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Chemtrails, Geoengineering, Weather Modification & Weather Warfare

Two Minute Excerpt From The Movie "Look Up" - Narrated By William Baldwin
Ferbruary 6 2014 | From: SkyderAlert

"Look Up ! " is the award winning film on GeoEngineering (Chemtrails). GeoEngineering and Weather modification programs pose the largest health and environmental threat our planet faces. Watch the 2 minute trailer below.

Related: The History of Chemtrails: How to Geoengineer a Planet with Jet Fuel

Senate Terrorism Subcommittee Disucusses Weather Manipulation [Has been Removed]

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Archival article sections accessible via the left hand navigation have not been updated for some time - simply due to resource constraints.

However, articles relating to these sections are still being published in the current events article stream.

Each new recent article covering subject matter on this topic will also link to most other articles on this site relating to said topic. (You can also navigate back in time through all articles published over the last ten years from the top and bottom of each page.

When this website launched over a decade ago, things were comparatively quiet - in relation to the almost unmanageable daily avalanche of information coming in now.

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TVNZ News - Jimi Hiki Features Chemtrail Plane In Weather Report
February 6 2014 | From: TVNZ

Whether Jim Hiki realised what he was showing on national television at the end of the 6pm news, we can't be sure. You can see the clip here (the plane shot is in the last 15 seconds).

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Mainstream Magazine Covers Climate Engineering
August 9 2014 | From: GeoEnginneringWatch

SOCO Magazine has shown exceptional journalistic courage by posting a featured article covering the ongoing geoengineering insanity.

This is a breakthrough in many ways as more publications are now likely to follow their lead. Climate engineering is an immensely grave danger to each and every one of us.

As journalists and publishers realize the geoengineering threat affects themselves and their families, censorship of the greatest untold story on the planet will breakdown. SOCO’s publication of this article is a leap in the right direction for the cause of exposing and stopping climate engineering.

See the magazine article online at Issuu

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NaturalSkies.org - An Excellent Weather Modification / Geoengineering Resource
September 13 2014 | From: NaturalSkies

Our natural skies... fill with persistent contrails ...reducing sunshine and toxifying the air we breathe.

Naturalskies.org, the easy-to-use website for information on: weather modification, geoengineering, atmospheric experimentation and the military’s involvement over the control of our environment.

The diagram below features some of the principle chemicals that are used for various applications stated with in scientific literature. The following conditions are linked with the chemicals mentioned above, as stated with in medical literature. Consider the trends in some of these illnesses.

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Chemtrails: What Are They Spraying?

What Chemtrails Really Are
September 7 2011 | By Carolyn Williams Palit

Chemtrails actually have a number of uses and applications. In a nutshell, we are being sprayed with toxic concoctions of heavy metals and other nasty substances. The chemtrail mixtures are dispersed by both mission-specific aircraft and by being mixed into the fuel used by commercial airliners and cargo planes.

USAF Enviromental Specialist Kristen Meghan Blows Whistle On Chemtrails and Air Force Cover-Up

At the 2013 Atlanta Music Liberty Fest, Kristen Meghan, former Air Force Industrial Hygienist / Environmental Specialist gave a groundbreaking presentation of what she discovered about chemicals used in Chemtrails while serving in the Air Force. Furthermore, she explains why she left the military after an attempt to silence her from speaking out on an operation at Warner Robbins AFB that “was exposing thousands of civilians to carcinogens” including strontium chromate – “a carcinogenic metal used in military operations.” Kristen has spoken at many events now and is also a contributor at InfoWars.com

This brave young lady has put her livelihood / life on the line for U.S. Please take a minute to thank her and help U.S. by redistributing this video and any other VALID information about Chemtrails to as many people as you can! This is a GLOBAL issue, other countries must get this information as well.

The Technology of Chemtrails

Chemtrails create an atmosphere that will support electromagnetic waves, ground-based, electromagnetic field oscillators called gyrotrons, and ionospheric heaters. Particulates make directed energy weapons work better. It has to do with "steady state" and particle density for plasma beam propagation.

They spray barium powders and let it photo-ionize from the ultraviolet light of the sun. Then, they make an aluminum-plasma generated by "zapping" the metal cations that are in the spray with either electromagnetics from HAARP, the gyrotron system on the ground [Ground Wave Emergency Network], or space-based lasers. The barium makes the aluminum-plasma more particulate dense. This means they can make a denser plasma than they normally could from just ionizing the atmosphere or the air.

Click the image above to open a larger version in a new window

More density [more particles] means that these particles which are colliding into each other will become more charged because there are more of them present to collide. What are they ultimately trying to do up there -- is create charged-particle, plasma beam weapons.
Chemtrails are the medium - GWEN pulse radars, the various HAARPs, and space-based lasers are the method, or more simply:

Chemtrails are the medium -- directed energy is the method.

Spray and Zap.

This system appears to be in use in countries virtually all over the entire planet. Exotic weapons can be mobile, stationary, land-based, aerial, or satellite.

It is an offensive and defensive system against EM attacks and missiles. It uses ionospheric particle shells as defense mechanisms [like a bug-zapper shell]* against missiles and EM attacks. That means they spray and then pump up the spray with electromagnetics. When these shells are created using the oscillating, electromagnetic, gyrotron stations, it "excludes" and displaces the background magnetic field.

These shells can be layered one above another in a canopy fashion for extra protection from missiles. The chemtrail sprays have various elements in them like carbon which can used to absorb microwaves. Some of these sprays have metal flakes in them that make aerial craft invisible to radar. Spoofer sprays. Sprays like these can be used to create colorful, magnetized plasmas to cloak fighter jets.

There are satellite weapons involved. Activists are using meters and are getting readings of microwaves, x-rays, and some other kind of emission that they are not sure of, maybe a low-intensity laser.

So you think it's all conspiracy do you? High-Def 1080p footage of Chemtrails over Melbourne, Australia

They are also photographing gas plasma generation due to the heating of chemtrails by electromagnetics. The technical names for vertical and horizontal plasma columns are columnar focal lenses and horizontal drift plasma antennas. Various size of gas plasma orbs are associated with this technology. These orbs can be used as transmitters and receivers because they have great, refractory and optical properties. They also are capable of transmitting digital or analog sound. Barium, in fact, is very refractive -- more refractive than glass.

What does that mean? Someone or someones are very involved in unconstitutional, domestic spying and the entrained plasma orbs carried on electromagnetic beams can be used for mind control programming. The satellites can be programmed to track and monitor various frequencies on different parts of your body.

This satellite photograph showing at least 10 chemtrails dispersing was taken on Monday 4 May, 2015 over Wellington, New Zealand

These electromagnetic beams carrying the gas plasma orbs stick due magnetic polarity and frequency mapping and tracking to people's eyes, ears, temples, and private parts. A beam with entrained orbs carries pictures in each orb just like the different frames in a movie. It is a particle beam that is also a frequency weapon.

The satellites download holographic mind control movies, pictures, sounds, and sensations to people through this technology. The Air Force has stated in "Air Force 2025" that their goal is to develop virtual and augmented reality mind control. Depending on the how the computer is programmed or depending on the mood or intent of the person interfacing with the technology, you can be probed, bothered, gaslighted, frightened, manipulated, electronically raped, or tortured.

It scans your brain frequencies and deciphers your thoughts. The satellites track you by mapping your bioenergetic signature [body biometrics] and constantly scanning an area to find you.

We are the lab rats for this technology and something is very wrong in the military or intelligence branches somewhere. Because developmental projects in government and military are often so compartmentalized, I suppose someone could be using and developing this technology secretly and without authorization.

Then again, behavioral and mind control programs were an authorized policy under MKULTRA. Our country has a history of experimenting on its citizens. We are talking about satellite charged-particle frequency weapons attacking a person 24 hours a day. Psychotronic weapons are considered weapons of mass destruction by the U.N.

"HAARPs" can create earthquakes and can also x-ray the earth to find underground military bases, gold, or oil reserves. These ionospheric heaters can also operate as an over-the-horizon or under-the-ocean communications system. This system can control the weather or create disasters.

Related: 'Conspiracy Theorists' Vindicated: HAARP Confirmed Weather-Manipulation Tool

Taken together with the aurora keyhole through-your-roof satellite surveillance system, Echelon electronic computer/phone sweeps, plasma-cloaked DOD Drug War helicopters and stealths, implants, and cameras on the street, it constitutes one, big global and space control grid.

These weapons involve beams. Two beams overlapped will couple into a particle-ion beam that will bounce off of a remote target and send a holographic image back to the satellite for remote spying operations. When you cross two strong beams, you can supposedly* create scalar energies. These energies can be used as untraceable weapons for nuclear size explosions or for defense.

These crossed-energies can be used to cause a person's physical electrical system to fail or with a lower frequency, administer a kind of remote electro-shock. Visualize touching a positive and negative electric cable to each other on top of your head. Scalar energies can be utilized in hand-held military guns and on tanks.

They can dud-out electronics or cause large, electrical blackouts. Scalar energies are practically impossible to shield against. You need lead, ceramics, and a deep underground facility to not be affected by these weapons. Or, you need to be up and above the field of battle.

People who are working on these issues hear tones and hums. If you hear persistent tones and static; have body vibrations, burning sensations, "bangs" to the head, neurological damage, or immune system damage; are hearing electronic voices or hearing the sound of a plasma; suffering from pains deep in your organs or constant headaches; or experiencing other anomalous activity then you may be being targeted by directed energy, mind control weapons.

These weapons could be on helicopters, jets, stealth fighters, or on satellites. Directed energy beams and electromagnetic waves can be sent to you via hand-held devices or piggy-backed in on cell phone and satellite towers.

Is it possible that someone(s) are very afraid of coming famines and riots due to the ongoing, man-induced failure of the ecological system, and they are saturating the earth with chemtrails for large- scale, gas plasma mind control? Is this the last grasp for the world's resources?

Or, are they just control freaks and money mongers? Someone would like to get to that oil under the melting [due to chemtrail-trapped EM heat] Artic. And, I guess the Third World is not a part of this system. I don't think that the developed nations are going to let them in on this either.

Chemtrails : What Chem-Trails Do to Us and How They Cover it Up

Any country that joins this NATO system will become mind-controlled and diseased due to the associated, intense, oscillating, electromagnetic fields, electromagnetic soup, and the poisonous, toxic chemtrails. Our DNA will break. We risk the earth's spin and tilt becoming messed up due to mucking around with the magnetic fields through this military technology. Maybe, it is already messed up.

It constitutes U.S. global domination via NATO and the erosion of civil rights. According to Charlotte Iserbyt and Al Martin, there are ex-KGB and ex-STASI advising our new Office of Total Information Awareness. They are the ones creating our new internal passports [national ID]. And under "The Treaty on Open Skies," we have overflights by Russian and German military.

Who exactly is flying those plasma-cloaked craft that are seen all over this country and mistaken for UFOs by people who do not know about this aerial deception technology? Obviously, we have another "Project Paperclip" in the making. We can add the new thugs to the 2,000 Iraqi brought into country by Daddy Bush who are now living in Nebraska.

The elitist corporate government is going to hold the rest of us hostage with directed energy weapons in space, if the Policy for a New American Century group - PNAC - Bush and cronie think tank has their way, along with directed energy attacks against any country or citizen that they decide they do not like. These weapons can create climate war, weather war, mind war, cyber war, disease war, disaster war, and undetectable war. Taken together they can create economic war.

If this system is not stopped, it will kill billions due to aluminum and barium poisoning. It will kill billions due to crop failures and world-wide famine. It will cause heart attacks, strokes, and cancers. It will cause stillbirths, miscarriages, and infertility.

The chemtrail sprays often have fungi, bacteria, viruses, dessicated red blood cells, crystalline substances, carbon, metal cations, lithium, other chemicals, heavy metals, and God knows what - probably smart dust, or nanocrap. Years of biowarfare testing on the American public is no big secret anymore. Spraying germs in the sky where they mutate due to the ultra-violet light -- brillant plan, my man. Are we acceptable losses or is this by design?

I know that many of the major players have big investments in pharmaceutical companies, GM seeds [seeds that can grow in an electromagnetic soup], weapons and directed energy development contracts, oil contracts, genetic research, and mind control research.

Chemtrail filaments / fibres fell visibly and can be seen resting on a lawn in New Zealand on May 2 2014. Many people who have had these filaments land on their skin have developed Morgellon's disease, all around the world.

Disclosure and Explanation of Chemtrail Webs:

This heavy chemweb fall was recorded in a field in New Zealand on May 17 2015

Some of these people have had a familial history of financial and policy support for population control, eugenics, Hitler, Mao, Stalin, Lenin, Marx, Pinochet, Hussein, and various other dictators. Some of the major players were the masterminds of the death squads in Central and South America.

They stand to make a big profit on our death and disease. Just take a look at Rumsfield and Tamiflu.

I assume that they know the dangers of this system and that they take care to stay in their shielded, air-filtered offices, homes, bases, and cars. I assume they take chelating substances to remove the barium and aluminum from their bodies and minds.

If not, then they really do not understand the far-ranging implications of this destructive system. Congress may not understand just what a terrible weapons system and control grid they are funding.

As I understand it, Tesla towers attached to deep-earth, free-energy taps are to be created over the 10-12 magnetic poles and the GWEN system phased-out. Has this already been done?

This should allow total control of the earth through giant, Tesla death ray-guns. This natural, electromagnetic earth was not meant to be an un-natural dynamo to power man's weapons or his utility companies.

Over-unity systems [Tesla devices]* are as of yet, another unexplored and probably not understood man-made energy. We should be very suspect of free energy.

As we can see, the forms of man-made energy that have been created and used in the past have not been good for this planet. Maybe it is time to reconsider the options available to us through the development of crops for fuel, wind, solar, and water power. We need world-wide, different, more holistic, renewable, energy programs.

Is there any good news? Yes. There has been tons of particulate dumping through the spray operations for 8 years over the Americas, Europe, Scandinavia, Eastern Europe, and from what I can find out, over Russia. And, what goes around blows around, right? So, these substances are probably actually global. It sure makes a ton of sense to spray poisonous elements in 24 NATO countries and let the substances be carried around the earth on the jet streams to poison yourself, your enemies, and all neutral and non-combatent countries.

Talk about making more enemies.

The water, air, and soil of all of these countries is so saturated with metal cations that these weapons freaks should be able to zap and mind f--k each other quite well now and as often as they wish. Once they have clobbered each other with light-saber beams for a few years and razed and scorched sections of the earth, they may start to realize that this foreign policy will lead to a defective human race and a rotten economy.

Do you think they will have knocked some sense into each other by then and will decide that non-proliferation and arms reduction is the more civilized and mature direction to take in world affairs? I doubt it, cause only idiots would have developed horrific, planet-killer weapons like these. But, I'll bet the rest of the planet will finally rise up and tell these juvenile delinquents to quit playing with those rayguns right this second.

After further thought on Bearden + -- a big over-unity and free energy proponent of Tesla technology that makes energy off of boiling the ionosphere or stealing electricity from the mis-named "vacumn" called Life, I have decided that Bearden is telling us some, if not most, of the truth. Same for Eastlund.

Must Watch: Climate Engineering Weather Warfare, and the Collapse of Civilization
January 30, 2014 | GeoEngineeringWatch

Planet Earth is under an all out weather warfare assault.

In this video, Dane Wigington gives another presentation in Northern California on the harmful effects of Geoengineering, declaring that there is virtually NO NATURAL WEATHER due to the massive global climate engineering. The very essentials needed to sustain life on earth are being recklessly destroyed by these programs. This is not a topic that will begin to affect us in several years, but is now already causing massive animal and plant die off around the world, as well as human illness.

The debate over whether geoengineering programs are going on is now a moot point. We have more than enough data to confirm it. We have actual footage showing tankers spraying. The materials showing up on the ground are exactly the same materials mentioned in the numerous geoengineering patents and documents. Visit our website for a list of these government patents and documents.

Our skies today are simply not normal. Upon examination this cannot be denied. They are filled with nanoparticulates of heavy metals. But the skies have been filled with grid patterns for so long now that we are used to them and do not see them anymore. Sadly, the fact is that people do not look up.

To be clear, what we are seeing is not cloud seeding to increase rainfall. These particulates are designed to block the sun and move the jet stream. Dane explains how this is causing the drought and deluge being experienced around the globe.

Pilots, Doctors & Scientists Tell Truth about Chemtrails

Our atmosphere is nothing but a massive physics lab to geoengineering scientists who have no concern whatsoever about the consequences to humanity or any living thing, including themselves. The experiments are literally tearing the planet apart and destroying life on earth.

Dane reports, among other things, on:

• Geoengineering related climate disruptions, extreme drought and deluge
• Ozone depletion
• Methane release
• Drastic reduction in arctic sea ice
• Global oxygen content reductions
• Oceans on the brink of collapse
• Massive fish die offs
• 200 species becoming extinct every single day
• A drastic rise in Autism, Alzheimer's, and Dementia
• Crisis level forest reductions
• The sterilization of soils making it impossible for plants to grow without Monsanto's aluminum resistant seeds

Dane Wigington presents hard data which reveals what these catastrophic programs have done to our planet to date and what they will do if they are allowed to continue. Please take the time to watch this video, follow up with some investigation of your own on our site -- http://www.geoengineeringwatch.org, and share this information far and wide.

Geoengineering Earth, Exposing The Global Climate Modification Assault
From: GeoengineeringWatch

Governments around the world have long since fully deployed global climate engineering on a scale that cannot truly be comprehended. They decided (without public knowledge or consent) that they had the right to use the atmosphere of our planet to serve their own agendas which amount to nothing less than weather and biological warfare.

On August 14th, 2015, there was a major event in Northern California that was organized for the purpose of exposing and halting the global climate engineering programs that are decimating our planet and the entire web of life.

Numerous experts spoke out at this event including attorneys, former government scientists, a former defense industry technician, former military personnel, a prominent Northern California Neurologist, and a CEO for one of the largest environmental and engineering consulting firms in the world. Approximately 1000 people attended this event.

The video below is the primary PowerPoint informational presentation given at the event, "Engineering Earth, Exposing The Global Climate Modification Assault". This presentation was given by Dane Wigington, lead researcher for geoengineeringwatch.org.

The emcee for this important event was John B. Wells, radio host for the highly acclaimed "Caravan to Midnight" show. John works tirelessly toward revealing the truth for the common good.

His participation in the Northern California event was of immense benefit to the cause of exposing geoengineering. My deepest appreciation to John, to all the speakers that participated and shared their knowledge, to each and every activist that contributed countless hours, and of course our gratitude to all those that attended the event.

Individuals came from locations as far away as Valdez Alaska and St. Louis Missouri. Read more here.

Research Material

HAARP (High Frequency Active Auroral Research Program)

Project Woodpecker pertains to the Electron Cyclotron Resonance Heating Method which is designed to "alter the earth's magnetic field ...in order to modify weather, create or trigger earthquakes and volcanoes, spread viruses, create the phenomenom known as electromagnetic pulse (EMP), and, to modify behavior control among the populous."

Project Woodpecker

The HAARP (High Frequency Active Auroral Research Program) transmitter site located in Alaska, northeast of the town of Gakona, is believed to be "large enough to cover most of the Northern Hemisphere."

Operated by the Department of the Navy, Department of the Air Force and the University of Alaska, it is also believed to be only one of a number of such sites--known as Ionospheric Research Instruments that are "scattered around the world, ... many of them here in the U.S.", which are capable of connecting with a much smaller GWEN (Ground Wave Emergency Network), which comprises "remotely controlled transmitter sites that have been built all over the U.S. in a grid pattern, with their antennas spaced about every 200 miles or so."

Coloured clouds or 'chem-bows' are a phenomena relating to chemtrails, geoengineering, HAARP and the artificial generation of earthquakes such as those that recently devastated Christchurch in new Zealand. The satelite image above showing HAARP in action the day of this earthquake:

Location of Wanaka within New Zealand
NZ Standard Time Mon, May 4 2015, 2:29:10 pm
Coordinates: 44°42′S 169°09′E
Magnitude 5.8
Depth 4 km
Location 30 km north-west of Wanaka
Agency WEL(GNS_Primary)

Nikola Tesla conducted the original research on the Electron Cyclotron Resonance Heating Method. It is asserted that Tesla's work was "later expanded upon by not only Soviet scientists, but also by U.S. scientists, such as Bernard J. Eastlund [1] (scientist associated with the Atlantic Richfield Oil Company (ARCO).

ARCO, according to tradition, was controlled by members of the Council on Foreign Relations, with Eastlund as the "front man," with a subsequent series of transferrals of the patent rights.

Project Cirrus

Project Cirrus was one of the first large-scale efforts to modify the weather by cloud seeding, culminating in the actual "steering" of a hurricane, with disastrous consequences. And of course, the responsible parties wormed their way out of court on a technicality! Seems to have set a precedent for getting away for illegal weather modification on a regular basis ever since.

Project Cirrus Final Report

General Electric Research Laboratory - Internal Document - History of Project Cirrus

Engineering The Rollout Of Geoengineering

The systematic pre-planned rollout of geoengineering and aerosol spraying of our skies is now in full swing. This attempt to roll chemtrails out to the general public was predicted and anticipated by many in the movement for years, but now we are seeing the actual implementation of the agenda. Chemical spraying nationwide has been relentless for years.

All of humanity has been watching planes dropping their sustained chemical trails which artificially start and stop whenever chemical barrels are empty or when perhaps the person or system controlling the release of these chemicals from the planes needs to. All of this has been happening in broad daylight.

Read the full article at ActivistPost

Climatic Change

All Volumes & Issues - Volume 121, Issue 3, December 2013

Special Issue: Geoengineering Research and its Limitations

The Incredible True Story of Artificial Clouds and Weather Modification – Dr. Jane Long

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“Weather Wars” Theorists Claim Hurricane Harvey Was Engineered, “Steered” Toward Houston As A “Weather Terrorism” Weapon + Ritualistic Astrology Used In False Flag Hurricane Harvey?
August 31 2017 | From: NaturalNews / StillnessInTheStorm / Various

We’re bringing this claim to your attention because a growing number of observers, websites and analysts are concluding that Hurricane Harvey was “engineered” and made into a “weather weapon” through a combination of ground-based temperature manipulation tools and “chemtrail” seeding.

Yes, it sounds absurd at first, until you realize that Al Gore tells us that human activity controls the climate every day. It’s called “climate change,” and in fact, Al Gore and the climate alarmists directly tell us that we created Hurricane Harvey and all the other “extreme” weather events anyone sees.

Related: Helping Others Despite Divide and Conquer: Diverse Groups of People Helping Each Other in Houston Shows Mainstream Media Divide FAIL

Weather modification, in other words, has become the de facto belief of climate alarmists. The entire mainstream media routinely insists that hurricanes, droughts, floods, snowstorms and tornadoes are all unintentionally created by human activity.

The key difference between Al Gore and the “weather wars” theories is that those who believe in weather wars insist these hurricanes are deliberately created, selectively amplified and steered into selected targets.

Environmental Warfare

Environmental Warfare is defined as the intentional modification or manipulation of the natural ecology, such as climate and weather, earth systems such as the ionosphere, magnetosphere, tectonic plate system, and/or the triggering of seismic events (earthquakes) to cause intentional physical, economic, and psycho-social, and physical destruction to an intended target geophysical or population location, as part of strategic or tactical war.

Al Gore believes hurricanes are created by Man, in other words, and the weather wars theorists say they are precisely controlled and deployed as weapons of terrorism to inflict economic damage and achieve psychological goals involving terror and death.

This claim seems absurd to most people at first glance, but there is a growing community of weather skeptics who insist that such events are not accidents but weapons.

Related: Hurricane Harvey Is Far From Over

That’s why we’re covering this story: Not as an endorsement of such conclusions but rather as a look at a curious corner of the internet where weather wars, weather modification and geoengineering have become popular, alternative explanations for significant weather events.

In fact, there are at least two key patents (linked below) that describe this technology in great detail, including a “space-based power system” that can alter “weather elements” including hurricanes. (Keep reading for details…)

One of the most popular sites asserting such claims is WeatherWar101.com, whose author - a former network engineer - explains:

"For ten years, I have been proving the irrefutable reality of daily manufactured flash flood deluge and severe weather – every single day. Denying the reality of these daily manmade weather events is akin to denying the existence of the combustion engine, and it is just as easy to prove.

If you can understand boiling water, you can understand where trillions of gallons of water vapor come from that create and fuel the daily trillion-gallon floods we see washing a different community away, somewhere in the world. This isn’t debatable, and it is as easy to observe as sunrise.

Unless I have the names mixed up, the author seems to go by the name of “Sofia Smallstorm” (to avoid being identified by name, of course) and goes to great lengths to protect his or her identity. This person also wrote the foreward to No Natural Weather: Introduction to Geoengineering 101.

The site has published a 14-minute analysis of Hurricane Harvey, asserting that the hurricane was augmented by “On-Land Water Vapor Generation from Texas, Louisiana, etc.” The video description also states:

"It’s also no coincidence that Hurricane Harvey is hitting the United States, 25 years to the day after Hurricane Andrew hit Florida. Since all of these storms are very clearly and very obviously deliberated manufactured, this “Anniversary Hurricane” was clearly intentional.”

Hurricane Harvey Origin: Targeting Texas

Another video from APlaneTruth.info offers a more detailed explanation of “weather geoengineering” phenomena and how they say it relates to Hurricane Harvey, citing numerous patents, weather control conference, military technology and so on:

Hurricane Harvey & the Weather Terrorists from Land, Sea and Air

The National Weather Service, NOAA, and the Geoengineers of the military and NASA have known about how to create and dissipate weather, including hurricanes.

You will learn in this video exactly how they are making Hurricane Harvey into a never before seem deluge that started with a tiny front back on Aug. 16th.

Do Water Vapor Generators Exist that Can Unleash Clouds?

The idea of land-based water vapor generators that could contribute any meaningful amount of water to Hurricane Harvey seems absurd to those who have never looked into all this. According to recent estimates, Hurricane Harvey dumped 11 trillion gallons of water on Houston and surrounding areas.

For any land-based machinery to contribute even 1/1000th of that volume - just 11 billion gallons of water - would take a massive fleet of mechanized water vapor generators burning through an enormous quantity of fuel or electricity. That seems unrealistic by any rational analysis.

Yet as the BBC video shows in the following video clip (starting at 15:12), there do exists large buildings that literally generate massive clouds and rainfall. Before I saw this video, even I had no idea such buildings existed. Watch the BBC explain:

Manmade Weather; Hurricane Harvey

Hurricane Harvey is a never before seen weather machine that begin on Aug. 16th and was a tropical storm until it hit the coast of Mexico where the Wet Surface Water Vapor generators were able to intensely magnify and create the massive Hurricane into the Gulf.

Once it gets on shore it will rotate around and we can watch the entire storm system be manipulated using NEXRAD/Doppler radar devices to keep the rains a 'comin'.

Despite the existence of the technology, it is difficult to imagine the existence of such a massive operation operating covertly. That’s why the existence of a large-scale water vapor generating network seems highly unlikely.

Besides, solar power does all that work for free by warming the oceans and evaporating water into the storm system. Trying to augment 11 trillion gallons of water evaporation carried out by the sun seems futile.

The forces of nature are so much larger than anything mankind can contribute to them that supposing we can generate massive storm systems seems rather unlikely.

At the same time, so does the idea that human activity can drastically alter Earth’s climate in the first place.

Despite all the hysteria and fear mongering of the climate change alarmists, human activity is nothing but a tiny sliver of contribution to the grand-scale phenomena driven by solar activity, volcanoes and other such events.

Weather Modification Technology Does Exist (Read These Patents to See for Yourself)

There’s no question, by the way, that weather modification technology exists and is in widespread use across the globe. Weather control advocates are currently citing this U.S. patent #20100074390 A1, titled, “Method for weather modification and vapor generator for weather modification.”

As the patent summary states:

"A nuclear fusion reactor (2) or nuclear fission reactor (22) is used as a heat source. A heat exchanger (11 or 37) that contains water to be heated (15) is used for water vapor generation.

A circulating pipe (10 or 26) through which a fluid for cooling the nuclear fusion reactor or nuclear fission reactor or for conducting heat exchange circulates is disposed so as to extend in the heat exchanger and be in contact with the water to be heated.

Water vapor is thus generated. This water vapor is jetted toward the sky at a state of collimation through a vapor discharge pipe (12 or 36). A cloud for blocking sunlight is formed in the sky from the water vapor jetted to reduce the temperature of the earth surface.

This enables a weather modification without discharging any greenhouse gas, e.g., CO2.“

Another U.S. patent (#20100224696 A1) is entitled, “Weather management using space-based power system.”

Related: Weather Weapons Are Real, They Have A Treaty To Regulate Them

It describes a space-based technology for generating and controlling hurricanes:

"Space-based power system and method of altering weather using space-born energy. The space-based power system maintains proper positioning and alignment of system components without using connecting structures.

Power system elements are launched into orbit, and the free-floating power system elements are maintained in proper relative alignment, e.g., position, orientation, and shape, using a control system.

