer withdrawal as a result.

The new drug that’s being tested is then given and, naturally, it eases the terrible withdrawal, so the patient of course reports feeling better. On paper, that looks like a solid victory for the drug.

In reality, all the drug did was feed the urge for medication.

And when drugs do actually beat placebos, it’s often not by much. In some cases, patients on a placebo report the same benefits… just a few days later.

Unfortunately, as revealing as it is the new report still falls short. It fails to mention that many people battling so-called psychiatric problems can get the help they need from nondrug therapies such as natural remedies, homeopathic medicine and good nutrition.

Brain friendly nutrients such as fish oil, 5-htp and B vitamins could give you the boost you need. And herbal interventions, such as roseroot have been proven to be effective, as well.

In other cases, detoxification treatments and hormone therapies are what are called for. Work closely with a holistic medical doctor who can offer you real solutions - NOT deadly drugs.

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New Snowden Docs Reveal NSA, British Government Attacked Antivirus Companies
June 26 2015 | From: ExtremeTech

Ever since the Snowden leaks of two years ago, it’s been clear that a certain amount of tension existed between some commercial security companies and government security agencies.

Kaspersky Labs is one company that’s likely been a thorn in the NSA’s side, given that it exposed and reported on a sophisticated malware, dubbed EquationDrug. New information, however, has made it clear that Kaspersky and government organizations in both Britain (the GCHQ) and the NSA have been playing a long game against each other.

The two organizations appear to have pursued somewhat different aims. The GCHQ (Government Communication Headquarters) apparently focused on aggressively reverse-engineering Kaspersky’s anti-virus . In a filing from mid-2008, the GCHQ requested renewal of warrants that would allow it to continue its research into Kaspersky Labs’ software, with the long-term goal of creating malware that Kaspersky couldn’t track.

The NSA did its own software investigation too, and found that the Kaspersky user-agent string that was transmitting data back to Kaspersky’s could also be used to uniquely identify Kaspersky customers. The Intercept confirmed that, despite Kaspersky’s denials, elements of its software continue to transmit personal information without encryption (Kaspersky Small Business Security 4 was found to transmit a detailed report of hardware and installed software entirely in the clear).

We’ve chastised Samsung and other companies repeatedly for transmitting plaintext information and the offense is even worse coming from an anti-virus company. The fact that this flaw existed, however, also illustrates how the role of security agencies has changed in the years since 9/11. There’s always been tension between finding ways to secure information relevant to American interests and protecting American data security, but these are the kinds of product flaws that the NSA and GCHQ ought to have informed Kaspersky of, in the name of better overall cybersecurity. Instead, both agencies appear to have quietly buried the information, reserving it for potential use at a later date.

Emailing malware can get you on the NSA’s list

Of particular interest is an NSA briefing from several years ago, in which the agency revealed that it actively tracks the files submitted to anti-virus companies.

The Intercept spoke to the original author of the email, who confirmed that he never sent it to the NSA or any government agency.

According to the NSA, however, the act of sending such emails is both an opportunity - it offers a chance to analyze the malware and determine whether or not it can be used to slip target packages through existing defenses - but also can mark the sender as a person of interest.

Lest you think the issue is somehow unique to Kaspersky, the NSA also enthusiastically published a list of additional AV companies it wanted to target:

Over the past few years, antivirus companies have stepped up their identification of government created malware, from Flame and Stuxnet to Regin and the aforementioned EquationDrug. These revelations seem to indicate it was the government that kicked off the party with aggressive attempts to breach corporate security and identify security breaches that could be exploited.

US sources have hinted at inappropriate relations between Kaspersky and the FSB (the successor to the KGB), but Kaspersky has shot back by noting the wide range of US companies that work directly with the US intelligence community - as well as refuting claims that it failed to identify Russian-backed malware or groups in an extensive blog post.

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Former US Attorney General Ramsey Clark Joins Lawsuit Against Bush, Cheney, Et Al For Illegal War In Iraq
June 26 2015 | From: GlobalResearch

A lawsuit against members of the Bush administration for their role in the invasion of Iraq recently received noteworthy support from an internationally prominent group of lawyers - including a former U.S. attorney general.

The group is asking the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals to review the class action suit on grounds that the U.S.-led war was an illegal act of aggression in violation of international guidelines as defined by the Nuremberg Tribunal after World War II.

Iraqi mother Sundus Saleh filed the lawsuit on May 27 against former President George W. Bush, former Vice President Richard Cheney, former Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld, former National Security Advisor Condoleezza Rice, former Secretary of State Colin Powell, and former Deputy Secretary of Defense Paul Wolfowitz, stating they “broke the law in conspiring and committing the crime of aggression against the people of Iraq.” Her complaint filed to the court reads:

Defendants planned the war against Iraq as early as 1998; manipulated the United States public to support the war by scaring them with images of ‘mushroom clouds’ and conflating the Hussein regime with al-Qaeda; and broke international law by commencing the invasion without proper legal authorization.

More than sixty years ago, American prosecutors in Nuremberg, Germany convicted Nazi leaders of the crimes of conspiring and waging wars of aggression. 
They found the Nazis guilty of planning and waging wars that had no basis in law and which killed millions of innocents.[emphasis added]

It should be noted as well that the Nuremberg Tribunal’s findings were specifically quoted in the suit, which has been undertaken as a pro bonocase by Comar Law, based in San Francisco:

[These] are charges of the utmost gravity. War is essentially an evil thing. Its consequences […] affect the whole world. To initiate a war of aggression, therefore, is not only an international crime; it is the supreme international crime differing only from other war crimes in that it contains within itself the accumulated evil of the whole.”[emphasis added in the lawsuit]

Saleh’s previous attempt to sue the Bush administration in the California court system was met with resistance from the government—including Obama administration lawyers—and was ultimately dismissed using the terms of the Westfall Act, which grants immunity to federal employees who act “within the scope of their employment.”

But the amicus brief submitted on Saleh’s behalf by the group of attorneys—including former U.S. Attorney General Ramsey Clark, the president of the International Association of Democratic Lawyers, the former president of the American-Arab Anti-Discrimination Committee, the former president of the National Lawyers Guild, a founding board member of the International Commission for Labor Rights, and the co-chair of the International Committee of the National Lawyers Guild, among others—states that the previous court was “forbidden” to use Westfall protections to dismiss the charges because the Nuremberg Tribunal established “norms” that prohibit “the use of domestic laws as shields to allegations of aggression […] National leaders, even American leaders, do not have the authority to commit aggression and cannot be immune from allegations they have done so.” [emphasis added]

A second amicus brief was also filed by the nonprofit Planethood Foundation—a compelling action in itself, considering the organization was established in 1996 by the sole surviving Nuremberg chief prosecutor, Benjamin Ferencz. This brief cautions that “those in positions of power” should not be allowed to subvert their influence to escape responsibility for their crimes. This brief cites the U.N. statement given after Nuremberg proceedings that, “planning, initiating, or waging a war of aggression is a crime against humanity for which individuals as well as states shall be tried before the bar of international justice.” [emphasis added]

The significance of these briefs cannot be overstated amidst increasing international attention on the case. Calls to charge the Bush administration for war crimes have grown intense as recent reports estimate well over one million people have died as a result of the Iraq war.

Hopefully, there will be an appropriate answer from the federal appeals court for Saleh’s lawsuit; because, as  Inder Comar told Truthout,

“This is a horror that continues to play itself out, daily, in Iraq; the architects of such chaos have yet to be meaningfully questioned as to their role in this unmitigated tragedy.”

Inder Comar is the Attorney of Sundus Saleh.

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Gripping New Adventure As Space Program Insider Tours Mars Colony
June 24 2015 | From: DivineCosmos

On June 20th, space program insider Corey Goode was brought to Mars for a tour of a colony that is not supposed to exist. Fascinating new intel has come to light as a result of this trip - and it is a very entertaining read!

A Remarkable Window into an Alternate Reality

Some people wonder if we are "alone in the universe." Others are open-minded about paranormal phenomena, believe that ETs do exist and are visiting us, and wonder where "they" come from.

You may take it for granted that the Roswell crash did occur, that the US government reverse-engineered the technology and developed space travel.

Roswell was seventy years ago.

Do you think maybe, just maybe the military-industrial complex would have gone out into space, taken a look around and built some colonies since then?

If The "Government" Built Off-Planet Colonies, What Might They do in these Inaccessible Locations?

What if these colonies built even more of the reverse-engineered "weird stuff" - all completely off-planet? Would the security of an off-planet location ensure that these exotic gadgets could never appear on Earth, no matter how valiant anyone's effort might be? Might there be millions of people already working out in space in these colonies - doing extremely advanced high-tech jobs?

And if so, could they have been lied to about what happened on Earth since they left - after some 60 million took off in the "Brain Drain" of the 50s and 60s?

Could brilliantly complex lies have been designed to make them never want to return to their homeland - for generations now? Might they have been told that they never could return?

Could a single, innocent word - 'Texas' - ultimately be the "shot heard round the solar system," triggering a revolutionary awakening within the colonies?

