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Ownership of New Zealand Banks Who owns NZ banks
Why A Corporation May Not Legally Govern; Corporatised Governments of Other Countries & An Investigation into the Reserve Bank of New Zealand 'Corporation'

Would you be surprised to discover that a company with the same name as your country is registered with the Security and Exchange Commission (SEC) in Washington DC?

The United States Securities and Exchange Commission has the government of New Zealand registered as a corporation under the name of HER MAJESTY THE QUEEN OF ENGLAND IN RIGHT OF NEW ZEALAND.

This PDF research paper provides the detail and evidence for this and other associated facts; such as why New Zealand government agencies and departments are registered with the United States Securities and Exchange commission, Dun & Bradstreet and the New York Stock Exchange.

This paper also delves into the relevant legalse terminology, implications of the TPP, the quandry of government departments that seem to obfuscate reality - and a conclusion which does it's best to clarify the ridiculous contradictions of the Reserve Bank and the central banking system in general.

This is not a book, it is a 10 page long paper with illustrations, written in (hopefully) an easy to digest magazine-style format. The file size is 17MB in order to provide quality for printing. We hope that it serves as an important thought-starter in terms of inspiring 'the people' to take an interest and some action in terms of reclaiming their power back from those who have clearly absconded with it.

This is important factual information that affects everyone. Please take the time to download and read it. If you feel that this work could be of benefit to others then we would encourage you to share this URL.

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Wake Up Kiwi
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