Energy from the space-based power system is applied to a weather element, such as a hurricane, and alters the weather element to weaken or dissipate the weather element.

The weather element can be altered by changing a temperature of a section of a weather element, such as the eye of a hurricane, changing airflows, or changing a path of the weather element..“

Weather modification technology isn’t a conspiracy theory, either: It’s already in use! For example, this article from SingularityHub describes Dubai’s “weather wizards” and how they use advanced electronics to create rain.

It’s not a conspiracy theory; it’s just clever physics:

"Meteo Systems, a Swiss company [is] developing a technology they’ve dubbed Weathertec. The idea is to erect giant ionizers wherever you’d like to have some rain.

If the ambient humidity in the area reaches the required minimum of 30%, then you turn the ionizers on and start pumping electrons into the atmosphere.

Assuming that you have high temperatures, the electrons will rise with the heat and water molecules will start condensing around them. At this point, you have clouds that will produce rain once they are dense enough.“

HAARP: How it Works and What it Does

This is a informative and brief you tube for those not familiar with HAARP.  The acronym stands for “High Active Auroral Research Project” a creation of the U.S. Air Force and Naval Research. 

The main station being in Gakona, Alaska, but which has spread its tentacles into more than 20 locations throughout the world. United States, Canada, Norway,  the former Soviet Union, the United Kingdom, Australia, New Zealand, China, and Puerto Rico to name a few all have this ionospheric capability.

Related: HAARP, NEXRAD, Weather Modification Explained

HAARP can be used in conjunction with cellular towers, NEXRAD’s, satellite systems to focus huge amounts of particle beam energy directly up into the ionosphere.

Based on Bernard Eastlund’s patents from 1985 (and derived from Tesla technologies “free energy” invention), HAARP has many functions, one of which is to direct electrons along the naturally occurring magnetic field lines of the earth and accelerate/charge them to the near speed of light to form a shell of highly excited particles that can block communications worldwide, destroy missiles and their trajectories as they descend from space.

Related: What Is This GWEN Tower Really For? + ELF, GWEN Towers, And HAARP Connection

HAARP can steer and control the weather by altering solar absorption, alter and manipulate people’s moods states, the military have deep knowledge of how to manipulate brain waves through these electromagnetic frequencies, and perform tomography; mineral exploration below the earth’s surface (oil companies certainly have a vested interest in this technology). 

Billions of watts of power, HAARP is immensely powerful and has the capabilities of a nuclear bomb.

If our military were doing their jobs they would disable and destroy this destructive and deadly weapon used against peoples and it’s nations.  The deadly consequences of this runaway train are played down and minimized by military and government simply stating “it’s a research project”.

Everyone needs to understand the monolith of disaster and  manipulation we are dealing with.

Related Articles:

'Conspiracy Theorists' Vindicated: HAARP Confirmed Weather-Manipulation Tool

A Search for Clues to What Causes Whale Strandings

Alaska Gets 'Artificial Aurora' As HAARP Antenna Array Listens Again

Cue The “Star Wars” Analogies: US Army Laser Tests Laser Weapons

Adding to the intrigue of all this, Bill Gates announced serious funding for “seawater-spraying cloud machines” designed to generate rain-producing weather systems for targeted communities. As Inhabitat.com explains:

"The Microsoft founder recently announced plans to invest $300,000 into research at the University of Calgary for unique solutions and responses to climate change.

Part of that research included lab tests on machines that suck up seawater and spray it into the air, seeding white clouds that reflect rays of sunlight away from Earth.

Silver Lining’s floating machines can suck up ten tons of water per second. If all goes well, Silver Lining plans to test the process with 10 ships spread throughout 3800 square miles of ocean..“

By the way, that was seven years ago, in 2010. Do such weather-generating fleets already exist? If so, they’ve been kept very quiet.

Another popular site that reports on Geoengineering, by the way, is Geoengineering Watch by Dane Wigington. Very informative and interesting. Check it out.

The History of Hurricanes Shows That Mother Nature Generates Them Without any Human Engineering at All

Creating rainfall, however, is a far cry from generating a hurricane and steering it onto an intended target. That idea would likely be considered outlandish by meteorologists and scientists.

The far more likely explanation, of course, is that the coriolus effect - a derivative of a spinning globe - causes rotational forces in the atmosphere that spin storm systems one way in the Northern hemisphere and the opposite way in the Southern hemisphere. (That’s why hurricanes look like opposites of each other when comparing Northern vs. Southern hemisphere storms.)

Related: Geoengineering And Weather Modification Exposed

Solar-heated ocean water results in large-scale water evaporation, saturating the air with vapor. That vapor condenses due to changes in temperature or pressure, causing the formation of water droplets which are now heavier than air and therefore fall to the ground. With enough solar energy, natural forces can generate truly catastrophic storms.

To think that every major storm is a “weather weapon” generated by a nefarious operation seems far-fetched to me. But then again, so does Al Gore and all his nonsense prognostications from his quack science Church of Climatology. Nevertheless, “altering” or “steering” hurricanes is technically a far easier task than generating them wholesale.

What some of the weather wars people are saying is not that the hurricanes are generated wholly by artificial systems but rather that they are “steered” or “influenced” in terms of their direction or intensity. Is that really possible? Multiple patents obviously say it is, and the U.S. patent office didn’t reject those patents, interestingly.

On the other side of the argument, history has recorded dozens of hurricanes striking Gulf Coast regions over the last century. Most of these hurricanes took place long before the rise of modern technology or exotic weather modification capabilities. So how are all these hurricanes explained? (Answer: Natural phenomena.)

Conclusion: Keep Asking Questions and Stay Curious, But Also Think Critically

My conclusion in all this? Creative, critical thinking is a healthy practice, and I always encourage people to keep asking questions and challenge official explanations for everything. We do know we’re all constantly lied to by the fake news media about almost everything, from vaccines to economics to history.

And don’t forget the “Russia! Russia! Russia!” conspiracy theory that’s been pushed by the fake news media for the last 18 months, based on absolutely nothing but faked sources and shoddy journalism.

If there’s anything I can say about the weather wars websites and commentators, it’s that I applaud all efforts to challenge current paradigms with clear thinking, and I readily admit I’m no expert in weather modification technology.

Perhaps there are things I will learn in the future that will change my own view on this subject. Until then, I hope to encourage critical thinking about everything, which means that I don’t believe anything by default.

The mainstream media is lying to us all the time. Most of what’s labeled “mainstream science” is often just a consensus collection of corporation-induced lies. Mainstream medicine is a corruption racket shrouded in fake science and media propaganda.

You are right to question everything
for the simple reason that almost everything you’re told is complete bulls##t. Yet that doesn’t justify believing every alternative theory, either.

Related: Trump Visits Texas in Wake of Hurricane Harvey

You need to think critically about which theories you believe vs. reject. For example, I’ve publicly stated that the Flat Earth theorists are flat-out wrong (although they do offer a fun thought experiment to play with).

I also think Ray Kurzweil’s singularity is a misguided pipe dream rooted in self-delusion and an unhealthy God complex.

Can hurricanes be artificially generated in totality? Almost certainly not. Can they be steered into intended targets? It seems incredibly unlikely, but within the realm of technical feasibility. Does weather modification technology exist? Absolutely, yes. But that doesn’t mean that every weather event is a nefarious plot.

We live on a dynamic, chaotic planet that’s home to all sorts of bizarre natural phenomena. Although I know as a fact that the status quo can fake the news, brainwash the masses and pull off massive false flag events, I very much doubt they can fake entire hurricanes.

Do you have a different take on all this? Do your research. Think critically. Don’t believe everything you read, view or hear. Most importantly, make up your own mind and don’t let the establishment tell you what’s true, because the establishment is lying to you about almost everything.

Ritualistic Astrology Used In False Flag Hurricane Harvey?

Notice to readers: The usage of the term false flag does not mean that the hurricane that has hit Texas did not happen. The hurricane is clearly real.

The term false flag in this article refers to this event being created or manufactured for a specific purpose (to create fear, destruction and trauma). Prayers go out to all who have been affected by this event.

Related: Occult Holidays And Sabbats: Why Holidays Are Satanic Rituals

Weather modification from HAARP and related technologies is nothing new. The global elite using certain astrological timing for events is also nothing new. Both of these phenomena have been discussed and shown true extensively over the past several years, which can be glimpsed at in the links cited above.

Combine weather modification and astrological timing and the result is what has just happened in and around Houston, Texas with Hurricane Harvey.

Astrologer Laura Walker, the owner of OracleReport.com has once again accurately predicted a major event that is being labeled a false flag.

On Friday August 25th, 2017, Laura noted that because Saturn was stationing direct (and conjunct the Black Moon) and that the Moon was conjunct Jupiter and in a square to Pluto, there was potential for false flag rituals over the coming couple days. She explained further, “These planets are all in hard aspect to the Eris Point, making false flag potential strong, but the power of rebirth even stronger.”

Backing up to August 1st, 2017, Laura was on Phoenix Rising Radio and highlighted the eastern part of Texas by saying, “in the United States, the conjunction (of the Sun and Moon at the time of the eclipse) goes right through the mid to Eastern part of Texas. So that means a lot of energy will be focused there. ”

Since the astrocartographic location of the new moon was near Houston, it is not a surprise that this event took place exactly there. This is occult astrology being used for a dark purpose

Then today on August 28th, 2017, Laura put out a special note in her daily update that details much more on why she believes this is a weather modification false flag event that was used ritualistically in accordance to the astrology taking place at this time:

"As expected, we are witnessing and experiencing the archontic tantrum-response to the stellar harmonics of the Total Solar Eclipse/New Moon one week ago.

The Sun bathed the highest octaves of love and renewal (recall that the eclipse occurred at the degree of “a mermaid emerges from the ocean ready for rebirth in human form”).

Source is telling the archons that they are loved and to return home, but the archons do not want to hear it (their ego-centric hive mind perceives it as oblivion, for now). Look at how archons are going wild, individually and collectively. Pretty much everyone has a dramatic story of their own or someone they know since the eclipse.

All of this is happening very fast. Remember that solar eclipses make things start happening at a rapid clip.

The eclipse’s energetic was epic, and the archons countered on Friday, as the Crescent Moon phase (challenge to keep going) began. Saturn (home of archontic energies) stationed direct conjunct the Black Moon (shadow, rebirth), aspecting the Eris Point (false flags, rebirth, revolt) along with the Moon and Pluto. (see Friday’s post for more details).

Harvey is the false flag that was predicted. It is a false flag against Mother Nature. Make no mistake. This storm is anything but natural.

We are beyond the debate of the science and reality of geo-engineering and the ability to control weather.

Storms can be extinguished just as easily as they can be created or amplified. This technology has been used since at least the Vietnam War era.

Monstrous hurricanes like Katrina and Harvey are summoned when they are needed for various purposes. Most all of the hurricanes of recent years have been “busted” before they did much damage. They weren’t needed. In fact, the lack of storms helped maintain the status quo.

The archons expended a lot of stored (and specific) resources (seeded by ancient cultures of present day Mexico and the Yucatan Peninsula) to make Harvey. This process began back at the Full Moon/Partial Lunar Eclipse on August 7.

The key thing to see here is that stored resources had to be expended. Those resources are finite, like fuel. The archons will never be able to produce this kind of thing ever again.

They had an unprecedented energetic with which to work (the natural electromagnetics of the Total Solar Eclipse/New Moon that remain in effect all month combined with the Saturn-Black Moon conjunction).

The archons were so pummeled by the Sun at the eclipse that they had to expend precious and ancient resources to “stay alive.”

They are “attacking” the psyche of humanity, and hoping to suck from America as much pain and suffering (as much trauma response) as 9/11 and Katrina as possible.

Our response should not come from the place of victimhood. If we accept the narrative, we are victims (and angry at Mother Nature). If we question the data, we see through the veil.

The only way to honor this tragedy is to be brave enough to seek the truth about it. Hearts and prayers continue to go out to my beloved Texas and to the fellowship of humanity.“

To reiterate what Laura wrote: We must have the courage to look for the truth in this event and must stay in a place of empowerment, while sending love and light to all affected by this event.

Quantum physics tells us how powerful our minds are as individuals and as a collective. Let’s send strong, loving, healing energy there to all affected by this event.

What is interesting to also note is that this event has taken place in attempts to subvert movements of peace that were associated with this eclipse.

Recall that on the eclipse (August 21st, 2017), many synchronized global meditations for peace took place. The elite are in a panic to try and stop peace from spreading.

The attempts will fail. Peace, truth and love are indeed spreading and will only accelerate with the outpouring of love and prayers being sent to all affected by Hurricane Harvey.

For more information on the astrological significance of this event, take a closer look at the links cited in here or visit OracleReport.com

Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi

Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi
Epic Video: Three Chemtrail Tankers Filmed Spraying From Above, Air-To-Air
& Legal And Governmental Representatives Speak Out About Geoengineering
June 14 2017 | From: ChemtrailsPlanet / DailyMail / GeoengineeringWatch

Two German fighter jets intercepted a London-bound airliner after air traffic control lost radio contact with the pilot.

Jet Airways flight 9W 118, carrying 330 passengers and a crew of 15 from Mumbai to London Heathrow, was over Cologne when radio contact abruptly stopped.

Related: Government Quietly Admits to Weather Modification Program

The German Air Force scrambled two Eurofighter Typhoons to escort the Boeing 777-300, which is thought to have tuned in at the wrong radio frequency. The Footage was captured from a British Airways plane flying 2,000 feet above 9W 118 shows the fighters flying alongside the Indian passenger jet. (More)

Comment: This is a rare video of 3 chemtrails jets taken by a British Airways jet keeping pace from 2,000 ft. above and behind.  The video provides more solid proof that a covert spraying operation has been in place for over 2 decades.


The B-777 on the right sprays a full plume from each engine, however the “gap” between engine and plume appears longer on the starboard side. The port plume is a different color than the “whiteness” of  both Typhoon jets. Also, the 777’s starboard plume appears noticeably different in color from the port, however the near horizontal angle of the sun could account for part or all of the unusual appearance and pinkish color, as it is somewhat shaded by the port plume.

The center jet (Typhoon) sprays a plume that varies in richness from full to thin with frequent gaps or “drop-out”.

The Typhoon on the left sprays plumes that are stable at the same instant the plumes on the other Typhoon experience unstable drop-out and stuttering. Plumes from both Typhoons experience drop-out but at mostly different times.

Pilot Films 3 Chemtrails Tankers Air to Air


Above is a shorter, edited version of the original:

Pilot filmt einen anderen Jet beim Versprühen von Chemtrails! NIX mit Verschwörungstheorie

Environmental Warfare

Environmental Warfare is defined as the intentional modification or manipulation of the natural ecology, such as climate and weather, earth systems such as the ionosphere, magnetosphere, tectonic plate system, and/or the triggering of seismic events (earthquakes) to cause intentional physical, economic, and psycho-social, and physical destruction to an intended target geophysical or population location, as part of strategic or tactical war.

Legal And Governmental Representatives Speak Out About Geoengineering

The critical effort to expose an halt climate engineering continues on countless fronts. In the state of Rhode Island, Representative Justin Price has courageously kept up his push to pass anti-geoengineering legislation.

The latest draft of the Rhode Island legislation proposal was brought before the committee on "Environment and Natural Resources". Our lead attorney from the Legal Alliance To Stop Geoengineering (LASG), Julio Gomez, traveled to Rhode Island in order to speak in support of the proposed Rhode Island legislation. 

Related: Massive US Senate Document On National And Global Weather Modification

It is important to remember and consider that the primary purpose of any such attempt to pass legislation is to bring desperately needed attention to the critical climate engineering issue.

The only chance such legislation has of progressing is if the legislation does not force the conclusion that geoengineering is already a reality.

From a legal and legislative perspective, this point must be kept in mind. Though catastrophic climate engineering programs have been deployed for over 70 years, the process of effectively bringing this fact to light must be in a manner that does not kill the proposed anti-geoengineering legislation before it can even get started.

An 18 minute audio below contains the testimony of RI representative Justin Price and LASG attorney Julio Gomez.

Click on the image below to access the PDF file:

It is imperative for each and every one of us to continue with the critical effort of exposing the catastrophic climate engineering programs while there is still something left to salvage of our planet's life support systems.

Related Articles:

Control The Weather, Control The World

Chemtrails Of the Ocean: Government Launches New Toxic AquaTrails

The First Weaponized Hurricane Caused Widespread Destruction in 1947

An interesting article from seven years ago about weather warfare being the central issue in a computer game

Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi

Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi

Climate Intervention: A Government Cover-Up Of Epic Proportions
December 3 2016 | From: WND

I recently addressed how CIA Director John Brennan gave a historic speech to the Council on Foreign Relations, confessing something few thought they would ever hear: the federal government’s explicit and intentional climate intervention via operations like stratospheric aerosol spraying or injections, or SAI.

What I didn’t explain is that SAI is a ginormous federal geo-engineering cover up that is now being exposed, and yet not a single mainstream media outlet has reported on it. Let me explain.

Related: The Real Fake News exposed: '97% of scientists agree on climate change' is an engineered hoax... here's what the media never told you

In April, the U.S. Senate directed the Department of Energy (DOE) “to review the findings of the National Academy [of Sciences, or NAS] report,” “Climate Intervention: Reflecting Sunlight to Cool Earth,” and “to study the potential impacts of albedo modification [or solar radiation management], a potential method of geoengineering,” which included “smaller scale field trials.”

Science magazine explained:

“Albedo modification would work by lacing the atmosphere with tiny particles or aerosols that would reflect sunlight and mimic natural processes.

For example, in 1991 the volcano Mount Pinatubo in the Philippines spewed 20 million tons of sulfur dioxide into the stratosphere, which spans altitudes from 10 to 50 kilometers.

There, the sulfur dioxide produced aerosols that reflected enough sunlight to reduce global temperature by an estimated 0.3°C for 3 years.

Albedo modification might also work by using aerosols to seed cloud formation in a lower atmospheric layer called the troposphere.”

The U.S. Senate pushed the DOE to pursue albedo modification action a couple months before CIA Director Brennan gave his blessing to stratospheric spraying as a government operation that “potentially could help reverse the warming effects of global climate change.”

What’s crazy about all that government endorsement is that the February 2015 NAS report, on which the feds base their entire toxic rain operation;

“Warned explicitly that albedo modification shouldn’t be deployed now because the risks and benefits were far too uncertain.”

What are those risks? Here are just three grave consequences that we know about:

Drought: The team under Chien Wang, a co-author of the NAS study and a senior research scientist at MIT’s Center for Global Change Science and the Department of Earth, concluded that albedo modification would lead;

“To dangerous changes in global weather: Precipitation would also decline worldwide, and some parts of the world would be worse off. Europe, the Horn of Africa, and Pakistan may receive less rainfall than they have historically.”

Loss of blue sky: According to a report by the New Scientist, Ben Kravitz of the Carnegie Institution for Science explained, “Releasing sulphate aerosols high in the atmosphere should in theory reduce global temperatures by reflecting a small percentage of the incoming sunlight away from the Earth.

Related: Trump Picks Top Climate Skeptic to Lead EPA Transition

However, the extra particles would also scatter more of the remaining light into the atmosphere. This would reduce by 20 per cent the amount of sunlight that takes a direct route to the ground, and it would increase levels of softer, diffuse scattered light,” making the sky appear hazier.

Hazards to human health and other earth life: The gravest of all consequences of atmospheric aerosol spraying is that, simply put, what’s sprayed above us settles down upon us and in us, as well as other life on earth.

The U.S. government’s own National Center for Biotechnology Information, or NCBI, released a report in January 2016, the goal of which was “Assessing the direct occupational and public health impacts of solar radiation management with stratospheric aerosols.” The NCBI concluded:

“Our analysis suggests that adverse public health impacts may reasonably be expected from SRM via deployment of stratospheric aerosols.

Little is known about the toxicity of some likely candidate aerosols, and there is no consensus regarding acceptable levels for public exposure to these materials.

There is also little infrastructure in place to evaluate potential public health impacts in the event that stratospheric aerosols are deployed for solar radiation management.”

No wonder the co-author of the study on “Climate Intervention,” Dr. James Fleming,  called geo-engineering like SAI: “untested and untestable, and dangerous beyond belief.”

Related: A new study suggests that carbon-hungry plants help keep atmospheric CO2 levels in check

Another colleague and co-author, Dr. Raymond T. Pierrehumbert, the Louis Block professor in geophysical sciences at the University of Chicago, and Sweden’s King Carl XVI Gustafn, chairman in environmental science at Stockholm’s Universitet, took it one step further. He warned;

“The nearly two years’ worth of reading and animated discussions that went into this study have convinced me more than ever that the idea of ‘fixing’ the climate by hacking the Earth’s reflection of sunlight is wildly, utterly, howlingly barking mad.”

(That is why Dr. Pierrehumbert prefers to call albedo modification by the name “albedo hacking.”)

Dr. Pierrehumber added: “The report describes albedo modification frankly as involving large and partly unknown risks. It states outright that albedo modification ‘should not be deployed.'”

So, why are the U.S. Senate and CIA director disregarding the dire and passionate warnings of scientists like Dr. Pierrehumbert and Dr. Fleming by demanding that the Department of Energy proceed with trials on geo-engineering? In the words of Dr. Pierrehumber, are they “wildly, utterly, howlingly barking mad”? Answer: Yes!

Is it a mere coincidence that the very government agencies that are spraying our stratosphere with toxic chemicals were the actual sponsors of the NAS report? The NAS itself confessed:

“The study was sponsored by the National Academy of Sciences, U.S. intelligence community, National Aeronautics and Space Administration, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, and U.S. Department of Energy” (italics mine).

Isn’t that like your right hand quoting your left hand so that your right hand can grab what it’s already holding? Is the NAS report another government push and ploy to collaborate and cite “scientific proof” to justify its clandestine climate agenda?

Why else would the CIA and U.S. Senate be proceeding in climate aerosol spraying when the very scientists preparing the study warned, “Stop! Don’t do it! It’s crazy and dangerous!”

The most colossal and tragic of all government cover-ups is the fact that the feds have been waging climate warfare for more than 30 years, lacing our clouds and stratosphere with dangerous nano-particles, including environmental sulfates, black carbon, metallic aluminum and aluminum oxide aerosols.

The truth is, for decades, the feds have been covertly and overtly running sky criminal operations behind (above!) our backs, leaving humans and the rest of the planet life as lab rats of their toxic cocktail fallout.

Geoengineeringwatch.org reported that a 1978 750-page congressional report was recently discovered with a mountain of information going back decades that “confirms the ongoing extensive involvement of our government in climate modification/weather warfare.

This document also confirms the involvement of foreign governments around the globe, even governments that would otherwise have been considered ‘hostile to US interests.'”

Why hasn’t a single mainstream media outlet reported on the CIA and DOE’s march forward with SAI when the scientific community has explicitly and repeatedly warned against it?

Why are geo-engineering researchers being stonewalled by government and media?

And why in hell are watchdogs on both the left and right dodging the feds’ intentional and hazardous climate intervention, when they seek to uncover government cover-ups and conspiracies with the most scant of evidence?

Dane Wigington, the lead researcher for GeoengineeringWatch.org and a fierce fighter for government geoengineering transparency, was absolutely right when he wrote: “How big does the climate engineering elephant in the room need to be before it can no longer be hidden in plain site?

How much more historical proof do we need of the ongoing climate engineering/weather warfare before the denial of the masses crumbles? When will populations around the globe bring to justice all those responsible for the ongoing and rapidly worsening worldwide weather warfare assault?”

Is it a mere coincidence that, in October 2015, the feds put a universal “gag order” on agency employees in “The National Weather Service,” the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration” and the “U.S. Dept. of Commerce”?

Is it a mere coincidence that the Obama administration has spent more taxpayer monies for legal prosecutions of government whistleblowers than all other U.S. presidents combined, resulting in 31 times the jail sentences?

It’s time to blow the lid off the government’s climate cover-up!

That is why my wife, Gena, and I encourage citizens everywhere to do their own research on geo-engineering and then write their government representatives to demand action.  We also encourage the support of the Legal Alliance of pro-bono lawyers now amassed as a united front to fight the geo-engineering government cover-up in court.

To read or learn more immediately, I highly recommend the work and website of Dane Wigington. GeoEngineeringWatch.org is loaded with great research on the many facets of climate intervention.

Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi

Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi

Weather Weapons Are Real, They Have A Treaty To Regulate Them
October 21 2016 | From: Geopolitics

There is still a sizable portion of our society who cannot grasp the reality of weather altering devices and technologies which have made us all unsure about which weather is real, and which ones are not.

This poses a big problem for those who understand how these weather devices are being used, but want to inform the public about the impending danger of the draconian laws that have been legislated based on the false pretext of global warming.

Related: Ten Years On: Al Gore's 'Inconvenient Truth' Propaganda Film Turns Out To Be Total Bunk - How Is His Profit From Carbon Taxes Not Criminal Fraud?

Surely, Al Gore’s Inconvenient Truth movie and his green energy companies continue making money for the guy, but when the lie became impossible enough to sustain, they have begun using the more generic term, i.e. climate change.

Kilimanjaro Still Has Snow

One of the first glaring claims Gore makes is about Mount Kilimanjaro in Africa. He claims Africa’s tallest peak will be snow-free “within the decade.” Gore shows slides of Kilimanjaro’s peak in the 1970s versus today to conclude the snow is disappearing.

Well, it’s been a decade and, yes, there’s still snow on Kilimanjaro year-round. It doesn’t take a scientist to figure this out.

Wednesday 14 September 2016 9:00AM - Sunday 25 September 2016 5:00PM Kilimanjaro, Tanzania

Related: An Inconvenient Review: After 10 Years Al Gore’s Film Is Still Alarmingly Inaccurate

Climate does change, it’s been that way since the birth of our solar system, but the phrase is now synonymous to abnormal weather patterns, flash flooding, forest wildfires, and to some extent, even earthquakes, all of which could be the handiwork of highly covert government entities trying to justify their subsequent invasive policies.

All of these calamitous events can affect the economic productivity and greatly hamper the development of the targeted regions on the planet. Indeed, weather weapons are a very effective tool for geopolitical coercion.

Related: U.S. Attacked Philippines with HAARP

The nations possessing these weather weapons agreed that they won’t be used in wars and geopolitical conflicts. But who can ever refuse the power to play like the mythical gods of thunder and lightning?

We are not only talking here about “cloud seeding” technologies like Wikipedia would like us to limit our understanding about weather warfare:

Weather warfare is the use of weather modification techniques such as cloud seeding for military purposes.

"Weather warfare is the use of weather modification techniques such as cloud seeding for military purposes.

Prior to the Geneva Convention, the United States used weather warfare in the Vietnam War. Under the auspices of the Air Weather Service, the United States’ Operation Popeye used cloud seeding over the Ho Chi Minh trail, increasing rainfall by an estimated thirty percent during 1967 and 1968. It was hoped that the increased rainfall would reduce the rate of infiltration down the trail.

With much less success, the United States also dropped salt on the airbase during the siege of Khe Sanh in an attempt to reduce the fog that hindered air operations.

A research paper produced for the United States Air Force written in 1996 speculates about the future use of nanotechnology to produce “artificial weather”, clouds of microscopic computer particles all communicating with each other to form an intelligent fog that could be used for various purposes. “Artificial weather technologies do not currently exist… "

- Wikipedia (the trusted source...)

The above phrase, “Artificial weather technologies do not currently exist…” is in disagreement to the statement made by the US Air Force during a budget hearing for HAARP, like so:

HAARP, or High Altitude Auroral Research Program, is said to be an experimental electromagnetic wave propagator which could deliver radio signals in any desired frequencies with a twist of a button, to strike at any target. But as that US congressional hearing suggest, the Air Force is already using a more advanced version, they are now willing to abandon the existing HAARP site in Alaska.

There are, of course, radar systems mounted on mobile platforms which could emit high powered EM signals, and can be positioned in any of the 1,000 US military bases, for steering “weather disturbance” to any triangulated terrestrial and extraterrestrial targets.

The other side of this all-in-one ultrahigh powered radio broadcast technology is to foster positive disposition, fry the electronics of an incoming ICBM, or MiRVs simultaneously, and render their thermonuclear/chemical warhead inert, and deliver controlled rainfall on arid deserts of Africa so that food abundance is assured at last.

Related: When Plutocrats Own The Weather & Nobody Is Buying The “Climate Change” Hoax Anymore

Yes, the most versatile weather weapon is staring right in plain sight and is using that same technology still being used in the wireless broadcast industry today.

The only notable difference is that the weaponized version is using billion watts of sheer power which is very feasible just by transforming the transmission voltage from a few hundred volts into the range of hundreds of million volts which is what Tesla was actually playing with.

Consider three radar installations firing upward in a triangle configuration, all at the same time. Those three hot nodes will then experience high gas pressures, and as a result, their common center will then become the “low pressure area [LPA],” which will be news broadcasted by your weather channel as where the potential typhoon will come from.

The fact that they can move the three points of attack will make the typhoon steerable to hit at any desired target.

