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False Flag Attacks, Fake Terrorism & Engineered Wars

History has proven that both localised and global circumstances and events may be successfully manipulated by small groups with vested interests. Most human wars are testament to this fact.

The same tried-and-true methods and techniques have been used over and over again and perfected throughout the last few hundred years. Only now are the masses awakening to the manipulation that has been used to divide and conquer the many by the few for so many generations.

'If you think it's simply not possible for the human race to have been duped by the machinations of an elite who will stop at nothing to play out their agendas using the most incomprehensibly evil tactics - you are either in denial or patently stupid.'

As the world now stares down the barrel of another engineered war - World War 3 - we must do all that we can to spread the word so that the people of the world are not once again (and for the last time) led into manipulated, murderous and genocidal oblivion.

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Archival article sections accessible via the left hand navigation have not been updated for some time - simply due to resource constraints.

However, articles relating to these sections are still being published in the current events article stream.

Each new recent article covering subject matter on this topic will also link to most other articles on this site relating to said topic. (You can also navigate back in time through all articles published over the last ten years from the top and bottom of each page.

When this website launched over a decade ago, things were comparatively quiet - in relation to the almost unmanageable daily avalanche of information coming in now.

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Vegas Shooting: Official Scenario Crumbling & More False Flag Ops As Deep State Is Losing On Every Battlefront
October 5 2017 | From: Geopolitics / Geopolitics

The worst single shooter incident of all time in the US is fast turning out to be the worst false flag operation ever.

The forensic analysis and official narrative simply don’t add up.

Related: Questions swirl in the Las Vegas mass shooting

But what can we expect from the same people who claim that inexperienced Arab pilots were able to dive into the World Trade Center towers with pinpoint accuracy to pull them down?

More than one Vegas shooter; evidence builds Lone shooter? Really? And this is supposed to be more than a convenient fantasy?

Yesterday, I did a brief analysis of the number of people killed and wounded at the Vegas Concert (573) in roughly four and half minutes, which is the police estimate of the duration of the attack.

I mistakenly reversed figures. The correct conclusion would be: the lone shooter killed or wounded 2.1 persons per second. It is HIGHLY doubtful Paddock could have done that. His distance from the concert, his lack of professional skill, his state of mind, among other factors, rule against it.

Any competent and honest law-enforcement analyst would see a huge red flag right away.

Related: Las Vegas mass shooting: more than one shooter?

But of course, multiple shooters destroys the official narrative and opens the door to an investigation that could expose, for example, an intentional false flag operation.

Here is a piece of Jeff Rense’s analysis of rate-of-fire vs. people struck by bullets. It cuts to the core of the absurd lone shooter assumption:

“…a potential MAXIMUM of only 360 rounds could be fired at full auto burst with NO magazine changes in the approximate four minutes or 240 seconds of the shooting!”

“So, Paddock didn’t fire 360 rounds in 240 seconds because he had to stop and change magazines…probably 30 round mags. That would be THIRTEEN magazine changes
in the 240 seconds. And it is reported he fired from both broken out windows in the room/s.”

“Survivors state there were shooting pauses and that is when they would run.”

“Let’s say Paddock managed to get off an amazing 300 rounds in 4 minutes (or 240 seconds) and hit someone with EVERY ROUND.”

“Remember, there were 573 killed and wounded according to late statistics.”

“WHO, then, fired off the other full-auto 273 rounds also without missing a single shot ?!”

Another man who apparently has significant professional background re weapons has sent me his detailed analysis:

“There is NO WAY in hell that this inexperienced guy was able to hit 500+ people, at a down sloping range of approximately 250-350 yards using a make-shift weapon modified to shot automatically. Here are some reasons why, and you can check with other experts to verify my points.”

“1. It was dark and no matter how well lit, there are many shadows to hide in.

2. Simple a ‘sear’ (pronounced see-er) modification would have only permitted one entire magazine to shoot all at once with no select fire (being able to start and stop).

3. There are some devices (like AutoGlove and Bump Fire) that can simulate full automatic fire, but they cannot be used accurately or effectively.

4. Even if the shooter was able to somehow obtain a full normal functioning automatic rifle, anyone with military experience can tell you that the rifles are difficult to control when firing more than 3 round bursts – especially a .308 or AK47 type. This is because the rifle will uncontrollably rise if automatic fire is constant.

5. After the first 15 or so seconds, the crowd scattered and took cover.

6. I don’t have a count of how many pieces of empty brass (fired rounds) they have recovered, but knowing how many shots were fired compared to how many people were hit will tell you the hit ratio. If this guy did this in 20 seconds, we needed him desperately in Afghanistan!

7. To fire 500 aimed shoots and swap out magazines would have taken him about 15-20 minutes, and there is no way that each shot would have hit someone – more than likely would have missed.”

“To put in perspective…. Say a guy purchases an expensive bolt action rifle in .308 with a nice expensive scope. Without experience, someone would have to mount the scope for him and do a rough sighting in with a laser. This individual then takes this rifle to a range in broad daylight with no stress and using a bench rest and breathing techniques and all the time in the world and fires at a target 300 yards.

It is possible, but doubtful if that person could hit a large refrigerator at that range UNLESS they had LOTS OF PRACTICE and EXPERIENCE. For every 1 minute (1/60th of a degree) of angle change at the rifle, the bullet would vary by 3 inches at 300 yards. For this untrained guy to be wildly shooting with a high heart rate at nighttime? Well, bullets would be going everywhere!”

I fully understand that the estimates of 573 killed and wounded, and the police statement that all the shooting took place in four and half minutes, may be off. These figures may not be precise.

Nevertheless, they are a good and proper starting point. And even allowing for later adjustments, the evidence for multiple shooters and against a lone amateur like Paddock is stunning.

So why won’t law-enforcement take notice?

Related: Las Vegas False Flag?

Because, in certain cases with great consequences, the overall agenda and the direction of an investigation are set from offices far higher than the positions of the actual detectives and agents on the scene.

“This is what we want to know. Only this. Everything else is off limits.”

But it’s not off limits for us.

More False Flag Ops As Deep State Is Losing On Every Battlefront

The script has been overused for some time, but as madmen they are, they must continue to unleash their MK-ULTRA assets whenever there’s a need to sway public’s attention away from the multi-pronged offensive against their well-built institutions of dominance.

The Mandalay Bay casino active shooting today comes right after ISIS claims responsibility for the Marseille knife attack that killed two people.

Related: False flag in Vegas shooting?

This is the new normal as the Deep State is hemorrhaging financially, and losing power and influence globally:

90% of Catalonia residents have expressed in no uncertain terms that they will sever their allegiance from the Spanish Empire, more so after the disproportionate fascist crackdown yesterday;

Citibank is packing and preparing to move out of Russia. Goodbye fiat dollar;

Turkey is about to switch on its Russian-built nuclear power plant. Turkey doesn’t need NATO anymore, says Erdogan;

Federal Reserve CEO Janet Yellen is on the way out;

Spanish police crackdown on Catalonia referendum

Related: Las Vegas: Video Footage Confirms Multiple Shooters, Co-ordinated Attack

After they have raided the Russian Embassy in the US, the Deep State US Congress is now aiming for RT America shutdown. Fake news media must have no competition. Likewise, Google’s Perspective API filtering will take good care of the alternative online media.

Today, mainstream financial experts are also being puzzled as to why your paychecks aren’t growing as the economy. They point to “recession hangover” as one probable cause.

5. Could this be a Recession Hangover?

That’s almost certainly part of the problem. The 2007-2009 recession put millions out of work. When people finally landed jobs again, they took whatever pay was offered.

Businesses got used to keeping wages low during the crisis and are now reluctant to give bigger raises, even though the labor market is tight and they complain they can’t find enough workers.

Economists hope this will change as more unemployed people find work or start quitting to get better-paying jobs. Still, it’s clear that other trends are also in play, including globalization, technological innovation and the steady march of demographic change.

6. How do Globalization and Technology Factor in?

Over the past few decades, increasing trade and the establishment of global supply chains led to more competition from low-cost countries, such as China, especially in manufacturing.

With their jobs at risk, there was less room for American workers to ask for higher pay. Technological advances also made it easier for machines to replace workers, especially for routine and repetitive tasks. Artificial intelligence is even threatening Wall Street jobs.

Read More: Why the Economy Grows But Your Paycheck Doesn’t

The truth is simply that the US government has been kicking the empty can for so long and its creditors have been pulling the ropes around its neck until it stops being the perennial bully to the rest of the planet.

There’s now a covert negotiation to establish a US National Bank, with the help of China, purposely to finance Donald Trump’s infrastructure projects. That’s the reason why the Federal Reserve is about to close down its fiat dollar manufacturing and distribution worldwide.

Janet Yellen and cohorts in the Babylonian monetary scam

Related: Ron Paul on Las Vegas Slaughter: Conspiracy Or Lone Nut?

Only gold-backed and resource-denominated currencies will be honored in the foreseeable future. These are just some of the reasons why the West needs to endure more false flag operations as we go along.

The Western population must never know what’s going on with the rest of the world, i.e. how the resistance movement is gaining ground, day by day, against the empire.

Be safe.

Related: Antifa Receiving Military Training in Syria – Vegas Shooter’s Girlfriend Travelled to Middle East

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The US Military Is Quietly Building SkyNet
October 4 2017 | From: Zerohedge

Maybe Elon Musk had a point… The US’s military leaders have agreed on a strategy to guarantee the US military retains its global dominance during the twenty-first century: Connect everything with everything, as DefenseOne describes it.

The result? An unimaginably large cephapoloidal nervous system armed with the world’s most advanced weaponry, and in control of all military equipment belonging to the world’s most powerful army.

Related: Intel Unveils Neuromorphic, Self-Learning Chip Codenamed Loihi

Sound familiar? It should...

A networked military – an extreme take on the “internet of things” - would connect everything from F-35 jets to the Navy’s destroyers to the armor of the tanks crawling over the land to the devices carried by soldiers – every weapon would be connected.  Every weapon, vehicle, and device connected, sharing data, constantly aware of the presence and state of every other node in a truly global network.

Of course, the development of these “smart” weapons should unnerve Tesla CEO Elon Musk, who has repeatedly warned that AI and machine learning poses a greater threat to the future of the US than North Korea. If not properly regulated, Elon suggested that machines could turn against their human masters.

“Until people see robots going down the street killing people, they don’t know how to react because it seems so ethereal,” he said.

AI is a rare case where I think we need to be proactive in regulation instead of reactive. Because I think by the time we are reactive in AI regulation, it’s too late.”

The Joint Chiefs of Staff described their vision for a completely networked military in the newest iteration of their National Military Strategy, which lays out their plans for building the military's weapon of the future. Ironically, Air Force Chief of Staff Gen. David Goldfein said he had based the plan on a certain money-losing electric-car manufacturer.

Related: Stanford’s Facial Recognition Algorithm Claims it can Determine Sexual Orientation With Up To 91% Accuracy

Goldfein was particularly impressed by Tesla’s ability to remotely extend the battery life of vehicles as their owners fled Hurricane Irma earlier this month. 

In recent months, the Joint Chiefs of Staff put together the newest version of their National Military Strategy. Unlike previous ones, it is classified. But executing a strategy requiring buy-in and collaboration across the services.

In recent months, at least two of the service chiefs talked openly about the strikingly similar direction that they are taking their forces. Standing before a sea of dark- blue uniforms at a September Air Force Association event in Maryland, Air Force Chief of Staff Gen. David Goldfein said he had “refined” his plans for the Air Force after discussions with the Joint Chiefs “as part of the creation of the classified military strategy.”

The future for the Air Force? The service needed to be more like a certain electric-car manufacturer.

“Every Tesla car is connected to every other Tesla car,” said Goldfein, referring to a presentation by Elon Musk about the ways his firm’s vehicles learn from their collective experience.

“If a Tesla is headed down the road and hits a pothole, every Tesla that’s behind it that’s self-driving, it will avoid the pothole, immediately. If you’re driving the car, it automatically adjusts your shocks in case you hit it, too.”

Goldfein waxed enthusiastically about how Tesla was able to remotely increase the battery capacity of cars in the U.S. Southeast to facilitate evacuation before the recent hurricanes.

“What would the world look like if we connected what we have in that way? If we looked at the world through a lens of a network as opposed to individual platforms, electronic jamming shared immediately, avoided automatically?

Every three minutes, a mobility aircraft takes off somewhere on the planet. Platforms are nodes in a network,” the Air Force chief said.

As DefenseOne explains, the idea of a networked military borrows from the  “network centric warfare” concept that first emerged more than a decade ago. However, the concept that military leaders proposed in their latest review is less a strategy for increasing efficiency than a plan to connect all military equipment on a single network. The result would be better coordinated, faster, and more lethal operations in air, land, sea, space, and cyberspace.

The Air Force has begun making broad investments in data sharing. And its experiments with next-generation light tactical attack aircraft are as much about hardware as networks, he said.

“Not only what can I buy and what can they do, but more importantly, can they connect? Can they actually share? And can we tie it to a new network that’s based on sharable information that gets me beyond the challenges I have right now in terms of security?” Goldfein said.

The Air Force Science Board is studying how to control a network of military equipment including light attack aircraft, tanks and even unmanned drones. James Chow, the board’s new head, told DefenseOne the study would also consider how to connect to other services.

As DefenseOne explains, although most of the research into the networked military is being conducted by the Air Force, once implemented, any system would likely include weapons from across the military, like Navy destroyers, said Chow.

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“Our scope would be in helping the Air Force to think about operations they would be conducting that would incorporate joint sensors and platforms, like destroyers, I think that has to be part of it. And that is within the charter of the study,” Chow  said, adding that the study has “the highest priority level for Air Force leadership.”

The Marines are also looking at tanks that are digitally connected through their armor, according to Lt. Gen. Robert Walsh, who leads Marine Corps Combat Development Command and serves as Deputy Commandant for Combat Development and Integration. Navy leaders have also authorized research into connecting every object on the sea, land, air, space and in cyberspace.

This is no exaggeration. Adm. John Richardson, Chief of Naval Operations, said during a Navy expo earlier this year that he’d eventually like to “network everything,” explaining that creating such a system would be crucial to maintaining US military dominance.  

In an amusing aside, DefenseOne notes that, despite the obvious parallels, military leaders detest comparisons between their tech pet projects and anything from the plot of the Terminator franchise.

And while enabling instantaneous communication between military units would undoubtedly improve efficiency and tactical prowess, as Musk as pointed out, these projects should be undertaken cautiously.

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Russia Releases Photos Claiming To Show US Special Ops Equipment In ISIS Positions In Syria & Mossad Officer Leading ISIS As Mosque Imam Arrested In Libya
October 1 2017 | From: TheFreeThoughtProject / VeteransToday

Aerial images were recently released that appear to show U.S. Special Operations Forces and their equipment embedded in ISIS positions in Syria.

While coverage of the Islamic State’s reign of terror in Iraq and Syria has quietly disappeared from the mainstream media, allegations and photos of the United States supporting and funding the group continue to come to the forefront.

Related: Russian Satellite Photos Prove US–ISIS Collusion in Syria

The latest battle is occurring over Deir er-Zor, the largest city in eastern Syria, where both the U.S. and Russia claim to be fighting against ISIS. However, according to the Russian Ministry of Defense, aerial images of ISIS positions included equipment from U.S. Army Special Forces.

In a statement posted on its Facebook page, the Russian Defense Ministry claimed that U.S. Special Operations Forces units “enable US-backed Syrian Democratic Forces units to smoothly advance through the ISIS formations” and because they are facing no resistance from ISIS militants, the Syrian Democratic Forces units are “advancing along the left shore of the Euphrates toward Deir er-Zor.”

Russia’s MoD claimed the aerial photos were taken on Sept. 8-12 over ISIS locations north of Deir er-Zor. The equipment from American Special Operations Forces came in the form of “a large number” of American Hummer armored vehicles.

The statement noted that even though the presence of the Special Operations Forces would indicate that they were aware of the terrorist group’s presence in the area, its actions suggest that “the US troops feel safe in terrorist controlled regions,” because there were no calls for an organized screening patrol and there is no evidence of US-led coalition airstrikes to drive out the militants.

"The shots clearly show the US SOF units located at strongholds that had been equipped by the ISIS terrorists. Though there is no evidence of assault, struggle or any US-led coalition airstrikes to drive out the militants.

Despite that the US strongholds being located in the ISIS areas, no screening patrol has been organized at them. This suggests that the US troops feel safe in terrorist controlled regions.”

Image via Russian Ministry of Defense

Related: New Documents Show Pentagon Is Shipping Billions Worth Of Weapons To Terrorists In Syria, Trying To Cover Its Tracks

Both the statement and the aerial images from Russia’s Ministry of Defense serve as a reminder that the lines are often blurred when it comes to the difference between the Syrian Democratic Forces (which openly receive U.S. funding) and ISIS militants (which have mysteriously received help from the U.S. on a number of occasions).

There have been accusations of the U.S. paying the salaries of the “moderate rebels” it was training in Syria, with one rebel commander reportedly saying in July that “U.S. support had been waning for months,” but the rebels “had been given their salaries as normal last month.

Russian President Putin alluded to the idea in 2014, when he called out the Obama Administration for arming and training “the Syrians that were fighting Assad,” and then noted that both the “moderate rebels” and the “ISIS militants” are mercenaries, often fighting for the side that pays them the largest salary.

Related: U.S. Launching New Phase in Battle Against ISIS After Discovering Massive Trove of Intelligence

“Another threat that President Obama mentioned was ISIS,” Putin said. “Well who on earth armed them? Who armed the Syrians that were fighting with Assad?

Who created the necessary political information and climate that facilitated this situation? Who pushed for the delivery of arms to the area? Do you really not understand who is fighting in Syria? 

They are mercenaries mostly. Do you understand they are paid money? Mercenaries fight for whichever side pays more.”

There are also a number of circumstances in which U.S. equipment and funding just happened to benefit the Islamic State.

In October 2014, the Pentagon admitted that the U.S. airdropped weapons to ISIS, and blamed “the wind” for the fact that those weapons were not delivered to Kurdish fighters in Kobani.

Related: Leaked Sec Kerry Audio that CNN & NY Times Tried to Hide - Confirms US Role in Rise of ISIS

In October 2016, the Pentagon was caught paying a PR firm $540 million to create fake terrorist videos - much like the ones purported to show ISIS militants beheading innocent civilians.

Then in a 2016 audit, the Department of Defense admitted that it could not account for $1 billion in weapons and equipment that was meant for forces in Syria, but likely ended up in the hands of ISIS.

In 2017, allegations that U.S. Army Special Operations Forces units were found embedded with ISIS militants are no surprise, given the United States’ history of being in the right place at the right time to protect the group from being defeated.

As the reports become more and more obvious, it raises the question of whether the U.S. government will ever admit its true role in the conflict.

The CIA Origins of "ISIS": Ben Swann

ISIS now defeated – what’s next?

Mossad Officer Leading ISIS As Mosque Imam Arrested In Libya

Mossad officer leading ISIS as mosque Imam arrested in Libya. [We have known for a long time that US, Israeli & Saudi officers were leading ISIS, this latest incident is just further proof of that.]

Libyan authorities arrested a leader and mosque preacher of the ISIS terrorist group who later confessed to be a Mossad officer.

Related: ‘ISIS Commander’ Arrested By Libyan Authorities Exposed As Israeli Mossad Agent

According to the Libyan authorities, preacher Abu Hafs’ real name is Benjamin Efraim, an Israeli national operating in one of Mossad’s special units which conduct espionage operations in Arab and Islamic countries.

The Libyan authorities said the Mossad spy has started his career in Libya by leading a 200-member ISIS-affiliated group and moved to Benghazi in disguise as a preacher.

According to them, Abu Hafs had attempted to infiltrate Egypt, adding that the group, under his command, is among the most barbaric terrorist groups which had threatened to export war to Egypt.

Related: Dirty Open Secret: US Created And Supports ISIS & Iran: We Have Evidence Of US Direct Support To ISIL

The report came in the backdrop of a number of reports that said ISIS Leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi was also a Mossad agent although no credible evidence has yet been presented to substantiate the claim.

When the terror outfit attacked Iraq and conquered Mosul some three years ago, numerous reports have surfaced the media disclosing that tens of Mossad agents are leading ISIS fighters.

The report came as speculations are increasing within the ranks of ISIS over the possible successor of Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi after the recent reports about his death.

According to last month reports, ISIS’s leader in Libya Jalalulddin al-Tunisi and ISIS’s leader in Syria Abu Mohammad al-Shamali are the main two picks to lead the terrorist group after al-Baghdadi.

Related: Israeli Defense Minister Confirms Israel Backing Of ISIS In Syria

Jalalulddin al-Tunisi, whose real name is Mohammad Bin Salem al-Oyoni, was born in 1982 and is a resident of the town of Masaken in Souseh province in Central Tunisia.

Al-Oyoni has also acquired the French nationality after his trip to the European country before joining terrorist groups in Tunisia in 2011-2012. Al-Oyoni joined ISIS in Iraq and Syria in 2013 and 2014.

American and Iraqi sources claimed that six commanders of ISIS, including a Belgian-Algerian and a French member of the terrorist group are read to be the successor of al-Baghdadi.

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America's Jews Are Driving America's Wars

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Happy Birthday CIA: 7 Truly Terrible Things The Agency Has Done In 70 Years
September 28 2017 | From: ActivistPost

On Monday, President Trump tweeted birthday wishes to the Air Force and the CIA. Both became official organizations 70 years ago on September 18, 1947, with the implementation of the National Security Act of 1947.

After spending years as a wartime intelligence agency called the Office of Strategic Services, the agency was solidified as a key player in the federal government’s operations with then-President Harry Truman’s authorization.

Related: The CIA: 70 Years of Organized Crime

In the seventy years since, the CIA has committed a wide variety of misdeeds, crimes, coups, and violence. Here are seven of the worst programs they’ve carried out (that are known to the public):

1. Toppling Governments Around the World

The CIA is best known for its first coup, Operation Ajax, in 1953, in which it ousted the democratically elected leader of Iran, Mohammed Mossadegh, reinstating the autocratic Shah, who favored western oil interests.

That operation, which the CIA now admits to waging with British intelligence, ultimately resulted in the 1979 revolution and subsequent U.S. hostage crisis. Relations between the U.S. and Iran remain strained to this day, aptly described by the CIA-coined term “blowback.”

Related: Bilderberg On Steroids – Meet The Secret CIA-Funded Group Behind The ‘War On Terror’

But the CIA has had a hand in toppling a number of other democratically elected governments, from Guatemala (1954) and the Congo (1960) to the Dominican Republic (1961), South Vietnam (1963), Brazil (1964), and Chile (1973). The CIA has aimed to install leaders who appease American interests, often empowering oppressive, violent dictators. This is only a partial list of countries where the CIA covertly attempted to exploit and manipulate sovereign nations’ governments.

2. Operation Paperclip

In one of the more bizarre CIA plots, the agency and other government departments employed Nazi scientists both within and outside the United States to gain an advantage over the Soviets. As summarized by NPR:

"The aim [of Operation Paperclip] was to find and preserve German weapons, including biological and chemical agents, but American scientific intelligence officers quickly realized the weapons themselves were not enough.

They decided the United States needed to bring the Nazi scientists themselves to the U.S. Thus began a mission to recruit top Nazi doctors, physicists and chemists - including Wernher von Braun, who went on to design the rockets that took man to the moon."

They kept this plot secret, though they admitted to it upon the release of Operation Paperclip: The Secret Intelligence Program That Brought Nazi Scientists To America by Annie Jacobsen. In a book review, the CIA wrote that “Henry Wallace, former vice president and secretary of commerce, believed the scientists’ ideas could launch new civilian industries and produce jobs.”

They praised the book’s historical accuracy, noting “that the Launch Operations Center at Cape Canaveral, Florida, was headed by Kurt Debus, an ardent Nazi.” They acknowledged that “General Reinhard Gehlen, former head of Nazi intelligence operations against the Soviets, was hired by the US Army and later by the CIA to operate 600 ex-Nazi agents in the Soviet zone of occupied Germany.”

Related: President Trump's Lawyers Plan A White House Legal Attack On Federal Agency Power + Trump Is Challenging The Whole CIA-Media Nexus & JFK Researchers: Trump At Risk For Assassination

Remarkably, they noted that Jacobsen “understandably questions the morality of the decision to hire Nazi SS scientists,” but praise her for pointing out that it was done to fight Soviets. They also made sure to add that the Soviets hired Nazis, too, apparently justifying their own questionable actions by citing their most loathed enemy.

3. Operation CHAOS

The FBI is widely known for its COINTELPRO schemes to undermine communist movements in the 1950s and anti-war, civil rights, and black power movements in the 1960s, but the CIA has not been implicated nearly as deeply because, technically, the CIA cannot legally engage in domestic spying.

But that was of little concern to President Lyndon B. Johnson as opposition to the Vietnam war grew. According to former New York Times journalist and Pulitzer Prize-winner Tim Weiner, as documented in his extensive CIA historyLegacy of Ashes, Johnson instructed then-CIA Director Richard Helms to break the law:

"In October 1967, a handful of CIA analysts joined in the first big Washington march against the war. The president regarded protesters as enemies of the state. He was convinced that the peace movement was controlled and financed by Moscow and Beijing. He wanted proof. He ordered Richard Helms to produce it.

Helms reminded the president that the CIA was barred from spying on Americans. He says Johnson told him: ‘I’m quite aware of that. What I want for you is to pursue this matter, and to do what is necessary to track down the foreign communists who are behind this intolerable interference in our domestic affairs…’”

Helms obeyed. Weiner wrote:

"In a blatant violation of his powers under the law, the director of central intelligence became a part-time secret police chief. The CIA undertook a domestic surveillance operation, code-named Chaos. It went on for almost seven years…

Eleven CIA officers grew long hair, learned the jargon of the New Left, and went off to infiltrate peace groups in the United States and Europe.

According to Weiner, “the agency compiled a computer index of 300,000 names of American people and organizations, and extensive files on 7,200 citizens. It began working in secret with police departments all over America.”

Because they could not draw a “clear distinction” between the new far left and mainstream opposition to the war, the CIA spied on every major peace organization in the country. President Johnson also wanted them to prove a connection between foreign communists and the black power movement.

“The agency tried its best,” Weiner noted, ultimately noting that “the CIA never found a shred of evidence that linked the leaders of the American left or the black-power movement to foreign governments.”

4. Infiltrating the Media

Over the years, the CIA has successfully gained influence in the news media, as well as popular media like film and television. Its influence over the news began almost immediately after the agency was formed. As Weiner explained, CIA Director Allen Dulles established firm ties with newspapers:

"Dulles kept in close touch with the men who ran the New York Times, The Washington Post, and the nation’s leading weekly magazines.

He could pick up the phone and edit a breaking story, make sure an irritating foreign correspondent was yanked from the field, or hire the services of men such as Time’s Berlin bureau chief and Newsweek’s man in Tokyo.”

Related: Insider Confirms CIA Controls CNN + Mainstream Media Exposed Its Own Cannibalism And More

He continued:

"It was second nature for Dulles to plant stories in the press. American newsrooms were dominated by veterans of the government’s wartime propaganda branch, the Office of War Information…

The men who responded to the CIA’s call included Henry Luce and his editors at Time, Life, and Fortune; popular magazines such as Parade, the Saturday Review, and Reader’s Digest; and the most powerful executives at CBS News.

Dulles built a public-relations and propaganda machine that came to include more than fifty news organizations, a dozen publishing houses, and personal pledges of support from men such as Axel Springer, West Germany’s most powerful press baron..”

The CIA’s influence had not waned by 1977 when journalist Carl Bernstein reported on publications with CIA agents in their employ, as well as “more than 400 American journalists who in the past twenty‑five years have secretly carried out assignments for the Central Intelligence Agency.”

The CIA has also successfully advised on and influenced numerous television shows, such as Homeland and 24 and films like Zero Dark Thirty and Argo, which push narratives that ultimately favor the agency. According to Tricia Jenkins, author of The CIA in Hollywood: How the Agency Shapes Film & Television, a concerted agency effort began in the 1990s to counteract negative public perceptions of the CIA, but their influence reaches back decades.

In the 1950s, filmmakers produced films for the CIA, including the 1954 film adaptation of George Orwell’s Animal Farm.

Related: Literary Agents Rethinking The Legacy Of Writers Who Worked With The CIA + Interview With Douglas Valentine: The CIA As Organized Crime

Researchers Tom Secker and Matthew Alford, whose work has been published in the American Journal of Economics and Sociology, say their recent Freedom of Information Act requests have shown that the CIA - along with the military - have influenced over 1,800 films and television shows, many of which have nothing to do with CIA or military themes.

5. Drug-Induced Mind Control

In the 1950s, the CIA began experimenting with drugs to determine whether they might be useful in extracting information. As Smithsonian Magazine has noted of the MKUltra project:

"The project, which continued for more than a decade, was originally intended to make sure the United States government kept up with presumed Soviet advances in mind-control technology. It ballooned in scope and its ultimate result, among other things, was illegal drug testing on thousands of Americans.”

Related: July 20, 1977: CIA Mind Control Project MKUltra Documents Released For The First Time


"The intent of the project was to study ‘the use of biological and chemical materials in altering human behavior,’ according to the official testimony of CIA director Stansfield Turner in 1977.

The project was conducted in extreme secrecy, Turner said, because of ethical and legal questions surrounding the program and the negative public response that the CIA anticipated if MKUltra should become public.

Under MKUltra, the CIA gave itself the authority to research how drugs could:’ ‘promote the intoxicating effects of alcohol;’ ‘render the induction of hypnosis easier;’ ‘enhance the ability of individuals to withstand privation, torture and coercion;’ produce amnesia, shock and confusion; and much more.

Many of these questions were investigated using unwitting test subjects, like drug-addicted prisoners, marginalized sex workers and terminal cancer patients– ‘people who could not fight back,’ in the words of Sidney Gottlieb, the chemist who introduced LSD to the CIA.”

Further, as Weiner noted:

"Under its auspices, seven prisoners at a federal penitentiary in Kentucky were kept high on LSD for seventy-seven consecutive days. When the CIA slipped the same drug to an army civilian employee, Frank Olson, he leaped out of the window of a New York Hotel.

Weiner added that senior CIA officers destroyed “almost all of the records” of the programs, but that while the “evidence that remains is fragmentary…it strongly suggests that use of secret prisons for the forcible drug-induced questioning of suspect agents went on throughout the 1950s.”

Years later, the CIA would be accused of distributing crack-cocaine into poor black communities, though this is currently less substantiated and supported mostly by accounts of those who claim to have been involved.

Related: America’s Transition from a Democracy to a National Security State, in Five Easy Steps

6. Brutal Torture Tactics

More recently, the CIA was exposed for sponsoring abusive, disturbing terror tactics against detainees at prisons housing terror suspects.

An extensive 2014 Senate report documented agents committing sexual abuse, forcing detainees to stand on broken legs, waterboarding them so severely it sometimes led to convulsions, and imposing forced rectal feeding, to name a few examples.

Ultimately, the agency had very little actionable intelligence to show for their torture tactics but lied to suggest they did, according to the torture report. Their torture tactics led the International Criminal Court to suggest the CIA, along with the U.S. armed forces, could be guilty of war crimes for their abuses.

7. Arming Radicals

The CIA has a long habit of arming radical, extremist groups that view the United States as enemies. In 1979, the CIA set out to support Afghan rebels in their bid to defeat the Soviet occupation of the Middle Eastern country.

As Weiner wrote, in 1979, “Prompted by Zbigniew Brzezinski, President Carter signed a covert-action order for the CIA to provide the Afghan rebels with medical aid, money, and propaganda.”

Related: CIA Documents Reveal Plans To Oust Syrian President Assad And Destroy Syria For Oil Pipeline

As Weiner detailed later in his book:

"The Pakistani intelligence chiefs who doled out the CIA’s guns and money favored the Afghan factions who proved themselves most capable in battle. Those factions also happened to be the most committed Islamists. No one dreamed that the holy warriors could ever turn their jihad against the United States.”

Though some speculate the CIA directly armed Osama bin Laden, that is yet to be fully proven or admitted. What is clear is that western media revered him as a valuable fighter against the Soviets, that he arrived to fight in Afghanistan in1980, and that al-Qaeda emerged from the mujahideen, who were beneficiaries of the CIA’s program.

Stanford University has noted that Bin Laden and Abdullah Azzam, a prominent Palestinian cleric, “established Al Qaeda from the fighters, financial resources, and training and recruiting structures left over from the anti-Soviet war.” Much of those “structures” were provided by the agency.

Intentionally or not, the CIA helped fuel the rise of the terror group.

Weiner noted that as the CIA failed in other countries like Libya, by the late 1980s “Only the mujahideen, the Afghan holy warriors, were drawing blood and scenting victory. The CIA’s Afghan operation was now a $700-million-dollar-a-year-program” and represented 80% of the overseas budget of the clandestine services.

Related: Journalist Interrogated, Fired For Story Linking CIA And Syria Weapons Flights & All The Countries America Has Invaded In One Map

“The CIA’s briefing books never answered the question of what would happen when a militant Islamic army defeated the godless invaders of Afghanistan,” though Tom Twetten, “the number two man in the clandestine service in the summer of 1988,” was tasked with figuring out what would happen with the Afghan rebels. “We don’t have any plan,” he concluded.

Apparently failing to learn their lesson, the CIA adopted nearly the exact same policy in Syria decades later, arming what they called “moderate rebels” against the Assad regime. Those groups ultimately aligned with al-Qaeda groups. One CIA-backed faction made headlines last year for beheading a child (though President Trump cut off the CIA program in June, the military continues to align with “moderate” groups).

Unsurprisingly, this list is far from complete. The CIA has engaged in a wide variety of extrajudicial practice, and there are likely countless transgressions we have yet to learn about.

As Donald Trump cheers the birthday of an agency he himself once criticized, it should be abundantly clear that the nation’s covert spy agency deserves scrutiny and skepticism - not celebration.

Comment: Remeber you are watching a 'Horse and Pony' show. Of course a sitting president has to be seen to support the CIA in its current form.

10 Shocking Declassified Secrets

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‘ISIS Commander’ Arrested By Libyan Authorities Exposed As Israeli Mossad Agent
September 12 2017 | From: FreeThoughtProject

Benghazi, Libya – Lending credence to the theory that ISIS operates as a strategic asset of the Israeli Mossad, Libyan security forces have arrested an ISIS leader in the north-eastern Libyan city of Benghazi – who just so happens to be a Mossad agent.

The man arrested, Ephraim Benjamin, was allegedly an Israeli Mossad agent who began his operation following the 2011 toppling of the Libyan government that resulted in the murder of Libyan President Moammar Ghaddafi, according to the Israeli website Inian Merkazi, which translates to “Central Issues.”

Related: Dirty Open Secret: US Created And Supports ISIS & Iran: We Have Evidence Of US Direct Support To ISIL

The Mossad agent reportedly held a leading position in ISIS after mingling with Libyans during the fall of Ghaddafi. He then became a prominent imam of a large mosque in Benghazi, Libya’s second largest city, before becoming a ISIS leader who commanded a contingent of upwards of 200 terrorists.

Known in Libya as Abu Hafs, the Mossad agent was arrested and accused by Libyan authorities of gathering intelligence information for the Israeli government.

It is believed that Benjamin, aka Hafs, was a Mossad “Arabist,” which are undercover Israeli spies with Arab features, and who speak fluent Arabic in local dialects, according to the Masr Alarabia website.

The Mossad has a long history of utilizing “Arabists” to infiltrate Palestinian protests and arrest demonstrators as well as assassinating Palestinian anti-occupation activists, according to Masr Alarabia.

Libyan media outlets describe Benjamin as the “Mossad sheikh” who was arrested by local authorities.

Related: Media and US Govt Finally Admit - CIA-Armed Militias at War With Pentagon-Armed Ones in Syria

Inian Merkazi cited the incident as evidence used by Arab media to justify the argument - popular in much of the Arab world — that Israel is complicit in the rise of ISIS in the region and uses the group as a strategic asset.

Additionally, the fact that ISIS has never so much as attempted an attack within the state of Israel bolsters that line of thinking.

ISIS is popularly believed to have begun official operations within Libya in February of 2015 by beheading 21 Egyptian Coptic Christians in the city of Sirte, but terror operations were believed to have been committed by the terrorist group prior to that date.

Seemingly confirming an Israel-ISIS connection, a 15-page report by U.N. Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon on the work of the U.N. Disengagement Observer Force revealed that the Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) maintained regular contact with the Islamic State since May of 2013.

While initial reports by the IDF claimed they provided medical care for civilians on the Israeli-Syrian border, UN observers confirmed direct contact between ISIS and IDF soldiers – which included, but was not limited to, medical care.

Related: Israeli Defense Minister Confirms Israel Backing Of ISIS In Syria

“Throughout the reporting period, UNDOF frequently observed armed members of the opposition interacting with the IDF across the cease-fire line,” according to the report. “On one occasion UNDOF observed the IDF on the Alpha side [inside Israel] handing over two boxes to armed opposition on the Bravo side [inside Syria].”

These activities in concert seem to indicate a coordinated and ongoing support of the Islamic State by Israel. Essentially, the Israelis are utilizing ISIS as a proxy force in an effort to topple the Assad government.

Tellingly, when the U.S. began operations against the Islamic State, the Israeli high command was reluctant to support the move and called the actions of the United States a mistake.

For those not understanding why Israel would support ISIS, it comes down to geopolitical strategy. The Israeli government perceives allies Iran and Syria as direct threats to the Jewish state, as both maintain significant regional military capabilities and political clout.

Israel’s support for ISIS would seem to confirm that they believe in the old adage, “the enemy of my enemy is my friend.”

Related: Erdogan Says He Has "Confirmed Evidence" The US Supports ISIS + US Senator Says ISIS Used As Tool By Saudis, US & Turkey When It Suits Their Interests

In this particular circumstance support for the Islamic State equates to Israel eliminating geopolitical rival Syria – under Bashar al-Assad – which would then negate Iranian influence in the region.

It comes down to the simple fact that ISIS is a useful tool for Israel to impose it’s geopolitical will, without having to directly involve themselves in a hot conflict, thus seeming as if they are uninvolved in the conflict.

Once the Syrian government has been toppled, and Iranian influence on the Israeli border largely negated, Israel could then set its sights on the Islamic State – provided they were no longer of use to the Jewish state.

While states such as Israel and the United States often loudly proclaim to be against terrorism, in reality, both governments utilize terrorist groups, such as ISIS and al-Qaeda, to undermine regimes they wish to overthrow or gain influence within.

Please share this article to expose the complicity of states such as Israel and the United States in fomenting Islamic terrorism!

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Bilderberg On Steroids - Meet The Secret CIA-Funded Group Behind The ‘War On Terror’
September 10 2017 | From: TheFreeThoughtProject

A foreign policy think tank more secretive than Bilderberg has included both instrumental architects of the "War of Terror" and accusations of CIA funding.

Bilderberg has gained a reputation as the world’s most secretive group of billionaires and political leaders who conspire to impact global events - but reports indicate that they don’t hold a candle to another group that includes a host of war criminals responsible for the “War on Terror.”

Related: Le Cercle(formerly Pinay Circle or the Cercle Pinay)

The group is named Le Cercle. In a report dated Sept. 13, 1982, the German publication Der Spiegel describes it as a “legal cartel” made up of “loyal Bundesnachrichtendienst agents, foreign intelligence agents, reactionary politicians and ultra-right journalists” who played a crucial role in the 1980 election.

The existence of the group was revealed by Bavarian constitutional protector Hans Langemann. According to the report, he described the group as:

“In the case of CERCLE, which is clearly defamatory,” as far as my earlier knowledge of the BND “and my present knowledge are concerned, a “loose” “concentration “about two times a year and at various” places of conservative- anti-Communist politician,” “publicists, bankers, and VIPs of other professions,” “which originated in the former French Prime Minister Antoine PINAY, and the circle to which guests are invited continues to this day..”

Former U.S. Defense Secretary and President of the World Bank Paul Wolfowitz, former Iraqi Coalition Provisional Authority Leader Paul Bremer, former Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld and former Chairman of the Defense Department’s Defense Policy Board Richard Perle - some of the most notable neoconservative architects of the Iraq War - are all reportedly members.

Related: The Bilderberg Group: An Offshoot of the Venetian Black Nobility

Other reported American members of Le Cercle include former U.S. Secretary of State Henry Kissinger, former Directors of Central Intelligence Bill Casey and William Colby, and former President Richard Nixon after he left the White House.

In a report from The Independent dated June 28, 1997, the “exclusive think-tank said to be funded by the CIA” is mentioned because its chairman at the time, former Member of Parliament Jonathan Aitken, was reportedly going to be removed over a libel trial that ultimately sent him to prison for perjury.

Accusations that Le Cercle receives funding from the CIA have been made by Robin Ramsay, editor of Lobster Magazine; and by John E Lewis, author of “The Mammoth Book of Cover-Ups.”

As the report noted, “the group’s existence is only occasionally disclosed” following its creation in the 1950s:

“Cercle was intended to cement Franco-German relations, as a buffer to Soviet aggression during the Cold War. Down the years, however, it has become much more, advocating right-wing causes round the world and growing into a confidential talking shop for about 70 politicians, businessmen, polemicists and personnel from the diplomatic and security services.

Members are invited to attend its meetings; they cannot ask to be admitted, and as a condition of attending they agree to keep all sessions secret. It meets twice a year, once in Washington DC in the autumn and once in the early part of the year in an ‘overseas’ venue.”

Related: The Round Table: The Hub Of The CFR, Trilateral Commission, RIIA, Club Of Rome, Bilderberg Group And The UN

The Independent described senior member Brian Crozier as an “author and well-known Cold-Warrior with close ties to MI6 and the CIA” who wrote a “planning paper” for Le Cercle in 1979.

In addition to securing changes of government in Germany and the United Kingdom (where Margaret Thatcher became Prime Minister in 1979), the agenda included objectives such as:

“Undercover financial transactions for political aims”

“International campaigns aiming to discredit hostile personalities or events”

“Creation of a (private) intelligence service specializing in a selective point of view”

“Establishment of offices under suitable cover each run by a coordinator from the central office. Current plans cover London, Washington, Paris, Munich and Madrid”

In a report on the history of Le Cercle, British news source True Publica noted that the 1982 Langemann Papers were “the first significant leak to expose the activities of Le Cercle, confirming that the group was actively involved in influencing Western European elections.

Related: The True Story Of The Bilderberg Group

“Its purpose is to subvert the democratic principles and processes of individual countries and are by nature ideologically ‘hawkish’ – distributing propaganda, stoking fear of communist plots from Russia, vote rigging and hacking the accounts of politicians and prominent global figures.

Promoting the ‘war on terror’ has been a major factor in their activities of recent years and in so doing broker weapons deals and setting up false flag operations the world over to suit its own agenda.”

While the majority of the information surrounding Le Cercle is covert and secretive - especially regarding its activity in recent years - one of the most important things to remember about the think tank is that its presence is well-documented, its members include influential U.S. politicians, there have been accusations of funding by the CIA, and yet mainstream media in the United States has ignored its existence and influence for decades.

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FBI, DHS Officially Classify Antifa Activities As "Domestic Terrorist Violence"
September 7 2017 | From: ZeroHedge / Various

President Trump was crucified by the mainstream media a few weeks back after hosting an improvised press conference and saying there was "blame on both sides" for the violence in Charlottesville that resulted in the death of a counterprotester. 

The comments resulted in most of Trump's advisory councils being disbanded, as CEO's around the country pounced on the opportunity to distance themselves from the administration, and heightened calls from CNN for impeachment proceedings.

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The problem is that while Trump's delivery probably could have been a bit more artful, the underlying message seems to be proving more accurate with each passing day and each new outbreak of Antifa violence.

As Politico points out today, previously unreported FBI and Department of Homeland Security studies found that "anarchist extremist" group like Antifa have been the "primary instigators of violence at public rallies" going back to at least April 2016 when the reports were first published.

“Federal authorities have been warning state and local officials since early 2016 that leftist extremists known as “antifa” had become increasingly confrontational and dangerous, so much so that the Department of Homeland Security formally classified their activities as “domestic terrorist violence,” according to interviews and confidential law enforcement documents obtained by POLITICO.

Since well before the Aug. 12 rally in Charlottesville, Virginia, turned deadly, DHS has been issuing warnings about the growing likelihood of lethal violence between the left-wing anarchists and right-wing white supremacist and nationalist groups.

Previously unreported documents disclose that by April 2016, authorities believed that “anarchist extremists” were the primary instigators of violence at public rallies against a range of targets.

They were blamed by authorities for attacks on the police, government and political institutions, along with symbols of “the capitalist system,” racism, social injustice and fascism, according to a confidential 2016 joint intelligence assessment by DHS and the FBI.”

Not surprisingly, law enforcement officials noted that the rise in Antifa violence overlapped perfectly with Trump's campaign as they made appearances at rally after rally to incite chaos...all the while making it seem as if violent, racist Trump supporters were to blame.

ANTIFA: “No Trump, No Wall, No USA At All”

Masked terrorists are finally condemned by some Democrats.

Even Democrat Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi & the liberal Berkley Mayor have done an about face on Antifa. But Paul Ryan, McCain & Trump’s cabinet (Tillerson, Cohn, etc) still hold a grudge against Trump for criticizing leftist terrorism.

It was in that period [as the Trump campaign emerged] that we really became aware of them,” said one senior law enforcement official tracking domestic extremists in a state that has become a front line in clashes between the groups.

“These antifa guys were showing up with weapons, shields and bike helmets and just beating the shit out of people. … They’re using Molotov cocktails, they’re starting fires, they’re throwing bombs and smashing windows.”

Almost immediately, the right-wing targets of the antifa attacks began fighting back, bringing more and larger weapons and launching unprovoked attacks of their own, the documents and interviews show. And the extremists on both sides have been using the confrontations, especially since Charlottesville, to recruit unprecedented numbers of new members, raise money and threaten more confrontations, they say.

“Everybody is wondering, 'What are we gonna do? How are we gonna deal with this?'” said the senior state law enforcement official. “Every time they have one of these protests where both sides are bringing guns, there are sphincters tightening in my world. Emotions get high, and fingers get twitchy on the trigger.”

As you'll likely recall, one such event came in June 2016 when Antifa showed up at a rally in Sacramento and began violently attacking protestors with canes and knives.  Of course, with the whole thing caught on video, it's pretty clear who the instigators of violence were (see our post here).

“Some of the DHS and FBI intelligence reports began flagging the antifa protesters before the election. In one from last September, portions of which were read to POLITICO, DHS studied “recent violent clashes … at lawfully organized white supremacist” events including a June 2016 rally at the California Capitol in Sacramento organized by the Traditionalist Workers Party and its affiliate, the Golden State Skinheads.

According to police, counter-protesters linked to antifa and affiliated groups like By Any Means Necessary attacked, causing a riot after which at least 10 people were hospitalized, some with stab wounds.

At the Sacramento rally, antifa protesters came looking for violence, and “engaged in several activities indicating proficiency in pre-operational planning, to include organizing carpools to travel from different locations, raising bail money in preparation for arrests, counter-surveilling law enforcement using three-man scout teams, using handheld radios for communication, and coordinating the event via social media,”the DHS report said.

Trump Was Right: Ryan Finally Criticizes Antifa

Establishment politicians have been forced to address Antifa thanks to alternative media.

It must’ve hurt to admit Trump was right. Ryan waited until even Pelosi & the liberal Mayor of Berkley had turned on Antifa.

Of course, it's not just California.  As the FBI and DHS note, the Antifa group operates much like terrorist cells with disconnected groups all over the country.

“Even before Charlottesville, dozens and, in some cases, hundreds of people on both sides showed up at events in Texas, California, Oregon and elsewhere, carrying weapons and looking for a fight.

In the Texas capital of Austin, armed antifa protesters attacked Trump supporters and white groups at several recent rallies, and then swarmed police in a successful effort to stop them from making arrests.

California has become another battleground, with violent confrontations in Berkeley, Sacramento and Orange County leading to numerous injuries. And antifa counter-protesters initiated attacks in two previous clashes in Charlottesville, according to the law enforcement reports and interviews.

More recently, the antifa groups, which some describe as the Anti-Fascist Action Network, have evolved out of the leftist anti-government groups like “Black bloc,” protesters clad in black and wearing masks that caused violence at events like the 1999 Seattle World Trade Organization protests.

They claim to have no leader and no hierarchy, but authorities following them believe they are organized via decentralized networks of cells that coordinate with each other.

Often, they spend weeks planning for violence at upcoming events, according to the April 2016 DHS and FBI report entitled “Baseline Comparison of US and Foreign Anarchist Extremist Movements.

Dozens of armed anti-fascist groups have emerged, including Redneck Revolt and the Red Guards, according to the reports and interviews. One report from New Jersey authorities said self-described antifa groups have been established in cities including New York, Philadelphia, Chicago and San Francisco."

Meanwhile, even by the spring of 2016, the FBI had already grown concerned enough about Antifa that they began investigating overseas trips by activists out of concerns that they were coordinating with European anarchists to stage large bombings in the U.S.

“By the spring of 2016, the anarchist groups had become so aggressive, including making armed attacks on individuals and small groups of perceived enemies, that federal officials launched a global investigation with the help of the U.S. intelligence community, according to the DHS and FBI assessment.

The purpose of the investigation, according to the April 2016 assessment: To determine whether the U.S.-based anarchists might start committing terrorist bombings like their counterparts in “foreign anarchist extremist movements” in Greece, Italy and Mexico, possibly at the Republican and Democratic conventions that summer.

Some of the antifa activists have gone overseas to train and fight with fellow anarchist organizations, including two Turkey-based groups fighting the Islamic State, according to interviews and internet postings."

Alas, we suspect you'll hear precisely nothing about any of this on CNN.

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Journalist Interrogated, Fired For Story Linking CIA And Syria Weapons Flights
& All The Countries America Has Invaded In One Map

September 6 2017 | From: ZeroHedge / GlobalResearch / Various

A months-long investigation which tracked and exposed a massive covert weapons shipment network to terror groups in Syria via diplomatic flights originating in the Caucuses and Eastern Europe under the watch of the CIA and other intelligence agencies has resulted in the interrogation and firing of the Bulgarian journalist who first broke the story.

This comes as the original report is finally breaking into mainstream international coverage.

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Investigative reporter Dilyana Gaytandzhieva authored a bombshell report for Trud Newspaper, based in Sofia, Bulgaria, which found that an Azerbaijan state airline company was regularly transporting tons of weaponry to Saudi Arabia, United Arab Emirates (UAE), and Turkey under diplomatic cover as part of the CIA covert program to supply anti-Assad fighters in Syria.

Those weapons, Gaytandzhieva found, ended up in the hands of ISIS and al-Qaeda terrorists in Iraq and Syria.

While it's long been understood that the US-Gulf-NATO coalition arming rebels inside Syria facilitated the rapid rise of the Islamic State as the group had steady access to a "jihadi Wal-Mart" of weapons (in the words of one former spy and British diplomat), the Trud Newspaper report is the first to provide exhaustive documentation detailing the precise logistical chain of the weapons as they flowed from their country of origin to the battlefield in Syria and Iraq.

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Gaytandzhieva even traveled to Aleppo where she filmed and examined labeled weapons shipping containers held in underground jihadist storehouses.

The Bulgaria-based journalist obtained and published dozens of secret internal memos which were leaked to her by an anonymous source as part of the report.

The leaked documents appear to be internal communications between the Bulgarian government and Azerbaijan's Embassy in Sofia detailing flight plans for Silk Way Airlines, which was essentially operating an "off the books" weapons transport service (not subject to inspections or tax under diplomatic cover) for the US Special Operations Command (USSOCOM), Saudi Arabia, Israel, Germany, Denmark, and Sweden.

Silk Way Airlines has been the subject of other recent investigations involving weapons supplies for the Saudi war on Yemen.
In addition, the military monitoring site Balkan Insight has exposed similar weapons cargo flights in and out of neighboring Serbia.

Silk Way Airlines flight over Birmingham (UK)

But perhaps the more explosive finding involves private American companies contracting with the US government to help train and equip militants in Syria. An investigative series by Buzzfeed - the first of which was published in 2015 - named military contractor Purple Shovel LLC as the recipient of two no-bid contracts totaling more $50 million as part of the US train and equip program for Syria.

Gaytandzhieva's report definitively links Purple Shovel and other private American military contractors to the Azerbaijan Silk Way Airlines shipments.

One leaked memo includes a cargo manifest for multiple tons of anti-tank grenades purchased in Bulgaria by Purple Shovel which were ostensibly designated for the official consignee - the Ministry of Defense of Ajerbaijan - but which never made it to Ajerbaijan.

The documents, however, reveal that the military cargo was offloaded at Turkey's Incirlik air base, which is one of the US and NATO's main command centers for covert operations in Syria.

Though Gaytandzhieva's report is months old and began through a series of smaller investigations, it gained little traction in Western or international press, even though it was promoted on social media and discussed among some of the world's foremost experts on Syria and the Middle East. However, on Sunday Qatar-based Al Jazeera featured the story while reporting the shocking news that Gaytandzhieva had been interrogated by Bulgarian authorities before being fired from her newspaper:

“Gaytandzhieva said on Thursday in a tweet that she was fired from her job at Trud after she was interrogated by the Bulgarian national security which tried to find out her sources.

She said she first got suspicious of the weapons transferred to Syria when she found Bulgarian-made weapons at the hands "terrorists" in Aleppo while reporting on the Syrian war there.

She said that she then traced those weapons to its Bulgarian manufacturer only to find out that those weapons were legally exported to Saudi Arabia, which in turn supplied it to "terrorists" in Syria.”

Al Jazeera is now belatedly highlighting the story in the midst of the current Qatari-Saudi diplomatic war which has resulted in a general airing of dirty laundry as each side continues to accuse the other of supporting terrorism.

Regardless, Al Jazeera's coverage constitutes the first time this story has entered the mainstream. While we've reported the recent Trump decision to end the CIA covert program of regime change in Syria, it appears the apparatus for external weapons shipments to jihadists in Syria remains in place through the continuing Silk Way Airlines weapons pipeline. As Al Jazeera reports:

Speaking to Al Jazeera by phone on Sunday from Bulgaria, Gaytandzhieva said: "Saudi Arabia, UAE and the US must stop using the cover of Silk Way Airlines diplomatic flights to supply Eastern European weapons which end up in the hands of terrorists around the world. Diplomatic flights are exempt from checks and inspection."

Tracking weapons from Eastern Europe to Syrian al-Qaeda: December 2016 Bulgarian news broadcast by Dilyana Gaytandzhieva. Brief English commentary begins at 1:00 mark. The report investigates Bulgarian origin rockets and weaponry said to have been in possession of Nusra Front (AQ in Syria). Leaked documents would later confirm Bulgarian weapons shipped to Saudi Arabia as part of the covert Syria program.

Click on the image above to view a larger version in a new window

Balkan Investigative Reporting Network (BIRN) and the Organized Crime and Corruption Reporting Project (OCCRP) also carried out their own lengthy investigations which are consistent with Trud News journalist Gaytandzhieva's findings. Infographic source: Balkan Insight

The CIA program relied heavily on US ally Saudi Arabia to arm anti-Assad jihadists, and while it appears that the White House recently ended the CIA side of things, there's no evidence to suggest that Saudi Arabia or other participating allied countries ever ceased or even slowed their part of the operations.

Also, given that both the CIA and Pentagon contract with private firms acting as middle men to get weapons to the Syrian battlefield, it is uncertain if all aspects of the CIA program have really been shut down. Historically, the CIA has sometimes farmed out legally questionable activities to private contractors for the sake of 'plausible deniability'.

Furthermore, the Pentagon side of the program, which supplies Kurdish and Arab groups in the Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) appears to be ramping up of late.

Given the latest development of Trud Newspaper firing its own journalist and Bulgarian authorities attempting to locate her sources, it is entirely possible and likely that pressure is building for Trud to remove the story from its website. The new Al Jazeera story has brought fresh international attention to Gaytandzhieva's findings, which is sure to increase the controversy.

Below are excerpts from the original Trud report with images of select leaked documents. The original report contains dozens of downloadable leaked memos which were translated with contents summarized by Dilyana Gaytandzhieva.

Click on the image above to view a larger version in a new window

Government Docs Leaked by Hackers ("Anonymous Bulgaria") Reveal Weapons Pipeline to Terrorists in Syria:

According to these documents, Silk Way Airlines offered diplomatic flights to private companies and arms manufacturers from the US, Balkans, and Israel, as well as to the militaries of Saudi Arabia, UAE, and US Special Operations Command (USSOCOM), and the military forces of Germany and Denmark in Afghanistan and of Sweden in Iraq.

Diplomatic flights are exempt of checks, air bills, and taxes, meaning that Silk Way airplanes freely transported hundreds of tons of weapons to different locations around the world without regulation. They made technical landings with stays varying from a few hours to up to a day in intermediary locations without any logical reasons such as needing to refuel the planes.

U.S. Sends $1 Billion Worth of Weapons

Among the main customers of the “diplomatic flights for weapons” service provided by Silk Way Airlines are American companies, which supply weapons to the US army and US Special Operations Command. The common element in these cases is that they all supply non-US standard weapons; hence, the weapons are not used by the US forces.

According to the register of federal contracts, over the last 3 years American companies were awarded $1billion contracts it total under a special US government program for non-US standard weapon supplies.

All of them used Silk Way Airlines for the transport of weapons. In some cases when Silk Way was short of aircrafts due to a busy schedule, Azerbaijan Air Force aircrafts transported the military cargo, although weapons never reached Azerbaijan.

Related: Silent Weapons for Quiet Wars | Video

The documents leaked from the Embassy include shocking examples of weapon transport. A case in point: on 12th May 2015 an aircraft of Azerbaijan Air Forces carried 7.9 tons of PG-7V and 10 tons of PG-9V the supposed destination via the route Burgas (Bulgaria)-Incirlik (Turkey)-Burgas-Nasosny (Azerbaijan).

The consignor was the American company Purple Shovel, and the consignee – the Ministry of Defense of Azerbaijan. According to the documents, however, the military cargo was offloaded at Incirlik military base and never reached the consignee. The weapons were sold to Purple Shovel by Alguns, Bulgaria, and manufactured by Bulgaria’s VMZ military plant.

According to the federal contracts registry, in December of 2014 USSOCOM signed a $26.7 million contract with Purple Shovel. Bulgaria was indicated as the country of origin of the weapons.

US Covert Program Sent Bulgarian Weapons to Al Qaeda via Private Military Contractor 

On 6 June 2015, a 41-year old American national Francis Norvello, an employee of Purple Shovel, was killed in a blast when a rocket-propelled grenade malfunctioned at a military range near the village of Anevo in Bulgaria. Two other Americans and two Bulgarians were also injured.

The US Embassy to Bulgaria then released a statement announcing that the U.S. government contractors were working on a U.S. military program to train and equip moderate rebels in Syria. Which resulted in the U.S. Ambassador to Sofia to be immediately withdrawn from her post.

They very same weapons as those supplied by Purple Shovel were not used by moderate rebels in Syria. In December of last year while reporting on the battle of Aleppo as a correspondent for Bulgarian media I found and filmed 9 underground warehoused full of heavy weapons with Bulgaria as their country of origin.

They were used by Al Nusra Front (Al Qaeda affiliate in Syria designated as a terrorist organization by the UN).

Saudi Arabia – Sponsor and Arms Distributor

Besides the USA, another country that has purchased huge quantities of Eastern-European weapons and exported them on Silk Way Airlines diplomatic flights is Saudi Arabia.

In 2016 and 2017, there were 23 diplomatic flights carrying weapons from Bulgaria, Serbia and Azerbaijan to Jeddah and Riyadh. The consignees were VMZ military plant and Transmobile from Bulgaria, Yugoimport from Serbia, and CHIHAZ from Azerbaijan.

The Kingdom does not buy those weapons for itself, as the Saudi army used only western weapons and those weapons are not compatible with its military standard. Therefore, the weapons transported on diplomatic flights end up in the hands of the terrorist militants in Syria and Yemen that Saudi Arabia officially admits supporting.

Click on the image above to view a larger version in a new window

Report Links Internationally Transported Weapons to ISIS

On 5 March 2016, an Azerbaijan Air Force aircraft carried 1700 pcs. RPG-7 (consignor: Ministry of Defense of Azerbaijan) and 2500 pcs. PG-7VM (consignor: Transmobile Ltd., Bulgaria) for the Defense Ministry of Saudi Arabia. Diplomatic flights from Burgas Airport to Prince Sultan Airport on 18 and 28 February 2017 each carried a further 5080 psc. 40 mm PG-7V for RPG-7 and 24 978 psc.

RGD-5. The weapons were exported by Transmobile, Bulgaria to the Ministry of Defense of Saudi Arabia. Such munitions and RPG-7 originating in Bulgaria can often be seen in videos filmed and posted by the Islamic State on their propaganda channels.

Weapons on Silk Way Flight Manifests Appear on the Syrian Battlefield Months After Arrival in Turkey and Saudi Arabia

The 41.2-ton cargo from Baku and Belgrade included: 7.62 mm cartridges, 12 pcs. sniper rifles, 25 pcs. M12 “Black Spear” caliber 12.7x108mm, 25 psc. RBG 40x46 mm/6M11, and 25 pcs. Coyote machine gun 12.7x108 mm with tripods.

The same heavy machine gun appeared in videos and photos posted online by militant groups in Idlib and the province of Hama in Syria a few months later. The aircraft also carried: 1999 psc. M70B1 7.62x39 mm and 25 psc. M69A 82 mm. On 26 February 2016, a video featuring same M69A 82 mm weapons was posted on YouTube by a militant group calling itself Division 13 and fighting north of Aleppo.

Click on the image above to view a larger version in a new window

Interestingly, the aircraft that carried the same type of weapons landed in Diyarbakir (Turkey), 235 km away from the border with Syria. Another type of weapon, RBG 40 mm/6M11, which was from the same flight and supposedly destined for Congo too, appeared in a video of the Islamic Brigade of Al Safwa in Northern Aleppo.

After Turkey, the aircraft landed in Saudi Arabia and remained there for a day. Afterwards it landed in Congo and Burkina Faso. A week later, there was an attempted military coup in Burkina Faso.

Full report and downloadable copies of leaked documents are also available here.

All The Countries America Has Invaded In One Map

From Montezuma to the shores of Tripoli, the US has had a military presence across the world, from almost day one of its independence.

For those who have ever wanted a clearer picture of the true reach of the United States military – both historically and currently – but shied away due to the sheer volume of research required to find an answer, The Anti Media points out that a crew at the Independent just made things a whole lot simpler.

Related: Don’t Kid Yourself, The US Will Still Continue ‘Exporting Democracy’

Using data compiled by a Geography and Native Studies professor from Evergreen State College in Olympia, Washington, the indy100 team created an interactive map of U.S. military incursions outside its own borders from Argentina in 1890 to Syria in 2014.

To avoid confusion, indy100 laid out its prerequisites for what constitutes an invasion:

Deployment of the military to evacuate American citizens, covert military actions by US intelligence, providing military support to an internal opposition group, providing military support in one side of a conflict, use of the army in drug enforcement actions.

But indy100 didn’t stop there. To put all that history into context, using data from the Department of Defense (DOD), the team also put together a map to display all the countries in which nearly 200,000 active members of the U.S. military are now stationed.

For more details, click on the country:

The three countries with the biggest U.S. presence, according to DOD numbers, are Japan at 39,623, Germany at 34,399 and South Korea at 23,297.

The publication of the maps comes just after President Donald Trump announced the military would not be pulling out of its 16-year engagement in Afghanistan – a reversal of his previous stance – and that the U.S. would seek stronger ties with India to combat terrorism in South and Central Asia.

Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi

Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi

Forgotten History: US Bankers Financing US Enemies - And Why It Is Important Now
September 5 2017 | From: JonRappoport

In 1971, Gary Allen published his book, None Dare Call it Conspiracy. It quickly became an unofficial best seller. Over the years, several million copies have been sold.

Allen’s thesis was stark: super-rich American capitalists were financing socialism. This bizarre paradox was resolved when socialism was properly understood - not as “power to the people” - but as elite power over the people. In other words, as a hoax.

Related: Gilad Atzmon Expains the Murder of the West by Identity Politics

These days, the socialist hoax is still unknown to most of the population. Cloak a global power grab as progress for all of humanity.

Here, from chapter six of None Dare Call it Conspiracy, “The Rockefellers and the Reds,” is a devastating passage commenting on the period just after the Russian Revolution of 1917:

“The Rockefellers assigned their public relations agent, Ivy Lee, to sell the American public the idea that the Bolsheviks were merely misunderstood idealists who were actually kind benefactors of mankind.”

Professor Antony Sutton of Stanford University’s Hoover Institution, notes in his highly authoritative Western Technology and Soviet Economic Development:”

“’Quite predictably…[Ivy] Lee concludes that the communist problem is merely psychological. By this time he is talking about “Russians” (not Communists) and concludes “they are all right.”

He suggests the United States should not engage in propaganda; makes a plea for peaceful coexistence; and suggests the United States would find it sound policy to recognize the USSR and advance credits [give loans].’ (Antony Sutton, Western Technology and Soviet Economic Development, 1917-1930, Hoover Institution on War, Revolution and Peace, Stanford University, Calif., 1968, p.292)”

Related: Rockefeller, Ford Foundations Behind World Social Forum (WSF). The Corporate Funding Of Social Activism

“After the Bolshevik Revolution, Standard [Oil] of New Jersey [Rockefeller] bought 50 per cent of the Nobel’s huge Caucasus oil fields even though the property had theoretically been nationalized [by Russia]. (O’Connor, Harvey, The Empire Of Oil, Monthly Review Press, New York, 1955, p.270.)”

“In 1927, Standard Oil of New York [Rockefeller] built a refinery in Russia, thereby helping the Bolsheviks put their economy back on its feet. Professor Sutton states: ‘This was the first United States investment in Russia since the Revolution.’ (Ibid, Vol.1, p.38)”

“Shortly thereafter Standard Oil of New York and its subsidiary, Vacuum Oil Company [Rockefeller], concluded a deal to market Soviet oil in European countries and it was reported that a loan of $75,009,000 to the Bolsheviks was arranged. (National Republic, Sept.1927.)”

“…Wherever Standard Oil would go, Chase National Bank was sure to follow. (The Rockefeller’s Chase Bank was later merged with the Warburg’s Manhattan Bank to form the present Chase Manhattan Bank.) In order to rescue the Bolsheviks, who were supposedly an archenemy, the Chase National Bank was instrumental in establishing the American-Russian Chamber of Commerce in 1922.