It Will Come as a Great Shock

The true scope of what there is to know about our development of space will come as a great shock to the vast majority of everyone here.

Over a hundred different off-planet colonies, each with at least tens of thousands of staff - if not hundreds of thousands - now exist throughout our solar system. All of these facilities, and the technology that goes along with them, will be handed over to humanity on earth - far sooner than we think. This is only fair, in the grander scheme of things. 

We Paid for it

Our collective financial and industrial base - the value we built as a human race - provided the seed-money investment to build this vast infrastructure. Investors are entitled to a return - at least within a fair and equitable system.

Yet, we are still driving hundred-year-old gasoline-burning technology on a crumbling infrastructure of paved gravel roads -- choking out nature wherever they roam. "Electric Vehicle Charging Stations" can still be seen scattered throughout Southern California. I just passed one of them yesterday while walking in to LAX airport.

They are a pathetic reminder of another positive, planet-healing initiative that was crushed by Big Industry.

Once you understand "vertical integration," you realize that the same cabal owns Big Industry, Big Agriculture, Big Finance, Big Media and Big Government. This is not a "conspiracy theory." The proof is absolutely irrefutable -- and is so widely available that everyone is talking about it now.

Even Mainstream Media Like "The Telegraph"is Figuring it out

Last week, The Independent published an article that reluctantly admitted how many "conspiracy theories" are already becoming irrefutable facts.

It should be very clear that if this much has already come to light, it is still only the tip of the iceberg:

Perhaps The Conspiracy Theorists Have Been Right All Along

June 15 2015 | TheTelegraph

Conspiracy theories used to be so easy.

You’d have your mate who, after a few beers, would tell you that the moon landings were faked or that the Illuminati controlled everything or that the US government was holding alien autopsies in Area 51.

And you’d be able to dismiss this because it was all rubbish.

Look, you’d say, we have moon rock samples and pictures and we left laser reflectors on the surface and... basically you still don’t believe me but that’s because you’re mad and no proof on earth (or the moon) would satisfy you.


It’s true that there was always the big one which wasn’t quite so easily dismissed.

This was the Kennedy assassination -- but here you could be fairly sure that the whole thing was a terrible, impenetrable murky morass.

You knew that some things never would be known (or would be released, partially redacted by the CIA, 200 years in the future).

And you knew that whatever the truth was, it was probably a bit dull compared to your mate’s flights of fantasy involving the KGB, the Mafia and the military-industrial complex.

Besides, it all made for a lot of very entertaining films and books.

This nice, cozy state of affairs lasted until the early 2000s. But then something changed.


These days conspiracy theories don’t look so crazy and conspiracy theorists don’t look like crackpots.

In fact, today’s conspiracy theory is tomorrow’s news headlines.

It’s tempting, I suppose, to say we live in a golden age of conspiracy theories, although it’s only really golden for the architects of the conspiracies.

From the Iraq war to Fifa to the banking crisis, the truth is not only out there, but it’s more outlandish than anything we could have made up.


Of course, our real-life conspiracies aren’t much like The X-Files – they’re disappointingly short on aliens and the supernatural. [DW: So far.]

Rather, they’re more like John Le Carre books. Shady dealings by powerful people who want nothing more than to line their profits at the expense of others.

The abuse of power. Crazy ideologues who try and create their own facts for fun and profit.

Corporations supplanting governments via regulatory capture.

The US Dollar has Decreased in Value by 96%

Since the creation of the Federal Reserve System in 1913, just over 100 years ago now, the value of the dollar has decreased by 96 percent. The Federal Reserve is a private corporation of multi-billionaires that the United States government out-sourced the issuance of its currency to in 1913.

If you have done your homework, you know these billionaires are part of a multi-generational organized crime syndicate that effectively seized power over much of the world. People are conditioned to laugh at labels like "The Illuminati" - but the underlying fact that "secret earth governments" are running things cannot be denied.

All over the world right now, regardless of which country you live in, you are hearing "There is no money left. All the money is gone."

Everyone is hurting - badly. It is amazing that the controlled media can still get away with calling this Greater Depression a "recovery." Or the equally silly "Great Recession."

Where did all that Value go?

Money is just an indication of value. It moves from one place to another. The value of money is not destroyed once it has been moved. If you have ten dollars in your savings account and you transfer it into your checking, you still have ten dollars. Yes, you could say that your savings account is now bankrupt - but you still have ten dollars.

If you then spend it on something, someone else now has your ten dollars - but it's still there. Now imagine this on a much grander scale.

All of the money earned by our parents, grandparents and great-grandparents - all the value they generated - had to go somewhere. And wherever our money went, it's still there.

Our Money was Invested Very Wisely

If you give someone ten thousand dollars, and they go and invest it and turn it into a million dollars, you deserve some share of the profits. That's why we invest. Providing "seed money" comes at a risk, but if the investment pays off, fair business practices stipulate that the dividends must be shared.

This is the whole basis of why we put our money in stocks, bonds, commodities and other products. A wide variety of fraudulent practices have siphoned off our wealth and used it as investment capital -- to develop industrial colonies out in space.

The business that was built by the military-industrial complex has boomed to epic proportions. Not one bit of its dividends have been shared with humanity on earth.

The Ancient Builder Race

Furthermore, an "Ancient Builder Race" left extensive, highly-advanced ruins on Earth and all throughout our solar system.

Those advanced artifacts, abandoned cities and re-occupied ancient facilities are the rightful property of those now living here on Earth. Thankfully, it now appears the walls of secrecy are tumbling down, and we will soon be able to claim our cosmic inheritance.

All of us will be able to live like millionaires - with technology beyond our wildest dreams - once the truth is revealed.

Why Would the "Powers that were" Ever Hand Over their Secret Technology?

A vastly superior race of benevolent ETs have made themselves formally known to the Secret Space Program since 2012.

They demonstrated quite a show of force, arriving in 100-plus spheres ranging in size from the Moon to Jupiter. The "Sphere Alliance" contacted a breakaway faction of the Secret Space Program known as Solar Warden. Together, they are now pushing to peacefully, gradually and effectively relinquish the lies and secrecy.

The Cabal would never have handed over this technology and revealed any of these secrets unless they were forced to - by a bigger kid on the playground.

We did not Know the Full Scope until this Morning

Though Earth humans are far from the most spiritually advanced race out there, we have become excellent builders of hyper-exotic technology. The hard-earned cash from our blood, sweat and tears has directly helped finance an off-planet industrial operation that is staggering in scope.

The true size of this industrial operation was not available to anyone in the public domain until Corey Goode published his latest update this morning.

As impossible as this may sound, the Interplanetary Corporate Conglomerate, or ICC, just revealed they are in intense, ongoing trade relations with.....

Nearly nine hundred different civilizations.

And there are many, many more who they are in contact with on a less-frequent basis.

Go Read it for Yourself

The Secret Space Program insider Corey Goode sent me a preliminary copy of what you are about to read, by email, last night. It wasn't finished yet. He was on one side of the kitchen table and I was on the other. I read it, gave a few suggestions and went to sleep.

While I was peacefully sacked out in my room, sleeping until 10AM, he went ahead and finished the whole thing. In my view this is definitely the best, most engaging thing he has ever written.

And, as impossible as it may sound, it is all based on what really happened to him three nights ago. 

Restoring Order and Exposing the Truth

The hyper-evolved beings within the Sphere Alliance are here to peacefully restore order to our solar system, and usher us into the promised Golden Age. They do not want to show up in blazing chariots in the sky and rescue us. We have to do this ourselves. And they are helping us create this new reality.

Corey and his commanding officer Gonzales just performed the Alliance equivalent of a UN weapons inspection on an ICC colony from Mars. The goal was to gauge whether the people there were living in slavery-type conditions - and to gain critical intelligence about a facility revealed by a recent new defector.

The adventure he went through - just prior to flying out for this trip - is truly worthy of a filmic treatment in and of itself.

Corey has felt like these journeys are often the equivalent of trips into hell. I have done my part to try to help him feel better about what he is doing. I have told him how lucky he is to be brought into this world. If I ever get the chance to go myself, it will be the fulfillment of a lifetime of unceasing effort. Countless dreams have indicated that this will indeed be happening. And it won't be long before this is a reality that all of us will have access to.

We are finally here at Gaiam Studios to "do it right" - on a professional level - capturing and releasing this vast, epic narrative in a series of episodes. This will be in addition to whatever I do with our original footage that we shot in my home back in April - and which I am in the final stages of learning enough to be able to self-produce.

We are discussing how to make this content as readily accessible to everyone as possible. It will probably be featured in a show we will call Disclosure: Special Edition.

Corey Goode has now met with the CEO, the president, the director, the head of production and several other key staff in the Gaiam production crew. This is an important point. Corey just went through an entire day of being (excitedly) interrogated by the highest-level staff in the company.

Every time we asked him a question, the answers tumbled out like a waterfall. No matter how specific and idiosyncratic the question might be, his answers are remarkably detailed. Best of all, they all thread beautifully with what I have heard from so many others. Corey and I were both very impressed with the degree of preparation that Gaiam had going in.

