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A List Of 21 Ex-Agents Who Have Exposed The US Military Intelligence Complex & Government 'Cyber Troops' Manipulate Facebook, Twitter, Study Says
July 23 2017 | From: ActivistPost / Bloomberg / Various

The Military Intelligence Complex (MIC) of the United States has become a behemoth. It is a monstrous creature which is forming the foundation of the technological control grid that is being erected and rolled out all around us.

As the NWO conspirators attempt to push the world forward with their model of technocracy (rule by technology), the Military Intelligence Complex is central to the execution their plans.

Related: The Reign of Propaganda

Right now, the MIC is the basis of data gathering (spying, interception and surveillance), data storage, data processing and data analysis.

As technology advances and we are pushed further along the path of trans-humanism, the NWO agenda would dictate that the Military Intelligence Complex take on further roles and functions, such as being the operations center of fleets of robots which will administrate over society and completely enforce law and order.

Many people are sleepwalking through these times as the groundwork is being laid for this technological control grid. Fortunately, there are others who have awoken to the agenda, some of whom are insiders (or former insiders) with a solid moral compass and the guts to do what’s right.

What follows is a selection of 20 of these brave individuals, but first, here is a brief introduction to the 17 agencies that comprise the US Military Intelligence Complex.

The 17 Agencies of the Military Intelligence Complex

The site of the Military Intelligence Complex: CIA headquarters in Virginia, USA

Related: Who Really Owns and Controls the Military-Industrial Complex and What Are They Doing? – An Extensive Research Report

We are publicly told there are 17 agencies that make up the Military Intelligence Complex; however, there are probably ones that exist but whose existence is kept hidden, since they are involved with “deep black” operations which are unacknowledged.

According to ex-CIA agent Kevin Shipp (see below), this Deep State or Parallel Government behind the scenes employs 1271 organizations, 1931 private companies, 4.8 million people and has 10,000 intelligence gathering locations across the US. It operates outside the law. Not even Congress knows the size of it!

Here are the 17 Agencies We Know About:

ODNI (Office of the Director of National Intelligence):

The ODNI was created by Congress in response to 9/11 false flag to coordinate intelligence collection and sharing among all the agencies. The director is the head of the intelligence community and the principal advisor to the president.

According to Wiki Commons, the original sign from the CIA’s first building.

CIA (Central Intelligence Agency):

The most notorious agency of all, which grew out of the OSS (Office of Strategic Services) in 1947.

Related: What The History Channel Left Out About The Declassified CIA Program: “History Of MK-Ultra”

The CIA is infamous for drug running (heroin, cocaine and more), weapon running, subverting foreign governments and installing puppet dictators (regime change), the use of front and shell companies to hide criminal activities (e.g. Evergreen as a CIA front company used to disperse chemtrails), foreign and domestic assassination (e.g. CIA Operation 40), disseminating propaganda (Operation Mockingbird), “extraordinary rendition” (Orwellian term for torture), lying to justify war (Saddam’s WMDs), creating and funding terrorists for use to further the NWO plan (Mujahideen, Al-Qaeda [Al-CIA-da] and ISIS) and mind control (e.g. MK Ultra and its various subprojects).

NSA (National Security Agency):

The formerly secretive agency which was referred to as “No Such Agency” was thrust into the spotlight by Edward Snowden in 2013.

Related: NSA Documents Prove Surveillance Of Donald Trump & His Family + Documents Show Obama Surveiled Entire Trump Family For 8 Years

The NSA focuses on signals intelligence (monitoring, collecting and processing communications and other electronic information), cracking secret codes and engages in mass surveillance programs on the entire world, including Americans and US allied nations, sucking up literally trillions of “transactions” (phone calls, text messages, emails) on everyone.

DIA (Defense Intelligence Agency):

The DIA is the primary entity responsible for collecting and analyzing intelligence on foreign militaries.

NGA (National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency):

Yes, it should be the NGIA, but I guess the NGA wanted to join the club of alphabet soup agencies with cool three letter names to be truly part of the MIC club.

This agency is the principal provider of geospatial intelligence – analysis and information about Earth’s natural and man-made features and geo-tagged activities. GEOINT (Geospatial Intelligence) is used for combat, humanitarian and disaster relief, border and transportation security and security planning for special events.

NRO (National Reconnaissance Office):

The NRO was a secret agency for 31 years until its existence was declassified in 1992. The office designs, builds and operates the USA’s reconnaissance satellites, providing the Pentagon with precision navigation, early warning of missile launches and near real-time imagery.

FBI (Federal Bureau of Investigation):

The FBI has both law enforcement and intelligence functions. On the intelligence side, it aims to protect the U.S. against terrorism, cyber-attacks and foreign intelligence operations and espionage.

Related: Pizzagate: FBI Raids Ohio Adoption Agency In Huge Child Sex Trafficking Sting + UK Bans Naming Streets After Politicians, Heroes In Case They Get Exposed As Pedophiles

It maintains the government’s terrorist watch list. Under Hoover it was involved in both the JFK and MLK assassinations, as well as subverting activist movements (Co-Intel Pro). The FBI has been repeatedly caught manufacturing terrorism by using undercover agents in sting operations.

DHS (Department of Homeland Security), Office of Intelligence and Analysis:

Also created after 9/11, the DHS is in charge of emergency preparedness (FEMA), border control and transportation security (TSA) and biodefense (against epidemics). It oversees “fusion centers”.

DHS was also the department that got busted purchasing 1.6 billion rounds of ammunition in 2012. You can thank the DHS for all the coffins FEMA has stockpiled and all the molestation TSA has performed.

DEA (Drug Enforcement Administration), Office of National Security Intelligence:

The DEA is the administration responsible for stopping illegal drugs. DEA agents have been caught admitting to the use of parallel construction.

Related: CIA MKULTRA: Drugs To Take Down The Nation

This is a technique where they catch someone with illegally gained information (e.g. through illegal warrantless wiretapping and surveillance operations), then set up another (false) track or trail to show the judges in court to make it look like they found and tracked a suspect legally.

Department of State, Bureau of Intelligence and Research: this bureau collects and analyzes intelligence on global affairs and advises the secretary of state and other diplomats.

Dr. Steve R. Pieczenik

Dr. Steve R. Pieczenik, MD, PhD
is a critically acclaimed author of psycho-political thrillers and the co-creator of the New York Times best-selling “Tom Clancy’s Op-Center” and “Tom Clancy’s Net Force” book series. He is also one of the world’s most experienced international crisis managers and hostage negotiators. His novels are based on his twenty years experience in resolving international crises for five U.S. administrations.

Dr. Pieczenik received his B.A. from Cornell University,trained in Psychiatry at Harvard and has both an M.D. from Cornell University Medical College and a Ph.D. in International Relations from M.I.T.

He was the first psychiatrist ever to receive a PhD. focusing on international relations, and is the only psychiatrist to ever have served as a Deputy Assistant Secretary of State. He served four presidents as Deputy Assistant Secretary of State under Nixon, Ford, Carter, and Bush Sr. and was a Senior Policy Planner under president Reagan.

President Carter

Dr. Pieczenik worked directly with, and reported directly to, Secretaries of State Henry Kissinger, Cyrus Vance, George Schultz and James Baker, as well as the respective White Houses.

Dr. Pieczenik was drafted into the Vietnam War. He was assigned in the Public Health Services with the rank of Navy Captain (0-6) to run three psychiatric wards at St. Elizabeth’s Hospital in Washington, D.C., including a ward where serial killers were housed.

He was subsequently offered a promotion to Rear Admiral (0-7), which he refused on the grounds that he felt honored enough to serve his country, did not want to take a pension and wished to return to civilian life to follow his passions as a physician, entrepreneur and novelist.

Dr. Pieczenik is an expert in psychological warfare, political psychology, regime change, intelligence, counterintelligence and covert operations. During his career as a senior State Department official, Dr. Pieczenik utilized his unique abilities and expertise to develop strategies and tactics that were instrumental in resolving major conflicts in Asia, the Middle East, Latin America, Europe and the United States.

Dr. Pieczenik continues to volunteer his time and expertise as a consultant to the Department of Defense. He does not accept any remuneration for his services.

To this day he still strongly believes in the integrity of the Office of the Presidency and the Republic, both of which must be bereft of corruption, deception, betrayal, collusion and crony capitalism by any and all parties, including financial, political, medical, pharmaceutical and academic special interests. His basic belief is that no one person is indispensable to the viability of State.

Dr. Pieczenik has started several successful companies, employing his methodologies in various industries, including investment banking, publishing, television/film and medicine. He has been directly involved as an Angel Investor with starting twenty-eight companies.

Department of the Treasury, Office of Intelligence and Analysis:

The job of this office is to prevent money launderers, terrorists, drug lords, etc. from moving their money through the American financial institutions.

Department of Energy, Office of Intelligence and Counterintelligence:

T he origin of this office is the Manhattan Project, when the Atomic Energy Commission was analyzing the Soviet Union’s nuclear weapons program. Today it provides intelligence on foreign nuclear weapons, energy security, and nuclear energy, safety and waste.

Air Force Intelligence, Surveillance and Reconnaissance:

This is the Air Force’s intelligence branch, which uses airplanes, drones and satellites to identify hideouts, bunkers, mobile launchers and weapons caches.

Related: US Air Force Pilot Speaks Out About What He Was Ordered To Do When The Military Tracked A UFO

Army Military Intelligence:

This is the Army’s intelligence branch, which intercepts electronic communications and provides maps, ground imagery and information on foreign forces to assist US troops in the battlefield.

ONI (Office of Naval Intelligence):

This is the Navy’s intelligence branch, which keeps tabs on foreign scientific and technological research, analyzes the structure, tactics and readiness of foreign naval forces, and tracks merchant shipping to identify illicit activity.

Marine Corps Intelligence:

This is the Marine Corps’ intelligence branch, which creates military maps, intercepts and translates radio and electronic signals, and analyzes images collected from sensors.

Coast Guard Intelligence: the Coast Guard

iS is actually under the DHS. It is charged with protecting more than 100,000 miles of American coastline and inland waterways. It interdicts migrants, carries out search-and-rescue and handles illegal drug seizures.

Related: Space Fence Program Takes the War on Consciousness to the Heavens

(Interesting to consider that Coast Guard Intelligence is 1 of the 17, in light of the propaganda and official narrative about the “Russian hacking” of the election.

Remember when Clinton and other lying officials claimed that all 17 MIC agencies were in agreement that Russia had hacked the US? They weren’t, but even if they were, what the hell would the Coast Guard know about Russian hackers!?)

Here now is a selection of 20 ex-agents and whistle-blowers who have had the courage to stand up to the Military Intelligence Complex.

Ex-CIA Agents and Whistle-Blowers on the Military Intelligence Complex

One of the key weapons in Washington’s arsenal is the CIA or Central Intelligence Agency. Sometimes it is called “the Company” by those on the inside. Perhaps it would be better called a cult. Victor Marchetti authored his 1974 book The CIA and the Cult of Intelligence, where he wrote that:

“There exists in our nation today a powerful and dangerous secret cult - the cult of intelligence. Its holy men are the clandestine professionals of the Central Intelligence Agency.

Its patrons and protectors are the highest officials of the federal government. Its membership, extending far beyond governmental circles, reaches into the power centers of industry, commerce, finance, and labor. Its friends are many in the areas of important public influence - the academic world and the communications media.

The cult of intelligence is a secret fraternity of the American political aristocracy. The purpose of the cult is to further the foreign policies of the U.S. government by covert and usually illegal means...

Former CIA chief William Colby agreed with Marchetti’s assessment:

“[CIA agents] cliqued together, forming a sealed fraternity … they developed a rather skewed view of that world … they looked down on the life of the rest of the citizenry … an inbred, distorted, elitist view of intelligence that held itself to be … beyond the restraints of the Constitution."

With that in mind, here are 11 ex-CIA agents who broke out of the cult to tell the public the truth.

1. Robert Steele:

Former Marine, CIA case officer and US co-founder of the US Marine Corps intelligence activity, Steele’s mission has been to spread the use of Open Source Intelligence (OSINT).

Speaking out against the Military Intelligence Complex: ex-CIA agent Robert Steele

He has written handbooks on OSINT for NATO, the DIA and US Special Operations Forces. He has stated that the preconditions for revolution exist in the US, UK and other Western countries.

He enumerates such conditions as:

“Elite isolation to concentrated wealth to inadequate socialization and education, to concentrated land holdings to loss of authority to repression of new technologies especially in relation to energy, to the atrophy of the public sector and spread of corruption, to media dishonesty, to mass unemployment of young men and on and on and on.”

2. Robert Duncan:

Former CIA engineer Dr. Robert Duncan, who was involved in the research and development of “Manchurian Candidates” (i.e. mind control victims), has been trying to explain to the public over the years that the true state of current mind control technology defies imagination.

Ex-CIA engineer Robert Duncan has done much to expose the horrific nature of the mind control technology of the Military Intelligence Complex.

It is very hard (and scary) for the average person to grasp how sophisticated the technology now is. Duncan reveals how a weapons system capable of totalitarian control has been constructed. He also reveals that many people are now in wireless mental contact with AI (Artificial Intelligence) run by supercomputers – people from all walks of life, not just poor people as was done in the past.

Duncan worked with brain-to-computer interface technologies, things like remote mind reading, CIA hive mind experimentation (multiple people sharing the same mental space), remote targeting and tracking of people via their energy signature or “brain print”, remotely cloning or copying thoughts, emotions and other states (e.g. intense pain) onto a target, the “Voice of God” (piping information into people’s minds and making them hear voices), forced or induced dreams and OIW (Offensive Information Warfare).

Like many other ex-Intelligence agents, Duncan was tricked into thinking he was doing something good for humanity while he was actually constructing a weapon of torture and control. Now he is trying to alert people to the horrific nature of this technology – before it’s too late.

3. Ray McGovern:

McGovern is an outspoken ex-CIA analyst and co-founder of Veteran Intelligence Professionals for Sanity (VIPs). He has accused the CIA of being a rogue agency many times, stating that the CIA routinely cooks up “intelligence” to justify pre-planned wars (e.g. Iraq, Afghanistan and Libya).

“When an administration embarks on a war justified by little or no intelligence, speaking the truth can be regarded as treachery. The country could use more of that kind of "treachery".”

- Ray McGovern

It’s not bad intelligence; it’s fixed intelligence. Furthermore, he has stated that US presidents are scared of CIA directors, and that Congress hasn’t done anything to rein in the CIA before at least 9/11, if not before the time of JFK. In this video, McGovern famously challenged the lies of Donald Rumsfeld to his face.

Rumsfeld was a former executive at Searle Pharmaceuticals (that developed the horrible chemical aspartame) and former Secretary of Defense during 9/11 (who coincidentally “lost” $2.3 trillion the day before 9/11, then oversaw the US invade Iraq and other nations post-9/11).

In this quote, ex-CIA Michael Schemer exposes how the Israeli-Saudi alliance is far more dangerous than Iran.

4. Michael Scheuer:

Ex-CIA intelligence Michael Scheuer has been an outspoken critic of US foreign policy for decades. He has been one of the few to have the guts to criticize Israel and cast doubts on why the US would want to ally itself so closely with the Zionist regime (hint: it’s because the Rothschilds control Israel and also the US, thus can dictate how the US spends its money and chooses its allies).

Related: The True Cost Of Israel + The Reality Of Zionist Control

Scheuer has also had the intelligence to highlight the dangerous alliance between Israel and Saudi Arabia, and expose how that alliance is far, far more dangerous to the US and some surrounding nations than Iran.

Wikipedia states that, “Scheuer became a public figure after being outed as the anonymous author of the 2004 book Imperial Hubris, in which he criticized many of the United States’ assumptions about Islamist insurgencies and particularly Osama bin Laden.

Michael Scheuer: Israel & Saudi Arabia Are Much More Dangerous Enemies To The US Than The Iran

In his book Scheuer depicted bin Laden as a rational actor who was fighting to weaken the United States by weakening its economy, rather than merely combating and killing Americans.” Now that doesn’t fit too well with the official narrative on terrorism and Islam, does it?

5. Susan Lindauer:

Ex-CIA agent Susan Lindauer endured 5 years of unjust imprisonment with no trial under the Patriot Act for the crime of speaking the truth. After 10 years, she broke her silence on 9/11, revealing how George W. Bush, Cheney and Rumsfeld had decided to go to war with Iraq before 9/11 occurred.

“The Patriot Act was used against me in total contradiction to its stated purpose. Or perhaps it was the most logical use of the law, since it establishes a legal framework to crush free thinking and interrupt individual questioning of the government. It is the beginning of all dictatorship in America."

- Susan Lindauer, March 9, 2009

She also exposed how her CIA handler Richard Fuse made her deliver threatening messages to the Iraqis – even though they possessed no WMDs and had no knowledge of the hijackings.

She confirms that the leader of the hijackers, Mohammed Atta, was a CIA asset. She was imprisoned for 2 years for her trouble.

6. John Kiriakou:

Kiriakou was one of the most punished whistleblowers in recent times. After being at the CIA for years, he resigned in 2004, then 3 years later in December 2007 he decided to go on television and publicly call out the CIA for its “immoral, unethical and illegal torture programs” (which you can read more about here).

Ex-CIA agent John Kiriakouu

He rightly accused the CIA of lying when the agency falsely claimed that it gained “actionable intelligence” through the torture, which violated many laws and the 8th Amendment in the Bill of Rights (which forbids cruel and unusual punishments). Like Lindauer, Kiriakou was imprisoned for almost 2 years for his trouble.

7. Kevin Shipp:

Ex-CIA agent Kevin Shipp worked as a counter-terrorism agent. He has exposed the corruption of Barack Obama, Eric Holder, Hillary Clinton, George Soros, Susan Rice, John Brennan, Huma Abedin and many more.

Ex-CIA agent Kevin Shipp exposes how the Military Intelligence Complex destroys whistleblowers

He has talked on various issues of truth, such as the the 9/11 false flag event, the vaccine-autism connection, how mass migration is being deliberately used to destabilize the West, and how the Military Intelligence Complex has perfected the art of intimidating and destroying whistleblowers.

The Military Intelligence Complex (MIC),in many ways, is the biggest threat to a free society. Since the Military Intelligence Complex has access to anyone’s personal and private information at will, the potential for bribing, blackmailing, manipulating or otherwise controlling individuals – from the parking inspector to the president – remains intact.

The list of former agents and whistleblowers below, all of whom have exposed the Military Intelligence Complex in some way, includes not only ex-CIA officers, but also ex-NSA, ex-FBI and ex-DIA whistleblowers, as well as whistleblowers from other nations outside the USA.

Ubiquitous surveillance cameras: part of the undeniably growing presence of the Military Intelligence Complex in our lives

8. Philip Giraldi: 

Giraldi is an ex-CIA officer and former director of the Council for the National Interest, a 501c4 nonprofit, non-partisan organization in the US that works for “Middle East policies that serve the American national interest.”

Ex-CIA Philip Giraldi has consistently exposed the Military Intelligence Complex, Deep State and Israel

Giraldi has been outspoken in his criticism of the Deep State, the American war machine and the untoward Israeli influence over US officials. He has exposed the propaganda of the White Helmets in Syria and the War on Terror.

Giraldi writes

“I would characterize international terrorism as a faux threat at a national level, though one that has been exaggerated through the media and fearmongering to such an extent that it appears much more dangerous than it actually is.”

He has said that the idea that Syrian President Assad attacked his own people (with chemical weapons earlier this year in 2017) was a sham. He has also asked the key question of why the US is targeting Iran when it should be targeting Saudi Arabia.

9. Philip Agee: 

The late Philip Agee, who died in 2008, was an ex-CIA case officer with a conscience who blew the whistle on the CIA’s dastardly and nefarious activities. 

He worked in the CIA during the 1950s and finally left in 1968. He became a whistleblower and author of several books exposing the agency. When the US revoked his passport in 1979, he first lived in Grenada in 1980 until Bishop was overthrown by the US, then in Nicaragua until 1990 when the Sandanistas were overthrown by the US, then Germany and Cuba.

He knows firsthand the CIA’s subversive activities and terrorism of Central and South America. Former CIA Director and later President Bush (senior) called Agee a traitor.

10. John Stockwell: 

Stockwell worked with the CIA during their covert operations in Angola, Congo and Vietnam. After he left the agency, he exposed how the main activities of the CIA – drug running, assassinating foreign and domestic presidents, installing foreign puppet regimes and destroying the environment – are all interrelated. 

"It is the function of the CIA to keep the world unstable, and to propagandize and teach the American people to hate, so we will let the Establishment spend any amount of money on arms."

- John Stockwell

He boldly stated that the CIA was counterproductive to national security. In 1978 he appeared on 60 Minutes to expose that then CIA Director William Colby and National Security Advisor Henry Kissinger had systematically lied to Congress about the CIA’s operations.

11. Chip Tatum: 

Ex-CIA agent Chip Tatum worked in Black Operations, in the drug smuggling trade between the US and Central American countries. He personally flew a plane with cargo which, he later discovered, turned out to be cocaine.

Ex-CIA agent Gene “Chip” Tatum

Tatum was threatened not to speak out but exposed the lurid details of the Mena, Arkansas cocaine smuggling ring, which involved Bill Clinton up to his neck. Additionally, Tatum claims Bush senior had Barry Seal and Manuel Noriega assassinated, and also gave Tatum the order to kill presidential candidate Ross Perot (which he refused to do).

We Want It All – the NSA, a lynchpin of the Military Intelligence Complex surveillance grid.

Ex-NSA Agents and Whistleblowers of the Military Intelligence Complex

In many ways, the NSA became the focal point of people’s anger and rage at being constantly surveilled, especially after Edward Snowden leaked so many authentic NSA documents to the public, via journalists like Glenn Greenwald.

The US now resembles a dictatorship with a one-way information street, where the State captures information about its citizens whilst preventing its citizens from knowing about it. This is exactly in line with what arch-NWO insider (now deceased) Zbigniew Brzezinski talked about in his book Between Two Ages: America’s Role in the Technetronic Era:

“The technotronic era involves the gradual appearance of a more controlled society. Such a society would be dominated by an elite, unrestrained by traditional values.

Soon it will be possible to assert almost continuous surveillance over every citizen and maintain up-to-date complete files containing even the most personal information about the citizen. These files will be subject to instantaneous retrieval by the authorities.”

Related: US Deep State In Deep Trouble + A Deeper Understanding Of Technocracy

Below are 5 whistleblowers from the NSA, 4 of whom went public before Snowden.

12. Edward Snowden: 

Snowden burst onto the public scene in June 2013 with a story that captured the imagination of billions of people around the world.

At only a young 29 years of age, but with a large amount of calmness, confidence and moral integrity, Snowden quit his comfortable life in Hawaii (including leaving his girlfriend and a cushy $100,000+ annual income) and fled to Hong Kong with laptops and thumb drives full of classified genuine NSA documents.

It is said that in fact Snowden was the front man for a far bigger effort than his own on behalf of 'white hats' within the intelligence community who wanted to expose the truth. It is also said that there is far, far more waiting to be released when the timing is right

There he met with journalists Greenwald, Laura Poitras and The Guardians’ Ewen MacAskill to hand over his total cache.

Ex-CIA employee and ex-NSA contractor Edward Snowden, arguably the most famous whistleblower in the history of the world. His leaks of NSA documents brought the crimes of the Military Intelligence Complex to general public awareness like nothing else before or since.

To protect his life, Snowden gave all the files to several other sources. He instructed them to release all the information in the event of his death.

Thanks to Snowden, numerous NSA programs which were only known to avid conspiracy researchers then became public knowledge, since the evidence of warrantless wiretapping was there in black and white for anyone to see.

Snowden Smashes The Police State In Most Epic Rant Ever, ‘Terrorists Don’t Take Our Rights, Government Does’

Snowden is especially well know for exposing details on both Upstream Collection programs (Blarney, Fairview, Oakstar and Stormbrew), Downstream Collection programs (PRISM) and other projects or programs such as XKeyscore, Echelon, Carnivore, Dishfire, Stoneghost, Tempora, Frenchelon, Fairview, Mystic, DCSN, Boundless Informant, Bullrun, Pinwale, Stingray and SORM. 

The first Snowden document published by the Guardian was a secret court (a FISA court) order authorizing the NSA to collect the telephone records of millions of US Verizon customers.

The point is that the NSA and MIC forced companies (big or small) to roll over. They then forbade these companies from telling you they rolled over. A surprising number of people can access and analyze an obscene amount of data on you.

The NSA skirted the law about not spying on Americans through its partnership with Britain’s GCHQ, because American data can get routed through GCHQ and then become “foreign” data.

Related: The Raid: In Bungled Spying Operation, NSA, GCSB & SIS Targeted Pro-Democracy Campaigner

Snowden achieved his aim of bringing the topic of mass surveillance into the public spotlight, in the hopes of provoking discussion and debate. However, despite this success, the NSA remains entrenched in the Deep State and continues its nefarious activities largely undisturbed.

13. William Binney: 

William Binney worked at the NSA over 30 years, including time as a director of the NSA’s World Geopolitical and Military Analysis Reporting Group.

Ex-NSA agent William Binney reveals the true purpose and intent of the Military Intelligence Complex

“The ultimate goal of the CIA is total population control."

- William Binney

He estimated in 2012 that the NSA had amassed over 20,000,000,000,000 (20 trillion) “transactions” from Americans (in gross violation of the Constitution), where a transaction means a piece of information or communication, such as emails, text messages and scripts of phone calls.

This would include every single email sent and received by US residents since 9/11. Binney has been outspoken in his criticism for the NSA, stating how current NSA surveillance far surpasses the capability of the former Soviet KGB and the Nazi Stasi agencies.

Binney has exposed how we have gone way down the slippery slope towards totalitarianism, while the NSA, the Military Intelligence Complex and the National Security State hide behind the ever-present pretext of “national security”.

Not Just Surveillance: 3 Current Phenomena Exposing 1984 As An Instruction Manual For The State

Binney has also pointed out, on many occasions, the futility of the MIC and NSA collecting so much information. With so much data, the job of trying to find the important stuff becomes extremely difficult or impossible, since 99.99% of what the NSA collects and analyzes is irrelevant (note: irrelevant to the job of counter-terrorism, but not irrelevant to the job of spying on everyone).

To paraphrase Binney: the NSA is suffering from analysis paralysis and data is not intelligence.

14. Thomas Drake: 

Whistleblower Thomas Drake was not only a senior executive at the NSA, but is also a decorated US Air Force and Navy veteran.

Ex-NSA agent Thomas Drake

Drake exposed another of the NSA’s numerous programs, this one called Project Trailblazer. He was charged under the Espionage Act, but in June 2011, all 10 original charges against him were dropped.

According to Wikipedia, “Drake rejected several deals because he refused to plea bargain with the truth”. He is the 2011 recipient of the Ridenhour Prize for Truth-Telling and co-recipient of the Sam Adams Associates for Integrity in Intelligence (SAAII) award.

15. Kirk Wiebe: 

Ex-NSA whistleblower J. Kirk Wiebe was a senior analyst at the NSA from 1975 to 2001. After the 9/11 false flag op, he stumbled upon secret NSA programs to monitor all Americans. He worked alongside William Binney in exposing these projects. 

Ex-NSA agent Kirk Wiebe

In September 2002, Wiebe, along with Binney, Drake and another NSA agent Ed Loomis, filed a DoD Inspector General report regarding problems at NSA, including Trailblazer.

The report was jointly filed with Diane Roark, a staffer for the Republicans on the House Intelligence Committee of the US Congress who was considered a staff expert on the NSA’s budget. The report went nowhere. As with Binney, Wiebe’s house was raided in 2007 by the FBI for his whistleblowing efforts.

16. Russell Tice:

Ex-NSA agent Russell Tice came forward in 2004 to expose the NSA’s spying invasions.

Ex-NSA agent Russell Tice

He has revealed shocking details of NSA spying, mentioning some of the specific targets of past NSA wiretapping operations, which included senior Congressional leaders (e.g. Dianne Feinstein), the former White House Press Secretary and high-ranking military generals (e.g. David Petraeus, who was forced to resign as CIA chief because he was caught [by the NSA presumably] having an affair).

Tice also revealed that the entire Supreme Court, and even then-Senator from Illinois and future President, Barack Obama, was being tapped.

Ex-FBI Agents and Whistleblowers of the Military Intelligence Complex

17. Ted Gunderson:

Gunderson is a man who will need little introduction to many investigators in the field of conspiracy research, or to those who have looked into pedophilia, mind control, child trafficking and Satanism.

Ex-FBI Ted Gunderson – a man who exposed the depths of the conspiracy, including child trafficking, child sex slavery, mind control and Satanism

He was a 27-year veteran FBI special agent who worked in the Los Angeles district with over 700 agents under his command. He has worked and done interviews/presentations with various mind control survivors (e.g. Brice Taylor, Paul Bonacci).

Towards the end of his career, he stumbled upon the network of occult Secret Societies that rule the world.

Through his investigations, he came to understand that we were dealing with a sick Satanic cult that uses mind control over its victims, conducts an international pedophile ring where children were abducted through underground tunnels, and performs dark rituals with human sacrifice and child sex slaves.

Related: 1924 Newspaper Article Outlines Six Goals Of The Illuminati

At these rituals, Satanists get a dark “high” from drinking the blood of their tortured victims, which contains emotional neurochemicals released into the blood at the time of their death. With upwards of 100,000 American children missing every year, Gunderson claimed he knew firsthand that the FBI was fully complicit in the coverup of all this.

18. Sibel Edmonds: 

ex-FBI agent Sibel Edmonds become a famous whistleblower when she discovered corruption at the FBI and reported it to her supervisors. They retaliated by firing her.

Ex-FBI whistleblower Sibel Edmonds

She sued for unfair dismissal in July 2002, but as happens so much in this kind of arena, the case was dismissed in July 2004 by Judge Reggie Walton who cited the governmental state secrets privilege (read my article The Secret Privilege by Which the Military Intelligence Complex Retains Control to understand the history and significance of the state secrets privilege, which is routinely used by Government to cover up its crimes).

 In August 2004 Edmonds founded the National Security Whistleblowers Coalition (NSWBC), an organization to help national security whistleblowers. In September 2006 a documentary about Edmonds’s case called Kill the Messenger (Une Femme à Abattre) premiered in France. 

The film features ex-CIA agent Philip Gerald (whistleblower #8 above) who reveals that Israel was a key player in the illicit activities Edmonds discovered.

Related: Israel Above All & Gaza Near Collapse

Edmonds is also the main source of information about Operation Gladio B. This was a continuation of the Operation Gladio project which the CIA had been running throughout Europe (using right-wing extremes, neo-fascists and arch-nationalists to carry out false flag attacks to frame left-wing communists).

According to Edmonds, around 1996-1997, the NATO-CIA-MI5-MI6 alliance decided to switch from using fascists to using Islamic terrorists, as the Cold War had ended.

The world was about to be formally introduced into a newer, scarier and more convenient enemy to replace communism: Radical Islamic Terrorism™

Ex-DIA Agents and Whistleblowers of the Military Intelligence Complex

19. Patrick Lang:

Lang is an ex-DIA colonel who spoke up when Trump decided to strike Syria (while eating chocolate cake with the Chinese premier Xi Jinping).

Ex-DIA Colonel Patrick Lang

Lang compared the attack to the false flag Gulf of Tonkin incident, where then Us President LBJ pretended that the North Vietnamese and fired upon US ships (when they were just firing upon empty water). The Trump Syria strike was likewise based on a pack of lies. Lang said:

“This is Gulf of Tonkin 2. How ironic. Donald Trump correctly castigated George W. Bush for launching an unprovoked, unjustified attack on Iraq in 2003. Now we have President Donald Trump doing the same damn thing … Here’s the good news.

The Russians and Syrians were informed, or at least were aware, that the attack was coming. They were able to remove a large number of their assets. The base the United States hit was something of a backwater. Donald Trump gets to pretend that he is a tough guy. He is not. He is a fool.”

Ex-MI5 Agents and Whistleblowers of the Military Intelligence Complex

20. Annie Machon:

For the last one on the list, we turn to the UK, the staunchest US ally in the world and the erstwhile World Empire from which the US learnt its tricks.

Ex-MI5 agent Annie Machon

The UK, like the US, has a sprawling Military Intelligence Complex, composed of various agencies such as the GCHQ (Government Communications Headquarters, the UK version of the NSA, which conducts mass surveillance), MI5 (Military Intelligence 5, responsible for domestic counterintelligence and security) and MI6 (Military Intelligence 5, responsible for domestic counterintelligence and security).

Machon resigned in 1996 to blow the whistle on all the incompetence and crimes she witnessed. She has spoken on topics such as 9/11, 7/7, false flag ops, Secret Societies and the Bilderberg Group.

In earlier interviews and films, she appeared alongside another ex-MI5 agent, David Shayler, her former partner.

Final Thoughts

Studying the testimonies, accounts and insider information of these ex-Intelligence agents allows us to glean a lot of knowledge about how the Military Intelligence Complex really operates.

This list of course only represents a fraction of the total number of brave ex-intelligence whistleblowers out there. who have made an impression upon you.

Government 'Cyber Troops' Manipulate Facebook, Twitter, Study Says

An Oxford study found authoritarian and democratic governments game social media to shape public opinion.

Governments around the world are enlisting "cyber troops" who manipulate Facebook, Twitter and other social media outlets to steer public opinion, spread misinformation and undermine critics, according to a new report from the University of Oxford.

Related: Little Brother Is Watching: FBI issues urgent warning about ‘spy toys’ that could put ‘privacy and safety of children at risk’

Adding to growing evidence of government-sponsored efforts to use online tools to influence politics, researchers found 29 countries using social media to shape opinion domestically or with foreign audiences. The tactics are deployed by authoritarian regimes, but also democratically-elected governments, the authors said. 

"Social media makes propaganda campaigns much stronger and potentially more effective than in the past," said Samantha Bradshaw, the report's lead author and a researcher at Oxford's Computational Propaganda Research Project.

"I don't think people realize how much governments are using these tools to reach them. It's a lot more hidden."

Online behavior of the government-backed groups varies widely, from commenting on Facebook and Twitter posts, to targeting people individually.

Journalists are harassed by government groups in Mexico and Russia, while cyber troops in Saudi Arabia flood negative Twitter posts about the regime with unrelated content and hashtags to make it harder for people to find the offending post. In the Czech Republic, the government is more likely to post a fact-check response to something they see as inaccurate, said the report.

Related: New law would force Facebook and Google to give police access to encrypted messages

Governments also use fake accounts to mask where the material is coming from. In Serbia, fake accounts are used to promote the government's agenda, and bloggers in Vietnam spread favorable information.

Meanwhile, government actors in Argentina, Mexico, the Philippines, Russia, Turkey, Venezuela and elsewhere use automation software - known as "bots" - to spread social media posts in ways that mimics human users.

"Cyber troops are a pervasive and global phenomenon," said the report published by the group that is studying how digital tools are being used to manipulate public opinion.

Propaganda has long been a dark art used by governments, but digital tools are making the techniques more sophisticated, according to Bradshaw.

She said governments over the past several years have taken note of the way activists have used social media to spread a message and build support, and are adopting some of the same methods. Online tools such as data-analytics software allow governments to more effectively tailor a message for specific groups of people, maximizing its impact.

Click on the image above to view a larger version in a new window

Related: High Tech Surveillance With 5G Wi-Fi

Bradshaw said that while Russia and authoritarian regimes get most of the attention for manipulating social media, Western democracies have been using similar techniques. In the U.K., the British Army created the 77th Brigade in 2015, in part for psychological operations using social media. Bradshaw said democratic governments aren't forthcoming about their digital propaganda efforts.

“They are using the same tools and techniques as the authoritarian regimes," she said. "Maybe the motivations are different, but it's hard to tell without the transparency."

Co-operative Bank logo - The serpent eating it’s own tail? “Change for good” – or working for Satan just like the foreign bank cartel?

The Ouroboros or Uroborus is an ancient symbol depicting the Jörmungandr. A serpent or dragon eating its own tail. The name originates from within Greek language; (oura) meaning "tail" and (boros) meaning "eating", thus "he who eats the tail"

Related: Co-operative Bank NZ Starts Forcing its Customers to be 'Microchiped'

Following the U.S. election, Facebook and Twitter have been criticized for not doing enough to filter out fake news and offensive content.

Facebook, which had no immediate comment on the report, has hired more human curators and partnered with fact-check organizations in an attempt to keep misinformation out of people's feeds.

Twitter spokesman Ian Plunkett referred to a June a blog post that said the company "should not be the arbiter of truth," and that others on the site do a better job of highlighting wrongdoing. The company has taken steps to crack down on the use of bots. 

Bradshaw said there isn't an easy solution when balancing the benefits of sharing information across the Internet against the problems with spreading propaganda. She said one improvement would be tools that make it more clear when a government is involved. 

“There's a fine line," she says, "between free speech and censorship. "

10 Surprising Ways the Government is Spying on You

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Israel Above All & Gaza Near Collapse
July 22 2017 | From: PaulCraigRoberts / TheSleuthJournal / Various

The criminalization of political speech and activism against Israel has become one of the gravest threats to free speech in the west.

In France, activists have been arrested and prosecuted for wearing t-shirts advocating a boycott of Israel. The U.K. has enacted a series of measures designed to outlaw such activism.

Related: Two Israeli Companies: Spying on the World

In the U.S., governors compete with one another over who can implement the most extreme regulations to bar businesses from participating in any boycotts aimed even at Israeli settlements, which the world regards as illegal.

On U.S. campuses, punishment of pro-Palestinian students for expressing criticisms of Israel is so commonplace that the Center for Constitutional Rights refers to it as “the Palestine Exception” to free speech.

Anyone who does not understand that Israel owns the US Congress needs to read Glenn Greenwald’s article:

U.S. Lawmakers Seek to Criminally Outlaw Support for Boycott Campaign Against Israel

Related: Israeli Defense Minister Confirms Israel Backing Of ISIS In Syria

Anyone who does not understand that Israel owns the Western media needs to read “The Brutal Realities of Israel’s Iron-fisted Occupation,” by Dennis J. Bernstein and John Pilger.

Israel also owns the evangelical Christian churches.

“The [media organization] that produces the most refined propaganda is the BBC. CNN and the others are just cruder versions. Any truth about Israel/Palestine or, more generally, the Middle East is not going to come from the mainstream media.

Those of us who know this should stop beating our heads against a brick wall, asking why they don’t tell the truth. That’s not what they’re there for.”

- Documentary film-maker John Pilger

ADL Targets Conservatives, Releases Hate List

Recently released list shares addresses of multiple alternative media stars.

Mike Cernovich joins the show to discuss the latest in political intimidation. The ADL has released a list of alternative media stars they claim spread hate and white supremacy. The baseless accusations include the addresses of their targets and are nothing short of a hit list for radical leftist violence.

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Gaza Near Collapse

A decade of Israeli blockade, compounded by PA complicity with its harshness, deteriorated conditions to the breaking point – the suffering of two million Gazans largely ignored by the world community.

Israel’s blockade was and continues to be for political, not security, reasons, encouraged and supported by Washington.

Related: $40 Billion US In Aid To Israel: For Whom And For What? + Documentary Reveals How Israel Convinces Americans: “Palestine Occupies Israel”

A report titled “Three Three Years After the 2014 Gaza Hostilities – Beyond Survival: Challenges to Economic Recovery and Long-Term Development” explains nightmarish conditions amounting to slow-motion genocide.

Gaza’s economy is in shambles. One-third of its arable land and over half of Oslo-agreed on fishing waters are off-limits. Palestinians venturing into them risk being shot and killed.

Electricity in Gaza is at an all-time low, at most one-fifth of demand. Power cuts last as long as 20 hours daily, sometimes longer. Lack of it endangers lives, damages the Strip’s fragile infrastructure, and prevents normal activities.

Three years after Operation Protective Edge, rebuilding is woefully slow. Most aid pledged wasn’t supplied. Most getting in hasn’t gone for reconstruction.

Related: The True Cost Of Israel + The Reality Of Zionist Control

Blockade and Israeli aggression at its discretion makes economic recovery unattainable. Deep poverty, unemployment, underemployment, food insecurity, fractured infrastructure, limited public services (including healthcare and education), along with environmental degradation make daily life a struggle to survive.

Unemployment for youths and new labor force entrants is around 60%, overall unemployment over 40%, conditions worsening, not improving.

Gaza’s private sector is incapacitated by blockade, restricted movements, along with limited access to natural resources and markets.

Economic activity is little more than half its pre-2014 war level, while Gaza’s population steadily grows. Most households need humanitarian aid to survive.

Related: Top Israeli General Speaks Out Against Israel’s Crimes Against Palestinians + Parallels Between Israel &
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The UN’s prediction about Gaza being unlivable by 2020 should have said it’s been this way for years, especially post-Operation Protective Edge.

On July 8, the Strip’s power crisis deepened. Two generators shut down. Production dropped to 20 megawatts daily because entry of Egyptian fuel stopped.

The PA is responsible for non-payment to Cairo. Israel cut its supply delivered to minimal amounts. Lack of power forced sharp cutbacks in all vital aspects of life – commercial, industrial, medical and residential.

Related: Enclosure of Gaza as a “Prison Territory”: Construction of New High Tech Surveillance Wall to Separate Gaza from Israel

Gaza’s health ministry instituted major cuts in vital services. Fuel used to run generators in hospitals is close to running out.

If things don’t improve quickly, most operating rooms, laboratories and blood banks will close.

The lives of patients needing vital surgery, in intensive care, and on dialysis will be endangered. Safe water and sanitation are gravely affected.

Gaza is occupied territory. Israel fails to fulfill even minimal obligations as an occupying power, international humanitarian law ignored.

The lives, health, safety and welfare of two million Gazans are endangered by its ruthlessness.

Related: Israel - A Nation Founded Upon A Monumental Lie

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Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi

'Dark Web' Child Pornographer Vincenzo Tyrone Wiremu Avoids Jail Because Of Asperger's & Navy SEAL Has Assets Seized For Trying To Expose Elite Pedophile Ring
July 22 2017 | From: Stuff / NeonNettle / Various

A Christchurch District Court judge has kept a 24-year-old child abuse pornography offender out of prison after learning of his struggles with Asperger's syndrome.

Vincenzo Tyrone Wiremu traded images on the "dark web" of toddlers and prepubescent boys and girls suffering "gross" sexual abuse

Instead, Vincenzo Tyrone Wiremu will be under intensive supervision for two years, with no access to the internet – where he had traded images on the "dark web" for years.

Related: Pedogate arrests: US Army general, Ohio mayor & TV actor raped children as young as 3

Christchurch District Court Judge Jane Farish described the images as "gross" when she sentenced the Rolleston truck driver on Wednesday.

Judge Farish said the sentence was not "soft" on Wiremu, nor precedent-setting, but focused on rehabilitation

Related: Judge regrets jailing sex offender

The images ranged from toddlers to prepubescent boys and girls, sometimes posing or being subjected to sexual abuse including when gagged, tied or restrained.

Wiremu admitted 41 charges brought by Internal Affairs, of making, possessing or distributing objectionable material.

His offending was identified through a United States connection. It was referred to Internal Affairs in New Zealand, which executed a search warrant in April 2016.

Wiremu admitted using a "drop box" system where people could access the files. He voluntarily provided access to emails and other accounts he used. That included setting up a Facebook page called "young love" in which to place images.

Related: Human Trafficker Admits To Killing Over 400 Children In Video Confession

Internal Affairs prosecutor Marty Robinson said the department was concerned about the large number of people – more than 100 – who accessed the distributed material and by the extreme nature of the abuse. The department called for a starting point of six years' jail, before other factors were considered.

Defence counsel Paul Johnson said that, after taking responsibility for the offending, Wiremu still had a significant amount of support from his family and employers, who were prepared to keep him on.

Judge Farish said the sentence she imposed was not her being "soft" on Wiremu, nor precedent-setting. She did not want to set a sentence that would "lose sight of rehabilitation".

She did not see him as a risk of causing serious harm, but he was a risk in terms of accessing computer systems. He had been diagnosed with Asperger's syndrome, but he had achieved relatively well and had a full time job where he was well regarded. She told Wiremu:

“Every image you viewed was of a person committing a crime against a young person. It caused long term physical and mental harm. It caused ongoing anguish."

She had read victim impact statements from people who were abused as children for online pornography and found they "re-abused" as adults because people continued to watch it.

"Social media have an obligation to remove or report images that are clearly objectionable,"
she said.

She had a report from a clinical psychologist who said Wiremu's Asperger's restricted his social skills and blocked access to same-age partners for social and sexual development. On his own, he discovered the available pornography online.

His condition led to poor social and communications skills, an inability so far to maintain any long-term relationships, negative emotions from experiencing social rejection and restricted problem-solving skills.

Special needs should be considered for sentencing, including the "delicate, fragile social connections" for a person with Asperger's. Judge Farish said she accepted there was a diminished culpability because of Wiremu's Asperger's.

She saw a prison term as being counter-productive for Wiremu and for society. She said home detention would undermine the rehabilitative purpose of sentencing.

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In what she termed an "unusual case", she sentenced Wiremu to two years of intensive supervision. During this time he must specialist counselling, not possess internet-capable devices without approval and live at an approved address.

He could not have contact with children aged under 16 without an approved adult present, until the issue was considered by the psychologist.

The judge did not order his registration as a child sex offender, because she said the "negative and restrictive nature of the Act" would compromise his treatment, and end his employment.

Judge Farish warned him that any breaches of the sentence would mean sending him to jail.

Related: Is Pedophilia the Turning Point in Public Consciousness?

Navy SEAL Has Assets Seized For Trying To Expose Elite Pedophile Ring

Earlier this year, Navy SEAL Craig Sawyer blew the whistle on Elite pedophilia and revealed thousands of high-level pedophiles were being investigated by the US Government.

Despite a mainstream media blackout on the cases, Sawyer vowed to lift the lid on the child trafficking networks that are operating in Washington D.C. and throughout the United States and beyond.

Related: Europol, FBI Arrest Nearly 900 In Crackdown On Global Pedophile Ring + Former SEAL: 3,000 Elite Pedophiles Arrested – Media Silent

Sawyer has been working with high-level federal law enforcers and intelligence workers to conduct his own independent research, that has led him to discover that top government officials routinely torture and kill young children during satanic rituals. In an emotionally charged appeal to the public, Sawyer said in a statement:

“We've got to do something - We, as American citizens, have to pull up our big-boy pants."

He has since set up an organization called Vets4ChildRescue which aims to "educate and increase public awareness, assist law enforcement and other legal entities to prevent and reduce pedophilia, human sex trafficking, and child sexual abuse."

Since going public with his gruesome discoveries, the US Marine Veteran has had his funding accounts seized by GoFundMe and PayPal, and his campaign on YouCaring has been shut down.

World Judge reports: You’d think this organization would be openly praised, yet the opposite effect is being felt from many power players.

Craig’s organization seems to run into online funding roadblocks non-stop. Recently, The Saw Man was on Alex Jones’ radio show, Info Wars[link], which garnered much attention to his GoFundMe account, and donations started pouring in.

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During that broadcast, as the funding was on an extremely steep climb, GoFundMe decided to shut that funding down and cancel the account.

Vets 4 Child Rescue was also suspended from their YouCaring campaign. I guess YouCaring isn’t really “caring” about the abuse, trafficking, and deaths of children across the world.

Craig has found multiple different avenues to raise funds online for his organization but one common attribute to most online funding is the use of PayPal.

The unfortunate need to have an intermediary payment system, such as PayPal, has proven to be a new roadblock being used to fight against Craig and his team at V4CR, as PayPal has now suspended Craig’s account and ceased $46k of his organization's funds, seemingly without explanation.

Former SEAL: Take Down The Pedophile Elite

Soon after this tweet, Craig was made aware of PayPal founder, Peter Thiel, being involved in the science of blood transfusions for possible life extension.

This blood transfusion process is directed at studying the blood of young healthy specimens transfused into a donor for a longer life. As many may know, the trafficking of children is widespread and happening more frequently than you can ever imagine.

Life extension research, using children’s blood, is not an open and acceptable method of research on this subject, so you can only imagine the amount of “dark research” happening using trafficked children to satisfy the needs of billionaire life extension buffs.

Related: Swedish Liberal Youth Party Wants to Legalize Necrophilia & Child Porn

Pedophilia along with satanic rituals involving children has been widespread among the political elite, top businessmen, and the ruling class society for a long time. They protect each other and go after their common enemies, such as people like Craig Sawyer.

Unfortunately, Craig and his team have now been reduced to taking donations solely based on mailed-in funds, since all online sources have shut him down for trying to fight problem of pedophilia and child trafficking issues that is so widespread.

Support Craig and his team at Vets4ChildRescue.org by donating at the address found here.

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Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi

Trump Bashes Fake News For G20 Putin Conspiracy Theories + Trump Jr. "Scandal": Russian Lawyer Veselnitskaya Ready ‘To Share Everything’ With Senate
July 21 2017 | From: Breitbart / RT

President Donald Trump vented his frustration with “fake news” media outlets on Twitter Tuesday after a scheduled dinner with Russian President Vladimir Putin was reported as a “secret” summit with dark implications.

The tweets came after Reuters, The Hill, and other agencies reported that a “second, undisclosed” meeting had taken place between the two world leaders.

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The “meeting” was alleged to have taken place after a dinner arranged by Chancellor Angela Merkel for the leaders of the Group of 20 nations and lasted ” roughly an hour.”

The White House did not make an announcement to the press that Trump had spoken to Putin after dinner.

After reports of the conversation emerged, the White House promptly issued a statement calling the mainstream media’s characterizations “false, malicious and absurd.”

Before Trump made the tweets, the mainstream press reacted with indignation, attempting to spin impropriety and conspiracy into each report of the never-denied conversation. Britain’s The Daily Telegraph characterized the White House acknowledging the two world leaders spoke as an “admission.”

CNN quoted Sen. Chris Coons (D-DE), who, citing no law or regulation, strongly implied that the President of the United States is not allowed to speak to other world leaders after dinner.

Coons called the meeting a “basic failure in terms of national security protocol” because Trump did not bring a second American translator along when he spoke to Putin.

The same vague and unspecified accusations played out among members of the leftist press who took to Twitter to take the President to task after his tweeted replies to the controversy.

Jules Suzdaltsev, a producer with VICE, launch into a tirade in reply to Trump’s tweets, despite bragging of being #BlockedByTrump.

Suzdaltsev provided no citations for his claim of “state dept requirements” which dictate the President of the United States’s post-dinner conversation schedule.

Trump Jr. "Scandal": Russian Lawyer Veselnitskaya Ready ‘To Share Everything’ With Senate

Russian attorney Natalia Veselnitskaya told RT she is ready to testify before the US Congress on her controversial meeting with Donald Trump Jr. during last year’s presidential campaign in America.

The attorney, who met with Donald Trump Jr. during his father's campaign for the presidency, said she knows who was behind the "mass hysteria" related to the meeting.

Related: Trump’s lawyer insists nothing ‘nefarious’ in Trump Jr. Russia meeting

She accuses Magnitsky Act lobbyist William Browder of masterminding the disinformation campaign, aiming to harm her as revenge for a recent defeat he suffered in a US court in at the hands of a team of lawyers that included Veselnitskaya.

“I have absolutely no doubt that this whole information [campaign] is being spun, encouraged and organized by that very man as revenge for the defeat he suffered in the court of the Southern State of New York in the ‘Prevezon’ company case,” 
she said.

Veselnitskaya was one of the legal experts who represented Cyprus-based holding company Prevezon, owned by Russian businessman Denis Katsyv, in its defense against allegations of money laundering.

Russian Prosecutor General’s Office denies link to Trump Jr. meeting with Russian lawyer

The case, which was launched in 2013, ended in a settlement in May this year with no admission of guilt by Prevezon.

He wasn't able to convince the court with his lousy human tragedy that actually never happened, about the fate of a dead man – who he only learnt about after his death,"
Veselnitskaya said, referring to the 2009 death of Russian lawyer and auditor Sergey Magnitsky in a Moscow detention center.

Browder, the CEO of Hermitage Capital Investment company, is a big name in Russia, known mostly for his business dealings there in the 1990s and his economic crimes. He was also the boss of the late Magnitsky.

He has remained one of the main vocal opponents of the Kremlin, long after leaving Russia.

Related: 'Inane nonsense’: Trump Jr. releases Russian lawyer meeting emails

Veselnitskaya also said that Browder and his team began spying on her before her meeting with Trump Jr.

“It’s been revealed that Mr Browder and his team have been gathering information about my family,” she told RT, adding that Browder’s team “found photos of my house and sent them to Kyle Parker…

a famous man in the House of Representatives, who worked for Mr Browder for many years – and not for any congressmen or congress as a whole.”

An email reportedly containing a photo of Veselnitskaya’s house was discovered in a trove of emails published online by an unidentified party. It was allegedly obtained from the account of a US State Department intelligence official tasked with monitoring Russia.

The email was presumably sent by Browder to Parker on June 6, 2016.

Email between State Department employee Robert Otto, a senior staff member from the Committee on Foreign Affairs and the co-founder of Hermitage Capital Management

Veselnitskaya said the meeting with Trump Jr. was aimed at informing him about Browder and his actions. 

“I am already tired of talking about it, but apparently nobody wants to hear. This was the story that I brought to Donald Trump Jr. I wanted him to know that Browder, a person who gave up his US citizenship, is trying to manipulate people in Congress,” she said.

Browder, according to Veselnitskaya, used the meeting as ammunition to harm both her and the Kremlin.

Now Veselnitskaya is ready to testify to the Senate. Her only condition is that she receives security guarantees.

If the Senate wishes to hear the real story, I will be happy to speak up and share everything I wanted to tell Mr. Trump,” she added, referring to the economic crimes that Browder is suspected of in Russia.

"I will share everything I know about this situation when millions came into my country and billions left it – and nobody paid taxes.”

Russian Lawyer Veselnitskaya Ready ‘To Share Everything’ With Senate

Browder was sentenced in absentia to nine years in prison for tax evasion. According to the 2013 court verdict, Browder together with Magnitsky failed to pay over 552 million rubles in taxes (about US$16 million).

The businessman was also found guilty of illegally buying shares in the country’s natural gas monopoly, Gazprom, costing Russia at least 3 billion rubles (US$100 million).

The Magnitsky Act is a 2012 law that allows the United States to seize assets from a number of alleged Russian human rights abusers, as well as barring them from entering the country. Russia retaliated by prohibiting American families from adopting Russian children.

Related: Emails to Trump Jr. on Russian lawyer meeting are full of lies – Agalarov’s attorney

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Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi

The Relationship Between Compulsory Vaccination, Suicide & Euthanasia
July 21 2017 | From: TheContrail

The corrupt medical profession and inherent dangers of vaccines: The issues of vaccines - suicide - euthanasia are all inseparable in terms of Nazi philosophy.

That is why the media all around the world at present are pushing propaganda articles about the need to pass new laws to legalize “youth suicide and euthanasia” as “free choice” but take away the “informed choice” for anti-vaccinations groups, because vaccines are going to be used as an integral method to kill off millions of targeted groups soon.

Related: Eleven Common Symptoms Of The Global Depopulation Slow Kill

Remember, in Nazi Germany it involved not only killing off undesirable groups of people by lethal injection and gassing, but mass sterilizing others so that they could not reproduce.

I have a younger sister who, like myself, is a retired physician in Holland who has worked in Belgium also so I am very well informed what is happening there now. Although I live in NZ and am elderly, I still keep myself well informed.

As one who was brought up under the Nazis during WWII,  I can assure you that your description calling most modern medical doctors ‘neo-Nazis’ although I hate to admit it, is absolutely true in every respect.

In fact, modern doctors in The Netherlands and Belgium now are much worse than the Nazi doctors ever were, and what has already happened in Belgium is spreading out across the whole western world including here in New Zealand at present.

Related: The NWO Depopulation Agenda Is The Only Explanation Why Expensive Mainstream Medicine Is Lethal

The problem is when you tell the average uninformed person the full truth like this claiming that these physicians are “Nazis,” which they really are, most people just pull back, because they simply  cannot comprehend their supposedly ‘friendly family doctor’ could possibly be such a devil. But he or she is.

This was the case in Nazi Germany also, as the masses historically have always had a sort of ‘blind faith’ in physicians going back to Plato.

According to the End-of-Life Choice Voluntary Euthanasia Society Of New Zealand Inc. the Horizon Poll conducted in May 16-23 2017 on 1274 people from the public aged 18 and over, 75% supported euthanasia and 11% were opposed.

This is very much worse than would have been the case under Hitler.

When you’ve got 75% of brainless morons like this in New Zealand already supporting politicians to pass new laws to engineer their own euthanasia, (which  includes their own children if these pea brains only knew it) then you have almost an entire nation remarkably voting for their own premature death.

Related: Eugenics And Population Control To Save The Planet, Says Berkeley Professor

I note you included in your previous email some YouTube clips illustrating what is going on in Belgium right now. But may I say it is much worse than that.

Already, doctors are euthanizing not only the elderly, but young people with even very slight mental problems, or for example girls or women who have been raped and say they psychologically can’t cope, or any young person who is suffering depression or is unemployed and disillusioned.

This is MUCH WORSE THAN THE NAZIS EVER DID in the Final Solution! It is only beginning to escalate in Europe presently, yet is in the process of expanding worldwide.

Now if the euthanasia of these people itself is not bad enough, do you know that already in about half of the cases these people are being murdered without their consent.

Related: Explaining The Methods (And Insane Reasoning) Behind The Depopulation Agenda

Yes that is right. People are getting admitted into hospital claiming they are suffering from  such and such, depression, mental instability or dizzy spells – and they don’t come home.

So you see what you perceptively said about compulsory vaccination relative to the Nuremberg Code, why informed voluntary consent is so vitally important, and if it is removed, it is really the “last straw” and the last step before this medical tyranny is implemented worldwide.

I mean to say, it is not far away from anyone who criticizes the government being classified as mentally unstable, then being arrested and given a lethal injection without his or her consent and sent on their way – to paradise or hell as the case may be.

Here are some more YouTube clips about it which you may not have seen which I’ve gleaned. If people will not get the message after watching these in a strange way they all deserve what’s coming – because the video clips here are simply irrefutable – stunning:

1. “The Case of Tom Mortier”  - The Euthanasia Deception Promo
2. Why a rape Victim Was Euthanized 

3. The Euthanasia Deception – Documentary Promo 
4. Belgian woman approved for euthanasia says she lives in ‘extremes’ 

5. Hugh Scher, Euthanasia Prevention Coalition, Parliamentary C-14 Hearing   

6. 17-year-old becomes first minor to die by euthanasia in Belgium 

7. Allow Me To Die: Euthanasia in Belgium   

8. Assisted Suicide My Own Choice Science Documentary   

9. 24 & ready to die 

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Genetics Are The New Eugenics: How GMO’s Reduce The Human Population & This Major Report On GMO Safety Has Just One Small Problem: Undisclosed Conflicts Of Interest

Eugenics: Population "Control", New World Order Style

Debt, Vaccines And Food As A Weapon: When International Aid Is Used For Population Control

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Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi

The Twenty One Goals Of The Illuminati And The Committee Of 300 + The Sides Are Being Drawn Up Now
July 20 2017 | From: EducateYourself / Farouk

From: 'Conspirators' Hierachy: The Story of The Committee of 300'

By Dr. John Coleman.(Written circa 1993)

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1. To establish a One World Government/New World Order with a unified church and monetary system under their direction. The One World Government began to set up its church in the 1920:s and 30:s, for they realized the need for a religious belief inherent in mankind must have an outlet and, therefore, set up a "church" body to channel that belief in the direction they desired.

2. To bring about the utter destruction of all national identity and national pride, which was a primary consideration if the concept of a One World Government was to work.

3. To engineer and bring about the destruction of religion, and more especially, the Christian Religion, with the one exception, their own creation, as mentioned above.

Related: The Vision Of Technocracy

4. To establish the ability to control of each and every person through means of mind control and what Zbignew Brzezinski called techonotronics, which would create human-like robots and a system of terror which would make Felix Dzerzinhski's Red Terror look like children at play.

5. To bring about the end to all industrialization and to end the production of nuclear generated electric power in what they call "the post-industrial zero-growth society". Excepted are the computer- and service industries. US industries that remain will be exported to countries such as Mexico where abundant slave labor is available.

As we saw in 1993, this has become a fact through the passage of the North American Free Trade Agreement, known as NAFTA.

Unemployables in the US, in the wake of industrial destruction, will either become opium-heroin and/or cocaine addicts, or become statistics in the elimination of the "excess population" process we know of today as Global 2000.

6. To encourage, and eventually legalize the use of drugs and make pornography an "art-form", which will be widely accepted and, eventually, become quite commonplace.

Related: CIA MKULTRA: Drugs To Take Down The Nation

7. To bring about depopulation of large cities according to the trial run carried out by the Pol Pot regime in Cambodia. It is interesting to note that Pol Pot's genocidal plans were drawn up in the US by one of the Club of Rome's research foundations, and overseen by Thomas Enders, a high-ranking State Department official. It is also interesting that the committee is currently seeking to reinstate the Pol Pot butchers in Cambodia.

8. To suppress all scientific development except for those deemed beneficial by the Illuminati. Especially targeted is nuclear energy for peaceful purposes. Particularly hated are the fusion experiments currently being scorned and ridiculed by the Illuminati and its jackals of the press.

Development of the fusion torch would blow the Illuminati's conception of "limited natural resources" right out of the window. A fusion torch, properly used, could create unlimited and as yet untapped natural resources, even from the most ordinary substances.

Related: Tesla’s Anti-Gravity Research In Use In Dozens Of Secretive Military Projects

Fusion torch uses are legion, and would benefit mankind in a manner which, as yet, is not even remotely comprehended by the public.

9. To cause. by means of A) limited wars in the advanced countries, B) by means of starvation and diseases in the Third World countries, the death of three billion people by the year 2050, people they call "useless eaters". The Committee of 300 (Illuminati) commissioned Cyrus Vance to write a paper on this subject of how to bring about such genocide.

The paper was produced under the title "Global 2000 Report" and was accepted and approved for action by former President James Earl Carter, and Edwin Muskie, then Secretary of States, for and on behalf of the US Government. Under the terms of the Global 2000 Report, the population of the US is to be reduced by 100 million by the year of 2050.

Mysterious Georgia Guidestones Get Strange 2014 Update

10. To weaken the moral fiber of the nation and to demoralize workers in the labor class by creating mass unemployment. As jobs dwindle due to the post industrial zero growth policies introduced by the Club of Rome, the report envisages demoralized and discouraged workers resorting to alcohol and drugs.

The youth of the land will be encouraged by means of rock music and drugs to rebel against the status quo, thus undermining and eventually destroying the family unit. In this regard, the Committee commissioned Tavistock Institute to prepare a blueprint as to how this could be achieved.

Tavistock directed Stanford Research to undertake the work under the direction of Professor Willis Harmon. This work later became known as the "Aquarian Conspiracy".

11. To keep people everywhere from deciding their own destinies by means of one created crisis after another and then "managing" such crises.

Related: 1924 Newspaper Article Outlines Six Goals Of The Illuminati

This will confuse and demoralize the population to the extent where faced with too many choices, apathy on a massive scale will result. In the case of the US, an agency for Crisis Management is already in place. It is called the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), whose existence I first enclosed in 1980.

12. To introduce new cults and continue to boost those already functioning which include rock music gangsters such as the Rolling Stones (a gangster group much favored by European Black Nobility), and all of the Tavistock-created rock groups which began with the Beatles.

13. To continue to build up the cult of Christian Fundamentalism begun by the British East India Company's servant Darby, which will be misused to strengthen the Zionist State of Israel by identifying with the Jews through the myth of "God's chosen people", and by donating very substantial amounts of money to what they mistakenly believe is a religious cause in the furtherance of Christianity.

14. To press for the spread of religious cults such as the Moslem Brotherhood, Moslem Fundamentalism, the Sikhs, and to carry out mind control experiments of the Jim Jones and "Son of Sam" type.

Related: The Committee of 300

It is worth noting that the late Khomeini was a creation of British Military Intelligence Div. 6, MI6. This detailed work spelled out the step-by-step process which the US Government implemented to put Khomeini in power.

15. To export "religious liberation" ideas around the world so as to undermine all existing religions, but more especially the Christian religion. This began with the "Jesuit Liberation Theology", that brought an end to the Somoza Family rule in Nicaragua, and which today is destroying El Salvador, now 25 years into a "civil war".

Costa Rica and Honduras are also embroiled in revolutionary activities, instigated by the Jesuits. One very active entity engaged in the so-called liberation theology, is the Communist-oriented Mary Knoll Mission. This accounts for the extensive media attention to the murder of four of Mary Knoll's so-called nuns in El Salvador a few years ago.

The four nuns were Communist subversive agents and their activities were widely documented by the Government of El Salvador. The US press and the new media refused to give any space or coverage to the mass of documentation possessed by the Salvadorian Government, which proved what the Mary Knoll Mission nuns were doing in the country.

Mary Knoll is in service in many countries, and placed a leading role in bringing Communism to Rhodesia, Moçambique, Angola and South Africa.

16. To cause a total collapse of the world's economies and engender total political chaos.

Related: More Confessions Of An Economic Hit Man: "This Time, They’re Coming For Your Democracy"

17. To take control of all foreign and domestic policies of the US.

18. To give the fullest support to supranational institutions such as the United Nations, the International Monetary Fund (IMF), the Bank of International Settlements, the World Court and, as far as possible, make local institutions less effective, by gradually phasing them out or bringing them under the mantle of the UN.

19. To penetrate and subvert all governments, and work from within them to destroy the sovereign integrity of the nations represented by them.

Related: Anonymous: De-Mystifying The Concept Of The Deep State + Doctor Explains Why The Public Is So Stupid - Trusting The Government & Fake News

20. To organize a world-wide terrorist apparatus [Al-queda, ISIS, ISIL, etc.] and to negotiate with terrorists whenever terrorist activities take place. It will be recalled that it was Bettino Craxi, who persuaded the Italian and US Governments to negotiate with the Red Brigades kidnapers of Prime Minister Moro and General Dozier.

As an aside, Dozier was placed under strict orders not to talk what happened to him. Should he ever break that silence, he will no doubt be made "a horrible example of", in the manner in which Henry Kissinger dealt with Aldo Moro, Ali Bhutto and General Zia ul Haq.

21. To take control of education in America with the intent and purpose of utterly and completely destroying it.

Related: Unschooling: Radical Education That Produces Free Human Beings Instead Of Slaves

By 1993, the full force effect of this policy is becoming apparent, and will be even more destructive as primary and secondary schools begin to teach "Outcome Based Education" (OBE).

The Sides Are Being Drawn Up Now

Team A has USA-Trump, Russia-Putin and China-Xi (plus the Golden Dragons). Team B consists of the Poop (Pope), Committee of 300 Gang and the old Fiat Wealth held by Rothschilds’ Banksters and European old Royalty (?) Families.

Team A has the winning game plans as they have the largest global economies and the BIGGEST ARMIES.

Related: Neil Keenan | History & Events Timeline

The recent G20 Meeting cleared the air on these sides. The Putin-Trump meeting sealed it. Eye contact and handshakes cemented relationships.

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Much more to come. There are earthquakes all over the Western financial world as a result. It is now G3 plus 17 wannabe’s who had better get their acts together.

Of course the head Fraudster, the Pontiff, immediately called for a “One World Government” that must rope in The United States as “America has a distorted vision of the World” and that Americans must be ruled by a world government, as soon as possible, “for their own good”.

And so Yellin’ Yellen immediately comes out stating that the FED is going to continue raising rates and removing Dollar liquidity from the global markets (a stooge move “for America’s own good”?).

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Of course the Poop’s vision of the World is for him (not HIM) and his (NOT HIS) Church to be the defacto ruler of the whole World through the fraudulent and fallacious enslavement of all mankind through limited liability corporations and their minions controlling fiat financial institutions, governments and all major industries.

The “Trifuckya” of the US, Russia and China clearly derails this old philosophy and control system and all that cling to it. This Old Guard has been exposed and much, much more is to come.

So what is going to happen next?

I anticipate that there will be more financial turmoil. The Europeans see the writing on the wall concerning the EU and EURO and the immigration mess disrupting their economies.

All of that is coming “un-done”. Pumping more fiat Euros to plug the dikes will not work as liberal socialism has already proven. Germany cannot hold it all together any more.

The Swiss and City of London banks have no more gold. And anyone with any sense (cents) is packing their bugout bags for their new homes in South America or New Zealand and moving their money to Dubai.

Financially the fiat money system is faced with an inevitable “re-valuation”. The question is whether this will be a “free fall disaster”, a “one off adjustment” or a “soft landing”?

Then there is the REAL option of the United States returning to its dejure “united States Republic” which is under genuine legal reaffirmations NOW and will redefine global finances and expose the frauds that have been perpetrated.

My feeling is that there will be an abrupt change as orchestrated by the US, Russia and China most likely through the AIIB and CHIPS system. This will be done in a series of steps.

Related: BRICS Bank, AIIB To Strengthen Global Financial System - Putin

Trump will have to close the FED, foreclose on the bankrupt United States of America, Inc. and USA, Inc. which in turn will re-establish the Republic while at the same time cause the shut down the IMF, World Bank, UN and BIS (all of which will have to undergo serious restructuring if they are to survive).

The gold and silver backed US Treasury Dollar, the Remimbi and Ruble will be the defacto global currencies. Every other country will then peg their currencies to these reserve currencies. The Yen, Euro and Pound will no longer be reserve currencies.

To cut the Poop’s umbilical cord of global slavery will require countries to pass legislation that removes the “limited liability” of corporations, trusts, LLC’s and all such derivations. Without “limited liability immunity” everyone in a company (and incorporated country, state, county or city) will be fully liable and accountable and responsible.

No more hiding behind the “corporate veil” and the fraud that it permits.

Shifting from the “SEA” to “LAND” jurisdiction is what IS HAPPENING. This process is speeding up and will have profound impact on all global societies.

Educate yourself in this transitioning as you will be moving out of “strawman slavery” to your real freeman freedom and liberty (in every country!).

This transitioning will not be easy as unraveling centuries of fraud is a complex task. Re-educating whole populations that have been brainwashed and dumbed-down by repeated lies and battered by enforcement officers, will take time and patience. The Creator has willed it. So be it.

Related: The Strawman Is The Ego: The Parasite Cleanse Begins At Home

Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi

Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi

Everything Is Fake: Top 40 Pieces Of Fakery In Our World!
July 19 2017 | From: MaineRepublic / Various

Everything is fake in our society today – or at least a great many things are. Our world is filled with an extraordinary amount of lies, deception, disinformation, misinformation, fakery, fraud, facades, mirages, propaganda and brainwashing.

The good thing though is that once you awaken to the deception, you can use it as a tool for raising your consciousness. The idea that virtually everything is fake can be empowering rather than depressing.

Related: Exposing The Mainstream Consensus Reality Complex

Sure, we’ve all felt overwhelmed, sad, angry and impotent at times when we’ve seen just how easily our (mis)leaders can fool the masses with sophistry and empty rhetoric, but they’ve all been placed there to challenge us to wake up more quickly and fully, and reclaim our world.

Here’s my list of the top 40 pieces of fakery in our world today:

1. Fake News

Let’s begin with the MSM (Mainstream Media), better called the lamestream media, and their “news”, which is essentially corporate infotainment. The MSM waters down the news and makes it entertaining to further distract people from things of real significance.

There is nothing balanced, impartial or fair about MSM news. In the US, Australia and many other Western nations, the news is dominated by a handful of for-profit corporations who are legally bound to provide a return on investment to their shareholders.

Related: Soros Alliance Of Tech Giants Join PornHub To Create “Day Of Action” Protest & “Aren’t You Embarrassed?”: Conway Takes On CNN’s Fake News In Marathon Interview

This means running “news” pieces which either promote the agenda of the corporate owners (especially the military agenda) or censoring stories which would hurt political allies and advertisers (like Big Pharma, who is the biggest contributor of funds for advertising on MSM according to former US Senator Robert Kennedy Jr.).

Additionally, the news is literally fake – remember the CNN green screen stunt where they pretended they were being bombed in Saudi Arabia but were really in a studio? What about lying news anchos like Brian Williams and Bill O’Reilly (Bill O’Leilly)?

2. Fake Journalism

Alongside fake news, of course, comes equally fake journalism. MSM journalists today are not the true investigative reporters of yore.

There are exceptions such as journalists who used to work for the MSM Big 6 and are now working independently (either leaving of their own volition or having been fired) such as Ben Swann and Sharyl Attkisson.

However, they are few and far between. Most journalists function as little more than parrots repeating the corporate party line, and are too scared to rock the boat for fear of losing their jobs.

The White House strictly controls who has “access” to the President and other officials. In general, if you want more access, you have to toe the line and ask easy, softball questions that make politicians look good.

Additionally, the Government admitted it made video news releases or prepackaged news for the MSM, which then broadcast these releases as “news” without disclosing to its viewers that the pieces were premade by the Government!

3. Fake Entertainment

On the topic of media, let’s turn our attention to Hollywood and the entertainment industry.

If you’re looking for fakery and superficiality, look no further, because Hollywood and certain parts of southern California are about as shallow as it gets.

The dominating culture there dictates that it’s more important what you look like than who you are; more important who you hang out with (and are seen with) than what you know; and more important how big your Botox lips or silicone breasts are than how big your heart is; and more important what you own and what’s in your bank account than what gifts you’ve given to the world.

Hollywood’s film and music industries are imbued with Satanism. This is easily seen with its influence on heavy metal, rock, hip hop and these days even pop (take a look at the Illuminati symbology in the music and videos of Madonna or Katy Perry).

Actresses such as Rosanne Barr and many other Hollywood insiders have exposed how mind control, prostitution (turning up-and-coming stars into prostitutes or forcing them to have sex to “make” it) and pedophilia are rife throughout Hollywood.

Michael Jackson suffered from mind control and attempted to tell the world before he was killed. Many others such as Mariah Carey and Britney Spears show obvious signs of mind control.

4. Fake Corporate PR and Advertising

Another aspect of visual media (TV) that makes you sick are these generic “we care” fake feel-good commercials made by slick marketing departments of the corporatocracy, trying to get you to associate them with happiness, caring, giving, equality or any other value they choose from a list. They use marketing as a kind of weaponized psychology.

Did you ever wonder why Big Pharma always shows beautiful models, happy retired people, bouncing dogs or smiling babies to peddle its poisonous, side-effect laden drugs?

Related: Is Subliminal Advertising Legit?

Corporations are soulless entities and legal persons – the epitome of fakery in many ways since they are fake persons with the rights of people and the responsibilities of none.

5. Fake Medicine

Big Pharma is the force behind Western Medicine, and Rockefeller is the force behind both of them.

With its smorgasbord of synthetic drugs, vaccines, surgery, chemotherapy and radiation, Western medicine or allopathy has earned the dubious honor of killing hundreds of thousands of people every year.

A 2000 study by Dr. Barbara Starfield, MD, found that allopathy kills 225,000 per year in the US, while a 2003 study by Dr. Gary Null, MD and others, found that allopathy kills 783,000 per year in the US.

Starfield concluded that Western Medicine in America causes:

12,000 deaths from unnecessary surgeries;

7,000 deaths from medication errors in hospitals;

20,000 deaths from other errors in hospitals;

80,000 deaths from infections acquired in hospitals; and

106,000 deaths from FDA-approved correctly prescribed medicines.

Null et al concluded that Western Medicine causes:

37,136 deaths from unnecessary procedures;

32,000 deaths related to surgery;

98,000 deaths from medical error;

115,000 deaths from bedsores;

88,000 deaths from infection;

108,800 deaths from malnutrition;

199,000 deaths related to outpatients; and

106,000 deaths from adverse drug reactions.

Now, with its antibiotic drugs becoming more useless in the face of rising super bugs, you have to really question whether an entire medical system that is based on masking symptoms, “managing” illness, and getting patients on a hamster wheel of pill after pill after pill, can really constitute true healing – or whether it’s just more fakery.

6. Fake Scientific Research

Backing the Rockefeller’s Western medical Big Pharma cartel is a massive pile of fake scientific research.

Like anything fake, the veneer looks shiny and leads you to believe what lies inside is trustworthy and reputable, when in reality it’s reams of biased and concocted research with a peer-reviewed stamp on it.

Related: Peer Reviewed 'Science' Losing Credibility Due To Fraudulent Research & Manufacturing Consent In Science: The Diabolical Twist

Former Big Pharma reps, esteemed medical journal editors and even insider governmental scientists have all confessed the shocking truth that a large amount of the published scientific data out there is fraudulent and simply can’t be trusted. Check out the top 10 tricks used by corporate junk science.

7. Fake Acquired Immunity

Another piece of fakery is the idea that vaccine-induced immunity or acquired immunity could possibly be identical to natural immunity, which one receives after having successfully warded off a disease (e.g. like chickenpox).

Vaccine proponents even go so far as to insist that the unvaccinated are endangering the vaccinated by not getting their shots (the herd immunity argument) – which defies logic, since if vaccines really worked, there would be no need for the vaccinated to worry about catching anything from the unvaccinated.

In my article Herd Immunity vs. Viral Shedding: Who’s Infecting Whom? I discuss how the human immune system is vastly more complex and sophisticated than we understand, and is made up of specific and non-specific parts.

A vaccine does not closely resemble natural immunity in many ways, including only engendering a specific response, having a completely different point of entry, not conferring lifelong immunity, etc.

Besides, vaccines are full of toxins and carcinogens, including fetal tissue. The elite have admitted vaccines are being used for depopulation.

Related: Bill Gates Admits Vaccines Are Used for Human Depopulation

The real issue is not herd immunity but rather viral shedding, whereby the vaccinated are infecting the unvaccinated. Vaccines are yet another example of supreme fakery in today’s fake world.

8. Fake Food

True immunity is derived from lifestyle and diet, including what quality of exercise, sleep and nutrition you get.

This brings us to the topic of food. Our food today has become so processed and packaged, so full of preservatives and plastics, that it has become fake food. It gets churned out of a factory rather than grown on a farm or field.

Click on the image above to view a larger version in a new window

It’s full of artificial flavors and synthetic tastes – some of them even derived from aborted fetal tissue as Pepsi was forced to admit. Some of it is so refined and over-cooked it barely has more nutrition inside of it than a piece of cardboard.

When you add the monstrosity of GMOs (Genetically Modified Organisms) into the mix, you get a final product that Dr. Rima Laibow calls “phude” rather than “food”, because the final engineered, processed product is so far removed from what our ancestors knew as real food.

By the way, GMOs, in case you hadn’t heard, can lead to organ failure, infertility and cancer, and are genetically modifying you as GM proteins bypass digestion and go directly into your blood (as is theirultimate purpose).

GMOs by their very nature are engineered to withstand massive doses of chemical and hazardous pesticides. GMOs are basically a way for chemical companies like Monsanto and Dow to sell more chemicals, because people need them to grow Big Biotech’s fake food. The WHO recently declared Monsanto’s glyphosate and Dow’s 2-4,D pesticides as probably and possibly carcinogenic, respectively.

9. Fake Water

Just as we have fake food, we also have fake water. Real water is flowing and alive, as you can find in a river or mountain stream.

Unfortunately, most of our drinking water today is dead, having passed through 90° right angles in a pipe, having been treated with chlorine and fluoride (both toxins), and containing remnants of antibiotics, glyphosate and Big Pharma drugs. It may do just enough to keep us alive, but it’s not allowing us to thrive.

Water has memory and carries past information, as the pioneering research of Masaru Emoto showed. It absorbs what you are thinking and feeling, and changes its structure accordingly.

Related: Lawsuit Could End Water Fluoridation Once And For All By Demonstrating Its Neurotoxicity

If we as a society keep using synthetic drugs and flushing them down the waterways, the water will remember that, and future drinkers of it will get the “memory information” of drugs in their system, regardless of whether they actually take pharmaceuticals or not.

Not all water is equal. How beneficial it is depends on how it is structured. It is heartening to see people promoting structured water, which returns the buoyancy to the hydrogen and oxygen atoms making up the water molecule. We are water.

Whatever we do to our water we do to ourselves. One way out of the deception and conspiracy is to take control of your water, and find a pure source, or ensure you both filter and structure your water to make it as life-giving as possible.

Related: Experiment Proves That Thoughts & Intentions Can Alter Physical Reality

10. Fake Choice

The US (and other Western nations) like to pride themselves on being free, open and offering so much choice to the average citizen. But do they really?

What kind of choice is it when you can choose from over 1000 channels on cable TV and 25 flavors of frozen yoghurt, but when it comes to running society, all the major candidates for political office have identical policies on the things that count?

All the western countries have a red party and a blue party, the illusion of choice

Is there any real choice when one US politician is slightly tougher on immigration, but both support the current parasitic monetary system (privately owned Rothschild central banks like the Federal Reserve), the continuation and expansion of the US Empire through constant war and military base acquisition, and crony capitalism where politicians reward corporations at the expense of ordinary people?

Real choice is the power to have a say in the direction of society, not what material variety you have as a consumer.

11. Fake Money

A nation can never truly prosper as a free, fair and egalitarian society as long as it has a rigged monetary system. Today’s money is a privately-controlled creation.

The controllers, who own a government-sanctioned central bank in almost every country on earth, long ago convinced the government to adopt their funny money and rule that it be made legal tender.

This funny money is fake money, because it carries no intrinsic value. It’s just pieces of paper with ink – and now, increasingly, just digits typed into a computer. It’s fiat currency.

The word fiat means “by Government decree”, so funny money gets its value just because the Government says it does!

The founder of the Rothschild empire, Mayer Amschel Rothschild, once said:

“Give me control of a nation’s money and I care not who makes its laws”.

His son, Nathan Rothschild, said:

“I care not what puppet is placed on the throne of England to rule the Empire. The man who controls Britain’s money supply controls the British Empire and I control the British money supply.”

Our world is unlikely to change until people realize the power of money creation, and demand to have it restored to public control, either under the Government or in another more decentralized way. The first step in all of this is for people to realize how fake our money is.

12. Fake Economy

Don’t you love the way political leaders get up in their public addresses and claim with a straight face that the state of the union and the economy are strong?

Anyone who has looked at the rapid and almost hyperbolic rise of governmental debt and borrowing in the last 10 years knows the west is in deep trouble.

The USG owes a staggering $18 trillion, and many other nations worldwide (like the UK, Spain, Italy) are also in debt to the international banking cartel. What kind of economy relies on constantly borrowing money from tomorrow just to stay afloat today?

I’ll tell you – a completely fake economy that is bound to crash sooner or later when the debt gets called in.

13. Fake Free Markets

The NWO elite love to talk about the importance of free markets – when it suits them, of course.

By free markets they actually mean markets where they are unfettered by governmental regulation to exploit whomever and whatever they want, or conversely where they rely upon the Government to enforce something that ordinarily people would not choose.

Take for example California’s recent ruling of mandatory vaccinations, and the US Federal Government’s refusal to restrict GMOs or even allow GMO labeling.

The Government willingly destroys free markets around healthcare (Obamacare) and vaccines to benefit its Big Pharma masters, while simultaneously refusing to protect the public against the dangers it was created to guard against. We have convenient and fake free markets, not true ones.

14. Fake Free Trade Agreements

Another aspect of fake free markets is the spate of “free trade” agreements which is more Orwellian doublespeak for restricted trade agreements – that is, restricted to anyone except giant corporations.

Just look at the fallout from NAFTA, CAFTA and other free trade agreements which outsourced middle class jobs to China, India mad other developing nations and destroyed many American jobs. The latest round of secret treaties (the TPP, TTIP and TISA) will be more of the same.

As I documented in “How the TPP is Going to Affect You“, the TPP, if passed, will result in consequences like the weakening of the minimum wage, more censorship, more copyright, less freedom of expression, private corporate courts like the ISDS which supplant national sovereignty, stronger patents, more control for Big Pharma and less environmental protection.

15. Fake Accounting

Underpinning the fake economy is fake accounting. Remember on September 10th, 2001, when then Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld (the same guy who gave the sweet killer aspartame to the world) announced that $2.3 trillion was missing and unaccounted for.

That’s right – he couldn’t find $2.3 trillion! The public has a short memory, and the very next day (conveniently) we were hit with the mass ritual and false flag attack of 9/11, so it all got swept under the carpet.

Even that figure, as preposterously large as it is, doesn’t compare to the $9 trillion allegedly “missing”, as explored here by Alan Grayson, one of the few US Congressmen with any principle or backbone.

Of course, the digitalization of money allows for every greater amounts of fakery than just fiat paper currency … and massive amounts of money are being siphoned off for black military operations (black ops) and the Secret Space Program.

16. Fake Welfare

The elite owners of multinational corporations, many of whom are millionaires if not billionaires, like to complain about the US welfare system and programs like SNAP or food stamps as it is colloquially called.

Meanwhile, corporate welfare is rakes in billions of dollars in governmental contracts, subsidies and tax cuts due to the corrupt and indue influence they wield (chiefly through lobbying). The point of welfare is to help the poorest and neediest – not the wealthiest.

The preponderance of corporate welfare and the power of corporatocracy is another sign that the US is a fascist society – fascist in Mussolini’s sense that the ruling class control affairs through the merging of State and Corporate power.

17. Fake Government

The figurehead of all this fakery is Government, so it’s no surprise that Government itself is also an entirely fake creation.

In the US, many legal documents such as the State Constitution of Arizona state that Government only exists ”… to protect the rights of the governed”, while documents such as the Declaration of Independence affirm that a Government only derives its powers with the consent of the governed.

Related: A Constitutional Timebomb: Is New Zealand’s Government And Court System Unlawful?

Current Governments around the world are fake – they exist to exploit rather than protect the public. Governments are not de jure entities but are rather de facto. They secretly incorporated (such as the US Government incorporating itself in 1871) and are now, legally, corporations whose sole purpose is to maximize profit.

Appropriately, the fake Government is headed by fake leaders or rather misleaders, who with the exception of a rare few, are puppets whose souls have been bought and paid for by the true ruling force behind the scenes.

18. Fake Republic

The US was set up to be a Republic, not a Democracy. What’s the difference?

The difference is that a republic contains protections of individual and minority rights, so that no mater who is in power, these basic rights can never be infringed, while a democracy runs on majority opinion, so that if a majority (whose emotions can easily be swayed by controllers who own the media and understand psychology) votes to impose its rule on the minority, that’s how it goes.

The US has been deliberately turned from a constitutional republic into a corporate democracy. It is a fake republic now.

19. Fake Democracy

The above points about republics and democracies was talking about the technical or legal definition of those terms.

In the broader sense, however, people use the word “democracy” to mean a system where the common people have a fair say in public affairs.

The US loves to boast how it is delivering democracy to the world, but most invaded countries see – and it’s a long list of aggression from the end of World War 2 until today, from Iran to Guatemala to Cuba to Chile to Panama to Kuwait to Libya to Iraq and many more – is not democracy but rather tanks, fighter jets, missiles and bombs.

Related: Republic Or Democracy And Self-Governance

True democracy has nothing to do with invading other sovereign nations and stealing their resources to please corporate puppeteers.

20. Fake Elections

Elections in many societies have become a farce with the introduction of rigged electronic voting machines that leave no paper trail.

If you can’t trust that your vote will be counted properly, how can you possibly think an average person could have any say at all in public affairs?

Stalin is rumored to have said that:

“The people who cast the votes decide nothing. The people who count the votes decide everything.”

The situation has become so absurd that in the 2012 US presidential race, it was candidate Mitt Romney’s company who actually purchased voting machines!

The film Uncounted did a great job exposing how rigged and dysfunctional the Diebold voting machines are.

In addition to rigged voting machines, consider how the fake debates we get shown on MSM TV, where elite-favored candidates are fed softball questions while anyone challenging the establishment is sidelined, given less air time and hit with personal attacks, unfounded accusations or hard questions.

21. Fake National Security

National security is the favorite justificatory term invoked by the elite to hide their documents and actions under the cloak of secrecy, while invading other sovereign nations abroad and taking away people’s rights domestically.

However, national security has nothing to do with making you more secure; it’s about making the elite more secure (by entrenching military secrecy and contracts) and you more insecure (by taking  your rights and liberties away).

Think of the immense amount of information kept classified and under lock and key – everything from UFOs to ETs to cancer cures to free energy devices – which the public deserves to know and has the right to know, yet fake national security is preventing them from accessing it.

22. Fake Defense

In the US and Australia it’s the Department of Defense/Defence. In NZ and the UK it’s the Ministry of Defence. In Canada it’s the Department of National Defence. Israel has its IDF (Israeli Defense Force).

Pick your country, it doesn’t matter: the war departments always adopt the PR language of defense, since it’s so much easier to justify than attack. Yet take a close look at what these nations do. They routinely attack other nations on the flimiest of pretexts to gain more geopolitical influence, install puppet dictators, steal land and pillage natural resources.

Israel loves to talk about its right to defend itself, but when has Israel ever been under a real threat of attack – apart from in their own imagination? Perhaps they were worried that a few Palestinians with rocks and sticks might be able to penetrate their billion-dollar defenses, generously donated by US taxpayers.

When has the US ever been in real danger of being attacked? Never. Pearl Harbor was an inside job– they knew it was coming. It was an excuse to get the US into WW2.

Since then (and even before then too), the US military has always been about unbridled aggression, preemptive strikes and attack, thanks to the out-of-control military-industrial-intelligence complex. There’s nothing defensive about it.

Since then (and even before then too), the US military has always been about unbridled aggression, preemptive strikes and attack, thanks to the out-of-control military-industrial-intelligence complex. There’s nothing defensive about it.

23. Fake Education

True education is the drawing out of the inherent beauty and talent inside of us.

This makes sense, since etymologically, it is derived from the Latin words “e” or “ex” meaning “out of”, and “ducare” meaning to lead or draw. True education stands in stark contrast to indoctrination, which as the word suggests is all about putting dogma, belief systems or doctrines into someone’s mind.

Unfortunately, our education system today is one of fake education or indoctrination, having been set up the elite in the early 20th century.

Related: Unschooling: Radical Education That Produces Free Human Beings Instead Of Slaves

They in turn based it on the earlier Prussian industrial school model which was designed to produce obedient citizens, workers and soldiers – not creative free thinkers who would challenge the system.

Many people such as Norman Dodd have exposed how powerful tax-exempt organizations, such as the Rockefeller, Carnegie and Ford Foundations, have hijacked the US Republic.

They especially focused their efforts on influencing the curriculum and using it to mold the minds of the impressionable young. John D. Rockefeller is widely quoted as saying, “I don’t want a nation of thinkers, I want a nation of workers.”

24. Fake Law

Just like many other aspects of our society, we are also surrounded by an entire system of fake law. Our legal system has been overtaken by admiralty jurisdiction or maritime jurisdiction, which was formerly used as the main commercial jurisdiction to adjudicate disputes among merchants sailing with goods on the seas between ports and countries.

However, the average man or woman is at a big disadvantage walking into commercial jurisdiction (rather than common law jurisdiction) where many rights don’t apply, because things are run on contract.

Related: Lawful And Legal: Why You Need To Know What They Mean & It Is All A Word Game: Why “Persons” Are Not Real

Much of today’s “law” is not true law but fake law: statutes, regulations, rules, policy, by-laws and codes. These are all commercial terms which only apply to commercial entities – such as your legal person or strawman, the capital letters name/version of yourself, which functions as the joinder or bridge to cross over from common law into commercial law.

The Government and Law Society rely upon deception to trick you into accepting their presumptions of law as facts of law. These presumptions become unrebutted facts unless you challenge them.

The truth is that all of these statutes do not apply to you unless you agree to be part of some society or organization, and this includes unwittingly admitting you are a citizen or resident of a country, which legally means you are a member / employee / franchisee of the United States Inc. or any other privately-incorporated Government.

The same goes when you admit you a “taxpayer” to the IRS.

You can learn more about how to escape all of this trickery by educating yourself with sovereignty resources.

25. Fake Rights

We are all born free. We are all born with real, natural, unalienable, God-given, inherent human rights – choose whatever word you want to describe them – regardless of where you were born geographically.

Yet instead of honoring these inherent rights, governments like to give us fake rights instead, which are really just privileges in disguise.

The thing about privileges, of course, is that they can be revoked at any time by the governing authority. As I discussed in the article “We All Have Inherent Rights – Regardless of Whether a Nation’s “Authority” Recognizes It“, we have been given “civil rights” and UN “human rights” which are not the same thing as stand alone, inherent rights.

These fake rights have the effect of making us more like servant-slave, rather than master-creator, in relation to Government.

26. Fake Consent

Just as we have been tricked with fake law and fake rights, we have also been tricked with fake consent.

Many of the contracts we sign with Government or the big corporations are adhesion contracts, meaning a contract where one side is heavily favored by the terms and where the other party is severely restricted.

These include but are not limited to contracts with the DMV (driver’s licenses), IRS and SSA, as well as those concerning voter registration, bank accounts and credit cards.

By law, to have a valid contract, all parties must enter knowingly, willfully, and voluntarily, with full disclosure of all of the terms; if not, then the contract is considered unconscionable and an act of fraud.

There are ways of revoking adhesion contracts, but most people don’t even realize they unwittingly gave consent in the first place.

27. Fake Morality

I have already covered how utterly fake the MSM is. Yet, for all their fakery, they love to claim the high moral ground and pretend they are being ethical and proper, all the while deliberately deceiving you and lying to your face.

The MSM will happily condone the bombing of 3rd world countries and paint war in a good light at the behest of its military-corpoate owners, but will act all outraged because someone walked around naked or said the word “f*ck”.

It then goes to great lengths to censor certain words like this – f*ck – while going on it merry way, e.g. supporting the Zionist Israeli destruction of Palestine by pretending that Israel is not the aggressor or is in serious danger.

28. Fake Spirituality

True spirituality, which is the awareness of one’s own divine nature and one’s own connection to the Infinite, has been usurped by organized religion, which has inserted its own set of middlemen (priests, pastors, rabbis, imams, etc.) between you and the Infinite, and started to charge you a fee for “divine translation services”.

Related: The Opiate Of The Masses: When Religion Becomes An Addiction

From one perspective you can say that all religions contain a kernel of truth, and that is true; however, from another perspective, you can say that all religions have become bogged down in dogma, doctrine, fantasy and ridiculous belief, are recycled Sun and Saturn worship, and are selling people down the garden path with a mixture of disempowering beliefs and Satanic elements.

David Icke, Jordan Maxwell and others have highlighted how religions have borrowed and stolen elements from previous versions, how the Middle East is a religion factory (see embedded video above) and how religion has ultimately been given to us to deceive us.

29. Fake Clouds

As the geoengineering agenda races onward unabated, people are still in denial about the existence of chemtrails, preferring instead to believe the fake argument that they are contrails – despite the fact that experienced pilots have confirmed that contrails disappear in 10-12 seconds, while chemtrails linger for hours.

These days geoengineering has changed its name multiple times (including SRM [Solar Radiation Management] and Climate Remediation), probably in an attempt to confuse people and cover up the horrific reality of its activities.

Sadly, today as you gaze up into the sky, there is no guarantee any more that you are seeing real clouds. With the intense amount of aerosol spraying and cloud seeding going on, there is always a good chance you are seeing the fake clouds of geoengineering, which continues to spray toxic sulfates and iodides of barium, strontium, aluminum, iron and silver.

Geoengineeing has been implicated in the decline of the bee population. Meanwhile, Big Biotech owns the patents on aluminum-resistant GMO crops – which I’m sure is just a coincidence. Nothing to worry about; move along please!

Related: The United Nations Exposes Chemtrails 100% Proof We Are Being Poisoned 

30. Fake War on Terror

When it comes to fakery, the utterly fake War on Terror is close to the top of the list. As Aussie comedian Steve Hughes says, how can you have a war on something which is the consequence of war?

Terror is a consequence of war. Terrorism is one of the most deceptive and effective tools of the NWO (New World Order) to trick people into allowing centralization of control, and allowing Government to pass laws, encroach upon rights and grab power when it otherwise would not have been able to do so.

Related: Israeli Defense Minister Confirms Israel Backing Of ISIS In Syria

Look at the Patriot Act another horrendous pieces of legislation which gutted the Bill of Rights, passed in haste because scared politicians wouldn’t stop to read it, and a scared population went along with it.

However, we were warned about fake terrorism. Recall Aaron Russo’s account of his meeting with Nick Rockefeller, who was trying to bring him in to the inner folds of the NWO, and revealed to him that the elite were planning false flag attacks and a global war on terror way before 9/11 occurred.

Recall also Carol Rosin’s account, who learnt from Nazi/NASA insider Werner von Braun who predicted that the game plan was to fool people with fake communism, fake terrorism, fake asteroids and a fake alien invasion.

31. Fake Lone Nutter Killers

This is another favorite tactic of the elite – kill game-changing activists and public figures who have the power to change the world (JFK, Bobby Kennedy, MLK, John Lennon, etc.) with mind-controlled patsies.

Related: False Flag Terrorism: Murdering The Innocent In Order To Support The Lie + 15 Ways To Detect A False Flag Operation

Then, control the MSM so that you can paint a false narrative about a random, unconnected, lone nutter who just happened to have a personal vengeance against the victim or was out of his mind. Lee Harvey Oswald, Sirhan Sirhan, James Earl Ray and Mark Chapman have all been exposed as innocent patsies and expendable victims who were unwittingly part of a grander conspiracy.

32. Fake Boogeymen

Finally, on a similar note to above, just as the elite controllers give us fake lone nutters to take the fall, they also provide us with fake boogeymen to scare us.

Some of these boogeymen have really scary beards and turbans, and are able to overcome the most advanced air defense (NORAD) of the most militarily sophisticated nation on Earth (the USA) from a cave in Afghanistan.

Related: Reflecting On The Truth Of 9/11 - What Will Be The Straw That Breaks The Camel's Back?

Cue Osama Bin Laden, close friend of the Bushes, one of America’s grandest criminal families.

Thanks to Prescott Bush (who traded with the Nazis), George Bush Sr. (former CIA head and US President involved in JFK’s death, serial rapist and pedophile, member of the Carlyle Group), George Bush Jr. (mentally impaired US President who presided over 9/11 and the fake War on Terror) and now candidate Jeb Bush, CIA-trained and funded Osama is in great company.

I suppose it’s just a coincidence that the Bin Ladens were having lunch with the Bushes the day before 9/11 occurred:

“According to the Washington Post, the Carlyle Group met at the Ritz Carlton Hotel in NYC one day before 9/11. In attendance at this meeting were former president George H. W. Bush and  Shafiq bin Laden, the brother of Osama …”

33. Fake False Flag Events

The rate of staged false flag operations, whether they be false flag shootings or false flag bombings, has been increasing. It almost seems like there’s one that goes by somewhere every month.

