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Religion: How It Was Employed As A Control System To Divide & Conquer

What is the Basic Purpose of Religion?

Religion is designed to focus the people's attention and energy on a single, unchanging, uncompromising and invisible supreme being who allegedly created an inferior human race just for some extra companionship and love for himself and then supposedly foisted a set of oppressive and in some cases arbitrary rules on them, which if broken would be met with unimaginable punishment.

This keeps the followers in a continuing state of fear and compliance.

They are afraid to question the intentions of this invisible being and they are afraid of even expressing their own individuality in many cases. Christians and others are taught that they have virtually no power to do anything except pray, worship and do good deeds.

They are taught to practice self denial and are told that their own will is totally irrelevant. Religious followers believe that they are yielding their will over to a benevolent cosmic individual who has single-handedly created the whole universe and has their best interests at heart when in fact they are handing over their will and freedoms to hidden groups of religious elites for the elites own personal gains.

It appears that religion must constantly degrade and humiliate its followers in order to glorify and elevate its god. Unfortunately many people appear eager to give away their power to authority and seem to have a need and even a desire to be ruled and disciplined by it.

Worshiping gods is futile and is nothing more than an ancient primitive custom practiced by weak minded and superstitious people. It has no place in the 21st century. The reason we have life in this world is to experience life in this world, not to spend our entire lives studying an old book, looking up to the sky and worshipping an invisible ruler in another realm.

Religions mostly require us to go to a 'holy place of worship' such as a church, mosque or synagoge, and / or to some type of intermediary such as a priest in order to have our connection to god / source / the creator (or whatever you wish to term him / her / it) administered or facilitated to us - by way of them.

This is nothing but a fallacy. Naturally, as many of us sense on the deepest levels, we all have an innate spiritual connection with god / source / the creator.

But the powers-that-were have done everything to co-opt this notion; as they have a psychopathic need to control everything and everyone; centralisation of power is key to them on every front.

The main method by which Christians in particular are trapped and deceived is with the messiah or saviour story. This is linked to the 'original sin' story which is designed to impose a large amount of guilt onto the whole of humanity.

The believers are then so grateful that they have been saved by the son of God nearly 2,000 years before they were born that in some cases they abandon all reason, logic and good judgment to obey and worship this god and his son.

Anyone who believes this story is indeed lost because to believe that a god would send his only son to help us, only to see his son get tortured and murdered, and then instead of unleashing all his wrath, simply absolve us from all crimes past and present, is pure madness to say the least.

Where is the lesson for us in that? What has been achieved? There is no lesson or purpose because it's all about mass psychological enslavement and disempowerment.

The so called god that we are expected to worship is undoubtedly just a dictator strawman concocted by the religious elites for the purpose of controlling the masses.

If there is a prime creator in this universe then it is unlikely that he would interfere and impose on us by foisting his arbitrary laws, let alone need and demand our frivolous worship and blind obedience. Neither of those things requires any level of mental aptitude or creativity. The intelligence and skills that's been given to many has gone totally to waste.

Many have lowered themselves to the pointless practice of hero worship.

Furthermore, Christianity, Islam and a few other religions are polarised religions. They are polarised against each other.

One is believed to be good and the other is seen as bad. The funny thing is, is that each one thinks that their's is good and the other's is bad. In most ways they're both bad. The only good kind of religion is a neutral and all loving one.

Polarised religions have been devised by influential elite leaders to play the people off against each other. That way the elite can defeat and enslave the population practically without lifting a finger.

Click on the image above to see a full size version of this chart which maps the evolution of religions

Religion is like a drug to some. And they need a 2,000 year old hero to save them - from themselves that is!

The churches don't permit their followers to have any real truth and knowledge because that would empower the people too much so they spoon feed them kiddie stories, half truths, distortions and even lies and the followers value it highly even though they must spend the rest of their lives just making sense of it.

The irony is that religion is pretty much man made, so mankind has really brought this onto themselves.

The religious elites are not totally to blame because many people actually enjoy listening to mystical sounding stories, performing rituals, customs and traditions, playing polarity roles and dramas and waging battles against what they perceive to be a devil boogie man. They also have a secret fetish to be dominated and ruled with an iron fist by a supreme ruler or king.

After all these centuries people still haven't learned to take back their power and start taking responsibility for themselves.

So Where does this Leave Us?

For many who see beyond the prisons of organised religion, they take a more inclusive spiritual philosphy. They see the universe as a whole and themselves as part of this wholeness of creation, where we are simply a part of the creator as the creator is a part of us.

Oneness as a force implies that all things are interrelated. Every one of us has a connection to one another, the earth, the universe, and to God.

This one force is a force for good which is attempting to bring the spirituality of the Creator into the earth. Unfortunately, because of our limited awareness of the power of free will, individuals are able to direct that force into selfish purposes and desires, creating "evil" in the process.

In terms of spirituality, the concept of oneness suggests that God is not limited to expressing through one religion alone. Instead, the Creator manifests in individuals' lives because of their faith and because of their relationship to the spiritual Source, not because of their specific religion.

From Edgar Cayce's perspective, religion is the form in which individuals attempt to understand the manifestation of this Spirit. God can (and does!) work through every soul in the earth.

If it feels right to you to be part of a particular religion or spiritual belief, then that is your choice and your right.

So long as you realise that you are a being of free will. For we may not even be aware of being mislead without an understanding of the wider context of the situation, nor of pitfalls such as cultural programming and coercion.

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Archival article sections accessible via the left hand navigation have not been updated for some time - simply due to resource constraints.

However, articles relating to these sections are still being published in the current events article stream.

Each new recent article covering subject matter on this topic will also link to most other articles on this site relating to said topic. (You can also navigate back in time through all articles published over the last ten years from the top and bottom of each page.

When this website launched over a decade ago, things were comparatively quiet - in relation to the almost unmanageable daily avalanche of information coming in now.

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Pope Francis’ Vatican: A Cesspool Of Pedophiles And Homosexuals
August 27 2017 | From:

In a sobering message at the funeral of Cardinal Joachim Meisner on July 15, 2017, Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI described the Catholic Church as a “boat” that “has taken on so much water as to be on the verge of capsizing.”

Cardinal Meisner was one of four Catholic clergymen who wrote a letter (dubia) to Pope Francis asking him to clarify his Amoris Laetitia apostolic exhortation that can be understood as giving permission to civilly-divorced-and-remarried Catholics (and therefore living in adultery, according to the Church) as well as unmarried cohabiting Catholics (i.e., living in fornication) to receive Holy Communion.

Related: ‘Pope Francis is Not A Man Of God’ | Putin

Reportedly, Francis published the exhortation despite having received corrections from theologians. Months after Meisner et al. sent Francis their letter, the pope still has not responded.

If the Church is a “boat” that “has taken on so much water as to be on the verge of capsizing,” then Pope Francis’ Vatican is already submerged - in a cesspool of child porn, child rape, homosexual sex-and-drug orgy, and an in-your-face homoerotic church mural.

1. Child Porn & Child Rape

Former Archbishop Jozef Wesolowsk

Related: In Shock Warning, Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI says Catholic Church is ‘on the verge of capsizing’

Michael Stone reports for Patheos, Oct. 3, 2014, that police found more than 100,000 child porn videos and photos on the computer of former Archbishop Jozef Wesolowski in his office at the Holy See diplomatic compound in the Dominican Republic. Wesolowski was the Vatican’s papal nuncio or ambassador in Santo Domingo.

Under house arrest at the Vatican, Wesolowski is also accused of raping numerous children in the Dominican Republic and Poland, and is one of the highest-ranking church officials to be accused of sexually abusing children during the Catholic Church’s widespread and costly sexual abuse scandal.

Wesolowski is also suspected of having sexually abused children while serving in other posts during his career - in South Africa, Costa Rica, Japan, Switzerland, India and Denmark.

After being publicly accused of procuring child prostitutes in 2013, Vatican officials secretly removed Wesolowski from his post as papal nuncio in Santo Domingo so as to avoid criminal prosecution.

In September 2014, Weslowski was placed under house arrest at the Vatican in response to popular outrage after reports began to circulate that the accused child rapist was free to wander the streets of Rome.

Related: The Crown Of England Is Owned And Operated By The Vatican

Authorities in both the Dominican Republic and Poland - Wesolowski’s country of origin where he has also been accused of sexually abusing children - want him extradicted to face criminal charges.

According to Vatican detectives, some of the horrors found on the former Archbishop’s computer included around 160 videos showing teenage boys forced to perform sexual acts on themselves and on adults, and more than 86,000 pornographic photos methodically archived in several category-based folders.

At least another 45,000 pictures were deleted, while even more child pornography was found on a laptop Wesolowski used during his trips abroad.

Wesolowski was charged with sexually abusing minors and child porn possession; if convicted, he would face 12 years in jail. Scheduled for July 11, 2015, his trial was postponed because of an “unexpected illness”. On August 27, 2015, Wesołowski was found dead in his residence from a heart attack. (Wikipedia)

Related: Australia: A New Church Pedophile Scandal Erupts & Vatican's 3rd Most Powerful Figure, Cardinal Pell, Charged With Multiple Sex Assaults

More recently, another high-ranking Vatican official was charged with sexual assault.

The New York Post reports that on June 22, 2017, Australian police charged Cardinal George Pell - Pope Francis’ chief financial adviser and Australia’s most senior Catholic - with multiple counts of “historical sexual assault offenses,” meaning offenses that generally occurred some time ago. Police gave no other details.

Pell, the highest-ranking Vatican official to ever be charged in the church’s long-running sexual abuse scandal, had also been accused of mishandling cases of clergy abuse when he was archbishop of Melbourne and, later, Sydney. He has denied all abuse allegations.

Meanwhile, the AP reports that, ignoring advice from the Vatican’s Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, “Pope Francis has quietly reduced sanctions against a handful of pedophile priests, applying his vision of a merciful church even to its worst offenders in ways that survivors of abuse and the pope’s own advisers question.”

At least one case has come back to bite Francis:

“An Italian priest who received the pope’s clemency was later convicted by an Italian criminal court for his sex crimes against children as young as 12. The Rev. Mauro Inzoli is now facing a second church trial after new evidence emerged against him”.

2. Homosexual Cocaine Orgy

In late June, 2017, Vatican police raided a cocaine-fueled gay-sex party at the apartment of Monsignor Luigi Capozzi, 49 - the secretary of one of Pope Francis’ key advisers and president of the Vatican’s Pontifical Council for Legislative Texts, Cardinal Francesco Coccopalmerio.


Related: Pope Francis makes a law..destroys every Corporation in the world

Ironically, the apartment is in a building right next to St. Peter’s Basilica, which belongs to the Vatican’s Congregation for the Doctrine of Faith - the arm charged with tackling clerical sex abuse. As such, the building enjoys the extraterritorial rights of the Vatican, unchecked by the Italian State.

After neighbors complained repeatedly about constant comings and goings of visitors to the building during all hours of the night, Vatican police raided the apartment and found multiple men engaged in rampant drug use and homosexual activity.

Police arrested Capozzi, whom Italian media called an “ardent supporter of Pope Francis,” after taking him to a clinic to detox from the cocaine he’d ingested. Capozzi is now on a spiritual retreat in an undisclosed convent in Italy. Despite his arrest, he is still listed as an active staff member on the website of the Pontifical Council for the Interpretation of Legal Texts.

Capozzi, who on his LinkedIn page calls himself an “expert in canon law and dogmatic theology,” managed to evade suspicion from Italian police by using a BMW luxury car with license plates of the Holy See, which made him practically immune to stops and searches.

This privilege, usually reserved for high-ranking prelates, allowed the monsignor to transport cocaine for his frequent homosexual orgies without being stopped by the Italian police.


Related: The Top Of The Pyramid: The Rothschilds, The Vatican And The British Crown Rule World

In response to the news of the police raid, Pope Francis decided to “accelerate” the retirement of Cardinal Francesco Coccopalmerio. At age 79, Coccopalmerio is way beyond the age of retirement of 75, but was kept on by Francis. Incredibly, Coccopalmerio had recommended Capozzi for a promotion to bishop, despite Capozzi’s previous alleged drug overdoses.

Coccopalmerio, as President of the Pontifical Council for the Interpretation of Legal Texts, is the Vatican’s top canonical official and one of Pope Francis’ closest collaborators and ardent supporters. Earlier this year, the Vatican’s publishing house released with much fanfare a book by Coccopalmeiro that defended Francis’s Amoris Laetitia, even though it contradicted perennial Catholic teaching.

In a 2014 interview with Rossoporpora, Coccopalmerio said that while homosexual relationships are deemed “illicit” by the Church, Catholic leaders, such as himself, must “emphasize” the “positive realities” that he said are present in homosexual relationships:

“But if I see that the two persons truly love each other, do acts of charity to those in need, for example … then I can also say that, although the relationship remains illicit, positive elements also emerge in the two persons. Instead of closing our eyes to such positive realities, I emphasize them.”

Related: Vatican Police 'Break Up Gay Orgy' At Home Of One Of Pope Francis' Advisors & Germany Dismantles Huge Ring Of 87,000 Members Involved In Child Abuse

Michael Hichborn, president of the U.S.-based Lepanto Institute, said he highly suspects Coccopalmerio knew of his secretary’s homosexual cocaine orgies:

“Given the monitoring and whispering that goes on in the Vatican, it is unlikely to the point of absurdity that Cardinal Coccopalmerio was unaware of Msgr. Capozzi’s disgusting activities.

In fact, when we consider the 300-page document on the homosexual lobby that was handed to Pope Benedict XVI just before he resigned, the probability is that many who work in the Vatican were fully aware of what Capozzi was doing, and that such activities are taking place among other clergy as well.”

Hichborn said that the homosexual orgy happening right next to St. Peter’s is indicative that the Vatican is “ground zero for a mass apostasy that is happening right now within the Catholic Church.” Hichborn said that the Church’s enemies are now trying to destroy her from within:

“We know for a fact that Communists and homosexuals were specifically recruited as far back as the 1920’s to infiltrate seminaries. It was a concerted effort to destroy the Church from within. What we are seeing is the culmination of nearly 100 years worth of this effort playing itself out.”

3. Homoerotic Church Mural


Related: Former Jesuit Priest Exposes How The Vatican Created Islam

In March 2017, reports surfaced that Archbishop Vincenzo Paglia, in 2007 when he was a diocesan bishop, had commissioned a homosexual artist to paint a gigantic blasphemous homoerotic mural in his cathedral church of the Diocese of Terni-Narni-Amelia in Umbria, central Italy.

Related: Holy Smoke And Mirrors - The Vatican Conspiracy

The mural that covers the opposite side of the facade of the church portrays Jesus carrying nets to heaven filled with writhing naked and semi-nude homosexuals, transsexuals, prostitutes, and drug dealers.

The image of the archbishop himself is depicted among those in the nets.

Cathedral mural depicting Archbishop Vincenzo Paglio clutching semi-nude-man

Archbishop Paglia defended the mural deemed by Catholic critics to be “blasphemous” and “disgusting,” as well as “demonic,” saying it was part of a commitment to evangelizing. Regarding his inclusion in the mass of nude bodies shown in the mural, he said, “I too am included in the mural as one who needs redemption no less than anyone else.”

Not coincidentally, Paglia also defended Pope Francis’ Amoris Laetitia on allowing adulterers and others living in mortal sin receive the Eucharist, which reinforces the suspicion of many that the real intent of Amoris Laetitia ultimately is to legitimate homosexuality.

Commenting on the cesspool in the Vatican, Riposte Catholique observes:

“One thinks one is dreaming: in the most deplorable of ways, the Rome of today seems to have fallen lower than the Rome of the Borgias.”

Related: The Vatican Is A Criminal Hornets’ Nest

In a talk given in Washington D.C. last October, the orthodox Bishop Athanasius Schneider of Kazakhstan points out that where there is heresy, there is also sexual immorality because “heresy” always goes hand-in-hand with an “unchaste life”.

No wonder some Catholics call Jorge Bergoglio (Pope Francis is his job title) an anti-Pope.

No wonder U.S. Catholic congregations are aging and dying off. At least 60% of most congregations today are over 65 years of age. (Catholic Journal)

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Former Satanic Priest Exposes The Four Main Tenets Of Satanic Ideology & Are You A Satanist? You Could Be And Not Even Know It + Ask An Ex-Satanist Anything - Katy Perry Super Bowl Ritual
July 16 2017 | From: Sitshow / MarkPassio / Various

In January of 2015, Mark Passio, former Satanic priest, gave a clear and on point, explanation of the ideology of the church of Satan. His knowledge comes from his experience as a former priest in the church of Satan, a branch of the Dark Occult.

Now Passio has changed his personal ideology 180 degrees and helps to expose the insidious precepts of Satanism. Earlier this year, Mark Passio joined Lee Ann McAdoo from Alex Jones' InfoWars for an online interview wherein he discussed the "4 main tenets of Satanism."

Related: How The Term “Satan” Originated And How Satanism Controls Entities & The Djinn (Jinn) And Their
Connection To The Shadow People

Mark's website, is www.whatonearthishappening.com. He was a speaker at a conference in Philadelphia, PA on April 10-12, 2015, advertised on his website, which sought to establish a much more inclusive and caring world view than what he previously believed in.

As Passio explains he was dissatisfied with religion and over time became angry and and gravitated towards the branch of Satanism called the Dark Occult.

His writing and music was recognized by a Satanic church figure, the late Anton LaVey and LaVey asked him to become a priest in the church and to take on the role of converting others to the Satanic counter-religion.

While he does not explain why he left the church of Satan, Passio does explain that his associates within the group were completely unconcerned with him leaving, as they felt confident that nothing he could do could affect them or their power.

Occult Holidays And Sabbats: Why Holidays Are Satanic Rituals

Is it harmful for society to associate the word Satanism solely with human and animal sacrifices and sexual crimes? Could it be that such a definition allows the more sensitive and insidious aspects of the ideology to continue on and become accepted or institutionalized?

What is very interesting about the "Satanic ideology" that Mark Passio describes is that the precepts are not specifically racism or bigotry, the kinds of hatred we frequently associate with criminal acts.

The "4 main tenets of Satanism" as he explains are:

1. Self Preservation

2. Moral Relativism

3. Social Darwinism

4. Eugenics

These concepts [detailed further below] exist on a sliding scale and it is not clear to what degree they are actually practiced by Satanists.

The individuals who practice such a selfish philosophy unbalanced by love or compassion for others would seem like sociopaths among us, perhaps free of criminal records, but who take no risk or responsibility to improve the lives of less fortunate people in society.

As Passio explains, Self Preservation is among the highest Satanic principles, and not in the acceptable sense of being defensive.

Related: The Fight to Save America From Satan's Subliminal Rock Messages

We may know many people in our lives who we consider harmless individuals, without criminal records, who indeed show philosophical traits in common with Satanism, however we would never think of calling them Satanic because we associate that offensive word with human and animal sacrifices, which is a deception that conceals the nature of Satanism as the inverse of Christianity.

For example where Christianity might practice forgiveness and freedom from dogma, Satanism prefers the tools of mercilessness and oppression.

If more corporate businesses than not identify with the ideology of Satanism in their business practices, then are we living in a pre-dominantly Satanic world?

If so, then it is only individuals, practicing self preservation balanced with Jesus' fruits of the Spirit such as compassion to other human beings, that make the world unevil. 

Today Passio  is using his knowledge not to create converts but to expose the Satanic ideology in an effort to reveal how harmful it is.

If it goes un-identified, then it will continue to overwhelm our technological society, in the businesses and sciences, and allow the elite to be dangerously misguided.

We make the world how we create it to be. We are free to create new and better systems of business based on morally objective ideology to overcome old and inferior systems of enslavement.

Despite the aesthetic symbols seen in the background of his recording location, Passio speaks powerfully and knowledgeably against Satanic tools used to oppress massive numbers of people.

He shows that he has re-wired himself in favor of love. On his website the footer reads: All is Love. Which is clearly not the belief of a Satanist.

Former Satanist Exposes Occult Secrets

De-mystifying the occult with Mark Passio. Passio, an independent researcher, public speaker, radio talk show host, conference organizer and freedom activist from Philadelphia, PA., has undertaken the task of assembling vast amounts of research in the areas of metaphysics, occultism, spirituality, symbology and consciousness studies.

Partial Transcript from "Former Satanist Exposes Occult Secrets"

7:41 -

“It has nothing to do with the Christian notion of the devil. Satanism has 4 main tenets or overarching principles of belief.

And that is that self-preservation is the highest goal. And you should do whatever you can to advance your personal power and influence in the world no matter who you really have to walk all over, step on, or hurt to get what you want.

That's really the number one tenet and if you look at society most of society is stuck in that cut-throat, dog-eat-dog, mentality."


"Moral relativism is the second major tenet which is that there is really no such thing as objective standards of right and wrong behavior. That we as human beings can get to decide upon our whims what right and wrong are and base our actions accordingly.

And if you look at most of society I would say more people than not are moral relativists than moral objectivists who think that there is an objective standard of right and wrong behavior. So that's also very pervasive in society."

8:02 -

"The Third major tenet is social darwinism, the idea that the most ruthless in society have some sort of a predetermined idea or pre-destined right to basically rule over everybody else in society because their genetics got them there, and made them fit for rulership.

And many people will actually think like that and think that that's ok, that that's just the natural order or the way things are. You know, and so that's also very pervasive in our society."

8:33 -

"And finally the 4th main pillar of Satanism is eugenics, the idea that those who are socially fit to rule, and they're the fittest in society and therefore they've come out on top and they're ruling the roost, well they can get to decide who basically propagates their genes and who does not, or in other words, who gets to live and who dies.

Who must die."

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Are You A Satanist? You Could Be And Not Even Know It + Ask Ex-Satanist Anything - Katy Perry Super Bowl Ritual

This is an interview with a former priest of the Church of Satan, Mark Passio, discussing how the Satanism normally thought of in the world today (the Worship of a "devil" by confused and misguided people) is far more insidious than we could have possibly imagined. 

Instead of small gatherings, acting as individuals (usually we think of satanists as crazy unbalanced teens or psychopaths), Passio describes Satanism is actually a recruiting mechanism for a far darker agenda. Lawyers, Doctors and nearly every other high ranking figure in society was in attendance during his time with them.

Related: Satanic Pedophilia Network Exposed In Australia - It Starts At The TOP, Just Like In The USA And UK

They revealed to him that their efforts are global in scale and have been operating for thousands of years in a cohesive unified effort under the banner of Christianity, Islam, Judaism and nearly every other major institution of thought including Science, Law and Government.

Satanism is not wholly what the official Church of Satan offers in it's writings, it is actually an organization which incorporates organize crime, and fits the profile described by Gordon Duff in his work on the OCC (Organized Crime Cabal); the "illuminati" as they are popularly known.

Goal of Occulted Satanism

Their aim is simple: to push Satanic belief systems on to the masses causing self destructive tendencies; divide and conquer.

People spend most of their lives trying to fight for their egocentric desires, destroying themselves and society in the process, "requiring authorities" at all levels to keep the ignorant masses under control.

The Cabal, or Dark Occultists, position themselves in power to be that controlling force - bringing "order to chaos".

Related: John Kerry Admits They're Making 'Order Out Of Chaos' For 'World Order'

Occulted Satanism is more a philosophy, a set of beliefs and ideas, pushed on the masses under many guises; nearly all of which are accepted unconsciously.

Materialism, Corporatism, Narcissism, Atheism and nearly all world religions (as they are practiced) - can be thought of as Satanic in this context. (read this wikipedia article on Satanism to provide a context for the popularly known version vs the Occulted version discussed by Passio).

One shocking revelation offered by Passio, and confirmed for oneself by honest investigation, is that the world at large is in a state of consciousness which could be thought of as Satanic.

Related: Vladimir Putin: The New World Order Worships Satan

Stated more simply, humanity is being indoctrinated into Satanic belief systems, modes of thought, and do not realize it because they have a false version of Satanism pushed by the media.

We think Satanism involves "the devil" and sacrificing animals by a few 'bad apples' that are not connected in anyway, but in truth this is not actually the case.

Within the definitions of Satanism provided by Mark, we have the following Tenants (I drafted these in my own words listening to the show):

1. Narcissism

"Me and my needs are the only thing that matters, even at the cost of everyone else". Survival of the self, is most important. "No one else and their personal suffering, matters unless I am affected."

Compassion for others is weakness. (Narcissistic personality disorder, also known as NPD, is a disorder in which the individual has a distorted self image, unstable and intense emotions, is overly preoccupied with vanity, prestige, power and personal adequacy, lacks empathy, and has an exaggerated sense of superiority; balancing their low self image.

NPD is closely associated with egocentrism - a personality characteristic in which people see themselves and their interests and opinions as the only ones that really matter).

2. Moral Relativism

"There is no such thing as truth, I make up what right and wrong are based on what I want. If I can get away with it, then it's "right" and I should; its only wrong, if I get caught."

The belief that objective morality doesn't exist and neither does Truth. This is Solipsism, the belief that there is no truth because we can not know it with absolute certainty; "the view or theory that the self is all that can be known to exist" - Wikipedia.

As such, "what I believe is the only thing that matters, and if I don't believe it - it doesn't exist." New Age Doctrine of - "Ignore the negative, and it will magically go away."

Related: Lucis Trust, Alice Bailey, World Goodwill And Lucifer - The False Light Of The World

3. Social Darwinism

"I focus on my survival and personal needs only; by any means necessary. What gets the job done, whatever I need to do to survive, is the only thing that matters. If someone else can't do the same, they are weak and deserve what they get."

4. Eugenics

"I get to decide who lives and dies, what their value is only in relation to my own self interest. If your not with me your against me. I am superior you are inferior."

Here the aim is to cull the masses, keep the population at a 'workable level'. In the past this was done more directly (i.e. the Holocaust) but today Eugenics is unfolding in an Epi-eugenic way. People, by their own beliefs and actions, eat food that kills them off, and kill each other off in unnecessary conflicts.

Related: Eugenics and the Depopulation Agenda

Other Points

"Humans are just animals - morality, compassion and empathy are just human inventions - only might is right."

There is no God, no organizing force in the Universe; only Entropy - Scientific Atheism is Satanic within this context.

Are you a Satanist?

That question usually offends us so much we never ask ourselves honestly. Let me cast the limelight on myself for the moment. 

The 'Cremation of Care' ritual cermony held annually by the elite in the US at Bohemian Grove, CA.

During my late teens and early 20's, I was a major drug addict. I stole from my family, friends and stores regularly to sustain my addiction.

Doing anything I could to stave off the dope sickness, I always felt the moral wrongness of my actions.

Eventually I made the choice to get clean and moved away from the situations that tempted me. Finally I healed the true cause of the addiction within myself, and now even if I had heroin within my grasp I wouldn't find value in the experience of taking it.

The point is, that I justified my actions, despite having a conscious awareness of how wrong they are, and as such, I was acting as a Satanist.

All my justifications and rationalizing won't change my Satanic behavior, because at the end of the day what I chose to do, was in harmony with the plans of the Dark Occultists.

Related: The Peace Sign And Satanism

Anyone who acts in this way is for all intents and purposes an Agent of the Cabal.

Using this very strict definition, we can easily see that nearly everyone in our modern world is acting out the plans of the Cabal unconsciously.