This included a centimeter-thick book of printouts of pictures of different types of ETs - to see which ones look the most like what he saw, and how we can illustrate them correctly. Every word of Corey's online testimony - on his website and Facebook page -- was thoroughly studied, analyzed and outlined, as well as the contents of our six-hour video interview.

Tomorrow we are going to attempt to create an overview that encompasses the main details and compresses it into a half-hour. We had meetings all day on how to accomplish that. This overview will be just the icebreaker that opens up the doors to a much larger series of discussions -- that could turn into many more episodes.

We are hoping to have a rapid turnaround speed on the release of the overview. The estimates may be overly exuberant, but we are hoping for the best. Everyone was completely captivated by the story of Corey's meeting at the Mars colony -- and it is well worth your time to read it for yourself.

The more Corey writes, the better he gets. This article has already gone viral like nothing else he has ever written, for good reason - so check it out!

Click here to read Corey's epic account of his trip to the Mars colony.

Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi

Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi

JFK Jr. Told The World Who Murdered His Father - But Nobody Was Paying Attention
June 20 2015 | From: FromTheTrenches / TheDarkLegacy / Various

I suppose most people think that from the day he saluted his father’s casket at just three years old, til the evening his plane went down, he just went about his business, playing the game of life like everyone else.

Related: Finally, The CIA Admits Covering Up JFK Assassination

After all, he did live, for the most part, a relatively ordinary life, in spite of being the Prince of America’s Camelot.

So, what do you suppose was going on in the mind of the sexiest man alive? He could have written his own political ticket, yet he went into publishing. Many expected him to land in politics and most likely were a bit perplexed when he decided to publish a magazine instead.

Some thought he was afraid to go into politics because of the “Kennedy Curse.” However, nothing could be further from the truth. What he did proved to be more dangerous than any political arena, and he knew that from the start. But…John-John had a mission…and that mission was to expose the villain who orchestrated that “dastardly act” upon his father.  

Unbeknownst to the public, John-John was digging deep for proof. And, how else could he expose the truth when all the media outlets were controlled by the very cabal he planned to expose? Enter…”George.”

When he presented his magazine, “George,” to the world, he was, for all practical purposes, signing his own death warrant.

“George” was a veiled threat…in a symbolic sort of way. Do you see? How many men named “George” comes to mind at just the thought of President John F. Kennedy’s so called assassination? The cabal wanted his father dead, that is a fact, but the namesake of John F. Kennedy, Jr.’s magazine…their minion, arranged it. And…once he had the proof, the truth would come out in his very own magazine. Do you see?

"As President, John F. Kennedy understood the predatory nature of private central banking. He understood why Andrew fought so hard to end the Second Bank of the United States. So Kennedy wrote and signed Executive Order 11110 which ordered the US Treasury to issue a new public currency, the United States Note.

Kennedy was working with President Soekarno of Indonesia who was at that time the signatory for the Global Collateral Accounts which were intended to be used for humanitarian purposes but which were subverted at the time of the Bretton-Woods agreement at the end of WWII.

The intention of Kennedy and Soekarno was to end the reign of the globalist privately owned central banking system - which is the main reason that Kennedy was killed, and for his part Soekarno remained under house arrest for the rest of his life."

From: All Wars Are Bankers' Wars

There was a rumor that John-John had obtained the proof he needed and an expose’ was in the works, until his untimely, and mostly “suspicious,” death. Of course, the media campaigned that he was an irresponsible thrill seeker; but then they would, wouldn’t they? Although many people knew JFK, Jr. was murdered; and they were right about who was responsible…they were just wrong about the reason.

John Jr. was warned by family members about the risks involved in his pursuit. But, he was determined to get justice for his father and bring truth to light, exposing the darkness that shrouds our planet. So ask yourself…what would you do, if you were a mere babe when your father, who just happened to be the most important man in the country, was murdered in such a gruesome manner, and you never had the opportunity to know him…would you just let it go?

Although he was from one of the main Illuminati family bloodlines, JFK was in fact trying to undo some of the mess - and to bring an end to the Reserve Banking System. For his efforts he was assasinated on November 22, 1963.

The Bush Connections

Many researchers and historians have come to the conclusion that it was the elite power structure running the US Government that were responsible for the assassination of JFK, and that there was more than one reason for them doing so.

There are photographs claiming to show that George Bush was at Dealey Plaza on the day of the killing, and while they might be inconclusive there are multiple other sources that George Bush was one of those responsbile for the assassination of JFK and that he was indeed there that day. The Dark Legacy takes an in depth look into the evidence supporting this.

Related: The History And Mission Of The Nazi-Illuminati Bush (Scher(f)f) Crime Family

Dark Legacy

It Never Ends - MORE Startling Evidence of Bush in Dallas - by John Hankey - TheDarkLegacy.com

I don't think we are much encouraged to see History as science. Quite the opposite, actually. And of course, that's all politics. The winners write history, and the truth be damned. Even science can have trouble trying to act like science when political issues are involved, as we see with evolution, tobacco-and-cancer, and global warming.

But I think History does have a lot in common with physical science. For example, I can remember when "Continental Drift", the idea that Africa and America were once stuck together, was very much considered "just a theory"; ridiculed by some, and regarded with amusement by many, and promulgated as likely by a tiny minority.

"Fifty men have run America, and that's a high figure."

- Joseph Kennedy, Father of JFK, in the July 26th, 1936 issue of The New York Times

But as time goes by, the evidence accumulates; and the meaning of old evidence begins to settle in; and ideas that were once considered outrageous gradually get worn in and start to be regarded as obvious common sense. Part of this process is the continual accumulation of new evidence.

New pieces are added to the puzzle and the picture becomes more clear. And sometimes the hidden meaning of old evidence, that has been lying around for years, suddenly jumps out.

Evidence of the fossils and minerals that can be found on the east coast of Africa, and on the west coast of Brazil, may have been lying around for years, before someone decided to look and see if they matched, and found that they did; and proved conclusively that west Africa and Brazil were once attached.


With regard to George HW Bush and the murder of John Kennedy, Joseph McBride found this memo in 1988.

FBI director J. Edgar Hoover wrote this memo 5 days after the assassination, naming George Bush as a CIA officer.

The last, and most crucial paragraph, is very hard to read. The following is a transcription:

"The substance of the forgoing information was orally furnished to Mr. George Bush of the Central Intelligence Agency and Captain William Edwards of the Defense Intelligence Agency on November 23, 1963, by Mr. V.T. Forsyth of this Bureau."

When it was first released in 1978, George Bush was an obscure bureaucrat, a virtual unknown. So when the best researchers on the planet saw this memo in 1978, they didn't pay much attention to it. When Bush became vice president two years later, no one was able to connect his now well-known name to this obscure memo.

But when Joseph McBride was messing around in 1988, Bush was running for president; and when McBride saw the memo, he jumped up and shouted:

"Hey, this memo is about Bush! It says he was in the CIA, way back in 1963!"

And for the longest time, the focus was on this simple isolated fact: that Hoover said Bush was in the CIA in '63.

Bush said the memo must be referring to another "George Bush," because he wasn't in the CIA at that time. But over the years, people were able to assemble the facts from Bush's personal life, showing his deep involvement with the CIA at that time, and with the CIA's anti-Castro Cubans (in the memo, Hoover calls them “misguided anti-Castro Cubans”).

And over time, it has become undeniable; that Hoover was referring, in his memo, to none other than George Herbert Walker Bush. And for a while, that was it. End of story.

But the title of this Hoover memo is, "Assassination of President John Fitzgerald Kennedy". Isn't that important?

Well, you'd think so. But for the longest time, no one made much out it. Besides, Hoover scarcely mentions the assassination in the memo, instead focusing on these "misguided anti-Castro Cubans." The body of the memo does not appear, at first, to be in any way related to the title of the memo “the assassination of President John F Kennedy”.

From Rolling Stone Magazine: The Last Confession of E. Howard Hunt

But then Mark Lane, in his book Rush to Judgment, did the fabulous work of demonstrating, and in fact persuading a jury, that E. Howard Hunt, a major lieutenant in the CIA's "misguided anti-Castro Cuban" program, was in Dallas and involved in the assassination.

With this background, with this framework to guide the researcher, it was then possible to assemble the considerable evidence linking Bush to Hunt.

People might have taken some notice before that Bush made the unusual request, as Nixon's ambassador to the UN, to be given an office in the White House. They may have noticed that Hunt, although he was not being paid by anyone in the White House, or answering to anyone that we know of in the White House, also had a White House office.

The very word “secrecy” is repugnant in a free and open society; and we are as a people inherently and historically opposed to secret societies, to secret oaths and to secret proceedings… 

Our way of life is under attack. Those who make themselves our enemy are advancing around the globe…
 no war ever posed a greater threat to our security. 