Related: Antony Sutton, Skull & Bones, Hitler, the Bush family

President of the Chamber was Reeve Schley, a vice-president of Chase National Bank. (Ibid, Vol.11, p.288) According to Professor Sutton: ‘In 1925, negotiations between Chase and [Russian] Prombank extended beyond the finance of raw materials and mapped out a complete program for financing Soviet raw material exports to the U. S. and imports of U. S. cotton and machinery.’ (Ibid, Vol.11, p.226) Sutton also reports that ‘Chase National Bank and the Equitable Trust Company were leaders in the Soviet credit business.’ (Ibid, p.277)”

“The Rockefeller’s Chase National Bank also was involved in selling Bolshevik bonds in the United States in 1928. Patriotic organizations denounced the Chase as an ‘international fence.’ Chase was called ‘a disgrace to America… They will go to any lengths for a few dollars profits.’ (Ibid, Vol.11, p.291) Congressman Louis McFadden, chairman of the House Banking Committee, maintained in a speech to his fellow Congressmen:”

“’The Soviet government has been given United States Treasury funds by the Federal Reserve Board and the Federal Reserve Banks acting through the Chase Bank and the Guaranty Trust Company and other banks in New York City.”

“’Open up the books of Amtorg, the trading organization of the Soviet government in New York, and of Gostorg, the general office of the Soviet Trade Organization, and of the State Bank of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics and you will be staggered to see how much American money has been taken from the United States’ Treasury for the benefit of Russia.

Find out what business has been transacted for the State Bank of Soviet Russia by its correspondent, the Chase Bank of New York’. (Congressional Record, June 15, 1933.)”

Related: The House of Rockefeller

“But the Rockefellers apparently were not alone in financing the Communist arm of the Insiders’ conspiracy. According to Professor Sutton ‘… there is a report in the State Department files that names Kuhn, Loeb & Co. (the long established and important financial house in New York) as the financier of the [Russians’] First Five Year Plan. See U. S. State Dept. Decimal File, 811.51/3711 and 861.50 FIVE YEAR PLAN/236.’ (Sutton, op. cit., Vol. II, p. 340n.)”

“Professor Sutton proves conclusively in his three volume history of Soviet technological development that the Soviet Union was almost literally manufactured by the U.S.A…”

“…Sutton shows that there is hardly a segment of the Soviet economy which is not a result of the transference of Western, particularly American, technology.”

“This cannot be wholly the result of accident. For fifty years the Federal Reserve-CFR-Rockefeller-lnsider crowd has advocated and carried out policies aimed at increasing the power of their satellite, the Soviet Union. Meanwhile, America spends $75 billion a year on defense to protect itself from the enemy the Insiders are building up.”

NOTE: The descendants of these bankers are now doing everything they can to build up the story that Donald Trump won the presidency by colluding with Russians. To call this an irony, in view of the above information, would be a vast understatement.

Related: Psychologists Who Developed CIA Torture Reach Secret Deal to Avoid Trial

However, the motives of these men are clear: regardless of whether Trump meant to keep his promises to destroy Globalism (aka worldwide socialism), his mere mention of Globalism as the enemy, during the presidential campaign, and his declared opposition to Globalist “free trade” treaties, was sufficient to warrant an all-out attack on him.

The whole idea of nationalism as preferable to Globalism could act as a contagious germ spreading to the people of other countries - so Trump as the face and symbol of such sentiments had to be defamed and crushed.

Through various front organizations, cutouts, dupes, brainwashed useful idiots, and violent hired thugs, that operation to crush Trump is well underway.


Many, many of Trump’s supporters want to see Globalism buried.

Ultimately, they are the real target of the Globalists, who want to neutralize and disperse them and make them passive and demoralized.

Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi

Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi
False Flag Terrorism Isn’t A “Theory”: It’s Admitted And Widespread
August 23 2017 | From: Geopolitics / Various

Presidents, Prime Ministers, Congressmen, Generals, Spooks, Soldiers and Police Admit to False Flag Terror.

Although some have not, just quite yet:

Where are your wings, Mr "Airplane"?

In the following instances, officials in the government which carried out the attack (or seriously proposed an attack) admit to it, either orally, in writing, or through photographs or videos:

Related: Busted: Parents Catch FBI in Plot to Force Mentally Ill Son to Be a Right Wing Terrorist

1) Japanese troops set off a small explosion on a train track in 1931, and falsely blamed it on China in order to justify an invasion of Manchuria. This is known as the “Mukden Incident” or the “Manchurian Incident”. The Tokyo International Military Tribunal found:

“Several of the participators in the plan, including Hashimoto [a high-ranking Japanese army officer], have on various occasions admitted their part in the plot and have stated that the object of the ‘Incident’ was to afford an excuse for the occupation of Manchuria by the Kwantung Army ….”

Also see this.

2) A major with the Nazi SS admitted at the Nuremberg trials that – under orders from the chief of the Gestapo – he and some other Nazi operatives faked several attacks on their own people and resources which they blamed on the Poles, to justify the invasion of Poland.

Related: False Flag Terrorism: Murdering The Innocent In Order To Support The Lie + 15 Ways To Detect A False Flag Operation

The staged attacks included:

The German radio station Sender Gleiwitz [details below]

The strategic railway at POSunka Pass (Jabłonków Incident), located on the border between Poland and Czechoslovakia

The German customs station at Hochlinden (today part of Rybnik-Stodoły)

The forest service station in Pitschen (Byczyna)

The communications station at Neubersteich (“Nieborowitzer Hammer” before 12 February 1936, now Kuznia Nieborowska)

The railroad station in Alt-Eiche (Smolniki), Rosenberg in Westpreußen district

A woman and her companion in Katowice

The details of the Gleiwitz radio station incident include:

“On the night of 31 August 1939, a small group of German operatives dressed in Polish uniforms and led by Naujocks seized the Gleiwitz station and broadcast a short anti-German message in Polish (sources vary on the content of the message). The Germans’ goal was to make the attack and the broadcast look like the work of anti-German Polish saboteurs.

To make the attack seem more convincing, the Germans used human corpses to pass them off as Polish attackers. They murdered Franciszek Honiok, a 43-year-old unmarried German Silesian Catholic farmer known for sympathizing with the Poles.

He had been arrested the previous day by the Gestapo. He was dressed to look like a saboteur, then killed by lethal injection, given gunshot wounds, and left dead at the scene so that he appeared to have been killed while attacking the station. His corpse was subsequently presented to the police and press as proof of the attack."

3) The minutes of the high command of the Italian government – subsequently approved by Mussolini himself – admitted that violence on the Greek-Albanian border was carried out by Italians and falsely blamed on the Greeks, as an excuse for Italy’s 1940 invasion of Greece.

4) Nazi general Franz Halder also testified at the Nuremberg trials that Nazi leader Hermann Goering admitted to setting fire to the German parliament building in 1933, and then falsely blaming the communists for the arson.

5) Soviet leader Nikita Khrushchev admitted in writing that the Soviet Union’s Red Army shelled the Russian village of Mainila in 1939 – while blaming the attack on Finland – as a basis for launching the “Winter War” against Finland.

Russian president Boris Yeltsin agreed that Russia had been the aggressor in the Winter War.

6) The Russian Parliament, current Russian president Putin and former Soviet leader Gorbachev all admit that Soviet leader Joseph Stalin ordered his secret police to execute 22,000 Polish army officers and civilians in 1940, and then falsely blamed it on the Nazis.

7) The British government admits that – between 1946 and 1948 – it bombed 5 ships carrying Jews who were Holocaust survivors attempting to flee to safety in Palestine right after World War II, set up a fake group called “Defenders of Arab Palestine”, and then had the psuedo-group falsely claim responsibility for the bombings (and see thisthis and this).

8) Israel admits that in 1954, an Israeli terrorist cell operating in Egypt planted bombs in several buildings, including U.S. diplomatic facilities, then left behind “evidence” implicating the Arabs as the culprits (one of the bombs detonated prematurely, allowing the Egyptians to identify the bombers, and several of the Israelis later confessed) (and see this and this).

Related: Israel Above All & Gaza Near Collapse

The U.S. Army does not believe this is an isolated incident. For example, the U.S. Army’s School of Advanced Military Studies said of Mossad (Israel’s intelligence service):

“Ruthless and cunning. Has capability to target U.S. forces and make it look like a Palestinian/Arab act.”

9) The CIA admits that it hired Iranians in the 1950's to pose as Communists and stage bombings in Iran in order to turn the country against its democratically-elected prime minister.

Related: This Story Could Be The Smoking Gun For False-Flag Operations + Santa Monica Terror Suspect Becomes Poster Child For Gun Grabbers

10) The Turkish Prime Minister admitted that the Turkish government carried out the 1955 bombing on a Turkish consulate in Greece – also damaging the nearby birthplace of the founder of modern Turkey – and blamed it on Greece, for the purpose of inciting and justifying anti-Greek violence.

The Economist notes:

“Starting in the 1950s Turkey’s deep state sponsored killings, engineered riots, colluded with drug traffickers, staged “false flag” attacks and organised massacres of trade unionists. Thousands died in the chaos it fomented."

11) The British Prime Minister admitted to his defense secretary that he and American president Dwight Eisenhower approved a plan in 1957 to carry out attacks in Syria and blame it on the Syrian government as a way to effect regime change.

12) The former Italian Prime Minister, an Italian judge, and the former head of Italian counterintelligence admit that NATO, with the help of the Pentagon and CIA, carried out terror bombings in Italy and other European countries in the 1950s through the 1980s and blamed the communists, in order to rally people’s support for their governments in Europe in their fight against communism.

As one participant in this formerly-secret program stated:

You had to attack civilians, people, women, children, innocent people, unknown people far removed from any political game. The reason was quite simple. They were supposed to force these people, the Italian public, to turn to the state to ask for greater security” … so that “a state of emergency could be declared, so people would willingly trade part of their freedom for the security” (and see this) (Italy and other European countries subject to the terror campaign had joined NATO before the bombings occurred).

And watch this BBC special. They also allegedly carried out terror attacks in France, Belgium, Denmark, Germany, Greece, the Netherlands, Norway, Portugal, the UK, and other countries.

The CIA also stressed to the head of the Italian program that Italy needed to use the program to control internal uprisings.

False flag attacks carried out pursuant to this program include – by way of example only:

The murder of the Turkish Prime Minister (1960)

Bombings in Portugal (1966)

The Piazza Fontana massacre in Italy (1969)

Terror attacks in Turkey (1971)

The Peteano bombing in Italy (1972)

Shootings in Brescia, Italy and a bombing on an Italian train (1974)

Shootings in Istanbul, Turkey (1977)

Atocha massacre in Madrid, Spain (1977)

The abduction and murder of the Italian Prime Minister (1978) (and see this)

The bombing of the Bologna railway station in Italy (1980)

Shooting and killing 28 shoppers in Brabant county, Belgium (1985)

13) In 1960, American Senator George Smathers suggested that the U.S. launch “a false attack made on Guantanamo Bay which would give us the excuse of actually fomenting a fight which would then give us the excuse to go in and [overthrow Castro]”.

A U.S. Navy HSS-1 Seabat helicopter hovers over Soviet submarine B-59, forced to the surface by U.S. Naval forces in the Caribbean near Cuba (October 28–29, 1962)

14) Official State Department documents show that, in 1961, the head of the Joint Chiefs and other high-level officials discussed blowing up a consulate in the Dominican Republic in order to justify an invasion of that country.

The plans were not carried out, but they were all discussed as serious proposals.

15) As admitted by the U.S. government, recently declassified documents show that in 1962, the American Joint Chiefs of Staff signed off on a plan to blow up AMERICAN airplanes (using an elaborate plan involving the switching of airplanes), and also to commit terrorist acts on American soil, and then to blame it on the Cubans in order to justify an invasion of Cuba.

See the following ABC news reportthe official documents; and watch this interview with the former Washington Investigative Producer for ABC’s World News Tonight with Peter Jennings.

16) In 1963, the U.S. Department of Defense wrote a paper promoting attacks on nations within the Organization of American States – such as Trinidad-Tobago or Jamaica – and then falsely blaming them on Cuba.

17) The U.S. Department of Defense also suggested covertly paying a person in the Castro government to attack the United States:

“The only area remaining for consideration then would be to bribe one of Castro’s subordinate commanders to initiate an attack on Guantanamo.”

18) A U.S. Congressional committee admitted that – as part of its “Cointelpro” campaign – the FBI had used many provocateurs in the 1950s through 1970s to carry out violent acts and falsely blame them on political activists.

Related: The First Question To Ask After Any Terror Attack: Was It A False Flag?

19) A top Turkish general admitted that Turkish forces burned down a mosque on Cyprus in the 1970s and blamed it on their enemy. He explained:

“In Special War, certain acts of sabotage are staged and blamed on the enemy to increase public resistance. We did this on Cyprus; we even burnt down a mosque.”

In response to the surprised correspondent’s incredulous look the general said, “I am giving an example”.

20) A declassified 1973 CIA document reveals a program to train foreign police and troops on how to make booby traps, pretending that they were training them on how to investigate terrorist acts:

“The Agency maintains liaison in varying degrees with foreign police/security organizations through its field stations ….

[CIA provides training sessions as follows:]

a. Providing trainees with basic knowledge in the uses of commercial and military demolitions and incendiaries as they may be applied in terrorism and industrial sabotage operations.

b. Introducing the trainees to commercially available materials and home laboratory techniques, likely to he used in the manufacture of explosives and incendiaries by terrorists or saboteurs.

c. Familiarizing the trainees with the concept of target analysis and operational planning that a saboteur or terrorist must employ.

d. Introducing the trainees to booby trapping devices and techniques giving practical experience with both manufactured and improvised devices through actual fabrication.


The program provides the trainees with ample opportunity to develop basic familiarity and use proficiently through handling, preparing and applying the various explosive charges, incendiary agents, terrorist devices and sabotage techniques."

21) The German government admitted (and see this) that, in 1978, the German secret service detonated a bomb in the outer wall of a prison and planted “escape tools” on a prisoner – a member of the Red Army Faction – which the secret service wished to frame the bombing on.

22) A Mossad agent admits that, in 1984, Mossad planted a radio transmitter in Gaddaffi’s compound in Tripoli, Libya which broadcast fake terrorist transmissions recorded by Mossad, in order to frame Gaddaffi as a terrorist supporter.

Ronald Reagan
bombed Libya immediately thereafter.

23) The South African Truth and Reconciliation Council found that, in 1989, the Civil Cooperation Bureau (a covert branch of the South African Defense Force) approached an explosives expert and asked him “to participate in an operation aimed at discrediting the ANC [the African National Congress] by bombing the police vehicle of the investigating officer into the murder incident”, thus framing the ANC for the bombing.

24) An Algerian diplomat and several officers in the Algerian army admit that, in the 1990s, the Algerian army frequently massacred Algerian civilians and then blamed Islamic militants for the killings (and see this video; and Agence France-Presse, 9/27/2002, French Court Dismisses Algerian Defamation Suit Against Author).

25) In 1993, a bomb in Northern Ireland killed 9 civilians. Official documents from the Royal Ulster Constabulary (i.e. the British government) show that the mastermind of the bombing was a British agent, and that the bombing was designed to inflame sectarian tensions. And see this and this.

26) The United States Army’s 1994 publication Special Forces Foreign Internal Defense Tactics Techniques and Procedures for Special Forces – updated in 2004 – recommends employing terrorists and using false flag operations to destabilize leftist regimes in Latin America.

False flag terrorist attacks were carried out in Latin America and other regions as part of the CIA’s “Dirty Wars“. And see this.

27) Similarly, a CIA “psychological operations” manual prepared by a CIA contractor for the Nicaraguan Contra rebels noted the value of assassinating someone on your own side to create a “martyr” for the cause.

The manual was authenticated by the U.S. government. The manual received so much publicity from Associated Press, Washington Post and other news coverage that – during the 1984 presidential debate – President Reagan was confronted with the following question on national television:

“At this moment, we are confronted with the extraordinary story of a CIA guerrilla manual for the anti-Sandinista contras whom we are backing, which advocates not only assassinations of Sandinistas but the hiring of criminals to assassinate the guerrillas we are supporting in order to create martyrs."

28) A Rwandan government inquiry admitted that the 1994 shootdown and murder of the Rwandan president, who was from the Hutu tribe – a murder blamed by the Hutus on the rival Tutsi tribe, and which led to the massacre of more than 800,000 Tutsis by Hutus – was committed by Hutu soldiers and falsely blamed on the Tutsi. [GR Editor:

This government report is contested. The alleged role of foreign powers in the shoot down is not acknowledged]

29) An Indonesian government fact-finding team investigated violent riots which occurred in 1998, and determined that “elements of the military had been involved in the riots, some of which were deliberately provoked”.

30) Senior Russian Senior military and intelligence officers admit that the KGB blew up Russian apartment buildings in 1999 and falsely blamed it on Chechens, in order to justify an invasion of Chechnya (and see this report and this discussion).

31) As reported by the New York TimesBBC and Associated Press, Macedonian officials admit that in 2001, the government murdered 7 innocent immigrants in cold blood and pretended that they were Al Qaeda soldiers attempting to assassinate Macedonian police, in order to join the “war on terror”.

They lured foreign migrants into the country, executed them in a staged gun battle, and then claimed they were a unit backed by Al Qaeda intent on attacking Western embassies”. Specifically, Macedonian authorities had lured the immigrants into the country, and then – after killing them – posed the victims with planted evidence – “bags of uniforms and semiautomatic weapons at their side” – to show Western diplomats.

32) At the July 2001 G8 Summit in Genoa, Italy, black-clad thugs were videotaped getting out of police cars, and were seen by an Italian MP carrying “iron bars inside the police station”.

Subsequently, senior police officials in Genoa subsequently admitted that police planted two Molotov cocktails and faked the stabbing of a police officer at the G8 Summit, in order to justify a violent crackdown against protesters.

33) The U.S. falsely blamed Iraq for playing a role in the 9/11 attacks - as shown by a memo from the defense secretary – as one of the main justifications for launching the Iraq war.

These are clearly not demolition charges that would make a building collapse within it's own footprint. Look the other way...

Related: Reflecting On The Truth Of 9/11 - What Will Be The Straw That Breaks The Camel's Back?

Even after the 9/11 Commission admitted that there was no connection, Dick Cheney said that the evidence is “overwhelming” that al Qaeda had a relationship with Saddam Hussein’s regime, that Cheney “probably” had information unavailable to the Commission, and that the media was not ‘doing their homework’ in reporting such ties.

Top U.S. government officials now admit that the Iraq war was really launched for oil … not 9/11 or weapons of mass destruction.

Despite previous “lone wolf” claims, many U.S. government officials now say that 9/11 was state-sponsored terror; but Iraq was not the state which backed the hijackers. (Many U.S. officials have alleged that 9/11 was a false flag operation by rogue elements of the U.S. government; but such a claim is beyond the scope of this discussion. The key point is that the U.S. falsely blamed it on Iraq, when it knew Iraq had nothing to do with it.). 

(Additionally, the same judge who has shielded the Saudis for any liability for funding 9/11 has awarded a default judgment against Iran for $10.5 billion for carrying out 9/11 … even though no one seriously believes that Iran had any part in 9/11.)

34) Although the FBI now admits that the 2001 anthrax attacks were carried out by one or more U.S. government scientists, a senior FBI official says that the FBI was actually told to blame the Anthrax attacks on Al Qaeda by White House officials (remember what the anthrax letters looked like).

Government officials also confirm that the white House tried to link the anthrax to Iraq as a justification for regime change in that country. And see this.

35) According to the Washington Post, Indonesian police admit that the Indonesian military killed American teachers in Papua in 2002 and blamed the murders on a Papuan separatist group in order to get that group listed as a terrorist organization.

36) The well-respected former Indonesian president also admits that the government probably had a role in the Bali bombings.

37) Police outside of a 2003 European Union summit in Greece were filmed planting Molotov cocktails on a peaceful protester.

38) In 2003, the U.S. Secretary of Defense admitted that interrogators were authorized to use the following method:

“False Flag: Convincing the detainee that individuals from a country other than the United States are interrogating him.”

While not a traditional false flag attack, this deception could lead to former detainees – many of whom were tortured – attacking the country falsely blamed for the interrogation and torture.

39) Former Department of Justice lawyer John Yoo suggested in 2005 that the US should go on the offensive against al-Qaeda, having “our intelligence agencies create a false terrorist organization.

It could have its own websites, recruitment centers, training camps, and fundraising operations. It could launch fake terrorist operations and claim credit for real terrorist strikes, helping to sow confusion within al-Qaeda’s ranks, causing operatives to doubt others’ identities and to question the validity of communications.”

40) Similarly, in 2005, Professor John Arquilla of the Naval Postgraduate School – a renowned US defense analyst credited with developing the concept of ‘netwar’ – called for western intelligence services to create new “pseudo gang” terrorist groups, as a way of undermining “real” terror networks.

According to Pulitzer-Prize winning journalist Seymour Hersh, Arquilla’s ‘pseudo-gang’ strategy was, Hersh reported, already being implemented by the Pentagon:

“Under Rumsfeld’s new approach, I was told, US military operatives would be permitted to pose abroad as corrupt foreign businessmen seeking to buy contraband items that could be used in nuclear-weapons systems.

In some cases, according to the Pentagon advisers, local citizens could be recruited and asked to join up with guerrillas or terrorists

The new rules will enable the Special Forces community to set up what it calls ‘action teams’ in the target countries overseas which can be used to find and eliminate terrorist organizations. 

‘Do you remember the right-wing execution squads in El Salvador?’ the former high-level intelligence official asked me, referring to the military-led gangs that committed atrocities in the early nineteen-eighties. ‘We founded them and we financed them,’ he said.

‘The objective now is to recruit locals in any area we want. And we aren’t going to tell Congress about it.’ A former military officer, who has knowledge of the Pentagon’s commando capabilities, said, ‘We’re going to be riding with the bad boys.’”

41) United Press International reported in June 2005:

“U.S. intelligence officers are reporting that some of the insurgents in Iraq are using recent-model Beretta 92 pistols, but the pistols seem to have had their serial numbers erased. The numbers do not appear to have been physically removed; the pistols seem to have come off a production line without any serial numbers.

Analysts suggest the lack of serial numbers indicates that the weapons were intended for intelligence operations or terrorist cells with substantial government backing. Analysts speculate that these guns are probably from either Mossad or the CIA.

Analysts speculate that agent provocateurs may be using the untraceable weapons even as U.S. authorities use insurgent attacks against civilians as evidence of the illegitimacy of the resistance.

42) In 2005, British soldiers dressed as Arabs were caught by Iraqi police after a shootout against the police. The soldiers apparently possessed explosives, and were accused of attempting to set off bombs.

While none of the soldiers admitted that they were carrying out attacks, British soldiers and a column of British tanks stormed the jail they were held in, broke down a wall of the jail, and busted them out. The extreme measures used to free the soldiers – rather than have them face questions and potentially stand trial – could be considered an admission.

43) Undercover Israeli soldiers admitted in 2005 to throwing stones at other Israeli soldiers so they could blame it on Palestinians, as an excuse to crack down on peaceful protests by the Palestinians.

44) Quebec police admitted that, in 2007, thugs carrying rocks to a peaceful protest were actually undercover Quebec police officers (and see this).

45) A 2008 US Army special operations field manual recommends that the U.S. military use surrogate non-state groups such as “paramilitary forces, individuals, businesses, foreign political organizations, resistant or insurgent organizations, expatriates, transnational terrorism adversaries, disillusioned transnational terrorism members, black marketers, and other social or political ‘undesirables.’”

The manual specifically acknowledged that U.S. special operations can involve both counterterrorism and “Terrorism” (as well as “transnational criminal activities, including narco-trafficking, illicit arms-dealing, and illegal financial transactions.”)

46) The former Italian Prime Minister, President, and head of Secret Services (Francesco Cossiga) advised the 2008 minister in charge of the police, on how to deal with protests from teachers and students:

“He should do what I did when I was Minister of the Interior … infiltrate the movement with agents provocateurs inclined to do anything …. And after that, with the strength of the gained population consent, … beat them for blood and beat for blood also those teachers that incite them. Especially the teachers. Not the elderly, of course, but the girl teachers yes."

47) An undercover officer admitted that he infiltrated environmental, leftwing and anti-fascist groups in 22 countries.

Germany’s federal police chief admitted that – while the undercover officer worked for the German police – he acted illegally during a G8 protest in Germany in 2007 and committed arson by setting fire during a subsequent demonstration in Berlin. The undercover officer spent many years living with violent “Black Bloc” anarchists.

48) Denver police admitted that uniformed officers deployed in 2008 to an area where alleged “anarchists” had planned to wreak havoc outside the Democratic National Convention ended up getting into a melee with two undercover policemen.

The uniformed officers didn’t know the undercover officers were cops.

49) At the G20 protests in London in 2009, a British member of parliament saw plain clothes police officers attempting to incite the crowd to violence.

50) The oversight agency for the Royal Canadian Mounted Police admitted that – at the G20 protests in Toronto in 2010 – undercover police officers were arrested with a group of protesters.

Videos and photos (see this and this, for example) show that violent protesters wore very similar boots and other gear as the police, and carried police batons. The Globe and Mail reports that the undercover officers planned the targets for violent attack, and the police failed to stop the attacks.

51) Egyptian politicians admitted (and see this) that government employees looted priceless museum artifacts 2011 to try to discredit the protesters.

52) Austin police admit that 3 officers infiltrated the Occupy protests in that city.

Prosecutors admit that one of the undercover officers purchased and constructed illegal “lock boxes” which ended up getting many protesters arrested.

53) In 2011, a Colombian colonel admitted that he and his soldiers had lured 57 innocent civilians and killed them – after dressing many of them in uniforms – as part of a scheme to claim that Columbia was eradicating left-wing terrorists. And see this.

54) Rioters who discredited the peaceful protests against the swearing in of the Mexican president in 2012 admitted that they were paid 300 pesos each to destroy everything in their path.

According to Wikipedia, photos also show the vandals waiting in groups behind police lines prior to the violence.

55) On November 20, 2014, Mexican agent provocateurs were transported by army vehicles to participate in the 2014 Iguala mass kidnapping protests, as was shown by videos and pictures distributed via social networks.

56) The highly-respected writer for the Telegraph Ambrose Evans-Pritchard says that the head of Saudi intelligence – Prince Bandar – recently admitted that the Saudi government controls “Chechen” terrorists.

57) Two members of the Turkish parliamenthigh-level American sources and others admitted that the Turkish government – a NATO country – carried out the chemical weapons attacks in Syria and falsely blamed them on the Syrian government; and high-ranking Turkish government admitted on tape plans to carry out attacks and blame it on the Syrian government.

58) The former Director of the NSA and other American government officials admit said that the U.S. is a huge supporter of terrorism. Jimmy Carter’s National Security Adviser Zbigniew Brzezinski admitted on CNN that the U.S. organized and supported Bin Laden and the other originators of “Al Qaeda” in the 1970s to fight the Soviets.

The U.S. and its allies have been supporting Al Qaeda and other Islamic terrorist groups for many decades, and providing them arms, money and logistical support in LibyaSyriaMaliBosniaChechnyaIran, and many other countries. U.S. allies are also directly responsible for creating and supplying ISIS.

Related: People Are Finally Learning About False Flag Terror

It’s gotten so ridiculous that a U.S. Senator has introduced a “Stop Arming Terrorists Act”, and U.S. Congresswoman – who introduced a similar bill in the House – says:

“For years, the U.S. government has been supporting armed militant groups working directly with and often under the command of terrorist groups like ISIS and al-Qaeda in their fight to overthrow the Syrian government.”

59) The Ukrainian security chief admits that the sniper attacks which started the Ukrainian coup were carried out in order to frame others. Ukrainian officials admit that the Ukrainian snipers fired on both sides, to create maximum chaos.

60) Speaking of snipers, in a secret recording, Venezuelan generals admit that they will deploy snipers to shoot protesters, but keep the marksmen well-hidden from demonstrator and the reporters covering the events so others would be blamed for the deaths.

61) Burmese government officials admitted that Burma (renamed Myanmar) used false flag attacks against Muslim and Buddhist groups within the country to stir up hatred between the two groups, to prevent democracy from spreading.

62) Israeli police were again filmed in 2015 dressing up as Arabs and throwing stones, then turning over Palestinian protesters to Israeli soldiers.

63) Britain’s spy agency has admitted (and see this) that it carries out “digital false flag” attacks on targets, framing people by writing offensive or unlawful material … and blaming it on the target.

64) The CIA has admitted that it uses viruses and malware from Russia and other countries to carry out cyberattacks and blame other countries.

65) U.S. soldiers have admitted that if they kill innocent Iraqis and Afghanis, they then “drop” automatic weapons near their body so they can pretend they were militants.

66) German prosecutors admit that a German soldier disguised himself as a Syrian refugee and planned to shoot people so that the attack would be blamed on asylum seekers.

67) Police frame innocent people for crimes they didn’t commit. The practice is so well-known that the New York Times noted in 1981:

“In police jargon, a throwdown is a weapon planted on a victim."

Newsweek reported in 1999:

“Perez, himself a former [Los Angeles Police Department] cop, was caught stealing eight pounds of cocaine from police evidence lockers.

After pleading guilty in September, he bargained for a lighter sentence by telling an appalling story of attempted murder and a “throwdown” – police slang for a weapon planted by cops to make a shooting legally justifiable.

Perez said he and his partner, Officer Nino Durden, shot an unarmed 18th Street Gang member named Javier Ovando, then planted a semiautomatic rifle on the unconscious suspect and claimed that Ovando had tried to shoot themduring a stakeout.

Wikipedia notes:

“As part of his plea bargain, Pérez implicated scores of officers from the Rampart Division’s anti-gang unit, describing routinely beating gang members, planting evidence on suspects, falsifying reports and covering up unprovoked shootings."

(As a side note – and while not technically false flag attacks – police have been busted framing innocent people in many other ways, as well.)

68) A former U.S. intelligence officer recently alleged:

“Most terrorists are false flag terrorists or are created by our own security services.

69) The head and special agent in charge of the FBI’s Los Angeles office said that most terror attacks are committed by the CIA and FBI as false flags.

70) The Director of Analytics at the interagency Global Engagement Center housed at the U.S. Department of State, also an adjunct professor at George Mason University, where he teaches the graduate course National Security Challenges in the Department of Information Sciences and Technology, a former branch chief in the CIA’s Counterterrorism Center, and an intelligence advisor to the Secretary of Homeland Security (J.D. Maddox) notes:

“Provocation is one of the most basic, but confounding, aspects of warfare. Despite its sometimes obvious use, it has succeeded consistently against audiences around the world, for millennia, to compel war. A well-constructed provocation narrative mutes even the most vocal opposition.


The culmination of a strategic provocation operation invariably reflects a narrative of victimhood: we are the victims of the enemy’s unforgivable atrocities.


In the case of strategic provocation the deaths of an aggressor’s own personnel are a core tactic of the provocation.


The persistent use of strategic provocation over centuries – and its apparent importance to war planners – begs the question of its likely use by the US and other states in the near term."

71) Leaders throughout history have acknowledged the “benefits” of of false flags to justify their political agenda:

Terrorism is the best political weapon for nothing drives people harder than a fear of sudden death”.

Adolph Hitler

“Why of course the people don’t want war … But after all it is the leaders of the country who determine the policy, and it is always a simple matter to drag the people along, whether it is a democracy, or a fascist dictatorship, or a parliament, or a communist dictatorship …

Voice or no voice, the people can always be brought to the bidding of the leaders. That is easy. All you have to do is to tell them they are being attacked, and denounce the pacifists for lack of patriotism and exposing the country to danger. It works the same in any country.”

Hermann Goering, Nazi leader.

“The easiest way to gain control of a population is to carry out acts of terror. [The public] will clamor for such laws if their personal security is threatened”.

Josef Stalin

Postscript 1: 
It is not just “modern” nations which have launched false flag attacks. For example, a Native American from one tribe (Pomunkey) murdered a white Englishwoman living in Virginia in 1697 and then falsely blamed it on second tribe (Piscataway).

But he later admitted in court that he was not really Piscataway, and that he had been paid by a provocateur from a third tribe (Iroquois) to kill the woman as a way to start a war between the English and the Piscataway, thus protecting the profitable Iroquois monopoly in trade with the English.

Postscript 2:  On multiple occasions, atrocities or warmongering are falsely blamed on the enemy as a justification for war … when no such event ever occurred. This is more like a “fake flag” than a “false flag”, as no actual terrorism occurred.

For example:

The NSA admits that it lied about what really happened in the Gulf of Tonkin incident in 1964 … manipulating data to make it look like North Vietnamese boats fired on a U.S. ship so as to create a false justification for the Vietnam war

One of the central lies used to justify the 1991 Gulf War against Iraq after Iraq invaded Kuwait was the false statement by a young Kuwaiti girl that Iraqis murdered Kuwaiti babies in hospitals. Her statement was arranged by a Congressman who knew that she was actually the daughter of the Kuwaiti Ambassador to the U.S. – who was desperately trying to lobby the U.S. to enter the war – but the Congressman hid that fact from the public and from Congress

Another central lie used to justify the Gulf War was the statement that a quarter of a million Iraqi troops were massed on the border with Saudi Arabia (see also this article)

Pulitzer prize-winning journalist Ron Suskind reported that the White House ordered the CIA to forge and backdate a document falsely linking Iraq with Muslim terrorists and 9/11 … and that the CIA complied with those instructions and in fact created the forgery, which was then used to justify war against Iraq. And see this and this

Related: Exposed - Iraq War Was A Lie: The Invasion Of Iraq Took Place Under False Pretences

Time magazine 
points out that the claim by President Bush that Iraq was attempting to buy “yellow cake” Uranium from Niger had been checked out - and debunked - by U.S. intelligence a year before the President repeated it.

Everyone knew that Iraq didn’t have weapons of mass destruction. More

The entire torture program was geared towards obtaining false confessions linking Iraq and 9/11

CIA agents and documents admit that the agency gave Iran plans for building nuclear weapons … so it could frame Iran for trying to build the bomb

The “humanitarian” wars in Syria, Libya and Yugoslavia were all justified by highly exaggerated reports that the leaders of those countries were committing atrocities against their people. And see this

Afterword: The corporate media will likely never report on false flags … as it is ALWAYS pro-war.

Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi

Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi

IDF Chief Says Israel Is Becoming Like Nazi Germany, Refuses To Back Down
August 3 2017 | From: GlobalResearch / Various

The outgoing IDF chief has doubled down on his highly controversial comments he made comparing modern-day Israel with that of 1930's Nazi Germany.

Last year, a top Israeli general’s comments during the country’s annual Holocaust Remembrance Day address sparked controversy when he likened the atmosphere in modern day Israel to 1930’s Nazi Germany.

Related: Top Israeli General Speaks Out Against Israel’s Crimes Against Palestinians + Parallels Between Israel & 1930's Germany & Ten Facts Why Netanyahu Is A Criminal And That Israel Is A “Rogue State”

“If there is anything that frightens me in the remembrance of the Holocaust, it is discerning nauseating processes that took place in Europe in general, and in Germany specifically back then, 70, 80 and 90 years ago, and seeing evidence of them here among us in the year 2016,”
Maj. Gen. Yair Golan, the Israeli army’s deputy chief of staff said.

Now, the outgoing IDF Deputy Chief has doubled down on his remarks and in an interview this week, defended his controversial speech.

Related: U.S. Lawmakers Seek to Criminally Outlaw Support for Boycott Campaign Against Israel

As the Times of Israel reports, Golan, speaking in a new video interview produced by the military, said he “didn’t realize it would go to the very political place that it went,” but added that he “doesn’t take back the remarks.”

Golan went on to note that Israel  - “as a light unto the nations” - has a responsibility to maintain “moral superiority.”

“Morality is you compared to you. You compared to your standards, not to those around you. Around [Israel], there are murderous people who don’t hesitate to kill one another in fear-inducing quantities. That should give us no repose,”
he said.

“On this issue, we shouldn’t cut ourselves any slack,” Golan added.

The reaction from Israeli hardliners to Golan’s comments highlighted the deep divisions within Israeli society on what is one of the country’s most solemnly revered days.

Nationalist Jewish home party leader and Israeli Education Minister Naftali Bennett called on Golan to revise his comments or be seen as comparing Israeli soldiers to Nazis. However, he refused and stood strong for over a year - in spite of the backlash.

Related: US Senator Ben Cardin Tries to Make Criticism of Israel a Felony

Sadly, Bennett fails to understand that’s precisely what Maj. Gen. Golan was implying in 2016, as he implored those in power “to fundamentally rethink how we, here and now, behave towards the other.”

“The Holocaust, in my view, must lead us to deep soul-searching about the nature of man,” 
Golan said.

“It must bring us to conduct some soul-searching as to the responsibility of leadership and the quality of our society. It must lead us to fundamentally rethink how we, here and now, behave towards the other.”

“There is nothing easier and simpler than fear-mongering and threatening. There is nothing easier and simpler than in behaving like beasts, becoming morally corrupt, and sanctimoniousness.”

“On Holocaust Remembrance Day, it is worthwhile to ponder our capacity to uproot the first signs of intolerance, violence, and self-destruction that arise on the path to moral degradation,” Golan said

During his original speech, Golan referenced the Hebron incident, in which an IDF soldier was filmed executing an already incapacitated Palestinian assailant that was lying on the ground defenseless.

The soldier in question, Sgt. Elor Azaria, was arrested and brought up on manslaughter charges by a military tribunal for the killing - a move that has been met with ferocious opposition by Zionists who claim that the brazen execution was somehow justified.

Hard-liners accused the military of abandoning the soldier by indicting him for manslaughter, and polls showed most Jewish Israelis shared the sentiment. Many Israeli Jews also now openly oppose the equal rights of the one-fifth of the country’s 8 million citizens who are Arabs - who, in turn, are growing increasingly alienated from the Jewish state, according to the AP.

Related: Will the Federal Government Make It Illegal to Protest Israel?

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu called his defense minister, Moshe Yaalon, after Golan’s speech to express displeasure, according to The Haaretz daily.

The Israeli military then issued a clarification, claiming Golan did not intend to compare Israel and its army to “the horrors” of Nazi Germany.

“This is an absurd and baseless comparison that he never would have made and it was never his intention to criticize the Israeli government,” 
the Israeli military said.

Regardless of how the Israeli government spun Golan’s words or pressured him to rebuke his comments, they clearly reveal a grave concern about the increasingly callous manner in which Palestinians are being treated and the path that these actions will ultimately lead Israeli society down.

Having such rationale and logic, Golan said he was surprised that the political leaders and large chunk of the population reacted the way they did.

“I thought I was saying things that were clear, that every reasonable person would say, ‘Hey, he said what had to be said.’ I didn’t think I was saying something that was blatantly controversial,”
he said

As the Times of Israel reports, eloquent in both Hebrew and English, Golan holds a master’s degree from Harvard University. He was wounded but continued to command during a shootout with Hezbollah fighters in 1997 and is a well-regarded officer in the IDF, holding a number of top positions in his 37-year career.

From ISIS to America, the state is able to convince their enforcers to commit horrid acts in their name - all the while their subjects cheering it on as patriotism. In spite of Golan’s dedication to the IDF, he is still able to see the potential for such destruction and his words should be considered by all countries.

Related: Israel Above All & Gaza Near Collapse

Throughout history, very small groups of humans have been able to convince very large groups of humans to carry out evil and immoral acts of murder and abuse. It’s time to stop this.

While the citizens bash each other over silly issues of right vs. left or Islam vs. Christianity, those at the top get richer, more powerful and more tyrannical.

Race has disconnected us, religion has separated us, politics has divided us, and wealth has classified us. It is time we shatter this paradigm and see each other as humans - not flags, crosses, or classes.

If we don’t, humanity’s short time on this planet will inevitably be brought to a violent end.

Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi

Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi

Former Mainstream Media Journalist Blows Whistle On 9/11 And Fukushima
July 26 2017 | From: TheMindUnleashed

Few have put their lives on the line as journalist Benjamin Fulford has done.

Going from the peak of his journalistic career, a massive salary and access to almost any door he wanted open, the former Asia-Pacific Bureau Chief of Forbes Magazine stepped away in disagreement of massive censoring and has since started reporting on geopolitical events that certain “elites” wish he would not.

Related: Reflecting On The Truth Of 9/11 - What Will Be The Straw That Breaks The Camel's Back?

Blowing the whistle on a wide variety of topics, including 9/11 and Fukushima, Fulford has drawn the attention of many around the world and has even survived 5 assassination attempts.

The Mind Unleashed was fortunate to be able to interview Mr. Fulford.

1. What is your education and journalistic background Benjamin? 

My educational background is varied. I went to grade school in Mexico and Canada and studied in Spanish and English.

My high school was in French. When I was 17 I went to the Amazon and studied under a Shipibo shaman on the banks of the Ucuyali river in Northern Peru. My university education was Sophia University in Tokyo and the University of British Columbia in Vancouver, Canada.

My degree is in Asian studies with a China area specialty. However, since I took about 10 years worth of undergraduate courses I think of myself as a generalist.

2. You also speak multiple languages, yes? 

Yes. Native or near native in English, Japanese, French and Spanish. Conversational ability in Mandarin and the various romance languages.

3. Being with such a well known media company (Forbes), what caused you to leave your job? 

There were many reasons but mainly it had to do with censorship.

When Citibank was kicked out of Japan because they were caught money laundering for crime gangs, Forbes would not run the story even though my sources were Finance Ministry officials speaking on the record.

The final straw was when they asked me to do a story about a computer virus software company.

I went to the Philippines to visit their laboratories and while there I went to visit the creator of the “I love you” virus that caused billions of dollars worth of damage.

He claimed the anti-virus company paid him to make the virus.

I thought I had a big scoop but my editors refused to run the story because they thought I was becoming “unreliable.”

Then Mr. Nakagawa, the business manager in Japan told me the real reason the story was cancelled was because the head of the anti-virus company paid Steve Forbes $500,000 to kill my story. That was the last straw for me.

However, it was a very scary thing to give up that regular fat monthly paycheck and the prestigious name card that opened so many doors. I can understand why many corporate journalists put up with censorship and control just so they can keep up their lifestyles.

4. You’ve stated that the Japanese royal family showed you evidence that 9/11 was an inside job and that this was sort of your big “wake up call.” Can you elaborate on that?

I was planning to publish a book exposing the corruption in Japan. The day after I sent the first two chapters to my agent I got a call from Kaoru Nakamaru, a cousin of Emperor Hirohito who told me “I know a lot about the dark side of Japan but I understand nothing about the dark side of the West.”

We met and she asked me not to publish the book because that is not what I really wanted to do in my heart. Then she gave me a 911 video.

My thought at the time was “this is one of those anti-semitic conspiracy videos I read about in the New York Times.” I was thus reluctant to even look at it. However, when I did, it really opened my eyes and set me on a path of intensive research into the historical truth of false flags over the ages.

5. You wrote a book about 9/11, correct?

Yes I did and it was a best seller in Japan. Here is the link.

6. You’ve also been very vocal about Fukishima being an intentional crime against humanity . Can you please elaborate on that?

First of all the Japanese authorities were warned in advance of March 11, 2011 by an Australian government agent going by the code name Richard Sorge (now Alexander Romanov) that a 500 kiloton nuclear weapon stolen from the Russian submarine Kursk in 2000 had been smuggled into Japan for the purpose of nuclear terror against that country. Sorge also told me and I wrote about it.

Sorge was a drug smuggler into Japan for over 20 years and went to the authorities when a nuclear weapon was sent together with his usual drug shipment.

The bomb was first taken to former Prime Minister Yasuhiro Nakasone’s property in Hinodecho in Western Tokyo. It was then taken to the North Korean citizen’s association building. Later, according to Takamasa Kawase of Japanese military intelligence, the bomb was taken aboard the deep sea drilling ship Chikyu.

Local news reports confirm the Chikyu was drilling deep into the seabed at the exact epicenters of the Fukushima earthquake prior to March 11, 2011 (or 311 as they call it in Japan).

After the Tsunami and nuclear attack on Japan, a Christian Pastor by the name of Paolo Izumi was approached by a member of the Japanese self defense forces who said he was part of a 15 member crew that dismantled the bomb into 5 smaller nuclear devices and that these were drilled into the seabed by the Chikyu prior to 311.

He thought at the time he was paricipating in earthquake research.

After the terrorist attack, his colleagues were all murdered so he sought shelter from his Pastor. The person is now being protected under the witness protection program and is willing to testify in public about what happened.

There is a lot more to this so please do a news search to see my previous articles on the subject. [Editor’s note: Benjamin asked that this book be read and shared by viewers of this interview.]

7. So this is some sort of global elite that have helped to orchestrate 9/11 and Fukushima? 

The forensic trail of evidence led to Peter Hanz Kolvenbach, the former head of the Jesuits and the P2 Freemason lodge in Italy.

Black Popes: Adolpho Nicholas and Peter-Hans Kolvenbach

Related: Former Jesuit Priest Exposes How The Vatican Created Islam

These people are aiming for a fascist world government under their control.

8. You were the first journalist (to my knowledge) to publicly write about what is known as the global collateral accounts. Can you explain what these accounts are and some of their history, well as their intended purpose? 

Again that would require a book on its own.

The short version is that since Roman times the West sent gold and silver to Asia in exchange for silk, ceramics and spices. This meant that about 85% of the world’s precious metals ended up in Asia, mostly under the control of various Asian royal dynasties.

This gold was used to back up the Bretton Woods system. However, when the West broke its promises to have a Marshal plan for the whole world and only applied it to the G7 countries under their control, the gold was cut off.

Related: The Most Important Financial Meeting Since JFK’s Death Just Took Place

The US thus ran out of gold in the early 1970’s which led to the Nixon shock when the US dollar was taken off the gold standard and put on the oil standard.

The petrodollar standard is now being replaced once again with a gold standard but the process is not complete and there is a continuing stand off between the West, who have the Euro, US Dollar and Yen printing presses and the Asians, who have the gold.

9. In August of 2011, you wrote about a meeting that took place off the coast of Monaco between a man named Neil Keenan and 57 financial representatives from various countries around the world. What was that meeting about and why was it so important?

Related: Neil Keenan / Group K | History & Events Timeline

Basically an alliance was formed with backing from US military white hats to try to take control of the global financial system away from the elite Western bloodline families I refer to as the Khazarian mafia.

10. So essentially, there is a large international alliance that is opposing a one world order?

They are not opposed to a world united by friendship and the rule of law. They are opposed to a world fascist dictatorship controlled by Satan worshiping elite bloodlines.

Related: Core Edicts Of The Khazarian Mafia Top Command

The anti-Russian hysteria on the part of the Khazarians is due to the fact they were kicked out of Russia and Russia is now undergoing a big Christian revival.

11. What are some sources that you receive your intelligence from? 

My sources are many and varied but include people in the P2 Freemason lodge, the FSB, the NSA, the Gnostic Illuminati, the CIA, US military Intelligence, the various Japanese crime gangs, Asian secret societies, Japanese military intelligence, the North Koreans, etc.

I have been a reporter here for 30 years which means I have developed a comprehensive set of contacts.

12. So there are many people within the intelligence community around the world who are working quietly and are also part of this international alliance seeking to end the corruptive power systems of our world?

Yes indeed there is.

13. You’ve stated that you’ve had 5 attempts at your life. Clearly, “they” don’t like that you’re putting out such revealing information on a weekly basis.

The five murder attempts include:

Being poisoned in Italy by Vincenzo Mazzara, a cavalier of the teutonic knights and a senior member of the P2 freemason lodge.

Grandmaster of Italy's notorious P2 masonic lodge who was implicated in some of Italy's biggest post-war political and financial scandals

An attempt to shoot me by Japanese gangsters in Sakhalin, Russia.

Multiple attempts to murder me in Osaka by Japanese gangsters paid to do so by Rothschild Agent Michael Greenberg

An attempted attack with a heart attack inducing electronic device on a subway in Tokyo.

Being stabbed with a poison needle by Mutsuaki Okubo, a North Korean agent.

14. Some people say that you’re disinformation because certain things have not come to pass that you’ve written about. However, many things have. Can you talk about some of those big events that have?

When people accuse me of being a disinformation agent they are basically calling me a liar which is slander.

What has happened is that my sources have told me certain things are going to happen and they do not always happen as my sources told me they would. In such cases, I was quoting my sources and they were wrong. For example, senior CIA sources kept insisting to me that Joe Biden would be President but it turned out to be Donald Trump.

However, some of my sources accurately predicted events like the Lehman Shock, the overthrow of the Muslim Brotherhood government in Egypt, the Fukushima nuclear terror attack on Japan, etc.

15. So essentially, good things are happening despite a lack of media attention on it? 

Good things are definitely happening and that is obvious for all to see.

Only 6% of Americans trust the mainstream media which means they have killed themselves with their constant lies and cover ups.

16. Any other messages you’d like to share with the world or anyone in particular?

Yes, the process of creating and distributing money is the process of deciding what humanity does in the future.

This process should be a transparently run public utility not a private monopoly in the hands of gangsters. We are fighting to free humanity from a horrific regime of babylonian debt slavery and we are winning.

Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi

Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi
Americans Protest ‘Very Fake News’ CNN Outside Of Atlanta Headquarters & “Dying CIA Agent Confesses To Demolition Of WTC-7” Is Actual Fake News
July 25 2017 | From: Breitbart / VeteransToday / Various

More than 150 protesters charged the CNN headquarters in Atlanta, Georgia to share their disgust with the network’s peddling of “fake news” against President Trump’s administration.

With signs reading “FNN #FakeNewsNetwork” and others targeting the networks’ advertisers such as AT&T and Microsoft, protesters chanted “CNN fake news!” directly in front of the CNN Centers’ signature logo.

Related: Selected Articles: Fake News? What the Mainstream Media Is Not Telling You

Protesters told Breitbart News that the rally against CNN was an effort to call out the media corporation for its unbalanced coverage of the Trump administration and its targeting of Americans, most specifically the creator of the anti-CNN wrestling match meme that the President tweeted out.

Related: Trump Finally Stops Arming Terrorists in Syria - Corporate Media Says It’s a Russian Conspiracy

“We are standing up and fighting back against the real damage that CNN is doing to this country today,”
Brian Maloney with the Media Equalizer told Breitbart News.

“There are real victims of their smear campaigns … they have an entire team of smear merchants employed for the express purpose of deny this current President any appointees or nominees whatsoever.”

“[Americans’] lives are being destroyed when they are unfairly smeared and targeted, falsely accused of plagiarism, and everything else that has been going on,” Maloney said.

Breitbart News with Brian Maloney of Media Equalizer Outside CNN

Brian Crabtree, a local talk radio show host in Atlanta, told Breitbart News that not only does CNN target the Trump administration unfairly, but he said the network is “destroying” American culture.

“They’re destroying our culture,”
Crabtree said. “They’re taking people who consume five to ten minutes of news a day, the average American citizen, they’re filling them full of fake news, fake innuendos, bad information, leading them to a conclusion that this President is something that he’s not.”

“They don’t report that illegal border crossings are down 70 to 80 percent,” Crabtree told Breitbart News of CNN.

“They don’t report that there’s $65 to $80 billion regulations that have evaporated…”

Brietbart News with ATL Radio Host Brian Crabtree outside CNN

The protest against CNN came after the media corporation was slammed for a multitude of scandals. Most recently, three CNN employees were forced to resign, as Breitbart News reported, after releasing a Trump-Russia collusion story that ended up being unfounded.

CNN hosts and reporters were also caught claiming that during the recent G20 Summit in Hamburg, Germany, Trump and Russian President Vladimir Putin held a “secret dinner,” Breitbart News reported. That narrative was repeated by CNN’s Brooke Baldwin, among others, despite not being true.

“Dying CIA Agent Confesses To Demolition Of WTC-7” Is Actual Fake News

Today’s False Flag Weekly News did NOT cover the “bombshell” story of the supposed WTC-7 demolition confession by a dying CIA agent. Why not? Because it’s OBVIOUS BULLSHIT.

If you can’t tell that this is a made-up story from the way it’s written, you need to take your BS detector in for a tune-up. That’s right, Jim Fetzer, this means you!

Related: False Flag Weekly News

When Jim was my co-host at FFWN, he occasionally got taken in by hoaxes like this. The “Dying CIA agent confesses to WTC-7” story is just a rewrite of a previous article by the same hoaxer, Jay Greenberg.

Dying CIA Agent Makes Deathbed Confession: ‘We Blew Up WTC7 On 9/11’ is a rewrite of Dying Mi5 Agent Admits to Killing Princess Diana in Deathbed Confession

How much do they pay Greenberg to crank out this low-grade garbage? Nice work if you can get it, I guess.

These pathetic frauds constitute psychological warfare against the truth-seeking community. As Cass Sunstein explained, the 9/11 perps need to spread “beneficial cognitive diversity” among “conspiracy theorists” in order to prevent “conspiracy theorists” from exposing the 9/11 false flag crime against humanity.

Fake News Triples Down On Photoshopped Trump Picture

GOP Republican used a fake image to show he’s friendly with Trump.

In what is one of the strangest developments you will ever see in a Senate race, Republican candidates are sparring over a photoshopped picture, an argument that can only be disastrous for the creator of the fake photo and anyone who endorsed it as real.

These fake news stories catapult the “surely someone would have confessed” anti-truth propaganda meme. Any suckers who might actually believe that the world’s most successful criminals will surely confess to their crimes, for no particular reason except a bad conscience (as if the high-IQ psychopaths hired for these crimes had consciences) will be left holding the bag.

Deathbed (and non-deathbed) confessions do sometimes happen. E. Howard Hunt did confess to helping the CIA murder JFK. And a US Army Col. did confess to William Pepper his role in helping orchestrate the assassination of Martin Luther King, Jr.

But don’t expect the MSM to tell you about that.

Google-Owned YouTube Launches Worst Censorship Yet

Top globalist corporation looks to shut down Infowars.

Google targets Infowars yet again, this time they’re attempting to shut down The Alex Jones Channel on YouTube.

Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi

Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi

A List Of 21 Ex-Agents Who Have Exposed The US Military Intelligence Complex & Government 'Cyber Troops' Manipulate Facebook, Twitter, Study Says
July 23 2017 | From: ActivistPost / Bloomberg / Various

The Military Intelligence Complex (MIC) of the United States has become a behemoth. It is a monstrous creature which is forming the foundation of the technological control grid that is being erected and rolled out all around us.

As the NWO conspirators attempt to push the world forward with their model of technocracy (rule by technology), the Military Intelligence Complex is central to the execution their plans.

Related: The Reign of Propaganda

Right now, the MIC is the basis of data gathering (spying, interception and surveillance), data storage, data processing and data analysis.

As technology advances and we are pushed further along the path of trans-humanism, the NWO agenda would dictate that the Military Intelligence Complex take on further roles and functions, such as being the operations center of fleets of robots which will administrate over society and completely enforce law and order.

Many people are sleepwalking through these times as the groundwork is being laid for this technological control grid. Fortunately, there are others who have awoken to the agenda, some of whom are insiders (or former insiders) with a solid moral compass and the guts to do what’s right.

What follows is a selection of 20 of these brave individuals, but first, here is a brief introduction to the 17 agencies that comprise the US Military Intelligence Complex.

The 17 Agencies of the Military Intelligence Complex

The site of the Military Intelligence Complex: CIA headquarters in Virginia, USA

Related: Who Really Owns and Controls the Military-Industrial Complex and What Are They Doing? – An Extensive Research Report

We are publicly told there are 17 agencies that make up the Military Intelligence Complex; however, there are probably ones that exist but whose existence is kept hidden, since they are involved with “deep black” operations which are unacknowledged.

According to ex-CIA agent Kevin Shipp (see below), this Deep State or Parallel Government behind the scenes employs 1271 organizations, 1931 private companies, 4.8 million people and has 10,000 intelligence gathering locations across the US. It operates outside the law. Not even Congress knows the size of it!

Here are the 17 Agencies We Know About:

ODNI (Office of the Director of National Intelligence):

The ODNI was created by Congress in response to 9/11 false flag to coordinate intelligence collection and sharing among all the agencies. The director is the head of the intelligence community and the principal advisor to the president.

According to Wiki Commons, the original sign from the CIA’s first building.

CIA (Central Intelligence Agency):

The most notorious agency of all, which grew out of the OSS (Office of Strategic Services) in 1947.

Related: What The History Channel Left Out About The Declassified CIA Program: “History Of MK-Ultra”

The CIA is infamous for drug running (heroin, cocaine and more), weapon running, subverting foreign governments and installing puppet dictators (regime change), the use of front and shell companies to hide criminal activities (e.g. Evergreen as a CIA front company used to disperse chemtrails), foreign and domestic assassination (e.g. CIA Operation 40), disseminating propaganda (Operation Mockingbird), “extraordinary rendition” (Orwellian term for torture), lying to justify war (Saddam’s WMDs), creating and funding terrorists for use to further the NWO plan (Mujahideen, Al-Qaeda [Al-CIA-da] and ISIS) and mind control (e.g. MK Ultra and its various subprojects).

NSA (National Security Agency):

The formerly secretive agency which was referred to as “No Such Agency” was thrust into the spotlight by Edward Snowden in 2013.

Related: NSA Documents Prove Surveillance Of Donald Trump & His Family + Documents Show Obama Surveiled Entire Trump Family For 8 Years

The NSA focuses on signals intelligence (monitoring, collecting and processing communications and other electronic information), cracking secret codes and engages in mass surveillance programs on the entire world, including Americans and US allied nations, sucking up literally trillions of “transactions” (phone calls, text messages, emails) on everyone.

DIA (Defense Intelligence Agency):

The DIA is the primary entity responsible for collecting and analyzing intelligence on foreign militaries.

NGA (National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency):

Yes, it should be the NGIA, but I guess the NGA wanted to join the club of alphabet soup agencies with cool three letter names to be truly part of the MIC club.

This agency is the principal provider of geospatial intelligence – analysis and information about Earth’s natural and man-made features and geo-tagged activities. GEOINT (Geospatial Intelligence) is used for combat, humanitarian and disaster relief, border and transportation security and security planning for special events.

NRO (National Reconnaissance Office):

The NRO was a secret agency for 31 years until its existence was declassified in 1992. The office designs, builds and operates the USA’s reconnaissance satellites, providing the Pentagon with precision navigation, early warning of missile launches and near real-time imagery.

FBI (Federal Bureau of Investigation):

The FBI has both law enforcement and intelligence functions. On the intelligence side, it aims to protect the U.S. against terrorism, cyber-attacks and foreign intelligence operations and espionage.

Related: Pizzagate: FBI Raids Ohio Adoption Agency In Huge Child Sex Trafficking Sting + UK Bans Naming Streets After Politicians, Heroes In Case They Get Exposed As Pedophiles

It maintains the government’s terrorist watch list. Under Hoover it was involved in both the JFK and MLK assassinations, as well as subverting activist movements (Co-Intel Pro). The FBI has been repeatedly caught manufacturing terrorism by using undercover agents in sting operations.

DHS (Department of Homeland Security), Office of Intelligence and Analysis:

Also created after 9/11, the DHS is in charge of emergency preparedness (FEMA), border control and transportation security (TSA) and biodefense (against epidemics). It oversees “fusion centers”.

DHS was also the department that got busted purchasing 1.6 billion rounds of ammunition in 2012. You can thank the DHS for all the coffins FEMA has stockpiled and all the molestation TSA has performed.

DEA (Drug Enforcement Administration), Office of National Security Intelligence:

The DEA is the administration responsible for stopping illegal drugs. DEA agents have been caught admitting to the use of parallel construction.

Related: CIA MKULTRA: Drugs To Take Down The Nation

This is a technique where they catch someone with illegally gained information (e.g. through illegal warrantless wiretapping and surveillance operations), then set up another (false) track or trail to show the judges in court to make it look like they found and tracked a suspect legally.

Department of State, Bureau of Intelligence and Research: this bureau collects and analyzes intelligence on global affairs and advises the secretary of state and other diplomats.

Dr. Steve R. Pieczenik

Dr. Steve R. Pieczenik, MD, PhD
is a critically acclaimed author of psycho-political thrillers and the co-creator of the New York Times best-selling “Tom Clancy’s Op-Center” and “Tom Clancy’s Net Force” book series. He is also one of the world’s most experienced international crisis managers and hostage negotiators. His novels are based on his twenty years experience in resolving international crises for five U.S. administrations.

Dr. Pieczenik received his B.A. from Cornell University,trained in Psychiatry at Harvard and has both an M.D. from Cornell University Medical College and a Ph.D. in International Relations from M.I.T.

He was the first psychiatrist ever to receive a PhD. focusing on international relations, and is the only psychiatrist to ever have served as a Deputy Assistant Secretary of State. He served four presidents as Deputy Assistant Secretary of State under Nixon, Ford, Carter, and Bush Sr. and was a Senior Policy Planner under president Reagan.

President Carter

Dr. Pieczenik worked directly with, and reported directly to, Secretaries of State Henry Kissinger, Cyrus Vance, George Schultz and James Baker, as well as the respective White Houses.

Dr. Pieczenik was drafted into the Vietnam War. He was assigned in the Public Health Services with the rank of Navy Captain (0-6) to run three psychiatric wards at St. Elizabeth’s Hospital in Washington, D.C., including a ward where serial killers were housed.

He was subsequently offered a promotion to Rear Admiral (0-7), which he refused on the grounds that he felt honored enough to serve his country, did not want to take a pension and wished to return to civilian life to follow his passions as a physician, entrepreneur and novelist.

Dr. Pieczenik is an expert in psychological warfare, political psychology, regime change, intelligence, counterintelligence and covert operations. During his career as a senior State Department official, Dr. Pieczenik utilized his unique abilities and expertise to develop strategies and tactics that were instrumental in resolving major conflicts in Asia, the Middle East, Latin America, Europe and the United States.

Dr. Pieczenik continues to volunteer his time and expertise as a consultant to the Department of Defense. He does not accept any remuneration for his services.

To this day he still strongly believes in the integrity of the Office of the Presidency and the Republic, both of which must be bereft of corruption, deception, betrayal, collusion and crony capitalism by any and all parties, including financial, political, medical, pharmaceutical and academic special interests. His basic belief is that no one person is indispensable to the viability of State.

Dr. Pieczenik has started several successful companies, employing his methodologies in various industries, including investment banking, publishing, television/film and medicine. He has been directly involved as an Angel Investor with starting twenty-eight companies.

Department of the Treasury, Office of Intelligence and Analysis:

The job of this office is to prevent money launderers, terrorists, drug lords, etc. from moving their money through the American financial institutions.

Department of Energy, Office of Intelligence and Counterintelligence:

T he origin of this office is the Manhattan Project, when the Atomic Energy Commission was analyzing the Soviet Union’s nuclear weapons program. Today it provides intelligence on foreign nuclear weapons, energy security, and nuclear energy, safety and waste.

Air Force Intelligence, Surveillance and Reconnaissance:

This is the Air Force’s intelligence branch, which uses airplanes, drones and satellites to identify hideouts, bunkers, mobile launchers and weapons caches.

Related: US Air Force Pilot Speaks Out About What He Was Ordered To Do When The Military Tracked A UFO

Army Military Intelligence:

This is the Army’s intelligence branch, which intercepts electronic communications and provides maps, ground imagery and information on foreign forces to assist US troops in the battlefield.

ONI (Office of Naval Intelligence):

This is the Navy’s intelligence branch, which keeps tabs on foreign scientific and technological research, analyzes the structure, tactics and readiness of foreign naval forces, and tracks merchant shipping to identify illicit activity.

Marine Corps Intelligence:

This is the Marine Corps’ intelligence branch, which creates military maps, intercepts and translates radio and electronic signals, and analyzes images collected from sensors.

Coast Guard Intelligence: the Coast Guard

iS is actually under the DHS. It is charged with protecting more than 100,000 miles of American coastline and inland waterways. It interdicts migrants, carries out search-and-rescue and handles illegal drug seizures.

Related: Space Fence Program Takes the War on Consciousness to the Heavens

(Interesting to consider that Coast Guard Intelligence is 1 of the 17, in light of the propaganda and official narrative about the “Russian hacking” of the election.

Remember when Clinton and other lying officials claimed that all 17 MIC agencies were in agreement that Russia had hacked the US? They weren’t, but even if they were, what the hell would the Coast Guard know about Russian hackers!?)

Here now is a selection of 20 ex-agents and whistle-blowers who have had the courage to stand up to the Military Intelligence Complex.

Ex-CIA Agents and Whistle-Blowers on the Military Intelligence Complex

One of the key weapons in Washington’s arsenal is the CIA or Central Intelligence Agency. Sometimes it is called “the Company” by those on the inside. Perhaps it would be better called a cult. Victor Marchetti authored his 1974 book The CIA and the Cult of Intelligence, where he wrote that:

“There exists in our nation today a powerful and dangerous secret cult - the cult of intelligence. Its holy men are the clandestine professionals of the Central Intelligence Agency.

Its patrons and protectors are the highest officials of the federal government. Its membership, extending far beyond governmental circles, reaches into the power centers of industry, commerce, finance, and labor. Its friends are many in the areas of important public influence - the academic world and the communications media.

The cult of intelligence is a secret fraternity of the American political aristocracy. The purpose of the cult is to further the foreign policies of the U.S. government by covert and usually illegal means...

Former CIA chief William Colby agreed with Marchetti’s assessment:

“[CIA agents] cliqued together, forming a sealed fraternity … they developed a rather skewed view of that world … they looked down on the life of the rest of the citizenry … an inbred, distorted, elitist view of intelligence that held itself to be … beyond the restraints of the Constitution."

With that in mind, here are 11 ex-CIA agents who broke out of the cult to tell the public the truth.

1. Robert Steele:

Former Marine, CIA case officer and US co-founder of the US Marine Corps intelligence activity, Steele’s mission has been to spread the use of Open Source Intelligence (OSINT).

Speaking out against the Military Intelligence Complex: ex-CIA agent Robert Steele

He has written handbooks on OSINT for NATO, the DIA and US Special Operations Forces. He has stated that the preconditions for revolution exist in the US, UK and other Western countries.

He enumerates such conditions as:

“Elite isolation to concentrated wealth to inadequate socialization and education, to concentrated land holdings to loss of authority to repression of new technologies especially in relation to energy, to the atrophy of the public sector and spread of corruption, to media dishonesty, to mass unemployment of young men and on and on and on.”

2. Robert Duncan:

Former CIA engineer Dr. Robert Duncan, who was involved in the research and development of “Manchurian Candidates” (i.e. mind control victims), has been trying to explain to the public over the years that the true state of current mind control technology defies imagination.