I know this can be a sobering realization, but can be empowering once we accept it, because we realize that we can personally take action to change.

Why is This Important?

Once we begin to realize that our world views, beliefs and ideals are indoctrinated into us subliminally, we can begin to empower ourselves to take our lives back by reviewing it consciously.

The PRIMARY reason why most people are not Moral, and adhere to passivity in their lives is because of a low self image, which was developed early on in life, and supported by many hidden belief systems pushed by our modern world.

This realization, coupled with a deep drive to rediscover who we really are and undo the years of unconscious programming, slowly heals us.

Related: Pope Francis Declares Lucifer As God?

Eventually we not only feel better on a daily basis, but we begin to realize that only through ourselves, the personal work of gaining true knowledge and acting in that knowledge, will undo the horrors of this world. 

Humanity as a whole has been conditioned to be dark and materialistic, doomed to self destruction, unless we look in the mirror and realize it is all our collective behaviors and beliefs which maintain the status quo.

Ultimately, we can acknowledge this is happening "to us" and realize only we can do something about it.

Authorities can not 'save us' because blind faith in authorities are the root of the problem. We must become our own guru's and rediscover who we really are, which will naturally undo the years of Satanic programing, and embolden us to act morally in the future. 

Ask Ex-Satanist Anything - Katy Perry Super Bowl Ritual

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Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi

How The Term “Satan” Originated And How Satanism Controls Entities & The Djinn (Jinn) And Their Connection To The Shadow People
June 2 2017 | From: Bibliotecapleyades / Omnithought

The following article contains controversial knowledge, so use your intuition and critical thinking skills to discern it. This material was written some time ago when the NWO plan looked like it was going to succeed.

People are generally taught through the satanic movement that they can overcome any insecurity by accumulating greater and greater power.

Related: The trick behind occult systems

Therefore, they become involved in this quest for power, but the quest for power also asks them to sacrifice something to the Satanic power, and many of these entities will have at some point or another, either sacrificed one of their own, or sacrificed something of their own to that satanic power, and they begin to become accepted in that circle and they may help one another to gain greater wealth by being part of the group, but along the way they also are asked to participate in further sacrifices or to carry out some action of less than the highest, and more often, extremely debased in nature.

For example, they may be asked to participate in a ritual in which some entity is sacrificed, and they are to be the one who places the blade for the sacrifice, or assists in the killing of an entity, and if they do not participate in this, then of course they are not a full party in the group and are looked upon as not being worthy, and therefore, they either join in the negative behavior and criminal act, or they lose face and position in the group.

Related: Saturn Occult Symbolism and ‘The Cube’

If they go along they will be rewarded, but they also are vulnerable to blackmail. If they should ever try to tell it or get out of the group, they can be blackmailed, for they have witness who saw the dastardly deed take place, and saw this entity did it himself.

The more they participate the deeper they may get into the participation of crimes so that eventually they have done so many of these things that they cannot extract themselves, they cannot get out without the great threat of their associates turning against them.

Satanists the Mayor Threat in the 90's - Three Types of Entities on Earth Plane Today
(Revelations of Awareness newsletter 89-10)

This will be the greater concern of the masses during the 1990's; that this indeed can eventually lead to a new type of Armageddon between these forces of misguided beings who seek power and who enjoy the action of cruelty and sadism.

Essentially there are three types of entities on the Earth plane:

Those who are associated with the attitude exemplified by the Christ, of loving one another, and of clarity in relationship

Those who are exemplified by the attitude as Luciferian, who will deceive and who will manipulate and misrepresent information in order to gain power and advantage over to others and who basically see themselves as separate and important, more important than others

Those who are represented and symbolized by that which has been termed Satanic; whose interest and joy lies in watching the suffering of others. They seek power not simply to be in control, but to be able to harm others. These are the Sadists of society. They enjoy inflicting pain in whatever way they can

How the Term "Satan" Originated

In reality, there is no such being as Satan. It is simply a creation of man, and the energies associated with this as being created as the movement grows and the creation of such energies as a personification of such energies. Originally, Satan was nothing other than the planet Saturn in an astrological quality.

It was the Egyptian Set, the Egyptian God known as Set, which represented Satan or Saturn; the Persians, instead of calling it Saturn or set, called the planet Satan, and personified the planet as though it were a person. This Awareness indicates that the Persians were the first to invent the personification of that which was called Satan.

Related: Pope Francis Declares Lucifer As God?

Later, the time being in approximately the mid part of the Christian Age, Western mystics, in studying various religions, latched on to the Persian teachings of Satan and brought into the Christian religion. Prior to that there was no Satan.

It then led to modification in the biblical texts, and let to various types of change in the scriptures and attitudes and terminologies used in the teachings, so that instead of Saturn or Set, the terms for Satan became as though the entity were a person; that in this manner, a force was personified. The personification of this force in modern times is such that entities are treating this personification, this creation, as though it were a real being, and are worshipping this force.

The Philosophy of Satanism

The Satanic philosophy is that the entity claiming to be God of the Judeo-Christian philosophy, the Jewish god Jehovah, as having been a false god, and that Christ was misled, and was a cooperative of this philosophy, and that essentially, these two beings, the god of the Jews or Hebrews, and the Son of God as Jesus the Christ, were in reality, creations of a false God by the Hebrews and the followers of the Hebrew influence.

These entities, - the Satanists, - teach that Satan or Natas, was the true God of the universe, and has been slandered and falsely blamed for all of the ills of the world, and that he, as the True Creator, having taking on all the hostility and karma of the universe, awaits for these false forces to play out their roles, their games, when at that time he will again be redeemed and recognized as the true creator of the universe.

This essentially is a rough concept of the satanic philosophy.

Related: Lucis Trust, Alice Bailey, World Goodwill And Lucifer - The False Light Of The World

This philosophy also includes the belief that those who align themselves with Natas, or Satan, will have greater power over others.

These entities often in meeting places, meditate and pray to Natas or Satan, that the energy enter into them and give them the powers which will redeem the forces of Satan. This unusual philosophic concept or belief of Satanism reaches back into Greek mythological character, having horns and the feet of a goat, half man, half goat.

The Seduction of the Young: Perversions, Bestiality, Ritual Human Sacrifice: More Common Today than Most Want to Believe

There is considerable reason for looking deeply at the satanic movement, and it is true that these entities have been around for thousands of years.

However, that in the past, their activities have not been so noxious as in the recent years and months, whereby they have begun to spread their teachings among young people, and, coupling this with drug use, these young people become extremely vulnerable to their teachings and ritual sacrifice in such a manner as to bring these things into extreme polarity on a larger scale, so that society must become aware of what is occurring.

Related: Dark Subliminal Suggestions

This Awareness indicates it is one thing for people from such a group to consider such thoughts and concepts as are expounded in the philosophies of Satan and Bael churches or groups, but it is quite something else when they begin to activate rites of human sacrifice.

It is enough to tolerate the ritualistic slaughtering of animals in their rites, but it has in recent time become more and more predominant in these groups to indulge in immoralities, perversions and bestiality, including also murder in these rites.

The problem is much more widespread that anyone would care to believe; that there are also situations in which children not only are victims of some of these rites, there are also situations in which the members of such groups, Satanists movements, are involving their own children in witnessing these ritualistic sacrifices of others, including other children, and in fact, in some instances, use the children as the instrument of sacrificing other children.

This Awareness indicates this being forced upon the children with threats that if they do not participate and also, if they speak of this to anyone, they too will be sacrificed in a similar ritual, or they too will witness the sacrifice of other loved ones in the family.

Related: Brazilian Student Disappears Leaving Behind a Room Covered in Coded Texts and Occult Symbols

This Awareness indicates that this sounds unbelievable to the average and reasonable mind, yet there is a philosophy propounded by these entities who see this as a reasonable normal part of their own view of their lives, and do not wince or feel any conscience in regard to the type of behavior and actions of such rituals.

Refer always to Satan as the myth of Satan, so that others begin to think in this way, for it detracts greatly from the power of that myth to have it called a myth. This is an example of making entities free.

Comment: Some are now of the opinion that in fact the force known as Satan is in actual fact an ancient rouge, artificial intelligence that is trying to take over the universe.

In the New World Order Prostitution and Pornography would increase

Thus, prostitution and pornography were planned to become an even greater and more open industry after the New World Order was fully implemented. At present it is an industry that is hidden behind the scenes.

Generally, when something of this nature is implemented in society, there is a way of impressing society that it is necessary for the security of the nation or of the people, and when this is used as an argument, in most cases, the people will accept it.

However, as has been said, entities who put too much value on security open themselves to become victims of maximum security, thus, slavery and bondage becomes an outcome of excessive security and entities give up freedoms and the right to express themselves, or the desire to have decency as representing their governments and leaders.

Related: Top 5 Occult Military Insignia

At this time, the value of decency has eroded so greatly that most politicians can be indecent and still win the election if they can show how they are helping the masses improve their lifestyle and their security in their lives.

There are many entities who have been conditioned to think that money gives them freedom; that money and security are the bottom line for a happy life. They have not fully thought through how much value there is in being free or in being able to go from one place to another having to get a permission from some authority.

As entities become more dependent on government it puts them back into the position they experienced as children when their parents were overbearing, overcontrolling, and when as children, they could only dream of growing up and becoming independent adults.

But many adults do not know what to do with their freedom and thus enjoy subjecting themselves to an overbearing government and are willing to lose their freedoms in order to have greater protection and greater benefits from the governments that they choose to serve them

The Silent Masses

When this becomes the greater, value, they can be persuaded to remain placid and quiet and silent and go along, to get along, even when the government begins to raid their neighbor's homes, take the neighbor's children, et cetera, and they will not ask: "What happened ? Where did they go?" or if they do, and the government simply says"We are taking care of the entity's family. The entity committed crimes and we have moved the family to a safe place," the masses will say "Oh! That's good!," without further investigation.

If they did attempt to investigate, they would run into those who stopped them from going further in their investigation. They would run into stories and statements to assure them that "All is well, the entity will get a fair trial, the family is relocated in a nice place, in a nice home, and therefore, you need not worry about their safety and their welfare any further."

Related: Former head of Knights of Malta defies Vatican to attend election for new leader of ancient order

Meanwhile the family may be up on the blocks being sold into white slavery or shipped to another country for further use as human resources in slavery or in prostitution or some other money-making activity.

If there are enough people who awaken to this diabolic activity that is now progressing, it may not be possible for these entities to continue their program.

They are really a relatively small group when compared to the billions of people in the world. It is just that they have control over the media, and because they have control over the media and over money, they are able to keep others quiet and to intimidate the masses.

Once the masses awaken like a giant mob or a giant army of citizens, these entities would have absolutely no chance of ruling a New World Government to subject the masses to slavery.

The Djinn (Jinn) And Their Connection To The Shadow People

In early Arabian and Islamic mythology and theology, Djinn (Jinn) are supernatural creatures. According to the Quran and certain ancient records, the Djinn were created from smokeless and scorching fire.

An individual member of the Jinn is known as a jinni, djinni or genie. In the Western world, Djinn are sometimes referred to as demons. According to Rosemary Guiley, author of The Djinn Connection, one of the many forms of the Djinn is the Shadow People.

I personally had experienced encounters with the Shadow People, a group of humanoid beings that like to hide in the shadow and often appear as shadow figures. When I was a child, they would often appeared in my bedroom and harassed me when I was in the process of falling asleep.

It was not until my late 20s that they stopped appearing in my bedroom. I felt that one of the reasons why they stopped harassing me was because I did not fear them anymore. Furthermore, I became more aware of how to exercise my natural rights and spiritual powers.

Based on my experience, the Shadow People had very negative vibration. Sometimes, their vibration was so negative that when they appeared beside my bed, their energy paralyzed me, making it hard for me to stay calm and breathe.

My experience with the Shadow People helped me to discover some effective methods for preventing negative entities, such as Djinn and demons from harassing me. One method is to not fear them. An even more effective method is to not be afraid to exercise your natural rights.

One of your most powerful natural rights is free will. When negative entities harass you, tell them to stop or face the consequences of violating your free will. The Universe has its own law system, so do not be afraid to use the law system of the Universe to enforce the power of Natural Law.

If you have a hard time believing that Djinn, demons and supernatural creatures exist, read my shocking article titled Demon Magicians: Are Most Great Magicians Possessed by Demons?

The following videos have a lot of interesting information about the Djinn. Intuitively, I sense that there is a good amount of truth to the information in the videos. However, is all of it true? Watch the videos and decide for yourself.

Rosemary E Guiley – The Djinn

In this Bases Educational Supplement with the AMMACH Project, The ultimate enemy of man kind is discussed here, with Rosemary Ellen Guiley, the Vengeful DJINN, older, even before Man ever "arrived" The DJINN are rather annoyed, and they are coming.

Seen as scuttlers, "mulitlegged" creatures, "Shadow People... all over this world.... black fluidic intelligent energy...
This interview provides a short history and decription of the DJINN, and a blatant simple warning.

Djinn & Shadow People Rosemary Ellen Guiley

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Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi

Removing The Blindfold Of Dogmatic Belief
May 18 2017 | From: TheUnbouondedSpirit

A little less than fifteen years ago, when I was a teenage school student, I had a teacher who was teaching a religion class. She was a Christian, and she fervently believed in the teachings of Jesus.

She used to quote sayings from the New Testament on love and the importance of spreading kindness and compassion in our unkind and cruel world. She often spoke about the urgent need of humanity to unite and work together for a brighter future, and explained how people’s alienation from one another is at the root of the troubling times we currently live in.

Related: The Opiate Of The Masses: When Religion Becomes An Addiction

When she was teaching Christianity, she seemed overflown with joy. Her job, however, wasn’t just to teach Christianity, but the world’s major religions, including Islam, Hinduism, and Buddhism, which she didn’t seem to enjoy that much. Whenever she taught religious traditions other than Christianity, she would be very dismissive of them.

In her mind, Christianity was the ideologically superior religion, and she wouldn’t encourage us students to objectively study the rest of world’s religions. On the contrary, she would try to persuade us in any way possible to believe that all religions except Christianity are not to be taken seriously.

She even claimed that all other religions are evil and made use of fear-mongering tactics to make us stay away from them. For example, she would tell us that those who don’t abide by the dogma of Christianity will end up in hell - a dogmatic belief that is common among fundamental Christians.

No matter how much she tried, however, I couldn’t be convinced a bit, unlike most of my classmates. Was it because I was raised by non-religious parents, or was there something terribly wrong with me? I wasn’t sure, but one thing is certain: no claims of her concerning the superiority of Christianity made any sense to me.

As a teenager, I had a curious mind and an inquiring spirit. The only problem was that I also had a loud mouth and I would voice my opinions, even when they were contradicting those of authority. I remember one day during the religion class, I presented some of what I sincerely considered solid logical arguments against the Christian dogma.

Instead of presenting her counter-arguments, my teacher responded by saying that I was not mature enough to understand the essence of Christianity, and that reason can’t fathom its essence since it’s a faith-based religion. Of course, I didn’t consider this as legitimate answer, and so I kept on bringing up my arguments.

To my surprise, her face turned red, she started yelling at me and eventually expelled me from class, because, as she later told me, she felt offended by my “anti-Christian” attitude.

On that day, I wondered: Is this the same person who previously taught about the power of love and unity? How can a person preach such lofty ideals and practice quite the opposite? I was utterly perplexed, and it wasn’t until years later that I realized that this is a much more common behavior among people than I had first thought.

In my 29 years of life, I’ve had the luck to travel to over thirty countries, and during my trips around the world I had the chance to meet people from various religious traditions. An interesting thing that I always came to experience was that the people who were believing the most in a religious dogma were also the ones who behaved in the most paradoxical way.

On the one hand, they would preach love, compassion, unity - the core teachings of most religions - but, on the other hand, they would behave in a very hateful, competitive, non-humane way, especially to those who don’t espouse their beliefs. In other words, they were the ones less likely to practice what they preached.

But why is that so? What could be the possible explanation for this strange psychological phenomenon?

To my understanding, this is an inevitable outcome of being attached to an ideology, whether that is religious or not. When you accept a particular ideology as the sole truth, and you have so much faith in it that you support it and follow it wholeheartedly no matter what - even when facts contradict your beliefs - then your mental capacity to think reasonably and act responsibly is nowhere to be found.

In that fanatic, blinded state of mind, you identify yourself so much with a belief system that, if someone is opposed to it, you feel threatened by that person, since you’re under the impression that when your ideology is attacked, you yourself are being attacked. Then, as a psychological defense mechanism, you are ready to do just about anything to protect your ideology and hence yourself.

When existential fear is coupled with irrationality, the result can’t be anything but nonsensical and damaging. Take, for example, the suicide attacks of Jihadists who blow themselves up injuring and killing so many people in the name of God.

Or think of the times in India where the Hindu custom of Sati used to be practiced, where Hindu widows would jump into their husband’s funeral pyre shortly after their husbands’ death, believing that this way they would prove to God and society how good and devoted wives they were.

Or, contemplate on the witch-hunt of Early Modern Europe when so-called Christians tortured, burned or hanged tens of thousands of women because they thought them to be servants of the Devil. Such fanatic religious people sincerely believe that they are serving God through such violent actions and that this way they are contributing to the betterment of humanity and the world.

In the case of my religion school teacher, her behavior towards me was obviously not as destructive, but it was essentially of the same nature. Her firm belief that the religious ideology she was advocating was the only absolute truth prevented her from conversing in a constructive dialogue concerning Christianity.

In order to avoid her ideology being attacked, she would discourage her students to raise arguments against it, and, if they did, she would try to silence them by telling them that they have no idea what they are talking about, or, at worst, by expelling them from class.

Regardless of how hatefully at times she behaved, in her mind she was doing the right thing for the rest of her students and for the religion she believed in - she was acting out of “love.” Trapped in her dogmatic belief system, she could neither realize the extent of her cognitive dissonance nor the true consequences of her actions.

What this and the aforementioned examples can teach us is that it’s not a good idea to base our opinions on how ethical a person is according to their words, beliefs and ideals - on the contrary, we need to pay attention to their actions and derive our conclusions about who they are from there. No matter how highly one talks of god, love, compassion, and so on, it is their actions and attitude that ultimately reveal what they are made of.

I read somewhere a quote that struck a chord in my heart: “Sometimes, the nicest people you meet are covered in tattoos and sometimes the most judgmental people you meet go to church on Sundays.” How true that statement is!

Many times, those who seem “bad” according to society’s standards have the warmest hearts and those who appear to perfectly conform to the prevailing cultural idea of what it means to be a “good” person are often the ones having the most inflated egos and a very judgmental attitude towards their fellow human beings.

Unfortunately, many people are quick to put labels on others and judge them based on their prejudices.

"“hey are non-believers, therefore they must be immoral, evil individuals,”
 I’ve heard theists talk about atheists. I’ve also heard atheists talk in a similar fashion towards theists: “They are believing in God, therefore they must be ignorant morons.”

 To me, it doesn’t matter whether you call yourself Atheist, Christian, Muslim, Capitalist, Communist, Libertarian, Conservative, or anything else - what matters to me is how the ideology you hold in dear faith is affecting your thought-patterns and in turn your day-to-day behavior.

Does it help improve your quality of life and the well-being of the world you’re living in? If so, that’s fine. If not, you better reconsider it. Of course, the sad truth is that the more attached one is to an ideology, the less one can objectively assess the consequences of their dogmatic beliefs.

Personally, I’ve chosen to not identify myself with any particular religious, philosophical, political, or any other kind of ideology. The reason for doing so isn’t a lack of interest in acquiring knowledge - on the contrary, I’m so enthusiastic about developing a spherical understanding of reality that I find a single ideology can only limit my perspective of life.

Reality is multi-sided and attachment to an ideology or set of beliefs focuses our attention only to a tiny part of it, thus making us neglect the larger view. Therefore, the more open we are to diverse opinions and beliefs, the more able we’ll be to increase our intelligence and grow in our understanding. So why would I want to confine my mind to any particular ideology?

Of course, when I say being open I don’t mean blindly accepting what others present you as truth. What I mean is paying attention to different ideas than the ones you’ve been conditioned to have, while using critical thinking in order to reach your own conclusions about them from your own empirical, evidence-based understanding.

Although I enjoy studying and learning from all kinds of schools of thought, I don’t accept anything on belief alone. I always make sure to use my reasoning, and I only keep in my mind and heart the ideas that resonate with me and help me to lead a better life, while I discard those that don’t contribute to my well-being, regardless of the ideology they are derived from.

For example, I’ve found pearls of wisdom in all of the major religious scriptures, but I’ve also discovered disturbing and nonsensical teachings in them that I would never embrace or practice just because they are considered holy by certain groups of people.

In addition, being aware that actions speak louder than words, I don’t try to impose my own opinions on others. Instead, I live by example, knowing that only this way I can truly influence those around me. I’m trying to be as conscious of my actions as I can and I take full responsibility for their consequences.

I don’t conform to the unconscious herd mentality, I don’t obey to authority, and whenever others are trying to mold my life into a certain form, I rebel against them in order to reclaim my freedom.

Sometimes I imagine a world where people don’t judge one another based on their beliefs, and instead embrace each other no matter their cultural background. A world where people don’t fight one another just because they hold different opinions, and instead are willing to peacefully exchange ideas so they can learn from each other.

A world where people seek to develop their understanding and expand their consciousness, instead of accepting and blindly following all the narrow-minded ideological burden that was handed down to them by tradition. A world where people are willing to doubt their beliefs and raise new questions, instead of letting others tell them what is right and true.

A world where people are unafraid to listen to their inner voice and follow what their heart is dictating them, instead of following a predetermined path that was forced upon them by authority figures.

Wouldn’t such a world be much more beautiful?

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Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi
May 1st: The Day Slavery System Transferred From Monarchies To The Corporations
May 3 2017 | From: Geopolitics

On May 1st 2017, the world labor movements commemorate once again their tangible contribution to our collective development as a human species. This is also the day when they blow their horns on the massive inequality and the continued exploitation of the labor force.

There was never a year when the movement celebrated this day for the kindness of the Corporatists. It doesn’t exist. That’s never the intention.

Related: When Corporatocracy Is Disguised As Rule Of Law

The May Day celebration has its pagan roots, which traditionally marked the return of spring, and is actually performed with the girls circling and dancing in jubilation around a pole, or the Phallus.

Viewed from the top, the ribbons signify the sun rays.

This ancient practice is carried on by the most vicious Usurper of them all.

Related: The Top Of The Pyramid: The Rothschilds, The Vatican And The British Crown Rule World

The Vatican has its own Phallus at the center of the Ovum, and not only the ladies are dancing on its palm, but every living soul on this planet.

Even those who persevered just to get closer to the King and be allowed to enter the temple of the High Priest are mere slaves, too, in the larger scheme of world affairs.

Pope Francis shakes hands with United Nations Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon

Related: The Crown Of England Is Owned And Operated By The Vatican | What Is "The Crown"?

The establishment of different religious groupings has been the earliest tool for social control. However, this divide and conquer method have its limit in the growing awareness of the subjects.

The era of the Reformation came as a shock to the Vatican-led world order of the day. This was started in 1517 with the publication of the Ninety-Five Theses by Martin Luther, and continued on by John Calvin, Huldrych Zwingli, and other Protestant reformers in the 16th century. The Reformation Movement would later be hijacked by the Jesuits by embedding itself with Freemasonry.

Related: The Jesuits & The Vatican

The underlying idea is to prevent the full destruction of the Roman Empire, disguised as the Vatican Church, by transferring power perceptively away from the Crown itself and into the Corporation, i.e. the management of the working class, or slaves, from the direct control of the monarchies and the dukes at that time, into a shell of private corporations, which they will ultimately control from the top.

The relationship between the Jesuits, Knights of Malta, Freemasons, Knights of Templar, and the Rothschild Khazarian Mafia, is fairly well established, and the lines between them has been blurred over the years.

Tim Cook of Apple paying homage to their emperor, the Jesuit pope

Indeed, the Jesuits and Freemasonry continue to play their cloak and dagger games until today. And it serves us better if we assume that we are much better off taking care for ourselves than trust any of them.

In response to the Reformation Movement, another Order must be established by these various control freak European secret societies. Since then, the global game between serfs and landlords had been upgraded.

As a result of this major system’s upgrade, the slaves are now allowed to house and feed for themselves in an atmosphere of the freedom of movement across continents, so that their inherent creativity and industry can be exploited along the way.

Note the Maltese cross

"None are more hopelessly enslaved than those who falsely believe they are free.”

- Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

This novel idea of a “free thinking slave” comes from the Enlightened Ones of the Bavarian Illuminati, which was founded on May 1, 1776, purposely to establish the New World Order, a world order where they are still in full control of through a Pyramid of Cartels.

The first stage of this counter-reformation, however, only “freed” the White Slaves, but the colored race will not enjoy their illusion of freedom for another century with the Emancipation Proclamation of Abraham Lincoln on January 1, 1863.

It could be said that even the establishment of the United States of America itself was a major part of this Jesuit-hijacked Reformation Movement that was sweeping across the Atlantic, which was established on July 4, 1776, exactly 65 days from the establishment of the Bavarian Illuminati.

Related: Khazarian Mafia’s System of Cartels to Subjugate Entire Planet

While the establishment of the American republic saw the explosion of human creativity, it also was showing its potential of an uncontrollable society in much of the 20th century. Something must be done about it.

So, the Globalists started to transfer their industries to the tamed and more controlled population of the East, to show the Western population how to behave properly amidst a growing economic prosperity. Remember, they can only allow relative prosperity for the mass slaves in only the latter would allow themselves to be “guided” by them – the self-proclaimed “Enlightened Ones.”

"The Vatican word Corporation comes from corpus, or corpse, a dead body; Holocaust means a burnt offering, whether from a “Thirty Years War” or from a false flag.

From the great Reformation started in the 1500s, to the New World Order of the late 1600s, to the Vatican/UN-led “all-inclusive” global economy, Agenda 2030, the slaves must continue to work for the Elite, even if current technological realities have superseded labor in all facets of human existence.

Instead, the Control Maniacs are now moving in for the kill by maximizing the full potential of artificial intelligence, a product of the slave’s creativity, to automate the control of the more sophisticated slaves of the day. This is now an ongoing system’s upgrade known as Technocratic Dictatorship.

Related: Goodbye Democracy, Hello Technocracy | Patrick Wood

As always, they are still steps ahead of the working class because what has raised the latter’s awareness in the last 3 decades, is also making them apathetic to the fundamental problems of the day. At most, the majority are only content of waging their dissent against the slavery system with mere poking at the keyboard.

Unless the ongoing social media revolution is not translated into an actual raising of the pitchforks and torches, the will of the sick minority will always rule the day - the First of May will always be the Day of the Illuminati.

We created these tools of science for the purpose of gifting  freedom to the multitude. We did, while the Elite engaged themselves in worthless club functions, mass orgies, and in their boredom, plan which country they could reduce to rubbles next.

The self-proclaimed “Enlightened Ones” turned out to be the Deluded Ones. Their continued use of aggressive force, blatant lies and deceptions to control populations does not emanate from an enlightened thinking.

We are the saner bunch, always have been. They aren’t.