It’s Another Day, Another False Flag. Maybe this is due to how effectively the elite can fool the general population, and scare them into giving up their rights and supporting the centralization of power.

It was clearly a missile that hit the Pentagon on 9/11 and not an airliner...

Related: JFK To 911: Everything Is A Rich Man's Trick

Yet, at the same time, there is also a growing awareness of a critical mass of people who see right through these events. After all, we have been exposed to a lot of them.

In the last 15 years, here is a brief and incomplete list of 21st century false flag ops:

9/11 of 2001

The Bali bombings in Indonesia of 2002

7/7 of 2005

The Norway shooting of 2011

The fake Sandy Hook (Sandy Hoax) shooting of 2012

The Boston Marathon bombing of 2013

The LAX shooting of 2013

The Santa Barbara shooting of 2014

The Malaysian Flight 17 of 2014 (falsely blamed on Russia)

The “Sydney Siege” in Australia of 2014

The French Charlie Hebdo shooting of 2015

The Tunisia shooting of 2015

The Charleston shooing of 2015

and so on. There are many more that didn’t make that list. Paul Watson of InfoWars pointed out a few years ago how even the military term false flag had begun to permeate in the mass consciousness and had cropped up way more as a search term online.

Remember how InfoWars reporter Dan Bidondi asked a Boston official, on live TV just as it was unfolding, whether the Boston Marathon bombing was a false flag event?

It would appear with the rising consciousness that the elite are going to be hard pressed to keep using false flag operations – unless they take it to a whole new level with perfect, undetectable holograms.

You can read concrete evidence about False Flags by following this link.

34. Fake Crisis Actors

Related to the fakery of false flag operations are the fake crisis actors used by the MSM to attempt to deceive you.

Related: People Are Finally Learning About False Flag Terror

The alternative media has done a great job exposing the extent of fakery here, including exposing crisis actors at Sandy Hook, the Boston Marathon, the Charleston shooting and many other events.

On several occasions, the lying MSM even used the same crisis actors (see here and here) for different false flag events!

35. Fake Pandemics

While the threat of bioweapons, including those that are constructed to target certain ethnicities, races or segments of society, is quite appealing to an elite cabal bent on depopulation, the fact remains that the recent pandemics we have witnessed, especially the ebola pandemic, are exaggerated and fake.

Kudos to Len Horowitz for his years of research in documenting the rise of bioweapons and fake pandemics, and also to Jon Rappoport who kept a cool head and questioned every aspect of the ebola psy-op, while many others were taken in by the propaganda.

Deconstructing The Ebola Agenda & Is the Bilderberg Group Behind Ebola? + The Effective Treatment For The Bioweapon That Is Ebola

Wasn’t it telling and almost surreal the way the ebola phenomenon just suddenly dropped off the map, after the US Government allegedly gave the order to the MSM to stop reporting on it?

36. Fake Moon Landing

The moon landing is another stunning piece of fakery that has gone down in the official history books as fact. Perhaps the best pieces on the issue are Jay Weinder’s analysis, Secrets of The Shining: Or How Faking the Moon Landings Nearly Cost Stanley Kubrick his Marriage and his Life and also in this interview.

Weidner presents a compelling argument that the elite convinced Stanley Kubrick to fake the moon landing in exchange for secrecy and future film budgeting.

Kubrick himself was very well acquainted with the Satanic underbelly of the New World Order, and produced one of the most striking films which ever exposed it (Eyes Wide Shut), with its famous scene of a Satanic ritual orgy and sacrifice in a mansion of the elite.

A consensus seems to now indicate that in fact some of the moon landings were real, and some were faked

Related: Secret Space Program Disclosure: Founders Of Solar Warden SSP With William Tompkins

Kubrick died from a heart attack before the release of the film despite being reported to have been in good health with a strong heart – just another coincidence, I’m sure.

It is quite possible we went to the moon – just not in the way we were told. If you study the origins of NASA, you will realize it came out of the JPL (Jet Propulsion Laboratory) of Jack Parson, black magician and follower of Aleister Crowley.

Later, Nazi scientists joined NASA who were smuggled into the US under Operation Paperclip. Additionally, there are many Freemasons at NASA, including many of the astronauts on the 1960s and 1970s missions.

37. Fake International Space Station and Fake Space Walks

The fakery about space is not limited to the moon landing. There are numerous videos regarding the ISS (International Space Station) which look obviously faked, including one where one of the astronaut Chris Cassidy slips up and admits they are shooting the video in a US town on the ground.

The Chinese also released a very suspect “space walk” where a bubble can be seen going past the astronauts’s head! There is another video showing someone with scuba gear aboard a supposed space craft. So what’s really going on in space? It’s hard to know, but these examples of fakery are easy to spot.

38. Fake History

It has been said many times that history is written by the victors. If these victors have an agenda to dominate or set up a system of control with their newly won power to ensure they remain at the helm for many years to come, they can easily rewrite history or give us fake history in order to legitimize themselves.

George Orwell wisely observed that:

Related: Houston Anthropologist Reveals Irrefutable Proof That Recorded History Is Wrong

“Who controls the present controls the past; who controls the past controls the future.”

What he meant by that is that if you are currently in power, you have the means to censor information (e.g. internet firewalls, data deletion, book burning, etc.), and then, by controlling what people thought happened, you can shape the past in a favorable way so as to ensure you remain in power for the future.

An obvious example is the way the Zionist-dominated press reported on World War 2 and the events leading up to it.

This is why revisionist history is so important; we need people to actively reexamine our past and work out what happened, so we can see the patterns and learn from our mistakes. As George Santayana said, “those who cannot learn from history are doomed to repeat it”.

39. Fake Authority

An overarching theme of all the fakery I have listed is that humanity has given it power all to fake authority. We have been tricked into giving over unquestioning obedience to authority, without stopping to think critically, question sources and biases, and make decisions for ourselves.

It’s all too easy for someone to don a black robe, white jacket or shiny badge and appear to be somehow above you.

Related: Governments: The Enemy Of Freedom & Globalists Interviewed: They Admitted They Controlled The Government

Yes, some people have gone through a lot of hard work and training to become a judge, priest, scientist, doctor or cop, but they are still human. They still don’t know everything.

What if they just memorized a lot of facts and procedures themselves without ever truly questioning it or understanding it, then just repeated and parroted it over to you?

40. Fake Universe

Finally, it seems the very universe in which we live is, also, not exactly “real”. The recent upsurge and popularity of the flat earth movement (who have highlighted many interesting anomalies that can’t be explained by the globe earth model) shows that we still have some investigation to do in determining exactly what kind of place we live on.

On a more fundamental level, however, we live in a fake universe in the sense that it’s a giant hologram or simulated reality.

People from all walks of life have hinted at this deep truth, whether it be ancient Hindu teachings that the world is maya (illusion), researchers such as the late Michael Talbot who wrote the great book The Holographic Universe, or cutting edge scientific studies trying to prove that the holographic model of reality fits the data better than the standard models of physics.

Let There Be Light: First Individual Particle Of Light Ever Seen + The Birth Of Quantum Holography - Making Holograms Of Single Light Particles

These days there are many Western scientists putting their energy into cracking the code of our holographic reality. Mainstream media outlets are exploring the fake universe topic too. Take a look at the following:

A study by Nick Bostrom in 2003 which proposed “at least one of the following propositions is true: (1) the human species is very likely to go extinct before reaching a “posthuman” stage; (2) any posthuman civilization is extremely unlikely to run a significant number of simulations of their evolutionary history (or variations thereof); (3) we are almost certainly living in a computer simulation.

It follows that the belief that there is a significant chance that we will one day become posthumans who run ancestor-simulations is false, unless we are currently living in a simulation.”

A study by theoretical physicist Juan Maldacena in 1997 proposed that “an audacious model of the Universe in which gravity arises from infinitesimally thin, vibrating strings could be reinterpreted in terms of well-established physics.

The mathematically intricate world of strings, which exist in nine dimensions of space plus one of time, would be merely a hologram: the real action would play out in a simpler, flatter cosmos where there is no gravity.”

A study by Daniel Grumiller et al in 2014 proposing the holographic model of the Universe: “These field theories are the putative holographic duals to theories of gravity in three-dimensional asymptotically flat space times”

Everything is Fake!

Everything is fake! The sooner you wake up to the deception, the better.

Above all, remember that you can be real and true in the midst of all this. Don’t let it get you down; let it be a challenge to help you rise to your potential.

Related: Anonymous: De-Mystifying The Concept Of The Deep State + Doctor Explains Why The Public Is So Stupid - Trusting The Government & Fake News

Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi

Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi

Your Body Is No Longer Yours: Australia Has Become The First Country To Microchip Its Citizens & Australia: A Tracking Device In Every Car
July 19 2017 | From: WakingTimes / Uncensored

You may not have noticed, but there are two kinds of countries in the world these days: Dictatorships led by authoritarians and democracies that are slowly being taken over by authoritarians. Put Australia into the latter.

Organic & Healthy reports that the land Down Under has become the first nation to begin microchipping its citizens, though NBC Newspredicted some years ago that, by 2017, Americans would all be microchipped.

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Australia’s drive to implant citizens with what many believe is the Biblical “mark of the beast” is “a clever propaganda campaign that equates RFID microchipping with becoming superhuman, and people are begging for it,” News.com.au noted.

It’s All About ‘Convenience’

One Australian woman, Shanti Korporaal, from Sydney, is at the center of a controversy after having implants inserted in both hands. “You could set up your life so you never have to worry about any passwords or PINs,” she told News.com.au.

The idea is that microchip implants give you a unique identifier, so your implant can be used to get into locked doors, transfer personal information to smart phones and other personal devices – and, of course, allow you to be tracked everywhere you go by government.

Why would anyone voluntarily want to do that? One word, says one microchipping recipient: “Convenience.”

As bad as it is to carry cards around that transfer personal and financial data to massive (hackable) databases and smartphones that serve as personal tracking devices – again, out of convenience – you at least have the option (for now) of leaving them behind when you go somewhere.

Related: Australian Army to take terror attack lead, not local police under Malcolm Turnbull overhaul

You don’t have to take a smartphone with you, or at minimum you can learn some ways to better protect your information. With cards, if you must carry them, there are devices you can use to essentially shield them from ID thieves and tracking devices.

But once you put a tracking device under your skin, the only way to get rid of it is to have it surgically removed, or hack off your limb. Would authorities actually track you for no reason? It’s already being done.

As we reported in April 2012 that police departments were tracking cell phones without first getting a warrant, as required by the Fourth Amendment to the Constitution. In fact, the American Civil Liberties Union found that “many” of nearly 200 departments surveyed did so sans warrant.

While some departments were getting the required warrant first, others “said they use varying legal standards, such as a warrant or a less-strict subpoena.”

Why Make it Easier to Track You?

The practice has continued. In July the Boston Globe reported that the city’s police department had used “a controversial cellphone technology 11 times over the past seven years without once obtaining a search warrant…”

Another major problem is hacking and identity theft. In the NBC News report of several years ago, reporters noted that one of the “problems” that could be solved had to do with medical information:

Chips would allow doctors and hospitals to have access to your identity and medical record if you were unconscious and unaccompanied upon admission (and how often does that happen?).

But medical information is a top target of hackers and identity thieves. In fact, health care information is the most coveted by cyber thieves because data contained in health records – prescriptions, Social Security numbers, addresses, etc. – are much more permanent than, say, financial data (which is changed once a hack has been detected).

Privacy in a digital world comes at a premium as it is. Our retinas are scanned, our wallets are scanned, our online data is hacked and our movements are already being tracked – both by government and by private corporations.

But all of those methods can be mitigated. It’s very difficult to mitigate personal tracking when you’re carrying the tracker inside your body.

The point is, if government can track you 24/7/365, government can control you as well.

Australia: A Tracking Device In Every Car

I hate to say this Australia, but you guys seem to be embracing the 2030 Agenda NWO with sickening enthusiasm! Microchipping, compulsory vaccination, and this:

“Police say they want every vehicle in the state to be fitted with a tracking device to stamp out motor vehicle theft. While the numbers are coming down, Victoria has the highest number of car thefts in the nation.

What Snapchat’s Patents Say About Their Efforts In Augmented Reality, Wearables, Facial Recognition, And More

Assistant Commissioner Robert Hill has told Justin and Kate tracking devices will be fitted to about 1000 cars under a 12-month trial beginning in September. They will then evaluate the best technological option before a statewide roll-out. Tracking itself is not new technology – in fact phones allow Uber users to track their cars.”

Police say they want every vehicle in the state to be fitted with a tracking device to stamp out motor vehicle theft.

While the numbers are coming down, Victoria has the highest number of car thefts in the nation.

Assistant Commissioner Robert Hill has told Justin and Kate tracking devices will be fitted to about 1000 cars under a 12-month trial beginning in September. They will then evaluate the best technological option before a statewide roll-out.

Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi

Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi

The Fraudulent Monetary System & The Occult Meanings Of Mortgage: Why A Mortgage Is A Pledge To The Dead
July 18 2017 | From: FinalWakeupCall / Omnithought

Real money limits the ability of governments to tax, borrow, and spend, which also limits the size of the inevitable debt problem.

Fake money is easier for governments to get their hands on, and easier to promise; especially if you can “print” it yourself.

Related: The Gold Industry is in a Deep State of Dysfunction, Delusion and Denial

That’s why national governments can dig themselves into much deeper debt holes, and it is also why, it can never be a model of financial integrity. Anything short of genuine major reform won’t help, the world needs an authentic transformational reform.

The problems are not taxes, not Russia, not ISIS; the problem is real money, because the average citizen has too little of it, while, The Deep State insiders have too much of it. Today’s money is a fraud, make money honest and allow the free market to set the interest rate.

Link gold to money at today’s free market price. Fire all Central Banksters. Open a gold window at the Treasury department, and exchange gold for the local paper currency at a pre-set fixed rate.

Bring the military home, stop all wars, and ban budget deficits. Every government should be expected to live within their means, without any exception. The result: No debt.

Related: The Real Reason Your Rural Banks Are Closing Kiwis – It’s Not Lack Of Funds

Expect that it will be like the dawn of a dead country when easy money falls away. The cronies and zombies will rise up. It would be preferable to eliminate these beforehand through the Shoot To Kill practice by the freedom alliance fighters.

To better understand the financial troubles the world is in, read on to learn who has created this mess in the first place.

Perpetual Debt Spiral:

The Illuminati invented and implemented the perpetually growing debt spiral, but now something has changed. A big change of this sort is enormous as it signals the trend to get out of debt. Deleveraging by paying down debt. That is, of course, a contraction. Contraction means depression.

The world is going into a depression and it’s going to get very nastyThe end result will be; nations’ governments are going to have to revalue gold because that is the only thing they will have left.

They will have to resort to that to keep trade going. No country is completely independent economically. All nations need things that others produce. In order to keep the world trade going, there is no other solution than going back to gold.

For at least one hundred years the financial system has been manipulated to the hilt, bringing the world to its knees through the financial engineering of the elite, which should have been alarming enough for every well-educated expert.

Related: Democracy Is A Front For Central Bank Rule & Financial Starvation In A Fiat Debt Slavery Financial System

But the majority has been masterfully kept in the dark about the hidden agenda, not taking heed of the bells ringing loud and clear. In-depth analyses reveal that the whole monetary system is – unintentionally – in its final stage of self-destruction.

The excessive currency printing of debt-money has arrived in its final ‘reflation’ stage of self-destruction. Because the debt in the world has grown so excessively, the credit-system has gone into reverse mode, as result of the invention of the perpetual debt spiral.

By not issuing the money for interest payment, an absurd situation occurs in that not enough liquidity is created to repay all debt. And even more ludicrous, when all debt is paid there is no currency left in circulation.

Reflation is no longer possible anymore and the deflationists are being proven to have been correct all along. They are correct in regards to a credit system working in reverse with a negative feedback loop stoking a deflationary death spiral.

Debt Reflation in Reverse is Like Shooting Without Ammunition:

Reflation is a fiscal or monetary policy, designed to expand a country’s output and curb the effects of deflation. This now is going in reverse, changing in the opposite direction. In fact, debt reflation is deflation of debt, making the economic situation worse, leading to contraction, propelling the economy into a collapse.

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Clearly the Khazarian mafia is getting scared and running out of ammunition. The fact that the Khazarian mob controlled Bank of Japan, like the ECB in Europe was forced to resort to negative interest rates, proves their fake fiat monies are worth less than nothing. The US Federal Reserve Board will be forced to do the same thing.

The more people put money in their banks, the more that money is vanishing.

It’s a remarkable time right now. This is all taking place before we are able to identify what the world is going through or where it is headed. People who are AWAKE have long seen this coming, and now we’re in the middle of it.

There are really two converging worlds – the vibrational changes from beyond are attacking the Khazarian Mafia-controllers that block these positive energies, and jam the beneficial signals bestowed on the people by instilling fear and insecurity, meanwhile bombarding us with a toxic cocktail of electromagnetic, chemical, genetic, nuclear and techno-trans humanist influences.

There is just one small problem, what will happen to the currencies of these central bank issuers including and especially those of The Fed, who also are caught up in the negative feedback loop?

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These will vanish as result of their own intentional mistake of not putting enough money into circulation to pay back all the outstanding loans plus interest payments.
Currency survival:

This is the main and most pressing financial question people ever have faced in their lifetimes. Will the currencies survive and thrive in the deflation period or will they be seen for what they are, IOU’s of bankrupt issuers at the very centre of the credit crisis quagmire? If you answer this question incorrectly, you have finished your own financial life.

The key question is, against what assets will the currencies “deflate”? The answer of course is as it has always has been, “gold”.

While the pundits will have you believegold was devalued against the dollar in 1934", this for sure was quite the opposite. And while certain experts now will have you believe the “dollar” was the best investment in the 1930’s, for sure they are wrong!

The Importance of Gold:

Dollars then were “derivatives” – derived from – of gold. At that time, dollars were freely interchangeable at banks until 1933, then the dollar was devalued from $20.67 to $35 dollars that was necessary to purchase one ounce of gold.

In other words, it took nearly 75% more dollars to purchase an ounce of gold – end of story, gold was King during the last and only deflation since then, dollars and all other currencies now will be devalued versus gold again.

The two most important aspects of gold are; it cannot go “bankrupt” nor can it be freely “printed”. Those who say the U.S. can never “go bankrupt” because the debt is in dollars and they will just print more, are 100% correct but horribly wrong!

Related: India Removes 220 Tons of Physical Gold

Correct, the U.S. can print any amount of dollars necessary to pay off debt. This still doesn’t mean they do not “default”. In other words:

If McDonalds fails to give you a promised hamburger next Tuesday but instead promises you a hamburger every Tuesday for the rest of your life, where’s the beef? It never ever comes, just as there will be zero value to any dollar bill should the U.S. or any other central banker decide to print the Zillions needed to avoid default.

This falls under the category SUPPLY versus DEMAND! In case you don’t understand what is said, “old” dollars will become worthless as they become over-printed to avoid “default” – but devaluation is default in its own right.


In the meantime, wait for the currency event termed “hyperinflation” that is bound to happen; as debtors must navigate a deflationary environment where credit is drying up everywhere they look.

It should amaze everyonethat the world is facing a liquidity crisis after all the trillions of digital currency units added to the system since 2008 – it seems almost impossible to have a lack of liquidity doesn’t it?

As explained above, under debt reflation in reverse; this is the fact debtors face globally and that threatens to shut the system down, because of no liquidity!

Taking this two steps further than the deflationists, what exactly will happen once credit does collapse and the spigot gets shut off? In the case of the U.S., they most likely will “print” to the point of full – rather than the current partial monetization of all the debt.

Related: The Secretive Bank Of England - Controlling The World's Money Supply + Banking Data Dump

This printing will be done by a bankrupt entity with more IOU’s around the globe than humanity can count. How will the massive supply of dollars issued by a bankrupt and fraudulent issuer possibly be a “good thing” for the value of dollars? There is none!

This process, no matter how simple it seems to be, is two-steps too far for the deflationists! The real result of credit freezing up will amount to a national and probably a global famine. It is incredible that the aspect of credit is almost never connected to “distribution”. Forget about actual farming or production needing credit to function, how will products make it to store shelves without credit even if it does “grow”?

Fight The New World Order with Global Non Compliance:

Understand your enemy, and understand the weapons they use. Then use those same weapons against them. The money system is the head of the snake. Cut the head off the snake and the rest of it will whither and die.

There need be No violence, no guns, no banners, no slogans, no group think, just a united act of global non compliance.

Remember, that it is much easier to fight for principles than to live up to them and it takes a far braver man to stand up for what is right and spit in the face of authority than it does to blindly follow orders due to fear of the consequences. Understand that we are all one and the key to real change and unity in this world lies with love.

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It is time for the people of the world to stop and realise that the divisions that supposedly exist amongst us are an illusion. There is no division and its time for everyone to understand the truth of this.

It is through the constantly promoted illusion of division that the system is able to function but in order for it to do so, it needs public compliance.

Its time for us all to collectively stand together and address the root cause of the problems, which lies in the fraudulent monetary system.

Stop complying with it, and you will shut down the monetary system.

Fight The New World Order with Global Non Compliance

The Occult Meanings Of Mortgage: Why A Mortgage Is A Pledge To The Dead

Owning a nice home is a dream that most people have. Deep down, nearly everyone wants to live in a nice home. One of the main obstacles that prevents most people from owning a home of their dream is the high cost.

Depending where people live today, a regular house can cost a few hundred thousand dollars. Because houses are so expensive, most people need to get a specific type of loan from a bank to pay for the house they want to live in. This type of loan is called a mortgage.

Related: Confirmed - Loans & Mortgages Are Created Out Of Thin Air By The Banks

What most people do not know about a mortgage is that it is designed to enslave them with fictitious debt, allowing the banksters to collect money from them and give it to their masters (the Dark Magicians). The main purpose of this deception is to trick people to give some of their life force energy to the Dark Magicians through the magical medium called paper currency.

To learn how the Dark Magicians and their minions are able to trick you to give some of your life force energy to them, you need to find the occult (hidden) meaning of the words mortgage and currency and study them until you innerstand what they mean on a deeper level.

Once you really innerstand the hidden meaning of the words mortgage and currency, you should know that a mortgage is a pledge to the DEAD.

The Occult Meaning of Mortgage

One of the overt definitions of the word mortgage is “a conveyance of an interest in property as security for the repayment of money borrowed.”

defines the word mortgage using these exact words: “A legal agreement by which a bank or other creditor lends money at interest in exchange for taking title of the debtor's property, with the condition that the conveyance of title becomes void upon the payment of the debt.”

Related: Why The Whole Banking System Is A Scam - Godfrey Bloom MEP

Black's Law Dictionary 6th edition defines the word mortgage using these exact words: "A mortgage is an interest in land created by a written instrument providing security for the performance of a duty or the payment of a debt."

The three definitions of the word mortgage in the previous paragraph only define what a mortgage is at the surface level. To find the occult (hidden) meaning of the word mortgage, you need to use an etymology dictionary to help you find the origins of the word mortgage. You also need to split the word mortgage into two words, transforming it into the term "mort-gage".

The word mortgage/mort-gage originated from two Old French words, which are mort and gage. In Old French, mort means dead and gage means pledge. The word pledge comes from Old French plegier, meaning “to promise” or “to solemnly promise or guarantee”.

Dictionary.com defines pledge as “a solemn promise or agreement to do or refrain from doing something”.

Webster's Complete Dictionary of the English Language (1886) defines the word pledge using these exact words: "Any thing given or considered as a security for the performance of an act; as, a man gives his word or makes a promise to another, which is received as a pledge for fulfillment; the mutual affection of husband and wife is a pledge for the faithful performance of the marriage covenant; mutual interest is the best pledge for the performance of treaties.

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"Their liveliest pledge of hope."" It also defines the word pledge using these exact words: "A surety; a hostage." Merriam-Webster.com defines the word hostage as "a person held by one party in a conflict as a pledge pending the fulfillment of an agreement" or "a person taken by force to secure the taker's demands".

To connect the dots, when you take out a mortgage, you unknowingly make a pledge (promise) to the dead, and therefore you agree to be a hostage of the dead. This is one of the occult definitions of the word mortgage. So, what is the dead?

The dead represents the Dark Forces (groups of demons) and their corporations (corpses or dead bodies).

As described in my book titled Word Magic: The Powers & Occult Definitions of Words:

“A corporation is a “corp-o-ration” or “corpse-o-ration”. The plural form of the word corporation can be written as corps. Phonetically, the word corps sounds similar to the word corpse, which is defined as “a dead body, usually of a human being”.

The legal system sees you as a corpse to be used as a ration to feed the Matrix of the Dark Forces. Hence, the word corporation/corp-o-ration/corpse-o-ration.

Do you remember what I said in Chapter 2 about why the government sees you as a legally dead person, because you are considered lost at sea or dead at sea?

The word mortgage also has a strong connection to the words morgue and mortuary. This is why the place where dead bodies are stored is called a morgue. Mortgages are created in a way that makes them hard to pay off, so that when people get a mortgage (a pledge to the dead), they have to work most of their lives to pay it off.

This allows the debt-based monetary system to drain their energy to charge the dead with currency; the currency that people make from many hours of working at a corporation (dead body).

Related: All Wars Are Bankers' Wars

The word currency and the medium currency are two of the most effective things that the Dark Forces like to use to drain your life force energy.

Below is another excerpt from my book titled Word Magic: The Powers & Occult Definitions of Words. This excerpt reveals how currency is used to trick you to allow the Dark Forces to drain your life force energy.

“As for the word currency, its hidden definition is the “flow of energy”. This is why the stored energy in a battery is called electric current or the currency of electricity. The word currency originated from the Latin word currens, the present participle of currere, which means “to run”.

Now, why would they based the word currency on a Latin word that does not have much to do with paper money or coin? Because it is not really about the paper money or coin. Instead, it is about harnessing the energy of humanity!

To innerstand why currency has a strong relation to energy, you need to find the occult meaning of the word currency. To do this, you need to use phonetics and separate the word currency into two words. When spoken out loud, the word currency sounds similar to the term “current-sea”.

What does a current do in a river? It flows or runs to the sea! Keep in mind that the Latin word currens means “to run”.

The word current can also mean “a flowing; flow, as of a river” or “something that flows, as a stream”. The flowing movement of currents is what causes the freshwater in the river to flow to the sea. Once the freshwater is in the sea, its current is now part of the “current-sea” or the “current of the sea”. Hence, the word currency/current-sea. ...

The word currency also sounds similar to the term “current chi”. In Chinese, the word chi (also known as qi) means natural energy, “life force”, or “energy flow”. Be aware that the Chinese word chi is pronounced somewhat similar to the English word sea. Based on these occult definitions, currency means the “flow of life force energy”.

When you really think about it, currency is a medium for exchanging or transferring life force energy, which is why the Dark Forces are obsessed with using currency to drain your life force energy.”

At the deeper level, when people get a mortgage, they basically agree to sign their life away to the dead. They also agree to make a promise to the dead to charge it with their energy, so that the dead can stay alive. In other words, they agree to make a solemn pledge to the dead to ensure that the dead will be paid and charged with life force energy.

Phonetically, the word dead sounds similar to the word debt. A word that has a strong connection to the words dead and debt is mortgage.

When you pay a mortgage/debt/dead, you basically commit sin. If you want evidence of this, go to Merriam-Webster.com and search for the definition of debt and you should see the word sin as one of its definitions.

The word sin originated from Old English synn, meaning “moral wrongdoing, injury, mischief, enmity, feud, guilt, crime, offense against God, misdeed”.

The reason why you commit sin when you pay a debt is because you basically help the Dark Forces to enslave the human race. The debt system is controlled by the Dark Forces and they are using it to drain the energy of humanity and harm nature.

Using the debt system to harm living beings and nature is against Natural Law (God’s Law)

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Maybe this is why the Bible verse Romans 6:23 says, “For the wages of sin is death”. Sin is debt/dead/death.

By now you should know how the words mortgage, debt, dead, currency, corporation and battery are all related to the process of harnessing the energy of humanity.

This drama is all about tricking humanity to consent to be a “battery“, so that the Dark Forces and their minions can use our life force energy to charge their dead matrix system.

To learn what this matrix is, read my empowering article titled The Artificial Matrix and the Hidden Agenda of Cryptocurrency and study the information in my sixth seminar titled The Matrix Decoded: Decoding the Occult Messages in The Matrix.

What Can You Do to Free Yourself From a Mortgage

By now you should know why you should never get a mortgage. Taking out a mortgage is like asking for a death sentence. If you have a mortgage and want to know how to free yourself from it, you need to first know how to defend your natural rights.

You also need to learn how the legal system really works. My book Word Magic: The Powers & Occult Definitions of Words is a great source of knowledge that teaches you how the legal system works from behind the scenes.

Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi

Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi

Hillary Clinton Body Count, Kill List Conspiracy Theories Resurface After Three Deaths In One Month
July 18 2017 | From: Inquisitr

Have you heard of the Bill and Hillary Clinton body count? How about the Clinton kill list? The Clinton body count and kill list were conspiracy theories back in the 90s suggesting the Clinton’s ordered the murders of anyone who was in their way.

Whether it was someone who had knowledge of scandals, maybe a pregnant mistress or anyone who could get in the way of their campaigns.

Related: The Clinton Chronicles

According to the conspiracy theories, if you got too close to the ugly Clinton truth, watch your back because you might wind up dead. The Clinton body count and kill list were names of people who conspiracy theorists believed died suspiciously. Many people on the Clinton kill list had committed suicide.

There are many lists out there and the names have accumulated since the ’90s. The news that three people died in one month, who all had Clinton in common, has caused conspiracy theorists to question whether the kill list is real.

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Here’s an example of those who are convinced that the Clinton body count and kill list is real.

Clinton Body Count +5 in Just 6 Weeks

Hillary stopped at nothing in her attempt to claw her way into the White House; unfortunately, people are still dropping dead left and right in her path and the mainstream media is pretending not to even notice they are gone...


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Victor Thorn was a Holocaust denier and had written multiple books about the Clintons. According to Russell Scott who states he knew him, Victor Thorn told him that he would never commit suicide and if he died, it was murder.

Was Victor Thorn Murdered? Victor Thorn "Suicide" Reaction Video

Prolific author, AMERICAN FREE PRESS writer and seasoned Clinton researcher Victor Thorn was found at the top of a mountain near his home, the apparent victim of a gunshot wound. Family and some close friends contend Thorn took his own life on his birthday, August 1. Thorn would have been 54.

There are so many deaths that conspiracy theorists are attributing to Bill and Hillary Clinton, that the kill list and body count numbers are continually changing.

Some have the list as three in one week while others have it as five or six in the past month. When you consider all the deaths surrounding the Clintons dating back to the ’90s, the list becomes incredibly long.

Related: Haiti Official, Who Exposed The Clinton Foundation, Found Dead In Miami

As the Clinton body count conspiracy theory stretches back to the ’90s, some of the lists contain more than 100 and upwards to 200 people.

Related: Congressman: ‘Suicide’ of GOP Operative Who Tried to Obtain Hillary Emails is “Awfully Suspicious”

Here is a Clinton body count kill list that dates back to the ’90s. The documentary The Clinton Chronicles brings the conspiracy theory back to Bill Clinton’s early days, including his roommate and childhood friends. To those who believe the theories, Bill and Hillary Clinton might be responsible for more murders than Charles Manson, Ted Bundy, and Jeffrey Dahmer combined.

You might be surprised at how comprehensive the conspiracy theories run. Some have asked on forums that if the Clintons were actually ordering hits on people who were against them, why did Monica Lewinsky live to testify?

The answer according to conspiracy theorists might surprise you. The belief is that a hit was ordered on one of Clinton’s White House interns, but that the wrong girl was murdered.

Related: Criminal Roots: A Shocking Exposé On The Clinton Family And Their Rise To Power

Some of the conspiracy theories portray Bill Clinton as a serial sexual predator who became sexually involved with nearly every female intern he met. Sexual scandals and conspiracy theories have surrounded Clinton before his presidency and there were allegations made by Gennifer Flowers that she had a long-standing sexual relationship with him.

Clinton has had numerous sexual accusers over the years, including allegations of rape made by Juanita Broaddrick.

According to conspiracy theorists, Mary Mahoney was murdered in 1997 for her inside information on Bill Clinton’s sexual scandals. Some theories suggest that Mary was murdered instead of Monica Lewinsky.

Related: Republican Donor Commits Suicide After Confessing to Working with Russian Hackers to Get Hillary Clinton's Emails

There have been some good doumentaries made on the Clinton Kill List - but they seem to have a habit of disappearing from Youtube

Of the Clinton body count and kill list conspiracy theories that have followed the couple since the ’90s, one case has drawn more scrutiny then the others: Vince Foster.

Deputy White House Counsel to Bill Clinton Vince Foster was found dead by suicide on July 20, 1993. Conspiracy theories went wild and there were allegations that Hillary Clinton and Vince Foster were lovers.

Author Christopher Anderson wrote a book titled Bill and Hillary: The Marriage that explores the belief they were lovers. Many conspiracy theorists believe that Vince Foster did not commit suicide but was murdered.

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The Clinton conspiracy list depicting deaths, murders, allegedly staged suicides, and hits ordered by the Clintons is vast. What do you think about the theories?

Now that there were three deaths in the past month with two in one week, many conspiracy theorists are asking if there is a media blackout regarding coverage for those who have recently passed away, died or committed suicide.

Do you believe there is a Clinton body count or Clinton kill list?

Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi

Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi

Pope Francis: World Government Must Rule U.S. ‘For Their Own Good’ & Pope Francis Declares He Fears Trump And Losing Control Of The New World Order
July 17 2017 | From: YourNewsWire / LeoZagami

Pope Francis told the Italian newspaper La Repubblica that the United States of America has “a distorted vision of the world” and Americans must be ruled by a world government, as soon as possible, “for their own good.”

The Pope made the observation in an interview with La Repubblica reporter Eugenio Scalfari.

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Last Thursday, I got a call from Pope Francis,”
Scalfari reported. “It was about noon, and I was at the newspaper when my phone rang.”

He said Pope Francis had been watching Putin and Trump at the G20 and had become agitated. The Pope demanded to see him at four that afternoon, according to a Google translation of the Italian report.

Pope Francis told me to be very concerned about the meeting of the G20,” Scalfari wrote.

As translated into English by Agence France Presse, which picked up the story, the Pope said “I am afraid there are very dangerous alliances between powers who have a distorted view of the world: America and Russia, China and North Korea, Russia and Assad in the war in Syria.”

The danger concerns immigration,” the Pope continued to La Repubblica. “Our main and unfortunately growing problem in the world today is that of the poor, the weak, the excluded, which includes migrants.

This is why the G20 worries me: It mainly hits immigrants,” Pope Francis said, according to AFP.

Pope Francis’s idea that Americans would be better off under a world government doesn’t stop there. The radical leftist pontiff also went on record stating that Europe should become one country under one government.

In the same interview, according to La Repubblica, Pope Francis said that Europe must take on a “federal structure,” resembling feudal times when the peasants were ruled by unimpeachable monarchs.

I also thought many times to this problem and came to the conclusion that, not only but also for this reason, Europe must take as soon as possible a federal structure,”
the Pope said, according to the Google translation of the La Repubblica article.

Pope Francis Declares He Fears Trump And Losing Control Of The New World Order

This past week, Pope Francis, in the middle of the biggest sex and drug scandal to date in the Vatican, involving a gay orgy, and heavy cocaine use from one of his closest collaborators, personally contacted the co-founder of the Italian fake news and left wing newspaper La Repubblica, Eugenio Scalfari.

The Pope invited him, in the afternoon, for a urgent talk/interview at his home in Casa Santa Marta, a talk based on his supposed concern for the refugee crisis before the upcoming G20.

Obviously the refugee invasion that he encouraged, has the priority over the precarious state of the Church in the hands of pedophiles and corrupt bankers.

Related: The Crown Of England Is Owned And Operated By The Vatican

Eugenio Scalfari

Scalfari is an atheist journalist who seems to have unprecedented access to the Jesuit Pope in the last few years, and conducts them in a specific way, that includes no physical recordings of the meetings, they can only be recorded in his writing, an unusual approach, that was even criticized by the Vatican spokesman, Jesuit Father Federico Lombardi.

However, Scalfari works for a newspaper owned by Carlo De Benedetti, who sits on the Board of Directors for the Compagnie Finanzière, of Edmond de Rothschild in Paris, and was co-founded with the late elitist Carlo Caracciolo, Prince of Castagneto and Duke of Melit, the brother-in-law of Italy’s most famous industrialist, the late Gianni Agnelli.

Pope Francis told him during the encounter to be very concerned about the summit meeting of the “G20” in Hamburg, that witnessed President Donald Trump and his Russian counterpart Vladimir Putin, together for the first time.

President Donald Trump and President Vladimir Putin at their historically significant first meeting

Pope Francis said to Scalfari: “I’m afraid there are very dangerous alliances between powers which have a distorted view of the world: America and Russia, China and North Korea, Russia and Syria’s Assad in war”.

“What is the danger of these Covenants, your Holiness?”
asked a submissive Scalfaro, and Pope Francis promtly replied: “The danger concerns immigration.

"Well, you know, we have as a main problem, and unfortunately growing in today’s world, that of the poor, the weak, the excluded, of which immigrants are a part.

On the other hand, there are countries where the majority of the poor do not come from migratory flows, but social disasters of that country; others, however, have a few poor locals, but they fear an invasion of migrants. That’s why the G20 worries me. ”

Then to save his idea of Europe, he promotes the destruction of the sovereignity of the single European countries, and the coming of a Federal Government for Europe, that will take over the decision making from the single countries:

“For this, and other reasons, I came to the conclusion that Europe must assume a federal structure. Laws and political behaviors arising here shall be decided by the Federal Government, and the Federal Parliament, not by individual confederated countries”

Source for the Pope Francis interview: Republica.it

Leo Zagami is the author of Confessions of an Illuminati, Volume III: Espionage, Templars and Satanism in the Shadows of the Vatican

Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi

Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi

The Cashless Society: The Hard Road Towards 'An Easier Way To Pay' & Australian Government To Track $100 Notes With Nano-chips As Cashless Society Looms
July 17 2017 | From: Stuff / SmallCaps

Forget cash, cards or whipping out your smartphone. Shoppers could soon be paying for goods simply by picking what they want and walking out the door.

It's simple, really. A chip in each item detects your selection and a 3D scanner above the doorway could check your identity against a database and debit your preferred account.

Related: How Greece Became A Guinea Pig For A Cashless And Controlled Society

Rather than being a dystopian vision of the future, online shopping giant Amazon has already made this a reality at its checkout-less Seattle store.

Using the same biometric scanning technology we see at Customs Smartgate kiosks in international airports, customers are able to check in via a smartphone app as they enter the store, which automatically detects when products are taken from or returned to the shelves and keeps track of them in a virtual cart. 

It's little wonder that Reserve Bank deputy governor Geoff Bascand acknowledged in 2015 that New Zealand's "new" banknotes could be the last ones designed for the central bank.

But how close are we to having micro-chip implants embedded under our skins to make payments? Like the Amazon stores, this has also already arrived. 

One Swedish startup gives its workers the chance to have microchips the size of grains of rice inserted under their skin that can open doors, operate printers, or buy smoothies with a wave of the hand.

Related: Australia Becomes First Country To Begin Microchipping Its Public

The pace of change sweeping the banking and payment industry is reaching a "tipping point", according to Massey University banking expert David Tripe.

Tripe says he has started noticing shop assistants on auto-pilot keying in Eftpos transactions even before checking how consumers intend to pay – and then having to cancel the transaction when someone pulls out a $20 bill.

The so-called "retail apocalpyse", where consumers shift their spending habits ever more online, is forcing bricks and mortar stores to innovate.

ANZ bank digital transformation head Liz Maguire says it is combining its internet banking app with Apple's Siri and voice biometrics, so customers could securely transfer money to a friend just by saying "pay John $50" to their smartphone.

She says people may want to pay for transport using smart watches or rings, but prefer a different payment device in a posh shop. "I am sure there will be new things that we have never dreamed of."

Even though cash may no longer be king, Maguire believes the completely cashless society may be a mirage.

Related: Soros Insider: Banks Ending Cash To Establish World Government

The next big evolutionary step has long been touted as being the arrival of alternative "virtual" or crypto currencies such as Bitcoin. But not everyone is convinced the hegemony of traditional currencies is really under threat.

Massey's banking guru Tripe notes the New Zealand dollar is as much a "virtual currency" as a physical one.

Only about 3 per cent of the $150 billion deposited with banks in New Zealand exists in notes and coins, and the rest is just numbers on a computer. Alternative currencies have "come and gone" over the ages, and Tripe says it is too soon to say whether Bitcoin will be also be a flash in the pan.

What seems to be clear is that Bitcoin has failed to take-off as a "means of exchange" in New Zealand, except perhaps when it comes to paying off ransomware demands, such as the recent 'Petya' attack.

Internet service provider Slingshot made headlines in 2014 when it became the largest domestic company to start accepting Bitcoin as payment for bills.

Related: Europe Proposes "Restrictions On Payments In Cash" & How The Cashless Society Will Track You

But it quietly shelved the payment option during an upgrade of its IT systems. "There wasn't a huge demand," consumer manager Taryn Hamilton explains. "It was a quirky thing to offer, but 'normal cash' won out after a while."

In addition to being associated with ransomware payments and tax evasion – and hence the focus of a growing number of regulators around the world – Bitcoin has another ugly secret.

Bitcoins are brought into circulation by "Bitcoin mining", which is achieved by setting up computer servers to solve mathematical puzzles than turn up Bitcoins at random. The economics of Bitcoin mining is largely determined by the cost of electricity to run those servers, so creating a Bitcoin, now worth $3,545, should cost close to that in fossil or other fuels.

Just as currencies were historcially made out of precious metals such as gold and silver, Tripe says it wouldn't be much of a stretch to say each Bitcoin is made out of 30 barrels of oil.

Related: The European Union Initiates Cashless Society Project

One study suggests Bitcoin mining could consume as much electricity as Denmark by 2020 and American Nobel laureate for economics Paul Krugman is among those who have described it as a terrible step backwards for currencies.

The environmental debate over Bitcoin mining also appears to have the Green Party thinking carefully, even though it is a natural ally for alternative and barter currencies.

"We don't have policies specifically on Bitcoin. We do have policies supporting local currencies,"
energy and information, communication technology spokesman Gareth Hughes says.

"I think people using Bitcoin would be surprised to consider the environmental footprint."

So the upshot is, we may be stuck with the money we've got, but that doesn't mean it can't work harder for us.

Tripe expects banking costs to decline over time. Those costs include not just the likes of bank fees and charges, but the "spreads" between the interest rate at which people can borrow and lend money, and at which they can change money between different currencies.

"As payment systems become increasingly technological, costs are declining," Tripe says.

The growth in the number of non-bank companies that are springing up offering people cheaper ways to move money around the world suggests that the foreign exchange market may be set for some disruption, he says.

Related: The War On Cash – One Giant Leap Forward For Government

Banks typically charge about a two per cent cut in fees and exchange rate spreads when transferring funds across borders.

That is even though they deal in two-ways flows of different currencies all the time, so the majority of transactions will "cancel out" and never require the bank to buy or sell any foreign currencies on a wholesale market.

Banks will instead maintain a "working balance" in different currencies, Tripe explains, and will only buy or sell currencies if they consume that and need to cover their position.

Maguire says ANZ is testing the distributed ledger technology of blockchain – not to be confused with Bitcoin itself – to process international payments faster and more securely.

"This proof of concept has been adopted by international payments service Swift and 45 leading banks from around the world have signed up to be part of the pilot to test this.

It is always important that there is a reasonable price for the services we offer," she adds.

Aside from being untraceable and hence useful for buying things on the black economy, or from people you'd rather not deal with again, cash may also prove to be valuable when "the big one" strikes – should Eftpos and ATM networks go down.

Related: Technology could increase the trust in data

The Civil Defence and Emergency Management Ministry doesn't specify an amount to have on hand but says people should be able to make do for at least three days.

"We understand supermarkets will still be able to process electronic payments, in most cases, as they have a process that allows this to occur offline.

We also understand that local bank branches will act to make cash available via non ATM methods," a spokeswoman says.

Bar a natural disaster sending us back to the iron age – and whizzy new payment technologies aside – just what is "reasonable" when clipping the ticket is perhaps the million-dollar question when it comes to the future of money.

Over at Amazon, they're already looking at bringing the cashier-less technology to the 1200 Whole Food grocery stores across the United States that was recently purchased for $18bn. 

So the era of swiping and Paywaving may not last long.

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Australian Government To Track $100 Notes With Nano-chips As Cashless Society Looms

The Australian government plans to crack down on the ‘black economy’ by implanting $100 and $50 notes with hi-tech nano-chips so they can be surveilled.

No this isn’t a futuristic Hollywood movie, this is Australia in 2017.

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With around 300 million $100 notes in circulation carrying out such a task seems almost impossible to derive any value, let alone a waste of time and tax payer money.

Especially at a time when Australia’s household debt-to-income is at an all time high.

Nevertheless Michael Andrew, the man appointed by the Federal government to lead the ‘Black Economy Taskforce’ at the end of 2016 believes tracking the currency denomination is the best solution in stopping unwanted transactions from taking place and people avoiding paying tax.

According to the The Treasury the black economy:

“…refers to people who operate entirely outside the tax and regulatory system or who are known to the authorities but do not correctly report their tax obligations.”

That sounds good and well until we read on to find out who these people targeted by the agency actually are and how they seem to think $100 note is to blame.

Michael Andrew, head of the Black Economy Taskforce

Mr Andrew claims that the $100 note should be tracked with nanotechnology due to:

Australian pensioners hoarding money under their bed to escape asset tests.

Chinese citizens taking Australian $100 notes back to China because it is apparently more trusted than the internationally superior Yuan.

This government created Black Economy Taskforce wants us to believe that Grandma is hoarding hundreds of thousands of dollars under her mattress in stacks of $100 notes.

Perhaps these pensioners, if they even are hoarding money (which is not illegal in itself), are doing so because the federal government is hiring people like Mr Andrew with our tax money to work out ways the public can be further surveilled and tracked.

As for Chinese citizens, there is a $10,000 limit on taking cash out of the country so I doubt this is any cause for concern.

But is this all part of a bigger agenda?

Calls to Remove Major Currency From Circulation

The Australian government has previously floated the idea to remove the $100 note from circulation, citing once again the need to crack down on the black economy.

This came shortly after global Investment Bank UBS recommended that Australia remove its largest value note from circulation.

This is not a local phenomena in terms of requests made for currency denominations to be removed from circulation. We’ve seen moves in Europe where the 500-Euro bill was labelled the ‘Bin Laden bank note‘ that criminals love and removed from circulation.

In the United States, one of the chief architects of the 2008 global financial crisis Larry Summers has called for the removal of the $100 and $50 bill, once again demonising their use in illegal activities.

India removed their 500 and 1,000 rupee notes from circulation overnight which saw queues form around the country at ATM machines as people desperately tried to convert out of the newly defunct notes.

Keep in mind that the Indian government claimed the decision was an effort to close down the economy of untaxed cash transactions, which allows corruption, the funding of terrorist groups, and keeps counterfeit notes in circulation.

For the record, 500 rupee in Australian dollars is worth $10.20 and 1,000 rupee $20.40. I doubt any terrorism is being financed with that sort of money but rather sounds like the government is seeking more control over taxing its citizens.

Whilst some people see the move to a global cashless society as being inevitable, others claim this is part of a global ‘war on cash’ and freedom, as governments around the world seek to tighten the noose on citizens.

This has in turn seen many people move into the growing cryptocurrency market where there is no centralised control and people can experience freedom with their hard earned money rather than being taxed into oblivion.

Hence the recent booms we’ve seen in cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin and Ethereum. People are seeking ways to escape the clutches of ever so hungry governments.

War on Cash = War on Freedom

Furthermore the Australian Tax Office came out this week saying it was going to target work expense claims.

Big corporations making billions of dollars and not paying tax? Don’t worry you’re safe, the ATO isn’t interested in cracking down on you. Trying to claim for those $160 business shoes you bought this year? Then look out, you’re being targeted!

People are in their right to claim what they legally can in order to reduce their taxable income. However with traceable money and increasingly dictatorial changes in law people may soon find they are unable to escape the grip of excessive government taxation.

The irony is that people’s tax revenue is being used to further clamp down on them by creating and funding agencies such as the Black Economy Taskforce.

Governments No Longer Work For the People

There are clear signs that the public is fed up with government wasting their tax money on things we don’t need.

This includes the now over $15 billion of Australian tax payer money wasted in fighting unnecessary wars overseas.

Money being squandered to friends of politicians so they can profit, either through the military industrial complex or corporations who avoid paying tax.

Note how no measures are being introduced to clamp down on this waste in the billions of dollars, but a few hundred dollars here or there by you and the government wants to know everything about it.

Prime Sinister of Australia, Malcolm Turnbull

This is one of the reasons that increasingly the trend around the world is that people are growing discontent with the actions of their governments and political systems. People no longer feel they are being represented or that the system is working for them.

This was highlighted with the rise of Donald Trump in the United States, largely seen as an anti-establishment figure, and Britain’s vote to leave the European Union that saw the Brexit party win.

Final Thoughts

Perhaps it’s time that we as humans evolve past the notion of needing a small elite few living in another reality telling us how we should live our lives. After all, we’ve moved on since the times of kings and queens.

Related: This Could Very Well Be The Way They Try To Usher In Their One World Currency

Well, at least some of us have. For now it seems governments will look for increasing ways to control and surveil their citizens. Using well sounding excuses such as ‘stopping terrorism’ or fighting the black economy.

In reality, it’s more likely a case that government is looking at new ways to bolster its coffers and if people are using physical cash then there is less money to be had for the greed that resides in Canberra.

The war on cash is well and truly underway.

Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi

Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi

The Non-Issue Of Trump Jr.’s Emails & Kremlin Derides US Media Buzz Of ‘Russian Meddling’ As Bordering On TV Soap Opera
July 16 2017 | From: PaulCraigRoberts / Tass / Various

Anything about Russia, Trump, his family and team consistently is overblown, misrepresented and lied about by what he justifiably calls the “dishonest media.” Indeed!

Trump Jr.’s meeting and email correspondence with Russian lawyer Natalia Veselnitskaya amounted to much ado about nothing.

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A nothing story disgracefully became a cause celebre, anything to bash, denigrate and weaken Trump for the wrong reasons, ignoring plenty of justifiable ones – done directly or through other parties, in this case his son.

Russian lawyer Veselnitskaya is a private citizen unconnected to the Kremlin. There was nothing improper or illegal about Trump Jr. meeting with her. No “collusion” occurred, no connection to Russia, no other known criminal activity of any kind.

Trump Jr. published emails between himself and Veselnitskaya, showing they had nothing to do with Russia. Issues discussed related to adoption of children and related charitable activities.

Natalia Veselnitskaya

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Emails between himself and publicist / tabloid writer Rob Goldstone claimed a Russian government lawyer had incriminating documents about Hillary, yet nothing of the sort was discussed or transmitted.

Goldstone said he had no knowledge of Veselnitskaya’s connection to the Kremlin. Putin spokesman Dmitry Peskov said the Russian government knows nothing about this woman.

On June 9, 2016, Trump Jr., presidential campaign manager at the time Paul Manafort, and Trump’s son-in-law Jared Kushner met with her at Trump Tower in New York.

Trump Jr. said the following:

"I was asked to have a meeting by an acquaintance I knew from the 2013 Miss Universe pageant with an individual who I was told might have information helpful to the campaign.”

“I was not told her name prior to the meeting. I asked Jared and Paul to attend, but told them nothing of the substance.”

Veselnitskaya said “she had information that individuals connected to Russia were funding the Democratic National Committee and supporting Ms. Clinton.”

“(H)er statements were vague, ambiguous and made no sense. No details or supporting information was provided or even offered. It quickly became clear that she had no meaningful information.”

“She then changed subjects and began discussing the adoption of Russian children and mentioned the Magnitsky Act.”

“It became clear to me that this was the true agenda all along and that the claims of potentially helpful information were a pretext for the meeting.”

Goldstone called the meeting “the most insane nonsense I ever heard.”

In a Tuesday interview on NBC News, Veselnitskaya denied any connection to Vladimir Putin or Russia’s government, explaining she didn’t meet with Trump Jr. to discuss Hillary or last year’s presidential campaign.

Trump’s Victories Eclipse New World Order

POTUS is doing irreversible damage to the globalists: Roger Stone joins Alex Jones to discuss the huge number of victories that President Trump has achieved during the first six months in office.

Unprincipled claims by undemocratic Democrats and media scoundrels about alleged Trump team wrongdoing, including possible treason, show how low they’re willing to stoop to damage the president for the wrong reasons.

It’s more hard evidence of the deplorable state of America, a serial aggressor, a fantasy democracy, an unscrupulous rogue state.

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Kremlin Derides US Media Buzz Of ‘Russian Meddling’ As Bordering On TV Soap Opera

Peskov reiterated that the Kremlin "has absolutely nothing to do with this story."

The Kremlin has nothing to do with the correspondence of the US president’s son, Donald Trump Jr., his alleged meeting with Russian attorney Natalya Veselnitskaya and believes that this story is another spin in the ongoing soap opera, Russian Presidential Spokesman Dmitry Peskov said on Wednesday.

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"This story has nothing much to feed off of," Peskov said after being asked whether this story could stoke US suspicions regarding Russia’s alleged interference in the most recent US presidential election.

"This is just another spin to the plot and it appeared immediately after the bilateral meeting [between the Russian and US presidents]," he said.

"On the whole, it definitely looks like a long-running soap opera, which can compete with the most successful TV-series currently aired in the United States, however, there is no sense drawing us into such soap operas as we are not taking part or playing any roles in it."

The New York Times daily published a story last week claiming that in June 2016, then presidential candidate Donald Trump’s eldest son Donald Trump Jr., son-in-law Jared Kushner and campaign chairman Paul Manafort held a meeting with a Russian lawyer, who allegedly had connections to Russian authorities.

According to the New York Times, some people linked to Russian ruling circles, as well as to a number of state companies, were among Natalya Veselnitskaya’s clients.

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Peskov reiterated that the Kremlin "has absolutely nothing to do with this story, has never been in contact with this lawyer (Veselnitskaya) and, therefore, has nothing to say about it."

The presidential spokesman dismissed as absurd allegations that Veselnitskaya reportedly acted on behalf of the Russian government during the meeting with Trump Jr.

"How could a lawyer be possibly representing the Russian government at the official level?" Peskov said adding that an only exception is when a lawyer acts on behalf of the government in a court trial.

"But it was not about it [a court trial] in this given case, therefore such a statement on the issue is improper and absurd," he said.

US President Trump and his administration repeatedly denied allegations that Russian authorities meddled in last year’s US presidential election helping him to win the race. Moscow has also rebuffed such allegations on numerous occasions.

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Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi

Former Satanic Priest Exposes The Four Main Tenets Of Satanic Ideology & Are You A Satanist? You Could Be And Not Even Know It + Ask An Ex-Satanist Anything - Katy Perry Super Bowl Ritual
July 16 2017 | From: Sitshow / MarkPassio / Various

In January of 2015, Mark Passio, former Satanic priest, gave a clear and on point, explanation of the ideology of the church of Satan. His knowledge comes from his experience as a former priest in the church of Satan, a branch of the Dark Occult.

Now Passio has changed his personal ideology 180 degrees and helps to expose the insidious precepts of Satanism. Earlier this year, Mark Passio joined Lee Ann McAdoo from Alex Jones' InfoWars for an online interview wherein he discussed the "4 main tenets of Satanism."

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Connection To The Shadow People

Mark's website, is www.whatonearthishappening.com. He was a speaker at a conference in Philadelphia, PA on April 10-12, 2015, advertised on his website, which sought to establish a much more inclusive and caring world view than what he previously believed in.

As Passio explains he was dissatisfied with religion and over time became angry and and gravitated towards the branch of Satanism called the Dark Occult.

His writing and music was recognized by a Satanic church figure, the late Anton LaVey and LaVey asked him to become a priest in the church and to take on the role of converting others to the Satanic counter-religion.

While he does not explain why he left the church of Satan, Passio does explain that his associates within the group were completely unconcerned with him leaving, as they felt confident that nothing he could do could affect them or their power.

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Is it harmful for society to associate the word Satanism solely with human and animal sacrifices and sexual crimes? Could it be that such a definition allows the more sensitive and insidious aspects of the ideology to continue on and become accepted or institutionalized?

What is very interesting about the "Satanic ideology" that Mark Passio describes is that the precepts are not specifically racism or bigotry, the kinds of hatred we frequently associate with criminal acts.

The "4 main tenets of Satanism" as he explains are:

1. Self Preservation

2. Moral Relativism

3. Social Darwinism

4. Eugenics

These concepts [detailed further below] exist on a sliding scale and it is not clear to what degree they are actually practiced by Satanists.

The individuals who practice such a selfish philosophy unbalanced by love or compassion for others would seem like sociopaths among us, perhaps free of criminal records, but who take no risk or responsibility to improve the lives of less fortunate people in society.

As Passio explains, Self Preservation is among the highest Satanic principles, and not in the acceptable sense of being defensive.

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We may know many people in our lives who we consider harmless individuals, without criminal records, who indeed show philosophical traits in common with Satanism, however we would never think of calling them Satanic because we associate that offensive word with human and animal sacrifices, which is a deception that conceals the nature of Satanism as the inverse of Christianity.

For example where Christianity might practice forgiveness and freedom from dogma, Satanism prefers the tools of mercilessness and oppression.

If more corporate businesses than not identify with the ideology of Satanism in their business practices, then are we living in a pre-dominantly Satanic world?

If so, then it is only individuals, practicing self preservation balanced with Jesus' fruits of the Spirit such as compassion to other human beings, that make the world unevil. 

Today Passio  is using his knowledge not to create converts but to expose the Satanic ideology in an effort to reveal how harmful it is.

If it goes un-identified, then it will continue to overwhelm our technological society, in the businesses and sciences, and allow the elite to be dangerously misguided.

We make the world how we create it to be. We are free to create new and better systems of business based on morally objective ideology to overcome old and inferior systems of enslavement.

Despite the aesthetic symbols seen in the background of his recording location, Passio speaks powerfully and knowledgeably against Satanic tools used to oppress massive numbers of people.

He shows that he has re-wired himself in favor of love. On his website the footer reads: All is Love. Which is clearly not the belief of a Satanist.

Former Satanist Exposes Occult Secrets

De-mystifying the occult with Mark Passio. Passio, an independent researcher, public speaker, radio talk show host, conference organizer and freedom activist from Philadelphia, PA., has undertaken the task of assembling vast amounts of research in the areas of metaphysics, occultism, spirituality, symbology and consciousness studies.

Partial Transcript from "Former Satanist Exposes Occult Secrets"

7:41 -

“It has nothing to do with the Christian notion of the devil. Satanism has 4 main tenets or overarching principles of belief.

And that is that self-preservation is the highest goal. And you should do whatever you can to advance your personal power and influence in the world no matter who you really have to walk all over, step on, or hurt to get what you want.

That's really the number one tenet and if you look at society most of society is stuck in that cut-throat, dog-eat-dog, mentality."


"Moral relativism is the second major tenet which is that there is really no such thing as objective standards of right and wrong behavior. That we as human beings can get to decide upon our whims what right and wrong are and base our actions accordingly.

And if you look at most of society I would say more people than not are moral relativists than moral objectivists who think that there is an objective standard of right and wrong behavior. So that's also very pervasive in society."

8:02 -

"The Third major tenet is social darwinism, the idea that the most ruthless in society have some sort of a predetermined idea or pre-destined right to basically rule over everybody else in society because their genetics got them there, and made them fit for rulership.

And many people will actually think like that and think that that's ok, that that's just the natural order or the way things are. You know, and so that's also very pervasive in our society."

8:33 -

"And finally the 4th main pillar of Satanism is eugenics, the idea that those who are socially fit to rule, and they're the fittest in society and therefore they've come out on top and they're ruling the roost, well they can get to decide who basically propagates their genes and who does not, or in other words, who gets to live and who dies.

Who must die."

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Are You A Satanist? You Could Be And Not Even Know It + Ask Ex-Satanist Anything - Katy Perry Super Bowl Ritual

This is an interview with a former priest of the Church of Satan, Mark Passio, discussing how the Satanism normally thought of in the world today (the Worship of a "devil" by confused and misguided people) is far more insidious than we could have possibly imagined. 

Instead of small gatherings, acting as individuals (usually we think of satanists as crazy unbalanced teens or psychopaths), Passio describes Satanism is actually a recruiting mechanism for a far darker agenda. Lawyers, Doctors and nearly every other high ranking figure in society was in attendance during his time with them.

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They revealed to him that their efforts are global in scale and have been operating for thousands of years in a cohesive unified effort under the banner of Christianity, Islam, Judaism and nearly every other major institution of thought including Science, Law and Government.

Satanism is not wholly what the official Church of Satan offers in it's writings, it is actually an organization which incorporates organize crime, and fits the profile described by Gordon Duff in his work on the OCC (Organized Crime Cabal); the "illuminati" as they are popularly known.

Goal of Occulted Satanism

Their aim is simple: to push Satanic belief systems on to the masses causing self destructive tendencies; divide and conquer.

People spend most of their lives trying to fight for their egocentric desires, destroying themselves and society in the process, "requiring authorities" at all levels to keep the ignorant masses under control.

The Cabal, or Dark Occultists, position themselves in power to be that controlling force - bringing "order to chaos".

Related: John Kerry Admits They're Making 'Order Out Of Chaos' For 'World Order'

Occulted Satanism is more a philosophy, a set of beliefs and ideas, pushed on the masses under many guises; nearly all of which are accepted unconsciously.

Materialism, Corporatism, Narcissism, Atheism and nearly all world religions (as they are practiced) - can be thought of as Satanic in this context. (read this wikipedia article on Satanism to provide a context for the popularly known version vs the Occulted version discussed by Passio).

One shocking revelation offered by Passio, and confirmed for oneself by honest investigation, is that the world at large is in a state of consciousness which could be thought of as Satanic.

Related: Vladimir Putin: The New World Order Worships Satan

Stated more simply, humanity is being indoctrinated into Satanic belief systems, modes of thought, and do not realize it because they have a false version of Satanism pushed by the media.

We think Satanism involves "the devil" and sacrificing animals by a few 'bad apples' that are not connected in anyway, but in truth this is not actually the case.

Within the definitions of Satanism provided by Mark, we have the following Tenants (I drafted these in my own words listening to the show):

1. Narcissism

"Me and my needs are the only thing that matters, even at the cost of everyone else". Survival of the self, is most important. "No one else and their personal suffering, matters unless I am affected."

Compassion for others is weakness. (Narcissistic personality disorder, also known as NPD, is a disorder in which the individual has a distorted self image, unstable and intense emotions, is overly preoccupied with vanity, prestige, power and personal adequacy, lacks empathy, and has an exaggerated sense of superiority; balancing their low self image.

NPD is closely associated with egocentrism - a personality characteristic in which people see themselves and their interests and opinions as the only ones that really matter).

2. Moral Relativism

"There is no such thing as truth, I make up what right and wrong are based on what I want. If I can get away with it, then it's "right" and I should; its only wrong, if I get caught."

The belief that objective morality doesn't exist and neither does Truth. This is Solipsism, the belief that there is no truth because we can not know it with absolute certainty; "the view or theory that the self is all that can be known to exist" - Wikipedia.

As such, "what I believe is the only thing that matters, and if I don't believe it - it doesn't exist." New Age Doctrine of - "Ignore the negative, and it will magically go away."

Related: Lucis Trust, Alice Bailey, World Goodwill And Lucifer - The False Light Of The World

3. Social Darwinism

"I focus on my survival and personal needs only; by any means necessary. What gets the job done, whatever I need to do to survive, is the only thing that matters. If someone else can't do the same, they are weak and deserve what they get."

4. Eugenics

"I get to decide who lives and dies, what their value is only in relation to my own self interest. If your not with me your against me. I am superior you are inferior."

Here the aim is to cull the masses, keep the population at a 'workable level'. In the past this was done more directly (i.e. the Holocaust) but today Eugenics is unfolding in an Epi-eugenic way. People, by their own beliefs and actions, eat food that kills them off, and kill each other off in unnecessary conflicts.

Related: Eugenics and the Depopulation Agenda

Other Points

"Humans are just animals - morality, compassion and empathy are just human inventions - only might is right."

There is no God, no organizing force in the Universe; only Entropy - Scientific Atheism is Satanic within this context.

Are you a Satanist?

That question usually offends us so much we never ask ourselves honestly. Let me cast the limelight on myself for the moment. 

The 'Cremation of Care' ritual cermony held annually by the elite in the US at Bohemian Grove, CA.

During my late teens and early 20's, I was a major drug addict. I stole from my family, friends and stores regularly to sustain my addiction.

Doing anything I could to stave off the dope sickness, I always felt the moral wrongness of my actions.

Eventually I made the choice to get clean and moved away from the situations that tempted me. Finally I healed the true cause of the addiction within myself, and now even if I had heroin within my grasp I wouldn't find value in the experience of taking it.

The point is, that I justified my actions, despite having a conscious awareness of how wrong they are, and as such, I was acting as a Satanist.

All my justifications and rationalizing won't change my Satanic behavior, because at the end of the day what I chose to do, was in harmony with the plans of the Dark Occultists.

Related: The Peace Sign And Satanism

Anyone who acts in this way is for all intents and purposes an Agent of the Cabal.

Using this very strict definition, we can easily see that nearly everyone in our modern world is acting out the plans of the Cabal unconsciously.

I know this can be a sobering realization, but can be empowering once we accept it, because we realize that we can personally take action to change.

Why is This Important?

Once we begin to realize that our world views, beliefs and ideals are indoctrinated into us subliminally, we can begin to empower ourselves to take our lives back by reviewing it consciously.

The PRIMARY reason why most people are not Moral, and adhere to passivity in their lives is because of a low self image, which was developed early on in life, and supported by many hidden belief systems pushed by our modern world.

This realization, coupled with a deep drive to rediscover who we really are and undo the years of unconscious programming, slowly heals us.

Related: Pope Francis Declares Lucifer As God?

Eventually we not only feel better on a daily basis, but we begin to realize that only through ourselves, the personal work of gaining true knowledge and acting in that knowledge, will undo the horrors of this world. 

Humanity as a whole has been conditioned to be dark and materialistic, doomed to self destruction, unless we look in the mirror and realize it is all our collective behaviors and beliefs which maintain the status quo.

Ultimately, we can acknowledge this is happening "to us" and realize only we can do something about it.

Authorities can not 'save us' because blind faith in authorities are the root of the problem. We must become our own guru's and rediscover who we really are, which will naturally undo the years of Satanic programing, and embolden us to act morally in the future. 

Ask Ex-Satanist Anything - Katy Perry Super Bowl Ritual

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Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi

Seven Reasons Why The Internet Of Things Should Scare You & The Internet Of Things Poses Human Health Risks: Scientists Question The Safety Of Untested 5G Technology At International Conference
July 15 2017 | From: MakeUseOf / EnvironmentalHealthTrust / Various

It was only a couple of years ago that we – the public- started to understand the term Internet of Things (IoT). Until then, we’d never entertained the idea that our bathroom tap might want to have a chat with the dishwasher.

Our naiveté in these matters promised us many great things. It’s also promising many great dangers.

Just paranoid? We break down the top three Internet of Things conspiracy theories

The IoT is full of inflated promises of increased efficiency, lives made easier, and people and industries made perfect. It’s reminiscent of Snowball falsely promising the others in Animal Farm that their new technology - The Windmill - would bring them a life of peace and leisure. A life in which “sordid labor” would be lifted from their backs.

The same promises were made when email and smartphones were invented.

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Related: 25 weirdest things in the 'Internet of Things'

These progresses were hailed as a miraculous salve, ready to be employed by all for an easier and better life. The same is now happening with the IoT. The potential benefits grow bright, while the dangers are cast into the quiet shadows.

It’s time to draw attention to these dangers. Here are seven terrifying promises of the Internet of Things:

1. An Unbearable World of Advertisements

If you think ads being thrust upon you every time you use something digital is frustrating, you’ve seen nothing yet.

It won’t be long until your trousers are horrified by your weight gain. In turn, they’ll conspire against you. They’ll have the TV showing contextual ads about new fad diets. The touch-screen on the fridge will be selling you low-fat yogurt.

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Your watch will be telling you to pay for a new fitness app. Google could even have your NEST thermostat, with its many uses, telling you the weight-loss benefits of having the heat turned up.

It used to be the case that our private dwellings were our quiet escape from the bombardments of the high street. But marketers encroached on that privacy through TV ads, cold calling, and more recently, our connected devices.

With the future promising the connectedness of everything including the kitchen sink, the only means of escaping so many advertisements will be atop a snow-covered mountain.

2. A Conspiracy of Perfection

With the IoT comes a burgeoning of “tracking devices“. Small devices that track everything from the steps you take, to a minute-by-minute analysis of your cortisol levels. By tracking certain aspects of our lives, we are told, we can “optimize” and “make better life choices”.

In other words, if we have enough data, we will know exactly what to do to become the perfect version of ourselves. If we’re overweight, unwell, tired, or stressed, the fault is ours for not paying attention to “The Data”.

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Society will cast asunder us fat, unhappy ones simply for choosing human error over a life dictated by algorithms and apps. The corporations will no-doubt punish us, too. More expensive health insurance because the sensors in the fridge saw how many pork pies we’ve eaten, is just the beginning.

This pressure for continual self-improvement and optimization drags us further from the present than current technology forces us to go. This will necessarily drive an even greater wedge between those who are connected, and those who aren’t.

3. A Waste of Money

It used to be that when we bought a washing machine, it was a rare expense. The next one would be purchased in 15 years or so. Something might go wrong in the meantime, but the guy down the road would fix it.

Today, washing machines have a much shorter lifespan. We have to be prepared to shell out for a new one around every five years (thanks to planned obsolescence). A new smartphone, smartwatch, and tablet every three or four years. A new laptop every four to five years. These lifespans are short. The only consolation is that there’s not too many things to replace.

Related: US Intelligence Chief: We Might Use The Internet Of Things To Spy On You

Until the IoT, that is.

Your mattress may not need replacing every couple of years, but the sensor inside of it may do. The same goes for your kitchen table, and the sofa. For cheaper connected devices like the kettle, toaster, your belt, light switches and door knobs; expect replacement of these components to become a new, regular expense.

When your house is awash with 30, 50, 100 connected devices, that’s a lot of electronic gadgetry to keep working 365 days per year. That’s a lot of replacing broken sensors. That’s a lot of money.

4. A Security Nightmare

The Internet has been around for around 20 years now, and its security is far from perfect. Hacker groups still ruthlessly take advantage of these flaws, despite spending billions on tech security. The IoT, on the other hand, is primitive. And so is its security.

As the IoT explodes, it’s physically impossible for the security industry to keep up. Simply password protecting each of our devices isn’t working. People are leaving default passwords set, leaving their devices massively vulnerable to attack. But who can blame them? Who would want to manually change the password for 75 devices around home and work?

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Until this boatload of vulnerable tech is somehow secured (the most common sensors- RFID- actually have no security), your smart-TV‘s, baby monitors and even Jeep Cherokees, remain open to attack. Don’t expect this to be a problem that’ll disappear quickly.

5. A World of No Privacy

The reason there’s such a buzz about the IoT is quite simple. Once everything we do, say, think, and eat, is tracked, the big data that’s available about each of us is immensely valuable. When companies know our lives inside and out, they can use that data to make us buy even more stuff. Once they control your data, they control you.

When that data is anonymous, it helps companies sell to broad market segments. More preferable, and more valuable, is when that data is relatable to an individual (i.e. you and me).

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When a supermarket knows the food that you buy, they can offer you completely personalized deals. When Amazon tracks the products you look at, they can recommend other products based on your individual taste.

It’s good business, sure. But it also means that any information tracked about us, can be linked back to us. The calls you make, messages you send, food you eat, clothes you buy, photos you take. The sites you browse, time you spend sat down, number of beers you drink, steps you take, and conversations you have.

This information is all open for the picking. Once your connected devices are neatly synced up, the picture of you available to corporations and governments will be more detailed than you could ever imagine. Privacy is dead.

6. Complete Digital Exhaustion

Look around. There’s little denying that we’re already over-connected. Kids around the world are suffering from. Family time is being ruined by smartphone notifications. What more do we expect from technology?

Is there any real benefit to be had from an oven that turns itself on when it knows you’re on your way home? From receiving a ping when you’re at work telling you the house is too cold? From your smartwatch telling you your plants need watering when you’re on a run?

Related: Extreme Digital Addiction Is Destroying Kids' Lives Around the Globe

All this is setting us up for is complete digital burn-out. The anti-tech movement of neo-luddism is fast expanding for a reason. People are tired of relying so much on technology. They’re craving a simpler way of life. Not the inflated promise of one, which is what we’re facing with IoT, but something actually simpler.

7. Impossible Choices

One of the most pressing technological choices we make today concerns the ecosystems we opt for. When we buy a laptop, do we choose Windows, or Apple? When we buy a smartphone, do we choose Android or iOS?

Once we’ve made a decision, it’s hard to go back. Moving all of your photos, music and videos from one ecosystem to another is a nightmare, and isn’t something you want to be repeating time and again.

Related: A nation of smart cities: Is IoT the answer to traffic congestion & crime?

When it comes to the IoT, the choice is even more important. This is because the industry is new, and there are no leading ecosystems to set the “Standard” for how devices communicate. The entire industry is fragmented.

Think back to when HD-DVD was battling Blue-Ray. If you placed your bets on HD-DVD, you were out of pocket a year later. We’re in the same position now with the IoT.

If your entire building is running connected devices that rely on different ecosystems, you’ve got a nightmare on your hands. You’ll either have to live with juggling a ton of devices that can’t work together, or you’ll have to replace many of them once a single ecosystem dominates.

Related: Know The Truth About Electro Magnetic Frequencies - What The Authorities Don't Tell You

What Should We Hope For?

The IoT will undoubtedly bring benefits. But it’ll also bring many dangers. Those who are pushing for the IoT to become huge, are those who are set to profit the most from it, and we mustn’t be blindsided by this. After all, the IoT will run on Big Data. And Big Data means Big Money.

The focus of this article has largely been on the use of the IoT in the home. Seems this is the area that’s exciting so many consumers, it’s what so many people envision when they hear the term “Internet of Things”.

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Yet the technology behind the IoT is doing some amazing works outside of the home as well. In the US, smart-tech is listening out for the sound of gunshots in neighborhoods. In Mumbai, sensors in the water system have helped to reduce lost water by 50%.

So we should stop getting giddy about how smart tech can connect our furniture and utensils to the Web. Instead we should focus our efforts on how we can use this technology to make real change. On how the IoT can offer real benefits to those who need it.

After all, who needs their toilet to tell them how many times they’ve been for a wee?

What other things scare you about the Internet of Things? What should we be wary of, and what should we be looking to avoid?

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The Internet Of Things Poses Human Health Risks: Scientists Question The Safety Of Untested 5G Technology At International Conference

Replicated research shows that Millimeter waves – used by the Department of Defense in crowd control weapons – interacts with human skin and eyes.

Israeli research studies presented at an international conference reveal that the same electromagnetic frequencies used for crowd control weapons form the foundation of the latest network – branded as 5G – that will tie together more than 50 billion devices as part of the Internet of Things.

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Current investigations of wireless frequencies in the millimeter and submillimeter range confirm that these waves interact directly with human skin, specifically the sweat glands.

Dr. Ben-Ishai of the Department of Physics, Hebrew University, Israel recently detailed how human sweat ducts act like an array of helical antennas when exposed to these wavelengths.

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Scientists cautioned that before rolling out 5G technologies that use these frequencies, research on human health effects needed to be done first to ensure the public and environment are protected.

“If you are one of the millions who seek faster downloads of movies, games and virtual pornography, a solution is at hand, that is, if you do not mind volunteering your living body in a giant uncontrolled experiment on the human population.

At this moment, residents of the Washington, DC region – like those of 100 Chinese cities – are about to be living within a vast experimental Millimeter wave network to which they have not consented – all courtesy of American taxpayers,”
stated Dr. Devra Davis, President of the Environmental Health Trust.

Davis proposed that the Trump Administration could provide funds for research and training by implementing a 2 cents per month fee on all wireless devices, their manufacturers and network providers.

“Training and research in bioelectromagnetics including the evaluation of new technologies is essential before universal deployment”.

“This work shows that the same parts of the human skin that allow us to sweat also respond to 5G radiation much like an antenna that can receive signals. We need the potential adverse health impacts of 5G to be seriously evaluated before we blanket our children, ourselves and the environment with this radiation.”

Potential Risks to Human Health from Future Sub-MM Communication Systems: Paul Ben-Ishai, PhD

This is from the 2017 Expert Forum on Wireless and Health. All presentations from this conference are availible here.

Research studies from the Dielectric Spectroscopy Laboratory of the Department of Applied Physics, Hebrew University of Jerusalem, headed by Dr. Yuri Feldman, indicate that millimeter and submillimeter waves may lead to preferential layer absorption. The number of sweat ducts within human skin varies from two million to four million.

The researchers pointed to replicated peer research of these biological effects in laboratory research conducted in other countries and considered this mechanism of action well proven.

Today’s cellular and Wi-Fi networks rely on microwaves – a type of electromagnetic radiation utilizing frequencies up to 6 gigahertz (GHz) in order to wirelessly transmit voice or data.

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However, 5 G applications will require unlocking of new spectrum bands in higher frequency ranges above 6 GHz to 100 GHz and beyond, utilizing submillimeter and millimeter waves – to allow ultra-high rates of data to be transmitted in the same amount of time as compared with previous deployments of microwave radiation.

“Most people are unaware that these waves are cycling several billion times per second. 75 GHz is in fact 75,000,000,000 cycles per second,“ stated Davis about these frequencies rapidly penetrating the skin.

Click on the image above to download the Active Denial Technology PDF

For years, the U.S., Russian and Chinese defense agencies have been developing weapons that rely on the capability of this electromagnetic technology to induce unpleasant burning sensations on the skin as a form of crowd control.

Millimeter waves are utilized by the U.S. Army in crowd dispersal guns called Active Denial Systems.

Dr. Paul Ben-Ishai pointed to research that was commissioned by the U.S. Army to find out why people ran away when the beam touched them.

"If you are unlucky enough to be standing there when it hits you, you will feel like your body is on fire.”

The U.S. Department of Defense explains how:

“The sensation dissipates when the target moves out of the beam. The sensation is intense enough to cause a nearly instantaneous reflex action of the target to flee the beam.”

The conference at the Israel Institute for Advanced Studies at Hebrew University (IIAS) was organized in cooperation with the U.S. National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences (NIEHS) and the Environmental Health Trust (EHT).

Verizon just announced that 5G networks will be tested in 11 U.S. cities. 5G Networks will involve the deployment of millions of antennas nationwide, thousands in each city, because millimeter waves cannot easily travel through buildings or other obstacles.

Proposed installations have lead to public outcry in residential areas where homeowners do not want antennas mounted at their yards or near schools.

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Several researchers at the conference raised concerns that current regulations are not adequate to protect public health.

“There is an urgent need to evaluate 5G health effects now before millions are exposed…. We need to know if 5G increases the risk of skin diseases such as melanoma or other skin cancers,” stated Ron Melnick, the National Institutes of Health scientist, now retired, who led the design of the National Toxicology Program study on cell phone radiofrequency radiation.

Dariusz Leszczynski, PhD, Chief Editor of Radiation and Health, stated that the international organization – called ICNIRP – developing recommendations for public exposure limits of these higher frequencies was planning to classify all the skin in the human body as belonging to the limbs rather than to the head or torso.

Leszczynski cautioned that:

“If you classify skin as limbs – no matter where the skin is – you are permitted to expose it more than otherwise.”

“The use of sub-terahertz (Millimeter wave) communications technology (cell phones, Wi-Fi, network transmission antennas) could cause humans to feel physical pain via nociceptors,“ stated Dr. Yael Stein, MD, who wrote a letter to the Federal Communications Commission about 5G Spectrum Frontiers.

Related: How Computer And Mobile Phone Use Affects Our Blood

Medical experts worldwide are calling for action. Dr. Cindy Russell detailed the state of science in a recent Santa Clara Medical Association article and concluded:

“Do not proceed to roll out 5G technologies pending pre-market studies on health effects.

Re-evaluate safety standards based on long term as well as short term studies on biological effects”.

Wireless Wake-Up Call

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The Violence-Inducing Effects Of Psychiatric Medication & The Psychiatric Agenda Destroys Creative Children
July 15 2017 | From: KellyBroganMD / JonRappoport

On May 17, 2017, we learned that Chris Cornell of Soundgarden had reportedly committed suicide by hanging.

His family reports knowing a different Chris than one who would make this fatal decision, and suspect his anti-anxiety prescription in the altered state he was witnessed to be in the night he died.

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Perhaps an “addict turned psychiatric patient”, like so many, Chris Cornell seemed to have left the frying pan of substance abuse for the fire of psychiatric medication risks.

For reasons that remain mysterious, those under the influence of psychiatric medication often specifically choose to hang themselves in their moment of peak impulsivity.

Some, like Kim’s husband Woody who was never depressed a day in his life but prescribed Zoloft by his internist, even verbalize a felt experience of his head coming apart from his body in the days before he was found hanged in his garage.

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Then there’s 14 year old Naika, a foster child in Florida who hanged herself on a FB livestream after being treated with 50mg of Vyvanse, a drug treatment for ADHD that leads to a domino effect of diagnoses and psychiatric meds including a 13 fold increase in likelihood of being prescribed an antipsychotic medication and 4 fold increase in antidepressant medications than controls.

Are these just rare anecdotes? Is this just the cost of treatment that is helpful for most? Are we blaming medication for what might have been severe mental illness that was undertreated and/or undiagnosed?

Informed Consent: the Premise of Ethical Medicine

I believe first and foremost in informed consent. If you are informed of the risks, benefits, and alternatives to a given treatment, you will be empowered to make the best decision for yourself based on your personal, family, philosophical, and religious life context.

But the truth is that prescribers are not in a position to share the known risks of medications because we learn only of their purported benefits with a short-tagline of dismissively rare risks that are thought to be invariably outweighed by the presenting clinical concern.

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But what about serious risks – including impulsive suicide and homicide – surely we are informing patients of that possibility, right?


In fact, the FDA and the pharmaceutical industry have gone to great lengths to conceal multiple signals of harm so we certainly can’t expect your average prescriber to have done the investigative work required to get at the truth.

In fact, from 1999-2013, US psychiatric medication prescriptions have increased by a whopping 117% concurrent with a 240% increase in death rates from these medications.

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So let’s review some of the evidence that suggests that it may not be in your best interest or the best interest of those around you for you to travel the path of medication-based psychiatry.

Because, after all, if we don’t screen for risk factors – if we don’t know who will become the next victim of psych-med-induced violence – then how can we justify a single prescription?

Are we at a point in the history of medicine where random acts of personal and public violence are defensible risks of treatment for stress, anxiety, depression, inattention, psychosocial distress, irritable bowel syndrome, chronic fatigue, and even stress incontinence?

Let the Science Speak


Prescribed specifically to “prevent” suicide, antidepressants now come with a black box warning label of suicide risk since 2010.

Multi-billion dollar lawsuits like the settlement of Study 329 have been necessary to unlock the cabinet drawers of an industry that cares more about profit than human lives.

A reanalysis of study 329 which initially served as a landmark study in 2001 supporting the prescription of antidepressants to children, has now demonstrated that these medications are ineffective in this population and play a causal role in suicidal behavior.

Concealing and manipulating data that shows this signal of harm, including a doubling of risk of suicide with antidepressant treatment, has generated seeming confusion around this incomprehensibly unacceptable risk profile.

In fact, a reanalysis of an influential US National Institute of Mental Health 2007 study, revealed a four-fold increase in suicide despite the fact that the initial publication claimed no increased risk relative to placebo.

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According to available data – 3 large meta-analyses – more psychiatric treatment means more suicide. Well, that might seem a hazard of the field, right? Where blaming medications for suicide would be like saying that umbrellas cause the rain.

That’s why studies in non-suicidal subjects and even healthy volunteers who went on to experience suicidality after taking antidepressants are so compelling.

Benzodiazepines (like what Cornell was taking) and hypnotics (sleep and anxiety medications) also have a documented potential to increase risk of completed and attempted suicide and have been implicated in impulsive self-harm including self-inflicted stab wounds during changes to dosage.

We also find the documented possibility that suicidality could emerge in patients who are treated with this class of medications even when they are not suicidal with recent research stating:

“Benzodiazepine receptor agonist hypnotics can cause parasomnias, which in rare cases may lead to suicidal ideation or suicidal behavior in persons who were not known to be suicidal”.

And, of course, these medications themselves provide the means and the method with a known lethal poisoning profile.


Clearly murderers are mentally ill, right? What if I told you that the science supports the concern that we are medicating innocent civilians into states of murderous impulsivity?

When Andrew Thibault began to research the safety of a stimulant drug recommended to his son, he entered a rabbit hole he has yet to emerge from.

After literally teaching himself code to decrypt the data on the FDA Adverse Event Reporting System website, he was able to cull 2,000 pediatric fatalities from psychotropic medications, and 700 homicides.

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A Freedom of Information Act and a lawsuit later, he continues to struggle with redacted and suppressed information around 24 homicides directly connected to the use of psychotropics including the homicide by a 10 year old treated with Vyvanse of an infant.

Another case, ultimately recovered, involved statements from a 35 year old perpetrator / patient, who murdered her own daughter, as directly implicating as:

“When I took nortriptyline, I immediately wanted to kill myself. I’d never had thoughts like that before”.

To begin to scientifically explore the risk of violence induced by psychotropic medication, a study sample needs to be representative, the reason for taking the drug needs to be taken into consideration, the effect needs to be controlled for, as do any other intoxicants.

Professor Jari Tiihonen’s research group analysed the use of prescription drugs of 959 persons convicted of a homicide in Finland and found that pre-crime prescription of benzodiazepines and opiates resulted in the highest risk (223% increase) of committing homicide.

Relatedly, eleven antidepressants, six sedative/hypnotics and three drugs for attention deficit hyperactivity disorder represented the bulk of 31 medications associated with violence reported to the FDA.

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Now an international problem, a Swedish registry study identified a statistically significant increase in violence in males and females under 25 years old prescribed antidepressants.

Implicated in school shootings, stabbings, and even the Germanwings flight crash, prescribing of psychotropics prior to these incidences has been catalogued on ssristories.org leading me to suspect psychiatric prescribing as the most likely cause in any and all reports of unusually violent behavior in the public sphere.

Is Association Really Causation?

Beyond the cases where violence to self or others was induced in a non-violent, non-depressed, non-psychotic individual, what other evidence is there that speaks to how this could possibly be happening?

The most seminal paper in this regard, in my opinion, was published in 2011 by Lucire and Crotty. Ten cases of extreme violence were committed by patients who were prescribed antidepressants – not for major mental illness or even for depression – but for psychosocial distress (i.e. work stress, dog died, divorce).

Related: The Shocking Truth About Antidepressant Drug Studies + Peter Breggin MD: How Do Psychiatric Drugs Really Work?

What these authors identified was that these ten subjects had variants to liver enzymes responsible for drug metabolism exacerbated by co-administration of other drugs and substances including herbs. All returned to their baseline personalities when the antidepressant was discontinued.

Now referred to as akathisia-induced impulsivity, the genetic risk factors for this Russian Roulette of violence are not screened for prior to psychotropic prescribing.

Akathisia is a state of severe restlessness associated with thoughts of suicide and homicide.

Many patients describe it as a feeling-less state of apathy – and what I would describe as a disconnection from their own souls, their own experience of human connection, and any measure of self-reflection.

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The genetic underpinnings of this kind of medication-induced vulnerability are just beginning to be explored with identification of precursor symptoms to violence including severe agitation.

In a randomized, placebo-controlled trial, healthy volunteers exhibited an almost 2 fold increased risk of symptoms that can lead to violence.

A 4-5 fold increased risk was noted in patients prescribed a generic version of the antidepressant Cymbalta, off-label, for stress urinary incontinence (a non-psychiatric indication).

There is Another Way

Perhaps it’s as if we are offering the blade edge of a knife to those falling off the cliff of struggle and suffering. Because the idea of managing a chemical imbalance with chemicals seems to make sense.

But at what cost?

The laundry list of acute and chronic adverse effects is growing, and the unpredictable risk of medication-induced violence should lead to an urgent cessation of all psychotropics.

Because it takes 17 years for physician practice to reflect published science, we need grassroots level information sharing. We need to inform ourselves before we consent to engage a system that regards you as an impersonal statistic.

We live in a cultural context that makes no room for the relevance, meaning, and significance of symptoms – symptoms are simply bad and scary and they must be managed. We don’t make room for patients to ask why they are not ok.

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If you knew that your symptoms were reversible, healable, transformable, you might consider walking that path instead of assuming this level of risk for placebo-level efficacy of psychotropic medication. We would only euthanize a “mental patient” if we felt their condition was lifelong and unremitting.

In fact, every woman I have ever tapered off of psychiatric drugs into experiences of total vitality once believed that she would be a medicated psychiatric patient for life.

If you knew that radical self-healing potential lies within each and every one of us, if you only knew that was possible, you might start that journey today. It’s side effect free…

The Psychiatric Agenda Destroys Creative Children

“Take a child who wants to invent something out of thin air, and instead of saying no, tell him he has a problem with his brain, and then stand back and watch what happens. In particular, watch what happens when you give him a toxic drug to fix his brain. You have to be a certain kind of person to do that to a child. You have to be, for various reasons, crazy and a career criminal.” - The Underground, Jon Rappoport

First, here are a few facts that should give you pause:

Related: When your child is a psychopath

According to NAMI (National Alliance on Mental Illness);

“More than 25 percent of [US] college students have been diagnosed or treated by a professional for a mental health condition within the past year.”

NAMI: “One in four young adults between the ages of 18 and 24 have [we claim] a diagnosable mental illness.”

According to healthline.com, 6.4 million American children between the ages of 4 and 17 have been diagnosed with ADHD. The average age for the child’s diagnosis is 7.

BMJ 2016;352:i1457: “The number of UK children and adolescents treated with antidepressants rose by over 50% from 2005 to 2012, a study of five Western countries published in European Neuropsychopharmacology has found.”

Getting the picture?

Related: Harvard Research Finds Link Between Fluoridated Water, ADHD & Mental Disorders

Children are being diagnosed and dosed with toxic drugs at a staggering rate. But, as I have shown in many past articles, NO so-called mental disorder is based on a lab test.

No blood, saliva, genetic, brain test. ALL 300 or so official mental disorders are defined by menus of behaviors concocted by committees of psychiatrists.

On that foundation, the diagnoses and the drugs are handed out.

Let’s look at just one of the drugs: Ritalin (or any similar ADHD medicine). After a creative child is seen fidgeting in class, looking bored, studying what he wants to study, ignoring classroom assignments, focusing on what interests him, he is diagnosed with ADHD. Then comes the drug.

In 1986, The International Journal of the Addictions published an important literature review by Richard Scarnati. It was called “An Outline of Hazardous Side Effects of Ritalin (Methylphenidate)” [v.21, pp. 837-841].

Related: Before His Death, Father Of ADHD Admitted It Was A Fictitious Disease

Scarnati listed a large number of adverse effects of Ritalin and cited published journal articles which reported each of these symptoms.

For every one of the following (selected and quoted verbatim) Ritalin effects, there is at least one confirming source in the medical literature:

Paranoid delusions

Paranoid psychosis

Hypomanic and manic symptoms, amphetamine-like psychosis

Activation of psychotic symptoms

Toxic psychosis

Visual hallucinations

Auditory hallucinations

Can surpass LSD in producing bizarre experiences

Effects pathological thought processes

Extreme withdrawal

Terrified affect

Started screaming



Since Ritalin is considered an amphetamine-type drug, expect amphetamine-like effects

Psychic dependence

High-abuse potential DEA Schedule II Drug

Decreased REM sleep

When used with antidepressants one may see dangerous reactions including hypertension, seizures and hypothermia


Brain damage may be seen with amphetamine abuse.

Under this chemical assault on the brain, what are the chances that a creative child will go on in life to become an innovator, rather than a victim of psychiatric drugging?

Make a list of your favorite innovators. Imagine them as bored distracted children sitting in classrooms… and then diagnosed, and then hammered with drugs prescribed by a doctor.

This is happening now. The institution of psychiatry is making it happen. What about the consequences of diagnosing clinical depression in larger numbers of young children? What about the antidepressant drugs?

Related: The Science And Pseudoscience Of Children’s Mental Health + Creating ADHD Is The New Education

Here is just a sprinkling of information about antidepressants, from a huge body of literature:

Psychiatrist Peter Breggin: February 1990 American Journal of Psychiatry (Teicher et al, v.147:207-210) reports on:

“Six depressed patients, previously free of recent suicidal ideation, who developed `intense, violent suicidal preoccupations after 2-7 weeks of fluoxetine [Prozac] treatment.'

The suicidal preoccupations lasted from three days to three months after termination of the treatment. The report estimates that 3.5 percent of Prozac users were at risk.

While denying the validity of the study, Dista Products, a division of Eli Lilly, put out a brochure for doctors dated August 31, 1990, stating that it was adding `suicidal ideation’ to the adverse events section of its Prozac product information.”

An earlier study, from the September 1989 Journal of Clinical Psychiatry, by Joseph Lipiniski, Jr., indicates that in five examined cases people on Prozac developed what is called akathesia.

Symptoms include intense anxiety, inability to sleep, the “jerking of extremities,” and “bicycling in bed or just turning around and around.”

Related: The Roots Of Mental Health - Maybe They’re Not In Our Heads + Rising Rates Of Suicide: Are Pills The Problem?

Dr. Peter Breggin comments that akathesia:

"May also contribute to the drug’s tendency to cause self-destructive or violent tendencies … Akathesia can become the equivalent of biochemical torture and could possibly tip someone over the edge into self-destructive or violent behavior.

The June 1990 Health Newsletter, produced by the Public Citizen Research Group, reports, ‘Akathesia, or symptoms of restlessness, constant pacing, and purposeless movements of the feet and legs,
may occur in 10-25 percent of patients on Prozac.’”

The well-known publication, California Lawyer, in a December 1998 article called “Protecting Prozac,” details some of the suspect maneuvers of Eli Lilly in its handling of suits against Prozac.

California Lawyer also mentions other highly qualified critics of the drug:

"David Healy, MD, an internationally renowned psychopharmacologist, has stated in sworn deposition that `contrary to Lilly’s view, there is a plausible cause-and-effect relationship between Prozac’ and suicidal-homicidal events.

An epidemiological study published in 1995 by the British Medical Journal also links Prozac to increased suicide risk.”

When pressed, proponents of these SSRI antidepressant drugs (Prozac, Zoloft, Paxil, etc.) sometimes say, “Well, the benefits for the general population far outweigh the risk.”

But the issue of benefits will not go away on that basis.

A shocking review-study published in The Journal of Nervous and Mental Diseases (1996, v.184, no.2), written by Rhoda L. Fisher and Seymour Fisher, called “Antidepressants for Children,” concludes:

“Despite unanimous literature of double-blind studies indicating that antidepressants are no more effective than placebos in treating depression in children and adolescents, such medications continue to be in wide use.”

In wide use. This despite such contrary information and the negative, dangerous effects of these drugs.

There are other studies: “Emergence of self-destructive phenomena in children and adolescents during fluoxetine treatment,” published in the Journal of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry (1991, vol.30), written by RA King, RA Riddle, et al.

It reports self-destructive phenomena in 14% (6/42) of children and adolescents (10-17 years old) who had treatment with fluoxetine (Prozac) for obsessive-compulsive disorder.

July, 1991. Journal of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry. Hisako Koizumi, MD, describes a thirteen-year-old boy who was on Prozac: “full of energy,” “hyperactive,” “clown-like.”

All this devolved into sudden violent actions which were “totally unlike him.”

Related: Evidence Points To Ft. Lauderdale Shooter Being “Jason Bourned” With Mind Altering Psychiatric Drugs And ISIS Video Indoctrination By U.S. Intelligence Operatives

September, 1991. The Journal of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry. Author Laurence Jerome reports the case of a ten-year old who moves with his family to a new location. Becoming depressed, the boy is put on Prozac by a doctor.

The boy is then “hyperactive, agitated … irritable.” He makes a “somewhat grandiose assessment of his own abilities.”

Then he calls a stranger on the phone and says he is going to kill him. The Prozac is stopped, and the symptoms disappear.

For money, for profit, for status, for control, there exists a professional class called psychiatrists. They approach children - particularly creative children who refuse to fall into lock-step with a regimented program of learning - as outliers, as ill, as strange, as maladjusted, as threats to the system.

Related: The Cult Of 'Scientism' Explained: How Scientific Claims Behind Cancer, Vaccines, Psychiatric Drugs And GMOs Are Nothing More Than Corporate-Funded Science Fraud

And this professional class takes action. Diagnose the children, drug them, bring them back into line, make them “normal,” reduce their curiosity and independence and drive and will power.

Instead of using overt physical force, they use relatively invisible chemical force.

Under the banner of caring, they perform, on the young, a scientific ritual of sacrifice, a rite of passage into the dead world where they, the elite rulers, exist.

Public Schools Are Designed To Push Drugs And Poison Your Children

Related: Nature’s Prozac: Nutrition For Mental Health

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Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi

Soros Alliance Of Tech Giants Join PornHub To Create “Day Of Action” Protest & “Aren’t You Embarrassed?”: Conway Takes On CNN’s Fake News In Marathon Interview
July 14 2017 | From: Infowars / Various

Soros Alliance with Google Teams with Porn Giant to Preserve Obama-era “Net Neutrality” Censorship Rules

Google, Facebook and Amazon are among the Internet giants in an alliance engineered by George Soros teaming up with PornHub to create a day of Internet havoc, billed as the “Battle for Net Neutrality,” designed “to show the world the real impact of net neutrality by hitting Internet users where it hurts: Their porn consumption habit.”