If you are awaiting a finding of “clear and present danger,” then I can only saythat the danger has never been more clear and its presence has never been more imminent… For we are opposed around the world by a monolithic and ruthless conspiracy that relies primarily on covert means for expanding its sphere of influence–on infiltration instead of invasion, on subversion instead of elections, on intimidation instead of free choice, on guerrillas by night instead of armies by day.I

t is a system which has conscripted vast human and material resources into the building of a tightly knit, highly efficient machine that combines military, diplomatic, intelligence, economic, scientific and political operations.
 Its preparations are concealed, not published. Its mistakes are buried, not headlined. Its dissenters are silenced, not praised. 

No expenditure is questioned, no rumor is printed, no secret is revealed.”

- John F Kennedy, 35th President of the United States, from a speech delivered to the American Newspaper Publishers Association on April 27, 1961 and known as the “Secret Society” speech (click here for full transcript and audio).

But with the Hoover memo in hand, establishing Bush as a supervisor of the CIA's "misguided anti-Castro Cuban" operation, it is possible to connect Bush to Hunt at the Bay of Pigs. With this memo in hand, it is possible to connect Bush and Hunt as two CIA operatives with offices inside the White House.

With this memo in hand, it is possible to answer who it was that Hunt answered to inside the White House; and how he got the office in the first place. And with all that, it is possible to connect Bush to Hunt, and therefore to Dallas, to Hunt in Dallas, and to the "misguided anti-Castro Cuban" assassins of John Kennedy.

J. Edgar hoover

Which is what Hoover did for us when he wrote the title of the memo. Little by little, the pieces start to fall into place. And pieces that in isolation meant nothing, become key parts of a whole picture.

But even so, this is not a rock-solid connection: Hunt was directly involved in the murder of JFK. And Bush supervised Hunt.

But Bush probably supervised a lot of CIA people, not all of whom were directly involved in the assassination. A high-ranking officer may be connected to all of the acts of all of his troops, by reason of his being their commander. But it's not a direct connection. It doesn't establish that the officer knew about, or approved of, or was involved in, all the actions of those troops.

Enter FBI memo # 2:

It will come up again in a minute, so please read the first line carefully. Bush identifies himself to the FBI as an independent oil man from Houston.

This memo establishes that sort of direct connection between Bush and Hunt, in Dallas, on the day of the assassination.

This memo records Bush's phone call to the FBI, precisely an hour and fifteen minutes after the assassination. When I first encountered this memo, and when I first put it into my movie, JFK II, I simply called it "weird".

I saw it only in isolation, a weird, isolated connection between Bush and the assassination. It took me years to see it in context. That is, to see that this phone call demonstrates, clearly, that George Bush, was on duty that day.

He was staying at the Dallas Sheraton because his duty assignment was in Dallas. His phone call to the FBI cannot have been random. This James Parrott worked for Bush as a sign-painter; he was not an assassin; this phone call is not what it purports to be; Bush was fulfilling some obscure under-cover function in making this call.

So the phone call has to be seen as part of his CIA assignment; which was clearly connected to the assassination. This memo then establishes that Bush was in the Dallas area, and on duty; and that his duty assignment was connected to the assassination. And if his men were in Dallas shooting the President, as they were, he was certainly on duty supervising them.

"The Society [Society of Jesus aka the Jesuits] employs a variety of ruthless tactics to accomplish its long-term goal (of a New World Order which pays homage to their Black Pope). One is carrying out political assassinations of world leaders who refuse to comply with its demands.

These assassinations in the U.S. have included presidents (Abraham Lincoln, JFK), cabinet members, congressmen, senators, diplomats, journalists, scientists and religious and business leaders. "

"Assassinations are carried out by the aforementioned intelligence agencies and their Mafia partners in the drug and gambling trades, often with collateral assistance from the Knights of Malta, the Freemasons, the Knights of Columbus, and Propaganda Due (P2). Such was the case in the assassination of President John F. Kennedy and some former Popes."

From: The History And Mission Of The Nazi-Illuminati Bush (Scher(f)f) Crime Family

If he were not supposed to be supervising them, his bosses would have assigned him to be at his home office in Houston, Texas; or on his oil rigs in the Caribbean.

But, even in context, this memo and the phone call it describes is still weird, no? I mean, how could Bush have been so stupid as to make this insanely incriminating phone call? Without this FBI memo, recording this phone call, we don't know, or even have a good clue as to where Bush was, or what he was doing the day of the assassination. Do we?

Bush has, until recently, simply said that he did not remember what he was doing the day of the assassination. But with this memo, Bush tells us where he was and what he was doing - he hands us his head on a silver platter.

What could possibly have motivated him to make such a stupid error as making this phone call to the FBI? It's a valid question. It's not an essential question. We can still value this memo, and extract a great deal of important content from it without answering the question of why, but the question remains.

And we can make a stab at answering it. Russ Baker in his fine book, Family of Secrets suggests that Bush was attempting to establish an alibi. Now, by making this phone call, he, in fact, establishes that he was in the Dallas area, and that he was on duty, related to the assassination.

So if he's trying to establish an alibi to cover-up where he actually was and what he was actually doing, what he is trying to cover up must be some pretty bad stuff, some pretty incriminating stuff, if it's worse than what he gives us with this alibi.

And what could be worse than what he gives us? Well, obviously, he must have actually been in Dallas. In fact, I think, this situation suggests he must have actually been in Dealey Plaza. I mean seriously. Think about it. He's so panicked about the truth coming out, that he puts his head in a noose and hands it to us.

It makes me think he must have been in Dealey Plaza, he must have been in the company of the shooters, and he must have felt that there would be evidence to prove that.

We're just speculating at the moment. We'll get to the evidence right now, but I’m trying to set the scene. If a guilty party is in a panic, trying to cover evidence connecting them to a crime, they may invent an explanation, or an alibi, that seems like a good idea at the time; but that in fact constitutes a very damaging admission. Anyway, stew on that while you consider this photo:

You see this tall thin man in a suit, with a receding hair line. Many people claim this is Bush, standing in front of the Texas School Book Depository. And it might be. It might be a lot of people. And perhaps, when he called the FBI and incriminated himself, Bush was concerned that he might show up in a better picture than this, where he was positively recognizable, looking towards the camera.

Personally, I don't think this photo looks much like Bush; and in fact, I didn't think he'd be stupid enough to just be hanging around the murder scene. I thought he was sufficiently high ranking that he'd leave such on-scene stuff to his underlings. Right?

At least in my mind, if you're an officer like Bush, you're the coach. You plan, you train and prepare your people, and then you stand back and watch it happen. Or so I thought. Fletcher Prouty was certain that he saw pictures of Ed Lansdale, a military operative of the highest rank, signaling to the "tramps" arrested behind the grassy knoll to "be cool," that everything was alright.

Hunt was a high-ranking CIA officer, chief of the CIA's Mexico station; and his son says he is one of the "tramps" who show up in several photos of men who were arrested behind the grassy knoll. So, some of the highest ranking members of the killers' operation were apparently there, on the front line, to make sure that when things went wrong, as they inevitably do, these high ranking officers could be there to fix whatever the problem was.

So, given that high- and low- ranking CIA officers were present, this photo of this thin man in a suit might, indeed, be Bush. It's possible.

And now, look at this picture of the Dal-Tex building. The Dal-Tex building is across the street from the Book Depository, and many leading researchers into the assassination, including Jim Garrison, say there was certainly a team of shooters in this building:

And as you can see, some imaginative individual has added some colour to indicate three men in this window. Very creative, very imaginative; and at least plausible. Still, it takes way too much imagination and effort, to see Bush's face. But now observe this link.

Actually, You don't have to stop and read it, because I'll quote the relevant part. It's a statement from Roger Craig, winner of the deputy of the year award for Dallas in 1960, and one of the most honest men working that day in Dallas. He's an amazing and heroic fellow, worthy of all the time you could take looking into his background and character. And here, in the following passage, he is describing a conversation he had with Jim Garrison, and he says,

"Jim also asked me about the arrests made in Dealey Plaza that day. I told him I knew of twelve arrests, one in particular made by R. E. Vaughn of the Dallas Police Department. The man Vaughn arrested was coming from the Dal-Tex Building across from the Texas School Book Depository.

The only thing which Vaughn knew about him was that he was an independent oil operator from Houston, Texas. The prisoner was taken from Vaughn by Dallas Police detectives and that was the last that he saw or heard of the suspect."

Holy Moe Lee! Please notice that, in speaking to Jim Garrison, Craig says "in particular". Apparently he and Vaughn thought this was the most significant arrest made that day; pretty amazing given that E.Howard Hunt was arrested in the rail yard behind the grassy knoll. And the only thing Craig knew about this “particular” arrestee was that he had exactly the same singular CIA-cover, "an independent oil operator from Houston, Texas", that George Bush had used that same day in his contact with the FBI.

Now. There are a very limited number of possible explanations for who this "independent oil operator" was. Let's look at them.

It is conceivable that the CIA had two men in Dallas area that day, supervising the shooters, who both had the designated cover of being an "independent oil operator from Houston." Bush was one, as the evidence above clearly shows; and perhaps there was another who was with the shooters in the Dal-Tex building, supervising them directly.

But unless the CIA overlords were trying to set Bush up, they would not have told anyone else to use Bush's CIA cover to identify themselves to the police. If another man was involved in the crime, and was arrested for it, and he told the cops he was an "independent oil operator from Houston," this would tend to throw suspicion in Bush's direction.