EU Abolishing Cash to Facilitate Technocratic Dictatorship; BRICS Using Asset-backed Currencies Only

They might have successfully projected themselves as a powerful organization through the establishment of various groups, think thanks, foundations, financial institutions, but all of these are merely part of the House of Cards that they are hiding themselves from.

Now that the people are beginning to wake up to the mind games that they’ve been playing along, the entire House of Cards is shaken, just like in the early days of the Reformation. But only a potent action could finish the job and bring the entire control system down, this time around.

Power is never given. It must be taken away from them.

The Slavery System by any other name, i.e. from Monarchy to Corporatocracy, to the current trajectory of Technocracy, must be brought down for good.

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Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi

Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi
Scientology Documentary: Mysterious Deaths - Real Stories
April 6 2017 | From: RealStories

Scientology is one of the world’s most controversial and secretive religions.

Famous followers extol its virtues but a series of suspicious deaths brings into question its treatment of their members.

Related: Going Clear: Scientology And The Prison Of Belief

In this film, we investigate three cases of deaths of Scientology members. We find incomplete police investigations, suspicious circumstances and family members who are convinced there is more to their loved ones deaths’ than meets the eye.

A look at the dark side of a new but powerful religion.

Related: Religion: How It Was Employed As A Control System To Divide & Conquer

Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi

Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi
Warning Of An Islamic State Being Created In Australia & Radical Muslim Immigrant Now In Canadian Parliament Pushing For Anti-Islamophobia Law
March 24 2017 | From: OZUnited / TheGatewayPundit / Various

Fellow Australians,This will no doubt shock you, just as it stunned me. It truly is unbelievable.

Background to the story: Three years ago I launched a call for a Royal Commission into Islam in Australia. It was well supported, but by not nearly enough citizens.

Related: Study: One Third of Young Muslims in France Think Terrorism is “Acceptable”

A lot of 'smarties' argued with me. ALL organisations and groups and wanna-be 'leaders' - especially Qsociety, who were supposedly leading the way against  Islam - refused to support the call.

Now, shockingly, three years later a very important person agrees that it is VITAL that the Federal Government urgentlyinvestigates Islam in Australia and gets to the unbelievable truth of what is being planned.

Forget 'acts of terror' - this is monumentally worse!
No, the person is not Pauline Hanson, who - I very strongly suspect - simply copied my call for a Royal Commission without accrediting me.

Lest you find it impossible to believe that such an important, influential - and unlikely - person could be 'on side' with OzUnited, watch the 2-minute video and see for yourself:

Now you know WHY, three years ago, I asked every true Australian to support our call for a Royal Commission into Islam in Australia. In these past three years, Islamist extremism has rapidly progressed in Australia.

As the Imam warns, their population numbers are rapidly being deliberately increased.

They intend to swamp us and take control of Australia by sheer weight of numbers. This is EXACTLY the way Mohammed commanded that muslims must overwhelm and dominate non-muslims in their own countries.

This is about the FREEDOM AND SAFETY OF AUSTRALIA'S CHILDREN, if not your own life, safety and freedom, WHICH IT VERY WELL MAY YET BE.

From personal experience, and just like that Imam, I warn: This is EXACTLY what happened in South Africa.

It took just 20 years and resulted in the disaster now unfolding there. Millions of white South Africans (like me) fled the murderous violence and carnage - many to Australia, but...

Australians have nowere to escape and should not want to. We have no choice but to take a stand - or, according to inarguable Islamic law, be killed or enslaved.

The Iman has given all of us a clear warning. There is nothing for Australians to 'discuss' or disagree about!
(not yours, not mine) do not matter.

Don't  let this happen in Australia.  We still have some time, but action must be taken now. So please, stand in support (below) of our call for a Federal Government Royal Commission into Islam in Australia.

Related: "I Will Not Cover Myself Up": Le Pen Refuses To Wear Headscarf, Cancels Meeting With Lebanese Cleric

Radical Muslim Immigrant Now In Canadian Parliament Pushing For Anti-Islamophobia Law

Muslims Are Trying To Force Islam Into Western Law.

The former president of a student association that handed out books which condoned wife beating is now pushing for anti-Islamophobia laws as a member of the Canadian parliament.

Related: Google to Target Criticism of Islam in New Censorship Purge

Her name is Iqra Khalid. She was born in Pakistan and then moved to Canada in the 1990’s. Now she is a member of the Canadian Parliament where she is pushing for anti-Islamophobia laws.

From the Daily Caller:

"After first passing a motion that condemns Islamophobia, last month, Iqra Khalid, a Member of Parliament (MP) from the governing Liberals, tabled Motion M-103 in the House of Commons. The motion demands that Islamophobia be treated as a crime without even bothering to define the offense.

Thomas Mulcair, the leader of the leftist New Democrat Party, read the first motion in the House of Commons:

Mr. Speaker, in a moment I will be seeking unanimous consent for an important motion based on the e-petition sponsored by the Hon. Member for Pierrefonds–Dollard that asks that we, the House of Commons, condemn all forms of Islamophobia,” Mulcair said.

Khalid has an interesting past supporting radical Islam while she was the President of the Muslim Student’s Association of York University.

From Planet Free Will:

"Interestingly enough, despite noting her work as President of a Pakistani student club, her official Liberal Party website makes no mention of her work as President of the York University Muslim Student’s Association.

Allow us to make the political reasoning for this quite clear -

This was the book promoted at an event in 2014 put on by York University’s Muslim Students Association.

Here are some of the most repulsive excerpts:

France’s Reward for Being an American Vassal

Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi

Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi
Occult Holidays And Sabbats: Why Holidays Are Satanic Rituals
February 5 2017 | From: Omnithought

As we have repeatedly stated, the Satanist believes that numbers contain inherent power.

Thus, they literally order their lives by occult numerology – such numerology also is a key component in astrology, another system of divining that Satanists observe very closely. The occult calendar is divided into four (4) segments of 13 weeks each.

Related: Why Sun Worship is Satan Worship

The number, “13” is considered divine by the occultist for a couple of reasons:
  1. The Bible assigns ‘13‘ the meaning of “rebellion against constituted authority”, plus the depravity that caused Satan to rebel against God.
  2. The occultist assigns ‘6‘ to represent the number of man, and the number ‘7‘ to represent the number of divine perfection. Thus, as a person climbs that “Jacob’s Ladder” toward self-perfection in the realm of the occult, the number ‘13‘ represents the state of divine perfection, self-achieved perfection, and Illumination (6+7 = 13).

Thus, the occult calendar is comprised of four periods of 13 weeks each. We list these periods for you, below.

Note all timings are based on Northern hemisphere seasons

Related: The Occult Meanings of Birthday: Why You Should Stop Celebrating Your Birthday

Then, after listing them, we shall come back to talk about each of them in detail.

1. Winter Solstice – 13 Weeks – Minor Sabbath

a. December 21 – Yule
b. December 21-22 – Winter Solstice/Yule.
One of the Illuminati’s Human Sacrifice Nights
c. February 1 and 2 – Candlemas and Imbolg, a.k.a.
Groundhog’s Day. One of the Illuminati’s Human Sacrifice Nights
d. February 14 – Valentine’s Day

2. Spring Equinox – 13 Weeks – Minor Sabbath But Does Require Human Sacrifice

a. March 21-22 – Goddess Ostara – Note: Easter is the first Sunday after the first new moon after Ostara. March 21 is one of the Illuminati’s Human Sacrifice Nights
b. April 1 – All Fool’s Day, precisely 13 weeks since New Year’s Day!
c. April 19 – May 1 – Blood Sacrifice To The Beast.
Fire sacrifice is required on April 19.
d. April 30 – May 1 – Beltaine Festival, also called Walpurgis Night. This is the highest day on the Druidic Witch’s Calendar.

May 1 is the Illuminati’s second most sacred holiday. Human sacrifice is required

3. Summer Solstice – 13 Weeks – When The Sun Reaches Its Northernmost Point In Its Journey Across The Sky

a. June 21 – 22 – Summer Solstice
b. June 21 –
Litha is one of the Illuminati’s Human Sacrifice Nights
c. July 4, America’s Independence Day, is 13 days after Day of Litha and 66 days from April 30
d. July 19 – 13 days before Lughnasa
e. July 31 – August 1 – Lughnasa, Great Sabbat Festival. August –
One of the Illuminati’s Human Sacrifice Nights

4. Autumnal Equinox – 13 Weeks – Minor Sabbath But Does Require Human Sacrifice

a. September 21 – Mabon – one of the Illuminati’s Human Sacrifice Nights
b. September 21 -22 – Autumnal Equinox
c. October 31 – Samhain, also known as Halloween, or All Hallows Eve. This date is the Illuminati’s highest day of human sacrifice

Isn’t it interesting how the “profane” – you and me – are led like a flock of sheep to observe the important festival days of the Mysteries’ Religion?

You may not understand that you are ordering your year after pagan holidays, but you are! The annual calendar for the entire Western world is ordered by these Satanic festival times and days.

Related: The Occult (Hidden) Messages in Leonardo Da Vinci’s “Last Supper”

Now that we have seen the entire occult calendar, let us go back to the significant holidays to see how the Western world has slipped into a worship of the same pagan holidays and are using many of the same pagan symbols that are so important to the pagan worshipper.

The human sacrifice required during many of these occult dates needs to contain the following elements, each one of which is exaggerated to the highest possible degree:

1. Trauma, stress, and mental anguish, sheer terror

2. The final act in the drama should be destruction by a fire; preferably a conflagration.

3. People must die as human sacrifices, especially children, since Lord Satan looks upon a younger human sacrifice as his most desirable

Specific Dates Within the Occult Calendar

1. Winter Solstice – 13 weeks

a. December 21- 22

Yule – When the sun begins its northward trek in the sky, and days began to grow longer again, pagans celebrated the Winter Solstice by burning the Yule log.

Since the sun had reversed itself and was now rising in the sky, pagans believed this was a sign that the human sacrifices carried out in Samhain (Halloween) had been accepted by the gods.

We continue to sing:

"Deck the halls with boughs of holly… troll the ancient Yuletide carol… See the blazing Yule before us. Fa la la la la la la la.”

- “Pagan Traditions of the Holidays”, David Ingraham, p. 71

The Roman Catholic Church later changed the day of celebration to December 25, calling it Christmas.

Consider the pagan roots of our popular symbols of Christmas:

(1) Christmas Tree – The sacred tree of the winter-god; Druids believed the spirit of their gods resided in the tree. Most ancient pagans knew the tree represented Nimrod reincarnated into Tammuz! Pagans also looked upon the tree as a phallic symbol.

(2) Star – Pentalpha, the five-pointed star. The pentalpha is a powerful symbol of Satan, second only to the hexagram. The star is the sacred symbol of Nimrod, and has nothing whatsoever to do with Christianity.

(3) Candles represent the sun-gods’ newly-born fire. Pagans the world over love and use candles in their rituals and ceremonies. Certain colors are also thought to represent specific powers. The extensive use of candles is usually a very good indication that the service is pagan, no matter what the outward trappings might be.

(4) Mistletoe is the sacred plant of the Druids, symbolizing pagan blessings of fertility; thus, kissing under the mistletoe is the first step in the reproductive cycle! Witches also use the white berries in potions.

(5) Wreaths are circular, and so they represent the female sexual organs. Wreaths are associated with fertility and the “circle of life”.

(6) Santa Claus – Former Satanists have told me that “Santa” is an anagram for “Satan. In the New Age, the god, “Sanat Kamura“, is most definitely an anagram for “Satan“. The mythical attributes and powers ascribed to Santa are eerily close to those possessed by Jesus Christ.

(7) Reindeer are horned animals representing the “horned-god” or the “stag-god” of pagan religion! Santa’s traditional number of reindeer in his team is eight (8); in Satanic gematria, eight is the number of “new beginnings”, or the cycle of reincarnation. The Illuminati views the number “eight” as a symbol of their New World Order.

(8) Elves are imp-like creatures who are Santa’s (Satan’s) little helpers. They are also demons.

(9) Green and Red are the traditional colors of the season, as they are the traditional pagan colors of winter. Green is Satan’s favorite color, so it is appropriate it should be one of the traditional colors for Christmas; red is the color of human blood, Satan’s highest form of sacrifice – for this reason, Communism adopted red as it main color!

(10) December 25 is known as the “nativity” of the sun. This date is the birthday of Tammuz, the son, the reincarnation of the sun god. Traditionally, December 21 is known as Yule. The Roman Catholic Church moved the celebration of Yule to December 25.

(11) December 25 is also known to the Romans as “Saturnalia“, a time of deliberate debauchery. Drinking through repeated toasting – known as ‘wassail’ – was a key to the debauchery of this celebration. Fornication was symbolized by the mistletoe, and the entire event was finished with a Great Feast, the Christmas Dinner.

The Occult Origins Of Christmas

(12) Even the name, “Christmas” is pagan! “Christi” meant “Christ“, while “Mas” meant Mass. Since all pagan Masses are commemorating “death”, the name, “Christmas” literally means the “death of Christ“. A deeper meaning lies in the mention of “Christ” without specifying Jesus. Thus, Antichrist is in view here; the pagans celebrate “Christmas” as a celebration of their coming Antichrist, who will deal a death blow to the Jesus Christ of Christianity.

Early American Christian Pilgrims refused to celebrate this day.

b. February 1 and 2

Candlemas and Imbolg, popularly called Groundhog’s Day.

The popular “Punxsutawney Phil” groundhog comes out of his burrow to divine the next few weeks of weather. If he sees his shadow, we will have 6 more weeks of bad weather until Spring finally arrives; if he does not see his shadow, the next 7 weeks before Spring will be good weather. Notice this pagan tradition features both the number ‘6’ and ‘7’, which when added, equals ’13’.

What most people do not realize is that the pagan view of Groundhog’s Day (Imbolg) represents the Earth Mother.

Consider these uncanny parallels between the Groundhog and the Earth Mother:

1. As the Earth goddess sleeps inside the earth during the winter season, so does the Groundhog

2. Both the Earth goddess and the Groundhog bridge the two time periods: Winter and Spring

3. Both the goddess and the Groundhog are “earth” creatures

4. Both the goddess and the Groundhog “awaken” in Springtime

5. Both the Earth goddess and the Groundhog complete the “cycle of reincarnation”

6. Annually, both the Earth goddess and the Groundhog represent the cycle of “rebirth” and “renewal”

The name, “Groundhog” was substituted for the Satanic name of the holiday, Imbolg, a night requiring human sacrifice.

c. February 14

Valentine’s Day – is a pagan festival that encourages love and physical lust.

It is celebrated precisely 13 days after Imbolg, thus imprinting upon it the number ’13’, Satan’s number of extreme rebellion. While most people view this day as the day to honor your wife or your lover, this celebration is steeped in paganism.

Consider the camouflaged occult gods in Valentine’s Day:

1. Cupid, the son of Venus, is really Tammuz, son of Semiramis

2. Venus, daughter of Jupiter, is really Semiramis herself. Jupiter is the head deity, a sun god – Nimrod, Semiramis’ husband, is considered a sun god in the Babylonian Mysteries.

Listen to a pagan author describe February, the month in which Valentine’s Day falls.

"The name of this month comes from the Roman goddess Februa and St. Febronia (from Febris, the fever of love). She is the patroness of the passion of love … Her orgiastic rites are celebrated on 14 February – still observed as St. Valentine’s Day – when, in Roman times, young men would draw billets naming their female partners…

This is a time of clear vision into other worlds, expressed by festivals of purification. On 1 February is the celebration of the cross-quarter day, or fire festival (Imbolc) a purificatory festival. It is followed on the 2nd by its Christian counterpart, Candlemas, the purification of the Virgin Mary.”

- “The Pagan Book of Days”, Nigel Pennick

Valentine’s Day is a day of “orgiastic rites” in which the pagans encouraged the flow of lustful passion.

2. Spring Equinox – 13 weeks

Minor Sabbath but does require human sacrifice.

a. March 21-22

Goddess Ostara (Ishtar, also spelled, “Eostre”), for whom “Easter” is named – March 21 is one of the Illuminati’s Human Sacrifice Nights.

Easter is a shifting date using the common practice of Astrology; it is celebrated on the first Sunday after the first new moon after Ostara.

Naughty chickens

This date also has nothing to do with the resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ! Rather, this day in the pagan tradition celebrates the return of Semiramis into her reincarnated form of the Spring Goddess. The pagans even have an equivalent to our Good Friday!

It is “Easter Friday”, and has historically been timed to be the third full moon from the start of the year. Since the marrying of pagan Easter to Jesus’ resurrection, Good Friday is permanently fixed on the Friday prior to Easter.

Easter is steeped in the Babylonian Mysteries, the single most evil idolatrous system ever invented by Satan!

All throughout the prophetic Scriptures, we see God declaring His final judgment upon wicked Babylon! Yet, every year, Christian pastors intone “Easter” as though it were Christian. Many Independent Baptist preachers have begun referring to this day celebrating Jesus‘ resurrection as “Resurrection Sunday”, in order to separate the day from the pagan celebration.

The Babylonian goddess, Ishtar, is the one for whom Easter is named; [“Pagan Traditions of Holidays”, p. 9] in reality, she was Semiramis, wife of Nimrod, and the real founder of the Satanic Babylonian Mysteries.

After Nimrod died, Semiramis created the legend that he was really her Divine Son born to her in a Virgin Birth. She is considered to be the co-founder of all occult religions, along with Nimrod.

Easter – the day of Ishtar – is celebrated widely among various cultures and religions on earth.

1. Babylon – Ishtar (Easter) also called the Moon Goddess
2. Catholics – Virgin Mary (Queen of Heaven)
3. Chinese – Shingmoo
4. Druids – Virgo Paritura
5. Egypt – Isis
6. The Pagan Ephesians – Dianna
7. Etruscans – Nutria
8. Germans (Ancient) – Hertha
9. Greeks – Aphrodite/Ceres
10. India – Isi/Indrani
11. Ancient Jews – Ashtaroth (Queen of Heaven)
12. Krishna – Devaki
13. Rome – Venus/Fortuna
14. Scandinavians – Disa
15. Sumerians – Nana

- “America’s Occult Holidays“, Doc Marquis and Sam Pollard

The Babylonians celebrated the day as the return of Ishtar (Easter), the goddess of Spring.

This day celebrated the rebirth, or reincarnation, of Nature and the goddess of Nature. According to Babylonian legend, a huge egg fell from heaven, landing in the Euphrates River.

The goddess, Ishtar (Easter) broke out of this egg. Later, the feature of an egg nesting was introduced, a nest where the egg could incubate until hatched. A “wicker” or reed basket was conceived in which to place the Ishtar egg.

The Easter Egg Hunt was conceived because, if anyone found her egg while she was being “reborn”, she would bestow a blessing upon that lucky person! Because this was a joyous Spring festival, eggs were colored with bright Spring colors. [Ibid.]

The Easter Bunny

"The Goddess’ totem, the Moon-hare, would lay eggs for good children to eat… Eostre’s hare was the shape that Celts imagined on the surface of the full moon…”

- “Pagan Traditions of Holidays”, p. 10.

Do not bother to tell me that bunnies do not lay eggs, for I know that; we are dealing with a legend here, and an occult legend at that. These types of legends traditionally play loose and fast with facts.

Thus, “Easter” – Eostre, or Ishtar – was a goddess of fertility. Since the bunny is a creature that procreates quickly, it symbolized the sexual act; the egg symbolized “birth” and “renewal”. Together, the Easter Bunny and Easter Egg symbolizes the sex act and its offspring, Semiramis and Tammuz.

Thus, it is a very serious spiritual matter, indeed, when christian churches incorporate “Resurrection Eggs” as part of their Easter celebration.

At the very least, these churches are confusing the minds of their precious young children, by blurring the dividing line between pagan symbols and their meanings and Christian meanings of Resurrection Day.

Young children who participated in “Resurrection Eggs” in church will be conditioned later in their life to accept the fullness of the pagan tradition revolving around the same symbols.

At worst, a church participating in the pagan Easter tradition by promoting “Resurrection Eggs” and perhaps an Easter Egg Hunt, is guilty of combining Christianity with paganism, the very lethal cocktail the Lord Jesus will always reject!

Remember our key verse:

"Wherefore come out from among them, and be ye separate, saith the Lord, and touch not the unclean thing.”

If your church has “Resurrection Eggs”, that is a church you should consider leaving immediately; if the Senior Pastor is Liberal enough to use “Resurrection Eggs” in his Resurrection Day celebrations, he is probably Liberal in Doctrine and Theology, but may not be far enough along for you to see it yet.

Other Pagan Ingredients

Easter Offerings are derived from the tradition where the priests and priestesses would bring offerings to the pagan temples for Easter.

They brought freshly-cut Spring flowers and candies to place on the altar of the idol they worshipped. They would also bake Hot Cross Buns, decorating them with crosses symbolizing the cross of Wotan, or some other pagan god; these crosses were not originally the cross of Jesus Christ.

This is another instance where Satan counterfeited a pagan tradition that could later be passed off as “Christian” in a church seriously compromised by Syncretization.

In fact, the first instance of Hot Cross Buns can be traced back to about 1,500 BC, to Cecrops, the Founder of Athens [Marquis, p. 18] Later pagans used not just the shape of a Pentalpha star, but also the Hot Cross Bun.

Another popular Easter offering were freshly made or purchased clothes! The priests would wear their best clothes, while the Vestal Virgins would wear newly-made white dresses.

They would also wear headgear, like bonnets, while many would adorn themselves in garlands of Spring flowers. They would carry wicker baskets filled with foods and candies to offer to the pagan gods and goddesses.

Easter Sunrise Services were originated by the priest serving the Babylonian Ishtar to symbolically hasten the reincarnation of Ishtar/Easter. Once again, we see how Satan knew that Jesus’ rising from the grave would be discovered in the early sunrise hours, and that the Christian Church would want to hold Sunrise Services to celebrate.

Satan and his demons know and believe God’s Word and its prophecies literally, and they are allowed a certain amount of foreknowledge. Just as Satan counterfeited the Divine birth of a male child to a Virgin Mother fully 1,000 years before Jesus was actually born, so he counterfeited this Sunrise Service.

Lent is purely pagan, and yet has been accepted by the Roman Catholic Church and apostate christian churches as “christian”.

If the church you are attending celebrates Lent, you need to inform the Senior Pastor of the pagan roots of this tradition; if he will not listen you should leave that church, for if they will accept Lent as “Christian”, you can bet they are very Liberal in critical Biblical areas as well.

Lent is a commemoration of Tammuz’ death; the legend of his death says that he was killed by a wild boar when he was 40 years old. Therefore, Lent celebrates 1 day for each year of Tammuz’ life. [Marquis, “America’s Occult Holidays”] Participants are to express their sorrow over Tammuz’ untimely death by weeping, fasting, and self-chastisement.

Lent was commemorated for exactly 40 days prior to the celebration of Ishtar/Esotre and other goddesses by the following cultures: Babylonians, Roman Catholics, Koordistan, Mexicans, Ancient Israel, and today, Liberal, apostate Protestant churches.

We can see God’s anger over this commemoration of Lent in Ezekiel 8:14-18; God’s judgment for this commemoration is described in Ezekiel 9, a chapter we suggest you read carefully, for God has stated that He will similarly punish any nation who does not “hear and obey” His commands (Jeremiah 12:17).

b. April 1

– All Fool’s Day, precisely 13 weeks since New Year’s Day!

c. April 19 – May 1

Blood Sacrifice To The Beast, a most critical 13-day period. Fire sacrifice is required on April 19.

April 19 is the first day of the 13-day Satanic ritual day relating to fire – the fire god, Baal, or Molech/Nimrod (the Sun God), also known as the Roman god, Saturn (Satan/Devil). This day is a major human sacrifice day, demanding fire sacrifice with an emphasis on children. This day is one of the most important human sacrifice days, and as such, has had some very important historic events occur on this day.

Remember, the Illuminati considers war to be a most propitious way to sacrifice, for it kills both children and adults.

Some of the very important historic dates that were staged according to this blood sacrifice day are:

(1). April 19, 1775 – Battle of Lexington & Concord, which made the Masonic-led Revolutionary War inevitable

(2). April 19, 1943 – After trapping the last Jewish Resistance Fighters in a storm drain in Warsaw, and holding them for several days, Nazi Storm Troopers began to pour fire into each end of the storm drain, using flame-throwers. They continued pouring the fire into the drain until all fighters were dead. Blood sacrifice brought about by a fiery conflagration.

(3) April 19, 1993 – 50 years later, to the day, government troops, tanks, and other military equipment stormed the compound of David Koresh and his followers at Waco, Texas. Certainly, this operation fulfilled the basic requirements for a human sacrifice: trauma, fire, and young sacrificial victims.

(4) April 19, 1995 – Oklahoma City bombing – Once again, many young children were killed this day

April 19 of any year in the 20th Century is a day of fearful contemplation, for it seems that, as we head into the final stretch of time, Satan is becoming more and more bold, and is using April 19 more often.

d. April 30 – May 1

– Beltaine Festival, also called “Walpurgis Night“.

This is the highest day on the Druidic Witch’s Calendar, while May 1 is the Illuminati’s second most sacred holiday.

Human sacrifice is required.

Since the celebration officially began the night before Beltaine, the tradition has developed among occultists to celebrate Beltaine as a 2-day ceremony. This tradition was strong enough that Adolf Hitler decided to kill himself [as the cover story goes] on April 30 at 3:30pm, thus creating a “333” and placing his suicide sacrifice within the Beltaine time frame.

Great bonfires are lit on the Eve of Beltaine, April 30, in order to welcome the Earth Goddess. Participants hope to gain favor with this goddess so she will bless their families with procreative fertility.

We find it interesting that the Royal House of Windsor lights a Beltaine “Balefire” every year [“America’s Occult Holidays”, Doc Marquis, p. 30]

The “Maypole” originated from the celebration of Beltaine. Since fertility is being asked of the Earth Goddess, the Maypole is the phallic symbol and the circular dance around the pole forms the circle that is symbolic of the female sex organ.

Four six-foot alternating red and white ribbons were connected to the pole; the men would dance counterclockwise, while the ladies danced clockwise. The union of the intertwining red and white ribbons symbolized the act of copulation – remember, this is a “fertility” celebration day!

To demonstrate their occult, Illuminist ties, Communists have always celebrated “May Day”. If you have not been taught how the Illuminati created Communism, and for which purpose, you need to hear our Seminar 2, “America Determines The Flow of History”.

3. Summer Solstice – 13 Weeks

When the sun reaches its northernmost point in its journey across the sky.

a. June 21 – 22 – Summer Solstice
b. June 21 – Litha is one of the Illuminati’s Human Sacrifice Nights
c. July 4, America’s Independence Day, is 13 days after Day of Litha and 66 days from April 30
d. July 19 – 13 days before Lughnasa
e. July 31 – August 1 – Lughnasa, Great Sabbat Festival. August – One of the Illuminati’s Human Sacrifice Nights

4. Autumnal Equinox – 13 Weeks

Minor Sabbath but does require human sacrifice.

a. September 21

Mabon – one of the Illuminati’s Human Sacrifice Nights.

b. September 21 -22 – Autumnal Equinox

From this date through Halloween, occultists believe the veil separating the earthly dimension from the demonic realm gets progressively thinner, with the thinnest night being October 31; this thinning of the separating veil makes it easier for the demonic realm to enter the earthly dimension.