Related: Top Billionaires Ask Google / Facebook To Censor The Internet to Push MSM Lies

PornHub plans to load its Internet website today, Wednesday, July 1, with a slow-loading icon PornHub plans to irritate Internet users, demonstrating what the Soros alliance of Internet giants wants to represent as a slower, less user-friendly Internet that will be the future should the FCC repeal the Obama-era “Net Neutrality” rules.

Infowars.com has previously reported Google has joined George Soros’ Open Society Foundation and the Ford Foundation in funding more than $72 million since 2006, lobbying hard to retain the Obama-era “Net Neutrality” rules in place that allow Internet giants such as Google, Facebook, and Twitter to continue censoring conservative and libertarian websites including Infowars.com.

The Daily Mail in London reported Wednesday that more than 170 Internet giants including Google, Facebook, Amazon, Netlix, and PornHub have organized an on-line protest today, advancing the argument that if the Obama-era “Net Neutrality” rules are revoked, the Internet Service Providers linking users to the Internet would be able to “control who wins or loses on the Internet.”

Related: CNN Reset Its App To Clear ‘Fake News’ Reviews

As Infowars.com has repeatedly explained, “Net Neutrality” rules only impose fairness standards on the ISPs, like AT&T and Verizon – the Internet switches through which users connect to the Internet – while not applying to Google, Facebook, and Twitter – the giant Internet content providers – who remain free under “Net Neutrality” rules to censor conservative and libertarian websites like Infowars.com.

The PornHub website lists thousands of videos dealing with the brutal rape, violence, and torture of women, even including “snuff” themes.

Infowars.com previously reported on July 4, the non-profit citizen group Free Our Internet (FOI) has launched a new campaign allowing individuals to post a comment on the FCC website combating Soros-funded efforts by big government, Silicon Valley monopolies and the tech-left to hijack the Internet by urging the FCC to keep in place the Obama-era “Net Neutrality” censorship rules.

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“Aren’t You Embarrassed?”: Conway Takes On CNN’s Fake News In Marathon Interview

"It’s about people stating things that they want America to think are facts."

White House counselor Kellyanne Conway spent close to 35 minutes on air arguing with CNN host Chris Cuomo Monday, intensifying the ongoing battle between the network and President Trump.

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In an exchange that epitomized car-crash TV, Conway asked Cuomo if he was ’embarrassed’ that his network spends more time talking about Russia than it does about America.

Conway specifically took issue with the fact that CNN spent days telling viewers that the President would avoid confronting Vladimir Putin at the G20 meeting about election interference.

“CNN spent a full week plus doing nothing but having these headlines saying President Trump is not expected to bring up Russian interference with president Putin,” said Conway.

“He made it top of the agenda. It was first on the list. He pressed him early and often,” Conway urged.

“Did he press him or ask him whether he did it?” Cuomo argued back.

“But that’s not good enough” Conway replied. “Did CNN say he wasn’t going to mention it at all or didn’t they? Oh, they did. We have these great montage. People say stuff that isn’t true.”

The host then suggested that there was no evidence that the exchange really happened.

“I stand by my reporting on it,” Cuomo said, adding “The day before the meeting, the president was very squishy on Russian interference. He said okay, it was Russia, but it was other people. Nobody knows for sure. That was his last public statement about it before he went into a meeting.”

“And then a meeting in which he didn’t allow a notetaker to be in it. We don’t have any readout from it. We hear he confronted them about it. He said we know you did it. Then we know you asked him about it. Which is it? Did he say I know you did it, stop? Or did he say did you do it, Mr. Putin? Which is it?” Cuomo said.

“So, you’re saying - you used the word squishy which, itself, is unusual to describe the president’s state of mind,” Conway said. “So, somehow that makes people on CNN insist that the president is never going to raise this with Putin.”

“It’s not about CNN,” Cuomo exclaimed. “It’s about what the president said, Kellyanne.”

“No. It’s about people stating things that they want America to think are facts,” Conway retorted. “Aren’t you the least bit reluctant, if not embarrassed that you now talk about Russia more than you talk about America?” she asked

“No,” Cuomo responded.

“Doesn’t this bother anybody there?” Conway asked, adding “I think America matters,” as the subjected moved to the latest media attempt to link Trump to Russia, Donald Trump Jr.’s alleged June 2016 meeting with a Russian lawyer.

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The two then continued to argue about the context of Trump Jr’s statement, with Cuomo ordering producers to put it on screen, and aggressively interrupting Conway repeatedly.

“I admire your moxie - sitting there with that CNN logo right near you talking about credibility issues.” Conway told Cuomo.

“I could not be more proud to have that CNN chyron,” the host responded.

“And I could not be more proud to be here representing the White House,” Conway responded.

“You wanted to produce something [showing Trump dealing with Russians], because you’ve invested months now, as a network, in something that simply doesn’t exist.”

CNN Host Suggests Trump Jr. Committed Treason

Cuomo repeats Democratic talking point.

During an interview with President Trump’s personal attorney, CNN host Chris Cuomo suggested that Donald Trump Jr. committed treason by meeting with a Russian lawyer prior to the election, even though nothing untoward occurred during the meeting.

The Real Russiagate: Obama’s Stasi State

Jay Sekulow, the president’s attorney asked Cuomo during the discussion:

“Do you think the meeting that Donald Trump Jr. took was a violation of the law?”

“I don’t know,” Cuomo answered, adding “It’s not for me to say. The standard is tight. Treason is a very tight statute. The FEC laws are about solicitation.”

Sekulow asked Cuomo to see sense and admit that Trump Jr.’s actions were not treasonous, saying he is a ‘smart’ enough person to see that. “It’s not my call,” Cuomo persisted.

The treason talking point was first introduced on Tuesday by Clinton’s running mate, Democratic Senator Tim Kaine.

“Nothing is proven yet, but we’re now beyond obstruction of justice in terms of what’s being investigated,” Kaine told reporters, adding “This is moving into perjury, false statements, and even into potentially treason.”

“To meet with an adversary to try to get information to hijack democracy. The investigation is now more than just obstruction of justice in investigation. It’s more than just a perjury investigation. It’s a treason investigation,” Kaine added.

In appearances on other networks, Trump attorney Jay Sekulow also had to fend off accusations that the President knew about the meeting and was complicit.

ABC’s George Stephanopoulos repeatedly attempted to get Sekulow to agree that Trump will have to testify on the matter under oath, despite the fact that nothing illegal has occurred, and there is no investigation.

Donald Trump Jr: Full Interview With Hannity About Meeting With Russian Lawyer

“[N]o one asked him to testify under oath on this. I don’t know how that is coming into the picture,” Sekulow urged.

On NBC’s The Today show, hosts Savannah Guthrie and Matt Lauer attempted to get Sekulow to say that Donald Trump Jr. had lied about the meeting:

‘He Lied, Didn’t He?’ Today Hosts Try to Pin Down Evasive Jay Sekulow

“You want to call it a lie,” Sekulow told the hosts, adding “This was a situation where he was having literally dozens of meetings every day, and a 20-minute meeting that nothing took place in.”

Sekulow maintained that the meeting was not illegal “in and of itself,” and reminded the hosts that Don Jr. released the email chain himself, “unlike Hillary Clinton who deleted 33,000 emails.”

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Trump, Putin Up Against The US Deep State + New Report: DNC Files Copied Locally - Not Hacked By Russia
July 12 2017 | From: Sputnik / TheGatewayPundit

It was pleasing to see Donald Trump and Vladimir Putin greet each other cordially at the G20 summit. After their breakthrough first meeting, one hopes the two leaders have a personal foundation for future cooperation.

At a later press conference in Hamburg, where the G20 summit was held, Russian President Vladimir Putin said he believed there was a chance for restoring the badly frayed US-Russia relations.

Mainstream Media: Still Living in Propaganda-Ville

He praised Trump for being thoughtful and rational. “The TV Trump is quite different from the real life one,” quipped Putin.

Meanwhile, the White House issued a statement hailing the two-hour discussion (four times longer than originally scheduled) between the two leaders as a good start to working together on major world problems.

“No problems were solved. Nobody expected any problems to be solved in that meeting. But it was a beginning of a dialogue on some tough problem sets that we’ll begin now to work on together,” said HR McMaster, Trump’s top national security adviser.

Trump deserves credit for the way he conducted himself. He met Putin on equal terms and with respect. “It’s an honor to meet you,” said the American president as he extended a handshake.

Related: Putin on Meeting With US President: Trump You See on TV is Very Different From the Real Person

The much-anticipated encounter comes nearly seven months after Trump was inaugurated in the White House. Over that period, large sections of the US media have run an unrelenting campaign accusing Trump of being a Russian stooge and alleging that Putin ordered an interference operation in last year’s US election to benefit Trump.

Apart from innuendo and anonymous US intelligence claims, recycled endlessly by dutiful news organizations, there is no evidence of either Trump-Russia collusion or Putin-sanctioned cyber hacking. Trump has dismissed the claims as “fake news”, while Moscow has consistently rejected the allegations as baseless Russophobia.

Against this toxic background of anti-Russian propaganda, President Trump met Putin at the weekend. The two men were due to talk face-to-face for 30 minutes. As it turned out, their discussions went on for two hours. They reportedly exchanged views on pressing matters of Syria, Ukraine and North Korea among other things.

Related: Political Knockout: Western Media Blasts Trump After Meeting With Putin

Trump brought up the issue of alleged Russian meddling in the US elections, and Putin responded in detail to assure his American counterpart it was a fabricated brouhaha in which Russia had nothing to do with it.

Only days before the big meeting, US media editorialists and pundits were warning Trump to confront Putin in an aggressive manner. The Washington Post, one of the leading anti-Russia voices, exhorted Trump to rap Putin on “US election meddling” as if the claim was a proven fact.

It also urged the president to give notice to Putin that Russia had to accede to regime change in Syria. It was a get-tough order.

To his credit, Trump did not allow the Russophobia in the US media to influence his manner with Putin. He was cordial, respectful and open to listening to the Russian viewpoint on a range of issues. So much so that it appears both leaders have agreed to work together going forward.

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The question now is: what next? Trump and Putin have evidently got off to a good start despite the inordinate delay and toxic background. But what does Trump’s willingness to engage positively with Moscow actually mean in practice?

The US Deep State comprising the military-intelligence nexus and their political, media machine in Washington does not want to normalize relations with Russia. Russian independence as a powerful foreign state under President Putin is a problem that rankles US global ambitions.

That’s why the Deep State wanted anti-Russia hawk Hillary Clinton to win the election. Trump’s victory upset their calculations.

Under immense pressure, Trump has at times appeared to buckle to the US political establishment with regard to projecting hostility towards Russia, as seen in the prosecution of the covert war in Syria and renewed sanctions on Moscow.

The day before he met Putin in Germany, Trump was in Poland where he delivered a barnstorming speech in Warsaw in which he accused Russia of “destabilizing countries”, among other topics.  The American president also inferred that Russia was undermining “Western civilization”.

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It was provocative speech bordering on hackneyed Russophobia. It did not bode well for his imminent meeting with Putin. A clash seemed to be coming, just as the US media had been cajoling.

However, the meeting the next day with Putin was surprisingly congenial. And the substance of discussions indicates a genuine desire from both sides to cooperate.

It is good that both presidents have struck up a rapport and personal understanding. Nevertheless, it is important to not bank too much on that.

Immediately following the constructive meeting between the leaders, the US media started cranking up the Russophobia again. The US media are vents for Deep State hostility towards Trump and his agenda for normalizing relations with Moscow.

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The New York Times reported another breathless story about Trump’s election campaign having contact with “Kremlin-connected” people. CNN ran opinion pieces on how the president had fallen into a trap laid by Putin.

It is hard to stomach this outlandish confabulation that passes for journalism. And it is astounding that a friendly meeting between leaders of nuclear powers should not be received as a good development.

But it shows that Trump his up against very powerful deep forces within the US establishment who do not want a normalization with Russia. The US Deep State depends on confrontation, war and endless militarism for its existence.

It also wants a world populated by vassals over which US corporations have suzerainty. An independent Russia or China or any other foreign power cannot be tolerated because that upends American ambitions for unipolar hegemony.

Related: Putin Reveals What He Discussed With Trump During Two-Hour-Long Meeting

Trump’s encounter with Putin was commendable because he did not succumb to toxic Russophobia and adopt a stupid, mindless tough-guy posture. Instead, Trump reached out to Putin in a genuine way, as two human beings should do.

The US Deep State is not about humanity or understanding. It is about maintaining perceived dominance over other humans, where anyone seen to be an obstacle is disposed of in the most ruthless way.

President John F Kennedy was assassinated in broad daylight by the US Deep State because he dared to seek a normalization and peaceful coexistence with Moscow.

The Deep State does not want normalization or peace with Russia or anyone else for that matter because there are too many lucrative vested interests in maintaining the war machine that is American capitalism.

Related: The Meeting the World Waited For: What did Putin and Trump Manage to Agree Upon?

This is not to predict a violent demise for Trump. The Deep State has other methods, such as the orchestration of media and other dirty tricks.

Trump’s friendly overtures to Russia are at least a promising sign. But given the power structure of the US, and its incorrigible belligerence, it is doubtful that Trump will be allowed to go beyond promises. If he attempts to, we can expect the dark forces to step up.

What needs to change is the US power structure through a democratic revolt. Until that happens, any president in the White House is simply a hostage to the dark forces of the Deep State [Watch out for the Alliance].

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New Report: DNC Files Copied Locally - Not Hacked By Russia

New Report Shows Guccifer 2.0-DNC Files Were Copied Locally - Not Hacked.

A mysterious IT specialist, who goes by the name The Forensicator, published a detailed report that appears to disprove the theory that the DNC was hacked by Russia. The documents were copied on July 5th, five days before Seth Rich was murdered.

Related: DNC Staffer Seth Rich Leaked 44,000 Emails To WikiLeaks Before His Murder + Did Washington Post Publish Dubious Russia Story To Distract From Seth Rich Bombshell?

The Forensicator summarized the complex report into 10 bullet points.

The report as laid out by The Forensicator:

Based on the analysis that is detailed below, the following key findings are presented:

On 7/5/2016 at approximately 6:45 PM Eastern time, someone copied the data that eventually appears on the “NGP VAN” 7zip file (the subject of this analysis).  This 7zip file was published by a persona named Guccifer 2, two months later on September 13, 2016.

Due to the estimated speed of transfer (23 MB/s) calculated in this study, it is unlikely that this initial data transfer could have been done remotely over the Internet.

The initial copying activity was likely done from a computer system that had direct access to the data.  By “direct access” we mean that the individual who was collecting the data either had physical access to the computer where the data was stored, or the data was copied over a local high speed network (LAN).

They may have copied a much larger collection of data than the data present in the NGP VAN 7zip.  This larger collection of data may have been as large as 19 GB.  In that scenario the NGP VAN 7zip file represents only 1/10th of the total amount of material taken.

This initial copying activity was done on a system where Eastern Daylight Time (EDT) settings were in force. Most likely, the computer used to initially copy the data was located somewhere on the East Coast.

The data was likely initially copied to a computer running Linux, because the file last modified times all reflect the apparent time of the copy and this is a characteristic of the the Linux ‘cp’ command (using default options).

Related: Lawmaker Calls For Federal Investigation Of Seth Rich Murder + Liberal Media In Panic! Latest #FakeNews Accuses Kim Dotcom Of Hacking Into Seth Rich’s Gmail - Kim DotCom Responds

A Linux OS may have been booted from a USB flash drive and the data may have been copied back to the same flash drive, which will likely have been formatted with the Linux (ext4) file system.

On September 1, 2016, two months after copying the initial large collection of (alleged) DNC related content (the so-called NGP/VAN data), a subset was transferred to working directories on a system running Windows. The .rar files included in the final 7zip file were built from those working directories.

The computer system where the working directories were built had Eastern Daylight Time (EDT) settings in force.  Most likely, this system was located somewhere on the East Coast.

The .rar files and plain files that eventually end up in the “NGP VAN” 7zip file disclosed by Guccifer 2.0 on 9/13/2016 were likely first copied to a USB flash drive, which served as the source data for the final 7zip file. There is no information to determine when or where the final 7zip file was built.

The most important aspect about the report is the “estimated speed of transfer (23 MB/s)” at which the documents were copied. It’s inconceivable DNC documents could have been copied at such speed from a remote location.

Disobedient Media reports:

“Importantly, The Forensicator concluded that the chance that the files had been accessed and downloaded remotely over the internet were too small to give this idea any serious consideration. He explained that the calculated transfer speeds for the initial copy were much faster than can be supported by an internet connection.

This is extremely significant and completely discredits allegations of Russian hacking made by both Guccifer 2.0 and Crowdstrike.

This conclusion is further supported by analysis of the overall transfer rate of 23 MB/s. The Forensicator described this as “possible when copying over a LAN, but too fast to support the hypothetical scenario that the alleged DNC data was initially copied over the Internet (esp. to Romania).”

Guccifer 2.0 had claimed to originate in Romania. So in other words, this rate indicates that the data was downloaded locally,  possibly using the local DNC network. The importance of this finding in regards to destroying the Russian hacking narrative cannot be understated.

If the data is correct, then the files could not have been copied over a remote connection and so therefore cannot have been “hacked by Russia.”

The use of a USB drive would also strongly suggest that the person copying the files had physical access to a computer most likely connected to the local DNC network.

Indications that the individual used a USB drive to access the information over an internal connection, with time stamps placing the creation of the copies in the East Coast Time Zone, suggest that  the individual responsible for initially copying what was eventually published by the Guccifer 2.0 persona under the title “NGP-VAN”  was located in the Eastern United States, not Russia."

During the presidential campaign, POLITICO reported what now appears to be a disproven story about Guccifer 2.0 hacking and releasing DNC documents:

“The hacker persona Guccifer 2.0 has released a new trove of documents that allegedly reveal more information about the Democratic National Committee’s finances and personal information on Democratic donors, as well as details about the DNC’s network infrastructure.

The cache also includes purported memos on tech initiatives from Democratic vice presidential nominee Tim Kaine’s time as governor of Virginia, and some years-old missives on redistricting efforts and DNC donor outreach strategy.

DNC interim chair Donna Brazile immediately tied the leak to GOP presidential nominee Donald Trump.

“There’s one person who stands to benefit from these criminal acts, and that’s Donald Trump,” she said in a statement Tuesday night, adding that Trump has “embraced” Russian President Vladimir Putin and “publicly encouraged further Russian espionage to help his campaign.”

Related: Hacker Kim Dotcom: “I Knew Seth Rich Was The Wikileaks Source – I Was Involved” + Newt Gingrich Calls Murder Of Seth Rich An Assassination

POLITICO then suggests Guccifer 2.0 hacked into the DNC:

“If authentic, the documents would represent the latest strike from the mysterious hacker persona that has already roiled the 2016 election with leaks of documents stolen from the DNC and the House Democrat’s campaign arm, the DCCC.

Earlier document dumps include the internal communications that forced the resignation of former DNC Chairwoman Debbie Wasserman Schultz this summer and fueled allegations of party bias against Bernie Sanders."

The bombshell report brings murdered DNC staffer Seth Rich back into focus, who many believe may have been the WikiLeaks source for the DNC emails.

WND reports:

"Private investigators have claimed there is evidence Rich was the source WikiLeaks used to obtain thousands of DNC emails released on the eve of the party’s presidential nominating convention last July.

The emails, indicating the party was manipulating the primary race in favor of Hillary Clinton, led to the resignation of former DNC Chairwoman Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz. On July 22, just 12 days after Rich’s death and days before the Democratic Party Convention in Philadelphia, WikiLeaks released 20,000 DNC emails.

Also as WND has reported, former detective Rod Wheeler was initially hired by Rich’s parents through a third party to find their son’s killer. Wheeler alleges former interim DNC chairwoman Donna Brazille contacted the Metropolitan Police Department demanding to know why he was “snooping” after Wheeler began investigating Rich’s murder.

As a result, he said, law-enforcement authorities are now refusing to provide him with more details about the case."

The Gateway Pundit will update the story at hand as more information comes to light. As we have reported copious times, the “Russia Hacking” story was never on solid footing and the report above appears to demonstrate just that.

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The United States Government Is Being Sued For Information On The Secretive Five Eyes Intelligence Group
July 12 2017 | From: Wired

The Five Eyes surveillance cabal, established at the end of World War 2, includes the US, UK, Australia, Canada and New Zealand. The agreement covers how intelligence is shared. And that's about all we know about it.

But that could be about to change.

Related: Encryption with backdoors? Internet advocates call out Five Eyes leaders for 'shortsighted' tactics

The US government is being sued for information about the deal, officially known as the United Kingdom-United States Communications Intelligence Agreement.

UK-based charity Privacy International has filed a lawsuit against the National Security Agency, Office of the Director of National Intelligence, the State Department and the National Archives and Records Administration, which all hold information about the intelligence sharing partnership.

Related: Free Our Internet (FOI) Rolls Out July 4 Campaign to Save Internet from Soros Censorship Rules

The lawsuit follows requests for details about the partnership under the US Freedom of Information Act. All the government agencies rejected the requests.

The Five Eyes group has existed since 1946 and the last document officially published about it comes from 1955. Since then, vast technological changes have altered how national security bodies collect and store information.

“We hope to find out the current scope and nature of the Five Eyes intelligence sharing agreement – and how much has changed since the 1955 version," Privacy International legal officer Scarlet Kim tells WIRED.

"We’d also like to know the US rules and regulations governing this exchange of information – what safeguards and oversight, if any, exist with respect to these activities?"

The complaint, says Privacy International wants to access the current text of the agreement, how the US government implements it, and the procedures for how intelligence is shared.

"These records are of paramount concern because the public lacks even basic information about the Five Eyes alliance," the document says.

Related: Top Canadian Court Permits Worldwide Internet Censorship & Five-Eyes Nations Want Communications Providers To Bust Crypto For Them

The campaign group argues that because the public doesn't have enough information about Five Eyes, it is impossible to know if there is a "legal basis" for exchanging signals intelligence.

“We are eager to know whether the US shares information not only about Americans but also about Five Eyes citizens and residents with its Five Eyes partners - and whether it undertakes any sort of due diligence before it shares this information," Kim says.

The lawsuit will take a long time to progress through the US legal system but if it is successful could reveal previously private information.

Seven years ago, the 1946 agreement between the UK and US, which was superseded by the 1955 document, was acknowledged and released for the first time in the UK. Documents published by the National Archives revealed the basis for the co-operation between the countries.

Related: Keith Locke: Hard To Spy Gains From Five Eyes

The last light shed on the Five Eyes network came after 2013, when former NSA contractor Edward Snowden published thousands of documents from inside the intelligence agency.

“The Snowden disclosures gave us a glimpse into how the change in technical capabilities has transformed the work the 5 Eyes countries do together," Kim explains.

"For example, we know that the NSA and GCHQ have worked together to obtain the contact lists and address books from hundreds of millions of personal email and IM accounts as well as webcam images from video chats of millions of Yahoo users".

Among many of the practices and capabilities revealed by Snowden surrounding the global intelligence picture, was a glimpse at what is shared with members of Five Eyes.

In 2015 it was said New Zealand conducted mass surveillance against its Pacific neighbours, including gathering calls, emails, and social media messages.

The documents also revealed New Zealand's Government Communications Security Bureau passed gathered intelligence to the partners within Five Eyes.

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Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi

The Khazarian Bankster Cult That Hijacked The World & Worthless Pieces Of Paper - Interest On Fake Money Is Confiscating Your Freedom
July 10 2017 | From: VeteransToday / FinalWakeUpCall

Heinrich Heine: “No one does more to further the revolution than the Rothschilds themselves… and, though it may sound even more strange, these Rothschilds, the bankers of kings, these princely pursestring-holders, whose European-state system, nevertheless carry in their minds a consciousness of their revolutionary mission.”

During the Revolution of 1848, Karl Marx wrote that “the Jew, who in Vienna, for example, is only tolerated, determines the fate of the whole Empire by his financial power. The Jew, who may have no rights in the smallest German states, decides the fate of Europe."

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Comment: It could be construed from the way this author writes that he has a broblem with any and all Jews. It should be noted however that the real source of the problem the world faces today are in fact the Khazarian Zionists, the Luciferians who hide within Jewry using Judaism as cover, that are the problem.

"This is not an isolated fact. The Jew has emancipated himself in a Jewish manner, not only because he has acquired financial power, but also because…money has become a world power and the practical Jewish spirit has become the practical spirit of the Christian nations.” Marx had the Rothschilds in mind when he wrote this.

He went on to say that the only solution to the problem is for society to abolish “the empirical essence of Judaism,” and only then will “the Jew…become impossible”[1] in fomenting subversive activity.

Jacob Rothschild is the current head of the family

Related: The Hidden History Of The Incredibly Evil Khazarian Mafia [Illuminati Cabal Zionists...]

Heinrich Heine likewise noted, “No one does more to further the revolution than the Rothschilds themselves…and, though it may sound even more strange, these Rothschilds, the bankers of kings, these princely pursestring-holders, whose European-state system, nevertheless carry in their minds a consciousness of their revolutionary mission.”[2]

According to Heine:

“The Rothschild ‘system’ is also potentially revolutionary in itself” because since it “possesses the moral force or power which religion has lost, it can act as a surrogate for religion - indeed, it is a new religion, and when the old religion [Christianity] finally goes under it will provide substitutes for its practical blessings strangely enough, it is once again the Jews who invented this new religion.”[3]

Heine saw James Rothschild as “a powerful destroyer of patrician privilege, and the founder of a new democracy.”[4]

British philo-Semitic historian Niall Ferguson noted that “not only had the Rothschilds replaced the old aristocracy; they also represented a new materialist religion. ‘Money is the god of our time,’ declared Heine in March 1841, ‘and Rothschild is his prophet.’”[5]

Heine saw this as dangerous. Marx saw it too. The “new materialist religion” was Mammon, which came in the form of capitalism.

Related: The Top Of The Pyramid: The Rothschilds, The Vatican And The British Crown Rule World

But if we peel the historical onion, we see the same pattern in the early centuries. In fact, Mammon was a major issue in Poland during the 1660s. During that time, scholarship for the Jews was primarily drawn from two main currents: the Talmud and rabbinical literature.[6] Jewish historiographer Heinrich Graetz tells us:

“The study of the Talmud in Poland, established by Shachna, Solomon Lurya, and Moses Isserles, reached a pitch attained at no previous time, nor in any other country. The demand for copies of the Talmud was so great that in less than twenty years three editions had to be printed, no doubt in thousands of copies…"

“The cultivation of a single faculty, that of hairsplitting judgment, at the cost of the rest, narrowed the imagination, hence not a single literary product appeared in Poland deserving the name of poetry. All the productions of the Polish school bore the Talmudic stamps, as the school regarded everything from the Talmudical point of view."

“The disciples of this school looked down almost with contempt on Scripture and its simple grandeur, or rather it did not exist for them…They knew something of the Bible from the extracts read in the synagogues, and those occasionally quoted in the Talmud…"

“A love of twisting, distorting, ingenious quibbling, and a foregone antipathy to what did not lie within their field of vision, constituted the character of the Polish Jews. Pride in their knowledge of the Talmud and a spirit of dogmatism attached even to the best rabbis, and undermined their moral sense…

Integrity and right-mindedness they had lost as completely as simplicity and the sense of truth. The vulgar acquired the quibbling method of the schools, and employed it to outwit the less cunning.

“They found pleasure and a sort of triumphant delight in deception and cheating against members of their own race; cunning could not well be employed, because they were sharp-witted; but the non-Jewish world with which they came into contact experienced to its disadavantage the superiority of the Talmudical spirit of the Polish Jews.”[7]

This energized an anti-Jewish spirit among the Poles, for they knew that they were being cheated. This quickly led to violence among the Gentiles, who in 1638 “slew 200 Jews, and destroyed several synagogues.”

Ten years later, Jews clung to the book of Zohar for Messianic revolution, and this again caused “bloody retribution,” during which both innocent and guilty Jews were slain.[8] Because of this, both Jews and gentiles died by the thousands in the same year.

Five Big Banks Plead Guilty to Rigging Currency Markets

Within the next three years, anti-Jewish resistance led again to a bloody war that took the lives of thousands of Jews, and caused many others to move to places like the Netherlands, Bohemia, Austria, Italy, and Hungary.

Wherever they went, however, they took the study of the Talmud with them, bearing the same attitudes towards Gentiles.

“Far from giving up their own method in a foreign country, they demanded that all the world should be regulated by them, and they gained their point.”[9]

Yet despite all of that, historian Israel Abrahams declares that for Jews in the Middle Ages “to cheat a non-Jew was a double crime: it was an act of robbery, and it involved a profanation of God’s holiness. The prices that they charged their co-religionists were higher than the prices they charged Gentiles.

That it was a greater offense against Judaism to cheat a Christian than to cheat a Jew is the constant burden of the Jewish moral books of the middle ages. I cannot remember a moral book of those times from which this doctrine is absent”

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Nothing could be further from the truth. Since Abrahams cannot support this historically or Talmudically, it is almost certainly for ideological purposes that he presented these views.

If he actually believed the statement above, then Abrahams loses whatever credibility he had as a reputable historian - though he quotes the Talmud extensively, he avoids passages which specifically deal with the goyim.[11] History contains too many instances of usury for us to be able to believe the assertions of one man.

Jewish historian Max I. Dimont likewise declared:

“The Talmud forbids usury in today’s sense of the word - that is, the taking of excessive interest rate - and it compares usurers to murderers. The Talmud was as sensible two thousand years ago as ethical Christian bankers are today.”[12]

Yet Jewish authorities such as Rabbi Akiva tell us the opposite:

“It was a positive commandment to burden the gentile with interest ‘because one should not benefit an idolator… and cause him as much damage as possible without deviating from righteousness’; others took this line.”[13]

Why did Dimont and others fail to tell us where the Talmud teaches these virtues? In the spirit of almost a thousand years of history, Dimont declared, “In actuality, in medieval days, it was not the rabbis who set the rates of lending money to Christians, but the Pope himself, or else the emperor or prince…

The Church used the money of the Jews to build new cathedrals, to commission new murals, to finance new monasteries.”

This falsification of history cannot be allowed to go unchallenged.[15] It is even more incredible that Dimont provides no sources to back up his assertions. Yet this thesis has become the bedrock upon which many Jewish writers have built their careers.

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In the seventeenth century, capitalism fell in the hands of the Jews. French historian Fernand Braudel called this “the ‘age’ of great Jewish merchants,”[16] during which they were involved in “lucrative areas of commerce” such as piracy “in which these Jewish merchants specialized.

Questions of morality did not apply - Jewish merchants were the brains behind the brawn - financing, advising, and sometimes leading the Caribbean’s emerging fighting force: a ragtag crew of misfits of every nation that coalesced as the dreaded pirates of the Spanish Main.

Eventually in the 1660s, “the pirate capital acquired a reputation as the world’s ‘wickedest city.’”[18]

By the time that the Rothschilds came on the political scene, much of Europe found itself under the guiding principle of the Khazarian Bankster Cult.

Carroll Quigley claimed that the Rothschilds, among other bankers, were secretly misleading governments and people; he says that Mirabaud and the Rothschilds became the dominant financial system between 1871 and 1900. British economist J. A. Hobson declared in 1902 that nothing could be pursued:

By any European state…if the house of Rothschild…set their face against it.”[19]

The Rothschilds ended up making a fortune during the Napoleonic Wars.[20]

Austrian-born Jewish writer Frederic Morton (born Fritz Mandelbaum) declared that the Rothschilds “conquered the world more thoroughly, more cunningly, and much more lastingly than all the Caesars before or all the Hitlers after them.”[21]

Morton’s assertion is corroborated by biographer Derek Wilson, who declared that the Rothschilds were so financially and politically powerful that even royal governments and political leaders were afraid of them.[22] Their influence was so covert that Wilson moves on to say that:

“Clandestinity was and remained a feature of Rothschild political activity… Yet all the while they were helping to shape the major events of the day: by granting or withholding funds; by providing statesmen with an unofficial diplomatic service; by influencing appointments to high office; and by an almost daily intercourse with the great decision makers.”[23]

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Wilson later argued that their clandestine ways were justifiable since they feared that they would be misrepresented by the press; whether Wilson is right is hard to justify.

But the Rothschilds made an enormous profit from the Napoleonic wars; after the dust settled, the Rothschilds “emerged from the war as millionaires and celebrities.”[24] One of the Rothschilds, Nathan, “was widely believed to have made extortionate profit from official contracts.”[25]

The simple questions is this: Is the Khazarian Bankster Cult still with us? Are the people in this cult still trying to manipulate the economy and political affairs? Are they still trying to buy politicians for their own political gain? Are they still trying to magically create money out of thin air?

Are they still trying to destroy countries in the Middle East so that they can extra oil and suppress the people? Are they still trying to use US politicians as pawns? Are they still trying to destroy countries like Syria for Israel?

Take some time off and try to wrestle with the answers to those questions. The answers themselves may surprise you.

The Khazarian Satanic Bankster Cult Wants to Destroy Syria

"The initial message about the Syrian issue was that we always wanted [President] Bashar Assad to go, we always preferred the bad guys [ISIS and other terrorist groups] who weren’t backed by Iran to the bad guys who were backed by Iran."

- Israeli ambassador Michael Oren

Related: An Illustrated History Of The House Of Rothschild: 1743 - 1948 & The Illuminati Grand Plan

Worthless Pieces Of Paper - Interest On Fake Money Is Confiscating Your Freedom

False and rigged economy: The economy is no longer based on education, hard work, and free market principles - the pricing and accountability that real free markets impose.

Instead, the economy is based on the manipulation of prices, speculative control of commodities, support of the dollar by Washington’s puppet states, manipulated and falsified official statistics, propaganda from the financial media, and inactivity by countries, such as Russia and China, who are directly harmed, both economically and politically by the US-dollar payments system.

Related: Banker: I Was Told To Sacrifice Children At An Illuminati Party

The ‘hidden powers that be’ dictate policies and events on behalf of the House of Rothschild that control the global financial system; they have accumulated their power and wealth by theft and exploitation. Their whole system is based on a gigantic fraud because there is no money, as people perceive it.

The money you’ve earned is backed by nothing. The value is only the value that people can be persuaded it has. They are worthless pieces of paper and metal coins, or numbers on a computer screen that people are tricked into taking seriously.

Money is brought into circulation through what is called ‘credit’ from money, which is the belief that is upheld. Banks are not lending anything, but people are paying fortunes to borrow.

The Rothschilds have controlled banking and governments for centuries, and they have been able to dictate laws for the financial system and introduce ‘fractional reserve lending’.

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This allows the banks to lend ten times what they have on deposit. In other words, they lend ‘money’ they don’t have and that doesn’t exist – called credit – while charging interest on it. So the banking system is a fantastic business, they lend money they don’t have and charge the borrower interest on it. Invented by Mayer Amschel Rothschild.

Mr. Rothschild loaned promissory notes – which are worthless – to governments and individuals. When the economy became buoyant, then he made money scarce, by tightening the control of the system, and collecting the collateral through the obligation of contracts.

On their decision this cycle was repeated – by applying pressure to ignite a war, as recently in Syria and the Ukraine. Then they control the availability of currency to determine which side will win the war. The governments, which agree to give them control of their economic system, are supported. Collection is guaranteed by economic aid to the enemy of the debtor.

The profits derived from this economic methodology have made the Rothschilds all the wealthier. They discovered that public greed would allow currency to be printed by government order beyond the limit of the backing with precious metals – inflating the production of goods and services to grow GDP.

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Interest on Fake Money is Confiscating Your Freedom:

There is another vital aspect to be understood about interest on money; when a loan is taken out, the bank creates the money but not the interest with which all loans must be paid back.

The created money therefore excludes the amount owed in interest. This means there is never enough money in circulation to pay back all the outstanding loans plus interest.

This is a fatal flaw with regard to human freedom and it has been done purposely to ensure that bankruptcy and loss of property and possessions in favour of the banks is built into the system.

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It is all part of the Rothschilds energy-construct that flows the wealth and energy of the people in their direction. A fantastic amount of taxpayers’ money goes straight to private banks to pay back interest on the money that the government could create itself, interest free.

‘Privatisation’ is the selling of state assets in response to bank-created debt. The world’s poorest countries are handing over control of their land and resources to the Rothschild banks when they are unable to pay back loans made specifically to ensnare them into this situation.

Third World debt was created to replace physical occupation of resource-rich or strategically situated countries with today’s financial occupation.

The Rothschild’s modus operandi is always the same: create chaos, preferably in the form of war – this is most profitable for them. Their purpose is to create major headaches for governments and people. The next step is to “offer solutions” to end the chaos.

Related: The War On Cash & The Politics Of Negative Interest Rates

Their solutions always entail gaining more control as part of the cost for the “rescue”. In short the standard method is: create the problem, wait for the reaction, and then offer the solution to be implemented as originally envisioned.

For the same reason 9/11 was created with the subsequent war on terror to get the Home Security Office founded, with the sole purpose of controlling the movement of people, and commencing wars in Afghanistan and Iraq.

In this same manner today’s global economic crisis is being created: Quoted from a secret document from the CFR in 1950:

“We shall have a World Government, whether people like it or not. The only question is whether the World Government will be achieved by conquest or consent.”

A summary of what the protocols say, which were later denounced as being false:

They describe a secret conspiracy for Jewish world domination.

They describe bringing the Gentile world under a single government, eliminating all rival nations, governments, religions, and economic systems.

Actual domination of the world – through violence, preparation through subtle sabotage of existing systems (internet?). Stressed in the protocols is the importance and need for the masses to welcome their enslavement.

Effectuated by:

Use loans and moneylending to bankrupt and control states.

Use mass media to control the minds of the masses.

Artificial creation of discord, war and economic depression.

Establishment of governments.

The protocols refer to the carrying out of the directives of the conspiracy, as well as to an enormous cache of gold that is at their disposal. This Gold belongs to the people of the World. The protocols also refer to the Jesuits, with secret societies such as freemasons as a front for their covert operations.

What the public in general doesn’t understand is that the force covertly behind the manufactured problem is the same force offering the solutions, which just happens to advance the agenda of the centralisation of power and control.

All Presidents except for Lincoln and Kennedy – both were killed in office – were ultimately under the control of this secret cabal.

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When their orders were disobeyed, a fatal accident occurred to make place for the desired change of power. The same people for example ultimately controlled Bush and Obama, as with all the presidents of the Central Banks, meaning it doesn’t matter who the Frontman is in the Whitehouse or Brussels.

The World Economy is Controlled by the Issuance of Fake Money:

By controlling the issuance of money through credit, the Rothschilds control the entire world economy. They can expand it or crash it at will. The depression that began in 2008 is yet another Rothschild creation to further their agenda of centralised global finance and to introduce the long-planned world central bank.

They have been engineering booms and busts for centuries to advance their goals. Simple to do once you receive interest on money and control the creation of money. The difference between a boom and bust is the amount of money in circulation and its perceived value. They dictate both.

They decide how much money will be issued and circulated through their control of banks and governments. Stimulating a boom by making credit easy – more money in circulation, and this stimulates the population to become deeply indebted during economic good times. Then the economy is crashed, by finding an excuse to take money out of circulation, making credit harder to get.

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Businesses and people cannot repay their loans because there is not enough money in circulation to generate economic activity, and the Rothschilds take the rewards, seizing all the collateral that was pledged when the loans were taken out. That reduces the number of businesses dramatically.

Their products and markets are taken over by Rothschild corporations to further centralise their global economic power. The same occurs with governments, when a depression decimates government revenues they seek still more loans to maintain spending, while the Rothschild control of government continues to expand.

In fact, at the very least, many governments including the US, UK, and EU have been in a state of bankruptcy to the cabal since the 1930s resp. since the EU’s inception.

The recent Boom and Bust followed by the crash of 2008 with the subsequent credit crunch was all the work of the Rothschilds and their henchmen like Greenspan, Bernanke, and now Yellen.

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The Rothschilds have engineered these cycles for hundreds of years, including the crash of 1929 and the great depression of the 1930s.

Most economist have no idea what really is going on, they suggest that booms and busts are all part of economic cycles, which they are not. It is purely systematic manipulation to steal the real wealth from the people.

A study of Princeton and Northwestern universities proves the correctness of the above evidence that indeed the elite cabal runs this show.

Oligarchy is a form of government in which power is vested in a dominant class and a small group exercises control over the general population.

It concluded that the US government represents not the interests of the majority of citizens but those of the rich and powerful (the cabal). The resulting data empirically verifies that the economic elite determines US policies.

… Economic elites and organized groups representing business interests have substantial independent impacts on US government policy, while mass-based interest groups and average citizens have little or no independent influence,”
says the peer-reviewed study.

Nigel Farage: I Hope Taxpayers All Over Europe Listen to this:

Soros Insider: Banks Ending Cash To Establish World Government

Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi

Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi

Vatican Police 'Break Up Gay Orgy' At Home Of One Of Pope Francis' Advisors & Germany Dismantles Huge Ring Of 87,000 Members Involved In Child Abuse
July 11 2017 | From: Mirror / AHTribune

The flat belonged to the Holy Office - which is in charge of tackling sexual abuse amongst the clergy

Vatican police have broken up a gay orgy at the home of the secretary to one of Pope Francis’s key advisers, it has been claimed.

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The flat belonged to the Vatican’s Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, or Holy Office, which is in charge of tackling sexual abuse amongst the clergy.

Reports in Italy claim the occupant of the apartment is the secretary to Cardinal Francesco Coccopalmerio - a key aide to the 80-year-old Pope.

Coccopalmerio heads the Pontifical Council for Legislative texts and was said to have once recommended his secretary for a promotion to bishop. The claims about the police raid last month were made in the Italian newspaper Il Fatto Quotidiano.

Related: Vatican rocked: Police raid drug-fuelled gay orgy at cardinal's apartment

The flat involved is a short distance from the Vatican itself. According to the paper, neighbours became suspicious before complaining about irregular behaviour of those coming and going at the flat.

When police showed up, they reportedly found drugs and a group of men engaged in sexual activity. It is the latest scandal to hit the Vatican and comes after its finance chief Cardinal George Pell was charged with historical sexual offences.

Pell has protested his innocence and said he was looking forward to having his day in court after a two-year investigation.

Police have not revealed details of the charges against the 76-year-old, citing the need to preserve the ‘integrity of the judicial process’.

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Pell, appointed to clean up the Vatican’s murky finances, has taken a leave of absence to defend himself against the sex abuse charges in Australia.

In March the Vatican was hit with a wave of lurid accusations of misbehaving priests across Italy with scandals involving orgies, prostitution and porn videos. The claims were embarrassing to the Vatican, which under Pope Francis has attempted to demand high standards of the clergy.

Francis has tried to clamp down on unethical behaviour ever since being made Pope in 2013 and has often spoken out against the pitfalls of ‘temptation’.

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Germany Dismantles Huge Ring Of 87,000 Members Involved In Child Abuse

German prosecutors said Thursday they had shut down a major platform for organizing the sexual abuse of children, arresting its suspected administrator and others in Germany and abroad.

The site, known as 'Elysium,' "was used for global exchanges of child pornography by its members and to arrange meetings to sexually abuse children," prosecutors in the western city of Frankfurt said in a statement.

Its 87,000 members traded images and video files of "the most serious sexual abuse of children, including babies, and representations of sexual violence against children," the statement continued.

After months of investigation, authorities arrested a 39-year-old man from the Limburg-Weilburg district north of Frankfurt in mid-June, and are questioning him in custody.

"The suspect is believed to have been largely responsible for the creation of the technical infrastructure of the platform as its administrator,"
prosecutors said, adding that they had found the server used to store the site's data on the the so-called darknet during a search of his flat.

Darknet sites like the one uncovered in the case are invisible to most internet users and can only be accessed by using encryption technology. They have repeatedly been used by criminals to trade drugs and weapons.

Investigators have identified other administrators and members of the ring and arrested some of them, mostly in Germany and Austria.

Among them are people accused of serious sexual abuse of children, the statement said.

Related: 150 Terabytes! Norway Busts Largest Dark Web, Child Porn Networks In History - US, UK Media Ignore Story

Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi

Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi

Who Are The Bidders For 2,500 Christchurch State Houses?
July 10 2017 | From: TheDailyBlog / Various

Amy Adams, our most propertied MP and ironically the “Minister for Social Housing”, announced last week that three consortia had been selected to bid for the homes built by our parents and grandparents.

I’m not one to bother looking at corporate websites with their carefully photoshopped pictures and expansive, self-congratulatory language.

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But this week I looked up the investors who want to buy 2,500 state houses in Christchurch. Amy Adams, our most propertied MP and ironically the “Minister for Social Housing”, announced last week that three consortia had been selected to bid for the homes built by our parents and grandparents.

They are:

Community Futures Christchurch (made up of Trust House Ltd, Whitehelm Capital Pty Ltd, and Broadspectrum (NZ) Ltd);

Otautahi Community Housing Consortium (comprising Otautahi Community Housing Trust and Morrison & Co PPP GP2 Ltd);

A consortium comprising Compass Housing Services Co (NZ) Ltd, AMP Capital Investors Ltd, and Brookfield Financial Australia Securities Ltd.

Each bidder is fronted by a “registered social housing provider” but behind them pulling the strings are the corporate money men.

Reading their websites is enough to bring up your breakfast. If the “We believe…” and “Our values…” statements aren’t sickening enough then looking behind their PR descriptions should be.

Here’s a short example from Whitehelm:

Whitehelm is a long-term specialist investment manager that partners with clients to invest in assets that protect the real value of the investment whilst providing predictable cash returns.

We achieve this through investing in assets that have clear and measurable cash flows and by paying a price that is below our fundamental assessment of long-term value.

We seek to identify investment opportunities across the capital structure and transact opportunistically to take advantage of asset mispricing.


"We love government guaranteed cash (income related rental scheme subsidies) from Christchurch state house tenants and we’ll make sure we rip-off New Zealand taxpayers in the process of getting them.

We’ll lie and tell the government they are “mispriced” and we’ll make a lowball offer like the other bidders”

Whitehelm have crawled out of Australia along with another bidder - Broadspectrum - a company even lower on capitalism’s evolutionary scale.

Radio New Zealand revealed last week that Broadspectrum’s parent company in Australia was running the infamous Manus Island detention centre and alongside the Australian government agreed to pay $73 million in an out-of-court settlement for horrendous mistreatment of detainees.

Related: Brethren charities worth $300m under investigation

Presumably Amy Adams sees this Manus Island experience as an advantage for Broadspectrum in its bid for Christchurch state houses. Mistreating vulnerable people and putting the boot into beneficiaries is a National government speciality.

And what about the other consortium fronted by the Christchurch City Council’s Otautahi Community Housing Trust? Who are the moneymen behind this? It’s New Zealand’s Morrison and Co who manage infrastructure investor Infratil.

They are no different to the Australian companies in their rapacious behaviour. They made their money from the privatisation of New Zealand state assets over the past 30 years and they aim to continue their role as one of the biggest parasites on the New Zealand taxpayer.

It’s important to understand the huge sums to be made from this deal. As well as the government guaranteed income from rental subsidies there is huge money in the redevelopment of areas of state housing as is occurring in Tamaki now.

A block of say six state houses can be demolished and replaced by 18 units with only six needing to remain as state houses. The rest will be sold for private profit.

Related: Letting foreigners buy up our best places must come with access perks for Kiwis

In reality, this sale is a massive corporate landgrab in the heart of Christchurch. For example, the entire suburb of Bryndwr, which is surrounded by much flasher suburbs, will be stripped completely of state houses in favour of housing for the wealthy. Land values in Bryndwr will skyrocket as replacement state houses are built in lower-income suburbs where land values are much lower.

No wonder the money men are having wet dreams at the prospect. The tragedy is that we have a government and local city council aiding this private theft of the commons.

It is the biggest step yet in the government’s plans for the largest privatisation in New Zealand history – our $18 billion state house network.

If you think this stinks then help us fight it. You can donate to Housing Action Canterbury which is working hard to make this the biggest election issue in Christchurch this year. We have a $10,000 fighting fund set up and have used it in part to pay for a wraparound on the Star newspaper into 92,000 Christchurch homes.

Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi

Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi

Deep History Of America’s Deep State
July 10 2017 | From: ConsortiumNews / Various

Everybody seems to be talking about the Deep State these days. Although the term appears to have entered the lexicon in the late 1990s, for years it referred only to shady foreign governments, certainly not to our own “indispensable nation.”

Does the sudden presence of an American Deep State - loosely defined as an unelected elite that manipulates the elected government to serve its own interests - pose a novel, even existential, threat to democracy?

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Not exactly. The threat seems real enough, but it’s nothing new. Consider these facts: 230 years ago, an unelected group of elite Americans held a secretive meeting with an undisclosed agenda.

Their purpose was not merely to manipulate lawful government in their own interests, but to abolish it altogether. In its place, they would install a radically undemocratic government - a “more perfect” government, they said - better suited to their investment portfolios.

History does not identify these conspirators as the Deep State. It calls them the Founders. The Founders did not consider themselves conspirators, but “republicans” - not in reference to any political party, but rather to their economic station in society.

An artist’s rendering of the Constitutional Convention in 1787

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But their devotion to “republicanism” was transparently self-serving. A current college text, The American Journey: A History of the United States, explains though does not explicate “republican ideology”:

"Their main bulwark against tyranny was civil liberty, or maintaining the right of the people to participate in government. The people who did so, however, had to demonstrate virtue. To eighteenth century republicans, virtuous citizens were those who were focused not on their private interests but rather on what was good for the public as a whole.

They were necessarily property holders, since only those individuals could exercise an independence of judgment impossible for those dependent upon employers, landlords, masters, or (in the case of women and children) husbands and fathers.”

Republicanism was a handy idea if you happened to be a master or a landlord, who were the only persons this ideology considered “virtuous” enough to vote or hold political office. Thus, “republicanism” - virtually indistinguishable from today’s “neoliberalism” - created the original Deep State in the image of the economic system it was designed to perpetuate.

How this was accomplished is not a comforting tale. But it cannot be related nor understood without an appreciation of the historical context in which it occurred.

Masters and Servants

Post-colonial America was predominantly agrarian, and about 90 percent of the population was farmers. (The largest city in 1790 was New York, with a whopping population of 33,000 residents.)

There was a small middle class of artisans, shopkeepers, and even a handful of industrial workers, but the politically and economically powerful people were the relatively few big-time merchants and landowners – who also fulfilled the function of bankers.

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America was not quite a feudal society, but it resembled one. Commoners did not call at the front doors of the rich, but were received around back. Most states had official religions, some with compulsory church attendance backed by fines. Commodity-barter was the currency of the day for the vast majority.

Debtors were imprisoned. Parents sold their children into bondage. It wasn’t what most people think of when they hear “Yankee Doodle Dandy.”

All states restricted voting only to men who owned a requisite amount of property, while the majority: un-widowed women, servants, and tenants owned no property.

Moreover, most states had property requirements for eligibility to elective office, some with the higher offices reserved for those with the most property. Such restrictions had discriminated against the urban underclass and farmers since the beginning of American colonization.

Nobody at the time characterized this land of masters and servants as a “democracy.” Indeed, the master class considered “democracy” synonymous with “mob rule.” But not everybody was happy with “republican virtue” in post-war America, least of all the slaves of the “virtuous.”

The Deep State - 50 Year Old Recording Explains Why The World Is Going Crazy

This is a recording from 1967, It describes events we see in the news today with shocking accuracy. Everything was pre planned and they only have one goal.

The Revolutionary War had stirred passions among the servant class for social and economic liberty, but when the war ended nothing much had changed.

In fact, the war proved not to have been a revolution at all, but represented only a change from British overlords to American overlords. Edmund Morgan, considered the dean of American history in the colonial era, characterized the “non-Revolutionary War” this way:

About 1 percent of the American population had died in a war fought, they had been told, for “liberty.” (Compare: if the U.S. lost the same proportion of its population in a war today, the result would be over three million dead Americans.) Yet after the war, economic liberty was nowhere in sight.

Moreover, the very concept of “liberty” meant one thing to a farmer and quite another to his rich landlord or merchant. Liberty for a common farmer - who was generally a subsistence farmer who did not farm to make money, but rather only to provide the necessities of life for his family - meant staying out of debt.

Liberty for merchants and property owners - whose business it was to make monetary profits - meant retaining the ability to lend or rent to others and access to the power of government to enforce monetary repayment from debtors and tenants.

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Much like the American Indians who had first communally owned the property now occupied by American subsistence farmers, agrarian debtors faced the unthinkable prospect of losing their ability to provide for their families (and their vote) if their land were confiscated for overdue taxes or debt. [See Consortiumnews.com’s “How Debt Conquered America.”]

Loss of their land would doom a freeholder to a life of tenancy. And the servitude of tenants and slaves differed mainly as a function of iron and paper: slaves were shackled by iron, tenants were shackled by debt contracts. But iron and paper were both backed by law.

By the end of the Revolutionary War, as few as a third of American farmers owned their own land.

When the urban elites began to foreclose on the debts and raise the taxes of subsistence farmers - many of whom had fought a long and excruciating war to secure their “liberty” - it amounted to a direct assault on the last bastion of Americans’ economic independence.

The Original Great Recession

After the war, British merchants and banks no longer extended credit to Americans. Moreover, Britain refused to allow Americans to trade with its West Indies possessions. And, to make matters worse, the British Navy no longer protected American ships from North African pirates, effectively closing off Mediterranean commerce.

Meanwhile, the American navy could not protect American shipping, in the Mediterranean or elsewhere, because America did not happen to possess a navy.

George Washington crossing the Delaware, in Emanuel Leutze’s iconic (though historically inaccurate) painting

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In the past, American merchants had obtained trade goods from British suppliers by “putting it on a tab” and paying for the goods later, after they had been sold. Too many Americans had reneged on those tabs after the Revolution, and the British now demanded “cash on the barrelhead” in the form of gold and silver coin before they would ship their goods to America.

As always, Americans had limited coin with which to make purchases. As the credit crunch cascaded downwards, wholesalers demanded cash payment from retailers, retailers demanded cash from customers. Merchants “called in” loans they had made to farmers, payable in coin.

Farmers without coin were forced to sell off their hard-earned possessions, livestock, or land to raise the money, or risk court-enforced debt collection, which included not only the seizure and sale of their property but also imprisonment for debt.

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The most prominent result of Americans’ war for “liberty” turned out to be a full-blown economic recession that lasted a decade. Even so, the recession would not have posed a life-threatening problem for land-owning subsistence farmers, who lived in materially self-sufficient, rural, communal societies.

But when state governments began to raise taxes on farmers, payable only in unavailable gold and silver coin, even “self-sufficient” farmers found themselves at risk of losing their ability to feed their families.

Debt, Speculation, and the Deep State

The Continental Congress had attempted to pay for its war with Britain by printing paper money. The British undermined these so-called “Continental” dollars, not only by enticing American merchants with gold and silver, but by counterfeiting untold millions of Continental dollars and spending them into circulation.

The aggregate result was the catastrophic devaluation of the Continental dollar, which by war’s end was worthless. In the meantime, both Congress and state governments had borrowed to pay for “liberty.” By war’s end, war debt stood at $73 million, $60 million of which was owed to domestic creditors. It was a staggering sum of money.

In his now studiously ignored masterpiece, An Economic Interpretation of the Constitution of the United States, historian Charles A. Beard showed that domestically-held war debt was equivalent to 10 percent of the value of all the surveyed land holdings (including houses) in the entire United States at the time.

The war debt carried interest, of course – which is a problem with debt if you owe it, but is a feature of debt if it is owed to you. Not only was “freedom not free” – it came with dividends attached for Deep State investors. This should sound at least vaguely familiar today.

President George Washington

As Continental paper money lost its value, Congress and state governments continued to pay for “liberty” with coin borrowed at interest. When that ran short, government paid only with promises to pay at a later date – merely pieces of paper that promised to pay coin (or land) at some indeterminate time after the war was won.

This was how the government supplied the troops (whenever it managed to do so) and also how it paid its troops. In actual practice, however, Congress often did not pay the troops anything, not even with paper promises, offering only verbal promises to pay them at the end of the war.

But war is never a money-making enterprise for government, and when it ended, the government was as broke as ever. So, it wrote its verbal promises on pieces of paper, and handed them to its discharged troops with a hearty Good Luck with That!

Even so, Congress paid the soldiers in bonds worth only a fraction of the amount of time most had served, promising (again!) to pay the balance later - which it never did.

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Thousands of steadfast, longsuffering troops were abandoned this way. Most had not been paid any money in years (if ever), and many were hundreds of miles from their homes - ill, injured, and starving - as they had been for months and years. Others literally were dressed only in rags or pieces of rags.

Some carried paper promises of money; some carried paper promises of geographically distant land - none of which would be available until years in the future, if at all.

Seven-year Revolutionary War veteran Philip Mead described his plight in a bitter memoir entitled A Narrative of Some of the Adventures, Dangers and Sufferings of a Revolutionary Soldier: “We were absolutely, literally starved.

I do solemnly declare that I did not put a single morsel of victuals in my mouth for four days and as many nights, except a little black birch bark which I gnawed off a stick of wood, if that can be called victuals. I saw several of the men roast their old shoes and eat them...

"When the country had drained the last drop of service it could screw out of the poor soldiers, they were turned adrift like old worn-out horses, and nothing said about land to pasture them on.”

Was this liberty? To impoverished veterans, “liberty” looked bleak, indeed. To speculators in government bonds, liberty looked like a golden opportunity, quite literally so.

Vultures possessed of coin swooped in and bought a dollar’s worth of government promises for a dime, and sometimes for just a nickel. Speculators wheedled promises not only from desperate veterans (many of whom sold their promises merely to obtain food and clothes on their long trudge home), but from a host of people whose goods or services had been paid with IOUs.

Optimistic speculators cadged bonds from pessimistic speculators. The more desperate people became during the recession, the more cheaply they sold their promises to those who were not.

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Speculators expected their investments, even those made with now-worthless paper money, to be paid in gold or silver coin. What’s more, “insiders” expected all those various government promises would eventually be converted - quietly, if possible - into interest-bearing bonds backed by a single, powerful taxing authority.

All the Deep State needed now was a national government to secure the investment scheme. A man named Daniel Shays unwittingly helped to fulfil that need.

Rebellion and Backlash

Thomas Jefferson penned the famous sentence: “The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants.” He was not referring to heroic American Patriots charging up Bunker Hill against British bayonets.

He was referring instead to American farmers - many of whom had been the starving soldiers in a war for forsaken liberty - taking their lives into their hands to oppose the tax policies of the government of Massachusetts in 1787.

The principal leader of this revolt was a farmer and war veteran Daniel Shays.

General Benjamin Lincoln who led a force in 1787 to put down Shays’ Rebellion in western Massachusetts

In a sense, the most interesting thing about Shays’s Rebellion is that it was not a unique event.

The first notable example of agrarian revolt had been Bacon’s Rebellion in 1676 Virginia, when frontier farmers marched on the rich plantation owners of Jamestown, burned it to the ground, published their democratic “Declaration of the People,” and threatened to hang every elite “tyrant” on their list – which included some of the forefathers of America’s patriot Founders.

Historian Gary Nash reminds us Bacon’s Rebellion had echoes across early American history: “Outbreaks of disorder punctuated the last quarter of the 17th century, toppling established governments in Massachusetts, New York, Maryland, Virginia, and North Carolina.”

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Jimmy Carter, in The Hornet’s Nest, the only novel ever published by an American president, tells a similar story of the agony of dispossessed farmers in Georgia a century later.

Other farmers had rebelled in New Jersey in the 1740s; in the New York Hudson Valley rent wars in the 1750s and 1760s and concurrently in Vermont by Ethan Allen’s Green Mountain Boys; for a decade in North Carolina in the 1760s, where vigilantes called Regulators battled the government of the urban elite; and in Virginia in the 1770s.

Likewise, American cities had been scenes of labor unrest, riots, and strikes for a century. American class rebellion, apparently unbeknownst to most history teachers in America, was closer to the rule than the exception.

Victory in the war against England only intensified the conflict between those who considered “liberty” as a necessary condition to live without debt, against those who considered “liberty” to be their class privilege to grow rich from the debts others owed them.

Howard Zinn, in his A People’s History of the United States describes the economic realities of Eighteenth Century America:

"The colonies, it seems, were societies of contending classes – a fact obscured by the emphasis, in traditional histories, on the external struggle against England, the unity of colonists in the Revolution. The country therefore was not ‘born free’ but born slave and free, servant and master, tenant and landlord, poor and rich.”

Although Shays’s Rebellion was not unique, it was a huge event, coming at a time when the rich were owed a great deal of money by impoverished governments. Pressured by rich bondholders and speculators, the government of Massachusetts duly raised taxes on farmers.

To make matters far worse, the taxes were to be paid only in gold or silver – which was completely out of the question for most western farmers, who had no way to obtain coined money.

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When the farmers complained, their complaints were ignored. When farmers petitioned the government to issue paper money and accept it as payment of debts and taxes, the government refused their petitions. When the farmers pleaded for the passage of “legal tender laws” that would allow them to settle their debts or taxes with their labor, they were rebuffed.

But when farmers could not pay what they did not have, the Massachusetts’s courts ordered their land seized and auctioned. At last, the farmers understood the practical effect, if not the specific intent, of the tax: confiscation of their property and its transfer to the rich, to whom the government owed its interest-bearing debt. Government had become an armed collection agency.

To the utter dismay of the erstwhile proudly tax-rebellious Patriots, the farmers too rebelled. Shaysites forcibly shut down the tax courts that were condemning them to servitude.

The rich responded by loaning the destitute government more money (at interest!) to pay a militia force to oppose Shays’s rebels.

At this point, tax rebels abandoned reform for radical revolution and – in a resounding echo of Nathaniel Bacon’s century-old Declaration of the People – pledged to march on Boston and burn it to the ground. This was no Tea Party vandalism, stage-managed by well-to-do Bostonians like Samuel Adams. It was a full-blown, grassroots agrarian revolution a century in the making.

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The urban bond-holding merchant-class in Boston and elsewhere panicked. And none panicked more than bond speculators, who intimately understood the rebels threatened their “virtuous” republican “liberty” to extract profit from others.

Historian Woody Holton exposes the astonishing callousness of one of America’s major bond speculators in his nationally acclaimed Unruly Americans and the Origin of the Constitution:

"As a bondholder, Abigail Adams would benefit immensely if her fellow Massachusetts citizens [paid the tax] levied by the legislature in March 1786, but she also saw compliance as a sacred duty.

If Massachusetts taxpayers were ‘harder-prest by publick burdens than formerly,’ she wrote, ‘they should consider it as the price of their freedom’.”

Abigail Adams, wife of the second President John Adams

Future First Lady Abigail Adams was not alone in thinking freedom came with dividends payable to her account. Historian David Szatmary reminds us in his Shays Rebellion; The Makings of an Agrarian Insurrection that the former Patriot leadership, especially those in the merchant class, were among the first to advocate violence against democratic rebellion.

Said a published opinion piece at the time: “When we had other rulers, committees and conventions of the people were lawful – they were then necessary; but since I myself became a ruler, they cease to be lawful – the people have no right to examine my conduct.”

Showboat Patriot and bond speculator Samuel Adams - former mastermind of the Boston Tea Party and erstwhile propagandist against unfair British taxes (as well as cousin to Abigail’s husband John Adams) – sponsored a Massachusetts law that allowed sheriffs to kill tax protesters outright.

Another rich bondholder and speculator, ex-Revolutionary War General Henry Knox (the fitting namesake of Fort Knox, the famous repository of gold bullion) wrote an alarming letter to his former commander George Washington, accusing the Shays’s rebels of being “levelers” (which was the closest term to “communists” then in existence).

He informed Washington that the country needed a much stronger government (and military) to prevent any riffraff challenge to the elite. His message was not wasted on General Washington, America’s richest slave owner.

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In the end, the Congress, under the Articles of Confederation, could raise no money from the states to provide an army, but the privately-financed, for-profit Massachusetts militia successfully defeated Shays’s rebels. Still, the nearly hysterical fear of democratic economic revolution had been planted in the minds of the masters. Shays’s Rebellion proved to be the last straw for bond speculators whose profits were jeopardized by democracy.

Worse even, the governments of many other states were beginning to cave under intense democratic pressure from rebellious debtors. Some states were entertaining laws that prevented the seizure of property for debt; others were creating paper money in order to break the gold and silver monopoly.

Rhode Island not only voted in a paper money system, but threatened to socialize all commercial business enterprises in the state.

In response to the threat of populism, the “virtuous” elite reacted decisively – not to remedy the plight of debtors, of course – but to secure their own profits from them. Accordingly, in 1786, five states sent delegates to meet at Annapolis, Maryland, just as Shays’s Rebellion veered into revolution.

This unelected minority called for Congress to authorize a convention to be held in Philadelphia the next year “for the sole and express purpose of revising the Articles of Confederation.” The Articles were never to be “revised.”

They were to be scrapped altogether by the Deep State.

The Deep State Conspires

Thanks to Charles A. Beard’s An Economic Interpretation of the Constitution of the United States, we know quite a lot about the status of the 55 men who conspired to draft the Constitution.

But the very first thing we need to know is that they were not authorized by “We the People” simply because nobody had voted for them; all were political appointees.

James Madison

Nor were they even a representative sample of the people. Not a single person in the Convention hall “worked for a living,” nor was female, nor was a person of color. Only one claimed to be a “farmer,” the current occupation of about 90 percent of the population. Most were lawyers. Go figure.

If the delegates represented anybody at all, it was the economic elite: 80 percent were bondholders; 44 percent were money-lenders; 27 percent were slave owners; and 25 percent were real estate speculators.

Demographically, the 39 who finally signed the final draft of the Constitution constituted .001 percent of the American population reported in the 1790 census. George Washington, who presided, was arguably the wealthiest man in the country. Deep State gamblers all.

And the stakes were high. Recall that the face value of outstanding domestic government bonds in 1787 was $60 million, equivalent to 10 percent of the total improved land value of the country. But these bonds, for the most part, had been obtained by speculators at a fraction of face value.

Beard very conservatively estimated the profit of speculators - if the bond were redeemed at face value - would have been some $40 million. Expressed as the same proportion of total improved land value at the time of the Founding, the expected profit from government bonds held then would equal at least $3 trillion today. Tax free.

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We still do not know everything that transpired at the convention. No one was assigned to keep a record of what was discussed. Reportedly, even the windows to the meeting hall were nailed shut to prevent eavesdropping - though there would be “leaks.”

Because of its secrecy and its unauthorized nature, some historians have called the convention “the second American Revolution.” But revolutions are public, hugely participatory events. This was a coup d’état behind locked doors.

Most delegates presumably understood their undisclosed purpose was to dump the whole system of confederated government (which had cost 25,000 American lives to secure) into a dustbin. They evidently did not intend to obey their instructions “solely to revise” the Articles because a number of them showed up at the convention with drafts for a new constitution in hand.

The conspirators’ ultimate goal was to replace the Confederation with what they later euphemized as “a more perfect Union” - designed from the outset to protect their class interests and to ensure the new government possessed all the power necessary to perpetuate the existing oligarchy.

At the Convention, Alexander Hamilton captured the prevailing sentiment:

"All communities divide themselves into the few and the many. The first are the rich and well-born; the other the mass of the people … turbulent and changing, they seldom judge or determine right.

Give therefore to the first class a distinct, permanent share in the Government. … Nothing but a permanent body can check the imprudence of democracy.”

Alexander Hamilton

Hamilton further proposed that both the President and the Senate be appointed (not elected) for life. His vision was but half a step removed from monarchy.

Though not a Convention delegate, John Jay, Hamilton’s political ally, slaveowner, and the first Chief Justice of the Supreme Court, stated the purpose of “republicanism” with brutal brevity: “The people who own the country ought to govern it.”

The Founders never once envisioned any such a thing as “limited government” – unless perhaps in the sense that the power of government was to be limited to their own economic class. [See Consortiumnews.com’s “The Right’s Made-up Constitution.”]

In Towards an American Revolution: Exposing the Constitution & Other Illusions, historian Jerry Fresia sums the Founders’ views succinctly:

“The vision of the Framers, even for Franklin and Jefferson who were less fearful of the politics of the common people than most, was that of a strong centralized state, a nation whose commerce and trade stretched around the world. In a word, the vision was one of empire where property owners would govern themselves.”

Self-government by the people was to remain permanently out of the question. The Deep State was to govern itself. “We the People,” a phrase hypocritically coined by the ultra-aristocrat Gouverneur Morris, would stand forever after as an Orwellian hoax.

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The tricky task of the hand-picked delegates was to hammer out a radical new system of government that would superficially resemble a democratic republic, but function as an oligarchy.

William Hogeland’s excellent Founding Finance, recounts the anti-democratic vehemence expressed at the Convention:

“On the first day of the meeting that would become known as the United States Constitutional Convention, Edmund Randolph of Virginia kicked off the proceedings […]

‘Our chief danger,’ Randolph announced, ‘arises from the democratic parts of our constitutions. … None of the constitutions’ – he meant those of the states’ governments – ‘have provided sufficient checks against the democracy.’”

No wonder they nailed the windows shut. It should be no surprise that the word “democracy” does not appear once in the entire U.S. Constitution, or any of its Amendments, including the Bill of Rights. Accordingly, the Constitution does not once refer to the popular vote, and it did not guarantee a single person or group suffrage until the adoption of the 15th Amendment in 1870, over 80 years after ratification.

The Preamble aside, the Founders used the phrase “the People” only a single time (Art. I, Sec. 2).

It has been suggested the word “democracy” had a different meaning then than it has now. It did not. “Democracy” to the Convention delegates meant the same thing as it does today: “rule by the people.” That’s why they detested it.

The delegates considered themselves the patriarchs of “republicanism,” the ideology that rejected participation in government by people like their wives, servants, tenants, slaves, and other non-propertied inferiors. No doubt, the delegates passionately disagreed on many things, but the “fear and loathing” of democracy was not one of them. Then or now.

The Deep State’s Specific Goals

Embedded within the Founders’ broadly anti-democratic agenda were four specific goals. These were not a list of items jotted down in advance, but were derived by group consensus as the minimum requirements necessary to achieve the Deep State’s ultimate agenda.

Thomas Jefferson

To camouflage the stark oligarchic nationalism the measures intended, the Founders disingenuously styled themselves “Federalists.” But nothing about these measures concerned a “federation” of sovereign states; taken together, they were intended to demolish the existing “perpetual” confederation, not to re-create it more effectively.

National government with limited citizen participation. Of all the measures required to achieve a national oligarchy, this was the most daunting. It was achieved by a wide array of provisions.

The Electoral College. The President and Vice President are not elected by popular vote, but by electors – then and now. For example, when George Washington was first elected President, the American population was 3.9 million. How many of those folks voted for George? Exactly 69 persons – which was the total number of electors voting at the time. (Art. I, Sec. 3)

Bi-Cameral Congress. Congress is bi-cameral, composed of two “houses” – the House of Representatives and the Senate. Under the original Constitution, the House members represented the people who vote for them, while the Senate represented states, not persons, and was therefore not a democratic body, at all. It was generally expected that the Senate would “check” the democratic House. Indeed, this was the entire purpose of bi-cameralism wherever it has existed. (Art. I, Secs. 1 and 2)

State Appointment of Senators. Senators were originally appointed by state legislatures (until the 17th Amendment in 1913). It was expected that the Senate would function in Congress as the House of Lords functioned in Parliament: the voice of the aristocracy. Even though Senators are now popularly elected, it is far more difficult to challenge an incumbent because of the prohibitive expense of running a state-wide campaign. (Art. I, Sec. 3)

Appointment of the Judiciary. All federal judges are appointed for life terms by the President and confirmed by the (originally undemocratic) Senate. (Art. III, Sec. 1)

Paucity of Representation. Most undemocratic of all was the extreme paucity of the total number of House members. The House originally was composed of only 65 members, or one member per 60,000 persons. Today, there are 435 members, each representing about 700,000 persons. Thus, current House representation of the public is 12 times less democratic than when the Constitution was written – and it was poor (at best) then.

Compare: The day before the Constitution was ratified, the people of the 13 United States were represented by about 2,000 democratically elected representatives in their various state legislatures (1:1950 ratio); the day after ratification, the same number of people were to be represented by only 65 representatives in the national government (1:60000).

In quantitative terms, this represents more than a 3,000 percent reduction of democratic representation for the American people. (Art. I, Sec. 2)

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Absence of Congressional Districts. Although House members now run for election in equal-populated districts, the districts were created by Congress, not the Constitution. Until the 1960s, some House members were elected at-large (like Senators). This disadvantaged all but the richest and best-known candidates from winning. (Not referenced in Constitution)

Absence of Recall, Initiative and Referendum. The Constitution does not allow the people to vote to recall (un-elect) a Congress member, demand a Congressional vote on any issue (propose an initiative) or vote directly in a referendum on any issue (direct democracy). (Not referenced in Constitution)

Absence of Independent Amendment Process. One of the reasons Americans now have professional politicians is that the Constitution does not provide a way for “the people” to amend it without the required cooperation of a sitting Congress. At the Constitutional convention, Edmund Randolph of Virginia (surprisingly) proposed that the people be afforded a way to amend the Constitution without the participation of Congress. This excellent idea, however, was not adopted. (Art. V)

National authority to tax citizens directly. (Art. I, Sec. 8; 16th Amendment)

National monopolization of military power. (Art. I, Sec.8, clauses 12, 13, 14, 15, 16)

Denial of states’ power to issue paper money or provide debtor relief. (Art. I, Sec.10; Art. I Sec.8, clause 4)

All of these provisions were completely new in the American experience. For 150 years or more, citizen participation in government, independent militias, and the issuance of paper money had been the prerogative of the several, independent colonies/states – while direct external taxation had been universally and strenuously resisted.

When the British Crown had threatened to curtail colonial prerogatives, the very men who now conspired for national power had risen in armed rebellion. The hypocrisy was stunning. And people took note of the fact.

Consent of the Minority

One of the note-takers was Robert Yates, a New York delegate to the Convention, who had walked out in protest. Not long afterwards, Yates (who owned no government bonds) stated his objection to the new Constitution

“This government is to possess absolute and uncontrollable power, legislative, executive and judicial, with respect to every object to which it extends. The government then, so far as it extends, is a complete one. …

It has the authority to make laws which will affect the lives, the liberty, and the property of every man in the United States; nor can the constitution or the laws of any state, in any way prevent or impede the full and complete execution of every power given.”

At least half of the American population (collectively called “Anti-federalists”) thought the Constitution was a terrible idea. To be sure, well-to-do Anti-federalists like Yates were not overtaxed farmers, and their objections were often based upon the defense of states’ rights, not peoples’ economic rights.

Most Anti-federalists, however, seemed alarmed that the Constitution contained no guarantee of the basic political rights they had enjoyed under the British Empire, such as freedom of speech or trial by jury.

The debate between supporters and critics of the Constitution raged for a year, while partisan newspapers published articles both pro and con. A collection of 85 “pro” articles is known now as The Federalist Papers, which were written by Alexander Hamilton, James Madison and John Jay. Although these articles have been studied almost as religious relicts by historians, they do not tell us “what the Constitution really means.”

The Constitution means what it says. The Federalist Papers are sales brochures, written by lawyers trying to get others to “buy” the Constitution. The same can be said about a similar collection of “Anti-federalist Papers,” from which Yates’s quote above was taken. In any event, it is up to the courts to interpret the Constitution, not lawyers with vested interests.

In due course, the Anti-federalists put their collective foot down. There would be no hope of ratification without amendments guaranteeing fundamental political - but not economic - rights.

Although Hamilton argued a guarantee of rights would be “dangerous,” James Madison convinced the Federalists that agreeing to guarantee a future Bill of Rights would be much safer that meddling with the text of the current document, which might entail unraveling its core nationalist, anti-democratic agenda. And so, a deal was struck.

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Even so, the battle over the ratification of the Constitution was not ultimately decided by the people of the nation. Although the people of the several states had not voted to authorize the Convention, or the document it had produced, the Founders had been incredibly arrogant, not to mention sly.

Not only had they presented the unauthorized document to the states as a take-it-or-leave-it proposition (no changes allowed), but the document itself demanded that only special state “conventions” could ratify it – not the majority popular vote of the people.

Specifying ratification by conventions meant the people would be voting for convention delegates, who would in turn vote for ratification. This was tantamount to turning ratification into a popularity contest between convention delegates, rather than a democratically direct vote on the document, itself.

Moreover, ratification by convention would present the possibility that a minority of the people in a state (those in favor of the Constitution) might “pack” a convention with delegates, who would then approve of a document establishing a government for all.

Electoral shenanigans were not just hypothetical possibilities. In Philadelphia, for example, a mob kidnapped elected legislators who were boycotting a convention vote, physically dragged them into the state house, and tied them to their chairs in order to force a convention vote. Other, more subtle methods of manipulation occurred elsewhere, notably the disenfranchisement of voters through property qualifications.

The Deep State Hiding in Plain Sight

Mike Lofgren, a congressional staff member for 28 years, joins Bill Moyers to talk about what he calls Washington's "Deep State," in which elected and unelected figures collude to protect and serve powerful vested interests.

"It is how we had deregulation, financialization of the economy, the Wall Street bust, the erosion or our civil liberties and perpetual war," Lofgren tells Moyers.

Over a hundred years ago, Charles A. Beard completed his exhaustive study of the Constitution and confirmed that it most likely was ratified by a majority – of a minority of the people.

Among Beard’s final conclusions were these:

“The Constitution was ratified by a vote of probably not more than one-sixth of the adult males. The leaders who supported the Constitution in the ratifying conventions represented the same economic groups as the members of the Philadelphia Convention.

The Constitution was not created by ‘the whole people’ as the jurists [judges] have said; neither was it created by ‘the states’ as Southern nullifiers long contended; but it was the work of a consolidated group whose interests knew no state boundaries and were truly national in their scope.”

The Deep State, in other words. It was darkly appropriate that a document whose primary purpose was to defeat democratic rule was, itself, brought into force without a majoritarian vote.

In 1788, nine of the 13 states’ conventions ratified the Constitution (as specified in the Constitution’s own Article VII) and the document became the supreme law of the land for those nine states.

By 1789, even the democratic holdout Rhode Island had followed suit. And America’s schoolchildren have been led to believe ever since that the Constitution is a sacred document, inspired and ordained by the public-spirited benevolence of Founding Fathers.

But this had been predicted. It had seemed painfully obvious to Eighteenth Century Genevan political philosopher Jean-Jacques Rousseau that constitutional government was the invention of the Deep State, its designated beneficiary.

Dripping with sarcasm, his virtuoso Discourse on Inequality explained the process:

“[T]he rich man … at last conceived the deepest project that ever entered the human mind: this was to employ in his favour the very forces that attacked him, to make allies of his enemies…

In a word, instead of turning our forces against ourselves, let us collect them into a sovereign power, which may govern us by wise laws, may protect and defend all the members of the association, repel common enemies, and maintain a perpetual concord and harmony among us.”

Rousseau penned these words in 1754, 33 years before Gouverneur Morris oversaw the drafting of the identical sales pitch that constitutes the Preamble to the United States Constitution:

“We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.”

Rousseau concludes:

“All offered their necks to the yoke in hopes of securing their liberty; for though they had sense enough to perceive the advantages of a political constitution, they had not experience enough to see beforehand the dangers of it; those among them, who were best qualified to foresee abuses, were precisely those who expected to benefit by them….

Does the Deep State pose an existential threat to American democracy today? Move along, folks – nothing new to see here.

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Taking Down the Deep State

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Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi

While CNN Burns, Network President Jeff Zucker Rushes To New York Times For Damage Control + ‘Crowds On Demand’ Provides Clients With Fake Protesters
July 9 2017 | From: Breitbart / DailyCaller / Various

While CNN withers amid the biggest journalistic scandal in the network’s history, network president Jeff Zucker has turned to the New York Times for help.

“I don’t sleep that much anyway,” Zucker told the Times’ Michael Grynbaum in a rare interview in his office on the fifth floor of CNN’s Midtown Manhattan, New York City newsroom.

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Grynbaum noted he is not “getting a lot of sleep lately,” either - something that comes as the network faces what amounts to perhaps the biggest scandal in journalism history - but definitely the biggest in CNN history.

Three senior editorial staffers at CNN - a Pulitzer Prize winning editor, a Pulitzer Prize nominated reporter, and the head of the network’s investigative reporting unit - resigned over a week ago as a result of an embarrassing retraction of a very fake news hit piece on President Donald Trump and his associates.

CNN was forced to retract the faulty hit piece after a Breitbart News investigation discovered the entire piece was untrue.

Related: CNN Journalists Resign: Latest Example Of Media Recklessness On The Russia Threat

It falsely alleged that associates of President Trump - particularly SkyBridge Capital founder Anthony Scaramucci and Blackstone’s Stephen Schwarzman - were under Treasury Department and Senate Intelligence Committee investigation for supposed ties to a Russian fund.

It turns out that not only did the “meetings” that CNN alleged to have occurred never actually happen, but the Senate Intelligence Committee is not investigating it - and the Treasury Department already looked into the matter but found it to be entirely “without merit,” per a senior administration official’s comment to Breitbart News.

CNN retracted the piece after Breitbart News’s investigation - and under pressure from the threat of hefty a lawsuit from Scaramucci - and apologized to Scaramucci.

Alex Jones: The NYT Are Imploding! The Dying MSM Can’t Even Get a Retraction Right

Alex Jones comments on the latest fake news from the NYT and it’s a doozy!

“So many of their lies are imploding, even their retraction was a lie. The 17 agencies was only a think tank panel."

The deep state is a complete joke!

CNN has not apologized to President Trump or to Stephen Schwarzman for maligning them, nor has the network apologized to anyone else falsely smeared in the now-retracted hit piece.

A few days after the embarrassing retractio - reportedly the first of Zucker’s tenure at the top of the network - the reporter on the byline, Thomas Frank, resigned, as did the story’s editor Eric Lichtblau. Investigative unit chief Lex Haris also resigned.

From there, the network has spiraled into chaos that has lasted nearly two weeks.

The chaos is fueled by further mistakes: a lack of transparency from the network’s public relations team and from Zucker, a refusal to course correct away from deep problems with journalistic integrity inside CNN, and by more damning revelations about CNN including from undercover videos of CNN producers and talent published by James O’Keefe’s Project Veritas.

Click on the image above to open a larger version in a new window

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Grynbaum wrote:

"On Wednesday, CNN found itself facing another backlash - and additional online threats - after it posted a story about a man who created a version of the wrestling video that was later tweeted by Mr. Trump; it did not identify him but said it reserved the right to do so if he resumed his activities.

Some users on Reddit took that caveat as a threat, and it prompted a hashtag, #CNNBlackmail. CNN said it had only meant to make it clear that it had cut no deal with the subject of the article, though some media critics called it an unusual choice.

For CNN, it was yet another dust-up felt by its 3,500 employees as they pursue day-to-day responsibilities and worry about the usual industry concerns, like ratings. CNN has recently placed third in weekday prime time, behind the more ideologically driven coverage of Fox News and MSNBC".

Now, for the first time, Zucker is himself on the record in the scandals. CNN is still refusing to provide Zucker for an actual interview rather than a puff piece in the New York Times, as Breitbart News and many other outlets have been asking him for a sit-down interview.

Zucker is also still refusing to appear in public for an on-camera press briefing about the scandal consuming CNN from the inside out, something President Trump’s son Donald Trump, Jr. is calling on Zucker to do since CNN thinks on-camera briefings are so important.

Zucker allies inside CNN touted the interview as some sort of accomplishment.

Related: CNN Blackmails Source of Donald Trump Wrestling Video

But despite the gentle treatment the New York Times gave him, Zucker - and the Times scribe with whom he sat for this interview - admit publicly now that the network is under siege.

Grynbaum wrote that there is a “foxhole-like mentality inside CNN’s offices, where security measures have been tightened and some hosts have considered abandoning their social media accounts because of abuse.”

CNN’s New Day anchor Chris Cuomo - whose producer Jimmy Carr has been exposed in O’Keefe’s Project Veritas videos - even compared CNN to “the Thunderdome.” And the day after the three senior editorial staff resigned, Grynbaum notes, Zucker “phoned in from London to a companywide conference call, telling employees that the heightened scrutiny meant there could be no room for error.”

Related: Trump's Tweets Are Smashing The Government Religion

But besides all that, even the appearance of Zucker in the media on this front - it is extraordinarily rare for a chief executive of a television news network to appear in the media during a crisis - has to be worrisome for network investors and corporate leadership.

In other words, it is less about what Zucker is actually saying and more about the fact he is even sitting for an interview at all that is mere proof that CNN is burning.

Despite the now public admission the network is in serious crisis, and cannot afford more mistakes than it has already made, Zucker is trying to brush off the dire situation in which he and his team find themselves.

“My job is to remind everyone that they need to stay focused doing their job,” Zucker, nonetheless, told Grynbaum, adding of President Trump: “He’s trying to bully us, and we’re not going to let him intimidate us. You can’t lose your confidence and let that change the way you conduct yourselves.”

CNN Officially Declared Dead

Low ratings prove the MSM giant is on its way down.

The piece also quotes Zucker being worried about CNN employees’ safety thanks to the war with Trump. Zucker told Grynbaum that Trump “has caused us to have to take steps that you wouldn’t think would be necessary because of the actions of the president of the United States.”

Another buried revelation in Grynbaum’s piece is that administration officials are considering using the looming merger between CNN parent Time Warner and telecommunications giant AT&T as a leverage point in the war with CNN. Grynbaum wrote:

"White House advisers have discussed a potential point of leverage over their adversary, a senior administration official said: a pending merger between CNN’s parent company, Time Warner, and AT&T.

Mr. Trump’s Justice Department will decide whether to approve the merger, and while analysts say there is little to stop the deal from moving forward, the president’s animus toward CNN remains a wild card."

When he asked Zucker about the merger, Zucker brushed it off. “It’s not something I think about,” Zucker told Grynbaum.

Grynbaum was not buying it, because Zucker lost his last job at NBC thanks to that company’s merger with Comcast.

“Mr. Zucker, who was ousted as chief executive of NBCUniversal after that company merged with Comcast, declined to comment on the pending deal, except to say that the merger had not affected his journalistic or management choices,”
Grynbaum wrote.

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Perhaps the most important revelations in the Zucker interview with the New York Times published late Wednesday, however, are what is not said and not asked. There are dozens upon dozens of questions CNN’s public relations team and Zucker are refusing to answer about this network-wide scandal.

More from Breitbart News’s investigations into CNN is forthcoming in the days and weeks ahead.

Donald Trump: The West Will Never Be Broken

Western culture is being preserved thanks to President Trump and patriots worldwide.

During President Trump’s trip to Eastern Europe, he gave a speech in Poland where he proclaimed to a cheering crowd, “the West will never be broken.”


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‘Crowds On Demand’ Provides Clients With Fake Protesters

If you’re looking to stage a march or rally and need fake protesters to legitimize your cause, a company now exists solely to provide you with as many actors as you require.

Crowds on Demand provides its clients with people who will form protests, flash mobs, rallies, paparazzi events and other inventive stunts. The company serves every major U.S city, metro area and small city, and executes clients’ specific plans or provides strategies for more general plans.

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"We can organize rallies and get media attention for your causes and candidates,” the Crowds on Demand website claims. “We also assist individuals, companies and political organizations with protests and picketing campaigns. We’ve protested governments, corporations and everything in between.”

The company boasts ending institutional discrimination, receiving compensation for hundreds of homeowners who bought hazardous land and affecting campaign results among others, and aims to “achieve tangible results.”

Crowds on Demand specializes in political rallies, but even foreign governments have hired the company to help generate positive receptions for newly elected leaders.

Former political organizer and entrepreneur Adam Swart runs the entire business, using local and national outlets to bring more attention to demonstrations, ensuring improved perception by the American public.

Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi

Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi

Resurrection Of The Eurozone Pent-Up In France & What The Lying, Globalist Media Rats Won’t Show You: France Is A War Zone
July 9 2017 | From: Sevyren / DCClotheslice / Various

I am absolutely appalled the way the French election was handled, but what can we expect. This is dirty politics in action,”En Marche!” Torn-up paper ballots were being given to the voters en masse making them invalid.

Throwing some Illuminati hand signs stright in your face...

François Hollande’s government started censoring the media over verified reports that Macron had indeed lied about his tax evasion using Elite offshore money laundering havens which are the leading contributors to funding terrorism worldwide.

Related: Breaking: After Presidential Defeat, Le Pen Wins Seat In French Parliament

It was far too late for the reports to have any kind of effect and the Rothschild stronghold in France succeeded to remain. The pro-pedophile Illuminati controlled government of France will continue to destroy what little is left there.

What a great example of democracy in action.

Last week Macron had met with pro-NWO pawn Arnold Schwarzenegger to discuss their masters’ failing plans and mounting opposition against Donald Trump.

Warren Buffett, Arnold Schwarzenegger and Jacob Rothschild

I would surmise that it is Arnold that is the one taking bribes from Lynn Forrester de Rothschild not Donald Trump and may even be taking bribes from the Jesuits as well and he wonders why his legacy is now a complete joke.

It is obvious how much the hand of Rothschild played in the French election but if you don’t believe that the Jesuits had a part in it just take a look at Macron’s handler / mistress Brigitte Trogneux and her stifling record at an Elite private school led by Jesuit priests.

It is clear who the power brokers running France are and it is not Macron.

The boy couldn’t even do his job properly when it came to the economy and industry of France during his tenure.
This just goes to show what little value a Jesuit educational degree has. The country is being taxed into oblivion, ironically, and the influx of radicalized immigrants from the middle east only panders to its massive unemployment all the while creating more chaos and upheaval which is all part of the NWO plan.

A liberal dictatorship has taken over Europe and the only remedy is President Donald Trump’s version of American exceptionalism. A kind of nationalism that will help save European countries individuality.

If Macron truly wished to revive the spirit of France he would have to mirror the kind of policies that the Trump Administration has implemented which is unlikely since he is a politician at heart doing the bidding of his financier banker buddies.

Related: Self-Proclaimed “God-King” Macron Gives His 1st Edict: Ban Gas/Diesel Engines

A tyranny is starting to reveal itself without discretion. The Macron administration is out to completely eradicate the far-right of France and consolidate absolute power.

New accusations of a political assassination are being used to blame “nationalism” and the far-right just days after charges have been laid against leader Marine Le Pen who was cheated out of the French presidency.

This is a complete fabrication by the masters of deception, a manufactured threat just like the Bataclan concert attack and the attack in Nice.

They are priming the global mind into accepting more terrorism and a real assassination on an enemy of the Perfectibilists, Donald Trump, which has been a long time fetish of the whore media and Hollywood.

It's clear whose side Lucifer is on...

Related: French President Emmanuel Macron is Attempting to Control French Media

This is all falling into conjunction with Macron’s invitation to the President to celebrate Bastille day on July 14th one of the Illuminati’s most favored holidays.

If you have not yet learned that the revolutions in France and America at the time was carried out by proponents of Illuminism then you are far behind the learning curve.

The fall of the Bastille and beheading of King Louis XVI had been championed by leading Communistic figures and American revolutionaries alike and still we have yet to see the end of monarchy in our society.

It is not a celebration of freedom but of a continual enslavement. I can’t bring myself to add in detail the recent celebration of Trans-engendered Canada where i reside today into this equation. It is Just too deplorable. Not yet. Macron’s overzealous drive to revive the European Union will be his downfall.

In America it is a different story all together. Finally now there is real hope for change. Removing itself from the NWO Paris agreement is in itself a call for celebration. Billions and billions of dollars are being redirected back into the American economy.

Job killing regulations are being dismantled across the board and American innovation is being brought back to life. An Implementation of a proper easy to understand tax code that makes sense for the middle class average worker.

The Illuminati symbolism is now being shoved in our faces blatantly...

Related: No Joke! French President Macron Declares Himself God

A Healthcare focus that is being thoughtfully drafted unlike a rushed self destructive Obamacare that provided no service in some cases at unreasonable costs. Veterans will finally start to get the attention they have been neglected from for so long. SCOTUS passing the travel ban will keep the country much safer.

What I am most looking forward to is the President’s commitment to space and the exploration thereof finally shedding some light on what is really going on beyond our planet and the impact it will have.

There have been many sensationilzed reports but for The Don to acknowledge the special access programs to the public without damaging national security would bring us closer to finding some peace and closure on the subject instead of relying on just hearsay.

President Trumps inaguration speech hinted at disclosure of secret space programs

We can’t expect CNN to do the job nor the Mika Morning Blow Show to disclose the truth. They are too busy running gossip story lines and conspiracy theories.

Imagine that the mainstream media in the end became the fringe of news worthy headlines.

What you all should be mainly covering is this story about Barry Soetoro running amuck in the East and the probing of the rest of his administration maybe then you would come out from under your bridge of extremely low ratings.

After a humiliating defeat for Hillary Clinton (even cheating couldn’t win her the election) the Cabal have no choice but to send their antichrist emissary Obama to Asia and the Pacific seeking any handouts available gathering what little intelligence he can muster with the remaining tools they have on what President Trump is doing internationally in hopes of coming up with some kind of counter strike.

After visiting President Jokowi in Indonesia and President Moon of South Korea you can bet that the Cabal are eagar to get their meat hooks into The Global Collateral Accounts. You can bet your behind this will not be allowed to take place.

Related: The Most Important Financial Meeting Since JFK’s Death Just Took Place

A Message to Obama and the Rest of the Cabal:

Conspiring against The President of the United States and The People of the world is Treasonous and punishable by Death. You had better go crawl back under the rocks you came from before you get yourselves beat like a rented mule.

Happy 4th of July to all of the patriots around the planet. Let us continue reigning in real Freedom. Salut!

Related: Probe launched into French president Emmanuel Macron's lavish Las Vegas soirée

What The Lying, Globalist Media Rats Won’t Show You: France Is A War Zone

CNN’s Becky Anderson would like for you to believe that peaceful Muslims honored the dead London terrorist victims. She is lying to promote a globalist agenda.

The amount of terror and carnage that terrorist Muslims and refugees are causing throughout Europe is devastating.

The media will not report the truth of what is happening. Just watch the above video from France to witness what is really occurring.

This video is from Refugee Crisis in the EU.

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Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi

The Truth About Electro Magnetic Frequencies - What The Authorities Don't Tell You
July 8 2017 | From: NaturalHealthPerth

A Clinical Trial: In early 1934, Johnson rented premises in San Diego for Royal Rife to begin clinical treatments.

Under his instructions, the University of Southern California arranged formal clinical trials of the Rife Beam Ray device.

Related: Royal Rife’s Energy Machine: Why It Was Really Silenced

They appointed a special committee of top doctors to oversee the project including, apart from Johnson and Kendall:

Dr Rufus Klein-Schmidt (President, University of Southern California)
Dr Edward Kopps (Metabolic Clinic, La Jolla, California)
Dr George Fisher (Children's Hospital, NY)
Dr Kad Meyer (Hooper Foundation, San Francisco, California)
Dr Whalen Morrison (Chief Surgeon, Santa Fe Railway)
Dr George Dock
Dr Alvin G. Foard, a pathologist

Sixteen cancer patients from the Pasadena County Hospital volunteered to be treated with the machine. The brief was for the patients to be treated at Rife's clinic in San Diego and after three months the doctors would perform an in-depth examination of any of the surviving patients at that time.

Rife reportedly treated the patients with three minute exposures to the beam ray device at file career frequencies once every three days.

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Initial daily treatments were suspended due to extreme Jansch-Herxreimer reactions. At the end of three months, however, all the patients were still alive and were examined.

The doctors were amazed to pronounce that 14 of the 16 showed no signs of cancer and were pronounced clinically cured. The remaining two went for further treatments.

Related: The mere presence of your smartphone reduces brain power, study shows

Rife reasoned that maybe they were infected with a mutated form of the cancer virus and made some slight frequency adjustments. Four weeks later the remaining two patients were examined and also pronounced clinically cured The results were stunning, it was a major breakthrough

There is some discrepancy in the accounts of what happened next, but the most likely explanation is that the members agreed to do further work before publicizing the results.

Conflict Begins

Johnson then introduced Rife to Dr Mildred Schram of the International Cancer Foundation in Philadelphia. However, on hearing of the work Schram allegedly made demands for experiments that Rife insisted would not and could not work Following much argument; he eventually refused to have anything further to do with the foundation Schram supposedly admitted years later that Rife had been right.

In the meantime (1935) Johnson had set up a clinic in Los Angeles to beat people using the beam ray device and Kendall and others were continuing experiments and treating people with it.

Related: Microwave frequency electromagnetic fields (EMFs) produce widespread neuropsychiatric effects including depression

In 1937, the medical committee who oversaw the clinical trials ended up arguing over when and how they should release the results with no actual decision ever being reacted. By now they had plenty of evidence to support Rife's claims but they found themselves pressured by the medical authorities and feared that they would not be believed

A press release went ahead however, and on Friday 6 May 1938, the San Diego Evening Tribune published a front page article entitled "Dread Disease Germs Destroyed by Rays, Claim of S.D. Scientist".

However, the clinical trials were rot mentioned and Rife was cautious not to claim that the device represented an absolute cure for cancer.

Many Electromagnetic Hyper Sensitivity conditions develop slowly and silently over many years while the person is not presenting with any symptoms or complaints:

"People suffering from Electromagnetic Hyper Sensitivity (EHS) should not be treated as simply unfortunate individuals who cannot enjoy the benefits of wireless technology and electrical power like the rest. They should be treated as the "canary in the coal mine" serving as an early warning for the rest of humanity.

For those not familiar with the term "canary in the coal mine" - it originated when miners used to take caged canaries down to the coal mine with them. They positioned the cages on the ground. If dangerous gases (e.g. methane or carbon monoxide) leaked into the mine tunnels, these gases would cause the death of the canaries serving as a warning signal to exit the mine tunnels immediately.

The morbid bio-effects of EMF described in the 2012 Bio-initiative Report may trigger a range of disorders including neurological conditions, infertility, birth defects and cancer. Many of the conditions develop slowly and silently over many years while the person is not presenting with any symptoms or complaints.

And that is why we should treat the Electro-Hyper Sensitivity (EHS) syndrome and EHS sufferers - as a stark warning, alarm bells and sirens going off, that we should all heed to even if we still cannot see or feel the fire (YET)". 

- Dr. Jonathan Halpern, PhD | Electromagnetic Survival Radiation Guide

Related: Electromagnetic Hypersensitivity From Microwave Technology Finally Medically Proven

Conspiracy Theory

During fids time, a new player emerged. Dr Morris Fishbein was editor of the Journal of the American Medical Association between 1924 and 1949. However, Fishbein was a very rich and powerful man who by that time owned all the stock of the AMA and had extremely powerful political connections. Fishbein approached Rife with an offer to buy the exclusive rights to the beam ray technology.