For more in-depth study, the researcher can refer to the US Patent 4686605 by clicking on the image below:

But no, the United Nations, Inc., or any of its subsidiary corporate states, are not capable of providing these commonsensical solutions any time soon. It can only afford to pay lip service to those pressing problems, because the Old Men running the show can’t get over with their myopic appreciation of the power entrusted to them, which they use only to impress young women.

Considering that our body, like everything else in nature, is made up of EM waves propagating at certain frequencies in space, we can also be altered, or our bodily functions can be influence for any desired effect.

If at certain microwave frequencies, a radar system can cook the atmosphere to increase gas pressure, and change the weather, it can also be used to deliver modulated brain wave frequencies to stimulate docility, or hyperactivity to destroy an entire targeted population without firing a single bullet.

This is the reason why the authorities sought to limit, or eradicate, its use in actual conflict scenario.

Convention on the Prohibition of Military or Any Other Hostile Use of Environmental Modification Techniques

The States Parties to this Convention,

Guided by the interest of consolidating peace, and wishing to contribute to the cause of halting the arms race, and of bringing about general and complete disarmament under strict and effective international control, and of saving mankind from the danger of using new means of warfare,

Determined to continue negotiations with a view to achieving effective progress towards further measures in the field of disarmament,

Recognizing that scientific and technical advances may open new possibilities with respect to modification of the environment,

Recalling the Declaration of the United Nations Conference on the Human Environment, adopted at Stockholm on 16 June 1972,

Realizing that the use of environmental modification techniques for peaceful purposes could improve the interrelationship of man and nature and contribute to the preservation and improvement of the environment for the benefit of present and future generations,

Recognizing, however, that military or any other hostile use of such techniques could have effects extremely harmful to human welfare,

Desiring to prohibit effectively military or any other hostile use of environmental modification techniques in order to eliminate the dangers to mankind from such use, and affirming their willingness to work towards the achievement of this objective,

Desiring also to contribute to the strengthening of trust among nations and to the further improvement of the international situation in accordance with the purposes and principles of the Charter of the United Nations,

Have agreed as follows:

Article I

  1. Each State Party to this Convention undertakes not to engage in military or any other hostile use of environmental modification techniques having widespread, long-lasting or severe effects as the means of destruction, damage or injury to any other State Party.

  2. Each State Party to this Convention undertakes not to assist, encourage or induce any State, group of States or international organization to engage in activities contrary to the provisions of paragraph 1 of this article.

Article II

As used in article 1, the term “environmental modification techniques” refers to any technique for changing – through the deliberate manipulation of natural processes – the dynamics, composition or structure of the Earth, including its biota, lithosphere, hydrosphere and atmosphere, or of outer space.

Article III

  1. The provisions of this Convention shall not hinder the use of environmental modification techniques for peaceful purposes and shall be without prejudice to the generally recognized principles and applicable rules of international law concerning such use.

  2. The States Parties to this Convention undertake to facilitate, and have the right to participate in, the fullest possible exchange of scientific and technological information on the use of environmental modification techniques for peaceful purposes. States Parties in a position to do so shall contribute, alone or together with other States or international organizations, to international economic and scientific co-operation in the preservation, improvement and peaceful utilization of the environment, with due consideration for the needs of the developing areas of the world.

Article IV

Each State Party to this Convention undertakes to take any measures it considers necessary in accordance with its constitutional processes to prohibit and prevent any activity in violation of the provisions of the Convention anywhere under its jurisdiction or control. Blah, blah,blah.

In witness whereof, the undersigned, being duly authorized thereto, have signed this Convention at Geneva, on the 18 day of May 1977.

- Convention on the Prohibition of Military or Any Other Hostile Use of Environmental Modification Techniques

The reality on the ground is far from being straightforward, i.e. countries possessing weather weaponry may not be actively firing at each other, but that doesn’t mean that the United States government, for example, is not using the same capability against its own people, or its smaller nation allies, you know, to keep them in line.

The chemical based geoengineering, for instance, is being extended to spray harmful chemicals instead of merely “cloud seeding”.

Historical Perspectives

It was Dr. Nikola Tesla who tried to give us wireless power so that global prosperity can be achieved by providing free and unlimited access to energy, for the benefit of all.

Related: Unraveling Nikola Tesla’s Greatest Secret: Radiant Energy

He constructed a “magnifying transmitter” which could deliver both power and data wirelessly to far off distances. In the process, he realized the vast potential of his device and the dangers it may pose when the technology falls into the wrong hands.

On April 28, 1997 U.S. Defense Secretary William Cohen made the following statement:

'"Others [terrorists] are engaging even in an eco-type of terrorism whereby they can alter the climate, set off earthquakes, volcanoes remotely through the use of electromagnetic waves…

So there are plenty of ingenious minds out there that are at work finding ways in which they can wreak terror upon other nations…

It’s real, and that’s the reason why we have to intensify our [counterterrorism] efforts.”

In February 1998, the European Parliament’s Committee on Foreign Affairs, Security and Defense Policy held public hearings in Brussels on the U.S based weather warfare facility developed under the HAARP program.

The Committee’s “Motion for Resolution” submitted to the European Parliament:

'Considers HAARP… by virtue of its far-reaching impact on the environment to be a global concern and calls for its legal, ecological and ethical implications to be examined by an international independent body…; [the Committee] regrets the repeated refusal of the United States Administration… to give evidence to the public hearing …into the environmental and public risks [of] the HAARP program.”

- European Parliament, Committee on Foreign Affairs, Security and Defense Policy, Brussels, doc. no. A4-0005/99, 14 January 1999

The weapons referred to by Secretary Cohen are longitudinal EM wave interferometers (LWIs). Longitudinal EM waves easily travel through the ocean and earth with very little loss. In a distant interference zone, there appears real EM energy again, of the kind we have in our textbooks.

However, the energy arises from spacetime itself in the interference zone, as proven by M.W. Evans, P.K. Anastasovski, T.E. Bearden et al., “On Whittaker’s Representation of the Electromagnetic Entity in Vacuo: The Production of Transverse Fields and Energy by Scalar Interferometry,” Journal of New Energy, 4(3), Winter 1999, p. 76-78. (That entire issue of JNE contains some 60 papers by the Alpha Foundation’s Institute for Advanced Study (AIAS), dealing with the kind of higher symmetry electrodynamics needed to understand such weapons).

Though tested in prototype in the 1950s, the first strategic LWIs were deployed in Russia in April 1963, and were used to kill the U.S.S. Thresher nuclear attack submarine, underwater off the East coast of the United States, in April 1963. The signatures of the kill are 100% decisive.

USS Thresher

One day later, the same weapon placed an enormous electromagnetic burst (explosion) deep underwater, 100 miles north of Puerto Rico. From the surface of the ocean there arose a giant cone of water, rising a half mile into the air, turning into a mushroom, and falling back into the sea.

This was the second test of the new Russian strategic LWIs, under KGB control. By this test and the fact that the West did not even recognize what killed the Thresher, Khrushchev managed to stay in power another two years or so, after his Cuban Crisis fiasco where he lost face in front of the entire world.

World-wide weather engineering started in earnest by the Russians on July 4, 1976 - as a quirky sense of humor and “bicentennial gift” to the United States. The weapons have been used to shoot down aircraft, etc. worldwide also, mostly as tests, and have also destroyed ICBMs shortly after launch.

Related: Eco-Terrorism Correspondence

Both the scientific and political priesthoods are being used by the plutocrats at the highest totem pole of our society to impose upon humanity a world of endless scarcity in all aspects of our existence. They justify this policy by saying that if everything is free and easily accessible, people get lazy and just play around. What’s wrong with that?

We are the only species in the entire solar system that consented to making life very difficult after we have discovered ways and means to make it easier.

"When I first joined the American Physical Society sixty-seven years ago it was much smaller, much gentler, and as yet uncorrupted by the money flood (a threat against which Dwight Eisenhower warned a half-century ago).

…The giants no longer walk the earth, and the money flood has become the raison d’être of much physics research, the vital sustenance of much more, and it provides the support for untold numbers of professional jobs.

For reasons that will soon become clear my former pride at being an APS Fellow all these years has been turned into shame, and I am forced, with no pleasure at all, to offer you my resignation from the Society.

It is of course, the global warming scam, with the (literally) trillions of dollars driving it, that has corrupted so many scientists, and has carried APS before it like a rogue wave.

It is the greatest and most successful pseudoscientific fraud I have seen in my long life as a physicist.

Anyone who has the faintest doubt that this is so should force himself to read the ClimateGate documents, which lay it bare. (Montford’s book organizes the facts very well.)

I don’t believe that any real physicist, nay scientist, can read that stuff without revulsion. I would almost make that revulsion a definition of the word scientist.

So what has the APS, as an organization, done in the face of this challenge? It has accepted the corruption as the norm, and gone along with it…”

- Top Scientist Resigns From His Post At The University Of California Admitting Global Warming Is A Big Scam

In February 1998, the European Parliament’s Committee on Foreign Affairs, Security and Defense Policy held public hearings in Brussels on the U.S based weather warfare facility developed under the HAARP program. The Committee’s “Motion for Resolution” submitted to the European Parliament:

"Considers HAARP… by virtue of its far-reaching impact on the environment to be a global concern and calls for its legal, ecological and ethical implications to be examined by an international independent body…; [the Committee] regrets the repeated refusal of the United States Administration… to give evidence to the public hearing …into the environmental and public risks [of] the HAARP program.”

- European Parliament, Committee on Foreign Affairs, Security and Defense Policy, Brussels, doc. no. A4-0005/99, 14 January 1999

The Committee’s request to draw up a “Green Paper” on “the environmental impacts of military activities”, however, was casually dismissed on the grounds that the European Commission lacked the required jurisdiction to delve into “the links between environment and defense”. Brussels was anxious to avoid a showdown with Washington. (see European Report, 3 February 1999).

The possibility of climatic or environmental manipulations as part of a military and intelligence agenda, while tacitly acknowledged, has never been considered relevant. Military analysts are mute on the subject.

Meteorologists are not investigating the matter, and environmentalists are strung on global warming and the Kyoto protocol.

Related: 'Conspiracy Theorists' Vindicated: HAARP Confirmed Weather-Manipulation Tool

Ironically, the Pentagon, while recognizing its ability to modify the World’s climate for military use, has joined the global warming consensus. In a major study (pdf) , the Pentagon has analyzed in detail the implications of various global warming scenarios.

Related: Environmental Warfare and Climate Change

Power is never given, or handed down in a silver platter. It must be taken away from those who are incapable of using it wisely for the good and benefit of all lifeforms everywhere.

In lieu of these deplorables, we must put in management positions the visionaries, engineers and technologists, so that only the progressive use of science and technology is given the light of day.

This is the revolution worth fighting for.

Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi

Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi

Mainstream Scientist Exposes The Dangerous Reality Of Chemtrails And Geoengineering
August 9 2017 | From: WakingTimes / Various

Over the past few years, the issue of geoengineering has been popularized. Mainstream media, academia, and government almost unanimously support the idea of geoengineering as a perceived solution to climate change while suppressing the evidence that it has actually been in use for some time without our consent.

On the other hand, there is a growing number of people who are slowly beginning to understand the reality surrounding chemtrail geoengineering, and opposition is slowly growing.

Related: It’s Here - Geoengineering Now Normalized as Scientists Spray Chemicals to Dim the Sun, Soak Up CO2

In a bold move against the establishment, Kate Marvel, a mainstream scientist who specializes in “climate change,” spoke out at a Ted Talk against the onset of climate engineering with chemtrails, also known as Solar Radiation Management or “SRM.”

“Problematic and Terrifying”

Firstly, computer theorist and founding partner of tech company Applied Invention, Danny Hillis, came on stage and proposed a number of geoengineering concepts which could theoretically, “turn down the temperature of the earth.”

These included sending giant parasols into space, putting fizzy water into the ocean, and sending chalk into the atmosphere at a rate of 10 teragrams per year to reflect sunlight and in theory slow the effects of climate change.

Now enters Kate Marvel with the opening line, “Danny, you seem so nice, and I hope we can be friends, and you terrify me.”

"Geoengineering is like going to a doctor who says ‘You have a fever, I know exactly why you have a fever, and we’re not going to treat that. We’re going to give you ibuprofen, and also your nose is going to fall off.”

Kate Marvel

Chemtrail spraying - undeniable evidence off the coast of California, captured by a NASA satellite

Related: Epic Video: Three Chemtrail Tankers Filmed Spraying From Above, Air-To-Air & Legal And Governmental Representatives Speak Out About Geoengineering

Marvel also noted that atmospheric spraying would not do anything to effect other environmental problems such as ocean acidification.

"Reducing the amount of sunlight we get is really problematic…it won’t do anything about [other climate effects like] ocean acidification”

- Kate Marvel

Evidence Mounts Exposing The Dangers Of Cloud Seeding

GeoEngineering refers to technologies which are used with the intention of interfering with the earth’s atmosphere in order to alter temperatures and climate.

Most of these technologies are still in theoretical stages, however a growing body of evidence suggests that some weather modification technologies such as aerosol spraying or “cloud seeding” have been in production for many decades.

Blatant And Inarguable Geoengineering Jet Spraying Captured On Film

Almost no studies have been done which assess the effect that cloud seeding has on environmental safety or human health, which shows that the government has been using untested technologies on the population without our consent.

In 2016, CIA Director John O. Brennan spoke at a Council on Foreign Relations conference about the benefits of geoengineering. However, any mention of potential negative impacts as a result of cloud seeding was conveniently left out.

"Another example is the array of technologies, often referred to collectively as GeoEngineering, that could potentially help reverse the warming effects of global climate change.

One that has gained my personal attention is Stratospheric Aerosol Injection, or “SAI;” a method of seeding the stratosphere with particles that can help reflect the sun’s heat.”

- John O. Brennan

Although we are all hearing from establishment figures like Brennan that climate engineering is a new technology which we all have the option to accept or decline before it is implemented, that is simply not the case.

Evidence going as far back as the early 1920’s shows a push to develop the technology needed to control the weather and has been implemented in some form since at least the 1970’s.

Related: What Are Chemtrails And How Are They Harming Our Food And Water? + Nuclear Chemist Publishes Paper Detailing: “Aluminum Poisoning Of Humanity Via Geoengineering”

This information has been uncovered in various forms, one of those being patents which range from April 27th of 1920 to May of 2003 showing interest in the development of various forms of weather modification technologies.

Documents have also been uncovered which show government involvement in SRM since 1947.

"The Federal Government has been involved for over 30 years in a number of aspects of weather modification, through activities of both the Congress and the executive branch.

Since 1947, weather modification bills pertaining to research support, operations, policy studies, regulations, liabilities, activity reporting, establishment of panels and committees, and international concerns have been introduced in the Congress.

There have been hearings on many of these proposed measures, and oversight hearings have also been conducted on pertinent ongoing programs.”

Climate Change Alarmism Opens The Door To Reactionary Solutions Such As SRM

The geoengineering debate can be summed up in three words: “Problem, Reaction, Solution.”

Related: Collectivist Mind Control: “Save the Planet”

First, the dire problem of Climate Change is presented by figures like Al Gore, then a reaction is generated from the public in the form of “Climate Can’t Wait!” slogans and public unrest, then the solution of GeoEngineering is presented which gives more power to the powerful and hurts the people in the form of environmental degradation and potential health implications which the document from earlier lists as:

"1. Cloud seeding has been responsible for the great 5-year drought in the Northeast United States.

2. Isolated sections in the Northeast have experienced 18 years of drought due to cloud seeding.

3. Weather disturbances in the South Atlantic [sic] have been eliminated and has reduced [sic] the east coast’s rainfall by 30 percent – rain that is needed if agriculture is to be successful.

4. The average dairy farmer on the east coast, living in an area of cloud seeding, has averaged a net financial loss because of cloud seeding.

5. Crop production losses in Franklin County, Pa., alone have amounted to $50 Million.

6. When effects of seeding wear off, cloudbursts occur, causing floods, destroying crops, buildings, and drowning people as well as livestock.

7. Seeding has been responsible for the serious air pollution problems.

8. Mental retardation and insanity are traceable to cloud seeding chemicals.

9. Poisoning of all living matter is directly related to cloud seeding.

10. Emphysema is three times higher in areas of heavy cloud seeding.

11. Cancer is virulently out of proportion.

12. Financial losses to agriculture and related industries run into the billions.

13. Forest trees as well as cultivated orchards are dying from chemical reactions taking place in the air due to the addition of cloud seeding agents.”

We often hear predictions surrounding climate change by so-called “experts” like Al Gore who claimed that the Arctic would become “ice-free” by 2013.

Ironically, in 2016 a global warming expedition to the Arctic was forced to turn around due to record ice.

Related: Meteorologists And Climate Engineering Denial: Perpetuating The Lie For A Paycheck And A Pension + Why The "Chemtrail Conspiracy" Is Real

There are real solutions to environmental problems which don’t end up harming us or the environment further. It is time for people to stand up for themselves and reject dangerous and untested technologies like these.

Related Articles:

San Francisco Chemtrails/Geoengineering Awareness Forum, July 2017

Italians Blow Chemtrails ‘Secret War’ Lid Off With Film

Weaponized Cell Towers Are Directly Related To Why Chemtrails Are Sprayed

Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi

Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi

Geoengineering And Weather Modification Exposed
June 30 2017 | From: ClimateViewer / Various

The most extensive research on Geoengineering and Weather Modification experiments worldwide, with articles, maps, and timelines to fully expose the hidden world of Weather Control.

This page is a table of contents for Jim Lee’s research on Geoengineering. All of the information on this page is backed up by references, feared by trolls and geoengineering lobbyists alike, and is the most accurate literature on who’s controlling your weather, why they are doing it, and where.

Related: Chemtrails & Geoengineering

For the uninitiated, prepare yourself to be shocked.  For you veterans of the Climate Engineering activism world, our articles, maps, and timelines will answer many of your burning questions and help you connect the dots.

As the media distributes pro-geoengineering propaganda in a political climate ruled by fear, the Lord’s of Weather (geoengineering lobbyist’s) are suggesting coating our skies with sulfur, aluminum, titanium, and diamond dust to block the sun and cool our planet.

While acknowledging that Geoengineering Solar Radiation Management will alter rainfall patterns worldwide and likely kill people, the Lord’s of Weather ignore the cold hard facts: after 60 years of cloud-seeding, nobody has ever produced any proof of its efficacy.

Related: Epic Video: Three Chemtrail Tankers Filmed Spraying From Above, Air-To-Air & Legal And Governmental
Representatives Speak Out About Geoengineering

Billions of dollars are spent worldwide altering clouds with silver iodide and other chemical nano-particles despite the fact that cloud seeding likely does not work. Even worse, all of the separate cloud seeding programs worldwide could be altering our weather in dangerous ways where the butterfly effects of aggravated clouds destroy property and end lives, even the CIA is worried about weather warfare.

Despite numerous lawsuits over weather modification activities, most losses are blamed on “nature” as there is little transparency or accountability.  With a cloud-seeding’s terrible track record, how could anyone support geoengineering SRM’s uncontrolled global weather manipulations. To make matters worse, Bill Gate’s geoengineering money is also funding Hurricane Hacking efforts blurring the lines between Geoengineering and Weather Modification.

Geoengineering the sky has been a worldwide phenomenon since the start of commercial aviation. Ships and jet aircraft are covering our skies in man-made clouds.  

Related: What Are Chemtrails And How Are They Harming Our Food And Water? + Nuclear Chemist Publishes Paper
Detailing: “Aluminum Poisoning Of Humanity Via Geoengineering”

Despite 60 years of jet planes making clouds, aviation-induced cloudiness, persistent contrails, contrail cirrus, and aerosol-cloud interaction are barely understood with today’s best supercomputers and are not properly accounted for in IPCC models.  

The aviation industry knows this, and jet aircraft-produced contrail cirrus clouds are now being actively experimented on using two main concepts: doping jet fuel with sulfur and cirrus cloud seeding to melt these clouds away.  Contrail cirrus clouds trap heat and likely are a greater threat than CO2 so scientists are experimenting with jet biofuels and flight routing to engineer clouds that cool the planet.

This active experiment goes on everyday, over your heads, with over 100,000 flights a day worldwide and zero accountability.

Space Weather Modification is also gaining more publicity.  When upper atmospheric nuclear explosions were banned back in the 1950’s, the U.S. military still hell bent on replacing our fickle ionosphere with something more reliable decided to dump millions of needles in space to create their own.  

Related: What Is This GWEN Tower Really For? + ELF, GWEN Towers, And HAARP Connection

The West Ford Needles project failed, and to this day millions of needles can be found floating in space or buried in ice at our poles.  Next the military began using sounding rockets and satellites to create heavy ion clouds in space by dumping Barium, Strontium, and Sulfur Hexaflouride into our ionosphere.  

Military radio technicians could heat these chemical releases in space with the ionospheric heater at Arecibo, Puerto Rico and “see” our ionosphere.

 Today, the top ionospheric heater worldwide HAARP fires electromagnetic missiles into our Van Allen belts and scrapes out radiation using the “Christofilos Effect” learned back in the 1950’s nuclear blasts.

Dubbed “radiation belt remediation” ionospheric heaters are sold to politicians and the public as a back up plan for Solar Flares or High Altitude Electromagnetic Pulse attacks, however foreign governments are very concerned about the military capabilities of these ionospheric heaters, with the Russian government going as far as to say HAARP could “have a negative impact on the mental health of people populating entire regions.”

Related: Nurse Testimony On Chemtrail Health Consequences - Cathy Gable Global Chemtrail Summit

Despite these dire warnings, the practice of heating chemical releases in space is just “a conspiracy theory.”

This page is an effort to raise awareness of atmospheric experimentation and to lobby for transparency in the geoengineering and weather modification industries, and hopefully to see an end to weather control efforts, both intentional and unintentional, in hopes that one day my child will see natural weather.

Let one thing in nature stay natural, hand’s off our sky.

Learn the history of weather modification with our Interactive Timeline

Learn about current geoengineering projects check out our map.

Get involved in Ken Caldeira’s Geoengineering Group like I have: read my comments

Tell people about this page and share with your friends!

Spread the word about our solution, “The Clarity Clause” and help us make this law a reality!

Please watch and download the PowerPoint of my explosive presentation given at the Freedom Force International’s 3rd Congress in Phoenix, Arizona. December 3, 2016:

Geoengineering, Weather Modification, and Weaponizing Nature

Who’s Pushing Geoengineering SRM?

Check out ETC Group’s World of Geoengineering spreadsheet.

See this Google Fusion Table

Click on the image above to view a larger version in a new window

Related: Geoengineering Programs

Geoengineering SRM Sponsors & Authors

Related: Geoengineering programs, proposals, experiments, field trials, and weather modification programs worldwide

Oldham P, Szerszynski B, Stilgoe J, Brown C, Eacott B, Yuille A. 2014. Mapping the landscape of climate engineering. Phil. Trans. R. Soc. A 372, 20140065 (doi:10.1098/rsta.2014.0065) [PMC free article] [PubMed]

Weather Modification and Geoengineering Fact Sheets

Related: Geoengineering researchers, universities, companies, and weather modification derivatives trading

Geoengineer Ken Caldeira Gets Caught Lying *Loses Temper*

After lying about weaponizing the weather, has audio played back to him to prove it, then lies again. After being confronted yet again about this fact, he completely loses it and tells the interviewer to shut the f*** up!

Related Articles:

Climate Change and Geoengineering: Artificially Cooling Planet Earth by Thinning Cirrus Clouds

The Clarity Clause: A Solution

Geoengineering with Cirrus Cloud Seeding

A stunning admission from the scientific community

Chemtrails From SPACE! The Past (1950-1978) part 1

Climate change scientists launch geoengineering experiment that may accidentally cause global famine

Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi

Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi
Electromagnetic Energy In The Air + CIA Whistleblower Speaks Out About Climate Engineering, Vaccination Dangers, 911, And The Government’s Persecution Of Truth-Tellers
March 2 2017 | From: ActivistPost / GeoengineeringWatch / Various

Because today’s geoengineering operations seem to involve electromagnetic energy produced from ground-based antennas called “ionospheric heaters” or “Hertzian Antennas” or various types of radar, we should know more about this ubiquitous and (to most) mysterious energy.

This article gives an overview of what electromagnetic energy is and how it manifests itself in our every day life.

Related: What Are Chemtrails And How Are They Harming Our Food And Water? + Nuclear Chemist Publishes Paper Detailing: “Aluminum Poisoning Of Humanity Via Geoengineering”

It can be harmful or it can be beneficial. Once we establish what this stuff is and what it does, we will examine its use as part of today’s global weather modification operations.

Most of the time, you can’t feel it, hear it, smell it, or taste it, but electromagnetic energy is present in many different forms around us for our entire lives.

Whether you’re camped out under the stars, in the middle of the desert, or home in bed, the light of a starry night, the passing electrical fields in weather systems, or the electrical fields from the wires in the walls of your house are constantly present.

Since you rely on electrical signals in your nervous system to react, think, and experience emotions, the electrical fields in your environment can influence you in a powerful way.

Most people don’t realize that their cellphones are miniature microwave heaters. Whether carried in the pocket, in the bra, or in your hand near your face and head, you are irradiating yourself with signals that penetrate your body and brain, and the frequency is in the same microwave range as the kitchen appliance that heats your soup.

Most cellphones today have GPS units built-in, and the very fact that a phone (whether it’s turned on or not) knows where you are on the surface of the earth is an indication that it’s communicating with a satellite about 22,000 miles above your head.

The GPS signal grid is an electromagnetic net-sending energy not only to your phone, but into and through your body.

Other signals, like those from cellphone/surveillance towers, traffic light sensors, police radar, “naked” body scanners at the airport, and WiFi internet equipment are sending invisible beams through the air and through you.

Looks heaps safe...

One cycle of the wave energy varies from zero to maximum, back to zero, to minimum, and back to zero again. All that back-and-forth takes up a certain amount of distance (wave length), and just like the difference between a wave on the ocean and a ripple on a pond, these waves have relative size and strength…called “amplitude”, or volume.

The number of fluctuations or “cycles” is what we call the “frequency” of these waves; which means how many of them occur during one second. “Frequency” describes the waves, so use the term as an adjective rather than a noun. Nothing shows off ignorance like the misuse of a Physics term!

Weather Modification: SatelliteImagery Reveals Unmistakable Aerosol Operation Over South Florida

Geoengineering is a very real - and very scary - phenomenon happening across the world. Evidence of weather control in the United States can be found as early as 1966 in a now highly cited document on National Weather Modification Programs.

The shocking truths surrounding geoengineering is hard for many to accept and has created many skeptics who are quick to vocalize their disbelief in the programs.

Recently, evidence of large scale weather modification through aerosol spraying was recorded in Florida. Aerosol spraying is said to be a technique primarily used to provide larger volume plumes than chemtrails.

Spraying isn’t just happening, but now it appears that methods are being used to increase their effectiveness. (Read more about Chemtrails at ChemtrailsNews.com)

As reported by ChemtrailsPlanet,

"A TERRA satellite view from the early afternoon of January 28th, 2017 about 1 PM reveals an unmistakable north-south aerosol operation over South Florida that drifted with the cirrus level flow out into the Atlantic as the day progressed.  These are not chemtrails. They are large volume aerosol plumes or LVAP.  

This technique is increasingly used to dump aerosols in much larger volumes than chemtrails, alone could provide.”

Satellite Captures Florida Climate Engineering 1-28-2017

Have you noticed that waves breaking near the shore have a different shape than waves further out? The increasing shallowness makes the wave crest and then break as the impulse no longer has enough water to travel. In music, we can tell the difference between a trumpet and a flute, even though they’re playing the exact same frequency.

The harmonics produced by different instruments cause a different shape in the wave energy, and our minds use this cue to distinguish between them.

Wave shape is important when it comes to any type of energy, and even the purest waveform produced in a laboratory gets distorted when it enters the physical environment. Things like reflection, absorption, resonance, and interference all affect transmission, as you’ve probably noticed when your cell phone signal fades in one of those notorious “dead zones.”

Have you noticed that X-ray technicians rarely stay in the room when you’re getting irradiated?

This is because very high frequency electromagnetic energy is actually powerful enough to damage cells in your body.

The technicians are around this energy all the time, so either they wear a lead shield, or they get far enough away to avoid exposure.

Above the ultraviolet range, the higher energy and frequency of X-rays and Gamma rays not only penetrate human tissue, they can damage cells by knocking electrons away from their proper atoms (ionization).

When this happens, the cells begin to leak and die, or they mutate and cause cancer.

The natural rays coming from the sun can damage our eyes and skin, but for the most part, our bodies have not only evolved natural protection against too much exposure, we actually need a certain amount of direct sunlight to supply the vitamin D that keeps us well.

Physicist Tom Valone says:

"HV [high voltage] static and dynamic EMFs [electromagnetic fields] have been an integral part of the human experience for thousands of years of evolution so that we biologically thrive in response to them.”

The natural signals we receive are from a blend of sources like the earth’s Schumann Resonance (about 8 cycles a second), momentary charges from distant lightning, and even electrical fields generated by seismic stresses on tectonic plates.

The power of the natural signal can vary, especially if a lightning storm is right over you.