Thus, on Halloween, evil spirits, ghosts, witches, hobgoblins, black cats, fairies, and demons of all sorts were believed to be running amok across the land. They had to be back in their spiritual dimension before midnight, Halloween, for the separating veil would then get thicker.

Once again, I reiterate, this is occult belief, not mine! October is a most propitious month to the Illuminati.

c. October 31 – Samhain

Also known as Halloween, or All Hallows Eve as designated by the Catholic Church. This date is the Illuminati’s highest day of human sacrifice.

Halloween has been changed over the past 30 years in two important ways. First, children have been encouraged to participate by donning such inoffensive costumes as Barbie, Wonder Woman, Batman and Superman. Secondly, adult costuming and parties have reached a tremendous apex and has become a most macabre day of celebration.

Historically, Halloween is the deadliest holiday ever celebrated in human history. This Satanic night is dedicated to the Celtic Lord of the Dead, also symbolized by the Horned-god and the Stag-god.

The Druids celebrated Samhain as a 3-day fire festival, building huge bonfires, thought to ward off demons that roamed around; additionally, the fires provided the means by which the required human sacrifice would be presented to the sun god. In enormous wicker baskets, the priests caged both human and animal sacrifices, which they then lowered into the flames.

The priests would carefully watch the manner in which the victim died in order to predict whether the future held good or evil. [“Pagan Traditions of the Holidays”, p. 71]

Origin of Popular Halloween Traditions

Sweets and Trick or Treat

This pagan practice is over 2,000 years old. For the sake of their safety and well-being, people put outside their home sweets, the best mutton legs, vegetables, eggs, and poultry, honey and even wine, so the wandering evil spirits would consume them on their way back to the netherworld.

Related: 18 Reasons Why I Don’t Celebrate Halloween

Failure to “treat” these evil spirits might result in a curse being put on the home! The people literally believed that, when these spirits came to your door, they would trick you if you did not treat them.

"The American version of Halloween came from Ireland … The potato famine in 1840 brought thousands of immigrants from the Emerald Isle. With them came goblins, jack-0-lanterns, bonfires, apples, nuts, and pranks…

The Irish are also responsible for bringing trick or treating to great popularity in America. In Ireland on October 31, peasants went from house to house to receive offerings to their Druid god, Muck Olla. This procession stopped at each house to tell the farmer his prosperity was due to the benevolence of Muck Olla … or else misfortune might befall the farmer and his crops.

Few farmers risked any such displeasure of the pagan deity, so the procession returned home with eggs, butter, potatoes, and in some cases, coins … To the Irish farmers this was no joke; they greatly feared the Celtic god might destroy their homes and barns … Trick or treat is part of this pagan heritage.”

- “Pagan Traditions of the Holidays”. p. 78-79

Horrifying Costumes

People would also take burning wisps from the bonfire and wave them around to frighten the many evil spirits roaming the earth; in case the burning wisp alone would not work, revelers clothed themselves in the most hideous and terrifying costumes.

These people believed that, if you dressed in a terrifying costume and went trooping around with the spirits all night, they would think you were one of them and would leave you alone.
[“Halloween and Satanism”, Phil Philips, p. 26-27]

Huge Bonfires

Satan’s obsession with fire has produced human obsession with building huge bonfires. As we stated earlier, these bonfires were practical, in that they provided the means by which the priests sacrificed the human and animal sacrifices so crucial to Halloween.

When the last fires died out, people would race each other down the hills shouting;

"The Devil gets the last one down”.

- Philips, p. 27-28


Samhain (Halloween) was also the time to engage the Devil’s assistance in divining the future. Questions concerning marriage, luck, health, and the time of one’s death were most popular subjects of divination.

In Scotland, young people assembled for games and pulled shoots out of the ground to ascertain which of them would marry during the coming year, and in what order the marriages should occur.

Snap Apple Night

Apples have long been a token of love and fertility. At Halloween parties, people bobbed for apples in tubs of water. If a boy came up with an apple between his teeth, he was assured of the love of his girl. The Snap Apple game was one in which the boys delighted. Each boy, in his turn, would spring up to attempt to bite an apple that was being twirled on the end of a stick; the first boy to succeed would be the first to marry.

Apple seeds were also used to tell fortunes. Peeling an apple in one long piece was supposed to tell a young girl about her future. The girl would swing the apple peal three times around her head, then throw it over her left shoulder.

If the peeling fell unbroken, the girl would examine the shape into which it fell to see if she could ascertain the initials of her future husband!

Witch’s Familiar Spirits

Owls, bats, cats and toads are an essential part of Halloween, and for a very good reason: they are known as “the witch’s familiars”.

A divining familiar was the species of animal whose shape Satan would assume to aid the witch in divining the future. A witch would closely watch the animal’s movements – whether slow or fast – and she would see the direction in which the animal moved and the kinds of sounds it made, in order to foretell the length of life and/or an impending illness.

It's okay bro, you're not possesed

Other “familiar spirit” shapes include hens, geese, small dogs, rats, butterflies, wasps crickets, and snails. Witches considered these creatures to be demon-possessed and controlled.

If you look closely at most Halloween decorations, you will see these animals, but now you know they represent demon possessed creatures! [“Pagan Traditions of Holidays”, p. 75-76]

Jack-O-Lantern and Trick-or-Treat

Various names for Jack-O-Lantern were ‘Lantern Men’, ‘Hob-O-Langer’, and “Will-O-The-Wisp”.

"The ‘Lantern Men’ got their name from pale eerie lights that appeared over bogs and marshes in England. These ghostly lights, which bobbed along like a lantern in someone’s hand, were called ‘Corpse Candles’. Candles were said to be signals from the souls of men lost at sea."

- “Halloween and Satanism”, Philips, p. 33-34

"Celts often hollowed out a turnip and carved a grotesque face on it to fool demons. They carried such lanterns to light their way in the dark and to ward off evil spirits… While the turnip continues to be popular in Europe today, the pumpkin has replaced it in America. ‘Jack’ is a nickname for ‘John’, which is a common slang word meaning ‘man’. Jack-O-Lanterns literally means ‘man with a lantern’."

- Pagan Traditions of the Holidays”, p. 79-80

Druid Trick-or-Treat

The Druids originated the practice of hollowing out the Jack-O-Lanterns and filling them with human fat.

Whenever a raiding party came to a home to demand of the husband that someone inside be surrendered as a human sacrifice, they would light a Jack-O-Lantern filled with human fat; if the husband relented and provided one of his loved ones as a sacrifice, the Druid party would leave Jack-O-Lantern on the porch.

This lantern would be tell the other raiding parties and the demonic host that this party had surrendered a human for sacrifice and that the remaining people inside were to be left alone. Guaranteeing that no one else in the house would be killed that night was the “Treat”.

If the husband refused to surrender one of his loved ones, a “Trick” would be placed upon the house. The members of the raiding party would draw a large hexagram using human blood on the front door; they got the blood for the hexagram from a dead body they dragged around with them using a cabletow.

The demonic host would be attracted to this hexagram and would invade the house, causing one or more of the inhabitants to either go insane or die from fright. [“America’s Occult Holidays”, p. 20]

This is the true origin of “Trick-or-Treat” and the Jack-O-Lantern. Do you really want to take your kids “Trick-or-Treating”?

Forbidden Practices Specially Associated With Halloween

God lists Satanic practices that He absolutely forbids, on the pain of death!

Every one of them is uniquely associated with Halloween!

1. Enchantment – Act of influencing by charms and incantation using the practice of magical arts.

2. Witchcraft – Dealing with demonic spirits, using their prescribed methods, commonly called rituals and the “magick arts”. The Bible forbids it, as in Galatians 5:19-20. Today, thanks to “Harry Potter and The Lord of the Rings, witchcraft is skyrocketing in popularity. TV shows that depict witches are “Bewitched” and “Buffy The Vampire Slayer”, to just mention a couple. Go to a video store sometime and walk down the “Horror” aisle, where you will see the popularity of Witchcraft in America today.

3. Sorcery – Use of power gained from the prescribed rituals demanded by the demonic host. Once the witch or wizard performs the particular ritual correctly, the demonic host is required to provide the power to accomplish that action desired by the witch.

4. Divination – Fortune telling and seeing into the future. God wants us to trust in Him and His power, and not worry about tomorrow. Satan, on the other hand, loves to get people consumed by the idea that they can know what lies ahead of them.

5. Wizardry – The art or practices of a wizard, sorcery. A wizard or witch is one skilled in the magick arts, a sorcerer.

6. Necromancy – Communication with the dead. Specifically, conjuring up the spirits of the dead for purposes of magically revealing the future or influencing the course of events.

7. Charm – The practice of putting a spell on someone in order to change or control their mind and/or behavior. Wizards love to get their enemies “one-on-one” because they can “charm” them through the use of ritual done before the meeting, and by the demonic host residing within him.

Adolf Hitler followed this practice closely as he dealt with the leaders of Europe, Britain, and Russia. British Prime Minister Chamberlain was totally charmed by Hitler as he sought to appease the German dictator in Munich in 1938; Chamberlain was so totally “charmed” by Hitler, he enthusiastically proclaimed after returning from Munich that he had achieved “peace in our time”.

When dealing with a powerful member of the Illuminati, do not attempt to meet with him, nor place any confidence in the testimony of people who have met with him. A “charm” ritual is easily performed and results in the leader exuding confidence, character, and sincerity they most assuredly do not possess.

8. Stargazing or Astrology – Divination of the supposed influence of the stars and other heavenly bodies upon human lives and the affairs of nations. Occultists literally order their lives according to Astrology and numerics.

9. Soothsaying – foretelling events and prophesying through a spirit other than the Holy Spirit.

10. Prognostication – To foretell from signs and symptoms, also prophesying without the Holy Spirit.

11. Magic – Tapping into the power of the demonic realm through the use of prescribed ritual so that the action carried out is accomplished through demonic power.

All these activities are uniquely associated with the activities and traditions of Halloween!

Christians have no business participating in Halloween. To do so is to act against a great number of Scriptures in which God uses the strongest possible language to forbid it. In fact, in most instances, God decreed that people practicing these activities be put to death!

Yet, we see many churches having Halloween parties in which many of these pagan practices are followed! The Apostle Paul gave us strong warning that should stop us dead in our tracks. Listen:

"Let no one delude and deceive you with empty excuses and groundless arguments for these sins, for through these things the wrath of God comes upon the sons of rebellion and disobedience.”

- Ephesians 5:6

Stop listening to people giving you “empty excuses and groundless arguments for these sins”, for if you go ahead and participate in this most evil holiday, God shall surely not look away.

One final note on Halloween: if you have been paying attention, you will know that these practices form the heart and soul of the Harry Potter novels and movies.

Harry Potter is a wizard, and he comes from a family of witches and wizards [Generational Witchcraft].

His entire existence within these novels revolves around the Hogwarts School of Wizardry and Witchcraft, where Harry and his friends learn all of these 11 forbidden practices.

Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi

Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi

The Secret And Hidden Agenda Of Language: Why Many Words Are Magic Spells
October 30 2016 | From: Omnithought

Aoccdrnig to rscheearch at Cmabrigde Uinervtisy, it deosn’t mttaer in waht oredr the ltteers in a wrod are, the olny iprmoetnt tihng is taht the frist and lsat ltteer be at the rghit pclae.

The rset can be a toatl mses and you can sitll raed it wouthit a porbelm. Tihs is bcuseae the huamn mnid deos not raed ervey lteter by istlef, but the wrod as a wlohe.

Related: How Words Can Be Used As Magic Spells: Contracts, Law And Enslavement

Spelling: We Spell Words to Pronounce a [Prison] Sentence or Term

The first thing you learn when you go to school is how to spell. Words are spelled to create a sentence of terms. Think of a jail sentence or a prison term.

The Wyrd sisters in Greek mythology were Fates or witches who controlled the fates of man. In our language we use curse words and cursive writing. We cuss and dis-cuss. Words have meaning and (are) mean things especially cross words.

They can be used to make a point. We use a “con” verse to converse in order to keep us off course in our dis-course as a phrase frays. We use catch words. A story is a spiel or a spell. It is all part of the gospel of the Godspell or God’s spell.

Cursive (W)Riting

Books contain chapters. What is a chapter? A chapter is a secret society or religious order, like the Knights Templar.

A chapter contains many pages. What is a page? A page is an understudy and in service to the queen and king, as in pages and squires, a knight who is well versed in magic and is more or less a soldier or trained assassin.

To page someone is to summons them. Pages summon demons to enslave or imprison our souls. After all, a page does contain many sentences. A jail sentence is served in a prison ward.

And indeed a sentence is created by words that are spelled out by using letters. A letter is someone who allows something to happen or someone who does something for some one else, like a bloodletter.

Languid Language

We languish in our languid language. Languid means “weak and lacking spirit or void of animation, lifeless” and languish which means “to lose strength or animation; be or become dull, feeble or spiritless; lackadaisical, listless”.

How are we imprisoned by our language? Think about a book. The word book as a verb means to arrest or detain - “book ’em, Danno”.

In fact, the Latin word for book is “liber”, which is where we get our word “library” and also the word “liberty”. You can book a reservation which means you’re paying for the ownership of something in advance. You can book or place a bet on a game or race with your bookie.

Yes, there is a bet being placed on a race - and it is the human race and the game is the game of life. It is the main bet or the alpha bet. In a group of monkeys, the alpha monkey is the primary monkey or the one in control.

There’s a song called Spirits in the Material World from an album named Ghost in the Machine. The lyrics proclaim, “Our so-called leaders speak.  With words they try to jail ya.

They subjugate the meek.  Where do the answers lie when we live from day to day?  We are spirits in a material world.” The song was performed by a group appropriately named, The Police. The song - and an entire album by Sting, the lead singer, entitled The Soul Cages - refers to how we are spirits imprisoned in an earthly body.

Aoccdrnig to rscheearch at Cmabrigde Uinervtisy, it deosn’t mttaer in waht oredr the ltteers in a wrod are, the olny iprmoetnt tihng is taht the frist and lsat ltteer be at the rghit pclae. The rset can be a toatl mses and you can sitll raed it wouthit a porbelm. Tihs is bcuseae the huamn mnid deos not raed ervey lteter by istlef, but the wrod as a wlohe.

Words Mean Things

Most words have multiple meanings and synonyms not to mention many anagrams which the subconscious mind can recognize. Factor in its homophones such as “there”, “they’re”, and “their” and it can get quite confusing to keep track.

What effect does that have when words with almost opposite meanings are homophones.

Think about “know” and “no”. Knowledge is considered a very positive word yet it is linked phonetically with the most negative word in our language. So when you say “I know this to be true” are you partiallly negating its reality?

Consider the above statement in which the letters of the words have been rearranged, yet you still should be able to read it without problem.

This means your subconscious mind should also relate multiple meanings to words have many anagrams. So it shouldn’t be any problem to associate God as good, the devil as evil. Now consider the following word relationships: live, evil; god, dog; love, evol.

Pronouncing the words has a pronounced effect. The science of cymatics shows how all spoken sounds take on a vibratory geometry or shape like how you can blow smoke rings by forming your mouth into the shape of the ‘O’. The tibetan monks show how sound can be used to form geometric patterns in a plate of sand particles. So the spoken word can indeed create reality.

Also consider the mind’s ability to combine words and sounds. When someone sneezes you feel customarily obligated to say “Bless you”. But if you sound out the syllables does your subconscious mind also make the connection to the phrase “Be less, you”.

So the very act of blessing someone can also be subconsciously telling them to be less. This is spell casting.

How are we being programmed through our language to go to the sun or hell? Hello?!!!! Helios was the Greek name for the sun. The sun in English as well as other languages such as Latin, is called Sol. We are all said to be souls or to have a soul (Sol). We have a solar plexus and our feet have soles.

is sun in Italian. You are called a person (pertaining to the sun). When a male child is born, he is called a son (sun). The word for sun is sonne in German.

Hu was one of the twelve gods in the Egyptian stellar cult which could explain why we are human. Colors and hues originate from the light of the sun. Politicians encourage soldiers or sol diers to go to war for God and country. Of course, when they die they will go to another dimension (die men sun).

Have you ever wondered why we use the word hello to greet each other? After all, the word can be reduced to hell, the fiery place of eternal punishment and the suffix -o which means “associated with”.

In Greek mythology, Helios, which means “sun”, was the God of the Sun. Is it just a coincidence that you have a soul and that our sun is called Sol?

If so, why do we call those who die in battle soldiers or sol diers? Is that why we say “good morning” when the sun rises - because it is good to see the sun because it gives us life, but we are mourning those who sacrificed their souls to make it possible. Why do we call our male offspring sons? You are called a person. Is it because you pertain to the sun?

Words are defined in a dictionary - dick-shun-nary. Two of the three syllables are negative sounds and theother is a derogative slang term. Synonyms and antonyms are listed in a thesaurus.

‘The’, from the greek ‘theos’, is the root of the-ology, the study of ‘god’ and ‘saurus’ means ‘lizard’. A thesaurus literally means ‘lizard god’. How many names for government entities start with a negative prefix. The word nation is nay-shun. The UN, Un-ited nations, NATO, NASI party, NASA, Norad, Unesco, NASCAR, NATAS, and I’m sure you can come up with others.

How to Ruin a Language with Rune Magic

Do some of the letters or building blocks of our language contain within them a blueprint for the control and possession of our spirits? English has Germanic origins and it is likely that the english letters have their roots in the Germanic runes which were used for magic and casting spells.

From Wikipedia on rune magic: “In 1990, Stephan Grundy, a.k.a. Kveldulf Gundarsson, described runic magic as the active principle as opposed to passive interpretations based on runic divination.

He held that runic magic is more active than the allegedly shamanic practice of seid practiced by the Seiðkona. Runic magic, he states, uses the runes to affect the world outside based on the archetypes they represent.

Most of Gundarsson’s runic magic entails being in possession of a physical entity that is engraved with any or all of the individual runes or “staves”, so as to practically work with their energies.

The individual runes are reddened with either blood, dyes, or paints. The act of possessing the stave in its final form serves the purpose of affecting the world of form with “the rune might” of that particular stave. After use, the staves are discarded or destroyed.

Gundarsson holds that each rune has a certain sound to it, to be chanted or sung; the sound has in common the phonetic value by which it is represented. This act of singing or chanting is supposed to have more or less the same effect of using the staves in their physical form.

Many of the letters of the English alphabet come directly from the Germanic Runes which were used for magic and spell casting and for causing ‘ruin’. Look at how many English letters you can identify from the Elder Futhark rune set.

Grammar or Grimoire? Goetia & Cymantics

The word “grammar” comes from grammars which were old Latin books on syntax and diction. The ancient magic books of Europe which contained instructions to summon demons were known as the Grimoires, French word for “grammar”.

A “grimoire” or spellbook is a derivative of the french word “grammaire”. The pronunciation and sound of words affects the matter around us. The science of cymatics is the study of sound vibration on matter and it has been demonstrated with sand on plates that vibration caan cause geometric patterns.

The ancient Goetia spellbooks were used for conjuring up demons and each demon had its own sigil and name.

“IT” & The Creature from the Subconscious “ID”

Stephen King captured the hearts of America with the release of his blockbuster smash hit book, “It”. The video features the menacing face of a clown while the book reveals the clown’s head as a skull with stars in the eye sockets.

The video jacket reads:

“Your every fear – all in the deadly enemy. It can be anything, a fanged monster that won’t stay on the movie screen, something ominous lurking in the basement or around the next corner. No matter what your biggest fear is, no one knows IT better than Stephen King…

The force takes the shape of a clown, but it isn’t clowning around. Instead, it terrorizes youngsters with their innermost fears, bringing them to untimely doom – until a group of wily neighborhood kids fight back. Thirty years later it resurfaces: meaner, angrier. And the friends who vividly remember the terrors of their youth reunite to make a desperate final stand against it.”

In an interview, King admits he was possessed during the writing of the book.

Let “It”Be & Make “It”So

Sigmund Freud, the father of psychology, invented a model of the psyche which contained three parts to the self: the ego (conscious mind), the superego (superconscious mind) and what he termed the “id” or the subconscious mind. This was the realm of our fears: scary monsters and demons.

This id was considered a sort of third person subsistent to the conscious and superconscious mind. Of course, we use the word “it” as a sort of third “person” as well in our use of speech. And, of course, subconsciously we have been programmed to accept the abbreviated “ID” as our identity.

We unknowingly give power to this creature and help create “it” every day with our thought and speech. We watch the horor movie “It” by Stephen King and associate all our deep dark subconscious fears with “IT”.

Likewise with the word “thing” (‘everything’. ‘anything’, and ‘nothing’ or no thing) and the use of ambiguous words such as ‘they’ (THEY live), ‘them’ (“If you can’t beat ’em join them”).

We chant the chorus to the song Let It Be over and over again. And it’s no coincidence that IT is the acronym that has been curently assigned to the Information Technology field, or computers, for IT very well may be an artificial intelligence or computer.

For a detailed analysis and many more examples of “IT” please reference my page on this phenomenon.

Extra! Extra! Click here to “read all about IT“.

We really need to learn to speak with a more conscious language in mind, ever aware of how we think our thoughts in our minds and how we word our sentences!!

“S”- Lang

Consider the English letter ‘S‘. First of all, it looks like a snake or serpent - one that has risen up and is ready to strike or if viewed from overhead it looks like one that is perhaps crawling along. In two-dimensional space, it looks like a sideways wave and in 3-D space it looks like a spiral, both paths that energy follows.

The letter ‘s’ is used in English to denote “possession”, which is Satan’s specialty, by placing it at the end of a word with an apostrophe. Plurality or the concept of multiplication or creation, is achieved by appending an ‘s’ or ‘es’ to a word.

These two facts, coupled with the sheer number of words in our language means the ‘S’ sound is one of the most, if not single most, frequently uttered sounds in our speech.

Although the vowels are used frequently, they have more than one sound associated with them, a long and short sound.

There are probably more esses used in our speech than any other sound. Virtually every sentence we speak contains one or more of these hissing sounds. It would not be accurate to say we sound like hissing snakes when we speak, but our incessant hissing probably reminds us of it at some level subconsciously.

Not only does the letter ‘S’ physically represent the snake or serpent, phonetically it even sounds like a snake!! It sounds exactly like the hissing sound a snake makes – sssssssss – when it “shakes” its tail. The word hiss even ends in a double-s.

And, of course, the words snake and serpent are both s-words as well as Satan, who the Bible says took the form of a snake. He was said to have told mankind a secret - that man would not die if he ate of the fruit.

Of course, when you want to tell someone a secret you say, “pssssssst, come here…” or if you want to keep a secret you say “Shhhhhhhhhhhhh!!“. The dollar sign, $, is the standard symbol for English currency.

Money is said to be the root of all evil. Not only does the ‘S’ look like a snake (Satan), and sound like a snake, which is known for shedding its skin, but nearly all words that begin with the letter ‘s’ have a negative connotation associated with them. That is why they can be considered s-words, or swords, because they can kill and injure like a sword.

These s-words are a seal or stamp associated with Satan, Satan’s Slang or s-lang. The word lang is defined in the dictionary as an abbreviation for the word “language”.

Satan, the snake or serpent also known as Set, slithers about striving to snatch, steal, or strip us of our souls or spirits and is obsessed with possessing or seizing them.

He, or she, is subtle, sly, sneaky, slick, slippery, scaly, secretive, scary, spins, spirals or screws into your soul and possesses you and seizes your spirit.

is his peach and when we speak, Satan is at his peak as far as deception is concerned. The words “possesses”, “obsesses”, “seizes” contain a multiple s-sound and are words pertaining to control.

The word ess, which is defined as the pronunciation for the letter ‘s’, becomes the word esse when a silent ‘e’ is added. The word esse means “to be” which is where we get the word essence and the word essay which is sort of a written speech and comes from the Old French esai which means “to put to a test” which is what Satan did to Jesus in the wilder-ness.

The suffix “-ness” also means a state of being, like loneliness or business. It’s interesting that the Loch Ness in Scotland is said to contain a serpent creature named “Nessie” which nests there.

Yes, Satan certainly is a “Busy Ness” when it comes to the business world and show business. And he specializes in monkey business. One should keep this in mind before wishing for good-ness.

A partial list of s-words: sun, shine, soul, spirit, Satan, Samael, Set, sin, serpent, snake, salamander, hisses, siren, spell, steal, scales, shed, skin, slither, slimy, slip, slide, shake, strike, scare, sly, sneak, stealth, secret, subtle, slash, slice, slay, slit, shoot, strip, smack, smite, sword, spook, possesses, obsesses, spin, screw, smell, say, speak, salacious, spiral, pssssssst, sssssssshhhh

Shit! I, mean, Sheesh! It is not easy to think of positive s-words and double “ss” words are even worse. The swastika resembles two esses and the word ‘swastika’ has two of them in number.

The Nazis had the “SS” and the ‘ss’ logo which looked like lightening bolts.

The far reaching extent in which the spell our language has cast on us can be seen in the every day usage of cliche. Our languages are saturated with what we like to call killer words and phrases because that’s what they do. Englishmen use the word bloody all the time… bloody well right, they do!!! Some women are considered drop dead gorgeous… and when they are dressed to kill, they are to die for. She was a dead ringer for Marilyn Monroe. 

If looks could kill
 they would because she will take your breath away.

Wouldn’t you just kill for a date with her? Sometimes she really gets under my skin and burns me up, but if anyone tries to hurt her, they would have to go“over my dead body because I will punch their lights out if they get near her. I’m serious as a heart attack. I’m dead serious.

She can be as mean as a snake at times, but she really knew how to kill ‘em with kindness. I was dead set for her. I could have just died right there. I mean, I felt like I had just died and gone to heaven

Eat your heart out. She was a live wire, but at least I would go out in a blaze of glory.

I don’t want to beat a dead horse, but she really took me for a ride. Of course, I wore my heart on my sleeve the whole time, but I was scared to death I might lose her because you really have to keep your eyes peeled to find a good one. Not to be a killjoy, but I’m dead to the world around most women, dead as a doorknob.

Ok, that was overkill and painful to read, but it did make a point. Think about the terms we use when we wish good luck to others. “Break a leg, kid” or “Knock ‘em dead!” Or if someone borrows something from us we say, “Go ahead, knock yourself out.” Even time is not immune to our sadistic ways…”time to kill”, “just killing time”.

Why do Christians conclude their prayers by invoking the name of an Egyptian deity, Amen, who had the body of a man and a ram’s head when Satan is depicted as a horned god having a goat’s head?

Why does the American dollar bill (known as a buck) have an Egyptian pyramid on its reverse side accompanied by the Latin phrase “Anuuit Coeptis Novus Ordo Seclorum” which can be translated “Announcing the Birth of a New World Order”?

Why does the American military wear a chevron as an insignia patch when the word derives from the French word chevre, which means “goat”, and On, the Egyptian City of the Sun?

If the word God traces back to the Indo-European root “ghut-” or the German “gott”, why does the changing of the vowel from a short sound to a long sound render the word “goat”?