Rife refused. The details of the offer are unknown but Fishbein had made similar offers to other inventors of medical technologies claimed to cure cancer.

In ore case Fishbein made an offer to the creator of a herbal cancer cure called Harry Hoxey in which Fishbein would receive all profits from the invention for nine years and thereafter, at Fishbein's discretion, he would pay 10 per cent of future profits to Hoxey.

Related: AMI Smart Meters Are The Number One Health Hazard; Next Is Cell Phones, Per Medical Research Science

When Hoxey refused, Fishbein effectively destroyed him Hoxey was allegedly arrested 125 times in 16 months at Fishbein's instigation The charges never stuck but Hoxey was ruined

Fishbein then did the same to Rife. AMA officials started visiting doctors who were using Rife's machines and informed them they would be struck from the medical register if they did not stop immediately.

Many gave in and surrendered the machines to AMA investigators or allowed the machines to be destroyed. Others held out aid refused Marty were arrested or had equipment and notes seized and destroyed by FDA (Federal Food and Drug Administration) agents.

Fishbein refused to allow publication of any reference to Rife's work in the AMA journals and also supposedly pressured other medical journals insisting that they should not publish anything about Rife's work because it was all a fraud. A number of doctors actively opposed fids, including Johnson.

Related: Cell Phone Towers and What You Really Should Know About Them

But many of the doctors who had attended Johnson's banquet for Rife in 1931, fearing the loss of their medical licenses, started denying that they had ever heard of Rife, even though marry had been photographed with him at the banquet.

Today's Scientists on Dr Royal Rife

Another doctor and scientist, whose research has been buried for some time but has managed to resurface due to the work of avid supporters, is Dr Royal Raymond Rife M.D, who developed a frequency generator in the late 1920’s. In brief, Rife successfully treated 1,000 patients diagnosed with incurable cancer in the 1930’s. He was honoured with 14 awards and an honorary doctorate.

After the unsuccessful attempt by pharmaceutical companies to buy out his research and equipment, his office was ransacked, his research paperwork was stolen and the machine that healed all those 1,000 “incurable” cancer patients was destroyed.

In 1934, before this destruction occurred, the University of Southern California appointed a Special Medical Research Committee to bring terminal cancer patients from Pasadena County Hospital to Rife's San Diego Laboratory and clinic for treatment.

The team included doctors and pathologists assigned to examine the patients - if still alive - in 90 days. After the 90 days of treatment, the Committee concluded that 86.5% of the patients had been completely cured.

The treatment was then adjusted and the remaining 13.5% of the patients also responded within the next four weeks. The total recovery rate using Rife's technology was 100%.

What Rife had developed was a 100% effective cure for many forms of cancer. So why do we not know about this and why are there so many cancer research foundations in existence?

Put simply, it is due to the economic motives of the orthodox medical community, which relies on funding for cancer research - such funding often coming from pharmaceutical companies - and whose fortunes would be damaged if a cure for cancer was found. (That is, it’s OK to search for a cure but don’t really find one!)

This is a story that illustrates yet another grand attempt by the mainstream medical community to control the lives - and deaths - of so many millions of people today."

“In every culture and in every medical tradition before ours, healing was accomplished by moving energy."

- Albert Szent-Gyorgyi, Nobel Laureate in Medicine (1937) What Rife proved is that every health disorder has a frequency, which in turn responds (resonates) to a specific (optimal) frequency for its dissolving/healing in the body.

Related: Why Your Next Wi-Fi Setup Should Be a Mesh Network [Actually, why it should NOT]

Don't mistake Electro Magnetic Frequencies (EMF) as Pulsed Electro Magnetic Frequencies (PEMF). They are absolute opposites. One can kill you! The other can save you. Has anyone ever wondered why no one has ever had cancer of the heart?

I will tell you why. It is because the heart uses Pulsed Electro Magnetic Frequencies that oxygenate and keep a balanced PH. Electro Magnetic Frequencies are harmful and dangerous to every living organism! 

Pulsed Electro Magnetic Frequencies, however, are the counterbalance to this man-made scourge that has now created a prolific smog that covers the entire earth, from microwaves to electronic warfare that readily exists. We can't escape it.  

Related: Facts About Current Safety Standards For Cell Phone And Towers

The object you hold against your head every day is one of the worst offenders. It is called the mobile phone. Apart from aging you rapidly, it can kill you. Brain Cancer has increased 10 percent in the last ten years. Imagine 100 years from now! 

Dr Alan Back, a Naturopath from the USA who worked on electronic warfare for the US army, used his skills to invent a counter measure system to combat the Electro Magnetic Frequency problem that has now enveloped the earth.  

The worst part about it is that your own home is the very place that can make you sick.

Introduction / Overview: The ‘Healing Computer’ Technology

I have been a Naturopath for 36 years and every year - and particularly this last year - 83% of people presenting to me for medical scanning have chronic adrenal fatigue symptoms which relate to neurological physical.

Over 95% present with EMF symptoms and clumped Red Blood Cell symptoms, which affect the entire circulatory system as well as the immune system. This is happening right now and is certainly not a passing fad.

EMF Can Harm and Can Heal Using PEMF ( Pulsating Electromagnetic Field Therapy)

Related: Did you know about the CANCER ACT 1939?

Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi

Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi

Google Maps Has Been Tracking Your Every Move, And There’s A Website To Prove It + EU Fines Google A Record 2.4 Billion Euros In Antitrust Case
July 8 2017 | From: AntiNews / CGTN / Various

It has emerged that Google has been tracking Smartphone users everywhere they go, indicating it with a red dot on a map to mark and make their location much clearer for identification.

If you do not believe this, you remember what appeared in the scene of the Minority Report, where Tom Cruise is on the run from the law, but is unable to avoid detection because everywhere he goes, there are constant retina scans feeding his location back to a central database? That is exactly what we are talking about here.

Related: EU Calls For Tracking Computers In All Vehicles To Monitor, Regulate Travel

You can even track yourself to see whether what we are talking about is true or not. Just log in with the same account you use on your Smartphone. You will be able to see records of everywhere you have been from day one of that month.

Just follow this link: Google Maps Timeline

It is an established fact that no matter what privacy settings you may try to implement, your information is still being collected and stored somewhere by our governments.

But somehow, you can minimize your tracking by adhering to the following procedure below. Just follow the following steps carefully and share this information with your friends, families and anybody you know.

How To Disable Tracking & Erase Your Past History

To check whether location history is enabled on your account, go to the Google Maps Location history page and click the gear-icon button to access History settings.

You can disable or enable the service there. Disabling location history however, does not remove your past history.

Related: Check Out The Creepy Picture Google Paints Of Your Daily Habits

If you would like to erase the locations Google Maps has stored for the past 30 days, go back to the Location history page. The default time period shows location history for the current day, so you may not see any plots on the map. Use the pull-down menu below the calendar on the left to show your history, up to 30 days.

If you choose a time period in which Google Maps has tracked your location, you will see the points where you have been on the map. Below the calendar, you will see options to delete your history from the time period you have chosen or to delete all history.

EU Fines Google A Record 2.4 Billion Euros In Antitrust Case

The European Union slapped a record 2.42 billion-euro ($2.72 billion) fine on internet giant Google on Tuesday for taking advantage of its dominance in online searches to direct customers to its own online shopping business.

European regulators gave the company based in Mountain View, California, 90 days to stop or face more fines of up to 5 percent of the average daily worldwide revenue of parent company Alphabet.

Related: Google Fine Is Small Change Compared With EU's Bigger Threat

Google says it is considering an appeal. CGTN’s Elena Casas reports.

The European Commission, which polices EU competition rules, alleges Google elevates its shopping service even when other options might have better deals.

The Commission said Google “gave prominent placement in its search results only to its own comparison shopping service, whilst demoting rival services. It stifled competition on the merits in comparison shopping markets.”

“What Google has done is illegal under EU antitrust rules. It denied other companies the chance to compete on the merits and to innovate. And most importantly, it denied European consumers a genuine choice of services and the full benefits of innovation,”
EU Competition Commissioner Margrethe Vestager told reporters.

Google maintains it’s just trying to package its search results in a way that makes it easier for consumers to find what they want.

“When you shop online, you want to find the products you’re looking for quickly and easily. And advertisers want to promote those same products. That’s why Google shows shopping ads, connecting our users with thousands of advertisers, large and small, in ways that are useful for both,”
Kent Walker, senior vice president at Google, said in a statement.

“We will review the Commission’s decision in detail as we consider an appeal, and we look forward to continuing to make our case,” he said.

The fine is the highest ever imposed in Europe for anti-competitive behavior, exceeding a 1.06 billion euros penalty on Silicon Valley chip maker Intel in 2009.

But the penalty is likely to leave a bigger dent in Google’s pride and reputation than its finances. Alphabet has more than $92 billion (82 billion euros) in cash, including nearly $56 billion (50 billion euros) in accounts outside of Europe.

Related: 14 Eyebrow-Raising Things Google Knows About You

Vestager said the Commission’s probe, which started in 2008, looked at some 1.7 billion search queries. Investigators found that on average even Google Shopping’s most highly-ranked rivals only appeared on page 4 of Google search results. Vestager said that 90 percent of user-clicks are on page one.

“As a result, competitors were much less likely to be clicked on,” she said. It is up to Google to decide what changes it wants to make to comply with the Commission’s ruling, but any remedy must ensure that rival companies receive the same treatment as Google Shopping. “We will monitor Google’s compliance closely,” Vestager said.

She noted that that any company or person who has suffered damages due to the company’s practices can make claims to national courts.

More broadly, Vestager said, the probe has established that Google is dominant in general internet search in all 31 countries of the European economic area. This will affect other cases the Commission might build against the internet giant’s various businesses, like Google Images.

Related: Whatever You Do, Do Not Use Google Allo: Snowden

She also noted that regulators are making “good progress” in its other Google probes into Android and search advertising, and that the “preliminary conclusion” is that they breach EU anti-trust rules.

The Commission has come under fire in the United States for a perceived bias against U.S. companies.

Vestager said she has examined statistics concerning anti-trust, merger control and state aid decisions and that “I can find no facts to support any kind of bias.”

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Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi

World Of Naked Lies
July 7 2017 | From: DrSircus / AllGovernmentsLie / Various

Lying seems to be the foundation of human intelligence and civilization. Robert Fisk writes, “We do not live in a “post-truth” world, neither in the Middle East nor in the West – nor in Russia, for that matter. We live in a world of lies. And we always have lived in a world of lies.”

Anyone alive today that believes we are living in a world of truth, justice and love needs to have their heads examined.

Related: Why The Truth Is Vilified (And Lies Are Celebrated) Everyw here Across Our Twisted Society

We live in a world of lies and half-truths, which are really the same or worse than outright lies, because they confuse the human mind. Lies cause unmeasurable amounts of human suffering and lead people to early graves.

We lie and we never stop lying, even to ourselves. Governments lie and they want us to believe in their lies. The press lies pretending to represent the truth but that is understandable because they are wholly owned by elite masters who tell them what to publish. Historians lie but not all of them.

Egyptologists lie because they do not want to know anything besides what they have already thought of as the truth of Egypt’s ancient past.

Certainly, bankers lie about their honesty and doctor’s lie about the dangers of their drugs and surgery done without supplementing with magnesium.

Related: Dear Western Peoples; There Is No Freedom Without Truth

They even lie about heart attacks never saying people who go into cardiac arrest are actually dying of magnesium deficiencies. Dentists of course lie about fluoride and their use of the highly toxic neurological poison mercury.

Therefore, we lie and our institutions are built on pyramids of lies. So why do we trust liars? How can anyone be arrogant about realities of lies when there is no truth left? What is truth if we have nothing but lies?

What is amazing is that these past years they have even been lying about the weather. Imagine the weatherman telling people in New York that it is sunny and warm but when you step outside it is cold and raining. It is that bad.

I have written for nine years on global cooling probably publishing over 70 essays on the subject. Do a Google search on, Record high temperature and Record low temperature and see what comes up. I just got 9,460,000 results (0.55 seconds) for high temperatures and 78,100,000 results (0.58 seconds) for cold temperatures.

Not that the google search means much but it does suggest one start reading about what is going down on our planet if one is interested in surviving the future.

Record Cold USA During Summer in Dakotas & Great Lakes, Media Ignores

We have become accustomed to white lies in our everyday lives and have become accustomed to not believing everything we hear. Whether it is someone’s description on a dating app or a resume for work, we take what we listen to with a grain of salt.

Some people fiercely filter information for fabrications, exaggerations, plagiarism, white lies, and most of all: deception. However, as one study suggests, we are on average only able to catch 54% of lies. Strikingly, in the same study, trained police officers, judges, and FBI agents were not that much better than the average person was.

All forms of information have lost their integrity. All institutions - from the academy to commerce to governance to non-profits - have lost their integrity. Worse perhaps, than secret agencies telling lies with no evidence and the mainstream media telling lies on command from its financial masters, is an all-out war on truth.

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“There are facts, there are opinions, and there are lies,” says historian Deborah Lipstadt who encourages us all to go on the offensive against those who assault the truth and facts. “Truth is not relative,” she says. Therefore, we really have no choice but to question and challenge everything.

What is the truth of the liberal mind? What is their greatest wet dream? They want the whole world to be one big happy family, where borders are meaningless, people can freely move from one country to the next, and no society is inherently better than another is.

They preach diversity, but they want the world to be blended into one drab monoculture that falls in line with their beliefs and violently oppose others, who believe in quaint ideas of nationalism for example.

Today nationalists and patriots are evil people in the eyes of liberals and progressives who forget the truth of what these words mean. According to the Merriam-Webster dictionary, nationalism simply means “love for or devotion to one’s country.” According to thefreedictionary.com, a patriot is “a person who loves, supports, and defends his or her country and its interests.”

Related: Many Scientific “Truths” Are, In Fact, False + A Scientist Explains Why "Everything Is Fucked"

So for sure they lied about 9-11, what started the Second World War and about how the world is doing with global debt now hitting $217 trillion, which is 327% Of GDP. We could go on forever listing lies.

Religions lie. We know that because if that were not the truth then only one religion is a true one and the rest bull because they all contradict each other.

In a world of lies one has to wonder the truth about everything, even what happened in Germany during WWII?

Come on, they even lie about iodine in salt, as if it would do anyone any good because once put on the table the iodine evaporates quickly. Most people have no idea what truth is or the process of finding it. The truth is as unpopular today as it has always been. If you are a person of truth and you hear the truth, it rather excites you. The truth, if we are not living it, is almost unbearable to hear.

The sounds of silence are the sounds of lies, omissions of fact and reality so large it is more than manipulation. Did you know that one’s silence could be deadly? One can actually do mass murder with silence by deliberately holding back information that can be lifesaving.

Related: The Truth About Money Is Out & Austerity In 8 Minutes: Why It Does Not Work, Why It Is Still Practised

Tell that to your doctor for he is the one who most needs to know this. What is going on in Fukushima is perhaps the greatest silent lie. Things are so bad there we hear nothing about it.

Perhaps the most dangerous lies today center around Russia. Sick politicians in both American and Europe are risking all of our lives in a nuclear war with their lies. Crimea is Russian. All the people there speak Russian. Almost every one of them voted to rejoin Russia.

The West is completely irrational, not only about Islam but also about just about everything. It is inviting its own destruction. They have even convinced the Russian high command, which has already announced its conclusion, that Washington is preparing a surprise nuclear attack on Russia.

The West is completely separated from reality says Paul Craig Roberts.

Conclusion – A Little Bit of Truth

The heart can only stand the truth but our minds can wonder all over the universe of lies without problem. We said in the beginning that lies hurt people. Powerful people everywhere routinely make decisions that hurt others. The old saying is right: Power really does corrupt.

No one is honest about their corruption so they have to lie. Therefore, the lies that permeate civilization start at the top among the most powerful.

Recent psychological research suggests that powerful people behave remarkably like traumatic brain injury victims. Controlled experiments show that, given power over others, people often become impulsive and less sensitive to risk.

Related: Ten Years On: Al Gore's 'Inconvenient Truth' Propaganda Film Turns Out To Be Total Bunk - How Is His Profit From Carbon Taxes Not Criminal Fraud?

Most important, test subjects often lose empathy, that is, the ability to understand and share the feelings of others. Said another way they lose their hearts, the intelligence of the heart, their own organs of truth so in a sense they become stupid.

Rich in money and possessions but without hearts leaves the most powerful without the kind of vulnerability that leads to love so actually they are poor in spirit, poor in their ability to feel but strong in their ability to abuse. They also lose their capacity to mirror and listen to others.

All Governments Lie

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Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi

What The History Channel Left Out About The Declassified CIA Program: “History Of MK-Ultra”
July 7 2017 | From: CollectiveEvolution / Various

Over the past week, I’ve been watching the History Channel’s America’s War on Drugs mini docu-series. To my surprise, the History Channel was shockingly honest about the CIA’s involvement in the war on drugs and the massive political propaganda campaigns that went along with it.

The series criminalized the CIA and the government, and rightly so, discussing their involvement in drug trafficking, production, and testing - on both volunteers and unwilling patients - and even murder.

Related: Monarch Mind Control & The MK-Ultra Program

Part of the first episode honed in on the CIA’s top-secret program that is now declassified, MK-Ultra, which involved sexual and physical abuse, drug testing, hypnosis, mind control, and other types of torture. However, the only aspect that the History Channel discussed in their MK Ultra overview was the role that LSD played.

The CIA designed LSD with a Swiss manufacturer as part of the MK Ultra program in hopes that they could force people to take it and convince them to do unspeakable acts, all of which they’d forget the following morning, once the drugs wore off. 

Related: The CIA Didn’t Just Torture, It Experimented on Human Beings

Testing started with unwilling participants being lured into a hotel room by prostitutes, who would then slip the drugs into their drinks. A CIA agent would then watch the test subjects as they tripped out behind a wall of the hotel room.

The particular project within MK Ultra that the prostitutes were involved with was called Midnight Climax. This eventually turned into full-blown brothels in the U.S. run by the CIA, whereby the women working there would lure men into them, but instead of receiving sexual favours, were unknowingly drugged and then observed by CIA agents.

The CIA then started to test willing patients in lab settings, observing their reactions to LSD and asking them questions. To their disappointment, instead of helping them control their patients’ minds, LSD actually freed their minds.

Despite the propaganda campaign on the war on drugs, whereby the government was telling people they were against all drug use, it was the government who brought LSD over and put it in the hands of the public.

Related: French Bread Spiked With LSD In CIA Experiment

Though the History Channel provided a fairly accurate depiction in the role LSD played in MK Ultra, it left out all of the brutal torture, sexual abuse, and other immoral tests performed on these patients.

MK Ultra wasn’t an unsuccessful program, either; CIA agents were able to successfully mind control many victims, many of whom were children. Of course, the History Channel failed to provide these haunting details in their TV program.

A 1975 document addressed to the President stated:

“The drug program was part of a much larger CIA program to study possible means for controlling human behaviour. Other studies explored the effects of radiation, electric-shock, psychology, psychiatry, sociology and harassment substances.”

The TV program itself was about drugs, so it’s understandable to a certain degree that they left these details out (you can watch the MK Ultra clip here). Plus, the History Channel is owned by A&E, which is owned by Walt Disney, so perhaps they didn’t want to be associated with discussing such subjects.

Related: Mind Control Theories And Techniques Used By Mass Media

However, the History Channel went on to create a page on their website titled the “History of MK Ultra,” which does not portray the full picture of what exactly happened inside of the CIA’s MK Ultra program.

So, What Did the History Channel Leave Out About MK Ultra?

The CIA-sanctioned program ran from the 1950s until the mid-1970s, though many believe that aspects of the program still exist today. The experiments were intended to identify drugs as well as procedures to be used in interrogations and torture in order to weaken victims and force confessions out of them through the use of mind control.

Though the TV show lightly touched on the severe mental abuse participants endured, it completely left out the physical and sexual abuse involved as well as the other gruesome details of the experiments.

Related: Rare Footage Shows US and British Soldiers Getting Dosed with LSD in Government-Sponsored Tests (1958 + 1964)

Most of the documents regarding MK Ultra were destroyed by the CIA, which isn’t surprising given the nature of the experiments. It wasn’t uncommon for unwilling patients to be forced into sensory deprivation or electroshock therapy. Of course, the test subjects reacted negatively, with many ending up permanently comatose.

Anton Chaitkin explains in his essay British Psychiatry: From Eugenics to Assassination” under the MK Ultra section:

“Cameron would drug his victims to sleep for weeks on end, waking them daily only to administer violent electric shocks to the brain. . . . Patients lost all or part of their memories, and some lost the ability to control their bodily functions and to speak.”

It is known that there were deaths within the experiments, and I’m not just referring to the test subjects. There were also mysterious murder/suicide situations, like when biochemist Frank Olson, who worked on MK Ultra test subjects, allegedly committed suicide, though the medical examiner found his injuries to be consistent with a homicide.

Chaitkin explained: “For the CIA, Cameron tested the South American poison called curare, which kills a victim while simulating natural heart failure.”

Related: Corporate Mass Media Controls Your Mind

Many other claims have come to light regarding the destroyed CIA documents, thanks to whistleblowers who have come forward who were involved in the actual experiments. A 1954 document allegedly stated that two hypnotized women were forced into conflict, with an agent telling one of the women to “fly into a rage and shoot her,” which she allegedly did.

A hypnotist involved in the experiments came forward, admitting he hypnotized and forced “young girls to engage in sexual intercourse with him.” Other MK Ultra test subjects were allegedly put through sleep deprivation and were made to eat their own feces and drink their own urine. Other details mentioned are discussed in our CE article here.

Chaitkin also went on to detail the funding of the MK Ultra experiments, explaining the elite’s role in it, including a “Masonic charity” and a 33rd degree mason. The elite’s involvement with MK Ultra and associated programs runs deep, and some of the more underground practices inspired by MK Ultra still occur today.

Related: Confession Of A Human Programmer: Illuminati Mind Control

Ted Gunderson, a former FBI special agent and head of their L.A. office, worked to uncover years’ worth of information on high-level pedophilia, sexual abuse, and satanic rituals performed by the elite, some of which related to MK Ultra. You can read more about that in our CE article here.

Gunderson worked alongside Brice Taylor, a sex slave involved with an extension of the CIA program MK Ultra. You can watch her testimony below.

Brice Taylor & Ted Gunderson - MKULTRA Mind Control Revealed: The True Story


Though MK Ultra ended in the 70s, many whistleblowers have come forward stating that a classified program called Monarch Mind Control (MMC) continued on, which included many children as test subjects. MMC is noted as a mind control technique that combines occult rituals, psychology, and neuroscience to create an alter ego within a desired subject.

It is believed by many that once fully programmed, monarch slaves are then used on demand by an elite group to carry out rituals, performances, deliver messages, etc. to achieve a desired outcome.

Related: Television Mind Control Exposed

In a 1992 speech, well-respected author and psychologist Dr. Cory Hammond delved deeper into the subject of MMC, shedding light on how exactly the process works. Here are some key excerpts from his talk:

“When you start to find the same highly esoteric information in different states and different countries, from Florida to California, you start to get an idea that there’s something going on that is very large, very well coordinated, with a great deal of communication and systematicness to what’s happening. 

So I have gone from someone kind of neutral and not knowing what to think about it all to someone who clearly believes ritual abuse is real. . . .

What they basically do is they will get a child and they will start this, in basic forms it appears, by about two-and-a-half after the child’s already been made dissociative. 

They’ll make him dissociative not only through abuse, like sexual abuse, but also things like putting a mousetrap on their fingers and teaching the parents, “You do not go in until the child stops crying. Only then do you go in and remove it.” 

They start in rudimentary forms at about age two and a half and kick into high gear, it appears, around six or six and a half, continue through adolescence with periodic reinforcements in adulthood."

You can read more about MMC in our CE article here.

Related: Are You A Mind-Controlled CIA Stooge? + The Term “Conspiracy Theory” Was Invented By The CIA In Order To Prevent Disbelief Of Official Government Stories

Infamous comedian and actress Roseanne Barr has also made some shocking statements, alluding that Hollywood and the entertainment industry are dominated by MK Ultra to this day. You can hear what she has to say in this CE article here.

Former child start Corey Feldman has also echoed Barr’s words, sharing his own experiences of abuse within the industry. He explained:

“I can tell you that the number one problem in Hollywood was, and is, and always will be pedophilia. That’s the biggest problem, for children in this industry. . . . It’s all done under the radar . . .  it’s the big secret. I was surrounded by them when I was 14 years old . . . they were everywhere, like vultures.”

“There was a circle of older men that surrounded themselves around this group of kids, and they all had either their own power or connections to great power in the entertainment industry.”

Final Thoughts 

Though the CIA sanctioned program, MK Ultra, may have ended in the 70s, it’s clear that the cycle of ritual, abuse, and mind control techniques that were involved with the experiments has not.

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Please keep in mind that this article only skims the surface when it comes to the subject of the government and the elite’s involvement with mind control and programming, so I encourage you to do your own research!

Some great places to start include our website, Vigilant Citizen (particularly this article on a leading American fashion model/MK Ultra victim), the CIA government website, and testimonies from MK Ultra and Monarch whistleblowers who have come forward (whether they’re test subjects, agents, or scientists).

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Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi

Australia: A New Church Pedophile Scandal Erupts & Vatican's 3rd Most Powerful Figure, Cardinal Pell, Charged With Multiple Sex Assaults
July 6 2017 | From: Infowars / RT / Various

It’s absurd to think pedophilia in the Church rears its ugly head here and there, now and then - it’s institutional.

Reuters, June 29, from Sydney and Vatican City: “A top adviser to Pope Francis was charged with multiple historical sex crimes in his native Australia on Thursday, bringing a worldwide abuse scandal to the heart of the Vatican.”

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“Appointed Vatican economy minister by Francis, Cardinal George Pell is the highest-ranking Church official to face such accusations. He asserted his innocence and said the pontiff had given him leave of absence to return to Australia to defend himself.”

“But Pell, a former archbishop of Melbourne and Sydney, had come under pressure from an Australian government commission on institutional child abuse, and had himself been under investigation for at least a year.”

What are the chances Cardinal Pell survives this scandal? Already ill, will he conveniently die before the Australian investigation puts him through the wringer?

The intrigues of the Vatican are endless, and they always have been. The silent wars taking place between factions have taken many forms. In this case, Cardinal Pell was originally appointed by Pope Francis to clean up the financial mess (numerous scandals) in the Church, but Pell ran into roadblocks as he tried to push that agenda forward.

Whether Pell is innocent or guilty of pedophilia, it’s possible that power blocs within Vatican City decided to discredit him and sideline him, in order to maintain secrecy about the money crimes they’ve been committing - they ramped up the pedophile investigation in Australia to take Pell out of the picture.

Related: Eyewitness who Named the Queen in Child Abduction Case, Found Dead

Since their earliest days, the Vatican has been a money machine, using religion as a front to raise cash. In the process, the Church “fathers” have condoned and/or participated in child sexual abuse and rape.

It’s absurd to think pedophilia in the Church rears its ugly head here and there, now and then. It’s institutional and embedded and always has been.

As I mentioned in a previous article about another subject, the limited hangout is a typical strategy of large organizations, when faced with exposure. Confession of a crime is made, as if the offense is highly unusual or limited to a particular person or sub-group, and a promise is made to investigate and root out the problem.

But the real goal is: admit a “mistake,” make that the whole story (when it isn’t), and hope the wider ongoing crime vanishes from public consciousness.

“Well, it was just that one cardinal and some other pedophile bishop we heard about. I’m glad the Church is remedying the situation…”

Not on your life. The Church IS that situation, all over the world.

In the case of Cardinal Pell, a covert Church op can be taking place on several levels at once: Discredit Pell, smash his reputation in order to keep hiding financial crimes inside the Vatican; and produce a limited hangout by admitting that Pell is guilty of pedophile acts, as if he is the exception rather the rule.

For purposes of this covert op, it doesn’t matter whether Pell is, in fact, guilty or innocent. It only matters that he serves a purpose.

The public at large, of course, never gets to see the actual op. They only get to see what the Vatican wants them to.

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If this sounds like we’re talking about an intelligence agency, a CIA, for example, and its devious strategies, we are definitely talking about that. The CIA and every other intelligence agency in the West has, over time, learned much from the machinations of Vatican City.

The Papacy and its right arm, the Jesuits (you can reverse that order of power and control) is the granddaddy of all intelligence operations; but that’s another story for another time.

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Vatican's 3rd Most Powerful Figure, Cardinal Pell, Charged With Multiple Sex Assaults

Australia’s highest-ranking Roman Catholic clergyman, Vatican treasurer Cardinal George Pell, has been charged by Australian police over sex allegations from "multiple complainants." The Vatican has released a statement of support for Pell, citing his "honesty."

"Cardinal Pell is facing multiple charges in respect of historic sexual offences," Victoria state police deputy commissioner Shane Patton told the media in Melbourne on Thursday.

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The extent of the charges the senior Vatican cardinal is facing has not been revealed by police. However, according to Patton, "there are multiple complainants relating to those charges."

There might be up to 10 alleged victims, Australian news website News.com.au reports, adding that they were minors at the time of the alleged assaults and are now aged from their late 20s to their early 50s.

The allegations are believed to stretch from the time that Pell was a priest in the Australian town of Ballarat to when he was Archbishop of Melbourne. It is alleged that the cardinal groomed boys at a swimming pool in Ballarat in the 1970s and committed sexual assaults at St Patrick’s Cathedral in Melbourne, according to The Australian.

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The cardinal, who did not admit to any of the alleged offences and has denied reports that have been circulating in the media for months, was charged by summons to appear before a Melbourne court on July 18.

Since 2014, Pell has lived in the Vatican, with which Australia has no extradition treaty, meaning the cardinal could potentially avoid prosecution if he chose not to return to his home country.

However, the Australian Catholic Church said in a statement Thursday that the cardinal:

ill return to Australia, as soon as possible, to clear his name."

"He said he is looking forward to his day in court and will defend the charges vigorously," the statement added.

The Vatican has released its own statement, stressing that Pope Francis has respect for Pell's "honesty" and "energetic dedication" to his work on Church financial reform.

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It went on to state that Pell has:

“Openly and repeatedly condemned as immoral and intolerable the acts of abuse committed against minors; has cooperated in the past with Australian authorities... has supported the Pontifical Commission for the Protection of Minors; and finally, as a diocesan bishop in Australia, has introduced systems and procedures both for the protection of minors and to provide assistance to victims of abuse."

Pell, 76, was promoted to cardinal in 2003 and three years ago he was appointed to serve as the Vatican treasurer, considered to be the third most powerful post behind the Pope.

While it is the first time that formal charges are brought against Pell, he was subject of an investigation in the early 2000s after claims emerged that he had molested an altar boy back in the 1960s, The Age reported.

At the time, Pell denied the allegations against him, dubbing them "lies."

Cardinal Pell is Just 1 of Over 8,000 Priests Accused of Pedophilia

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In February, the Australian Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Child Sexual Abuse released a report stating that more than 4,000 children, mostly boys, have been allegedly sexually abused by Catholic priests in Australia over a period of decades.

According to the investigation, since the 1950s some 7 percent of priests in the country were alleged perpetrators. The commission also said that since the 1980s, the Catholic Church has paid over $200 million to victims of alleged sex abuse committed by priests in Australia over decades.

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Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi

Deep Medical Fraud: Logical Insight Cancels Brain Fog & FDA Quietly Bans Powerful Life-Saving Intravenous Vitamin C
July 5 2017 | From: JonRappoport / NaturalNews / Various

In the course of an investigation, a clue can turn up that changes everything. It exposes massive falsehoods and fraud.

But the meaning of the clue doesn’t always tap the investigator on the shoulder and reveal its full implications. The force of the rational insight is on a delay mechanism, as it were.

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When I was writing my first book, AIDS INC., in the late 1980s, I was surrounded by much confusion. A bewildering number of facts and opinions and lies were being fed to me by various sources. I was taping notes to my walls and trying to sort out the mess of spaghetti.

One day, while I was researching the AIDS antibody test, I spoke to an official at the FDA. He mentioned that, if a vaccine were developed for HIV, anyone who received it would be given a special letter from the government.

The letter would declare that if this person ever tested positive for HIV, the result should be ignored, because the antibodies that made the test turn positive were resulting from the protective vaccine, not lethal HIV in the body.

After I hung up the phone, I tried to think through what I had just heard. Something strange was going on. What was it? About a week later, it hit me. The brain fog was gone.

Related: Is Wikipedia Covering Up The True Origin of AIDS?

The official government position implied: if an HIV vaccine were ever developed, it would stimulate antibodies to HIV in the body and thus confer protection against AIDS. But…

If an unvaccinated person, taking an HIV test, registered positive, that result would signal the presence of antibodies to HIV in the body - and THAT would mean the person had AIDS or was on the road to developing it.

However, in either case, THE ANTIBODIES WERE THE SAME. If they were stimulated and acquired through a vaccine, that was a good sign. It meant immunity. But if these same antibodies were acquired naturally, as a response to making contact with HIV, that was a bad sign. It meant AIDS, now, or just up the road.

Vaccine antibodies GOOD. Natural antibodies BAD. THE SAME ANTIBODIES.

Unintentionally implicit in the FDA spokesman’s statements was the logical walkway called reductio ad absurdum; a reduction to absurdity. In other words, if you took the FDA man’s claim about the letter a person vaccinated against HIV would carry with him - and if you thought it through and saw all the implications, you would see the whole proposal was absurd to the highest degree.

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A vaccine would produce an effect, X, which would confer immunity. The body, producing the same effect, X, would signal impending disease and even death.

Medical solution GOOD. Body’s natural solution BAD.

Time and time again in my investigations, I’ve found reductio ad absurdum to be a very good friend and ally. Aristotle originally formulated the strategy, and it has stood the time of time quite nicely.

The overall pattern is rather simple: take an assertion; understand what it claims; lay out the chain of implications that follow from the assertion; show that this chain leads to an impossible or absurd consequence. THEREFORE, reject the assertion.

Related: Big Pharma and Mainstream Media Attack Coconut Oil with Mis-information

It’s like following a faulty set of directions. You drive through various streets and shift from one highway to another, all in the process of finding your way home from a distant location. But the directions finally lead you to a series of barriers at the desolate end of a highway, beyond which there is no road, only a pile of construction materials and a dank dark river you’ve never seen before.

It’s not home. It’s not useful. It makes no sense. It’s reductio ad absurdum.

The idea that a HIV vaccine would confer immunity, while a person’s own body - producing the same antibodies - wouldn’t confer immunity, is preposterous.

Related: What is MSM? A Dietary Sulfur Based Anti-Inflammatory Supplement

In the years since AIDS INC. was published, I’ve written about the sea-change that has occurred in disease diagnosis and vaccine “protection.” These days, a person receiving an antibody test for ANY given disease is told he is “positive” for the disease if antibodies show up on the test. But if he receives a vaccine that produces the same antibodies, he’s told he’s immune.

It makes zero sense.

Here is a final clue. A positive antibody test is no reason to tell a person he is sick or is going to get sick. A positive test most often indicates the person’s immune system has swung into gear and neutralized the germ in question.

BUT if the medical establishment decides, arbitrarily, to interpret every positive test as a sign of illness, then many, many more people can be diagnosed with diseases. And then…

They can be treated with drugs. And then, pharmaceutical cash registers ring like crazy with profits.

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FDA Quietly Bans Powerful Life-Saving Intravenous Vitamin C

It would be naive to think that the FDA endeavors to protect the public’s health as its primary focus. Indeed, that would be a conflict of interest, as it serves its master, the pharmaceutical industry.

Has the Food and Drug Administration engineered a shortage of intravenous vitamin C as part of an overall attack on natural and non-toxic approaches to healing that compete with prescription drugs? An analysis by Natural Blaze would suggest that the answer is yes.

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Natural Blaze claims that a critical shortage of IV bags in general followed an FDA ban on the mass production of intravenous vitamin C.

The FDA limited the availability of IV-C and the pharmaceutical industry halted production of injectable vitamins and minerals, after a 60 minute story about the miraculous recovery of a swine flu patient on life support. Because of the shortage of IV-C, doctors called upon compounding pharmacies to produce it.

But the FDA began to limit compounding pharmacies after injectable steroids produced by the New England Compounding Center were contaminated with a fungus that caused a deadly outbreak of meningitis.

Related: Berkeley Doctor Claims People Die From Chemotherapy, Not Cancer + Cancer Researchers Discover How High-Dose Vitamin C Kills Cancer Cells

Here is an example of an entire industry being punished for the dubious practices of one compounding pharmacy.

Try and follow this convoluted story: Doctors began to source NECC for its more expensive product because cheaper generic versions were in short supply. But it was the FDA’s increased inspection of drug factories that disrupted the supply chain in the first place. So the meningitis deaths were in part caused by the onerous actions of the FDA.

Natural Blaze reports;

“… without anyone noticing, and by many indirect means of banning production of the bags or shutting down those doing the production of the bags and the injectable vitamins and minerals, access to IV solutions for innumerable treatments for diseases, have gone into critical shortage.”

Vitamin C and the Big C

Could the shortage of IV-C be part of an effort to limit alternative cancer therapies? DrWhitaker.com states;

“… vitamin C is a potent antioxidant that has the power to boost immune function, increase resistance to infection, and protect against a wide range of diseases. But there’s an entirely different and largely unknown role of vitamin C, and that is its ability - when administered in very high doses by intravenous (IV) infusions - to kill cancer cells.

Best of all - and unlike virtually all conventional chemotherapy drugs that destroy cancer cells - it is selectively toxic. No matter how high the concentration, vitamin C does not harm healthy cells.”

Dr. Whitaker continues:

“The only way to get blood levels of vitamin C to the concentrations required to kill cancer cells is to administer it intravenously. … For example, 10 g of IV vitamin C raises blood levels 25 times higher than the same dose taken orally, and this increases up to 70-fold as doses get larger.”

Choose Health, Choose Life

When the human body is challenged by pathogens or needs to heal from injuries or surgery, its requirement for vitamin C increases considerably.

If hospitals routinely administered intravenous ascorbic acid, a proven and inexpensive treatment, patient outcomes would improve. When one weighs the risk of infection from deadly superbugs in hospitals today, IV vitamin C as a preventative safeguard makes all the more sense.

To learn how to secure IV-C in advance of a hospital stay for yourself or a family member, check out this very useful advice at DoctorYourself.com. You will learn how to deal with objections from physicians and hospital administrators regarding this “alt-health” remedy. It will require some moxie, but doing so may save a life.

Related: Are All Vitamins Safe?

Supporters of Obamacare believe that access to affordable healthcare is the most  important consideration. But of even greater concern should be the ability to choose your own treatment modality, such as IV-C. In other words, medical freedom of choice trumps universal access.

Many of us involved in the health freedom movement are outraged by the disregard for our natural rights by unelected federal bureaucracies such as the FDA.

We hope for a day when a critical mass of aware citizens will hold their elected officials accountable to overturn toxic policies that favor Big Pharma’s obscene profits over our health and well-being. And that day is long overdue.

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Obama Classmate: He Was A Drug Using, Lying, Homosexual Foreigner
& Clintons Admit Guilt For Nasty Crime - Media Covering It Up
July 5 2017 | From: ConservativePost / TeaParty

Mia Marie Pope, who was a high school friend of Barack Obama (aka Barry Soetoro) in Hawaii during the 1970s, says that Obama identified himself as a foreigner in high school and was known as a crack-smoking homosexual, Western Journalism reported.

All News PipeLine had the opportunity of speaking with a former Barack Obama acquaintance, Mia Marie Pope, who knew Obama in between the 1977-1979 years in Hawaii.

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Pope claims he was a “compulsive, pathological liar” even then, referring to him in the interview below and previous ones as “clinically insane,” stating he not only had a drug habit but that he traded sex for drugs with a gay drug dealer named “gay-Ray.”

She delves into the sealing of Obama’s records and the reasons why “flunky Barry” doesn’t want the public to see them.

Pope makes it clear that had she not believed that Obama was literally destroying America, we wouldn’t “have heard a peep” from her and that she has no political affiliation.

Mia also has a message to the military, law enforcement, and “we the people” who she reminds us are “the boss” because we pay the bills in Washington and that message is “do not comply.”

Mia believes the “do not comply” mantra could very well be the first step in taking back America.

Mia Marie Pope Ousts Barack Obama as a Foreigner on the Manning Report

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Clintons Admit Guilt For Nasty Crime - Media Covering It Up

The Clinton crime family remains free from consequence as the mainstream media continues to ignore the crimes of the Democrat party.

The Clintons were forced to admit that the Clinton Foundation accepted a $1 million “donation” from Qatar and lied to cover it up. Qatar offered the massive sum while Hillary Clinton was serving as Secretary of State.

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Both Hillary and Bill Clinton were forced to sign an ethics agreement when Hillary was appointed as Secretary of State. The agreement required the power couple to disclose all new foreign donations.

Hillary Clinton was asked to lead the State Department in 2009. The Clinton Foundation made a full list of their donors available in 2010. However, the foundation has refused to provide a full list of donors for any year after 2010, in clear violation of the ethics agreement they signed.

The Clintons refused to disclose their full donor list because the Clinton Foundation began accepting donations from foreign governments in exchange for influence with the newly appointed Secretary of State.

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Foreign governments could only gain access to the Hillary Clinton and the power of the State Department by making massive donations to the Clinton slush fund, which is disguised as a global charity.

In 2011, the Islamic government of Qatar “donated” $1 million to the Foundation to celebrate Bill Clinton’s birthday. In exchange, government officials bought face time with the Clintons in New York.

Clinton Foundation officials admitted that they failed to reach the requirements of the ethics agreement. However, they blamed the lapse on an oversight. The Foundation has yet to provide a complete list of donors who provided funding to Hillary Clinton’s charity while she (pretended to) served the American people.

Related: John Podesta In A Frenzy Converting $40B Clinton Foundation Assets Into Gold, Diamonds & Artwork

Typically, violating an ethics agreement with the federal government and accepting millions in a pay-to-play scheme would generate outrage in the media, and spawn investigations in congress. Unfortunately, the Clinton crime family remains immune from consequence as they continue to sell out the American people.

The Washington elites have developed a two-tier justice system where the rich and powerful are immune from consequence. Hillary Clinton can get away with crimes that would lock average Americans up for life.

President Trump needs to name a special prosecutor at once. It’s a scandal, and Hillary Clinton is still walking free. We need to make an example of the evil power broker.

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Top Canadian Court Permits Worldwide Internet Censorship & Five-Eyes Nations Want Communications Providers To Bust Crypto For Them
July 4 2017 | From: Zerohedge / TheRegister

A country has the right to prevent the world’s Internet users from accessing information, Canada’s highest court ruled on Wednesday.

In a decision that has troubling implications for free expression online, the Supreme Court of Canada upheld a company’s effort to force Google to de-list entire domains and websites from its search index, effectively making them invisible to everyone using Google’s search engine

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The case, Google v. Equustek, began when British Columbia-based Equustek Solutions accused Morgan Jack and others, known as the Datalink defendants, of selling counterfeit Equustek routers online. It claimed California-based Google facilitated access to the defendants’ sites.

The defendants never appeared in court to challenge the claim, allowing default judgment against them, which meant Equustek effectively won without the court ever considering whether the claim was valid.

Although Google was not named in the lawsuit, it voluntarily took down specific URLs that directed users to the defendants’ products and ads under the local (Canadian) Google.ca domains.

But Equustek wanted more, and the British Columbia Supreme Court ruled that Google had to delete the entire domain from its search results, including from all other domains such Google.com and Google.go.uk. The British Columbia Court of Appeal upheld the decision, and the Supreme Court of Canada decision followed the analysis of those courts.

EFF intervened in the case, explaining [.pdf] that such an injunction ran directly contrary to both the U.S. Constitution and statutory speech protections. Issuing an order that would cut off access to information for U.S. users would set a dangerous precedent for online speech. 

In essence, it would expand the power of any court in the world to edit the entire Internet, whether or not the targeted material or site is lawful in another country. That, we warned, is likely to result in a race to the bottom, as well-resourced individuals engage in international forum-shopping to impose the one country’s restrictive laws regarding free expression on the rest of the world.

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The Supreme Court of Canada ignored those concerns. It ruled that because Google was subject to the jurisdiction of Canadian courts by virtue of its operations in Canada, courts in Canada had the authority to order Google to delete search results worldwide. The court further held that there was no inconvenience to Google in removing search results, and Google had not shown the injunction would offend any rights abroad.

Perhaps even worse, the court ruled that before Google can modify the order, it has to prove that the injunction violates the laws of another nation thus shifting the burdent of proof from the plaintiff to a non-party.

An innocent third party to a lawsuit shouldn’t have to shoulder the burden or proving whether an injunction violates the laws of another country.

Although companies like Google may be able to afford such costs, many others will not, meaning many overbroad and unlawful orders may go unchallenged. Instead, once the issue has been raised at all, it should be the job of the party seeking the benefit of an order, such as Equustek, to establish that there is no such conflict. Moreover, numerous intervenors, including EFF, provided ample evidence of that conflicts in this case.

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Beyond the flaws of the ruling itself, the court’s decision will likely embolden other countries to try to enforce their own speech-restricting laws on the Internet, to the detriment of all users. As others have pointed out, it’s not difficult to see repressive regimes such as China or Iran use the ruling to order Google to de-index sites they object to, creating a worldwide heckler’s veto.

The ruling largely sidesteps the question of whether such a global order would violate foreign law or intrude on Internet users’ free speech rights. Instead, the court focused on whether or not Google, as a private actor, could legally choose to take down speech and whether that would violate foreign law.

This framing results in Google being ordered to remove speech under Canadian law even if no court in the United States could issue a similar order.

The Equustek decision is part of a troubling trend around the world of courts and other governmental bodies ordering that content be removed from the entirety of the Internet, not just in that country's locale. On the same day the Supreme Court of Canada’s decision issued, a court in Europe heard arguments as to whether to expand the right-to-be-forgotten worldwide.

Related: Here’s How You Stop Internet Censorship

Five-Eyes Nations Want Communications Providers To Bust Crypto For Them

This week's five-eyes meeting has issued its communique, promising to get the tech sector to solve the problems of online terrorism and encrypted communications.

As is the way of political communiques, there's a carefully-crafted lack of detail (sufficient, for example, for plausible deniability) about what exactly is planned.

Australian govt promises to push Five Eyes nations to break encryption, put in back-doors

The communique explains the five countries need to “deal with the relentless threats of terrorism, violent extremism, cyber-attacks, and international instability, while retaining our deep commitment to the shared values of democracy, human rights and the rule of law”.

The relevant ministers of Australia, New Zealand, Canada, the United Kingdom and the USA pledged their support for the recently-announced “Global Internet Forum to Counter Terrorism” (Google, Facebook, Microsoft and Twitter).

About encryption, the HTTPS-hosted communique says it can “severely undermine public safety efforts by impeding lawful access to the content of communications during investigations into serious crimes, including terrorism.”

So – wake up, dear reader, we're nearly at the end of the bureaucratese:

“We committed to develop our engagement with communications and technology companies to explore shared solutions while upholding cybersecurity and individual rights and freedoms”.

In other words, rather than passing laws to make crypto safely crackable and set the value of Pi at three, the ministers want the tech sector to do it for them. We think.

You Might Already be Microchipped - Leaked Docs Confirm Virtually Everything on the Planet isTracked

100 Trillion Microscopic Tracking Chips Linking All Resources & People in Real Time.

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Slave Colony On Mars Claim Goes Mainstream
July 4 2017 | From: Exopolitics / RT / Various

On June 29, Alex Jones, host of Infowars.com, interviewed Robert David Steele, a former U.S. Marine Corps and CIA clandestine services official, who volunteered insider information about secret events on Mars. Steele told Jones about a slave colony on Mars, and the existence of “20 years and out” space program which involves children.

Steele’s comments were covered in a number of mainstream news sources including Britain’s Daily Mail, the Daily Beast, and the Washington Post, all of which downplayed his comments as mere conspiracy theory.

Related: NASA tells InfoWars: There are no ‘child slave colonies’ on Mars

Steele reached the rank of Major for the USMC Reserves, Intelligence, from 1976 to 1996, and during this period also worked with the CIA clandestine services (1979-1988).

After nine years as a clandestine operations officer, Steele was one of the first to chase terrorists full time in the 1980’s, left the CIA to become the second-ranking civilian in Marine Corps intelligence, and was responsible for creating the nation’s newest secret intelligence analysis facility. His personal website describes multiple initiatives, which are threatening the Deep State.

Related: Gripping New Adventure As Space Program Insider Tours Mars Colony

During his interview with Jones, Steele said:

“This may strike your listeners as way out, but we actually believe that there is a colony on Mars. It is populated by children who were kidnapped and sent into space on a 20-year ride. So that once they get to Mars they have no alternative but to be slaves on the Mars colony. There’s all types of disclosures coming out.

Jones appeared supportive of what Steele was suggesting:

“Look, I know that 90 per cent of the Nasa missions are secret and I’ve been told by high level Nasa engineers that you have no idea. There is so much stuff going on, but then it goes off into all that.

I know this, we see a bunch of mechanical wreckage on Mars, and people say it looks like mechanics and they say, oh you’re a bunch of conspiracy theorists. Clearly, they don’t want us looking into what is happening’ because ‘every time probes go over they turn them off.

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Ben Collins from the Daily Beast contacted NASA for a response to Steele’s interview by Jones, and got the following denial:

“There are no humans on Mars. There are active rovers on Mars. There was a rumor going around last week that there weren’t. There are,”
Guy Webster, a spokesperson for Mars exploration at NASA, told The Daily Beast. “But there are no humans.”

The Phi Beta Iota Public Intelligence Blog, created by Steele, responded to Collin’s article where more details were provided about the kidnapped children earmarked to be slaves on Mars:

Phi Beta Iota: Steele’s point was lost on the author - children appear to have been kidnapped and sent into space on “20 years and out” missions so that they grow up between the time they leave Earth and the time they arrive on Mars. The “wormhole” capability was lost in 2012.

There will be multiple levels of disclosure, including extraterrestrial “permissions” to experiment on and breed hybrid humans, extraterrestrial technologies finally disclosed, and the entire Pentagon extraterrestrial and intraterrestrial program exposed.

This made it clear that Steele was not talking about child labor on Mars, but of newly arrived adults from Earth who were forced into slave labor after an extended period of travel.

Steele’s initial statement and response is worth examining due to what a number of whistleblowers have said about a secret Mars colony they allegedly visited while serving on classified programs that used wormhole technology.

These include Al Bielek, Michael Relf, Andy Basiago, Arthur Neumann, and a number of others.

Steele is corroborating that such a secret Mars colony does exist and that personnel are taken there using a wormhole, and other exotic transportation systems that will be revealed in upcoming disclosures.

Related: Secret Space Program Disclosure: Founders Of Solar Warden SSP With William Tompkins

None of the above whistleblowers, however, discussed slave labor on Mars. The first to do so was Corey Goode who described, in a May 14, 2015 interview, what he had seen on several occasions during his covert secret space program service from 1987-2007:

"Yes, there were several occasions where there were specialty equipment malfunctions that needed to be repaired immediately. On these rare occasions we would fly down to the location where we would be met by 4 to 6 armed guards.

We would be instructed not to make eye contact or communicate with anyone for any reason unless it was directly related to the work we were there to do.

We would be escorted directly to the location of the work. The local facilities security team would watch us very closely and then escort us directly back to our shuttle craft after the work had been completed and tested. We were never asked if we would like a tour, invited to spend the night or stay and share a meal with the personnel or inhabitants of the facility.

We did however get a chance to see some of the people. They were usually pale, unhealthy looking both physically and mentally and seemed very much like slave labor."

Goode said that on June 20, 2015, he was taken to Mars to conduct an inspection of a corporate-run facility. Goode described the slave labor conditions and an account of the facility commander as a “tyrant and a total megalomaniac”.

What gave Goode’s claim credibility was that two days later, on June 22, the BBC published a story titled, “How to Overthrow a Martian Dictatorship.”  The story discussed a British Interplanetary Society two day event that envisaged a Mars colony ruled over by a ruthless dictator who trampled on the rights of workers in a futurist society controlled by a corporation. The dictator needed to be overthrown without destroying the colony itself.

According to the author of the BBC article, Richard Hollingham, the meeting brought together 30 prominent scientists, engineers and philosophers who took their “task seriously,” only, wink wink, two short blocks from the London headquarters of Britain’s security service, MI6.

Related: Overthrowing a Mars Colony Dictator: British Elite Prepare for the Real Thing

The “hypothetical situation” being debated by leading British engineers and space enthusiasts closely paralleled what Goode was saying was occurring in real time.

Further circumstantial evidence supporting Goode’s claims of slave labor on Mars, and in space more generally, was the U.S. Congress passing legislation on November 16, 2015 exempting companies from all labor regulations pertinent to space mining until 2022.

Section 106 of the U.S. Commercial Space Launch Competitiveness Act specifies the U.S. federal courts as having exclusive jurisdiction to commercial space activities when companies voluntarily submit to U.S. jurisdiction:

(g) Federal jurisdiction. Any claim by a third party or space flight participant for death, bodily injury, or property damage or loss resulting from an activity carried out under the license shall be the exclusive jurisdiction of the Federal courts.

Effectively this act of Congress, which was signed by President Barack Obama on November 25, granted legal protection to companies alleged to be involved in slave labor abuses on Mars and in space. 

In terms of travel to Mars, Steele referred to a “20 and out” space program, which involves a wormhole used for an extended period of travel by the children. The previously mentioned whistleblowers described the wormhole technology as almost instantaneous.

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So why the “20 year ride” according to Steele for the kidnapped children? Are they performing other secret space program duties during their journey to Mars? Was Steele cryptically referring in some way to the “20 and back” secret space programs Goode and Relfe claim to have completed? I have contacted Steele to get answers to these and other questions.

What’s clear so far is that Steele has given valuable vindication for Goode’s claims that slave labor been secretly occurring on Mars for decades. Steele’s forthcoming disclosures may further vindicate what Goode and other whistleblowers have been claiming about Mars and secret space programs.

While mainstream media appeared very dismissive of Steele’s claims, Alex Jones to his credit was open to discussing such a possibility to his rapidly growing audience of millions, many of whom had learned for the first time about a slave labor colony on Mars and a secret space program that supports it. 

Related Articles:

US Congress Passes Bill Protecting Slave Labor on Mars & Corporate Space Colonies

NASA Denies That It’s Running a Child Slave Colony on Mars

Expolitics - Including Mars Colony

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CNN Journalists Resign: Latest Example Of Media Recklessness On The Russia Threat
July 3 2017 | From: TheIntercept / Various

Three prominent CNN journalists resigned Monday night after the network was forced to retract and apologize for a story linking Trump ally Anthony Scaramucci to a Russian investment fund under congressional investigation. That article - like so much Russia reporting from the U.S. media - was based on a single anonymous source, and now, the network cannot vouch for the accuracy of its central claims.

In announcing the resignation of the three journalists - Thomas Frank, who wrote the story (not the same Thomas Frank who wrote “What’s the Matter with Kansas?”); Pulitzer Prize-winning reporter Eric Lichtblau, recently hired away from the New York Times; and Lex Haris, head of a new investigative unit - CNN said that “standard editorial processes were not followed when the article was published.”e

Related: Trump rails on media as 3 CNN journalists resign after Russia-related article retracted

The resignations follow CNN’s Friday night retraction of the story, in which it apologized to Scaramucci:

Related: The CNN Gong Show: dunces, dimwits, and vipers

Several factors compound CNN’s embarrassment here. To begin with, CNN’s story was first debunked by an article in Sputnik News, which explained that the investment fund documented several “factual inaccuracies” in the report (including that the fund is not even part of the Russian bank, Vnesheconombank, that is under investigation), and by Breitbart, which cited numerous other factual inaccuracies.

And this episode follows an embarrassing correction CNN was forced to issue earlier this month when several of its highest-profile on-air personalities asserted - based on anonymous sources - that James Comey, in his congressional testimony, was going to deny Trump’s claim that the FBI director assured him he was not the target of any investigation.

When Comey confirmed Trump’s story, CNN was forced to correct its story. “An earlier version of this story said that Comey would dispute Trump’s interpretation of their conversations. But based on his prepared remarks, Comey outlines three conversations with the president in which he told Trump he was not personally under investigation,” said the network.

Related: Megyn Kelly Used As Kamikaze Attack From Media

But CNN is hardly alone when it comes to embarrassing retractions regarding Russia. Over and over, major U.S. media outlets have published claims about the Russia Threat that turned out to be completely false - always in the direction of exaggerating the threat and/or inventing incriminating links between Moscow and the Trump circle.

In virtually all cases, those stories involved evidence-free assertions from anonymous sources that these media outlets uncritically treated as fact, only for it to be revealed that they were entirely false.

Several of the most humiliating of these episodes have come from the Washington Post. On December 30, the paper published a blockbuster, frightening scoop that immediately and predictably went viral and generated massive traffic. Russian hackers, the paper claimed based on anonymous sources, had hacked into the “U.S. electricity grid” through a Vermont utility.

That, in turn, led MSNBC journalists, and various Democratic officials, to instantly sound the alarm that Putin was trying to deny Americans heat during the winter:

Related: James O’Keefe: ‘This Is the Year That We End Fake News’

Literally every facet of that story turned out to be false. First, the utility company - which the Post had not bothered to contact - issued a denial, pointing out that malware was found on one laptop that was not connected either to the Vermont grid or the broader U.S. electricity grid.

That forced the Post to change the story to hype the still-alarmist claim that this malware “showed the risk” posed by Russia to the U.S. electric grid, along with a correction at the top repudiating the story’s central claim:

Related: ‘Rich Dad Poor Dad’ Author Issues Warning to Trump

But then it turned out that even this limited malware was not connected to Russian hackers at all and, indeed, may not have been malicious code of any kind. Those revelations forced the Post to publish a new article days later entirely repudiating the original story.

Related: Trump defends his use of social media in a series of tweets

Embarrassments of this sort are literally too numerous to count when it comes to hyped, viral U.S. media stories over the last year about the Russia Threat.

Less than a month before its electric grid farce, the Post published a blockbuster storylargely based on a blacklist issued by a brand new, entirely anonymous group - featuring the shocking assertion that stories planted or promoted by Russia’s “disinformation campaign” were viewed more than 213 million times.

That story fell apart almost immediately. The McCarthyite blacklist of Russia disinformation outlets on which it relied contained numerous mainstream sites. The article was widely denounced. And the Post, two weeks later, appended a lengthy editor’s note at the top:

Related: CNN Producer: Americans Are “Stupid as Shit”

Weeks earlier, Slate published another article that went viral on Trump and Russia, claiming that a secret server had been discovered that the Trump Organization used to communicate with a Russian bank.

After that story was hyped by Hillary Clinton herself, multiple news outlets (including The Intercept) debunked it, noting that the story had been shopped around for months but found no takers. Ultimately, the Washington Post made clear how reckless the claims were:

Related: New York Times & Associated Press Admit They Lied

A few weeks later, C-SPAN made big news when it announced that its network had been “interrupted by RT programming”:

Related: Trump Needs To Expose China Helping Hillary In The US Election

That led numerous media outlets, such as Fortune, to claim that this occurred due to Russian hacking – yet that, too, turned out to be totally baseless, and Fortune was forced to renounce the claim:

In the same time period - December 2016 - The Guardian published a story by reporter Ben Jacobs claiming that WikiLeaks and its founder, Julian Assange, had “long had a close relationship with the Putin regime.” That claim, along with several others in the story, was fabricated, and The Guardian was forced to append a retraction to the story:

Perhaps the most significant Russia falsehood came from CrowdStrike, the firm hired by the DNC to investigate the hack of its email servers. Again in the same time period - December 2016 - the firm issued a new report accusing Russian hackers of nefarious activities involving the Ukrainian army, which numerous outlets, including (of course) the Washington Post, uncritically hyped.

“A cybersecurity firm has uncovered strong proof of the tie between the group that hacked the Democratic National Committee and Russia’s military intelligence arm - the primary agency behind the Kremlin’s interference in the 2016 election,”
the Post claimed.

“The firm CrowdStrike linked malware used in the DNC intrusion to malware used to hack and track an Android phone app used by the Ukrainian army in its battle against pro-Russia separatists in eastern Ukraine from late 2014 through 2016.”

Yet that story also fell apart. In March, the firm “revised and retracted statements it used to buttress claims of Russian hacking during last year’s American presidential election campaign” after several experts questioned its claims, and “CrowdStrike walked back key parts of its Ukraine report.”

The Truth About CNN

Brian Stelter accuses Infowars of stoking "hatred" against Clinton News Network.

CNN host Brian Stelter is whining about Infowars promoting hate towards CNN. Boo-hoo. People don’t hate CNN because of Infowars. People hate CNN because CNN lies about HUGE things then has the arrogance to claim they’re impartial.

CNN is the epitome of fake news.

What is most notable about these episodes is that they all go in the same direction: hyping and exaggerating the threat posed by the Kremlin. All media outlets will make mistakes; that is to be expected.

But when all of the “mistakes” are devoted to the same rhetorical theme, and when they all end up advancing the same narrative goal, it seems clear that they are not the byproduct of mere garden-variety journalistic mistakes.

There are great benefits to be reaped by publishing alarmist claims about the Russian Threat and Trump’s connection to it. Stories that depict the Kremlin and Putin as villains and grave menaces are the ones that go most viral, produce the most traffic, generate the most professional benefits such as TV offers, along with online praise and commercial profit for those who disseminate them.

That’s why blatantly inane anti-Trump conspiracists and Russia conspiracies now command such a large audience: because there is a voracious appetite among anti-Trump internet and cable news viewers for stories, no matter how false, that they want to believe are true (and, conversely, expressing any skepticism about such stories results in widespread accusations that one is a Kremlin sympathizer or outright agent).

Related: New York Times Forced To Retract Longstanding Lie About Russian Hacking

One can, if one wishes, view the convergence of those ample benefits and this long line of reckless stories on Russia as a coincidence, but that seems awfully generous, if not willfully gullible. There are substantial professional and commercial rewards for those who do this and - at least until the resignation of these CNN journalists last night - very few consequences even when they are caught.

A related, and perhaps more significant, dynamic is that journalistic standards are often dispensed with when it comes to exaggerating the threat posed by countries deemed to be the official enemy du jour. That is a journalistic principle that has repeatedly asserted itself, with Iraq being the most memorable but by no means only example.

Related: Exposed - Iraq War Was A Lie: The Invasion Of Iraq Took Place Under False Pretences

In sum, anything is fair game when it comes to circulating accusations about official U.S. adversaries, no matter how baseless, and Russia currently occupies that role. (More generally: The less standing and power one has in official Washington, the more acceptable it is in U.S. media circles to publish false claims about them, as this recent, shockingly falsehood-ridden New York Times article about RT host Lee Camp illustrates; it, too, now contains multiple corrections.)

And then there is the fact that the vast majority of reporting about Russia, as well as Trump’s alleged ties to the Kremlin, has been based exclusively on evidence-free assertions of anonymous officials, many, if not most, of whom have concealed agendas. That means that they are free to issue completely false claims without the slightest concern of repercussions.

Tech Giants Team Up With Government To Censor Alternative News

Corporate interests continue colluding with the government to suppress free speech

Roger Stone exposes the various ways that tech giants such as Google and Facebook conspire with the US Government to suppress free speech and eliminate alternative opinions.

That there is now a fundamental problem with reporting on Russia appears to be a fact accepted even by CNN executives. In the wake of this latest debacle, a CNN editor issued a memo, leaked to BuzzFeed, imposing new editorial safeguards on “any content involving Russia.” That is a rather remarkable indictment on media behavior when it comes to Moscow.

The importance of this journalistic malfeasance when it comes to Russia, a nuclear-armed power, cannot be overstated. This is the story that has dominated U.S. politics for more than a year.

Ratcheting up tensions between these two historically hostile powers is incredibly inflammatory and dangerous. All kinds of claims, no matter how little evidence there is to support them, have flooded U.S. political discourse and have been treated as proven fact.

And that’s all independent of how journalistic recklessness fuels, and gives credence to, the Trump administration’s campaign to discredit journalism generally. The president wasted no time exploiting this latest failure to attack the media:

Given the stakes, reporting on these matters should be done with the greatest care. As this long line of embarrassments, retractions, and falsehoods demonstrates, the exact opposite mentality has driven media behavior over the last year.

Related: Network: the last great film about the news

Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi

Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi

Iran Confirms Kremlin Claim ISIS / Daesh Leader Baghdadi Died In Russian Airstrikes
& Central European Nations Forming New Anti-Migrant Defense Coalition
July 3 2017 | From: DailySabah / Infowars / Various

Iranian Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamanei's representative to the Revolutionary Guards - Quds Force, Ali Shirazi confirmed late Thursday in an interview to Iranian website Asr-e Iran that the leader of the Daesh terrorist group, Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi died in Russian airstrikes.

An image grab taken from a propaganda video released on July 5, 2014 by al-Furqan Media allegedly shows the leader of Daesh

The Quds Force is in charge of operations outside Iran's borders by the country's elite Revolutionary Guard Corps. Iranian Foreign Ministry officials were not available to comment on the report of Baghdadi's death.

Related: ISIS leader Al-Baghdadi Reportedly Killed in Russia-led Airstrike - MoD

"Terrorist Baghdadi is definitely dead," Shirazi said, adding that he verified the death "through multiple channels."

The Russian Defense Ministry said it has investigated whether a Russian airstrike in Syria killed Daesh leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, the TASS news agency reported on June 16.

The airstrike targeted a meeting of Daesh leaders and was carried out on May 28, the agencies cited the ministry as saying.

Senior leaders of the Daesh terrorist group were meeting at the time of the May 28 strike, the ministry said in a statement by Tass.

Related: A Step Closer to Victory: Russian Airstrike Reportedly Decapitates Daesh

"According to the information which is now being checked via various channels, Daesh leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, who was eliminated by the airstrike, was also present at the meeting,"
RIA news agency quoted the ministry as saying.

Baghdadi, who has a $25-million bounty on his head, has managed to evade being killed or captured by the U.S.-led anti-Daesh coalition throughout its more than two-year campaign in Iraq and Syria.

Sporadic rumors have continued to mount that he was killed in a variety of U.S.-led actions, but little evidence has surfaced to support those claims.

The terrorist leader has frequently been reported killed or wounded since he declared a so-called "caliphate" to rule over all Muslims from a mosque in Mosul in 2014, after his fighters seized large areas of northern Iraq.

Central European Nations Forming New Anti-Migrant Defense Coalition

Civil-military alliance emerging in defiance of EU globalists.

Six countries are forming a new coalition in an effort to bolster the region’s security against the flood of “mass illegal immigration” from the Middle East and Africa.

Related: Canada: Syrian Muslim refugee (father of six) going to trial for sexually assaulting 6 little girls in public pool

Defense ministers and officials from Hungary, Slovakia, Czech Republic, Slovenia, Austria, and Croatia met in Prague earlier this week to discuss the details of the Central European Defence Cooperation (CEDC) that will act as:

“The framework of civil-military cooperation” between the nations who seek to handle the on-going crisis in a markedly different manner than Brussels and other EU member states, such as Germany, Sweden and Italy.

The Hungarian Ministry of Defense has released a statement addressing the meeting and developments titled, “Central Europe stands united against mass illegal migration.”

“At the meeting, the participants issued a short declaration which welcomes the Joint Action Plan and calls on the interior ministers of the involved countries to finalize it in the shortest time possible,”
it reads.

“The declaration takes note of the unified situation assessment, which facilitates the quick and joint mobilization of civilian, police and military capabilities, and states that the most important task is the protection of the external borders of the EU and the elimination of the root causes of migration in the sending countries.”

“It underlines that the CEDC member countries are willing to further enhance their cooperation and, if needed, to provide mutual assistance in the interest of managing the migration crisis. The declaration also emphasizes the importance of preserving stability in the Western Balkans.”

“Finally, the participants of the meeting talked about the wider context of Europe’s security situation and the next steps in strengthening the European common security and defence policy,” the statement concludes.


The European Commission has initiated legal action against Hungary, Czech Republic, and also Poland for refusing to resettle their ‘quotas’ of ‘refugees’ per an agreement from 2015 that is now firmly opposed by a growing number of European countries.

Related: The Truth About the London Bridge Attack

Hungary and Poland have accepted zero mandated migrants, while Czech Republic admitted 12.

Our Union is based on solidarity and the sharing of responsibility,” said EU Commissioner Dimitris Avramopoulos in a press release last week. “These fundamental values apply to all our policies and migration is no exception. We cannot and we will not leave those Member States with an external border on their own.”

“And when it comes to relocation, let me be crystal clear: the implementation of the Council Decisions on relocation is a legal obligation, not a choice.”


Recent polling by Pew Research reveals that an overwhelming majority of Europeans want their own governments determining immigration policies – not Brussels.  

Former Czech president Vaclav Klaus declared last week that it is time for the Czech Republic to extract itself from the EU altogether.

The time has come to prepare our country to withdraw from the EU,” he told the press. “We reject the EU’s plan to use foreigners to displace Czechs, and we refuse to allow our country to be transformed into a multicultural society with maladjusted communities, which is what we see today in France and the UK.”

“And that’s not to mention the now almost daily terror attacks which are linked to mass migration.”

Hungary, led by Prime Minister Viktor Orban, has taken the most vocal hard-line stance against the migrant invasion, and has shown no signs of backing down under pressure from the EU-Soros juggernaut which is working to destabilize the country from within, as well as from without.

Related: Manchester Terror Attack: Rallying the Youth Around the Occult Elite

“Today we live in a time when international politics is a battlefield,” declared Orban in a recent interview. “The independence and freedom of European nations are at stake, and at the center of the battlefield is migration.”

“The biggest debate in Europe today is about migration, this is what our future stands or falls on, the fate of Europe.”

Orban has also vowed to defend Christian civilization from being overrun by Islamists and other incompatible cultures.

“We do not want parallel societies, we do not want population exchanges, and we do not want to replace Christian civilization with a different kind,” he said. “Therefore we are building fences, defending ourselves, and not allowing migrants to flood us.”

Hungary has continued to fortify its border security, including the rapid construction of an multi-layered electrified barrier – replete with warning signs in Arabic – from which neighboring countries also benefit.

Migrants Take Over Italy

Related: Justin Trudeau Wears Islam-Themed Ramadan Socks to LGBT Pride Parade

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Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi

How Greece Became A Guinea Pig For A Cashless And Controlled Society
July 2 2017 | From: MintPressNews / Various

As Greece moves closer to becoming a cashless society, it is clear that the country’s attitude towards cash is reckless and dangerous.
The supposed convenience of switching to a cash-free system comes with a great deal of risk, including needless overreach by the state.

Day by day, we’re moving towards a brave new world where every transaction is tracked, every purchase is recorded, the habits and preferences of everyone noted and analyzed. What I am describing is the “cashless society,” where plastic and electronic money are king, while banknotes and coins are abolished.

Related: Soros Insider: Banks Ending Cash To Establish World Government

“Progress” is, after all, deemed to be a great thing. In a recent discussion, I observed on an online message board regarding gentrification in my former neighborhood of residence in Queens, New York, the closure of yet another longtime local business was met by one user with a virtual shrug: “Who needs stores when you have Amazon?”

This last quote is, of course, indicative of the brick-and-mortar store, at least in its familiar form. In December 2016, Amazon launched a checkout-free convenience store in Seattle - largely free of employees, but also free of cash transactions, as purchases are automatically charged to one’s Amazon account.

“Progress” is therefore cast as the abolition of currency, and the elimination of even more jobs, all in the name of technological progress and the “convenience” of saving a few minutes of waiting at the checkout counter.

Still insist on being old-fashioned and stuck behind the times, preferring to visit brick-and-mortar stores and paying in cash? You may very well be a terrorist! Pay for your coffee or your visit to an internet cafe with cash?

Potential terrorist, according to the FBI. Indeed, insisting on paying with cash is, according to the United States Department of Homeland Security, “suspicious and weird.”

Related: S.W.I.F.T. Defies Khazarian Mafia; Gives Board Seat to Russia

The European Union, ever a force for positive change and progress, also seems to agree. The non-elected European Commission’s “Inception Impact Assessment” warns that the anonymity of cash transactions facilitates “money laundering” and “terrorist financing activities.”

This point of view is shared by such economists as the thoroughly discredited proponent of austerity Kenneth Rogoff, Lawrence Summer (a famed deregulator, as well as eulogizer of the “godfather” of austerity Milton Friedman), and supposed anti-austerity crusader Joseph Stiglitz, who told fawning participants at the World Economic Forum in Davos earlier this year that the United States should do away with all currency.

Logically, of course, the next step is to punish law-abiding citizens for the actions of a very small criminal population and for the failures of law enforcement to curb such activities. The EU plans to accomplish this through the exploration of upper limits on cash payments, while it has already taken the step of abolishing the 500-euro banknote.

The International Monetary Fund (IMF), which day after day is busy “saving” economically suffering countries such as Greece, also happens to agree with this brave new worldview. In a working paper titled “The Macroeconomics of De-Cashing,” which the IMF claims does not necessarily represent its official views, the fund nevertheless provides a blueprint with which governments around the world could begin to phase out cash.

Related: New credit card uses biometric fingerprinting to pay

This process would commence with “initial and largely uncontested steps” (such as the phasing out of large-denomination bills or the placement of upper limits on cash transactions). This process would then be furthered largely by the private sector, providing cashless payment options for people’s “convenience,” rather than risk popular objections to policy-led decashing.

The IMF, which certainly has a sterling track record of sticking up for the poor and vulnerable in society, comforts us by saying that these policies should be implemented in ways that would augment “economic and social benefits.”

The IMF’s Greek Experiment in Austerity

These suggestions, which of course the IMF does not necessarily officially agree with, have already begun to be implemented to a significant extent in the IMF debt colony known officially as Greece, where the IMF has been implementing “socially fair and just” austerity policies since 2010, which have resulted, during this period, in a GDP decline of over 25 percent, unemployment levels exceeding 28 percent, repeated cuts to what are now poverty-level salaries and pensions, and a “brain drain” of over 500,000 people - largely young and university-educated - migrating out of Greece.

Protesters against new austerity measures hold a placard depicting Labour Minister George Katrougalos as the movie character Edward Scissorhands during a protest outside Zappeion Hall in Athens, Friday, Sept. 16, 2016. The placard reads in Greek”Katrougalos Scissorhands”

Indeed, it could be said that Greece is being used as a guinea pig not just for a grand neoliberal experiment in both austerity, but de-cashing as well. The examples are many, and they have found fertile ground in a country whose populace remains shell-shocked by eight years of economic depression.

A new law
that came into effect on January 1 incentivizes going cashless by setting a minimum threshold of spending at least 10 percent of one’s income via credit, debit, or prepaid card in order to attain a somewhat higher tax-free threshold.

Beginning July 27, dozens of categories of businesses in Greece will be required to install aptly-acronymized “POS” (point-of-sale) card readers and to accept payments by card. Businesses are also required to post a notice, typically by the entrance or point of sale, stating whether card payments are accepted or not.

Another new piece of legislation
, in effect as of June 1, requires salaries to be paid via direct electronic transfers to bank accounts. Furthermore, cash transactions of over 500 euros have been outlawed.

In Greece, where in the eyes of the state citizens are guilty even if proven innocent, capital controls have been implemented preventing ATM cash withdrawals of over 840 euros every two weeks. These capital controls, in varying forms, have been in place for two years with no end in sight, choking small businesses that are already suffering.

Related: Europe Proposes "Restrictions On Payments In Cash" & How The Cashless Society Will Track You

Citizens have, at various times, been asked to collect every last receipt of their expenditures, in order to prove their income and expenses - otherwise, tax evasion is assumed, just as ownership of a car (even if purchased a decade or two ago) or an apartment (even if inherited) is considered proof of wealth and a “hidden income” that is not being declared.

The “heroic” former Finance Minister Yanis Varoufakis had previously proposed a cap of cash transactions at 50 or 70 euros on Greek islands that are popular tourist destinations, while also putting forth an asinine plan to hire tourists to work as “tax snitches,” reporting businesses that “evade taxes” by not providing receipts even for the smallest transactions.

All of these measures, of course, are for the Greeks’ own good and are in the best interest of the country and its economy, combating supposedly rampant “tax evasion” (while letting the biggest tax evaders off the hook), fighting the “black market” (over selling cheese pies without issuing a receipt, apparently), and of course, nipping “terrorism” in the bud.

As with the previous discussion I observed about Amazon being a satisfactory replacement for the endangered brick-and-mortar business, one learns a lot from observing everyday conversations amongst ordinary citizens. A recent conversation I personally overheard while paying a bill at a public utility revealed just how successful the initial and largely uncontested steps enacted in Greece have been.

In the line ahead of me, an elderly man announced that he was paying his water bill by debit card, “in order to build towards the tax-free threshold.”

Related: The European Union Initiates Cashless Society Project

When it was suggested to him that the true purpose of encouraging cashless payments was to track every transaction, even for a stick of gum, and to transfer all money into the banking system, he and one other elderly gentleman threw a fit, claiming “there is no other way to combat tax evasion.”

The irony that they were paying by card to avoid taxation themselves was lost on them—as is the fact that the otherwise fiscally responsible Germany, whose government never misses an opportunity to lecture the “spendthrift” and “irresponsible” Greeks, has the largest black market in Europe (exceeding 100 billion euros annually), ranks first in Europe in financial fraud, is the eighth-largest tax haven worldwide, and one of the top tax-evading countries in Europe.

Also lost on these otherwise elderly gentlemen was a fact not included in the official propaganda campaign: Germans happen to love their cash, as evidenced by the fierce opposition that met a government plan to outlaw cash payments of 5,000 euros or more.

In addition, about 80 percent of transactions in Germany are still conducted in cash. The German tabloid Bild went as far as to publish an op-ed titled “Hands off our cash” in response to the proposed measure.

Global Powers Jumping on Cashless Bandwagon

Nevertheless, a host of other countries across Europe and worldwide have shunned Germany’s example, instead siding with the IMF and Stiglitz. India, one of the most cash-reliant countries on earth, recently eliminated 86 percent of its currency practically overnight, with the claimed goal, of course, of targeting terrorism and the “black market.”

The real objective of this secretly planned measure, however, was to starve the economy of cash and to drive citizens to electronic payments by default.

Indians stand in line to deposit discontinued notes in a bank in Jammu and Kashmir, India,, Dec. 30, 2016. India yanked most of its currency bills from circulation without warning on Nov. 8, delivering a jolt to the country’s high-performing economy and leaving countless citizens scrambling for cash. (AP/Channi Anand)

Iceland, a country that stands as an admirable example of standing up to the IMF-global banking cartel in terms of its response to the country’s financial meltdown of 2008, nevertheless has long embraced cashlessness.

Practically all transactions
, even the most minute, are conducted electronically, while “progressive” tourists extol the benefits of not being inconvenienced by the many seconds it would take to withdraw funds from an ATM or exchange currency upon arrival.

Oddly enough, Iceland was already largely cashless prior to its financial collapse in 2008 - proving that this move towards “progress” did nothing to prevent an economic meltdown or to stop its perpetrators: the very same banks being entrusted with nearly all of the money supply.

Other examples of cashlessness abound in Europe. Cash transactions in Sweden represent just 3 percent of the national economy, and most banks no longer hold banknotes. Similarly, many Norwegian banks no longer issue cash, while the country’s largest bank, DNB, has called upon the public to cease using cash. Denmark has announced a goal of eliminating banknotes by 2030.

Belgium has introduced a 3,000-euro limit on cash transactions and 93 percent of transactions are cashless. In France, the respective percentage is 92 percent, and cash transactions have been limited to 1,000 euros, just as in Spain.

Related: The War On Cash – One Giant Leap Forward For Government

Outside of Europe, cash is being eliminated even in countries such as Somalia and Kenya, while South Korea - itself no stranger to IMF intervention in its economy - has, similarly to Greece, implemented preferential tax policies for consumers who make payments using cards.

Aside from policy changes, practical everyday examples also exist in abundance. Just try to purchase an airline ticket with cash, for instance. It remains possible - but is also said to raise red flags. In many cases, renting an automobile or booking a hotel room with cash is simply not possible.

The aforementioned Department of Homeland Security manual considers any payment with cash to be “suspicious behavior” - as one clearly has something to hide if they do not wish to be tracked via electronic payment methods. Ownership of gold makes the list of suspicious activities as well.

Just as the irony of Germany being a largely cash-based society while pushing cashless policies in its Greek protectorate is lost on many Greeks, what is lost on seemingly almost everyone is this: something that is new doesn’t necessarily represent progress, nor does something different.

Something that is seemingly easier, or more convenient, is not necessarily progress either. But for many, “technological progress,” just like “scientific innovation” in all its forms and without exception, has attained an aura of infallibility, revered with religious-like fervor.

People queue in front of a bank for an ATM as a man lies on the ground begging for change, in Athens. (AP/Thanassis Stavrakis)

Combating purported tax evasion is also treated with a religious-like fervor, even while ordinary citizens - such as the two aforementioned gentlemen in Greece - typically seek to minimize their outlays to the tax offices.

Moreover, while such measures essentially enact a collective punishment regardless of guilt or innocence, corporations and oligarchs who utilize tax loopholes and offshore havens go unpunished and are wholly unaffected by a switch to a cashless economy in the supposed battle against tax evasion.

This is evident, for instance, in the case of “LuxLeaks,” which revealed the names of dozens of corporations benefiting from favorable tax rulings and tax avoidance schemes in Luxembourg, one of the original founding members of the EU.

European Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker, formerly the prime minister of Luxembourg, has faced repeated accusations of impeding EU investigations into corporate tax avoidance scandals during his 18-year term as prime minister. Juncker has defended Luxembourg’s tax arrangements as legal.

Related: The Real Reasons Behind Negative Interest Rates And Banning Cash

At the same time, Juncker has shown no qualms in criticizing Apple’s tax avoidance deal in Ireland as “illegal,” while having been accused himself of helping large multinationals such as Amazon and Pepsi avoid taxes. Moreover, he has openly claimed that Greece’s Ottoman roots are responsible for modern-day tax evasion in the country.

He has not hesitated to unabashedly intervene in Greek electoral contests, calling on Greeks to avoid the “wrong outcome” in the January 2015 elections (where the supposedly anti-austerity SYRIZA, which has since proven to be boldly pro-austerity, were elected).

He also urged the Greek electorate to vote “yes” (in favor of more EU-proposed austerity) in the July 2015 referendum - where the overwhelming result in favor of “no” was itself overturned by SYRIZA within a matter of days. In the European Union today, if there’s something that can be counted on, it’s the blatant hypocrisy of its leaders.

Nevertheless, proving that old habits of collaborationism die hard in Greece, the rector of the law school of the state-owned Aristotle University in Thessaloniki awarded Juncker with an honorary doctorate for his contribution to European political and legal values.

Cashless Policies Bode Poorly for the Future

Where does all this lead though? What does a cashless economy actually mean and why are global elites pushing so fervently for it?

Consider the following: in a cashless economy without coins or banknotes, every transaction is tracked. Buying and spending habits are monitored, and it is not unheard of for credit card companies to cancel an individual’s credit or to lower their credit rating based on real or perceived risks ranging from shopping at discount stores to purchasing alcoholic beverages. Indeed, this is understood to be common practice.

Other players are entering the game too: in late May, Google announced plans to track credit and debit card transactions.

Claudia Lombana, PayPal’s shopping specialist, stamps a guest’s passport as he visits the travel section of PayPal’s Cashless Utopia in New York (Victoria Will/AP)

Related: Cashless Crisis: “With Digital Payments, Civilization Comes To An End Until Power Is Restored”

More to the point though, a cashless economy doesn’t just mean that financial institutions, large corporations, or the state itself can monitor all transactions that are occurring. It also means that the entirety of the money supply - itself now existing only in “virtual” form - will belong to the banking system.

Not one cent will exist outside of the banking system, as physical currency will simply not be in circulation. The banking system - and others - will be aware not just of every transaction, but will be in possession of all of our society’s money supply, and will even have the ability to receive a percentage of every transaction that is taking place.

So what happens if your spending habits or your choice of travel destinations raises “red flags”? What happens if you run into hard times economically and miss a few payments? What happens if you are deemed to be a political dissident or liability – perhaps an “enemy of the state”?

Related: Challenges Arise as Sweden is Heading Towards Cashless Society

Freezing a bank account or confiscating funds from accounts can take place almost instantaneously. Users of eBay and PayPal, for instance, are quite aware of the ease with which PayPal can confiscate funds from a user’s account based simply on a claim filed against that individual.

Simply forgetting one’s password to an online account can set off an aggravating flurry of calls in order to prove that your money is your own - and that’s without considering the risks of phishing and of online databases being compromised.

Many responsible credit card holders found that their credit cards were suddenly canceled in the aftermath of the “Great Recession” simply due to perceived risk. And if you happen to be an individual deemed to be “dangerous,” you can be effectively and easily frozen out of the economy.

Those thinking that the “cashless revolution” will also herald the return of old-style bartering and other communal economic schemes might also wish to reconsider that line of thinking. In the United States, for instance, bartering transactions are considered taxable by the Internal Revenue Service.

As more and more economic activity of all sorts takes place online, the tax collector will have an easier time detecting such activity. Thinking of teaching your child to be responsible with finances? That too will have a cost, as even lemonade stands have been targeted for “operating without a permit.” It’s not far-fetched to imagine that particularly overzealous government authorities could also target such activity for “tax evasion.”

Related: The War On Cash & The Politics Of Negative Interest Rates

In Greece, while oligarchs get to shift their money to offshore tax havens without repercussion and former Finance Minister Gikas Hardouvelis has been acquitted for failure to submit a declaration of assets, where major television and radio stations operate with impunity without a valid license while no new players can enter the marketplace and where ordinary households and small businesses are literally being taxed to death, police in August 2016 arrested a father of three with an unemployed spouse for selling donuts without a license and fined him 5,000 euros. In another incident, an elderly man selling roasted chestnuts in Thessaloniki was surrounded by 15 police officers and arrested for operating without a license.

Amidst this blatant hypocrisy, governments and financial institutions love electronic money for another reason, aside from the sheer control that it affords them.

Studies, including one conducted by the American Psychological Association, have shown that paying with plastic (or, by extension, other non-physical forms of payment) encourage greater spending, as the psychological sensation of a loss when making a payment is disconnected from the actual act of purchasing or conducting a transaction.

Related: Financial Times Calls For Abolishing Cash In Order "To Give More Power To Central Banks"

But ultimately, the elephant in the room is whether the banking system even should be entrusted with the entirety of the monetary supply. The past decade has seen the financial collapse of 2008, the crumbling of financial institutions such as Lehman Brothers in the United States and a continent-wide banking crisis in Europe, which was the true objective behind the “bailouts” of countries such as Greece - saving European and American banks exposed to “toxic” bonds from these nations.

Italy’s banking system is currently teetering on dangerous ground, while the Greek banking system, already recapitalized three times since the onset of the country’s economic crisis, may need yet another taxpayer-funded recapitalization. Even the virtual elimination of cash in Iceland did not prevent the country’s banking meltdown in 2008.

Should we entrust the entirety of the money supply to these institutions? What happens if the banking system experiences another systemic failure? Who do you trust more: yourself or institutions that have proven to be wholly irresponsible and unaccountable in their actions?

The answer to that question should help guide the debate as to whether society should go cashless.

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Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi

Washington Has Been At War For 16 Years: Why?
July 2 2017 | From: PaulCraigRoberts / Various

For sixteen years the US has been at war in the Middle East and North Africa, running up trillions of dollars in expenses, committing untold war crimes, and sending millions of war refugees to burden Europe, while simultaneously claiming that Washington cannot afford its Social Security and Medicare obligations or to fund a national health service like every civilized country has.

Considering the enormous social needs that cannot be met because of the massive cost of these orchestrated wars, one would think that the American people would be asking questions about the purpose of these wars.

Related: Intel Agent Reveals How NATO Planned to Tear Russia Apart

What is being achieved at such enormous costs? Domestic needs are neglected so that the military/security complex can grow fat on war profits.

The lack of curiousity on the part of the American people, the media, and Congress about the purpose of these wars, which have been proven to be based entirely on lies, is extraordinary. What explains this conspiracy of silence, this amazing disinterest in the squandering of money and lives?

Most Americans seem to vaguely accept these orchestrated wars as the government’s response to 9/11. This adds to the mystery as it is a fact that Iraq, Libya, Syria, Yemen, Afghanistan, and Iran (Iran not yet attacked except with threats and sanctions) had nothing to do with 9/11. But these countries have Muslim populations, and the Bush regime and presstitute media succeeded in associating 9/11 with Muslims in general.

Perhaps if Americans and their “representatives” in Congress understood what the wars are about, they would rouse themselves to make objections. So, I will tell you what Washington’s war on Syria and Washington’s intended war on Iran are about. Ready?

Related: Pentagon Extravaganza: How the DoD Squandered Billions of US Taxpayer Dollars

There are three reasons for Washington’s war, not America’s war as Washington is not America, on Syria. The first reason has to do with the profits of the military/security complex.

The military/security complex is a combination of powerful private and governmental interests that need a threat to justify an annual budget that exceeds the GDP of many countries.

War gives this combination of private and governmental interests a justification for its massive budget, a budget whose burden falls on American taxpayers whose real median family income has not risen for a couple of decades while their debt burden to support their living standard has risen.

The second reason has to do with the Neoconservative ideology of American world hegemony. According to the Neoconservatives, who most certainly are not conservative of any description, the collapse of communism and socialism means that History has chosen “Democratic Capitalism,” which is neither democratic nor capitalist, as the World’s Socio-Economic-Political system and it is Washington’s responsibility to impose Americanism on the entire world.

Countries such as Russia, China, Syria, and Iran, who reject American hegemony must be destabilized and desroyed as they stand in the way of American unilateralism.

Related: Veteran Green Beret and Special Ops Soldiers Admit U.S. Trains Our Enemies in Syria

The Third reason has to do with Israel’s need for the water resources of Southern Lebanon. Twice Israel has sent the vaunted Israeli Army to occupy Southern Lebanon, and twice the vaunted Israeli Army was driven out by Hezbollah, a militia supported by Syria and Iran.

To be frank, Israel is using America to eliminate the Syrian and Iranian governments that provide military and economic support to Hezbollah. If Hezbollah’s suppliers can be eliminated by the Americans, Israel’s army can steal Southern Lebanon, just as it has stolen Palestine and parts of Syria.

Here are the facts: For 16 years the insouciant American population has permitted a corrupt government in Washington to squander trillions of dollars needed domestically but instead allocated to the profits of the military/security complex, to the service of the Neoconservative ideology of US world hegemony, and to the service of Israel.

Clearly, Amerian democracy is a fraud. It serves everyone but Americans. What is the likely consequence of the US government serving non-American interests? The best positive outcome is poverty for the 99 percent. The worst outcome is nuclear armageddon.

Related: Selected Articles: Global Destruction and US Foreign Policy

Washington’s service to the military/security complex, to the Neoconservative ideology, and to Israel completely neglects over-powering facts.

Israel’s interest to overthrow Syria and Iran is totally inconsistant with Russia’s interest to prevent the import of jihadism into the Russian Federation and Central Asia. Therefore, Israel has put the US into direct military conflict with Russia.

The US military/security complex’s financial interests to surround Russia with missile sites is inconsistent with Russian sovereignty as is the Neoconservatives’ emphasis on US world hegemony.

President Trump does not control Washington. Washington is controlled by the military/security complex (watch on youtube President Eisenhower’s description of the military/security complex as a threat to American democracy), by the Israel Lobby, and by the Neoconservatives. These three organized interest groups have pre-empted the Amercan people, who are powerless and are uninvolved in the decisions about their future.

Related: Crude, Blood, Turmoil: Story of US First ‘Successful’ Overseas Regime Change

Every US Representative and US Senator who stood up to Israel was defeated by Israel in their re-election campaign. This is the reason that when Israel wants something it passes both houses of Congress unanimously.

As Admiral Tom Moorer, Chief of Naval Operations and Chariman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, said publicly, “No American President can stand up to Israel.” Israel gets what it wants no matter what the consequences are for America.

Adm. Moorer was right. The US gives Israel every year enough money to purchase our government. And Israel does purchase our government. The US government is far more accountable to Israel than to the American people. The votes of the House and Senate prove this.

Related: UK Funded, Oscar Awarded White Helmets are Beheaders, too

Unable to stand up to tiny Israel, Washington thinks it can buffalo Russia and China. For Washington to continue to provoke Russia and China is a sign of insantity. In the place of intelligence we see hubris and arrogance, the hallmarks of fools.

What Planet Earth, and the creatures thereon, need more than anything is leaders in the West who are intelligent, who have a moral conscience, who respect truth, and who are are capable of understanding the limits to their power.

Related Articles:

How America Armed Terrorists in Syria

Selected Articles: Criminal Israel Under the Spotlight

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Bye-Bye Banks? Blockchain Tech Threatens To Cut Loose Financial Middlemen
July 1 2017 | From: Sputnik / Various

Blockchain technology is "challenging the status quo" and has the potential to transform the financial system by getting rid of many financial services providers who act as intermediaries, William Mougayar, author of The Business Blockchain, told Radio Sputnik.

Financial services companies are exploring the possibility of carrying out faster transactions in cryptocurrencies, and a consortium of seven large European banks has turned to US tech company IBM to create a new trade finance platform based on blockchain technology.

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Blockchain is the technology behind Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies, an open-source network that serves as a digital ledger to facilitate secure online transactions, removing the need for an intermediary.

The banks' new platform is designed to simplify and facilitate domestic and cross-border trade for small and medium sized enterprises in Europe, while helping to increase overall trade transaction transparency, IBM stated on Monday.

William Mougayar, author of The Business Blockchain, founder of the Token Summit and an early stage investor in blockchain startups, told Radio Sputnik that in its current form, blockchain technology can benefit banks and their clients. However, in the longer term, blockchain has the potential to disrupt the financial market.

"Blockchain can streamline the process of setting up letters of credit and facilitating the different steps in the supply chain process. I believe this was orientated toward the small-to-medium [sized] businesses, which are very cost-sensitive.

In this particular case, saving costs and streamlining are the main advantages. The supply chain is one of the segments that the blockchain will impact over the next few years,"
Mougayar said.

"For sure, blockchain is the next generation of the internet, or the next generation of the web, from a technology perspective. However, in terms of how it will transform financial institutions, I think it will do that to a degree that doesn't go beyond their existing business model."

"The financial institutions are not going to disrupt themselves, they're not going to recreate new models beneath them. They're going to use the blockchain to support their existing businesses and to support their existing visions and strategies, which means they will look for the blockchain to help them in cost savings and to improve processes, but they will not let the blockchain disrupt them directly."

Related: #WannaCry Ransomware Exposed as a False Flag Attack on Bitcoin

Eventually, blockchain is likely to disrupt the current form of financial services, because it has the potential to remove the need for intermediaries altogether. 

"The blockchain disruption in financial services is going to come from outside of these companies, it's going to come from new players and new start-ups that we have yet to see and that have yet to become big."

In the short term, the growth in blockchain technology will create more jobs, but in the long term it has the potential to remove some jobs traditionally done by banks and their staff.

"First, there will more jobs created to implement blockchain technology, because we're still in the early days. So today, there are maybe 35-40,000 developers worldwide that know how to program a blockchain application or that know the blockchain technologies.

So, that's not a big number but that number is going to grow. We're not going to see the blockchain removing jobs yet until these projects are fully implemented, so that will be a secondary effect that will come much later in the evolution of the blockchain, at one to three years down the line and perhaps even longer."

Related: Signed Into Law: Nevada Becomes Free-Trade Zone for Bitcoin And Other Blockchains

"Blockchain is a new technology that is really facilitating the transfer of digital money or of digital value between two parties, without having anybody in the middle. So that really is going to impact and affect almost all of us, because traditionally we have all been used to dealing with the banks as the key financial intermediaries for us. But they are intermediaries, they are not really doing more than facilitating transactions between us and others."

"The blockchain technology challenges that particular status quo and is the technology that allows any individuals or any businesses to conduct the same types of transactions with the same level of confidence, quality and fidelity between those two parties, without having somebody in the middle. So, it's going to disrupt any intermediaries that are in the middle of transactions."

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The Ten Most Evil People In The World Today Who Lie About Science, Pharmaceuticals And GMOs
July 1 2017 | From: NaturalNews / Various

Are all politicians heartfelt people who only help their countries prosper and who only protect their people from harm? Of course not – so why then would you believe that every doctor only practices honest medicine and only prescribes what is thoroughly tested as “safe and beneficial” for his or her patients?

Does every builder, architect and engineer in the world build perfect structures that never leak, rot, crumble or cave in? Of course not – so why then would you believe that every scientist only formulates vaccines and pharmaceuticals that are thoroughly tested as “safe and beneficial” for adults, children, babies and pregnant women?

Related: California declares glyphosate weed killer (Roundup) to be a cancer-causing poison; will add to Proposition 65 warning list

Is every plant growing in nature edible and safe for consumption, even ones that are contaminated with industrial pollution and pesticides?

Of course not – so why then would you believe there is a “world consensus” that GMOs (genetically modified organisms) in food are “safe and beneficial,” when most of them contain heavy metal toxins, pesticides and deadly herbicides?

You may be an honest, caring person, but that won’t stop corporations from exploiting your health while taking your money. You may be a religious person who treats others the way you want to be treated, but that won’t stop evil scientists and M.D.s from selling you dangerous chemical-based drugs that slowly poison you and your innocent children until death does you part.

That’s why you need to know exactly who the ten most evil people are in the world today, because they lie about science, pharmaceuticals and GMOs, and the only way to protect your family from them is to never buy, consume or inject what they’re selling.

Meet the 10 Worst Medical Criminals, Profiteers, Insidious Scientists and Corrupt Doctors in America

1. Imagine how many years you would serve in prison if the U.S. government caught you putting a deadly pig virus called circovirus in a vaccine meant to help prevent children and babies from getting a rather benign virus that simply causes diarrhea?

What if ten of those same children and babies injected with the poisoned vaccine containing the deadly pig virus died from intussusception, where their bowels folded in on themselves (like a telescope) and caused a fatal blockage? Is that science terrorism? Would they call it premeditated manslaughter, involuntary manslaughter or insanity?