Ex-CIA engineer Robert Duncan has done much to expose the horrific nature of the mind control technology of the Military Intelligence Complex.

It is very hard (and scary) for the average person to grasp how sophisticated the technology now is. Duncan reveals how a weapons system capable of totalitarian control has been constructed. He also reveals that many people are now in wireless mental contact with AI (Artificial Intelligence) run by supercomputers – people from all walks of life, not just poor people as was done in the past.

Duncan worked with brain-to-computer interface technologies, things like remote mind reading, CIA hive mind experimentation (multiple people sharing the same mental space), remote targeting and tracking of people via their energy signature or “brain print”, remotely cloning or copying thoughts, emotions and other states (e.g. intense pain) onto a target, the “Voice of God” (piping information into people’s minds and making them hear voices), forced or induced dreams and OIW (Offensive Information Warfare).

Like many other ex-Intelligence agents, Duncan was tricked into thinking he was doing something good for humanity while he was actually constructing a weapon of torture and control. Now he is trying to alert people to the horrific nature of this technology – before it’s too late.

3. Ray McGovern:

McGovern is an outspoken ex-CIA analyst and co-founder of Veteran Intelligence Professionals for Sanity (VIPs). He has accused the CIA of being a rogue agency many times, stating that the CIA routinely cooks up “intelligence” to justify pre-planned wars (e.g. Iraq, Afghanistan and Libya).

“When an administration embarks on a war justified by little or no intelligence, speaking the truth can be regarded as treachery. The country could use more of that kind of "treachery".”

- Ray McGovern

It’s not bad intelligence; it’s fixed intelligence. Furthermore, he has stated that US presidents are scared of CIA directors, and that Congress hasn’t done anything to rein in the CIA before at least 9/11, if not before the time of JFK. In this video, McGovern famously challenged the lies of Donald Rumsfeld to his face.

Rumsfeld was a former executive at Searle Pharmaceuticals (that developed the horrible chemical aspartame) and former Secretary of Defense during 9/11 (who coincidentally “lost” $2.3 trillion the day before 9/11, then oversaw the US invade Iraq and other nations post-9/11).

In this quote, ex-CIA Michael Schemer exposes how the Israeli-Saudi alliance is far more dangerous than Iran.

4. Michael Scheuer:

Ex-CIA intelligence Michael Scheuer has been an outspoken critic of US foreign policy for decades. He has been one of the few to have the guts to criticize Israel and cast doubts on why the US would want to ally itself so closely with the Zionist regime (hint: it’s because the Rothschilds control Israel and also the US, thus can dictate how the US spends its money and chooses its allies).

Related: The True Cost Of Israel + The Reality Of Zionist Control

Scheuer has also had the intelligence to highlight the dangerous alliance between Israel and Saudi Arabia, and expose how that alliance is far, far more dangerous to the US and some surrounding nations than Iran.

Wikipedia states that, “Scheuer became a public figure after being outed as the anonymous author of the 2004 book Imperial Hubris, in which he criticized many of the United States’ assumptions about Islamist insurgencies and particularly Osama bin Laden.

Michael Scheuer: Israel & Saudi Arabia Are Much More Dangerous Enemies To The US Than The Iran

In his book Scheuer depicted bin Laden as a rational actor who was fighting to weaken the United States by weakening its economy, rather than merely combating and killing Americans.” Now that doesn’t fit too well with the official narrative on terrorism and Islam, does it?

5. Susan Lindauer:

Ex-CIA agent Susan Lindauer endured 5 years of unjust imprisonment with no trial under the Patriot Act for the crime of speaking the truth. After 10 years, she broke her silence on 9/11, revealing how George W. Bush, Cheney and Rumsfeld had decided to go to war with Iraq before 9/11 occurred.

“The Patriot Act was used against me in total contradiction to its stated purpose. Or perhaps it was the most logical use of the law, since it establishes a legal framework to crush free thinking and interrupt individual questioning of the government. It is the beginning of all dictatorship in America."

- Susan Lindauer, March 9, 2009

She also exposed how her CIA handler Richard Fuse made her deliver threatening messages to the Iraqis – even though they possessed no WMDs and had no knowledge of the hijackings.

She confirms that the leader of the hijackers, Mohammed Atta, was a CIA asset. She was imprisoned for 2 years for her trouble.

6. John Kiriakou:

Kiriakou was one of the most punished whistleblowers in recent times. After being at the CIA for years, he resigned in 2004, then 3 years later in December 2007 he decided to go on television and publicly call out the CIA for its “immoral, unethical and illegal torture programs” (which you can read more about here).

Ex-CIA agent John Kiriakouu

He rightly accused the CIA of lying when the agency falsely claimed that it gained “actionable intelligence” through the torture, which violated many laws and the 8th Amendment in the Bill of Rights (which forbids cruel and unusual punishments). Like Lindauer, Kiriakou was imprisoned for almost 2 years for his trouble.

7. Kevin Shipp:

Ex-CIA agent Kevin Shipp worked as a counter-terrorism agent. He has exposed the corruption of Barack Obama, Eric Holder, Hillary Clinton, George Soros, Susan Rice, John Brennan, Huma Abedin and many more.

Ex-CIA agent Kevin Shipp exposes how the Military Intelligence Complex destroys whistleblowers

He has talked on various issues of truth, such as the the 9/11 false flag event, the vaccine-autism connection, how mass migration is being deliberately used to destabilize the West, and how the Military Intelligence Complex has perfected the art of intimidating and destroying whistleblowers.

The Military Intelligence Complex (MIC),in many ways, is the biggest threat to a free society. Since the Military Intelligence Complex has access to anyone’s personal and private information at will, the potential for bribing, blackmailing, manipulating or otherwise controlling individuals – from the parking inspector to the president – remains intact.

The list of former agents and whistleblowers below, all of whom have exposed the Military Intelligence Complex in some way, includes not only ex-CIA officers, but also ex-NSA, ex-FBI and ex-DIA whistleblowers, as well as whistleblowers from other nations outside the USA.

Ubiquitous surveillance cameras: part of the undeniably growing presence of the Military Intelligence Complex in our lives

8. Philip Giraldi: 

Giraldi is an ex-CIA officer and former director of the Council for the National Interest, a 501c4 nonprofit, non-partisan organization in the US that works for “Middle East policies that serve the American national interest.”

Ex-CIA Philip Giraldi has consistently exposed the Military Intelligence Complex, Deep State and Israel

Giraldi has been outspoken in his criticism of the Deep State, the American war machine and the untoward Israeli influence over US officials. He has exposed the propaganda of the White Helmets in Syria and the War on Terror.

Giraldi writes

“I would characterize international terrorism as a faux threat at a national level, though one that has been exaggerated through the media and fearmongering to such an extent that it appears much more dangerous than it actually is.”

He has said that the idea that Syrian President Assad attacked his own people (with chemical weapons earlier this year in 2017) was a sham. He has also asked the key question of why the US is targeting Iran when it should be targeting Saudi Arabia.

9. Philip Agee: 

The late Philip Agee, who died in 2008, was an ex-CIA case officer with a conscience who blew the whistle on the CIA’s dastardly and nefarious activities. 

He worked in the CIA during the 1950s and finally left in 1968. He became a whistleblower and author of several books exposing the agency. When the US revoked his passport in 1979, he first lived in Grenada in 1980 until Bishop was overthrown by the US, then in Nicaragua until 1990 when the Sandanistas were overthrown by the US, then Germany and Cuba.

He knows firsthand the CIA’s subversive activities and terrorism of Central and South America. Former CIA Director and later President Bush (senior) called Agee a traitor.

10. John Stockwell: 

Stockwell worked with the CIA during their covert operations in Angola, Congo and Vietnam. After he left the agency, he exposed how the main activities of the CIA – drug running, assassinating foreign and domestic presidents, installing foreign puppet regimes and destroying the environment – are all interrelated. 

"It is the function of the CIA to keep the world unstable, and to propagandize and teach the American people to hate, so we will let the Establishment spend any amount of money on arms."

- John Stockwell

He boldly stated that the CIA was counterproductive to national security. In 1978 he appeared on 60 Minutes to expose that then CIA Director William Colby and National Security Advisor Henry Kissinger had systematically lied to Congress about the CIA’s operations.

11. Chip Tatum: 

Ex-CIA agent Chip Tatum worked in Black Operations, in the drug smuggling trade between the US and Central American countries. He personally flew a plane with cargo which, he later discovered, turned out to be cocaine.

Ex-CIA agent Gene “Chip” Tatum

Tatum was threatened not to speak out but exposed the lurid details of the Mena, Arkansas cocaine smuggling ring, which involved Bill Clinton up to his neck. Additionally, Tatum claims Bush senior had Barry Seal and Manuel Noriega assassinated, and also gave Tatum the order to kill presidential candidate Ross Perot (which he refused to do).

We Want It All – the NSA, a lynchpin of the Military Intelligence Complex surveillance grid.

Ex-NSA Agents and Whistleblowers of the Military Intelligence Complex

In many ways, the NSA became the focal point of people’s anger and rage at being constantly surveilled, especially after Edward Snowden leaked so many authentic NSA documents to the public, via journalists like Glenn Greenwald.

The US now resembles a dictatorship with a one-way information street, where the State captures information about its citizens whilst preventing its citizens from knowing about it. This is exactly in line with what arch-NWO insider (now deceased) Zbigniew Brzezinski talked about in his book Between Two Ages: America’s Role in the Technetronic Era:

“The technotronic era involves the gradual appearance of a more controlled society. Such a society would be dominated by an elite, unrestrained by traditional values.

Soon it will be possible to assert almost continuous surveillance over every citizen and maintain up-to-date complete files containing even the most personal information about the citizen. These files will be subject to instantaneous retrieval by the authorities.”

Related: US Deep State In Deep Trouble + A Deeper Understanding Of Technocracy

Below are 5 whistleblowers from the NSA, 4 of whom went public before Snowden.

12. Edward Snowden: 

Snowden burst onto the public scene in June 2013 with a story that captured the imagination of billions of people around the world.

At only a young 29 years of age, but with a large amount of calmness, confidence and moral integrity, Snowden quit his comfortable life in Hawaii (including leaving his girlfriend and a cushy $100,000+ annual income) and fled to Hong Kong with laptops and thumb drives full of classified genuine NSA documents.

It is said that in fact Snowden was the front man for a far bigger effort than his own on behalf of 'white hats' within the intelligence community who wanted to expose the truth. It is also said that there is far, far more waiting to be released when the timing is right

There he met with journalists Greenwald, Laura Poitras and The Guardians’ Ewen MacAskill to hand over his total cache.

Ex-CIA employee and ex-NSA contractor Edward Snowden, arguably the most famous whistleblower in the history of the world. His leaks of NSA documents brought the crimes of the Military Intelligence Complex to general public awareness like nothing else before or since.

To protect his life, Snowden gave all the files to several other sources. He instructed them to release all the information in the event of his death.

Thanks to Snowden, numerous NSA programs which were only known to avid conspiracy researchers then became public knowledge, since the evidence of warrantless wiretapping was there in black and white for anyone to see.

Snowden Smashes The Police State In Most Epic Rant Ever, ‘Terrorists Don’t Take Our Rights, Government Does’

Snowden is especially well know for exposing details on both Upstream Collection programs (Blarney, Fairview, Oakstar and Stormbrew), Downstream Collection programs (PRISM) and other projects or programs such as XKeyscore, Echelon, Carnivore, Dishfire, Stoneghost, Tempora, Frenchelon, Fairview, Mystic, DCSN, Boundless Informant, Bullrun, Pinwale, Stingray and SORM. 

The first Snowden document published by the Guardian was a secret court (a FISA court) order authorizing the NSA to collect the telephone records of millions of US Verizon customers.

The point is that the NSA and MIC forced companies (big or small) to roll over. They then forbade these companies from telling you they rolled over. A surprising number of people can access and analyze an obscene amount of data on you.

The NSA skirted the law about not spying on Americans through its partnership with Britain’s GCHQ, because American data can get routed through GCHQ and then become “foreign” data.

Related: The Raid: In Bungled Spying Operation, NSA, GCSB & SIS Targeted Pro-Democracy Campaigner

Snowden achieved his aim of bringing the topic of mass surveillance into the public spotlight, in the hopes of provoking discussion and debate. However, despite this success, the NSA remains entrenched in the Deep State and continues its nefarious activities largely undisturbed.

13. William Binney: 

William Binney worked at the NSA over 30 years, including time as a director of the NSA’s World Geopolitical and Military Analysis Reporting Group.

Ex-NSA agent William Binney reveals the true purpose and intent of the Military Intelligence Complex

“The ultimate goal of the CIA is total population control."

- William Binney

He estimated in 2012 that the NSA had amassed over 20,000,000,000,000 (20 trillion) “transactions” from Americans (in gross violation of the Constitution), where a transaction means a piece of information or communication, such as emails, text messages and scripts of phone calls.

This would include every single email sent and received by US residents since 9/11. Binney has been outspoken in his criticism for the NSA, stating how current NSA surveillance far surpasses the capability of the former Soviet KGB and the Nazi Stasi agencies.

Binney has exposed how we have gone way down the slippery slope towards totalitarianism, while the NSA, the Military Intelligence Complex and the National Security State hide behind the ever-present pretext of “national security”.

Not Just Surveillance: 3 Current Phenomena Exposing 1984 As An Instruction Manual For The State

Binney has also pointed out, on many occasions, the futility of the MIC and NSA collecting so much information. With so much data, the job of trying to find the important stuff becomes extremely difficult or impossible, since 99.99% of what the NSA collects and analyzes is irrelevant (note: irrelevant to the job of counter-terrorism, but not irrelevant to the job of spying on everyone).

To paraphrase Binney: the NSA is suffering from analysis paralysis and data is not intelligence.

14. Thomas Drake: 

Whistleblower Thomas Drake was not only a senior executive at the NSA, but is also a decorated US Air Force and Navy veteran.

Ex-NSA agent Thomas Drake

Drake exposed another of the NSA’s numerous programs, this one called Project Trailblazer. He was charged under the Espionage Act, but in June 2011, all 10 original charges against him were dropped.

According to Wikipedia, “Drake rejected several deals because he refused to plea bargain with the truth”. He is the 2011 recipient of the Ridenhour Prize for Truth-Telling and co-recipient of the Sam Adams Associates for Integrity in Intelligence (SAAII) award.

15. Kirk Wiebe: 

Ex-NSA whistleblower J. Kirk Wiebe was a senior analyst at the NSA from 1975 to 2001. After the 9/11 false flag op, he stumbled upon secret NSA programs to monitor all Americans. He worked alongside William Binney in exposing these projects. 

Ex-NSA agent Kirk Wiebe

In September 2002, Wiebe, along with Binney, Drake and another NSA agent Ed Loomis, filed a DoD Inspector General report regarding problems at NSA, including Trailblazer.

The report was jointly filed with Diane Roark, a staffer for the Republicans on the House Intelligence Committee of the US Congress who was considered a staff expert on the NSA’s budget. The report went nowhere. As with Binney, Wiebe’s house was raided in 2007 by the FBI for his whistleblowing efforts.

16. Russell Tice:

Ex-NSA agent Russell Tice came forward in 2004 to expose the NSA’s spying invasions.

Ex-NSA agent Russell Tice

He has revealed shocking details of NSA spying, mentioning some of the specific targets of past NSA wiretapping operations, which included senior Congressional leaders (e.g. Dianne Feinstein), the former White House Press Secretary and high-ranking military generals (e.g. David Petraeus, who was forced to resign as CIA chief because he was caught [by the NSA presumably] having an affair).

Tice also revealed that the entire Supreme Court, and even then-Senator from Illinois and future President, Barack Obama, was being tapped.

Ex-FBI Agents and Whistleblowers of the Military Intelligence Complex

17. Ted Gunderson:

Gunderson is a man who will need little introduction to many investigators in the field of conspiracy research, or to those who have looked into pedophilia, mind control, child trafficking and Satanism.

Ex-FBI Ted Gunderson – a man who exposed the depths of the conspiracy, including child trafficking, child sex slavery, mind control and Satanism

He was a 27-year veteran FBI special agent who worked in the Los Angeles district with over 700 agents under his command. He has worked and done interviews/presentations with various mind control survivors (e.g. Brice Taylor, Paul Bonacci).

Towards the end of his career, he stumbled upon the network of occult Secret Societies that rule the world.

Through his investigations, he came to understand that we were dealing with a sick Satanic cult that uses mind control over its victims, conducts an international pedophile ring where children were abducted through underground tunnels, and performs dark rituals with human sacrifice and child sex slaves.

Related: 1924 Newspaper Article Outlines Six Goals Of The Illuminati

At these rituals, Satanists get a dark “high” from drinking the blood of their tortured victims, which contains emotional neurochemicals released into the blood at the time of their death. With upwards of 100,000 American children missing every year, Gunderson claimed he knew firsthand that the FBI was fully complicit in the coverup of all this.

18. Sibel Edmonds: 

ex-FBI agent Sibel Edmonds become a famous whistleblower when she discovered corruption at the FBI and reported it to her supervisors. They retaliated by firing her.

Ex-FBI whistleblower Sibel Edmonds

She sued for unfair dismissal in July 2002, but as happens so much in this kind of arena, the case was dismissed in July 2004 by Judge Reggie Walton who cited the governmental state secrets privilege (read my article The Secret Privilege by Which the Military Intelligence Complex Retains Control to understand the history and significance of the state secrets privilege, which is routinely used by Government to cover up its crimes).

 In August 2004 Edmonds founded the National Security Whistleblowers Coalition (NSWBC), an organization to help national security whistleblowers. In September 2006 a documentary about Edmonds’s case called Kill the Messenger (Une Femme à Abattre) premiered in France. 

The film features ex-CIA agent Philip Gerald (whistleblower #8 above) who reveals that Israel was a key player in the illicit activities Edmonds discovered.

Related: Israel Above All & Gaza Near Collapse

Edmonds is also the main source of information about Operation Gladio B. This was a continuation of the Operation Gladio project which the CIA had been running throughout Europe (using right-wing extremes, neo-fascists and arch-nationalists to carry out false flag attacks to frame left-wing communists).

According to Edmonds, around 1996-1997, the NATO-CIA-MI5-MI6 alliance decided to switch from using fascists to using Islamic terrorists, as the Cold War had ended.

The world was about to be formally introduced into a newer, scarier and more convenient enemy to replace communism: Radical Islamic Terrorism™

Ex-DIA Agents and Whistleblowers of the Military Intelligence Complex

19. Patrick Lang:

Lang is an ex-DIA colonel who spoke up when Trump decided to strike Syria (while eating chocolate cake with the Chinese premier Xi Jinping).

Ex-DIA Colonel Patrick Lang

Lang compared the attack to the false flag Gulf of Tonkin incident, where then Us President LBJ pretended that the North Vietnamese and fired upon US ships (when they were just firing upon empty water). The Trump Syria strike was likewise based on a pack of lies. Lang said:

“This is Gulf of Tonkin 2. How ironic. Donald Trump correctly castigated George W. Bush for launching an unprovoked, unjustified attack on Iraq in 2003. Now we have President Donald Trump doing the same damn thing … Here’s the good news.

The Russians and Syrians were informed, or at least were aware, that the attack was coming. They were able to remove a large number of their assets. The base the United States hit was something of a backwater. Donald Trump gets to pretend that he is a tough guy. He is not. He is a fool.”

Ex-MI5 Agents and Whistleblowers of the Military Intelligence Complex

20. Annie Machon:

For the last one on the list, we turn to the UK, the staunchest US ally in the world and the erstwhile World Empire from which the US learnt its tricks.

Ex-MI5 agent Annie Machon

The UK, like the US, has a sprawling Military Intelligence Complex, composed of various agencies such as the GCHQ (Government Communications Headquarters, the UK version of the NSA, which conducts mass surveillance), MI5 (Military Intelligence 5, responsible for domestic counterintelligence and security) and MI6 (Military Intelligence 5, responsible for domestic counterintelligence and security).

Machon resigned in 1996 to blow the whistle on all the incompetence and crimes she witnessed. She has spoken on topics such as 9/11, 7/7, false flag ops, Secret Societies and the Bilderberg Group.

In earlier interviews and films, she appeared alongside another ex-MI5 agent, David Shayler, her former partner.

Final Thoughts

Studying the testimonies, accounts and insider information of these ex-Intelligence agents allows us to glean a lot of knowledge about how the Military Intelligence Complex really operates.

This list of course only represents a fraction of the total number of brave ex-intelligence whistleblowers out there. who have made an impression upon you.

Government 'Cyber Troops' Manipulate Facebook, Twitter, Study Says

An Oxford study found authoritarian and democratic governments game social media to shape public opinion.

Governments around the world are enlisting "cyber troops" who manipulate Facebook, Twitter and other social media outlets to steer public opinion, spread misinformation and undermine critics, according to a new report from the University of Oxford.

Related: Little Brother Is Watching: FBI issues urgent warning about ‘spy toys’ that could put ‘privacy and safety of children at risk’

Adding to growing evidence of government-sponsored efforts to use online tools to influence politics, researchers found 29 countries using social media to shape opinion domestically or with foreign audiences. The tactics are deployed by authoritarian regimes, but also democratically-elected governments, the authors said. 

"Social media makes propaganda campaigns much stronger and potentially more effective than in the past," said Samantha Bradshaw, the report's lead author and a researcher at Oxford's Computational Propaganda Research Project.

"I don't think people realize how much governments are using these tools to reach them. It's a lot more hidden."

Online behavior of the government-backed groups varies widely, from commenting on Facebook and Twitter posts, to targeting people individually.

Journalists are harassed by government groups in Mexico and Russia, while cyber troops in Saudi Arabia flood negative Twitter posts about the regime with unrelated content and hashtags to make it harder for people to find the offending post. In the Czech Republic, the government is more likely to post a fact-check response to something they see as inaccurate, said the report.

Related: New law would force Facebook and Google to give police access to encrypted messages

Governments also use fake accounts to mask where the material is coming from. In Serbia, fake accounts are used to promote the government's agenda, and bloggers in Vietnam spread favorable information.

Meanwhile, government actors in Argentina, Mexico, the Philippines, Russia, Turkey, Venezuela and elsewhere use automation software - known as "bots" - to spread social media posts in ways that mimics human users.

"Cyber troops are a pervasive and global phenomenon," said the report published by the group that is studying how digital tools are being used to manipulate public opinion.

Propaganda has long been a dark art used by governments, but digital tools are making the techniques more sophisticated, according to Bradshaw.

She said governments over the past several years have taken note of the way activists have used social media to spread a message and build support, and are adopting some of the same methods. Online tools such as data-analytics software allow governments to more effectively tailor a message for specific groups of people, maximizing its impact.

Click on the image above to view a larger version in a new window

Related: High Tech Surveillance With 5G Wi-Fi

Bradshaw said that while Russia and authoritarian regimes get most of the attention for manipulating social media, Western democracies have been using similar techniques. In the U.K., the British Army created the 77th Brigade in 2015, in part for psychological operations using social media. Bradshaw said democratic governments aren't forthcoming about their digital propaganda efforts.

“They are using the same tools and techniques as the authoritarian regimes," she said. "Maybe the motivations are different, but it's hard to tell without the transparency."

Co-operative Bank logo - The serpent eating it’s own tail? “Change for good” – or working for Satan just like the foreign bank cartel?

The Ouroboros or Uroborus is an ancient symbol depicting the Jörmungandr. A serpent or dragon eating its own tail. The name originates from within Greek language; (oura) meaning "tail" and (boros) meaning "eating", thus "he who eats the tail"

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Following the U.S. election, Facebook and Twitter have been criticized for not doing enough to filter out fake news and offensive content.

Facebook, which had no immediate comment on the report, has hired more human curators and partnered with fact-check organizations in an attempt to keep misinformation out of people's feeds.

Twitter spokesman Ian Plunkett referred to a June a blog post that said the company "should not be the arbiter of truth," and that others on the site do a better job of highlighting wrongdoing. The company has taken steps to crack down on the use of bots. 

Bradshaw said there isn't an easy solution when balancing the benefits of sharing information across the Internet against the problems with spreading propaganda. She said one improvement would be tools that make it more clear when a government is involved. 

“There's a fine line," she says, "between free speech and censorship. "

10 Surprising Ways the Government is Spying on You

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Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi

Israel Above All & Gaza Near Collapse
July 22 2017 | From: PaulCraigRoberts / TheSleuthJournal / Various

The criminalization of political speech and activism against Israel has become one of the gravest threats to free speech in the west.

In France, activists have been arrested and prosecuted for wearing t-shirts advocating a boycott of Israel. The U.K. has enacted a series of measures designed to outlaw such activism.

Related: Two Israeli Companies: Spying on the World

In the U.S., governors compete with one another over who can implement the most extreme regulations to bar businesses from participating in any boycotts aimed even at Israeli settlements, which the world regards as illegal.

On U.S. campuses, punishment of pro-Palestinian students for expressing criticisms of Israel is so commonplace that the Center for Constitutional Rights refers to it as “the Palestine Exception” to free speech.

Anyone who does not understand that Israel owns the US Congress needs to read Glenn Greenwald’s article:

U.S. Lawmakers Seek to Criminally Outlaw Support for Boycott Campaign Against Israel

Related: Israeli Defense Minister Confirms Israel Backing Of ISIS In Syria

Anyone who does not understand that Israel owns the Western media needs to read “The Brutal Realities of Israel’s Iron-fisted Occupation,” by Dennis J. Bernstein and John Pilger.

Israel also owns the evangelical Christian churches.

“The [media organization] that produces the most refined propaganda is the BBC. CNN and the others are just cruder versions. Any truth about Israel/Palestine or, more generally, the Middle East is not going to come from the mainstream media.

Those of us who know this should stop beating our heads against a brick wall, asking why they don’t tell the truth. That’s not what they’re there for.”

- Documentary film-maker John Pilger

ADL Targets Conservatives, Releases Hate List

Recently released list shares addresses of multiple alternative media stars.

Mike Cernovich joins the show to discuss the latest in political intimidation. The ADL has released a list of alternative media stars they claim spread hate and white supremacy. The baseless accusations include the addresses of their targets and are nothing short of a hit list for radical leftist violence.

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Gaza Near Collapse

A decade of Israeli blockade, compounded by PA complicity with its harshness, deteriorated conditions to the breaking point – the suffering of two million Gazans largely ignored by the world community.

Israel’s blockade was and continues to be for political, not security, reasons, encouraged and supported by Washington.

Related: $40 Billion US In Aid To Israel: For Whom And For What? + Documentary Reveals How Israel Convinces Americans: “Palestine Occupies Israel”

A report titled “Three Three Years After the 2014 Gaza Hostilities – Beyond Survival: Challenges to Economic Recovery and Long-Term Development” explains nightmarish conditions amounting to slow-motion genocide.

Gaza’s economy is in shambles. One-third of its arable land and over half of Oslo-agreed on fishing waters are off-limits. Palestinians venturing into them risk being shot and killed.

Electricity in Gaza is at an all-time low, at most one-fifth of demand. Power cuts last as long as 20 hours daily, sometimes longer. Lack of it endangers lives, damages the Strip’s fragile infrastructure, and prevents normal activities.

Three years after Operation Protective Edge, rebuilding is woefully slow. Most aid pledged wasn’t supplied. Most getting in hasn’t gone for reconstruction.

Related: The True Cost Of Israel + The Reality Of Zionist Control

Blockade and Israeli aggression at its discretion makes economic recovery unattainable. Deep poverty, unemployment, underemployment, food insecurity, fractured infrastructure, limited public services (including healthcare and education), along with environmental degradation make daily life a struggle to survive.

Unemployment for youths and new labor force entrants is around 60%, overall unemployment over 40%, conditions worsening, not improving.

Gaza’s private sector is incapacitated by blockade, restricted movements, along with limited access to natural resources and markets.

Economic activity is little more than half its pre-2014 war level, while Gaza’s population steadily grows. Most households need humanitarian aid to survive.

Related: Top Israeli General Speaks Out Against Israel’s Crimes Against Palestinians + Parallels Between Israel &
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The UN’s prediction about Gaza being unlivable by 2020 should have said it’s been this way for years, especially post-Operation Protective Edge.

On July 8, the Strip’s power crisis deepened. Two generators shut down. Production dropped to 20 megawatts daily because entry of Egyptian fuel stopped.

The PA is responsible for non-payment to Cairo. Israel cut its supply delivered to minimal amounts. Lack of power forced sharp cutbacks in all vital aspects of life – commercial, industrial, medical and residential.

Related: Enclosure of Gaza as a “Prison Territory”: Construction of New High Tech Surveillance Wall to Separate Gaza from Israel

Gaza’s health ministry instituted major cuts in vital services. Fuel used to run generators in hospitals is close to running out.

If things don’t improve quickly, most operating rooms, laboratories and blood banks will close.

The lives of patients needing vital surgery, in intensive care, and on dialysis will be endangered. Safe water and sanitation are gravely affected.

Gaza is occupied territory. Israel fails to fulfill even minimal obligations as an occupying power, international humanitarian law ignored.

The lives, health, safety and welfare of two million Gazans are endangered by its ruthlessness.

Related: Israel - A Nation Founded Upon A Monumental Lie

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Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi

Iran Confirms Kremlin Claim ISIS / Daesh Leader Baghdadi Died In Russian Airstrikes
& Central European Nations Forming New Anti-Migrant Defense Coalition
July 3 2017 | From: DailySabah / Infowars / Various

Iranian Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamanei's representative to the Revolutionary Guards - Quds Force, Ali Shirazi confirmed late Thursday in an interview to Iranian website Asr-e Iran that the leader of the Daesh terrorist group, Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi died in Russian airstrikes.

An image grab taken from a propaganda video released on July 5, 2014 by al-Furqan Media allegedly shows the leader of Daesh

The Quds Force is in charge of operations outside Iran's borders by the country's elite Revolutionary Guard Corps. Iranian Foreign Ministry officials were not available to comment on the report of Baghdadi's death.

Related: ISIS leader Al-Baghdadi Reportedly Killed in Russia-led Airstrike - MoD

"Terrorist Baghdadi is definitely dead," Shirazi said, adding that he verified the death "through multiple channels."

The Russian Defense Ministry said it has investigated whether a Russian airstrike in Syria killed Daesh leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, the TASS news agency reported on June 16.

The airstrike targeted a meeting of Daesh leaders and was carried out on May 28, the agencies cited the ministry as saying.

Senior leaders of the Daesh terrorist group were meeting at the time of the May 28 strike, the ministry said in a statement by Tass.

Related: A Step Closer to Victory: Russian Airstrike Reportedly Decapitates Daesh

"According to the information which is now being checked via various channels, Daesh leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, who was eliminated by the airstrike, was also present at the meeting,"
RIA news agency quoted the ministry as saying.

Baghdadi, who has a $25-million bounty on his head, has managed to evade being killed or captured by the U.S.-led anti-Daesh coalition throughout its more than two-year campaign in Iraq and Syria.

Sporadic rumors have continued to mount that he was killed in a variety of U.S.-led actions, but little evidence has surfaced to support those claims.

The terrorist leader has frequently been reported killed or wounded since he declared a so-called "caliphate" to rule over all Muslims from a mosque in Mosul in 2014, after his fighters seized large areas of northern Iraq.

Central European Nations Forming New Anti-Migrant Defense Coalition

Civil-military alliance emerging in defiance of EU globalists.

Six countries are forming a new coalition in an effort to bolster the region’s security against the flood of “mass illegal immigration” from the Middle East and Africa.

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Defense ministers and officials from Hungary, Slovakia, Czech Republic, Slovenia, Austria, and Croatia met in Prague earlier this week to discuss the details of the Central European Defence Cooperation (CEDC) that will act as:

“The framework of civil-military cooperation” between the nations who seek to handle the on-going crisis in a markedly different manner than Brussels and other EU member states, such as Germany, Sweden and Italy.

The Hungarian Ministry of Defense has released a statement addressing the meeting and developments titled, “Central Europe stands united against mass illegal migration.”

“At the meeting, the participants issued a short declaration which welcomes the Joint Action Plan and calls on the interior ministers of the involved countries to finalize it in the shortest time possible,”
it reads.

“The declaration takes note of the unified situation assessment, which facilitates the quick and joint mobilization of civilian, police and military capabilities, and states that the most important task is the protection of the external borders of the EU and the elimination of the root causes of migration in the sending countries.”

“It underlines that the CEDC member countries are willing to further enhance their cooperation and, if needed, to provide mutual assistance in the interest of managing the migration crisis. The declaration also emphasizes the importance of preserving stability in the Western Balkans.”

“Finally, the participants of the meeting talked about the wider context of Europe’s security situation and the next steps in strengthening the European common security and defence policy,” the statement concludes.


The European Commission has initiated legal action against Hungary, Czech Republic, and also Poland for refusing to resettle their ‘quotas’ of ‘refugees’ per an agreement from 2015 that is now firmly opposed by a growing number of European countries.

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Hungary and Poland have accepted zero mandated migrants, while Czech Republic admitted 12.

Our Union is based on solidarity and the sharing of responsibility,” said EU Commissioner Dimitris Avramopoulos in a press release last week. “These fundamental values apply to all our policies and migration is no exception. We cannot and we will not leave those Member States with an external border on their own.”

“And when it comes to relocation, let me be crystal clear: the implementation of the Council Decisions on relocation is a legal obligation, not a choice.”


Recent polling by Pew Research reveals that an overwhelming majority of Europeans want their own governments determining immigration policies – not Brussels.  

Former Czech president Vaclav Klaus declared last week that it is time for the Czech Republic to extract itself from the EU altogether.

The time has come to prepare our country to withdraw from the EU,” he told the press. “We reject the EU’s plan to use foreigners to displace Czechs, and we refuse to allow our country to be transformed into a multicultural society with maladjusted communities, which is what we see today in France and the UK.”

“And that’s not to mention the now almost daily terror attacks which are linked to mass migration.”

Hungary, led by Prime Minister Viktor Orban, has taken the most vocal hard-line stance against the migrant invasion, and has shown no signs of backing down under pressure from the EU-Soros juggernaut which is working to destabilize the country from within, as well as from without.

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“Today we live in a time when international politics is a battlefield,” declared Orban in a recent interview. “The independence and freedom of European nations are at stake, and at the center of the battlefield is migration.”

“The biggest debate in Europe today is about migration, this is what our future stands or falls on, the fate of Europe.”

Orban has also vowed to defend Christian civilization from being overrun by Islamists and other incompatible cultures.

“We do not want parallel societies, we do not want population exchanges, and we do not want to replace Christian civilization with a different kind,” he said. “Therefore we are building fences, defending ourselves, and not allowing migrants to flood us.”

Hungary has continued to fortify its border security, including the rapid construction of an multi-layered electrified barrier – replete with warning signs in Arabic – from which neighboring countries also benefit.

Migrants Take Over Italy

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Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi

Washington Has Been At War For 16 Years: Why?
July 2 2017 | From: PaulCraigRoberts / Various

For sixteen years the US has been at war in the Middle East and North Africa, running up trillions of dollars in expenses, committing untold war crimes, and sending millions of war refugees to burden Europe, while simultaneously claiming that Washington cannot afford its Social Security and Medicare obligations or to fund a national health service like every civilized country has.

Considering the enormous social needs that cannot be met because of the massive cost of these orchestrated wars, one would think that the American people would be asking questions about the purpose of these wars.

Related: Intel Agent Reveals How NATO Planned to Tear Russia Apart

What is being achieved at such enormous costs? Domestic needs are neglected so that the military/security complex can grow fat on war profits.

The lack of curiousity on the part of the American people, the media, and Congress about the purpose of these wars, which have been proven to be based entirely on lies, is extraordinary. What explains this conspiracy of silence, this amazing disinterest in the squandering of money and lives?

Most Americans seem to vaguely accept these orchestrated wars as the government’s response to 9/11. This adds to the mystery as it is a fact that Iraq, Libya, Syria, Yemen, Afghanistan, and Iran (Iran not yet attacked except with threats and sanctions) had nothing to do with 9/11. But these countries have Muslim populations, and the Bush regime and presstitute media succeeded in associating 9/11 with Muslims in general.

Perhaps if Americans and their “representatives” in Congress understood what the wars are about, they would rouse themselves to make objections. So, I will tell you what Washington’s war on Syria and Washington’s intended war on Iran are about. Ready?

Related: Pentagon Extravaganza: How the DoD Squandered Billions of US Taxpayer Dollars

There are three reasons for Washington’s war, not America’s war as Washington is not America, on Syria. The first reason has to do with the profits of the military/security complex.

The military/security complex is a combination of powerful private and governmental interests that need a threat to justify an annual budget that exceeds the GDP of many countries.

War gives this combination of private and governmental interests a justification for its massive budget, a budget whose burden falls on American taxpayers whose real median family income has not risen for a couple of decades while their debt burden to support their living standard has risen.

The second reason has to do with the Neoconservative ideology of American world hegemony. According to the Neoconservatives, who most certainly are not conservative of any description, the collapse of communism and socialism means that History has chosen “Democratic Capitalism,” which is neither democratic nor capitalist, as the World’s Socio-Economic-Political system and it is Washington’s responsibility to impose Americanism on the entire world.

Countries such as Russia, China, Syria, and Iran, who reject American hegemony must be destabilized and desroyed as they stand in the way of American unilateralism.

Related: Veteran Green Beret and Special Ops Soldiers Admit U.S. Trains Our Enemies in Syria

The Third reason has to do with Israel’s need for the water resources of Southern Lebanon. Twice Israel has sent the vaunted Israeli Army to occupy Southern Lebanon, and twice the vaunted Israeli Army was driven out by Hezbollah, a militia supported by Syria and Iran.

To be frank, Israel is using America to eliminate the Syrian and Iranian governments that provide military and economic support to Hezbollah. If Hezbollah’s suppliers can be eliminated by the Americans, Israel’s army can steal Southern Lebanon, just as it has stolen Palestine and parts of Syria.

Here are the facts: For 16 years the insouciant American population has permitted a corrupt government in Washington to squander trillions of dollars needed domestically but instead allocated to the profits of the military/security complex, to the service of the Neoconservative ideology of US world hegemony, and to the service of Israel.

Clearly, Amerian democracy is a fraud. It serves everyone but Americans. What is the likely consequence of the US government serving non-American interests? The best positive outcome is poverty for the 99 percent. The worst outcome is nuclear armageddon.

Related: Selected Articles: Global Destruction and US Foreign Policy

Washington’s service to the military/security complex, to the Neoconservative ideology, and to Israel completely neglects over-powering facts.

Israel’s interest to overthrow Syria and Iran is totally inconsistant with Russia’s interest to prevent the import of jihadism into the Russian Federation and Central Asia. Therefore, Israel has put the US into direct military conflict with Russia.

The US military/security complex’s financial interests to surround Russia with missile sites is inconsistent with Russian sovereignty as is the Neoconservatives’ emphasis on US world hegemony.

President Trump does not control Washington. Washington is controlled by the military/security complex (watch on youtube President Eisenhower’s description of the military/security complex as a threat to American democracy), by the Israel Lobby, and by the Neoconservatives. These three organized interest groups have pre-empted the Amercan people, who are powerless and are uninvolved in the decisions about their future.

Related: Crude, Blood, Turmoil: Story of US First ‘Successful’ Overseas Regime Change

Every US Representative and US Senator who stood up to Israel was defeated by Israel in their re-election campaign. This is the reason that when Israel wants something it passes both houses of Congress unanimously.

As Admiral Tom Moorer, Chief of Naval Operations and Chariman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, said publicly, “No American President can stand up to Israel.” Israel gets what it wants no matter what the consequences are for America.

Adm. Moorer was right. The US gives Israel every year enough money to purchase our government. And Israel does purchase our government. The US government is far more accountable to Israel than to the American people. The votes of the House and Senate prove this.

Related: UK Funded, Oscar Awarded White Helmets are Beheaders, too

Unable to stand up to tiny Israel, Washington thinks it can buffalo Russia and China. For Washington to continue to provoke Russia and China is a sign of insantity. In the place of intelligence we see hubris and arrogance, the hallmarks of fools.

What Planet Earth, and the creatures thereon, need more than anything is leaders in the West who are intelligent, who have a moral conscience, who respect truth, and who are are capable of understanding the limits to their power.

Related Articles:

How America Armed Terrorists in Syria

Selected Articles: Criminal Israel Under the Spotlight

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Dirty Open Secret: US Created And Supports ISIS & Iran: We Have Evidence Of US Direct Support To ISIL
June 15 2017 | From: GlobalResearch / Geopolitics / Uncensored / Various

It’s one of the dirtiest of dirty open secrets. US Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA) documents prove it – obtained by Judicial Watch through an FOIA lawsuit. They show ISIS, al-Qaeda and like-minded terrorist groups are the “major forces” used as US foot soldiers in Syria, Iraq and elsewhere. 

The myth of so-called “moderate rebels” was long ago discredited. Yet claiming they exist persists. 

Related: ISIS Puppet Show Continues: Attacks Philippines, Australia, Britain and Now Iran

The DIA documents show America, NATO, Saudi Arabia and other regional rogue states support an Islamic caliphate to challenge, topple and replace Bashar al-Assad with an imperial puppet. 

Longstanding US/Israeli plans call for redrawing the Middle East map by color revolutions and wars, replacing independent governments with pro-Western puppet regimes, balkanizing Iraq, Syria, Iran and other regional countries for easier control, looting their resources, and exploiting their people. 

In a January 2016 Iran Review article, James Fetzer discussed evidence of ISIS’ creation by America.

In February 2015, Iraq’s military “downed 2 UK cargo planes carrying weapons for ISIL,” he explained. 

In March 2015, “Iraqi popular forces…shot down a US helicopter carrying weapons for ISIL in Al-Anbar province…”

In response to an April 2015 Syrian request to designate ISIL (ISIS) a terrorist organization, “the US, Britain, France and Jordan refused…” 

“Photographs…showing ISIS members sporting ‘US Army’ tattoos” went unreported by Western media scoundrels.

A 2012 DIA document states the West will facilitate the rise of ISIS “to isolate the Syrian regime.” 

Former CIA contractor Steven Kelly said Washington -

created ISIL for the sake of Israel,” along with assuring “never-ending war in the Middle East” to make the Jewish state the dominant regional power and provide a “constant flow of orders for weapons from the military-industrial complex at home…” 

ISIS fighters are recruited from scores of countries, including Western ones. In October 2015, Russian lower house State Duma International Affairs Committee chairman Alexi Pushkov explained America is -

not bombing ISIS at all…Obama is lying to the American people.” 

In November 2015, Vladimir Putin said dozens of countries are supporting ISIS, including America and other Western ones. 


There are many other sources that confirm that ISIS was created by the US and is being supported by Western powers to promote their own political agenda, where nothing coming from the administration of Barack Obama is worthy of belief.”  

“Since the nullification of the Smith-Mundt Act of 1948 (which precluded the techniques of propaganda and disinformation within the United States) by the NDAA 2013, there are no trustworthy (mainstream) news sources in the US…” 

In Washington, “ISIS is commonly called ‘John McCain’s Army’…(one of) the earliest advocates of (regional) military action” on the phony pretext of combating ISIS. 

John McCain with members of Al-Quaeda

Related: Checkmate! U.S. Loses Syria & Turkey; Erdogan Will Visit Putin + John McCain Is “Directly Responsible” For ISIS

On Sunday, Fars News quoted Iranian armed forces deputy chief of staff General Mostafa Izadi saying: 

We possess documents and information showing the direct supports by the US imperialism for this highly disgusting stream (ISIS) in the region which has destroyed the Islamic countries and created a wave of massacres and clashes.” 

Washington uses ISIS and like-minded groups as instruments for regional “proxy war…” 

On Friday, Fars News quoted Iran’s parliament Speaker Ali Larijani, saying -

(t)he United States has aligned itself with the ISIL in the region.” 

ISIS, al-Qaeda, al-Nusra (ISIS in Syria) and like-minded groups are US creations. 

Related: ‘Security Not a Priority’: British Pundit Unloads on Jihad-Compliant UK

They’re used as foot soldiers to advance its imperium – responsible for aiding Washington rape and destroy one country after another. 

Most Americans are unaware of Washington’s diabolical agenda in the Middle East, Central Asia, North Africa and elsewhere in their name – a bipartisan conspiracy against world peace, stability and security no matter the human cost. 

Iran: We Have Evidence Of US Direct Support To ISIL

Sensing that the simultaneous diplomatic attack on Qatar, and the twin terrorist bombings of the Iranian Parliament and Khomeini Shrine, are all related and purposely directed to the country, Iran has announced that it is in possession of hard evidence and documents implicating the United States government in the terroristic activities of the Daesh Islamic State.

General Mostafa Izadi

Related: Hungarian PM: EU “Openly Siding With Terrorists”

Commander: Iran Has Proof of US Direct Support for ISIL Terrorist Group

Deputy Chief of Staff of the Iranian Armed Forces Major General Mostafa Izadi announced that the country is in possession of evidence and documents proving Washington’s direct support for the ISIL terrorist group.

“We are facing a proxy warfare in the region as a new trick by the arrogant powers against the Islamic Republic,”
Izadi said on Sunday.

“As the Supreme Leader of the Islamic Revolution (Ayatollah Seyed Ali Khamenei) said, we possess documents and information showing the direct supports by the US imperialism for this highly disgusting stream (the ISIL) in the region which has destroyed the Islamic countries and created a wave of massacres and clashes,” he added.

In relevant remarks on Friday, Iranian Parliament Speaker Ali Larijani condemned the Wednesday terrorist attacks in Tehran, and said that Washington is behind most of the terrorist acts in the world.

“The United States has aligned itself with the ISIL in the region,”Larijani said on Friday, addressing a funeral ceremony held for the victims of ISIL’s Wednesday terrorist attacks on the Iranian parliament and the holy shrine of late Imam Khomeini in Tehran.

He reiterated that Washington has demonstrated that it is the international ISIL.

Three male assailants fired several rounds at the guards protecting the parliament building in Tehran on Wednesday morning. The assailants opened their way into the parliament’s administrative building while shooting at the guards.

A similar attack took place at the holy shrine of the late founder of the Islamic Republic, Imam Khomeini, parallel with the parliament attack. 17 people, including the parliament’s guards, were killed and 52 others were wounded in the twin attacks. The ISIL claimed the responsibility for both attacks.

The Iranian navy is now sending its flotilla to international waters via Oman, in response to Saudi Arabia’s aggressive move against friendly Qatar.

Iran Sends Warships to Oman Amid Gulf Tensions

The Iranian Navy has dispatched a flotilla on a mission to Oman, local media report, and will enter international waters.

On Sunday, the 47th flotilla, comprised of an Alborz destroyer and Bushehr logistic warship, set sail from the southern port city of Bandar Abbas after a ceremony attended by naval commander Rear Admiral Habibollah Sayyari, Tasnim News reports. From Oman, the ships will head to the Gulf of Aden and international waters north of the Indian Ocean.

“Today, there is some controlled insecurity in the Gulf of Aden and we have been able to escort over 4,000 oil tankers and cargo ships to the safe regions without any disruption in our plans for oil and non-oil exports and imports,”
Admiral Sayyari told Fars News Agency on Sunday.

Bilderberger Member Openly Speaks About The Creation Of ISIS By The CIA

In this video Dan Dicks of Press For Truth interviews first time Bilderberg attendee Maurizio Molinari editor and chief of La Stampa about his experience and his views on ISIS being created by the CIA.

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Exposed: The Nazi Roots Of The European Union
June 10 2017 | From: JonRappoport

This is an intelligence briefing. Here I present the bare bones of what has been happening before our eyes… if we would see it.

Once upon a time, there was an industrial combine in Nazi Germany called IG Farben. It was the largest chemical/pharmaceutical octopus in the world. It owned companies, and it had favorable business agreements with companies from England to Central America to Japan.

Related: 2016 - How The Nazi’s Won WWII And Are Running The USA

The author of The Devil’s Chemists, Josiah DuBois, traveled to Guatemala, on a fact-finding mission, in the early days of World War 2, and returned with the comment that, as far as he could tell, Guatemala was “a wholly owned subsidiary of Farben.”

The pharmaceutical empire was and is one of the major forces behind the European Union (EU). It is no accident that these drug corporations wield such power. They aren’t only involved in controlling the medical cartel; they are political planners.

This is how and why Big Pharma fits so closely with what is loosely referred to as the New World Order. The aim of enrolling every human in a cradle-to-grave system of disease diagnosis and toxic drug treatment has a larger purpose: to debilitate, to weaken populations.

This is a political goal. It facilitates control.

IG Farben’s main component companies, at the outbreak of World War 2, were Bayer, BASF, and Hoechst. They were chemical and drug companies. Farben put Hitler over the top in Germany as head of State, and the war was designed to lead to a united Europe that would be dominated by the Farben nexus.

The loss of the war didn’t derail that plan. It was shifted into an economic blueprint, which became, eventually, the European Union.

The European Commission’s first president was Walter Hallstein, the Nazi lawyer who, during the war, had been in charge of post-war legal planning for the new Europe.

As the Rath Foundation reports: In 1939, on the brink of the war, Hallstein had stated, “The creation of the New Law [of the Nazis] is ONLY the task of the law-makers!”

In 1957, with his reputation sanitized, Hallstein spoke the words in this manner: “The European Commission has full and unlimited power for all decisions related to the architecture of this European community.”

Post-war, IG Farben was broken up into separate companies, but those companies (Bayer, Hoechst, and BASF) came roaring back, attaining new profit highs.

I refer you to the explosive book, The Nazi Roots of the Brussels EU, by Paul Anthony Taylor, Aleksandra Niedzwiecki, Dr. Matthias Rath, and August Kowalczyk. You can also read it at relay-of-life.com. It is a dagger in the heart of the EU.

At the Rath Foundation, you can also read Joseph Borkin’s classic, “The Crime and Punishment of IG Farben.”

In 1992, I was deeply engaged in researching the specific devastating effects of medical drugs. Eventually, I concluded that, at the highest levels of power, these drugs weren’t destructive by accident. They were intended to cause harm.

This was covert chemical warfare against the population of the planet. The Rockefeller-Standard Oil-Farben connection was a primary piece of the puzzle.

It was, of course, Rockefeller (and Carnegie) power that had forced the birth of pharmaceutical medicine in America, with the publication of the 1910 Flexner Report. The Report was used to excoriate and marginalize Chiropractic, Homeopathy, Naturopathy, and other forms of traditional natural practice, in favor of what would become the modern juggernaut of drug-based treatment.

In an article about the FDA, “Medical Murder in the Matrix,” I point out the fact that this federal agency has permitted at least 100,000 deaths of Americans, per year, from the direct effects of drugs it, the FDA, has certified as safe. (See, for example, JAMA, July 26, 2000, ‘Is US Health Really the Best in the World,’ Dr. Barbara Starfield.)

The FDA knows these death figures. “Unintended” and “accidental” can no longer be applied to this ongoing holocaust.

The pharmaceutical industry itself also knows those death figures.

To understand the dimensions and history of the ongoing chemical warfare against the population, in the form of medical drugs (and of course pesticides), one must factor in the original octopus, IG Farben.

World War 2 never ended. It simply shifted its strategies.

Related: Were Hitler & Nazism Zionist Creations?

In any fascist system, the bulk of the people working inside the system, including scientists, refuse to believe the evidence of what is happening before their own eyes. They insist they are doing good.

They believe they are on the right side. They see greater top-down control as necessary and correct. They adduce “reasonable” explanations for inflicted harm and death.

World War 2 is still underway. The battleground has been changed, and the means are far cleverer.

Sun Tzu wrote: “Hence to fight and conquer in all your battles is not supreme excellence; supreme excellence consists in breaking the enemy’s resistance without fighting… The best victory is when the opponent surrenders of its own accord before there are any actual hostilities…It is best to win without fighting.”

This is what has been happening: invisible warfare.

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Shaping The Future: Israel Tutors Its Children In Fear And Loathing
June 8 2017 | From: Sott

A display of Israeli-style community policing before an audience of hundreds of young schoolchildren was captured on video last week. Were the 10-year-olds offered road safety tips, advice on what to do if they got lost, or how to report someone suspicion hanging around the school?

No. In Israel, they do things differently. The video shows four officers staging a mock anti-terror operation in a park close to Tel Aviv. The team roar in on motorbikes, firing their rifles at the "terrorist".

Related: America Is Something That You Can Easily Maneuver - Bibi Netanyahu + If They Want To Burn It, You Want To Read It!

As he lies badly wounded, the officers empty their magazines into him from close range. In Israel it is known as "confirming the kill". Everywhere else it is called an extrajudicial execution or murder. The children can be heard clapping.

It was an uncomfortable reminder of a near-identical execution captured on film last year. A young army medic, Elor Azaria, is seen shooting a bullet into the head of an incapacitated Palestinian in Hebron. A military court sentenced him to 18 months for manslaughter in February.

There has been little sign of soul-searching since. Most Israelis, including government officials, call Azaria a hero. In the recent religious festival of Purim, dressing up as Azaria was a favorite among children.

There is plenty of evidence that Israel's security services are still regularly executing real Palestinians.

Related: Israeli Defense Minister Confirms Israel Backing Of ISIS In Syria

The Israeli human rights group B'Tselem denounced the killing last week of a 16-year-old Jerusalem schoolgirl, FatimaHjeiji, in a hail of bullets. She had frozen to the spot after pulling out a knife some distance from a police checkpoint. She posed no threat, concluded B'Tselem, and did not need to be killed.

The police were unrepentant about their staged execution, calling it "a positive, empowering" demonstration for the youngsters. The event was hardly exceptional.

In communities across Israel this month, the army celebrated Israel's Independence Day by bringing along its usual "attractions" - tanks, guns and grenades - for children to play with, while families watched army dogs siccing yet more "terrorists".

In a West Bank settlement, meanwhile, the army painted youngsters' arms and legs with shrapnel wounds. Blood-like liquid dripped convincingly from dummies with amputated limbs. The army said the event was a standard one that "many families enjoyed".

The purpose of exposing children at an impressionable age to so much gore and killing is not hard to divine. It creates traumatised children, distrustful and fearful of anyone outside their tribe. That way they become more pliant soldiers, trigger-happy as they rule over Palestinians in the occupied territories.

Related: The True Cost Of Israel + The Reality Of Zionist Control

A few educators have started to sense they are complicit in this emotional and mental abuse.

Holocaust Memorial Day, marked in Israeli schools last month, largely avoids universal messages, such as that we must recognise the humanity of others and stand up for the oppressed. Instead, pupils as young as three are told the Holocaust serves as a warning to be eternally vigilant - that Israel and its strong army are the only things preventing another genocide by non-Jews.

Last year Zeev Degani, principal of one Israel's most prestigious schools, caused a furor when he announced his school would no longer send pupils on annual trips to Auschwitz. This is a rite of passage for Israeli pupils. He called the misuse of the Holocaust "pathological" and intended to "generate fear and hatred" to inculcate extreme nationalism.

It is not by accident that these trips - imparting the message that a strong army is vital to Israel's survival - take place just before teenagers begin a three-year military draft.

Increasingly, they receive no alternative messages in school. Degani was among the few principals who had been inviting Breaking the Silence, a group of whistle-blowing soldiers, to discuss their part in committing war crimes.

Related: Judge’s Order To Block Trump’s Immigration Travel Ban Is Ridiculous + Trump’s White House Blasts Bibi For Approving New Israeli Settlements

In response, the education minister, Naftali Bennett, leader of the settlers' party, has barred dissident groups like Breaking the Silence. He has also banned books and theatre trips that might encourage greater empathy with those outside the tribe.

Polls show this is paying off. Schoolchildren are even more ultra-nationalist than their parents. More than four-fifths think there is no hope of peace with the Palestinians.

But these cultivated attitudes don't just sabotage peacemaking. They also damage any chance of Israeli Jews living peacefully with the large minority of Palestinian citizens in their midst.

Half of Jewish schoolchildren believe these Palestinians, one in five of the population, should not be allowed to vote in elections. This month the defence minister, Avigdor Lieberman, called the minority's representatives in parliament "Nazis" and suggested they should share a similar fate.

Related: New Zealand's Israel Resolution: Peacemakers Seldom Win Friends

This extreme chauvinism was translated last week into legislation that defines Israel as the nation-state of the Jewish people around the world, not its citizens. The Palestinian minority are effectively turned into little more than resident aliens in their own homeland.

Degani and others are losing the battle to educate for peace and reconciliation. If a society's future lies with its children, the outlook for Israelis and Palestinians is bleak indeed.

Jonathan Cook won the Martha Gellhorn Special Prize for Journalism. His latest books are Israel and the Clash of Civilisations: Iraq, Iran and the Plan to Remake the Middle East (Pluto Press) and Disappearing Palestine: Israel's Experiments in Human Despair (Zed Books).

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Snowden Smashes The Police State In The Most Epic Rant Ever, ‘Terrorists Don’t Take Our Rights, Government Does’
June 3 2017 | From: TheFreeThoughtProject / Various

“Terrorists don’t hate us for our freedom,” the former NSA contractor asserted, “they don’t even know what our freedoms are... Terrorists are incapable of destroying our rights or diminishing our society they lack the strength - only we can do that.” - Edward Snowden

Whistleblower Edward Snowden does not mince words, and his ardent assessment of our perpetually-dwindling rights in the United States and around the world - offered live in a teleconference Tuesday - certainly didn’t break that mold.

Related: Syrians describe horror that CIA-created terrorists brought them

“Government will not act in accordance with the public interest unless it is made to,” Snowden contended, beginning what would arguably be one of the most powerful public appearances since he blew the whistle and the U.S.’ Intelligence Community’s expansive surveillance programs in 2013.

“You may never be safe in any country - whether it’s Brussels, or Russia, or Portugal, or the United States - to speak a necessary, but inconvenient, truth,” he continued, addressing the erosion of free speech, and a lack of justice for those who exercise that right.

Terrorism won’t be combated by governments - nor by invasive surveillance. Rather, Snowden argues, such programs have proven more harmful, overall. For instance:

““the United Kingdom passed the … most extreme surveillance law in the history of the Western World last year - it’s called the Investigatory Powers Bill. It authorizes objectively obscene intrusions into the public’s ability to communicate, to interact, to relate to one another, to engage in industry, to trade - without interference - so long as they’re not doing anything wrong."

“This is justified, of course, as a means of combating terrorism.”

Snowden stressed that nation-states invariably target the most extreme speech in platforms such as social media - posts by literal terrorists, child abuse, and other “things that are unobjectively contentious” - but the purview of governmental censorship and surveillance extends far beyond such broadly objectionable items.

However, “there is no public evidence showing that these policies are effective; that they save lives; that they make us safer.

But there is clear evidence that they cause harm to the public. We have seen people fall on blacklists.

We have seen, again and again throughout history, political parties be hamstrung, to face resistance, to be silenced by governments - because of their politics, because of their beliefs, because of their ideologies - which, over time, are always derived from what state security agencies say is a necessary effort to protect the nation.

“I’m not going to so far to say this is sort of an evil plan on behalf of the United Kingdom or any other nation, but we need to focus on one thing, the need for speech, access to free speech, free association, a free press, the ability to pick up a phone and be able to dial someone that you love without worrying about what that looks like in government database somewhere - how that will be reviewed ten years from now, when you get on a politician’s bad side."

This is the foundation of any free society.”

Related: Facebook Won’t Say If It Will Use Your Brain Activity for Advertisements

He added, echoing statements made in previous public appearances;

“Arguing that you don’t care about free speech, because you have nothing to hide; arguing that you don’t care about the censorship of the Internet, because you’re not a criminal … is like arguing you don’t care about freedom of speech, because you have nothing to say.”

Delving into the crucial topic of how we, as a people, can work to thwart abusive overreach by governments - including imperious censorship by a State surreptitiously working to quash dissension, Snowden asserted,

“We need the right of disagreeing. We need the right of dissent. And that means, ladies and gentlemen, we need the right to speak out - even if it’s objectionable. Even if it’s offensive. Even if it’s problematic.

“The way to defeat bad ideas, the way to discredit terrorist ideas, is not by driving them into the shadows. It’s not by censoring them from public spaces.”

Prohibiting such cadres of dangerous thought from seeing the light of day, in effect, creates an echo chamber, hidden from criticism, thus, amplifying perilous ideas - without challenge.

Related: Privacy Is an Illusion: Watch Before Taking a DNA Test

Censorship and suppression isn’t necessary, Snowden continued, because “these ideas are not attractive; these ideas grow best in the dark.

“If you want to defeat terrorism, if you want to cast down radicalism, don’t hide it in the dark - drag it out into the light. And on the stage of the world, show people why it’s wrong. And why we can do better.”

“Terrorists don’t hate us for our freedom,” the former NSA contractor asserted, “they don’t even know what our freedoms are… Terrorists are incapable of destroying our rights or diminishing our society they lack the strength - only we can do that.”

Lambasted as a traitor to the United States by some and hailed as a hero defender of human rights and constitutional protections by others, Snowden dismissed this dichotomous criticism as entirely moot, stating,

“I say, it doesn’t matter what you think of me as a person. It doesn’t matter if you think I’m the best person in the world, it doesn’t matter if you think I’m the worst person in the world - the facts are the facts, regardless. They are discoverable.

And - more import than what people think about me or my reputation - is what you think about what’s going on in the world. What you’re going to do about it.
Do you have the capability to influence power, to change the world in a positive direction.”

Related: Hackers Use Subtitle Files to Take Over PCs

Changing the world for the better, Snowden told the predominantly German audience attending the Estoril teleconference, begins and ends with all of us - and the imperative of vigilance against encroachment by government on all our rights.

“Rights are lost by cowardly laws that are passed in moments of panic,” he said. “Rights are lost to the cringing complicity of leaders who fear the loss of their office more than the loss of our liberties.”

“It’s not enough to believe that something’s wrong,” Snowden attested. “It’s not enough to disagree with it. It’s not enough to think that things could be better.

“You have to stand for something. You have to go out there and risk something. You have to dare yourself to actually get out there and change the world - even if in a small way, even if only for one person, even if for only one instant, you lay down a brick upon which everyone else can build.”

“That, ladies and gentlemen,” Snowden concluded, “is the only way the world has ever gotten better.”

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Manchester, Berlin, Paris, Nice, London, New York: Passports And IDs Mysteriously Discovered In The Wake Of Terror Attacks & How The British Deep State Turned Manchester Into Al-Qaeda Town UK
May 30 2017 | From: GlobalResearch / TheDuran / Various

This article reviews the “mysterious” phenomenon of IDs and Passports of terror suspects routinely discovered (often in the rubble) in the wake of a terrorist attack.

In most cases the alleged suspect was known to the authorities. Is there a pattern? The ID papers of the suspect are often left behind, discovered by police in the wake of a terrorist attack.

Related: Islamic Terror Used To Bring Police State

According to government and media reports, the suspects are without exception linked to an Al Qaeda affiliated entity.   

None of these terror suspects survived. Dead men do not talk

In the case of the tragic events in Manchester, the bankcard of the alleged suicide bomber Salman Abedi was found in his pocket in the wake of the explosion. 

Legitimacy of the official stories? The UK is both a “victim of terrorism” as well as a “State sponsor of terrorism”. 

Without exception, the governments of  Western countries which are victims of terror attacks, have supported, directly or indirectly, the Al Qaeda group of terrorist organizations including the Islamic State (ISIS), which are allegedly responsible for waging these terror attacks. Amply documented Al Qaeda is a creation of the CIA. 

Related: Russian Patriarch: Cross and Crescent are powerful weapons to combat terrorism

Below is a review of the circumstances and evidence pertaining to passports and IDs discovered in the wake of selected terror attacks, with links to Global Research articles and media reports (2001-2017). (This list is by no means exhaustive)

From NYC on 9/11 to Manchester, May 2017

In reverse chronological order:

The Manchester Terror Attack,  May 2017

Manchester Bomb Suspect Said to Have Had Ties to al Qaeda

Salman Abedi, the 22-year-old British man - in a suicide-bomb attack, had ties to al Qaeda and had received terrorist training - was identified by a bank card found in his pocket at the scene of the ...

Crisis Actors rehearse Terror Attack In Manchester UK: Video

With videos like this turning up, and the 22/22/22 (Number of victims, date of attack, age of terrorist) coincidence, the convenient finding ID at the scene of the crime (shades of 9-11) it’s no wonder the inevitable suspicions about a false flag have gained momentum.

Fuel to the fire.

Manchester Attack as MI6 Blowback?

A bankcard has been conveniently found in the pocket of the... Daesh has claimed responsibility for the Manchester attack, but without …

No image of the alleged bankcard is available.

Ironically, the suspect Abedi was first identified by Washington rather than UK police and security. How did they know who was the culprit 3 hours after the explosion? According to Graham Vanbergen:

In the early hours of the morning of the 23rd May – approximately 02.35BST NDTV via the Washington Post stated quite categorically that:

"U.S. officials, speaking on the condition of anonymity, identified the assailant as Salman Abedi. They did not provide information about his age or nationality, and British officials declined to comment on the suspect’s identity.

This was published at a time when British police and security services were refusing to make any statements as to who they thought the perpetrators were because at the time, they were dealing with the immediate aftermath of the event.

Berlin Truck Terror Attack, December 2016

The Berlin Truck Terror Suspect and the Curious Matter of ID Papers Left Behind

The Berlin Truck Terror Suspect and the Curious Matter of ID Papers Left Behind. By WhoWhatWhy. Global Research, December 22, 2016. Who What Why 21.

"The suspect’s identity papers were found inside the truck used in Monday’s attack on a Christmas market, which left 12 people dead, German security officials said.

The suspect was known to German security services as someone in contact with radical Islamist groups, and had been assessed as posing a risk, Interior Minister of North Rhine-Westphalia Ralf Jaeger told reporters.”

The Nice Terror Attack July 2016 

The Nice Terror Attack: Towards a Permanent State of Martial Law in … the alleged perpetrator is dead and conveniently left behind his ID.

Nice, 14th of July Massacre: Towards Martial Law? The Islamic State (ISIS-Daesh) Claims Responsibility?

According to Peter Koenig in relation to the Nice terror attack:

"During last night’s celebration of the French National Holiday, around 11 PM, a speeding truck plowed into a crowd of thousands who were watching the fireworks along the Mediterranean Boulevard Anglais.

The driver of the truck, was simultaneously and  indiscriminately shooting into the crowd. He was able to run for 2 kilometers before being stopped by police, which instantly shot and killed him.

A horrendous terror attack, killing hordes of people, spreading pain, misery, fear and outrage in France, Europe – the world over.All indications signal the Big Script of yet another false flag; yet again in France.