Related: Humans Are Waking Up: For First Time In Recorded History, Schumann Resonance Jumping To 36+

But an analysis of this healthy exposure shows we need a wide variety of different frequencies and wave shapes. The problem arises with sustained, artificial exposure to concentrated, uniform energy fields.

The human body responds to this exposure with a variety of disease states from: arthritis, depression, fibromyalgia, leukemia, and birth defects, to cancer.

The red pigment in your blood is based on iron, which is a conductive and magnetic metal. What could all the powerful, artificial signals in our environment be doing to the “circuit” of your blood and the electrical signals in your nervous system? As of yet, we largely don’t know.

By 1974, “voice to skull” communication (carried by microwaves) was available as an electronic harassment or communication method for United States Special Forces. This technology is based on modulating a microwave carrier signal with electronically superimposed, subliminal words.

It seems apparent there is a potential for advertising devices to plant suggestions in your mind. After passing one of those annoying advertising monitors at the store, you may suddenly have a compulsion to buy new tires for the car-even though you hadn’t thought of it or planned to do so.

This phenomenon is more than subliminal advertising, it’s called “entrainment.” It’s fairly common for entertainment media to contain subliminal entrainment signals that induce an almost hypnotic, zombie state by synchronizing with and slowly altering your brain waves.

Your brain waves have a natural shape and rate, depending on what you’re doing.

Related: How To Become Immune To Mind Control | How TV Affects Your Brain Chemistry For The Worse

The lower frequency, slower waves are associated with sleep and meditation, while faster rhythms are associated with analytical thinking or intellectual effort. If you just got a new video game and find yourself calling in sick to work, failing to change clothes or bathe, and eating food delivered to your door for a couple of weeks, you are entrained, my friend.

Electromagnetic Energy, Weather Modification, and Other Elite Agendas

Though it’s hard to know the true agenda of the pervasive weather modification efforts going on over our heads, it’s becoming increasingly clear that weather fronts and cloud patterns are showing the effects of extremely powerful electromagnetic energy applied from unknown sources.

Related: HAARP - Chemtrails - How They are Change You - Bioengineering

Most geoengineering involves depositing nano-sized particles in the Troposphere, but some military and scientific applications require chemicals like Barium and Strontium compounds deposited at much higher altitudes.

"It has…been proposed to release large clouds of barium in the magnetosphere so that photoionization will increase the cold plasma density, thereby producing electron precipitation through enhanced whistler-mode interactions.”

This is from a PhD thesis dedicated to sending extremely low frequency (ELF) signals around the planet from the HAARP facility in Alaska.

The initial heating energy sent up first to create a superheated dome of plasma for an antenna, uses a powerful square wave with the sharp transition from zero to full power timed precisely to drive the atmosphere into an electrical frenzy and thereby heat up to around 5700o F.

The Ionosphere (80-300 miles up) is composed of several layers of incomplete, electrically unbalanced molecules (ions) that have been torn apart by the sun’s radiation in a process called ionization.

HAM radio operators have long known that the ionosphere can act like a mirror for radio signals, especially at night when the atmosphere is calmer.

Scientists and military groups have been using various layers of the ionosphere to create the aforementioned large bubbles or domes of superheated plasma to reflect signal transmissions all the way around the earth in two or three “hops.”

They’ve also found that the plasma dome collapses when the heating signal is turned off; which effectively creates a downward-pressing “gravity wave” as cold air rushes into the void left behind.

Gravity waves can be used to steer the jet stream or crush the excess moisture out of developing hurricanes or storms with tornado potential.

Those of us who watch the weather patterns in the Pacific, west of California, have detected a number of weird incidents where drought-busting storms suddenly dissipated under very suspicious circumstances.

Ionospheric heaters are big, expensive antenna arrays that have traditionally been located near the earth’s poles, with later installations (and new strategies) located near the equator.

They are increasingly being replaced by instruments mounted on ships or in smaller ground-based regional stations around the globe.

Many ionospheric heater experiments have emphasized both the ELF and VLF (very low frequency) frequency ranges; which just happen to resonate with human brain waves or the Earth’s natural Schumann Resonance frequency.

Though geoengineering chemtrails are the most obvious sign of large-scale tampering with the environment, what happens in the sky to both normal clouds and the artificial aerosols is an indication that we are increasingly bathed in very strong artificial EM (electromagnetic) signals.

According to Physicist Bernard Eastlund;

"The technology of artificial ionospheric heating could be as important for weather modification research as accelerators have been for Particle Physics.”

The US Navy uses the same frequency range for communicating with undersea submarines, and the oil and gas industry has developed very accurate methods for locating deposits underground with ELF electromagnetic energy beamed right into the earth.

Many people have blamed the increase of US Midwest earthquake swarms on this exploration before fracking came in. There is some indication that powerful electromagnetic signals can cause liquefaction along fault lines due to the heating of iron particles in the soil.

Related: New Zealand's 'Unusual' Earthquake Raises Complex Questions + USGS: “Early 20th Century Earthquakes May Have Been Man Made

Nijmegen, Netherlands 28 September 2016 | Geoengineering Watch

Filmed during one afternoon in Nijmegen, Netherlands. What started out as a beautiful blue sky day was reduced to a grey haze.

Please visit www.geoengineeringwatch.org to learn more about what is going on in the skies above you.

So we’re looking at increased levels of EM excitation of the air, the earth, AND the oceans. Increasing numbers of whales and dolphins are beaching themselves, even in areas where the Navy claims it is NOT using sonar. Animals that depend on magnetism for navigation during migration are often disoriented, moving in the wrong direction at the wrong time.

Could this be caused by artificial electrical and magnetic energy flooding the environment from new sources that have no requirement to admit the tremendous harm to wildlife and humans?

A veterinarian in Beebe, AR, after he performed internal examinations, said that the blackbirds dropping by the thousands from the sky looked like they had been microwaved.

The USGS maintains a database of bird and fish die-offs. Though biological disease factors and chemical toxicity are recorded, by far, the fastest growing category for “Cause of Death” is “Undetermined” or “Trauma, Open”.

Around storm fronts, in years past, we sometimes saw ridging in the clouds that were called “sheep” clouds. Now it’s possible to see that ridging just about any time you see clouds.

Obviously, energy that can do this to water vapor isn’t necessarily confined at the level of the clouds. Though you may not see it in the air around you, there is nothing to stop that same energy from coming down to the ground.

If the energy is being radiated from ground installations, it’s obviously at an angle very close to the surface in order for it to spread over the entire area of southern New Mexico.

If the energy is coming from satellites, it’s obviously hitting the ground after it passes through the clouds. It begs the question:

Is the energy always there but only detectable when there are clouds present?

Many observers who have noticed weather “steering,” storm augmentation, and/or cancelling have been blaming the coordinated network of powerful NEXRAD stations throughout the country.

Related: Highly Relevant HAARP Update: New Zealand - Antarctica Connection

Those clouds are certainly not being ridged by a NEXRAD station, and you have to wonder whether such powerful energy beamed right at an earthquake fault zone might have played a role in the severity of the quake.

It is sometimes possible to “zero in” on the energy sources when the ridging seems to be radiating out in concentric circles in the clouds.

One place in the US that seems active during weather front passage is in north central Nevada.

Upon zooming in using Google Earth, a very strange looking center pivot irrigation field turns out to be right in the center of the disturbances.

As this modulation in the clouds is seen more and more, it’s becoming obvious that more of the atmosphere (and the earth) is being irradiated by powerful, artificial electromagnetic energy in ways never before seen on this planet.

This new energy “pollution” is happening at the same time that huge amounts of geoengineering chemicals are being dumped into the air.

The environment right now is completely different than the conditions that were present when we were born (regardless of when you were born).

Related: Proof Of Geoengineering Discovered In New York Via New Images

More and more people are discovering they are sensitive to “electro-smog”, and doctors are not presently trained to help patients deal with the debilitating symptoms caused by exposure to EM fields.

Is it any wonder we are seeing incredible rates of tree death in the forests, flocks of birds dropping from the sky, and the inevitable loss of food production caused by the disappearance of bees and other pollinators?

In Why in the World Are They Spraying, a film by Michael Murphy, there is an interview with a trader who works in commodity trading. He says he can make millions by over-insuring crops, and then “ordering up” a weather disaster.

By causing the crop to fail, the insurance claim results in a reimbursement larger than the profit to be gained by selling the crop. If this trend continues, greed for financial gain will eventually wipe out the ability to produce food.

The farmers don’t benefit from these disasters.

Only the commodity traders and their beneficiaries gain anything from destroying an entire season’s crop. Eventually, the farmers will be wiped out, and food will be produced by huge agricultural conglomerates that really don’t care about the quality or safety of the product.

Beyond weather “modification” is the aspect of weather control.

Weather watchers have been horrified to watch jet stream channeling, chemical aerosol dumping in the feed streams of building hurricanes, and apparent increases in wind speeds or pressure differences needed to time the collision of fronts that result in storms like Hurricane Katrina, Hurricane Sandy, the Polar Vortex heading south, or the California drought disaster.

What started out in Bernard Eastlund’s mind as a beneficial method to prevent weather disasters has now morphed into a set of the most powerful weather weapons in history.

Related: 'Conspiracy Theorists' Vindicated: HAARP Confirmed Weather-Manipulation Tool

As mentioned in articles by Peter A. Kirby, the Navy’s Admiral Raborn expressed a desire to develop and use weather weapons in tactical and strategic situations, and there have been a number of developments in the ability to launch and fly an aircraft with wireless microwave energy beamed up to supply rechargeable battery power.

The big question now, is why so much electronic and chemical weather control is happening over civilian populations around the world.

Does anyone remember the scandal when the global warming data collected by the University of East Anglia, UK and used by Al Gore in the “Inconvenient Lie” was proven to be false and the covered up?

There has to be another reason for the huge expense related to over 180 geoengineering patents, literally billions of tons of toxic chemicals dispersed into the sky, and the cost of the fleet of delivery aircraft, whether or not they’re human-piloted or drones.

Related: “Conspiracy Theorists” Are Vindicated: U.S. Senate Reports Chemtrails Are Real And Are Killing Us!

In an era when elite leaders are openly saying the earth has too many people, why would they possibly care about preventing weather disasters of any sort? It seems obvious when you consider this equation:

(Too many people) – (Death due to weather disasters: crop/livestock loss, flood, drought, depleted fisheries, earthquakes, crime, disease, birth defects, blizzards, tropical storms) = More for the "elite"

Whether we can see it or not, the electromagnetic energy filling our skies is either part of this weather control, or worse, part of human population control.

According to Barrie Trower, who has several powerful interviews on YouTube, constant exposure to EM energy can cause: domestic violence, miscarriages, leukemia, cancer, psychosis, and zombie-like apathy.

When cloud ridging is so evident in cloud patterns all over the globe, it would be interesting to gather health and social data like crime and violence rates.

Related: The Gloves Come Off On EMF / Mobile / WiFi Radiation + Understanding The Dangers Of The “5G” Rollout

But that data is localized and very difficult to compare because no one is looking at the big picture and nobody seems to have any information on when, what, or why the energy is being applied.

To paraphrase George H.W. Bush, the stealthy aspects of population reduction and mind control on a large scale are now “coming into view”…all you have to do is look up.

Related: What Is This GWEN Tower Really For? + ELF, GWEN Towers, And HAARP Connection

CIA Whistleblower Speaks Out About Climate Engineering, Vaccination Dangers, 911, And The Government’s Persecution Of Truth-Tellers

Kevin Shipp was a decorated CIA officer who refused to look the other way in regard to government criminality and cover-up.

At a recent critical public awareness event in Northern California organized by GeoengineeringWatch.org, Mr. Shipp gave an extremely informative and compelling presentation on numerous horrific ongoing government crimes.

The subjects Kevin Shipp addressed included climate engineering, the 911 false flag inside job, vaccination dangers/cover-up, and the governments total persecution of anyone who dares to tell the truth about rampant government tyranny. Mr. Shipp's powerful presentation is below.

The paradigm we have all known has been built on deception and the dark agendas of the global power structure. The courage Kevin Shipp has shown by doing his best to expose government criminality and tyranny (detailed in Kevin's book "In The company Of Shadows) serves as a stellar example to all of us.

We desperately need other individuals in government agencies and the US military to follow Kevin's lead . If we have any chance of stopping the completely out of control criminal cabal that currently runs our country and much of the world, we must all make our voices heard, we must all join the battle for the greater good.

Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi

Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi
Italians Blow Chemtrails ‘Secret War’ Lid Off With Film
September 21 2016 | From: PakAlertPress

A new Italian film, Chemtrails: The secret war has been released showing a disturbing covert military agenda behind the sinister phenomenon, one that according to evidence presented includes far more than weather manipulation for “climate change.”

“Let’s stand up and defend our rights!” say Italian filmmakers Antonio and Rosario Marciano.

Related: NASA admits to spraying Americans with poisonous chemtrails

The Marcianos, of the Italian website Tanker Enemy (Tanker-Enemy.eu) have produced the documentary film, Chemtrails: the secret war (below) to show scientific evidence related to the chemtrails phenomenon. While much of the documentation has been presented in previous years by Professor Michel Chossudovsky, head of Global Research, no film captures the covert war against We the People as well as the Marcianos do.

“Weather manipulation is only one (collateral) aspect of this phenomenon,” say the Marcianos. “What is at stake is a covert military agenda.”

This HD documentary film is the first Italian professional film on illegal geo-engineering aka chemtrails.

“It has been realized thanks to many friends and collaborators. For years this issue has been denied and mocked but the chemical spraying of our sky is still happening,” the couple say.

In September 2014, Jacques Daidié, a French activist, went to Italy where he met the Marcianos, well-known Italian activists against geo-engineering. The French translation was born from that meeting and then, produced  by several members of the French association “Ciel voilé”, (www.cielvoile.fr).

Other contributors of the film’s translation include Jacques, Dominique from Avignon, Mary from Monteux, Sebastien from St Firmin in Valgaudemard and Danielle from Gap.

In 2012, Dupre reported in the article, Geoengineered climate change heats up debate:

The US Air Force has the capability of manipulating climate either for testing purposes or for outright military-intelligence use,” economist Chossudovsky wrote. “These capabilities extend to the triggering of floods, hurricanes, droughts and earthquakes."

In recent years, large amounts of money have been allocated by the US Department of Defense to further developing and perfecting these capabilities.

Christchurch, New Zealand, 2011

“Ironically,” Chossudovsky remarked, “the Pentagon, while recognizing its ability to modify the World’s climate for military use, has joined the global warming consensus." (This disguises the Pentagon’s perfidy.) In a major study (now mysteriously unavaliable), the Pentagon has analyzed in detail the implications of various global warming scenarios.

Weather-modification, according to US Air Force document AF 2025 Final Report, ‘offers the war fighter a wide range of possible options to defeat or coerce an adversary’ and, it says, extend to the triggering of floods, hurricanes, droughts and earthquakes:

Weather modification will become a part of domestic and international security and could be done unilaterally… It could have offensive and defensive applications and even be used for deterrence purposes. The ability to generate precipitation, fog, and storms on earth or to modify space weather, … and the production of artificial weather all are a part of an integrated set of technologies which can provide substantial increase in US, or degraded capability in an adversary, to achieve global awareness, reach, and power.

Air University at Maxwell Air Force Base in Alabama provides the full spectrum of Air Force education, from pre-commissioning to the highest levels of professional military education, including degree granting and professional continuing education for officers, enlisted and civilian personnel throughout their careers.

AU’s PME programs educate Airmen on the capabilities of air and space power and its role in national security. AU conducts research in air, space and cyberspace power, education, leadership and management. AU also provides citizenship programs and contributes to the development and testing of Air Force doctrine, concepts and strategy.

The significant expansion in America’s weather warfare arsenal, which is a priority of the Department of Defense is not a matter for debate or discussion,” stated Chossudovsky in 2004, calling the subject matter “a scientific taboo.”

This taboo constitutes a human rights violation as much as fossil fuel companies and other polluters dismissing climate change today. The Marcianos hope their new movie, Chemtrails, the secret war, will catapult chemtrail deniers out of their comfort zone and into reality, at least for more open public debate if not action against the covert war.

Related Articles:

Geoengineering Watch Global Alert News, September 3, 2016

High Bypass Turbofan Jet Engines, Geoengineering, And The Contrail Lie

Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi

Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi
New Zealand Researcher Malcolm Scott - New Zealand's Climate Of Secrecy
July 29 2016 | From: SageOfQuay

As part of his post graduate work, Malcolm Scott is writing a thesis on whether New Zealand’s Ministry for the Environment is engaged in a practice of intentional disinformation regarding the ongoing and persistent aerosol program in New Zealand.

Malcolm is a post-graduate student and researcher at the University of Canterbury. He is recognized by the New Zealand Tertiary Education Commission. Prior to joining the University of Canterbury Malcolm has held academic appointments with the University of Otago, Christchurch College of Education and the Christchurch Polytechnic Institute of Technology.

Related: Anti-Geoengineering Legal Alliance Files US 60 Day Notice Of Legal Action

Malcolm’s interest was piqued when after submitting a freedom of information request – known as an OIA in New Zealand – he received back, by accident, an internal document detailing how the Ministry responds to geoengineering inquiries. That response entailed denying that any such program exists.

That document has lead Malcolm to conclude that the New Zealand government is aware and complicit in covering up the covert operation to geoengineer the atmosphere.

Malcolm is a post-graduate student and researcher at the University of Canterbury. He is recognized by the New Zealand Tertiary Education Commission. Prior to joining the University of Canterbury Malcolm has held academic appointments with the University of Otago, Christchurch College of Education and the Christchurch Polytechnic Institute of Technology.

New Zealand Ministry for the Environment Document

Declassified: Naval Concepts of Chemical and Biological Warfare Department of Defense (1952)

Weather Forecaster Discusses Military Chaff (Chemtrails)

Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi

Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi

Meteorologists And Climate Engineering Denial, Perpetuating The Lie For A Paycheck And A Pension + Why The "Chemtrail Conspiracy" Is Real
July 12 2016 | From: GeoengineeringWatch / GreenMedInfo

How expansive and deep is the cancer of payed denial and deception which has long since permeated so much of the science community on countless fronts? How many so called "experts" have long since sold any shred of honor and honesty they may have once possessed in exchange for a paycheck and a pension?

The blatant criminal denial of the climate engineering atrocities so visible in skies around the globe is the greatest deception ever perpetrated on populations of the planet.

Related: Aerosol Spraying Conspiracy Theory Confirmed by Obama CIA Director at CFR

AThe majority of the masses have unfortunately so far been all too willing to accept a constant parade of lies from the power structure and their paid minions on an endless list of issues. Denial is epidemic in our society, the herd mentality has so far ruled the day.

Populations have been successfully programmed to never investigate or question the "experts" or the "official narrative" no matter how obvious and glaring the lies become. We have been taught to criticize and marginalize any that dare to question.

This is the Orwellian world we live in, it is a paradigm that is leading the human race and all life toward a mathematically certain near term extinction. A complete course correction begins with publicly exposing those that are perpetuating lethal deceptions.

The six minute video below covers the cowardice and deceit that is rampant in the meteorological community.

Shining a light on the insanity
is a responsibility that must be carried by us all if we are to have any chance of turning the tide in time. Our sincere gratitude to Co Creation Productions, Inc, for producing this video.

Why The "Chemtrail Conspiracy" Is Real

While any discussion of the "chemtrail" phenomenon today is immediately labeled conspiracy theory, a new study provides evidence that a global covert program is underway, made possible through political, commercial, and government interests working in collusion to release extremely toxic material into the atmosphere ostensibly to "combat global warming."

Admittedly, when the topic of "chemtrails" comes up, I get a bit uneasy.  Like connecting vaccines with autism, certain topics have been so loaded with misinformation for so long that writing about them automatically invokes the specter of controversy, and not open discussion, as would be expected if discovering the truth were a priority. 

Related: Chemtrails, Geoengineering, Weather Modification & Weather Warfare

One highly marginalized but vocal sector of the population believes chemtrails are being sprayed on us like Raid on cockroaches by our invisible overlords to facilitate a depopulation agenda.

On the other extreme are academics unashamedly publishing papers suggesting we should play God by using various geoengineering techniques with avowedly planet wide impacts to "combat global warming."

Rarely, however, do we see anyone convincingly tying together the first-hand observational data with objective data, to prove that there is something in these persistent contrails other than frozen water vapor.

Thankfully, a groundbreaking study was recently published that did exactly this, bringing us closer to the truth than we have ever been before. The implications are simply profound and I believe may foment greatly expanded awareness and activism on the topic.

New Research Proves Coal Fly Ash Is The Source Material for "Chemtrails"

The new study published in the International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health titled, "Evidence of Coal-Fly-Ash Toxic Chemical Geoengineering in the Troposphere: Consequences for Public Health," offers a convincing explanation for what is behind the so-called "chemtrail" phenomenon, revealing that the source material used to create artificial weather visible throughout the world is the extremely toxic waste material from the electric industry known as coal fly ash.

If you are not already aware, "chemtrail" is a colloquial term used to describe the persistent contrails, presumably laden with "chemicals," observed issuing from aircraft that result in the formation of artificial cloud patterns and weather.

Their existence has been almost universally written off as "conspiracy theory" by the media and government despite global evidence – as clear as day – that the weather is being manipulated with aerosols, presumably for geoengineering purposes intended to offset global warming. 

The new study, authored by San Diego resident J. Marvin Herndon, was initiated after he witnessed his region being sprayed daily by an, as of then, unidentified aerosol:

"In the spring of 2014, the author began to notice tanker-jets quite often producing white trails across the cloudless blue sky over San Diego, California. The aerosol spraying that was happening with increasing frequency was a relatively new phenomenon there.

The dry warm air above San Diego is not conducive to the formation of jet contrails, which are ice condensate. By November 2014 the tanker-jets were busy every day crisscrossing the sky spraying their aerial graffiti.

In a matter of minutes, the aerosol trails exiting the tanker-jets would start to diffuse, eventually forming cirrus-like clouds that further diffuse to form a white haze that scattered sunlight, often occluding or dimming the sun. Aerosol spraying was occasionally so intense as to make the otherwise cloudless blue sky overcast, some areas of sky turning brownish.

Sometimes the navigation lights of the tanker-jets were visible as they worked at night, their trails obscuring the stars overhead; by dawn the normally clear-blue morning sky already had a milky white haze. Regardless, aerosol spraying often continued throughout the day.

The necessity for daily aerosol emplacement stems from the relatively low spraying-altitudes in the troposphere where mixing with air readily occurs bringing down the aerosolized particulates and exposing humanity and Earth's biota to the fine-grained substance.

The author's concern about the daily exposure to ultra-fine airborne particulate matter of undisclosed composition and its concomitant effect on the health of his family and public health in general prompted the research reported here."

The Long History of Covert Geoengineering Programs

For those who have not witnessed the "chemtrail" phenomenon directly, it would be easy to write off this author's testimony as dubious or merely anecdotal. But the author rightly points out that there is already extensive evidence in the historical record of covert geoengineering programs, and which he summarizes thusly:

"Geoengineering, also called weather-modification, has been carried out for decades at much lower altitudes in the troposphere.

The recent calls for open discussion of climate control or geoengineering tend to obscure the fact that the world's military and civilian sectors have modified atmospheric conditions for many decades as has been described by science historian, James R. Fleming.

Some of the early weather-modification research resulted in programs like Project Skywater (1961–1988), the U.S. Bureau of Reclamation's effort to engineer "the rivers of the sky"; the U.S. Army's Operation Ranch Hand (1961–1971), in which the herbicide Agent Orange was an infamous part; and its Project Popeye (1967–1971), used to "make mud, not war" over the Ho Chi Minh Trail.

These few examples of weather-modification, all of them secret at the time they were engaged, show that the weather is in the words of the military, "a force multiplier"

The fact is that we don't need to speculate about whether these covert programs are still happening, because the evidence is "hidden out in plain sight" for millions to see on a daily basis.  [Note: I highly suggest you watch "Artificial Clouds," to get a primer on the difference between naturally occurring contrails and "chemtrails."]

The real questions here are: What is being sprayed? Who is behind the program? Why is there no public discussion of the program and its implications to human and environmental health?

Hydro Tasmania asked to explain cloud seeding in catchment day before flooding

Coal Fly Ash "Is More Toxic Than Radioactive Waste"

While it is clear that weather modification programs focused on enhanced precipitation are being conducted across the country using silver iodide, as recently exposed by our contributor Dave Dahl's documentary "Artificial Clouds," and that the result is global changes in weather patterns, exemplified by the temperature changes observed after the post-9/11 airplane grounding, the global geoengineering program appears to be a far greater threat to planetary health.

What Herndon's research uncovered is that, "[T]oxic coal combustion fly ash is the most likely aerosolized particulate sprayed by tanker-jets for geoengineering, weather-modification and climate-modification purposes and describes some of the multifold consequences on public health."

He arrived at this conclusion through the following methods:

"Two methods are employed: (1) Comparison of 8 elements analyzed in rainwater, leached from aerosolized particulates, with corresponding elements leached into water from coal fly ash in published laboratory experiments, and (2) Comparison of 14 elements analyzed in dust collected outdoors on a high-efficiency particulate air (HEPA) filter with corresponding elements analyzed in un-leached coal fly ash material.

The results show: (1) the assemblage of elements in rainwater and in the corresponding experimental leachate are essentially identical.

At a 99% confidence interval, they have identical means (T-test) and identical variances (F-test); and (2) the assemblage of elements in the HEPA dust and in the corresponding average un-leached coal fly ash are likewise essentially identical."

Coal fly ash is a fine particle residue generated by coal combustion and is an extremely toxic material for the primary 3 reasons:

1)   Because of its nanoparticle range sizing not only can it enter more easily into human tissue through skin, oral, or pulmonary contact, but it may also have greater toxicity due to its ability to mimic hormones and/or pass through cell membranes and altering nuclear programs to adversely alter cell phenotype.

2)   It contains a wide range of heavy metals, including inorganic forms of aluminum and arsenic which are highly toxic to biological systems. It's mercury content can range as high as 1 part per million.1

3)   It contains low-dose radioisotopes which can have profound, severe chronic adverse health effects several orders of magnitude higher than present toxicological risk assessments account for. Herndon states, "Coal fly ash has been described as being more radioactive than nuclear waste."

As Herndon states:

"The consequences [of coal fly ash exposure] on public health are profound, including exposure to a variety of toxic heavy metals, radioactive elements, and neurologically-implicated chemically mobile aluminum released by body moisture in situ after inhalation or through transdermal induction."

Disturbingly, the EPA recently ruled that coal fly ash is not to be considered a "hazardous waste," despite overwhelming evidence that contains dozens of compounds that individually present a serious enough environmental and human health risk to be classified and regulated as hazardous to health.

When you consider that the EPA requires coal firing electrical plants to sequester the coal fly ash due to its known toxicity as a pollutant, the hypocrisy here is astounding.

Of course, this ruling would protect those orchestrating the behind-the-scenes geoengineering agenda of using the electrical power industry's toxic byproduct: millions of tons of coal fly ash, as a "beneficial" substance used to "combat global warming," even though the end result is the same: releasing a highly toxic material directly into the troposphere.

Profit Motive and Not Evidence Drives The Geoengineering Agenda

We already have examples of how this works.

The private sector, like the aluminum industry, colludes with the government to take a highly toxic waste product like fluoride, and then lobby to have it legally mandated to be put into the environment and our bodies via fluoridation programs

Suddenly the industry responsible for concentrating and unleashing a substance that is not legal to dump into the environment due to safety concerns gets paid to have it dumped directly into our water supply which ends up in our environment and bodies.

It's like Fluoride, all over again

A highly toxic substance is simply re-purposed and rebranded as "therapeutic" when the profit motive is compelling enough to trump ethical and legal boundaries.

As of 2005, U.S. coal-fired plants reported producing 71.1 million tons of fly ash, of which 29.1 million tons was reported reused for industrial applications.3 Were it not for this "recycling" the industry would be left with a billion dollar problem, not unlike the nuclear industry's problem with nuclear waste.

Therein alone lies a plausible motive for its use as a "geoengineering" ingredient, turning a liability into a profit center.

Herndon offers additional insight into why he thinks coal fly ash was chosen as the preferred geoengineering ingredient:

"While academicians debate geoengineering as an activity that might potentially be needed in the future, evidence suggests that Western governments/militaries moved ahead with a full scale operational geoengineering program.

But instead of mining and milling rock to produce artificial volcanic ash in sufficient volumes to cool the planet, they adopted a low-cost, pragmatic alternative, but one with consequences far more dire to life on Earth than global warming might ever be, and used coal combustion fly ash.

To make matters worse, instead of placing the material high into the stratosphere, where there is minimal mixing and the substance might remain suspended for a year or more, they opted to spray coal fly ash into the lower atmosphere, the troposphere, which mixes with the air people breathe and gets rained down to ground."

Another very important point made by Herndon is that this interventionist approach to "combat global warming" appears to have been poorly thought out, perhaps resulting in exactly the opposite of the stated intention:

"There is yet another consequence of tropospheric coal ash spraying that is contrary to cooling the Earth and has potentially far-reaching adverse ecological and public health implications: weather modification and concomitant disruption of habitats and food sources.