Related: Neil deGrasse Tyson becomes the voice of EVIL, narrating new propaganda film “Food Evolution” produced by Monsanto shills and pesticide pushers

There is a doctor still practicing medicine today who does exactly that, and he’s made millions from his patent of it. His name is Paul Offit and the vaccine he concocted in his laboratory using two strains of deadly circovirus to treat rotavirus is called Rotateq. He works at the Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia. It’s called CHOP for short and for good reason – the insidious Offit is there injecting children with deadly foreign diseases for profit.

2. If you’re an evil doctor who only cares about money and power, how many years would you serve in federal prison for killing folks with chemotherapy who don’t even have cancer?

The answer is 45 years. The psycho doctor Farid Fata was a Detroit area oncologist who defrauded Medicare and private insurance companies for more than $30 million in the biggest health care scheme the world has ever known, and this was just a few years ago.

Related: California to list herbicide as cancer-causing; Monsanto vows fight

Working alongside psycho-blogger David H. Gorski (a.k.a. ORAC) at the Karmanos Cancer Center (where Gorski still operates on women’s breasts), Fata was poisoning innocent people, including children, with a deadly dose of chemo he called the “European Protocol.” His patients endured immense pain while Fata claimed it was their only chance of surviving their cancer – a disorder of the cells that they did not even have.

Assault With a Deadly Weapon Other than Guns, Missiles and Bombs?

Ever heard of chemical warfare? Ever heard of bio-terrorism? You don’t have to be engaged in combat on a battlefield to incur health damage and loss of life from deadly weapons. Millions of people are assaulted every single day in doctors offices and hospitals with deadly chemical weapons designed to corrupt the immune system and the central nervous system.

Related: Moms Across America releases powerful new documentary exposing toxicity of GMOs and glyphosate

From SSRIs and chemotherapy to mercury and radiation, and from prescription opiates and ADHD drugs to toxic blood thinners and dangerous cholesterol medications, we are inundated and overwhelmed with deadly chemical weapons on a battlefield that requires no more than a little medical coverage in which to participate.

Isn’t it ironic how many people are screaming for health care coverage right now, naive to the fact that most modern chemical-based medicine is corrupted and dished out by the most insidious people on planet earth?

3. “The Joker,” Dr. Richard Pan is the clown who authored California’s force-vaccination bill that ensures all children in the state are injected with mercury, aluminum and formaldehyde in order to boost his own political stage while padding his wallet.

4. Neil DeGrasse Tyson – the mascot of space talk now pushes GMO propaganda films for dirty money.

5. Bill Nye the “Science Fraud Guy” – a man who once questioned GMOs and global warming now pushes all the propaganda behind them for dirty money.

6. Ex-President Barrack Obama – the same man who said “Americans have a right to know what is in the food we eat” hired a former Monsanto shill to run the FDA and hide GMOs.

Oopsies: Gene Editing Now Admittedly Causes Hundreds of Mutations

Related: Artificial meat warning: It’s mostly made from MSG, GMOs and toxic ingredients that harm the planet

7. The infamous Bill Gates relentlessly pushes cancer-causing GMOs and toxic population-reducing vaccines on innocent African nations under the guise of philanthropy.

8. The evil George Soros funds eugenics programs and transgenic seeds via Monsanto.

9. and 10. Exactly what lands you in an oncologist’s office faster than vaccines, fluoridated water and prescription medications?

Answer: eating GMOs daily. Who pushes Monsanto’s GMO propaganda and industry-scripted lies on people? Jon Entine and Kevin Folta. Two Monsanto operatives who push everything chemical that causes cancer as “sustainable” and “safe” for human consumption, these two maniacal shills were recently exposed by the U.S. Right-to-Know group.

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President Trump: Replace The Dollar With Gold As The Global Currency To Make America Great Again
June 30 2017 | From: Forbes / Various

Inside President Trump’s otherwise “standard Trump stump speech” at CPAC was nestled what might be a most intriguing observation:

"Global cooperation, dealing with other countries, getting along with other countries is good, it’s very important. But there is no such thing as a global anthem, a global currency or a global flag. This is the United States of America that I’m representing."

Related: Trump Defies Globalists, Calls for US Dominance in Energy

There's a keen insight in there that could, just maybe, transform our lives, America, and the world. No "global currency?"  Was this, with the poetic observation that “there is no such thing as a global anthem…or a global flag,” just a trope? Or could it contain a political portent with potential high impact on world financial markets?  Let’s drill down.

As it happens, there is a global currency. It’s called the "U.S. dollar.”

Related: BRICS And AIIB Bank Pose Threat To Bretton-Woods Dollar System

Most international trade is priced in dollars. The Bretton Woods international monetary system invested the dollar, which then was defined as and (internationally) was legally convertible to gold at $35/oz, with global currency status.

France’s then-finance minister, later its president, Valéry  Giscard d'Estaing, called the “reserve currency” status of the dollar - its status, along with gold, as global currency - an exorbitant privilege.”

By this d'Estaing was alluding to the fact, as summarized at Wikipedia, that:

"As American economist Barry Eichengreen summarized: 'It costs only a few cents for the Bureau of Engraving and Printing to produce a $100 bill, but other countries had to pony up $100 of actual goods in order to obtain one.'" That privilege, which made great sense during the period immediately after World War II, became a curse.

Related: Senate to Probe Loretta Lynch Efforts to Shape FBI Investigation of Hillary Clinton

In 1971 President Nixon, under the influence of his Svengali-like Treasury Secretary John Connally, "suspend[ed] temporarily the convertibility of the dollar into gold." That closure proved durable instead of temporary. The dollar became, and remains, the world's global currency.

What had been an “exorbitant privilege” devolved into an exorbitant liability. As my former professional colleague John D. Mueller, of the Ethics and Public Policy Center, formerly Rep. Jack Kemp's chief economist, writing in the Wall Street Journal in Trump's Real Trade Problem Is Money recently and astutely observed:

"A monetary system based on a reserve currency is unsustainable, since foreign official dollar reserves (for example) are acquired and must be repaid in goods.

In other words, the increase in official dollar reserves equals the net exports of the rest of the world, which means it must also equal U.S. international payments deficits - an unsustainable situation.”

In other words, if President Trump wishes to address America’s merchandise trade deficit (balanced to perfection, of course, by a capital accounts surplus) he will find that allowing the dollar to be used as the global currency is the real snake in the economic woodpile. 

The dollar’s burden as the international reserve currency, not currency manipulation by our trading partners or bad treaties, is the true villain in the ongoing melodrama of crummy job creation.

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Mueller’s Wall Street Journal column enumerates the three options open to President Trump:

"First, muddle along under the current “dollar standard,” a position supported by resigned foreigners and some nostalgic Americans - among them Bryan Riley and William Wilson at the Heritage Foundation, and James Pethokoukis at the American Enterprise Institute.

Second, turn the International Monetary Fund into a world central bank issuing paper (e.g., special drawing rights) reserves - as proposed in 1943 by Keynes, since the 1960s by Robert A. Mundell, and in 2009 by Zhou Xiaochuan, governor of the People’s Bank of China. Drawbacks: This kind of standard is highly political and the allocation of special drawing rights essentially arbitrary, since the IMF produces no goods.

Third, adopt a modernized international gold standard, as proposed in the 1960s by Rueff and in 1984 by his protégé Lewis E. Lehrman …and then-Rep. Jack Kemp.”

To “muddle along” would, of course, be entirely antithetical to Trump’s promise to Make America Great Again. It would destroy his crucial commitment to get the economy growing at 3%+ - vastly faster than it has for the past 17 years  - which also happens to be the recipe for robust job creation and upward income mobility for workers.

It also is the essential ingredient for balancing the federal budget while rebuilding our infrastructure and military.

To turn the IMF into a world central bank would, of course, be anathema to Trump’s economic nationalism. To subordinate the dollar to the IMF’s SDR would be equivalent to lowering Old Glory and replacing the American flag with the flag of the United Nations on every flagpole in America. Unthinkable under a Trump administration.

Related: Trump applauds partial travel ban

That leaves the third option, to “adopt a modernized international gold standard, as proposed in the 1960s by Rueff and in 1984 by his protégé Lewis E. Lehrman … and then-Rep. Jack Kemp” (whose eponymous foundation I advise).

To this one should add, as Forbes.com contributor Nathan Lewis has shrewdly observed, the removal of tax and regulatory barriers to the use of gold as currency.

As I have repeatedly observed Donald Trump shows a strong affinity for gold. He has also shown a keen intuitive grasp of  how the gold standard was crucial to having made America great:

Donald Trump: “We used to have a very, very solid country because it was based on a gold standard,” he told WMUR television in New Hampshire in March last year. But he said it would be tough to bring it back because “we don’t have the gold. Other places have the gold.”

Trump’s comment to GQ: "Bringing back the gold standard would be very hard to do, but boy, would it be wonderful. We’d have a standard on which to base our money."

Related : Liens Filed Against The Federal Reserve: The Key To Trump Ending The Fed & Returning The Gold Standard?

Trump's politically unique intuition that “We used to have a very, very solid country because it was based on a gold standard” is no trivial matter. It is true. And as I have written elsewhere:

"Marc Levinson writing recently in The Wall Street Journal provides a very pessimistic view for the American Dream, “Why the Economy Doesn’t Roar Anymore: The long boom after World War II left Americans with unrealistic expectations, but there’s no going back to that unusual Golden Age" [He wrote:]

"People who had thought themselves condemned to be sharecroppers in the Alabama Cotton Belt or day laborers in the boot heel of Italy found opportunities they could never have imagined. The French called this period les trente glorieuses, the 30 glorious years.

Germans spoke of the Wirtschaftswunder, the economic miracle, while the Japanese, more modestly, referred to “the era of high economic growth.” In the English-speaking countries, it has more commonly been called the Golden Age.


"The Golden Age was the first sustained period of economic growth in most countries since the 1920s. But it was built on far more than just pent-up demand and the stimulus of the postwar baby boom. Unprecedented productivity growth around the world made the Golden Age possible. In the 25 years that ended in 1973, the amount produced in an hour of work roughly doubled in the U.S. and Canada, tripled in Europe and quintupled in Japan.


"Ever since the Golden Age vanished amid the gasoline lines of 1973, political leaders in every wealthy country have insisted that the right policies will bring back those heady days. Voters who have been trained to expect that their leaders can deliver something more than ordinary are likely to find reality disappointing."

Levinson, whose column uses “Golden Age” as its leitmotif, strangely fails to make the connection between, or even explore, the fact that the era he calls the Golden Age correlated precisely with America (and the world) being on a form of gold standard, particularly the modified gold standard known as the Bretton Woods System.

(Bretton Woods had the inherent flaw of using the dollar as an international reserve asset but, until that flaw undermined it, it served equitable prosperity.)”

What would be the outcome of Trump's following his instincts and going for the gold? Prosperity, that's what.

Former Fed Chairman Alan Greenspan just provided a barely noticed Big Reveal. In an interview with the World Gold Council’s Gold Investor Chairman Greenspan, stating “I view gold as the primary global currency,” went on to explicitly reveal, for the first time to my knowledge, that “When I was Chair of the Federal Reserve I used to testify before US Congressman Ron Paul, who was a very strong advocate of gold. We had some interesting discussions. I told him that US monetary policy tried to follow signals that a gold standard would have created."

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The period of "following signals that a gold standard would have created," called the Great Moderation under President Clinton, was one of the most equitably prosperous in modern American history. That era saw the creation of over 20 million jobs. Robust growth converted the federal deficit into a surplus. It was, if only virtually rather than institutionally, a golden age.

After the Fed abandoned its Great Moderation America experienced almost no net job creation under President George W. Bush and very mediocre job creation under President Obama. Sad!

I want the American Dream back. We all do, very much including President Trump. How might President Trump go about turning this around? He has a unique opening to forcefully pivot America toward epic prosperity.

Related: The Most Important Financial Meeting Since JFK’s Death Just Took Place

As Paul-Martin Foss of the Menger Center astutely points out the Federal Reserve Board currently has three vacancies.

Related: The Federal Reserve Cartel: The Eight Families + 7 Not-So-Secret Homes Of Super Secret Societies

If Trump were to fill those vacancies with three sophisticated gold standard advocates from the short list of Lewis E. Lehrman (whose eponymous Institute I formerly served), Dr. Judy Shelton (who served as an advisor on his presidential economic transition team), former presidential candidate Steve Forbes, and John Allison, former CEO of BB&T (preferably as vice chairman for regulation) the president would create a super “beachhead team” at the Fed to seriously restore equitable prosperity.

Comment: This article comes from a mainstream source. The author isn't "playing with all of the pieces" - but he has picked up on Trump's plan.

These appointments would be the safe and sure first steps out of economic stagnation for America. Couple these with a White House “Team B” to plan the enactment of the Jack Kemp Gold Standard Act and removal of the regulatory and tax barriers to using gold as currency. Then watch an American economic miracle take place.

Mr. President: “No such thing as a global currency?” The dollar is the global currency. Want prosperity? Heed Chairman Greenspan and do not just view but restore "gold as the primary global currency.” President Trump: replace the dollar with gold as the global currency to make America great again.

Related: Eric Trump Blasts DNC Chair Tom Perez: He’s a ‘Nut Job’

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Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi

Very Fake News: After Breitbart Investigation, CNN Retracts Conspiracy Theory Hit Piece Attacking Trump, Associates Over Russian Fund & CNN Producer Admits Russia Narrative is ‘Bullsh*t,’ Just for ‘Ratings’
June 30 2017 | From: Bretibart / Various

CNN has admitted it printed what President Donald Trump calls “very fake news” and retracted a demonstrably inaccurate hit piece on the President and his allies after a Breitbart News investigation uncovered significant inaccuracies and flaws in CNN’s work.

“On June 22, 2017, CNN.com published a story connecting Anthony Scaramucci with investigations into the Russian Direct Investment Fund,” CNN said in a statement late Friday night. “That story did not meet CNN’s editorial standards and has been retracted. Links to the story have been disabled. CNN apologizes to Mr. Scaramucci.”

Related: It Is the Presstitutes, Not Russia, Who Interfered in the US Presidential Election

The statement was sent out very late Friday evening on CNN’s Twitter account.

The retraction is a complete cave by a network that is notorious for trying to pick fights with President Trump and his allies. President Trump has identified CNN as a “very fake news” network. It comes on the heels of Breitbart News reporting on the inaccurate CNN hit piece, citing senior administration officials and sources close to Senate GOP leadership.

The thrust of CNN’s inaccurate piece, which is no longer available online, was a demonstrably untrue allegation that the Senate Intelligence Committee and Treasury Department were probing a Russian investment fund with ties to senior Trump allies like Anthony Scaramucci.

Using a single anonymous source, CNN wrote:

"The source said the Senate intelligence committee is investigating the Russian fund in connection with its examination of discussions between White House adviser Jared Kushner and the head of a prominent Russian bank. The bank, Vnesheconombank, or VEB, oversees the fund, which has ties to several Trump advisers. Both the bank and the fund have been covered since 2014 by sanctions restricting U.S. business dealings."

The Senate Intelligence Committee declined to comment on the matter when reached by Breitbart News, but a source close to Senate GOP leadership confirmed to Breitbart News that the allegation was bogus and politically motivated by Democrats.

Related: Cult of the Reality Builders

The GOP source close to Senate GOP leadership said:

"This is nothing besides Democrats trying to frustrate the efforts of President Trump’s administration while Elizabeth Warren and those of her ilk spend their days collecting taxpayer funded paychecks while they do nothing but stand in the way of the progress of the American agenda and are responsible for this nonsense. They should put their names on it if they want to waste taxpayer money on it.

CNN Producer Admits Russia Narrative is ‘Bullsh*t,’ Just for ‘Ratings’

In the recent video footage obtained by Project Veritas, John Bonifield a Sr. Producer at CNN, admits to several beliefs that are in direct conflict with the official CNN narrative that Trump has colluded with Russia, and that Russia has interfered with the 2016 election.

Bonifield expresses clear doubts that there is a fire behind the Russia smoke, stating, “I haven’t seen any good enough evidence to show that the President committed a crime.” He also confirms suspicions that CNN staff is ideologically biased against Trump, stating, “I know a lot of people don’t like him and they’d like to see him get kicked out of office…”

As Breitbart News noted in its original investigation into the demonstrably fake news CNN hit piece, this supposed Senate investigation exists only among Democrats and not the actual Senate Intelligence Committee. Breitbart News noted in the original investigation:

"Such vehemently anti-Trump voices as Sens. Kamala Harris (D-CA), Ron Wyden (D-OR), Martin Heinrich (D-NM) and Dianne Feinstein (D-CA) are on the Senate committee.

CNN did not specify if its sole source for its story was a Democrat or Republican staffer, but most with familiarity on this matter assume that it was a Senate Democrat staffer without knowledge of the committee’s true intent or actions who made these inaccurate claims to CNN."

But that was not all that was wrong with the fake news piece from CNN. The CNN report continued:

"Separately, Steve Mnuchin, now Treasury Secretary, said in a January letter that he would look into the Jan. 16 meeting between the fund’s chief executive and Anthony Scaramucci, a member of the transition team’s executive committee and a fundraiser and adviser for Trump’s presidential campaign.

At the time, Mnuchin had not yet been confirmed as Treasury Secretary. The Treasury Department did not respond to a request for an update. Two Democratic senators had asked Treasury to investigate whether Scaramucci promised to lift sanctions -a policy shift that would help the fund attract more international investment to Russia."

It turns out, as Breitbart News noted in the original investigation, that the two Democrats who pushed for the probe of Scaramucci’s supposed “meeting” with the investment fund executive - which was not really a meeting - were Sens. Ben Cardin (D-MD) and Elizabeth Warren (D-MA).

Related: Elite TV News Anchors are Gone: Hypnotic Effect Crumbling

Scaramucci debunked the CNN fake news report in his original quote to the network, detailing how there was no such meeting to begin with.

CNN originally wrote, in the now retracted inaccurate hit piece:

"Scaramucci, the founder of SkyBridge Capital, minimized his January meeting with [Kirill] Dmitriev in the resort town of Davos, Switzerland, at the celebrated annual gathering of the World Economic Forum.

Scaramucci had met Dmitriev at previous Davos meetings, although at the gathering in January, Scaramucci was expecting to be named White House liaison to the business community."

CNN also wrote that Scaramucci told the network in an email that Dmitriev “came over to say hello in a restaurant, and I was cordial. There is nothing there.”

The idea that the Treasury Department is investigating this is also completely baseless, as Breitbart News reported. “The matter has been reviewed and determined to be without merit,” a senior administration official told Breitbart News.

The inaccurate piece remained online for nearly an entire day, despite Breitbart News’s earlier inquiries to CNN about it. It was not until long after Breitbart News published its exposé on the fake news piece from CNN, hours later, that CNN finally retracted the piece and issued an “Editor’s Note” at 10:44 p.m. ET announcing the grave error. CNN’s Tweet was not until 11:50 p.m. ET.

Related: Life and Death in the Fake News Business

CNN spokeswoman Emily Kuhn has not answered followup email questions as to whether reporter Thomas Frank, whose name appears on the byline, has faced any consequences for his actions - or whether he is still employed by the network.

Kuhn has also not answered whether there have been any consequences that have befallen others involved in the publication of the demonstrably fake news piece, or exactly who at CNN was involved in this grave mistake.

The Trance Is Broken: As The Very Fake MSM Collapses, Humanity Rises

The mainstream media has been completely exposed while humanity breaks through the trance they have been placed under.

Kuhn also continues to refuse to answer whether anyone from CNN, including media reporter Brian Stelter - the host of the network’s media program Reliable Sources - are courageous enough to publicly defend the network’s actions in an appearance on Breitbart News radio on SiriusXM.

Kuhn has refused to provide anyone from the network on Breitbart radio since before President Trump won the election last year and defeated Democrat Hillary Rodham Clinton in a landslide in the electoral college.

Related: A Year in Pictures of Liberal Media Hypocrisy and Outright Lies

The fact remains, however, that CNN printed demonstrably fake news–and has now admitted it by retracting this piece - and it did so at the behest of Elizabeth Warren’s leftist agenda.

But, as Breitbart News’s original source close to Senate GOP leadership said: “Mr. Scaramucci knows more about lawfully and ethically conducting business in the finance world than Elizabeth Warren will ever know U.S. finance - Native American or otherwise.”

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Delusions About Private Property And The Fantasy Of Equality
June 29 2017 | From: JonRappoport

“Once private property is abolished, the advocates for utopia win. They build their heaven on earth, which means they can take what they want and run civilization, top-down. They can keep saying nobody owns anything, but in fact they own it all. They execute this squeeze play as if they were messiahs eradicating the prime evil: private ownership. This is such a preposterous stage play that, in a sane society, it would close down after one night.” - The Underground, Jon Rappoport

Newsflash: There is a difference between an idea and the way that idea is applied in practice.

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For example, certain groups will take the idea of freedom and interpret it to mean:

"We have the freedom to steal everything we can.”

Based on this practice, many people will claim freedom was always a failed and corrupt idea at the core. This is wrong, absurd, and dim. Very dim.

In the same way, the idea of private property can certainly be twisted to mean;

“I will steal what you have, make it my own, and then declare it is my property, over which I have control.”

But the idea of private property remains independent of what people will do to distort it. A child used to be able to see this.

Centuries of struggle resulted in a shift from monarchs and priest classes owning all available land, to individuals having the right to own land. Once that principle was firmly established, groups immediately tried to modify the principle to their advantage.

Related: 1924 Newspaper Article Outlines Six Goals Of The Illuminati

In 1776, a group called the Illuminati declared its existence in Bavaria. One of its guiding ideas was: the abolition of all private property. That concept traveled down to Karl Marx and the Communist agenda.

Private property was called an inherent crime. Instead, the people/everybody would own all property.

This garbled incoherent pronouncement would be backed up by the ruling government, who would act as stewards for the masses - meaning the government would take control of all property until such time as the people evolved to the point where the State was unnecessary.

As a straight con, it was very weak. A two-bit hustler on a street corner with a folding table and three cards could see through it in a second. The people evolving? The State withering away on its own? Equality defined as everybody owning everything?

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Of course, if people injected their own utopian fantasies into the mix, if people assumed the government was a beneficent force for good, if people assumed there was an “everybody” operating unanimously, if people fantasized about a history of tribes (who fought wars against each other) gracefully abdicating the whole notion of individual property…well then, yes, the abolition of private property became a marvelous proposition.

In the light of day, however, with a clear mind, the idea was terrible. It was quite insane. It signaled a transfer of property from the individual to power-mad lunatics. Needless to say, this idea of no-private-property is alive and well on planet Earth today. We are in another round of fantasy-drenched propaganda.

In a nutshell, the threat of pure private property is: it establishes individual rights that stand against the unchecked force of the government-corporate-banking nexus. It implies the individual is free, independent, and the ruler of what he owns.

To which the addled mind replies:

“But suppose a person is polluting his land and the poison is running beyond his borders and endangering others?”

Well, that is called a crime. It should be prosecuted. It should be stopped.

The fact that it is often ignored doesn’t negate the whole assumption of private property. It points to the corruption of public officials who refuse to prosecute the offender.

Here is utopia laid bare: the government and its partners, who are doing everything they can to limit, squash, and outlaw the individual right to own property, are the same force that is acting as the wondrous representative of all the people; surrender to this force; give it power to appropriate all property and hold it in trust, for that day when the population has risen to enlightenment, when the open sharing of “everything” is a natural impulse. Then victory will be ours.

Not the iron fist. The open helping hand. Not the hammer. The smiling guide. Not the monarch. The servant of humanity. If you buy that one, I have waterfront condos for sale on Jupiter’s four moons. No terms. Cash up front. Construction begins in 2058. Promise.

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The Homeowners Association actually owns the condos and the land. They are a subsidiary of the Jupiter Government Authority. There are rules. No flags of any kind flying from porches. No privately owned electricity generators. No growing of vegetables or fruit on the land. No weapons.

Domiciles must be shared with migrants arriving from Earth. The migrants are given beds, meals, and clothing. Possessions are shared. The prime directive: everything belongs to everybody. Power to the people.

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Could Light From LED Screens Cause Irreversible Eye Damage?
June 29 2017 | From: Uncensored / Various

In John Christian’s books, The Light Bulb Mafia and The Light Bulb Mafia Postscript (on the Internet) he mentions how LED light bulbs, LED slit lamps and ophthalmoscopes, LED backlit computer screens, smart phone screens and TV screens are going to severely damage the retina and accelerate early onset macular degeneration leading to premature blindness.

It was Dr Celia Sanchez-Ramos’s previous study exposing rats to white LED light bulbs back nearly 10 years ago that first motivated John Christian to write his books.

Related: Could light from LED screens cause irreversible eye damage?

Generally, her research is superb, although it has been largely ridiculed by other ophthalmological scientists and doctors throughout the world. Yet she is courageously holding to her carefully researched, honest views.

In my opinion she is one of the very few, truly great, honest, medical professionals today. She works at Complutense University of Madrid, in Spain. Well, here is her latest research published by Medical Life Sciences, showing how LED computer screens and tablets seriously damage the retina of rats, which supports John Christian’s previous radical allegations and predictions in his two books:

Note that her study involved exposing pigmented rats with eyes similar to humans. The control group was divided into three, a group (not exposed to LED screen light), a second group (exposed to LED displays) and a third group (exposed to LED displays with an Eye Protector Reticare over the screens cutting out the damaging blue light).

The study was performed for 3 months in daily cycles of 16 hours of light and 8 hours of darkness.

After the study was completed, all of the three groups of rat’s eyes were tested. The eyes of the rats not exposed to any screens at all, and the rats exposed to the screens with the Reticare blue light protectors fitted were all the same and had not been damaged at all.

However, the retinas of rats exposed to the unprotected LED screens showed a 23% retinal cell death rate over the 3 month period.

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Even the researchers at the university were totally shocked to observe this level of apoptosis (programmed cell death) in such a short period in animals that have a life expectancy of 10 years.

People who use LED computer screens a lot, such as gamers, for a long while have been complaining of serious problems with their eyesight and now most use blue light screen protectors or yellow tinted spectacles to cut out the excessive damaging blue light. However, unfortunately, this usually distorts colour perception.

Interestingly, PB Technology (a big N.Z. computer retailer) recently opened a new branch here in Tauranga, New Zealand, a few weeks ago. I went to have a look on the opening day and much to my surprise, I saw they had a new range of LCD (Liquid Clear Crystal) computer monitor screens in stock.

I have one myself, and they are good, emitting very little damaging blue light at all, but they do emit a lot of UV, which doesn’t damage the retina but it does damage the eye’s lens.

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However, if you wear eye glasses with plastic lenses like I do these lenses cut out virtually all of the UV. These screens had been taken off the market and replaced with LED screens a few years ago.

So I asked the manager; Why the new LCD screens? Answer: More and more gamers are going back to them because they don’t hurt their eyes!

All this going on, while the Global Lighting Association (representing over 5,000 lighting manufacturers) wants to convert the whole world to LEDs by 2020, and virtually all the world’s leading  optical and ophthalmological scientists and medical doctors say LED light bulbs and LED screens don’t harm you!

Related: Companies Develop “Safe” Screens That Filter Blue Light Emitted By Electronic Devices

On the front cover of John Christian’s book (on the Internet), THE LIGHT BULB MAFIA published in July 2014, he says, “A history of the secret global light bulb cartel – and why the insidious global transformation to modern LED, OLED, and LD lighting technology, if not soon stopped or radically changed – is going to curse the whole world with BLINDNESS!”

Clearly, Dr Celia Sanchez-Ramos’s latest research here in the article points precisely to the inevitability of this soon happening. Yet still. Very few people including the medical profession are not acknowledging this is even occurring.

Related: These Light Bulbs Cause Anxiety, Migraines, And Even Cancer

Seriously. The evidence now is simply overwhelming. Already, some Asian countries have 90% of their school children by age sixteen suffering from serious eye problems and myopia and will probably be blind by age 50.

So why are very few speaking up and why is nothing meaningful being done about this tyranny?

Virtually all smart phones have LED backlit screens as well. Are the over ten million doctors represented by the World Medical Association, in truth, members of one, giant, global lunatic asylum? Certainly looks like it doesn’t it.

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Oliver Stone: Russia And US Could Be ‘Great Partners’ + Kremlin: Oliver Stone's Documentary On Russia’s Leader ‘Revealed Putin Genuinely’
June 28 2017 | From: Tass / Tass

Hollywood director Oliver Stone has told The Los Angeles Times he believes that Russia and the United States may become great partners. The director said he "liked peace" and would love to see the world in harmony

Stone has filmed a series of interviews with Russian President Vladimir Putin, shooting a four-episode documentary, which is expected to premiere in the United States on June 12-15. So far, a few preview clips have been released.

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"Hell, I like peace. I'd like to see the world in harmony. I think the US and Russia could be great partners,"
Stone said.

"Why has it deteriorated to this point?"

Stone commented on the words of Marlow Stern, an editor and writer for the Daily Beast, who suggested last week that the filmmaker liked "cozying up to dictators."

"I just love dictators. I really do," Stone said with a sarcastic laugh.

Kremlin: Oliver Stone's Documentary On Russia’s Leader ‘Revealed Putin Genuinely’

US filmmaker Oliver Stone earlier said that his four-part documentary was aimed at building 'a rounded portrait of arguably the most fascinating and frightening world leader in a generation'.

US filmmaker Oliver Stone, who recently released a documentary about Russian President Vladimir Putin, could not have made a sub-quality picture, Kremlin Spokesman Dmitry Peskov told reporters.

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"Oliver Stone is a very gifted filmmaker so he could not have made some low-quality picture," he said. "Let us wait and see for ourselves if this documentary opens Putin up to those who want to know more about him," Peskov added.

When asked if Stone would be able to make the West change its opinion on the Russian president, the Kremlin spokesman repeated Putin’s statement in which he said that some western countries:

"Are overcome by hatred for Russia which borders on political schizophrenia."

"Of course, it will be difficult to make them understand anything while they are going through such an acute phase, but when remission comes, it could be done,"
the Russian presidential spokesman added.

In response to a question if President Putin had seen the first part of the documentary which had aired in the US on Monday, Peskov said:

"It was not aired in Russia, the US Showtime TV channel broadcast it yesterday, today the second part will be on air. The documentary premiered in the US, then Europe’s turn will come, as far as we know, (Russian rights) were purchased by Channel One, so we will wait until it airs here."

In an interview with The Guardian, Oliver Stone said that his four-part documentary dubbed The Putin Interviews was aimed at building "a rounded portrait of arguably the most fascinating and frightening world leader in a generation."

When asked why he had not challenged Putin, Stone said that "It’s not my job to do that." According to the filmmaker, he wanted not to "change Putin’s mind, but to show it," as well as to show that "Putin is not so very different to many world leaders."

Oliver Stone: The Putin Interviews - Trailer

Oliver Stone interviews Russian President Vladimir Putin who discusses his children and grandchildren. Parts 1-4 of The Putin Interviews available now, only on Showtime.

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Weather Channel founder Tells CNN “Climate Change Is A Hoax” - 31,000 Scientists Agree & Al Gore Confuses Tides With Global Warming Ocean Rise Apocalypse, Claims Fish Are “Swimming In The Streets” Of Miami Due To Climate Change
June 28 2017 | From: NaturalNews / Various

Al Gore’s 2006 documentary, An Inconvenient Truth, and extensive reporting by the mainstream media have led many to accept catastrophic man-made global warming as a scientific fact.
But, while this theory is increasingly being taught in schools and other institutions, it is important to note that there are thousands of reputable scientists who absolutely do not agree that global warming is settled science.

One of these is John Coleman, founder of The Weather Channel.

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In a recent interview with CNN, Coleman stressed that there is no scientific consensus when it comes to global warming. Noting that science isn’t a vote, but needs to be based on cold, hard facts, he stated firmly that climate change simply is not happening.

“There is no significant man-made global warming now, there hasn’t been any in the past, and there’s no reason to expect any in the future,”
he stressed. “That’s a whole lot of baloney.”

When asked by the CNN interviewer how he would explain away the fact that 97 percent of scientists with the government, NASA and other institutions all accept global warming as settled science, Coleman claimed that it’s all about the money.

Apparently, the government makes $2.5 billion in funding available for climate science each year, but will only fund studies that support the global warming hypothesis. Climate scientists who actually want to work, therefore, have no real choice: If they want to get the money, they have to support the global warming position.

“It’s real simple, but that doesn’t mean it’s right; that doesn’t make it true,”
Coleman said. “That only makes it bought and paid for.”

Related: Discover the true scientific facts at Enviro.news

Coleman also made reference to the Global Warming Petition Project, a petition launched in 1998, and signed by 31,487 scientists, including more than 9,000 with Ph.D.’s in atmospheric science, Earth science, climatology and the environment. None of these highly respected scientists accept the theory of global warming.

In fact, these scientists insist:

“There is no convincing scientific evidence that human release of carbon dioxide, methane, or other greenhouse gases is causing or will, in the foreseeable future, cause catastrophic heating of the Earth’s atmosphere and disruption of the Earth’s climate.”

In promoting the petition, the highly respected scientist, Professor Frederick Seitz, former president of the U.S. National Academy of Sciences and winner of the National Medal of Science, noted;

“Research data on climate change do not show that human use of hydrocarbons is harmful. To the contrary, there is good evidence that increased atmospheric carbon dioxide is environmentally helpful.”

A study published in the journal Nature Climate Change in 2016, pointed to the beneficial effects of increased carbon dioxide production. That study determined that the Earth has greened “significantly” over the last three and a half decades.

In fact, between 25 and 50 percent of our planet’s plant life has been subject to this effect, which is only logical, since carbon dioxide boosts photosynthesis, facilitating increased growth.

Related: Carbon dioxide is the miracle molecule for re-greening the planet

Back in 2007, two scientists, Dennis Avery and Fred Singer, analyzed the work of over 500 scientists and determined that any current warming of the Earth is likely not caused by greenhouse gases, but is part of the natural cooling and warming process our planet has gone through every 1,500 years for millennia.

Avery and Singer noted that in 2,000 years of recorded history, colder periods like the Dark Ages and Little Ice Age were far more likely to be harmful to people and the environment than the warmer periods.

They pointed to historical floods on the Nile, wine production in the U.K. by first century Romans, and ancient paintings with sunnier skies, depicting what is known as the “Medieval Warming,” as evidence of these consistent temperature fluctuations.

So, before accepting all the bought and paid for doomsday global warming “science,” it is well worth looking at all the facts and drawing your own conclusions.

Aerosols Over Aotearoa

Al Gore Confuses Tides With Global Warming Ocean Rise Apocalypse, Claims Fish Are “Swimming In The Streets” Of Miami Due To Climate Change

The sheer idiocy of Al Gore and the climate change cultists never ceases to amaze me. Now, according to Al Gore, every time the moon’s gravity causes tides to roll in, it’s a “global warming” apocalypse and proof that the oceans are catastrophically rising at the rate of nearly one foot per hour.

Seriously, this is the science bunk Al Gore is now pushing in the media.

Related: Green Gestapo Says You're Mentally Ill If You Challenge Climate Change + Over 30,000 Scientists Say 'Catastrophic Man-Made Global Warming' Is A Complete Hoax And Science Lie

In an interview with Fox News on the subject of climate change, Al Gore said:

“I went down to Miami and saw fish from the ocean swimming in the streets on a sunny day… the same thing was true in Honolulu just two days [ago], just from high tides because of the sea level rise now. We are going to suffer some of these consequences…”

HUH? In the twisted mind of Al Gore, tides are proof that the sea level is rising. Gosh, does that also mean that every time the tide rolls out and the water level drops, climate change is solved?

Does Al Gore really think global warming causes sea levels to rise by almost a foot every hour?

Watch the astonishing idiocy of Al Gore in this mind blowing video clip (at least, until Youtube bans it)…

Tidal flooding was the real reason.

What was the real explanation for fish “swimming in the streets” of Miami?

WSVN.com in South Florida originally reported:

“South Florida has been under a coastal flood advisory since Monday because of ‘high astronomical tides due to the lunar cycle,’ according to the National Weather Service, and neighborhoods have been dealing with rising and falling waters ever since.”

But that link was memory holed from the internet because the facts contradicted Al Gore’s climate change lunacy.

You can still read the quotes, however, at TheRightScoop.com which also reports:

The National Weather Service issued a coastal hazard message early Monday morning for areas from Palm Beach County to Miami Dade, and in Collier County on the southwest coast.

Brad Diehl, a meteorologist with the NWS in Miami, said high tides could cause minor flooding through Thursday and then slowly withdraw as the moon enters its waning gibbous phase.

But it’s not just the moon causing streets to turn runny, Diehl said.

Easterly winds pushing water onshore, normal seasonal changes, sea level rise and a slower Gulf Stream also are to blame.

“There are all kinds of subtle things that contribute to the higher tides,” Diehl said. “This kind of thing can be hard to predict.”

Al Gore and Other Climate Change Cultists Suffer From “Mass Psychosis”

When ocean waters are rolling in due to tidal forces, Al Gore doesn’t see tides or wind or moon gravity effects. Instead, just like all the other climate change cultists who mass hallucinate everything, he sees “climate change” causing waters to rise several FEET in just a few hours.

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For the record, even the most alarmist climate change advocates only claim oceans will rise a few feet in a hundred years or so. Yet Al Gore stupidly thinks it all happened Saturday night in Miami, right before his very eyes.

As TheRightScoop.com points out;

“Of course Al Gore would lie about this, taking the result of a natural phenomenon of wind and lunar cycles and blaming it on Climate Change, all to keep up the myth by which he has become filthy rich.”


You really have to stand back in awe at the ability of these climate change hustlers to spin total science bunk with a straight face. If the incoming tide on Saturday is proof of sea levels are suddenly rising several FEET from global warming, then the sun rising in the morning must also be proof that we’re all going to fry in a solar apocalypse by Friday.

It takes a true lunatic to observe every weather event and leap to the outrageous conclusion that it’s all caused by “climate change.”

Al Gore is either a complete moron, or a devious liar who peddles junk science to the gullible masses. Or maybe, just maybe, he’s somehow both.

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Moving Beyond Concentrated State Power
June 27 2017 | From: Geopolitics

Capitalism is at the precipice of what it is capable of, and what is possible with it. Nevertheless, its proponents are perpetually swearing that it spurred tremendous development, yet we also know that it is the cause of so much industrial waste, and environmental destruction.

We are also aware that so much wealth of scientific knowledge have been purposely suppressed with the cooperation of the government for the purpose of preserving the need to consume and produce more, just to sustain commerce and capitalism, and its compatible patronage politics.

Related: The Looting Machine Called Capitalism

Both share the same motivation to profit and rule. However, the people need not be ruled. What we all need is learn about deep thinking to make way for enlightenment, vision and wisdom. That’s the only way that the people will eventually learn to govern themselves.

In contrast, the present control system run by the State is grossly inefficient and spiritually destructive.

For how long should we allow the regressive system to continue?

The New Socialism: Moving Beyond Concentrated State Power

Comment: This article is shared here not in a pro-socialist effort, however it does raise some interesting ideas in how we can begin to fix our world moving forward.

Capitalism as a system is now increasingly challenged. Critics proliferate and steadily deepen their opposition (alongside, of course, the persistence of capitalism’s defenders). Yet capitalism’s traditional “other” - namely, socialism - has also been widely devalued. It has lost its position as the goal (however variously interpreted) for anti-capitalist social movements.

When not simply ignored, socialism (and even more its derivative “communism”) is often treated as utterly passé. When taken seriously, it is mostly a vague rhetorical gesture expressing criticism of the capitalist status quo, not advocacy of a concrete alternative. Socialist parties now mainly support capitalism but with a human face - i.e. with the social supports and safety nets that their “conservative” counterparts disdain.

Sometimes the advocacy of socialism expresses a systemic rejection of, or opposition to, capitalism. But even then, the current use of the term “socialism” lacks a clear, concrete definition of what genuinely new economic system it entails. What exactly differentiates it from and renders it superior both to capitalism and to what “old” socialism used to mean?

To enrich and strengthen anti-capitalism by giving it such a new, definitive goal, we need to revision socialism. On the one hand that means shedding accumulated historical baggage that now undermines and prevents socialism from being a prominent goal of social change.

On the other hand, a revised socialism requires new content that can inspire and motivate. That is now available. Old socialism’s drawn-out demise since the 1970s helped give birth to a new 21st century socialism whose basic contours we can now contrast with old socialism.

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The old socialism that evolved across the 19th and 20th centuries eventually settled its many, rich debates by largely agreeing on two basic ways to distinguish itself from capitalism.

Capitalism entailed:

1. Private enterprises to produce goods and services

2. Markets as the means to distribute resources and products among enterprises and individuals (workers and consumers).

In contrast, socialism entailed government-owned-and-operated enterprises and government central planning as the distribution system. Both devotees of capitalism and socialism accepted this set of differentiating definitions.

Debates and struggles over capitalism versus socialism then swirled around the relative virtues and flaws of private versus state enterprises and of markets versus planning. The practice of socialism combined criticism of private enterprise and markets with celebration of state enterprise and central planning.

Related: Republic Or Democracy And Self-Governance

Once socialists had captured state power in the USSR, the People’s Republic of China (PRC) and elsewhere, the demands of managing actual economies tilted socialism’s focus ever further toward state enterprises and central planning mechanisms. In perfectly parallel fashion, attacks upon socialism from devotees of capitalism stressed the failures and excesses of state enterprises and planning.

Many of those debates and struggles seemed to be resolved by the collapse of the USSR in 1989 and subsequent changes in Eastern Europe, the PRC and elsewhere. History, the devotees of capitalism crowed, had “proven” the non-viability of socialism, the superiority of capitalism.

They rarely grasped that what had failed was one version of socialism, an early experiment in what it might mean to construct a system beyond capitalism. Their eagerness to claim that “socialism/communism had failed” conveniently forgot the many similarly “failed” efforts, centuries earlier, to construct capitalism out of a declining European feudalism.

Only after many such failures did changed social conditions enable a general system change to modern capitalism. Why would the same not apply to socialism qua successor to capitalism?

Related: Monopolies and Accountability

A major task for socialists has been honestly to admit and contend with the limits and failures of the old 19th and 20th century socialism: chiefly, excesses of over-concentrated state power and inadequately transformed production systems.

Old socialism’s achievements - especially rapid industrial development and the remarkable provision of social safety nets - might be preserved and built upon if its limits and failures were also recognized and overcome.

One emerging and promising new socialism for the 21st century focuses on worker co-ops. Socialism becomes the campaign to establish and build a sizable worker co-op sector within contemporary capitalism. In worker co-op enterprises, all workers are equal members of a democratically run production operation.

They debate and decide what, how and where to produce and how to utilize the net revenues. Worker co-op enterprises exist alongside traditional capitalist enterprises. They are eligible for and must obtain tax considerations, subsidies and state supports comparable to what capitalist enterprises received throughout capitalism’s history.

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Indeed, in their initial, emergent phase, worker co-ops deserve extra government support so that the worker co-op sector quickly achieves a significant role in the economy. Until that role is established, people will remain unable to evaluate, compare and weigh in on what mix of capitalist and worker co-op enterprises they wish for their society.

The worker co-op sector of an economy will have to decide what mix of market and planning mechanisms to utilize for the distribution of its resources and products (much as capitalist enterprises always did). The relationships - both competitive and cooperative - between the two sectors of each economy (capitalist and worker co-op) will have to be determined by negotiations between them.

The third member of those negotiations will be the populace as a whole weighing in on what kind of economic system it wants as the partner for its political system.

With a significant worker co-op sector, the state’s dependence on enterprises will no longer mean a dependence on a small minority: shareholders and boards of directors who control capitalist enterprises. Instead it will mean, at least in part, the state’s dependence on masses of workers who democratically control worker co-ops. Under such a system, the prospects for genuine (as opposed to merely formal) political democracy are much enhanced over their sorry state today.

Related: Mathematical Report Proves Human Society Is Too Complex To Be Ruled By A Government

Mass working class support made 19th and 20th century socialism - with its programs of revolutionary or evolutionary / parliamentary seizures of state power - historically important. We cannot now expect to mobilize again any equivalent support for a revival of the old socialism.

That is because of its limits and failures and also because of the massive, sustained campaigns against it by capitalism’s supporters.

However, a new socialism built upon the best achievements of the old plus a new focus on the democratic transformation of the workplace can mobilize mass support now. It is already doing so.

A new socialism for the 21st century would address as well all those in the population who are not in the workforce because of family, age, education, illness, disability or other comparable causes. Systematic supports for them - qua relatives, friends and neighbors of workforce member- are as central to a new and better society as is the democratization of the workplace. Indeed, the latter and the former can and would be mutually supportive.

Related: 8 Ways Control Freak Government Is Sabotaging Freedom And Making Life More Difficult For Us

Old socialist parties are mostly fading or imploding, yet at the same time capitalism’s deepening difficulties, especially since the global crash of 2008, are everywhere increasing mass opposition to capitalism. What that opposition needs is a new socialism with attractive, basic transformative goals. What is not wanted is social change that gives power to some far-away government apparatus.

The point is rather and finally to transfer power into the hands of the change-making workers themselves. Power here refers to more than politics. It refers to the social power at the economic base of society, in the workplaces producing the goods and services upon which social life depends.

The French Revolution’s slogan - liberty, equality, fraternity - was linked to its economic project of displacing feudalism in favor of capitalism. While its economic project succeeded, it failed to realize that slogan. It turned out, as Marx noted, that capitalism’s class division (between employer and employee) blocked that realization.

Overcoming such class divisions - something a worker co-op can do - is required to take the next great historical step toward liberty, equality and fraternity.

Related: The Rise And Rise Of Control-Freak Government

The establishment of worker coops is one idea for a transition to a resource-based economy. This should make way for the full implementation of automation that will be according to an Open Source design and under the full control of the people, and not by the Corporatocracy.

Everyone must benefit from our collective scientific and technological advancements. We can’t make our economic and political freedom happen if we continue relying on politicians and priests for direction.

It’s time to wave and follow our own batons.

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238 Arrested In Major Hollywood Pedophile Ring Bust & The UN Is Normalising Pedophilia: The Deep State Is Free To Prey Upon Your Children
June 26 2017 | From: NeonNettle / CommonSenseShow

'Major Hollywood players' taken down for child sex crimes: The Department of Justice has just conducted a series of raids across Los Angeles and arrested 238 people in connection with a Hollywood pedophilia network.

According to police, the arrests included some "major Hollywood players" as well as politicians, white-collar professionals, a monk, and other high-ranking clergy members. The raids were conducted by the Los Angeles Regional Internet Crimes against Children task force, working directly with the Justice Department.

Related: House intel panel plans to interview Podesta next week, sources say

Codenamed "Operation Broken Heart III", the sweeping raids targeted offenders wanted for the sexual exploitation of children, child prostitution, sex tourism and possessing and distributing child pornography, said Deputy Chief Matt Blake of the Los Angeles Police Department.

Police stated that they are unable to release any names at this point, but confirmed that the arrested included some "household names" in the entertainment industry.

Operation Broken Heart III is said to be part of a much larger operation that connects to national Elite pedophile rings and may extend worldwide.

Among those arrested was an Australian politician who was attempting to "purchase" a 6-year-old boy.

LA Times reports: Among those arrested during sweeps in April and May were entertainers, community leaders, white-collar professionals and clergy members, said John Reynolds, acting special agent in charge for U.S. Department of Homeland Security Investigations.

"The incidence of child sexual exploitation has reached staggering proportions,"
he said at a news conference.

Law enforcement officials said the arrests underscore the importance of families maintaining an open dialogue about Internet safety.

"Parents and kids need to have frank conversations about how to stay safe in cyberspace,"
Reynolds said.

Children and teens, he said, are spending more time on the Internet and social media sites, where child predators often look for victims. The Los Angeles task force is one of 61 programs nationwide funded through the U.S. Justice Department’s Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention.

Created in 2014, Operation Broken Heart gives law enforcement agencies and task forces an opportunity to combine resources and investigative tools to identify child sexual predators.

The Los Angeles Police Department's Internet Crimes Against Children unit serves about 300 warrants each year in pursuit of child pornography suspects. In a high-rise building in Long Beach, 11 officers review an average of 350 child pornography cases a month.

Investigators use forensic equipment inside a mobile crime lab named "The Beast" to scan through hard drives for any illicit images.

In May, Michael Quinn, 33, traveled from Australia to Los Angeles to complete a deal to buy a 6-year-old boy for sex, according to the U.S. attorney’s office in Los Angeles. Undercover agents met Quinn on a social media networking site, where he had communicated that he wanted to “meet up with a dad who shares his young one,” according to prosecutors.

"Quinn explained to the undercover agent he was hoping to meet ‘other pervs’ in the U.S. and ultimately agreed to pay a human trafficker $250 to provide him with a young boy with whom he could engage in illicit sex,"
according to the U.S. attorney’s office in Los Angeles.

Quinn went to a hotel in Los Angeles, where he planned to meet and party with three other child predators and engage in sex with boys, prosecutors said. Instead, undercover agents were waiting inside the hotel room. After Quinn handed money to an agent, who was posing as a sex trafficker, law enforcement authorities entered the room and arrested him, prosecutors said.

Weeks later in Riverside, authorities arrested Kounzong Saebphang, 26, a monk, at his home in the Wat Lao Buddhist Monastery in Riverside. Authorities were investigating Saebphang since last year when they received information that he was possibly distributing child pornography, according to the Riverside County district attorney’s office.

When federal investigators searched the monastery, they found at least one digital device containing child pornography in his belongings, prosecutors said. Prosecutors alleged he also distributed child pornography to another person through a social media site.

The UN Is Normalising Pedophilia: The Deep State Is Free To Prey Upon Your Children

The United Nations Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights is sanctioning a sexual revolution that will culminate in the legalization and whole-hearted support of transgenderism but will also support the legalization of pedophilia.

As the Deep State is further exposed for their role in Pedogate, we can expect more counterattacks such as the legalization of pedophilia.

Related: A Former FBI Whistleblower “Sang Like A Canary” About One World Government And Pedophilia

From The New American:

"The United Nations “Human Rights Council,” which counts some of the world’s most ruthless dictatorships as members, sparked global outrage last week by voting to appoint a UN czar to oversee the normalization of homosexuality and transgenderism around the world.

…According to the UN’s propaganda service, the discredited UN “Human Rights Council” debated the measure for almost four hours on June 30 before adopting the scheme in a contentious vote. Just 23 member governments and regimes voted in favor of creating the new czar, while 18 voted against and six abstained.

The measure was pushed forward by a tight-knit network of communist and socialist governments in Latin America with close ties to Marxist terrorist groups, Western globalists, Moscow, and Beijing. A number of European governments and other members of the “LGBT Core Group,” which includes Obama and the EU, also played a key role in pushing the scheme from outside the UN “human rights” outfit.“

For the first time, work on this issue [normalizing homosexuality and transgenderism] will be effectively institutionalized at the Human Rights Council,” the UN said….”

…”celebrated as a “great step forward for human rights in the United States.” “The measures he advocated here — including new laws to protect people from discrimination — are the same measures that, today, we advocate to governments everywhere.” Ironically, the praise for the child rapist came even as the UN’s “peace” armies were facing global outrage for systematically raping and sexually exploiting children around the world.

Years ago, I wrote about the fact that NAMBLA was advocating for the legalization of pedophilia.  Care to guess who their largest contributor is?  Look at the following:

The following is an example of how academics talk about pedophilia. Soon, the practice, much like transgenders terrorizing girls in female restrooms has become the norm.

"Paedophilic interest is natural and normal for human males,”
said the presentation. “At least a sizeable minority of normal males would like to have sex with children … Normal males are aroused by children.”

Some yellowing tract from the Seventies or early Eighties, era of abusive celebrities and the infamous PIE, the Paedophile Information Exchange? No. Anonymous commenters on some underground website? No again.

The statement that paedophilia is “natural and normal” was made not three decades ago but last July. It was made not in private but as one of the central claims of an academic presentation delivered, at the invitation of the organisers, to many of the key experts in the field at a conference held by the University of Cambridge.

Other presentations included “Liberating the paedophile: a discursive analysis,” and “Danger and difference: the stakes of hebephilia.” Hebephilia is the sexual preference for children in early puberty, typically 11 to 14-year-olds.

The most heinous organization in America is Nambla. Nambla is short for the North American Man-Boy Association and their identifying banner statement is “sex before 8 or it is too late”.

We are on our way in the country to allowing and even encouraging sex with children. The last taboo is being eliminated.

It is now tolerated that creatures with an XY chromosome structure can now enter little girls restrooms, under the guise of being a transgender and terrorize these girls George Soros style. Your children are about to become part of a world that they are not equipped to live in.

How long will it be until employees who have sex with children is protected as well when we look at the transgender issue in bathrooms. No, this is not hyperbole, it is a legitimate concern. The North American Man-Boy Love Association (NAMBLA) begins to figure prominently into this picture. In the past, one of their trademark phrases was “sex before eight, or it’s too late”.

This is an obvious attempt to remove the last perverted prohibition from our legal code as well as our societal safeguards to protect our children. Words cannot describe how sick and perverted these people truly are.

And before you think that this could never become a reality, please consider that globalist, George Soros, gives money to NAMBLA. If that is not concerning enough for you please realize that Kevin Jennings, an Obama Department of Education official, and a close friend of Hillary Clinton has involvement with this group as well.

Bootstrapping gender neutral and homosexual protection issues to pedophilia is already happening. The New York Times is on record saying the pedophilia is not a crime. The ACLU is actively defending Nambla and pedophile advocates.

UN Imposing Radical Sexuality Where No Practice Is Outlawed

Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi

Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi
Your Brain Is Not A Computer
June 26 2017 | From: Sott / Various

No matter how hard they try, brain scientists and cognitive psychologists will never find a copy of Beethoven’s 5th Symphony in the brain – or copies of words, pictures, grammatical rules or any other kinds of environmental stimuli.

The human brain isn’t really empty, of course. But it does not contain most of the things people think it does – not even simple things such as ‘memories’.

Related: The Body Is Not A Computer, So Stop Thinking Of It As One

Our shoddy thinking about the brain has deep historical roots, but the invention of computers in the 1940s got us especially confused. For more than half a century now, psychologists, linguists, neuroscientists and other experts on human behaviour have been asserting that the human brain works like a computer.

[Comment: This article takes into account the currently held mainstream of what a 'computer' is - it does not take into account black project technologies that are far more advanced.]

To see how vacuous this idea is, consider the brains of babies. Thanks to evolution, human neonates, like the newborns of all other mammalian species, enter the world prepared to interact with it effectively.

A baby's vision is blurry, but it pays special attention to faces, and is quickly able to identify its mother's. It prefers the sound of voices to non-speech sounds, and can distinguish one basic speech sound from another. We are, without doubt, built to make social connections.

A healthy newborn is also equipped with more than a dozen reflexes - ready-made reactions to certain stimuli that are important for its survival. It turns its head in the direction of something that brushes its cheek and then sucks whatever enters its mouth. It holds its breath when submerged in water.

It grasps things placed in its hands so strongly it can nearly support its own weight. Perhaps most important, newborns come equipped with powerful learning mechanisms that allow them to change rapidly so they can interact increasingly effectively with their world, even if that world is unlike the one their distant ancestors faced.

Senses, reflexes and learning mechanisms - this is what we start with, and it is quite a lot, when you think about it. If we lacked any of these capabilities at birth, we would probably have trouble surviving.

But here is what we are not born with: information, data, rules, software, knowledge, lexicons, representations, algorithms, programs, models, memories, images, processors, subroutines, encoders, decoders, symbols, or buffers - design elements that allow digital computers to behave somewhat intelligently. Not only are we not born with such things, we also don't develop them - ever.

We don't store words or the rules that tell us how to manipulate them. We don't create representations of visual stimuli, store them in a short-term memory buffer, and then transfer the representation into a long-term memory device. We don't retrieve information or images or words from memory registers. Computers do all of these things, but organisms do not.

Computers, quite literally, process information - numbers, letters, words, formulas, images. The information first has to be encoded into a format computers can use, which means patterns of ones and zeroes ('bits') organised into small chunks ('bytes').

On my computer, each byte contains 64 bits, and a certain pattern of those bits stands for the letter d, another for the letter o, and another for the letter g. Side by side, those three bytes form the word dog.

One single image - say, the photograph of my cat Henry on my desktop - is represented by a very specific pattern of a million of these bytes ('one megabyte'), surrounded by some special characters that tell the computer to expect an image, not a word.

Computers, quite literally, move these patterns from place to place in different physical storage areas etched into electronic components. Sometimes they also copy the patterns, and sometimes they transform them in various ways - say, when we are correcting errors in a manuscript or when we are touching up a photograph.

The rules computers follow for moving, copying and operating on these arrays of data are also stored inside the computer. Together, a set of rules is called a 'program' or an 'algorithm'. A group of algorithms that work together to help us do something (like buy stocks or find a date online) is called an 'application' - what most people now call an 'app'.

Forgive me for this introduction to computing, but I need to be clear: computers really do operate on symbolic representations of the world. They really store and retrieve. They really process. They really have physical memories. They really are guided in everything they do, without exception, by algorithms.

Humans, on the other hand, do not - never did, never will. Given this reality, why do so many scientists talk about our mental life as if we were computers?

In his book In Our Own Image (2015), the artificial intelligence expert George Zarkadakis describes six different metaphors people have employed over the past 2,000 years to try to explain human intelligence.

In the earliest one, eventually preserved in the Bible, humans were formed from clay or dirt, which an intelligent god then infused with its spirit. That spirit 'explained' our intelligence - grammatically, at least.

The invention of hydraulic engineering in the 3rd century BCE led to the popularity of a hydraulic model of human intelligence, the idea that the flow of different fluids in the body - the 'humours' - accounted for both our physical and mental functioning. The hydraulic metaphor persisted for more than 1,600 years, handicapping medical practice all the while.

By the 1500s, automata powered by springs and gears had been devised, eventually inspiring leading thinkers such as René Descartes to assert that humans are complex machines. In the 1600s, the British philosopher Thomas Hobbes suggested that thinking arose from small mechanical motions in the brain.

By the 1700s, discoveries about electricity and chemistry led to new theories of human intelligence - again, largely metaphorical in nature. In the mid-1800s, inspired by recent advances in communications, the German physicist Hermann von Helmholtz compared the brain to a telegraph.

The mathematician John von Neumann stated flatly that the function of the human nervous system is 'prima facie digital', drawing parallel after parallel between the components of the computing machines of the day and the components of the human brain

Each metaphor reflected the most advanced thinking of the era that spawned it. Predictably, just a few years after the dawn of computer technology in the 1940s, the brain was said to operate like a computer, with the role of physical hardware played by the brain itself and our thoughts serving as software.

The landmark event that launched what is now broadly called 'cognitive science' was the publication of Language and Communication (1951) by the psychologist George Miller. Miller proposed that the mental world could be studied rigorously using concepts from information theory, computation and linguistics.

This kind of thinking was taken to its ultimate expression in the short book The Computer and the Brain (1958), in which the mathematician John von Neumann stated flatly that the function of the human nervous system is 'prima facie digital'.

Although he acknowledged that little was actually known about the role the brain played in human reasoning and memory, he drew parallel after parallel between the components of the computing machines of the day and the components of the human brain.

Propelled by subsequent advances in both computer technology and brain research, an ambitious multidisciplinary effort to understand human intelligence gradually developed, firmly rooted in the idea that humans are, like computers, information processors.

This effort now involves thousands of researchers, consumes billions of dollars in funding, and has generated a vast literature consisting of both technical and mainstream articles and books.

Related: Our Brains Can Predict Future Events Twice as Fast as They Actually Happen

Ray Kurzweil's book How to Create a Mind: The Secret of Human Thought Revealed (2013), exemplifies this perspective, speculating about the 'algorithms' of the brain, how the brain 'processes data', and even how it superficially resembles integrated circuits in its structure.

The information processing (IP) metaphor of human intelligence now dominates human thinking, both on the street and in the sciences.

There is virtually no form of discourse about intelligent human behaviour that proceeds without employing this metaphor, just as no form of discourse about intelligent human behaviour could proceed in certain eras and cultures without reference to a spirit or deity. The validity of the IP metaphor in today's world is generally assumed without question.

But the IP metaphor is, after all, just another metaphor - a story we tell to make sense of something we don't actually understand. And like all the metaphors that preceded it, it will certainly be cast aside at some point - either replaced by another metaphor or, in the end, replaced by actual knowledge.

Just over a year ago, on a visit to one of the world's most prestigious research institutes, I challenged researchers there to account for intelligent human behaviour without reference to any aspect of the IP metaphor. They couldn't do it, and when I politely raised the issue in subsequent email communications, they still had nothing to offer months later.

They saw the problem. They didn't dismiss the challenge as trivial. But they couldn't offer an alternative. In other words, the IP metaphor is 'sticky'. It encumbers our thinking with language and ideas that are so powerful we have trouble thinking around them.

The faulty logic of the IP metaphor is easy enough to state. It is based on a faulty syllogism - one with two reasonable premises and a faulty conclusion.

Reasonable premise #1:
all computers are capable of behaving intelligently.

Reasonable premise #2:
all computers are information processors.

Faulty conclusion:
all entities that are capable of behaving intelligently are information processors.

Setting aside the formal language, the idea that humans must be information processors just because computers are information processors is just plain silly, and when, some day, the IP metaphor is finally abandoned, it will almost certainly be seen that way by historians, just as we now view the hydraulic and mechanical metaphors to be silly.

If the IP metaphor is so silly, why is it so sticky? What is stopping us from brushing it aside, just as we might brush aside a branch that was blocking our path? Is there a way to understand human intelligence without leaning on a flimsy intellectual crutch?

And what price have we paid for leaning so heavily on this particular crutch for so long? The IP metaphor, after all, has been guiding the writing and thinking of a large number of researchers in multiple fields for decades. At what cost?

In a classroom exercise I have conducted many times over the years, I begin by recruiting a student to draw a detailed picture of a dollar bill - 'as detailed as possible', I say - on the blackboard in front of the room.

When the student has finished, I cover the drawing with a sheet of paper, remove a dollar bill from my wallet, tape it to the board, and ask the student to repeat the task. When he or she is done, I remove the cover from the first drawing, and the class comments on the differences.

Because you might never have seen a demonstration like this, or because you might have trouble imagining the outcome, I have asked Jinny Hyun, one of the student interns at the institute where I conduct my research, to make the two drawings. Here is her drawing 'from memory' (notice the metaphor):

And here is the drawing she subsequently made with a dollar bill present:

Jinny was as surprised by the outcome as you probably are, but it is typical. As you can see, the drawing made in the absence of the dollar bill is horrible compared with the drawing made from an exemplar, even though Jinny has seen a dollar bill thousands of times.

What is the problem? Don't we have a 'representation' of the dollar bill 'stored' in a 'memory register' in our brains? Can't we just 'retrieve' it and use it to make our drawing?

Obviously not, and a thousand years of neuroscience will never locate a representation of a dollar bill stored inside the human brain for the simple reason that it is not there to be found.

A wealth of brain studies tells us, in fact, that multiple and sometimes large areas of the brain are often involved in even the most mundane memory tasks.

When strong emotions are involved, millions of neurons can become more active

In a 2016 study of survivors of a plane crash by the University of Toronto neuropsychologist Brian Levine and others, recalling the crash increased neural activity in 'the amygdala, medial temporal lobe, anterior and posterior midline, and visual cortex' of the passengers.

The idea, advanced by several scientists, that specific memories are somehow stored in individual neurons is preposterous; if anything, that assertion just pushes the problem of memory to an even more challenging level: how and where, after all, is the memory stored in the cell?

So what is occurring when Jinny draws the dollar bill in its absence? If Jinny had never seen a dollar bill before, her first drawing would probably have not resembled the second drawing at all. Having seen dollar bills before, she was changed in some way.

Specifically, her brain was changed in a way that allowed her to visualise a dollar bill - that is, to re-experience seeing a dollar bill, at least to some extent.

The difference between the two diagrams reminds us that visualising something (that is, seeing something in its absence) is far less accurate than seeing something in its presence. This is why we're much better at recognising than recalling.

Related: Human brain found to contain multi-dimensional holographic geometry that might be involved in forming memories

When we re-member something (from the Latin re, 'again', and memorari, 'be mindful of'), we have to try to relive an experience; but when we recognise something, we must merely be conscious of the fact that we have had this perceptual experience before.

Perhaps you will object to this demonstration. Jinny had seen dollar bills before, but she hadn't made a deliberate effort to 'memorise' the details. Had she done so, you might argue, she could presumably have drawn the second image without the bill being present.

Even in this case, though, no image of the dollar bill has in any sense been 'stored' in Jinny's brain. She has simply become better prepared to draw it accurately, just as, through practice, a pianist becomes more skilled in playing a concerto without somehow inhaling a copy of the sheet music.

From this simple exercise, we can begin to build the framework of a metaphor-free theory of intelligent human behaviour - one in which the brain isn't completely empty, but is at least empty of the baggage of the IP metaphor.

As we navigate through the world, we are changed by a variety of experiences. Of special note are experiences of three types:

1. We observe what is happening around us (other people behaving, sounds of music, instructions directed at us, words on pages, images on screens)

2. We are exposed to the pairing of unimportant stimuli (such as sirens) with important stimuli (such as the appearance of police cars);

3. We are punished or rewarded for behaving in certain ways.

We become more effective in our lives if we change in ways that are consistent with these experiences - if we can now recite a poem or sing a song, if we are able to follow the instructions we are given, if we respond to the unimportant stimuli more like we do to the important stimuli, if we refrain from behaving in ways that were punished, if we behave more frequently in ways that were rewarded.

Misleading headlines notwithstanding, no one really has the slightest idea how the brain changes after we have learned to sing a song or recite a poem. But neither the song nor the poem has been 'stored' in it. The brain has simply changed in an orderly way that now allows us to sing the song or recite the poem under certain conditions.

When called on to perform, neither the song nor the poem is in any sense 'retrieved' from anywhere in the brain, any more than my finger movements are 'retrieved' when I tap my finger on my desk. We simply sing or recite - no retrieval necessary.

A few years ago, I asked the neuroscientist Eric Kandel of Columbia University - winner of a Nobel Prize for identifying some of the chemical changes that take place in the neuronal synapses of the Aplysia (a marine snail) after it learns something - how long he thought it would take us to understand how human memory works.

He quickly replied: 'A hundred years.' I didn't think to ask him whether he thought the IP metaphor was slowing down neuroscience, but some neuroscientists are indeed beginning to think the unthinkable - that the metaphor is not indispensable.

A few cognitive scientists - notably Anthony Chemero of the University of Cincinnati, the author of Radical Embodied Cognitive Science (2009) - now completely reject the view that the human brain works like a computer.

The mainstream view is that we, like computers, make sense of the world by performing computations on mental representations of it, but Chemero and others describe another way of understanding intelligent behaviour - as a direct interaction between organisms and their world.

My favourite example of the dramatic difference between the IP perspective and what some now call the 'anti-representational' view of human functioning involves two different ways of explaining how a baseball player manages to catch a fly ball - beautifully explicated by Michael McBeath, now at Arizona State University, and his colleagues in a 1995 paper in Science.

The IP perspective requires the player to formulate an estimate of various initial conditions of the ball's flight - the force of the impact, the angle of the trajectory, that kind of thing - then to create and analyse an internal model of the path along which the ball will likely move, then to use that model to guide and adjust motor movements continuously in time in order to intercept the ball.

That is all well and good if we functioned as computers do, but McBeath and his colleagues gave a simpler account: to catch the ball, the player simply needs to keep moving in a way that keeps the ball in a constant visual relationship with respect to home plate and the surrounding scenery (technically, in a 'linear optical trajectory').

This might sound complicated, but it is actually incredibly simple, and completely free of computations, representations and algorithms.

Two determined psychology professors at Leeds Beckett University in the UK - Andrew Wilson and Sabrina Golonka - include the baseball example among many others that can be looked at simply and sensibly outside the IP framework.

They have been blogging for years about what they call a 'more coherent, naturalised approach to the scientific study of human behaviour... at odds with the dominant cognitive neuroscience approach'. This is far from a movement, however; the mainstream cognitive sciences continue to wallow uncritically in the IP metaphor, and some of the world's most influential thinkers have made grand predictions about humanity's future that depend on the validity of the metaphor.

One prediction - made by the futurist Kurzweil, the physicist Stephen Hawking and the neuroscientist Randal Koene, among others - is that, because human consciousness is supposedly like computer software, it will soon be possible to download human minds to a computer, in the circuits of which we will become immensely powerful intellectually and, quite possibly, immortal.

This concept drove the plot of the dystopian movie Transcendence (2014) starring Johnny Depp as the Kurzweil-like scientist whose mind was downloaded to the internet - with disastrous results for humanity.

Fortunately, because the IP metaphor is not even slightly valid, we will never have to worry about a human mind going amok in cyberspace; alas, we will also never achieve immortality through downloading.

This is not only because of the absence of consciousness software in the brain; there is a deeper problem here - let's call it the uniqueness problem - which is both inspirational and depressing.

Because neither 'memory banks' nor 'representations' of stimuli exist in the brain, and because all that is required for us to function in the world is for the brain to change in an orderly way as a result of our experiences, there is no reason to believe that any two of us are changed the same way by the same experience.

If you and I attend the same concert, the changes that occur in my brain when I listen to Beethoven's 5th will almost certainly be completely different from the changes that occur in your brain. Those changes, whatever they are, are built on the unique neural structure that already exists, each structure having developed over a lifetime of unique experiences.

This is why, as Sir Frederic Bartlett demonstrated in his book Remembering (1932), no two people will repeat a story they have heard the same way and why, over time, their recitations of the story will diverge more and more.

Related: Becoming Superhuman: A Complete Guide to Developing Real Superpowers and Extraordinary Abilities

No 'copy' of the story is ever made; rather, each individual, upon hearing the story, changes to some extent - enough so that when asked about the story later (in some cases, days, months or even years after Bartlett first read them the story) - they can re-experience hearing the story to some extent, although not very well (see the first drawing of the dollar bill, above).

This is inspirational, I suppose, because it means that each of us is truly unique, not just in our genetic makeup, but even in the way our brains change over time. It is also depressing, because it makes the task of the neuroscientist daunting almost beyond imagination. For any given experience, orderly change could involve a thousand neurons, a million neurons or even the entire brain, with the pattern of change different in every brain.

Worse still, even if we had the ability to take a snapshot of all of the brain's 86 billion neurons and then to simulate the state of those neurons in a computer, that vast pattern would mean nothing outside the body of the brain that produced it.

This is perhaps the most egregious way in which the IP metaphor has distorted our thinking about human functioning. Whereas computers do store exact copies of data - copies that can persist unchanged for long periods of time, even if the power has been turned off - the brain maintains our intellect only as long as it remains alive.

There is no on-off switch. Either the brain keeps functioning, or we disappear. What's more, as the neurobiologist Steven Rose pointed out in The Future of the Brain (2005), a snapshot of the brain's current state might also be meaningless unless we knew the entire life history of that brain's owner - perhaps even about the social context in which he or she was raised.

Related: Civil servant missing most of his brain, still conscious: Your brain is not your mind!

Think how difficult this problem is. To understand even the basics of how the brain maintains the human intellect, we might need to know not just the current state of all 86 billion neurons and their 100 trillion interconnections, not just the varying strengths with which they are connected, and not just the states of more than 1,000 proteins that exist at each connection point, but how the moment-to-moment activity of the brain contributes to the integrity of the system.

Add to this the uniqueness of each brain, brought about in part because of the uniqueness of each person's life history, and Kandel's prediction starts to sound overly optimistic. (In a recent op-ed in The New York Times, the neuroscientist Kenneth Miller suggested it will take 'centuries' just to figure out basic neuronal connectivity.)

Meanwhile, vast sums of money are being raised for brain research, based in some cases on faulty ideas and promises that cannot be kept. The most blatant instance of neuroscience gone awry, documented recently in a report in Scientific American, concerns the $1.3 billion Human Brain Project launched by the European Union in 2013.

Convinced by the charismatic Henry Markram that he could create a simulation of the entire human brain on a supercomputer by the year 2023, and that such a model would revolutionise the treatment of Alzheimer's disease and other disorders, EU officials funded his project with virtually no restrictions.

Less than two years into it, the project turned into a 'brain wreck', and Markram was asked to step down.

We are organisms, not computers. Get over it. Let's get on with the business of trying to understand ourselves, but without being encumbered by unnecessary intellectual baggage. The IP metaphor has had a half-century run, producing few, if any, insights along the way. The time has come to hit the DELETE key.

Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi

Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi
Democracy Is A Front For Central Bank Rule & Financial Starvation In A Fiat Debt Slavery Financial System
June 25 2017 | From: PaulCraigRobets / Farouk / Various

Several years ago when the Federal Reserve had its Fed funds rate at zero to 25 basis points (one-quarter of one percent - 0.25%), there was a great deal of talk, somehow presented as urgent, whether the Federal Reserve would raise interest rates.

RT asked me if the Fed was going to raise interest rates. I answered that the purpose of low interest rates was to restore the solvency of the balance sheets of the “banks too big to fail” by raising debt prices.

Related: 5 Highly Respected Financial Experts That Are Warning That A Market Crash Is Imminent

The lower the interest rate, the higher the prices of debt instruments. The Fed drives bond prices up by purchasing bonds, and the Fed raises interest rates by selling bonds, or by purchasing fewer of them than previously.

I told RT that a real increase in interest rates would undercut the Fed’s policy of rescuing the balance sheets of the big banks whose balance sheets were loaded up with bad debt that desperately needed a rise in debt prices for the banks to remain solvent.

When shortly thereafter the Fed raised the overnight funds rate, it blew my credibility with RT. RT did not understand that real interest rates had not increased. Indeed, two days after the “rate increase” the nominal interest rate had not changed. It was still 18 basis points.

The announced rate had gone from the old range of zero to 25 basis points to a new range of 25 basis points to 50 basis points. The former max was the current minimum.

Moreover, over the long time period in which there was such well marketed concern over whether such an inconsequential interest rate rise would occur, inflation had risen, making the real interest rate negative well below the 18 basis points official interest rate. By the time the Fed raised the nominal rate, the real rate was already more negative. Thus, there was no rise in real interest rates.

The financial press did not explain this, either from incompetence or collusion. RT accepted the fake news as reality and wrote off my credibility. I am often interviewed by RT, but no longer on economic matters, about which I know the most.

A couple of days ago, after a long period of waiting for another interest rate rise, an announcement from the Fed, amidst further indication of US economic decline, announced another 25 basis point increase in the target range for the Fed funds rate. Inflation aside, in fact interest rates declined, as my sometime co-author Dave Kranzler reports.

See: Has The Fed Actually Raised Rates This Year?

Despite this publicized “rise” of the Fed funds rate, the 10-year interest rate on Treasuries:

"Has declined 30 basis points this year. Thus for certain borrowers, the Fed has effectively lowered the cost of borrowing.”

Kranzler goes on to point out that “the spread between the 30-day Treasury Bill and the 10-yr Treasury has declined this year from 193 basis points to 125 basis points – a 68 basis point drop in the cost of funding for borrowers who have access to the highly engineered derivative products that enable these borrowers to take advantage of the shape of the yield curve in order to lower their cost of borrowing.”

Kranzler provides a chart that shows that the spread between the 30-day Treasury bill and the 10-year Treasury bond is narrowing. As the short-term rate rises, the long term rate is falling, and the spread between the long and short rate has declined 68 basis points from almost two percentage points to one and one quarter percentage point.

History of the Rothschild Central Banks in the US

Clearly, this is not a rise in interest rates. Clearly also, a rise in the Fed funds rate no longer signals a rise in all interest rates.

Why is the Fed raising short rates when the long rates are falling? Why do “democratic Western democracies” have central banks that do nothing except protect big banks at the expense of the people?

How long will the insouciant peoples of the West continue to conspire in their own demise?

Financial Starvation In A Fiat Debt Slavery Financial System

There is a funny thing that happens in a fiat debt slavery financial system. It always reaches a point where debt reaches a point that it can go no further. Simply, the system runs out of borrowers and the existing borrowers cannot afford to pay their loans. The system goes bankrupt.

That’s pretty much where we are right now with the Western global financial system.

Related: May 1st: The Day Slavery System Transferred From Monarchies To The Corporations

The casinos have run out of Players and the lending bubbles are about to burst (car loans, mortgages, credit cards, commodities, stocks and bonds, and all kinds of colored paper currencies and the pile of worthless derivatives that all these are bet on). No one wants colored paper any more unless it has something of real value backing it up. Bye, bye Dollar, Pound, Euro and Yen!

When there are no longer any major borrowers or financial Players with real money this fiat monetary system stagnates and then “crashes”. Simply the liquidity goes out of the market as money looks for safe havens and then finds NONE. Who wants a bond with negative interest?

Or currency that is about to be inflated out of existence? Or stocks in collapsing industries that are 30 times over-valued? And there isn’t any real gold for sale?

Whistleblower: "All Misery on Earth is a Business Model

Dutch banking whistleblower Ronald Bernard is back and this time he's exposing the entire international banking syndicate which controls not only the global monetary system, but the entire planet itself and all of its resources.

The Bank For International Settlements sits atop the pyramid of power, followed by the IMF and World Bank. The power and directives flow downward through the big international banks, the multinational corporations, and finally to the governments. As Bernard explains, "All misery on earth is a business model."

Related: Real Big Power: Revelations by insider Ronald Bernard - Part 2 (Full length)

Related: Banker: I Was Told To Sacrifice Children At An Illuminati Party

The situation can be temporarily propped up by trying to print more colored paper or by creating digits out of thin air, but this just leads to inflation and a devaluing of the colored paper.

Hey, let’s do another QE and create austerity programs while taxing the heck out of the public! Sound familiar? It is all a grand con job!

So what is the game play? Obviously the EAST has all the real collateral, whereas, the Western Cabal has colored paper which is worth only as much as toilet paper. So the rest of the World (BRICS & friends) says to the Western Cabal, “We don’t want your colored paper any more. We want real goods and services like we gave you before.” The Western Cabal replies, “Do you want more guns and bombs? How about earthquakes and floods? Or would you prefer regime change?”

“No thank you,” says the East. Well maybe only countries like Libya, Syria, Iran, North Korea and Russia and they all get aided with sanctions, guns, bombs, earthquakes, floods and regime change alternatives.

But the financial screws are slowly tightening on the West and this time things are not going to work out so well for them. If they choose to collapse the casinos, “who will have the real money to buy these assets at rock bottom prices?” Then who will own the West’s banks, financial institutions and key industries?

So their PLAN is to have a “revaluation” based on an algorithm that somehow determines a country’s wealth and subsequently the value of their currency.

Have you ever written an “algorithm”? They are as phony as an insurance adjusters book and based on false data and statistics.

It looks like monkey business to me especially since WE never see what really goes into these calculations. Just try and ask, “Can you please explain to me in detail just how you derived this figure?” The reply will be,”Duh. Officer, please escort this person out of the building.” Another obvious con job.

So where do we go from here? Another con job?

Let’s face the facts - all current corporate financial systems are based on “FRAUD”. So do we want to continue being “SLAVES” or do we wake up and change the system?

In order to change the existing system, it needs to be choked into submission. Starved from real asset backing, the old financial and political system will collapse and that can create a global mess. The old solution was to go to war and steal more assets. That won’t work this time.

So what can WE do? Think people, what can “WE” do?! This is the time to start discussing “alternatives” and how to implement them. The whole World is in transition and each country, state, county, city, township and family need to awaken to these facts and start discussing alternatives and focusing on implementations.

New technologies will be released to handle some of these problems but discernment is required. Digital money and RFID implants are not a solution, only more slavery. Nor are a One World Government and NWO “Agendas".

Let’s bring to the forefront OUR OPTIONS. It is time. Start asking questions, developing plans, researching alternative systems, try different things.

I have my own ideas and will continue to toss them out for information and discussion, but WE all have to become involved in OUR DESTINY. YOU and YOU and YOU need to chime in and collectively contribute to this NEW WORLD. A journey of a thousand miles starts with the first step.

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Obama’s DHS Head Admits: Russia Did NOT Rig US Election
June 25 2017 | From: Infowars / Various

The Russian government did not interfere with or alter votes in the 2016 election, said former Department of Homeland Security Secretary Jeh Johnson under oath.

“To my current knowledge, the Russian government did not through any cyber intrusion alter ballots, ballot counts or reporting of election results,” Johnson told the House Intelligence Committee on Wednesday. “I know of no evidence that through cyber intrusion, votes were altered or suppressed in some way.”

Related: Trump Was Right: New Study Reveals Up to 5.7 Million Illegals Voted in Election

Scroll to the 15:17 mark.

The Democratic National Committee also turned down his agency’s offer to protect its network despite being warned about hacks, Johnson said.

"Sometime in 2016, I became aware of a hack into systems of the Democratic National Committee,” he continued. “…I pressed my staff to know whether DHS was sufficiently proactive, and on the scene helping the DNC identify the intruders and patch vulnerabilities.”

“The answer, to the best of my recollection, was not reassuring: the FBI and the DNC had been in contact with each other months before about the intrusion, and the DNC did not feel it needed DHS’s assistance at that time.”

Related: Gowdy: Maybe DNC Did Not Cooperate With DHS Because There Was Something Else On That Server

Soon after, the DNC’s emails were released by WikiLeaks just prior to the Democratic National Convention last summer, leading to DNC Chair Debbie Wasserman Schulz’s resignation days later.

Johnson then attempted to salvage the narrative in his testimony, saying the Russian government under Vladimir Putin’s orders “orchestrated cyberattacks on our nation for the purpose of influencing our election,” despite the fact he admitted they lack tangible evidence showing the Russians had any measurable effect on the U.S. election.

Sean Hannity Exposes Democratic Plan To Overthrow Trump, Elite Panic

Army Colonel confirms plan in MSM interview. Sean Hannity is standing up to the lies of the mainstream media and deep state, showing he has true courage, exposing the ongoing deep state coup.

It’s worth noting that that former FBI Director James Comey offered to write an op-ed last summer making the case that the Russians were meddling in the U.S. election, but the Obama administration rejected the offer, likely confident that Hillary Clinton would win regardless of outside interference.

“The White House shut it down,” one source told Newsweek magazine in March. “They did their usual – nothing.”

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Google, Not GCHQ, Is The Truly Chilling Spy Network & Top 10 Disturbing Facts About Facebook
June 24 2017 | From: TheGuardian / Listverse

When Edward Snowden first revealed the extent of government surveillance of our online lives, the then foreign secretary, William (now Lord) Hague, immediately trotted out the old chestnut: “If you have nothing to hide, then you have nothing to fear.”

This prompted replies along the lines of: “Well then, foreign secretary, can we have that photograph of you shaving while naked?”, which made us laugh, perhaps, but rather diverted us from pondering the absurdity of Hague’s remark.

Related: GCHQ Hired New Zealand Firm For Mass Hack Capabilities - Snowden Leak

Most people have nothing to hide, but that doesn’t give the state the right to see them as fair game for intrusive surveillance. By now, most internet users are aware that they are being watched, but may not yet appreciate the implications of it.

During the hoo-ha, one of the spooks with whom I discussed Snowden’s revelations waxed indignant about our coverage of the story. What bugged him (pardon the pun) was the unfairness of having state agencies pilloried, while firms such as Google and Facebook, which, in his opinion, conducted much more intensive surveillance than the NSA or GCHQ, got off scot free.

His argument was that he and his colleagues were at least subject to some degree of democratic oversight, but the companies, whose business model is essentially “surveillance capitalism”, were entirely unregulated.

He was right. “Surveillance”, as the security expert Bruce Schneier has observed, is the business model of the internet and that is true of both the public and private sectors. Given how central the network has become to our lives, that means our societies have embarked on the greatest uncontrolled experiment in history.

Without really thinking about it, we have subjected ourselves to relentless, intrusive, comprehensive surveillance of all our activities and much of our most intimate actions and thoughts. And we have no idea what the long-term implications of this will be for our societies – or for us as citizens.

One thing we do know, though: we behave differently when we know we are being watched. There is lots of evidence about this from experimental psychology and other fields, but most of that comes from small-scale studies conducted under controlled conditions.

By comparison, our current experiment is cosmic in scale: nearly 2 billion people on Facebook, for example, doing stuff every day. Or the 3.5bn searches that people type every day into Google. All this activity is leaving digital trails that are logged, stored and analysed.

We are being watched 24x7x365 by machines running algorithms that rummage through our digital trails and extract meaning (and commercial opportunities) from them.

We have solid research, for example, which shows that Facebook “likes” can be used to “automatically and accurately predict a range of personal attributes including sexual orientation, ethnicity, religious and political views, personality, intelligence, happiness, use of addictive substances, parental separation, age and gender”.

The idea that being watched on this scale isn’t affecting our behaviour is implausible, to put it mildly. Throughout history, surveillance has invariably had a chilling effect on freedom of thought and expression. It affects, for example, what you search for. After the Snowden revelations, traffic to Wikipedia articles on topics that raise privacy concerns for internet users decreased significantly.

Another research project found that people’s Google searches changed significantly after users realised what the NSA looked for in their online activity. (Even today, doing a Google search for “backpack” and “pressure cooker” miight not be a good idea – as a New York family discovered after the Boston marathon bombing.)

By now, most internet users are aware that they are being watched, but may not yet appreciate the implications of it. If that is indeed the case, then a visit to an interesting new website – Social Cooling – might be instructive.

It illustrates the way social media assembles a “data mosaic” about each user that includes not just the demographic data you’d expect, but also things such as your real (as opposed to your “projected”) sexual orientation, whether you’ve been a victim of rape, had an abortion, whether your parents divorced before you were 21, whether you’re an “empty nester”, are “easily addictable” or “into gardening”, etc.

On the basis of these parameters, you are assigned a score that determines not just what ads you might see, but also whether you get a mortgage.

Once people come to understand that (for example) if they have the wrong friends on Facebook they may pay more for a bank loan, then they will start to adjust their behaviour (and maybe change their friends) just to get a better score. They will begin to conform to ensure that their data mosaic keeps them out of trouble.

They will not search for certain health-related information on Google in case it affects their insurance premiums. And so on. Surveillance chills, even when it’s not done by the state. And even if you have nothing to hide, you may have something to fear.

Top 10 Disturbing Facts About Facebook

Ever since the Edward Snowden incident, people are suspicious of major online companies such as Facebook and Google. We know they are collecting lots of data.

Only Facebook knows how much data they collect on their users, but estimates peg the number at about 500 terabytes per day. A terabyte is 1,024 gigabytes. The average 720p movie is about one gigabyte. That means Facebook is collecting the equivalent of 510,000 movies every day.

Related: A Convergence Of Evil: Google, Amazon And Facebook Use Technology To Enslave Humanity, Suppress Knowledge And Accelerate Human Suffering

The sheer scale of data mining is impressive, but what they can do with this data is more impressive, or creepy, depending where you sit on the megalomaniac scale. Facebook is a part of everyday life. Is that a good thing? Here are ten disturbing facts about Facebook to help you decide.

10. Facial Recognition

When a friend tags in a photo on Facebook, this information is added to Facebook’s giant stack of data. The social network has AI bots that sift through all this data to do pattern matching with your face.

Facebook’s algorithm is so good that they claim to have an accuracy of 98 percent. With every newly uploaded photo, they get better at pattern matching faces. The question now becomes how long we have until Facebook sells this information to retailers.

Remember that scene in Minority Report when Tom Cruise is in a shop that changes what is on the mannequin based on what they know about him?

9. Facebook Knows Where You Are At All Times

If you have the Facebook Messenger app, the chances are that you didn’t tell it to stop sharing your location. It’s not a bad thing if you want Facebook to know where you are. But what about other people? What if a stalker wanted to track you down and follow you? Could they also use Facebook Messenger?

One programmer investigated and created a simple Chrome plugin called Marauder’s Map. The name refers to a map Harry Potter had in Hogwarts that allowed him to see where everyone was in the castle. Marauder’s Map was capable of giving the exact coordinates of friends who used Messenger.

By looking at a simple map, the programmer was able to identify exactly where his friends were. In response, Facebook disabled location sharing from the Messenger app. However, that doesn’t mean they aren’t collecting that data.

8. Using Facebook Makes You Feel Worse

The more you use Facebook, the worse you will feel. Heavy use of social media has been shown to cause a host of different problems, including decreased face-to-face relationships, increased sedentary behavior, and erosion of self-esteem through unfavorable social comparison.

Related: A New, More Rigorous Study Confirms: The More You Use Facebook, The Worse You Feel

Studies carried out by Yale showed that the use of Facebook had a substantial impact on mental health. The activity of liking other’s content and clicking links predicted a self-reported decrease in physical health, mental health, and life satisfaction.

When it comes to Facebook, people carefully tailor what is presented to show the highlights of their life and omit the downsides. Others who are browsing someone’s profile feel worse when they are comparing themselves to that person’s highlights.

7. Facebook Creates An Echo Chamber For Your Views

After the election of Donald Trump and the recent Brexit crisis, people were quick to turn the blame toward Facebook and Google for curating “fake news” articles. The evidence was so strong that even the CEO of Facebook, Mark Zuckerberg, had to make a promise to filter out fake news sites and warn users not to be swayed by different websites.

The mainstream media focused on “fake news” (probably because it was competing with them) but failed to mention the other problem people faced with Facebook: what is referred to as the “filter bubble.”

Facebook’s main aim is to to get you to spend lots of time on their platform. If you read the above entry, you might now think this is bad for your health. It’s also bad for your intellect. Facebook gets you to stay around by curating what they think you will like to see.

The problem with this is that, for example, if you are a left-wing political supporter, you will never see content showing the positive aspects of right-wing politics, and the same principle holds if you’re right-wing. This filter bubble also makes it seem that the political party you support is more popular than they are, even if they’re not.

Despite the mission of bringing people together, this aspect of Facebook may be driving them apart.

6. Facebook Negatively Influences People With Eating Disorders

A small study with 84 college women at Florida State University found that those who use Facebook more often were more likely to report disordered eating. Another study from the American University in Washington, DC, found that girls who scan Facebook photos are more likely to indicate body dissatisfaction.

Once again, we come back to how Facebook makes us compare ourselves to others. If it can have an effect on people who aren’t currently suffering from any mental illness, the effect may be more pronounced on people already facing severe psychological issues like eating disorders.

5. Facebook Makes Lonely People Feel Even More Lonely

New York University clinical psychiatrist Dr. Sudeepta Varma stated that Facebook keeps people in the know about what others are doing - but it also reminds them of what they themselves aren’t doing, which can make them feel left out. That was the conclusion from the study of 82 young adults who were active Facebook users.

The most shocking thing about this study is that it happened over two short weeks. After only two weeks of use, Facebook led to a steep decline in subjective happiness.

4. Facebook Knows More About You Than You Think

Facebook’s News Feed is designed to keep you engaged as long as possible. During that time, Facebook builds an ever-evolving and complex mesh of data on their users.

Related: New Leaks Reveals How Facebook Targets Emotionally Vulnerable Youth

They create a profile using predictive analysis, which allows them to find out how susceptible you are to advertising, which way you lean politically, and whether you are more likely to pay with cash or a credit card.

They even guess how intelligent you are, based on what content you like. If you want to get a small snapshot into the kind of data Facebook collects, then I highly recommend the Chrome plugin Data Selfie.

3. Facebook Engages In Political Censorship

Despite Facebook’s mission to have a society that is free and open, they have acted opposite to this goal by engaging in political censorship at a state level.

There have been many examples of this, such as their blocking a page announcing a protest in Russia, an action that was a direct order from the Russian government.

Another example is in China, where Facebook developed special software to censor users’ posts. They even went as far as censoring satire because a UK government agency complained. Facebook also censored two men kissing.

2. Facebook Will Happily Sell Your Data

Just when you think it can’t get worse than political censorship, you find out that anyone and everyone can get access to your data. Mastercard recently purchased Facebook data that details users’ online habits to uncover behavioral insights it can sell to banks. The intention is to merge Facebook’s data with their own so that they can also drive online sales.

Okay, Mastercard is a big company with lots cash. “Surely it wasn’t cheap,” you say. Well, one man spent $5 to acquire a total of one million Facebook users’ personal information. Facebook’s response was quite scary. They requested that the man send them the file, delete it from his computer, and “keep quiet.”

1. Facebook Knows When You Are Sleeping

Through the Facebook Messenger app, users can see when someone was last active. Intrigued, a developer by the name of Soren Louv-Jansen started to look into this a bit more. By correlating user IDs with a time stamp, he was actually able to build a graph of all his friends’ sleeping patterns.

One hacker went even further and discovered that you could find out what device people were last active on. What an excellent way to freak out your friends. Just don’t use any of this information to open up to a girl you’ve had a crush on for a long time. It will make things weird. Fast.

Related: Facebook Knows A Whole Lot About Your Offline Life + The World's Best Security Engineers Are Working On Flappy Bird

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A Former FBI Whistleblower “Sang Like A Canary” About One World Government And Pedophilia
June 23 2017 | From: ActivistPost / Various

One World Government was discussed in 2005 by a former FBI agent-officer, Special Agent Ted Gunderson. 

He called himself a “conspiracy realist.” 

Related: AG Jeff Sessions: Fight against ‘evil’ pedophiles a top priority

He talked about the One World Government’s game plan for total control:

Control the press

Corrupt youth through sex and drugs

Get their own people elected into office

Their final goal is to take over the world government

He talked about a satanic cult group; drugs flown into various military bases from other countries. You will be surprised how those drugs were disguised - in plastic bags inside dead military personnel. Illuminati and Satanism, he confirmed apparently are synonymous.

Hear him talk about child sacrifice (a satanic ceremony).

He became involved in a case concerning a covert military-criminal-government-enterprise, which operates ‘full throttle’.  He documented the pedophile ring associated with it where children were taken to sex orgies in Washington, DC, all the way up to the White House! Gunderson got involved in 1987. 

Here is the 1 hour 3 minute video of FBI whistleblower Gunderson’s talk divulging the above information and much, much more.  The “Conspiracy of Silence” is not conspiracy theory!

WhistleBlower Head of FBI Tells All From NWO

He tells what happened to the photographer whistleblower, who was flying his own plane to Washington, DC, to show incriminating photographs.  The plane blew up in midair!  The international pedophile ring “The Finders” operated out of Washington, DC.  They moved from DC to Wichita, Kansas.

Children were disappearing at the rate of 83 per hour in the USA at the time of Gunderson’s talk in 2005!

The Franklin Cover-up seems to be the pedophile rabbit hole that defuses investigation into top Washingtonians’ pedophilia rings all the way up to the White House!  Sex slavery is alive and, unfortunately, thriving!

Related: 10 Government Rulers Who Have Told Us A “Secret Government” Rules The Earth

Listen to what Gunderson said about a boy, who had become a “covert, military, CIA mind control project and used as a sex slave.”  MK-Ultra mind control came into the USA with and from the German scientists after World War II in Project Paperclip.  Were they using Hitler’s techniques?

Offutt Air Force Base (Sarpy County, Nebraska) administered MK-Ultra, according to Gunderson.

Pedogate Arrests Continue To Pile Up

Three new arrests have been made in what has become a string a arrests during the Trump presidency involving sex rings, pedophilia and child pornography.

Gunderson says Americans are oblivious to what is going on behind the scenes! He says he learned the John F Kennedy assassination was “a joint hit by CIA and the Chicago mob.”  He contends Pearl Harbor (Dec. 7, 1941) was a cover up too. 

He talks about the Branch Davidians Waco, Texas, incident and how 4 ATF agents there were shot in the head - a sniper shot, apparently from above.  Those 4 agents at one time were former body guards for President Bill Clinton.

He talks about the World Trade Center 1993 car bombing.  He questions FBI actions regarding that incident and other problems like pedophiles in Washington, DC. 

There’s a rogue outfit in our government, who are behind the terrorists’ acts, so they can pass bills like the Patriot Act, according to Gunderson.  Many congressmen vote for such ‘stupid’ bills because they have been set up and framed through sex and drugs, according to Gunderson.

Related: Something is Terribly Wrong With Many “Kids” Videos on YouTube

Timothy McVeigh, of the Alfred P Murrah Federal Building disaster in Oklahoma City (April 19, 1995), was in Special Forces, trained to be a CIA assassin and worked in the CIA drug program. McVeigh supposedly had a microchip in his buttocks, so CIA agents could be tracked, according to Gunderson.  Gunderson claims Oklahoma City was perpetrated by others than McVeigh, possibly 11 other individuals involved.  Was McVeigh a ‘perfect patsy’?

Hear what Gunderson said about computer tracking operations with a trap door built in to retrieve “Promised” computer software information collected.

Gunderson takes on 9-11.  A Patterson, New Jersey, individual was the leader of the terrorists of 9-11, according to Gunderson.  The story he told is unbelievable!  You have to listen to it starting around 52 minutes on the video timeline.  A truly shocking story told by a former FBI “big wig”.

Trafficked In Hollywood: A PizzaGate Victim Tells All

The cover-up is real, alive and thriving in the United States, according to Gunderson.

He says, “We need to wake up a sleeping society in American today.”  Satanic cults operate in cooperation with secret individuals in government, and are a threat.  Who will out them and take them on?

Ted Gunderson passed into eternity July 31, 2011 from cancer at 82 years of age.  America owes him a great deal of gratitude for what he tried to expose, but no one apparently wanted to listen.

Related Articles:

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Celebrities Expose Pizza Gate Hollywood Pedophilia

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Schools: The New "Animal Farm"
June 23 2017 | From: BeyondConformity

In a recent Herald on Sunday was an article about Waitetuna school near Raglan, where the school principal agreed to allow a midwife to show a film about the other side of vaccines on the school premises, but the board of Trustees overturned her agreement, on the basis that the topic was controversial.

I have a question. What are schools for? Education, or social engineering? George Orwell wrote a book called “Animal Farm” Have you read it?

Related: The scary ingredients in childhood vaccines

If a parent from Waitetuna school objected to nurses and doctors coming into the school and vaccinating children, would the Board of Trustees agree and stop them coming in because vaccines are controversial?

I somehow doubt it.

But I want to tell you a story of a young child, in a school, who along with some other children, returned a consent form for the HPV vaccine, which said, “No, I do not consent”.

What happened next will illustrate that New Zealand schools are not safe for children, and why the Department of Health vaccination programmes should be barred from schools.

The forms were collected and all the children who had returned “no” consent forms, were gathered in a separate group and the nurses berated the girls telling them that their parents didn’t love them, and that they could consent on their own, without their parent’s permission.

Related: Vaccines: Safe, Effective and saved the world!