The young truck-driver was identified as a 31-year-old Frenchman, resident of Nizza, with Tunisian origins. As in previous cases, ‘coincidence’ has it that his identity papers were found in the truck.

The young man is instantly killed by the police. Dead people cannot talk. A pattern well known by now.

Paris Charlie Hebdo Terror Attack, January 2015

Police found the ID of Said Kouachi at the Scene of the Charlie Hebdo Shooting. Does this Sound Familiar?

“According to news reports, police found the ID of Said Kouachi at the scene of the Charlie Hebdo shooting. Does this sound familiar? Remember, authorities claimed to have found the undamaged passport of one of the alleged 9/11 hijackers among the massive pulverized ruins of the twin towers.”

Paris Bataclan Terror Attack, November 2015

The Paris Terror Attacks and 911: Similar “Evidence” Makes it Suspicious

The Islamic State (ISIS/ISIL) declared that it was responsible for the latest attacks in Paris as did Al-Qaeda who also claimed responsibility for 911. However, there are similarities between the terror attacks in Paris and New York City on September 11th.

First, Syrian and Egyptian passports from two of the suicide bombers were found at the scene of the stadium attack in the northern part of the city. After both suspected terrorists detonated their explosive devices, their passports were still found.

This brings us back to the September 11th terror attacks where U.S. officials recovered a passport intact a few blocks from the World Trade Center which did belong to one of the hijackers:

Magic Passports Redux: Syrian Passport Allegedly Discovered on Paris Suicide Bomber

In the context of the enquiry about the Paris massacres, a Syrian passport (image right) was found next to one of the kamikaze bombers of Stade de France. After being pointed out as responsible for the attacks by President Hollande, ‘the Islamic State’ claimed that they had engineered the onslaught.

The French executive, that had already stated tht they wanted to take action in Syria allegedly against ISIS, but actually against Bachar El Assad, who ‘has to go’, sees in this a significant clue that comfort their military expedition.

London 7/7 Terror attack, July 7, 2005

The 7/7 London Bombings and MI5’s “Stepford Four” Operation: How the 2005 London Bombings Turned every Muslim into a “Terror Suspect”

“On Tuesday, July 12th, Lindsay’s wife Samantha Lewthwaite had called police to report her husband Germaine (“Jamal”) missing.  Police searched their home immediately.

The next day, on July 14th, police announced that they had Lindsay’s ID and he was the fourth bomber. Lewthwaite was incredulous and refused to believe the accusation without DNA proof. 

The police identification was stunning because they had been claiming that all of the suspects looked Pakistani; there was no way anyone could mistake the big, black Lindsay for an Asian. What had police been looking at?

9/11 Terror Attacks: September 11, 2001

Was America Attacked by Muslims on 9/11?

9/11 Truth and the Joint Congressional Inquiry: 28 Pages of Misdirection on the Role of Saudi Arabia

For years the 9/11 Truth movement (9TM) has been vainly pleading with ….. FBI agent Dan Coleman explains how the passport of 9/11 hijacker …

9/11 Contradictions: Mohamed Atta’s Mitsubishi and His Luggage

9/11 Contradictions: Mohamed Atta’s Mitsubishi and His Luggage … It also contained a Saudi passport, an international driver’s license, …

In the official version for 9/11 the FBI claimed that they found the unscathed passport of one of the pilots near one of the towers that were reduced to ashes by explosions whose heat melted even the steel columns in the buildings’ structure.

The fourth plane’s crash near Shanksville also yielded a passport which, though scorched, still made it possible to read the person’s first name and surname and to see his ID photo.

This is all the more disturbing as nothing at all was left in the crater, no part of the plane or of the people travelling in it, only this partly scorched passport."

Confirmed by Dan Rather CBS News, “a passerby found the passport of one of the hijackers” on the street just hours after the 9/11 attacks. (Video at 1′.23″)

9/11 Bin Laden Denies Involvement, Passport Found at WTC of Hijacker 9 16 2001 CBS

According to Who What Why:

The Visa of Satam al-Suqami:
 This identify document of one of the alleged 9/11 hijackers somehow survived unscathed a few blocks from the twin towers, though the plane itself was virtually obliterated.

Visa belonging to Satam al-Suqami

The Passports belonging to Ziad Jarrah and Saeed al-Ghamdi: The passports of two alleged hijackers of United Airlines Flight 93 supposedly survived the fiery crash in Pennsylvania that left the aircraft itself charred and widely scattered - with one passport entirely intact.

Remains of Ziad Jarrah’s visa

Passport of Saeed al-Ghamdi

Food for thought? Can we believe the official narrative of HM government? No questions asked. Can we believe the Western media?

How The British Deep State Turned Manchester Into Al-Qaeda Town UK

Anti-Gaddafi Libyans living in Manchester had been trained, armed and aided by Britain to wage jihad against the leadership of Muammar Gaddafi.

More and more information is emerging on how the savage terrorist atrocity recently committed in Manchester was a classic case of terrorist blow-back, a phenomenon describing how when western governments fund, arm and aid terrorists, they often come back to commit horrific crimes against the citizens of the countries which funded and aided them.

Related: Manchester Arena Attack: Orchestrated By The British Government?

It has been confirmed that the father of the Manchester ISIS bomber was a member of the al-Qaeda affiliated Libyan Islamic Fighting Group. The Libyan Islamic Fighting Group was initially comprised of battle hardened fighters who travelled to Afghanistan in the 1980s to fight the Soviet Union and the secular government in Kabul.

According to former MI5 agent and whistle blower David Shayler, the UK had been funding, arming and training the Libyan Islamic Fighting Group as early as the 1990s and even helped the group organise an attempted assassination of Libyan revolutionary leader  Muammar Gaddafi in 1996.

Related: Hillary Clinton bears responsibility for the Manchester atrocity

Bombing Aftermath: Suicidal Political Correctness Unleashed

A look at the reactions of the media, politicians and citizens.

From suggesting that it wasn’t an Islamic terror attack, but a “right wing false flag”, to the all familiar “get used to it” and “don’t criticize them, it will only make them mad” - David Knight looks at the reactions of the press and the police who threaten those who speak out with hate-speech investigations.

Meanwhile, ISIS is in the Philippines and it’s all out war while western press remains silent.

When Britain went to war on Libya in 2011, these efforts intensified. The Libyan Islamic Fighting Group became a crucial component of the west’s war on Libya. The war was of course the brainchild of Hillary Clinton, the then US Secretary of States. Britain and France became the most vocal participants in the war.

Many jihadists from the Libyan Islamic Fighting Group located to Manchester, specifically the area where the ISIS bomber and his family had lived, including his father and brother who are both currently under arrest for terrorism related charges.

The area in northern England was also home to Abd al-Baset Azzouz, an al-Qaeda strong man who fought Gaddafi’s revolutionary forces in Libya starting in 2011.

It was in 2011, that the UK began to allow radical Libyans living in Britain, including and especially from Manchester to gain safe passage to Libya in order to fight Libyan forces. Manchester has been described as a hotbed of anti-Gaddafi Libyan jihadists and terrorist sympathisers.

Related: Establishment Censoring Commentary on Manchester Bombing

One jihadist with UK citizenship spoke of how he was allowed to travel to engage in jihad against Libya, “I was allowed to go, no questions asked”.

Another jihadist, one Belal Younis was approached by an MI5 (British intelligence) agent and asked if he was willing to go into battle (jihad). Yonuis agreed, but was soon stopped by security at a UK airport.

However, the British deep state made sure to clear that up. Yonuis explained that he simply called the MI5 agent who was his contact and shortly there after, he was allowed to fly to Libya with no further questions asked.

In a claim that ought to worry security officials throughout the world, Younis said:

"The whole Libyan diaspora were out there fighting alongside the rebel groups”.

By rebel of course he means al-Qaeda terrorist affiliates and by Libyan diaspora he means many individuals who were wanted criminals in Libya, many of them wanted on charges of terrorism and treason.

Another Libyan with UK citizenship spoke to Middle East Eye and told the publication how the UK recruited him to produce anti-Gaddafi jihadist propaganda.

Related: Manchester Bomber Motivated by Anger Over ‘Islamophobia’

The source said that he was recruited to edit ‘highly polished’ videos showing the elite British SAS (special air service) training jihadists in Libya. The aim of the videos was to present the final edit to wealthy Gulfis in Qatar and the UAE in order to convince them to fund Britain’s effort in training more jihadist fighters.

Although Britain’s involvement in funding anti-Libyan terrorists dates back to at least the 1990s, between 2004, when Tony Blair reached an historic accord with Gaddafi and 2011 when Britain joined a war against Libya, many Libyan jihadists in places like Manchester were subject to crack downs on their activity.

This all changed around 2011 according to Ziad Hashem. Hashem said:

"When the revolution started, things changed in Britain. Their way of speaking to me and treating me was different. They offered to give me benefits, even indefinite leave to remain or citizenship”.

It is important to remember that in 2011, the British Home Secretary, the cabinet level position responsible for fighting crime and terrorism was none other than current UK Prime Minister Theresa May who faces a General Election on the 8th of June.

The level of responsible that the UK government bears for turning a once great British city into a kind of jihadist fortress is in a word: monumental.

Gaddafi warned of this danger, but Britain at the time not only did not listen, they did the opposite.

Muammar Gaddafi Speech

Related: YouTubes on Manchester False Flag

Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi

Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi

America Is Something That You Can Easily Maneuver - Bibi Netanyahu + If They Want To Burn It, You Want To Read It!
May 27 2017 | From: Geopolitics / Gilad / Various

Israel was established based on a lie that they are the Chosen, yet God-forsaken, People on Earth. They have successfully turned every story upside down, playing with Western values emotion of always having the moral high ground, with the effective use of Hollywood sorcery.

Any employment of truth about the real motive behind the creation of the State of Israel is considered anti-Semitic criticisms.

Related: The 'Chosen People' - And 'Friends Of Israel'

But what if one can show the world that their sinister plans against Palestine, America and the rest of the world are extracted directly from the horse’s mouth, i.e. in this case, from Bibi Netanyahu himself?

Here’s the evidence that America, as it is today, is nothing more than a Sheeplehood of the State of Israel.


Netanyahu: Today everyone understands the slogan ‘The Settlements are here’. They are everywhere. What’s the difference? What do you think [Palestinian leader Yassir] Arafat wants? He wants one big settlement that is called Tel Aviv. As far as they are concerned, I think, the territorial waters are also theirs [Palestinians’]. That they want us to be pushed into the sea is obvious, but only further away…

The main thing is, first of all, to strike them, not once but several times, so painfully that the price they pay will be unbearable. So far, the price-tag is not unbearable. [I mean] a large-scale attack on the Palestinian Authority, causing them to fear that everything is about to collapse. Fear is what brings them to…

Host: Hold on, then ‘the world’ will again say that we’re aggressors.

Netanyahu: They can say whatever they want.

Host: Aren’t you afraid of what they’ll say?

Netanyahu: No.

Host: Especially today with the U.S. I know how they are…

Netanyahu: America is something that you can easily maneuver and move in the right direction. And even if they do say something, so then they say something… so what? 80% of Americans support us! It’s absurd! We have such support there, and here we’re thinking ‘what should we do if?’…

Look, I wasn’t afraid to maneuver [the Clinton Administration]. I wasn’t afraid to confront Clinton. I wasn’t afraid to go against the U.N. What happened with the Oslo Accords? The Accords, which were ratified by Parliament. I was asked before the [1996] elections: “Will you fulfil them?”

I said: “Yes, subject to reciprocity, and minimizing pull-outs.” But how can one minimize the [obliged] pull-outs? I gave my own interpretation to the agreements, in such a way that will allow me to stop the race back to the 1967 borders.

Host: How did we manage to do this?

Netanyahu: Nobody defined what “Military Facilities” are. So I also defined them as being ‘security zones’. The entire Jordan Valley, for me, is a “military facility”. Nobody has…

Host: Yes. Like the Beit She’an valley.

Netanyahu: You see, go figure. But then there was the question of who will define these “military facilities”? I received a letter from [Secretary of State, Warren] Christopher, sent to me and to Arafat at the same time, saying that Israel and Israel alone will define the “military facilities”, their locations, and size.

Now, they didn’t want to give this letter so I refused to sign the Hebron Accords [of 1997]. I stopped the government meeting and I said: “I won’t sign.” And only when the letter arrived, during that meeting, to me and to Arafat, did I sign the Hebron Accords. Or ratified it, to be exact – it was already signed.

Why is this important? Because at that very moment, in fact, I halted the fulfillment of the Oslo Agreements.

It’s better to give 2% than 100%. This is the choice we’re facing. “You gave 2%, but you stopped the withdrawal, rather than 100%.” The wisdom is not to be there and break, but rather to be there and pay the minimum.

Now, is this Israel or Jew bashing?

How can it be when even a sizable number of American Jews are embarrassed of what their State of Israel is?

Related: Netanyahu Admits ISIS Are Israeli Soldiers

"Increasingly, the orientation of many American Jews toward Israel is one neither of instinctive loyalty nor of pride but of indifference, embarrassment, or hostility.

… If age is one window into differences in attitude, politics is another. Pew reports that levels of attachment to Israel decrease, often dramatically, as one moves from right to left - that is, from conservative to liberal - on the political spectrum.

Thus, half of Republican Jewish respondents describe themselves as “very attached” to Israel, but only a quarter of Jewish Democrats do so. Conversely, while only 2 percent of Jewish Republicans describe themselves as “not at all attached” to Israel, among Jewish Democrats the number is fully five times higher.

… The fundamental cause has to do with neither policies nor religious and ethnic fashions but with what Israel essentially, irrevocably, is."

- Source: MosaicMagazine

Again, this truth will be labeled again as Jew-bashing by people who only care to listen to themselves.

Somebody even made the ridiculous argument that “Palestine didn’t even exist prior to Israel,” so it has no right to complain about the systematic stealing of their lands.

Related: Top Israeli General Speaks Out Against Israel’s Crimes Against Palestinians + Parallels Between Israel & 1930's Germany & Ten Facts Why Netanyahu Is A Criminal And That Israel Is A “Rogue State”

Just because the State of Palestine wasn’t incorporated yet prior to the incorporation of the State of Israel doesn’t mean that it doesn’t exist at all, in much the same way that the American natives exist as a relatively advanced society prior to the incursion of the Europeans. They just don’t have a system of land ownership, or statehood, on paper.

Only the robber barons, now posing as statesmen, philanthropist, and royal bloodliners, have been doing that.

The Dumbest People Ever

Americans are dumber than ever before. Here's the shocking proof...

How Did the State of Israel Come to Be?

To better understand the Palestinian bid for membership in the United Nations, it is important to understand the original 1947 U.N. action on Israel-Palestine.

The common representation of Israel’s birth is that the U.N. created Israel, that the world was in favor of this move, and that the U.S. governmental establishment supported it. All these assumptions are demonstrably incorrect.

In reality, while the U.N. General Assembly recommended the creation of a Jewish state in part of Palestine, that recommendation was non-binding and never implemented by the Security Council.

Related: The True Cost Of Israel + The Reality Of Zionist Control

The passage of the General Assembly recommendation sparked increased violence in the region. Over the following months the armed wing of the pro-Israel movement, which had long been preparing for war, perpetrated a series of massacres and expulsions throughout Palestine, implementing a plan to clear the way for a majority-Jewish state.

It was this armed aggression, and the ethnic cleansing of at least three-quarters of a million indigenous Palestinians, that created the Jewish state on land that had been 95 percent non-Jewish prior to Zionist immigration and that even after years of immigration remained 70 percent non-Jewish.

And despite the shallow patina of legality its partisans extracted from the General Assembly, Israel was born over the opposition of American experts and of governments around the world, who opposed it on both pragmatic and moral grounds.

Background of the U.N. Partition Recommendation

In 1947 the U.N. took up the question of Palestine, a territory that was then administered by the British.

Approximately 50 years before, a movement called political Zionism had begun in Europe. Its intention was to create a Jewish state in Palestine through pushing out the Christian and Muslim inhabitants who made up over 95 percent of its population and replacing them with Jewish immigrants.

As this colonial project grew through subsequent years, the indigenous Palestinians reacted with occasional bouts of violence; Zionists had anticipated this since people usually resist being expelled from their land.

In various written documents cited by numerous Palestinian and Israeli historians, they discussed their strategy: They would either buy up the land until all the previous inhabitants had emigrated or, failing this, use violence to force them out.

Related: Rothschild’s Greater Israel Plan Is Effectively Defeated

When the buy-out effort was able to obtain only a few percent of the land, Zionists created a number of terrorist groups to fight against both the Palestinians and the British.

Terrorist and future Israeli Prime Minister Menachem Begin later bragged that Zionists had brought terrorism both to the Middle East and to the world at large.

Finally, in 1947 the British announced that they would be ending their control of Palestine, which had been created through the League of Nations following World War I, and turned the question of Palestine over to the United Nations.

At this time, the Zionist immigration and buyout project had increased the Jewish population of Palestine to 30 percent and land ownership from 1 percent to approximately 6 percent.

Since a founding principle of the U.N. was “self-determination of peoples,” one would have expected to the U.N. to support fair, democratic elections in which inhabitants could create their own independent country.

Instead, Zionists pushed for a General Assembly resolution in which they would be given a disproportionate 55 percent of Palestine. (While they rarely announced this publicly, their stated plan was to later take the rest of Palestine.)

Related: The Real Story of How Israel Was Created

According to the UN, Israel has now established an apartheid regime.

A new United Nations report accuses Israel of having established “an apartheid regime that oppresses and dominates the Palestinian people as a whole”.

The publication comes amid renewed debate about whether, through its settlement policy and rejection of Palestinian self-determination, the Israeli government is creating – or even has already created – a de facto “one-state”, which critics warn would constitute a form of apartheid.

It urged governments to “support boycott, divestment and sanctions [BDS] activities and respond positively to calls for such initiatives”.

The report – Israeli Practices towards the Palestinian People and the Question of Apartheid – was commissioned and published by the UN Economic and Social Commission for Western Asia (ESCWA) and launched in Beirut.

… “the expert consensus [is] that the prohibition of apartheid is universally applicable and was not rendered moot by the collapse of apartheid in South Africa“, the report argues that Israel is “guilty of policies and practices that constitute the crime of apartheid”, a “crime against humanity under customary international law and the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court”.

- Source: Aljazeera

Having said that, Israel is just a front by which the conquest of the Arabs could be waged from, to camouflage the Hidden Hand behind the curtain.

America needs to grow some balls. Both the facade and the Hidden Hand need to be eliminated at the same time, instead of colluding with them.

Related: Nazionists Are On Some Agonizing Deathbed Tantrums

If They Want To Burn It, You Want To Read It!

Jewish history is a chain of disasters: inquisitions, holocausts and pogroms. Time after time, throughout their history, Jews find themselves discriminated against, persecuted and expelled and, to most Jews, this continuum of tragedy is largely a mystery.

Yet one would expect that Jews, clever people for sure, would peer into their past, understand it and take whatever measures necessary to change their fate.

Related: Israel - A Nation Founded Upon A Monumental Lie

I was born and raised in Israel and it was many years before I realised that Israel was Palestine. When I was a young Israeli boy, the Holocaust and Jewish suffering were somehow foreign to me and my peers. It was the history of a different people, namely the diaspora Jews and we young Israelis didn’t much like their Jewish past.

We didn’t want to associate ourselves with those people, so hated by so many, so often and in so many different places. Erasing two thousand years of imaginary ‘exile’, we saw ourselves as the sons and daughters of our Biblical ‘ancestors.’ We were proud youngsters and we were disgusted by victimhood.

So Jewish suffering has, in many ways, been a riddle to me. But yesterday, at the London School of Economics (LSE), I witnessed a spectacle of Jewish bad behaviour, so incredible, that much that hitherto had been unclear, suddenly became all too clear.

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At a talk given by one of the greatest humanists of our generation, Professor. Richard Falk, it took Israel-advocate Jonathan Hoffman just sixty minutes of intensive hooliganism to cause him to be ejected from the hall. As Hoffman and his associate were thrown out of the building, the entire room expressed their feelings by shouting “Out, out, out”

Hoffman wasn’t just a run-of-the-mill thug. Waving his Jewish nationalist symbols, he was acting openly as a Jewish-ethnic activist. Later I learned that he is associated with many Jewish and Zionist institutions: BOD, Zionist Federation and so on.

Behaving as he did with total disrespect to an academic institution, did Hoffman think that the LSE was some kind of yeshiva or perhaps just his local synagogue? I guess not. My guess is he just assumed that, like so many spaces in our country today, the LSE was simply ‘occupied’.

It seems that merely the presence in a room of just one Zionist is enough to transform that room into occupied territory.

Related: Israeli Defense Minister Confirms Israel Backing Of ISIS In Syria

Never in my life have I seen an entire room so united in its outrage and if anyone within the Jewish community believes that hooliganism a la Hoffman & co is going to make Jews popular, they are wrong. Judging by the reaction I witnessed in the LSE yesterday, there is now total fatigue with Zionist thought control, book burning and brutality.

But I would also like to use this opportunity to issue a sincere apology. In Falk’s book launch yesterday, I suggested to a Palestinian supporter that, rather than reading Jewish historian David Cesarani on the Holocaust, he may like to give David Irving a try.

The Zionist Influence Over Winston Churchill

Q & A session with WWII researcher David Irving commenting on Winston Churchill's Jewish ancestry and about how the Zionist Network was able to drag America into World War One and Two.

Some Jewish students were outraged by my comment so I would like here to correct my statement, to make it more inclusive and categorical. Don’t just read David Irving. If you genuinely want to understand the world around you, make sure you hear every voice these people want to suppress and read every text these people try to burn.

If they want to burn it, you want to read it!

Once you’ve read it, you decide whether the text should make it to your bookshelves - or to the pyre.

So to Jewish thought-controllers and book burners, both Zionist and ‘anti’:

You have clearly launched a war against academic freedom. You are engaged in thought-control and book burning. You have begun a fight with core Western values: openness, scholarship, tolerance.

Related: Amazon Bans, Shreds, And Burns Thousands of Books: “Holocaust Denial”

All those things associated, not with Jerusalem, but with Athens. I have no doubt that in this war you may win some battles, you may manage to cancel a talk here and there, you may even manage to burn a book or two. But you will lose the war. Freedom will prevail, for the yearning for freedom is engraved in the human soul.

I urge Jews and Jewish institutions to consider carefully whether their behaviour really serves Jewish interests. As the author of the most read book on Jewish identity politics, I can see in the making, a disaster.


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Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi

BBC Host: We Must “Get Used” To Islamic Terror Attacks
& UK Warns Of 'Imminent' Second Attack
May 25 2017 | From: Infowars / NBR / Various

Public told to accept helplessness.

Following the Manchester bombing that just rocked the UK, BBC host Katty Kay said that Europeans have to get used to more Islamic terror attacks.

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Speaking on MSNBC’s Morning Joe on Tuesday, Kay said that Europeans have no choice but to accept terrorists murdering their children because it’s impossible to get rid of Islamic terrorism.

“Europe is getting used to attacks like this, Mika. They have to, because we are never going to be able to totally wipe this out,”
Kay said. “As ISIS gets squeezed in Syria and Iraq, we’re going to see more of these kinds of attacks taking place in Europe and Europe is starting to get used to that.”

Kay then said that nobody is “used to having children targeted,” suggesting that Europeans are more acclimated to adults being killed by terror attacks.

Kay isn’t the only person to tell people to get used to terror attacks rather than offer a solution.

London’s own mayor Sadiq Khan has said that Islamic terror attacks are “part and parcel of living in a big city” following the Manhattan bombing last September.

“That means being vigilant, having a police force that is in touch with communities, it means the security services being ready, but it also means exchanging ideas and best practice,”
Khan said.

Interestingly, the 23-year-old terrorist, identified as Salman Abedi, was known to authorities before he committed the attack, reported CBS.

There are over 3,000 potential terrorists that have been monitored in the UK since 2015, including about 400 ISIS-trained fighters that have returned from war zones in Syria and Iraq, according to British security services.

So far, 22 people, including children, were killed and over 50 injured when Abedi blew himself up at an Ariana Grande concert in Manchester, England attended by 21,000 people.

ISIS responded to the attack with a slightly inaccurate statement, saying that a “caliphate soldier managed to place a number of devices among a gathering of crusaders in Manchester, and detonated them,” when only one explosion took place according to officials, indicating that Abedi could be a “lone wolf” jihadist.

Manchester Terror Attack 22 Dead

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UK Warns Of 'Imminent' Second Attack

The UK government has raised the threat level of international terrorism to “critical” - meaning an attack is expected imminently - according to the MI5 intelligence service’s website.

The threat from Northern Ireland-related terrorism remains at “severe” in Northern Ireland itself, and “substantial” in Great Britain, adding further evidence the Manchester bombing on May 22 was committed by a foreign-affiliated individual.

Related: The Latest: Britain raises terror level after concert attack

Up to 5000 soldiers and special forces personnel, alongside armed police officers, will also deploy on to key streets across the UK and around expected targets, under a previously revealed plan called “Operation Temperer.”

The announcement marks the first time since October 2012 the terror alert for international terrorism has been lifted (it was then increased from “substantial” to “severe”).

UK Prime Minister Theresa May, who has called an early election for June 8, says the risk of a follow-on attack is high.

“It is a possibility we cannot ignore that there is a wider group of individuals linked to this attack,”
she says.

Manchester Attack: What They’re NOT Telling You

The truth they hide. Which is more important – not hurting Muslims’ feelings, or our children being blown up?

Counter-terrorism officials are reportedly hunting for accomplices or others associated with Salman Abedi, who allegedly detonated an explosive at a concert in Manchester on May 22. The attack is believed to have been a suicide bombing.

Deaths from the attack have reached 22 concertgoers while at least 59 others are severely wounded. Several video recordings captured the attack as the Ariana Grande show was ending at 10.33pm local time and attendees departed through the venue foyer.

Mrs May described the bombing as “one of the worst terrorist incidents we have ever experienced in the UK.”

“It stands out for its appalling, sickening cowardice – deliberately targeting innocent, defenceless children and young people who should have been enjoying one of the most memorable nights of their lives.”

Given the complexity and good planning of the attack, British authorities believe Mr Abedi travelled to Libya and may have received bombmaking and terrorist training in either that or another North African or Middle Eastern country before returning to the UK.

The authorities also say the bomber was previously known to security services.

Related: London Police Launch Free Speech Crackdown Amid Manchester Attack

The Islamic State’s media arm Amaq posted a claim of responsibility for the attack on May 23, saying Mr Abedi was a “soldier of the caliphate.” However, it is unknown whether the bomber was directly instructed and directed by the group, which has franchise operations in half a dozen countries.

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Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi

The Deep State: It Is War, Not Peace That Pays
May 13 2017 | From: FinalWakeUpCall / Various

The Deep State at work: President Eisenhower warned us. He called the “Deep State” at work the “military-industrial complex.” There will always be people in a society who are more willing than others, more prone to bullying, stealing, and making jackasses out of themselves.

As 18th-century political philosopher William Godwin observed, if a government has any legitimate purpose at all, it is to keep these people from doing harm to their fellow human beings.

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But over time, these bullies will infest government and its related industries. Then, instead of keeping these pests under control, government gives them authority, even funding a kind of fake-respectability. Their predations, illusions, and vanities become public policy.

All major industries – media, education, health care and finance – attract these bullies and jackasses. But the Deep State treats them like a manure pile to a herd of pigs. Soon, they will be rooting and wallowing in the biggest heap of misappropriated resources in all of history.

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Today, the Deep State’s agents bark at you to take off your belt and shoes at airports. Try to dig a pond in your backyard, or let your teenage son work on the family farm, and they will make a case of it. They snoop and spy, looking for secrets they can exploit to bribe you. They tax. They regulate. And they control.

"Ultimately, and the sooner the better, it will require our system and people to reject Trump and those surrounding him - who have already done so much to disgrace the offices they hold and undermine America’s standing in the world.”

But the ones that are out of control are the cabal members themselves and this must be stopped immediately.

This shadowy secret government whose ultimate goal is the implementation of the so-called New World Order, is pulling the strings on the world’s puppet-heads of state and captains of industry.

The term Deep State has recently gained traction, in addition to the use of terms like; shadow government, cabal, Rothschild Khazarian Mafia, The Powers That Be, the Luciferians, Illuminati, Elite; all referencing the same group of hidden Luciferian Satanists that detest and rob people.

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The Deep State is an unelected insider-government within in the government. They are not interested in politics, just in money and power, and will continue doing what they are doing, until they cannot do it anymore.

How The Deep State Operates:

A complex web of revolving doors between government, the military-industrial-complex, Wall Street, and Silicon Valley consolidates the interests of defence contractors, banksters, military campaigns, and both foreign and domestic surveillance intelligence, the media, and healthcare, just to name a few.

Money, the economy, and government have all changed since the collapse of the Bretton Woods agreement and the end of gold-backed money. When on August 15, 1971, President Nixon hammered the last nail in the coffin of honest money by abolishing gold backing for the US-Dollar, the world’s reserve currency.

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This was not the only reason for the profound changes that followed. There was also the introduction of Communist China to capitalism, the fall of the Soviet Union, and the rise of the Internet, to name just a few.

After the dissolution of the Soviet Union in 1991, the Deep State faced the biggest threat to its existence: It no longer had a plausible enemy. Since then, it has put U.S. jackboots on the ground in a takedown of a series of pseudo-enemies – all laughably inferior.

It is War, Not Peace That Pays:

However, with all its firepower, all its superior military technology, and all its trillions of dollars in spending, America hasn’t won a single one of its many wars since the end of the Cold War by way of a clear or honourable victory.

Not one, but then again, that has never been the intention, the only true intention being to turn around money and power, period. Instead, all wars have led to one fumbled mess after another. Enemies were suddenly promoted into angels; allies morphed into demons.

Deep State References Including Attempts to Impeach Donald Trump

You’d think this would bring the public to its senses. Maybe all this spending, blustering, and bombing is not really paying off? Maybe it is creating more enemies than it defeats? But that is just the point: For the common man, a war is little more than a Super Bowl with mortal stakes.

They holler and hoot for the Homeland team. They salute their heroes and hate their enemies, even when they’re not sure who the enemy is.

Those who do the thinking and the plotting, on the other hand, have another agenda. They are just as happy with a defeat as a victory. Victory, and the peace that followed World War II, almost put them out of business. It is war, not peace that pays. And war pays well, not to mention all the personal liberties that are confiscated with each fabricated war.

The Trillion Dollar Industry:

The U.S. “security” industry has about $1 trillion a year in spending power. You can buy a lot of votes with that kind of money. The Deep State remains in charge. The fix is always in.

The deep state hides in plain sight and goes far beyond the military-industrial complex. 

While most citizens are at least passively aware of the surveillance state and the conspiracy between the government and the corporate heads of Wall Street, few people are aware of how much the intelligence functions of the government have been outsourced to privatised groups that are not subject to oversight or accountability by the public.

The Money Suckers:

Moreover, while Wall Street and the federal government suck money out of the economy, relegating hundreds of millions of people to poverty and incarcerating more people than China – a totalitarian state with four-times more people than the US.

The deep state has, since 9/11, built the equivalent of three Pentagons, a bloated state
apparatus that keeps defence contractors, intelligence contractors, and has financed privatised non-accountable NGOs.

Related: Trump Versus Deep State: Full-Scale Information War Revealed

Big Business, called Corpocracy aids the deep state. The revolving door between government and Wall Streetmoney allows top firms to offer premium jobs to senior government officials and military yes-men.

Wall Street is the ultimate foundation for the deep state because the incredible amount of money it generates can provide these cushy jobs to those in government after they retire. Nepotism reigns supreme as the revolving door between Wall Street and government facilitates a great deal of domestic strife:

"Bank bailouts, tax breaks, and resistance to legislation that would regulate Wall Street, political donors, and lobbyists. The senior government officials, ex-generals, and high level intelligence operatives who participate find themselves with multi-million dollar homes in which they spend their retirement years, cushioned by a tidy pile of investments.”

How Did The Deep State Come Into Being?

Although the Deep State is an age-old planned entity, originally it may have been named differently. Insiders are of the opinion that ultimately it is the offspring of the military-industrial complex, while others say it came into being with the Federal Reserve Act in 1913, when Woodrow Wilson remarked;

"We have come to be one of the worst ruled, one of the most completely controlled and dominated governments in the civilised world, no longer a government by conviction and the vote of the majority, but a government by the opinion and duress of a small group of dominant men.”

This quasi-secret cabal is pulling the strings in Washington, and much of the world is maintained under the pressure of a corporatist ideology that thrives on deregulation, outsourcing, deindustrialization, and financialization, yielding perpetual war and economic imperialism abroad, while consolidating the interests of the oligarchy.

Related: Trump, Watergate, Nixon, Rockefeller: The Real Lesson & Deep State CEO Obama Running Black Ops To Undermine Trump & Alt-Media

The Deep State is a government within a government that operates off tax dollars but is not constrained by the constitution, nor are its machinations derailed by political shifts.

In this world – where the deep state functions with impunity – it doesn’t matter who is president so long as he or she perpetuates the war on terror, which serves this interconnected web of corporate special interests and disingenuous geopolitical objectives.

"As long as appropriation bills get passed on time, promotion lists get confirmed, black (i.e., secret) budgets get rubber stamped, special tax subsidies for certain corporations are approved without controversy, as long as too many awkward questions are not asked, the gears of the hybrid state will mesh noiselessly”.

Is There Hope For the Future?

For sure there is hope, and the epilogue is imminent. At present, discord and unrest continues to build.

But various groups, establishments, organisations, and portions of the populace from all corners of the political spectrum, including Silicon Valley, Occupy, the Tea Party, Anonymous, WikiLeaks, anarchists, libertarians from both the left and right, Whistleblowers like Edward Snowden and others are beginning to vigorously question and reject the labyrinth of power wielded by the deep state.

Related: US Deep State In Deep Trouble + A Deeper Understanding Of Technocracy

Can these groups – can we, the people – overcome the divide and conquer tactics used to quell dissent? That depends on how many of us wake up and unite in the importance of forging a future with freedom and prosperity.

It lies in our own hands, while help is on its way, as long we all become and remain positive and motivated to eradicate this Deep State Mafia, once and forever! Take into consideration; Our Creator has created planet Earth and its people, not to be destroyed by a small group of Mafiosi, called the Deep State!

9/11 Truth Destroyed British TV Host

US Navy Veteran Jesse Ventura taught CNN host Piers Morgan a lesson about truth. No crackpot points here.  All are sensible points.  Listen to Jesse Ventura.

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Lavrov Dismantles UK-Led Sarin 'Investigation' In 30 Seconds + CIA Documents: Plans To Topple Assad Family Go Back Six Presidents
May 4 2017 | From: RussiaInsider / Sott

Lavrov blows the whistle on the OPCW and its 'investigations' in Syria.

Russia's Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov has a simple message for the Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons: Stop with the bullshit

Related: CIA Documents Reveal Plans To Oust Syrian President Assad And Destroy Syria For Oil Pipeline

Speaking with journalists in Moscow on Monday, Lavrov pointed out that the OPCW has taken more than four months to 'analyze' chemical samples from Aleppo, which would likely implicate Syrian 'opposition' forces in war crimes. And surprise, surprise - the OPCW needs even more time before it can release a report. 

Meanwhile, it took this prestigious organization only four days to declare that Sarin was used in the April 4 attack in Khan Sheikhun. 

Lavrov is not amused:

"Four months ago, together with our Syrian colleagues, we sent samples that we got from Aleppo, after it was liberated. We believe these samples are evidence of the fact that opposition armed groups used chemical weapons.

Four months later - no results. And they say they need more time.

But this other unit, that processes complaints about the Syrian regime, as we were told, released a statement several days after the Idlib incident.

And that statement confirms the initial allegations, allegations by NGOs and the White Helmets, that it was Sarin. So in one case we have 4 months - nothing happens, no information is released. But in the other case the other unit issues that statement in just 4 days.

But there’s no data - what laboratory was used, what were the samples like, where were they taken?

Related: Selected Articles: US-NATO Attacks against Syria Geared Towards “Regime Change”

How can this be? Lavrov knows:

"The mission should provide for geographical diversity. As I said, this mechanism is comprised of two units, one receives applications and complains from the Syrian government, and the other processes complaints about the Syrian government.

And both of the units are chaired by UK citizens.

Lavrov then delivers the final blow:

"Jokes aside, it’s an attempt to create a distorted perspective, and then to use this distorted reality to in an attempt to avoid an inclusive dialogue and switch to regime change operations. Another regime change operation in this region.

Okay, we lied. It probably took Lavrov 45 seconds to completely demolish this fraudulent organization and its benevolent 'investigations'. 

CIA Documents: Plans To Topple Assad Family Go Back Six Presidents

Sifting through the CIA's database of 11 million+ declassified documents, WikiLeaks has uncovered a report from 1986 on "possible scenarios that could lead to the ouster of President Assad."

Richard Nixon became the first U.S. President to visit Damascus when he met with the Syrian President, Hafez al-Assad, in 1974

Pointing to the potential for exploiting sectarian tensions, the report nonetheless ironically explains why the US's current regime change strategy is wrong.

The Assad Family: Nemesis of Nine U.S. Presidents

In January, the US Central Intelligence Agency put over 11 million of its declassified files online. On Monday, WikiLeaks discovered that one of these documents includes a secret report involving scenarios for ousting Hafez Assad (Bashar Assad's father) going back all the way to the Reagan administration.

The document, created under the supervision of the Director of Global Issues by the appropriately named Foreign Subversion and Instability Center, and distributed to senior intelligence officials, as well as officials in the State Department, the Pentagon, Reagan Middle East policy advisor Dennis Ross, and William Eagleton, then-US ambassador in Syria.

The memorandum casually lays out what the CIA envisions to be the "scenarios that could lead to the ouster of President Hafez al-Assad in Syria." The report makes no bones about its "purposely provocative" nature and tone.

Predating the 2011 Arab Spring unrest which would engulf Syria in a bloody foreign-backed civil war by nearly a quarter of a century, the CIA report offered an effective proto blueprint for US intelligence to play up factionalism between the Alawite minority (to which the Assad family belongs) and Sunni Muslims, who make up around three quarters of Syria's population.

The document pointed out that while tensions between the Alawites and Sunnis had declined significantly by the mid-1980s, "the potential for serious communal violence remains."

In fact, the report's authors argued that a sectarian conflict leading to civil war is one of the top three options for regime change in Syria, the other two being a succession power struggle and military setbacks abroad in Lebanon or Israel sparking a coup.

"A Sunni rebellion in the late 1970s and early 1980s ended when Assad crushed the Muslim Brotherhood that spearheaded it," the report noted.

It added, however that "although we judge that fears of reprisals and organizational problems make a second Sunni challenge unlikely, an excessive government reaction to minor outbreaks of Sunni dissidence might trigger large-scale unrest.

In most instances the regime would have the resources to crush a Sunni opposition movement, but we believe widespread violence among the populace could stimulate large numbers of Sunni officers and conscripts to desert or mutiny, setting the stage for civil war."

The failed 'Sunni challenge' being referred to was the February 1982 storming of Hama, known in the West as the 'Hama Massacre', in which the Syrian government crushed an Islamist uprising led by the Muslim Brotherhood in the western Syrian city of Hama.

The storming of the city resulted in the deaths of hundreds of soldiers and militants and several thousand civilians.

Without getting into too many details, the report claimed that any new "general campaign of Alawi violence against Sunnis might push even moderate Sunnis to join the opposition. Remnants of the Muslim Brotherhood - some returning from exile in Iraq - could provide a core of leadership for the movement."

Furthermore, the report estimated that "although the regime has the resources to crush such a venture, we believe brutal attacks on Sunni civilians might prompt large numbers of Sunni officers and conscripts to desert or stage mutinies in support of dissidents, and Iraq might supply them with sufficient weapons to launch a civil war."

Bringing to mind the long-standing ties between Damascus and Moscow, which go back to the 1960s, the CIA attempted to predict the Soviet Union's likely response to any attempt to oust Assad. It concluded that Moscow's best interest would be to preserve the status quo.

At the same time, the report suggested that Washington's best interest would be to see the creation of a 'moderate' Sunni regime, one which:

"Might well include relative moderates interested in securing Western aid and investment. Such a regime probably would be less inclined to escalate tensions with Israel," the report added.

Expanding on the latter idea, the report explained that "business moderates would see a strong need for Western aid and investment to build Syria's private economy, thus opening the way for stronger ties with Western governments."

Interestingly, unlike its Obama-era successors, the CIA of the 1980s had warned that any prolonged chaos and civil war in Syria would turn it into a "dangerously erratic force in the region,"and adding that "a weak government in Damascus might heighten Syria's attractiveness as a base for terrorism."

Ironically, the report also warned that any gains the US might see by Assad's ouster "would be mitigated...if Sunni fundamentalists assumed power."

The reason, again, has to do with Israel's security:

"Although Syria's secular traditions would make it extremely difficult for religious zealots to establish an Islamic Republic, should they succeed they would likely deepen hostilities with Israel and provide support and sanctuary for terrorist groups."

In reality, of course, the effort to destabilize Syria in the early 2010s was a joint effort by the US and its Israeli, Turkish and Gulf State allies.

It would be Turkey, Qatar and Saudi Arabia, not Iraq, that would provide the lion's share of the weapons used by militants.

Furthermore, the CIA report failed to mention or predict the inflow of tens of thousands of jihadists into Syria from abroad, even though it was employing similar tactics in Afghanistan against the Soviet Union during this period.

It's unknown whether the CIA of the 1980s genuinely believed that the 'moderates' in whom they placed their hopes wouldn't immediately be swallowed up by radical Islamists, although US experiences in Iraq and Afghanistan in the 2000s make it unlikely that the CIA of the 2000s couldn't foresee such an eventuality.

Comment: Interesting bits of history divulge the length and breadth of long-range scheming, giving insight into how a game plan goes through definition and redefinition in order to achieve a predictable result.

As citizens we are only privy to the surface action on any given day, not the entrenchment of ideas nor the scope of the manipulation culminating decades later. Within the 'scheme of things', changing plans, swapping scenarios... not so easily done.

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Israeli Defense Minister Confirms Israel Backing Of ISIS In Syria
April 29 2017 | From: Geopolitics

Khazarian Jews are not shy in admitting genocide through terror proxies everywhere because they can, under the able support of their long hijacked corporate US government.

They are doing this in Syria and in what remains of the Palestinian lands in Gaza and in the West Bank.

Netanyahu Admits ISIS Are Israeli Soldiers

Alliance of Convenience: Israel Supports Syria’s ISIS Terror Group

Washington created and supports ISIS, along with other anti-government terrorists in Syria and elsewhere. NATO, Turkey, Saudi Arabia, Qatar and other regional rogue states supply them with weapons and other material support.

So does Israel. In June 2015, the Times of Israel quoted former Israeli defense minister Moshe Ya’alon, saying:

"We’ve assisted (anti-government terrorist groups in Syria on) two conditions. That they don’t get too close to (Israel’s) border, and…don’t touch the Druze.”

Related: Israeli Policymakers Say ISIS is a 'Useful Tool' in Undermining Syria

Israel provides hospital treatment for hundreds, maybe thousands, of terrorist fighters, calling it “humanitarian assistance,” according to Ya’alon, adding it’s “not in their interest” to publicize Israeli aid – including weapons and munitions supplied, along with Israeli air strikes, he failed to explain.

On April 24, FARS News reported increased US/UK/Israeli aid to al-Nusra terrorists – aiming “to create an autonomous region in Southern Syria, but the plan is confronted by Iran and Russia’s intensified intelligence and military operations.”

At the same time, Washington supports Kurdish fighters and terrorist groups in northern Syria.

"Israel is (providing) logistical, intelligence and medical support for terrorist groups, and the Israel-West-Jordan operations room is supervising (their) activities.”

Russia, Damascus and Tehran oppose the establishment of autonomous regions in southern and northern Syria, supporting the country’s sovereignty and territorial integrity.

Related: Five Facts That The Israeli Government Would Prefer You Did Not Know

On April 24, the American Herald Tribune said:

"Ya’alon has admitted to a tacit (Israeli) alliance with ISIS.”

On Israeli television, he said:

"Within Syria there are many factions: the regime, Iran, the Russians, and even al-Qaeda and ISIS.”

“In such circumstances, one must develop a responsible, carefully-balanced policy by which you protect your own interests on the one hand, and on the other hand you don’t intervene.”

“Because if Israel does intervene on behalf of one side, it will serve the interests of the other; which is why we’ve established red lines.”

“Anyone who violates our sovereignty will immediately feel the full weight of our power. On most occasions, firing comes from regions under the control of the regime.”

“But once the firing came from ISIS positions, and it immediately apologized.”

Israel has a longstanding alliance of convenience with regional terrorist groups and rogue states – including Saudi Arabia, Qatar, other Gulf states, Jordan and Egypt.

Related: The Israeli Government Is The Most Anti-Semitic Organisation On The Face Of The Earth: Enough Of The Zionist Satanism

In December 2014, The Jerusalem Post said a:

"UN Disengagement Observer Force (UNDOF) (report) reveals that Israel has been working closely with Syrian rebels in the Golan Heights and have kept close contact over the past 18 months. The report was submitted to the UN Security Council at the beginning of the month.”

Fact: All so-called anti-Assad rebel groups are terrorists. No moderates exist. All commit gruesome atrocities, including CW attacks – toxins supplied by Turkey and Saudi Arabia.

Fact: Pentagon contractors train terrorists in use of CWs. They make some on their own.

Western media suppress what’s most important to know about ongoing war in Syria. The country was invaded. Conflict isn’t civil. All anti-government forces are terrorists. No moderate rebels exist.

Washington, Israel and their rogue allies want regime change, Syrian sovereignty destroyed. Peace talks since 2012 accomplished nothing because Washington and Israel want another imperial trophy, Iran isolated ahead of plans to oust its government.

Related: Checkmate! U.S. Loses Syria & Turkey; Erdogan Will Visit Putin + John McCain Is “Directly Responsible” For ISIS

Russia is the only major power standing in the way of achieving these disturbing objectives. Putin is on the right side of history, resisting imperial lawlessness.

The Khazarian Jews are justifying this systematic murder by saying that they are doing the killings solely to protect themselves from Iran, Hezbollah, Syria which did not attack them in the first place.

To say that Palestine did not exist until Israel came is like saying that the 100 million Native Americans did not exist at all prior to the invasion of the Europeans.

The Truth of Native Americans Before The Genocide


No, the existence of Palestinian lands cannot be a subject of a debate, as mere corporate existence of an Israel cannot supplant the true existence of indigenous peoples in all parts of the planet.

Israel’s existence has no historic bearing other than the constant use of terror even today.

Muslims are not terrorists. Those who are occupying privileged positions of  power are.

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Israel Supports the Islamic State (ISIS)

Trial and Terror: The U.S. government has prosecuted 796 people for terrorism since the 9/11 attacks. Most of them never even got close to committing an act of violence

The Released: More Than 400 People Convicted of Terrorism in the U.S. Have Been Released Since 9/11

Le Pen Responds: Shut Down Paris Mosques to Stop Terror

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Nevada Assemblywoman Michele Fiore: The BLM is a Domestic Terrorist Agency

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CIA Documents Reveal Plans To Oust Syrian President Assad And Destroy Syria For Oil Pipeline
April 22 2016 | From: WeAreChange

A recent release of documents in the CIA’s cache - codenamed Crest - totalling up to 13 million documents reveal the CIA’s plans to oust the Syrian President, Hafez al-Assad.

The documents date back to the years through 1984-1986 and purport to reveal plans to strengthen resistance against the former President Assad within Syria.

Related: CIA Releases 13 Million Documents, Claims Its Entire History Now Online

In the 28 page document entitled: “Syria: Scenarios Of Dramatic Political Change,” the CIA notes that, “factionalism plagues the political and military elite of Syria, and the military’s strong tradition of coup plotting could reassert itself.”

The document also accused Assad of being in, “poor health,” due to a heart attack he suffered in 1983 and said that Assad had failed to designate a successor or provide for a transfer of power. The former President of Syria lived for nearly another 15 years before he passed his leadership on to his son Basher al-Assad.

The CIA goes on to speculate if Hafez al-Assad selects his brother Rif`at al-Assad as his successor, his enemies within the military would rise up against him to overthrow his presidency. The document also contains numerous hypotheticals, mostly surrounding what Moscow’s response would be if the government of Syria collapsed.

Further noting that an:

“Alawi military regime government would continue financing Lebanese terrorist, advance confrontation with Israel and could have close ties to the then Soviet Union USSR.”

At that point in history, there was an ongoing civil war in Lebanon between Maronite and Palestinian forces - both Israel and Syria backed factions in the region.

Further, the documents expressed that U.S. interest would best be served by a Sunni regime.

Another six paged document titled: “Bringing Real Muscle to Bear Against Syria,” authored by famous former CIA officer Graham Fuller also discusses Syria under Bashar al-Assad’s predecessor dated September 14, 1983, amid the Iran-Iraq War.

“Fuller’s analysis, points out Activist Post’s Brandon Turbeville, evinces Assad as a nuisance hindering the American empire’s lust to control vast fossil fuel stores and protect ally, Israel, against multiple threats in the Middle East.

Destabilization of Iraq and Iran also features prominently in the intricate U.S. plan to deal with the irritant, elder Assad - who, incidentally, recognized Western ulterior motives for what they were,”
Claire Bernish wrote, for TheFreeThoughtProject.com.

Fuller expressed, “The US should consider urging Iraq to take the war to the other key source of its predicament: Syria.”

“The U.S should consider sharply escalating the pressures against Assad [Sr.] through covertly orchestrating simultaneous military threats against Syria from three border states hostile to Syria: Iraq, Israel and Turkey. Iraq, perceived to be increasingly desperate in the Gulf war, would undertake limited military (air) operations against Syria with the sole goal of opening the pipeline.

Although opening war on a second front against Syria poses considerable risk to Iraq, Syria would also face a two-front war since it is already heavily engaged in the Bekaa, on the Golan and in maintaining control over a hostile and restive population inside Syria.”

“Israel would simultaneously raise tensions along Syria’s Lebanon front without actually going to war. Turkey, angered by Syrian support to Armenian terrorism, to Iraqi Kurds on Turkey’s Kurdish border areas and to Turkish terrorists operating out of northern Syria, has often considered launching unilateral military operations against terrorist camps in northern Syria. Virtually all Arab states would have sympathy for Iraq.”

“Faced with three belligerent fronts, Assad would probably be forced to abandon his policy of closure of the pipeline.

Such a concession would relieve the economic pressure on Iraq, and perhaps force Iran to reconsider bringing the war to an end. It would be a sharpening blow to Syria’s prestige and could effect the equation of forces in Lebanon.”

“Such a threat must be primarily military in nature. At present, there are three relatively hostile elements around Syria’s borders: Israel, Iraq and Turkey. Consideration must be given to orchestrating a credible military threat against Syria in order to induce at least some moderate change in its policies.”

“This paper proposes serious examination of the use of all three states – acting independently – to exert the necessary threat. Use of any one state in isolation cannot create such a credible threat.”

Fuller goes on to discuss two key U.S. interests in the region, the Syrian-Iraqi pipeline and geopolitical affairs regarding Syrian troops in Lebanon and its result on Israel.

Syria continues to maintain a hammerlock on two key U.S. interests in the Middle East:

Syrian refusal to withdraw its troops from Lebanon ensures Israeli occupation in the south;

Syrian closure of the Iraqi pipeline has been a key factor in bringing Iraq to its knees financially, impelling it towards dangerous internationalization of the war in the Gulf.

As the war drums beat in the Trump administration and media for war with Syria, these two internal once-secret documents offer rare insight into how the U.S. arrived at the situation in present day Syria. They also reveal the CIA’s ongoing effort of regime change, exposing potential tactics being used  to overthrow the current younger Syrian president.

Related: Fugitive 'Facebook founder' says he's alive and well but 'running for his life' from CIA because of its secret involvement in the social media site

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Trump: “Guilty” Hillary Was “Saved” By FBI Head
April 22 2016 | From: Infowars

POTUS says Hillary would be going to trial if it were not for Comey.

Speaking during an interview aired Wednesday morning, President Trump declared that Hillary Clinton would definitely be facing a jury in court had it not been for the head of the FBI “saving her life”.

Related: Con Artist Clinton: Millions Of Dollars In Fraud Revealed After Clinton Foundation Server Hacked + House Oversight Committee Sends Request To FBI Director Comey For Hillary Clinton’s Server Contents

In the interview with Fox Business Network’s Maria Bartiromo, Trump was adamant that Clinton would be facing charges related to her leaked emails, had FBI director Jim Comey not been “very, very good” to her.

"Don’t forget when Jim Comey came out, he saved Hillary Clinton,” Trump said, adding that If he hadn’t “she would be going to trial.”

“People don’t realize that. He saved her life. I call it ‘Comey 1.’ And I joke about it a little bit.” Trump added.

“When he was reading those charges, she was guilty of every charge. And then he said she was essentially OK.” the President further explained.

When asked if he would still push for appointing a special prosecutor to investigate Clinton in the future, Trump avoided the question, saying “I don’t want to talk about that, I want to talk about positive.”

Trump did, however, say that it is not too late to ask Comey to step down as FBI head.

"No it’s not too late,”
Trump said. “But you know, I have confidence in him. We’ll see what happens. It’s going to be interesting.”

When asked why he didn’t request that Comey quit, Trump told Bartiromo: “I want to give everybody a good fair chance.”

Elsewhere during the interview, Trump suggested that no one believes that former National Security Advisor Susan Rice’s claim that her unmasking of his aides wasn’t for political gain.

“It’s such a big story and I’m sure it will continue forward,”
Trump said, adding that “what they did is horrible.”

The President said it is “obvious” why Obama eased the rules on raw intelligence sharing days before leaving office, “when you look at Susan Rice and what’s going on.”

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The True Cost Of Israel
April 21 2017 | From: TheAmericanConservative / VeteransToday

U.S. support goes far beyond the official numbers. The American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC) concluded its annual conference late last month, triggering the usual debate in various alternative media outlets.

Why does so much U.S. taxpayer money go to a small and not particularly useful client state that has a vibrant European-level economy and is already a regional military colossus?

Related: Israel's never-ending crimes: It's not just settlements

Those who support the cash flow argue that Israel is threatened, most notably by Iran; they claim the assistance, which has been largely but not completely used to buy American-made weapons, is required to maintain a qualitative edge over the country’s potential enemies.

Those who oppose the aid would counter that the Iranian threat is largely an Israeli and Saudi Arabian invention, used to justify continued American support for the national-security policies of both countries. And they would add that Tel Aviv is more than able to defend itself and pay for its own military establishment.

In truth, American aid to Israel is something like a pot of gold that keeps on giving. Both sides in the discussion would probably agree that the domestic Israel Lobby has been instrumental in sustaining the high level of aid, though they would undoubtedly disagree over whether that is a good or bad thing.

The operation of “The Lobby,” generally regarded as the most powerful voice on foreign policy in Washington, led Professors Stephen Walt and John Mearsheimer to ask:

"Why has the U.S. been willing to set aside its own security … in order to advance the interests of another state? [No] explanation can account for the remarkable level of material and diplomatic support that the U.S. provides.”

They observed that “Other special interest groups have managed to skew foreign policy, but no lobby has managed to divert it as far from what the national interest would suggest, while simultaneously convincing Americans that U.S. interests and those of the other country - in this case, Israel - are essentially identical.”

Since the foundation of the state of Israel in 1948, it has been “the largest cumulative recipient of U.S. foreign assistance since World War II,”  according to the Congressional Research Service. The United States has provided Israel with $233.7 billion in adjusted for inflation aid between 1948 through the end of 2012, reports Haaretz.

Related: Nazionist Mafia Circles The Wagons As Investigations Zero In On Bush / Netanyahu

Current discussions center on the Obama administration’s memo of understanding with Israel that promised it $38 billion in military assistance over the next 10 years, a considerable sum but nevertheless a total that is far less than what is actually received annually from the United States Treasury and from other American sources.

Senator Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.), speaking in the most recent legislative discussion over Israeli aid, stated that the $38 billion should be regarded as a floor, and that Congress should approve additional funds for Israeli defense as needed. It has, in fact, done so.

At its most recent meeting, AIPAC announced the latest windfall from America, applauding:

"The U.S. House of Representatives for significantly bolstering its support of U.S.-Israel missile defense cooperation in the FY 2017 defense appropriations bill.

The House appropriated $600.7 million for U.S.-Israel missile defense programs.”

Related: Nazionists Are On Some Agonizing Deathbed Tantrums

And there is a long history of such special funding for Israeli-connected projects. The Iron Dome missile-defense system was largely funded by the United States, to the tune of more than $1 billion.

In the 1980s, the Israeli Lavi jet-fighter development program was funded by Washington, costing $2 billion to the U.S. taxpayer before it was terminated over technical and other problems, part of $5.45 billion in Pentagon funding of various Israeli weapons projects through 2002.

The admittedly unreliable former Congressman James Traficant once claimed that “Israel gets $15 billion per year from the American taxpayers.”

Indeed, how Israel gets money from the United States is actually quite complex and not very transparent to the American public, going well beyond the check for $3.8 billion handed over at the beginning of the fiscal year on October 1. Even that check, uniquely given to aid recipient Israel as one lump sum on the first day of the year, is manipulated to produce extra revenue.

Related: The Occupation of the American Mind

It is normally immediately redeposited with the U.S. Treasury, which then, because it operates on a deficit, borrows the money to pay interest on it as the Israelis draw it down. That interest payment costs the American taxpayer an estimated $100 million more per year.

Israel has also been adept at using “loan guarantees,” an issue that may have contributed to the downfall of President George H.W. Bush. The reality is that the loans, totaling $42 billion, are never repaid by Israel, meaning that the United States Treasury picks up the tab on principle and interest, a form of additional assistance. The Bush-era loan amounted to $10 billion.

Department of Defense co-production projects, preferential contracting, “scrapping” or “surplusing” of usable equipment that is then turned over to the Israel Defense Forces (IDF), as well as the forward deployment of military hardware to an Israeli-run base in Israel (used to support local military operations), are considerable benefits to Tel Aviv’s bottom line. Much of this assistance is hidden from view.

Related: New Zealand’s Zionist Diplomacy In The UN Security Council: “Israel Has A Right To Defend Itself”

In 1992, AIPAC President James Steiner bragged how he “got almost a billion dollars in other goodies [in negotiations with Secretary of State Jim Baker] that people don’t even know about.” In September 2012, Israel’s former commander-in-chief, Gen. Gabi Ashkenazi, admitted at a conference that between 2009 and 2012 American taxpayers had paid for more of his country’s defense budget than had Israeli taxpayers.

Those numbers have been disputed, but the fact remains that a considerable portion of the Israeli military spending comes from the United States. It currently is more than 20 percent of the total $16 billion budget, not counting special appropriations.

Through tax exemptions, the U.S. government also subsidizes the coordinated effort to provide additional assistance to Israel.

No other lobbying effort to promote the interests of a foreign country benefits in like fashion, and, indeed, most similar groups are required to register under the Foreign Agents Registration Act of 1938, as former National Security Advisor Michael Flynn has learned to his chagrin regarding Turkey.

Most organizations and foundations that might reasonably be considered active parts of the Israel Lobby are generally registered with the Department of the Treasury as 501(c)3 tax-exempt educational foundations. Grant Smith, speaking at a conference on the U.S. and Israel on March 24, explained how the broader Israel Lobby uses this legal framework:

"Key U.S. organizations include the American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC), the American Jewish Committee (AJC), the Zionist Organization of America (ZOA) and the Anti-Defamation League (ADL).

Hundreds more, including a small number of evangelical Christian organizations, play a role within a vast ecosystem that demands unconditional U.S. support for Israel.

In the year 2012 the nonprofit wing of the Israel lobby raised $3.7 billion in revenue. They are on track to reach $6.3 billion by 2020. Collectively they employed 14,000 and claimed 350,000 volunteers."

The $3.7 billion raised in 2012 was largely tax exempt and it does not include the billions in private donations that go directly to Israel, as well as the billions in contributions that are regarded as covered by “religious exemptions” for groups that don’t file at all.

There are also contributions sent straight to various Israeli-based foundations that are themselves often registered as charities.

Related: The Israeli Government Is The Most Anti-Semitic Organisation On The Face Of The Earth: Enough Of The Zionist Satanism

The Forward magazine investigated 3,600 Jewish tax-exempt charitable foundations in 2014 and determined that they had net assets of $26 billion, $12 - 14 billion in annual revenue, and “focuse[d] the largest share of [their] donor dollars on Israel.” That share amounted to 38 percent of total income.

The Forward
adds that it is:

"An apparatus that benefits massively from the U.S. federal government and many state and local governments, in the form of hundreds of millions of dollars in government grants, billions in tax-deductible donations and billions more in program fees paid for with government funds.”

Some pro-Israel foundations are in-your-face about their goals. The Friends of the Israel Defense Forces, which “Support[s] the wellbeing and education needs of Israel’s brave soldiers,” is a registered tax-exempt charity that conducts fundraisers throughout the United States.

Money being fungible, some American Jews have been surprised to learn that the donations that they had presumed were going to what they regard as charitable causes in Israel have instead wound up in expanding the illegal settlements on the West Bank, an objective that they might not support.

It was recently reported that Donald Trump’s son-in-law and advisor Jared Kushner has a family foundation that has made donations to Israel, including funding of West Bank settlements, which is illegal under U.S. law.

Israel also benefits in other ways, frequently due to legislative action by Congress. It enjoys free and even preferential trade status with the United States and runs a $9 billion trade surplus per annum.

Its companies and parastatal organizations can, without any restrictions, bid on U.S. defense and homeland-security projects - a privilege normally only granted to NATO partners - which has given it dominance in some U.S. law-enforcement, telecommunications, and travel-security sectors.

Its involvement in the development and use of classified military technologies developed by U.S. arms producers has sometimes led to claims that Israel has adopted and adapted - or even stolen - proprietary information and then used it to develop its own arms industry, which is now ranked sixth in the world by volume of sales.

Ironically, U.S. taxpayers have subsidized an Israeli industry that then competes directly with American companies, producing a loss of jobs in the United States.

There has also been considerable collateral damage derived from the relationship with Israel, including the Arab Oil embargo and possibly even some blame for the ruinous cost of Iraq, which many believe to have been fought in part for Israel.

But even without that war, the U.S.-Israeli bilateral relationship has been an expensive proposition for Americans. Whether Israel is a strategic liability or not, or whether its complicated geostrategic situation merits virtually unquestioning support from the United States, the reality is that it has a lopsided relationship with Washington.

‘The Motherlode of Jewish Lists’ - Everything you ever wanted to know about Jewish control of American society

This has long been and continues to be largely paid for by the United States taxpayer, who is not as well off as he once was.

The U.S.-Israel relationship is yet another instance where the perceived needs of an American “ally” take precedence over genuine national interests. Tens of billions of dollars need not necessarily be spent to placate a wealthy foreign country and its powerful domestic lobby.

Indeed, other options to employ the money closer to home - in the form of schools, highways, and hospitals - may become increasingly attractive to American voters.

Philip Giraldi, a former CIA officer, is executive director of the Council for the National Interest.

The Reality Of Zionist Control

The Zionist control of the media, both traditional, mainstream and alternative is nothing new, it has been an on-going process for over a century, as evidenced by the Protocols of The Learned Elders of Zion:

Protocol XII – Control of the Press: We Control The Press: NOT A SINGLE ANNOUNCEMENT WILL REACH THE PUBLIC WITHOUT OUR CONTROL. Even now this is already being attained by us inasmuch as all news items are received by a few agencies, in whose offices they are focused from all parts of the world. These agencies will then be already entirely ours and will give publicity only to what we dictate to them.

Related: Were Hitler & Nazism Zionist Creations?

It is worth reading the full text of Protocol XII in order to understand how and why the Zionists have taken control of the world’s media.

Comment: Personally I hate this subject - it drives straight to the core of the Cabal. The article on the following link describes the history in detail. The Khazarian Zionists run the Cabal - they hide within Judaism.

Jews are NOT a race. Judaism is a RELIGION. Zionism is a POLITICAL MOVEMENT. One does not have to be a Jew to be a Zionist. One does not have to be a Zionist to be a Jew.

The Zionists hide within the religion of Judaism behind their over-hyped and manufactures 'Apocaluypse' with their crybaby 'Anti-Semitic' rhetort - when in fact they visited they have most heinous atrocoties upon their cover-story people the Jewish - whilst raping and murdering their way arounf the world on their quest to bring in their fascist, Luciferian New World Order.

Jews are NOT the problem. The Khazarian Zionists are the problem. AND THEY WANT YOU DEAD if you are not one of them - as has been stated in the public domain for decades.

Related: The Hidden History Of The Incredibly Evil Khazarian Mafia [Illuminati Cabal Zionists...]

Related: Zionist Organized Crime

"The best way to control the opposition is to lead it ourselves.”

- Vladimir Ilyich Lenin

Rather than use the term Zionist, we are best served by Khazarian Mafia, a term coined by Dr. Preston James. The Khazarians are a group that formed a parasitic nation during the early first millennium, northern Turkey, the Ukraine, Belarus and a bit of Kazakhstan. 

Because they were so vile, so hated, their neighbors had the choice of either wiping them out or reforming them. They were given the chance to choose a religion, available at the time, Islam, really reformed Judaism, Christianity, really repackaged Greco-Roman pagan worship and Judaism. They chose the latter.

With the barbarian invasions, Khazaria was broken up and their population pushed across Eastern Europe, making up the Jewish populations later rounded up by Hitler. 

Related: Jewish Power-The power to silence criticism of Jewish Power

None were Semitic, their genetics, when tested, prove that out by 95% according to Johns Hopkins. 

Real Jews went to Morocco, Spain, Persia and Iraq, even into Africa. Most real “Jews” became Palestinians, changing their religion to Christianity and then Islam, as governments required at the time.

Without the expertise of Israel, neither congress nor the Pentagon could get paid, terrorists and jihadists would never travel freely around the world like wraiths and some of our curious and improbable acts of terror just might have never occurred; but this sounds a bit like conspiracy theory so we must move on.

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Top Ten Reasons To Doubt Official Story On Assad Poison-Gas Attack
April 15 2017 | From: JonRappoport / Farouk

The sarin-gas attack story prompted the US missile strike on a Syrian runway. Here are the top ten reasons for doubting that story, and instead calling it a convenient pretext:

1. Photos show rescue workers treating/decontaminating people injured or killed in the gas attack. The workers aren’t wearing gloves or protective gear. Only the clueless or crazy would expose themselves to sarin residue, which can be fatal.