"The Khazarian Mafia’s intense hatred of anyone who professed faith in any God but their god Baal has motivated them to murder kings and royalty, and make sure they can never rule. They have done the same with American presidents - running sophisticated covert operations to disempower them.

If that doesn’t work the KM assassinates them, like they did to McKinley, Lincoln and JFK. The KM wants to eliminate any strong rulers or elected officials who dare to resist their Babylonian money-magick power or their covert power gained from their deployment of their human compromise network."

From: The Hidden History Of The Incredibly Evil Khazarian Mafia [Illuminati Cabal Zionists...]

Bush's association with the CIA's Cubans was already widely known. Fletcher Prouty knew and wrote of it. Fabian Escalante, the head of Cuban counter intelligence, knew and has written about it. James Files, who claims very credibly, to have been a driver for the Mafia shooters in Dallas, has spoken on-camera about it.

And FBI director J. Edgar Hoover, knew about it and wrote about it in his memo. So Bush was already a suspect in Hoover’s eyes. The CIA planners, then, would not have told anyone else, "in case you get arrested, tell the cops you're an independent oil man from Houston". Right? They would not have done this, since it would tend to incriminate Bush, who was already in a highly visible, highly suspicious position.

Another unlikely possibility is that this "independent oil operator from Houston" was just some innocent oil operator, who somehow managed to attract suspicion, and was arrested. Do you think it's possible that another oil man from Houston just happened to be in that corner of Dealey Plaza?

Dealey Plaza today

I hope you think it's possible. Because, as unlikely as it seems, if you think it was possible, then certainly Bush would have been reasonable in thinking that, as he was being arrested, there were other independent oil operators in the crowd who witnessed his arrest.

You see, Bush spoke to a group of oil men in Dallas the night before the assassination. If it were possible that some of them were in Dealey Plaza, he would need to be terrified of the possibility that some of them might actually have seen the arrest, and would have been able to identify him as the object of that arrest.

No wonder, then, that Bush freaked out, and made this stupid incriminating phone call to the FBI. Even if it showed that he was not in Houston, or in the Caribbean, but in Dallas, at least it suggested that he was not in police custody for the murder of the President, in Dealey Plaza.

But now stop and think a minute: Why was he arrested? What was he doing that drew this cop's attention at all? What could he possibly have been doing to make this cop think that he needed to arrest Bush?

Perhaps walking out of a building without attracting attention is harder than it sounds; and it reasonable to suppose that the crowd outside the Dal-Tex building had heard the shots, had heard that the President had been wounded, and they were carefully scrutinizing anyone who came out of the building.

But this story shows clearly that Bush was not the sort of cold-blooded killer who could take part in the murder of a man, and then act and look like nothing was going on as he tried to leave the scene of the crime. And it turns out that as an old man, Bush continues to suffer from this character trait, of being unable to hide feelings that need to be kept secret.

As you can see below, at Gerry Ford's funeral, Bush suddenly breaks into a wide grin while speaking of the Kennedy assassination. This is not a Mona Lisa smile. This is face-wrenching spasm of glee.

In a minute we'll take up the question of why Bush would grin at his recollection of watching John Kennedy's brains splatter; the point for us now is that he apparently had a similarly inappropriate, show-stopping expression on his face as he attempted to exit the Dal-Tex building; he had the look of a murderer in his eye, so clearly that it could not be missed; as this funereal-grin could not be missed.

And the guilt plastered all over Bush's face drew people's attention. And this cop, Vaughn, arrested him.

Now remember, Roger Craig tells this story in the context of his discussions with New Orleans District Attorney Jim Garrison about the suspects who were arrested that day and who then evaporated without leaving a mugshot, interview, fingerprint, or name. Garrison spoke not only to Roger Craig, but he no-doubt spoke to Vaughn, who made the arrest. And Garrison adds the following:

“At least one man arrested immediately after the shooting had come running out of the Dal-Tex Building and offered no explanation for his presence there. Local authorities hardly could avoid arresting him because of the clamor of the onlookers.

He was taken to the Sheriff's office, where he was held for questioning. However, the Sheriff's office made no record of the questions asked this suspect, if any were asked; nor did it have a record of his name. Later two uniformed police officers escorted him out of the building to the jeers of the waiting crowd.

They put him in a police car, and he was driven away. Apparently this was his farewell to Dallas, for he simply disappeared forever.”

- On the Trail of the Assassins, p. 238

This vision of the panicked Bush being arrested, no-doubt terrified as he was taken to the police station, and possibly even booked (though the record of any such booking has been destroyed) provides a context that explains a number of Bush's otherwise-mysterious actions. Certainly Bush was freaked out and panic-stricken! An angry crowd clamored for his arrest, and jeered his release.

Being a newbie in these dark affairs, Bush didn't have confidence in the ability of the old devils at CIA to make water run uphill, to make time run backwards, to silence the witnesses, to destroy the records, and make it all go away. And so he panicked; he acted on his own, stupidly; he called the FBI, thinking that he was "cleverly" providing evidence that it wasn't him who was arrested in front of the Dal-Tex building that day.

In his panic-stricken state, this seemed like a good idea. He was unable to see that he was actually creating a permanent absolutely-positive record of his involvement.

We can now also explain the grin. He grins ridiculously at Gerry Ford's funeral, at the mention of John Kennedy's murder, not because he is such a ghoul that he thinks splattering the contents of Kenney's head all over Jackie Kennedy was funny; but because mentioning the assassination causes him to recall the comedy of errors that produced his own ridiculous panic, arrest, more panic, and so on.

Garrison wrote his paragraph about Bush's arrest in 1988. Deputy Craig's article was written in 1971 and posted in 1992. But the significance of these paragraphs was discovered last week. There hardly was an internet in 1992 when Craig's article was posted. And for 19 years, no one noticed that this phrase, "independent oil man from Houston", is a very unique description of Bush.

No one noticed until last month, when one of the moderators of JFKMurderSolved showed it to me. And I wrote about it to some friends, and one of them suggested I read what Jim Garrison had to say.

So the pieces continue to fall into place. Little by little, the picture is filled in, the questions get answered. And the conclusions become more incontrovertible. This is just the sort thing that happened with the theory of Evolution and the Big Bang theory; and the theory of continental drift [all three of which are actually bunkum].

And someday they may start to teach history, as a science, based on evidence, in the universities. Really! It could happen!

At which point, Bush's involvement in JFK's murder will be taught, like evolution, as the only plausible explanation of the available reliable evidence.

Final note: Until recently, Bush had nothing more to say about his whereabouts the day of the assassination than that he doesn't remember where he was. That in itself is extraordinarily incriminating.

Everyone who was alive at the time remembers where they were on 9-11, and on the day Kennedy was murdered. But, saying that he doesn't remember, however improbable, is at least consistent with Bush's autobiography, which mentions nothing.

Lately, however, perhaps at least partly in response to my work, Bush and Co. have concocted a story that he was speaking in Tyler, Texas to the Rotary Club. The vice-president of the Rotary Club, Aubrey Irby, says that Bush was speaking when the bellhop came over and told him, that Kennedy was dead [Kitty Kelley, The Family: the Real Story of the Bush Dynasty, p.213; cited by Russ Baker in Family of Secrets, p.54].

Mr. Irby passed the information on to Mr. Wendell Cherry, who passed it on to Bush; who stopped his speech. Irby says that Bush explained that he thought a political speech, under the circumstances, was inappropriate; and then he sat down. As a would-be alibi proving Bush's innocence, there are at least three huge problems with this story.

The first is that it is inconceivable that Bush would not have remembered such an event; or that he would have left it out of his autobiography, since it shows what a fine and respectful fellow he is. If he didn't remember it sooner, or include it in his autobiography, it's clearly because it never happened.

The second huge problem with this story is that it couldn’t possibly have happened; that is, it is made impossible by Bush’s original alibi, his phone call to the FBI, as you’ll see:

The witness who tells this story, Aubrey Irby, says that Bush excused himself and sat down. It doesn't say that he rushed out of the room in a frantic search for a phone.

The problem is that Walter Cronkite's announcement to the world that Kennedy was dead came at 1:38 PM.

Certainly, no one was listening to Walter Cronkite in the same room in which Bush was speaking. Therefore we can be sure that this bellhop, who told Irby that Kennedy was dead, was in another room. The bellhop had to make the decision that he had heard enough of the news to leave off listening to the news.

This is no small point. Texas governor Connally was severely wounded. Lyndon Johnson was reportedly wounded. There was much other news to be confirmed. At some point, then, the bellhop decided to stop listening and go make an announcement. There's no reason to think Irby would be the first person he would tell.

But at some point he went to the room where Bush was speaking and informed Mr. Irby that the president was dead. This walk to find Irby took time, of course. Mr. Irby had to receive the information, and then he had to decide to inform Mr. Wendell Cherry, the president of the Kiwanis.

Mr. Cherry had to decide that he should interrupt Bush's speech; Mr. Cherry had to then walk over to Bush and tell him the news.