One of the girls caved to that, but then another child who had watched the life of an older sibling be trashed and lead to a quality of life less than desirable, fought back. She refused to sign it. The nurses pushed. But she got angry and told the nurse that she wanted to go now.

The nurse refused.  The girl then told the vaccinating nurse that she wanted to call her parents and the police because what they were doing was wrong. Nothing like the experience of your own eyes, to firm up your own convictions!

At this point, she was quickly hustled out of the room in order not to freak out the other girls being pressured into going against their parent’s wishes. How did all this situation come about?

The Department of Health, with school consent, seems to have started using the tactic of not telling the schools when they are coming to vaccinate. Their ostensible reason for this, is so that the children don’t get worried in advance.

What a load of bollocks.

Related: Big Pharma pushing to vaccinate unborn children

The real reason is so that the parents of the non-vaccinators can’t keep their children home for that day, which allows the provaccine including the nurses, teachers and other pupils, to bully and berate children whose parents have chosen differently.

So while parents who don’t consent, would rather not send their children to school on that day, the Department of Health deliberately thwarts that option. This could be called revoking democratic decision making.

Mainstream Media Promotes Chemical VIOLENCE Against Children

A mini-documentary revealing how the pharma-controlled mainstream media promotes chemical VIOLENCE against children, via mind-altering medications, pharmaceuticals and dangerous vaccine ingredients such as mercury, a brain-damaging neurotoxin.

Of course in this mind-numbed unethical climate of bullying, emotional blackmail and … yes … controversy, such tactics are considered to be noble, wonderful and lifesaving.

I disagree.

Vaccinations ARE indeed a controversial topic of discussion. I believe that if schools refuse to allow parents to watch a film at a school, describing another side of vaccination, then schools should ALSO refuse to allow the Department of Health to vaccinate children in schools.

The issue isn’t just “controversy”. It’s one of non-hypocrisy. What is “education”? How do you define learning? Only by hearing one side of a story?

Related: How did we get it this wrong?

Do you send your children to school, and allow the Department of Health to vaccinate your children in school because you can’t be bothered making the effort to follow through on your own convictions? Shouldn’t parents who chose to vaccinate, be responsible for doing that at their doctors?

Would you like schools to also become places where children can also be prescribed antibiotics, prescription drugs, or even, abortion on demand?

Or should schools SOLELY be places where people are educated and learn to think, in particular to figure out how to make their own decisions without being brainwashed by the school or the state?

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Privacy Call To Limit Power Usage Monitoring
June 22 2017 | From: RadioNewZealand

Smart meters that relay half-hourly power usage are a potential risk to people's personal security and privacy, and standards should be set to curb data collection, Privacy Commissioner John Edwards says.

The commissioner said about 70 percent of households in New Zealand have smart meters.

Related: A Smart Home Mega Sensor Can Track What Goes On In A Room + EKG Evidence That Smart Meters Negatively Affect The Human Heart

The devices automatically record and transmit power usage data in half hourly intervals, but that information can also reveal much about the comings and goings of people in a household at a given time.

The information is collected by electricity retailers like Meridian or Mercury, who use it to prepare their bills. It is then passed on to lines companies under information-sharing pacts.

Mr Edwards said it could indicate when people were out, at home or in the shower - and this could put their security at risk if abused.While this had not yet happened it was important to set standards in advance, he said.

The trend all over the world was to require that collection of data about people's private lives be kept to a minimum, he said.

Click on the image above to open a larger version in a new window

Related: Yesterday’s Conspiracy Theory Is Today’s News + Spies Tell Lies, Spying Is Lying & Wikileaks Says Less Than 1% Of Vault 7 Released

"It's going to be quite easy to figure out whether somebody lives alone, what kind of hours they're most likely to be home, what time they have their shower, what kind of appliances they have in their premises.

So when you're starting to get that level of detail it's time I think to sharpen up your policies on personal information."

In an open letter to the industry (PDF, 118KB), Mr Edwards recommended electricity companies ensure that personal information was not collected unnecessarily or held for longer than it had to be.

He also suggested aggregating data into clusters to cover an entire community, or all the people in a street, rather than recording data on individual homes.

That would be enough to provide information that network companies needed when planning to make economically justified investments.

Lines Companies Defend Data Collection

The electricity retailers' chief lobbyist, Jenny Cameron, said some lines companies had been seeking far more information lately than they usually did, which had caused her group to go to the Privacy Commissioner.

"We see the issue as three-fold,"
she said.

"One is getting data requests that are large - such as three years of half-hour data at individual level.

The second issue is that we want to be sure that it is legitimately being used for network planning purposes.

The third reason is, how is the data being protected?"

The Electricity Networks Association insisted the data its members gathered was safeguarded.

Related: The 'Smart' Meter Itself Is The “Hazardous Condition” + Studies On Radiation From Smart Meters Show That Electromagnetic Frequencies Disrupt And Damage The Nervous System

Chief executive Graeme Peters said there was nothing new in what his members were doing - data on customers has been collected for about a century.

And it was more necessary now than ever because of pending electricity reforms, he said.

"We are looking at more cost reflective pricing and we need to get access to data on customer demand at half-hourly intervals and the peaks [of their usage].

That data will be protected - our companies have got privacy statements - [we want] data around how much power might be consumed in a half-hour interval or the absolute peak of electricity that the customer is using in any one day."

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Foreign Firm Allowed To Bottle Millions Of Litres Of Water A Day From Christchurch Aquifers
June 21 2017 | From: Stuff

A consent allowing more than 1.5 billion litres of water to be extracted from aquifers beneath Christchurch each year will likely be used for water bottling, documents show.

The Kaputone Wool Scour site has a resource consent to take 4.32 million litres of water per day, which is more than 1.5 billion litres a year, and is likely to be used for water bottling. The Belfast plant would be the second-largest water-bottling operation in the country in terms of allocated usage.

Related: Dying Of Thirst: Privatization Of Water As An Owned Commodity Rather Than A Universal Human Right

It comes amid political pressure over the lightly-regulated water-bottling industry, which allows companies access to large quantities of water at little or no cost.

Opposition parties have pressured the Government to put a price on water, as have water campaigners who delivered a 15,000-strong petition to Parliament requesting a moratorium on water exports.

More than 70 such companies nationwide are known to be bottling water, many of which are in the South Island. The Government has referred the issue to a technical advisory group, which is due to report back at the end of the year.

The Belfast site has permission to take 4.32 million litres of water per day, amounting to more than 1.5b litres a year. The amount is equivalent to the daily water usage of 12,000 people. The consent was granted to the Kaputone Wool Scour for its site on Station Rd in 1997. It is unlikely to have used much of the water it was allocated.

Related: Are You Ready To Give Up Water?

The wool scour closed in 2015 with most of its operation relocating to a plant in Timaru early this year. Official records show the valuable water consent has been transferred to Cloud Ocean Water Ltd, a company registered in March. It was registered with the business classification for manufacturing mineral water.

It raises the prospect that a little-used water allocation may soon be fully realised: If the entire allocation is used, the plant will use more water each day than the suburb of Riccarton, the city's largest. Cloud Ocean Water is majority owned by Ling Hai Group, a China-based company with broad interests, including the Castlebrae farm in Marlborough, which it converted to a winery focused on exporting to China.

It can take and use groundwater from a bore 33 metres deep, effectively the same method used for the public drinking-water supply.

It will likely pay nothing, or a negligible amount, to use the water.

Related: “The Diseases Caused By Impure Water Are Numerous And Fatal” Says An MD & Hear What 50+ Other MD's Say About Our Need For Pure Distilled Water

Because the consent has been granted, Environment Canterbury (ECan) – which issued the consent in 1997 – cannot stop it from being transferred. It can only be revoked if there is an environmental effect or a regional rule overrode it.

Christchurch ECan councillor Lan Pham said it highlighted a carelessness towards water allocation. She was not specifically concerned about water bottling, but said the way water was allocated did not always prioritise public use over private gain.

"My concern is any big extractive use of a precious, public resource,"
she said.

"It's just symptomatic of our use of water. We have taken water for granted and as we put pressure on our resources we're kind of waking up to the fact that they're not used in the most efficient ways or ways that protect the public good over private gains."

She said water would become increasingly precious due to global climate change and it needed to be used more thoughtfully.

"It does seem we're not being particularly proactive with looking at how we're using our water, who is using our water and how it could best be used."

Canterbruy aquifers reached record lows last summer, causing some streams to dry up for the first time in decades.

Christchurch residents were asked to conserve water, using methods such as alternating the days they water their gardens and taking shorter showers. The consented water volume at Kaputone is large relative to the city, but pales in comparison to the largest consents in the region.

Related: Who Owns New Zealand's Water?

Several consents – primarily granted to irrigation schemes – allow combined access to trillions of litres of water each year.

In 2014-15, the largest single consented water user, the Rangitata Diversion Race, used 17 times as much water as all of Christchurch city, ECan data shows. In regards to the Belfast consent, ECan consents planning manager Phil Burge said the council had no choice but to approve the transfer due to a provision under the Resource Management Act.

ECan had not received a formal pre-application for advice regarding the consent, but Burge confirmed water bottling would be allowed as the consent stood. He said the council's concern was the amount of water actually used and any environmental effects, not what the water was used for.

Related: Elation As Ashburton Council Backs Out Of Controversial Water Bottling Deal

Attempts to contact the Ling Hai Group and its directors were unsuccessful. Law firm Bell Gully, which has represented the company in its past dealings, did not return a request for comment.

Water bottling has been a sensitive topic in Canterbury. The Ashburton District Council's attempt to sell Lot 9 of its business estate, which came with a water consent similar in size to Kaputone, was widely criticised.

A planned sale to a water bottling company did not go through. On the West Coast, a group of locals have received the necessary permissions to build a water export facility beneath a national park.

Okuru Enterprises is allowed to pump 800 million litres of water each month, making it the largest scheme water bottling scheme in the country if it goes ahead.

Related Articles:

The bottled-water giants who are taking our water

Green light for controversial West Coast water-bottling operation

Water, water everywhere so what's the problem?

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A Convergence Of Evil: Google, Amazon And Facebook Use Technology To Enslave Humanity, Suppress Knowledge And Accelerate Human Suffering
June 20 2017 | From: NaturalNews

With Amazon.com now purchasing Whole Foods, giving it a near-monopoly over multiple sectors of the U.S. economy, we are entering the age of corporate giants dominating and enslaving humankind.

Apple has more debt-free cash than nearly all world governments, including the United States of America (which is drowning in debt).

Related: What Data Are We Keeping About You? | Rand Corporation & How Amazon.com Spies On Your Most Private Thoughts, Fetishes And Conversations

Google has a near-monopoly over all search results, a position of power it exploits to silence dissenting views and disconnect humanity from important knowledge. And Facebook suppresses all truthful information that challenges the false narratives of the globalists. Corporations like these abuse their power to enslave humanity rather than setting us free.

At the dawn of the invention of television, the technology was hailed as a way to bring uplifting education to every corner of the globe.

It didn’t take long, however, before broadcast television was turned into a means to control the masses through the dissemination of fake news - which has been going on forever - and the programming of consumers to purchase branded products often made with toxic ingredients.

The dream of turning TV technology into a mechanism to set humanity free was quickly crushed, and today it is widely known that the more hours people spend watching TV, the more unintelligent and unaware they are. (Do you know any intelligent, self-aware, healthy person who indulges in watching fake TV?)

Similarly, the internet was once hailed as a means to set humanity free. But that dream, too, has been crushed under the extreme censorship and obfuscation of internet-intensive businesses like Google, Amazon and Facebook.

Here are just a few examples:

Google censors nearly all REAL news publishers from Google News, making sure that only FAKE (mainstream) media achieves visibility so that fake media narratives dominate public attention. Those fake narratives include everything from the collapse of WTC 7 from “office fires” to the pharmaceutical industry’s ridiculously false claim that vaccines have never harmed any child in the history of the world.

For all the same reasons, Google also algorithmically suppresses websites it doesn’t like, including independent news publishers covering investigative stories on vaccines, GMOs and the climate change science hoax.

Far from setting humanity free to find what they want on the internet, Google covertly limits search results to primarily those content sites that agree with globalist narratives, all of which are anti-human and anti-progress. Google is also pro-Big Pharma and bans the advertising of natural supplement products that help people prevent disease and reduce suffering.

Facebook follows a similar algorithmic censorship track, penalizing websites that dare talk about children being harmed by vaccines, science corruption in the genetic engineering industry, the dangers of pesticides or the scientifically validated benefits of carbon dioxide to planet Earth.

Facebook manually assigns penalty scores to entire websites, crushing their reach and making sure their content can’t even reach fans who have deliberately “liked” the site and want to receive its information. Mark Zuckerberg, the grandson of a Rockefeller, is being groomed for a position of globalist domination and says he might run for president. He’s already obediently spouting every official lie that Hillary Clinton repeated on the campaign trail in 2016.

Amazon.com, founded by evil globalist Jeff Bezos, uses its marketplace dominance to promote the interests of the pharmaceutical industry while suppressing natural medicine. Did you know that Amazon is getting into the prescription drug business in the hopes of putting local pharmacies out of business?

The company also bans FBA (Fulfilled By Amazon) activities with many nutritional supplements and botanical extracts that can prevent serious diseases such as cancer. Now that Amazon is purchasing Whole Foods, Jeff Bezos is likely going to use the same pro-pharma stance to try to transform Whole Foods stores into prescription drug pharmacy locations while eliminating most of Whole Foods’ staff by replacing them with robots.

Amazon has already pioneered robot-staffed retail stores and has also developed a way to eliminate human cashiers by using RFID tracking of all customers and the items they pick off the shelves. Whole Foods workers are already freaking out, realizing they’re going to be replaced by robots and drones.

In effect, Jeff Bezos will promote mass unemployment, mass drug addiction, the censorship of natural products and centralized control over retailing.

All of this makes Jeff Bezos richer and more powerful, but it also destroys human dignity, human health and human knowledge. (For people like Jeff Bezos, selling opioids is a great business model because people keep buying them over and over again… the impact on society be damned!)

Evil Corporations, Evil Globalists and Evil Agendas

What do all these evil corporations and globalist leaders have in common?

They are all enemies of humanity:

They all promote toxic vaccines that are right now killing over 1,400 children a year in the U.S. alone, injuring another 100,000 plus annually.

They all promote Big Pharma’s toxic medications that earn high profits.

They all suppress natural medicine, medicinal herbs and cannabinoids (CBD).

They all supported Hillary Clinton and promote Democrats, the DNC and big government. They all hated Trump just like they hate America, the Bill of Rights and the Second Amendment.

They all promote Monsanto, GMOs, glyphosate and pesticide chemicals as being “good for humanity.” They all claim to be “pro environment” even while supporting the corporations that poison our world with toxic chemicals that kill life and devastate ecosystems.

They all believe in censorship and suppression as a way to shore up their power and silence dissent.

They all put profits first and humanity last. To them, human beings are just “useless idiots” to be manipulated or exploited for profit. If Jeff Bezos could fire every single Whole Foods worker right now and replace them all with robots, he would absolutely do so.

They all believe the ends justify the means, which is why Jeff Bezos’ Washington Post feels justified in completely fabricating “anonymous sources” to publish fake news in an attempt to overthrow the American Republic.

They all despise diversity of thought and demand absolute conformity and obedience to left-wing narratives covering everything from LGBT issues to the elimination of gun rights. Diversity of opinion is not allowed. Conformity is mandatory.

In effect, these corporations are pure evil. They are run by evil globalists and they ally themselves with other evil corporations that poison our planet, enslave humanity and seek to deprive us all of basic human liberty and dignity.

You’re Not Helpless: Here’s What You Can Do to Protect Your Power, Your Lberty and Your Future

All these evil corporations depend on one thing to remain in business: Compliant consumers.

If people stop financially supporting these evil corporations, they will cease to exist. The only reason they continue to grow right now is because people continue to feed them economic resources.

Until now, many people had not been fully aware of just how evil these corporations truly are. They had no idea they were about to be enslaved and overrun by Google, Amazon, Facebook and other similar corporate entities.

Suddenly, however, it’s becoming obvious to even those who previously decried such warnings as “conspiracy theories.” Suddenly even Whole Foods workers are waking up, flipping out and realizing they are all about to be made obsolete by the Jeff Bezos robot apocalypse. From Reuters:

“I’ve heard that Amazon’s culture is really cutthroat. That worries me,” one bagger at a Providence, Rhode Island, store said.

At least one customer was concerned that an Amazon purchase would further distance Whole Foods from its roots as a purveyor of premium, organic and specialty foods.

…I think that they are a very profit-driven company, so there might be some streamlining as far as labor,” said Sasha Hardin, 28, of the Mount Pleasant store, who has been with Whole Foods for 6-1/2 years."

Here are some action items you can take right now to stop feeding these corporate monsters that are destroying our collective future:

Stop using Google. Find alternative search engines such as DuckDuckGo. For searching news and the independent media, use GoodGopher.com or read Censored.news each day, which aggregates headlines from the internet’s most censored indy news sites.

Stop using Facebook. Why would you divulge all the details of your private life to an NSA data collection front anyway? Facebook is nothing but a massive social network spy machine that ruins your life and makes you feel disconnected and depressed. Check out GAB.ai instead.

Stop shopping at Amazon.com and Whole Foods. Support local retailers and local grocers, or you’ll soon find them all out of business. If you don’t consciously decide to start shopping at other retailers, you’re going to wake up one day in a world totally dominated by Amazon, where natural health products are banned and prescription drugs are pushed for everything.

For lab-verified natural health products, support the Health Ranger Store. For fresh produce, grow your own food or support your local grocers that provide organic and non-GMO options.

Make conscious choices about where you spend your money, knowing that every dollar you spend is a “vote” for that organization. Globalist organizations like Google, Amazon and Facebook are all about enslaving humanity and stripping you of knowledge, dignity and health.

Vote for the kind of companies who share your belief in natural medicine, empowering individuals, decentralizing political power (returning power to local communities) and halting the mass poisoning of our world with pesticides and GMOs.

The power is in your hands.

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Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi
Twenty Vaccine Facts You Need To Know To Make An Informed Decision
June 20 2017 | From: AVoiceForChoice / Various

Do Your Own Research Before You Vaccinate. This is too important to ignore.

Take the time and effort to get engaged and educated.

Related: Italians Take to the Streets to Protest New Mandatory Vaccination Law

1. Vaccine manufacturers have NO liability (National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act of 1986), so CANNOT be sued for injury from their product and they have no incentive to make their product as safe as possible.

2. Vaccines are not held to the same double blind gold standard of clinical testing as other pharmaceutical drugs because they are considered biological products under the Public Health Federal Food, Drug and Cosmetic Act. They meet the same standards as cosmetics.

Nurse Fired For Sharing Truth About Vaccines Tells All

3. The per vaccine Federal Excise Tax is used to pay the vaccine injured through the government-created National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program (NVICP). $3.1 Billion has been paid to date (through 2015).

4. Vaccines contain neurotoxins (aluminum and mercury) far exceeding “safe levels” deemed by the EPA.

Related: Victoria, Australia has mandated that children should see a doctor at least once a week to receive drugs and medical treatment without parental consent

5. Vaccines contain cancer-causing ingredients, and have never been tested if they cause cancer, infertility or DNA mutation (Section 13.1 of every vaccine package insert).

6. Some vaccines are made from aborted fetal cell lines. (WI-38 and MC5-5 Human Cell Fibroblasts)

Related: FDA bans natural substance manufactured by the body itself

7. Vaccines are not 100% effective and a vaccinated person can get the disease they were vaccinated for.

8. A vaccinated person carries the disease they were vaccinated for, “shedding” it, for up to 6 weeks.

Related: Medical drug effects in a world organized on Scarcity

9. The concept of herd/community immunity cannot be achieved by vaccines because vaccines are NOT 100% effective. Unlike lifetime immunity afforded by disease, vaccine-induced immunity lasts 2-10 years.

10. Doctors receive financial rewards from insurance companies for having patients fully vaccinated (~$400 per patient). They are advised NOT to share all the risks or the vaccine package inserts, so 100% informed choices cannot be made in a doctor’s office when vaccinating.

Related: UK newspaper reveals the injuries and deaths from specific vaccines

11. Vaccine injury is under-reported. VAERS is the only way to officially report a vaccine injury and is tedious with no incentive for a doctor to fill it out.

12. Vaccine mandates (like SB277 and SB792 in CA) literally hand over new customers to pharmaceutical companies, and remove rights to choose what is injected into a person’s body.

Related: Dr. Andrew Moulden: Learning to Identify Vaccine Damage

13. Pharmaceutical companies spend up to 19 times more on advertising than they do on research.

14. Corporate mainstream media gets 70% of their advertising revenue from pharmaceutical companies.

Related: Vaccine Injured Children are everywhere if you look

15. Vaccine safety and efficacy research is not conducted by independent researchers and so is biased.

16. The full CDC recommended vaccine schedule has never been tested. Vaccinated children are the human experiment.

Related: Abortion Drugs Discovered in Bill Gates' Vaccines

17. All vaccines can cause injury or death, and there is no way to tell who will have a reaction.

18. Most doctors receive 30 MINUTES on vaccine education (that they are safe, effective and a must) during their 8 YEARS in medical school.

Related: Shocker: study unwittingly links vaccines to autism

19. If someone dies from a vaccine, their family will be awarded no more than $250,000. Most cases of vaccine injury are dismissed because doctors and vaccine manufacturers deny a causation link.  The statutory time limit for filing a claim is only 2 years after death and 3 years from the time of vaccine injury.

20. The government plan “Healthy People 2020” has a goal to fully vaccinate all children and adults by 2020. There are 217 new vaccines being created right now.

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Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi
Confirmed: Obama Had His Own ‘Back Channel’ To Moscow
& Harvard Analyst Accuses The Clintons Of 'Largest Charity Fraud In History'
June 19 2017 | From: DailyCaller / FrontPageMag / BlacklistedNews / Various

The Obama administration had a “back channel” to communicate with Russian officials, according to a new report detailing Moscow’s efforts to delegitimize the U.S. presidential election results.

The news comes after Trump White House aide Jared Kushner was criticized for allegedly trying to open a back channel line of communications with Russian officials during the transition last year.

Related: How Russia Probe Exposes Loretta Lynch for Possible Wrongdoing in Clinton Email Case

Former intelligence officials called Kushner’s alleged back channel “dangerous,” but now Bloomberg reports the Obama administration had its own back channel to Moscow.

The White House contacted the Kremlin on what Bloomberg described as a “modern-day red phone” after Russian operatives tried to infiltrate software and databases used by state election officials.

Bloomberg reports (bold is my own):

“The scope and sophistication so concerned Obama administration officials that they took an unprecedented step - complaining directly to Moscow over a modern-day “red phone.”

In October, two of the people said, the White House contacted the Kremlin on the back channel to offer detailed documents of what it said was Russia’s role in election meddling and to warn that the attacks risked setting off a broader conflict.

The “red phone” wasn’t literally a phone, but a secure messaging channel for ” urgent messages and documents,” according to Bloomberg. NBC News first reported on the red phone in December, noting the red phone has existed in various forms for the last 50 years or so.

In fact, the Obama administration said the red phone communications must have worked to keep Moscow from launching cyber attacks against election systems.

Related: HuffPost Hides Article Pushing “Execution” of Trump and GOP Leadership

“Look at the results,” one Obama administration official told NBC in December. “There was nothing done on Election Day, so it must have worked.”

But that may have not been the case. Bloomberg reported:

The White House provided evidence gathered on Russia’s hacking efforts and reasons why the U.S. considered it dangerously aggressive. Russia responded by asking for more information and providing assurances that it would look into the matter even as the hacking continued, according to the two people familiar with the response.

“Last year, as we detected intrusions into websites managed by election officials around the country, the administration worked relentlessly to protect our election infrastructure,” said Eric Schultz, a spokesman for former President Barack Obama.

“Given that our election systems are so decentralized, that effort meant working with Democratic and Republican election administrators from all across the country to bolster their cyber defenses.”

Bloomberg reported the cyber attacks “paint a worrisome picture for future elections” since the “newest portrayal of potentially deep vulnerabilities in the U.S.’s patchwork of voting technologies comes less than a week after former FBI Director James Comey warned Congress that Moscow isn’t done meddling.”

“They’re coming after America,” Comey recently told congressional investigators. “They will be back.”

Impeach Trump’s Impeachers

They’re dirty and crooked as hell.

The rush to impeach President Trump is on by an opposition party that lacks the votes, evidence or legal basis for such a move. But since when did an illegal left-wing coup need any of those things?

Related: POTUS Trump Blasts Loretta Lynch: She Gave Hillary a Free Pass and Protection ‘Totally Illegal!’

No Dem has been more honest about the real motive for impeachment than Congressman Ted Lieu.

"We should not give him a chance to govern,”
Lieu had declared after Trump had been in office for ten days. And he predicted that, “I do believe that if we win back the House of Representatives, impeachment proceedings will be started.”

What was the basis for impeaching President Trump after ten days in office? Lieu made it clear that if the Democrats won, they would try to impeach Trump no matter what.

That’s not how things work in the United States. But the left is running America like a banana republic. More recently Lieu had mused that, "A recent poll came out saying that 46 percent of Americans want the president impeached, and certainly members of Congress take notice."

And what better basis could there be for impeachment than popular Dem support for the move?

The latest poll from PPP, the notorious left-wing troll pollsters Lieu was relying on, shows 75% of Democrats support impeaching President Trump. PPP did not provide any justification. Nor was any needed. President Trump had to be forced out of office to reverse the results of the 2016 election.

The legal basis for such proceedings was as irrelevant as any coup in a banana republic.

Related: Dianne Feinstein Calls For Investigation Into Whether Loretta Lynch Gave Hillary “Cover” During The Election

Congressman Lieu is a member of the House Judiciary Committee. He’s indicated recently that he’s “researching” impeachment. His statement on being appointed to the Committee claimed that Trump had “lost the popular vote” and that he would “fight like hell on the Judiciary Committee” against him.

Since Lieu has made it clear that his pursuit of impeachment is based on partisan opposition, not evidence, any such action would be an unethical abuse of power whose goal is not justice, but a conspiracy to prevent the President of the United States from even having the “chance to govern”.

This could lead to censure and even expulsion; the Congressional alternative to impeachment.

Congressman Brad Sherman has drafted articles of impeachment for President Trump. The claims in Sherman’s draft contradict, in part, Comey’s testimony even as it claims to be based on it. But it still puts the California politician ahead as the first to put forward a written legislative call for impeachment. 

But that’s only because most of his rivals can’t write.

Ivanka Trump Interview on James Comey Testimony

Congressman Al Green (not the Rock and Roll Hall of Famer who crooned "Put a Little Love in Your Heart") called for the impeachment of President Trump on the House floor in the name of “liberty and justice for all” and also “government of the people, by the people, for the people”.

And how better to stand for “government by the people” than with a shameless attempt to overturn the results of a democratic election and for “liberty and justice for all” than to undertake it baselessly?

“No one is above the law,” Al Green declared. Except maybe Green who was accused of sexual assault by a former aide. Green in turn accused her of blackmail. Put a little love in your heart indeed.

This isn’t Green’s first call for impeachment. A previous Green statement, which read like it was written by a high school dropout who had been watching too many legal dramas, (“A bedrock premise upon which respect for, and obedience to, our societal norms is ‘No one is above the law’”) concluded with “Our mantra should be I. T. N. – Impeach Trump Now.” That’s been the mantra ever since Trump won.

Related: The Biggest Problem In The Country Is Government Say Most Americans

Sherman and Green are far behind Congresswoman Maxine Waters who has been calling for the impeachment of every Republican since Ulysses S. Grant. Last month, she complained that the public was “weary” that Trump still hadn’t been impeached. "I believe that this man has done enough for us to determine that we can connect the dots, that we can get the facts that will lead to impeachment."

If anyone ought to be impeached, it’s Waters who funneled $750,000 to her daughter and used her influence to help arrange for the taxpayer bailout of a bank linked to her husband.

But Waters has made it obvious that it’s not about the law, it’s about undoing the election results.

At the Center for American Progress, Waters rejected waiting until the next election. "We can’t wait that long. We don’t need to wait that long." Pointing to left-wing polls backing impeachment, she screeched. "What more do we need in the Congress of the United States of America?"

Maybe evidence?

Waters had already admitted that there was no actual evidence, but impeachment should move forward anyway. There isn’t any evidence for impeachment, but there is documented evidence that Waters can’t tell Crimea from Korea. Much as there is evidence that Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee, who also called for Trump’s impeachment, can’t tell Wikileaks from Wikipedia.

Sheila Jackson Lee insisted that Trump should be impeached if he doesn’t prove Obama’s eavesdropping.

"If you do not have any proof,"
she rambled, "then you are clearly on the edge of the question of public trust and those actions can be associated with high crimes and misdemeanors for which articles of impeachment can be drawn."

The only high crimes belong to Sheila Jackson Lee, who had once declared on CNN, “I represent Enron.” She should have gone to jail along with its top bosses.

Related: AG Sessions: Any Assertion That I Colluded with Russia is “Appalling and Detestable Lie”

Lee had also claimed that the Constitution is 400 years old and that she was a freed slave.

"I’m concerned about what happened when we get that call about North Korea in the middle of the night,”
she blathered. “You have in office an individual that is unread and unlearned.”

And this is coming from a woman who had confused North Korea and Vietnam.

Meanwhile Sheila Jackson Lee had been investigated by the House Ethics Committee for a trip to Azerbaijan paid for by the State Oil Company of Azerbaijan. SOCAR has a joint venture with Rosneft. Back then that meant Vladimir Putin. Maybe Sheila Jackson Lee ought to impeach herself.

"I think about impeachment every single day,”
Congresswoman Eddie Bernice Johnson said.

And well she should.

Johnson pushed Congressional Black Caucus scholarships that were supposed to go to “deserving students” to her relatives. She even sent letters directing that the money be paid to them, not the colleges, in violation of the foundation rules.  And then she went on CNN and lied about it.

The loudest voices in Congress calling for impeachment don’t belong in Congress. That’s typical enough.

This was the second presidential election this century whose outcome Democrats decided to reject because it was won by a Republican. And they played the same exact game then too.

Related: Bombshell: NYT Caught Lying To Readers About Comey Testimony

Eleven years ago, Maxine Waters had called for President Bush’s impeachment.

House Resolution 635 pushing for impeachment was sponsored by Congressman Conyers whose wife would be convicted of bribery charges. Congressional co-sponsors included Maxine Waters, Sheila Jackson Lee, Jesse Jackson Jr., who was sent to prison for mail fraud, Charlie Rangel, who was found guilty of 11 ethics violations, Bernie Sanders, whose wife is under FBI investigation for the Burlington College fraud and Bob Filner, who was convicted of false imprisonment and battery.

The only consistent thing about Democrat calls for impeachment is that it’s the impeachers who are dirty and crooked as hell.

Related: MSM Declares Alex Jones Enemy #1 As Trump Battles To Stop Economic Implosion

Harvard Analyst Accuses The Clintons Of 'Largest Charity Fraud In History'

An investigation into The Clinton Foundation by a financial analyst from Harvard University has revealed fraud on a "monumental scale", according to reports. Charles Ortel claims to have evidence that Bill and Hillary Clinton have committed the largest case of charity fraud in American history.

Ortel, one of the world's leading financial experts, claims that the Clintons are also part of a global fraud networks that have acquired billions in fraudulent profits.

Related: New Zealand Government Has Pledged Millions Of Dollars Worth Of Taxpayer Funds To The Corrupt Clinton Foundation & Clinton Health Access Initiatives

Wall St On Parade reports: In a 9-page letter dated yesterday and posted on his blog, Ortel calls the Clintons’ charity the":

"Largest unprosecuted charity fraud ever attempted," adding for good measure that the Clinton Foundation is part of an "international charity fraud network whose entire cumulative scale (counting inflows and outflows) approaches and may even exceed $100 billion, measured from 1997 forward." 

Ortel lists 40 potential areas of fraud or wrongdoing that he plans to expose.

Like Markopolos, Ortel has an impressive resume. Ortel’s LinkedIn profile shows that he received his B.A. from Yale and an MBA from Harvard Business School.

He previously worked as a Managing Director at investment bank Dillon Read and later as a Managing Director at the financial research firm, Newport Value Partners.

The Numbers Are In – The Clinton Foundation Made 2.85 BILLION $$ for Selling Uranium to the Russians

In more recent years, Ortel has been a contributor to a number of news outlets including the Washington Times and TheStreet.com.

The charges being made by Ortel are difficult to dismiss as a flight of fancy because mainstream media has tinkered around the edges of precisely what Ortel is now calling out in copious detail.

In a 2013 New York Times article, Unease at Clinton Foundation Over Finances and Ambitions,” reporters Nicholas Confessore and Amy Chozick hint that Hillary Clinton’s political operatives are occupying offices at the Clinton Foundation headquarters, writing that they “will work on organizing Mrs. Clinton’s packed schedule of paid speeches to trade groups and awards ceremonies and assist in the research and writing of Mrs. Clinton’s memoir about her time at the State Department, to be published by Simon & Schuster next summer.”

Related: Leaked DNC Emails Prove Once And For All That The Conspiracy Theorists Were Right All Along + FBI Source: Clinton Foundation Can Bring Down Entire Government

A June 2015 article in the Wall Street Journal by Kimberley Strassel stopped hinting and spelled it out boldly, calling the Clinton Foundation a “Hillary superPac that throws in the occasional good deed.” Strassel explained:

"The media’s focus is on Hillary Clinton’s time as secretary of state, and whether she took official actions to benefit her family’s global charity.

But the mistake is starting from the premise that the Clinton Foundation is a ‘charity.’ What’s clear by now is that this family enterprise was set up as a global shakedown operation, designed to finance and nurture the Clintons’ continued political ambitions. It’s a Hillary super PAC that throws in the occasional good deed.”

Strassel goes on to provide the specific names of staffers who are deeply conflicted in their political work for Hillary Clinton’s ambitions and their ties to the charity.

Related: John Podesta In A Frenzy Converting $40B Clinton Foundation Assets Into Gold, Diamonds & Artwork + Leaked Documents On Spying Show Former FBI Director Comey Shared Secret Intel On Americans With Private Parties

An article by James Grimaldi in the Wall Street Journal on May 12 of last year charges that a:

"$2 million commitment arranged by the nonprofit Clinton Global Initiative in 2010 went to a for-profit company part-owned by friends of the Clintons.”

The Clinton Global Initiative is a program associated with the Clinton Foundation.

One notable thing that Charles Ortel is pounding away at is, why, with all of these media red flags for years, the Clintons have been allowed by state charity regulators in multiple states in which they solicit donations as well as their Federal regulator, the IRS, to continue business as usual.

Are we looking at the Madoff-effect where regulators are afraid to take on powerful figures? We think that’s a very good question to which the American public deserves a credible answer.

Related: Wikileaks Confirms Hillary Sold Weapons To ISIS + Wikileaks Will Release More Emails On The Clinton Foundation – FBI Has Enough Evidence To Indict

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The Vatican Is A Criminal Hornets’ Nest
June 19 2017 | From: FinalWakeupCall

The Jesuits and the Roman Church, dictate to the world:

The Vatican: The Holy See and the Vatican have been instrumental in converting all national governments on the planet into national corporations, deceitfully, with the same name in capital letters, operating under the international jurisdiction of the sea and the Roman Curia, that have forged all these fraudulent manipulations into a legal, fictional reality.

Related: The Crown Of England Is Owned And Operated By The Vatican

Now, it is the sole responsibility of the Holy See and Pope Francis to correct this breach of trust, and to stop the deliberate mismanagement of all corporate nations, as they are first and foremost responsible for their monstrous creation.

They pretend that we the living people are responsible for paying off our debts to them, while they created corporations by deception, while simultaneously creating a Trust with the same name in capital letters, to be plundered by the banking cartels.

The truth is that those that have created this mess are responsible for it. They are simply deceptively using similar names and holding positions in what appears to be public office for their private benefit.

Complex Fraud Scheme:

The Federal Reserve and central banks, are running the incorporated nations, as a bankrupt pass-through to purposefully advance vast sums of credit, based on people’s assets and their respective earthly nations, and use this fraud scheme to establish covert bonds against us the people.

Our property and assets serve as security, as part of the overall fraud, designed to usurp people’s assets and credit to the benefit of the cabal criminals. For this scheme they literally stole people’s identities, by using our names for the creation of companies in a claim to ownership and control of each individual person.

Related: Holy Smoke And Mirrors - The Vatican Conspiracy

They made the fraud scheme complex, and long term, hidden by deceptive covers of shamming, creating lucrative fraud schemes carried out over decades and even centuries on a mindboggling scale.

The Federal Reserve and central banks, unlawfully converted private accounts of millions of people into corporate accounts, technically belonging to corporate contractors, simply named after living people.

This facilitates the seizure of these accounts that banks unlawfully convert into accounts belonging to the central banks, without the disclosure hereof.

Eventually these fraudulently acquired accounts are converted into assets of the IMF, all of this being executed without people’s knowledge or consent.

Fortunately, the Germans are beginning to understand, that their country is not sovereign as it should be, but instead, a corporate vassal state of Washington DC and that their chancellor Angela Merkel serves these crooks, their financial interests and the interests of the Roman Curia at large and certainly not the interests of the Germans.

The Holy See:

The abuse of the corporations continue, and has reached legendary proportions, while still there is no comprehensive statement from the Holy See revealing the fictitious nature of these entities that have been spawned under its auspices and without public denunciation of criminality, and there is no visible undertaking to punish, regulate, or liquidate them.

The Holy See has officially been informed for about a decade of the illegal and immoral actions against humanity and against humanity’s lawful governments, which has been ongoing since the 1800’s, as all these covert goals have been accomplished by fraud and deceit.

Click on the image above to open a larger version in a new window

Related: Former Jesuit Priest Exposes How The Vatican Created Islam

All these illegally established corporations must be liquidated, without harming the millions of innocents who have been misrepresented, and mischaracterised by them, as willing contractors.

Unfortunately, many people still don’t have a clue what has been done in their names and assets,
and have never had the opportunity to respond.

It is at the Pope’s discretion, that these evil men continue their actions unopposed, and each day drag more innocent people into the web as accomplices-after-the-fact and still many others fall victim to this system of lies.

The Jesuits are the Real Spiritual Potentates:

The Jesuit controlled Vatican, is the sole owner of all western corporate countries: Satan, through the Freemasons, owns the Vatican, while the Pope is his slave. Catholicism will be eradicated forever, probably sooner than later in the course of this decennium. Throughout history, the Satanic Luciferian Jesuit Order has been tied together with war and genocide.

The Jesuits were formally removed from many countries, including France and England, but are still widely present in Spain and Italy.

Related: The Jesuits & The Vatican

Researchers claim that the Jesuits are the real spiritual potentates of the New World Order. Their choice for President of The United States was Paul Ryan, which is why the Pope demanded he become inserted as Speaker of the House in October of 2015, as the Vatican was the sole owner of the United States of America Inc., which defaulted on it’s credit facility – the Federal Reserve Bank – in December of 2012 and came out of international bankruptcy in August of 2015.

All Nation-corporations are created by the Roman Curia. It is no problem to trace this back to the Pope. At the same time; virtually all governments and their agencies in the world are corporations and are tied to, and ultimately under the control of the Holy See.

Puppet-Pope Francis, a Jesuit and selected by the cabal as Roman Pontiff and leader of the Holy See, basically owns and operates worldwide all these “governments” and their sub-corporations. The Pope is the CEO in charge of this whole criminal fraudulent system.

The Jesuits and the Roman Church:

The Jesuits and the Roman Church have altered history and hidden the rest by fabricating fairy tales about the earth’s real history. One such lie was about Mary Magdalene, who was in truth, the wife of Jesus, and bore him two sons with the names Jesus II Justus, and Joseph, along with a daughter named Tamar.

This has been suppressed by the Roman Church. The Church began the procedure of killing scientists in 1600, to change the narrative to serve their goals.

The Holy Grail or Sangreal (Grail) is all about the blood of Jesus, and about the truth of who is a descendant of whom. Many have made false claims to certain Bloodlines, including the Rothschilds and the Monarchs.

Some believe that RH Negative blood comes from the Christ, and that a large portion of the Basques, have this blood type. Jesus was one of the few messengers sent to mankind to enlighten us about what and who we really are, and that if we are to grow in spirit, we must understand this information and drive out the negativity on the planet.

Related: Who / What Is "The Crown"?

Major changes are occurring now to restore our standing, and teach us about what has been done to us by the Crime Cabal, which includes Draco Reptilians, Grays, and other creatures from a universe that has been intentionally hidden from us by these dark beings. Pope Francis preached recently that his god is Lucifer.

On earth the light workers have restored much of the truth, and it has rectified the Sangreal treaty of 300 A.D. proclaiming that all of earth’s people are sovereign, and should be treated as such.

This will be the end of the Phony Elites and their Slave-Scam that they have been running to the detriment of the people of the world for many centuries. – Scientists know that there were nuclear wars thousands of years ago, and that radiation still exists in small quantities in the Middle East as a result thereof.

Movies like “Close Encounters of the 3rd Kind” are true stories along with the alien abductions and the existence of multidimensional creatures, like Bigfoot and its ancestry, whose planet Marduk was obliterated and now forms our asteroid belt.

Related: The Crown And The Cross

The cabal uses the Divide and Conquer strategy to get groups to fight each other, by creating a problem, like today’s bashing of Russia, hoping to spawn the destruction of humanity with WW3.

Fortunately, many of their plans have been thwarted, like the nuking of Charleston South Carolina in 2013, and the recent attempts to open a wormhole (CERN) propelling earth into this funnel.

Many will be stunned when the truth of our history is revealed in the near future. Stay tuned.

Deep State Hierarchy:

The Roman Pontiff and all his war criminals, some pretending to be Jews, who are in reality Khazarian Mafioso, Royalty, Nazis, and Pedophiles, are in truth Satanists. They hold office in the Vatican, the City of London, Washington District of Columbia, and the United Nations City State – located in New York City.

This information was received from an insider who, for obvious reasons, wishes to remain anonymous:

All those in positions of absolute power like the Queen of England, The Rothschilds, The Bushes, The Clintons, The Rockefellers, The Pope, the hidden Jesuit Hierarchy, etc. they are all ONE big happy blood family. They are all cousins, nephews, uncles and nieces to each other. I know some of these people so don’t let them fool you!

They are like Medusa, one single but intricate brain with many little serpent heads attached. The main figures are not even in the public eye.

Related: The Top Of The Pyramid: The Rothschilds, The Vatican And The British Crown Rule World

The top of the pyramid is known as the black nobility – the Ancient Egyptian Ptolemaic Dynasty Rulers; The Saturnalia brotherhood, “The Real 13 Zoroastrian Bloodlines of the Illuminati”

The crime families are in total control of the company of Jesus – Jesuits, High Grey Council of Ten, the Black Pope, the White Pope, and everything else often talked about including all kingdoms around the globe.

These are the families that make up the intricate brain/head of the serpent. The self-designated Luciferian Demi-Gods who rule over their own G.O.D. (Gold-Oil-Drugs):

The Rothschilds were supposedly appointed by the Vatican, and that’s how it started. There are of course other powerful crime families like the Maximus Family, The Pallavicini – Maria Camila Pallavicini is more powerful than Queen Elizabeth.

Related: Jesuit Black Magic & Secret Societies

Yes, indeed Queen Elizabeth is a subordinate to these people. The most powerful man in the world is The Grey Pope, his name is Pepe Orsini and he lives somewhere in Italy, most likely in Venice and The Vatican. He controls the Black and White Popes who are now both commoners. The Grey Pope always remains unseen!

The Knights of Malta, ostensibly a charitable organisation, are the oldest military order in the Catholic Church, and the fascist faction of that order has been secretly responsible for controlling world leaders through a combination of bribery, threats and murder.

In other words, they have been one of the main enforcement arms of the secret world government. They have also exercised strong influence over the US military, as many top brass are Knights of Malta.

Many of these top people now live in Asia, mainly China, India, Japan, Singapore, Indonesia and the Philippines. What does that tell you? Is this to create a New NWO with Asia at the helm? This is perhaps why they slowly moved all the US manufacturing infrastructure to Asia and China over the years.

In reality, the Black Pope is the President of this world, and the Bourbon King of Spain is the Monarch of the world – Not Queen Elizabeth as most believe. The King of Spain controls the Vatican through the Jesuits -The Spanish Borgia’s created the Jesuits.

Felipe IV is the current King of Spain

Related: The Staggering, Eye-Opening History Of Britain’s Monarchy And Its Colonies & Why 'The Crown' Is Being Dismantled

The King of Spain is also known as the King of Jerusalem. What does this reveal about who secretly rules the Zionist-Khazarians’ state of Israel? The Grey Pope is the “designated” Ruler of it all!

If you are wondering why it is always the Italians and not the Spaniards who rule the Vatican City, it is because their modus operandi is always to run the show from behind the scenes, without any publicity, or public acclaim and so as to not arouse the 500+ age- old Italian hatred for the Spanish.

For details of this, see the history of the terrible reign of Pope Alexander VI and also The Divorce of Henry VIII of England- from Catherine of Aragon – Spain. – This short video, the Pyramid of Death, will enhance your insight about what is happening behind the scenes.

We need to stop looking at Countries as enemies and start tracking down these bloodlines and their foot soldiers such as the Committee of 300, the Bilderbergers, Trilateral Commission, etc. as the true enemies not only of the human race but of all life upon this planet!

Related: The 15 Quadrillion Dollar Vatican-Sultan Of Sulu Deal That Would Have Sunk The Planet

If we really want to create the Power vacuum we need at the top of the Pyramid of power, to effectively start implementing some real changes, we need to make a move on these diabolic, malevolent people.

One last note, the best US political leader we have is by far, Ron Paul. He has proven to be the ideal leader for the USA; a leader of utmost integrity! Research him thoroughly. Let’s not support another clown for office.

Paul Ryan or any military man would be a mere continuation of the present fiasco. They only know how to follow orders. It is astonishing how mind-controlled the military people are, always following orders blindly.

5 Most Powerful Families that Control the World:

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Nineteen Ways To Question Your Reality
June 18 2017 | From: TheSleuthJournal

To question your reality in today’s world is a sure sign of sanity. In an ever delusional world where lying newsmen tell fake news, where mendacious politicians spin every event, where mass murder is conducted under the guise of a fake war on terror, where mass-produced food poisons and where medicine kills, it is a sign of great strength of character to challenge the supposed authority figures around you.

It is a sign of something pure and special if you can preserve your open mind and curiosity in the midst of so much propaganda.

Related: New Research Shocks Scientists: Human Emotion Physically Shapes Reality

It is a sign of courage to ask the tough questions that mainstream journalists fear to touch. Here are 20 ways to question your reality:

1. If the point of water fluoridation is not mass medication of the population, and really to help people’s teeth, why is fluoride added to baby nursery water when young babies have no teeth?

2. Why is fluoride, which is really a combination of hydrofluorosilicic acid, sodium fluorosilicate, and sodium fluoride, pure and healthy enough to put in municipal water, yet is an unpurified industrial byproduct considered a toxic hazard by the EPA and used in rat poison, pesticides and Big Pharma antidepressant drugs like Prozac and Paxil?

3. If vaccines are safe, why do they contain known carcinogens such as mercury, aluminum, formaldehyde and MSG, and why do they contain so many toxic and dangerous adjuvants, such as acetone (solvent used in fingernail polish remover), ammonium sulfate, glycerol, phenoxyethanol (antifreeze), polysorbate 80, tri(n)butylphosphate (a neurotoxin) and squalene?

Related: New Mind-Blowing Experiment Confirms That Reality Doesn’t Exist If You Are Not Looking at It

4. If vaccines are great medicine, why do they contain human diploid cells, i.e. aborted fetal tissue?

5. Speaking of cannibalism and the forced ingestion of aborted fetal tissue, why do huge corporations like Pepsi use aborted fetal tissue in testing (and possibly making) their sugary drinks?

6. If vaccines are so effective, why did the scientific journal The Lancet publish a study that found that flu vaccines were only 1.5% effective, i.e. they only worked on 1.5 people out of 100?

7. If vaccines are so safe and effective, why does the Government grant legal immunity to Big Pharma companies that produce vaccines, so there is no way you can properly sue them for damages when vaccines produce horrific side effects?

8. If GMOs are “substantially equivalent” to non-GM food, why do they cause organ disruption and organ failure as found by 19 studies?

9. If glyphosate (the main ingredient of Monsanto’s RoundUp) is perfectly safe for humans, why did the IARC (International Agency for Research on Cancer) of the WHO (World Health Organization) recently categorize it as a class 2a carcinogen, i.e. a probable carcinogen?

Related: The War On Reality: How Globalists Occupy Your Mind To Control Everything

10. If the ultimate purpose of GMOs is not to genetically modify humanity itself, why do GMOs lead to horizontal gene transfer, where the modified genes in GM food jump to bacteria in the human gut and change their DNA structure?

11. If our “leaders” really care for us and represent us, why do some of them (e.g. John Kerry, George Bush Sr. and Jr.) belong to Secret Societies like the Skull ‘n’ Bones, and why do they practice mock ritual sacrifice to demonic owl gods at Bohemian Grove?

12. If cancer were really a terminal disease, why have so many people completely cured themselves using natural methods such as Vitamin B17 (laetrile), DCA, the Gerson Therapy, the Budwig Diet and others?

13. If the point of all the draconian laws passed since 9/11, including the Patriot Act and other means of mass surveillance, is to keep you safe from terrorism, why are almost all of the FBI’s “successes” in capturing “terrorists” the result of sting operations the FBI engineered itself?

14. If so many of your rights and freedom are being taken away under the guise of saving you from terrorism, why are you 58 times more likely in the US to die from a policeman shooting you than a terrorist?

15. If the mass surveillance grid being set up is really to keep you secure, then why has the NSA failed to foil a single terrorist plot, despite having access to every electronic transaction (call, text, email, etc.) made by everyone?

16. If false flag events like 9/11, 7/7, Sandy Hook and the Boston marathon bombing were really carried out by bogeymen like “Islamic terrorists” and “lone nutter” shooters, why do they all share the common thread of occurring alongside a government-executed drill – at the exact same time, at the exact same place, for the exact same purpose?

17. If the world really were undergoing manmade global warming, why did so many scientists fudge, conceal and distort the data as exposed in the ClimateGate emails?

18. If you are crazy to question your reality and not believe everything the Government tells you, then why did scientific studies like this one reveal that those who actively question their reality (dubbed conspiracy theorists) are less hostile and more fact-based than conventional believers?

19. If all the main things that happen in the world are really by chance (coincidence theory) as opposed to being planned (conspiracy theory), then how can we explain the existence of many New World Order accounts and documents (click here for the 3 most chilling) which have laid out the plan for world domination, in astonishingly accurate detail, 30 to 50 to 100 years ago?

Question your reality. It’s the solution to the global conspiracy. If enough of us keep doing it, we will grow in awareness in unstoppable numbers, and the conspiracy will collapse like the house of cards that it truly is.

Related: Every Television Newscast Is Staged Reality

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Nigerian Court Rules Coca-Cola Products Unfit For Human Consumption, Citizens Call For Boycott & You’ll Never Eat McDonald’s French Fries Again After Watching This
June 18 2017 | From: TruthTheory / EducateIndpireChange / Various

The Coca-Cola Company is now in deep trouble. Many people have come to realize in recent times that products of the company do more harm to their health. In fact, all Coca-Cola products have no recorded important nutritional value.

According to health experts, people who drink just 330ml of Coca-Cola would have their blood sugar levels increase dramatically within 20 minutes. If they continue to drink Coca-Cola continuously, they are likely to have serious blood pressure problems.

Related: How Sugar Destroys Your Health & Literally Makes You Stupid

As a soda drink, it also contributes to obesity. In 2016, it emerged that Coca-Cola and Pepsi have been funding up to 96 health groups in the United States to mislead the public that their products have no links to obesity. When this was made public, Coca-Cola issued a statement denying the claim.

What else can the company do than to deny the claim? Coca-Cola has since increased its advertising campaigns in order to continue to poison its consumers to death. We’re not intentionally scaring you, we’re just pointing out the facts. Soda drinks, including Coca-Cola, are nothing but poison.

In the West African country of Nigeria, a court has ruled that two products of Coca-Cola – Fanta and Sprite – are not safe for human consumption.

Related: Euthanasia drug found in dog food

Nigeria is Africa’s most populous nation with over 173 million citizens. This makes the country a hotspot for many multinational corporations in Africa. But due to widespread ignorance and endemic government and national corruption, many corporations do not follow due process in the country.

All kinds of products and services are sold or rendered to the public without any thorough checks being done by the country’s regulators to ensure standards.  In December 2016, Nigeria’s border officials seized fake rice made from plastic, weighing around 2.5 tonnes and intended for distribution to people during the Christmas festivities.

According to officials, the fake and poisonous rice was smuggled into the country by unscrupulous businessmen. That is how corruption enables corporations and individuals to sell dangerous products to the public.

Related: Even Your Sea Salt Contains Microplastics

In the Coca-Cola case, presiding judge Justice Adedayo Oyebanji ruled that high levels of benzoic acid and sunset additives in Fanta and Sprite pose a serious health risk to consumers when mixed with ascorbic acid, commonly known as vitamin C.

The court also ordered the Nigerian Bottling Company (NBC) – a member of Coca-Cola Hellenic group which bottles Coca-Cola products in Nigeria – to place written warnings on the bottles of the two drinks, saying the drinks pose a health risk. This means the two drinks would carry warning labels like cigarettes.

Related: Colloidal Silver – Get it While You Can

The court didn’t stop there. It went further to award financial costs of two million naira ($6,350) against the National Agency for Food and Drug Administration and Control (NAFDAC) for failing to ensure health standards in the country.

“It is manifest that NAFDAC has been grossly irresponsible in its regulatory duties to the consumers of Fanta and Sprite manufactured by Nigeria Bottling Company. NAFDAC has failed the citizens of this great nation by its certification as satisfactory for human consumption products … which become poisonous in the presence of ascorbic acid,”
Justice Oyebanji said in his ruling.

In fact, the Nigerian public wouldn’t have had this relief ruling aimed at protecting their lives had something not gone wrong between a businessman and the NBC.

Businessman Dr Emmanuel Fijabi Adebo used to do business with the NBC. He buys NBC products and distributes them across the country. In 2007, he decided to go international. Dr Adebo’ company, Fijabi Adebo Holdings Limited, attempted to export Coca-Cola products (Fanta and Sprite) to the United Kingdom for retail.

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But authorities in the United Kingdom seized and subsequently destroyed the whole shipment of drinks. Regulators in the United Kingdom said the drinks contained excessive levels of sunset yellow and benzoic acid. According to United Kingdom regulators, benzoic acid can form the carcinogen benzene when combined with ascorbic acid. This means the drinks cause cancer.

The NBC failed to compensate Dr Adebo for his financial loss. This compelled him to go to court to seek redress. After hearing the full facts of the case, the court held that products considered dangerous in the United Kingdom are also dangerous in Nigeria.

Soft drinks manufactured by Nigeria Bottling Company ought to be fit for human consumption irrespective of color or creed,”
the judge said.

Related: Independent Cancer Researcher Threatened Over Apple Seeds, Her Powerful Response

When the ruling was given, Mr Adebo expressed his displeasure, vowing to pursue further damages because the costs the court awarded are not enough. He told CNN in an interview:

“I’m happy that I’m victorious and we’ve alerted Nigerians and the entire world to what is happening in Nigeria. What the court fined NAFDAC is not one tenth of the amount I’ve spent on litigation … We should have been awarded at least the amount that we spent in purchasing that product and in exporting it to UK. We are entitled to special damages for what we have gone through.”

Following the ruling, Nigerian citizens took to social media to express their dissatisfaction of all Coca-Cola products. Many lashed out at NAFDAC for handling consumer safety in the country poorly. They accused the agency of placing more priority on generating revenues than protecting citizens.

Antiperspirants and Breast Cancer

Shaving before applying underarm antiperspirants can increase aluminum absorption. Could this explain the greater number of tumors and the disproportionate incidence of breast cancer in the upper outer quadrant of the breast near the armpit?

Some also accused NAFDAC for being responsible for numerous health problems and deaths because it allows corporations to sell poison to the public. The majority of citizens called for a boycott against all Coca-Cola products in the country to serve as a deterrent to other unscrupulous corporations taking advantage of endemic corruption to kill the public.

Related: Can Walking Barefoot Heal Your Heart?

The ruling has dented the image of Coca-Cola in the country. The company is likely to suffer losses this year because the scandal will remain in the minds of citizens for a long time to come.

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You’ll Never Eat McDonald’s French Fries Again After Watching This

Renowned activist and author Michael Pollan illustrates how McDonald’s insists on using Russet Burbank Potatoes, a potato in America that is unusually long and difficult to grow.

They further insist that their potatoes have no blemishes at all, which is hard because these potatoes commonly suffer from what is referred to as Net Necrosis, which causes unwanted spots and lines on the potatoes.

If they have this, McDonald’s won’t buy them and the only way to eliminate this is through the use of a pesticide called methamidophos (Monitor) “that is so toxic that the farmers who grow these potatoes in Idaho won’t venture outside and into their fields for five days after they spray.”

When McDonald’s is ready to harvest their potatoes, they have to put them in giant atmospheric controlled sheds the size of football stadiums because they are not edible for six weeks. “They have to off gas all the chemicals in them.”

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Lawsuit Could End Water Fluoridation Once And For All By Demonstrating Its Neurotoxicity
June 17 2017 | From: HealthFreedoms

The practice water fluoridation in the United States has been under growing scrutiny for years by a public that has become conscious of the fact adding toxic chemicals which are proven to be harmful to human health and children’s development to public water is medication without consent.

Never-the-less, the effort to stop fluoridation of municipal water supplies has been an uphill battle against entrenched financial interests and against dated ideas about health.

Related: Fluoride Officially Classified As A Neurotoxin In World’s Top Medical Journals & Former EPA Senior Scientist Confirms Fluoride Lowers Children’s IQ

While each year we hear news of cities heeding the concerns of their citizens and stopping fluoridation, without a major victory at the national level, people will be fighting this for years to come, all the while consuming toxic chemicals in the one thing we cannot live without, water.

The Fluoride Action Network (FAN) is reporting on a major development to cut the head off of this snake, and an unprecedented lawsuit is now holding promise for a national reversal of municipal water fluoridation.

Based on neurotoxicity studies, the “EPA has been served with a petition that includes more than 2,500 pages of scientific documentation detailing the risks of water fluoridation to human health.”

As noted by FAN in a recent press release:

This case will present the first time a court will consider the neurotoxicity of fluoride and the question of whether fluoridation presents an unreasonable risk under the Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA).

And, in contrast to most other legal challenges of Agency actions, TSCA gives us the right to get the federal court to consider our evidence ‘de novo’ - meaning federal courts are to conduct their own independent review of the evidence without deference to the EPA’s judgment.”

The lawsuit has been served along with a petition containing thousands of signatures of concerned and well-informed citizens, and includes more than 2500 pages of documents detailing the harm inherent in poisoning the pubic with fluoride.

Related: Fluoride Action Network: A Report From New Zealand

In detail, the complaint is an attempt to demonstrate how this practice violates the Toxic Substances Control Act.

The Fluoride Action Network (FAN), along with a coalition of environmental and public health groups has filed a complaint in the U.S. District Court for the Northern District of California against the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) in response to their denial of our petition under Section 21 of the Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA) seeking a ban on water fluoridation.

We believe this lawsuit is an unprecedented opportunity to end the practice once and for all in the U.S., and potentially throughout the world, based on the well-documented neurotoxicity of fluoride. You may read the official complaint here.”


Final Thoughts

The negative effects of consuming fluoridated water are well-documented, and the body of evidence continues to grow. In 2012 a major Harvard study presented a study demonstrating water fluoridation lowers IQ.

Related: The Question That Fluoridation Promoters Can’t Answer

In 2016 a study demonstrated a link between increased diabetes and water fluoridation. In 2015 the EPA had to issue new guidelines for safe levels of fluoride, reducing the amount, citing the potential for fluoridated water damages teeth, which ironically, is the very condition which we are told is the reason we need fluoride in the first place.

Public water fluoridation is slowing being defeated, and this lawsuit may play a major role in this fight.

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Dirty Open Secret: US Created And Supports ISIS & Iran: We Have Evidence Of US Direct Support To ISIL
June 15 2017 | From: GlobalResearch / Geopolitics / Uncensored / Various

It’s one of the dirtiest of dirty open secrets. US Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA) documents prove it – obtained by Judicial Watch through an FOIA lawsuit. They show ISIS, al-Qaeda and like-minded terrorist groups are the “major forces” used as US foot soldiers in Syria, Iraq and elsewhere. 

The myth of so-called “moderate rebels” was long ago discredited. Yet claiming they exist persists. 

Related: ISIS Puppet Show Continues: Attacks Philippines, Australia, Britain and Now Iran

The DIA documents show America, NATO, Saudi Arabia and other regional rogue states support an Islamic caliphate to challenge, topple and replace Bashar al-Assad with an imperial puppet. 

Longstanding US/Israeli plans call for redrawing the Middle East map by color revolutions and wars, replacing independent governments with pro-Western puppet regimes, balkanizing Iraq, Syria, Iran and other regional countries for easier control, looting their resources, and exploiting their people. 

In a January 2016 Iran Review article, James Fetzer discussed evidence of ISIS’ creation by America.

In February 2015, Iraq’s military “downed 2 UK cargo planes carrying weapons for ISIL,” he explained. 

In March 2015, “Iraqi popular forces…shot down a US helicopter carrying weapons for ISIL in Al-Anbar province…”

In response to an April 2015 Syrian request to designate ISIL (ISIS) a terrorist organization, “the US, Britain, France and Jordan refused…” 

“Photographs…showing ISIS members sporting ‘US Army’ tattoos” went unreported by Western media scoundrels.

A 2012 DIA document states the West will facilitate the rise of ISIS “to isolate the Syrian regime.” 

Former CIA contractor Steven Kelly said Washington -

created ISIL for the sake of Israel,” along with assuring “never-ending war in the Middle East” to make the Jewish state the dominant regional power and provide a “constant flow of orders for weapons from the military-industrial complex at home…” 

ISIS fighters are recruited from scores of countries, including Western ones. In October 2015, Russian lower house State Duma International Affairs Committee chairman Alexi Pushkov explained America is -

not bombing ISIS at all…Obama is lying to the American people.” 

In November 2015, Vladimir Putin said dozens of countries are supporting ISIS, including America and other Western ones. 


There are many other sources that confirm that ISIS was created by the US and is being supported by Western powers to promote their own political agenda, where nothing coming from the administration of Barack Obama is worthy of belief.”  

“Since the nullification of the Smith-Mundt Act of 1948 (which precluded the techniques of propaganda and disinformation within the United States) by the NDAA 2013, there are no trustworthy (mainstream) news sources in the US…” 

In Washington, “ISIS is commonly called ‘John McCain’s Army’…(one of) the earliest advocates of (regional) military action” on the phony pretext of combating ISIS. 

John McCain with members of Al-Quaeda

Related: Checkmate! U.S. Loses Syria & Turkey; Erdogan Will Visit Putin + John McCain Is “Directly Responsible” For ISIS

On Sunday, Fars News quoted Iranian armed forces deputy chief of staff General Mostafa Izadi saying: 

We possess documents and information showing the direct supports by the US imperialism for this highly disgusting stream (ISIS) in the region which has destroyed the Islamic countries and created a wave of massacres and clashes.” 

Washington uses ISIS and like-minded groups as instruments for regional “proxy war…” 

On Friday, Fars News quoted Iran’s parliament Speaker Ali Larijani, saying -

(t)he United States has aligned itself with the ISIL in the region.” 

ISIS, al-Qaeda, al-Nusra (ISIS in Syria) and like-minded groups are US creations. 

Related: ‘Security Not a Priority’: British Pundit Unloads on Jihad-Compliant UK

They’re used as foot soldiers to advance its imperium – responsible for aiding Washington rape and destroy one country after another. 

Most Americans are unaware of Washington’s diabolical agenda in the Middle East, Central Asia, North Africa and elsewhere in their name – a bipartisan conspiracy against world peace, stability and security no matter the human cost. 

Iran: We Have Evidence Of US Direct Support To ISIL

Sensing that the simultaneous diplomatic attack on Qatar, and the twin terrorist bombings of the Iranian Parliament and Khomeini Shrine, are all related and purposely directed to the country, Iran has announced that it is in possession of hard evidence and documents implicating the United States government in the terroristic activities of the Daesh Islamic State.

General Mostafa Izadi

Related: Hungarian PM: EU “Openly Siding With Terrorists”

Commander: Iran Has Proof of US Direct Support for ISIL Terrorist Group

Deputy Chief of Staff of the Iranian Armed Forces Major General Mostafa Izadi announced that the country is in possession of evidence and documents proving Washington’s direct support for the ISIL terrorist group.

“We are facing a proxy warfare in the region as a new trick by the arrogant powers against the Islamic Republic,”
Izadi said on Sunday.

“As the Supreme Leader of the Islamic Revolution (Ayatollah Seyed Ali Khamenei) said, we possess documents and information showing the direct supports by the US imperialism for this highly disgusting stream (the ISIL) in the region which has destroyed the Islamic countries and created a wave of massacres and clashes,” he added.

In relevant remarks on Friday, Iranian Parliament Speaker Ali Larijani condemned the Wednesday terrorist attacks in Tehran, and said that Washington is behind most of the terrorist acts in the world.

“The United States has aligned itself with the ISIL in the region,”Larijani said on Friday, addressing a funeral ceremony held for the victims of ISIL’s Wednesday terrorist attacks on the Iranian parliament and the holy shrine of late Imam Khomeini in Tehran.

He reiterated that Washington has demonstrated that it is the international ISIL.

Three male assailants fired several rounds at the guards protecting the parliament building in Tehran on Wednesday morning. The assailants opened their way into the parliament’s administrative building while shooting at the guards.

A similar attack took place at the holy shrine of the late founder of the Islamic Republic, Imam Khomeini, parallel with the parliament attack. 17 people, including the parliament’s guards, were killed and 52 others were wounded in the twin attacks. The ISIL claimed the responsibility for both attacks.

The Iranian navy is now sending its flotilla to international waters via Oman, in response to Saudi Arabia’s aggressive move against friendly Qatar.

Iran Sends Warships to Oman Amid Gulf Tensions

The Iranian Navy has dispatched a flotilla on a mission to Oman, local media report, and will enter international waters.

On Sunday, the 47th flotilla, comprised of an Alborz destroyer and Bushehr logistic warship, set sail from the southern port city of Bandar Abbas after a ceremony attended by naval commander Rear Admiral Habibollah Sayyari, Tasnim News reports. From Oman, the ships will head to the Gulf of Aden and international waters north of the Indian Ocean.

“Today, there is some controlled insecurity in the Gulf of Aden and we have been able to escort over 4,000 oil tankers and cargo ships to the safe regions without any disruption in our plans for oil and non-oil exports and imports,”
Admiral Sayyari told Fars News Agency on Sunday.

Bilderberger Member Openly Speaks About The Creation Of ISIS By The CIA

In this video Dan Dicks of Press For Truth interviews first time Bilderberg attendee Maurizio Molinari editor and chief of La Stampa about his experience and his views on ISIS being created by the CIA.

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Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi
NAFSN Outlaws Traditional Seed Trading, Allows Monsanto To Advance Across Africa + Monsanto Found Guilty Of Crimes Against Humanity During International Tribunal
June 15 2017 | From: TrueActivist / TheHealthRanger

The “entire foundation of the seed system in Africa” may now be in Monsanto’s hands.

In exchange for developmental assistance, the Tanzanian government has amended legislation to enforce protection of intellectual property rights and facilitate land access for commercial investors, like big agriculture companies Monsanto and Syngenta. The accordance was sparked by the formation of the New Alliance for Food Security and Nutrition (NAFSN) at the 2012 G8 summit.

Related:Crashing Monsanto’s Pesticide Party In Beijing

Unfortunately, certain stipulations of NAFSN agreements are serving to play into government corruption, disparage traditional ways of life and make it easier for big agriculture to prey on lesser developed countries. This is now the case in Tanzania, where efforts to preserve sustainable small farming and local economy are being derailed by the complicated and scary new shift.

Related: Melania Trump Issues Full Ban On Monsanto Products From White House

Michael Farrelly of the Tanzanian organic farming movement (TOAM) explains:

“If you buy seeds from Syngenta or Monsanto under the new legislation, they will retain the intellectual property rights. If you save seeds from your first harvest, you can use them only on your own piece of land for non-commercial purposes.

You’re not allowed to share them…you cannot sell them for sure. But that’s the entire foundation of the seed system in Africa.”

If Tanzanian farmers are convicted of illegally selling or trading patented seeds, they could receive a prison sentence of more than 12 years, a fine of over €205,300, or both.

“That’s an amount that a Tanzanian farmer cannot even start to imagine. The average wage is still less than 2 US dollars a day,”
says Janet Maro, leader of Sustainable Agriculture Tanzania.

According to the U.N.’s Farm and Agriculture Organization (FAO) figures, currently, over 80 percent of the food in Sub-Saharan Africa and Asia is produced by small-scale farmers.

Across the continent, efforts have been made to fight off the advances made by Monsanto, in order to preserve tradition, protect land and avoid becoming dependent on big corporations.

Earlier this year, the Indian government started promoting the use of indigenous seed and simultaneously publicizing Monsanto’s illegally profiting on toxic Bt cotton seed.

Monsanto is working its way towards global domination with their genetically-modified seeds and health and environment damaging chemicals, insisting their methods are the only way to keep up with the growing demand for food.

By creating a monopoly on seed, putting farmers in debt, and bribing governments to back off, Monsanto will ultimately destroy biodiversity entirely and control the world food supply.

Monsanto Found Guilty Of Crimes Against Humanity During International Tribunal

Monsanto has just been found guilty of crimes against humanity as part of an international tribunal. It's not legally binding in the United States, however. Stay informed at Monsanto.news.

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Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi
$2.3M For A Banker’s Advice On Selling Our State Houses? See What Else Your Government (Corporation) Has Spent Your Tax Money On
June 15 2017 | From: EnvirowatchRangitikei

While this Government won’t do a thing to fix our housing crisis, (other than paying for beneficiaries to live in short term motels at a cost of $22 million in 7 months) we are blowing $53m to build a pavilion in Dubai to try and help the dairy industry whose product is currently polluting our rivers.

Here is a refresh on what the New Zealand Government thinks is more important than the citizens of New Zealand.

Related: The Current Situation In Aotearoa

Over the last eight years what have John Key and the National Government with the help of their supporters club (i.e. Maori Party, Act Party and Peter Dunne) really done for the people of New Zealand?

Panama Papers, tax havens, blind trusts, out of control immigration, the under-funding of hospitals, schools and all other social services of New Zealand under the guise of privatisation.

Many New Zealanders are unable to afford to buy their own homes, 305,000+ children and their families live in poverty, over 42,000+ People are homeless - and New Zealanders are living in cars, garages, sheds and caravans.

42,000 Kiwis homeless & living in garages, cars, sheds & caravans

Related: Young People Feel Betrayed By New Zealand Government

Granting of permits for the exploration of oil and gas in our marine sanctuaries, the selling of nearly all of New Zealand’s assets, overseas investors buying up New Zealand Housing - farms - islands, Saudi sheep farmer bribes, our country in over $111 billion international debt, continued broken promises including the Pike River tragedy, A water contamination crisis, Importation of cheap steel from China,and many other unlawful acts that effect the people of New Zealand.

The TPPA costs we know of;  Foreign Affairs & Trade Ministry spent over $4M on travel, several ministries were involved. This excludes Groser and McLay’s costs for accommodation, meals and taxis.

John Campbell suggests this is only a fraction of the costs as the OIA only gave a few of the costs. $900,000 accommodation, $800,000 meals plus taxis etc. No costs are available for any other Ministry and these are only part costs for Tim Groser’s Ministry.

I have compiled a small list researched from Newspapers and other media outlets, including Parliament TV, of what John Key and this National Govt believe are priorities over the people of New Zealand:

$260,000 Digital sign inside MBIE (Ministry of Business Innovation & Employment)

$70,000 for a sign outside MBIE

$380,000 new furniture for MBIE

$140,000 sundeck for MBIE

$24,000 fridge for MBIE

$400 for hair straighteners for MBIE

$78,000 two doors for parliament

$363,000 for govt agencies to watch sky tv

$4000 for a sign for Steven Joyce opening MBIE new building

MBIE spent $38.9 million on external contractors and consultants

$4,000 for a sign Paula Bennett’s office

$600,000 spent on flowers by National

$1,200 taxi fares

$4,000 a night-hotel suites

$80,000 for Grosser’s party in Washington

$17 million paid to a US yacht club

$11 million paid to a Saudi sheep farmer

$30 million tax cut for Warner bros

$30 million tax cut for Rio Tinto

$6 billion NOT paid By National in to NZ super fund as part of Govt’s contribution SINCE 2008

$4 billion tax taken from New Zealand’s super fund

$200 million invested and lost by our superfund in an overseas bank that was under investigation for fraud before the money was invested

$2.3 million paid to a banker to give advice to HNZ on how to sell HNZ homes

Taxpayer paying for beneficiaries to live in short term motels at a cost of $22 million in 7 months

$700,000 in legal fees fighting a compensation case over abuse that happened in state care

$45 million bail out media works

$29 million Social bond program

$45 million Nova pay fiasco

$27 million paid for a flag referendum that 67% of New Zealanders did not want

$1.7 billion bail out SCF

$200 million lost from buying junk carbon credits

$6.2 million spent by National for a apartment for one in Hawaii

$11 million spent by National for an apartment for one in New York

The $11 mill apartment purchased by the NZ Govt in New York for UN representative    

Related: Does The Local Government Act Amendment Bill Result In Amalgamation By Stealth? Local Body Developments

$86 million to produce new currency that is uncounterfeitable… which has been counterfeited!

$20 billion to NZDF

$6.4 million spent on new BMWs for ministers

Related: A Constitutional Timebomb: Is New Zealand’s Government And Court System Unlawful?

Ever wondered what happened to asset sale money? That’s despite Finance Minister Bill English promising in 2011 that all revenue from the sales would be put in a Future Investment Fund to pay for “schools, hospitals, roads, rail and public transport”.

One big ticket item is our membership to the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank which was funded as part of this year’s Budget and came in at a cost of $144M.

Another bank membership has also been paid for out of the fund. In 2014, the fund was used to pay $23 million for a subscription to the World Bank.

Some of the cash was also splashed on the Prime Minister and Cabinet with investment into a document management project, Cabinet, which received $2.6M in 2012 and a further $1.8M in 2014 - a total of $4.4M, and the 'doing up' of Government House.

Related: And Now The Government Are Coming For Whistleblowers: New Law Targets People Who Leak Classified Information

In all, $500,000 was also allocated to the Prime Minister and Cabinet to be spent on a new Visitor Centre at Government House in 2012.

This is just a small part of the total failure of this National Govt in its responsibilities to the citizens of New Zealand and would be called corruption in other countries.

Related Articles:

New Zealand Government Plans To Drown Its Citizens In Toxic Fluorides

Warning: New Zealand Government And Big Banks In Collusion For Farm Land Grab: The Same Scam As Run In The United States And Australia

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Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi
Anti-Deep State Gamechanger SCO Doubled Its Strength
June 15 2017 | From: Geopolitics / Various

Behind the preferred headliners of the mainstream media, multiple Eurasia-based geopolitical organizations continue to strengthen themselves away from Western hegemonic influence. 

These organizations are aiming for constructive collaboration that capitalizes on shared long term goals while respecting the unique culture of each member countries.

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This means that no country can impose its own will on the group, or any of its members.

With the capitulation of Brazil to the Wall Street thugs, the remaining members of the BRICS bloc have gravitated more towards the Chinese-led Shanghai Cooperation Organization, since the early part of 2016.

What is Shanghai Cooperation Organization?

The Shanghai Cooperation Organization is a political, military and economic alliance comprising Russia, China, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan and Uzbekistan.

The list of countries that applied for SCO membership includes Pakistan, India and Iran. Belarus, Mongolia, Iran, Afghanistan, India and Pakistan hold observer status in the organization, while Azerbaijan, Cambodia, Armenia, Nepal, Turkey and Sri Lanka hold status of dialogue partners.

The SCO was founded by the leaders of the six member states in Shanghai on June 15, 2001, but the history of organization dates back to 1996, when Russian, Chinese, Kazakh, Kyrgyz and Tajik leaders gathered in Shanghai and signed the Treaty on Deepening Military Trust in Border Regions.

A year later, the same leaders in Moscow signed the Treaty on the Reduction of Military Forces in Border Regions, and these two documents facilitated cooperation between the countries.

Related: US Officials Allegedly Asked Russian Guy to Confess to DNC Hacks in Exchange for Delicious US Dollars

In June 2002, SCO leaders signed the SCO Charter at a St. Petersburg summit in Russia, which came into force on September 19, 2003. The Charter was a fundamental statutory document determining the organization’s purposes and principles, as well as its structure and principal areas of activity.

The SCO’s main goals include strengthening mutual trust and good-neighbor relations among members, encouraging effective cooperation among members in the fields of politics, economy and trade, science, technology and culture, as well as in education, energy, transport, tourism and environmental protection, security and stability in the region, and the establishment of a fair, democratic and rational international political and economic understanding.

The total combined area of the SCO member states amounts to 30.2 million square kilometers, spanning three-fifths of Eurasia, and comprising 1.5 billion people.

SCO activity acquired a broad economic dimension in September 2003, when members signed a 20-year Program of Multilateral Trade and Economic Cooperation. The program set a long-term goal of establishing a free trade zone within the SCO and a short-term goal of providing a favorable environment for trade and investment.

Putin Says 'Men In Dark Suits with Briefcases Control the U.S.'

Related: Putin Hints JFK Was Taken Out by The "Deep State"

In 2006, the alliance announced its plans to combat international drug trafficking, seen as a financial pillar of the global terrorism. Effective joint counteraction against global threats became a key issue in the organization’s agenda.

The Treaty on Long-Term Good-Neighborliness, Friendship and Cooperation, signed in August 2007 in Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan, became a firm step toward strengthening the association’s legal framework. The organization committed itself to stabilizing Afghanistan which has been engulfed in a long-lasting military conflict.

The Council of Heads of State (CHS) is the SCO’s top decision-making body and meets once a year, making key decisions on matters of the organization’s activity.

The SCO Council of Heads of Government (CHG) also meets once a year to discuss multilateral cooperation strategy and priorities and address current cooperation issues. It also approves the organization’s annual budget.

In addition to CHS and CHG meetings, there is also a mechanism for arranging meetings on the parliamentary level, security council secretaries, ministers of foreign affairs, defense, emergency situations, economics, transportation, culture, education and healthcare, as well as meetings of heads of law enforcement agencies, chairmen of supreme and arbitration courts and prosecutors general.

‘Amazing You Created Sensation Out of Nothing to Fight President’ - Putin to US Media

Vladimir Putin's given an interview to NBC's Megyn Kelly, where he touched upon allegations about Russian interference in the US election.

The major economic bodies of the organization are the SCO Business Council, the SCO Interbank Consortium, and the Council of National Coordinators (CNC) in charge of management interaction within the SCO.

The only two permanent bodies of the organization are the Secretariat in Beijing, which is supervised by the secretary-general, and the Executive Committee of the Regional Anti-Terrorist Structure (RATS) in Tashkent, Uzbekistan.

SCO member states chair the organization through a rotating annual presidency, completing their term with a summit on the territory of a presiding state.

The secretary-general and the director of the Executive Committee are appointed by the CHS for three years. The SCO’s official and working languages are Russian and Chinese…

Related: What You Need to Know About Shanghai Cooperation Organization

The Chinese-led SCO is being complemented by the Russian-led Eurasian Economic Union [EAEU], and the ASEAN bloc.

All of these three geopolitical organizations will find commonality in the much larger endeavor that is being managed through the One Belt, One Road OBOR economic project which sought to revive the spirit of the ancient Silk Road that was crisscrossing Eurasia thousands of years ago.

Related: Silk Road Can Lead Our World Out Of Collapse And War + BRICS Continue To Create A Parallel Economic System

These non-Western organizations are seeking to improve the current structure and behavior of the United Nations, which started with the election of the Secretary-General António Guterres.

Related: Covert War Between Russia And Khazarian Jewry

While it sought to cooperatively deal with terrorism [read: Khazarian Mafia], its combined military budget does not surpass the singular military budget of $600 billion of the United States, which means that they are not scheming their own peoples money solely for the benefit of the military industrial complex only. Yet, still providing the needed security, they collectively desire.

In fact, in the case of Russia alone, it possesses the most advanced air force among the superpowers to date. Both China and Russia are also said to have perfected the swarm technology to overwhelm their adversaries. This is exactly the basis why Putin warned the West that “no one will survive” if the next largest kinetic war does happen.

Both India and Iran are also developing their own versions of the Russian military technologies, while Turkey continues to court for S400 missile defense from Russia, and may have its wish granted in the months ahead.

This and the Chinese collaboration has helped to keep Russia afloat amidst the extended economic and diplomatic sanctions by the West.

This year’s SCO summit celebrated the almost impossible entry and acceptance of two rivals, India and Pakistan. Both countries have a combined population of 1.5 billion, effectively doubling the total SCO population to 3 billion!

“The incorporation of India and Pakistan is the brightest moment of the recent summit,” Jia Lieying, an expert at the School of International Relations at Beijing Language and Culture University emphasized.

“Their accession will provide more opportunities for cooperation within the SCO framework, and it is especially worth noting that the expansion will facilitate the improvement of Indo-Pakistani and Sino-Indian relations.

These states will be able to resolve the existing contradictions on the new platform. This will become a positive example for other regional organizations,”
Jia stressed.

India’s entry into the SCO almost did not happen considering its existing spat with Pakistan, that is already a happy recipient of Chinese funded Belt and Road Initiative BRI infrastructures traversing the hotspot Kashmir province, prompting it to boycott the recent OBOR summit in Beijing.

Also, the Deep State has also sent its terror operatives to kidnap and murder two Chinese teachers in Balochistan, purposely to ruin the “all-weather” China-PAK relationship [here], prior to the Astana Summit.

“Today, new full members join the Shanghai Cooperation Organization…. The expansion of the SCO will undoubtedly contribute to ensuring that it will become more powerful and influential in the political, economic and humanitarian spheres,” Russian President Vladimir Putin said at the SCO meeting in Astana on the 8th of June.

As a gesture of goodwill to its rival, India released 11 civilian Pakistani prisoners who had completed their sentence on Monday. The prisoners went to Pakistan via the Attari-Wagah border point.

There were already previous releases of prisoners, and India” is optimistic that Pakistan will also release Indian prisoners in response. According to New Delhi, there are 132 Indian prisoners lodged in various prisons in Pakistan. Up to 57 of those Indian nationals have completed their sentence already.

The move is likely to thaw relations between the two neighboring countries which have been on a warpath ever since the escalation of violence in the state of Jammu and Kashmir.”

Related: Likely Thaw? India Releases 11 Pakistani Prisoners, Expects Same Response

Bringing together the largest Asian economies and military organizations ensures the protection of Asian resources against outsiders’ exploitation.

The establishment of its own global banks [3 as of last count], resource-denominated financial system, own credit rating agencies, own version of the SWIFT intra-bank exchange infrastructure, gold bullion exchange platforms, endemic energy resources, and the above very active organizations comprise a formidable force that will surely institutionalize a multipolar world.

That is how the Old Men within the once dreaded Khazarian Mafia will be completely defeated before they breathe their last. However, this does not mean that the slavery system will cease operating in the West.

But this will open up a great opportunity for the Western population to easily crush the pyramid of cartels, that men of exceptional intellect wasted their faculties on, if they so desire.

One thing is certain, though:

Unlike the other side, Asia’s rise won’t occur over the dead bodies of the people in the West.

Related: ‘Putin turned out to be a More Skilled Strategist than Brzezinski Ever Was’

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Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi
Epic Video: Three Chemtrail Tankers Filmed Spraying From Above, Air-To-Air
& Legal And Governmental Representatives Speak Out About Geoengineering
June 14 2017 | From: ChemtrailsPlanet / DailyMail / GeoengineeringWatch

Two German fighter jets intercepted a London-bound airliner after air traffic control lost radio contact with the pilot.

Jet Airways flight 9W 118, carrying 330 passengers and a crew of 15 from Mumbai to London Heathrow, was over Cologne when radio contact abruptly stopped.

Related: Government Quietly Admits to Weather Modification Program

The German Air Force scrambled two Eurofighter Typhoons to escort the Boeing 777-300, which is thought to have tuned in at the wrong radio frequency. The Footage was captured from a British Airways plane flying 2,000 feet above 9W 118 shows the fighters flying alongside the Indian passenger jet. (More)

Comment: This is a rare video of 3 chemtrails jets taken by a British Airways jet keeping pace from 2,000 ft. above and behind.  The video provides more solid proof that a covert spraying operation has been in place for over 2 decades.


The B-777 on the right sprays a full plume from each engine, however the “gap” between engine and plume appears longer on the starboard side. The port plume is a different color than the “whiteness” of  both Typhoon jets. Also, the 777’s starboard plume appears noticeably different in color from the port, however the near horizontal angle of the sun could account for part or all of the unusual appearance and pinkish color, as it is somewhat shaded by the port plume.

The center jet (Typhoon) sprays a plume that varies in richness from full to thin with frequent gaps or “drop-out”.

The Typhoon on the left sprays plumes that are stable at the same instant the plumes on the other Typhoon experience unstable drop-out and stuttering. Plumes from both Typhoons experience drop-out but at mostly different times.

Pilot Films 3 Chemtrails Tankers Air to Air


Above is a shorter, edited version of the original:

Pilot filmt einen anderen Jet beim Versprühen von Chemtrails! NIX mit Verschwörungstheorie

Environmental Warfare

Environmental Warfare is defined as the intentional modification or manipulation of the natural ecology, such as climate and weather, earth systems such as the ionosphere, magnetosphere, tectonic plate system, and/or the triggering of seismic events (earthquakes) to cause intentional physical, economic, and psycho-social, and physical destruction to an intended target geophysical or population location, as part of strategic or tactical war.

Legal And Governmental Representatives Speak Out About Geoengineering

The critical effort to expose an halt climate engineering continues on countless fronts. In the state of Rhode Island, Representative Justin Price has courageously kept up his push to pass anti-geoengineering legislation.

The latest draft of the Rhode Island legislation proposal was brought before the committee on "Environment and Natural Resources". Our lead attorney from the Legal Alliance To Stop Geoengineering (LASG), Julio Gomez, traveled to Rhode Island in order to speak in support of the proposed Rhode Island legislation. 

Related: Massive US Senate Document On National And Global Weather Modification

It is important to remember and consider that the primary purpose of any such attempt to pass legislation is to bring desperately needed attention to the critical climate engineering issue.

The only chance such legislation has of progressing is if the legislation does not force the conclusion that geoengineering is already a reality.

From a legal and legislative perspective, this point must be kept in mind. Though catastrophic climate engineering programs have been deployed for over 70 years, the process of effectively bringing this fact to light must be in a manner that does not kill the proposed anti-geoengineering legislation before it can even get started.

An 18 minute audio below contains the testimony of RI representative Justin Price and LASG attorney Julio Gomez.

Click on the image below to access the PDF file:

It is imperative for each and every one of us to continue with the critical effort of exposing the catastrophic climate engineering programs while there is still something left to salvage of our planet's life support systems.

Related Articles:

Control The Weather, Control The World

Chemtrails Of the Ocean: Government Launches New Toxic AquaTrails

The First Weaponized Hurricane Caused Widespread Destruction in 1947

An interesting article from seven years ago about weather warfare being the central issue in a computer game

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Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi
Eric Trump: The Way The Media Act Is Out Of Control & James Comey Stars In Another Bad Movie
June 13 2017 | From: Fox / JonRappoport / Various

On 'Hannity,' EVP of The Trump Organization says the Democratic Party is sinking.

Where was the devastating revelation about Trump’s crimes during James Comey’s Congressional testimony?

Related: The Horrors of Mainstream Media Continue to Be Exposed

James Comey Stars In Another Bad Movie

“Who produced this stinker? Find out and fire him. I thought I was the head of a movie studio. Apparently, I’m marketing sleeping pills. I conked out after watching five minutes of Comey…”

If James Comey’s testimony before Congress yesterday were a Hollywood movie, and if the press weren’t obliged to make a very big deal out of it, the studio that produced it would have shut it down and eaten the box office losses. The movie theaters would have been empty, except for a few stragglers getting out of the rain.

Related: CNN Caught Staging Fake News Scene

We did learn that Comey leaked his “memo” of a conversation with Trump (about the Michael Flynn investigation) to the press. So the FBI director is a leaker. And we only have Comey’s word that his “memo” notes were correct and accurate.

Then Comey stated that Attorney General Loretta Lynch told him to call his investigation into Hillary Clinton’s private email server a “matter,” not an investigation. So the former Attorney General was a partisan Hillary supporter.

Comey asserted that Trump “pressured” him to cease investigating Michael Flynn. Trump didn’t order Comey to stop that probe. And Trump could have, because the president, in the chain of command, is over and above the Justice Department and the FBI. Oops. That’s right.

Related: Comey Shows Americans That Law Does Not Apply To The Elite

Attorney Alan Dershowitz :

"Comey confirmed that under our Constitution, the president has the authority to direct the FBI to stop investigating any individual. I paraphrase, because the transcript is not yet available: the president can, in theory, decide who to investigate, who to stop investigating, who to prosecute and who not to prosecute.

The president is the head of the unified executive branch of government, and the Justice Department and the FBI work under him and he may order them to do what he wishes.”

“As a matter of law, Comey is 100 percent correct. As I have long argued, and as Comey confirmed in his written statement, our history shows that many presidents - from Adams to Jefferson, to Lincoln, to Roosevelt, to Kennedy, to Bush 1, and to Obama - have directed the Justice Department with regard to ongoing investigations. The history is clear, the precedents are clear, the constitutional structure is clear, and common sense is clear.”

Was Comey investigating Trump’s “Russia connections?” Business Insider:

"President Donald Trump’s private attorney, Marc Kasowitz, on Wednesday said his client felt ‘completely and totally vindicated’ by James Comey’s prepared opening statement to the Senate Intelligence Committee.”

“Comey’s remarks, released Wednesday in advance of Thursday’s Senate hearing, confirmed previous statements by Trump that Comey had told him three times that he was not personally being investigated amid the FBI’s wide-ranging inquiry into Russian meddling in the election and the Trump campaign’s possible ties to Russia.”

So, where were Comey’s revelations yesterday? Nowhere. Where were his explosive charges about Trump’s crimes? Nowhere. Comey should really take a long vacation. He should disappear from public life for quite some time. He’s embarrassing himself.

Related: “Deep State” In Shock After Former FBI Director Comey Testifies Before “Midyear” Grand Jury

Recall the last bad movie Comey starred in. The Hillary email server scandal. The FBI probe was off, it was on, it was off. Early in this fiasco, Comey delivered a televised press conference. FBI directors don’t hold press conferences, but Comey did. He simultaneously played the role of FBI head, grand jury, Attorney General, and Constitutional jurist.

He only held one of those jobs, but that didn’t stop him. He laid out, end to end, Hillary Clinton’s violations of federal law governing the handling of classified materials. He failed to note that “hostile intent” is no part of that law. He failed to note that negligence is the only standard for prosecution.

Truth Hurts: Project Veritas Activist Faces Million Dollar Legal Action

Political activist James O'Keefe is rattling the mainstream media in the US. He's best known for his undercover investigations with 'Project Veritas'. And now he's got fake news in his cross hairs.

He said that since Hillary (who was surely negligent) didn’t intend to cause harm to the nation, he wasn’t recommending prosecution. Now THAT should have been the subject of a Congressional hearing. But it wasn’t.

Before that, Comey starred in a little known movie called HSBC. In 2013, before his appointment as FBI director, Comey was brought in by the scandal-ridden HSBC Bank, to oversee efforts to clean up its act - in particular, money laundering for drug cartels.

Comey was positioned as the face of honesty and competence for HSBC. How well did he do, before he exited his position? How much crime and how many criminals did he leave behind?

Related: Consensus: CNN is Fake News

Three years later, after Comey had departed, The NY Times wrote: “HSBC Bank Executives Face Charges in $3.5 Billion Currency [Fraud] Case … Traders Use Front-Running to Profit From Client Orders…”

I guess Comey didn’t clean up the HSBC mess. There were a few things he didn’t notice while he was there. A few thing he left behind. A few billion things.

I guess that uniquely qualified him for appointment as FBI director.

So here is my memo. It’s directed to Netflix, Amazon Prime, Hulu, and assorted Hollywood studios: Before you sign Tom Hanks, Alec Baldwin, Stephen Colbert, Michael Moore, or Caitlyn Jenner to star as James Comey in a heroic biopic, ‘Don’t Cry for Me, America,’ check your brains. It’s a loser.

Donald Trump Jr. Speaks Out About Comey Testimony

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No Longer A Conspiracy Theory: Elite Openly Paying To Ingest The Blood Of The Young
June 13 2017 | From: TheFreeThoughtProject

What was once talk of conspiracy theorists is now hitting the mainstream as the country’s elite line up to pay thousands of dollars to ingest the blood of the young. They have no problem admitting it either.

Once the talk of conspiracy theorists - the rich ingesting the blood of the young to foster longevity - is now a reality and an actual business in the United States. Not only is it a business but billionaires are actually admitting their interest in it.

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“I’m looking into parabiosis stuff, which I think is really interesting. This is where they did the young blood into older mice and they found that had a massive rejuvenating effect,”
Peter Thiel, the billionaire co-founder of PayPal and adviser to Donald Trump told Inc. magazine.

“I think there are a lot of these things that have been strangely under-explored.”

But it’s no longer an experiment with just mice. The startup company by Jesse Karmazin, Ambrosia, is doing this with humans, and the rich are lining up to get the blood of the young.

As Vanity Fair reports, Ambrosia, which buys its blood from blood banks, now has about 100 paying customers. Some are Silicon Valley technologists, like Thiel, though Karmazin stressed that tech types aren’t Ambrosia’s only clients and that anyone over 35 is eligible for its transfusions.

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As The Free Thought Project reported in January, a study published in Science and Nature Medicine revealed that transfusing young mouse blood into old mice can actually prevent the symptoms of aging.

This groundbreaking discovery could lead to medical breakthroughs and the development of new medicines. However, a report from the Vice health news outlet “Tonic” has pointed out far more sinister applications for this knowledge.

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It was suggested in the report that aging elites are using the blood of young people as a type of youth serum. Now, we know that they actually are using it.

A similar claim was made by journalist Jeff Bercovici last year, after he conducted several interviews with Silicon Valley aristocrats including Peter Thiel, and learned about this transfusion procedure called “parabiosis,” where the blood of young people is used to prevent aging.

“There are widespread rumors in Silicon Valley, where life-extension science is a popular obsession, that various wealthy individuals from the tech world have already begun practicing parabiosis, spending tens of thousands of dollars for the procedures and young-person-blood, and repeating the exercise several times a year,” Bercovici reported.

In his article, Bercovici also expressed concerns about a developing black market for young people’s blood.

While there is certainly nothing wrong with willing young adults selling their blood to the elite, the underlying theme of this practice has strong roots in the occult.

Related: What Happened To NYPD’s Pedophile RICO Case Against Hillary?

In most modern cultures, mass murder and human sacrifice still takes place out in the open under the cover of warfare, while many argue that cannibalism also still takes place but behind closed doors.

It is only in the past few hundred years that the practice of cannibalism among royals has not been publicized. In Europe, around the time of the American Revolution “corpse medicine” was very popular among the ruling class, Charles II even brewed his own.

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Dr Richard Sugg of Durham University has conducted extensive research into the practice of corpse medicine among the royalty.

“The human body has been widely used as a therapeutic agent with the most popular treatments involving flesh, bone or blood. Cannibalism was found not only in the New World, as often believed, but also in Europe,” Sugg said.

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“One thing we are rarely taught at school yet is evidenced in literary and historic texts of the time is this: James I refused corpse medicine; Charles II made his own corpse medicine; and Charles I was made into corpse medicine. Along with Charles II, eminent users or prescribers included Francis I, Elizabeth I’s surgeon John Banister, Elizabeth Grey, Countess of Kent, Robert Boyle, Thomas Willis, William III, and Queen Mary,” he added..

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If this wasn’t strange enough, the current royal family of England claims to be direct descendants of Prince Vlad III Dracula of Wallachia (modern Romania). This was the sick and depraved ruler, Vlad the Impaler, who was known as a butcher and who eventually became the inspiration for the most famous vampire stories in history.

Aside from the gruesome historical and occult background of such practices, there is a lack of data that suggests the process even works. Despite Karmazin’s claims that “young blood is causing changes that appear to make the aging process reverse,” scientists have yet to identify a link between blood transfusions from the young and any tangible health benefits.

“There‘s just no clinical evidence [that the treatment will be beneficial], and you‘re basically abusing people‘s trust and the public excitement around this,” Stanford University neuroscientist Tony Wyss-Coray, who conducted a 2014 study of young blood plasma in mice, told Science magazine last summer, as reported by Vanity Fair.

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Confirmed: Comey Committed Perjury To Congress
+ Trump Is Winning The Civil War / Comey Leaks Are Criminal
June 11 2017 | From: Infowars / Various

NYT debunked: Trump didn't directly order end of Flynn investigation.

Despite admitting President Trump “simply hoped” the FBI would drop its probe into former national security advisor Michael Flynn, former FBI Director James Comey said he interpreted this as a direct order, which contradicts his sworn Senate testimony on May 3.

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Comey now confirms Trump simply hoped the investigation into Flynn would end during their Feb. meeting in the White House, which Sen. Marco Rubio (R-Fla.) pointed out was a “wish” rather than an actual directive from the president:


But Comey claims he interpreted Trump’s wish as a direct order, which contradicts his sworn Senate testimony on May 3 in which he said from his experience, the Trump administration did not try to stop the investigation.

The former FBI director even told Sen. Mazie Hirono (D-Hawaii) it would -

"Be a big deal to tell the FBI to stop doing something that – without an appropriate purpose. But I’m talking about a situation where we were told to stop something for a political reason, that would be a very big deal. It’s not happened in my experience,” he said.