Related: Assad: US ‘Fabricated’ Chemical Weapons Attack, Videos Could be Staged

2. MIT professor Thomas Postol told RT;

“I believe it can be shown, without doubt, that the [US intelligence] document does not provide any evidence whatsoever that the US government has concrete knowledge that the government of Syria was the source of the chemical attack in Khan Shaykhun.

Any competent analyst would have had questions about whether the debris in the crater was staged or real. No competent analyst would miss the fact that the alleged sarin canister was forcefully crushed from above, rather than exploded by a munition within it.”

How would a canister purportedly dropped from an Assad-ordered plane incur “crushing from above?”

3. Why would President Assad, supported by Russia, scoring victory after victory against ISIS, moving closer to peace negotiations, suddenly risk all his gains by dropping sarin gas on his own people?

4. In an interview with Scott Horton, ex-CIA officer Philip Giraldi states that his intelligence and military sources indicate Assad didn’t attack his own people with poison gas.

5. Ex-CIA officer Ray McGovern states that his military sources report an Assad air strike did hit a chemical plant, and the fallout killed people, but the attack was not planned for that purpose. There was no knowledge the chemicals were lethal.

6. At consortiumnews.com, journalist Robert Parry writes;

“There is a dark mystery behind the White House-released photo showing President Trump and more than a dozen advisers meeting at his estate in Mar-a-Lago after his decision to strike Syria with Tomahawk missiles: Where are CIA Director Mike Pompeo and other top intelligence officials?”

“Before the photo was released on Friday, a source told me that Pompeo had personally briefed Trump on April 6 about the CIA’s belief that Syrian President Bashar al-Assad was likely not responsible for the lethal poison-gas incident in northern Syria two days earlier - and thus Pompeo was excluded from the larger meeting as Trump reached a contrary decision.”

“After the attack, Secretary of State Tillerson, who is not an institutional intelligence official and has little experience with the subtleties of intelligence, was the one to claim that the U.S. intelligence community assessed with a ‘high degree of confidence’ that the Syrian government had dropped a poison gas bomb on civilians in Idlib province.”

“While Tillerson’s comment meshed with Official Washington’s hastily formed groupthink of Assad’s guilt, it is hard to believe that CIA analysts would have settled on such a firm conclusion so quickly, especially given the remote location of the incident and the fact that the initial information was coming from pro-rebel (or Al Qaeda) sources.”

“Thus, a serious question arises whether President Trump did receive that ‘high degree of confidence’ assessment from the intelligence community or whether he shunted Pompeo aside to eliminate an obstacle to his desire to launch the April 6 rocket attack.”

7. As soon as the Assad gas attack was reported, the stage was set for a US missile strike. No comprehensive investigation of the purported gas attack was undertaken.

8. There are, of course, precedents for US wars based on false evidence - the missing WMDs in Iraq, the claims of babies being pushed out of incubators in Kuwait, to name just two.

9. Who benefits from the sarin gas story? Assad? Or US neocons; the US military-industrial complex; Pentagon generals who want a huge increase in their military budget; Trump and his team, who are suddenly praised in the press, after a year of being pilloried at every turn; and ISIS?

10. For those who doubt that ISIS has ever used poison gas, see the NY Times (11/21/2016). While claiming that Assad has deployed chemical attacks, the article also states that ISIS has deployed chemical weapons 52 times since 2014.

I’m not claiming these ten reasons definitely and absolutely rule out the possibility of an Assad-ordered chemical attack. But they do add up to a far more believable conclusion than the quickly assembled “Assad-did-it” story.

These ten reasons starkly point to the lack of a rational and complete investigation of the “gas attack.” And this lack throws a monkey wrench into Trump’s claim that he was ordering the missile strike based on “a high degree of confidence.”

Syria & North Korea

Isn’t it interesting that a real World Leader actually went out and took pictures of the US Tomahawk missile strike in Syria and then counted the craters - ”23” and then declared the whole exercise a “FALSE FLAG”! Thank you Mr. Putin. Now can you tell the World where are the other 36 (59-23) craters?

Did anyone see the pictures of the hazardous gas canisters stacked in a heap out in the hot Syrian desert sun? See! They didn’t destroy all their stocks according to MSM sources. But what bloody foole would store real lethal gas cannisters out in the open in a junk pile in the desert? Please!

Nice bit acting by the same guys and that little girl that got rescued three times. And what was our hero, John McCain doing in Syria a month or so ago?

Making new friends or just PAYING a courtesy visit to old buddies? Where is the picture of him sitting between those two scowling Generals who clearly hawkishly misinformed the President of the real situation.

Trump appears to be keeping his friends close and his enemies closer and easier to arrest when necessary.

Nice tight slap to the Generals by Putin, saying “don’t even think about doing that ever again!” It was not aimed at Trump who had notified him earlier and arranged for White Hat Generals to send the missiles elsewhere and missing any important targets. Those in the know, know.

Now for North Korea. Gosh, isn’t that a Rothschild’s puppet regime supplying illegal amphetamines to the World via CIA networks? Obummer just lost a planeload of that junk, right?

Well, it seems that the holiday package is coming to an end as a nuke armed idiot is not a nice neighbor for either China, Japan, Russia or the US. The fat guy with the funny hairdo (#1,#2 or #3?) had better shut up and change sides or else.

And by the way, all the vital military targets over there have already been target programmed by both the Chinese and US forces for a night of fireworks that you will never forget - provided you are still around to forget.

Understand that this little country has been purposely controlled for decades to be a Cabal wedge in Asia, separating China and South Korea and Japan and invested US interests in the region. Where does this country get any money to buy anything internationally?

No real exports except illegal drugs, so who is footing the real bills? Who gave them advanced rocket and bomb technology (some say Hellery helped)?

Who keeps a bankrupt, military dictatorship funded? The obvious move by Trump and Xi is now to remove this thorn and transition that country back into the World with a new and more responsive government.

That will be a difficult task as North Koreans have been brainwashed for a whole generation of military rule and strict controls. Replacements are cut from the same cloth thus it will be necessary to have a real restructuring and development plan prior to bombing the sh*t out of their hierarchy and facilities.

What are you going to do with millions of programmed hateful and vengeful fire ants with guns? The Cabal would just nuke or gas them and blame it on the US and China. So Guys, what is your OFFER? What’s your PLAN to help these human beings back into our World society? Every hole you make needs to be refilled.

Plant a bit of goodness in advance. It is never too late to do the right thing...

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Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi

Why Russia Has Become The Number-One Target In The US Press
April 14 2017 | From: JonRapoport

The new devil in the US press, as of last summer, was Russia. All of a sudden. And then, in the wake of the election, the devil became the DEVIL.

Was this nothing more than an attempt to discredit Trump and his victory?

Related: Who's Playing The Long Game - And What's Their Game Plan?

No. It was definitely something more.

As David Icke stated on the Richie Allen show a few days ago, Russia was the player who was standing in the way of the long-term goal to get rid of Assad in Syria and turn the country into a hellhole like Libya.

The US government and its allies had created, funded, and armed the group called ISIS, the proxy force for, among other operations, wiping out the Assad government in Syria. The Syria op was a slam-dunk... until it wasn’t. Until Putin stepped in and gave air support to Assad’s troops and turned the war around, bringing it to the brink of, God forbid, actual peace negotiations.

That outcome was definitely NOT on the agenda of the US Project for a New American Century, the neocon playbook for destabilizing the Middle East.

Putin was standing in the way. He was screwing up The Plan. He was winning.

Therefore, another WMD (as in Iraq) situation was required. This time, based on no reasonable evidence, the reported weapon would be sarin gas, and the place would be Syria, and the perpetrator would be Assad. And before the sarin-Assad claims could be studied fully, it was time for a response, an attack, a missile strike. The objective? Destroy the peace process in Syria, paint Assad as the killer.

Related: John McCain Confirms ISIS False Flag Chemical Attack on Syria

Trump went along. He pulled the trigger. He was fed “evidence” that Assad was killing his own people with outlawed chemical weapons, and he ordered the missile strike. Or did he?

And now, every neocon in Washington who can get press coverage is saying the Trump has, for the first time, “become the president.”

And that’s true, if by “president” we mean a person who is ingesting “evidence” and taking marching orders from above; from what has been called the Deep State.

A State dedicated to endless war.

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U.S. Intelligence Source: Syria Chemical Weapons Attack Launched From Saudi Base
April 14 2017 | From: Infowars

Award winning journalist Robert Parry says incident was likely a false flag.

Award-winning Iran-Contra journalist Robert Parry says the chemical weapons attack in Syria was launched from a joint Saudi-Israeli special operations base in Jordan, according to his intelligence sources.

Related: Ex-UK Ambassador: Assad wasn't behind the chemical attack

U.S. intelligence analysts determined that a drone was responsible for the attack and “eventually came to believe that the flight was launched in Jordan from a Saudi-Israeli special operations base for supporting Syrian rebels,” according to the source.

“The suspected reason for the poison gas was to create an incident that would reverse the Trump administration’s announcement in late March that it was no longer seeking the removal of President Bashar al-Assad,”
writes Parry.

As we highlighted back in 2013 after another chemical weapons attack in Ghouta that was blamed on Assad, rebels freely admitted to Associated Press correspondent Dale Gavlak that they had been given the weapons by Saudi Arabia but had “handled the weapons improperly and set off the explosions.”

Parry’s background lends the information credibility. He covered the Iran-Contra scandal for the Associated Press and Newsweek and was later given a George Polk award for his work on intelligence matters.

The contention that the incident was a “false flag” to create a justification for air strikes has also been voiced by former Congressman Ron Paul as well as numerous other prominent voices, including Vladimir Putin himself, who went on to warn that rebels could now stage a similar incident in Damascus to goad the U.S. into toppling Assad.

Whoever was responsible for the attack does not take away from the horror of the event and the fact that innocent people and children died.

Parry dismissed the four page report released by President Trump’s National Security Council that blames the Syrian government for the chemical attack as being heavy on assertions but lacking actual evidence.

The white paper states:

“We cannot publicly release all available intelligence on this attack due to the need to protect sources and methods,”
although as Parry points out, “In similarly tense situations in the past, U.S. Presidents have released sensitive intelligence to buttress U.S. government assertions, including John F. Kennedy’s disclosure of U-2 spy flights in the 1962 Cuban Missile Crisis and Ronald Reagan revealing electronic intercepts after the Soviet shoot-down of Korean Airlines Flight 007 in 1983.”

Parry challenged the Trump administration to make its evidence publicly available, while also questioning why both CIA Director Mike Pompeo and Director of National Intelligence Dan Coats were not show in a photo released by the White House which shows the President and a dozen of his senior advisers monitoring the April 6 missile strike from a room at his Mar-a-Lago estate in Florida.

“Given President Trump’s spotty record for getting facts straight – he and his administration should go the extra mile in presenting irrefutable evidence to support its assessments, not simply insisting that the world must “trust us,”
concludes Parry.

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Putin: Syria Chemical Attack Was ‘False Flag’, More Coming
April 13 2017 | From: Infowars

"They plan to plant chemicals in Damascus and accuse the Syrian government of an attack".

Russian President Vladimir Putin has claimed that the recent chemical attack in Idlib province in Syria was a false flag operation, and that more ‘provocations’ are being prepared.

Related: CIA Pushed “Oust Assad Family” Doctrine across 6 US Presidents

"We have reports from multiple sources that false flags like this one – and I cannot call it otherwise – are being prepared in other parts of Syria, including the southern suburbs of Damascus.”
Putin said during a joint press conference with Italian President Sergio Mattarella in Moscow.

They plan to plant some chemicals there and accuse the Syrian government of an attack,” Putin told media representatives, adding that he has “trusted sources”.

Putin went on to compare the situation in Syria to Saddam Hussein’s non existent weapons of mass destruction, indicating that he may believe that the US is either behind the false flag, or at least actively pushing such propaganda, while anti-government rebels in Syria carried out the attack.

“President Mattarella and I discussed it, and I told him that this reminds me strongly of the events in 2003, when the US representatives demonstrated at the UN Security Council session the presumed chemical weapons found in Iraq.”
Putin said.

“The military campaign was subsequently launched in Iraq and it ended with the devastation of the country, the growth of the terrorist threat and the appearance of Islamic State [IS, formerly ISIS] on the world stage,” Putin added.

“All incidents reminiscent of the chemical attacks that took place in Idlib must be thoroughly investigated,” Putin concluded, also clarifying that he has no scheduled meeting with Rex Tillerson, who is on his way to Russia.

In addition, the Russian general staff has said that Syrian forces posses no chemical weapons, and that further US Syria strikes will be viewed as unacceptable.

Whistleblowers On Trump’s Wag-The-Dog Attack

Did Syria & Russia have chemical weapons or did something else cause the deaths? Was Rice telling the truth when she said there were no chemical weapons? Was James Clapper telling the truth when he said there were chemical weapons? Some in the intelligence community are speaking out about what really happened.

Related: Trump: ‘We’re not going into Syria’

Related: Russians Slam US Version of Syrian Chemical Weapons Event - Will John McCain, John Brennan, and Herbert McMaster be Held Accountable (with Saudi Arabia and Israel)?

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White House Source: Trump Pushes Back Against Neo-Con Plan To Invade Syria
April 12 2017 | From: Infowars

Troops massing as deep state plots regime change.

The Trump administration is currently locked in a heated debate over whether to launch a full ground invasion of Syria, with hundreds of thousands of soldiers now massing.

Related: Bombshell: how far did Obama spying go?

According to White House sources who spoke to Infowars, Trump is reticent to see U.S. troops embroiled in yet another Middle East quagmire, but is under pressure from top neo-cons in his administration to prevent Russia from dominating the region as the fall of ISIS nears.

Trump has refused to agree to a no fly zone over Syria and does not want to directly attack Assad’s forces in Damascus. However, Assad is apparently backing away from a deal he made with the Pentagon four years ago to step down from power in order to prevent a U.S. military bombardment that Obama pushed for back in 2013.

The air strike ordered by Trump was apparently a reminder to Assad of the deal he struck to step down once jihadists had been defeated.

Troop numbers are now being massively escalated in western Iraq to reinforce this message, including the 11th Marine Expeditionary Unit, to back up and cover the flank for U.S. Army ground forces in case of possible attack by Assad.

Trump’s response to the alleged chemical weapons attack allowed him to look decisive and was a show of strength towards China and North Korea. It also served to temporarily silence the repeated accusations that he is in collusion with Russia.

Trump’s aim with the air strike was to destroy Syria’s remaining chemical weapons to make Assad follow through on the deal. If he didn’t act, Trump would have been eviscerated by his critics as being equally as weak as Obama.

However, increasingly prominent neo-cons within the administration, led by National Security Adviser H. R. McMaster, are exploiting the circumstances to maneuver Trump into a position where he is pressured into green lighting a full scale ground war, an attack on Damascus and a confrontation with Russia.

If Trump allows himself to be manipulated in this way, it will undoubtedly destroy his presidency and leave him with a legacy on a par with George W. Bush.

As Mike Cernovich’s sources confirm;

“McMaster is manipulating intelligence reports given to President Donald Trump” and is “plotting how to sell a massive ground war in Syria to President Trump with the help of disgraced former CIA director and convicted criminal David Petraeus.”

Trump sees resolving the Syrian civil war as imperative because Syria is a gateway into Turkey, whose Islamist government is exploiting the chaos to exacerbate the refugee crisis and force Europe into capitulation to Muslim colonization.

However, if neo-cons are able to assert their power and silence nationalist voices within the Trump administration like Steve Bannon, who opposes regime change in Syria, the consequences of toppling Assad will be completely disastrous for both Trump and the entire region.

Trump Pushes Back Against Neo Con Plan To Invade Syria

Related: Trump’s First Airstrike on Syria, Tactical or Pure Madness?

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The Real Russiagate: Obama’s Stasi State
April 12 2017 | From: PaulCraigRoberts

Mike Whitney has written an excellent expose of the “Russiagate” cover story for Obama’s political use of national security to help his party oppose Republicans.

Covert surveillance of politicians on Obama’s Nixon-like “Enemies List” has been going on for many years, but is only now being unmasked as a result of the failure of Obama’s cover story - “We weren’t spying on political opponents; only on Russians to protect America.”

Related: The Russia Hacking Fiasco: No Evidence Required

The presstitute media has passed on the cover story authored by former Obama-administration officials led by CIA director John Brennan, FBI director James Comey, the DNC, and Democratic Rep. Adam Schiff. The loose ends in this cover-up have now been so widely exposed as hearsay and political that only 13% of Republicans believe the fact-free story – but 67% of Democrats cling to it.

Whitney reports that Comey began the investigation in July 2016. As of last Friday (March 31, 2017) not a scrap of evidence has turned up.

This did not deter Comey from telling Congress that Putin “hated Secretary Clinton so much that the flip side of that coin was that he had a clear preference for the person running against the person he hated so much.” So the Russians allegedly “engaged in a multifaceted campaign to undermine our democracy.”

Comey based this conclusion on what has become a hilarious bit of gullibililty. The Russians, he said “were unusually loud in their intervention. It’s almost as if they didn’t care that we knew, that they wanted us to see what they were doing.”

Alternatively, someone wanted investigators to infer that the Russians were doing the hacking. As Wikeleaks Vault 7 releases prove, the CIA can hack computers and leave anyone else’s signature. Due to poor security, the CIA’s cybertechnology ended up in the Internet domain.

“They’ll be back. They’ll be back, in 2020. They may be back in 2018,”
warned Mr. Comey. But who is the “they”? “They” seem to be “us,” or at least what numerous former national security officials have suggested: either the NSC, CIA or its “Five Eyes” partner, British MI6.

Wall Street Journal editorialist Kimberley A. Strassel poses the real question: Why hasn’t the Trump administration had the Secret Service to arrest Comey, Brennan, Schiff, the DNC and Hillary for trying to overthrow the President of the United States?

“Mr. Nunes has said he has seen proof that the Obama White House surveilled the incoming administration - on subjects that had nothing to do with Russia - and that it further unmasked (identified by name) transition officials. This goes far beyond a mere scandal. It’s a potential crime.”

What Devin Nunes Knows

What we are watching is turning out to be traces of a plot against a government elected by the American people. Attempts to get at the truth by House national security committee Chairman Devin Nunes have been countered with demands by Democrats to recuse himself so as to stop his exposé of how “Team Obama was spying broadly on the incoming administration.”

It seems that this has been going on for many years now. Former Rep. Dennis Kucinich has dropped a bombshell about what appears to be his own illegal surveillance under Obama’s NSC.

“When the president raised the question of wiretapping on his phones in Trump Tower, he was challenged to prove that such a thing could happen. It happened to me.”

Here’s what happened, which was revealed two years after he left office in 2013 when the Democrats were overjoyed to see Ohio Republicans redraw the election district lines to get rid of his candidacy.

The Washington Times asked him to authenticate a secret recording of a cell phone call “from Saif el-Islam Qaddafi, a high-ranking official in Libya’s government and a son of the country’s ruler, Moammar Qaddafi.”

Before taking the call, Rep. Kucinich “checked with the House’s general counsel to ensure that such a discussion by a member of Congress with a foreign power was permitted by law.”

“I was assured that under the Constitution a lawmaker had a fundamental duty to ask questions and gather information - activity expressly protected by the Article I clauses covering separation of powers and congressional speech and debate.”

Given the quality of the recordings was excellent on both ends of the call, Kucinich concluded that “the tape was made by an American intelligence agency and then leaked to the Times for political reasons. If so, this episode represented a gross violation of the separation of powers.”

His repeated Freedom of Information Act requests made in 2012 before leaving office have been stonewalled by the intelligence agencies for five years.

We are now in a position to see the real story behind “Russiagate.” It’s not about Russia.

The real news is the Obama regime’s abuse of the government’s surveillance powers to spy on Donald Trump and other Republicans in order to build a dossier for the DNC to leak to the press in an attempt to slander or compromise Trump and throw the election to Hillary.

They’ve been caught, but we can now see that they took steps to protect themselves against this. They prepared a cover story. They pretend they were not spying on Trump, but on Russians – which only by fortuitous happenchance turned up alleged incriminating smoke against Trump.

This cover story was buttressed by the fake news story prepared by former MI6 freelancer Christopher Steele. As Whitney reports, Steele;

“Was hired as an opposition researcher last June to dig up derogatory information on Donald Trump.”

Unvetted and unverified information by so-called informants somehow found its way into U.S. intelligence agency reports. These reports were then leaked to Democrat-friendly media. This is where the crime lies. Obama regime and DNC were using these agencies for domestic political use, KGB style.

The Obama/Clinton cover story is now falling to pieces. That explains the desperation in the attack by Adam Schiff, the ranking Democrat on the House Intelligence Committee, on Committee Chairman Devin Nunes to stop the exposure.

Russiagate is not a Trump/Putin collusion but a domestic spy job carried out by Democrats.

Law requires Trump to arrest those responsible and to put them on trial for treason and conspiracy to overthrow the government of the United States.

If Trump fears to prosecute the Obama operatives within the Deep State, they will try all the harder to attack him to the point of forcing his removal or at least discrediting him and his fellow Republicans to pave the way for the 2018 elections.

Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi

Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi

Covert War Between Russia And Khazarian Jewry
April 11 2017 | From: Geopolitics

The precursor to the ongoing covert hybrid WW3 has its colorful beginnings in the Kingdom of Khazaria, a Turkic empire which had its epicenter center in what is now known as Ukraine.

Within minutes the false narrative of the Sarin attack in Syria was exposed as a hoax with fake pictures of rescuers with sneeze masks handling gas attack patients. Look in the background and you will probably find that shocked girl, the one crying at Sandy Hook, Boston and Paris.

Comment: Before anyone takes an opportunity to have an anti-semitic hissy-fit - it should be made clear once again that it is the Zionists that hide withihn Judaism and uses them as a cover - that is the problem that we all face.

Related: Russia Calls For Elimination Of Khazarian Mafia World Order + Globalist Corporations Are Blind In The Face Of Doom

Khazarians become known to surrounding countries as thieves, murderers, road bandits, and for assuming the identities of those travelers they murdered as a normal occupational practice and way of life.

800 AD - The Ultimatum is Delivered by Russia and Other Surrounding Nations

The leaders of the surrounding nations, especially Russia, have had so many years of complaints by their citizens that, as a group, they deliver an ultimatum to the Khazarian king.

They send a communique to the Khazarian king that he must choose one of the three Abrahamic religions for his people, and make it his official state religion and require all Khazarian citizens to practice it, and socialize all Khazarian children to practice that faith.

The Khazarian king was given a choice between Islam, Christianity and Judaism. The Khazarian king chose Judaism, and promised to stay within the requirements laid out by the surrounding confederacy of nations led by the Russian czar.

Despite his agreement and promise, the Khazarian king and his inner circle of oligarchs kept practicing ancient Babylonian black-magic, also known as Secret Satanism. This Secret Satanism involved occult ceremonies featuring child sacrifice, after “bleeding them out”, drinking their blood and eating their hearts.

As opposed to most peoples today, the remnants of Khazaria don’t let bygones be bygones. They have been preparing for the big war. They have been infiltrating all of the institutions of the world.

"The deep dark secret of the occult ceremonies was that they were all based on ancient Baal Worship, also known as worship of the Owl.

In order to fool the confederacy of nations led by Russia that were watching Khazaria, the Khazarian king melded these Luciferian black-magick practices with Judaism and created a secret Satanic-hybrid religion, known as Babylonian Talmudism.

This was made the national religion of Khazaria, and nurtured the same evil that Khazaria was known for before.

Sadly, the Khazarians continued their evil ways, robbing and murdering those from surrounding countries who traveled through Khazaria.

Khazarian robbers often attempted to assume their identities after they murdered these visitors, and became masters of disguises and false identities - a practice they have continued even to this very day, along with their child-sacrifice occult ceremonies, which are actually ancient Baal Worship."

Today, they are everywhere, and Russia’s battle is ours, too.

The Truth about the Conflict with Russia

“The truth is incontrovertible. Malice may attack it, ignorance may deride it, but in the end, there it is.”

- Winston Churchill

The current conflict between the US and Russia is due to one simple reason: the Ashkenazim. They have a debt to settle with Russia. Allow us to forward a bit of chronological tables as we delve into the nitty-gritty behind the conflict.

The Ashkenazim are the descendants of the Gentile (Goy) Ashkenaz, the Japhetite.

“The sons of Japheth were Gomer, Javan… The sons of Gomer: Ashkenaz, Riphath, and Togarmah.”

- Genesis 10:2,3

“By these were the isles of the Gentiles divided in their lands.”

- Genesis 10:5

They are a resilient, roaming Turkic people. They have a knack for reinventing themselves. They first surfaced in world annals as the notoriously barbaric Scythians or Sakadeans, depending on regional phonetic.

“Here there is no Gentile or Judahite, circumcised or uncircumcised, barbarian, Scythian, slave or free, but Christ is all, and is in all.”

- Colossians 3: 11

The word Scythian or Sakadean comes from the word Saka – with its Iranian verbal root Sak, meaning to roam.

The Scythians settled Central Eurasia which they conquered with their Gentile brother Togarmath and various other cousins, expanding across a vast track of land that encompassed but was not limited to parts of present-day Turkey and Iran. Their Gentile brother Riphath along with their uncle Javan’s descendants settled in Greece.

Later on, they reinvented themselves and settled a land they would call Khazaria – from the word Qasar, with its Turkic root Qaz, meaning to roam – following the break-up of the western Turkish Steppe Empire. Then the country converted en masse to Judaism/Pharisaism, sometime between 740 and 920 AD, just so they could remain independent of the two competing empires of that time, Christianity and Islam.

Judaism was the most actively proselytizing religion… The most significant mass conversion occurred in the 8th century, in the massive Khazar kingdom between the Black and Caspian seas,” explained Jewish historian Shlomo Sand.

Click on the image above to open a larger version in a new window

Then, Sviatoslav I of Kiev destroyed Khazaria around 1048 and absorbed it into Kievan Rus’, a territory that would later become part of the Russian Empire.

In Imperial Russia, the Ashkenazim were kept under tight control and enclosed in the Pale of Settlement. Something the Ashkenazim never forgave Russia.

Biding their time, they nurtured their hatred and plotted their revenge along with a new reinvention. They became the power behind the heinous Bolsheviks who took over the Russian government in the 1910s, killed 66 million Christians, including 200,000 members of the Christian clergy, and destroyed 40,000 churches.

“You must understand, the leading Bolsheviks who took over Russia were not Russians. They hated Russians. They hated Christians. Driven by ethnic hatred they tortured and slaughtered millions of Russians without a shred of human remorse. It cannot be overstated. Bolshevism committed the greatest human slaughter of all time.

The fact that most of the world is ignorant and uncaring about this enormous crime is proof that the global media is in the hands of the perpetrators,”
explained famed Christian Russian writer Alexandr Solzhenitsyn.

The great majority of these vicious Bolsheviks were Ashkenazi Jews such as Vladimir Lenin, Leon Trosky, Lev Kamenev, Gregory Zinoviev, Yakov Sverdlov, and Grigory Sokolnikov.

They were financed by Ashkenazi bankers from New York and London, such as Rothschild Bank and Jacob Schiff of Kuhn and Loeb & Co., who themselves championed the destructive ideology of the Ashkenazi Karl Marx, and found it profitable to invest in Communism’s disastrous conquest of Russia, while making a few bucks in the process by plundering the country via well placed agents who would later be known as “oligarchs“.

Russia’s entire Soviet Empire collapsed in 1991. Thus the Ashkenazim succeeded in bringing Russia to its knees.

Revenge Round 1. Done.

Khazaria overlapped Ukraine & Crimea

Today, Russia is under fire for the conflict in Ukraine. A conflict that was started by the neocon Ashkenazi Victoria Nuland in the US State Department, with her neocon Ashkenazi husband Robert Kagan working in the background via powerful organizations such as Project for a New American Century, the Brookings Institution, and Council on Foreign Relations. The Ashkenazi George Soros also contributed financially to the Ukrainian Maidan “Revolution”.

“Many of the participants in Kiev’s ‘EuroMaidan’ demonstrations were members of Soros-funded NGOs and/or were trained by the same NGOs in the many workshops and conferences sponsored by Soros’ International Renaissance Foundation (IRF), and his various Open Society institutes and foundations.

The IRF, founded and funded by Soros, boasts that it has given ‘more than any other donor organization’ to ‘democratic transformation’ of Ukraine,”
wrote William F. Jasper in The New American.

In other words, the Ashkenazim or the Jewish neocons are goading the Russian bear by wagging the American dog. The dog can’t really decline because AIPAC has it by the groin, bribing equally both the Republicans and the Democrats, who are nothing but political whores willing to betray their country and risk the peace of the world. And remember, AIPAC is controlled by powerful Ashkenazi-American business leaders.

Their sole purpose is to destroy Russia once again by starting a fire in its underbelly, Ukraine. A fire they’re planning to spread into Russia proper via military and economic warfare.

Why? Because Russia has had the gall to rise from its still warm Ashkenazi-induced ashes. And because Russia has had the temerity to arrest their well placed thieving agents known as “oligarchs”, with some fleeing the country. And because Russia has had the audacity to impede the American war on Syria, which was orchestrated by AIPAC for the benefit of Israel.

Revenge Round 2. In progress.

After the destruction of Khazaria, the Ashkenazim scattered East and West throughout Europe and reinvented themselves as Errant Jews or Wandering Jews – meaning Roaming (Khazarian / Sakadean or Scythian) Jews. That label had nothing to do with a longing for Palestine but a longing for Khazaria or perhaps a longing for a new land, any new land. Here’s an excerpt from Wikipedia:

In 1903 Theodore Herzl presented the British Uganda Program at the Sixth Zionist Congress in Basel.

In the late 1930s, the British Zionist League considered a number of other places where a Jewish homeland could be established. The Kimberley region in Australia was considered until the Curtin government (in office: 1941–1945) rejected the possibility.

With the support of the then Premier of Tasmania, Robert Cosgrove (in office from 1939), Critchley Parker proposed a Jewish settlement at Port Davey, in south west Tasmania. Parker surveyed the area, but his death in 1942 put an end to the idea.

The Jewish Autonomous Oblast set up in the Russian Far East in 1934, represented a Soviet approach to providing a Jewish homeland."

In the wake of World War 2, a great number reluctantly assimilated themselves throughout the Americas. However, the great majority migrated to Palestine where they created many terrorist groups such as the Irgun, the Stern gang, and Haganah.

They terrorized the Palestinian population, killed thousands upon thousands, and forced hundreds of thousands out of their homes and into neighboring Arab countries. Consequently, they stole Palestine and renamed it Israel in order to reinvent themselves as Hebrews and hoodwink gullible Christians in the West.

“It is certain that there is no ethnic or racial continuum between the Biblical Israelites and the (Ashkenazic) Khazarians who lead the Jewish state,” explained Gilad Atzmon, Jewish writer and musician.

In their adoptive countries outside of Israel, including the US and Europe, the Ashkenazim have become financial and influential powerhouses, not because they’re Jews – at heart the majority of them are really not religious at all and couldn’t care less – but because they’re a shrewd people.

They have learned much from their roaming throughout history, and they assimilate themselves fast and hard. They’re the ultimate Nomads.

Was this on Putin’s mind?

Now could it be that, after two successive ideological failures in the forms of Communism and the current slow-motion destruction of Zionism in Israel, somewhere deep inside the minds of die-hard Ashkenazi leaders lies a plan for a new reinvention?

Will that reinvention be the re-conquest of their Khazar Khaganate – a land that is situated deep inside Russia and encompasses Ukraine and Crimea? Is that why Putin suddenly reattached Crimea to Russia?

Could it be that the Ashkenazim’s plan is to take back and re-settle their ancient Khazaria after the Downfall of Apartheid Israel?

Is it why the duly elected President of Ukraine was forcibly removed in order to install a puppet government with a new Prime Minister named Arseniy Yatsenyuk, who according to The Guardian is playing down his Jewish roots (Arseniy Yatsenyuk was recently replaced by another Jew, Volodymyr Groysman)? Will they be okay with just Ukraine? Revenge Round 3? If so, prepare for World War 3.

“I saw the prosperity of the wicked… Their strength is firm… Pride serves as their necklace; Violence covers them like a garment… This is what the wicked are like - always free of concern as they go on amassing wealth... Surely (Lord) You place them on slippery ground… How suddenly they fall and are destroyed, completely swept away by terrors!” Psalm 73:2,4,6,12,18,19

Bolshevik Revolution:

The Jewish Bolsheviks who took over the Russian government in the 1910s, killed 66 million Christians, including 200,000 members of the Christian clergy, and destroyed 40,000 churches.

World War 1: Britain was losing the war against Germany. The Zionists stepped in and bribed President Wilson to get the US into the war to help them. In return, the Jews asked the British Empire to deed them Palestine to create Israel. Their wish was granted in the form of the Balfour Declaration of 1917, which cost the world 18 million dead.

World War 2: The Zionists fomented that war (just like they’re doing today with Iran and other countries in the Middle East), so that European Jews could feel threatened.

The deception worked as European Jews fled in droves to Palestine and took over the homes of Palestinians, who were evicted at gunpoint and then either massacred or driven out of their land into neighboring Arab countries.

With enough Jews on the ground, Israel was created in 1948 at a cost of 80 million dead.

Related: The Truth about the Conflict with Russia

World War 3: Will the Zionists succeed in bringing the world once again to the brink of disaster to create Greater Israel? If they do, will it instead bring about their downfall? Apartheid Israel is truly a scourge. A cancer that needs to be dealt with.

Appeal: Every conscientious individual should implement a personal boycott of Israel and everything made there.

This ancient practice of “virgin offerings,” which continue even today, is based on Baal Worship, or the Worship of the Owl.

The Worship of the Owl is the key ritual at the Bohemian Grove where most leaders of the United States congregate to plot the direction of their rule.

Can you see the Big Owl in Washington DC?

Related: 6 out of 6: ALL of Syria's UNESCO Heritage Sites damaged or destroyed during civil war

We have also seen how ISIS destroyed all of the ancient relics in Palmyra, Syria, which included the UNESCO protected Arch of Triumph, or Baal Shamin, “a temple dedicated to worshiping the Phoenician god of storms and rainfall only to find them displayed in New York, UK and recently Saudi Arabia.

"Arch of Baal" Erected Today in New York City

Temple of Baal - London, UK - April 20th 2016

A recreation of Palmyra’s Arch of Triumph was unveiled in New York on Monday, almost a year after Islamic State militants destroyed the original structure.

The 1,800-year-old Roman arch was blown up by the extremist group last October, but a team of archeologists at Oxford University’s Institute for Digital archeology (IDA) set about recreating it, in an act of resistance to Isis’s rampant acts of cultural destruction in Iraq and Syria.

A recreation of the Palmyra arch, a Roman arch destroyed by Isis, goes on display at City hall Park in New York Photograph: Raya Jalabi for the Guardian

Related: Replica of Syrian arch destroyed by Isis unveiled in New York City

Obviously, they don’t have to carry it over to France.

As an aside, recent medical research has found out that injecting blood from teens reverses aging, which should explain why children continue to disappear around the world even today.

"Injecting blood from young people into old mice improves the mice’s brain power and leads to increased physical activity, according to new research. The finding could lead to breakthroughs for people suffering from degenerative conditions such as Alzheimer’s Disease.

The findings, which have yet to be peer-reviewed, were presented at the Society for Neuroscience annual meeting in San Diego, California on Monday, the New Scientist reports."

- Injecting Old Mice with Blood of Teenage Humans Reverses Aging – Study

We don’t have to resort to cannibalism and suck in some amounts of blood from some virgins just to reclaim our youth. Just read the entire linked article, when you have the time, as the real science behind the anti-aging effects is laid in simple terms.

The destruction of the old Baal tower in Palmyra only suggests that some Jewish benefactors of ISIS don’t want the Syrian people to remember that they were once part of the tradition.

The Goyim must be restricted to the religion of subservience, of self-sacrifice, that is fundamentally embedded in the Catholic doctrine, while they, the Rulers of the World, continue to live and worship Baal, the two towers of Hegelian Dialectic, to pit everyone against each other, to divide and conquer the people for all eternity, neither of which should led to enlightenment and the freedom of the individual.

Although Putin can be seen inside Christian churches lighting candles, or even visited the Pope at the height of the efforts to reform the Vatican Bank in the aftermath of the massive resignations of banking CEOs [here], it doesn’t mean that he is already a conscript like the Pope would have wanted him to be.

He is just playing politics like any politicians do. But his Oriental indoctrination should play largely into his decision-making, too.

Vladimir Putin Humiliates BBC Reporter John Simpson

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Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi

Syrian False Flag
April 10 2017 | From: Farouk

Isn’t it amazing how quickly the alternative media exposes false flags nowadays?

Within minutes the false narrative of the Sarin attack in Syria was exposed as a hoax with fake pictures of rescuers with sneeze masks handling gas attack patients. Look in the background and you will probably find that shocked girl, the one crying at Sandy Hook, Boston and Paris.

Related: False Flag Terrorism: Murdering The Innocent In Order To Support The Lie + 15 Ways To Detect A False Flag Operation

The real comic relief came when Trump issued orders to bomb Syria! 60 Tomahawk million dollar missiles launched at an abandoned airport with pre-announcements made to Syria, Russia and who knows who else at east 30-minutes before.

Then half the missiles going somewhere else! How do you lose a highly accurate million dollar cruise missile?

Obviously this was a charade. Look we targeted an abandoned air base. See the holes!? What is not so obvious is - where are all the other “holes”.

Those were the real targets

Let’s just hope that those other “holes” were filled with ISIS personnel and weapons. You certainly don’t launch an accurate weapon that can pinpoint a target unless you really know where that target really is!

Has anybody spotted a few more new holes in Syria?

And all smiles with Trump and Xi, as if nothing of any importance ever happened. You cannot tell me that they didn’t know the truth of what really happened. “Say Xi, ole buddy, ya got anymore you want me to knock out while I’m at it? Clear the way for your boys on the ground?”

Come on people. Trump, Xi and Putin are cleaning up the mess, so get behind them!

And note that those “not on board” are falling into the trap of exposing themselves for who they really are and what evil things that they are doing to our world. Wake UP!

Related: People Are Finally Learning About False Flag Terror

Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi

Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi

Trump’s Syria Strike: What They’re Not Telling You
April 9 2017 | From: Infowars

[Comment: We can confirm that the Syrian strikes were taken to destroy weapon chaches. There were no casualities, despite what the Western cabal-propoganda would like you so very much to believe as they would work towards removing you from their way also.]
Strikes could trigger reconciliation, coalition with Russia to stop ISIS.

What you will learn is that neoliberal economics is an apology for the rentier class and the large banks that have succeeded in financializing the economy, shifting consumer spending power from the purchase of goods and services that drive the real economy to the payment of interest and fees to banks.

Related: Syrian President Says Terrorists Are Mixed In With Refugees + Russian MP Says Terrorists' Days Are Numbered In Syria After Palmyra's Liberation

While this is not meant to be an endorsement of President Trump’s missile strike against a Syrian air base, here’s some points to consider:

The air strikes were limited to an airfield, yet the runway was unharmed, meaning the air base is still operational.  Six MiG-23s were destroyed along with a storage depot, a training building, a canteen and a radar station. Six people were killed and several others wounded.

The Syrian government called the strike “blatant aggression,” but stopped short of calling it an act of war.

Russia was warned about the strike beforehand… and Russian officials likely warned Syria as well. “Russian forces were notified in advance of the strike using the established deconfliction line,” said Pentagon spokesman Capt. Jeff Davis. “U.S. military planners took precautions to minimize risk to Russian or Syrian personnel located at the airfield.”

The strike was the “most limited” military option presented to Trump, according to the New York Times.

If this strike didn’t happen, and Trump went to Russia to forge a coalition to fight ISIS, the neo-cons in Congress and his administration would undermine him while claiming publicly he’s a “Russian puppet.” 

But now, with the strike, he can “deescalate” tensions with Russia into a coalition to fight ISIS
under the guise of stopping bloodshed in Syria… which is really targeting ISIS, not Assad.

Days before, Russia actually made the unusual public statement that its support for Assad was “not unconditional.” Was Russia told about the potential strike days before?

Trump indicated the strike was meant to send a message… but keep in mind, the runway is still operational.  This was a slap on the wrist as far as harming Assad’s ability to wage war against ISIS.

When the strikes occurred, he was also hosting Chinese President Xi Jinping, so “sending a message” isn’t just limited to Syria.  Trump likely sees the North Korea and China situation as a real threat to the US.

The mainstream media can no longer claim Trump is “Putin’s puppet.”

Likewise, leftists are cucked even more because this is more than what Obama ever did, despite Obama actually wanting a war in Syria complete with “regime change.” Remember his “red line” meant to trigger Iraq 2.0.

This doesn’t help ISIS considering six Soviet-era MIG-23s are fairly easily replaced and, once again, the runway is unharmed. John McCain and Lindsey Graham are effectively neutered in their attacks against Trump.

Some of Trump’s statements are worded carefully, such as: “Even beautiful babies were cruelly murdered in this very barbaric attack,” he said. “It was a slow and brutal death for so many.” 

As we reported on Wednesday, some of the babies appeared to have been murdered, but not necessarily from gas.  And if weaponized sarin gas was used by Syria – and not the weaker version homemade by terrorists – you’d expect affected children to die quicker.

Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi

Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi

The Secretive Bank Of England - Controlling The World's Money Supply
+ Banking Data Dump
March 19 2017 | From: HumansAreFree / Various

With the enactment of the privately owned central bank, the Bank of England provided the model for the financial enslavement of governments, and their citizens.

Well before the conflict for establishing a National Bank in America or the eventual surrender to the money changers with the betrayal in instituting the Federal Reserve, the history of the Bank of England needs to be studied.

Related: Former Governor Of The Bank Of England Says Banking Fraud Is Threat To Civilisation

Relying on British historians may seem to invoke a cultural bias; however, the range and wealth of information on this topic comes from an earlier age. Further research will expand this understanding and many of the sources cited can fulfill this objective.

For purposes of a mainstream account, the official site of the Bank of England provides a flowery version about the background and purported success of the scheme proposed by “William Paterson, envisaged a loan of £1,200,000 to the Government, in return for which the subscribers would be incorporated as the "Governor and Company of the Bank of England".

Related: The Top Of The Pyramid: The Rothschilds, The Vatican And The British Crown Rule World

Although the new bank would have risked its entire capital by lending it to the Government, the subscription proved popular and the money was raised in a few weeks.

The Royal Charter was sealed on 27 July 1694, and the Bank started its role as the Government's banker and debt-manager, which it continues today.”

The bank hath benefit of interest on all moneys which it creates out of nothing.

- William Paterson

The Formation of the Bank Of England by Halley Goodman provides a detailed and well sourced chronicle and background.

“The goldsmiths evolved to become the original private bankers of the time. Since  goldsmiths already had as part of their trade private stores of gold and stout vaults to store them in, entrepreneurs could entrust their own gold to them for safe keeping, for a fee, and receive a paper receipt for the deposit.

“The goldsmiths could then lend monies against these deposits for an additional fee. Mr. Hartley Winters declares that “some ingenious goldsmith conceived the epock-making notion of giving notes…and so founded modern banking.”

Merchants would deposit “their money with the goldsmiths and received from them receipts” that “…were payable on demand, and were transferred from one holder to another in payment of debts.”

“These receipts or notes from the goldsmith bankers, often in the form of a letter, are some of the earliest surviving cheques in England. Given the economic realities of the time, although deposits provided the funds for their business, most of the clients of these goldsmith bankers were usually borrowers rather than depositors.”

From such humble origins, the foundation was laid to invent a central bank that would create money out of thin air and loan it at interest to the government, who lost it sovereignty for making this Faustian bargain.

Secrets of the Bank of England Revealed at Last!

The Charter of the Bank of England (1694) with the Great Seal of William and Mary. The first usury central bank to be incorporated in England.

Why The Whole Banking System Is A scam - Godfrey Bloom MEP

The Bank of England account, published by Cassell, Petter & Galpin cites a rocky start and opposition from the goldsmiths.

“In 1696 (very soon after its birth) the Bank experienced a crisis. There was a want of money in England. The clipped silver had been called in, and the new money was not ready.

Even rich people were living on credit, and issued promissory notes. The stock of the Bank of England had gone rapidly down from 110 to 83.

The goldsmiths, who detested the corporation that had broken in on their system of private banking, now tried to destroy the new company.

They plotted, and on the same day they crowded to Grocers' Hall, where the Bank was located from 1694 to 1734, and insisted on immediate payment - one goldsmith alone demanding £30,000.

The directors paid all their honest creditors, but refused to cash the goldsmiths' notes, and left them their remedy in Westminster Hall. The goldsmiths triumphed in scurrilous pasquinades entitled, "The Last Will and Testament," "The Epitaph," "The Inquest on the Bank of England."

It did not take long for the Jewish bankers to set their sights on Paterson’s bank and financers for the English regime.

Note: To be clear, many have blamed historical banking and other NWO atrocities on a "Jewish Conspiracy."

It needs to be made clear that it is the Khazarian Zionist Satanists that hide within Judaism that are the issue:

The Khazarian Zionists use Judaism (a religion - not a race) as an expendable cover for Zionism (the Khazarian Zionist Satanic / Political Sect).

They take solice in being able to throw 'anti-semitism' as a blanket defense, whilst pathetically hiding behind a very twisted history.

The time of the criminal Khazarian Zioinst ruse - has come to an end.

Nazionists Are On Some Agonizing Deathbed Tantrums

Were Hitler & Nazism Zionist Creations?

The Israeli Government Is The Most Anti-Semitic Organisation On The Face Of The Earth: Enough Of The Zionist Satanism

Bringing Down The Khazarian Project, German-Controlled European Union

Core Edicts Of The Khazarian Mafia Top Command (Part III)

Khazarian Crime Syndicate: The Rotten Society We Live In

The Khazarian Mafia’s System Of Cartels

The Ongoing Historic Fall Of The Khazarian Empire

Related: The Federal Reserve And The Bank Of England Financed The 3rd Reich + International Red Cross Report Confirms The Holocaust Of Six Million Jews Is A Hoax

Brother Nathanael Kapner adds his audacious viewpoints.

“The new King William III soon got England involved in costly wars against Catholic France which put England deep into debt. Here was the Jewish bankers’ chance to collect.

“So King William, under orders from the Elders of Zion in Amsterdam, persuaded the British Treasury to borrow 1.25 million pounds sterling from the Jewish bankers who had helped him to the throne.

“Since the state’s debts had risen dramatically, the government had no choice but to accept. But there were conditions attached:

The names of the lenders were to be kept secret and that they be granted a Charter to establish a Central Bank of England. Parliament accepted and the Jewish bankers sunk their tentacles into Great Britain.

Enter, the Rothschilds:

Related: An Illustrated History Of The House Of Rothschild: 1743 - 2006 & The Illuminati Grand Plan

Actual control of the fiat central bank is discussed in Who owns the Bank of England -

“A very famous story relates to the Bank of England and the infamous Rothschilds, that all powerful banking family.

This story was re-told recently in a BBC documentary about the creation of money and the Bank of England.

It revolves around the Battle of Waterloo in which Nathan Rothschild used his inside knowledge of the outcome and his faster horses and couriers to play the market by getting the result of the battle before anyone else knew the outcome.

He quickly sold his English bonds and gave all the traders who looked to him for guidance the impression that the French had won at Waterloo.

The other traders all rushed to sell their bonds before the market crashed thinking that they were now worthless and a massive fire-sale occurred as brokers clamered to get rid of their stock.

This massive sell off quickly drove the price of the bonds down to 5% of their original worth.

Once the bottom had dropped out the market Nathan Rothschild then re-bought as many bonds back as he could at hugely discounted prices and in doing so he multiplied his wealth twenty times in 3 days of trading.

At the same time as becoming immensely wealthy he also became the single largest debtor to the English government which ultimately gave him control over the bank of England.

- Read more on the subject here.

If you are so inclined to do your own research, two sources, History of the Bank of England written by Dr. A. Andreades and Complete Histories: Bank of England to 1694, are worthy of review.

Related: From The Archives For ANZAC Day: All Wars Are Bankers' Wars

“As you can see by the 250-year chart of Bank of England stock, the shares showed no real trend during the 1700s, rose in price during the Napoleonic Wars as England left the gold standard and suffered inflation, declined in price from around 1818 to 1845 during the deflation that followed, rose in price for the rest of the 1800s as the Bank gradually increased its dividend, plunged until 1920 as inflation occurred without any compensating rise in the dividend, then gradually rose in price until the Bank was nationalized in 1945.

The behavior of the Bank of England’s stock encapsulates the general behavior of the British stock market over that 250-year period.”

Now for most of its history the privately held, Bank of England was extremely profitable to its owners.

The method for charging interest on the creation of money has been the prime vehicle for driving both public and private debt throughout modern times.

Related: What Is Money? And More Excellent Short Videos On Manufactured Debt & Disparity + We Got F*cked

The Guardian reports in the article, The truth is out: money is just an IOU, and the banks are rolling in it.

“The Bank of England let the cat out of the bag. In a paper called "Money Creation in the Modern Economy", co-authored by three economists from the Bank's Monetary Analysis Directorate, they stated outright that most common assumptions of how banking works are simply wrong, and that the kind of populist, heterodox positions more ordinarily associated with groups such as Occupy Wall Street are correct.

In doing so, they have effectively thrown the entire theoretical basis for austerity out of the window.”

The entire monitory financial system is based upon charging usury on the creation of national currencies.

No larger debtor exists then governments. The perfection of the Rothschild fraud is founded upon charging compound interest on the very medium of exchange that serves as legal tender.

The Bank of England set the stage for the centralization of all banking under the umbrella of banksters control.

Related: Babylonian Money Magic & How Modern "Commercial Law" Is Based On Ancient Babylonian Codes

In order to discover all the secrets of manipulating the financial system, one must comprehend, the first and primary lesson; that central banks do not function as beneficiaries to their host nation, much less the ordinary “little people”

Keeping this deplorable rip-off system extorting their pound of flesh is the principal objective of the financial elites. Interest on government bonds must be paid. More debt needs to be incurred.

And the framework for human impoverishment lies at the feet of central banking.

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An Excellent Televised Exposé: The Facts On Banksters, Perpetual War & Fooling Sheeple

Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi

Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi
Syrian President Says Terrorists Are Mixed In With Refugees + Russian MP Says Terrorists' Days Are Numbered In Syria After Palmyra's Liberation
March 5 2017 | From: TheGatewayPundit / Tass

In an interview with Michael Isikoff of Yahoo, President Assad was asked, point blank if there are terrorists in the refugees that are leaving Syria.

The interview was related to the recent Travel Ban that was put in place by the Trump Administration that blocks immigrants from entering the country from seven nations that have significant ties to Islamic terrorism.

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Weighing in on one of the most contentious issues in American politics - the danger posed to host countries by the 4.8 million people who have fled from Syria’s civil war - Syrian President Bashar Assad told Yahoo News that some of the refugees are “definitely” terrorists.

Related: War on Syria: Manufactured Revolution and Fake Media Narrative

In an exclusive interview with Yahoo News at a presidential office in Damascus, Assad said President Trump’s freeze on admitting refugees from his country - part of an executive order that has drawn widespread protests and is being challenged in federal court - “is an American issue” on which he would not take sides.

But asked if some of those who fled are “aligned with terrorists,” Assad quickly replied, “Definitely.”

"You can find it on the Net,” Assad went on: “Those terrorists in Syria, holding the machine gun or killing people, they [appear as] peaceful refugees in Europe or in the West.”

He said he couldn’t estimate how many there might be, but he added that “you don’t need a significant number to commit atrocities.”

He noted that the 9/11 attacks were pulled off by fewer than 20 terrorists “out of maybe millions of immigrants in the United States. So it’s not about the number, it’s about the quality, it’s about the intentions.”

As for the future of Syria’s 4.8 million refugees, Assad said, “For me, the priority is to bring those citizens to their country, not to help them immigrate.”

Assad went on to point out that you can see some of these terrorists that are holding guns and fighting alongside ISIS in pictures as “peaceful” refugees that are headed towards Europe or the west.

Related: Interview with Flemish priest in Syria: "Putin and Assad saved my life"

Russian MP Says Terrorists' Days Are Numbered In Syria After Palmyra's Liberation

Russia’s Defense Minister Sergey Shoigu reported earlier that the Syrian government troops had completed their operation to seize Palmyra with the support of the Russian air task force.

Terrorists’ days in Syria are numbered after the operation to retake Palmyra, the city will not return under militants’ control for a second time, a senior parliamentarian from the State Duma lower house of parliament said on Thursday.

Related: Russia Names NATO, Terrorism Top Security Threat

"We can say definitely now that with the fall of such a city as Palmyra, days of the terrorist organizations on the long-suffering territory of the Syrian Arab Republic are numbered," first deputy of the Duma defense committee Andrei Krasov told TASS.

Russia’s Defense Minister Sergey Shoigu reported to President Vladimir Putin earlier in the day that the Syrian government troops had completed their operation to seize Palmyra with the support of the Russian air task force.

Related: Pope Francis Declares ‘Muslim Terrorism Does Not Exist’ As He Continues To Set The Stage For A One World Religion

According to the lawmaker;

"Terrorists are fleeing the Syrian territory en masse, trying to dissolve, conceal their bloody deeds". "As to when a turning point in the operation came, this is of course when the Syrian troops jointly with the Russian Aerospace Forces seized Aleppo," Krasov said.

"As for Palmyra, it is a city of cultural and historical value, having a global significance," he stressed.

"This success of the Syrian Armed Forces and the Russian Aerospace Troops can hardly be overestimated," the politician said.

"Yet another city is freed from the ‘back death’ that has spread across the Middle East,"
he added.

Militants of the Islamic State terrorist grouping (outlawed in Russia) seized Palmyra in May 2015 and in late March 2016 the Syrian government troops liberated the city with the support of the Russian air task force. In December last year, Palmyra was recaptured by extremists.

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Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi

Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi
Russia Calls For Elimination Of Khazarian Mafia World Order + Globalist Corporations Are Blind In The Face Of Doom
February 27 2017 | From: Geopolitics / JonRappoport

Speaking at the Munich Security Conference, we are told that Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov “called Saturday for an end to a world order dominated by the West and said Moscow wanted to establish a ‘pragmatic’ relationship with the United States.”

This is certainly a devastating blow on New World Order agents like John McCain and the Neoconservatives, who never get tired of drinking other people’s blood in the Middle East and elsewhere. And this is just the beginning:

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"Lavrov said that the time when the West called the shots was over and, dismissing NATO as a relic of the Cold War, added: ‘I hope that (the world) will choose a democratic world order - a post-West one - in which each country is defined by its sovereignty.’

Lavrov said Moscow wanted to build relations with Washington which would be ‘pragmatic with mutual respect and acknowledgement of our responsibility for global stability.’”

Lavrov, whether he notices or not, is asking for the return of practical reason in the political firmament. His plea is certainly congruent with what Kant would call the categorical imperative, which seeks universal principles.

Immanuel Kant

As I have argued in the past, the categorical imperative prohibits contradiction and irrationality precisely because it is based on the moral law itself. It states:

"Act only according to that maxim by which you can at the same time will that it should become a universal law.”

This obviously throws the New World Order ideology out the window because the New World Order itself cannot be universalized. New World Order agents continue to destroy one country after another with no moral principle whatsoever.

What is so astonishing to much of the world is that New World Order agents see nothing wrong in obliterating men, women and children. They have absolutely no remorse. Listen to Ann Coulter very carefully here:

"Sorry we have to use your country, Iraqis, but you let Saddam come to power, and we are going to instill democracy in your country.”

Serving your country. Wake up. Serving the Agenda of the N W O

To “instill democracy,” men, women and children have to die. Mothers have to mourn for their babies, and fathers have to dislocate. This “democracy” is basically hell on earth.

Coulter and her bosses continue to live in a dream world where practical reason plays no role. That seems to be far-fetched, perhaps it is pertinent to bring in flaming Jewish Neocon Michael Ledeen. He declared:

"‘Creative destruction is our middle name, both within our society and abroad. We tear down the old order every day, from business to science, literature, art, architecture, and cinema to politics and the law.

Our enemies have always hated this whirlwind of energy and creativity which menaces their traditions (whatever they may be) and shames them for their inability to keep pace… We must destroy them to advance our historic mission.’”

As it turns out, the New World Order which the Khazarian Mafia and their lackeys have established over the years is not based on the pursuit of the truth or moral principles but on the pursuit of categorical lies, colossal hoaxes, deceptive means, and complete fabrications.

You remember how New World Order agents led the American people into Iraq? You remember how they led the “sheeple” into Afghanistan and then Libya? Remember how they wanted to do the same thing in Syria?

You see, no one can universalize the New World Order ideology because it is existentially and fundamentally incoherent. And Kant would have almost certainly thrown it in the dustbin of history once and for all.

The moral or universal law, says Kant, is what binds us all together as rational creatures. Any deviation from the moral law is a recipe for disaster. So, any system that seeks to dismiss the moral law must be wrong precisely because that system will inevitably be incoherent and metaphysically worthless.

Kant continues to say that for an action to be good;

"It is not enough that it should conform to the moral law - it must also be done for the sake of the moral law.”

Kant again kills the New World Order ideology here. And if you think that Kant is off the mark, listen to flaming Neocon John Bolton:

"It is a big mistake to for us to grant any validity to international law… because over the long term, the goal of those who think that it really means anything are those who want to constrict the United States.”

What Bolton ended up saying is that international law and the New World Order ideology are incompatible. In order for one to exist, the other must be supplanted. But Bolton didn’t stop here. He moved on to declare explicitly that he wants to “make the case” for “secrecy” and - get this - “deception”! “If I had to say something I knew it was false to preserve national security,” said Bolton a few years ago, “I would do it.”

In other words, people like Bolton are paid to lie to the American people. They are Satanists.

Obviously Sergei Lavrov seems to have treated on Kant’s canvas when he essentially called for an end to the New World Order, which is Satanism in disguise. It should not be a surprise that New World Order agents are still mad and sad that Russia is still playing a major role in establishing what Lavrov calls a “pragmatic” world order.

Related: Putin: Attempts To Create A "Unipolar World" Have Failed

But who has established the New World Order ideology around the world? Who is behind perpetual wars in Iraq and elsewhere? Who is behind massive illegal immigration in America and even Europe?

The short answer is… the Khazarian Mafia.

Russia is messing up their world, and they want to fight back - not on moral terms, but on an essentially diabolical principle. Russia stopped them from obliterating Syria, and they will never forgive Vladimir Putin for that political sin.

Related: The Hidden History Of The Incredibly Evil Khazarian Mafia [Illuminati Cabal Zionists...]

This is one reason why New World Order agents and Satanists are sending Neocon puppets like John McCain on the front line. This is one reason why McCain cannot string two coherent thoughts together.

Related: Was Vitaly Churkin Assassinated in New York?

Globalist Corporations Are Blind In The Face Of Doom

People don’t fully appreciate the capacity of mega-corporations. The 300 largest companies account for roughly 25% of all international trade.

And, even more startling, these behemoths are operating their production lines at half-strength. Why? Because only 1.5 billion people in the world have enough money to rate as true consumers.

So these corporations, which are the leading lights of the Globalist agenda, are looking and hoping for many more customers.

Meanwhile, Rockefeller Globalists are hyping the pseudoscience of manmade warming, in order to convince nations to cut their energy production. That plan, of course, would further erode the ability of mega-corporations to find new consumers. Indeed, Globalists are all for wrecking economies and deepening poverty - aims which infect the lifeblood of corporations.

We are looking at a huge crack - a contradiction - in the very foundation of the Globalism.

And if you want to take this farther, the notion of radical depopulation across the planet would do even graver harm to corporate dreams and ambitions. Far fewer consumers.

There are wild and woolly solutions. For example, provide a basic income to every human on Earth; or make governments the sole payer to corporations for their products, which are then dispensed to the population in a mad universal welfare scheme. In either case, you would have a new currency system.

Governments would openly and blandly create money out of thin air, as needed, to fund these harebrained schemes. Governments already invent money, but this would be occurring on a far larger scale, and without any pretense of legitimacy.

Given the propensity of governments to run their programs according to dizzyingly psychotic guidelines, I see no way the mega-corporations would welcome these “innovations.”

In short, the corporations are buying a pie-in-the-sky con. They insist on believing the favors and concocted advantages the Globalists are offering them in the marketplace are wonderful; but in fact, the long-term situation is a no-win. It’s a narrowing road, and a crack-up is coming.

Globalists are shrinking the worldwide consumer base. They want a chaos-ridden dystopia, which they will control with an iron hand. In that scenario, the mega-corporations will also shrink to shadows of their former selves. Their usefulness will rapidly decay.

Memo to CEOs: why don’t you try waking up? Your whole elite movement is a walking contradiction, and you’re on the downside.

Why don’t these CEOs wake up? Because their short-term greed exceeds their long-term vision. For them, it’s an easier way to live. Take the money and run.

Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi

Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi
Heightened Attacks On Alternative Media: Infowars And Natural News Under Attack, Blacklisted
February 26 2017 | From: JonRappoport / NaturalNews / Various

Alex Jones’ infowars.com and Mike Adams’ naturalnews.com are both under attack.

Infowars has been dropped by its ad platform provider - adroll.com, which spreads ads for Infowars products to many, many media outlets. Last year, that ad operation accounted for more than $3 million in sales for Infowars.

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Natural News has been “delisted” by Google. Google appears to have wiped out 140,000 pages of listings for Mike’s website. I just typed in “natural news” at Google and what came up was something different, natural.news - another tiny site owned by Mike, not naturalnews.com, as the top listing.

The Empire is striking back. This isn’t debate or discussion or even baseless accusation. This is war by attrition. And censorship.

This is part of the elite mantra: if we don’t like it, wipe it out.

If you’ve been awake for the past year, you’ve seen an escalation, along many fronts, of the so-called “Progressive” forces to censor what they don’t want to read or hear. It’s taken a new turn. They want to take down key independent media outlets.

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They want to narrow down the “information superhighway” to a one-lane road that runs directly into their headquarters, where all the big-time fake news is dispensed, every day, to the hypnotized masses

Don’t let them win. At the very least, take the independent news you judge is vitally important and spread it out far and wide.

Finally, for now, a message to those individuals who, by work and sweat and intelligence, by their own efforts, have built and created independent news sites:


Related: In the 1930s, Adolf Hitler arrested and executed ‘fake news’ journalists who rightfully claimed that Jews were being exterminated

Google Blacklists Natural News, Removes 140,000 Pages From Its Index - “Memory Holes”: Natural News Investigative Articles On Vaccines, Pharma Corruption, Fraudulent Science And More

Late last week, I received a direct threat that warned if I did not take steps to destroy Alex Jones and InfoWars, I would be targeted for destruction in a campaign of smears, censorship and defamation.

Instead of giving in to the enemy, I refused to take the bait and went public with details of the threat, warning everyone in the new media that sinister forces were now being pursued to undermine and silence every anti-establishment (and pro-Trump) voice on the internet.

Related: I’m waiting for Google to explain why they deleted Natural News

NEW: Sign this White House petition NOW to halt Google’s outrageous censorship of Natural News, InfoWars and other independent media publishers.

True to form, today the entire Natural News website has been blacklisted by Google, entirely without warning.

This is just one of many censorship events that have all taken place over the last few days:

Last weekend, damning videos were leaked in a focused effort to take out Milo Yiannopoulos, a former Breitbart News editor and gay conservative who has openly supported President Trump. Milo was hit with an attack wave of “opposition research” and was forced to resign from Breitbart on Monday, citing the “cynical media witch hunt” that brought him down.

Yesterday, InfoWars was blackballed by AdRoll.com, an online advertising distribution company. According to Alex Jones, the blacklisting by AdRoll will cost InfoWars $3 million in annual revenues, possibly causing InfoWars to abandon plans of opening a Washington D.C. bureau to cover the Trump administration with real news (instead of the fake news from CNN and elsewhere).

The Shopify e-commerce platform was aggressively threatened by organized Leftists to dump the Breitbart online store and thereby deny revenues to Breitbart. Shopify’s CEO refused to kow-tow to the intimidation and censorship and has maintained a “neutral” position on political issues, focusing on running e-commerce platforms for everyone.

Today, Natural News has been hit by Google, which has blacklisted the entire Natural News domain and removed over 140,000 pages from its index. The take down of Natural News happened this morning, and it follows a pattern of censorship we’re seeing being leveled against other pro-Trump websites.

Google sent no warning whatsoever to our “webmaster tools” email address on file with them. The shut off of Natural News was clearly driven by a human decision, not an algorithm. We’re currently attempting to determine Google’s claimed justification for censoring our entire website, and we hope to have NaturalNews.com restored in Google’s index.

Some of the news now being censored by Google includes our laboratory testing of the U.S. water supply, where we conducted laboratory testing to discover that 6.7% of municipal water is contaminated with toxic metals.

Google has also blacklisted our announcement of free laboratory testing services for Native American water supplies impacted by oil pipeline leaks.

Also blacklisted is our exclusive coverage of the GlaxoSmithKline criminal indictment by the U.S. Justice Dept. and our interview with the whistleblower who helped achieved a record $3 billion settlement with the criminal drug company.

Apparently, Google believes the public should no longer have access to these investigative journalism articles… and 139,997 more articles that cover activism, science frauds, drug industry criminality, political corruption and more.

You are witnessing a modern-day book burning by the internet Gestapo that now decides what knowledge you’re never allowed to access… especially because much of that knowledge can help set humanity free.

I describe it in more detail in this podcast: (article continues below)

Silencing Natural News is all Part of the Globalist “Script” for the Enslavement of a Population Kept Ignorant of Reality

Natural News is, of course, one of the world’s top educational and activism sources exposing the lies of dangerous medicine, toxic mercury in vaccines, the corporate-quack science behind GMOs, cancer industry fraud and so on.

By providing truthful, empowering and passionate information to the public, we harm the profit model of the corrupt medical cartels that fund the media, lobby the government and influence internet gatekeepers with advertising money. (Google has already declared war on natural medicine and nutritional supplements, all but banning them from being advertised on Google Adsense.)

Related: Why Mainstream Media Websites Are Censoring & Removing Comment Sections

The removal of Natural News from Google’s index means that millions of people may now be unnecessarily harmed by toxic medicines, herbicides and brain-damaging mercury in vaccines because they are being denied the “other side of the story” that’s censored by the corporate-controlled media.