Why does Christmas, the birthday of the Son of God, coincide with the birthday of the Sun of God at the winter solstice, the three days when the sun is at its lowest point on the Southern Cross, appears to stand still for three days, and then rises or is born again?

Is this why Easter is celebrated during the Spring Equinox when the East Star, the Sun, has risen? Why is Santa an anagram for Satan? What exactly does Old Nick really mean? And what is a jingle bell?

Why do we have company and product names like Chevron, Capri Sun, Shiner Bock, Star Bucks, and Sears and Roebuck? What is a Sun Kist or a Star Kist? Why are sports contests called ball games and why do we idolize rock stars such as Kid Rock?

The genre of Horror films possesses other “creature features” with “It” in the title. There was “It Lives!”, “It Lives Again”, “It Came From the Sea”, “It Came From Outer Space”, and “It’s Alive!” which is the expression Doctor Frankenstein made famous when he brought his monster to life.

From the time we were young, we have been told over and over again that IT is a scary creature that this association has become deeply embedded within the recesses of our mind.

On the Adamms Family, Cousin Itt was a monster. Itt communicated via a high speed gibberish that only members of the Addams family seemed to understand.

Cousin Itt’s voice was provided by sound-effects engineer Tony Magro, who created Itt’s garbled responses by mouthing gibberish into a tape recorder, with a “ppffft and a thhhhhttt” added for good measure, and then accelerating the tape’s recording speed.

The eyes have it. What do the eyes have? What or who is it? The eyes are the windows to the soul. In Saturday Night Live, Dana Carvey played the Church Lady who asked, “Could IT be… Satan?”

That IT refers to Satan can seen in the phrase “when It rains, It pours.” Satan, the goat God, is also known as Pan, the Piper. The word gote, a variant spelling of goat, means a channel or pipe for water and comes from the Old English word geotan which means “to pour”! So when It reigns, It pours.

When children play hide and seek, someone always has to be “it”. All the other children run and hide from whoever’s “it”. “It” then goes roaming around trying to find and capture whoever’s not “it”. When someone is found they are tagged as the new “it” - “Tag, you’re it!!”

The Beatles’ Paul McCartney said the idea for the song “Let it Be” came to him in a dream. He chants the line over and over and we all sing along almost willing it into existence.

Every time the song is played on the radio, thousands and thousands are sending forth thought and sound vibrations into the air. We use the word “it” in our language over and over all the time. Could it be possible to manifest a creature from the id, or from the subconscious? Think of these songs: Bread’s “Make it with you”,

The Scorpions “Make it Real”:

“…Make it real, not fantasy
Did you ever have a secret yearning?
Don’t you know it could come true?
Now’s the time to set wheels turning
To open up your life for you
As you know there’s always good and evil
Make your choice, Don’t be blind
Open up your mind and don’t be trivial
There’s a whole new world to find
Make it real, not fantasy…”

The Michael Jackson song “Who is it?”

“…(Who is it?)
It is a friend of mine
(Who is it?)
Is it my brother?
(Who is it?)
Somebody hurt my soul
(Who is it?)
I can’t take this stuff no more…”

In this song, Michael explains who IT is:

“Can you feel it in the air
Ghosts be hiding everywhere

I’m gonna be
Exactly what you wanna see
It’s you who’s haunting me
You’re warning me
To be the stranger
In your life

Am I amusing you
Or just confusing you?
Am I the beast
You visualized?
And if you wanna to see
I’ll be grotesque
Before your eyes

Let them all materialize

Is that scary for you, baby
Am I scary for you, oh
Is it scary for you, baby
Is it scary for you?”

How about songs like Mariah Carey’s Make It Happen or Bread’s Make It with You? Star Trek’s Captain Picard says “Make it so.” Nike inundates us with the “Just Do It” slogan and the swoosh logo.

People do things “just for the hell of it”. Believe it. Keep it real. To hell with it!!! Keep it up. Let it ride. Pass it on. Get with it.

Are you with it? Go for it. Hop to it. Bring it on. Get it together. Play it again, Sam. There’s something to it. Check it out. Figure it out. I love it!! When someone dies, “I guess that was it”. Live it up. Let it go. Do you get it? i get it! How’s it going? It’s going good! How’s it hanging? Don’t let it end. Who can it be now? It’s a wonderful life (the ‘i deal’ life). Let’s make it last. You’ve got it made. Give it a try. Grin and bear it. It just so happens. Leave it alone. Give it a rest. How sweet it is. It’s what you make it. I can see it in your eyes. Get it together. What is it? Get over it. The devil made me do it. Whatever it takes. Now you see it, now you don’t. Cut it out. Whoomp, there it is.

I’m not going to stand for it. Take it away boys. It looks so real. Say it ain’t so. Give it up. It could happen to you. It can’t be true (it always lies). I can feel it in my bones. It’s a mystery. Give it everything you’ve got.

It’s all in your head. I can’t get it out of my head. It’s in the way that you use it. Get it, got it? Good. Could it be? Don’t even try it. Sit on it.

The Energizer bunny took the world by storm in one of the best advertising campaigns in history.

The slogan which was for batteries that create energy was “It keeps going and going…” and became a household phrase for many years. Alka Seltzer encourages us to “Try it, you’ll like it!” Compaq asks the question, “Has it changed your life yet?” And American Express admonishes us to “Don’t Leave Home without It.”

The company Sobe had this ad on their web site encouraging us to “get it up” and to “keep it up”.

The Lexicon of Love

we all “fall” inlove sometimes
blinded by love
from make up to break up
love is the drug
i got a crush on you
i just died in your arms tonight
crazy for you
dying to be with you
hurts so bad
i gave her my heart
addicted to love
take my breath away
i’m lost without your love
breaking up is hard to do
you put a spell on me, under her spell, spellbound
love hurts, love bites, love stinks, lovestruck baby
love is a battlefield
drunk in love
stole/captured my heart/soul
dazed and confused
cupid shoots an arrow through the heart
poison arrow
why do fools fall in love
how can you men a “broken heart”
heartbreak hotel
unbreak my heart
heart skips a beat
heart attack
killer looks
over the moon
all’s fair in love and war
50% marriages end in divorce

To read more articles on similar and related topics, visit Omnithough.org

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Study Says Human Sacrifices Were Used To Exert Control By Elite
May 30 2016 | From: AustralianNationalReview

According to a new study, sacrifices, purported to be of divine sanction, were used to control lower classes by elites. The fear of God and the supernatural was used to beat the lower classes into submission and prevent their resurgence.

The study by researchers from the University of Auckland’s School of Psychology, the Max Planck Institute for the Science of human History in Germany and Victoria University, wanted to know how social stratification was linked to human sacrifice. They focussed on 93 ‘Austronesian’ cultures for their study.

The practice of human sacrifice was widespread throughout Austronesian cultures and was prevalent in 40 out of 93 cultures included in the study. Early Austronesian people are thought to have originated in Taiwan. They eventually moved south and settled almost across half the globe. They spread west to Madagascar, east to Rapa Nui (Easter Island) and south to the Pacific Islands and New Zealand.

Professor Russell Gray, a co-author of the study, notes that:

"Human sacrifice provided a particularly effective means of social control because it provided a supernatural justification for punishment. Rulers, such as priests and chiefs, were often believed to be descended from gods and ritual human sacrifice was the ultimate demonstration of their power.”

Ritualistic killings were carried out to punish those who dared to step out of conventions. Such killings were however encouraged so that the elite class could dictate rules suited to them and ensure that none violated those norms.

“By using human sacrifice to punish taboo violations, demoralize the underclass and instil fear of social elites, power elites were able to maintain and build social control,”
lead study author Joseph Watts stated in a press release.

Ritualistic sacrifices were never humane and included barbaric methods to take life. Drowning, burning, strangulation, weapons induced death etc were used to inflict pain and fear. The idea of such public sacrifices were to ensure that the display of the killings also instilled fear in people and served as a warning to them to obey what ‘God’ had asked people to do through their proxies, the elites.

The system became self perpetuating because the elite wanted to maintain their clout and prevent social equality and justice.

The researchers said that the findings also explain how modern societies were formed. The fear of religious edicts drove the first principles of morality and cooperation that later developed in modern societies. Religious rituals also played a significant role in the evolution of modern societies, the study said.

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The Opiate Of The Masses: When Religion Becomes An Addiction
May 25 2016 | From: Sott

To a medical researcher, the word addiction has a specific biological meaning. But in common vernacular, it means approximately this: The state of being enslaved to a habit or practice or to something that is psychologically or physically habit-forming, such as narcotics, to such an extent that its cessation causes severe trauma.

Based on this definition some religious experiences seem a lot like addictions - at least that's what former believers say.

Blogger Sandra Kee, a self-described "Christian Heretic," looks back at her family history and sees religion and addiction as a messy tangle: "My family for several generations was in a dysfunctional and addictive religious life, using God (or what we believed about God) as a drug.

Many of the family who left religion simply traded for another addiction. The generations that entered into religion did so to escape alcoholism and other addictions (though it wasn't called addiction back then). Many who remained in religion developed additional addictions as well."

Former Mormon Brandon Olson is even more emphatic:

"Karl Marx said it right, 'Religion is the opiate of the masses.' I'm still recovering from it. Part of my recovery is helping others get free,"
says Olson. "I quit believing in a god when I was a teenager, but I was afraid of hell / damnation until I was about 35.

It took me until I was 40 to speak up and revoke my LDS cult membership. I am now 50, and I consider religion to be an imposed addiction - no different than holding a baby and shooting it up with small doses of heroin, increasing the doses as the baby grows."

In recent decades, the idea of recovery from religion has taken root. Recovery websites provide platforms for sharing stories, like exChristian.net, or offer support and help, like RecoveringfromReligion.org. Many draw on the language and strategies of other recovery programs.

Important Note: Addiction to religion is non-denominational. It happens in all religions, and it manifests ranging from obsession to extremism. It has been widely noted that religion has long been used as a way to control the masses - to divide and conquer, causing squabbling and wars.

Religion dictates that a persons connection with God / the Universe / Source / the Creator (the label doesn't matter) must be administered by a 3rd party and utilising a place of worship for point of focus. A spiritual outlook reveals that we all have that connection innately within us and that we do not require any intermediary nor any constrictive (often misinterpreted) belief system.

Related: How It Was Employed As A Control System To Divide & Conquer

Even within Christianity, some people use 12-Step language to talk about religious addiction or what a newly-released book calls Sober Spirituality. Author Elizabeth Esther describes how church experiences produce a "high":

"There's the ubiquitous mood lighting so that you can only see what's meant to be seen... Loud music ensures you hear only what is meant to be heard...

Several high-energy warm-up acts make you feel only what you're supposed to feel... By the time the featured attraction steps on stage... you're so amped up you'll hand over your body, soul, and wallet. It doesn't even occur to you that this might be destructive, because feeling elated is the desired outcome."

The result, says Esther, can be a destructive quest for righteous euphoria. Father Leo Booth similarly uses the language of Alcoholics Anonymous in his book, When God Becomes a Drug, which promises readers "practical ways to overcome excessive devotion and attain healthy spirituality."

Addiction Symptoms

When does spirituality start looking like addiction? On the internet, checklists abound (for example, here,here, and here) and include symptoms that would sound familiar to any addict or Al Anon member.

Here are some Highlights:

Do you use religion to avoid social and emotional problems?

Are you preoccupied with religion to the point of neglecting work?

Would people who know you describe your religiosity as extreme or obsessive?

Does your commitment to a religious leader or institution take precedence over your children or other family relationships?

Does religion isolate you from outside friends and activities?

Do you use religion as an excuse when you are abusive to friends or family members?

Are your religious contributions financially imprudent?

Do you feel irritated and act defensive when someone questions your religion?

Broader Mental Health Questions

But religious addiction checklists and other self-help materials often also include symptoms that, while psychologically unhealthy, may have little to do with diagnosing addiction.

Do you use guilt to beat up yourself or others?

Do you think of sex as shameful or dirty?

Do you use religion to manipulate or exploit others?

Does your religion threaten violence against people who believe differently?

Are you uncompromising and judgmental, quick to find fault in others or evil in the world?

Do you find yourself arguing against scientific evidence to defend your religion?

Do you wait for God to fix things in your life or blame your problems on supernatural forces?

Do you tell other people "what God wants" or the "right" way to interpret the Bible?

Are you preoccupied with sin and the afterlife?

Do you threaten others with divine punishment or otherwise try to control them? Without a doubt, a yes to any of these questions suggests that something is out of whack. Patterns like these can interfere with healthy self-esteem, personal empowerment, work, community service, and loving relationships. They are toxic. That said, a worldview can be toxic without being addictive, which may leave the question of religious addiction murky at best.

Looking back on his years as a Christian, non-theist Tony Debono says,"While I have no desire to return to religion, I definitely miss the highs of religious worship, as well as the friendship and support of the community. Is that more like missing a substance of addiction, or like missing the delirium and strange dreams of a high fever? I'm not sure."

Psycho-Social Benefits?

To make matters even more complex, a set of beliefs can be false without being either toxic or addictive, and in some situation false beliefs may even be adaptive. Also, research suggests that participation in some forms of religious community or spiritual practices like meditation may have benefits independent of any truth-value in the community's distinctive claims.

Recognizing this, humanist and atheist groups have begun experimenting with how to create secular churches and humanist assemblies - communities that lack supernatural beliefs but that nonetheless meet regularly to channel wonder, provide mutual support, talk about deep values, and inspire service.

These experimental communities are exploring how to keep some of the best of religion without supernaturalism and without the other parts that can lead religion to feel harmful. In the future, secular spiritual communities of this type may ease the transition for people leaving a religion that feels unhealthy or addictive, or that no longer fits for other reasons.

Your Results May Vary

The risk of any activity or substance becoming a compulsion depends in part on characteristics of the substance and in part on characteristics of the situation and user. We know, for example, that nicotine is more addictive than marijuana. But for even the most intense pleasures - those that create the highest rates of compulsion - some users retain their capacity for autonomy and balance.

Some people can ingest a pleasurable neurotoxin like alcohol or even cocaine in moderation, while others find themselves drawn inexorably toward self-destruction.

The same can be said about pleasurable activities like running or gambling. And the same is likely to be true of powerful religious pleasures - intense feelings of euphoria, transcendence, hope, joy, absolution, security, immortality, certitude, purity, purpose, belonging, or superiority.

In the end, the question of whether religion is addictive for you or someone you care about comes back to the definition of addiction itself, which includes words like enslaved, habit, and trauma: Has your religion consumed your life? Is it freely chosen? (Try on the thought of what might happen if you let it go.) What price are you or others around you paying for the good stuff you get?

Addiction aside, the bigger question may be whether a specific set of religious beliefs or practices contributes to wellbeing or harm. Human development consultant Marlene Winell describes a pattern she calls religious trauma syndrome, which can be triggered either by experiences within religious communities - especially those that are authoritarian, isolationist and fear based - or as a consequence of leaving.

Winell's diagnosis is unofficial, but when she writes on the topic, former believers by the hundreds respond, saying that they see themselves in her words and stories.

A Growing Array of Options

Fortunately, for those who find their former religion to be harmful, addictive or otherwise a bad fit, options in most of the world are growing. It has been said that there are as many gods as there are believers, and some people who shake free from one form of religion find themselves at home in another.

But a growing number of former believers, say they are one or another kind of post-religious, and that's ok. There's plenty of downside to all of these differences. As Jon Stewart put it sardonically, "Religion. It's given people hope in a world torn apart by . . . religion."

But the upside is this: Anyone able to open their door finds a whole world of possibilities just outside.

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Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi
Apocalypse Now - Falling Idols And Spiritual Adversaries
April 22 2016 | From: WakingTimes

We’re living in very challenging times. Our metal is being tested to new and extreme degrees that increase by the day. It’s clearly a time for expanded wisdom, digression and discernment to fully understand what is happening around and within us. As well as determination.

In a time of revelation, which is what the apocalypse is referring to, things come to light that can rock our world.

The word "apocalypse" actually means, "a disclosure of knowledge, i.e., a lifting of the veil or revelation."

Somehow, it has becomne re-translated as being something that spells doom. Go figure.

False idols fall, concepts are cracked, and new understandings and awakenings abound, whether we like them or not.

These are each up to the individual to find out and experience for themselves, but they can be very disconcerting when it comes to the shattering of old paradigms of thinking and our current personal outlook on the world, no matter how seemingly progressive we think we are.

The Fall of False Images and Mass Projections

There are many symptoms of radical change that we can expect. Idolatry, or putting unquestioned faith and misguided “belief” in some human or system, or even supernatural solution-bringer, is completely off course.

As long as humanity looks for a leader they will be sorely disappointed. History attests to this in spades. Projecting our problems, questions and needs for exterior solutions is destined to fail.

Worse yet as it affirms this mass hysteria. Anyone or anything that pretends to fill this vacuum you can be assured are deceived to whatever degree, unfortunately with the strong reinforcement of a sycophantic populace programmed to look for such.

Start by not putting people in that position of temptation. It’s ultimately up to us, similar to not participating in the matrix.

The more perceptive understanding of this has to do with those who accept this predominant role of “solution bringer”.

Once someone agrees to play this part of the projected play being broadcast you have problems, and it usually comes up because of not just the throngs projecting the wrong intent, but that those agreeing to fulfill such a role have grown an inflated ego, together with a plethora of attachments, capable of collecting this group intention, consciously or otherwise.

In the words of Lao Tzu:

“A leader is best when people barely know he exists, when his work is done, his aim fulfilled, they will say: we did it ourselves.”

Again, history attests to this. People look for a leader, a panacea, a catch all solution, someone else to do the real work and have all the conviction they’re lacking, and when it appears to be embodied in a particularly charismatic figure who is then emboldened and willing to play this role, we have serious problems.

Every time. Truth by its very nature is a continually acting catalytic iconoclast.

Truthful ideas lead us to more truth and empowerment. Granted, some people can encapsulate and articulate these ideas better than others, but it’s nonetheless the ideas, not the people. When the intention and attention is hypnotically focused on the usually dynamic individual, those accepting such a role are immediately programmed to self destruct.

As truth has it, when something gets in the way of white hot truth it burns up. It may take time but it won’t stand the test.

It’s never clear in the time of transition but always clarifies over time. It’s up to us to be circumspect and wise in our observations and resultant behaviors.

Plato said something very profound in this regard:

“When the tyrant has disposed of foreign enemies by conquest or treaty and there is nothing to fear from them, then he is always stirring up some war or other, in order that the people may require a leader.”

Inside and Outside Attacks

A big part of this revelation we’re in the midst of has to do with knowing not just the truth but the enemies of truth. These contrarian “signal jammers” can be clearly belligerent external foes of freedom, creativity and the like which are relatively easy to spot individuals or socially engineered trends, but there are also inside or internal spiritual attacks on ourselves or others in our midst that can be difficult to identify as well as deal with.

This awareness of spiritual attacks must become an important aspect of our awareness. Whether people call these influences transdimensionals, demons, archons, wetiko or whatever, they are real, and very active and present in this human conflict.

People will be, and already are, seeing personality changes in others around them who are not moving or working with the truth vibrations, if you will. If you haven’t yet experienced this element you soon will, but it usually takes some grounded awareness and spotting ability to see them for what they are, and that awareness can only manifest when there is the ability to see what you are.

Some coming into our midst are people who are clearly outside plants and shills, but I would venture to say that the most present danger is the spiritual element which invariably uses the weakest link available as their doorway in any situation.

These negative, parasitic forces go where there is an opening. A particularly weak individual, someone with a grudge or contrary agenda for whatever reason, or simply a misguided soul laden with pride who is easily influenced and in some cases taken over.

These influences are not just demonically persuasive and extremely intelligent and can win almost any argument on their level if you engage them, but very aggressive.

This is where the fuller overarching paradigm of how to effect change is most blatantly manifest – learning to circumnavigate and ultimately rise above this level of interchange is a proverbial stitch in time and will avoid untold confusion and wasted energy.

This might sound a bit woo woo and out there for some geopolitical pragmatists, but if you’re reading this I’m sure you’ll identify some of these symptoms. Obviously psychopaths are fully charged with these elements, but it’s when it reaches you personally that we can be taken aback and inadvertently steered into futile encounters or courses of action.

The spiritual cannot be ignored. In fact, it is first and foremost amongst factors that need to be under consideration at any and every given time during this transitional process.

Take If from There

This may seem a bit vague to some but you will come to see it manifest in many ways. Much more needs to be explained about these inside and outside attacks but I wanted to touch on the concepts to get the ball rolling.

Idols will fall. Despite any temporary confusion good folks will survive and thrive as they empower. Paradigms will continue to crumble and morph. It’s a spectacular convergence and a time to learn.

Go with the flow but be aware, very aware, of the influences we are being bombarded with. This is a very serious transition we’re in the midst of and we need to remain vigilant and detached in our perspective.

There is no in between when it comes to joining the forces for truth.

Just a heads up. Stay on top of it, not under.

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Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi
Why Is April Always A Big Month For Illuminati Mischief?
April 14 2016 | From: CosmicConvergence

First things first, when referring to the mythology of Aries, it is important to note that there are two distinctions to make. Myths about “Aries, the Ram” are different from myths about “Aries, the Greek god” (whose name is more often spelled “Ares”).

In Greek mythology Ares is the god of war. It is important to make a distinction between the role that Ares (Greek mythology) plays and the role that his sister Athena (Greek mythology) plays. Athena was also a god (goddess) of war, but unlike Ares, Athena was strategic and disciplined, where Ares was chaotic and destructive.

Having these two Greek gods represent the two different sides of war is very telling as to how the ancient Greeks viewed war. If Athena was Napoleon then Ares was Rambo. Ares was known for his lust for blood, his chaotic nature, and his thoughtless aggression.

"Interestingly enough some of these characteristics (to a much lesser extent) are attributed to those born under Aries, the Ram, in astrology."

- The Mythology of Aries

Very few residents are aware but those who truly run the world consult astrology and mythology, numerology and mythology just as much (and even more) than they refer to the ‘hard sciences’.  

TPTB who rule the entire planet via a World Shadow Government (WSG) have always conceived and timed their major ‘events’ according to the stars. They employ the very best astrologers in existence and conduct their many enterprises according to the arcana of occult astrology and numerology.

It’s now quite obvious to those who have researched these matters that the very business of the ruling elites is perfectly timed according to the confluence of astrology (e.g. Aries), numerology  (e.g. power numbers 11, 22, and 33) and chronology (e.g. Shemitah phenomenon).  

Remember, the same cabal set up every major chronological system in use today.  The World Shadow Government, in fact, is quite meticulous about executing their black operations and implementing their false flag terror attacks on specific dates and in certain places in order to greatly intensify their impact and desired effects on the planetary civilization.

Your Birth Date and Location, Your DNA and Bloodline

Did you know that those who own and operate Planet Earth, Inc. have access to the birth date and birth location of every human born ever born here?  They also have a massive database of the DNA records and bloodline history of every single person alive today. All the birth records, which they have quick and easy access to, provide them with this information and much, much more.

You see, in this way TPTB leave absolutely nothing to chance.  On a certain level, that is, they know everything they think they need to know about each one of us. Our karmic blueprints are revealed by our astrological birth chart just as our destinies are carried through our bloodlines.  

Of course, nature is only one piece of this very complicated puzzle of destiny. It’s well known that nurture can change the future of one whose nature is to do good or do evil. Nurture is really the controlling factor here, but not when the nature is so strong that it cannot be overridden. This will occur when the karmic influences are so heavy that the destiny is literally carved in stone.

Hence, they (TPTB) know - without any doubt - exactly who those old souls are who will be as predictably incorrigible as they are intractable. As they say in America, they’ve got their number - ALL OF THEM -both literally and figuratively. In so doing the ruling cabal is quite aware of who precisely will give them problems and how they might do so. 

If the renegade’s chart shows much promise as a writer or speaker, that individual will most likely become a Thomas Paine or Thomas Jefferson or Sir Thomas More or Thomas Merton or Thomas Mann or Thomas à Becket.

Yes, TPTB are also obsessed with onomastics which concerns itself with the esoteric meaning of one’s personal name. Both the numerology of a person’s full name and its etymological origin reflect the energetic imprint associated with the individual’s current incarnation. If they happen to be born in the month of Aries they will be courageous and bold, impulsive and pioneering. They will charge ahead with the missions in life like a battering ram.

What Does All of this Have to do With April of 2016?

The forgoing revelations were only presented in order to impress upon the reader that they really do have your number just as they use their various numerological systems to control the Global Economic & Financial System.  

Everything the ruling cabal does is perfectly timed and coordinated for maximum effect on human consciousness with the explicit purpose of exerting complete control over the entire Earth realm. This is their domain, so they think, and they are determined to keep the place in total lockdown - 24/7.

Toward that end they routinely use certain months to accomplish certain goals. The month of April has always been one of their favorites for many reasons.

Not only is the weather very nice with Spring in full bloom, many folks around the world have full-blown Spring Fever.  However, it is the astrological energies associated with Aries which they really like to exploit.  

They do this by capitalizing on the vibrations of war that are inherent in the very astrology and numerology of the month of April.  The window of April 15th through the end of April is usually a very active time for these inveterate war-makers.

"Were one to deeply research the individual astrology and numerology of all the government soldiers and mercenary soldiers of fortune, it would become apparent how they have all been corralled on this battle flied or that battleground in order to fight it out in good fashion.  

Since most 'Men are originally from Mars' just as most 'Women are from Venus', it ought to be clear how easy it has always been to move the warmongering males to just about any theater of war in Creation.  

Likewise, TPTB are fully cognizant of how easy it is to ramp up the war cries with this battle cry or that battle hymn, this military-adnminstered vaccine or that recreational war drug."

CAPTAGON: Tons Of Amphetamine Drugs Smuggled Into Syria To Fuel ISIS Terrorism

Now many will ask the question about Aries officially ending on or about April 19th or 20th from year to year. And, yes, that’s correct, except that there are different astrological systems at work here. As follows:

"Under the tropical zodiac, the Sun transits this sign mostly between March 20 and April 19 each year. This time duration is exactly the first month of Solar Hejri calendar (Farvardin). Under the sidereal zodiac, the sun currently transits Aries from April 15 to May 15 (approximately)."

Aries (astrology)

Here’s an historical example of how TPTB use the earlier Aries energies to wage their wars of aggression around the globe.

"The 2003 invasion of Iraq lasted from 20 March to 1 May 2003 and signaled the start of the Iraq War, which was dubbed Operation Iraqi Freedom by the United States (prior to 19 March, the mission in Iraq was called Operation Enduring Freedom, a carryover from the War in Afghanistan)."

- 2003 invasion of Iraq

Not only was that war of conquest and control deliberately initiated on March 20, it was started on that date in order to inaugurate a multi-year campaign of war and terrorism to transform the whole Middle East in to a regional theatre of war and conflict.

Related: The New Atlantis rises… and then falls, after being halted by the epochal wars of the Kali Yuga and Iron Age conflicts

What Else has the Controlling Cabal Done During the Month of April?

Make no mistake about it, from the 15th to the 30th of April is the real playtime for the mischievous elites. This is when they line up their battle plans for optimal effect both locally and globally.  

The "Germans introduced poison gas on Apr 22, 1915" which was the first time chemical weapons had been known to be used on a wide-scale basis.