What Was Confirmed Yesterday:

Trump was never under investigation

Trump did not obstruct justice

Trump did not collude with Russia

Russia did not alter the election outcome

Comey leaked his own memo

Loretta Lynch pressured Comey to cover for Hillary Clinton

There was ample evidence to put Hillary Clinton in jail but Comey chose not to pursue it

CNN and other fake news outlets have being lying / making things up the whole time

The Democratic party no longer has the ability to scream "RUSSIA" every time Trump tries to do something

The Russia story is dead and anyone who continues to push it will look foolish and insane

Here’s that exchange from May 3:

Comey’s statement to Rubio also contradicts his February memo that the mainstream media claimed was a “smoking gun” against Trump, particularly the New York Times article from May 16 which sourced Comey’s memo to claim Trump asked him to shut down the probe.

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Bombshell: Comey Admits Leaking Memos to Press

Comey Thought He Knew of Obstruction of Justice in Hillary Case

Trump Is Winning The Civil War / Comey Leaks Are Criminal

The Comey hearing was a major turning point for American politics.

David Knight joins Alex Jones live in studio to take calls and discuss how Comey’s testimony today is a huge win for President Trump, his administration and patriots worldwide.

Related: Bombshell: James Comey willfully LIED to America about Hillary Clinton criminal investigation after being pressured by Loretta Lynch

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Four Things Globalists Think You’re Too Stupid To Understand
June 11 2017 | From: Infowars / Various

An in-depth look at 'psyche' of globalists.

Most Americans by now have read or heard Infowars warn about the dangers of globalists, and the “new world order,” but the sheer amount of information can be overwhelming - and it’s easy just to throw out the information, or trust someone else to take action.

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We Will Approach “Globalism” a Different Way

Instead of just examining the raw facts (he said, she said, time, place, date) and then hoping people connect the dots (often a maze that would make a minotaur dizzy), Infowars will provide an in-depth look at the “psyche” of globalists.

And, we will endeavor to probe the basic assumptions that guide their daily lives - rather than hem and haw at the objectively horrible things they do and say.

After reading our exposé, any Infowarrior will understand for themselves “why” globalists do what they do.

Related: Eleven Common Symptoms Of The Global Depopulation Slow Kill

Four Things the Globalists Believe

1. Enlightened (We Know Better):

Globalists have one central goal in life: to eliminate nation-states and replace them with global institutions run remotely, without the consent of average citizens, usually by themselves.

Don’t take my word for it. Consider the remarks of David Rockefeller, preeminent globalist and master of the universe, until his death in March, 2017:

“We are grateful to The Washington Post, The New York Times, Time Magazine and other great publications …

“It would have been impossible for us to develop our plan for the world if we had been subject to the bright lights of publicity during those years. But, the world is now much more sophisticated and prepared to march towards a world government.

The supranational sovereignty of an intellectual elite and world bankers is surely preferable to the national auto-determination practiced in past centuries.”

That does not sound very democratic, does it? Globalists usually have a God-complex, believing they know what is best for approximately 9 billion people - or worse, believing the 9 billion people are irrelevant. In that sense, globalists will often “break it to rebuild it” along the lines of their worldview.

Example: Globalists want a global currency, and historically, they admit as much. So they require every nation to install a central bank, de-link their currencies from gold, and then accept hyper-inflated worthless paper as “money” until all the bubbles have popped, the world economy is vaporized and a globally-controlled monetary system replaces it.

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“Order out of chaos,” or “Ordo ab chao,” is the motto of Thirty-third Degree Freemasons. America’s political ruling class is dominated by Thirty-Third Degree Freemasons, men who believe they see the “light” and are the “light-bearers” to the rest of humanity.

Chaos is where globalists think they are in control.

Maurice Strong definitely supported chaos during his life. Strong was the former chairman of the World Economic Forum (WEF), the CEO of Petro-Canada and briefly president of the U.N. Conference on Environment and Development. Strong is responsible for Agenda 21.

Strong told people 30 years ago:

"Each year, the World Economic Forum convenes in Davos, Switzerland … What if a  small group of these world leaders were to conclude that the principal risk to the Earth comes from the actions of the rich countries? … Isn’t the only hope … that the industrialized civilizations collapse?  Isn’t it our responsibility to bring that about?”

Scary? And he was in a position to do it. Globalists often work slowly and over many decades, so the switch could go at any moment.

Related: What Is Globalism And Where Is It Going?

Mega-billionaire Hungarian Nazi war criminal George Soros made similar predictions (more like his “to-do list”) in 2012.

Warning of “riots” and “brutal clampdowns,” Soros said,

“We are facing an extremely difficult time, comparable in many ways to the 1930s, the Great Depression … The worst-case scenario is a collapse of the financial system. …

“It will be an excuse for cracking down and using strong-arm tactics to maintain law and order, …a society where individual liberty is much more constrained, which would be a break with the tradition of the United States.”

The challenge as globalists see it, is for the rest of us to get out of our own way and accept their benevolent, enlightened guidance.

It may not be for a lack of effort, but most people faced with the apocalypse are usually more concerned about losing their house, food, electricity and healthcare - all of which are put in the crosshairs by stated globalist goals.

2. Heaven is a Place on Earth

Globalists believe that, irrespective of the facts, nations are the cause of all the war, famine and economic inequality in the world. It is a religious belief. Without a basic assumption that nations are bad, everything else globalists believe is impossible. “The grass is always greener,” basically.

Conversely, “Utopia” is real to globalists; it isn’t something achieved in death (as with Christians, Jews or Muslims). Utopia is the result of things done in a certain mathematical order, in a certain way - hence, the globalist obsession with “fairness” and equal distribution of resources among nations.

Example: The Paris Agreement, the Kyoto Protocol, Copenhagen - all “climate” agreements packaged and marketed to the great unwashed only several years apart from each other. America said “Hell no” to all three of these agreements, even if a president’s pen got overeager.

Related: Agenda 21: Awareness And Activism + UN 2030 Agenda Decoded: Blueprint For The Global Enslavement Of Humanity Under Corporate Masters

Every one of these alleged attempts to “fight climate change” have two things in common: First, the U.S. is the only country who is expected to take things seriously, and second, the content of the agreements has nothing whatsoever to do with climate change.

Hidden in each “climate agreement” are “taxes,” or “reparations,” and surprise, America is expected to transfer up to half its total wealth (estimates range from $300 billion to $9 trillion) to the other signatories.

“It’s the economy, stupid,” to paraphrase a raging network liberal pundit.

Copenhagen demanded America repay “adaptation debt.” This is not optional for ratifying countries. And unlike previous climate agreements, Copenhagen empowers a new U.N. council to compel rich nations to comply.

Related: The Globalization Of Media: A Failing Strike Force

Kyoto wanted to regulate how much fuel the U.S. military could burn. (Sure, no hidden motive there.)

The globalists must redistribute America’s wealth to satisfy their utopian OCD. It is a zero-sum game in their minds. Making money takes money from somewhere else.

“Climate change” is economic terrorism by any other name.

3. The Ends Justify the Means

Globalists do not typically (with very few exceptions) value human life. They will use staged military conflicts and kill millions to validate their belief in world government.

Example: The “police action” in Korea was the first time American soldiers were placed under “United Nations” command, which included Soviet generals. President Truman gave Soviet military leaders copies of U.S. troop movements, and the Soviets predictably informed the North Koreans and Chinese - who slaughtered many brave young American soldiers. To what did they owe their blood and tragic end?

Truman’s Secretary of State Dean Acheson later recalled:

“The only reason I told the President to fight in Korea was to validate NATO.”

General Lin Piao, commander of the Chinese forces, would later comment:

“I never would have made the attack and risked my men and my military reputation if I had not been assured that Washington would restrain General MacArthur. …”

And war is not the only time human life is sacrificed to promote the geographical consolidation favored by globalists.

Related: Governments: The Enemy Of Freedom & Globalists Interviewed: They Admitted They Controlled The Government

Pandemics, mass refugee migrations, and terrorist attacks targeting a nation’s collective psyche are also valuable, because they undermine the sense of safety previously associated with a national space.

Prof. Robert Pastor, “Father of the North American Union,”

“The 9/11 crisis made Canada and the United States redefine the protection of their borders. …What I’m saying is that a crisis is an event which can force democratic governments … to create a North American Community.”

The nation no longer acts as a “house” in the mind of citizens, is no longer a shelter. Something bigger must replace the inadequate, outdated nation-state, and guess who is waiting in the wings to offer a new vision? That’s right: globalists.

Example: The recent rash of semi-weekly Muslim terrorist attacks are a perfect example of globalist “crisis” politics. Governments are known to have advance knowledge of many of these attacks, and yet nothing is done to prevent them from occurring. How can this be? We find our answer in the many “global” solutions to “terrorism” heard often the day after the newest tragedy, sold in a package worthy of a used car salesman.

After the London bridge attack, Prime Minister Theresa May immediately began calling for global control of the Internet to fight terrorism. The government knew; they did nothing. Now they want to control the Internet. See how it works?

Related: CFR: Trump Sabotaging Globalist World Order

Example: In the U.S., former President Obama’s own intelligence czar warned that his refugee policies were allowing ISIS to gain entry.

Then, Hillary Clinton handed over our refugee vetting authority to the U.N. and told the U.N. it needed to pressure countries to take in more refugees.

In short, globalists generally support anything that invalidates national borders and overwhelms public infrastructure — even if totally manufactured — in order to justify greater surrender of national control to bigger and more geographically expansive entities.

4. Bite-Sized Elephants:

“If you’re going to eat an elephant, eat it one bite at a time,” goes an old adage.

It’s definitely about the destination, not the journey, for globalists. Globalists believe in multiple paths to the finish line, as long as nations are destroyed, and an enlightened elite - presumably them - will be in charge.

Example: For this reason, globalists will even pay to create an enemy, and the former Soviet Union was the best enemy money could buy.

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American banks loaned the Bolsheviks millions after the revolution, built a refinery, and were responsible for two-thirds of Soviet Russia’s industrial capacity. The “red menace.” was made-to-order.

Lincoln P. Bloomfield, recently Assistant Secretary of State for Political-Military Affairs in 2005 from a State Department paper he wrote in 1962:

“…If the communist dynamic were greatly abated, the West might lose whatever incentive it has for world government … If there were no communist menace, would anyone be worrying about the need for such a revolution in political arrangements?”

Example: In addition to manufacturing threats, globalists have an even craftier way to attack nation-states: regionalization. This is where entire groups of countries are convinced to share more and more with their neighboring countries, until a single economy, single set of institutions and shared identity replace old national identities.

Related: The War On Reality: How Globalists Occupy Your Mind To Control Everything

Zbigniew Brzezinski, former National Security Advisor in 1995:

“We cannot leap into world govt. in one quick step … The precondition … is progressive regionalization, because thereby we can move toward larger, more stable, more cooperative units.”

Bite-sized countries.

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Exposed: The Nazi Roots Of The European Union
June 10 2017 | From: JonRappoport

This is an intelligence briefing. Here I present the bare bones of what has been happening before our eyes… if we would see it.

Once upon a time, there was an industrial combine in Nazi Germany called IG Farben. It was the largest chemical/pharmaceutical octopus in the world. It owned companies, and it had favorable business agreements with companies from England to Central America to Japan.

Related: 2016 - How The Nazi’s Won WWII And Are Running The USA

The author of The Devil’s Chemists, Josiah DuBois, traveled to Guatemala, on a fact-finding mission, in the early days of World War 2, and returned with the comment that, as far as he could tell, Guatemala was “a wholly owned subsidiary of Farben.”

The pharmaceutical empire was and is one of the major forces behind the European Union (EU). It is no accident that these drug corporations wield such power. They aren’t only involved in controlling the medical cartel; they are political planners.

This is how and why Big Pharma fits so closely with what is loosely referred to as the New World Order. The aim of enrolling every human in a cradle-to-grave system of disease diagnosis and toxic drug treatment has a larger purpose: to debilitate, to weaken populations.

This is a political goal. It facilitates control.

IG Farben’s main component companies, at the outbreak of World War 2, were Bayer, BASF, and Hoechst. They were chemical and drug companies. Farben put Hitler over the top in Germany as head of State, and the war was designed to lead to a united Europe that would be dominated by the Farben nexus.

The loss of the war didn’t derail that plan. It was shifted into an economic blueprint, which became, eventually, the European Union.

The European Commission’s first president was Walter Hallstein, the Nazi lawyer who, during the war, had been in charge of post-war legal planning for the new Europe.

As the Rath Foundation reports: In 1939, on the brink of the war, Hallstein had stated, “The creation of the New Law [of the Nazis] is ONLY the task of the law-makers!”

In 1957, with his reputation sanitized, Hallstein spoke the words in this manner: “The European Commission has full and unlimited power for all decisions related to the architecture of this European community.”

Post-war, IG Farben was broken up into separate companies, but those companies (Bayer, Hoechst, and BASF) came roaring back, attaining new profit highs.

I refer you to the explosive book, The Nazi Roots of the Brussels EU, by Paul Anthony Taylor, Aleksandra Niedzwiecki, Dr. Matthias Rath, and August Kowalczyk. You can also read it at relay-of-life.com. It is a dagger in the heart of the EU.

At the Rath Foundation, you can also read Joseph Borkin’s classic, “The Crime and Punishment of IG Farben.”

In 1992, I was deeply engaged in researching the specific devastating effects of medical drugs. Eventually, I concluded that, at the highest levels of power, these drugs weren’t destructive by accident. They were intended to cause harm.

This was covert chemical warfare against the population of the planet. The Rockefeller-Standard Oil-Farben connection was a primary piece of the puzzle.

It was, of course, Rockefeller (and Carnegie) power that had forced the birth of pharmaceutical medicine in America, with the publication of the 1910 Flexner Report. The Report was used to excoriate and marginalize Chiropractic, Homeopathy, Naturopathy, and other forms of traditional natural practice, in favor of what would become the modern juggernaut of drug-based treatment.

In an article about the FDA, “Medical Murder in the Matrix,” I point out the fact that this federal agency has permitted at least 100,000 deaths of Americans, per year, from the direct effects of drugs it, the FDA, has certified as safe. (See, for example, JAMA, July 26, 2000, ‘Is US Health Really the Best in the World,’ Dr. Barbara Starfield.)

The FDA knows these death figures. “Unintended” and “accidental” can no longer be applied to this ongoing holocaust.

The pharmaceutical industry itself also knows those death figures.

To understand the dimensions and history of the ongoing chemical warfare against the population, in the form of medical drugs (and of course pesticides), one must factor in the original octopus, IG Farben.

World War 2 never ended. It simply shifted its strategies.

Related: Were Hitler & Nazism Zionist Creations?

In any fascist system, the bulk of the people working inside the system, including scientists, refuse to believe the evidence of what is happening before their own eyes. They insist they are doing good.

They believe they are on the right side. They see greater top-down control as necessary and correct. They adduce “reasonable” explanations for inflicted harm and death.

World War 2 is still underway. The battleground has been changed, and the means are far cleverer.

Sun Tzu wrote: “Hence to fight and conquer in all your battles is not supreme excellence; supreme excellence consists in breaking the enemy’s resistance without fighting… The best victory is when the opponent surrenders of its own accord before there are any actual hostilities…It is best to win without fighting.”

This is what has been happening: invisible warfare.

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How Society Kills Our Creativity – In A Breathtaking Award-Winning Short Film
June 10 2017 | From: UpliftedLife

If you relate with a sense of having your true self shunned by the society we live in, this one’s for you! And if you have kids on top of that, it will really hit home.

Madrid based animators, Daniel Martinez Lara and Rafa Cano Mendez created this touching 7 minute short film that perfectly demonstrates what happens when we let external influences dim our inner light, and how it affects the lives of those we love most. Enjoy! And go grab some tissues, you might need ’em!

Related: Hunter S. Thompson’s Thought-Provoking Letter On Finding Purpose And Meaning In Life + Where Our Biggest Regrets Come From

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NZ Media Calls For Compulsory Vaccinations & Sweden Bans Mandatory Vaccinations Over ‘Serious Health Concerns’
June 9 2017 | From: Uncensored / Stuff / HealthNutNews / Various

Somewhere between the leading edge of scientific discovery and the right of people to decide their own medical treatment lies the fate of thousands of defenceless children.

For the last several hundred years, science and, most importantly, the medical profession have been peeling back the dark curtain of superstition, ignorance and profit-driven chicanery which directed the treatment of human illness.

Related: 200 Evidence-Based Reasons NOT To Vaccinate - FREE Research PDF Download

Investigation, experimentation and rigorous testing has slowly replaced guesswork, witchcraft, old wives’ remedies and unmitigated humbug as thinking people sought effective remedies and cures for the many ailments which invaded their lives.

So it was coming wasn’t it? Really hard to read. Whore media doing the cabal’s bidding. The following article was written by someone with cognitive dissonance - oblivious to the dangerous truths about vaccines.

Foremost among these discoveries was the concept of boosting our natural immune systems against invasive disease by vaccination.

I still recall with sadness attending the funerals of two of my young schoolmates who died of tuberculosis more than 50 years ago now. There was also a vivacious and spirited little girl who became horribly twisted and crippled by poliomyelitis (then called infantile paralysis).

She died just before her 16th birthday from complications caused by that terrible affliction. Her bravery in her last hours was inspirational. Then there was the tortured death of a little cousin who died of whooping cough. The unfairness of these very personal and sad events made a huge impression on me in my youth which remains as strong today. Had vaccinations been available back then those children might not have died.

Related: Dr. Sherri Tenpenny: "There's No Such Thing As A Clean Vaccine

Not all attempts at finding new solutions to old problems were successful and there were not a few tragedies along the way. At each failure, however, lessons were learned, new safeguards put in place and the march of logical scientific investigation slowly loosened the hold of old superstitions on the more vulnerable people in the community.

Sometime after World War II most of those old beliefs, in New Zealand at least, had simply disappeared into history. Those which remained became novelty entertainments at fairgrounds and similar places where so-called Gypsies would tell fortunes with crystal balls, read tea leaves and horoscopes or a dozen other harmless methods for a fee.

Few people were in any doubt that it was harmless fun and entertainment. Most newspapers still carry horoscopes for those bored enough to read their ambiguous messages and few people take them seriously.

Then, about two decades ago, some old superstitions began to reappear, but not simply as entertainments, but as the basis of a lucrative business venture. They were not taken seriously by most people then and most are still not today.

We tolerantly accept that people are free to attend seances, have so-called readings taken by some modern-day medium who claims to be in touch with the dead, play with tarot cards and pay some of these tricksters to clear houses of non-existent evil influences.

Related: Studies Prove Vaccinated Children Are at Greater Risk of Serious Illness and Neurological Disorders

It is one thing to observe some of these rituals as part of an inherited culture but something very different when vulnerable, gullible and sometimes frightened people are persuaded to pay for them.

Like a malignant tumour which suddenly reappears after a period of remission, we can no longer ignore some of these practices. They are no longer entertainment or trivial amusements as they have engendered an illogical and very dangerous distrust of modern and proven medical procedures.

The latest and most sinister of these developments is the campaign against vaccinations for children on the spurious accusation that infant vaccinations for measles, mumps and rubella can cause autism. The myth was created by Dr Andrew Wakefield, whose flawed research, published in the Lancet 20 years ago, has been extensively studied, proved to be incorrect and discredited by leading medical professionals many times since.

The damage to public confidence in vaccinations in Britain by this false research was so severe that in 2010 the General Medical Council in London found Dr Wakefield guilty of fraudulent work and struck him off.

Related: Autism risk 420% higher in vaccinated children vs. non-vaccinated, published science confirms

Adults can engage in almost any form of alternative healing processes they like as they are only putting themselves at risk. They can also refuse any medical treatment for themselves as encapsulated in the New Zealand Bill of Rights. However making those decisions for vulnerable children is a very different and dangerous matter.

We have made huge advances in preventative medicine in the last few decades and it would be simply unforgivable to deny that protection to defenceless children simply because adults are stupid enough to believe obvious misinformation and humbug. Ironically though most of them have probably been protected by the very vaccinations they would deny their children.

Compulsory vaccination may be the only alternative if we are to avoid some of the tragic epidemics of the past.

Related Articles:

Doctor jumps onstage to warn crowd to leave Vaxxed film

Honoured doctor out of line

Dr Tenpenny, What the CDC documents say about vaccines

CDC Admits 98 Million Americans Were Given an Hereditary Cancer Virus Via The Polio Shot During 1955–1963

You Won’t Believe What They Admitted On TV News In 1971!

NZ Vaccine Promoters Terrified of Vaxxed Documentary, Vinny Eastwood

Damning legislation would give corporations the power to forcibly vaccinate you and collect your DNA records

Germany plans to introduce fines of $2,800 for parents who refuse to get their children vaccinated

Sweden Bans Mandatory Vaccinations Over ‘Serious Health Concerns’

Sweden has boldly decided to ban mandatory vaccinations citing both “serious health concerns” and the violation of each citizen’s constitutional rights to choose their own healthcare.

Well done Sweden. To see the full report click here. (Once on the page if your browser will allow it you can translate the page, otherwise, you’ll have to translate chunks of it with Google Translate.)

The Swedish Riksdag (parliament) rejected seven motions on May 10th, that would have locked forced vaccinations into law, stating:

NHF Sweden sent a letter to the Committee and explained that it would violate our Constitution if we introduced compulsory vaccinations, or mandatory vaccinations as was submitted in Arkelsten’s motion.

Many others have also submitted correspondence and many citizens have called up Parliament and politicians. Parliamentary politicians has surely noticed that there’s a massive resistance to all forms of coercion with regard to vaccinations.

NHF Sweden also shows how frequent serious adverse reactions according to the rate at which FASS specifies in the package leaflet of the MMR vaccine, when you vaccinate an entire year group. In addition, one must take into account that each age group will receive the MMR vaccine twice, so the side effects are doubled. We must not forget that, in addition, similar adverse reaction lists apply for other vaccines.

In the letter, we have even included an extensive list of the additives found in vaccines – substances which are not health foods and certainly do not belong in babies or children. We also included for lawmakers a daunting list of studies that demonstrate vaccination is a bad idea.”

I’m both thrilled and shocked. Swedish families are lucky to have politicians working for their best- not for the best of those hiding behind the vaccines that maim and kill.

But, it’s time we do the same. Thankfully, we have people like Robert F. Kennedy Jr., who recently appeared on the Tucker Carlson Show, on our side to expose the “lawless mafia state” that has become Big Pharma and their “extremely lucrative” vaccines scam.

If you haven’t yet watched the interview, please do, it’s worth your time.

RFK, Jr: My Meeting with Trump on Vaccine Commission

Related Articles:

RFK, Jr. Announces World Mercury Project’s $100,000 Challenge with Goal of Stopping use of Highly Toxic Mercury in Vaccines.

Infant Twins Die Simultaneously After Vaccines, Medical Board Rules ‘Just a Coincidence’

Highwire Host Loses His Mind over Bill Nye + Vaccines

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Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi

The Death Throws Of The Cabal
June 9 2017 | From: Farouk

Everybody seems anxious at this time to figure out what is really going on in our precious world. This is my understanding that may add some enlightenment and hope to calm your fears.

It is important to understand that the fear-based debt slavery system is reaching its termination primarily because large segments of the global population are awakening to the obvious fraud that this system is based upon, particularly those people that are the financed enforcers (military, police, courts).

Related: Partners in Crime: Masons, Fascists, CIA and the Vatican (and the rest)

The last throws of this Cabal entrenched system are now seen in their funded riots, murders of anyone that can expose the truth, street violence and any attempt to start WW3.

The collapse is based on the difference between “REAL” versus “FAKE”. The entire corporate world is based on fake entities being given “so called” legal status over FAKE PEOPLE (names in capital letters).

This has created FAKE PAPER WEALTH and allowed the Western financial Cabal to rape the rest of the world by giving cheap paper for real goods and services. That is now coming to an end as more and more people are refusing to take inflated colored paper and are demanding real “trade” versus “commerce”.

The Western financial Cabal through their voting control of the UN/IMF/BIS, Rothschild’s controlled Central Banks and Incorporated Country Government’s Finance Ministers are now attempting to kick the can down the road by making the IMF’s Special Drawing Rights (SDRs) the new Global Currency (of enslavement). This is nothing more than ass-wipe paper.

To counter this Western move has been the creation of the BRICS alliance, Asian International Investment Bank (AIIB) and the CHIPS financial transfer system.

This is basically a mirror system to the Western financial system but with “gold” backing and Eastern control. This is still a system of financial commerce but in effect it levels the financial playing field by throwing a financial monkey wrench into the IMF’s scam.

So the current situation is one of a stand-off between two teams, one with tons of colored paper and the other with gold bricks. This can only result in an eventual global revaluation of all currencies.

But before this can happen, several things have to happen. Firstly, the US has to asset-back its currency. The problem there is that 80+% of Federal Reserve US Dollar Notes are held overseas as commercial deposits and Central Bank reserves and used to finance international commerce.

The bigger problem is that the FED has no collateral backing, is not part of the US Government (as it is a foreign owned bank) and thus the paper or digits are essentially worthless. Ouch! The whole World economy feels that pinch.

So the bigger problem is that the whole World doesn’t want to see their Dollars devalued and pay for the con job that was perpetrated on them. So how do you keep the US Dollar from collapsing?

The simple financial trick is to split the domestic USD (FED Notes) from the Internationally held commerce US Dollars, then set up a new International Institution backed by gold to swap the international US Dollars for a Universal Global Currency.

That, of course, will collapse the FED and the US Treasury will then have to issue new Treasury notes. It also means that the US will lose control of global trade and its new Treasury currency will then be traded as any other currency and no longer be a reserve currency.

This also means that the IMF and BIS will also collapse as no one wants to put any more gold into these corrupt institutions, particularly those that have millions of tons in Asian bunkers and have been prevented from using this collateral to help mankind.

This means that the new International Financial Control Institution will be primarily funded by the fire breathing Dragons of the East who have the gold and will be willing to swap old FED paper for a new gold backed certificate. The old FED Dollars will then be used as a proprietary claim and lien against the owners and assets of the FED which will effective foreclose them all.

That is the game play, but there are still many hurdles to overcome and pitfalls to circumvent. China, for example, is a key cog in this wheel. Their Rothschild proxy, #2 Mr. Wang is bidding to overthrow Mr. Xi in the upcoming elections, and if that happens China will be in a bigger mess and this would delay any international financial readjustments. Expect funded uprisings there.

Similarly old Hades and LeGarde are desperately trying to defend the IMF and its claims to being THE ONLY INTERNATIONAL FINANCIAL INSTITUTION. That is a phony tale and it is time to strip away their international immunity. Fraud is illegal globally - like it or not!

We do expect a Win-Win outcome, especially with world leaders like Trump, Putin and Xi and fire breathing Dragons backing Neil Keenan and Group-K. Change is coming. There will be a better world.

And in the end, none of this will matter at all when replicator technologies are released or some idiots crack our world in have with advanced weapons. Then what?

Trump Launches Operation 1776

Alex Jones calls out the LEFT for giving in to Jihadist terrorists and trying to bring trump down because he is the real deal. Fake liberals hate America and can’t stand for what it stands for.

They can’t stand the fact that president Trump is bringing back populism like never before and it has the libtards running scared!

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Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi

The Vision Of Technocracy
June 8 2017 | From: JonRappoport

“Well, boys, we’ve got this strange thing called THE INDIVIDUAL. Could somebody tell me what he is? He’s not conforming to our algorithms. He’s all over the place. And while we’re at it, what the hell is this IMAGINATION? It keeps slipping out of our grasp, it doesn’t fit the plan…”

Technocrats say they want to wipe out poverty, war, and inequality. But in order to achieve these lofty goals (or pretend to), they need to re-program humans.

Related: US Deep State In Deep Trouble + A Deeper Understanding Of Technocracy

Technocracy is the basic agenda and plan for ruling global society from above, so we need to understand it from several angles.

Consider a group of enthusiastic forward-looking engineers in the early 20th century. They work for a company that has a contract to manufacture a locomotive. This is a highly complex piece of equipment.

On one level, workers are required to make the components to spec. Then they must put them all together. These tasks are formidable. On another level, various departments of the company must coordinate their efforts. This is also viewed as a technological job. Organizing is considered a technology.

When the locomotive is finished and delivered, and when it runs on its tracks and pulls a train, a great and inspiring victory is won.

And then…the engineers begin to think about the implications. Suppose the locomotive was society itself? Suppose society was the finished product? Couldn’t society be put together in a coordinated fashion? And couldn’t the “technology of organizing things” be utilized for the job?

Related: Vampire Technocrats Fly To Jekyll Island To Stop Trump

Why bother with endlessly arguing and lying politicians? Why should they be in charge? Isn’t that an obvious losing proposition? Of course it is.

Engineers could lay out and build a future society that would benefit all people. Disease and poverty could be wiped out. Eliminating them would be part of the blueprint.

This “insight” hit engineers and technicians like a ton of bricks. Of course! All societies had been failures for the same reason: the wrong people were in charge.

Armed with this new understanding, engineers of every stripe began to see what was needed. A revolution in thinking about societal organization. Science was the new king. And science would rule.

Of course, for an engineered world to work, certain decisions would have to be made about the role of the individual. Every individual. You couldn’t have an air-tight plan if every human were free to pursue his own objectives. Too many variables. Too much confusion. Too much conflict. Well, that problem could be solved. The individual’s actions would be tailored to fit the coordinated operations of the planned society.

The individual would be “one of the components of the locomotive.” His life would be connected to other lives to produce an exemplary shape.

Related: Technocracy: A Scientific Dictatorship

Yes, this could imply a few problems, but those problems could be worked out. They would have to be worked out, because the overriding goal was the forming of a world organization. What would you do if one bolt (an individual human) in one wheel of a locomotive was the wrong size? You would go back and correct the error. You would re-make the bolt.

Among technocrats, the overall vision superseded the glaring need to “remake” individuals who would fit in. It was perfectly all right to re-program the individual.

Other people entered the game. High-echelon Globalists saw technocracy as a system they could use to control the population. Essentially, an already-misguided vision of a future technocratic utopia was hijacked. Something bad was made much worse.

In a nutshell, this is the history of technocracy. A locomotive is a society? No. That was the first fatally flawed idea. Everything that followed was increasingly bizarre.

Unfortunately, many people in our world believe in Globalism, if you could call a partial vague view a legitimate belief. They dreamily float on all the propaganda cover stories - greatest good for the greatest number of people; no more poverty; equality of sharing; reducing the carbon footprint; a green economy; “sustainable development”; international cooperation; engineering production and consumption of goods and services for the betterment of everyone; and all of this delivered from a central platform of altruistic guidance.

If you track down the specifics that sit under these cover stories, you discover a warped system of planning that expresses control over the global population. The collective utopia turns out to be a sham. Waking up is hard to do? Breaking up is hard to do? They must be done.

A workable technological fix is a very nice achievement when the project is a machine. But transferring that glow of victory to the whole of society is an illusion. Anything that calls itself education would tackle the illusion as the first order of business.

Related: Mind Control Theories And Techniques Used By Mass Media

Engineering society requires engineering humans. That is the fatal flaw. It’s called mind control. Any genuine artist, any builder of communities, any sane activist, any honorable visionary stands outside technocracy, and is not part of this program. Instead, his thrust is toward more individual freedom and a more open society with greater decentralization of power.

Decentralization is the key.

The use of technology does not imply living inside its control. The use of technology does not imply that society should be laid out like a giant machine with fitted parts.

Those futurists who have offered “overall plans” for the disposition of society generally ignore or sidestep the issue of who is going to administer the plan. To say this is an error is a vast understatement.

Where is one far-reaching center of power in our world that would run society with a primary concern for the freedom of the individual?

We are looking at an inherent contradiction. All such centers of power are, first and foremost, dedicated to their own survival. And after that, they are dedicated to control of the territory they believe they own. THE INDIVIDUAL is a messy thing that needs to be sidelined or dealt with as a disruptive element.

Related: WWW Founder Tim Berners-Lee working On A New Decentralised Web

I speak to those people who understand that the idea of the free, independent, powerful, and creative individual is being sidelined, shelved, sent down the memory hole. This is no accident. This isn’t just a devolutionary trend. Technocrats see this as a necessary action, in order to “clean up” their equation for the civilization they’re building. The individual is a slippery variable that throws a monkey wrench into formulas.

Imagination never dies. It belongs to the individual. It isn’t property of the group. It enables solutions that eradicate problems and get out ahead of problems before they raise their heads.

Time and time again, the individual, as he wends his way through life, encounters persons and organizations that consider imagination a negative. In the clearly defined shapes of society, imagination must take a back seat to planning.

Is the individual resistant to such manipulations, or does he give in? This is the key question.

Does the individual view society as an operation that can potentially lift up individuals and empower them? Or does he give in to the idea that society should create more and more dependent people?

Related: Why The Truth Is Vilified (And Lies Are Celebrated) Everywhere Across Our Twisted Society

The individual can be a source of spreading freedom, or he can defend the notion that there are an endless number of “entitlements” that must be honored.

Technocracy promotes entitlements as a doorway into the future. Its ultimate entitlement goes this way: you have the right to be re-programmed to believe you have a slot in the future world; we will make this slot as attractive as possible; you will serve the overall good as we engineer it.

That is the fundamental justification for the Welfare State. It’s the justification for a future technocratic policy which will assign citizens energy quotas. A citizen would be permitted to consume a set amount of energy in a given time period. (So-called smart meters are a step in that direction. The meters enable more specific measurements of energy consumption.)

This is how technocracy imagines the future…

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Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi

Shaping The Future: Israel Tutors Its Children In Fear And Loathing
June 8 2017 | From: Sott

A display of Israeli-style community policing before an audience of hundreds of young schoolchildren was captured on video last week. Were the 10-year-olds offered road safety tips, advice on what to do if they got lost, or how to report someone suspicion hanging around the school?

No. In Israel, they do things differently. The video shows four officers staging a mock anti-terror operation in a park close to Tel Aviv. The team roar in on motorbikes, firing their rifles at the "terrorist".

Related: America Is Something That You Can Easily Maneuver - Bibi Netanyahu + If They Want To Burn It, You Want To Read It!

As he lies badly wounded, the officers empty their magazines into him from close range. In Israel it is known as "confirming the kill". Everywhere else it is called an extrajudicial execution or murder. The children can be heard clapping.

It was an uncomfortable reminder of a near-identical execution captured on film last year. A young army medic, Elor Azaria, is seen shooting a bullet into the head of an incapacitated Palestinian in Hebron. A military court sentenced him to 18 months for manslaughter in February.

There has been little sign of soul-searching since. Most Israelis, including government officials, call Azaria a hero. In the recent religious festival of Purim, dressing up as Azaria was a favorite among children.

There is plenty of evidence that Israel's security services are still regularly executing real Palestinians.

Related: Israeli Defense Minister Confirms Israel Backing Of ISIS In Syria

The Israeli human rights group B'Tselem denounced the killing last week of a 16-year-old Jerusalem schoolgirl, FatimaHjeiji, in a hail of bullets. She had frozen to the spot after pulling out a knife some distance from a police checkpoint. She posed no threat, concluded B'Tselem, and did not need to be killed.

The police were unrepentant about their staged execution, calling it "a positive, empowering" demonstration for the youngsters. The event was hardly exceptional.

In communities across Israel this month, the army celebrated Israel's Independence Day by bringing along its usual "attractions" - tanks, guns and grenades - for children to play with, while families watched army dogs siccing yet more "terrorists".

In a West Bank settlement, meanwhile, the army painted youngsters' arms and legs with shrapnel wounds. Blood-like liquid dripped convincingly from dummies with amputated limbs. The army said the event was a standard one that "many families enjoyed".

The purpose of exposing children at an impressionable age to so much gore and killing is not hard to divine. It creates traumatised children, distrustful and fearful of anyone outside their tribe. That way they become more pliant soldiers, trigger-happy as they rule over Palestinians in the occupied territories.

Related: The True Cost Of Israel + The Reality Of Zionist Control

A few educators have started to sense they are complicit in this emotional and mental abuse.

Holocaust Memorial Day, marked in Israeli schools last month, largely avoids universal messages, such as that we must recognise the humanity of others and stand up for the oppressed. Instead, pupils as young as three are told the Holocaust serves as a warning to be eternally vigilant - that Israel and its strong army are the only things preventing another genocide by non-Jews.

Last year Zeev Degani, principal of one Israel's most prestigious schools, caused a furor when he announced his school would no longer send pupils on annual trips to Auschwitz. This is a rite of passage for Israeli pupils. He called the misuse of the Holocaust "pathological" and intended to "generate fear and hatred" to inculcate extreme nationalism.

It is not by accident that these trips - imparting the message that a strong army is vital to Israel's survival - take place just before teenagers begin a three-year military draft.

Increasingly, they receive no alternative messages in school. Degani was among the few principals who had been inviting Breaking the Silence, a group of whistle-blowing soldiers, to discuss their part in committing war crimes.

Related: Judge’s Order To Block Trump’s Immigration Travel Ban Is Ridiculous + Trump’s White House Blasts Bibi For Approving New Israeli Settlements

In response, the education minister, Naftali Bennett, leader of the settlers' party, has barred dissident groups like Breaking the Silence. He has also banned books and theatre trips that might encourage greater empathy with those outside the tribe.

Polls show this is paying off. Schoolchildren are even more ultra-nationalist than their parents. More than four-fifths think there is no hope of peace with the Palestinians.

But these cultivated attitudes don't just sabotage peacemaking. They also damage any chance of Israeli Jews living peacefully with the large minority of Palestinian citizens in their midst.

Half of Jewish schoolchildren believe these Palestinians, one in five of the population, should not be allowed to vote in elections. This month the defence minister, Avigdor Lieberman, called the minority's representatives in parliament "Nazis" and suggested they should share a similar fate.

Related: New Zealand's Israel Resolution: Peacemakers Seldom Win Friends

This extreme chauvinism was translated last week into legislation that defines Israel as the nation-state of the Jewish people around the world, not its citizens. The Palestinian minority are effectively turned into little more than resident aliens in their own homeland.

Degani and others are losing the battle to educate for peace and reconciliation. If a society's future lies with its children, the outlook for Israelis and Palestinians is bleak indeed.

Jonathan Cook won the Martha Gellhorn Special Prize for Journalism. His latest books are Israel and the Clash of Civilisations: Iraq, Iran and the Plan to Remake the Middle East (Pluto Press) and Disappearing Palestine: Israel's Experiments in Human Despair (Zed Books).

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Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi
Three Questions You’re Not Supposed To Ask About Life In A Sick Society
June 7 2017 | From: WakingTimes

“It is no measure of health to be well adjusted to a profoundly sick society.” - J. Krishnamurti

Society is directed by a never-ending mainstream narrative which is always evolving, and always reaching new dramatic peaks in sensationalism and hype. They fill your mind with topics they select, they keep your attention on these topics, and they invite and encourage you to argue amongst each other about these topics.

Related: What Happens When You Rebel Against The Herd

In this way our collective attention is permanently commandeered, preventing us from diving too deeply into matters which have more than a superficial impact on day-today life.

Free-thinking is the ability and willingness to explore of ideas and areas of the mind which are yet undiscovered or are off-limits. It is a vanishing art that is deliberately being stamped out by a control system which demands conformity, acquiescence and obedience of body, mind, and spirit.

For your consideration, here are three questions you’re not supposed to ask about life in our profoundly sick society.

1. Who Owns the Money Supply, and the World’s Debt?

Pretty much the entire world is in financial debt, an insidious form of slavery which enables the exploitation of human beings and of all things in nature. It’s maddening when you think about it. The United States alone supposedly owes some $20 trillion, while the world at large owes a shocking $215 trillion?

But to whom, precisely?

Related: The Truth Is Out: Last Chapter Of The Rothschild Khazarian Mafia?

Money is just a medium of exchange which facilitates transactions between people. In and of itself it has no intrinsic value as we could just as easily use sea shells instead of dollar bills and still be able to get things done.

But today’s money is the property of private third-parties who rent it out to national governments, who then use the labor of their citizens as collateral against these loans. This is a highly refined form of slavery, which has already put future unborn generations of human beings in debt.

But who, exactly does the human race owe? Who are our debt-slave masters?

2. Who Owns Your Body?

Ownership means having the explicit right to use, control and dispose of something in the manner of your choosing. The one thing you are born with that you take with you to your death is your own body, but do you own it? If not you, then who does own your body?

If this question were already settled in our society then there wouldn’t be ever-increasing pressure on those who choose to refuse vaccines. Children battling cancer and other serious illnesses wouldn’t be forced to take chemo and radiation under penalty of law and under threat of being taken from their parents.

Water wouldn’t be fluoridated without our consent. Natural medicines wouldn’t be outlawed under threat of fines and prison time.

We are rapidly approaching a time when people will be required by law to take psychotropic medications as citizens were in Aldous Huxley’s dystopian classic, Brave New World.

Do you own your body, or does it belong to the state?

3.  Why is the Exploration of Consciousness Restricted and Illegal?

The most effective prisons are not material, but are constructed inside the mind. Perception, opinion and understanding are all dynamic concepts, not at all static.

These can all change in the blink of an eye just because a new idea or experience resonates with you in a special way. Our evolution depends on our ability to expand the frontiers of what’s possible, and when the mind is held in confinement by an entrenched system and powerful cultural paradigm, progress, even happiness, is stunted.

In this societal trap you are given free rein to debase your consciousness and your spirit with alcohol, dangerous drugs, pharmaceuticals, television, pornography, theatrical violence, and then some, yet many natural medicines which elevate consciousness and provide a window into the soul are illegal.

"This is the way freedom is hijacked - not all at once, out in the open, but stealthily, little by little, behind closed doors, and with our own agreement.

How will we be able to resist when so many of us have already willingly handed over the keys to our own consciousness to the state and accepted without protest that it is OK to be told what we may and may not do, what we may and may not explore, even what we may and may not experience, with this most precious, sapient, unique, and individual part of ourselves?

If we are willing to accept that then we can be persuaded to accept anything.”

- Graham Hancock

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Key’s True Legacy & The Farce Of His Knighthood
June 6 2017 | From: EnvirowatchRangitikei

Key’s recent knighthood is a clear illustration and reminder of just how corrupt our government / corporation really is.

To honour a man under whose watch we’ve descended to 41K homeless, and 3rd highest in child poverty in the world’s developed nations, who is very happy to tax himself & his ilk 2.8% while those in the poverty stats are taxed a whole 28% nearly a third of their income … all makes a hollow farce of the knighthoods in my opinion.

Related: John Key: Life As A Lowly Backbencher + John Key's Complete Criminal History Exposed

Shame on John Key & shame on the pretend NZ govt (that is really a corporation) that honours such rogues. And if you don’t think Enzed’s corrupt as, read this:

Related: Key’s ‘Great’ Legacy - UNICEF Ranks NZ Third Highest In The Developed World For Child Poverty

You will find this barrister on facebook, consider connecting with him and finding out more truth on this corrupt nation.

And as for honouring former Mayor Duffy, under whose watch we in the Horowhenua heard whistleblowers telling us how he coerced councillors to vote as ‘expected’, and who displays total disrespect for tangata whenua (see our Local Gov Watch pages / Horowhenua for more info on those issues). Such is the rot now in our once democratic nation. Wake up folks & see what’s really happening.

We were reminded not so long ago by the Greens of Key’s real legacy.

Gareth Hughes on the Prime Minister's PoorLeadership

“Your desperate, lumbering, grasping attempt at building a legacy with a flag won’t mask the realities.

Hungry kids up

Inequality up

Pollution up

Debt up

Housing costs up

Electricity costs up

Foreign ownership up

Corruption up

Once you may have been a national leader but now you look like just a National Party leader.” Read More of transcript or watch the video.

And not so long ago UNICEF declared we were third on the list for highest child poverty in the developed world. If you go to their website they’re actually pondering on how to solve this!

And the powers that be have just honoured the leader under whose watch this has developed! Join the dots people.

This is not normal. It’s not right. And they are wanting you to honour Key right along with them, in the hope you won’t notice it’s not right.

Related: The Sovereignty Of Sidekicks & John Key Era One Giant Facepalm

See Bryan Bruce’s recent post featuring this news article:

18 Month Old Julia, the innocent face of modern NZ’s Brutal, archaic boarding houses

Bruce comments:

"A car, a garage, a motel room or boarding house is not a home.

No child should grow up in one.

Please make housing a priority when you cast your vote this year.”

Watch Bruce’s award winning documentary to remind you how this state of affairs developed. No, not the result of lazy parents (those ones who are taxed 28% if they manage to find a job, and another 33% if they should manage to find a second job as many do – while corporations pay almost no tax) it is a faulty neo lib economic set up that never intended for those aforementioned parents to win.

Trickle down is a scam.

Mind The Gap

Award winning documentary maker Bryan Bruce investigates the failure of Neo-liberal economics in New Zealand and what we could do about it. Mind The Gap won Gold at the 2014 New York International Film and Television Awards.

Finally (and there are actually more issues I haven’t touched on like NZ’s very high suicide rate) – with our 41K homeless, a reminder that in Auckland 33K homes sit empty, owned by people who don’t even live here, while the Nats have been hocking off all the State Homes our predecessors built with blood sweat and tears after the bankers wars they fought in.

The rationale for selling has been to pay off debt, whilst, as Bryan Bruce points out in our article links above, the Housing Corporation was operating at a profit. These people lie to us without even blinking.

Related: New Zealand Prime Minister John Key Resigns - Warned Of Arrest Status By John Kerry

So Key has a knighthood that in my opinion means absolutely nothing, in fact it is a damning reflection on the state of our once democratic nation that is now wholly sold out to the banking fraternity that is slowly but surely entwining the entire planet into its plan of global governance aka new world order, aka Agenda 21 / 2030 that really aims to inventory and control all land and resources on the planet.

New World Order Quote Compilation

Thanks to Stop Immigration New Zealand. Population Growth Without Economic Wealth for the following statistics:

(Reference; Treasury data between 2008-2016 Statistics NZ data 2008-2016 Reserve Bank data 2008-2016 Auckland City pollution data 2008-2016 Wellington City pollution records 2008-2016 Queenstown City Council records 2008-2016 )

Between 2008- 2016:

The greatest increase in Population In NZ’s history. from 4.2 million in 2008 to 4.7 million today (500,000 people)

Mortgage debt res $247.5 billion record high, 28 % increase in last 5 years

Consumer debt $ 15.4 billion, 16 % increase in last 5 years

Business debt, $91.34 billion

Agriculture debt, $59.42 billion, record high

Govt debt $ 112 billion Nov 2016

( all figures from Statistics NZ, Reserve Bank, Treasury)

500 000 extra people over the last 8 years, not one new hospital and the longest elective surgery wait lists in years.

Between2008-2015 no extra funding for Police. Fewer Police per capita pre-Key to post- Key

36 million dollars taken out of DOC’s budget ( 2015 ) to pay for the costs of Immigration.

Massive blowout in Corrections budget to pay for Prisons, 40 million dollars.

Massive growth costs in Roading, Schooling, Health, Pensions, and Government Bureaucracy.

More competition for our Fisheries.

More demand /competition for our fresh water resources.

More vehicles registered than ever in our history, over an 8 year period.

Record environmental damage ( air pollution, landfill waste )recorded by councils in a number of main centres. Auckland, Wellington, Hamilton Queenstown.

Enormous congestion problems now encountered in some of the main centres.

Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi

Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi
What You’re Not Being Told About The Paris Climate Agreement
June 6 2017 | From: TheAntiMedia

President Trump’s decision to withdraw the United States from the Paris Climate Accord has thrown the world into a blazing furnace full of weeping and gnashing of teeth - or the political world, at least, has been thrown into a fiery tizzy.

Former President Barack Obama broke his silence, saying, in part, that with this decision the Trump administration “joins a small handful of nations that reject the future.

Related: Putin defends Trump on Climate change - 'Don't worry, be happy'

Former Secretary of State John Kerry lambasted Trump’s decision as:

"An ignorant, cynical appeal to an anti-science, special-interest faction,” as well as saying, “This choice will rightly be remembered as one of the most shameful any president has made.”

And the list goes on and on and on. To hear these people talk, apparently, the human race can only progress into the future and create new industries and technologies if we are flogged into it begrudgingly by our ‘wise’ government and corporate leaders.

Are we really ready to presume what human society will look like several decades from now? Are we seriously expected to believe that government action is the only way to tackle the problem of climate change?

If we fail to use the heavy hand of government to brave the future, why should we assume the human race will fail to innovate and adapt to complex challenges on its own?

Imagine, if you will, a world where you cannot turn to governments to solve problems such as climate change. How would you achieve your righteous ends? Would you simply do nothing if you could not turn to government?

I ask because too often, noble goals serve as a Trojan horse for political control.

Governments often present us with grand solutions as gifts for our real and perceived problems, but once inside the gates, they proceed to saddle our communities with a slew of regulations, mandates, taxes, diktats, quotas, subsidies, penalties and the like. The cursed gift of government, it seems, is always a central plan that conflates voluntary cooperation, collective action, and even community itselfwith centralized political control.

But we do not need the trappings of central planning to solve our collective problems. Society can run itself, thank you very much; it needs no single creator or director.

Society already has great gifts for solving complex human issues - individual liberty, initiative, and ingenuity, along with the free and open exchange of goods and ideas - and we need not sacrifice these liberal benefactors of the modern world to dream impossible dreams and fight unbeatable foes.

The greatest achievements of the human race have not come from government committees and accords, but from intrepid yet everyday individuals working in concert to tackle the unknown and implacable through innovation and persuasion.

Yet, rather than allowing people to freely choose and coordinate their own plans in our common struggle against nature, too many people first brand other people as the problem.

Too many would rather rely on commanding and controlling others to fix humanity’s wicked problems than freely solve the problem themselves. Too many conflate the government’s failure to act as society signaling we are resigned to do nothing - thus, the weeping and gnashing of teeth over Donald Trump’s recent decision.

I find all the hysterics and tears of hubris laughable. This mindset deserves to be mocked for its lack of imagination and obsequious acceptance of corporate cronyism and global governance as the only path to the future; it deserves to be mocked for claiming the singular appearance of “doing something” (without much effect) is better than actually tackling the problem from many different directions.

It deserves to be mocked even on environmental activist grounds as a list of empty promises and half-measures, as a perversion of the cause, just as a free trader may mock NAFTA or an anti-war activist may mock Barack Obama receiving the Nobel Peace Prize; and it deserves to be mocked for how little it respects the ability of average people to change their station and adapt to the changing world on their own without the pretentious prodding of government leaders.

I’m willing to bet the existence of the entire human race that without the Paris Climate Accord, we will rise to meet the challenge of climate change successfully.

Further, if we would shrink government generally - i.e. give average people the freedom to think and trade as they wish in the energy sector or any other industry - then by the accord’s own target year of 2100, the market (which is simply free people trading and producing as they wish based on their own enlightenment) will have reduced carbon emissions and given us new technologies beyond the wildest dreams of those now bemoaning the U.S. withdrawal from the Paris Climate Accord.

In fact, the U.S. clean energy sector has grown leaps and bounds in only the last few years despite the lack of a robust central plan. Coal is already giving way to cleaner forms of energy and will continue to do so no matter what Donald Trump promises the miners of West Virginia.

And the fact that there is this burgeoning clean energy industry does not mean we should engage in crony capitalism and wealth redistribution between nations to “prime the pump.” Picking winners and losers in the clean energy sector is just as bad as doing so in any other sector (including the fossil fuels industry.)

Must we really kowtow to corporations and their client states by granting them government privileges and sweetheart deals to create new technologies they already have enough incentive to create anyway?

No, if we wish to solve the climate change problem, I suggest we try, first and foremost, to create products and services that will actually make people’s lives better immediately rather than imposing immense costs upfront with no clear time horizon wherein we reap the benefits.

Just as one need not convince people of evolution before they take vaccines or life-saving drugs, there’s no need to convince people of the science of climate change if you can sell them a better, cheaper, cleaner, and more practical way to power their lives. Shaming, lecturing, and trying to control people’s behavior through the political process for unclear results and opaque benefits is not serving this cause well, as sound as the science and as noble as the cause may be.

Ironically enough, Trump’s withdrawal from the Paris accord may very well usher in a new era of initiative absent the federal government. After Trump’s decision, many industry leaders, mayors, and governors pledged to pursue solutions to climate change absent the federal government.

As the CEO of General Electric Jeff Immelt tweeted;

"Climate change is real. Industry must now lead and not depend on government.

That’s the spirit, Jeff, but my only question is: what the hell have you been waiting for?

Industry and the people of the United States should have been saying this long ago. It’s time to stop looking to central governments and global committees - whether the issue is climate change or poverty or education or whatever - to make our world a better place.

The time for us to pursue the future ourselves is long overdue, and it would be a shame to sell ourselves and the future short because we’re too busy bickering over political power.

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Six Ways To Break The Hypnotic Spell Of The Mainstream Media
June 5 2017 | From: UltraCulture / Various

Here’s six steps to filter out media noise, break the hypnosis of the mainstream media, and get to the information that truly matters.

There is no information age. It doesn’t exist. There is only the Age of Noise.

Related: Mind Control Theories And Techniques Used By Mass Media

Because although we now appear to have an infinite ability to see everything that’s going on in the world at once, from photos of the world from space to the fact that our friends are indecisive about what to eat tonight, we have no ability to filter that information and sort for what matters.

We have no reliable media gatekeeper. We only have the so-called “mainstream media,” which is just the advertising wing of multinational corporations.

We used to pay people to filter information for us: these were called professional journalists, writers and artists, whose job it was to dive into the sea of information and come back up with pearls for us.

Related: London terror attacks: Keep calm and carry on replaced by Run, Hide, Tell

But we don’t pay those people anymore, because the media conglomerates that have consolidated into only a few massive holdings since the 1990s have realized that they don’t have to.

They don’t have to because their interest isn’t providing real information or truth, their interest is in providing content that gets as many people as possible to look at it, in order to get the most advertising money possible, because that’s how they get paid and can afford the salaries and insurance costs of the large staffs they need to do what they do.

That’s their daily reality. And so they’re in the business of giving people what they want.

Related: 10 Ways to Protect Yourself From NLP Mind Control

Since the 90s, the trend has increasingly been to cut out professionals and get people to generate their own content. That means reality television, YouTube, Facebook. No big budgets needed and far more profit gained. Since everybody is a star now, everybody is constantly generating more free content than we can ever consume.

And so professional creatives have gone the way of the dinosaurs, and instead of getting reporting on, say, Karen Silkwood blowing the whistle on nuclear power, or Gary Webb’s expose of CIA drug trafficking, you’re getting reporting about how some celebrity is in a Twitter feud.

We have no more professional gatekeepers. We are scattered to the four winds, drowning in Facebook feeds or aggregation blogs. These mega-blogs, which we have mistakenly expected to replace mainstream media outlets, are in the same position: largely beholden to the tastes of their audiences, and stuck having to keep people happy with unchallenging, crowd-pleasing content to drive traffic to their site advertisers so that they can eat.

Related: Mainstream Media Insults The Public's Intelligence On Vaccines & Vaccinated Vs. Unvaccinated Pilot Study: Early Vaccination Sees Exponential Increase In Chronic Disorders + Lies, Vaccines And The New Zealand Media

So where does this leave the information-poor individual who hopefully wants to get their head over the waterline enough to start to see the things that actually matter?

It means you have to be your own media gatekeeper. Flat out. You can’t outsource that job to somebody else anymore, because the mainstream media, or the alternative media, or Blog X, Y or Z, are not going to comprehensively do that job for you the way you need it done.

They’re too beholden to economics, ratings and their own viewpoints and reality tunnels.

And more and more, they’re probably not able to do that job because they’re not properly trained for that job, and I don’t mean just bloggers, because these days very few people who work in the mainstream media have any journalistic training at all

Nobody can get the information you need for you, you’ve got to do it yourself.

"They Live" Sunglasses

Luckily, we’ve got tools that can help us do that. Here’s a few beginning steps:

1. Decide What Matters

Faced with infinite information, you’ve got to decide up front what you’re going to filter for, at least initially. You’ve got to restrict your data to some extent, which sounds counterintuitive, but is necessary.

You don’t need more information, you need more information about the things that matter. I suggest that the things that matter are, simply, information that can directly positively effect the welfare of you and your family, and information about the general welfare of the planet.

2. Use Web Tools To Automate Your Info Intake

Everybody on the web is largely in the same position: grab info from a few news sources (like AP or Reuters) and then recycle it into blog content. They’re using the same tools as you to get their info. So cut out the middleman. I recommend setting up Google Alerts, for a start, to give you info about the issues you actually care about instead of waiting for somebody else to.

Related: Trump: ‘Most Of The Media Is Fake’ + Donald Trump Invites Conservative Media To White House For Exclusive Briefing

Beyond that, I highly recommend using an RSS aggregator like Feedly to dump a lot of media outlets into an easy-to-digest feed. Work done upfront will pay off in time saved later. Reddit is also an excellent tool, as long as you stay off the dreaded, time-sucking front page and keep to subreddits pertinent to important topics.

3. Expand Outside of Your Demographic Bubble

Whoever you are, you fit a demographic, which means that the mainstream media specifically tailors content that it knows you will like for the shows you watch and blogs you read, so advertisers can sell you products they’ve determined your demographic buys and use the language and images they know you will respond to, all in order to get you to make that purchase.

Related: William S. Burroughs’ 7 Occult Techniques for Smashing Reality

Expand out of the box they’ve decided you fit in. Read blogs and consume media from sources outside of your demographic, and that definitely means outside of your political and religious persuasion. Otherwise you’re blinkered not only to things that are going on around you, but also to parts of life you might be ignoring.

4. Read a Book

You still won’t get nearly as good of an info download from months on the Internet as you will from reading a well-researched, info-dense book, a book which, never forget, can represent years or decades of professional research and experience rather than an afternoon spent dashing off a blog post to throw out into the netherworld.

Related: Corporate Mass Media Controls Your Mind

Don’t stop reading, and reading better and more challenging books. The Web is really only a menu of culture; don’t forget to eat the meal.

5. Think Critically

Understand what confirmation bias is, and always consider the source of an article. Who wrote this, and what’s their agenda? What are they selling? Do they cite their own sources? Is this from a professional journalist/writer or from some wackadoo or salesman spouting off on the net?

Related: How To Spot A Media Psy-Op

 To dig deeper, get this excellent, comprehensive primer in critical thinking skills.

6. Meditate

Sounds potentially hokey, but there is no better discipline for learning how to shut off what is pointless bullshit and go only for what actually matters than meditation, because in learning to control one’s own thoughts internally, dealing with external noise becomes immensely easier.

Related: How to Meditate: A Beginner’s Guide to Meditation, the One Skill That Can Transform Every Area of Your Entire Life

Information is power. Know how to get it. Don’t outsource it to the mainstream media to do it for you.

(The image and clip above are from They Live. If you haven’t seen this classic film, you must; it’s actually the best primer on seeing through social hypnosis and the mainstream media that you could hope for. Watch it here)

Related: Insider Confirms CIA Controls CNN + Mainstream Media Exposed Its Own Cannibalism And More

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Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi
Dr. Peter Gøtzsche Exposes Big Pharma As Organized Crime + Six Ways That The Medical System Makes Us Ill Before Kindergarten
June 5 2017 | From: Sott / NaturalSociety / Various

The drug industry buys the professors first, then chiefs of department, then the other chief physicians and so on. They don't buy junior doctors. - Dr. Peter Gøtzsche

Big Pharma drugs kill around 200,000 Americans every year - half of them die while doing what their doctors told them. Sadly, the side effects and medical errors combine to cause the 3rd leading cause of death in America.

Related: Science Shock: Almost all medical studies are “bogus” … reproducibility approaches Zero

Peter C. Gøtzsche, MD is a Danish medical researcher and the author of Deadly Medicines and Organized Crime: How Big Pharma has Corrupted Healthcare.

In this video interview courtesy of Dr. John McDougall, he exposes how the pharmaceutical companies stealthily act as an organized crime ring unbeknownst to the consumer.

Peter C. Gøtzsche, MD is a Danish medical researcher, and leader of the Nordic Cochrane Center at Rigshospitalet in Copenhagen, Denmark. He has written numerous reviews within the Cochrane collaboration.

Dr.Gøtzsche has been critical of screening for breast cancer using mammography, arguing that it cannot be justified; His critique stems from a meta-analysis he did on mammography screening studies and published as Is screening for breast cancer with mammography justifiable?

In The Lancet in 2000. In it he discarded 6 out of 8 studies arguing their randomization was inadequate.

Related: New study: FDA-approved drugs are dangerous

In 2006 a paper by Gøtzsche on mammography screening was electronically published in the European Journal of Cancer ahead of print.

The journal later removed the paper completely from the journal website without any formal retraction. The paper was later published in Danish Medical Bulletin with a short note from the editor, and Gøtzsche and his coauthors commented on the unilateral retraction that the authors were not involved in.

In 2012 his book Mammography Screening: Truth, Lies and Controversy was published. In 2013 his book Deadly Medicines and Organized Crime: How Big Pharma has Corrupted Healthcare was published.

See Also: Cochrane.org

Six Ways That The Medical System Makes Us Ill Before Kindergarten

What do you think needs to be fixed most?

Mothers of small children ask me about natural health all the time. It happens in the line at my favorite natural grocer, or after a yoga class. Sometimes I receive questions through email or through a friend of a friend.

Related: Dr. Gary G. Kohls: Propaganda and the war on science

It’s a universal desire for parents to give their children the best start possible, but our medical system is not set up to do that at all. In fact, in 6 key ways, it is harming our children and damaging their prospects for future health. Here’s how:

1. Higher C-Sections Rates Put Babies at Risk

When I recently was preparing for birth through a Bradley birthing class, I was astounded to find out how high the C-section rates are at most hospitals. I understand that sometimes they are medically necessary, and they have their place, but this invasive, and dangerous procedure is getting out of control.

When a baby is born via C-section, there are numerous issues that cause possible long-term harm. Firstly, when a newborn passes through the vaginal canal, they are exposed to billions of beneficial bacteria which become part of their growing immune system. C-section babies are not exposed to this immune-boosting bacteria, and are more likely to become ill.

A baby’s skull is also designed to shift as it comes through the birth canal, and when they don’t, many mothers report the need for cranial sacral therapy to mimic the natural process of child birth to correct behavioral problems and neurological risks imposed by birth trauma.

2. Formula-Fed Babies are at Higher Risk for Depleted Immunity

Since babies can’t go straight to eating organic, non-GMO food from your plate, they rely on sustenance from another form – and Mother Nature has provided the perfect food – breast milk. A study published in the Canadian Medical Association Journal found that babies born by C-section and that drank formula instead of breast milk were more likely to be obese when they were older.

They were also more prone to inflammatory bowel disease, allergies, asthma, and even cancer.

"Our study addresses an important knowledge gap, since the infant gut microbiota has rarely been characterized with sequencing methods that provide sufficient coverage of the entire bacterial community,”
writes Dr. Anita Kozyrskyj, University of Alberta, with coauthors.

“Our findings are particularly timely given the recent affirmation of the gut microbiota as a ‘super organ’ with diverse roles in health and disease, and the increasing concern over rising cesarean delivery and insufficient exclusive breastfeeding in Canada.”

Here are 3 companies using genetically modified ingredients in baby formula.

3. Babies Subjected to 6x as Many Vaccines as They Were 40 Years Ago

The billion dollar pharmaceutical industry now thinks your children should be taking 49 doses of 14 different vaccines before your child even reaches the age of 6. By the time your baby is just two months old, they are supposed to have shots for diptheria, tetanus, pertussis, polio, HIB, Hepatitis B, Rotavirus, and PCV.

To put it simply, this is just too much, too soon.

4. We’re Given Antibiotics Instead of Probiotics


How many children are given amoxicillin or other antibiotics when their health care provider could help parents avoid the over-use of antibiotics which is causing super bugs and other medication-resistant disease by simply educating them about probiotics?

I’ve been giving my six-month-old small doses of probiotics in his breast milk since he was just a few days old. When my husband and I came down with a nasty upper respiratory infection recently, we were down for a week, my infant got over it in a day, and his immune system is still in its infancy, as he is.

Pregnant mothers can also boost their own healthy gut flora by making sure they take probiotics themselves to ensure they have sufficient healthy bacteria when it comes time to give birth.

5. Our Kids Don’t Play Outside Anymore

From the time a child can sit in a high chair, they are taught to look at a monitor or a cell phone. By the time they can run and catch a ball, instead of playing outside they’ve been trained to be chained to an electronic device.

Not only does this keep our children from the infinite wonders of the outdoor world – from worms crawling in the soil, to the wind blowing in the trees – but they miss out on numerous health benefits provided by nature.

Pediatricians’ offices have big screen televisions instead of books or tree houses, and the medical establishment rarely tells parents to make sure their kids are spending time in green spaces.

6. We’ve Overly-Sanitized Our World

We’re obsessed with hand-sanitizers and toxic air-fresheners, but according to a New York Times article:

18% of adults do not wash their hands after using the bathroom

23% do not wash up before handling food

25% do not wash after changing a diaper

So how do we still fight disease? It’s simple. Our immune systems.

When given half a chance to do what they were designed to do, our immune systems protect against foreign germs and viruses very well. Medical doctors spend about 1% of their time in school learning about the diet and how important it is to our overall health.

Related: An Open Letter to Secretary Tom Price

This means that people who are arguably ignorant about how to keep a child healthy by supporting their immune systems naturally through diet, herbs, rest, and time in nature are telling us how to raise our kids.

Forget about the hand sanitizer; your toddler will probably lick the floor. You don’t have to worry though, if you know about the #1-5 keys outlined in this article and do all you can to boost their natural immunity. Then, those nasty germs don’t stand a chance.

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Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi

Historic: Trump Rejects Paris Climate Treaty & Globalists Plot Against Trump And Infowars At Bilderberg
June 4 2017 | From: JonRappoport / NaturalNews / Infowars / Various

June 1, 2017, a day that will live in infamy for the liars, thieves, and killers of the new international economic order. They will see it as infamy, because their plan to sink the economy of America into a final death rattle has been rejected by Trump.

Fake climate science has been the lynch pin, justifying orders to cut CO2 emissions - but make no mistake about it, cutting emissions means cutting energy production in almost all countries of the world. THAT’S THE GLOBALIST TARGET. ENERGY PRODUCTION.

Related: The Paris Climate Accord is GENOCIDE against plants, forests and all life on our planet

Get that one straight. The Globalist “utopia” isn’t a trillion solar collectors or a trillion windmills - it’s lights going out all over the world.


That’s the monster hiding in the closet. That’s the outcome arch-Globalists are determined to foist on the planet, because that’s the society they want to control - poverty-stricken, abject, shuffling along a bleak path to nowhere.

Trump just stuck a knife in that scheme. Yes, I fully understand the devil is in the details, but it is up to people everywhere, who have active brain cells and can see through the climate hoax, to take this opportunity to reject, publicly, the whole climate agenda.

CO2 is not the enemy.

Related: Carbon Dioxide Revealed As The “Miracle Molecule Of Life” For Re-Greening The Planet & Leonardo DiCaprio’s War On Carbon Is Actually A War Against All Plants, Rainforests And Ecosystems On The Entire Planet

Do the research yourself and see if there is any way these so-called scientists can assess, now or in the past, THE TEMPERATURE OF THE WHOLE PLANET.

The science is settled? There is no room for argument?

Freeman Dyson, physicist and mathematician, professor emeritus at Princeton’s Institute for Advanced Study, Fellow of the Royal Society, winner of the Lorentz Medal, the Max Planck Medal, the Fermi Award:

"What has happened in the past 10 years is that the discrepancies [in climate change models] between what’s observed and what’s predicted have become much stronger.

It’s clear now the [climate change] models are wrong, but it wasn’t so clear 10 years ago… I’m 100 per cent Democrat myself, and I like Obama.

But he took the wrong side on this [climate change] issue, and the Republicans took the right side…”

- The Register, October 11, 2015

Dr. Ivar Giaever, Nobel-prize winner in Physics (1973), reported by Climate Depot, July 8, 2015:

"Global warming is a non-problem… I say this to Obama: Excuse me, Mr. President, but you’re wrong. Dead wrong.”

Green Guru James Lovelock, who once predicted imminent destruction of the planet via global warming: “The computer models just weren’t reliable. In fact, I’m not sure the whole thing isn’t crazy, this climate change.” (The Guardian, September 30, 2016)

And these are but a tiny fraction of the statements made by dissident scientists who reject manmade global warming. But regardless, never lose sight of agenda based on this “settled science.”


And at the same time, truly viable forms of energy production (e.g., water turbines, hydrogen), that could be brought online with but a fraction of previously chiseled government subsidies for oil and nuclear, are sitting on the shelf gathering dust - BECAUSE THE MODEL OF SCARCITY FOR THE PLANET IS WHAT THE GLOBALIST EMPIRE DESIRES.

Related: Carbon Dioxide “Pollutant” Myth Totally Debunked In Must-See Science Video

Until such time as that model is destroyed, Earth needs energy, all the energy it can produce.

The climate criminals, working for Globalism Central, staged their Paris “Treaty” to try to torpedo that production. Obama signed on in Paris, knowing full well he was committing a criminally unconstitutional act by disregarding the vote of the US senate, a vote that was needed to confer legitimacy to the agreement.

There is nothing binding about the Paris “Treaty.” Nothing. And today, Trump squashed it.

Might he re-enter negotiations and give away some of what he’s just taken back for America? Anything’s possible. But for now, the Paris Accord is a dead duck here in the US.

Trump is going to catch a new version of Hell for what he’s just done. But if enough Americans, and people around the world, realize the true implication of this historic day, and proclaim it, they’ll win. We’ll win. Each one of us. Don’t give up. Don’t give in.

Related Articles:

Break out the CO2 bubbly; Al Gore is crying in his beer

NASA Data Proves Trump Right to Exit Paris Climate Accord

Leonardo ‘Private Jet’ DiCaprio Bashes Trump Over Paris Climate Pullout

Losing It: Total Liberal Meltdown Over Trump’s Paris Climate AccordNullification Demonstrates Extreme Derangement Of Climate Change Cultists

As expected, fanatical climate change cultists are totally melting down in another irrational, emotionally charged frenzy over President Trump‘s correct decision to pull the United States out of the Paris climate accord scam, a genocidal attack on Mother Nature and all plant life across our planet.

The Paris climate accord is nothing but a big government scam concocted via a combination of junk science and outlandish greed on the part of globalists (such as Al Gore) who profit from climate change hysteria.

Related: Al Gore is a genocidal depopulation cultist who won’t stop until all humanity is destroyed, warns new science video

Grabien News has collected and posted the 11 most insane reactions by fanatical climate change lunatics, and it’s a list that will have you rolling on the floor with laughter. Remember, these are all the very same people who weren’t bothered in the least when Obama laundered $1+ billion in cash and delivered it on a cargo plane to the Iranian regime that will use the money to build nuclear weapons.

These are all the same media sources that said nothing when Obama’s DOJ mafia boss Eric Holder ran an international gun running operation (Operation Fast and Furious) in order to unleash mass gun violence so that Obama could call for eliminating the Second Amendment.

These are all the same sources that say nothing about toxic glyphosate herbicide, brain damaging mercury in vaccines or toxic fluoride in the public water supply. But when Trump calls “bulls##t” on the Paris climate accord, they all melt down into a quivering blob of outrage and fear.

Via Grabien News:

11. Democratic super-donor Tom Steyer - who as an investor in many green-tech companies is anything but a disinterested party - thundered that Trump is “committing a traitorous act of war against the American people.”

10. John Kerry, one of the deal’s leading negotiators, said Trump is not helping the “forgotten Americans” he pledged to elevate, but instead will give their kids asthma (perhaps as soon as this summer!).

9. The ACLU, an organization ostensibly centered around civil rights, offered the bizarre claim that leaving the Paris agreement is “a massive step back for racial justice and an assault on communities of color across the U.S.”

8. CNN’s Fareed Zakaria upped the crazy a notch higher, telling Jake Tapper “this will be the day that the United States resigned as the leader of the free world.”

7. Elon Musk, who runs three companies that all depend to some degree on the idea that carbon dioxide will destroy planet Earth, said he takes America’s removal from this largely symbolic agreement so seriously that he’s going to make up the difference and stop crisscrossing the world in a private jet. Just kidding, he said he’s resigning his symbolic post on a symbolic presidential council.

6. Barack Obama, breaking again with the tradition of erstwhile presidents refraining from attacking their successors, channeled his inner Miss Cleo, arguing he knows what the future holds, and Trump’s decision means America now “joins a handful of nations that reject the future.” (Obama’s prophesy, for those wondering, foretells a “low-carbon” world that showers wealth upon fellow believers.)

5. MSNBC’s Donny Deutsch, apparently seeking a compelling way to express his philosophical differences with Trump, said the presidentis a sociopath. Also, “very dangerous.”

Related: CLEXIT: Trump VS World Government & Crony Billionaires

4. John Kerry - yes, he appears twice in this list - also released a lengthy statement on Facebook, in which he made the utterly-lacking-in-perspective take that Trump’s decision “will rightly be remembered as one of the most shameful any president has made.” Really? Worse than FDR locking up innocent Japanese Americans? Worse than President Adams outlawing criticism of his administration, and jailing critics? Worse than JFK’s Bay of Pigs fiasco? Think before you Facebook, Mr. Kerry!

3. Serial fabricator / MSNBC anchor Brian Williams intoned that “on a sunny day in the Rose Garden,” President Trump delivered a “dark speech,” and then approvingly quoted an Obama official who likened Trump to Hugo Chavez.

2. Apparently of the opinion that Kathy Griffin pretending to behead Trump wasn’t quite distasteful enough, an editorial cartoonist for the Australian Financial Review, David Rowe, likened Trump leaving the Paris agreement to … beheading the entire planet.

1. And New York’s Daily News takes the cake. Trying to recapture the glory of its notorious “Ford to City: Drop Dead” headline from the 70s, tomorrow’s front-page will appear thusly: “TRUMP TO WORLD: DROP DEAD”

In response to the list, one user wrote:

It’s become impossible to distinguish actual left-wing responses from parodies in The Onion.

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Globalists Plot Against Trump And Infowars At Bilderberg

This year's Bilderberg meeting will focus on taking down Trump.

Globalists meet for the Bilderberg conference in Chantilly, Virginia to discuss a number of topics including the “Trump Administration” and the “war on information.”

The Bilderberg Group: An Offshoot of the Venetian Black Nobility

President Trump pulls out of the Paris climate deal during a powerful speech about the deals unfair stipulations and putting America first.

Bilderberg 2017 Agenda, Participants Revealed

Secretive globalist confab set to kick off last week.

Agenda talking points and a list of participants for the upcoming 65th annual Bilderberg globalist confab have been announced.

Related: Infowars Invades Bilderberg 2017

A press release from the official BilderbergMeetings.org website shows leaders of finance, media and politics will converge in Chantilly, Virginia at the Westfields Marriott starting this week from June 1-4.

Members who attend conferences are sworn to secrecy under Chatham House rules which they claim allows them to discuss issues freely without fear of criticism from the media or the public.

Notable among US attendees are Trump administration National Security Adviser General H.R. McMaster, Virginia Governor Terry McAuliffe, South Carolina Sen. Lindsey Graham, Arkansas Sen. Tom Cotton and tech billionaire Peter Thiel. Longtime Bilderberger Henry Kissinger, IMF head Christine Lagarde and ex-CIA Director David Petraeus are other noteworthy participants.

Chantilly was previously the site of numerous Bilderberg conferences, the latest being in 2009.


Castries, Henri de (FRA), Former Chairman and CEO, AXA; President of Institut Montaigne


Achleitner, Paul M. (DEU), Chairman of the Supervisory Board, Deutsche Bank AG

Adonis, Andrew (GBR), Chair, National Infrastructure Commission

Agius, Marcus (GBR), Chairman, PA Consulting Group

Akyol, Mustafa (TUR), Senior Visiting Fellow, Freedom Project at Wellesley College

Alstadheim, Kjetil B. (NOR), Political Editor, Dagens Næringsliv

Altman, Roger C. (USA), Founder and Senior Chairman, Evercore

Arnaut, José Luis (PRT), Managing Partner, CMS Rui Pena & Arnaut

Barroso, José M. Durão (PRT), Chairman, Goldman Sachs International

Bäte, Oliver (DEU), CEO, Allianz SE

Baumann, Werner (DEU), Chairman, Bayer AG

Baverez, Nicolas (FRA), Partner, Gibson, Dunn & Crutcher

Benko, René (AUT), Founder and Chairman of the Advisory Board, SIGNA Holding GmbH

Berner, Anne-Catherine (FIN), Minister of Transport and Communications

Botín, Ana P. (ESP), Executive Chairman, Banco Santander

Brandtzæg, Svein Richard (NOR), President and CEO, Norsk Hydro ASA

Brennan, John O. (USA), Senior Advisor, Kissinger Associates Inc.

Bsirske, Frank (DEU), Chairman, United Services Union

Buberl, Thomas (FRA), CEO, AXA

Bunn, M. Elaine (USA), Former Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense

Burns, William J. (USA), President, Carnegie Endowment for International Peace

Çakiroglu, Levent (TUR), CEO, Koç Holding A.S.

Çamlibel, Cansu (TUR), Washington DC Bureau Chief, Hürriyet Newspaper

Cebrián, Juan Luis (ESP), Executive Chairman, PRISA and El País

Clemet, Kristin (NOR), CEO, Civita

Cohen, David S. (USA), Former Deputy Director, CIA

Collison, Patrick (USA), CEO, Stripe

Cotton, Tom (USA), Senator

Cui, Tiankai (CHN), Ambassador to the US

Döpfner, Mathias (DEU), CEO, Axel Springer SE

Elkann, John (ITA), Chairman, Fiat Chrysler Automobiles

Enders, Thomas (DEU), CEO, Airbus SE

Federspiel, Ulrik (DNK), Group Executive, Haldor Topsøe Holding A/S

Ferguson, Jr., Roger W. (USA), President and CEO, TIAA

Ferguson, Niall (USA), Senior Fellow, Hoover Institution, Stanford University

Gianotti, Fabiola (ITA), Director General, CERN

Gozi, Sandro (ITA), State Secretary for European Affairs

Graham, Lindsey (USA), Senator

Greenberg, Evan G. (USA), Chairman and CEO, Chubb Group

Griffin, Kenneth (USA), Founder and CEO, Citadel Investment Group, LLC

Gruber, Lilli (ITA), Editor-in-Chief and Anchor “Otto e mezzo”, La7 TV

Guindos, Luis de (ESP), Minister of Economy, Industry and Competiveness

Haines, Avril D. (USA), Former Deputy National Security Advisor

Halberstadt, Victor (NLD), Professor of Economics, Leiden University

Hamers, Ralph (NLD), Chairman, ING Group

Hedegaard, Connie (DNK), Chair, KR Foundation

Hennis-Plasschaert, Jeanine (NLD), Minister of Defence, The Netherlands

Hobson, Mellody (USA), President, Ariel Investments LLC

Hoffman, Reid (USA), Co-Founder, LinkedIn and Partner, Greylock

Houghton, Nicholas (GBR), Former Chief of Defence

Ischinger, Wolfgang (INT), Chairman, Munich Security Conference

Jacobs, Kenneth M. (USA), Chairman and CEO, Lazard

Johnson, James A. (USA), Chairman, Johnson Capital Partners

Jordan, Jr., Vernon E. (USA), Senior Managing Director, Lazard Frères & Co. LLC

Karp, Alex (USA), CEO, Palantir Technologies

Kengeter, Carsten (DEU), CEO, Deutsche Börse AG

Kissinger, Henry A. (USA), Chairman, Kissinger Associates Inc.

Klatten, Susanne (DEU), Managing Director, SKion GmbH

Kleinfeld, Klaus (USA), Former Chairman and CEO, Arconic

Knot, Klaas H.W. (NLD), President, De Nederlandsche Bank

Koç, Ömer M. (TUR), Chairman, Koç Holding A.S.

Kotkin, Stephen (USA), Professor in History and International Affairs, Princeton University

Kravis, Henry R. (USA), Co-Chairman and Co-CEO, KKR

Kravis, Marie-Josée (USA), Senior Fellow, Hudson Institute

Kudelski, André (CHE), Chairman and CEO, Kudelski Group

Lagarde, Christine (INT), Managing Director, International Monetary Fund

Lenglet, François (FRA), Chief Economics Commentator, France 2

Leysen, Thomas (BEL), Chairman, KBC Group

Liddell, Christopher (USA), Assistant to the President and Director of Strategic Initiatives

Lööf, Annie (SWE), Party Leader, Centre Party

Mathews, Jessica T. (USA), Distinguished Fellow, Carnegie Endowment for International Peace

McAuliffe, Terence (USA), Governor of Virginia

McKay, David I. (CAN), President and CEO, Royal Bank of Canada

McMaster, H.R. (USA), National Security Advisor

Mexia, António Luís Guerra Nunes (PRT), President, Eurelectric and CEO, EDP Energias de Portugal

Micklethwait, John (INT), Editor-in-Chief, Bloomberg LP

Minton Beddoes, Zanny (INT), Editor-in-Chief, The Economist

Molinari, Maurizio (ITA), Editor-in-Chief, La Stampa

Monaco, Lisa (USA), Former Homeland Security Officer

Morneau, Bill (CAN), Minister of Finance

Mundie, Craig J. (USA), President, Mundie & Associates

Murtagh, Gene M. (IRL), CEO, Kingspan Group plc

Netherlands, H.M. the King of the (NLD)

Noonan, Peggy (USA), Author and Columnist, The Wall Street Journal

O’Leary, Michael (IRL), CEO, Ryanair D.A.C.

Osborne, George (GBR), Editor, London Evening Standard

Papahelas, Alexis (GRC), Executive Editor, Kathimerini Newspaper

Papalexopoulos, Dimitri (GRC), CEO, Titan Cement Co.

Petraeus, David H. (USA), Chairman, KKR Global Institute

Pind, Søren (DNK), Minister for Higher Education and Science

Puga, Benoît (FRA), Grand Chancellor of the Legion of Honor and Chancellor of the National Order of Merit

Rachman, Gideon (GBR), Chief Foreign Affairs Commentator, The Financial Times

Reisman, Heather M. (CAN), Chair and CEO, Indigo Books & Music Inc.

Rivera Díaz, Albert (ESP), President, Ciudadanos Party

Rosén, Johanna (SWE), Professor in Materials Physics, Linköping University

Ross, Wilbur L. (USA), Secretary of Commerce

Rubenstein, David M. (USA), Co-Founder and Co-CEO, The Carlyle Group

Rubin, Robert E. (USA), Co-Chair, Council on Foreign Relations and Former Treasury Secretary

Ruoff, Susanne (CHE), CEO, Swiss Post

Rutten, Gwendolyn (BEL), Chair, Open VLD

Sabia, Michael (CAN), CEO, Caisse de dépôt et placement du Québec

Sawers, John (GBR), Chairman and Partner, Macro Advisory Partners

Schadlow, Nadia (USA), Deputy Assistant to the President, National Security Council

Schmidt, Eric E. (USA), Executive Chairman, Alphabet Inc.

Schneider-Ammann, Johann N. (CHE), Federal Councillor, Swiss Confederation

Scholten, Rudolf (AUT), President, Bruno Kreisky Forum for International Dialogue

Severgnini, Beppe (ITA), Editor-in-Chief, 7-Corriere della Sera

Sikorski, Radoslaw (POL), Senior Fellow, Harvard University

Slat, Boyan (NLD), CEO and Founder, The Ocean Cleanup

Spahn, Jens (DEU), Parliamentary State Secretary and Federal Ministry of Finance

Stephenson, Randall L. (USA), Chairman and CEO, AT&T

Stern, Andrew (USA), President Emeritus, SEIU and Senior Fellow, Economic Security Project

Stoltenberg, Jens (INT), Secretary General, NATO

Summers, Lawrence H. (USA), Charles W. Eliot University Professor, Harvard University

Tertrais, Bruno (FRA), Deputy Director, Fondation pour la recherche stratégique

Thiel, Peter (USA), President, Thiel Capital

Topsøe, Jakob Haldor (DNK), Chairman, Haldor Topsøe Holding A/S

Ülgen, Sinan (TUR), Founding and Partner, Istanbul Economics

Vance, J.D. (USA), Author and Partner, Mithril

Wahlroos, Björn (FIN), Chairman, Sampo Group, Nordea Bank, UPM-Kymmene Corporation

Wallenberg, Marcus (SWE), Chairman, Skandinaviska Enskilda Banken AB

Walter, Amy (USA), Editor, The Cook Political Report

Weston, Galen G. (CAN), CEO and Executive Chairman, Loblaw Companies Ltd and George Weston Companies

White, Sharon (GBR), Chief Executive, Ofcom

Wieseltier, Leon (USA), Isaiah Berlin Senior Fellow in Culture and Policy, The Brookings Institution

Wolf, Martin H. (INT), Chief Economics Commentator, Financial Times

Wolfensohn, James D. (USA), Chairman and CEO, Wolfensohn & Company

Wunsch, Pierre (BEL), Vice-Governor, National Bank of Belgium

Zeiler, Gerhard (AUT), President, Turner International

Zients, Jeffrey D. (USA), Former Director, National Economic Council

Zoellick, Robert B. (USA), Non-Executive Chairman, AllianceBernstein L.P.


Talking points to be discussed at the meeting include “The Trump administration,” “Can globalization be slowed down?” and “nuclear proliferation.”

More from the BilderbergMeetings.org website:

The 65th Bilderberg Meeting to take place from 1 – 4 June 2017 in Chantilly, Virginia, USA.


The 65th Bilderberg Meeting will take place from 1-4 June 2017 in Chantilly, Virginia, USA. As of today, 131 participants from 21 countries have confirmed their attendance. As ever, a diverse group of political leaders and experts from industry, finance, academia and the media has been invited. The list of participants is available here.

The key topics for discussion this year include:

  1. The Trump Administration: A progress report
  2. Trans-Atlantic relations: options and scenarios
  3. The Trans-Atlantic defence alliance: bullets, bytes and bucks
  4. The direction of the EU
  5. Can globalisation be slowed down?
  6. Jobs, income and unrealised expectations
  7. The war on information
  8. Why is populism growing?
  9. Russia in the international order
  10. The Near East
  11. Nuclear proliferation
  12. China
  13. Current events

Founded in 1954, the Bilderberg Meeting is an annual conference designed to foster dialogue between Europe and North America. Every year, between 120-140 political leaders and experts from industry, finance, academia and the media are invited to take part in the conference. About two thirds of the participants come from Europe and the rest from North America; approximately a quarter from politics and government and the rest from other fields.

The conference is a forum for informal discussions about major issues facing the world. The meetings are held under the Chatham House Rule, which states that participants are free to use the information received, but neither the identity nor the affiliation of the speaker(s) nor any other participant may be revealed.

Thanks to the private nature of the meeting, the participants are not bound by the conventions of their office or by pre-agreed positions. As such, they can take time to listen, reflect and gather insights. There is no desired outcome, no minutes are taken and no report is written. Furthermore, no resolutions are proposed, no votes are taken, and no policy statements are issued.

Stay tuned to Infowars for up to the minute coverage of the 2017 Bilderberg meeting.

Related Articles:

The Round Table: The Hub Of The CFR, Trilateral Commission, RIIA, Club Of Rome, Bilderberg Group And The UN

The True Story Of The Bilderberg Group

Bilderberg Elite Hide Behind Walls While Pushing Open Borders

Globalists Plot Against Trump And Infowars At Bilderberg

Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi

Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi

The Collapse Of France
June 4 2017 | From: PaulCraigRoberts / Various

The brainwashed and insouciant French electorate has voted to abolish the French nation. In five years France will exist only as a geographical location, a province in “Europe,” itself a province in global capitalism.

The French had a last chance to save their nation, but they could not do it because the French have been convinced that to be French is to be fascist and racist.

Related: France’s New President: A Trojan Horse For Washington

Therefore, the French electorate defeated Marine Le Pen, the leader of the only political party that stands for France.

After five years under Macron, nothing will be left of France. Macron, the choice of Washington and the international bankers, represents, in the words of Diana Johnstone:

“The trans-Atlantic elite totally committed to ‘globalization,’ using whatever is left of the power of national governments to weaken them still further, turning over decision-making to ‘the markets’ - that is, to international capital managed by the major banks and financial institutions, notably those located in the United States, such as Goldman-Sachs.”

Read Johnstone’s assessment here:

All Power to the Banks! The Winners-Take-All Regime of Emmanuel Macron

Macron defines himself as a “diversityite,” declaring that “there is no such thing as French culture.” Macron’s Minister of Armies and Defense declares that she “does not feel French.”

Macron follows the Russophobic line of the American neoconservatives, and rode to his inauguration in a military vehicle.

It is unclear why Putin went to France to meet today with Macron, who is totally in Washington’s pocket. Perhaps the Russian government believes that the terror attacks in France are real and hopes to finally convince one Western government to join Russia in “the war against terrorists.”

Or perhaps Putin wanted to see if Macron has any awareness of the conflict with Russia toward which Washington is pushing Europe.

Related: Vive le Roi! Royalists and Catholics March Across Paris as ‘Globalist Bankster’ Macron Takes Office

Perhaps Macron’s invitation to Putin was Washington’s suggestion, the purpose of which is to keep Putin ever hopeful of Western cooperation while Washington finalizes its attack plan.

Only two countries stand in the way of Washington’s world hegemony: Russia and China. Of the two obstacles, Russia is perceived as the largest constraint on US unilateralism. Europe is dependent on Russian energy, and Russia’s nuclear weapons systems are highly advanced.

The fact that Russia’s national sovereignty depends so much on Putin’s leadership makes Russia the most vulnerable to Washington’s intrigue. Putin can be removed by assassination. But China’s leadership cannot, because it is collective.

There is democracy within the ruling Chinese political party. Washington’s focus on China is to discredit the ruling party by using US financed organizations within China for this purpose.

Washington is driving the world into a major conflict. The Russian and Chinese governments must know by now that they are targeted. As their hopes for diplomacy continue to be rebuffed by Washington and Europe, they will reach the conclusion that their only choice is surrender or war.

Comment: It's important to note that Mr. Roberts is not aware of the existence of the Allicance that is working to take down the cabal.

Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi

Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi

Snowden Smashes The Police State In The Most Epic Rant Ever, ‘Terrorists Don’t Take Our Rights, Government Does’
June 3 2017 | From: TheFreeThoughtProject / Various

“Terrorists don’t hate us for our freedom,” the former NSA contractor asserted, “they don’t even know what our freedoms are... Terrorists are incapable of destroying our rights or diminishing our society they lack the strength - only we can do that.” - Edward Snowden

Whistleblower Edward Snowden does not mince words, and his ardent assessment of our perpetually-dwindling rights in the United States and around the world - offered live in a teleconference Tuesday - certainly didn’t break that mold.

Related: Syrians describe horror that CIA-created terrorists brought them

“Government will not act in accordance with the public interest unless it is made to,” Snowden contended, beginning what would arguably be one of the most powerful public appearances since he blew the whistle and the U.S.’ Intelligence Community’s expansive surveillance programs in 2013.

“You may never be safe in any country - whether it’s Brussels, or Russia, or Portugal, or the United States - to speak a necessary, but inconvenient, truth,” he continued, addressing the erosion of free speech, and a lack of justice for those who exercise that right.

Terrorism won’t be combated by governments - nor by invasive surveillance. Rather, Snowden argues, such programs have proven more harmful, overall. For instance:

““the United Kingdom passed the … most extreme surveillance law in the history of the Western World last year - it’s called the Investigatory Powers Bill. It authorizes objectively obscene intrusions into the public’s ability to communicate, to interact, to relate to one another, to engage in industry, to trade - without interference - so long as they’re not doing anything wrong."

“This is justified, of course, as a means of combating terrorism.”

Snowden stressed that nation-states invariably target the most extreme speech in platforms such as social media - posts by literal terrorists, child abuse, and other “things that are unobjectively contentious” - but the purview of governmental censorship and surveillance extends far beyond such broadly objectionable items.

However, “there is no public evidence showing that these policies are effective; that they save lives; that they make us safer.

But there is clear evidence that they cause harm to the public. We have seen people fall on blacklists.

We have seen, again and again throughout history, political parties be hamstrung, to face resistance, to be silenced by governments - because of their politics, because of their beliefs, because of their ideologies - which, over time, are always derived from what state security agencies say is a necessary effort to protect the nation.

“I’m not going to so far to say this is sort of an evil plan on behalf of the United Kingdom or any other nation, but we need to focus on one thing, the need for speech, access to free speech, free association, a free press, the ability to pick up a phone and be able to dial someone that you love without worrying about what that looks like in government database somewhere - how that will be reviewed ten years from now, when you get on a politician’s bad side."

This is the foundation of any free society.”

Related: Facebook Won’t Say If It Will Use Your Brain Activity for Advertisements

He added, echoing statements made in previous public appearances;

“Arguing that you don’t care about free speech, because you have nothing to hide; arguing that you don’t care about the censorship of the Internet, because you’re not a criminal … is like arguing you don’t care about freedom of speech, because you have nothing to say.”

Delving into the crucial topic of how we, as a people, can work to thwart abusive overreach by governments - including imperious censorship by a State surreptitiously working to quash dissension, Snowden asserted,

“We need the right of disagreeing. We need the right of dissent. And that means, ladies and gentlemen, we need the right to speak out - even if it’s objectionable. Even if it’s offensive. Even if it’s problematic.

“The way to defeat bad ideas, the way to discredit terrorist ideas, is not by driving them into the shadows. It’s not by censoring them from public spaces.”

Prohibiting such cadres of dangerous thought from seeing the light of day, in effect, creates an echo chamber, hidden from criticism, thus, amplifying perilous ideas - without challenge.

Related: Privacy Is an Illusion: Watch Before Taking a DNA Test

Censorship and suppression isn’t necessary, Snowden continued, because “these ideas are not attractive; these ideas grow best in the dark.

“If you want to defeat terrorism, if you want to cast down radicalism, don’t hide it in the dark - drag it out into the light. And on the stage of the world, show people why it’s wrong. And why we can do better.”

“Terrorists don’t hate us for our freedom,” the former NSA contractor asserted, “they don’t even know what our freedoms are… Terrorists are incapable of destroying our rights or diminishing our society they lack the strength - only we can do that.”

Lambasted as a traitor to the United States by some and hailed as a hero defender of human rights and constitutional protections by others, Snowden dismissed this dichotomous criticism as entirely moot, stating,

“I say, it doesn’t matter what you think of me as a person. It doesn’t matter if you think I’m the best person in the world, it doesn’t matter if you think I’m the worst person in the world - the facts are the facts, regardless. They are discoverable.

And - more import than what people think about me or my reputation - is what you think about what’s going on in the world. What you’re going to do about it.
Do you have the capability to influence power, to change the world in a positive direction.”

Related: Hackers Use Subtitle Files to Take Over PCs

Changing the world for the better, Snowden told the predominantly German audience attending the Estoril teleconference, begins and ends with all of us - and the imperative of vigilance against encroachment by government on all our rights.

“Rights are lost by cowardly laws that are passed in moments of panic,” he said. “Rights are lost to the cringing complicity of leaders who fear the loss of their office more than the loss of our liberties.”

“It’s not enough to believe that something’s wrong,” Snowden attested. “It’s not enough to disagree with it. It’s not enough to think that things could be better.

“You have to stand for something. You have to go out there and risk something. You have to dare yourself to actually get out there and change the world - even if in a small way, even if only for one person, even if for only one instant, you lay down a brick upon which everyone else can build.”

“That, ladies and gentlemen,” Snowden concluded, “is the only way the world has ever gotten better.”

Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi

Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi

Getting Assange: The Untold Story
June 3 2017 | From: Sott

Julian Assange has been vindicated because the Swedish case against him was corrupt. The prosecutor, Marianne Ny, obstructed justice and should be prosecuted.

Her obsession with Assange not only embarrassed her colleagues and the judiciary but exposed the Swedish state's collusion with the United States in its crimes of war and "rendition".

Related: Sweden Withdraws Arrest Warrant For Julian Assange, But…

Had Assange not sought refuge in the Ecuadorean embassy in London, he would have been on his way to the kind of American torture pit Chelsea Manning had to endure.

This prospect was obscured by the grim farce played out in Sweden.

“It's a laughing stock," said James Catlin, one of Assange's Australian lawyers. "It is as if they make it up as they go along".

It may have seemed that way, but there was always serious purpose. In 2008, a secret Pentagon document prepared by the "Cyber Counterintelligence Assessments Branch" foretold a detailed plan to discredit WikiLeaks and smear Assange personally.

The "mission" was to destroy the "trust" that was WikiLeaks' "centre of gravity". This would be achieved with threats of "exposure [and] criminal prosecution". Silencing and criminalizing such an unpredictable source of truth-telling was the aim.

Related: Julian Assange – “Everything That He Has Said, He’s Standing By.” + Assange Lawyer Says Conditions Of Extradition Pledge Not Met

Perhaps this was understandable. WikiLeaks has exposed the way America dominates much of human affairs, including its epic crimes, especially in Afghanistan and Iraq: the wholesale, often homicidal killing of civilians and the contempt for sovereignty and international law.

These disclosures are protected by the First Amendment of the US Constitution. As a presidential candidate in 2008, Barack Obama, a professor of constitutional law, lauded whistle blowers as "part of a healthy democracy [and they] must be protected from reprisal".

In 2012, the Obama campaign boasted on its website that Obama had prosecuted more whistle blowers in his first term than all other US presidents combined. Before Chelsea Manning had even received a trial, Obama had publicly pronounced her guilty.

Few serious observers doubt that should the US get their hands on Assange, a similar fate awaits him. According to documents released by Edward Snowden, he is on a "Manhunt target list".

Related: Why Neoliberals are frightened of Duterte defeating ISIS

Threats of his kidnapping and assassination became almost political and media currency in the US following then Vice-President Joe Biden's preposterous slur that the WikiLeaks founder was a "cyber-terrorist".

Hillary Clinton, the destroyer of Libya and, as WikiLeaks revealed last year, the secret supporter and personal beneficiary of forces underwriting ISIS, proposed her own expedient solution: "Can't we just drone this guy?"

According to Australian diplomatic cables, Washington's bid to get Assange is "unprecedented in scale and nature". In Alexandria, Virginia, a secret grand jury has sought for almost seven years to contrive a crime for which Assange can be prosecuted. This is not easy.

The First Amendment protects publishers, journalists and whistle blowers, whether it is the editor of the New York Times or the editor of WikiLeaks. The very notion of free speech is described as America's "founding virtue" or, as Thomas Jefferson called it, "our currency".