As reported by NASA, "Normal rainfall droplet creation involves water vapor condensing on particles in clouds. The droplets eventually coalesce together to form drops large enough to fall to Earth. However, as more and more pollution particles (aerosols) enter a rain cloud, the same amount of water becomes spread out.

These smaller water droplets float with the air and are prevented from coalescing and growing large enough for a raindrop.

Thus, the cloud yields less rainfall over the course of its lifetime compared to a clean (non-polluted) cloud of the same size".

In addition to preventing water droplets from coalescing and growing large enough to fall to Earth, coal fly ash, which formed under anhydrous conditions, will hydrate, trapping additional moisture thus further acting to prevent rainfall.

That may cause drought in some areas, floods in others, crop failure, forest die-offs, and adverse ecological impacts, especially in conjunction with the chemically-mobile-aluminum contamination from coal fly ash.

The consequences ultimately may have devastating effects on habitats and reduce human food production."

Herndon leaves us with closing remarks difficult to ignore, including a call to action that I hope our readers take to heart:

"More than a half century ago Rachel Carson called the world's attention to the unintended consequences of herbicides and pesticides widely employed by agriculture.

Instead of turning a blind eye, people everywhere became motivated to stop the worst of this environmental onslaught.

Today we are fully aware of the vast interconnected web of dependencies and symbioses that comprise life on our planet. Earth exists in a state of dynamic biological, chemical, and physical equilibrium whose complexity far exceeds the understanding of contemporary science.

The pervasive tropospheric spraying of coal fly ash threatens this equilibrium, whose delicacy or whose resilience we cannot quantify. Human health is at risk as is Earth's biota. Are we to remain silent?

Or will we exercise our primal right to speak in our own defense as a species and question the sanity of emplacing coal fly ash in Earth's perpetually moving atmosphere?"

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Weaponized Cell Towers Are Directly Related To Why Chemtrails Are Sprayed
June 5 2016 | From: StateOfTheNation

Beginning with his 1905 United States patent number 787,412, Nikola Tesla pioneered the use of a certain type of electromagnetic energy called extremely-low frequency (ELF). This is a specific type of energy known to be used in the New Manhattan Project; the other being very-low frequency (VLF) electromagnetic energy.

If you’ve read the following two articles already, then you’ll know all about the nefarious nature of where this is all leading… 

Related: Why Are Weaponized Cell Phone Towers Being Constructed Everywhere?

Related: More on Why Weaponized Cell Phone Towers Are Popping Up Everywhere

Related: Claim: Cell towers across the USA are broadcasting brain resonance frequencies to disrupt human minds, says former DARPA scientist

The previous post titled, More on Why Weaponized Cell Phone Towers Are Popping Up Everywhere covered the first two important following topics in PART I & PART II. This post will contain PART III: The involvement of Chemtrails and the role they play.

Before diving headfirst into those topics, check out, “Chemtrails: The Secret War, for a background on the chemtrail phenomena.”

Related: Chemtrails the Secret War

If you remember nothing else about all of this technology, remember this: Be afraid. Be very, very, afraid. There simply is no better way to sum up everything that follows better than those few words.

This is the mother load of all posts dealing with Chemtrails and related matters. Brace yourselves. My post will draw from two previously written and well footnoted articles written by Peter A. Kirby at Activist Post. 

As for any skeptics you hear jawing about “conspiracy this,” or “conspiracy that,” usually know-it-all pilots in my experience, hand them all the footnotes to both articles and ask that they please place ALL the footnotes in their mouths to prevent spreading their ignorance until they’ve read the material.

There is no question that the U.S. government is presently involved in various forms of Geo-Engineering around the world, and we know that because at different times, various government agencies have admitted to doing as much, contrary to what every pilot you know [less ONE maybe - You know who you are!] has to say on the issue of Chemtrails.

How many times have you heard, “Well I’m a pilot, and I know for a fact there is no such thing as Chemtrails, only contrails, and you people are a bunch of tin foil hat wearing conspiracy loons…”

No. You're just an uninformed boob that flies. Remind any skeptics to put the footnotes in their mouths.

You don’t have to be a pilot to recognize whether a trail in the sky is or is not a Chemtrail any more than you need to be an ant to determine if a little grey pile of sand between sidewalk blocks with ants pouring out of it is an anthill. 

With all that said, unfortunately for “We the People,” is the fact that our governments have a very lousy track record of being honest, so, whatever the government admits to doing, multiply that number times several factors of 10 to get the magnitude of what is really going on, and as for the motives, prepare to be horrified. 

All kidding aside, the remainder of this posting gets REAL dark, so try to hang in there. In a previous article by Peter A. Kirby at Activist Post, Kirby revealed the following that ought to definitely shut up any of those loud pilots still pissing and moaning about your tin foil hat:

U.S. patent #4,686,605 “Method and Apparatus for Altering a Region in the Earth’s Atmosphere, Ionosphere and/or Magnetosphere” shows how stratospheric and tropospheric aerosols can be manipulated using electromagnetic energy in order to modify the weather.

The ground-based antennas (known as ionospheric heaters) needed to produce the appropriate electromagnetic energy exist. For a detailed discussion, please see the author’s previous article:

“Smoking Gun: The HAARP and Chemtrails Connection.”

To fully comprehend what Kirby’s new article has to say, it really helps to have already read his previous post titled, “Chemtrails Exposed: A History of the New Manhattan Project.”

Before getting into Peter’s most recent findings, which are in keeping with research I’ve done very recently and will share as well, first I’ll briefly summarize the previous article, and you can watch the video titled “Chemtrails: The Secret War.” After the video, I’ll highlight the areas covered in the remainder of this article. 

The main topics dealt with in Kirby’s previous post titled, “Chemtrails Exposed: A History of the New Manhattan Project,” are as follows: 

The Origins of Weather Modification

Early American Involvement

Nikola Tesla’s Role

The Beginning of the Scientific Era and Weather Modification

The Origins of Weather Modification:

The idea of man controlling the weather is far from new. It’s been around as long as man. Early efforts were attempted by mystics or local shaman, perhaps rain dances, or even animal sacrifice, but the point is, this is not a “new idea.” As for the origins of weather modification from a militaristic sense, Kirby says the following:

The 1996 U.S. military document “Weather as a Force Multiplier: Owning the Weather in 2025” outlines a program using aerosols sprayed from airplanes which are then manipulated with electromagnetic energy in order to modify the weather. This document will be discussed shortly.

The common thread here is weather modification; or as the Library of Congress calls it, “weather control.” Lots of other evidence supporting this assertion exists as well, but these two documents are the most salient.

Motives are plenty. Most notably, significant direct benefits can be gained by playing financial markets which rise and fall with the weather such as the weather derivatives and catastrophe reinsurance mark

Early American Involvement in DARPA / HAARP / Weather Control:

In essence, since America has been the world’s technological leader; especially in the area of military technology, America has been the one leading the way on the New Manhattan Project from the beginning, and continues to do so to this day.

Nikola Tesla’S Role:

Beginning with his 1905 United States patent number 787,412, Nikola Tesla pioneered the use of a certain type of electromagnetic energy called extremely-low frequency (ELF). This is a specific type of energy known to be used in the New Manhattan Project; the other being very-low frequency (VLF) electromagnetic energy.

If you’ve read the following two articles already, then you’ll know all about the nefarious nature of where this is all leading…

Why Are Weaponized Cell Phone Towers Being Constructed Everywhere?

More on New Slow-Kill Directed Energy Weapons Appearing On Fake Cell Towers 

More on Why Weaponized Cell Phone Towers Are Popping Up Everywhere (Video)

The Beginning of the Scientific Era:

The scientific era of weather modification began famously in 1946 with a trio of scientists from General Electric Laboratories: Irving Langmuir, Vincent Schaefer and Bernard Vonnegut. Leading the group was the world famous Nobel Peace Prize winning scientist Irving Langmuir (1881-1957)

So far we have only discussed the New Manhattan Project’s most obvious aspect: weather control. Just in that aspect alone, the New Manhattan Project is easily the biggest scientific endeavor in Human history. Believe it or not, it appears that quite a few other massive projects have been piggybacked upon this global weather modification scheme.

They are already spraying us with megatons of aluminum, barium, and strontium. That right there is enough to put people away in prison for the rest of their lives, or worse. So why stop there? The people responsible for the New Manhattan Project (NMP) have apparently gone for broke.

What else might one accomplish by spraying stuff all over God’s creation and/or shooting electromagnetic energy all over the place? What else have these mad scientists been up to? As opposed to the more understandable weather modification aspects of the NMP, this article examines the NMP’s more unbelievable aspects.

From mind control to Morgellons to Nikola Tesla’s death ray and more, this article examines the New Manhattan Project’s other agendas.

If you do not know what the New Manhattan Project is, please refer to the author’s previous article "Chemtrails Exposed: A History of the New Manhattan Project."

Chemtrails Used to Aid in Mind Control:

Other than weather modification, the most probable purpose of the New Manhattan Project is mind control. It is well documented that certain types of electromagnetic energy waves can remotely manipulate people’s thoughts and feelings. The relevant field here is known as “psychotronics” and “psychotronic weaponry.”

A cursory overview is presented here with an emphasis upon the potential use of these technologies as part of the New Manhattan Project.

Attempts to Control the Minds of the American Public Not New to the US Government:

If anyone has ever called you a “Conspiracy Theorist,” then you are almost certainly already familiar with “Operation Paperclip” , a crime against humanity perpetrated by the United States government in the aftermath of World War II that still continues to plague the world today both in it’s lingering affects on victims, and also in what some would say is the continuity of many of those programs to this day operating as black ops.

If you’re not already familiar with “Operation Paperclip”, you can follow the link for a detailed article, or even the most basic Google search will provide realty crushing truth for some people about just how evil the U.S. government can be. Once you know the truth, consider how much technology has evolved since “Operation Paperclip”.

Arguably, the MK Ultra mind control program is the most well known program to come out of “Operation Paperclip,” largely because of references to it in modern pop culture movies and television hits like The X-Files.

The following video also gives a horrifying, but brief, overview of the program, which should begin to put the
Fake Cell Phone Towers into context. In the video below, Youtuber Dark5 gives a breakdown of the 5 Most Shocking CIA Experiments of Project MKULTRA (that we’ve been able to uncover).

Not only can electromagnetic frequencies influence one’s mind, they can also affect the rest of our bodily functions. Research by Dr. Robert Becker, Dr. Thomas Valone, and many others have strongly correlated the Human body’s functions to electromagnetic fields. This correlation is due to the fact that the Human body is a complex bioelectric organism highly susceptible to electromagnetic energies and fields.

The ionospheric heaters used as part of today’s New Manhattan Project can produce the extremely low frequency (ELF) signals that affect our moods, thoughts and bodily functions. Not only that, but the two most important New Manhattan Project scientists (Bernard Vonnegut and Gordon J.F. MacDonald) were into it.

The ELF waves referred to are something I covered in detail in my post titled: Why Are Weaponized Cell Phone Towers Being Constructed Everywhere? In that post, prior to the following video I said: 

One thing that’s important to note up front: Whether we’re talking about weaponized cell phone towers, Google’s Humanoid Robots That Can Hunt Down Humans Even in Dense Woods, or we’re talking about one of Google’s otherMachines Designed to Hunt Humans (both shown below), all were designed with the same outcome in mind, and that’s total control over their “subjects.

The US military’s involvement in these types of technologies originated with something called Project Sanguine. Project Sanguine was a proposed, mid- to late-1950s Navy project developing a long-distance submarine communications system. The proposed project involved burying tens of thousands of miles of wires a few feet underground.

These wires were to send extremely low frequency (ELF) signals to submerged submarines many thousands of miles away. Although Project Sanguine was never implemented, a similar type of operation (this time using above ground wires) in northern Michigan and Wisconsin exists today and has been in use since the mid-1970s.

Project Sanguine and today’s facilities in Wisconsin and Michigan was and are not about mind control; only Naval communications. But Project Sanguine was the first inkling of what was to come.

Some years later in 1961, along with two other scientists, that great pioneer of the New Manhattan Project’s weather modification aspects, Bernard Vonnegut also laid the groundwork for future mind control experiments. He conducted experiments pertaining to the effects of electromagnetic energy, propagated through an aerosol, upon the effigy of a man’s head. In their 1961 report titled “Research in Electrical Phenomena Associated with Aerosols,” the trio wrote:

"One can make an estimate of the concentration of the field around an object or man by considering the potential in space in which it exists. For example, in a field of 100 volts cm⁻¹ a man’s head is in a region where the potential is about 20,000 V with respect to ground. Because of the relatively high conductivity of the body the man’s head is at ground potential and therefore a corresponding amount of charge has passed from the ground up to his head.

If we approximate the head as a sphere of 10 cm radius, its capacity is about 10⁻¹¹ farads so the induced charge on it is about 2 x 10⁻⁷ coulombs and the field at its surface is approximately 2000 volts cm⁻¹. Accordingly, we see that the field and hence the rate of aerosol deposition should be about 20 fold greater on the man’s head than on the ground."

Seven years later, that other great scientific champion of the New Manhattan Project, Dr. Gordon J.F. “How to Wreck the Environment” MacDonald wrote:

"The enhanced low-frequency electrical oscillations in the earth-ionosphere cavity relate to possible weapons systems through a little-understood aspect of brain physiology.

Electrical activity in the brain is concentrated at certain frequencies, some of it extremely slow, a little around five cycles per second, and very conspicuous activity (the so-called alpha rhythm) around ten cycles per second. Some experiments have been done in the use of a flickering light to pull the brain’s alpha rhythm into unnatural synchrony with it; the visual stimulation leads to electrical stimulation.

There has also been work on direct electrical driving of the brain. In experiments discussed by Norbert Wiener, a sheet of tin is suspended from the ceiling and connected to a generator working at ten cycles per second. With large field strengths of one or two volts per centimeter oscillating at the alpha-rhythm frequency, decidedly unpleasant sensations are noted by human subjects.

The Brain Research Institute of the University of California is investigating the effect of weak oscillating fields on human behavior. The field strengths in these experiments are of the order of a few hundredths of a volt per centimeter. Subjects show small but measurable degradation in performance when exposed to oscillating fields for periods of up to fifteen minutes.

The field strengths in these experiments are still much stronger, by a factor of about 1000, than the observed natural oscillations in the earth-ionosphere cavity. However, as previously noted, the intensity of the natural fluctuations could be increased substantially and in principle could be maintained for a long time, as tropical thunderstorms are always available for manipulation.

The proper geographical location of the source of lightning, coupled with accurately timed, artificially excited strokes, could lead to a pattern of oscillations that produced relatively high power levels over certain regions of the earth and substantially lower levels over other regions. In this way, one could develop a system that would seriously impair brain performance in very large populations in selected regions over an extended period.

The scheme I have suggested is admittedly far-fetched, but I have used it to indicate the rather subtle connections between variations in man’s environmental conditions and his behavior. Perturbation of the environment can produce changes in behavior patterns.

Since our understanding of both behavioral and environmental manipulation is rudimentary, schemes of behavioral alteration on the surface seem unrealistic. No matter how deeply disturbing the thought of using the environment to manipulate behavior for national advantage is to some, the technology permitting such use will very probably develop within the next few decades."

The mind control technologies detailed here by MacDonald have been in development by the Stanford VLF Group.

In 1978, electromagnetics expert Robert C. Beck penned a paper titled “Mood Modification with ELF Magnetic Fields” in which he writes:

"Coherent ELF energies have the unique and interesting property of almost lossless propagation within the earth-ionosphere cavity waveguide, and attenuation of these signals due to distance from transmitter sites is negligible. Power losses are .8 dB per Mm (million meters). The magnetic vectors, unlike electrical (E-wave) components, permeate any substance and cannot be effectively shielded, even by iron, mu-metal, lead, copper, ‘Faraday cages,’ etc.

The established physics of radio propagation therefore suggests that vast geographical areas can be readily mood-manipulated by transmissions of EM energy within the earth-ionosphere cavity waveguide."

The 1986 book Low-Intensity Conflict and Modern Technology features a paper by Navy Captain Paul E. Tyler titled “The Electromagnetic Spectrum in Low-Intensity Conflict.”

This paper is all about using electromagnetic energy against an enemy’s mind. Shortly after referencing a Southwest Research Institute document speaking to the ability of radiofrequency radiation to, “…completely interrupt mental functioning…” and, “…sensitize large military groups to extremely dispersed amounts of biological or chemical agents to which the unirradiated population would be immune.,” Captain Tyler writes:

"Some of these potential uses include dealing with terrorist groups, crowd control, controlling breeches of security at military installations, and antipersonnel techniques in tactical warfare. In all of these cases the EM systems would be used to produce mild to severe physiological disruption or perceptual distortion or disorientation.

In addition the ability of individuals to function could be degraded to such a point that they would be combat ineffective.

Another advantage of electromagnetic systems is that they can provide coverage over large areas with a single system. They are silent and countermeasures to them may be difficult to develop.’”


The 1995 paper “On the Possibility of Directly Accessing Every Human Brain by Electromagnetic Induction of Fundamental Algorithms” by Professor Michael A. Persinger, PhD says that relatively weak atmospheric signals (such as those used for cell phone communications) can have a great influence upon the way people think and feel. The New Manhattan Project’s ionospheric heaters can produce such signals.

A most recent addition to this body of evidence is very thorough. Michael Aquino, PhD penned a 2013 tome titled Mind Wars in which he writes:

EMR [electromagnetic radiation] in the brain occurs in waves measured according to cycles per second (Hz). 1-3 Hz = delta waves, characteristic of deep sleep. 4-7 Hz = theta waves, characteristic of high emotion, violence, and frustration. 8-12 Hz = alpha waves, characteristic of meditation, relaxation, and ‘searching for patterns.’ 13-22 Hz = beta waves, characteristic of frontal brain activity, deliberate effort, and logical thought.

He failed to mention Gamma waves (22-80 Hz) which are produced by the brains of experienced meditators and are associated with enhanced neuro-plasticity (brain changes). Mr. Aquino continues:

EMR [electromagnetic radiation] in the brain occurs in waves measured according to cycles per second (Hz). 1-3 Hz = delta waves, characteristic of deep sleep. 4-7 Hz = theta waves, characteristic of high emotion, violence, and frustration. 8-12 Hz = alpha waves, characteristic of meditation, relaxation, and ‘searching for patterns.’ 13-22 Hz = beta waves, characteristic of frontal brain activity, deliberate effort, and logical thought.

Brain waves are subject to the principle of resonance. Energy-waves reaching the brain through any medium – eyes, ears, or flesh – will tend to induce the brain-waves to cycle at the same wavelength.

A Human brain resonating with externally produced energy waves is known as brain “entrainment.” He then goes about describing how this knowledge might be applied to a “Mind War” scenario:

Brainwave resonance (‘BWR’) is significant to SLIPC [subliminal involuntary psycontrol] in both passive and active contexts. Passively a human-interactive environment may be permeated with EMS [electromagnetic spectrum] waves at one or more of the BWR ranges, inclining those within it to their induced characteristics without their conscious awareness.

Attempting a relaxed, pleasant, cooperative discussion of a mutual problem is more possible in an alpha BWR than in a non-BWR one, and much more possible than in a beta one. Trying to accomplish anything complex or create immersed in delta is exhausting and fruitless.

Lastly, Dr. Aquino discloses how these energies might be applied remotely:

Active employment of BWR utilizes frequency generators to project desired BWR into a MW [mind war] operational environment, to adjust the emotions and awareness of all individuals therein.

Such generators may be strategic satellite-based platforms which transmit BWR both directly and through intrusion into existing, localized electronic media systems. BWR can, for instance, be inserted into the Internet to be passively and indetectably (absent such sensors) received and radiated by any accessing device, from television station to desktop computer or cellular telephone.

Michael Aquino is a very interesting character. As of Jan. 1, 2015, his extremely extensive bio notes his latest position as Lt. Colonel, Psychological Operations, First Special Forces Regiment, U.S. Army. He has since been sheep dipped retired from this position. He is a Knight Eagle of the Boy Scouts of America.

His Ph.D. dissertation was on the neutron bomb. He has served as a “Space Activities Officer.” He has been given many military decorations and awards. He goes by the title of the 13th Baron of Rachane. He writes that he is a first degree satanist, a second degree warlock, and the high priest of the Temple of Set.

The following video also comes from my post titled: Why Are Weaponized Cell Phone Towers Being Constructed Everywhere?

The first video from that post (directly above) spent everything after the 1:45 mark of the video explaining how powerful some of these new cell phone towers are, and how their current configuration with mega cables is NOT set up for telecommunications or data transfer.

After watching the video, and considering what the video makers said in conjunction with all the other information we’ve covered, I certainly wouldn’t put ANYTHING past the uber global elites. or the board rooms of multinational corporations, but I’m not so gullible that I’ll believe anything, so I kept digging. 

It was not easy to find information, and a few of the articles I found were several years old and most likely outdated, but I did find a few worth noting. The best one included the following video which does an EXCELLENT job of putting the highly technical supporting information below into layman’s terms.

I n short: The video gives you an idea of the full scope of how powerful these towers are, whether you understand the technical mumbo jumbo below or not. 

Here’s the Takeaway from All This: The U.S. Government is Obsessed with Mind Control

Those last few distinctions are the ones which have given him the most notoriety. The Temple of Set is a satanic church operating in the author’s hometown of San Francisco, CA. San Francisco is also where Dr. Aquino says he lives. You can visit the Temple of Set website … if you dare: www.xeper.org

In the late 1980s, Dr. Aquino became embroiled in a highly publicized satanic ritual abuse scandal which, among other things, landed him on the Oprah Winfrey Show and the Geraldo Rivera Show. These interviews are available on YouTube. He published a 2014 book all about it titled Extreme Prejudice: The Presidio ‘Satanic Abuse’ Scam.

Voice to Skull:

Making people hear things that no one else around them can hear through the use of atmospheric radio waves is called “voice to skull” technology.

This technology involves beaming sounds and speech directly into a subject’s head. This technology is well documented and well known.

It has been demonstrated in many movies and television shows such as the movie Kingsman: The Secret Service and the TV show The X-Files.

The New Manhattan Project’s ionospheric heaters can do this.

An early book titled Microwave Auditory Effects and Applications by James C. Lin, Ph.D. revealed the method. 1989’s U.S. patent #4,877,027 “Hearing System” defines this technology. Many scientific papers on the subject are available.

Voice to skull technology has been weaponized into the Navy’s MEDUSA program. Click here for the Wikipedia listing.

Light From the Gods:

My science advisor Ginny Silcox mentions current research into how ionospheric heaters such as HAARP could be used in combination to produce lightning or lightning-like energy beams capable of completely destroying individuals, buildings or large areas. This type of technology was first hypothesized by Nikola Tesla and is commonly referred to as his “death ray.”

There are a few ways Tesla’s death ray might be accomplished. It may be accomplished by tapping into the ionosphere, generating it independently, or a combination of both.

The ionosphere (about 50-375 miles above earth’s surface) is home to Earth’s auroral electrojet. The auroral electrojet is comprised of extremely powerful magnetic energy encircling our planet. If lightning taps into that power by creating a circuit from the auroral electrojet down to the Earth, it will be incredibly powerful.

This may happen naturally. A 1982 article co-written by the great New Manhattan Project scientist Bernard Vonnegut recounts the experiences of pilots who have witnessed lightning extending upwards, above storm clouds, presumably to the ionosphere.

Man might also make this happen. It is conceivable that the New Manhattan Project’s ground-based ionospheric heaters (possibly in conjunction with other, similar space-based antennas) could induce lightning from the ionosphere. These antenna arrays could create a conductive path known as a “waveguide” which would cause the ionosphere’s energy to flow down to Earth.

These waveguides can also direct the energy more accurately. The metals found in today’s chemtrails allow for better propagation of these energy waves. The Stanford VLF Group has been active in this area as well.

Tesla’s death ray may also be entirely man-made. As part of the proposed overhaul of Air Force (USAF) operations outlined in the 1996 Air Force 2025 documents, the UASF produced a paper titled “Space Operations: Through the Looking Glass (Global Area Strike System).” Air Force 2025 is the set of documents containing the infamous “Weather as a Force Multiplier: Owning the Weather in 2025” paper. The authors describe Nikola Tesla’s death ray as a probable future Air Force capability. The report reads:

"Once again a small but capably armed country is threatening to seize its smaller but resource-rich neighbor. The Global News Network reports that the border has been violated. "

The same old story? No, the plot twists as a sophisticated satellite surveillance and reconnaissance system tracks the belligerent nation’s leader. As he steps to the podium to incite his troops to greater violence, a blinding light from above vaporizes him and his podium leaving even his bodyguards untouched.

His smarter brother, the second in command, countermands the invasion orders and in 12 hours the borders are restored. Stability, if not peace, reigns again.

This is not science fiction, but a mission well within the capabilities of Space Operations in 2025.

A little later in the piece, the authors expound upon the usefulness of such a weapon. Although they are writing about a laser generated from a space-based platform as opposed to the NMP’s network of ground-based ionospheric heaters, the concept is the same and ground-based ionospheric heaters can do similar things.

As previously noted, lasers from satellites may also be used as waveguides which can increase the accuracy of electromagnetic waves produced from the more powerful, terrestrial ionospheric heaters. They explain:

At slightly higher powers, the enhanced heating produced by the laser can be used to upset sensitive electronics (temporarily or permanently), damage sensor and antenna arrays, ignite some containerized flammable and explosive materials, and sever exposed power and communications lines.

The full power beam can melt or vaporize virtually any target, given enough exposure time.

Comment: And with the two hundred year old archaic technology we have been landed with there are so many ways that this stone age tech can be interfered with it is beyond a joke. Seriously - we are still dealing with aerodynamics and the principles of negative pressure for lift? Fuck off - what an absolute degenerate crock of arse. Your Lear jet, your Gulfstream G5 is an antiquated piece of shit...

Related: Explosive Exposé: The Secret Government, Anti-Gravity Technology And Black Budget Projects

With precise targeting information (accuracy of inches) and beam pointing and tracking stability of 10 to 100 nanoradians, a full-power beam can successfully attack ground or airborne targets by melting or cracking cockpit canopies, burning through control cables, exploding fuel tanks, melting or burning sensor assemblies and antenna arrays, exploding or melting munitions pods, destroying ground communications and power grids, and melting or burning a large variety of strategic targets (e.g., dams, industrial and defense facilities, and munitions factories) - all in a fraction of a second.

“Space Operations: Through the Looking Glass” also speaks to ground-based antennas capable of producing electromagnetic pulses that can disable electronic devices and jam communications known as “high-power microwave” weaponry. The ionospheric heaters of today’s New Manhattan Project can be used in this capacity. The authors write:

"A high-power microwave (HPMW) device also employs electromagnetic radiation as its weapon effect. Not as powerful as nuclear-driven EMP weapons, HPMW weapons create a narrower band of microwave electromagnetic radiation by coupling fast, high energy pulsed power supplies to specially designed microwave antenna arrays.

Microwave frequencies (tens of megahertz to tens of gigahertz) are chosen for two reasons: the atmosphere is generally transparent to microwave radiation (all-weather capability) and modern electronics are particularly vulnerable to these frequencies.

They continue:

"The level of pulsed, electrical power required to produce weapon-level microwave fluxes is now becoming available (for ground-based systems).

Compact, scaleable [sic] laboratory sources of narrow-band, high-power microwaves have been demonstrated that can produce gigawatts of power for 10 to a few hundred nanoseconds. Ultrawideband microwave sources are less well developed, but research in this area appears promising. A HPMW weapon should, however, be able to temporarily disrupt circuits and jam microwave communications at low-power levels.

Lastly, the authors of “Space Operations: Through the Looking Glass” specifically mention the Iridium satellite constellation as one that would be suitable for producing high-power microwaves. The Iridium satellite constellation is noted in the author’s previous work "C4: Command, Control, Communications, and Computers of the New Manhattan Chemtrail Project"as particularly suitable for the New Manhattan Project’s remote sensing needs.

Microwave energy, like that which is employed in the New Manhattan Project, can also be weaponized into systems like Raytheon’s “heat ray.” Here is the Wikipedia listing: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Active_Denial_System

Judy Wood, PhD in her book Where Did the Towers Go?, documents 1400 burned cars up to one half mile away from ground zero. Nothing else near them was damaged. Trees still had leaves on them. There were reams of unburned sheets of paper. Though they were covered with ash, no humans were burned.

The exceptional thing about the cars, she notes, was the fact that they were not grounded while everything else was. Was some sort of electromagnetic weapon used on 9/11? If so, how did cave dwellers from Afghanistan get one of those?

Maybe the original purpose of Raytheon is to come up with just such a weapon. Raytheon means “light from the gods.” Raytheon has been all about microwave technologies all along. Raytheon acquired E-Systems; the company that built HAARP.