It’s also interesting that Adolf Hitler allegedly committed suicide on April 30 in 1945.

The Falklands War was officially begun on Friday, 2 April 1982.

On April 30, 1975 Saigon falls and the North Vietnamese take Saigon; the war in Vietnam ends.

The whole orchestrated Arab Spring was actually timed around the bellicose frequencies of the main month of Spring - April.  

Many countries throughout the Mideast saw the most violent protests and revolutions during March and April of both 2011 and 2012.

The ongoing Syrian War began on 15 March, 2011.  

The civil war in the Ukraine was started on 6 April 2014.

What follows is another list of momentous April events which fall into the very same April timeline. Each of these meticulously manufactured happenings was highly consequential and fabricated to produce a desired outcome by the WSG.

-  All Hell BreakS Loose in 2014

Back to April of 2016

April 17th has already been placed very high on the radar screen by various astrologers. Not only does this date fall squarely within the preferred range of the ruling elites to make war or perpetrate crimes against humanity, it also serves as a HUGE trigger point.  

That does not necessarily mean that Sunday, April 17th will see a major earth-shattering event; rather, only that it may trigger the energies toward a future conflagration of some sort.  It may manifest as a single short-term calamitous event or function as the start date for a long-term march to a World War III.

Here’s what one astrologer (a practitioner of Jyotish) has written about this April:

- Vedic Astrologer Put The World On Notice For April 17th, 2016

The same Vedic astrologer had earlier presented her predictions about this April during her 2016 Forecast as follows:

- 2016 Vedic Astrology World Predictions

What’s the Real Point of this Discussion?

Whenever humanity sheds the light of awareness on a predicted event, they hold the power to transform it, for good or for ill.

This is exactly what happened with last year’s widely prophesied Shemitah financial breakdown and economic crash.  

Yes, it happened in various ways, but was significantly diminished in its effects because so many had written and spoken about it.

As follows:

"If, during the years leading up to 9/11, there were books written about a scheme to take down the Twin Towers via a controlled demolition, would the false flag operation still have been executed?

If the internet was abuzz with conspiracy theories - before September 11, 2001 - about a cruise missile from the U.S. military arsenal being fired at the Pentagon, would the perpetrators still have followed through?  

If the modern-day prophets and televangelists, rabbis and ministers were warning the people of a grave event that would close the stock market for a week and shut down the airline industry, would the conspiracy proceed as planned?

The point is that the September Shemitah is very much a manmade event that would only have proceeded if there was no likelihood of exposure. If those who conceive and coordinate the 7 year Shemitah crashes and collapses don’t want to be known, would they still implement their conspiratorial plot?

Particularly during the month of September of 2015 - the prognosticated “biggest month of the millennium”, why would they dangerously give themselves away?"

September’s Shemitah: What really happened? What will the 2016 Super Shemitah bring?


Change your mind, change the world you live in.

Should you change your attitude toward whatever befalls you or your community, the whole world will conform itself to your positive and life-affirming posture. The heavens will support your every effort to overcome the seemingly insurmountable obstacles.

Whenever the light of consciousness is directly aimed at a particular worry or concern, an anxiety about the future or regret about the past, it will slowly defuse it. The sheer knowledge of a prognosticated event can either magnify it or minimize it.

By facing the upcoming challenges of 2016 and beyond with great courage and undeterrable resolve, the unseen forces of the Universe will congregate in your corner.

The more one understands that the predominant collective awareness, which is held around any specific prophecy, will either bring it into Creation or keep it from manifesting. By becoming aware of these possibilities, much can be done to prevent many of the more severe prophecies from occurring. After all, True Prophecy Is Always Uttered To Avert Catastrophe, NOT Predict It.

True, there is no stopping some of the earth-shaking changes which are nearly upon us, but they can be alleviated. The more we pay attention to the cosmic messages being delivered from on high daily, the more compelled we will be to make the necessary alterations in behavior, both individually and collectively.

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Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi
The Original Sin – A Myth Whose Time Is Up
April 13 2016 | From: ZenGardner

Of all the deceptions pulled on humanity over the ages, The Original Sin is probably the most devastating. Yet hugely successful from the perspective of the perpetrators.

Almost everywhere the doctrine of Christianity forged its zealous mission to convert the masses, so the Original Sin accompanied it. Imposing the rationale of guilt on untold millions whose open minds no doubt thought they were receiving a message of emancipation and light.

Not so my friends, you were in fact receiving a message just about as dark as darkness gets!

The extraordinary power of a message, properly formed, packaged and publicized, is something we have all come to learn a lot about in recent decades. ‘The medium is the message’ declared Marshall McLuhan back in 1964. And that edict could easily pass for the moment the first biblical texts let it be known that a man called Adam and a woman called Eve got the whole human race off to a very bad start… from which it appears to have never recovered.

However the reason it got off to a bad start and has still failed to fully recover, cannot be pinned on any fault of Adam and Eve, as we shall see, but lies squarely at the feet of a masterful plot to falsify what is actually a potent story of human emancipation and growing inner conviction.

This ‘human race’ to which the biblical text refers, was set on its way by a starting pistol fired by someone who didn’t want anyone participating in this race to actually win. He or she or it, only wanted losers; and that’s pretty much what they got.

See What I Mean by Successful?

The story goes like this: there were just two human beings on this planet at the moment the starting pistol was fired. There was a beautiful garden as well, and in that beautiful garden were these two humans: a man called Adam and woman called Eve, and there was also an apple tree (in full fruit) and a serpent.

In this ensuing myth, God makes it clear to Adam that he can do whatever he likes in this garden except “eat of the fruit of the Tree of Knowledge.” But, well, being human, and having been given ‘free will’ by divine rite, he doesn’t really see the logic in this command from above.

The serpent seems in accord with him in this, and somehow or other tempts Eve into plucking this big juicy apple and taking a bite before then offering it to Adam.

"And he did eat thereof.  And the eyes of them both were opened, and they knew that they were naked; and they sewed fig leaves together, and made themselves aprons.”

They were, we are informed “ashamed.” Both on account of taking a forbidden action and of being revealed unto themselves as ‘naked’.

It is around this infamous ‘eating of the fruit’ – an action most of us would likely have taken out of simple curiosity – that millennia of Christian shame and guilt have their inception.

Fun fact: The first model from apple computer sold for $666.66

Here is where a pervasive irrational suffering concerning our natural physical condition has its origins. Where our ‘private parts’ became privatized. Where the natural pleasures of physical intimacy were turned to guilt: unless of course the so called ‘Church of God’ authorized such acts via formal marriage in the Christian place of worship.

A great plethora of ‘thou shalt not’s’ were soon pinned onto what was essentially Adam and Eve’s courageous original act of ‘civil disobedience’: the refusal to be cowed by a seemingly higher authority.

Yes, by looking deeper into this infamous story, we see that Adam and his accomplice Eve did something pretty special in this Garden of Eden. Their action, when viewed in a manner freed from the typical conditioned response, looks very much like a ‘giant step forward for mankind’. Something which Neil Armstrong was told to say while getting out of a papier mache lunar capsule constructed and filmed in Pinewood studios, London in 1969.

But the mythical Adam was not faking it, as Armstrong was on behalf of those who worship a god named ‘technology’. He and his mythical Eve conspired to start a great ball rolling down the ages which would, one day, lead to man acquiring real knowledge, real independence and real self awareness. Except, of course, that this was the last thing that the manipulators of this story wanted.

On further examining the symbolism of this tale, one can recognize that eating the apple of the Tree of Knowledge opened the eyes of this man and woman to the fact that they were adequately equipped to take their destinies into their own hands and forge their own path in life.

A path which would reveal to them that they were not just subjects to be ordered around according to the will of their master, but were blessed with a unique gift: the ability to think and act creatively and rationally. Even to reflect on their own condition and existence. And, equally contrary to the classic interpretation, it was indeed their Creator himself who wished this to be so.

For this Creator felt the pain of loneliness – and longed to have company in the great quest of life. But in order to have this company, his Adam and Eve had to pass the first great test: that of defying false authority and daring to eat from the Tree of Knowledge.

Only then could they start on the road of becoming ‘strivers with God’ and companions to the supreme; blazing that unchartered course whose direction only becomes known through embracing the insecurity of the creative process. Taking that momentous ‘leap in the dark’ which is the mother of all great quests. All great adventures.

However, the biblical text upon which we were all raised, tells us something very different. It tells us that Adam and Eve were ‘cast out’ of this Garden of Eden due to their unforgivable and sinful act of disobedience. Disobedience to God himself, no less. Which caused them to be ‘ashamed’: both of their nakedness and their disobedience.

We are told by the church, which sees itself  as the spokesperson of this biblical story, that thanks to Adam and Eve, we all carry ‘the shame’ to this very day. That we must pay the price of this ‘original sin’ and be humbled by the magnitude of this human error. An error of such supposed gravity that it became known as ‘The Fall’ .

In this translation of the stories surrounding certain key events of prehistory, man ‘falls’ before he has even begun to walk – and everything that follows is tainted by this supposedly tragic error of human judgment* see the link at the end for further reading).

What Does this Nakedness Really Symbolize?

It is the moment when we realize that everything we thought was one thing actually turns out to be another. A lot of stuff drops off us in that instant. We become naked, because the old clothes don’t fit any more and the new clothes have to be woven from fresh wool.

It is the dawn of true knowledge. Knowledge that makes us aware that there exists a divine state – and also a corruption of that state.  That, at any one time, both exist. And that we must choose our course in life based on this knowledge.

The Garden of Eden is representative of a state of essentially ‘passive’ potential. An as yet unignited and unmoving potential. What was needed was a spark to set the whole thing off. And that spark came when Eve, who was in subconscious communication with the serpent, reached up and plucked that ruddy round apple and took a bite out of it. It was she who broke the ‘obeisance to authority’ taboo.

How About The Serpent’s Role in this Drama?

The serpent is the anima of a rising energy. The Kundalini serpent, entwined around the spine (trunk) of the tree of knowledge. Get it?

When the serpent spoke to Eve, it was ‘the word’. “In the beginning was The Word”. However this word was not an actual word, but a vibration. An impulse. Energy directed  from within. And this energy said to Eve “Do It”. And she did. Her action bears the hallmark of the first stirrings of a divine mission: the stirring into movement of that which is fecund – yet unable to act.

The female divine force it was – which enabled Adam and Eve to ‘come awake’ and find that they were no longer just innocent hippies frolicking in the cozy garden of the unconscious; unchallenged and unaware of the greater reality of existence. It is a prerogative of ‘attaining the knowledge of good and evil’ to then set off on that path of greater knowledge, no matter what!

And What About the Tree?

The tree itself is a powerful symbol of growth. For it outwardly expresses the manifestation of a condition essential for man’s own evolution: the putting down of roots and the spreading out and up of trunk and branches – as a ‘simultaneous act’. An act transmutable to we humans, almost literally: starting at the navel, where the umbilical cord has nourished us is the womb, and moving simultaneously down and up from here.

It has the great quality of annulling the ‘either’ ‘or’ option, which is the hallmark of much of our dark side formal education. Real human development, in body mind and spirit, is both a tap root into the deep and a crown reaching into the beyond. In equal measure. Always both – never just one or the other.

So the Tree of Knowledge in the Garden of Eden is indeed just that: a tree of knowledge. It is not “the forbidden tree” as is commonly taught in the Christian church.

So why did the church choose to promote this forbidden factor?

Because this ‘knowledge’ is capable of exposing the tyranny that lies at heart of human slavery. A knowledge that must not be allowed out for fear of its repercussions on the control system which was already in place, and to which the church was – and remains to this day – an accomplice. The command ‘not to eat’ of the fruit of the Tree of Knowledge did not come from God, but from some other force implacably set against all that is divine.

As the story tells us: “around its trunk a serpent is entwined.” From ancient times this serpent has been recognized as a source of special energy. Particularly, as said earlier, in the descriptions of the Kundalini practice of Tantra Yoga.

It is the rising energy which illuminates, one by one, the seven chakras of the human body by moving up the spinal column – just as the serpent is moving up the trunk of the Tree of knowledge – awakening (in this case) the succulent glory of the famous apple. A bite out of which moved Adam and Eve into a certain ‘state of awareness’.

The serpent and the tree are thus powerful symbols – and tools of human enlightenment.

And The Garden?

I have already alluded to the notion that the garden is a place – or a condition – which remains untainted. In this it is a symbol of our childhood. A time when we were not yet conscious of historical karma and therefore able to freely explore all that which becomes manifest, within and without.

It’s a place in which one remains, as in the case of the plant and animal kingdoms, in a state of instinctive response to divine energies, with as yet little or no involvement of individual will.

But that is not man and woman’s lot in life. Nor is it why our creator made manifest a state of ‘conscious awareness’, a state associated with the use of the higher mind.

In order to activate this higher mind Adam and Eve could not remain forever in their childhood garden, but needed to ‘eat from the tree of knowledge’ thus recognizing the actual challenge that lay ahead. The challenge of moving from unconscious sub-awareness to conscious full awareness. From childhood to adulthood.

A long and winding road indeed! But a road in which each step carries with it a fuller understanding of our greater role in the divine plan.

This is the ‘road of genius’ that British 18th century poet William Blake referred to when he wrote: “The straight road is a road of ‘progress’, but the crooked road is the road of genius.”

And the Divine Plan Itself?

Ah, we are not really privy to the full architecture of the divine plan. For it is a ‘state of being’ and as such cannot really be described, only attained, through the lasting application of true intent. However, I believe we can recognize that, put very simply, our Creator remembered his own coming into movement from that which lacked movement; and he wished to celebrate this, ‘his birthday’. The day movement was born.

But one cannot celebrate a birthday without the presence of other empathizing beings with whom to share the joyous occasion. So ‘in the beginning’ this creator was most fortunate in being visited by a complementary, yet opposite and deeply receptive energy.

This great coming together of opposite yet deeply complimentary energies was of huge significance – because out of it emerged a state  which we call ‘equilibrium’, movement. Something which is going somewhere – with a sense of purpose. No longer just a becalmed state of fecundity.

Movement owes its origins to a female energy. In Indian mythology this feminine force is called Shakti, the female principle of God. God, whose omnipotence expresses the consummated marriage of the creative and receptive principles, is thus dual in nature.

Both male and female; female and male. And everything in this universe is an expression of this duality. Everything that comes to life, comes to life through the friction made manifest by this hugely potent and divine love affair. A love affair between the two energetic components of a primordial and primal duality.

The ever present Yin and Yang of existence.

And what we call sexuality is actuality ‘sex-duality’ – the consummated act of divine union which gave birth and made manifest what we call Life.

And perhaps most wonderful and mysterious of all is that an omnipresent and omnipotent force called Love infused and nourished this great primordial act of union which we ourselves are an expression of. One might even say that this Love preceded the one we call the Creator… but that is another story in our deep and unfathomable past!

For now it is enough to recognize that Adam and Eve, the Garden, the Tree and the Serpent, were all critical elements in kick-starting the evolution of mankind – and indeed all sentient life forms.

We can now most clearly state that ‘The Original Sin’ was precisely the opposite of a sin – it was the birth of man as a free agent in pursuing the divine intuitive message which leads us (back) to our Creator. But this time as responsible realized beings – as microcosmic Gods in our own right.

Then the Creator will greatly rejoice at the results of this divine union and will welcome us to the “Great Celebration” which cannot happen until the moment of our participation, as equals, in his Godliness. An event keenly anticipated by sowers of truth – and greatly feared by spreaders of the lie.

All the confusions surrounding sexuality and sexual relations stem from this distortion called the Original Sin. Our sexuality, far from being something to be ashamed of, is that which connects us directly with Divine.

It was – I repeat once again – due to that glorious consummation between two poles of irresistible mutual attraction – male and female – that this Universe came to life. That ‘life’ which forms the birth place of our very own cosmic essence.

Only something expressing an extreme position of alienation to this joyous truth would wish to lay such a sinister and divisive trap for mankind. A trap which, by proclaiming the celebration of our sexuality ‘a sin’, epitomizes the state of reversed truth which still remains central to the workings of our strangled Western societies.

What that force is which is so adept at twisting truth into its opposite is another story for another article.

For now, let us take pleasure in having put the divine plan right back on track. On having reconnected to the roots of our true nature and found that, far from being ashamed we are proud to go forward in full knowledge of our innate divinity.

Let us rejoice in the fact that this innocuous debacle known as The Original Sin has been properly exposed as a deeply divisive myth whose time is well and truly up.

May it finally crumble to dust under the iridescent rays of a rising Aquarian sun!

Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi

Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi
Satanic Pedophilia Network Exposed In Australia - It Starts At The TOP, Just Like In The USA And UK
March 2 2016 | From: HumansAreFree / Various

The New World Order cult that rules the world administers a Satanic Pedophilia Network, including top-level politicians like Australian Prime Ministers and US Presidents.

The Satanic Pedophilia Network which underlies the New World Order was again exposed in the last few months by another brave whistleblower. Australian woman Fiona Barrett showed a ton of courage in going public at a Sydney press conference in October 2015 and naming names.

Related: Major Satanic Ritual Abuse / Paedophile Network Exposed In Australia

Fiona, a former victim of Satanic ritual abuse and part of an international VIP pedophile ring, not only exposed the existence of the Satanic pedophilia network and its international child trafficking ring, but actually named 3 former Australian Prime Ministers and 1 former US President as perpetrators.

She reveals that this network, composed of famous actors, celebrities, judges, politicians and other high-flyers, has infiltrated all the key organizations and institutions in Australia – just as it has in the US and Britain.

Warning: What follows is graphic and requires a great deal of maturity to swallow, but if you’re interested in the real truth of what’s going on in the world, read on.

Fiona saw it all – Satanic ritual, rape, torture and murder – but actually says “the way I’ve been treated for reporting the crimes I’ve witnessed and experienced has been far worse than my original abuse experiences.”

That speaks volumes about people’s collective denial and amnesia, doesn’t it?

Pedophiles Running Rampant Down Under

Fiona proclaims that Australia is a pedophile haven. She explains how Australia took in a large number of Nazi war criminals, including her own step-grandparents. She was introduced by her own family to an international child trafficking pedophile ring based in Sydney.

Fiona Barrett, right, with her family

Some victims are kidnapped off the street, some are “bred” for it (without ever getting birth certificates – more on this later) and some are brought into it through multi-generational abuse.

These latter ones are trained and expected to become the perpetrators and future administrators of it.

Fiona has had flashbacks to being abused as young as the age of 2.

Later on, when she was still a little girl, she was dropped off at VIP parties, instructed to say “the starchild is here”, then watch as famous politicians, actors and celebrities snorted cocaine, raped her, had sex with each other, then pretended to drown her in a pool.

She wasn’t just sexually abused and raped; she also suffered Satanic ritual abuse in the form of torture (e.g. suffering cattle prodding electroshock to cause disassociation).
She reveals how this pedophile ring goes to the highest levels, and included orgies at Parliament House (in Canberra) itself.

Related: The Catholic Church Admitted in Writing to Satanic Ritual Sacrifice by Melbourne Priest

Naming the Names

Fiona names the names of the people who sexually assaulted, raped and tortured her:

Antony Kidman (actress Nicole Kidman’s father) (Nicole Kidman is a victim of the ring too, but was nasty towards fellow victim Fiona);

Dr. John Gittinger (Lithuanian Nazi concentration camp guard and CIA agent);

Former US President Richard Nixon;

Former Australian Prime Minister Gough Whitlam;

Former Australian Prime Minister Bob Hawke;

Former Australian Opposition Leader Kim Beazley;

Former Australian Prime Minister Paul Keating;

US Evangelist Pastor Billy Graham;

Former NSW Premier Bob Carr;

Ted Turner (CNN).

Barrett also mentions the brave Aussie politician Franca Arena, who got up in Parliament under parliamentary privilege and said there is a large pedophile ring involving politicians, judges, doctors and media moguls.

He named Kerry Packer, Bob Carr, Bob Hawke, Paul Keating, Robert Menzies, Alan Jones (radio announcer), Bernard King (cook), Molly Meldrum (TV presenter), Elton John (musician), John Kerr (Whitlam and Kerr were homosexual lovers) and Justice Lionel Murphy.

Fiona has drawn her abuse pictures here.

She also recalls being at Bohemian Grove. On one occasion she was in a pink bubble room and raped. On another occasion she had to participate in “Teddy Bear’s Picnic” a child rape hunt party, where children were hunted like animals and raped (as also happened to Kathy Collins and Cathy O’Brien).

Read: Australian Judge: Incest & Pedophilia ‘May be Accepted’ by Society

Witness at a Satanic Ritual in Bathurst, NSW, Australia, 1985

In this video, Barrett talks about being present at a real Satanic ritual with some of Australia’s famous people – Kim Beazley (later to become Australian Labour Party and Opposition leader) and Richie Benaud (famous Australian cricket captain and sports commentator).

She reveals how Beazley and Benaud started the ritual by worshipping their Satanic gods, chanting “Baal”, “Lucifer”, “Satan”, “Son of the Morning” and other such appellations.

She then witnessed them ceremoniously killing a pregnant mother (a “breeder” to the Satanists) in the center of the circle.

After that, they pulled out the unborn child, chopped it up with a knife, put it on a gold platter, and proceed to do a type of dark communion or Eucharist.

(Barrett mentions here that the Catholic Church communion is based on this older Satanic version of a communion – in line with my article Are Parts of Organized Religion Satanic?)

After that, she states that several hypnotized children came forward like robots, who were probably mind controlled or completely dazed. Benaud came forward with a samurai sword and sliced off the head of each child.

Then, the entire crowd of Satanists, who were sexually aroused by everything that had just taken place, broke out into a bloody orgy. They had whipped everyone up into a frenzy, and then they drunk the adrenalized blood of the woman and child. (Satanists are addicted to and get high from adrenaline in human blood.)

Lastly, Beazley forced her to take a bite of one of the decapitated heads …

Read: The Truth About Easter, Satanism and the Secret Worship of the Anunnaki

Why the Satanic Pedophilia Network?

Some may wondering at this point why I and many others are calling this the “Satanic Pedophilia Network” and not just the “Pedophilia Network“. The answer is simple:

Satanism is most definitely involved in it – in fact, it is the driving force behind it.

Fiona herself mentions in this interview that some of the criminals who abused and raped her were “just” pedophiles, and she puts former Aussie PM Gough Whitlam in this category.

Others, however, worship a dark religion called Satanism which involves the summoning of dark forces (most probably the Reptilians and/or Archons, but that is the subject of other articles) through channeling and twisted rituals, allowing these dark forces to overtake them and use them.

Then, filled with this Satanic energy (such as during rituals at Bohemian Grove), these adherents commit all sorts of perverted acts such as rape, necrophilia, torture, murder, sacrifice and cannibalism.

Banned Discovery Channel Documentary Exposes: Highest US Government Officials are Part of Pedophilia Ring

The Satanic Hierarchy

Fiona explains how the Satanic hierarchical pyramid works.

Roughly speaking, at the lowest level, you have street gangs; next, you have organized crime and the mafia; next, you have recruits into the elite club; then, above that, you have “just” pedophiles (those who rape children but who have no Satanic connection); finally, at the very top, you have the elite VIPs who are full-fledged Satanists.

Fiona states that only bloodliners can make it to the top. These people come from the 13 or so Illumanti bloodlines (as exposed by Fritz Springmeier, David Icke and other researchers).

Related: The Actual Structure And Bloodline Families Comprising The Leadership Of The Illuminati

These bloodlines are revered as demigods; and the roughly 300 bloodlines or so below that can never make it to the top echelon. (Probably because they don’t have pure blood, i.e. “royal” or reptilian DNA, but again, subject for another article.)

The OTO, the Freemasons, Scientology, Catholic Church, the CIA, the Australian military and many many others are all branches of the same Satanic Pedophilia Network. It lies at the heart of the international child trafficking ring and the New World Order.

The World is Run by a Satanic Cult

It’s a tough and bitter pill to swallow, but we have to face the cold hard truth: the world is run by a Satanic cult, whose members have infiltrated the top layers and power centers of Australian, American and British society (and those of numerous other countries).

They are inter-related, and they are bound together by bloodlines and Satanism – with pedophilia, rape, murder, war and genocide to follow.

Fiona warns that every organization in Australia has been infiltrated, including hospitals, psychiatry, politics, child advocacy groups – everything.

Note the pyramid over the Australian Parliament House in Canberra

The Satanists have even created a False Memory Foundation, a fake organization set up by pedophiles, to stop true victims from coming forward with their stories, by convincing people they didn’t really experience what they experienced.

Satanic black magic rules the world. Only when enough of us truly grasp the enormity, horror and shock of this fundamental truth – now exposed by a mountain of evidence and a ton of whistleblowers and victims – can we hope to heal it by bringing these psychopaths to justice and restoring some semblance of honesty, peace and freedom to our world.

Pedophiles Down Under Fiona Barnett and David Shurter on Cancel The Cabal Show

Related: How Black Magick is used in Mind Control

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Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi
Major Satanic Ritual Abuse / Paedophile Network Exposed In Australia
February 7 2016 | From: IndependentAustralia / FionaBarnett

This piece originated with the documentary at the end of this article "Candy Girl: Fiona Barnett". The information covered is shocking, as are the people and places identified.

Paedophile ring survivor Fiona Barnett shares her experiences since testifying before the Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Child Abuse, including involvement in a documentary, the discovery of key abusers and her ongoing fight to have authorities investigate her allegations.

I left my 2013 Royal Commission hearing with dashed hopes and a reignited need for trauma counselling. So I applied for counselling through NSW Victim Services, who allocated a psychologist at Living Well Psychology and Counselling.

Following my initial consultation and the disclosure of my Royal Commission statement, the psychologist wrote in a report to Victim Services that police investigated me for murdering the relative who abused me as a child - my step-grandfather and Nazi war criminal Peter Holowczak. (This paedophile actually committed suicide in Sydney whilst I was residing in Brisbane.)

The psychologist’s bizarre allegation contradicted everything I said during our initial meeting, plus the content of the Royal Commission statement I had shared. My subsequent complaint resulted in the psychologist appearing before a professional conduct panel. NSW Victim Services subsequently approved a replacement psychologist.

Soon after commencing therapy with me, Nerida Saunders was allegedly stalked by thugs who followed her home one night from her clinic to her remote property and circled her car. Saunders consequently provided a formal witness statement about the incident to Detective Terry Frost of the Tweed Heads police. The same men simultaneously stalked my two friends who also reported their experiences to police. The thugs then tailgated me to my daughter’s primary school, but I cut their car off and photographed its number plate.

I was again stalked and tailgated on the day of perpetrator Antony Kidman’s funeral. Journalist Jonica Bray, accompanied by a photographer and makeup artists, visited my home to interview me for a potential Woman’s Day magazine story.

This team and my family witnessed, photographed and spoke with the two men who allegedly admitted they had been hired to "keep an eye on" me.

Related: Nicole Kidman’s Father Dies Amid Pedophile, Child Murder Ring Allegations

Since my 2013 hearing, I have fought to make formal witness statements to police.