Related: Time to assassinate Syrian President Assad & get to his allies in Iran – Israeli minister

Faced with this hurdle, the US Justice Department has contrived charges of "espionage", "conspiracy to commit espionage", "conversion" (theft of government property), "computer fraud and abuse" (computer hacking) and general "conspiracy". The favoured Espionage Act, which was meant to deter pacifists and conscientious objectors during World War One, has provisions for life imprisonment and the death penalty.

Assange's ability to defend himself in such a Kafkaesque world has been severely limited by the US declaring his case a state secret. In 2015, a federal court in Washington blocked the release of all information about the "national security" investigation against WikiLeaks, because it was "active and ongoing" and would harm the "pending prosecution" of Assange.

The judge, Barbara J. Rothstein, said it was necessary to show "appropriate deference to the executive in matters of national security". This is a kangaroo court.

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For Assange, his trial has been trial by media. On August 20, 2010, when the Swedish police opened a "rape investigation", they coordinated it, unlawfully, with the Stockholm tabloids. The front pages said Assange had been accused of the "rape of two women". The word "rape" can have a very different legal meaning in Sweden than in Britain; a pernicious false reality became the news that went round the world.

Less than 24 hours later, the Stockholm Chief Prosecutor, Eva Finne, took over the investigation. She wasted no time in cancelling the arrest warrant, saying:

I don't believe there is any reason to suspect that he has committed rape." Four days later, she dismissed the rape investigation altogether, saying, "There is no suspicion of any crime whatsoever."

Enter Claes Borgstrom, a highly contentious figure in the Social Democratic Party then standing as a candidate in Sweden's imminent general election. Within days of the chief prosecutor's dismissal of the case, Borgstrom, a lawyer, announced to the media that he was representing the two women and had sought a different prosecutor in Gothenberg. This was Marianne Ny, whom Borgstrom knew well, personally and politically.

On 30 August, Assange attended a police station in Stockholm voluntarily and answered the questions put to him. He understood that was the end of the matter. Two days later, Ny announced she was re-opening the case.

At a press conference, Borgstrom was asked by a Swedish reporter why the case was proceeding when it had already been dismissed. The reporter cited one of the women as saying she had not been raped. He replied, "Ah, but she is not a lawyer."

On the day that Marianne Ny reactivated the case, the head of Sweden's military intelligence service - which has the acronym MUST - publicly denounced WikiLeaks in an article entitled "WikiLeaks [is] a threat to our soldiers [under US command in Afghanistan]".

Related: You only hate Assad because your TV told you to

Both the Swedish prime minister and foreign minister attacked Assange, who had been charged with no crime. Assange was warned that the Swedish intelligence service, SAPO, had been told by its US counterparts that US-Sweden intelligence-sharing arrangements would be "cut off" if Sweden sheltered him.

For five weeks, Assange waited in Sweden for the renewed "rape investigation" to take its course. The Guardian was then on the brink of publishing the Iraq "War Logs", based on WikiLeaks' disclosures, which Assange was to oversee in London.

Finally, he was allowed him to leave. As soon as he had left, Marianne Ny issued a European Arrest Warrant and an Interpol "red alert" normally used for terrorists and dangerous criminals.

Assange attended a police station in London, was duly arrested and spent ten days in Wandsworth Prison, in solitary confinement. Released on £340,000 bail, he was electronically tagged, required to report to police daily and placed under virtual house arrest while his case began its long journey to the Supreme Court.

He still had not been charged with any offence. His lawyers repeated his offer to be questioned in London, by video or personally, pointing out that Marianne Ny had given him permission to leave Sweden. They suggested a special facility at Scotland Yard commonly used by the Swedish and other European authorities for that purpose. She refused.

For almost seven years, while Sweden has questioned forty-four people in the UK in connection with police investigations, Ny refused to question Assange and so advance her case.

Related: Amnesty International: US Gave ISIS $1 Billion Worth of Arms in 2016

Writing in the Swedish press, a former Swedish prosecutor, Rolf Hillegren, accused Ny of losing all impartiality. He described her personal investment in the case as "abnormal" and demanded she be replaced.

Assange asked the Swedish authorities for a guarantee that he would not be "rendered" to the US if he was extradited to Sweden. This was refused. In December 2010, The Independent revealed that the two governments had discussed his onward extradition to the US.

Contrary to its reputation as a bastion of liberal enlightenment, Sweden has drawn so close to Washington that it has allowed secret CIA "renditions" - including the illegal deportation of refugees.

The rendition and subsequent torture of two Egyptian political refugees in 2001 was condemned by the UN Committee against Torture, Amnesty International and Human Rights Watch; the complicity and duplicity of the Swedish state are documented in successful civil litigation and in WikiLeaks cables.

Documents released by WikiLeaks since Assange moved to England," wrote Al Burke, editor of the online Nordic News Network, an authority on the multiple twists and dangers that faced Assange, "clearly indicate that Sweden has consistently submitted to pressure from the United States in matters relating to civil rights.

There is every reason for concern that if Assange were to be taken into custody by Swedish authorities, he could be turned over to the United States without due consideration of his legal rights

The war on Assange now intensified. Marianne Ny refused to allow his Swedish lawyers, and the Swedish courts, access to hundreds of SMS messages that the police had extracted from the phone of one of the two women involved in the "rape" allegations.

Ny said she was not legally required to reveal this critical evidence until a formal charge was laid and she had questioned him. Then, why wouldn't she question him? Catch-22.

When she announced last week that she was dropping the Assange case, she made no mention of the evidence that would destroy it.

One of the SMS messages makes clear that one of the women did not want any charges brought against Assange
, "but the police were keen on getting a hold on him".

She was "shocked" when they arrested him because she only "wanted him to take [an HIV] test". She "did not want to accuse JA of anything" and "it was the police who made up the charges". In a witness statement, she is quoted as saying that she had been "railroaded by police and others around her".

Related: Julian Assange releases testimony, SMS records showing he was framed by Swedish police in alleged "rape" case

Neither woman claimed she had been raped. Indeed, both denied they were raped and one of them has since tweeted, "I have not been raped." The women were manipulated by police - whatever their lawyers might say now. Certainly, they, too, are the victims of this sinister saga.

Katrin Axelsson and Lisa Longstaff of Women Against Rape wrote:

The allegations against [Assange] are a smokescreen behind which a number of governments are trying to clamp down on WikiLeaks for having audaciously revealed to the public their secret planning of wars and occupations with their attendant rape, murder and destruction...

The authorities care so little about violence against women that they manipulate rape allegations at will. [Assange] has made it clear he is available for questioning by the Swedish authorities, in Britain or via Skype. Why are they refusing this essential step in their investigation? What are they afraid of?

Assange's choice was stark: extradition to a country that had refused to say whether or not it would send him on to the US, or to seek what seemed his last opportunity for refuge and safety.

Supported by most of Latin America, the government of tiny Ecuador granted him refugee status on the basis of documented evidence that he faced the prospect of cruel and unusual punishment in the US; that this threat violated his basic human rights; and that his own government in Australia had abandoned him and colluded with Washington.

The Labor government of the then prime minister, Julia Gillard, had even threatened to take away his Australian passport - until it was pointed out to her that this would be unlawful.

The renowned human rights lawyer, Gareth Peirce, who represents Assange in London, wrote to the then Australian foreign minister, Kevin Rudd:

“Given the extent of the public discussion, frequently on the basis of entirely false assumptions... it is very hard to attempt to preserve for him any presumption of innocence.

Mr. Assange has now hanging over him not one but two Damocles swords, of potential extradition to two different jurisdictions in turn for two different alleged crimes, neither of which are crimes in his own country, and that his personal safety has become at risk in circumstances that are highly politically charged."

Related: Yet another video surfaces showing Western backed White Helmets assisting public executions in 'rebel-held' Syria

It was not until she contacted the Australian High Commission in London that Peirce received a response, which answered none of the pressing points she raised. In a meeting I attended with her, the Australian Consul-General, Ken Pascoe, made the astonishing claim that he knew "only what I read in the newspapers" about the details of the case.

In 2011, in Sydney, I spent several hours with a conservative Member of Australia's Federal Parliament, Malcolm Turnbull. We discussed the threats to Assange and their wider implications for freedom of speech and justice, and why Australia was obliged to stand by him. Turnbull then had a reputation as a free speech advocate. He is now the Prime Minister of Australia.

I gave him Gareth Peirce's letter about the threat to Assange's rights and life. He said the situation was clearly appalling and promised to take it up with the Gillard government. Only his silence followed.

For almost seven years, this epic miscarriage of justice has been drowned in a vituperative campaign against the WikiLeaks founder. There are few precedents. Deeply personal, petty, vicious and inhuman attacks have been aimed at a man not charged with any crime yet subjected to treatment not even meted out to a defendant facing extradition on a charge of murdering his wife.

That the US threat to Assange was a threat to all journalists, and to the principle of free speech, was lost in the sordid and the ambitious.
I would call it anti-journalism.

Related: How Facebook's tentacles reach further than you think

Books were published, movie deals struck and media careers launched or kick-started on the back of WikiLeaks and an assumption that attacking Assange was fair game and he was too poor to sue. People have made money, often big money, while WikiLeaks has struggled to survive.

The previous editor of the Guardian, Alan Rusbridger, called the WikiLeaks disclosures, which his newspaper published, "one of the greatest journalistic scoops of the last 30 years". Yet no attempt was made to protect the Guardian's provider and source. Instead, the "scoop" became part of a marketing plan to raise the newspaper's cover price.

With not a penny going to Assange or to WikiLeaks, a hyped Guardian book led to a lucrative Hollywood movie. The book's authors, Luke Harding and David Leigh, gratuitously described Assange as a "damaged personality" and "callous".

They also revealed the secret password he had given the paper in confidence, which was designed to protect a digital file containing the US embassy cables. With Assange now trapped in the Ecuadorean embassy, Harding, standing among the police outside, gloated on his blog that "Scotland Yard may get the last laugh".

Comment: Luke Harding is very probably an agent of the British security services. He is particularly bent on lying about Putin, but no target assigned to him escapes his vile tradecraft.

Luke Harding: British Oxford anti-journalist

Journalism students might well study this period to understand the most ubiquitous source of "fake news" - as from within a media self-ordained with a false respectability and as an extension of the authority and power it courts and protects.

The presumption of innocence was not a consideration in Kirsty Wark's memorable live-on-air interrogation in 2010.

Why don't you just apologise to the women?" she demanded of Assange, followed by: "Do we have your word of honour that you won't abscond?"

On the BBC's Today programme, John Humphrys bellowed:

“Are you a sexual predator?"

Assange replied that the suggestion was ridiculous, to which Humphrys demanded to know how many women he had slept with.

Would even Fox News have descended to that level?"wondered the American historian William Blum. "I wish Assange had been raised in the streets of Brooklyn, as I was. He then would have known precisely how to reply to such a question: 'You mean including your mother?'"

Last week, on BBC World News, on the day Sweden announced it was dropping the case, I was interviewed by Greta Guru-Murthy, who seemed to have little knowledge of the Assange case.

Related: Crimes of Britain: A deadly history of collusion with terrorists

She persisted in referring to the "charges" against him. She accused him of putting Trump in the White House; and she drew my attention to the "fact" that "leaders around the world" had condemned him. Among these "leaders" she included Trump's CIA director. I asked her, "Are you a journalist?"

The injustice meted out to Assange is one of the reasons Parliament reformed the Extradition Act in 2014.

His case has been won lock, stock and barrel," Gareth Peirce told me, "these changes in the law mean that the UK now recognises as correct everything that was argued in his case. Yet he does not benefit."

In other words, he would have won his case in the British courts and would not have been forced to take refuge.

Ecuador's decision to protect Assange in 2012 was immensely brave. Even though the granting of asylum is a humanitarian act, and the power to do so is enjoyed by all states under international law, both Sweden and the United Kingdom refused to recognise the legitimacy of Ecuador's decision.

Related: Zbigniew Brzezinski, National Security Adviser to Jimmy Carter, Dies at 89 - Or maybe the heat became too much and he went into hiding with David Rockefeller...

Ecuador's embassy in London was placed under police siege and its government abused. When William Hague's Foreign Office threatened to violate the Vienna Convention on Diplomatic Relations, warning that it would remove the diplomatic inviolability of the embassy and send the police in to get Assange, outrage across the world forced the government to back down.

During one night, police appeared at the windows of the embassy in an obvious attempt to intimidate Assange and his protectors.

Since then, Assange has been confined to a small room without sunlight. He has been ill from time to time and refused safe passage to the diagnostic facilities of hospital. Yet, his resilience and dark humour remain quite remarkable in the circumstances. When asked how he put up with the confinement, he replied, "Sure beats a supermax."

It is not over, but it is unravelling. The United Nations Working Group on Arbitrary Detention - the tribunal that adjudicates and decides whether governments comply with their human rights obligations - last year ruled that Assange had been detained unlawfully by Britain and Sweden. This is international law at its apex.

Related: Saudi Arabia: A rogue state with never ending history of human rights violations

Both Britain and Sweden participated in the 16-month long UN investigation and submitted evidence and defended their position before the tribunal.

In previous cases ruled upon by the Working Group - Aung Sang Suu Kyi in Burma, imprisoned opposition leader Anwar Ibrahim in Malaysia, detained Washington Post journalist Jason Rezaian in Iran - both Britain and Sweden gave full support to the tribunal. The difference now is that Assange's persecution endures in the heart of London.

Comment: In other words: "It's only international law when we bloody well say it is."

The Metropolitan Police say they still intend to arrest Assange for bail infringement should he leave the embassy. What then? A few months in prison while the US delivers its extradition request to the British courts?

If the British Government allows this to happen it will, in the eyes of the world, be shamed comprehensively and historically as an accessory to the crime of a war waged by rampant power against justice and freedom, and all of us.

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Ariana Grande And The Illuminati Beta Kittens Of Pop Culture & Weird Ways Of The Elite Documentary
June 2 2017 | From: WakingTimes / Various

Terrorism is part of the new zeitgeist, and it serves a litany of political and social objectives for government, as does occult symbolism which is introduced to our culture by Hollywood and the beta kittens of the Illuminati-controlled music industry.

Symbolism and Sacrifice: In the case of the recent Manchester attack, the intriguing matter of Illuminati sybolism is overtly present, given the fact that the attack took place at an Ariana Grande concert, a performance artist who is unquestionably part of the Hollywood/Illuminati cult of mind control and social engineering.

Related: Why Won’t Ariana Grande Denounce Radical Islam?

This is the segment of pop culture which includes the network of over-sexualized young celebrity women trained to perform self-demeaning and occultish acts for enormous audiences.

These are the ‘artists’ who receive the most support from the music industry, the greatest production budgets, the most airplay, the most press and the most gossip. These are the artists who are often seen adorned in Illuminati symbolism and often photographed with one eye covered in homage to the ubiquitous image of the all-seeing eye at the top of the pyramid.

Related: Monarch Mind Control & The MK-Ultra Program

The term ‘beta kitten’ refers to the ‘kitten programming’ applied to young females who’ve been selected to serve as mind controlled slaves by members of the occult elite, as outlined in MK Ultra and Project Monarch. Their role in pop culture today is to normalize occult symbolism and teach subservience to darkness. Watch this Lil’ Wayne video to see what a Beta Kitten is all about.

Grande was in Manchester for the UK performance of her ‘Dangerous Woman’ tour when an alleged suicide bomber blew himself up in a crowd of young Grande fans as they exited the show, killing 22 people on May 22nd. Grande herself was not harmed.

She is very much a part of the entertainment industry’s arsenal of cultural programming weapons. While she may very well be talented and beautiful, her career is the product of her handlers.

In 2014, it received a boost from the major players in the music industry, at which time she began being photographed with one eye covered.

And a few more examples:

The one eye photo is a very common sign of allegiance to the powers for whom these pop stars work for.

Several of Grande’s music videos also demonstrate her connection and service to the Illuminati and to their predictive programming and occult symbolism. In her popular video, ‘One Last Time,’ an apocalyptic scene unfolds as the entire planet is bombed with giant meteors.

Related: Symbolic Pics of the Month 05/17

In Grande’s video, ‘Let Me Love You,’ Ariana gives herself up to Lil’ Wayne, who is a top male performer for the Illuminati. Watch for yourself:

Ariana Grande - Let Me Love You (Official) ft. Lil Wayne

There are other numerous Beta Kittens in pop culture today, including Miley Cyrus…

Lady Gaga…

Katy Perry…

Related: What is Happening to Katy Perry?

Taylor Swift…


The list goes on and on…

Related: Katy Perry’s “Bon Appétit” is a Nod to Occult Elite Rituals

Final Thoughts

The symbolic imagery of the Illuminati is everywhere in today’s culture. Targeted especially at the youth, it traumatizes and numbs their psyches with the symbols of domination, slavery, fear, and death.

Having become so desensitized to these symbols for so many years, however, their intensity must be increased in order for them to keep having shock value, and now actual terrorism is connected, becoming a form of ritual sacrifice under the banner of occult symbols.

Actress Roseanne Barr explains the MK Ultra mind control program, which rules Hollywood:

Weird Ways Of The Elite Documentary

A disturbing look into the demented lives of the hidden elite. The Illuminati bloodlines, child sacrifices, blood-drinking and more! See the sick art they collect, their horrific pastimes, and learn the shocking lengths they will go to extend their lives.

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Russia Hoax Fail: Clapper Says Again ‘No Smoking Gun’ Evidence Of Trump Collusion With Russia & The Case Against The Media
June 1 2017 | From: TheGatewayPundit / Uncensored / Various

Former DNI James Clapper said AGAIN in an interview with NBC’s Chuck Todd on Sunday that he saw no “smoking gun” evidence of collusion between the Trump camp and Russian state actors.

Clapper: “I have to say, you know, at the time I left, I did not see any smoking gun certitude evidence of collusion, but it certainly was appropriate for given all the signs…certainly appropriate and necessary for the FBI to investigate.”

Related: FBI Calls Emergency Meeting With Trump Sons Over Attempted Hack of Trump Organization

James Clapper said he shared the same concerns with former CIA Director, John Brennan, claiming his ‘dashboard warning light was clearly on’:

“I will tell you that my dashboard warning light was clearly on, and I think that was the case with all of us in the intelligence community, very concerned with the nature of these approaches to the Russians.”

“If you put that in context with everything else we knew the Russians were doing to interfere with the election, and just the historical practices of the Russians, who typically are almost genetically driven to co-opt, penetrate, gain favor, whatever, which is a typical Russian technique, so we were concerned.”

Red Alert: Elites Trying to Censor President Trump

White House officials want to police President Trump's tweets, which will no doubt isolate Trump from his power base: the people who voted him into office. Kit Daniels reporting.

This interview with James Clapper dovetails on his May 14 interview where he also said that there was no Russian collusion.

Former CIA Director, John Brennan also said in a recent testimony that there was no collusion and that the Russians have tried to interfere with the US dating back to the 1960’s so this is nothing new, folks. The Russian narrative is just a fake news story to distract from the 8 year crime spree also known as the Obama administration.

Obama, Hillary and the rest of the Deep State were counting on a Hillary election victory so their crimes wouldn’t come to light.

James Clapper Full One-On-One Explosive Interview with Chuck Todd

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The Case Against The Media

Open Letter to the Media:

Related: Media Caught Lying AGAIN, Claims Trump Chose Not to Hear Translation of Italian PM’s Speech

1.You said nothing when Obama used drone strikes to execute people abroad.

2. You said nothing about Russia for 50 years until Trump was inaugurated.

3. You said nothing about Hillary’s campaign manager’s brother being paid $175,000 to lift U.S. sanctions on Russia.

4. You said nothing when Obama engaged in military interventionism in Libya without Congressional approval.

5. You said nothing Obama greatly expanded presidential power through the use of Executive Orders.

6. You said nothing when Obama filled his White House with lobbyists after he said he wouldn’t.

7. You said nothing when Obama gave 47 of his fundraisers Administration jobs.

8. You said nothing about the murders and rapes at the hands of illegal immigrants.

9. You said nothing when Hillary’s net worth rose over $100 million as Secretary of State, in part, because her husband took money from foreign governments.

10. You said nothing after Obama’s net worth rose over $10 million as President.

11. You said nothing when Obama’s Justice Dept. wiretapped/surveilled reporters such as James Rosen and the AP.

12. You said nothing when Obama restricted immigration 6 times with Executive Orders.

13. You said nothing when Obama set a record for deportations.

14. You said nothing when Bill Clinton met Loretta Lynch on the airport tarmac during the Clinton investigation.

15. You said nothing when Hillary was fed debate questions.

16. You said nothing when Obama and Hillary lied about a video and Benghazi.

17. You said nothing when Obama’s IRS abused the rights of taxpayers.

18. You said nothing when Obama’s White House held meetings with lobbyists in coffee shops near White House to avoid disclosure requirements.

19. You said nothing when Eric Holder sold the guns you hate to criminals and some were used to kill Americans.

20. You said nothing when the Clinton’s took White House property.

21. You said nothing when Hillary laughed off defending a child-rapist.

22. You said nothing when Hillary lied about her private use of a private email server as Secretary of State.

23. You said nothing when Janet Reno, under Bill Clinton, used a tank to kill the Branch Dividians.

24. You said nothing when, on May 13, 1985, a bomb was dropped on a row house in Philadelphia to uproot the black liberation group known as Move, resulting in a fire that eventually burned down 61 houses, killed 11 people (including five children) and injured dozens.

25. You said nothing was Elian Gonzales was forcibly deported using guns.

26. You said nothing when George Soros paid protesters to burn parts of Ferguson.

27. You said nothing about states’ rights until Trump’s Executive orders on immigration.

28. You said nothing about Obama’s smoking.

29. You said nothing about the record numbers of people on government assistance.

30. You said nothing about the number of part time and low paying jobs under the Obama recovery.

31. You said nothing when Obama had SWAT teams raid a Gibson guitar factory and seize property, on the purported basis that Gibson had broken India’s environmental laws - but no charges were filed.

32. You said nothing when Obama claimed that the Fort Hood shooting was “workplace violence” rather than terrorism.

33. You said nothing about when Obama ended some terror asylum restrictions, by allowing asylum for people who provided only “insignificant” or “limited” material support of terrorists.

34. You said nothing when the national debt doubled under Obama.

35. You said nothing when 9 times the Supreme Court unanimously overturned Obama’s expansive use of Executive Power.

36. You said nothing when Obama dismissed charges filed by Bush Administration against New Black Panther Party members who were videotaped intimidating voters at a Philadelphia polling station during the 2008 election.

37. You said nothing when Obama released Guantanamo detainees were released and went back to kill Americans.

38. You said nothing when Obama unilaterally changed Congressional law by Executive Order.

39. You said nothing when Obama fired an inspector general after investigating an $850,000 AmeriCorps grant received by a nonprofit run by former NBA star and Obama supporter Kevin Johnson.

40. You said nothing about the 36 Obama’s executive office staffers that owed $833,970 in back taxes

41. You said nothing when Obama Killed four Americans overseas in counter-terrorism operations without a judicial process.

So if you are voicing your objections about three months of Trump, I’m sorry but we can’t hear you over the deafening silence still echoing in our ears! 

A quote from Senator Barry Goldwater. In his biography  entitled “Goldwater” - the late Arizona Senator said:

"I believe the media should live by a more honorable code. They should publicly apologize for  errors that reflect adversely on anyone, explain how or why they made the error, and offer that retraction in a position of equal prominence in the print media or the same slot for radio and television.

They should be forced to live by the same accountability as do all public services.”

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Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi

John Podesta In A Frenzy Converting $40B Clinton Foundation Assets Into Gold, Diamonds & Artwork + Leaked Documents On Spying Show Former FBI Director Comey Shared Secret Intel On Americans With Private Parties
June 1 2017 | From: DCclothesline / TheGatewayPundit / Various

Independent journalist George Webb says that after President Trump fired FBI director James Comey, longtime Democrat operative and Clinton loyalist John Podesta is in a frenzy to unload $40 billion from the Clinton Foundation - by buying up art, gold and diamonds, and spreading them out all over the world - before those assets are seized by a new FBI director.

Beginning at the 0:30 mark in the video below, Webb says: “Right now . . . John Podesta is buying up artwork between every Jewish art dealer.”

Related: Podesta Largely Blames Clinton Campaign – Not Wikileaks or Russians – For Losing Election

Webb is asked: “How do you know that?” Webb answers:

"I have a contact within the French intelligence that’s told me that. So they’re buying up artwork right now in every, they know every art dealer that he’s buying art from . . . .

What you’re dealing with is Trump could go get that 40 billion dollars right now and seize those assets.

So before a new FBI director is named
- [Acting FBI Director Andrew] McCabe knows all about the $40 billion - you start moving this stuff to gold, diamonds, artwork and so forth, and you put it in your network . . . out into as many different countries as possible, so it’ll be so difficult to actually go seize.

You have a contractual issue or an international issue every time you try to get some of this stuff that’s been moved. The money right now is being moved by John Podesta to artwork, diamonds and gold.

As explained by Forbidden Knowledge TV‘s Alexandra Bruce:

"Webb sees the Seth Rich murder as just a small part of a much bigger picture of high-level racketeering by Hillary Clinton, her minions and whoever she’s fronting. It’s an outrageous amount of money that’s been amassed over some twenty years.”

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Webb calls the Clintons’ racketeering, including drug running, the Clinton rat line.Bruce continues:

"Webb then proceeds to . . . illustrate how the drug-running between Afghanistan and Punjab, to Pakistan, to Turkey’s Incirlik airbase to NATO, in Mons, Belgium.

Webb says, large military transport planes, like C-130s are used to transfer raw opium from Afghanistan to Pakistan, where they are refined into opioid medications, which are then contracted-out by mobbed-up doctors, to places like the VA (US Department of Veterans Affairs), where these generic drugs (usually watered-down to half- or quarter-strength) are distributed from Belgium.

He says information about all of the above can be found in the Congressional Blackberry phone network.

He describes these activities as, ‘Just Mena [Arkansas] Airport, on a global scale, just longer distances…It’s very simple: drugs go one way, arms go the other way….’ Half of the cargo gets left in Belgium and the rest comes to the US. In the past, he’s mentioned Offut Air Force Base in Nebraska, as well as an airport in Rockford, Illinois, where drugs were smuggled in shipments of mangoes and Basmati rice.

Except that instead of the $1 million per day worth of cocaine being brought in at Mena, Webb claims, in an another one of his blizzard of micro-posts, that Offut AFB receives $1 billion per day (!) in opioids.”

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Leaked Documents On Spying Show Former FBI Director Comey Shared Secret Intel On Americans With Private Parties

Sara Carter of Circa News explains how declassified memos show FBI illegally shared spy data on Americans with private parties. 

Via Circa News:

Related: The FBI - No legal basis but lots of kompromat

"The FBI has illegally shared raw intelligence about Americans with unauthorized third parties and violated other constitutional privacy protections, according to newly declassified government documents that undercut the bureau’s public assurances about how carefully it handles warrantless spy data to avoid abuses or leaks.

In his final congressional testimony before he was fired by President Trump this month, then-FBI Director James Comey unequivocally told lawmakers his agency used sensitive espionage data gathered about Americans without a warrant only when it was “lawfully collected, carefully overseen and checked.”

Once-top secret U.S. intelligence community memos reviewed by Circa tell a different story, citing instances of “disregard” for rules, inadequate training and “deficient” oversight and even one case of deliberately sharing spy data with a forbidden party.

For instance, a ruling declassified this month by the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court (FISA) chronicles nearly 10 pages listing hundreds of violations of the FBI’s privacy-protecting minimization rules that occurred on Comey’s watch.

The behavior the FBI admitted to a FISA judge just last month ranged from illegally sharing raw intelligence with unauthorized third parties to accessing intercepted attorney-client privileged communications without proper oversight the bureau promised was in place years ago.

The court also opined aloud that it fears the violations are more extensive than already disclosed.

“The Court is nonetheless concerned about the FBI’s apparent disregard of minimization rules and whether the FBI is engaging in similar disclosures of raw Section 702 information that have not been reported,” the April 2017 ruling declared.

The Justice Department inspector general’s office declassified a report in 2015 that reveals the internal watchdog had concerns as early as 2012 that the FBI was submitting ‘deficient” reports indicating it had a clean record complying with spy data gathered on Americans without a warrant.”

Sara Carter reports:

"The FBI illegally shared data it collected with unauthorized third parties and federal contractors according to a document recently declassified by the foreign intelligence surveillance court.

10 pages from the FISA court show a history of violations in the FBI like one case where the foreign intelligence data on an American in U.S. was disclosed to a forbidden party.”

Watch Sara Carter’s extensive explanation here.

Related: Federal Judge Dismisses Lawsuit Against Hillary Clinton Regarding Benghazi Massacre

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Anonymous: De-Mystifying The Concept Of The Deep State + Doctor Explains Why The Public Is So Stupid - Trusting The Government & Fake News
May 31 2017 | From: TheGatewayPundit / Various

Demystifying the Concept of the Deep State – A Mutual Back-Scratch Society of Political Machines, A Hierarchy of Powerful Interests Collectively Running the Show from Positions of Hiding, Stratified According to Degree of Power.

Unfortunately, a wide swath of America sees everything through a political filter - left wing versus right win, etc. So since President Trump is currently using the term “deep state,” people of a so-called left orientation may tune out if they are not already familiar with the concept of the deep state.

Related: Want To Understand The Deep State? Here Is Your Deep, Deep State

So I think it’s important to get past people’s filters, no matter where their position is along the political spectrum. Probably the best way to get the concept across is to explain that the deep state is nothing new.

What’s new is the depth and breadth of it and the number and power of the tools they have at their disposal: intelligence institutions and networks, the internet, hacking capabilities, majorities of politicians that are bought and paid for, etc.

The deep state is simply a newer, bigger, and more powerful version of the political machines of America’s past, like Tammany Hall and Mayor Richard Daley of Chicago.

Related: The Obsession With Russian Goes Back Decades

The entire nation of Mexico is an example of political machines run amok.

The deep state in Mexico is organized crime, because it subverts the democratic process.In my opinion, any discussion of the deep state should begin with a simple explanation of what the deep state actually is, so people will see that it’s not some far-fetched conspiracy theory or self-serving propaganda tool to be used against one’s political opponents.

It’s important to get through people’s ideological and political filters so they can see that this issue is relevant to everyone and is a real, and dangerous and massive problem. And there’s nothing mysterious about it. The political machines have grown up! They have merged. And it is a hierarchy, with people at the top of it.

Related: Flashback: Past Presidents, Hillary Clinton All Used Secret Back Channels

The deep state is about power behind the scenes trying to subvert the democratic process. It’s been around since the beginning of America.

President Washington was very familiar with political machines and was disgusted by them. They sprang up more or less spontaneously as soon as the United States Constitution was finished.

It’s nothing new. But the deep state in its current stage of evolution is gargantuan. And the potential for evil is unprecedented. Even Hitler couldn’t have dreamed of such power.Here’s a good article on machine politics. (The Encyclopedia of Chicago).

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Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi

Cover Stories Are Used To Control Explanations & Medical Propaganda Headlines For Gullible Minds
May 31 2017 | From: JonRappoport / PublicIntelligence / Various

Years ago James Jesus Angleton left me with the impression that when an intelligence agency, such as the CIA, pulls off an assassination, bombing, or any event with which the agency does not wish to be associated, the agency uses the media to control the explanation by quickly putting into place a cover story that, along with several others, has been prepared in advance.

I suggested that the new story that “the Saudis did 9/11” was put into play to take the place of the worn and battered first cover story: Is the Saudi 9/11 Story Part Of The Deception?

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When the Oswald cover story for JFK’s assassination came under heavy suspicion, other cover stories appeared in the media. One was that the Mafia killed JFK, because he was having affairs with their molls.

The fact that it made no sense did not stop many from believing it. It did not occur to people more gullible than thoughtful that a gangster would simply get another woman and not take the risk of assassinating the US president over a woman. The last thing the Mafia would want would be for Attorney General Robert Kennedy to bring the law down on the Mafia like a ton of bricks.

Another cover story was that Castro did it. This made even less sense. JFK had nixed the Joint Chiefs/CIA plan to invade Cuba, and he had refused air cover to the CIA’s Bay of Pigs invasion. JFK would certainly not be on Castro’s hit list.

Related: The Boston Marathon Bombing After Four Years

Another cover story was that Lyndon Johnson was behind Kennedy’s assassination. As I wrote, there is no doubt that LBJ covered up the Joint Chiefs/CIA/Secret Service plot against JFK, as any president would have done, because the alternative was to destroy the American people’s confidence in the US military and security agencies.

The Chief Justice of the Supreme Court also covered up the plot, as did the Warren Commission, the media, and the Congress.

The “Johnson did it” story is the most preposterous of all. The Joint Chiefs, CIA, Secret Service, Chief Justice, Congress, and Media are not going to participate in the murder of a President and its coverup just for the sake of the VP’s personal ambition. The idea that so many strong institutions would permit a VP to murder a President for no reason other than the personal ambition of the VP is beyond absurdity.

Related: Was Elvis Really in ‘Home Alone’? An Investigation

Speaking of cover stories, I wonder if that is what we are witnessing in the leaked information to the New York Times about the Manchester Bombing. The only point of the leak is to set the story in place. The British complaints about the leaked information serve to disguise the leak’s purpose.

Setting a story in place early crowds out other explanations. Remember, the government claims to have had no warning of 9/11 but knew instantly who did it and set the story in place. The same for the Paris events, the Nice event, the Boston Marathon bombing, and I think all the others.

Authorities quickly come up with a story and names of those responsible. The alleged perpetrators or patsies, take your choice, are always dead and, thereby, unable to deny that they did it or say who put them up to it. The only exception that comes to mind is the younger brother who has been associated with the Boston Marathon bombing.

Related: The Oklahoma City Bombing After 22 Years

Despite two police attempts to shoot him to death, he inconveniently survived, but has never been seen or heard from. At his orchestrated trial, his court appointed attorney confessed for him, and the jury convicted on her confession.

Remember, Oswald was shot dead by Jack Ruby before Oswald was questioned by police. There is no explanation for an armed private citizen being inside the jail with Oswald and positioned to shoot him at close range. Clearly, Oswald was not to be permitted to give his story. And no patsy since has either.

Related: The CIA and the assassination of Bob Marley

Medical Propaganda Headlines For Gullible Minds

Warning: don’t use common sense in judging medical pronouncements. You’ll lapse from The Holy Order of Mystical Research.

Medical public-relations people keep a steady stream of stories flowing to the press, day after day.

Related: 6 ways that the medical system makes us ill before kindergarten

Aside from filling space, their main function is to assure the public that “advances are always being made” and “good things are right around the corner.” It’s much better, for example, than, “Well, this month we didn’t discover a single important datum. Here’s hoping for better luck in June.”

A brief examination of medical-story headlines reveals that these stories are lacking in a little thing called reality; or they announce something so obvious it hardly merits mention, much less a full-blown study to establish what any person with a few working brain cells already knows.

Here are a few such headlines from a popular medical site (medicalnewstoday). They represent a mere few days’ worth of vital…baloney:


Well, poor sleep makes it harder to concentrate the next day. End of study. Thanks. We’re newly enlightened. Where’s my check?

Related: Gynecologist Gives 10 Reasons Women Should Quit Taking Birth Control Pills


Another stunning revelation. The boy is lonely. He doesn’t sleep well. We never would have imagined such a connection without a meticulous study.


The insights keep coming. A person already in a state of chronic pain reacts more severely to new pain than a person who isn’t suffering from chronic pain. Give the researchers a Nobel and a trip to Disneyland.


Someone with respiratory disease could experience trouble when breathing diesel fumes. Wow. A mind-bending correlation. And we need to know the exact mechanism of the flare-up because…?

Researchers are going to develop a drug that will eliminate the problem? “Do you have TB? Now you can walk through diesel fumes without a reaction.” Sure. The drug is called Thorazine. You’ll still have a severe reaction, but you won’t know it. Or anything else.

Related: Mandatory Gender Pronouns For Children??! Bill 89 Is Out Of Control

Here are two related headlines:



I love stories about “breakthroughs” in gene research. First of all, try to find one version of gene therapy for any disease that works across the board. Good luck. But you can find thousands of articles about “advances” in the research. They hint at glorious innovations coming to your neighborhood soon.

So let me know when this genetic discovery about heart disease results in a treatment that actually reverses the condition. And as for genes associated with intelligence, it’s easy as pie to make claims, as long as you don’t have to try to increase IQ with an injection.

Related: The Truth About Gender

Getting the point? Researchers can obtain all sorts of money to do studies that then posit some correlation between a condition and various gaggles of genes - as long as they don’t have come up with an actual gene therapy that works. It’s a great con. Nice work if they can get it, and they can.


Yes, it may. Or it may not. Who can say? We’ll have to wait and see. Give the researchers another decade. Meanwhile, read about lots of “maybes.” It’s possible that a steady diet of “maybe” articles will increase your intelligence, help you sleep better at night, reverse heart disease, and decrease your reaction to diesel fumes.

It’s also possible the articles will turn you into a creature with the IQ of a tree-dwelling sloth.

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Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi

Manchester, Berlin, Paris, Nice, London, New York: Passports And IDs Mysteriously Discovered In The Wake Of Terror Attacks & How The British Deep State Turned Manchester Into Al-Qaeda Town UK
May 30 2017 | From: GlobalResearch / TheDuran / Various

This article reviews the “mysterious” phenomenon of IDs and Passports of terror suspects routinely discovered (often in the rubble) in the wake of a terrorist attack.

In most cases the alleged suspect was known to the authorities. Is there a pattern? The ID papers of the suspect are often left behind, discovered by police in the wake of a terrorist attack.

Related: Islamic Terror Used To Bring Police State

According to government and media reports, the suspects are without exception linked to an Al Qaeda affiliated entity.   

None of these terror suspects survived. Dead men do not talk

In the case of the tragic events in Manchester, the bankcard of the alleged suicide bomber Salman Abedi was found in his pocket in the wake of the explosion. 

Legitimacy of the official stories? The UK is both a “victim of terrorism” as well as a “State sponsor of terrorism”. 

Without exception, the governments of  Western countries which are victims of terror attacks, have supported, directly or indirectly, the Al Qaeda group of terrorist organizations including the Islamic State (ISIS), which are allegedly responsible for waging these terror attacks. Amply documented Al Qaeda is a creation of the CIA. 

Related: Russian Patriarch: Cross and Crescent are powerful weapons to combat terrorism

Below is a review of the circumstances and evidence pertaining to passports and IDs discovered in the wake of selected terror attacks, with links to Global Research articles and media reports (2001-2017). (This list is by no means exhaustive)

From NYC on 9/11 to Manchester, May 2017

In reverse chronological order:

The Manchester Terror Attack,  May 2017

Manchester Bomb Suspect Said to Have Had Ties to al Qaeda

Salman Abedi, the 22-year-old British man - in a suicide-bomb attack, had ties to al Qaeda and had received terrorist training - was identified by a bank card found in his pocket at the scene of the ...

Crisis Actors rehearse Terror Attack In Manchester UK: Video

With videos like this turning up, and the 22/22/22 (Number of victims, date of attack, age of terrorist) coincidence, the convenient finding ID at the scene of the crime (shades of 9-11) it’s no wonder the inevitable suspicions about a false flag have gained momentum.

Fuel to the fire.

Manchester Attack as MI6 Blowback?

A bankcard has been conveniently found in the pocket of the... Daesh has claimed responsibility for the Manchester attack, but without …

No image of the alleged bankcard is available.

Ironically, the suspect Abedi was first identified by Washington rather than UK police and security. How did they know who was the culprit 3 hours after the explosion? According to Graham Vanbergen:

In the early hours of the morning of the 23rd May – approximately 02.35BST NDTV via the Washington Post stated quite categorically that:

"U.S. officials, speaking on the condition of anonymity, identified the assailant as Salman Abedi. They did not provide information about his age or nationality, and British officials declined to comment on the suspect’s identity.

This was published at a time when British police and security services were refusing to make any statements as to who they thought the perpetrators were because at the time, they were dealing with the immediate aftermath of the event.

Berlin Truck Terror Attack, December 2016

The Berlin Truck Terror Suspect and the Curious Matter of ID Papers Left Behind

The Berlin Truck Terror Suspect and the Curious Matter of ID Papers Left Behind. By WhoWhatWhy. Global Research, December 22, 2016. Who What Why 21.

"The suspect’s identity papers were found inside the truck used in Monday’s attack on a Christmas market, which left 12 people dead, German security officials said.

The suspect was known to German security services as someone in contact with radical Islamist groups, and had been assessed as posing a risk, Interior Minister of North Rhine-Westphalia Ralf Jaeger told reporters.”

The Nice Terror Attack July 2016 

The Nice Terror Attack: Towards a Permanent State of Martial Law in … the alleged perpetrator is dead and conveniently left behind his ID.

Nice, 14th of July Massacre: Towards Martial Law? The Islamic State (ISIS-Daesh) Claims Responsibility?

According to Peter Koenig in relation to the Nice terror attack:

"During last night’s celebration of the French National Holiday, around 11 PM, a speeding truck plowed into a crowd of thousands who were watching the fireworks along the Mediterranean Boulevard Anglais.

The driver of the truck, was simultaneously and  indiscriminately shooting into the crowd. He was able to run for 2 kilometers before being stopped by police, which instantly shot and killed him.

A horrendous terror attack, killing hordes of people, spreading pain, misery, fear and outrage in France, Europe – the world over.All indications signal the Big Script of yet another false flag; yet again in France.

The young truck-driver was identified as a 31-year-old Frenchman, resident of Nizza, with Tunisian origins. As in previous cases, ‘coincidence’ has it that his identity papers were found in the truck.

The young man is instantly killed by the police. Dead people cannot talk. A pattern well known by now.

Paris Charlie Hebdo Terror Attack, January 2015

Police found the ID of Said Kouachi at the Scene of the Charlie Hebdo Shooting. Does this Sound Familiar?

“According to news reports, police found the ID of Said Kouachi at the scene of the Charlie Hebdo shooting. Does this sound familiar? Remember, authorities claimed to have found the undamaged passport of one of the alleged 9/11 hijackers among the massive pulverized ruins of the twin towers.”

Paris Bataclan Terror Attack, November 2015

The Paris Terror Attacks and 911: Similar “Evidence” Makes it Suspicious

The Islamic State (ISIS/ISIL) declared that it was responsible for the latest attacks in Paris as did Al-Qaeda who also claimed responsibility for 911. However, there are similarities between the terror attacks in Paris and New York City on September 11th.

First, Syrian and Egyptian passports from two of the suicide bombers were found at the scene of the stadium attack in the northern part of the city. After both suspected terrorists detonated their explosive devices, their passports were still found.

This brings us back to the September 11th terror attacks where U.S. officials recovered a passport intact a few blocks from the World Trade Center which did belong to one of the hijackers:

Magic Passports Redux: Syrian Passport Allegedly Discovered on Paris Suicide Bomber

In the context of the enquiry about the Paris massacres, a Syrian passport (image right) was found next to one of the kamikaze bombers of Stade de France. After being pointed out as responsible for the attacks by President Hollande, ‘the Islamic State’ claimed that they had engineered the onslaught.

The French executive, that had already stated tht they wanted to take action in Syria allegedly against ISIS, but actually against Bachar El Assad, who ‘has to go’, sees in this a significant clue that comfort their military expedition.

London 7/7 Terror attack, July 7, 2005

The 7/7 London Bombings and MI5’s “Stepford Four” Operation: How the 2005 London Bombings Turned every Muslim into a “Terror Suspect”

“On Tuesday, July 12th, Lindsay’s wife Samantha Lewthwaite had called police to report her husband Germaine (“Jamal”) missing.  Police searched their home immediately.

The next day, on July 14th, police announced that they had Lindsay’s ID and he was the fourth bomber. Lewthwaite was incredulous and refused to believe the accusation without DNA proof. 

The police identification was stunning because they had been claiming that all of the suspects looked Pakistani; there was no way anyone could mistake the big, black Lindsay for an Asian. What had police been looking at?

9/11 Terror Attacks: September 11, 2001

Was America Attacked by Muslims on 9/11?

9/11 Truth and the Joint Congressional Inquiry: 28 Pages of Misdirection on the Role of Saudi Arabia

For years the 9/11 Truth movement (9TM) has been vainly pleading with ….. FBI agent Dan Coleman explains how the passport of 9/11 hijacker …

9/11 Contradictions: Mohamed Atta’s Mitsubishi and His Luggage

9/11 Contradictions: Mohamed Atta’s Mitsubishi and His Luggage … It also contained a Saudi passport, an international driver’s license, …

In the official version for 9/11 the FBI claimed that they found the unscathed passport of one of the pilots near one of the towers that were reduced to ashes by explosions whose heat melted even the steel columns in the buildings’ structure.

The fourth plane’s crash near Shanksville also yielded a passport which, though scorched, still made it possible to read the person’s first name and surname and to see his ID photo.

This is all the more disturbing as nothing at all was left in the crater, no part of the plane or of the people travelling in it, only this partly scorched passport."

Confirmed by Dan Rather CBS News, “a passerby found the passport of one of the hijackers” on the street just hours after the 9/11 attacks. (Video at 1′.23″)

9/11 Bin Laden Denies Involvement, Passport Found at WTC of Hijacker 9 16 2001 CBS

According to Who What Why:

The Visa of Satam al-Suqami:
 This identify document of one of the alleged 9/11 hijackers somehow survived unscathed a few blocks from the twin towers, though the plane itself was virtually obliterated.

Visa belonging to Satam al-Suqami

The Passports belonging to Ziad Jarrah and Saeed al-Ghamdi: The passports of two alleged hijackers of United Airlines Flight 93 supposedly survived the fiery crash in Pennsylvania that left the aircraft itself charred and widely scattered - with one passport entirely intact.

Remains of Ziad Jarrah’s visa

Passport of Saeed al-Ghamdi

Food for thought? Can we believe the official narrative of HM government? No questions asked. Can we believe the Western media?

How The British Deep State Turned Manchester Into Al-Qaeda Town UK

Anti-Gaddafi Libyans living in Manchester had been trained, armed and aided by Britain to wage jihad against the leadership of Muammar Gaddafi.

More and more information is emerging on how the savage terrorist atrocity recently committed in Manchester was a classic case of terrorist blow-back, a phenomenon describing how when western governments fund, arm and aid terrorists, they often come back to commit horrific crimes against the citizens of the countries which funded and aided them.

Related: Manchester Arena Attack: Orchestrated By The British Government?

It has been confirmed that the father of the Manchester ISIS bomber was a member of the al-Qaeda affiliated Libyan Islamic Fighting Group. The Libyan Islamic Fighting Group was initially comprised of battle hardened fighters who travelled to Afghanistan in the 1980s to fight the Soviet Union and the secular government in Kabul.

According to former MI5 agent and whistle blower David Shayler, the UK had been funding, arming and training the Libyan Islamic Fighting Group as early as the 1990s and even helped the group organise an attempted assassination of Libyan revolutionary leader  Muammar Gaddafi in 1996.

Related: Hillary Clinton bears responsibility for the Manchester atrocity

Bombing Aftermath: Suicidal Political Correctness Unleashed

A look at the reactions of the media, politicians and citizens.

From suggesting that it wasn’t an Islamic terror attack, but a “right wing false flag”, to the all familiar “get used to it” and “don’t criticize them, it will only make them mad” - David Knight looks at the reactions of the press and the police who threaten those who speak out with hate-speech investigations.

Meanwhile, ISIS is in the Philippines and it’s all out war while western press remains silent.

When Britain went to war on Libya in 2011, these efforts intensified. The Libyan Islamic Fighting Group became a crucial component of the west’s war on Libya. The war was of course the brainchild of Hillary Clinton, the then US Secretary of States. Britain and France became the most vocal participants in the war.

Many jihadists from the Libyan Islamic Fighting Group located to Manchester, specifically the area where the ISIS bomber and his family had lived, including his father and brother who are both currently under arrest for terrorism related charges.

The area in northern England was also home to Abd al-Baset Azzouz, an al-Qaeda strong man who fought Gaddafi’s revolutionary forces in Libya starting in 2011.

It was in 2011, that the UK began to allow radical Libyans living in Britain, including and especially from Manchester to gain safe passage to Libya in order to fight Libyan forces. Manchester has been described as a hotbed of anti-Gaddafi Libyan jihadists and terrorist sympathisers.

Related: Establishment Censoring Commentary on Manchester Bombing

One jihadist with UK citizenship spoke of how he was allowed to travel to engage in jihad against Libya, “I was allowed to go, no questions asked”.

Another jihadist, one Belal Younis was approached by an MI5 (British intelligence) agent and asked if he was willing to go into battle (jihad). Yonuis agreed, but was soon stopped by security at a UK airport.

However, the British deep state made sure to clear that up. Yonuis explained that he simply called the MI5 agent who was his contact and shortly there after, he was allowed to fly to Libya with no further questions asked.

In a claim that ought to worry security officials throughout the world, Younis said:

"The whole Libyan diaspora were out there fighting alongside the rebel groups”.

By rebel of course he means al-Qaeda terrorist affiliates and by Libyan diaspora he means many individuals who were wanted criminals in Libya, many of them wanted on charges of terrorism and treason.

Another Libyan with UK citizenship spoke to Middle East Eye and told the publication how the UK recruited him to produce anti-Gaddafi jihadist propaganda.

Related: Manchester Bomber Motivated by Anger Over ‘Islamophobia’

The source said that he was recruited to edit ‘highly polished’ videos showing the elite British SAS (special air service) training jihadists in Libya. The aim of the videos was to present the final edit to wealthy Gulfis in Qatar and the UAE in order to convince them to fund Britain’s effort in training more jihadist fighters.

Although Britain’s involvement in funding anti-Libyan terrorists dates back to at least the 1990s, between 2004, when Tony Blair reached an historic accord with Gaddafi and 2011 when Britain joined a war against Libya, many Libyan jihadists in places like Manchester were subject to crack downs on their activity.

This all changed around 2011 according to Ziad Hashem. Hashem said:

"When the revolution started, things changed in Britain. Their way of speaking to me and treating me was different. They offered to give me benefits, even indefinite leave to remain or citizenship”.

It is important to remember that in 2011, the British Home Secretary, the cabinet level position responsible for fighting crime and terrorism was none other than current UK Prime Minister Theresa May who faces a General Election on the 8th of June.

The level of responsible that the UK government bears for turning a once great British city into a kind of jihadist fortress is in a word: monumental.

Gaddafi warned of this danger, but Britain at the time not only did not listen, they did the opposite.

Muammar Gaddafi Speech

Related: YouTubes on Manchester False Flag

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Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi

Lawmaker Calls For Federal Investigation Of Seth Rich Murder + Liberal Media In Panic! Latest #FakeNews Accuses Kim Dotcom Of Hacking Into Seth Rich’s Gmail - Kim DotCom Responds
May 30 2017 | From: TheGatewayPundit / Various

Famous Internet entrepreneur and hacker, Kim Dotcom set social media ablaze recently when he tweeted out that he knew slain DNC staffer, Seth Rich and was involved in the DNC leak to Wikileaks.

There is complete panic in the highest levels of the DNC over the Seth Rich murder investigation which makes us even more suspicious that the DNC had something to do with it.

Related: DNC, Media and John Podesta Block Discussion of Seth Rich’s Murder - Even Using ‘Bots’ to Trash Hannity on Rich Coverage

Why wouldn’t they want this murder solved?… What are they afraid of?

On July 8, 2016, 27 year-old Democratic staffer Seth Conrad Rich was murdered in Washington DC. The killer or killers took nothing from their victim, leaving behind his wallet, watch and phone.

Shortly after the killing, Redditors and social media users were pursuing a “lead” saying that Rich was en route to the FBI the morning of his murder, apparently intending to speak to special agents about an “ongoing court case” possibly involving the Clinton family.

Seth Rich’s father Joel told reporters:

"If it was a robbery - it failed because he still has his watch, he still has his money - he still has his credit cards, still had his phone so it was a wasted effort except we lost a life.”

The Metropolitan police posted a reward for information on Rich’s murder.

In August Wikileaks offered a $20,000 reward for information on the murder of DNC staffer Seth rich.

Julian Assange also suggested in August that Seth Rich was a Wikileaks informant.
Via Mike Cernovich:

Now this - Republican lawmaker Blake Farenthold on Wednesday called for a special investigation of Seth Rich’s murder.

The Corpus Christi Caller reported, via Free Republic:

"Corpus Christi Republican Congressman Blake Farenthold considers the source behind the 2016 hack of the Democratic National Committee’s email server an unanswered question and believes a federal investigation is warranted.

Speaking on CNN Wednesday, the fourth-term congressman refuted a widely believed conclusion that the Russian government interfered with the U.S. presidential election to aid President Donald Trump’s campaign and instead indicated a conspiracy theory about a slain Democratic National Committee staffer could be true.

My fear is our constant focusing on the Russians is deflecting away for some other things that we need to be investigating,” Farenthold said on the network. “There’s still some question as to whether the intrusion of the DNC server was an insider job or whether or not it was the Russians.”

Later Wednesday, Farenthold elaborated on his opinion of how the investigation should be handled in a phone interview with the Caller-Times. "The death should be investigated in the same manner Russian interference has been reviewed, he said.”

Liberal Media In Panic! Latest #FakeNews Accuses Kim Dotcom Of Hacking Into Seth Rich’s Gmail - Kim DotCom Responds

Famous Internet entrepreneur and hacker, Kim Dotcom set social media ablaze recently when he tweeted out that he knew slain DNC staffer, Seth Rich and was involved in the DNC leak to Wikileaks.

There is complete panic in the highest levels of the DNC over the Seth Rich murder investigation which makes us even more suspicious that the DNC had something to do with it.

Open Letter from Kim Dotcom

Why wouldn’t they want this murder solved?… What are they afraid of?

On Wednesday, Washington Post rolled out an article claiming Seth Rich’s gmail account received an alert from Mega.com (created by Kim Dotcom) attempting to start a new account. WaPo goes on to say, ‘According to experts and Rich’s family, the emailed invitation from welcome.mega.nz appeared to be an attempt to gain access to Rich’s email.’

Excerpt from WaPo article:

Eric Geller who is a far left ‘cybersecurity’ reporter for Politico tweeted an excerpt from the WaPo article to his 47,000 Twitter followers saying, ‘It looks like Kim Dotcom tried to hack Seth Rich’s Gmail account to plant evidence for his conspiracy theory’

Of course Kim Dotcom hit back hard:

Independent journalist, Tim Pool also attacked the fake news media:

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Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi

JFK At One Hundred
May 29 2017 | From: PaulCraigRoberts / Various

This Memorial Day, Monday, May 29, 2017, is the 100th birthday of John Fitzgerald Kennedy, the 35th President of the United States.

JFK was assassinated on November 22, 1963, as he approached the end of his third year in office. Researchers who spent years studying the evidence have concluded that President Kennedy was assassinated by a conspiracy between the CIA, Joint Chiefs of Staff, and Secret Service. (See, for example, JFK and the Unspeakable by James W. Douglass)

Comment: There's much more to this than even Mr. Roberts is aware of. See the links forthwith...

Related: The Connection Between 9/11, JFK And The Global Collateral Accounts

Kennedy entered office as a cold warrior, but he learned from his interaction with the CIA and Joint Chiefs that the military/security complex had an agenda that was self-interested and a danger to humanity. He began working to defuse tensions with the Soviet Union.

His rejections of plans to invade Cuba, of the Northwoods project, of a preemptive nuclear attack on the Soviet Union, and his intention to withdraw from Vietnam after his reelection, together with some of his speeches signaling a new approach to foreign policy in the nuclear age.

See: Commencement Address at American University, June 10, 1963

Convinced the military/security complex that he was a threat to their interests. Cold War conservatives regarded him as naive about the Soviet Threat and a liability to US national security.

These were the reasons for his assassination. These views were set in stone when Kennedy announced on June 10, 1963, negotiations with the Soviets toward a nuclear test ban treaty and a halt to US atmospheric nuclear tests.

The Oswald coverup story never made any sense and was contradicted by all evidence including tourist films of the assassination.

Related: The Most Important Financial Meeting Since JFK’s Death Just Took Place

President Johnson had ro cover up the assassination, not because he was part of it or because he willfully wanted to deceive the American people, but because to give Americans the true story would have shaken their confidence in their government at a critical time in US-Soviet relations.

To make the coverup succeed, Johnson needed the credibility of the Chief Justice of the US Supreme Court, Earl Warren, to chair the commission that covered up the assassination. Warren understood the devastating impact the true story would have on the public and their confidence in the military and national security leadership and on America’s allies.

As I previously reported, Lance deHaven-Smith in his book, Conspiracy Theory in America, shows that the CIA introduced “conspiracy theory” into the political lexicon as a technique to discredit skepticism of the Warren Commission’s coverup report. He provides the CIA document that describes how the agency used its media friends to control the explanation.

Related: Finally, The CIA Admits Covering Up JFK Assassination

The term “conspiracy theory” has been used ever since to validate false explanations by discrediting true explanations.

President Kennedy was also determined to require the Israel Lobby to register as a foreign agent and to block Israel’s acquisition of nuclear weapons. His assassination removed the constraints on Israel’s illegal activities.

Related: Kennedy, the Lobby and the Bomb

Memorial Day is when Americans honor those in the armed services who died serving the country. JFK fell while serving the causes of peace and nuclear disarmament. In a 1961 address to the United Nations, President Kennedy said:

"Today, every inhabitant of this planet must contemplate the day when this planet may no longer be habitable. Every man, woman and child lives under a nuclear sword of Damocles, hanging by the slenderest of threads, capable of being cut at any moment by accident or miscalculation or by madness.

The weapons of war must be abolished before they abolish us. It is therefore our intention to challenge the Soviet Union, not to an arms race, but to a peace race – to advance together step by step, stage by stage, until general and complete disarmament has been achieved.”

Kennedy’s address was well received at home and abroad and received a favorable and supportive response from Soviet leader Nikita Khrushchev, but it caused consternation among the warhawks in the Joint Chiefs of Staff.

The US led in terms of the number of nuclear warheads and delivery systems, and this lead was the basis for US military plans for a surprise nuclear attack on the Soviet Union.

Related: Did the U.S. Military Plan a Nuclear First Strike for 1963?

Also, Many believed that nuclear disarmament would remove the obstacle to the Soviet Army overrunning Western Europe.

Warhawks considered this a greater threat than nuclear armageddon. Many in high military circles regarded President Kennedy as weakening the US viv-a-vis the Soviet Union.

Related: JFK Jr. Told The World Who Murdered His Father - But Nobody Was Paying Attention

The assassination of President Kennedy was an enormous cost to the world. Kennedy and Khrushchev would have followed up their collaboration in defusing the Cuban Missile Crisis by ending the Cold War long before the military/security complex achieved its iron grip on the US government.

Israel would have been denied nuclear weapons, and the designation of the Israel Lobby as a foreign agent would have prevented Israel’s strong grip on the US government.

In his second term, JFK would have broken the CIA into a thousand pieces, an intention he expressed to his brother, Robert, and the Deep State would have been terminated before it became more powerful than the President.

But the military/security complex struck first, and pulled off a coup that voided all these promises and terminated American democracy.

Related Articles:

JFK To 911: Everything Is A Rich Man's Trick

Making History & New Beginnings: Neil Keenan / Group K Update

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Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi

A Brilliant Trump Move: Better Than A Crime-Mystery Novel
May 29 2017 | From: Uncensored / Various

Dropping the Hammer on Comey. Brilliant! There are very few crime/mystery novels that approach this true story for compelling drama, intrigue and brinkmanship (with the nation in the balance). Don’t believe the fake-media story that Trump made a mistake or huge gaffe by firing Comey. Don’t believe the media narrative from the left that it was an attempt to silence Comey from some investigation into Trump.

Don’t believe the RINO narrative that Comey is a good guy just trying to do his job in terrible circumstances and the timing was bad. Don’t believe the lie that Comey was admired and respected by career FBI investigators and agents. Don’t believe the lie that Trump’s “tweets” are not professional and have no strategic purpose. His tweets are weaponized and deadly.

Related: Here's The Complete And Updated List: Deep State ‘Leaks’ to Far Left MSM Outlets – With Analysis

James Comey is a poisonous snake of the highest order… a deep-water Swamp Denizen who has been highly paid to deliberately provide cover for high-level corruption by the Clintons and Obama. He is has been central to trying to destroy the Trump campaign and then the Trump administration from the start.

He is as dirty as they come in DC. He had highest-level cover (the FBI no less) and was deep into an effort to eliminate Trump. Trump had to move hard, fast, and at exactly the right time to cut the head off the snake without getting bitten by the snake or being finished by the other swamp denizens.

Related: Attempted Political Coup Now Taking Place In D.C. With Effort To Impeach Trump For Fabricated “Obstruction Of Justice” & CNN’s Bash Admits Comey Memo Is “Deep State” Revenge Against Trump

Begin by noticing how the President fired Comey when Comey was 3,000 miles away from his office, that Comey had no inkling he was being cut, that all his files, computers, and everything in his office were seized by his boss Sessions and the justice department.

This was not a violation of protocol, it was tactical. Notice how Prez Trump compartmentalized the strike and did not inform any of his White House “staff” to prevent leaks.

Notice how he emasculated Comey and the swamp denizens by letting them know in a tweet that the Attorney General got information (surveillance “tapes” from the seizure of Comey’s office) to let Comey and his handlers know that Trump’s DOJ has the goods on them.

Trump's NATO Speech, He's "With an Alliance" & Seth Rich is the Key to Exposing PG

Analyzing Trump's speech he gave to NATO the other day, where some interesting things were said & more Seth Rich talk. We can't let that story die.

This was a brilliant, strategic and totally imperative move at exactly the right time against horrible, evil and corrupt powers infesting the US government.

The swamp is on notice that the President is on to them, they are sweating bullets because their criminal games of corruption are being pursued and they know it. They are screaming and ranting because they are desperate denizens of the swamp who are beginning to realize they are roadkill.

THIS IS WHAT YOU NEED TO KNOW ABOUT THE COMEY SCAM. Taken from credible public sources (readily available if you want to look or want me to sent them to you), with a few reasonable “fill in the blank” conclusions of my own.

Related: Trump Cleans Out Some Coup Plotters, Advances Peace & Development Cooperation With Russia, China + Trump Mocks ‘Cryin’ Chuck Schumer For Switching Positions On Comey

The Highlights:

Comey was a minor assistant US attorney in the late 90’s. He only gained power and money by being the DOJ official who “investigated” and cleared Bill Clinton of any wrong-doing in Clinton’s totally corrupt pardon (for huge payoffs) of criminal financier Marc Rich as Clinton was leaving the Presidency. This is how Comey began his career as a creature of the “swamp” years ago, as a servant of the Clintons.

Comey provided “cover” for the Clintons in their gaining incredible power and wealth after leaving office through pardoning a billionaire money-launderer, arms dealer and criminal. Comey was a key piece in how the Clintons upped their corruption game and gained incredible wealth through their foundation after leaving the White House.

A huge part of the scheme was giving Marc Rich a free pass when he should have spent life in prison, and that is what Comey covered-up for the Clintons. This set up Comey to be part of the corruption machine, making him powerful and wealthy.

Immediately after doing the Clinton’s dirty work as a DOJ official, Comey resigned from the DOJ and took a position as the head attorney (Counsel) of the Lockheed Martin company, a huge military contractor. While he was in that position Lockheed became a major contributor (millions) to the Clinton Foundation and its fake charity spin-offs.

Related: Federal Prosecutor Investigating Fraud Found Dead in Debbie Wasserman Schultz’s District

In return for these payment to Clinton Inc., Lockheed received huge contracts with Hillary’s state department. Comey was the chief legal officer of Lockheed throughout this period of contributions to Clinton Inc. in return for State Dept. contracts.

In late 2012, after overseeing Lockheed’s successful relationship with the Hillary State Department and the resulting profits, Comey stepped down from Lockheed and received a $6 million dollar payout for his services.

In 2013, the largest bank of England, HSBC Holdings, was deep into a scandal. Investigations by federal authorities and law-enforcement had revealed that for years HSBC had been laundering billions of dollars for Mexican Drug Cartels, channeling money for Saudi banks who were financing terror, moving money for Iran in violation of the sanctions, and other major criminal activity.

HSBC’s criminality was pervasive and deliberate by the Bank and its officials. HSBC was a huge Clinton Foundation contributor (many millions) throughout the “investigation” and Bill Clinton was being paid large personal fees for speaking at HSBC events (while Hillary was Sec of State).

Eric Holder and the Obama Justice Department did what they were paid to do, and let HSBC off of the hook for a paltry 1.2 Billion dollar fine (paid by its stockholders), and not one Director, officer or management member at HSBC was fired or charged with any criminal.

Related: US Attorney General Eric Holder Resigns

Exactly when everyone involved with HSBC Bank (including the Clintons and all of their “donors”) were being let off without penalty, and cover had to be provided to HSBC, Comey was appointed as a Director and Member of the Board of HSBC (in the middle of the fallout from the scandal). He was part of the effort to cover up the scandal and make HSBC “respectable” again.

After about a year as HSBC director, despite his lack of any law enforcement experience, no DOJ leadership experience, and no qualifications for the job, Comey was appointed FBI director by Obama. The only qualification Comey had was that the Clinton’s and their cronies knew Comey was in bed with them, was compromised and was willing to do their dirty work.

Comey was appointed to the FBI right when Hillary was leaving the State Department, and was vulnerable to the FBI because she had been using a private-server, mis-handling classified information, selling access to favors/contracts from the State Department to Clinton Foundation Donors (including Comey’s Lockheed Martin), and much more.

Related: FBI Director Says FBI a Total Joke and Fraud

Remember that this was about the time the Inspector General of the State Department found over 2 billion “missing” from the State Department finances during Hillary’s tenure.

The obvious conclusion is that Comey was appointed to the FBI (along with other reliable Clinton-Obama cronies) to run interference for the Clinton’s and Obama’s at the nation’s federal law enforcement agency(in conjunction with a corrupt Department of Justice).

Comey was and is owned by the Clintons. He owed all of his power and wealth to being part of their machine and providing them with cover.

In late 2015 and early 2016, information began to come out about the Clinton Foundation and its use by the Clinton’s as a multi-billion dollar slush fund for corruption and political favors. (even Chelsea’s wedding had been paid for by the “charity.)

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This was right as Hillary was beginning her campaign for President. It was revealed that the Foundation had never completed required reports or had an audit.

Supposedly the FBI, under Comey, began an “investigation” of the Clinton Funds. A “professional” accounting firm was brought in by the Clintons to do a review, file some reports, make recommendations to the Clinton Foundation Board, and provide a veneer of legitimacy to the Clinton Fund operations.

Predictably, one of the partners in the firm that was chosen (and paid lots of money) is the brother of James Comey (FBI Director).

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This brother owes James Comey $700,000 for a loan James gave him to buy a house, and presumably some of the money from the Clinton Fund was used to make payments to James on the loan. Over 2 years later and nothing has happened as a result of the FBI “investigating” the Clinton Funds under Comey.

No one in congress or federal law enforcement was intending to actually pursue the Clintons, but Judicial Watch and other independent sources obtained information proving that Hillary had been running her own server, sending out classified information, etc.

This information began to come out right in the middle of her campaign to be coronated as President. A “show” investigation had to be performed to appear to look into it and clear her. Who to use?…the reliable shill James Comey.

As head of the FBI, Comey (and his lackeys in key positions) deliberately screwed up the investigation into Hillary’s use of a private server and her plain violation of national security law on classified information.

Related: Russia Hoax Fail: Trey Gowdy Makes a Fool of Ex-CIA Chief John Brennan

The investigation was deliberately mis-handled in every aspect. Comey gave immunity to all of Hillary’s lackeys, did not use subpoenas or warrants, lost evidence, allowed the destruction of evidence, failed to do any searches or seizures of evidence, did not use a grand-jury, did not swear witnesses, did not record testimony, allowed attorneys to represent multiple suspects (corrupting the testimony).

Everything that could be done to ruin the FBI investigation and to cover for Hillary was done. A “slam-dunk” case became a mess. Immunity was given every witness even though they provided no help.

Maybe more importantly, by focusing the FBI on the email scandal, attention was drawn away from the much bigger scandal of the Clinton Foundation that could bring down a huge number of corrupt politicians, lobbyists, and even governments.

Originally, Comey’s job was simply to totally botch the Hillary investigation and ruin the case against her and her minions within the FBI regarding he emails. At the same time Comey also started work on a parallel assignment to illegally “wiretap” and surveil Donald Trump and every other person involved in the Republican campaign.

Related: Former Congresswoman & CIA Spy Call For Peaceful American Revolution

He was tasked with digging up any dirt or fact that could be used to hurt the Trump campaign later. This included using a fake “dossier” paid for by the Clinton campaign to obtain authorization for the surveillance and to try to associate Trump’s campaign with the Russians. Under Comey’s direction the Trump/republican campaign was monitored and surveilled and all information was provided to the Obama Whitehouse and the Clinton camp all during the campaign.

Lorretta Lynch was supposed to complete the coverup for Hillary as Attorney General by issuing a finding that the deliberately botched FBI “investigation” did not justify prosecution of Hillary.

But someone screwed up and Bill Clinton was video’d meeting with Loretta Lynch in Arizona shortly before she was supposed to make her decision on Hillary (interference with a federal investigation), and Lynch could no longer credibly squash the Hillary scandal. The solution, give the job to James. The Clinton’s owned him and he would have to do whatever is necessary to provide cover.

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Comey goes on national TV and violates every rule of the FBI, the Justice Department and American law enforcement by revealing some of the FBI’s “evidence” of what Hillary did (enough to make it look like the FBI and Comey did some investigation), then declaring that there was no “intent” and clearing Hillary.

He did what he was ordered to do. The Justice Department and Obama backed Comey’s coverup and it looked like Hillary had survived the scandal.

Then, right before the election, the NYPD obtained pervert Anthony Wiener’s laptop and found classified emails from Hillary on the laptop. The NYPD began leaking details to new-media outlets, and the story was about to explode. Comey once again stepped in to cover Hillary.

He short-circuited the NYPD leaks by publicly acknowledging the laptop and the emails, but then claimed just days later that hundreds of thousands of emails had all been reviewed and “nothing new” was on the laptop. Once again, he had done his job. Providing cover and FBI “protection” for Hillary on the newest scandal when it broke.

What Would Donald Trump’s Approval Rating Be Without MSM Fake News?

Trump Poll Roller Coaster: What Would Donald Trump's Approval Rating Be Without MSM Fake News?

If Hillary had won, Comey would have kept right on providing cover for the corruption of the Clinton machine. He would have kept the FBI paralyzed, prevented the Clinton Fund from being investigated, and continued to do his job as the Clinton’s personal scandal eraser at the FBI.


The Swamp and its bottom-dwelling denizens realize they are at risk from this political outsider who is not connected to the uni-party machines. Before Trump takes office, a “failsafe” plan is implemented to ruin Trump’s administration and try to force him out of the Presidency.

The key players committed to the plan are the democrat politicians, the RINO establishment, the media, the Obama-Clinton operatives imbedded throughout the intelligence agencies and the entire bureaucracy, and most importantly, the Obama DOJ and JAMES COMEY.

The scheme is to smear Trump with Russian “connections,” through a fake FBI “investigation” and more importantly, to trap him into a charge of criminal interference with the FBI. COMEY IS THE CENTRAL FIGURE IN THE SCHEME TO TAKE DOWN TRUMP.

Related: Mainstream Media Waging Information War On Trump, Says Russian Senator + Kalla Says Violent Extremism Results From Twisted Interpretation Of Islam

The surveillance of the Trump campaign is continued after he is elected, all participants are “unmasked” illegally, and the transcripts are leaked throughout the government and to the media. When General Flynn appropriately calls Russian officials on behalf of Trump, they brush off the old fake “dossier” and all of the surveillance of the campaign, and Comey creates the “Russian Conspiracy” investigation.

With help by RINO swamp kingpin and warmonger sell-out McCain, the fake “Russian pee dossier” is leaked to the press. There is no actual evidence of any collusion or connection between Trump or his campaign with Russia, but that does not prevent Comey from initiating an “investigation” at the FBI.

This provides Comey with protection from Trump firing him immediately. Comey (or his minions) constantly leak news of the “Russia Investigation” to the media, and the media does its scripted part by screaming constantly about “Russia.”

The Democrats fill their role and constantly scream about “Russia.” McCain and the RINO establishment do their part by promising to “investigate” how the Russians influenced the campaign.

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Immediately after Trump is sworn in, the DOJ Hillary/Obama operatives and Comey start the direct attack. This is before Sessions has been appointed to the Department of Justice and the DOJ is still controlled by Obama operatives. DOJ Obama appointee Sally Yates approaches the Whitehouse with news that General Flynn had been in contact with Russia and alleges that he might be compromised.

She reveals that there is an FBI “investigation” into the Russia ties (which they are constantly leaking to the media themselves). The White House Counsel (who Yates talks to, not Trump) asks for some more information.

The day before the promised additional information is to be provided by Yates to the Whitehouse, Comey sets up a dinner with Trump. If he can get Trump to ask about Flynn or try to intervene regarding Flynn or Russia then Trump can be charged with “interfering with an FBI investigation.” MY OPINION IS THAT COMEY SURVEILLED AND “TAPED” THIS MEETING IN HIS ATTEMPT TO SET UP TRUMP.

Related: Attempted Political Coup Now Taking Place In D.C. With Effort To Impeach Trump For Fabricated “Obstruction Of Justice” & CNN’s Bash Admits Comey Memo Is “Deep State” Revenge Against Trump

This is a two-pronged attack. It protects Comey and DOJ democrat holdovers from being terminated by the new administration because they are involved in an “ongoing investigation” that they control the timetable on(albeit one with absolutely no evidence).

If Trump fires Comey then he is “interfering with the investigation” which is itself a federal crime that the FBI could then “investigate.” Alternatively, if they can get Trump to question Comey about Flynn or try to get him to back off of Flynn or the “Russia” investigation, then they again have him “interfering.”

Trump knows it is a set up by Comey and that he is probably being recorded (tips from FBI or DOJ who are not part of the corruption?) Maybe because his phone calls in the Whitehouse as President have already been bugged and released to the media. (FBI is in the best position to do this) Maybe because he was used to the Mafia in NY trying to shake him down every time he built a hotel.

Related: Trump: ‘Most Of The Media Is Fake’ + Donald Trump Invites Conservative Media To White House For Exclusive Briefing

Comey tells Trump that Trump is not under investigation regarding Russia, but that others involved with the campaign are being investigated. Trump does not take the bait and attempt to intervene about Flynn or the Russia scam. Later, Flynn is cut loose because he is being used by Comey and the Obama-holdover Justice to try to damage Trump. He did not thing wrong, but if he stayed the charge of “interfering with an investigation” might seem to have teeth.

Comey verbally tells Trump on two more occasions that he is not being investigated, but refuses to state this fact publicly or when testifying in Congress.

Trump knows everything I have gone through above about Comey. But he has to move carefully. He has to get his Attorney General and Deputy AG in place, get enough leverage on the Russia narrative, and ideally get rid of Comey in a way that allows him to obtain all the information that Comey has been accumulating (if he is taping Trump he is taping others).

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Comey, and others testify in Congress. Under oath, both Sally Yates and Intelligence officials from the Obama administration state that there has been no actual evidence of any collusion between the Trump campaign and Russia.

More importantly, Comey, while refusing to say that Trump is not under investigation, testifies that he has informed the Senate Intelligence Committee heads who exactly is under investigation regarding Russia.

Trump tells almost no one at the White House that he is moving against Comey (so no leaks… no listening in on his conversations) Trump somehow contacts Sen. Grassley (the Chair of the Senate Intelligence Committee) and confirms that Comey told the Senator that Trump was not under investigation personally.

Trump gets both the Attorney General and the new Deputy Attorney General to legitimately review Comey’s unprofessional actions at the FBI and to recommend in writing that Trump terminate Comey. Somehow Comey goes to California (at the request of AG Sessions or already scheduled and someone at FBI telling Trump?).

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Trump seizes the moment and acts. While Comey is in California, 3000 miles away and 7 hours from his office, Trump prepares a letter firing him (with Sessions and the Deputy AG recommendations attached). In the letter Trump states that he had been told 3 times by Comey that he (Trump) was not under investigation.

The letter is hand-delivered to the FBI headquarters by DOJ officials to lock-down and seize everything in Comey’s office, including all surveillance files (“tapes”) of Trump and others. All of Comey’s files, docs, computers and “tapes” are taken to Sessions at DOJ.

They are not taken to the Whitehouse or Trump, but to Sessions, who has every right to have them. Sessions can tell Trump that Comey had surveillance tapes of Trump that contradict what Comey has been telling Trump, and perhaps tapes of conversations with other swamp “conspirators.” But Trump does not have them personally or at the Whitehouse.

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Comey learns he has been fired when the media broadcasts it in California. He had no idea it was coming and he is ticked. On cue, the Democrat politicians and media begin screaming about Trump’s “interference with the Russia investigation” in accordance with the plan to set up Trump for that charge.

The Swamp wants to blow up the Russia narrative using Comey, and Comey is set to testify before Congress to try to hurt Trump by saying he was interfering with the FBI investigation. Comey intends to follow through with the plan to take down Trump.

But because of his brilliant timing on this, Trump has Comey’s files, documents and information safely with Sessions at DOJ. Trump sends out a “crazy” tweet that says: “James Comey better hope that there are no “tapes” of our conversations before he starts leaking to the press.”

The media and the politicians go crazy about the “inappropriateness” of this tweet. They accuse Trump of “taping” everyone at the WhiteHouse (forgetting that the Presidents phone calls with foreign leaders have been “taped” without his knowledge.)

Related: Trump Fires Comey: Spin Doctors Go Wild In The Swamp & Deep State Pushes Coup Against Trump Over Comey Firing

Notice that Trump did not say he taped anyone, or that he has any tapes at the White House. It seem apparent that Trump is telling Comey that the DOJ (who has every legal right to possess it) has the surveillance information and files from Comey’s office, the “tapes” obtained and kept by Comey.

Comey and all the Swamp Creatures understand the clear message… their plan has failed and Trump’s DOJ is now holding all the cards.

The whole Russia interference scheme crashes and burns. While the mouthpiece media, Hollywood and the insane fringe continue to scream about Russia and Comey being fired, the politicians who will soon be in the crosshairs of a legitimate (and ticked) FBI and DOJ are starting to fall strangely silent.

Comey realizes all the leverage is with Trump and that he will be lucky if he is not added to the Clinton Death List because of his knowledge (better not take any baths near an electrical outlet or get on any airplanes).

Related: Classified Trump-Duterte Call Transcript Leaked by Deep State Stooges in the Philippines

Comey tells Congress he will not testify and writes a public letter to the FBI accepting his firing and telling them he does not want to discuss why or how he was terminated. Senator Grassley and Senator Feinstein (she must be covering her butt in fear …) issue public statements confirming that Comey told them that the “Russia Investigation” does not involve President Trump personally.

AG Sessions and his Deputy AG use the Comey trove of information to determine who has been part of the Comey Syndicate at the FBI. They will be appointing an “interim” Director of the FBI shortly who has not been compromised by Comey, Clinton or Obama.

That “interim” Director does not have to be approved by Congress or anyone, and can immediately begin cleaning house at the FBI of all Comey / Clinton / Obama minions, initiating investigations of the Clintons, Clinton Fund, violations of intelligence confidentiality laws by Susan Rice and Obama, human trafficking in DC, political corruption… draining the Swamp.

Related: Trump Cleans Out Some Coup Plotters, Advances Peace & Development Cooperation With Russia, China + Trump Mocks ‘Cryin’ Chuck Schumer For Switching Positions On Comey

Using the Comey files they can be fairly certain they are not getting another Comey as an “interim”, and they do not have to wait for the circus of appointing a new permanent “Director” through Congressional approval.

Most of the heavy lifting on rooting out FBI corruption and starting investigations into the swamp will be done by the “interim” before a new director is appointed. I suspect the Trump administration hopes the approval FBI Director process will be slow and tedious, so there is no political interference with the housecleaning that is starting.

In one masterstroke, Trump has eliminated a truly toxic and dangerous enemy to his administration and our country, dealt a horrendous blow to the Clinton/Obama and deep state machines, begun the restoration of the integrity of the FBI and the DOJ, and gained incredible ammunition to begin hunting the foul creatures in the swamp.

Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi

Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi

So Who Funds MetService? The Weird Madness Behind The 20 Meter Wave Story
May 28 2017 | From: TheDailyBlog

Has everyone seen this 20 meter wave story?

Giant 19.4m wave recorded in Southern Ocean

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A 19.4m wave has been detected south of New Zealand – and the company that recorded the behemoth believes monsters reaching over 20m were probably created by the same storm.

In a collaboration with the New Zealand Defence Force, science-based consultancy MetOcean Solutions recently moored the high-tech instrument in the Southern Ocean off Campbell Island, nearly halfway between the South Island and Antarctica."

Let me get back to this story in a moment, but remember the name MetOcean Solutions.

In April we had this odd situation that MetService effectively shut down Auckland for fear of us getting hit by Cyclone Cook. The Cyclone missed Auckland and slammed into the Eastern Bay of plenty with some damaging results, but nothing for Auckland which was shut down early in the afternoon as a precaution.

Related: Why is there a Massive Shellfish Die off at NZ’s Waitarere Beach?

Anyone who commented about how Auckland didn’t get hit despite the warning were written off on social media as uncaring condescending selfish Aucklander’s who hated science and scientists.

I was one of those who asked questions about MetService at the time, but more from the point of view that I just assumed that because MetService was a publicly owned entity, National would have run it into the ground with cost cutting and monetisation prioritisation over free public services.

So I fired off an OIA request to MetService and did some digging.

What I found was a profit agenda program at total fucking odds with the public responsibilities MetService are supposed to represent.

So we are all on the same page, here’s MetServices Introduction about themselves from their 2017 report to the incoming Associate Minister of Transport..

"As this country’s oldest continuous scientific institution, MetService has a proud history of scientific enterprise and public social responsibility. August 2011 marked the 150th anniversary of the appointment of New Zealand’s first Director of Meteorological Stations, Dr Charles Knight.

Through the years since, despite the pressures of structural change and funding uncertainty, the organisation’s focus on forecast quality and public safety has remained its driving force.

On 1 July 2017, MetService will celebrate its 25th anniversary as a State-Owned Enterprise. Its SOE status gives the organisation a unique position among its National Meteorological Service peers – that of a fully commercial operation able to compete successfully in multiple markets and sectors around the world, while also providing a comprehensive range of World Meteorological Organization (WMO) standard weather services to New Zealanders.

Both sides of the business benefit each other and work closely in tandem, with the creativity and can-do attitude of MetService’s highly skilled staff at the core of this success.

MetService employees offer a diverse skillset – not only meteorologists and the engineers and technicians who maintain the observing network, but also graphics and information system developers, sales managers and communicators, to name a few – so our culture is one of high performance.

MetService employs the best and most talented in their fields, and we widen their expertise with training focused on the outcomes we need. MetService is further investing in a number of initiatives to drive international growth, that delivers long-term value to shareholders."

Why the incoming Associate Minister of Transport? It’s because MetService run their public safety forecasting services via a contract through the Ministry of Transport.

"MetService’s cornerstone contract is with the Ministry of Transport. Public safety forecasting services such as severe weather forecasting and warning services for New Zealand, its coastal waters and the South Pacific high seas are provided under this contract, which provides a mechanism for the Minister of Transport to fulfil their obligations under the Meteorological Services Act 1990."

Ok, and so how has this contract from the Ministry of Transport panned out then?

Here’s the information from the OIA:

So about $22million each year from the Ministry of Transport for public safety forecasting services which is about a $5m increase in budget over a decade which seems pretty small for a country as large as ours. This represents 40% of their budget so total cost must be under $60m.

Compare NZs land mass to the UKs: New Zealand's land mass is 268,021 sq km - ranked 73th; 11% more than United Kingdom which has a land mass of 241,590 sq km.

But the cost of the MetOffice is $224million so our $60million looks pretty tiny for a land mass that is so much larger.

But what really caught my eye as I was looking through the MetService reports was this graphic

We own 49% of something called ‘MetOcean Solutions’. Who are they?

‘They’ are a commercial enterprise that MetService has invested in because as a Crown Owned Enterprise they have to make a return.

"In August 2013, MetService acquired a 49% stake in leading New Zealand oceanographic weather company, MetOcean Solutions Ltd. This investment is a key part of our growth strategy, helping springboard us into the international marine sector with established products and world-class expertise."

So what services do MetOcean provide?

Here’s where the profit agenda comes at total odds with the public responsibilities.

MetOcean, the company we own 49% of, provides special oceanic weather forecasts for the deep sea oil and gas industry…

MetOceanView – Making The Offshore Oil & Gas Industry Safer And More Efficient

Worldwide, a variety of offshore oil and gas companies use historical data from MetOceanView to understand the environment they work in. Packaged up in the site’s ‘hindcast app’, historical wind, wave and current data is summarised in an easy-to-access format that users can download and integrate into their operational planning.

“The offshore oil and gas industry needs access to reliable site data,” explains Senior Oceanographer Dr Rafael Guedes.

Nowadays, many data sources are available, and the industry needs a robust web platform where they can easily access, browse and download time-series from some of the best hindcast data sources available around the globe. To meet their needs, we set up a hindcast downloading app within our MetOceanView web service.”

Related: A Search for Clues to What Causes Whale Strandings

Which brings us back to that giant wave. It was MetOcean who recorded it. Can no one else see the utter counter productive madness of a publicly owned Weather Service that warns us of extreme weather events owning a 49% stake in a service providing weather reports to the oil and gas industry that is helping create more climate change pollution?

It’s like we couldn’t make this more counter productive if we tried. I thought ACC owning 30% of the private prison at Wiri was the worst example of a Government agency investing in counter productive social goals, but our Weather Service who warn us of more abrupt "climate change" events owning a company that provides maritime forecasting to the very industry most involved in creating the pollution that is amplifying that climate change surely takes the cake.

Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi

Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi

Models Denounce The Sadistic Practices Of The Fashion World
May 28 2017 | From: VigilantCitizen

After years of silence, models are speaking out against the sadistic behavior of people in the fashion industry where abuse, exploitation, and even torture is rampant. And that is only the tip of the iceberg.

In my series of articles Symbolic Pics of the Month, I often feature fashion photoshoots where abuse and violence are celebrated and even glamorized. This abuse is however not only for the cameras – it also happens behind the scenes, for real.

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Indeed, the disturbing photoshoots that are often published by major magazines are symptomatic of an industry that is diseased to the core with a mindset that is bent on dehumanization and human exploitation.

A recent article in the Daily Mail detailed several accounts from people in the industry who witnessed or were subjected to sadistic treatment.

"Catwalk casting agent and industry veteran James Scully, who has worked with designers Stella McCartney and Tom Ford, fiercely criticised Balenciaga in a shocking post on the photo-sharing social network Instagram in which he accused the label’s casting directors of treating girls like cattle at a meat market.

‘I was very disturbed to hear from a number of girls this morning that… they made more than 150 girls wait in a stairwell, told them they would have to stay over three hours to be seen and not to leave,’ he wrote.
‘In their usual fashion, they shut the door, went to lunch and turned off the lights to the stairs, leaving every girl with only the lights of their phones to see.

‘Not only was this sadistic and cruel, it was dangerous, and left more than a few of the girls I spoke with traumatised . . . They refuse to be treated like animals.’

Scully accused another fashion house, which he didn’t name, of trying to ‘sneak in’ 15-year-old models (the minimum legal age is 16) to its show, adding: ‘Too many of these models are under the age of 18 and clearly not equipped to be here.’

His claims sent shockwaves through the modelling world.”

– Daily Mail, Sadism on the catwalk: Locked in the dark for hours, starved and preyed on… here, models reveal the ugly truth behind fashion’s glittering façade

British model and Vogue cover girl Edie Campbell, 26 explained that this kind of treatment is common in the fashion world.

"It’s also probably not the most shocking example I’ve heard,’ she said. ‘I have witnessed a lot of upsetting things. I’ve seen girls be told to run laps around the studio.’

‘The problem with fashion is that it is a very informal industry. Boundaries are crossed and it allows people to behave in ways that would not ever be accepted in any other ‘work’ environment. Because the girls are desperate for work then they are easily exploited.

‘It is also a closed system. If you speak out, you are faced with the threat of never working again. And that is why what James is doing is so brave and should be applauded.’

– Ibid.

Other models stated that sexual abuse is also a major problem in the industry … and industry that is full of underage models.

"Leading British models have revealed they regularly suffer degrading and humiliating treatment at the hands of casting directors, agencies and photographers.

While some recount emotional manipulation and bullying, others claim to have endured physical and even sexual abuse at work.

Among the horror stories are the model who was drawn on with a permanent marker to show which parts of her body were ‘fat’; the model who was made to run around a studio in stiletto heels until she collapsed; the hopefuls kept in a room for ten hours with no food or water; the models who had their hair hacked off without their consent.

Then there’s the appalling story of the model who has permanently lost feeling in her toes after being made to stand all day in shoes that were too small.

London-based model Rosalie Nelson, 25, has been modelling for six years and says she’s lost count of the times she’s faced abuse.

“I’ve had chunks of my hair cut off without being asked if it would be OK,’ she explains. ‘I’ve been stabbed with needles and pins; my skin has been cut and pulled by clips.

‘I’ve been to castings in London where there are hundreds of models and only a handful of chairs provided. Sometimes there will be a water dispenser or vending machine, but often there is nothing.

‘I’ve been on shoots for up to ten hours where no food is provided. The underlying message is always that you shouldn’t eat.’

One of her worst experiences came in 2014 at a major UK modelling agency - which she won’t name - where Rosalie, a size 8, was told to lose weight if she wanted work.

‘I did exactly that and lost over ten kilograms and two inches off my hips,’ she says. ‘When I returned to see this agency, they said I was making progress but they wanted me to “get down to the bone”.

‘I couldn’t imagine becoming any thinner. I felt physically and emotionally drained. ‘If I had been younger and more naïve, I might have pushed myself too far and caused more harm.’

Speaking on condition of anonymity, other UK models claim they have been: Locked in rooms at auditions and castings, on one occasion for three hours; forced to work until they were so exhausted they fainted; and ‘fat-shamed’ by agents who refused to call them by name.

When one group of models, weak after several hours without food or water, ordered a pizza to the studio where they were auditioning, the casting director called them ‘pigs’ and sent them home.”

– Ibid.

Other models also denounced the abusive behavior of photographers.

"London-based model Rosalie Nelson, 25, has been modelling for six years and says she’s lost count of the times she’s faced abuse.

She attended a photoshoot at his London studio in 2011, during which the photographer asked her a series of lewd and increasingly personal questions.

‘He walked towards me with the camera repeatedly saying, ‘you are vulnerable, you are very vulnerable’, until he was right up to me,’ Roswell recalls.

‘I continued with the shoot as he had not touched me. We moved on to lingerie, where he repeatedly pushed [me] before standing above me with his crotch in my face.

‘I got to my feet and dressed . . . As I walked out of the shoot, feeling numb and shaken, he forced me into a hug.’

An astonishing 30 per cent of models report being touched inappropriately at work, while 28 per cent say they have been pressured to have sex with someone at work.

In no other industry would behaviour like this - and the behind-the-scenes horror stories - be so commonplace.”

– Ibid.

The problem is that the fashion industry is not a typical workplace. It is an informal social bubble that is ruled by people connected to the occult elite.

The movie The Neon Demon (analyzed in this article) reveals how the fashion world’s mindset takes roots in its shadowy and occult underworld where abuse, mind control, child exploitation and bizarre rituals take place.

What has been “revealed” by the above article is only the tip of the iceberg. It is symptomatic of a system that is diseased to the core.

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A Smart Home Mega Sensor Can Track What Goes On In A Room + EKG Evidence That Smart Meters Negatively Affect The Human Heart
May 27 2017 | From: Enadget / WakingTimes / Various

The concept digests all environmental data in a space to trigger IoT routines.

Creating a smart home currently requires either linking every connected device one-by-one or adding sensor tags to old appliances to make a cohesive IoT network, but there might be an easier way.

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Researchers at Carnegie Mellon developed a concept for a hub that, when plugged into an electrical outlet, tracks ambient environmental data -- essentially becoming a sensor that tracks the whole space. With this in hand, savvy programmers can use it to trigger their own connected home routines.

Synthetic Sensors: Towards General-Purpose Sensing

We explore the notion of general-purpose sensing, wherein a single, highly capable sensor can indirectly monitor a large context, without direct instrumentation of objects.

Further, through what we call Synthetic Sensors, we can virtualize raw sensor data into actionable feeds, while simultaneously mitigating immediate privacy issues. We deployed our system across many months and environments, the results of which show the versatility, accuracy and potential of our approach.

The researchers introduced their sensor nexus -- dubbed Synthetic Sensors -- this week at ACM CHI, the human-computer interaction conference. As the video demonstrates, just plug it into a USB wall port and it automatically collects information about its surroundings, uploading it to a cloud back-end over WiFi.

Machine learning on the device parses results into recognizable events, like recognizing a particular sound pattern as "dishwasher is running" -- making them "synthetic" sensors. Folks can use them as digital triggers for other IoT behaviors. For example, one could use "left faucet on" to activate a room's left paper towel dispenser -- and automatically schedule a restock when its supply runs low.

Related: "Smart City" Is Really Government Spying On An Unimaginable Scale

There's one sensor missing from the device's suite, though: A camera. Its creators are sensitive to privacy issues, which is also why raw environmental data isn't uploaded to the cloud -- just the analyzed results.

The Synthetic Sensor is still in a prototype phase, but it's a promising replacement for the jumble of individual tags needed to hook up old appliances or proprietary smart devices.

Read more at: Wired

Smart Attack!

Ever wondered why your energy supplier and governments are so keen to give you a smart meter?

We lay out some not-so-good reasons in this 4 minute animation. Your private data, lifestyle and behavioural
choices can be amalgamated into a data-set that is monetised and sold to 3rd party companies. Our usual
satire of dark subjects aim to entertain and inform you.

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A UK company Wants to "Monetise" You

Smart Meters Snooping on You?

Smart Meter Fire Hazards

The Smart Agenda

Smart Meter Health Concerns

EKG Evidence That Smart Meters Negatively Affect The Human Heart

There have been numerous whistleblowers to warn of the negative effects of smart meters on human health but perhaps none has been so successful in scientifically proving this claim as Warren Woodward of Sedona, Arizona.

He recently put AMI ‘smart’ meters to the test, and using EKG technology, has proven that smart meters throw the human heart off its balanced beat.

Related: The 'Smart' Meter Itself Is The “Hazardous Condition” + Studies On Radiation From Smart Meters Show That Electromagnetic Frequencies Disrupt And Damage The Nervous System

A smart meter digitally sends information about your energy usage to utility companies, ostensibly, so that they can monitor your home remotely. Aside from giving companies access to a trove of information (which can then be used to manipulate energy prices, etc.), these meters infringe on our privacy, and have been said to cause numerous adverse health conditions.

Smart meters often violate already high FCC limits on human exposure to microwave radiation, and are being installed despite the fact that people are developing “electro-sensitivity”.

Related: The Disturbingly Aggressive Roll Out Of Smart AKA Advanced Meters - While Children Starve And The Elderly Freeze In Rural Aotearoa (NZ)

In a first-of-its-kind, video-taped, scientifically documented presentation, Woodward shows how a smart meter adversely affects the human heart in the YouTube video below.

Woodward sits next to a smart meter that is used in Arizona, but that are also commonly used in many countries.

Many people have complained of adverse health conditions, among them:



Ringing in the ears


Eye problems

Leg cramps

Difficulty balancing

Heart problems

EMF exposure has been documented as being harmful before, but this is the first time someone has shown what EMF in the form of smart meters do to the human heart directly.

Woodward points out that in his rural location there is cell phone coverage, but that the EMF from cell towers is low intensity. Due to his location, there are no other forms of EMF that he is being exposed to.

Triggering Agents of Electromagnetic Sensitivity

Dr. Rea presented his compelling evidence and recommendations for a healthier world at Creating Safe Havens in a Toxic, Electromagnetic World, a conference hosted by the International Institute for Building-Biology & Ecology.

He also attempts to do a controlled test by hooking himself up to the EKG while not knowing when the smart meter is on or off, so that his body cannot anticipate a response, nor can he affect his heart rhythm with his own free will.

He has no health conditions, and is on no medications, however, when he is exposed to the smart meter, his heart skips beats – literally.

Any device that affects the functioning of the heart should be of profound concern. To wit, Pao L. Chang writes:

The heart is one of the most important organs in the human body, because it is one of the main mediums for connecting us to each other and the Universe. Conventional science has taught us that the main role of the heart is to pump blood to all the systems of our body.

This definition of the heart is not very accurate. Besides pumping blood, the heart also has an intelligence of its own.

According to neurocardiologists, 60 to 65 percent of heart cells are neuron cells, not muscle cells. This discovery has helped them develop experiments that have proved the heart works similar to the brain and in some ways is even superior to the brain.

This may be the reason that the heart is the first organ to function after conception. Within about 20 days after conception, the heart starts to function, but the brain does not function until after roughly 90 days. This information tells us that the brain is secondary to the heart.”

Knowing what we do now about the intelligence of the heart, and how intimately it is linked to the endocrine system, the nervous system, and even to the signaling of the brain and gut – how would you imagine smart meters might be affecting your neuro-psycho-biology? Is this yet another (attempted) way to control the innate intelligence of the population at large?

EKG Proof That "Smart" Meters Affect the Human Heart

Everyone's health is being affected by "smart" meters. The evidence in this video is a world first, and shifts the debate from whether anyone should have to pay a fee to refuse a "smart" meter to: When does the safety recall start?

We now know that even if people are not showing outward symptoms, their bodies are being unnecessarily and involuntarily stressed by "smart" meters. There must be a complete safety recall of all "smart" meters at once.

According to the Edison Foundation, there are more than 70 million smart meters currently installed, with 90 million expected to be up and running by 2020.

Need another reason to go off-grid?

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Keeping Watch on the Cabal / Illuminati / New World Order / Khazarian / Zionists

Part 1: Click here

Part 2: Click here

Part 3: Click here

Part 4: Click here

Part 5: Click here

Part 6: Click here

Part 7: Click here

Part 8: Click here

Part 9: Click here

Part 10: Click here

Part 11: Click here

Part 12: Click here

Part 13: Click here

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Part 18: Click here

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