Genetic Modification Using Microwaves and Chemtrails:

Somebody has apparently been planning ahead. If, from the megatons of aluminum and other toxins released into our biosphere, our environment becomes wrecked beyond being able to sustain life as we know it, don’t worry! People have been genetically modifying plants to be able to thrive in an aluminum-ravaged biosphere! Aluminum is the number one chemtrail ingredient.

A certain genetically modified sorghum seed has been developed to thrive in aluminum contaminated soils.

The makers of this sorghum seed reassure us that this type of genetic manipulation may also work well with many other food crops such as: wheat, barley, rice, maize, cotton, peanut, sunflower, tobacco, rye, alfalfa, tomato, cucumber, soya, sweet potato, grapes, rapeseed, sugar beet, tea, strawberry, rose, chrysanthemum, poplar, eggplant, sweet pepper, walnut, pistachio, mango, banana, and potato. It appears that sorghum is just the proverbial camel’s nose under the tent.

The abstract of U.S. patent #7,582,809 “Sorghum Aluminum Tolerance Gene, SBMATE” reads:

The major aluminum tolerance gene, the SbMATE gene, encodes a root citrate efflux transporter that is Al-inducible at the level of gene transcription and is also Al-activated at the level of protein function. High level of expression of the SbMATE gene and the protein was found in roots.

SbMATE orthologs with high degree of sequence homology were found in other higher plants, including rice. Successful transformation of Arabidopsis provides strong evidence that SbMATE can work across species to enhance tolerance to Al in other important crops grown in localities worldwide where Al3+ cations are present in acid soils and are toxic to plants."

It is curious that this patent is assigned to (along with Brazilian officialdom) the United States of America as represented by the Secretary of Agriculture. One might think that this would be right up Monsanto’s alley. There may be some sort of deception going on here.

We do know that historically the Department of Agriculture has acted like it works for Monsanto. As described in Marie-Monique Robin’s 2010 masterpiece “The World According to Monsanto,” the collusion between our Department of Agriculture and Monsanto has been pervasive.

Maybe some sort of back room deal has been struck between Monsanto and corrupt elements of our federal government enabling Monsanto to profit from the rollout of these aluminum resistant seeds; a rollout designed to appear as a benevolent government action.

If you noticed, one of the plants mentioned in patent #7,582,809 is poplar; a tree. If food crops don’t grow in an aluminum-ravaged environment, one can expect that trees won’t either. This is why we can thank our lucky stars that there is a corporation called ArborGen producing and selling genetically modified trees.

They aren’t saying that their trees are specifically resistant to aluminum contaminated soils yet, but it’s good to know that they might help us in our future hour of need.

Lastly, you can bet that the geoengineers will be here to help too. Our friends have developed wholly mechanical trees that can do what natural trees have traditionally done; remove CO2 from the atmosphere. For confirmation, search “carbon capture trees.” Who needs Mother Nature? We can have giant multinational corporations that will take care of everything!

Other Sprays Emitted in Chemtrails:

We are all but guinea pigs in their satanic Human experimentations. While today’s super-secret New Manhattan Project saturates our atmosphere with aluminum, barium, and strontium, the conventional weather modifiers have also admittedly been spraying us with a myriad of substances (other than silver iodide) ranging from urea (urine) to carbon black to lead iodide and much more.

The books Clouds of Secrecy by Leonard A. Cole and In the Name of Science by Andrew Goliszek document hundreds of open air tests of all types of chemicals and biologicals on unsuspecting American citizens. In fact, our military’s position is that they get to spray us with whatever they want, whenever they want as long as they classify their activities as “research.”

Knowing this, it is understandable that, for many decades now, we have been getting hit with everything under the sun.

Title 50, chapter 32, subsections 1520a & b of United States Code (law) state:

(a. Prohibited Activities:

The Secretary of Defense may not conduct (directly or by contact) –

(1. any test or experiment involving the use of a chemical agent or biological agent on a

civilian population; or

(2. any other testing of a chemical agent or biological agent on human subjects.

(b. Exceptions:

Subject to subsections (c), (d), and (e) of this section, the prohibition in subsection (a) of this section does not apply to a test or experiment carried out for any of the following purposes:

(1. Any peaceful purpose that is related to a medical, therapeutic, pharmaceutical, agricultural, industrial, or research activity.

That’s right. As long as they classify their mass murder as a, “…peaceful purpose that is related to a medical, therapeutic, pharmaceutical, agricultural, industrial, or research activity,” they get to legally spray us with whatever they want whenever they want.

As we can see now, this is exactly what they have done.

It is interesting to note that this law was passed in 1997; right around the time that the New Manhattan Project’s large-scale spraying operations began.

But that’s probably just a coincidence.

Don’t think too much. It’s not healthy for the establishment.

Reports of all types of strange substances apparently being sprayed from aircraft are abundant and readily available.

William Thomas’ groundbreaking 2004 book Chemtrails Confirmed provides early examples.

The book reads:

"Human blood cells were found by a hospital lab technician in samples of gel-like material dropped over the tiny town of Oakville, Washington (pop. 665), covering a 20 square-mile area three times within a six-week period."
It continues:

"Officer David Lacey was on patrol with a civilian friend at 3 am when the sticky downpour began. We turned our windshield wipers on, and it just started smearing to the point where we could almost not see,’ Lacy said. ‘We both looked at each other and we said, ‘Gee this isn’t right. We’re out in the middle of nowhere, basically, and where did this come from?"

Pulling into a gas station, officer Lacey pulled on a pair of latex gloves to clean his windshield. Lacey: ‘The substance was very mushy, almost like if you had Jell-O in your hand.’ Within hours, Lacey was in hospital unable to breathe.

Chemtrails Confirmed goes on to recount multiple other instances of this human blood cell goo (presumably dropped from airplanes) splattering all over people, property, and the Earth.

Thomas’ book also references a 2001 World Net Daily article titled “Californians Confused Over Chemtrails.” In this article, as reproduced in Chemtrails Confirmed, reporter Lance Lindsay recounts the experience of a former military radar technician named Gene Shimer. It reads:

One morning, about two years ago, Shimer spotted a long, thin string resembling a spider web floating in the sky, he said. It was about 20 feet in length and could only be seen in the reflection of the sun. He looked up, saw trails, and then saw something that appeared to be a glob of foam falling from the sky.

"It came floating down, free-floating,’ Shimer says. ‘I caught it with a spatula, scooped it off the ground, and I watched it as it shrank. It was about the size of my fist when it first started. It looked like a cross between soap bubbles and cotton candy."

What Mr. Shimer described is not unlike something that was captured on video. You truly have to see it to believe it. Behold the first cloud that fell to earth:

What was captured on video looks like what might be causing one of the most widely documented “other” sprays; chem-webs. As noted in William Thomas’ book and in a myriad of online reports (the author has even been told this by people with first-hand experiences), a spider web-like substance is sometimes found covering grass, bushes, and trees.

The substance is usually described as completely foreign to the particular environments; i.e., it is not spider webs. Despite what the shills claim, this stuff was probably sprayed from an airplane.

If all this isn’t weird enough, our United States Air Force has written about spraying what is commonly referred to as “smart dust.” The seminal 1996 Air Force document “Weather as a Force Multiplier: Owning the Weather 2025” mentions using smart materials for the purpose of weather modification. On page 17 it reads:

"With regard to seeding techniques, improvements in the materials and delivery methods are not only plausible but likely. Smart materials based on nanotechnology are currently being developed with gigaops computer capability at their core. They could adjust their size to optimal dimensions for a given fog seeding situation and even make adjustments throughout the process.

They might also enhance their dispersal qualities by adjusting their buoyancy, by communicating with each other, and by steering themselves within the fog. They will be able to provide immediate and continuous effectiveness feedback by integrating with a larger sensor network and can also change their temperature and polarity to improve their seeding effects."

As mentioned above, UAVs [unmanned aerial vehicles] could be used to deliver and distribute these smart materials.

Anything that contains semi-conductor material is laced with dangerously toxic elements like cadmium and germanium. If these particles are small enough to float in the air, they will be inhaled by people and animals.

This type of technology is also known as “microelectromechanical systems.” Although the current, known state of the art pertaining to smart dust is motes (pieces of smart dust) as small as a few millimeters in size, secret technologies bringing the size of such machines down to the micrometer scale may be available. As one can see from the above passage, they are working on it.

In fact, in this area, a PhD scientist is claiming a breakthrough. In his report titled “Global Environmental MEMS Sensors (GEMS): A Revolutionary Observing System for the 21st Century,” John Manobianco, PhD writes:

Technological advancements in MicroElectroMechanical Systems (MEMS) have inspired a revolutionary observing system known as Global Environmental MEMS Sensors (GEMS). The GEMS concept features an integrated system of MEMS-based airborne probes that will be designed to remain suspended in the atmosphere for hours to days taking in situ measurements over all regions of the Earth with unprecedented spatial and temporal resolution.


The GEMS concept is revolutionary because it foresees the future integration of evolving technologies to realize an observing system with scalability and applicability over a broad range of weather and climate phenomena. GEMS have the potential to expand our understanding of the Earth and improve weather forecast accuracy and efficiency well beyond current capability.

Resulting improvements in forecast accuracy will translate directly into cost benefits for weather-sensitive industries worldwide, and mitigate the risk factors associated with life-threatening weather phenomena.

Lastly, other engineered particles called “niobate ring resonators” could conceivably be sprayed from aircraft for surveillance purposes. Lithium is highly toxic to Humans and can cause tremors, nervous-system collapse, and death.


Reports of fibers growing out of people’s skin along with sores and subdermal crawling sensations have been pouring in. According to the Mayo Clinic, these symptoms generally occur along with severe fatigue, difficulty concentrating and short-term memory loss.

The Mayo Clinic also notes that this, “…is a relatively rare condition that most frequently affects middle-aged white women.” Although the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) officially categorizes it as an “Unexplained Dermopathy,” amongst us common folk, this disease is being called Morgellons.

Many people are claiming that Morgellons disease is caused by chemtrails. Whether or not Morgellons is caused by the usual chemtrails consisting of aluminum, barium, and strontium, or is caused by other sprays is unclear. But people have been drawing connections between heavy chemtrail spraying and Morgellons. There is an overwhelming amount of information available online.

A man named Clifford Carnicom has been at the forefront of investigating Morgellons. He suggests that a substance at least similar if not identical to the aforementioned goo consisting of Human blood cells may be causing Morgellons.

He suggests that Morgellons is not a skin condition, but rather a systemic condition not limited to our bodies. He suggests that every living thing on this planet is currently being affected by whatever is causing Morgellons.

The possibilities here are absolutely terrifying, mind-boggling, and currently beyond the scope of this investigation. Regrettably, this area of research promises to be greatly expanded in years to come. This may have been what George Bush Sr. was talking about when he said, “If the American people knew what we have done, they would string us up from the lamp posts.”

Along with his other continuing research, Mr. Carnicom is conducting a study by providing a web-based form for actively infected individuals to fill out.

Related: CarnicomInstitute

Holography, Project Blue Beam, and the Great Deception

First: A Little Background on Holograms and Blue Beam:

New Manhattan Project operations create a situation conducive to the production of holograms. The substances sprayed into our atmosphere (particularly barium) can act as a three dimensional reflective screen onto which beams of electromagnetic energy can be projected. This is how holograms are made.

As weapons of deception, the aforementioned document “Space Operations: Through the Looking Glass (Global Area Strike System)” has a small section devoted to holography. The authors write:

It is certainly possible to make holograms of troop concentrations, military platforms, or other useful objects, although the larger the scene the more difficult it is to produce the proper conditions to create a convincing hologram. No credible approach has been suggested for projecting holograms over long distances under real-world conditions, although the Massachusetts Institute of Technology’s Media Lab believes holographic color projection may be possible within 10 years.

Holographic and other, less high-technology forms of illusion may became [sic] a potent tool in the hands of the information warriors…

Not long before his death, Canadian journalist Serge Monast made public something he said he had uncovered called Project Blue Beam. He said it was an establishment plan to destroy all national sovereignty and religions; replacing them with a dictatorial one world government and a satanic one world religion.

This was largely to be accomplished, he claimed, by the use of incredibly realistic holographic imagery, projected in the sky and on the Earth, depicting an alien invasion. This fake alien invasion was to be used as a catalyst for all the people of the world to give up their countries and religions in favor of only one religion and only one government in order to unite against the perceived alien threat.

The chemtrails sprayed as part of today’s New Manhattan Project have the potential to serve as the screen upon which the Project Blue Beam movie is projected. The aforementioned voice to skull technology could be broadcast over the audience as well to create a show with both images and sound.

Global Depopulation Agenda

We know that mass murder is taking place. We also know that two of the world’s most prominent geoengineering advocates are also population reduction advocates.

There are also abundant calls for depopulation from many high-ranking establishment types. Considering all this in total, it is reasonable to believe that the many deaths caused by geoengineering are not simply an unfortunate side-effect, but rather part of a global depopulation agenda.

Just in America alone, it is reasonable to assert that at least hundreds of thousands of people have been murdered by geoengineering activities. This is probably a very conservative estimate. This estimate is simply what the best available information shows. This is simply what can be proven at this time. Please see the author’s previous article "New Manhattan Chemtrail Project Biological Impacts."

Related: Sinister Sites: The Georgia Guidestones

John P. Holdren is the sitting Presidential science advisor. He is also a geoengineering advocate. He regurgitates the same talking points that the geoengineers do. Without admitting that solar radiation management geoengineering (chemtrails) is currently happening, he says that it might be a good thing to do because global warming is such a big problem. He, of course, couches this assertion in all sorts of disclaimers just like the geoengineers do.

But the fact remains that, under certain circumstances, he recommends it. There are many reports of Mr. Holdren’s position available online.

John Holdren is also a population reduction advocate. In fact, he is possibly the most prominent population reduction advocate. Back in 1977, Holdren co-authored a book called Ecoscience. In this book, he and his co-authors advocate for population reduction; a.k.a. mass murder. Holdren and his cohorts call for forced abortions, mass sterilizations, and a United Nations “Planetary Regime” with the power of life and death over American citizens.

William Gates III, the co-founder of Microsoft, is another geoengineering advocate of the highest profile also advocating for population reduction.

Bill Gates funds geoengineering. On Stanford University’s website, it says that Bill Gates funds solar radiation management geoengineering research through something called the Fund for Innovative Climate and Energy Research (FICER).

His geoengineering advocacy is further detailed in a 2012 Guardian article.

Like John Holdren, Bill Gates also advocates for population reduction. He has stated this position many times in many venues such as on CNN and during a TED talk. He says vaccines and other so-called “health care services” such as those embodied in Obamacare can help in this area. For confirmation, go to YouTube and search “Bill Gates population reduction.”

His father was the head of Planned Parenthood; an organization that has been reducing the population quite effectively for many years now.

Now that Mr. Gates has conquered the world of business, he has apparently become a “philanthropist.” He wants to help all right. He wants to help us into our graves.

Bill Gates isn’t the only top-level crony capitalist calling for population reduction. He’s got plenty of company. Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh, leader of the World Wildlife Fund said, “If I were reincarnated I would wish to be returned to earth as a killer virus to lower human population levels.”

Ted Turner, the founder of CNN said, “A total population of 250-300 million people, a 95% decline from present levels, would be ideal.” There are many other examples.

Depopulation is a theme common among the socio-economic elite and their brainwashed sycophants. What most of these people fail to understand is that the problem is not overpopulation. The problem is the establishment’s extremely poor management. It is a known fact that better education results in fewer births and smaller family sizes while they promote dumbed-down garbage like Common Core.

Clean, free energy technologies have been brutally suppressed for over 100 years in favor of their pollution-spewing multinational oil and gas conglomerates while they tell us we have to give up our quality of life because of pollution and the supposedly resultant Global Warming. Many other examples of the establishment’s extreme mismanagement abound. Another book could be written.

The Georgia Guidestones is a massive monument located in Elbert County, Georgia. Consisting of 5 granite slabs (plus a capstone) over 19 feet high and weighing over 21 tons each, the same message to Humanity is carved in 8 different languages. Along with some other rubbish, the stones read, “MAINTAIN HUMANITY UNDER 500,000,000 IN PERPETUAL BALANCE WITH NATURE.”

The current population of the Earth is over 7,000,000,000. Maybe if the makers of the Georgia Guidestones do a really good job with vaccines and other “health care services” like Bill Gates suggests, they can kill 6.5 billion people.

Be Sure to Check Out the Following:

What Dark Secrets Are The Georgia Guide Stones Hiding From Humanity

Secret Identity of Georgia Guide Stone’s Founder Revealed

As shown in the above information, geoengineering is apparently not the only way the establishment is going about mass murdering us. But it sure is an effective one. In fact, short of thermonuclear war, the most effective way to mass murder a population is to spray megatons of toxic garbage all over them and their land. This is what the geoengineers are doing, and probably a lot more.

Peter A. Kirby is a San Rafael, CA researcher, writer, and activist. Check out his ebook Chemtrails Exposed: A New Manhattan Project.


The Body Electric: Electromagnetism and the Foundation of Life a book by Robert Becker and Gary Selden, published by William Morrow, 1998 Bioelectromagnetic Healing: A Rationale for its Use a book by Thomas Valone, published by Integrity Research Institution, 2000

“Bioeffects of Selected Non-lethal Weapons” an addendum to “Nonlethal Technologies – Worldwide” (NGIC-1147-101-98) by the Department of Defense

Mega Brain: New Tools and Techniques for Brain Growth and Mind Expansion a book by Michael Hutchison, self-published, 2013 Angels Don’t Play this HAARP: Advances in Tesla Technology a book by Dr. Nick Begich and Jeane Manning, published by Earthpulse Press, 1995

“Extremely Low Frequency Transmitter Site Clam Lake, Wisconsin” a report by the United States Navy, 2001

“Sending Signals to Submarines” an article by David Llanwyn Jones, published in New Scientist, July 4, 1985

“Signaling Subs” an article by T.A. Heppenheimer, published in Popular Science, April, 1987

“Research in Electrical Phenomena Associated with Aerosols” a report by Bernard Vonnegut, Arnold W. Doyle, and D. Read Moffett, produced and published by Arthur D. Little, Inc., 1961

“How to Wreck the Environment” a paper by Gordon J. F. MacDonald as it appeared in Unless Peace Comes: A Scientific Forecast of New Weapons a book edited by Nigel Calder, published by The Viking Press, 1968

“Mood Modification with ELF Magnetic Fields” a paper by Robert C. Beck, published in Archaeus, 1986

“The Electromagnetic Spectrum in Low-Intensity Conflict” a paper by Captain Paul E. Tyler as it appeared in “Low-Intensity Conflict and Modern Technology” a book edited by Lt. Col. David J. Dean, USAF, Published by the Air University Press, Center for Aerospace Doctrine, Research, and Education, Maxwell Air Force Base, Alabama, 1986

“Final Report on Biotechnology Research Requirements for Aeronautical Systems Through the Year 2000” a report by the Southwest Research Institute, published by the Southwest Research Institute, 1982

“On the Possibility of Directly Accessing Every Human Brain by Electromagnetic Induction of Fundamental Algorithms” a paper by Professor Michael A. Persinger, published in Perceptual and Motor Skills, June 1995

Mind Wars a book by Michael A. Aquino, Ph.D., self published, 2013

“Michael A. Aquino Vitae,” 2015

Extreme Prejudice: The Presidio ‘Satanic Abuse’ Scam a book by Michael A. Aquino, self published, 2014 Microwave Auditory Effects and Applications a book by James C. Lin, Ph.D., published by Charles C. Thomas, 1978

U.S. patent #4,877,027 “Hearing System” by Wayne B. Brunkan, 1989

“Auditory Response to Pulsed Radiofrequency Energy” a paper by J.A. Elder and C.K. Chou, published by Bioelectromagnetics, 2003

“Transmission of Microwave-Induced Intracranial Sound to the Inner Ear Is Most Likely Through Cranial Aqueducts” a paper by Ronald L. Seaman

Tesla Man Out of Time a book by Margaret Cheney, published by Simon & Schuster, 1981 Planet Earth: The Latest Weapon of War a book by Rosalie Bertell, published by Black Rose Books, 2001

“Lightning to the Ionosphere?” an article by Otha H. Vaughn, Jr. and Bernard Vonnegut, published by Weatherwise, 1982

“Weather as a Force Multiplier: Owning the Weather in 2025” by Col. Tamzy J. House, Lt. Col. James B. Near, Jr., LTC William B. Shields (USA), Maj. Ronald J. Celentano, Maj. David M. Husband, Maj. Ann E. Mercer and Maj. James E. Pugh, published by the United States Air Force, 1996

“Space Operations: Through the Looking Glass (Global Area Strike System)” a paper by Lt Col Jamie G.G. Varni, Mr. Gregory M. Powers, Maj Dan S. Crawford, Maj Craig E. Jordan, and Maj Douglas L. Kendall, published by the United States Air Force, 1996

Where Did the Towers Go? Evidence of Directed Free-energy Technology on 9/11a book by Judy Wood, published by The New Investigation, 2010

U.S. patent #7,582,809 “Sorghum Aluminum Tolerance Gene, SBMATE” by Leon Kochian, Jiping Liu, Jurandir Vieira de Magalhaes, Claudia Teixeira Guimaraes, Robert Eugene Schaffert, Vera Maria Carvalho Alves, and Patricia Klein

The World According to Monsanto: Pollution, Corruption, and the Control of the World’s Food Supply a book by Marie-Monique Robin, published by The New Press, 2010

“Weather Modification Programs, Problems, Policy, and Potential” a report by the Congressional Research Service, published by the University Press of the Pacific, 2004, reprinted from the 1978 edition

Interdepartmental Committee for Atmospheric Sciences reports 1960-1978, published by the Federal Council for Science and Technology

Clouds of Secrecy a book by Dr. Leonard A. Cole, published by Rowman & Littlefield, 1988 In the Name of Science a book by Andrew Goliszek, published by St. Martin’s Press, 2003 Chemtrails Confirmed a book by William Thomas, published by Bridger House Publishers, 2004

“Weather as a Force Multiplier: Owning the Weather in 2025” by Col. Tamzy J. House, Lt. Col. James B. Near, Jr., LTC William B. Shields (USA), Maj. Ronald J. Celentano, Maj. David M. Husband, Maj. Ann E. Mercer and Maj. James E. Pugh, published by the United States Air Force, 1996

“The Environmental Applications of Wireless Sensor Networks” a paper by Ima Ituen and Guno Sohn

“Global Environmental MEMS Sensors (GEMS): A Revolutionary Observing System for the 21st Century” a report by John Manobianco, PhD, prepared for NASA Institute for Advanced Concepts, published by ENSCO, Inc., 2002

“Electro-optically Tunable Microring Resonators in Lithium Niobate” a paper by Andrea Guarino, Gorazd Poberaj, Daniele Rezzonico, Riccardo Degl’Innocenti, and Peter Gunter of the Nonlinear Optics Laboratory, Institute of Quantum Electronics, Zurich, Switzerland, published by Nature, July, 2007

Ecoscience a book by Paul R. Ehrlich, Anne H. Ehrlich, and John P. Holdren, published by W.H. Freeman, 1977 The Georgia Guidestones a book by Bill Bridges, published by Elberton Granite Finishing, 1981

Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi

Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi

Chemtrail Flu: Have You Got It Yet?
June 1 2016 | From: HealthFreedoms

You’re sick. Your nose is stuffy. Your body aches, You’re sweaty, coughing, sneezing and you don’t have enough energy to get out of bed.

It’s not the flu according to Dr. Len Horowitz. His opinion is not based on conspiracy theory but on conspiracy fact. Over the past 10 years, Horowitz has become America’s most controversial medical authority. A university-trained medical researcher, Horowitz, 48, charges that elements of the United States government are conspiring with major pharmaceutical companies to make large segments of the population sick.

Related: Iodine - Suppressed Knowledge That Can Change Your Life

The mainstream media is reporting that hospital emergency rooms are jammed with patients suffering from a bizarre upper respiratory infection that doesn’t quite seem like a virus. They are reporting that it’s a “mystery” flu and that the flu vaccines are ineffective against it.

“That’s all hogwash, bogus nonsense”, says Dr. Leonard Horowitz. "The fact of the matter is, we have seen this type of an epidemic since the end of 1998 and the beginning of 1999. People have been hacking and coughing with this bizarre illness that does not seem to follow any logical viral or bacterial onset and transition period.

If it was a really bacterial or a viral infection, it would have caused a fever but it didn’t  It lasts for weeks, if not months. Sinus congestion, sinus drainage, cough, fatigue, general malaise. People have been feeling “off”

The Armed Forces Research Institute of Pathology has registered a patent for the pathogenic micoplasma that is causing the epidemic. You can see the patent report in the book, Healing Codes for the Biblical Apocalypse.

Micoplasma is not really a fungus, it’s not really a bacteria, it’s not really a virus. It has no cell wall. It goes deep into the cell nuclei thereby making it very difficult to mount an immune response against it. It’s a man-made biological weapon.The patent report explains how it causes chronic upper respiratory infections that are virtually identical to what’s going on right now."

Chemtrails Destroy Your Immune Function

“I believe the chemtrails are responsible for a chemical intoxication of the public, which would then cause a general immune suppression, low grade to high grade, depending on exposure. The immune dysfunction allows people to become susceptible to opportunistic infections, such as this micoplasma and other opportunistic infections”, says Dr. Horowitz.

“I first began to investigate chemtrails when some were sprayed over my home in Northern Idaho. I took pictures of them, and then contacted the Environmental Protection Agency of the state who were clueless and referred me to the Air Force.

They got me in touch with Centers for Disease Control Toxicology, and after about a week I received a letter from one of their chief toxicologists saying, indeed there was some amount of ethylene dibromide in the jet fuel.

Ethylene dibromide is a known human chemical carcinogen that was removed from unleaded gasoline because of its cancer-causing effects. Now suddenly it has appeared in the jet fuel that high-altitude military aircraft are emitting!”

Ethylene dibromide is coming out of the jet fuels that is causing immune suppression and weakening people’s immune system. Then you’ve got a micoplasma microbe or a fungus that causes an upper respiratory illness. Suddenly you develop a secondary bacterial infection.

Now you get hit with ANTIBIOTICS, and the antibiotics cause your body chemistry to go acidic, so now you get rashes and other things, your liver gets full of toxins and comes out through your skin in rashes and they get hyperallergenic reactions associated with the other chemicals.

Related: Chemtrails, Geoengineering, Weather Modification & Weather Warfare

I’ve got colleagues in the Bahamas, Bermuda, Toronto, British Columbia all reporting the same bizarre seeding of the atmosphere. What is going on is just despicable. All of a sudden now you’ve got human beings completely out of balance and infected by two, three or four microbial co-factors as well as intoxicated by a variety of different chemicals… and you’ve got somebody who’s going to be chronically ill.

The Black Budget

"The Frank Church Congressional Hearings of 1975 exposed the Central Intelligence Agency biological weapons contracting firms – Litton Bionetics and the Army Corp of Engineers who were developing and utilizing various biological weapons on populations. And this is all done under black operations, covert operations, where they get funding and congressional people are never informed really where this money is going. It’s the black budget”, says Horowitz.

“And in the contemporary warfare arena, where experts in biological chemical warfare convene and discuss the ways that are ideal to conduct warfare today, to really take an enemy out, you don’t want to kill the people. You want to produce people who are chronically illand become dependant on the state and totally sap the resources of the country.

And then you can move in with your military-medical-industrial complex and your international medical-pharmaceutical cartel. Then you sell these defeated countries all of the pharmaceuticals and chemicals that they need to maintain any semblance of healthy function.

They’re completely depleted. They can’t put together a military. You create a dependence and thereby you weaken the population, and weakened populations are easy to control.

So you’ve got population control, and you make vast fortunes doing it, versus just blowing up a nuclear weapon and devastating the infrastructure that you own. You and your colleagues own that infrastructure.

You want to get rid of the people. You don’t want to get rid of infrastructure”


Who's Responsible?

"What I’m relating to you now is not speculation. If you were to read the top experts analysis of military warfare, including The Report From Iron Mountain – the Rockefeller family is one of the major players in this conspiracy. They are one of the major players in world genocide, world population reduction. That’s no mystery anymore."

"When you examine who owns the chemtrail fuel, who are the fuel company directors, suddenly you enter into the realm of the Rockefeller family and the royal families – Standard Oil and British Petroleum. And what are their other agendas?

Suddenly now you see their documents, showing that they have funded, historically, eugenics, racial hygiene, genocide, depopulation, family planning, maternal and child health – where they make and deliver vaccines, and contaminated blood supplies.

These are the banksters, the same people who run the blood banking as well as the money banking industries”,
says Dr. Horowitz.

“I reference a great book by Dr. John Coleman, who worked as a British Secret Service agent at the highest levels. And he articulated very clearly who was running those companies. It all goes back, ultimately, to the highest level of the royal family. The Bush family, Rothschild family, the Rockefeller money, and the entire Rockefeller establishment is based on Rothschild money and royal families.

If you can’t explain it rationally or any other way, I think you’ve got to begin to consider conspiracy theories and eliminate the negative label that you’ve placed on conspiracy theories which have been demonized along with wholistic medicine.”