Bush had to decide what to say; and he had to say it. And, according to the only witness, Mr. Irby, Bush "then sat down". Somehow, when he was finished sitting, without attracting Mr. Irby's attention, Bush had to seek and find a phone. This would have been a hotel phone, so he would likely have had to go through the hotel switchboard to get an outside line.

Do you suppose the switchboard was busy after the announcement of the President's death? It's a good guess. In Washington D.C. so many people rushed to make a phone call that the phone system went down. In any case, once he got through to the hotel operator and got an outside line, Bush then had to call information and get the number of the FBI.

After getting through to information, and getting the number, he then had to call the FBI; and penetrate their switchboard, which was, no doubt, very busy; and he had to locate an agent, on what must have been the busiest day in the history of the Dallas bureau.

How many minutes do you suppose that would take? Twenty seems a fair guess, though it seems implausible that a civilian could even get through, given all the official police business going on at the time.

We know that the Dallas FBI was all over the murder scene, confiscating camera film and intimidating witnesses; so it's hard to imagine how Bush, an hour after the shooting, was able to reach an agent at all. Given the "sitting" that Mr. Irby observed Bush doing, for all this to have transpired in 45 minutes would be tidy work.

But Bush had to do all of this, as the FBI memo states, by 1:45, seven minutes after the news of Kennedy's death first went out; which is blatantly impossible.

The third problem is this question of why Bush would feel that it was necessary to concoct such a story at all? Why does he have to tell us this lie? Why does he have to get others, like Irby, to lie for him? The irony is that the harder he tries to make himself appear innocent, by lying, the more evidence he gives us of his guilt.

There are some people who manage to point to this and say "ahah! That's why Bush was in Dallas! Not to kill the President, but to speak to the other oilmen!" But as the Hoover memo shows, being an oilman was just a cover for Bush's real occupation as a CIA supervisor of trained killers. He needed an excuse for being in Dallas. This speaking engagement provided him with one.

From the Director of Dark Legaqcy: John Hankey

George Bush killed Kennedy. Or was it the Mafia? Maybe Castro did it. Who cares? It was 40 years ago. What difference does it make?

It matters.

The day he died we lost an invaluable treasure. This video documents that we lost a man of peace, who tried to cool off the cold war, and to get the American people to see their Russian enemies, not as despicable inhuman monsters, but as people like us.

On November 22, 1963, you lost the man who saved your life on October 17, 1962. At the height of the missile crisis, Kennedy’s generals and advisors were urging him to launch a first strike attack against Cuba.

They assured Kennedy that the Russian missiles in Cuba were not nuclear and were not ready; but that he and they should quietly slip away to the safety of bomb shelters anyway, just to be safe; and then launch an attack, leaving the rest of us out to die. Kennedy thought about it. And then he told them that nobody was going anywhere.

If anyone died, they would be the first to go, sitting as they were in the Whitehouse, the prime target of those Russian missiles. Together they then figured out a safer plan. Robert McNamara, Secretary of Defense at the time, recently learned from the Russians that the missiles were armed, were ready, were nuclear, and that their commanders were authorized to use them in case of an attack.

If you live in the northern hemisphere, the lives of your parents, and your future, were certainly saved by John Kennedy on that day. It matters that his killers be exposed.

In his farewell address, President Eisenhower had warned Kennedy, and the rest of us, of the threat posed to democracy by what Eisenhower called “the military industrial complex.”

And while Kennedy famously went after the CIA, and refused to commit troops to Vietnam, I always wondered why he didn’t more openly attack this military industrial complex. And then I stumbled upon a speech he gave at the United Nations.

As you will see in the video, he called upon the Russians, and United Nations, to help him to take on this military industrial complex, in order to “abolish all armies and all weapons.” But he was swept away.

And in the years since, millions have died in needless wars, trillions of dollars have been wasted on “defense”, and millions more people have lived and died needlessly in poverty. It matters that we lost him.

In 2007, Bruce Willis told Vanity Fair magazine;

"They still haven’t caught the guy that killed Kennedy. I'll get killed for saying this, but I'm pretty sure those guys are still in power, in some form. The entire government of the United States was co-opted.”

Now Willis probably would not mind my suggesting that he’s no genius. At best, his observation is common sense. 80% of the American people agree with him. Indeed, this video, proving that Kennedy was brought down by the most powerful men in the world and their hired thugs, is not based on secret documents.

It is all information that has merely been suppressed. Oswald allegedly shot Kennedy from behind. But the day he died, the NY Times carried the story, told by the doctors in Dallas, that Kennedy had an entrance wound in his throat, another in his right temple, and a large gaping exit wound in the back of his head.

After talking to the emergency room doctors, Kennedy’s press secretary described, to the assembled press, a shot to the right temple from the right front that went “right through the head.”

All of the witnesses near the right front, the grassy knoll, described hearing shots from that direction, and dozens of witnesses raced up the knoll in pursuit of the shooters. These witnesses talked to the press. But all of this information has been suppressed for the last 50 years. By whom? Who could?

You will also see in this video the overwhelming best evidence, from the best witnesses, proving beyond a reasonable dispute, that Kennedy's body was stolen from Air Force One, and the wound to his right temple was mutilated, before the autopsy.

Jackie Kennedy kept watch over an empty casket on the flight from Dallas to Bethesda Naval Hospital. Then the body was quietly taken to Bethesda for the autopsy, arriving 20 minutes before Jackie and the empty casket. Who had the power to arrange this?

Who HAS the power today to suppress all this evidence?, and to continue to bombard us with ridiculous lies about a lone gunman? It's a short list, isn't it? It doesn't include the mafia, or the Russians, or Castro. It does include the Bush family - or rather their masters in Big Oil; the banking elite; the backbone of the military industrial complex. These men, and their successors, carried out the attacks of 9-11. It matters.

And from 10 "Conspiracy Theories" That Came True:

8: Operation Northwoods

In the covert war against the communist regime in Cuba under the CIA’s Operation Mongoose, the U.S. Joint Chiefs of Staff unanimously proposed state-sponsored acts of terrorism in side the United States.

The plan included shooting down hijacked American airplanes, the sinking of U.S. ships, and the shooting of Americans on the streets of Washington, D.C. The outrageous plan even included a staged NASA disaster that would claim the life of astronaut John Glenn.

Reeling under the embarrassing failure of the CIA’s botched Bay of Pigs invasion of Cuba, president Kennedy rejected the plan in March of 1962. A few months later, Kennedy denied the plan’s author, General Lyman Lemnitzer, a second term as the nation’s highest ranking military officer.

In November of 1963, Kennedy was assassinated in Dallas, Texas.

About the Film: Dark Legacy

Relying exclusively on government documents, statements from the best witnesses available, and the words from the mouths of the killers themselves, Dark Legacy produces a thoroughly substantiated criminal indictment of George Herbert Walker Bush, establishing beyond a reasonable doubt his guilt as a CIA supervisor in the conspiracy to assassinate John F. Kennedy. If we could present this evidence to a jury in Texas, he would pay with his life.


Part one presents the overwhelming mountain of evidence that President Kennedy was hit by bullets from the front and rear. Every witness in the Dallas emergency room attests, on camera, to the fact that a bullet from the right front blew a fist-sized whole in the back of the President's head. The New York Times carried these statements on the day of the murder; and has covered them up ever since.


Part two presents the on-camera testimony of the witnesses who actually handled the President's body, the FBI report, and the photographic evidence all proving unequivocally that the President's body was stolen from the Secret Service and the wounds altered, before the body was delivered to Bethesda Naval hospital for the autopsy. Jackie Kennedy accompanied an empty casket on the plane flight home. Who had the power to do all this without attracting public attention? It's a short list.


Part three presents the Nazi-connections of the Bush family, which prompted the FBI to seize their assets during WW II, as Nazi assets. It presents the suppressed fact that Watergate burglar and CIA operative E. Howard Hunt was found by a jury to have been in Dallas and involved in the conspiracy to kill Kennedy.

Hunt was a supervisor of the misguided CIA-led anti-Castro Cubans who broke into the Watergate. He is not only connected to Bush through Watergate; and through Bush's father, Prescott; but five days after the assassination, the head of the FBI, J. Edgar Hoover, wrote a memo, titled "Assassination of President John Fitzgerald Kennedy" in which he named "George Bush of the Central Intelligence Agency" as the supervisor of what Hoover himself called the "misguided anti-Castro Cuban" killers of the President. Bush has said he doesn't remember the events of that day, but FBI documents place him in Dallas.

It is difficult to assess the stature and significance of someone who has been dead as long as John Kennedy. His killers have also been his detractors, actively desecrating his memory, as they did his body. The movie begins with a short presentation of some of his most powerful and important speeches; including a stunning speech to the UN in which Kennedy calls for the complete abolition of the military industrial complex. These same men the military industrial complex, ripped him from us, and the darkest features of our history since that time are all directly the result of his murder.

What will happen when the American people, and those of other Western nations, emerge from their cocoon of denial and face the reality that their rulers are among the worst criminals in human history?