In May 2014, my husband accompanied me to Tweed Heads police station where I spent two days detailing multiple crimes of child sex trafficking, abduction, rape and murder. Detective Terry Frost omitted many crimes involving perpetrators known to have since died. He concluded that while he found my allegations "left field", there were numerous unsolved historical murders in the locations I identified. He said he would immediately send my statements to Sutherland Shire police.

Prior to making these statements, I had spent a year reliving my childhood abuse with my psychologist.

The incidents of crime were so numerous and the therapy process so gruelling, my physical health was severely impacted. To illustrate, the therapy triggered vertigo and heart problems. On one occasion, these symptoms struck me in the surf and I nearly drowned. Consequently, my therapist was reluctant to work with my memories.

A drawing of one of the large banners Fiona recalls being used at satanic cermonies

This slowed the process down, so that by the time the precious opportunity to make witness statements with Detective Terry Frost arose, I had not finished processing everything. So I avoided addressing many crimes during my initial statement making, aware of my legal right to include them later under my allocated event number: 54671514.

My subsequent attempts to report the remaining crimes were thwarted. My emails and phone calls to police were stonewalled for a year. Further, in contravention of my legal rights as a victim of crime, NSW police did not inform me of the progress of the statements I had made.

On 6 March, 2015, I wrote to the NSW Police Commissioner and requested a chance to complete my witness statements. The Sex Crimes Squad replied on the Commissioner’s behalf, informing me that my initial statements were now with Sutherland Shire detectives.

Fairbairn Military Airport, Canberra

Also in March 2015, I contacted the Federal Police regarding the crimes I experienced in Canberra - including being prostituted under the name "Candy Girl" to Parliament House and to an international political leader in the back of a military airplane at Fairbairn Airport.

My communication was ignored until I appealed to the Federal Police Commissioner.

An Operation Attest officer named Louise Hawke contacted me and requested I email her details of my abuse. I did this and attached numerous crime scene illustrations. The officer subsequently phoned me and said that, while she believed my account, the historical nature of my complaints made them too difficult to prosecute.

Officer Hawke assured me my information had been placed on file for future reference and referred me to ACT Victim Services, who said I qualified for counselling services but not compensation, because the ACT crimes committed against me had occurred prior to their 1985 cut-off date.

In July 2014, Australia’s 60 Minutes aired a story about a Westminster paedophile ring titled, Spies, Lords and Predators.

I was abused by an Australian equivalent of that UK ring, yet there are notable differences. I was trafficked to international VIPs both within Australia and overseas. This ring involved elements of the Australian military. My perpetrators operated in close collaboration with the USA government and they employed sophisticated methods for keeping their operation hidden.

Following the airing of their UK story, 60 Minutes were inundated with phone calls from Australian paedophile ring victims. A leading child abuse advocacy centre nominated me to 60 Minutes who are now working on an Australian version of their UK ring story. 60 Minutes told me they had narrowed their list of Australian victims to 30 possible interviewees.

So, somewhere out there sit 29 alleged fellow victims of the same Australian VIP paedophile ring that abused me. I urge those potential interviewees to contact me via IA. It would be nice to have my memories validated by another human, instead of being constantly bashed by ignorance and denial.

As requested, I sent 60 Minutes reporter Ross Coulthart the information I had so far supplied state and federal police. Whilst interviewing my friends and associates, Coulthart questioned the validity of my testimony. He described my memory of being assaulted by a USA politician in the back of a USA military plane at an Australian military airport as far-fetched.

Just what do people think international child trafficking looks like? If it is documented that the USA military and CIA have been involved in drugs and arms trafficking, would child trafficking be a physical or moral impossibility for these same people?

Ross Coulthart also questioned my memory that a Governor-General raped me during a paedophile orgy at Parliament House, based on something that all journalists apparently knew - that this married man was a closet homosexual. Such a conclusion ignores the nature of perpetrators’ perverted fetishes and the various reasons why VIPs assault children.

Within the context of the crime ring I witnessed, homosexuality, heterosexuality, paedophilia, bestiality and necrophilia were not mutually exclusive. Perpetrators did not always engage in these activities out of personal desire or preference, but rather as a means of exerting power and humiliating their victims.

This year, an independent documentary team began researching my child abuse experiences. These producers quickly found ample evidence to support my allegations. They discovered the identity of the man my siblings and I were instructed to call "Dr Mark".

Leonas Petrauskas (pictured left) was the adopted son of a Lithuanian opera star, and he played basketball for Lithuania. (My Nazi war criminal grandmother was Lithuanian and friends with Petrauskas.)

Petrauskas owned and worked at the Engadine Medical Centre on the corner of Boronia Ave and Old Princess Highway. The documentary team obtained copies of Petrauskas’ family photo albums, passports and Nazi papers.

These documents show he was the Nazi doctor who matched the description of him I have been supplying to institutions for 25 years.

Dr Petrasukas’ crimes were so numerous, evidence of them erupted wherever we looked - and even where we didn't. 

During the documentary excursion, I approached a couple in the Engadine McDonalds' car park and asked them for directions. Within minutes, the woman told me she was another victim of Dr Petrauskas, who referred her for deep sleep treatment with Harry Bailey at the notorious Chelmsford private hospital, which has reported links to Dr Ewan Cameron’s unethical electro shock experiments in Canada.
Dr Petrauskas attended Sydney University at the same time as another key perpetrator, Dr Antony Kidman. The documentary team located Antony Kidman’s former North Sydney home at 16 William Edward St, Longueville. This matched the description I provided the NSW Psychology Board in my complaint against him. Via realestate.com,

I recognised the lounge room and pool in which I was sexually assaulted by Kidman and his famous stage actor friend who is still alive. The assault occurred during a post-production party held at Kidman’s house.

Nicole Kidman also gets mention in "Candy Girl". She is with her father in this picture

My researchers located and interviewed another perpetrator - a woman who assisted Dr Petrauskas while he performed an abortion on me. I witnessed this same woman lure, drug and murder a young male surfer at a remote Kurnell beach.

If that is the type of information amateurs found in their spare time using a $60 internet connection, imagine what the NSW Police could achieve.

My documentary producer contacted the NSW Police media liaison officer and asked why police refused to take my remaining witness statements.  The Detective who took my initial statements immediately contacted me and said he would not take my remaining statements until he had heard what Sutherland Police were doing regarding my initial statements.

I argued that I had far more information to add to the content of my original statements.

Therapy drawing by Fiona Barnett depicting a Fairbairn Airport aeroplane

The detective finally directed me to travel to Sydney to complete my witness statements there. Consequently, I approached a Sydney officer I trust and offered to attend Police Headquarters at my own expense. I am currently liaising with a Sutherland detective and have made tentative arrangements to meet her at Police Headquarters next month to finish my witness statements. I hope this occurs and that I can achieve some kind of closure to my child abuse history.

Upon finding the identity of Leonas Petrauskas, as well as another offending medical doctor who is still alive, I contacted the NSW Coroner and suggested he investigate every birth and death certificate these doctors ever signed. I said I had witnessed Dr Petrauskas fabricate medical documentation to cover for crimes including murders. The NSW Coroner said he could not conduct such an investigation without the direction of the NSW Police.

So I forwarded the NSW Coroner’s response to the NSW Police Commissioner, asking him to direct the coroner to investigate my allegations. The Commissioner thanked me in writing for supplying the information and assured me it had been forwarded to the appropriate designation.

"What, the paper shredder?!"quipped my current Victim Services counsellor.

The corroborative evidence that my documentary makers continue to find in support of my allegations has been offered to the authorities. If the authorities are not interested in this evidence, perhaps the public is.

Editor's note: Fiona Barnett has submitted a statutory declaration to IA to support all the statements and allegation she has made in this piece. Most names have been redacted for legal and privacy reasons. Anyone wishing to come forward with any further information is strongly encouraged to contact managing editor David Donovan via email at: editor@independentaustralia.net

Candy Girl: Fiona Barnett

WARNING: This documentary containts extremely disturbing material. It may be triggering to satanic ritual abuse / mind control victims.

Part One:

Part Two:

Further articles and information may be found at: Pedophiles Down Under
and IndependentAustralia.

Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi

Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi
Former Jesuit Priest Exposes How The Vatican Created Islam
February 2 2016 | From: OmniThought

How the Vatican created Islam. The astonishing story from an ex-Jesuit priest, Alberto Rivera, which was told to him by Cardinal Bea while he was at the Vatican.

This information came from Alberto Rivera, former Jesuit priest after his conversion to Protestant Christianity. It is excerpted from “The Prophet,” published by Chick Publications, PO Box 662, Chino CA 91708. Since its publication, after several unsuccessful attempts on his life, he died suddenly from food poisoning. His testimony should not be silenced. Dr. Rivera speaks to us still …

Comment: This is a contentious subject, and that is acknowledged. It is not intended to be insulting to any person of any religion; simply the sharing of information for the hisotical record. We have all been manipulated in so very many ways.

“What I’m going to tell you is what I learned in secret briefings in the Vatican when I was a Jesuit priest, under oath and induction. A Jesuit cardinal named Augustine Bea showed us how desperately the Roman Catholics wanted Jerusalem at the end of the third century. Because of its religious history and its strategic location, the Holy City was considered a priceless treasure. A scheme had to be developed to make Jerusalem a Roman Catholic city.

“The great untapped source of manpower that could do this job was the children of Ishmael. The poor Arabs fell victim to one of the most clever plans ever devised by the powers of darkness. Early Christians went everywhere with the gospel setting up small churches, but they met heavy opposition.

Both the Jews and the Roman government persecuted the believers in Christ to stop their spread. But the Jews rebelled against Rome, and in 70 AD, Roman armies under General Titus smashed Jerusalem and destroyed the great Jewish temple which was the heart of Jewish worship… in fulfillment of Christ’s prophecy in Matthew 24:2.

“On this holy placed today where the temple once stood, the Dome of the Rock Mosque stands as Islam’s second most holy place. Sweeping changes were in the wind. Corruption, apathy, greed, cruelty, perversion and rebellion were eating at the Roman Empire, and it was ready to collapse. The persecution against Christians was useless as they continued to lay down their lives for the gospel of Christ.

“The only way Satan could stop this thrust was to create a counterfeit “Christian” religion to destroy the work of God. The solution was in Rome. Their religion had come from ancient Babylon and all it needed was a face-lift. This didn’t happen overnight, but began in the writings of the ‘early church fathers’.

“It was through their writings that a new religion would take shape. The statue of Jupiter in Rome was eventually called St. Peter, and the statue of Venus was changed to the Virgin Mary. The site chosen for its headquarters was on one of the seven hills called ‘Vaticanus’, the place of the diving serpent where the Satanic temple of Janus stood.

“The great counterfeit religion was Roman Catholicism, called ‘Mystery, Babylon the Great, the Mother of Harlots and Abominations of the Earth’

- Revelation 17:5.

She was raised up to block the gospel, slaughter the believers in Christ, establish religions, create wars and make the nations drunk with the wine of her fornication as we will see.

“Three major religions have one thing in common – each has a holy place where they look for guidance. Roman Catholicism looks to the Vatican as the Holy City. The Jews look to the wailing wall in Jerusalem, and the Muslims look to Mecca as their Holy City. Each group believes that they receive certain types of blessings for the rest of their lives for visiting their holy place.

In the beginning, Arab visitors would bring gifts to the ‘House of God’, and the keepers of the Kaaba were gracious to all who came. Some brought their idols and, not wanting to offend these people, their idols were placed inside the sanctuary. It is said that the Jews looked upon the Kaaba as an outlying tabernacle of the Lord with veneration until it became polluted with idols.

“In a tribal contention over a well (Zamzam) the treasure of the Kaaba and the offerings that pilgrims had given were dumped down the well and it was filled with sand – it disappeared. Many years later Adb Al-Muttalib was given visions telling him where to find the well and its treasure.

He became the hero of Mecca, and he was destined to become the grandfather of Muhammad. Before this time, Augustine became the bishop of North Africa and was effective in winning Arabs to Roman Catholicism, including whole tribes. It was among these Arab converts to Catholicism that the concept of looking for an Arab prophet developed.

“Muhammad’s father died from illness and sons born to great Arab families in places like Mecca were sent into the desert to be suckled and weaned and spend some of their childhood with Bedouin tribes for training and to avoid the plagues in the cities.

“After his mother and grandfather also died, Muhammad was with his uncle when a Roman Catholic monk learned of his identity and said, “Take your brother’s son back to his country and guard him against the Jews, for by god, if they see him and know of him that which I know, they will construe evil against him. Great things are in store for this brother’s son of yours.”

“The Roman Catholic monk had fanned the flames for future Jewish persecutions at the hands of the followers of Muhammad. The Vatican desperately wanted Jerusalem because of its religious significance, but was blocked by the Jews.

“Another problem was the true Christians in North Africa who preached the gospel. Roman Catholicism was growing in power, but would not tolerate opposition. Somehow the Vatican had to create a weapon to eliminate both the Jews and the true Christian believers who refused to accept Roman Catholicism.

Lookng to North Africa, they saw the multitudes of Arabs as a source of manpower to do their dirty work. Some Arabs had become Roman Catholic, and could be used in reporting information to leaders in Rome. Others were used in an underground spy network to carry out Rome’s master plan to control the great multitudes of Arabs who rejected Catholicism. When ‘St Augustine’ appeared on the scene, he knew what was going on.

His monasteries served as bases to seek out and destroy Bible manuscripts owned by the true Christians.

“The Vatican wanted to create a messiah for the Arabs, someone they could raise up as a great leader, a man with charisma whom they could train, and eventually unite all the non-Catholic Arabs behind him, creating a mighty army that would ultimately capture Jerusalem for the pope. In the Vatican briefing, Cardinal Bea told us this story:

‘A wealthy Arabian lady who was a faithful follower of the pope played a tremendous part in this drama. She was a widow named Khadijah. She gave her wealth to the church and retired to a convent, but was given an assignment.

She was to find a brilliant young man who could be used by the Vatican to create a new religion and become the messiah for the children of Ishmael. Khadijah had a cousin named Waraquah,, who was also a very faithful Roman Catholic and the Vatican placed him in a critical role as Muhammad’s advisor. He had tremendous influence on Muhammad.

‘Teachers were sent to young Muhammad and he had intensive training. Muhammad studied the works of St. Augustine which prepared him for his “great calling.” The Vatican had Catholic Arabs across North Africa spread the story of a great one who was about to rise up among the people and be the chosen one of their God.

‘While Muhammad was being prepared, he was told that his enemies were the Jews and that the only true Christians were Roman Catholic. He was taught that others calling themselves Christians were actually wicked impostors and should be destroyed. Many Muslims believe this.

‘Muhammad began receiving “divine revelations” and his wife’s Catholic cousin Waraquah helped interpret them. From this came the Koran. In the fifth year of Muhammad’s mission, persecution came against his followers because they refused to worship the idols in the Kaaba.

‘Muhammad instructed some of them to flee to Abysinnia where Negus, the Roman Catholic king accepted them because Muhammad’s views on the virgin Mary were so close to Roman Catholic doctrine. These Muslims received protection from Catholic kings because of Muhammad’s revelations.

‘Muhammad later conquered Mecca and the Kaaba was cleared of idols. History proves that before Islam came into existence, the Sabeans in Arabia worshiped the moon-god who was married to the sun-god.

They gave birth to three goddesses who were worshipped throughout the Arab world as “Daughters of Allah” An idol excavated at Hazor in Palestine in 1950’s shows Allah sitting on a throne with the crescent moon on his chest.

‘Muhammad claimed he had a vision from Allah and was told, “You are the messenger of Allah.” This began his career as a prophet and he received many messages. By the time Muhammad died, the religion of Islam was exploding. The nomadic Arab tribes were joining forces in the name of Allah and his prophet, Muhammad.

‘Some of Muhammad’s writings were placed in the Koran, others were never published. They are now in the hands of high ranking holy men (Ayatollahs) in the Islamic faith.’

“When Cardinal Bea shared with us in the Vatican, he said, these writings are guarded because they contain information that links the Vatican to the creation of Islam. Both sides have so much information on each other, that if exposed, it could create such a scandal that it would be a disaster for both religions.

“In their “holy” book, the Koran, Christ is regarded as only a prophet. If the pope was His representative on earth, then he also must be a prophet of God. This caused the followers of Muhammad to fear and respect the pope as another “holy man.”

“The pope moved quickly and issued bulls granting the Arab generals permission to invade and conquer the nations of North Africa.

The Vatican helped to finance the building of these massive Islamic armies in exchange for three favors:

1. Eliminate the Jews and Christians (true believers, which they called infidels).

2. Protect the Augustinian Monks and Roman Catholics.

3. Conquer Jerusalem for “His Holiness” in the Vatican.

“As time went by, the power of Islam became tremendous – Jews and true Christians were slaughtered, and Jerusalem fell into their hands. Roman Catholics were never attacked, nor were their shrines, during this time. But when the pope asked for Jerusalem, he was surprised at their denial! The Arab generals had such military success that they could not be intimidated by the pope – nothing could stand in the way of their own plan.

“Under Waraquah’s direction, Muhammad wrote that Abraham offered Ishmael as a sacrifice. The Bible says that Isaac was the sacrifice, but Muhammad removed Isaac’s name and inserted Ishmael’s name.

As a result of this and Muhammad’s vision, the faithful Muslims built a mosque, the Dome of the Rock, in Ishmael’s honor on the site of the Jewish temple that was destroyed in 70 AD. This made Jerusalem the 2nd most holy place in the Islam faith. How could they give such a sacred shrine to the pope without causing a revolt?

“The pope realized what they had created was out of control when he heard they were calling “His Holiness” an infidel. The Muslim generals were determined to conquer the world for Allah and now they turned toward Europe. Islamic ambassadors approached the pope and asked for papal bulls to give them permission to invade European countries.

“The Vatican was outraged; war was inevitable. Temporal power and control of the world was considered the basic right of the pope. He wouldn’t think of sharing it with those whom he considered heathens.

“The pope raised up his armies and called them crusades to hold back the children of Ishmael from grabbing Catholic Europe. The crusades lasted centuries and Jerusalem slipped out of the pope’s hands.

“Turkey fell and Spain and Portugal were invaded by Islamic forces. In Portugal, they called a mountain village “Fatima” in honor of Muhammad’s daughter, never dreaming it would become world famous.

“Years later when the Muslim armies were poised on the islands of Sardinia and Corsica, to invade Italy, there was a serious problem. The Islamic generals realized they were too far extended. It was time for peace talks. One of the negotiators was Francis of Assisi.

“As a result, the Muslims were allowed to occupy Turkey in a “Christian” world, and the Catholics were allowed to occupy Lebanon in the Arab world. It was also agreed that the Muslims could build mosques in Catholic countries without interference as long as Roman Catholicism could flourish Arab countries.

“Cardinal Bea told us in Vatican briefings that both the Muslims and Roman Catholics agreed to block and destroy the efforts of their common enemy, Bible-believing Christianm missionaries. Through these concordats, Satan blocked the children of Ishmael from a knowledge of Scripture and the truth.

“A light control was kept on Muslims from the Ayatollah down through the Islamic priests, nuns and monks. The Vatican also engineers a campaign of hatred between the Muslim Arabs and the Jews. Before this, they had co-existed peacefully.

“The Islamic community looks on the Bible-believing missionary as a devil who brings poison to the children of Allah. This explains years of ministry in those countries with little results.

“The next plan was to control Islam. In 1910, Portugal was going Socialistic. Red flags were appearing and the Catholic Church was facing a major problem. Increasing numbers were against the church.

“The Jesuits wanted Russia involved, and the location of this vision at Fatima could play a key part in pulling Islam to the Mother Church.Lucia de Santos, Francisco Marco and Jacinta Maro in 1917.

“In 1917, the Virgin appeared in Fatima. “The Mother of God” was a smashing success, playing to overflow crowds. As a result, the Socialists of Portugal suffered a major defeat.

“Roman Catholics world-wide began praying for the conversion of Russia and the Jesuits invented the Novenas to Fatima which they could perform throughout North Africa, spreading good public relations to the Muslim world. The Arabs thought they were honoring the daughter of Muhammad, which is what the Jesuits wanted them to believe.

“As a result of the vision of Fatima, Pope Pius XII ordered his Nazi army to crush Russia and the Orthodox religion and make Russia Roman Catholic.” A few years after he lost World war II, Pope Pius XII startled the world with his phoney dancing sun vision to keep Fatima in the news. It was great religious show biz and the world swallowed it.

“Not surprisingly, Pope Pius was the only one to see this vision. As a result, a group of followers has grown into a Blue Army world-wide, totaling millions of faithful Roman Catholics ready to die for the blessed virgin.

“But we haven’t seen anything yet. The Jesuits have their Virgin Mary scheduled to appear four or five times in China, Russia, and major appearance in the U.S.

“What has this got to do with Islam? Note Bishop Sheen’s statement: “Our Lady’s appearances at Fatima marked the turning point in the history of the world’s 350 million Muslims. After the death of his daughter, Muhammad wrote that she “is the most holy of all women in Paradise, next to Mary.”

“He believed that the Virgin Mary chose to be known as Our Lady of Fatima as a sign and a pledge that the Muslims who believe in Christ’s virgin birth, will come to believe in His divinity.

“Bishop Sheen pointed out that the pilgrim virgin statues of Our Lady of Fatima were enthusiastically received by Muslims in Africa, India, and elsewhere, and that many Muslims are now coming into the Roman Catholic Church.”

Related: Religion: How It Was Employed As A Control System To Divide & Conquer

Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi

Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi
The Treaty Of 1213 - The Beginning Of The Lie
January 1 2016 | From: TruthControl

Once upon a time before the year 1066 the people of England held Allodial title to their land. Not even the king could take the land for not paying a tithe.

William the Conquer came in 1066 and stole the Kings Title and took the land of the people. From William I, 1066, to King John, 1199, England was in dire straits. It was bankrupt.

The King invoked the Law of Mortmain, the dead man's hand, so people couldn't pass their land on to the church or anyone else without the King's permission, (modern day probate?). Without Mortmain the King would lose the land he controlled.

The Vatican didn't like that because the King owed a lot of pounds to the Vatican. (WHY?)

(1). King John refused to accept The Vatican's representative, Stephen Langton, whom Pope Innocent III installed to rule England(religious or in fact?)

In 1208 England was placed under Papal interdict (?). Interdict means a prohibition.

King John was excommunicated and in trying to regain his stature he groveled before the Pope and returned the title to his kingdoms of England and Ireland to the Pope as vassals, and swore submission and loyalty to him. King John accepted Langton as Archbishop of Canterbury, and offered the Pope a vassal's bond of fealty and homage.

Two months later, in July of 1213, King John was absolved of excommunication, at Winchester, by the returned Archbishop of Canterbury, Langton. On October 3, 1213, by treaty, King John ratified his surrender of his kingdoms to the Pope, as Vicar of Christ who claimed ownership of everything and everyone on earth as tradition.

Question 1. Where in the Bible did Jesus give any man this kind of power over all men and land? He didn't. He did not create a religion nor did he create the office of Pope.

Question 2. Can you have a third party break a contract between you and another person under duress..? Don't those of you who are forced into a contract reserve all your rights under modern UCC 1-207 and claim UCC 1-103?

King John

The contract (treaty of 1213) was between two parties. Now the Barons of England would not put up with being slaves anymore so they took to the sword and made King John sign the Magna Charta. So doesn't this act of the Barons violate the principle of natural law, when they created the Magna Charta, as having no force and effect upon a contract between two parties?

Well Pope Innocent III, the other contracting party thought so, for he declared the Magna Charta to be:

". . .unlawful and unjust as it is base and shameful. . .

whereby the Apostolic See is brought into contempt, the Royal Prerogative diminished, the English outraged, and the whole enterprise of the Crusade greatly imperiled."

Quoted from G.R.C. Davis: Magna Charta. Trustee of the British Museum. London. 1965.

Related: Magna Carta: Our Founding Document Holds It's 800th Anniversary Today: June 15, 2015

The Pope, in order to introduce strife in England and Ireland that would help him, used Jesus' teachings to his advantage that is verified in the Gospels by two of His Apostles. So St. Levy (Mark 2:14; Luke 5:27), alias Matthew, cites Jesus at Matthew 10::34-36 and Luke 12:49, 51-3. Nothing reveals the antithesis of government and religion more clearly than these facts.

Question 3. What did the contract of 1213 A.D. create? A TRUST or CONTRACT. Only the two parties, the King's heirs and the Pope, can break the contract. For the Trust /Contract cannot be broken as long as there are heirs to both sides of the contract.

At this time in history we now know who controlled the Kings of England and the land of the world. For Now we have the Pope claiming the whole Western Hemisphere besides Europe. The Holy See of Antioch ruled all the easterly side and the Holy See of Alexandria ruled the western side, so there was a conflict (3).

So, on with the story. The King's explorers had come to America to claim dominion over land by deceiving and murdering the natives, the American Indians.

The King operated under the treaty of 1213 and everything was going along okay until the 1770's when the bunch of rogues called the "Founding Fathers" decided they wanted the benefits but not pay the taxes to the King.

They, being lawyers, and professional educated men, didn't know they were still under the Pope's control? Their lies and fraud now would affect the American colonies and the people who lived on the land.

Those common people who fought in the American Revolution were unaware that the 1213 treaty still ruled despite the fact they THOUGHT the Magna Charta was a viable piece of work. (4)

The Declaration of Rights in 1689 declared the Rights of the British subjects in England.

At the end of the English Declaration it stated at Section III "

...that should any of the Rights just mentioned be in violation of the HOLY ALLIANCE (1213 Treaty), ...it is as if this Declaration was never written".

So we know that the English Declaration didn't fly, so what makes you think the 1774 Declaration of Rights in this British Colony would work.

Weren't these people doing the same thing as the Barons did in 1215 A.D. to King John?

A contract is a contract. Look at Article 1, Section 10, Clause 1 of the U.S. Constitution.

Can anyone obligate a contract? Were the "founding fathers" trying to obligate a contract between two parties that still have heirs living today?

Question 4. How important is the "ultimate benefactor", the Pope, The HOLY SEE, in the scheme of things? Move through history till modern times and pull Public Law 88-244, which follows Public Law 88-243 - the institution of the law- merchants Uniform Commercial Code. Are you shocked that the Pope is listed in this Public Law?

Doesn't the United States have an ambassador in the Vatican? Why? Is it a government like all other nations such as France, Japan, Spain or Brazil? The Vatican runs the world, it controls the British Crown.

Is it any wonder they separate man's Church and government?

They don't talk about the Lord Almighty's Church (government) do they. (5)

"Organized churches" are given special tax privileges because the Vatican dictates to the sixty United States trustees through the trust document, the U.S. Constitution created by the 1783 treaty between the King, frontman for the Vatican, and Adams, Hartly, Laurens, & Franklin who were operating for the King and not the people of America. Look at Article VI of the Constitution for the United States for your answer as stated in the "New History of America". (6)

You see we are still under the Pope who rules over all nations as he declared he did back in 1213.

The 1783 Treaty did say in the opening statement quoted exactly as it appears in olde English;

“It having pleafed the Divine Providence to difpofe the hearts of the Moft Serene and Moft Porent Prince, George the Third, by the grace of God, King of the Great Britain, France and Ireland, Defender, of the Faith , Duke of Brunfwick and Laurenberg, Arch-Treafurer and PRINCE ELECTOR OF THE HOLY ROMAN EMPIRE, & C. AND OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, . . .."