America's Fourth Reich

The ruling crime families are making vast fortunes off of humanity’s suffering. The Rockefellers monopolized American medicine in the 1920s. They, along with I.G. Farben, Germany’s leading industrial organization, held the monopoly on the world’s chemical and pharmaceutical industries.

The Rockefellers and I.G. Farben worked together before World War II and during World War II. For all practical purposes, the Rockefellers and I.G. Farben were the Third Reich.

Who else is involved? The Merck Pharmaceutical Company. Their president, George W. Merck, was America’s biological weapons industry director during World War II. He was personally appointed by President Roosevelt and Secretary of War Stimson.

The Nazis planned for the New World Order. They even had a term for it – “neue Ordnung,” which means New Order, New World Order. This today, this New World Order, is the rise of the Fourth Reich. This is precisely what they envisioned and then carried out on a global scale. The goal of the Fourth Reich is population control and genocide.

99.99 percent of Masons have no clue what they’re really up to at the highest levels. they give you increased knowledge at every higher degree of Freemasonry. When you get beyond the 33rd degree, you get the highest indoctrination into what’s called the Ancient Arcana, the ancient sacred knowledge described in the book Healing Codes of the Biblical Apocalypse. That’s where the devil-doers who are running this planet are nesting.

How does a person become that high in the Masonic organization? Through bloodlines. You’ve got to be major royalty, major royalty, ideally a descendent or you’ve got to be somebody who is very close to the royalty, the major bloodlines.

Who Are They Targeting?

Who are they targeting for genocide? If there’s an attempt underway to reduce the population of the planet, why isn’t it happening?

Look at countries like those in Africa, Third World nations that have been heavily targeted with HIV/AIDS. And consider that 73 percent of HIV/AIDS patients in America today are Black or Hispanic. Statistically, 55 percent of gay men in America are already dead. Are you seeing depopulation specifically targeting minority groups now? Of course. It’s happening right now.

Related: Eugenics: Population "Control", New World Order Style

They don’t want to totally eliminate populations completely, just certain populations. And isn’t it, from their perspective, wonderful? They’ve got a covert depopulation agenda that nobody’s picked up on yet. It’s ideally what they want to produce.

It’s not just about the money. I think there’s a Satanic or evil ideology, because Nixon himself said, referring to the Rockefellers, – it’s not about money for these people, it’s about power.

The Monopoly Game

At the end of the Monopoly game, what do you do? One person wins, they own all of the real estate, they own all of the assets, they’ve wiped all the other players out and the game is over. You can out the game away in your closet. But you don’t do that on planet earth.

The person who wins at the end of this World Monopoly Game gets to rearrange the board. And that’s precisely what we’ve seen in the last year. You’ve seen not the biggest fish eating the biggest fish in international commerce, you have seen the mega-whales eating the mega-whales in these mega-mergers.

All these little companies that are producing your vitamins are a subsidiary of a major conglomerate. Today a Warner Lambert or Glaxo Wellcom, all of these huge, huge corporations own all the little fish. They buy them out. So, again, now the game board gets to be changed if they desire, and apparently that’s what they desire. That’s their agenda, you can see it.

At the Denver Airport, there’s a capstone, in the main terminal building dedicated to the New World Airport Commission by the Freemasons. And there’s a big colorful mural – that is dedicated to the extinct human species. And in the foreground, against the horrific backdrop of flames and destruction, there are three open coffins.

Build Up Your Immune System

Step 1: Detoxification.

Because we’ve all been fed Babylon’s harvest and eaten the toxic garbage that comes from Monsanto, Dow Chemical and Archer Daniel and all their genetically engineered foods and the chemicals and the fluorides and the chlorine’s  we need to detox. An easy detoxification program using fresh squeezed lemonade that you make with maple syrup and fresh squeezed lemons and cayenne pepper.

Step 2: Deacidification

To change your body’s chemistry, make it more alkaline. It’s only in the acid state that the growth of bacteria, viruses, fungus, molds, and cancer, cancer cells thrive. They cannot grow in an alkaline environment. What causes your body chemistry to go acidic and become a breeding ground for the bacterial and infectious agents? Caffeine, nicotine, sugar, refined carbohydrates, alcohol, pharmaceuticals including antibiotics, red meats, stress – are the main causes. Eliminate or reduce them as much as possible.

Squeeze lemon juice into water. Lemon has a lot of calcium in it and it turns to calcium hydroxide in drinking water. That’s alkalising. It raises the PH of that water from about 7 to about 8. Hot cayenne pepper is one of the most alkalising agents you can put in your body. It detoxifies and deacidifies all in one step.

Step 3: Oxygenation

The Rockefeller-directed international banksters, blood banksters and medical monopolists have been busy suppressing your immune system. You want to raise your blood oxygen levels

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Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi
The Global Warming Scam, Paris Climate Agreement And NWO Global Rule
May 1 2016 | From: Sott

"Global warming is the biggest scam in history. I am amazed, appalled and highly offended by it." - Longtime meteorologist and Weather Channel founder John Coleman

With last Friday's Earth Day marked by the US among 170 nations out of the planet's 190 nations signing last December's UN Paris climate change agreement at the United Nations, the topic "global warming/climate change" is once again all abuzz these days.

Related: The Climate Change Scam

Additionally, in less than a week a documentary entitled "The Climate Hustle" is being released in movie theaters nationwide on May 2nd debunking the notion that humans have caused global warming from the alleged increased CO2 greenhouse effect.

This new film arrives as the answered rebuttal exactly a decade after ex-VP Al Gore's Oscar winning "Inconvenient Truth" pushed the global warming agenda to unprecedented heights.

Gore was rewarded with a Nobel Peace Prize for his propagandist sci-fi movie. Recall his "true planetary emergency" calling for "drastic measures" to reduce the greenhouse gases before "reaching the point of no return" within ten years.

Well, his ten years have come and gone and for all his over-predicting of end-of-the-world crises due to global warming, Gore and his alarmist minions have virtually no evidence of any warming to show for all their doom and gloom catastrophic warnings.

Comment: Unfortunately, the film Climate Hustle is less than objective about global cooling - a process that few seem to be addressing.

That said, the global warming industry stakes are now worth an annual $1.5 trillion. Yet despite the global elites adapting a climate change agreement, a vast array of critics are blasting their Paris climate accord as merely a $100 billion boondoggle lacking any specific strategies or methods for reducing CO2 levels nor any mandated authority to enforce recommendations hinging on voluntary participation from all nations. Even the father of the global warming movement former NASA climatologist and green activist James Hanson trashes the Paris agreement:

“It's just bullshit for them to say 'we'll have a 2 C. warming target and then try to do a little better every five years.' It's worthless words. There is no actions, just promises. As long as fossil fuels appear to be the cheapest fuels out there, they will be continued to be burned."

The earth's global warming that Al Gore and his movement attribute to humans burning fossil fuels over the last century has absolutely nothing to do with the global warming presently being observed on every planet in our solar system. Scientists are blaming it on solar warming and the sun's electromagnetic field is becoming more intense.

The fact that solar warming is heating up all the planets strongly suggests that global warming on our planet is not being caused by human activity at all.

Few skeptical scientists on global warming deny that human-generated CO2 does not warm the planet. But the amount of heating caused by CO2 and other greenhouse gases has never been scientifically determined and is believed to be miniscule. In contrast, in recent years virtually all of Al Gore's contentions have been refuted and debunked by actual science.

Bill Clinton's Vice President while campaigning for president claimed that he "created the internet" and of course we all know he conveniently stretched the truth on that one. As a lifelong politician raised by another lifelong politician father, his trademark is bending the truth any time he feels the need to impress his audience.

Though Al Gore likes to pass himself off as an altruist out to save the world, as a partner in Kleiner Perkins, a venture capital firm that invested a billion dollars in 40 different companies, Gore and his partners stand to hugely profit from cap and trade laws that would make him the first carbon billionaire.

Back in 2008 Al Gore made the bold prediction that all the ice in the Arctic Sea would be completely melted by 2013-2015. It clearly hasn't. The polar icecap has actually grown thicker in 2015 than it was in 2008. Meanwhile, the climate and ice pack on Antarctica is consistently growing thicker and colder at record levels.

These polar discrepancies stand in direct contradiction to the global warming alarmist's original statements as literally the tip of the iceberg when it comes to how Gore's dire warnings never quite materialize. Hence, in recent years Gore's political camp quietly and seamlessly renamed their all-important cause from global warming which was disproven to a more benign, less disprovable assertion called climate change.

One of Gore's "facts" that acts as his basic premise behind his entire theory is the notion that rising CO2 levels cause global warming. This is not true. What scientists do know is for millions of years the earth has taken turns cyclically shifting back and forth between relative short warming periods compared to longer cooling periods.

During the last 800 years of a typical 5,000 year ice age, it's been determined that temperatures rose before CO2 levels did. This lagging anomaly is a scientific fact that disproves climate change contenders' central tenet that increasing CO2 levels always cause higher temps.

Many scientists maintain that increasing CO2 levels only help to stimulate plant growth since the plant kingdom's fuel is carbon dioxide.

The clichéd quote so often heard by the alarmists claiming a consensus of 97% of all climate scientists maintain that manmade CO2 levels are causing global warming has also been proven wrong. A closer examination has demonstrated that an extremely minute number of research studies wholeheartedly embrace global warming as fact and that the zealot counting the supposed 12,000 abstracts subjectively misclassified the vast majority as being pro-global warming, in fact doctoring the results.

On the other hand, 31,487 scientists(over 9,000 with PhD's) signed a petition confirming that they do not believe that anthropomorphic (human causing) generated CO2 is a valid concern causing any global warming danger. Yet the lies spewing forth from politicized pseudo-science dogma passed all around the world by MSM presstitutes will never admit it.

“Isn't the only hope for the planet that the industrialized civilizations collapse? Isn't it our responsibility to bring that about?"

Now you can see how the recent globalist manufactured migration crisis and the Paris climate accord committing $100 billion to "fighting CO2" fits right in with Strong's mission with billions in carbon tax used to codify world governance laws.

In 1993 an even more glaring admission to misuse global warming to further advance the New World Order agenda was explicitly declared by the Club of Rome, an elitist think tank comprised of scientists, economists, business and political leaders that often serve as UN consultants of which Maurice Strong himself was a onetime member:

“In searching for a new enemy to unite us, we came up with the idea that pollution, the threat of global warming, water shortages, famine and the like would fit the bill....

All these dangers are caused by human intervention...

and thus the real enemy, then, is humanity itself...

believe humanity requires a common motivation, namely a common adversary in order to realize world government. It does not matter if this common enemy is a real one or... one invented for the purpose."

Thus the UN's Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) was born, opportunistically latching onto the highly bogus 1998 MBH98 study that included grossly flawed methodology as its smoking gun "proving" global warming with the infamous "hockey stick" CO2 spike pattern used by Al Gore in his acclaimed disinfo propaganda flick.

Later researchers debunked the MBH98 findings identifying errors that when corrected to include missing 15th century data showed even higher temperatures than today minus of course any manmade cause back then, thus shattering the myth of human carbon dioxide emissions causing a warmer earth.

Additionally, for two straight decades now, satellite derived data records show no statistically significant global warming trend at all.

Even surface readings over the last decade have failed to deliver the bad news globalists like Gore were literally banking on.

So by default, let's call it climate change and keep hammering away with more lies until they become accepted science dogma.

The often heard climate change narrative readily cites increasing number of hurricanes and tornadoes as the sought after proof that climate change is real. Yet once again reality fails to back up the claims. For the fourth year in a row tornadoes fell under the average with 2015 one of the lowest years on record.

And regarding killer hurricanes, the US is in the longest drought in its recorded history since records began in 1851. The last category 3 hurricane was Wilma that struck Florida over a decade ago. Furthermore, a University of Colorado study released results last year stressing the need for caution in interpreting extreme weather, warning not to succumb to an obvious temptation to attribute every extreme weather event to global warming.

The study concluded that no statistical evidence supports a rise in extreme weather caused directly by global warming or climate change.

In the case of the spike in major earthquakesand active volcanoes (40 now) this year, solar activity, 11-year sun cycles and increased risk of comets and asteroids heading towards the earth are more commonly linked as a potential causal explanation than climate change or global warming.

The presence of profound earth changes appear to be occurring on a global scale, but again these changes may well be part of a larger stellar phenomenon unfolding within our solar system and not due at all to anthropomorphic CO2 levels.

Still another controversial and rarely if ever mentioned factor that is impacting climate and weather events is the widespread geoengineering "chemtrails" that have for decades now been artificially blanketing and poisoning the skies and life on the ground. Chemtrails are likely causing the drought in California.

Spraying chemicals has become so pronounced in recent years throughout North America and Europe that in places it has seemingly permanently altered the skyline coloring it a dull whitish grey. A number of heavy toxic metals falling to the ground have been detected including aluminum, barium, strontium, sulfur, all are harmful to human health far more than CO2 emissions.

Yet their destruction and increasingly health hazard to animals, humans as well as vegetation (especially scorched trees) intentionally at hidden taxpayer expense is covertly been perpetrated by US and other Western governments.

For an alternative and in-depth discussion of chemtrails, see these articles:

Chemtrails? Contrails? Strange Skies

Cosmic COINTELPRO: Baiting chemtrails conspiracy theorists with straw men

Temperatures measured at both ground level and lower atmospheric levels are affected by a myriad of factors. Yet the UN agreement and the widespread political dogma masquerading as science that climate change/global warming is indisputably caused by the rise in manmade CO2 levels blindly denies all the other scientifically known factors that influence the planet's temperatures rendering them all inconsequential.

This is totally misleading and downright false. Prevailing global winds, cloud cover, orbital earth changes in tilting of axis, ocean cycles that include growth of microscopic creatures, water vapor, methane gas, volcanic activity, the solar system and the sun all are scientifically-established co-determinants in varying global temps and climate change. It's an extremely complex interplay of dozens of co-occurring variables that cause climate.

Over simplistic analyses based on computer model algorithms insisting that man's CO2 gases are heating up the planet has been coalesced and co-opted into a unifying political agenda pushed by
environmental extremism, the Democratic Party and ultimately globalism and its world governance to use global warming as its prime mover and shaker to bring about the long plotted one world government tyranny.

The bottom line reality to virtually everything today is driven by money, power and control. The climate change issue is no different as it has been politicized to where scientific research funding is predicated on only one thing, producing results that the government desires and demands... be it in the US or research sponsored by the UN's IPCC.

Thus, only researchers that produce the numbers supporting the contention that CO2 is causing rising temps get funded. Honest researching scientists who dare investigate the inconvenient truth simply don't get financed. And only the pro-global warming scientists are given a credible voice to disseminate their findings through respected journals and mainstream media outlets.

Like 9/11 truth-ers and vaccine non-believers, dissenting scientists not bought and paid for by big oil or big government, are typically denigrated and dismissed as fringe conspiracy nuts and crackpots. A global warming skeptic is subject to ridicule, career and reputation assault and harassment threatened with RICO litigation.

In other words, science just like mainstream media has become so polluted and prostituted by today's rampant corruption that it no longer is guided by legitimate scientific inquiry and ethically driven investigation for empirical truth... much like Monsanto and Big Pharma control the FDA and EPA to approve harmful drugs without adequate research trials and/or look the other way with egregious earth degradation and pollution.

But then this is the regressive, Orwellian dark age we're now living in when dissenting free speech has systematically become criminalized, when our soldiers sent by our government into harm's way putting their lives on the line come home only to be targeted as the feds' number one enemy - even more so than the ISIS terrorists the treasonous neocons secretly created and continue supporting, and the mob rule mentality of political correctness that now both trumps and tramples on the constitutional First Amendment.

Free intellectual discourse on college campuses has been militantly usurped by angry PC police Nazis acting blindly on emotion to demonize and silence those who dare disagree. If anyone on the planet's feelings are hurt, PC laws prohibiting free speech are being busily erected to put people exercising their criminalized free speech in jail, be they critics of Islam or so called climate change "deniers."

The crime cabal government is now an oligarchic fascist totalitarian police state ushering in yet another reign of terror era where truth itself becomes deep state's enemy. The elite's covert agenda to misuse and debase the educational system and mass media through pervasive social engineering and mind control designed to diabolically dumb down and brainwash multiple generations into robotically operating completely devoid of any capacity for critical thinking and reasoning, absolutely clueless in discerning truth from 24/7 lies, disinformation and propaganda has been a resounding success.

That said, more citizens of the world every single day are ultimately realizing that their own government as the elite's authoritarian thugs is their true enemy merely carrying out eugenics marching orders amounting to human genocide.

Like the sacrificial lambs of the 3,000 Americans murdered by the ruling elite on 9/11, we are all targets for extermination, all but a half billion slaves left alive to service the psychopaths in charge.

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Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi
New Zealand Zapped On NASA’s EOSDIS Worldview
April 30 2016 | From: MetaphysicalMusing

South (east) of New Zealand close to Antarctica: Notice the microwaved ‘ripples’ and the striated ridge-like lines, some crisscrossed, plus milky chemtrailing. April 25, 2016

My friend in New Zealand is still reluctant to accept that New Zealand is being horrifically sprayed with the toxic chemicals, aluminum, barium, etc., and radio frequency rf/microwaved zapped by transmitters like HAARP, etc.

Related: Chemtrails & Geo-Enginneering

He can’t accept that New Zealand is vulnerable to planetary collapse, even though he knows their Prime Minister John Key was head of the global foreign exchange (currencies) at Merrill Lynch in London – and obviously a New World Order puppet.

Thus I have encouraged him to investigate the evidence at NASA’s EOSDIS Worldview. I include a few screen shots I recently made of New Zealand and south towards Antarctica. Be sure and adjust for the correct the date at the bottom.

See: NASAworldview

The image above is of radio frequency / microwave ripples on the South Island / below same around Mt. Egmont or Mount Taranaki on the North Island, New Zealand – April 26, 2016

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Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi
Geo-Engineering Now Confirmed To Be Very Real, And It's Definitely Not Good For The Environment
April 12 2016 | From: NaturalNews

If you mention geoengineering to people you know, you're liable to either get a blank stare or an eye roll.

To most, the term is foreign, but to some who have heard about the concept as a "conspiracy theory to control the weather," they'll dismiss you as a loon.

Related: Chemtrails, Geoengineering, Weather Modification & Weather Warfare

But the fact is, their denial makes them look foolish, since not only is geoengineering very real, but it's been looked at as a way to control weather and climate for decades.

In fact, as reported by The Daily Sheeple, President John F. Kennedy proposed creating the technology to control the weather back in 1961;

"We shall propose further cooperative efforts between all nations in weather prediction and eventually in weather control,"
he said in a speech to the United Nations General Assembly on Sept. 25 of that year.

Control Remains in the Conversation About Weather, Climate

In the 1990s there was a renewed effort by the U.S. government and, in particular, the Pentagon, to devise technology that would enable the military to use weather control as a weapon in certain theaters of operation.

An August 1996 research paper [PDF] presented to the Air Force's "Air Force 2025" project and titled, "Weather as a Force Multiplier: Owning the Weather in 2025," noted in the executive summary:

"In 2025, US aerospace forces can 'own the weather' by capitalizing on emerging technologies and focusing development of those technologies to war-fighting applications. Such a capability offers the war fighter tools to shape the battlespace in ways never before possible.

It provides opportunities to impact operations across the full spectrum of conflict and is pertinent to all possible futures. The purpose of this paper is to outline a strategy for the use of a future weather-modification system to achieve military objectives rather than to provide a detailed technical road map.

A high-risk, high-reward endeavor, weather-modification offers a dilemma not unlike the splitting of the atom. While some segments of society will always be reluctant to examine controversial issues such as weather-modification, the tremendous military capabilities that could result from this field are ignored at our own peril.

From enhancing friendly operations or disrupting those of the enemy via small-scale tailoring of natural weather patterns to complete dominance of global communications and counterspace control, weather-modification offers the war fighter a wide-range of possible options to defeat or coerce an adversary."

The paper also added that, at some point, "weather-modification will likely become a part of national security policy with both domestic and international applications."

And remember, that was 20 years ago. Today, geoengineering remains a thing, and – as documented at GeoEngineeringWatch.org – is damaging our planet.

Today, as reported by the Christian Science Monitor, interest in geoengineering continues. Scientists say that one way to combat climate change is through geoengineering, or "reshaping the planet in a substantial way," the news site reported.

But should we even want that? After all, who decides what the benefits would be, and could we even trust that the effort wouldn't backfire, thereby substantially polluting or otherwise harming the planet?

CSM further notes, for instance:

"Geoengineering typically refers to mitigating global climate change either by removing carbon dioxide from the atmosphere or by preventing sunlight from warming the surface by reflecting it back into space."

Wait! Maybe Man is Causing Climate Change

Carbon dioxide, contrary to what the so-called "global warming hoaxers" would have you believe, is vital to sustaining life on our planet.

Think about it – if CO2 were really a poison, why does it help plants grow so much?

Why is it a key part of the fundamental equation of biology: sugar + oxygen = carbon dioxide + water + heat?

How is it that those in the environmental movement are ignorant of basic biology?

As the website PlantsNeedCO2.org states, the more CO2 around, the better plants grow:

“In Idso and Idso’s (1994) analysis of soil nutrient limitations, the percentage growth enhancement due to a 300-ppm rise in the air’s CO2 content actually did exhibit a slight (but statistically non-significant) decline, dropping from 51% to 45% when nutrients went from non-growth-limiting to limiting in a group of 70 experiments.

But when the atmospheric CO2 enrichment was 600 ppm, this slight negative trend reversed itself, going from a CO2-induced growth stimulation of 43% when nutrients were present in abundance to a 52% enhancement when their supply was sub-optimal.

And for a 1200-ppm increase in atmospheric CO2, the percentage growth enhancement jumped from 60% when the soil nutrient supply was adequate to 207% when it was less-than-adequate.”

Without it, every living thing dies. What happens of geoengineering removes too much carbon dioxide, so that trees don't have enough to convert into oxygen?

"Some argue we shouldn't even contemplate [geoengineering], as it's too dangerous to the planet,"
admits Dr. Karen Pinkus, incoming chair of the Faculty Advisory Board at the Atkinson Center for a Sustainable Future, at Cornell University, in an interview with the CSM.

But she goes on to say that it should be part of the conversation: "Climate change itself is the biggest geoengineering project ever undertaken, anyway, if you take 'mitigation' out of the definition."

If you take into consideration the length of time geoengineering and "weather control" have been discussed by our own government – probably in conjunction with other governments as well – then maybe Mankind is causing climate change after all, just not in the way we're being told.

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Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi

Pilots, Doctors, Scientists, Meteorologists & More Tell The Truth About Chemtrails
October 3 2014 | From: Youtube

Experts present revealing evidence of the dangerous effects of Geo-Engineering Chemtrails has had on nature and human health.

Scientists, doctors, pilots, meteorologists and more share their concerns with the Shasta County Board of Supervisors in a Hearing on Chemtrails and Geoengineering from July 15, 2014. See Youtube for further details.

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Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi

Geoengineering WON’T Stop Global Warming, Warns Study
June 9 2014 | From: DailyMail

Geoengineering WON’T stop global warming, warns study;

This is according to a Canadian-led report that looked at 100 climate studies
The authors found that some approaches are more promising than others
These included forest management and geological storage of CO2
Others are less appealing, such as filling oceans with iron to absorb CO2
It follows a similar report in February that found schemes to deliberately manipulate the Earth’s climate could prove useless, and at worst harmful
This report found that geoengineering techniques would be unable to prevent surface temperatures from rising more than 2°C (3.6°F) by 2100

From aerosols that spray salt into the air, to machines that suck carbon from the atmosphere, scientists are conjuring up an increasing array of geoengineering techniques to battle climate change.

But this type of ‘climate engineering’ – which involves manipulating the natural processes after emissions have been released – will ultimately fail to help the world reach its emissions targets.

This is according to a new report authored by U.S. and Canadian researchers at six universities that argue tinkering with climate change isn't a viable long-term solution to global warming.

From aerosols iron fertilisation of the sea (left) to cloud seeding and greening deserts (right), scientists are conjuring up an increasing array of geoengineering techniques to battle climate change. But this type of ‘climate engineering’ will ultimately fail to prevent global warming, according to a new report

The report looked at a range of possible climate-altering approaches and concluded there is no way around it; governments have to reduce the amount of carbon being released into the atmosphere.

‘Some climate engineering strategies look very cheap on paper,’ said Dr Jonn Axsen, lead author of the study at Simon Fraser University in British Columbia, Canada.

‘But when you consider other criteria, like ecological risk, public perceptions and the abilities of governments to control the technology, some options look very bad.’

Simon Fraser University professor Jonn Axsen has co-authored a new report on climate engineering to battle climate change. The report looked at a range of possible climate-altering approaches and concluded there is no way around it; governments have to reduce the amount of carbon being released into the atmosphere

The authors argue some approaches to climate engineering are more promising than others.

Strategies such as forest management and geological storage of carbon dioxide, for instance, may be useful if used alongside emission reduction.

Other climate engineering strategies are less appealing, such as fertilising the ocean with iron to absorb carbon dioxide or reducing global warming by injecting particles into the atmosphere to block sunlight.

‘Take the example of solar radiation management, which is the idea of putting aerosols into the stratosphere, kind of like what happens when a large volcano erupts,’ Dr Axsen said.

‘This is a surprisingly cheap way to reduce global temperatures, and we have the technology to do it. But our study asked other important questions.


Afforestation: This technique would irrigate deserts, such as those in Australia and North Africa, to plant millions of trees that could absorb carbon dioxide.

Drawback: This vegetation would also draw in sunlight that the deserts currently reflect back into space, and so contribute to global warming.

Artificial ocean upwelling: Engineers would use long pipes to pump cold, nutrient-rich water upward to cool ocean-surface waters.

Drawback: If this process ever stopped it could cause oceans to rebalance their heat levels and rapidly change the climate.

Ocean alkalinisation: This involves heaping lime into the ocean to chemically increase the absorption of carbon dioxide.

Drawback: Study suggests it will have of little use in reducing global temperatures.

Ocean iron fertilisation: The method involves dumping iron into the oceans to improve the growth of photosynthetic organisms that can absorb carbon dioxide.

Drawback: Study suggests it will have of little use in reducing global temperatures.

Solar radiation management: This would reduce the amount of sunlight Earth receives, by shooting reflective sulphate-based aerosols into the atmosphere.

Drawback: Carbon dioxide would still build up in the atmosphere.

‘What are the environmental risks? Will global citizens accept this? What country would manage this? Is that fair? Suddenly, this strategy does not look so attractive.’

The report was compiled over two years using research from more than 100 studies. It follows a similar report in February that found schemes to deliberately manipulate the Earth’s climate could prove useless, and at worst harmful.

Researchers at the Geomar Helmholtz Centre for Ocean Research in Germany used software to test the potential benefits and drawbacks of five different geoengineering technologies.

Their study suggests that even when several technologies are combined, geoengineering would be unable to prevent average surface temperatures from rising more than 2°C (3.6°F) above current temperatures by the year 2100.

‘The long-term consequences and side effects of these methods have not been adequately studied,’ said Dr David Keller from the Geomar Helmholtz Centre for Ocean Research in Kiel, Germany.

One strategy, known as afforestation, would irrigate deserts, such as those in Australia and North Africa, to plant millions of trees that could absorb carbon dioxide.

Artificial ocean upwelling is another method that would use long pipes to pump cold, nutrient-rich water upward to cool ocean-surface waters. But if this process ever stopped, the researchers note that it could cause oceans to rebalance their heat levels and rapidly change the climate

However, this vegetation would also draw in sunlight that the deserts currently reflect back into space, and so contribute to global warming.

Artificial ocean upwelling is another method that would use long pipes to pump cold, nutrient-rich water upward to cool ocean-surface waters.

But if this process ever stopped, the researchers note that it could cause oceans to rebalance their heat levels rapidly changing the climate.

Another approach, known as ocean alkalinisation, would heap lime into the ocean to chemically increase the absorption of carbon dioxide.

Similarly a technique known as ocean iron fertilisation would dump iron into the oceans to improve the growth of photosynthetic organisms that can absorb carbon dioxide.

A final method, known as solar radiation management, would reduce the amount of sunlight Earth receives, by shooting reflective sulphate-based aerosols into the atmosphere.

This would cool the planet by reducing sunlight, but carbon dioxide would still build up in the atmosphere.

But more worryingly, the study reports that each geoengineering technique can have potentially serious side effects.

For example, the fertilisation of the oceans allowed plankton to remove CO2 from the atmosphere, but also changed the

size of ocean oxygen minimum zones.

Individually, each strategy reduces global warming by less than eight per cent, assuming carbon dioxide emission levels
continue to remain at current levels.

One strategy, known as afforestation, would irrigate deserts, such as those in Australia and North Africa, to plant millions of trees that could absorb carbon dioxide

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Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi
Italian Senator Calls For Declassification Of Chemtrail Documents
April 18 2014 | From: Infowars

Have you noticed increased cases of Alzheimer’s and Autism? The CDC recently admitted that autism numbers have doubled in a decade and more than 5 million Americans have a form of dementia.