Will the people follow their leaders’ example and lapse into lawless, psychopathic behavior? Will Western leaders “flee forward” by launching wars designed to conceal the bloody tracks linking them to past misdeeds? Or will the pathocracy be overthrown and replaced by something more humane?

On such questions hinges the future of humanity. Given the high stakes, you would have to be crazy not to help spread the truth, change the system, and save the planet.

From: Conspiracy Theories: Scavenging For Truth

Further Information:

Evidence of Revision is a 9 hour long documentary series whose purpose is to present the publicly unavailable and even suppressed historical audio, video, and film recordings largely unseen by the American public relating to the assassination of the Kennedy brothers.

It also details t he little known classified Black Ops actually used to intentionally create the massive war in Viet Nam, the CIA "mind control" programs and their involvement in the RFK assassination and the Jonestown massacre and other important truths of our post-modern time.

Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi

Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi

Investigation Needed Into Claims New Zealand Scientists Are Being Gagged
June 23 2015 | From: Scoop

Steven Joyce must launch an independent investigation into claims that scientists are being gagged, says Labour’s Science and Innovation spokesperson David Cunliffe.

Regarding: David Cunliffe - Science and Innovation Spokesperson

“When 40 percent of scientists say they are being gagged and can’t speak out on issues of public importance, it’s clear evidence something is wrong.

“It’s not good enough for the Minister just to shrug his shoulders, look the other way, and say he doesn’t know if there is really a problem.

He should immediately launch an independent investigation into what is happening at our universities and CRIs to ensure there is no inappropriate pressure being placed on scientists to stifle public debate.

“New Zealand spends less than half the OECD average on research and innovation. That leaves scientists increasingly reliant on the private sector for funding.

“The Minister has a responsibility to ensure that scientists can contribute to public debate in New Zealand without fair of reprisal.

"Science is a public good. It is an essential part of building a high income, sustainable future economy and society.

“When scientists feel gagged it threatens the public good. New Zealand needs free and open inquiry and debate,” says David Cunliffe.

Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi

Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi

Got Chrome? Google Just Silently Downloaded This Onto Your Computer
June 23 2015 | From: WeAreChange

“Don’t Be Evil” – Google. On June 17th, Google did not announce (the news broke) that the DARPA affiliated corporation has been silently downloading audio listeners onto every computer that has Chrome.

This effectively means that Google sees your privacy as piddly-squat, which does not necessarily come off as a surprise, when one considers Google’s censorship of We Are Change – this very organization as nothing.

The website Private Internet Access‘s Rick Falkvinge reported how he came to understand this new policy:

“It looked like just another bug report. “When I start Chromium, it downloads something.” Followed by strange status information that notably included the lines “Microphone: Yes” and “Audio Capture Allowed: Yes”.

Without consent, Google’s code had downloaded a black box of code that – according to itself – had turned on the microphone and was actively listening to your room.”

Without going into detail, Falkvinge describes the nature of open-sourced/free-software and how it relies on transparency and the innovation of many software programmers before being finished as a final product. The transparency allows the user to know that the open-sourced software truly does what it claims to do.

Chromium, the open-source version of Google Chrome is supposed to operate the same way. Only Google abused the nature of open-sourced transparency, and by-passed the process that would have prevented this from happening.

Google rationalized that enabling the ability to be eavesdropped via your personal computer was well worth it, because now “Ok, Google” works! Now when you say certain words, Chrome begins searching preliminaries – is it truly worth losing the stability of your privacy though?

Obviously, it is Google’s servers that respond to what is being said along with your computer. So a computer black-box was installed, hooked onto a private corporation’s server and now has the ability to eavesdrop on you and Google had no intention to let anyone know about it!

Eventually Google did respond to the accusation, in which Falkvinge “paraphrased”:

“1) Yes, we’re downloading and installing a wiretapping black-box to your computer. But we’re not actually activating it. We did take advantage of our position as trusted upstream to stealth-insert code into open-source software that installed this black box onto millions of computers, but we would never abuse the same trust in the same way to insert code that activates the eavesdropping-blackbox we already downloaded and installed onto your computer without your consent or knowledge. You can look at the code as it looks right now to see that the code doesn’t do this right now.

2) Yes, Chromium is bypassing the entire source code auditing process by downloading a pre-built black box onto people’s computers. But that’s not something we care about, really. We’re concerned with building Google Chrome, the product from Google. As part of that, we provide the source code for others to package if they like. Anybody who uses our code for their own purpose takes responsibility for it. When this happens in a Debian installation, it is not Google Chrome’s behavior, this is Debian Chromium’s behavior. It’s Debian’s responsibility entirely.

3) Yes, we deliberately hid this listening module from the users, but that’s because we consider this behavior to be part of the basic Google Chrome experience. We don’t want to show all modules that we install ourselves.”

The writer describes that “software switches” are no longer enough to protect against this type of eavesdropping, software switches are programs that turn off your webcam/mic etc,. Really, the author feels a physical switch that cuts electrical connection to the device is required to prevent this.

It is an odd thing to observe for me, because many people were furious when news of the NSA’s technological trawler of private information became common knowledge. When Google silently attempts to install even more passage ways for your intimate information to be siphoned, not much is said about it.

In fact many have begun the repetitive nature of apathetic perception, one example being:

“It only eavesdrops when you say, “OK, Google”

(Wouldn’t it need to listen to everything to know when you say, “OK, Google”?) and it goes on and on.

Ultimately, there will always be a large portion of users who simply do not care whether or not a shadowy corporation is listening to them, or a maniacal government for that matter.

Yet in principle, the fact Google did this with the intention of users having no clue that they have had their privacy sliced even deeper; simply demonstrates the corporation’s lack of compassion and boundaries.

However you choose to handle this story, deleting Chrome in exchange for more private-oriented software programs, not doing anything or learning more about it; one thing is clear:

We also have a responsibility to ensure this type of usurpation is not treated with an accepting embrace.

More learn what is happening by the day, it is only a matter of time before there is a tipping point – I hope to see you there. Thanks for reading.

And for any rabbit-hole divers out there, you'll just love this treat:

Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi

Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi

These Workers Have A New Demand: Stop Watching Us
June 22 2015 | From: TheNation

How workplace surveillance has become a menace to 'health and safety'.

Four years ago, I was out jogging with an old friend when she told me a puzzling story: Her longtime UPS driver had just reappeared after more than a monthlong absence. He’d been hospitalized for stress, she told me.

Stress? How stressful could that job be? So I asked to meet him.

Over coffee, the deliveryman, whom I’ll call Bill (he asked to remain anonymous for fear of retaliation from the company), explained that United Parcel Service had been upgrading its systems for tracking employees. Now the truck he drove was full of sensors.

They reported when he opened the bulkhead door. When he backed up. When his foot was on the brake. When he was idling. When he buckled his safety belt. A high-resolution stream of data, including all that information and his GPS coordinates, flowed back to the UPS offices. The system is called “telematics.”

With more than 15 years on the job, Bill already knew how to follow classic UPS protocols, with names that sounded like dogma from a productivity-worshipping cult: “The Five Seeing Habits,” “The Ten-Point Commentary,” “The 340 Methods.”

Guidelines derived from time-and-motion studies told him the most efficient way to do everything: how to handle his ignition key, which shirt pocket to use for his pen (right-handed people should use the left pocket, and vice versa), how to pick a “walk path” from the truck, and how to occupy time while riding in an elevator.

But telematics ratcheted up that pressure. Now drivers were called to account for a litany of small sins. They were asked to justify bathroom breaks and any other deviations - “stealing time” in corporate-speak - that could chip away at their SPORH (pronounced “spoor”) count, or Stops Per On-Road Hour.

“I have no problem doing a heavy, hard job,” Bill told me. “But now, after you do the job, you have to look back every day and say, ‘Did I do this? Did I do that?’ They have a report that tells them everything that you did wrong.

For instance, if you turned the truck on before you put on your seat belt, that’s wasting gas.”

For UPS, whose revenues topped $58 billion in 2014, tracking worker productivity goes straight to the bottom line. Time is money, and management knows exactly how much:

“Just one minute per driver per day over the course of a year adds up to $14.5 million,” the company’s senior director of process management, Jack Levis, told NPR last year.

He appeared on a boosterish episode of the Planet Money podcast titled:

“The Future of Work Looks Like a UPS Truck.”

Levis and other UPS executives have a favorite quip:

“We’ve moved from a trucking company that has technology to basically a technology company that just happens to have trucks.”

But UPS trucks aren’t driven by robots - at least not yet - and of the 10 current and former drivers I’ve interviewed, all felt like they were handling packages in the Panopticon.

“Data is just a proxy for control,” said Sam Dwyer, 26, a former screenwriter and marketing-industry analyst who spent eight months as a driver last year.

A current driver, who also asked to remain anonymous for fear of getting fired, said:

“It’s like you’re fighting for your job every day. They harass you: ‘Why did it take you 10 minutes here? Why did it take you this long there?’… They want you to hate your job and quit so they can hire somebody at half the pay.”