By censoring Natural News, Google is, in effect, siding with the criminal pharmaceutical industry that has been charged with multiple felony crimes and caught bribing doctors, fraudulently altering scientific studies, conducting medical experiments on children and price fixing their drugs to maximize profits.

In effect, censorship of Natural News is part of the establishment’s war on humanity which includes depopulation measures (Bill Gates), covert infertility vaccines, corporate-run media disinfo campaigns and a full-on assault against scientific truth and free speech conducted in the public interest.

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With the attacks on Milo, InfoWars and Natural News, what you are witnessing right now is the coordinated silencing of every voice that opposes the corrupt, globalist establishment. All such voices are being “memory holed” in the run-up to an attempted Orwellian-style domination over all information run by Facebook, Google, Yahoo, Twitter and other internet gatekeepers.

This is all by design. It is nefarious, sinister and represents nothing less than the final desperate assault to enslave humanity by silencing truth.

Targeted by Anti-Trump Globalists

It’s clear to me that Natural News is being targeted primarily because of our support for President Trump and his review of vaccine safety.

It is now apparent that any person who engages in real science, critical thinking or any attempt to protect children from the brain damaging effects of mercury in vaccines is going to be silenced, discredited, smeared and blacklisted.

This is an astonishing realization about the depths of total corruption in society today and how the medical cartels control information to maximize their profits off human suffering.

Note that if I had agreed to betray my colleagues and agree to participate in a smear campaign against Alex Jones, everything would have been fine with Natural News and you wouldn’t see the attacks being waged against us.

The tactic now being pursued by the establishment is, “Join the Dark Side or be destroyed.

I won’t ever join the Dark Side, which means I will be silenced. The message from Google and other information gatekeepers is now clear: Obediently conform to the status quo or you will be banished from the digital realm.

This is, in essence, nothing less than a modern-day book burning by anti-human globalists who are determined to keep humanity ignorant (and diseased).

The real agenda of the humanity-hating globalist agenda is now on full display: It’s about total domination over all information so that humanity never learns that cancer can be prevented with vitamin D, or that glyphosate herbicide causes cancer, or that statin drugs are a multi-billion-dollar medical scam.

The Sheeple are all slated to be sacrificed upon the altar of Big Pharma profits, and anyone who dares stand in their way will be eliminated by any means necessary.

What You Can Do to Fight This Brazen Censorship And Assault Being Waged Against Humanity

First off, stop using anti-truth internet gatekeepers like Google, Facebook, Yahoo and Twitter. They are quietly controlling your thoughts, ideas and beliefs by limiting your access to valuable resources like Natural News.

Second, use GoodGopher.com as your search engine, as it provides you with uncensored search results from thousands of independent media websites (many of which are banned or penalized by Google).

Third, bookmark NaturalNews.com in your browser and check it at least twice daily (we post new content each morning and each evening). Manually type it into your browser if you have to. From now on, never rely on some other gatekeeper to bring you to Natural News, because those gatekeepers are censoring all our content.

Be sure to also sign up to our email newsletter. This email newsletter is one of the best ways we can reach you without being filtered out by other sources. As you might expect, Gmail censors our newsletters too, so don’t use a Gmail email address. (Yes, the censorship is an all-out assault.)

Finally, make Censored.news a primary resource to watch for breaking news on important events that are being censored by the fake news media (CNN, WashPo, NYT, etc.).

Finally, prepare for total war on humanity. I’m being told from other sources that the “final solution” is coming soon from the globalists, and it’s going to be unleashed as an all-out war against Trump, liberty, free speech, natural medicine and every individual who dares stand up and speak the truth against the lying globalists and their fake news minions.

The reason they are silencing Natural News, InfoWars and other outlets is because they are preparing for a very big false flag assault and they don’t want independent media websites to be able to counter the “official” news narrative.

I’m serious. Get ready. It’s all coming down soon.

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Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi

Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi
Trump, Watergate, Nixon, Rockefeller: The Real Lesson & Deep State CEO Obama Running Black Ops To Undermine Trump & Alt-Media
February 25 2017 | From: JonRappoport / Geopolitics

Two very different men, two very different presidents, Trump and Nixon; but the real reasons for attacking them are the same

Watergate eventually became the story of two young rookie reporters who exposed and took down a president. Nixon.

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Try to think of another major story in your lifetime where the reporters themselves took center stage, and in the process nearly eclipsed their own work. Odd.

One of them, Bob Woodward, expanded his fame. The powers-that-be permitted him to go on and, with extraordinary access, write books criticizing future presidents. Woodward became the in-house attack dog. Mr. Limited Hangout.

The other reporter, Carl Bernstein, faded into relative obscurity. Well, after all, he began exposing many journalists’ connections to the CIA. That wasn’t a productive career move. It was, perhaps, a case of him biting the CIA hand that, without his knowledge, had fed him during his Watergate investigation.

The Watergare Hotel

What Woodward and Bernstein didn’t know, during Watergate, was this: On the mega-corporate front, the Rockefeller proposal for world control - “free trade, no tariffs” - was advancing toward fruition, and Richard Nixon was standing in the way.

This man, a crook, a president, a liar, an insecure parody of a head of state, Richard Nixon, had gone off script. He had REALLY gone off script.

In an effort to bolster US companies and protect them from foreign competition inside the United States, Nixon began erecting tariffs on a range of goods imported into the US.

If this Nixon economic plan spread to other countries, the entire global program to install “free trade” and mega-corporate emperors on their thrones for a thousand years could crash and burn.

Nixon was a Rockefeller man. He was owned by them. He’d been rescued from financial ruin by The Family, and now he was in the White House undermining their greatest dream. You can’t overstate the degree of the betrayal, from the Rockefeller point of view. You simply can’t.

Something had to be done. The president had to go. This was the real motivation behind Watergate.

This was the real op. Yes, there were sub-motives and smaller contexts, as in any major op, but the prime mover was: get Free Trade back on track, and get suitable revenge on the puppet in the White House who went off the script.

Any historian who overlooks this is an outright fool or a deceiver.

Whether the Watergate break-in was planned to serve the higher goal or was pounced upon, after the fact, as the grand opportunity, is beside the point. It was there, and it was used. It became the starting point for the Washington Post, its publisher, veteran editor, and two cub reporters to break Richard Nixon into pieces.

And if the Rockefeller people needed an inside man at the White House to report on the deteriorating mental state of the president as he heated up in the pressure cooker, they had Henry Kissinger, who was another Rockefeller operative.

The Washington Post was owned by Katharine Graham, who was herself a very close friend of the Rockefeller Family. Years later, she would be awarded a medal of honor by the University of Chicago, an institution founded by John D. Rockefeller.

On her death, a paid heartfelt obituary was inserted in the NY Times by the trustees, faculty, and staff of Rockefeller University, where she had served on the University Council.

And she and Nixon already hated each other by the early 1970s.

The managing editor of the Washington Post, Ben Bradlee, was an old hand at writing promotional material, having worked in Europe crafting releases for a CIA front group. A former Naval intelligence man, he liked one of his cub reporters, Bob Woodward, who had also worked for the Navy in intelligence.

Related: Is an American Coup d’etat in Progress?

When Woodward came to Bradlee with a story about a man in a parking garage who was passing secrets from the White House/FBI about Watergate, we are supposed to believe that Bradlee naturally responded by giving the green light to a major investigation. Woodward and Carl Bernstein, another cub, would undertake it - with nothing more than Bradlee’s reputation and the future survival of the Post and Katharine Graham’s empire on the line if the cubs got it wrong.

We are supposed to believe Bradlee gave the green light, without knowing who the man in the garage was, without knowing whether Woodward could be trusted, without even getting permission from Graham to move ahead.

Bradlee, a grizzled veteran of Washington, understanding exactly what Washington could do to people who told secrets out of school, just said to Woodward and Bernstein;

"You’d better be damned sure you’re right, because otherwise we’re all in trouble.”

Two untested cub reporters set loose in a cage with tigers. The odds of that happening were nil. Bradlee had to know a great deal from the beginning, and he had to have Katharine Graham’s signal to move. The series of breaking stories would be spoon-fed to the unsuspecting young reporters.

They would be consumed by their ambition to advance their careers. Bradlee was confident because he had the essentials of the scandal in hand - all the way up to Nixon, the target - well in advance of his two reporters.

To have proceeded otherwise - Bradlee was simply not that kind of fool. Whatever Deep Throat, the man in the garage, was dishing out to Woodward didn’t really matter. Bradlee already had it in his pocket.

Deep Throat was merely a contrivance to allow the story to expand and grow by steps, and to permit Woodward and Bernstein to believe they were peeling layers from an onion.

The man behind the curtain was David Rockefeller.


Related: 75 Years After Pearl Harbor, We Now Know the Govt Knew the Attack Was Coming

After the whole scandal had been exposed and Nixon had flown away, in disgrace, from the White House for the last time, David Rockefeller addressed a meeting of the Chamber of Commerce of the European Community (October, 1975). He was there to allay their fears about Nixon’s betrayal of the new economic world order.

There was really very little he needed to say. David had already created (1973) the free-trade Trilateral Commission, an exceedingly powerful force. And a new puppet, Gerald Ford was in the White House; and Ford had appointed David’s brother, Nelson Rockefeller, as his vice president.

Nelson Rockefeller

David told the European attendees;

"Fortunately, there are no signs that these anti-[free] trade measures [of Nixon] are supported by the [Ford] Administration.”

And that was that. The global mega-corporate colossus was back on track. The temporary rip in the Matrix had been repaired.

On a far lower level of power politics, everyone and his brother were consumed with the contrails of the scandal that had driven away Nixon and his colleagues. People were congratulating each other on the expunging of a corrupt conspiracy from public life.

David Rockefeller

The real players, of course, were still in place, stronger than ever. David Rockefeller and his aides were preparing for an even greater coup. They had chosen an obscure man with zero name recognition to be the next president of the United States. Jimmy Carter. Carter would function to forward the goals of the Trilateral Commission in bold view of anyone who knew the score.

And every president since Carter, regardless of party affiliation, has supported and extended those Globalist-corporate goals. No questions asked. Obama, who fatuously remarked during his 2008 election campaign that NAFTA “needs to be revisited,” has taken his cues like any other puppet.

When, from this perspective, you examine the global takeover of land and resources by GMO agribusiness, the destruction of small family farms, the plundering of natural resources in the Third World, the use of UN “peacekeepers” and “humanitarian groups” and intelligence agencies to create a wedge, for corporations, into these areas, you see the hand of the Rockefeller plan.

When you see the destruction of currencies and the escalation of insupportable debt, the incursion of a bewildering number of UN-affiliated groups sinking their teeth into local communities all over the planet to “manage sustainable development,” you see the plan.

And when you see “free trade” and no tariffs, you see the essentials nuts and bolts of the plan.

The innocuous-sounding “free trade” policy is the number-one priority of every American president. He must do two things: rarely speak of it, and allow it to move forward. That’s all. In return, he gets to act as if he’s the most powerful man in the world.

But if he wobbles and considers taking up a position against free trade (corporate domination of the planet), he can look back and see what happened to Richard Nixon. He can learn from that example.

He can re-learn the famous words of Zbiggie Brzezinski, co-founder of the Trilateral Commission and David Rockefeller’s intellectual flunkey:

"The nation state as a fundamental unit of man’s organized life has ceased to be the principal creative force: International banks and multinational corporations are acting and planning in terms that are far in advance of the political concepts of the nation-state.”

Like Jimmy Carter, a president can espouse the most wide-ranging humanitarian philosophy and ascend to a cloud of beautiful altruism, admired by all. As long as he sticks to the plan.

If not, agents and reporters coming out of nowhere will try to demolish him.

Suddenly, a swaggering, self-congratulatory, fast-talking cowboy named Donald Trump appeared as a presidential candidate. And lo and behold, he attacked Globalism by name. He claimed he would dump it in favor of American nationalism. He repeated this oath many times.

And he won the election, unseating a lifelong Globalist named Hillary Clinton.

And Trump has spoken of that which must not be uttered in public: the crimes of Globalism and free trade.

He has let the secret cat out of the bag. He has made people aware… And for that, he must be punished.

What people are calling the Deep State is the collection of agents who are committed to the Rockefeller plan. They, and their media flunkeys, are swinging for the fences every time they mention Trump. They are doing everything they can to take him down.

From their perspective, they are launching another Watergate-type operation against another Nixon in the White House.

Another time, “another Nixon”; same basic op. In order to protect the titanic, Globalist, corporate control of planet Earth.

This time, the rhetoric and the sentiment for nationalism and against Globalism has already spread across the world. It is percolating and boiling in many places.

Putting the lid back on is a herculean task. Therefore, the agents and reporters are doubling and tripling down on Trump. They are determined to crush him. They have their marching orders.

Mere blocks away from the Oval Office, the Community Organizer in Chief, after serving eight years in the White House, is now setting up a parallel presidency, with 30,000 ground-and-pound Leftist dupes at his disposal - all for the purpose of taking down Donald Trump.

You can bet Obama’s bosses have reminded him that he failed at his most important task: shepherding through the free-trade Trans-Pacific Partnership treaty. They intend to collect on their investment. They put him, a no-name, in charge of the nation, in 2008, and he is still their agent. They want results.

Soon. They want a 2017 version of Watergate.

Related: The House of Rockefeller

Deep State CEO Obama Running Black Ops To Undermine Trump & Alt-Media

Recognizing that Obama has more credibility than Hillary Clinton and still physically fit for administering a protracted war against many independently funded anti-Deep State groups, George Soros is now pouring his resources to underwrite the massive efforts to undermine the unfriendly Donald Trump administration through the facility of Obama’s OFA.

The Organizing for America quickly transformed into Organizing for Action to spearhead all actions of the Obama Foundation against the current administration.

As expected, the Organizing for Action (OFA) shares the same “values” as that of its benefactor, the Soros Open Society Foundations;

That is:

“Climate Change” for depopulation agenda;

“Immigration Reform” for social reengineering;

“Economic Opportunity” for slave labor;

“Expanding Equality” between slaves;

“Gun Violence Prevention” for gun control, and;

“Healthcare” for insurance scam and forced vaccinations.

Just in case you are curious about the “In loving memory of Alex Okrent” line at the bottom-right of the OFA webpage, the entire web has been scrubbed off of his real identity. Here’s why…

"There are odd parallels between the death of Andrew Breitbart and Obama staffer Alex Okrent. In both cases there were statements reported in the news almost immediately that they had died of heart attacks, even before autopsies were performed. In both cases they oddly collapsed then shortly thereafter died. In both cases their age did not portent a heart attack."

"But where Andrew Breitbart was an open book - his life, words, and works literally strewn over the Internet - Alex Okrent’s life is a mystery. An extensive search of the Internet finds that there is literally nothing about him prior to July 13.

This is odd given that the Obama campaign has stated he had been a staff member, a “communication employee,” for eight years. Eight years is a long time in politics.

But aside from a single blog posting in February of 2008 where Okrent posts an Obama open letter to gays and lesbians regarding his stance on same-sex marriage, nothing shows him to be an Obama staff member or associated with the Obama campaign in any way."


He knows too much about the Obamas, and he should go home early.

Anyway, this is how the ex-president is scheming out to sabotage the Trump’s presidency.

"How Obama is scheming to sabotage Trump’s presidency

February 11, 2017 | 12:52pm

When former President Barack Obama said he was “heartened” by anti-Trump protests, he was sending a message of approval to his troops. Troops? Yes, Obama has an army of agitators - numbering more than 30,000 - who will fight his Republican successor at every turn of his historic presidency. And Obama will command them from a bunker less than two miles from the White House.

In what’s shaping up to be a highly unusual post-presidency, Obama isn’t just staying behind in Washington. He’s working behind the scenes to set up what will effectively be a shadow government to not only protect his threatened legacy, but to sabotage the incoming administration and its popular “America First” agenda.

He’s doing it through a network of leftist nonprofits led by Organizing for Action. Normally you’d expect an organization set up to support a politician and his agenda to close up shop after that candidate leaves office, but not Obama’s OFA. Rather, it’s gearing up for battle, with a growing war chest and more than 250 offices across the country.

… Perez is running for the vacant DNC chairmanship, vowing, “It’s time to organize and fight . . . We must stand up to protect President Obama’s accomplishments,” while also promising, “We’re going to build the strongest grassroots organizing force this country has ever seen.”

The 55-year-old Obama is not content to go quietly into the night like other ex-presidents.

“You’re going to see me early next year,” he told his OFA troops after the election, “and we’re going to be in a position where we can start cooking up all kinds of great stuff.”

Added the ex-president: “Point is, I’m still fired up and ready to go.”

- NewYorkPost

Consequently, just a few hours ago we have noticed that we can’t access our YouTube account anymore. Not that we have posted videos that aren’t already available in other channels, but maybe due to our non-compliant comments in mainstream channel discussions that we got their attention.

This denial of access by YouTube and Google only confirms the reported aggressive effort that is now being implemented against real Alternative Media sites offering credible accounts of events that are underreported in the mainstream, which greatly affect their ability to control how the population think.

Not anymore, MSM stooges. The people are now in full control of the flow of information they want to consume and share.

The plan to censor the internet is outlined in the paper “Democracy Matters, Strategic Plan for Action,” where it reveals the sinister new tactics of the left-wing media to discredit and destroy any people who support Donald Trump’s vision for America.

Although we don’t exactly fall into that personality-based category, however, we strongly support any honest effort which could undermine the highly corrosive Deep State and the entire Khazarian Criminal Cabal.

Said document states that:

"In the next four years, Media Matters will continue its core mission of disarming right-wing misinformation, while leading the fight against the next generation of conservative disinformation: The proliferation of fake news and propaganda now threatening the country’s information ecosystem. Here’s what success will look like:"

"* Serial misinformers and right-wing propagandists inhabiting everything from social media to the highest levels of government will be exposed, discredited.

* Toxic alt-right social media-fueled harassment campaigns that silence dissent and poison our national discourse will be punished and halted.

… Shareblue will take back social media for Democrats. We will delegitimize Donald Trump’s presidency by emboldening the opposition…

* Trump allies will be forced to step down or change course due to news pushed by Shareblue.

Media Matters will… “weaponize our research products to understand and take action against the changing media ecosystem and the extremists seeking to manipulate it…. Key alt-right figures will lose credibility and influence in response to our research and pressure.”

To carry out the threat, Media Matters has assembled a $13.4 million budget to hire a 34-person research team focused on the complete destruction of Trump supporters in the independent media."


Rather than elevate the conversation to a higher level, e.g. seeking clarification about the progress in the realm of economics and job creation, the mainstream reporters instead tried to deviate their questions on some mundane topics such as transgender bathroom issues, etc. in an effort to waste everybody’s time and look for opportunities that could put the administration in a bad light.

This deliberate restriction of public awareness about the Trump accomplishments is but a shallow attempt at continually discrediting the latter. This could only backfire.

From our end, we can assure everyone that this cheap shot from the private corporations, that is causing a little inconvenience right now, will never deter us from continuing this humble endeavor of spreading the most relevant news and analysis which should help us see the bigger picture of what they’re trying to accomplish.

As always, we will never be afraid of putting our own fingerprint in everything we said about the whole corrupted system. They can only attempt to intimidate, but realistically they cannot round up all of us. But we can surely continue to overload their system with the right information

It’s time for the rest of us to rise up and together we must completely destroy the apparatus of corporate tyranny and oppression. It’s time we destroy the mainstream media and destroy what remains of the reputation of all conscripted politicians for good.

To our subscribers, please continue extending the discussions by sharing your views below.

We, the People, will prevail soon.

Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi

Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi
The Stakes For Trump And All Of Us + Facebook's Zuckerberg Lobbies For New World Order
February 22 2017 | From: PaulCraigRoberts / WND / Various

We need to understand, and so does President Trump, that the hoax “war on terror” was used to transform intelligence agencies, such as the NSA and CIA, and criminal investigative agencies, such as the FBI, into Gestapo secret police agencies.

Trump is now threatened by these agencies, because he rejects the neoconservative’s agenda of US world hegemony that supports the gigantic military/security annual budget.

Related: President Donald J. Trump’s First Month: Achieving Results for the American People

Our secret police agencies are busy at work planting “intelligence” among the presstitute media that Trump is compromised by “Russian connections” and is a security threat to the United States. The plan is to make a case in the media, as was done against President Nixon, and to force Trump from office.

To openly take on a newly elected president is an act of extraordinary audacity that implies enormous confidence, or else desperation, on the part of the police state agencies.

Here you can see CNN openly cooperating with the CIA in treating wild and irresponsible speculation that Trump is under Russian influence as if it is an established fact.

Related: Reddit Censors Pro-Trump Content in New Crackdown

The “evidence” provided by CNN and the CIA is a “report” by the New York Times that, with little doubt, was planted in the NYT by the CIA.

This is so obvious that it is clear that CNN and the CIA regard the American people as so gullible as to be completely stupid.

Glenn Greenwald explains to Amy Goodman that the CIA is after Trump, because Trump’s announced policy of reducing the dangerous tensions with Russia conflicts with the military/security complex’s need for a major enemy.

Greenwald: Empowering the "Deep State" to Undermine Trump is Prescription for Destroying Democracy

The deep state, although there’s no precise or scientific definition, generally refers to the agencies in Washington that are permanent power factions. They stay and exercise power even as presidents who are elected come and go. They typically exercise their power in secret, in the dark, and so they’re barely subject to democratic accountability, if they’re subject to it at all.

It’s agencies like the CIA, the NSA and the other intelligence agencies, that are essentially designed to disseminate disinformation and deceit and propaganda, and have a long history of doing not only that, but also have a long history of the world’s worst war crimes, atrocities and death squads.

This is who not just people like Bill Kristol, but lots of Democrats are placing their faith in, are trying to empower, are cheering for as they exert power separate and apart from - in fact, in opposition to - the political officials to whom they’re supposed to be subordinate.

Related: The CIA vs. The Presidency: This Is Not The First Time

And you go - this is not just about Russia. You go all the way back to the campaign, and what you saw was that leading members of the intelligence community, including Mike Morell, who was the acting CIA chief under President Obama, and Michael Hayden, who ran both the CIA and the NSA under George W. Bush, were very outspoken supporters of Hillary Clinton.

Russia - 'Source of Truth Against NWO'

On February 10, Russia celebrated the "Day of the Diplomatic worker" - a job which is becoming increasingly dangerous due to Russia's counterweight role in the established world order.

Special remembrance was paid to Karlov, Russia's Ambassador to Turkey who was cowardly shot in a back earlier this year. Furthermore, it was stipulated that Russia is increasingly being looked to as a source of truth, as the world learns more and more about the interconnected nature of Zio-Atlanticist politics and the corrupted mainstream media - often owned by the very same, pillaging political elites.

In fact, Michael Morell went to The New York Times, and Michael Hayden went to The Washington Post, during the campaign to praise Hillary Clinton and to say that Donald Trump had become a recruit of Russia.

The CIA and the intelligence community were vehemently in support of Clinton and vehemently opposed to Trump, from the beginning. And the reason was, was because they liked Hillary Clinton’s policies better than they liked Donald Trump’s.

One of the main priorities of the CIA for the last five years has been a proxy war in Syria, designed to achieve regime change with the Assad regime.

Hillary Clinton was not only for that, she was critical of Obama for not allowing it to go further, and wanted to impose a no-fly zone in Syria and confront the Russians.

Related: Trump’s ISIS Plan: Another US Invasion?

Donald Trump took exactly the opposite view. He said we shouldn’t care who rules Syria; we should allow the Russians, and even help the Russians, kill ISIS and al-Qaeda and other people in Syria.

So, Trump’s agenda that he ran on was completely antithetical to what the CIA wanted. Clinton’s was exactly what the CIA wanted, and so they were behind her.

And so, they’ve been trying to undermine Trump for many months throughout the election. And now that he won, they are not just undermining him with leaks, but actively subverting him.

There’s claims that they’re withholding information from him, on the grounds that they don’t think he should have it and can be trusted with it. They are empowering themselves to enact policy.

“Now, I happen to think that the Trump presidency is extremely dangerous. You just listed off in your news - in your newscast that led the show, many reasons.

[ Comment: This is erroneous and based on a lack of information - Greenwald is smart in many ways - however he is NOT playing with all of the pieces. When he is right he is on the money - when he is wrong he is a stroppy kindergarten child ]

They want to dismantle the environment. They want to eliminate the safety net. They want to empower billionaires. They want to enact bigoted policies against Muslims and immigrants and so many others. And it is important to resist them.

And there are lots of really great ways to resist them, such as getting courts to restrain them, citizen activism and, most important of all, having the Democratic Party engage in self-critique to ask itself how it can be a more effective political force in the United States after it has collapsed on all levels.

That isn’t what this resistance is now doing. What they’re doing instead is trying to take maybe the only faction worse than Donald Trump, which is the deep state, the CIA, with its histories of atrocities, and say they ought to almost engage in like a soft coup, where they take the elected president and prevent him from enacting his policies. And I think it is extremely dangerous to do that.

Even if you’re somebody who believes that both the CIA and the deep state, on the one hand, and the Trump presidency, on the other, are extremely dangerous, as I do, there’s a huge difference between the two, which is that Trump was democratically elected and is subject to democratic controls, as these courts just demonstrated and as the media is showing, as citizens are proving. But on the other hand, the CIA was elected by nobody.

They’re barely subject to democratic controls at all. And so, to urge that the CIA and the intelligence community empower itself to undermine the elected branches of government is insanity. That is a prescription for destroying democracy overnight in the name of saving it.

And yet that’s what so many, not just neocons, but the neocons’ allies in the Democratic Party, are now urging and cheering. And it’s incredibly warped and dangerous to watch them do that.”

- Glenn Greenwald

The United States is now in the extraordinary situation that the liberal/progressive/left is allied with the deep state against democracy. The liberal/progressive/left are lobbying for the impeachment of a president who has committed no impeachable offense.

The neoconservatives have stated their preference for a deep state coup against democracy. The media obliges with a constant barrage of lies, innuendos and disinformation. The insouciant American public sits there sucking its thumb.

What can Trump do? He can clean out the intelligence agencies and terminate their license granted by Bush and Obama to conduct unconstitutional activities.

He can use anti-trust to breakup the media conglomerates that Clinton allowed to form.

Youtuber Makes Fake News Retract Their Lies

Alex Jones talks with Mark Dice about how is combating the FakeStream media and forcing them to retract their lies.

If Bush and Obama can on their own authority subject US citizens to indefinite detention without due process and if Obama can murder suspect US citizens without due process of law, Trump can use anti-trust law to break up the media conglomerates that speak with one voice against him.

At this point Trump has no alternative but to fight. He can take down the secret police agencies and the presstitute media conglomerates, or they will take him down. Dismissing Flynn was the worse thing to do. He should have kept Flynn and fired the “leakers” who are actively using disinformation against him.

Related: Evan Hyde: Taking Down the Deep State

The NSA would have to know who the leakers are. Trump should clean out the corrupt NSA management and install officials who will identify the leakers. Then Trump should prosecute the leakers to the full extent of the law.

No president can survive secret police agencies determined to destroy him. If Trump’s advisers don’t know this, Trump desperately needs new advisers.

Trump Says MSM Is “Enemy Of The American People”

But here’s how to counter it:

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Facebook's Zuckerberg Lobbies For New World Order

Mark Zuckerberg, Facebook founder, wrote in a 5,800-word manifesto his personal vision of recreating the world in his image – an image that includes a true “global community that works for all of us,” he said, in an interview with the Associated Press.

The piece, entitled “Building Global Community,” comes as President Donald Trump’s “make America great again” mantra fueled him to the White House.

It also comes on the heels of Brexit, another vote that seemed to underscore a backlash against elite governance and establishment political policies that place the world’s interest above those of a sovereign nation or individual.

Zuckerberg’s full letter was posted on Facebook It read, in part:

“On our journey to connect the world, we often discuss products we’re building and updates on our business. Today I want to focus on the most important question of all: are we building the world we all want?

History is the story of how we’ve learned to come together in ever greater numbers - from tribes to cities to nations. At each step, we built social infrastructure like communities, media and governments to empower us to achieve things we couldn’t on our own.

Today we are close to taking our next step. Our greatest opportunities are now global - like spreading prosperity and freedom, promoting peace and understanding, lifting people out of poverty, and accelerating science.

Our greatest challenges also need global responses - like ending terrorism, fighting climate change, and preventing pandemics. Progress now requires humanity coming together not just as cities or nations, but also as a global community.

This is especially important right now. Facebook stands for bringing us closer together and building a global community.”

Zuckerberg then spoke of the need to build supportive, safe, informed, civically-engaged and inclusive communities.

He wondered: “How do we help people build an inclusive community that reflects our collective values and common humanity from local to global levels, spanning cultures, nations and regions in a world with few examples of global communities?”

He then addressed each point in its own section, citing personal stories of people’s lives and struggles to make his overall point: think global first.

And some of his solutions:

“The most successful physical communities have engaged leaders, and we’ve seen the same with online groups as well. In Berlin, a man named Monis Bukhari runs a group where he personally helps refugees find homes and jobs. Today, Facebook’s tools for group admins are relatively simple. We plan to build more tools to empower community leaders like Monis to run and grow their groups the way they’d like, similar to what we’ve done with Pages.”

“Looking ahead, one of our greatest opportunities to keep people safe is building artificial intelligence to understand more quickly and accurately what is happening across our community.”

“We noticed some people share stories based on sensational headlines without ever reading the story. In general, if you become less likely to share a story after reading it, that’s a good sign the headline was sensational. If you’re more likely to share a story after reading it, that’s often a sign of good in-depth content.

We recently started reducing sensationalism in News Feed by taking this into account for pieces of content, and going forward signals like this will identify sensational publishers as well. There are many steps like this we have taken and will keep taking to reduce sensationalism and help build a more informed community.”

“[We should work toward] establishing a new process for citizens worldwide to participate in collective decision-making. … In the United States election last year, we helped more than 2 million people register to vote and then go vote.”

“Building an inclusive global community requires establishing a new process for citizens worldwide to participate in community governance.”

His summary?

More of the same: More thinking of the global good; less thinking of the individual.

More ‘new world order’ type thinking; less sovereignty and independence.

“I hope we have the focus to take the long view and build the new social infrastructure to create the world we want for generations to come,” Zuckerberg wrote.

Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi

Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi
Did The Judges Lie: New Report Finds 72 Terrorists Came From Countries Covered By Trump Ban + State Department Revolts Against Trump For Securing Border
February 15 2017 | From: Zerohedge / Infowars

The federal judge who halted President Donald Trump's travel ban was wrong in stating that no one from the seven countries targeted in Trump's order has been arrested for extremism in the United States since the 2001 terrorist attacks.

In fact, as a new report finds, 72 individuals from the seven 'mostly Muslim countries' covered by President Trump's "extreme vetting" executive order have been convicted of terrorism since 9/11.

Globalist Rebellion: Appeals Court Rules Against Trump, Overturns Constitution

As AP first reported, during a hearing in Seattle last week, Judge Robartasked a Justice Department lawyer how many arrests of foreign nationals from the countries have occurred since 9/11. When the lawyer said she didn't know, Robart answered his own question:

"Let me tell, you, the answer to that is none, as best I can tell. You're here arguing on behalf of someone that says we have to protect the United States from these individuals coming from these countries and there's no support for that."

And now, having denied President Trump's appeal, claiming his policy "would cause irreparable injury," would cause irreparable injury, it seems the entire premise of the seven "mostly muslim" nations' mostly-peaceful, non-terrorist ways are in doubt as The Center for Immigration Studies shows that...

"A review of information compiled by a Senate committee in 2016 reveals that 72 individuals from the seven countries covered in President Trump's vetting executive order have been convicted in terror cases since the 9/11 attacks.

In June 2016 the Senate Subcommittee on Immigration and the National Interest, then chaired by new Attorney General Jeff Sessions, released a report on individuals convicted in terror cases since 9/11.

Using open sources (because the Obama administration refused to provide government records), the report found that 380 out of 580 people convicted in terror cases since 9/11 were foreign-born. The report is no longer available on the Senate website, but a summary published by Fox News is available here.

The Center has obtained a copy of the information compiled by the subcommittee. The information compiled includes names of offenders, dates of conviction, terror group affiliation, federal criminal charges, sentence imposed, state of residence, and immigration history.

The Center has extracted information on 72 individuals named in the Senate report whose country of origin is one of the seven terror-associated countries included in the vetting executive order: Iran, Iraq, Libya, Somalia, Sudan, Syria, and Yemen. The Senate researchers were not able to obtain complete information on each convicted terrorist, so it is possible that more of the convicted terrorists are from these countries.

The United States has admitted terrorists from all of the seven dangerous countries:

  • Somalia: 20
  • Yemen: 19
  • Iraq: 19
  • Syria: 7
  • Iran: 4
  • Libya: 2
  • Sudan: 1
  • Total: 72

According to the report, at least 17 individuals entered as refugees from these terror-prone countries. Three came in on student visas and one arrived on a diplomatic visa.

At least 25 of these immigrants eventually became citizens. Ten were lawful permanent residents, and four were illegal aliens.

These facts stand in stark contrast to the assertions by the Ninth Circuit judges who have blocked the president's order on the basis that there is no evidence showing a risk to the United States in allowing aliens from these seven terror-associated countries to come in."

Finally, we reminder readers that while Charles Kurzman, a sociology professor at the University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill, says his research shows no Americans have been killed in the U.S. at the hands of people from the seven countries - Iran, Iraq, Libya, Somalia, Syria, Sudan and Yemen - since Sept. 11, it's not quite right to say no one from those nations has been arrested or accused in an extremist-related plot while living in the U.S.

23 percent of Muslim Americans involved with extremist plots since Sept. 11 had family backgrounds from the seven countries.

So Judge claims ZERO but in fact the number is 72... Those darn 'alternative facts' are such trouble... or is it racist, sexist, mysoginist, and bogoted when the liberal judiciary is fact-checked?

Related: Courts Launching Coup Against Constitution: Trump clearly Has Power, Says Constitution

State Department Revolts Against Trump For Securing Border

Clinton cronies at State DOUBLED the inflow of Muslim migrants after 9th Circuit ruling.

The State Department is in open revolt against the White House and Secretary of State Rex Tillerson, inviting President Donald Trump to clean house.

750+ Sex Criminals Have Been Arrested Across U.S. Since Trump Became President

For many Americans, Trump, made famous for his “You’re Fired” approach to his “Apprentice” reality TV show, has just been given a once-in-a-lifetime repeat performance of that line now that he is president.

Those federal employees feeling secure that civil service rules assure them permanent State Department employment in DC despite their open opposition to Trump’s foreign policies might be well advised to start thinking twice about how well they could adapt to a presidential reassignment to a remote outpost in Alaska, or at the southernmost tip of the United States in Texas, along the Mexican border.

This week a State Department “dissent channel” memo surfaced, objecting to President Trump’s Executive Order issued Jan. 27, temporarily suspending travel for 90 days from Syria, Iraq, Iran, Libya, Somalia, Sudan, and Yemen. By Friday over 1,000 State Department employees had put their signatures to the resistance statement.

Related: Hollywood Singer Wears Make America Great Again Dress To Grammys!

“A policy which closes our doors to over 200 million legitimate travelers in the hopes of preventing a small number of travelers who intend to harm Americans from using the visa system to enter the US will not achieve its aim of making our country safer,” the State Department dissent memo reads, in language that clearly asserts the bureaucrats in the State Department have a superior lock on foreign policy wisdom than does the president.

Given Trump’s history as a highly successful multi-billionaire CEO, dissenting State Department employees are making a dangerous bet expressing their opinion that they know better than their boss.

The New York Times reported that the State Department currently has 7,600 Foreign Service officers and 11,000 civil servants. This means some 5% (the 1,000 signing the dissent memorandum) of current State Department employees are in open revolt against the newly-inaugurated Chief Executive of the US.

The State Department’s open revolt invites Secretary Tillerson to put under scrutiny for discipline, reassignment, and/or outright dismissal the 1,000 employees signing the dissent memo.

This, plus the “mass exodus” of top State Department policy and management officials that resigned in response to Trump’s election and his selection of Tillerson to be secretary of state, gives President Trump and Secretary Tillerson an extraordinary opportunity to “clean house” with a decision to fire for insubordination all State Department policy officials that signed the dissent memorandum expressing their open disdain for the border security objectives central to Trump’s 2016 presidential campaign.

The depth of the State Department revolt is not fully appreciated until we examine the extent to which leftist State Department officials went to flood into the US a disproportionately large number of refugees from the seven terror-supporting countries specified in the Trump executive order – acting almost as if it were the State Department’s job to get as many refugees into the Untied States as possible from these seven terror-supporting countries before the window closed.

The Washington Times has reported the State Dept. has more than doubled the refugee inflow from the seven terror-prone nations since U.S. District Court Judge James Robart in Seattle imposed a temporary restraining order on the enforcement of President Trump’s executive order imposing the temporary travel ban.

“A staggering 77 percent of the 1,100 refugees let in since Judge James L. Robart’s Feb. 3 order have been from the seven suspect countries. Nearly a third are from Syria alone - a country that President Trump has ordered be banned altogether from the refugee program,” the Washington Times noted.

“Another 21 percent are from Iraq. By contrast, in the two weeks before Judge Robart’s order, just 9 percent of refugees were from Syria and 6 percent were from Iraq.”

But the State Department open rebellion against President Trump does not stop there.

The ConservativeTreeHouse.com argued that a CNN report on Thursday claiming the Russians were trying to influence the election in France so as to insure a win for anti-globalist Marine Le Pen, president of the National Front – a strong opponent of the European Union with a Trump-like “France First” message.

“In essence, CNN -and by extension the progressive State Department officials remaining within the shadow deep state construct- is trying to influence the French Presidential Race,” the ConservativeTreeHouse.com story stressed.  “Blaming the Russians in advance is an attempt to weaken Marine Le Pen.”

The article went on to comment only difference between November 2016 and today is that this time CNN is attempting to get out ahead of an election rather than inventing the back-story “the Russians did it” to explain why Hillary Clinton lost an election her leftist supporters presumed she had won from the moment she declared her candidacy for president.

Predictably, Twitter on Friday morning in the aftermath of the Ninth Circuit’s Court of Appeals decision to leave Judge Robart’s decision in place has nothing about the issue trending, despite numerous tweets being posted by Americans angry at the appellate court’s decision and demanding that President Trump clean house at the State Department.

Globalist Rebellion! 9th Circuit Court Rules Against Trump "Muslim Ban" - Invites Terrorists

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Judge’s Order To Block Trump’s Immigration Travel Ban Is Ridiculous + Trump’s White House Blasts Bibi For Approving New Israeli Settlements
February 7 2017 | From: JonRappoport / Geopolitics / Various

Judge’s order to block Trump’s immigration travel ban is ridiculous.

The Judge is playing games. He’s lying. He obviously doesn’t like Trump’s immigration travel ban, so he’s cooking up reasons for slapping a temporary restraining order on it.

Related: Appeals Court Denies Justice Department Motion to Immediately Lift Block on Travel Ban

A freshman in law school could point out holes in those reasons big enough to drive a fleet of trucks through.

On February 3rd, Judge James Robart issued his order (Case 2:17-cv-00141-JLR Document 52 Filed 02/03/17 Page 1 of 7): he temporarily restrained the federal government from enforcing Trump’s immigration travel ban.

The Judge’s order is absurd for several reasons.

First of all, objections to Trump’s ban were entered into the court by the States of Washington and Minnesota, as the “injured parties.” But Judge Robart announced his decision would affect all States - the whole country - because immigration law must be applied “uniformly” across the board. Perhaps, but nowhere is it stated that a temporary restraining order (TRO) issued by a judge must be applied uniformly across the whole country.

Since when is a TRO the same as a law? Speaking of law, no final legal/constitutional decision has been rendered re Trump’s Executive Order on immigration. It’s still up for grabs. The Judge is just writing script to suit his bias.

The Judge may not like Trump’s ban; clearly, he does not. The Judge may believe the ban will be overturned by a higher court because it is unconstitutional. The Judge may think Trump is committing an immoral act. But all that is beside the point. The only thing Judge Robart was empowered to do was issue a TRO or not issue a TRO. Period.

Why should he have the right to apply his TRO, not a law, to the whole of the United States? Maybe he’s a god we haven’t been told about. If so, I’d like to see the evidence.

Next point: The judge made a number of comments to justify issuing his the TRO: “The States are likely to suffer irreparable harm in the absence of [my] preliminary relief [restraining order].”

That is absurd on its face. Irreparable harm? This means harm that can never be fixed? Come on. The Judge may as well have said,I’m biased. I don’t like Trump’s EO and I don’t like him. So when I said ‘irreparable’, I exaggerated by a few thousand miles. Ha-ha.

The Judge wrote:

“The EO [Trump’s Executive Order limiting immigration] adversely affects the States’ residents in areas of employment, education, business, family relations, and freedom to travel.”

More fluff, nonsense, and outright deception. Does the Judge seriously expect us to believe that the banning of 35,000 more refugees than the 2016 federal cap is going to decimate the States?

In his EO, Trump wrote:

“I hereby proclaim that the entry of more than 50,000 refugees in fiscal year 2017 would be detrimental to the interests of the United States, and thus suspend any such entry until such time as I determine that additional admissions would be in the national interest.”

An NPR political editor stated: “For 2016, the cap was 85,000.” The difference is 35,000.

Judge Robart wrote:

“In addition, the States themselves are harmed by virtue of the damage… inflicted upon the operations and missions of their public universities… as well as injury to the States’ operations, tax bases, and public funds.”

Same objections as above. Judge Robart is stretching the truth to the breaking point. His definition of “harm” and “irreparable harm” are coming from his private dictionary of exaggerations. He’s winging it.

Case closed. Except it isn’t.

A Judge who can take powers not granted to him, who can invent, out of whole cloth, dire consequences where none exist, is hustling the system he’s sworn to defend.

Trump’s White House Blasts Bibi For Approving New Israeli Settlements

A recent statement from the White House has shocked the Israeli hierarchy when it said not to continue building new settlements, or any unilateral actions from both sides that would undermine the two-state solution that the United States has been advocating for the last 50 years.

Trump warns Israel: Stop announcing new settlements

White House official tells ‘Post’ all parties should cease ‘unilateral actions,’ affirms two-state solution.

The White House warned Israel on Thursday – in a surprising statement – to cease settlement announcements that are “unilateral” and “undermining” of President Donald Trump’s effort to forge Middle East peace, a senior administration official told The Jerusalem Post.

For the first time, the administration confirmed that Trump is committed to a comprehensive two-state solution to the Israeli- Palestinian conflict negotiated between the parties.

The official told the Post that the White House was not consulted on Israel’s unprecedented announcement of 5,500 new settlement housing units over the course of his first two weeks in office.

“As President Trump has made clear, he is very interested in reaching a deal that would end the Israeli-Palestinian conflict and is currently exploring the best means of making progress toward that goal,” the official said.

“With that in mind, we urge all parties to refrain from taking unilateral actions that could undermine our ability to make progress, including settlement announcements,” the official added. “The administration needs to have the chance to fully consult with all parties on the way forward.”

Trump plans to bring up the peace process in his meeting with Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu at the White House scheduled for February 15.

Trump looks forward to those discussions, White House Press Secretary Sean Spicer said in response to this report.

“The American desire for peace between the Israelis and the Palestinians has remained unchanged for 50 years,” Spicer said. “While we don’t believe the existence of settlements is an impediment to peace, the construction of new settlements or the expansion of existing settlements beyond their current borders may not be helpful in achieving that goal.”

On Thursday, Netanyahu reiterated his support for the settlement enterprise and said, during a visit to Ariel, that in the last week alone he had announced the advancement and authorization of 900 homes in that city.

Until now, Israeli officials have not known what to make of Trump administration policy on the issue of settlements specifically and, more generally, on the challenge of Middle East peace: Under Trump’s leadership, reference to a two-state solution was removed from the Republican Party platform over the summer, and the president’s envoy to Israel has publicly supported the settlement enterprise.

Trump has, however, repeatedly called peace between Israel and the Palestinians the “ultimate deal” – one that he has tasked Jared Kushner, a top adviser and his son-in-law, with moderating.

“I think it’s designed to chill some of the exuberance of those on the Israeli Right who think they have a blank check,” Dennis Ross, a senior Middle East diplomat and veteran of the George H.W. Bush, Clinton and Obama administrations, told the Post. “I think that exuberance got their attention. I just don’t think they want any announcements that will surprise them, and they’re still in the process of formulating what their policy is going to be.

“It sounds like they want to convey a pretty blunt message,” Ross added.

The Trump administration official did not go as far as to explicitly condemn Israel’s settlement activity as “contrary to the pursuit of peace,” as the Obama administration had over the course of its tenure. But the White House does appear to believe that settlement activity, at the very least, “undermines” and complicates Trump’s efforts to bring both sides to the negotiating table.

“The United States remains committed to advancing a comprehensive final-status agreement between Israel and the Palestinians that results in two states living side-by-side in peace and security,” the official said."

- Trump warns Israel: Stop announcing new settlements

The question whether he will issue a blank check for Israeli abuses against the real landlord of the Palestinian lands, has been answered.

Now, we wonder how the protesting Sheeples would react to this one, if they really understand what they are doing.

‘You Think Our Country Is So Innocent?’ * Trump Asks After O’Reilly Calls Putin ‘A Killer’

The US is not as innocent as it may seem, according to President Donald Trump. When Fox News host Bill O’Reilly called Vladimir Putin “a killer,” Trump responded: “We’ve got a lot of killers.”

In an interview to be aired ahead of the Super Bowl later on Sunday, Bill O’Reilly asked if Trump respects Russian President Vladimir Putin, to which the he replied, “I do respect him. Well, I respect a lot of people, but that doesn’t mean I’ll get along with them.”

Related: ‘You think our country is so innocent?’ - President Trump

Seemingly surprised, O’Reilly goes on to ask him why.

He is the leader of his country. I say it’s better to get along with Russia than not, and if Russia helps us in the fight against ISIS – which is a major fight – and the Islamic terrorism all over the world, that’s a good thing,” Trump answered.

“Will I get along with him? I have no idea.”

O’Reilly then challenged Trump, calling the Russian president “a killer.” Trump shrugged the comment off, saying:

“There are a lot of killers. We’ve got a lot of killers. What, do you think our country is so innocent?”

Related: President Trump Will Not Betray You

It is not the first time that Trump has made such comments when journalists question his stance regarding the Russian leader.

At the end of 2015, the host of MSNBC’s Morning Joe told Trump that Putin “kills journalists,” to which the unfazed then-presidential candidate replied,

“I think that our country does plenty of killing, too, Joe.”

“I’ve always felt fine about Putin. He’s a strong leader. He’s a powerful leader,” Trump added.

Related: Russian tech expert sues BuzzFeed over Trump dossier ‘fake news’

At the end of January, Putin and Trump held their first official phone call, which, according to the Kremlin, was “good and constructive.”

Over the past years, the lack of mutual respect became the main reason for the deterioration of relations,”Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov added.

Another important thing is that Washington is prepared for dialogue, the spokesman concluded.

This is what President Putin called for rather consistently but where unfortunately he did not see reciprocity over the past years,”Peskov said.

Earlier in January, however, Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov emphasized that the first meeting between Putin and Trump may “happen in months to come,” not “in a matter of weeks.”

Peskov also said;

“It is maybe the biggest mistake on the part of Western analysts to think that Trump is ‘our man.’ He is an American man.”

Former Deputy Speaker of the Belgian Parliament Lode Vanoost told RT that it is way too early to be overly optimistic about Trump.

“To me, he remains as unpredictable and unreliable as he was before. We didn't see the full interview yet, and the follow-up questions that came after this very astonishing remark.

Basically, what Trump is doing is he is applying the same moral principles to the US as he applies to other countries. That is indeed without precedent in US political culture.”

Also, he expressed concern over forces that could interfere with Trump's mending ties with Russia.

“If he remains on the path of improving relations with Russia, it could be quite dangerous: my fear is that all conservative governments in the EU, NATO, will create provocations to force him back into line.”

President Trump Defends 'Killer' Putin In Super Bowl Interview: 'Do You Think Our Country's So Innocent?'

Here’s a short compilation of the US CIA assassinations since 1945:

Countries where the US has assassinated or attempted to assassinate a movement leader

The US has made more than 50 attempts to assassinate political party leaders according to William Blum in his 2003 book [[Killing Hope|”Killing Hope: U.S. Military and C.I.A. Interventions since World War II”.

Noam Chomsky
called this book “Far and away the best book on the topic”.[1] Former CIA officer John Stockwell called the same book “The single most useful summary of CIA history.”[2]

All such operations are illegal and almost all such killings are aimed at geopolitical objectives. In almost no cases can any clear humanitarian benefit be identified, even if the target is/was indeed tyrannical.

While bombings with aircraft leave evidence in many cases, covert operations may be difficult to prove.

Date Country Details Disputed?
2011 Pakistan Osama Bin Laden. Killing of a captured man. No
2003 Iraq Saddam Hussein and his two sons. Two killings and a semi-judicial execution. Maybe
2002 Afghanistan Gulbuddin Hekmatyar, Islamic leader and warlord Maybe
1993 Somalia Mohamed Farah Aideed, prominent clan leader. Failed attempt but he died later. Maybe
1991 Iraq Saddam Hussein, leader. Attempt to kill him? Maybe
1985 Lebanon Sheikh Mohammed Hussein Fadlallah, Shiite leader (80 people killed in the attempt) Maybe
1984 Nicaragua The nine comandantes of the Sandinista National Directorate Maybe
1983 Nicaragua Miguel d’Escoto, Foreign Minister Maybe
1983 Morocco Gen. Ahmed Dlimi, Army commander Maybe
1982 Iran Ayatollah Khomeini, leader Maybe
Libya Muammar Qaddafi, leader, several plots and attempts upon his life Maybe
1976 Jamaica Michael Manley, Prime Minister Maybe
1976 Chile exiled Chilean Foreign Minister Orlando Letelier is blown up in Washington DC, part of Operation Condor with at least tacit US support  ?
1975 Zaire Mobutu Sese Seko, President. Maybe
1972 Panama General Manuel Noriega, Chief of Intelligence. Captured alive and been imprisoned ever since. Maybe
Panama General Omar Torrijos, leader Maybe
1970 Chile Gen. Rene Schneider, Commander-in-Chief of Army. Maybe
1970 Chile Salvador Allende, President unsuccesful US supported coup “Project FUBELT” No
1967 Bolivia Che Guevara, revolutionary leader. CIA-organized military operation ends in capture and execution by the Bolivian Army. Maybe
1965 –
France Charles de Gaulle, President Maybe
1965 Dominican Republic Francisco Caamaño, opposition leader Maybe
1965 Zaire President overthrown and replaced by Mobutu, see entry for 1961, deposing of Lumumba. No
1960s Cuba Raúl Castro, high official in government Maybe
Cuba Fidel Castro, President, many attempts on his life including poisoned cigars. No
1963 South Vietnam Ngo Dinh Diem, President. Successful attempt to replace one puppet leader with another. Maybe
1963 Iraq The CIA supports the Ba’athists, including Saddam Hussein, in a coup in Iraq against the Qassim government.[3][4][5] No [6]
1961 Dominican Republic Gen. Rafael Trujillo, dictator since 1930 shot dead in 1961.[7][8] Yes
1961 Zaire In June 1960, Patrice Lumumba became the Congo’s first prime minister after independence from Belgium. Calls for the nation’s economic liberation and is branded a communist. Eleven days later, the mineral rich Katanga province, owned by Belgium and prominent Eisenhower administration officials, seceedes. Lumumba dismissed in September at the instigation of the United States, and in Jan 1961 assassinated at the express request of Dwight Eisenhower. Several years of civil conflict and chaos end in the CIA backed deposing of President Joseph Kasavubu and the 1965 accession to power of the CIA linked Mobutu Sese Seko. Mobutu ruled and robbed the country for more than 30 years (a “kleptocracy”) while the Zairian people lived in abject poverty. No
1961 Haiti Francois “Papa Doc” Duvalier, leader Maybe
Costa Rica José Figueres, President, two attempts on his life Maybe
1960 Iraq Brig. Gen. Abdul Karim Kassem, leader Maybe
1959 Cambodia Norodom Sihanouk, leader. And again, 1963, 1969. Maybe
1957 Egypt Gamal Abdul Nasser, President Maybe
1955 India Jawaharlal Nehru, Prime Minister Maybe
1951 Iran Mohammed Mossadegh, Prime Minister No
1951 North Korea Kim Il Sung, Premier Maybe
1950s (mid) Philippines Claro M. Recto, opposition leader Maybe
1950s, 1962 Indonesia Sukarno, President Maybe
1950s China Prime minister Chou En-lai, several attempts on his life Maybe
1950s Germany CIA/Neo-Nazi hit list of more than 200 political figures in West Germany to be “put out of the way” in the event of a Soviet invasion Maybe
1949 Korea Kim Koo, opposition leader No

Source: Wikispooks

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Australian Actor Impersonated Family Of Bourke St Victims In Calls To Hospitals
February 7 2017 | From: TheContrail / Various

An Australian actor has repeatedly impersonated and vilified the friends and family of a little girl killed in Melbourne’s Bourke St massacre via a series of phone calls and public videos.

Neighbours and Underbelly bit-part actor Peter Kusznir, who has more than 18,000 subscribers to his YouTube channel, was reportedly instructed by police to pull down at least three lengthy videos where he vilified several victims who were killed and injured in the tragedy.

Related: Australian actor impersonated family of Bourke St victims in calls to hospitals

News.com.au has obtained copies of the videos - which have all been reported to police - but decided not to publish them.

Mr Kusznir also impersonated a family friend of slain schoolgirl Thalia Hakin, 10, in recorded phone calls to two Melbourne hospitals before uploading audio of the conversations to his channel.

Mr Kusznir, a conspiracy theorist, believes the Bourke Street attack never took place and that “no car went down Bourke Street”.

In his online videos he goes as far as to question the injuries sustained by victims in the rampage.

He makes numerous other horrific comments about people hurt in the attack, their families and some general anti-Semitic comments about Jewish people.

Related: Censorship Shock: Amazon.com Bans Investigative Book ‘Nobody Died At Sandy Hook’ Because It Disagrees With Government Version Of What Happened

In one video Mr Kusznir can be heard calling the Royal Melbourne Hospital and telling a receptionist he is an old friend of Thalia’s mother, Nathalie Hakin, who was severely injured in the Bourke St attack on January 20.

No one was hurt or killed in Melbourne.

Please watch the video below for info on Kuwait that some may not be aware of. Peekay Makes Headlines for Melbourne 'Hoax' Peter's Peekay Truth channel is on a two week holiday. His Peekay22 channel is still running if you want to send a message.

RussianVids also has some good coverage on the Melb event. The videos Peter made, including the flowerless, grey room funeral footage have been taken down.

Peekay Makes Headlines for Melbourne 'Hoax'


Further Information: Anaconda MaltLiquor

Anaconda has several short vids explaining how Peter was contacted by police while at a friend's place. His ex wife was also contacted at her work place.

Much hysteria was had. This all happened after a commenter on Peter's videos had been goading him into exposing the jews by claiming he didn't go far enough with the truth telling by not exposing them. Then this happens.

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The Federal Reserve And The Bank Of England Financed The 3rd Reich + International Red Cross Report Confirms The Holocaust Of Six Million Jews Is A Hoax
February 6 2017 | From: DiscloseTV / AustralianNationalReview / RenegadeTribune / Various

It may seem like something that comes as a total surprise to some who know the history of the United States. But apparently, there are reports that Hitler and Germany were financed early on by the United States and the Bank of England.

How is this possible when the United States was on of the leading powers to take down the 3rd Reich during World War II?

Related: What really happened to Hitler and the Third Reich Nazi High Command?

Well, perhaps it should come down to not knowing just who you were dealing with. Much of these financial investments happened in the early to late 1920s.

Which was before the Nazi regime started to show it's true colors and before the outbreak of World War II. Yes, there is no denying that these countries were on opposite sides during the first World War, but perhaps this was a way to try to fix the global economy.

Whatever the reason there is now reports that both the Federal Reserve of the United States and the Bank of England made investments with Germany.

This included investing in Gold Reserves in that country during the era of the Twenties. But as many know the bottom fell out of the stock market in the United States leading the Great Depression in 1929.

Was this a result of these investments and perhaps a plot by Hitler to take down the United States financially?

It is certainly something to ponder about if this is indeed true. Here is a list of some of the events as they took place that has now been documented: 1919 to 1924 - There was a huge American financial investment in the German economy; 1924 to 1929 - financial support for national socialism; 1929 to 1933 - Financial hardship in the United States which resulted in Germany gaining more financial power.

For many it may seem hard to swallow that the United States or Europe for that matter would even contemplate investing in the 3rd Reich and Hitler, but again what did they know at that time. No one had a crystal ball telling them what Hitler was truly about.

There also was no such thing as the Internet at this time, and we sure weren't as connected as we are now. So maybe these reports do have truth to them.

Many say that Hitler was a man who could be quite influential, which could explain the control he had over the Nazi Regime. In any case, this was a decision that the United States and Europe no doubt lived to regret some time later.

Reports Suggest That Hitler Was Financed By Banks In The US And The UK

The large-scale manslaughter and brutal violation of human rights by Hitler will not be forgotten by mankind. However, only a few know that Hitler was reportedly supported throughout with finance from the Federal Reserve and the Bank of England.

According to historian Yuri Rubtsov’s recent write-up that was published in Fort Russ, Rubtsov explained how Germany came to power and why the main culprits should be identified before they embark upon something similar yet again.

In the latest parliamentary assembly of the OSCE, Hitler’s actions were compared to that of the Soviet Union in the 21st Century. Rubtsov says that this is nothing more than a tactic to extort money from Russia on the premise that some weaker economies are affected, and to prevent Russia from speaking out against this decision.

What remains a mystery is, how did the Nazis gain so much power? Where did their finances come from? The main pillars, which controlled development in the West in the post-war period were the Bank of England and the Federal Reserve System.

The plan was to establish absolute control over the German economy and consequently gain control over political happenings in central Europe.

This was achieved in four stages:

1. 1919 to 1924 – Preparations for major American financial investment in Germany

2. 1924 to 1929 – Establishing control over the German financial system and offering support for German National Socialism to develop

3. 1929 to 1933 – Ensuring the Nazis come to power by creating a deep financial crisis in Germany

4. 1933 to 1939 – Providing financial support to the new Nazi government and standing by its expansionist policy, all aimed at starting a new World War

American finance entered Germany with the latter’s war debts and reparations. The U.S., after entering the First World War granted loans to ally countries, especially England and France which amounted to nearly $8.8 billion. In order to make up for this money, debtor countries imposed extremely difficult terms for paying reparations, mostly at the expense of Germany.

Rubtsov explains that the resulting Ruhr crisis only worsened the situation. England and America then waited for France to admit that they aren’t being able to resolve this issue effectively.

English banker Montagu Norman ordered the formation of J.P. Morgan. Hand in glove with Norman, Dresdner Bank Representative Hjalmar Schacht was consequently made the manager of Reichsbank (central bank of Germany from 1876 until 1945).

He was instrumental in bringing the Anglo- American and German financial circles closer. Germany was then given a huge loan of $200 million, half of which came from J.P Morgan. This gave Anglo-American forces power over the German economy and its credit system too, says  Rubtsov.

Soon the results were evident. Germany faced a mountain of perpetual debt. Between 1924 and 1929, 70% of revenue in Germany was provided by the U.S. Therefore, even though German industries achieved the second position in the world, it remained in American hands.

“Interessen-Gemeinschaft Farbenindustrie”, the main producer of German war machines was controlled by Rockefeller “Standard oil”.

General Electric controlled the German electrical industry and radio. Aircraft, automobile and other such manufacturing sectors were also controlled by American companies.

Related: German Secret Societies Hid Ancient Super Weapons from Nazis

By 1933, the major banks of Germany were all under American capital control. The Nazi Party and Hitler were being financed and prepared simultaneously. German Chancellor Brüning wrote about large sums that Hitler received since 1923 through Swedish and Swiss Banks.

Where that money was used is still unknown. In 1922, a meeting took place between Hitler and US army officer Captain Truman Smith in Munich.  Smith introduced him to German businessman Ernst Franz Sedgwick Hanfstaengl (Putzie) who played a crucial role in helping Hitler become a strong politician and ensured he got financial support from Britain.

The American stock exchange collapsed in autumn 1929 and both England and the U.S. stopped sending financial aid to Germany.

Related: Secret Justice Department Report Details How the U.S. Helped Former Nazis

However, notorious industrialist Fritz Thyssen and German chemical industry conglomerate I.G. Farben donated large sums to the Nazi party in 1930 and as the party won, international funding started to come in again.

Two years later, in a secret meeting, Hitler, M. Norman- the largest English financier and German nobleman- von Papen decided on further financing the Nazi Party.

A year later, on January 14th, Hitler’s program received complete approval in yet another meeting where Schroder and Kepler (two key businessmen supporting the Nazi Party) were also present. Hitler was appointed as the Chancellor on January 30th.

Related: Prince Harry: Royal Blood – Royal Nazi?

A sympathetic attitude was taken with the new government and their inability to pay reparations was forgiven. Further investments and policies for financial aid were signed between Germany and England. Standard Oil acquired 730,000 acres of land in Germany to build oil refineries, which would supply the Nazis with oil.

Other American firms such as Douglas, Pratt and Whitney and many others offered financial aid too.

A total American investment of $475 million worth of American investment was keeping Germany afloat when the Second World War was on.

These are histories forgotten by many, but the role of the financial elite in crimes against mankind needs to be recalled, explains Rubtsov.

Related: All Wars Are Bankers' Wars

International Red Cross Report Confirms The Holocaust Of Six Million Jews Is A Hoax

Red Cross exposes “Jewish” HolocaustHoax: International RedCross (IRC) document confirms 271 thousand not 6 million died in concentration camps.

This appeared in Ireland in the Kilkenny Journal and was sent to me by a friend. Here is the link to the original article which I have pasted in full here below:

Official International Red Cross Records Released

Sealed and guarded since the end of WWII at Arolsen, Germany, the Official IRC records reveal the actual Concentration Camp total death toll was 271,301

For years, people around the world – “the West” in particular – have been told that “six million Jews were systematically murdered by Germans in ‘Concentration Camps’ during World War 2.

Thousands of honest people disputing this claim have been viciously smeared as a hateful anti-Semite. Several countries around the world have jailed and heavily fined people for disputing the claim that “6 Million” Jews were killed.

Provided here is a scanned image of an Official International Red Cross document, proving the so-called “Holocaust” [the long-and-often-claimed-6-million Jews] is just plain wrong. Jews around the world have intentionally exaggerated and perpetually lied for the purpose of gaining political, emotional and business advantages for themselves.

They committed willful, criminal FRAUD upon millions of trusting people around the world!

Holocaustianity – exposing the Holocaust Lie #Holyhoax

Please NOTE that the truth has been known since long before 1979!!! The above compiler, replying to a letter, had to rely on information that was already in existence!!!

Tax-payers of Germany, Switzerland, Austria, Latvia, Poland and other nations have had multiple millions of dollars taken from their wages to be paid out to “holocaust survivors” and their descendants for something that DID NOT HAPPEN.

The tax-payers of these United States of America spend Billion$ each year in direct, indirect and military support of the State of Israel (which is not Biblical Israel).

This is intentional, criminal fraud on a scale so massive as to be almost incomprehensible.

Red Cross and East German government figures put the total deaths at every camp as 272.000, and 282,000 respectively which includes homosexuals, communists, gypsies, murderers, paedophiles etc. The 6 Million figure is a Kabbalist number, a magickal figure which featured in news papers in the early 1900’s.

Where do the innocent Germans, Americans and others go to get a refund?

I call for criminal prosecution of individuals and groups who filed false lawsuits to obtain holocaust reparations and financial damage awards and perpetrating deliberate fraud upon Courts. I call for the removal of Holocaust references in History books and educational materials. I call for the removal of Holocaust Memorials worldwide.

It is long overdue that this intentional fraud be halted and those who perpetrated it be brought to justice for over 60 years of National Blood Libel against Germany and other nations through vicious lies and financial fraud.

Two of the most important surveys of the Jewish question in Europe during World War II are David Irvings examination of the Russian archives after the wall came down. Irving published his findings in his book, “Hitler’s War” and said not one word about gas chambers.

When question about this omission he said that there was no reference to gas chambers in the archives and therefore he did not discuss the question of gas chambers. Irving was arrested in several countries for hate speech for his scholarly omission.

Related: The Hidden History Of The Incredibly Evil Khazarian Mafia [Illuminati Cabal Zionists...]

The International Red Cross published their analysis in a three volume “Report of the International Committee of the Red Cross on its Activities during the Second World War” published in Geneva in 1948.

This analysis expanded findings of two previous publications: “Sur L’activite’ du CICR en faveur des civils detencus dans les camps de concentration en Allemagne 1939-1945 (Geneva, 1946) and “Inter Arma Caritas: The Work of the ICRF during the Second World War” (Geneva, 1947).

In 1949 the International Red Cross interviewed prisoners in the German camps. They were not allowed to interview prisoners in the Russian camps which were far more harsh. The German camps held both political prisoners (Schutzhaflinge) and those convicted of crimes. The Germans allowed the Red Cross to distribute food, medicine and clothing to the prisoners.

Grateful prisoners sent letters of thanks from Dachau, Buchenwalk, Sangerhausen, Sachsenhausen, Oranienburg, Flossenburg, Landsberg-am-Lech, Fibha, Ravensbruck, Hamburg-Neuengamme, Mauthausen, Theresienstadt, Auschwitz, Bergen-Belsen and others.

“The principal recipients were Belgians, Dutch, French, Greeks, Italians, Norwegians, Poles and stateless Jews”

- (Vol. III, p. 83.

Regarding Theresienstadt, the Red Cross said, “”where there were about 40,000 Jews deported from various countries, was a relatively privileged ghetto”

- Vol. III, p. 75.

“The Committee’s delegates were able to visit the camp at Theresienstadt (Terezin) which was used exclusively for Jews and was governed by special conditions … From information gathered by the Commmee, this camp had been started as an experiment by certain leaders of the Reich … These men wished to give the Jews the means of setting up a communal life in a town under their own administration and possessing almost complete autonomy … two delegates were able to visit the camp on April 6, 1945.

They confirmed the favourable impression gained on the first visit”

- Vol. I, p. 642.

The ICRC also had praise for the regime of Ion Antonescu of Fascist Rumania where the Committee was able to extend special relief to 183,000 Rumanian Jews until the time of the Soviet occupation.