While there are multiple contributors to these phenomenon, including the increased use of pesticides and herbicides, the decline of real food, and the degradation of our environment as a whole, it is likely chemtrails play a significant part in the cognitive decline of our nation as well.

Our politicians, however, refuse to comment on the subject, with the exception of a rogue informant often put swiftly back into his place by mainstream media and their puppeteers. Now, an Italian senator is demanding that important state secrets be declassified so that the world can understand what is really happening in the sky above.

Senator Domenico Scilipoti is not a champion for every Italian, often accused of taking party sides wherever it will benefit him personally, but he is aiming to abolish the classification of documents regarding the death of Ilaria Alpi, an Italian journalist killed in 1994 after she discovered radioactive toxic waste was being shipped to Somalia. There is a free documentary people can watch here, but it is not allowed in the US. Quite some censorship. Why?

The Senator wants chemtrail or weaponized weather documents to be declassified as well. The reason? Because through Vittorio Prodi, the USA signed a bilateral agreement on climate research. In 2003, former Minister Martino authorized the USAF to fly over Italian airspace. The Senator of the ‘Forza Italia’ party is now hoping to expose State Secrecy on chemtrails – the same ones we are still denying exist.

Read the full story at: Infowars

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Rosalind Peterson Confirms Chemtrails / Geoengineering / SRM Are Very Real
March 23 2014

If you are still in doubt that the lines in the sky are contrails or that the milky haze which lingers all day is nothing to worry about, then you are very mistaken.

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Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi

HAARP - Chemtrails - How They are Change You - Bioengineering
January 11 2013

How They Are Changing you . . . Cells and DNA . . . Against your will . . . This explains clearly what they are doing.

Chemtrails and nanotechnology are changing the world in which we live (Bioengineering). They are changing your cells and DNA against your will -- dark change.

People will al become sterile and plants will not be able to reproduce - science will keep us alive and control us 100% (transhumanism) They will plunge our world into darkness.

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Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi
What Are Chemtrails And How Are They Harming Our Food And Water? + Nuclear Chemist Publishes Paper Detailing: “Aluminum Poisoning Of Humanity Via Geoengineering”
January 31 2017 | From: TheTruthAboutCancer / HumansAreFree

Just when you thought Monsanto was under wraps, you find out they’re up to something even more horrific. What’s even worse is that it all started a long time ago. Comment: This is fairly 101 but the content is very good, especially for newcomers...

In the late 1960s Monsanto supported the secret Muad’ Dib Geoengineering Lab to develop chemtrail technology; their crown jewel program to protect earth from global warming via weather control. Sounds so humanitarian, right? Wrong!

Related: U.S. Government Officially Calls For Research Into Geoengineering The Earth

Most folks discover the reality of chemtrails by initially reading about it online and then going outside, looking up into the sky, and noticing the crisscrossing streaks of white clouds trailing behind jet aircraft, stretching from horizon to horizon, eventually turning the sky into a murky haze. Chemtrails are like science fiction turned reality. I once thought they were harmless condensation trails in the sky, but after further investigation, not anymore!

In this article I’ll answer the question what are chemtrails? I’ll share the effects of chemtrails on your environment, food, water and their connection to cancer.

This information is meant to increase your awareness of the toxicity in our environment and encourage you to eliminate toxins that are within your control whenever and wherever you can.

What Are Chemtrails?

Chemtrails are geo-engineered aerosols that are loaded with toxic chemicals, including but not limited to: barium, strontium 90, aluminum, cadmium, zinc, viruses and “chaff.” Chaff looks like snow but it’s actually Mylar fibers (like in fiberglass) coated with aluminum, desiccated blood cells, plastic, and paper. 

Related: “Conspiracy Theorists” Are Vindicated: U.S. Senate Reports Chemtrails Are Real And Are Killing Us!

Polymer chemist Dr. R. Michael Castle has studied atmospheric polymers for years, and he has identified microscopic polymers comprised of genetically-engineered fungal forms mutated with viruses, which are now part of the air we breathe.

Chemtrails have nothing to do with the jet engine combustion process. They are often laid in a grid-like pattern by multiple planes (even drones) where they disperse slowly taking on the appearance of odd, at first narrow, but widening, smoky clouds until merging together to form, if sufficiently numerous, an aerosol bank that obscures the blue sky and gives the appearance of a dirty white overcast.

Unlike normal contrails which quickly dissipate, chemtrails (fake clouds as my children call them) sometimes take hours to dissipate and eventually fan out to a spider web type of milky haze that covers the entire sky. As these are formed from minute reflective metallic particulates they eventually reach the earth.

Pre-Programming: Chemtrails on CSI

Still having doubts? Please download this PDF file called HR 2977 “The Space & Preservation Act of 2001.” In this document the United States Government openly admits the existence of chemtrails.

Still not enough proof?  What if I told you that there are patents for these very such things? The image below is a 1975 U.S. Patent issued to Donald K. Werle, Romas Kasparas, Sidney Katz, assigned through the U.S. Navy, that describes a dispersion method for a “powder contrail.”

Here are just a few more patents relating to chemtrails and geoengineering:

Patent #1619183

Patent# 2045865

Patent# 2591988

Patent# 3437502

Patent# 3531310

How Do Chemtrails Impact Our Food and Water?

Secretly filling the sky, without our knowledge or consent mind you, with billions of megatons of aluminum, strontium 90, barium and “chaff” to reflect the suns dangerous rays back into space is epic and brilliantly maneuvered on the unsuspecting public by dubbing them as “persistent contrails.”

However, what goes up, must come down and we’re being bombarded daily with a chemical and radioactive fallout surpassed only by Agent Orange, the defoliating chemicals developed by Monsanto to wipe out the jungles during the Vietnam War.

Related: NaturalSkies.org - An Excellent Weather Modification / Geoengineering Resource

Since aluminum has an affinity for water, all life forms attract these oxides. This causes contamination of even organic fruits, vegetables, and livestock if they’re exposed to the open air, because plants readily absorb aluminum salts from the soil into their vascular systems. Everything absorbs aluminum salts and it’s in the air.

Processed foods are filled with aluminum salts and aluminum sulfate is added to water to make it clear. Apparently we are in the “Aluminum Age” and it’s everywhere, but so unhealthy according to Dr. Christopher Exley, Professor of Bioinorganic Chemistry at Keele University in the UK.

Chemtrails Are Polluting Our Environment

The reality is, this “toxic cloud shield” created by aerosolizing the atmosphere, diminishes rainfall, traps the heat, and increases humidity. This leads to a plague of pests, mildews, molds, fungi, diseases, and ultimately the shredding of our precious ozone layer that protects us from dangerous UV rays, according to Dane Wigington, a solar expert.

Overcast The Movie

See: www.overcast-the-movie.com

In California’s Mount Shasta region, Francis Mangel, a USDA Wildlife Biologist and water specialist has reported elevated levels of aluminum, barium, and strontium in the mountain’s snow, polluting drinking water, rivers and soil in the area. 

In 2008, samples around California’s Lake Shasta and the Pit River Arm tributary were tested in a State Certified Lab following weeks of fly-overs and chemtrails.

The results of the water samples showed 4,610 parts per million of aluminum. This is  4,610 times the maximum contaminant level!  With aluminum toxicity levels off the charts, chemtrails are putting our life systems at risk of irreparable damage.

Related: Italians Blow Chemtrails ‘Secret War’ Lid Off With Film

How Are These Visible ChemTrails in the Sky Linked to Cancer?

As mentioned earlier, aluminum laden “chaff” falling from the sky enters the lungs causing upper respiratory diseases, lung cancer, breast cancer, and is the gateway to vulnerable areas of the body including arterial walls, where it accumulates like a plaque.

In addition, aluminum toxicity generates a number of neurological disorders and brain cancer, while radium and zinc cadmium sulfide synergistically cause bone cancer.  

A concerning new study published in the Journal of Inorganic Biochemistry demonstrates that exposure to aluminum can increase migratory and invasive properties of human breast cancer cells, while a 2012 article in the Journal of Applied Toxicology shows that aluminium promotes growth in human mammary epithelial cells.

And “aluminum production” has been classified as carcinogenic to humans by the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC).

Tiwai Aluminium Smelter in New Zealand

Couple these studies with other recent studies indicating that aluminum binds to cellular estrogen receptors and may cause proliferation within hormone-sensitive tissues, and we understand why one research team coined a new term (“metallo-estrogen”) to describe an entirely new class of metal-based endocrine disruptors (including aluminum, cadmium, and barium).

Disturbingly, all of these metallo-estrogens have been found in chemtrails.

Moreover, these metallo-estrogens, chemical toxins, and bioengineered cocktails are causing multiple problems in the gastrointestinal and immune systems, the first line of defense against disease; thus destroying human health and cognitive abilities.

Plus, shredding the ozone layer allows damaging UV rays to enter the atmosphere resulting in an unprecedented increase in skin cancer cases, to name just a few harmful effects of chemtrails.

I have been traveling in Central America, Europe, and the Middle East and noticed these patterns in the sky. I’ve also noticed unusually cold summers, trees dying and fungi infested, deformed vegetables just like the reports are describing. And a dramatic increase of cancer and unusual terminal illnesses are rampant.

In Conclusion

These are tumultuous times and the global government appears to be up to something unbelievably sinister.

It’s the classic create a problem, devise the solution, and emerge as the hero with Monsanto’s aluminum-resistant genetically-modified (GM) seeds and GM trees.

However, there is a growing concern that the earth will soon become unfit for organic food and pure water sources because of the unrestricted spraying without our consent. It appears that “control of the masses” has taken on a whole new meaning.

Related: Peer Reviewed Scientific Evidence Exposes Chemtrail As Crime Against Humanity

Nonetheless, there is at least some encouraging news. According to Dr. Exley, there is an abundance of silicon in the environment that can detoxify the effects of aluminum poisoning, as can silica supplements. Also, EDTA chelation therapy can help remove toxic heavy metals from the body and restore vascular health.

Live your life without the threat of cancer. Go here to be notified each week about new, cutting-edge information that impacts your health.

For further information see the section: Chemtrails & Geoengineering

Nuclear Chemist Publishes Paper Detailing: “Aluminum Poisoning Of Humanity Via Geoengineering”

Within the past couple of years alone, the concept of geoengineering has sparked a growing  interest (which seems to be accelerating at a rapid rate) within the academic world.

It’s also ignited a heavy interest in policy making, which is no surprise given the fact that we are talking about “geoengineering” the entire global climate in response to global climate change.

Related: Aluminum is toxic to all life forms

That’s exactly what geoengineering is – a response to destructive human activity which we have yet to cease – and it involves injecting stratospheric particles/aerosols into the atmosphere to, again, reduce the effect of global climate change.

For example, SPICE  is a United Kingdom government funded geoengineering research project that collaborates with the university of Oxford, Cambridge, Edinburgh, and Bristol to further examine the idea of Solar Radiation Management (SRM).

Some of the candidate particles to spray in the air proposed by SPICE (to name a few) are:

Sulphate/Sulphuric Acid/Sulphur Dioxide


Silicon Carbide

Calcium Carbonate



Zinc Oxide

- Source

Groundbreaking Paper(s)

Dr. Marvin Herndon, PhD., (above) a nuclear chemist, geochemist, and cosmochemist – most noted for deducing the composition of the inner core of Earth as being nickel silicide, not partially crystallized nickel-iron metal – has published a groundbreaking paper in the peer-reviewed journal Current Science (Indian Academy of Sciences) titled “Aluminum poisoning of humanity and Earth’s biota by clandestine geoengineering activity: implications for India.

The abstract reads as follows:

“In response to an urgent call through an article in Current Science for assistance to understand the geological association of high aluminum mobility with human health in the Ganga Alluvial Plain, I describe evidence of clandestine geoengineering activity that has occurred for at least 15 years, and which has escalated sharply in the last two years.

The geoengineering activity via tanker-jet aircraft emplaces a non-natural, toxic substance in the Earth’s atmosphere which with rainwater liberates highly mobile aluminum. Further, I present evidence that the toxic substance is coal combustion fly ash.

Clandestine dispersal of coal fly ash and the resulting liberation of highly mobile aluminum, I posit, is an underlying cause of the widespread and pronounced increase in neurological diseases and as well as the currently widespread and increasing debilitation of Earth’s biota.

Recommendations are made for verifying whether the evidence presented here is applicable to the Ganga Alluvial Plain.”

Source | Source

The paper goes on to discuss and cite publications which have detected heavy metals like aluminum, barium, strontium, and more in rainwater, fly ash, and more.

For example, during the period between July 2011 and November 2012, 73 rainwater samples were collected and analysed for aluminum and barium; 71 were collected from 60 different locations in Germany, 1 from France, and 1 from Austria.

Related: Meteorologists And Climate Engineering Denial: Perpetuating The Lie For A Paycheck And A Pension + Why The "Chemtrail Conspiracy" Is Real

Aluminum was detected in 77% of the rainwater samples, there was also a very high barium concentration and a very high Strontium concentration.

It also discusses how these concentrations of metals are not the result of natural phenomenon, like volcanic explosions, for example.

"This isn’t the only recent groundbreaking publication that comes from the world of academia regarding this phenomenon.

A few months ago, Dr. Rose Cairns, PhD., who belongs to the University of Leeds School of Earth and Environment, published a paper in the peer-reviewed Geophysical Journal titled “Climates of suspicion: ‘chemtrail’ conspiracy narratives and the international politics of geoengineering.”

She is also currently undertaking research into the Governance of Geoengineering as part of a multi-disciplinary collaborative project between Sussex University, UCL, and Oxford University (www.geoengineering-governance-research.org). The project examines the social, ethical, and political implications of climate geoengineering proposals."

- Source

In her paper, she describes developments in mainstream academic and political discourse regarding geoengineering, and how climate modification, also being discussed by the citizens of the world (who use the term “chemtrails”), is having devastating ecological and health effects worldwide.

Related: New ‘Chemtrails’ Film Exposes Global Cover-Up

According to her paper:

“Understanding the emerging politics of geoengineering, and taking seriously claims regarding the importance of public participation, requires an understanding of the whole discursive landscape around ideas of global climate control – including marginal ideas such as those held by chemtrail activists.

Ignoring or dismissing these discourses out of hand as pathological or paranoid is to ignore potentially revealing insights about the emerging politics of geoengineering.”

- Source

She also mentions that:

“This analysis suggests a number of ways in which the chemtrail narrative may contain important insights and implications for the emerging politics of geoengineering that cannot be dismissed out of hand as ‘paranoid’ or ‘pathological’.”


Although Dr. Rose is not a proponent of the “chemtrail conspiracy,” it’s great to see another published paper by an academic taking a neutral perspective, recognizing the importance of these claims rather than dismissing them outright.

The basic difference here is that geoengineering in the academic realm is strictly a proposal, and that these means of engineering Earth’s climate are still not operational. When it comes to the “chemtrail” advocates, they believe that they are operational, as does the academic described at the beginning of this article, along with many others.

Related: Scientists Prove Link Between Aluminum and Early Onset Alzheimer’s Disease

Truth is, there seems to be a tremendous amount of information suggesting that these programs are indeed operational. Whether their intent is to modify the climate to combat the effects of global warming, or to further some other type of agenda, is still not clear.

Evidence Suggesting That These Programs Are Already Operational

“In recent years there has been a decline in the support for weather modification research, and a tendency to move directly into operational projects.” –  World Meteorological Association 

- Source

“In addition to specific research programs sponsored by Federal agencies, there are other functions related to weather modification which are performed in several places in the executive branch.

Various federal advisory panels and committees and their staffs – established to conduct in-depth studies and prepare reports, to provide advice or recommendations, or to coordinate weather modification programs – have been housed and supported within executive departments, agencies, or offices.”

- Source

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A Recommended National Program In Weather Modification
November 1966

From: ICAS Report No. 10a - Federal Council for Science and Technology - Executive Office of the President

This is a 90+ page report on the proposed testing and recommended program to introduce a worldwide weather modification program. As you read through you will see that the original purpose seems noble - to help the world with rain and reducing bad storms etc. However we see a foundation being laid and seeds being sown for the current monster that has been unleashed on the earth.

Here is a quote from page 11-9:

" Weather Modification and International Relations

The Commission believes that it would be highly desirable for the Government of the United States, in connection with the expansion of its program of weather and climate modification, to issue a basic statement as to how it views the relationship of this new national effort to the interests, hopes, and possible apprehensions of the rest of the world.

The Commission further believes that emphasis upon international cooperation in the development of weather and climate modification programs will contribute substantially to scientific and technical progress and will also serve the national purpose of seeking to build a peaceful world order."

" The Commission recommends the early enunciation of a national policy embodying two main points:

(1) that it is the purpose of the United States, with normal and due regard to its own basic interests, to pursue its efforts in weather and climate modification for peaceful ends and for the constructive improvement of conditions of human life throughout the world.

(2) that the United States, recognizing the interests and concerns of other countries, welcomes and solicits their cooperation, directly and through international arrangements, for the achievement of that objective. This cooperation should cover both research and operational programs of interest to other countries. It should be concerned not only
with deliberate but also inadvertent human interventions in the atmosphere that affect weather and climate. Such a policy declaration could be issued by the President or incorporated in any basic legislation on the subject of weather and climate modification which the Congress may enact. "

After this noble gesture of involving the world, take a look at the legal recommendations here to cover the butts of those who carry out this program:

Page 11-8

"Legal and Legislative Aspects

The Commission recommends that the Federal Government by appropriate legislation be empowered to:

1. Delay or halt all activities -- public or private -- in actual or potential conflict with weather and climate modification programs of the Federal government, whether carried on by the government itself or by its grantees or contractors;

2. Immunize Federal agents, grantees, and con- tractors engaged in weather and climate modifcation activities from State and local government interference;and

3. Provide to Federal grantees and contractors indemnification or other protection against liability to the public for damages caused by Federal programs of weather and climate modification."

To sum this up the federal Government was recommended to be granted powers to delay or halt activities in conflict with weather and climate modification programs.

Also that all Federal agents, contractors and grantees (those funding geoengineering) would be given immunity from State and government interference! These same also would be granted indemnification or protection from the public for any damages caused by these programs.

If these legal recommendations have been put in place - it stinks. No wonder councils and governments are silent.

The same legal documents have been put in place for vaccine and drug companies, and it looks like evil food companies are given the same protection.

So guys we get a glimpse here of legally what has probably gone down for this worldwide program. Please read the whole document when you have time.

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What Chemtrails Really Are
November 9 2007 | From: Rense

"The United States does not torture." --President George W. Bush

We are dealing with Star Wars. It involves the combination of chemtrails for creating an atmosphere that will support electromagnetic waves, ground-based, electromagnetic field oscillators called gyrotrons, and ionospheric heaters. Particulates make directed energy weapons work better. It has to do with "steady state" and particle density for plasma beam propagation.

They spray barium powders and let it photo-ionize from the ultraviolet light of the sun. Then, they make an aluminum-plasma generated by "zapping" the metal cations that are in the spray with either electromagnetics from HAARP, the gyrotron system on the ground [Ground Wave Emergency Network], or space-based lasers. The barium makes the aluminum-plasma more particulate dense. This means they can make a denser plasma than they normally could from just ionizing the atmosphere or the air.

More density [more particles] means that these particles which are colliding into each other will become more charged because there are more of them present to collide. What are they ultimately trying to do up there -- is create charged-particle, plasma beam weapons.
Chemtrails are the medium - GWEN pulse radars, the various HAARPs, and space-based lasers are the method, or more simply:

Chemtrails are the medium -- directed energy is the method.

Spray and Zap.

This system appears to be in Russia, Canada, the United States, and all of Europe. Exotic weapons can be mobile, stationary, land-based, aerial, or satellite.

It is an offensive and defensive system against EM attacks and missiles. It uses ionospheric particle shells as defense mechanisms [like a bug-zapper shell]* against missiles and EM attacks. That means they spray and then pump up the spray with electromagnetics. When these shells are created using the oscillating, electromagnetic, gyrotron stations, it "excludes" and displaces the background magnetic field.

These shells can be layered one above another in a canopy fashion for extra protection from missiles. The chemtrail sprays have various elements in them like carbon which can used to absorb microwaves. Some of these sprays have metal flakes in them that make aerial craft invisible to radar. Spoofer sprays. Sprays like these can be used to create colorful, magnetized plasmas to cloak fighter jets.

There are satellite weapons involved. Activists are using meters and are getting readings of microwaves, x-rays, and some other kind of emission that they are not sure of, maybe a low-intensity laser.

They are also photographing gas plasma generation due to the heating of chemtrails by electromagnetics. The technical names for vertical and horizontal plasma columns are columnar focal lenses and horizontal drift plasma antennas. Various size of gas plasma orbs are associated with this technology. These orbs can be used as transmitters and receivers because they have great, refractory and optical properties. They also are capable of transmitting digital or analog sound. Barium, in fact, is very refractive -- more refractive than glass.

What does that mean? Someone or someones are very involved in unconstitutional, domestic spying and the entrained plasma orbs carried on electromagnetic beams can be used for mind control programming. The satellites can be programmed to track and monitor various frequencies on different parts of your body.

These electromagnetic beams carrying the gas plasma orbs stick due magnetic polarity and frequency mapping and tracking to people's eyes, ears, temples, and private parts. A beam with entrained orbs carries pictures in each orb just like the different frames in a movie. It is a particle beam that is also a frequency weapon.

The satellites download holographic mind control movies, pictures, sounds, and sensations to people through this technology. The Air Force has stated in "Air Force 2025" that their goal is to develop virtual and augmented reality mind control. Depending on the how the computer is programmed or depending on the mood or intent of the person interfacing with the technology, you can be probed, bothered, gaslighted, frightened, manipulated, electronically raped, or tortured.

It scans your brain frequencies and deciphers your thoughts. The satellites track you by mapping your bioenergetic signature [body biometrics] and constantly scanning an area to find you.

We are the lab rats for this technology and something is very wrong in the military or intelligence branches somewhere. Because developmental projects in government and military are often so compartmentalized, I suppose someone could be using and developing this technology secretly and without authorization.

Then again, behavioral and mind control programs were an authorized policy under MKULTRA. Our country has a history of experimenting on its citizens. We are talking about satellite charged-particle frequency weapons attacking a person 24 hours a day. Psychotronic weapons are considered weapons of mass destruction by the U.N.

"HAARPs" can create earthquakes and can also x-ray the earth to find underground military bases, gold, or oil reserves. These ionospheric heaters can also operate as an over-the-horizon or under-the-ocean communications system. This system can control the weather or create disasters. Taken together with the aurora keyhole through-your-roof satellite surveillance system, Echelon electronic computer/phone sweeps, plasma-cloaked DOD Drug War helicopters and stealths, implants, and cameras on the street, it constitutes one, big global and space control grid.

These weapons involve beams. Two beams overlapped will couple into a particle-ion beam that will bounce off of a remote target and send a holographic image back to the satellite for remote spying operations. When you cross two strong beams, you can supposedly* create scalar energies.

These energies can be used as untraceable weapons for nuclear size explosions or for defense. These crossed-energies can be used to cause a person's physical electrical system to fail or with a lower frequency, administer a kind of remote electro-shock. Visualize touching a positive and negative electric cable to each other on top of your head. Scalar energies can be utilized in hand-held military guns and on tanks.

They can dud-out electronics or cause large, electrical blackouts. Scalar energies are practically impossible to shield against. You need lead, ceramics, and a deep underground facility to not be affected by these weapons. Or, you need to be up and above the field of battle.

People who are working on these issues hear tones and hums. If you hear persistent tones and static; have body vibrations, burning sensations, "bangs" to the head, neurological damage, or immune system damage; are hearing electronic voices or hearing the sound of a plasma; suffering from pains deep in your organs or constant headaches; or experiencing other anomalous activity then you may be being targeted by directed energy, mind control weapons.

These weapons could be on helicopters, jets, stealth fighters, or on satellites. Directed energy beams and electromagnetic waves can be sent to you via hand-held devices or piggy-backed in on cell phone and satellite towers.

Is it possible that someone(s) are very afraid of coming famines and riots due to the ongoing, man-induced failure of the ecological system, and they are saturating the earth with chemtrails for large- scale, gas plasma mind control? Is this the last grasp for the world's resources?

Or, are they just control freaks and money mongers? Someone would like to get to that oil under the melting [due to chemtrail-trapped EM heat] Artic. And, I guess the Third World is not a part of this system. I don't think that the developed nations are going to let them in on this either.

Any country that joins this NATO system will become mind-controlled and diseased due to the associated, intense, oscillating, electromagnetic fields, electromagnetic soup, and the poisonous, toxic chemtrails. Our DNA will break. We risk the earth's spin and tilt becoming messed up due to mucking around with the magnetic fields through this military technology. Maybe, it is already messed up.

It constitutes U.S. global domination via NATO and the erosion of civil rights. According to Charlotte Iserbyt and Al Martin, there are ex-KGB and ex-STASI advising our new Office of Total Information Awareness. They are the ones creating our new internal passports [national ID].

And under "The Treaty on Open Skies," we have overflights by Russian and German military. Who exactly is flying those plasma-cloaked craft that are seen all over this country and mistaken for UFOs by people who do not know about this aerial deception technology? Obviously, we have another "Project Paperclip" in the making. We can add the new thugs to the 2,000 Iraqi brought into country by Daddy Bush who are now living in Nebraska.

The elitist corporate government is going to hold the rest of us hostage with directed energy weapons in space, if the Policy for a New American Century group - PNAC - Bush and cronie think tank has their way, along with directed energy attacks against any country or citizen that they decide they do not like. These weapons can create climate war, weather war, mind war, cyber war, disease war, disaster war, and undetectable war. Taken together they can create economic war.

If this system is not stopped, it will kill billions due to aluminum and barium poisoning. It will kill billions due to crop failures and world-wide famine. It will cause heart attacks, strokes, and cancers. It will cause stillbirths, miscarriages, and infertility.

The chemtrail sprays often have fungi, bacteria, viruses, dessicated red blood cells, crystalline substances, carbon, metal cations, lithium, other chemicals, heavy metals, and God knows what - probably smart dust, or nanocrap. Years of biowarfare testing on the American public is no big secret anymore. Spraying germs in the sky where they mutate due to the ultra-violet light -- brillant plan, my man. Are we acceptable losses or is this by design?

I know that many of the major players have big investments in pharmaceutical companies, GM seeds [seeds that can grow in an electromagnetic soup], weapons and directed energy development contracts, oil contracts, genetic research, and mind control research.

Some of these people have had a familial history of financial and policy support for population control, eugenics, Hitler, Mao, Stalin, Lenin, Marx, Pinochet, Hussein, and various other dictators. Some of the major players were the masterminds of the death squads in Central and South America. They stand to make a big profit on our death and disease. Just take a look at Rumsfield and Tamiflu.

I assume that they know the dangers of this system and that they take care to stay in their shielded, air-filtered offices, homes, bases, and cars. I assume they take chelating substances to remove the barium and aluminum from their bodies and minds. If not, then they really do not understand the far-ranging implications of this destructive system. Congress may not understand just what a terrible weapons system and control grid they are funding.

As I understand it, Tesla towers attached to deep-earth, free-energy taps are to be created over the 10-12 magnetic poles and the GWEN system phased-out. Has this already been done? This should allow total control of the earth through giant, Tesla death ray-guns. This natural, electromagnetic earth was not meant to be an un-natural dynamo to power man's weapons or his utility companies.

Over-unity systems [Tesla devices]* are as of yet, another unexplored and probably not understood man-made energy. We should be very suspect of free energy. As we can see, the forms of man-made energy that have been created and used in the past have not been good for this planet. Maybe it is time to reconsider the options available to us through the development of crops for fuel, wind, solar, and water power. We need world-wide, different, more holistic, renewable, energy programs.

Is there any good news? Yes. There has been tons of particulate dumping through the spray operations for 8 years over the Americas, Europe, Scandinavia, Eastern Europe, and from what I can find out, over Russia. And, what goes around blows around, right? So, these substances are probably actually global.

It sure makes a ton of sense to spray poisonous elements in 24 NATO countries and let the substances be carried around the earth on the jet streams to poison yourself, your enemies, and all neutral and non-combatent countries. Talk about making more enemies.

The water, air, and soil of all of these countries is so saturated with metal cations that these weapons freaks should be able to zap and mind f--k each other quite well now and as often as they wish. Once they have clobbered each other with light-saber beams for a few years and razed and scorched sections of the earth, they may start to realize that this foreign policy will lead to a defective human race and a rotten economy.

Do you think they will have knocked some sense into each other by then and will decide that non-proliferation and arms reduction is the more civilized and mature direction to take in world affairs? I doubt it, cause only idiots would have developed horrific, planet-killer weapons like these. But, I'll bet the rest of the planet will finally rise up and tell these juvenile delinquents to quit playing with those rayguns right this second.

After further thought on Bearden + -- a big over-unity and free energy proponent of Tesla technology that makes energy off of boiling the ionosphere or stealing electricity from the mis-named "vacumn" called Life, I have decided that Bearden is telling us some, if not most, of the truth. Same for Eastlund.

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