The metrics-based harassment of workers is common, said Tim Sylvester, the president of Teamsters Local 804, when I visited his Long Island City union hall in March. He told the tale of one UPS driver, Domenick DeDomenico, who spent 10 days in a coma after getting hit by a car while delivering packages.

A year later, after surgery and extensive physical therapy, DeDomenico was back on the job. When the tracking data indicated that he’d dipped below his pre-accident delivery rate of 13.23 packages per hour, managers threatened to fire him, DeDomenico said at a union rally.

Some UPS supervisors post printouts of drivers’ data every day to keep up the pressure. “Guys get scared,” said Josh Pomeranz, Local 804’s in-house counsel. “They start cutting corners.” According to Pomeranz, knee and back surgeries are very common among UPS workers. One driver lodged a protest by posting a telematics-inspired parody of “Santa Claus Is Coming to Town” on YouTube. (Sample lyrics: “He sees you when you’re driving. He knows when you’re on break!”)

Job stress is a popular topic on BrownCafe, an independent chat board for UPS workers. In two separate forum threads, when some members referred to apparent driver suicides in Atlanta, Georgia, and Paris, Tennessee, others began talking about management pressures. In September, when a recently fired UPS deliveryman in Birmingham shot two supervisors to death before killing himself, forum members speculated about the role played by a pressure-driven corporate culture.

“It was just a matter of time before somebody went ballistic,” wrote one.

Another added:
“We are people, damn it, not some stupid metric.”

How did we get here? A mere 48 years ago, on his weekly program The Twenty-First Century, Walter Cronkite proclaimed:

“Technology is opening a new world of leisure time. One government report projects that by the year 2000, the United States will have a 30-hour workweek and monthlong vacations as the rule.”

Machines, many people thought, would lift the yoke of labor from humanity’s shoulders. A Time magazine essay predicted that:

“by 2000, the machines will be producing so much that everyone in the U.S. will, in effect, be independently wealthy.”

The pundits had one thing right: Advances in technology did increase national productivity. In the three decades following World War II, productivity and hourly wages grew roughly in tandem, by 97 percent and 91 percent, respectively.

Then they were decoupled: Workers produced steadily more and earned proportionally less. From 1973 to 2013, while output rose 74 percent, the average worker’s pay rose just 9 percent, according to a January report from the Economic Policy Institute (EPI);

“All the productivity gains have been harvested and turned into corporate profits,” explained Michael Childers, the director of the School for Workers at the University of Wisconsin.

CEOs now make 296 times as much as the typical worker, according to the EPI; a half-century ago, they made only 20 times as much.

Likewise, after-tax corporate profits hit their highest level on record as a share of the GDP in 2013, even as workers’ salaries and wages hit their lowest level.

UPS demonstrates perfectly how technology now governs the US workplace. Metrics enable
“management by stress,” said Childers. Two years ago, he met workers who were processing insurance claims at a Pennsylvania call center, where managers monitored every conversation and keystroke.

They used that data to discipline employees, he said, constantly urging more speed;

“If you get a few calls where people speak slowly in a row, you know you’re going to hear about it next week,” Childers recounted.

“Always in the back of your mind as a worker is, ‘Oh my God, I wish this person would talk faster.’”

The workers’ anxiety and exhaustion were palpable: “You had 20-year employees quitting, people throwing up in the parking lot.”

In the winter of 2013, Reynalda Cruz, 42, took a job as a FedEx warehouse temp in Edison, New Jersey. She was issued a computerized package scanner and told to strap it to her right forearm. But the weight of the device became unbearable, she said.

As she reached repeatedly for boxes that were above her chest level, stacking them on pallets and then wrapping them in plastic, her arm grew inflamed. Coworkers told her this was normal. They counseled her to take a Tylenol or Motrin.

Meanwhile, her data-gathering wrist scanner had registered a troubling trend: Her pace was dropping. When supervisors confronted Cruz, she told them she was in constant pain. The same device that was tracking her speed was inhibiting it, too. They urged her to “pick it up,” she said.

“At the beginning, when they put it on my arm…I said, ‘Oh, wow!’ But after the hours went by, I saw this really wasn’t good for me at all,” she recalled, speaking in Spanish through an interpreter.

“How is it human beings can end up working like this? They were measuring our time, our production, as if we were robots.” Today, Cruz is an organizer for New Labor, a nonprofit advocacy group representing immigrant workers in New Jersey.

Laura Graham was a seasonal worker last year in Coffeyville, Kansas, at one of the infamous Amazon warehouses. She was born in 1965, when the techno-utopian dream was ascendant, but the workplace she describes, like Cruz’s warehouse, is the inverse of those earlier predictions.

Every time she scanned a piece of merchandise, another countdown began on her screen, indicating how many seconds she had to reach the next item, as if she’d graduated to the next level in a video game. Her progress toward hourly goals was also tracked.

When an accidental trip down a wrong aisle left her more than five minutes behind, a supervisor arrived to scold her. Graham’s body rebelled against the demands of the device, which directed how she walked from 10 to 20 miles a day on concrete in the 915,000-square-foot complex for $11.25 an hour.

“There’s nothing to describe the misery, physically,” she said. “I started getting these really sharp pains through my arches…it ended up being plantar fasciitis.”

Putting new insoles in her shoes didn’t help. To cope, she took two ibuprofen tablets halfway through the graveyard shift, which ran from 5:30 pm to 3:30 am, and another two at the end. On days off, she tried to keep from using her feet, lying in bed except for visits to the bathroom or shower.

Amazon and UPS, two of the most successful companies in the United States, both use technology to drive their workers hard. But there’s a big difference: UPS has a union. Amazon does not. As a result, UPS drivers make a decent wage - $18.75 an hour to start, rising to $32 after four years on the job - and can negotiate for protections.

In May 2011, Teamsters across the country began wearing stickers on which UPS stood for “Unfair Production Standards.” This was four months before Bill broke into a cold sweat on the job, couldn’t breathe, and was rushed to the hospital in the throes of his first panic attack.

While the Teamsters’ contract with UPS has a clause stipulating that workers can’t be disciplined based on telematics data alone, a gaping loophole in that agreement - it’s invalid in cases of worker “dishonesty,” although the contract doesn’t specify what such cases may include - renders such protections toothless.

Local 804 representatives said they’d hoped to see more robust language added in the last round of contract negotiations between UPS and the Teamsters, but it didn’t happen.

Meanwhile, the pressure to produce more and faster keeps intensifying. Some UPS employees and union reps told me about the tricks workers use to keep up. Drivers have been known to sit on top of already-fastened seat belts to save time. (Recently, they’ve been getting busted for that, however, since sensors can tell if a seat belt hasn’t been unbuckled at a delivery stop.)

In one warehouse in Queens, they said, a safety shut-off mechanism had been disabled - someone taped a reflector against the electric eye tracking the conveyor belt - because it meant fewer false alarms stopping production.

And workers are not looking forward to the arrival of a new routing system for drivers - called On-Road Integrated Optimization and Navigation, or ORION - that UPS is rolling out across the country. The company claims it will cut mileage and save $300 million annually. Teamsters elsewhere in the country have called it “telematics on steroids.” They worry that it’s a new way to erode workers’ earning power by dumbing down - or “deskilling” - the job to make them expendable.

If workers are to prevent companies from turning their workplaces into Panopticons, and firing them based on increasingly inflexible metrics, they will have to organize around new types of demands. That means bargaining for very narrow language about what kind of data may be gathered - from e-mail to phone recordings and GPS movements - and setting clear boundaries on how employers can use such information. It also means setting times and places that are off-limits.

This will be a challenge, because unions themselves are under attack. In March, Wisconsin became the 25th “right-to-work” state, enacting anti-union legislation that critics have aptly nicknamed “right-to-work-for-less.” Legislators in Missouri and New Mexico may follow suit. In November, a settlement with the National Labor Relations Board required Amazon to post notices in its warehouses stating that employees are free to unionize.

When I asked Laura Graham if she planned to work another holiday season there, she said yes. She’s applying to one of the company’s warehouses in Texas - a right-to-work state since 1993 - and expects her experience as a seasonal worker to be pretty much the same as last time.

“A big part of it for me, and the reason I can go back, is psychological: I know I’m only going to be there for two months,” she said. “I’ll be miserable for two months, and then just call it a day.”

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Former Salesman For Vaccine Maker Merck & Co. Would Not Vaccinate His Son
June 21 2015 | From: StopMandatoryVaccination

Former Vaccine Salesman Refuses to Vaccinate His Son.“If you believe what you are told by the AMA and the CDC and your doctor, you’re not doing enough research.”

In 1991 Scott Cooper and his wife researched vaccine safety and efficacy, determined vaccines are NOT safe or effective, and refused to vaccinate their son. Interestingly, their son was much healthier than his vaccinated peers throughout childhood.

At the time, Scott worked as a sales rep for Merck & Co., a large vaccine manufacturer, and he had dived deep into researching vaccines and the risk associated with vaccination.

His Pediatrician was befuddled that Scott would not vaccinate, especially because he worked for a large vaccine manufacturer! His son continues to be healthy, and Scott and his wife have no regrets about not vaccinating their son.

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