(Emphasis added in caps).

"Did you catch the last few words? This is from a King (man) who can supposedly make no claim over the United States of America because he was defeated? The King claims God gave him the almighty power to say that no man can ever own property because it, "goes against the tenets of his church, the Vatican/Holy Roman Empire, because the King is the "Elector of the Holy Roman Empire’"

What about the secret Treaty of Verona, made the 22nd of November, 1822, which shows the power of the Pope and the Vatican's interest in the US Republic?

Here is part of The Secret Treaty of Verona:

The undersigned specially authorized to make some additions to the treaty of the Holy Alliance, after having exchanged their respective credentials, have agreed as follows:

ARTICLE I. The high contracting powers being convinced that the system of representative government is equally as incompatible with the monarchial principles as the maxim of the sovereignty of the people with the divine right, engage mutually, in the most solemn manner to use all their efforts to put an end to the system of representative governments, in what ever country it may exist in Europe, and to prevent its being introduced in those countries where it is not yet known.

ARTICLE 2. As it cannot be doubted that the liberty of the press is the most powerful means used by the pretended supporters of the rights of nations to the detriment of those of princes, the high contracting parties promise reciprocally to adopt all proper measures to suppress it, not only in their own state but also in the rest of Europe.

ARTICLE 3. Convinced that the principles of religion contribute most powerfully to keep nations in the state of passive obedience which they owe to their princes, the high contracting parties declare it to be their intention to sustain in their respective states, those measures which the clergy may adopt with the aim of ameliorating their own interests, so intimately connected with the preservation of the authority of the princes; and the contracting powers join in offering their thanks to the Pope for what he has already done for them, and solicit his constant cooperation in their views of submitting the nations."

Do we have a false God before us and worship him and his church instead of the real Lord, Jesus and his government. The divine right of kings exists in Clinton and every Governor of the states in corporate Union. Well let me go on record and say that the Lord gave me the same right as the Pope claims was given to him. Am I not a Steward upon the land of the Lord as a mere sojourner, the same as the Pope? Are not you also a Steward?

Did the Lord make a covenant with Adam and Eve to subdue the earth and reign over the animals and to populate the earth? Doesn't that contract still exist? And doesn't it exist with you also? And we, the true believers in that contract, can we take all the nations (mans) laws in the world and dump them in the ocean to regain our rightful place on this earth under the Lord's Natural Law to thwart the contract between King John and the Pope that appears to defeat the original contract the Lord made with man?

Yes, let us go back to the original contract and destroy the Vatican's control over everybody.

Before 1066 the Pope did not claim all the land as the people claimed the land and didn't pay taxes on it to anybody.

Didn't the Lord say to the people after coming out of Egypt, "why do you want a king when you have me and my contract?"

Which Lord do you want to live under, a Pope, a King, President, Governors, Senators, Representatives, or a real Lord called Jesus Christ. "Christians," are ridiculed and put down because they read the Word of the Lord correctly and could defeat even the best the Pope has to throw at them.

The King James version of the Bible is just that. A version concocted by the King under the guidance of the Pope so as to hide the real truth. I was taught by the church I went to, which is government controlled as it has to be by the treaty of 1213 and reiterated in the 1783 Treaty between The Pope's Elector, King John and the First President of the United States, Sam Huntington and Charles Thompson, Secretary.

I read the passage, when Jesus was on the cross, from a very old manuscript that said;

Forgive them NOT, for they know what they do."

This is different than what most people believe he said;

"Forgive them for they know not what they do."

Bottom line is that when men write, transcribe, translate, update, and copy over thousands of years they always alter the interpretation, words and insert their own meanings.

You can see this in just the 200 years that our country became separated from England, but still remains a colony under different compact and use of clever wording. But that is another whole subject that you do not know about.

Eminent Domain and Allodial Title:

Why and where did "eminent domain" rear its ugly head? Right after the King's government was formed in America. Eminent domain replaced the Law of Mortmain of England and when government wanted your land they claimed eminent domain thereby destroying that to what people think they have allodial title.

Allodial title only existed in America when the King granted the use of the land to the likes of William Penn, .........

But it could be taken at any time. Are you or were your great, great, great grandfathers ever free to hold land that could never be taken away?

Ask some of today's farmers and see how many lost their farms to the government that belonged to their past family and I'll bet none of the land goes back to the 1789 era. Well it's a wonderful world to live in the end times, isn't it. Read Revelations to see where the false preachers come from.

Who is the "Harlot" in Revelations?

Does the Vatican come close with a mortal calling himself the "vicar" of Christ?

Here is the definition of vicar in Webster's 1828 American Dictionary of the English Language.


"In a general sense, a person deputed or authorized to perform the functions of another; a substitute in office."

The Pope PRETENDS to be vicar of Jesus Christ on earth.

Pretend; To hold out as a false appearance; to offer something feigned instead of that which is real; To exhibit as a cover for something hidden."

You bet your life the Pope has something to hide. He is no more powerful than You. The King is no more powerful than You. The American President and Governor's are no more powerful than You. You allow THEM run your lives ...WHY.?

Thinkers, you cannot fight the Pope or the King on their contract even though you are affected by the contract. You must go elsewhere for relief. Remember the first contract in history, God with Adam and Eve? You had better because you were a part of it as an heir and it is your saving grace. Why do you think the "courts of common law" are despised and Government and States are taking action to stop them?

See where the power lies when this happens? Clinton, the Governors, and Congress of the United States and the Legislatures of the several states are only following orders and delegate to the 60 U.S. Trustees, who always show up in bankruptcy generated mostly by IRS actions. Isn't that a starting point?

What do Trustees administer? A trust? The Constitution is a trust, correct? It was created by the 1783 Treaty, correct? It is not the private man's trust contract, correct? Only those entering into the contract are UNDER the constitution and are bound by it, correct?

Look up the definition of "under" in words and phrases and a good dictionary such as Webster's 1828 at Vol. II, 101. I, my dear readers, am not "under" some damn corporate trust (constitution) drafted in secrecy by the King and corporate lawyer esquires (you call them the "Founding Fathers") whom were controlled by the Treaty of 1213, wherein the Vatican still ruled over all. It was never "my constitution" and never will be. The Constitution does not apply to me nor will it ever.

However, some of the states' representatives in 1776 realized that the Constitution was a commercial contract among the Founding Fathers to protect their financial interests in the Americas and in Europe.

The Articles of the Bill of Rights is designed to keep those United States citizens whom are bound by the Constitution (contract) from encroaching upon my natural Law Rights, (With this hint in mind you may discover where the IRS gets its purported power that makes you liable, because you claim to be UNDER the constitution, but they will never admit it because only a few know the real reason and they are not about to tell their agents.

The same goes for any license issued to you by the corporate States). I hope you have read the Supreme Court cases of State and United States cited in my previous books that prove beyond any shadow of a doubt I am correct in my previous two sentences. Yet you always fall back into the trap by claiming citizenship of the United States AND THE STATES.

No! You are not a citizen of the corporate or organic State if you want to be free. You cannot claim it is your constitution and remain free. You cannot claim representatives in the legislatures and remain free. How about your estate? State and Estate come from the same contract.

Webster's 1828 Dictionary defines it;

ESTA'TE, n. 1. In a general sense, fixedness; a condition; now generally written and pronounced state. (6) The general interest of business or government; hence a political body; a commonwealth; a republic.

But in this sense, we now use State.

Get the picture? We are the ryots tenure holding the "estate" of the King called your estate. Belong to a body politic and you are a slave. In my previous books I told the people a "republic" is a fraud, for then you belong to the estate of the King which makes you a law-merchant holding as a trustee the King's land that he is holding in trust for the Vatican.

The States are the "estate " of the Vatican/King cabal with the money changers along for the ride are a full blown consortium which includes the Congress/President/ Governors et al. I don't want to drive you crazy, since you might not comprehend all that is here.

Once you know the truth and let go of all you were taught by the government and the preachers you don't become the drowning man grasping at the lies to stay afloat. Have you ever wondered why you were sinking while pleading case law and their constitution to protect you?


(1) (WHY?). Because the Pope claimed all lands as the vicar of Christ and the king owed money from the Vatican that was to be collected by the Church of England. The church reduced their parishioners to mere serfdom. When they died the church got the property and the King, in order to preserve what property he had instituted the law of Mortmain. This prevented the people from willing the land to the Pope. When the pope got wind of this he excommunicated the King. That's the explanation for the Why?

(2) This is a fact that is documented in the English documents of History at the Leeds Library.

(3) The conflict between each of the Holy Sees, one controlling the western front (America) and the other controlling the China side with the dividing line somewhere in Spain and France through Germany. The Pope is the figurehead, remember and the best way to explain it is Congress is Alexandria and the Senate is Antioch.

(4) (Why doesn't the Magna Charta hold more force and effect than a later contract between the king and the Pope? Because the Pope decreed it null and void as it would break the contract he had initiated with the King. The Magna Charta was a contract breaker by third parties and that was a no-no in any law. Besides the Pope owned England and how could the Barons take the land that the King pledged let alone all the surfs that the Pope still controlled through the church of England? He can't and so the Magna Charta was declared Void. Now the Pope, through the front man, The King, could create the other contracts called treaties and no one is the wiser. Remember, the Pope was being controlled by the creditor, The Rothschilds to whom the Pope was indebted.

(5) Why? It is clear as a bell. The "church" of GOD is 'Government of GOD and man created all these religions and made churches for them. They, man, cannot allow the Government of the Lord "Church upon this rock" to get in the way of the government of men, now can they?

(6) "New History of America", by The Informer

People you can read this for yourself in American Council of Christian Laymen: "How Red Is The Federal Council of Churches", Madison, Wisconsin, 1949. Now you may better understand James Montgomery's latest as to why all the declarations, Magna Charta, etc. have no effect. Read on to see why.

See: James Montgomery's - British Colony III" on the Internet. To further prove what I say that the declared rights were also at the mercy of any previous charters or grants from the king of England you must read section 25 of the 1776 North Carolina Constitution, Declaration of Rights which states;09"

And provided further, that nothing herein contained shall affect the titles or possessions of individuals holding or claiming under the laws heretofore in force, or grants heretofore made by the late King George II, or his predecessors, or the late lords proprietors, or any of them."

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Christmas Column 2015 - Courtesy Of Paul Craig Roberts
December 25 2015 | From: PaulCraigRoberts

Thank you for your support in 2015. Although you have kept me working yet another year, I find it encouraging that there are people who can think independently and who want to know. As Margaret Mead said, it only takes a few determined people to change the world. Perhaps some of you will be those people.

Christmas time in New Zealand

My traditional Christmas column goes back to sometime in the 1990s when I was a newspaper columnist. It has been widely reprinted at home and abroad. Every year two or three readers write to educate me that religion is the source of wars and persecutions. [This article has a heavy American bent to it, but it contains some important points to consider along with some universally applicable sentiments].

These readers confuse religion with mankind’s abuse of institutions, religious or otherwise. The United States has democratic institutions and legal institutions to protect civil liberties. Nevertheless, we now have a police state. Shall I argue that democracy and civil liberty are the causes of police states?

Some readers also are confused about hypocrisy. There is a vast difference between proclaiming moral principles that one might fail to live up to and proclaiming immoral principles that are all too easy to keep.

Liberty is a human achievement. We have it, or had it, because those who believed in it fought to achieve it. As I explain in my Christmas column, people were able to fight for liberty because Christianity empowered the individual.

The other cornerstone of our culture is the Constitution. Indeed, the United States is the Constitution. Without the Constitution, the United States is a different country, and Americans a different people.

This is why assaults on the Constitution by the Bush and Obama regimes are assaults on America that are far worse than any assaults by terrorists. There is not much that we can do about these assaults, but we should not through ignorance enable the assaults or believe the government’s claim that safety requires the curtailment of civil liberty.

In a spirit of goodwill, I wish you all a Merry Christmas and a successful New Year.

Paul Craig Roberts

The Greatest Gift For All

Christmas is a time of traditions. If you have found time in the rush before Christmas to decorate a tree, you are sharing in a relatively new tradition. Although the Christmas tree has ancient roots, at the beginning of the 20th century only 1 in 5 American families put up a tree.

It was 1920 before the Christmas tree became the hallmark of the season. Calvin Coolidge was the first President to light a national Christmas tree on the White House lawn.

Gifts are another shared custom. This tradition comes from the wise men or three kings who brought gifts to baby Jesus. When I was a kid, gifts were more modest than they are now, but even then people were complaining about the commercialization of Christmas. We have grown accustomed to the commercialization.

Christmas sales are the backbone of many businesses. Gift giving causes us to remember others and to take time from our harried lives to give them thought.

The decorations and gifts of Christmas are one of our connections to a Christian culture that has held Western civilization together for 2,000 years.

In our culture the individual counts. This permits an individual person to put his or her foot down, to take a stand on principle, to become a reformer and to take on injustice.

This empowerment of the individual is unique to Western civilization. It has made the individual a citizen equal in rights to all other citizens, protected from tyrannical government by the rule of law and free speech.

These achievements are the products of centuries of struggle, but they all flow from the teaching that God so values the individual’s soul that he sent his son to die so we might live. By so elevating the individual, Christianity gave him a voice.

Formerly only those with power had a voice. But in Western civilization people with integrity have a voice. So do people with a sense of justice, of honor, of duty, of fair play. Reformers can reform, investors can invest, and entrepreneurs can create commercial enterprises, new products and new occupations.

The result was a land of opportunity. The United States attracted immigrants who shared our values and reflected them in their own lives. Our culture was absorbed by a diverse people who became one.

In recent decades we have lost sight of the historic achievement that empowered the individual. The religious, legal and political roots of this great achievement are no longer reverently taught in high schools, colleges and universities or respected by our government.

The voices that reach us through the millennia and connect us to our culture are being silenced by “political correctness” and “the war on terror.” Prayer has been driven from schools and Christian religious symbols from public life.

"It's now very common to hear people say, "I'm rather offended by that", as if that gives them certain rights. It's no more than a whine. It has no meaning, it has no purpose, it has no reason to be respected as a phrase. "I'm offended by that." Well, so fucking what?"

- Stephen Fry

Constitutional protections have been diminished by hegemonic political ambitions. Indefinite detention, torture, and murder are now acknowledged practices of the United States government. The historic achievement of due process has been rolled back. Tyranny has re-emerged.

Diversity at home and hegemony abroad are consuming values and are dismantling the culture and the rule of law. There is plenty of room for cultural diversity in the world, but not within a single country. A Tower of Babel has no culture.

A person cannot be a Christian one day, a pagan the next and a Muslim the day after. A hodgepodge of cultural and religious values provides no basis for law – except the raw power of the pre-Christian past.

Related: Religion: How It Was Employed As A Control System To Divide & Conquer

All Americans have a huge stake in Christianity. Whether or not we are individually believers in Christ, we are beneficiaries of the moral doctrine that has curbed power and protected the weak. Power is the horse ridden by evil. In the 20th century the horse was ridden hard, and the 21st century shows an increase in pace.

Millions of people were exterminated in the 20th century by National Socialists in Germany and by Soviet and Chinese communists simply because they were members of a race or class that had been demonized by intellectuals and political authority. In the beginning years of the 21st century, hundreds of thousands of Muslims in seven countries have already been murdered and millions displaced in order to extend Washington’s hegemony.

Power that is secularized and cut free of civilizing traditions is not limited by moral and religious scruples. V.I. Lenin made this clear when he defined the meaning of his dictatorship as:

"Unlimited power, resting directly on force, not limited by anything.”

Washington’s drive for hegemony over US citizens and the rest of the world is based entirely on the exercise of force and is resurrecting unaccountable power.

Christianity’s emphasis on the worth of the individual makes such power as Lenin claimed, and Washington now claims, unthinkable. Be we religious or be we not, our celebration of Christ’s birthday celebrates a religion that made us masters of our souls and of our political life on Earth. Such a religion as this is worth holding on to even by atheists.

As we enter into 2016, Western civilization, the product of thousands of years of striving, hangs in the balance.

Degeneracy is everywhere before our eyes. As the West sinks into tyranny, will Western peoples defend their liberty and their souls, or will they sink into the tyranny, which again has raised its ugly and all devouring head?

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Child Sex Abuse Inquiry To Probe British VIPs, Churches And Schools
November 29 2015 | From: Stuff

A major British inquiry into decades of institutional child sex abuse will investigate allegations involving "people of prominence" and politicians as well as the Catholic and Anglican Churches, councils and schools, its head said on Friday.

Rolf Harris is one of dozens of high-profile people involved in UK sex abuse scandals.

The inquiry, which will last at least five years and cost about £18 million (NZ$41.5 million), was set up in July 2014 after a series of child sex abuse scandals dating back to the 1970s, some of which have involved celebrities and politicians.

Various institutions have been accused of failing to deal with abuse allegations and, in some cases, of actively covering them up at the behest of powerful establishment figures such as senior lawmakers, spies and police officers.

From the Archive:

Goddard aims for truth and justice in UK sex inquiry
Convicted paedophile Rolf Harris hospitalised
Rolf Harris jailed for sex offences
Blind eye turned to Savile abuse

Jimmy Savile was a fixture on British screens for decades but he has since been revealed as a sexual predator.

Related: Johnny Rotten Was Banned From BBC In 1978 For Telling The Truth About Jimmy Savile

"We will conduct an objective fact-finding inquiry into allegations of abuse by people of public prominence associated with Westminster," said the inquiry's chairwoman, New Zealand High Court judge Lowell Goddard.

"The investigation will focus on high-profile allegations of child sexual abuse involving current or former Members of Parliament, senior civil servants, government advisers and members of the intelligence and security agencies. It will consider allegations of cover-up and conspiracy."

The government ordered the independent inquiry following notorious cases such as that of late BBC presenter Jimmy Savile, who abused hundreds of victims for decades, and revelations that 1400 children had been abused in just one town in northern England. Australian entertainer Rolf Harris, meanwhile, was jailed for the indecent assault of four girls aged between eight and 19.

New Zealand High Court judge Lowell Goddard will chair the UK investigation.

Goddard highlighted findings this week by the Children's Commissioner for England which suggested as many as 450,000 children were sexually abused between 2012 and 2014 but only one in eight were identified.

"The scale of child sexual abuse in this country requires urgent and careful attention," she said.

Local authorities, residential schools, youth detention centres, the Roman Catholic Church, the Church of England, the armed forces and the Foreign Office would be among the institutions which would be investigated.

Some of the 12 separate investigations – a number unprecedented for a UK public inquiry – would take 18 months to complete while others might take years, as criminal proceedings would delay their progress, she said. 

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Key Influence Of Belief
November 26 2015 | From: Eucadia

Your existing beliefs are so powerful, they colour everything - especially everything you will read on this website and related sites.

You filter everything you read on Ucadia and related sites by your pre-existing beliefs

An example of how belief affects everything we do is how you naturally approach any new or controversial content you discover. If the new information is consistent with your pre-existing beliefs, then the information is more likely to be accepted as true - if it clashes in any way, then the information you have read is more likely to be rejected.

So strongly do we rely upon our "belief system" to filter information, sometimes we may simply judge an entire body of information as true or false, simply on a single sample, or recommendation from a trusted source.

Such assumptions are far from logical. Taking a single sentence or paragraph from a body of information may cause it to be analyzed completely out of context - resulting in a false conclusion, yet many of us make up our minds on such small samples of data on a wide range of subjects each and every day.

The answer "in theory" as to how our trust in our belief system works is to be found in the claimed original definitions for belief being from the early medieval English word bileafe, a translation of the Old English word geleafa , just one of the many translations in old European languages of the ancient Germanic celtic word- zlaubjan (hold dear, cherish, trust in). In other words, belief appears just another way of saying "to trust something".

But is this etymology of the word belief wholly accurate? Belief appears to be more than simply trust, but more akin to faith. In fact this is precisely the second seven hundred year old ancient definition attributed to belief as "absolute trust in God; the virtue of faith" (with the word faith replacing the Latin word for trust fides.

In other words, belief in its original form is better defined as a kind of "blind faith" as oppossed to any process involving conscious decision making. If anything, the use of belief filters true to these alleged original definitions demand a man or woman not engage in any kind of critical analysis but dismiss any information immediately out of hand if it does not come from a trusted "official" source.

Belief therefore has more to do with a kind of religious orthodoxy and dogma than any natural mechanism for making sense of the daily overload of information. So what is the true origin of this word?

Belief and the Roman College of Abbreviators

It has been known by linguists and language architects for millenia that by shortening (abbreviating) old words and then combining them that new words represented compressed sentences may be created.

This is precisely what the Roman Cult College of Abbreviators under the command of Thomas Aquinas (1225-1274) did in establishing a legal framework of control through the creation of thousands of new words through medieval Latin that later were transported into other manufactured languages such as Anglaise and later English, French, German, Portuguese, Spanish etc.

One of those key words was the creation of the word "be-li-ef" through the abbreviation of three Latin words:

be = bestia : animal, beast.

li = ligo : to bind, tie.

ef = efficio : to do, produce, effect, make / bring about, cause / prove.

In other words, the true personality and meaning of Belief is "to cause the binding of animals".

To truly understand the implication of this meaning, the reader needs to understand that
the Roman Cult considered all men and women, not members of the Cult to be nothing more than animals and therefore the property of the Roman Catholic Cult, like any other goods and chattel.

The clearest example of this is evidenced in the Papal Bull Unum Sanctum by Pope Boniface VIII in 1302 which stated:

"Furthermore, we declare, we proclaim, we define that it is absolutely necessary for salvation that every human creature be subject to the Roman Pontiff".

As this original law has never been repealed, it stands today that the Roman Catholic Church still considers all men and women not bona fide members of the Roman Cult as "creatures" and animals - hence the importance of promoting "belief".

Many may reject this true original definition of "belief"

Many who read this page will refuse to believe this true and original definition of belief - an excellent example of the power of the "blind faith" of belief in action. For some, the argument will be through the lack of "hard evidence" and citations -a parallel system also created by the Roman Cult to "end the proof of truth through argument" and force all evidence of truth in discussion to be based on referred sources.

As the Vatican has remained the greatest source of ancient forgeries for over 1,000 years, this citation system has been a priceless tool in reinforcing belief and stopping even the most educated of minds from considering a logical and well formed argument as being its own proof.

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Going Clear: Scientology And The Prison Of Belief
August 30 2015 | From: Youtube / HBO

Director Alex Gibney profiles eight former members of the Church of Scientology, whose most prominent adherents include A-list Hollywood celebrities, shining a light on how the church cultivates true believers, detailing their experiences and what they are willing to do in the name of religion.

This powerful new film highlights the Church’s origins, from its roots in the mind of founder L. Ron Hubbard to its rise in popularity in Hollywood and beyond.

The heart of the film is a series of shocking revelations by former insiders, including high-ranking and recognizable members such as acclaimed screenwriter Paul Haggis (“Crash”), as they describe the systematic history of abuse and betrayal by Church officials, including the current leadership of the Church.

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Organised Religion: A Tool For Ignorance, Power And Control
February 27 2015 | From: ForwardProgressives

I think anyone who follows me [original author] even somewhat regularly knows that I’m a Christian. I know that’s not always a popular thing to be as a liberal, but it’s a fact nonetheless. That being said, I detest organised religion.

What “religion” is to me is a human-made concoction meant to promote the personal views of some while degrading the views of others.

Honestly the only reason I call myself a “Christian” is because it’s easier than saying;

“I believe in the teachings of Jesus Christ and the values for which he stood. That being said, I oppose most things that have been written in the Bible as it is clear that much of the text has been influenced by the personal views of those in charge of translating the text through time.”

I’ve talked “religion” with Buddhists, Muslims, Hindus, Jews, Atheists (yes I consider Atheism a form of religion) and it’s amazing how personally we’re all pretty much the same.

Our core values as human beings are basically identical. Things like being a good person, helping the helpless and defending the defenseless. Generally just being good people. And isn’t that what life is about?

Isn’t that what we should all strive to be as humans? Why is it so many care so much about the personal religious views of others? If everyone kept their beliefs private (as they should be), practiced them in the appropriate places and didn’t judge others who believed differently – can you imagine how much more peaceful the world would be?

How many murders, wars, acts of terror or any number of other heinous acts have been committed in human history in the name of religion?

Not faith, spiritual guidance or belief in humanity – but human-made religion. It’s one group of humans telling another that they’re wrong. It’s one group of people using religion to manipulate the masses to oppose another grouping of people based on their own interpretation of a faith.

Because that’s what organised religion is – control. It’s an easy way to take a group of people with like-minded beliefs, group them together and manipulate them for some kind of ulterior goals.

Heck, just look through history. Religious leaders often perpetuated that specific kings or emperors were “ordained by (fill in whatever God they believe in)” and for the people to rise up against them would be blasphemy. To question their rule was to go against “God,” thus risking damnation.

It’s genius, isn’t it?

You can force people to support leaders who don’t have their best interests in mind by simply evoking the “wrath of … whatever God they worship.”

And this isn’t just a Christian thing. You see this with almost every religion around the world. It’s why in the US the Founding Fathers had it right by wanting to keep church and state separate. They didn’t put God into the United States – Christians did much later.

Phrases like “One Nation Under God” and “In God We Trust” didn’t show up in the United States until long after this nation was founded.

How can anyone honestly argue that this country was “founded on Christianity” when the words “Christian” or “Christianity” don’t appear even once within our Constitution?

Not. One. Single. Time.

I believe faith to be a wonderful thing. But by faith I mean spiritual faith. If you want to believe in Jesus Christ or Muhammad I don’t care – as long as you’re not taking that faith, forming it into a belief and then forcing it on others.

Hell, you don’t have to believe in anything at all. Just don’t try to force others to believe in nothing either. I’ve met plenty of atheists who act just as obnoxious as religious radicals about their lack of a belief in a God. If you don’t believe how they do, you’re an idiot. Because at the end of the day, who really cares? When we die, something happens to us, and that’s a certainty.

Whether we ascend up into some kind of heaven, get reincarnated into something else or simply just cease to exist - something will happen to us when we die.

Our goal as humans should simply be to exist as good people, and that’s essentially what the core of all of these faiths tells us – just be a good person. But it’s organised religion that has taken that simple goal and twisted it for human-made selfish ambitions, greed and power.

Because religion is quite the tool to achieve all three of those things. Like I said earlier, many horrific acts have been committed in human history all in the name of “religion.” Individuals who’ve been convinced that the best way to show the veracity of their faith is by slaughtering those who chose not to convert to it.

Religion is nothing more than a tool that’s been used over centuries to manipulate people, usually for the benefit of a select few.

Tens of millions of Americans vote against their own interests on based on essentially two “religious” beliefs:

Same-sex marriage

And that’s about it. I’ve actually met conservatives that say they couldn’t care less about what economic policies either party supports, because those two issues mattered to them most. Basically, they would rather live impoverished by economic policies which hurt them than see a gay couple get married or a woman have control over her own body.

It’s absolutely ridiculous.

Because at the end of the day no matter what we believe, how we’re judged as people (by whomever might judge us, be it a deity or loved ones) will be determined by our actions – not the opinions of strangers who disagreed with our beliefs.

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