The aid then ceased and the ICRC complained bitterly that it never succeeded “in sending anything whatsoever to Russia” (Vol. II, p. 62). The same situation applied to many of the German camps after their “liberation” by the Russians.

The ICRC received a voluminous flow of mail from Auschwitz until the period of the Soviet occupation, when many of the internees were evacuated westward. But the efforts of the Red Cross to send relief to internees remaining at Auschwitz under Soviet control were futile.

However. food parcels continued to be sent to former Auschwitz inmates transferred west to such camps as Buchenwald and Oranienburg.

Related: The Crown And The Cross

No Mention of Gas Chambers

One of the most important aspects of the Report of the ICRC is that it clarifies the true cause of those deaths that undoubtedly occurred in the camps towards the end of the war.

Says the Report:

“In the chaotic condition of Germany after the invasion during the final months of the war, the camps received no food supplies at all and starvation claimed an increasing number of victims.

Itself alarmed by this situation, the German Government at last informed the ICRC on February 1, 1945 … In March 1945, discussions between the President of the ICRC and General of the S.S. Kaltenbrunner gave even more decisive results.

Relief could henceforth be distributed by the ICRC and one delegate was authorised to stay in each camp .I.”

- Vol. III, p.83

Clearly, the German authorities were at pains to relieve the dire situation as far as they were able.

The Red Cross are quite explicit in stating that food supplies ceased at this time due to the Allied bombing of German transportation, and in the interests of interned Jews they had protested on March 15, 1944 against “the barbarous aerial warfare of the Allies” (Inter Armet Caritns, p. 78).

By October 2, 1944, the ICRC had warned the German Foreign Office of the impending collapse of the German transportation system, declaring that starvation conditions for people throughout Germany were becoming inevitable.

In dealing with this comprehensive, three-volume Report, it is important to stress that the delegates of the International Red Cross found no evidence whatsoever of ‘gas chambers’.

Were Hitler & Nazism Zionist Creations?

The original 1946 edition did not even talk of ‘extermination’ or ‘death camps’ but after the emotional impact of the Nuremberg trials the Red Cross felt compelled to introduce into the expanded 1948 Report several, very cursory references to ‘death camps’ (Vol. 1 p. 641) and ‘extermination camps’ (Vol. I p. 645).

However, no means of’extermination’ is indicated.

In all its 1,600 pages the three-volume Report does not even mention such a thing as a ‘gas chamber’. It acknowledges that Jews, like many other wartime nationalities, suffered rigours and privations, but’ its complete silence on the subject of’gassings’ is ample refutation of the ‘Holocaust’ legend.

Not All Were Interned

Volume III of the Report of the ICRC, Chapter 3 (I. Jewish Civilian Population) deals with the “aid given to the Jewish section of the free population” and this chapter makes it quite plain that by no means all of the European Jews were placed in internment camps but remained, subject to certain restrictions, as part of the free civilian population.

This conflicts directly with the “thoroughness” of the supposed “extermination programme”, and with the claim in the forged Hoess memoirs that Eichmann was obsessed with seizing every single Jew he could lay his hands on, In Slovakia, for example, where Eichmann’s assistant Dieter Wisliceny was in charge, the Report states that:

“A large proportian of the Jewish minority had permission to stay in the country, and at certain periods Slovakia was looked upon as a comparative haven of refuge for Jews, especially for those coming from Poland.

Those who remained in Slovakia seem to have been in comparative safety until the end of August 1944, when a rising against the German forces took place.

While it is true that the law of May 15, 1942 had brought about the internment of several thousand Jews, these people were held in camps where the conditions of food and lodging were tolerable, and where the internees were allowed to do paid work on terms almost equal to those of the free labour market”

- Vol. I, p. 646

Not only did large numbers of the three million or so European Jews avoid internment altogether, but the emigration of Jews continued throughout the war, generally by way of Hungary, Rumania and Turkey.

Ironically, post-war Jewish emigration from German-occupied territories was also facilitated by the Reich, as in the case of the Polish Jews who had escaped to France before its occupation.

“The Jews from Poland who, whilst in France, had obtained entrance permits to the United States were held to be American citizens by the German occupying authorities, who further agreed to recognise the validity of about three thousand passports issued to Jews by the consulates of South American countries”

- Vol. 1, p. 645

Lessons of Holocaust being forgotten, says Prince Charles

As future U.S. citizens, these Jews were held at the Vittel camp in southern France for American aliens. The emigration of European Jews from Hungary in particular proceeded during the war unhindered by the German authorities.

“Until March 1944,” says the Red Cross Report, “Jews who had the privilege of visas for Palestine were free to leave Hungary”

- Vol. 1, p. 648

Even after the replacement of the Horthy Government in 1944 (following its attempted armistice with the Soviet Union) with a government more dependent on German authority, the emigration of Jews continued.

The Committee secured the pledges of both Britain and the United States:

“To give support by every means to the emigration of Jews from Hungary, ” and from the U.S. Government the ICRC received a message stating that “The Government of the United States… now specifically repeats its assurance that arrangements will be made by it for the care of all Jews who in the present circumstances are allowed to leave”

- Vol. 1, p. 649

Official International Red Cross Records Released Sealed And Guarded Since The End Of WWII At Arolsen, Germany.

The Official IRC Records Reveal The Actual Concentration Camp Total Death Toll Was 271,301

See: Poland reduces Auschwitz death toll estimate to 1 million

The Source of the six million figure is a Talmudic (Jewish Talmud) reference to a future holocaust in which six million Jews die.

The reason why they are claiming six million deaths in Nazi camps, even though that number vastly exceeds the number of Jews in Europe at the time, is because this reference in their scripture is something they fear deeply and wish to prevent at all costs.

The Ashkenazi Jews, which I have experience with honestly believe that prophecy is real, but can be manipulated.

They believe that prophets see into the future, and see what was believed and said, and then write that down as much as they reveal the word of GOD.

SO there is a group of Ashkenazi Jews who wish to make the six million figure HISTORY to prevent it from ever happening in the FUTURE by repeating this number over and over and over into the social concience, in the hope that prophets of old will also latch onto this, and report it as a factual event in the future, which would now be history.

In other words, they believe they can lie themselves a new future. I don’t think so – I think their hardest days are ahead and one thing is certain, the genie is out of the bottle and through the word, the real truth of Fukushima may be like silly putty slowly sinking into the carpet, eventually it will be TOTALLY sunk in the carpet and nothing will get it out.

THIS could cause the six million Jewish deaths the prophecy speaks of, and No, I do not believe they can lie their way out of it.

As a matter of simple mathematics, if there were less than 5,000 Jews in the whole of Europe at the time, and lets guess that one third relocated, that leaves a remainder of around 3 million – not 6 million.

I have a book called “Germany” published by Lonely Planet, ISBN: 1740594711 4th Edition published in MAY 2004 and I quote from page 34 which states: (bottom paragraph)

“ …Another 165 work camps provided labour for big industry including IG Farbendinustrie AG, producer of the cyanide gas Zyclon B that was used in gas chambers to murder over three million Jews.” 

How exactly did we get from 3 million to 6 million?  and how did we get to either number when the Red Cross official death record states  271,301?]

Related Articles:

Holocaust Inquiry I: Summary & Leuchter Report

Holocaust Inquiry II: The Video of Ernst Zundel – He Beat the Zionists in Court with Expert Witnesses

Holocaust Inquiry III: Best Book

International Red Cross Records Released

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Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi
Evidence Points To Ft. Lauderdale Shooter Being “Jason Bourned” With Mind Altering Psychiatric Drugs And ISIS Video Indoctrination By U.S. Intelligence Operatives
January 26 2017 | From: NaturalNews / Various

The playbook of the globalists is so obvious now that it’s all right out in the open.

After a parade of false flag shootings enhanced with completely faked (staged) elements - such as professional actors playing the roles of grieving parents - most of the informed people in the world now know that everything is faked in the mainstream media.

Related: “Fake News” Hysteria Hinges On The Laughable Assumption That Corporate-Run Media Has A Divine Monopoly On “Facts” + US Lawmakers Move To Criminalize ‘Fake News, Propaganda’ On The Web

The polls are faked, the news is faked, and even “crisis” is often either faked outright or overlaid with staged elements to heighten the emotional impact of the entire operation.

For example, in many so-called “mass shootings,” the real deaths of innocents may be augmented by staged crisis actors, green screen “on location” reporting faked by CNN, and even faked SWAT operators who are actually professional actors. (See videos below for actual examples.)

Search GoodGopher.com for the term “crisis actors” by clicking here. You’ll be astonished at what you learn.

Case in point: The “sloppy sniper” from the Sandy Hook event. This “sniper” was actually a professional actor named David Wheeler. He also played the role of a grieving parent for CNN’s camera.

Hilariously, he carried around a sniper rifle by clutching the magazine… something no real sniper would ever do (but few people who aren’t familiar with sniper rifles would ever notice). It’s all so hilarious: Even the AR-15 on his chest is flipped around backwards, for a leftie.

Anyone familiar with actual firearms can look at this guy and know he has no clue how to handle firearms.

Sandy Hook 'Dad' Caught Playing Two Roles: Crisis Actor Parent and Swat Team Member

We Can All Now Agree That Almost All the High-Impact Stories are Faked in the Mainstream Media

This entire topic of fake news, staged events and false flag shootings was considered “loony conspiracy theory” just two years ago. But now, after watching the depths of fakery, false news and total fabrication of events being pulled off by the Washington Post, NYT, CNN, MSNBC, etc., everybody is waking up to the realization that the “news” is just another name for the wool that’s being pulled over our eyes to blind us from the truth.

The truly loony conspiracies are being pushed by the Washington Post, which knowingly fabricates false news and then gets repeatedly caught doing so. In just the past few weeks, the Washington Post has completely fabricated a loony conspiracy theory about the Russians “hacking” the U.S. election as well as a totally made-up story about Russian hackers “penetrating” the U.S. power grid in Vermont.

In both cases - and many more - the WashPost literally just “made s##t up” and printed it as fact.

When it comes to gun control or domestic terrorism, there’s nothing the corporate controlled media won’t fake, stage, distort or fabricate to push their agenda of disarming the citizens (an obvious prelude to totalitarian government control of the citizenry). To provide the narratives to the media, the deep state runs gun control false flag operations to give the faked media something to “whip up” as a form of journo-terrorism (to terrorize the American people).

So how do they pull off gun control false flag operations? First, they have to train people to carry out the shootings. And that’s where our Ft. Lauderdale shooter, Esteban Santiago, enters the picture.

US Intelligence Forced Him to Watch ISIS Propaganda Videos, Says Santiago in His Own Words

“Estaban Santiago, the 26-year-old airline passenger accused of shooting up a baggage claim area at the Ft. Lauderdale-Hollywood airport Friday, leaving five dead and eight injured, visited the FBI Anchorage field office and told officers he was being forced to watch ISIS videos,” reports Fox News:

Santiago told agents that US intelligence had infiltrated his mind and were forcing him to watch ISIS propaganda videos.

"In November 2016, Esteban Santiago walked into the Anchorage FBI Field Office to report that his mind was being controlled by a U.S. intelligence agency,” a senior federal law enforcement official said.

It’s no coincidence that this is one of the first phases of creating a “Manchurian Candidate” type of human pawn… a “Jason Bourne” mind control subject who can be used by the deep state as a weapon to carry out executions, mass shootings, suicide bombings or other forms of mayhem that achieve a political or social purpose.

It is very common, by the way, for intelligence mind control operatives to choose U.S. military veterans as their subjects. That way, if anything goes wrong, they can blame it on PTSD or various “veteran afflictions.”

As Fox News reports:

"Santiago was born in New Jersey and his family was originally from Puerto Rico–where he served in the Puerto Rico National Guard. He was in the Army Reserves prior to serving in the Alaska Army National Guard.

According to reports, he was honorably discharged four months ago from his last post at Fort Greely, Alaska, and his military rank at that time was E3 (Private First Class)."

Heavily Wosed With Psychiatric Drugs to Eliminate Distinction Between Reality vs. Hallucination

Typically, “Jason Bourne” candidates are heavily drugged with psychiatric drugs in order to blur the lines between fiction and reality. Often, the drugging begins with selected soldier candidates even before they are discharged from the military. This is done for all the obvious reasons:

The psychiatric drugging takes place offshore, out of the domain of U.S. medical ethics oversight, and the military has no requirement to heed such boundaries in the first place.

Related: Airport shooter said he was "mind controlled" by U.S. Intelligence Agency

“His maternal aunt, Maria Ruiz, who lives in Union City, told reporters in New Jersey that he wasn’t the same when he came back from Iraq,” reports ABC News channel 10:

""He lost his mind,” Ruiz said in Spanish, as she referred to a psychiatric hospitalization that occurred after he allegedly suffered from hallucinations.

After Santiago’s military service in Puerto Rico and Alaska from Dec. 14, 2007 to August 2016, the former Army private first class was still undergoing psychological treatment, according to relatives."

How to Build a Jason Bourne Mind Controlled Puppet to Carry Out Executions, Suicide Bombings or Mass Shootings

This is exactly how the deep state builds a Jason Bourne: They pick an obedient soldier, drug him into oblivion, force him to watch ISIS propaganda videos, indoctrinate him with images and directives to carry out mass killings, and then keep him drugged with ongoing “psychological treatment” until he’s needed for a desired mission.

Once the mission is approved, the mind controlled puppet is unleashed onto the public to commit the mass murder, then is immediately arrested or executed to make sure the narrative is controlled and concluded.

If taken alive, he is then heavily drugged into a state of insanity, making sure he can never utter a coherent thought again. Or, if he is somehow allowed to talk to reporters or appear on camera, he will appear completely insane due to the relentless drugging. All court proceedings are handled in a secretive manner to make sure no real investigations can take place.

This is precisely what happened to the “Batman theater shooter” James Holmes, who reportedly carried out a mass shooting in Aurora, Colorado, at the height of the Obama regime’s gun control hysteria.

Notably, James Holmes was heavily medicated before the attack with antidepressants and hypnosis drugs.

As I wrote in 2012:

"These two drugs produce devastating, dangerous side effects. For example, clonazepam causes increased violent behavior in individuals with schizophrenia. That’s the conclusion of a 1982 study entitled “Clonazepam treatment of chronic schizophrenia: negative results in a double-blind, placebo-controlled trial.”

In addition, he was also under the psychiatric “care” of the United States Air Force, which kept him drugged.

As always happens, a judge quickly slapped a gag order on the Holmes legal case, preventing anyone from discovering details about how Holmes was handed a scripted blueprint of the attack while being drugged into obedient compliance.

As Jon Rappoport writes, the Aurora shooting was almost certainly a planned “covert op” using a Manchurian candidate / Jason Bourne mind control approach.

Furthermore, James Holmes’ apartment was staged with the most elaborate systems of tripwires, booby traps and sabotage bombs that law enforcement in the area had ever witnessed. James Holmes, an academic researcher, had no knowledge or skills to construct such bombs. It was obviously done for him.

Also from Jon Rappoport:

"Holmes has little or no experience with guns. He knows nothing about explosives. He isn’t a professional in any sense of the word. He has never committed a crime before. If he has any qualification for the heinous operation, it is his vulnerability. He is adrift in his life.

Never as brilliant a student as others thought him to be, he is failing in graduate school. He has no job and no prospects. What began as a potential career has dissolved.

His interest in arcane aspects of neuroscience (temporal delusion – the possibility of changing the past), once a fascinating field of inquiry for him, now only contributes to his increasingly shaky grip on reality.

The planning is rather simple and direct. The actual killer(s) will enter the theater, while Holmes, who is drugged into a stupor and is sitting in his car, waits in the parking lot of the theater, among weapons and other gear that matches the killers’.

Once the killers leave the theater, they’ll deposit their guns with him, as he lies in a semi-conscious blurred state. They’ll deposit gun residue on his body.

When the police find Holmes in his car (not at the the theater exit or outside the car), he will surrender. Perhaps, under prior hypnosis, he was instructed to say his apartment is wired with explosives.

Of course, the hired professionals did that intricate construction. And perhaps Holmes never tells the police about his apartment and explosives, and this information has really come from a tip.

Eyewitness Reports of Multiple Shooters Now Being Eliminated From the Official Media Narrative

Although this isn’t being widely reported, the Ft. Lauderdale shooting featured eyewitness reports of multiple shooters, too. As Fox News reports:

"In the ensuing panic, the TSA received two separate, unconfirmed reports of a separate active shooter, a law enforcement official close to the investigation told Fox News. However, Broward County Sheriff Scott Israel said Friday afternoon there was no indication any additional shots were fired."

Related: Airport shooter blamed CIA, 'jihadi chat rooms'

Fox News also reports that law enforcement claimed the shooter was on a Canadian Air flight:

"Broward County Commissioner Chip La Marca posted on Facebook that Santiago was a “passenger on a Canadian flight with a checked gun. He claimed his bag and took the gun from baggage and went into the bathroom to load it. Came out shooting people in baggage claim. There were 13 total shot, 5 dead, 8 transported to hospital.”

But Santiago didn’t fly Canadian Air. He flew on Delta Air Lines. Via ABC News:

"On Friday, Santiago checked a bag with a firearm before boarding a Delta Air Lines flight from Alaska to Minneapolis. His final destination was Fort Lauderdale."

Don’t Believe the Official Narrative… It’s Always Part of the Cover Story

If you continue to follow this story, you’ll easily spot all sorts of contradictions, false narratives and faked news coverage from the “fakestream media.” The correct interpretation of all this to reject everything the mainstream media tells you by default. They are known, deliberate liars.

Only the independent media is trying to tell the truth in analyzing these events.

Although we can’t yet prove it, the far more likely explanation of what happened is as follows:

Santiago was a “Jason Bourne” mind control subject of the deep state. Recruited from the military, he was subjected to intense psychiatric drugging combined with intense mental programming by deep state operatives to transform him into a human weapon who could be obediently controlled.

Once he deplaned at Ft. Lauderdale and pick up his checked bags, another person walked up to him and uttered an “activation” phrase into his ear. (It’s not science fiction. This is exactly how hypnosis can really work with enough programming reinforcement in an individual’s mind.) He then walks into the bathroom, loads his firearm and proceeds to carry out his mission by shooting people.

Once his firearm is empty, he spreads eagle on the floor, having completed his mission. This is exactly what he did, and it’s how law enforcement found him.

It really is as simple as that.

Yes, certain people can be incredibly easily mind controlled into carrying out almost any act. Just look at the recent Facebook live kidnapping, torture and scalping of an innocent white teen.

The four thugs who carried out that heinous act were obviously mentally influenced by the mainstream media as part of the journo-terrorism campaign being waged against the American people.

The Sandy Hook Actors, "Do You Want Me To Read The Card?"

Related: The Orwellian War On Skepticism: Battling “Fake News” & Institutional Investors Now Dominate Media Company Ownership

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Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi
Facts You Need To know About Syria & Syrian President Bashar Al Assad Fields Questions From French Media And Defends Alternative Media
January 12 2017 | From: AustralianNationalReview / 21stCenturyWire

The Assad family belongs to the tolerant Islam of Alawid orientation.
Syrian women have the same rights as men to study, health and education.

Syrian women are not forced to wear the burqa. The Sharia (Islamic law) is unconstitutional.

Related: Ron Paul on Aleppo Aftermath: We Need a New Syria Policy

Syria is the only Arab country with a secular constitution and does not tolerate Islamic extremist movements.

Roughly 10% of the Syrian population belongs to one of the many Christian denominations, all fully integrated in Syrian political and social life.

In other Arab countries the Christian population is less than 1% due to sustained hostility.

Syria has banned genetically modified (GMO) seeds, stating his decision was made in order “to preserve human health,”

Syria has an opening to Western society and culture like no other Arab country.

Its media and universities openly debate the global power elite’s influence in things. This means that they fully grasp the fact that real power in the West lies not in the White House but rather with the complex and powerful grid of elite think-tanks and central banks.

Throughout history there have been five popes of Syrian origin. Religious tolerance is unique in the area.

Prior to the current civil war, Syria was one of the only peaceful countries in the area, having avoided major wars or internal conflicts.

Syria was the only country that admitted Iraqi refugees without any social, political or religious discrimination.

Syria clearly and unequivocally opposes Zionism and the Israel government.

Following a massive oil find in Syria’s Golan Heights, occupied by Israel since 1967, Netanyahu recently asked Obama to recognize its annexation of the territory. To consolidate its hold, plans are afoot to quadruple Israeli settler numbers to 100,000.

And The Most Two Important Points:

Syria is one of the only countries in the Middle East without debts to the International Monetary Fund (Pre-invasion Libya & Iran the only others)

Syria is the only Mediterranean country which remains the owner of its oil company, with an oil reserve of 2,500 million barrels, the operation of which has avoided privatization and is reserved exclusively for state-owned enterprises.

So now ask yourself, why are we truly attempting to overthrow yet another government?

What are we hoping to fix here?

If the recent invasions and illegal assassinations of Presidents like Qaddafi and Saddam have taught us anything, it should be the understanding of the blowback effect of such lawless actions by the West and the vacuum of chaos that always supersedes it.

Debt Conquer. Invent a reason to invade and destroy, then offer $Trillions in IMF funding to rebuild… conveniently paid back by control of your oil fields and the free access to build gas pipelines to the west.

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Syrian President Bashar Al Assad Fields Questions From French Media And Defends Alternative Media

Recently we reported on the targeting of a French delegation to Syria, led by politician, Thierry Mariani, by the US backed FSA (Free Syrian Army) Company 23.

Aleppo airport was shelled by this group of primarily US supported “moderate rebels” led by a defected Syrian Arab Army colonel, Hassan Rajoob, just prior to the planned take off of the plane ferrying the delegation back to Damascus.

Related: US, UK Paid “White Helmets” Help Al Qaeda Blocking Water To 5 Million Syrians

The delegation then met with Syrian President, Bashar Al Assad, on the 9th January 2017. Following the meeting, President Assad met with and fielded questions from French media.

Related: US Backed “Moderate Rebels” Target French Delegation in Aleppo

”We always have hopes that the next (French) administration, or government, or president will want to deal with the reality, to disconnect themselves from the disconnected policy from our reality. That is our hope..and they can work for the interests of the French people.

The question now, after six years, as a French citizen, do you feel safer? I dont think the answer is yes. The immigration problem, has it made the situation in your country better? […]

This is the question the next administration, government, president should deal with in order to deal with our reality not what is in their imagination as has been happening for the last six years. 

(Fillon’s) rhetoric regarding the terrorists, or lets say the priority to fight the terrorists and not meddling in the affairs of other countries are welcome, but we have to be cautious, because what we have learned in this region, during the last few years, is that many officials would say something and do the opposite.

I am not saying M Fillon would do this, I hope not, but we have to wait and see because there is no contact. But so far, what he is saying, if it is implemented, that will be very good. 

If I want to send (a message to French politicians) I would say the self evident thing, that we have to work for the interests of the Syrian citizens, and for the last six years the situation is going in the opposite direction. The French politics harmed the French interests.

For the French people, I would say the mainstream media has failed in most of the west, the narrative has been debunked because of the reality and you have the alternative media, you have to look for the truth. 

Truth was the main victim of the events in the Middle East, including Syria.

I would ask any citizen in France, please search for the reality, for the real information, through the alternative media. When they search for this information, they can be more effective, in dealing with their government, or at least not allowing some politicians to base their politics on lies. ”

Related: Who Are Syria's White Helmets?

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Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi
American Pravda: How The CIA Invented "Conspiracy Theories"
January 10 2017 | From: UNZ / ActivistPost / Various

With the sudden, bizarre rise of the “Fake News” accusations throughout the entire Corporate Media megaphone and the equally bizarre and totally unsubstantiated CIA allegations that the Russians had stolen the election for Donald Trump, this topic is highly pertinent.

A year or two ago, I saw the much-touted science fiction film Interstellar, and although the plot wasn’t any good, one early scene was quite amusing. For various reasons, the American government of the future claimed that our Moon Landings of the late 1960s had been faked, a trick aimed at winning the Cold War by bankrupting Russia into fruitless space efforts of its own.

Related: Trump Plans to Shrink, Reorganize CIA, Other Intel Agencies

This inversion of historical reality was accepted as true by nearly everyone, and those few people who claimed that Neil Armstrong had indeed set foot on the Moon were universally ridiculed as “crazy conspiracy theorists.” This seems a realistic portrayal of human nature to me.

Obviously, a large fraction of everything described by our government leaders or presented in the pages of our most respectable newspapers - from the 9/11 attacks to the most insignificant local case of petty urban corruption - could objectively be categorized as a “conspiracy theory” but such words are never applied.

Instead, use of that highly loaded phrase is reserved for those theories, whether plausible or fanciful, that do not possess the endorsement stamp of establishmentarian approval.

Related: The 70 Greatest Conspiracy Theories in Pop-Culture History

Put another way, there are good “conspiracy theories” and bad “conspiracy theories,” with the former being the ones promoted by pundits on mainstream television shows and hence never described as such.

I’ve sometimes joked with people that if ownership and control of our television stations and other major media outlets suddenly changed, the new information regime would require only a few weeks of concerted effort to totally invert all of our most famous “conspiracy theories” in the minds of the gullible American public.

The notion that nineteen Arabs armed with box-cutters hijacked several jetliners, easily evaded our NORAD air defenses, and reduced several landmark buildings to rubble would soon be universally ridiculed as the most preposterous “conspiracy theory” ever to have gone straight from the comic books into the minds of the mentally ill, easily surpassing the absurd “lone gunman” theory of the JFK assassination.

Even without such changes in media control, huge shifts in American public beliefs have frequently occurred in the recent past, merely on the basis of implied association.

In the initial weeks and months following the 2001 attacks, every American media organ was enlisted to denounce and vilify Osama Bin Laden, the purported Islamicist master-mind, as our greatest national enemy, with his bearded visage endlessly appearing on television and in print, soon becoming one of the most recognizable faces in the world.

But as the Bush Administration and its key media allies prepared a war against Iraq, the images of the Burning Towers were instead regularly juxtaposed with mustachioed photos of dictator Saddam Hussein, Bin Laden’s arch-enemy.

As a consequence, by the time we attacked Iraq in 2003, polls revealed that some 70% of the American public believed that Saddam was personally involved in the destruction of our World Trade Center.

By that date I don’t doubt that many millions of patriotic but low-information Americans would have angrily denounced and vilified as a “crazy conspiracy theorist” anyone with the temerity to suggest that Saddam had not been behind 9/11, despite almost no one in authority having ever explicitly made such a fallacious claim.

These factors of media manipulation were very much in my mind a couple of years ago when I stumbled across a short but fascinating book published by the University of Texas academic press. The author of Conspiracy Theory in Americawas Prof. Lance deHaven-Smith, a former president of the Florida Political Science Association.

Based on an important FOIA disclosure, the book’s headline revelation was that the CIA was very likely responsible for the widespread introduction of “conspiracy theory” as a term of political abuse, having orchestrated that development as a deliberate means of influencing public opinion.

During the mid-1960s there had been increasing public skepticism about the Warren Commission findings that a lone gunman, Lee Harvey Oswald, had been solely responsible for President Kennedy’s assassination, and growing suspicions that top-ranking American leaders had also been involved.

So as a means of damage control, the CIA distributed a secret memo to all its field offices requesting that they enlist their media assets in efforts to ridicule and attack such critics as irrational supporters of “conspiracy theories.”

Soon afterward, there suddenly appeared statements in the media making those exact points, with some of the wording, arguments, and patterns of usage closely matching those CIA guidelines.

The result was a huge spike in the pejorative use of the phrase, which spread throughout the American media, with the residual impact continueing right down to the present day. Thus, there is considerable evidence in support of this particular “conspiracy theory” explaining the widespread appearance of attacks on “conspiracy theories” in the public media.

But although the CIA appears to have effectively manipulated public opinion in order to transform the phrase “conspiracy theory” into a powerful weapon of ideological combat, the author also describes how the necessary philosophical ground had actually been prepared a couple of decades earlier.

Around the time of the Second World War, an important shift in political theory caused a huge decline in the respectability of any “conspiratorial” explanation of historical events.

For decades prior to that conflict, one of our most prominent scholars and public intellectuals had been historian Charles Beard, whose influential writings had heavily focused on the harmful role of various elite conspiracies in shaping American policy for the benefit of the few at the expense of the many, with his examples ranging from the earliest history of the United States down to the nation’s entry into WWI.

Obviously, researchers never claimed that all major historical events had hidden causes, but it was widely accepted that some of them did, and attempting to investigate those possibilities was deemed a perfectly acceptable academic enterprise.

However, Beard was a strong opponent of American entry into the Second World War, and he was marginalized in the years that followed, even prior to his death in 1948. Many younger public intellectuals of a similar bent also suffered the same fate, or were even purged from respectability and denied any access to the mainstream media.

At the same time, the totally contrary perspectives of two European political philosophers, Karl Popper and Leo Strauss, gradually gained ascendancy in American intellectual circles, and their ideas became dominant in public life.

Popper, the more widely influential, presented broad, largely theoretical objections to the very possibility of important conspiracies ever existing, suggesting that these would be implausibly difficult to implement given the fallibility of human agents; what might appear a conspiracy actually amounted to individual actors pursuing their narrow aims.

Even more importantly, he regarded “conspiratorial beliefs” as an extremely dangerous social malady, a major contributing factor to the rise of Nazism and other deadly totalitarian ideologies.

His own background as an individual of Jewish ancestry who had fled Austria in 1937 surely contributed to the depth of his feelings on these philosophical matters.

Meanwhile, Strauss, a founding figure in modern neo-conservative thought, was equally harsh in his attacks upon conspiracy analysis, but for polar-opposite reasons.

In his mind, elite conspiracies were absolutely necessary and beneficial, a crucial social defense against anarchy or totalitarianism, but their effectiveness obviously depended upon keeping them hidden from the prying eyes of the ignorant masses.

His main problem with “conspiracy theories” was not that they were always false, but they might often be true, and therefore their spread was potentially disruptive to the smooth functioning of society.

So as a matter of self-defense, elites needed to actively suppress or otherwise undercut the unauthorized investigation of suspected conspiracies

Even for most educated Americans, theorists such as Beard, Popper, and Strauss are probably no more than vague names mentioned in textbooks, and that was certainly true in my own case. But while the influence of Beard seems to have largely disappeared in elite circles, the same is hardly true of his rivals.

Popper probably ranks as one of the founders of modern liberal thought, with an individual as politically influential as left-liberal financier George Soros claiming to be his intellectual disciple.

Related: George Soros’ World is Falling Apart, Blames Everyone but Himself

Meanwhile, the neo-conservative thinkers who have totally dominated the Republican Party and the Conservative Movement for the last couple of decades often proudly trace their ideas back to Strauss.

So, through a mixture of Popperian and Straussian thinking, the traditional American tendency to regard elite conspiracies as a real but harmful aspect of our society was gradually stigmatized as either paranoid or politically dangerous, laying the conditions for its exclusion from respectable discourse.

By 1964, this intellectual revolution had largely been completed, as indicated by the overwhelmingly positive reaction to the famous article by political scientist Richard Hofstadter critiquing the so-called “paranoid style” in American politics, which he denounced as the underlying cause of widespread popular belief in implausible conspiracy theories.

To a considerable extent, he seemed to be attacking straw men, recounting and ridiculing the most outlandish conspiratorial beliefs, while seeming to ignore the ones that had been proven correct.

For example, he described how some of the more hysterical anti-Communists claimed that tens of thousands of Red Chinese troops were hidden in Mexico, preparing an attack on San Diego, while he failed to even acknowledge that for years Communist spies had indeed served near the very top of the U.S. government.

Not even the most conspiratorially minded individual suggests that all alleged conspiracies are true, merely that some of them might be.

Most of these shifts in public sentiment occurred before I was born or when I was a very young child, and my own views were shaped by the rather conventional media narratives that I absorbed. Hence, for nearly my entire life, I always automatically dismissed all of the so-called “conspiracy theories” as ridiculous, never once even considering that any of them might possibly be true.

To the extent that I ever thought about the matter, my reasoning was simple and based on what seemed like good, solid common sense. Any conspiracy responsible for some important public event must surely have many separate “moving parts” to it, whether actors or actions taken, let us say numbering at least 100 or more.

Now given the imperfect nature of all attempts at concealment, it would surely be impossible for all of these to be kept entirely hidden. So even if a conspiracy were initially 95% successful in remaining undetected, five major clues would still be left in plain sight for investigators to find.

And once the buzzing cloud of journalists noticed these, such blatant evidence of conspiracy would certainly attract an additional swarm of energetic investigators, tracing those items back to their origins, with more pieces gradually being uncovered until the entire cover-up likely collapsed.

Even if not all the crucial facts were ever determined, at least the simple conclusion that there had indeed been some sort of conspiracy would quickly become established.

However, there was a tacit assumption in my reasoning, one that I have since decided was entirely false. Obviously, many potential conspiracies either involve powerful governmental officials or situations in which their disclosure would represent a source of considerable embarrassment to such individuals.

But I had always assumed that even if government failed in its investigatory role, the dedicated bloodhounds of the Fourth Estate would invariably come through, tirelessly seeking truth, ratings, and Pulitzers. However, once I gradually began realizing that the media was merely “Our American Pravda” and perhaps had been so for decades, I suddenly recognized the flaw in my logic.

If those five - or ten or twenty or fifty - initial clues were simply ignored by the media, whether through laziness, incompetence, or much less venial sins, then there would be absolutely nothing to prevent successful conspiracies from taking place and remaining undetected, perhaps even the most blatant and careless ones.

In fact, I would extend this notion to a general principle. Substantial control of the media is almost always an absolute prerequisite for any successful conspiracy, the greater the degree of control the better.

So when weighing the plausibility of any conspiracy, the first matter to investigate is who controls the local media and to what extent.

Let us consider a simple thought-experiment. For various reasons these days, the entire American media is extraordinarily hostile to Russia, certainly much more so than it ever was toward the Communist Soviet Union during the 1970s and 1980s.

Hence I would argue that the likelihood of any large-scale Russian conspiracy taking place within the operative zone of those media organs is virtually nil.

Indeed, we are constantly bombarded with stories of alleged Russian conspiracies that appear to be “false positives,” dire allegations seemingly having little factual basis or actually being totally ridiculous.

Meanwhile, even the crudest sort of anti-Russian conspiracy might easily occur without receiving any serious mainstream media notice or investigation.

This argument may be more than purely hypothetical. A crucial turning point in America’s renewed Cold War against Russia was the passage of the 2012 Magnitsky Act by Congress, punitively targeting various supposedly corrupt Russian officials for their alleged involvement in the illegal persecution and death of an employee of Bill Browder, an American hedge-fund manager with large Russian holdings.

However, there’s actually quite a bit of evidence that it was Browder himself who was actually the mastermind and beneficiary of the gigantic corruption scheme, while his employee was planning to testify against him and was therefore fearful of his life for that reason.

Naturally, the American media has provided scarcely a single mention of these remarkable revelations regarding what might amount to a gigantic Magnitsky Hoax of geopolitical significance.

To some extent the creation of the Internet and the vast proliferation of alternative media outlets, including my own small webzine, have somewhat altered this depressing picture.

So it is hardly surprising that a very substantial fraction of the discussion dominating these Samizdat-like publications concerns exactly those subjects regularly condemned as “crazy conspiracy theories” by our mainstream media organs.

Such unfiltered speculation must surely be a source of considerable irritation and worry to government officials who have long relied upon the complicity of their tame media organs to allow their serious misdeeds to pass unnoticed and unpunished.

Indeed, several years ago a senior Obama Administration official argued that the free discussion of various “conspiracy theories” on the Internet was so potentially harmful that government agents should be recruited to “cognitively infiltrate” and disrupt them, essentially proposing a high-tech version of the highly controversial Cointelpro operations undertaken by J. Edgar Hoover’s FBI.

Until just a few years ago I’d scarcely even heard of Charles Beard, once ranked among the towering figures of 20th century American intellectual life. But the more I’ve discovered the number of serious crimes and disasters that have completely escaped substantial media scrutiny, the more I wonder what other matters may still remain hidden.

So perhaps Beard was correct all along in recognizing the respectability of “conspiracy theories,” and we should return to his traditional American way of thinking, notwithstanding endless conspiratorial propaganda campaigns by the CIA and others to persuade us that we should dismiss such notions without any serious consideration.

Related: ‘Conspiracy Theorist’ Max Spiers Found Dead Days After Texting His Mother to Investigate if Anything ‘Happened to Him’

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Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi
False Flag Terrorism: Murdering The Innocent In Order To Support The Lie + 15 Ways To Detect A False Flag Operation
January 9 2017 | From: PaulCraigRoberts / ActivistPost / Various

As my readers know, I reported, factually, on the Boston Marathon alleged bombing case. I interviewed carefully the pro bono attorney, John Remington Graham, who intervened in behalf of the Russian aunt, a lawyer in the Russian Federation, in behalf of the falsely convicted younger Tsarnaev brother, Dzhokhar, the older brother having been murdered by the FBI.

Graham conclusively proved that the FBI’s own evidence proved beyond any doubt that Dzhokhar Tsarnaev was innocent, which means so was the older brother.

Related: False Flag Terrorism explained: A Star Wars Analogy

It is clear beyond reasonable doubt that there was no real bombing at the Boston Marathon and that the alleged terrorist event, using crisis actors, was an orchestration designed to convince dumbshit Americans that they really were under a “Muslim threat.” The entire foreign policy of the United States in the 21st century is based on an orchestrated “Muslim threat.”

The orchestrated threat was also used for a practice exercise in closing down one of America’s largest cities in order to manhunt with intent to kill a young man chosen as the villain for the orchestrated event.

Related: Here’s why Nazionists Launched Multiple False Flag Operations this Year

American citizens were forced at gunpoint out of their homes while Homeland Security, a Nazi reminiscent name from the Hitler era, disrupted the life of an entire city and its airport service in behalf of this orchestrated event that murdered American civil liberty.

The entire exercise was based on a lie, an event that never happened, like Saddam Hussein’s weapons of mass destruction, Assad’s use of chemical weapons, Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, and so forth. Just another lie in behalf of the “exceptional people.”

A number of websites have disproved the false case against the Tsarnaev brothers. Attorney John Remington Graham has brought the case to the justice authorities, but the US Department of Justice (sic) has no interest whatsoever in justice.

Now comes forward an attorney, Mary Maxwell with a book. It is available online free. I read the first eight chapters, which was sufficient to comfirm me in my independent conclusion that there was no Boston Marathon bombing by terrorists.

I recommend to you Mary Maxwell’s account. However, I will say that I believe that she uses irony excessively and that on occasions her irony gets in the way of the factual message. Knowing this, stick with it, and read her account.

Irony is the style that she has chosen, and we must respect a person prepared to stand up to the murderous American establishment and to challenge one of the founding myths of the American Police State and Washington’s wars against the world.

Read her book Marathon Bombing - Indicting the Players here.

Any US citizen that believes the falsified case of the Boston Marathon bombing is a dangerous and direct threat to American civil liberty and to the lives of millions of people on planet Earth.

If Americans do not wake up to the orchesrations to which they are subjected, they will forfeit their freedom. The Russians and the Chinese are individually and together more powerful than Washington, and they are not going to put up with the lies with which insouciant Americans are content.

If Americans cannot take back their country from self-serving oligarchs, Americans are doomed.

Related: 9/11 False Flag Conspiracy - Finally Solved (Names, Connections, Motives)

15 Ways To Detect A False Flag Operation

A false flag formula is becoming readily apparent in the face of so many mass shootings and bombings in the US. The phenomenon has become so commonplace in the last 3 years that it’s becoming more American than apple pie.

According to ShootingTracker.com, there have been 353 mass shootings in the USA for 2015 so far. However, as scary as that number is, the good news is that you don’t have to be afraid of them like you may think. A very large number of them - and all of them with any mass media significance and attention – are false flag staged terror events.

Related: False Flag Terror. A Historical Overview

Some have real victims, some do not, but either way, the most criminal of all institutions – the Government – is the orchestrating force behind them.

They are scripted, pre-planned operations which are definitely not the result of random gun violence. Just as Obama stated (by hiding the truth in plain sight), there is a pattern behind these mass shootings. The Controllers are following a definite false flag formula.

Below is a list of the top 15 elements of this formula, which you can now use to detect a false flag operation as it occurs:

False Flag Formula #1: Drill at the Same or Nearby Time and Place

The exercise or drill – at the same time, at the same place – has became the sine qua non or indispensable element of the recent false flag operation. Sometimes there are slight variations on this when the Government plans a drill nearby (a few miles away) rather than at the exact place, or plans a drill earlier on in the day, so it can just coincidentally “go live”.

There was a twist in the case of the recent San Bernardino shooting: the Government planned regular drills in the building where the shooting took place every month! (Think about it – what are the chances of a real mass shooting occurring in a building used for mass shooting drills?)

As Captain Eric H. May, a former US Army military intelligence officer, stated:

“The easiest way to carry out a false flag attack is by setting up a military exercise that simulates the very attack you want to carry out."

In the case of 9/11, there were no less than 46 drills occurring simultaneously during the event, according to Webster Tarpley, author of Synthetic Terror: Made in USA.

In the case of the London 7/7 bombings, Peter Power admitted on radio that he was leading a team who were training for that exact scenario when it unfolded!

There were active shooter drills in all of the false flag attacks of Sandy Hook, Boston Marathon, Charleston, San Bernardino, the Norway attack, the 2nd Paris attack of 2015 and many many more.

What’s the point of having a drill at the same time and place? Here are a few of its purposes:

1. Distract and remove key personnel who would otherwise be at the scene to contain and investigate it;

2. Confuse other personnel who will treat the whole event in a different way if they think it is a drill rather than a real event;

3. Slow down, reduce or eliminate an effective response, especially of police and other law enforcement, given the removal and confusion of personnel;

4. Distract and confuse witnesses, the media and the public in general;

5. Provide a great cover and period of lower defenses and security to carry out an attack, which would otherwise be difficult or impossible if defenses were at their usual or optimal operating level.

False Flag Formula #2: Foreknowledge

Another way you can tell that a mass shooting is a false flag op is if you find proof of foreknowledge of the event. As it so happens, all of the notorious and publicized mass attacks of late have had evidence of foreknowledge. Going way back in time, there was foreknowledge of the Pearl Harbor attack of 1941 that got the US into World War 2.

There were many aspects of foreknowledge on 9/11, including the BBC reporting WTC7 falling before it actually did, and mysterious calls to people like author Salman Rushdie and San Francisco Mayor Willie Brown advising them not to fly to NYC on Sept. 11th. Sandy Hook had blatant foreknowledge (with various webpages put up days before the event), as did the Boston Marathon.

False Flag Formula #3: Eyewitnesses Have Conflicting Accounts

You can also spot a likely false flag operation when you see or hear of multiple conflicting witness accounts. In the case of the Aurora Colorado “Batman” mass shooting, eyewitnesses claimed they saw an entire team of shooters, rather than the single shooter James Holmes of the official narrative.

With Sandy Hook, we saw multiple scenes of law enforcement chasing men into the surrounding forest, yet the official narrative declares the only shooter was Adam Lanza. In San Bernardino, too, witnesses stated they saw 3 white athletic men, not the 2 brown husband-and-wife team we were told did the shooting.

Related: 1 Trillion Dollar Lawsuit Filed Against MSM For Staging 'Sandy Hook'

Conflicting eyewitness accounts can destroy the official narrative no matter what the detail is. On 9/11, various fireman told us there were bombs in the building, contradicting the official story that planes alone took down the Twin Towers. With Sandy Hook, Gene Rosen’s testimony itself was full of holes and was contradicted by that of the school bus driver and the official report.

False Flag Formula #4: MSM Quickly Name and Demonize the Patsy

Have you ever wondered how quickly the MSM (Mainstream Media) discovers the name of the patsy? They had somehow deduced that Osama bin Laden was responsible for 9/11 just hours after the attacks.

Have you ever wondered why the Government is so good at telling us who supposedly executed these attacks right after they happen, with almost no time to investigate, yet can’t seem to manage to actually stop these alleged terror attacks?

Related: President Putin Reveals Possession Of 9/11 Satellite Imagery Evidence Indicating US Government Complicity In False Flag Attack

Without any evidence, the MSM endlessly repeated “bin Laden” like a crazy mantra after 9/11, despite the fact bin Laden himself denied involvement in the attacks and that in the end he was never formally charged by the FBI. 

Have you ever wondered why many of the patsies, or sorry, deranged mass shooters, are Muslim? That wouldn’t have anything to do with the fact that the Zionist Government and MSM are trying to paint all Muslims as crazy and scary, would it? Nothing like a good dose of Islamophobia to take your freedom away …

False Flag Formula #5: Patsy Has No Military Training, Yet Shoots Extremely Fast and Accurately

Another element of the false flag formula is the skilled and lethal patsy.

According to the official narrative of false flag ops like Sandy Hook and Aurora, we are supposed to believe that skinny and non-muscular youths, without any discernible military training, were able to acquire expensive military gear (including armor, guns, ammunition and more), wear that gear without getting bogged down in speed, and shoot incredibly fast and accurately.

In San Bernardino, we are supposed to believe that a young mother was strong and skilled enough to participate in killing 14 and injuring 17 people while she was strapped up with body armor and holding heavy weaponry!

In these cases and more, the official story would have you believe that it’s no big deal or just a coincidence that the patsy can acquire all this high-end gear and use it so well.

False Flag Formula #6: Patsy Gets Killed, Drugged or “Suicided”

It is also part of the false flag formula to ensure that the patsy, who is earmarked before the event to take the fall, cannot speak out to rationally defend themselves. This is achieved in a number of ways. The simplest is to have the patsy kill himself or herself by committing “suicide”.

Related: Case Closed: JFK Killed After Shutting Down Rothschild’s Federal Reserve

Another favorite way is to take the patsy out in a thrilling high speed chase, which has the added benefit of drawing clueless people in through the MSM and gushingly promoting the police state. Sometimes a patsy is killed in plain sight, just because it’s so important to suppress his testimony (e.g. Lee Harvey Oswald in the JFK assassination). 

A third way is to mind control and drug the patsy to such an extent that they become a zombie vegetable unable to articulate anything, as was the case with James Holmes.

False Flag Formula #7: Shooter Leaves Manifesto

In this day and age, writing a manifesto is a strange and anachronistic thing to do. Yet, for some strange reason, shooters’ manifestos seem to crop up an awful lot after mass shootings.

Conveniently for the Controllers, these manifestos provide a perfect explanation for the official narrative, and help fill in the missing (non-existent) motive for the attack – which probably pushes those on the fence over into believing the Government’s version of the event.

While the manifesto is not an element in every false flag operation, it is present in enough of them to be regarded as part of the false flag formula.

False Flag Formula #8: Evidence Gets Conveniently Destroyed

Another element of the false flag formula is the deliberate destruction of evidence, so that the Controllers can cover their tracks.

In 9/11, the scrap metal (in the smoldering ruins of the WTC towers) was immediately shipped off to China right from the start; with Sandy Hook, the entire school was demolished; in San Bernardino, the supposed landlord of the supposed shooters actually allowed MSM reporters into the suspects’ house to poke around and touch all their stuff, in complete disregard for what could be a possible crime scene!

Could it get any more blatant?

False Flag Formula #9: No Obvious Motive for the Mass Attack

Have you ever wondered why there is no obvious motive in any of these mass shootings? Crimes are supposed to be solved on the merit of motive and opportunity, yet to hide the reality of a false flag op, the MSM just lies about the motive part, and chalks it up to a deranged shooter.

Other times we are offered the flimsiest of motives, such as people going on an all-out rampage because they had a grievance with a co-worker. In San Bernardino, we were told the young mother, with a 1-year-old child, was aggressive and psychotic enough to help kill 14 and injure 17 people – at the risk of never seeing her child again!

Meanwhile, the real purveyors of these operations profit immensely from the ensuing fear, yet somehow the majority of people don’t seem to see that motive...

False Flag Formula #10: Immediate Calls for Gun Control

Gun control is obviously one of the key agendas behind all of these false flag mass shootings, since a disarmed population is far easier to exploit and manipulate than an armed one. It is an obvious aspect of the false flag formula. Sometimes gun control is even pushed in the immediate aftermath of the event when people are still in a highly emotional and suggestible state.

Take a look at the behavior of Andy Parker, who we were told was the father of a victim killed in the Virginia mass shooting of 2015.

Within hours of hearing the news of the death of his child, Parker had already contacted and talked with the Governor of Virginia, and then appeared on TV saying he would be devoting his entire life to gun control.

In a similar fashion, Richard Martinez, the alleged father of a Santa Barbara mass hooting victim, appeared on TV right after the death angrily pleading for more gun control. In both cases, the political agenda of gun control angrily dominated their reactions, rather than grief or other emotions.

False Flag Formula #11: Fake “Victims” = Crisis Actors

The above 10 points are a useful outline of the false flag formula as it pertains to mass shootings with real victims, i.e. where real people die. However, ever since the surreal Sandy Hook event, which still contains many unanswered questions, we have entered the twilight zone of the false flag hoax.

This is a term used to describe the false flag mass attacks where no one dies – where fake bodies, fake blood and fake victims are used instead. In this way, the entire operation is more tightly controlled and less messy. A hallmark of the false flag hoax is that the authorities never produce a credible piece of evidence showing an actual dead body of a victim.

Is this the same girl crying at all three massacres - Aurora, Sandy Hook and Boston?

The following 5 points relate to false flag hoaxes, and specifically to the people employed to pull them off – crisis actors. It is truly a testament to just how utterly fake our normal world is (the Matrix) that false flag ops have now descended to the level where we have to question whether the event even happened at all

There are organizations of crisis actors in the US (such as the IIF), and there is clear evidence crisis actors were used at Sandy Hook, Boston Marathon and many others.

Related: Charlie Hebdo: French False Flag Terror Event

Government officials have been caught using the word “actor” to describe various players in these dramas; the MSM has even resorted to calling them actors too (it was one of the buzzwords of the recent San Bernardino mass shooting).

False Flag Formula #12: “Victims” Get Killed Twice

The surreal quality of the false flag hoax reached point of absurdity when it was discovered that one of the “victims” was reportedly killed twice!

We were told that Noah Pozner was one of the victims of the Sandy Hook shooting, yet his picture was also among those killed in a Pakistan Taliban attack.

Apparently the recycling of fake victims is another part of the false flag formula.

False Flag Formula #13: Families of “Victims” Have Elite or Acting Backgrounds

Is it just a coincidence that the families of mass shooting “victims” have either elite or acting backgrounds? At the Sandy Hook event, local CEO of the Newtown bank John Trentacosta (whose house was next to the Lanzas and had a lot of unusual activity occurring there the day of Sandy Hook) was connected to the New York Federal Reserve (and thus the international banking elite). 

Francine Wheeler
was formerly the personal assistant of former chief Democratic National Committee fundraiser Maureen White whose husband Steven Rattner is a Wall Street investment banker and member of the Rockefeller CFR (Council on Foreign Relations)!

Related: Censorship Shock: Amazon.com Bans Investigative Book ‘Nobody Died At Sandy Hook’ Because It Disagrees With Government Version Of What Happened

It was also noteworthy at Sandy Hook how acting showed up in the resumes of so many of the key players there. Gene Rosen, David and Francine Wheeler (both professional actors) and others all had a background in acting. Father of Virginia mass shooting “victim” Andy Parker is an actor (and a politician too). This fact supports the idea that another element of the false flag formula is to watch for people with elite connections and acting backgrounds.

False Flag Formula #14: Families of “Victims” Show Little to No Emotion, and Even Snigger and Laugh

Luckily for truth seekers, the majority of crisis actors used in these false flag events are poor actors who are utterly unconvincing in the roles they play. The majority display little or no emotion after an alleged tragedy like losing a family member child to a random and violent mass shooting.

It is true that humans do vary widely with emotional response and expression. However, with many of the crisis actors, judging by their reactions, it simply strains credibility too much to believe that they have just have been through a harrowing and traumatic ordeal.

Related: The Great ‘Terrorism’ Hoaxes – from Boston to Berlin – #CrisisActors Exposed

Given the range of possible reactions to a tragedy like losing a loved one in a mass shooting, what are the chances that many of the “victims’” family members are so non-emotional, or so understanding, or so quick to forgive?

It’s shameful enough that the crisis actors playing these roles are perpetrating a monumental deception on the public, tugging at the average person’s heartstrings solely to trick them.

However, on top of that, these actors have the gall to actually laugh – to smile, snigger and giggle – while pulling off their atrocious stunts. The only conclusion to draw from this is that it must be pretty funny to get a paid gig like this fooling millions of people…

False Flag Formula #15: Families of “Victims” Receive Millions in Federal Payoffs

In the US, the land of the lawsuit, people are generally pretty fast to initiate a lawsuit if they feel they have been wronged. It is highly strange, therefore, that none of the alleged parents of the Sandy Hook event decided to sue the Government for negligence or to demand redress for any other grievance. 

Additionally, many of the alleged parents received a total of millions in unsolicited federal payouts (check out the free houses they magically got on Christmas day 2009) – that’s right, unsolicited.

The Federal Government just gave it over to them without asking! Ask yourself: is is more likely the Government would just do this out of the goodness of its heart, or that the money was more like a bribe/blackmail/payout all rolled into one, awarded to actors playing a part in a role and being sworn to silence?

Related: Sandy Hook Truth Bomb Patch Media's Blatant LIES About Jonathan Reich

Conclusion: Use the 15 Elements of the False Flag Formula to Be More Aware

These are 15 elements I noticed forming the false flag formula. There may well be more.

Meanwhile, use the knowledge you have of the false flag formula to become more aware, wise and hip to the deception, so that the next time it unfolds (as it surely will), you will be among those that spot the fakery, rather than among those who are too scared, shell-shocked and gullible to do anything other than buy the official narrative.

Related: Articles:

Turkish Nightclub a False Flag: Mistaken Prime Suspect? Turkish Nightclub’s Security ‘Taken Over’ Prior to Attack

Saudi survivor: There were three killers at Reina nightclub on New Year

Convenient? ‘Active Shooter’ Kills 5 in Fort Lauderdale, CNN Claims Voices in His Head ‘Told Him to Join ISIS’

Florida Governor Reaches Out to Trump “Multiple Times” after Shooting – Bypasses Lame Duck Obama

Berlin False Flag Faked - Video Hoax

Analysis by Ole Dammegard of Norway Breivik Massacre as a False Flag Event

Ian R Crane - The False Flag Agenda

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Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi
What Is The Obama Regime Up To? + Seven Ways Obama Is Trying To Sabotage The Trump Administration
January 5 2017 | From: PaulCraigRoberts / Breitbart / Various

Obama has announced new sanctions on Russia based on unsubstantiated charges by the CIA that the Russian government influenced the outcome of the US presidential election with “malicious cyber-enabled activities.”

The US Department of Homeland Security (DHS) has issued a report “related to the declaration of 35 Russian officials persona non grata for malicious cyber activity and harassment.”

Related: “It’s A Plot, The Russians Are Coming”: Obama Illegally Sanctions Russia for Nonexistent US Election Hacking

The report is a description of:

“Tools and infrastructure used by Russian intelligence services to compromise and exploit networks and infrastructure associated with the recent U.S. election, as well as a range of U.S. government, political and private sector entities.”

The report does not provide any evidence that the tools and infrastructure were used to influence the outcome of the US presidential election.

The report is simply a description of what is said to be Russian capabilities.

Related: DHS/FBI Issues Joint Analysis Report: GRIZZLY STEPPE – Russian Malicious Cyber Activity

Moreover, the report begins with this disclaimer: “DISCLAIMER: This report is provided ‘as is’ for informational purposes only. The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) does not provide any warranties of any kind regarding any information contained within.”

Related: GRIZZLY STEPPE – Russian Malicious Cyber Activity

In other words, the report not only provides no evidence of the use of the Russian tools and infrastructure in order to influence the US presidential election, the report will not even warrant the correctness of its description of Russian capabilities.

Related: 18 Major Scandals in Obama’s ‘Scandal-Free’ Presidency

Thus the DHS report makes it completely clear that the Obama regime has no evidential basis for its allegations on the basis of which it has imposed more sanctions on Russia.

What is going on here?

First there is the question of the legality of the sanctions even if there were evidence. I am not certain, but I think that sanctions require the action of a body, such as the UN Security Council, and cannot legally be imposed unilaterally by one country. Additionally, it is unclear why Obama is calling the expulsion of Russian diplomats “sanctions.”

No other country has to do likewise. During the Cold War when diplomats were expelled for spying, it was not called “sanctions.” Sanctions imply more than unilateral or bilateral expulsions of diplomats.

Second, it is clear that Obama, the CIA, and the New York Times are fully aware that the allegation is false. It is also clear that if the CIA actually believes the allegation, the intelligence agency is totally incompetent and cannot be believed on any subject.

Third, President Trump can rescind the sanctions in 21 days, a third reason that the sanctions are ridiculous.

So why are President Obama, the CIA, and the New York Times making charges that they know are false and for which they have not produced a shred of evidence?

Related: Soros Launches Plan to Bring Down US and Israel

One obvious answer is that the neoconized Obama regime is desperate to ruin US-Russian relations past the point that Trump can repair them. As the New York Times puts it;

“Mr. Obama’s actions clearly create a problem for Mr. Trump.” The question the New York Times says, is whether Trump “stands with his democratic allies on Capitol Hill or his authoritarian friend in the Kremlin.”

Can Trump’s foreign policy be controlled by false allegations?

According to the New York Times, Trump has relented and agreed to being briefed by the CIA about the Russian hacking now that Republicans such as Paul Ryan, John McCain, and Lindsey Graham have lined up with Obama and the CIA in accepting charges for which no evidence has been presented.

However, a briefing without evidence would seem simply to further discredit the CIA in Trump’s eyes.

As I have emphasized in my columns, facts no longer have a role in the United States and its empire. Allegations alone suffice, whether in court cases, interrogation centers, foreign and domestic policies, or classrooms.

The US even bases its military invasions on false allegations - “weapons of mass destruction.” Indeed, the entirely of US foreign policy since the Clinton regime has been based on nothing but false allegations.

The Russian government should have learned by now, but perhaps Moscow still thinks that facts matter in Washington’s decisions.

Possibly we should consider that more is going on than meets the eye. Perhaps the propaganda about the Russian cyber threat to democracy is being used to prepare American and/or European populations for an incident.

The CIA has morphed into a “deep state” that uses disinformation and propaganda to align decisions of Congress, the executive branch, and foreign governments with secret behind-the-scenes agendas. Many books, such as Stephen Kinzer’s The Brothers and Douglas Valentine’s CIA As Organized Crime have described some of these secret agendas.

Related: Truman’s True Warning on the CIA

In order to deter Trump from restoring normal relations with Russia, an incident would have to be severe and irreversible. Rather than accept defeat for their agenda of US world hegemony, the neoconservatives are prepared to take high risks. The willingness to take risks is demonstrated by the public effort of the CIA Director to discredit the president-elect.

As expected, Putin’s response to the latest provocation is low key as the “sanctions” appear to be meaningless on the surface.

Related: Stephen Lendman Reports President Putin’s Response To Obama’s New Sanctions

However, in the event that something dangerous is below the surface, the Russian government might want to consider putting its military forces on alert.

Related Articles:

Stephen Lendman Reports President Putin’s Response To Obama’s New Sanctions

Obama Retaliates Against Russians Over Purported Cyberattack, But Is There a Double Standard?

Russia sanctions ‘childish, petulant & pointless revenge for Clinton loss’ – UK’s ex-Syria envoy

Russia Responds To Obama On Expelled Diplomats: New Hostile Steps Will Receive An Answer

Plane with Russian diplomats expelled from US lands in Moscow

Washington’s Intent is Economic Destabilization and “Regime Change” In Venezuela

Rescuing Boris - TIME Magazine, 1996

Russia to Obama: Put up or Shut Up

HuffPo Turns On Obama: He Presided Over The "Destruction Of The Democratic Party"

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Benjamin Netanyahu SLAMS Obama and Kerry In Fiery Response

Seven Ways Obama Is Trying To Sabotage The Trump Administration

President Barack Obama’s final weeks in office seem dedicated to setting foreign and domestic policy on fire to make life as difficult as possible on his successor, Donald Trump.

Here are some of the biggest mousetraps Obama scattered across the White House floor on his way out:

Related: Assange: Obama Is ‘Obviously Trying To Delegitimize Trump’ - Wikileaks founder says source of email hack is '1000% Not Russia'

1. Betraying Israel at the United Nations: Obama’s refusal to block a United Nations vote against Israel, his administration’s shadowy machinations to bring that ugly motion to the floor, and Secretary of State John Kerry’s long-winded broadside against Israel will leave President Trump with a massive political crisis in the Middle East, and quite possibly a security crisis, if terror groups and their “political wings” are emboldened by the rebuke of Israel.

Obama’s Israel maneuver also damages American credibility, teaching would-be allies that the United States is not the best friend to have. America’s erstwhile battlefield allies in Syria can teach the same lesson, assuming any of them are left alive to take the podium.

This comes at the very moment aspiring hegemons in China and Russia are showing their allies how Beijing and Moscow will go to the mat for them.

Related: Obama Publishes $7.4 BILLION Worth Of Regulations In One Night

Obama’s team thinks it was clever to saddle Trump with an international edict the U.S. president cannot easily reverse. They might not have thought this all the way through, because some of the options that are available to Trump could leave internationalists, and Palestinian leaders, cursing Barack Obama’s memory.

Note that even some commentators friendly to Obama, and sources within the Obama Administration itself, have described the Israel vote as a deliberate act of sabotage aimed at Trump, because Obama is “alarmed” by some of Trump’s appointees.

2. A New Cold War With Russia: After eight years of relentlessly mocking anyone who said Russia was a major geopolitical threat to the United States (most famously including his 2012 presidential opponent, Mitt Romney) Barack Obama suddenly realized: “You know what? Russia is a major threat!”

He also awoke to the dangers of cyber-warfare, after an entire presidency of treating electronic espionage as a purely political problem to be minimized and spun away, because taking it seriously made him look bad. Who can forget how Obama left victims of the OPM hack twisting in the wind for weeks, because the administration didn’t want to admit how serious the attack was?

But then a top Democrat political operative fell for a crude phishing scam, and the Democratic National Committee got hacked, so Obama… well, he still didn’t take cyber-espionage seriously.

He slapped the snooze bar again, because as one anonymous official put it, they thought Hillary Clinton was a cinch to win the 2016 election, “so they were willing to kick the can down the road.

No, it was Hillary Clinton’s loss in the election, and the desperate push to damage President-elect Trump’s legitimacy, that made the president who politely ignored China hacking 25 million American citizens’ private data get tough on information security.

Tucker Carlson Destroys Leftist on Russian Election Hacking Claims


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Until now, states involved in cyber-espionage never got anything worse than a few carefully-chosen words of sour disapproval from the expiring administration, but the Russkies received a sprinkling of sanctions, and 35 diplomats were expelled.

Russia responded by unleashing an army of ducks and trolls from the depths of the Kremlin. The New Cold War is only a few days old, and it’s already weirder than the old one was.

Presumably Obama thinks he’s maneuvered Trump into a position that will make whatever rapprochement he might have entertained with Moscow more difficult, or at least more politically costly for the new President.

Related: Buoyant Putin and Sinking Western Mis-Leaders

The end result might be easier relations between Trump and Russian President Vladimir Putin, and a lingering memory of how little Barack Obama cared about cybersecurity until it was politically expedient for him to freak out.

3. Ban on Oil Drilling: An overt act of sabotage directed at the American economy itself, leaving an especially heavy bootprint on Alaska. Smug administration flacks spent the past couple of weeks assuring media talking heads that Obama’s unprecedented abuse of an obscure law was impossible for his successor to reverse.

It’s like they stayed up all night, looking for executive actions that can’t be undone by the new President four weeks later.

(Amusingly, Obama dropped this bomb on our energy sector just a few weeks after publicly advising Trump not to abuse executive orders.)

It’s likely that legions of lawyers will battle throughout 2017, and perhaps beyond, to determine if Obama’s “latest poke at Trump” (as Politico put it) really is irreversible. What a lovely parting gift from the departing President to the country that elected him twice: a pile of gigantic wealth-destroying lawsuits!

4. National-Monument Land Grab: The other theoretically irreversible presidential edict discovered by Obama’s munchkins is the ability to designate national monuments. Another 1.65 million acres in Utah and Nevada was yanked off the market in the last week of December, bring Obama’s Antiquities Act acreage up to an unprecedented 553 million acres.

Related: Obama seizes Bundy Ranch area in massive last minute land grab

"This arrogant act by a lame duck president will not stand. I will work tirelessly with Congress and the incoming Trump administration to honor the will of the people of Utah and undo this designation,” thundered Senator Mike Lee of Utah.

Sixty-five percent of his state is now under the wise and compassionate environmental protection of the same government that turned the Colorado River into a toxic-waste dump.

5. Eliminating the National Immigration Registry: Just in case Trump got any ideas about using it as the basis for the “enhanced vetting” he has promised for immigrants from terrorist-infested regions, the Obama administration killed a long-dormant program called NSEERS that once committed the unforgivable politically-incorrect sin of tracking military-age males from violently unstable Muslim-majority countries.

It’s highly debatable whether the NSEERS program was of any practical use. When it pulled the plug, the Department of Homeland Security noted that the post-9/11 program called for collecting data that is now routinely collected for most foreign visitors, along with more sophisticated biometric information.

Almost everyone saw the elimination of these roles as a purely symbolic act - i.e. political sabotage directed at the incoming President.

6. The Great Guantanamo Jailbreak: After paying little more than lip service to his promise to close the Guantanamo Bay prison for much of his presidency, Obama went into overdrive in his last years, transferring over 150 detainees. A shocking number of them ended up back on the battlefield.

Rep. Ed Royce (R-CA) of the House Foreign Affairs Committee wrote a Wall Street Journal op-ed this week to sound the alarm about Obama’s “midnight push to empty out Guantanamo.” 

“The White House has repeatedly released detainees to countries it knew lacked the intent and capability to keep the detainees from returning to terrorism. The results have been deadly,” Royce wrote, challenging the wisdom of such Obama administration brainstorms as dropping al-Qaeda’s top bomb maker into Bosnia, a country with “limited security services” but plenty of radical mosques and unemployed military-age males.

Related: 2017: The Year Of Microchipping Americans. The Law Was Just Passed

Royce’s committee has been investigating allegations the administration tried to pay the bomb-maker $100,000 to refrain from passing his deadly skills along to eager apprentices. Hunting down the rest of the transferred prisoners who transferred themselves right back into the global jihad will be a job for the Trump administration.

7. Depicting Trump’s Election as a Disaster: Let’s not forget Obama’s acts of rhetorical sabotage, such as describing Trump’s presidential campaign as a crime against American class and racial harmony, or his wife wailing that all hope was lost for America’s children. Trump himself has taken note of the “many inflammatory President Obama statements and roadblocks.”

It’s hard to remember a previous instance of the outgoing president attacking the legitimacy of his successor this way, especially during the transition, before the new chief executive has actually done anything.

And it’s probably not over yet. The time for big executive orders is growing short, but Obama is always just one day away from calling a press conference and saying something else that will make the transition more difficult.

Alex Jones To Announce Who Really Hacked the DNC

Of course he can still talk all he wants after January 20th, and he’s given every indication he won’t follow the dignified path of his predecessors and allow the new president time to chart his own course, but there’s no substitute for the bully pulpit of the presidency.

The timber of Barack Obama’s political voice will be very different on January 21st than it was on January 19th. More likely than not, he’ll use it before he loses it.

Related: Obama’s legacy of debt and disease: National debt doubles in just eight years while 10.7 million more Americans now on food stamps to buy cancer-causing junk foods

Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi

Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi

Erdogan Says He Has "Confirmed Evidence" The US Supports ISIS + US Senator Says ISIS Used As Tool By Saudis, US & Turkey When It Suits Their Interests
January 4 2017 | From: Zerohedge / RT

One year after this website demonstrated that Turkey was cooperating with the Islamic State, in the very least trading cash in exchange for crude oil sold to various Turkish outposts (a trade which was subsequently ended by the Russian air force), Turkey has flipped the tables and on Tuesday Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan said he has uncovered evidence that US-led coalition forces have helped support terrorists in Syria - including Isis.

"They give support to terrorist groups including ISIS" Erdogan said during a speech in Ankara on Tuesday, adding that US coalition forces "give support to terrorist groups including Daesh, YPG, PYD. It's very clear. We have confirmed evidence, with pictures, photos and videos."

Related: Erdogan’s Accusations re US Supporting Terrorists A Parting Shot For Obama

Which, incidentally, should also not come a surprise in light of the May 2015 declassified Pentagon report, which claimed that ISIS was created as a Pentagon tool to overthrow Syria's president Assad.

“It’s very clear that the US-led coalition is supporting terrorist groups in Syria, Islamic State. They give support to terrorist groups including Daesh (Arabic for IS).

We have confirmed evidence, with pictures, photos and videos.”

- Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan

Related: Absolutely Stunning: Leaked Audio of Secretary Kerry Reveals Obama Intentionally Allowed Rise of ISIS

Nevertheless, the "pot calling the kettle black" comes at a sensitive time for both the US and Turkey, which are both pivoting aggressively, one internally from Obama to Trump, while the other is shifting its foreign geopolitical allegiance from the US to Russia, which may also explain today's outburst by Erdogan.

Related: Erdogan tells Israel: "We see Western weapons in Daesh hands"

Saying that the US have accused Turkey of supporting IS, speaking at a press conference on Tuesday the Turkish leader blamed the US-led coalition for assisting terrorists themselves. Apart from IS, he also mentioned Kurdish People's Protection Units in northern Syria (YPG) and Democratic Union Party (PYD) as groups supported by the coalition.

Earlier on Tuesday, Moscow accused Washington of "sponsoring terrorism" in Syria.

Commenting on the latest National Defense Authorization Act signed into law by President Barack Obama, the Russian Foreign Ministry pointed out that the new bill "openly stipulates the possibility" of delivering more weapons to Syria, and added that those arms "will soon find their way to the jihadists," which Russia would view as a "hostile act."

Erdogan's comments echoed those from the Iranian Defense Minister Hossein Dehghan, who told RT that Washington appears unready to play a serious role in fighting Islamic State, as it has fostered terrorists itself and now wants them to remain in the Middle East.

"The Western coalition is of a formal nature, they have no real intention to fight neither in Syria nor in Iraq. We don’t see any readiness on their part to play a truly useful and meaningful role in fighting IS, because it’s them who have raised terrorists and they are interested in keeping them there,” Dehghan said.

According to the Iranian defense minister, Tehran has never coordinated its operations with the Americans and “will never collaborate with them.”

He then slammed the US' motives behind the "war on ISIS' saying that:

"Maybe the coalition forces would like to see terrorists weakened, but certainly not destroyed, because those terrorists are their tool for destabilizing this region and some other parts of the world.”

One wonders how long before Putin is blamed for this latest political scandal, because if indeed Erdogan does provide proof of US support for the Islamic State, then the Pentagon will need a back story very fast, and what better scapegoat than the Russian president.

US Senator Says ISIS Used As Tool By Saudis, US & Turkey When It Suits Their Interests

Speaking to RT on the advance of ISIS militants from Mosul toward Palmyra, Virginia Senator Richard Black (R) expressed doubt that the US-led coalition could have overlooked such a regrouping, pointing to possible interests of the US and regional players.

Given that the territory between areas occupied by Islamic State (IS, formerly ISIS/ISIL) and Palmyra is a “very barren” rocky desert, “it is unconceivable that the American-led collation could not have seen this massive army moving towards Palmyra,” Senator Black told RT.

Related: Congresswoman Says US Is Arming ISIS, Introduces Bill to Stop It

"The Western coalition is of a formal nature, they have no real intention to fight neither in Syria nor in Iraq. We don’t see any readiness on their part to play a truly useful and meaningful role in fighting IS, because it’s them who have raised terrorists and they are interested in keeping them there,” Dehghan said.

“I was surprised that ISIS was able to attack Palmyra. It’s important to recognize that the distance from ISIS-held territory [to] Palmyra is approximately 100 miles,” added the senator, who has repeatedly voiced support for Syrian President Bashar Assad in battling the jihadists.

The fact that the US-led coalition seemingly turned a blind eye to the imminent terrorist threat to the UNESCO world heritage site is not a coincidence, he argues, but rather a part of the foreign policy strategy employed by the current White House administration towards Islamic State. 

“Unfortunately, I believe, under the Obama administration, I think there have been great deal of coordination between terrorist forces and the US-led coalition,”
Black said.

While the US, as well as other western countries and major regional players, do not share the same goals as the terrorists, they have been seemingly sparing Islamic State if airstrikes against the terrorist group could have resulted in disadvantage to Turkey, the key NATO member in the region and a US ally, which Black alleges, has engaged in economic relations with terrorists.

Related: ‘Decamped from Mosul ISIS fighters in Syria perfect for US narrative’

“There [the terrorists] have not been loved by anyone, but they have been a major trading partner of Turkey, and the United States withheld any attack when they first seized Palmyra travelling a hundred miles over open territory, and, I confirm, there was not a single bomb dropped by the American-led coalition,” he said.

This very selective approach to fighting terrorists gives reason to suggest that the US-led coalition is battling jihadists only when it does not interfere with the narrow interests of its members, Black suggests, dubbing the coalition’s efforts under such circumstances as “disastrously unproductive.

“I think ISIS is often used as a tool between Turkey and the United States and as long as they are useful to one of those parties they are protected and when they are not useful they are not protected,” Black said, arguing that ISIS served as “tool of Turkey, Saudi Arabia, Qatar, the United States and NATO forces…from the very beginning” of the conflict in Syria.

At the same time, the senator commended the US-led offensive in Iraq, which has centered on liberating its second largest city, Mosul, from militants, saying that the coalition was “doing some very good work in Mosul” and seems to be genially poised to “drive ISIS forces from Mosul.”

Related: 'CIA created ISIS', says Julian Assange as Wikileaks releases 500k US cables

However, US President Barack Obama’s recent decision to lift restrictions on the delivery of weapons to:

"Foreign forces, irregular forces, groups or individuals,” who are supported by US military in Syria, plays into the hands of terrorists and looks like “a desperate last attempt” by the outgoing administration, Black said.

The senator said that the looming change of commander-in-chief in the United States will be marked by a U-turn in Syria, with the US cutting all its ties with militants.

“When Donald Trump comes in, the support is going to be cut for the terrorists. We are not going on to the side of the terrorists anymore,” he said.

Sen. Black has been known as a fierce critic of the current US policy towards Syria, calling it “insane” in comments to the Washington Post in April, when he argued that “it is within our power” to stop the bloodshed.

Related: Actress Angelina Jolie Humiliates Obama for the Whole World to See

In April, Black traveled to Palmyra and met with Syrian government officials. He has said that Syria being entrapped in the military conflict is not the result of domestic issues but of a plot contrived by foreign intelligence, including that of the western countries, Saudi Arabia and Turkey.

“The government and people in Syria want peace, but regional countries don’t,” Black told Homs Governor Talal Barazi at the time, as cited by the Syria Times.

Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi

Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi
New Zealand's Israel Resolution: Peacemakers Seldom Win Friends
December 26 2016 | From: MSN

A UN Security Council resolution, calling for a ban on illegal Israeli settlements in the occupied territories, has passed, with NZ taking a major role. Phil Smith outlines the background and the blowback.

New Zealand has dared to go where even Egypt's strongman, President el-Sisi, feared to tread.

Related: How Britain wrought destruction on the Palestinian homeland

Abdel Fattah el-Sisi put a forward a resolution demanding an end to Israeli settlement building, but after an incredibly inappropriate call from Donald Trump, el-Sisi withdrew it again. Exactly how Trump achieved that is anyone's guess, but America's $1.5 billion aid package to Egypt may have been threatened.

President el-Sisi said he wanted to let Trump's incoming administration have first crack at the issue. It was obviously an excuse. Trump's nomination for Ambassador to Israel is a hardliner who wants more settlement construction and who has compared Jews who advocate for a 'two-state peace' to Capos (Jews who assisted in Nazi death-camps).

When el-Sisi retreated, New Zealand stepped up. Together with Venezuela, Malaysia and Senegal, New Zealand called for a vote on the resolution, and for the first time since the Carter administration, the US declined to veto a rebuke over illegal Israeli settlements.

The US noted that settlement construction had accelerated since the US vetoed a similar resolution in 2001, and that the Obama administration has been warning Israel for eight years that this 'trend-line' was both making peace more difficult and isolating Israel from the international community.

The Foundations of the Settlements

Settling population in militarily-occupied territory is contrary to the Geneva Convention, to international law and previous United Nations rulings.

Settlement building is usually strategic. Settlements create 'facts-on-the-ground', making it more difficult to give back captured territory (in this case, territory captured during the 1967 Six Day War). Hardliners believe the territory is theirs by God-given right, but its return, at least in part, would be necessary for a lasting peace based on a two-state solution.

The tracts that are currently Palestinian controlled areas are an unworkable, disconnected patchwork of territories.

Related: Top Israeli General Speaks Out Against Israel’s Crimes Against Palestinians + Parallels Between Israel & 1930's Germany & Ten Facts Why Netanyahu Is A Criminal And That Israel Is A “Rogue State”

Settlements also increase local conflict by expropriating land and resources to construct and sustain the townships. Moderate Israeli administrations have tended to restrict or demolish settlements, while hawkish governments look the other way, or - like the current one - are gung-ho on expansions which push Palestinians into an ever-diminishing corner.

Related: Water war against Palestinians: Israel planned to supply West Bank with 40% less water than settlers

Former US President Jimmy Carter has repeatedly stressed that peace in Israel/Palestine is only likely when the Palestinians also have a viable state, where middle class citizens have a reason to hope and work for a future. Some form of two state solution has been American policy for decades.

Seeing this may be about to change, and after significant antagonism from Israeli PM Benjamin Netanyahu, President Obama apparently believes it is time to allow a line in the sand.

Kiwi Peace-Broker

A few years ago, after the successful Bougainville peace talks, New Zealand imagined a role for itself as an international peace broker. It was a nice idea that turned out to be harder than it sounded, but it marked an increased New Zealand confidence to act independently, for good purpose.

This week's action is a further brave step from New Zealand. It has no obvious ulterior motives, but instead seems an attempt to simply do the right thing and bugger the consequences.

A nation like New Zealand cannot throw its feather-weight around internationally in order to win friends. Frequently, the opposite is achieved. A friend won with one action is alienated with the next, and nations often remember sleights more strongly than support.

The Blowback

The blowback has already begun. Israel is apoplectic and has recalled its envoys to New Zealand and Senegal, and stopped its Senegal aid programme. It called the resolution "despicable" and "an evil decree". The Israeli Ambassador to the UN said the vote was "a victory for terror, a victory for hatred and violence."

New Zealand was already in Israel's bad books. In 2014 Israel refused to accept New Zealand's ambassador because he was also to act as an envoy to the Palestinian Authority. In October 2015, Israeli officials reprimanded our Ambassador after New Zealand dared propose a Security Council resolution that dared encourage a return to peace negotiations. Palestinian supporters were equally upset, seeing the wording as supporting Israel.

But this time is worse. Israeli-New Zealand relations haven't been so poor since 2004, when New Zealand imprisoned 'Mossad spies' for attempting to fraudulently obtain a New Zealand passport. After a year, Israel apologised and relationships were slowly mended.

Related: Israeli ministers okay draft bill to legalize Jewish settlements on private Palestinian land despite Supreme Court ruling

This new rift may take longer. Much of the anger is being directed at the US, where President Obama could have chosen to veto the resolution.

But Netanyahu's conservative government will not take kindly to us fronting a resolution that pointedly calls East Jerusalem "occupied Palestinian territory".

New Zealand's government will have known blowback was likely. It has decided that, if you ask to be on the Security Council you need to appear from behind the parapet and take a stand.

In an era where the world's mood seems to be trending towards resentment, aggression and extremism, a country wins few friends by calling for tolerance or asking for restraint. But that doesn't mean that working for peace and goodwill isn't the right thing to do.

Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi

Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi
Fear, Bloodshed And Human Sacrifices Before Winter Solstice
December 22 2016 | From: VigilantCitizen

The killing of an ambassador in Turkey on live television and the attack of a Christmas market in Berlin occurred at a crucial time of year.

The Russian ambassador with his killer standing behind him, moments before the gunshot

On December 19th 2016, Donald Trump was officially confirmed as President of the United States by the Electoral College. Media coverage of this event was however eclipsed by attacks that ironically confirm why he was elected in the first place. And these attacks will most likely greatly influence upcoming elections in Germany, France and the Netherlands. A drastic change in political scenery is in the horizon, and it is fueled by fear, bloodshed and rejection of globalism.

Putin vows to destroy ISIL after ambassador killed

The assassination of a Russian ambassador on live television and the violent attack of a Christmas market in Germany are events that are not only violent, but charged with intense symbolism meant to shock the public mind.

Whether this was coincidental or not, these events occurred right on the brink of the winter solstice a period that is historically prone to blood sacrifices as it is a minor Sabbath in the occult calendar. Before Christmas, there was Saturnalia.

“The origins of Christmas predate Christianity through the Pagan holiday called Saturnalia, which was a week-long of lawlessness from December 17th through December 25th that honored Saturn and included human sacrifice, intoxication, naked caroling and rape. During these seven days, there were no punishments for breaking any laws, according to Roman law.”

- In5d, Esoteric Meaning of Christmas

“It was traditional to offer gifts of imitation fruit (a symbol of fertility), dolls (symbolic of the custom of human sacrifice), and candles (reminiscent of the bonfires traditionally associated with pagan solstice celebrations). A mock king was chosen, usually from a group of slaves or criminals, and although he was permitted to behave in an unrestrained manner for seven days of the festival, he was usually killed at the end.

The Saturnalia eventually degenerated into a week-long spree of debauchery and crime – giving rise to the modern use of the tern saturnalia, meaning a period of unrestrained license and revelry.”

- Time and Date, “Holidays and Traditions around the December solstice”

On December 19th, the entire world witnessed a live murder, a carefully planned sacrifice.

The Russian Ambassador

Andrey Karlov, Russia’s ambassador to Turkey was shot dead on Monday evening as he delivered a speech at a photo exposition. The killer, identified as Mert Altintas, was an off-duty member of Ankara’s police force.

The entire scene was extremely surreal because, beyond the violence, it was “visually perfect”. It was a set piece made for mass media.

Related: Russian Officials: “Highly Likely” Ambassador Assassination a NATO False Flag

Mert Altintas stood behind the ambassador, wearing a stylishly tailored black suit, which sharply contrasted with the immaculate white background adorned with pictures of Russia. Several gunshots then wring out and the ambassador falls on his back, suddenly lifeless. The gunman then walks around the body, yelling “Allahu Akbar” and “Don’t forget Aleppo” until police finally manages to reach him and shoot him down.

As one reviews this surreal scene, one wonders: How was this even allowed to happen? How come this 22-year-old, off-duty cop, who is part of the riot squad, was the only person standing behind Karlov this entire time? Reports are now saying that the gunman refused security check.

“The off-duty police officer who assassinated Russia’s ambassador to Turkey refused to go through an X-ray security check before the shooting - but was let into the event anyway, according to a report.

The Hurriyet Daily News reported Tuesday that the assassin, Mevlüt Mert Altintas, simply flashed his police ID to enter Ankara’s Contemporary Arts Center - where Russian Ambassador Andrey Karlov was scheduled to speak at a photo exhibition.”

- Daily News, Assassin of Turkey’s Russian ambassador refused security check before ambushing event

Related: Putin Assures Envoy Karlov’s Murderers to Feel the Heat of Russian Response

Also, all signs point to the attack being ordered from above, Mert Altintas being the proverbial patsy.

“It had been determined Tuesday if Altintas, 22, was part of a wider plan to take out the Russian ambassador. But a senior Turkish official told the Associated Press Altintas likely did not act alone. The official, speaking anonymously, called the killing “fully professional, not a one-man action.”

- Ibid.

Turkish authorities suspect that Altintas was under the influence of Fetullah Gulen, a Turkish preacher who is currently based in the United States, in Pennsylvania. He is suspected of being a CIA operative conducting operations meant to destabilize Erdogan’s government.

Although some draw comparisons between this event and the assassination that lead to WWI, it is unlikely that the killing will cause significant change. It will most likely justify the Russian-Turkish involvement in Syria.

Berlin Attack

The truck used to conduct the attack with Christmas decorations stuck on the windshield. Sadly symbolic

Related: Statement from President-Elect Donald J. Trump on the Attack in Berlin

Around the same time the assassination occurred in Turkey, a horrific attack took place in Berlin killing 12 people and 48 others.

“What authorities can say for certain is that a tractor-trailer with Polish license plates and laden with steel rods jumped a sidewalk around 8 p.m. Monday and plowed into the market near the Kaiser Wilhelm Memorial Church, a symbolic Berlin site whose spire, jagged from bomb damage, was intentionally left unrepaired after World War II.”

-  NY Times, Berlin Christmas Market Was Target of Terrorist Attack, Angela Merkel Says

This event was also charged with symbolic meaning. It was not simply about killing people, it was an attack on German culture, history and tradition. Christmas markets are a German tradition originating from the Middle Ages where locals shop for various goods while getting into the Christmas spirit.

The market that was attacked is situated near the Kaiser Wilheml Memorial church, a symbolic piece of German history.

Related: The CIA Strikes Again?

The truck and the wreckage it caused at the foot of the Church. Although not all Germans are religious, the building remains a piece of local history.

This bloody attack is therefore custom-built to anger the German population who have to witness a beloved tradition being turned into a bloodbath by terrorists. 

This anger might very well translate into votes against Merkel (and her open-door policy to refugees) in the upcoming elections. It might also influence the French elections where Le Pen is gaining traction.

At the time of writing this article, Berlin police detains a suspect who is said to be a refugee from Pakistan. However, police also stated that they might have the wrong person and that  the true culprit might still be on the run. No matter who finally gets arrested, ultimate losers will be citizens who will have to suffer through even more scrutiny, monitoring and surveillance for more “security”.

The elite’s motto is Ordo Ab Chao (Order Out of Chaos) and Merkel’s policy brought to Germany great deal of chaos. Now people will crave for order. And that order might come at a terrible price.

In Conclusion

The two events described above were not only about killing people. They were about sending a message. They were charged with symbolic meaning custom made for mass media and social networks.

These events occurred at a sensitive time of the year, the winter solstice, a minor Sabbath, historically celebrated with human sacrifice. Whether this date was intentionally selected or not, the entire world was forced to witness a planned killing, a ritual sacrifice carried out methodically as the killer screamed “God is Great”.

Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi

Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi
“Fake News” Hysteria Hinges On The Laughable Assumption That Corporate-Run Media Has A Divine Monopoly On “Facts” + US Lawmakers Move To Criminalize ‘Fake News, Propaganda’ On The Web
December 14 2016 | From: NaturalNews / Sputnik
/ Various

The insidious assumption behind the “fake news” accusations being flung far and wide by the fakestream media (CNN, NPR, WashPost, NYT, MSNBC, etc.) is that somehow the corporate media has a divine monopoly on “facts.”

The Cabal Establishment is in Panic Mode as Alternative Media Blasts the Controlled-Mainstream Media Out of the Water - the Corporate Media Lies are Being Exposed Virally, Worldwide.

The assumption is ludicrously demonstrated when MSNBC rolls out “convicted” liar Brian Williams to decry “fake news.”

Related: ‘Fake News’: Who is Really Making the War on Truth?

You’d be hard pressed to find any fake news propagandist who churned out more fake news than Brian Williams… and he’s still working at MSNBC! “

Back in early 2015, Breitbart News presented a list of at least 32 times that NBC News let Williams present such fake news to the American people - lies and disputed stories - including his false claims about being in a helicopter that was hit by an RPG,” reports Breitbart.com, one of the new media giants accused of publishing “fake news” by the collapsing lamestream media.

“As long as the government engages in intelligence activities that violate our rights secured by our Constitution, any Intel Authorization bill should be opposed,” Justin Amash told Sputnik News.”

“Williams also made up stories about Seal Team 6, the fall of the Berlin Wall, the Pope, Hurricane Katrina, quitting college, rescuing a puppy from a house fire, and more,”
Breitbart continues.

If the Media Establishment Only Tells the Truth, Why are so Many of Their News Reports Obviously Faked?

If the corporate-run media really had some sort of divine monopoly on “facts,” then none of us would be able to find examples of laughably fake news on their websites, would we? Yet even the Washington Post has now been exposed for, if you can believe it, faking a news story about fake news!

Any honest investigation can go right down the list: CNN, NYT, WashPost, HuffPost, LA Times, USA Today, NPR, MSNBC, Fox News and so on… every one of these “news” organizations has run genuinely fake news while claiming it was “fact.”

It’s not even difficult to find examples of these organizations deliberately fabricating fake news in order to alter the outcome of the recent election.

Nearly all of them reported, for example, some variation of the absurd claim that “Donald Trump can’t win the election.”

These are also the same fake news organizations that obediently and enthusiastically repeated Obama’s fabricated claims about Obamacare. Remember “If you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor?”

Or how about the claim that “Obamacare will save American families $2500 a year, on average?” Not only were these glaring examples of “fake news,” they were known to be false at the time they were published by the corporate-run media.

Another way the Media Fakes the News: Censorship of Important Stories they Don’t Want you to Learn

And then there are the stories the entire fakestream media censors because they don’t want anyone to learn about actual facts. As a particularly egregious example, it is an established fact that CDC scientist Dr. William Thompson publicly admitted to falsifying scientific data at the CDC to obscure the statistical link between vaccines and autism in African-Americans. That is not only indisputable, it’s also an incredibly important piece of news for the health of all Americans.

Did the fakestream media cover that story? Not by a long shot: They censored it.

Every single fakestream media organization across the country obediently blackballed the story. The censorship was obviously coordinated, deliberate and malicious. Remember, censorship of important facts is another way the insidious corporate-run media lies to its misinformed viewers.

Hilarious Videos of CNN Staging Fake Locations, Fake Missile Attacks and Fake Seafaring

CNN has forever used fakery, theatrics and false reporting to influence public opinion rather than report the news. Perhaps the most hilarious example of dishonest CNN fakery is the Charles Jaco video from the first Gulf War.

In order to pretend to be covering the Gulf War from a live set in Saudi Arabia, CNN built a “Saudi stage” in the USA and faked a SCUD missile attack on its news anchor Charles Jaco.

Hilarious, as the video shows below, while Charles Jaco grabs a gas mask, his co-anchor grabs a helmet (see the 7:00 mark in the video below). It’s funnier than a really bad SNL skit!

Remember, this was all broadcast as “CNN Live,” where CNN literally pretended this was all real and true.

Faking the news is a specialty of CNN, and there are countless examples of the network going out of its way to stage fake sets, fake locations and even use “actors” following mass shootings to make sure the proper narrative is delivered to the public.

For example, this video interview reveals a comprehensive collection of CNN news fakery such as the “bizarre moment when CNN anchors try to pretend they are not in the same parking lot.”

That incident, detailed in this UK Daily Mail article, involved a CNN anchor and guest desperately trying to pretend they were broadcasting live from distant locations when, in reality, they were in the exact same parking lot. (This is evidenced by the simple fact that the exact same vehicles pass behind them, in the exact same sequence…)

CNN frequently uses green screens to fake locations.

The hilarious video below shows CNN building an entire fake ship on a green screen set to try to create the illusion that their reporter is on the scene in the Black Sea, covering US war ships near Ukraine.

During the hilariously bad “fake set” report, the CNN journalist even points off in the distance behind him to try to make the green screen illusion more convincing:

You’ll discover another jaw-dropping compilation of fake, scripted news from the mainstream media in this next video, covering media fakery involving the Gulf War, the defamation of Ron Paul, 9/11 attacks, Bin Laden and more:

The entire Sandy Hook mass shooting narrative was deeply layered in all sorts of CNN fakery, including the use of “actors” who were told to read lines to the cameras while sobbing uncontrollably for maximum effect.

Related: Censorship Shock: Amazon.com Bans Investigative Book ‘Nobody Died At Sandy Hook’ Because It Disagrees With Government Version Of What Happened

In one case, a cheerful white man is laughing it up in the background, then when signaled to approach the microphone to speak on camera, starts hyperventilating and crying while reading his obviously scripted lines. (The guy turns out to be a professional actor.)

In the same video, shown below, another actor is caught on a hot mic asking, “Do you want me to read the card?” right before sobbing on camera, playing the part of a “grieving parent.

Yet another Sandy Hook theatrical “fake news” hoax was the use of David Wheeler, a professional actor, as both a “grieving parent” and a SWAT team sniper.

As with all the other actors rolled out for CNN’s cameras, this professional actor performed a scripted role in order to evoke a powerful emotional response with the sole purpose of repealing the Second Amendment (a necessary step before America can be overrun and controlled by radical leftist communists).

The way he carries his sniper rifle (upside down, by the magazine) makes it laughably obvious to anyone familiar with firearms that he has absolutely no clue how to carry a rifle…

The Corporate-Run Media has Done Nothing but Fake the News for Decades

Search YouTube for terms like “CNN green screen” or “crisis actors” or “Sandy Hook” or “faked news” and you can spend hour and after watching clear examples of outlandish news fakery by the mainstream media. It doesn’t take long for any intelligent, clear thinking individual to realize the mainstream media has been faking the news for decades.

CNN, in fact, can be best described as a “fake news theater organization” pretending to be engaged in legitimate journalism.

I even recorded a podcast on this very subject, discussing all the news fakery we’ve all been subjected to over the years by the deliberate fabrications of the corporate-controlled media.

Come to think of it, you probably need to go back and revisit what you think is really true about many historic events covered by the lying media: Oklahoma City, 9/11, Sandy Hook, the assassination of JFK and even the nuking of Japan in World War II.

In every case, what was reported by the lying mainstream media was a scripted narrative, not a serious investigation into what really happened.

Related Articles:

Who’s Behind PropOrNot’s Blacklist of News Websites

Who’s the Biggest Peddler of Fake News?

Denzel Washington Slams Mainstream Media For Peddling “BS”

Reddit Shadow Bans Infowars As “Fake News” War Accelerates

How the mainstream media’s “fake news” undermines democracy and protects the corrupt establishment

Facebook, Google, Twitter, YouTube: A Spirit of Cooperation

Trump Labels CNN ‘Fake News’

US Lawmakers Move To Criminalize ‘Fake News, Propaganda’ On The Web

The witch hunt for “fake news” and “Russian propaganda” has been kicked up a notch, after the House passed a bill quietly tucked inside the Intelligence Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2017, designed to crack down on free speech and independent media.

Under "Title V - Matters relating to foreign countries,” the bill seeks to "counter active measures by Russia to exert covert influence … carried out in coordination with, or at the behest of, political leaders or the security services of the Russian Federation and the role of the Russian Federation has been hidden or not acknowledged publicly.”

It lists media manipulation as:

Establishment or funding of a front group

Covert broadcasting

Media manipulation

Disinformation and forgeries

Funding agents of influence

Incitement and offensive counterintelligence


Terrorist acts

“It is easy to see how this law, if passed by the Senate and signed by the president, could be used to target, threaten, or eliminate so-called ‘fake news’ websites, a list which has been used to arbitrarily define any website, or blog, that does not share the mainstream media’s proclivity to serve as the Public Relations arm of a given administration,” - Global Research reported.

The frightening attack on speech and independent media was opposed by only 30 members of the House, including Tulsi Gabbard, Thomas Massie, and Justin Amash - who stated that he fought against it.

“As long as the government engages in intelligence activities that violate our rights secured by our Constitution, any Intel Authorization bill should be opposed,” Justin Amash told Sputnik News.

The bill must now pass through Senate, though a senior Rand Paul aide has told Sputnik News that the Senator is currently holding the intelligence bill for several reasons - and that they are looking at this specific issue very closely.

“Curiously, the bill which was passed on November 30, was introduced on November 22, two days before the Washington Post published its Nov. 24 article citing ‘experts’ who claim Russian propaganda helped Donald Trump get elected,” Zero Hedge noted.

The ‘experts’ the newspaper cited was a group called “PropOrNot,” although it have refused to name the experts behind the operation. The organization has promoted a Ukrainian hacker group on their Twitter feed.

PropOrNot also listed over 200 websites that they accuse of peddling Russian propaganda, including extremely popular news websites on all sides of the political spectrum, including The Drudge Report, Zero Hedge, TruthOut, Sputnik News, and even WikiLeaks.

Former presidential candidate Ron Paul’s website is also mentioned in many of the articles on so-called fake news, an issue that should be concerning to those who believe in free speech, including his son, Senator Rand Paul.

The elder Paul has long been a vocal supporter of freedom of speech, as it is enshrined in the Constitution of the United States, and he and his supporters have repeatedly been the target of finger pointing and demonization.

In 2012, a risk-assessment report from a Missouri-based fusion center stated that support for Ron Paul's presidential bid was a sign of membership in a “domestic terrorist group."

Related: Washington Post’s Piece on Fake News Promotes Fake List of Unreliable Sources

“For purposes of this definition it does not matter whether the sites listed here are being knowingly directed and paid by Russian intelligence officers, or whether they even knew they were echoing Russian propaganda at any particular point: If they meet these criteria, they are at the very least acting as bona-fide ‘useful idiots’ of the Russian intelligence services, and are worthy of further scrutiny,” the so-called experts cited by PropOrNot state.

Many of those listed on censorship hit lists are speaking out against the attempt to stop independent media.

“Information is dangerous and with this new reactionary shift of people making ban lists of so called ‘fake news,’ it shows us how afraid they are of knowledge and differences of opinion that spur people to have an open mind,” Luke Rudkowski, the owner of We Are Change, one of the sites on the blacklist, previously told Sputnik News.

“Information is very dangerous for the establishment status quo that tried to keep things the way they are.”

The bill, Zero Hedge notes, will soon proclaim much of the internet to be “criminal Russian propaganda if it is allowed to pass.

Related Articles:

Congress Admits CIA Moving To Ban Free Speech In America

If You Are For Peace You Are A Russian Agent

‘Fake News’ Viewed as Move to Ban Dissenting Voices

MSM Takes Fake News To The Next Level

Why Labeling Websites As “Russian Propaganda” is Dangerous

Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi

Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi

Rothschild’s Greater Israel Plan Is Effectively Defeated
December 12 2016 | From: Geopolitics

On the eve of the complete recovery of Aleppo City, Rothschild puppet Obama issued a rather strange last minute attempt at saving the anti-Assad operation by granting a waiver for military restrictions on the nature of war materiel aid to its proxies, i.e. “moderate rebels” and Al-Nusra terror operatives.

A White House press release Thursday announced that foreign fighters in Syria supporting US special operations “to combat terrorism in Syria” would be excused from restrictions on military assistance.

Related: 10 Signs The Global Elite Are Losing Control

I hereby determine that the transaction, encompassing the provision of defense articles and services to foreign forces, irregular forces, groups, or individuals engaged in supporting or facilitating ongoing U.S. military operations to counter terrorism in Syria, is essential to the national security interests of the United States,”President Obama affirmed in the presidential determination and waiver.

The order delegates responsibility to the US secretary of state to work with and report to Congress on weapons export proposals, requiring 15 days’ notice before they are authorized.

Obama announced a similar waiver of the Arms Export Control Act in September 2013, following the Ghouta chemical attack in August of that year.

That order facilitated the transfer of US military weaponry to “select vetted members” of opposition forces battling Syrian President Bashar Assad, while Thursday’s order appears less narrow in scope.

Related: Obama grants waiver for military support of foreign fighters in Syria - White House

Why would he issue such 11th hour executive order after he admitted the US incapacity to topple the Talibans in Afghanistan?

The most probable reason would be that once Aleppo is completely liberated, the full degree of US involvement on the ISIS misadventures in Syria and Iraq would be exposed for all the world to see.

“Civilians who escaped from terrorists talk about new crimes committed by militants of the so-called moderate opposition in eastern Aleppo. Cases of torture, public executions and massacres of the population have been confirmed.”

Related: Syrian Army Controls 93% of Aleppo - Russian MoD

There wasn’t any Plan B in Syria because there wasn’t any need for it if only Hillary Clinton won the White House for the Cabal.

All they could do now is to keep on imposing all sorts of sanctions against all Syrian allies as if they still control everything just like before. Yet, while Russia and China have been buying more gold and other physical assets, the West keeps losing on the economic front, and they just don’t care because they, the policymakers, are all insulated from these crises.

While the politicians are barking at the Russian-led operations, US and EU companies are expressing their interest in getting back to the Russian market.

Carter Page, a former adviser to US President-elect Donald Trump’s presidential campaign, told Sputnik that US and European companies are interested to “get back” to the Russian market.

Carter Page

“There is a high level of interest amongst US as well as European companies to get back to the Russian market. This interest cuts across a diverse array of sectors,” Page told Sputnik.

He also commented on the recent Rosneft privatization deal. Page believes that efforts to punish the Russian oil giant have backfired and primarily hurt Western companies:

“The hostile efforts to punish Rosneft and their senior management team through Western sanctions have primarily hurt Western companies, rather than their intended target. This week’s innovative transaction underscores these constraints, as many other potential strategic investment partners were excluded,”
Page said.

Related: US, EU Companies Interested to Get Back to Russian Market - Trump's Ex-Adviser

The Obama desperate countermeasures to salvage the dire Daesh situation in Syria, and the expression of unwillingness on the part of the business sector in the West are proof enough that the people are tired of wars and sanctions.

Still, tangible actions beyond the choice of “lesser evil” need to be done by the Europeans. The rise of the Pirate Party in Iceland is a good template.

Elsewhere in Asia, the Khazarian Empire continues to lose some of its cooperative regimes. South Korean President Park is impeached.

South Korean lawmakers voted overwhelmingly on Friday to impeach President Park Geun-hye over an influence-peddling scandal, setting the stage for her to become the country’s first elected leader to be expelled from office in disgrace.

The impeachment motion was carried by a wider-than-expect 234-56 margin in a secret ballot in parliament, meaning more than 60 of Park’s own conservative Saenuri Party members backed removing her. The votes of least 200 members of the 300-seat chamber were needed for the motion to pass.

The Constitutional Court must now decide whether to uphold the motion, a process that could take up to 180 days.

Related: South Korean parliament votes overwhelmingly to impeach President Park

Russia and Japan are also inching closer to a settlement of the Kuril Islands dispute.

Andrei Fesyun, an expert at the Higher School of Economics in Moscow, said that setting up joint ventures on the islands was a highly complicated issue.

“There was an idea to build a spa hotel there and other things but there are more to this than just economic gain for business. For the Japanese the Kuril Islands are a very sensitive issue and what Prime Minister [Shinzo] Abe is now doing is nothing short of a heroic feat.

He is the first Japanese Premier to openly say that he wants to have better relations with Russia. I can imagine how much resistance he has to deal with, that’s why I don’t think we should expect any quick breakthroughs here. One thing is clear: we are now ready to meet and talk things over,”
he said.

… Fumio Kishida arrived in Moscow on December 3 for a two-day visit ahead of President Vladimir Putin’s planned official trip to Japan later this month.

Lavrov said that Kishida’s meeting with President Putin on Friday showed directions in which Japanese-Russian relations should progress.

Meanwhile, Japan’s Foreign Ministry has expressed hope that President Vladimir Putin’s visit to Japan on December 15-16 would further strengthen relations between the two countries. According to the statement, Putin will meet with Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe in Nagato and in Tokyo.

Related: Against All Odds: Russia, Japan Inching Towards a Deal on Disputed Kuril Islands

The fall of the South Korean puppet government, and Japan’s peaceful re-engagement with Russia, will make it impossible for the installation of the US THAAD missile system, in both countries.

We are hoping that all of these positive developments should not make way for any desperate attempt at pushing the red button, as predicted by multiple sources.

Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi

Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi

Putin’s Compelling Exposure Of The Egregious Lawless Behaviour Of The Western Dark Cabal In The Wake Of The True Revolution Of The Masses
November 5 2016 | From: StankovUniversalLaw / Kremlin / Various

Speech at the Valdai International Discussion Club, October 27, 2016.

President of Russia Vladimir Putin:

Related: Vladimir Putin’s Third Way: As Seen Through the Nooscope

Tarja, Heinz, Thabo, colleagues, ladies and gentlemen,

It is a great pleasure to see you again. I want to start by thanking all of the participants in the Valdai International Discussion Club, from Russia and abroad, for your constructive part in this work, and I want to thank our distinguished guests for their readiness to take part in this open discussion.

Our esteemed moderator just wished me a good departure into retirement, and I wish myself the same when the time comes. This is the right approach and the thing to do. But I am not retired yet and am for now the leader of this big country. As such, it is fitting to show restraint and avoid displays of excessive aggressiveness. I do not think that this is my style in any case.

But I do think that we should be frank with each other, particularly here in this gathering. I think we should hold candid, open discussions, otherwise our dialogue makes no sense and would be insipid and without the slightest interest.

I think that this style of discussion is extremely needed today given the great changes taking place in the world. The theme for our meeting this year, The Future in Progress: Shaping the World of Tomorrow, is very topical.

Related: Can The American People Defeat The Oligarchy That Rules Them?

Last year, the Valdai forum participants discussed the problems with the current world order. Unfortunately, little has changed for the better over these last months. Indeed, it would be more honest to say that nothing has changed.

The tensions engendered by shifts in distribution of economic and political influence continue to grow. Mutual distrust creates a burden that narrows our possibilities for finding effective responses to the real threats and challenges facing the world today.

Essentially, the entire globalisation project is in crisis today and in Europe, as we know well, we hear voices now saying that multiculturalism has failed.

I think this situation is in many respects the result of mistaken, hasty and to some extent over-confident choices made by some countries’ elites a quarter-of-a-century ago. Back then, in the late 1980s-early 1990s, there was a chance not just to accelerate the globalisation process but also to give it a different quality and make it more harmonious and sustainable in nature.

But some countries that saw themselves as victors in the Cold War, not just saw themselves this way but said it openly, took the course of simply reshaping the global political and economic order to fit their own interests.

In their euphoria, they essentially abandoned substantive and equal dialogue with other actors in international life, chose not to improve or create universal institutions, and attempted instead to bring the entire world under the spread of their own organisations, norms and rules.

They chose the road of globalisation and security for their own beloved selves, for the select few, and not for all. But far from everyone was ready to agree with this.

We may as well be frank here, as we know full well that many did not agree with what was happening, but some were unable by then to respond, and others were not yet ready to respond.

The result though is that the system of international relations is in a feverish state and the global economy cannot extricate itself from systemic crisis. At the same time, rules and principles, in the economy and in politics, are constantly being distorted and we often see what only yesterday was taken as a truth and raised to dogma status reversed completely.

If the powers that be today find some standard or norm to their advantage, they force everyone else to comply.

But if tomorrow these same standards get in their way, they are swift to throw them in the bin, declare them obsolete, and set or try to set new rules.

Thus, we saw the decisions to launch airstrikes in the centre of Europe, against Belgrade, and then came Iraq, and then Libya. The operations in Afghanistan also started without the corresponding decision from the United Nations Security Council.

In their desire to shift the strategic balance in their favour these countries broke apart the international legal framework that prohibited deployment of new missile defence systems.

They created and armed terrorist groups, whose cruel actions have sent millions of civilians into flight, made millions of displaced persons and immigrants, and plunged entire regions into chaos.

We see how free trade is being sacrificed and countries use sanctions as a means of political pressure, bypass the World Trade Organisation and attempt to establish closed economic alliances with strict rules and barriers, in which the main beneficiaries are their own transnational corporations.

And we know this is happening. They see that they cannot resolve all of the problems within the WTO framework and so think, why not throw the rules and the organisation itself aside and build a new one instead. This illustrates what I just said.

At the same time, some of our partners demonstrate no desire to resolve the real international problems in the world today.

In organisations such as NATO, for example, established during the Cold War and clearly out of date today, despite all the talk about the need to adapt to the new reality, no real adaptation takes place.

We see constant attempts to turn the OSCE, a crucial mechanism for ensuring common European and also trans-Atlantic security, into an instrument in the service of someone’s foreign policy interests. The result is that this very important organisation has been hollowed out.

But they continue to churn out threats, imaginary and mythical threats such as the ‘Russian military threat’.

Related: Hillary Clinton’s Strategic Ambition In A Nutshell. “Regime Change” in Russia… Putin is an Obstacle

This is a profitable business that can be used to pump new money into defence budgets at home, get allies to bend to a single superpower’s interests, expand NATO and bring its infrastructure, military units and arms closer to our borders.

Of course, it can be a pleasing and even profitable task to portray oneself as the defender of civilisation against the new barbarians. The only thing is that Russia has no intention of attacking anyone.

This is all quite absurd. I also read analytical materials, those written by you here today, and by your colleagues in the USA and Europe.

It is unthinkable, foolish and completely unrealistic. Europe alone has 300 million people. All of the NATO members together with the USA have a total population of 600 million, probably.

Putin Warns Americans: You're Being Distracted!

Of all the internal problems the Presidential candidates could solve - Clinton harps on about "Russian aggression" and mainstream media goes into Russophobic overdrive.

But Russia has only 146 million. It is simply absurd to even conceive such thoughts. And yet they use these ideas in pursuit of their political aims.

Another mythical and imaginary problem is what I can only call the hysteria the USA has whipped up over supposed Russian meddling in the American presidential election.

The United States has plenty of genuinely urgent problems, it would seem, from the colossal public debt to the increase in firearms violence and cases of arbitrary action by the police.

You would think that the election debates would concentrate on these and other unresolved problems, but the elite has nothing with which to reassure society, it seems, and therefore attempt to distract public attention by pointing instead to supposed Russian hackers, spies, agents of influence and so forth.

I have to ask myself and ask you too: Does anyone seriously imagine that Russia can somehow influence the American people’s choice? America is not some kind of ‘banana republic’, after all, but is a great power. Do correct me if I am wrong.

Putin expressed hopes that a new US president will work with him to rectify the dangerous deterioration in relations between the US and Russia. Obviously, this cannot happen if the new president is Hillary.

Related: President Putin Asks US To Stop Provoking Russia

The question is, if things continue in this vein, what awaits the world? What kind of world will we have tomorrow? Do we have answers to the questions of how to ensure stability, security and sustainable economic growth? Do we know how we will make a more prosperous world?

Sad as it is to say, there is no consensus on these issues in the world today. Maybe you have come to some common conclusions through your discussions, and I would, of course, be interested to hear them.

But it is very clear that there is a lack of strategy and ideas for the future. This creates a climate of uncertainty that has a direct impact on the public mood.

Sociological studies conducted around the world show that people in different countries and on different continents tend to see the future as murky and bleak. This is sad. The future does not entice them, but frightens them. At the same time, people see no real opportunities or means for changing anything, influencing events and shaping policy.

Yes, formally speaking, modern countries have all the attributes of democracy: Elections, freedom of speech, access to information, freedom of expression. But even in the most advanced democracies the majority of citizens have no real influence on the political process and no direct and real influence on power.

People sense an ever-growing gap between their interests and the elite’s vision of the only correct course, a course the elite itself chooses.

The result is that referendums and elections increasingly often create surprises for the authorities

People do not at all vote as the official and respectable media outlets advised them to, nor as the mainstream parties advised them to. Public movements that only recently were too far left or too far right are taking centre stage and pushing the political heavyweights aside.

At first, these inconvenient results were hastily declared anomaly or chance. But when they became more frequent, people started saying that society does not understand those at the summit of power and has not yet matured sufficiently to be able to assess the authorities’ labour for the public good.

Or they sink into hysteria and declare it the result of foreign, usually Russian, propaganda.

Friends and colleagues, I would like to have such a propaganda machine here in Russia, but regrettably, this is not the case. We have not even global mass media outlets of the likes of CNN, BBC and others. We simply do not have this kind of capability yet.

As for the claim that the fringe and populists have defeated the sensible, sober and responsible minority - we are not talking about populists or anything like that but about ordinary people, ordinary citizens who are losing trust in the ruling class. That is the problem.

By the way, with the political agenda already eviscerated as it is, and with elections ceasing to be an instrument for change but consisting instead of nothing but scandals and digging up dirt – who gave someone a pinch, who sleeps with whom, if you’ll excuse me.

This just goes beyond all boundaries. And honestly, a look at various candidates’ platforms gives the impression that they were made from the same mould – the difference is slight, if there is any.

It seems as if the elites do not see the deepening stratification in society and the erosion of the middle class, while at the same time, they implant ideological ideas that, in my opinion, are destructive to cultural and national identity.

And in certain cases, in some countries they subvert national interests and renounce sovereignty in exchange for the favour of the suzerain.

This begs the question: who is actually the fringe? The expanding class of the supranational oligarchy and bureaucracy, which is in fact often not elected and not controlled by society, or the majority of citizens, who want simple and plain things – stability, free development of their countries, prospects for their lives and the lives of their children, preserving their cultural identity, and, finally, basic security for themselves and their loved ones.

People are clearly scared to see how terrorism is evolving from a distant threat to an everyday one, how a terrorist attack could occur right near them, on the next street, if not on their own street, while any makeshift item – from a home-made explosive to an ordinary truck – can be used to carry out a mass killing.

Moreover, the terrorist attacks that have taken place in the past few years in Boston and other US cities, Paris, Brussels, Nice and German cities, as well as, sadly, in our own country, show that terrorists do not need units or organised structures – they can act independently, on their own, they just need the ideological motivation against their enemies, that is, against you and us.

The terrorist threat is a clear example of how people fail to adequately evaluate the nature and causes of the growing threats. We see this in the way events in Syria are developing. No one has succeeded in stopping the bloodshed and launching a political settlement process.

One would think that we would have begun to put together a common front against terrorism now, after such lengthy negotiations, enormous effort and difficult compromises.

But this has not happened and this common front has not emerged. My personal agreements with the President of the United States have not produced results either.

There were people in Washington ready to do everything possible to prevent these agreements from being implemented in practice.

This all demonstrates an unexplainable and I would say irrational desire on the part of the Western countries to keep making the same mistakes or, as we say here in Russia, keep stepping on the same rake

We all see what is happening in Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya and a number of other countries. I have to ask, where are the results of the fight against terrorism and extremism? Overall, looking at the world as a whole, there are some results in particular regions and locations, but there is no global result and the terrorist threat continues to grow.

We all remember the euphoria in some capitals over the Arab Spring. Where are these fanfares today?

Russia’s calls for a joint fight against terrorism go ignored. What’s more, they continue to arm, supply and train terrorist groups in the hope of using them to achieve their own political aims.

Related: Hillary Clinton embraces George Soros’ ‘radical’ vision of open-border world

This is a very dangerous game and I address the players once again: The extremists in this case are more cunning, clever and stronger than you, and if you play these games with them, you will always lose.

Colleagues, it is clear that the international community should concentrate on the real problems facing humanity today, the resolution of which will make our world a safer and more stable place and make the system of international relations fairer and more equal.

As I said, it is essential to transform globalisation from something for a select few into something for all. It is my firm belief that we can overcome these threats and challenges only by working together on the solid foundation of international law and the United Nations Charter.

Today it is the United Nations that continues to remain an agency that is unparalleled in representativeness and universality, a unique venue for equitable dialogue. Its universal rules are necessary for including as many countries as possible in economic and humanitarian integration, guaranteeing their political responsibility and working to coordinate their actions while also preserving their sovereignty and development models.

The NSA leaked the DNC emails because they hate Hillary - Judge Napolitano

Related: Assange: WikiLeaks did not receive Clinton emails from Russian govt

We have no doubt that sovereignty is the central notion of the entire system of international relations. Respect for it and its consolidation will help underwrite peace and stability both at the national and international levels.

There are many countries that can rely on a history stretching back a thousand years, like Russia, and we have come to appreciate our identity, freedom and independence.

But we do not seek global domination, expansion or confrontation with anyone.

In our mind, real leadership lies in seeing real problems rather than attempting to invent mythical threats and use them to steamroll others.

This is exactly how Russia understands its role in global affairs today.

There are priorities without which a prosperous future for our shared planet is unthinkable and they are absolutely obvious. I won’t be saying anything new here.

First of all, there is equal and indivisible security for all states. Only after ending armed conflicts and ensuring the peaceful development of all countries will we be able to talk about economic progress and the resolution of social, humanitarian and other key problems.

It is important to fight terrorism and extremism in actuality. It has been said more than once that this evil can only be overcome by a concerted effort of all states of the world. Russia continues to offer this to all interested partners.

It is necessary to add to the international agenda the issue of restoring the Middle Eastern countries’ lasting statehood, economy and social sphere.

The mammoth scale of destruction demands drawing up a long-term comprehensive programme, a kind of Marshall Plan, to revive the war- and conflict-ridden area. Russia is certainly willing to join actively in these team efforts.

We cannot achieve global stability unless we guarantee global economic progress. It is essential to provide conditions for creative labour and economic growth at a pace that would put an end to the division of the world into permanent winners and permanent losers.

The rules of the game should give the developing economies at least a chance to catch up with those we know as developed economies.

We should work to level out the pace of economic development, and brace up backward countries and regions so as to make the fruit of economic growth and technological progress accessible to all.

Particularly, this would help to put an end to poverty, one of the worst contemporary problems.

It is also absolutely evident that economic cooperation should be mutually lucrative and rest on universal principles to enable every country to become an equal partner in global economic activities.

True, the regionalising trend in the world economy is likely to persist in the medium term. However, regional trade agreements should complement and expand not replace the universal norms and regulations.

Russia advocates the harmonisation of regional economic formats based on the principles of transparency and respect for each other’s interests. That is how we arrange the work of the Eurasian Economic Union and conduct negotiations with our partners, particularly on coordination with the Silk Road Economic Belt project, which China is implementing.

We expect it to promote an extensive Eurasian partnership, which promises to evolve into one of the formative centres of a vast Eurasian integration area. To implement this idea, 5+1 talks have begun already for an agreement on trade and economic cooperation between all participants in the process.

An important task of ours is to develop human potential. Only a world with ample opportunities for all, with highly skilled workers, access to knowledge and a great variety of ways to realise their potential can be considered truly free.

Only a world where people from different countries do not struggle to survive but lead full lives can be stable.

A decent future is impossible without environment protection and addressing climate problems. That is why the conservation of the natural world and its diversity and reducing the human impact on the environment will be a priority for the coming decades.

Another priority is global healthcare. Of course, there are many problems, such as large-scale epidemics, decreasing the mortality rate in some regions and the like. So there is enormous room for advancement.

All people in the world, not only the elite, should have the right to healthy, long and full lives.

This is a noble goal. In short, we should build the foundation for the future world today by investing in all priority areas of human development.

And of course, it is necessary to continue a broad-based discussion of our common future so that all sensible and promising initiatives are heard.

Colleagues, ladies and gentlemen, I am confident that you, as members of the Valdai Club, will actively take part in this work.

Your expertise enables you to understand all angles of the processes underway both in Russia and in the world, forecast and evaluate long-term trends, and put forward new initiatives and recommendations that will help us find the way to the more prosperous and sustainable future that we all badly need.

Thank you very much for your attention.

Video Version of Full Speech:


Media comments on Putin”s Valdai Speech:

Putin takes part in Valdai club’s final session (LIVE UPDATES) - RT

Vladimir Putin Addresses 13th Annual Valdai Discussion Club (VIDEO) - Sputnik

Putin says Russia showing restraint in Syria but patience may run out - Reuters

Putin says Russia has no option but to clear Aleppo of militants - Reuters

Putin urges new Marshall Plan for Middle East to see recovery and growth - TASS

Putin says Russia does not plan to get militarily involved in Iraq, Libya - Reuters

Russia threat exaggerated by West to justify military spending – Putin - SKY News

Putin: Russia is not going to attack anyone - TASS

Putin is sure Russia and Ukraine will find way to end crisis - TASS

Russia’s Putin says cyber attacks are unacceptable - Reuters

Putin urges US not to provoke Russia to actively protect national interests - TASS

Calling Trump Moscow’s favorite is nonsense created by media - Putin - RT

Putin says U.S. ‘hysteria’ over Russia is election ploy - Reuters

Putin rejects claims of Russian interference in US election - AP

Russia’s Putin says Trump behaves extravagantly to get message across - Reuters

Russia’s Putin says Obama administration does not stick to any deals - Reuters

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Clinton’s Leaked Emails Confirm Libya Plunder By Killing Gaddafi + Libya: From Africa’s Richest State Under Gaddafi, To Failed State After NATO Intervention
October 29 2016 | From: Geopolitics / Various

It was broad daylight robbery and murder when US , France, and the rest of NATO, hunted down Muammar Qaddafi, and destroyed the most prosperous nation in Africa, i.e. Libya., in 2011.

The above picture is taken during the G8 Summit Italy, in 2009. Libya used to be one of few countries with sovereign central banks.

Muammar Qaddafi, President of the African Union at that time, was planning to issue gold denominated African dinar to replace Francs in Francophone Africa, to help his African brothers from centuries of economic plunder.

But that’s not all.

The West just hated Muammar Qaddafi’s internal policies which were kept from the rest of the world by Rothschild controlled mainstream media.

Here are some examples:

There is no electricity bill in Libya; electricity is free for all its citizens.

There is no interest on loans, banks in Libya are state-owned and loans given to all its citizens at zero percent interest by law.

Having a home considered a human right in Libya.

All newlyweds in Libya receive $60,000 dinar (U.S.$50,000) by the government to buy their first apartment so to help start up the family.

Education and medical treatments are free in Libya. Before Gaddafi only 25 percent of Libyans were literate. Today, the figure is 83 percent.

Should Libyans want to take up farming career, they would receive farming land, a farming house, equipments, seeds and livestock to kickstart their farms are all for free.

If Libyans cannot find the education or medical facilities they need, the government funds them to go abroad, for it is not only paid for, but they get a U.S.$2,300/month for accommodation and car allowance.

If a Libyan buys a car, the government subsidizes 50 percent of the price.

The price of petrol in Libya is $0.14 per liter.

Libya has no external debt and its reserves amounting to $150 billion are now frozen globally.

If a Libyan is unable to get employment after graduation the state would pay the average salary of the profession, as if he or she is employed, until employment is found.

A portion of every Libyan oil sale is credited directly to the bank accounts of all Libyan citizens.

A mother who gives birth to a child receive U.S.$5,000.

40 loaves of bread in Libya costs $0.15.

25 percent of Libyans have a university degree.

Gaddafi carried out the world’s largest irrigation project, known as the Great Manmade River project, to make water readily available throughout the desert country.

These things Qaddafi was doing while the West maintains its exceptionalist mindset of being the epitome of freedom and democracy throughout the globe. Nothing could be farther from the truth.

These are the faces of the people that would murder him more than a year later.

Now, with the fall of CIA Daesh Islamic State in Syria, Libya is hosting the highest population of ISIS terrorists, and added itself to a growing number of failed states in the region.

ISIS Massacred Over 300 West African Migrants In Libya

The Khazarian Nazionist agenda in the Middle East, and the methods being used against the Arabs and Africans, are still the same methods that were used by Western pirates not too long ago in the Pacific, which includes:

Bribery of local overlords to help them loot the country; Saudi Arabia is a perfect example; Leaders in Latin America were also subjected to the same attacks by “economic hitmen”;

Removal of uncooperative leaders through color revolutions;

Total destruction of the State through divide and conquer by pitting clans and  warlords against each other;

For the last 400 years, another resource rich country like the Philippines fall victim to all three methods.

The Project for the New American Century (PNAC) has a “hit list” of Arab nations to conquer obviously with little regard for Arab casualties. Such hit list includes a total of seven countries beginning with Iraq, then Syria, Lebanon, Libya, Iran, Somalia, and Sudan.

Related: It’s A US-led Invasion, Not Civil War in Syria | US Peace Council

The leaked Clinton email confirms that what they did and continue to do in Libya is the fulfillment of this hit list:

France's Client and Gaddafis Gold:

From: Sidney Blumenthal
To: Hillary Clinton
Date: 2011-04-01 21:00


UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2014-20439 Doc No. C05785522 Date: 01/07/2016


For: Hillary
From: Sid
Re: France’s client & Qaddafi’s gold

A high ranking official on the National Libyan Council states that factions have developed within it. In part this reflects the cultivation by France in particular of clients among the rebels. General Abdelfateh Younis is the leading figure closest to the French, who are believed to have made payments of an unknown amount to him. Younis has told others on the NLC that the French have promised they will provide military trainers and arms.

So far the men and materiel have not made an appearance. Instead, a few “risk assessment analysts” wielding clipboards have come and gone. Jabril, Jalil and others are impatient. It is understood that France has clear economic interests at stake. Sarkozy’s occasional emissary, the intellectual self-promoter Bernard Henri-Levy, is considered by those in the NLC who have dealt with him as a semi-useful, semi joke figure.

Rumors swept the NLC upper echelon this week that Qaddafi may be dead or maybe not.

Qaddafi has nearly bottomless financial resources to continue indefinitely, according to the latest report we have received:

On April 2, 2011 sources with access to advisors to Saif al-Islam Qaddafi stated in strictest confidence that while the freezing of Libya’s foreign bank accounts presents Muammar Qaddafi with serious challenges, his ability to equip and maintain his armed forces and intelligence services remains intact.

According to sensitive information available to this these individuals, Qaddafi’s government holds 143 tons of gold, and a similar amount in silver.

During late March, 2011 these stocks were moved to SABHA (south west in the direction of the Libyan border with Niger and Chad); taken from the vaults of the Libyan Central Bank in Tripoli. This gold was accumulated prior to the current rebellion and was intended to be used to establish a pan-African currency based on the Libyan golden Dinar.

This plan was designed to provide , the Francophone African Countries with an alternative to the French franc (CFA). (Source Comment: According to knowledgeable individuals this quantity of gold and silver is valued at more than $7 billion.

French intelligence officers discovered this plan shortly after the current rebellion began, and this was one of the factors that influenced President Nicolas

UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2014-20439 Doc No. C05785522

Date: 01/07/2016

Sarkozy’s decision to commit France to the attack on Libya. According to these individuals Sarkozy’s plans are driven by the following issues:

a. A desire to gain a greater share of Libya oil production,

b. Increase French influence in North Africa,

c. Improve his internal political situation in France,

d. Provide the French military with an opportunity to reassert its position in the world, address the concern of his advisors over Qaddafi’s long term plans to supplant France as the dominant power in, Francophone Africa. )

On the afternoon of April 1, an individual with access to the National Libyan Council (NLC) stated in private that senior officials of the NLC believe that the rebel military forces are beginning to show signs of improved discipline and fighting spirit under some of the new military commanders, including Colonel Khalifha Haftar, the former commander of the anti - Qaddafi forces in the Libyan National Army (LNA). According to these sources, units defecting from Qaddafi’s force are also taking a greater role in the fighting on behalf of the rebels.

- Source

They were monitoring where the gold is heading, and they got what they wanted.

Fortunately for us, they were interrupted in Syria and Iran as the BRICS, and 180 more allied countries, decided to standup to these few old men and women with kleptocratic and eugenics tendencies.

But it is extremely important to remind ourselves that the United Nations and mainstream media were complicit to all of these high crimes committed against the sovereign people of Libya, and other countries.

We cannot afford to lower our guards however the covert NWO geopolitical game is played.

Libya: From Africa’s Richest State Under Gaddafi, To Failed State After NATO Intervention

It has been five years since the Western-backed assassination of Libya’s former president, Muammar Gaddafi, and the fall of one of Africa’s greatest nations.

In 1967 Colonel Gaddafi inherited one of the poorest nations in Africa; however, by the time he was assassinated, Gaddafi had turned Libya into Africa’s wealthiest nation. Libya had the highest GDP per capita and life expectancy on the continent. Less people lived below the poverty line than in the Netherlands.

Related: Hillary’s War Crime: The Murder of Muammar Gaddafi. “We Came, we Saw, he Died.”

After NATO’s intervention in 2011, Libya is now a failed state and its economy is in shambles. As the government’s control slips through their fingers and into to the militia fighters’ hands, oil production has all but stopped.

The militias variously local, tribal, regional, Islamist or criminal, that have plagued Libya since NATO’s intervention, have recently lined up into two warring factions. Libya now has two governments, both with their own Prime Minister, parliament and army.

On one side, in the West of the country, Islamist-allied militias took over control of the capital Tripoli and other cities and set up their own government, chasing away a parliament that was elected over the summer.


On the other side, in the East of the Country, the “legitimate” government dominated by anti-Islamist politicians, exiled 1,200 kilometers away in Tobruk, no longer governs anything.

The fall of Gaddafi’s administration has created all of the country’s worst-case scenarios: Western embassies have all left, the South of the country has become a haven for terrorists, and the Northern coast a center of migrant trafficking. Egypt, Algeria and Tunisia have all closed their borders with Libya.

This all occurs amidst a backdrop of widespread rape, assassinations and torture that complete the picture of a state that is failed to the bone.

America is clearly fed up with the two inept governments in Libya and is now backing a third force: long-time CIA asset, General Khalifa Hifter, who aims to set himself up as Libya’s new dictator.

Hifter, who broke with Gaddafi in the 1980s and lived for years in Langley, Virginia, close to the CIA’s headquarters, where he was trained by the CIA, has taken part in numerous American regime change efforts, including the aborted attempt to overthrow Gaddafi in 1996.

In 1991 the New York Times reported that Hifter may have been one of “600 Libyan soldiers trained by American intelligence officials in sabotage and other guerrilla skills…to fit in neatly into the Reagan Administration’s eagerness to topple Colonel Qaddafi”.

Hifter’s forces are currently vying with the Al Qaeda group Ansar al-Sharia for control of Libya’s second largest city, Benghazi.

Ansar al-Sharia was armed by America during the NATO campaign against Colonel Gaddafi. In yet another example of the U.S. backing terrorists backfiring, Ansar al-Sharia has recently been blamed by America for the brutal assassination of U.S. Ambassador Stevens.

Hifter is currently receiving logistical and air support from the U.S. because his faction envision a mostly secular Libya open to Western financiers, speculators, and capital.

Perhaps, Gaddafi’s greatest crime, in the eyes of NATO, was his desire to put the interests of local labour above foreign capital and his quest for a strong and truly United States of Africa.

In fact, in August 2011, President Obama confiscated $30 billion from Libya’s Central Bank, which Gaddafi had earmarked for the establishment of the African IMF and African Central Bank.

In 2011, the West’s objective was clearly not to help the Libyan people, who already had the highest standard of living in Africa, but to oust Gaddafi, install a puppet regime, and gain control of Libya’s natural resources.

He may not have been a Saint, but for over 40 years, Gaddafi promoted economic democracy and used the nationalized oil wealth to sustain progressive social welfare programs for all Libyans. Under Gaddafi’s rule, Libyans enjoyed not only free health-care and free education, but also free electricity and interest-free loans.

Now thanks to NATO’s intervention the health-care sector is on the verge of collapse as thousands of Filipino health workers flee the country, institutions of higher education across the East of the country are shut down, and black outs are a common occurrence in once thriving Tripoli.

One group that has suffered immensely from NATO’s bombing campaign is the nation’s women. Unlike many other Arab nations, women in Gaddafi’s Libya had the right to education, hold jobs, divorce, hold property and have an income. The United Nations Human Rights Council praised Gaddafi for his promotion of women’s rights.

When the colonel seized power in 1969, few women went to university. Today, more than half of Libya’s university students are women. One of the first laws Gaddafi passed in 1970 was an equal pay for equal work law.

Nowadays, the new “democratic” Libyan regime is clamping down on women’s rights. The new ruling tribes are tied to traditions that are strongly patriarchal.

Also, the chaotic nature of post-intervention Libyan politics has allowed free reign to extremist Islamic forces that see gender equality as a Western perversion.

Five years ago, NATO declared that the mission in Libya had been “one of the most successful in NATO history.”

Truth is, Western interventions have produced nothing but colossal failures in Libya, Iraq, and Syria.

Lest we forget, prior to western military involvement in these three nations, they were the most modern and secular states in the Middle East and North Africa with the highest regional women’s rights and standards of living.

A decade of failed military expeditions in the Middle East has left the American people in trillions of dollars of debt. However, one group has benefited immensely from the costly and deadly wars: America’s Military-Industrial-Complex.

Building new military bases means billions of dollars for America’s military elite. As Will Blum has pointed out, following the bombing of Iraq, the United States built new bases in Kuwait, Bahrain, Qatar, the United Arab Emirates, Oman and Saudi Arabia.

Where in the World is the US Military?

Following the bombing of Afghanistan, the United States is now building military bases in Pakistan, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan and Tajikistan.

Following the recent bombing of Libya, the United States has built new military bases in the Seychelles, Kenya, South Sudan, Niger and Burkina Faso.

Given that Libya sits atop the strategic intersection of the African, Middle Eastern and European worlds, Western control of the nation, has always been a remarkably effective way to project power into these three regions and beyond.

NATO’s military intervention may have been a resounding success for America’s military elite and oil companies but for the ordinary Libyan, the military campaign may indeed go down in history as one of the greatest failures of the 21st century.

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False Flag Attacks, Fake Terrorism & Engineered Wars

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Part 2: Click here

Part 3: Click here

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